The verb is derived from Late Middle Englishglenchen(“of a blow: to strike obliquely, glance; of a person: to turn quickly aside, dodge”)[and other forms],[1] a blend of:[2]
Vivian glanced a look, which would have been annihilation to any one, not a freeholder of five hundred acres.
1837 March 6, Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Gray Champion”, in Twice-Told Tales, Boston, Mass.: American Stationers Co.; John B. Russell, →OCLC, page 19:
He, however, blenched not a step, but glancing his severe eye round the group, which half encompassed him, at last bent it sternly on Sir Edmund Andros.
A horseman rode up as he spoke, and gave a letter. Claverhouse glanced it over, laughed scornfully, bade him tell his master to send his prisoners to Edinburgh, for there was no answer; […]
The bink, with its usual arrangement of pewter and earthenware, which was most strictly and critically clean, glanced back the flame of the lamp merrily from one side of the apartment.
a.1657, Joseph Hall, “Observations on Some Specialties of Divine Providence in the Life of Jos. Hall, Bishop of Norwich”, in The Shaking of the Olive-Tree. The Remaining Works of that Incomparable Prelate Joseph Hall, D.D.[…], London: […] J. Cadwel for J[ohn] Crooke,[…], published 1660, →OCLC, page 22:
One morning as I lay in my bed, a ſtrong motion was ſuddenly glanced into my thoughts of going to London; I aroſe and betook me to the way, […]
1697, William Dampier, “An Account of the Author’s Return out of the South Seas, to His Landing near Cape St. Lawrence, in the Isthmus of Darien: With an Occasional Description of the Moskito Indians”, in A New Voyage Round the World.[…], London: […] James Knapton,[…], →OCLC, page 10:
[S]hould we croſs them, tho they ſhould ſee Shoals of Fiſh, or Turtle, or the like, they will purpoſely ſtrike their Harpoons and Turtle-irons aſide, or ſo glance them as to kill nothing.
Doncaster paid the price two minutes later when [Kevin] Doyle sent [Stephen] Hunt away down the left and his pinpoint cross was glanced in by Fletcher for his sixth goal of the season.
1718, Mat[thew] Prior, “Alma: Or, The Progress of the Mind”, in Poems on Several Occasions, London: […]Jacob Tonson[…], and John Barber[…], →OCLC, canto II, page 345:
[T]here his Eye took diſtant Aim, / And glanc'd Reſpect to that bright Dame, […]
1846, Robert Browning, “Luria. A Tragedy.”, in Poems[…], new edition, volume II, London: Chapman & Hall,[…], published 1849, →OCLC, page 201:
As if there were no glowing eye i’ the world, / To glance straight inspiration to my brain, / No glorious heart to give mine twice the beats!
Afterwards I tooke a walke in ye King’s gardens, where I observ’d that the Mall gos the whole square thereof next ye wall, and bends with an angle so made as to glace [glance] ye hall; the angle is of stone.
I will this Night, / in ſeuerall Hands, in at his Windowes throw, / As if they came from ſeuerall Citizens, / Writings, all tending to the great opinion / That Rome holds of his Name: wherein obſcurely / Cæſars Ambition ſhall be glanced at.
And therefore in order to promote ſo uſeful a Work, I will here take Leave to glance a few Innuendo’s, that may be of great Aſſiſtance to thoſe ſublime Spirits, who ſhall be appointed to labor in a univerſal Comment upon this wonderful Diſcourſe.
1825, Thomas Carlyle, “Part III. From His Settlement at Jena to His Death (1790–1805).”, in The Life of Friedrich Schiller.[…], London: […][C. Richards] for Taylor and Hessey,[…], →OCLC, page 204:
[T]hey rush upon him, and he narrowly escapes killing or ducking, for having ventured to glance a censure at the General.
