User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-a
# Mandarin :: English dictionary generated from
# Version :: 20200901
# 320794 Mandarin glosses :: 324389 English translations
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
# License :: GNU Free Documentation License
# Site ::
´ {letter} | :: A tone in the Zhuyin alphabet, it represents the Standard Chinese phonology#Tonal_categories |
~ {punct} | :: Indicates the starting point of a range; from |
~ {punct} | :: Indicating the lengthening of a pronunciation |
× {particle} | :: Used to refer to something not specified. Usually read as 某. Example: 王× |
× {particle} | :: Used to replace offensive characters |
= = {symbol} | :: An emoticon representing speechlessness or a cold reaction |
¯ {diacrit} | :: letter: ā, Ē, ē, Ī |
· {punct} | :: Separates first and last names in personal names transcribed into Chinese characters |
· {punct} | :: Separates the title of a literary work or collection from the title of a section |
· {punct} | :: Separates the name of a fixed melody or format from the title of a poem or song |
· {punct} | :: Separates items in a list in titles |
· {punct} | :: Separates the month from the day in events, commemorations, etc. named after dates, only used after January (一), November (一一) and December (一二) when hanzi are used |
' {punct} | :: Used to mark an initial a, e, or o in Pinyin, to prevent confusion |
( ) {punct} | :: Encloses the pronunciation to a character the reader may not necessarily know |
( ) {punct} [neologism, internet slang] | :: Used to provide a deeper or second meaning to a phrase. Compare English read (used after a euphemism to introduce the intended, more blunt meaning of a term) |
( {punct} | :: Used in ( ) |
( {punct} [internet slang] | :: Used at the end of a silly message to indicate that one isn't serious |
) {punct} | :: Used in ( ) |
% {symbol} [Taiwan] /pā/ | :: percent |
˙ {letter} | :: A tone in the Zhuyin alphabet, it represents the Standard Chinese phonology#Neutral tone |
ˇ {diacrit} [pinyin] | :: háček, indicating the dipping third tone |
ˇ {letter} | :: A tone in the Zhuyin alphabet, it represents the Standard Chinese phonology#Tonal_categories |
ˋ {letter} | :: Represents the Standard Chinese phonology#Tonal_categories of Mandarin Chinese in the Zhuyin alphabet and Pinyin |
ڞ {letter} | :: A letter of the Xiao'erjing abugida |
【 】 {punct} | :: alternative form of ( ) |
「 」 {punct} | :: Encloses a quotation. Only used in traditional Chinese |
『 』 {punct} | :: Encloses a quotation, especially within another quotation. Equivalent to ‘ ’ in English. Only used in traditional Chinese |
〈 〉 {punct} | :: Encloses titles of books when embedded within a book title |
〈 〉 {punct} | :: Encloses titles of sections of a book |
《 》 {punct} | :: Encloses titles of books |
㐀 {def} SEE: 丘 | :: |
㐄 {def} SEE: 𡕒 | :: |
㐪 {def} SEE: 亥 | :: |
㐫 {def} SEE: 凶 | :: |
㐫 {def} SEE: 腦 | :: |
㐫 {def} SEE: 瑙 | :: |
㐫 {def} SEE: 碯 | :: |
㐫 {def} SEE: 堖 | :: |
㐮 {def} SEE: 襄 | :: |
㐯 {def} SEE: 𠆌 | :: |
