User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-s
-s {suffix} /s/ (regular plurals of nouns) | :: -t |
Saab {prop} (Swedish brand of cars and aeroplanes) | :: Saab |
Saaremaa {prop} (island and county) | :: Saarenmaa |
Sabbath {n} /ˈsæbəθ/ (Jewish Saturday) | :: sapatti |
Sabbath {n} (Christian Sunday) | :: sapatti |
Sabbath {n} (Muslim Friday) | :: sapatti |
Sabbath {n} (witches' Sabbath) | :: noitasapatti |
sabbatical {adj} (relating to the Sabbath) | :: sapatti-, sapatin |
sabbatical {adj} (relating to an extended period of leave) | :: sapatti-, sapatin |
sabbatical {n} (extended period of leave) | :: sapattivapaa, sapattivuosi |
sabbatical year {n} (year of rest for the land observed every seven years) | :: sapattivuosi, lepovuosi |
sabbatical year {n} (leave with full or half pay) | :: sapattivuosi |
saber {v} (sabre) SEE: sabre | :: |
saber-toothed tiger {n} (sabre-toothed tiger) SEE: sabre-toothed tiger | :: |
Sabina {prop} (female given name) | :: Sabina |
sable {n} /ˈseɪbəl/ (animal) | :: soopeli |
sable {n} (fur) | :: soopelinnahka |
sable {n} (heraldic colour) | :: musta |
sable {adj} (of black colour on a coat of arms) | :: musta |
sabot {n} /ˈsæboʊ/ (a wooden shoe worn in various European countries) | :: puukenkä |
sabotage {n} /ˈsæbətɑʒ/ (deliberate action of subversion, obstruction, disruption, destruction) | :: sabotaasi |
sabotage {n} (act with intent to injure) | :: sabotaasi |
sabotage {v} (deliberate destruction to prevent success) | :: sabotoida |
saboteur {n} /ˌsæbəˈtɜː(ɹ)/ (a person who intentionally causes the destruction of property) | :: sabotööri, sabotoija |
Sabra {prop} (native Israeli) | :: sabra |
sabre {n} /ˈseɪ.bɚ/ (light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point) | :: säilä, sapeli |
sabre {n} (modern fencing sword modeled after the sabre) | :: säilä |
sabre-rattling {n} (display of military power as an implied threat) | :: sapelinkalistelu |
sabre-rattling {n} (figuratively: any threat) | :: sapelinkalistelu |
sabre-toothed {adj} (having massive curved upper canine teeth) | :: sapelihampainen |
sabre-toothed tiger {n} (prehistoric cat) | :: sapelihammastiikeri |
saccade {n} /səˈkɑːd/ (sudden jerk) | :: nykäys, nykäisy |
saccade {n} (rapid jerky movement of the eye) | :: sakkadi |
saccade {n} (act of checking a horse with a single pull of the reins) | :: vetäisy |
saccade {n} (music: sounding of two violin strings together) | :: saccadé |
saccharide {n} /ˈsæk.ə.ɹaɪd/ (the unit structure of carbohydrates, of general formula CnH2nOn) | :: sakkaridi |
saccharin {n} /ˈsækəɹɪn/ (white crystalline powder) | :: sakariini |
sac fungus {n} (fungus of the phylum Ascomycota) SEE: ascomycete | :: |
Sachertorte {n} /ˈsɑkɚˌtɔɹt/ (type of chocolate torte) | :: sacherkakku |
sack {n} /sæk/ (bag for commodities or items) | :: säkki |
sack {n} (amount that can be put in a sack) | :: säkillinen |
sack {n} (the plunder and pillaging of a city) | :: ryöstö |
sack {n} (booty obtained by pillage) | :: saalis, ryöstösaalis |
sack {n} (informal: dismissal from employment) | :: potkut {p} |
sack {n} (colloquial: bed) | :: pehkut {p} |
sack {n} (slang: scrotum) | :: munat {p}, pussit {p} |
sack {v} (to plunder) | :: ryöstää |
sack {v} (informal: to remove from a job or position) | :: antaa potkut |
sack {v} (colloquial: to go to sleep) | :: sammahtaa |
sack {v} (slang: to hit a person in the groin) | :: lyödä munille |
sack barrow {n} (two-wheeled vehicle used for moving sacks) SEE: hand truck | :: |
sackcloth {n} (cloth) | :: säkkikangas |
sackcloth {n} (figuratively: garment worn as act of penance) | :: säkki |
sackful {n} (the amount a sack would contain) | :: pussillinen, repullinen, säkillinen |
sack race {n} (type of children's game) | :: pussijuoksu |
sack truck {n} (hand truck) SEE: hand truck | :: |
sacralize {v} (to make sacred) | :: pyhittää, julistaa pyhäksi |
sacral vertebra {n} (certain vertebra) | :: ristinikama |
sacrament {n} /ˈsækɹəmənt/ (sacred act or ceremony) | :: sakramentti |
Sacramento {prop} (Sacramento, the capital city of California) | :: Sacramento |
sacrament of reconciliation {n} (sacrament of confessing sins to a priest) | :: mennä niin pitkälle, että |
sacred {adj} /ˈseɪkɹɪd/ (made holy) | :: pyhä, siunattu |
sacred {adj} (relating to religion) | :: uskonnollinen |
sacred {adj} (designated by a divine sanction) | :: pyhä |
sacred {adj} (not to be profaned or violated) | :: pyhä |
sacred {adj} (consecrated; dedicated; devoted) | :: pyhitetty |
sacred {adj} (archaic: solemnly devoted to evil, or the like) | :: vihkiytynyt |
sacred baboon {n} (Papio hamadryas) SEE: hamadryas | :: |
sacred cow {n} (something which cannot be tampered with) | :: pyhä lehmä |
sacred fig {n} (Ficus religiosa) | :: temppeliviikuna |
sacred fir {n} (Abies religiosa) | :: meksikonpihta |
sacred ibis {n} (Threskiornis aethiopicus) | :: pyhäiibis |
sacredize {v} (to make sacred) SEE: sacralize | :: |
sacred kingfisher {n} (tree kingfisher) | :: pyhimyskalastaja |
sacredly {adv} (in a sacred manner) | :: pyhästi |
sacredness {n} (property of being sacred) | :: pyhyys |
Sacred War {prop} (name of three wars) | :: pyhä sota |
sacred way {n} (spirit way) SEE: spirit way | :: |
sacrifice {v} /ˈsækɹɪfaɪs/ (to offer as a gift to a deity) | :: uhrata |
sacrifice {v} (to give away something valuable in order to gain something else of value) | :: uhrata |
sacrifice {v} (to sell without profit) | :: myydä tappiolla |
sacrifice {v} (chess: to give up a piece to improve position) | :: uhrata |
sacrifice {v} (baseball: to advance another player by placing oneself out) | :: uhrata [transitive], uhrautua [intransitive] |
sacrifice {n} (something sacrificed) | :: uhraus, uhri, uhrilahja |
sacrifice {n} (baseball: play in which batter is out to help runner(s) advance) | :: uhrautuminen |
sacrificial {adj} /ˈsæk.ɹɪ.fɪʃ.əl/ (relating to sacrifice) | :: uhri- |
sacrificial {adj} (used as a sacrifice) | :: uhri- |
sacrificial lamb {n} (lamb) | :: uhrilammas |
sacrilege {n} /ˈsækɹɪlɪd͡ʒ/ (desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred) | :: pyhäinhäväistys |
sacristan {n} (person who maintains the sacristy) | :: suntio |
sacristy {n} (room in a church) | :: sakaristo |
sacrum {n} (bone at the base of the spine) | :: ristiluu |
sad {adj} /sæd/ (feeling sorrow) | :: surullinen |
sad {adj} (appearing sorrowful) | :: surullinen, surkea |
sad {adj} (causing sorrow, lamentable) | :: surullinen |
sad {adj} (poor in quality, deplorable) | :: surkea |
sad {adj} (slang: socially inadequate or undesirable) | :: säälittävä |
sad {adj} (dialect: soggy) SEE: soggy | :: |
Saïda {prop} (port city in Lebanon) SEE: Sidon | :: |
saddle {n} /ˈsædəl/ (seat on an animal) | :: satula |
saddle {n} (harness saddle on an animal) | :: sila, selustin, setolkka |
saddle {n} (seat on a bicycle etc) | :: satula |
saddle {n} (cut of meat) | :: satula |
saddle {n} (low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hills) | :: satula |
saddle {n} (raised floorboard in a doorway) | :: kynnyslauta |
saddle {v} (to put a saddle on) | :: satuloida |
saddle {v} (to get into a saddle) | :: nousta satulaan |
saddle {v} (to burden) | :: kuormittaa |
saddle-backed bush cricket {n} (Ephippiger ephippiger) | :: pensassirkka |
saddlebag {n} /sædəlˈbæɡ/ (covered pouch) | :: satulalaukku |
saddle blanket {n} (blanket under saddle) | :: satulaloimi, satulahuopa |
saddlecloth {n} (blanket placed under a saddle) | :: satulahuopa |
saddlecloth {n} (cloth displaying a racehorse's number) | :: voilokki |
saddlemaker {n} (saddler) SEE: saddler | :: |
saddle point {n} (geometry) | :: satulapiste |
saddle point {n} (game theory) | :: satulapiste |
saddler {n} (someone who makes and repairs saddles) | :: satulaseppä |
saddle shoe {n} /ˈsædl̩ ʃuː/ (shoe resembling an oxford) | :: satulakenkä |
saddle tree {n} (The base of a saddle) | :: satulan runko |
Sadducee {n} (member of an ancient Jewish sect) | :: saddukeus |
sadism {n} /seɪdɪzəm/ (psychology: the enjoyment of inflicting pain or humiliation) | :: sadismi |
sadism {n} (sexual gratification from inflicting pain or humiliation, or watching it inflicted) | :: sadismi |
sadism {n} (deliberate cruelty) | :: sadismi |
sadist {n} /ˈseɪdɪst/ (one who derives pleasure through cruelty or pain to others) | :: sadisti |
sadistic {adj} /səˈdɪstɪk/ (of a person) | :: sadistinen |
sadistic {adj} (of behaviour) | :: sadistinen |
sadly {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately | :: |
sadness {n} /ˈsædnəs/ (state/emotion) | :: surullisuus |
sadness {n} (event causing sadness) | :: suru |
sadomasochism {n} /seɪdəʊˈmæsəkɪzəm/ (practices of sadism and masochism collectively) | :: sadomasokismi |
sadomasochism {n} (sadism and masochism in one person) | :: sadomasokismi |
sadomasochism {n} (sadomasochism for sexual gratification) | :: sadomasokismi |
sad to say {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately | :: |
safari {n} /səˈfɑːɹ.i/ (a trip into any undeveloped area) | :: safari |
safari park {n} (zoo-like attraction) | :: eläinpuisto |
safe {adj} /seɪf/ (not in danger) | :: (olla) turvassa |
safe {adj} (free from risk) | :: turvallinen |
safe {adj} (providing protection from danger) | :: turvallinen |
safe {adj} (baseball: in the base) | :: turvassa |
safe {adj} (properly secured) | :: turvassa, tallessa |
safe {adj} (not in danger from a specified source of harm) | :: kestävä |
safe {adj} (slang: wicked - cool - awesome) | :: siisti |
safe {n} (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) | :: kassakaappi [large], tallelokero [small] |
safe and sound {adj} (having come to no harm) | :: kunnossa, turvassa |
safebreaker {n} (safecracker) SEE: safecracker | :: |
safecracker {n} (translation one who practices safecracking) | :: kassakaappimurtaja |
safe-deposit box {n} (box for holding valuables safe) | :: tallelokero |
safeguard {n} (something that serves as a guard or protection; a defense) | :: suoja |
safeguard {n} (a safe-conduct, especially in time of war) | :: kulkulupa |
safeguard {v} (to protect, to keep safe) | :: turvata, suojata |
safeguard {v} (to escort safely) | :: suojata, turvata |
safehouse {n} (secure location) | :: turvatalo |
safelight {n} (lamp in a darkroom) | :: suojavalo |
safely {adv} /ˈseɪfli/ (in a safe manner) | :: turvallisesti |
safe mode {n} ((computing) troubleshooting mode) | :: vikasietotila |
safe sex {n} (sexual activity that minize risks) | :: turvaseksi |
safe space {n} (place that provides a tolerant environment) | :: turvallinen tila |
safety {n} /ˈseɪfti/ (condition or feeling of being safe) | :: turvallisuus, turva |
safety {n} (mechanism to prevent accidental firing) | :: varmistin |
safety {n} (American football: instance of a player being sacked or tackled in the end zone) | :: safety, oma maali |
safety {n} (American football: defensive player) | :: takapuolustaja |
safety {n} (preservation from escape; close custody) | :: vankeus |
safety {n} (safety bicycle) SEE: safety bicycle | :: |
safety bicycle {n} (dated: style of bicycle) | :: turvapolkupyörä |
safety catch {n} (safety catch) | :: varmistin |
safety glass {n} (type of glass) | :: turvalasi |
safety glasses {n} (glasses for protecting the eyes) | :: suojalasit {p} |
safety helmet {n} (type of helmet) | :: suojakypärä |
safety net {n} (net) | :: turvaverkko |
safety net {n} (figuratively: anything that provides security) | :: turvaverkko |
safety pin {n} (pin in the form of a clasp) | :: hakaneula |
safety pin {n} (pin of a hand grenade) | :: sokka |
safety razor {n} (type of razor) | :: partahöylä, parranajokone, partakone |
safety reflector {n} (type of reflector) | :: heijastin |
safety valve {n} (a relief valve set to open at a pressure below that at which a container would burst) | :: varoventtiili |
safeword {n} (a word used to indicate that a participant wants to stop) | :: turvasana |
safflower {n} /ˈsæfˌlaʊə(ɹ)/ (plant) | :: saflori, värisaflori |
saffron {n} /ˈsæfɹən/ (plant) | :: maustesahrami |
saffron {n} (spice) | :: sahrami |
saffron {n} (colour) | :: sahraminkeltainen |
saffron {adj} (having an orange-yellow colour) | :: sahraminkeltainen |
sag {n} /sæɡ/ (state of sinking or bending) | :: roikkuminen, painuminen; taipuminen |
sag {n} (difference in elevation) | :: roikkuma |
sag {v} (to sink) | :: roikkua [cable, rope etc.]; painua [surface]; painua [rod, bar etc.] |
sag {v} (to give way from a vertical position) | :: painua, kallistua |
sag {v} (to lose firmness) | :: taipua, notkahtaa |
sag {v} (to loiter in walking) | :: löntystää, löntystellä |
sag {v} (to cause to bend) | :: taivuttaa |
saga {n} /ˈsɑːɡə/ (Old Norse Icelandic prose) | :: saaga |
saga {n} (long epic story) | :: tarina, taru, saaga |
sagacious {adj} /səˈɡeɪʃəs/ (having or showing keen discernment) | :: viisas, terävänäköinen |
saganaki {n} /ˌsɑɡəˈnɑki/ (a Greek dish cooked in a frying pan, espescially a cheese appetizer) | :: saganaki |
sage {adj} /seɪdʒ/ (wise) | :: viisas |
sage {n} (wise person) | :: tietäjä |
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis) | :: salvia |
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis used in cooking) | :: salvia |
sage {n} (plant of the genus Salvia) | :: salvia |
sagebrush {n} /ˈseɪd͡ʒˌbɹʌʃ/ (shrub of the genus Artemisia) | :: maruna |
Sagitta {prop} (constellation) | :: Nuoli |
sagittal {adj} /səˈdʒɪtəl/ (in the direction from dorsal to ventral) | :: sagittaalinen |
sagittal plane {n} (anatomy: imaginary plane) | :: sagittaalitaso, nuolitaso |
Sagittarius {prop} /sædʒɪˈtɛɹɪəs/ (constellation) | :: Jousimies |
Sagittarius {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Jousimies |
sago {n} (a powdered starch obtained from certain palms used as a food thickener) | :: saago |
sago {n} (any of the palms from which sago is extracted) | :: saagopalmu |
sago palm {n} (Metroxylon sagu) | :: saagopalmu |
sago pudding {n} (milk pudding made from sago) | :: saagovanukas |
Sahara {prop} /səˈhɛəɹə/ (desert) | :: Sahara |
Sahel {prop} /səˈhɛl/ (A region in Africa) | :: Sahel |
saibling {n} /ˈzaɪplɪŋ/ (Salvelinus alpinus, a char of Europe) | :: nieriä, rautu |
said {adj} (mentioned earlier) | :: samainen, kyseessä oleva, edellä mainittu, kyseinen |
said {determiner} (mentioned earlier) | :: samainen, kyseessä oleva, edellä mainittu |
saiga {n} (antelope) | :: saiga-antilooppi |
Saigon {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City | :: |
sail {n} /seɪl/ (a piece of fabric attached to a boat) | :: purje |
sail {n} (power harnessed by sails) | :: purjeet {p} |
sail {n} (a trip in a boat) | :: purjehdus |
sail {n} (the blade of a windmill) | :: siipi |
sail {n} (a tower-like structure found on the topside of a submarine) | :: torni |
sail {n} (floating organ of siphonophores) | :: uimakello |
sail {v} (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat) | :: purjehtia, seilata |
sail {v} (to move briskly and gracefully through the air) | :: liitää |
sail {v} (to move briskly) | :: liitää, kiitää |
sail {n} (sailfish) SEE: sailfish | :: |
sailboard {n} (surfboard with a small sail on a flexible mast) | :: purjelauta |
sailboard {v} (to practice the sport of using a sailboard) | :: purjelautailla |
sailboat {n} /ˈseɪlˌboʊt/ (a boat propelled by a sail) | :: purjevene |
sail close to the wind {v} (nautical: to sail close to the direction from which the wind is blowing) | :: luovia |
sail close to the wind {v} (to behave riskily) | :: luovia |
sailcloth {n} (fabric) | :: purjekangas |
sailfish {n} (fish) | :: purjekala |
sailing {adj} /ˈseɪ.lɪŋ/ (travelling by ship) | :: purjehtiva, purjehdus- |
sailing {n} (motion across water) | :: purjehtiminen |
sailing {n} (skill to operate a vessel) | :: navigointi |
sailing {n} (time of departure) | :: lähtöaika |
sailing {n} (scheduled voyage) | :: purjehdus |
sailing ship {n} (type of ship) | :: purjealus |
sailmaker {n} (occupation) | :: purjeentekijä, purjeompelija |
sailor {n} /ˈseɪlɚ/ (worker on a ship, seaman, seawoman) | :: matruusi, merimies |
sailplane {n} (sailplane) SEE: glider | :: |
Saimaa ringed seal {n} (subspecies of the ringed seal, living only in Lake Saimaa) | :: saimaannorppa |
saint {n} /seɪnt/ (person proclaimed as saint) | :: pyhimys |
saint {n} ((figuratively) a person with positive qualities) | :: pyhimys |
Saint {n} /seɪnt/ (title given to a saint) | :: Pyhä |
Saint Andrew's cross {n} (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars) | :: Pyhän Andreaan risti, vinoristi |
Saint Barbara {prop} (saint) | :: Pyhä Barbara |
Saint Bernard {n} /ˈseɪnt bəɹˈnɑɹd/ (Saint Bernard breed of Dog) | :: bernhardilainen, bernhardinkoira |
Saint David's Day {prop} (the feast day of Saint David, patron saint of Wales) | :: Pyhän Davidin päivä |
Saint George {prop} (Patron saint of England and several other places) | :: Pyhä Yrjö |
Saint Helena {prop} /seɪnt həˈliːnə/ (island in the Atlantic Ocean) | :: Saint Helena |
Saint John's bread {n} (carob) SEE: carob | :: |
Saint Kitts and Nevis {prop} /seɪnt ˌkɪts ən ˈniː.vɪs/ (a country in the Caribbean) | :: Saint Kitts ja Nevis |
Saint Lucia {prop} /seɪnt ˈluː.ʃə/ (country in the Caribbean) | :: Saint Lucia |
Saint Martin {prop} /ˌseɪnt ˈmɑɹ.tɪn/ (island in the Caribbean) | :: Saint-Martin, Sint Maarten |
Saint Mary {prop} (the mother of Jesus Christ) | :: pyhä Maria |
Saint Nicholas {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus | :: |
Saint Nicholas {prop} (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and marines) | :: Pyhä Nikolaus |
saintpaulia {n} (African violet) SEE: African violet | :: |
Saint Petersburg {prop} /sənt ˈpiːtə(r)zˌbɜː(r)ɡ/ (city in Russia) | :: Pietari |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon {prop} (overseas territory of France) | :: Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon |
Saint-Simonianism {prop} (movement) | :: saintsimonismi |
Saint Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day) | :: ystävänpäivä |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines {prop} /seɪnt ˈvɪnt.sənt ən ðə ˈɡɹɛn.əˌdiːnz/ (country in the Caribbean) | :: Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit |
Saka {prop} (language) | :: saka |
sake {n} /seɪk/ (cause, interest or account) | :: syy [cause], kanta [account], tähden [for the sake of] |
sake {n} (purpose or end; reason) | :: kunnia [usually kunniaksi "for _'s sake"] |
sake {n} (benefit) | :: etu, paras [olla parhaaksi "be for one's sake"] |
sake {n} /sɑːkeɪ/ (Japanese rice wine) | :: sake |
saker {n} /ˈseɪkə/ (falcon) | :: aavikkohaukka |
Sakha {prop} (region) | :: Saha |
Sakha {n} (Turkic language) SEE: Yakut | :: |
Sakhalin {prop} /ˌsækəˈliːn/ (island in Russia) | :: Sahalin |
saki {n} (monkey) | :: saki |
sakura {n} (cherry) SEE: cherry | :: |
sakura {n} (Japanese cherry tree) | :: japanilainen kirsikkapuu |
sakura {n} (blossom of the Japanese cherry tree, see also: cherry blossom) | :: kirsikankukinta |
sakura {n} (cherry blossom) SEE: cherry blossom | :: |
sakura {n} (cherry tree) SEE: cherry tree | :: |
salaam {interj} (a Muslim greeting) | :: salaam |
salaam alaikum {interj} (peace be upon you [Muslim greeting]) | :: as-salaam aleikum |
salacious {adj} /səˈleɪ.ʃəs/ (promoting sexual desire or lust) | :: hekumallinen |
salad {n} /ˈsæləd/ (food) | :: salaatti |
salad {n} (vegetable) | :: salaatti |
salad bar {n} (buffet for salad and cold food) | :: salaattipöytä, salaattibaari |
salad burnet {n} (Sanguisorba minor) | :: pikkuluppio |
salad dodger {n} (overweight person) | :: punkero |
salad dressing {n} (salad seasoning liquid) | :: salaattikastike |
salamander {n} /ˈsæləˌmændə/ (amphibian) | :: salamanteri |
salamander {n} (mythical creature) | :: salamanteri |
salami {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
salami {n} /səˈlɑːmɪ/ (sausage) | :: salami |
salami tactics {n} (piecemeal removal) | :: salamitaktiikka, viipalointitaktiikka |
sal ammoniac {n} (rare mineral) | :: salmiakki |
salaried {adj} (describing one who is paid monthly) | :: kuukausipalkkainen |
salary {n} /ˈsælɚi/ (fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis) | :: kuukausipalkka, kiinteä palkka |
salaryman {n} /ˈsæl.əɹ.i.mæn/ (employee) | :: toimihenkilö; salaryman [in Japanese context] |
salat {n} (Islamic prayer) | :: salat, rukoushetki |
sale {n} /seɪl/ (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit) | :: myynti |
sale {n} (sale of goods at reduced prices) | :: alennusmyynti, ale |
sale {n} (act of putting up for auction to the highest bidder) | :: huutokauppa |
Salekhard {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Salehard |
sale price {n} (selling price) | :: myyntihinta |
sale price {n} (reduced price) | :: alennushinta, alennettu hinta, alehinta |
sales assistant {n} (shop worker) | :: myyntiapulainen |
salesman {n} (man whose job it is to sell things) | :: myyjä, myyntimies |
salesperson {n} (person who sells) | :: myyjä |
sales pitch {n} (presentation to persuade a customer) | :: myyntipuhe |
sales tax {n} (tax) | :: liikevaihtovero |
saleswoman {n} (woman whose occupation is to sell things) | :: myyjä |
salicylic acid {n} (salicylic acid) | :: salisyylihappo |
salience {n} /ˈseɪlˌɪiɛns/ (condition of being salient) | :: keskisyys, tärkeys, huomattavuus |
salient {adj} /ˈseɪ.ljənt/ (prominent) | :: keskeinen, huomattava |
saline {n} (solution) SEE: saline solution | :: |
saline {adj} /ˈseɪliːn/ (salty) | :: suolainen |
salineness {n} (salineness) SEE: salinity | :: |
saline solution {n} (solution) | :: suolaliuos |
salinity {n} /seɪˈlɪnəti/ (quality of being saline) | :: suolaisuus |
salinity {n} (concentration of salt) | :: suolapitoisuus |
Salisbury {prop} /ˈsɒlz.bɹi, ˈsɔːlz-, ˈsɔːz-/ (city in England) | :: Salisbury |
saliva {n} /səˈlaɪvə/ (liquid secreted into the mouth) | :: sylki |
salivary gland {n} (Any of exocrine glands producing saliva to break down carbohydrates in food enzymatically) | :: sylkirauhanen |
salivation {n} (process of producint saliva) | :: syljeneritys |
Salla {prop} (municipality) | :: Salla |
sallow {adj} /ˈsæ.ləʊ/ (yellowish) | :: kellertävä, harmaankeltainen |
sallow {n} (Salix caprea) | :: raita |
sally {n} /ˈsæli/ (tree that looks like a willow) | :: paju |
sally {n} (object made of willow) | :: pajuesine |
sally {n} (sortie, see also: sortie) | :: rynnäkkö |
sally {n} (sudden rushing forth) | :: ryntäys |
sally {n} (witty statement or quip) | :: sutkaus |
sally {n} (excursion or side trip) | :: retki |
sally {v} (to make a sudden attack ) | :: rynnäköidä |
sally {v} (to set out on an excursion) | :: lähteä retkelle |
sally {n} (willow) SEE: willow | :: |
salmon {n} /ˈsæmən/ (fish) | :: lohikala, lohi |
salmon {n} (colour) | :: lohenpunainen |
salmon {adj} (colour) | :: lohenpunainen |
salmonberry {n} (fruit) | :: Alaskanvatukka {m} |
salmonella {n} /ˌsæl.məˈnɛl.ə/ (any of several rod-shaped bacteria, of the genus Salmonella) | :: salmonella |
salmonellosis {n} (disease) | :: salmonelloosi |
salmon trout {n} (rainbow trout) SEE: rainbow trout | :: |
salo {n} (non-rendered pig fat) | :: läski, salo |
salon {n} /səˈlɒn/ (large room) | :: salonki, seurusteluhuone |
salon {n} (gathering of people) | :: seura |
salon {n} (art gallery) | :: galleria, taidegalleria, salonki |
salon {n} (beauty salon) | :: kauneussalonki, kauneushoitola |
salonfähig {adj} (appropriate in polite company) | :: salonkikelpoinen |
saloon {n} (sedan) SEE: sedan | :: |
saloon {n} /səˈlun/ (tavern) | :: saluuna |
salp {n} (free-swimming tunicate of the genus Salpa) | :: salpa |
salpingectomy {n} (operation) | :: munanjohtimen poistoleikkaus, salpingektomia |
salpinx {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube | :: |
salsa {n} /ˈsɑl.sə/ (spicy tomato sauce) | :: salsa |
salsa {n} (style of music) | :: salsa |
salsa {n} (dance) | :: salsa |
salsalike {adj} (Resembling or characteristic of salsa (the spicy tomato sauce)) | :: salsamainen |
salsalike {adj} (esembling or characteristic of salsa (the style of music)) | :: salsamainen |
salsa verde {n} (salsa verde) | :: salsa verde |
salsify {n} /ˈsælsɪfi/ (plant of the genus Tragopogon) | :: pukinparta |
salsify {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) | :: mustajuuri |
salsify {n} (edible root of these plants) | :: mustajuuri [Scorzonera hispanica]; kaurajuuri [Tragopogon porrifolius] |
salt {adj} /sɔlt/ (salty) | :: suolainen |
salt {adj} (saline) | :: suolainen, suola- |
salt {adj} (related to salt deposits, excavation, processing or use) | :: suola- |
salt {v} (to add salt to) | :: suolata |
salt {v} (to add something into an object) | :: terästää |
salt {v} (to include colorful language) | :: maustaa, höystää |
salt {v} (to add filler bytes before encryption) | :: suolata |
salt {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh | :: |
salt {n} (sodium chloride) | :: suola |
salt {n} (compound of an acid and a base) | :: suola |
salt {n} (sailor) | :: merikarhu |
salt {n} (additional bytes inserted into an encryption) | :: suola |
salt beef {n} (beef cured in salt) | :: suolaliha, naudan suolaliha |
saltbush {n} /ˈsɔːltˌbʊʃ/ (plant of the genus Atriplex) | :: maltsa |
salt cellar {n} (container holding salt for use in the kitchen or on a dining table) | :: suolasirotin |
salt cod {n} (Cod that has been dried and salted) | :: kuivattu ja suolattu turska |
salted {adj} (to which salt has been added) | :: suolattu, suola- |
salted egg {n} /ˈsɒl.tɪd eɡ/ (Chinese preserved food) | :: suolattu muna |
salter {n} (one who deals with salt) | :: suolaaja [applies]; suolakauppias [sells] |
salt flat {n} (flat expanse of ground with abundant salt) | :: suolatasanko |
saltine {n} (salty cracker) | :: voileipäkeksi |
saltiness {n} (property of being, or tasting, salty) | :: suolainen |
salting {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh | :: |
salting {n} (act) | :: suolaus |
saltire {n} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross | :: |
salt lake {n} (body of water with a high concentration of salts) | :: suolajärvi |
salt lick {n} (block of salt) | :: nuolukivi |
salt marsh {n} (marsh of saline water) | :: marskimaa |
salt mine {n} (mine) | :: suolakaivos |
saltness {n} (state or quality of being salt) | :: suolaisuus |
salt of the earth {n} (a decent, dependable person) | :: kunnon ihminen |
salto mortale {n} (a dangerous and daring jump with possibly lethal outcome) | :: surmanhyppy |
salto mortale {n} ((figuratively) a risky, dangerous or crucial step or undertaking) | :: surmanhyppy |
saltpetre {n} (sodium nitrate) SEE: sodium nitrate | :: |
saltpetre {n} (potassium nitrate) SEE: potassium nitrate | :: |
salt pork {n} (pork cured in salt) | :: läski |
salt shaker {n} (a small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling) | :: suolasirotin |
salt water {n} (brine) SEE: brine | :: |
salt water {n} (any water containing dissolved salt) | :: suolavesi |
saltwater crocodile {n} (Crocodylus porosus) | :: suistokrokotiili |
saltworks {n} (salt works) | :: suolatehdas |
salty {adj} /ˈsɒl.ti/ (tasting of salt) | :: suolainen |
salty {adj} (containing salt) | :: suolainen |
salty {adj} (of language: coarse, provocative) | :: rasvainen |
salty dog {n} (seadog) SEE: seadog | :: |
salty dog {n} (promiscuous man) | :: pukki |
salty licorice {n} | :: salmiakki |
salubrious {adj} /səˈluː.bɹiː.əs/ (promoting health) | :: terveellinen |
Saluki {n} /səˈɫuki/ (Saluki breed of dog) | :: saluki, persianvinttikoira |
salutary {adj} /ˈsæljətɛɹi/ (effecting or designed to effect an improvement; remedial: salutary advice) | :: hyödyllinen, terveellinen |
salutary {adj} (promoting good health and physical well-being) | :: terveellinen |
salutation {n} (greeting) | :: tervehdys |
salutation {n} (act of greeting) | :: tervehdys, tervehtiminen |
salutation {n} (title) | :: titteli |
salute {n} /səˈl(j)uːt/ (formal gesture) | :: tervehdys, kunnianosoitus |
salute {v} (make a gesture) | :: tervehtiä, suorittaa kunnianosoitus |
salvage {n} /ˈsælvɪdʒ/ (the rescue of a ship, its crew or its cargo from a hazardous situation) | :: pelastaminen |
salvage {v} (to rescue) | :: pelastaa |
salvation {n} /sælˈveɪʃən/ (the process of being saved (religion)) | :: pelastus, pelastaminen |
Salvation Army {prop} (Protestant Christian church and international charitable organization) | :: Pelastusarmeija |
salve {n} /sælv/ (ointment, cream or balm) | :: voide, salva, balsami |
salve {n} (something that soothes or heals) | :: balsami |
salve {v} (to calm or assuage) | :: rauhoittaa |
salve {v} (to salvage) | :: pelastaa |
salver {n} (tray used to display or serve food) | :: tarjotin |
salvo {n} /ˈsælvoʊ/ (concentrated fire from pieces of artillery) | :: yhteislaukaus, salvo |
salvo {n} (any volley, as in an argument or debate) | :: tulitus |
salvo {n} (salute paid by a simultaneous firing of a number of cannons) | :: yhteislaukaus |
Salzkammergut {prop} (resort area in Austria) | :: Salzkammergut |
Samara {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Samara |
Samaritan {n} /səˈmæɹɪtən/ (a native or inhabitant of Samaria) | :: samarialainen |
Samaritan {adj} (of or relating to Samaria or the Samaritans) | :: samarialainen |
samarium {n} /səˈmæɹɪəm/ (chemical element) | :: samarium |
Samarkand {prop} /ˈsæmə(ɹ)kænd/ (city in Uzbekistan) | :: Samarkand |
samba {n} /ˈsɑmbə/ (Brazilian ballroom dance) | :: samba |
Sam Browne belt {n} (belt supported by a strap) | :: komentovyö |
sambuca {n} /sæmˈbukə/ (Italian liqueur made from elderberries and flavoured with licorice) | :: sambuca |
sambuca {n} /sæmˈb(j)ukə/ (ancient triangular harp having a sharp, shrill tone) | :: sambuca |
same {adj} /seɪm/ (not different as regards self; identical) | :: sama |
same {adj} (similar, alike) | :: samanlainen |
same {pron} (the identical thing) | :: samaa [partitive] |
same {pron} (something similar, something of the identical type) | :: samaa [partitive] |
samekh {n} (Semitic letter) | :: samekh |
same old story {n} (the repetition of an annoying occurrence) | :: sama vanha juttu |
same sex {n} (the same gender to which one is referring) | :: sama sukupuoli |
same-sex {adj} (restricted to members of a single sex) | :: yhden sukupuolen |
same-sex {adj} (of or relating to homosexual men or women) | :: samaa sukupuolta oleva, samasukupuolinen, homo- |
same-sex marriage {n} (gay marriage) SEE: gay marriage | :: |
same to you {phrase} (I wish to you what you have just wished to me) | :: samoin sinulle, samoin |
Sami {n} /ˈsɑːmi/ (member of indigenous people of Lapland) | :: saamelainen |
Sami {prop} (any of the languages of the Sami) | :: saame, saamen kieli |
Sami {adj} (relating to the Sami people or languages) | :: saamelainen |
Saminess {n} (quality) | :: saamelaisuus |
samisen {n} (shamisen) SEE: shamisen | :: |
samlaw {n} (pedicab) SEE: pedicab | :: |
Sammarinese {adj} (of, or pertaining to, San Marino) | :: sanmarinolainen |
Sammarinese {n} (someone from San Marino) | :: sanmarinolainen |
Samoa {prop} /səˈmoʊ.ə/ (Independent State of Samoa) | :: Samoa |
Samoan {n} (person) | :: samoalainen |
Samoan {n} (Samoan language) | :: samoa |
Samoan {adj} (of or pertaining to Samoa) | :: samoalainen, samoankielinen [language] |
Samogitia {prop} (Samogitia) | :: Samogitia |
samogon {n} (moonshine) SEE: moonshine | :: |
Samosata {prop} /səˈmɒsətə/ (city in Commagene) | :: Samosata |
samovar {n} (metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea) | :: samovaari |
Samoyed {n} /ˈsæməjɛd/ (person) | :: samojedi |
Samoyed {n} (dog) | :: samojedi, samojedinkoira |
sampan {n} (Chinese boat) | :: sampaani |
samphire {n} /ˈsæm.faɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (marsh samphire) | :: suolayrtti [Salicornia]; punasuolayrtti [Salicornia europaea] |
samphire {n} (plant of the genus Sarcocornia) | :: suolasormikki |
samphire {n} (plant of the genus Tecticornia) | :: nivelsarvi |
samphire {n} (rock samphire) SEE: rock samphire | :: |
sampi {n} (Ϡ ϡ) | :: sampii |
sample {n} /ˈsɑːm.pəl/ (part taken for inspection) | :: näyte |
sample {n} (statistics) | :: otos |
sample {n} (cooking) | :: maistiainen |
sample {n} (business) | :: näyte |
sample {n} (music) | :: lainaus, sämpläys |
sample {v} (to take or to test a sample or samples of) | :: [take and test a sample] kokeilla; ottaa näyte, ottaa näytteitä, näytteistää; [statistics] ottaa otos, poimia otos, otostaa |
sample {v} (signal processing: to reduce a continuous signal to a discrete signal) | :: ottaa näytteitä, näytteistää |
sample {v} (music: to reuse a portion of an existing recording) | :: sämplätä |
sample {v} (to make or show something similar to a sample) | :: tehdä samanlainen, näyttää samanlainen |
sample mean {n} (mean) | :: otoskeskiarvo |
sampling {n} (process or technique of obtaining a representative sample) | :: näytteenotto |
sampling {n} (sample) | :: näyte |
sampling {n} (analysis of a group by determining the characteristics of a significant percentage of its members chosen at random) | :: otanta |
sampling {n} (measurement, at regular intervals, of the amplitude of a varying waveform in order to convert it to digital form) | :: näytteistys |
sampling {n} (technique for electronically splicing pieces of previously recorded sound as part of a composition) | :: samplaus, sämpläys |
Samson {prop} (Israelite judge) | :: Simson |
Samsung {prop} /ˈsæm.sʌŋ/ (South Korean conglomerate company) | :: Samsung |
Samuel {prop} /ˈsæmjuəl/ (male given name) | :: Samuel, Samuli |
Samuel {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Samuelin kirja |
Samuel {prop} (biblical person) | :: Samuel |
samurai {n} /ˈsæm(j)ʊɹaɪ/ (feudal Japanese warrior) | :: samurai |
-san {suffix} (Mrs) SEE: Mrs | :: |
-san {suffix} (Miss) SEE: Miss | :: |
Sana'a {prop} (capital of Yemen) | :: Sanaa |
sanation {n} (act of healing or curing) | :: parantuminen, sanaatio |
sanatorium {n} (institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence) | :: parantola, sairashuone, sanatorio |
séance {n} /ˈseɪˌɑns/ (a ceremony where people try to communicate with the spirits) | :: spiritismisessio |
sanctify {v} /ˈsæŋk.tɪ.faɪ/ (to make holy) | :: pyhittää |
sanctify {v} (to purify) | :: puhdistaa, vapauttaa |
sanctify {v} (to make acceptable or useful) | :: pyhittää |
sanctimonious {adj} /ˌsæŋk.tɪˈmoʊ.ni.əs/ (making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically) | :: tekopyhä, pyhimysmäinen, hurskasteleva, [colloquial] jeesusteleva |
sanctimoniously {adv} (in a sanctimonious manner) | :: tekopyhästi |
sanctimoniousness {n} | :: tekopyhyys, hurskastelevuus, pyhimysmäisyys |
sanctimony {n} /ˈsæŋk.tɪˌmoʊ.ni/ (a hypocritical form of excessive piety) | :: tekopyhyys |
sanction {n} /ˈsæŋkʃən/ (approval, by an authority, that makes something valid) | :: hyväksyntä |
sanction {n} (penalty, coercive measure) | :: seuraamus, sanktio, pakote |
sanction {v} (to give authorization or approval to) | :: antaa hyväksyntä, hyväksyä |
sanction {v} (to penalize a state, especially for violating international law) | :: sanktioida |
sanctity {n} (holiness) SEE: holiness | :: |
sanctuary {n} /ˈsæŋktjʊəɹi/ (place of safety or protection) | :: turvapaikka |
sanctuary {n} (area set aside for protection) | :: rauhoitusalue, suojelualue |
sanctuary {n} (state of being protected) | :: turvapaikka |
sanctuary {n} (consecrated area) | :: pyhäkkö |
sanctuary city {n} (sanctuary city) | :: turvakaupunki |
sanctum sanctorum {n} (Holy of Holies) | :: kaikkein pyhin |
sand {n} (finely ground rock) | :: hiekka, santa |
sand {n} (beach) | :: hietikko, hiekkaranta |
sand {n} (colour) | :: hiekka, hiekanvärinen |
sand {adj} (colour) | :: hiekanvärinen |
sand {v} (to abrade with sand or sandpaper) | :: hioa (hiekkapaperilla) |
sand {v} (to cover with sand) | :: hiekoittaa |
sandal {n} /ˈsændəl/ (type of footwear) | :: sandaali |
sandal {n} (sandalwood) SEE: sandalwood | :: |
sandalwood {n} /ˈsandəlwʊd/ (any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum) | :: santelipuu |
sandalwood {n} (the aromatic heartwood of the trees of the genus Santalum) | :: santelipuu |
sandbag {n} (a bag filled with sand) | :: hiekkasäkki |
sand bath {n} (laboratory gear) | :: hiekkahaude |
sand bath {n} (bath in which body is immersed in sand) | :: hiekkakylpy |
sand bath {n} (rolling in sand) | :: hiekkakylpy |
sandbathe {v} (to take a sand bath) SEE: dustbathe | :: |
sandblast {v} /ˈsænd.blɑːst/ (to spray with sand) | :: hiekkapuhaltaa |
sandbox {n} /ˈsændbɑks/ (box with sand for children) | :: hiekkalaatikko |
sandbox {n} (rail transport: box from which sand runs onto the rails) | :: hiekoitussäiliö |
sandbox {n} (computing: isolated program execution area) | :: hiekkalaatikko |
sandbox {n} (wiki sandbox) | :: hiekkalaatikko |
sandcastle {n} (a sculpture made of sand and resembling a miniature castle) | :: hiekkalinna |
sand cat {n} (small wild cat) | :: hietakissa |
sand dune {n} (mound of windblown sand) | :: hiekkadyyni |
sand eel {n} (fish of the family Ammodytidae) SEE: sand lance | :: |
sander {n} /ˈsændɚ/ (machine for sanding) | :: hiomakone |
sanderling {n} (Calidris alba) | :: pulmussirri |
sand flea {n} (Tunga penetrans) SEE: chigoe | :: |
sandgrouse {n} /ˈsændˌɡɹaʊs/ (birds in the family Pteroclididae) | :: hietakyyhky |
sandhi {n} /ˈsʌndi/ (phonological process) | :: sandhi-ilmiö, sandhi |
sandhill crane {n} (Grus canadensis) | :: hietakurki |
sanding sheet {n} (sheet of sanding paper) | :: hioma-arkki |
Sandinista {n} (member of the Sandinista National Liberation Fron) | :: sandinisti |
sand lance {n} (fish of the family Ammodytidae) | :: tuulenkala |
sandman {n} /ˈsænd.mæn/ (figure who brings good sleep and dreams) | :: nukkumatti |
sand martin {n} (bird) | :: törmäpääsky |
sandpaper {n} /ˈsændˌpeɪpɚ/ (paper coated with abrasive material) | :: hiomapaperi |
sandpaper {n} (a sheet) | :: hioma-arkki |
sandpaper {v} (to polish or grind a surface) | :: hioa |
sandpiper {n} /ˈsænd.paɪpɚ/ (bird of the family Scolopacidae) | :: sirri, sirriäinen, vikla, viklo, rantasipi, liro, rantakurvi |
sandpit {n} /sændpɪt/ (children's play area) | :: hiekkalaatikko |
sand sedge {n} (Carex arenaria) | :: hietikkosara |
sandstone {n} /ˈsændˌstoʊn/ (sand/clay sedimentary rock) | :: hiekkakivi |
sandstorm {n} (strong wind carrying clouds of sand) | :: hiekkamyrsky |
sandwich {n} /ˈsænˌ(d)wɪt͡ʃ/ (snack consisting of two slices of bread) | :: kerrosvoileipä, voileipä |
sandwich {n} (layers of material) | :: sandwich |
sandwich {v} (to place one item between two other, usually flat, items) | :: kerrostaa |
sandwich {n} (open sandwich) SEE: open sandwich | :: |
sandwich cake {n} (savory Swedish cake) | :: voileipäkakku |
sandwich cookie {n} (type of snack) | :: täytekeksi |
Sandwich tern {n} (species of tern, Thalasseus sandvicensis) | :: riuttatiira |
sandwort {n} (any of several plants in the genera Arenaria) | :: arho |
sandy {adj} /ˈsændi/ (covered with sand) | :: hiekkainen |
sandy {adj} (like sand) | :: hiekkamainen |
sandy {adj} (sand-coloured) | :: hiekanvärinen |
sane {adj} /seɪn/ (mentally healthy) | :: terve; järjissään [adverb] |
sane {adj} (mentally sound; possessing a rational mind) | :: tervejärkinen |
San Francisco {prop} /ˌsæn fɹənˈsɪskoʊ/ (San Francisco, California city) | :: San Francisco |
sangfroid {n} /sɑŋˈfɹɑ/ (composure, self-possession or imperturbability) | :: kylmähermoisuus, kylmäverisyys, kylmäpäisyys |
Sango {prop} (language) | :: sango |
sangria {n} /sæŋˈɡɹiːə/ (Spanish wine drink with fruit, sugar and soda) | :: sangria |
sanguine {adj} /ˈsæŋ.ɡwɪn/ (having the colour of blood; red) | :: verenpunainen |
sanguine {adj} (anticipating the best) | :: toiveikas |
sanguine {n} (blood red colour) | :: verenpunainen |
sanguinolent {adj} /sæŋˈɡwɪnələnt/ (containing or tinged with blood) | :: verensekainen |
sanidine {n} (variety of orthoclase feldspar) | :: sanidiini |
sanitary {adj} (of health) | :: terveys- |
sanitary {adj} (hygienic) | :: saniteetti- |
sanitary napkin {n} (pad of cotton or other absorbent material) | :: terveysside |
sanitary towel {n} (pad of cotton) SEE: sanitary napkin | :: |
sanitation {n} /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃən/ (the hygienic disposal or recycling of waste) | :: jätehuolto |
sanitation {n} (the policy and practice) | :: jätehuolto |
San José {prop} (A city in California, USA) SEE: San Jose | :: |
San Jose {prop} /ˌsæn hoʊˈzeɪ/ (a city in California, USA) | :: San José |
San Marino {prop} /ˌsæn məˈɹi.noʊ/ (Republic of San Marino) | :: San Marino |
San Marino {prop} (capital city) | :: San Marino |
sans {prep} (without) SEE: without | :: |
Sanskrit {n} /ˈsænskɹɪt/ (language) | :: sanskriitti |
sans serif {adj} /ˈsæn ˈsɛɹɪf/ (without serifs) | :: päätteetön, sans-serif, groteski |
Santa {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus | :: |
Santa Claus {prop} /ˈsæn.təˌklɑz/ (fictional figure) | :: joulupukki |
Santa Claus melon {n} (cultivar of melon) | :: piel de sapo, piel de sapo -meloni |
Santa hat {n} (red and white hat associated with Santa Claus) | :: tonttulakki |
Santali {n} (language) | :: santali |
Santa suit {n} (costume asoociated with Santa) | :: joulupukin puku, joulupukin asu |
Santa's workshop {n} (mythical structure) | :: joulupukin työpaja |
Santa's workshop {n} (real-life replica) | :: joulupukin työpaja |
Santa's workshop {n} (productive work environment) | :: tuottava työpaikka |
Santiago {prop} /sɑntiˈɑɡoʊ/ (city in Chile) | :: Santiago |
Santiago de Chile {prop} (Santiago) SEE: Santiago | :: |
saola {n} (ruminant) | :: saola |
sap {n} /sæp/ (juice of plant) | :: mahla |
sap {n} (sapwood of a tree) | :: nila |
sap {n} (slang: saphead) | :: hölmö, tollo, tomppeli |
sap {n} (narrow ditch or trench) | :: katettu juoksuhauta (covered trench) |
sap {v} (undermine) | :: kaivaa maata alta [object in genitive before alta] |
sap {v} (make unstable; weaken) | :: uuvuttaa, heikentää |
sap {v} (gradually weaken) | :: heikentää, kuluttaa |
sapling {n} /ˈsæplɪŋ/ (young tree) | :: taimi |
sapling {n} (youth) | :: ihmistaimi |
sapodilla {n} /ˌsæpəˈdɪlə/ (tree) | :: sapotillapuu |
sapodilla {n} (fruit) | :: sapotilla, sapodilla |
saponin {n} (steroid glycoside) | :: saponiini |
sapota {n} (fruit) | :: sapodilla |
sapota {n} (sapote) SEE: sapote | :: |
sapote {n} /səˈpoʊti/ (fruit of various South American trees) | :: sapotilla |
sapper {n} (one who saps; combat engineer) | :: pioneeri |
sapphic {adj} /ˈsæf.ɪk/ (relating to lesbianism) | :: sapfinen, sapfolainen |
Sapphic {adj} /ˈsæf.ɪk/ (relating to the Greek poetess Sappho or her poetry) | :: sapfolainen |
Sapphic {adj} (sapphic) SEE: sapphic | :: |
sapphire {n} /ˈsæf.aɪ̯ɚ/ (gem) | :: safiiri |
sapphire {n} (corundum) | :: safiiri |
sapphire {n} (colour) | :: safiirinsininen |
sapphire {n} (type of hummingbird) | :: sinileukakolibri |
sapphire {adj} (colour) | :: safiirinsininen |
sapphist {n} (lesbian) | :: sapfolainen |
Sappho {prop} (Greek female name) | :: Sapfo |
Sapporo {prop} (a city of Japan) | :: Sapporo |
sappy {adj} /ˈsæpi/ (excessively sweet, emotional, nostalgic; cheesy; mushy) | :: imelä, siirappinen |
saprolite {n} (a chemically weathered rock) | :: saproliitti |
saprophyte {n} /ˈsæpɹəʊfaɪt/ (organism that lives on dead organic matter) | :: marraskasvi, saprofyytti |
saprotroph {n} (organism) | :: lahottaja, saprotrofi, hajottaja |
sapwood {n} /ˈsapwʊd/ (wood just under the bark) | :: manto, pintapuu |
Sara {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sarah | :: |
sarafan {n} (a traditional long, trapeze-shaped Russian pinafore worn by women and girls.) | :: sarafaani, feresi |
Sarah {prop} /ˈsɛɹə/ (the wife of Abraham) | :: Saara |
Sarah {prop} (given name from Hebrew) | :: Saara |
Sarai {prop} (female given name) | :: Sarai |
Sarajevo {prop} /ˌsɑɹəˈjeɪvəʊ/ (city) | :: Sarajevo |
Saran Wrap {prop} /səˈɹæn ˌɹæp/ (film) | :: talouskelmu |
Saratov {prop} (city) | :: Saratov |
sarcasm {n} /ˈsɑːɹˌkæzəm/ (derision, facetiousness) | :: sarkasmi |
sarcastic {adj} /sɑɹˈkæstik/ (Containing sarcasm) | :: sarkastinen |
sarcastic {adj} (Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm) | :: sarkastinen |
sarcocarp {n} /ˈsɑː(ɹ)kəkɑː(ɹ)p/ (fleshy part of a stone fruit) | :: hedelmäliha |
sarcocarp {n} (fruit which is fleshy) | :: mehevä hedelmä |
sarcocol {n} (gum-resin from Astragalus fasciculifolius for wounds) | :: sarkokolla |
sarcoma {n} /sɑɹˈkoʊmə/ (type of malignant tumor) | :: sarkooma |
sarcophagus {n} /sɑː(ɹ)ˈkɒfəɡəs/ (coffin) | :: sarkofagi |
sarcophagus {n} (steel structure) | :: sarkofagi |
sard {n} (a gemstone) | :: sardi |
sardine {n} /sɑːˈdiːn/ (fish) | :: sardiini |
Sardinia {prop} /sɑɹˈdɪniə/ (island of Italy) | :: Sardinia |
Sardinian {prop} (language) | :: sardi |
Sardinian {adj} (relating to Sardinia) | :: sardinialainen |
Sardinian {n} (person from Sardinia) | :: sardinialainen |
Sardinian warbler {n} (Sylvia melanocephala) | :: samettipääkerttu |
sardius {n} (a gemstone) | :: sardi |
sardonic {adj} /sɑɹˈdɑːnɪk/ (scornfully mocking) | :: häijy, ivallinen |
Sargasso Sea {prop} (an elongated area in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean) | :: Sargassomeri |
sarge {n} /saːd͡ʒ/ (colloquial form of sergeant) | :: kessu |
sari {n} /ˈsɑː.ɹi/ (cloth) | :: sari |
sarin {n} (neurotoxin) | :: sariini |
Sarkozy {prop} /sɑːˈkoʊzi/ (surname) | :: Sarkozy |
Sarmatia {prop} (ancient region in modern Ukraine, southern Russia and the eastern Balkans) | :: Sarmatia |
sarong {n} /səˈɹɔːŋ/ (garment made of printed cloth wrapped about the waist) | :: sarong |
SARS {n} (severe acute respiratory syndrome) | :: SARS |
sarsaparilla {n} /ˌsæspəˈɹɪlə/ (vine of the genus Smilax) | :: sarsaparilla |
sartorial {adj} /sɑɹˈtɔɹ.i.əl/ (of or relating to tailoring or clothing) | :: pukeutumis-, vaatetukseen liittyvä, vaatetukseen kohdistuva |
sartorial {adj} (of or relating to quality of dress) | :: hyvin pukeutunut, laadukkaasti pukeutunut |
sartorial {adj} (anatomy: of sartorius) | :: räätälinlihas-, räätälinlihakseen liittyvä |
sartorius {n} /sɑː(ɹ)ˈtɔːɹ.i.əs/ (anatomy: a muscle) | :: räätälinlihas |
sash {n} /sæʃ/ (decorative length of cloth) | :: nauha, vyö |
sash {n} (opening part of a window) | :: ikkuna; ikkunanpuite |
sash {n} (graphical user interface: draggable bar) | :: kehys |
sash {n} (rectangular frame in which a saw is strained) | :: raami |
Sasha {prop} (male given name) | :: Sasu, Saska |
sashimi {n} /saʃɪmɪ/ (dish of slices of raw fish or meat) | :: sashimi |
sash window {n} (type of window) | :: liukuikkuna |
Saskatchewan {prop} /sə.ˈskætʃ.əˌwɑːn/ (Province in western Canada) | :: Saskatchewan |
sasquatch {n} /ˈsæskwɒtʃ/ (a hairy humanoid creature) | :: isojalka |
sassafras {n} /ˈsasəfɹas/ (Sassafras albidum) | :: amerikansassafras |
sassafras {n} (tree of the species Sassafras) | :: sassafras |
sassafras {n} (dried bark of the sassafras tree) | :: sassafras |
sassy {adj} /ˈsasi/ (bold and spirited, cheeky, impudent, saucy) | :: nenäkäs, hävytön, julkea, ponteva, röyhkeä |
sassy {adj} (lively, vigorous) | :: eloisa, tarmokas |
Sastamala {prop} (municipality) | :: Sastamala |
Sat {n} (abbreviation of Saturday) | :: la |
Satan {prop} /ˈseɪtən/ (the Devil) | :: Saatana, paholainen |
Satanism {n} /ˈseɪtənɪzm/ (devil worship) | :: satanismi |
Satanism {n} (a religion founded by Anton Szandor LaVey) | :: satanismi |
Satanist {n} (one who identifies with Satanism) | :: satanisti |
Satanist {n} (one who worships Satan) | :: satanisti |
satay {n} /sæˈteɪ/ (dish) | :: satay, satay-vartaat |
satchel {n} /ˈsætʃəl/ (bag or case with one or two shoulder straps) | :: olkalaukku, reppu, koulureppu |
sate {v} /seɪt/ (To satisfy; fill up) | :: tyydyttää, täyttää |
satellite {n} /ˈsætəlaɪt/ (attendant on an important person) | :: apuri [neutral]; kätyri [evil or derogatory] |
satellite {n} (a body orbiting a larger one) | :: kiertolainen |
satellite {n} (country, state, office, building etc. under the control of another body) | :: vasallivaltio [country]; nukkehallitus [government]; sivutoimisto, haarakonttori [office]; sivurakennus [building]; sivu-, ala- |
satellite {n} (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body) | :: satelliitti, tekokuu |
satellite {n} (colloquial: satellite TV) | :: satelliittitelkkari |
satellite campus {n} (detached campus of a college or university) | :: sivukampus |
satellite dish {n} (parabolic antenna) | :: satelliittiantenni, lautasantenni |
satellite-framing {n} | :: satelliittikehyksisyys |
satellite navigation {n} (calculating one's position and velocity using radio signals from space satellites) | :: satelliittipaikannus |
satellite navigation system {n} (navigation system using artificial satellites as radio signal sources and position references) | :: satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmä |
satellite phone {n} (mobile telephone that connects to a satellite) | :: satelliittipuhelin |
satellite television {n} (television broadcasts) | :: satelliittitelevisio |
satellite town {n} (self-contained town near a metropolis) | :: satelliittikaupunki |
Saterland Frisian {prop} (language) | :: itäfriisi |
satiate {v} /ˈseɪʃɪeɪt/ (satisfy) | :: tyydyttää |
satiate {v} (satisfy to excess) | :: kyllästää |
satiated {adj} (pleasantly full) | :: kylläinen |
satiation {n} (satiety) SEE: satiety | :: |
satiety {n} /səˈtaɪ.ə.ti/ (state of being perfectly satiated) | :: kylläisyys |
satin {n} /ˈsætɪn/ (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back) | :: satiini |
satire {n} /ˈsætaɪɹ/ (literary technique) | :: satiiri |
satisfaction {n} /sætɪsˈfækʃən/ (fulfillment of a need or desire) | :: tyydytys |
satisfaction {n} (pleasure obtained by such fulfillment) | :: mielihyvä, tyydytys |
satisfaction {n} (source of such gratification) | :: tyydytys, täyttymys |
satisfaction {n} (reparation for an injury or loss) | :: hyvitys, vahingonkorvaus |
satisfaction {n} (vindication for a wrong suffered) | :: hyvitys |
satisfactory {adj} /sætɪsˈfækt(ə)ɹi/ (adequate or sufficient) | :: tyydyttävä |
satisfied {adj} /ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ (in a state of satisfaction) | :: tyytyväinen |
satisfy {v} /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ (to meet needs, to fulfill) | :: tyydyttää |
satisfy {v} (to satisfy) SEE: respond | :: |
satisfying {adj} (that satisfies) | :: tyydyttävä |
satrap {n} /ˈseɪtɹæp/ (governor of a Persian province) | :: satraappi |
satrapy {n} (territory governed by a satrap) | :: satraappikunta |
satsuma {n} /sætˈsu.mə/ (seedless cultivar of tangerine) | :: satsuma |
saturate {v} /ˈsætʃəˌɹeɪt/ (to become penetrated or soaked) | :: kyllästää, kastella läpimäräksi |
saturated {adj} (full; unable to hold or contain any more) | :: kylläinen, kyllästetty |
saturated {adj} (soaked or drenched with moisture) | :: läpimärkä, vettä tippuva |
saturated {adj} (of a solution: containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved) | :: kylläinen |
saturated {adj} (chemistry: having all available valence bonds filled) | :: tyydyttynyt |
saturated fat {n} (fat containing a high proportion of saturated fatty acids) | :: tyydyttynyt rasva |
saturation {n} (the act of saturating or the process of being saturated) | :: saturaatio, kyllästäminen |
saturation {n} (condition in which no increase in effect is possible) | :: kyllästyminen, saturaatio |
saturation {n} (chemistry: state of a saturated solution) | :: saturaatio |
saturation {n} (organic chemistry: state with no double or triple bonds) | :: tyydyttyminen |
saturation {n} (state of 100% humidity) | :: kylläisyys |
saturation {n} (vividness of color) | :: värikylläisyys |
saturation {n} (flooding of market) | :: kyllästäminen |
saturation {n} (musical effect) | :: saturaatioefekti, saturaatio |
Saturday {n} /ˈsæɾɚɾeɪ̯/ (day of the week) | :: lauantai |
Saturn {prop} /ˈsæ.tɝn/ (planet) | :: Saturnus |
Saturn {prop} (god) | :: Saturnus |
saturnism {n} (lead poisoning) SEE: plumbism | :: |
satyr {n} /ˈseɪt.əɹ/ (Greek mythology) | :: satyyri |
satyriasis {n} /ˌsatɪˈrʌɪəsɪs/ (uncontrollable sexual desire) | :: satyriaasi |
sauce {n} /sɔːs/ (liquid condiment) | :: kastike |
sauce {n} (booze) | :: soppa |
sauceboat {n} (boat-shaped pitcher for serving sauce or gravy) SEE: gravy boat | :: |
saucepan {n} /ˈsɔsˌpæn/ (deep cooking vessel) | :: kasari |
saucer {n} /ˈsɔ.səɹ/ (small dish) | :: aluslautanen, asetti, teevati |
saucer {n} (object shaped like a saucer) | :: lautanen |
saucy {adj} /ˈsɔː.sɪ/ (similar to sauce) | :: vetelä, kastikemainen |
saucy {adj} (impertinent or disrespectful) | :: topakka, tomera |
saucy {adj} (impudently bold) | :: räväkkä |
saucy {adj} (mildly erotic) | :: sähäkkä |
Saudi {prop} (Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi Arabia | :: |
Saudi {n} /ˈsaʊdi/ (person from Saudi Arabia) | :: saudi |
Saudi {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) | :: saudi-, saudiarabialainen |
Saudi Arabia {prop} /ˌsaʊ.di əˈɹeɪ.bi.ə/ (country in the Middle East) | :: Saudi-Arabia |
Saudi Arabian {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi | :: |
Saudi Arabian {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi | :: |
sauerkraut {n} /ˈsaʊɚˌkɹaʊt/ (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage) | :: hapankaali |
Saul {prop} /sɔːl/ (first king of Israel) | :: Saul |
Saul {prop} (original name of Paul) | :: Saul |
Saul {prop} (male given name) | :: Sauli |
sauna {n} /ˈsɔː.nə/ (sauna room or house) | :: sauna |
sauna {n} (act of using a sauna) | :: saunominen, sauna |
sauna {v} (to use a sauna) | :: saunoa |
saunter {n} /ˈsɔntɚ/ (a leisurely walk or stroll) | :: käyskennellä |
saury {n} /ˈsɔː.ɹi/ (fish of the family Scomberesocidae) | :: saira [Pacific saury]; makrillihauki [Atlantic saury] |
sausage {n} /ˈsɔsɪd͡ʒ/ (a food made of minced meat packed into a tubular casing) | :: makkara |
sausage {n} (small, uncooked) | :: makkara |
sausage {n} (sausage-shaped thing) | :: makkara |
sausage casing {n} (membrane into which filling of a sausage is stuffed) | :: makkarankuori |
sausagelike {adj} (resembling a sausage) | :: makkaramainen |
sausage meat {n} (ground spiced meat that can be stuffed in a sausage) | :: makkaramassa |
sausage roll {n} (short piece of sausage meat baked in a roll of pastry) | :: nakkipiirakka |
sausage tree {n} (Kigelia africana) | :: makkarapuu |
sauté {v} /soʊˈteɪ/ (to cook food) | :: käristää; kuullottaa, freesata |
sauté {n} (dish) | :: käristys |
savage {adj} /ˈsævɪdʒ/ (wild, not cultivated) | :: villi |
savage {adj} (barbaric, not civilized) | :: raakalaismainen, sivistymätön |
savage {adj} (fierce and ferocious) | :: villi |
savage {adj} (brutal, vicious or merciless) | :: raaka, julma |
savage {n} (uncivilized or feral person) | :: villi-ihminen, villi |
savanna {n} /səˈvænə/ (tropical grassland with scattered trees) | :: savanni |
savant {n} /səˈvɑnt/ (a person of learning) | :: oppinut |
save {n} /seɪv/ (block that prevents an opponent from scoring) | :: torjunta |
save {n} (computing: act, process, or result of saving data to a storage medium) | :: tallennus |
save {v} (to help someone to survive, or rescue someone) | :: pelastaa |
save {v} (to keep safe; to safeguard) | :: turvata |
save {v} (to spare somebody from effort, or from something undesirable) | :: säästää |
save {v} (theology: to redeem or protect someone from eternal damnation) | :: pelastaa |
save {v} (to sports: to catch or deflect a shot at goal) | :: torjua |
save {v} (to store for future use) | :: panna talteen, säilyttää, säästää |
save {v} (to conserve or prevent the wasting of) | :: säästää |
save {v} (to obviate or make unnecessary) | :: säästää |
save {v} (computing: to write a file to a storage medium) | :: tallentaa |
save {v} (to economize) | :: säästää |
save {v} (to accumulate money) | :: säästää |
save {prep} (except, with the exception of) | :: paitsi, pois lukien |
saved by the bell {v} (rescued by a timely interruption) | :: pelastua täpärästi [passive verb] |
save face {v} (preserve reputation) | :: pelastaa kasvonsa |
save one's skin {v} | :: pelastaa nahkansa |
savin {n} (Juniperus sabina) | :: rohtokataja |
saving {n} /ˈseɪvɪŋ/ (reduction in cost) | :: säästö |
saving {n} (something that is saved) | :: säästöt {p} |
saving {n} (action of saving) | :: säästäminen |
savings account {n} (account that yields a better interest than a current account) | :: säästötili |
savings bank {n} (financial institution) | :: säästöpankki |
savior {n} /ˈseɪvjɚ/ (a person who saves someone, rescues another from harm) | :: pelastaja |
Savi's warbler {?} (Locustella luscinioides) | :: ruokosirkkalintu |
Savitaipale {prop} (municipality) | :: Savitaipale |
savoiardi {n} (small sponge cake) SEE: ladyfinger | :: |
Savonia {prop} (region of Finland) | :: Savo |
Savonian {adj} (of or pertaining to Savonia) | :: savolainen |
Savonian {n} (person) | :: savolainen |
Savonian {prop} (dialect) | :: savon murre, Savon murre; savo [informal] |
savory {adj} /ˈseɪvəɹi/ (tasty, attractive to the palate) | :: maukas, ruokahalua herättävä |
savory {adj} (salty or non-sweet) | :: suolainen |
savory {n} (herb of genus Satureja) | :: kynteli |
savour {n} /ˈseɪvə(ɹ)/ (the specific taste or smell of something) | :: aromi, maku |
savour {n} (a distinctive sensation) | :: viehätys, sivumaku, mielenkiinto |
savour {v} (to possess a particular taste or smell, or a distinctive quality) | :: vivahtaa |
savour {v} (to appreciate, enjoy or relish something) | :: nauttia, nautiskella |
Savoy {prop} /səˈvɔɪ/ (a historical region of western Europe) | :: Savoiji |
Savoy {n} (Savoy cabbage) SEE: Savoy cabbage | :: |
Savoy cabbage {n} (cultivar of cabbage) | :: kurttukaali, savoijinkaali |
Savukoski {prop} (municipality) | :: Savukoski |
savvy {adj} /ˈsæ.vi/ (well-informed and perceptive) | :: fiksu [informal], älykäs |
saw {n} /sɔ/ (tool) | :: saha |
saw {v} (cut with a saw) | :: sahata |
saw {v} (make a motion back and forth as with a saw) | :: sahata |
saw {n} (musical saw) SEE: musical saw | :: |
sawbones {n} (surgeon) | :: kirurgi |
sawbuck {n} (a framework for holding wood so that it can be sawed) | :: sahapukki |
sawbuck {n} (a ten-dollar bill) | :: kymppi |
sawdust {n} /ˈsɔːˌdʌst/ (dust created by sawing) | :: sahanpuru |
sawfish {n} (ray with saw-shaped snout) | :: saharausku |
sawfly {n} (insect of the suborder Symphyta) | :: sahapistiäinen |
sawhorse {n} /sɔ.hɔɹs/ (a device used to temporarily raise and support pieces of material) | :: pukki, sahapukki |
sawlike {adj} (resembling a saw) | :: sahamainen |
sawm {n} (Islamic fasting) | :: saum |
sawmill {n} (machine, building or company) | :: saha |
sawn-off shotgun {n} | :: katkaistu haulikko |
sawpit {n} /ˈsɔːpɪt/ (pit over which lumber is positioned to be sawn) | :: sahauskuoppa |
sawshark {n} /ˈsɔːʃɑː(ɹ)k/ (any of the order Pristiophoriformes of sharks) | :: sahahaikala |
sawtooth {n} (sawtooth wave) SEE: sawtooth wave | :: |
saw-toothed {adj} (having a jagged edge like a saw) | :: sahalaitainen, sahahampainen |
sawtooth wave {n} (function or waveform that ramps upwards and then sharply drops) | :: sahalaita-aalto, saha-aalto |
saw wood {v} (idioms meaning "to snore") | :: vetää hirsiä |
sawyer {n} /ˈsɔɪ.ɚ/ (one who saws timber) | :: sahuri |
saxifrage {n} (plant) | :: rikko |
saxitoxin {n} (type of neurotoxin) | :: saksitoksiini |
Saxon {n} /ˈsæksən/ (member of Saxon tribe) | :: saksi |
Saxon {n} (native or inhabitant of Saxony) | :: saksi, saksilainen |
Saxon {prop} (language of the Saxons) | :: saksi |
Saxon {adj} (of Saxons, Saxony or Saxon language) | :: saksilainen, saksi- |
Saxony {prop} /ˈsæksəni/ (state) | :: Saksi |
Saxony-Anhalt {prop} (state) | :: Saksi-Anhalt |
saxophone {n} /ˈsæksəfoʊn/ (a musical instrument of the woodwind family) | :: saksofoni |
saxophonist {n} /ˈsæksəˌfoʊnɪst/ (person who plays or practices with the saxophone) | :: saksofonisti; fonisti [informal] |
say {v} /seɪ/ (to pronounce) | :: sanoa, kertoa |
say {v} (to recite) | :: lausua |
say {v} (to communicate verbally or in writing) | :: sanoa, virkkaa |
say {v} (to indicate in a written form) | :: näyttää |
say {v} (to have a common expression) | :: sanoa |
say {v} (imperative: let's say) | :: sanotaan, oletetaan |
say {v} (to say) SEE: tell | :: |
say cheese {v} (elicit a smile from someone for a photograph) | :: [there's no "standard" term] |
say goodbye {v} (wish someone farewell upon their leaving) | :: hyvästellä |
say grace {v} (say a prayer of thanks) | :: lukea ruokarukous |
saying {n} /ˈseɪɪŋ/ (proverb or maxim) | :: sanonta |
sayonara {interj} (goodbye, adieu) SEE: farewell | :: |
says who {phrase} (who says so?) | :: sanoo kuka? |
say what {phrase} | :: siis mitä? |
say when {v} (imperative to request when the pouring of a drink should stop) | :: sano, kun riittää |
SBM {n} (small to medium business) | :: PKY |
scab {n} (mange) SEE: mange | :: |
scab {n} /skæb/ (incrustation over a wound) | :: rupi |
scab {n} (group of diseases of potatoes) | :: rupi |
scab {n} (common scab) | :: perunarupi |
scab {n} (fungus disease of plants) | :: rupi |
scab {n} (founding irregularity) | :: hilse |
scab {n} (mean, dirty, paltry fellow) | :: hulttio |
scab {v} (to become covered by a scab or scabs) | :: rupeutua |
scab {v} (to form into scabs and be shed) | :: kesiä, kuoriutua |
scab {v} (to remove part of a surface) | :: kuoria |
scab {v} (to act as a strikebreaker) | :: rikkuroida |
scab {v} (slang: to beg or bum) | :: pummata |
scab {n} (scabies) SEE: scabies | :: |
scab {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker | :: |
scabbard {n} /ˈskæb.əd/ (the sheath of a sword) | :: tuppi, huotra |
scabby {adj} /ˈskæb.i/ (full of scabs) | :: rupinen |
scabby {adj} (diseased with scab) | :: syyhyinen |
scabies {n} /ˈ (an infestation of parasitic mites, Sarcoptes scabiei) | :: syyhy |
scad {n} (fish) | :: piikkimakrilli |
scaffold {n} /ˈskæfəld/ (structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on) | :: telineet {p} |
scaffold {n} (platform for executions) | :: mestauslava |
scaffolder {n} (a person who erects and dismantles scaffolding) | :: rakennustelineasentaja |
scaffolding {n} (system of tubes or poles used to support people and material) | :: rakennusteline |
scalability {n} (property of being scalable) | :: skaalautuvuus |
scalar boson {n} (spin 0 boson) | :: skalaaribosoni |
scalar field {n} (mathematical function) | :: skalaarikenttä |
scalar product {n} (product of two vectors) | :: skalaaritulo, pistetulo, sisätulo |
scald {v} /skɑld/ (to burn with hot fluid) | :: polttaa, aiheuttaa palovamma, kaltata |
scald {v} (to heat almost to boiling) | :: kuumentaa |
scale {n} /skeɪl/ (sequence for measurement) | :: asteikko |
scale {n} (size or scope) | :: mittakaava, skaala, luokka |
scale {n} (ratio of distances) | :: mittakaava |
scale {n} (line or bar used to indicate measurement) | :: mittakaava |
scale {n} (series of notes) | :: asteikko, sävelasteikko, skaala |
scale {n} (gradation; progressive series; scheme of comparative rank or order) | :: asteikko |
scale {v} (to change size of) | :: skaalata, muuttaa mittakaavaa, suurentaa [scale up], pienentää [scale down], muuttaa kokoa |
scale {v} (to climb) | :: kiivetä, kivuta |
scale {v} (to tolerate increases in throughput) | :: skaalautua, mukautua |
scale {v} (to weigh) | :: punnita |
scale {n} (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals) | :: suomu |
scale {n} (coloured chitin) | :: suomu |
scale {n} (flake of skin) | :: hilse |
scale {n} (pine nut) | :: suomu |
scale {n} (flaky material sloughed off heated metal) | :: pajahilse |
scale {n} (scale mail) | :: suomupanssari |
scale {v} (remove the scales of) | :: suomustaa |
scale {v} (become scaly) | :: hilseillä |
scale {v} (to strip or clear of scale) | :: poistaa hilse |
scale {v} (to take off in thin layers or scales) | :: kuoria, höylätä |
scale {v} (to separate and come off in thin layers) | :: hilseillä |
scale {n} (dish of a balance) | :: vaakakuppi |
scale {n} (mathematics: base for a numeral system) SEE: radix | :: |
scale {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder | :: |
scale {n} (device) SEE: scales | :: |
scaled {adj} /skeɪld/ (covered with scales) | :: suomuinen; suomujen peittämä |
scaled {adj} (with scales removed) | :: suomustettu, suomuton |
scaled dove {n} (Columbina squammata) | :: suomuinkakyyhky |
scale model {n} (three-dimensional copy or representation of something) | :: pienoismalli [smaller], mittakaavamalli |
scalene {adj} /ˈskeɪ.liːn/ (sides of different lengths) | :: erisivuinen |
scaler {n} (electronic circuit) | :: skaalain |
scaler {n} (electronic system) | :: sovitin, skaalain |
scaler {n} (one who scales) | :: skaalaaja, suomustaja |
scaler {n} (scaling tool or device) | :: suomustin |
scale ruler {n} (specialized ruler) | :: suhdeviivain |
scales {n} /skeɪlz/ (device for weighing goods for sale) | :: vaaka, varsivaaka |
scallion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion | :: |
scallop {n} /ˈskɒləp/ (mollusc) | :: kampasimpukka |
scalp {n} /skælp/ (top of the head) | :: päälaki |
scalp {n} (part of head where the hair grows) | :: hiusmarto |
scalp {n} (part of the skin of the head of an enemy kept as a trophy) | :: päänahka |
scalp {n} (victory) | :: päänahka |
scalp {v} (to remove part of the head) | :: viedä päänahka |
scalpel {n} /ˈskælpəl/ (small straight knife) | :: skalpelli, leikkausveitsi |
scalper {n} (one who sells tickets unofficially) | :: jobbari |
scalping {n} (act of scalping) | :: skalpeeraus |
scalping {n} (form of market manipulation) | :: skalpeeraus |
scaly anteater {n} (pangolin) SEE: pangolin | :: |
scaly-sided merganser {n} (Mergus squamatus) | :: amurinkoskelo |
scaly thrush {n} (Zoothera dauma) | :: suomurastas |
scam {n} /skæm/ (fraudulent deal) | :: huijaus, vedätys |
scam {v} (to defraud or embezzle) | :: vedättää |
scammer {n} /ˈskæmɚ/ (swindler, cheat) | :: huijari, petkuttaja |
scamp {n} /skæmp/ (rascal, swindler) | :: lurjus |
scamp {n} (mischievous youngster) | :: riiviö |
scan {v} /skæn/ (examine sequentially) | :: tutkia pala palalta/järjestelmällisesti, kammata [figuratively] |
scan {v} (create a digital copy of an image using a scanner) | :: skannata |
scan {v} (look about for) | :: tähyillä, silmäillä, tutkia |
scan {n} (instance of scanning) | :: skannaus |
scan {n} (result or output of a scanning process) | :: skannaus, kuva |
scandal {n} /ˈskændəl/ (incident that brings disgrace) | :: skandaali |
scandalous {adj} /ˈskændələs/ (wrong, immoral, causing a scandal) | :: skandaalinkäryinen |
scandalous {adj} (malicious, defamatory) | :: sensaatiohakuinen |
scandal sheet {n} (type of tabloid) | :: skandaalilehti |
Scandinavia {prop} /skændɪˈneɪvi.ə/ (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) | :: Skandinavia |
Scandinavia {prop} (Scandinavian Peninsula) SEE: Scandinavian Peninsula | :: |
Scandinavian {n} /ˌskændɪˈneɪvi.ən/ (someone from Scandinavia) | :: skandinaavi |
Scandinavian {adj} (of Scandinavia) | :: skandinaavinen |
Scandinavian {adj} (of the North Germanic family of languages) | :: skandinaavinen, pohjoisgermaaninen |
Scandinavianism {n} (habit etc.) | :: skandinavismi |
Scandinavianism {n} (support) | :: skandinavismi |
Scandinavian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia) | :: Skandinavia, Skandinavian niemimaa |
scandium {n} /ˈskændi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: skandium |
Scania {prop} /ˈskæni.ə/ (region of Sweden occupying the southernmost tip of the Scandinavian peninsula) | :: Skoone |
Scanian {n} (person) | :: skoonelainen |
Scanian {adj} (of Scania) | :: skoonelainen |
Scanian {adj} (of a Scanian, Scanian) | :: skoonelainen |
Scanian {prop} (dialect) | :: skoonen murre, skoone |
scanner {n} /ˈskænɚ/ (device which scans documents) | :: skanneri, kuvanlukija |
scanner {n} (radio receiver) | :: skannaava radio |
scanner {n} (device that uses radiation to produce images) | :: skanneri |
scanner {n} (optical device) | :: skanneri |
scanner {n} (one who scans) | :: skannaaja |
scanning electron microscope {n} (electron microscope with matrix image) | :: pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppi |
scanning transmission electron microscope {n} (electron microscope that transmits a narrow beam) | :: pyyhkäisy-läpivalaisuelektronimikroskooppi |
scanning tunneling microscope {n} (device) | :: tunnelointimikroskooppi |
scanno {n} /ˈskænoʊ/ (error in scanning) | :: skannausvirhe |
scant {adj} /skænt/ (very little) | :: niukka |
scanty {adj} (sparing, niggardly) SEE: niggardly | :: |
scape {n} (leafless stalk) | :: vana |
scape {n} (basal segment of antenna) | :: varsi |
scapegoat {n} /ˈskeɪpˌɡoʊt/ (a goat imbued with the sins of the people) | :: syntipukki |
scapegoat {n} (someone punished for someone else's error(s)) | :: syntipukki |
scapegoat {v} (to punish someone for the error of someone else) | :: vierittää syy, sysätä syy |
scapegoat {v} (to blame something for the problems of a given society) | :: nimetä syntipukiksi |
scaphoid {adj} (boat-shaped) | :: veneen muotoinen |
scaphoid {n} (scaphoid bone) SEE: scaphoid bone | :: |
scaphoid bone {n} (carpal bone of the wrist) | :: ranteen veneluu |
scapula {n} (large flat bone) SEE: shoulder blade | :: |
scapular {n} /ˈskapjʊlə/ (a short cloak with an embroidered image of a saint) | :: skapulaari |
scar {n} (cliff) SEE: cliff | :: |
scar {n} /skɑɹ/ (permanent mark on the skin) | :: arpi |
scar {n} (permanent negative mark on the mind) | :: arpi |
scar {v} (to mark the skin permanently) | :: jättää arpi |
scar {v} (to form a scar) | :: arpeutua |
scar {v} (to affect deeply in a traumatic manner) | :: traumatisoida |
scar {n} (rock in the sea) | :: kari, luoto |
scarab {n} (Scarabaeus sacer) | :: pyhä pillerinpyörittäjä |
scarab {n} (Scarabidae) | :: lehtisarvinen |
scarab {n} (symbol) | :: skarabee |
scarce {adj} /ˈskɛəs/ | :: [uncommon] harvinainen, [insufficient] riittämätön, [deficient] niukka |
scarcely {adv} /ˈskɛɹsli/ (probably not) | :: tuskin |
scarcely {adv} (certainly not) | :: tuskin |
scarcely {adv} (almost not, by a small margin) | :: tuskin, hädin tuskin |
scarcity {n} (the condition of something being scarce or deficient) | :: vähyys |
scarcity {n} (an inadequate amount of something; a shortage) | :: pula |
scare {n} /skɛɚ/ (minor fright) | :: säikähdys |
scare {n} (something that inspires fear) | :: pelätti, kauhu |
scare {v} (to frighten) | :: pelästyttää, säikäyttää |
scare campaign {n} (effort to make a large group of people afraid of someone or something) | :: pelottelukampanja |
scarecrow {n} /ˈskɛə.kɹəʊ/ (an effigy made to scare the birds away) | :: variksenpelätin, variksenpelätti, linnunpelätin, linnunpelätin, linnunpelätti |
scarecrow {n} (tall, thin, awkward person) | :: variksenpelätin |
scared {adj} /skɛəɹd/ (afraid, frightened) | :: pelästynyt, peloissaan |
scare quote {n} (quotation mark used to provoke reaction) | :: ironinen lainausmerkki |
scarf {n} /skɑːɹf/ (long garment worn around the neck) | :: kaulaliina |
scarf {v} (eat very quickly) | :: hotkia, ahmia, heittää huiviin |
scarf {n} (headscarf) SEE: headscarf | :: |
scarificator {n} (cupping glass) | :: haavakone, kuppauskone |
scarlatina {n} (scarlet fever) SEE: scarlet fever | :: |
scarlet {n} /ˈskɑɹlɪt/ (colour) | :: helakanpunainen, tulipunainen |
scarlet {adj} (colour) | :: helakanpunainen, tulipunainen |
scarlet eggplant {n} (species of fruiting plant) | :: etiopianmunakoiso |
scarlet fever {n} (streptococcal infection) | :: tulirokko |
scar tissue {n} (type of tissue formed in a place where an injury has healed) | :: arpikudos |
scar tissue {n} (long-term psychological consequences) | :: arvet {p} |
scary {adj} /ˈskɛəɹi/ (causing, or able to cause, fright) | :: pelottava |
scathe {v} /skeɪð/ (injure) | :: vahingoittaa |
scatter {v} /ˈskætə/ (to cause to separate) | :: sirottaa |
scatter {v} (to disperse) | :: sirota |
scatter {v} (to distribute loosely) | :: sirotella |
scatter {v} (physics: to deflect) | :: sirottaa |
scatter {v} (to scatter) SEE: disperse | :: |
scatterbrain {n} (flighty, disorganized or forgetful person) | :: sähläri, hösöttäjä, häsy |
scatterbrained {adj} (absent-minded) SEE: absent-minded | :: |
scatterbrained {adj} (having the qualities of scatterbrain) | :: hajamielinen |
scattered {adj} /ˈskætɚd/ (Randomly distributed) | :: hajanainen |
scattered {adj} (meteorology: covering three eighths to four eighths of sky) | :: melko selkeä |
scattered {adj} (meteorology: affecting 30% to 50% of area) | :: hajanainen |
scattering {n} (physical process) | :: sironta |
scavenger {n} /ˈskæv.ən.dʒə(ɹ)/ (animal feeding on decaying matter) | :: haaskaeläin |
scenario {n} /sɪˈnɛəɹioʊ/ (outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work) | :: käsikirjoitus, skenaario |
scenario {n} (screenplay or an outline or treatment thereof) | :: käsikirjoitus, skenaario |
scenario {n} (outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events) | :: skenaario |
scenarist {n} (writer of screenplays) | :: skenaristi |
scene {n} ((theater) the stage) SEE: stage | :: |
scene {n} /siːn/ (the location of an event that attracts attention) | :: näyttämö, kulissi, tapahtumapaikka |
scene {n} (decorations and fittings of a stage) | :: kulissi |
scene {n} (subdivision of an act) | :: kohtaus |
scene {n} (place, time, circumstance, etc., in which anything occurs) | :: tapahtumapaikka |
scene {n} (exhibition of passionate or strong feeling before others) | :: kohtaus |
scene {n} (large informal group of people with a uniting interest) | :: skene |
scene {n} (landscape, scenery) SEE: scenery | :: |
scenery {n} /ˈsiːnəɹi/ (view, natural features, landscape) | :: maisema |
scenery {n} (stage backdrops, property and other items on a stage that give the impression of the location of the scene) | :: kulissit {p} |
scene-shifter {n} (stagehand) SEE: stagehand | :: |
scenic route {n} (road or path) | :: maisematie [road]; maisemareitti |
scenography {n} (design of theatrical sets) | :: lavastus |
scenography {n} (art or act of representation in perspective) | :: perspektiivipiirustus |
scenography {n} (representation in perspective) | :: perspektiivipiirustus |
scent {n} /sɛnt/ (distinctive odour or smell) | :: tuoksu [generally plesurable], haju [generally unpleasant] |
scent {n} (odour left by animal) | :: haju, hajujälki [the odour in itself, whether sensed or not]; vainu [the odour as sensed by a follower, usually dog] |
scent {n} (sense of smell) | :: hajuaisti; vainu |
scent {n} (perfume) | :: tuoksu, hajuvesi |
scent {n} (figuratively: any traces that can be followed) | :: jälki, jäljet {p}; vihi, haju |
scent {v} (to detect the scent of) | :: vainuta |
scent {v} (to impart an odour to) | :: hajustaa |
scent hound {n} (hunting dog that tracks prey using its sense of smell) | :: vainukoira |
scentless {adj} (without scent) | :: hajuton |
sceptre {n} /ˈsɛptə/ (ornamental staff) | :: valtikka |
schadenfreude {n} /ˈʃɑːdənfɹɔɪdə/ (malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune) | :: vahingonilo |
schedule {n} /ˈskɛ.dʒʊl/ (a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur) | :: aikataulu |
schedule {v} (to create a schedule) | :: aikatauluttaa |
scheduling {n} (function) | :: aikataulutus |
scheelite {n} (mineral) | :: scheeliitti |
Scheherazade {prop} /ʃəˈhɛɹəzɑd/ (female given name) | :: Šeherazade |
Scheldt {prop} /ʃɛlt/ (river) | :: Schelde {m} |
schematic {adj} /skɪˈmætɪk/ (represented simply) | :: kaavamainen, skemaattinen, periaatteellinen |
schematic {adj} (sketchy, incomplete) | :: luonnosmainen, kaavamainen |
schematic {adj} (relating to a schema) | :: skemaattinen |
schematically {adv} (in the manner of a schematic) | :: kaavamaisesti, skemaattisesti |
schematization {n} (arrangement into a scheme) | :: skematisointi |
schematize {v} /ˈskiːmətaiz/ (organize according to a scheme) | :: kaavamaistaa |
scheme {n} /skiːm/ (a systematic plan of future action) | :: suunnitelma |
scheme {n} (secret, devious plan) | :: juoni |
scheme {n} (orderly combination of related parts) | :: rakenne |
scheme {n} (chart or diagram) | :: kaavio |
scheme {n} (mathematics) | :: järjestelmä |
scheme {v} (to contrive a plan) | :: juonitella, kieroilla, suunnitella, vehkeillä |
Schengen Area {prop} (group of European countries) | :: Schengen-alue |
schism {n} /ˈskɪzəm/ (split, division, separation, discord) | :: skisma |
schist {n} /ʃɪst/ (crystalline foliated rock) | :: liuske |
schistosome {n} /ˈʃɪ.stə(ʊ)ˌsəʊm/ (any worm of the genus Schistosoma) | :: halkiomato |
schistosomiasis {n} (various diseases) | :: skistosomiaasi, bilhartsia, halkiomatotauti |
schizencephaly {n} (congenital cortical malformation) | :: skitsenkefalia |
schizocarp {n} (dry fruit) | :: lohkohedelmä |
schizoid personality disorder {n} /ˈskɪtsɔɪd ˌpɜɹsəˈnælɪti dɪsˈɔːdə(ɹ)/ (personality disorder) | :: eristäytyvä persoonallisuus, skitsoidi persoonallisuus |
schizophrenia {n} /ˌskɪt.səˈfɹiː.ni.ə/ (mental disorder) | :: skitsofrenia, jakomielisyys, jakomielitauti |
schizophrenia {n} (informal: condition in which disparate activities coexist) | :: jakomielinen tilanne |
schizophrenic {adj} /ˌskɪtsəˈfɹɛnɪk/ (of or pertaining to schizophrenia) | :: skitsofreeninen, jakomielitautinen |
schizophrenic {adj} (of a person: afflicted with schizophrenia) | :: skitsofreeninen, jakomielitautinen |
schizophrenic {adj} (slang: behaving as if one has more than one personality) | :: skitsofreeninen, jakomielitautinen |
schizophrenic {n} (a person suffering from schizophrenia) | :: skitsofreenikko |
schlager {n} /ʃlɑːɡə/ (style) | :: iskelmämusiikki |
schlager {n} (piece) | :: iskelmä |
Schlemm's canal {n} (channel in the eye) | :: Schlemmin kanava |
schlep {v} /ʃlɛp/ (To carry or drag) | :: raahata |
schlep {v} (To go, as on an errand or task) | :: käväistä |
schlep {v} (To act in a slovenly, lazy, or sloppy manner) | :: käpsehtiä |
schlub {n} (person who is clumsy, oafish, socially awkward, or unattractive or unkempt) | :: tomppeli, tollo |
schlubby {adj} (unattractive or unkempt) SEE: unattractive | :: |
Schmidt telescope {n} (type of telescope) | :: Schmidt-teleskooppi |
schmo {n} (schmuck) SEE: schmuck | :: |
schmuck {n} /ʃmʌk/ (jerk; unlikable, stupid, foolish, malicious, or unpleasant person) | :: törppö, mäntti |
schnapps {n} /ʃnɑps/ (liquor) | :: snapsi, viina |
schnapps {n} (serving) | :: snapsi, ruokaryyppy |
schönite {n} (double sulfate of potassium and magnesium) | :: schöniitti |
schnitzel {n} (a meat dish) | :: vasikanleike |
schnozzle {n} (slang: human nose, especially large one) | :: klyyvari, nokka |
scholar {n} /ˈskɑlɚ/ (a student; one who studies at school or college, typically having a scholarship) | :: opiskelija |
scholar {n} (specialist in a particular branch of knowledge) | :: tiedemies |
scholar {n} (learned person) | :: oppinut |
scholarship {n} /ˈskɑːləɹʃɪp/ (study allowance) | :: apuraha, stipendi |
scholarship {n} (knowledge) | :: tietämys, tiedot {p} |
scholar's mate {n} (checkmate which occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qxf7#) | :: koulumatti |
scholastic {n} /skəˈlæstɪk/ (philosophy: member of scholasticism) | :: skolastikko |
scholastic {adj} (of or relating to school, academic) | :: koulu-; akateeminen |
scholastic {adj} (of or relating to scholasticism) | :: skolastinen |
scholastic {adj} (pedantic, formal) | :: skolastinen |
school {n} /skuːl/ (a group of fish) | :: parvi , kalaparvi |
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning) | :: koulu |
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning before college or university) | :: koulu |
school {n} (college or university) | :: yliopisto |
school {n} (a department/institute at a college or university) | :: koulu |
school {n} (an art movement) | :: koulukunta |
school {n} ((collectively) the followers of a particular doctrine) | :: koulukunta |
school {v} (to educate, teach, or train) | :: kouluttaa |
school age {n} (age at which a child is required to attend school) | :: kouluikä |
school-age {adj} (being of an age during which attendance at school is customary) | :: kouluikäinen |
schoolbag {n} (satchel) | :: koululaukku, koulureppu |
schoolbook {n} (textbook used in school) | :: koulukirja |
schoolboy {n} (young male student) | :: koulupoika |
schoolboy error {n} | :: aloittelijan virhe |
school bus {n} /ˈskuːl.bʌs/ (transport for schoolchildren) | :: koulubussi |
school bus yellow {adj} (high-visibility yellow for automotive or traffic use) | :: koulubussin keltainen |
schoolchild {n} /ˈsku.əltʃaɪld/ (young person attending school or of an age to attend school) | :: koululainen |
school counselor {n} (school-oriented counselor) | :: oppilaanohjaaja |
schoolday {n} (the day when school is open) | :: koulupäivä |
schooldays {n} (period of one's life when one attends school) | :: kouluaika |
school district {n} (governmental district for public schools) | :: koulupiiri |
schoolgirl {n} (girl attending school) | :: koulutyttö |
schoolgoer {n} (one who attends school) | :: koululainen |
schoolgoing {adj} (attending school) | :: koulua käyvä |
schoolhouse {n} (a school building) | :: koulurakennus, koulutalo |
schoolie {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher | :: |
schooling {n} (training or instruction) | :: koulutus |
schooling {n} (institutional education) | :: koulutus |
schooling {n} (training of horse) | :: koulutus |
schoolkid {n} (kid who attends school) | :: koululainen |
school-leaver {n} (high-school student who has recently graduated) | :: tuore ylioppilas |
schoollike {adj} (resembling school) | :: koulumainen |
schoolmaster {n} (male teacher) | :: koulumestari |
schoolmaster {n} (male teacher in charge of a small school) | :: johtajaopettaja |
schoolmaster {n} (anything that teaches) | :: opettaja |
schoolmasterish {adj} (resembling schoolmaster) | :: koulumestarimainen |
schoolmate {n} (person who attended school with the subject) | :: koulukaveri, koulutoveri |
schoolmistress {n} (woman in charge of a school) | :: rehtori |
school of hard knocks {n} (source of education by adverse experience) | :: elämänkoulu, kantapään kautta oppiminen |
school of thought {n} (opinion subscribed to by some connected or arbitrary group) | :: koulukunta |
school shark {n} (Galeorhinus galeus) | :: harmaahai, harmaakoirahai |
school sores {n} (impetigo) SEE: impetigo | :: |
schoolteacher {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher | :: |
school tie {n} (necktie) | :: koulusolmio |
school uniform {n} (uniform items to be worn by students in a school) | :: koulupuku |
schoolwork {n} /ˈskulˌwɝk/ (work done for school) | :: koulutyö |
school year {n} (academic year of a school) | :: lukuvuosi |
schooner {n} /skuːnə(ɹ)/ (sailing ship) | :: kuunari |
Schopenhauerian {adj} /ˌʃoʊpənhaʊˈɪɹi.ən/ (of or relating to Arthur Schopenhauer) | :: schopenhauerilainen |
schottische {n} (Bohemian dance) | :: sottiisi |
Schrödinger's cat {prop} (thought experiment) | :: Schrödingerin kissa |
schwa {n} /ʃwɑ/ (indeterminate central vowel) | :: švaa |
sciatica {n} /saɪˈætɪkə/ (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) | :: iskias |
sciatic nerve {n} (large nerve) | :: lonkkahermo |
science {n} /ˈsaɪəns/ (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method) | :: tiede |
science {n} (particular discipline or branch of learning) | :: -tiede, tieteenala |
science {n} (fact of knowing something) | :: tieto |
science {n} (knowledge gained through study or practice) | :: tiedot |
science center {n} (location where science is exhibited) | :: tiedekeskus |
science fiction {n} /ˈsaɪəns ˌfɪkʃən/ (fiction) | :: tieteiskirjallisuus |
science fiction {n} (technology which is not yet practical) | :: tieteiskirjallisuus |
science park {n} (an area with a collection buildings dedicated to scientific research) | :: tiedepuisto |
scientia potentia est {proverb} (knowledge is power) SEE: knowledge is power | :: |
scientific {adj} /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk/ (of or having to do with science) | :: tieteellinen |
scientifically {adv} (using science or methods of science) | :: tieteellisesti |
scientifically {adv} (with regard to science) | :: tieteellisesti |
scientifically {adv} (from a scientific perspective) | :: tieteellisesti |
scientifically {adv} (in a scientific manner) | :: tieteellisesti |
scientific calculator {n} (type of calculator) | :: tieteislaskin, funktiolaskin |
scientificity {n} (quality or state of being scientific) | :: tieteellisyys |
scientific method {n} (method of discovering knowledge) | :: tieteellinen menetelmä |
scientific methodology {n} (systematic way of finding the answer to a question about the observable world) | :: tieteellinen metodologia |
scientific name {n} (formal name) | :: tieteellinen nimi |
scientific notation {n} (standard format) | :: kymmenpotenssimuoto, eksponenttimuoto |
scientific notation {n} (alternative format) | :: kymmenpotenssimuoto, eksponenttimuoto |
scientific research {n} (research performed using the scientific method) | :: tieteellinen tutkimus |
scientism {n} (belief) | :: skientismi |
scientist {n} /ˈsaɪən.tɪst/ (one whose activities make use of the scientific method) | :: tieteilijä, tiedemies |
Scientological {adj} (pertaining to Scientology) | :: skientologinen |
Scientologist {n} (follower of Scientology) | :: skientologi |
Scientology {prop} (belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard) | :: skientologia |
sci-fi {n} /saɪ.faɪ/ (science fiction) | :: scifi |
scimitar {n} /ˈsɪmɪtɑːɹ/ (sword with curved blade) | :: käyräsapeli |
scimitarbill {n} (bird of the genus Rhinopomastus) | :: sirppisäihkyjä |
scimitar-horned oryx {n} (Oryx dammah) | :: sapelibeisa |
scintilla {n} /sɪnˈtɪlə/ (small amount) | :: hitunen |
scion {n} /ˈsaɪ.ən/ (descendant) | :: vesa, perillinen |
scion {n} (heir to a throne) | :: kruununperijä |
scion {n} ((detached) shoot or twig) | :: verso, jaloverso, oksas |
scissor {n} /ˈsɪzə/ (one blade on a pair of scissors) | :: saksenterä |
scissor {n} (noun adjunct) | :: saksi- |
scissor {v} (to cut using scissors) | :: saksia, leikata saksilla |
scissor {v} (to excise from text) | :: saksia, leikata |
scissor {v} (to move something like a pair of scissors) | :: saksata |
scissor {v} (to engage in scissoring, a sexual act) | :: saksittaa |
scissor binoculars {n} (stereoscopic periscopic binoculars) | :: haarakiikari |
scissor door {n} (type of automobile door) | :: saksiovi |
scissor kick {n} (kick in football) | :: saksipotku |
scissor kick {n} (leg movement in swimming) | :: saksipotku |
scissors {n} /ˈsɪzɚz/ (tool used for cutting) | :: sakset {p} |
scissors-and-paste {adj} (cut-and-paste) SEE: cut-and-paste | :: |
scissors crossover {n} (diamond crossover) SEE: diamond crossover | :: |
sclera {n} (white of the eye) | :: silmänvalkuainen |
sclerite {n} (arthropod's exoskeleton) | :: kuori |
scleroderma {n} (disease) | :: skleroderma |
sclerosis {n} /sklɪˈɹəʊsɪs/ (abnormal hardening of body tissues) | :: kovettuminen |
sclerotin {n} (crosslinked protein component of the cuticles of insects) | :: sklerotiini |
sclerotome {n} (in anatomy) | :: sklerotomi |
scoff {n} /skɔːf/ (derision; ridicule; mockery) | :: pilkka, iva |
scoff {v} (to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision) | :: ivata, ilkkua, pilkata |
scoff {v} (to eat food quickly) | :: ahmia |
scold {n} /skoʊld/ (person who scolds, particularly a woman) | :: kääkkä |
scold {v} (rebuke) | :: torua, moittia, nuhdella, parjata |
scoliosis {n} (condition in which there is abnormal lateral curvature of the spine) | :: kieroselkäisyys, skolioosi |
scone {n} /skɒn/ (pastry) | :: skonssi |
scoop {n} /skuːp/ (any cup- or bowl-shaped object) | :: kauha; mitta [as in kahvimitta, "coffee scoop"]; kulho [without handle] |
scoop {n} (amount held by a scoop) | :: kauhallinen; mitallinen |
scoop {n} (act of scooping, or taking with a scoop or ladle; a motion with a scoop, as in dipping or shovelling) | :: kauhonta, kauhominen; lapiointi [shovelling]; äyskäröinti [using bail to scoop water] |
scoop {n} (news learned and reported before anyone else) | :: skuuppi |
scoop {n} (opening in an automobile to admit air) | :: ilma-aukko |
scoop {n} (digging attachment on a front-end loader) | :: kauha |
scoop {n} (place hollowed out) | :: onkalo |
scoop {n} (spoon-shaped surgical instrument) | :: kauha |
scoop {n} (special spinal board used by EMS staff) | :: kauhapaarit {p} |
scoop {n} (sweep, stroke, swoop) | :: pyyhkäisy, heilautus |
scoop {v} (to lift, move, or collect with or as though with a scoop) | :: kauhoa, kaapia |
scoop {v} (to make hollow; to dig out) | :: kuopia |
scoop {v} (to report a newsworthy event before anyone else) | :: skuupata |
scoopful {n} (quantity in a scoop) | :: kauhallinen |
scoop up {v} (pick up by scooping) | :: kaapia kasaan |
scoot {v} (to walk fast; to go quickly; to run away hastily) | :: kiiruhtaa, rientää |
scoot {v} (to ride on a scooter) | :: ajaa skootterilla |
scoot {v} ((of an animal) to move with the forelegs while sitting) | :: raahata takapuoltaan pitkin jotakin |
scooter {n} (large black duck of the genus Melanitta) SEE: scoter | :: |
scooter {n} /ˈskuːtə(ɹ)/ (foot-propelled vehicle) | :: potkulauta |
scooter {n} (electric version of the kick scooter) | :: sähköpotkulauta |
scooter {n} (type of small two-wheeled vehicle, see also: motorscooter) | :: skootteri |
scooter {n} (electric scooter for disabled, see also: mobility scooter) | :: sähköskootteri |
scooter {v} (to ride on a scooter) | :: ajaa skootterilla |
scooter {n} (ice scooter) SEE: ice scooter | :: |
scope {n} /ˈskəʊp/ (breadth, depth or reach of a subject; a domain) | :: ulottuvuus, ala, laajuus |
scope {n} (scope of an identifier) | :: näkyvyysalue |
scope {n} (shortened form of periscope, or telescope or oscilloscope) | :: skooppi |
scope {v} (To perform a cursory investigation) | :: tutkia |
-scope {suffix} (suffix to name viewing instruments) | :: -skooppi |
scope {n} (device used in aiming a projectile) SEE: telescopic sight | :: |
scops owl {n} (Otus scops) | :: kyläpöllönen |
scops owl {n} (bird of the genus Otus) | :: pöllönen |
-scopy {suffix} /-skəpi/ (observation, viewing) | :: -skopia |
scorch {n} /skɔɹtʃ/ (A slight or surface burn) | :: kärventymä |
scorch {n} (A discolouration caused by heat) | :: kärventymä, palanut kohta |
scorch {n} (Brown discoloration on the leaves of plants caused by heat, lack of water or by fungi) | :: kuivunut kohta |
scorch {v} (to burn the surface of something so as to discolour it) | :: paahtaa, korventaa |
scorch {v} (to wither, parch or destroy something by heat or fire) | :: kärventää, polttaa |
scorch {v} (to become scorched or singed) | :: paahtua, korventua, kärventyä |
scorch {v} (to move at high speed) | :: paahtaa |
scorched {adj} (dried, damaged, burnt by exposure to sunlight or heat) | :: palanut |
scorched earth {n} | :: poltettu maa |
score {v} (to score) SEE: strike | :: |
score {n} /skɔɹ/ (number of points earned) | :: pistemäärä |
score {n} (number of points accrued) | :: pistetilanne, pelitilanne [points in the middle of a game]; ottelutilanne [games in the middle of a series of games] |
score {n} (performance of an individual or group on an examination or test) | :: tulos, koetulos |
score {n} (twenty, see also: twenty) | :: tiu |
score {n} (weight of twenty pounds) | :: leiviskä |
score {n} (sheet music showing all parts) | :: partituuri |
score {n} (subject, see also: subject) | :: aihe |
score {n} (account; reason; motive; sake; behalf) | :: syy, tarkoitusperä |
score {n} (notch or incision, especially one made as tally mark) | :: pykälä |
score {n} (account of dues) | :: velka |
score {n} (slang: criminal act) | :: keikka, poka |
score {n} (slang: bribe to a police officer) | :: voitelu |
score {n} (slang: prostitute's client) | :: poka |
score {n} (slang: sexual conquest) | :: pano, hoito |
score {v} (to cut a groove in a surface) | :: tehdä taittoviiva, piirrottaa |
score {v} (to record the score for a game or a match) | :: merkitä tulos |
score {v} (to earn points in a game) | :: tehdä, tehdä maali, tehdä piste, maalata |
score {v} (to achieve a score in e.g. a test) | :: saada tulos |
score {v} (to acquire or gain) | :: hankkia, saada |
score {v} (to obtain drugs or sex) | :: saada |
score {v} (to obtain a sexual favor) | :: saada |
score {v} (to provide a film, etc. with a musical score) | :: soitintaa |
scoreboard {n} (board that displays the score in a game of contest) | :: tulostaulu, ottelutaulu |
scorekeeper {n} (one who keeps track of the score) | :: kirjuri |
score off {v} (to gain an advantage on somebody) | :: pistää paremmaksi |
score off {v} (to scratch somebody out of a list or a group) | :: vetää yli |
scorer {n} (scorekeeper) SEE: scorekeeper | :: |
scorer {n} (one who scores) | :: maalintekijä |
scores {pron} (many) SEE: many | :: |
scoresheet {n} (sheet of paper) | :: tuloslista |
scoria {n} (slag or dross) SEE: slag | :: |
scoria {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: slag | :: |
scoring {n} (process of keeping score) | :: pistelasku |
scoring {n} (process of winning points) | :: maalinteko, pisteiden teko |
scoring {n} (action of scratching) | :: raaputus |
scorn {v} /skɔɹn/ (to feel contempt or disdain for something or somebody) | :: halveksia, halveksua |
scorn {v} (to reject, turn down) | :: torjua |
scorn {v} (to refuse to do something, as beneath oneself) | :: kieltäytyä |
scorn {v} (to scoff or express contempt) | :: halveksia, ylenkatsoa, ivata |
scorn {n} (contempt, disdain) | :: ylenkatse, pilkka |
scornful {adj} /ˈskɔɹnfəl/ (showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous) | :: ylenkatseellinen, ivallinen, halveksiva |
scornfully {adv} (in a scornful manner) | :: ivallisesti, halveksivasti |
Scorpio {prop} /ˈskɔːɹpɪoʊ/ (astrological sign) | :: Skorpioni |
Scorpio {prop} (constellation) SEE: Scorpius | :: |
scorpion {n} /ˈskɔɹ.pi.ən/ (any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones) | :: skorpioni |
scorpionfish {n} (fish) | :: skorpionisimppu, skorpionikala |
scorpionfly {n} (any insect of the family Panorpidae) | :: kärsäkorento |
scorpionfly {n} (insect order Mecoptera) | :: skorpionikorento |
Scorpius {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Scorpio | :: |
Scorpius {prop} /ˈskɔːɹpɪəs/ (constellation) | :: Skorpioni |
scorzonera {n} (black salsify) SEE: black salsify | :: |
Scot {n} /ˈskɑt/ (a person born in or native to Scotland) | :: skotti |
Scotch crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow | :: |
Scotch mist {n} (A cold penetrating mist verging on rain) | :: vihma |
Scotch tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
scoter {n} /ˈskoʊ.tɚ/ (bird) | :: mustalintu |
scotfree {adv} (scot-free) SEE: scot-free | :: |
scot-free {adv} /ˌskɑtˈfɹi/ (free of scot; free of tax) | :: veroton |
scot-free {adv} (without consequences or penalties) | :: rangaistuksetta |
Scotland {prop} /ˈskɑt.lənd/ (country in northwest Europe to the north of England) | :: Skotlanti |
Scotland Yard {prop} (headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Department of the London Metropolitan Police Force) | :: Scotland Yard |
scotoma {n} /skə.ˈtoʊ.mə/ (area of impaired or lost vision) | :: skotooma |
scotophobia {n} (fear of darkness) | :: pimeänpelko, skotofobia, nyktofobia |
Scots {n} /skɒts/ (Lowland Scots language) | :: skotti, skotin kieli |
Scots Gaelic {n} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic | :: |
Scottish {adj} /ˈskɑt.ɪʃ/ (of a person) | :: skotlantilainen |
Scottish {adj} (of a thing or concept) | :: skotlantilainen |
Scottish {n} (the people of Scotland) | :: skotlantilaiset {p} |
Scottish Deerhound {n} (Scottish Deerhound) | :: skotlanninhirvikoira |
Scottish Gaelic {n} (The Gaelic language of Scotland) | :: gaeli |
Scottishness {n} (the quality of characteristic of being Scottish) | :: skotlantilaisuus |
Scottish terrier {n} (breed of dog) | :: skotlanninterrieri, skotti |
scoundrel {n} /ˈskaʊ̯ndɹəl/ (villain) | :: roisto, lurjus, konna, ketku, kanalja, hunsvotti, kelmi, heittiö, ilkimys, liero, ketale |
scourer {n} (tool used to scour) SEE: scouring pad | :: |
scourge {n} /skɔɹdʒ/ (persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble) | :: vitsaus, maanvaiva, riesa |
scourge {n} (means to inflict such pain) | :: kirot {p} |
scourge {n} (a whip often of leather) | :: piiska, ruoska |
scourging {n} (flogging) SEE: flogging | :: |
scouring pad {n} (pad with sponge-like and abrasive side) | :: hankaussieni |
scouring pad {n} (piece of rough fabric) | :: karhunkieli |
scouring powder {n} (abrasive cleaner) | :: hankausjauhe |
scout {n} /skaʊt/ (person sent out to gain and bring in tidings) | :: tiedustelija |
scout {n} (act of scouting) | :: tiedustelu, partiointi |
scout {n} (member of the scout movement) | :: partiolainen |
scout {n} (one who identifies promising talent) | :: kykyjenmetsästäjä |
scout {v} (to explore a wide terrain) | :: partioida |
scouting {n} /ˈskaʊtɪŋ/ (act of one who scouts) | :: partiolaisuus |
scouting {n} (the Scouting movement) | :: partioliike |
scouting {n} (activities of boy scouts and girl scouts) | :: partio, partiotoiminta |
Scouts {prop} (worldwide youth movement) | :: partioliike, partio |
Scouts {prop} (members of that movement collectively) | :: partiolaiset {p} |
scowl {n} /skaʊl/ (wrinkling of the brows or face) | :: kurtistus, murjotus |
scowl {n} (gloom; dark or threatening aspect) | :: synkkä ilme, mulkoilu, murjotus |
scowl {v} (to wrinkle the brows) | :: kurtistaa, murjottaa |
scowl {v} (to look gloomy) | :: synkistellä, julmistella, murjottaa |
scowl {v} (to look at or repel with a scowl or a frown) | :: mulkoilla |
scowl {v} (to express by a scowl) | :: mulkoilla |
scrabble {v} /ˈskɹæbəl/ (to scrape or scratch powerfully) | :: raapia |
scrabble {v} (to do rapid back-and-forth movements with hands or paws) | :: haroa |
Scrabble {prop} /ˈskɹæbl̩/ (board game with interlocking words) | :: Scrabble, Riti-Rati sanapeli |
scrag {v} (to choke) | :: kuristaa |
scram {v} /skɹæm/ (go away) | :: häipyä, ottaa hatkat |
scramble {v} /ˈskɹæmbl̩/ (to move hurriedly to a location using all limbs against a surface) | :: könytä, kömpiä |
scramble {v} (to proceed to a location or an objective in a disorderly manner) | :: rynnätä, kompuroida |
scramble {v} (to mix food ingredients in a mix to be cooked into a loose mass) | :: sekoittaa |
scramble {v} (to process telecommunication signals to make them unintelligible to an unauthorized listener) | :: salata, vääristää |
scramble {v} (to ascend rocky terrain as a leisure activity) | :: kiipeillä |
scramble {n} (a rush or hurry) | :: kiire |
scrambled {adj} (beaten and cooked) | :: munakokkeli [noun; "scrambled eggs"] |
scrambled egg {n} (dish) | :: munakokkeli |
scramjet {n} (scramjet engine) | :: yliäänipatoputkimoottori |
scrap {n} /skɹæp/ (small piece, fragment) | :: palanen, pala, pätkä, ylijäämäpala; tilkku [scrap cloth] |
scrap {n} (leftover food) | :: ruoantähteet {p}, tähteet |
scrap {n} (discarded objects) | :: romu |
scrap {v} (to discard) | :: romuttaa, hylätä |
scrap {n} (fight) | :: nujakka, nahina |
scrap {v} (to fight) | :: tapella, nahistella |
scrape {v} /skɹeɪp/ (draw an object along while exerting pressure) | :: raaputtaa |
scrape {v} (cause to be in a certain state by scraping) | :: raaputtaa |
scrape {v} (injure by scraping) | :: raapia, naarmuttaa |
scrape {n} (injury) | :: naarmu |
scrape {n} (fight) | :: tappelu |
scrape {n} (awkward set of circumstances) | :: pula, vaikeudet |
scraper {n} /ˈskɹeɪpɚ/ (an instrument by which anything is scraped) | :: raaputin, maalikaavin, skraba, kaavin, raappa, raavin, raaputin |
scrape the bottom of the barrel {v} | :: kaapia tynnyrin pohjaa, tyytyä rippeisiin |
scrape together {v} (collect small amounts) | :: raapia kasaan |
scrapheap {n} (junkyard) SEE: junkyard | :: |
scrapie {n} /ˈskɹeɪpi/ (A degenerative prion disease) | :: scrapie, skrapi |
scrap paper {n} (used paper, to be reused for jotting notes) | :: paperilappunen |
scratch {v} /skɹætʃ/ (to rub a surface with a sharp object) | :: raapia, kynsiä, rapsuttaa |
scratch {v} (to rub the skin with rough material) | :: hieroa, hiertää |
scratch {v} (To mark a surface with a sharp object) | :: naarmuttaa, raapia |
scratch {v} (to delete) | :: pyyhkiä |
scratch {v} (to write or draw hastily or awkwardly) | :: raapustaa |
scratch {v} (to dig or scrape with claws or fingernails with the intention to injure) | :: raapia, kynsiä |
scratch {n} (disruption or mark on a surface) | :: naarmu, viiru |
scratch {n} (an act of scratching the skin to alleviate an itch or irritation) | :: raapiminen |
scratch {n} (money) | :: raha |
scratching post {n} (wooden post that a cat scratches) | :: raapimapuu |
scratchpad {n} (pad of paper) | :: muistilehtiö |
scratch together {v} (collect small amounts) SEE: scrape together | :: |
scrawl {n} /skɹɔːl/ (irregular handwriting) | :: harakanvarpaat {p} |
scrawl {n} (hastily or carelessly written note) | :: harakanvarpaat {p}, raapustus, riipustus |
scrawl {v} (to write hastily or illegibly) | :: raapustaa, riipustaa |
scrawl {v} (to write in an irregular or illegible manner) | :: raapustaa, riipustaa |
scrawny {adj} /ˈskrɔni/ (Thin, malnourished and weak) | :: luiseva, hintelä, ̺hontelo |
scream {n} /skɹiːm/ (loud exclamation) | :: kirkuna, kirkuminen |
scream {v} (to make the sound of a scream) | :: huutaa, kirkua |
screamer {n} /ˈskɹimɚ/ (one who screams) | :: huutaja, kirkuja |
screamer {n} (bird of family Anhimidae) | :: romisko |
scree {n} /skɹiː/ (loose stony debris on a slope) | :: louhikko |
screech {n} /skɹitʃ/ (high-pitched strident or piercing sound) | :: kirskahdus, kirskuna, kirskunta |
screech {n} (loud harsh sound) | :: rääkäisy |
screech owl {n} (Megascops) | :: pöllönen, kirkupöllönen |
screech owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl | :: |
screen {n} /skɹiːn/ (physical divider) | :: suoja, verho, kilpi |
screen {n} (material woven from fine wires) | :: verkko |
screen {n} (viewing area of electronic output device) | :: kuvaruutu |
screen {n} (movie viewing area) | :: valkokangas |
screen {n} (region of a video game) | :: ruutu |
screen {n} (basketball: offensive tactic) | :: screen |
screen {n} (baseball: protective netting) | :: suojaverkko |
screen {n} (mining: stone classification device) | :: seula |
screen {n} (printing: stencil upon framed mesh) | :: seula |
screen {n} (nautical: collection of vessels) | :: saattue |
screen {n} (architecture: dwarf wall or partition) | :: seinäke |
screen {n} (genetics: technique used to identify genes) | :: seulonta |
screen {v} (to filter) | :: seuloa |
screen {v} (to remove information) | :: sensuroida |
screen {v} (film, television: to present publicly) | :: lähettää, esittää |
screen {v} (to fit with a screen) | :: asentaa verkko, asentaa verho, varustaa verkolla, varustaa verholla, verkottaa |
screencap {n} (screenshot) SEE: screenshot | :: |
screen capture {n} (picture or image captured from a computer screen; a screenshot) | :: ruutukaappaus |
screened cable {n} (cable with incorporated shield) | :: suojattu kaapeli |
screener {n} (one who screens) | :: tarkastaja |
screenful {n} (as much as fits on a screen) | :: ruudullinen |
screening {n} /ˈskɹiːnɪŋ/ (mesh material that is used to screen) | :: verkko |
screening {n} (process of checking or filtering) | :: tarkastus, seulonta |
screening {n} (showing of a film) | :: esitys |
screening {n} (examination and treatment of a material to detect and remove unwanted fractions) | :: seulonta |
screening {n} (material removed by such a process) | :: seulos |
screening {n} (medicine: method to identify a disease in a non-symptomatic population) | :: seulonta |
screen name {n} (a pseudonym used for internet communications) | :: käyttäjänimi, nimimerkki |
screenplay {n} /ˈskɹiːnˌpleɪ/ (script for a movie or a television show) | :: käsikirjoitus |
screenprint {n} (artwork) | :: serigrafia, silkkipainotyö |
screen printing {n} (printing method) | :: silkkipaino, serigrafia |
screen protector {n} (additional protection for a screen) | :: näytönsuojakalvo |
screensaver {n} | :: näytönsäästäjä, ruudunsäästäjä |
screenshot {n} (image of computer screen output) | :: kuvakaappaus, ruudunkaappaus, näyttökuva |
screenshot {v} (take a screenshot) | :: ottaa kuvakaappaus |
screenwriter {n} (one who writes for the screen) | :: käsikirjoittaja, elokuvakäsikirjoittaja |
screw {n} /skɹuː/ (simple machine) | :: ruuvi |
screw {n} (fastener) | :: ruuvi |
screw {n} (ship’s propeller) | :: potkuri |
screw {n} (prison guard) | :: vanginvartija [standard] |
screw {n} (act of screwing) | :: pano, nussiminen |
screw {v} (to connect or assemble pieces using a screw) | :: ruuvata, ruuvata kiinni |
screw {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) | :: naida, nussia, muhinoida |
screw {v} (to cheat or treat unfairly) | :: huijata, kusettaa |
screw {n} (backspin) SEE: backspin | :: |
screw anchor {n} (a fixing that allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls) SEE: wall plug | :: |
screwball {n} /ˈskɹuːbɔːl/ (crazy person) | :: sekopää |
screw cap {n} (cap of a bottle or jar which screws onto the threaded lip of the container) | :: kierrekorkki |
screwdriver {n} (tool) | :: ruuvimeisseli, ruuvitaltta |
screwed {adj} (beset with unfortunate circumstances) | :: pulassa, kusessa, in der Scheiße stecken |
screwed {adj} (slang: intoxicated) | :: kännissä |
screw pine {n} (Pandanus spp.) | :: kairapalmu |
screw thread {n} (helical ridge or groove) | :: kierre |
screw up {v} (to tighten or secure with screws) | :: ruuvata, ruuvata kiinni |
screw up {v} (to raise to extortionate levels) | :: kiristää, kiristää äärimmilleen |
screw up {v} (to twist into a contorted state) | :: vääntää |
screw up {v} (colloquial: to make a mess of; to ruin) | :: tyriä, möhliä, mämmätä |
screw up {v} (colloquial: to blunder) | :: tyriä, möhliä, mämmätä |
screw you {n} (a slightly politer version of "fuck you") | :: vedä käteen [vulgar], haista vittu [vulgar] |
scribe {n} /skɹaɪb/ (one who writes; a draughtsman) | :: kirjuri |
scribe {n} (writer and doctor of the law) | :: lainoppinut |
scribe {n} (steel drawing implement) | :: piirrin |
scribe {n} (journalist) | :: skribentti |
scribe {v} (to write) | :: kirjoittaa |
scribe {v} (to record) | :: kirjata |
scribe {v} (to write or draw with a scribe) | :: piirrottaa |
scrimmage {n} (rough fight) | :: tappelu, nujakka |
scrimmage {n} (practice game) SEE: exhibition game | :: |
script {n} /skɹɪpt/ (writing; written document) | :: kirjoitus |
script {n} (written characters, style of writing) | :: käsiala |
script {n} ((law) an original instrument or document) | :: alkuperäisdokumentti, alkuperäinen |
script {n} (text of the dialogue and action for a drama) | :: käsikirjoitus |
script {n} (procedure or program in computing) | :: komentosarja, komentojono, skripti, ohjelma |
script {n} (a system of writing) | :: kirjoitusjärjestelmä, kirjoitus |
scripting language {n} | :: skriptikieli, komentosarjakieli, komentokieli |
scriptorium {n} /skɹɪpˈtɔː.ɹɪəm/ (room set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts) | :: kirjoitushuone, scriptorium |
script supervisor {n} (member of a film crew) | :: kuvaussihteeri |
scripture {n} /ˈskɹɪptʃɚ/ (any sacred writing or book) | :: pyhä kirjoitus, pyhä kirja |
Scripture {prop} (Tanakh) SEE: Tanakh | :: |
Scripture {prop} (Bible) SEE: Bible | :: |
Scripture {n} (religious text) | :: pyhä kirja, Sana |
scriptwriter {n} (screenwriter) SEE: screenwriter | :: |
scrofulous {adj} (morally degenerate; corrupt) SEE: corrupt | :: |
scroll {n} /skɹoʊl/ (roll of paper or parchment) | :: käärö |
scroll {n} (end of a musical instrument) | :: kierukka |
scroll {v} ((Computing) to change one's view of data on a computer's display) | :: vierittää |
scroll bar {n} (graphical widget) | :: vierityspalkki |
Scroll Lock {n} (a key, originally causing the arrow keys to scroll a window rather than moving a cursor) | :: scroll lock, vierityksen lukitusnäppäin |
scrooge {n} /skɹuːdʒ/ (miserly person) | :: kitupiikki, saituri |
scrotum {n} /ˈskɹəʊtəm/ (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles) | :: kivespussi |
scrounge {v} /skɹaʊndʒ/ (To obtain something of moderate or inconsequential value from another) | :: pummata |
scrub {n} /skɹʌb/ (a thicket or jungle) | :: pensaikko, pusikko, puska, tiheikkö |
scrub {n} (vegetation of inferior quality) | :: puska, pöheikkö |
scrub {v} (to rub hard) | :: jynssätä, jyystää, kuurata |
scrub {v} (to rub anything hard) | :: jynssätä |
scrub {v} (to be diligent and penurious) | :: puurtaa |
scrub {v} (to call off a scheduled event; to cancel) | :: perua, peruuttaa |
scrub {n} (instance of scrubbing) | :: jynssäys |
scrub {n} (one who scrubs) | :: jynssääjä |
scrub {n} (clothing worn in surgery) | :: kirurgin asu |
scrubbing brush {n} (short brush) | :: juuriharja |
scrubby {adj} (covered with scrub) | :: pensaikkoinen, pusikkoinen |
scrubby {adj} (inferior in size or quality) | :: kitukasvuinen, pienikokoinen [inferior in size]; huono, surkea, kurja [inferior in quality] |
scrubfowl {n} (bird of the genus Megapodius) | :: isojalka |
scrub nurse {n} (nurse that handles instruments to the surgeon during an operation) | :: instrumenttihoitaja |
scruff {n} /skɹʌf/ (Someone with an untidy appearance) | :: törkimys, epäsiisti henkilö |
scruff {n} (loose skin at the back of the neck of some animals) | :: niskanahka |