1667, John Milton, “Book IX”, in Paradise Lost.[…], London: […] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker[…]; [a]nd by Robert Boulter[…]; [a]nd Matthias Walker,[…], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books:[…], London: Basil Montagu Pickering[…], 1873, →OCLC, lines 1053–1055:
On mee the Curſe aſlope / Glanc'd on the ground, with labour I muſt earne / My bread; what harm? Idleneſs had bin worſe; […]
1676, [Matthew Hale], “Of Afflictions, the Best Preparation for Them, and Improvement of Them, and of Our Delivery out of Them”, in Contemplations Moral and Divine.[…], London: […] William Godbid, for William Shrowsbury[…], and John Leigh[…], →OCLC, pages 66–67:
So that the more friends and relations I have, and the dearer and nearer they are, the more croſſes I have, by participating theirs: and every bitter Arrow that wounds any of them, glanceth upon me, and makes my wounds the more by how much the more friends and relations I have; and makes them deeper, by how much the nearer or dearer thoſe friends or relations are to me.
But the object of this violence was so ready to defend himself by striking upon the assailant's hand, that the blow only glanced on the bone, and scarce drew blood.
I started—I dropped the glass—the fluid flamed and glanced along the floor, while I felt Cornelius’s gripe at my throat, as he shrieked aloud, “Wretch! you have destroyed the labour of my life!”
(cricket) To hit a ball with a bat held in a slanted manner.
[Page 493] [G]eneral impressions of glancing frequency in Acanthochromis juveniles have suggested that the glancing off parents occurs most often in young juveniles and appears to diminish in frequency as juveniles age […] [Page 494] The unusually high variance in lagoon stage-3 juveniles was caused by one relatively small brood (14) that glanced 36 times in one 30-min observation period.
Of light, etc.: to gleam, to sparkle.
She watched the spring sunlight glancing on the water of the pond.
1678, Robert Barclay, An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, as the Same is Held Forth, and Preached, by the People, Called in Scorn, Quakers:[…], 4th edition, London: […] T. Sowle,[…], published 1701, →OCLC, page 195:
From art, from nature, from the schools, / Let random influences glance, / Like light in many a shiver’d lance, / That breaks about the dappled pools: […]
[A] driving daſhing rain, / Peal upon peal redoubling all around, / Shakes it again and faſter to the ground, / Now flaſhing wide, now glancing as in play, / Swift beyond thought the light’nings dart away; […]
[…] those that walked armed before the Witches’ booths, six in company, harnessed as for battle in byrnies of shining bronze, with greaves and shields of bronze and helms that glanced in the sun.
Hither come—thou once of men, / Blest with pure science from above; / Thy spirit now returns again / To its native realms of love. / […] / And as thou glancest hence to there, / Remember that it gave thee birth, / And still illumine it from here.
Is’t not enough thou haſt ſuborn’d theſe women, / To accuſe this worthy man? but in foule mouth, / And in the witneſſe of his proper eare, / To call him villaine; and then to glance from him, / To th’ Duke himſelfe, to taxe him with Iniuſtice?
He could never procure himself to be chosen fellow; for it was objected against him, that he had written verses, and particularly some, wherein he glanced at a certain reverend doctor famous for dulness; […]
Francesca followed, reluctant enough in her secret; for though she would not have admitted it even to herself, she did shrink from the infliction of the inane solemnities with which her father garnished his discourse—to say nothing of the ungracious reflections which so often glanced at herself.
You do not appear to me to recognize the gravity of your situation, or you would be more careful not to pejorate the same by words which glance upon the purity of justice.
Why is my verſe ſo barren of new pride? / So far from variation or quicke change? / Why with the time do I not glance aſide / To new found methods, and to compounds ſtrange?
1642, H[enry] M[ore], “ΨΥΧΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΑ[Psychathanasia] Platonica: Or A Platonicall Poem of the Immortality of Souls, Especially Mans Soul”, in ΨΥΧΩΔΙΑ[Psychōdia] Platonica: Or A Platonicall Song of the Soul,[…], Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: […] Roger Daniel, printer to the Universitie, →OCLC, book 1, canto 2, stanza 24, page 44:
[D]are / They [souls] paſſe the outſide and venture ſo farre / As into the depth of the ſouls ſubſtance? / […] / If that; the object gone, away thoſe forms do glance.