㐴 {def} SEE: 攀 | :: |
㐶 {def} SEE: 化 | :: |
㐽 {def} SEE: 偑 | :: |
㐾 {def} SEE: 阮 | :: |
㑁 {def} SEE: 儲 | :: |
㑁 {def} SEE: 貯 | :: |
㑁 {def} /zhuō/ | :: short |
㑌 {def} SEE: 尪 | :: |
㑌 {def} /kuāng/ | :: only used in 㑌儴 |
㑒 {def} SEE: 僉 | :: |
㑓 {def} [Taiwan] /jùn/ | :: used in personal names |
㑗 {def} /shēn/ | :: Name of a god |
㑗 {def} /shēn/ | :: [obsolete] pregnant |
㑗 {def} /shēn/ | :: surname |
㑢 {def} SEE: 𠊬 | :: |
㑲 {def} SEE: 備 | :: |
㑲 {def} SEE: 男 | :: |
㑴 {def} SEE: 侵 | :: |
㒐 {def} /xùn/ | :: personal name |
㒘 {def} SEE: 豎 | :: |
㒕 {def} /yāng/ | :: only used in 㒕佭 |
㒥 {def} [mythology] /fēng/ | :: only used in 偓㒥 |
㒨 {def} SEE: 仙 | :: |
㒪 {def} SEE: 錫 | :: |
㒯 {def} SEE: 燁 | :: |
㒶 {def} SEE: 公 | :: |
㒹 {def} SEE: 顛 | :: |
㒺 {def} SEE: 罔 | :: |
㒽 {def} /quān/ | :: a kind of cap for children |
㓅 {def} /tīng/ | :: frozen |
㓇 {def} SEE: 沃 | :: |
㓅 {def} /tīng/ | :: cold |
㓌 {def} /chēng/ | :: bitterly cold |
㓕 {def} SEE: 滅 | :: |
㓙 {def} SEE: 凶 | :: |
㓚 {def} /gōng/ | :: sickle, reaping-hook |
㓚 {def} /gōng/ | :: to gather in the harvest |
㓚 {def} /gōng/ | :: to pare |
㓛 {def} SEE: 功 | :: |
㓚 {def} /gōng/ | :: to scrape |
㓥 {def} SEE: 劏 | :: |
㓦 {def} /bāi,bò/ | :: only used in 㓦劃 |
㓩 {def} /xuān/ | :: horned hair |
㓬 {def} SEE: 刳 | :: |
㓮 {def} SEE: 雕 | :: |
㓳 {def} /dī/ | :: use knife to split something |
㓻 {def} SEE: 剛 | :: |
㔁 {def} /dēng/ | :: a kind of tool |
㔁 {def} /dēng/ | :: a hook |
㔁 {def} /dēng/ | :: a barb |
㔁 {def} /dēng/ | :: a sickle |
丆 {def} SEE: 厂 | :: |
丷 {def} /bā,dàobāzì/ | :: Component variant of 八* |
亽 {def} SEE: 亼 | :: |
仒 {def} SEE: 冰 | :: |
倿 {def} SEE: 佞 | :: |
冧 {def} [Cantonese] /lín/ | :: flower bud |
冧 {def} [Cantonese] /lín/ | :: to coax (especially a child or girl) |
冧 {def} [Cantonese] /lín/ | :: to topple over; to fall over (of trees, etc.) |
凩 {def} /mù/ | :: wintry wind |
匂 {def} SEE: 匈 | :: |
匇 {def} SEE: 匆 | :: |
哖 {def} /nián/ | :: used in 噍吧哖 |
哖 {def} /nián/ | :: used in 瓜仔哖 |
唜 {def} /mò/ | :: Only used in Korean placenames |
啹 {def} /jú/ | :: stupid, idiotic |
啹 {def} /jú/ | :: to kill, slaughter |
啹 {def} /jú/ | :: to roll or crumple into a ball |
啹 {def} /jú/ | :: a phonetic |
嗴 {def} SEE: 唴 | :: |
嚡 {def} [Cantonese] /hái/ | :: rough; coarse |
囎 {def} /zèng/ | :: Only used in Japanese place names |
囖 {def} [Cantonese] /luó/ | :: final particle for pointing out the obvious |
囖 {def} /luó/ | :: hand basket |
垈 {def} /dài/ | :: Only used in place names |
塀 {def} SEE: 垣 | :: |
壪 {def} /wān/ | :: level ground in a mountain valley (often used in place names) |
夈 {def} SEE: 齋 | :: |
奍 {def} /quān/ | :: meal |
奍 {def} /juàn/ | :: to roll rice balls |
屶 {def} SEE: 會 | :: |
屷 {def} SEE: 會 | :: |
峠 {def} SEE: 卡 | :: |
庒 {def} SEE: 莊 | :: |
怽 {def} SEE: 𢗿 | :: |
恷 {def} SEE: 恘 | :: |
掶 {def} SEE: 捷 | :: |
揻 {def} [dialectal Mandarin] /wēi/ | :: to bend a small and long object |
揻 {def} [Hokkien] /wēi/ | :: to prick; to poke |
朥 {def} /láo/ | :: consumption; tuberculosis |
朥 {def} [dialectal] /láo/ | :: fat |
