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  1. partitive plural of vars





From Proto-Finnic *varci, possibly from Proto-Finno-Permic *warte. Cognate with Estonian vars.


  • IPA(key): /ˈʋɑrsi/, [ˈʋɑ̝rs̠i]
  • Rhymes: -ɑrsi
  • Hyphenation(key): var‧si




  1. stalk (of a plant)
  2. handle or haft of some tools; chiefly a longitudinal one, like one of an axe or hammer, but not that of a knife
  3. arm; any structure that resembles a human arm
  4. shaft of a boot
  5. leg of a sock
  6. stem of a tobacco pipe or a musical note
  7. (technology, in compounds) rod
  8. (in compounds) used for various parts of a human body; primarily of appendages
  9. figure, the human body when discussed from a structural point of view
  10. (physics) arm (distance)
    voiman varsieffort arm / lever arm
    kuorman varsiload arm
  11. (in compounds) side (an area considered to be close to a waterway or a traffic route); in the locational cases, used like a postposition to refer to passing of time or a journey, along, during, or in the course of
    matkan varrellaalong the road
    pitkän elämäni varrelladuring my long life
    vuosien varrellain the course of many years
    tienvarsiside of the road
    joenvarsiside of the river


Inflection of varsi (Kotus type 28*K/kynsi, rt-rr gradation)
nominative varsi varret
genitive varren varsien
partitive vartta varsia
illative varteen varsiin
singular plural
nominative varsi varret
accusative nom. varsi varret
gen. varren
genitive varren varsien
vartten rare
partitive vartta varsia
inessive varressa varsissa
elative varresta varsista
illative varteen varsiin
adessive varrella varsilla
ablative varrelta varsilta
allative varrelle varsille
essive vartena varsina
translative varreksi varsiksi
abessive varretta varsitta
instructive varsin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of varsi (Kotus type 28*K/kynsi, rt-rr gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative varteni varteni
accusative nom. varteni varteni
gen. varteni
genitive varteni varsieni
vartteni rare
partitive varttani varsiani
inessive varressani varsissani
elative varrestani varsistani
illative varteeni varsiini
adessive varrellani varsillani
ablative varreltani varsiltani
allative varrelleni varsilleni
essive vartenani varsinani
translative varrekseni varsikseni
abessive varrettani varsittani
comitative varsineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative vartesi vartesi
accusative nom. vartesi vartesi
gen. vartesi
genitive vartesi varsiesi
varttesi rare
partitive varttasi varsiasi
inessive varressasi varsissasi
elative varrestasi varsistasi
illative varteesi varsiisi
adessive varrellasi varsillasi
ablative varreltasi varsiltasi
allative varrellesi varsillesi
essive vartenasi varsinasi
translative varreksesi varsiksesi
abessive varrettasi varsittasi
comitative varsinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative vartemme vartemme
accusative nom. vartemme vartemme
gen. vartemme
genitive vartemme varsiemme
varttemme rare
partitive varttamme varsiamme
inessive varressamme varsissamme
elative varrestamme varsistamme
illative varteemme varsiimme
adessive varrellamme varsillamme
ablative varreltamme varsiltamme
allative varrellemme varsillemme
essive vartenamme varsinamme
translative varreksemme varsiksemme
abessive varrettamme varsittamme
comitative varsinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative vartenne vartenne
accusative nom. vartenne vartenne
gen. vartenne
genitive vartenne varsienne
varttenne rare
partitive varttanne varsianne
inessive varressanne varsissanne
elative varrestanne varsistanne
illative varteenne varsiinne
adessive varrellanne varsillanne
ablative varreltanne varsiltanne
allative varrellenne varsillenne
essive vartenanne varsinanne
translative varreksenne varsiksenne
abessive varrettanne varsittanne
comitative varsinenne



Derived terms


See also


Further reading





Veitsen varsi (1).
Varsi (3).

Alternative forms




From Proto-Finnic *varci. Cognate to Finnish varsi (stalk) and Estonian vars (stalk).






  1. handle
  2. shaft (of a boot)
  3. stalk (of a plant)


Declension of varsi (type 5/vesi, rt-rr gradation)
singular plural
nominative varsi varret
genitive varren varsiin, varsiloin
partitive vartta varsia, varsiloja
illative vartee varsii, varsiloihe
inessive varrees varsiis, varsilois
elative varrest varsist, varsiloist
allative varrelle varsille, varsiloille
adessive varreel varsiil, varsiloil
ablative varrelt varsilt, varsiloilt
translative varreks varsiks, varsiloiks
essive varteenna, varteen varsiinna, varsiloinna, varsiin, varsiloin
exessive1) vartent varsint, varsiloint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.

Derived terms



  • V. I. Junus (1936) Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka[2], Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 62
  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 643





From Proto-Finnic *varci.






  1. stalk (of a plant)
  2. stipe (of a mushroom)
  3. handle, haft, shaft (of a tool)
  4. leg (of a boot)


Declension of varsi (type X/tuli, rt-rr gradation)
singular plural
nominative varsi, vars varrõd
genitive varrõ varsijõ, varsii
partitive varttõ varsiitõ, varsii
illative vartõ, vartõsõ varsiisõ
inessive varrõz varsiiz
elative varrõssõ varsiissõ
allative varrõlõ varsiilõ
adessive varrõllõ varsiillõ
ablative varrõltõ varsiiltõ
translative varrõssi varsiissi
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the terminative is formed by adding the suffix -ssaa to the short illative (sg) or the genitive.
***) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka to the genitive.


  • Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012) “varsi”, in Vadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language], 2nd edition, Tallinn