scruff {n} (scruff of the neck) | :: niskavillat |
scruffy {adj} /ˈskɹʌ.fi/ (untidy in appearance) | :: suttuinen, epäsiisti |
scrum {n} /skɹʌm/ (a tightly packed and disorderly crowd of people) | :: tungos |
scrum {n} ((rugby) all the forwards joined together in an organised way) | :: aloitus |
scrummage {n} (rugby formation of all forwards) SEE: scrum | :: |
scrumptious {adj} /ˈskɹʌmp.ʃəs/ (delicious; delectable) | :: herkullinen |
scrunchie {n} (small elasticated ring of fabric) | :: hiuslenkki, donitsi |
scrutinise {v} (scrutinize) SEE: scrutinize | :: |
scrutinize {v} /ˈskɹuːtɨnaɪz/ (to examine with great care) | :: tarkastaa, tutkia tarkasti, tutkia tarkoin, tarkastella |
scrutinize {v} (to audit accounts) | :: tarkastaa |
scrutiny {n} /ˈskɹuː.tɪ.ni/ (intense study) | :: tarkastelu, tarkastus |
scrutiny {n} (thorough inspection) | :: tarkastus, tutkimus |
scry {v} /skɹaɪ/ (predict the future using crystal balls or other objects) | :: katsoa kristallipallosta |
scuba diving {n} (underwater swimming) | :: laitesukellus |
scud {v} (to race along swiftly) | :: kiitää |
scud {n} (act of scudding) | :: kiitäminen, kiito |
scud {n} (clouds or rain driven by the wind) | :: vihma [rain] |
scud {n} (gust of wind) | :: puuska, tuulenpuuska |
scuff {v} /skʌf/ (to scrape the feet while walking) | :: laahustaa, raahustaa |
scuffle {n} /ˈskʌfəl/ (rough, disorderly fight or struggle at close quarters) | :: käsirysy, nujakka, kahakka, kahina |
scuffle {v} (to fight or struggle confusedly at close quarters) | :: nujakoida, kahakoida, kahista, kärhämöidä |
scuffle {v} (to walk with a shuffling gait) | :: laahustaa |
scuffle {v} (to get by (financially)) | :: kitkuttaa, kituuttaa, kitkutella, nitkuttaa |
scull {n} /skʌl/ (single oar mounted at the stern of a boat) | :: airo |
scull {n} (one of a pair of oars) | :: airo |
scull {n} (small boat) | :: jolla |
scull {n} (racing boat) | :: kilpasoutuvene |
scull {v} (to propel a boat with a scull or sculls) | :: soutaa |
scull {v} (drink entire contents) | :: kulauttaa, kumota, kaataa kerralla kurkkuunsa |
scullery {n} /ˈskʌləɹi/ (room, next to a kitchen) | :: kodinhoitohuone, apukeittiö |
sculpin {n} (small fish of the family Cottidae) | :: simppu |
sculptor {n} /ˈskʌlptɚ/ (a person who sculpts) | :: kuvanveistäjä |
sculptural {adj} (of, pertaining to, or having characteristics of sculpture) | :: kuvanveistollinen; veistoksellinen |
sculpture {n} /ˈskʌlpt͡ʃɚ/ (art of sculpting) | :: kuvanveisto |
sculpture {n} (work of art created by sculpting) | :: veistos |
sculpture {v} (to fashion into 3D figure) | :: veistää, muovata |
sculpture {v} (to represent in sculpture) | :: esittää |
sculpture {v} (to shape a land feature) | :: muovata |
sculpturesque {adj} (like or suggesting sculpture) | :: veistosmainen |
scum {n} /skʌm/ (layer of impurities) | :: kuona |
scum {n} (greenish water vegetation) | :: leväpuuro [algae] |
scum {n} (topmost liquid layer of a cesspool or septic tank) | :: pintaliete |
scum {n} (person or persons considered to be reprehensible) | :: roskaväki, pohjasakka |
scumbag {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
scumbag {n} (despicable person) | :: paskiainen; roisto, lurjus, konna |
scup {n} (Stenotomus chrysops) | :: amerikanhammasahven |
scupper {n} /ˈskʌp.ɚ/ (nautical: drainage hole) | :: valumisaukko, spyygatti, nieluaukko, valumisreikä |
scupper {n} (architecture: drainage hole in a wall or parapet) | :: valumisaukko |
scupper {v} (thwart, destroy) | :: romuttaa, pilata, tehdä tyhjäksi |
scurrilous {adj} /ˈskʌ.ɹə.ləs/ (foul-mouthed) | :: rääväsuinen, ruokoton |
scurrilous {adj} (coarse, vulgar, abusive, or slanderous) | :: ruokoton |
scurry {v} /ˈskʌɹi/ (to run away with quick light steps) | :: kipittää, vipeltää |
scurvy {n} (deficiency of vitamin C) | :: keripukki |
scurvy-grass {n} (Cochlearia) | :: kuirimo |
scut {n} (distasteful work; drudgery) SEE: drudgery | :: |
scut {n} /skʌt/ (short, erect tail) | :: töpöhäntä |
scutch grass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass | :: |
scute {n} /skjuːt/ (plate or scale) | :: kilpi |
scuttle {n} /ˈskʌtəl/ (a container like an open bucket) | :: hiilisanko, sanko |
scuttle {n} (small hatch or opening in a boat) | :: luukku |
scuttle {n} (hatch that provides access to the roof) | :: kattoluukku |
scuttle {v} (To deliberately sink a ship (often by order of the captain)) | :: upottaa |
scuttle {v} (To move hastily, to scurry) | :: vilistää, kipittää |
scuttlebutt {n} /ˈskʌtəlbʌt/ (gossip, rumour, idle chatter) | :: huhupuhe |
Scutum {prop} (constellation) | :: Kilpi |
scyphozoan {n} (jellyfish) | :: liuskameduusa |
scythe {n} /ˈsaɪθ/ (farm tool) | :: viikate |
scythe {v} (to cut with a scythe) | :: niittää |
Scythian {n} /ˈsɪði.ən/ (an inhabitant of Scythia) | :: skyytti |
Scythian {adj} (relating to Scythia or Scythians) | :: skyyttalainen |
Scythian {prop} (Eastern Iranian language of Scythians) | :: skyytti |
sea {n} /siː/ (body of water) | :: meri |
sea anchor {n} (parachute to slow a drifting ship) | :: ajoankkuri, laahusankkuri |
sea anemone {n} (polyp) | :: merivuokko |
sea bass {n} /ˈsiːbæs/ (salt-water fish) | :: meribassi |
seabed {n} (floor or bottom of the sea or ocean) | :: merenpohja |
Seabee {n} (force) | :: meripioneerit {p} [similar force in Finnish navy] |
Seabee {n} (member) | :: meripioneeri [similar specialist in Finnish navy] |
sea beet {n} (Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima) | :: rantajuurikas |
seabird {n} /ˈsiːbɜː(ɹ)d/ (any bird that spends most of its time in coastal waters) | :: merilintu |
sea blubber {n} (Cyanea capillata) | :: hiusmeduusa |
sea bluebell {n} (Mertensia maritima) | :: merihalikka |
seaborgium {n} /siːˈbɔːɹɡiəm/ (chemical element with atomic number 106) | :: seaborgium |
sea bream {n} (any of several species of marine fish) | :: hammasahven [Sparidae], pomfretti [Bramidae] |
sea buckthorn {n} (shrub of the genus Hippophae) | :: tyrni |
sea change {n} (profound transformation) | :: käännekohta |
sea cow {n} (marine mammal of the order Sirenia) | :: sireenieläin, merilehmä |
sea cucumber {n} (sea cucumber) | :: merimakkara |
seadog {n} (dogfish) SEE: dogfish | :: |
seadog {n} (sailor accustomed to the sea) | :: merikarhu |
seadog {n} (heraldry: seal or similar design) | :: hylje |
sea eagle {n} (genus Haliaeetus) | :: merikotkat |
sea eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle | :: |
seafarer {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
seafarer {n} (one who travels by sea) | :: merenkulkija |
seafaring {adj} (fit to travel on the sea) SEE: seagoing | :: |
seafaring {adj} (following a life at sea) | :: merenkulkija- |
seafaring {n} (work or calling of a sailor) | :: merenkulku |
sea fennel {n} (Crithmum maritimum) SEE: rock samphire | :: |
seafood {n} /ˈsiːfuːd/ (fish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life) | :: merenantimet {p}, merenelävät {p}, meren vilja, meriruoka; kalaruoka |
seagoing {adj} (made for or used on the high seas) | :: avomeri- |
seagoing {adj} (fit for the high seas) | :: merikelpoinen |
seagrass {n} (grasslike marine plants) | :: meriheinä |
seagull {n} /ˈsiː.ɡʌl/ (bird of the family Laridae) | :: lokki |
sea holly {n} (Eryngium maritimum) | :: meripiikkiputki |
sea holly {n} (Eryngium) | :: piikkiputki |
sea horse {n} (walrus) SEE: walrus | :: |
sea horse {n} (fish) | :: merihevonen |
sea ice {n} (frozen seawater) | :: merijää |
sea kale {n} (Crambe maritima) | :: merikaali |
seal {n} /siːl/ (pinniped) | :: hylje |
seal {v} (to hunt seals) | :: pyytää hylkeitä |
seal {n} (stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance) | :: leimasin |
seal {n} (impression of such stamp) | :: leima |
seal {n} (design or insignia associated with organization or official role) | :: vaakuna, tunnus |
seal {n} (anything that secures or authenticates) | :: leima |
seal {n} (something which will be visibly damaged when a covering or container is opened) | :: sinetti |
seal {n} (confirmation) | :: hyväksyntä ["seal of approval"] |
seal {n} (something designed to prevent leaking) | :: tiiviste |
seal {n} (tight closure) | :: tiiviys |
seal {v} (to place a seal on (a document)) | :: sinetöidä |
seal {v} (to mark with a stamp) | :: leimata |
seal {v} (to fasten (something) closed so that it cannot be opened without visible damage) | :: sinetöidä |
seal {v} (to prevent people or vehicles from crossing (something)) | :: sulkea |
seal {v} (to close securely) | :: tiivistää |
seal {v} (to place in a sealed container) | :: sinetöidä, sulkea |
seal {v} (chess: to place a notation of one's next move in a sealed envelope) | :: sinetöidä |
seal {v} (to guarantee) | :: sinetöidä |
seal {n} (chakra) SEE: chakra | :: |
sea lamprey {n} (animal) | :: merinahkiainen |
sea lane {n} (a route used by ships) | :: vesiväylä |
sealant {n} /ˈsiːlənt/ (material used to seal a surface so as to prevent passage of a fluid) | :: tiivistysaine, tiiviste |
sealed beam {n} (type of lamp) | :: umpiovalaisin |
sealed bid {n} (type of bid) | :: suljettu tarjous |
sea legs {n} (ability to walk steadily aboard) | :: merijalat {p} |
sea legs {n} (crab stick) SEE: crab stick | :: |
sea leopard {n} (Hydrurga leptonyx) SEE: leopard seal | :: |
sea level {n} (nominal height of the surface of the oceans above which heights of geographical features and aircraft flight levels are measured) | :: merenpinnan taso, merenpinta |
sea lily {n} (stalked crinoid) | :: (varsinainen) merililja |
sealing {n} /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ (hunting of seals) | :: hylkeenpyynti |
sealing wax {n} /ˈsiːlɪŋ ˌwæks/ (wax formerly melted onto a letter to seal it) | :: sinettivaha |
sea lion {n} (member of the Otariidae family) | :: merileijona |
seal ring {n} (signet ring) SEE: signet ring | :: |
seal script {n} (ancient Chinese calligraphy used for seals and chops) | :: sinettikirjoitus |
seal script {n} (small seal script) SEE: small seal script | :: |
Sealyham terrier {n} (breed of terrier) | :: sealyhaminterrieri |
seam {n} /siːm/ (folded back and stitched piece of fabric) | :: sauma |
seam {n} (suture) | :: ommel, tikkaus |
seam {n} (thin stratum of mineral) | :: suoni, juonne |
seam allowance {n} /ˈsiːm əˌlaʊ.ənts/ (part of the material or fabric added to the dimensions of a pattern outside the seam) | :: saumanvara |
seaman {n} /ˈsiːmən/ (naval rank) | :: matruusi |
seaman {n} (mariner or sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
seamark {n} (elevated object on land) | :: maamerkki |
seamark {n} (beacon, buoy etc.) | :: merimerkki |
seaming machine {n} (machine) | :: saumain, saumauskone |
seamless {adj} (Having no seams) | :: saumaton |
seamless {adj} (Without interruption; coherent) | :: saumaton |
sea monster {n} (large, aggressive creature in the sea) | :: merihirviö, turso |
seamster {n} (person who sews clothes) | :: ompelija |
seamstress {n} /ˈsɛm(p).stɹɪs/ (a woman who sews clothes professionally) | :: ompelijatar |
Sea of Azov {prop} /ˈsiː əv ˈɑːzɒv/ (sea) | :: Asovanmeri |
Sea of Galilee {prop} (lake in northern Israel) | :: Genesaretinjärvi |
Sea of Japan {prop} (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia) | :: Japaninmeri |
Sea of Okhotsk {prop} /ˌsiː əv əˈxɒtsk/ (sea) | :: Ohotanmeri |
sea onion {n} (Drimia maritima) | :: merisipuli, jättimerisipuli |
sea otter {n} (Enhydra lutris) | :: merisaukko |
sea-parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin | :: |
Sea Peoples {prop} (confederacy of seafaring raiders) | :: merikansat {p} |
sea perch {n} /ˈsiːpɜːtʃ/ (fish of the genus Sebastes) | :: korusimppu |
sea piece {n} (marine painting) | :: merimaalaus |
seaplane {n} (an aircraft) | :: vesitaso |
sear {v} /siːɹ/ (To char, scorch, or burn the surface of something with a hot instrument) | :: kärventää, korventaa, polttaa |
sear {n} (A scar produced by searing) | :: paloarpi, palanut kohta, kärventymä |
search {v} (to search) SEE: look | :: |
search {n} /sɝt͡ʃ/ (an attempt to find something) | :: etsintä |
search {v} (to look throughout (a place) for something) | :: etsiä, tutkia |
search {v} ((followed by "for") to look thoroughly) | :: etsiä |
search box {n} (computing: A text box for the input of text to be searched for in a database, on the Internet, etc.) | :: hakukenttä |
search engine {n} (application that searches for data) | :: hakukone |
search engine optimization {n} (improvement of a web site's ranking in search engines) | :: hakukoneoptimointi |
searchlight {n} (a light source that projects a bright beam of light in any direction) | :: valonheitin |
searchlight {n} (the light from the above source) | :: valokeila |
search term {n} (word or phrase) | :: hakutermi |
search tree {n} (tree data structure) | :: hakupuu |
search warrant {n} (court order authorising the search of a place) | :: kotietsintälupa |
searocket {n} (Cakile) | :: merisinappi |
seashell {n} (shell) | :: kotilo, simpukankuori, näkinkenkä |
seashore {n} /ˈsiːʃɔɹ/ (the coastal land bordering a sea or ocean) | :: merenranta, rannikko |
sea-sickness {n} (seasickness) SEE: seasickness | :: |
seasickness {n} /ˈsiːsɪk.nəs/ (a feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship) | :: merisairaus |
seaside {n} (the area by and around the sea) | :: merenranta |
seaside {adj} (related to a seaside) | :: merenranta- |
seaside resort {n} (coastal holiday resort) | :: rantalomakohde |
season {n} /ˈsiːzən/ (quarter of a year) | :: vuodenaika |
season {n} (part of year with something special) | :: kausi, sesonki [shopping] |
season {n} (a group of episodes) | :: kausi |
season {v} (to make fit for any use by time or habit) | :: totuttaa |
season {v} (to prepare by drying or hardening) | :: kuivattaa |
season {v} (to flavour food) | :: maustaa, höystää |
seasonable {adj} (appropriate to current season) | :: vuodenaikaan sopiva |
seasonal {adj} /ˈsiːzənəl/ (of, related to or reliant on a season) | :: kausiluonteinen, sesonki-, kausittainen |
seasonal affective disorder {n} (Depression associated with lack of natural light in winter) | :: kaamosmasennus |
seasonal unemployment {n} (type of unemployment) | :: kausityöttömyys |
seasoning {n} (cooking ingredient) | :: mauste, höyste |
season ticket {n} (ticket that is valid for all of the events in a series) | :: kausilippu |
sea spider {n} (sea spider) | :: merilukki |
sea squirt {n} (animal of the class Ascidiacea) | :: merituppi |
seat {n} /siːt/ (place in which to sit) | :: istumapaikka, paikka [in airplane, bus etc.] |
seat {n} (piece of furniture) | :: istuin |
seat {n} (horizontal portion of a chair) | :: istuinosa, tuolinistuin |
seat {n} (part of an object or individual directly involved in sitting) | :: istuin [most objects], satula [bicycles or motorcycles], takamus [person] |
seat {n} (part of clothing) | :: takamus |
seat {n} (membership in a representative body) | :: paikka |
seat {n} (location of a governing body) | :: istuntopaikka |
seat {n} (electoral district) | :: vaalipiiri |
seat {v} (to put an object into a place) | :: asettaa paikalleen |
seat {v} (to provide places to sit) | :: mahtua, olla tilaa; sijoittaa istumaan, istuttaa |
seat {v} (to request or direct to sit) | :: pyytää istuutumaan |
seat {v} (legislature: to provide seat) | :: olla paikka |
seat {v} (to assign the seats of) | :: jakaa paikat |
seat {v} (to cause to occupy a post; to settle) | :: asettaa virkaan [cause to occupy a post]; asettua [settle oneself] |
seat {v} (to rest; lie down) | :: levätä |
seat {v} (to settle; to plant with inhabitants) | :: asuttaa |
seat {v} (to put a seat or bottom in) | :: asentaa istuinosa |
SEAT {prop} /ˈseɪæt/ (auto maker) | :: SEAT |
SEAT {prop} (car) | :: Seat |
seat at the table {n} | :: pöytäpaikka |
seat belt {n} (restraining belt) | :: turvavyö, istuinvyö |
seating {n} /ˈsiːtɪŋ/ (provision of chairs) | :: istumapaikat {p} |
seating {n} (period when restaurant seats guests) | :: kattaus |
seat of honor {n} (place of honor) SEE: place of honor | :: |
seat post {n} | :: satulatolppa, satulatanko |
sea trout {n} (Salmo trutta morpha trutta) | :: meritaimen |
sea turtle {n} (any turtle that inhabits oceans) | :: merikilpikonna |
sea urchin {n} /ˈsi ˌɝtʃɪ̈n/ (any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea) | :: merisiili |
seawall {n} (coastal defence) | :: rantamuuri, rantavalli |
seaward {adj} (in the direction toward the sea) | :: merenpuoleinen |
seaward {adv} (toward the sea) | :: merelle, merelle päin |
seawater {n} (salt water of a sea or ocean) | :: merivesi |
seaway {n} | :: laivareitti |
seaweed {n} (marine plants and algae) | :: merilevä |
seawolf {n} (Anarhichas lupus) | :: merikissa, kissakala |
seaworthiness {n} (property of being fit to go to sea) | :: merikelpoisuus |
seaworthy {adj} /ˈsiːwɝði/ (fit for the sea) | :: merikelpoinen |
seax {n} /ˈsiːks/ (short Saxon sword) | :: väkipuukko |
sebaceous {adj} (of or relating to fat, sebum) | :: rasvainen |
sebaceous gland {n} (gland of skin secreting sebum) | :: talirauhanen |
seborrhea {n} (skin disorder) | :: seborrea, talinvuoto |
seborrheic {adj} (of or pertaining to seborrhea) | :: seborrooinen |
sebum {n} /ˈsibm̩/ (thick oily substance) | :: tali |
secant {n} /ˈsiːkənt/ (in geometry) | :: leikkaaja, sekantti |
secant {n} (in trigonometry) | :: sekantti |
secateurs {n} (pruning shears) SEE: pruning shears | :: |
secede {v} /sɪˈsiːd/ (To split from or to withdraw from membership of a political union, an alliance or an organisation) | :: erota |
secession {n} /səˈsɛʃən/ (The act of seceding) | :: ero, eroaminen |
secluded {adj} (in seclusion, isolated, remote) | :: syrjäinen |
second {adj} /ˈsɛk.(ə)nd/ (second (numeral), see also: 2nd) | :: toinen |
second {adj} (that comes after the first) | :: toinen, kakkonen |
second {adv} (at the second rank) | :: toiseksi |
second {adv} (after first occurrence) | :: toisena |
second {n} (number two in a series) | :: kakkonen |
second {n} (one that is next in rank) | :: kakkonen |
second {n} (place next below first in a race or contest) | :: kakkossija, toinen sija |
second {n} (manufactured item that fails to meet quality control standards) | :: sekunda, kakkoslaatu |
second {n} (additional helping of food) | :: lisää (more) |
second {n} (another chance to achieve what should have been done the first time) | :: toinen mahdollisuus, uusi mahdollisuus |
second {n} (music: interval between two adjacent notes) | :: sekunti |
second {n} (second gear) | :: kakkonen, kakkosvaihde |
second {n} (baseball: second base) | :: kakkospesä, kakkonen |
second {v} (to follow in the next place) | :: seurata |
second {n} /ˈsɛk.(ə)nd/ (one-sixtieth of a minute; SI unit of time) | :: sekunti |
second {n} (unit of angular measure) | :: kulmasekunti, sekunti |
second {n} (short, indeterminate amount of time) | :: hetki, sekunti |
second {v} /ˈsɛk.(ə)nd/ (to temporarily transfer employment) | :: komentaa |
second {v} (to assist, support, back) | :: tukea |
second {v} (to agree as a second person) | :: kannattaa |
second {n} (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant) | :: sekundantti, avustaja |
second {n} (one who agrees in addition) | :: kannattaja |
secondary care {n} (medicine: healthcare provided by specialists) | :: erikoissairaanhoito |
secondary colour {n} (any of the three colours) | :: väliväri |
secondary liability {n} (legal responsibility) | :: toissijainen vastuu |
secondary market {n} (part of financial market) | :: jälkimarkkinat {p} |
secondary school {n} (school) | :: yläaste ja lukio |
secondary sector {n} (economic sector that uses raw materials and produces manufactured goods) | :: jalostussektori, jalostus, teollisuussektori |
secondary smoking {n} (passive smoking) SEE: passive smoking | :: |
secondary source {n} ((historiography) document that draws on primary sources) | :: sekundäärilähde |
secondary structure {n} (3D form of biopolymer) | :: sekundaarirakenne |
second base {n} (the base opposite home plate) | :: kakkospesä, kakkonen |
second baseman {n} (defensive player) | :: kakkosvahti |
second-class {adj} (inferior in quality or standing) | :: toisen luokan |
second coming {n} (the return of Jesus Christ) | :: toinen tuleminen |
second cousin {n} (grandnephew or grandniece of a grandparent) | :: pikkuserkku |
second-degree {adj} (causing blistering of skin) | :: toisen asteen |
second-degree burn {n} (burn that blisters the skin) | :: toisen asteen palovamma |
second fiddle {n} (music: fiddle part in harmony to the first fiddle) | :: toinen viulu |
second fiddle {n} (music: person playing second fiddle) | :: toinen viulu |
second fiddle {n} (sidekick or subordinate; the role of such a person) | :: apuri |
second gear {n} (second lowest gear) | :: kakkosvaihde, kakkonen, toinen vaihde |
second gear {n} (mediocre performance) | :: vajaateho |
second-growth forest {n} (forest which has been harvested and is regrowing) | :: kasvava metsä |
second half {n} (period of play after half time) | :: toinen puoliaika |
second-half {n} (second half) SEE: second half | :: |
second hand {n} /ˈsɛkənd ˌhænd/ (the hand or pointer that shows the number of seconds that have passed) | :: sekuntiosoitin, sekuntiviisari |
second hand {adj} (secondhand) SEE: secondhand | :: |
secondhand {adj} (not new; previously owned and used by another) | :: käytetty |
secondhand {adj} (dealing in such merchandise) | :: käytetyn tavaran |
secondhand {adj} (indirect, passive) | :: passiivinen |
secondhand {adv} (indirectly) | :: epäsuorasti, välikäden kautta |
secondhand embarrassment {n} (embarrassment felt for someone else: vicarious embarrassment) SEE: vicarious embarrassment | :: |
second-hand smoke {n} (smoke from cigarettes, that any person including non-smokers could breathe in) | :: tupakansavu |
second helping {n} (a second portion of the same thing (usually of food)) | :: santsaus, santsi, lisäannos |
second language {n} (language spoken other than the mother tongue) | :: muu kieli |
second last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate | :: |
second lieutenant {n} (the rank below a lieutenant) | :: vänrikki |
secondly {adv} /ˈsɛk.(ə)ndli/ (in the second place) | :: toiseksi |
secondment {n} (temporary transfer) | :: siirto, komennus |
second nature {n} (mindset) | :: toinen luonto [also see veressä] |
second of arc {n} (angle of an arc) | :: kaarisekunti, kulmasekunti |
second opinion {n} (appraisal by a professional to confirm or disconfirm the advice of another person) | :: toinen mielipide |
second person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience) | :: toinen persoona |
second-person {adj} (in the second person) | :: toisen persoonan |
second-person {adj} (using verbs in the second person) | :: sinä-muotoinen |
second-rate {adj} (of mediocre quality) | :: sekunda |
Second Reich {prop} (German Empire, see also: German Empire) | :: Toinen valtakunta |
seconds {n} /ˈsɛk.əndz/ (second serving) | :: lisäannos, santsaus, santsi |
second to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate | :: |
second to none {n} (heroin) SEE: heroin | :: |
second to none {adj} (as good as the best) | :: vailla vertaa |
second wind {n} (renewed feeling of energy) | :: uusi puhti [particularly in partitive singular], voimanpuuska |
Second World War {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II | :: |
secret {n} /ˈsiːkɹɪt/ (knowledge that is hidden) | :: salaisuus, sala, salatieto |
secret {adj} (being or kept hidden.) | :: salainen, salattu, sala-, piilotettu, piilo- |
secret admirer {n} (romantic admirer) | :: salainen ihailija |
secret agent {n} (member of an intelligence agency whose identity or affiliation is kept confidential) | :: salainen agentti |
secretary {n} /ˈsɛk.ɹəˌtə.ɹi/ (person keeping records and handling clerical work) | :: sihteeri, kirjuri |
secretary {n} (head of a department of government) | :: ministeri |
secretary {n} (leading or managerial position in certain organizations) | :: sihteeri |
secretary {n} (type of desk) | :: kirjoituspöytä |
secretary {n} (sagittarius serpentarius) | :: sihteeri |
secretary bird {n} /ˈsɛkɹəˌtɛɹɪ bɜːd/ (member of bird family) | :: sihteerilintu, sihteeri |
Secretary General {n} (chief administrator of an international body) | :: pääsihteeri |
secretarylike {adj} (resembling a secretary or some aspect of one) | :: sihteerimäinen |
Secretary of State {n} (government position) | :: valtiosihteeri; ulkoministeri [US Secr. of St.] |
secrete {v} /sɪˈkɹiːt/ ((transitive) produce by secretion) | :: erittää |
secrete {v} (to conceal) | :: kätkeä, piilottaa |
secrete {v} (to steal) | :: varastaa, kähveltää |
secretion {n} (secreted substance) | :: erite |
secretion {n} (act of secreting) | :: eritys |
secretion {n} (act of hiding) | :: piilottaminen, piilottelu |
secretive {adj} (having an inclination to secrecy) | :: salaperäinen |
secretly {adv} /ˈsi.kɹə (in a secret manner) | :: salaa, salaisesti, salassa, vaivihkaa |
secret of Polichinelle {n} (secret known to everyone) | :: julkinen salaisuus |
secret police {n} (police operating outside normal boundaries of law) | :: salainen poliisi |
secret recipe {n} (recipe whose details are held under secrecy) | :: salainen resepti |
secret service {n} (government organization) | :: salainen palvelu |
sect {n} /sɛkt/ (religious movement) | :: lahko [religious] |
sectarianism {n} /sekˈteəɹi.ənɪzəm/ (rigid adherence to a particular sect, party or denomination) | :: lahkolaisuus |
section {n} /ˈsɛkʃən/ (cutting, part cut out) | :: leike |
section {n} (part, piece or subdivision of anything) | :: lohko, osa, osasto, jaos; sektio [music] |
section {n} (part of a document) | :: jakso, luku, kappale, kohta, osasto [newspaper], luku, pykälä, artikla [law] |
section {n} (act or instance of cutting) | :: leikkaus |
section {n} (surgery: incision or the act of making an incision) | :: leikkaus, sektio |
section {n} (science: thin slice of material) | :: leike |
section {v} (to cut) | :: leikata, jakaa, lohkoa |
sector {n} /ˈsɛk.təɹ/ (section) | :: lohko, sektori |
sector {n} (zone) | :: vyöhyke |
sector {n} (part of circle) | :: sektori |
sector {n} (fixed-sized unit of sequential data storage) | :: sektori |
sector {n} (military operation area) | :: lohko, vastuualue |
sector {n} (a field of economic activity) | :: sektori |
sectoral {adj} (pertaining to a sector) | :: aloittainen, alakohtainen |
secular {adj} /ˈsɛkjələɹ/ (not specifically religious) | :: maallinen |
secular {adj} (temporal) | :: maallinen, ajallinen |
secular {adj} (not bound by the vows of a monastic order) | :: maallikko- |
secular {adj} (happening once in an age or century) | :: sekulaarinen |
secular {adj} (long-term) | :: pysyvä, pitkäaikainen |
secular {adj} (astrophysics: of or pertaining to long-term non-periodic irregularities) | :: sekulaarinen |
secular {adj} (atomic physics: unperturbed over time) | :: sekulaarinen |
secular {n} (A secular ecclesiastic, or one not bound by monastic rules) | :: sekulaari |
secular {n} (A church official whose functions are confined to the vocal department of the choir) | :: sekulaari |
secular {n} (A layman, as distinguished from a clergyman) | :: maallikko |
secular arm {n} | :: maallinen valta |
secularism {n} /ˈsɛkjʊləˌɹɪzəm/ (neutrality towards all religions) | :: sekularismi |
secularism {n} (the political belief in the separation of church and state) | :: sekularismi |
secularize {v} (to make secular) | :: sekularisoida, sekulaaristaa |
secularly {adv} (in a secular fashion) | :: maallisesti |
secure {adj} /səˈkjʊə(ɹ)/ (free from attack or danger; protected) | :: turvassa, turvallinen, turva- |
secure {adj} (free from the danger of theft; safe) | :: tallessa, turvassa |
secure {adj} (free from the risk of eavesdropping, interception or discovery; secret) | :: salattu |
secure {adj} (free from anxiety or doubt; unafraid) | :: peloton, varma |
secure {adj} (Firm and not likely to fail; stable) | :: vakaa |
secure {adj} (Free from the risk of financial loss; reliable) | :: varma, luotettava |
secure {v} (To make secure) | :: turvata, suojata, varmistaa, kiinnittää |
secure {v} (to make fast, to firmly affix) | :: teljetä, sulkea, lukita |
secure {v} (to get possession of, to acquire) | :: taata itselleen, varmistaa itselleen |
securitization {n} /sɪˈkjʊəɹɪtʌɪzeɪʃən/ (process of securitizing assets) | :: arvopaperistaminen |
securitize {v} (to convert assets to secrities) | :: arvopaperistaa |
security {n} /səˈkjɔɹ.ɪˌti/ (condition of not being threatened) | :: turvallisuus, turva |
security {n} (something that secures) | :: turva |
security {n} (organization or department responsible for providing security) | :: turvallisuuspalvelu, turvallisuusosasto |
security {n} (something that secures the fulfillment of an obligation) | :: takaus, takuu |
security {n} (finance: tradeable financial asset) | :: arvopaperi |
security {n} (finance: property temporarily relinquished) | :: takaus, pantti, vakuus |
security blanket {n} (blanket used to produce secure feeling) | :: turvariepu |
security blanket {n} (any object used to produce sense of security) | :: turvariepu |
Security Council {prop} (UN Security Council) SEE: UN Security Council | :: |
security deposit {n} (amount of money paid in advance as security) | :: takuutalletus, vuokratakuu |
security forces {n} (euphemism for army) | :: turvallisuusjoukot {p} |
security guard {n} (person employed to provided security) | :: järjestyksenvalvoja, vartija |
security hole {n} (security vulnerability in a computer system) | :: tietoturva-aukko, turva-aukko |
security service {n} (government organisation) | :: suojelupoliisi, turvallisuuspalvelu |
sedan {n} /səˈdæn/ (enclosed chair carried by porters) | :: kantotuoli |
sedan {n} (style of automobile) | :: sedan, porrasperä |
sedan chair {n} (small litter or palanquin) | :: kantotuoli |
sedate {adj} /səˈdeɪt/ (in a composed and temperate state) | :: rauhallinen, tyyni, hillitty |
sedate {v} (to calm or put to sleep using a sedative drug) | :: rauhoittaa, antaa rauhoittavia |
sedate {v} (to make tranquil) | :: rauhoittaa |
sedately {adv} (calmly, without excessive emotion or force) | :: tyynesti, rauhallisesti |
sedation {n} (act) | :: sedaatio |
sedative {n} /ˈsɛdətɪv/ (an agent or drug that sedates) | :: unilääke, rauhoituslääke, sedatiivi, rauhoite |
sedative {adj} (calming, soothing, inducing sleep, tranquilizing) | :: rauhoittava, unettava, nukuttava |
sedentary {adj} /ˈsɛd(ə)ntɛɹi/ (not moving, not migratory) | :: vähän liikkuva |
sedentary {adj} (not moving much; sitting around) | :: istuma-, paikallaan pysyvä |
sedge {n} /sɛd͡ʒ/ (any plant of the genus Carex) | :: sara |
sedge {n} (any plant of the family Cyperaceae) | :: sarakasvi |
sedge frog {n} (frog of the family Hyperoliidae) | :: ruokosammakko |
sedge warbler {n} (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) | :: ruokokerttunen |
sediment {n} /ˈsɛd.ɪ.mənt/ (collection of small particles) | :: sedimentti, kerrostuma |
sediment {v} (to deposit material as a sediment) | :: sedimentoida |
sediment {v} (to be deposited as a sediment) | :: sedimentoitua |
sedimentary {adj} /ˌsɛdəˈmɛntəɹi/ (composed of sediment) | :: kerrostunut, sedimenttinen, sedimentti- |
sedimentary rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) | :: sedimenttikivilaji, kerrostunut kivilaji |
sedimentation {n} (separation of a suspension of solid particles into a slurry) | :: sedimentoituminen, saostuminen, saostaminen |
sedimentology {n} (study of natural sediments) | :: sedimentologia |
seduction {n} /sɪˈdʌk.ʃn̩/ (act of seducing) | :: houkuttelu, viettely |
seductive {adj} /sɪˈdʌktɪv/ (attractive, alluring, tempting) | :: viettelevä |
seductress {n} (woman who seduces) | :: viettelijätär |
sedulous {adj} /ˈsɛd͡ʒʊləs/ (of a person: diligent in application or pursuit) | :: väsymätön |
see {v} /siː/ (perceive with the eyes) | :: nähdä, katsoa |
see {v} (understand) | :: käsittää, nähdä, ymmärtää, tajuta |
see {v} (to meet, to visit) | :: tavata, nähdä |
see {interj} (interjection to attract attention) | :: katsos, katsokaas [plural], hei |
see {n} (diocese) | :: hiippakunta |
see {n} (office of a bishop) | :: piispanistuin |
see {n} (place where sovereign power is exercised) | :: valtaistuin |
Seebeck effect {n} (thermodynamic effect) | :: Seebeck-ilmiö |
seed {n} /siːd/ (fertilized grain) | :: siemen |
seed {n} (precursor) | :: esiaste, siemen |
seed {n} (semen) | :: sperma, siemen, siemenneste |
seed {v} (to plant or sow seeds) | :: kylvää |
seedbed {n} (ground prepared for planting of seeds) | :: kylvöpenkki |
seedbed {n} (figuratively: place conducive to development and attainment) | :: kasvualusta |
seed corn {n} (seed that is saved for planting) | :: siemenvilja |
seed drill {n} (type of sowing machine) | :: kylvökone |
seed grain {n} (seed corn) SEE: seed corn | :: |
seediness {n} /ˈsiːdinəs/ (property of being unkempt) | :: rähjäisyys, nuhruisuus |
seediness {n} (property of being full of seeds) | :: runsassiemenisyys |
seedless {adj} (not having seeds) | :: siemenetön |
seedlessness {n} (absence of seeds) | :: siemenettömyys |
seedling {n} /ˈsiːdlɪŋ/ (young plant grown from seed) | :: taimi |
seed money {n} (Money used to set up a new business venture.) | :: alkupääoma, siemenrahoitus |
seedpod {n} (pouch-like form on a plant) SEE: pod | :: |
seedtime {n} /ˈsidˌtaɪm/ (the time to sow a seed) | :: kylvöaika |
seed tree {n} (superior tree) | :: siemenpuu |
seed vault {n} (long term seed storage) | :: siemenholvi |
seedy {adj} (full of seeds) | :: runsassiemeninen |
seedy {adj} (disreputable; run-down) | :: huonomaineinen, huonokuntoinen |
seedy {adj} (untidy; unkempt) | :: likainen, rähjäinen, nuhruinen |
seedy {adj} (infirm; gone to seed) | :: huonovointinen, huonokuntoinen |
seedy {adj} (suffering effects of hangover) | :: huonovointinen, huonokuntoinen |
seeing {adj} /ˈsiːɪŋ/ (having vision; not blind) | :: näkevä |
seeing {n} (the action of the verb to see; eyesight) | :: näkeminen |
seeing {n} (the movement or distortion of a telescopic image as a result of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere) | :: seeing |
seeing {conj} (inasmuch as; in view of the fact) | :: koska, sikäli kuin |
seeing-eye dog {n} (seeing-eye dog) SEE: guide dog | :: |
seeing is believing {proverb} (you need to see something to believe it) | :: uskoo, ken näkee |
seek {v} /siːk/ (to try to find) | :: etsiä |
seek {v} (to ask for) | :: pyytää (jotakin) |
seek {v} (to try to acquire or gain) | :: tavoitella (jotakin) |
seek {v} (to travel (in a given direction)) | :: pyrkiä (jotakin kohti) |
seek {v} (to try to reach or come to) | :: pyrkiä (jonnekin) |
seek {v} ((computing) to navigate a stream) | :: kelata |
seek a knot in a bulrush {v} | :: keksiä vikoja, saivarrella |
seek and ye shall find {proverb} (one finds what one looks for) | :: etsivä löytää |
seeker {n} /ˈsiːkə/ (One who seeks) | :: etsijä, tavoittelija, pyrkijä, hakija |
seeking {adj} /siːkɪŋ/ (that seeks something specified) | :: -hakuinen |
seel {v} (To blind) SEE: blind | :: |
seem {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look | :: |
seem {v} /siːm/ (to appear) | :: näyttää, tuntua, vaikuttaa |
seemingly {adv} (apparently) SEE: apparently | :: |
see Naples and die {proverb} (since nothing compares to the beauty of Naples, you can die after you've seen it) | :: nähdä Napoli ja kuolla |
see off {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
see off {v} (to accompany someone to a point of departure) | :: saattaa ulos |
seep {n} /siːp/ (to ooze through pores) | :: tihkua, vuotaa |
seepage {n} (process) | :: tihkuminen |
see past the end of one's nose {v} (have insight into underlying facts or consequences) | :: nähdä nenäänsä pidemmälle |
seer {n} /siːɹ/ (someone who foretells the future) | :: näkijä, tietäjä |
see reason {v} (see sense) SEE: see sense | :: |
see red {v} (to become angry) | :: nähdä punaista |
see red {v} (to receive a red card) | :: saada punainen kortti |
seesaw {n} /ˈsiːsɔː/ (structure moving up and down, balanced in the middle) | :: keinulauta |
seesaw {n} (movement) | :: keinuminen |
seesaw {v} (to use a seesaw) | :: keinua |
seesaw {v} (to fluctuate) | :: keinua |
see sense {v} | :: tulla järkiinsä |
seethe {v} /siːð/ (to boil vigorously (intransitive verb)) | :: kiehua |
seethe {v} ((figuratively) to be in an agitated state of turmoil) | :: [allative + 3rd-pers. sg. of] keittää |
see the forest for the trees {v} (to discern overall pattern from details) | :: nähdä metsä puilta |
see the light {v} (undergo a spiritual conversion) | :: valaistua |
see the light {v} (gain an insight) | :: oivaltaa, tajuta, tulla järkiinsä |
see the light {v} (come into the world or to public notice) | :: nähdä päivänvaloa, tulla päivänvaloon |
see the light of day {v} (appear; be realised) | :: nähdä päivänvalo |
see through {v} (perceive visually through something transparent) | :: nähdä läpi |
see through {v} (avoid being deceived) | :: nähdä läpi |
see through {v} (to recognize someone's true motives) | :: nähdä läpi |
see through {v} (to provide support or cooperation throughout a period of time) | :: tukea ("throughout a period of time": jonkin aikana) |
see through {v} (to do something until it is finished) | :: viedä loppuun |
see through {v} (to constitute ample supply) | :: riittää ("for a time": joksikin ajaksi) |
see-through {adj} (transparent) SEE: transparent | :: |
see-through {adj} (translucent) SEE: translucent | :: |
see ya {interj} (see you) SEE: see you | :: |
see you {phrase} /ˈsiː juː/ (see you later) | :: nähdään, näkemiin |
see you later {phrase} (goodbye) | :: näkemiin, heippa, näkemisiin, hei hei |
see you soon {interj} (goodbye) | :: nähdään, nähdään pian |
see you tomorrow {phrase} (see you tomorrow) | :: nähdään huomenna |
segment {n} /ˈsɛɡmɛnt/ (length of some object) | :: pätkä |
segment {n} (one of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided; a part divided or cut off) | :: lohko [orange etc.]; lehdykkä [leaf]; jaoke [e.g. milliped]; segmentti [part cut off] |
segment {n} (geometry: part of a sphere cut off by a plane) | :: pallosegmentti |
segment {n} (phonology: consonant or a vowel) | :: äänne |
segment {n} (zoology: one of several parts of an organism, with similar structure, arranged in a chain) | :: jaoke |
segment {n} (broadcasting: part of a program devoted to a topic) | :: osio |
segment {n} (computing: Ethernet bus) | :: ethernet-väylä |
segment {v} (to divide into segments or sections) | :: segmentoida, jakaa segmentteihin |
segment {n} (line segment) SEE: line segment | :: |
segment {n} (circular segment) SEE: circular segment | :: |
segmentation {n} (the act or an instance of dividing into segments) | :: segmentointi |
segregate {v} /ˈsɛɡɹəɡət/ (to separate) | :: erotella |
segue {v} /ˈsɛɡweɪ/ (to move smoothly from one topic to another) | :: siirtyä juohevasti, sujuvasti, huomaamatta |
segue {v} (music: to move smoothly from one theme to another) | :: liukua |
segue {v} (to play a sequence of records without talking in between) | :: soittaa putkeen |
segue {n} (an instance of segueing, a transition) | :: siirtymä |
seiche {n} /seɪʃ/ (standing wave in a lake) | :: seiche-ilmiö |
seine {n} /seɪn/ (fishing net) | :: nuotta |
seine {v} (to fish) | :: nuotata, vetää nuottaa |
Seinäjoki {prop} (a city in Finland) | :: Seinäjoki |
seismic {adj} /ˈsaɪzmɪk/ (related to, or caused by an earthquake or other vibration of the Earth) | :: seisminen |
seismicity {n} (factor of how seismic a region is) | :: seismisyys |
seismic wave {n} (vibrational wave that travels through the Earth) | :: maanjäristysaalto, seisminen aalto |
seismogram {n} (output from an accelerograph or seismograph) | :: seismogrammi |
seismograph {n} /ˈsaɪz.mə.ɡɹæf/ (instrument that detects and records earthquakes) | :: seismografi |
seismologist {n} (person who practices seismology) | :: seismologi |
seismology {n} /saɪzˈmɑlədʒi/ (the study of the vibration of the Earth's interior) | :: seismologia |
seismometer {n} (device used by seismologists to measure seismic waves) | :: seismometri |
seitan {n} /ˈseɪtən/ (wheat gluten) | :: seitan |
sei whale {n} (whale of the rorqual family) | :: seitivalas |
seiyuu {n} (voice actor) SEE: voice actor | :: |
seizable {adj} (capable of being seized) | :: takavarikoitavissa oleva |
seize {v} /siːz/ (grab) | :: tarttua |
seize {v} (take advantage) | :: tarttua tilaisuuteen |
seize the day {v} (enjoy the present) | :: tartu hetkeen |
seize up {v} (muscles stiffen) | :: mennä lukkoon |
seizure {n} /ˈsiʒɚ / (act of taking possession, as by force or right of law) | :: pidätys |
seizure {n} (sudden attack or convulsion) | :: kohtaus |
seizure {n} (sudden onset of pain or emotion) | :: kohtaus |
sejunct {adj} (separate) SEE: separate | :: |
Selangor {prop} (western Malaysian state) | :: Selangor |
selcouth {adj} /sɛlˈkuːθ/ (strange, rare, marvellous) | :: erikoinen, omituinen |
seldom {adv} /ˈsɛldəm/ (infrequently, rarely) | :: harvoin |
select {v} /sɪˈlɛkt/ (to choose one or more elements from a set) | :: valita |
selectable {adj} /səˈlɛktəbl̩/ (capable of being selected) | :: valittava, valittavissa oleva |
selected {adj} /sɪˈlɛktɪd/ (that have been selected or chosen) | :: valittu |
selection {n} /səˈlɛkʃən/ (process or act of selecting) | :: valinta, valitseminen |
selection {n} (something selected) | :: valinta |
selection {n} (variety of items taken from a larger collection) | :: valikoima |
selective {adj} /səˈlɛktɪv/ (of or pertaining to the process of selection) | :: valikoiva, selektiivinen |
selective {adj} (choosy, fussy or discriminating when selecting) | :: valikoiva, selektiivinen |
selective breeding {n} (artificial selection) SEE: artificial selection | :: |
selectively {adv} (in a selective manner) | :: valikoivasti |
selective school {n} (type of school) | :: valikoiva koulu |
selenite {n} (gypsum) | :: seleniitti |
selenite {n} (from selenous acid) | :: seleniitti |
selenium {n} /sɪˈliː.ni.əm/ (chemical element) | :: seleeni |
selenium hexafluoride {n} (SeF6) | :: seleeniheksafluoridi |
selenium yeast {n} (material that has selenium atoms incorporated into the amino acid methionine) | :: seleenihiiva |
selenography {n} (scientific study of the moon) | :: kuututkimus |
selenologist {n} (person skilled or involved in selenology) | :: kuututkija |
selenology {n} /sɛliːˈnɒləd͡ʒɪ/ (the study of the moon and several satellites) | :: kuututkimus, selenologia |
self {n} /sɛlf/ (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness) | :: itse |
self- {prefix} (of, by, in or with oneself or itself) | :: itse- |
self-absorbed {adj} (heavily concerned with oneself) | :: itseriittoinen |
self-actualization {n} (psychological development) | :: itsensä toteuttaminen |
self-assurance {n} (state or quality of being confident in oneself) | :: itsevarmuus |
self-assured {adj} (confident on one's abilities) | :: itsevarma |
self-aware {adj} (aware of oneself) | :: tietoinen itsestään |
self-awareness {n} (state of being self-aware) | :: tietoisuus itsestä, itsetajunta |
self-belief {n} (trust in one's positive characteristics) | :: itsetunto |
self-censorship {n} (act of censoring one's own work) | :: itsesensuuri |
self-centered {adj} (egotistically obsessed with oneself) | :: itsekeskeinen |
self-command {n} (conscious control of one's own behaviour) | :: itsehillintä |
self-complacent {adj} (complacently self-satisfied) | :: itseensä tyytyväinen, omahyväinen |
self-confidence {n} (state of being self-confident) | :: itseluottamus |
self-confidence {n} (measure of one's belief in one's own abilities) | :: itseluottamus |
self-confident {adj} (confident in one's abilities) | :: itsevarma |
self-conscious {adj} (aware of oneself as an individual being) | :: itsetietoinen |
self-conscious {adj} (uncomfortably over-conscious of one's appearance or behaviour) | :: omahyväinen, itsetietoinen |
self-conscious {adj} (socially ill at ease) | :: hämillinen, estoinen, vaivaantunut |
self-consciousness {n} (awareness of the self as an entity) | :: minätietoisuus |
self-consciousness {n} (shyness) | :: ujous, arkuus |
self-contained {adj} (not requiring external or additional support) | :: omavarainen |
self-contradictory {adj} (statements that contradict themselves) | :: sisäisesti ristiriitainen |
self-control {n} /ˌsɛlf kənˈtɹoʊl/ (ability to control one's desires and impulses) | :: itsehillintä |
self-critical {adj} /sɛlfˈkɹɪtɪkəl/ (capable of criticizing oneself) | :: itsekriittinen |
self-criticism {n} (criticism of oneself) | :: itsekritiikki |
self-cultivation {n} (practice) | :: itsensä kehittäminen |
self-deception {n} (fooling oneself) | :: itsepetos |
self-defense {n} (means of defending oneself from attack) | :: itsepuolustus |
self-defense {n} ((law) Defense for oneself against violence) | :: itsepuolustus |
self-deprecating {adj} /ˌsɛlfˈdɛpɹəˌkeɪtɪŋ/ (critical of oneself) | :: itseään vähättelevä, itseironinen [humorously self-deprecating] |
self-deprecatory {adj} (self-deprecating) SEE: self-deprecating | :: |
self-destruct {v} (to destroy oneself) | :: tuhota itsensä |
self-destruction {n} (voluntary destruction of something by itself) | :: itsetuho |
self-destructive {adj} (that causes injury to oneself or harm to one's interests) | :: itsetuhoinen |
self-destructiveness {n} (state or tendency) | :: itsetuhoisuus |
self-determination {n} (political independence of a people) | :: itsemääräämisoikeus |
self-discipline {n} (control of oneself) | :: itsekuri |
self-distance {n} (the ability to critically reflect on oneself) | :: itsekriittisyys |
self-driving car {n} (autonomous vehicle) SEE: autonomous vehicle | :: |
self-educated {adj} (having learned without the direction of a teacher) | :: itseoppinut |
self-effacement {n} (keeping in the background) | :: vaatimattomuus |
self-employed {adj} (working for oneself) | :: itsensä työllistävä |
self-employment {n} (working for oneself) | :: itsensä työllistäminen |
self-esteem {n} /ˌsɛlf.ə.ˈstiːm/ (confidence in one's own worth) | :: itsetunto, itseluottamus, itsekunnioitus, omanarvontunto |
self-evidence {n} (the quality of being self-evident) | :: itsestäänselvyys |
self-evidency {n} (quality of being self-evident) | :: itsestäänselvyys |
self-evident {adj} (obviously true) | :: itsestään selvä |
self-examination {n} (examination of oneself) | :: itsetutkiskelu |
self-extinguishing {adj} | :: itsensä sammuttava |
self-fulfilling {adj} (describing a prediction that causes itself to occur as predicted) | :: itsensä toteuttava |
self-government {n} (self-government) | :: itsehallinto |
selfheal {n} (Prunella vulgaris) SEE: heal-all | :: |
selfheal {n} (plant of genus Prunella) | :: niittyhumala |
self-help {n} (bettering oneself without relying on the assistance of others) | :: itseapu |
self-help {n} (redressing or preventing a wrong by one's own actions) | :: oma apu |
selfhood {n} (individuality) | :: minuus; yksilöllisyys |
selfhood {n} (personality) | :: persoonallisuus; yksilöllisyys |
selfhood {n} (selfishness) | :: itsekeskeisyys, itsekkyys |
selfie {n} /ˈsɛlfi/ (photographic self-portrait) | :: selfie, omakuva, meitsie |
selfie stick {n} (extendable arm to hold a camera) | :: selfiekeppi |
self-image {n} (way a person views themself) | :: minäkuva |
self-immolate {v} (to set oneself on fire) | :: tehdä polttoitsemurha |
self-immolation {n} (setting oneself on fire) | :: polttoitsemurha |
self-importance {n} (exaggerated estimate of one's own importance) | :: itsetärkeys |
self-important {adj} (having too high an opinion of one's own importance) | :: itsetärkeä, tärkeilevä |
self-imposed {adj} (voluntarily imposed upon oneself) | :: oma-aloitteinen, vapaaehtoinen |
self-improvement {n} (following a disciplined programme to improve one’s health or character) | :: itsensä kehittäminen |
self-indulgence {n} (excessive or immoderate indulgence of one's own personal desires and needs) | :: hillittömyys, omahyväisyys, tolkuttomuus |
self-indulgent {adj} (exhibiting tendencies of self-indulgence) | :: hillitön, omahyväinen, tolkuton |
self-inflicted {adj} (Inflicted by oneself) | :: itse aiheutettu |
self-interest {n} (personal interest) | :: oma etu |
selfish {adj} /ˈsɛlfɪʃ/ (holding one's self-interest as the standard for decision making) | :: itsekäs, itsekeskeinen |
selfish {adj} (regard for oneself above others' well-being) | :: itsekäs, itsekeskeinen |
selfishness {n} /ˈsɛlfɪʃnəs/ (quality of being selfish) | :: itsekkyys |
self-isolate {v} (isolate oneself) | :: olla omaehtoisessa eristyksessä |
self-isolation {n} (isolation from others) | :: omaehtoinen eristys |
self-learning {n} (learning done by oneself) | :: itseopiskelu |
selfless {adj} (having, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish) | :: epäitsekäs |
self-love {n} (regard for oneself) | :: itserakkaus |
self-made {adj} (having achieved success by one's own efforts) | :: itse uransa luonut, oman onnensa seppä |
self-made {adj} (made by oneself) | :: omatekoinen, itse tehty |
self-medication {n} (medication of oneself without professional advice) | :: itselääkitys |
self-pity {n} (feeling of pity for oneself) | :: itsesääli |
self pollination {n} (self pollination) SEE: self-pollination | :: |
self-pollination {n} (Pollination of a flower by its own pollen) | :: itsepölytys |
self-pollution {n} (obsolete: masturbation) | :: itsesaastutus |
self-possession {n} (confidence in one's own powers) | :: itseluottamus |
self-possession {n} (calmness and composure) | :: itsehillintä |
self-preservation {n} /ˌsɛlfˌpɹɛzɜˈɹ.veɪ.ʃən/ (self-preservation) | :: itsesuojelu |
self-proclaimed {adj} (announced by oneself) | :: itsensä joksikin julistanut |
self-propelled {adj} (having its own means of propulsion) | :: itseliikkuva |
self-publishing {v} (the publishing of books and other media by the authors) | :: omakustannus |
self-quarantine {n} /ˌsɛlfˈkwɒɹəntiːn/ (isolation by avoiding physical contact with other individuals) | :: omaehtoinen karanteeni |
self-raising {adj} (capable of rising without leavening agent) | :: itsenouseva |
self-raising flour {n} (flour) | :: kohotusainetta sisältävä jauho |
self-reference {n} (act or process of referring to itself) | :: itseviittaus |
self-reliance {n} (independence) | :: itseluottamus |
self-reliant {adj} (reliant upon oneself) | :: itseluottavainen |
self-respect {n} (knowledge of one's own worth) | :: itsekunnioitus |
self-restraint {n} (self-restraint) | :: itsekuri |
self-righteous {adj} (piously self-assured and smugly moralistic) | :: omahyväinen, hurskasteleva |
self-righteousness {n} (confident in one's own righteousness, self-assured, smug) | :: omahyväisyys |
self-sacrifice {n} (giving up of one's own benefit) | :: uhrautuminen |
self-satisfaction {n} (being excessively pleased with oneself) | :: omahyväisyys |
self-satisfaction {n} (contentment with one's own accomplishments or situation) | :: itsetyytyväisyys |
self-satisfied {adj} (satisfied with oneself) | :: itsetyytyväinen, omahyväinen |
self-sealing {adj} (with self-activating seals) | :: itsetiivistyvä |
self-sealing {adj} (capable of closing off leaks) | :: itsepaikkaava |
self-seeker {n} (a self-seeking person) | :: oman edun tavoittelija |
self-seeking {adj} (mindful of, or promoting, only one's own interests) | :: omanvoitonpyyteinen |
self-seeking {adj} (military: searching automatically for target) | :: maaliin hakeutuva |
self-service {n} (the practice of serving oneself) | :: itsepalvelu |
self-study {n} (study without the aid of a formal education institution) | :: itseopiskelu |
self-styled {adj} (claimed by the recipient) | :: kotikutoinen |
self-sufficiency {n} (condition of being self-sufficient) | :: omavaraisuus [in terms of physical resources]; itseriittoisuus [mentally] |
self-sufficient {adj} (able to provide for oneself independently of others) | :: omavarainen |
self-talk {n} (talk to oneself) | :: itselleen puhuminen |
self-taught {adj} (educated by oneself) SEE: self-educated | :: |
self-worth {n} (value one assigns to oneself) | :: oma arvo |
sell {v} /sɛl/ (to agree to transfer goods or provide services) | :: myydä |
sell {v} (to be sold) | :: käydä kaupaksi |
sell {v} (to promote a particular viewpoint) | :: myydä |
sell {v} (to trick, cheat, or manipulate someone) | :: harhauttaa, huiputtaa |
sell {v} (professional wrestling: to act) | :: näytellä |
seller {n} /ˈsɛlɚ/ (someone who sells) | :: myyjä, kauppias |
seller's market {n} (excess of demand over supply) | :: myyjän markkinat |
selling point {n} (property or characteristic of a good that most attracts purchasers) | :: myyntiargumentti |
selling price {n} (price at which an item is sold) | :: myyntihinta |
sell like hot cakes {v} (sell quickly) | :: mennä kuin kuumille kiville, mennä kaupaksi, tehdä kauppansa, käydä kaupaksi |
sell off {v} (sell assets for the purpose of getting rid of them quickly) | :: myydä pois |
sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage {v} | :: myydä esikoisoikeutensa hernerokasta |
sell oneself short {phrase} (to belittle oneself) | :: vähätellä itseään |
sell one's soul {v} (to abandon one's values or principles for other benefits) | :: myydä sielunsa |
sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
Sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
sell out {v} (sell all of a product) | :: loppuunmyydä |
sell short {v} (to underestimate the value of something) SEE: underestimate | :: |
sell short {v} (to sell oneself short) SEE: sell oneself short | :: |
sell short {v} (finance: to engage in the process of short selling) | :: myydä lyhyeksi, shortata |
Selma {prop} /ˈsɛlmə/ (female given name) | :: Selma |
selvage {n} (finished edge of a woven fabric parallel with warp) | :: hulpio |
selvage {n} (excess area of printed or perforated sheet) | :: reunus |
selvage {n} (geology: distinct border of a mass of igneous rock) | :: hulpio |
semantic {adj} /sɪˈmæntɪk/ (of or relating to semantics or the meanings of words) | :: semanttinen, merkitysopillinen |
semantic {n} (component of a phono-semantic compound that indicates meaning) | :: semanttinen osa |
semantically {adv} (in the manner of or referring to semantics) | :: semanttisesti, merkitysopillisesti |
semantic field {n} (group of words relating to same subject) | :: semanttinen kenttä |
semantic loan {n} | :: merkityslaina |
semantic memory {n} | :: semanttinen muisti, tietomuisti |
semantics {n} /sɪˈmæntɪks/ (science of the meaning of words) | :: semantiikka, merkitysoppi |
semantics {n} (study of the relationship between words and their meanings) | :: semantiikka, merkitysoppi |
semantics {n} (individual meanings of words) | :: semantiikka, merkitys, merkityssisältö |
semaphore {n} /ˈsɛməfɔː/ (visual system for transmitting information) | :: opastin, opastinjärjestelmä |
semaphore {n} (visual system for transmitting information using flags) | :: lippuviittoilu |
semaphore {n} (mechanism used to restrict access to a shared function or device to a single process at a time) | :: semafori |
semblance {n} /ˈsɛm.bləns/ (likeness, similarity) | :: ulkonäkö |
semelfactive {adj} (of or relating to the semelfactive aspect) | :: semelfaktiivinen, semelfaktiivi |
semelfactive {n} (semelfactive aspect) | :: semelfaktiivinen aspekti |
semen {n} (semen (fluid)) SEE: sperm | :: |
semen {n} /ˈsiːmən/ (male reproductory fluid) | :: siemenneste, sperma |
semese {adj} /sɪˈmiːs/ (half-eaten) | :: puoliksi syöty |
semester {n} /sɪˈmɛstɚ/ (half of school year) | :: lukukausi |
semi {n} /ˈsɛmi/ (semi-detached house) | :: paritalo |
semi- {prefix} /sɛmi/ (half (prefix)) | :: puoli- |
semiannual {adj} (half-yearly) | :: puolivuosittainen, kahdesti vuodessa tapahtuva |
semiarid {adj} (25 to 50 cm rainfall annually) | :: puolikuiva |
semi-automatic {adj} (partially automatic) | :: puoliautomaattinen |
semi-automatic {adj} (of a firearm, loading the next shell but requiring the trigger to be squeezed for each shot) | :: puoliautomaattinen, itselataava |
semibreve {n} (whole note) | :: kokonuotti |
semicircle {n} (half of a circle) | :: puoliympyrä |
semicircumference {n} (half of a circumference) | :: puolipiiri |
semicolon {n} /ˈsɛmikoʊlən/ (punctuation mark ';') | :: puolipiste |
semi-colony {n} (country which is dependent on one or more countries) | :: puolisiirtomaa |
semiconductor {n} (substance with electrical properties between conductor and insulator) | :: puolijohde |
semiconscious {adj} (not fully conscious) | :: sekava |
semiconsonant {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel | :: |
semidesert {n} (semiarid region, approaching desert) | :: puoliaavikko |
semi-detached {adj} (having one wall shared) | :: pari-, see paritalo |
semi-detached {n} (house) | :: paritalo |
semifinal {n} (competition) | :: välierä, semifinaali |
semifinalist {n} (person who competes in the semifinals) | :: semifinalisti |
semigroup {n} (set for which a closed associative binary operation is defined) | :: puoliryhmä |
semi-log paper {n} (graph paper with one logarithmic and one evenly spaced rule) | :: puolilogaritmipaperi |
semimembranosus {n} (The innermost muscle of the thigh) | :: puolikalvoinen lihas |
semimembranous {adj} (partially membranous) | :: puolikalvoinen |
semiminor {adj} (describing each half of minor axis) | :: see: pikkuakselin puolikas |
seminal {adj} /ˈsɛmɪnəl/ (of or relating to seed or semen) | :: siemen- |
seminal {adj} (highly influential) | :: uraauurtava, mullistava |
seminar {n} (class held for advanced studies) | :: seminaari |
seminar {n} (meeting held for the exchange of useful information) | :: seminaari |
seminary {n} (theological school) | :: pappisseminaari |
seminoma {n} (form of testicular cancer) | :: seminooma |
seminude {adj} (half-naked) SEE: half-naked | :: |
semiologically {adv} (in terms of semiology) | :: semiologisesti |
semiology {n} (semiotics) | :: semiologia |
semiotic {adj} /ˌsɛmiːˈɒtɪk/ (of or relating to semiotics or to semantics) | :: semioottinen |
semiotics {n} /sɛmiˈɒtɪks/ (study of signs) | :: semiotiikka |
semipalmated sandpiper {n} (Calidris pusilla) | :: kanadansirri |
semiparametric {adj} (having some, but not all, components that are parametric) | :: semiparametrinen |
semipermeable {adj} /ˌsɛmiˈpɜː(ɹ)miəbəl/ (permeable to some things and not to others) | :: puoliläpäisevä |
semipornographic {adj} (partly pornographic) | :: puolipornografinen |
semipostal {adj} (issued and sold for higher price than face value) | :: avustus- |
semipostal {n} (type of stamp) SEE: semi-postal stamp | :: |
semi-postal stamp {n} (type of postage stamp) | :: avustuspostimerkki |
semi-precious {adj} (sort of or somewhat precious or valuable) | :: puolijalo [of a gem], arvokas, arvo- [valuable] |
semiprime {n} (number that is the product of two primes) | :: puolialkuluku |
semiquaver {n} (music) | :: kuudestoistaosanuotti |
semirecumbent {adj} (half lying, half sitting) | :: puolimakaava |
semi-skimmed milk {n} (type of milk) | :: kevytmaito |
semi-smile {n} (faint smile) | :: hymy, hymynkare |
semi-smile {n} (suppressed or forced smile) | :: hymynkare [suppressed]; hymyntapainen [forced] |
Semite {n} /ˈsɛmaɪt/ (member of any of a number of ancient peoples) | :: seemiläinen |
Semite {n} (descendant of any of these peoples) | :: seemiläinen |
semitendinosus {n} (muscle in the thigh) | :: puolijänteinen lihas |
semitendinous {adj} (relating to the semitendinosus muscle) | :: puolijänteinen |
Semitic {adj} /sɛˈmɪ.tɪk/ (pertaining to the Semitic subdivision of Afroasiatic languages) | :: seemiläinen |
Semitic {adj} (pertaining to the Semites) | :: seemiläinen |
Semitic {prop} (Semitic languages in general) | :: seemiläiset kielet |
Semiticness {n} (quality or state) | :: seemiläisyys |
Semitism {n} (word or idiom of the Jewish vocabulary) | :: semitismi |
Semitism {n} (Jewishness) | :: juutalaisuus |
semitone {n} (interval between adjacent keys) | :: puoliaskel, puolisävelaskel |
semi-trailer {n} (trailer without a front axle and with wheels only at the trailing end) | :: puoliperävaunu |
semi-trailer {n} (tractor-trailer or big rig) | :: puoliperävaunuyhdistelmä, rekka, rekka-auto, puoilikas |
semitransparent {adj} (allowing some visibility but clouded) | :: läpikuultava |
semivowel {n} (sound in speech) | :: puolivokaali |
semla {n} /ˈsɛmlə/ (Swedish pastry eaten on Shrove Tuesday) | :: laskiaispulla |
semolina {n} /ˌsɛməˈliːnə/ (hard grains of flour left after milling) | :: mannasuurimo, vehnäsuurimo, mannaryyni |
semolina pudding {n} (dessert) | :: mannapuuro |
sempiternal {adj} /ˌsɛm.pɪˈtɜː.nəl/ (seemingly everlasting or eternal) | :: ikiaikainen |
senate {n} /ˈsɛnɪt/ (the upper house in some bicameral legislative systems) | :: senaatti |
Senate {prop} (legislative body) | :: senaatti |
Senate {prop} (Roman senate) | :: senaatti |
Senate {prop} (Canadian senate) | :: senaatti |
Senate {prop} (US Senate) | :: senaatti, liittovaltion senaatti |
Senate {prop} (US state senate) | :: senaatti (with the name of the state), osavaltion senaatti |
senator {n} /ˈsɛn.ə.tɚ/ (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate) | :: senaattori |
senator {n} (historic: position in government of ancient Rome) | :: senaattori |
send {v} /sɛnd/ (make something go somewhere) | :: lähettää |
send {v} (bring to a certain condition) | :: tehdä [+ accusative + translative] |
sender {n} /ˈsɛndɚ/ (someone who sends) | :: lähettäjä |
send off {v} (show someone a red card) | :: ajaa ulos |
sendoff {n} (farewell party) | :: läksiäiset |
send shivers down someone's spine {v} (terrify) | :: saada kylmät väreet kulkemaan pitkin selkäpiitä |
send someone packing {v} (expel, eject, or dismiss someone) | :: lähettää matkoihinsa |
send-up {n} /ˈsɛndˌʌp/ (satirical imitation) | :: parodia |
send word {v} (notify via a delivered message) | :: lähettää sana |
Seneca {n} /ˈsɛnəkə/ (tribe) | :: senecat |
Senegal {prop} /ˌsɛn.ɪ.ˈɡɔːl/ (Republic of Senegal) | :: Senegal |
Senegalese {adj} /ˌsɛ.nə.ɡəˈliːz/ (pertaining to Senegal) | :: senegalilainen |
Senegalese {n} (person from Senegal) | :: senegalilainen |
senescence {n} /sɨnˈɛsəns/ (biology: the state or process of aging) | :: vanheneminen |
senescence {n} (cell biology: ceasing to divide by mitosis) | :: vanheneminen |
senescence {n} (gerontology: old age) | :: vanhuus |
senescence {n} (botany: fruit senescence, leading to ripening of fruit) | :: kypsyminen |
senile {adj} /ˈsinaɪl/ (of, or relating to old age) | :: vanhuuden |
senile {adj} (exhibiting the deterioration in mind) | :: seniili, vanhuudenhöperö |
senior {n} /ˈsinjɚ/ (someone older than someone else) | :: vanhempi |
senior {n} (an old person) SEE: senior citizen | :: |
senior citizen {n} (old person) | :: vanhus, eläkeikäinen |
senior high school {n} (institution which provides secondary education) | :: lukio |
sennit {n} (braided cord) | :: köysipalmikko |
sennit {n} (plaited straw) | :: olkipalmikko |
sensation {n} /sɛnˈseɪʃən/ (physical feeling) | :: tunne, tuntemus |
sensation {n} (widespread excitement) | :: sensaatio, kohu |
sensationalism {n} (use of style and subject matter that is intentionally controversial, lurid, or attention-grabbing) | :: sensaationtavoittelu |
sensationalism {n} (philosophy) | :: sensationalismi, aistikeskeisyys |
sensationalist {adj} (characterized by sensationalism) | :: sensaatiohakuinen |
sense {n} /sɛn(t)s/ (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world) | :: aisti |
sense {n} (conscious awareness) | :: tunne |
sense {n} (sound judgement) | :: järki |
sense {n} (meaning or reason) | :: järki |
sense {n} (natural ability) | :: kyky, lahja, lahjakkuus, vaisto |
sense {n} (semantics term) | :: merkitys |
sense {n} (math: direction of a vector) | :: suunta |
sense {n} (math: direction of rotation) | :: pyörimissuunta |
sense {v} (use biological senses) | :: aistia |
sense {v} (to instinctively be aware) | :: vaistota |
sensei {n} /ˈsɛnseɪ/ (martial arts instructor) | :: mestari |
senseless {adj} /ˈsɛnsləs/ (bereft of feeling) | :: tunnoton |
senseless {adj} (bereft of consciousness) | :: tajuton |
senseless {adj} (lacking meaning or purpose) | :: järjetön, mieletön, älytön, älyvapaa |
senseless {adj} (without consideration) | :: järjetön, mieletön, älytön, älyvapaa |
senselessly {adv} (in a senseless manner) | :: tunnottomasti, järjettömästi, mielettömästi, älyttömästi |
senselessness {n} (being senseless) | :: mielettömyys, järjettömyys |
sense of humour {n} (quality of an individual to find certain things funny) | :: huumorintaju |
sense organ {n} (an organic sensor) | :: aistinelin, aistin |
sensible {adj} /ˈsen.sə.bl̩/ (easily perceived, appreciable) | :: ymmärrettävä |
sensible {adj} (aware of something) | :: tietoinen |
sensible {adj} (acting with or showing good judgement) | :: järkevä, järjellinen |
sensible {adj} (characterized more by usefulness than by fashionableness) | :: käytännöllinen |
sensibly {adv} /ˈsɛnsəbli/ (in a sensible manner; in a way that shows good sense) | :: järkevästi, mielekkäästi |
sensitive {adj} /ˈsɛnsɪtɪv/ (having the faculty of sensation; pertaining to the senses) | :: aisti- |
sensitive {adj} (responsive to stimuli) | :: herkkä, aistiherkkä |
sensitive {adj} (easily offended) | :: herkkä, herkkätunteinen, arka |
sensitive {adj} (capable of offending) | :: herkkä, arkaluonteinen |
sensitive {adj} (accurate) | :: herkkä |
sensitively {adv} (in a sensitive manner) | :: herkästi |
sensitive plant {n} (Mimosa pudica) | :: tuntokasvi, tuntomimosa |
sensitivity {n} /ˌsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪti/ (the quality of being sensitive) | :: herkkyys |
sensitivity {n} (the ability of an organism or organ to respond to external stimuli) | :: havaintokyky |
sensitivity {n} (the proportion of positive individuals in a population that will be correctly identified in a binary test) | :: erottelukyky |
sensitivity {n} (the degree of response of an instrument to a change in an input signal) | :: herkkyys |
sensitivity {n} (the degree of response of a film etc. to light of a specified wavelength) | :: herkkyys |
sensitize {v} (to make sensitive or responsive to certain stimuli) | :: herkistää |
sensitize {v} (to make increasingly aware of) | :: herkistyä [intransitive], herkistää [transitive] |
sensor {n} /ˈsɛn.sɚ/ (device or organ that detects certain external stimuli) | :: anturi, tunnistin [device]; aistin; tuntoelin [organ], sensori |
sensory {adj} /ˈsɛnsəɹi/ (of the senses or sensation) | :: aisti-, aistimuksellinen, aistinvarainen, sensorinen |
sensory memory {n} (brief storage in memory) | :: aistimuisti |
sensory overload {n} (state of being overwhelmed by sensory stimulation) | :: aistiylikuormitus |
sensual {adj} /ˈsɛn.ʃu.əl/ (inducing pleasurable or erotic sensations) | :: sensuelli, aistillinen |
sensualism {n} (doctrine: gratification is highest good) | :: sensualismi |
sensualism {n} (doctrine: everything reduces to transformed sensation) | :: sensualismi |
sensuality {n} (state of being sensual, sensuous or sexy) | :: aistillisuus |
sensually {adv} (in a sensual manner) | :: aistillisesti |
sensuous {adj} /ˈsɛnʃuəs/ (appealing to the senses) | :: aistillinen |
sentence {n} /ˈsɛntəns/ (someone's pronounced opinion or judgment on a given question) | :: lausunto |
sentence {n} (decision of a jury) | :: päätös, ratkaisu, tuomio |
sentence {n} (judicial order for punishment, conviction) | :: tuomio |
sentence {n} (punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime) | :: tuomio, rangaistus |
sentence {n} (saying, especially from a great person) | :: sanonta |
sentence {n} (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate) | :: lause, virke |
sentence {n} (logic: formula with no free variables) | :: lause |
sentence {n} (computing: string that can be generated by a given formal grammar) | :: lause |
sentence {v} (declare a sentence on a convicted person) | :: tuomita |
sentence element {n} (grammar) | :: lauseenjäsen |
sentencing range {n} (range of allowed punishments for a given crime) | :: rangaistusasteikko |
sententious {adj} /sɛnˈtɛn.ʃəs/ (using as few words as possible) | :: ytimekäs, niukkasanainen, lyhytsanainen, tiivis |
sentient {adj} /ˈsɛn.ʃ(i.)ənt/ (experiencing sensation, perceiving, thinking, or feeling) | :: tunteva |
sentient {adj} (science fiction: possessing human-like awareness, knowledge and intelligence) | :: älyllinen |
sentient {adj} (conscious or aware) | :: tietoinen |
sentiment {n} /ˈsɛn.tɪ.mənt/ (a general thought) | :: ajatus |
sentiment {n} (feelings or emotions) | :: tunne, tuntemus |
sentimental {adj} /ˌsɛntiˈmɛntl̩/ (characterized by sentiment, sentimentality or excess emotion) | :: tunteellinen, tunne-, sentimentaalinen |
sentimental {adj} (derived from emotion rather than reason) | :: tunne-, tunneperäinen |
sentimental {adj} (romantic) | :: romanttinen |
sentimental value {n} (value of something from associated personal memories) | :: tunnearvo |
sentiment analysis {n} (the analysis of text to identify subjective information about the writer) | :: tunneanalyysi |
sentinel {n} /ˈsɛntɪnəl/ (A sentry or guard) | :: vartija, vahti |
sentinel {n} (a unique phrase of characters) | :: vahti |
sentinel {v} (To watch over something as a guard) | :: vahtia, vartioida |
sentinel event {n} (unusual event in a medical setting which results in death or serious physical injury) | :: haittatapahtuma |
sentry-box {n} (booth for a sentry) | :: vartiokoppi |
Seoul {prop} /səʊl/ (capital of South Korea) | :: Soul |
sepal {n} /ˈsɛp(ə)l/ (part of calyx) | :: verholehti |
separable {adj} (able to be separated) | :: separoituva, erottuva |
separate {adj} /ˈsɛpɹət/ (apart from; not connected to) | :: erillinen, eri, irtonainen |
separate {adj} (followed by "from": not together with) | :: erillinen, erillään [adverb] |
separate {v} (to divide into separate parts) | :: erottaa, jakaa |
separate {v} (to disunite, disconnect) | :: erottaa |
separate {v} (to cause to be separate) | :: erottaa |
separate {v} (to divide itself) | :: erottua |
separated {adj} /ˈsɛpəɹeɪtɪd/ (detached; not connected or joined) | :: erillään oleva |
separated {adj} (estranged; living apart but not divorced) | :: erillään asuva, asumuserossa oleva |
separately {adv} /ˈsɛpɹətli/ (in a separate manner) | :: erillään |
separate the wheat from the chaff {v} (to select only that which is of value) | :: erottaa jyvät akanoista |
separation {n} /sɛpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of disuniting two or more things) | :: erottaminen, erottelu, erotteleminen |
separation {n} (an interval, gap or space that separates things) | :: väli |
separation of duties {n} (requirement) | :: tehtävien eriyttäminen |
separation of powers {n} (model for governance) | :: vallan ositus |
separatism {n} (separatism) | :: separatismi |
separatist {n} /ˈsɛpəɹətɪst/ (political separatist) | :: separatisti |
separatist {adj} (Advocating or seeking the separation of a country or territory) | :: separatistinen |
separator {n} (an object located between two or more things and hence separating them) | :: erotin |
separator {n} (device for removing one substance from another) | :: erotin; separaattori |
Sephardi {n} (a Jew of Iberian ancestry, whose native language was Ladino) | :: sefardi, sefardijuutalainen |
Sephardic {adj} (relating to the culture of the Sephardi Jews) | :: sefardijuutalainen |
sepia {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish | :: |
sepiolite {n} (a clay mineral, the formal name of meerschaum) | :: merenvaha, sepioliitti |
seppuku {n} /sɛˈpuːkuː/ (ritual suicide by disembowelment) | :: harakiri |
sepsis {n} /ˈsɛpsɪs/ (serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed) | :: verenmyrkytys, sepsis |
September {prop} /sɛpˈtɛmbəɹ/ (ninth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: syyskuu |
septentrional {adj} /sɛpˈtɛntɹɪənəl/ (northern) | :: pohjoinen |
septet {n} (group of seven) | :: septetti, seitsikko |
septette {n} (set) | :: septetti |
septette {n} (composition) | :: septetto |
septicemia {n} (disease caused by pathogens in the blood) | :: verenmyrkytys, septikemia |
septic tank {n} (slang: Yank) SEE: Yank | :: |
septic tank {n} (watertight treatment system for domestic sewage) | :: sakokaivo [underground], saostussäiliö [above ground], septitankki [small scale, as in vehicle] |
septillion {num} (a trillion trillion, 1024, see also: quadrillion) | :: kvadriljoona |
septillion {num} (a billion quintillion, 1042, see also: tredecillion) | :: septiljoona |
septoplasty {n} (corrective surgical procedure) | :: septoplastia |
Septuagesima {n} (9th Sunday before Easter) | :: septuagesima |
Septuagint {prop} /ˈsɛptjuːəˌdʒɪnt/ (an ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek) | :: Septuaginta |
septum {n} /ˈsɛptəm/ ((anatomy) wall separating two cavities) | :: väliseinä |
septum {n} ((botany) partition separating the cells of a fruit) | :: väliseinä |
septum {n} ((mycology) partition separating the cells of a fungus) | :: väliseinä |
septum {n} ((zoology) radial calcareous plate of a coral) | :: väliseinä |
septum {n} ((zoology) transverse partition dividing the shell chambers of a mollusc or rhizopod) | :: väliseinä |
septum {n} ((zoology) transverse partition dividing the body cavity of an annelid) | :: väliseinä |
septuple {adj} (Seven times as much) | :: seitsenkertainen |
septuple {v} (multiply by seven) | :: seitsenkertaistaa |
sepulcher {n} /ˈsɛpəɫkɚ/ (burial chamber) | :: hautakammio |
sepulchral {adj} /səˈpʌlkɹəl/ (suggestive of grave) | :: hautamainen |
sepulchre {n} /ˈsɛpəlkɚ/ (burial chamber) | :: hautakammio |
sequel {n} /ˈsiːkwəl/ (a narrative written after another narrative set in the same universe) | :: jatko-osa |
sequela {n} /sɪˈkwiːlə/ (a disease or condition which is caused by an earlier disease or problem) | :: jälkitauti |
sequence {n} /ˈsiːkwəns/ (set of things in a set order) | :: sarja, sekvenssi |
sequence {n} (series of musical phrases where a theme or melody is repeated) | :: sekvenssi |
sequence {n} (poetic, music composition used in some Catholic Masses between the readings) | :: sekvenssi |
sequence {n} (in mathematics, an ordered list of objects) | :: lukujono, jono |
sequent {adj} (that comes after) SEE: subsequent | :: |
sequent {adj} (that follows on) SEE: consequent | :: |
sequent {adj} /ˈsiːkwənt/ (recurring in succession) | :: perättäinen |
sequent {n} (something that follows) | :: seuraus |
sequent {n} (logic) | :: seuraus |
sequential {adj} (sequential) | :: peräkkäinen, peräkkäis- |
sequentially {adv} (in sequence; in order) | :: peräkkäin, vuoronperään |
sequin {n} /ˈsiː.kwɪn/ (Italian/Turkish coin) | :: sekiini |
sequin {n} (sparkling spangle used for decoration of ornate clothing:) | :: paljetti |
sequoia {n} /səˈkwɔɪ.ə/ (tree) | :: punapuu |
Sequoyah {prop} /səˈkwɔɪə/ (Inventor of the syllabary for writing Cherokee) | :: Sequoyah |
seraph {n} /ˈsɛɹəf/ (highest order of angels) | :: serafi |
Seraphina {prop} (female given name) | :: Serafiina |
Serb {n} /ˈsɝb/ (person of Serb descent, see also: Serbian) | :: serbi |
Serb {adj} (of or pertaining to the Serbs or their culture) | :: serbialainen |
Serbia {prop} /ˈsɝ.bi.ə/ (a country in southeastern Europe) | :: Serbia |
Serbia and Montenegro {prop} (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) | :: Serbia ja Montenegro |
Serbian {n} /ˈsɜː(ɹ)biːən/ (person from Serbia, see also: Serb) | :: serbialainen |
Serbian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) | :: serbia, serbian kieli |
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians) | :: serbialainen |
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbian language) | :: serbiankielinen |
Serbian {n} (Serb) SEE: Serb | :: |
Serbness {n} (quality) | :: serbialaisuus |
Serbo-Croatian {n} (South Slavic language) | :: serbokroaatti |
Serbo-Croatian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language) | :: serbokroaatinkielinen |
sere {adj} /sɪə/ (without moisture, see also: dry) | :: kuivunut |
serenade {n} /ˌsɛɹəˈneɪd/ (love song) | :: serenadi |
serenade {v} (serenade) | :: esittää serenadi jollekulle |
serendipity {n} /ˌsɛ.ɹɛnˈdɪp.ɪ.ti/ (unsought, unintended... and/or learning experience that happens by accident) | :: onnekas sattuma, onnenpotku, onnenkantamoinen |
serendipity {n} (a combination of events which are not individually beneficial, but occurring together produce a good or wonderful outcome) | :: onnekas sattumien summa |
serene {adj} /səˈɹin/ (peaceful, calm) | :: seesteinen, rauhallinen, tyyni |
serene {adj} (fair and unclouded) | :: seesteinen, pilvetön, kirkas |
serene {adj} (part of royal title) | :: kuninkaallinen, keisarillinen [etc., according to the rank of the dignitary] |
serenely {adv} (in a serene manner) | :: seesteisesti, rauhallisesti |
serenity {n} /səˈɹɛnɪti/ (state) | :: tyyneys |
serenity {n} (lack of agitation) | :: tyyneys |
serenity {n} (title given to a prince or other dignitary) | :: kunnianarvoisuus |
serf {n} /sɝf/ (semifree peasant) | :: maaorja |
serfdom {n} (state of being a serf) | :: maaorjuus |
serfdom {n} (feudal system) | :: maaorjuus |
sergeant {n} /ˈsɑɹ.dʒənt/ (non-commissioned officer rank) | :: kersantti |
sergeant major loach {n} (Botia rostrata) | :: touhunuoliainen |
Sergius {prop} (male given name) | :: Sergei |
serial {adj} /ˈsɪəɹiːəɫ/ (Having to do with or arranged in a series) | :: sarja- |
serial {n} (literal work) | :: jatkokertomus [fiction]; kirjoitussarja [fact] |
serial {n} (publication) | :: julkaisusarja |
serial comma {n} (comma preceding the final conjunction in a list) | :: Oxford-pilkku |
serialize {v} /ˈsɪɹiəlaɪz/ (convert an object into a byte sequence that can be converted back) | :: sarjallistaa |
serial killer {n} (person who commits multiple murders) | :: sarjamurhaaja |
serial monogamy {n} (practice of having successive marital relationships) | :: peräkkäinen yksiavioisuus |
serial port {n} (physical interface through which data is transferred in or out one bit at a time) | :: sarjaportti |
sericulture {n} /ˈsɛɹɪˌkʌltʃə/ (rearing of silkworms for the production of silk) | :: silkkiperhosten kasvatus |
seriema {n} /sɛɹɪˈiːmə/ (species of bird in the family Cariamidae) | :: käärmekurki |
series {n} /ˈsɪɹiz/ (a number of things that follow on one after the other) | :: sarja |
series {n} (television or radio program) | :: sarja |
series {n} (in analysis: sum of the terms of a sequence) | :: sarja |
series finale {n} (the final episode of a television series) | :: päätösjakso |
serif {n} /sɛˈɹif/ (short line in a font) | :: pääteviiva |
serif {adj} (with serifs) | :: päätteellinen |
serigraphy {n} (printing method) SEE: screen printing | :: |
serigraphy {n} (artwork) SEE: screenprint | :: |
serin {n} (bird) | :: keltahemppo |
serine {n} (nonessential amino acid; CH2OH.CH(NH2)COOH) | :: seriini |
serious {adj} /ˈsɪɹ.i.əs/ (without humor or expression of happiness) | :: vakava, vakavamielinen, totinen |
serious {adj} (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play) | :: vakava |
serious {adj} (really intending what is said; being in earnest) | :: vakava |
seriously {adv} /ˈsɪɹi.əsli/ (in a serious or literal manner) | :: vakavasti, tosissaan, vakavissaan |
serious-minded {adj} (solemn) | :: vakavamielinen |
seriousness {n} /ˈsɪɹiəsnəs/ (state of being serious) | :: vakavuus |
sermon {n} /ˈsɝ.mən/ (religious discourse) | :: saarna |
sermon {n} (speech of reproval) | :: saarna |
sermonizer {n} (one who delivers sermons) | :: sananjulistaja |
Sermon on the Mount {prop} (public discourse given by Jesus) | :: vuorisaarna |
seroconversion {n} (development of antibodies in blood serum) | :: vasta-aineiden kehittyminen |
serologic {adj} (serological) SEE: serological | :: |
serological {adj} (of or pertaining to serology) | :: serologinen |
serology {n} (science that studies the reaction between antigens and antibodies in serum) | :: seerumioppi, serologia |
serology {n} (blood test to detect the presence of antibodies) | :: serologinen tutkimus, vasta-ainetutkimus |
seropositive {adj} (testing positive for a given pathogen) | :: seropositiivinen |
serotherapy {n} (the therapeutic use of sera or vaccines) | :: seerumihoito, seroterapia |
serotonin {n} /ˌsɛɹəˈtoʊnɪn/ (the compound 5-hydroxytryptamine) | :: serotoniini |
serous membrane {n} (thin membrane that secretes serum in body cavity) | :: herakalvo, seroosa |
Serpens {prop} /ˈsɚːpənz/ (large summer constellation of the northern sky) | :: Käärme |
serpent {n} /ˈsɝpənt/ (snake) | :: käärme |
serpent {n} (musical instrument) | :: serpentti |
Serpentarius {prop} (Ophiuchus) SEE: Ophiuchus | :: |
serpentine {adj} /ˈsɚːpəntaɪn/ (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of snakes) | :: käärmemäinen |
serpentine {adj} (of, or having attributes associated with, the serpent referred to in the book of Genesis in the Bible, see also: crafty; deceitful) | :: juonikas |
serpentine {adj} (having the form of a snake) | :: käärmemäinen |
serpentine {adj} (curving in alternate directions, see also: sinuous) | :: kiemurteleva, mutkitteleva, mutkikas |
serpentine {n} (early form of cannon) | :: serpentiini |
serpentine {n} /ˈsɝːpəntin/ (mineral) | :: serpentiini |
serpentine {n} (outcrop or region) | :: serpentiinialue [region] |
serpentinite {n} (metamorphic rock) | :: serpentiniitti |
serrate {adj} (saw-like) | :: sahamainen |
serrate {adj} (having a row of sharp or tooth-like projections) | :: sahalaitainen |
serrate {v} (to make serrate) | :: hammastaa |
serrated {adj} (saw-like) | :: sahalaitainen |
serrated {adj} (Having a row of sharp or tooth-like projections) | :: sahalaitainen |
serratus {n} (muscle) | :: sahalihas |
serum {n} /ˈsɪɹəm/ (yellowish fluid obtained from blood) | :: seerumi, veriseerumi, verihera |
serum {n} (watery fluid from animal tissue) | :: kudosneste |
serum {n} (watery portion of certain animal fluids) | :: hera |
serum {n} (skincare product) | :: seerumi |
serum sickness {n} (allergylike reaction) | :: seerumitauti |
serval {n} /ˈsɝvəl/ (medium-sized African wild cat) | :: servaali |
servant {n} /ˈsɝvənt/ (one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation) | :: palvelija |
servant {n} (one who serves another, providing help in some manner) | :: palvelija |
serve {n} /sɝv/ (sports: act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play) | :: syöttö |
serve {v} (to work for) | :: palvella |
serve {v} (religion: to obey and worship) | :: palvella |
serve {v} (to be subordinate to) | :: avustaa |
serve {v} (to be suitor to) | :: kosia, kosiskella |
serve {v} (to attend, supply the wants of) | :: tarjoilla |
serve {v} (to bring food to) | :: tarjoilla, tarjota |
serve {v} (to perform duties) | :: palvella |
serve {v} (to contribute, promote) | :: hoitaa |
serve {v} (to act in place of) | :: toimia |
serve {v} (to treat (someone)) | :: kohdella |
serve {v} (military: to work or operate) | :: käyttää |
serve {v} (legal: to bring to notice, deliver, or execute) | :: saattaa tietoon |
serve {v} (to make legal service on (someone)) | :: toimittaa, toimia, palvella |
serve {v} (to spend time (of punishment)) | :: istua |
serve {v} (to copulate (of animals)) | :: astua |
serve {v} (sports: to lead off with first delivery (of the ball)) | :: syöttää |
serve {v} (to wind spun yarn) | :: rihmata |
serve {v} (to be a servant) | :: palvella |
serve {v} (to perform domestic offices) | :: palvella |
serve {v} (to be in service) | :: palvella |
serve {v} (to be of use) | :: toimia |
serve {n} (AUS: portion of food) SEE: serving | :: |
serve notice {v} (officially give a legal notice to) | :: ilmoittaa |
serve notice {v} (warn or announce) | :: varoittaa |
serve notice {v} (terminate employment) | :: erottaa |
server {n} /ˈsɝvɚ/ (one who serves) | :: palvelija, tarjoilija |
server {n} (preferred unisex term for a waitress or waiter) | :: tarjoilija |
server {n} (a tray for dishes) | :: tarjotin |
server {n} (computing: a program which provides services to other programs or users) | :: palvelin, palvelinohjelma |
server {n} (computing: a computer dedicated to running server programs) | :: palvelin, serveri |
serve someone right {v} (happen to someone who deserves it) | :: olla jollekin oikein |
serve time {v} (to be in prison) SEE: do time | :: |
Servian {adj} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
Servian {n} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
Servian {prop} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
service {n} /ˈsɝvɪs/ (act of being of assistance to someone) | :: palvelus, palvelu |
service {n} (practice of providing services as economic activity) | :: palvelu |
service {n} (department in a company, etc.) | :: huolto; asiakaspalvelu |
service {n} (computing: function provided by one program or machine for another) | :: palvelu |
service {n} (state of being subordinate or employed) | :: alaisuus, palvelus |
service {n} (the military) | :: palvelus, asepalvelus |
service {n} (set of dishes or utensils) | :: astiasto |
service {n} (sports: act of initially serving the ball) | :: syöttö, aloitussyöttö |
service {n} (religious rite or ritual) | :: jumalanpalvelus |
service {n} (legal: delivery of a summons or writ) | :: tuomion lukeminen |
service {n} (shared taxi) | :: reittitaksi |
service {n} (musical composition for use in churches) | :: kirkkomusiikkiteos |
service {n} (nautical: materials used for serving a rope) | :: tarvikkeet {p} |
service {v} (to serve) | :: palvella |
service {v} (to perform maintenance) | :: huoltaa |
service {n} (service tree) SEE: service tree | :: |
serviceability {n} (property of being useful) | :: käyttökelpoisuus |
serviceability {n} (property of being able to be serviced) | :: huollettavuus |
serviceable {adj} (easy to service) | :: huoltoystävällinen, helppohuoltoinen |
serviceable {adj} (repairable instead of disposable) | :: käyttökelpoinen |
serviceable {adj} (in condition for use) | :: käyttökelpoinen |
service agreement {n} (formal contract of employment) | :: palvelussopimus, työsopimus |
service agreement {n} (contract of providing a service) | :: palvelusopimus |
serviceberry {n} (plant) | :: tuomipihlaja |
serviceberry {n} (berry) | :: tuomipihlajan marja |
service charge {n} (amount added to a bill) | :: palveluraha |
service charge {n} (fee charged for a service) | :: palvelumaksu |
service dog {n} (dog that assists a handicapped person or an official) | :: palveluskoira |
service fee {n} (service charge) SEE: service charge | :: |
service level agreement {n} (contract specifying the level of service) | :: palvelutasosopimus |
serviceman {n} (man who serves in the armed forces) | :: sotilas [anyone]; varusmies, asevelvollinen [conscript] |
serviceman {n} (one employed in service and maintenance) | :: huoltomies |
service mark {n} (trademark for a service) | :: palvelumerkki |
service of process {n} (delivery of information providing notice) | :: haaste |
service of process {n} (effective notification of a lawsuit) | :: haaste |
service pack {n} (collection of software patches or upgrades) | :: service pack, huoltopäivitys |
service provider {n} (company providing a service) | :: palveluntarjoaja |
servicescape {n} (range of services available in the market) | :: palvelutarjonta |
service station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station | :: |
service tree {n} (Sorbus domestica) | :: välimerenpihlaja |
service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) SEE: wild service tree | :: |
serviette {n} (napkin) SEE: napkin | :: |
servile {adj} /ˈsəɹ.vəl/ (of or pertaining to a slave) | :: orja- |
servile {adj} (submissive or slavish) | :: orjallinen, alamainen, orjamainen |
servility {n} /sə.ˈvɪ.lɪ.ti/ (condition of being servile) | :: nöyryys |
serving {n} /ˈsɜːvɪŋ/ (the act of serving) | :: syöttö |
serving {n} (portion of food) | :: annos |
servitude {n} /ˈsɝvɪtud/ (the state of being a slave) | :: orjuus |
servitude {n} (qualified beneficial interest) | :: rasite, servituutti |
seryl {n} /ˈsɛɹ.ɪl/ (univalent radical) | :: seryyli |
sesame {n} /ˈsɛsəmi/ (plant) | :: seesami |
sesame {n} (seed) | :: seesaminsiemen |
sesame oil {n} (oil extracted from sesame seeds) | :: seesamiöljy |
Sesame Street {prop} (television show) | :: Sesame Street |
sesamoid bone {n} (small bone embedded within tendon) | :: jänneluu |
sesamoiditis {n} (inflammation of a sesamoid bone) | :: sesamoidiitti |
sesquiplane {n} (biplane having one long wing and one short one) | :: sesquiplane-kaksitaso |
sesquiquadrate {n} (astrology: 135° angle between celestial objects) | :: puolitoistaneliö |
sessile {adj} (zoology) | :: alustaan kiinnittynyt |
sessile {adj} (botany) | :: varreton, kannaton |
sessile oak {n} (deciduous tree) | :: talvitammi |
session {n} /ˈsɛʃən/ (period devoted to a particular activity) | :: istunto |
session {n} (meeting of a body to conduct business) | :: istunto, kokous |
session {n} ((computing) the sequence of interactions between client and server) | :: istunto |
set {v} /sɛt/ (to put something down) | :: asettaa, panna, pistää, laittaa |
set {v} (to determine) | :: määrätä, asettaa |
set {v} (to adjust) | :: asettaa, säätää |
set {v} (to punch a nail into wood) | :: upottaa |
set {v} (to arrange with dishes and cutlery) | :: kattaa |
set {v} (to introduce) | :: kuvailla |
set {v} (to locate, to backdrop) | :: sijoittaa |
set {v} (to compile, to make (a crossword)) | :: laatia |
set {v} (to prepare (a stage or film set)) | :: lavastaa |
set {v} (to fit (someone) up in a situation) | :: valmistella |
set {v} (to arrange type) | :: asetella |
set {v} (to devise and assign work) | :: antaa tehtäväksi |
set {v} (to direct the ball to a teammate for an attack) | :: passata |
set {v} (to solidify) | :: jähmettyä, kovettua, asettua |
set {v} (of a heavenly body: to disappear below the horizon) | :: laskea |
set {v} (to form as a fruit) | :: muodostua |
set {v} (To put in order in a particular manner; to prepare. ) | :: valmistella |
set {n} (punch for setting nails in wood) | :: upotuspiikki |
set {n} (device for receiving broadcast radio waves; a radio or television) | :: TV, vastaanotin, setti |
set {n} (a series of, a group of) | :: sarja |
set {adj} (ready, prepared) | :: valmis |
set {adj} (intent, determined) | :: määrätietoinen, päättäväinen |
set {adj} (prearranged) | :: kiinteä, määrätty, vakio- |
set {adj} (fixed in one’s opinion) | :: vakuuttunut |
set {adj} (of hair: fixed in a certain style) | :: laitettu |
set {n} (matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables) | :: sarja, setti |
set {n} (collection of various objects for a particular purpose, such as a set of tools) | :: sarja, valikoima, lajitelma |
set {n} (object made up several parts, such as a set of steps) | :: sarja, kuvio, kokoelma |
set {n} (set theory: collection of objects) | :: joukko |
set {n} (group of people, usually meeting socially) | :: ryhmä, piiri |
set {n} (scenery for a film or play) | :: lavastus |
set {n} (dancing: initial or basic formation of dancers) | :: alkumuodostelma, alkuasetelma |
set {n} (in tennis) | :: erä |
set {n} (volleyball) | :: passi, erä |
set {v} (to sit) SEE: sit | :: |
set {n} (badger’s home) SEE: sett | :: |
set {n} (plural: set theory) SEE: set theory | :: |
set about {v} (to initiate or begin some action) | :: aloittaa, alkaa, ryhtyä |
set about {v} (to attack) | :: käydä päälle, käydä kimppuun |
set an example {v} | :: näyttää esimerkkiä |
setback {n} /ˈsɛtbæk/ (adverse event, obstacle) | :: takaisku |
set fire {v} (to light using fire) | :: sytyttää |
set foot {v} (to enter) | :: astua jalallaan |
set forth {v} (to start) SEE: start | :: |
set forth {v} (to state; to describe) | :: mainita, kuvata, esittää |
set forth {v} (to present for consideration) | :: ehdottaa |
set forth {v} (to begin a journey) | :: lähteä matkaan, lähteä |
set free {v} (release, free, give freedom to) | :: vapauttaa |
Seth {prop} /sɛθ/ (the third son of Adam and Eve) | :: Set |
Seth {prop} (a male given name) | :: Seet |
set in motion {v} (trigger movement or progress) | :: laittaa liikkeelle, laittaa liikkeeseen |
setlist {n} (list of songs to be played) | :: soittolista |
set off {v} (To offset) SEE: offset | :: |
set off {v} (To leave; begin a journey or trip) | :: lähteä matkaan |
set off {v} (To cause to explode) | :: räjäyttää, ampua |
set-off {n} (extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors) | :: kuittaus |
set of pipes {n} (voice for singing) | :: lauluääni |
set on fire {v} (cause to begin to burn) | :: sytyttää |
set on fire {v} (arouse passionate feelings in) | :: sytyttää |
set on foot {v} | :: panna alulle |
set out {v} (to explain) | :: yksilöidä, määritellä |
set out {v} (to leave) | :: lähteä matkaan, lähteä |
set out {v} (to start an activity) | :: ryhtyä, alkaa, aloittaa |
set phrase {n} (expression subject to little variation) | :: vakiintunut ilmaus |
set phrase {n} (idiomatic expression) | :: idiomi |
set point {n} (tennis) | :: eräpallo |
set point {n} (fixed location) | :: kiintopiste |
set sail {v} (to embark on a voyage by boat) | :: lähteä purjehtimaan |
set square {n} (flat triangular piece of plastic or other material used in technical drawing) | :: kolmioviivain |
set square {n} (right angle tool) | :: suorakulma |
set store by {v} (believe that something is very necessary) | :: pitää tärkeänä |
Setswana {prop} (Tswana) SEE: Tswana | :: |
sett {n} /sɛt/ (home of a badger) | :: luolasto |
sett {n} (paving stone) | :: nupukivi |
setter {n} /ˈsɛt.ə/ (one who sets something) | :: asettaja, asettelija |
setter {n} (breed of dog) | :: setteri |
setter {n} (volleyball player) | :: syöttäjä |
set-theoretic {adj} (Of, relating to or using set theory) | :: joukko-opillinen |
set-theoretic difference {n} (set-theoretic difference) SEE: relative complement | :: |
set theory {n} (mathematical theory of sets) | :: joukko-oppi |
set the record straight {v} (to correct a previous error) | :: oikaista asia, selvittää asia |
set the scene {v} | :: luoda pohja [+ allative], luoda edellytykset [+ allative] |
set the table {v} (arrange plates, dishes, etc. in preparation for a meal) | :: kattaa pöytä |
set the table {v} (make a future outcome possible) | :: pohjustaa |
set the tone {v} | :: virittää tunnelma |
set the world to rights {v} | :: jutella maailmanmenosta, rupatella maailmanmenosta |
setting {n} /ˈsɛtɪŋ/ (time, place, circumstance) | :: tapahtumapaikka, miljöö |
setting {n} (placement of a control) | :: asetus |
setting pole {n} (pole for pushing out boats, see also: gaff; hook; pike pole; boathook) | :: venekeksi, venehaka |
settle {v} /ˈsɛtəl/ (to determine) | :: ratkaista |
settle {v} (to conclude as an argument) | :: sopia |
settle {v} (to pay a bill) | :: maksaa, sovitella |
settle {v} (to calm) | :: rauhoittua |
settle {v} (to place in a fixed or permanent condition) | :: asettaa |
settle {v} (to fix one's dwelling) | :: asuttaa |
settle down {v} (to become quiet) | :: rauhoittua, asettua |
settle down {v} (to establish a settled lifestyle) | :: asettua |
settle down {v} (to get comfortable with new circumstances) | :: asettua taloksi; kotiutua |
settlement {n} /ˈset.l.mənt/ (act) | :: asuttaminen |
settlement {n} (state) | :: asuttaminen |
settlement {n} (newly established colony) | :: siirtokunta, uudisasutus |
settlement {n} (community of people living together) | :: yhteisö |
settlement {n} ((architecture): gradual sinking of a building) | :: laskeutuminen |
settlement {n} ((finance) delivery and payment) | :: kaupan toteuttaminen |
settlement {n} ((law) settled place of abode) | :: asunto |
settlement {n} ((law) resolution) | :: ratkaisu |
settlement agreement {n} (agreement) | :: sovintosopimus |
settler {n} /ˈsɛt.lɚ/ (someone who settles in a new location) | :: uudisraivaaja, uudisasukas |
settler {n} (someone who decides something, such as a dispute) | :: sovittelija |
settler {n} (drink that settles the stomach) | :: digestiivi |
settling {n} /ˈsɛtl̩ɪŋ/ (dregs) | :: sakka, saos |
set to music {v} (to adapt a literary work) | :: säveltää |
set-top box {n} (device that connects some source of signal to a television set) | :: digiboksi |
set up {v} (to ready something for use) | :: asentaa, valmistella, ottaa käyttöön |
set up {v} (to order logically) | :: järjestää |
set up {v} (to cause to happen) | :: aiheuttaa |
set up {v} (to trap or ensnare) | :: pyydystää; (to make look like guilty) lavastaa (syylliseksi) |
set up {v} (to arrange for an outcome) | :: manipuloida, väärentää |
set up {v} (to gel or harden) | :: kovettua, jähmettyä |
set up {adj} (in a position to function) | :: valmis |
setup {n} (Equipment designed for a particular purpose; an apparatus) | :: laitteisto |
setup {n} (The fashion in which something is organized or arranged) | :: järjestely |
setup {n} (situation orchestrated to frame someone) | :: lavastus |
setup {n} (computing: an installer) | :: asennusohjelma |
Sevastopol {prop} /ˌsɛvəˈstoʊpəl/ (city) | :: Sevastopol |
sevdalinka {n} (genre of folk music) | :: sevdalinka |
seven {num} /ˈsɛv.ən/ (cardinal number 7) | :: seitsemän |
seven {n} (the figure seven) | :: seiska, seitsemäinen, seitsikko |
seven {n} (a card bearing seven pips) | :: seiska |
seven deadly sins {n} (the cardinal sins) | :: seitsemän kuolemansyntiä |
sevenfold {adj} (multiplied by seven (adjective)) | :: seitsemänkertainen, seitsenkertainen |
sevenfold {adj} (having seven parts (adjective)) | :: seitsemänosainen, seitsenosainen |
sevenfold {adv} (by a factor of seven (adverb)) | :: seitsemänkertaisesti, seitsenkertaisesti |
seven hundred {num} /ˈsɛv.ən ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 700) | :: seitsemänsataa |
seven hundred and fifty {num} (number) | :: seitsemänsataaviisikymmentä |
seven hundred and fifty {n} (the figure 750) | :: numero seitsemänsataaviisikymmentä |
seven-league boots {n} (boots enabling great stride) | :: seitsemän peninkulman saappaat {p} |
sevennight {n} (period of seven consecutive days and nights) SEE: week | :: |
seven o'clock {n} (the start of the eighth hour) | :: seitsemän (see also kello) |
sevens {n} (pair of sevens) | :: seiskapari |
Seven Sages {prop} (seven Ancient Greeks) | :: Kreikan seitsemän viisasta |
seven seals {n} (Christian concept) | :: seitsemän sinettiä |
sevensome {n} (group of seven) | :: seitsikko |
seventeen {num} /ˈsɛv.ən.tiːn/ (cardinal number) | :: seitsemäntoista |
seventeenth {adj} /ˌsɛvənˈtiːnθ/ (ordinal number, see also: 17th) | :: seitsemästoista [abbreviation XVII in names of monarchs and popes] |
seventeenth {n} (one of seventeen equal parts of a whole) | :: seitsemästoistaosa |
seventh {adj} /ˈsɛv.ənθ/ (ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th) | :: seitsemäs |
seventh {n} (something in the seventh position) | :: seitsemäs |
seventh {n} (one of seven equal parts of a whole) | :: seitsemäsosa, seitsemännes |
seventh {n} (musical interval) | :: septimi |
seventh heaven {n} (state of great joy and satisfaction) | :: seitsemäs taivas |
seven thousand {num} (7,000) | :: seitsemäntuhatta |
seventies {n} (the decade of the 1970s) | :: seitsemänkymmentäluku |
seventieth {adj} /ˈsɛvnti.əθ/ (ordinal form of the number seventy (70)) | :: seitsemäskymmenes |
seventieth {n} (the person or thing in the seventieth position) | :: seitsemäskymmenes |
seventieth {n} (one of seventy equal parts of a whole) | :: seitsemäskymmenesosa |
seventy {num} /ˈsɛv.ən.di/ (cardinal number) | :: seitsemänkymmentä |
seventy-eight {num} (78) | :: seitsemänkymmentäkahdeksan |
seventy-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-eight) | :: seitsemäskymmeneskahdeksas |
seventy-fifth {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-five) | :: seitsemäskymmenesviides |
seventy-first {adj} (ordinal number 71st) | :: seitsemäskymmenesensimmäinen |
seventy-five {num} (75) | :: seitsemänkymmentäviisi |
seventy-four {num} (74) | :: seitsemänkymmentäneljä |
seventy-fourth {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-four) | :: seitsemäskymmenesneljäs |
seventy-nine {num} (79) | :: seitsemänkymmentäyhdeksän |
seventy-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-nine) | :: seitsemäskymmenesyhdeksäs |
seventy-one {num} (71) | :: seitsemänkymmentäyksi |
seventy-second {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-two) | :: seitsemäskymmenestoinen, seitsemäskymmeneskahdes |
seventy-seven {num} (77) | :: seitsemänkymmentäseitsemän |
seventy-seventh {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-seven) | :: seitsemäskymmenesseitsemäs |
seventy-six {num} (76) | :: seitsemänkymmentäkuusi |
seventy-sixth {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-six) | :: seitsemäskymmeneskuudes |
seventy-third {adj} (ordinal form of seventy-three) | :: seitsemäskymmeneskolmas |
seventy-three {num} (73) | :: seitsemänkymmentäkolme |
seventy-two {num} (72) | :: seitsemänkymmentäkaksi |
seven virtues {n} (seven heavenly virtues) | :: seitsemän hyvettä |
sever {v} /ˈsɛv.ɚ/ (to cut free) | :: katkaista; kitkeä |
sever {v} (to be parted or separated) | :: joutua eroon |
sever {v} (to make a separation or distinction) | :: erottaa, tehdä ero |
sever {v} (legal: to disunite; to disconnect; to terminate) | :: erottaa, eriyttää [to disunite or disconnect]; lopettaa [to terminate] |
several {determiner} /ˈsɛv(ə)ɹəl/ (consisting of a number more than two, but not very many) | :: usea |
several {determiner} (obsolete: separate, distinct) | :: eri |
several {determiner} (diverse; different; various) | :: eri |
several {n} (obsolete: an area of land in private ownership) | :: omaperäismaa [archaic] |
several states {n} (states of the USA, collectively) | :: osavaltiot {p} |
severance {n} /ˈsɛv.ɹəns/ (act of severing) | :: irrottaminen, katkaiseminen |
severance {n} (separation) | :: ero |
severance {n} (severance payment) SEE: severance pay | :: |
severance pay {n} (money paid to employee as compensation) | :: eroraha, irtisanomisraha, irtisanomiskorvaus |
severance payment {n} (money paid to employee in case of layoff) SEE: severance pay | :: |
severe {adj} /sɪˈvɪə/ (very bad or intense) | :: ankara, vakava, raju, tuima |
severe {adj} (strict or harsh) | :: ankara, vaikea |
severe {adj} (austere) | :: vakava, karu |
severe acute respiratory syndrome {n} (form of pneumonia) | :: SARS |
severed {adj} (cut off or broken apart) | :: irti leikattu |
severely {adv} (in a severe manner) | :: vakavasti, ankarasti |
severity {n} /səˈvɛɹɨti/ (state of being severe) | :: vakavuus, ankaruus, kovuus |
severity {n} (degree of something undesirable; badness) | :: pahuus |
Sevettijärvi {prop} (village in Finland) | :: Sevettijärvi |
Seville {prop} /səˈvɪl/ (city in Andalusia, Spain) | :: Sevilla |
Seville orange {n} (Seville orange) SEE: bitter orange | :: |
Sevillian {adj} (of or pertaining to Sevilla) | :: sevillalainen |
Sevillian {n} (someone from Sevilla) | :: sevillalainen |
sevruga {n} (Acipenser stellatus) | :: tähtisampi, sevruga |
sevruga {n} (caviar) | :: sevruga-kaviaari |
sew {v} /soʊ/ ((transitive) use a needle) | :: ommella |
sew {v} ((intransitive) use a needle) | :: ommella |
sewage {n} (suspension of water and waste) | :: jätevesi |
sewage fungus {n} (colony of bacteria, fungi and other species) | :: jätevesisieni |
sewer {n} /ˈs(j)uːə/ (pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage) | :: viemäri |
sewer {n} /ˈsoʊɚ/ (person who sews clothing) | :: ompelija |
sewerage {n} (sewage) SEE: sewage | :: |
sewerage {n} (sewer system) | :: viemäröinti |
sewing {n} /ˈsəʊɪŋ/ (action of the verb to sew) | :: ompelu |
sewing {n} (Something that is being or has been sewn) | :: ompele |
sewing circle {n} (social meeting of women for sewing and talking) | :: ompeluseura |
sewing machine {n} (device) | :: ompelukone |
sewing needle {n} (dragonfly or damselfly) | :: sudenkorento |
sex {n} (act of sexual intercourse) | :: seksi, yhdyntä |
sex {n} (gender (female or male)) | :: sukupuoli |
sex {v} (to determine the sex of) | :: määrittää sukupuoli |
sex {v} (informal: to have sex with) | :: rakastella, harrastaa seksiä |
sex act {n} (acts of sexual stimulation) | :: seksuaalinen teko |
sex addict {n} (person) | :: seksiaddikti |
sexagenarian {n} (a person who is between the ages of 60 and 69) | :: kuusikymmenvuotias |
Sexagesima {n} (8th Sunday before Easter) | :: seksagesima |
sex appeal {n} (sexual attractiveness) | :: sukupuolinen vetovoima |
sex bomb {n} (someone highly sexy) | :: seksipommi |
sex change {n} (change in sex) | :: sukupuolenvaihdos |
sex club {n} (group which organises sex-related activities for its members) | :: seksiklubi |
sex drive {n} (tendency to engage in sexual activity) | :: sukupuolivietti |
sex education {n} (sex education) | :: seksuaalikasvatus |
sex gland {n} (gland in which sex cells are produced) SEE: gonad | :: |
sex hormone {n} (hormones involved in puberty, arousal, and sex drive) | :: sukupuolihormoni |
sexily {adv} (in a sexy manner) | :: seksikkäästi |
sexism {n} /ˈsɛksɪzm̩/ (gender discrimination or dislike) | :: seksismi |
sexist {n} /ˈsɛksɪst/ (a person who discriminates on grounds of sex) | :: seksisti |
sexist {adj} (unfairly against one sex in favour of the other) | :: seksistinen |
sexless {adj} (not having gender) | :: sukupuoleton |
sexless {adj} (not having sexual relations) | :: seksitön |
sex life {n} /ˈsɛksˌlaɪf/ (part of a person's life that is directly concerned with sexual activity) | :: sukupuolielämä, seksielämä |
sex machine {n} (person) | :: panokone |
sex machine {n} (machine) | :: panokone |
sex object {n} (person seen only as sexually attractive) | :: seksiobjekti, sukupuoliobjekti |
sex offender {n} (somebody who has committed a crime of a sexual nature) | :: seksuaalirikollinen |
sexologist {n} (someone who studies, or is an expert in, sex and sexuality) | :: seksologi |
sexology {n} (study of sex and sexuality) | :: seksologia, sukupuolioppi, seksologia |
sex organ {n} (organ used in sexual reproduction) | :: sukupuolielin |
sex partner {n} (someone that one has sex with) | :: seksikumppani |
sexpert {n} (expert in sexology) | :: seksologi |
sex position {n} (sex position) | :: yhdyntäasento |
sex reassignment surgery {n} (surgical procedure) | :: sukuelinten korjausleikkaus |
sex scene {n} (segment in a movie in which characters have sex) | :: seksikohtaus |
sex shop {n} (shop that sells sexual merchandise) | :: seksikauppa |
sex slave {n} (slave kept for the purpose of sexual exploitation) | :: seksiorja |
sexsomnia {n} /sɛkˈsɒmni.ə/ (form of parasomnia) | :: seksiparasomnia |
sex strike {n} (strike involving the withholding of sex) | :: seksilakko |
sex symbol {n} (person who embodies sexual ideals) | :: seksisymboli |
sext {n} (noon) SEE: noon | :: |
Sextans {prop} (dim spring constellation of the northern sky) | :: Sekstantti |
sextant {n} /ˈsɛkstənt/ (navigational instrument) | :: sekstantti |
sextant {n} (one sixth of a circle) | :: sekstantti |
sextet {n} /sɛksˈtɛt/ (any group of six people) | :: kuusikko |
sextet {n} (composition for six voices or instruments) | :: sekstetti |
sextile {n} /ˈsɛks.taɪl/ (statistics: six-quantile) | :: sekstiili |
sextile {n} (statistics: subset) | :: sekstiili |
sextillion {num} (a trillion billion, 1021, see also: trilliard) | :: triljardi |
sextillion {num} (a million quintillion, 1036, see also: undecillion) | :: sekstiljoona |
sexton {n} /ˈsɛk.stən/ (church official) | :: suntio |
sex tourism {n} (travel for sex) | :: seksiturismi |
sex toy {n} (sex aid) | :: seksilelu |
sextuplet {n} (one of six born together) | :: kuusinkertainen |
sexual {adj} /ˈsɛkʃuəl/ (of or relating to having sex) | :: sukupuolinen, seksuaalinen |
sexual {adj} (of or relating to the sex of an organism) | :: sukupuolinen, sukupuoli- |
sexual {adj} (of or relating to sexuality) | :: sukupuolinen, seksuaalinen |
sexual abuse {n} (forcing of undesired sexual activity by one person on another) | :: seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö |
sexual act {n} (sex act) SEE: sex act | :: |
sexual appetite {n} (sexual desire) | :: sukupuolinen halu |
sexual dimorphism {n} (physical difference between male and female individuals) | :: seksuaalinen dimorfismi, sukupuolidimorfismi |
sexual harassment {n} /ˌsɛkʃuəl həˈɹæsmənt/ (sexual harassment) | :: seksuaalinen häirintä |
sexual intercourse {n} (sexual interaction) | :: yhdyntä [of humans], seksuaalinen kanssakäyminen [of humans, formal]; parittelu [of animals] |
sexual intercourse {n} (coitus) SEE: copulation | :: |
sexuality {n} (sexual orientation) SEE: sexual orientation | :: |
sexuality {n} /sɛkʃuˈælɪti/ (that which is characterized or distinguished by sex) | :: seksuaalisuus; sukupuolisuus |
sexuality {n} (sexual activity) | :: seksi |
sexuality {n} (concern with or interest in sexual activity) | :: seksuaalisuus |
sexuality {n} (sexual potency) | :: potenssi, kyky |
sexuality {n} (sexual identity) | :: sukupuoli-identiteetti, sukupuolinen identiteetti |
sexuality {n} (sexual receptivity) | :: seksuaalisuus |
sexualize {v} (to make sexual) | :: seksualisoida, seksuaalistaa, sukupuolistaa |
sexually mature {adj} (able to reproduce) | :: sukukypsä |
sexually transmitted disease {n} (contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse) SEE: venereal disease | :: |
sexually transmitted disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact) | :: sukupuolitauti |
sexual majority {n} (those inside mainstream sexual expression) | :: seksuaalienemmistö |
