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From the King James translation of Matthew 7:7: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
seek and ye shall find
- Something can be found if it is looked for.
- Effort will be rewarded.
one finds what one looks for
- Arabic: اللّي يدَوّر يلقى (Colloquial Arabic)
- Czech: kdo hledá, najde
- Dutch: zoekt en gij zult vinden, wie zoekt, die vindt
- Finnish: etsivä löytää
- French: qui cherche trouve, qui cherche, trouve
- German: suche und du wirst finden, wer suchet, der findet
- Hebrew: יָגַעְתָּ וּמָצָאתָ – תַּאֲמִין (he) m (yagá'ta umatzáta taamín)
- Korean: 궁즉통(窮卽通) (gungjeuktong)
- Persian: جوینده یابنده است (juyande yâbande ast)
- Polish: szukajcie, a znajdziecie (pl), kto szuka, ten znajdzie (pl)
- Portuguese: quem procura acha
- Russian: ищи́те да обря́щете (iščíte da obrjáščete) (biblical), кто и́щет, тот найдёт (kto íščet, tot najdjót), кто и́щет, тот всегда́ найдёт (kto íščet, tot vsegdá najdjót)
- Swedish: sök och du skall finna
Bible quotation from Matthew 7:7