杢 {def} [dialect] /jié/ | :: cattle dowel (nailed to the ground to tie up cattle) |
杣 {def} /shān/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
杣 {def} /shān/ | :: A variant form of 櫋 |
枠 {def} SEE: 樺 | :: |
枤 {def} /dì,duò/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 杕 |
栆 {def} SEE: 棗 | :: |
栃 {def} /lì/ | :: only used in 栃木 |
桝 {def} SEE: 枡 | :: |
桞 {def} SEE: 柳 | :: |
椦 {def} SEE: 棬 | :: |
椬 {def} /yí/ | :: only used in 椬梧 |
榊 {def} /shén/ | :: Cleyera japonica |
槡 {def} SEE: 桑 | :: |
櫵 {def} SEE: 樵 | :: |
欍 {def} SEE: 桕 | :: |
歚 {def} SEE: 繕 | :: |
毝 {def} SEE: 彩 | :: |
毶 {def} SEE: 𣯶 | :: |
氞 {def} SEE: 氝 | :: |
汣 {def} [archaic] /jiǔ/ | :: used in the lake names 東汣 (Dongjiu) and 西汣 (Xijiu) (now 東氿 and 西氿), located in Yixing, Jiangsu province, China |
涥 {def} /hēng/ | :: surname |
渏 {def} SEE: 漪 | :: |
溄 {def} SEE: 漨 | :: |
溊 {def} SEE: 波 | :: |
溋 {def} SEE: 盈 | :: |
澝 {def} SEE: 濘 | :: |
瀮 {def} /lián/ | :: lengthy rain; lengthy rainfall |
灐 {def} SEE: 瀅 | :: |
灜 {def} SEE: 瀛 | :: |
炿 {def} SEE: 烐 | :: |
烥 {def} SEE: 炬 | :: |
烮 {def} SEE: 烈 | :: |
焑 {def} SEE: 煙 | :: |
焹 {def} SEE: 焵 | :: |
焽 {def} SEE: 焸 | :: |
焾 {def} [Cantonese] /niǎn/ | :: soft |
焿 {def} /gēng/ | :: thick soup |
煀 {def} [Cantonese] /wei/ | :: to smoke; fumigate |
熖 {def} SEE: 焰 | :: |
畓 {def} [Taiwan] /quán/ | :: used in personal names |
畠 {def} SEE: 甾 | :: |
畠 {def} /tián/ | :: used in personal names |
癦 {def} [Cantonese] /mò,mè/ | :: colored spot on skin |
稥 {def} /xiāng/ | :: Millet incense |
笹 {def} [Taiwan] /shì/ | :: used in personal names |
繌 {def} SEE: 緵 | :: |
罖 {def} SEE: 網 | :: |
耂 {def} /lǎo/ | :: radical form of 老 |
聓 {def} SEE: 婿 | :: |
脌 {def} SEE: 𢆡 | :: |
茐 {def} SEE: 蔥 | :: |
荢 {def} SEE: 茡 | :: |
蒏 {def} SEE: 醟 | :: |
蓞 {def} SEE: 萏 | :: |
裇 {n} [chiefly Guangdong, Hainan] /xù/ | :: short for 裇衫 |
覄 {def} SEE: 覆 | :: |
贌 {v} [Min Nan] /pú/ | :: to package |
贌 {v} [Min Nan] /pú/ | :: to rent |
贌 {v} [Min Nan] /pú/ | :: to lease (land) |
贘 {def} SEE: 賞 | :: |
踎 {def} [Cantonese] /móu/ | :: to squat; to crouch |
踎 {def} [Cantonese] /móu/ | :: to be stuck somewhere (because of unfortunate circumstances) |
踎 {def} [Cantonese] /móu/ | :: to muddle along; to drift along |
躼 {def} [Min Nan, of a person] /lào/ | :: tall |
辻 {def} /shí/ | :: A Japanese kanji meaning “crossroads”. Usually used in Japanese names |
釒 {def} /jīn,jīnzìpáng/ | :: Left radical form of 金 |
鈫 {def} SEE: 鈙 | :: |
鈪 {def} [dialectal] /è/ | :: bracelet |
鍂 {def} [historical] /piān/ | :: an ancient class of musical instruments |
鍅 {def} [Taiwan] /fǎ/ | :: francium |
鎼 {def} SEE: 罅 | :: |
鎾 {def} SEE: 熅 | :: |
靍 {def} SEE: 鶴 | :: |
鞰 {def} SEE: 韞 | :: |
飊 {def} SEE: 飆 | :: |
鵈 {def} SEE: 鳶 | :: |
鶑 {def} SEE: 鶯 | :: |
の {particle} /de/ | :: nonstandard form of 的 |
の {particle} /zhī/ | :: nonstandard form of 之 |
々 {punct} [colloquial] | :: Ideographic iteration mark, indicating that the previous hanzi should be repeated |
䶰 {def} /jiāo/ | :: feather ornaments |
䶬 {def} /jiān/ | :: [obsolete] hard fins on a dragon's back |