sexual minority {n} (those outside mainstream sexual expression) | :: sukupuolivähemmistö |
sexual orientation {n} (sexual orientation) | :: seksuaalinen suuntautuminen |
sexual partner {n} (person with whom someone has had sex) SEE: sex partner | :: |
sexual relations {n} (act of sexual intercourse) | :: sukupuolikontakti |
sexual relations {n} (sexual activities between individuals) | :: sukupuolikontakti |
sexual reproduction {n} (process whereby a new organism created by combining the genetic material of two organisms) | :: suvullinen lisääntyminen |
sexual selection {n} (type of natural selection) | :: sukupuolivalinta |
sexual slavery {n} (criminal activity) | :: seksiorjuus |
sexual tension {n} (tension between individuals due to physical attraction) | :: seksuaalinen jännite |
sex work {n} (job in which sex is involved) | :: seksityö |
sex worker {n} (person who supplies sexual services for money) | :: seksityöntekijä |
sexy {adj} /ˈsɛksɪ/ (having sexual appeal) | :: seksikäs |
sexy {adj} (slang: very attractive or appealing) | :: seksikäs |
Seychelles {prop} /seɪˈʃɛlz/ (country in East Africa) | :: Seychellit |
SEZ {n} (Special Economic Zone) | :: erityistalousalue |
sfumato {n} (painting technique) | :: sfumato |
Shabbat shalom {phrase} (good wishes at Jewish sabbath) | :: shabbat shalom, šabbat šalom |
shabby {adj} /ˈʃæb.i/ (torn or worn; poor; mean; ragged) | :: nuhruinen, nuhjuinen, nukkavieru |
shabby {adj} (clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments) | :: nuhruinen, nuhjuinen, nukkavieru |
shabby {adj} (mean; paltry; despicable) | :: surkea, onneton |
shack {n} /ʃæk/ (crude hut) | :: hökkeli, tönö |
shack {v} (Live in or with) | :: asua, bunkata |
shackle {n} /ˈʃækəl/ (restraint fit over an appendage) | :: kahle |
shackle {n} (a U-shaped piece of metal) | :: sakkeli |
shackle {n} (restraint on one's action) | :: kahleet {p} |
shackle {n} (fetter-like band worn as an ornament) | :: rengas |
shackle {n} (link for connecting railroad cars) | :: kytkin |
shackle {v} (to restrain using shackles) | :: kahlita, kahlehtia |
shackle {v} (to inhibit the abilities of) | :: kahlita |
shackle {n} (stubble) SEE: stubble | :: |
shackles {n} (paired wrist or ankle restraints) | :: kahleet {p}, raudat {p} |
shad {n} /ʃæd/ (fishes of the herring family) | :: täpläsilli, silli |
shadbush {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry | :: |
shade {n} /ʃeɪd/ (darkness where light is blocked) | :: varjo |
shade {n} (something that blocks light, particularly in a window) | :: kaihdin, verho, varjostin |
shade {n} (variety of color) | :: sävy |
shade {n} (subtle variation in a concept) | :: sävy |
shade {n} (aspect reminiscent of something) | :: sävy |
shade {n} (very small degree of a quantity, or variety of meaning) | :: vivahde |
shade {n} (ghost, see also: ghost) | :: haamu |
shade {n} (subtle insult) | :: vihjaus |
shade {v} (to shield from light) | :: varjostaa |
shade {v} (to alter slightly) | :: värittää |
shade {v} (to vary slightly, particularly in color) | :: vivahtaa |
shade {v} (to darken or to lightly colour) | :: varjostaa |
shade horsetail {n} (Equisetum pratense) | :: lehtokorte, niittykorte |
shades {n} /ʃeɪdz/ (sunglasses) | :: aurinkolasit |
shadoof {n} (device used to gather water) | :: vinttikaivo |
shadow {n} /ˈʃædoʊ/ (dark image projected onto a surface) | :: varjo |
shadow {n} (relative darkness) | :: varjo |
shadow {n} (area protected by an obstacle) | :: katve |
shadow {n} (reflected image) | :: kuvajainen |
shadow {n} (that which looms as though a shadow) | :: varjo |
shadow {n} (small degree) | :: häivähdys |
shadow {n} (imperfect and faint representation) | :: varjo |
shadow {n} (one who secretly or furtively follows another) | :: varjostaja, varjo |
shadow {n} (typographic effect) | :: varjostus |
shadow {n} (influence, especially a pervasive or a negative one) | :: varjo |
shadow {n} (psychology: unconscious aspect of the personality) | :: varjo |
shadow {v} (to block light or radio transmission) | :: varjostaa |
shadow {v} (to secretly track or follow another) | :: varjostaa |
shadow {v} (to accompany a professional in order to learn) | :: seurata, varjostaa |
shadow {v} (programming: to make an identifier inaccessible) | :: varjostaa |
shadow {v} (computing: to apply the shadowing process to) | :: varjostaa |
shadow {n} (spirit, ghost) SEE: ghost | :: |
shadowbox {n} (diorama) SEE: diorama | :: |
shadow-box {n} (diorama) SEE: diorama | :: |
shadow-box {v} (shadowbox) SEE: shadowbox | :: |
shadowbox {v} (to practice boxing moves) | :: varjonyrkkeillä |
shadowboxer {n} (shadowboxer) | :: varjonyrkkeilijä |
shadowboxing {n} (form of solo exercise, involving throwing punches at the air, and not at an opponent) | :: varjonyrkkeily |
shadow government {n} (government-in-waiting that is prepared to take control) | :: varjohallitus |
shadowing {n} (the effect of being shadowed, as from a light source or radio transmission) | :: varjostuminen |
shadowing {n} (speech shadowing) | :: kuullun toistaminen |
shadowing {n} (Learning about a job as a shadow to a competent worker) | :: varjostaminen |
shadowless {adj} (lacking a shadow) | :: varjoton |
shadow play {n} (form of storytelling using opaque figures in front of an illuminated backdrop) | :: varjoteatteri |
shadowy {adj} /ˈʃæd.oʊ.i/ (of or pertaining to shadow) | :: hämärä |
shady {adj} /ˈʃeɪdi/ (abounding in shades) | :: varjoisa, varjoinen |
shady {adj} (causing shade) | :: varjostava |
shady {adj} (not trustworthy; unfit to be seen or known) | :: hämäräperäinen, valonarka, kyseenalainen |
shaft {n} /ʃæft/ (long narrow body of spear or arrow) | :: varsi |
shaft {n} (beam or ray of light) | :: valokeila |
shaft {n} (any long, thin object) | :: varsi, aisa, akseli, kanki |
shaft {n} (main axis of a feather) | :: ruoto |
shaft {n} (lacrosse: long narrow body of the stick) | :: varsi |
shaft {n} (long passage sunk into the earth) | :: kuilu, kaivoskuilu |
shaft {n} (vertical passage housing a lift) | :: kuilu, hissikuilu |
shaft {n} (ventilation or heating conduit) | :: kanava |
shaft {n} (the shaft of the penis) | :: varsi, kanki |
shaft {v} (slang: to engage in a malicious act) | :: mopottaa |
shaft {v} (to equip with a shaft) | :: varttaa |
shaft {v} (slang: to have sexual intercourse) | :: kepittää |
shaft bow {n} (part of a horse harness) | :: luokki, vemmel, vempele |
shaft furnace {n} (furnace) | :: kuilu-uuni |
shafthead frame {n} (structure supporting machinery above the entrance to an underground mineshaft) SEE: headframe | :: |
shag {n} /ʃæɡ/ (matted material) | :: tukko |
shag {n} (coarse shredded tobacco) | :: sätkätupakka |
shag {n} (type of rough carpet pile) | :: karvalanka |
shag {n} (sea bird) | :: merimetso, karimetso |
shag {v} (to shake) | :: vipeltää |
shag {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) | :: panna |
shag {n} (swing dance) | :: shag |
shag {n} (act of sexual intercourse) | :: pano |
shag {n} (sexual partner) | :: pano |
shaggy {adj} /ˈʃæɡi/ (with long, thick, and uncombed hair, fur, or wool) | :: pörröinen, pitkä ja kampaamaton |
shaggy {adj} (with a surface like shaggy hair; rough nap) | :: karkea |
shah {n} /ʃɑː/ (king of Persia) | :: šaahi, shaahi |
shahada {n} (Islamic declaration of belief) | :: šahada |
shaheed {n} (martyr) SEE: martyr | :: |
Shahnameh {prop} (epic poem) | :: Shahnameh |
shaitan {n} (Iblis, Satan in Islam) | :: shaitan |
Shaivism {prop} (a branch of Hinduism focusing on the worship of Shiva) | :: shaivismi |
shake {v} /ˈʃeɪk/ (transitive: to cause to move) | :: ravistaa, ravistella, heristää |
shake {v} (to move one's head from side to side) | :: pudistaa |
shake {v} (transitive: to disturb emotionally) | :: järkyttää |
shake {v} (transitive: to lose, evade) | :: karistaa |
shake {v} (intransitive: to move from side to side) | :: vavista, täristä |
shake {v} (intransitive: to shake hands) | :: kätellä, paiskata kättä |
shake {n} (act of shaking) | :: ravistus, ravistelu |
shake {n} (milkshake) | :: pirtelö |
shake {n} (building material: thin shingle) | :: päre |
shake {n} (crack or splint in wood) | :: halkeama, särö |
shake {n} (informal: instant, second) | :: vilaus |
shake {n} (beverage made of ice cream and carbonated drink) SEE: float | :: |
shakedown {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion | :: |
shake hands {v} (grasp another person's hands) | :: kätellä |
shake like a leaf {v} (to tremble) | :: vapista kuin haavanlehti |
shake one's head {v} (move one's head from side to side) | :: pudistaa päätään |
shaker {n} /ˈʃeɪkɚ/ (sthg that shakes) | :: ravistin; sirotin [for salt and pepper], sekoitin [for cocktails] |
Shakespeare {prop} /ˈʃeɪkspɪɹ/ (English playwright) | :: Shakespeare |
Shakespearean {adj} /ʃeɪkˈspɪɹi.ən/ (pertaining to Shakespeare or his works) | :: Shakespearen |
Shakespearean sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) | :: englantilainen sonetti |
shake up {v} (to agitate by shaking) | :: ravistaa |
shake up {v} (to upset or distress) | :: järkyttää |
shale {n} /ʃeɪl/ (shell, husk, cod, pod) | :: kuori |
shale {n} (sedimentary rock) | :: savikivi, liuske |
shale {v} (to take off the shell, husk, cod, pod) | :: kuoria |
shale gas {n} (natural gas) | :: liuskekaasu |
shall {v} /ˈʃæl/ (indicating the simple future tense) | :: Use the present tense or use personal olla + present active participle |
shall {v} (indicating the simple future tense) | :: I shall sing tomorrow - Laulan huomenna or Olen laulava huomenna [literary or formal] |
shall {v} (indicating determination or obligation) | :: use genitive + impersonal olla + present active participle or use genitive + tulee/täytyy/pitää + first infinitive; You shall go to the ball! - Sinun on mentävä juhlaan! or Sinun pitää mennä juhlaan!; Citizens shall provide identity - Kansalaisten on esitettävä henkilöllisyytensä or Kansalaisten tulee esittää henkilöllisyytensä |
shall {v} (in questions to suggest a possible future action) | :: use conditional tense + -ko; Shall we go out later? - Menisimmekö (yhdessä) ulos myöhemmin? |
shallot {n} /ˈʃælət/ (vegetable in the onion family, A. ascalonium or A. oschaninii) | :: salottisipuli |
shallot {n} (any small omion) | :: pikkusipuli |
shallow {adj} /ˈʃæl.oʊ/ (having little depth and significantly less deep than wide) | :: matala, laakea, laito |
shallow {adj} (extending not far downward) | :: matala, laito |
shallow {adj} (concerned mainly with superficial matters) | :: pinnallinen |
shallow {adj} (lacking interest or substance) | :: pinnallinen |
shallow-fry {v} (to fry with a thin layer of oil) | :: paistaa, paistaa pannulla |
shalom {interj} (transliteration of the Jewish greeting or farewell) | :: šalom |
shalwar {n} /ˈʃʌlvɑɹ/ (garment) | :: haaremihousut {p} |
sham {adj} /ʃæm/ (intended to deceive) | :: näennäinen |
sham {n} (fake, imitation) | :: jäljennös, väärennös |
sham {n} (trickery, hoaxing) | :: huijaus, petos, huiputus |
sham {v} (to cheat or deceive) | :: huijata, huiputtaa, puijata |
shaman {n} /ˈʃɑːmən/ (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) | :: šamaani, poppamies |
shamanism {n} (range of traditional beliefs) | :: šamanismi, shamanismi |
shamanist {n} (adherent of shamanism) | :: šamanisti |
shamanistic {adj} (of or pertaining to shamanism) | :: shamanistinen, šamanistinen |
shamble {v} /ˈʃæmbl̩/ (to walk while shuffling or dragging the feet) | :: laahustaa, raahustaa |
shame {n} /ʃeɪm/ (uncomfortable or painful feeling) | :: häpeä |
shame {n} (something to regret) | :: harmi, vahinko, häpeä |
shame {n} (reproach incurred or suffered; dishonour; ignominy; derision) | :: häpeä |
shame {n} (cause or reason of shame) | :: häpeä |
shame {n} (that which is shameful and private, especially body parts) | :: häpy [body parts] |
shame {v} (to cause to feel shame) | :: häpäistä, saattaa häpeään |
shameful {adj} /ˈʃeɪmfəl/ (causing or meriting shame or disgrace) | :: häpeällinen |
shamefully {adv} /ˈʃeɪmfəli/ (in a shamefull manner) | :: häpeällisesti |
shameless {adj} (having no shame) | :: häpeilemätön |
shamelessness {n} (The state or characteristic of being without shame) | :: häpeämättömyys |
shame on you {interj} (expression of disapproval) | :: häpeäisit [singular], hävetkää [plural] |
shamisen {n} /ˈʃæmɪsɛn/ (a Japanese musical instrument) | :: shamisen |
sham marriage {n} (fake marriage) | :: näennäisavioliitto |
shampoo {n} /ʃæmˈpuː/ (product for washing the hair or other fibres) | :: shampoo, sampoo, hiustenpesuaine |
shampoo {n} (instance of washing the hair with shampoo) | :: hiustenpesu |
shampoo {n} (instance of washing other fibres with shampoo) | :: vaahtopesu |
shampoo {n} (humorous slang: champagne) | :: skumppa, samppis, samppakalja |
shampoo {v} (to wash hair with shampoo) | :: pestä shampoolla; shamponoida [to spread the shampoo and rub it in] |
shampoo {v} (to wash (the hair, carpet, etc.) with shampoo) | :: pestä shampoolla |
shamrock {n} (any of several small plants, forms of clover) SEE: clover | :: |
shamrock {n} /ˈʃæm.ɹɑk/ (trefoil leaf of any clover) | :: kolmiapila |
Shan {n} (Shan people) | :: shanit {p}, shan-kansa |
Shan {prop} (Shan language) | :: shan |
Shandong Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Shandong province) | :: Shandongin niemimaa |
shanghai {v} /ˌʃæŋˈhaɪ/ (to force or trick into joining a ship) | :: shanghaijata |
Shang-hai {prop} (Shanghai) SEE: Shanghai | :: |
Shanghai {prop} /ˈʃæŋ.haɪ/ (Chinese city as provincial-level municipality) | :: Shanghai |
shank {n} /ʃæŋk/ (lower part of the leg) | :: sääri [in humans], potka [in animals] |
shank {n} (meat from that part of animal) | :: potka, etupotka [front leg], takapotka [hind leg] |
shank {n} (straight, narrow part of an object) | :: varsi |
shank {n} (protruding part of an object, by which it can be attached) | :: kahva, otin, ripa |
shank {n} (part of curb bit) | :: varsi |
shantytown {n} (area containing a collection of shacks and shanties) | :: hökkelikylä, hökkelikaupunki |
shape {n} /ʃeɪp/ (status or condition) | :: kunto |
shape {n} (condition of personal health, especially muscular health) | :: kunto |
shape {n} (appearance or outline) | :: muoto |
shape {n} (figure) | :: muoto |
shape {v} (to give something a shape) | :: muotoilla, muovata |
shaped {adj} /ʃeɪpt/ (having been given a shape) | :: muotoiltu, muovattu |
shaped {adj} (having a particular shape) | :: muotoinen, hahmoinen |
shape memory alloy {n} (metallic material) | :: muistimetalli |
shapeshift {v} (change shape) | :: muuttaa muotoa |
shapeshifter {n} (creature capable of changing its appearance) SEE: shape-shifter | :: |
shape-shifter {n} /ˈʃeɪpʃɪftə/ (a person who can transform) | :: muodonmuuttaja |
sharbat {n} (sherbet) SEE: sherbet | :: |
shard {n} /ʃɑɹd/ (piece of glass or pottery) | :: siru, sirpale, pirstale |
shard {n} (piece of rock or similar) | :: siru, sirpale, pirstale |
shard {n} (tough scale) | :: kilpi [sheath], kuori [shell], peitinsiipi [elytron] |
shard {v} (to fall apart) | :: sirpaloitua, pirstoutua |
shard {v} (to break) | :: pirstoa |
share {n} /ʃɛəɹ/ (portion of something) | :: osuus, osa |
share {n} (financial instrument) | :: osake |
share {n} (internet: action of sharing) | :: jako |
share {v} (to give) | :: jakaa |
share {v} (to have in common) | :: olla yhteistä |
share {v} (to divide and distribute) | :: jakaa |
share {v} (to tell to another) | :: kertoa |
share {n} (sharebone) SEE: pubis | :: |
share {n} (plowshare) SEE: plowshare | :: |
share capital {n} (part of a company's capital) | :: osakepääoma |
sharecropper {n} (a farmer paying rent with crops to the landowner) | :: vuokraviljelijä |
shared {adj} /ˈʃɛə(ɹ)d/ (used multiply) | :: jaettu, yhteinen |
share dilution {n} (loss of stock value due to new issues) | :: osakepääoman liudentuminen |
shareholder {n} (one who owns shares of stock) | :: osakkeenomistaja |
shareholders' agreement {n} (agreement between shareholders) | :: osakassopimus |
shareholders' meeting {n} (meeing of shareholders) | :: yhtiökokous |
sharemarket {n} (stock market) SEE: stock market | :: |
shareowner {n} (shareholder) SEE: shareholder | :: |
share taxi {n} (a vehicle for hire, taking passengers on a fixed or semi-fixed route without timetables) | :: reittitaksi |
shari'a {n} (Islamic religious law) | :: šari'a, šaria |
sharing economy {n} (system of economic exchange) | :: jakamistalous |
shark {n} /ʃɑɹk/ (fish) | :: hai |
shark {n} (one who exploits others) | :: verenimijä |
shark {n} (relentless and resolute person) | :: haukka |
shark {n} (good poker or pool player) | :: hai; korttihai [in card games]; biljardihai [in pool] |
shark attack {n} (attack on a human by a shark) | :: hain hyökkäys |
shark fin {n} (fin of a shark) | :: hainevä |
shark fin soup {n} (soup made from shark fins) | :: haineväkeitto |
sharp {adj} /ʃɑːp/ (able to cut easily) | :: terävä |
sharp {adj} (intelligent) | :: terävä, terävä-älyinen |
sharp {adj} (pointed, able to pierce easily) | :: terävä |
sharp {adj} (of a note, played a semitone higher than usual) | :: korotettu, -is |
sharp {adj} (musically higher-pitched than desired) | :: ylävireinen |
sharp {adj} (having an intense, acrid flavour) | :: kirpeä, kipakka |
sharp {adj} (intense and sudden (of pain)) | :: pistävä, vihlova |
sharp {adj} (exact, precise, accurate, keen) | :: täsmällinen, tarkka |
sharp {adj} (offensive, critical, or acrimonious) | :: terävä |
sharp {adj} (stylish or attractive) | :: tyylikäs |
sharp {adj} (observant, alert, acute) | :: tarkka |
sharp {adv} (exactly) | :: tasan |
sharp {adv} (in a higher pitch than is correct or desirable) | :: korkealta |
sharp {n} (sign for a sharp note on the staff) | :: korotusmerkki |
sharp {n} (note that is sharp in a particular key) | :: ylennetty nuotti |
sharp {n} (sharp object) | :: teräesine |
sharp {n} (cheater or dishonest person) | :: lurjus, huijari |
sharpen {v} /ˈʃɑɹpɨn/ (to make sharp) | :: teroittaa |
sharpened {adj} (having sharp point or edge) | :: teroitettu |
sharpener {n} /ˈʃɑː(ɹ)pənə(ɹ)/ (device for making things sharp) | :: teroitin |
Sharpe ratio {n} (measure of risk-adjusted performance of an asset) | :: Sharpen luku |
sharpie {n} (felt-tipped marker pen) SEE: felt-tip pen | :: |
sharply {adv} /ʃɑɹpli/ (in a sharp manner) | :: terävästi, kirpeästi, pistävästi |
sharp s {n} (eszett) SEE: eszett | :: |
sharp-shinned hawk {n} (a small hawk) | :: amerikanvarpushaukka |
sharpshooter {n} (marksman) | :: tarkka-ampuja |
sharp-tailed sandpiper {n} (Calidris acuminata) | :: suippopyrstösirri |
sharp-witted {adj} (clever, keen of intellect, swift of thought) | :: terävä, teräväpäinen |
shashlik {n} (skewered dish) | :: saslik |
shatter {v} /ˈʃæt.ə(ɹ)/ (to violently break something into pieces) | :: pirstoa, särkeä |
shatter {v} (to smash, or break into tiny pieces) | :: pirstoutua, särkyä |
shave {v} /ʃeɪv/ (to remove hair from) | :: ajaa, ajella |
shave {v} (to remove hair from one's face) | :: ajaa parta, ajaa partansa (to shave (one's) beard) |
shave {v} (to slice thin) | :: siivuttaa |
shave {n} (an instance of shaving) | :: parranajo |
shaveling {n} (someone whith their head shaved) | :: pulipää |
shaver {n} (boy) SEE: boy | :: |
shaver {n} (barber) SEE: barber | :: |
shaver {n} /ˈʃeɪvə/ (one who shaves) | :: parran ajaja, karvojen ajaja |
shaver {n} (electric razor) | :: sähköparranajokone |
shaving {n} /ˈʃeɪvɪŋ/ (A thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material) | :: lastu |
shaving brush {n} (brush for applying shaving cream) | :: partasuti |
shaving cream {n} (a substance that is applied to the face to provide lubrication and avoid razor burn during shaving) | :: partavaahto, partavaahdoke |
shaving cream {n} (a cream whipped into a lather with a shaving brush to provide lubrication and avoid razor burn during shaving) | :: parranajovoide, partavoide, partakreemi |
shaving soap {n} (soap used with a shaving brush to create lather for shaving) | :: partasaippua, parranajosaippua |
shavua tov {phrase} (good wishes for the week following the Jewish sabbath) | :: shavua tov, šavua tov |
shawarma {n} (Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap) | :: shawarma |
shawl {n} /ʃɔːl/ (a square piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders) | :: šaali, hartiahuivi |
shawm {n} /ʃɔːm/ (wind instrument) | :: skalmeija |
she {pron} /ʃi/ (person) | :: hän [both male and female], se [colloquial] |
she {pron} (ship) | :: se |
shea {n} /ʃi/ (tree) | :: voipuu |
shea {n} (fruit) | :: voipuun pähkinä |
shea butter {n} /ˈʃeɪ ˌbʌtɚ/ (fat extracted from the fruit of the shea tree) | :: karitevoi |
sheaf {n} /ʃiːf/ (bundle of grain or straw) | :: lyhde |
sheaf {n} (any collection of things bound together; a bundle) | :: nippu |
sheaf {n} (mathematical construct) | :: lyhde |
shear {v} /ʃiɹ/ (to cut) | :: viiltää |
shear {v} (to remove the fleece from a sheep) | :: keritä |
shear {v} (to deform because of shearing forces) | :: leikata, leikkautua |
shear {v} (to apply a shear transformation) | :: vinouttaa |
shear {n} (a cutting tool similar to scissors) | :: keritsimet {p} |
shear {n} (the act of shearing, or something removed by shearing) | :: leikkaus, leike, leikkuu |
shear {n} (a force that produces a shearing strain) | :: leikkausvoima |
shear {n} (a shear transformation) | :: vinoutus |
shears {n} /ʃɪɹz/ (tool consisting of two blades with bevel edges) | :: sakset {p}, keritsimet {p} |
shear stress {n} (component of stress) | :: leikkausjännitys |
shearwater {n} (seabird) | :: liitäjä |
she-ass {n} (female ass, female donkey, jenny) | :: aasintamma |
sheat {n} (a sheatfish) | :: monni |
sheatfish {n} (fish of the genus Silurus) | :: monni |
sheath {n} (scabbard) SEE: scabbard | :: |
sheath {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
sheath {n} /ʃiːθ/ (long case) | :: suojus, tuppi |
sheath {n} (tight-fitting dress) | :: kotelomekko |
sheath {n} (foreskin of certain animals) | :: tuppi |
sheathbill {n} /ˈʃiːθ.bɪl/ (a bird of the genus Chionis) | :: tuppinokka |
sheathe {v} /ʃiːð/ (to put (something) into a sheath) | :: panna tuppeen |
sheathe {v} (to encase (something) with a protective covering) | :: peittää; kätkeä [chiefly figuratively] |
sheathe {v} (of an animal: to draw back or retract (a body part) into the body) | :: vetää sisään |
Sheba {prop} /ˈʃiːbə/ (biblical kingdom) | :: Saba |
she-bear {n} (a female bear) | :: naaraskarhu |
shebop {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate | :: |
she-cat {n} (female cat) | :: naaraskissa |
shed {v} /ʃɛd/ (to part or divide) | :: jakaa, erottaa, erotella |
shed {v} (to cast off, to let fall, be divested of) | :: karistaa, luoda [skin], varistaa |
shed {v} (to pour; to make flow) | :: valaa, valuttaa |
shed {v} (to allow to flow or fall) | :: valuttaa, vuodattaa [tears] |
shed {v} (to radiate, cast, give off) | :: valottaa [to shed light], luoda |
shed {n} (area between upper and lower warp yarns) | :: vire |
shed {n} (temporary structure to shelter something) | :: vaja, katos, liiteri |
shed {n} (poor quality automobile) | :: romu, kottero |
shed a tear {v} /ˈʃɛdəˈtɪə/ (to cry) | :: vuodattaa kyyneleitä, itkeä |
shed light on {v} (to illuminate) | :: valaista, valottaa |
shed roof {n} (roof type) | :: pulpettikatto |
shed tears {v} (shed a tear) SEE: shed a tear | :: |
sheen {n} /ʃiːn/ (splendor; radiance; shininess) | :: loiste, kiilto, hohto |
sheen {v} (shine; glisten) | :: loistaa, kiiltää, hohtaa |
sheep {n} /ʃiːp/ (animal) | :: lammas |
sheep {n} (one who behaves shyly) | :: hiirulainen |
sheepdog {n} (dog used for herding sheep) | :: lammaskoira |
sheepherder {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd | :: |
sheepish {adj} /ˈʃiːpɪʃ/ (having the characteristics of a sheep) | :: lammasmainen |
sheepishly {adv} /ˈʃiː.pɪʃ.li/ (in a sheepish way) | :: lammasmaisesti |
sheepishness {n} (the quality or property of being sheepish) | :: lammasmaisuus |
sheep ked {n} (Melophagus ovinus) | :: lampaan täikärpänen |
sheeple {n} /ˈʃiːpəl/ (the sheeple, one of the sheeple) | :: vaalikarja |
sheep polypore {n} (Albatrellus ovinus) | :: lampaankääpä |
sheep's eye {n} (a secretive, pining look, or humble doting glance) | :: kaihoisa katse |
sheepshank {n} /ˈʃiːpʃæŋk/ (type of knot) | :: lyhennyssolmu, trumpettisolmu |
sheep station {n} (sheep farm) | :: lammastila |
sheepy {adj} (resembling a sheep) | :: lammasmainen |
sheer {adj} (pure) SEE: pure | :: |
sheer {adj} /ʃɪɹ/ (very thin or transparent) | :: läpinäkyvä, harsomainen, seitinohut, läpikuultava |
sheer {adj} (downright; complete) | :: silkka, puhdas, pelkkä |
sheer {adj} ((used to emphasize)) | :: silkka, pelkkä |
sheer {adj} (straight up and down; vertical; perpendicular) | :: äkkijyrkkä, pystysuora, suora |
sheer {adv} (clean) | :: täysin, tyystin, vallan, tykkänään |
sheer {adv} (quite) | :: aivan, varsin, täysin |
sheer {adv} (at once) | :: oitis, kerralla |
sheer {n} (a sheer curtain or fabric) | :: voilee, voile, valoverhokangas; valoverho |
sheer {n} (nautical: abrupt swerve) | :: jiiraus |
sheer {v} (nautical: swerve from course) | :: jiirata, poiketa kurssista |
sheet {n} /ʃit/ (sheet of paper) | :: arkki, paperiarkki |
sheet {n} (flat metal pan for baking) | :: pelti, uunipelti |
sheet {n} (thin, flat layer of solid material) | :: levy, arkki |
sheet {n} (expanse of material on a surface) | :: kerros |
sheet {n} (rope to adjust a sail) | :: jalus, skuutti |
sheet {n} (sail) | :: purje [standard], rätti [nonstandard] |
sheet {n} (area on ice for curling game) | :: rata |
sheet {n} (layer of veneer) | :: viilu |
sheet {n} (heavy precipitation resembling a wall) | :: sadeseinämä |
sheet {n} (geology: extensive bed of an eruptive rock intruded between, or overlying, other strata) | :: laavakerros |
sheet {v} (to cover or wrap) | :: peittää |
sheet {v} (to pour heavily) | :: sataa kaatamalla |
sheet {v} (to trim a sail) | :: jalustaa, skuutata |
sheet {n} (thin bed cloth) SEE: bedsheet | :: |
sheet anchor {n} (nautical: a large, spare anchor) | :: hätäankkuri |
sheet bend {n} (knot) | :: jalussolmu |
sheet cake {n} (A simple, flat, rectangular cake) | :: levykakku |
sheet lightning {n} (broad flash of lightning) | :: pilvisalama, elosalama |
sheet metal {n} (Metal worked into a thin, flat sheet) | :: pelti, ohutlevy |
sheet music {n} (hand-written or printed form of musical notation) | :: nuotti, nuotit {p}, partituuri |
she-goat {n} (female goat) | :: kuttu |
sheik {n} /ʃeɪk/ (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe) | :: šeikki, sheikki |
sheik {n} (Islamic religious clergy) | :: šeikki |
sheik {n} (Gulf countries: official title for members of the royal family) | :: šeikki |
shekel {n} (sheqel) SEE: sheqel | :: |
shelduck {n} (waterfowl) | :: ristisorsa |
shelf {n} /ʃɛlf/ (structure) | :: hylly |
shelf life {n} (the length of time a product will last without deteriorating) | :: säilyvyysaika |
shell {n} /ʃɛl/ (hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates) | :: kuori, kilpi, panssari [from thinnest to thickest] |
shell {n} (hard covering of an egg) | :: munankuori, kuori |
shell {n} (entomology: exoskeleton of certain insects) | :: kuori |
shell {n} (covering of a nut) | :: kuori |
shell {n} (pod) | :: palko |
shell {n} (husks of cacao seeds) | :: kuoret {p} |
shell {n} (conjoined scutes that comprise the "shell" of a tortoise or turtle) | :: kilpi |
shell {n} (overlapping hard plates comprising the armor covering armadillo's body) | :: panssari |
shell {n} (casing of an artillery projectile) | :: hylsy |
shell {n} (hollow usually spherical or cylindrical projectile fired from a mortar or a cannon) | :: kranaatti |
shell {n} (cartridge of a breechloading firearm) | :: ammus |
shell {n} (any hollow structure; framework, or exterior structure) | :: kuori |
shell {n} (music: body of a drum) | :: runko |
shell {n} (nautical: outer covering of the hull) | :: laidoitus |
shell {n} (nautical, rigging: outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve) | :: pesä |
shell {n} (computing: general-purpose environment) | :: komentotulkki, komentorivi |
shell {n} (chemistry: set of atomic orbitals that have the same principal quantum number) | :: kuori |
shell {n} (emaciated person) | :: varjo |
shell {n} (psychological barrier to social interaction) | :: kuori |
shell {n} (business: legal entity that has no operations) | :: kuori, kuoriyhtiö |
shell {v} (to remove the outer covering or shell of something) | :: kuoria |
shell {v} (to bombard, to fire projectiles at) | :: pommittaa |
shell {v} (informal: to disburse or give up money, to pay) | :: törsätä |
shell {v} (to fall off, as a shell, crust, etc.) | :: kuoriutua |
shell {v} (to cast the shell, or exterior covering) | :: kuoriutua |
shellac {n} /ʃəˈlæk/ (processed secretion of the lac insect) | :: sellakka |
shellac {v} (to coat with shellac) | :: lakata |
shellfire {n} (artillery bombardment) | :: tykistötuli |
shellfish {n} /ˈʃɛlˌfɪʃ/ (aquatic food that has a shell) | :: [no exact equivalent] äyriäinen, simpukka, osteri; merenelävä |
shelling {n} /ˈʃɛlɪŋ/ (artillery bombardment) | :: tykistötuli |
shelling {n} (removal of the shell from a nut, pea etc.) | :: kuoriminen |
shelling {n} (shallow, irregular cracks that appear on the surface of a coating) | :: halkeilu |
shell jacket {n} (short jacket reaching hips) | :: pusakka |
shell jacket {n} (jacket of shell suit) | :: kuoritakki |
shell-less {adj} (lacking a shell) | :: kuoreton |
shell shock {n} (psychiatric condition characterized by fatigue caused by battle) | :: sotapsykoosi |
shell suit {n} (lightweight tracksuit) | :: tuulipuku |
shelter {n} /ˈʃɛltɚ/ (a refuge or other protection) | :: suojapaikka, turvapaikka, suoja |
shelter {n} (institution) | :: yömaja |
shelter {v} (transitive, to provide cover) | :: suojata |
shelter {v} (intransitive, to take cover) | :: suojautua |
shelve {v} /ʃɛlv/ (to place on a shelf) | :: panna hyllyyn |
shelve {v} (to set aside, quit, or halt) | :: hyllyttää |
Shem {prop} (son of Noah) | :: Seem |
shemale {n} /ˈʃi.meɪl/ (a male-to-female transsexual or transgender person) | :: [has no specific word; may use "transgender person"] sukupuolenvaihtaja |
shenanigan {n} (singular of shenanigan) SEE: shenanigans | :: |
shenanigans {n} /ʃɪˈnænɪɡ(ə)nz/ (deceitful tricks) | :: metkut {p} |
sheng nu {n} (leftover woman) | :: ylijäämänainen |
Shenzhen {prop} /ˈʃɛnˈdʒɛn/ (a city in China) | :: Shenzhen |
shepherd {n} /ˈʃɛpɚd/ (a person who tends sheep) | :: lammaspaimen |
shepherd {n} (someone who watches over or guides) | :: paimen |
shepherd {v} (watch over; guide) | :: paimentaa, kaitsea |
shepherd moon {n} (moon orbiting near the edge of a ring) | :: paimenkuu |
shepherd's pie {n} (a kind of meat pie) | :: shepherd's pie, paimenen piiras |
shepherd's purse {n} (Capsella bursa-pastoris) | :: lutukka |
sheqel {n} /ˈʃɛkəl/ (currency unit in Israel) | :: sekeli |
sherbet {n} /ˈʃɝːbət/ (frozen fruit juice) | :: sorbetti, jäädyke |
sherbet {n} (powder) | :: juomajauhe |
sherbet {n} (sweet drink prepared from fruits or flower petals) | :: sherbet |
Sheremetyevo {prop} (airport in Russia) | :: Šeremetjevo |
sheriff {n} /ˈʃɛɹɪf/ (all meanings) | :: šeriffi, seriffi, sheriffi |
sherpa {n} /ˈʃɜː(ɹ)pə/ (Sherpa employed as mountain guide) | :: sherpa |
Sherpa {prop} /ˈʃɝpə/ (language) | :: šerpa |
sherry {n} /ˈʃɛri/ (fortified wine) | :: sherry |
sherry {n} (variety of sherry) | :: sherry |
sherry {n} (glass of sherry) | :: sherrylasi |
Sherwood Forest {prop} /ˈʃɝwʊd ˈfɔɹɪst/ (country park) | :: Sherwoodin metsä |
she's unconscious {phrase} (she's unconscious) | :: hän on tajuton |
she-tiger {n} (tigress) SEE: tigress | :: |
Shetland {prop} (Shetland Islands) SEE: Shetland Islands | :: |
Shetlander {adj} (related to Shetland Islands) | :: shetlantilainen, Shetlannin |
Shetlander {n} (person from the Shetland Islands) | :: shetlantilainen |
Shetland Islands {prop} (group of islands) | :: Shetlannin saaret, Shetlanti |
Shetland pony {n} (small horse) | :: shetlanninponi |
she-wolf {n} (female wolf) | :: naarassusi |
shh {interj} /ʃː/ (requesting silence) | :: shh, hys |
Shi'a {n} (branch of Islam) | :: šiialaisuus, shiialaisuus |
Shi'a {n} (follower of Shi'a Islam) | :: šiia, shiia, shiialainen |
Shia Islam {prop} (denomination of Islam) | :: shiialaisuus |
shiatsu {n} /ʃiːˈɑːt.suː/ (shiatsu) | :: shiatsu |
shibboleth {n} /ˈʃɪbəlɛθ/ (a word, especially seen as a test, to distinguish someone as belonging to a particular nation, class, profession etc) | :: šibbolet |
shibboleth {n} (a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth) | :: iskulause, uskomus |
shield {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
shield {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
shield {n} /ʃiːld/ (armor) | :: kilpi |
shield {n} (anything that protects or defends) | :: suoja, kilpi |
shield {n} (figuratively, one who protects or defends) | :: kilpi |
shield {n} (heraldry) | :: kilpi |
shield {n} (a spot resembling, or having the form of a shield.) | :: kilpi |
shield {n} (sci fi: a field of energy that protects or defends) | :: kilpi |
shield {n} (colloquial: a police badge) | :: kilpi |
shield {n} (transportation: a sign or symbol identifying a highway route.) | :: kilpi, kyltti, numerokilpi, tiennumerokilpi |
shield {v} (to protect, to defend) | :: suojata |
shield {n} (toilet seat) SEE: toilet seat | :: |
shift {n} (type of women's undergarment) SEE: slip | :: |
shift {n} /ʃɪft/ (change of workers) | :: työvuoro, vuoro |
shift {n} (act of shifting) | :: siirtyminen, siirto, muutos |
shift {n} (gear mechanism in a motor vehicle) | :: vaihteisto |
shift {n} (button on a keyboard) | :: vaihto, shift |
shift {v} (to change, swap) | :: muuttaa |
shift {v} (to move from one place to another) | :: siirtää |
shift {v} (to change position) | :: siirtyä |
shift {v} (to change gears) | :: vaihtaa |
shift key {n} (key on a typewriter) | :: vaihtonäppäin |
shift key {n} (key on a personal computer or terminal keyboard) | :: vaihtonäppäin, Shift-näppäin |
shiftwork {n} (work outside customary working hours) | :: iltatyö [evening], yötyö [night], viikonlopputyö [weekend] |
shiftwork {n} (rotating mode of work) | :: vuorotyö, kolmivuorotyö |
shifty {adj} /ˈʃɪfti/ (Having the appearance of someone dishonest, criminal or unreliable) | :: epäluotettavan oloinen |
shifu {n} (martial arts instructor) SEE: sifu | :: |
Shih-chia-chuang {prop} (Shijiazhuang) SEE: Shijiazhuang | :: |
Shih Tzu {n} /ˈʃɪtzuː/ (small dog breed which originated in China) | :: shih tzu |
shiitake {n} /ʃɪˈtɑki/ (Lentinula edodes, an edible mushroom) | :: siitake, shiitake, siitakesieni |
Shiite {n} (Shi'a) SEE: Shi'a | :: |
Shiite {adj} /ʃiːaɪt/ (of or pertaining to the Shi'a branch of Islam) | :: shiialainen |
Shiite {adj} (of or pertaining to the Shiites) | :: shiialainen |
Shijiazhuang {prop} (a city of China) | :: Shijiazhuang |
shikimic acid {n} (shikimic acid) | :: sikimihappo |
Shikoku {n} (dog) | :: shikoku |
shilajit {n} (tar-like substance used in traditional medicine) | :: shilajit |
shill {n} /ʃɪl/ (a person paid to endorse a product favourably) | :: maksettu apuri |
shill {n} (an accomplice at a confidence trick) | :: vedättäjä |
shill {v} (to put under cover, to sheal) | :: peittää |
shilling {n} /ˈʃɪlɪŋ/ (former coin) | :: šillinki |
shilling {n} (currency) | :: šillinki |
shimmy {n} /ˈʃɪ.mi/ (dance that was popular in the 1920s) | :: shimmy |
shimmy {n} (abnormal vibration, especially in the wheels of a vehicle) | :: tärinä |
shimmy {v} (to vibrate abnormally, as a broken wheel) | :: täristä |
Shimon {prop} (male given name) SEE: Simeon | :: |
Shimshon {prop} (given name) SEE: Samson | :: |
shin {n} /ʃɪn/ (front part of the leg below the knee) | :: sääri |
shin {v} ((UK) to climb a mast, tree, rope) | :: kivuta, kavuta, kiivetä |
shin {n} (Semitic letter) | :: šin |
shinbone {n} (inner bone of the hind limb below the knee) | :: sääriluu |
shine {v} /ʃaɪn/ (to emit light) | :: loistaa, paistaa, hohtaa, helottaa |
shine {v} (to reflect light) | :: kiiltää, loistaa, hohtaa |
shine {v} (to distinguish oneself) | :: loistaa, erottua |
shine {v} (to be immediately apparent) | :: paistaa silmään |
shine {n} (brightness from a source of light) | :: loiste, paiste, hohde, kirkkaus |
shine {n} (brightness from reflected light) | :: valo, hohde, loiste |
shine {n} (excellence in quality or appearance) | :: loistavuus, loisteliaisuus, loistokkuus, loisto |
shine {v} (to polish) | :: kiillottaa, puleerata |
shine {n} (slang: moonshine) SEE: moonshine | :: |
shine {n} (sunshine) SEE: sunshine | :: |
shine {n} (shoeshine) SEE: shoeshine | :: |
shiner {n} (black eye) SEE: black eye | :: |
shingle {n} /ˈʃɪŋ.ɡəl/ (small, thin piece of building material) | :: päre, kattopäre; kattolaatta; paanu |
shingle {n} (small signboard designating a professional office) | :: nimikyltti |
shingle {n} (small, smooth pebbles) | :: pikkukivet {p} |
shingles {n} /ˈʃɪŋɡəlz/ (herpes zoster) | :: vyöruusu |
shining {adj} /ˈʃaɪnɪŋ/ (reflecting light) | :: hohtaa |
shinjitai {n} (simplified form of Japanese kanji) | :: yksinkertaistettu kanji |
shinkansen {n} (bullet train) SEE: bullet train | :: |
shin pad {n} (clothing) | :: säärisuoja |
shin splint {n} (painful inflammation of muscles in the shins) | :: penikkatauti |
Shinto {prop} /ˈʃɪn.toʊ/ (religion) | :: šintolaisuus, šinto |
Shintoism {prop} (Shinto) SEE: Shinto | :: |
Shintoist {n} (an adherent of Shinto) | :: šintolainen |
shiny {adj} /ˈʃaɪni/ (reflecting light) | :: kiiltävä |
shiny {adj} (emitting light) | :: loistava |
shiny {adj} (excellent) | :: loistava |
shiny cowbird {n} (shiny cowbird) | :: hohtoturpiaali |
ship {n} /ʃɪp/ (large water vessel) | :: laiva |
ship {n} (vessel which travels through any medium other than land) | :: alus |
ship {v} (to send a parcel or container) | :: toimittaa, lähettää |
ship {v} (to send by water-borne transport) | :: laivata, lähettää |
ship {v} (to take in water over the sides of a vessel) | :: haukata |
ship {v} (to pass from one person to another) | :: ojentaa |
ship {v} (poker slang: to go all in) | :: korottaa all-in, panna kaikki peliin |
ship {v} (sports: to trade a player to another team) | :: treidata |
-ship {suffix} (Property or state of being) | :: -us |
shipbuilder {n} (person) | :: laivanrakentaja, veneenveistäjä |
shipbuilder {n} (firm) | :: telakka, laivanrakentaja |
shipbuilding {n} (construction of ships) | :: laivanrakennus |
shiplap {n} (type of wooden board) | :: puoliponttilauta |
shipload {n} (amount of cargo) | :: laivalastillinen |
shipment {n} /ˈʃɪpmənt/ (load of goods) | :: kuljetus, toimitus, lähetys |
shipment {n} (the act of transporting goods) | :: kuljetus, kuljettaminen |
ship of the line {n} (large square-rigged warship) | :: linjalaiva |
shipowner {n} (someone who owns a ship) | :: laivanisäntä, laivanvarustaja |
shipping {n} /ˈʃɪpɪŋ/ (transportation of goods) | :: kuljetus |
shipping {n} (body of ships belonging to one nation, port or industry) | :: laivasto |
shipping {n} (passage or transport on a ship) | :: laivamatka [passage], laivakuljetus [transport], laivaus |
shipping company {n} (company) | :: varustamo, laivanvarustamo |
shipping container {n} (box used for transportation of materials) | :: kontti |
shipwreck {n} /ˈʃɪpɹɛk/ (A ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy.) | :: hylky |
shipwreck {n} (An event where a ship sinks or runs aground.) | :: haaksirikko |
shipwreck {v} (to wreck a vessel) | :: haaksirikkoutua |
shipwrecked {adj} (stranded as a result of a shipwreck) | :: haaksirikkoinen |
shipwrecky {adj} /ˈʃɪpɹɛki/ (characteristic of shipwreck) | :: haaksirikkoinen |
shipwrecky {adj} (weak, feeble, shaky) | :: tutiseva, heikko, huonokuntoinen |
shipwright {n} /ˈʃɪpɹaɪt/ (person) | :: laivanveistäjä |
shipyard {n} (place to build and repair ships) | :: telakka |
Shiraz {prop} /ʃɚˈɑːz/ (a city in southern Iran) | :: Šīrāz, Shiraz |
Shiraz {n} (variety of black grape) | :: shiraz, syrah |
shire {n} /ʃaɪə(ɹ)/ (former administrative area of Britain; a county) | :: kreivikunta |
shirk {v} /ʃɝk/ (avoid a duty) | :: pinnata |
shirt {n} /ʃɜːt/ (article of clothing) | :: paita |
shirttail {n} (bottom part of shirt) | :: paidanhelma |
shisha {n} (arabic water-pipe) SEE: hookah | :: |
shish kebab {n} /ˈʃɪʃkəbɑb/ (roasted meat) | :: shish kebab |
shiso {n} (perilla) SEE: perilla | :: |
shit {n} /ʃɪt/ | :: paska |
shit {n} (rubbish) | :: paska |
shit {n} (nonsense, bullshit) | :: paska |
shit {n} (nasty, despicable person) | :: paskiainen |
shit {n} (not anything, nothing) | :: paska |
shit {adj} (of poor quality) | :: paska |
shit {adj} (despicable) | :: paska, paskamainen |
shit {v} | :: paskantaa, paskoa, kakata |
shit {v} (vulgar: to excrete (something) through the anus) | :: paskantaa |
shit {v} (vulgar: to be stricken with fear) | :: olla paska jäykkänä [to have stiff shit] |
shit {interj} (expression of worry, failure) | :: (voi) paska! |
shitfaced {adj} (very drunk) | :: perseet olalla |
shit factory {n} (humorous: infant) | :: sinappikone |
shit-for-brains {adj} /ˈʃɪt fɚ ˌbɹeɪnz/ (Very stupid) | :: paskapäinen |
shit happens {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life | :: |
shithead {n} /ˈʃɪt.hɛd/ (stupid or contemptible person) | :: paskapää |
shithead {n} (card game) | :: china hand |
shithole {n} (anus) SEE: asshole | :: |
shithole {n} (unpleasant person) SEE: asshole | :: |
shithole {n} /ˈʃɪthoʊl/ (dirty or unpleasant place) | :: persläpi, persereikä |
shithouse {n} | :: paskahuussi |
shithouse {adj} (Of poor quality) SEE: shitty | :: |
shitly {adv} (Terribly) | :: huonosti, pahasti |
shit oneself {v} (vulgar slang: soil oneself) SEE: soil oneself | :: |
shitpost {v} (a worthless online post) | :: paskapostaus |
shitpost {v} (make a worthless online post) | :: paskapostata |
shits {n} /ʃɪts/ (vulgar slang for diarrhea) | :: ripuli |
shit stick {n} (piece used to clean the anus) | :: paskatikku |
shitstorm {n} (violent situation.) | :: paskamyrsky |
shitstorm {n} (Considerable backlash.) | :: paskamyrsky |
shitter {n} (coarse slang for the anus) SEE: anus | :: |
shitter {n} /ˈʃɪt.ə(ɹ)/ (one who defecates) | :: paskantaja |
shitter {n} (coarse slang for toilet, see also: toilet) | :: paskahuusi |
shitter {n} (objectionable person or thing) | :: paskiainen |
shitty {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
shitty {adj} (high) SEE: high | :: |
shitty {adj} /ˈʃɪti/ (unpleasant as shit) | :: paska |
shitty {adj} (Of such poor quality as to resemble shit) | :: paska |
shitwork {n} (work of low status or satisfaction) | :: paskaduuni, hanttihomma |
shiv {n} /ʃɪv/ (knife) | :: omatekoinen veitsi |
shiv {v} (stab) | :: puukottaa |
Shiva {prop} /ˈʃiːvə/ (deity) | :: Shiva, Šiva |
shive {n} /ʃaɪv/ (particle of impurity) | :: päistär |
shiver {v} /ˈʃɪvɚ/ (to tremble or shake) | :: hytistä, väristä |
shiver {n} (the act or result of shivering) | :: hytinä, värinä, väristys |
Shlomo {prop} (given name) SEE: Solomon | :: |
Shoah {prop} (the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews) SEE: Holocaust | :: |
shoal {n} (group of fish) SEE: school | :: |
shoal {n} /ʃəʊl/ (sandbank) | :: särkkä |
shoal {n} (a shallow) | :: matalikko |
shock {n} /ʃɑk/ (sudden, heavy impact) | :: isku, jytky |
shock {n} (something surprising) | :: shokki, jymy-yllätys |
shock {n} (electric shock) | :: sähköisku, sähköshokki |
shock {n} (life-threatening medical emergency) | :: shokki, šokki |
shock {n} (tuft or bunch) | :: tuppo, tukko |
shock {v} (to cause to be emotionally shocked) | :: järkyttää, shokeerata |
shock {v} (to give an electric shock) | :: antaa sähköshokki |
shock {n} (arrangement of sheaves for drying) SEE: stook | :: |
shock absorber {n} (device to absorb shocks) | :: iskunvaimennin |
shocked {adj} /ʃɒkt/ (surprised, startled, confused) | :: kauhistunut, shokissa |
shocking {adj} /ˈʃɒkɪŋ/ (inspiring shock; startling) | :: järkyttävä, kauhistuttava |
shocking {adj} (unusually obscene or lewd) | :: tyrmistyttävä |
shocking {adj} (extremely bad) | :: kaamea, karmea, hirveä |
shockproof {adj} (able to withstand shocks) | :: iskunkestävä |
shock site {n} (offensive website) | :: šokkisivusto |
shock stall {n} /ˈʃɒk ˌstɔːl/ (sudden loss of lift that occurs at a specific Mach number) | :: yliäänisakkaus |
shock wave {n} (A powerful compression wave) | :: iskuaalto |
shod {adj} (wearing shoes) | :: kengät jalassa [person], kengitetty [horse] |
shod {adj} (having tires equipped) | :: renkaat alla |
shoddy {adj} /ʃɒdi/ (of poor quality) | :: kehno, huonolaatuinen, surkea, ala-arvoinen |
shoe {n} /ʃuː/ (protective covering for the foot) | :: kenkä |
shoe {n} (something resembling a shoe (e.g. brake shoe)) | :: kenkä |
shoe {v} (to put horseshoes on a horse) | :: kengittää |
shoe {v} (to equip with protection) | :: kengittää |
shoe {n} (piece of metal designed to be attached to a horse’s foot) SEE: horseshoe | :: |
shoebill {n} /ˈʃu.bɪl/ (wading bird) | :: kenkänokka |
shoeblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoe brush {n} (a brush used to apply shoe polish to shoes, work the polish in and bring up a shine) | :: kenkäharja |
shoegazing {n} /ˈʃuːɡeɪzɪŋ/ (indie music genre) | :: shoegazing |
shoehorn {n} /ˈʃuːˌhɔɹn/ (tool used to assist the foot) | :: kenkälusikka |
shoehorn {v} (to use a shoehorn) | :: käyttää kenkälusikkaa |
shoehorn {v} (to exert great effort to insert or include something) | :: tunkea |
shoe insert {n} | :: irtopohjallinen, pohjallinen |
shoelace {n} /ˈʃuːˌleɪs/ (for fastening a shoe, see also: lace) | :: nauha, kengännauha [for shoes] |
shoeless {adj} (without shoes) | :: kengätön |
shoemaker {n} (a person who makes shoes) | :: suutari, kengäntekijä |
shoemaking {n} (shoemaking) | :: kengänvalmistus, kengänteko, suutarointi |
shoe polish {n} (product used to make shoes shine) | :: kengänkiillote, kengänkiilloke, lankki, kenkälankki |
shoeshine {n} (the act of polishing shoes) | :: kenkien kiillotus, lankkaus, kengänkiillotus |
shoeshine {n} (the shiny finish on shoes that have been polished) | :: kiilto |
shoeshine boy {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoeshine girl {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoeshiner {n} (person who shines shoes) | :: kengänkiillottaja |
shoe shop {n} (a shop that sells footwear and related items) | :: kenkäkauppa |
shoe size {n} (size of shoe) | :: kengännumero |
shoe store {n} (shoe shop) SEE: shoe shop | :: |
shoestring {n} (the string or lace used to secure the shoe to the foot; a shoelace) SEE: shoelace | :: |
shoestring {n} (a tight budget) | :: taskuraha |
shoestring {n} (a long narrow cut of a food; a julienne) | :: julienne |
shoe tree {n} (device to preserve the shape of a shoe) | :: lepolesti, lesti |
shoetree {n} (device to preserve the shape of a shoe) SEE: shoe tree | :: |
shogun {n} /ˈʃəʊɡʌn/ (supreme generalissimo of feudal Japan) | :: shōgun |
Shona {prop} /ˈʃəʊnə/ (language) | :: shona |
shoo {v} /ʃuː/ (to induce someone to leave) | :: hätistää, hätistellä, ajaa tiehensä, häätää |
shoo {v} (to leave under inducement) | :: häipyä |
shoo {interj} (go away) | :: häivy, hus |
shoo {v} (usher) SEE: usher | :: |
shoot {v} /ʃuːt/ (to fire a shot) | :: ampua, laukaista |
shoot {v} (to fire multiple shots) | :: ampua |
shoot {v} (to hit with a shot) | :: [+ partitive object when injuring or genitive object when killing] ampua |
shoot {n} (emerging stem and embryonic leaves of a new plant) | :: verso, taimi |
shoot {n} (photography session) | :: kuvaukset {p} |
shoot down {v} (to cause to fall by shooting) | :: ampua alas |
shooter {n} /ˈʃuːtə(ɹ)/ (person) | :: ampuja |
shooter {n} (firearm) | :: tuliase |
shooter {n} (game) | :: räiskintäpeli, ammuntapeli |
shoot from the hip {v} (discharge a firearm) | :: ampua lonkalta |
shoot from the hip {v} (react quickly) | :: vetää lonkalta |
shooting {n} /ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ (instance of shooting) | :: ampuminen |
shooting {n} (the sport or activity of firing a gun or other weapon) | :: ammunta |
shooting guard {n} (basketball position) | :: heittävä takamies |
shooting iron {n} (firearm) | :: paukkurauta, reikärauta |
shooting range {n} (a facility designed for firearms practice) | :: ampumarata |
shooting star {n} (meteor) | :: tähdenlento |
shooting star {n} (flowering plant) | :: jumaltenkukka |
shoot oneself in the foot {v} (to act against one's own interest) | :: sahata omaa oksaansa, ampua itseään jalkaan |
shoot one's mouth off {v} (make reckless or exaggerated statements) | :: puhua läpiä päähänsä |
shoot the breeze {v} (to chat idly or waste time talking) | :: rupatella, lörpötellä |
shoot the moon {v} (hit the moon) | :: laukaista kuuhun |
shoot the moon {v} (attain great heights) | :: tavoitella kuuta taivaalta |
shoot the moon {v} (achieve the lowest or highest score possible) | :: puhaltaa |
shoot the shit {v} (chat casually) SEE: shoot the breeze | :: |
shop {n} /ʃɑp/ (establishment that sells goods) | :: myymälä, kauppa |
shop {n} (workshop) | :: paja, työpaja, tehdas |
shop {n} (a class taught typically in junior high school, teaching vocational skill) | :: käsityö, puutyö, metallityö |
shop {v} (to visit shops) | :: käydä kaupassa, shoppailla |
shop {v} (to report to an authority) | :: ilmiantaa, paljastaa |
shop {v} (to digitally edit a picture or photograph) SEE: photoshop | :: |
shopaholic {n} (one who shops very frequently) | :: himoshoppailija |
shopaholic {n} (common term applied to someone suffering from oniomania) | :: ostosriippuvainen |
shop assistant {n} (shop employee) | :: myymäläapulainen |
shopkeeper {n} (trader who sells goods in a shop) | :: kauppias, liikkeenharjoittaja |
shoplift {v} (transitive: to steal something) | :: näpistää |
shoplift {v} (intransitive: to steal) | :: näpistää |
shoplifter {n} (one who steals from shops) | :: myymälävaras |
shoplifting {n} (action of the verb to shoplift) | :: näpistys, myymälävarkaus |
shoplifting {n} (theft from a shop) | :: myymälävarkaus |
shopman {n} (proprietor, manager or operator of a small store) | :: myymäläpäällikkö, kauppias |
shoppe {n} (shop) SEE: shop | :: |
shopping {n} /ˈʃɑpɪŋ/ (activity of buying) | :: shoppailu, ostoksilla käyminen, ostaminen, osteleminen, shoppaileminen, ostelu |
shopping {n} (things bought) | :: ostokset {p} |
shopping bag {n} (strong bag for carrying purchases) | :: ostoskassi, kauppakassi |
shopping basket {n} (basket for groceries and merchandise) | :: ostoskori |
shopping bot {n} (bot that searches for the best price) | :: ostosrobotti |
shopping cart {n} (conveyance used to carry items while shopping) | :: ostoskärry |
shopping center {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre | :: |
shopping centre {n} (large retail outlet) | :: ostoskeskus |
shopping list {n} (list of items that need to be bought) | :: ostoslista |
shopping mall {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre | :: |
shopping precinct {n} (mall, shopping centre) | :: kauppakeskus, ostoskeskus |
shopping trolley {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart | :: |
shop stealer {n} (shoplifter) | :: myymälävaras |
shop steward {n} (representative of workers) | :: luottamushenkilö, luottamusmies, luottamusnainen, luottamusvaltuutettu |
shop window {n} (large window at the front of a shop) | :: ikkuna, näyteikkuna, vitriini |
Shor {prop} (language) | :: šoori, šoorin kieli |
shore {n} /ʃɔɹ/ (land adjoining a large body of water) | :: ranta, rannikko |
shore {v} (support) SEE: shore up | :: |
shore bird {n} (shorebird) SEE: shorebird | :: |
shorebird {n} (long-legged bird) | :: rantalintu, kahlaaja |
shore crab {n} (type of crab, Carcinus maenas) | :: rantataskurapu |
shore fly {n} (fly of the family Ephyridae) | :: liejukärpänen |
shoreline {n} (the divide between land and water) | :: rantaviiva |
shoreline {n} (line on a map) | :: rantaviiva |
shore patrol {n} (special unit of the military police of the U.S. Navy or the Royal Navy) | :: sotilaspoliisi |
shore up {v} (to reinforce (something at risk of failure)) | :: pönkittää |
shoreweed {n} (plantain) | :: raani |
short {adj} /ʃɔːt/ (having a small distance between ends or edges) | :: lyhyt |
short {adj} (of a person, of comparatively small height) | :: lyhyt |
short {adj} (having little duration) | :: lyhyt |
short {adj} (constituting an abbreviation or shortened form) | :: lyhennys, lyhyt muoto [nouns] |
short {adj} (golf: falling short of the green or the hole) | :: lyhyt |
short {adj} (of pastries: brittle, crumbly) | :: muro- |
short {adj} (abrupt; brief; pointed; petulant) | :: lyhyt |
short {adj} (limited in quantity; inadequate; insufficient; scanty) | :: niukka |
short {adj} (insufficiently provided; inadequately supplied; scantily furnished; lacking) | :: vajaa, puutteellinen, vähäinen, vähä; vähän [adv.] |
short {adj} (deficient; less; not coming up to a measure or standard) | :: vajaa, puutteellinen [deficient], vähempi [less]; epätyydyttävä [not up to measure] |
short {adj} (undiluted; neat) | :: raaka, pelkkä |
short {adj} (not distant in time; near at hand) | :: pikainen; pian [adv.] |
short {adj} (being in a financial investment position to profit of falling prices) | :: lyhyt |
short {adv} (abruptly, briefly) | :: äkkiä, lyhyeen; keskeyttää [to cut short] |
short {adv} (unawares, see also: unawares) | :: valmistautumattomana {s}, valmistautumattomina {p}; yllättää [to catch short] |
short {adv} (without achieving a goal or requirement) | :: olla huonompi kuin [to fall short of] |
short {adv} (finance: with a negative ownership position) | :: lyhyt [adj.] |
short {n} (summary account) | :: lyhennelmä |
short {n} (phonetics: short sound, syllable, or vowel) | :: lyhyt äänne [sound], lyhyt tavu [syllable], lyhyt vokaali [vowel] |
short {v} (transitive: to cause a short circuit) | :: oikosulkea, aiheuttaa oikosulku |
short {v} (intransitive: to short circuit) | :: mennä oikosulkuun |
short {v} (business: to sell something one does not own at the moment) | :: myydä lyhyeksi, shortata |
short {prep} (deficient in) | :: puuttua [to be short] |
short {n} (baseball: shortstop) SEE: shortstop | :: |
short {n} (short circuit) SEE: short circuit | :: |
short {v} (shortchange) SEE: shortchange | :: |
short {n} (finance: short sale) SEE: short selling | :: |
short {n} (finance: short seller) SEE: short seller | :: |
short {n} (short film) SEE: short film | :: |
short-acting {adj} (having a pharmaceutical effect in the short term) | :: lyhytvaikutteinen |
shortage {n} (lack or deficiency) | :: pula, puute |
short-billed dowitcher {n} (Limnodromus griseus) | :: rämekurppelo |
shortbread {n} (biscuit) | :: murokeksi |
shortcake {n} (type of cake) | :: murokakku |
shortchange {v} /ʃɔɹtˈtʃeɪndʒ/ (to defraud someone by giving them less change than they ought to be given after a transaction) | :: antaa väärin takaisin |
shortchange {v} (to deprive someone of something for which they payed) | :: huijata, pettää |
short circuit {n} (unintentional connection) | :: oikosulku |
shortcoming {n} (deficiency) | :: puute, vajavuus, vika |
short corner {n} (soccer: short corner kick) | :: lyhyt kulmapotku |
short corner {n} (field hockey: penalty corner) | :: lyhyt kulma |
shortcrust pastry {n} (pastry without leavening agent) | :: murotaikina |
shortcut {n} /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/ (path) | :: oikotie, oikopolku, oikoreitti |
shortcut {n} (method) | :: oikaisu |
shortcut {n} (symlink) | :: pikakuvake |
shortcut {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut | :: |
short-eared owl {n} (owl) | :: suopöllö |
shorten {v} /ˈʃɔɹtən/ (to make shorter) | :: lyhentää |
shorten {v} (to become shorter) | :: lyhetä, lyhentyä |
short film {n} (motion picture) | :: lyhytelokuva |
short-haired bumblebee {n} (Bombus subterraneus) | :: maakimalainen |
shorthand {n} /ˈʃɔːthænd/ (rough and rapid method of writing) | :: pikakirjoitus |
shorthanded {adv} (team sports) | :: vajaamiehinen |
shorthanded {adv} (understaffed) | :: vajaamiehinen |
shorthorn sculpin {n} (species of fish) | :: isosimppu |
shortie {n} (something or someone that is shorter than normal) | :: pätkä, tumppi |
shortie {n} (short-handed goal) | :: alivoimamaali |
shortie {adj} (shorter than normal) | :: tavallista lyhyempi, lyhyenläntä |
short-legged {adj} (having short legs) | :: lyhytjalkainen |
short-lived {adj} /ʃɔɹtˈlɪvd/ (not existent for very long) | :: lyhytikäinen, lyhytkestoinen |
shortly {adv} /ʃɔːɹtli/ (in a short or brief time or manner) | :: pikaisesti, nopeasti |
shortly {adv} (in or after a short time) | :: pian, kohta |
shortly {adv} (in few words; briefly) | :: lyhyesti |
shortly {adv} (in an irritable manner) | :: töykeästi |
shortness {n} (The property of being short, of being small of stature or brief) | :: lyhyys, täpäryys |
shortness of breath {n} (dyspnea) | :: hengenahdistus |
short of {phrase} (except) SEE: except | :: |
short reckonings make long friends {proverb} | :: laina on hyvä maksaa takaisin ajoissa |
shorts {n} (plural of short) SEE: short | :: |
shorts {n} /ʃɔː(ɹ)ts/ (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees) | :: shortsit, sortsit |
short sale {n} (sale of a security that one does not own, delivery obligation met by borrowing the security from another owner) SEE: short selling | :: |
short seller {n} (person or organization that participates in short selling) | :: lyhyeksi myyjä, lyhyeksimyyjä |
short selling {n} (The practice of selling items or stock which one does not currently possess) | :: lyhyeksimyynti |
short shrift {n} /ˌʃɔɹt ˈʃɹɪft/ (quick rejection) | :: pikatuomio |
short-sighted {adj} (myopic) SEE: myopic | :: |
short-sighted {adj} (lacking foresight) | :: lyhytnäköinen |
short-sightedness {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness | :: |
shortstop {n} (baseball: defensive player between second and third baseman) | :: sortti [in baseball]; polttaja [in pesäpallo] |
short story {n} (work of fiction) | :: novelli |
shortsword {n} (sword) | :: lyhyt miekka, lyhytmiekka |
short-tailed parrot {n} (Graydidascalus brachyurus) | :: töpöaratti |
short-tailed weasel {n} (Mustela erminea) SEE: ermine | :: |
short-tempered {adj} (easily angered) | :: äkkipikainen, lyhytpinnainen, kärsimätön |
short-term {adj} (of the near or immediate future) | :: lyhyen aikavälin |
short-term {adj} (of a short duration of time) | :: lyhyen aikavälin, lyhytaikainen, lyhytkestoinen |
short-term memory {n} | :: lyhytkestoinen muisti |
short time {n} (reduced work hours) | :: lyhennetty työaika |
short-toed snake eagle {n} (Circaetus gallicus) | :: käärmekotka |
short-toed treecreeper {n} (Certhia brachydactyla) | :: etelänpuukiipijä |
shortwave {adj} (of radio waves) | :: lyhytaaltoinen |
shortwave {adj} (of radio equipment) | :: lyhytaalto- |
shortwave {n} (wave) | :: lyhytaalto |
shortwave {n} (frequency) | :: lyhytaallot {p} |
Shoshone {prop} /ʃoʊˈʃoʊni/ (Amerind people) | :: shoshonit |
shot {adj} /ʃɑt/ (worn out) | :: kulunut |
shot {adj} (tired, weary) | :: väsynyt, poikki, puhki |
shot {n} (result of launching a projectile) | :: laukaus, iskemä |
shot {n} (launching of a ball or similar object toward a goal) | :: laukaus |
shot {n} (heavy iron ball used for the shot put) | :: kuula |
shot {n} (small metal balls used as ammunition) | :: hauli |
shot {n} (opportunity or attempt) | :: mahdollisuus, yritys |
shot {n} (critical or insulting comment) | :: pisto, piikki, sivallus |
shot {n} (sports slang: punch blow) | :: tälli |
shot {n} (measure of alcohol) | :: shotti |
shot {n} (single serving of espresso) | :: tujaus |
shot {n} (photography: single unbroken sequence of photographic exposures) | :: otto |
shot {n} (vaccination or injection) | :: rokotus, rokote |
Shota {prop} (male given name) | :: Šota |
shot across the bow {n} /ˈʃɒt əˌkɹɒs ðə ˈbaʊ/ (warning that negative consequences will be faced) | :: varoituslaukaus |
shot glass {n} (small glass) | :: ryyppylasi, snapsilasi, shottilasi |
shotgun {n} /ˈʃɒtɡʌn/ (gun) | :: haulikko |
shotgun {n} (front seat next to driver) | :: pelkääjän paikka [humorous], matkustajan etupenkki |
shotgun wedding {n} (wedding in which the bride is pregnant) | :: haulikkohäät {p} |
shot in the dark {n} (a guess) | :: hakuammunta |
shot on goal {n} (shot towards the goal) | :: laukaus |
shot put {n} (athletics event) | :: kuulantyöntö |
shot-putter {n} (athlete) | :: kuulantyöntäjä |
should {v} /ʃʊd/ (expressing obligation) | :: pitäisi |
should {v} (expressing likelihood) | :: use potential mood, pitäisi |
should {v} (if; in case of) | :: sattua (+ active 3rd infinitive in illative), jos and conditional mood |
shoulder {n} /ˈʃoʊldɚ/ (top of the torso, away from the neck) | :: hartia |
shoulder {n} (joint between arm and torso) | :: hartia, olkapää, olka, harteet {p}, hartiat {p} |
shoulder {n} (a verge to the side of a road) | :: piennar, tienreuna |
shoulder bag {n} (bag suspended from the shoulder) | :: olkalaukku |
shoulder blade {n} (bone) | :: lapaluu |
shoulder bone {n} (shoulder blade) SEE: shoulder blade | :: |
shoulder joint {n} (glenohumeral joint) SEE: glenohumeral joint | :: |
shoulder pad {n} (type of padding) | :: olkatoppaus |
shoulder pad {n} (protective padding) | :: olkasuoja, olkasuojain |
shoulder pole {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole | :: |
shoulder-to-shoulder {adv} (in close proximity) | :: olakkain |
shoulder-to-shoulder {adv} (whilst closely cooperating) | :: käsi kädessä |
shout {n} /ʃaʊt/ (a loud burst of voice) | :: huuto |
shout {v} (to utter a sudden and loud outcry) | :: huutaa |
shout down {v} (to shout louder than someone in order to force through one's argument) | :: huutaa kovempaa kuin |
shout from the rooftops {v} (proclaim) | :: toitottaa |
shove {v} /ʃʌv/ (push roughly) | :: tuupata, töniä [frequentative], tönäistä, tyrkätä, tyrkkiä [frequentative] |
shove {n} (rough push) | :: tuuppaus, tönäisy |
shove it up your ass {v} (exclamation of contempt (vulgar)) | :: haista paska |
shovel {n} (spade) SEE: spade | :: |
shovel {n} /ˈʃʌvəl/ (tool for moving portions of material) | :: lapio |
shovel {v} (to move materials with a shovel) | :: lapioida |
shovelful {n} (amount that can be moved with a shovel) | :: lapiollinen |
show {v} /ʃəʊ/ (to display) | :: näyttää; [formally, or in length] esitellä |
show {v} (to indicate (a fact) to be true) | :: näyttää, osoittaa |
show {v} (to guide or escort) | :: opastaa, saattaa |
show {v} (to be visible) | :: näkyä; näyttäytyä [shortly], pilkistää |
show {v} (to have a big belly, as pregnant) | :: näkyä |
show {n} (entertainment) | :: show, näytelmä, esitys |
show {n} (exhibition) | :: näyttely, esittely |
show {n} (demonstration) | :: näytös, demonstraatio |
show {n} (broadcast program(me)) | :: ohjelma |
show {n} (mere display) | :: näytös |
show {v} (to bestow; confer) SEE: bestow | :: |
show {v} (show up) SEE: show up | :: |
showboat {n} /ˈʃoʊˌboʊt/ (river steamer with theatre) | :: teatterilaiva |
show business {n} (entertainment industry) | :: viihdeala |
showbusiness {n} /ˈʃoʊˌbɪznɪs/ (entertainment industry) | :: viihdeala |
showcase {n} /ˈʃoʊˌkeɪs/ (a case for displaying merchandise or valuable items) | :: vitriini, lasikaappi |
showcase {n} (a setting for displaying something favorably) | :: vitriini, lasikaappi, lasikko |
showcase {v} (to display, demonstrate, show, or present) | :: esittää, näyttää |
showdown {n} (the final battle between two nemeses, in which there can be but one victor) | :: välienselvittely |
shower {n} /ˈʃaʊ.ɚ/ (brief fall of rain) | :: sadekuuro, kuuro |
shower {n} (device for bathing) | :: suihku |
shower {n} (instance of using of this device) | :: suihku |
shower {n} (quantity of something that has characteristics of a rain shower) | :: kuuro, suihku |
shower {n} (battle, attack, conflict) | :: taisto |
shower {n} (contemptible group of people or things) | :: joukkio |
shower {v} (to spray with) | :: suihkuttaa |
shower {v} (to bathe using a shower) | :: käydä suihkussa, ottaa suihku |
shower {v} (to bestow liberally) | :: kylvää |
shower {n} /ˈʃəʊ.ə(ɹ)/ (one who shows) | :: näyttäjä, esittelijä |
shower {n} (man whose penis appears full size when flaccid) | :: lihakulli |
shower {n} (bridal shower) SEE: bridal shower | :: |
shower {n} (baby shower) SEE: baby shower | :: |
shower cap {n} (waterproof headgear worn in shower) | :: suihkumyssy |
shower curtain {n} (waterproof curtain) | :: suihkuverho |
shower gel {n} (gel shower soap) | :: suihkugeeli |
shower head {n} (part of a shower where the water comes out) | :: suihkukappale, suihkusuutin |
showerhead {n} (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather) | :: suihkupää |
showerless {adj} (without shower) | :: suihkuton |
showing {n} /ˈʃoʊɪŋ/ (occasion) | :: näytös; näyttö |
showing {n} (result) | :: esitys |
show jumping {n} (equestrian event in which a rider's horse is jumped over an array of obstacles) | :: esteratsastus |
showman {n} (person skilled in dramatic or entertaining presentation, see also: showwoman) | :: esiintyjä, viihdyttäjä, showmies |
showman {n} (person who produces or presents shows as a profession) SEE: impresario | :: |
showmanship {n} (strong performance) | :: näyttävyys, esiintyvyys |
show off {v} (to exhibit, to demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging) | :: näyttää, brassailla [slang]; [show off one's intelligence] päteä, pröystäillä, mahtailla, leveillä, ylpeillä, kehuskella, briljeerata |
show-off {n} (one who shows off) | :: mahtailija, brassailija [slang] |
show of force {n} | :: voimannäytös |
show of hands {n} (vote by raising a hand) | :: käsiäänestys, kättennostoäänestys |
show one's face {v} (To appear publicly) | :: näyttäytyä, näyttää naamaansa |
show one's true colors {v} (to reveal how one really is) | :: näyttää todellinen karvansa |
showpiece {n} (something worth being shown) | :: mallikappale |
showpiece {n} (something made for display) | :: näyttelyesine, näyttelykappale |
showroom {n} /ˈʃoʊˌɹum/ (room for display of products) | :: esittelytila |
showrunner {n} /ˈʃoʊˌɹʌnɚ/ (person in charge of a television series) | :: sarjan päällikkö, showrunner |
show trial {n} (trial held for appearance's sake) | :: näytösoikeudenkäynti |
show tune {n} (song written for a musical) | :: musikaalisävelmä |
show up {v} (to appear) | :: ilmestyä (paikalle) |
show up {v} (to expose) | :: näyttää |
showy {adj} /ˈʃəʊ.i/ (for show) | :: näyttävä, pramea |
shrapnel {n} /ˈʃɹæpnəl/ (artillery shell) | :: srapnelli |
shrapnel {n} (fragments and debris thrown out by an exploding device) | :: sirpaleet {p} |
shrapnel {n} (loose change) SEE: loose change | :: |
shred {n} /ʃɹɛd/ (strip) | :: suikale, kaistale |
shred {n} (fragment; piece; particle) | :: palanen, kappale, hitunen |
shred {v} (to cut or tear into narrow pieces or strips) | :: repiä, silputa, suikaloida |
shred {v} (to drop fat and water weight before a competition) | :: tiputtaa |
shred {v} (to play music very fast) | :: tiluttaa |
shredder {n} /ʃɹɛdə(ɹ)/ (machine) | :: silppuri |
shredder {n} (program) | :: tiedostosilppuri |
shrew {n} /ʃɹuː/ (mouselike animal) | :: päästäinen |
shrew {n} (woman) | :: äkäpussi |
shrewd {adj} /ʃɹuːd/ (showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters) | :: kätevä, kekseliäs, neuvokas, fiksu |
shrewd {adj} (artful, tricky or cunning) | :: nokkela, ovela, neuvokas |
shrewd {adj} (streetwise) | :: neuvokas, katuviisas |
shrewdly {adv} (in a shrewd manner) | :: ovelasti, terävästi |
shriek {n} /ʃɹiːk/ (a sharp, shrill outcry or scream) | :: kirkaisu, rääkäisy |
shriek {v} (to utter a loud, sharp, shrill sound or cry) | :: kirkaista, rääkäistä |
shrift {n} /ʃɹɪft/ (confession to a priest) | :: rippi, ripittäytyminen |
shrike {n} /ʃɹaɪk/ (Any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae) | :: lepinkäinen |
shrill {adj} /ʃɹɪl/ (high-pitched and piercing) | :: kimeä, kimakka |
shrill {v} (to make a shrill noise) | :: kirkaista |
shrimp {n} /ʃɹɪmp/ (decapod crustacean) | :: katkarapu |
shrimp {n} (small person) | :: pirpana, ipana |
shrimp plant {n} (Justicia brandegeeana) | :: onnenkäpy, käpyjaakonkukka |
shrine {n} /ʃɹaɪ̯n/ (a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect) | :: pyhäkkö, pyhättö, alttari |
shrink {v} /ˈʃɹɪŋk/ (intransitive: to contract, to become smaller) | :: kutistua |
shrink {v} (transitive: to cause something to shrink) | :: kutistaa |
shrink {v} (intransitive: to attempt to avoid an unwanted or intimidating duty) | :: luistaa, laistaa, luikkia |
shrink {n} (psychiatrist or therapist (informal, belittling)) | :: kallonkutistaja |
shrithe {v} (to creep) SEE: creep | :: |
shrithe {v} (to go about, roam) SEE: roam | :: |
shrive {v} (confess) SEE: confess | :: |
shrivel {v} /ˈʃɹɪvəl/ (collapse inward) | :: romahtaa |
shrivel {v} (become wrinkled) | :: kurtistua |
shroom {n} (mushroom) SEE: mushroom | :: |
shroom {n} (hallucinogenic fungus) SEE: magic mushroom | :: |
shroud {n} /ʃɹaʊd/ (dress for the dead) | :: käärinliina, kuolinvaate |
shroud {n} (mast support) | :: vantti |
Shrove Sunday {n} (Sunday preceding Lent) | :: laskiaissunnuntai |
Shrovetide {n} (period of three days) | :: laskiainen; [Orthodox] voiviikko |
Shrove Tuesday {n} (day before the beginning of Lent) | :: laskiaistiistai, [colloquial] laskiainen |
shrub {n} /ʃɹʌb/ (woody plant) | :: varpu, pensas |
shrubbery {n} (planting of shrubs) | :: pensaikko |
shrubbery {n} (shrubs collectively) | :: pensaskasvillisuus, pensaikko |
shrub celery {n} (the crisp thick leafstalk of the celery plant) | :: sellerinvarsi |
shrug {n} /ʃɹʌɡ/ (gesture) | :: olankohautus |
shrug {v} (to raise the shoulders to express uncertainty, lack of concern, etc.) | :: kohauttaa olkiaan, kohauttaa olkapäitään |
Shuar {n} (people) | :: shuarit {p} |
Shuar {n} (person) | :: shuari |
Shuar {prop} (language) | :: shuari |
shudder {n} /ˈʃʌdə/ (shivering tremor) | :: väristys, vapina, tutina, puistatus |
shudder {n} (moment of almost pleasurable fear; a frisson) | :: väristys |
shudder {v} (to shake nervously, as if from fear) | :: väristä, vavista, tutista, puistattaa |
shudder {v} (to vibrate jerkily) | :: väristä, vavista, tutista |
shuffle {n} /ˈʃʌfəl/ (act of shuffling cards) | :: sekoittaminen |
shuffle {v} (to put in a random order) | :: sekoittaa |
shuffle {v} (to walk without picking up one's feet) | :: laahustaa |
shufti {n} (glance) SEE: glance | :: |
Shughni {prop} (language) | :: šugnani |
shun {v} /ʃʌn/ (to avoid) | :: karttaa |
shunt {n} /ʃʌnt/ (electric connection) | :: suntti |
shunt {n} (surgical bypass) | :: suntti |
shunt {n} (railway switch) | :: vaihde |
shunter {n} (a railway locomotive used for shunting) | :: järjestelyveturi |
shunting {n} (the manipulation of railway rolling stock) | :: vaihtotyö |
shut {v} /ʃʌt/ ((transitive) to close) | :: sulkea |
shut down {v} (to close, terminate, or end) | :: sulkea |
shut down {v} (to turn off or stop) | :: sammuttaa |
shutdown {n} (action of closing) | :: sulkeminen |
shut one's eyes {v} (to ignore or deliberately overlook) SEE: turn a blind eye | :: |
shut one's trap {v} (shut up) SEE: shut up | :: |
shutout {n} (lockout) | :: työsulku |
shutout {n} (game that ends with one side not having scored) | :: nollapeli |
shutter {n} /ˈʃʌtɚ/ (one who shuts or closes) | :: sulkija |
shutter {n} (protective panels over windows) | :: ikkunaluukku |
shutter {n} (part of a camera) | :: suljin |
shutterbug {n} /ˈʃʌtɚbʌɡ/ (person who makes a hobby of photography) | :: valokuvauksen harrastaja |
shutter speed {n} (time during which the shutter of a camera remains open) | :: valotusaika |
shuttle {n} /ˈʃʌtel/ (part of a loom) | :: sukkula |
shuttle {n} (transport service) | :: sukkula, sukkulalinja |
shuttle {v} (to go back and forth) | :: sukkuloida, pendelöidä |
shuttle {v} (to transport by shuttle) | :: sukkuloida |
shuttle bus {n} (transport service) | :: sukkulabussi |
shuttlecock {n} /ˈʃʌtl̩kɑk/ (badminton ball) | :: sulkapallo |
shuttlecock {v} (to move rapidly back and forth) | :: singahdella, sinkautella |
shut up {v} /ʃʌt ˈʌp/ (close (a building) so that no one can enter) | :: sulkea, lukita |
shut up {v} (terminate (a business)) | :: sulkea, lopettaa (toiminta) |
shut up {v} (enclose (a person, animal or thing) in a room or other place so that it cannot leave) | :: sulkea, teljetä, vangita |
shut up {v} (put (an object) in a secure enclosed place) | :: laittaa talteen |
shut up {v} (transitive: to stop (a person) from talking or (a person or thing) from making noise) | :: hiljentää, vaientaa, tehdä hiljaiseksi, sulkea suu, tukkia suu |
shut up {v} (intransitive: to stop talking or making noise) | :: hiljetä, vaieta, sulkea suunsa |
shut up {v} (imperative: "Shut up!", see also: hold one's tongue) | :: ole hiljaa {s}, olkaa hiljaa {p}, hiljaa, suu tukkoon [impolite], turpa kiinni [rude] |
shut up {v} ("I don't believe it!") | :: älä sano!, höpö-höpö! |
shvitz {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat | :: |
shy {adj} /ʃaɪ/ (easily frightened) | :: arka |
shy {adj} (reserved) | :: ujo |
shy {adj} (cautious) | :: arka, varovainen |
shy {adj} (short, less than) | :: vajaa |
shy {adj} (embarrassed) | :: nolo |
shy {v} (to jump back in fear) | :: säikkyä, kavahtaa |
shy {v} (to fling) | :: heittää |
shy {n} (act of throwing) | :: heitto |
shy {n} (place for throwing) | :: heittopaikka |
shy away from {v} (to avoid, evade) | :: vältellä |
shylock {v} /ˈʃaɪlɑk/ (to lend at exorbitant rates) | :: kiskoa, periä kiskurikorkoa, harjoittaa koronkiskontaa |
shylock {n} (loan shark) SEE: loan shark | :: |
shyly {adv} (in a shy manner) | :: ujosti |
shyness {n} (quality of being shy) | :: ujous |
si {n} /si/ (seventh note of a major scale) | :: ti , si |
Siam {prop} (the former name of Thailand) | :: Siam |
siamang {n} (Symphalangus syndactylus) | :: siamanki |
Siamese {adj} (Thai) | :: siamilainen |
Siamese {prop} (Thai language) | :: siam, siamin kieli |
Siamese {n} (Siamese cat) | :: siamilainen, siaminkissa |
Siamese {n} (Siam inhabitant) | :: siamilainen |
Siamese cat {n} (mammal) | :: siamilaiskissa |
Siamese fighting fish {n} (a freshwater fish) | :: taistelukala |
sib {n} (sibling) SEE: sibling | :: |
sib {n} (kindred) SEE: kin | :: |
sib {n} (kinsman) SEE: kinsman | :: |
Siberia {prop} /saɪˈbɪɹiə/ (region of Russia) | :: Siperia |
Siberian {adj} /saɪˈbɪɹiən/ (from, of or pertaining to Siberia) | :: siperialainen |
Siberian {n} (person) | :: siperialainen |
Siberian {n} (cat) | :: siperiankissa |
Siberian accentor {n} (Prunella montanella) | :: taigarautiainen |
Siberian crane {n} (Grus leucogeranus) | :: lumikurki |
Siberian flying squirrel {n} (Pteromys volans) | :: liito-orava |
Siberian ginseng {n} (Eleutherococcus senticosus) SEE: eleuthero | :: |
Siberian Husky {n} (Siberian Husky dog) | :: siperianhusky |
Siberian jay {n} (Perisoreus infaustus) | :: kuukkeli |
Siberian rubythroat {n} (Calliope calliope) | :: rubiinisatakieli |
Siberian stonechat {n} (Saxicola maurus) | :: sepeltasku |
Siberian thrush {n} (Geokichla sibirica) | :: siperianrastas |
Siberian tiger {n} (Panthera tigris altaica) | :: siperiantiikeri, amurintiikeri |
Siberian weasel {n} (Mustela sibirica) | :: siperiankärppä |
sibilant {adj} /ˈsɪb.ɪ.lənt/ (characterized by a hissing sound) | :: suhiseva, sihisevä, sihauttava |
sibilant {n} (phonetics: a hissing sound) | :: sibilantti, suhuäänne |
sibling {n} /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ (person who shares same parents) | :: sisarus |
sic {v} /sɪk/ (incite an attack by) | :: usuttaa |
siccity {n} (dryness) SEE: dryness | :: |
Sichuan jay {n} (Perisoreus internigrans) | :: nokikuukkeli |
Sichuan pepper {n} (pod of Zanthoxylum) | :: sichuaninpippuri, anispippuri, kiinanpippuri |
Sicilian {adj} (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants) | :: sisilialainen |
Sicilian {prop} (language) | :: sisilia, sisilian kieli |
Sicilian {n} (person) | :: sisilialainen |
Sicilian {n} (chess opening) SEE: Sicilian Defence | :: |
Sicilian Defence {prop} (chess opening) | :: sisilialainen puolustus |
Sicily {prop} /ˈsɪsɨli/ (island) | :: Sisilia |
sick {n} /sɪk/ (sick people) | :: sairaat {p} |
sick {n} (vomit) | :: oksennus |
sick {adj} (ill) SEE: ill | :: |
sick and tired {adj} (frustrated and annoyed) SEE: fed up | :: |
sick as a dog {adj} | :: sairas kuin koira |
sick as a parrot {adj} (sick as a dog) SEE: sick as a dog | :: |
sickbag {n} (bag for catching vomit) | :: oksennuspussi |
sick bay {n} (room where basic medical supplies are kept and medical attention can be sought) | :: sairastupa |
sickbed {n} /ˈsɪkbɛd/ (a bed used by a person who is sick) | :: sairasvuode, potilasvuode |
sickbed {n} (a place for convalescence) | :: sairasvuode |
sick day {n} (day off due to sickness) | :: sairaspäivä |
sickener {n} (Russula emetica) | :: tulipunahapero |
sickening {adj} /ˈsɪk(ə)nɪŋ/ (causing sickness or disgust) | :: oksettava, yököttävä, ällöttävä |
sickhouse {n} (infirmary) SEE: infirmary | :: |
sickle {n} /ˈsɪkl̩/ (agricultural implement) | :: sirppi |
sickle {v} (to cut with a sickle) | :: leikata sirpillä |
sickle {adj} (shaped like the blade of a sickle) | :: sirpinmuotoinen, sirppimäinen |
sick leave {n} (a type of leave from work) | :: sairausloma, sairasloma |
sickle cell anaemia {n} (sickle cell anaemia) SEE: sickle-cell anemia | :: |
sickle-cell anaemia {n} (sickle-cell anaemia) SEE: sickle-cell anemia | :: |
sickle-cell anemia {n} (disease characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cells) | :: sirppisoluanemia |
sickle-cell disease {n} (sickle-cell disease) SEE: sickle-cell anemia | :: |
sickly {adj} /ˈsɪkli/ (frequently ill) | :: sairaalloinen |
sickly {adj} (weak, faint) | :: heikko |
sick man of Europe {prop} (Ottoman Empire) | :: Euroopan sairas mies |
sick man of Europe {prop} (any European country undergoing economic difficulty) | :: Euroopan sairas mies |
sickness {n} /ˈsɪknɪs/ (the quality or state of being sick or diseased; illness; disease or malady) | :: sairaus |
sickness {n} (nausea; qualmishness; as, sickness of stomach) | :: pahoinvointi |
sickroom {n} (a room to be used by someone who is ill) | :: sairashuone |
side {n} /saɪd/ (bounding straight edge of an object) | :: sivu, laita |
side {n} (flat surface of an object) | :: sivu, tahko [mathematics] |
side {n} (left or right half) | :: puoli, kylki |
side {n} (portion of the human torso generally covered by the arms) | :: kylki |
side {n} (surface of a sheet of paper) | :: sivu, puoli |
side {n} (region in a specified position with respect to something) | :: puoli, sivu |
side {n} (one possible aspect of a concept) | :: puoli, kantti |
side {n} (set of opponents in a game) | :: puoli |
side {n} (group having a particular allegiance in a war) | :: puoli |
side {n} (television channel) SEE: channel | :: |
side {n} (side dish) SEE: side dish | :: |
sideband {n} (band of frequencies on each side of the frequency of a carrier wave) | :: sivukaista |
sideboard {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns | :: |
sideboard {n} (furniture) | :: senkki |
sideboob {n} /ˈsaɪdbub/ (the view of a bared breast from the side) | :: sivutissi |
sideburn {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns | :: |
sideburns {n} /ˈsaɪd.bɚnz/ (facial hair reaching from the top of the head down the side of the face to the side of the chin) | :: poskiparta, pulisongit |
side by side {adv} (literally) | :: rinnakkain, rinnatusten, vierekkäin; vieri vieressä, ritirinnan [very close] |
side by side {adv} (figuratively, in peace) | :: rauhassa |
side by side {adv} (figuratively, with a common purpose) | :: rinnalla |
side-by-side {adj} (adjacent) | :: rinnakkainen, viereinen |
side cap {n} (military cap) | :: suikka |
sidecar {n} (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle) | :: sivuvaunu |
sidecar {n} (cocktail) | :: sidecar |
side dish {n} (serving of food meant as an accompanying dish) | :: lisuke |
sidedish {n} (side dish) SEE: side dish | :: |
side effect {n} (unintended consequence of any action) | :: sivuvaikutus |
side effect {n} (medicine: an adverse effect) | :: sivuvaikutus |
side effect {n} (computing: a state change caused by a function call) | :: sivuvaikutus |
sidekick {n} /ˈsaɪdkɪk/ (assistant) | :: apulainen, avustaja, salkunkantaja, apuri, oppipoika, (dialectal, very informal) sälli |
sideline {n} /ˈsaɪdlaɪn/ (line at the side) | :: reunaviiva |
sideline {n} (something additional or existing around the margins) | :: sivu-, oheis-, sivutoimi, oheistuote |
sideline {n} ((sports) side boundary of a playing field) | :: sivuraja |
sideline {n} ((sports) area beyond sideline) | :: kentän laita |
sideline {n} (outside or perimeter of any activity) | :: sivu |
sidelock {n} (sidelock) | :: ohimokihara |
side of bacon {n} (salted and cured longitudinal half of a pig) | :: pekonisivu |
side order {n} (accompaniment to main course) SEE: side dish | :: |
sideproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct | :: |
sidereal {adj} /saɪˈdɪɹi.əl/ (of or relating to the stars) | :: tähti- |
sidereal {adj} (relating to a measurement of time relative to the position of the stars) | :: sideerinen |
sidereal day {n} (day of sidereal time) | :: sideerinen vuorokausi |
sidereal time {n} (time measured by apparent motion of vernal equinox) | :: tähtiaika |
sidereal year {n} (orbital period) | :: sideerinen vuosi |
siderite {n} (a mineral, iron(II) carbonate) | :: sideriitti |
siderosis {n} (pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of iron dust) | :: sideroosi |
sidespin {n} (rotation around a vertical axis) | :: sivukierre |
sidesplitting {adj} (exceptionally funny) | :: ratkiriemukas |
side-splitting {adj} (very funny) | :: hulvaton |
side-straddle hop {n} (jumping jack) SEE: jumping jack | :: |
side-striped jackal {n} (side-striped jackal) | :: juovasakaali |
sidewalk {n} /ˈsaɪdwɔːk/ (paved footpath) | :: jalkakäytävä |
sidewall {n} (side of a tire) | :: sivuseinä |
sidewall {n} (wall) | :: sivuseinä |
sideways {adj} /ˈsaɪdweɪz/ (moving or directed towards one side) | :: sivuttainen |
sideways {adv} (with a side to the front) | :: sivuttain |
sideways {adv} (towards one side) | :: sivulle, sivuttain |
sideways {adv} (askance) | :: viistossa, viistoon, vinossa, vinosti, vinottain |
sidewinder {n} (Snake Crotalus cerastes) | :: sarvikalkkarokäärme |
siding {n} /ˈsaɪdɪŋ/ (material to cover the sides of a building) | :: verhous |
Sidon {prop} (city state of Phoenicia) | :: Sidon |
siege {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
siege {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
siege {n} /siːdʒ/ (military blockade of settlement) | :: piiritys |
siege {v} (besiege) SEE: besiege | :: |
siegecraft {n} (poliorcetics) SEE: poliorcetics | :: |
siege engine {n} (large weapon of war to batter fortifications) | :: piirityskone |
siege tower {n} (tower used as siege weapon) | :: piiritystorni |
siege warfare {n} (warfare involving a siege) | :: piirityssota |
Sierpinski triangle {n} (a fractal consisting of three copies of itself) | :: Sierpińskin kolmio |
sierra {n} /siˈɛɹə/ (the letter "S") | :: Sakari |
Sierra Leone {prop} /siˌɛɹə liˈoʊn/ (Republic of Sierra Leone) | :: Sierra Leone |
Sierra Leonean {adj} (from or of Sierra Leone) | :: sierraleonelainen |
Sierra Leonean {n} (someone from Sierra Leone) | :: sierraleonelainen |
siesta {n} /siˈɛstə/ (an afternoon nap) | :: siesta, iltapäivätorkut {p}, tupluuri |
sieve {n} /sɪv/ (device to separate larger objects from smaller ones or from liquids) | :: seula, siivilä |
sieve {n} (process that filters out unwanted pieces of input) | :: seulonta |
sieve {v} (to strain, sift or sort using a sieve) | :: seuloa, siivilöidä |
sievert {n} /ˈsiːvət/ (SI unit of radiation dose) | :: sievert |
sift {v} /sɪft/ (to sieve or strain (something)) | :: siivilöidä, seuloa |
sift {v} (to separate or scatter (things) as if by sieving) | :: siivilöidä, seuloa; sirottaa, sirotella |
sift {v} (to examine (something) carefully) | :: seuloa, tutkia |
sifter {n} /ˈsɪftɚ/ (tool for sifting) | :: seula |
sift out {v} | :: seuloa |
sifu {n} (martial arts instructor) | :: mestari |
sigh {v} /saɪ/ (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it) | :: huokaista, huoata |
sigh {v} (to lament; to grieve) | :: huoata |
sigh {v} (to utter sighs over; to lament or mourn over) | :: huokailla |
sigh {v} (to experience an emotion associated with sighing) | :: huoata, huokaista |
sigh {v} (to make a sound like sighing) | :: huoata, huokaista |
sigh {v} (to exhale in sighs) | :: huokailla |
sigh {v} (to express by sighs; to utter in or with sighs) | :: huokailla |
sigh {n} (act of sighing) | :: huokaus, huokaisu, huoahdus |
sigh {n} (manifestation of grief; a lament) | :: huokaus |
sigh {interj} (expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, frustration or the like) | :: ohhoijaa, huoh |
sigh of relief {n} (a release of stress) | :: helpotuksen huokaus |
sight {n} /saɪt/ (something seen) | :: näköala, näkökenttä |
sight {n} (something worth seeing) | :: nähtävyys |
sight {n} (device used in aiming a firearm) | :: tähtäin |
sight {v} (visually register) | :: nähdä |
sight {v} (get sight of) | :: saada näkyviinsä |
sight {v} (take aim at) | :: tähdätä |
sight {n} (eyesight) SEE: eyesight | :: |
sighted {adj} (Not blind) SEE: seeing | :: |
sight for sore eyes {n} (a pleasing sight) | :: ilo silmälle |
sighthound {n} (sighthound) | :: vinttikoira |
sight read {v} /ˈsaɪt ˌɹiːd/ (to perform a musical piece while reading it for the first time) | :: lukea nuoteista, soittaa prima vista |
sightsee {v} (go sightseeing) | :: katsella nähtävyyksiä |
sightseeing {n} (tourism) | :: nähtävyyksien katselu, kiertoajelu |
sight sing {v} /ˈsaɪt ˌsɪŋ/ (to sing a musical piece while reading it for the first time) | :: laulaa nuoteista, laulaa prima vista |
sight-translate {v} (translate a written document out loud) | :: kääntää suoraan tekstistä |
sight translation {n} (act of translating a written text out loud) | :: prima vista -kääntäminen |
sigillaria {n} (tree of the genus Sigillaria) | :: sinettipuu |
sigillaria {n} (last two days of the saturnalia) | :: sigillaria |
sigillography {n} (study of seals and sigils) | :: sinettitiede |
sigma {n} /ˈsɪɡmə/ (letter of the Greek alphabet) | :: sigma |
sigma-delta converter {n} (electronic system to convert between analog and digital) | :: sigma-delta-muunnin |
sigmoid colon {n} (part of colon) | :: sigmasuoli |
sign {n} /saɪn/ (visible indication) | :: merkki, oire |
sign {n} (physical evidence left by an animal) | :: jälki |
sign {n} (flat object bearing a message) | :: kyltti, kilpi, opaste; merkki, liikennemerkki [traffic sign] |
sign {n} (astrological sign, see also: astrological sign) | :: merkki |
sign {n} (math: positive or negative polarity) | :: etumerkki |
sign {n} (linguistic unit in sign language) | :: viittoma |
sign {n} (sign language in general, see also: ) | :: viittomakieli |
sign {n} (omen, see also: omen) | :: merkki, ennusmerkki |
sign {n} (medicine: property of the body that indicates a disease) | :: merkki |
sign {n} (military emblem) | :: tunnus |
sign {n} (meaningful gesture) | :: merkki, ele |
sign {n} (any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols) | :: merkki |
sign {v} (to make (a document) official by writing one's signature) | :: allekirjoittaa |
sign {v} (to write one's signature on a document) | :: allekirjoittaa |
sign {v} (to write one's signature somewhere) | :: allekirjoittaa, kirjoittaa nimi |
sign {v} (to persuade a sports player etc. to sign a contract) | :: rekrytoida |
sign {v} (intransitive: to communicate using sign language) | :: viittoa |
signage {n} /ˈsaɪnɪdʒ/ (signs taken collectively) | :: opasteet {p} |
signal {n} /ˈsɪɡnəl/ (sign made to give notice) | :: merkki, signaali |
signal {n} (device to give indication) | :: opastin, merkinantolaite |
signal {n} (telecommunication: electric or electromagnetic action that conveys information) | :: signaali |
signal {n} (foreshadowing) | :: enne, ennusmerkki |
signal {n} (useful information as opposed to noise) | :: signaali |
signal {n} (computing: simple interprocess communication) | :: signaali |
signal {v} (to indicate) | :: viestittää, signaloida, opastaa |
signal crayfish {n} (Pacifastacus leniusculus) | :: täplärapu |
signalling event {n} (change of the state of a communication channel) | :: signaalinmuutos |
signalman {n} /ˈsɪɡnəl.mən/ (railway employee) | :: junasuorittaja |
signalman {n} (armed forces employee) | :: viestimies |
signal-to-noise ratio {n} (figure of merit) | :: signaali-kohinasuhde |
signal-to-noise ratio {n} (proportion of useful information) | :: asiapitoisuus |
signature {n} /ˈsɪɡnətʃɚ/ (person’s autograph name) | :: allekirjoitus, nimikirjoitus |
signature {n} (act of signing) | :: allekirjoittaminen |
signature {n} (music: signs indicating key and tempo) | :: etumerkintä |
signature {n} (computing: pattern used for matching identity) | :: tunniste |
signature {n} (cryptography: data attached to a message that guarantees that the message originated from its claimed source) | :: varmenne |
signature {n} (figurative: mark or sign of implication) | :: merkki, tunnusmerkki |
signboard {n} (a board carrying a sign) | :: ilmoitustaulu |
signed {adj} /saɪnd/ (having a signature, endorsed) | :: allekirjoitettu |
signed {adj} ((mathematics, computer science) having both positive and negative varieties) | :: etumerkillinen |
signer {n} (one who signs) | :: allekirjoittaja |
signer {n} (one who uses sign language) | :: viittomakielen käyttäjä |
signet {n} /ˈsɪɡ.nət/ (object used to impress a picture into sealing wax) | :: sinettisormus [ring]; sinettileimasin, , sinetti [general] |
signet ring {n} (signet ring) | :: sinettisormus |
significance {n} /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns/ (extent to which something matters) | :: merkitys, tärkeys |
significance {n} (meaning) | :: tarkoitus |
significand {n} (part of floating-point number) | :: signifikantti |
significant {adj} /sɪɡˈnɪ.fɪ.ɡənt/ (signifying something; carrying meaning) | :: merkitsevä |
significant {adj} (having a covert or hidden meaning) | :: merkitsevä |
significant {adj} (having noticeable effect) | :: merkittävä, merkityksellinen |
significant {adj} (reasonably large) | :: merkittävä |
significant {adj} (statistics: having a low probability of occurring by chance) | :: merkitsevä |
significant digit {n} (digit) | :: merkitsevä numero |
significantly {adv} (in a significant manner: notably) | :: huomattavasti, merkittävästi |
significant other {n} (romantic partner, regardless of marital status) | :: kumppani, elämäntoveri, rakas |
significant wave height {n} (measure of wave height) | :: merkitsevä aallonkorkeus |
signify {v} /ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ/ (to give something a meaning) | :: merkitä, tarkoittaa |
sign in {v} (log in) SEE: log in | :: |
sign language {n} (sign language) | :: viittomakieli |
sign of life {n} (indication that someone is alive; vital sign) | :: elonmerkki |
sign of life {n} (indication that someone is present) | :: elonmerkki |
sign of the cross {n} (gesture) | :: ristinmerkki |
sign of the times {n} (symbol of an era) | :: ajan merkki |
sign one's death warrant {v} (doom one to certain death) | :: allekirjoittaa kuolemantuomionsa |
signpost {n} (post bearing a sign that gives information on directions) | :: tienviitta, viitta |
signpost {v} (install signposts) | :: viitoittaa |
sign up {v} (to add a name to the list of people who are participating in something) | :: ilmoittaa, määrätä |
sign up {v} (to add one's own name to the list of people who are participating in something) | :: ilmoittautua |
sign up {v} (to agree to purchase some good or service) | :: tilata |
Sigrid {prop} /ˈsiɡɹɪd/ (female given name) | :: Siiri |
siheyuan {n} (traditional Chinese residence) | :: siheyuan-talo |
Sikh {n} /siːk/ (an adherent of Sikhism) | :: sikhi |
Sikh {adj} (relating to Sikhism) | :: sikhiläinen |
Sikhism {prop} /ˈsiːkɪzm̩/ (religion) | :: sikhiläisyys |
Sikkim {prop} /ˈsɪkɪm/ (state in eastern India which has Gangtok as its capital) | :: Sikkim |
silage {n} (fodder stored in a silo) | :: säilörehu |
Silas {prop} /ˈsaɪ.ləs/ (biblical companion of Paul) | :: Silas |
silat {n} (type of martial art) | :: silat |
silence {n} /ˈsaɪ.ləns/ (lack of any sound) | :: hiljaisuus, äänettömyys |
silence {n} (right to not speak during arrest) | :: vaikeneminen, hiljeneminen |
silence {v} (to make something silent) | :: hiljentää |
silence {v} (to suppress criticism) | :: vaientaa, hiljentää |
silence {interj} (be silent) | :: hiljaa! |
silence is golden {proverb} (proverb) | :: vaikeneminen on kultaa |
silencer {n} (attachment) | :: äänenvaimennin |
silencer {n} (something that silences another thing) | :: äänenvaimennin |
silent {adj} /ˈsaɪlənt/ (free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet) | :: hiljainen, äänetön |
silent {adj} (not speaking; indisposed to talk; speechless; mute; taciturn) | :: hiljainen, vaitelias |
silent {adj} (keeping at rest; inactive; calm; undisturbed) | :: tyyni |
silent {adj} (not pronounced; having no sound; quiescent) | :: hiljainen |
silent {adj} (having no effect; not operating; inefficient) | :: äänetön, tehoton |
silent {adj} (in silent mode, on silent, with the sound turned off) | :: äänetön, äänettömällä, äänettömälle |
silent {adj} (without audio capability) | :: hiljainen |
silent {adj} (hidden, unseen) | :: hiljainen |
silent {adj} (not implying significant modifications which would affect a peptide sequence) | :: hiljainen |
silent {adj} (undiagnosed or undetected because of an absence of symptoms) | :: piilevä |
silent {n} (that which is silent) | :: hiljaisuus |
silent {adj} (to refrain from speaking) SEE: be silent | :: |
silent as the grave {adj} (to say absolutely nothing) | :: haudanhiljainen (grave-silent) |
silent fart {n} | :: hiljainen pieru, salapieru |
silent film {n} (film without sound) | :: mykkäelokuva |
silent miscarriage {n} (missed abortion) SEE: missed abortion | :: |
Silent Sam {n} /ˌsaɪlənt ˈsæm/ (person who speaks seldom and little) | :: tuppisuu |
silent treatment {n} (ignoring a particular individual) | :: eristäminen, mykkäkoulu |
Silesia {prop} /saɪˈliʒə/ (region) | :: Sleesia |
silhouette {n} /ˌsɪ.lʊˈwɛt/ (representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black color) | :: siluetti, varjokuva |
silica {n} /ˈsɪl.ɪ.kə/ (silicon dioxide) | :: piidioksidi, silika |
silica {n} (silica group of the silicate minerals) | :: hohkasilikaatti |
silica gel {n} (granular form of silica) | :: silikageeli |
silica group {n} (group of minerals) | :: hohkasilikaattiryhmä |
silicate {n} /ˈsɪlɪkeɪt/ (salt or mineral) | :: silikaatti |
silicic acid {n} (any of a range of hydrates of silica) | :: piihappo |
silicle {n} (A short silique) | :: litu |
silicon {n} /ˈsɪləkɑn/ (non-metallic element) | :: pii |
silicon chip {n} (wafer of silicon) | :: piisiru |
silicon dioxide {n} (SiO2) | :: piidioksidi |
silicone {n} /ˈsɪlɪkəʊn/ (any of a class of inert compounds of silicon) | :: silikoni |
silicon monoxide {n} (chemical compound with the formula SiO) | :: piimonoksidi |
silicon steel {n} (alloy of steel and silicon) | :: piiteräs |
Silicon Valley {prop} (nickname for region in San Francisco) | :: Piilaakso |
silicon wafer {n} (thin slice of silicon) | :: piikiekko |
silicosis {n} (silica dust pneumoconiosis) | :: silikoosi, kivipölykeuhko |
silique {n} /ˈsɪlɪk/ (fruit with two carpels) | :: litu |
silk {n} /sɪlk/ (fiber) | :: silkki |
silk {n} (fabric) | :: silkki |
silk-cotton tree {n} (tropical tree) | :: kapokkio |
silkie {n} /ˈsɪlki/ (breed of chicken) | :: silkkikana |
Silk Road {prop} (routes used by silk traders across Europe, Asia and northern Africa) | :: silkkitie |
silk-screen printing {n} (screen printing) SEE: screen printing | :: |
silkworm {n} /ˈsɪlkwɜːm/ (caterpillar) | :: silkkiäistoukka, silkkitoukka |
silky anteater {n} (Cyclopes didactylus) | :: pikkumuurahaiskarhu |
sill {n} /sɪl/ (base of a window) | :: ikkunalauta |
sill {n} (horizontal member bearing the upright portion of a frame) | :: palkki |
sillimanite {n} (mineral) | :: sillimaniitti |
silly {adj} /ˈsɪli/ (foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom) | :: typerä, hölmö |
silly {adj} (irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors) | :: hölmö, ajattelematon, vastuuton, typerä |
silly {adj} (playful, giggly) | :: hassu |
silly {adj} (semiconscious) | :: sekava |
silly {adj} (pejorative: simple, not intelligent, unrefined) | :: yksinkertainen, hölmö |
silo {n} /ˈsaɪloʊ/ (vertical building for storing grain) | :: siilo, viljasiilo |
silsesquioxane {n} (chemical compound) | :: silseskvioksaani |
silt {n} /sɪlt/ (fine earth deposited by water) | :: liete, lieju |
siltstone {n} (type of rock) | :: silttikivi |
Silurian {adj} /saɪˈlʊəɹ.iː.ən/ (of period from 439 to 409 million years ago) | :: siluurikautinen |
Silurian {prop} (Silurian period) | :: siluurikausi |
silver {n} (metal) | :: hopea |
silver {n} (coins) | :: hopearaha |
silver {n} (cutlery/silverware) | :: aterimet {p} |
silver {n} (items made of silver or other white metal) | :: hopea |
silver {n} (color/colour) | :: hopeanharmaa |
silver {adj} (made from silver) | :: hopeinen |
silver {adj} (made from another white metal) | :: hopeinen, metallinen, hopeanvärinen |
silver {adj} (having a color/colour like silver) | :: hopeanvärinen, hopeinen |
silver ball {n} (pinball) SEE: pinball | :: |
silverbill {n} (estrildid finch) | :: manikki [genus Lonchura], hopeanokka [genus Euodice] |
silver birch {n} (tree) | :: rauduskoivu |
silver bullet {n} (bullet made of silver) | :: hopealuoti |
silver carp {n} (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) | :: hopeakarppi |
silvered {adj} (coated with silver) | :: hopeoitu |
silver fir {n} (European silver fir Abies alba) | :: saksanpihta |
silver fir {n} (Pacific silver fir) SEE: Pacific silver fir | :: |
silverfish {n} (type of bristletail) | :: sokeritoukka |
silver goal {n} (first goal scored during the first half of extra time) | :: hopeinen maali |
silver-grey {n} (colour) | :: hopeanharmaa |
silver-grey {adj} (colour) | :: hopeanharmaa |
silver lining {n} (a good aspect of a mostly bad event) | :: hopeareunus |
silver maple {n} (Acer saccharinum) | :: hopeavaahtera |
silver medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, silver) | :: hopeamitali |
silver medalist {n} (silver medal winner) | :: hopeamitalisti |
silver mine {n} (mine for silver) | :: hopeakaivos |
silvern {adj} (made from silver) SEE: silver | :: |
silver nitrate {n} (silver salt of nitric acid, AgNO3) | :: hopeanitraatti |
silver paper {n} (aluminium foil) | :: hopeapaperi |
silver plate {n} (thin layer of silver) | :: hopeointi |
silver-plate {v} (to coat a metal surface with a thin layer of silver) | :: hopeoida |
silver-plated {adj} (having a thin coat of silver) | :: hopeoitu |
silver screen {n} (cinema screen) | :: valkokangas |
silver screen {n} (by extension, movies) | :: valkokangas |
silverside {n} (fish of the families Atherinidae and Atherinopsidae) | :: hopeakylki |
silverskin {n} (cooking: membrane of muscle) | :: kalvo |
silversmith {n} (person who makes articles out of silver) | :: hopeaseppä |
silver spoon {n} (wealth passed down) | :: hopealusikka |
silverware {n} (anything made from silver) | :: hopeaesine, hopeatyö, hopeaesineet {p} |
silverware {n} ((US) knives, forks and spoons) | :: aterimet {p} |
silver wedding {n} (anniversary celebration) | :: hopeahäät {p} |
silver Y {n} (Autographa gamma) | :: gammayökkönen |
silvery-cheeked antshrike {n} (Sakesphorus cristatus) | :: hopeaposkimuura |
silvery sedge {n} (Carex canescens) | :: harmaasara |
Silvia {prop} /ˈsɪlvi.ə/ (female given name) | :: Sylvia |
silviculture {n} (forestry) | :: metsänhoito, metsänhoitotiede |
sima {n} (lower layer of Earth's outer crust) | :: sima-kerros |
SIM card {n} (small, removable card which stores mobile phone data) | :: SIM-kortti |
Simeon {prop} /ˈsɪm.i.ən/ (second son of Jacob) | :: Simeon |
Simeon {prop} (male given name) | :: Simeoni |
Simferopol {prop} /ˌsɪmfəˈɹoʊpəl/ (city) | :: Simferopol |
simian {adj} /ˈsɪm.i.ən/ (of or pertaining to apes) | :: apina-, apinoiden {p} [genitive of noun] |
simian {adj} (resembling an ape) | :: apinamainen |
simian {n} (an ape or monkey) | :: apina |
similar {adj} /ˈsɪməlɚ/ (having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable) | :: samanlainen |
similarity {n} /sɪmɪˈlæɹɪti/ (closeness of appearance) | :: samankaltaisuus |
similarly {adv} /ˈsɪməlɚli/ (in a similar style or manner) | :: samoin, samaten, vastaavasti |
similarness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity | :: |
simile {n} /ˈsɪməli/ (figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another) | :: vertaus |
simmer {v} /ˈsɪmɚ/ ((intransitive) to cook or undergo heating slowly) | :: hautua |
simmer {v} ((transitive) to cause to cook or undergo heating slowly) | :: hauduttaa |
simmer {n} (process of simmering) | :: hauduttaminen |
Simo {prop} (municipality) | :: Simo |
Simon {prop} /ˈsaɪmən/ (biblical characters) | :: Simon |
Simon {prop} (male given name) | :: Simo |
Simon says {n} (children's game) | :: kapteeni käskee, Topi käskee |
simony {n} /ˈsaɪ.mə.ni/ (act of buying or selling spiritual things) | :: simonia |
simoom {n} /sɪˈmuːm/ (hot, dry wind) | :: samum |
simple {adj} /ˈsɪmpəl/ (uncomplicated) | :: yksinkertainen; [slang] simppeli, selko- |
simple fraction {n} (type of fraction) SEE: common fraction | :: |
simple interest {n} (interest paid on principal) | :: yksinkertainen korko |
simple leaf {n} (leaf that has an undivided blade) | :: ehyt lehti |
simple machine {n} (device) | :: yksinkertainen kone |
simple-minded {adj} (Lacking mental capacity) | :: heikkomielinen, heikkolahjainen, yksinkertainen, vähäjärkinen |
simple past {n} (the simple past tense) | :: imperfekti, preteriti |
simple present {n} (present tense) | :: preesens |
simpleton {n} /ˈsɪmpəltən/ (simple-minded naive person lacking common sense) | :: tyhmyri, hupsu, hölmö, pöllöpää |
simplex {adj} (unidirectional) | :: yksisuuntainen |
simplex {n} (an analogue in any dimension of the triangle or tetrahedron) | :: simpleksi |
simplex {n} (a simple word) | :: perussana |
Simplified Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using simplified characters) | :: yksinkertaistettu kiina |
Simplified Chinese {prop} (simplified character(s)) | :: yksinkertaistetut kiinalaiset kirjoitusmerkit |
simplify {v} /ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ/ (to make simpler) | :: yksinkertaistaa |
simplify {v} (to become simpler) | :: yksinkertaistua |
simplistic {adj} (overly simple) | :: simplistinen, yliyksinkertaistettu |
simply {adv} /ˈsɪmpli/ (in a simple manner) | :: yksinkertaisesti |
simply {adv} (merely, solely) | :: vain |
simulacrum {n} /ˌsimjəˈleɪkɹəm/ (image or representation) | :: kuva, malli |
simulacrum {n} (faint trace) | :: pilkahdus, häivä |
simulate {v} /ˈsɪmjʊˌleɪt/ (to model, replicate, duplicate the behavior) | :: simuloida |
simulation {n} /ˌsɪm.jə.ˈleɪ.ʃən/ (something which simulates) | :: simulointi, mallinnus, jäljittely |
simulation {n} (process of simulating) | :: mallinnus, simulointi |
simulation {n} (soccer: attempt of feigning a foul) | :: teeskentely, filmaaminen |
simulator {n} (machine or system) | :: simulaattori |
simulcast {n} /ˈsɪm.əlˌkæst/ (that which is broadcast on more than one medium) | :: yhteislähetys, rinnakkaislähetys |
simulcast {v} (broadcast over more than one medium) | :: lähettää rinnakkain, rinnakkaislähettää |
simultaneity {n} /ˌsaɪməltəˈniɪti/ (the quality or state of being simultaneous) | :: samanaikaisuus |
simultaneity {n} (simultaneity in music) | :: samanaikaisuus, simultaanisuus |
simultaneous {adj} /ˌsaɪ̯m.əlˈteɪ̯n.i.əs/ (occurring at the same time) | :: samanaikainen |
simultaneous interpretation {n} (type of oral translation) | :: simultaanitulkkaus |
simultaneous interpreting {n} (simultaneous interpretation) SEE: simultaneous interpretation | :: |
simultaneously {adv} /ˌsaɪməlˈteɪnɪəsli/ (occurring at the same time) | :: yhtä aikaa, samanaikaisesti |
simultaneousness {n} (the quality or state of being simultaneous) | :: samanaikaisuus |
sin {n} (violation of religious law) | :: synti |
sin {n} (misdeed) | :: synti |
sin {v} (to commit a sin) | :: tehdä syntiä |
Sinai {prop} (peninsula) | :: Siinai, Siinain niemimaa |
Sinai {prop} (mountain) | :: Siinainvuori |
sin bin {n} (sports: an area where players are temporarily confined while suspended from play) | :: jäähyaitio |
sin bin {v} (sports: to send a player off temporarily following an infringement of a rule) | :: antaa jäähy, tuomita jäähy |
since {adv} /sɪns/ (from a specified time in the past) | :: sen jälkeen, siitä lähtien |
since {prep} (from (time)) | :: lähtien |
since {conj} (from the time that) | :: siitä lähtien, kun; sen jälkeen, kun |
since {conj} (because) | :: koska, sillä |
sincere {adj} /sɪnˈsɪə(ɹ)/ (earnest) | :: vilpitön |
sincerely {adv} /sɪnˈsɪɹli/ (In a sincere or earnest manner; honestly) | :: vilpittömästi, todella |
sincereness {n} (sincerity) SEE: sincerity | :: |
sincerity {n} /sɪnˈsɛɹəti/ (quality of being sincere) | :: rehellisyys, vilpittömyys |
since when {adv} (from what time) | :: mistä lähtien |
since when {adv} (Used to indicate doubt as to the veracity of a statement) | :: mistä lähtien |
Sindhi {prop} /ˈsɪndi/ (language) | :: sindhi |
sine {n} /saɪn/ (trigonometric function) | :: sini |
sinecure {n} /ˈsaɪ.nə.kjʊɹ/ (a position that requires no work but still gives a payment) | :: laiskanvirka, suojatyöpaikka |
sine formula {n} (law of sines) SEE: law of sines | :: |
sine law {n} (law of sines) SEE: law of sines | :: |
sine qua non {n} /ˌsɪni kwɑ ˈnɑn/ (prerequisite) | :: edellytys, kynnyskysymys |
sine rule {n} (law of sines) SEE: law of sines | :: |
sinew {n} (cord or tendon of the body) SEE: tendon | :: |
sinew {n} /ˈsɪnjuː/ (muscular power, muscle; vigor, vigorous strength) | :: voima, jäntevyys |
sinew {n} (that which gives strength or in which strength consists) | :: voimanlähde |
sine wave {n} (waveform) | :: siniaalto |
sinewy {adj} /ˈsɪnjuːi/ (tough; having strong sinews) | :: jänteikäs |
sinewy {adj} (having nervous strength) | :: lujahermoinen |
sinewy {adj} (possessing physical strength) | :: jäntevä |
sinful {adj} (evil) SEE: evil | :: |
sinful {adj} /ˈsɪnfəl/ (constituting sin) | :: syntinen |
sinfully {adv} (in a sinful manner) | :: syntisesti |
sing {v} /sɪŋ/ (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice) | :: laulaa |
sing {v} (to express audibly by means of a harmonious vocalization) | :: laulaa |
sing {v} (to soothe with singing) | :: laulaa (uneen) |
sing {v} (slang: to confess under interrogation) | :: laulaa, vasikoida |
sing {v} (to make a small, shrill sound) | :: viheltää, ujeltaa |
sing {v} (to relate in verse; to celebrate in poetry) | :: lausua [to relate]; laulaa [to celebrate] |
sing {v} (to be capable of being sung) | :: olla laulettavissa |
sing a different tune {v} | :: olla eri ääni kellossa |
Singapore {prop} /ˈsɪŋəpɔː/ (Republic of Singapore) | :: Singapore |
Singaporean {adj} /ˌsɪŋ(ɡ)əˈpɔːɹi.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Singapore) | :: singaporelainen |
Singaporean {n} (a person from Singapore) | :: singaporelainen |
Singapore dollar {n} (official currency of Singapore) | :: Singaporen dollari |
singe {v} /sɪnd͡ʒ/ (to burn slightly) | :: paahtaa |
singer {n} /ˈsɪŋɚ/ (person who sings) | :: laulaja |
singeress {n} (songstress) SEE: songstress | :: |
singer-songwriter {n} (singer-songwriter) | :: laulaja-lauluntekijä |
singing {n} /ˈsɪŋɪŋ/ (the act of using the voice to produce musical sounds; vocalizing) | :: laulaminen, laulu |
singing sand {n} (type of sand) | :: laulava hiekka |
singing voice {n} (quality of voice when singing) | :: lauluääni |
single {adj} /ˈsɪŋɡəl/ (not accompanied by anything else) | :: yksi, yksittäinen |
single {adj} (not divided in parts) | :: yksi, jakamaton |
single {adj} (designed for the use of only one) | :: yhden hengen |
single {adj} (not married nor dating) | :: naimaton, [colloquial] sinkku |
single {n} (45 RPM vinyl record) | :: single, sinkku |
single {n} (popular song) | :: single, sinkku |
single {n} (one who is not married) | :: naimaton, sinkku |
single {v} (to identify or select one member of a group) | :: valita, poimia |
single {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket | :: |
single {v} (farming: to thin out) SEE: thin out | :: |
single bond {n} (single bond) | :: yksinkertainen sidos, yksöissidos |
single-celled {adj} (consisting of one cell) SEE: unicellular | :: |
single eyelid {n} (upper eyelid with no fold) | :: yksöissilmäluomi |
singlehood {n} (The state of being single) | :: naimattomuus, sinkkuus |
single-lens reflex {adj} (of a type of camera) | :: yksisilmäinen peiliheijastus- |
single-lens reflex {n} (a camera allowing one to view through the same lens used to take a photograph) | :: yksisilmäinen peiliheijastuskamera |
single-minded {adj} (intensely focused) | :: määrätietoinen |
single-mindedness {n} (property) | :: määrätietoisuus |
single mother {n} (a woman raising a child on her own) | :: yksinhuoltajaäiti |