Hard to ſeeme wonne: but I was wonne my Lord / With the firſt glance; […]
1638, Tho[mas] Herbert, Some Yeares Travels Into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique.[…], 2nd edition, London: […]R[ichard] Bi[sho]p for Iacob Blome and Richard Bishop, →OCLC, book II, page 206:
[H]is ſupercilious glances grew humbled, yea, his dazeling ſplendor (eclipſt in the ſetting [i.e., death] of his Maſter) becomes quickly darkned: […]
1667, John Milton, “Book VII”, in Paradise Lost.[…], London: […] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker[…]; [a]nd by Robert Boulter[…]; [a]nd Matthias Walker,[…], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books:[…], London: Basil Montagu Pickering[…], 1873, →OCLC, lines 1167–1170:
[H]ere paſſion firſt I felt, / Commotion ſtrange, in all enjoyments elſe / Superiour and unmov'd, here onely weake / Againſt the charm of Beauties powerful glance.
He passed the papers through his hands, turning some over with a hasty glance, and dwelling on others as if their contents had been of the last importance.
As he threw his head back in the chair, his glance happened to rest upon a bell, a disused bell, that hung in the room, and communicated for some purpose now forgotten with a chamber in the highest story of the building.
But Richmond, his grandfather’s darling, after one thoughtful glance cast under his lashes at that uncompromising countenance, appeared to lose himself in his own reflections.
1638, Tho[mas] Herbert, Some Yeares Travels Into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique.[…], 2nd edition, London: […]R[ichard] Bi[sho]p for Iacob Blome and Richard Bishop, →OCLC, book II, page 193:
The ayre here is freſh and ſweet in the morning and towards Sunſet, but in the Sunnes perpendicular glances, wee found it hot and raging: […]
1667, John Milton, “Book VII”, in Paradise Lost.[…], London: […] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker[…]; [a]nd by Robert Boulter[…]; [a]nd Matthias Walker,[…], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books:[…], London: Basil Montagu Pickering[…], 1873, →OCLC, lines 399–402 and 405–406:
[E]ach Creek & Bay / With Frie innumerable ſwarme, and Shoales / Of Fiſh that with thir Finns and ſhining Scales / Glide under the green Wave, […] ſporting with quick glance / Show to the Sun thir wav’d coats dropt with Gold, […]
With winged expedition / Swift as the lightning glance he executes / His errand on the wicked, who ſurpris’d / Loſe their defence diſtracted and amaz’d.
[W]hen Marcus Philoſophus came in, Sylenus was grauelled, and out of countenance, not knowing where to carpe at him, ſaue at the laſt, he gaue a glaunce at his patience towards his wife.
1677, Tho[mas] Herbert, Some Yeares Travels into Divers Parts of Africa, and Asia the Great.[…], 4th edition, London: […]R. Everingham, for R. Scot, T. Basset, J[ohn] Wright, and R. Chiswell, →OCLC, page 349:
[A]lbeit in that brief diſcourſe I made concerning the Red ſea and Carmania where I made mention of the Burial-place of Erythreus there are ſome glances at it; I ſhall nevertheleſs (as in the moſt proper place) ſpeak a little further upon that ſubject.
1840, William Whewell, “Aphorisms Concerning Science. Aphorism XVII.”, in The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Founded upon Their History.[…], volume I, London: John W[illiam] Parker,[…]; Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: J. and J. J. Deighton, →OCLC, page cxix:
The Oxides, Pyrites, Glances, and Blendes, might be so termed; thus we should have Tungstic Iron Oxide (usually called Tungstate of Iron), Arsenical Iron Pyrites (Mispickel), Tetrahedral Copper Glance (Fahlerz), Quicksilver Blende (Cinnabar), and the Metals might be termed native, as Native Copper, Native Silver.