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From sweat + pants.
sweatpants pl (plural only)
- (US) Informal cotton trousers, with an elasticated or drawstring waist, used for exercise etc.
- Synonyms: (Philippines) jogging pants, sweat trousers, (UK) trackie bottoms, (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, US) track pants, (UK) tracksuit bottoms, (UK) jogging bottoms, (Australia) trackie daks, (also for the whole tracksuit) trackies, joggers
cotton trousers
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
- Dutch: joggingbroek (nl)
- Esperanto: ŝvitpantalono
- Finnish: verryttelyhousut, collegehousut, kolitsihousut, kollarit (fi), verkkarit (fi)
- French: pantalon de jogging m
- German: Jogginghose (de) f, Schlabberhose f (informal), Bollerbuxe f (informal, old-fashioned, Westphalia)
- Hungarian: mackónadrág (hu), tréningnadrág, mackóalsó, tréningalsó
- Irish: bríste aclaíochta m
- Japanese: トレーニングパンツ (ja) (torēningu pantsu)
- Korean: 츄리닝 바지 (churining baji), 트레이닝바지 (teureiningbaji)
- Portuguese: moletom m, calça moletom f
- Russian: спорти́вные штаны́ m (sportívnyje štaný), трико́ (ru) n (trikó)
- Spanish: pantalón deportivo m, pantalón sudadera f (Colombia), pantalón de chándal m, buzo (es) m (Chile, Perú), calentador (es) m (Ecuador), mono (es) m (Venezuela)
- Swedish: mjukisbyxor (sv) c pl, mysbyxor (sv) c pl
- Welsh: trywsus chwysu m