single parent {n} (only parent bringing up a child) | :: yksinhuoltaja |
single room {n} (a hotel room with one single bed) | :: yhden hengen huone |
singles {n} (sports: game between two individuals) | :: kaksinpeli |
singlet {n} /ˈsɪŋɡlɪt/ (sleeveless shirt) | :: hihaton aluspaita |
single-tasking {adj} | :: yksiajo- |
single ticket {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket | :: |
singleton {n} (playing card) | :: singeli |
singleton {n} (single object) | :: ainokainen |
singleton {n} (computing: class) | :: ainokainen, yksittäisolio, singleton |
singleton {n} (math: set) | :: yksiö |
single transferable vote {n} (voting system) | :: siirtoäänivaalitapa |
single-use {adj} (designed to be used one time) | :: kertakäyttöinen |
single-user {adj} | :: yhden käyttäjän |
Singlish {n} (English-based creole used in Singapore) | :: singlish |
singly {adv} (in a single or unaccompanied manner; without a companion) | :: erikseen, yksitellen |
singular {adj} /ˈsɪŋɡjəlɚ/ (being only one of larger population) | :: yksittäinen |
singular {adj} (being the only one of a kind) | :: ainutlaatuinen, uniikki |
singular {adj} (distinguished by superiority) | :: erinomainen, tavaton |
singular {adj} (being out of the ordinary) | :: harvinainen, merkillinen, omituinen, kummallinen |
singular {adj} (grammar: referring to only one thing) | :: yksiköllinen |
singular {adj} (linear algebra: of matrix: having no inverse) | :: singulaarinen |
singular {adj} (linear algebra: of transformation) | :: singulaarinen |
singular {n} (grammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing) | :: yksikkö |
singularity {n} /ˌsɪŋɡjəˈlæɹətɪ/ (peculiar state or occurrence) | :: erikoisuus, omituisuus |
singularity {n} (mathematics: value for which a derivative does not exist) | :: erikoispiste |
singularity {n} (physics: point of infinite density) | :: singulariteetti |
singular value decomposition {n} (linear algebra: type of factorisation of a matrix) | :: pääakselihajotelma |
Sinhala {n} (language) SEE: Sinhalese | :: |
Sinhalese {n} /sɪnhəˈliːz/ (Sinhalese person) | :: singaleesi |
Sinhalese {n} (the language) | :: sinhali, singaleesi |
sinister {adj} /ˈsɪnɪstɚ/ (ominous) | :: pahaenteinen, uhkaava |
sinister {adj} (evil) | :: paha |
sinister {adj} (of the left) | :: vasemmanpuolinen |
sinister {adj} (heraldic "left") | :: vasen |
sinistromanual {adj} (left-handed) SEE: left-handed | :: |
Sinitic {adj} /saɪˈnɪtɪk/ (relating to the group of Chinese languages) | :: sinotiibetiläinen |
sink {v} /sɪŋk/ (descend into liquid, etc) | :: upota [liquid, like water], vajota [solid or very viscous liquid] |
sink {v} (submerge) | :: upottaa |
sink {v} (cause (ship, etc) to sink) | :: upottaa |
sink {v} (push (something) into) | :: upottaa |
sink {n} (basin) | :: pesuallas |
sink {n} (wastewater drain) | :: viemäri |
sink {n} (heat sink) | :: lämpönielu |
sink {n} (destination vertex) | :: nielu |
sink {n} (sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole | :: |
sinker {n} /ˈsɪŋkə(ɹ)/ (weight used in fishing) | :: paino |
sinkhole {n} (geology: hole formed in soluble rock) | :: karstivajoama, vajoama, doliini, suppa, sortumakaivo |
sinkhole {n} (depressed area in which water collects) | :: vajoama, kuoppa |
Sinkiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang | :: |
sinking ship {n} (something doomed) | :: uppoava laiva |
sinless {adj} (without sin) | :: synnitön |
sinlessness {n} (state of being sinless) | :: synnittömyys |
sinner {n} /ˈsɪnɚ/ (person who has sinned) | :: syntinen |
Sino- {prefix} /ˈsɪnoʊ/ (relating to China or Chinese) | :: kiinalais- |
sinoatrial node {n} (a group of cells) | :: sinussolmuke |
Sinocentric {adj} /ˌsɪnɵˈsɛntɹɪk/ (focused on China) | :: Kiina-keskinen |
Sinocentrism {n} /ˌsaɪnəʊˈsɛntɹɪzəm/ (belief that China was literally the centre of the world) | :: Kiina-keskisyys |
sinologist {n} (a student, or expert in sinology) | :: sinologi |
sinology {n} (Chinese studies) SEE: Chinese studies | :: |
Sinophobia {n} /ˌsaɪnəˈfoʊbi.ə/ (the fear of China or Chinese) | :: sinofobia |
Sinophone {n} (a speaker of Chinese) | :: kiinankielinen |
Sinosphere {n} (regions in East Asia influenced by Chinese culture) | :: itäaasialainen kulttuuripiiri |
Sino-Tibetan {adj} (related to China and Tibet) | :: kiinalais-tiibetiläinen |
Sino-Tibetan {adj} (related to Chinese and Tibetan) | :: sinotiibetiläinen |
Sino-Vietnamese {adj} (pertaining to the Chinese-derived elements in the Vietnamese language) | :: kiinalais-vietnamilainen |
Sino-Vietnamese {n} (the Chinese-derived elements in the Vietnamese language) | :: kiinalais-vietnamilainen kieli |
Sino-Xenic {adj} (Sino-Vietnamese) SEE: Sino-Vietnamese | :: |
Sino-Xenic {adj} (related to Chinese readings in Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese borrowings from medieval Chinese) | :: ulkokiinalainen |
sinter {v} /ˈsɪntə/ (to compact and heat a powder to form a solid mass) | :: sintrata |
sinuate {v} (to curve or bend) | :: kiemurrella, mutkitella |
sinuous {adj} /ˈsɪn.ju.əs/ (having curves in alternate directions; meandering) | :: kiemurteleva, mutkitteleva; meanderoiva [of river, technical term] |
sinuous {adj} (moving gracefully and in a supple manner) | :: sulava, sulavaliikkeinen |
sinus {n} /ˈsaɪnəs/ (pouch or cavity in any organ or tissue) | :: ontelo |
sinus {n} (abnormal cavity or passage caused by the destruction of tissue) | :: avanne |
sinusitis {n} (inflammation) | :: sinuiitti, poskiontelotulehdus |
sinusoid {adj} (sinusoidal) SEE: sinusoidal | :: |
sinusoid {n} /ˈsaɪnəsɔɪd/ (sine curve) | :: sinikäyrä |
sinusoid {n} (anatomy: channel for venous blood) | :: tiehyt |
sinusoid {adj} (anatomy: resembling a sinus) | :: ontelomainen |
sinusoidal {adj} /saɪnəˈsɔɪdəl/ (in the form of a sine wave) | :: sinimuotoinen |
Sioux {n} /suː/ (tribes) | :: sioux |
Sioux {prop} (language group) | :: sioux |
sip {n} /sɪp/ (A small mouthful of drink) | :: siemaus |
sip {v} (to drink slowly, small mouthfuls at a time) | :: siemailla |
siphon {n} /ˈsaɪfən/ (a bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other) | :: lappo |
siphon {v} (transfer by means of a siphon) | :: lappaa |
siphonophore {n} (hydrozoan of the order Siphonophorae) | :: uimapolyyppi |
sir {n} /ˈsɜː(ɹ)/ (man of a higher rank or position) | :: herra |
sir {n} (address to a military superior) | :: herra [followed by the name of the rank] |
sir {n} (address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown) | :: herra |
sire {n} /saɪə(ɹ)/ (lord, master, or person in authority) | :: herra |
sire {n} (male animal) | :: koiras |
sire {v} (to procreate) | :: siittää, astua |
siren {n} /ˈsaɪɹən/ (nymph of Greek mythology) | :: seireeni |
siren {n} (device for making a sound alarm) | :: sireeni |
siren {n} (musical instrument) | :: pilli |
siren {n} (dangerously seductive woman) | :: seireeni |
siren {n} (salamander) | :: mutalisko |
siren {n} (mammal) | :: sireenieläin |
sirenomelia {n} /ˌsaɪrənoʊˈmiːliə/ (rare congenital deformity) | :: sirenomelia |
siren song {n} (enticing but dangerous appeal) | :: seireenien laulu |
sirensong {n} (siren song) SEE: siren song | :: |
Sirius {prop} /ˈsɪɹi.əs/ | :: Sirius |
sirloin {n} /ˈsɝlɔɪn/ (cut of beef) | :: ulkofilee |
sirocco {n} /sɪˈɹɒkoʊ/ (wind) | :: širokko |
sirtaki {n} /sɚˈtɑki/ (modern Greek folk dance) | :: sirtaki |
sis {n} /sɪs/ (sister) | :: systeri |
sisal {n} /ˈsʌɪsəl/ (plant) | :: sisalagaave |
sisal {n} (fiber) | :: sisali, sisal, sisalkuitu |
sisal {n} (mat) | :: sisalmatto |
siskin {n} (small European finch) SEE: Eurasian siskin | :: |
sissiness {n} (property of being sissy) | :: akkamaisuus, raukkamaisuus, pelkuruus |
sissy {n} /ˈsɪsi/ (a timid, unassertive or cowardly person) | :: nynny, mammanpoika, nyhverö, nössö |
sissy {adj} (effeminate) | :: akkamainen |
sissy {adj} (cowardly) | :: raukkamainen |
sissy {n} (childish: urination; urine) | :: pissaaminen [urination]; pissa [urine] |
sissy {v} (childish: to urinate) | :: pissata |
sissy {n} (sister) SEE: sis | :: |
sister {n} /ˈsɪs.tə/ (woman or girl having the same parents) | :: sisko, sisar |
sister {n} (a nun; a female member of a religious community) | :: sisar |
sister {n} (senior nurse) | :: sairaanhoitajatar |
sister {n} (any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt) | :: sisar |
sister city {n} (city in a relationship of cordiality) | :: ystävyyskaupunki |
sister-german {n} (sister by birth) | :: täyssisko, täyssisar |
sisterhood {n} (state of being sisters) | :: sisaruus |
sisterhood {n} (quality of being sisterly) | :: sisaruus |
sisterhood {n} (religious society of women) | :: sisaristo |
sister-in-law {n} (wife's sister) | :: käly |
sister-in-law {n} (husband's sister) | :: käly, nato [archaic] |
sister-in-law {n} (brother's wife) | :: käly |
sister-in-law {n} (wife's brother's wife) | :: käly |
sister-in-law {n} (husband's brother's wife) | :: käly |
sister ship {n} (ship built to the same design) | :: sisaralus |
Sisyphean {adj} /ˌsɪsəˈfiːən/ (incessant or incessantly recurring, but futile) | :: sisyfolainen |
Sisyphean {adj} (relating to Sisyphus) | :: sisyfolainen, Sisyfoon |
sit {v} /sɪt/ (of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported) | :: istua |
sit {v} (move oneself into such a position) | :: istuutua |
sit {v} (of an object: occupy a given position permanently) | :: seistä, olla, maata |
sit {v} (to be a member of a deliberative body) | :: istua |
sit {v} (of an agreement or arrangement, to be accepted) | :: sopia |
sit {n} (meditation event) | :: istunto |
sitar {n} (musical instrument) | :: sitar |
sit around {v} (sit idly) | :: istuskella, istuksia |
sitcom {n} (situation comedy, see also: situation comedy) | :: tilannekomedia |
sit down {v} (to assume a sitting position from a standing position) | :: istuutua |
site {n} /saɪt/ (place where anything is fixed; situation; local position) | :: paikka, sijaintipaikka |
site {n} (a website) | :: sivusto |
site map {n} (webpage that lists the contents of a website) | :: sivukartta |
sit in {v} (to attend for one time) | :: vierailla |
sit-in {n} (type of protest) | :: istumalakko |
sit on the fence {v} | :: jäädä odottavalle kannalle, olla odottavalla kannalla |
sitting duck {n} (an obvious or unconcealed target) | :: maalitaulu |
sitting room {n} (living room) SEE: living room | :: |
sitting toilet {n} (toilet which is used while sitting) | :: istumakäymälä |
situated {adj} /ˈsɪt͡ʃueɪtɪd/ (located in a specific place) | :: usually expressed with verb sijaita |
situation {n} /sɪtjuːˈeɪʃən/ (position vis-à-vis surroundings) | :: sijainti |
situation {n} (location) | :: sijainti |
situation {n} (one's status with regard to circumstances) | :: tilanne |
situation {n} (state of affairs) | :: tilanne, olosuhteet, olot |
situation {n} (position of employment) | :: työpaikka, tehtävä, asema |
situation comedy {n} (episodic comedy television program, see also: sitcom) | :: tilannekomedia |
situationism {n} (school of thought) | :: situationismi |
situla {n} /ˈsɪtjuːlə/ (archaeology: deep ceramic vase with a wide opening) | :: ruukku |
sit up {v} (to rise to a sitting position) | :: nousta istumaan |
sit up {v} (to sit erect) | :: istua suorassa, istua selkä suorana |
sit up {v} (to show sudden interest) | :: havahtua |
sit up {v} (sports: to bounce) | :: pomppia |
sit up {v} (to not go to bed) | :: valvoa, olla ylhäällä |
sit-up {n} /ˈsɪt.ʌp/ (exercise in which the abdominal muscles are contracted) | :: istumaannousu |
six {num} /sɪks/ (cardinal number) | :: kuusi |
six {n} (digit) | :: kuutonen |
sixes {n} (pair of sixes) | :: kuutospari |
sixfold {adj} (having six component parts) | :: kuusiosainen |
six hundred {num} /ˈsɪks ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 600) | :: kuusisataa |
six o'clock {n} (the start of the seventh hour) | :: kuusi (see also kello) |
six of one, half a dozen of the other {proverb} (two alternatives are equivalent or indifferent) | :: kuusi noita ja puoli tusinaa noita toisia, ihan sama |
six pack {n} /ˈsɪksˌpæk/ (set of six beverage cans) | :: sikspäkki |
six pack {n} (set of six beverage cans) | :: pyykkilautavatsa |
six-pack {n} (set of six beverage cans) | :: sikspäkki [slang]; kuuden pakkaus; sikspäkki |
sixsome {n} (group of six) | :: kuusikko |
sixteen {num} /ˈsɪks.tiːn/ (cardinal number 16) | :: kuusitoista |
sixteen hundred {num} (16:00 hrs) | :: kuusitoista reikä-reikä |
sixteen hundred {num} (number 1600) | :: tuhatkuusisataa |
sixteen hundred {num} (year 1600) | :: tuhatkuusisataa |
sixteenth {adj} /ˌsɪksˈtiːnθ/ (the ordinal form of the number sixteen, see also: 16th) | :: kuudestoista |
sixteenth {n} (one of sixteen equal parts of a whole) | :: kuudestoistaosa |
sixteenth note {n} (sixteenth note) SEE: semiquaver | :: |
sixth {adj} /sɪk(s)θ/ (ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th) | :: kuudes |
sixth {n} (person or thing in sixth place) | :: kuudes |
sixth {n} (one of six equal parts of a whole) | :: kuudennes, kuudesosa |
sixth {n} (interval) | :: seksti |
sixth form {n} (final two years of secondary schooling) | :: lukio |
six thousand {num} (6000) | :: kuusituhatta |
sixth sense {n} (extrasensory perception) | :: kuudes aisti |
sixties {n} (decade of the 1960s) | :: kuusikymmentäluku |
sixtieth {adj} /ˈsɪksti.əθ/ (the ordinal form of the number sixty) | :: kuudeskymmenes |
sixtieth {n} (person or thing in the sixtieth position) | :: kuudeskymmenes |
sixtieth {n} (one of sixty equal parts of a whole) | :: kuudeskymmenesosa |
sixty {num} /ˈsɪkstɪ/ (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentä |
sixty-eight {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäkahdeksan |
sixty-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of sixty-eight) | :: kuudeskymmeneskahdeksas |
sixty-fifth {adj} (ordinal form of sixty-five) | :: kuudeskymmenesviides |
sixty-first {adj} (ordinal number) | :: kuudeskymmenesensimmäinen |
sixty-five {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäviisi |
sixty-four {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäneljä |
sixty-fourth {adj} (ordinal form of sixty-four) | :: kuudeskymmenesneljäs |
sixty-nine {n} /ˌsɪkstiˈnaɪn/ (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäyhdeksän |
sixty-nine {n} (sex position) | :: kuusysi, 69-asento |
sixty-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of sixty-nine) | :: kuudeskymmenesyhdeksäs |
sixty-one {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäyksi |
sixty-second {adj} (ordinal number) | :: kuudeskymmenestoinen |
sixty-seven {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäseitsemän |
sixty-seventh {adj} (ordinal form of sixty-seven) | :: kuudeskymmenesseitsemäs |
sixty-six {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäkuusi |
sixty-sixth {adj} (ordinal form of sixty-six) | :: kuudeskymmeneskuudes |
sixtysomething {n} (sexagenarian) SEE: sexagenarian | :: |
sixty-third {adj} (ordinal form of sixty-three) | :: kuudeskymmeneskolmas |
sixty-three {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäkolme |
sixty-two {num} (cardinal number) | :: kuusikymmentäkaksi |
sizable {adj} /ˈsaɪzəbəl/ (fairly large) | :: kookas |
size {n} /saɪz/ (dimensions or magnitude of a thing) | :: koko, suuruus |
size {n} (a specific set of dimensions for clothing) | :: koko |
size {n} (graph theory: a number of edges in a graph) | :: koko |
size {v} (to adjust the size of) | :: sovittaa |
size {v} (to classify or arrange by size) | :: luokitella koon mukaan, lajitella koon mukaan |
size {v} (to estimate the size of) | :: arvioida koko |
size {n} (thin, weak glue intended to be painted upon) | :: pohjuste |
size {n} (wallpaper paste) | :: liisteri |
size {n} (thickened crust on coagulated blood) | :: rupi |
size {v} (to apply primer to a surface which is to be painted) | :: pohjustaa, pohjamaalata |
sizzle {v} /ˈsɪzəl/ (to make the sound of water hitting a hot surface) | :: kihistä, sihistä |
sizzle {v} (to be exciting or dazzling) | :: säkenöidä |
sizzle {n} (the sound of water hitting a hot surface) | :: kihinä, sihinä |
sizzle {n} (zing, zip, or pizazz; excitement) | :: säpinä |
ska {n} /skɑː/ (Jamaican dance music) | :: ska |
skald {n} /skɔːld/ (a Nordic poet of the Viking Age) | :: skaldi |
skandha {n} (any of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism) | :: skandha |
skate {n} /skeɪt/ (runner) | :: luistin |
skate {n} (ice skate or roller skate) | :: luistin |
skate {n} (act of skateboarding) | :: skeittaus |
skate {n} (act of skating or ice skating) | :: luistelu |
skate {v} (to move along a surface (ice or ground) using skates) | :: luistella |
skate {v} (to skateboard) | :: skeitata |
skate {n} (fish of family Rajidae) | :: rausku |
skateboard {n} (platform on wheels) | :: skeittilauta, skede [slang], rullalauta |
skateboard {v} (to use a skateboard) | :: skeitata, skedettää, rullalautailla |
skateboarding {n} (riding on a skateboard) | :: skeittaus, skeittailu, skedetys |
skate on thin ice {v} (to be in potentially risky situation) | :: liikkua heikoilla jäillä |
skatepark {n} (recreational area) | :: skeittipuisto |
skater {n} /ˈskeɪ.tə(ɹ)/ (person who skates) | :: luistelija |
skater {n} (member of skateboarding subculture) | :: skeittari |
skater {n} (ice hockey: player other than goaltender) | :: kenttäpelaaja |
skater {n} (insect) SEE: water strider | :: |
skate skiing {n} (skiing style) | :: luisteluhiihto |
skating {n} /ˈskeɪtɪŋ/ (action or sport) | :: luistelu |
skedaddle {v} /skɪˈdædəl/ (move or run away quickly) | :: juosta karkuun |
skee ball {n} (early arcade game) | :: skee ball |
skeet {n} (form of trapshooting) | :: skeet, skeet-ammunta |
skeet {v} (to shoot or spray liquids) | :: ruiskuttaa |
skeeter {n} (mosquito) SEE: mosquito | :: |
skeg {n} (surfer) SEE: surfer | :: |
skeg {n} /skɛɡ/ (rudder-supporting structure) | :: skegi |
skeg {n} (similar construction on a boat that acts as a keel) | :: köli |
skeg {n} (fin that stabilizes a surfboard) | :: evä |
skein {n} /skeɪn/ (quantity of yarn) | :: vyyhti |
skein {n} (figuratively: tangle) | :: vyyhti |
skein {n} (winning streak) SEE: winning streak | :: |
skeletal muscle {n} (muscle of vertebrates) | :: luurankolihas, luustolihas |
skeleton {n} /ˈskɛlətən/ (system that provides support to an organism) | :: luuranko [internal]; tukiranka [external or internal] |
skeleton {n} (representation of a skeleton) | :: luuranko |
skeleton {n} (very thin person) | :: luuranko |
skeleton {n} (central core of something) | :: ydin |
skeleton {n} (frame that provides support to a building) | :: runko |
skeleton {n} (computing: client-helper procedure) | :: skeleton, skeleton-olio |
skeleton {n} (geometry: vertices and edges of a polyhedron) | :: luuranko |
skeleton {n} (type of tobogganing) | :: mahakelkkailu, skeleton |
skeletoneer {n} (one who competes in skeleton) | :: mahakelkkailija |
skeleton in the closet {n} (shameful secret) SEE: skeleton in the cupboard | :: |
skeleton in the cupboard {n} (shameful secret) | :: luuranko kaapissa |
skeleton key {n} (key that opens a range of locks) | :: yleisavain |
skeptic {n} /ˈskɛp.tɪk/ (someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims) | :: skeptikko |
skeptical {adj} /ˈskeptɪkəl/ (having, or expressing doubt) | :: skeptinen |
skeptical {adj} (related to skepticism) | :: skeptinen |
skeptically {adv} (in a skeptical manner) | :: skeptisesti |
skepticism {n} /ˈskɛp.tɪˌsɪ.zəm/ (general disposition to doubt) | :: skeptisyys |
skepticism {n} (doctrine) | :: skepticism |
skerry {n} /ˈskɛɹi/ (small rocky island) | :: kari, luoto |
sketch {v} /skɛtʃ/ (to make a basic drawing) | :: luonnostella |
sketch {v} (to describe briefly and with few details) | :: hahmotella |
sketch {n} (quick freehand drawing) | :: luonnos, hahmotelma, skitsi |
sketch {n} (rough design or draft) | :: luonnos, hahmotelma |
sketch {n} (brief description) | :: hahmotelma |
sketch {n} (brief musical, dramatic or literary work etc.) | :: sketsi [humorous or satirical scene] |
sketch {n} (informal: amusing person) | :: pelle, vitsi |
sketch {n} (humorous newspaper article) | :: pakina |
sketch {n} (lookout) SEE: lookout | :: |
sketchbook {n} (book or pad with blank pages for sketching) | :: luonnoslehtiö |
sketchiness {n} (property) | :: luonnosmaisuus, ylimalkaisuus |
sketchy {adj} /ˈskɛtʃi/ (Roughly or hastily laid out; intended for later refinement) | :: summittainen, luonnosmainen |
sketchy {adj} (Of questionable or doubtful quality) | :: huonomaineinen, huonokuntoinen |
sketchy {adj} (Suspected of taking part in illicit or dishonorable dealings) | :: epäilyttävä |
skew {n} (state of asymmetry in a distribution) SEE: skewness | :: |
skewed {adj} (twisted at an angle) | :: vino |
skewed {adj} (biased, distorted) | :: vääristynyt, vino, vinoutunut |
skewer {n} /ˈskjuəɹ/ (pin used to secure food during cooking) | :: varras, paistinvarras |
skewer {n} (chess scenario) | :: varras |
skewer {v} (to impale on a skewer) | :: varrastaa, seivästää |
skewer {v} (chess: to attack a piece with a less valuable piece behind) | :: varrastaa |
skewness {n} (measure of the asymmetry) | :: vinous |
ski {n} /skiː/ (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow) | :: suksi |
ski {v} (to move on skis) | :: hiihtää [X-country], lasketella [downhill] |
skiathlon {n} (skiing event) | :: yhdistelmähiihto, skiathlon |
ski boot {n} (specialized footwear used in skiing) | :: monot {p} |
skid {n} /skɪd/ (out of control sliding motion) | :: luisu, liirto, liuku, luisto |
skid {n} (runner of a sled) | :: jalas |
skid {n} (ski shaped runner or supporting surface as found on an aircraft) | :: jalas [support]; suksi [runner] |
skid {n} (basic form of platform) | :: lava |
skid {v} (to slide in an uncontrolled manner) | :: luisua, liirtää, liirata, liukua |
skidding {n} /ˈskɪdɪŋ/ (the motion of something that skids) | :: liukuminen, luistaminen |
skidding {n} (the logging operation for pulling cut trees) | :: juontaminen, juonto |
skid mark {n} (black mark left on a road surface from tires) | :: jarrutusjälki, liukujälki, sutimisjälki |
skid mark {n} (any mark or stain left on a surface from a sliding or rubbing object) | :: naarmu [scratch], jälki [stain] |
skid mark {n} (visible stain on underpants) | :: vauhtiraita |
skid mark {n} (mark of a soiled finger) | :: sormenjälki |
skid mark {n} (burn on the skin caused by scraping) | :: naarmu |
skidmark {n} (black mark left on a road surface from tires) | :: jarrutusjälki, liukujälki |
skidmark {n} (visible stain left on underpants) | :: paskatahra |
skid row {n} (an especially dilapidated section of a city) | :: slummikortteli |
skier {n} (someone who practices skiing) | :: hiihtäjä |
skiff {n} /skɪf/ (Any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person) | :: jolla |
skiing {n} /ˈskiɪŋ/ (sport or activity) | :: hiihto |
ski jump {n} (ramp) | :: hyppyrimäki |
ski jumper {n} (someone who competes in ski jumping) | :: mäkihyppääjä |
ski jumping {n} (a winter sport) | :: mäkihyppy |
skilful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) SEE: skillful | :: |
skilfulness {n} (the state or condition of being skilful) | :: taitavuus, osaaminen |
skill {n} /skɪl/ (capacity to do something well) | :: taito, kyky |
skilled {adj} /skɪld/ (having or showing skill) | :: taitava, taidokas |
skillet {n} /ˈskɪlɪt/ (pan for frying) | :: paistinpannu |
skillet {v} (to cook in a skillet) | :: paistaa paistinpannulla |
skillful {adj} /ˈskɪl.fəl/ (possessing skill, skilled) | :: taitava, taidokas, lahjakas, etevä |
skill set {n} (set of skills) | :: taidot {p} |
skill set {n} (skills needed to accomplish a specified task) | :: tarvittavat taidot {p} |
skill tester {n} (box of prizes with a mechanical arm) | :: kourapeli |
skim {v} /skɪm/ (throw an object so it bounces on water) | :: heittää leipää, heittää leipiä |
skim {v} (ricochet) | :: kimmota |
skim {v} (read quickly, skipping some detail) | :: lukea pintapuolisesti, lukea hutaisten, lukaista, silmäillä |
skim {v} (scrape off; remove (something) from a surface) | :: kuoria |
skim {v} (remove cream) | :: kuoria, kaapia |
skim {adj} (having lowered fat content) | :: kuoria, kimmota |
ski mask {n} (A warm cap shielding the neck and head) | :: hiihtopipo |
skimble-skamble {n} (gibberish, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense) SEE: nonsense | :: |
skimble-skamble {adj} (confused, chaotic, disorderly) SEE: chaotic | :: |
skimmed milk {n} (skim milk) SEE: skim milk | :: |
skimmer {n} (spoon) | :: reikäkauha |
skimmer {n} (person) | :: kuorija |
skimmer {n} (bird of genus Rynchops) | :: saksinokka |
skim milk {n} (milk with removed cream) | :: kuorittu maito, rasvaton maito, kurri |
skimp {v} /skɪmp/ (to slight; to do carelessly; to scamp) | :: pinnata |
skimp {v} (to make insufficient allowance for; to scant; to scrimp) | :: pihistellä, pihdata, pihtailla, nuukailla |
skimp {v} (to save; to be parsimonious or stingy) | :: pihistellä, pihdata, pihtailla, nuukailla |
skimpy {adj} /ˈskɪmpi/ (small or inadequate; not generous, or of a garment, very small, light, or revealing) | :: niukka, lyhyt, pikku- |
skim through {v} (to read something hurriedly without being attached to details) | :: silmäillä läpi |
skin {n} /skɪn/ (outer protective of the body of a person or animal) | :: iho [chiefly human]; nahka [chiefly animal] |
skin {n} (outer protective layer of fruit) | :: kuori |
skin {n} (skin and fur of an animal used by humans) | :: talja |
skin {n} (congealed layer on the surface of a liquid) | :: kalvo |
skin {n} (image used as the background of graphical user interface) | :: taustakuva |
skin {n} (rolling paper for cigarettes) | :: sätkäpaperi |
skin {n} (skinhead (clipping of)) | :: skini |
skin {n} (slang: bare flesh) | :: paljas pinta |
skin {n} (vessel made of skin) | :: nahkaleili |
skin {v} (to injure the skin of) | :: naarmuttaa, raapia; ruhjoa [severely] |
skin {v} (to remove the skin of) | :: nylkeä |
skin {v} (to use a replacement image for the graphical user interface of) | :: asettaa taustakuvaksi |
skin {v} (soccer: to use tricks to go past a defender) | :: jallittaa |
skin {v} (to become covered with skin) | :: arpeutua |
skin {v} (to produce the work of another for one's own, or to use cribs) | :: luntata [to use cribs] |
skin {v} (to strip of money or property (colloquially)) | :: putsata |
skin {v} (to high five) SEE: high five | :: |
skin and bones {n} (emaciated; very skinny) | :: luuta ja nahkaa, luuviulu |
skin cancer {n} (malignant growth on the skin) | :: ihosyöpä |
skincare {n} (care of the skin) | :: ihonhoito |
skin color {n} (color of human skin) | :: ihonväri |
skin color {n} (ethnicity) | :: ihonväri |
skin effect {n} (tendency of alternating current to distribute itself) | :: virranahto |
skinflint {n} /ˈskɪnflɪnt/ (one who is excessively stingy or cautious with money) | :: kitupiikki |
skin graft {n} (operation) | :: ihonsiirto |
skinhead {n} /ˈskɪnhɛd/ (someone with a shaved head) | :: klanipää |
skinhead {n} (member of skinhead subculture) | :: skini, skinhead |
skink {n} /skɪŋk/ (lizard) | :: skinkki, kaivajalisko |
skin mag {n} (skin magazine) SEE: skin magazine | :: |
skin magazine {n} (adult or pornographic magazine) | :: pillulehti |
skinner {n} (someone who skins animals) | :: nylkijä |
skinny {adj} /ˈskɪni/ (thin) | :: laiha, luiseva |
skinny {n} (A skinny person) | :: laiha |
skinny-dip {v} (swim in the nude) | :: uida alasti |
skinny dipping {n} /ˈskɪni ˈdɪpɪŋ/ (swimming in the nude) | :: naku-uinti, alastonuinti |
skint {adj} /skɪnt/ (penniless, poor, impecunious, broke) | :: auki, rahaton |
skintight {adj} (conforming tightly to the body) | :: ihonmyötäinen |
skip {v} /skɪp/ (to move by hopping on alternate feet) | :: hyppiä vuorotellen kummallakin jalalla |
skip {v} (to leap about lightly) | :: hyppiä, hypellä, hypähdellä |
skip {v} (to skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface) | :: kimmota, kimpoilla, ponnahtaa, ponnahdella, pompata, pompahtaa, pompahdella |
skip {v} (to omit or disregard intermediate items or stages) | :: hypätä yli, jättää väliin, sivuuttaa |
skip {v} (to place an item in a skip) | :: heittää pois |
skip {v} (not to attend) | :: olla poissa, jättää väliin |
skip {v} (to leave, especially in a sudden and covert manner) | :: häipyä, livistää |
skip {v} (to leap lightly over) | :: hypellä |
skip {n} (leaping, jumping or skipping movement) | :: hyppely |
skip {n} (An open-topped rubbish bin) | :: roskalava, jätelava |
skip {n} (curling: player who calls the shots) | :: kippari, kapteeni |
skip {v} (to jump rope) SEE: jump rope | :: |
skipjack {n} (fish of the genus Euthynnus) | :: boniitti |
skipjack {n} (Katsuwonus pelamis) | :: boniitti |
skipjack tuna {n} (Katsuwonus pelamis) | :: boniitti |
ski pole {n} (a slender stick used by skiers) | :: hiihtosauva, suksisauva |
skipper {n} /ˈskɪpɚ/ (master of a ship) | :: kippari |
skipper {n} (coach, director, leader) | :: kippari |
skipper {n} (captain of sports team) | :: kippari |
skipper {n} (one who fails to attend class) | :: lintsari |
skipper {n} (butterfly of the family Hesperiidae) | :: paksupää |
skipper {n} (fish) | :: makrillihauki |
skipping rope {n} (rope for play or exercise) | :: hyppynaru |
skip rope {n} (rope used) SEE: skipping rope | :: |
skip rope {v} (to jump over a rope) SEE: jump rope | :: |
skip town {v} (abscond from one's place of residence suddenly) | :: vaihtaa maisemaa |
ski resort {n} (resort for skiers) | :: hiihtokeskus |
skirmish {n} /ˈskɜːmɪʃ/ (brief battle between small groups) | :: kahakka, välikohtaus, yhteenotto |
skirmish {n} (minor dispute) | :: suukopu, välikohtaus, yhteenotto |
skirmish {v} (to engage in a minor battle or dispute) | :: kahakoida, nahistella |
skirt {n} /skɝt/ (clothing) | :: hame |
skirt {n} (part of dress) | :: hame |
skirt {n} (something resembling a skirt) | :: hame |
skirt {n} (slang for woman) | :: hame; hameväki (women collectively) |
skirt {n} (border) | :: reunus, helma |
skirt {v} (to be on or from the border of) | :: ympäröidä, reunustaa |
skirt around {v} (circumvent) | :: kiertää, kierrellä, vältellä |
skirting board {n} (panel between floor and interior wall) | :: jalkalista |
ski run {n} (trail or slope for skiing) | :: latu [trail], rinne [slope] |
ski school {n} (place where skiing lessons are taught) | :: hiihtokoulu |
ski stick {n} (a slender stick used by skiers) | :: hiihtosauva, suksisauva |
skit {n} (comedy) | :: sketsi |
skit {v} (poke fun) | :: pilkata |
ski track {n} (trail from/for skis) | :: latu |
skitrack {n} (ski track) SEE: ski track | :: |
skitter {v} /ˈskɪtə(ɹ)/ (to move hurriedly) | :: kipittää, viilettää |
skitter {v} (to make a scratching or scuttling noise) | :: kipittää |
skittish {adj} /ˈskɪtɪʃ/ (easily scared) | :: säikky |
ski wax {n} (wax for skis and snowboards) | :: suksivoide |
skoal {interj} (toast) | :: skool |
Skolt {n} (person) | :: koltta, kolttasaamelainen |
Skolt Sami {prop} (language) | :: koltansaame |
Skolt Sami {adj} (of or pertaining to Skolts or Skolt Sami) | :: kolttasaamelainen |
Skopje {prop} /ˈskɔpjɛ/ (capital of North Macedonia) | :: Skopje |
Skopje {prop} (North Macedonia) SEE: North Macedonia | :: |
skopos {n} (function of a text in translating and interpreting) | :: tarkoitus, skopos |
Skopostheorie {n} (idea that translating and interpreting should take into account function) SEE: Skopos theory | :: |
Skopos theory {n} (idea that translating and interpreting should consider function of texts) | :: skoposteoria |
SKU {n} /ˌɛsˌkeɪˈjuː/ (stock keeping unit) | :: varastonimike, tuotetunnus, tuotekoodi, varastointiyksikkö, SKU-tunnus |
skua {n} /ˈskjuːə/ (predatory seabird of the family Stercorariidae) | :: kihu |
skulduggerous {adj} (involving skulduggery) SEE: tricky | :: |
skulduggery {n} /skʌlˈdʌɡəɹi/ (devious device or trick) | :: kepponen, petos |
skulduggery {n} (dishonest, underhanded, or unscrupulous activities or behaviour) | :: hämäys |
skulk {v} /skʌlk/ (to conceal oneself; to hide) | :: piileskellä, lymyillä |
skull {n} /skʌl/ (bones of the head: cranium and mandible) | :: kallo, pääkallo |
skull {n} (death's-head, skull) | :: pääkallo |
skull and crossbones {n} (symbol of death) | :: pääkallon kuva |
skullcap {n} /ˈskʌlkæp/ (cap that covers the area from the forehead to just above the back of the neck) | :: kipa |
skullcap {n} (hat) | :: patalakki |
skullcap {n} (flowering plant) | :: vuohennokka |
skunk {n} /skʌŋk/ (animal) | :: haisunäätä, skunkki |
skunk {n} (despicable person) | :: hylkiö |
skunk {n} (walkover victory) | :: murskavoitto |
skunk {n} (skunkweed) SEE: marijuana | :: |
sky {n} (atmosphere above a point) | :: taivas |
sky {n} (specific view, condition) | :: taivas |
sky {n} (heaven) | :: taivas |
sky blue {adj} (light blue, see also: dark blue; blue) | :: taivaansininen, vaaleansininen |
sky blue {n} (colour) | :: taivaansininen |
sky burial {n} (funeral practice) | :: taivashautaus |
skyclad {adj} (nude) SEE: nude | :: |
skyclad {adj} /ˈskaɪ.klæd/ (naked outdoors) | :: alasti, skyclad |
skydive {n} /ˈskaɪˌdaɪv/ (an instance of skydiving) | :: laskuvarjohyppy, taivassukellus |
skydive {v} (be in freefall) | :: olla vapaassa pudotuksessa |
skydiver {n} (someone who skydives) | :: laskuvarjohyppääjä |
skydiving {n} (jumping out of an aircraft and freefalling) | :: laskuvarjohyppy |
Skye terrier {n} (terrier breed) | :: skyenterrieri |
sky girl {n} (pejorative: female flight attendant) | :: lentoemo |
skyhook {n} /ˈskaɪˌhʊk/ (imaginary hook suspended in the air) | :: avaruuskoukku |
skyhook {n} (helicopter that lifts and transports heavy objects) | :: raskas kuljetushelikopteri |
skylab {n} (space lab) | :: avaruuslaboratorio |
sky lantern {n} (paper ornament) | :: taivaslyhty |
skylark {n} /ˈskaɪ.lɑɹk/ (small brown passerine bird) | :: kiuru, leivo, leivonen |
skylight {n} /ˈskaɪˌlaɪt/ (opening in the roof) | :: valoaukko |
skylight {n} (solar radiation) | :: auringon hajasäteily |
skylight {n} (hole in a lava tube) | :: laavatunnelin aukko |
skyline {n} (horizon) SEE: horizon | :: |
skyline {n} /ˈskaɪˌlaɪn/ (silhouette against city or buildings) | :: taivaanranta |
skype {v} /skaɪp/ (make a Skype telephone call) | :: skypettää |
skyrmion {n} (particle) | :: skyrmioni |
skyrocket {n} (pocket) SEE: pocket | :: |
skyrocket {n} /ˈskaɪˌɹɒk.ɪt/ (type of firework) | :: ilotulitusraketti |
skyrocket {n} (slang: rebuke, scolding) | :: täyslaidallinen, tykitys |
skyrocket {v} (to increase suddenly and extremely) | :: karata, nousta pilviin; raketoida [informal] |
skyscraper {n} /ˈskaɪˌskɹeɪpɚ/ (tall building) | :: pilvenpiirtäjä |
skyscraping {adj} (extremely tall; as tall as a skyscraper) | :: huippukorkea |
slab {n} /slæb/ (flat piece of material) | :: laatta, levy, kimpale |
slab {n} (paving stone) | :: laatta |
slabstone {n} (flagstone) SEE: flagstone | :: |
slack {n} /slæk/ (small coal, coal dust) | :: hiilipöly [dust], hiilimurska [small coal] |
slack {n} (small shallow dell or valley) | :: notko, notkelma |
slack {n} (loose part of anything) | :: löysä |
slack {n} (tidal marsh or periodically filling shallow) | :: kluuvi |
slack {adj} (not tense) | :: löysä |
slack {adj} (weak) | :: veltto |
slack {adj} (not using due diligence or care) | :: huolimaton |
slack {adj} (not rapid or pressing) | :: hiljainen |
slack {adv} (adverb of slack) | :: löysästi, veltosti, huolimattomasti |
slack {v} (to procrastinate) | :: velttoilla, viivytellä, vetelehtiä |
slack {v} (to refuse to exert effort) | :: löysäillä |
slacken {v} (to make less taut) SEE: loosen | :: |
slacken {v} /ˈslæ.kən/ ((intransitive) to gradually decrease in intensity) | :: hellitä, hellittää, löyhtyä, höllentyä |
slacken {v} ((transitive) to gradually decrease in intensity) | :: hellittää, löysätä, höllentää |
slacker {n} /ˈslækɚ/ (procrastinating or lazy person) | :: velttoilija, laiskimus |
slack off {v} (deliberately unproductive in one's work or study) | :: löysäillä |
slack off {v} (decrease in intensity) | :: laantua |
slag {n} /slæɡ/ (the impurities which result and are separated out when melting a metal or refining it from its ore) | :: kuona |
slag {n} (the scoria of a volcano) | :: laavakivi |
slag {n} (a woman (sometimes a man) who has loose morals relating to sex) | :: huora, lutka |
slag {v} (to make slag) | :: tuottaa kuonaa |
slag {v} (to talk badly about someone; to denigrate someone) | :: mustamaalata, loata, puhua pahaa |
slag heap {n} | :: kuonakasa |
slag off {v} (to talk insultingly to or about someone or something) | :: mollata |
slake {v} /sleɪk/ (To become less energetic) | :: lannistua |
slake {v} (To slacken) | :: löysentää |
slake {v} (To become less intense) | :: lauhtua |
slake {v} (To satisfy thirst) | :: sammuttaa |
slake {v} (To cool with water) | :: jäähdyttää |
slaked lime {n} (calcium hydroxide, see also: calcium hydroxide) | :: sammutettu kalkki |
slalom {n} /ˈslɑː.ləm/ (sports) | :: slalom, pujottelu |
slalom {n} (course used for the sport of slalom) | :: pujottelurata |
slalom {n} (race or competition) | :: pujottelukilpailu |
slalom {v} (to race in a slalom) | :: pujotella |
slalomer {n} (skier) | :: pujottelija |
slalomist {n} (slalomer) SEE: slalomer | :: |
slam {v} /slæm/ (to shut with sudden force and noise) | :: paiskata, läimäyttää |
slam {v} (to put with force and loud noise) | :: läimäyttää |
slam {v} (to strike forcefully with some implement) | :: läimäyttää, mojauttaa, iskeä |
slam {v} (to speak badly of) | :: haukkua, panetella, haukkua pataluhaksi |
slam {v} (basketball: to dunk forcefully) | :: donkata |
slam {v} (bridge: to make a slam bid) | :: slammata |
slam {v} (card games: to defeat by winning all the tricks) | :: puhdistaa pöytä, slammata |
slam {v} (to drink off, quickly) | :: kulauttaa |
slam {n} (sudden impact or blow) | :: läimäys, läjähdys |
slam {n} (shock and noise produced by slamming) | :: läimäys, läjähdys, pamahdus |
slam {n} (slam dunk) | :: donkkaus |
slam {n} (insult) | :: loukkaus |
slam {n} (refuse of alum works) | :: kuona |
slam dunk {n} (impressively forceful dunk) | :: donkkaus |
slander {n} /ˈslɑːndə/ (false or unsupported spoken malicious statement) | :: suullinen kunnianloukkaus |
slander {v} (utter a slanderous statement about) | :: suullisesti loukata jonkun kunniaa |
slanderous {adj} (Both untrue and harmful to a reputation) | :: herjaava, panetteleva |
slang {n} (jargon) SEE: jargon | :: |
slang {n} /sleɪŋ/ (unconventional language ) | :: slangi |
slang {n} (cant) SEE: cant | :: |
slant {n} (typography: slash) SEE: slash | :: |
slant {n} /ˈslænt/ (slope or incline) | :: rinne |
slant {n} (sloped surface or line) | :: kalteva pinta [surface]; vinoviiva [line], kaltevuus, vietto |
slant {n} (oblique movement or course) | :: vinottainen liike |
slant {n} (sarcastic remark; indirect mocking insult) | :: vinoilu |
slant {n} (slang: opportunity) | :: sauma |
slant {n} (bias) | :: näkökulma, asenne, tulokulma, tendenssi |
slant {n} (look, glance) | :: silmäys |
slant {n} (pejorative: person of Asian descent) | :: vinosilmä |
slant {v} (to lean, slope or incline) | :: viettää |
slant {v} (to bias or skew) | :: painottaa, suunnata |
slanted {adj} (placed at an angle) | :: vino |
slant-eyed {adj} (having slanted eyes) | :: vinosilmäinen |
slap {n} (A blow dealt with the open hand) | :: läimäys, läimäytys, läpsäys, läpsy, läpsäytys |
slap {n} (The sound of such a blow.) | :: läpsähdys, läpsäys, räpsähdys |
slap {v} (to give a slap) | :: läimäyttää, läpsäyttää, läpäyttää, läpsäistä |
slap {v} (to cause something to strike soundly) | :: mätkäyttää, läpsäistä, mätkäistä |
slap {v} (To place, to put carelessly) | :: lyödä, mätkäyttää, roiskia |
slapdash {adj} /ˈslæpdæʃ/ (done hastily) | :: hutiloitu |
slap in the face {n} (slap in the face or on the cheek) | :: isku kasvoihin [concrete]; isku vasten kasvoja [figurative] |
slapped cheek syndrome {n} (erythovirus infection) | :: parvorokko, pikkurokko |
slap shot {n} (fastest shot in hockey) | :: lyöntilaukaus, lämäri |
slap someone five {v} (give someone five) SEE: give someone five | :: |
slapstick {n} (physical comedy) | :: slapstick |
slash {n} /slæʃ/ (swift cut with a blade) | :: sivallus |
slash {n} (ice hockey: quick and hard lateral strike with a hockey stick) | :: huitominen |
slash {n} (typography: / symbol) | :: vinoviiva, kauttaviiva [colloquial], kautta [when reading out the symbol] |
slash {n} (vulgar slang: female genitalia) | :: viiva |
slash {v} (to make a broad cut with an edged weapon) | :: viiltää, sivaltaa |
slash and burn {adj} (rough) | :: suoraviivainen |
slash and burn {n} (technique) | :: kaskiviljely, kaskeaminen |
slash and burn {v} (to apply the technique) | :: kasketa |
slat {n} /slæt/ (thin, narrow strip) | :: säle |
slat {n} (aeronautical: moveable control surface at the leading edge of a wing) | :: etureunasolakko, solakko |
slat {v} (to construct with slats) | :: tehdä säleikkö |
slate {n} /sleɪt/ (rock) | :: liuskekivi, saviliuske, liuske |
slate {n} (tile) | :: liuskekivi |
slate {n} (record of money owed) | :: piikki, tili, lasku |
slate {n} (list of candidates for an election) | :: ehdokaslista, lista |
slate {v} (criticise/criticize harshly) | :: murskata |
slate {v} (schedule) | :: aikatauluttaa |
slate {v} (anticipate or strongly expect) | :: odottaa, uskoa |
slate black {n} (colour) | :: liuskemusta |
slate blue {n} (dark bluish-grey colour, see also: slate; slate gray; blue-gray) | :: liuskeenharmaa |
slate gray {n} (dark bluish-grey colour, see also: slate; slate blue; blue-gray) | :: savenharmaa |
slattern {n} (slut) SEE: slut | :: |
slattern {n} /ˈslætɚn/ (dated: dirty and untidy woman) | :: luuska |
slaty-backed gull {n} (Larus schistisagus) | :: ohotanlokki |
slaughter {n} /ˈslɔtɚ/ (killing of animals (also kosher and halal rituals)) | :: teurastus, lahti |
slaughter {n} (killing of many people) | :: teurastus, joukkomurha, verilöyly |
slaughter {n} (a decisive defeat) | :: teurastus, rökäletappio |
slaughter {v} (to butcher animals, generally for food (also kosher and halal rituals)) | :: teurastaa, lahdata |
slaughter {v} (to massacre people in large numbers) | :: teurastaa, lahdata |
slaughter {v} (to kill in a particularly brutal manner) | :: teurastaa, lahdata |
slaughterhouse {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir | :: |
Slav {n} /slɑːv/ (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language) | :: slaavi |
slave {n} /sleɪv/ (person owned by another) | :: orja |
slave {n} (person forced to work for another) | :: orja |
slave {n} (submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who (consensually) submits to (sexually) serving) | :: orja |
slave {n} (device that is controlled by another device) | :: orja |
slave {v} (to work hard) | :: raataa |
slavedealing {n} (slave trade) SEE: slave trade | :: |
slave-driver {n} (overseer of slaves) | :: orjapiiskuri |
slave-driver {n} (employer who demands excessive work) | :: orjapiiskuri |
slave-girl {n} (female slave) | :: orjatar |
slave-girl {n} (sex slave) SEE: sex slave | :: |
slavelike {adj} (resembling a slave) | :: orjamainen |
slavelike {adj} (resembling conditions of slavery) | :: orjanomainen |
slaveowner {n} (anyone that has control over another human being) | :: orjanomistaja |
slaver {v} /ˈslævɚ/ (to drool saliva) | :: kuolata |
slaver {n} /ˈsleɪvɚ/ (a person engaged in the slave trade) | :: orjakauppias |
slaver {n} (slave ship) | :: orjalaiva |
slavery {n} /ˈsleɪvəɹi/ (institution or practice of owning human beings) | :: orjuus |
slavery {n} (condition of servitude endured by a slave) | :: orjuus |
slavery {n} (condition in which one is captivated or subjugated) | :: orjuus |
slave trade {n} (traffic in slaves) | :: orjakauppa |
Slavic {adj} /ˈslævɪk/ (of the Slavs, their culture or languages) | :: slaavilainen |
Slavicness {n} (state or quality) | :: slaavilaisuus |
slavish {adj} /ˈsleɪvɪʃ/ (in the manner of a slave) | :: orjamainen, orjallinen |
Slavism {n} (a Slavic idiom or phrase) | :: slavismi |
Slavist {n} (specialist in the Slavic languages, literature or culture) | :: slavisti |
Slavonia {prop} (region of Croatia) | :: Slavonia |
Slavonian grebe {n} (Podiceps auritus) | :: mustakurkku-uikku |
Slavonic {adj} (Slavic) SEE: Slavic | :: |
Slavophile {n} (person who is interested in the development and prosperity of the Slavic race) | :: slavofiili |
Slavyansk {prop} (Slovyansk) SEE: Slovyansk | :: |
slaw {n} /slɔː/ (coleslaw) | :: coleslaw, kaalisalaatti |
slay {v} /sleɪ/ (to kill, murder) | :: tappaa, surmata |
slayer {n} /ˈsleɪə/ (one who slays) | :: surmaaja, tappaja |
sleazebag {n} (morally reprehensible, disreputable, or sleazy person) | :: nilviäinen |
sleazemonger {n} (one who spreads disgraceful information) | :: loanheittäjä |
sleazemonger {n} (peddler of sleaze) | :: saastan levittäjä |
sleazy {adj} /sliː.zi/ (Marked by low quality; inferior; inadequate) | :: kurja, rähjäinen |
sleazy {adj} (Dishonorable; base; vulgar; raunchy) | :: kurja, törkyinen |
sled {n} (sledge) SEE: sledge | :: |
sledding {n} (act of sliding downhill on a sled) | :: pulkkailu |
sled dog {n} (dog) | :: rekikoira, vetokoira |
sledge {n} (sledgehammer) SEE: sledgehammer | :: |
sledge {n} /slɛdʒ/ (sleigh or sled) | :: kelkka, reki |
sledgehammer {n} (kind of hammer) | :: leka |
sledge hockey {n} (version of ice hockey) | :: kelkkajääkiekko |
sleek {adj} /sliːk/ (smooth) | :: sileä, tasainen |
sleek {v} (to make smooth; glossy; or to polish) | :: silottaa, kiillottaa |
sleek {n} (that which makes smooth; varnish) | :: kiillotusaine |
sleep {v} /sliːp/ (to rest in state of reduced consciousness) | :: nukkua, uinua, tutia, paapia, nukahtaa, goijata |
sleep {v} (to accommodate) | :: olla ... nukkumapaikkaa, voida majoittua, mahtua nukkumaan, majoittaa |
sleep {n} (state of reduced consciousness) | :: uni |
sleep {n} (informal: act or instance of sleeping) | :: unet {p} |
sleep {n} (substance found in the corner of the eyes (gound), sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep, see also: ) | :: rähmä, unihiekka |
sleep apnea {n} (brief interruptions of breathing during sleep) | :: uniapnea |
sleep around {v} (to have numerous sexual partners) | :: olla kenen kanssa sattuu |
sleep debt {n} (cumulative effect of not enough sleep) | :: univelka |
sleep deprivation {n} (condition of forcibly being kept awake) | :: univaje |
sleep disorder {n} (medical disorder of sleep patterns) | :: unihäiriö |
sleeper {n} (someone who sleeps) | :: nukkuja |
sleeper {n} (that which lies dormant, as a law) | :: kuollut kirjain |
sleeper {n} (saboteur or terrorist waiting to be activated) | :: nukkuva agentti |
sleeper {n} (freshwater fish of the family Odontobutidae) | :: rohmutokko |
sleeper {n} (type of pajamas that covers the whole body) | :: unihaalari |
sleeper {n} (starter earring) | :: harjoituskorvarengas |
sleeper {n} (railroad sleeping car) SEE: sleeping car | :: |
sleeper {v} (to mark a calf by cutting its ear) SEE: earmark | :: |
sleeper {n} (sedative) SEE: sedative | :: |
sleeper {n} (railroad tie) SEE: railroad tie | :: |
sleeper agent {n} (spy placed in a target country or organisation to act as a potential asset) | :: nukkuva agentti |
sleeper cell {n} (group of people who remain dormant in a community until activated) | :: nukkuva solu |
sleep in {v} (to sleep late) | :: nukkua pommiin |
sleepiness {n} (property of being sleepy) | :: uneliaisuus |
sleeping {n} /ˈsliːpɪŋ/ (state or act of being asleep) | :: nukkuminen |
sleeping {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep | :: |
sleeping bag {n} (padded or insulated bag) | :: makuupussi |
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale) | :: Prinsessa Ruusunen |
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (main character in this story) | :: Prinsessa Ruusunen |
sleeping car {n} (a railroad car with sleeping facilities for passengers travelling overnight.) | :: makuuvaunu |
sleeping pill {n} (a pill having a soporific effect) | :: unilääke |
sleeping sickness {n} (infectious disease) | :: unitauti |
sleepless {adj} (absence of sleep) | :: uneton |
sleep like a baby {v} (to sleep very well) | :: nukkua kuin tukki |
sleep like a log {v} (to sleep well, without disturbance) | :: nukkua kuin tukki |
sleep mode {n} (state of a computer system) | :: valmiustila, lepotila |
sleep of the just {n} /ˈsliːp əv ðə ˈdʒʌst/ (deep and worry-free sleep) | :: vanhurskaan uni [in partitive singular with a verb] |
sleep on {v} (to postpone a decision at least overnight) | :: nukkua yön yli |
sleep over {v} (to sleep over) | :: olla yötä |
sleep rough {v} /ˌsliːp ˈɹʌf/ (to sleep outdoors) | :: nukkua taivasalla |
sleep start {n} (hypnic jerk) SEE: hypnic jerk | :: |
sleeptalk {v} (to talk unconsciously in one's sleep) | :: puhua unissaan |
sleep twitch {n} (hypnic jerk) SEE: hypnic jerk | :: |
sleepwalk {v} (somnambulate) SEE: somnambulate | :: |
sleepwalker {n} (somnambulist) SEE: somnambulist | :: |
sleepwalking {n} (act of walking while not conscious or aware of it, during sleep) | :: unissakävely |
sleepwear {n} (nightclothes) SEE: nightclothes | :: |
sleep with one eye open {v} | :: nukkua toinen silmä auki |
sleepy {adj} /ˈsliːpi/ (feeling the need for sleep) | :: uninen, unelias |
sleepy {adj} (suggesting tiredness) | :: uninen, väsynyt |
sleepy {adj} (quiet; without bustle or activity) | :: unelias, hiljainen |
sleepy head {n} (a sleepy person) SEE: sleepyhead | :: |
sleepyhead {n} (sleepy person) | :: unikeko |
sleepyhead {n} (ruddy duck) SEE: ruddy duck | :: |
sleet {n} /sliːt/ (mixture of rain and snow) | :: räntä, räntäsade |
sleet {n} (glaze ice formed by freezing rain) | :: jäätävä sade, jäätävä tihku |
sleet {v} (to be in a state in which sleet is falling) | :: sataa räntää |
sleeve {n} /sliːv/ (part of a garment that covers the arm) | :: hiha |
sleeve {n} (mechanical covering or lining) | :: kaulus |
sleeveless {adj} (of a garment, having no sleeves) | :: hihaton |
sleigh {adj} (sly) SEE: sly | :: |
sleigh {n} (vehicle on runners) SEE: sledge | :: |
sleighbell {n} (bell on a sleigh) | :: kulkunen |
sleighlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a sleigh) | :: rekimäinen |
sleight of hand {n} (skill) | :: sorminäppäryys |
sleight of hand {n} (performance) | :: silmänkääntötemppu |
sleiveen {n} /ˈsliːviːn/ (dishonest person; trickster) | :: koijari, sluibari |
slender {adj} /ˈslɛndə/ (thin) | :: hoikka |
slender-billed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus genei) | :: kaitanokkalokki |
slender-horned gazelle {n} (Gazella leptoceros) | :: valkogaselli, saharangaselli |
slender sedge {n} (Carex lasiocarpa) | :: jouhisara |
sleuth {n} /sluːθ/ (bloodhound) | :: vihikoira |
sleuth {n} (detective) | :: etsivä, yksityisetsivä |
slice {n} /slaɪs/ (thin, broad piece cut off) | :: viipale |
slice {v} (to cut into slices) | :: viipaloida, siivuttaa |
slice of the pie {n} | :: pala kakusta |
slicer {n} (someone or -thing that slices) | :: siivutin [tool]; viipalointikone, siivutuskone [machine]; viipaloija [person] |
slicer {n} (piece of software in 3D printing) | :: siivuttajaohjelma, slicer |
slicer {n} (slicing cucumber) SEE: slicing cucumber | :: |
slicing cucumber {n} (cucumber grown to be eaten fresh) | :: tuorekurkku, kasvihuonekurkku |
slick {adj} /slɪk/ (slippery due to a covering of liquid) | :: liukas |
slick {adj} (superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy) | :: lipevä |
slick {adj} (clever, making an apparently hard task easy) | :: näppärä, taitava |
slick {n} (A covering of liquid, particularly oil) | :: öljyläikkä, öljylautta, läikkä, lautta |
slick {n} (A tire with a smooth surface instead of a tread pattern) | :: sileä rengas, sliksi |
slide {v} /slaɪd/ (to cause to move in contact with a surface) | :: liu’uttaa, luistattaa |
slide {v} (to move in continuous contact with a surface) | :: liukua, luistaa |
slide {v} (baseball: to skid into a base) | :: syöksyä |
slide {v} (to lose balance) | :: liukastua |
slide {v} (to pass or put imperceptibly; to slip) | :: lipsauttaa |
slide {v} (to pass inadvertently) | :: lipsauttaa |
slide {v} (to pass along smoothly) | :: liukua |
slide {v} (to pass from one note to another with no perceptible cessation of sound) | :: liukua |
slide {v} (to pass out of one's thought as not being of any consequence) | :: unohtua |
slide {n} (item of play equipment) | :: liukumäki |
slide {n} (rubble, earth and stones moving down) | :: maanvyöry, maanvyörymä |
slide {n} (act of sliding) | :: liuku, liukuminen; luisto, luistaminen |
slide {n} (lever) | :: vipu |
slide {n} (valve in a trombone) | :: luisti |
slide {n} (transparent image for projecting) | :: dia, diapositiivi, kuultokuva, kalvo |
slide {n} (in baseball) | :: syöksy |
slide {n} (microscope slide) | :: preparaatti |
slide {n} (slide for playing slide guitar) | :: slide, slide-putki |
slide fastener {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener | :: |
slide guitar {n} (technique of playing guitar) | :: slide-kitara |
slide projector {n} (a device that projects an enlarged image of a photographic slide onto a screen) | :: diaprojektori |
slider {n} /ˈslaɪdɚ/ ((software, graphical user interface) a widget allowing the user to select a value or position) | :: liukusäädin |
slide rule {n} (analog calculator) | :: laskutikku |
slideshow {n} (presentation) | :: diaesitys, diasarja |
slideshow {n} (sequence of images) | :: kuvasarja |
slide tackle {n} (soccer tackle) | :: liukutaklaus |
sliding {adj} /ˈslaɪdɪŋ/ (able to slide) | :: liukuva, liuku- |
sliding door {n} (door) | :: liukuovi |
slight {adj} /sl̥l͡ɐɪʔ̚/ (small in amount, insignificant) | :: vähäinen [small in amount]; heikko [weak]; pintapuolinen [not thorough]; välitön [very near] |
slight {adj} (not stout or heavy; slender) | :: hoikka |
slight {adj} (even, smooth or level) | :: sileä [smooth]; tasainen [level] |
slight {adj} (weak in intellect) | :: heikkomielinen |
slight {adj} (of poor quality) | :: huono, heikkolaatuinen |
slightly {adv} /ˈslaɪtli/ (slenderly) | :: hennosti |
slightly {adv} (to a small extent or degree) | :: hieman |
slim {adj} /slɪm/ (slender) | :: hoikka, laiha |
slim {v} (lose weight) | :: laihduttaa [tr.], laihtua [intr.] |
slim down {v} (transitive: to reduce one's weight; to become thinner) | :: laihduttaa, laihtua |
slime {n} /slaɪm/ (mud) | :: lieju |
slime {n} (mucilaginous substance or mucus-like substance) | :: lima |
slimeball {n} /ˈslaɪmbɔːl/ (person regarded as slimy or otherwise undesirable) | :: limanuljaska |
slimming {adj} (making a person seem or becoming slimmer) | :: laihduttava |
sling {v} /ˈslɪŋ/ (to throw) | :: lingota |
sling {n} (instrument for throwing, see also: slingshot) | :: linko |
sling {n} (bandage) | :: kannatinside, kolmioliina, mitella |
sling {n} (strap attached to a firearm) | :: kantohihna |
sling {n} (rope or iron securing a yard to a mast) | :: rakkirengas |
sling {n} (the act of hurling as with a sling) | :: linkous |
slingshot {n} /ˈslɪŋʃɒt/ (Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles, see also: sling) | :: ritsa |
slink {v} /slɪŋk/ (sneak about furtively) | :: hiipiä |
slip {n} (nautical: space for a ship to moor) SEE: berth | :: |
slip {n} /slɪp/ (ceramics: thin, slippery mix of clay and water) | :: saviliete |
slip {n} (small piece of paper) | :: lappunen, lipuke, liuska |
slip {v} (to lose one's traction) | :: liukastua |
slip {v} (to err) | :: lipsahtaa, lipsua, langeta |
slip {v} (to move out of place) | :: lipsua |
slip {v} (to pass) | :: sujauttaa |
slip {v} (to move quickly) | :: livahtaa |
slip {v} (to quickly and invisibly depart, to escape) | :: livahtaa |
slip {v} (to worsen) | :: lipsua |
slip {n} (act of slipping) | :: liukastuminen, luiskahdus |
slip {n} (women’s undergarment) | :: alushame |
slip {n} (error) | :: lipsahdus |
slip {n} (nautical: difference between theoretical and actual advance of a vessel) | :: jättämä |
slip {n} (medicine: return to previous behaviour) | :: lipsahdus |
slipcase {n} (box) | :: kirjakotelo |
slip knot {n} (knot which attaches a line to an object and tightens when pressure is applied) | :: vetosilmukka |
slip knot {n} (knot which attaches a line to the middle of another, allowing it to slide) | :: vetosilmukka |
slip of the pen {n} (mistake in handwriting) | :: kirjoitusvirhe |
slip of the tongue {n} (mistake in speech) | :: lipsahdus, lapsus |
slipped disc {n} (protruding vertebral disc) | :: välilevypullistuma |
slipper {n} (low shoe slipped on and off easily) | :: tohveli, sandaali |
slipper {n} (low shoe usually worn indoors) | :: tohveli, tossu |
slipper {n} (person who slips) | :: liukastuja, lankeaja |
slipper animalcule {n} (paramecium) SEE: paramecium | :: |
slipperiness {n} (property of being slippery) | :: liukkaus |
slipper-orchid {n} (lady's slipper) SEE: lady's slipper | :: |
slippery {adj} /ˈslɪpəɹi/ (of a surface) | :: liukas |
slippery jack {n} (mushroom in genus Suillus) | :: voitatti |
slippery slope {n} (chain of events) | :: kalteva pinta |
slippery slope {n} (argument that follows a chain of events to some conclusion) | :: kaltevan pinnan argumentti |
slip road {n} (a segment of roadway that joins a motorway to ordinary roads) | :: liittymä |
slipshod {adj} /ˈslɪp.ʃɑd/ (done poorly or too quickly) | :: puolihuolimaton |
slipstick {n} (slide rule) SEE: slide rule | :: |
slipstream {n} (the low pressure zone) | :: imu, peesi |
slipstream {v} (to take advantage of the suction) | :: peesata |
slipstream {v} (to incorporate additional software) | :: integroida |
slip through the cracks {v} (to escape notice) | :: jäädä huomaamatta, livahtaa |
slipway {n} (sloping surface) | :: veneenlaskupaikka, veneluiska, veneramppi |
slit {n} /ˈslɪt/ (narrow cut or opening; a slot) | :: viilto |
slit {n} (vulgar, slang: opening of the vagina) | :: viiva |
slit {v} (cut a narrow opening) | :: viiltää |
slit {v} (split into strips) | :: leikata kahtia |
slither {v} /ˈslɪð.ə(ɹ)/ (to move smoothly from side to side) | :: kiemurrella, luikerrella, luikertaa |
slither {v} (to slide) | :: liukua, valua |
slithy {adj} /ˈslaɪði/ (slimy and lithe) | :: limahdikas |
sliver {n} /ˈslɪ.vɚ/ (a long piece cut or rent off; a sharp, slender fragment) | :: säle, lastu |
sliver {n} (strand or slender roll of cotton or other fiber in a loose, untwisted state) | :: tappura, rohdin, aivina |
slivovitz {n} /ˈslɪvəvɪts/ (rakija made from distilled, fermented plum juice) | :: slivovits |
slob {n} /slɒb/ (lazy, slovenly person) | :: laiskuri, vetelys, vätys |
slob {n} (lazy, obese person) | :: vätys |
slobber {n} (Saliva or liquid running from one's mouth) | :: kuola |
slobber {v} (To allow saliva or liquid to run from one's mouth) | :: kuolata |
sloe {n} /ˈsloʊ/ (fruit of Prunus spinosa) | :: oratuomenmarja, oratuomen marja |
sloe {n} (tree of the genus Prunus bearing dark-purple fruit) | :: luumu |
sloe {n} (tree Prunus spinosa) SEE: blackthorn | :: |
slog {v} (to walk slowly, encountering resistance) | :: raahustaa, löntystellä |
slog {v} (to strike something with a heavy blow, especially a ball with a bat) | :: kumauttaa, iskeä, huitaista |
slogan {n} /ˈsloʊ.ɡən/ (phrase associated with a product, used in advertising) | :: iskulause, slogani |
sloop {n} /sluːp/ (single-masted sailboat) | :: sluuppi |
slop {n} /slɒp/ (A liquid or semi-solid; goo, paste, mud) | :: muta |
slop {n} (scraps which are fed to pigs) | :: ruoantähteet |
slop {v} (to spill or dump liquid) | :: läikyttää |
slop {v} (to feed pigs) | :: ruokkia sikoja |
slope {n} /sloʊp/ (area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward) | :: rinne |
slope {n} (degree to which a surface tends upward or downward) | :: kaltevuus, jyrkkyys |
slope {n} (mathematics) | :: kulmakerroin |
slope {n} (math: slope of the line tangent to a curve at a given point) | :: gradientti |
slope {n} (angle of a roof surface) | :: kaltevuus |
slope {n} (offensive: person of East Asian descent) | :: vinosilmä |
slope {v} (to tend steadily upward or downward) | :: viettää |
slope {v} (to form with a slope) | :: kallistaa, tehdä kallistus |
slope {v} (to try to move surreptitiously) | :: livahtaa, hiipiä |
slope {v} (military: to hold a rifle at a slope) | :: pitää olalla |
sloppy {adj} (very wet; covered in or composed of slop) | :: vetinen, vetelä |
sloppy {adj} (messy; not neat, elegant, or careful) | :: huolimaton, hutiloitu, kehno |
sloppy {adj} (imprecise or loose) | :: epätarkka, väljä |
sloppy seconds {n} (having sex after someone else) | :: jälkiliukkaat {p} |
slot {n} /slɒt/ (narrow depression, perforation, or aperture) | :: reikä, rako, aukko |
sloth {n} /sləʊθ/ (laziness) | :: laiskuus |
sloth {n} (mammal) | :: laiskiainen |
sloth bear {n} (Melursus ursinus) | :: huulikarhu |
slothful {adj} (lazy, sluggish) | :: laiska, veltto |
slot machine {n} (vending machine) SEE: vending machine | :: |
slot machine {n} (any coin-operated machine) | :: kolikkoautomaatti, kolikkopeli |
slot machine {n} (gambling machine) | :: peliautomaatti, hedelmäpeli, kolikkopeli |
slot machine {n} (poker: three sevens) | :: seiskakolmoset {p} |
slouch {n} /slaʊt͡ʃ/ (hanging down of the head, a drooping posture; limp appearance) | :: roikottaminen [hanging down of the head]; kyyhöttäminen [drooping posture]; velttous, vetelyys [limp appearance] |
slouch {n} (any depression or hanging down) | :: lerpahdus; roikkuminen |
slouch {n} (someone who is slow to act) | :: vetelys, vätys |
slouch {n} (awkward, heavy, clownish fellow) | :: köntys |
slouch hat {n} (broad-brimmed felt hat) | :: lerppahattu, lierihattu |
slough {n} /slʌf/ (the skin shed by a snake or other reptile) | :: (luotu) nahka |
slough {n} (dead skin on a sore or ulcer) | :: rupi, kuollut iho |
slough {v} (to shed (skin)) | :: luoda nahkansa |
slough {v} (of skin, to be shed) | :: kesiä |
slough {v} (card games: to discard) | :: sakata |
slough {v} (to commit truancy) | :: lintsata |
slough {n} /slaʊ/ (muddy or marshy area) | :: suo, räme |
slough {n} (secondary channel of a river delta) | :: sivuhaara |
slough {n} (state of depression) | :: masennus |
Slovak {adj} /ˈsloʊvɑːk/ (of Slovakia or its language) | :: slovakialainen |
Slovak {n} (native of Slovakia) | :: slovakki |
Slovak {n} (language of Slovakia) | :: slovakki |
Slovak Cuvac {n} (Slovak Chuvach) | :: slovakiancuvac |
Slovakia {prop} /sloʊˈvɑ.ki.ə/ (Slovakia) | :: Slovakia |
Slovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Slovakia) SEE: Slovak | :: |
Slovakian {n} (a person from Slovakia or of Slovakian descent) SEE: Slovak | :: |
Slovakness {n} (quality) | :: slovakialaisuus |
Slovak Republic {prop} (official name of Slovakia) | :: Slovakian tasavalta |
sloven {n} /ˈslʌvən/ (man or boy habitually negligent of neatness and order) | :: hamppari, hampuusi |
Slovene {adj} /ˈsləʊviːn/ (adjective) | :: slovenialainen |
Slovene {n} (a person) | :: sloveeni, slovenialainen |
Slovene {prop} (the language) | :: sloveeni |
Slovenia {prop} /sloʊˈə/ (country in Europe) | :: Slovenia |
Slovenian {adj} (Slovene) SEE: Slovene | :: |
Slovenian {n} (language) SEE: Slovene | :: |
Slovenian {n} (person) SEE: Slovene | :: |
slovenly {adj} /ˈslʌv.ə (having an untidy appearance; unkempt) | :: hoitamaton, sotkuinen, epäsiisti |
slovenly {adj} (dirty, unwashed; disorderly) | :: sotkuinen |
slovenly {adj} (careless or negligent; sloppy) | :: suruton |
Slovincian {n} /slə(ʊ)ˈvɪnsɪ.ən/ (Slovincian (person)) | :: slovintsi |
Slovincian {prop} (extinct language of the Slovincian people) | :: slovintsi, slovintsin kieli |
Slovyansk {prop} (city) | :: Slovjansk |
slow {adj} /sloʊ/ (not quick in motion) | :: hidas |
slow {adj} (spread over a comparatively long time) | :: hidas |
slow {adj} (of reduced intellectual capacity) | :: hidas |
slow {adj} (lacking in promptness; acting with deliberation) | :: hidas |
slow {adj} (behind in time) | :: jätättää [verb], jäljessä [adverb] |
slow {adj} (lacking spirit; boring) | :: hidas |
slow {v} (to reduce the speed of) | :: hidastaa |
slow {v} (to become slow) | :: hidastua |
slow and steady wins the race {proverb} (patient work will conquer any problem) | :: kilpikonna voittaa jäniksen |
slow cooker {n} (kitchen appliance) | :: haudutuspata, aromipesä |
slow down {v} (to reduce speed) | :: hidastaa |
slowdown {n} (a reduction in speed, or a decrease in the level of production, etc.) | :: hidastus |
slowly {adv} /ˈsloʊli/ (at a slow pace) | :: hitaasti |
slowly but surely {adv} (in a slow, yet careful manner) | :: hitaasti mutta varmasti |
slow march {n} (military: manner of walking) | :: hidas marssi |
slow march {n} (music: type of march) | :: hidas marssi |
slow march {n} (slow progression) | :: hidas edistyminen |
slow match {n} (slow burning fuse) | :: lunttu |
slow motion {n} (film stretched in time) | :: hidastus, hidastuskuva |
slowness {n} (quality of being slow) | :: hitaus |
slow on the uptake {adj} (slow to comprehend) | :: hidasälyinen |
slow street {n} (street in which traffic has been structurally slowed down) | :: hidaskatu |
slowworm {n} /ˈsləʊwɜː(ɹ)m/ (Anguis fragilis) | :: vaskitsa |
sludge {n} /slʌdʒ/ (generic term for separated solids) | :: liete, lieju, muta |
sludge {n} (residual material from a process) | :: liete |
sludge {n} (sediment of minerals in a steam boiler) | :: kattilakivi |
sludge {n} (small pieces of ice) | :: suppo, hyhmä, sohjo |
sluff {n} (slough) SEE: slough | :: |
sluff {v} (slough) SEE: slough | :: |
slug {n} /slʌɡ/ (gastropod) | :: etana |
slug {n} (counterfeit coin) | :: prikka |
slug {n} (shot of drink) | :: huikka |
slug {n} (lazy person) SEE: sluggard | :: |
sluggard {n} (lazy or idle person) | :: etana, laiskuri, laiskimus, velttoilija |
sluggish {adj} /ˈslʌɡɪʃ/ (habitually idle and lazy; slothful; dull; inactive) | :: hidas, laiska, veltto |
sluggish {adj} (slow; having little motion) | :: hidas, hiljainen, heikko |
sluggish {adj} (having no power to move oneself or itself; inert) | :: jähmeä, verkkainen |
sluggish {adj} (characteristic of a sluggard; dull; stupid; tame; simple) | :: hidas, hidasälyinen, verkkainen |
sluice {n} /sluːs/ (passage for water) | :: sulku |
sluice {v} (to emit by flood gates) | :: juoksuttaa tulvaluukkujen kautta |
sluice {v} (to wet copiously) | :: tulvittaa |
sluice {v} (to wash in water running through a sluice) | :: rännittää [especially of gold washing] |
sluice gate {n} (portal to allow passage of water) | :: sulkuluukku |
slum {n} /slʌm/ (dilapidated neighborhood) | :: slummi |
slumber {n} /slʌmbə/ (a very light state of sleep) | :: uinuminen, torkkuminen |
slumber {v} (to be in a very light state of sleep) | :: uinua, torkkua |
slumber {v} (to be inactive or negligent) | :: lorvailla |
slumberland {n} (imaginary place inhabited by those who are asleep) | :: nukkumatin maa |
slummy {adj} /ˈslʌmi/ (like a slum) | :: slummimainen |
slump {v} (to collapse heavily) | :: romahtaa, rojahtaa, lysähtää |
slump {n} (helpless collapse) | :: rojahdus, romahdus, lysähdys; (economic depression) lama |
slur {n} /slɜː(ɹ)/ (insult or slight) | :: herja, loukkaus |
slur {n} (set of notes) | :: legato-jakso |
slur {n} (symbol indicating a legato passage) | :: sidekaari, legato-kaari |
slur {v} (to insult or slight) | :: herjata, loukata |
slur {v} (to articulate poorly) | :: sammaltaa, sopertaa |
slur {v} (to play legato) | :: sitoa |
slur {v} (to soil, sully, to contaminate, disgrace) | :: tahrata, loata |
slur {v} (to cover over, disguise, conceal; to pass over with little notice) | :: peittää, piilottaa, pitää salassa; sujauttaa (to pass over with little notice) |
slur {v} (to cheat; to trick) | :: huijata, huiputtaa |
slurp {v} /slɝp/ (eat or drink noisily) | :: ryystää |
slurp {n} (a loud sucking noise) | :: hörps |
Slurpee {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush | :: |
slurry {n} /ˈslɝ.i/ (any flowable suspension of small particles in liquid) | :: liete |
slurry {n} (agriculture: mixture of animal waste, other organic material and sometimes water used as fertilizer) | :: lietelanta, liete |
slush {n} /slʌʃ/ (half-melted snow) | :: loska |
slush {n} (liquid mud or mire) | :: muta |
slush {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) | :: jäähilejuoma |
slush fund {n} (money stored for illegal or dishonest purposes) | :: pimeä rahasto, lahjusrahasto |
slushie {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush | :: |
Slush Puppie {n} (slush) SEE: slush | :: |
slushy {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush | :: |
slut {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
slut {n} /slʌt/ (sexually promiscuous woman) | :: lutka |
slut {n} (bold, outspoken woman) | :: ämmä, eukko |
slut {n} (a female dog) | :: narttu |
slut {n} (a maid) | :: palvelijatar |
slutty {adj} /ˈslʌti/ (Of or resembling a slut) | :: lutkamainen, huorahtava |
sly {adj} /slaɪ/ (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily) | :: ovela |
sly {adj} (dexterous in performing an action, so as to escape notice; nimble) | :: ovela |
sly {adj} (done with, and marked by, artful and dexterous secrecy) | :: ovela |
sly as a fox {adj} (very sly) | :: viekas kuin kettu |
slyly {adv} /ˈslaɪli/ (in a sly manner) | :: ovelasti |
smack {n} /smæk/ (sailing vessel) | :: smakki |
smack {v} (to slap someone) | :: läpsäyttää, läiskäyttää, mäiskäyttää |
smack {v} (to wetly separate the lips making a noise) | :: maiskuttaa, mässyttää |
smack {v} (to kiss with a sound) | :: muiskauttaa |
smack {v} (to strike a child as a form of discipline) SEE: spank | :: |
smack {n} ((slang) heroin) SEE: horse | :: |
small {adj} /smɔːl/ (not large) | :: pieni |
small {adj} (young) | :: pieni, nuori |
small {adj} (minuscule or lowercase, referring to written letters) | :: pieni |
small arms {n} (weapon) | :: pienase |
small beer {n} (small serving of beer) | :: pieni olut |
small beer {n} (beer with low alcohol content) | :: ykkösolut |
small beer {n} (something of little importance) | :: hiluja, pientä kauraa [financially]; lillukanvarsi [detail] |
small-billed tinamou {n} (Crypturellus parvirostris) | :: nykerötinami |
small breasts {n} | :: pienet rinnat {p} |
small caps {n} (font variant) | :: kapiteeli |
small-eared galago {n} (Otolemur garnettii) SEE: northern greater galago | :: |
smallest room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
small forward {n} (basketball: shorter of the two forward positions) | :: pieni laitahyökkääjä |
small fry {n} (one or more small fish) | :: pikkukala |
small fry {n} (one or more children) | :: pikkuväki |
small fry {n} (things or people of little importance) | :: pikkutekijä [person], pikkujuttu [thing] |
smallholder {n} (a person who owns or runs a smallholding) | :: pientilallinen |
smallholding {n} (a piece of land, smaller than a farm) | :: pientila |
small hours {n} (very early morning) | :: aamuyö, pikkutunnit {p} |
small intestine {n} (upper part of the intestine) | :: ohutsuoli |
smallish {adj} (somewhat small) | :: pienehkö |
Small Magellanic Cloud {prop} (galaxy) | :: Pieni Magellanin pilvi |
small of the back {n} (lumbar region of the back) | :: lanneselkä |
small potatoes {n} (small fry) SEE: small fry | :: |
smallpox {n} /ˈsmɔːlpɒks/ (disease) | :: isorokko |
small press {n} (small-scale publishing company) | :: pienkustantamo, pienpaino |
small-scale {adj} (having a modest scope or extent) | :: pienimuotoinen, vaatimaton |
small-scale {adj} (too small for much detail) | :: pienimuotoinen |
small screen {n} (broadcast or cable television screen) | :: kuvaruutu |
small seal script {n} (style of Chinese calligraphy) | :: pieni sinettikirjoitus |
small talk {n} (idle conversation) | :: rupattelu, jutustelu, small talk |
small tortoiseshell {n} (butterfly) | :: nokkosperhonen |
small white {n} (Pieris rapae) | :: naurisperhonen |
small wonder {n} (unsurprising occurrence) | :: ei mikään ihme, ei varsinaisesti yllätys |
smalt {n} (blue pigment) | :: smaltti |
smaragdine {n} (emerald) SEE: emerald | :: |
smaragdine {adj} /sməˈɹæɡdiːn/ (of or pertaining to emeralds) | :: smaragdin- |
smaragdine {adj} (having the colour of emeralds) | :: smaragdinvihreä |
smarmy {adj} /ˈsmɑːɹ.mi/ (Falsely earnest, smug, or ingratiating) | :: imarteleva |
smart {v} /smɑɹt/ (to hurt or sting) | :: pistää, sattua, kirvellä |
smart {adj} (causing sharp pain; stinging) | :: pistävä, terävä |
smart {adj} (sharp; keen; poignant) | :: pistävä |
smart {adj} (exhibiting social ability or cleverness) | :: terävä, fiksu |
smart {adj} (exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books) | :: terävä, fiksu, välkky |
smart {adj} (equipped with intelligent behaviour (digital/computer technology)) | :: älykäs, äly- |
smart {adj} (good-looking) | :: tyylikäs, hyvännäköinen |
smart {adj} (cleverly shrewd and humorous) | :: pisteliäs |
smart {adj} (sudden and intense) | :: raju |
smart {adj} (intense in feeling; painful) | :: tuskallinen |
smart {adj} (efficient; vigorous; brilliant) | :: terävä |
smart {adj} (pretentious; showy; spruce) | :: näyttävä |
smart {adj} (brisk; fresh) | :: raikas |
smart ass {n} (one promoting his own personality, wishes or views) SEE: smartass | :: |
smartass {n} (one who is particularly insolent) | :: viisastelija, neropatti [besserwisser] |
smartass {adj} (related to or characteristic of a smartass) | :: näsäviisas |
smart card {n} (plastic card that has information stored on a computer chip) | :: sirukortti, älykortti |
smartness {n} (the state or quality of being smart) | :: fiksuus |
smartphone {n} /ˈsmɑɹtfoʊn/ (electronic handheld device) | :: älypuhelin |
smart shop {n} (retail establishment) | :: smart shop |
smartwatch {n} (wristwatch) | :: älykello |
smarty boots {n} (know-it-all) SEE: know-it-all | :: |
smash {n} /smæʃ/ (sound of a violent impact) | :: paukaus, rämähdys, rysäys |
smash {n} (colloquial: traffic accident) | :: mälli [slang], kolari |
smash {n} (colloquial: something very successful) | :: hitti, menestys |
smash {n} (in tennis) | :: iskulyönti |
smash {v} (to break violently) | :: murskata, pirstoa, särkeä, rikkoa |
smash {v} (be destroyed by being smashed) | :: murskautua, särkyä |
smash {v} (hit extremely hard) | :: jysäyttää, mäiskäistä, lyödä, iskeä, täräyttää, läimäyttää |
smash {v} (figuratively: to ruin completely and suddenly) | :: murskata, luhistaa |
smash {v} (figuratively: to defeat overwhelmingly) | :: murskata, menestyä, loistaa |
smash hit {n} (something tremendously successful) | :: jättimenestys, jymymenestys |
SME {n} (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) | :: pk-yritys |
smear {v} /smɪɚ/ (to spread (a substance)) | :: levittää, töhertää |
smear {v} (to spread (a surface) with a substance) | :: töhriä, peittää |
smear {v} (to damage someone's reputation by slandering, making false accusations) | :: tahrata, tärvellä, loata |
smear {v} (to become spread by smearing) | :: töhriintyä |
smear {n} (mark) | :: tahra, töhry |
smear {n} (Pap smear) SEE: Pap smear | :: |
smear campaign {n} (negative propaganda) | :: mustamaalaus, loanheitto, lokakampanja |
smear test {n} (gynaecology: screening test) | :: irtosolukoe |
smectic {adj} (of a class of liquid crystals whose molecules are aligned in layers) | :: smektinen |
smectite {n} (clay mineral) | :: smektiitti |
smegma {n} /ˈsmɛɡmə/ (sebaceous secretion) | :: esinahkatali |
smell {n} /smɛl/ (sensation) | :: haju |
smell {n} (sense of smell) | :: hajuaisti |
smell {v} (sense with nose) | :: haistaa |
smell {v} (to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of") | :: tuoksua, haista [unpleasant] |
smell a rat {v} /ˈsmɛl ə ˈɹæt/ (to sense something suspicious) | :: haistaa palaneen käryä, epäilyttää |
smell-brain {n} (part of brain involved with smelling) | :: hajuaivot |
smelling salt {n} (ammonium carbonate when used to restore consciousness) | :: hajusuola |
smell test {n} (informal method) | :: mutu-testi |
smell test {n} (inspection using the sense of smell) | :: hajukoe |
smell test {n} (physiology: assessment of the sense of smell) | :: hajukoe |
smelly {adj} /ˈsmɛli/ (having a bad smell) | :: pahanhajuinen, haiseva |
smelly {adj} (having a quality that arouses suspicion) | :: epäilyttävä |
smelly {adj} (computing: of inferior quality) | :: surkea, onneton |
smell you later {interj} (see you later; goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
smelt {n} /ˈsmɛlt/ (fish of the family Osmeridae) | :: kuore |
smelt {n} (any of the molten liquids involved in these processes) | :: sula |
smelt {v} (to fuse two things into one) | :: sulattaa |
smelt {n} (production of metal, especially iron, from ore) SEE: smelting | :: |
smelter {n} (person employed to do smelting) | :: sulattaja |
smelter {n} (machine used to smelt metal) | :: sulatusuuni |
smelter {n} (place where smelting is done) | :: sulatto |
smelting {n} (process of melting or fusion, especially to extract a metal from its ore) | :: pelkistyssulatus, sulatus |
smetana {n} /ˈsmɛ.tə.nə/ (type of soured cream) | :: smetana, vuolukerma |
smew {n} /ˈsmjuː/ (Mergus albellus) | :: uivelo |
smidgen {n} (very small amount) | :: hitunen, rahtu, hiukkanen, hippunen |
smile {n} /ˈsmaɪl/ (a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice) | :: hymy |
smile {v} (to have a smile on one's face) | :: hymyillä |
smile from ear to ear {n} (large smile) | :: hymy kuin Hangon keksillä |
smiley {n} /ˈsmaɪli/ (representation of a smiling face) | :: hymiö, hymynaama |
smiley {n} (slit throat) | :: [slang] kestohymy |
smiley {n} (emoticon) SEE: emoticon | :: |
smirk {n} /smɜːk/ (smile that is insolent, offensively self-satisfied or scornful) | :: virne, virnistys, omahyväinen hymy |
smirk {v} (to smile in a way that is affected, smug, insolent or contemptuous) | :: virnistää, hymyillä omahyväisesti |
smite {v} /smaɪt/ (to hit) | :: iskeä, lyödä |
smith {n} /smɪθ/ (craftsperson who works metal, see also: blacksmith) | :: seppä |
Smith {prop} /smɪθ/ (surnames derived from the equivalents of “smith”) | :: Seppänen, Seppälä, Seppä, Seppäläinen |
Smith {prop} (most common surnames by language) | :: Virtanen, Korhonen |
smithereens {n} /smɪðəˈɹiːnz/ (Fragments or splintered pieces; numerous tiny disconnected items) | :: murska, sirpaleet {p}, säpäleet {p} |
smithsonite {n} (mineral) | :: sinkkisälpä, smithsoniitti |
smithy {n} (forge) SEE: forge | :: |
smithy {v} /ˈsmɪθi/ (to forge by hand) | :: takoa |
smitten {adj} /ˈsmɪtən/ (made irrationally enthusiastic) | :: hullaantunut |
smitten {adj} (in love) | :: rakastunut, hullaantunut, pihkassa |
smock {n} /smɒk/ (a blouse) | :: pusakka |
smock mill {n} (windmill with rotating cap) | :: harakkamylly |
smog {n} /smɔɡ/ (urban air pollution) | :: savusumu, smogi |
smoggy {adj} (having smog) | :: savusumuinen |
smoke {adj} /smoʊk/ (of the colour known as smoke) | :: savunharmaa |
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale smoke from a burning cigarette) | :: polttaa, tupakoida |
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually) | :: polttaa, tupakoida |
smoke {v} (to give off smoke) | :: savuta, savuttaa |
smoke {v} (to preserve or prepare by treating with smoke) | :: savustaa |
smoke {v} (slang: to perform energetically) | :: antaa palaa, sauhuta |
smoke {v} (slang: to kill, especially with a gun) | :: suolata |
smoke {n} (visible particles and vapour given off by burning material) | :: savu |
smoke {n} (colloquial: cigarette) | :: rööki, spaddu |
smoke {n} (colloquial: instance of smoking) | :: savut {p} |
smoke {n} (figurative: fleeting illusion) | :: harha |
smoke {n} (something used to obscure or conceal) | :: savuverho, sumutus |
smoke {n} (colour) | :: savunharmaa |
smoke {n} (military: artificial smoke-like aerosol used on the battlefield) | :: savu, savuverho |
smoke alarm {n} (smoke detector) SEE: smoke detector | :: |
smoke and mirrors {n} | :: hämäys, silmänlume, savua ja peilejä |
smoked {adj} /smoʊkt/ (of food, preserved by treatment with smoke) | :: savustettu, savu- |
smoke detector {n} (device) | :: savunilmaisin, savuhälytin [smoke alarm] |
smoked Irishman {n} (derogatory term for "black man") | :: lakupetteri, laku |
smoked meat {n} (smoked meat in general) | :: savuliha |
smoked salmon {n} (edible salmon that is cured by smoking) | :: savulohi |
smoke eater {n} (smoke-removing device) | :: savunpoistaja |
smoke explosion {n} (smoke explosion) | :: savukaasuräjähdys |
smoke-free {adj} (reserved for non-smokers) | :: savuton |
smoke grenade {n} (bomb that generates thick smoke) | :: savukranaatti, savuheite |
smokehouse {n} /ˈsmoʊkˌhaʊs/ (structure to smoke food) | :: savustamo |
smokeless {adj} (without smoke) | :: savuton |
smokelessly {adv} (without smoke) | :: savuttomasti |
smokelessness {n} (state or condition) | :: savuttomuus |
smokeless powder {n} (explosive) | :: savuton ruuti |
smoke like a chimney {v} (to smoke tobacco frequently) | :: polttaa kuin korsteeni |
smoke point {n} (temperature) | :: savuamispiste |
smoker {n} /ˈsmoʊkɚ/ (person who smokes tobacco habitually) | :: tupakoija |
smoker {n} (vent in the deep ocean floor) | :: savuttaja |
smoker {n} (apparatus for smoking food) | :: savustin, savustuspönttö |
smoker {n} (smoking car) SEE: smoking car | :: |
smoker {n} (bee smoker) SEE: bee smoker | :: |
smoke ring {n} (smoking trick) | :: savurengas, rengas |
smoker's cough {n} (cough caused by smoking) | :: tupakkayskä |
smokery {n} (smoking facility) | :: savustamo |
smokescreen {n} (smoke used as a disguise, mask or cover) | :: savuverho |
smokescreen {n} (anything used (metaphorically) to conceal or distract) | :: savuverho |
smokeshop {n} (tobacconist's) SEE: tobacconist's | :: |
smoke signal {n} (ancient method of communication) | :: savumerkki |
smoke signal {n} (indirect indication) | :: savumerkki |
smoke signal {n} (distress signal) | :: hätäsavu |
smokestack {n} (a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out) SEE: chimney | :: |
smokestack industry {n} (type of industry) | :: savupiipputeollisuus |
smokiness {n} (state or quality) | :: savuisuus |
smoking {adj} /ˈsmoʊkɪŋ/ (giving off smoke) | :: savuava |
smoking {n} (smoking of tobacco) | :: tupakointi |
smoking {n} (action of giving off smoke) | :: savuaminen |
smoking car {n} (railroad car for smokers) | :: tupakkavaunu |
smoking gun {n} (evidence) | :: pitävä näyttö, savuava ase |
smoking jacket {n} (men's jacket to be worn while smoking) | :: tupakkatakki |
smoking room {n} (room designated for smokers) | :: tupakkahuone |
smoko {n} /ˈsməʊkəʊ/ (cigarette break) | :: tupakkatauko |
smoky {adj} /ˈsmoʊki/ (filled with smoke) | :: savuinen |
smoky {adj} (of a color or color pattern similar to that of smoke) | :: savunvärinen, savukuvioinen |
smoky {adj} (having a smoke flavor) | :: savuinen, savunmakuinen |
smoky quartz {n} (type of quartz) | :: savukvartsi |
smolder {v} /ˈsmoʊldɚ/ (to burn with no flame and little smoke) | :: kyteä |
smolder {v} (to show signs of repressed anger or suppressed mental turmoil or other strong emotion) | :: kyteä |
smoldering {v} (burning slowly without flame) | :: kytevä, hehkuva |
Smolensk {prop} (city) | :: Smolensk |
smolt {n} (young salmon) | :: smoltti |
smooch {n} /smuːtʃ/ ((informal) a kiss) | :: [informal] pusu, suudelma |
smooch {v} ((informal) to kiss) | :: [informal] pussata, suudella |
smooth {adj} /smuːð/ (lacking friction, not rough) | :: sileä |
smooth {adj} (without difficulty) | :: sujuva, kitkaton |
smooth {adj} (bland; glib) | :: lipevä |
smooth {adj} (suave; sophisticated) | :: sulava |
smooth {adj} (action: natural; unconstrained) | :: sujuva |
smooth {adj} (motion: unbroken) | :: sulava, sujuva |
smooth {adj} (placid, calm) | :: tyyni |
smooth {adj} (edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated) | :: pehmeä |
smooth {adj} (food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture) | :: pehmeä |
smooth {adj} (beverage: having a pleasantly rounded flavor; neither rough nor astringent) | :: pehmeä |
smooth {adj} (linguistics, classical studies, of a vowel: lacking marked aspiration) | :: ilman henkäystä |
smooth {n} (something which is smooth or easy) | :: sileys, pehmeys |
smooth {n} (domestic animal having a smooth coat) | :: pehmeäturkkinen |
smooth {n} (statistics: analysis obtained through a smoothing procedure) | :: silotus |
smooth {v} (make smooth) | :: silottaa |
smooth {v} (statistics: capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise) | :: silottaa |
smoothbore {adj} (having a bore with smooth interior) | :: sileäputkinen |
smooth breathing {n} (diacritic mark in Greek) | :: heikko henkäys, spiritus lenis |
smoothen {v} /ˈsmuːðən/ (make smooth) | :: silottaa |
smoothen {v} (become smooth) | :: silottua |
smooth fox terrier {n} (breed of fox terrier having a smooth, flat, but hard and dense coat) | :: sileäkarvainen kettuterrieri |
smoothie {n} (smooth-talker) | :: imartelija |
smoothie {n} (drink) | :: smoothie |
smoothly {adv} /ˈsmuːðli/ (in a smooth manner) | :: tasaisesti, sujuvasti |
smooth muscle {n} (involuntary muscle) | :: sileä lihaskudos |
smoothness {n} (condition of being smooth) | :: pehmeys, tasaisuus |
smooth sailing {n} (easily, without problems) | :: sujuva [adjective], ruusuilla tanssimista [always in negative] |
smooth snake {n} (Coronella austriaca) | :: kangaskäärme |
smooth-talking {adj} (ingratiating) | :: lipevä, lipeväkielinen, kaunopuheinen |
smorgasbord {n} /ˈsmɔːɡəsbɔːd/ (Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes, see also: buffet) | :: noutopöytä, pitopöytä, seisova pöytä, seisovapöytä, voileipäpöytä |
smorgasbord {n} (diverse collection of things) | :: lajitelma, valikoima |
smother {v} /ˈsmʌðɚ/ (to suffocate) | :: tukehduttaa |
smother {v} (to extinguish or deaden) | :: tukahduttaa |
smother {v} (to reduce to a low degree of vigor or activity) | :: tukahduttaa |
smother {v} (to be suffocated) | :: tukehtua |
smother {v} (to breathe with great difficulty) | :: tukehtua |
smother {v} (to burn very slowly for want of air) | :: kyteä |
smother {v} (Figuratively: to perish, grow feeble, or decline) | :: tukahtua |
SMS {n} (a text message sent on a cell phone) | :: tekstiviesti |
SMS {v} (to send a message on a cell phone) | :: lähettää tekstiviesti |
smudge {n} /smʌdʒ/ (a blemish; a smear) | :: tahra, läiskä |
smudge {n} (dense smoke, such as used for fumigation) | :: paksu savu |
smudge {v} (to obscure by blurring) | :: tuhria, töhriä, tahria |
smudge {v} (to soil or smear with dirt) | :: töhriä |
smudge {v} (to use dense smoke to protect from insects) | :: savuttaa, savustaa |
smug {adj} /smʌɡ/ (irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied) | :: omahyväinen, itseriittoinen, itsetyytyväinen |
smuggle {v} /ˈsmʌɡəl/ (to import or export, illicitly or by stealth, without paying lawful customs charges or duties) | :: salakuljettaa |
smuggler {n} /ˈsmʌɡ.lə(ɹ)/ (One who smuggles things) | :: salakuljettaja |
smuggling {n} (an act of something being smuggled) | :: ; salakuljetus |
smugness {n} (state or quality of being smug) | :: omahyväisyys |
smurf {n} /smɝf/ (fictional character) | :: smurffi |
smut {n} /smʌt/ (sexually vulgar or pornographic material) | :: porno |
smut {n} (range of fungi) | :: noki |
smut {n} (soot) SEE: soot | :: |
snack {n} /snæk/ (a light meal) | :: välipala, pikkupurtava |
snack {n} (an item of food eaten between meals) | :: välipala |
snack {v} (to eat a light meal) | :: syödä välipala |
snack {v} (to eat between meals) | :: napostella |
snack food {n} /ˈsnækfuːd/ (food consumed as a snack between meals) | :: välipala |
SNAFU {n} /snæːˈfuː/ (ridiculously chaotic situation) | :: hässäkkä |
SNAFU {n} (major glitch or breakdown) | :: sotku |
snag {n} /ˈsnæɡ/ (stump or base of a branch) | :: oksantynkä |
snag {n} (tree fixed in the bottom of a river or other navigable water) | :: uppotukki |
snag {n} (pulled thread or yarn) | :: langanpää |
snag {n} (problem or difficulty) | :: pulma |
snag {n} (informal: sausage) | :: skäägä |
snagging list {n} (list of construction problems) SEE: punch list | :: |
snail {n} /sneɪl/ (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) | :: kotilo, etana |
snail {n} (sluggard) | :: etana |
snail mail {n} (postal mail) | :: etanaposti |
snail's pace {n} (a very slow pace) | :: etanan vauhti |
snake {n} /ˈsneɪk/ (legless reptile) | :: käärme |
snake {v} (to move in a winding path) | :: kiemurrella, mutkitella |
snakefly {n} (insect of order Raphidioptera) | :: käärmekorento |
snake gourd {n} (plant or produce of Trichosanthes cucumerina) | :: käärmekurkku |
snakehead {n} (fish) | :: käärmeenpää |
snake in the grass {n} (a treacherous person) | :: selkäänpuukottaja, liero, käärme ruohikossa |
snake oil {n} (fraudulent, ineffective potion or nostrum) | :: huijauslääke |
snake oil {n} (traditional Chinese medicine) | :: käärmeöljy |
snake pit {n} (pit with snakes) | :: käärmeenpesä |
snake pit {n} (institution) | :: käärmeenpesä |
snaky {adj} (twisty) SEE: twisty | :: |
snaky {adj} (resembling or relating to snakes) | :: käärmemäinen |
snap {n} /snæp/ (quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound) | :: napsahdus, napsaus [sound]; napsautus [action] |
snap {n} (sudden break) | :: napsahdus |
snap {n} (attempt to seize, bite, attack, or grab) | :: nappaus, sieppaus |
snap {n} (act of of producing sound with fingers) | :: (sormien) napsautus |
snap {n} (fastening device) | :: neppari |
snap {n} (informal: photograph) | :: räpsy |
snap {n} (thin circular cookie or similar good) | :: pikkuleipä |
snap {n} (brisk, cold weather that passes quickly) | :: jakso |
snap {n} (very short period of time, or task) | :: hetki, vilaus, silmänräpäys, hujaus [time]; pikkujuttu, pikkuhomma [task] |
snap {n} (snap bean) | :: vihreä papu |
snap {n} (football: hike) | :: aloitussyöttö |
snap {n} (small meal) | :: välipala [snack]; lounas [lunch] |
snap {n} (card game) | :: hermo |
snap {n} (greedy fellow) | :: rohmu |
snap {n} (that which is, or may be, snapped up) | :: helppo |
snap {n} (briskness, vigour, energy, decision) | :: helppo |
snap {n} (slang: circumstance out of which money may be made or an advantage gained) | :: sauma |
snap {n} (slang: something easy or effortless) | :: helppo nakki |
snap {n} (physics: fourth derivative of the position vector with respect to time) | :: napse |
snap {n} (something of no value) | :: puupenni |
snap {n} (visual message sent through Snapchat) | :: snäppi |
snap {n} (slang: easy and profitable place or task) | :: helppo nakki |
snap {v} (to break apart suddenly or at once) | :: napsahtaa poikki, katketa [intransitive]; katkaista [transitive] |
snap {v} (to give forth or produce a sharp cracking noise; to crack) | :: rasahtaa, räsähtää |
snap {v} (to attempt to seize with the teeth or bite) | :: puraista, haukata, näykätä |
snap {v} (to attempt to seize with eagerness) | :: tarttua |
snap {v} (to speak abruptly or sharply) | :: tiuskaista, äyskäistä [once]; tiuskia, äyskiä [repeatedly] |
snap {v} (to suffer a mental breakdown) | :: pimahtaa, romahtaa |
snap {v} (to flash or appear to flash as with light) | :: välähtää |
snap {v} (to fit or fasten together with a snapping sound) | :: napsauttaa [transitive], napsahtaa [intransitive], loksahtaa |
snap {v} (computing: to jump to a fixed position relative to another element) | :: pompata |
snap {v} (to snatch with or like with the teeth) | :: haukata, puraista [with teeth]; napata [as if with teeth] |
snap {v} (to pull apart with a snapping sound) | :: poksauttaa |
snap {v} (to say abruptly or sharply) | :: tiuskaista, äyskäistä [once]; tiuskia, äyskiä [repeatedly] |
snap {v} (to speak to abruptly or sharply; to treat snappishly) | :: tiuskia, äyskiä |
snap {v} (to cause something to emit a snapping sound) | :: napsauttaa, paukauttaa |
snap {v} (to close something using a snap as a fastener) | :: napsauttaa kiinni |
snap {v} (to snap one's fingers) | :: napsauttaa sormiaan |
snap {v} (to cause to move suddenly and smartly) | :: napauttaa, näpsäyttää |
snap {v} (to take a photograph; to photograph) | :: näpätä [once]; räpsiä [repeatedly] |
snap {v} (to pass the ball from the center to a back, to hike the ball) | :: antaa aloitussyöttö |
snap {v} (to misfire) | :: napsahtaa |
snap bean {n} (unripe or green fruit pod of a bean plant) SEE: green bean | :: |
snapdragon {n} /ˈsnæpdɹæɡən/ (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum) | :: leijonankita |
snap fastener {n} (fastening mechanism) | :: neppari, painonappi |
snap one's fingers {v} (create a sound with one's fingers) | :: napsauttaa sormiaan |
snap pea {n} (cultivar of pea) | :: taittoherne |
snapping turtle {n} (turtle of the family Chelydridae) | :: näykkijäkilpikonna |
snappish {adj} /ˈsnæpɪʃ/ (likely to snap or bite) | :: pureva |
snappish {adj} (exhibiting irritation) | :: kärkevä, tiuskiva |
snappy {adj} /ˈsnæpi/ (rapid and without delay) | :: nopea |
snappy {adj} (irritable) | :: ärtyisä, kiukkuinen |
snappy {adj} (Tidy; well-dressed; sharp) | :: tyylikäs |
snapshot {n} (A photograph) | :: valokuva |
snapshot {n} (A glimpse of something) | :: tilannekatsaus |
snare {n} /snɛəɹ/ (trap) | :: ansalanka |
snare {n} (mental trap) | :: ansa |
snare {n} (music: set of chains strung across the bottom of a drum) | :: virvelimatto |
snare {n} (music: type of drum) | :: pikkurumpu, virvelirumpu |
snare drum {n} (tubular drum) | :: pikkurumpu, virvelirumpu, virveli |
snarkily {adv} (in a snarky manner) | :: äkäisesti |
snarky {adj} /ˈsnɑrki/ (sarcastic and irreverent) | :: äkäinen, sarkastinen, vinoileva |
snarl {v} /ˈsnɑː(ɹ)l/ (to entangle) | :: sotkea |
snarl {n} (knot or complication of hair, thread, or the like, difficult to disentangle) | :: vyyhti, sekasotku |
snarl {v} (To growl) | :: äristä, murista |
snarl {v} (To speak crossly) | :: ärähtää |
snarl {n} (act of snarling) | :: ärinä, murina |
snatch {v} /snætʃ/ (to grasp quickly) | :: napata, siepata |
snatch {v} (to grasp and remove) | :: napata, siepata |
snatch {v} (to steal) | :: näpistää, napata, siepata |
snatch {v} (to snatch a victory) | :: napata |
snatch {v} (to do quickly) | :: vilkaista [look, view]; haukata [bite to eat]; siemaista, kulauttaa [sthg to drink]; kopata, napata [an object] |
snatch {n} (competitive weightlifting event) | :: tempaus |
snatch {n} (piece of sound) | :: katkelma |
snath {n} /snæθ/ (shaft of a scythe) | :: viikatteenvarsi |
snazzy {adj} /ˈsnæzi/ (elegantly dressed, stylish, flashy) | :: tyylikäs |
snazzy {adj} (excellent, clever, ingenious, adept) | :: tyylikäs, näyttävä |
sneak {n} /sniːk/ (a cheat; con artist; trickster) | :: hiippari, hiippailija, hämärämies |
sneak {v} (to creep) | :: hiipiä, hiippailla, hiiviskellä |
sneak {v} (to take something stealthily) | :: pihistää, näpistää |
sneak {v} (to hide in a mean or cowardly manner) | :: piileksiä, piilotella, piileskellä |
sneak {v} (to inform an authority about another's misdemeanours) | :: laverrella, antaa ilmi, ilmiantaa |
sneaker {n} /ˈsnikɚ/ (one who sneaks) | :: hiiviskelijä, hiipijä |
sneaker {n} (leisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers) | :: lenkkarit {p} [colloquial], lenkkitossut {p}, tossut {p} |
sneakily {adv} (in a sneaky manner) | :: ovelasti, luihusti |
sneak in {v} (to enter without being noticed) | :: livahtaa sisään |
sneaking suspicion {n} (premonition, or hunch; belief based on very little evidence) | :: hiipivä epäilys |
sneaky {adj} /ˈsniːki/ (difficult to catch due to constantly outwitting the adversaries) | :: ovela |
sneaky {adj} (dishonest; deceitful) | :: petollinen, epärehellinen, luihu |
sneer {v} /snɪə̯ɹ/ (raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn) | :: hymähtää ivallisesti, irvistää |
sneer {n} (facial expression that indicates scorn) | :: ivahymy, irvistys |
sneeze {v} /sniz/ (expel air as a reflex) | :: aivastaa |
sneeze {n} (act of sneezing) | :: aivastus |
snell {adj} /snɛl/ (active, brisk) | :: reipas, riuska |
snell {adj} (quick, sudden, sharp) | :: riuska |
snell {adj} (quick-witted) | :: napakka |
snell {adj} (harsh, severe) | :: reipas |
snell {n} (short line to attach a hook or lure to heavier line) | :: perukesiima |
snicker {n} /ˈsnɪkɚ/ (stifled laugh) | :: hihitys |
snicker {v} (to emit a snicker) | :: hihittää |
Snickers {n} /snɪkəɹz/ (chocolate bar) | :: Snickers |
snickersnee {n} /ˌsnɪk.ɚˈsniː/ (a large sword-like knife) | :: leuku |
snickersnee {n} (a knife fight) | :: puukkotappelu |
sniff {v} /snɪf/ (to make a short audible inhalation) | :: nuuhkaista [once]; nuuhkia, nuuskia [repetitively] |
sniff {v} (to say something while sniffing) | :: niiskauttaa [once]; niiskuttaa [repeatedly] |
sniff {v} (to perceive vaguely) | :: haistaa, aavistaa |
sniff {v} (to be dismissive or contemptuous) | :: nyrpistellä, nyrpistää nenäänsä |
sniff {v} (computing: to intercept and analyse packets of dat) | :: nuuskia |
sniff {v} (to inhale drugs in powder form through the nose) | :: nuuskata |
sniff {n} (instance of sniffing) | :: nuuhkaus |
sniffer dog {n} (police dog trained to sniff) | :: vainukoira |
sniffle {v} (to make a whimpring sound when breathing) | :: niiskauttaa (once), niiskuttaa (repeatedly) |
sniffle {n} (act or sound) | :: niiskautus (single), niiskutus (repeated) |
sniffle {n} (condition) | :: nuha |
sniffles {n} (symptoms of a cold) | :: nuha |
sniff out {v} (find something using smell) | :: nuuskia |
snifter {n} (small alcoholic drink) | :: naukku |
snifter {n} (pear-shaped glass) | :: aromilasi |
snip {v} /snɪp/ (To cut with short sharp actions) | :: leikata, saksia |
snip {n} (The act of snipping) | :: leikkaaminen |
snip {n} (A low price, a bargain) | :: hyvä kauppa |
snip {n} (A small amount of something) | :: hitunen, palanen |
snipe {n} /snaɪp/ (bird of the family Scolopacidae) | :: kurppa, taivaanvuohi |
snipe {n} (fool, blockhead) | :: tollo, tomppeli, pölkkypää |
snipe {n} (shot from a concealed place) | :: salalaukaus |
snipe {n} (naval slang: member of the Engineering Department) | :: laivamekaanikko |
snipe {n} (slang: cigarette butt) | :: fimppi, tumppi |
snipe {n} (small wine bottle) | :: pikkolopullo |
sniper {n} /ˈsnaɪ.pɚ/ (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position) | :: tarkka-ampuja |
sniper {n} (any attacker using a non-contact weapon against a specific target from a concealed position) | :: sala-ampuja |
sniper rifle {n} (long-range rifle) | :: tarkkuuskivääri |
snippet {n} /ˈsnɪpɪt/ (a tiny piece or part) | :: pätkä |
snitch {v} /snɪtʃ/ (steal) | :: varastaa, pihistää, kähveltää, pölliä |
snitch {v} (inform on) | :: kieliä, vasikoida, kannella, laulaa, laverrella |
snitch {v} (contact or cooperate with the police) | :: vasikoida, ilmiantaa |
snitch {n} (thief) | :: varas, voro, kähveltäjä |
snitch {n} (informer, usually one who betrays his group) | :: vasikka, ilmiantaja; kantelupukki [colloquial, child language] |
snivel {v} /ˈsnɪvəl/ (to breathe heavily through the nose; to sniffle) | :: tuhista |
snivel {v} (to whine or complain, whilst crying) | :: nyyhkiä |
snivel {n} (the act of snivelling) | :: tuhina, nyyhke, nyyhkytys |
snivel {n} (nasal mucus; snot) | :: räkä |
snob {n} /snɒb/ (person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes) | :: snobi |
snobbery {n} (the property or trait of being a snob) | :: snobismi, snobbailu |
snobbish {adj} (having the property of being a snob) | :: snobistinen |
snobbishly {adv} (in snobbish manner) | :: snobistisesti |
snobbishness {n} (state or quality) | :: snobistisuus, snobismi |
snobbishness {n} (result or product) | :: snobismi |
snog {v} (slang: kiss passionately) | :: imuttaa |
snog {n} (passionate kiss) | :: imutus |
snood {n} (hairnet) SEE: hairnet | :: |
snood {n} /snuːd/ (band or ribbon for keeping the hair in place) | :: tukkanauha |
snood {n} (flap of skin on the beak of a turkey) | :: heltta |
snood {n} (short line to attach a fishhook to a line) | :: peruke |
snood {n} (neckwarmer) SEE: neckwarmer | :: |
snooker {n} /ˈsnʊkəɹ/ (cue sport) | :: snooker |
snoop {v} /snuːp/ (to be devious and cunning so as not to be seen) | :: hiippailla |
snoop {v} (to secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others) | :: nuuskia, urkkia |
snoop {n} (the act of snooping) | :: nuuskiminen, urkinta |
snoop {n} (one who snoops) | :: nuuskija, urkkija |
snoop {n} (a private detective) | :: yksityisetsivä |
snoop around {v} (to snoop) | :: nuuskia ympäriinsä |
Snoopy {prop} (pet beagle) | :: Ressu |
snoot {v} (slang: human nose) SEE: schnozzle | :: |
snoot {v} /snuːt/ (theater: cylindrical or conical attachment on a spotlight) | :: veitsi |
snootful {n} (noseful) | :: nenän täydeltä, nenällinen |
snootful {n} (significant amount of ingested alcohol) | :: kunnon hörppy |
snooze {v} /snuːz/ | :: torkkua, torkahtaa |
snooze {n} (A period of sleep; a nap) | :: torkut, nokoset |
snooze {n} (Something boring) | :: nokoset, unettava |
snore {v} /snɔɹ/ (breathe during sleep with harsh noises) | :: kuorsata |
snore {n} (act and noise of snoring) | :: kuorsaus |
snorer {n} (person who snores) | :: kuorsaaja |
snoring {n} /ˈsnɔːɹɪŋ/ (action or sound) | :: kuorsaus |
snorkel {n} (hollow tube used for breathing underwater) | :: snorkkeli |
snort {n} /snɔɹt/ (sound made by exhaling roughly through the nose) | :: korskahdus |
snort {n} (dose of drug to be snorted) | :: nuuhkaus, viiva |
snort {v} (to exhale roughly through the nose) | :: korskua |
snort {v} (to inhale (usually a drug) through the nose) | :: nuuskata, [slang] sniffata |
snot {n} /snɒt/ (mucus) | :: räkä |
snot {n} (contemptible child) | :: räkänokka |
snot {v} (to blow, wipe or clear the nose) | :: niistää |
snotnose {n} (one who is snot-nosed) | :: räkänokka |
snot-nosed {adj} (young and arrogant) | :: räkänokkainen |
snotty {adj} (dirtied with snot) | :: räkäinen |
snout {n} /snaʊt/ (long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast) | :: kuono [carnivores]; turpa [hherbivores]; kärsä [pig, elephant etc.] |
snout {n} (front of the prow of a ship or boat) | :: kokka |
snout {n} (nose of a man (in contempt)) | :: nokka, klyyvari |
snout {n} (nozzle of a pipe, hose, etc.) | :: suu, pää |
snout {n} (anterior prolongation of the head of gastropod) | :: kärsä |
snout {n} (anterior prolongation of head of weevil and other insects) | :: kärsä |
snout {n} (slang: tobacco; cigarettes) | :: rööki |
snout {n} (terminus of a glacier) | :: etureuna |
snout {n} (slang: police informer) | :: vasikka |
snout beetle {n} (a weevil) | :: kärsäkäs |
snout moth {n} (moth of the family Lasiocampidae) SEE: eggar | :: |
snout moth {n} (moth of the family Pyralidae) | :: koisa |
snow {n} /snoʊ/ (precipitation) | :: lumi |
snow {n} (colour) | :: lumivalkoinen, vitivalkoinen |
snow {n} (TV noise) | :: lumisade |
snow {n} (cocaine) | :: lumi |
snow {n} (collective precipitation) | :: lumisade, pyry, tuisku |
snow {v} (have snow fall from the sky) | :: sataa lunta, pyryttää, tupruttaa, tuiskuttaa |
snow {v} (hoodwink by presenting confusing information) | :: huiputtaa, [colloquial] puliveivata, huijata, kusettaa [colloquial] |
snow angel {n} (design) | :: lumienkeli |
snowball {n} /ˈsnoʊbɔl/ (ball of snow) | :: lumipallo |
snowball {n} (cocktail) | :: lumipallo |
snowball {v} (rapidly grow out of proportion or control) | :: paisua |
snowball {v} (play at throwing snowballs) | :: olla lumisotasilla, leikkiä lumisotaa |
snowball effect {n} (accelerating growth) | :: lumipalloefekti |
snowball fight {n} (play fight) | :: lumisota |
snowbank {n} (a heap of snow) SEE: snowdrift | :: |
snowbase {n} (snow which is settled on the ground) | :: hanki, lumihanki |
snowberry {n} (Symphoricarpos) | :: lumimarja |
snowberry {n} (fruit) | :: lumimarja |
snowbird {n} /ˈsnoʊbɝːd/ (dark-eyed junco) | :: tummajunkko |
snow-blind {adj} (blinded by abundance of reflected light) | :: lumisokea |
snow blindness {n} (condition of the eyes caused by exposure to UV rays) | :: lumisokeus |
snowblower {n} (a device for clearing a path or road of snow) | :: lumilinko |
snowboard {n} /ˈsnoʊˌbɔɹd/ (board) | :: lumilauta |
snowboard {v} (to ride a snowboard) | :: lumilautailla |
snowboarder {n} /ˈsnoʊˌbɔɹdɚ/ (someone who snowboards) | :: lumilautailija |
snowboarding {n} (the sport of sliding downhill on a snowboard) | :: lumilautailu |
snow bunting {n} (bird) | :: pulmunen |
snow cannon {n} (machine that spurts out snow over pistes) | :: lumitykki |
snow-capped {adj} (covered with snow at the top) | :: lumihuippuinen |
snow chain {n} (a chain put on a wheel of a vehicle to give it more traction) | :: lumiketju |
snowclone {n} /ˈsnoʊ.kloʊn/ (a type of cliché) | :: kulunut ilmaus |
snow-covered {adj} (covered with snow) | :: lumipeitteinen |
snowdrift {n} (bank of snow) | :: lumikinos, luminietos |
snowdrop {n} /ˈsnəʊ.dɹɒp/ (plant) | :: lumikello |
snowdrop windflower {n} (Anemone sylvestris) | :: arovuokko |
snowed under {adj} (having a lot of things to do) | :: tukossa |
snowfall {n} /ˈsnoʊfɔːl/ (instance of falling of snow) | :: lumisade |
snowfall {n} (amount of snow that falls on one occasion) | :: lumisademäärä |
snowflake {n} /ˈsnoʊ.fleɪk/ (crystal) | :: lumihiutale |
snowflake {n} (flower of the genus Leucojum) | :: lumipisara, kevätkello |
snowflake {n} (Plectrophenax nivalis) SEE: snow bunting | :: |
snow fort {n} (snow structure) | :: lumilinna |
snow fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox | :: |
snow fungus {n} (Tremella fuciformis) | :: valkohytykkä |
snow globe {n} (decorative object) | :: lumisadepallo |
snow golf {n} (form of golf) | :: lumigolf [on snow]; jäägolf [on ice] |
snowgun {n} (cannon that creates snow) SEE: snow cannon | :: |
snow leopard {n} (a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia) | :: lumileopardi |
snowless {adj} (without snow) | :: lumeton |
snow load {n} (live load due to the weight of snow) | :: lumikuorma |
snowmachine {n} (snowmobile) SEE: snowmobile | :: |
snowmachine {n} (machine that makes snow) | :: lumikone |
snowmachine {n} (vehicle that can travel through snow) | :: lumiajoneuvo |
snowmachine {n} (machine that grooms snow on ski runs and trails) | :: latukone |
snowman {n} /ˈsnoʊ.mæn/ (figure made of snow) | :: lumiukko |
snowmobile {n} (vehicle) | :: moottorikelkka |
snowmobile {v} (to ride in a snowmobile) | :: moottorikelkkailla, kelkkailla |
snowmobiler {n} (snowmobile operator) | :: moottorikelkkailija |
snowmobilist {n} (snowmobiler) SEE: snowmobiler | :: |
snow morel {n} (Gyromitra gigas) | :: lehtokorvasieni |
snow pea {n} (cultivar of pea) | :: sokeriherne |
snow plow {n} (vehicle) | :: lumiaura, aura-auto |
snow plow {n} (device) | :: lumiaura, aura |
snow plow {n} (in skiing) | :: auraus |
snow plow {v} (transitive: clear (roads, etc) using a snow plow) | :: aurata |
snow plow {v} (intransitive: perform a snowplow in skiing) | :: aurata |
snowproof {adj} (resistant to snow) | :: lumenkestävä |
Snow Queen {prop} (fairy tale character with power over snow and ice) | :: Lumikuningatar |
snowshoe {n} /ˈsnoʊʃu/ (flat footwear worn to facilitate walking in deep snow) | :: lumikenkä |
snowshoe hare {n} (Lepus americanus) | :: lumikenkäjänis |
snow shower {n} (snowfall leading to more snow than a flurry, but less than a snow storm) | :: lumikuuro |
snowsquall {n} (sudden, localized blizzard) | :: lumipyry |
snowstorm {n} /ˈsnəʊstɔːm/ (bad weather involving blowing winds and snow) | :: myräkkä, lumimyrsky, pyry |
snowsuit {n} (winter outerwear) | :: toppapuku |
snowthrower {n} (snowblower) SEE: snowblower | :: |
snow-white {adj} (as white as snow) | :: lumivalkoinen, vitivalkoinen |
Snow White {prop} /snoʊ (h)waɪt/ (character from Snow White (Schneewittchen)) | :: Lumikki |
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow-White and Rose-Red (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot)) | :: Lumikki, Lumivalko |
snowy {adj} /snəʊi/ (marked by snow) | :: luminen; lumisateinen [of snowfall] |
snowy {adj} (white as snow) SEE: white as snow | :: |
snowy {adj} (snow-covered) SEE: snow-covered | :: |
snowy owl {n} (large white owl) | :: tunturipöllö |
snub {adj} /snʌb/ (conspicuously short) | :: tynkä- |
snub {adj} (derived from a simpler polyhedron by the addition of triangular faces) | :: pullistettu |
snub {n} (deliberate affront or slight) | :: solvaus |
snub {v} (to slight, ignore, behave coldly toward) | :: vähätellä, sivuuttaa |
snub {v} (to turn down, dismiss) | :: torjua |
snub {v} (to stub out) | :: tumpata |
snubber {n} (device used to suppress transient forces) | :: vaimennin |
snub nose {n} (a small stubby nose) | :: pottunenä |
snub-nosed monkey {n} (monkey of genus Rhinopithecus) | :: Rhinopithecus-suvun apina |
snuff {n} /snʌf/ (fine-ground tobacco) | :: nuuska |
snuff bottle {n} (bottle used by the Chinese during the Qing dynasty to hold powdered tobacco) | :: nuuskapullo |
snuffbox {n} (small box) | :: nuuskarasia |
snuffer {n} (candle snuffer) SEE: candle snuffer | :: |
snuffle {v} /snʌfəl/ (to sniff loudly) | :: nuuhkaista [once]; nuuhkia, nuuskia [repeatedly] |
snuffle {n} (instance of sniffing loudly) | :: nuuhkaisu, nuuskinta, nuuhkinta |
snug {adj} /snʌɡ/ (comfortable; cosy, cozy) | :: mukava, kodikas |
snug {adj} (close fitting) | :: vartalonmyötäinen, tiukka |
snug {n} (room in a pub) | :: kabinetti |
snuggle {v} /ˈsnʌɡəl/ (to lie close to another person or thing, hugging or being cosy) | :: käpertyä jonkun viereen, asettua mukavasti |
snus {n} (type of tobacco snuff) | :: nuuska |
so {n} (sol) SEE: sol | :: |
so {conj} /soʊ/ (in order that) | :: jotta |
so {conj} (with the result that) | :: joten, niinpä |
so {adv} (very) | :: niin |