䶨 {def} /zhān/ | :: in the manner of a toothless person chewing food |
䶋 {def} /xī/ | :: sound |
䶋 {def} /xī/ | :: sound of breath |
䵼 {def} /shāng/ | :: to boil |
䵼 {def} /shāng/ | :: to cook |
䵼 {def} /shāng/ | :: to stew |
䵸 {def} SEE: 鼀 | :: |
䵹 {def} SEE: 蜘 | :: |
䵷 {def} [archaic] /wā/ | :: frog |
䵰 {def} /shāng/ | :: black color |
䵰 {def} /shāng/ | :: reddish black color |
䵊 {def} SEE: 𪏆 | :: |
䵌 {def} /xiān/ | :: [obsolete] yellow; reddish yellow |
䵍 {def} SEE: 𪏆 | :: |
䵌 {def} /xiān/ | :: used in 䵌姁 |
䵎 {def} /tuān/ | :: dark yellow |
䵎 {def} /tuān/ | :: yellow |
䵎 {def} /tuān/ | :: bright, well-illuminated |
䬠 {def} SEE: 霏 | :: |
… {punct} | :: See …… |
㸖 {def} [archaic] /qū/ | :: to store vegetables |
。 {punct} | :: ( ) (full stop/period); marks the end of a sentence |
、 {punct} | :: ( , ) (comma in a list) |
㺧 {def} /xiāo/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of dog with light yellowish hair |
㺧 {def} /xiāo/ | :: [obsolete] rabid dog |
㺧 {def} /xiāo/ | :: [obsolete] the sound of a pack of barking dogs |
ㄆ {letter} | :: The 2nd letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄅ and followed by the letter ㄇ |
ㄅ {letter} | :: The 1st letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is followed by the letter ㄆ |
ㄇ {letter} | :: The 3rd letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄆ and followed by the letter ㄈ |
ㄈ {letter} | :: The 4th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄇ and followed by the letter ㄉ |
〜 {particle} | :: Indicates the starting point of a range; from |
㗎 {def} [Cantonese] /jià/ | :: Sentence-final particle that marks emphasis or surprise |
㗎 {def} [Cantonese] /jià/ | :: Sentence-final particle used in a question seeking information or confirmation |
ㄋ {letter} | :: The 7th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄊ and followed by the letter ㄌ |
ㄑ {letter} | :: The 13th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄐ and followed by the letter ㄒ |
ㄉ {letter} | :: The 5th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄈ and followed by the letter ㄊ |
ㄉ {particle} [Taiwan, Internet slang, texting] | :: alternative form of 的* possessive particle |
ㄊ {letter} | :: The 6th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄉ and followed by the letter ㄋ |
〉 {punct} | :: Used in 〈 〉 |
〈 {punct} | :: Used in 〈 〉 |
䦉 {def} SEE: 肆 | :: |
㣺 {def} SEE: 心 | :: |
ㄌ {letter} | :: The 8th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄋ and followed by the letter ㄍ |
ㄍ {letter} | :: The 9th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄌ and followed by the letter ㄎ |
ㄎ {letter} | :: The 10th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄍ and followed by the letter ㄏ |
ㄏ {letter} | :: The 11th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄎ and followed by the letter ㄐ |
䖦 {def} /qū/ | :: only used in 蛣䖦 |
䖦 {def} /zhuō/ | :: only used in 䖦蟱 |
䴖 {def} SEE: 鶄 | :: |
䀂 {def} /ān/ | :: a big basin |
ㄛ {letter} | :: The 23rd letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄚ and followed by the letter ㄜ |