so {adv} (to a particular extent) | :: niin |
so {adv} (in a particular manner) | :: niin, siten, täten |
so {adv} (slang: very much) | :: tosi |
so {adj} (true) | :: näin, niin |
so {adj} (in that state) | :: sellainen |
so {interj} (interjection used to introduce a new topic) | :: eli |
so {interj} (short for so what) | :: ja |
soak {v} /soʊk/ (to be saturated with liquid by being immersed in it) | :: liota |
soak {v} (to immerse in liquid to the point of saturation or thorough permeation) | :: liottaa |
soak {v} (to penetrate or permeate by saturation) | :: tihkua |
soak {v} (to allow (especially a liquid) to be absorbed) | :: imeä, imeyttää |
soak {n} (immersion in a liquid) | :: liotus, liko |
soaked {adj} /səʊkt/ (drenched) | :: läpimärkä |
soaked to the skin {adj} | :: läpimärkä |
soaking {adj} (extremely wet) | :: see: likomärkä |
soaking wet {adj} (extremely wet) | :: likomärkä |
soaking wet {adj} (maximum (when speaking of a person's weight)) | :: korkeimmillaan |
so-and-so {n} (placeholder name) | :: se ja se |
so-and-so {n} (anything generic) | :: se ja tämä |
so-and-so {n} (name used to take the place of an epithet) | :: se ja se |
soap {n} (soap opera) SEE: soap opera | :: |
soap {n} /soʊp/ (substance) | :: saippua |
soap {v} (apply soap in washing) | :: saippuoida |
soap {v} (cover with soap as a prank) | :: saippuoida |
soap acacia {n} (plant) | :: saippuahedelmä |
soapbark {n} (bark) | :: kvillajankuori |
soapbark {n} (tree) | :: suopapuu, kvillaja |
soapbox {n} /ˈsəʊpbɒks/ (crate for soap) | :: saippualaatikko |
soapbox {n} (platform for presenting one's viewpoints) | :: puhujalava [physical platform], äänitorvi [media platform] |
soapbox {n} (pet topic) | :: mieliaihe, lempiaihe |
soapbox {n} (soapbox car) SEE: soapbox car | :: |
soapbox car {n} (vehicle) | :: mäkiauto |
soap bubble {n} (sphere of soap water) | :: saippuakupla |
soap dish {n} (a container for soap) | :: saippua-astia, saippuavati |
soapery {n} (factory making soap) | :: saippuatehdas |
soap opera {n} (television serial) | :: saippuasarja, saippuaooppera |
soapstone {n} (soft rock) | :: vuolukivi, saippuakivi |
soapwort {n} (herb) | :: suopayrtit |
soar {v} /sɔɹ/ (to fly aloft with little effort) | :: liitää, liidellä |
soar {v} (to mount upward on wings) | :: nousta, kohota |
soar {v} (to fly by means of a glider) | :: lentää, liitää |
soar {v} (to rise rapidly or high) | :: ampaista ylös, nousta |
soar {v} (to rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood) | :: nousta, kohota, lentää, liitää |
soar {n} (act of soaring) | :: liito, liitely |
soar {n} (upward flight) | :: nousu |
sob {n} /sɒb/ (a cry with a short, sudden expulsion of breath) | :: nyyhkäys, nyyhkytys |
sob {v} (weep with convulsive gasps) | :: nyyhkyttää |
sob {v} (say (something) while sobbing) | :: nyyhkyttää |
soba {n} /ˈsəʊbə/ (Japanese buckwheat noodle) | :: soba |
sobbing {n} /ˈsɒbɪŋ/ (action of the verb "to sob") | :: nyyhkytys |
sobbing {adj} (that or who sobs) | :: nyyhkivä, nyyhkyttävä |
so be it {phrase} (indication of acceptance) | :: olkoon menneeksi |
sober {adj} /ˈsəʊ.bə(ɹ)/ (not drunk) | :: selvä; selvin päin |
sober {adj} (not given to excessive drinking of alcohol) | :: raitis |
sober {adj} (moderate) | :: hillitty |
sober {adj} (dull) | :: hillitty |
sober {adj} (subdued; solemn; grave) | :: vakava, vakavamielinen |
sober {v} (make or become sober) | :: selvittää |
sober {v} (overcome intoxication) | :: selvitä |
sober as a judge {adj} (completely sober) | :: vesiselvä |
sober up {v} (to become sober) | :: selvitä |
sobriety {n} (quality or state of not being intoxicated) | :: raittius, selvyys |
sobriquet {n} /ˈsoʊ.bɹɪ.keɪ/ (familiar name for a person) | :: lempinimi |
sob story {n} (sad story) | :: nyyhkytarina |
socage {n} /ˈsɒkɪdʒ/ (medieval form of land tenure) | :: torpparius |
so-called {adj} /ˈsoʊˌkɔld/ (so named, but wrongly so) | :: niin sanottu, niin kutsuttu |
so-called {adj} (so named) | :: niin sanottu, niin kutsuttu |
soccer {n} /ˈsɑk.ɚ/ (game) | :: jalkapallo |
soccer field {n} (a playing field on which the game of soccer is played) | :: jalkapallokenttä |
Socceroos {n} (men's football team of Australia) | :: Australian jalkapallojoukkue |
soccer player {n} (one who plays soccer) | :: jalkapalloilija |
Sochi {prop} /ˈsɒtʃi/ (city in Russia) | :: Sotši |
sociable {adj} (tending to socialize or be social; friendly; inviting; congenial) | :: seurallinen, sosiaalinen |
sociable lapwing {n} (Vanellus gregarius) | :: arohyyppä |
sociable plover {n} (Vanellus gregarius) SEE: sociable lapwing | :: |
social {adj} /ˈsoʊ.ʃəl/ (extroverted or outgoing) | :: ulospäinsuuntautunut, ekstrovertti, sosiaalinen |
social {adj} (relating to society) | :: yhteiskunnallinen, yhteiskunta-, sosiaalinen, sosiaali- |
social {adj} (internet: relating to social media or social networks) | :: sosiaalinen |
social {adj} (zoology: cooperating in groups) | :: yhteiskunta- |
social {n} (festive gathering to foster introductions) | :: tutustumistilaisuus |
social {n} (short for social security benefit) | :: sossu |
social {n} (short for social security number) | :: sotu, hetu |
social anxiety {n} (social anxiety disorder) SEE: social anxiety disorder | :: |
social anxiety {n} (discomfort or fear in social situation) | :: sosiaalinen ahdistuneisuus |
social anxiety disorder {n} (the most common anxiety disorder) | :: sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelko |
social butterfly {n} (person who likes to attend parties) | :: bilehile |
social class {n} (class of people) | :: yhteiskuntaluokka |
social cohesion {n} (maintenance of stability in a society) | :: yhteenkuuluvuus |
social contract {n} (agreement or contract) | :: yhteiskuntasopimus |
social Darwinism {n} (theory) | :: sosiaalidarvinismi |
social democracy {n} (moderate left-wing political philosophy) | :: sosiaalidemokratia |
social democracy {n} (social democratic society) | :: sosiaalidemokratia |
social democrat {n} (supporter of social democracy) | :: sosiaalidemokraatti |
social democratic {adj} (of or pertaining to social democracy) | :: sosiaalidemokraattinen |
social distance {n} (distance between social groups) | :: sosiaalinen etäisyys |
social distancing {n} /ˈsoʊʃəl ˌdɪstən(t)sɪŋ/ (practice of maintaining physical distance between people to reduce the spread of communicable diseases) | :: sosiaalinen etäännyttäminen |
social engineering {n} (use of numerical data) | :: tiedon hyödyntäminen |
social engineering {n} (use of propaganda) | :: asennekasvatus |
social engineering {n} (practice of tricking a user) | :: sosiaalinen manipulointi {n}, käyttäjän manipulointi |
social group {n} (collection of humans or animals) | :: ryhmä |
social housing {n} (affordable housing provided by public authorities or non-profit organizations) | :: sosiaalinen asuminen |
social insect {n} (insects which live socially) | :: yhteiskuntahyönteinen |
social insurance {n} (government-mandated provision) | :: sosiaalivakuutus |
socialism {n} /ˈsoʊʃəlɪzəm/ (political philosophy of social and economic equality) | :: sosialismi |
socialism {n} (group of socialist political philosophies) | :: sosialismi |
socialism {n} (intermediate phase of social development) | :: sosialismi |
socialist {adj} /ˈsoʊˌʃəlɪst/ (of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism) | :: sosialistinen |
socialist {n} (one who practices or advocates socialism) | :: sosialisti |
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia {prop} (Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992) | :: Jugoslavian sosialistinen liittotasavalta |
socialistic {adj} (relating to socialism) | :: sosialistinen |
Socialist Republic of Vietnam {prop} (official name of Vietnam) | :: Vietnamin sosialistinen tasavalta |
socialize {v} (to interact with others) | :: seurustella |
socialize {v} (to instruct, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society) | :: sosiaalistaa, sopeuttaa yhteiskuntaan |
socialize {v} (to take into collective or governmental ownership) | :: sosialisoida |
social justice {n} (fairness in society) | :: yhteiskunnallinen oikeudenmukaisuus |
social justice warrior {n} (online activist who zealously promotes social justice causes) | :: suvakki |
social life {n} (dating) | :: seurustelu |
social media {n} (interactive forms of media) | :: sosiaalinen media |
social media intelligence {n} (intelligence gathered from social media) | :: sometiedustelu |
social mobility {n} (degree to which social status can change) | :: sosiaalinen liikkuvuus |
social network {n} (a network of personal or business contacts on the Internet) | :: sosiaalinen verkosto |
social networking {n} (interaction between a group of people) | :: verkottuminen |
social networking {n} (use of social contacts to network) | :: verkottuminen |
social networking {n} (use of Internet communities) | :: verkottuminen |
social phobia {n} (social anxiety disorder) SEE: social anxiety disorder | :: |
social policy {n} (guidelines that deal with communal issues) | :: sosiaalipolitiikka |
social psychology {n} (interplay) | :: yksilön ja yhteisön vuorovaikutus |
social psychology {n} (study) | :: sosiaalipsykologia |
social responsibility {n} (voluntary assumed obligation towards society) | :: yhteiskuntavastuu |
social science {n} (branch of science) | :: yhteiskuntatiede |
social security {n} (system) | :: sosiaaliturva, sosiaaliturvajärjestelmä |
social security {n} (benefits) | :: sosiaaliturva, sosiaalietu |
social security number {n} (corresponding number in other countries) | :: sosiaaliturvatunnus, henkilötunnus |
social smoker {n} (someone who only smokes when with other people who are smoking) | :: sosiaalinen tupakoija |
social status {n} (honor or prestige attached to one's position in society) | :: sosiaalinen status |
social studies {n} (study of various subjects) | :: yhteiskuntaoppi |
social welfare {n} (provision of support) | :: sosiaaliturva |
social work {n} (any of several professions concerned with providing social services) | :: sosiaalityö |
social worker {n} (person whose profession is social work) | :: sosiaalityöntekijä |
societal {adj} /səˈsaɪətl/ (societal) | :: yhteiskunnallinen |
society {n} /səˈsaɪ.ə.ti/ (group of people sharing culture) | :: yhteiskunta |
society {n} (group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest) | :: yhteisö, yhdistys, seura, kerho |
society {n} (people of one’s country or community as a whole) | :: yhteisö |
society {n} (high society) SEE: high society | :: |
Society Islands {prop} (group of islands) | :: Seurasaaret |
Society of Jesus {prop} (Roman Catholic order) | :: jesuiittaveljeskunta |
Socinian {n} /soʊˈsɪn.iː.ən/ (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination) | :: socinolainen |
Socinian {adj} (pertaining to the Socinians) | :: socinolainen |
sociobiology {n} (science that applies the principles of evolutionary biology to the study of social behaviour) | :: sosiobiologia |
sociocultural {adj} (of both society and culture) | :: sosiokulttuurinen |
sociodemography {n} (study combining sociology and demography) | :: sosiodemografia |
socioeconomic {adj} (of or pertaining to social and economic factors) SEE: socio-economic | :: |
socio-economic {adj} (pertaining to a combination of social and economic factors) | :: sosioekonominen, yhteiskunnallis-taloudellinen |
socioeconomics {n} (economics that deals with social aspects) | :: sosioekonomia |
sociogram {n} (graphic representation of the structure of interpersonal relations in a group situation) | :: sosiogrammi |
sociolect {n} /ˈsəʊ.ʃɪ.ə(ʊ).lɛkt/ (variant of language used by a social group) | :: sosiolekti |
sociolinguist {n} (person that studies sociolinguistics) | :: sosiolingvisti |
sociolinguistic {adj} /ˌsəʊsi.əʊlɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/ (pertaining to sociolinguistics) | :: sosiolingvistinen |
sociolinguistics {n} /ˌsoʊsi.oʊlɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ (the study of social and cultural effects on language) | :: sosiolingvistiikka |
sociologist {n} (scientist studying the field of sociology) | :: sosiologi |
sociology {n} /ˌsəʊsiːˈɒlədʒiː/ (study of society, human social interactions, etc.) | :: sosiologia |
sociopath {n} /ˈsoʊ.si.əˌpæθ/ (person with antisocial personality disorder) | :: sosiopaatti |
sociopolitical {adj} (socio-political) SEE: socio-political | :: |
socio-political {adj} (of or pertaining to a combination of social and political factors) | :: sosiopoliittinen |
sock {n} /sɑk/ (covering for the foot) | :: sukka |
sock {n} (violent blow, punch) | :: isku, lyönti |
sock {v} | :: iskeä |
sock {n} (sock puppet) SEE: sock puppet | :: |
socket {n} /ˈsɒkɪt/ (mechanical opening) | :: pistorasia, pistukka, istukka, kanta |
socket {n} (hollow in a bone) | :: ontelo, kuoppa |
socket {n} (computing interprocess communication channel) | :: pistoke, vastake |
socket wrench {n} (A type of wrench) | :: hylsyavain |
sockeye salmon {n} (Oncorhynchus nerka) | :: punalohi |
socko {adj} (slang: superb) | :: mahtava |
sock puppet {n} (simple puppet made from a sock) | :: käsinukke |
sock puppet {n} (second account created by a user in an online community) | :: sukkanukke |
Socrates {prop} /ˈsɒkɹətiːz/ (Greek philosopher) | :: Sokrates |
Socratic method {prop} | :: sokraattinen menetelmä |
sod {n} /sɒd/ (stratum of soil) | :: juurikerros |
sod {n} (turf grown for establishment of lawn) | :: siirtonurmi |
soda {n} /ˈsoʊdə/ (sodium carbonate) | :: sooda, natriumkarbonaatti |
soda {n} (sodium in chemical combination) | :: natrium |
soda {n} (carbonated water) | :: kivennäisvesi, soodavesi |
soda {n} (sweet, carbonated drink) | :: limonadi, virvoitusjuoma |
soda ash {n} (sodium carbonate) | :: sooda |
soda fountain {n} (machine that dispenses soda) | :: juoma-automaatti |
sodalite {n} (mineral) | :: sodaliitti |
sodality {n} (companionship) SEE: companionship | :: |
Sodankylä {prop} (municipality) | :: Sodankylä |
soda pop {n} (sweetened, carbonated beverage) | :: limppari, virvoitusjuoma |
soda siphon {n} (bottle of soda water) | :: soodasifoni |
soda water {n} (water with carbon dioxide) | :: kivennäisvesi, [colloquial] vissy |
sodden {adj} /ˈsɒ.dən/ (soaked) | :: läpimärkä |
sodden {adj} (stupid as a result of drunkenness) | :: umpihumalainen |
sodium {n} /ˈsoʊdi.əm/ (reactive metal) | :: natrium |
sodium acetate {n} (sodium salt of acetic acid) | :: natriumasetaatti |
sodium alum {n} (NaAl(SO4)2·12(H2O);) | :: natriumaluna |
sodium benzoate {n} (the sodium salt of benzoic acid) | :: natriumbentsoaatti |
sodium bicarbonate {n} (salt of sodium hydroxide and carbonic acid) | :: natriumvetykarbonaatti, natriumbikarbonaatti |
sodium bicarbonate {n} (used as a raising agent) | :: ruokasooda [general]; leivinjauhe [raising agent] |
sodium bisulfite {n} (the compound NaHSO3) | :: natriumvetysulfiitti, natriumbisulfiitti |
sodium carbonate {n} (Na2CO3) | :: natriumkarbonaatti, sooda |
sodium chloride {n} (chemical term for table salt; NaCl) | :: natriumkloridi |
sodium hydrogen carbonate {n} (NaHCO3) SEE: sodium bicarbonate | :: |
sodium hydroxide {n} (caustic alkali) | :: natriumhydroksidi, lipeä |
sodium hypochlorite {n} (sodium salt of hypochlorous acid) | :: natriumhypokloriitti |
sodium lamp {n} (sodium vapor lamp) SEE: sodium vapor lamp | :: |
sodium nitrate {n} (sodium salt of nitric acid) | :: natriumnitraatti, salpietari, chilensalpietari |
sodium peroxide {n} (base) | :: natriumperoksidi |
sodium vapor lamp {n} (type of street lamp) | :: natriumlamppu |
sod off {v} (go away) | :: häipyä, painua vittuun [vulgar], suksia vittuun [vulgar] |
Sodom {prop} /ˈsɑdəm/ (city in the Middle East) | :: Sodoma |
sodomy {n} /ˈsɒdəmi/ (sex held to be unnatural) | :: sodomia |
sodomy {n} (anal sex, see also: anal sex) | :: anaaliseksi |
Soemmerring's gazelle {n} (African gazelle) | :: soemmerringingaselli |
sofa {n} /ˈsoʊfə/ (upholstered seat) | :: sohva |
sofa-bed {n} /ˈsoʊfəbɛd/ (sofa that unfolds into a bed) | :: vuodesohva |
so far {adv} (until now; previously; yet) | :: tähän mennessä, toistaiseksi |
so far so good {proverb} (up to this point, all is OK) | :: tähän asti kaikki hyvin |
soffit {n} /ˈsɑ.fɪt/ (visible underside of an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, staircase, vault or any other architectural element) | :: kamana, alapinta |
Sofia {prop} /ˈsəʊfi.ə/ (the capital city of Bulgaria) | :: Sofia |
soft {adj} (foolish) SEE: foolish | :: |
soft {adj} /sɔft/ (giving way under pressure) | :: pehmeä |
soft {adj} (of a cloth) | :: pehmeä |
soft {adj} (gentle) | :: lempeä, hellä |
soft {adj} (of a sound) | :: vaimea |
soft {adj} (lacking strength or resolve) | :: pehmeä |
soft {adj} (of water) | :: pehmeä |
softa {n} (Turkish student of religion) | :: softa |
softball {n} (game) | :: softball |
softball {n} (ball) | :: softball-pallo |
soft chancre {n} (chancroid) SEE: chancroid | :: |
soft cheese {n} (A standard type of infirm and little-ripened cheese) | :: pehmeä juusto |
softcore pornography {n} (form of pornography where the sexual acts are relatively unexplicit) | :: pehmoporno |
soft drink {n} (sweet, non-alcoholic carbonated beverage) | :: virvoitusjuoma, limonaati, limonadi |
soft drink {n} (any non-alcoholic beverage, such as Coca-Cola or milk) | :: alkoholiton juoma |
soft drug {n} | :: mieto huume, mieto huumausaine, pehmeä huumausaine |
soften {v} /ˈsɔfən/ ((transitive) To make something soft or softer) | :: pehmentää, pehmittää |
soften {v} ((transitive) To undermine the morale of someone (often soften up)) | :: pehmittää |
soften {v} ((transitive) To make less harsh) | :: pehmittää |
soften {v} ((intransitive) To become soft or softer) | :: pehmetä, pehmentyä |
softener {n} (water softener) SEE: water softener | :: |
softener {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener | :: |
softly softly {adj} (discreet, careful) | :: pehmo-, hyvin varovainen |
softly softly {adv} (in a very tactful, careful manner) | :: hyvin varovasti |
soft palate {n} (tissue) | :: kitapurje, pehmeä kitalaki |
soft paraffin {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly | :: |
soft power {n} (political influence that is extended by means of diplomacy, international assistance, cultural exchanges, etc.) | :: pehmeä valta |
soft roe {n} (milt) SEE: milt | :: |
soft science {n} (field of inquiry) | :: pehmeä tiede [especially used in plural], humanistinen tiede |
soft serve {n} (frozen dessert) | :: pehmis, pehmytjäätelö, pehmojäätelö |
soft sign {n} (Cyrillic letter Ь/ь) | :: pehmeä merkki, pehmennysmerkki |
soft soap {n} (soft-soap) SEE: soft-soap | :: |
soft soap {n} (soap made with potassium) | :: suopa |
soft soap {n} (fluid or semifluid soap) | :: nestesaippua |
soft-soap {v} (to try to persuade by flattering) | :: imarrella, mairitella |
soft spot {n} (fontanelle) SEE: fontanelle | :: |
soft spot {n} (sentimental fondness or affection) | :: lukkarinrakkaus |
soft spot {n} (point of vulnerability) | :: heikko kohta, heikkous |
software {n} /ˈsɒftˌwɛə/ (encoded computer instructions) | :: ohjelmisto, tietokoneohjelma, softa |
software architecture {n} (Translations) | :: ohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri |
software engineer {n} (one who designs and implements software solutions) | :: ohjelmistoinsinööri |
software engineering {n} (subfield of engineering concerned with the development, operation, and maintenance of software) | :: ohjelmistotuotanto |
soft water {n} (water with a low concentration of dissolved minerals) | :: pehmeä vesi |
softwood {n} (wood from any conifer) | :: havupuu |
softwood {n} (commercial timber from any conifer) | :: havupuu |
softwood {n} (tree that yields the timber) | :: havupuu |
softwood {n} (commercial timber in general) | :: sahatavara [sawn goods]; puu (wood as material) |
softy {n} (weak or sentimental person) | :: nynny, pehmo, pehmoilija |
Sogdian {prop} (the Sogdian language) | :: sogdi |
Sogdiana {prop} (an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization) | :: Sogdiana |
soggy {adj} /ˈsɒɡi/ (soaked with liquid) | :: litimärkä, likomärkä |
so help me God {phrase} (phrase used as a promise that an action will be carried out) | :: Jumala minua varjelkoon |
soil {n} /sɔɪl/ (mixture of sand and organic material) | :: multa |
soil {n} (mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants) | :: maa, maannos |
soil {n} (unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth) | :: maannos |
soil {n} (country or territory) | :: maaperä |
soil {v} (to make dirty) | :: liata, tahria |
soil {v} (to make invalid, to ruin) | :: [vulgar] pistää paskaksi |
soil {n} (faeces or urine etc.) | :: lika, sonta, [vulgar] skeida |
soil {v} (to defecate into one's clothing) SEE: soil oneself | :: |
soil fertility {n} (ability of a soil to sustain plant growth) | :: maaperän hedelmällisyys |
soil oneself {v} (to defecate on oneself accidentally) | :: tehdä alleen; paskantaa housuun [vulgar] |
soil physics {n} (the sub-discipline of soil science that studies the physical properties of the soil) | :: maaperäfysiikka |
soil pollution {n} (pollution of soil) | :: maaperän saastuminen |
soil science {n} (scientific study of soil) | :: maaperätiede |
Soini {prop} (municipality) | :: Soini |
soiree {n} /ˌswɑːˈɹeɪ/ (formal evening party) | :: vastaanotto |
sojourn {n} /ˈsoʊdʒɚn/ (A short stay somewhere) | :: oleskelu |
sojourn {n} (A temporary residence) | :: oleskelu |
sojourn {v} (Stay temporarily) | :: oleskella |
sol {n} /soʊl/ (fifth note of a major scale) | :: sol, so |
sol {n} /sɒl/ (Martian solar day) | :: Marsin päivä |
sol {n} /sɑːl/ (type of colloid) | :: sooli |
solace {n} /ˈsɑː.lɪs/ (consolation) | :: lohtu, lohdutus |
solace {n} (source of comfort) | :: lohtu, lohdutus |
solace {v} (to give solace to) | :: lohduttaa, piristää |
solace {v} (to allay, assuage) | :: lievittää |
solar {adj} /ˈsoʊlɚ/ (of or pertaining to the sun) | :: aurinko-, auringon- |
solar battery {n} (battery with solar cell) | :: aurinkoparisto |
solar calendar {n} (a calendar based on the movement of the Earth around the Sun) | :: aurinkokalenteri |
solar cell {n} (semiconductor device) | :: aurinkokenno |
solar collector {n} (device to collect solar radiation in the form of thermal energy) | :: aurinkokeräin |
solar constant {n} (amount of incoming solar radiation per unit area) | :: aurinkovakio |
solar cycle {n} (period in Sun's activity) | :: auringonpilkkujakso |
solar day {n} (time for a planet to rotate once relative to the sun) | :: aurinkovuorokausi |
solar eclipse {n} (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun) | :: auringonpimennys |
solar energy {n} (energy from the sun) | :: aurinkoenergia |
solar flare {n} (violent explosion) | :: auringonpurkaus, soihtupurkaus, flare |
solarium {n} /səˈlɛəɹ.i.əm/ (establishment where one can rent sunbeds) | :: solarium |
solarium {n} (room, with many windows, exposed to the sun) | :: aurinkoinen huone |
solar mass {n} (unit) | :: auringon massa |
solar panel {n} (array of connected solar cells) | :: aurinkopaneeli, aurinkokennosto |
solar plexus {n} (a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach) | :: sisuspunos |
solar prominence {n} (large eruption on the Sun) | :: protuberanssi |
solar radiation {n} (all the electromagnetic radiation and subatomic particles radiated from the sun) | :: auringon säteily |
solar system {n} /ˈsoʊ.lɚ ˌsɪs.təm/ (any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star) | :: aurinkokunta |
solar system {prop} (Solar System) SEE: Solar System | :: |
Solar System {prop} /ˈsoʊ.lɚ ˌsɪs.təm/ (the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it) | :: Aurinkokunta |
solar time {n} (local time based on a solar day) | :: keskiaurinkoaika |
solar wind {n} (outflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space) | :: aurinkotuuli |
solastalgia {n} (form of homesickness) | :: solastalgia |
solder {n} /ˈsɒldə(ɹ)/ (any of various alloys that are used to join small pieces of metal together) | :: juote, juotemetalli, juotostina |
solder {v} (to join with solder) | :: juottaa |
solderability {n} (quality) | :: juotettavuus |
soldering {n} /ˈsɑdəɹɪŋ/ (method of joining two metallic surfaces by melting an alloy between them) | :: juottaminen |
soldering iron {n} (tool) | :: kolvi, juotin, juotoskolvi |
soldier {n} /ˈsoʊld͡ʒɚ/ (member of an army) | :: sotilas, [colloquial] solttu |
soldier {n} (a member of the Salvation Army) | :: pelastussotilas |
soldier {n} (someone who fights or toils well) | :: soturi |
soldier {n} (one of the asexual polymorphic forms of white ants and termites) | :: sotilas |
soldier of fortune {n} (mercenary) | :: palkkasoturi |
sold out {adj} (completely sold) | :: loppuunmyyty |
sole {adj} /səʊl/ (only) | :: ainoa |
sole {adj} (unmarried; widowed) | :: [unmarried, adjective] naimaton, [widowed, noun] leski |
sole {n} (bottom of the foot) | :: jalkapohja |
sole {n} (bottom of a shoe or boot) | :: pohja, antura |
sole {n} (fish) | :: meriantura |
sole {v} (put a sole on (a shoe or boot)) | :: anturoida |
solecism {n} /ˈsɒlɪsɪzəm/ (error in the use of language) | :: tyylivirhe |
sole custody {n} (legal arrangement) | :: yksinhuoltajuus |
solemn {adj} /ˈsɒləm/ (deeply serious and somber) | :: vakava |
solemn {adj} (somberly impressive) | :: vaikuttava |
solemn {adj} (performed with great ceremony) | :: juhlallinen, juhlava |
solemn {adj} (sacred) | :: pyhä |
solemn {adj} (gloomy or sombre) | :: ankea, synkkä |
solenodon {n} (small nocturnal insectivorous mammal with long snout and venomous saliva) | :: almikki |
solenoid {n} (solenoid) | :: solenoidi |
sole proprietor {n} (person who controls a sole proprietorship) | :: yksityinen elinkeinonharjoittaja |
sole proprietorship {n} (business) | :: yksityinen elinkeinonharjoittaja |
sole provider {n} (only guardian) | :: yksinhuoltaja |
sole trader {n} (a type of business enterprise) | :: toiminimi |
soleus {n} /səʊˈliː.əs/ (muscle) | :: leveä kantalihas |
sol-fa {n} (method of sight singing) SEE: solfège | :: |
solfeggio {n} (a pedagogical solmization technique for the teaching of sight-singing) SEE: solfège | :: |
solfège {n} /sɒlˈfeɪʒ/ (method of sight singing) | :: solfeesi |
solicitation {n} /səˌlɪsɪˈteɪʃən/ (instance of soliciting) | :: anomus, pyyntö |
solicitor {n} /səˈlɪsɪtɚ/ (lawyer offering legal services to clients apart from acting as court advocate) | :: lakimies |
solicitor {n} (lawyer whose role has merged with that of a barrister) | :: asianajaja |
solicitor {n} (person soliciting sales) | :: ovelta ovelle -myyjä |
solid {adj} /ˈsɑlɪd/ (in the solid state) | :: kiinteä |
solid {adj} (large, massive) | :: jykevä, massiivinen, jyhkeä |
solid {adj} (lacking holes or hollows) | :: umpinainen, täysi, kiinteä, eheä |
solid {adj} (extremely filling) | :: täyttävä, tukeva, tanakka |
solid {adj} (strong, unyielding (as of foundations etc)) | :: tukeva, vakaa, vankka, tanakka |
solid {adj} (lacking errors or inconsistencies) | :: pitävä, aukoton |
solid {adj} (typography: written as one word) | :: yhteenkirjoitettu, yhteinen |
solid {adj} (of one color) | :: yksivärinen |
solid {n} (chemistry: fundamental state of matter) | :: kiinteä aine, kiintoaine |
solid {n} (geometry: three-dimensional object) | :: kappale |
solid angle {n} (three-dimensional analog of an angle) | :: avaruuskulma |
solidarily {adv} (showing solidarity) | :: solidaarisesti |
solidarity {n} (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) | :: solidaarisuus |
solidarity {n} (psychological or material support) | :: tuki |
solidification {n} (action of solidifying) | :: jähmettyminen |
solidify {v} /səˈlɪdəˌfaɪ/ (transitive: to make solid; convert into a solid body) | :: jähmettää |
solidify {v} (transitive: to concentrate; consolidate) | :: kiinteyttää, konsolidoida |
solidify {v} (intransitive: to become solid; to freeze) | :: jähmettyä |
solidly {adv} (in a solid manner) | :: kiinteästi, jykevästi, tukevasti |
solid of revolution {n} (solid produced rotating a two-dimensional curve through 360° about an axis) | :: pyörähdyskappale |
solid state {adj} (physics: of or relating to the properties of solids) | :: kiinteän olomuodon |
solid state {adj} (electronics: of or relating to semiconductors) | :: puolijohde- |
solid-state {adj} (having properties of a solid) | :: kiinteän olomuodon |
solid-state {adj} (based upon semiconductors) | :: puolijohde- |
solidus {n} (slash) SEE: slash | :: |
solifugid {n} (camel spider) SEE: camel spider | :: |
soliloquy {n} /səˈlɪləkwi/ (act of a character speaking to himself) | :: yksinpuhelu |
soliloquy {n} (speech or written discourse in this form) | :: yksinpuhelu |
solipsism {n} /ˈsɑlɪpsɪzm/ (theory) | :: solipsismi |
solitaire {n} (person who lives alone) SEE: solitary | :: |
solitaire {n} (patience) SEE: patience | :: |
solitaire {n} /ˈsɒlɪˌtɛəɹ/ (Pezophaps solitaria) | :: rodriguezindodo |
solitaire {n} (Threskiornis solitarius) | :: reunionindodo |
solitaire {n} (bird of genus Myadestes) | :: rastuli |
solitaire {adj} (living alone or being alone; solitary) | :: yksin asuva [living], yksinäinen [being] |
solitary {n} /ˈsɑlɪtɛɹi/ (one who lives alone) | :: yksineläjä |
solitary {adj} (living alone or being by oneself) | :: yksinäinen |
solitary {adj} (performed, passed, or endured alone) | :: yksinäinen |
solitary {adj} (not much visited or frequented; remote from society) | :: yksinäinen |
solitary {adj} (not inhabited or occupied) | :: asumaton |
solitary {adj} (single; individual; sole) | :: yksittäinen |
solitary {n} (solitary confinement) SEE: solitary confinement | :: |
solitary confinement {n} (forced isolation) | :: eristäminen |
solitary sandpiper {n} (Tringa solitaria) | :: amerikanmetsäviklo |
soliton {n} (self-reinforcing travelling wave) | :: solitoni |
solitude {n} /ˈsɒlɪˌtjuːd/ (state of being alone) | :: yksinäisyys |
solmisation {n} (the sol-fa system of singing) SEE: solfège | :: |
solo {n} /ˈsoʊ.loʊ/ (piece of music for one) | :: soolo |
solo {n} (job or performance done by one person) | :: soolo |
solo {n} (card game) | :: soolo |
solo {v} (to perform something in the absence of anyone else) | :: sooloilla |
solo concert {n} (musical performance) | :: solistikonsertti |
soloist {n} (a person who performs a solo) | :: solisti |
Solomon {prop} /ˈsɑləmən/ (king of Israel) | :: Salomo |
Solomon {prop} (male given name) | :: Salomo, Salomon |
Solomon Islands {prop} /ˈsɑ.lə.mən ˈaɪ.ləndz/ (A country in Melanesia) | :: Salomonsaaret |
Solomon's seal {n} (plant of genus Polygonatum) | :: kalliokielo |
solonchak {n} (soil type) | :: suolamaannos |
solonetz {n} (soil type) | :: natromaannos |
so long {interj} (informal: goodbye) | :: moikka |
so long as {phrase} (as long as) SEE: as long as | :: |
solstice {n} /ˈsɒl.stɪs/ (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun) | :: päivänseisaus |
solstitial {adj} (pertaining to a solstice) | :: päivänseisaus- |
solstitial {adj} (occurring on a solstice) | :: päivänseisauksen aikainen |
solubility {n} (the condition of being soluble) | :: liukoisuus |
solubility {n} ((chemistry) the amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of a solvent) | :: liukoisuus |
soluble {adj} /ˈsɔɫ.jʊ.bəɫ/ (able to be dissolved) | :: liukeneva |
soluble {adj} (able to be solved or explained) | :: ratkaistavissa oleva |
solute {adj} (loose) | :: löysä, löyhä |
solute {n} (substance that is dissolved in a solvent) | :: liuonnut aine [dissolved], liuotettava aine [to be dissolved] |
solution {n} /səˈl(j)uːʃən/ (liquid mixture) | :: liuos |
solution {n} (an act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem.) | :: ratkaisu |
solution {n} (answer to a problem (mathematics)) | :: ratkaisu |
solution {n} (satisfaction of a claim or debt) | :: hyvitys |
solvable {adj} (capable of being solved) | :: ratkeava |
solvable {adj} (capable of being dissolved) | :: liukeneva |
solve {v} /sɒlv/ (to find an answer or solution) | :: ratkaista, selvittää |
solved {adj} (having a solution) | :: ratkaistu |
solvency {n} (ability to pay debts) | :: maksukyky, solvenssi |
solvent {n} /ˈsɒlvənt/ (liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute) | :: liuotin |
solvent {adj} (able to pay all debts) | :: maksukykyinen, vakavarainen |
solyanka {n} (a thick, spicy and sour soup in Russian and Ukrainian cuisine) | :: seljanka |
soma {n} /ˈsoʊmə/ (axial portion of an animal) | :: ruumis, soma, sooma |
Somali {n} /soʊˈmɑːli/ (a language) | :: somali, somalin kieli |
Somali {n} (a person from Somalia or of Somali descent) | :: somali |
Somali {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) | :: somalialainen, somali-, somalilais- |
Somalia {prop} /səˈmɑːliə/ (country in the Horn of Africa) | :: Somalia |
Somalian {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) SEE: Somali | :: |
Somalian {n} (someone from Somalia) SEE: Somali | :: |
Somaliland {prop} (region) | :: Somalimaa |
Somaliland {prop} (unrecognized state) | :: Somalimaa |
somatic {adj} (relating to the body of an organism) | :: somaattinen |
somatic cell {n} (any normal cell of an organism that is not involved in reproduction) | :: somaattinen solu |
somatics {n} (medicine: holistic approach to physical therapy) | :: somatiikka |
somatogamy {n} (fusion of two cells but not their nuclei) | :: somatogamia |
sombre {adj} /ˈsɒmbə/ (dark; gloomy, dimly lit) | :: synkkä |
sombre {adj} (dull or dark in colour) | :: synkkä, pimeä |
sombre {adj} (melancholy; dismal) | :: synkkä, ankea |
sombre {adj} (grave) | :: vakava |
sombrero {n} /sɑmˈbɹɛɹoʊ/ (hat) | :: sombrero |
sombrero {n} (drink) | :: sombrero |
sombrero {n} (bowling: series of four strikes) | :: kinnuset {p} |
sombre tit {n} (Poecile lugubris) | :: balkanintiainen |
some {pron} /sʌm/ (certain number) | :: jotkut, muutamat, eräät |
some {pron} (indefinite quantity or number) | :: joitakin, muutamia |
some {pron} (indefinite amount, part) | :: jonkin verran, joskus [some of the time] |
some {determiner} (certain proportion of) | :: jotkut [of people], jotkin [of things] |
some {determiner} (unspecified quantity or number of) | :: vähän [usually omitted] |
some {determiner} (unspecified amount of) | :: vähän [usually omitted] |
some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown) | :: eräs, joku, jokin |
some {determiner} (considerable quantity or number of) | :: joitakin |
some {determiner} (informal: remarkable) | :: aikamoinen, melkoinen |
some {adv} (approximately, roughly) | :: jotakin, jotakuinkin |
somebody {pron} /ˈsʌmbʌdi/ (some unspecified person) | :: joku |
somebody's {pron} (belonging to somebody (possessive form of somebody)) | :: jonkun |
someday {adv} (sometime; at some time in the future) | :: jonain päivänä, joskus |
somehow {adv} /ˈsʌmhaʊ/ (in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated) | :: jotenkin, jotenkuten; (if emphasized "by some means") jollakin tavalla |
someone {pron} /ˈsʌmwʌn/ (some person) | :: joku |
someone else {pron} (some other person) | :: joku muu |
someone's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top {phrase} (indicating mental deficiency) | :: jollakin ei mene hissi ylös asti, jollakin ei ole kaikki muumit laaksossa |
some people have all the luck {phrase} (some have all the luck) | :: joillakin on aina onnea |
somersault {n} /ˈsʌmə(ɹ)ˌsɑlt/ (the act of going head over heels) | :: voltti |
somersault {v} (to perform somersault) | :: tehdä voltti |
something {pron} /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ (unspecified object) | :: jokin, jotakin |
something {pron} (talent that is hard to pin down) | :: se jokin |
something {pron} (somebody who is superlative in some way) | :: jotakin |
something else {n} (exceptional, out of the ordinary, unusual) | :: omaa luokkaansa [in a class of its own] |
something is rotten in the state of Denmark {phrase} (Hamlet quotation, used in other contexts to mean "something is not right") | :: on jotain mätää Tanskanmaalla |
some time {n} (a period of some length) | :: jonkin aikaa |
sometime {adj} (occasional) SEE: occasional | :: |
sometime {adv} (obsolete: sometimes) SEE: sometimes | :: |
sometime {adv} /ˈsʌmˌtaɪm/ (at an unstated or indefinite time in the future) | :: joskus |
sometime {adj} (former) | :: entinen |
sometimes {adv} /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ (on certain occasions, but not always) | :: joskus, toisinaan |
somewhat {pron} (something) SEE: something | :: |
somewhat {adv} /ˈsʌmwʌt/ (limited extent) | :: jonkin verran, jossain määrin |
somewhen {adv} (at some time; indefinitely; some time or other, sometime) | :: joskus |
somewhere {adv} /ˈsʌm.wɛɹ/ (in some place) | :: jossakin |
somewhere {adv} (to some place) | :: johonkin |
somewhere {n} (some unspecified place) | :: jokin paikka |
somewhere along the line {adv} (at some point) SEE: at some point | :: |
somewhere else {adv} (in or at some other place) | :: jossakin muualla, muualla, toisaalla |
somewhere else {adv} (to some other place) | :: muualle, toisaalle |
somewhither {adv} (to some place) SEE: somewhere | :: |
sommelier {n} /ˌsɒmˈmɛli.ə/ (wine steward / stewardess, wine waiter / waitress) | :: sommelieeri |
somnambulate {v} /sɑːm.ˈnæm.bju.ˌleɪt/ (to walk while sleeping) | :: kävellä unissaan |
somnambulation {n} (sleepwalking) SEE: sleepwalking | :: |
somnambulism {n} (sleepwalking) | :: somnambulismi, unissakävely |
somnambulist {n} /sɒmˈnæmbjʊlɪst/ (a sleepwalker) | :: unissakävelijä |
somniloquence {n} (act of talking in one's sleep) | :: unissapuhuminen |
somnolence {n} /ˈsɑm.nə.ləns/ (a state of drowsiness or sleepiness) | :: somnolenssi, uneliaisuus |
somnolent {adj} /ˈsɑːmnələnt/ (drowsy) | :: uninen, somnolentti |
somnolent {adj} (soporific) | :: unettava |
somnology {n} (study of sleep disorders) | :: somnologia |
so much as {adv} (even) | :: edes |
so much as {adv} (but rather) | :: vaan |
son {n} (a male person in relation to his parents) | :: poika |
son {n} (an adopted son) | :: poika, ottopoika |
son {n} (a son through close relationship) | :: poika |
son {n} (a son through major influence) | :: poika, lapsi, kasvatti |
son {n} (male descendant) | :: poika |
son {n} (familiar address) | :: poika, poju |
sonar {n} (device) | :: kaikuluotain, ääniluotain, kaikuluotaus |
sonata {n} /səˈnɑːtə/ (a musical composition for one or a few instruments) | :: sonaatti |
sonata form {n} (a form of classical music) | :: sonaattimuoto |
sonatina {n} (piece resembling a sonata but shorter or simpler) | :: sonatiini |
sondage {n} /ˈsɒn.dɑːʒ/ (test excavation) | :: koekaivaus |
song {n} /sɔŋ/ (music with words) | :: laulu |
song {n} (musical composition) | :: sävelmä |
song {n} (the act or art of singing) | :: laulaminen |
song {n} (sound of another animal) | :: laulu |
song {n} (inexpensive deal) | :: pilkkahinta |
song {n} (sound of a bird) SEE: birdsong | :: |
songbird {n} /ˈsɒŋˌbɜːd/ (bird) | :: laululintu |
songbook {n} (book) | :: laulukirja |
Song dynasty {prop} (Chinese dynasty) | :: Song-dynastia |
Songkran {prop} | :: songkran |
songline {n} (dreaming track) SEE: dreaming track | :: |
Song of Solomon {prop} (book of the Bible) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
Song of Songs {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Laulujen laulu |
song sparrow {n} (Melospiza melodia) | :: laulusirkku |
songstress {n} (a female singer) | :: laulajatar, naislaulaja |
song thrush {n} (song thrush) | :: laulurastas |
songwriter {n} (someone who writes the lyrics and usually the music of songs) | :: lauluntekijä |
sonic {adj} (of or relating to sound) | :: sooninen |
sonic hedgehog {n} (protein) | :: sonic hedgehog |
son-in-law {n} /ˈsʌnɪnˌlɔː/ (son-in-law) | :: vävy |
sonnet {n} /ˈsɒnɪt/ (verse form consisting of fourteen lines) | :: sonetti |
sonny {n} /ˈsʌni/ (a familiar form of address for a boy) | :: poju |
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable person) | :: paskiainen, kusipää |
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable thing) | :: perhana |
Son of God {prop} | :: Jumalan Poika |
Son of Heaven {prop} | :: Taivaan poika |
Son of Man {prop} (Jesus Christ) | :: Ihmisen Poika |
sonogram {n} (spectrogram) SEE: spectrogram | :: |
sonoluminescence {n} (The emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles) | :: sonoluminesenssi |
sonometer {n} (audiometer) SEE: audiometer | :: |
sonorous {adj} /ˈsɑːn.ɚ.əs/ (capable of giving out a deep resonant sound) | :: sointuva, soinnikas |
sonorous {adj} (full of sound and rich, as in language or verse) | :: sointuva |
sonorous {adj} (wordy or grandiloquent) | :: mahtipontinen, ponteva |
Sony {prop} /ˈsoʊni/ (An international electronics and media company based in Tokyo, Japan) | :: Sony |
Sonya {prop} (female given name) | :: Sonja |
soon {adv} /suːn/ (within a short time) | :: pian, kohta |
sooner {adv} /ˈsunɚ/ (rather) | :: ennemmin, mieluummin |
sooner or later {adv} (set phrase; eventually) | :: ennemmin tai myöhemmin |
Sooretama slaty antshrike {n} (bird) | :: rannikkopuumuura |
soot {n} /sʊt/ (fine black or dull brown particles) | :: noki, kimröökki |
soothe {v} /suːð/ (to restore to ease) | :: lepyttää, lepytellä |
soothe {v} (to calm or placate) | :: tyynnyttää |
soothe {v} (to ease or relieve pain) | :: lievittää |
soothfast {adj} (based on the truth) | :: todellinen; todenmukainen |
soothing {adj} /ˈsuːðɪŋ/ (Tending to soothe) | :: rauhoittava, tyynnyttävä |
soothing {adj} (Giving relief) | :: helpottava, lievittävä |
soothing {adj} (Freeing from fear or anxiety) | :: rauhoittava, tyynnyttävä |
soothsayer {n} (one who tells the truth) | :: totuudenpuhuja |
soothsayer {n} (one who predicts the future) | :: ennustaja |
soothsayer {n} (mantis or rearhorse) SEE: mantis | :: |
sooty {adj} /ˈsʊti/ (of, relating to, or producing soot) | :: nokinen |
sop {n} (gravy) SEE: gravy | :: |
sop {n} /sɒp/ (something given or done to pacify or bribe) | :: lahjus |
sop {v} (to steep or dip in liquid) | :: kastaa |
sop {n} (easily frightened person) SEE: milksop | :: |
São Paulo {prop} /ˌsaʊ ˈpaʊ.loʊ/ (city and state) | :: São Paulo |
Sophia {prop} /ˈsəʊfi.ə/ (female given name) | :: Sofia |
sophism {n} (method of teaching) | :: sofistiikka |
sophisticated {adj} (having obtained worldly experience) | :: hienostunut |
sophisticated {adj} (complicated, especially of technology) | :: monimutkainen |
sophisticated {adj} (appealing to the tastes of an intellectual) | :: hienostunut, sivistynyt |
Sophocles {prop} /ˈsɑ.fɑ.kliːz/ (Greek dramatic poet) | :: Sofokles |
sophocracy {n} (political rule by philosophers) | :: sofokratia |
sophomore {adj} /ˈsɑfmɔɹ/ (second in a series) | :: toinen |
sophomore {n} (second-year student) | :: toisen vuoden opiskelija |
soporific {n} /ˌsɒp.əˈɹɪf.ɪk/ (sleep inducing agent) | :: unilääke |
soporific {adj} (tending to induce sleep) | :: unettava |
soprano {n} /səˈpɹænoʊ/ (pitch) | :: sopraano |
soprano {n} (person or instrument) | :: sopraano |
soprano saxophone {n} (saxophone smaller than alto) | :: sopraanosaksofoni |
sora {n} (Porzana carolina) | :: amerikanhuitti |
soramimi {n} /sɔːɹəˈmiːmi/ (homophonic translation) | :: väärin kuullut laulunsanat |
sorb {n} (wild service tree) SEE: wild service tree | :: |
Sorb {n} (member of a Slavic people) | :: sorbi, vendi |
sorbet {n} /sɔɹˈbeɪ/ (frozen fruit juice) | :: sorbetti |
Sorbian {prop} /ˈsɔːɹbi.ən/ (language) | :: sorbi |
sorbitol {n} (sugar alcohol) | :: sorbitoli |
sorcerer {n} /ˈsɔɹ.sɚ.ɚ/ (magician/wizard drawing upon natural powers) | :: velho |
sorceress {n} (female wizard) | :: velhotar |
sorcery {n} /ˈsɔɹ.sə.ɹi/ (magical power) | :: noituus, noitavoima |
sordine {n} (mute for music) | :: sordiino |
sore {adj} /sɔɹ/ (causing pain) | :: kipeä, arka |
sore {adj} (dire, distressing) | :: kipeä |
sore {n} (injured, infected, inflamed, or diseased patch of skin) | :: haava, tulehdus, ruhje |
sore {adj} (annoyed) SEE: annoyed | :: |
soredium {n} (lichenology: reproductive structure) | :: jäkälämuru |
sore loser {n} (one who is easily angered by losing) | :: huono häviäjä |
soreness {n} (being sore) | :: arkuus |
sore throat {n} (symptom) | :: kurkkukipu |
sorghum {n} /ˈsɔ(ɹ).ɡəm/ (cereal) | :: durra |
sororal {adj} (of or pertaining to a sister) | :: sisarellinen |
sororal {adj} (related through someone's sister) | :: sisaren kautta [adverbial expression], sisarenpuoleinen |
sororal nephew {n} (sister’s son) | :: sisarenpoika {m} |
sororal niece {n} (sister’s daughter) | :: sisarentytär |
sororate {n} (custom) | :: sororaatti |
sororate {n} (marriage) | :: sororaatti, kälyavioliitto |
sorority {n} (group of women or girls associated for a common purpose) | :: sisarkunta, sisaristo, naisyhdistys, tyttökerho |
sorority {n} (social organization of female students at a college or university) | :: sisarkunta, naisyhdistys |
sorosilicate {n} (mineral) | :: sorosilikaatti |
sorption {n} (process of either absorption or adsorption) | :: sorptio |
sorrel {n} /ˈsɒɹəl/ (plant) | :: suolaheinä |
sorrow {n} /ˈsɑɹoʊ/ (unhappiness) | :: suru, murhe, huoli |
sorrow {n} (instance or cause of unhappiness) | :: suru, murhe, huoli |
sorrowful {adj} /ˈsɑɹoʊfəl/ (full of sorrow) | :: surullinen |
sorrowful {adj} (producing sorrow) | :: surullinen, valitettava |
sorrowfully {adv} (in a sorrowful manner; with sorrow and regret) | :: murheellisesti, surullisesti |
sorry {adj} /ˈsɑɹi/ (regretful for an action or grieved) | :: pahoillaan |
sorry {adj} (poor, regrettable) | :: surkea, surullinen |
sorry {interj} (expression of regret or sorrow) | :: anteeksi, sori, olen pahoillani, pahoittelen |
sorry {interj} (request to repeat) | :: anteeksi |
sorry {interj} (to correct oneself in speech) | :: tarkoitan, siis |
sorry {n} (act of saying sorry) | :: anteeksipyyntö |
sorry I'm late {phrase} (sorry I'm late) | :: anteeksi, että olen myöhässä |
sorry, we don't accept credit cards {phrase} (sorry, we don't accept credit cards) | :: olen pahoillani, emme hyväksy luottokortteja |
sort {n} /sɔɹt/ (type) | :: tyyppi, laji, sortti [informal] |
sort {n} (person) | :: tyyppi |
sort {n} (act of sorting) | :: lajittelu, järjestely, aakkostus [alphabetically] |
sort {n} (computing algorithm) | :: sorttaus |
sort {n} ((typography) metal type) | :: kirjake, kirjasin |
sort {v} (separate according to certain criteria) | :: lajitella, erotella |
sort {v} (arrange in order) | :: järjestää, [alphabetically] aakkostaa |
sort {v} (fix a problem) | :: selvittää, hoitaa |
sortie {n} (an attack made by troops from a besieged position) SEE: sally | :: |
sorting {n} (ordering) | :: lajittelu |
sorting {n} (categorizing) | :: lajitteleminen |
sort of {adv} /ˈsɔɹt əv/ (in a way etc.) | :: jollain tapaa, jotenkuten, tavallaan |
sort out {v} (to clarify) | :: selvittää, selvitellä |
sort out {v} (to fix problem) | :: selvittää |
sort out {v} (to organise or separate into groups) | :: järjestää |
sort out {v} (to separate from the remainder of a group) | :: erotella |
sort out {v} (slang: to attack physically) | :: vetää turpaan |
sort out {v} (to provide (somebody) with a necessity) | :: hoitaa |
so-so {adj} /ˈsəʊˌsəʊ/ (neither good nor bad) | :: niin ja näin |
so-so {adv} (neither well nor poorly) | :: niin ja näin |
sot {n} /sɒt/ (drunkard) | :: juopporatti, juoppolalli |
soteriological {adj} /səʊtɪəɹɪə(ʊ)ˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ (pertaining to soteriology) | :: pelastusopillinen, soteriologinen |
soteriologically {adv} (in terms of soteriology) | :: pelastusopillisesti, soteriologisesti |
soteriology {n} /səʊtɪəɹɪˈɒlədʒi/ (the study of salvation) | :: pelastusoppi, soteriologia |
so that {conj} (in order to) | :: jotta |
Sotho {prop} /ˈsutu/ (Sotho language) | :: sotho |
Sotkamo {prop} (municipality) | :: Sotkamo |
São Tomé and Príncipe {prop} /ˌsaʊ təˈmeɪ ən ˈpɹɪnsɪpeɪ/ (Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe) | :: São Tomé ja Príncipe |
so to speak {adv} (in a manner of speaking) | :: niin sanotusti |
soubrette {n} /suːˈbɹɛt/ (mischievous female in comedy) | :: subretti |
soufflé {n} /suːˈfleɪ/ (baked dish) | :: kohokas, suflee |
sough {v} /saʊ/ (to make this sound) | :: havista, kahista |
sough {n} (sound) | :: havina, kahina |
sough {n} (gentle breeze) | :: tuulenhenkäys |
sough {n} (deep sigh) | :: syvä huokaus |
sought-after {adj} (sought-after) SEE: in demand | :: |
soul {n} /səʊl/ (the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death) | :: sielu, henki |
soul {n} (life, energy, vigour) | :: sielu, henki |
soul {n} (soul music) | :: soul |
soul {n} (person, especially as one among many) | :: sielu |
soul-crushing {adj} (demeaning, boring) | :: musertava |
soulless {adj} (as if without a soul) | :: sieluton |
soulmate {n} (Someone with whom one has a special connection) | :: henkiystävä |
soul music {n} (music genre) | :: soul-musiikki, soul |
sound {adj} /saʊnd/ (healthy) | :: terve, hyväkuntoinen |
sound {adj} (complete, solid, or secure) | :: hyväkuntoinen, terve |
sound {adj} (UK, slang: good or a good thing) | :: kondiksessa |
sound {n} (sensation perceived by the ear) | :: ääni |
sound {n} (vibration capable of causing this) | :: ääni |
sound {v} (to produce a sound) | :: soida, äännähtää, päästää ääni, kajahtaa, törähtää |
sound {v} (to convey an impression by one's sound) | :: kuulostaa |
sound {v} (law: to arise) | :: perustua |
sound {v} (to cause to produce a sound) | :: soittaa |
sound {v} (to pronounce) | :: ääntää, lausua |
sound {n} (long narrow inlet) | :: lahti, [fjord] vuono |
sound {n} (to dive downwards, of a whale) | :: sukeltaa |
sound {n} (to probe) | :: tutkia, kokeilla, sondeerata |
sound {n} (to test) | :: testata, koestaa [in general], luodata [nautical: to measure the depth of water] |
sound {n} (a probe) | :: koetin, sondi |
sound {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish | :: |
sound {adj} (sound asleep) SEE: sound asleep | :: |
sound {n} (air bladder) SEE: swim bladder | :: |
Sound {prop} (strait that separates Zealand from Scania) | :: Juutinrauma |
sound asleep {adj} (sleeping still and silently) | :: syvässä unessa |
sound barrier {n} (drag and other effects of approaching the speed of sound) | :: äänivalli |
sound barrier {n} (noise-reducing structure) | :: meluaita, meluvalli |
sound box {n} (resonant chamber of a stringed musical instrument) | :: kaikukoppa |
sound card {n} (a computer hardware device used for generating and capturing sounds) | :: äänikortti |
sound change {n} (language change that affects pronunciation) | :: äänteenmuutos, äännemuutos |
sound effect {n} (artificially created or enhanced sound in films, plays or video games) | :: ääniefekti |
sound energy {n} (type of energy) | :: äänienergia |
sound engineer {n} (one who practices sound engineering) | :: ääniteknikko |
sounder {n} /ˈsaʊndə(ɹ)/ (sounding device) | :: luotain |
sounding stone {n} (musical instrument) | :: soittokivi |
sounding-stone {n} (sounding stone) SEE: sounding stone | :: |
sound isolation {n} (blocking of sound) | :: äänieristys |
sound law {n} /ˈsaʊnd lɔ/ (rule that describes historical sound change in a language) | :: äännelaki |
soundless {adj} /saʊndləs/ (without sound) | :: äänetön |
soundly {adv} /ˈsaʊnd.lɪ/ (in a thorough manner) | :: perusteellisesti, kunnolla |
sound post {n} (wooden rod inside a musical instrument) | :: pinna, äänipuikko |
soundproof {adj} (describing something that does not allow sound through) | :: äänieristetty, äänitiivis |
soundproof {v} (make resistant to sound) | :: äänieristää |
soundproofing {n} (Something that prevents sound from traveling through it) | :: äänieristys |
soundproofing {n} (The act of installing material to dampen sound) | :: äänieristys |
sounds like a plan {phrase} (used to indicate agreement with a proposal to do something) | :: sovittu |
soundtrack {n} (a narrow strip running down a movie film that carries the recorded sound in synchronization with the pictures) | :: ääniraita |
soundtrack {n} (the sound (especially the music) component of a movie) | :: elokuvamusiikki |
soundtrack {n} (a recording of such music for sale) | :: soundtrack |
sound wave {n} (longitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material) | :: ääniaalto |
soup {n} /sup/ (dish) | :: keitto |
soup du jour {n} (soup of the day) | :: päivän keitto |
souped-up {adj} (drunk, intoxicated) SEE: drunk | :: |
souped-up {adj} (excited) SEE: excited | :: |
soup kitchen {n} (place set up to provide basic food as a charity or in time of disaster) | :: kansankeittiö |
soupline {n} (queu for soup) | :: soppajono |
soupçon {n} (suspicion, suggestion) SEE: suspicion | :: |
soup spoon {n} (spoon for eating soup) SEE: soupspoon | :: |
soupspoon {n} (spoon for eating soup) | :: keittolusikka |
soupspoon {n} (soupspoonful) SEE: soupspoonful | :: |
soupspoonful {n} (amount) | :: keittolusikallinen |
soup up {v} (modify higher performance than the specifications) | :: virittää |
sour {adj} /ˈsaʊ(ə)ɹ/ (having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste) | :: hapan, kirpeä |
sour {adj} (made rancid by fermentation, etc.) | :: hapantunut, härskiintynyt |
sour {adj} (tasting or smelling rancid) | :: hapan, hapantunut, härski |
sour {adj} (peevish or bad-tempered) | :: nyrpeä, nyreä, hapan |
sour {adj} ((of soil) excessively acidic and thus infertile) | :: hapan |
sour {v} (to make sour) | :: tehdä happamaksi, hapannuttaa, hapantaa |
sour {v} (to become sour) | :: hapantua |
sour {v} (to make disenchanted) | :: pilata, särkeä, rikkoa |
sour {v} (to become disenchanted) | :: pilaantua, mennä pilalle, taantua, särkyä |
source {n} /sɔɹs/ (person, place or thing) | :: lähde |
source {n} (spring etc.) | :: lähde |
source {n} (informant) | :: lähde |
source {n} ((electronics) terminal) | :: lähde |
source {v} (to obtain or procure; used especially of a business resource) | :: hankkia |
source {n} ((computing) source code) SEE: source code | :: |
sourcebook {n} (book of writings on a subject) | :: lähdeteos, hakuteos, lähdekirja |
sourcebook {n} (publication of a roleplaying game) | :: lähdekirja |
source code {n} (human-readable instructions in a programming language) | :: lähdekoodi |
source control {n} (technology that handles access to computer files containing source code) | :: versionhallinta |
source domain {n} (domain from which metaphorical expressions are drawn) | :: lähdealue |
source language {n} (language from which a translation is done) | :: lähdekieli |
source language {n} (language of the source code to be compiled) | :: lähdekieli |
source text {n} (original text to be translated) | :: lähdeteksti |
sour cherry {n} (Prunus cerasus) | :: hapankirsikka |
sour cherry {n} (fruit) | :: hapankirsikka |
sour cream {n} (cream which has been treated with a benign bacterium) | :: hapankerma |
sourdough {n} /ˈsaʊɚdoʊ/ (dough) | :: hapantaikina |
sourdough {n} (old-timer) | :: tervaskanto |
sourdough {adj} (made from sourdough) | :: hapan- |
sour grapes {n} (acid grapes) | :: raa’at viinirypäleet {p} |
sour grapes {n} (expression of disdain for something one cannot have) | :: katkeraa puhetta |
sourish {adj} (somewhat sour) | :: hapahko |
sourly {adv} (in a sour manner) | :: happamasti |
sourness {n} (quality or condition) | :: happamuus |
soursop {n} /ˈsaʊəɹˌsɒp/ (tree) | :: guanabana, oka-annoona |
soursop {n} (fruit) | :: oka-annoona, guanabana |
sousaphone {n} (brass instrument) | :: sousafoni |
sous-chef {n} (chef underneath the head chef) | :: apukokki |
sousveillance {n} /suːˈveɪləns/ (recording) | :: kansalaisvalvonta |
sous-vide {n} /suːˈviːd/ (method of cooking) | :: tyhjiökypsennys |
sous-vide {n} (type of cooker) | :: tyhjiökypsennin |
south {n} /saʊθ/ (compass point) | :: etelä |
south {adj} (of or pertaining to the south) | :: eteläinen |
South Aegean {prop} (periphery) | :: Etelä-Egean saaret |
South Africa {prop} /ˌsaʊθ ˈæf.ɹɪ.kə/ (country) | :: Etelä-Afrikka |
South African {n} /ˌsaʊθˈaf.ɹɪ.kən/ (person) | :: eteläafrikkalainen |
South African {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to South Africa) | :: eteläafrikkalainen |
South African Defence Force {prop} (apartheid-era South African military) | :: Etelä-Afrikan puolustusvoimat |
South African English {n} (English dialect of South Africa) | :: eteläafrikanenglanti |
South America {prop} /ˌsaʊθ əˈmɛɹɪkə/ (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) | :: Etelä-Amerikka |
South American {adj} (relating to South America) | :: eteläamerikkalainen |
Southampton {prop} /saʊθˈæmptən/ (city) | :: Southampton |
South Asia {prop} (South Asia) | :: Etelä-Aasia |
South Australia {prop} (state of Australia) | :: Etelä-Australia |
south by east {n} (compass point) | :: eteläeteläkaakko |
South Carolina {prop} /ˌsaʊθ kɛɹəˈlaɪnə/ (US state) | :: Etelä-Carolina |
South China Sea {prop} (Pacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines) | :: Etelä-Kiinanmeri |
South Dakota {prop} /ˈsaʊθ dəˈkoʊ.tə/ (state of the USA) | :: Etelä-Dakota |
southeast {n} (compass point) | :: kaakko |
Southeast Asia {prop} (a subregion of Asia) | :: Kaakkois-Aasia |
Southeast Asian {adj} (of Southeast Asia) | :: kaakkoisaasialainen |
Southeast Asian {n} (person from Southeast Asia) | :: kaakkoisaasialainen |
southeasterly {adj} (situated in, or pointing to, the southeast) | :: kaakkoinen, kaakkois- |
southeasterly {adj} (coming from the southeast) | :: kaakkoinen, kaakkois- |
southeasterly {n} (wind or storm) | :: voimakas kaakkoistuuli [strong wind], kaakkoismyrsky [storm] |
southeasterly {adv} (from the southeast) | :: kaakossa, kaakosta, kaakkoon [noun cases] |
southerly {adj} /ˈsʌðəliː/ (coming from the south) | :: eteläinen, etelästä tuleva |
southerly {adj} (facing the south) | :: etelänpuoleinen, eteläpuolinen |
southerly {adj} (located towards the south) | :: etelänpuoleinen, eteläpuolinen |
southern {adj} /ˈsʌðəɹn/ (of the south) | :: eteläinen, etelä- |
southern {adj} (of or pertaining to a southern region) | :: eteläinen, etelämaalainen |
Southern Africa {prop} (southern part of the continent of Africa) | :: eteläinen Afrikka, Eteläinen Afrikka |
Southern Cross {prop} (constellation) | :: Etelän risti |
southern elephant seal {n} (Mirounga leonina) | :: etelänmerinorsu, etelänisohylje |
southerner {n} (someone from the south of a region) | :: etelän asukas, etelämaalainen |
Southerner {n} (someone from the south of a region) SEE: southerner | :: |
Southern Europe {prop} (Southern Europe) | :: Etelä-Eurooppa |
Southern Hemisphere {n} (hemisphere to the south of its equator) | :: eteläinen pallonpuolisko |
southern lights {n} (the aurora of the southern hemisphere) | :: revontulet {p} |
Southern Ocean {prop} (the ocean surrounding Antarctica) | :: Eteläinen jäämeri |
southern pig-tailed macaque {n} (Macaca nemestrina) | :: saparomakaki |
Southern Sami {prop} (language) | :: eteläsaame |
Southern Sesotho {prop} (Sotho) SEE: Sotho | :: |
southern vole {n} (southern vole) | :: idänkenttämyyrä |
southernwood {n} (Artemisia abrotanum) | :: aaprottimaruna |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands {prop} (territory) | :: Etelä-Georgia ja Eteläiset Sandwichsaaret |
South India {prop} (southern region of India) | :: Etelä-Intia |
South Island {prop} (one of the two major islands making up New Zealand) | :: Eteläsaari |
South Korea {prop} (country in East Asia) | :: Etelä-Korea, Korean tasavalta |
South Korean {n} (person from or descended from South Korea) | :: eteläkorealainen |
South Korean {adj} (of South Korea) | :: eteläkorealainen |
South Ossetia {prop} (South Ossetia) | :: Etelä-Ossetia |
South Ossetian {n} (person from or descended from South Ossetia) | :: eteläossetialainen |
South Ossetian {adj} (of South Ossetia) | :: eteläossetialainen |
southpaw {n} /ˈsaʊθˌpɔː/ (informal: one who is left-handed) | :: vasuri |
southpaw {n} (baseball: left-handed pitcher) | :: vasuri |
south pole {n} (the southernmost point on a celestial body) | :: etelänapa |
south pole {n} (negative magnetic pole) | :: etelänapa |
South Pole {prop} /ˌsaʊθ ˈpoʊl/ (the southernmost point on Earth) | :: etelänapa |
South Sea {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean | :: |
South Sea {prop} (region of Pacific Ocean) | :: Etelämeri |
South Slavic {adj} (of or relating to South Slavic or the South Slavs) | :: eteläslaavilainen |
south-south-east {adj} (towards the south-south-east) | :: eteläkaakkoinen |
south-south-east {adj} (south-south-eastern) | :: eteläkaakkoinen |
south-southeast {n} (compass point) | :: eteläkaakko |
south-south-west {adj} (halfway between south and south-west) | :: etelälounas |
south-south-west {adv} (in a south-south-west direction) | :: etelälounaaseen |
south-southwest {n} (compass point) | :: etelälounas |
South Sudan {prop} (country in Africa) | :: Etelä-Sudan |
South Sudanese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the country of South Sudan or the South Sudanese people) | :: eteläsudanilainen |
South Sudanese {n} (A person from South Sudan or of South Sudanese descent) | :: eteläsudanilainen |
south temperate zone {n} (the temperate zone) | :: eteläinen lauhkea vyöhyke |
South Vietnam {prop} (former Asian country) | :: Etelä-Vietnam |
southwest {n} /saʊθˈwɛst/ (compass point) | :: lounas |
southwest {adj} (towards the southwest) | :: lounainen |
South West Africa {prop} (former province of South Africa) | :: Lounais-Afrikka |
Southwest Asia {prop} (area of Asia) | :: Etu-Aasia |
southwester {n} (wind) | :: lounaistuuli |
southwester {n} (waterproof hat) SEE: sou'wester | :: |
southwesterly {adj} (situated in or pointing to the southwest) | :: lounainen, lounais- |
southwesterly {adj} (comng from the southwest) | :: lounainen, lounais- |
southwesterly {adv} (from the southwest) | :: lounaasta |
southwestern {adj} | :: lounainen |
south wind {n} /ˌsaʊθ ˈwɪnd/ (wind blowing from the south) | :: etelätuuli |
South Yemen {prop} (country) | :: Etelä-Jemen |
souvenir {n} /ˌsuːvəˈnɪə(ɹ)/ (item of sentimental value to remember an event or location) | :: matkamuisto, muistoesine |
sou'wester {n} (southwester) SEE: southwester | :: |
sou'wester {n} (waterproof hat) | :: sydvesti |
sovereign {adj} /ˈsɒv.ɹɪn/ (exercising power of rule) | :: itsenäinen, suvereeni, täysivaltainen |
sovereign {adj} (exceptional in quality) | :: erinomainen, suvereeni, ylivertainen |
sovereign {n} (monarch) | :: monarkki, hallitsija |
sovereign {n} (coin) | :: punnan kultaraha |
sovereign {n} (very large champagne bottle) | :: sovereign |
sovereign state {n} (completely independent state) | :: itsenäinen valtio |
sovereignty {n} /ˈsɒv.ɹən.ti/ (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.) | :: suvereenisuus, suvereniteetti |
sovereignty {n} (of ruler or God: supreme authority over all things) | :: yksinvaltius |
sovereignty {n} (of self: the liberty to decide one's thoughts and actions) | :: yksilönvapaus, suvereniteetti |
soviet {n} /ˈsoʊ.vi.ət/ (council) | :: neuvosto |
soviet {adj} (pertaining to a soviet) | :: neuvosto- |
soviet {adj} (relating to the Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet | :: |
Soviet {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet | :: |
Soviet {n} (citizen) | :: neuvostoliittolainen |
Soviet {adj} (pertaining to the Soviet Union or its republics) | :: neuvostoliittolainen, Neuvostoliiton |
Soviet {adj} (supporting or representing the Soviet Union or Sovietism) | :: neuvosto-, neuvostohenkinen, neuvostomielinen, neuvostolainen |
Sovietologist {n} (a person who engages in Sovietology) | :: sovjetologi |
Sovietology {n} (the field of study of the Soviet Union) | :: sovjetologia |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russia) SEE: Russia | :: |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet Union | :: |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) SEE: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic | :: |
Soviet Socialist Republic {prop} (any of the republics belonging to the former Soviet Union, see also: SSR) | :: sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta, neuvostotasavalta |
Soviet Union {prop} /ˈsoʊviət ˈjuːniən/ (USSR, see also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR) | :: Neuvostoliitto |
sovkhoz {n} (soviet state farm) | :: sovhoosi |
sovok {n} (person with Soviet mentality) | :: neukku, neukkulainen |
sovok {n} (Soviet Union, disparagingly) | :: Neukkula [Soviet Union]; neukkukama [things] |
sow {n} /saʊ/ (female pig) | :: emakko, emäsika |
sow {n} (channel that conducts molten metal to molds) | :: valukouru |
sow {n} (mass of metal solidified in a mold) | :: valos |
sow {n} (contemptible woman) | :: narttu, huora |
sow {v} /soʊ/ (disperse seeds) | :: kylvää |
sower {n} (one who or that which sows) | :: kylväjä |
so what {interj} (reply of indifference) | :: entä sitten, ketä kiinnostaa, hällä väliä, väliäkö sillä, mitä väliä, [slang] mitä välii |
sow thistle {n} (thistle) | :: valvatti |
soy {n} /sɔɪ/ (soy beans) | :: soija, soijapapu |
soy {n} (soy sauce) SEE: soy sauce | :: |
soya bean {n} (soybean) SEE: soybean | :: |
soybean {n} (plant) | :: soija, soijapapu |
soybean {n} (seed) | :: soijapapu |
soy milk {n} (beverage made from soybeans) | :: soijamaito |
soy milk maker {n} (appliance that cooks soy milk from raw soy beans) | :: soijamaitokone |
soy sauce {n} (a condiment and ingredient made from fermented soybeans) | :: soija, soijakastike |
Soyuz {n} /ˈsɔɪjuːz/ (a Soviet/Russian spacecraft) | :: Sojuz |
spa {n} /ˈspɑː/ (spa) | :: kylpylä, spa |
space {n} (while) SEE: while | :: |
space {n} /speɪs/ (interval of time) | :: aika, aikaväli |
space {n} (physical extent in two or three dimensions) | :: tila |
space {n} (area beyond atmosphere of planets) | :: avaruus |
space {n} (personal freedom) | :: tila |
space {n} (bounded or specific physical extent) | :: tila, paikka |
space {n} (gap between written characters, lines etc.) | :: väli, sanaväli |
space {n} (a gap, an empty place) | :: väli |
space {n} (piece of type used to separate words) | :: sanaväli |
space {n} (music: position on the staff) | :: paikka |
space {n} (geometry: set of points) | :: avaruus |
space {n} (mathematics: generalized construct or set) | :: avaruus |
space {n} (figuratively: marketplace for goods or services) | :: ala |
space {v} (to set some distance apart) | :: sijoittaa ... välein |
space {v} (to eject into outer space) | :: syöstä avaruuteen |
space age {n} (current historical period which started with the launch of the Sputnik) | :: avaruusaikakausi, avaruusaika |
space agency {n} (government agency) | :: avaruusjärjestö |
space alien {n} (an extraterrestrial being) | :: avaruusolento |
space bar {n} (key) | :: välilyöntinäppäin |
space blanket {n} (blanket) | :: avaruushuopa |
space capsule {n} (vehicle or compartment designed to transport people in space and during reentry) | :: avaruuskapseli |
space debris {n} (objects in orbit without useful purpose) | :: avaruusromu |
space defense {n} (defensive measure) | :: avaruuspuolustus |
space elevator {n} (cable connecting ground with space) | :: avaruushissi |
space exploration {n} (investigation of space) | :: avaruuden valloitus, avaruustoiminta, avaruustutkimus |
space flight {n} (flight into, from, or through space) | :: avaruuslento, avaruuslento |
space flight {n} (voyage in space) | :: avaruuslento |
space frame {n} (a three-dimensional truss, often of steel, forming a rigid, stable structure) | :: avaruusrakenne |
space heating {n} (heating of rooms) | :: lämmitys |
space junk {n} (space debris) SEE: space debris | :: |
space law {n} (body of law) | :: avaruusoikeus |
spaceman {n} /ˈspeɪsˌmæn/ (astronaut) | :: avaruuslentäjä |
space medicine {n} (branch of medicine) | :: avaruuslääketiede |
space mission {n} (journey into space) | :: avaruuslento, avaruustehtävä |
space motion {n} (real or apparent motion) | :: avaruusliike |
space opera {n} (subgenre of speculative fiction) | :: avaruusooppera |
space opera {n} (subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that utilizes serialisation) | :: avaruusooppera |
space opera {n} (a work or production) | :: avaruusooppera |
space out {v} (to position at regular intervals with a calculated space between them) | :: sijoittaa tasaisin välein |
space out {v} (to lose attention) | :: haaveilla, antaa huomion herpaantua |
spaceport {n} /ˈspeɪs.pɔːt/ (a site for launching spacecraft) | :: laukaisukeskus |
space probe {n} (unmanned space vehicle designed to voyage beyond Earth's orbit) | :: avaruusluotain |
space race {n} (competition between nations in the field of space exploration) | :: kilpajuoksu avaruuteen |
Space Race {prop} (competition) | :: kilpajuoksu avaruuteen, avaruuskilpa |
space research {n} (research) | :: avaruustutkimus |
space rocket {n} | :: avaruusraketti |
space satellite {n} (vehicle designed to orbit the Earth) | :: satelliitti |
space science {n} (discipline) | :: avaruustiede |
spaceship {n} (vehicle that flies through space) | :: avaruusalus |
space shuttle {n} (vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly btw Earth and outer space) | :: avaruussukkula |
Space Shuttle {n} (a space transportation system) | :: avaruussukkula |
space station {n} (crewed artificial satellite) | :: avaruusasema |
space suit {n} (system of clothing worn by astronauts when in space) | :: avaruuspuku |
space technology {n} (application) | :: avaruusteknologia, avaruustekniikka |
space technology {n} (discipline) | :: avaruustekniikka |
space-time {n} (spacetime) SEE: spacetime | :: |
spacetime {n} (four dimensional continuum) | :: aika-avaruus |
space tourism {n} (form of tourism) | :: avaruusmatkailu |
space walk {n} (any activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space) | :: avaruuskävely |
spacewalk {n} (activity by an astronaut outside of a spacecraft) | :: avaruuskävely |
spacewalk {v} (perform a spacewalk) | :: tehdä avaruuskävely |
space weapon {n} (weapon) | :: avaruusase |
space weather {n} (phenomena) | :: avaruussää |
spacious {adj} /ˈspeɪʃəs/ (having much space; roomy) | :: tilava |
spacious {adj} (large in expanse) | :: avara |
spaciousness {n} (the state or quality of being spacious) | :: avaruus |
spackle {n} /ˈspæk.əl/ (powder that when mixed with water forms a plastic paste) | :: silote, pakkeli |
spackle {n} (plastic paste for filling cracks and holes) | :: silote, pakkeli, tasoitemassa |
spackle {v} (fill cracks or holes with a spackle) | :: silottaa, tasoittaa, spaklata |
spade {n} /speɪd/ (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging) | :: lapio |
spade {n} (one of the black suits in a deck of cards) | :: pata |
spade {n} (a black person) | :: laku |
spades {n} (spade) SEE: spade | :: |
spades {n} /speɪdz/ (suit of playing cards) | :: pata |
spadix {n} /ˈspeɪdɪks/ (fleshy spike) | :: puikelo |
spaghetti {n} (informally: any type of pasta) SEE: pasta | :: |
spaghetti {n} /spəˈɡɛɾi/ (pasta) | :: spagetti |
spaghetti bolognese {n} (dish) | :: spagetti bolognese |
spaghetti squash {n} (a variety of winter squash) | :: spagettikurpitsa |
spaghetti western {n} (western film produced in Europe by an Italian company) | :: italowestern, spagettiwestern |
Spain {prop} /speɪn/ (country in Europe) | :: Espanja |
spall {n} /spɔːl/ (splinter of stone) | :: siru |
spall {v} (to break into fragments) | :: pirstaloitua, sirpaloitua, mennä säpäleiksi |
spallation {n} /spɔːleɪʃən/ (physics: nuclear reaction in which a nucleus fragments into many nucleons) | :: hajoaminen |
spallation {n} (fragmentation due to stress or impact) | :: pirstaloituminen, sirpaloituminen, hajoaminen |
spam {n} /ˈspæm/ (unsolicited bulk electronic messages) | :: roskaposti, spämmi |
spam {n} (undesired electronic content) | :: roskaposti, spämmi |
spam {n} (tinned meat) | :: nötkötti |
spam {v} (intransitive) | :: roskapostittaa, spämmätä |
spam {v} (transitive) | :: roskapostittaa, spämmätä |
spamless {adj} (without spam (electronic junk mail)) | :: spämmitön |
spammer {n} (someone who sends spam) | :: spämmeri, spämmääjä |
span {n} /spæn/ (space from thumb to little finger) | :: vaaksa |
span {n} (small space or a brief portion of time) | :: vaaksa [space], hetki [time] |
span {n} (spread between supports) | :: jänneväli |
span {n} (length between supports) | :: jänneväli |
span {n} (pair of horses or other animals) | :: parivaljakko |
span {n} (mathematics: the space of all linear combinations of something) | :: viritelmä |
span {v} /spæn/ (to extend through the distance between or across) | :: kulkea |
span {v} (to extend through a time period) | :: kattaa |
spandex {n} /ˈspændɛks/ (synthetic fibre) | :: elastaani |
spangled kookaburra {n} (Dacelo tyro) | :: arunnauraja |
Spanglish {prop} (blend of English and Spanish) | :: spanglish |
Spaniard {n} /ˈspæn.jəd/ (somebody from Spain) | :: espanjalainen |
spaniel {n} /ˈspænjəl/ (dog) | :: spanieli |
Spanish {adj} /ˈspæn.ɪʃ/ (of or pertaining to Spain) | :: espanjalainen |
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the people or culture of Spain) | :: espanjalainen |
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Spanish language) | :: espanjankielinen |
Spanish {prop} (Romance language of Spain and the Americas) | :: espanja, espanjan kieli |
Spanish {n} (people of Spain, collectively) | :: espanjalaiset {p} |
Spanish influenza {n} (influenza pandemic) | :: espanjantauti |
Spanishness {n} (quality of being Spanish) | :: espanjalaisuus |
Spanish onion {n} (large variety of onion with mild, sweet flavor) | :: salaattisipuli |
Spanish sparrow {n} (Passer hispaniolensis) | :: pensasvarpunen |
Spanish Water Dog {n} /ˌspænɪʃ ˈwɔtɚ dɔɡ/ (Spanish Water Dog) | :: espanjanvesikoira |
spank {v} /spæŋk/ (to smack or slap a person's buttocks, with the bare hand or other object.) | :: antaa selkäsauna [as punishment], läimäyttää, piiskata |
spank {n} (an instance of spanking; a smack or slap) | :: läimäys |
spank {n} (a slapping sound, as produced by spanking) | :: läimäys |
spankee {n} /ˈspæŋ.kiː/ (receiver of a spanking) | :: piiskattava |
spanker {n} /spæŋkɚ/ (someone who spanks) | :: piiskaaja |
spanking {n} /ˈspæŋkɪŋ/ (form of physical punishment) | :: piiskaus |
spanking {n} (an incident of such an act, also in a non-punitive context) | :: piiskaus |
spanner {n} /ˈspæn.ɚ/ (hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts) | :: kiintoavain |
spanner barb {n} (fish) | :: ristibarbi |
spanning tree {n} (tree which includes all vertices of a graph) | :: virityspuu |
spanworm {n} (measuring worm) SEE: measuring worm | :: |
spar {n} /spɑɹ/ (thick pole) | :: parru |
spar {n} (bar to fasten door) | :: telki |
spar {n} (nautical: linear object used as a mast, sprit, yard, boom, pole or gaff) | :: pyöröpuu |
spar {n} (aeronautics: beam-like structural member) | :: siipisalko |
spar {v} (to fight, especially as practice for martial arts or hand-to-hand combat) | :: sparrata |
spar {n} (any crystal with readily discernible faces) | :: sälpä |
spar {n} (rafter of a roof) SEE: rafter | :: |
spare {adj} /ˈspɛə(ɹ)/ (scanty, not abundant or plentiful) | :: niukka |
spare {adj} (sparing) | :: säästäväinen |
spare {adj} (being over and above what is necessary) | :: ylimääräinen |
spare {adj} (held in reserve) | :: vara- |
spare {adj} (lean, meager) | :: laiha |
spare no effort {v} (do everything within one's powers to achieve something) | :: tehdä voitavansa, tehdä kaikki mahdollinen |
spare part {n} (component kept in reserve) | :: varaosa |
sparerib {n} /ˌspɛəˈɹɪb/ (cut of meat including the rib bones) | :: kylki |
spare the rod and spoil the child {proverb} (if one does not discipline a child he or she will never learn respect or humility) | :: joka vitsaa säästää, se lastaan vihaa |
spare time {n} (free time) SEE: free time | :: |
spare tire {n} (extra tire) SEE: spare tyre | :: |
spare tire {n} (fat around midsection) SEE: spare tyre | :: |
spare tyre {n} (extra tyre) | :: vararengas |
spare tyre {n} (fat around midsection) | :: vararengas, uimarengas, jenkkakahva |
spare wheel {n} (extra wheel) SEE: spare tyre | :: |
sparge {v} /spɑɹd͡ʒ/ (to sprinkle or spray) | :: pirskottaa [sprinkle], sumuttaa [spray] |
sparge {v} (to introduce bubbles) | :: kuplittaa |
sparingly {adv} (in a sparing manner) | :: säästeliäästi |
spark {n} /spɑɹk/ (particle of glowing matter) | :: kipinä |
spark {n} (burst of electrical discharge) | :: kipinä |
spark gap {n} (gap between two terminals) | :: kipinäväli |
spark gap {n} (gap between electrodes in ignition system) | :: kärkiväli |
sparkle {n} /ˈspɑɹkəl/ (brilliance) | :: välke, säihke |
sparkler {n} (hand-held firework) | :: tähtisadetikku |
sparkler {n} (slang terms only: gem or ornament that sparkles) | :: killutin |
sparkler {n} (informal terms only: sparkling wine) | :: kuohari, skumppa, kupliva |
sparkler {n} (tiger beetle) SEE: tiger beetle | :: |
sparkling {adj} /ˈspɑɹkl̩ɪŋ/ (of an object) | :: säkenöivä |
sparkling {adj} (of a beverage) | :: kupliva |
sparkling cider {n} (soft drink) | :: hiilihapotettu omenamehu |
sparkling water {n} (a form of carbonated water) SEE: soda water | :: |
sparkling wine {n} (effervescent wine) | :: kuohuviini |
sparkly {adj} (giving off sparks, or small flashes of light) | :: kimalteleva, säkenöivä |
sparkly {adj} (lively and high-spirited) | :: eloisa, hyväntuulinen |
sparkly {adj} (bubbly or effervescent) | :: poreileva, kupliva |
spark plug {n} (part of an internal combustion engine) | :: sytytystulppa |
sparrer {n} (one who spars) | :: sparraaja |
sparring {n} (act of one who spars) | :: sparraus |
sparrow {n} /ˈspæɹoʊ/ (bird of the family Passeridae) | :: varpunen |
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Emberizidae) | :: sirkku |
sparrow {n} (generically, any small, nondescript bird) | :: pikkulintu |
sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) SEE: house sparrow | :: |
sparrow-fart {n} (very early in the day) | :: aamuvarhainen; sianpieremä |
sparrow-fart {n} (person or thing of no consequence) | :: hyttysen pieru, hyttysen paska [smthg concrete]; hyttysen ininä [opinion, complaint etc.] |
sparrow hawk {n} (Falco sparverius) SEE: American kestrel | :: |
sparrow hawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk | :: |
sparrowhawk {n} (Eurasian sparrowhawk) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk | :: |
sparse {adj} /spɑːɹs/ (having widely spaced intervals) | :: harva |
sparse {adj} (not dense; meager) | :: harva |
sparsely {adv} (in a scattered or sparse manner) | :: harvasti, harvaan |
Sparta {prop} (ancient city-state in southern Greece) | :: Sparta |
Spartacist {n} (member of Spartacus League in post-WWI Germany) | :: spartakisti |
Spartacist {n} (member of modern Spartacist League) | :: spartakisti |
Spartacus {prop} /ˈspɑːɹtəkəs/ (Thracian name) | :: Spartacus |
spartan {adj} (austere, lacking luxury) | :: spartalainen |
Spartan {adj} (spartan) SEE: spartan | :: |
Spartan {n} (citizen of Sparta) | :: spartalainen |
Spartan {adj} (of Sparta) | :: spartalainen |
spartanness {n} (state or quality) | :: spartalaisuus |
Spartanness {n} (austerity, lack of luxury) SEE: spartanness | :: |
Spartanness {n} (state or quality of being Spartan citizen) | :: spartalaisuus |
spasm {n} /ˈspæz.əm/ (contraction of a muscle) | :: spasmi, kouristus |
spasm {n} (a violent, excruciating seizure of pain) | :: kipukohtaus |
spasm {n} (a sudden and temporary burst of energy, activity, or emotion) | :: puuska, kohtaus |
spastic {adj} /ˈspæstɪk/ (of, relating to, or affected by spasm) | :: spastinen, kouristuksellinen; kouristuksenomainen |
spastic {adj} (of or relating to spastic paralysis) | :: spastinen |
spastic {adj} (clumsy) | :: tohelo, kankea |
spastic {adj} (hyperactive, excited, and random manner) | :: tempoileva |
spastic {n} (person affected by spastic paralysis or spastic cerebral palsy) | :: spastikko |
spastic {n} (clumsy person) | :: tohelo |
spasticity {n} (state, quality or property) | :: spastisuus |
spat {n} /spæt/ (young of shellfish) | :: toukka |
spat {n} (covering worn over a shoe) | :: nilkkain |
spat {n} (quarrel) | :: kina, kahina, kärhämä |
spat {v} (to quarrel) | :: kinata, kahinoida |
spat {n} (light blow with something flat) | :: läpäytys, läpsäisy |
spat {v} (to strike with spattering sound) | :: läpäyttää, läpsäistä |
spathe {n} /speɪð/ (large bract that envelopes a spadix) | :: spatha, puikelon suojuslehti |
spatial {adj} /ˈspeɪʃəl/ (pertaining to space) | :: avaruudellinen, spatiaalinen |
Spatialism {n} (type of art) | :: spatialismi |
spatiality {n} (condition of being spatial) | :: spatiaalisuus, avaruudellisuus |
spatially {adv} (with reference to space) | :: spatiaalisesti |
spatial wave function {n} (spatial wave function) | :: avaruusaaltofunktio |
spatter {v} /ˈspætɚ/ (to splash with small droplets) | :: pirskottaa, pirskotella |
spatter {v} (to distribute by sprinkling; to sprinkle around) | :: roiskia, roiskia ympäriinsä, roiskuttaa |
spatter {v} (to injure by aspersion, defame) | :: parjata |
spatula {n} /ˈspætjʊlə/ (kitchen utensil for turning and lifting) | :: lasta |
spatula {n} (palette knife) | :: palettiveitsi |
spatula {n} (thin hand tool for handling chemicals or other materials) | :: spaatteli |
spatulate {adj} /ˈspa.tjʊ.lət/ (having a broad, flat end and tapering into a narrower base) | :: vastapuikea |
spawn {v} (to produce or deposit (eggs) in water) | :: kutea |
spawn {v} (to generate, bring into being, especially non-mammalian beings in very large numbers) | :: lisätä |
spawn {v} (to bring forth in general) | :: lisätä, synnyttää, kasvattaa |
spawn {v} (to plant with fungal spawn) | :: istuttaa |
spawn {v} (to deposit (numerous) eggs in water) | :: kutea |
spawn {v} (to reproduce, especially in large numbers) | :: siitä |
spawn {n} (the numerous eggs of an aquatic organism) | :: kutu |
spawning bed {n} (underwater solid ground) | :: kutupaikka |
spay {v} /speɪ/ (remove the ovaries) | :: steriloida |
spaz {n} /spæz/ (stupid person) | :: typerys, tollo, tyhmä |
speak {v} /spiːk/ (to communicate with one's voice using words) | :: puhua |
speak {v} (to have a conversation) | :: puhua, keskustella, jutella |
speak {v} (to communicate or converse by some means other than orally) | :: puhua, kertoa |
speak {v} (to deliver a speech) | :: puhua, pitää puhe |
speak {v} (to be able to communicate in a language) | :: osata, puhua |
speak {v} (to utter) | :: sanoa |
speak {v} (to communicate a fact or feeling) | :: viestiä, ilmaista |
speak {n} (jargon/terminology) | :: puhe |
speak {n} (speech, conversation) | :: puhe |
speakeasy {n} (illegal saloon operated during the Prohibition period) | :: salakapakka |
speaker {n} /ˈspikɚ/ (one who speaks) | :: puhuja |
speaker {n} (loudspeaker) | :: kaiutin, kovaääninen; ämyri, [colloquial] kajari, spiikkeri |
speaker {n} (politics: the chair or presiding officer) | :: puhemies |
speaker {n} (one who makes a speech to an audience) | :: puhuja |
speaker {n} (book) | :: puheopas |
speaker {n} (linguistics: producer of a given utterance) | :: puhuja |
speak for oneself {v} (expressing disagreement) | :: puhu omasta puolestasi! [speak for yourself!] |
speak for oneself {v} (to have obvious meaning) | :: puhua puolestaan |
speak highly {v} (praise) | :: kehua, ylistää |
speaking {adj} /ˈspiːˌkiŋ/ (having the ability of speech) | :: puhuva |
speaking {adj} (eloquent) SEE: eloquent | :: |
speaking clock {n} (person) | :: Neiti Aika |
speaking clock {n} (service) | :: Neiti Aika, aikatiedotus |
speak in tongues {v} (speak in a language unknown to the speaker) | :: puhua kielillä |
speak of the devil {phrase} (expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive) | :: siinä paha missä mainitaan |
speak one's conscience {v} (speak one's mind) SEE: speak one's mind | :: |
speak one's mind {v} (to state one's thoughts honestly or frankly) | :: puhua suunsa puhtaaksi, avautua, avata suunsa |
speak out {v} (assert or promote one's opinion; to make one's thoughts known) | :: ottaa kantaa, sanoa mielipiteensä |
speak to {v} (to give evidence regarding something) | :: osoittaa, perustella |
speak to {v} (to address a particular topic) | :: käsitellä |
speak to {v} (to resonate with) | :: puhutella |
speak volumes {v} (to convey significant information beyond what is explicit) | :: kertoa paljon |
spear {n} /spɪə̯(ɹ)/ (long stick with a sharp tip) | :: keihäs |
spear {v} (strike with any long narrow object) | :: keihästää |
spear carrier {n} (person in a play or movie with a minimal part) SEE: walk-on | :: |
speargun {n} (a gun that fires a spear (normally used underwater)) | :: harppuunapyssy |
spearhead {n} /ˈspɪɹ.hɛd/ (the pointed head, or end, of a spear) | :: keihäänkärki |
spearhead {n} (one who leads or initiates an activity) | :: kärkimies, johtohenkilö |
spearmint {n} /ˈspɪɹˌmɪnt/ (Mentha spicata) | :: viherminttu |
spear thistle {n} (Cirsium vulgare) | :: piikkiohdake |
spec {n} /ˈspɛk/ (short form of specification) | :: speksi |
spec {v} (to specificy) | :: speksata |
special {adj} /ˈspɛ.ʃəl/ (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality) | :: erikoinen, omalaatuinen, erikois- |
special {adj} (of particular interest or value; certain; dear; beloved; favored) | :: pidetty, erityinen, tietty |
special {adj} (constituting or relating to a species) | :: lajityypillinen |
special {n} (A reduction in consumer cost (usually for a limited time) for items or services rendered) | :: erikoistarjous |
special {n} ((TV, radio) Unsual or exceptional episode of a series) | :: erikoisjakso, erikoislähetys |
special case {n} (class of phenomena that is a subset of a more general class) | :: erikoistapaus, erityistapaus |
special case {n} (theorem or other statement that follows directly from a more general truth) | :: erikoistapaus, erityistapaus |
special drawing right {n} (accounting unit) | :: erityisnosto-oikeus |
special education {n} (educational services designed for students with learning difficulties) | :: erityisopetus |
special effect {n} (effect that cannot be reasonably achieved by normal means) | :: erikoisefekti |
special forces {n} (elite force) | :: erikoisjoukko |
special interest group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group | :: |
specialist {n} /ˈspɛʃəlɪst/ (expert) | :: erikoisasiantuntija, spesialisti |
specialist {n} (physician) | :: erikoislääkäri |
specialist {n} (army rank) | :: spesialisti |
specialization {n} /ˌspɛʃəlɪˈzeɪʃn̩/ (act or process of specializing) | :: erikoistuminen |
specialization {n} (biology: adaptation) | :: erikoistuminen |
specialize {v} /ˈspɛʃəˌlaɪz/ (to mention specially; to particularize) | :: eritellä |
specialize {v} (to apply to some specialty or limited object) | :: erikoistua |
specialize {v} (biology: to supply with an organ or organs having a special function or functions) | :: erikoistua, spesialisoitua [intr.], erikoistaa [tr.] |
specially {adv} ((proscribed) extremely) SEE: extremely | :: |
specially {adv} /ˈspɛʃəli/ (for a special purpose) | :: erityisesti |
specially {adv} ((proscribed) in particular) SEE: in particular | :: |
special relativity {n} (physics theory) | :: erikoinen suhteellisuusteoria, erityinen suhteellisuusteoria, suppea suhteellisuusteoria |
special school {n} (school specifically run for students with disabilities or other problems that need special treatment) | :: erityiskoulu |
special stage {n} (competitive section of a rally) | :: erikoiskoe |
specialty {n} /ˈspɛʃəlti/ (that in which one specializes) | :: erikoisuus, erikoisala, spesialiteetti |
specialty {n} (particular or peculiar case) | :: erikoistapaus |
specialty {n} (attribute or quality peculiar to a species) | :: erityispiirre |
special unitary group {n} (group of n×n matrices with complex elements and determinant 1) | :: erityinen unitaarinen ryhmä |
speciation {n} (biology) | :: lajiutuminen |
speciation {n} (chemistry) | :: spesiaatio |
specie {n} /ˈspiːʃi/ (money) | :: raha |
species {n} /ˈspiːʃiːz/ (group of plants or animals having similar appearance) | :: laji |
species {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification) | :: laji |
species {n} (mineralogy: mineral with a unique chemical formula) | :: kivilaji |
species {n} (the image of an object) | :: heijastus |
speciesism {n} /ˈspiːʃiːˌzɪzəm/ | :: spesismi |
speciesist {n} (proponent) | :: spesisti |
speciesist {adj} (of or relating to speciesism) | :: spesistinen |
specific {adj} /spəˈsɪf.ɪk/ (explicit or definite) | :: erityinen, tietty |
specific {adj} (of, or relating to a species) | :: laji-, lajityyppinen |
specific {adj} (pertaining to a taxon at the rank of species) | :: laji- |
specific {adj} (special, distinctive or unique) | :: erityinen |
specific {adj} (intended for, or applying to a particular thing) | :: erityinen, erikois- |
specific {adj} (being a remedy for a particular disease) | :: spesifinen |
specific {adj} (being limited to a particular antibody or antigen) | :: spesifinen |
specific {adj} (of a value divided by the mass) | :: ominais- |
specific {adj} (of a measure compared to a standard reference) | :: ominais- |
specifically {adv} (for a specific purpose or reason) | :: erityisesti, nimenomaisesti |
specification {n} (explicit set of requirements) | :: määrittely, spesifikaatio |
specification {n} (act of specifying) | :: spesifiointi, spesifioiminen, määrittely |
specific gravity {n} (ratio of the mass of a substance to that of an equal volume of water) | :: ominaispaino |
specific heat {n} | :: ominaislämpö |
specific heat capacity {n} | :: ominaislämpökapasiteetti |
specific humidity {n} (ratio of the mass of water vapour to mass of air) | :: ominaiskosteus |
specific impulse {n} (ratio of thrust) | :: ominaisimpulssi |
specify {v} /ˈspɛsɪfaɪ/ (to state explicitly, in detail, or as a condition) | :: [explicitly] määrittää, määritellä, eritellä; [in detail] tarkentaa, eritellä, spesifioida |
specimen {n} /ˈspɛsɪmɪn/ (example) | :: esimerkki |
specimen {n} (sample) | :: näyte, näytepala |
speck {n} /spɛk/ (tiny spot) | :: täplä, tahra, tuhru, suhru |
speck {n} (small thing) | :: hitunen, hiukkanen, rahtu, rahtunen |
speck {n} (fat, lard) | :: ihra, läski |
speck {n} (juniper-flavoured ham) | :: speck-kinkku |
speck {n} (blubber of whales) | :: traani |
speck {n} (fat of hippopotamus) | :: virtahevon ihra |
speckle {n} /ˈspɛkəl/ (small spot) | :: pilkku |
speckle {n} (physics: random distribution of scattered light) | :: epäkoherentti sironta |
speckle {v} (to mark with speckles) | :: täplittää |
speckled {adj} /ˈspɛkəld/ (marked with dots) | :: pilkullinen, pilkukas |
speckled {adj} (irregularly marked) | :: läiskikäs |
speckled trout {n} (freshwater game fish) | :: puronieriä |
spectacle {n} (optical instrument) SEE: spectacles | :: |
spectacle {n} /ˈspɛktəkl̩/ (something exciting or extraordinary) | :: näytelmä, näky, spektaakkeli |
spectacle {n} (an embarrassing situation) | :: näytös |
spectacle {n} (aid to intellectual sight) | :: peili, silmälasit {p} |
spectacled {adj} (wearing spectacles) SEE: bespectacled | :: |
spectacled {adj} (having an appearance of wearing spectacles) | :: silmälasikuvioinen |
spectacled bear {n} (Tremarctos ornatus) | :: silmälasikarhu |
spectacles {n} /ˈspɛktəkl̩z/ (a pair of lenses set in a frame) | :: silmälasit |
spectacles {n} (plural of spectacle) SEE: spectacle | :: |
spectacular {adj} /spɛkˈtæk.jʊ.lə/ (amazing or worthy of special attention) | :: loistava, loistelias, mahtava |
spectacular {adj} (related to, or having the character of, a spectacle or entertainment) | :: näyttävä, viihdyttävä |
spectacularly {adv} (in a spectacular manner) | :: loistavasti, loisteliaasti |
spectator {n} /ˈspɛkteɪtɚ/ (observer) | :: katsoja, sivustakatsoja |
spectatorship {n} (state or quality of being a spectator) | :: katsojuus |
spectator sport {n} (sporting activity with high number of spectators) | :: yleisöurheilu |
specter {n} /ˈspɛktɚ/ (ghostly apparition) | :: kummitus |
spectral {adj} /ˈspɛktɹəɫ/ (ghostly) | :: aavemainen |
spectral {adj} (of a spectrum) | :: spektri- |
spectral bat {n} (Vampyrum spectrum) | :: isovampyyri |
spectral line {n} (line on spectrogram) | :: spektriviiva |
spectral theorem {n} (mathematics: theorem providing conditions under which an operator or matrix can be diagonalized) | :: spektraaliteoreema |
spectro- {prefix} (forming words relating to optical spectra) | :: spektro- |
spectrochemistry {n} (chemical spectroscopy) | :: spektrokemia |
spectrogram {n} /ˈspɛktɹəˌɡɹæm/ (visual representation of spectrum of sound) | :: spektrogrammi |
spectrogram {n} (visual representation of spectrum of radiation) | :: spektrogrammi |
spectrograph {n} /ˈspɛktɹəˌɡɹæf/ (machine for recording spectra) | :: spektrografi |
spectrography {n} (using a spectrometer to produce a spectrograph) | :: spektrografia |
spectrometer {n} (instrument for measuring the absorption of light by chemical substances) | :: spektrometri |
spectrometry {n} (measurement of the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation) | :: spektrometria |
spectrophotometer {n} (instrument used to measure the intensity of electromagnetic radiation at different wavelengths) | :: spektrofotometri |
spectropolarimeter {n} (device for measuring polarized light) | :: spektropolarimetri |
spectroscope {n} (optical instrument used for spectrographic analysis) | :: spektroskooppi |
spectroscopy {n} (scientific study of spectra) | :: spektroskopia |
spectrum {n} /ˈspɛkt(ʃ)ɹəm/ (range) | :: kirjo |
spectrum {n} (range of colors) | :: kirjo, spektri |
spectrum {n} (chemistry: a pattern of absorption or emission of radiation) | :: spektri |
spectrum {n} (linear algebra: set of scalar values) | :: spektri |
speculate {v} (to meditate) | :: pohtia, pohdiskella |
speculate {v} (to make an inference based on inconclusive evidence) | :: arvailla, jossitella |
speculate {v} (to make a risky trade) | :: keinotella, spekuloida |
speculation {n} /ˌspɛkjəˈleɪʃən/ (process of thinking or meditation) | :: pohdinta, mietiskely, järkeily, päättely, spekulaatio |
speculation {n} (philosophy: act or process of reasoning from premises given or assumed) | :: päättely |
speculation {n} (judgment or conclusion reached by speculating) | :: johtopäätös |
speculation {n} (business, finance: investment involving higher-than-normal risk) | :: spekulaatio, spekulatiivinen investointi, riskisijoitus |
speculation {n} (act or practice of investing in expectation of making a profit from future price changes) | :: keinottelu, spekulaatio, spekulointi, spekulatiivinen investointi |
speculation {n} (examination by the eye) | :: tarkastelu |
speculation {n} (power of sight) | :: näkö |
speculative fiction {n} (class of fiction involving fantastic, supernatural or futuristic elements) | :: spekulatiivinen fiktio {s} |
speculatively {adv} (in a speculative manner) | :: spekulatiivisesti |
speculator {n} (one who speculates; as in investing) | :: keinottelija |
speech {n} (dialect or language) SEE: dialect | :: |
speech {n} /ˈspiːtʃ/ (vocal communication) | :: puhe |
speech {n} (an oration, session of speaking) | :: puhe |
speech {n} (style of speaking) | :: puhe |
speech {n} (reported speech) | :: lainaus |
speech act {n} (act carried out by speech) | :: puhetoimitus |
speech balloon {n} (speech balloon) SEE: speech bubble | :: |
speech bubble {n} (rounded outline representing speech in a cartoon) | :: puhekupla |
speech disorder {n} (malfunction) | :: puhehäiriö |
speechful {adj} (voluble, loquacious) | :: puhelias |
speech is silver, silence is golden {proverb} (proverb) | :: puhuminen on hopeaa, vaikeneminen kultaa |
speechless {adj} /ˈspiːtʃ.lɪs/ (not speaking; not knowing what to say) | :: sanaton |
speechreading {n} (lipreading) SEE: lipreading | :: |
speech recognition {n} (voice recognition) SEE: voice recognition | :: |
speech therapist {n} (clinician specializing in speech therapy) | :: puheterapeutti |
speechwriter {n} (someone who writes speeches for others, especially as a profession) | :: puheenkirjoittaja |
speed {n} (luck, success, prosperity) SEE: luck | :: |
speed {n} /spiːd/ (rapidity) | :: nopeus, vauhti |
speed {n} (rate of motion) | :: vauhti |
speed {n} (photographic sensitivity to light) | :: valoherkkyys |
speed {n} (slang: amphetamine) | :: vauhti, piri, spiidi |
speed {v} (to go fast) | :: ajaa (liian) nopeasti |
speed {v} (to exceed speed limit) | :: ajaa ylinopeutta |
speed bag {n} (air-filled punching bag) | :: päärynäpallo |
speedboat {n} /ˈspidˌboʊt/ (fast boat) | :: pikavene |
speedboat {n} (racing boat) | :: kilpavene |
speedboat {n} (waterskiing boat) | :: vetovene |
speed bump {n} (transverse ridge in the road) | :: hidastetöyssy |
speed camera {n} (camera to detect speeding vehicles) | :: nopeusvalvontakamera, nopeuskamera; [colloquial] peltipoliisi |
speed chess {n} (form of chess) | :: pikashakki |
speed dating {n} (organized event in which prospective romantic partners meet each other through a series of short one-to-one meetings) | :: pikatreffit |
speed dial {n} (function) | :: pikavalinta |
speed-dial {v} (to dial using speed dial) | :: soittaa pikavalinnalla |
speeding {adj} /ˈspiːdɪŋ/ (moving at speed) | :: ylinopeutta ajava |
speeding {n} (instance of acceleration) | :: nopeuttaminen |
speeding {n} (driving faster than the legal speed limit) | :: ylinopeuden ajaminen, ylinopeus |
speeding ticket {n} (A traffic ticket) | :: ylinopeussakko |
speed limit {n} (maximum speed permitted) | :: nopeusrajoitus |
speed of light {n} (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum) | :: valon nopeus, valonnopeus |
speed of sound {n} (speed at which sound is propagated) | :: äänen nopeus |
speedometer {n} /spɪˈdɑː.mə.t̬ɚ/ (a device that measures, and indicates the current speed of a vehicle) | :: nopeusmittari |
speedometer {n} (such a device incorporating an odometer) | :: nopeusmittari |
speedrun {n} /ˈspiːdɹʌn/ (completing a video game as fast as possible) | :: speedrun, nopeuspelaaminen |
speedrun {v} (to complete a speedrun) | :: speedrunnata |
speedskater {n} (athlete who specializes in speedskating) | :: pikaluistelija |
speed skating {n} (The sport of racing around an oval course on ice skates) | :: pikaluistelu |
speedster {n} (one who is noted for being very fast) | :: vauhtiveikko |
speed up {v} (increase speed (intransitive)) | :: kiihdyttää, lisätä vauhtia, nopeutua, vauhdittua |
speed up {v} (increase speed (transitive)) | :: kiihdyttää, nopeuttaa, vauhdittaa |
speedup {n} (an amount of decrease in time taken) | :: nopeutus, kiihdytys, nopeuttaminen, kiihdyttäminen |
speedway {n} /ˈspiːdweɪ/ (motorcycle racing) | :: speedway |
speedway {n} (racetrack) | :: speedwayrata |
speedwell {n} /ˈspiːdˌwɛl/ (plant) | :: tädyke |
speedy {adj} /ˈspiːdi/ (characterized by rapid or swift motion) | :: vauhdikas |
speleologist {n} (person who studies caves) | :: luolatutkija, speleologi |
speleology {n} (scientific study of caves) | :: speleologia, luolatutkimus |
speleology {n} (recreational activity of exploring caves) | :: luolatutkimus |
speleothem {n} (secondary mineral, deposited in a cave by the action of water) | :: tippukivi |
spell {n} /spɛl/ (magical incantation) | :: loitsu |
spell {n} (magical effect of such incantation) | :: lumous, kirous |
spell {v} (to write or say the letters that form a word) | :: tavata [pronounce], kirjoittaa [write] |
spell {v} (to compose a word) | :: muodostaa |
spell {v} (to indicate that some future event will occur) | :: tietää, merkitä |
spell {v} (figuratively, to clarify) | :: selventää, vääntää rautalangasta |
spell {v} (to work in place of someone) | :: olla sijaisena, korvata, tuurata |
spell {n} (indefinite period of time) | :: jakso |
spell {n} (period of illness, outburst of bad spirits) | :: purkaus |
spellbound {adj} (fascinated by something; entranced as if by a spell) | :: lumoutunut, haltioitunut |
spell checker {n} (software application) | :: oikoluku, oikolukuohjelma, oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistin |
speller {n} (spell checker) | :: oikoluku, oikolukuohjelma |
spelling {n} /ˈspɛlɪŋ/ (the practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography) | :: ortografia |
spelling {n} (manner of spelling of words; correct spelling) | :: oikeinkirjoitus |
spelling {n} (a specific spelling of a word) | :: oikeinkirjoitus, tavaus |
spelt {n} /ˈspɛlt/ (a type of wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta) | :: spelttivehnä, speltti |
spelunk {v} /spəˈlʌŋk/ (to explore caves) | :: tutkia luolia |
spelunk {n} (cave, cavern, grotto) SEE: cave | :: |
spend {v} /spɛnd/ (to pay out) | :: kuluttaa, käyttää |
spend {v} (to wear out, to exhaust) | :: kuluttaa, käyttää, kuluttaa loppuun, käyttää loppuun |
spend {v} (to consume, to use up (time)) | :: viettää, kuluttaa, käyttää |
spend {n} (amount spent) | :: kulut {p} |
spend {n} (expenditures) | :: menot {p} |
spend {n} (discharged semen) | :: mälli, satsi |
spending power {n} (available income) | :: käytettävissä oleva tulo |
spendthrift {adj} /ˈspɛn(d)θɹɪft/ (improvident, profligate, or wasteful) | :: tuhlaavainen |
spendthrift {adj} (extravagant, lavish) | :: ylenpalttinen |
spendthrift {n} (someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully) | :: tuhlari |
spend time {v} (dedicate time to an activity) | :: viettää aikaa |
spend time {v} (accompany someone for leisure) | :: viettää aikaa; olla yhdessä [to spend time together] |
spent {adj} /ˈspɛnt/ (used up) | :: käytetty |
sperm {n} /spɜːɹm/ (cell) | :: siittiö |
sperm {n} (semen (fluid)) | :: siemenneste, sperma |
sperm {n} (sperm oil, spermaceti) | :: valaanöljy, spermaseettiöljy [oil]; valaanrasve, valaanvaha, spermaseetti [spermaceti] |
spermaceti {n} (wax obtained from the head of sperm whale) | :: spermaseetti |
spermatheca {n} /ˌspɜːməˈθiːkə/ (small sac) | :: siittiösäiliö |
spermatocyte {n} (male gametocyte) | :: spermatosyytti |
spermatophore {n} (capsule) | :: siittiökotelo, spermatofori |
spermatophyte {n} (plant that bears seeds) SEE: phanerogam | :: |
spermatozoid {n} /spɜː(ɹ)ˈmætəˌzəʊ.ɪd/ (male gamete of certain basal plants) | :: spermatotsoidi |
spermatozoon {n} /ˌspɜːmətə(ʊ)ˈzəʊɒn/ (reproductive cell of the male) | :: siittiö |
sperm bank {n} (vulgar: vagina) SEE: cunt | :: |
sperm bank {n} (place where sperm is stored) | :: spermapankki |
sperm count {n} (number of spermatozoa in ejaculate) | :: siittiötiheys, siittiöluku |
sperm donor {n} (man who donates sperm) | :: spermanluovuttaja |
spermicidal {adj} (having the ability to kill sperm) | :: spermisidinen |
spermicide {n} (substance used for killing sperm) | :: spermisidi |
spermine {n} (polyamine) | :: spermiini |
sperm oil {n} (oil) | :: spermiseettiöljy |
spermous {adj} (relating to sperm) | :: siemennesteinen |
sperm whale {n} (sperm whale) | :: kaskelotti |
spessartine {n} (a type of garnet) | :: spessartiini |
Spetsnaz {n} (post-Soviet special forces) | :: Venäjän armeijan erikoisjoukot {p}, spetsnaz-joukot {p} |
spew {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
spew {v} /spjuː/ (to eject forcibly and in a stream) | :: syöstä |
spew {v} (to vomit) | :: oksentaa |
spew {n} (ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate | :: |
sphagnous {adj} (pertaining to or consisting of sphagnum) | :: rahkasammalinen |
sphagnum {n} /ˈsfæɡnəm/ (moss) | :: rahkasammal |
sphalerite {n} (mineral) | :: sinkkivälke |
sphene {n} (titanite) SEE: titanite | :: |
sphenoid {n} (sphenoid bone) SEE: sphenoid bone | :: |
sphenoid {adj} /ˈsfiː.nɔɪd/ (wedge-shaped) | :: kiilamainen |
sphenoid bone {n} (sphenoid bone) | :: kitaluu |
sphenoid sinus {n} (sinus) | :: kitaluun ontelo |
spheral {adj} (spherical) SEE: spherical | :: |
sphere {n} /sfɪɹ/ (mathematics: regular three-dimensional object) | :: pallo, pallopinta |
sphere {n} (spherical physical object) | :: pallo |
sphere {n} (historical, astronomy, mythology: any of the concentric globes formerly believed to rotate around the Earth) | :: taivaankansi |
sphere {n} (region in which something or someone is active) | :: ala, alue, toimintapiiri, toiminta-alue |
sphere {n} (astronomy: apparent outer limit of space) SEE: celestial sphere | :: |
-sphere {suffix} (designating some layer of the Earth) | :: -sfääri |
sphere of influence {n} (area influenced by something) | :: vaikutuspiiri |
sphere of knowledge {n} (body of knowledge) | :: tietämys |
spherical {adj} /sfɛɹɪkəl/ (shaped like a sphere) | :: pallomainen, pyöreä |
spherical {adj} (of or relating to a sphere or spheres) | :: pallo |
spherical aberration {n} /ˈsfɪɹ.ɪk.l̩ ˌæb.əˈɹeɪ.ʃn̩/ (type of lens aberration) | :: pallopoikkeama, palloaberraatio |
spherule {n} /sfɪɹjuːl/ (small sphere) | :: pallonen |
sphincter {n} /ˈsfɪŋktəɹ/ (band of muscle) | :: sulkijalihas |
sphinx {n} /sfɪŋks/ (mythology: creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal) | :: sfinksi |
sphinx {n} (person who keeps his/her thoughts and intentions secret) | :: sfinksi |
sphinx {n} (sphincter) SEE: sphincter | :: |
sphinx {n} (Mandrillus sphinx) SEE: mandrill | :: |
Sphinx {prop} /ˈsfɪŋks/ (large monument in Egypt) | :: Sfinksi |
Sphinx {prop} (Greek mythological creature) | :: Sfinksi |
sphinx moth {n} (hawk moth) SEE: hawk moth | :: |
sphragistics {n} /sfraˈdʒɪs.tɪks/ (Study of seals) | :: sfragistiikka |
sphygmomanometer {n} /ˌsfɪɡməʊməˈnɒmɪtə/ (device to measure blood pressure) | :: verenpainemittari |
spiccato {n} (manner of playing) | :: spiccato |
spice {n} (Yorkshire dialect: sweets, candy) SEE: sweet | :: |
spice {n} /spaɪs/ (plant matter used to season or flavour food) | :: mausteet {p} |
spice {n} (any variety of spice) | :: mauste |
spice {v} (to add spice or spices to) | :: maustaa |
spick-and-span {adj} (clean, spotless) | :: putipuhdas |
spicy {adj} (containing spice) | :: mausteinen, maustettu |
spicy {adj} (tangy or pungent) | :: pistävä |
spicy {adj} (vigorous, colorful) | :: pisteliäs |
spicy {adj} (racy) | :: pornahtava |
spider {n} /ˈspaɪ̯dɚ/ (arthropod) | :: hämähäkki |
spider {n} (computer program) | :: hakurobotti |
spider crab {n} (crab) | :: hämähäkkirapu |
spider hole {n} (hole in the ground) SEE: foxhole | :: |
spider monkey {n} (monkey of the genus Ateles) | :: hämähäkkiapina |
spider monkey {n} (monkey of the genus Brachyteles) | :: muriki |
spider wasp {n} (solitary wasp in the Pompilidae family) | :: tiepistiäinen |
spiderweb {n} (net-like construct of a spider) | :: hämähäkinseitti, seitti |
spiderweb {n} (something that resembles a spider's web) | :: seitti |
spiderwort {n} (plant) | :: juoru |
Spidey-sense {n} /ˈspaɪdi ˌsɛn(t)s/ (intuitive feeling, usually of something being dangerous or risky) | :: hämähäkkivaisto |
spiel {n} /spiːl/ (A lengthy and extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade) | :: hehkutus |
spignel {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney | :: |
spigot {n} (faucet) SEE: tap | :: |
spigot {n} /ˈspɪ.ɡət/ (a pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask) | :: tappi |
spigot {n} (the plug of a faucet or cock) | :: tulppa |
spike {n} /spaɪk/ (very large nail) | :: piikki, kiskonaula |
spike {n} (anything resembling such a nail in shape) | :: piikki |
spike {n} (ear of grain) | :: tähkä |
spike {n} (botany: kind of inflorescence) | :: tähkä |
spike {n} (informal: running shoes with spikes in the soles) | :: piikkikenkä |
spike {n} (sharp peak in a graph) | :: piikki |
spike {n} (volleyball) | :: iskulyönti |
spike {n} (zoology: an adolescent male deer) | :: urosvasa, nuori uroshirvi |
spike {v} (to covertly put alcohol or another intoxicating substance into a drink) | :: terästää |
spike {v} (to add a small amount of one substance to another) | :: terästää |
spike {v} (volleyball) | :: piikata, lyödä iskulyönti |
spiked {adj} (Containing alcohol or drugs, often without the informing those who partake) | :: terästetty |
spiked {adj} (Having spikes) | :: piikein varustettu |
spike fiddle {n} (any of a class of instruments) | :: piikkiviulu |
spikelet {n} (botany: secondary spike) | :: tähkylä |
spike moss {n} (any plant in the family Selaginellaceae) | :: mähkä |
spikenard {n} (perfumed ointment) | :: nardus |
spikenard {n} (The plant Nardostachys jatamansi) | :: nardus |
spikenard {n} (Lavandula stoechas) | :: tupsulaventeli |
spikenard {n} (plant of the genus Aralia) | :: aralia |
spikenard {n} (Maianthemum racemosum) | :: tertturotkokielo |
spikenard {n} (Inula conyza) | :: piennarhirvenjuuri |
spikenard {n} (Asarum europaeum) | :: taponlehti |
spikes {n} (A pair of shoes equipped with spikes on the sole) | :: piikkitossut {p}, piikkikengät {p}, piikkarit {p} |
spike strip {n} | :: piikkimatto |
spiky {adj} /ˈspaɪ.ki/ (having spikes) | :: piikikäs |
spill {v} /spɪl/ (transitive: to drop something so that it spreads out) | :: läikyttää [small], kaataa [large], päästää [industrial scale] |
spill {v} (intransitive: to spread out or fall out) | :: läikkyä [small]; levitä [large or affecting a wide area] |
spill {n} (something that has been dropped) | :: läikkyminen, putoaminen |
spill one's guts {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
spillover effect {n} (phenomenon) | :: heijastusvaikutus |
spill the beans {v} /spɪl ðə biːnz/ (to reveal a secret; to disclose) | :: kieliä, paljastaa, laverrella |
spin {v} /spɪn/ (to turn around quickly) | :: pyöriä, kieppua [intransitive, continuous]; pyörittää, kieputtaa [transitive, continuous]; pyörähtää, kiepahtaa [intransitive, momentane]; pyöräyttää, kiepauttaa [transitive, momentane] |