㘯 {def} SEE: 場 | :: |
鿃 {def} /shǎn/ | :: to blink |
ㄐ {letter} | :: The 12th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄏ and followed by the letter ㄑ |
ㄒ {letter} | :: The 14th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄑ and followed by the letter ㄓ |
ㄓ {letter} | :: The 15th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄒ and followed by the letter ㄔ |
ㄔ {letter} | :: The 16th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄓ and followed by the letter ㄕ |
ㄕ {letter} | :: The 17th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄔ and followed by the letter ㄖ |
ㄖ {letter} | :: The 18th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄕ and followed by the letter ㄗ |
ㄗ {letter} | :: The 19th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄖ and followed by the letter ㄘ |
ㄘ {letter} | :: The 20th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄗ and followed by the letter ㄙ |
ㄙ {letter} | :: The 21st letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄘ and followed by the letter ㄚ |
ㄚ {letter} | :: The 22nd letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄙ and followed by the letter ㄛ |
ㄜ {letter} | :: The 24th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄛ and followed by the letter ㄝ |
䔥 {def} SEE: 蕭 | :: |
㶷 {def} /xū/ | :: only used in 㶷㶷 |
䫽 {def} /pāo/ | :: breeze, light wind |
䙴 {def} SEE: 遷 | :: |
鿌 {def} SEE: 涼 | :: |
㕔 {def} SEE: 廳 | :: |
㿽 {def} /xī/ | :: a small bowl, a small basin |
䵈 {def} /kù/ | :: unspun silk, raw hemp |
䖵 {def} /kūn/ | :: (= 昆) insects |
䬍 {def} /hū/ | :: the sound of wind |
䬍 {def} /hū/ | :: gale, typhoon |
䥽 {def} SEE: 鏺 | :: |
㕘 {def} SEE: 參 | :: |
㕞 {def} SEE: 刷 | :: |
㕠 {def} SEE: 雙 | :: |
㖊 {def} SEE: 噚 | :: |
㖘 {def} SEE: 唇 | :: |
㖞 {def} SEE: 喎 | :: |
㗐 {def} SEE: 嗑 | :: |
㗪 {def} SEE: 𠹦 | :: |
㗺 {def} SEE: 𠿓 | :: |
㘱 {def} SEE: 坍 | :: |
㘳 {def} SEE: 丘 | :: |
㙋 {def} SEE: 基 | :: |
㙋 {def} /qí/ | :: used in place names |
㙌 {def} /sù/ | :: surname |
㙍 {def} /duō/ | :: used in place names |
㙘 {def} /yāo/ | :: used in place names |
㙡 {def} /zōng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] Macrolepiota albuminosa |
㙧 {def} SEE: 塯 | :: |
㙦 {def} /xié/ | :: only used in 麥㙦鎮 |
㚄 {def} SEE: 疐 | :: |
㚊 {def} /kāi/ | :: [obsolete] much; many; numerous; great; vast |
㚎 {def} SEE: 去 | :: |
㚋 {def} /diāo/ | :: [obsolete] much; many; numerous; great; vast |
㚑 {def} SEE: 靈 | :: |
㚚 {def} [obsolete] /kōng/ | :: big; great |
㚚 {def} [obsolete] /kuāng,kōng/ | :: barking |
㚨 {def} /shěn/ | :: used in girl names |
㚬 {def} /jūn/ | :: a lady starts to doll up |
㚮 {def} SEE: 媅 | :: |
㚱 {def} /qiū/ | :: used in girl names |
㚳 {def} SEE: 妿 | :: |
㚵 {def} /dōng/ | :: used in girl names |
㚻 {def} /jī/ | :: only used in 㚻姦 |
㚼 {def} SEE: 妞 | :: |
㚼 {def} /hǎo/ | :: surname |
㚾 {def} /xiōng/ | :: to have fun |
㚾 {def} /xiōng/ | :: to sport |
㚾 {def} /xiōng/ | :: to play, frolic |
㛀 {def} SEE: 媰 | :: |
㛁 {def} /pēng/ | :: quick |
㛁 {def} /pēng/ | :: urgent |