spin {v} (to make yarn) | :: kehrätä |
spin {v} (to present a bias) | :: kaunistella; johtaa harhaan, kieputtaa |
spin {v} (to make ball move sideways) | :: lyödä kierre |
spin {v} (to move sideways when bouncing) | :: kiertyä |
spin {v} (cooking: to form into thin strips or ribbons, as with sugar) | :: kehrätä |
spin {v} (of spider, silworm etc: to form from thread) | :: kutoa [spider]; kehrätä [silkworm] |
spin {v} (to move swiftly) | :: kiitää |
spin {v} (to stream or issue in a thread or a small current or jet) | :: suihkuta |
spin {v} (computing: to wait in a loop) | :: pyöriä |
spin {n} (circular motion) | :: pyörintä, pyörivä liike |
spin {n} (physics: quantum angular momentum) | :: spin |
spin {n} (favourable comment or interpretation) | :: kieputus |
spin {n} (rotation of a ball in motion) | :: kierre |
spin {n} (flight condition) | :: syöksykierre |
spina bifida {n} /ˈspaɪnə ˈbɪfɪdə/ (birth defect) | :: selkärankahalkio |
spinach {n} /ˈspɪnɪt͡ʃ/ (a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea) | :: pinaatti |
spinal {adj} /spaɪnəl/ (related to the spine) | :: spinaalinen; selkäydin- [of spinal cord] |
spinal canal {n} (canal containing the spinal cord and spinal meninges) | :: selkäydinkanava |
spinal column {n} (spinal column) SEE: vertebral column | :: |
spinal cord {n} (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue) | :: selkäydin |
spinal disc herniation {n} (medical condition) | :: välilevypullistuma |
spinal tap {n} (colloquial terms for lumbar puncture) | :: selkäydinpunktio |
spin a yarn {v} (tell a story) | :: kertoa satuja, sepittää |
spindle {n} (dragonfly) SEE: dragonfly | :: |
spindle {n} /ˈspɪndəl/ (rod in spinning and winding thread) | :: värttinä, kehräin |
spindle {n} (rod which turns, or on which something turns round) | :: akseli, kara |
spindle {n} (rotary axis of a machine tool or power tool) | :: kara |
spindle {n} (trees of the genus Euonymus) | :: sorvarinpensas |
spindle {n} (upright spike for holding papers) | :: piikki, paperipiikki |
spindle tree {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle | :: |
spin doctor {n} (person hired to improve public image) | :: imagokonsultti, PR-konsultti; lobbari [lobbyist] |
spindrift {n} /ˈspɪndɹɪft/ (sea spray) | :: pärske |
spin dryer {n} (machine to remove water taking advantage of centrifugal force) | :: linko, pyykkilinko |
spine {n} /spaɪn/ (backbone) | :: selkäranka |
spine {n} (bound edge of a book) | :: selkä |
spine {n} (rigid, pointed surface protuberance or needle-like structure on an animal, shell, or plant) | :: piikki, oas |
spine {n} (metaphor for courage or assertiveness) | :: selkäranka |
spine board {n} (rigid carrying surface) | :: rankalauta |
spinel {n} /spɪˈnɛl/ (any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium) | :: spinelli |
spineless {adj} (having no spine) | :: selkärangaton |
spineless {adj} (uncourageous) | :: selkärangaton |
spine pig {n} (porcupine) SEE: porcupine | :: |
spinet {n} /ˈspɪn.ɪt/ (short, compact harpsichord) | :: spinetti |
spinnaker {n} /ˈspɪnəkɚ/ (sail) | :: pallopurje, spinaakkeri |
spinnaker pole {n} (spar that supports the spinnaker) | :: spinaakkeripuomi |
spinner {n} /ˈspɪnɚ/ (Someone or something who spins) | :: pyörittäjä |
spinner {n} (computing: Input control for entering a number with accompanying arrowed buttons) | :: numerovalitsin |
spinning {adj} /ˈspɪnɪŋ/ (rapidly rotating on an axis; whirling) | :: kieppuva |
spinning {n} (process of converting fibres into yarn or thread) | :: kehruu, kehrääminen |
spinning jenny {n} (early spinning machine) | :: kehruu-jenny |
spinning mule {n} (machine that spins thread from fibres) | :: kehruumuuli |
spinning top {n} (a toy) | :: hyrrä |
spinning wheel {n} (device for spinning thread with a wheel and a spindle) | :: rukki |
spin off {v} (to create as by-product) | :: spinnata [business slang] |
spin-off {n} (offshoot) SEE: offshoot | :: |
spin-off {n} (by-product) SEE: by-product | :: |
spin-off {n} (incidental benefit or unexpected pay-off) | :: lisähyöty, sivutuote, spin off |
spin-off {n} (fictional work) | :: spin off; spin off -ohjelma [TV program] |
spin-off {n} (formation of a subsidiary, the company so formed) | :: spinnaaminen [formation]; irrokki, spin off, spin off -yritys [company] |
spinon {n} (quasiparticle) | :: spinoni |
Spinone Italiano {n} (Spinone) | :: spinone |
spinor {n} /spɪnɔɹ/ (element of Clifford algebra) | :: spinori |
spinous process {n} (bony process of a vertebra that projects posteriorly from the neural arch) | :: okahaarake |
Spinozism {prop} (philosophical doctrine) | :: spinozalaisuus |
spinster {n} /ˈspɪnstɚ/ (unmarried woman) | :: vanhapiika |
spinster {n} (obsolete: occupation) | :: kehrääjä |
spin the bottle {n} (game) | :: pullonpyöritys |
spintronics {n} (type of information storage and handling) | :: spintroniikka |
spiny anteater {n} (common name for echidna) SEE: echidna | :: |
spiny dogfish {n} (Squalus acanthias) | :: piikkihai |
spiny lobster {n} (crustacean of the family Palinuridae) | :: langusti |
spiny rat {n} (rodent of the family Echimyidae) | :: piikkirotta, amerikanpiikkirotta |
spiny rat {n} (rodent of the genus Maxomys) | :: idänokarotta, aasianokarotta |
spiny rat {n} (rodent of the genus Tokudaia) | :: japaninokahiiri |
spiny rat {n} (rodent of the genus Echiothrix) | :: sulawesinokarotta |
spiny-tailed lizard {n} (any lizard of the genus Uromastyx) | :: piikkihäntälisko |
spiracle {n} /ˈspɪɹəkəl/ (opening used for breathing) | :: hengitysaukko |
spiracle {n} (blowhole) | :: ilmareikä |
spiracle {n} (small aperture or vent) | :: ilmareikä |
spiral {n} /ˈspaɪɹəl/ (geometry) | :: spiraali, kierukka |
spiral {n} (helix) | :: kierre, kierukka |
spiral {n} (self-sustaining process) | :: kierre |
spiral galaxy {n} (spiral galaxy) | :: kierteisgalaksi |
spiral of Archimedes {n} (Archimedean spiral) SEE: Archimedean spiral | :: |
spiral staircase {n} (type of staircase) | :: kierreportaat {p} |
spiral worm {n} (wad hook) SEE: wad hook | :: |
spirant {n} /ˈspaɪɹənt/ (alt term for fricative) | :: spirantti |
spire {n} /spaɪə/ (tapering architectural structure) | :: suippotorni, torni |
spire {n} (top, or uppermost point, of anything; the summit) | :: kärki, huippu |
spirit {n} /ˈspiɹɪt/ (soul) | :: henki, sielu |
spirit {n} (supernatural being) | :: henki, haamu, henkiolento |
spirit {n} (enthusiasm) | :: henki |
spirit {n} (manner or style) | :: henki, tapa |
spirit {n} (alcohol) | :: alkoholi [chemical substance], viina [liquor]; pirtu, sprii [rectified spirit] |
spirit away {v} /ˈspɪɹ.ɪt əˌweɪ/ (to spirit away) | :: viedä salaa, kadota jäljettömiin |
spirit bear {n} (translations based on "spirit bear", see also: Kermode bear) | :: henkikarhu |
spirit duplicator {n} (early copier) | :: spriikopiokone, spriimonistuskone |
spirited {adj} /ˈspɪɹɪtɪd/ (lively, vigorous, animated or courageous) | :: vilkas, eloisa, kiihkeä |
spiritism {n} (spiritualism) SEE: spiritualism | :: |
spiritism {n} (Spiritism) SEE: Spiritism | :: |
Spiritism {prop} (philosophical doctrine) | :: spiritismi |
Spiritist {n} (one who believes in Spiritism) | :: spiritisti |
spiritistic {adj} /spɪɹɪˈtɪstɪk/ (of or pertaining to spiritism) | :: spiritistinen |
spirit level {n} (spirit level) | :: vatupassi, vesivaaka |
spirit of the law {n} (interpretation of the law) | :: lain henki |
spirit path {n} (spirit way) SEE: spirit way | :: |
spirit road {n} (spirit way) SEE: spirit way | :: |
spirits {n} /ˈspɪɹɪts/ (strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation) | :: viina |
spiritual {adj} /ˈspɪɹɪtʃuəl/ (of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul) | :: hengellinen [religious]; henkinen [other] |
spiritual {adj} (of or pertaining to God or a place of worship; sacred) | :: hengellinen, pyhä |
spiritual {adj} (of or pertaining to spirits; supernatural) | :: henkimaailman, yliluonnollinen |
spiritual {adj} (consisting of spirit; not material) | :: henki- |
spiritual {adj} (of or relating to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind) | :: henkinen, älyllinen |
spiritual {adj} (Christianity: controlled and inspired by the Holy Spirit) | :: Pyhän Hengen johdattama |
spiritual {adj} (not lay or temporal; relating to sacred things) | :: hengellinen |
spiritual {n} (folk song) | :: spirituaali |
spiritualism {n} (the philosophic doctrine, opposing materialism) | :: spiritualismi |
spiritualism {n} (the belief that the dead communicate with the living through mediums) | :: spiritismi |
spiritualism {n} (quality or state of being spiritual) | :: henkisyys |
Spiritualism {n} (belief) | :: spiritismi |
spiritualist {n} (one who professes a regard for spiritual things only) | :: hengenmies |
spiritualist {n} (philosophy: one who maintains the doctrine of spiritualism) | :: spiritualisti |
spiritualist {n} (one who communicates with the dead) | :: spiritisti |
spiritualist {adj} (pertaining to spiritualism) | :: spiritualistinen, spiritistinen, hengellinen, henkinen |
spiritualistic {adj} (of or pertaining to spiritualism) | :: spiritualistinen |
spiritualistic {adj} (of or pertaining to spiritism) | :: spiritistinen |
spirituality {n} /ˌspɪ.ɹə.tʃuˈæ.lə.tɪ/ (quality or state of being spiritual) | :: henkisyys, hengellisyys |
spirituality {n} (concern for what is unseen and intangible) | :: hengellisyys |
spirituality {n} (appreciation for religious values) | :: uskonnollisuus |
spirituality {n} (that which belongs to the church, as distinct from temporalities) | :: hengelliset asiat |
spirituality {n} (whole body of the clergy) | :: kirkko |
spiritualize {v} (to make spiritual) | :: henkistää, hengellistää |
spiritualize {v} (to refine intellectually or morally) | :: henkistää |
spiritualize {v} (to give spiritual meaning to) | :: henkistää, hengellistää |
spiritus asper {n} (Ancient Greek diacritical mark) SEE: rough breathing | :: |
spiritus lenis {n} (Greek diacritical mark) SEE: smooth breathing | :: |
spirit way {n} (ornate road) | :: pyhä tie |
spirograph {n} (instrument) | :: spirografi |
spirometry {n} (medical measurement) | :: keuhkojen toimintakoe, spirometria |
spit {v} (to dig, to spade) SEE: dig | :: |
spit {n} /spɪt/ (thin rod on which meat is skewered for cooking) | :: varras |
spit {n} (generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsula) | :: kynnäs |
spit {v} (to evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.) | :: sylkeä, sylkäistä [once], syljeskellä [continuously] |
spit {n} (saliva) | :: sylki |
spit {n} (instance of spitting) | :: sylkeminen |
spite {n} /spaɪt/ (ill-will or hatred toward another; a desire to vex or injure) | :: pahansuopuus, ilkeys, häijyys, kauna, katkeruus |
spite {n} (vexation, chagrin, mortification) | :: mielipaha |
spite {v} (to treat maliciously) | :: kiusata, ärsyttää, loukata |
spitter {n} (one that spits) | :: sylkijä |
spitting image {n} /ˈspɪtɪŋ ˈɪmɪdʒ/ (the exact likeness of someone) | :: aivan samannäköinen kuin [adjective] |
spittoon {n} /spɪˈtuːn/ (receptacle for spit) | :: sylkykuppi |
spitz {n} (Any of several Nordic breeds of dog such as the Pomeranian or Samoyed) | :: pystykorva |
splake {n} (brook trout and lake trout hybrid) | :: spleiknieiriä |
splash {n} /splæʃ/ (the sound made by an object hitting a liquid) | :: loiskahdus, roiskahdus, loiskaus, roiskaus |
splash {v} (to hit or agitate liquid) | :: loiskuttaa, loiskia |
splash {v} (to splatter or spread around suddenly) | :: roiskua |
splashdown {n} (landing in water) | :: laskeutuminen veteen |
splash out {v} (to spend a lot of money) | :: tuhlata, törsätä |
splash screen {n} (graphical user interface: an initial screen displayed by interactive software) | :: käynnistyskuva |
splay {v} /spleɪ/ (To spread (out)) | :: levittää |
splay {v} (To turn on one side; to render oblique; to slope or slant, as the side of a door, window, etc.) | :: kallistaa; kastroida |
splay tree {n} (self-adjusting search tree) | :: splay-puu, mukautuva puu |
spleen {n} /spliːn/ (organ) | :: perna |
spleen {n} (mood) | :: sappi |
spleenwort {n} (a type of fern) | :: raunioinen |
splendid {adj} /ˈsplɛndɪd/ (possessing or displaying splendor) | :: loistava |
splendid {adj} (showy; magnificent; sumptuous; pompous) | :: loistokas |
splenectomy {n} (surgical removal of the spleen) | :: pernanpoistoleikkaus |
splice {v} (to unite in marriage) SEE: marry | :: |
splice {n} /splaɪs/ (junction or joining of ropes) | :: pleissi, pujos |
splice {v} (to unite ropes by interweaving the strands) | :: pleissata |
splice {v} (to unite by lapping two ends together) | :: liittää |
splice {v} (to unite as if splicing) | :: liittää |
spliff {n} /splɪf/ (a marijuana cigarette) | :: marihuanasavuke |
spline {n} /splaɪn/ (flexible strip) | :: käyräviivain |
spline {n} (smooth mathematical curve) | :: splini |
splint {n} (narrow strip of wood) | :: säle |
splint {n} (immobilizing device) | :: lasta |
splint {n} (segment of armor) | :: levy |
splint {n} (bone of a horse) | :: puikkoluu |
splint {v} (apply splint) | :: lastoittaa |
splinter {n} /ˈsplɪntɚ/ (fragment of material) | :: säle [wood], sirpale, pirstale |
splinter {n} (group) | :: sirpaleryhmä |
splinter {v} (to come apart into splinters) | :: pirstoutua, mennä säpäleiksi |
splinter {v} (to cause to break apart into splinters) | :: pirstoa, lyödä säpäleiksi, panna päreiksi |
splinter {v} (to break or cause to break into factions) | :: hajota [to break]; hajottaa [to cause to break] |
splinter {v} (to fasten or confine with splints) | :: lastoittaa |
split {n} /splɪt/ (crack, longitudinal fissure) | :: halkeama, repeämä |
split {n} (breach, division) | :: repeämä |
split {n} (split-off piece) | :: säle, sirpale, pirstale |
split {n} (section of skin) | :: haljas |
split {n} (bowling: pattern with missing intermediate pins) | :: reikä |
split {n} (dessert or confection) | :: split |
split {n} (bottle of 0.375 liters) | :: puolipullo, puolikas, pikkupullo |
split {n} (athletics: intermediate time) | :: väliaika |
split {n} (gambling: division of a stake) | :: jako, splitti |
split {v} (divide along a more or less straight line) | :: halkaista, haljeta, lohkaista |
split {v} (share out) | :: jakaa |
split {v} (divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach) SEE: peach | :: |
split end {n} (hair which has split at the end) | :: kaksihaarainen hius |
split hairs {n} (tedious details) | :: hiustenhalkominen |
split hairs {v} (to consider fine details) | :: halkoa hiuksia |
split one's sides {v} (to laugh hysterically) | :: nauraa katketakseen |
split pea {n} (dried, peeled, and split seeds of the pea) | :: halkaistu herne |
split pin {n} (metal fastener) | :: haarasokka, sokkanaula |
split pin {n} (stationary fastener) | :: haaranasta |
splits {n} (manoeuvre, acrobatic feat) | :: spagaatti |
split the difference {v} (in a financial transaction) | :: panna riita halki, panna puoliväliin, pistää puoliväliin |
split the difference {v} (to compromise) | :: panna riita halki |
splittism {n} /ˈsplɪtɪz(ə)m/ (political separatism) | :: hajottaminen |
splotch {n} (irregular-shaped spot or stain) | :: läiskä |
splurge {v} /splɝdʒ/ (to flow or move in rush) | :: ryntäillä [of people]; roiskia, roiskua, [of liquid]; puuskahtaa [of speech] |
splurge {v} (to spend lavishly or extravagantly) | :: tuhlata, tuhlailla, törsätä |
splurge {n} (extravagant or ostentatious display) | :: pröystäily |
splurge {n} (extravagant indulgence) | :: tuhlailu, törsäily, tuhlaus, törsäys |
splutter {v} /ˈsplʌtɚ/ (to spray droplets while speaking) | :: pärskiä, pärskyttää |
splutter {v} (to speak hurriedly and confusedly) | :: sopertaa, sössöttää, sönköttää |
spodosol {n} (soil type) | :: podsolimaannos |
spodumene {n} (a pyroxene mineral, lithium aluminum inosilicate) | :: spodumeeni |
spoil {v} /spɔɪl/ (ruin) | :: pilata |
spoil {v} (to coddle or pamper) | :: pilata, hemmotella, lelliä |
spoil {v} (become sour or rancid, to decay) | :: pilaantua, hapantua, mädäntyä, mädätä |
spoil {n} (plunder taken from an enemy or victim) | :: saalis [general]; ryöstösaalis [from robbery]; sotasaalis [in war] |
spoil {n} (material moved) | :: jätemassa [general]; jätemaa [excavation]; louhe [mining, quarrying]; ruoppausmassa [dredging] |
spoilage {n} (part) | :: hävikki |
spoilage {n} (process) | :: pilaantuminen |
spoiled {adj} /spɔɪld/ ((of a person, usually a child) having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) | :: hemmoteltu, poispilattu, pilattu |
spoiler {n} /ˈspɔɪ.lɚ/ (one who corrupts, mars, or renders useless) | :: pilaaja |
spoiler {n} (document, review or comment that discloses) | :: ilonpilaaja, juonipaljastus; spoileri [slang] |
spoiler {n} (aeronautics: device to reduce lift) | :: spoileri |
spoiler {n} (automobiles: device to reduce lift and increase downforce) | :: spoileri |
spoils of war {n} (profits extracted as the result of winning a war) | :: sotasaalis |
spoilsport {adj} /ˈspɔɪl.spɔɹt/ (someone who puts an end to harmless fun) | :: ilonpilaaja |
spoilt {adj} /spɔɪlt/ (having lost its original value) | :: pilattu, pilaantunut; pilalla [adverb] |
spoilt {adj} (of food: rendered unusable or inedible) | :: pilaantunut; pilalla [adverb] |
spoilt {adj} (of a child) | :: hemmoteltu, poispilattu, pilattu |
spoilt for choice {adj} (having many good choices) | :: runsaudenpulassa [adverb] |
spoke {n} /spəʊk/ (part of a wheel) | :: puola [rod], pinna [tension spoke] |
spoken {adj} /ˈspoʊkən/ (concerning speech) | :: puhuttu, puhe- |
spokeshave {n} (woodworking tool) | :: kavahöylä |
spokesman {n} (one who speaks as the voice of a group of people) | :: edustaja, tiedottaja, äänitorvi |
spokesperson {n} (person who acts as the voice of a group of people) | :: edustaja, tiedottaja |
spokeswoman {n} (woman who speaks as the voice of a group of people) | :: edustaja, tiedottaja |
spolia opima {n} | :: spolia opima, sotasaalis |
spondee {n} /ˈspɒndi/ (word of two syllables) | :: spondee, kaksipitkä |
spondylalgia {n} (pain in the spine) | :: nikamakipu, spondylalgia |
spondylarthritis {n} (condition) | :: spondylartriitti, selkärangan niveltulehdus |
spondyle {n} (joint of the backbone) SEE: vertebra | :: |
spondylitis {n} (inflammation of the spine) | :: spondyliitti, nikamatulehdus |
spondyloarthropathy {n} (joint disease) | :: spondylartroosi |
spondylodesis {n} (surgical fusion) | :: selkärangan jäykistysleikkaus, spondylodeesi |
spondylodiscitis {n} (combination of discitis and spodylitis) | :: spondylodiskiitti |
spondylolisthesis {n} (medicine: displacement of vertebra) | :: nikamansiirtymä, spondylolisteesi |
spondylolysis {n} (defect) | :: spondylolyysi |
spondylopathy {n} (osteopathy of the spine) | :: spondylopatia |
spondylosis {n} (degenerative disease) | :: spondyloosi |
spondylosyndesis {n} (surgical fusion) | :: selkärangan jäykistysleikkaus, spondylodeesi |
sponge {n} /spʌnd͡ʒ/ (marine invertebrate) | :: sienieläin |
sponge {n} (piece of porous material used for washing) | :: pesusieni |
sponge {n} (porous material) | :: sieni |
sponge {n} (informal: heavy drinker) | :: sieni |
sponge {n} (slang: person who takes advantage of the generosity of others) | :: pummi, siipeilijä, siipiveikko |
sponge {n} (form of contraception) | :: ehkäisysieni |
sponge {n} (any spongelike substance) | :: sieni |
sponge {n} (mop for cleaning the bore of a cannon) | :: puhdistustanko |
sponge {n} (point of a horseshoe) | :: kärki |
sponge {v} (to take advantage of others) | :: siipeillä |
sponge {v} (to clean with a sponge) | :: puhdistaa sienellä |
sponge {n} (sponge cake) SEE: sponge cake | :: |
sponge bath {n} (type of bathing) | :: sienikylpy |
sponge cake {n} (type of soft cake made from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs, with a spongy structure) | :: sokerikakku |
spongelike {adj} (like a sponge) | :: sienimäinen |
sponsor {n} /ˈspɒn.sə/ (One that pays all or part of the cost of an event) | :: sponsori |
sponsor {v} (to be a sponsor for) | :: sponsoroida |
sponsorship {n} (state or practice) | :: tukeminen, sponsorius |
sponsorship {n} (aid or support) | :: tuki, sponsorointi |
spontaneity {n} /ˈspɒn.tə.neɪ.ə.ti/ (the quality of being spontaneous) | :: spontaanisuus |
spontaneous {adj} (random) SEE: random | :: |
spontaneous {adj} /spɑnˈteɪ.ni.əs/ (self generated; happening without any apparent external cause) | :: spontaani |
spontaneous {adj} (done by one's own free choice, or without planning) | :: spontaani, oma-aloitteinen, omaehtoinen |
spontaneous {adj} (arising from a momentary impulse) | :: impulsiivinen |
spontaneous {adj} (produced without being planted or without human labor) | :: luonnollinen |
spontaneous {adj} (not apparently contrived or manipulated) | :: spontaani |
spontaneous {adj} (sudden, without warning) | :: yllättävä, äkillinen |
spontaneous combustion {n} (combustion without a source of heat) | :: itsesyttyminen |
spontaneous generation {n} | :: spontaani sikiäminen |
spontaneously {adv} /spɑnˈteɪ.ni.ə (in a spontaneous manner) | :: itsestään, spontaanisti |
spoof {n} /spuːf/ (act of deception, hoax) | :: huijaus, petkutus |
spoof {n} (light parody) | :: parodia |
spoof {n} (nonsense) | :: hölynpöly |
spoof {v} (to gently satirize) | :: parodioida |
spoof {v} (to deceive) | :: huijata, petkuttaa |
spoof {v} (to falsify) | :: väärentää, spooffata [slang] |
spook {n} /spuːk/ (spirit returning to haunt a place) | :: haamu, aave, kummitus |
spook {n} (ghost or phantom) | :: haamu, aave, kummitus |
spook {n} (hobgoblin) | :: peikko |
spook {n} (spy) | :: vakooja |
spook {v} (to scare or frighten) | :: säikäyttää [causative], säikytellä [frequentative], pelästyttää [causative] |
spool {n} /spuːl/ (spindle) | :: hylsy, rulla, puola |
spool {v} (to send files to some device or program that puts them in a queue for later processing of some kind) | :: lähettää jonoon |
spooler {n} (a computer programme that queues data) | :: taustatulostin [print spooler], jonotusohjelma |
spoon {n} /spuːn/ (scooped utensil for eating (or serving)) | :: lusikka |
spoon {n} (implement for stirring food) | :: kapusta |
spoon {n} (metal lure for fishing) | :: uistin |
spoon {v} (to serve using a spoon) | :: lusikoida |
spoon {v} (to lie together) | :: nukkua lusikassa |
spoon {v} (to fish with a concave spoon bait) | :: uistella |
spoon {v} (to catch by fishing with a concave spoon bait) | :: uistella |
spoon {v} (to flirt) SEE: flirt | :: |
spoon {n} (measure that will fit into a spoon) SEE: spoonful | :: |
spoonbill {n} (bird) | :: kapustahaikara |
spoonbill {n} (paddlefish) SEE: paddlefish | :: |
spoonerism {n} /ˈspuːnəɹɪzəm/ (phrase where sounds are transposed) | :: sananmuunnos |
spoon-feed {v} /ˈspunˌfid/ (help somebody to eat using a spoon) | :: syöttää lusikalla |
spoon-feed {v} (overly pamper or indulge someone) | :: poispilata |
spoon-feed {v} (deliver information in as basic a manner as possible) | :: vääntää rautalangasta |
spoonful {n} (amount a spoon will hold) | :: lusikallinen |
spoon lure {n} (oblong, concave lure) | :: lusikkauistin |
spoonwort {n} (scurvy-grass) SEE: scurvy-grass | :: |
Sporades {prop} (archipelago) | :: Sporadit |
sporadic {adj} /spəˈɹæɾɪk/ (rare and scattered in occurrence) | :: harvinainen, satunnainen, sporadinen |
sporadic {adj} (exhibiting random behaviour) | :: satunnainen, hajanainen, sporadinen |
sporadically {adv} (In an occasional, infrequent, or irregular manner) | :: satunnaisesti, hajanaisesti, aika-ajoin, sporadisesti |
sporadicity {n} (quality) | :: sporadisuus, satunnaisuus, hajanaisuus |
sporange {n} (sporangium) SEE: sporangium | :: |
sporangium {n} (a case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced) | :: itiöpesäke |
spore {n} /spɔɹ/ (reproductive particle) | :: itiö |
spore {n} (resistant particle produced by bacterium or protist) | :: itiö |
spork {n} /spoəɹk/ (eating utensil) | :: lusikkahaarukka |
sporocarp {n} (fungal structure) | :: itiöemä |
sporophore {n} (spore-producing organ) | :: itiölava |
sporophyte {n} (plant which produces spores by meiosis in order to produce gametophytes) | :: sporofyytti |
sport {n} /spɔɹt/ (any athletic activity that uses physical skills) | :: urheilulaji, kilpailulaji, urheilu |
sport {n} (person who exhibits either good or bad sportsmanship) | :: urheilija |
sport {n} (somebody who behaves or reacts in an admirable manner) | :: ihailtava ihminen, kova tyyppi |
sport {n} (toy) | :: leikkikalu |
sport {n} (gaming for money as in racing, hunting, fishing) | :: pelaaminen, uhkapeli |
sport {n} (abnormal plant or animal) | :: epämuodostuma |
sport {n} (slang: sportsman; gambler) | :: pelimies |
sport {n} (amorous dalliance) | :: teerenpeli |
sport {v} (amuse oneself) | :: leikkiä, kisailla |
sport {v} (mock or tease) | :: leikkiä |
sport acrobatics {n} (acrobatic gymnastics) SEE: acrobatic gymnastics | :: |
sport fish {n} (fish providing sport) | :: urheilukala |
sportfish {v} (to fish for sport) | :: urheilukalastaa |
sportfisherman {n} (person) | :: urheilukalastaja |
sportfishing {n} (fishing for sport) | :: urheilukalastus |
sportiness {n} (quality of being sporty) | :: urheilullisuus |
sporting {adj} (pertaining to sports) | :: urheilu- |
sporting {adj} (exhibiting sportsmanship) | :: urheilijamainen, reilu |
sportingly {adv} (in a sporting manner) | :: urheilullisesti |
sportive {adj} (gay, frolicsome, merry) SEE: merry | :: |
sportive {adj} (playful, coltish) SEE: playful | :: |
sportive {adj} (good at sport) SEE: sporty | :: |
sportive {adj} /ˈspɔː(ɹ)tɪv/ (interested in sport) | :: kiinnostunut urheilusta |
sportlike {adj} (characteristic of sport) | :: urheilullinen, urheilu- |
sports bra {n} (bra worn when playing various sports) | :: urheilurintaliivit {p} |
sports car {n} (automobile designed for high speed) | :: urheiluauto |
sportscast {n} (news program reporting sports) | :: urheilu-uutiset |
sports field {n} (flat area for sports) | :: urheilukenttä |
sports jacket {n} (tailored jacket that is not part of a suit) | :: irtotakki |
sportsman {n} (male athlete) | :: urheilija |
sportsman {n} (man who engages in country sports) | :: erämies |
sportsmanlike {adj} (good sportsmanship) | :: urheilijamainen |
sportsman's bet {n} (a wager without money) | :: herrasmiesveto |
sportsmanship {n} | :: urheiluhenki, urheilijamaisuus |
sports medicine {n} (branch of medicine) | :: urheilulääketiede |
sportsperson {n} /spɔɹtspɝsən/ | :: urheilija |
sportswear {n} (casual clothing for sport or excercise) | :: urheiluvaatteet |
sportswoman {n} (woman who engages in sports) | :: urheilijatar, urheilija |
sports writer {n} (someone who writes about sports-related topics professionally) | :: urheilutoimittaja |
sportswriter {n} (journalist who specializes in sports) SEE: sports writer | :: |
sport utility vehicle {n} (vehicle) | :: katumaasturi, city-maasturi |
sporty {adj} /ˈspɔɹti/ (favourable to sports) | :: urheilullinen, sporttihenkinen |
sporty {adj} (flashy in appearance) | :: urheilullinen, sporttinen |
spot {n} /spɑt/ (a round or irregular patch of a different color) | :: pilkku, täplä |
spot {n} (stain) | :: tahra |
spot {n} (pimple, pustule) | :: näppylä, näppy |
spot {n} (location or area) | :: pikkupaikka |
spot {n} (bright lamp; spotlight) | :: spotti, kohdevalo |
spot {v} (see, pick out, notice or identify) | :: huomata |
spot-backed antshrike {n} (bird) | :: ruotomuura |
spot check {n} (a cursory inspection or examination or the inspection or examination of a sample of something) | :: pistokoe |
spotlight {n} (a bright lamp, especially one used to illuminate the center of attention on a stage) | :: valonheitin, kohdevalo |
spotlight {n} (the circle of light shed by a spotlight) | :: valokeila |
spotlight {n} (the center of attention; the highlight or most important part) | :: huomion keskipiste |
spotlight {v} (illuminate with a spotlight) | :: valaista |
spotlight {v} (draw attention to) | :: kiinnittää huomiota |
spot market {n} (market) | :: spot-markkinat {p} |
spot on {adj} (exact or correct) | :: täysin oikeassa |
spot price {n} (price) | :: spot-hinta |
spotted {adj} /ˈspɒtɨd/ (discoloured by spots; stained) | :: tahrainen |
spotted {adj} (characterized by spots) | :: täplikäs, pilkullinen |
spotted dick {n} (steamed suet pudding) | :: spotted dick [there's nothing similar in Finnish cuisine] |
spotted dragonet {n} (Callionymus maculatus) | :: pikkumerikokki |
spotted flycatcher {n} (bird) | :: harmaasieppo |
spotted hyena {n} (Crocuta crocuta) | :: täplähyeena |
spotted nutcracker {n} (Nucifraga caryocatactes) | :: pähkinähakki |
spotted redshank {n} (Tringa erythropus) | :: mustaviklo |
spotted sandpiper {n} (Actitis macularius) | :: amerikansipi |
spotted seal {n} (seal) | :: täplähylje |
spotted wolffish {n} (Anarhichas minor) | :: kirjomerikissa, täplämerikissa |
spot-winged antshrike {n} (Pygiptila stellaris) | :: tynkämuura |
spouse {n} (husband) SEE: husband | :: |
spouse {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
spouse {n} /spaʊs/ (person in a marriage or marital relationship) | :: puoliso, aviopuoliso, [informal] siippa |
spouse {v} (to get married to) SEE: espouse | :: |
spout {n} /spaʊt/ (a tube through which liquid is poured or discharged) | :: nokka, kaatonokka |
spout {n} (a stream of liquid) | :: suihku, vesipatsas, vesisuihku |
spout {n} (the mixture of air and water thrown up from the blowhole of a whale) | :: suihku, vesisuihku |
spout {v} (to gush forth in a stream) | :: suihkuttaa, syöstä |
spout {v} (to speak tediously and at length) | :: paasata, jaaritella |
sprachbund {n} /ˈspɹɑːkbʊnd/ (group of languages sharing areal features primarily due to language contact) | :: kielisikermä |
Sprachgefühl {n} (the instinctive or intuitive grasp of a language) | :: kielikorva |
sprain {v} /spɹeɪn/ (to weaken a joint, ligament, or muscle) | :: nyrjäyttää, nyrjähtää [joint]; venäyttää, venähtää [soft tissue] |
sprain {n} (act or result of spraining) | :: nyrjähdys [of joint]; venähdys [of soft tissue] |
sprat {n} /spɹæt/ (any of various small marine fish in the genus Sprattus) | :: anjovis, kilohaili, sardelli [no unifying term] |
sprawl {v} /spɹɔl/ (to sit with limbs spread out) | :: retkottaa |
sprawl {v} (to spread out in disorderly fashion) | :: rehottaa, levitä |
sprawl {n} (ungainly sprawling posture) | :: retkotus |
sprawl {n} (haphazard growth) | :: leviäminen |
spray {n} /spɹeɪ/ (fine, gentle, dispersed mist of liquid) | :: sumu, usva |
spray {n} (small branch of flowers or berries) | :: varpu, terttu |
spray {n} (pressurized container) | :: suihkepullo, suihke |
spray {n} (commercial product) | :: suihke, spray |
spray {v} (to project a liquid in a disperse manner) | :: suihkuttaa, sumuttaa |
spray {v} (to project many small items dispersively) | :: levittää |
spray bottle {n} (canister) | :: suihkupullo |
spray can {n} (pressurized canister) SEE: aerosol can | :: |
spray gun {n} (paint sprayer) | :: maaliruisku |
sprayhood {n} (companionway cover) SEE: dodger | :: |
spray paint {n} (paint applied in the form of a spray) | :: spraymaali |
spray paint {v} (apply paint in the form of a spray) | :: spraymaalata, ruiskumaalata |
spread {v} /spɹɛd/ (to stretch out, expand) | :: levittää, tasoittaa |
spread {v} (to extend, stretch out (limbs etc)) | :: levittää |
spread {v} (to disperse, scatter) | :: levittää, sirottaa, hajottaa |
spread {v} (to smear, distribute in a thin layer) | :: levittää |
spread {v} ((transitive) to disseminate, make known or present) | :: levittää |
spread {v} ((intransitive) to take up a larger area, expand) | :: levitä |
spread {n} (act of spreading) | :: levitys, levittäminen |
spread {n} (something that has been spread) | :: levite |
spread {n} (expanse of land) | :: maa-alue |
spread {n} (large tract of land used to raise livestock) | :: karjatila |
spread {n} (piece of material used as a cover) | :: peite |
spread {n} (large meal, especially one laid out on a table) | :: kattaus |
spread {n} (food designed to be spread) | :: levite |
spread {n} (two facing pages) | :: aukeama |
spread {n} (numerical difference) | :: ero |
spread {n} (difference between the wholesale and retail prices) | :: marginaali |
spread {n} (finance: difference between the price of a futures month and the price of another month of the same commodity) | :: spredi |
spread {n} (trading: difference between bid price and asking price) | :: spread, ostokurssin ja myyntikurssin ero, spredi |
spread {n} (finance: difference between the prices of two similar items) | :: hintaero, spredi |
spread {n} (arbitrage transaction) SEE: arbitrage | :: |
spreader {n} /ˈspɹɛdɚ/ (object or person who spreads) | :: levittäjä |
spreader {n} (spacer) | :: levittäjä, levitin |
spreader {n} (device used to spread bulk material) | :: levitin |
spreader {n} (knife or spatula used to distribute a substance) | :: levitin |
spreader {n} (horizontal spar attached to the mast of a sailboat in order to extend the shrouds) | :: saalinki, vantinlevittäjä, spriidari |
spreading {n} /ˈspɹɛdɪŋ/ (act by which sthg is spread) | :: levitys, levittäminen |
spread like wildfire {v} (spread or disseminate rapidly or uncontrollably) | :: levitä kuin kulovalkea |
spread out {v} (to become further apart) | :: levitä, levittäytyä |
spread out {v} (to place items further apart) | :: levittää |
spreadsheet {n} (sheet of paper) | :: laskentataulukko |
spreadsheet {n} (computer simulation) | :: laskentataulukko |
spread the word {v} (tell a lot of people) | :: levittää sanaa |
spree {n} /spɹiː/ (a merry frolic) | :: juominki |
sprig {n} /spɹɪɡ/ (small shoot or twig) | :: oksa, lehvä, verso; havu |
sprig {n} (youth) | :: kersa, vesa |
sprig {n} (brad) | :: uppokantanaula |
sprig {n} (small eyebolt ragged or barbed at the point) | :: silmäruuvi |
spring {v} /spɹɪŋ/ (to release or set free) | :: vapauttaa |
spring {n} (season between winter and summer in temperate climates) | :: kevät |
spring {n} (period from vernal equinox to summer solstice) | :: kevät |
spring {n} (the three months March to May (N. Hem.) or September to November (S. Hem.)) | :: kevät |
spring {n} (water springing from the ground) | :: lähde |
spring {n} (device made of flexible material) | :: jousi, vieteri, joustin |
spring {n} (nautical: line from an end or side to the anchor cable) | :: springi |
spring {n} (nautical: line from an end to another vessel or mooring to limit surging) | :: springi |
spring {n} (nautical: crack or fissure in a mast or yard) | :: halkeama |
spring {n} (source of an action or a supply) | :: lähde |
spring {n} (any active power) | :: voima |
spring {v} (to jump) SEE: jump | :: |
spring {n} (jump) SEE: jump | :: |
spring {n} (people sharing the same origin) SEE: race | :: |
spring {n} (shoot) SEE: shoot | :: |
spring {n} (cluster of trees) SEE: grove | :: |
spring {n} (erection of the penis) SEE: erection | :: |
spring {n} (youth) SEE: youth | :: |
spring {n} (time of growth, early stages) SEE: beginning | :: |
spring {n} (spring tide) SEE: spring tide | :: |
spring {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide | :: |
spring {n} (elasticity) SEE: elasticity | :: |
spring {n} (elastic energy) SEE: elastic energy | :: |
spring balance {n} (a device for measuring weight or force by the elasticity of a spiral spring) | :: jousivaaka |
springboard {n} (flexible diving board) | :: ponnahduslauta |
springboard {n} (platform on springs used in gymnastics) | :: ponnahduslauta |
springboard {n} (figuratively: anything that launches or provides impulse) | :: ponnahduslauta |
springbok {n} /ˈspɹɪŋbɑk/ (Antidorcas marsupialis) | :: hyppyantilooppi, hyppygaselli |
spring break {n} (vacation during the spring) | :: kevätloma |
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning at the end of winter) | :: kevätsiivous |
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning of anything) | :: suursiivous |
spring constant {n} (characteristic of a spring) | :: jousivakio |
springed {adj} /spɹɪŋd/ (having springs) | :: jousitettu [having springs]; -jousinen [having certain type of springs] |
spring equinox {n} (vernal equinox) SEE: vernal equinox | :: |
springer {n} (springbok) SEE: springbok | :: |
springer {n} (person that springs) | :: hyppääjä |
springer {n} (stone at the base of an arch) | :: holvijalka |
springer {n} (springer spaniel) SEE: springer spaniel | :: |
springer {n} (springing cow) SEE: springing cow | :: |
springer spaniel {n} (dog) | :: springerspanieli |
Spring Festival {n} (Chinese New Year) SEE: Chinese New Year | :: |
springing cow {n} (cow or heifer close to calving) | :: kantava lehmä, kantava hieho |
springlike {adj} (typical of spring) | :: keväinen |
spring mattress {n} (mattress) | :: jousipatja |
spring onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) | :: pillisipuli, talvisipuli |
spring onion {n} (similar onion) | :: kevätsipuli |
spring roll {n} (shredded vegetables wrapped in a pancake) | :: kevätrulla |
spring roll {n} (egg roll) SEE: egg roll | :: |
springtail {n} (springtail) | :: hyppyhäntäinen |
spring tide {n} (tide which occurs when the moon is new or full) | :: tulvavuoksi |
springtime {n} (the season of spring) | :: kevät |
spring to life {v} (start to exist) | :: nousta, syntyä |
spring to mind {v} (appear in one's thoughts) | :: tulla mieleen, muistua mieleen, juolahtaa mieleen |
spring up {v} (to come rapidly into existence) | :: ilmestyä |
springwater {n} (water originating from a spring) | :: lähdevesi |
springwater {n} (water that is purportedly spring water) | :: lähdevesi |
spring wheat {n} (type of wheat) | :: kevätvehnä |
springy {adj} /ˈspɹɪŋi/ (capable of returning to its original form) | :: joustava, kimmoisa |
sprinkle {v} /ˈspɹɪŋkəl/ (to cause to fall in fine drops) | :: sirotella, pirskottaa, ripotella |
sprinkle {v} (to cover an object) | :: sirotella, pirskottaa |
sprinkle {n} (A light covering with a sprinkled substance) | :: sirote |
sprinkle {n} (A light rain shower) | :: tihkusade |
sprinkler {n} /ˈspɹiŋklɚ/ (irrigation device) | :: sadettaja, sadetin |
sprinkler {n} (fire sprinkler) | :: sprinkleri |
sprinkles {n} /ˈspɹɪŋkl̩z/ (small candy or sugar pieces as decoration) | :: nonparelli, strösseli |
sprint {n} (short race at top speed) | :: pikajuoksu, pikamatka |
sprint {n} (burst of speed or activity) | :: pyrähdys |
sprint {v} (To run etc at top speed for a short period) | :: pinkaista, pyrähtää |
sprit {n} (supporting spar in spritsail rig) | :: varpatanko |
sprite {n} (the green woodpecker, or yaffle) SEE: green woodpecker | :: |
sprite {n} /spɹaɪt/ (a spirit; a soul; a shade; also, an apparition) | :: henki |
sprite {n} (an elf; a fairy; a goblin) | :: keiju, haltija |
sprite {n} (a two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene) | :: sprite |
sprite {n} (electrical discharges that occur high above the cumulonimbus cloud of an active thunderstorm) | :: keijusalama |
Sprite {prop} /spɹaɪt/ (colourless, caffeine-free, lemon and lime-flavoured soft drink) | :: Sprite |
spritsail {n} (type of sail) | :: varpapurje |
sprocket {n} /spɹɒkɪt/ (toothed wheel) | :: ketjupyörä, hammaspyörä, ratas |
sprocket {n} (tooth of such wheel) | :: hammas |
sprocket {n} (extension of roof) | :: lippa |
sprout {n} /spɹaʊt/ (new growth on a plant) | :: itu, vesa |
sprout {n} (child) | :: vesa |
sprout {n} (edible germinated seed) | :: itu |
sprout {v} (to grow, to germinate) | :: itää |
sprout {v} (to cause to grow from a seed) | :: idättää |
sprout {n} (Brussels sprout) SEE: Brussels sprout | :: |
spruce {n} /spɹuːs/ (tree from the genus Picea) | :: kuusi |
spruce {n} (wood of a spruce) | :: kuusi |
spruce {n} (attributive: made of the wood of the spruce) | :: kuusipuinen, kuusi- |
spruce {adj} (smart and elegant) | :: tyylikäs |
spruce cone {n} (Conical fruit of a spruce tree) | :: kuusenkäpy |
spud {n} /spʌd/ ([informal] potato) | :: pottu |
spunk {n} /spʌŋk/ (courage; spirit; mettle; determination) | :: sisu, päättäväisyys, tahdonvoima |
spunk {n} (slang: attractive male) | :: adonis |
spunk {n} (slang: semen) | :: mälli |
spur {n} /spɝ/ (implement for prodding a horse) | :: kannus |
spur {n} (jab given with the spurs) | :: kannustus |
spur {n} (anything that inspires or motivates) | :: kannustin |
spur {n} (appendage near the foot) | :: kannus |
spur {n} (any protruding part) | :: haara |
spur {n} (roots) | :: juuret {p}, juuristo |
spur {n} (projection from a mountain or mountain range) | :: haarake |
spur {n} (ergotized grain) | :: torajyvävilja |
spur {n} (very short branch line of a railway line) | :: sivuraide |
spur {v} (to prod) | :: kannustaa |
spur {v} (to urge or encourage to action) | :: kannustaa, yllyttää |
spur {v} (to put spurs on) | :: varustaa kannuksilla |
spur {n} (track of an animal) | :: jälki, jäljet {p} |
spurdog {n} (spiny dogfish) SEE: spiny dogfish | :: |
spurge {n} /spɝdʒ/ (any plant of the genus Euphorbia) | :: tyräkki |
spurge {v} (of beer during fermentation: to emit foam) | :: vaahdota |
spurious {adj} /ˈspjʊ.ɹi.əs/ (false) | :: väärennetty, väärä, epäaito |
spur on {v} (spur) SEE: spur | :: |
spurt {v} /spɝt/ (to cause to gush) | :: purskauttaa [once], purskuttaa [repeatedly] |
spurt {v} (to gush) | :: purskahtaa [once], purskua [repeatedly] |
spurt {n} (brief gush) | :: purskahdus, purskaus |
spurt {v} (to make strong effort) | :: rynnistää, kiriä |
sputnik {n} /ˈspʊtnɪk/ (a Soviet robotic space satellite) | :: sputnik |
sputum {n} (matter coughed up and expectorated from the mouth) | :: yskös |
spy {n} /spaɪ/ (person who secretly watches) | :: vakooja, vakoilija |
spy {v} (to act as a spy) | :: vakoilla |
spyglass {n} (portable telescope) | :: kaukoputki |
spyglass {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars | :: |
spying {n} (espionage) SEE: espionage | :: |
spy ring {n} (spy network) | :: vakoilurengas |
spy satellite {n} (artificial space satellite used for reconnaissance or intelligence gathering) | :: vakoilusatelliitti |
spyware {n} (program) | :: vakoiluohjelma |
Spy Wednesday {n} (Holy Wednesday) SEE: Holy Wednesday | :: |
squab {n} /ˈskwɑb/ (baby pigeon) | :: kyyhkysenpoikanen |
squab {n} (meat of a young pigeon or dove) | :: kyyhkysenliha |
squab {n} (baby rook) | :: mustavariksen poikanen |
squab {n} (thick cushion) | :: istuintyyny |
squabble {n} /ˈskwɑːbl/ (minor fight or argument) | :: kinastelu |
squabble {v} (participate in a minor fight or argument) | :: kinastella |
squabbler {n} (person who squabbles) | :: kinastelija |
squacco {n} /ˈskwækəʊ/ (Ardeola ralloides) | :: rääkkähaikara |
squad {n} /ˈskwɒd/ (unit of tactical military personnel or police officers) | :: ryhmä |
squadron {n} /ˈskwɒd.ɹən/ (army: body of cavalry) | :: eskadroona |
squadron {n} (navy: detachment of vessels) | :: laivue |
squadron {n} (air force: tactical unit of at least two flights) | :: laivue |
squalane {n} /ˈskweɪleɪn/ (hydrocarbon) | :: skvalaani |
squalene {n} /ˈskweɪliːn/ (triterpene hydrocarbon) | :: skvaleeni |
squalid {adj} /ˈskwɒlɪd/ (extremely dirty) | :: likainen, rähjäinen, surkea |
squalid {adj} (showing lack of moral standards) | :: likainen, alhainen |
squall {n} /ˈskwɔːl/ (sudden storm, as found in a squall line) | :: ukkoskuuro |
squall {v} (to cry or wail loudly) | :: rääkyä, parkua |
squall {n} (squall line, multicell line or part of a squall line) SEE: squall line | :: |
squall line {n} (line of thunderstorms) | :: kuuropilvijono; ukkosrintama |
squalor {n} /ˈskwɑlɚ/ (squalidness) | :: surkeus, kurjuus |
squamous {adj} /ˈskweɪ.məs/ (scaly) | :: suomuinen |
squander {v} /ˈskwɑn.dɚ/ (to waste) | :: tuhlata, haaskata, törsätä |
square {n} /skwɛɚ/ (type of polygon) | :: neliö |
square {n} (tool) | :: suorakulma |
square {n} (open space in a town) | :: aukio, tori |
square {n} (cell in a grid) | :: ruutu |
square {n} (second power) | :: neliö, toinen potenssi |
square {n} (body of troops in a square formation) | :: neliö |
square {n} (slang: socially conventional person) | :: jäykkis |
square {n} (the # symbol on a telephone) | :: ruutu, risuaita |
square {n} (unit of measurement of area) | :: sata neliöjalkaa |
square {n} (unit for measuring roof area) | :: sata neliöjalkaa |
square {n} (pane of glass) | :: ruutu |
square {n} (harmony or exact agreement) | :: sopusointu |
square {n} (front of a woman's dress) | :: miehusta |
square {n} (slang: cigarette) | :: rööki, spaddu |
square {adj} (shaped like a square) | :: neliömäinen, neliskulmainen |
square {adj} (forming a right angle) | :: kohtisuora; suorakulmaisesti [adverb] |
square {adj} (used in the names of units) | :: neliö- |
square {adj} (honest, straightforward) | :: suora |
square {adj} (even, tied) | :: tasoissa, tasan [adverbs] |
square {adj} (socially conventional) | :: konventionaalinen, tiukkapipoinen |
square {adj} (correctly aligned) | :: oikeansuuntainen |
square {adj} (hearty, vigorous) | :: kunnollinen |
square {adj} (having shape broad for the height, with angular outlines) | :: neliömäinen |
square {v} (to adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle) | :: suoristaa |
square {v} (to resolve, see also: resolve) | :: ratkaista |
square {v} (to adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something) | :: sovittaa, selittää |
square {v} (math: to multiply by itself) | :: korottaa toiseen potenssiin, korottaa neliöön |
square {v} (geometry: to draw a square with same area as something else) | :: neliöidä |
square {v} (soccer: to make a short low pass sideways across the pitch) | :: syöttää poikittain, antaa poikittaissyöttö |
square {v} (to be consistent with) | :: noudattaa, olla jonkin mukainen |
square {v} (to take an attitude of offense or defense, or of defiance) | :: asettua poikkiteloin |
square {v} (nautical: to place at right angles with the keel) | :: jalustaa poikittain [of the sail] |
square {n} (act quarrelling) SEE: quarrel | :: |
square {v} (to take opposing sides) SEE: quarrel | :: |
square {adj} (fair) SEE: fair | :: |
square {n} (square meal) SEE: square meal | :: |
square away {v} (to finish, complete) | :: hoitaa |
square bracket {n} (symbol [ or ]) | :: hakasulje, hakasulku |
square centimeter {n} (unit of area) | :: neliösenttimetri |
squared {adj} (raised to the second power) | :: toiseen [always after the thing it describes] |
square foot {n} (unit of area equal to that of a square of one foot each side) | :: neliöjalka |
squarefree {adj} (not divisible by a nontrivial square) | :: neliövapaa |
square inch {n} (unit of area) | :: neliötuuma |
square kilometer {n} (square kilometre) SEE: square kilometre | :: |
square kilometre {n} (standard unit of area) | :: neliökilometri |
square matrix {n} (matrix having the same number of rows as columns) | :: neliömatriisi |
square meal {n} (satisfying meal) | :: reilu ateria |
square metre {n} (standard unit of area) | :: neliömetri |
square one {n} (the place where one begins) | :: lähtöruutu |
square-rigged {adj} (having square sails) | :: raakatakiloitu |
square-rigger {n} (ship) | :: raakapurjealus |
square root {n} (number) | :: neliöjuuri |
square sail {n} (sail set athwartships in a yard) | :: raakapurje |
square the circle {v} (to construct a square that is equiareal to a circle) | :: neliöidä ympyrä |
square the circle {v} (to solve a difficult problem) | :: neliöidä ympyrä |
square wave {n} (function or waveform that alternates regularly and instantaneously between two levels) | :: kanttiaalto |
squash {n} /skwɔʃ/ (the sport) | :: squash, kössi |
squash {v} (to beat or press into pulp or flat mass) | :: murskata, puristaa, soseuttaa |
squash {v} (to compress) | :: ahtaa, ahtautua |
squash {n} (plant and its fruit of the genus Cucurbita) | :: kurpitsa |
squash {n} (soft drink) SEE: cordial | :: |
squash ball {n} (ball) | :: squash-pallo |
squash court {n} (court for playing squash) | :: squash-kenttä |
squash player {n} (competitor in the sport of squash) | :: squashinpelaaja |
squash racket {n} (racket for playing squash) | :: squash-maila |
squat {adj} /skwɒt/ (relatively short or low and thick or broad) | :: paksu |
squat {adj} (sitting low on the heels) | :: kyykkivä, kyykyssä oleva |
squat {n} (position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet) | :: kyykky |
squat {n} (weightlifting: exercise) | :: kyykky, jalkakyykky |
squat {n} (toilet) | :: kyykkykäymälä |
squat {n} (building occupied without permission) | :: vallattu rakennus |
squat {n} (something of no value; nothing) | :: höykäsen pöläystä, rikkaa ristiin |
squat {v} (to bend at the knees) | :: kyykistyä, kyyristyä |
squat {v} (to occupy without permission) | :: vallata |
squatting {n} (occupation of a building/land without permission of owner) | :: talonvaltaus |
squat toilet {n} (toilet which is operated by squatting) | :: kyykkykäymälä |
squawk {n} /skwɔːk/ (shrill noise) | :: kirkuminen, rääkyminen |
squawk {v} (to make a squawking noise) | :: kirkua, rääkyä |
squeak {v} /skwiːk/ (emit sound) | :: vinkua, kitistä |
squeak {v} (inform) | :: vasikoida, juoruta |
squeaky {adj} /ˈskwiːki/ (producing a high-pitched sound or squeak) | :: nariseva, kitisevä |
squeaky cheese {n} (cheese curds) | :: leipäjuusto |
squeal {n} /skwil/ (a high-pitched sound) | :: vingahdus, kiljahdus |
squeal {v} (to scream a high-pitched squeal) | :: vinkua, kiljua |
squeal {v} (to rat on someone) | :: vasikoida |
squeal like a stuck pig {v} (to utter loud squeals) | :: kiljua kuin pistetty sika |
squeamish {adj} /ˈskwiːmɪʃ/ (easily bothered or upset; tending to be nauseous or nervous) | :: herkkähermoinen |
squeamishness {n} (quality of being squeamish) | :: herkkähermoisuus |
squeegee {n} /ˈskwiˌdʒi/ (tool used for cleaning glass) | :: ikkunalasta, lasta |
squeegee {n} (printing tool) | :: lasta |
squeegee {v} (to use a squeegee) | :: pyyhkiä lastalla |
squeeze {v} /skwiːz/ (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once) | :: puristaa |
squeeze {v} (to fit into a tight place) | :: ahtaa |
squeeze {v} (to remove something with difficulty, or apparent difficulty) | :: puristaa, kaivaa |
squeeze {v} (to put in a difficult position by presenting two or more choices) | :: ahdistaa |
squeeze {n} (difficult position) | :: puristus |
squeeze {n} (hug or other affectionate grasp) | :: puristus |
squeeze {n} (caving: traversal of a narrow passage) | :: rypistys |
squeezebox {n} /ˈskwiːzbɒks/ (accordion, concertina) | :: harmonikka, haitari, hanuri, sirmakka, kurttu, taljankka, ryppy, vetopeli |
squeeze out {v} (used other than as an idiom, to squeeze out) | :: puristaa |
squeeze out {v} (to force out competitors) | :: pudottaa |
squib {n} /skwɪb/ (small firework) | :: sähikäinen |
squid {n} /skwɪd/ (sea animal) | :: kalmari, mustekala |
squiggle {n} /ˈskwɪɡl̩/ (a short twisting or wiggling line or mark) | :: pukinsorkka |
squiggle {n} (an illegible scrawl) | :: harakanvarvas |
squiggle {v} (to write (something) illegibly) | :: raapustaa |
squiggly {adj} /ˈskwɪɡli/ (Not straight; wavy) | :: kiemurainen, koukeroinen, kiemurteleva |
squill {n} /skwɪl/ (plant of the genus Scilla) | :: sinililja |
squillion {n} (very large, unspecified number) SEE: zillion | :: |
squint {v} /skwɪnt/ (to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight) | :: siristää; siristellä [repeatedly] |
squint {v} (to look or glance sideways) | :: vilkaista sivulle; vilkuilla [repeatedly] |
squint {v} (to look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions) | :: katsoa kieroon, karsastaa |
squint {v} (to be not quite straight) | :: olla vinossa, olla kiero |
squint {v} (to turn to an oblique position) | :: vetää kieroon, kääntää vinoon |
squint {n} (expression in which the eyes are partly closed) | :: silmät sirrissä |
squint {n} (look of eyes which are turned in different directions, like in strabismus) | :: karsastus |
squint {n} (quick or sideways glance) | :: vilkaisu |
squint {n} (short look) | :: vilkaisu |
squire {n} /ˈskwaɪə/ (armor-bearer who attended a knight) | :: aseenkantaja |
squire {n} (male follower of a lady) | :: seuralainen, kavaljeeri |
squire {n} (title of office and courtesy) | :: herra |
squirm {v} /skwɝm/ (twist one’s body with snakelike motion) | :: kiemurrella, vääntelehtiä |
squirm {v} (twist in discomfort, especially from shame or embarrassment) | :: kiemurrella |
squirm {v} (to evade a question, an interviewer etc.) | :: kiemurrella |
squirrel {n} /ˈskwɪɹl̩/ (rodent) | :: orava |
squirrel around {v} (To move or search erratically) | :: säntäillä, säntäillä ympäriinsä |
squirrel away {v} (To stash or hide) | :: hamstrata |
squirrel monkey {n} (Saimiri) | :: saimiri |
squirt {n} /skwɜː(ɹ)t/ (instrument) | :: ruisku |
squirt {n} (small, quick stream; a jet) | :: suihku, ruiskaus |
squirt {n} (small child) | :: pirpana, ipana |
squirt {v} (to be ejected, in a rapid stream) | :: ruiskuta, purskahtaa, ruiskahtaa |
squirt {v} (to cause to be ejected, in a rapid stream) | :: ruiskuttaa, purskauttaa, ruiskauttaa |
squirt {v} (to hit with a rapid stream of liquid) | :: ruiskuttaa |
squirt {v} (to throw out or utter words rapidly) | :: purskauttaa |
squirting cucumber {n} (Ecballium elaterium) | :: ruiskukurkku |
squish {v} /skwɪʃ/ (To squeeze, compress, or crush) | :: puristaa, rutistaa, liiskata, musertaa |
squishy {adj} /ˈskwɪʃi/ ((of an object or substance) yielding easily to pressure; very soft; especially, soft and wet, as mud) | :: vetelä |
SRC {n} (VHF certificate) | :: rannikkolaivurin radiotodistus |
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte {prop} (the administrative capital of Sri Lanka) | :: Kotte |
Sri Lanka {prop} /sɹiˈlɑːŋkə/ (a country in South Asia) | :: Sri Lanka |
Sri Lankan {n} (a person from Sri Lanka or of Sri Lankan descent) | :: srilankalainen |
Sri Lankan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Sri Lanka or to the Sri Lankan people) | :: srilankalainen |
sriracha {n} /sɹɪˈɹæt͡ʃə/ (a Thai-style hot sauce) | :: sriracha-kastike |
SSD {n} (solid-state disk) | :: SSD-levy, puolijohdelevy |
SSD {n} (solid-state drive) | :: SSD-levy, puolijohdelevy, SSD-asema |
SSD {n} (special separation of duty) | :: tehtävien eriyttäminen |
SSR {n} (abbreviation of Soviet Socialist Republic) | :: SNT |
stab {n} /stæb/ (act of stabbing) | :: pisto, pistäminen |
stab {n} (wound made by stabbing) | :: pistohaava |
stab {n} (pain inflicted on a person's feelings) | :: pisto |
stab {v} (To pierce or wound with pointed object) | :: puukottaa |
stab {v} (To cause a sharp painful sensation) | :: pistää |
stability {n} /stəˈbɪlɪti/ (condition of being stable) | :: vakaus |
stability {n} (tendency to recover from perturbations) | :: vakaus |
stabilization {n} (process of stabilizing) | :: stabilointi |
stabilize {v} (to make stable) | :: vakauttaa |
stabilizer {n} (substance added to something in order to stabilize it) | :: stabilointiaine |
stabilizer {n} (training wheels on child's bicycle) | :: apupyörät {p} |
stab in the back {n} (Act of betrayal) | :: selkään puukotus, selkään puukottaminen |
stab in the back {v} (To betray somebody) | :: puukottaa selkään |
stable {n} /ˈsteɪ.bəɫ/ (building for animals with hoofs) | :: navetta |
stable {n} (building for horses) | :: talli, hevostalli |
stable {n} (stable for oxen, cows, cattle) | :: navetta |
stable {v} (put or keep in a stable) | :: pitää tallissa [keep in a stable] |
stable {adj} (relatively unchanging) | :: vakaa, tasainen |
stable boy {n} (boy or young man who attends in a stable) | :: tallirenki |
stable equilibrium {n} | :: vakaa tasapaino |
stable fly {n} (stable fly) | :: pistokärpänen |
stableman {n} (person employed to take care of horses in a stable) | :: tallirenki |
stablemaster {n} (person in charge of stable) | :: tallimestari |
stablemate {n} (one from the same stable) | :: tallikaveri |
stablemate {n} (one from the same organization) | :: työkaveri, työtoveri [same workplace]; joukkuetoveri [same team]; tallikaveri [same motor sports team]; koulukaveri, koulutoveri [same school]; opiskelukaveri [same university or college]; armeijakaveri [same military unit] etc. |
stack {n} /stæk/ (a pile of identical objects) | :: pino, keko, kasa, läjä |
stack {n} (computing: data structure) | :: pino |
stack {v} (To place objects or material in the form of a stack) | :: pinota |
stack {v} (To arrange the cards in a deck in a particular manner) | :: järjestää |
stack trace {n} (hierarchical trace used in debugging) | :: pinojäljitys |
stadium {n} /ˈsteɪ.di.əm/ (venue where sporting events are held) | :: stadion |
stadtholder {n} /ˈstætˌhoʊldɚ/ (chief magistrate of the Dutch Republic) | :: käskynhaltija |
stadtholder {n} (governor-general in Sweden or Denmark) | :: käskynhaltija |
staff {n} /stɑːf/ (long, straight, thick rod or stick) | :: sauva, salko, tanko |
staff {n} (music: series of horizontal lines) | :: nuottiviivasto |
staff {n} (employees of a business) | :: henkilöstö, henkilökunta |
staff {v} (to supply with employees) | :: miehittää |
Staffie {n} (informal for Staffordshire bull terrier) | :: staffi |
staffing {n} (the practice of hiring and firing staff) | :: henkilöstönhallinta |
staff officer {n} (an officer who fulfills a non-combat support function) | :: esikuntaupseeri |
staffroom {n} (room) | :: henkilöstötila |
stag {n} (social event for a groom) SEE: bachelor party | :: |
stag {n} /stæɡ/ (adult male deer) | :: uroshirvi; hirvas [reindeer] |
stag {n} (colt or filly) | :: varsa |
stag {n} (castrated bull) | :: härkä |
stag {n} (irregular dealer in stocks) | :: jobbari |
stag {n} (one who applies for shares with a view to sell immediately at a premium) | :: pörssikeinottelija, pörssipeluri |
stag {n} (Eurasian wren) | :: peukaloinen |
stag {v} (act as an irregular dealer in stocks) | :: keinotella |
stag {v} (watch, keep track of) | :: vahtia |
stag {adv} (of a man, attending a formal social function without a date) | :: seuralaiseton mies |
stag beetle {n} (large beetle in Lucanidae) | :: kampasarvinen, tammihärkä [Lucanus cervus] |
stag-beetle {n} (a large black beetle with a pair of strong mandibles) | :: tammihärkä |
stag do {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party | :: |
stage {n} /steɪd͡ʒ/ (phase) | :: vaihe |
stage {n} (in theatre) | :: näyttämö |
stage {n} (short for stagecoach) | :: vaunut {p} |
stage {n} (a degree of advancement on a journey) | :: etappi |
stage {n} (number of an electronic circuit’s block) | :: vaihe |
stage {n} (place on a microscope) | :: pöytä |
stage {n} (in geology) | :: vaihe |
stage {v} (to produce on a stage) | :: esittää |
stage {v} (to demonstrate in a deceptive manner) | :: lavastaa |
stage {v} ((protest, strike, ...) to carry out) | :: järjestää |
stage {v} (to pause or wait) | :: pysäyttää |
stage-coach {n} /ˈsteɪdʒ.koʊtʃ/ (horse-drawn coach to transport passengers and mail) | :: diligenssi, postivaunut {p} |
stage direction {n} (instruction given to an actor) | :: näyttämöohje, parenteesi |
stage diving {n} (practice of jumping from the stage on the raised hands of the audience) | :: lavasukellus |
stage fright {n} (state of nervousness about performing) | :: ramppikuume, esiintymiskuume |
stagehand {n} (person working behind the scenes in a theatre) | :: näyttämöavustaja |
stage left {n} (area to the left (facing audience) of the stage) | :: näyttämövasen |
stage name {n} (pseudonym of an entertainer) | :: taiteilijanimi |
stage-phoner {n} (оne who fakes a cell-phone conversation) | :: valesoittaja |
stageplay {n} (play written to be a performed on the stage) | :: teatterinäytelmä, näytelmä |
stage right {n} (area to the right (facing audience) of the stage) | :: näyttämöoikea |
stage whisper {n} /ˈsteɪdʒ ˈwɪs.pɚ/ ((theater) A line that is performed on stage as if it were whispered, but is spoken loud enough that the audience can hear) | :: teatterikuiskaus |
stagflation {n} (inflation accompanied by stagnant growth) | :: stagflaatio |
stagger {n} /ˈstæɡɚ/ (an unsteady movement of the body in walking or standing) | :: hoipertelu |
stagger {n} (a disease of horses and other animals) | :: laidunhalvaus |
stagger {n} (bewilderment; perplexity) | :: hämmennys |
stagger {v} (to move to one side and the other, as if about to fall, in standing or walking) | :: hoiperrella, horjua, toikkaroida |
stagger {v} (to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion) | :: hoiperrella |
stagger {v} (to begin to doubt and waver in purposes) | :: epäröidä, horjua |
stagger {v} (multiple groups doing the same thing in a uniform fashion, but starting at different, evenly-spaced, times or places) | :: porrastaa |
staggered {adj} (astonished) SEE: astonished | :: |
staggering {adj} (incredible, overwhelming, amazing) | :: ällistyttävä |
staggeringly {adv} ((degree) to a breathtaking degree) | :: ällistyttävän |
staggeringly {adv} ((manner) in a staggering way; with a stagger) | :: hoiperrellen, hoipertelevasti |
staggerwort {n} (Senecio jacobaea) | :: jaakonvillakko |
staging {n} (theater: performance of a play) | :: näytös |
staging {n} (structure supporting workmen) | :: telineet {p} |
stagnant {adj} /ˈstæɡnənt/ (lacking freshness, motion, flow, progress, or change; stale; motionless; still) | :: seisova |
stagnation {n} /stæɡˈneɪʃən/ (inactivity) | :: pysähtyminen, pysähtyneisyys, lamaantuminen, lamaantuneisuus, jähmettyminen |
stagnation {n} (being stagnant) | :: seisominen |
stag party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party | :: |
stag's-horn clubmoss {n} (Lycopodium clavatum) | :: katinlieko |
staid {adj} /steɪd/ (not capricious or impulsive, see also: sedate; serious) | :: tosikkomainen, vakaa, vakava, yksitotinen |
staid {adj} (always fixed in the same location) | :: paikallaan pysyvä, pysyvä, vakaa |
stain {n} /steɪn/ (discoloured spot or area) | :: läiskä, tahra, jälki |
stain {n} (blemish on one's character or reputation) | :: tahra |
stain {n} (substance used to soak into a surface and colour it) | :: väriaine |
stain {n} (reagent or dye used to stain microscope specimens so as to make some structures visible) | :: väriaine |
stain {v} (to taint or tarnish someone's character or reputation) | :: tahrata, loata |
stain {v} (to treat a microscope specimen with a dye) | :: värjätä |
stained {adj} /steɪnd/ (having a stain) | :: tahrainen |
stained glass {n} (coloured glass) | :: lasimaalaus |
stained glass {n} (craft) | :: lasimaalaus |
stainless {n} (stainless steel) SEE: stainless steel | :: |
stainless {adj} (describing an alloy that is resistant to corrosion and discoloration) | :: ruostumaton |
stainless {adj} (unmarked, spotless) | :: tahraton |
stainless steel {n} (corrosion-free alloy) | :: ruostumaton teräs, ruostumaton, rosteri |
stainless steel {adj} (made of stainless steel) | :: ruostumaton teräs-, rosterinen |
stair {n} /stɛəɹ/ (single step) | :: porras |
stair {n} (series of steps) | :: portaat, portaikko |
staircase {n} /ˈstɛɹˌkeɪs/ (stairway) | :: portaat, portaikko |
stairlift {n} (motorized platform installed in a stairway) | :: porrashissi |
stairs {n} /ˈstɛɹz/ (contiguous set of steps) | :: portaat |
stairway {n} (set of steps allowing one to walk up or down comfortably) | :: portaat {p}, rappuset {p} |
stairwell {n} (a shaft in a multi-story building enclosing a stairway or staircase) | :: rappukäytävä, porraskäytävä, porrashuone |
stake {n} /steɪk/ (pointed long and slender piece of wood etc.) | :: paalu, tolppa |
stake {n} (croquet: finishing stick) | :: lopetuskeppi |
stake {n} (upright stick to prevent goods falling off a cart) | :: tolppa |
stake {n} (timber to which a martyr was affixed to be burned) | :: paalu |
stake {n} (share or interest in a business) | :: osuus |
stake {n} (wager or pledge) | :: panos |
stake {n} (small anvil) | :: pieni alasin |
stake {n} (Mormonism: territorial division) | :: vaarna |
stake a claim {v} (lay claim) SEE: lay claim | :: |
stakeholder {n} /ˈsteɪkhoʊldə(ɹ)/ (bet holder) | :: vedonvälittäjä |
stakeholder {n} (escrow agent) | :: uskottu mies |
stakeholder {n} (interpleader) | :: uskottu mies |
stakeholder {n} (person or organisation with a legitimate interest) | :: sidosryhmä |
Stakhanovism {n} (institution) | :: stahanovilaisuus |
Stakhanovite {n} /stəˈkɑːnəvaɪt/ ((USSR) an extremely productive or hard-working worker, see also: ) | :: stahanovilainen |
Stakhanovite {adj} ((USSR) pertaining to a Stakhanovite; heroically hard-working) | :: stahanovilainen |
stalactite {n} /stəˈlæktaɪt/ (mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave) | :: tippukivipuikko |
stalagmite {n} /stəˈlæɡmaɪt/ (mineral deposit) | :: tippukivipylväs |
stale {adj} /steɪl/ (having lost its freshness) | :: väljähtänyt, ummehtunut, vanhentunut |
stale {adj} (no longer new or interesting) | :: väljähtänyt, tympeä, kulunut |
stale {n} ((archery) the shaft of an arrow) | :: varsi |
stalemate {n} (chess term) | :: patti |
stalemate {n} (blocked situation without personal loss) | :: pattitilanne |
Stalin {prop} /ˈstɑː.lɪn/ (Stalin) | :: Stalin |
Stalinism {n} (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin) | :: stalinismi |
Stalinist {adj} (of, relating to, or resembling Stalin) | :: stalinilainen |
Stalinist {adj} (of or relating to Stalinism) | :: stalinistinen |
Stalinist {n} (a person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism) | :: stalinisti |
stalk {n} /stɔk/ (stem or main axis of a plant) | :: varsi |
stalk {n} (something resembling the stalk of a plant) | :: varsi; ruoto [stem of a quill] |
stalk {n} (one of the two upright pieces of a ladder) | :: runko |
stalk {n} (zoology: stem or peduncle, as in certain barnacles and crinoids) | :: kaula |
stalk {n} (zoology: peduncle of the eyes of decapod) | :: tappi |
stalk {v} (to approach slowly and quietly in order not to be discovered when getting closer) | :: vaania, väijyä |
stalk {v} (to (try to) follow or contact someone constantly, often resulting in harassment) | :: seurailla |
stalk {v} (to walk haughtily) | :: kekkalehtia |
stalk {n} (petiole, pedicel, or peduncle of a plant) SEE: petiole | :: |
stalker {n} (a person who stalks game) | :: vaanija |
stalker {n} (a person who secretly follows someone, sometimes with unlawful intentions) | :: ahdistelija |
stall {n} /stɔl/ (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed) | :: pilttuu, parsi, karsina |
stall {n} (stable; place for cattle) | :: talli [for horses], navetta [for other cattle] |
stall {n} (bench or table on which small articles of merchandise are exposed for sale) | :: tiski, myyntipöytä |
stall {n} (small open-fronted shop) | :: koju, myyntikoju |
stall {n} (very small room used for a shower) | :: suihkukaappi |
stall {n} (seat in a theatre) | :: permanto, permantopaikka |
stall {n} (aeronautics: loss of lift) | :: sakkaus |
stall {n} (paganism: altar) | :: alttari |
stall {n} (sheath to protect the finger) | :: sormituppi |
stall {v} (To put (an animal etc) in a stall) | :: pistää talliin, laittaa talliin |
stall {v} (To fatten) | :: lihottaa |
stall {v} (To come to a standstill) | :: pysähtyä, seisahtua |
stall {v} (to cause to come to a standstill, to forestall) | :: estää, hidastaa |
stall {v} (To exceed the critical angle of attack, resulting in total loss of lift) | :: sakata |
stall {n} (action that causes, or is intended to cause, delay) | :: viivytys |
stall {v} (To employ delaying tactics against) | :: viivyttää |
stallion {n} /ˈstæli.ən/ (uncastrated male horse) | :: ori |
stalwart {adj} /ˈstɔːl.wət/ (firmly or solidly built) | :: tukeva, roteva |
stalwart {adj} (courageous) | :: urhea |
stalwart {n} (one who has a strong build) | :: jässikkä |
stalwart {n} (one who firmly supports a cause) | :: uskollinen, kannattaja, änkyrä |
stamen {n} /ˈsteɪ.mən/ (A flower part that produces pollen) | :: hede, hedelehti |
stamina {n} /ˈstæmənə/ (power of sustained exertion) | :: kestävyys, sisu |
stammer {v} /ˈstæmɚ/ (to stutter) | :: änkyttää, takellella |
stammer {n} (involuntary repetition of sounds in speech) | :: änkytys, takeltelu |
stammerer {n} (stutterer) SEE: stutterer | :: |
stamp {n} /stæmp/ (act of stamping) | :: polkaisu |
stamp {n} (indentation or imprint made by stamping) | :: leima |
stamp {n} (device for stamping designs) | :: leimasin |
stamp {n} (any small piece of paper bearing a design on one side and adhesive on the other, see also: postage stamp) | :: leimamerkki, koristemerkki, sinetti, sulkijamerkki |
stamp {v} (to step quickly and heavily) | :: polkea (jalkaa), tömistää |
stamp {v} (to move (the foot or feet) quickly and heavily) | :: tömistää, tömistellä |
stamp {v} (to strike, beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot) | :: tömistää, tömistellä |
stamp {v} (to mark by pressing quickly and heavily) | :: lyödä; meistää, stanssata [metalworking] |
stamp {v} (to give an official marking to) | :: leimata |
stamp {v} (to apply postage stamps to) | :: laittaa postimerkki, liimata postimerkki, postimerkittää |
stamp {v} (to mark, impress) | :: leimata |
stamp {n} (postage stamp) SEE: postage stamp | :: |
stamp collecting {n} (stamp hobby) SEE: philately | :: |
stamp collector {n} (person who collects stamps) | :: postimerkkeilijä |
stamp duty {n} (tax on certain documents) | :: leimavero |
stampede {n} /stæmˈpiːd/ (any sudden flight or dispersion) | :: rynnistys |
stampede {v} (To run away in panic; of cattle, horses; of armies) | :: rynnätä pakoon |
stamp hinge {n} (gummed strip of paper for mounting stamps on album) | :: liimake |
stamping ground {n} (place one likes to go) | :: lempipaikka |
-stan {suffix} (home of; place where one stays; used especially in place names) | :: -stan |
stance {n} /stɑːns/ (manner, pose, or posture in which one stands) | :: asento |
stance {n} (opinion or point of view) | :: asenne, asennoituminen, kanta, näkökanta |
stanchion {n} /ˈstænʃən/ (vertical pole, post or support) | :: tolppa, paalu |
stanchion {n} (confinement) | :: aitaus |
stand {v} /stænd/ (to support oneself on the feet in an erect position) | :: seisoa, seistä |
stand {v} (to rise to one’s feet) | :: nousta, nousta ylös, nousta seisomaan |
stand {v} (to remain motionless) | :: seisoa, seistä |
stand {v} (to be positioned to gain or lose) | :: olla mahdollisuus [gain], olla vaarassa [lose] |
stand {v} (to act as an umpire) | :: tuomita, toimia tuomarina, tuomaroida |
stand {v} (to undergo; withstand; hold up) | :: kestää, sietää |
stand {v} (to tolerate) | :: sietää, kestää |
stand {v} (to be placed in an upright or vertical orientation) | :: seisoa, seistä |
stand {v} (to place in an upright or standing position) | :: asettaa pystyyn |
stand {v} (to seek election) | :: pyrkiä, olla ehdokkaana |
stand {v} (to steer in a specified directionor destination) | :: suunnata |
stand {v} (to be valid) | :: olla voimassa, päteä |
stand {v} (to oppose, usually as a team, in competition) | :: olla vastaan, vastustaa |
stand {n} (act of standing) | :: seisominen |
stand {n} (resolute, unwavering position) | :: kanta, kannanotto |
stand {n} (period of performance in a given location or venue) | :: jakso |
stand {n} (device to hold something upright or aloft) | :: tuki, teline, lava |
stand {n} (platform on which a witness testifies in court) | :: aitio, todistajanaitio |
stand {n} (particular grove or other group of trees) | :: metsikkö |
stand {n} (contiguous group of trees that may be considered a distinguishable unit) | :: metsikkö |
stand {n} (standstill, motionless state) | :: seisonta [of dog] |
stand {n} (small building or booth) | :: koju, koppi, tiski |
stand {n} (designated spot where someone or something may stand or wait) | :: asema |
stand {n} (situation of a shop, store, hotel, etc.) | :: paikka |
stand {n} (rank; post; station; standing) | :: asema |
stand {n} (state of perplexity or embarrassment) | :: ihmetys |
stand {n} (young tree, reserved when other trees are cut) | :: siemenpuu |
stand {n} (grandstand) SEE: grandstand | :: |
stand a chance {v} (have a chance) | :: olla mahdollisuus |
standard {adj} /ˈstændəd/ (falling within an accepted range) | :: standardi |
standard {n} (level of quality) | :: standardi |
standard {n} (something used as a measure) | :: standardi |
standard {n} (a flag or ensign) | :: standaari |
standard definition {n} (system that uses a resolution) | :: vakiopiirto |
standard deviation {n} (statistical measure) | :: keskihajonta |
standard drink {n} (hypothetical beverage) | :: alkoholiannos |
standard lamp {n} (a floor lamp supported by a pole) | :: jalkalamppu |
standard language {n} (standard variety) | :: yleiskieli, kirjakieli (written), standardikieli |
Standard Model {prop} (theory) | :: standardimalli |
standard normal distribution {n} (probability distribution) | :: standardinormaalijakauma |
standard of living {n} (relative measure of quality of life) | :: elintaso |
standard poodle {n} (a big poodle) | :: isovillakoira |
standards organization {n} (organization dealing with standards) | :: standardointielin |
standard time {n} (synchronized clock time in each graphical locations) | :: normaaliaika |
stand back {v} (maintain a safe distance) | :: katsoa vierestä |
stand behind {v} (to support) | :: seistä takana |
stand by {v} (to wait in expectation of some event) | :: olla valmiina |
stand by {v} (to remain loyal or faithful) | :: pysyä uskollisena, tukea |
stand by {v} (to support someone) | :: seisoa rinnalla, tukea |
stand by {v} (to do nothing. To be inactive in a situation) | :: seistä, katsoa vierestä |
stand by {v} (to be ready to provide assistance) | :: olla valmiina |
standby {n} /ˈstændˌbaɪ/ (state of readiness without immediate involvement) | :: valmiustila, valmius |
standby {n} (something that is standard, well-tested, or frequently used) | :: hätävara |
standby {v} (to wait briefly) | :: odottaa hetki |
stand guard {v} (to guard; to maintain a stance of vigilance in order to protect) | :: vartioida, olla vahdissa |
stand in for {v} (replace) | :: tuurata |
standing committee {n} (parliamentary or congressional committee) | :: valiokunta (standing committee of the Finnish Parliament); pysyvä komitea |
standing on one's head {adv} (hands down) SEE: hands down | :: |
standing order {n} (Regular transfer of fixed sum between bank accounts) | :: maksupalvelusopimus |
standing ovation {n} (enthusiastic applause) | :: seisaaltaan annetut aplodit {p} |
standings {n} (sports ranking) SEE: league table | :: |
standing wave {n} (a wave form which occurs in a limited, fixed medium) | :: seisova aalto |
standoffish {adj} (unsociable) | :: kylmäkiskoinen |
stand on ceremony {v} (act in a formal manner) | :: pönöttää, jäykistellä, kruusailla, kursailla |
stand one's ground {v} (to remain resolute) | :: pitää kantansa |
stand one's ground {v} (to hold a position in battle) | :: pitää asemat |
stand on one's own two feet {v} (idiomatic: to be independent) | :: seisoa omilla jaloillaan, tulla toimeen omillaan |
stand out {v} (be obvious in contrast to one's surroundings) | :: pistää silmään, erottua (joukosta), nousta esiin |
standpoint {n} /ˈstændpɔɪnt/ (point of view) | :: näkökulma |
St. Andrew's Cross {prop} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross | :: |
stand the test of time {v} (remain useful over a long period) | :: kestää aikaa |
stand to reason {v} (make sense) | :: olla pääteltävissä |
stand up {v} (rise from a sitting position) | :: nousta (ylös) |
stand up {v} (bring something up and set it into a standing position) | :: nostaa (pystyyn) |
stand up {v} (to avoid a prearranged meeting) | :: jättää tulematta, tehdä oharit, feidata |
stand-up {adj} (honest, honorable) | :: suoraselkäinen |
stand-up {adj} (upright) | :: suora |
stand-up {adj} (performed while standing) | :: seisova |
stand-up {n} (performance of stand-up comedy) | :: stand-up -komedia |
stand-up {n} (stand-up meeting) | :: seisova kokous |
stand-up bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
stand-up comedy {n} (comedy performed on stage by a single comedian) | :: stand up -komedia |
stand up to {v} (object or interfere) | :: nousta vastaan, vastustaa |
stand up to {v} (withstand) | :: kestää |
Stanislaus {prop} /ˈstænɪslɔːs/ (male given name- the standard or most popular form) | :: Stanislaus |
Stanley knife {n} (utility knife) SEE: utility knife | :: |
stanol {n} (saturated steroid alcohol) | :: stanoli |
stanza {n} /ˈstænzə/ (a unit of a poem) | :: säkeistö |
stapedectomy {n} (surgical removal of the stapes) | :: jalustimen poistoleikkaus |
stapedius {n} (muscle) | :: jalustinlihas |
stapes {n} /ˈsteɪ.piz/ (bone in the middle ear) | :: jalustin |
staphylococcus {n} /ˌstæfɪləˈkɒkəs/ (bacterium of the genus Staphylococcus) | :: stafylokokki |
staple {n} /ˈsteɪ.pəl/ (basic or essential supply) | :: perustarvike |
staple {n} (basic food) | :: peruselintarvike |
staple {n} (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper) | :: nitomanasta |
staple {n} (wire fastener in general) | :: niitti |
staple {n} (U-shaped metal fastener) | :: aspi, niitti |
staple {n} (one of set of rods hammered into structure) | :: askelma |
staple {v} (secure with a staple) | :: nitoa |
staple gun {n} (device for driving staples) | :: niittipistooli, sinkilänaulain, sinkiläpistooli |
stapler {n} /ˈsteɪpləɹ/ (device which binds together paper) | :: nitoja |
staple remover {n} (device for removing staples) | :: niitinpoistaja |
star {v} /stɑɹ/ (to appear as a featured performer or headliner) | :: esittää pääosaa, tähdittää |
star {n} (luminous celestial body) | :: tähti |
star {n} ((astronomy) a luminous celestial body) | :: tähti |
star {n} (concave polygon) | :: tähti |
star {n} (celebrity) | :: tähti |
star {n} (actor) | :: tähti |
star {n} (talented or famous person) | :: tähti |
star {n} (asterisk) | :: tähti, asteriski |
star {n} (quality rating symbol) | :: tähti |
star anise {n} (a plant, Illicium verum) | :: tähtianis |
starboard {n} /ˈstɑɹbɚd/ (right hand side of a vessel) | :: tyyrpuuri, styyrpuuri |
Starbucks {prop} /ˈstɑːɹˌbʌks/ (chain of coffee shops) | :: Starbucks |
starburst galaxy {n} (galaxy that is undergoing a high rate of star formation) | :: tähtiryöppygalaksi |
starch {n} /stɑɹtʃ/ (substance) | :: tärkkelys |
starch {n} (carbohydrates) | :: tärkkelys |
starch {n} (stiff manner) | :: jäykkyys |
starch {n} (laundry stiffener) | :: tärkki |
starch {v} (apply laundry starch) | :: tärkätä |
starch {adj} (stiff) | :: jäykkä |
star chart {n} (star chart) | :: tähtikartta |
starchy {adj} (of or pertaining to starch) | :: tärkkelys- |
starchy {adj} (containing starch) | :: tärkkelyspitoinen |
starchy {adj} (hardened with starch) | :: tärkätty |
starchy {adj} (of personality: starched) | :: jäykkä, muodollinen |
star cloud {n} (cluster of stars) | :: tähtipilvi |
star cluster {n} (group of stars) | :: tähtijoukko |
stardom {n} /ˈstɑɹdəm/ (fame or celebrity) | :: tähteys |
stardust {n} /ˈstɑɹ.dʌst/ (particles) | :: avaruuspöly; [idiomatically] aikapöly |
stardust {n} (dated: distant cluster of stars) | :: tähtisumu |
stare {v} /stɛəɹ/ (to look fixedly) | :: tuijottaa, [in an indifferent manner] tuijotella |
stare {v} (to influence by looking fixedly) | :: tuijottaa |
stare {v} (to be very conspicuous) | :: herättää huomiota |
stare {n} (persistent gaze) | :: tuijotus |
stare at the wall {v} (to be bored and idle) | :: syljeksiä kattoon |
stare decisis {n} (principle of following judicial precedent) | :: ennakkotapausoppi |
starfish {n} (various echinoderms) | :: meritähti |
star fruit {n} (fruit) | :: tähtihedelmä, karambola |
star jelly {n} (gelatinous substance) | :: tähtihyytelö |
star jump {n} (exercise) | :: tähtihyppy |
stark {adj} /stɑɹk/ ((obsolete) hard, firm; obdurate) | :: kova |
stark {adj} (severe; violent; fierce (now usually in describing the weather)) | :: ankara, karu |
stark {adj} ((archaic) strong; vigorous; powerful) | :: vahva, väkevä |
stark {adj} (hard in appearance; barren, desolate) | :: karu |
stark {adj} (stiff, rigid) | :: jäykkä, kankea |
stark {adj} (complete, absolute, full) | :: täysi, tosi |
stark {adv} (starkly; entirely, absolutely) | :: täysin |
stark naked {adj} (completely naked) | :: ilkosillaan, ilkosen alasti, ilkialasti |
starless {adj} (without visible stars) | :: tähdetön |
starlet {adj} /ˈstɑɹlɪt/ (young promising actress) | :: tähtönen |
starlight {n} /ˈstɑː(ɹ)laɪt/ (light emitted from stars other than the Sun) | :: tähtien valo, tähtivalo |
starling {n} /ˈstɑɹlɪŋ/ (bird) | :: kottarainen |
star-nosed mole {n} (Condylura cristata) | :: tähtikuonokontiainen |
star-of-Bethlehem {n} (plant of the genus Ornithogalum) | :: tähdikki |
Star of Bethlehem {prop} (star mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew) | :: Betlehemin tähti, joulutähti |
Star of David {prop} (symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism) | :: daavidintähti |
starring {v} (present participle of "to star") SEE: star | :: |
starring {v} (with a film as subject: featuring the specified actors) | :: pääosassa, pääosissa {p} |
starry sturgeon {n} (Acipenser stellatus) SEE: sevruga | :: |
Stars and Stripes {n} /ˈstɑɹz ən ˈstɹaɪps/ (flag of the USA) | :: tähtilippu |
star sedge {n} (Carex echinata) | :: tähtisara |
starspot {n} (equivalent of a sunspot on another star) | :: tähdenpilkku |
start {n} /stɑɹt/ (beginning of an activity) | :: alku, aloitus, käynnistys; startti [colloquial] |
start {n} (sudden involuntary movement) | :: hätkähdys, säpsähdys |
start {n} (beginning point of a race) | :: lähtö |
start {n} (appearance in a sports game from the beginning of the match) | :: aloituskokoonpano |
start {n} (horticulture: young plant germinated in a pot to be transplanted later) | :: istukas, taimi |
start {v} (to set in motion) | :: käynnistää, aloittaa |
start {v} (to begin) | :: aloittaa, alkaa |
start {v} (to initiate operation of a vehicle or machine) | :: käynnistää, startata [colloquial] |
start {v} (to put or raise a question or objection, to put forward) | :: esittää |
start {v} (of an activity, to begin) | :: alkaa, aloittaa, käynnistyä [of motors] |
start {v} (to jerk suddenly in surprise) | :: hätkähtää, säpsähtää |
start {v} (to awaken suddenly) | :: säpsähtää, havahtua |
start {v} (to break away, to come loose) | :: irrota |
start {n} (initial advantage over somebody else) SEE: head start | :: |
start a family {v} (conceive one's first child) | :: perustaa perhe |
start afresh {v} (restart from the beginning) | :: aloittaa alusta |
Start button {n} (button in some versions of the Microsoft Windows) | :: aloituspainike |
start codon {n} (codon at which translation starts) | :: aloituskodoni |
starter {n} /ˈstɑɹtɚ/ (someone who starts something) | :: aloittaja, käynnistäjä |
starter {n} (person who starts a race) | :: lähettäjä |
starter {n} (something that starts) | :: käynnistys, aloitus [act]; käynnistin [device] |
starter {n} (electric motor that starts an internal-combustion engine) | :: käynnistysmoottori, starttimoottori, startti |
starter {n} (device that initiates a fluorescent lamp) | :: sytytin |
starter {n} (yeast culture) | :: siemen |
starter {n} (first course of a meal) | :: alkupala |
starter {n} (player that a team fields at the beginning of a game) | :: avauspelaaja |
starter dough {n} (small quantity of dough to start fermentation) | :: taikinajuuri, juuri |
starter kit {n} (kit with basic things) | :: aloituspakkaus |
starter motor {n} (starter motor) SEE: starter | :: |
starter pack {n} (starter kit) SEE: starter kit | :: |
starthistle {n} (any of the genus Centaurea of herbaceous thistle-like flowering plants) | :: kaunokki |
starting point {n} (place where a journey starts) | :: lähtöpaikka, lähtöpiste |
starting point {n} (first steps when commencing an activity) | :: aloitus, lähtökohta, lähtöpiste |
starting price {n} (opening price in an auction) | :: lähtöhinta |
startle {v} /ˈstɑɹt(ə)l/ (to move or be excited on feeling alarm) | :: hätkähtää, kavahtaa, säikähtää |
startle {v} (to excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension) | :: säikäyttää, hätkäyttää |
startle {v} (to deter; to cause to deviate) | :: harhauttaa |
startle {n} (a sudden motion or shock) | :: hätkähdys |
startled {adj} /ˈstɑɹt.l̩d/ (frightened) | :: pelästynyt, säikähtänyt |
startled {adj} (extremely shocked) | :: kauhuissaan |
startling {adj} /ˈstɑɹ.tl̩.ɪŋ/ (likely to startle) | :: hätkähdyttävä |
Start Menu {prop} (menu) | :: aloitusvalikko |
start off on the wrong foot {v} (begin badly) | :: nousta väärällä jallalla |
start over {v} (begin again) | :: aloittaa alusta |
Star Trek {prop} (the franchise) | :: Star Trek |
start up {v} (to rise suddenly) | :: ponnahtaa pystyyn |
start up {v} (to begin to operate) | :: käynnistyä [intr.]; käynnistää, laittaa päälle, perustaa [tr.] |
startup {n} /ˈstɑɹtˌʌp/ (act or process of starting a process or machine) | :: käynnistys, käynnistäminen |
startup {n} (new company or organization or business venture) | :: startup, aloittava yritys, alkava yritys, kasvuyritys |
starvation {n} /stɑɹˈveɪʃən/ (condition) | :: nälkiintyminen, nälkään nääntyminen, nääntyminen |
starvation wages {n} | :: nälkäpalkka |
star vault {n} (architecture: a vault whose ribs radiate) | :: tähtiholvi |
starve {v} /stɑːv/ (obsolete: to die, see also: die) | :: nääntyä |
starve {v} (to die because of lack of food) | :: nääntyä (nälkään), nääntyä, kuolla nälkään |
starve {v} (to be very hungry) | :: kuolla nälkään |
starve {v} (to destroy by deprivation) | :: näännyttää, nälkiinnyttää |
starve {v} (to deprive of nourishment) | :: näännyttää |
Star Wars {prop} /ˈstɑɹ ˈwɔɹz/ (Saga) | :: Tähtien sota |
Star Wars {prop} (Strategic Defense Initiative) | :: tähtien sota |
stash {n} /stæʃ/ (collection) | :: kätkö |
stash {v} (store away for later use) | :: kätkeä |
stasis {n} /ˈsteɪsɪs/ (pathology: slackening of blood current) | :: staasi |
stasis {n} (inactivity) | :: pysähtyneisyys |
stasis {n} (scifi: technology allowing something to be artificially frozen in time) | :: pysäytin |
stat {adv} /stæt/ (Immediately, now) | :: oitis, heti |
statal {adj} (to a state of the US) | :: osavaltion- |
statal {adj} (relating to a state) | :: valtiollinen, valtion- |
state {n} /steɪt/ (any sovereign polity) | :: valtio |
state {n} (a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy) | :: osavaltio |
state {n} (a condition) | :: tila |
state {n} (computing: the stable condition of a processor during a particular clock cycle) | :: tila |
state {n} (computing: the set of all parameters relevant to a computation) | :: tila |
state {n} (computing: the values of all parameters at some point in a computation) | :: tila |
state {v} (declare to be a fact) | :: sanoa, todeta, ilmoittaa |
state {v} (make known) | :: ilmoittaa |
state aid {n} | :: valtionapu |
state capital {n} (capital city of a state) | :: osavaltion pääkaupunki |
state capitalism {n} (form of capitalism) | :: valtiokapitalismi |
statecraft {n} (statesmanship) SEE: statesmanship | :: |
statefunction {n} (wavefunction) SEE: wavefunction | :: |
state funeral {n} (public funeral ceremony) | :: valtiolliset hautajaiset |
statehood {n} /ˈsteɪthʊd/ (property of being a state) | :: osavaltioasema, osavaltion asema |
stateless {adj} ((computer science) without remembering state) | :: tilaton |
stateless {adj} ((law) without a state or nationality) | :: valtioton, kansalaisuudeton |
stately {adj} /ˈsteɪtli/ (worthy of respect) | :: arvokas, kunnianarvoisa |
state machine {n} (formalism for describing computation) | :: tilakone |
statement {n} /ˈsteɪtm(ə)nt/ (declaration or remark) | :: toteamus |
statement {n} (presentation of opinion or position) | :: lausunto, kannanotto, julkilausuma |
statement {n} (finance: document that summarizes financial activity) | :: tiliote |
statement {n} (computing: instruction in a computer program) | :: lause, käsky |
statement of affairs {n} | :: tilinpäätös [not necessarily due to bankrupcy] |
state of affairs {n} (specific situation) | :: asiaintila, asianlaita |
state of emergency {n} (unusually difficult or dangerous situation) | :: hätätilanne, poikkeustilanne |
state of emergency {n} (governmental decree) | :: poikkeustilan käyttöönottoasetus |
state of emergency {n} (status quo) | :: poikkeustila |
State of Israel {prop} (country (official name)) | :: Israelin valtio |
State of Japan {prop} (de facto official name of Japan, see also: Japan) | :: Japanin valtio |
state of matter {n} (different phases of matter) | :: olomuoto |
state of mind {n} (psychological state) | :: mielentila |
state of nature {n} (the way that people lived before there was any organized society) | :: luonnontila |
state of the art {adj} (at the highest level of development) | :: viimeisin |
state of the art {n} (highest level of development) | :: viimeinen huuto |
State of the Union {prop} (annual address given by the US president) | :: liittovaltion tila, kansakunnan tila |
state ownership {n} (ownership of an industry by the people or the state) | :: valtio-omistus |
state religion {n} (religious body or creed officially endorsed by the state) | :: valtionuskonto |
state school {n} (government-funded school) | :: valtionkoulu |
state secret {n} (restricted information of national importance) | :: valtiosalaisuus |
statesman {n} /ˈsteɪtsmən/ (man who is a leader in national or international affairs) | :: valtiomies |
statesman {n} (political leader who promotes the public good) | :: valtiomies |
statesmanship {n} (craft or skill or being a statesman) | :: valtiomiestaito |
state space {n} ((control engineering) a mathematical model) | :: tila-avaruus |
state visit {n} (formal visit) | :: valtiovierailu |
static {adj} /ˈstæt.ɪk/ (unchanging) | :: muuttumaton, vakaa, staattinen |
static {adj} (having no motion) | :: paikallaan oleva, liikkumaton |
static {adj} (programming: computed, created or allocated before the program starts running) | :: staattinen |
static {adj} (object-oriented programming: defined for the class itself) | :: staattinen |
static {n} (Interference on a broadcast signal) | :: kohina |
statically {adv} (in a static manner) | :: staattisesti |
static class {n} (programming: a class that cannot be instantiated) | :: staattinen luokka |
static electricity {n} (electrostatics) SEE: electrostatics | :: |
static electricity {n} (an electric charge) | :: hankaussähkö, staattinen sähkö |
static electricity {n} (the electric discharge) | :: hankaussähkö, staattinen sähkö |
staticity {n} /stəˈtɪs.ɪ.ti/ (condition) | :: staattisuus |
statics {n} (branch of mechanics) | :: statiikka, tasapaino-oppi |
statin {n} (any of a class of drugs) | :: statiini |
station {n} /ˈsteɪʃən/ (place where a vehicle may stop) | :: asema |
station {n} (place where one stands or stays) | :: asema |
station {n} (military base) | :: tukikohta |
station {n} (place used for broadcasting) | :: asema |
station {n} (broadcasting entity) | :: kanava, asema |
station {v} (put in place to perform a task) | :: laittaa, asettaa |
station {v} (put in place to perform military duty) | :: sijoittaa, komentaa |
stationary {adj} /ˈsteɪʃəˌnɛɹi/ (not moving) | :: liikkumaton, paikallaan oleva [attributive]; paikallaan, liikkumatta [adverbial] |
stationary {adj} (incapable of being moved) | :: kiinteä |
stationary {adj} (unchanging) | :: muuttumaton, pysähtynyt |
stationary bicycle {n} (exercise bicycle) SEE: exercise bicycle | :: |
stationary phase {n} (adsorbing phase of a chromatography system) | :: kiinteä faasi |
stationary phase {n} (biology: phase of bacterial growth) | :: stationaarivaihe, stationaarinen vaihe |
stationary point {n} (A point on a curve where the gradient is zero) | :: stationaaripiste |
stationary wave {n} (standing wave) SEE: standing wave | :: |
stationer {n} (business that sells stationery) | :: paperikauppias |
stationery {n} /ˈsteɪʃənɛɹi/ (writing materials) | :: kirjoitusvälineet {p}, kirjoitustarvikkeet |
stationing {n} (the putting in a place to perform military duty) | :: komennus |
stationmaster {n} (the person in charge of a railroad station) | :: asemapäällikkö |
station wagon {n} (body style for cars) | :: farmariauto, farmari, farkku |
statism {n} /ˈsteɪtɪzəm/ (belief in the importance of the power of the state over an individual) | :: valtiojohtoisuus, etatismi, statismi |
statist {n} (statistician) SEE: statistician | :: |
statistic {n} (single item of a statistical study) | :: tilastotieto |
statistic {n} (quantity calculated from the data in a sample) | :: tunnusluku, tilastotieto |
statistic {n} (something reduced to an item in a statistic) | :: tilastotieto |
statistic {adj} (statistical) SEE: statistical | :: |
statistical {adj} /stəˈtɪstɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to statistics) | :: tilastollinen |
statistical analysis {n} (process) | :: tilastollinen analyysi |
statistical inference {n} (drawing conclusions from a random sample) | :: tilastollinen päättely |
statistically {adv} /stəˈtɪstɪkl̩i/ (in a statistical way) | :: tilastollisesti |
statistical mechanics {n} (branch of physics) | :: tilastollinen mekaniikka |
statistical significance {n} (measure of unlikelihood) | :: tilastollinen merkitsevyys |
statistical thermodynamics {n} (branch of thermodynamics) | :: tilastollinen termodynamiikka |
statistician {n} /ˌstætɪsˈtɪʃn̩/ (person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics) | :: tilastoija, tilastotieteilijä |
statistician {n} (mathematician specialized in statistics) | :: tilastotieteilijä, tilastomatemaatikko |
statistics {n} /stəˈtɪstɪks/ (mathematical science) | :: tilastotiede |
statistics {n} (collection of measurements) | :: tilasto, tilastotiedot {p}, tilastot {p} |
statolith {n} (amyloplast involved in graviperception) | :: statoliitti |
stator {n} (stationary part of a motor) | :: staattori, seisoja |
statuary {n} /ˈstæ.tʃʊə.ɹi/ (craft of making statues) | :: kuvanveisto |
statuary {n} (person who makes or deals in statues) | :: kuvanveistäjä |
statuary {n} (statues considered collectively) | :: kuvapatsaat {p}, veistokset {p} |
statue {n} /ˈstætʃu/ (three-dimensional work of art) | :: kuvapatsas, patsas |
statue {n} (portrait) SEE: portrait | :: |
Statue of Liberty {prop} (large statue in New York harbor) | :: Vapaudenpatsas |
statuette {n} (a small statue) | :: pienoispatsas |
status {n} /ˈstæt.əs/ (person’s position or standing) | :: asema, status |
status {n} (prestige or high standing) | :: status |
status {n} (situation or state of affairs) | :: tila, tilanne |
status {n} (legal condition) | :: oikeusasema |
status {n} (social networking: function of some instant messaging applications) | :: tila |
status {n} (medicine: prolonged attack of asthma or epilepsy) | :: status |
status bar {n} (an information area typically found at the bottom of windows) | :: tilarivi, tilapalkki |
status epilepticus {n} (condition) | :: status epilepticus |
status quo {n} /ˌstætəs ˈkwoʊ/ (the state of things) | :: status quo, vallitseva tila, nykyinen tilanne |
status symbol {n} /ˈsteɪtəs ˈsɪmbəl/ (visible possession that is a sign of one's personal wealth or social status) | :: statussymboli |
statute {n} /ˈstætʃuːt/ (written law as laid down by the legislature) | :: laki |
statute {n} (legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law) | :: säädös |
statute book {n} (all statutes and laws of a jurisdiction) | :: säädöskokoelma |
statute law {n} (a law enacted by a legislative body) | :: säädös |
statute law {n} (complete corpus of legislatively-enacted laws) | :: säädösoikeus |
statute of limitations {n} (law that sets a time limit after some legal action may not take place) | :: vanhentumissääntö |
statutory {adj} /ˈstætʃəˌtɔɹi/ (relating to a statute) | :: lakisääteinen, lakiperusteinen, lakimääräinen, sääntömääräinen |
statutory authority {n} (body set up by law which is authorised to enforce legislation) | :: toimeenpaneva viranomainen |
statutory declaration {n} (legal document) | :: kirjallinen vakuutus |
statutory law {n} (a law enacted by a legislative body) | :: säädös |
statutory law {n} (complete corpus of legislatively-enacted laws) | :: säädösoikeus |
statutory rape {n} (intercourse with a minor) | :: törkeä lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö |
staunch {adj} /stɔːntʃ/ (loyal, trustworthy, reliable) | :: vankkumaton |
staunch {adj} (dependable, persistent) | :: vankkumaton |
staunch {v} (to stop the flow of (blood)) | :: tyrehdyttää |
staunch {v} (to stop, check, or deter an action) | :: estää |
staurolite {n} (mineral) | :: stauroliitti |
stave {n} /steɪv/ (narrow strip, a part of a vessel) | :: lauta |
stave {n} (bar) | :: puola |
stave {n} (metrical portion; stanza; staff) | :: säkeistö |
stave {n} (parallel lines to write music on) | :: nuottiviivasto |
stave {n} (walking stick) | :: sauva, kävelykeppi |
stave church {n} (wooden church of a medieval type) | :: sauvakirkko |
stave off {v} (prevent something from happening) | :: torjua, pitää loitolla |
stavesacre {n} (perennial plant) | :: karvasritarinkannus |
stay {v} /steɪ/ (to remain in a particular place) | :: viipyä, jäädä, pysyä |
stay {v} (to continue to have a particular quality) | :: viipyä, jäädä |
stay {v} (to postpone) | :: lykätä |
stay {n} (residence, sojourn) | :: oleskelu; käynti, vierailu [short-term] |
stay {n} (postponement, esp. of a punishment) | :: lykkäys |
stay {n} (stop, halt, break of action) | :: pysähdys |
stay {n} (fixed state, stability) | :: vakaus, pysyvyys |
stay {n} (nautical: station or fixed anchorage for vessels) | :: ankkurointipaikka [anchorage] |
stay {n} (restraint of passion, prudence, moderation) | :: maltti |
stay {n} (hindrance, let, check) | :: este, rajoite, rajoitus |
stay {n} (prop, support) | :: tuki, tukipylväs |
stay {n} (piece of stiff material to stiffen a piece of clothing) | :: vahvike |
stay {n} (hook, clasp, anything to hang another thing on) | :: naula |
stay {n} (nautical: strong rope supporting a mast) | :: staagi |
stay {n} (guy, rope, or wire supporting a structural element) | :: harus |
stay {n} (corset) SEE: corset | :: |
stay at home {n} (person who prefers to stay at home) SEE: homebody | :: |
stay behind {v} (to remain where one is, whilst others leave) | :: jäädä |
stay behind {v} (to remain in a classroom or school at the end of teaching, especially to receive punishment) | :: jäädä luokkaan |
staycation {n} /steɪˈkeɪʃn̩/ (vacation spent at or close to home) | :: lähiloma |
stay put {v} (to remain in one fixed place) | :: pysyä paikoillaan, jököttää |
staysail {n} (fore-and-aft rigged sail) | :: haruspurje |
stay up {v} (remain awake) | :: valvoa |
stay up {v} (maintain an erection) | :: ylläpitää erektiota |
stead {n} /stɛd/ (A place, or spot, in general) | :: sija, tila |
stead {n} (A farmhouse and associated buildings) | :: tila |
stead {v} (To help; to support; to benefit; to assist) | :: auttaa |
steadfast {adj} /ˈstɛdfæst/ (fixed or unchanging; steady) | :: vakaa |
steadfast {adj} (firmly loyal or constant; unswerving) | :: järkkymätön, vankkumaton |
steadfastly {adv} (in a steadfast manner) | :: vakaasti, vankkumattomasti, vankkumatta |
steadiness {n} /ˈstɛdinəs/ (the state of being steady) | :: vakaus |
steadiness {n} (the degree of stability) | :: vakaus |
steady {adj} /ˈstɛdi/ (smooth and not bumpy or with obstructions) | :: vakaa |
steady {adj} (regular and even) | :: vakaa |
steady {adj} (slow) | :: vakaa |
steady {v} (to stabilize) | :: vakauttaa, tasapainottaa |
steak {n} /steɪk/ (slice of beef) | :: pihvi, naudanlihapihvi |
steak {n} (slice of meat of other animals) | :: pihvi |
steak knife {n} (knife with a sharp blade) | :: pihviveitsi |
steak tartare {n} (dish) | :: tartarpihvi |
steal {v} /stiːl/ (to illegally take possession of) | :: varastaa, ryövätä |
steal {v} (to get or effect surreptitiously or artfully) | :: varkain, vaivihkaa |
steal {v} (to draw attention) | :: viedä (huomio) varastaa |
steal {v} (to move silently) | :: hiipiä |
steal {v} (baseball: to advance safely during the pitch) | :: kärkkyä |
steal {n} (merchandise available at a very attractive price) | :: löytö |
steal {n} (the act of stealing) | :: varastaminen, varkaus |
steal someone's thunder {v} (appropriate someone's ideas) | :: viedä (genitive) kunnia |
stealth {n} /stɛlθ/ (attribute or characteristic of acting in secrecy) | :: salamyhkäisyys, salakähmäisyys, häive-, häivetekniikka |
stealth bomber {n} (a military aircraft invisible to radar) | :: häivepommittaja |
steal the show {v} (be the best performer) | :: varastaa huomio, varastaa show |
stealth fighter {n} (military aircraft that is invisible to radar) | :: häivehävittäjä |
stealthily {adv} (in a stealthy manner) | :: vaivihkaa, vaivihkaisesti |
stealthiness {n} (property of being stealthy) | :: vaivihkaisuus, salavihkaisuus |
stealthy {adj} /ˈstɛlθi/ (characterized by or resembling stealth or secrecy) | :: vaivihkainen, salavihkainen |
steam {n} /stiːm/ (water vapor) | :: vesihöyry, höyry |
steam {n} (pressurized water vapor) | :: höyry |
steam {n} (internal energy) | :: puhti, energia |
steam {n} (pent-up anger) | :: höyry, paine |
steam {n} (travel by means of a steam-powered vehicle) | :: höyrymatkailu |
steam {n} (any exhalation) | :: höyry |
steam {v} (cooking: to cook with steam) | :: höyryttää |
steam {v} (to produce or vent steam) | :: höyrytä |
steam {v} (to become angry) | :: hiiltyä |
steam {v} (to be covered with condensed water vapor) | :: höyryttyä, huurtua |
steam {v} (to travel by means of steam power) | :: höyrytä |
steam {v} (to move with great or excessive purposefulness) | :: rynnätä |
steam {n} (steam-powered vehicle) SEE: steamer | :: |
steam bath {n} (room for bathing) | :: höyrysauna |
steam bath {n} (act of bathing) | :: höyrykylpy |
steamboat {n} /ˈstimˌboʊt/ (vessel powered by steam) | :: höyryalus |
steam boiler {n} (boiler to produce steam) | :: höyrykattila |
steam coal {n} (grade of coal) | :: höyryhiili |
steam condenser {n} (device for conversion of steam to water) | :: lauhdutin |
steamed {adj} (having been cooked by exposure to steam) | :: höyrytetty, höyrykypsennetty |
steam engine {n} (piston engine driven by steam) | :: höyrykone, mäntähöyrykone |
steam engine {n} (any steam-driven heat engine) | :: höyrykone |
steam engine {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive | :: |
steamer {n} /ˈstiːmə(ɹ)/ (vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam) | :: höyrypesuri, höyrytin |
steamer {n} (cooking appliance) | :: painekattila, höyrykeitin |
steamer {n} (traction engine) | :: lokomobiili, höyrytraktori |
steamer {n} (steamboat or steamship) | :: höyrylaiva, höyryalus |
steamer duck {n} (bird of the genus Tachyeres) | :: viuhtoja |
steam hammer {n} (industrial machine) | :: höyryvasara |
steaming {n} /ˈstiːm.ɪŋ/ (action of steam on something) | :: höyrytys |
steaming {n} (method of cooking by immersion in steam) | :: höyrytys |
steaming {adj} (giving off steam) | :: höyryävä |
steaming {adj} (very angry) | :: raivoissaan |
steaming {adj} (extremely drunk) | :: umpikännissä |
steam iron {n} (smoothing iron) | :: höyrysilitysrauta, höyryrauta |
steam locomotive {n} (locomotive powered by steam) | :: höyryveturi |
steam power {n} (power from steam) | :: höyryvoima |
steam radio {n} (informal: sound broadcasting) | :: höyryradio |
steamroll {v} (to flatten) | :: jyrätä |
steamroll {v} (to crush ruthlessly) | :: jyrätä |
steamroller {n} (steam-powered road roller) | :: höyryjyrä |
steamroller {n} (irresistible force) | :: höyryjyrä |
steamroller {v} (to level with a steamroller) | :: jyrätä |
steamroller {v} (to proceed ruthlessly) | :: jyrätä |
steam room {n} (a hot room that is filled with steam in which people sit for health reasons) | :: löylyhuone |
steamship {n} (vessel propelled by steam) | :: höyrylaiva, höyryalus |
steam train {n} (type of train) | :: höyryjuna |
steam turbine {n} (system through which steam is passed) | :: höyryturbiini |
steamy {adj} /ˈstiːmi/ (full of steam) | :: höyryinen, huuruinen |
steamy {adj} (erotic) | :: eroottinen, kuuma |
stearic acid {n} (fatty acid) | :: steariinihappo, oktadekaanihappo |
steatopygia {n} (the presence of excessive amount of fat in the buttocks) | :: rasvapakaraisuus, steatopygia |
steatopygous {adj} /ˌstɪ.əˈtɒ.pɪ.ɡəs/ (having fat or prominent buttocks) | :: rasvapakarainen |
steatorrhea {n} /ˌsti.ətəˈɹi.ə/ (the presence of excessive amount of fat in the feces) | :: rasvaripuli, steatorrea |
steed {n} /stiːd/ (stallion) | :: ratsu |
steel {n} /stiːl/ (metal produced from iron) | :: teräs |
steel {adj} (made of steel) | :: teräksinen |
steel guitar {n} (method) | :: havaijinkitara |
steel guitar {n} (guitar) | :: havaijinkitara |
steel mill {n} (steel mill) SEE: steelworks | :: |
steel oneself {v} (concentrate in preparation for a rigorous task) | :: terästäytyä |
steel wool {n} (fine threads of steel) | :: teräsvilla |
steelworks {n} (place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped) | :: terästehdas |
steelyard {n} (steelyard balance) | :: käsipuntari |
steep {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive | :: |
steep {adj} /stiːp/ (near-vertical) | :: jyrkkä |
steep {v} (to soak an item in liquid) | :: liottaa |
steep {v} (to imbue with an abstract quality) | :: kyllästää |
steeple {n} (spire) SEE: spire | :: |
steeple {n} /ˈstiːpəl/ (a tall tower, often on a church) | :: kirkontorni, kellotapuli |
steeplechase {n} (horse race) | :: esteratsastus |
steeplechase {n} (athletics event) | :: estejuoksu |
steeplejack {n} (person whose job involves climbing tall structures in order to make repairs) | :: tolppa-apina |
steepness {n} (state or quality of being steep) | :: jyrkkyys |
steer {v} /stɪə(ɹ)/ (intransitive: to guide the course) | :: ohjata, ajaa |
steer {v} (transitive: to guide the course of) | :: ohjata, ajaa |
steer {v} (to direct a group of animals) | :: ajaa, paimentaa [to herd] |
steer {v} (to maneuver or manipulate a person or group into a place or course of action) | :: ohjata, ohjailla, johdattaa, johdatella |
steer {v} (to direct the conversation) | :: ohjata, ohjailla |
steer {n} (informal: suggestion about course of action) | :: vinkki |
steer {n} (castrated male of cattle) | :: härkä |
steerability {n} (quality or degree) | :: ohjattavuus, ohjauskyky |
steer clear {v} (to avoid) | :: väistää, välttää, karttaa, kaihtaa |
steering group {n} (A committee that arranges the schedule of business for a legislative assembly or other organization) | :: ohjausryhmä |
steering head {n} (motorcycle's front tube) | :: emäputki |
steering wheel {n} (wheel-shaped control) | :: ratti, ohjauspyörä, ohjain, ohjaussauva [vessel] |
steganography {n} /ˌstɛ.ɡʌnˈɔ.ɡɹʌ.fi/ (steganography) | :: steganografia |
stein {n} /staɪn/ (a beer mug) | :: oluttuoppi |
stela {n} (archaeology: an obelisk or upright stone pillar) SEE: stele | :: |
stele {n} /stiːl/ ((archaeology) tall, slender stone monument) | :: steele |
stele {n} ((botany) central core of the root and shoot system) | :: varsi |
stellar {adj} /ˈstɛlə/ (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars) | :: tähti- |
stellar {adj} (heavenly) | :: taivaallinen |
stellar {adj} (exceptional; wonderful) | :: loistava, erinomainen |
stellar day {n} (period of one rotation of Earth, measured relative to the stars) | :: tähtivuorokausi |
stellar wind {n} (equivalent of solar wind) | :: tähtituuli |
Steller sea lion {n} /ˈstɛlə siː ˈlaɪən/ (Eumetopias jubatus) | :: stellerinmerileijona |
stellify {v} /ˈstɛl.ɪ.faɪ/ (mythology: to transform from an earthly body into a celestial body) | :: muuttaa tähdeksi |
stellify {v} (astronomy: to turn into a star) | :: muuttaa tähdeksi |
St. Elmo's fire {n} (electrical discharge) | :: Elmon tuli [at sea]; ukonvirva [on land] |
stem {n} /stɛm/ (stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors) | :: sukujuuri, suku |
stem {n} (branch of a family) | :: haara, sukuhaara |
stem {n} (advanced or leading position) | :: johto |
stem {n} (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant) | :: varsi, runko |
stem {n} (slender supporting member for an individual part of a plant) | :: vana, kukkavana, kukkavarsi, lehtiruoti, ruoti; ruoto [in a feather] |
stem {n} (narrow supporting structure on certain man-made objects) | :: varsi, jalka, kanta |
stem {n} (linguistics: main part of a word) | :: vartalo, tyvi |
stem {n} (typography: vertical stroke of a letter) | :: pystyviiva, kirjainrunko |
stem {n} (music: vertical stroke of a symbol representing a note in written music) | :: varsi |
stem {n} (nautical: forward vertical extension of the keel) | :: keulavannas, kokkapuu, steevi |
stem {v} (to remove the stem from) | :: poistaa varsi |
stem {v} (to be caused or derived) | :: johtua, aiheutua; olla peräisin, periytyä |
stem {v} (to descend in a family line) | :: polveutua |
stem {v} (to direct the stem of a ship against something) | :: ohjata kohti (jotakin) |
stem {v} (to hit with the stem of a ship; to ram) | :: puskea |
stem {v} (to stop, hinder) | :: padota, seisauttaa; tyrehdyttää [flow] |
stem {v} (skiing: to point the skis inward) | :: aurata |
STEM {n} (acronym of science, technology, engineering, mathematics) | :: luma |
stem cell {n} (primal undifferentiated cell) | :: kantasolu |
stench {n} /stɛntʃ/ (a strong foul smell, a stink) | :: löyhkä, lemu |
stencil {n} /ˈstɛnsəl/ (thin sheet) | :: stensiili |
stencil {n} (utensil) | :: kaavain, malline, kaavalevy, luotta, sabloni, sapluuna |
stencil {n} (master sheet for mimeograph) | :: vahas |
Stendhalian {adj} /stɛ̃ˈdɑli.ən/ (pertaining to, or in the style of Stendhal) | :: stendhalilainen |
steno {n} (stenographer) SEE: stenographer | :: |