㛁 {def} /pēng/ | :: anxious |
㛁 {def} /pēng/ | :: loyal, sincere and respectful |
㛄 {def} /yī/ | :: used in girl names |
㛈 {def} /kǎo/ | :: used in girl names |
㛎 {def} /lǚ/ | :: woman + spine. See 女, 吕, 亻, 侶. A stout companion |
㛓 {def} /xī/ | :: used in girl names |
㛖 {def} /suō/ | :: used in girl names |
㛠 {def} SEE: 𡢃 | :: |
㛣 {def} SEE: 㜏 | :: |
㛢 {def} /xiù/ | :: used in girl names |
㛤 {def} SEE: 孋 | :: |
㛫 {def} /xī/ | :: used in girl names |
㛭 {def} /xī/ | :: used in girl names |
㛵 {def} /chēng/ | :: used in girl names |
㛷 {def} /jī/ | :: used in girl names |
㛺 {def} /ān/ | :: not clean, impure |
㜀 {def} SEE: 孀 | :: |
㜂 {def} /fēng/ | :: Used in female names |
㜉 {def} /yōng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] womanly |
㜉 {def} /yōng/ | :: Used in female names |
㜟 {def} | :: used in personal names |
㜠 {def} /cuī/ | :: used in girl names |
㜡 {def} /cōng/ | :: used in girl names |
㜢 {def} /lǚ/ | :: a bad or pejorative term by which one addresses a woman |
㜭 {def} [Wu] /dāng/ | :: daughter |
㜯 {def} /xī/ | :: a word to designate women |
㜯 {def} /xī/ | :: a mean or reviling word for women |
㝒 {def} SEE: 居 | :: |
㝩 {def} [southwestern Mandarin] /kǎng/ | :: lid; cover |
㝩 {def} /jié/ | :: fast, quick |
㝩 {def} [of a room] /kāng/ | :: empty |
㝬 {def} /fū/ | :: used in a Western Zhou Dynasty country name or placename |
㝼 {def} /yū/ | :: crooked |
㝼 {def} /yū/ | :: winding |
㝼 {def} /yū/ | :: to circle |
㝼 {def} /yū/ | :: to hover around |
㞀 {def} /huī/ | :: to bump |
㞀 {def} /huī/ | :: to strike |
㞄 {def} /ān/ | :: lame, crippled |
㞄 {def} /ān/ | :: feeble |
㞈 {def} /bō/ | :: large foot |
㞈 {def} /bō/ | :: walking |
㞉 {def} /zā/ | :: large foot |
㞜 {def} /tuī/ | :: [obsolete] hempen shoe |
㞜 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
㞜 {def} /tuī/ | :: [obsolete] boot |
㞞 {def} [Mandarin, Wu, colloquial] /sóng/ | :: semen |
㞞 {def} [Mandarin, colloquial, of a person] /sóng/ | :: weak; useless |
㞢 {def} SEE: 有 | :: |
㞢 {def} SEE: 之 | :: |
㟃 {def} /sī/ | :: used in place names |
䓡 {def} /zhī/ | :: a medicinal herb; rhizome of wind-weed; wind-weed |
ㄟ {letter} | :: The 27th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄞ and followed by the letter ㄠ |
〻 {punct} | :: Used in casual writing as an abbreviation of a repeated character, in vertical writing |
㟥 {def} SEE: 嵾 | :: |
㡬 {def} SEE: 幾 | :: |
㢐 {def} SEE: 屙 | :: |
䧹 {def} SEE: 鷹 | :: |
㢢 {def} SEE: 弊 | :: |
㢴 {def} SEE: 西 | :: |
㣉 {def} SEE: 工 | :: |
㣊 {def} SEE: 修 | :: |
㤐 {def} SEE: 怗 | :: |
㤐 {def} SEE: 惉 | :: |
㤙 {def} SEE: 恩 | :: |
㥑 {def} SEE: 憂 | :: |
㥑 {def} SEE: 慪 | :: |
㥫 {def} SEE: 惇 | :: |
㦈 {def} SEE: 𢣏 | :: |
㘽 {def} SEE: 栽 | :: |
㘽 {def} SEE: 在 | :: |
㧛 {def} SEE: 擥 | :: |
㧞 {def} SEE: 拔 | :: |
㔫 {def} SEE: 左 | :: |
㩄 {def} /shāi/ | :: [obsolete] to get scattered and lost |
㩼 {def} /zhī/ | :: [obsolete] many; much |
㪅 {def} SEE: 更 | :: |
㪟 {def} SEE: 敦 | :: |
㪺 {def} [literary] /jū/ | :: to scoop up; to ladle out |
㫕 {def} SEE: 光 | :: |
㫚 {def} SEE: 昒 | :: |
㫪 {def} SEE: 舂 | :: |