stenographer {n} /stəˈnɑɡɹəfəɹ/ (someone skilled in the transcription of speech) | :: pikakirjoittaja |
steno pad {n} (pad designed for stenography) | :: pikakirjoituslehtiö |
stent {n} /stɛnt/ (slender tube) | :: stentti |
stent {v} (to insert a stent) | :: stentata |
step- {prefix} (prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative) | :: -puoli [e.g. velipuoli] |
step {n} /stɛp/ (pace) | :: askel |
step {n} (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder) | :: askelma |
step {n} (running board) | :: askelma, astinlauta |
step {n} (space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running) | :: askel |
step {n} (small space or distance) | :: askel, kukonaskel |
step {n} (footstep) | :: jalanjälki |
step {n} (manner of walking) | :: askelet |
step {n} (proceeding; measure; action; act) | :: toimenpide, askel |
step {n} (plural: walk; passage) | :: askelet |
step {n} (plural: portable framework of stairs) | :: tikkaat {p} |
step {n} (nautical: framing in wood or iron which is intended to receive an upright shaft) | :: jalusta |
step {n} (machinery: bearing in which the lower extremity of a spindle or a vertical shaft revolves) | :: kannatinlaakeri |
step {n} (music: interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale) | :: askel |
step {n} (kinematics: change of position effected by a motion of translation) | :: askel |
step {v} (intransitive: to move the foot in walking) | :: astua |
step {v} (intransitive: to go on foot; especially, to walk a little distance) | :: astella |
step {v} (intransitive: to walk slowly, gravely, or resolutely) | :: astua, astella |
step {v} (intransitive, figuratively: to move mentally) | :: astua, siirtyä |
step {v} (transitive: to set, as the foot) | :: astua |
step {v} (transitive, nautical: to erect) | :: nostaa |
stepbrother {n} (son of one's stepfather or stepmother) | :: velipuoli |
step by step {adv} (gradually) | :: askel kerrallaan, vähitellen, asteittain, askelittain |
step-by-step {adj} (in detail) | :: vaiheittainen |
step change {n} (A sudden, discontinuous change) | :: askelmuutos |
step dance {n} (dance) | :: steppaus |
step dance {v} (to perform step dance) | :: stepata |
stepdaughter {n} (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself) | :: tytärpuoli |
step-down {adj} (voltage decrease) | :: jännitettä laskeva |
stepfather {n} (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father) | :: isäpuoli |
step forward {v} (to volunteer) | :: ilmoittautua vapaaehtoiseksi [to volunteer]; tarjota palveluksiaan [to offer one's services] |
step forward {v} (to admit wrongdoing) | :: tunnustaa |
step function {n} (mathematical function) | :: askelfunktio |
stepgrandfather {n} (stepfather of one's parent and husband of one's grandmother, and not one's biological grandfather) | :: isoisäpuoli |
stepgrandfather {n} (father of one's stepparent) | :: isoisäpuoli |
stepgrandmother {n} (stepmother of one's parent and wife of one's grandfather) | :: isoäitipuoli |
stepgrandmother {n} (mother of one's stepparent) | :: isoäitipuoli |
stephanite {n} (mineral) | :: stefaniitti |
Stephen {prop} /ˈstiːvən/ (biblical martyr) | :: Stefanos |
Stephen {prop} (male given name) | :: Tapani |
step in {v} (To act) SEE: act | :: |
step into the breach {v} | :: tulla tilalle, tulla apuun |
step ladder {n} (ladder with steps or treads instead of rungs) | :: taloustikkaat {p}, keittiötikkaat {p} |
stepmother {n} /ˈstɛpmʌðə/ (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother) | :: äitipuoli |
step on a rake {v} (idiom: to fall victim to a hazard) | :: astua miinaan |
step on it {v} (to drive fast) | :: painaa kaasua |
step on it {v} (to act quickly) | :: panna töpinäksi |
step on someone's toes {v} | :: astua jonkun varpaille |
steppe {n} /stɛp/ (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia) | :: aro |
steppe eagle {n} (Aquila nipalensis) | :: arokotka |
stepping motor {n} (electromagnetic actuator) | :: askelmoottori |
stepping stone {n} (stone used to cross something) | :: askelkivi |
stepping stone {n} (something used as a way to progress) | :: ponnahduslauta, astinlauta |
stepsibling {n} (stepbrother or stepsister) | :: sisaruspuoli |
stepsister {n} (daughter from the previous marriage of a stepparent) | :: sisarpuoli, siskopuoli |
stepson {n} /ˈstɛpsʌn/ (son of one's spouse and not of oneself) | :: poikapuoli |
step stool {n} (step stool) | :: askeljakkara, porrasjakkara |
step up {v} (to increase speed or rate) | :: nopeuttaa, kiihdyttää |
step up {v} (to assume responsibility) | :: ottaa vastuulleen, ottaa tehtäväkseen; ottaa haaste vastaan, tarttua haasteeseen [to step up to the challenge] |
step-up {adj} (voltage increase) | :: jännitettä nostava |
step-up {n} (leg-stemming lift) | :: penkille nousu, askellus |
step up one's game {v} | :: petrata, tsempata |
steradian {n} (derived unit of solid angle) | :: steradiaani |
stere {n} (measure of volume for cut wood equalling one cu-m) | :: motti |
stereo {n} (system) | :: stereo |
stereo {n} (device) | :: stereot |
stereo {adj} (of sound) | :: stereo-, stereofoninen |
stereo {adj} (of a pit of images) | :: kolmiulotteinen |
stereochemistry {n} (chemistry involving the spatial arrangement of atoms) | :: stereokemia |
stereoisomerism {n} /ˌstɛɹɪəʊaɪˈsɒməɹɪzəm/ (form or isomerism) | :: stereoisomeria |
stereolithography {n} (means of prototyping) | :: stereolitografia |
stereophonic {adj} (using two channels) | :: kaksiääninen, stereofoninen |
stereophony {n} (reproduction of stereophonic sound) | :: stereofonia |
stereotype {n} /ˈstɛ.ɹi.əˌtaɪp/ (conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image) | :: stereotyyppi, kangistuma, kaavoittuma, stereotypia |
stereotype {n} (printing plate) | :: stereotyyppi |
stereotype {n} (extensibility mechanism of UML) | :: stereotyyppi |
stereotype {v} (make a stereotype, or characterize someone by a stereotype) | :: stereotyypitellä, stereotypioida |
stereotype {v} (print from a stereotype) | :: stereotypioida |
stereotypical {adj} (pertaining to a stereotype) | :: stereotyyppinen |
stereotypical {adj} (banal) | :: stereotyyppinen |
sterile {adj} /ˈstɛɹəl/ (unable to reproduce) | :: steriili |
sterilizable {adj} (able to be sterilized) | :: steriloitava, steriloitavissa oleva |
sterilization {n} (process of treating something to kill microorganisms) | :: sterilointi |
sterilization {n} (procedure to permanently prevent an organism from reproducing) | :: sterilisaatio |
sterilize {v} (disable ability to procreate) | :: steriloida |
sterilize {v} (make unable to produce; make unprofitable) | :: steriloida |
sterilize {v} ((biology) to destroy all spores or germs) | :: steriloida |
sterlet {n} (species of sturgeon) | :: sterletti |
sterling {n} /ˈstɜː(ɹ).lɪŋ/ (the currency of the United Kingdom; especially the pound) | :: punta |
sterling {adj} (high quality) | :: erinomainen, korkealaatuinen, laadukas |
sterling silver {n} (silver alloy) | :: sterling-hopea |
stern {adj} /stɝn/ (having a hardness and severity of nature or manner) | :: ankara |
stern {adj} (grim and forbidding in appearance) | :: ankara, tuima |
stern {n} (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) | :: perä, ahteri |
stern {n} (figuratively: post of management or direction) | :: peräsin |
stern {n} (hinder part of anything) | :: perä |
stern {n} (tail of an animal) | :: häntä |
stern {n} (black tern) SEE: black tern | :: |
sternal {adj} (of or pertaining to the sternum) | :: rintalasta-, sternaalinen |
sternocleidomastoid muscle {n} (neck muscle) | :: päännyökkääjälihas |
sternpost {n} (timber or bar at the stern of a vessel) | :: perävannas |
sternum {n} (breastbone) SEE: breastbone | :: |
steroid {n} /ˈstɛɹɔɪd/ (class of organic compounds) | :: steroidi |
stertor {n} (act of heavy snoring) | :: kuorsaus |
stertor {n} (heavy snoring sound) | :: kuorsaus |
stertorous {adj} /ˈstɝ.tɚ.əs/ (Sounding like snoring) | :: korahteleva, koriseva |
stertorously {adv} /ˈstɝ.tɚ.ə (with heavy breathing, as if snoring) | :: korahdellen, koristen |
stethoscope {n} /ˈstɛθəsˌkoʊp/ (medical instrument) | :: stetoskooppi |
Stettin {prop} (Szczecin) SEE: Szczecin | :: |
stevedore {n} /ˈstiːvəˌdɔː(ɹ)/ (dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo) | :: ahtaaja |
steven {n} (command) SEE: command | :: |
steven {n} (a prayer) SEE: prayer | :: |
steven {n} (voice) SEE: voice | :: |
Steven {prop} (male given name) SEE: Stephen | :: |
stevia {n} /ˈstiːvɪə/ (any species of genus Stevia) | :: stevia |
stevia {n} (sweetener) | :: stevia |
stew {n} /stu/ (dish) | :: laatikko, muhennos, pata |
stew {v} (to cook (food)) | :: hauduttaa |
stew {v} (to brew (tea)) | :: hauduttaa liikaa |
stew {v} (to suffer under hot conditions) | :: paistua |
stew {v} (to be in a state of elevated anxiety) | :: kiehua |
steward {n} /ˈstjuː.əd/ (any administrator of the property or affairs of another) | :: isännöitsijä [real estate], pehtori [farm], edustaja [general] |
steward {n} (the administrator of a medieval manor) | :: tilanhoitaja |
steward {n} (ship's officer in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions) | :: purseri |
steward {n} (union member representing fellow workers) | :: luottamusmies |
steward {n} (any caretaker of buildings, estates, or animals) | :: tilanhoitaja, [farm] pehtori |
steward {n} (flight attendant) SEE: flight attendant | :: |
stewardess {n} /ˈstu.ɚ.dɪs/ (female flight attendant) | :: lentoemäntä |
stewardship {n} (office of a steward) | :: isännöitsijyys, pehtorius, edustajuus, purserius, stuerttius, luottamusmiesasema |
stewpot {n} (pot used for making stew) | :: pata |
stewpot {n} (jumble) | :: sekoitus, sekamelska |
St George's Channel {prop} (channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean) | :: Pyhän Yrjön kanaali |
St. George's Day {prop} (saint's day of Saint George) | :: Pyhän Yrjön päivä |
sth {pron} (abbreviation of something in explanation) | :: jkn |
sthg {pron} (sth) SEE: sth | :: |
stibnite {n} (a grey mineral) | :: antimonihohde, stibniitti |
sticharion {n} (clerical garb) | :: stikari |
stick {n} /stɪk/ (twig or small branch) | :: risu, oksa |
stick {n} (long piece of wood) | :: keppi, tikku |
stick {n} (cylindrical piece (of chalk, wax etc)) | :: puikko, patukka, tikku, puikko |
stick {n} (cane or walking stick) | :: keppi, kävelykeppi |
stick {n} (hockey stick) | :: jääkiekkomaila, maila |
stick {n} (gearstick, stickshift) | :: vaihdekeppi |
stick {n} (chewing gum) | :: pala [small rectangular], levy [long and thin] |
stick {n} (control column of an aircraft) | :: ohjaussauva, sauva |
stick {v} (to glue; to adhere (transitive)) | :: liimata, kiinnittää |
stick {v} (to become attached, to adhere (intransitive)) | :: tarttua, kiinnittyä |
stick {v} (to jam) | :: juuttua, takertua |
stick {v} (to persist) | :: pysyä |
stick {v} (of snow, to remain frozen on landing) | :: pysyä |
stick {v} (to remain loyal or firm) | :: pysyä, pitäytyä, pitää kiinni |
stick {v} (to place, set down quickly) | :: laittaa, panna, pistää |
stick {v} (to press into with a sharp point) | :: pistää |
stick {v} (to fix on a pointed instrument) | :: pistää |
stick {v} (to perform (a landing) perfectly) | :: suorittaa täydellisesti |
stick {v} (to propagate plants by cuttings) | :: lisätä pistokkaista |
stick {v} (to hesitate, be reluctant; refuse) | :: epäröidä |
stick 'em up {phrase} (put your hands in the air) | :: kädet ylös |
sticker {n} /ˈstɪkə(r)/ (adhesive label or decal) | :: tarra |
sticker {n} (price tag) SEE: price tag | :: |
stick figure {n} (simple line drawing) | :: tikku-ukko |
stickiness {n} (property of sticking or adhering) | :: tahmeus |
sticking plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid | :: |
stick insect {n} (insects of the order Phasmida) | :: sauvasirkka |
stick in someone's craw {v} | :: ottaa päähän, nyppiä |
stick it to the man {v} (take action to defy oppression) | :: pitää pintansa, pitää puolensa |
stickman {n} (simple drawing of a man) | :: tikku-ukko |
stick note {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note | :: |
stick one's neck out {v} (putting oneself in a vulnerable position) | :: vaarantaa itsensä |
stick one's nose into {v} (to interfere) | :: työntää nenänsä [+ illative] |
stick one's oar in {v} | :: työntää nenänsä, sotkeutua |
stick one's tongue out {v} /stɪk wʌnz tʌŋ aʊt/ (to push one's tongue out) | :: näyttää kieltä |
stick out {v} (to protrude; to extend beyond) | :: pistää ulos, sojottaa, näyttää, näkyä |
stick out {v} (to be prominent, noticeable, or obtrusive) | :: erottua |
stick out a mile {v} (to be plain for all to see) | :: olla kaikkien nähtävissä |
stick out like a sore thumb {v} (be very noticeably different) | :: pistää silmään |
stickpin {n} (pin to hold necktie) SEE: tie clip | :: |
stick plaster {n} (sticking plaster) SEE: band-aid | :: |
sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me {phrase} (a response to taunting proclaiming the speaker's indifference) | :: ei haukku haavaa tee |
stick to one's guns {v} ((idiomatic) to maintain one's viewpoint when faced with opposition) | :: pitää pintansa, pysyä kannassaan |
stick to someone's ribs {v} | :: ravita |
stick up {v} (to put up by sticking) | :: kiinnittää, liimata |
stick up {v} (to rob at gunpoint) | :: ryöstää |
stickup {n} (a robbery at gunpoint) | :: aseellinen ryöstö |
stick up one's ass {n} (stiff, uptight or humorless manner) | :: tiukkapipoinen [adjective] |
sticky {adj} /ˈstɪki/ (able or likely to stick) | :: tarttuva, tahmea |
sticky {adj} (of weather) | :: koukuttava |
sticky-backed plastic {n} (large sheet of plastic) | :: kontaktimuovi |
sticky note {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note | :: |
sticky rice {n} (glutinous rice) SEE: glutinous rice | :: |
sticky tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
stiff {adj} /stɪf/ (of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible) | :: jäykkä |
stiff {adj} (figuratively: of policies and rules and their application and enforcement) | :: kankea |
stiff {adj} (of a person, formal in behavior, unrelaxed) | :: jäykkä |
stiff {adj} (colloquial: harsh, severe) | :: kova |
stiff {adj} (of muscles, or parts of the body) | :: jäykkä, kankea |
stiff {adj} (potent) | :: vahva |
stiff {n} (average person, usually male) | :: heppu, hemmo, heebo, jannu |
stiff {n} (person who is deceived) | :: uhri |
stiff {n} (slang: cadaver, dead person) | :: raato, ruumis |
stiff {v} (to fail to pay money one owes) | :: tehdä oharit |
stiffen {v} /ˈstɪfən/ (to make stiff) | :: jäykistää, jähmettää, kangistaa |
stiffen {v} (to become stiff) | :: jäykistyä, jähmettyä, kangistua |
stiffener {n} (something that stiffens) | :: jäykiste |
stiffening {n} (something that stiffens) | :: jäykiste |
stiffly {adv} /ˈstɪfli/ (in a stiff manner) | :: kankeasti |
stiff neck {n} (discomfort or pain when trying to turn or move the neck) | :: niskan jäykkyys, jäykkä niska |
stiffness {n} (rigidity) | :: jäykkyys |
stiffness {n} (inflexibility) | :: taipumattomuus |
stifle {n} /ˈstaɪfəl/ (a hind knee of various mammals, especially horses) | :: takapolvi, polvi |
stifle {v} (to interrupt or cut off) | :: katkaista, keskeyttää |
stifle {v} (to repress, keep in or hold back) | :: tukahduttaa, vaimentaa |
stifle {v} (to smother or suffocate) | :: tukehduttaa |
stifle {v} (to feel smothered) | :: tukahtua |
stifle {v} (to die of suffocation) | :: tukehtua |
stigma {n} /ˈstɪɡmə/ (mark of infamy) | :: stigma |
stigma {n} (scar or birthmark) | :: arpi, syntymämerkki |
stigma {n} (part of the pistil) | :: luotti |
stigmatize {v} /ˈstɪɡmətaɪz/ (to characterize as disgraceful or ignominious) | :: leimata, stigmatisoida |
stile {n} /staɪl/ (steps over or passage through a fence or wall) | :: jalkaporras |
stile {n} (vertical component of a panel or frame) | :: pieli |
stiletto {n} (awl) SEE: awl | :: |
stiletto {n} (rapier) SEE: rapier | :: |
stiletto {n} /stəˈlɛtoʊ/ (stabbing weapon) | :: stiletti |
stiletto {n} (woman's shoe with a tall, slender heel) | :: piikkikorkokenkä |
stiletto heel {n} (heel of a high and narrow shoe) | :: stilettikorko |
still {adj} /stɪl/ (not moving, calm) | :: liikkumaton [not moving]; tyyni [calm] |
still {adj} ((of drinking water) not effervescent) | :: kuplaton, kuplimaton |
still {adj} (uttering no sound, silent) | :: hiljainen |
still {adj} (having the same stated quality continuously from a past time) | :: vakaa |
still {adj} (comparatively quiet or silent) | :: hiljainen |
still {adj} (constant, continual, see also: constant; continual) | :: jatkuva |
still {adv} (without motion) | :: hiljaa, paikallaan |
still {adv} (up to a time, as in the preceding time) | :: vielä, edelleen, yhä |
still {adv} (to an even greater degree) | :: vielä |
still {adv} (nevertheless) | :: silti, vielä |
still {adv} (always, invariably, constantly) | :: aina vain, aina |
still {adv} (even, yet) | :: vielä |
still {n} (period of calm or silence) | :: tyven, tyyneys [calm]; hiljaisuus [silence] |
still {n} (photography: a non-moving photograph) | :: pysäytyskuva, stilli |
still {n} (steep hill or ascent) | :: jyrkänne |
still {n} (a device for distilling liquids) | :: tislauspannu |
still {n} (large water boiler) | :: vesipannu |
still {v} (to calm down) | :: tyynnyttää, rauhoittaa |
still {v} (to cause to fall by drops) | :: tiputella |
still {n} (building where liquor is distilled) SEE: distillery | :: |
still and all {adv} /ˈstɪləˌnɔl/ (despite the preceding) | :: siitä huolimatta, kaikesta huolimatta |
stillbirth {n} (birth of a dead fetus) | :: kuolleena syntyminen |
stillborn {adj} (dead at birth) | :: kuolleena syntynyt |
stillborn {adj} (ignored, without influence, unsuccessful, abortive) | :: epäonnistunut |
still life {n} (work of art) | :: asetelma |
still water {n} (water without carbonation) | :: hiilihapoton vesi |
still waters run deep {proverb} (a person's calm appearance may be misleading) | :: syvissä vesissä ne isot kalat uivat |
stilt {n} /stɪlt/ (walking pole) | :: puujalka |
stilt {n} (pillar) | :: paalu, tolppa |
stilt {n} (bird) | :: pitkäjalka |
stilt {n} (crutch) SEE: crutch | :: |
Stilton {n} /ˈstɪltən/ (blue-veined cheese made in England) | :: stiltonjuusto |
stilt sandpiper {n} (Calidris himantopus) | :: pitkäkoipisirri |
stimulant {n} (substance acting to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body) | :: piriste, stimulantti; [substance used for pleasure] nautintoaine |
stimulant {n} (something promoting activity, interest or enthusiasm) | :: kannustin, yllyke |
stimulate {v} /ˈstɪmjʊleɪt/ (to encourage into action) | :: stimuloida, yllyttää, ärsyttää |
stimulate {v} (to arouse an organism to functional activity) | :: stimuloida, kiihottaa |
stimulator {n} (something that stimulates) | :: innostaja, kannustaja (person); kiihotin (device or substance) |
stimulus {n} /ˈstɪm.jə.ləs/ (anything that may have an impact or influence on a system) | :: vaikute, kannuste, kiihoke, ärsyke; stimulus [scientific] |
stimulus {n} (in physiology: something external that elicits or influences a physiological or psychological activity or response) | :: ärsyke, stimulus [scientific] |
stimulus {n} (in psychology: anything effectively impinging upon any of the sensory apparatuses of a living organism) | :: ärsyke, stimulus [scientific] |
stimulus {n} (anything that induces a person to take action) | :: ärsyke, stimulus [scientific] |
sting {n} /stɪŋ/ (bump on skin after having been stung) | :: paukama, patti |
sting {n} (bite or sting (by an insect)) | :: pistos, purema |
sting {n} (sharp, localised pain in epidermis) | :: pisto |
sting {n} (police operation) | :: soluttautuminen |
sting {v} (to hurt) | :: pistää, purra |
sting {v} (of an insect: to bite) | :: pistää, purra |
sting {n} (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack) SEE: stinger | :: |
stinger {n} /ˈstɪŋɚ/ (pointed portion of an insect) | :: pistin |
stingily {adv} (in a stingy manner) | :: pihisti |
stingray {n} /ˈstɪŋˌɹeɪ/ (venomous ray of the orders Rajiformes and Myliobatiformes) | :: suurrausku, keihäsrauskut |
stingy {adj} /ˈstɪndʒi/ (unwilling to spend or give) | :: nuuka, itara, kitsas, pihi, saita |
stingy {adj} /ˈstɪŋi/ (able to sting) | :: pistävä |
stink {v} /stɪŋk/ (have a strong bad smell) | :: haista |
stink {v} (informal: be greatly inferior) | :: haista |
stink {v} (give an impression of dishonesty or untruth) | :: haista |
stink {n} (strong bad smell) | :: löyhkä, haju |
stink badger {n} (mammal of the genus Mydaus) | :: haisumäyrä |
stinkbird {n} (hoatzin) SEE: hoatzin | :: |
stinkbug {n} (bug of the superfamily Pentatomoidea) | :: typpylude |
stinkbug {n} (bug of the superfamily Coreoidea) | :: pallelude |
stinker {n} /stɪŋ.kɚ/ (person who stinks) | :: haisuli, haisunäätä |
stinkhorn {n} (fungus) | :: haisusieni |
stinky {adj} /ˈstɪŋki/ (having a strong, unpleasant smell) | :: haiseva |
stinky tofu {n} (form of fermented tofu) | :: haiseva tofu |
stint {v} /stɪnt/ (to stop, cease, desist) | :: lopettaa |
stint {v} (to stop speaking or talking) | :: vaieta, lopettaa |
stint {v} (to be sparing or mean) | :: pihistellä, pihtailla, nuukailla, säästää |
stint {n} (a period of time spent doing or being something) | :: jakso, kausi, aika |
stint {n} (wading bird of the genus Calidris) | :: sirri |
stipend {n} /ˈstaɪpɛnd/ (scholarship) | :: stipendi, apuraha |
stipend {n} (fixed payment) | :: palkkio, korvaus |
stipendiary {n} (one who receives a stipend) | :: stipendiaatti |
stipulate {v} /ˈstɪpjuˌleɪt/ (to require as a condition of a contract or agreement) | :: vaatia, panna ehdoksi, edellyttää |
stipulate {v} (to specify, promise or guarantee something in an agreement) | :: sopia, säätää |
stipulate {v} (to acknowledge the truth of) | :: hyväksyä |
stipulate {adj} /ˈstɪpjəlɪt/ (botany: having stipules) | :: korvakkeellinen |
stipulation {n} /ˌstɪp.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ (something that is stated or stipulated as a condition of an agreement) | :: määräys |
stipule {n} /ˈstɪpjuːl/ (basal appendage) | :: lehtikorvake, korvake |
stir {v} /stɜː/ (to change the place of in any manner; to move) | :: liikuttaa, liikauttaa |
stir {v} (to disturb the relative position of the particles of) | :: sekoittaa, hämmentää |
stir {v} (to agitate the contents of) | :: hämmentää, sekoittaa |
stir {v} (to bring into debate; to agitate; to moot) | :: sekaantua |
stir {v} (to incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt; to excite) | :: yllyttää, kiihottaa, liikuttaa, myllertää |
stir {v} (to move; to change one’s position) | :: liikkua, liikahtaa |
stir {v} (to be in motion) | :: liikkua |
stir {v} (to become the object of notice; to be on foot) | :: liikkua |
stir {v} (to rise, or be up, in the morning) | :: nousta |
stir-fried {adj} (that has been cooked by stir-frying) | :: wokattu |
stir-fry {v} (fry something quickly in hot oil) | :: wokata |
stir-fry {n} (dish) | :: wokki |
Stirling engine {n} (type of heat engine) | :: stirlingmoottori |
stirrup {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes | :: |
stirrup {n} /ˈstɪɹəp/ (footrest used by riders) | :: jalustin |
stirrup bone {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes | :: |
stir shit {v} (to deliberately cause trouble) | :: lietsoa paskaa |
stir up {v} (to cause (trouble etc)) | :: lietsoa |
stishovite {n} (high-pressure polymorph of quartz) | :: stishoviitti |
stitch {v} (form stitches in) SEE: sew | :: |
stitch {n} /stɪt͡ʃ/ (single pass of the needle in sewing) | :: tikki, ommel, pisto |
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in sewing) | :: ommel |
stitch {n} (an intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage) | :: pistos |
stitch {n} (single turn of the thread in knitting) | :: silmukka |
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in knitting) | :: kudos |
stitch {n} (local sharp pain) | :: pistos |
stitch {v} (agriculture: to form land into ridges) SEE: plough | :: |
stitch {n} (furrow) SEE: furrow | :: |
stitchwort {n} (Stellaria holostea) | :: kevättähtimö |
St. John's {prop} (capital of Antigua and Barbuda) | :: St. John's |
St. John's {prop} (provincial capital of Newfoundland and Labrador) | :: St. John's |
St John's wort {n} /seɪnt d͡ʒɑnz wɚt/ (any plant of the genus Hypericum) | :: kuisma [Hypericum]; mäkikuisma [Hypericum perforatum] |
stoa {n} | :: stoa |
stoat {n} (stoat) SEE: ermine | :: |
stochastic {adj} /stəˈkæstɪk/ (random) | :: stokastinen, satunnainen, sattumanvarainen |
stochastically {adv} /stəˈkæstɪkli/ (in a stochastic manner) | :: stokastisesti |
stochastic calculus {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: stokastinen analyysi |
stochasticity {n} (quality) | :: stokastisuus, satunnaisuus |
stochastic matrix {n} (matrix) | :: stokastinen matriisi |
stochastic process {n} (a function mapping to set of random variables) | :: stokastinen prosessi |
stochastics {n} (branch of statistics) | :: stokastiikka |
stock {n} /stɑk/ (store of goods for sale) | :: varasto |
stock {n} (supply of anything ready for use) | :: varasto |
stock {n} (stack of undealt game cards) | :: pakka |
stock {n} (farm animals) | :: karja |
stock {n} (finance: capital raised by a company) | :: osakepääoma |
stock {n} (broth) | :: liemi |
stock {n} (type of paper) | :: paperilaatu |
stock {n} (genus Matthiola of flowers) | :: leukoija |
stock {n} (part of gun, see also: butt) | :: tukki |
stock {n} (bar through an anchor) | :: tukki |
stock {n} (rudder stock) | :: peräsinakseli |
stock {v} (have on hand for sale) | :: pitää varastossa |
stock {adj} (normally available for purchase) | :: varasto- |
stock {n} (rolling stock) SEE: rolling stock | :: |
stockade {n} /ˌstɑˈkeɪd/ (an enclosure protected by a wall of wooden posts) | :: paalulinnake |
stockade {n} (a military prison (colloquial)) | :: putka |
stockbroker {n} (person who buys and sells shares) | :: pörssimeklari |
stock certificate {n} (a paper certifying an ownership of shares) | :: osakekirja |
stock character {n} (fictional character based on a recognizable stereotype) | :: perushahmo |
stock cube {n} (bouillon cube) SEE: bouillon cube | :: |
stock dove {n} (stock dove, Columba oenas) | :: uuttukyyhky |
stocker {n} (stock car) | :: vakioauto |
stock exchange {n} (building and the associated organization) | :: pörssi |
stockfish {n} /ˈstɒkfɪʃ/ (cured fish) | :: kapakala |
stockholder {n} (one who owns stock) SEE: shareholder | :: |
Stockholm {prop} /ˈstɒkhɒlm/ (capital of Sweden) | :: Tukholma |
Stockholmer {n} (someone from Stockholm) | :: tukholmalainen |
Stockholmer {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Stockholm) | :: tukholmalainen |
Stockholm syndrome {n} (psychological condition) | :: Tukholma-syndrooma |
stocking {n} /ˈstɑkɪŋ/ (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock)) | :: sukka |
stocking cap {n} (knitted woolen cap) SEE: beanie | :: |
stock market {n} (market for the trading of company stock) | :: osakemarkkinat |
stock market crash {n} (sudden dramatic decline of stock prices) | :: pörssiromahdus |
stock pigeon {n} (pigeon) | :: uuttukyyhky |
stockpile {n} /ˈstɒkpaɪl/ (supply for future use) | :: varasto |
stockpile {v} (accumulate a stockpile) | :: varastoida |
stockpot {n} (large pot for cooking soup) | :: keittopata |
stocks {n} /stɑks/ (device for public humiliation and punishment) | :: jalkapuu |
stocky {adj} (solidly built) | :: tanakka, vanttera |
stodge {n} /stɒd͡ʒ/ (heavy, dull food) | :: mättö |
stogie {n} /ˈstoʊɡi/ (slang: a cigar) | :: sigge |
stoic {n} /ˈstəʊɪk/ (a person indifferent to pleasure or pain) | :: stoalainen |
stoic {adj} (of or relating to the Stoics) | :: stoalainen |
stoically {adv} /ˈstoʊ.ɪk.əl.i/ (in a manner that endures pain and hardship without outwardly showing suffering) | :: tyynesti |
stoically {adv} (in an unfeeling manner that inwardly is unaffected by pain or distress) | :: tyynesti |
stoically {adv} (in a manner consistent with the philosophy of stoicism) | :: stoalaisesti |
stoichiometric {adj} (of, or relating to stoichiometry) | :: stoikiometrinen, stökiometrinen |
stoichiometric {adj} (existing in a ratio of integers) | :: stoikiometrinen, stökiometrinen |
stoichiometry {n} /ˌstɔɪ.kiˈɒm.ə.tɹi/ (the study of the relationships of reactants and products in chemical reactions) | :: stökiometria, stoikiometria |
stokehold {n} (a chamber where a ship's furnaces are stoked) | :: kattilahuone |
stokehole {n} (stokehold) SEE: stokehold | :: |
stoker {n} (poker) SEE: poker | :: |
stoker {n} (person who stokes) | :: lämmittäjä |
stola {n} (traditional garment of women in ancient Rome) | :: stola |
stole {n} /ˈstoʊl/ (ecclesiastical garment) | :: stola |
stole {n} (scarf-like garment) | :: stoola |
stolen {adj} /ˈstəʊlən/ (that has been stolen) | :: varastettu |
stolid {adj} /ˈstɑːl.ɪd/ (having or revealing little emotion or sensibility) | :: ilmeetön, juro |
stolon {n} (botany: runner) | :: rönsy |
stolperstein {n} /ˈʃtɒlpə(ɹ)ˌʃtaɪn/ (small, cobblestone-sized memorial for an individual victim of Nazism) | :: kompastuskivi |
stoma {n} /ˈstoʊmə/ (botany: tiny pore in the epidermis of a leaf) | :: ilmarako |
stoma {n} (small opening in a membrane) | :: avanne |
stoma {n} (zoology: mouthlike opening) | :: suuaukko |
stoma {n} (artificial anus) | :: avanne |
stomach {n} /ˈstʌmək/ (digestive organ) | :: mahalaukku, vatsalaukku |
stomach {n} (belly) | :: maha, vatsa |
stomach {v} (to tolerate or accept something) | :: sietää, kestää |
stomach {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stomach {n} (figuratively: desire, appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stomach {n} (pride, haughtiness) SEE: haughtiness | :: |
stomachache {n} /ˈstʌməkˌeɪk/ (pain in the abdomen) | :: vatsakipu, mahanpuru |
stomach acid {n} (gastric acid) SEE: gastric acid | :: |
stomach bug {n} (germ that causes intestinal distress) | :: vatsatauti |
stomach cancer {n} (cancer of the stomach) | :: mahasyöpä |
stomatitis {n} (inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane that lines the mouth) | :: suutulehdus |
stomatology {n} (study of the mouth) | :: suutautioppi, stomatologia |
stomp {v} /stɑmp/ (trample heavily on something or someone) | :: talloa |
stomp {v} (severely beat someone physically or figuratively) | :: piestä, lyödä |
stompie {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt | :: |
stomping ground {n} (stamping ground) SEE: stamping ground | :: |
stone {n} /stəʊn/ (substance) | :: kivi |
stone {n} (small piece of stone) | :: kivi |
stone {n} (gem stone) | :: kivi , jalokivi |
stone {n} (centre of some fruits) | :: kivi |
stone {n} (medical: hard, stone-like deposit) | :: kivi |
stone {n} (piece of hard material used in board games) | :: nappula |
stone {n} (colour) | :: kivenharmaa |
stone {n} (curling stone) | :: kivi |
stone {v} (To pelt with stones) | :: kivittää |
stone {v} (to remove stone from) | :: poistaa kivi |
stone {v} (to form a stone) | :: kasvattaa kivi |
stone {v} (to intoxicate, especially with narcotics) | :: huumata [narcotics], juovuttaa [alcohol], öykätä |
stone {adj} (constructed of stone) | :: kivinen , kivi- |
stone {adj} (having the appearance of stone) | :: kivijäljitelmä- |
stone {adv} (absolutely, completely) | :: täysin |
stone-age {adj} (belonging in the Stone Age) | :: kivikautinen |
Stone Age {prop} /ˈstoʊn ˌeɪdʒ/ (prehistoric period) | :: kivikausi |
Stone Age {prop} (informal: any extremely primitive or undeveloped era) | :: kivikausi |
Stone Age {prop} (figuratively: the time a particular field was introduced) | :: kivikausi |
stone bramble {n} (Rubus saxatilis) | :: lillukka |
stone butch {n} (butch lesbian) | :: rekkalesbo |
stone cold {adj} (very cold) | :: jääkylmä |
stone cold {adj} (definite) | :: vuorenvarma |
stonecrop {n} (Sedum) | :: maksaruoho |
stone curlew {n} /stəʊnˈkɜːlju/ (species of large terrestrial birds) | :: paksujalka |
stoned {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
stoned {adj} (high on drugs) | :: pilvessä |
stone deaf {adj} (utterly deaf) | :: umpikuuro |
stonefish {n} (tropical marine fish) | :: kivikala, velhokala |
stone fruit {n} (fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit) | :: luumarja |
stonehearted {adj} (hard-hearted) | :: kivisydäminen, kovasydäminen |
Stonehenge {prop} /stoʊ̯nˈhɛnd͡ʒ/ (ancient group of standing stones in England) | :: Stonehenge |
stonelike {adj} (resembling stone or a stone) | :: kivimäinen |
stone loach {n} (Barbatula barbatula) | :: kivennuoliainen |
stone marten {n} (Martes foina) SEE: beech marten | :: |
stonemason {n} (one who works in stone) | :: kivenhakkaaja |
stonemasonry {n} (work or art) | :: kivisepäntyö [work]; kivisepäntaito [art] |
stone pine {n} (a species of pine native to southern Europe, Pinus pinea) | :: pinja |
stoner {n} /ˈstoʊnɚ/ (a habitual user of cannabis) | :: pössyttelijä [slang] |
stone's throw {n} (short distance) | :: kivenheitto |
stone wall {n} /ˈstəʊnwɔːl/ (wall made from stone) | :: kiviseinä, kivimuuri |
stonewall {n} (obstruction) SEE: obstruction | :: |
stonewall {v} (to obstruct) SEE: obstruct | :: |
stonewall {adj} /ˈstəʊnwɔːl/ (certain, definite) | :: vuorenvarma |
stonewall {n} (alternative form of stone wall) SEE: stone wall | :: |
stoneware {n} (type of pottery) | :: kivitavara |
stoning {n} (lapidation) SEE: lapidation | :: |
stony {adj} (broke) SEE: broke | :: |
stony {adj} /ˈstoʊni/ (hard as stone) | :: kivikova |
stony {adj} (containing stones) | :: kivinen, kallioinen |
stooge {n} /stuːdʒ/ (dupe) | :: lammas |
stooge {n} (secret informant for police) | :: vasikka |
stooge {n} (straight man) SEE: straight man | :: |
stook {n} /stʊk/ (pile or bundle) | :: auma [pile]; nippu [bundle], kuhilas |
stook {v} (to make stooks) | :: aumata |
stool {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
stool {n} (footstool) SEE: footstool | :: |
stool {n} /stuːl/ (a seat) | :: palli, jakkara |
stool {n} | :: uloste |
stool {n} (commode) SEE: commode | :: |
stool {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
stool pigeon {n} (decoy) | :: vasikka [slang] |
stoop {n} /stuːp/ (small porch) | :: kuisti |
stoop {v} (to bend the upper part of the body forward and downward) | :: kumartua |
stoop {v} (to lower oneself; to demean or do something below one's status, standards, or morals) | :: alentua |
stoop {v} (to swoop down on its prey) | :: syöksyä |
stoop {n} (body position) | :: kumara |
stop {v} /stɑp/ (to cease moving) | :: pysähtyä |
stop {v} (to not continue) | :: lakata, loppua |
stop {v} (to cause to cease moving) | :: pysäyttää |
stop {v} (to cause to come to an end) | :: lopettaa |
stop {v} (to close an opening) | :: sulkea, tukkia |
stop {v} (photography: to adjust the aperture) | :: säätää aukkoa |
stop {v} (to stay a while) | :: asua, vierailla, viipyä, pysähtyä |
stop {v} (to tarry) | :: pysähtyä |
stop {n} (place to get on and off mass transport) | :: pysäkki [for trams and buses]; seisake [for trains] |
stop {n} (interruption of travel) | :: pysähdys |
stop {n} (that which stops, impedes, or obstructs) | :: este |
stop {n} (device to block a moving object) | :: este, pysäytin, stoppari |
stop {n} (engineering: device for arresting or limiting motion) | :: rajoitin |
stop {n} (architecture: member against which a door or window shuts) | :: sulkija |
stop {n} (punctuation symbol) | :: piste |
stop {n} (function that halts playback or recording) | :: este |
stop {n} (button to activate the stop function) | :: pysäytysnappula |
stop {n} (music: knob or pin to regulate the flow of air in an organ) | :: rekisteritappi |
stop {n} (tennis: very short shot) | :: stoppari, pysäytyslyönti |
stop {n} (zoology: depression in a dog’s face) | :: otsapenger |
stop {n} (telegrams: end of sentence indicator) | :: stop |
stop {n} (small bucket) | :: kiulu |
stop {n} (consonant sound) SEE: plosive | :: |
stop {v} (nautical: to make fast) SEE: stopper | :: |
stop at nothing {v} (take any measures to do something) | :: pysäyttää (different structure: "Nothing stops...") |
stopcock {n} /ˈstɑpkɑk/ (valve, tap or faucet) | :: sulkuventtiili, sulkuhana |
stopcock {n} (main shutoff) | :: pääventtiili |
stop codon {n} (codon that instructs protein synthesis to stop) | :: lopetuskodoni |
stoplight {n} ((US) a traffic control signal) SEE: traffic light | :: |
stoplight {n} (light on the rear of a vehicle) SEE: brake light | :: |
stop-motion {n} (animation technique) | :: stop motion, animointi kuvaamalla ruutu ruudulta, pysäytyskuva-animointi |
stopover {n} (interruption in a journey) | :: (short interruption of a journey made with terrain vehicles) pysähdys; (short interruption of a flight, not the place) välilasku |
stoppage {n} (pause or halt of some activity) | :: seisokki, katkos |
stoppage {n} (something that forms an obstacle to continued activity) | :: este, tukos |
stopper {n} /ˈstɒp.ə/ (type of knot) | :: päätesolmu, stopperi |
stopper {n} (bung or cork) | :: tulppa |
stopper {n} (football (soccer): goalkeeper) | :: toppari |
stopper {n} (train that stops on almost all stations) | :: lähijuna |
stopping distance {n} (sum of the thinking and braking distances) | :: pysähtymismatka |
stop sign {n} (traffic sign) | :: stop-merkki |
stop the car {phrase} (stop the car) | :: pysäyttäkää auto |
stop the presses {v} (imperative) | :: pysäyttää painokoneet |
stopwatch {n} (timepiece) | :: sekuntikello, sekkari [colloquial] |
storage {n} /ˈstɔ.ɹɪd͡ʒ/ (act or state) | :: varastointi |
storage {n} (place) | :: varasto |
storage {n} (computing) | :: tiedontallennusväline |
storage {n} (price) | :: varastointi |
storage device {n} (piece of hardware for storage of data) | :: tallennusväline |
storage organ {n} (botany: part of plant modified for storage of energy) | :: varastoelin |
store {n} (in computing) SEE: memory | :: |
store {n} (shop) SEE: shop | :: |
store {n} /stɔɹ/ (place where items may be kept) | :: varasto |
store {n} (supply held in storage) | :: varasto |
store {v} (keep (something) while not in use) | :: varastoida |
store {v} (computing: write (something) into memory or registers) | :: tallettaa |
store {v} (remain in good condition while stored) | :: säilyä |
storekeeper {n} (person who runs a shop) | :: kauppias |
storeman {n} (warehouseman) SEE: warehouseman | :: |
storeroom {n} (room used for storage) | :: varasto, varastohuone |
storey {n} /ˈstɔːɹɪ/ (floor, level) | :: kerros |
stork {n} /stɔɹk/ (large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae) | :: kattohaikara |
stork {n} (mythical bringer of babies) | :: haikara |
storm {n} /stɔɹm/ (disturbed state of the atmosphere) | :: myrsky |
storm {n} (meteorology: wind scale for very strong wind) | :: myrskytuuli, myrsky |
storm {n} (military: violent assault on a stronghold) | :: rynnäkkö |
storm {v} (to move quickly and noisily) | :: rynnätä, rynnistää |
storm {v} (to assault) | :: rynnäköidä |
storm cloud {n} (rain cloud with potential to bring a storm) | :: myrskypilvi |
stormcloud {n} (cloud threatening rain and wind) SEE: storm cloud | :: |
storm drain {n} (conduit for rainwater) | :: sadevesiviemäri, hulevesiviemäri |
storm in a teacup {n} (tempest in a teapot) SEE: tempest in a teapot | :: |
storm jib {n} (small jib for reducing sail area) | :: myrskyfokka |
storm petrel {n} (any of several small seabirds, of the family Hydrobatidae) | :: ulappakeiju |
storm sewer {n} (structure for channeling surface runoff) SEE: storm drain | :: |
storm surge {n} (unusual rise in sea level) | :: myrskyaalto |
stormy {adj} /ˈstɔɹmi/ (of or pertaining to storms; strong winds, rough seas, heavy rain etc.) | :: myrskyinen |
Storting {prop} (Norwegian parliament) | :: suurkäräjät {p} |
story {n} (lie) SEE: lie | :: |
story {n} /ˈstɔː.ɹi/ (account of events) | :: tarina, kertomus, juttu |
story {n} (storey) SEE: storey | :: |
storyboard {n} (series of drawings for a film) | :: kuvakäsikirjoitus |
storybook {n} (a book containing stories, especially children's stories) | :: satukirja |
storyteller {n} (person who relates stories to an audience) | :: kertoja, tarinankertoja, sadunkertoja, satuseppä, tarinoitsija |
stout {adj} (obstinate) SEE: obstinate | :: |
stout {adj} /staʊt/ (large, bulky, corpulent) | :: pönäkkä, tanakka |
stout {adj} (lusty, vigorous) | :: jämäkkä, vanttera, lihaksikas |
stout {adj} (proud, haughty) | :: koppava, kopea, ylimielinen |
stout {adj} (firm, resolute) | :: päättäväinen, luja |
stout {adj} (materially strong) | :: tukeva, kestävä, jämerä, järeä, tanakka |
stout {n} (brew) | :: stout |
stout {n} (obese person) | :: punkero |
stove {n} /stoʊv/ (heater) | :: uuni, kamiina |
stove {n} (device for heating food) | :: hella, liesi; keitin |
stove {v} (to heat or dry) | :: lämmittää [to heat]; kuivata, kuivattaa, kuivatella [to dry] |
stove {v} (to keep warm) | :: lämmitellä, lämmittää |
stove {n} (heated greenhouse) SEE: hothouse | :: |
stovepipe hat {n} (stovepipe hat) SEE: top hat | :: |
stow {v} /stoʊ/ (to put something away in a compact and tidy manner) | :: pakata |
stow {v} (to put something away to store it in a space-saving manner and over long time) | :: pakata, panna talteen |
stowage {n} (place) | :: ruuma [in a vehicle]; varasto |
stowage {n} (things) | :: rahti, matkatavarat {p} [in a vehicle]; tavarat {p} |
stowage {n} (amount of room) | :: ruuma, rahtitila [in a vehicle]; varasto, varastotila |
stowage {n} (charge) | :: rahti [in a vehicle]; säilytysmaksu |
stowaway {n} (person who hides on a ship, train, etc.) | :: jänis, salamatkustaja, vapaamatkustaja |
St. Patrick's Day {prop} (Irish holiday) | :: Pyhän Patrikin päivä |
strabismus {n} (defect of vision) | :: karsastus, strabismi |
straddle {v} /ˈstɹæd.əl/ (to sit or stand with a leg on each side of something) | :: istua hajareisin jonkin päällä, ratsastaa [to sit]; seisoa hajareisin jonkin päällä [to stand] |
straddle {v} (to be on both sides of something) | :: ympäröidä, piirittää |
straddle {v} (to consider or favor two apparently opposite sides) | :: pyöritellä, käännellä, pallotella |
straddle {v} (to form a disorderly sprawl) | :: levittäytyä |
straddle {v} (to fire shots in front and behind of a target) | :: haarukoida |
straddle {n} (posture) | :: ratsastusasento |
straddle {n} (finance: investment strategy) | :: straddle |
straddle {n} (poker: raise made prior to receiving cards) | :: sokkokorotus |
straddle carrier {n} (vehicle) | :: konttilukki, lukki |
Stradivarius {n} /ˌstɹædəˈvɛɹi.əs/ (stringed instrument built by members of the Stradivari family) | :: stradivarius |
Stradivarius {n} (standard of excellence) | :: stradivarius |
straggle {v} /ˈstɹæɡl̩/ (to stray from the road) | :: eksyä |
straggle {v} (to wander about) | :: kuljeksia |
straggle {v} (to spread at irregular intervals) | :: levitellä |
straggler {n} /ˈstɹæɡlə/ (one who straggles or departs from the direct or proper course) | :: eksyjä, harhailija |
straggler {n} (one who falls behind the rest) | :: hidastelija, mattimyöhäinen, maijamyöhäinen |
straggler {n} (one who rambles without any settled direction) | :: vaeltaja, harhailija |
straggler {n} (a roving vagabond) | :: kulkuri |
straight {adj} /stɹeɪt/ (not crooked or bent) | :: suora |
straight {adj} (direct, truthful, frank) | :: suora, rehellinen, vilpitön |
straight {adj} (as it should be) | :: kunnossa, järjestyksessä |
straight {adj} (undiluted) | :: raaka, laimentamaton |
straight {adj} (having all cylinders in a single row) | :: suora |
straight {adj} (heterosexual) | :: hetero, heteroseksuaali |
straight {adv} (in a forward direction) | :: suoraan |
straight {adv} (directly; without pause, delay or detour) | :: suoraan |
straight {adv} (continuously) | :: yhteen menoon |
straight {n} (something that is not crooked or bent) | :: suora |
straight {n} (five cards in sequence) | :: suora |
straight {n} (mainstream person) | :: tavallinen ihminen |
straight {n} (ordinary cigarette) | :: tavallinen savuke |
straight {n} (heterosexual) SEE: heterosexual | :: |
straight and narrow {n} | :: kaita tie |
straight angle {n} (angle equal to 180°) | :: oikokulma |
straight away {adv} (very soon; immediately) SEE: right away | :: |
straightedge {n} (tool used to draw, cut or check the straightness of straight lines) | :: viivain |
straighten {v} /ˈstɹeɪtn̩/ (make straight) | :: oikaista, suoristaa |
straighten {v} (become straight) | :: oieta, suoristua |
straightener {n} /ˈstɹeɪt(ə)nɚ/ (metal tongs used for straightening hair) | :: hiustensuoristusrauta, suoristusrauta, hiustensuoristin |
straightener {n} (anyone or anything which straightens) | :: suoristaja, oikaisija |
straight flush {n} (poker hand) | :: värisuora |
straightforward {adj} (not deviating; honest; frank) | :: suora, suoraviivainen, avoin |
straightforward {adj} (presenting few difficulties, easy) | :: suoraviivainen |
straightforward {adv} (In a straightforward manner) | :: suoraan, suoraviivaisesti, avoimesti |
straightforwardly {adv} (in a straightforward manner) | :: suorasanaisesti, suoraan, suorasukaisesti |
straight from the horse's mouth {adv} (firsthand) | :: suoraan hevosen suusta |
straight from the horse's mouth {adj} (from the source) | :: suoraan hevosen suusta [adverb] |
straight-laced {adj} (having narrow views on moral matters) | :: ahdasmielinen, tiukkapipoinen |
straight line {n} (line with no curvature) | :: suora viiva |
straight man {n} (supporting comic) | :: tavallinen mies |
straight razor {n} (razor with a folding blade) | :: (taittuvateräinen) partaveitsi |
straight talk {n} (honest speaking) | :: suora puhe |
strain {n} /stɹeɪ̯n/ (race, lineage, pedigree) | :: [of plants] lajike; [of virii/bacteria] kanta; [of people] sukujuuri, suku |
strain {n} (hereditary character, quality, or disposition) | :: perintö |
strain {n} (tendency or disposition) | :: taipumus |
strain {n} (breed or race) | :: kanta [microbe]; rotu [dog etc.]; lajike [plant] |
strain {n} (music: portion of music divided off by a double bar) | :: taipumus |
strain {n} (kind or sort) | :: tyyppi |
strain {v} (to stretch too far) | :: venäyttää |
strain {v} (to apply a force) | :: rasittaa, kuormittaa |
strain {v} (to separate) | :: siivilöidä |
strain {n} (act of straining, or the state of being strained) | :: rasitus |
strain {n} (violent effort, excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles.) | :: ponnistus [violent effort], jännitys [tension] |
strain {n} (injury resulting from violent effort) | :: venähdys |
strain {n} (engineering: measure of object deformation) | :: venyminen |
strain {n} (track of a deer) | :: hirven jälki |
strainer {n} /ˈstɹeɪnɚ/ (utensil) | :: siivilä |
strait {n} /stɹeɪt/ (narrow channel of water) | :: salmi |
strait {n} (a difficult position) | :: kiipeli |
straitjacket {n} (a jacket-like garment) | :: pakkopaita |
straitjacket {v} (to put someone into a straitjacket) | :: pukea pakkopaitaan |
straitjacket {v} (to restrict the freedom of) | :: pukea pakkopaitaan |
strait-laced {adj} (straight-laced) SEE: straight-laced | :: |
Strait of Bonifacio {prop} (strait between Corsica and Sardinia) | :: Bonifacionsalmi |
Strait of Dover {prop} (strait in the English Channel) | :: Doverin salmi |
Strait of Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) | :: Gibraltarinsalmi |
Strait of Hormuz {prop} (strait) | :: Hormuzinsalmi |
Strait of Kerch {prop} (strait) | :: Kertšinsalmi |
Strait of Messina {prop} (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy) | :: Messinansalmi |
Strait of Sicily {prop} (strait between Sicily and Tunisia) | :: Sisiliansalmi |
Straits Settlements {prop} /ˈstɹeɪts ˈsɛtəlmənts/ (former British territories) | :: Salmisiirtokunnat {p} |
strake {n} /ˈstɹeɪk/ (continuous line of planks or plates in a vessel's hull) | :: laidoituskerros |
strand {n} /stɹænd/ (beach) | :: ranta |
strand {v} (to run aground) | :: ajaa karille |
strand {v} (to leave someone in a difficult situation) | :: jättää heitteille, hylätä |
strand {n} (each of strings that make up yarn, rope or cord) | :: säie, nauha |
strand {n} (short string) | :: säie, jänne |
strand {n} (strand of hair) | :: hius, nauha [spaghetti] |
stranded {adj} (of a person) | :: hylätty |
stranded {adj} (of a vessel) | :: karilla |
strange {adj} /ˈstɹeɪnd͡ʒ/ (not normal) | :: outo, vieras, kummallinen, ihmeellinen |
strange {adj} (not yet part of one’s experience) | :: outo, tuntematon |
strange {adj} (in quantum mechanics) | :: outo |
strangelet {n} (Proposed fragment of strange matter) | :: outokainen |
strange quark {n} (strange quark) | :: outokvarkki, outo-kvarkki |
stranger {n} /ˈstɹeɪndʒɚ/ (person whom one does not know) | :: tuntematon, vieras |
stranger {n} (outsider or foreigner, see also: foreigner) | :: muukalainen |
stranger {n} (newcomer) | :: tulokas |
strangle {v} /ˈstɹæŋɡ(ə)l/ (to kill someone by strangulation) | :: kuristaa |
strangler {n} (someone who strangles) | :: kuristaja |
strangles {n} /ˈstɹæŋɡ(ə)lz/ (disease of horses) | :: pääntauti |
strappado {n} (form of torture) | :: strappado, vipuhirsipuu |
strapping {adj} (having a sturdy muscular physique; robust) | :: roteva |
strapping {n} (adhesive plaster for strapping injuries) | :: side |
Strasbourg {prop} /ˈstɹæzbɜːɡ/ (city in France) | :: Strasbourg |
stratagem {n} /ˈstɹæt.ə.dʒəm/ (tactic) | :: petos, juoni, salajuoni |
strata title {n} (form of title over parts of real property) | :: asunto-osake |
strategic {adj} /stɹəˈtiː.dʒɪk/ (of or pertaining to strategy) | :: strateginen |
strategical {adj} (strategic) SEE: strategic | :: |
strategically {adv} (in a strategic manner) | :: strategisesti |
Strategic Defense Initiative {prop} (Star Wars) SEE: Star Wars | :: |
strategicness {n} (being strategic) | :: strategisuus |
strategist {n} /ˈstɹætəd͡ʒɪst/ (one who devises strategies) | :: strategi |
strategize {v} /ˈstɹætədʒaɪz/ (formulate a strategy) | :: tehdä strategia, laatia strategia |
strategy {n} /ˈstɹætədʒi/ (science and art of military command) | :: strategia |
strategy {n} (plan of action) | :: toimintasuunnitelma |
strategy {n} (techniques in politics or business) | :: strategia, strateginen suunnittelu |
strategy game {n} (game in which players' decision-making skills have a high significance) | :: strategiapeli |
stratigrapher {n} (an expert in stratigraphy) | :: stratigrafi |
stratigraphic {adj} (relating to the arrangement of stratigraphy or strata) | :: stratigrafinen |
stratigraphically {adv} (in a stratigraphic manner) | :: stratigrafisesti |
stratigraphy {n} /stɹəˈtɪɡɹəfi/ (study of rock layers) | :: stratigrafia |
stratocumulus {n} (cloud type) | :: kumpukerrospilvi |
stratosphere {n} (region of the uppermost atmosphere) | :: stratosfääri |
stratum {n} /ˈstɹɑːtəm/ (one of several parallel horizontal layers of material arranged one on top of another) | :: kerros |
stratum {n} (layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout) | :: maakerros, kerrostuma |
stratum {n} (any of the regions of the atmosphere) | :: kerros |
stratum {n} (layer of tissue) | :: ihokerros |
stratum {n} (class of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status) | :: yhteiskuntaluokka, kansankerros |
stratum {n} (layer of vegetation) | :: kerros |
stratum corneum {n} (outer layer of the epidermis) | :: sarveiskerros, keratiinikerros, marraskesi |
stratum granulosum {n} (thin layer of cells in the epidermis) | :: jyväiskerros, jyväissolukerros, granulaatiokerros |
stratum spinosum {n} (layer of the epidermis) | :: okasolukerros |
stratus {n} /ˈstɹeɪtəs/ (cloud) | :: sumupilvi |
Strauss {prop} /stɹaʊs/ (surname) | :: Strauss |
straw {n} /stɹɔ/ (a dried stalk of a cereal plant) | :: olki |
straw {n} (dried stalks considered collectively) | :: olki, pahna |
straw {n} (colour) | :: oljenkeltainen |
straw {adj} (made of straw) | :: olki-, oljesta tehty, olkinen |
straw {adj} (of a pale, yellowish beige colour) | :: oljenkeltainen, oljenvaalea |
straw {n} (drinking straw) SEE: drinking straw | :: |
strawberry {n} /ˈstɹɔˌbɛɹi/ (fruit) | :: mansikka |
strawberry {n} (plant) | :: mansikka |
strawberry {n} (colour) | :: mansikanpunainen |
strawberry {adj} (flavour) | :: mansikka- [in compounds] |
strawberry {adj} (colour) | :: mansikanpunainen |
strawberryish {adj} (wine terminology: strawberrylike) | :: mansikkainen |
strawberrylike {adj} (resembling strawberry) | :: mansikkainen (taste), mansikkamainen (otherwise) |
strawberry tree {n} (the European plant Arbutus unedo) | :: mansikkapuu, lännenmansikkapuu |
strawberry tree {n} (the American plant Arbutus menziesii) | :: kalifornianmansikkapuu |
straw boss {n} (supervisor) | :: työnjohtaja, kymppi |
straw-colored {adj} (color of straw) | :: oljenkeltainen |
strawen {adj} /ˈstɹɔːən/ (Made of straw) | :: olkinen, olki- |
straw hat {n} (type of hat) | :: olkihattu |
straw man {n} (doll or scarecrow) | :: olkinukke |
straw man {n} (person of lesser importance) | :: mattimeikäläinen |
straw man {n} (insubstantial or weakly supported concept, idea, endeavor or argument) | :: olkinukke |
straw poll {n} (unofficial survey of opinion) | :: pikakysely |
strawworm {n} (grub of caddis fly) | :: sirvi |
stray {n} /stɹeɪ/ (domestic animal at large or lost) | :: karkulainen |
stray {n} (act of wandering or going astray) | :: [wandering] harhailu, karkaaminen [going astray] |
stray {n} (area of common land) | :: yhteislaidun |
stray {v} (to wander from a direct course) | :: eksyä, harhautua, poiketa |
stray {v} (to wander from company or from proper limits) | :: karata |
stray {v} (figuratively: to err) | :: hairahtua |
stray {adj} (having gone astray) | :: karannut, eksynyt |
strayed {adj} (having lost one's way) SEE: stray | :: |
streak {n} /stɹiːk/ (irregular line) | :: juova, raita, viiru |
streak {n} (continuous series of events) | :: sarja, ketju, putki |
streak {n} (color of mineral powder) | :: viiru |
streak {n} (species of moth) | :: jänönvihmamittari |
streak {n} (non-dominant tendency or characteristic) | :: piirre |
streak {v} (to have or obtain streaks) | :: tulla juovikkaaksi |
streak {v} (to run naked in public) | :: viuhahtaa |
streak {v} (to create streaks) | :: juovittaa, tehdä juovikkaaksi |
streak {v} (to move very swiftly) | :: viuhahtaa |
streak-backed antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus insignis) | :: tepuinpuumuura |
streaker {n} /ˈstɹikɚ/ (one who runs naked through a public place) | :: viuhahtaja |
streaky {adj} (having streaks) | :: raidallinen |
stream {n} /stɹiːm/ (small river) | :: puro, oja, noro |
stream {n} (thin connected passing of a liquid through a lighter gas) | :: noro |
stream {n} (any steady flow or succession of material) | :: virta |
stream {n} (sciences: moving water) | :: virta |
stream {n} (computing: source or repository of data) | :: jono |
stream {n} (education: division of a school year) | :: taso |
stream {v} (to flow) | :: virrata |
stream {v} (to extend) | :: liehua |
stream {v} (Internet: to push continuous data) | :: suoratoistaa, striimata |
stream cipher {n} | :: jonosalaaja, jonosalaus |
streaming {n} /ˈstɹiːmɪŋ/ (computing) | :: suoratoisto, striimaus [colloquial], streamaus [colloquial] |
streamlet {n} /ˈstɹiːmlət/ (small stream) | :: puro, puronen |
streamline {n} (line that is tangent to the velocity of flow of a fluid) | :: virtaviiva |
streamline {n} (meteorology: line that is tangent to the velocity of flow of the wind) | :: virtaviiva |
streamline {v} (to design an object so as to offer least resistance to its flow through a fluid) | :: virtaviivaistaa |
streamline {v} (to simplify a process) | :: tehostaa, keventää, sujuvoittaa |
streamline {v} (to modernise) | :: nykyaikaistaa |
streamlined {adj} (designed to offer little resistance to the flow of fluid; having sleek, graceful lines) | :: virtaviivainen, linjakas |
stream of consciousness {n} (continuous flow of thoughts) | :: tajunnanvirta |
stream of consciousness {n} (literary device) | :: tajunnanvirta |
street {n} /stɹiːt/ (paved part of road in a village or a town) | :: katu |
street address {n} (address of building) | :: katuosoite |
street art {n} (visual art created in public space) | :: katutaide |
street artist {n} (someone who produces art in public spaces) | :: katutaiteilija |
streetcar {n} (tram) SEE: tram | :: |
street child {n} (street urchin) SEE: street urchin | :: |
streetcleaner {n} (person) SEE: street sweeper | :: |
street corner {n} (corner of a street) | :: kadunkulma |
street cred {n} (credibility among young, hip urban dwellers) | :: katu-uskottavuus |
streetfighter {n} (person who fights in the streets) | :: katutappelija |
streetfighting {n} (fighting that takes place in the streets) | :: katutappeleminen |
street food {n} (food obtainable from a streetside vendor) | :: katuruoka |
street furniture {n} (objects installed on a street) | :: katukaluste |
street lamp {n} (Streetlight) | :: katulamppu |
streetlet {n} /ˈstɹiːtlət/ (small street) | :: kuja, kapea katu |
streetlight {n} (lamps set along a street) | :: katuvalo, katuvalolamppu |
streetlight {n} (the light produced by these lights) | :: katuvalo |
streetlighting {n} (illumination of streets) | :: katuvalaistus |
street musician {n} | :: katusoittaja |
street organ {n} (mechanically played street organ) | :: posetiivi |
street performer {n} (artist who performs in a public place) | :: katutaiteilija |
street racing {n} (Motorsport held on public roads) | :: katuajot {p} |
street sign {n} (sign showing the name of a street) | :: katukilpi |
street smarts {n} (practical knowledge concerning human behavior) | :: kaupunkilaisjärki |
street sweeper {n} (person employed to sweep streets, etc.) | :: kadunlakaisija, katusiivooja |
street urchin {n} (child living, or spending most of their time, in the streets) | :: katulapsi |
street value {n} (price of an illicit drug sold on the black market) | :: katuhinta |
Streisand effect {n} /ˈstɹaɪ.sænd əˌfɛkt/ (phenomenon) | :: Streisand-ilmiö |
strength {n} /stɹɛŋkθ/ (quality of being strong) | :: voimakkuus, voima, vahvuus |
strength {n} (intensity of a force or power) | :: voima, vahvuus |
strength {n} (strongest part of something) | :: vahvuus, voima |
strength {n} (positive attribute) | :: vahvuus |
strength {n} (strength) SEE: potency | :: |
strengthen {v} /ˈstɹɛŋ(k)θən/ (to make strong or stronger) | :: vahvistaa |
strengthen {v} (to animate) | :: vahvistaa, innostaa |
strengthen {v} (to augment) | :: vahvistaa, voimistaa |
strengthen {v} (to grow strong or stronger) | :: vahvistua, voimistua |
strengthless {adj} (lacking strength) | :: voimaton |
strengthless {adj} (lacking strengths) | :: kykenemätön |
strengthlessness {n} (state of being without power) | :: voimattomuus |
strengthlessness {n} (state of being without talent) | :: lahjattomuus |
strength tester {n} (high striker) SEE: high striker | :: |
strength training {n} (form of exercise) | :: voimaharjoittelu |
streptococcus {n} (bacterium) | :: streptokokki |
streptolysin {n} (exotoxin) | :: streptolysiini |
stress {n} (on a syllable) SEE: accent | :: |
stress {n} /stɹɛs/ ((physics) internal force across a boundary per area ) | :: jännitys, rasitus, kuormitus |
stress {n} (emotional pressure) | :: rasitus, stressi, paine |
stress {n} (when speaking) | :: painotus |
stress {n} (on a point in an argument) | :: painotus |
stress {v} (to apply force to, causing strain) | :: jännittää |
stress {v} (to apply emotional pressure to) | :: stressata |
stress {v} (to emphasise (a syllable)) | :: painottaa |
stress {v} (to emphasise (words in speaking)) | :: painottaa |
stress {v} (to emphasise (a point)) | :: painottaa |
stress ball {n} (malleable toy ball) | :: stressipallo |
stressed {adj} /stɹɛst/ (stressed-out) | :: stressaantunut |
stressed {adj} (having a stress or accent) | :: painollinen |
stress fracture {n} (crack) | :: rasitusmurtuma |
stretch {v} /stɹɛtʃ/ (lengthen by pulling) | :: venyttää |
stretch {v} (lengthen when pulled) | :: venyä |
stretch {v} (pull tight) | :: pingottaa, venyttää |
stretch {v} (get more than expected from a limited resource) | :: venyttää |
stretch {v} (be inaccurate by exaggeration) | :: venyttää |
stretch {v} (extend one’s limbs or body in order to stretch the muscles) | :: venytellä |
stretch {n} (act of stretching) | :: venyttely [stretching body], liioittelu [stretching eg. truth] |
stretch {n} (ability to lengthen when pulled) | :: kimmoisuus, venyvyys |
stretch {n} (thought which diverts from logic) | :: see: kaukaa haettu |
stretch {n} (segment of a journey or route) | :: osuus |
stretcher {n} /ˈstɹɛtʃɚ/ (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) | :: paarit {p} |
stretcher {n} (frame on which a canvas is stretched for painting) | :: kehys |
stretcher {n} (device to stretch shoes or gloves) | :: lesti |
stretcher {n} (brick laid with the longest side exposed) | :: juoksutiili |
stretcher {n} (piece of timber) | :: hirsi |
stretcher {v} (to carry on a stretcher) | :: kantaa paareilla |
stretcher case {n} (injured who needs a stretcher) | :: paaripotilas |
stretch mark {n} (stripes on the surface of the skin) | :: venytysjuova |
stretch the truth {v} (idioms: to exaggerate) | :: venyttää totuutta |
strew {v} /stɹu/ (to distribute objects or pieces of something) | :: sirotella, levittää, hajottaa |
strict {adj} /stɹɪkt/ (strained; drawn close; tight) | :: tiukka |
strict {adj} (tense; not relaxed) | :: jäykkä |
strict {adj} (exact; accurate; precise) | :: tarkka |
strict {adj} (governed or governing by exact rules) | :: tiukka, ankara |
strict {adj} (rigidly interpreted) | :: ahdas, tarkka |
strict {adj} (botany: upright, or straight and narrow) | :: jäykkä |
strict {adj} (severe in discipline) | :: ankara |
stricto sensu {phrase} (in the strict sense) | :: suppeassa merkityksessä |
stride {v} /stɹaɪd/ (to walk with long steps) | :: [once, take one long step] harpata, loikata, [continuously] harppoa |
stride {n} (long step) | :: harppaus |
strider {n} (water strider) | :: vesikirppu |
stridulate {v} /stɹɪdjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (to make a noise by rubbing body parts as do crickets) | :: sirittää |
stridulatory {adj} (used in stridulating) | :: siritys- |
strife {n} /stɹaɪf/ (violent conflict) | :: selkkaus, yhteenotto, konflikti |
strigil {n} /ˈstɹɪd͡ʒɪl/ (grooming tool) | :: kaavin |
strike {v} /stɹaɪk/ (to delete) | :: poistaa |
strike {v} (to hit) | :: iskeä, lyödä |
strike {v} (transitive: to give, as a blow; to give force to) | :: iskeä |
strike {v} (intransitive: to deliver a quick blow or thrust) | :: iskeä, hakata, takoa |
strike {v} (to manufacture by stamping) | :: lyödä |
strike {v} (dated: to run upon a rock or bank) | :: ajaa karille |
strike {v} (to cause to sound by one or more beats) | :: lyödä |
strike {v} (to sound by percussion) | :: lyödä |
strike {v} (to cause or produce by a stroke) | :: räväyttää |
strike {v} (to cause to ignite by friction) | :: raapaista |
strike {v} (to thrust in; to cause to enter or penetrate) | :: tunkea |
strike {v} (to punish; to afflict; to smite) | :: lyödä |
strike {v} (to carry out a violent or illegal action) | :: iskeä |
strike {v} (to act suddenly) | :: iskeä |
strike {v} (to impinge upon) | :: iskeä, koskettaa; kiinnittää huomiota [to strike attention] |
strike {v} (to stop working to achieve better working conditions) | :: lakkoilla |
strike {v} (to impress, seem, appear) | :: vaikuttaa |
strike {v} (to create an impression) | :: vaikuttaa |
strike {v} (to score) | :: iskeä |
strike {v} (slang, obsolete: to steal money) | :: varastaa |
strike {v} (to take forcibly or fraudulently) | :: ryöstää |
strike {v} (to make a sudden impression upon, as if by a blow; to affect with some strong emotion) | :: koskettaa |
strike {v} (to affect by a sudden impression or impulse) | :: yllättää; lyödä maahan [strike down]; mykistää, pysäyttää [strike dumb] |
strike {v} (slang, archaic: to borrow money from; to make a demand upon) | :: vipata [to borrow] |
strike {v} (to touch; to act by appulse) | :: koskea |
strike {v} (nautical: to take down) | :: laskea |
strike {v} (nautical: to surrender) | :: laskea lippu |
strike {v} (to dismantle and take away) | :: purkaa |
strike {v} (to set off on a walk or trip) | :: lähteä kulkemaan |
strike {v} (to pass with a quick or strong effect; to dart; to penetrate) | :: lävistää |
strike {v} (dated: to break forth) | :: rynnistää |
strike {v} (of oysters: to become attached to something) | :: kiinnittyä |
strike {v} (to make and ratify) | :: sopia |
strike {v} (to level measure with a straight instrument) | :: tasata |
strike {v} (masonry: to cut off even with the face of the wall) | :: iskeä |
strike {v} (to hit upon, or light upon, suddenly) | :: sattua |
strike {v} (to lade into a cooler) | :: laittaa |
strike {v} (to stroke or pass lightly; to wave) | :: liikuttaa |
strike {v} (to balance, as a ledger or account) | :: tasata |
strike {n} (in baseball) | :: palo |
strike {n} (in bowling) | :: kaato |
strike {n} (work stoppage) | :: lakko |
strike {n} (physical blow) | :: isku |
strike {n} (compass direction of the line of intersection between a rock layer and the surface of the Earth) | :: kulku |
strike a chord {v} (to elicit a specific reaction) | :: liikuttaa, tehdä syvä vaikutus [+ illative], herättää vastakaikua [+ inessive] |
strike a chord {v} (to convey a feeling or meaning) | :: puhutella |
strikebreaker {n} (worker hired to replace a striking worker) | :: rikkuri |
strikebreaking {n} (activity to break a strike) | :: lakon murtaminen |
strike it rich {v} (become rich) | :: äkkirikastua |
strike out {v} (to strike or hit at someone or something) | :: huitaista |
strike out {v} (to strongly criticize) | :: hyökätä, sivaltaa |
strike out {v} (baseball: to be retired after three missed swings) | :: palaa |
strike out {v} (baseball: to cause a batter to be retired after three missed swings) | :: polttaa |
strike out {v} (to be refused) | :: saada pakit, saada rukkaset |
strike out {v} (to begin to make one's way) | :: lähteä |
strike out {v} (to draw a line through a text) SEE: cross out | :: |
striker {n} (baseball: batter) SEE: batter | :: |
striker {n} (individual who is on strike) | :: lakkoilija, lakkolainen |
striker {n} (someone or something that hits someone or something else) | :: lyöjä |
striker {n} (player on a team of soccer) | :: hyökkääjä |
striker {n} (officer's servant) | :: sotilaspalvelija |
striker {n} (cricket: batsman currently facing the bowler) | :: lyöjä |
strike sail {v} (to lower the sails) | :: laskea purjeet |
strike through {v} (to obliterate by drawing a line over) SEE: cross out | :: |
strikethrough {n} /ˈstɹaɪk.θɹu/ (line) | :: yliviivaus |
strike while the iron is hot {v} (act on an opportunity promptly) | :: takoa kun rauta on kuumaa |
striking {adj} /ˈstɹaɪkɪŋ/ (of that which makes a strong impression) | :: silmiinpistävä |
string {n} /stɹɪŋ/ (long, thin structure made from twisted threads) | :: naru, nyöri |
string {n} (this structure as a substance) | :: naru, nyöri |
string {n} (any similar long, thin and flexible object) | :: nauha, kieli [in a musical instrument], jänne [in a bow] |
string {n} (cohesive substance in the form of a string) | :: nauha |
string {n} (series of items or events) | :: ketju [chain], nauha |
string {n} (computing: sequence of characters) | :: merkkijono |
string {n} (string of a musical instrument) | :: kieli |
string {n} (stringed instruments section) | :: jouset {p} |
string {n} (conditions) | :: ehdot {p}, rajoitukset |
string {n} (physics: subject of study in string theory) | :: säie |
string {n} (slang: cannabis or marijuana) | :: pilvi |
string {v} (put on a string) | :: pujottaa |
string {v} (put strings on) | :: nauhoittaa; jänteistää |
string {n} (stringed instrument) SEE: stringed instrument | :: |
string bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
string bean {n} (tall and thin person) | :: kukkakeppi |
stringed instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) | :: kielisoitin |
string ensemble {n} (A music group consisting solely of stringed instruments) | :: jousiyhtye, jousiorkesteri |
stringer {n} /stɹɪŋɚ/ (horizontal timber or piece) | :: poikkipuu |
string instrument {n} (musical instrument that produces sound by strings) SEE: stringed instrument | :: |
string sedge {n} (sedge species) | :: juurtosara |
string theory {n} (candidate unified theory of all physical forces and particles) | :: säieteoria |
string trimmer {n} (garden implement) | :: trimmeri |
strip {n} /stɹɪp/ (long, thin piece of land or material) | :: kaistale, suikale |
strip {n} (short for comic strip, see also translations for comic strip) | :: strippi, sarjis |
strip {n} (fencing area) | :: miekkailualue |
strip {n} (mining: trough for washing ore) | :: ränni |
strip {v} (to remove or take away) | :: poistaa |
strip {v} (to take off clothing) | :: riisuuntua, riisuutua [intransitive], riisua [transitive] |
strip {v} (to do a striptease) | :: stripata |
strip {v} (to take away, to plunder) | :: ryöstää [to plunder]; riistää, riisua, ottaa pois |
strip {v} (to remove thread or teeth) | :: vääntää pilalle [unwantingly] |
strip {v} (to remove color from) | :: vaalentaa |
strip {v} (to draw out the last of the milk) | :: heruttaa |
strip {v} (to pass, get clear of) | :: ohittaa |
strip {v} (to remove the metal coating from) | :: stripata |
strip {v} (to remove fibre, flock, or lint from) | :: puhdistaa |
strip {v} (to pick the cured leaves from the stalks of) | :: vaalentaa |
strip {n} (short for striptease; see also translations for striptease) | :: strippaus |
stripboard {n} /ˈstɹɪpbɔəd/ (prototyping board with strips of copper cladding) | :: reikäpiirilevy |
stripboard {n} (discrete piece of stripboard) | :: reikäpiirilevy |
strip club {n} (establishment offering striptease or other erotic dancing) | :: strippiklubi |
stripe {n} /st(ʃ)ɹaɪp/ (long straight region of a colour) | :: raita |
stripe {n} (badge) | :: raidat {p} |
stripe {n} (a long narrow mark) | :: juova, raita |
stripe-breasted tit {n} (Melaniparus fasciiventer) | :: kongontiainen |
striped {adj} /stɹaɪpt/ (having stripes, decorated or marked with bands differing in color) | :: raidallinen |
striped alder {n} (American winterberry) SEE: American winterberry | :: |
striped bass {n} (Morone saxatilis) | :: juovabassi |
striped field mouse {n} (mouse) | :: peltohiiri |
striped hyena {n} /ˌstɹaɪpt haɪˈiːnə/ (Hyaena hyaena) | :: juovahyeena |
striped panchax {n} (Aplocheilus lineatus) | :: juovavaanija |
striping {n} /ˈstɹaɪpɪŋ/ (pattern) | :: juovitus |
stripling {n} /ˈstɹɪp.lɪŋ/ (male adolescent) | :: kloppi |
striploin {n} (beef tenderloin) | :: naudan sisäfilee |
stripper {n} /stɹɪpə(ɹ)/ (one who removes their clothing in a sexually provocative manner) | :: strippari |
stripper {n} (chemical or tool used to remove paint, sheathing) | :: maalinpoistoaine, poistoaine [chemical]; kaavin, kuorija [tool] |
strip poker {n} (variant of poker) | :: räsypokka |
striptease {n} (arousing act) | :: strippaus, strippaaminen, striptease |
striptease {v} (to perform striptease) | :: stripata |
stripy {adj} (striped) SEE: striped | :: |
strive {v} /ˈstɹaɪv/ (to try to achieve) | :: pyrkiä, ponnistella, yrittää |
strive {v} (to struggle in opposition) | :: taistella, kamppailla |
strobilus {n} (botany: cone) | :: käpy |
stroboscope {n} (instrument for studying or observing periodic movement by rendering a moving body visible only at regular intervals) | :: stroboskooppi |
stroganoff {n} (dish of sautéed pieces of beef) | :: stroganov, stroganovinpihvi, stroganoff |
stroke {n} /stɹəʊk/ (act of stroking) | :: silitys |
stroke {n} (blow) | :: isku, lyönti |
stroke {n} (single movement with a tool) | :: isku, veto |
stroke {n} (- golf: single act of striking the ball) | :: lyönti |
stroke {n} (- tennis: single act of striking the ball) | :: lyönti |
stroke {n} (- rowing: movement of an oar or paddle through water) | :: veto |
stroke {n} (- cricket: shot) | :: lyönti |
stroke {n} (- thrust of piston) | :: tahti |
stroke {n} (- act of striking with a weapon) | :: isku |
stroke {n} (beat or movement against a resisting medium to accomplish movement) | :: isku, siivenisku [of wing]; veto [of oar, skater, swimmer] |
stroke {n} (powerful or sudden effort) | :: veto [in business, policy etc.]; neronleimaus [stroke of genius] |
stroke {n} (line drawn with a writing implement) | :: veto, piirto |
stroke {n} (- stroke of a Chinese character) | :: veto |
stroke {n} (streak made with a brush) | :: veto |
stroke {n} (time when a clock strikes) | :: lyönti, kellonlyömä |
stroke {n} (particular style of swimming, single movement in that style) | :: uintityyli [style]; veto [single movement] |
stroke {n} (loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted) | :: aivoinfarkti, aivohalvaus |
stroke {n} (sudden attack of any disease) | :: kohtaus |
stroke {n} (oar nearest to the stern, by which other oars are guided) | :: tahtiairo |
stroke {n} (rower who is nearest to the stern of the boat) | :: ykkössoutaja |
stroke {n} (squash: point awarded in case of interference or obstruction) | :: stroke |
stroke {n} (discharge of lightning) | :: purkaus |
stroke {n} (injury or affliction; soreness) | :: vaiva |
stroke {n} (addition or amendment to a written composition) | :: silaus |
stroke {n} (power; influence) | :: valta |
stroke {v} (to move one's hand or an object over the surface of) | :: silittää, pyyhkiä, sivellä |
stroke {v} (cricket: to hit the ball with the bat in a flowing motion) | :: pyyhkäistä |
stroke {n} (- slash) SEE: slash | :: |
stroke {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stroke {n} (throb or beat of the heart) SEE: heartbeat | :: |
stroke {n} (- strikethrough) SEE: strikethrough | :: |
stroke of genius {n} (sudden mental insight that solves a problem) | :: neronleimaus |
stroke order {n} (Chinese character stroke order) | :: piirtojärjestys |
stroll {n} /stɹoʊl/ (wandering on foot) | :: kävely |
stroll {v} (wander on foot) | :: kuljeskella, käveleskellä, kävellä |
stroller {n} (seat on wheels used to transport babies) | :: lastenrattaat |
stroller {n} (person strolling) | :: jalankulkija |
stromatolite {n} (rock-like structure built by microorganisms) | :: stromatoliitti |
strong {adj} /stɹɔŋ/ (capable of producing great physical force) | :: vahva, voimakas, väkevä |
strong {adj} (capable of withstanding great physical force) | :: vahva, kestävä, luja, vankka |
strong {adj} (fast moving water) | :: voimakas, vahva |
strong {adj} (determined, unyielding) | :: luja |
strong {adj} (highly stimulating to the senses) | :: vahva, voimakas |
strong {adj} (having an offensive or intense odor or flavor) | :: voimakas, väkevä |
strong {adj} (having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient) | :: väkevä |
strong {adj} (having a high alcoholic content) | :: väkevä |
strong {adj} (grammar: irregular) | :: vahva, epäsäännöllinen |
strong {adj} (military: not easily subdued or taken) | :: vahva |
strong {adj} (slang: impressive) | :: siisti |
strong {adj} (having a specified number of people or units) | :: vahva |
strong {adj} (convincing) | :: vahva |
strong {adv} (in a strong manner) | :: vahvasti, voimakkaasti |
strong as an ox {adj} (very strong and powerful) | :: vahva kuin härkä |
strongbox {n} (sturdy box with a lock) SEE: safe | :: |
stronghold {n} /ˈstɹɒŋhəʊld/ (place built to withstand attack) | :: linnake, linnoitus, tukikohta |
stronghold {n} (place of domination, or refuge or survival) | :: tukialue, linnake |
strongman {n} (one who performs feats of strength) | :: voimamies |
strongman {n} (forceful or brutal person) | :: vahva mies |
strongman game {n} (high striker) SEE: high striker | :: |
strong point {n} (excellent characteristic or ability) SEE: forte | :: |
strong suit {n} (field in which one is quite capable) | :: vahvuus |
strong verb {n} (verb type) | :: vahva verbi |
strong-willed {adj} (having a vigorous, independent will) | :: lujatahtoinen, vahvatahtoinen |
strontianite {n} /stɹɒnˈtiːəˌnaɪt/ (a mineral, strontium carbonate) | :: strontianiitti |
strontium {n} /ˈstɹɒn.ti.əm/ (chemical element) | :: strontium |
structural {adj} (of, relating to, or having structure) | :: rakenteellinen, strukturaalinen |
structural biology {n} (branch) | :: rakennebiologia |
structural formula {n} (chemistry) | :: rakennekaava |
structuralism {n} (theory of sociology that views elements of society as part of a cohesive, self-supporting structure) | :: strukturalismi |
structuralism {n} (school of biological thought) | :: strukturalismi |
structuralism {n} (theory that a human language is a self-contained structure) | :: strukturalismi |
structuralism {n} (school of thought that focuses on exploring the individual elements of consciousness) | :: strukturalismi |
structural isomerism {n} (form of isomerism) | :: rakenneisomeria |
structurally {adv} (in terms of structure) | :: rakenteellisesti |
structural unemployment {n} ((economics) a type of unemployment) | :: rakennetyöttömyys |
structure {n} /ˈstɹʌktʃɚ/ (cohesive whole built up of distinct parts) | :: rakennelma |
structure {n} (underlying shape of a solid) | :: rakenne |
structure {n} (overall form or organization of something) | :: rakenne |
structure {n} (set of rules defining behaviour) | :: järjestelmä |
structure {n} ((computing) several pieces of data treated as a unit) | :: rakenne |
strudel {n} /ˈstɹuːdəl/ (layered pastry) | :: struudeli |
struggle {n} /ˈstrʌɡəl/ (strife, effort) | :: taistelu |
struggle {v} (to strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight) | :: ponnistella, kamppailla |
strum {v} (play a stringed instrument) | :: rämpyttää |
strut {v} /stɹʌt/ (to swell; protuberate) | :: pullistua |
strut {v} (to stand or walk stiffly) | :: pullistella |
strut {v} (to walk proudly or haughtily) | :: astella ylväästi, tepastella, saapastella, kekkaloida |
strut {v} (to cause to swell; enlarge) | :: paisuttaa, pullistaa |
strut {v} (to protrude; cause to bulge) | :: pullistaa |
strut {n} (a support rod) | :: tuki, pönkkä |
strut one's stuff {v} (behave in a showy manner) | :: kukkoilla, kekkaloida |
St. Stephen's Day {prop} /sənt ˈstiːvənz deɪ/ (Christian holiday commemorating Saint Stephen) | :: tapaninpäivä |
stub {n} /stʌb/ (something cut short, blunted, or stunted) | :: tynkä, töpö |
stub {n} (a piece of certain paper items, designed to be torn off and kept for record or identification purposes) | :: kanta |
stub {n} ((wikis) page providing minimal information) | :: tynkä |
stub {n} (remaining part of the docked tail of a dog) | :: tynkä |
stub {v} (to remove a plant by pulling it out by the roots) | :: juuria, kitkeä |
stubble {n} /ˈstʌb.əl/ (short, coarse hair) | :: sänki |
stubble {n} (short stalks left in a field after harvest) | :: sänki |
stubborn {adj} /ˈstʌbɚn/ (refusing to move or change one's opinion) | :: itsepäinen |
stubborn as a mule {adj} (extremely stubborn) | :: itsepäinen kuin muuli |
stubbornly {adv} (in a stubborn manner) | :: jääräpäisesti |
stubbornness {n} /ˈstʌbən(n)əs/ (state of being stubborn) | :: itsepäisyys, jääräpäisyys |
stubby {adj} (like a stub) | :: tynkä-, pätkä-; katkaistu, tanakka |
stubtail {n} (bird of the genus Urosphena) | :: aasiantöpökerttunen |
stucco {n} (a plaster that is used to coat interior or exterior wall) | :: stukko |
stuck {adj} /ˈstʌk/ (trapped and unable to move) | :: jumissa |
stuck {adj} (unable to progress) | :: jumissa |
stuck record {n} (broken record) SEE: broken record | :: |
stuck up {adj} (snobbish, conceited) | :: tärkeilevä, leveilevä, leventelevä, rehentelevä |
stud {n} /stʌd/ (male animal kept for breeding) | :: siitoseläin, siitosori |
stud {n} (female animal kept for breeding) | :: siitoseläin |
stud {n} (animal registered and retained for breeding) | :: siitoseläin; siitoskarja [collectively] |
stud {n} (animal breeding place) | :: siittola |
stud {n} (sexually attractive male) | :: sonni, ori |
stud {n} (small object protruding from something) | :: piikki, niitti, nasta |
stud {n} (vertical post) | :: pilari |
stud {n} (type of poker) SEE: stud poker | :: |
studded {adj} /ˈstʌdɪd/ (having studs) | :: nastoitettu (of tires) |
studdingsail {n} /ˈstʌ.dɪŋˌseɪl/ (sail attached to the side of another) | :: myötäpurje |
student {n} /ˈstu.dn̩t/ (person who studies a subject) | :: opiskelija, tutkija |
student {n} (person enrolled at a university) | :: opiskelija, ylioppilas |
student {n} (schoolchild, pupil, person attending school) SEE: schoolchild | :: |
student loan {n} | :: opintolaina |
student number {n} (code assigned to a student upon entering an educational institution) | :: opiskelijanumero |
Student's t distribution {n} (probability distribution) | :: t-jakauma, Studentin t-jakauma |
student strike {n} (students refusing to go to class in protest) | :: opiskelijalakko |
student syndrome {n} (tendency to apply oneself fully to a task at the last possible moment before a deadline) | :: viime hetken syndrooma |
studies {n} /ˈstʌdiz/ (academic field of study) | :: opinnot, tutkimus |
studio {n} /ˈstudioʊ/ (artist’s or photographer’s workshop) | :: ateljee |
studio {n} (place where radio or television programs, records or films are made) | :: studio |
studio {n} (company or organization that makes films, records or other artistic works) | :: studio |
studio {n} (studio flat/apartment) | :: yksiö |
stud poker {n} (any of several versions of poker) | :: avopokeri |
studs {n} (shoes with studs on the bottom to aid grip) | :: nappulakengät {p} |
studs {n} (winter tires) | :: nastarenkaat {p} |
studtite {n} (mineral) | :: studtiitti |
study {v} /ˈstʌdi/ (to revise/review materials) | :: lukea, opiskella, tutkia |
study {v} (to take a course) | :: opiskella, lukea |
study {v} (to acquire knowledge) | :: tutkia |
study {v} (to look at minutely) | :: tutkia |
study {v} (to fix the mind closely upon a subject; to muse; to ponder) | :: syventyä, paneutua, uppoutua |
study {v} (to endeavor diligently; to be zealous) | :: syventyä, pitää kunnia-asianaan |
study {n} (state of mental perplexity or worried thought) | :: huoli |
study {n} (thought, as directed to a specific purpose; concern) | :: huoli |
study {n} (mental effort to acquire knowledge) | :: tutkimus, opiskelu, opinnot {p} |
study {n} (branch of learning or object that is being studied) | :: tutkimuskohde |
study {n} (room) | :: työhuone |
study {n} (artwork) | :: tutkielma |
study {n} (act of studying or examining) SEE: examination | :: |
study {n} (music: piece for special practice) SEE: etude | :: |
study group {n} (small group of people who meet regularly to discuss a shared field of study) | :: opintopiiri |
studying {n} /ˈstʌdiːɪŋ/ (the action of the verb to study) | :: opiskeleminen, koulunkäyminen |
stuff {v} /stʌf/ (to fill by crowding into) | :: täyttää; sulloa täyteen [to fill up disorderly] |
stuff {v} (to fill a space with (something) in a compressed manner) | :: tunkea, sulloa |
stuff {v} (to be sated) | :: olla täynnä |
stuff {v} (to eat in a hearty or greedy manner) | :: mässätä |
stuff {v} (to break) | :: rikkoa, särkeä |
stuff {v} (vulgar: to sexually penetrate) | :: panna |
stuff {v} (to cut off in a race) | :: kiilata |
stuff {v} (to preserve a dead animal) | :: täyttää |
stuff {v} (to obstruct the organs of sense or respiration) | :: tukkia, panna tukkoon |
stuff {v} (to form or fashion by packing with the necessary material) | :: panna täytteeksi |
stuff {v} (to cram the mind of) | :: sekoittaa jonkun pää |
stuff {v} (computing: to compress in the StuffIt format) | :: pakata |
stuffed {adj} /stʌft/ (with material) | :: täytetty, täynnä; topattu |
stuffed {adj} (with food) | :: täynnä |
stuffed {adj} (tired) | :: rättiväsynyt; poikki [adverb] |
stuffed animal {n} (soft toy in the form of an animal) | :: pehmolelu |
stuffed shirt {n} (one who is overly-officious) | :: tärkeilijä, mahtailija |
stuff one's face {v} (to eat excessively) | :: ylensyödä |
stuffy {adj} /ˈstʌfi/ (poorly ventilated) | :: tunkkainen |
stuffy {adj} (stout; mettlesome; resolute) | :: päättäväinen |
stuffy {adj} (angry and obstinate; sulky) | :: murjottava |
stultify {v} /ˈstʌltɪfaɪ/ (to deprive of strength or efficacy) | :: tylsistää |
stumble {n} /ˈstʌmbəl/ (a fall or trip) | :: kompastus |
stumble {n} (an error or blunder) | :: virhe, moka |
stumble {v} (to trip or fall) | :: kompastua, kompuroida |
stumble upon {v} (to come across by accident; to discover by accident) | :: törmätä, löytää sattumalta |
stumbling block {n} (hindrance) | :: kompastuskivi |
stumbling-block {n} (stumbling block) SEE: stumbling block | :: |
stump {n} /stʌmp/ (remains of something that has been cut off) | :: tynkä, kanta; kanto [of a tree] |
stump {n} (politics: place where campaigning takes place) | :: kenttä |
stump {n} (politics: act of campaigning) | :: kampanjatilaisuus |
stump {n} (cricket: one of the three vertical wooden posts in the wicket) | :: keppi |
stump {n} (pole supporting a house) | :: paalu |
stump {n} (slang: leg) | :: tolppa |
stump {v} (to baffle or confuse) | :: hämmentää, sekoittaa |
stump {v} (to campaign) | :: kampanjoida |
stun {v} /stʌn/ (to incapacitate) | :: tyrmätä, tainnuttaa |
stun {v} (to shock or surprise) | :: ällistyttää |
stun gun {n} (weapon intended to immobilize) | :: etälamautin, tyrmäysase |
stunned {adj} /stʌnd/ (unable to act or respond) | :: tyrmätty, pökertynyt, pökerryksissä |
stunner {n} (woman of stunning beauty) | :: namupala |
stunner {n} (professional wrestling maneuver) | :: stunner |
stunning {adj} (having an effect that stuns) | :: tyrmäävä |
stunning {adj} (exceptionally beautiful or attractive) | :: tyrmäävä, upea, ihastuttava |
stunod {adj} (stupid) | :: tärähtänyt |
stunod {n} (stupid person) | :: tolvana |
stunt {n} /stʌnt/ (dangerous feat) | :: temppu, stuntti |
stunt {v} (cheerleading: to perform a stunt) | :: stuntata |
stunt {v} (to show off, posture) | :: näyttää |
stunt {v} (to check or hinder the growth or development) | :: ehkäistä kasvua, estää kehitys; torpata [colloquial] |
stunt double {n} (type of body double) | :: sijaisnäyttelijä |
stunted {adj} (prevented from growing or developing) | :: kitukasvuinen, kitulias |
stunted {adj} (of low height for age) | :: lyhytkasvuinen |
stuntedly {adv} (in a stunted fashion) | :: kituliaasti |
stuntman {n} /ˈstʌnt.mæn/ (one who performs stunts) | :: sijaisnäyttelijä, stuntti |
stuntperson {n} (stuntman or stuntwoman) | :: stuntti, sijaisnäyttelijä |
stupa {n} /ˈstuːpə/ (Buddhist monument) | :: stupa |
stupefy {v} /ˈst(j)upəˌfaɪ/ (dull the senses or capacity to think) | :: turruttaa, tylsistää |
stupid {adj} /ˈst(j)upɪd/ (lacking in intelligence) | :: tyhmä, typerä |
stupidity {n} /stjuːˈpɪdɪti/ (property of being stupid) | :: typeryys |
stupidity {n} (act that is stupid) | :: typeryys, hölmöily |
stupor {n} /ˈstjuːpə(ɹ)/ (a state of reduced consciousness or sensibility) | :: tokkura, pökkyrä |
sturdiness {n} (the state or quality of being sturdy) | :: tukevuus, jykevyys |
sturdy {adj} /ˈstɜrdi/ (of firm build) | :: vanttera, jykevä, roima, roteva, tanakka, tukeva, vankka |
sturdy {adj} (solid in structure or person) | :: jykevä, tukeva, vankka |
sturgeon {n} /ˈstɝdʒən/ (fish of family Acipenseridae) | :: sampi |
stutter {v} (to speak with spasmodic repetition) SEE: stammer | :: |
stutter {n} /ˈstʌɾɚ/ (speech disorder) | :: änkytys |
stutterer {n} (one who stutters) | :: änkyttäjä |
sty {n} (inflammation) SEE: stye | :: |
sty {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder | :: |
sty {n} /staɪ/ (enclosure for swine) | :: sikolätti |
sty {n} (messy or dirty place) | :: läävä, sikolätti |
sty {v} (to rise up) SEE: ascend | :: |
stye {n} /ˈstaɪ/ (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid) | :: näärännäppy |
stygian {adj} /ˈstɪdʒ.i.ən/ (dark and gloomy) | :: synkkä |
stygian {adj} (infernal or hellish) | :: helvetillinen |
style {n} (sharp stick for writing) SEE: stylus | :: |
style {n} (gnomon or pin of a sundial) SEE: gnomon | :: |
style {n} /staɪl/ (stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower) | :: vartalo |
style {n} (manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art) | :: tyyli |
style {v} (to design, make, or arrange in a certain way) | :: suunnitella, hair: laittaa, * muotoilla |
style {v} (to create a style for someone) | :: stailata |
style {n} (tool used in engraving) SEE: burin | :: |
style guide {n} (standards) | :: kirjoitusopas |
style manual {n} (style guide) SEE: style guide | :: |
stylesheet {n} /staɪlʃit/ (a document issued by a publisher informing authors how to style their works for publication) | :: tyyliohje |
stylesheet {n} (Internet: a document consisting of markup that describes the layout and presentation to be used when displaying other documents) | :: tyyliohje, tyylisivu |
stylish {adj} /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ (having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress) | :: tyylikäs |
stylist {n} (hairdresser) SEE: hairdresser | :: |
stylist {n} (designer) SEE: designer | :: |
stylistic {adj} /staɪˈlɪstɪk/ (of or pertaining to style) | :: stilistinen |
stylite {n} /ˈstaɪlaɪt/ (Christian ascetic cloistered atop a pillar) | :: pylväspyhimys, styliitta |
stylobate {n} /ˈstaɪ.lə.beɪt/ (top step of the crepidoma) | :: stylobaatti |
stylophone {n} /ˈstaɪləfəʊn/ (small synthesizer operated using a stylus) | :: stylofoni |
stylus {n} /ˈstaɪl.əs/ (tool for writing on clay tablets) | :: stilus |
stylus {n} (phonograph needle) | :: neula |
stylus {n} (pen for writing on touch-sensitive screen) | :: osoitinkynä |
stylus {n} (tool for writing Braille) | :: kirjoitusnaskali |
stymie {v} /ˈstaɪmi/ (to thwart or stump) | :: nujertaa, lannistaa |
styrofoam {n} (polymer) | :: styroksi |
Styx {prop} /stɪks/ (river of the underworld) | :: Styks |
suave {adj} /swɑv/ (charming, confident and elegant) | :: sulava, sulavakäytöksinen |
sub {n} /sʌb/ (submarine, see also: submarine) | :: sukellusvene; suklari [slang] |
sub {n} (submarine sandwich) | :: sämpylä, subi |
sub {n} (substitute) | :: varamies |
sub {n} (slang: subscription) | :: subi |
sub {n} (submissive in BDSM) | :: subi |
sub {n} (subtitle, see also: subtitle) | :: subi |
sub {n} (subscription to an online channel or feed) | :: subi |
sub {n} (informal: subsistence money) | :: kotti |
sub {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate | :: |
sub- {prefix} (under, beneath) | :: ala-, ali- |
sub- {prefix} (subsidiary, secondary) | :: ala-, ali- |
sub- {prefix} (almost, nearly) | :: ala-, ali- |
sub {n} (subaltern) SEE: subaltern | :: |
sub {n} (computing: subroutine) SEE: subroutine | :: |
sub {n} (subcontractor) SEE: subcontractor | :: |
subaltern {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate | :: |
subaltern {adj} /ˈsʌbəltɚn/ (of a lower rank of position) | :: nuorempi |
subaltern {adj} (asserting only a part of what is asserted in a related proposition) | :: alisteinen |
subaltern {n} (commissioned officer) | :: nuorempi upseeri |
subaltern {n} (proposition implied by a universal proposition) | :: johtopäätös |
subaltern {n} (member of a group outside a hegemonic power structure) | :: siirtomaa-alamainen |
subaltern studies {n} (study and writing of history with a focus on common people) | :: tavallisten ihmisten historia |
subarachnoid {adj} (located or occurring below the arachnoid mater) | :: lukinkalvonalainen |
subarachnoid space {n} (space between the arachnoid mater) | :: lukinkalvonalaistila |
subarctic {adj} /sʌbˈɑːtɪk/ (of, relating to, or characteristic of the subarctic) | :: subarktinen |
subatomic {adj} (relating to particles that are smaller than an atom) | :: subatomaarinen |
subatomic particle {n} (unit of matter smaller than an atom) | :: subatominen hiukkanen |
subchapter {n} (subsection of a chapter) | :: aliluku |
subclass {n} (taxonomy) | :: alaluokka |
subclass {n} (computing) | :: aliluokka |
subclassable {adj} | :: periytettävä |
subcommentary {n} /sʌbˈkɑmənˌtɛɹi/ (commentary on another commentary) | :: alakommentaari |
subconscious {adj} (below the level of consciousness) | :: alitajuinen, piilotajuinen, tiedostamaton |
subconscious {n} (that part of mind that is not consciously perceived) | :: alitajunta, piilotajunta |
subcontinent {n} (large landmass) | :: osamanner |
subcontract {v} (contract out portions of a larger contracted project) | :: teettää alihankintana, teettää aliurakalla, ulkoistaa |
subcontractor {n} (contractor hired by contractor) | :: alihankkija, aliurakoitsija |
subcortical {adj} (of or pertaining to subcortex) | :: subkortikaalinen, aivokuorenalainen |
subcritical {adj} (of less than critical importance) | :: ei kriittinen |
subcritical {adj} (having insufficient mass) | :: alikriittinen |
subcritical mass {n} (insufficient mass to sustain chain reaction) | :: alikriittinen massa |
subculture {n} (portion of a culture distinguished by its customs or other features) | :: alakulttuuri, osakulttuuri |
subcutaneous {adj} /sʌbkjuːˈteɪnɪəs/ (pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin) | :: ihonalainen, subkutaaninen |
subcutaneously {adv} (under the cutaneous layer) | :: ihonalaisesti |
subdeacon {n} (cleric below a deacon) | :: alidiakoni |
subdeacon {n} (cleric who assists the deacon at High Mass) | :: alidiakoni |
subdirectory {n} (directory located inside another directory) | :: alihakemisto |
subdiscipline {n} (constrained field of study or work) | :: alatiede |
subdivide {v} /ˌsʌb.dɪˈvaɪd/ (To divide into smaller sections) | :: jakaa |
subdivision {n} /ˈsʌbdɪvɪʒən/ (division into smaller pieces of something) | :: jakaminen, jako, osittaminen; lohkominen [land surveying] |
subdivision {n} (such a piece that has been divided) | :: jae |
subdivision {n} (parcel of land) | :: tonttimaa |
subdivision {n} (group of houses) | :: talot {p} |
subdivision {v} (to separate into smaller pieces) | :: jakaa |
subdominant {n} (fourth tone) | :: aladominantti, subdominantti |
subduct {v} /sʌbˈdʌkt/ (to push under or below) | :: työntää alle |
subduct {v} (to move underneath sthg) | :: työntyä alle |
subduction {n} /səbˈdʌkʃən/ (process of one tectonic plate being pushed beneath another) | :: alityöntö, subduktio |
subduction zone {n} (region of the Earth) | :: subduktiovyöhyke |
subdue {v} /səbˈdu/ (to overcome, quieten, bring under control) | :: nujertaa, kukistaa |
subdue {v} (to bring (a country) under control by force) | :: vallata |
subdued {adj} /səbˈdud/ (Conquered; overpowered; crushed; submissive; mild) | :: kukistettu, päihitetty, lyöty |
subdued {adj} (Not glaring in color; soft in tone) | :: hillitty |
subdwarf {n} (type of star) | :: alikääpiö |
subeditor {n} (copy editor) SEE: copy editor | :: |
subfamily {n} (taxonomic category) | :: alaheimo |
subfolder {n} (folder within another folder) | :: alikansio |
subgenus {n} (subdivision of a genus) | :: alasuku |
subgiant {n} (type of star) | :: alijättiläinen |
subgrade {n} (layer of soil under the road) | :: pohjamaa |
subgraph {n} (section of a graph of network) | :: aliverkko, aligraafi |
subgroup {n} (group within a larger group) | :: aliryhmä |
subgroup {n} ((group theory): group within a larger group) | :: aliryhmä |
subhuman {n} /sʌbˈhjuːmən/ (untermensch) | :: ali-ihminen |
subimago {n} (development stage of an insect) | :: esiaikuinen |
subitive {adj} (denoting actions that occur suddenly) | :: subitiivinen |
subject {adj} /ˈsʌb.dʒɛkt/ (likely to be affected by something) | :: altis |
subject {adj} (conditional upon) | :: riippuvainen |
subject {adj} (placed under the power of another) | :: alisteinen |
subject {n} /ˈsʌb.dʒɛkt/ (in grammar) | :: subjekti |
subject {n} (actor) | :: subjekti |
subject {n} (main topic) | :: aihe, pääaihe |
subject {n} (particular area of study) | :: aine, oppiaine |
subject {n} (citizen in a monarchy) | :: alamainen |
subject {n} (person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority) | :: alamainen |
subject {n} (music: main theme) | :: teema |
subject {n} (human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined) | :: tutkimuskohde, kohde |
subject {n} (philosophy: being) | :: subjekti |
subject {n} (logic: that of which something is stated) | :: subjekti |
subject {v} /səbˈdʒɛkt/ (to cause to undergo) | :: pakottaa, painostaa, alistaa |
subject clause {n} (clause which is the subject) | :: subjektiosa |
subjective {adj} /səbˈdʒɛktɪv/ (based upon subjective feelings or intuition) | :: subjektiivinen |
subjective case {n} (grammatical case) | :: subjektiivi |
subjectivism {n} (doctrine in metaphysics) | :: subjektivismi |
subjectivism {n} (doctrine in epistemology) | :: subjektivismi |
subjectivism {n} (doctrine in ethics) | :: subjektivismi |
subjectivist {adj} (relating to subjectivism) | :: subjektivistinen |
subjectivist {n} (supporter of subjectivism) | :: subjektivisti |
subjectivity {n} (state of being subjective) | :: subjektiivisuus |
subjectless {adj} (lacking subject) | :: subjektiton [lacking grammatical subject]; alamaiseton [lacking citizens] |
subject matter {n} (object of thought) | :: asiasisältö [matter or thought presented for consideration]; aihepiiri [object of thought or study] |
subjectness {n} (quaity) | :: subjektius [of being grammatical subject]; alamaisuus [of being subordinate] |
subject of labor {n} (everything to which human labor is applied) | :: työn kohde |
subjugation {n} /ˌsʌbdʒʊˈɡeɪʃən/ (act of subjugating) | :: alistaminen, kukistaminen |
subjugation {n} (state of being subjugated) | :: vallanalaisuus |
subjunctive {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
subjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
subjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) | :: konjunktiivi [esp. applied for Latin and German], subjunktiivi [esp. applied for English and descendants of Latin] |
sub-lieutenant {n} (officer above a midshipman) | :: luutnantti |
sub-lieutenant {n} (officer above an acting sub-lieutenant) | :: luutnantti |
sublimate {v} /ˈsʌblɪmeɪt/ (to change from solid to gas) | :: sublimoitua [intr.], sublimoida [tr.] |
sublimate {v} (to purify or refine by sublimation) | :: sublimoida, haihduttaa |
sublimate {v} (psychoanalysis) | :: sublimoida, ylevöittää |
sublimate {v} (to raise to a place of honor) | :: ylevöittää |
sublimation {n} (phase transition) | :: sublimoituminen, sublimointi |
sublimation {n} (transformation of an impulse) | :: sublimoituminen |
sublime {v} /səˈblaɪm/ (to sublimate) | :: sublimoitua |
sublime {adj} (noble and majestic) | :: ylevä, ylhäinen |
sublime {adj} (impressive and awe-inspiring) | :: hämmästyttävä |
subliminal {adj} /sʌbˈlɪmɪnəl/ (below the threshold of conscious perception) | :: alitajuinen, tiedostamaton |
subliminally {adv} (in a subliminal manner) | :: subliminaalisesti |
subliminal message {n} (message under normal perception) | :: subliminaalinen viesti |
sublingual {adj} /sʌbˈlɪŋɡwəl/ (situated beneath the tongue) | :: kielenalainen |
submachine gun {n} (short range machine gun) | :: konepistooli |
submarine {adj} /sʌb.məˈɹiːn/ (undersea) | :: merenalainen, vedenalainen |
submarine {n} (undersea boat) | :: sukellusvene |
submarine {n} (sandwich) | :: subi |
submarine sandwich {n} (sub) SEE: sub | :: |
submediant {n} (the sixth note of a scale) | :: alavälittäjä |
submenu {n} (secondary menu available through another menu) | :: alivalikko |
submerged {adj} (underwater) | :: upoksissa, uppeluksissa, uponnut, veden alla |
submersible {adj} (able to be submerged) | :: upotettava, sukelluskykyinen |
submersible {n} (small nonmilitary, non-nuclear submarine for exploration) | :: pienoissukellusvene |
submersible {n} (non-nuclear submarine) | :: tavanomainen sukellusvene |
submersible {n} (nuclear submarine) | :: ydinsukellusvene |
submersible {n} (very small submarine designed for specific localized missions and usually tethered) | :: pienoissukellusvene |
submission {n} /səbˈmɪʃən/ (the act of yielding) | :: alistuminen |
submission {n} (the thing which has been submitted) | :: ehdotus, esitys |
submission {n} (combat sports) | :: luovutus |
submissive {adj} /səbˈmɪsɪv/ (meekly obedient or passive) | :: alistuva, nöyrästi myöntyvä |
submit {v} /səbˈmɪt/ (yield or give way to another) | :: alistua, taipua |
submit {v} (enter or put forward something for approval, consideration, marking etc.) | :: jättää, esittää |
submit {v} (win a fight) | :: saada luovutusvoitto |
subnet {n} (portion of a network which shares a network address in which each component is identified by a subnet number) | :: aliverkko |
subnet {v} (to break a network into subnets) | :: aliverkottaa |
subnormal {adj} (less than normal) | :: alle normaalin oleva |
suborder {n} (taxonomic category) | :: alalahko |
subordinate {adj} /səˈbɔɹdɪnət/ (placed in a lower class, rank, or position) | :: alamainen |
subordinate {adj} (submissive to or controlled by authority) | :: alamainen, alisteinen |
subordinate {adj} (grammar: dependent) | :: alisteinen |
subordinate {n} (one who is subordinate) | :: alainen |
subordinate {v} (to make subservient) | :: alistaa |
subordinate {v} (to treat as of less value or importance) | :: väheksyä |
subordinate clause {n} (a clause that cannot stand alone) | :: sivulause |
subordinating conjunction {n} (a word establishing the nature of a subordinate clause) | :: alistuskonjunktio |
subpackage {n} (object-oriented programming) | :: alipaketti |
subpattern {n} | :: alikuvio, alakuvio, alilauseke [regular expressions] |
subphylum {n} (taxonomic category below phylum and above class) | :: alajakso [fauna], alakaari [flora, fungi] |
subpixel {n} | :: alipikseli |
subpoena {n} /səˈpiːnə/ (writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony) | :: todistajan haaste, haaste |
subpoena {v} (to summon with a subpoena) | :: haastaa todistajaksi, haastaa |
subproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct | :: |
subprogram {n} (a program contained within a larger program) | :: aliohjelma |
subregion {n} (a region that is part of a larger region) | :: seutukunta |
subroutine {n} (a section of code) | :: aliohjelma, alirutiini |
sub-Saharan {adj} (pertaining to that part of Africa south of the Sahara) | :: Saharan alapuolinen, Saharan eteläpuolinen |
subscribe {v} /səbˈskɹaɪb/ (to sign up to receive a publication) | :: tilata |
subscribe {v} (to pay for the provision of a service) | :: tilata, ostaa, olla asiakas |
subscribe {v} (to believe or agree with an idea) | :: allekirjoittaa |
subscribe {v} (to pay money to be a member of an organization) | :: maksaa jäsenmaksu |
subscribe {v} (to contribute or promise to contribute) | :: lahjoittaa [contribute]; luvata lahjoittaa [promise to contribute] |
subscribe {v} (to promise to give) | :: luvata lahjoittaa |
subscribe {v} (to agree to buy shares in a company) | :: merkitä osakkeita |
subscribe {v} (to sign as token of consent or attestation) | :: allekirjoittaa |
subscribe {v} (to sign at the bottom of a document) | :: allekirjoittaa |
subscribe {v} (to yield; to surrender) | :: alistua |
subscribe {v} (to yield; to admit to being inferior or in the wrong) | :: luovuttaa |
subscribe {v} (to publish) | :: julistaa |
subscriber {n} /səbˈskɹaɪbəɹ/ (a person who subscribes to a publication or a service) | :: tilaaja |
Subscriber Identity Module {n} (component on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user) | :: SIM, tilaajan tunnistusmoduuli [technical term] |
subscript {n} (a type of lettering form) | :: alaindeksi |
subscription {n} (access to a resource for a period of time) | :: tilaus [newspaper etc.]; kausikortti, kausilippu [season ticket]; kirjastokortti (library); jäsenmaksu [membership] |
subscription {n} (the formal acceptance of something, especially when verified with a signature) | :: allekirjoitus, hyväksyntä |
subscription {n} (the signing of one's name) | :: allekirjoitus |
subsequence {n} (sequence that is contained within a larger one) | :: osajono |
subsequent {adj} /ˈsʌbsɪkwənt/ (following in time) | :: seuraava |
subsequent {adj} (following in order of place) | :: seuraava |
subservient {adj} (useful in an inferior capacity) | :: alamainen |
subservient {adj} (obsequiously submissive) | :: nöyristelevä, alamainen |
subset {n} /ˈsʌbˌsɛt/ (set whose elements are within another given set) | :: osajoukko |
subset {n} (group contained in a larger group) | :: osajoukko |
subshell {n} (atomic orbitals for which the values of the n and l quantum numbers are the same) | :: alikuori, alakuori |
subside {v} (to sink or fall to the bottom; to settle, as lees) | :: vajota, laskeutua |
subside {v} (to fall downward; to become lower; to descend; to sink) | :: painua, vajota |
subside {v} (to fall into a state of calm; to settle down; to become tranquil; to abate) | :: laantua, tyyntyä, rauhoittua |
subsidence {n} /ˈsʌbsɨdəns/ (process of becoming less active) | :: laantuminen |
subsidence {n} (sinking of ground due to underground excavation, seismic activity or groundwater depletion) | :: vajoaminen |
subsidiarity {n} (principle) | :: subsidiariteetti, subsidiariteettiperiaate, läheisyysperiaate, toissijaisuusperiaaate |
subsidiary {adj} /sʌbˈsɪ.di.əɹ.i/ (auxiliary or supplemental) | :: lisä-, täydentävä |
subsidiary {adj} (secondary or subordinate) | :: sivu-, toissijainen |
subsidiary {adj} (of or relating to a subsidy) | :: avustus-, apu-, tuki- |
subsidiary {n} (company owned by a parent company or a holding company) | :: tytäryhtiö |
subsidize {v} /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/ (assist by granting a subsidy) | :: tukea, subventoida |
subsidy {n} /ˈsʌbsɨdi/ (financial support) | :: avustus, apu, subventio, tuki; valtionapu [state subsidy] |
subsist {v} /səbˈsɪst/ (to survive) | :: kituuttaa |
subsistent {adj} (inherent) SEE: inherent | :: |
subspecialty {n} (speciality within a speciality) | :: erikoisala |
subspecies {n} /ˈsʌbspiːʃiːz/ (rank in the classification of organisms) | :: alalaji |
substance {n} /ˈsʌbstəns/ (physical matter; material, see also: matter) | :: aine, materia |
substance {n} (essential part) | :: ydin, substanssi, olemus |
substance {n} (substantiality; solidity; firmness) | :: rakenne |
substance {n} (material possessions) | :: varat {p}, varallisuus |
substance {n} (drugs) | :: aineet {p} |
substance {n} (theology: hypostasis) SEE: hypostasis | :: |
substance abuse {n} (overindulgence in a drug) | :: huumaavien aineiden väärinkäyttö |
substance P {n} (neuropeptide) | :: substanssi P |
substantial {adj} /səbˈstænʃəl/ (having substance, actually existing) | :: todellinen |
substantial {adj} (not imaginary; real; veritable) | :: todellinen |
substantial {adj} (corporeal) | :: todellinen |
substantial {adj} (having good substance; strong; firm) | :: tukeva, tuhti |
substantial {adj} (possessed of goods or an estate) | :: vauras |
substantial {adj} (large in size, quantity or value) | :: huomattava, runsas |
substantial {adj} (most important; essential) | :: oleellinen, olennainen |
substantia nigra {n} (brain structure) | :: mustatumake |
substantiate {v} /səbˈstanʃɪeɪt/ (to authenticate or corroborate) | :: todistaa, tukea, vahvistaa, todentaa, osoittaa |
substantival {adj} /ˌsʌbstənˈtaɪvəl/ (grammar) | :: substantiivinen |
substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun | :: |
substantive {adj} /ˈsʌbstəntɪv/ (of the essence or essential element of a thing) | :: oleellinen, olennainen |
substantive {adj} (having substance and prompting thought) | :: oleellinen, olennainen |
substantive {adj} (substantival) SEE: substantival | :: |
substation {n} (electrical substation) | :: ala-asema |
substation {n} (satellite police station) | :: poliisiasema |
substitute {v} /ˈsʌbstɪtut/ (to use in place of something else) | :: korvata |
substitute {v} (to use X in place of Y) | :: korvata |
substitute {v} (to replace X with Y) | :: korvata |
substitute {v} (sports: to remove from the field and bring on another player) | :: vaihtaa, panna vaihtoon, korvata |
substitute {v} (to serve as a replacement) | :: korvata; toimia sijaisena, sijaistaa [for somebody, temporarily] |
substitute {n} (replacement or stand-in) | :: [person] sijainen, [of things, never people] korvike, varaosa |
substitute {n} (player who is available to replace another) | :: vaihtopelaaja |
substitute {v} (to substitute) SEE: replace | :: |
substitutes' bench {n} (the bench on which substitutes sit) | :: vaihtopenkki |
substitute teacher {n} (supply teacher) SEE: supply teacher | :: |
substitution {n} (substitute) SEE: substitute | :: |
substitution {n} (the act of substituting or the state of being substituted) | :: korvaaminen, tuuraus, sijaisuus |
substitution {n} (the replacement of an atom, or group of atoms, in a compound, with another) | :: substituutio, korvautuminen |
substrate {n} /ˈsʌbstɹeɪt/ (the material or substance on which an enzyme acts) | :: substraatti |
substrate {n} (a surface on which an organism grows or is attached) | :: kasvualusta |
substrate {n} (an underlying layer; a substratum) | :: aluskerros |
substrate {n} (an indigenous language) | :: substraatti |
substrate {n} (a surface to which a substance adheres) | :: substraatti |
substratum {n} (a layer that lies underneath another) | :: aluskerros |
substring {n} (string of characters) | :: osajono, osamerkkijono |
substructure {n} (the supporting part of a structure) | :: alusrakenne |
subsume {v} /səbˈsuːm/ (to place under another as belonging to it) | :: sisällyttää, liittää |