㪺 {def} [literary] /jū/ | :: a kind of utensil used to ladle out water |
㫺 {def} SEE: 昔 | :: |
㬈 {def} /wēn/ | :: [obsolete] warm because of the sun |
㬟 {def} [Wu] /fēn/ | :: Contraction of 勿曾 |
㬹 {def} /zhēng/ | :: [obsolete] tendons of the heel |
㬹 {def} [Cantonese, Hakka] /zhēng/ | :: rear part of a limb; elbow or heel |
㭃 {def} SEE: 綱 | :: |
㭎 {def} SEE: 棡 | :: |
㬹 {def} [Cantonese, Hakka] /zhēng/ | :: heel of a shoe |
㭕 {def} /qū/ | :: used in personal names |
㭴 {def} SEE: 樫 | :: |
㱕 {def} SEE: 歸 | :: |
㲪 {def} /dēng/ | :: used in 毾㲪 |
㲪 {def} /dēng/ | :: a kind of animal |
㳡 {def} SEE: 濄 | :: |
㴞 {def} SEE: 滔 | :: |
㴱 {def} SEE: 深 | :: |
㳾 {def} /qiāng/ | :: name of a river |
㶉 {def} SEE: 鸂 | :: |
㷙 {def} SEE: 煎 | :: |
㷛 {def} SEE: 煲 | :: |
㷥 {def} SEE: 烝 | :: |
㷣 {def} /xīng/ | :: [obsolete] the red color of fire |
㸨 {def} /jiū/ | :: [obsolete] large bull |
㸭 {def} /bā/ | :: [obsolete] to be contrary |
㸯 {def} /kē/ | :: [obsolete] fine cattle |
㸯 {def} /kē/ | :: [obsolete] hornless cattle |
㸶 {def} /yān/ | :: [obsolete] dull yellow color, like tallow |
㸺 {def} /shā/ | :: [obsolete] a cow (adult female cattle) |
㹆 {def} /huī/ | :: [obsolete] coulter of a plough |
㹆 {def} /huī/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of cattle |
㹋 {def} /xiū/ | :: [obsolete] general term for cattle |
㹋 {def} /xiū/ | :: [obsolete] tailless cattle |
㹔 {def} /jiāng/ | :: [obsolete] cattle with slender back |
㹔 {def} /jiāng/ | :: [obsolete] white cattle |
㹔 {def} /jiāng/ | :: [obsolete] cattle with white markings on the back |
㹕 {def} /huān/ | :: [obsolete] inferior; minor |
㹢 {def} SEE: 𤠙 | :: |
㹪 {def} SEE: 狦 | :: |
㹢 {def} /jiā/ | :: only used in 㺢㹢狓 |
㹴 {def} /gēng,gěng/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of animal |
㹴 {def} /gēng,gěng/ | :: terrier |
㺢 {def} /huò/ | :: only used in 㺢㹢狓 |
㼔 {def} /wēn/ | :: only used in 㼔㼊 |
㽒 {def} SEE: 甥 | :: |
䁖 {def} SEE: 瞜 | :: |
䂓 {def} SEE: 規 | :: |
䃅 {def} SEE: 磾 | :: |
䃟 {def} SEE: 𧽾 | :: |
䃟 {def} /sān/ | :: only used in 䃟頭窰 |
䃰 {def} /cā/ | :: only used in 礓䃰 |
䆋 {def} SEE: 秋 | :: |
䆫 {def} SEE: 窗 | :: |
䇂 {def} [obsolete] /qiān/ | :: crime, sin |
䇓 {def} /xū/ | :: [obsolete] to wait |
䇫 {def} /jī/ | :: [obsolete] fine-toothed comb |
䇲 {def} SEE: 筴 | :: |
䇳 {def} SEE: 箋 | :: |
䈰 {def} SEE: 筲 | :: |
䈰 {def} /shāo/ | :: a brush for washing kitchen utensils |
䈰 {def} /shāo/ | :: a bamboo ware for holding rice used in ancient times |
䈰 {def} /shāo/ | :: a basket for washing rice |
䈰 {def} /shāo/ | :: a small bucket for chopsticks |
䊹 {def} SEE: 纖 | :: |
䊹 {def} SEE: 縴 | :: |
䌶 {def} SEE: 䊷 | :: |
䌷 {def} SEE: 紬 | :: |
䍧 {def} SEE: 牂 | :: |
䑸 {def} /zōng/ | :: a group of boats |
䑸 {def} /zōng/ | :: boat, warship |
䓗 {def} SEE: 蔥 | :: |
䓨 {def} SEE: 罃 | :: |
䔀 {def} SEE: 葰 | :: |
䕬 {def} SEE: 薑 | :: |
䖒 {def} /xī/ | :: [historical dictionaries] a kind of ancient earthenware vessel |
䖙 {def} /tī/ | :: [obsolete] to lie down |
䖙 {def} /tī/ | :: [obsolete] of a tiger, to rest and breathe lightly |
䖙 {def} [Min Nan] /tī/ | :: to recline and rest |