sub-system {n} (group of related components) | :: alijärjestelmä, alajärjestelmä, osajärjestelmä |
subtenant {n} (one who sublets) | :: alivuokralainen |
subterfuge {n} /ˈsʌbtəɹˌfjuː(d)ʒ/ (indirect or deceptive device or stratagem; blind) | :: harhautus, ansa |
subterfuge {n} (deception) | :: harha, harhautuminen |
subterranean {adj} (below ground, under the earth, underground) | :: maanalainen |
subterraneous {adj} (subterranean) SEE: subterranean | :: |
subtext {n} (implicit meaning of a text) | :: alateksti |
subthalamus {n} (part of the diencephalon beneath the thalamus) | :: subtalamus |
subtitle {n} /ˈsʌbtaɪtəl/ (heading below a title) | :: alaotsikko |
subtitle {n} (textual versions of the dialog in films) | :: tekstitys |
subtitle {v} (to create subtitles) | :: tekstittää |
subtitler {n} (person) | :: elokuvakääntäjä, av-kääntäjä, televisiokääntäjä |
subtitler {n} (software) | :: tekstitysohjelma |
subtle {adj} /ˈsʌt(ə)l/ (hard to grasp) | :: hienovarainen, hienoinen |
subtle {adj} (cunning, skillful) | :: ovela |
subtle {adj} (insidious) | :: salakavala |
subtlety {n} /ˈsʌt(ə)lti/ (quality or act of being subtle) | :: hienovaraisuus |
subtract {v} /səbˈtɹækt/ (to remove or reduce) | :: vähentää |
subtraction {n} /səbˈtɹækʃən/ (process) | :: vähentäminen |
subtrahend {n} /ˈsʌbtɹəhɛnd/ (A number or quantity to be subtracted from another) | :: vähentäjä |
subtropics {n} (the region between the tropics and the temperate latitudes of the world) | :: subtrooppinen ilmasto |
subtype {n} (a group of specific things within a larger, more general group) | :: alalaji, alatyyppi |
subungual {adj} (anatomy: under a nail) | :: kynnenalainen |
subunit {n} (subdivision of a larger unit) | :: alayksikkö, aliyksikkö |
suburb {n} /ˈsʌbɝb/ (area on the periphery of a city or large town) | :: esikaupunkialue, esikaupunki, lähiö |
suburban {adj} /səˈbɜː(ɹ)bən/ (relating to outskirts of a city) | :: esikaupunki- |
suburbanite {n} (someone who dwells in suburbia) | :: lähiöasukas |
subvariety {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification) | :: alamuunnos |
subvention {n} (subsidy) SEE: subsidy | :: |
subversion {n} (act of subverting or the condition of being subverted) | :: kumous, mullistus |
subversion {n} (systematic attempt to overthrow a government by working from within) | :: kumouksellisuus, valtionvastainen toiminta |
subversive {adj} /səbˈvɜɹsɪv/ (intending to subvert) | :: kumouksellinen |
subversive {n} (a radical supporter of political or social revolution) | :: kumouksellinen, vallankumouksellinen |
subvert {v} /səbˈvɝt/ (to overthrow) | :: kumota, kukistaa |
subvert {v} (to pervert the mind) | :: tuhota, horjuttaa |
subvert {v} (to upturn convention by undermining it) | :: mullistaa, kumota |
subvert {n} /ˈsʌbvɝt/ (advertisement created by subvertising) | :: vastamainos |
subvertisement {n} (piece of subvertising) SEE: subvert | :: |
subvertising {n} (practice) | :: vastamainonta |
subway {n} /ˈsʌbˌweɪ/ (underground railway) | :: metro, maanalainen |
subway {n} (train of underground railway) | :: metrojuna |
subway {n} (underground walkway) | :: jalankulkutunneli, alikäytävä |
subwoofer {n} (a woofer dedicated to the reproduction of low-pitched audio frequencies) | :: subwoofer, alaäänikaiutin |
succade {n} /səˈkeɪd/ (candied citrus peel) | :: sukkatti |
succeed {v} /səkˈsiːd/ (To follow in order; to come next after; hence, to take the place of) | :: seurata |
succeed {v} (To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful) | :: menestyä, onnistua |
succeed {v} (To fall heir to; to inherit) | :: nousta valtaan, periä |
succeed {v} (To come after; to be subsequent or consequent to; to follow; to pursue) | :: seurata |
succeed {v} (To come in the place of another person, thing, or event; to come next in the usual, natural, or prescribed course of things) | :: paikata, seurata |
success {n} /səkˈsɛs/ (achievement of one's aim or goal) | :: menestys, onnistuminen |
success {n} ((business) financial profitability) | :: menestys, voitollisuus |
success {n} (person who achieves his or her goals) | :: menestyjä, onnistuja |
successful {adj} /səkˈsɛsfl̩/ (resulting in success) | :: onnistunut, menestynyt, menestyvä |
successfully {adv} /səkˈsɛsfəli/ (in a successful manner) | :: onnistuneesti, menestyksellisesti |
successfulness {n} (state of being successful) | :: onnistuneisuus |
succession {n} /səkˈsɛʃ.ən/ (following in sequence) | :: seuraaminen |
succession {n} (sequence arranged in order) | :: sarja |
succession {n} (passing of royal power) | :: kruununperimys |
successive {adj} /səkˈsɛsɪv/ (in a series) | :: peräkkäinen, perättäinen |
successively {adv} (in a serial manner) | :: peräkkäin |
successor {n} /səkˈsɛsə(ɹ)/ (person or thing that immediately follows another) | :: seuraaja |
successor {n} (next heir in order or succession) | :: seuraaja, manttelinperijä, kruununperijä |
successor {n} (person who inherits a title or office) | :: seuraaja, vallanperijä |
successor {n} (integer or cardinal immediately following another) | :: seuraaja |
success story {n} (anecdotal evidence) | :: menestystarina |
success story {n} (successful person or thing) | :: menestystarina |
succinate {n} (salt or ester of succinic acid) | :: sukkinaatti |
succinct {adj} /sə(k)ˈsɪŋkt/ (brief and to the point) | :: ytimekäs |
succinic acid {n} (colourless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, (CH2COOH)2) | :: meripihkahappo |
succulent {adj} /ˈsʌkjələnt/ (juicy or lush) | :: mehevä, mehukas |
succulent {adj} (interesting or delectable) | :: mehukas, mehevä |
succulent {adj} (botany: having fleshy leaves or other tissues that store water) | :: mehevä, möyheä |
succulent {n} (a succulent plant) | :: mehikasvi |
succumb {v} /səˈkʌm/ (to yield to an overpowering force or overwhelming desire) | :: antaa periksi |
succumb {v} (to give up, or give in) | :: antaa periksi, antautua |
succumb {v} (to die) | :: menehtyä |
such {determiner} /sʌt͡ʃ/ (used to make a comparison with something implied by context) | :: sellainen; [in an extraordinary or negative sense] moinen |
such {determiner} (used in official documents: any) | :: sellainen |
such {determiner} (used as an intensifier) | :: niin, näin, noin, aikamoinen |
such-and-such {n} (generic placeholder) | :: se ja se |
such-and-such {determiner} (indefinite; some or other) | :: se ja se |
such as {prep} (for example) SEE: for example | :: |
such is life {phrase} (used to express the acceptance of misfortune) | :: sellaista se on, sellaista elämä on, minkäs teet, c'est la vie |
suchlike {adj} (of the same or similar kind) | :: samantapainen |
suchlike {pron} (more of the same kind) | :: sen sellainen |
suchness {n} (existence per se) | :: sellaisuus |
suck {v} /sʌk/ (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc)) | :: imeä, lutkuttaa |
suck {v} (colloquial: term of general disparagement) | :: haista, olla syvältä |
suck {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant | :: |
sucker {n} /ˈsʌk.ə/ (someone or something that sucks) | :: imijä |
sucker {n} (organ) | :: lonkero |
sucker {n} (a stem growing up from the roots of a plant) | :: juuriverso |
sucker {n} (one who is easily fooled) | :: hölmö |
sucker {v} (to fool) | :: huijata |
sucker {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop | :: |
sucking {n} /ˈsʌkɪŋ/ (act of sucking) | :: imeminen, imentä |
suck it up {v} (to put up with) | :: kestää, sietää |
suckle {v} /sʌ.kəl/ (to give suck to) | :: imettää |
suckle {v} (to nurse; to suck) | :: imeä |
suckling {n} (infant that is still breastfeeding) | :: imeväinen |
suckling pig {n} | :: maitoporsas |
suck my cock {phrase} (expression of aggravation) | :: ime munaa |
suck off {v} (to give a blowjob) | :: ottaa suihin, ottaa poskeen |
suck up {v} (to adulate or flatter excessively) | :: imarrella, nuoleskella, mielistellä |
sucralose {n} (chlorinated sucrose) | :: sukraloosi |
sucrose {n} /ˈsukɹoʊs/ (a disaccharide) | :: sakkaroosi |
suction cup {n} /ˈsʌkʃən kʌp/ (cup using suction as an adhesive) | :: imukuppi |
Sudan {prop} /suˈdæn/ (Republic of Sudan) | :: Sudan |
Sudanese {adj} /suː.de.niːz/ (Of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, the Sudanese people or the Sudanese language) | :: sudanilainen |
Sudanese {n} (person from Sudan or of Sudanese descent) | :: sudanilainen |
sudden {n} (surprise) SEE: surprise | :: |
sudden {adj} /ˈsʌdən/ (happening quickly and with little or no warning) | :: yhtäkkinen, äkillinen |
sudden death {n} (instantaneous death) | :: äkkikuolema |
sudden death {n} (mode of play) | :: äkkikuolema |
sudden infant death syndrome {n} (medical syndrome) | :: kätkytkuolema |
suddenly {adv} /ˈsʌdn̩li/ (happening quickly and with little or no warning) | :: yhtäkkiä, äkkiä |
suddenness {n} (state of being sudden) | :: äkillisyys |
Sudetenland {prop} (region in Czechia) | :: Sudeettialueet {p} |
sudoite {n} (mineral) | :: sudoiitti |
sudoku {n} /sʊˈdoʊku/ (a puzzle using numbers) | :: sudoku |
sudorific {adj} (in a state of perspiration) SEE: sweaty | :: |
suds {n} /sʌdz/ (lather, foam) | :: vaahto |
sue {v} /suː/ (to file a legal action) | :: nostaa kanne, haastaa oikeuteen |
suede {n} /sweɪd/ (type of leather) | :: mokka, mokkanahka |
suet {n} /s(j)uːɪt/ (fat) | :: tali, ihra |
suevite {n} (type of rock) | :: sueviitti |
suey {n} (slang word for "suicide") | :: itsari |
Suez {prop} (Suez, Egypt) | :: Suez |
Suez Canal {prop} (canal) | :: Suezin kanava |
suffer {v} /ˈsʌfɚ/ (undergo hardship) | :: kärsiä |
suffer {v} (feel pain) | :: kärsiä, kitua |
suffer {v} (become worse) | :: kärsiä; kestää, kärsiä; sietää, hyväksyä |
suffer from {v} (have a disease or condition) | :: adessive + 3rd-pers. sg. of olla, potea |
suffering {adj} /ˈsʌfəɹɪŋ/ (experiencing pain) | :: kärsivä, tuskissaan oleva, tuskainen |
suffering {n} (condition) | :: kärsimys |
suffice {v} /səˈfaɪs/ (be enough, sufficient, adequate) | :: riittää, kelvata, menetellä, piisata |
suffice {v} (satisfy) | :: tyydyttää, riittää |
suffice {v} (furnish) | :: riittää |
sufficiency {n} (quality or condition of being sufficient) | :: riittävyys |
sufficiency {n} (adequate amount) | :: riittävyys |
sufficient {adj} /səˈfɪʃənt/ (adequate to wants) | :: riittävä |
sufficient {adj} (of competent power or ability) | :: pätevä, riittävä |
sufficient {adj} (capable of meeting obligations) | :: riittävä |
sufficient {adj} (self-sufficient; self-satisfied; content) | :: itseriittoinen, riittävä |
sufficient {determiner} (the smallest amount needed) | :: riittävästi |
sufficient condition {n} (logical statement) | :: riittävä ehto |
sufficiently {adv} /səˈfɪʃəntli/ (in a sufficient manner) | :: riittävästi, tarpeeksi, kylliksi |
sufficiently {adv} (to a sufficient extent) | :: riittävän, tarpeeksi, kyllin |
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof {proverb} (the present provides enough to worry about) | :: kullekin päivälle riittävät sen omat murheet [fi translation of Matth. 6:34] |
suffix {n} /ˈsʌfɪks/ (morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning) | :: jälkiliite, takaliite, suffiksi, pääte |
suffix {v} (append (something) to the end of something else) | :: liittää, [grammar] suffiksoida |
suffixation {n} (addition of a suffix) | :: suffiksaatio |
suffocate {v} /ˈsʌfəkeɪt/ ((intransitive) to suffer from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body) | :: tukehtua |
suffocate {v} ((intransitive) to die due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body) | :: tukehtua |
suffocate {v} ((transitive) to cause someone to suffer severely reduced oxygen supply to his body) | :: tukehduttaa |
suffocate {v} ((transitive) to kill someone by depriving him of a sufficient oxygen intake) | :: tukehduttaa |
suffrage {n} /ˈsʌfɹɪdʒ/ (the right to vote) | :: äänioikeus |
suffragette {n} /ˌsʌf.ɹəˈdʒɛt/ (female supporter of women's right to vote) | :: naisasianainen, suffragetti |
suffragist {n} (suffragette) SEE: suffragette | :: |
Sufi {n} (a Sufi muslim) | :: suufilainen |
Sufism {n} (Islamic mysticism) | :: suufilaisuus |
sugar {v} /ˈʃʊɡə(ɹ)/ (to add sugar to, to sweeten) | :: sokeroida |
sugar {v} (to make something seem less unpleasant) | :: pehmentää, kaunistella |
sugar {interj} (minced oath) | :: vitsi, pannahinen |
sugar {n} (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink) | :: sokeri |
sugar {n} (any of a series of carbohydrates used by organisms to store energy) | :: sokeri |
sugar {n} (generic term for sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc) | :: sokeri |
sugar {n} (term of endearment) | :: kultaseni |
sugar {n} (slang: a kiss) | :: pusu |
sugar apple {n} (sweetsop) | :: sokeriannoona, kermaomena |
sugar baby {n} (sweetheart) | :: kultanen |
sugar beet {n} (type of beet) | :: sokerijuurikas, jurtti |
sugar bowl {n} (small receptacle for serving sugar on a table) | :: sokeriastia, sokerikuppi |
sugar cane {n} (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar) | :: sokeriruoko |
sugarcoat {v} /ˈʃʊɡɚˌkoʊt/ (give a falsely pleasant appearance) | :: kaunistella |
sugar cube {n} (sugar shaped in cubes) | :: sokeripala |
sugar daddy {n} (slang: man who spends money for a relationship with a younger partner) | :: namupappa |
sugarfree {adj} (sugar-free) SEE: sugar-free | :: |
sugar-free {adj} (not containing sugar) | :: sokeriton |
sugar glider {n} (Petaurus breviceps) | :: sokeriorava |
sugar high {n} (sugar rush) SEE: sugar rush | :: |
sugariness {n} (property of being sugary) | :: sokerisuus |
sugar-loaf {n} (conical block of sugar) | :: sokeritoppa |
Sugarloaf Mountain {prop} (rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro) | :: Sokeritoppa |
sugar maple {n} (Acer saccharum) | :: sokerivaahtera |
sugar mill {n} (machine) | :: sokeripuristin |
sugar mill {n} (factory) | :: sokeritehdas |
sugar of milk {n} (lactose) | :: maitosokeri, laktoosi |
sugar pea {n} (mangetout) SEE: mangetout | :: |
sugar rush {n} (hyperactivity caused by sugar) | :: sokerihumala |
sugar snap pea {n} (snap pea) SEE: snap pea | :: |
sugar spoon {n} (type of spoon) | :: sokerilusikka |
sugar substitute {n} (food additives) | :: makeutusaine |
sugary {adj} (covered with or containing a large amount of sugar) | :: sokerinen |
suggest {v} /sə(ɡ)ˈdʒɛst/ (to imply but stop short of saying directly) | :: vihjailla |
suggest {v} (to make one suppose) | :: viitata, antaa ymmärtää |
suggest {v} (to ask for without demanding) | :: ehdottaa |
suggest {v} (to recommend) | :: suositella, ehdottaa, esittää |
suggestibility {n} (property) | :: suggeroitavuus |
suggestion {n} /səˈd͡ʒɛstjən/ (something suggested) | :: ehdotus |
suggestion {n} (act of suggestion) | :: ehdottaminen |
suggestion {n} ((psychology) something implied) | :: käsitys, mielikuva |
suggestive {adj} /sə(ɡ)ˈd͡ʒɛstɪv/ (tending to suggest) | :: viitteellinen, viittaava |
suggestive {adj} (suggesting romance, sex etc.) | :: vihjaileva, viettelevä |
suggestively {adv} (in a suggestive manner) | :: vihjailevasti |
suggestopedic {adj} (of or pertaining to suggestopedy) | :: suggestopedinen |
suggillation {n} (livid mark) | :: mustelma |
suggillation {n} (livor mortis) SEE: livor mortis | :: |
suicidal {adj} /ˌs(j)uːɪˈsaɪdl̩/ (pertaining to suicide) | :: itsemurha-, itsetuhoinen |
suicidal {adj} (likely to commit, or to attempt to commit, suicide) | :: itsetuhoinen |
suicidal {adj} (extremely reckless) | :: tyhmänrohkea, itsetuhoinen |
suicidal {n} (someone suicidal) | :: itsemurhakandidaatti |
suicidality {n} (tendency to commit suicide) | :: itsetuhoisuus |
suicide {n} /ˈs(j)uɪˌsaɪd/ (instance of killing oneself) | :: itsemurha |
suicide {n} (person who has killed himself/herself, is killing (is attempting/has attempted to kill) himself/herself) | :: itsemurhaaja |
suicide {n} (figurative: action) | :: itsemurha |
suicide {adj} (to kill oneself intentionally) SEE: commit suicide | :: |
suicide attack {n} (suicide attack) | :: itsemurhahyökkäys |
suicide bomber {n} (one who carries explosives) | :: itsemurhapommittaja |
suicide bombing {n} (attack) | :: itsemurhapommitus |
suicide door {n} (car door hinged towards the rear) | :: kaappariovi |
suicide note {n} (message left by a suicide) | :: itsemurhaviesti |
suicide pact {n} (agreement to commit suicide) | :: itsemurhasopimus |
suicide tourist {n} (suicide tourist) | :: itsemurhaturisti |
sui iuris {adj} /ˌsuːi ˈjʊəɹɪs/ (right and capability) | :: itsemääräävä, itsenäinen |
suit {n} /s(j)uːt/ (set of clothes) | :: puku, kokopuku |
suit {n} (single garment that covers the whole body) | :: puku, asu |
suit {n} (slang: person who wears matching jacket and trousers) | :: pukumies |
suit {n} (full set of armour) | :: haarniska |
suit {n} (full set of sails) | :: purjekerta |
suit {n} (card games: set of cards distinguished by color and emblems) | :: maa, väri |
suit {n} (regular order; succession) | :: järjestys |
suit {n} (act of suing; pursuit of a particular object or goal) | :: syyttäminen [act of suing]; pyrintö [pursuit of a goal] |
suit {n} (group of similar or related objects or items considered as a whole) | :: sarja; sviitti [hotel suite] |
suit {v} (to make proper or suitable) | :: sovittaa |
suit {v} (to be suitable or apt for one's image) | :: sopia |
suit {v} (to be appropriate or apt for) | :: sopia |
suit {v} (to dress; to clothe) | :: pukeutua, sovittautua |
suit {v} (to please, to make content) | :: sopia, miellyttää |
suit {v} (to agree, accord, be fitted to) | :: sopia |
suit {n} (pursuit of love interest) SEE: courtship | :: |
suit {n} (attempt to gain an end by legal process) SEE: lawsuit | :: |
suit {n} (company of attendants or followers) SEE: retinue | :: |
suitable {adj} /ˈsuːtəbl/ (appropriate to a certain occasion) | :: sopiva, kelvollinen |
suitably {adv} (in a suitable manner) | :: sopivasti, kelvollisesti |
suitcase {n} /ˈsutkeɪs/ (large piece of luggage) | :: matkalaukku |
suite {n} /swiːt/ (retinue or company of attendants) | :: seurue |
suite {n} (connected series or succession of objects) | :: sarja |
suite {n} (group of connected rooms) | :: sviitti |
suite {n} (musical form pre-dating the sonata) | :: sarja, sarjateos |
suite {n} (selection of music from a larger work) | :: sarja |
suitor {n} (wooer) | :: kosiskelija |
Sukhumi {prop} /suːˈkuːmi/ (capital city) | :: Suhumi |
sulcus {n} /ˈsʌl.kəs/ (anatomy: furrow or groove in an organ or a tissue) | :: uurre |
sulcus {n} (anatomy: groove on the surface of the brain) | :: aivouurre |
sulfadiazine {n} (drug) | :: sulfadiatsiini |
sulfate {n} /ˈsʌlfeɪt/ (organic chemistry: any ester of sulfuric acid) | :: sulfaatti |
sulfate {n} (inorganic chemistry: any salt of sulfuric acid) | :: sulfaatti |
sulfate {v} (to treat with sulfuric acid) | :: sulfatoida |
sulfate {v} (of lead batteries: to accumulate a deposit of lead sulfate) | :: sulfatoitua |
sulfide {n} (any compound of sulfur and a metal or electropositive element or group) | :: sulfidi |
sulfite {n} /ˈsʌlfaɪt/ (salt of sulfurous acid) | :: sulfiitti |
sulfoxide {n} (organic compound) | :: sulfoksidi |
sulfur {n} /ˈsʌl.fɚ/ (element) | :: rikki |
sulfur {n} (colour) | :: rikinkeltainen |
sulfur {adj} (colour) | :: rikinkeltainen |
sulfur {v} (treat with sulfur) | :: rikittää |
sulfurate {v} (chemistry) | :: rikittää |
sulfur dioxide {n} (the compound SO2) | :: rikkidioksidi |
sulfuric {adj} /sʌlˈfjuɹɪk/ (relating to sulfur) | :: rikki- |
sulfuric acid {n} (H2SO4) | :: rikkihappo |
sulfur monoxide {n} (sulfur monoxide) | :: rikkimonoksidi |
sulfur mustard {n} (mustard gas) SEE: mustard gas | :: |
sulfurous {adj} /ˈsʌlfəɹəs/ (containing sulfur) | :: rikkipitoinen |
sulfurous {adj} (of or relating to sulfur) | :: rikki- |
sulfurous acid {n} (the weak acid, H2SO3) | :: rikkihapoke |
sulfur oxide {n} (binary compound of sulfur) | :: rikkioksidi |
sulfur tuft {n} (Naematoloma/Hypholoma fasciculare) | :: kitkerälahokka |
sulk {v} /sʌlk/ (to express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn) | :: murjottaa, mököttää, jurnuttaa |
sulky {adj} (gloomy) | :: murjottava |
sulky {n} (two-wheeled cart) | :: kilpakärryt {p} |
sullen {adj} (sulky) SEE: sulky | :: |
sullen {adj} /ˈsʌlən/ (having a brooding ill temper) | :: nyreä, yrmeä, ynseä, juro |
sullen {adj} (dismal) | :: synkeä |
sullenly {adv} (in a sullen manner) | :: yrmeästi |
sully {v} /ˈsʌli/ (to soil or stain) | :: liata, tahrata |
sully {v} (to corrupt or damage) | :: liata |
sulphur-crested cockatoo {n} (Cacatua galerita) | :: kultatöyhtökakadu |
sulphuric acid {n} (sulfuric acid) SEE: sulfuric acid | :: |
sulphurous acid {n} (sulphurous acid) SEE: sulfurous acid | :: |
sulphur tuft {n} (Hypholoma/Naematoloma fasciculare) SEE: sulfur tuft | :: |
sultan {n} /ˈsʌltən/ (ruler) | :: sulttaani |
sultana {n} /ˌsʌlˈtɑː.nə/ (raisin) | :: sulttaanirusina |
sultana {n} (female relative of a sultan) | :: sulttaanitar |
sultanate {n} (state ruled by a sultan) | :: sulttaanikunta |
sultry {adj} /ˈsʌltɹi/ (hot and humid) | :: painostava |
sultry {adj} (very hot and dry) | :: helteinen, paahteinen |
sultry {adj} (sexually enthralling) | :: kuuma |
sum {n} /sʌm/ (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) | :: summa |
sum {n} (arithmetic problem) | :: laskutehtävä |
sum {n} (quantity of money) | :: summa |
sum {v} (to add together) | :: summata, ynnätä [old], laskea yhteen |
sum {v} (give a summary of) SEE: summarize | :: |
sum {n} (summary) SEE: summary | :: |
sum {n} (summit) SEE: summit | :: |
sumac {n} /ˈs(j)uːmæk/ (shrub or small tree of the genus Rhus, etc.) | :: sumakki |
sumac {n} (sour spice) | :: sumakki |
Sumatra {prop} (the largest island of Indonesia) | :: Sumatra |
Sumatran laughingthrush {n} (species) | :: sumatranlaulutimali |
Sumatran rhinoceros {n} (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) | :: sumatransarvikuono |
Sumer {prop} /ˈsuːməɹ/ (civilization) | :: Sumer |
Sumerian {adj} (pertaining to Sumer) | :: sumerilainen |
Sumerian {n} (person) | :: sumeri, sumerilainen |
Sumerian {prop} (language) | :: sumerin kieli, sumeri |
Sumerology {n} (the study of the ancient Sumerian civilisation) | :: sumerologia |
summand {n} (term of addition) | :: yhteenlaskettava |
summarily {adv} /səˈmɛɹɪli/ (in a summary manner) | :: summittaisesti, pikaisesti |
summarily {adv} (briefly) | :: lyhyesti |
summarize {v} /ˈsʌməˌɹaɪz/ (to prepare a summary) | :: tiivistää |
summarize {v} (to give a capitulation of salient facts; to recapitulate or review) | :: tiivistää, esittää lyhyesti |
summarize {v} | :: tehdä yhteenveto |
summary {adj} /ˈsʌməɹi/ (concise) | :: tiivistetty, lyhyt |
summary {adj} (performed speedily) | :: pika-, summittainen |
summary {adj} (cutting the procedures of a normal trial) | :: pika-, summittainen |
summary {n} (condensed presentation) | :: yhteenveto, lyhennelmä, tiivistelmä |
summary offence {n} (crime that can be proceeded against summarily) | :: rike |
summer {n} /ˈsʌmə(ɹ)/ (hottest season) | :: kesä, suvi |
summer {v} (spend the summer, as in a particular place on holiday) | :: viettää kesää |
summer camp {n} (institution devoted to housing and entertaining children) | :: kesäleiri, leirikeskus, kesäsiirtola |
summerhouse {n} (house used as vacation home in summer) | :: kesämökki |
summerhouse {n} (summer residence) | :: kesäasunto, kesätalo |
Summerland {prop} (afterlife) | :: Kesämaa |
summerlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of summer.) | :: kesäinen |
summer savory {n} (Satureja hortensis) | :: kesäkynteli |
summer school {n} (academic sessions held in the summer) | :: kesäkoulu |
summer solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined toward the sun) | :: kesäpäivänseisaus |
summer time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time | :: |
summertime {n} (the period or season of summer) | :: kesäaika, kesä |
summer tire {n} (type of tire) | :: kesärengas |
Summer Triangle {prop} (asterism) | :: Kesäkolmio |
summery {adj} /ˈsʌməɹi/ (relating to the summer) | :: kesäinen |
summery {adj} (of weather, typical of summer) | :: kesäinen |
summit {n} /ˈsʌmɪt/ (peak, top of mountain) | :: huippu, vuorenhuippu |
summit {n} (gathering of leaders) | :: huippukokous |
summit {v} (to reach the summit) | :: päästä huipulle |
summon {v} /ˈsʌmən/ (to call people together) | :: kutsua koolle |
summon {v} (to ask someone to come) | :: kutsua |
summon {v} (law: to order someone to appear in court) | :: kutsua, haastaa |
summon {v} (to rouse oneself to exert a skill) | :: koota |
summons {n} /ˈsʌ.mənz/ (call to do something, especially to come) | :: kutsu [general]; kokouskutsu [to a formal meeting] |
summons {n} (notice summoning someone to appear in court) | :: haaste [as defendant]; kutsu [as juror or witness] |
summon up {v} (to look within oneself) | :: koota |
sumo {n} /ˈsuːməʊ/ (form of wrestling) | :: sumopaini, sumo |
sumo {n} (sumo wrestler) | :: sumopainija |
sump {n} /sʌmp/ (hollow or pit) | :: kaivo |
sump {n} (crankcase) | :: öljysumppu |
sump {v} (to end in a sump) | :: olla täynnä vettä [to end in a sump]; täyttyä vedellä [to fill completely with water] |
sumptuary law {n} (law that attempts to regulate permitted consumption) | :: säännöstelylaki |
sumptuous {adj} /ˈsʌmpt͡ʃuəs/ (magnificent, luxurious, splendid) | :: upea [splendid], ylellinen [lavish], mahtava |
sumptuously {adv} (in a sumptuous manner) | :: ruhtinaallisesti, ylellisesti |
sum up {v} (sum up) SEE: summarize | :: |
sun {prop} (the star around which the Earth revolves, see also: Sun) | :: aurinko |
sun {n} (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system) | :: aurinko |
sun {n} (light and warmth received from the sun) | :: aurinko, auringonvalo, auringonpaiste |
sun {n} (something like the sun in brightness or splendor) | :: aurinko |
sun {n} (sunrise or sunset) | :: auringonnousu, auringonlasku |
sun {v} (to expose to the warmth and radiation of the sun) | :: paistatella, ottaa aurinkoa [+ ablative case] |
sun {v} (to warm or dry in the sunshine) | :: lämmitellä auringonpaisteessa [to warm], kuivata, kuivatella, kuivattaa auringonpaisteessa [to dry] |
sun {v} (to be exposed to the sun) | :: olla auringossa |
Sun {prop} /sʌn/ (star) | :: Aurinko |
Sun {n} (Sunday) | :: su |
sunbath {n} (period of tanning) | :: aurinkokylpy, auringonkylpy |
sunbathe {v} (to expose one's body to the sun) | :: ottaa aurinkoa, paistatella päivää |
sunbeam {n} (narrow, intense ray of sunlight) | :: auringonsäde |
sun bear {n} (Helarctos malayanus) | :: malaijikarhu |
sunbed {n} (reclining beach chair) | :: aurinkotuoli |
sunbed {n} (tanning device) SEE: tanning bed | :: |
sunbittern {n} /ˈsʌn.bɪtən/ (Eurypyga helias) | :: aurinkokurki |
sunblock {n} (sunscreen with high SPF) | :: voimakas aurinkosuoja |
sunbonnet {n} (type of bonnet) | :: hilkka |
sunburn {n} /ˈsʌnbɝn/ (burn) | :: auringonpolttama |
sunburn {v} (to receive a sunburn) | :: polttaa itsensä auringossa |
sunburnt {adj} (having a sunburn; having been burned by the sun's rays) | :: auringon paahtama |
sundae {n} /ˈsʌndeɪ/ (dessert) | :: jäätelöannos, sundae |
Sundaland {prop} (biogeographical region of Southeastern Asia) | :: Sundamaa |
Sundanese {prop} /sʌndəˈniːz/ (ethnic group) | :: sundalaiset {p} |
Sundanese {prop} (language) | :: sunda |
Sundanese {adj} (pertaining to the Sudanese people) | :: sundalainen |
Sunda pangolin {n} (species) | :: malaijanmuurahaiskäpy |
Sunday {n} /ˈsʌndeɪ/ (day of the week) | :: sunnuntai |
Sunday {n} (newspaper) | :: sunnuntainumero |
Sunday {adv} (on Sunday) | :: sunnuntaina |
Sunday best {n} (person's finest clothing) | :: pyhävaatteet {p}, pyhäpuku |
Sunday driver {n} (one who drives slowly) | :: sunnuntaiajelija, sunnuntaiautoilija |
Sunday-go-to-meeting {adj} (suitable for wearing to church) | :: pyhä- |
Sunday name {n} (full name) | :: oikea nimi |
Sunday out {n} (a Sunday off) | :: sunnuntaivapaa |
Sunday painter {n} (inexperienced painter) | :: sunnuntaimaalari |
Sunday punch {n} (knockout blow) | :: tyrmäysisku |
Sunday roast {n} (roast dinner eaten on Sunday) | :: sunnuntaipaisti |
Sundays {adv} (every Sunday) | :: sunnuntaisin, pyhäisin |
Sunday school {n} (religious school providing education on Sundays) | :: pyhäkoulu |
Sunday strip {n} (comic strip published on Sunday) | :: sunnuntaisarjakuva |
sundeck {n} /ˈsʌnˌdɛk/ (area used for sunbathing) | :: aurinkokansi |
sunder {v} /ˈsʌndɚ/ (to break or separate or to break apart) | :: jakaa |
sunderling {adv} (separately) SEE: separately | :: |
sundew {n} (group of insectivorous plants) | :: kihokki |
sundial {n} /ˈsʌnˌdaɪəl/ (device noting the time of day by the position of a shadow) | :: aurinkokello |
sun disc {n} (disc symbolizing the sun) | :: auringonkehrä |
sun dog {n} (spot) | :: auringonsappi, sivuaurinko |
sundown {n} (sunset) SEE: sunset | :: |
sun-dried {adj} (dried by the sun) | :: aurinkokuivattu, auringon kuivaama |
sun-dry {v} (dry in the sun, especially food) | :: aurinkokuivata |
sunfish {n} /ˈsʌnˌfɪʃ/ (fish of the family Centrarchidae) | :: aurinkoahven |
sunfish {n} (fish of the family Molidae) | :: möhkäkala |
sunflower {n} /ˈsʌnˌflaʊ.ɚ/ (flower) | :: auringonkukka |
sunflower {n} (colour) | :: kirkkaan oranssi |
sunflower oil {n} (vegetable oil) | :: auringonkukkaöljy |
sunflower seed {n} (seed of a sunflower) | :: auringonkukansiemen |
sunglasses {n} (tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun) | :: aurinkolasit {p} |
sungrebe {n} /ˈsʌn.ɡɹib/ (Heliornis fulica) | :: amerikanuikkukana |
sunhat {n} (a hat to protect from the sun) | :: aurinkohattu |
sunk cost {n} (already incurred costs) | :: upotettu kustannus |
sunken {adj} /ˈsʌŋkən/ (depressed or submerged) | :: uponnut, upoksissa oleva |
Sun King {prop} | :: Aurinkokuningas |
sunlight {n} /ˈsʌnˌlaɪt/ (electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun) | :: auringonvalo |
sunlight {n} (brightness, hope, a positive outlook) | :: auringonpaiste |
sunlounger {n} | :: aurinkotuoli |
sunnah {n} (custom, system, way of life) | :: sunna |
Sunni {adj} (related to the Sunni branch of Islam) | :: sunnilainen |
Sunni {n} (follower of the Sunni branch of Islam) | :: sunnalainen, sunnilainen, sunni |
Sunni {n} (Sunni Islam, a branch of Islam) | :: sunnalaisuus, sunnilaisuus |
Sunnite {n} (Sunni) SEE: Sunni | :: |
sunny {adj} /ˈsʌni/ (weather, day) | :: auringonpaisteinen, aurinkoinen |
sunny {adj} (place) | :: aurinkoinen |
sunny {adj} (cheerful) | :: iloinen, aurinkoinen |
sunny side up {adv} (type of fried egg) | :: paistettu muna, see häränsilmä |
sun protection factor {n} (an indication of how long a sunscreen remains effective) | :: auringonsuojakerroin |
sunray {n} (sunbeam) SEE: sunbeam | :: |
sunrise {n} /ˈsʌnɹaɪz/ (time of day) | :: auringonnousu, päivänkoite, päivännousu [poetic], päivänkoi [poetic], aamunkoi [poetic] |
sunrise {n} (sky changing color) | :: aamurusko |
sunroof {n} /ˈsʌnˌɹuːf/ (opening in a vehicle roof) | :: kattoluukku [movable], kattoikkuna |
sunscreen {n} (cream that protects the skin from the sun) | :: aurinkosuoja, aurinkovoide, aurinkorasva |
sunset {n} /ˈsʌnˌsɛt/ (time of day) | :: auringonlasku, illansuu |
sunset {n} (changes in color of sky at sunset) | :: iltarusko |
sunset {n} (final period of life) | :: auringonlasku, iltarusko, elämän ehtoo |
sunset {n} (attributively: of or relating to the final period of life) | :: iltaruskon |
sunshade {n} (something to keep the sun off) | :: auringonvarjo |
sunshine {n} /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ (direct rays of the sun) | :: auringonpaiste |
sunshine {n} (location on which the sun's rays fall) | :: auringonpaiste, aurinko |
sunshine {n} (cheerfulness) | :: aurinkoisuus |
sunshine {n} (source of cheerfulness or joy) | :: auringonpaiste |
sunshine {n} (effect of the sun) | :: auringonpaiste |
Sunshine Coast {prop} (coast of Queensland between Caloundra and Noosa Heads) | :: Sunshine Coast |
sunshiney {adj} (characterized by sunshine) | :: auringonpaisteinen, aurinkoinen |
sunshiney {adj} (cheerful, optimistic) | :: aurinkoinen |
sun shower {n} (rain shower) | :: aurinkosade |
sunspot {n} /ˈsʌnspɑt/ (region on the sun's surface) | :: auringonpilkku |
sunstroke {n} (heatstroke caused by an excessive exposure to the sun's rays) | :: auringonpistos |
suntan {n} (darkened coloration of the skin) | :: rusketus |
suntan {v} (to obtain a suntan) | :: ruskettua |
suntan {v} (to attempt to obtain a suntan) | :: ruskettaa |
suntanned {adj} (having a suntan) SEE: tanned | :: |
sunup {n} (time of day) SEE: sunrise | :: |
sunup {n} (change in color of sky) SEE: sunrise | :: |
sunward {adj} (directed towards the sun) | :: auringonpuoleinen |
sunward {adv} (in the direction of the sun) | :: aurinkoa kohti |
sun worshipper {n} (worshipper of the Sun) | :: auringonpalvoja |
sun worshipper {n} (sunbather) | :: auringonpalvoja, auringonottaja |
Suomic {adj} (Finnish) | :: suomalainen |
Suomic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Finnish people) | :: suomenkielinen |
Suomussalmi {prop} (municipality) | :: Suomussalmi |
super- {prefix} (above, over, or upon) | :: yli- |
super- {prefix} (superior in size, quality, number, degree, status, title or position) | :: yli-, super- |
super- {prefix} (inclusive) | :: super- |
super- {prefix} ((physics) relating to supersymmetry) | :: super- |
super- {prefix} ((fiction) relating to superheroes) | :: super- |
superacid {n} (medium having very high acidity) | :: superhappo |
superadd {v} /ˌsuːpəɹˈæd/ (to add on top of a previous addition) | :: lisätä, vielä lisätä |
superalloy {n} (high-performance alloy) | :: superseos |
superannuate {v} /ˌsuːpəɹˈænjueɪt/ (to retire or put out of use due to age) | :: siirtää eläkkeelle |
superannuate {v} (to retire due to age) | :: eläköityä, jäädä eläkkeelle, siirtyä eläkkeelle |
superannuate {v} (to become obsolete or antiquated) | :: vanhentua, vanheta |
superannuated {adj} /ˌsupɚˈænjuˌeɪtɪd/ (obsolete, antiquated) | :: vanhanaikainen, vanhentunut, yli-ikäinen |
superannuation {n} /ˈs(j)ʉːpəˌɹænjʉːˈæɪʃn̩/ (retirement benefit fund) | :: eläkerahasto |
superbike {n} (type of motorbike) | :: superpyörä |
superbomb {n} (powerful bomb) | :: suurpommi |
supercar {n} (any high-performance sports car) | :: superauto |
supercell {n} (severe thunderstorm) | :: supersolu |
supercharge {v} (to increase the power of an internal combustion engine) | :: ahtaa |
supercharge {v} (to make faster or more powerful) | :: kiihdyttää [faster]; tehostaa [more powerful] |
supercharger {n} (inlet air compressor for an internal combustion engine) | :: ahdin |
supercilious {adj} /ˌs(j)u.pɚˈsɪ.li.əs/ (showing contemptuous indifference) | :: ylenkatseellinen |
supercilium {n} (arch of hair) SEE: eyebrow | :: |
supercilium {n} (region of the eyebrows) | :: silmäkulma |
superclass {n} (class that passes attributes and methods) | :: yläluokka |
supercluster {n} (astronomy: extended group of galaxy clusters) | :: superjoukko |
supercommentary {n} (subcommentary) SEE: subcommentary | :: |
supercomputer {n} (computer that has great processing power) | :: supertietokone |
superconductivity {n} (property of a material whereby it has no resistance) | :: suprajohtavuus |
superconductor {n} (a substance) | :: suprajohde |
supercontinent {n} (very large continent in the Earth's past) | :: jättiläismanner |
supercontinent {n} (one of modern landmasses) | :: suurmanner |
supercooled {adj} (cooled below transition temperature) | :: alijäähtynyt |
supercritical {adj} (of a gas, above ts critical temperature and critical pressure) | :: ylikriittinen |
supercritical {adj} (above the speed of sound) | :: ylikriittinen |
supercritical {adj} (above some critical value or range) | :: ylikriittinen |
superdominant {n} (music: sixth tone) SEE: submediant | :: |
superego {n} /supɛɹiɡoʊ/ (part of the mind) | :: yliminä |
superessive case {n} (case used to indicate location on an object) | :: superessiivi |
superfamily {n} (taxonomic category) | :: yläheimo |
superfamily {n} (group of related proteins or other molecules) | :: superperhe |
superficial {adj} /ˌsupɚˈfɪʃəl/ (shallow, lacking substance) | :: pinnallinen |
superficially {adv} (in a superficial manner) | :: pinnallisesti |
superfluid {n} (substance that exhibits superfluidity) | :: supraneste |
superfluid {adj} (exhibiting superfluidity) | :: suprajuokseva |
superfluidity {n} (frictionless flow of a fluid) | :: suprajuoksevuus |
superfluous {adj} /suːˈpɝːflu.əs/ (excess of what is sufficient) | :: ylenpalttinen, tarpeeton, ylitsevuotavainen, liiallinen |
superfood {n} (food supposed to confer remarkable health benefits) | :: superruoka |
superfruit {n} (superfood that is a fruit) | :: superhedelmä |
superglue {n} (very strong glue) | :: superliima |
supergravity {n} (field theory) | :: supergravitaatio |
supergrid {n} (wide-area electrical transmission network) | :: superverkko |
superheated {adj} (above critical point) | :: tulistettu [of steam]; ylikriittinen |
superheated {adj} (above boiling point) | :: ylikuuma, ylikuumennettu, ylikuumennut |
superheated {adj} (exceedingly intensive or emotional) | :: tulinen |
superheater {n} (component of boiler system) | :: tulistin |
superhero {n} /s(j)upə(ɹ)hɪɹoʊ/ (a fictional crime-fighting character with superpowers) | :: supersankari |
super high frequency {n} (frequency area from 3 GHz through 30 GHz) | :: SHF-alue |
superhuman {adj} (beyond what is possible for a human being) | :: yli-inhimillinen |
superimpose {v} (to place an object over another object) | :: laittaa päälle |
superintendent {n} /ˌsjuːpəɹɪnˈtɛndənt/ (a person who is authorized to supervise, direct or administer something) | :: tarkastaja, valvoja, isännöitsijä (of a building) |
superior {adj} /suːˈpɪɹiɚ/ (higher in rank or quality) | :: [rank] ylempi, [quality] parempi |
superior {adj} (located above) | :: yläpuolinen |
superior {adj} (extraordinary) | :: erinomainen |
superiority {n} /ˈsʊu.pɪə(ɹ)ˌi.ɒ.ɹɪ.ti/ (the state of being superior) | :: paremmuus, etevämmyys |
superior vena cava {n} (large vein) | :: yläonttolaskimo |
superjet {n} (jet aircraft with some superior quality) | :: superjetti |
superlative {n} /suˈpɝː.lə.tɪv/ (highest degree of something) | :: huippu |
superlative {n} (form of adjective expressing "most") | :: superlatiivi, yliaste |
superlative {n} (adjective used to praise) | :: superlatiivi |
superlative {adj} (exceptionally good) | :: erinomainen, häikäisevä |
superlative {adj} (of or pertaining to a superlative) | :: superlatiivinen |
supermajority {n} (qualified majority) SEE: qualified majority | :: |
superman {n} /ˈs(j)uːpəmæn/ (übermensch) | :: yli-ihminen |
superman {n} (person of extraordinary or superhuman powers) | :: teräsmies, supermies |
Superman {prop} /ˈs(j)uːpə(ɹ)mæn/ (a fictional character with superhuman powers) | :: Teräsmies |
supermarket {n} /ˌsuːpəˈmɑːkɪt/ (store) | :: supermarketti |
supermarket {n} (chain of stores) | :: supermarket-ketju |
supermassive {adj} (very massive) | :: supermassiivinen |
supermassive black hole {n} (Any black hole with a large mass) | :: supermassiivinen musta aukko |
supermodel {n} (famous fashion model) | :: huippumalli, supermalli |
supernal {adj} /suˈpɝ.nəl/ (pertaining to heaven or to the sky) | :: taivaallinen |
supernal {adj} (exalted, exquisite, superlative) | :: ylivertainen |
supernatural {adj} /ˌs(j)uːpəˈnatʃ(ə)ɹəl/ (above nature) | :: yliluonnollinen, jumalallinen |
supernatural {adj} (not of the usual) | :: yliluonnollinen |
supernatural {n} (being) | :: yliluonnollinen olento |
supernatural {n} (beings and events collectively) | :: yliluonnollinen |
supernova {n} (exploding star) | :: supernova |
supernumerary {adj} /ˌsuːpəˈnjuːm(ə)ɹ(ə)ɹi/ (beyond the prescribed or standard amount) | :: ylimääräinen |
supernumerary {n} (extra or walk-on in a play or movie) SEE: walk-on | :: |
superorder {n} (taxonomic category) | :: ylälahko |
superoxide {n} (univalent anion) | :: superoksidi |
superpartner {n} (particle) | :: superpartneri |
superphylum {n} (taxonomic category above phylum and below subkingdom) | :: yläjakso [fauna], yläkaari [flora, fungi] |
superpower {n} (sovereign state) | :: supervalta |
superpower {n} (fictional extraordinary ability) | :: supervoima |
supersaturate {v} | :: ylikyllästää |
supersaturated {adj} (more concentrated than is normally possible) | :: ylikylläinen |
supersaturated {adj} (having a higher vapor pressure than is normally possible) | :: ylikylläisyys |
supersaturation {n} (condition of a solution) | :: ylikylläisyys |
superscript {n} (a type of lettering form) | :: yläindeksi |
supersede {v} /ˌsuːpəˈsiːd/ (set aside) | :: korvata |
supersede {v} (take the place of) | :: korvata |
superset {n} (set containing all elements of another set) | :: ylijoukko |
supersonic {adj} (greater than the speed of sound) | :: ääntä nopeampi, yliääni- |
superstar {n} (very famous person) | :: supertähti |
superstition {n} /ˌs(j)u.pɚˈstɪ.ʃən/ (a belief that events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way) | :: taikausko |
superstitious {adj} /ˌs(j)u.pɚˈstɪ.ʃəs/ (susceptible to superstitions) | :: taikauskoinen |
superstore {n} (extremely large store) | :: hypermarketti, suurmyymälä |
superstratum {n} (a language imposed upon a population that previously spoke another language) | :: superstraatti |
superstructure {n} (nautical: structure above deck) | :: ylärakenne |
supersymmetry {n} (theory that attempts to unify the fundamental physical forces) | :: supersymmetria |
supertanker {n} (extremely large tanker) | :: jättitankkeri |
supertonic {n} (second note) | :: teräsävel |
superuser {n} (user with complete access to an operating system) | :: pääkäyttäjä |
supervacaneous {adj} /ˌsuːpəɹvəˈkeɪnɪəs/ (superfluous, redundant) | :: ylenpalttinen |
supervacuous {adj} /supəˈvækjʊəs/ (more than needed) | :: liiallinen |
supervise {v} (to oversee or direct) | :: johtaa, valvoa |
supervision {n} (the act or instance of supervising) | :: valvonta |
supervisor {n} /ˈsuːpɚˌvaɪzɚ/ (a person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group etc.) | :: valvoja, tarkastaja |
superweapon {n} (extremely powerful weapon) | :: superase |
superwoman {n} (exceptional woman) | :: teräsnainen |
supine {adj} /ˈs(j)uːpaɪn/ (lying on its back) | :: selällään makaava |
supine {adj} (reluctant to take action) | :: passiivinen, saamaton, vetelä, veltto |
supine {adj} (inclining or leaning backward) | :: kallellaan |
supine {n} (verbal noun) | :: supiini |
supper {n} /ˈsʌpɚ/ (food before going to bed) | :: iltapala |
supper {n} (dinner at night) | :: illallinen |
supper {v} (to eat dinner) | :: illallistaa |
supper {n} (drinker) | :: siemailija |
supper hour {n} (all senses) SEE: dinnertime | :: |
suppertime {n} (all senses) SEE: dinnertime | :: |
supplant {v} /səˈplænt/ (to take the place of, to replace) | :: korvata |
supple {adj} /ˈsʌpəl/ (pliant, easy to bend) | :: taipuisa, notkea |
supple {adj} (lithe and agile when moving and bending) | :: taipuisa, notkea |
supple {adj} (compliant) | :: taipuisa, myöntyvä |
supplement {n} /ˈsʌpləmənt/ (something added) | :: täydennys, lisä |
supplement {n} (extension to a document or publication) | :: liite |
supplement {n} (additional section of a newspaper) | :: liite |
supplement {n} (supplementary angle in geometry) | :: suplementti, suplementtikulma |
supplement {n} (vitamin, herbal extract, or chemical compound) | :: ravintolisä, lisäravinne |
supplement {v} (to provide or make a supplement to) | :: täydentää, lisätä |
supplemental {adj} (Acting to supplement) | :: lisä-, täydennys-, täydentävä |
supplemental {n} (Something that supplements or adds to) | :: lisä, täydennys |
supplementary {adj} (additional) | :: täydentävä, lisä-, täydennys- |
supplementary angles {n} (pair of angles) | :: suplementtikulmat |
suppleness {n} (the quality of being supple) | :: notkeus |
suppletion {n} /səˈpliːʃən/ ((grammar) the use of an unrelated word or phrase to supply inflected forms otherwise lacking) | :: suppleetio, suppletivismi |
suppletive {adj} (which supplies an etymologically unrelated word with forms, or which is used as one of its forms) | :: suppletiivinen |
supplicant {adj} /ˈsʌplɪkənt/ (supplicating) | :: anova |
supplicant {n} (one who asks or petitions) | :: anoja |
supplier {n} /səˈplaɪə/ (one who supplies, a provider) | :: hankkija, toimittaja |
supply {v} /səˈplaɪ/ (to provide, make available for use) | :: toimittaa, hankkia, tarjota |
supply {v} (to furnish or equip with) | :: toimittaa, varustaa |
supply {v} (to fill up, or keep full) | :: täyttää, täydentää, syöttää |
supply {v} (to compensate for, make up for a deficiency of) | :: korvata, toimittaa, tyydyttää kysyntä, vastata kysyntään |
supply {v} (to serve instead of) | :: korvata |
supply {v} (to act as a substitute) | :: toimia sijaisena, sijaistaa |
supply {v} (to have possession of) | :: pitää hallussaan |
supply {n} (act of supplying) | :: toimitus, tarjonta |
supply {n} (amount supplied) | :: tarjonta |
supply {n} (provisions) | :: eväät, muona, tarvikkeet |
supply {n} (amount of money provided to meet the annual national expenditures) | :: budjetti, talousarvio |
supply {n} (somebody, who temporarily fills the place of another) | :: sijainen |
supply and demand {n} (economic model of pricing) | :: kysyntä ja tarjonta (demand and supply) |
supply chain {n} (system of organisations, people, etc.) | :: toimitusketju |
supply side {n} (side where the supply comes from) | :: tuotantopuoli |
supply-side {adj} (regarding the supply side) | :: tuotantopuolen |
supply-side economics {n} (branch of economics) | :: tuotantopuolen taloustiede, tarjonnan taloustiede |
supply teacher {n} (teacher who fills a temporary position) | :: sijaisopettaja |
supply vessel {n} (ship used to transport supplies) | :: huoltoalus |
support {v} /səˈpɔɹt/ (to keep from falling) | :: tukea |
support {v} (to provide help regarding something sold) | :: tukea |
support {v} (to back a cause, party, etc., mentally or with concrete aid) | :: kannattaa, tukea |
support {v} (to help, particularly financially) | :: tukea |
support {n} (something which supports) | :: tuki |
support {n} (financial or other help) | :: tuki |
support {n} (answers and resolution of problems) | :: tuki |
support {n} (set of points where the function is not zero) | :: kantaja, [closure] sulkeuma |
supporter {n} /səˈpɔː.tə/ (Person who supports, an adherent) | :: kannattaja |
supporter {n} (animal or figure that supports a shield in a coat of arms) | :: kilvenkannattaja |
support group {n} (group that supports each other) | :: tukiryhmä, oma-apuryhmä, vertaisryhmä |
supporting {adj} /səˈpɔɹtɪŋ/ (that supports) | :: avustava, tukeva, auttava, apu- |
supportive {adj} /səˈpɔɹtɪv/ (providing support) | :: kannustava, tukea antava |
suppose {v} /səˈpoʊz/ (conclude; believe) | :: olettaa |
suppose {v} (theorize; hypothesize) | :: otaksua, arvella |
supposed {adj} /səˈpoʊzd/ (presumed to be true, but without proof) | :: oletettu, otaksuttu |
supposedly {adv} (as a matter of supposition) | :: muka, ilmeisesti, mukamas |
supposition {n} /ˌsʌpəˈzɪʃən/ (assumption) | :: oletus |
suppository {n} /səˈpɑzɪˌtɔɹi/ (medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity) | :: suppo, suppositorio, peräpuikko |
suppress {v} /səˈpɹɛs/ (to put an end to) | :: tukahduttaa |
suppress {v} (to restrain an expression) | :: tukahduttaa |
suppress {v} (psychiatry: to exclude undesirable thoughts from one's mind) | :: tukahduttaa |
suppress {v} (to prevent publication) | :: salata |
suppress {v} (to stop a flow or stream) | :: tyrehdyttää, tukahduttaa |
suppress {v} (electronics: to reduce unwanted frequencies) | :: vaimentaa, sammuttaa |
suppression order {n} (gag order) SEE: gag order | :: |
suppurate {v} /ˈsʌpjəreɪt/ (form or discharge pus) | :: märkiä |
suprafix {n} (type of affix) | :: superfiksi |
suprascapular {adj} (anatomy) | :: supraskapulaarinen |
supremacist {n} (advocate of supremacy of one group over others) | :: ylivallan kannattaja |
supremacy {n} /suˈpɹɛməsi/ (quality of being supreme) | :: ylemmyys, ylivertaisuus |
supremacy {n} (authority over all others) | :: ylemmyys, ylivalta |
Suprematism {n} (genre of abstract art) | :: suprematismi |
supreme {adj} /ˌs(j)uːˈpɹiːm/ (dominant) | :: ylivertainen |
supreme being {n} (deity with power over all things) | :: kaikkivaltias |
supreme court {n} (court of law representing the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction) | :: korkein oikeus |
supremely {adv} (to the highest degree) | :: äärimmäisen |
Supreme Soviet {prop} (Soviet parliament) | :: korkein neuvosto |
supremum {n} (element of a set greater than or equal to all members of a given subset) | :: pienin yläraja, supremum |
sura {n} (chapter of the Qur'an) | :: suura |
Surabaya {prop} (city in Indonesia) | :: Surabaya |
surcharge {n} /ˈsɜː(ɹ)t͡ʃɑː(ɹ)d͡ʒ/ (addition of extra charge) | :: lisämaksu |
surcharge {n} (excessive price) | :: ylihinta |
surcharge {n} (philately: overprint) | :: lisäpainama |
surcharge {n} (law: charge omitted from an account as payment) | :: kuittaus |
surcharge {v} (to apply a surcharge) | :: periä lisämaksu, veloittaa lisämaksu |
sure {adj} /ʃʊɹ/ (certain, reliable) | :: varma |
sure {interj} (of course) | :: toki |
sure enough {adv} (just like one would expect) | :: toden totta, totta tosiaan |
surely {adv} /ˈʃʊɹli/ (without fail) | :: varmasti |
surely {adv} (certainly, undoubtedly) | :: varmasti, vakavasti |
surely {adv} (with confidence) | :: tukevasti, lujasti |
surety {n} (certainty) SEE: certainty | :: |
surety {n} /ˈʃʊəɹɪti/ (law: promise to pay on behalf of another) | :: takaus |
surety {n} (law: one who undertakes such promise) | :: takaaja |
surf {n} /sɝf/ (waves that break) | :: surffi |
surf {v} (to ride a wave) | :: lainelautailla |
surf {v} (to browse the Internet) | :: surffata |
surface {n} /ˈsɝːfəs/ (up-side of a flat object) | :: pinta |
surface {n} (outside hull of a tangible object) | :: pinta |
surface {n} (outward or external appearance) | :: pintapuoli |
surface {n} (locus of an equation in a more-than-two-dimensional space) | :: pinta |
surface {v} (to rise to the surface) | :: nousta pintaan, nousta pinnalle, pintautua |
surface {v} (for information to become known) | :: paljastua, tulla julki |
surface-active {adj} (capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid) | :: pinta-aktiivinen |
surface area {n} (total area on surface of figure) | :: pinta-ala |
surface area {n} (total resources of a system) | :: hyökkäyspinta, hyökkäyspinta-ala |
surface clutter {n} (unwanted reflection) | :: maavälke |
surface mail {n} (mail transported by motor vehicle) | :: maaposti |
surface of revolution {n} | :: pyörähdyspinta |
surface tension {n} (the effect on the surface of a liquid) | :: pintajännitys |
surface tension {n} (a measure of this effect) | :: pintajännitys |
surface-to-air missile {n} (missile) | :: ilmatorjuntaohjus |
surface-to-surface missile {n} (missile) | :: maasta maahan -ohjus |
surface water {n} (water collecting on the ground or in a body of water) | :: pintavesi |
surfactant {n} /səɹˈfæktənt/ (surface active agent) | :: tensidi, pinta-aktiivinen aine, surfaktantti |
surfactant {n} (lipoprotein that facilitates gas transport in the lungs) | :: surfaktantti |
surfbird {n} (Aphriza virgata) | :: tyrskykahlaaja |
surfboard {n} /ˈsɝfˌbɔɹd/ (a shaped waterproof plank used to surf on waves) | :: lainelauta, surffilauta |
surfeit {n} /ˈsɝː.fɪt/ (an excessive amount of something) | :: ylenpalttisuus, liika, yltäkylläisyys |
surfeit {n} (overindulgence in either food or drink; overeating) | :: mässäily |
surfeit {n} (a sickness or condition caused by overindulgence) | :: ähky |
surfeit {n} (disgust caused by excess; satiety) | :: ähky |
surfeit {v} (to overeat or feed to excess) | :: ylensyödä |
surfer {n} (person who rides a surfboard) | :: lainelautailija |
surfer {n} (person who surfs the Internet) | :: surffaaja |
surfer {n} (surf scoter) SEE: surf scoter | :: |
surfing {n} /ˈsɝfɪŋ/ (sport) | :: lainelautailu |
surf riding {n} (surfing) SEE: surfing | :: |
surf scoter {n} (duck) | :: pilkkaniska |
surge {n} /sɝdʒ/ (sudden transient rush or flood) | :: aalto |
surge {n} (sudden transient rush or flood) | :: jännitepiikki |
surge {n} ((nautical) swell of the sea) | :: maininki, aallokko |
surge {v} (to rush, flood, or increase suddenly) | :: paisua |
surge {v} (to accelerate forwards, particularly suddenly) | :: rynnätä |
surgeon {n} /ˈsɝdʒən/ (doctor who performs surgery) | :: kirurgi |
surgeonfish {n} (any of many brightly coloured fishes, of the family Acanthuridae) | :: välskäri |
Surgeon General {n} (leading public health official) | :: korkein lääkintäviranomainen |
surgeon's knot {n} (knot commonly used by surgeons) | :: kirurginsolmu |
surge protector {n} (appliance designed to protect electrical devices) | :: ylijännitesuoja |
surgery {n} /ˈsɝdʒəɹi/ (procedure involving major incisions) | :: leikkaus, leikkaushoito |
surgery {n} (medical specialty) | :: kirurgia |
surgery {n} (room or department where surgery is performed) | :: leikkaussali [room], kirurginen osasto [department] |
surgery {n} (doctor's consulting room) | :: vastaanotto, vastaanottohuone |
surgery {n} (any consulting room) | :: vastaanottohuone, vastaanotto |
surge suppressor {n} (surge protector) SEE: surge protector | :: |
surgical {adj} /ˈsɝdʒɪkəl/ (of or relating to surgery) | :: kirurginen |
surgical {adj} (precise or very accurate) | :: kirurginen |
surgical gown {n} (protective plastic gown worn by a surgeon when performing surgery) | :: leikkaustakki |
surgical mask {n} (mask worn to catch bacteria) | :: leikkausmaski |
surgical spirit {n} (ethanol with small quantities of additives) | :: leikkaussprii |
surgical stocking {n} (a kind of stocking) | :: tukisukka |
surili {n} (monkey of the genus Presbytis) | :: sureli |
surimi {n} (type of seafood) | :: surimi |
Suriname {prop} /ˌsʊɹ.ɪˈnɑm/ (country) | :: Suriname |
Surinamese {n} (person from Suriname) | :: surinamelainen |
Surinamese {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Suriname) | :: surinamelainen |
surjection {n} /sɜː(ɹ).dʒɛk.ʃən/ (function that is a many-to-one mapping) | :: surjektio |
surjective {adj} (of, relating, or being a surjection) | :: surjektiivinen |
surly {adj} /ˈsɜːli/ (irritated, bad-tempered, unfriendly) | :: hapan, pahantuulinen, töykeä |
surly {adj} (threatening, menacing, gloomy) | :: uhkaava |
surly {adj} ((obsolete) lordly, arrogant, supercilious) | :: koppava, pöyhkeä |
surmise {n} /sɜːˈmaɪz/ (thought, imagination, or conjecture, which may be based upon feeble or scanty evidence) | :: ennakkoluulo, otaksuma, oletus |
surmise {n} (Reflection; thought; posit) | :: ajatus |
surmise {v} (to imagine or suspect) | :: otaksua, olettaa |
surmount {v} /sɚˈmaʊnt/ (to get over; to overcome) | :: voittaa, jättää jotain taakseen, päästä jonkin yli |
surname {n} /ˈsɝneɪm/ (name that indicates family) | :: sukunimi |
surname {v} (to give a surname) | :: antaa sukunimi |
surname {v} (to call by a surname) | :: kutsua sukunimellä |
surpass {v} /sɚˈpæs/ (to exceed) | :: ylittää |
surplus {n} /ˈsɝˌplʌs/ (excess, overplus) | :: ylijäämä |
surplus {n} (funds in public treasury greater than ordinary needs) | :: ylijäämä |
surplus {adj} (being a surplus) | :: ylijäämä-, ylimääräinen |
surprise {n} /sɚˈpɹaɪz/ (something not expected) | :: yllätys |
surprise {n} (attributively: that is unexpected) | :: yllätys- |
surprise {n} (feeling that something unexpected has happened) | :: hämmästys |
surprise {v} (cause (someone) to feel surprise) | :: yllättää, hämmästyttää |
surprise {v} (do something to (a person) that they are not expecting, as a surprise) | :: yllättää |
surprised {adj} /sɚˈpɹaɪzd/ (caused to feel surprise) | :: yllättynyt |
surprise party {n} (type of party) | :: yllätysjuhlat {p} |
surprising {adj} /sɚˈpɹaɪzɪŋ/ (that is or are a surprise) | :: yllättävä |
surprisingly {adv} (in a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual) | :: yllättävän [before adj], yllättävästi [before verb] |
surprisingness {n} (condition) | :: yllätyksellisyys |
surreal {adj} (having the intense reality of a dream) | :: epätodellinen |
surrealism {n} /səˈɹiː(.ə)l.ɪz.əm/ (artistic movement and aesthetic philosophy) | :: surrealismi |
surrender {v} /səˈɹɛndəɹ/ (transitive: to give up into the power, control, or possession of another) | :: luovuttaa |
surrender {v} (intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another) | :: antautua |
surrender {n} (an act of surrendering) | :: antautuminen |
surrender {n} (the yielding or delivery of a possession in response to a demand) | :: luopuminen, luovuttaminen |
surrender {n} (law, property law: the yielding of the leasehold estate by the lessee to the landlord) | :: luovutus |
surreptitious {adj} /səˌɹɜpˈtɪʃəs/ (stealthy, furtive, well hidden, covert) | :: salainen, salamyhkäinen |
surreptitiously {adv} /sʌɹəpˈtɪʃəsli/ (in a surreptitious manner) | :: vaivihkaa, salaa |
surrogate {n} /ˈsʌɹəɡɨt/ (person or animal that acts as a substitute for another) | :: sijainen, korvike |
surrogate mother {n} (woman who gives birth to a child not her own) | :: sijaisäiti, sijaissynnyttäjä |
surround {v} /səˈɹaʊnd/ (to encircle something or simultaneously extend in all directions) | :: ympäröidä |
surround {v} (to enclose to prevent escape) | :: saartaa, piirittää |
surround {v} (surround, fence in) SEE: enclose | :: |
surrounding {n} /səˈɹaʊndɪŋ/ (outlying area) | :: ympäristö, lähiympäristö |
surrounding {adj} (which surrounds something) | :: ympäröivä |
surroundings {n} /səˈɹaʊndɪŋz/ (area surrounding someone or something) | :: ympäristö |
surroundings {n} (parts not within the system) | :: ympäristö |
surströmming {n} (traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented Baltic herring) | :: hapansilakka |
surtitle {n} (translation) | :: tekstitys |
surtitle {v} (provide surtitles) | :: tekstittää |
surveil {v} /sɚˈveɪl/ (To keep someone or something under surveillance) | :: valvoa |
surveillance camera {n} (CCTV camera) | :: valvontakamera |
survey {n} /ˈsɝveɪ/ (act of surveying) | :: yleiskatsaus, yleissilmäys |
survey {n} (an examination) | :: tarkastus, katselmus, katsaus |
survey {n} (operation of finding the contour, dimensions or position as any part of the Earth's surface) | :: kartoitus, maanmittaus |
survey {v} (to view as from a high place) | :: tarkkailla |
survey {v} (to inspect; to examine) | :: tarkastella |
survey {v} (to determine the status or value of) | :: tarkastaa, katsastaa |
survey {v} (to determine the form or borders of) | :: määrittää |
surveying {n} (science of accurately determining the position of points) | :: maanmittaus |
surveyor {n} (person occupied with the process of determining positions on the Earth's surface) | :: maanmittari |
surveyor {n} (person inspecting something) | :: tarkastaja |
survival {n} /sɚˈvaɪvəl/ (continued existence or life) | :: eloonjääminen, selviytyminen |
survival horror {n} | :: selviytymiskauhupeli |
survival of the fittest {n} (natural selection) | :: luonnonvalinta, taistelu olemassaolosta |
survive {v} /sɚˈvaɪv/ (person: continue to live) | :: selviytyä, jäädä henkiin, jäädä eloon |
survive {v} (object, concept: continue to exist) | :: selvitä, selviytyä, jäädä henkiin, jäädä eloon |
survive {v} (live longer than) | :: elää pitempään/kauemmin |
survive {v} (live past a life-threatening event) | :: selviytyä, jäädä henkiin, jäädä eloon |
survivor {n} /sɚˈvaɪvɚ/ (one who survives) | :: selviytyjä, selviytynyt |
survivor {n} (person who is able to endure hardship) | :: selviytyjä |
survivor {n} (one who knew a specific decedent) | :: jälkeenjäänyt |
survivorship bias {n} (bias) | :: selviytymisharha |
Susan {prop} /ˈsuːzən/ (female given name) | :: Susanna |
Susanna {prop} (female given name) SEE: Susan | :: |
Susanna {prop} (biblical character) | :: Susanna |
susceptibility {n} /səˌsɛptəˈbɪlɪti/ (the condition of being susceptible) | :: alttius |
susceptibility {n} (emotional sensitivity) | :: herkkyys |
susceptibility {n} (electric susceptibility) | :: häiriintyvyys, suskeptibiliteetti |
susceptible {adj} /səˈsɛptɪbl̩/ (likely to be affected by) | :: altis |
susceptible {adj} (especially sensitive) | :: herkkä, herkistynyt |
sushi {n} /ˈsuʃi/ (Japanese dish) | :: sushi, suši |
suspect {v} /ˈsʌs.pɛkt/ (imagine or suppose to be true, without proof) | :: epäillä |
suspect {v} (distrust, have doubts about) | :: epäillä |
suspect {v} (believe to be guilty) | :: epäillä |
suspect {v} (have suspicion) | :: epäillä |
suspect {n} (person suspected of something) | :: epäilty |
suspect {adj} (viewed with suspicion) | :: epäilyttävä [of things and actions], epäilyksenalainen [of a person] |
suspend {v} /səˈspɛnd/ (To halt temporarily) | :: pysäyttää, keskeyttää |
suspend {v} (To hang freely) | :: ripustaa, roikkua, riippua |
suspend {v} (To discontinue or interrupt a function, task, position, or event) | :: keskeyttää, lakkauttaa |
suspended {adj} /səˈspɛndɪd/ (hung from above) | :: riippuva, riippu- |
suspended animation {n} (temporary cessation of breathing resembling death) | :: valekuolema |
suspended animation {n} (the slowing of life processes) | :: elintoimintojen hidastaminen |
suspended cymbal {n} (cymbal that is suspended horizontally) | :: ripustettu lautanen |
suspended sentence {n} (type of sentence) | :: ehdollinen tuomio, ehdollinen rangaistus |
suspender {n} /səˈspɛndɚ/ (an item used hold up trousers) | :: housunkannattimet {p}, olkaimet {p}, henkselit {p} |
suspender {n} (item used to hold up stocking) | :: sukkanauha |
suspenders {n} (trouser supporter) SEE: suspender | :: |
suspenders {n} (stocking supporter) SEE: garter | :: |
suspend one's disbelief {v} (willingly accept the premise of a story) | :: heittää ennakkoluulot sivuun |
suspense {n} /səˈspɛns/ (condition of being suspended) | :: jännitys |
suspense {n} (pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement) | :: jännitys |
suspense {n} (unpleasant emotion of anxiety or apprehension) | :: jännitys |
suspenseful {adj} (inducing suspense) | :: jännittävä, pelottava |
suspension {n} /səˈspɛnʃən/ (act of suspending or state of being suspended) | :: keskeytys, peruutus |
suspension {n} (temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation) | :: keskeytys |
suspension {n} (state of a solid when mixed with, but not dissolved in a fluid) | :: suspensio |
suspension {n} (act of keeping a person listening in doubt and expectation) | :: jännitys |
suspension {n} (music: prolonging of one or more tones of a chord into the chord which follows) | :: pidätys |
suspension {n} (vehicle: system of springs and shock absorbers connected to the wheels in an automobile) | :: pyöräntuenta, pyöränripustus, ripustukset {p} |
suspension bridge {n} (bridge where the deck or roadway is suspended from cables) | :: riippusilta |
suspension of disbelief {n} (people's acceptance of what they know to be a nonfactual premise) | :: ennakkoluulottomuus, avoin mieli |
suspicion {n} /sə.ˈspɪ.ʃən/ (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong) | :: epäily |
suspicion {n} (condition of being suspected) | :: epäilyksenalaisuus, epäily |
suspicion {n} (uncertainty, doubt) | :: epäilys |
suspicion {n} (slight indication) | :: häivähdys, häivä |
suspicion {n} (imagining without evidence) | :: epäluulo |
suspicious {adj} /səˈspɪ.ʃəs/ (arousing suspicion) | :: epäilyttävä |
suspicious {adj} (distrustful) | :: epäilevä, epäluuloinen |
suspicious {adj} (expressing suspicion) | :: epäilevä, epäluuloinen |
suspiciously {adv} (In a manner suggesting suspicion) | :: epäilevästi, epäuskoisesti |
suspiciously {adv} (in a manner suggesting guilt) | :: epäilyttävästi |
suspiciously {adv} (to a degree that makes one suspect something) | :: epäilyttävästi |
suspiciousness {n} (state or quality) | :: epäilyttävyys |
sustain {v} /səˈsteɪn/ (to maintain something) | :: pitää yllä, ylläpitää |
sustain {v} (to provide for or nourish something) | :: huoltaa, ruokkia, ravita, pitää yllä, ylläpitää |
sustainable {adj} /səˈsteɪnəbəl/ (able to be sustained) | :: pysyvä |
sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained: environmental term) | :: kestävä, ympäristöä säästävä |
sustainable development {n} (development seeking to economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same, by not exceeding natural regenerative capacity) | :: kestävä kehitys |
sustained {adj} /səˈsteɪnd/ (held at a certain level) | :: pitkäkestoinen, pikäjänteinen |
sustenance {n} /ˈsʌs.tə.nəns/ (something that provides support or nourishment) | :: ylläpito |
susurrus {n} /ˈsu.sə.ɹəs/ (whispering or rustling sound) | :: kahina, rahina, rapina, havina |
suture {n} /ˈs(j)uː.tjə(ɹ)/ (seam) | :: sauma, sutuura |
suture {v} (to sew up or join by means of a suture) | :: ommella, suturoida |
Suva {prop} (capital of Fiji) | :: Suva |
suzerain {n} /ˈs(j)uz(ə)ɹən/ (dominant nation or state) | :: herravaltio |
suzerainty {n} /ˈs(j)uz(ə)ɹənti/ (relation between a superior state and a subservient state) | :: vasallisuhde |
Suzhou numeral {n} (numeral) | :: Suzhou-numerot |
Svalbard {prop} /ˈsvɑːlbɑː(ɹ)/ (islands north east of Greenland) | :: Huippuvuoret {p}, Svalbard |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands {prop} (two distinct dependencies of Norway) | :: Huippuvuoret ja Jan Mayen |
Svan {prop} (language) | :: svani |
svelte {adj} /ˈsvɛlt/ (attractively thin, slender) | :: hento |
svelte {adj} (refined, delicate) | :: hento, hienovarainen |
Swabia {prop} /ˈsweɪbi.ə/ (historical region of Germany) | :: Schwaben |
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {prop} (dialect) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {n} (person) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) | :: schwabilainen |
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians) | :: schwabilainen |
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) | :: schwabilainen |
Swabish {prop} (dialect) | :: svaabin murre |
Swabish {n} (person) | :: svaabi, schwabenilainen |
swaddle {v} /swɔdl/ (to bind a baby) | :: kapaloida |
swaddling clothes {n} (garment) | :: kapalot {p} |
Swadesh list {n} (lists of vocabulary) | :: Swadesh-luettelo |
swag {v} /swæɡ/ (burglar's or thief's booty; a boodle) | :: saalis |
swag {v} (handouts, freebies, or giveaways) | :: mainoslahja, krääsä |
swag {v} (bushman's possessions in a drape) | :: nyytti |
swag {v} (large quantity (of something)) | :: massa, kasa |
swag {v} (low point or depression in land) | :: kuoppa |
swagger {v} /ˈswæɡ.ɚ/ (to walk with a swaying motion) | :: keinahdella |
swagger {v} (to act in a pompous manner) | :: rehvastella, ylvästellä, herrastella |
swagger {v} (to boast or brag noisily) | :: rehennellä, rehvastella |
swagger {n} (confidence, pride) | :: rehvakkuus |
swagger {n} (bold or arrogant strut) | :: rehvastelija, rehentelijä |
swagger {n} (prideful boasting or bragging) | :: rehvastelu, rehentely, öykkäröinti |
Swahili {n} /swɑˈhili/ (language) | :: swahili |
Swainson's hawk {n} (Buteo swainsoni) | :: preeriahiirihaukka |
Swainson's thrush {n} (Catharus ustulatus) | :: korpirastas |
swallow {v} /ˈswɑloʊ/ (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach) | :: niellä, nielaista |
swallow {v} (to take in, to consume) | :: niellä |
swallow {v} (to make muscular contractions of the oesophagus) | :: nielaista |
swallow {v} (to believe or accept) | :: niellä |
swallow {n} (amount swallowed) | :: nielaus, kulaus [of liquid] |
swallow {n} (bird) | :: pääsky |
swallow one's pride {v} (To hide one's feelings of pride, adopting more humble stance) | :: niellä ylpeytensä; (~ and humbly do as one is told or supposed to do) ottaa lusikka kauniiseen käteen |
swallowtail {n} /ˈswɒl.əʊˌteɪl/ (tail of a swallow) | :: haarapyrstö |
swallowtail {n} (anything of a similar forked shape) | :: haarukka |
swallowtail {n} (tailcoat) | :: hännystakki |
swallowtail {n} (butterfly) | :: ritariperhonen |
swamp {n} /swɑmp/ (type of wetland) | :: suo, räme |
swamp holly {n} (American winterberry) SEE: American winterberry | :: |
swampy {adj} (wet like a swamp) | :: soinen |
swan {n} /swɒn/ (waterfowl of the genus Cygnus) | :: joutsen |
swan goose {n} (large migratory goose) | :: joutsenhanhi, kyhmyhanhi |
swanling {n} (baby swan, young swan) SEE: cygnet | :: |
swan song {n} (a final performance) | :: joutsenlaulu |
swap {v} /swɒp/ (exchange or give (something) in exchange for) | :: vaihtaa, tehdä vaihtokauppa |
swap {n} (exchange) | :: vaihtokauppa, vaihto |
swap {n} (finance: derivative) | :: vaihtosopimus, swap |
swape {n} (kind of mechanical scoop) | :: vinttikaivo |
swarf {n} /swɔːf/ (waste chips or shavings) | :: purut {p} |
swarf {n} (a particular chip or shaving) | :: puru |
swarm {n} /swɔɹm/ (large number of insects) | :: parvi |
swarm {n} (a mass of people or animals in turmoil) | :: lauma |
swarm {v} (to move as a swarm) | :: vyöryä |
swarm {v} (to fill a place as a swarm) | :: vyöryä sisään |
swarm {v} (to overwhelm) | :: vyöryttää |
swarm {v} (to climb by gripping with arms and legs) | :: kiivetä nelinkontin |
swarm spore {n} (zoospore) SEE: zoospore | :: |
swarthy {adj} (dark) SEE: dark | :: |
swarthy {adj} (tawny) SEE: tawny | :: |
swarthy {adj} (dusky) SEE: dusky | :: |
swarthy {adj} (dark-skinned) SEE: dark-skinned | :: |
swashbuckler {n} (a daring adventurer) | :: hurjapäinen seikkailija |
swashbuckler {n} (a kind of period adventure story) | :: seikkailukertomus |
swastika {n} /ˈswɒstɪkə/ (a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle) | :: hakaristi |
swat {v} /swɒt/ (to beat off, as insects; to bat, strike, or hit) | :: läimäyttää, läiskäistä |
swat {n} (a hard stroke, hit or blow, e.g., as part of a spanking) | :: läimäytys |
swatch {n} /swɒtʃ/ (a piece, pattern, or sample) | :: tilkku, palanen |
swathe {n} /sweɪð/ (bandage) | :: side, kääre |
swathe {v} (bandage) | :: sitoa, kääriä |
sway {n} /sweɪ/ (The act of swaying; a swaying motion; a swing or sweep of a weapon) | :: heiluminen, heilunta |
sway {n} (A rocking or swinging motion) | :: huojuminen, huojunta |
sway {n} (Influence, weight, or authority that inclines to one side) | :: vaikutusvalta |
sway {v} (to move or swing from side to side; or backward and forward; to rock) | :: keinua, keinahdella, huojua, huojahdella, vaarua |
sway {v} (to move or wield with the hand) | :: heilauttaa [once], heiluttaa, vilkuttaa [repeatedly] |
sway {v} (to influence or direct by power and authority) | :: vaikuttaa, hallita |
sway {v} (to cause to incline or swing to one side, or backward and forward) | :: heiluttaa, keinuttaa |
sway {v} (nautical: to hoist into position) | :: nostaa |
sway {v} (to be drawn to one side by weight or influence) | :: kallistua |
sway {v} (to have weight or influence) | :: vaikuttaa |
sway {v} (to bear sway; to rule; to govern) | :: hallita |
swayback {n} (which sense??) | :: notkoselkä |
Swazi {n} (person from Swaziland) | :: swazimaalainen |
Swazi {n} (person of Swazi descent) | :: swazi |
Swazi {prop} (Bantu language) | :: swazi |
Swaziland {prop} /ˈswɑːziˌlænd/ (Kingdom of Swaziland, see also: eSwatini) | :: Swazimaa |
swear {v} /swɛɚ/ (to take an oath) | :: vannoa |
swear {v} (to curse, to use offensive language) | :: kiroilla |
swear by {v} (to wholeheartedly trust) | :: vannoa jonkin nimeen |
swearer {n} (a person who swears) | :: kiroilija |
swear in {v} (to administer an oath to) | :: vannottaa, vihkiä virkaan |
swear like a pagan {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper | :: |
swear like a sailor {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper | :: |
swear like a trooper {v} | :: kiroilla kuin turkkilainen (like a Turk), kiroilla kuin merimies (like a sailor) |
swear word {n} (impolite or offensive taboo word) | :: kirosana |
sweat {n} /swɛt/ (fluid that exits the body through pores) | :: hiki |
sweat {v} (to emit sweat) | :: hikoilla |
sweat {v} (informal: to work hard) | :: raataa |
sweat {v} (informal: to worry) | :: stressata [informal] |
sweatband {n} (band inside a hat) | :: hikinauha |
sweatband {n} (band around wrist or head) | :: hikinauha |
sweatdrop {n} (drop of sweat) | :: hikipisara |
sweater {n} /ˈswɛtə/ (knitted jacket worn by athletes before or after exercise) | :: villapaita |
sweater {n} (similar garment worn for warmth) | :: villapaita |
sweater {n} (a person who sweats) | :: hikoilija |
sweat gland {n} (exocrine gland) | :: hikirauhanen |
sweating {n} (bodily process) | :: hikoilu, hikoileminen |
sweat like a pig {v} (sweat profusely) | :: hikoilla kuin sika |
sweat of one's brow {n} (The effort extended in labor) | :: hiki (sweat) [but hiellä ja vaivalla ("by the sweat of one's brow"), see also otsa hiessä] |
sweatpants {n} (cotton trousers) | :: verryttelyhousut, collegehousut, kolitsihousut, kollarit, verkkarit |
sweat pore {n} (opening of the sweat gland) | :: hikihuokonen |
sweatshirt {n} (loose shirt) | :: collegepaita, collegepusero |
sweatshirt {n} (shirt for absorbing sweat) | :: hikipaita |
sweatshop {n} (factory) | :: hikipaja |
sweatsuit {n} (two-piece garment worn during exercise) | :: verryttelypuku, verryttelyasu |
sweaty {adj} /ˈswɛɾi/ (covered in sweat) | :: hikinen |
sweaty {adj} (having a tendency to sweat) | :: hikoileva, hikinen, hikoava |
sweaty {adj} (likely to cause one to sweat) | :: hiostava |
sweaty {adj} (caused by sweat) | :: hikinen |
sweaty {adj} (strenuous) | :: hikinen, hiki- |
swede {n} /swiːd/ (slang: head) | :: lanttu |
swede {n} (turnip) SEE: turnip | :: |
swede {n} (yellow root of Brassica napus) SEE: rutabaga | :: |
swede {n} (plant) SEE: rutabaga | :: |
Swede {n} /swiːd/ (person from Sweden or of Swedish descent) | :: ruotsalainen |
Sweden {prop} /ˈswi.dən/ (Scandinavian country) | :: Ruotsi |
Swedenborgianism {n} (Christian denomination influenced by Swedenborg) | :: swedenborgilaisuus |
Swedish {prop} /ˈswiː.dɪʃ/ (language) | :: ruotsi, ruotsin kieli |
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to Sweden) | :: ruotsalainen |
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swedish language) | :: ruotsinkielinen |
Swedish massage {n} (style of massage) | :: klassinen ruotsalainen hieronta |
Swedishness {n} (quality) | :: ruotsalaisuus |
Swedish turnip {n} (Brassica napus var. napobrassica) SEE: rutabaga | :: |
Swedophile {n} (person) | :: svekofiili |
Swedophone {adj} (Swedish-speaking) | :: ruotsinkielinen |
Swedophone {n} (speaker of Swedish) | :: ruotsinkielinen |
sweep {v} /swiːp/ (to clean using a broom or brush) | :: lakaista, luutia [with broom]; harjata [with brush] |
sweep {v} (to move through an arc or similar long stroke) | :: pyyhkäistä |
sweep {v} (to search methodically) | :: tarkastaa; kammata, syynätä [colloquial] |
sweep {v} (to travel quickly) | :: pyyhkäistä |
sweep {v} (curling: to brush the ice) | :: harjata |
sweep {v} (to move something as a broom) | :: lakaista, pyyhkäistä, heilauttaa |
sweep {v} (sports: to win a series without loss or draw) | :: voittaa puhtaasti |
sweep {v} (sports: to defeat a team without loss or draw) | :: voittaa puhtaasti |
sweep {v} (to remove something abruptly and thoroughly) | :: pyyhkäistä, pyyhkiä |
sweep {v} (to brush against or over; to rub lightly along) | :: pyyhkiä |
sweep {v} (to carry with a long, swinging, or dragging motion) | :: heiluttaa, heilauttaa |
sweep {v} (nautical: to draw or drag something over) | :: pyyhkiä |
sweep {v} (to pass over, or traverse, with the eye or with an instrument of observation) | :: pyyhkäistä, pyyhkiä |
sweep {n} (single action of sweeping) | :: pyyhkäisy, heilautus, lakaisu |
sweep {n} (person who steers a dragon boat) | :: perämies |
sweep {n} (person who steers a surf boat) | :: perämies |
sweep {n} (methodical search) | :: etsintä, tarkastus, syyni |
sweep {n} (type of lottery) | :: veikkaus |
sweep {n} (flow of water parallel to shore) | :: rannan suuntainen virtaus |
sweep {n} (type of throw or takedown martial arts) | :: pyyhkäisy [judo] |
sweep {n} (violent and general destruction) | :: pyyhkäisy |
sweep {n} (casino: act of capturing all face-up cards from the table) | :: mökki |
sweep {n} (compass of any turning body or of any motion) | :: aukeamisalue [door, flap, etc.], heilahdusalue [swing, pendulum etc.], pyörähdysalue [roteting body] |
sweep {n} (direction or departure from rectilinear line) | :: kaarros |
sweep {n} (large oar used to propel and steer small vessels) | :: airo |
sweep {n} (long pole to raise and lower a bucket in a well) | :: vipupu, vipu |
sweep {n} (blade of a windmill) | :: siipi |
sweep {n} (sea chub in the subfamily Scorpidinae) | :: mökki |
sweep {n} (chimney sweep) SEE: chimney sweep | :: |
sweeper {n} /ˈswipɚ/ (one who sweeps floors or chimneys) | :: nuohooja [chimneys]; siivooja, lakaisija [floors] |
sweeper {n} (in soccer) | :: libero |
sweeping {adj} /ˈswiːpɪŋ/ (wide, broad, affecting many things) | :: laaja, yleistävä, yleisluontoinen |
sweep something under the rug {v} (to conceal a problem expediently) | :: lakaista jotakin maton alle |
sweepstake {n} /ˈswipˌsteɪk/ (lottery) | :: arvonta, arpajaiset |
sweet {adj} /swiːt/ (having a pleasant taste) | :: makea |
sweet {adj} (having a taste of sugar) | :: makea, imelä, äitelä, sokerinen |
sweet {adj} (containing a sweetening ingredient) | :: makea, makeutettu |
sweet {adj} (of a wine: retaining a portion of sugar) | :: makea |
sweet {adj} (not having a salty taste) | :: makea |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant smell) | :: miellyttävä, ihana, suloinen, hyväntuoksuinen |
sweet {adj} (not decaying, rancid, sour, spoiled, or stale) | :: raikas |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant sound) | :: ihana, miellyttävä, pehmeä |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasing disposition) | :: herttainen, suloinen, mukava |
sweet {adj} (having a helpful disposition) | :: ystävällinen, auttavainen, herttainen |
sweet {adj} (free from excessive unwanted substances) | :: puhdas |
sweet {adj} (colloquial, very good) | :: makea, makee, siisti |
sweet {adv} (in a sweet manner) | :: ihanasti, hellästi |
sweet {n} (sugary confection) | :: makeinen, karamelli, karkki, namu |
sweet {n} (food eaten for dessert) SEE: dessert | :: |
sweet {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart | :: |
sweet {n} (basic taste sensation induced by sugar) SEE: sweetness | :: |
sweet-and-sour {adj} (between sweet and sour taste) | :: hapanimelä |
sweet-and-sour sauce {n} (sauce in Chinese cuisine that is both sugary and tart) | :: hapanimeläkastike |
sweetbread {n} /ˈswiːtbɹɛd/ (pancreas or thymus gland of an animal as food) | :: haima [pancreas], kateenkorva [thymus] |
sweet cherry {n} (Prunus avium) SEE: wild cherry | :: |
sweet chestnut {n} (tree Castanea sativa) | :: jalokastanja |
sweet cider {n} (beverage) | :: omenamehu |
sweet clover {n} (Melilotus) | :: mesikkä |
sweet corn {n} (corn suitable for eating by humans) | :: sokerimaissi |
sweet dreams {phrase} /ˌswiːt ˈdɹiːmz/ (sweet dreams) | :: kauniita unia |
sweeten {v} /ˈswiːtən/ (to make sweet to the taste) | :: makeuttaa |
sweetener {n} (food additive) | :: makeutusaine |
sweeten up {v} (make sweet to the taste) | :: makeuttaa |
sweet flag {n} (Acorus calamus) | :: kalmojuuri, rohtokalmojuuri |
sweet gum {n} (tree) | :: ambrapuu |
sweetheart {n} (darling) SEE: darling | :: |
sweetheart {n} /ˈswitˌhɑɹt/ (a person who is always very kind) | :: kultainen |
sweetheart {n} (a person very much liked or loved by someone) | :: kullanmuru, kultanen, rakas, sydänkäpy |
sweetie {n} /ˈswiː.t̬i/ (sweetheart) | :: kullanmuru |
sweetie {n} (type of fruit) | :: sweetie |
sweetie pie {n} (term of endearment) | :: kulta, rakas |
sweetish {adj} (somewhat sweet) | :: makeahko |
sweetleaf {n} (plant of the genus Stevia) SEE: stevia | :: |
sweetleaf {n} (Sauropus androgynus) | :: katuk |
sweetleaf {n} (Monarda fistulosa) SEE: wild bergamot | :: |
sweetly {adv} /ˈswiːtli/ (in a sweet or pleasant manner) | :: makeasti |
sweetmeat {n} /ˈswiːtmiːt/ (sweet delicacy) | :: makeinen |
sweetness {n} /ˈswiːtnəs/ (condition of being sweet or sugary) | :: makeus |
sweetness {n} (pleasant disposition) | :: herttaisuus |
sweetness and light {n} (That which is good) | :: mielinkielin |
sweet nothings {n} (insubstantial or romantic words that are only meant to flatter, woo or seduce) | :: hempeät sanat |
sweet osmanthus {n} (shrub or tree of the species Osmanthus fragrans) | :: tuoksuva osmanthus |
sweet pea {n} (flowering plant) | :: tuoksuherne |
sweet pea {n} (term of endearment) | :: kultanen |
sweet pepper {n} (fruit) SEE: bell pepper | :: |
sweet potato {n} (yam) SEE: yam | :: |
sweet potato {n} (ocarina) SEE: ocarina | :: |
sweet potato {n} (vine) | :: bataatti |
sweet potato {n} (tuber) | :: bataatti |
sweets {n} (confectionery, candy) | :: makeinen |
sweetshop {n} (shop selling predominantly confectionery) | :: makeiskauppa, karkkikauppa |
sweetsop {n} (sugar apple) SEE: sugar apple | :: |
sweet tooth {n} (a liking for foods that are sweet; a weakness for sweets) | :: karkkihammas |
sweet tooth {n} (someone with a liking for sweet foods) | :: perso makealle [adjective] |
sweetwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water | :: |
sweetwater {n} (variety of grape) | :: chasselas, Chasselas-rypäle |
sweet william {n} (Dianthus barbatus) | :: harjaneilikka |
sweet woodruff {n} (Asperula odorata) | :: tuoksumatara |
swell {v} /swɛl/ (intransitive: to become bigger, especially due to being engorged) | :: turvota, paisua |
swell {v} (to cause to become bigger) | :: turvottaa, paisuttaa |
swell {v} (to grow gradually in force or loudness) | :: voimistua |
swell {v} (to raise to arrogance) | :: ylpistyttää |
swell {v} (to be raised to arrogance) | :: ylpistyä |
swell {v} (to be turgid, bombastic, or extravagant) | :: pöyhkeillä |
swell {v} (to protuberate; to bulge out) | :: pullistua |
swell {n} (act of swelling; increase in size) | :: paisuminen, turpoaminen |
swell {n} (bulge or protuberance) | :: patti [bulge]; uloke [protuberance] |
swell {n} (increase of power in style, or of rhetorical force) | :: nousu |
swell {n} (series of waves, lasting after the wind has ceased) | :: maininki |
swell {n} (hillock or similar raised area of terrain) | :: maaston kohouma |
swell {n} (person who dresses in a fancy or elegant manner) | :: keikari, komeljanttari |
swell {n} (person of high social standing) | :: herra |
swell {adj} (fashionable, see also: fashionable) | :: makea, siisti |
swell {adj} (excellent, see also: excellent) | :: mahtava |
swell {adv} (very well) | :: hienosti, hyvin |
swell box {n} (box or chamber in an organ) | :: paisutuskaappi |
swelling {n} /ˈswɛl.ɪŋ/ (the state of being swollen) | :: ajetus, turvotus, pöhötys, paisuminen |
swelling {n} (anything swollen) | :: ajettuma, pöhö, pöhöttymä, turvotus |
swelter {v} /ˈswɛl.tɚ/ (To suffer terribly from intense heat) | :: läkähtyä |
swelter {n} (intense heat) | :: helle |
swidden {n} /ˈswɪdən/ (area cleared and burnt for cultivation) | :: kaski, kytö |
swift {adj} /swɪft/ (fast; quick) | :: nopea, sukkela, vikkelä, vinha |
swift {n} (bird) | :: kiitäjä [Apodidae], tervapääsky [common swift, Apus apus] |
swift {n} (lizard) | :: piikkileguaani |
swift {n} (swift moth) SEE: swift moth | :: |
swiftlet {n} (bird) | :: salangaani; sokkokiitäjä [genus Schoutedenapus] |
swiftly {adv} /ˈswɪftli/ (quickly) | :: vikkelästi, nopeasti |
swift moth {n} (any moth of the family Hepialidae) | :: juuriperhonen |
swiftness {n} (state of being swift) SEE: quickness | :: |
swig {v} /swɪɡ/ (to drink (usually by gulping)) | :: ryypätä, kulauttaa |
swig {n} (a drink) | :: ryyppy, kulaus, huikka |
swill {n} /swɪl/ (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps) | :: sianruoka |
swill {n} (any disgusting or distasteful liquid) | :: hevosenkusi |
swill {n} (anything disgusting or worthless) | :: paska |
swill {n} (large quantity of liquid drunk at one swallow) | :: hörppy |
swim {v} /swɪm/ (move through water) | :: uida |
swim {n} (act or instance of swimming) | :: uinti |
swim bladder {n} (fish organ) | :: uimarakko |
swim cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers) | :: uimalakki |
swim lane {n} (division of a swimming pool) | :: uimarata |
swim lane {n} (division of a flow chart) | :: uimarata |
swimmer {n} /ˈswɪm.ɚ/ (one who swims) | :: uimari |
swimming {n} /ˈswɪmɪŋ/ (human activity of moving oneself through water) | :: uinti, uiminen |
swimming bell {n} (bell-shaped part of jellyfish) | :: uimakello |
swimming costume {n} (garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit | :: |
swimming goggles {n} (goggles for protecting the eyes in the water) | :: uimalasit |
swimmingly {adv} /ˈswɪmɪŋli/ (with a gliding motion suggesting swimming) | :: sulavasti |
swimmingly {adv} (in a very favourable manner) | :: sujuvasti, juohevasti; putkeen, kuin tanssi |
swimming pool {n} /ˈswɪmɪŋ ˌpuːl/ (pool for swimming) | :: uima-allas, allas |
swimming pool {n} (indoor facility for swimming) | :: uimahalli |
swimming shorts {n} (shorts worn for bathing) | :: uimashortsit {p} |
swimming trunks {n} (a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing) | :: uimahousut {p}, uimashortsit |
swimmist {n} (swimmer) SEE: swimmer | :: |
swimsuit {n} (garment worn for swimming) | :: uimapuku, uima-asu |
swimsuit {n} (tight-fitting one-piece garment) | :: kokouimapuku, uimapuku |
swimwear {n} (clothing for swimming) SEE: swimsuit | :: |
swindle {v} /ˈswɪnd(ə)l/ (to defraud someone) | :: huijata |
swindle {v} (to obtain money or property by fraudulent or deceitful methods) | :: huijata |
swindle {n} (an instance of swindling) | :: huijaus |
swindler {n} /ˈswɪnd.lə(ɹ)/ (person who swindles, cheats or defrauds) | :: huijari, petkuttaja |
swine {n} (pig) SEE: pig | :: |
swine {n} /swaɪn/ (contemptible person) | :: sika |
swine fever {n} (pathology) | :: sikarutto, klassinen sikarutto |
swine flu {n} (influenza caused by orthomyxoviruses) | :: sikainfluenssa |
swineherd {n} /ˈswɑɪnˌhɜːd/ (person who herds and tends swine, keeper of swine/pigs) | :: sikopaimen |
swine influenza {n} (swine flu) SEE: swine flu | :: |
swing {v} /ˈswɪŋ/ (to rotate about an off-centre fixed point) | :: heilua, keinua |
swing {v} (to dance) | :: jorata [slang] |
swing {v} (to ride on a swing) | :: keinua |
swing {v} (to hang on gallows) | :: roikkua, heilua |
swing {v} (cricket: of a ball, to move sideways in its trajectory) | :: kiertyä |
swing {v} (to fluctuate or change) | :: heilahtaa |
swing {v} (to move an object backward and forward) | :: keinuttaa, heiluttaa |
swing {v} (to change a numerical result) | :: väärentää, väärentää tulos |
swing {v} (to make something work) | :: hoitaa |
swing {v} (music: to produce a bouncy, uneven rhythm) | :: svengata |
swing {v} (cricket: to make the ball move sideways in its trajectory) | :: lyödä kierre |
swing {v} (boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motion) | :: heilauttaa |
swing {v} (dancing: to turn around in a small circle with one's partner) | :: pyöräyttää |
swing {n} (manner in which something is swung) | :: heilautus; swingi [golf] |
swing {n} (hanging seat) | :: keinu |
swing {n} (dance style) | :: swing |
swing {n} (music style) | :: swing |
swing {n} (amount of change towards or away from) | :: heilahdus |
swing {n} (electoral change) | :: heilahdus |
swing {n} (sideways movement of a cricket ball as it flies through the air) | :: kierre |
swing {n} (type of hook in boxing) | :: heijari, sivukoukku, swingi |
swing bridge {n} (movable bridge) | :: kääntösilta |
swinger {n} (person who practices swinging) | :: pintaliitäjä |
swinging {n} /ˈswɪŋɪŋ/ (sexual practice) | :: parinvaihto |
swing state {n} (A state which may vote Democratic or Republican) | :: vaa’ankieliosavaltio |
swipe {v} /swaɪp/ (to snatch) | :: napata |
swipe {v} (to slide through a reader) | :: pyyhkäistä, höylätä |
swipe {v} (to grab quickly) | :: kaapaista |
swirl {v} /swɜrl/ (to twist or whirl) | :: pyörteillä, kieppua |
swirl {v} (to be arranged in a twist, spiral or whorl) | :: kiertyä |
swirl {n} (whirling eddy) | :: pyörre |
swirl {n} (twist or coil of something) | :: kierre |
swish {interj} /swɪʃ/ (to make a rustling sound while moving) | :: viuhua, kahista |
swish {interj} (to flourish with a swishing sound) | :: viuhtoa, viuhuttaa |
swish {interj} (to flog; to lash) | :: piiskata |
swish {interj} (to behave in an effeminate manner) | :: neiteillä |
Swiss {adj} /swɪs/ (of or pertaining to Switzerland) | :: sveitsiläinen |
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swiss people) | :: sveitsiläinen |
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Swiss language(s) or Swiss dialect(s)) | :: sveitsiläinen |
Swiss {n} (Swiss person) | :: sveitsiläinen |
Swiss Army knife {n} (type of pocket knife) | :: Sveitsin armeijan veitsi, sveitsinveitsi |
Swiss chard {n} (chard) SEE: chard | :: |
Swiss cheese {n} (cheese with holes) | :: emmentaljuusto |
Swiss Confederation {prop} (Official name of Switzerland) | :: Sveitsin valaliitto |
Swiss franc {n} (currency of Switzerland) | :: Sveitsin frangi |
Swiss German {n} (Alemannic German spoken in Switzerland) | :: sveitsinsaksa |
Swiss German {adj} | :: sveitsinsaksalainen |
Swissness {n} (quality or state of being Swiss) | :: sveitsiläisyys |
Swiss pine {n} (Pinus cembra) | :: sembramänty |
Swiss roll {n} (type of sponge cake roll) | :: kääretorttu |
switch {n} /swɪtʃ/ (device to turn electric current on and off) | :: kytkin, katkaisija, katkaisin |
switch {n} (movable section of railroad track) | :: vaihde |
switch {n} (thin rod used as a whip) | :: vitsa, piiska |
switch {n} (command line notation) | :: lippu, argumentti, vipu, valitsin |
switch {n} (system allowing the interconnection of telephone lines) | :: puhelinkeskus, puhelinvaihde, vaihde, keskus |
switch {n} (networking device) | :: kytkin |
switch {v} (to exchange) | :: vaihtaa |
switch {v} (to change (something) to the specified state using a switch) | :: kytkeä |
switch {v} (to hit with a switch (rod)) | :: piiskata, antaa piiskaa |
switch {v} (to change places or tasks) | :: vaihtaa |
switchblade {n} (a folding knife with a blade which opens automatically (under spring pressure) when a button is pressed) | :: stiletti |
switchboard {n} (electronic panel used to direct telephone calls) | :: puhelinvaihde |
switchboard {n} (electronic device) | :: kytkintaulu, sähkökeskus |
switcher {n} (A railway locomotive used for shunting; a shunter) | :: järjestelyveturi |
switch off {v} (turn switch to off position) | :: sammuttaa, kytkeä pois päältä |
switch off {v} (to lose interest) | :: kytkeä pois päältä |
switch off {v} (to alternate between) | :: vuorotella |
switch on {v} (to turn a switch to the "on" position) | :: kytkeä [mains], käynnistää [piece of equipment], sytyttää [lights] |
Switzerland {prop} /ˈswɪt.sɚ.lənd/ (sovereign country) | :: Sveitsi |
swivel {n} /ˈswɪvəl/ (piece to permit rotation) | :: leikari |
swivel {n} (slang: strength of mind or character) | :: muna |
swivel {n} (dance: rotating of the hips) | :: lanteiden pyöritys |
swivel chair {n} | :: pyörivä tuoli |
swivel joint {n} | :: kiertonivel |
swole {adj} (upset) SEE: upset | :: |
swole {adj} (of the penis: erect; of a person: with an erection of the penis) SEE: erect | :: |
swole {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) SEE: muscular | :: |
swollen {adj} /ˈswəʊlən/ (distended) | :: ajettunut, turvonnut, paisunut |
swoon {n} (infatuation) SEE: infatuation | :: |
swoon {n} /swuːn/ (a faint) | :: tajuttomuus |
swoon {v} (to faint) | :: pyörtyä |
swoop {v} /ˈswuːp/ (to fly downwards suddenly) | :: syöksyä |
swoop {v} (to move swiftly, as if with a sweeping movement) | :: syöksyä, rynnätä, hyökätä |
swoop {n} (an instance, or the act of suddenly plunging downwards) | :: syöksy |
swoosh {v} (to move with rushing or swirling sound) | :: viuhua, viuhahtaa, suhahtaa |
sword {n} /sɔɹd/ (weapon) | :: miekka |
sword {n} (one who handles a sword) | :: miekkamies |
sword {n} (suit in tarot) | :: miekat {p} |
sword {n} (card of this suit) | :: miekka |
sword arm {n} (arm in which one's sword is normally held) | :: miekkakäsi |
swordfighting {n} (swordplay) SEE: swordplay | :: |
swordfish {n} (Xiphias gladius) | :: miekkakala |
sword hand {n} (hand in which one's sword is normally held) | :: miekkakäsi |
swordlike {adj} (resembling a sword) | :: miekkamainen |
sword of Damocles {n} /ˈsɔɹd əv ˈdæməkliz/ (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune) | :: Damokleen miekka |
swordplay {n} (fighting with a sword) | :: miekkailu |
swordsmanship {n} (the skill of using a sword) | :: miekkailutaito |
swot {v} /swɒt/ (study hard) | :: ahtaa päähänsä, päntätä |
sybarite {n} /ˈsɪbəˌɹaɪt/ (person devoted to pleasure and luxury) | :: nautiskelija, sybariitti |
sycamore {n} /ˈsɪkəmɔɹ/ (Platanus) | :: plataani [Platanus]; amerikanplataani, lännenplataani [Platanus occidentalis] |
sycamore {n} (Ficus sycomorus) | :: sykomori, metsäviikunapuu |
sycamore {n} (sycamore maple) SEE: sycamore maple | :: |
sycamore maple {n} (Acer pseudoplatanus) | :: vuorivaahtera |
sycophant {n} /ˈsɪkəfænt/ (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person.) | :: imartelija |
sycosis {n} | :: partasieni |
Sydnesian {n} (native or inhabitant) SEE: Sydneysider | :: |
Sydney {prop} /ˈsɪ (in Australia) | :: Sydney |
Sydneyan {adj} (of Sydney) | :: sydneyläinen |
Sydney funnel-web spider {n} (Atrax robustus) | :: sydneynsuppilohämähäkki |
Sydneyite {n} (native of Sydney, Nova Scotia) | :: sydneyläinen |
Sydneyite {n} (native of Sydney, Australia) SEE: Sydneysider | :: |
Sydney Opera House {prop} (performing arts centre) | :: Sydneyn oopperatalo |
Sydney-sider {n} (native or inhabitant) SEE: Sydneysider | :: |
Sydneysider {n} (inhabitant) | :: sydneyläinen |
syenite {n} (obsolete: granite) SEE: granite | :: |
syenite {n} /ˈsaɪənaɪt/ (igneous rock composed of feldspar and hornblende) | :: syeniitti |
Sykes's warbler {n} (Iduna rama) | :: aavikkokultarinta |
Sylheti {prop} (Sylheti language) | :: sylheti |
syllabary {n} /ˈsɪləˌbɛɹi/ (table) | :: tavumerkistö |
syllabary {n} (system) | :: tavukirjoitus, syllabaari |
syllabic {adj} /sɪˈlæb.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable) | :: tavu- |
syllabic {adj} (in linguistics) | :: syllabinen |
syllabification {n} /sɪˌlæbɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (division of a word into syllables) | :: tavutus |
syllabify {v} /sɪˈlæbɪfaɪ/ (to parse into syllables) | :: tavuttaa |
syllabize {v} (syllabify) SEE: syllabify | :: |
syllable {n} /ˈsɪləbəl/ (unit of speech) | :: tavu |
syllabogram {n} (symbol) | :: tavumerkki, syllabogrammi |
syllabus {n} /ˈsɪləbəs/ (summary of topics) | :: oppisisältö, kurssin sisältö |
syllepsis {n} /sɪˈlɛp.sɪs/ (figure of speech) | :: syllepsi |
syllogism {n} /ˈsɪlədʒɪz(ə)m/ (inference from premises) | :: syllogismi |
sylvanite {n} (mineral) | :: sylvaniitti |
sylvite {n} (saline evaporite) | :: sylviini, sylviitti |
symbiont {n} (organism in a symbiotic relationship) | :: symbiootti |
symbiosis {n} /sɪmbaɪˈoʊsɪs/ (relationship of mutual benefit) | :: symbioosi |
symbiote {n} (symbiont) SEE: symbiont | :: |
symbiotic {adj} /ˌsɪm.baɪˈɑt.ɪk/ (biology: living together) | :: symbioottinen |
symbiotic {adj} (having a mutually beneficial relationship) | :: symbioottinen |
symbol {n} /ˈsɪmbəl/ (character or glyph) | :: merkki, symboli |
symbol {n} (object meant to represent another) | :: symboli, merkki |
symbol {n} (type of noun) | :: symboli |
symbol {n} (summary of a dogmatic statement of faith) | :: symboli |
symbol {v} (symbolize) SEE: symbolize | :: |
symbolic {adj} (pertaining to a symbol) | :: symbolinen |
symbolic {adj} (implicitly referring to another thing) | :: vertauskuvallinen |
symbolically {adv} /ˌsɪmˈbɑːlɪklɨ/ (in a symbolic manner) | :: symbolisesti |
symbolize {v} /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ (To be symbolic of; to represent) | :: symboloida, merkitä, olla + genitive + vertauskuva |
symbology {n} /sɪmˈbɑlədʒi/ (study of symbols) | :: symbologia |
symmetric {adj} (symmetrical) SEE: symmetrical | :: |
symmetrical {adj} /sɪˈmɛtɹɪkəl/ (exhibiting symmetry) | :: symmetrinen |
symmetric group {n} (mathematics: a group whose elements are precisely all of the bijections of some set with itself and whose operation is composition of those bijections) | :: symmetrinen ryhmä |
symmetric matrix {n} (a square matrix that is its own transpose, and is thereby symmetric about the main diagonal, see also: ) | :: symmetrinen matriisi |
symmetry {n} /ˈsɪmɪtɹi/ (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis) | :: symmetria |
symmetry {n} (satisfying arrangement of a balanced distribution of the elements of a whole) | :: tasapaino |
sympathetic {adj} /ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk/ (of, related to, showing, or characterized by sympathy) | :: myötätuntoinen |
sympathetically {adv} /sɪmpəˈθɛtɪk(ə)li/ (demonstrating a sharing in the feelings of others) | :: myötätuntoisesti |
sympathetic nervous system {n} (sympathetic nervous system) | :: sympaattinen hermosto |
sympathize {v} (to show sympathy) | :: tuntea myötätuntoa, myötäelää |
sympathy {n} /ˈsɪmpəθi/ (feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another) | :: myötätunto, osanotto, sympatia |
sympathy {n} (ability to share the feelings of another; empathy) | :: myötäeläminen, empatia |
sympatric {adj} /sɪmˈpætɹɪk/ (occurring in the same territory) | :: sympatrinen |
symphonic {adj} /sɪɱˈfɑnɪk/ (characteristic of a symphony) | :: sinfoninen |
symphonic poem {n} (piece of music based on something non-musical) | :: sinfoninen runo |
symphonist {n} (composer of symphonies) | :: sinfonikko |
symphony {n} /ˈsɪm.fə.ni/ (piece of orchestral music) | :: sinfonia |
symphony orchestra {n} (large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music) | :: sinfoniaorkesteri |
symphylan {n} (arthropod of the class Symphyla) | :: sokkojuoksiainen |
symphysis pubis {n} (joint) | :: häpyliitos |
symplectic matrix {n} (matrix M such that MTΩM eq Ω) | :: symplektinen matriisi |
symposium {n} /sɪm.ˈpoʊ.zi.əm/ (conference) | :: symposiumi, symposium, esitelmäkokous |
symptom {n} /ˈsɪm(p)təm/ (something that indicates a disease or disorder) | :: oire |
symptom {n} (figuratively: indicator of something) | :: oire |
symptomatic {adj} (showing symptoms) | :: oireellinen |
symptomatic {adj} (relating to a symptom) | :: oireellinen, leimallinen |
symptomatology {n} | :: oireoppi, symptomatologia |
symptomless {adj} (lacking symptoms) | :: oireeton |
synaeresis {n} /sɪnˈɛɹəsɪs/ | :: synereesi |
synaesthesia {n} /ˌsɪn.ɪsˈθiː.ʒə/ (neurological or psychological phenomenon) | :: synestesia, aistien sekoittuminen |
synaesthesia {n} (literary or artistic device) | :: synestesia |
synaesthete {n} (person who experiences synaesthesia) | :: synesteetikko |
synagogue {n} /ˈsɪ.nəˌɡɑɡ/ (Jewish place of worship) | :: synagoga |
synagogue {n} (Jewish congregation) | :: juutalainen seurakunta |
synalepha {n} (melding of separate vowels into a single syllable) | :: synalefa |
synapse {n} /ˈsɪnæps/ (junction between neurons) | :: synapsi, hermoliitos |
sync {v} (synchronize) SEE: synchronize | :: |
sync {n} (synchronization) SEE: synchronization | :: |
synchronisation {n} (synchronisation) SEE: synchronization | :: |
synchronised skating {n} (figure skating in a team) | :: muodostelmaluistelu |
synchronised swimming {n} (swimming event) | :: taitouinti |
synchronization {n} (the state or property of being synchronized) | :: synkronointi, tahdistus |
synchronize {v} /ˈsɪŋ.kɹə.naɪːz/ (cause two events to have coordinated timing) | :: synkronoida, tahdistaa |
synchronized diving {n} (sport) | :: parihyppy, uimahypyn parikilpailu |
synchronized skating {n} (figure skating in a team) | :: muodostelmaluistelu |
synchronized swimming {n} (swimming event) | :: taitouinti |
synchronous {adj} /ˈsɪŋkɹənəs/ (at the same time) | :: synkroninen, samanaikainen |
synchrotron {n} /ˈsɪŋkɹə(ʊ)tɹɒn/ (form of cyclotron) | :: synkrotroni |
synclinal {n} (synclinal fold) | :: synkliini |
syncline {n} (concave upward fold) SEE: synclinal | :: |
syncopate {v} (linguistics: to use syncope) | :: synkopoida |
syncopate {v} (music: to stress a weak beat) | :: synkopoida |
syncopation {n} (rhythm quality) | :: synkopaatio |
syncopation {n} (phonology: loss of sounds) | :: synkopee |
syncope {n} /ˈsɪŋkəpi/ (loss of consciousness) | :: pyörtyminen, synkopee |
syncope {n} (absence of a sound) | :: sisäheitto, synkopee |
syncope {n} (missed beat or off-beat stress) | :: synkooppi |
syncretism {n} /ˈsɪŋkɹəˌtɪsm/ (fusion of different systems or beliefs) | :: synkretismi |
syncretism {n} (fusion of different inflexional forms) | :: synkretismi |
syndactylous {adj} (having toes united for some distance) | :: syndaktylinen, yhdysvarpainen |
syndactyly {n} (having fused digits) | :: syndaktylia |
syndactyly {n} (human condition) | :: syndaktylia |
syndicate {n} /ˈsɪndɪkət/ (group of individuals or companies) | :: syndikaatti, ryhmittymä |
syndicate {n} (group of gangsters) | :: syndikaatti, rikollisjärjestö |
syndrome {n} /ˈsɪndɹəʊm/ (recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours) | :: oireyhtymä, syndrooma |
syndrome {n} (set of characteristics) | :: ilmiö |
synecdoche {n} /sɪˈnɛk.də.ki/ (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole) | :: synekdokee |
synecology {n} (one of two broad subdivisions of ecology (the other being autecology), meaning the study of groups of organisms associated as a unit (essentially a biological community)) | :: synekologia |
synergistic {adj} (synergistic) | :: synerginen, synergistinen |
synergy {n} /ˈsɪnɚdʒi/ (behavior of a system that cannot be predicted by the behavior of its parts) | :: synergia |
synergy {n} (medicine: combined action) | :: yhteisvaikutus |
synergy {n} (pharmacology: interaction between drugs) | :: yhteisvaikutus, synergismi |
synergy {n} (benefits from combining different groups, people, objects or processes) | :: synergia |
syngas {n} (synthesis gas) SEE: synthesis gas | :: |
synod {n} /ˈsɪn.əd/ (ecclesiastic council or meeting) | :: kirkolliskokous, synodi |
synod {n} (administrative division of church) | :: synodi |
synonym {n} /ˈsɪnənɪm/ (word with same meaning as another) | :: synonyymi |
synonym {n} (in zoological nomenclature) | :: synonyymi |
synonym {n} (in botanical nomenclature) | :: synonyymi |
synonymizer {n} /sɪˈnɒnɪˌmaɪzə(ɹ)/ (software) | :: sanoja synonyymeillä korvaava ohjelma |
synonymous {adj} /sɪˈnɑnɪməs/ (having a similar meaning) | :: synonyyminen, samanmerkityksinen |
synonymous {adj} (of, or being a synonym) | :: synonyyminen |
synonymy {n} (quality of being synonymous) | :: synonymia |
synonymy {n} (list or collection of synonyms) | :: synonyymiluettelo |
synonymy {n} (study of synonyms) | :: synonymiikka |
synonymy {n} (system of synonyms) | :: synonyymijärjestelmä |
synopsis {n} /sɪˈnɑpsɪs/ (brief summary) | :: tiivistelmä, yhteenveto, synopsis |
synoptic {adj} (meteorology: obtained simultaneously over a wide area) | :: synoptinen, samanaikainen |
synoptic {adj} (Christianity: pertaining to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke) | :: synoptinen |
synovitis {n} (inflammation of the synovium) | :: nivelkalvon tulehdus |
synovium {n} (soft tissue within joint) | :: nivelkalvo |
syntactic {adj} /sɪnˈtæktɪk/ (of, related to or connected with syntax) | :: syntaktinen, lauseopillinen |
syntactically {adv} (according to the rules of syntax) | :: syntaktisesti, lauseopillisesti |
syntactician {n} /ˌsɪntækˈtɪʃən/ (expert in syntax) | :: syntaktikko |
syntactic sugar {n} | :: syntaktinen sokeri |
syntagmatic {adj} (of a syntagma) | :: syntagmaattinen |
syntax {n} /ˈsɪn.tæks/ (set of rules that govern how words are combined) | :: lauseoppi, syntaksi |
syntax {n} (formal rules of a computer language) | :: syntaksi |
syntax {n} (study of the structure of phrases and sentences) | :: lauseoppi, syntaksi |
syntax highlighting {n} (highlighting of source code) | :: syntaksin korostus, syntaksikorostus, koodin korostus |
syntaxis {n} (syntax) SEE: syntax | :: |
synthase {n} (any enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of a biological compound, but does not make use of ATP as a source of energy) | :: syntaasi |
synthesis {n} /ˈsɪnθəsɪs/ (formation of something complex or coherent) | :: synteesi |
synthesis {n} (chemistry: reaction of elements or compounds) | :: synteesi |
synthesis {n} (logic: deduction from the general to the particular) | :: synteesi |
synthesis {n} (philosophy: combination of thesis and antithesis) | :: synteesi |
synthesis gas {n} (gas obtained by heating coal and steam) | :: synteesikaasu |
synthesize {v} /ˈsɪnθəsaɪz/ (To produce a substance by chemical synthesis) | :: syntetisoida |
synthesize {v} (To be produced a by chemical synthesis) | :: syntetisoitua |
synthesizer {n} /ˈsɪn.θəˌsaɪ.zɚ/ (music: an electronic keyboard instrument) | :: syntetisaattori |
synthetase {n} /ˈsɪnθəteɪ̯s/ (ligase that synthesizes biological compounds) | :: syntetaasi |
synthetically {adv} (using synthetic methods) | :: synteettisesti |
synthetic fiber {n} (fiber made by extruding a synthetic substance) | :: synteettinen kuitu |
synthetic ice {n} (substitute for ice) | :: muovijää, synteettinen jää, keinojää |
syphilis {n} /ˈsɪfɪlɪs/ (sexual disease caused by Treponema pallidum) | :: syfilis, kuppa |
syphilitic {adj} (relating to syphilis) | :: kuppatautinen |
Syracuse {prop} (province Sicily) | :: Syrakusa |
Syracuse {prop} (city and port in the province of Syracuse) | :: Syrakusa |
Syria {prop} /ˈsɪɹi.ə/ (country in the Middle East) | :: Syyria |
Syriac {prop} /ˈsɪɹiˌæk/ (language) | :: syyria |
Syriac {n} (Syriac speaker) | :: assyrialainen |
Syriac {n} (Syriac Orthodox Church member) | :: assyrialaiskristitty |
Syrian {adj} /ˈsɪɹi.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Syria, the Syrian people or the Syrian language) | :: syyrialainen |
Syrian {n} (a person from Syria or of Syrian descent) | :: syyrialainen |
Syrian Arab Republic {prop} (official name of Syria) | :: Syyrian arabitasavalta |
syringe {n} /sɪˈɹɪndʒ/ (hypodermic syringe) | :: injektioruisku |
syringomyelia {n} (disorder in which a cyst or cavity forms within the spinal cord) | :: syringomyelia |
syrinx {n} /ˈsɪɹɪŋks/ (narrow channel cut in rock) | :: ura |
syrinx {n} (ornithology: voice organ in birds) | :: (linnun) äänielin |
syrinx {n} (medicine: fluid-filled neuroglial cavity) | :: ontelo |
syrinx {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes | :: |
syrup {n} /ˈsɪ.ɹəp/ (thick liquid that has a high sugar content) | :: siirappi, sokeriliemi |
syrupy {adj} (having the taste or consistency or syrup) | :: siirappinen, siirappimainen |
syrupy {adj} (overly sweet) | :: äitelä, siirappinen |
syrupy {adj} (overly sentimental) | :: siirappinen, äitelä, imelä |
sysadmin {n} (systems administrator) | :: järjestelmänvalvoja, järjestelmän hallinnoija |
Sysmä {prop} (municipality) | :: Sysmä |
system {n} /ˈsɪstəm/ (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members) | :: järjestelmä |
system {n} (mainstream culture) | :: systeemi, yhteiskunta |
system {n} ((computing) set of hardware and software operating in a computer) | :: järjestelmä |
system {n} ((mathematics) set of equations to be solved simultaneously) | :: yhtälöryhmä |
system {n} ((music) set of staves indicating instruments or sounds to be played simultaneously) | :: viivastoryhmä |
system {n} ((physiology) set of body organs having a particular function) | :: elimistö |
system {n} (method or way of organizing) | :: järjestelmä |
system architecture {n} (Translations) | :: järjestelmäarkkitehtuuri |
systematic {adj} /ˌsɪs.təˈmæt.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or being a system) | :: järjestelmä- |
systematic {adj} (carried out using a planned, ordered procedure) | :: järjestelmällinen |
systematic {adj} (methodical, regular and orderly) | :: järjestelmällinen |
systematic {adj} (of, or relating to taxonomic classification) | :: systemaattinen |
systematization {n} (act of systematizing) | :: systematisointi, järjestelmällistäminen |
systematize {v} /ˈsɪstəməˌtaɪz/ (to arrange into a systematic order) | :: järjestelmällistää, järjestää |
systemic {adj} (relating to a system) | :: systeeminen |
systemic {adj} (pertaining to an entire organism) | :: systeeminen |
systemic circulation {n} (part of blood circulation) | :: suuri verenkierto |
systemic lupus erythematosus {n} (systemic autoimmune disease) | :: SLE, systeeminen lupus erytematosus, hajapesäkkeinen punahukka |
system of equations {n} (set of equations) | :: yhtälöryhmä |
systems analysis {n} (analysis of systems) | :: systeemianalyysi |
systems analysis {n} (range of techniques) | :: systeemianalyysi |
systems analyst {n} (person) | :: systeemianalyytikko |
systems design {n} (process or art of defining computer systems) | :: järjestelmäsuunnittelu |
systems engineering {n} (interdisciplinary field of engineering) | :: systeemitekniikka |
systems theory {n} (field of science) | :: systeemiteoria |
systems theory {n} (study) | :: systeemiteoria |
systems theory {n} (collection of methods) | :: systeemiteoria |
systolic blood pressure {n} (highest pressure within bloodstream) | :: systolinen verenpaine, yläpaine |
Szczecin {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Szczecin |