䗬 {def} SEE: 蜂 | :: |
䘒 {def} SEE: 脧 | :: |
䘛 {def} SEE: 𧝞 | :: |
䘜 {def} SEE: 巾 | :: |
䙲 {def} SEE: 遷 | :: |
䚀 {def} SEE: 𧡬 | :: |
䙵 {def} /xī/ | :: surname |
䛊 {def} /xī/ | :: to laugh without stopping |
䛊 {def} SEE: 識 | :: |
䛊 {def} /zhī/ | :: to call |
䛓 {def} SEE: 譼 | :: |
䜣 {def} SEE: 訢 | :: |
䜥 {def} SEE: 𧩙 | :: |
䝔 {def} SEE: 獾 | :: |
䝙 {def} SEE: 貙 | :: |
䞓 {def} /chēng/ | :: alternative form of 赬 |
䟽 {def} SEE: 疏 | :: |
䡳 {def} /sī/ | :: cart |
䢂 {def} SEE: 𨋢 | :: |
䢜 {def} SEE: 歸 | :: |
䡳 {def} /sī/ | :: carriage |
䢺 {def} /chū/ | :: used in place names |
䢼 {def} /gōng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] state in ancient China |
䢼 {def} /gōng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] name of a pavilion |
䢼 {def} /gōng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] name of a mountain |
䣏 {def} SEE: 䢼 | :: |
䢼 {def} /gōng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] surname |
䣛 {def} SEE: 膝 | :: |
䣛 {def} /qī/ | :: Name of a place in Qi (state) |
䥚 {def} SEE: 初 | :: |
䦁 {def} SEE: 𨧜 | :: |
䦃 {def} SEE: 鐯 | :: |
䨇 {def} SEE: 雙 | :: |
䩁 {def} /fēi/ | :: thin hairs, fine hairs |
䩁 {def} /fēi/ | :: scattered animal hairs |
䪓 {def} SEE: 䩞 | :: |
䫏 {def} /qī/ | :: (same as 魌) ugly |
䫏 {def} /qī/ | :: physical or moral deformity |
䫏 {def} /qī/ | :: the mask worn by one who is driving away spirits |
䫑 {def} SEE: 䫏 | :: |
䫑 {def} /yī/ | :: good, nice, fine |
䫚 {def} /guā/ | :: short-headed |
䫜 {def} /āo/ | :: sunken eyes |
䫜 {def} /āo/ | :: a hollow |
䫢 {def} /sī/ | :: good, fine, excellent |
䫢 {def} /sī/ | :: pleasing |
䫢 {def} /sī/ | :: wry neck |
䫿 {def} /chāo/ | :: cool breeze |
䫿 {def} /chāo/ | :: cold wind from the north |
䫿 {def} /chāo/ | :: cold wind from the southwest |
䬌 {def} /pōu/ | :: blowing wind |
䬌 {def} /pōu/ | :: blown by the wind |
䬒 {def} SEE: 颼 | :: |
䬒 {def} /sōu,xiāo/ | :: a whizzing sound |
䬒 {def} /sōu,xiāo/ | :: cool breeze |
䬒 {def} /sōu,xiāo/ | :: the southwest wind |
䬘 {def} /xiāo/ | :: blowing wind |
䬚 {def} SEE: 颿 | :: |
䬚 {def} SEE: 帆 | :: |
䬘 {def} /xiāo/ | :: blown by the wind |
䬜 {def} SEE: 魑 | :: |
䬢 {def} SEE: 饕 | :: |
䬢 {def} /tāo/ | :: name of a legendary ferocious animal |
䬢 {def} /tāo/ | :: a fierce person; a greedy and gluttonous person |
䬩 {def} SEE: 齋 | :: |
䬭 {def} SEE: 饕 | :: |
䬲 {def} /gōu/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to eat until partially full |
䬲 {def} /gōu/ | :: [historical dictionaries] (corrupted and abbreviated form of 饇) to eat too much, surfeited |
䬸 {def} SEE: 餐 | :: |
䭒 {def} /xī/ | :: breath |
䭒 {def} /xī/ | :: to grow, to thrive |
䭒 {def} /xī/ | :: to eat |
䭒 {def} /xī/ | :: food |
䭔 {def} /duī/ | :: steamed dumplings, cakes |
䭻 {def} /fù/ | :: a swift horse |
䮃 {def} SEE: 驅 | :: |
䮐 {def} SEE: 駉 | :: |
䮒 {def} /pū/ | :: name of a horse |
䮖 {def} /chāng/ | :: name of a horse |
䮠 {def} /bī/ | :: a kind of animal |
䮦 {def} SEE: 驕 | :: |
䮶 {def} SEE: 驫 | :: |
䮽 {def} SEE: 鑣 | :: |
䯃 {def} SEE: 𩣑 | :: |
䯄 {def} SEE: 騧 | :: |
䯇 {def} /kū/ | :: to exert oneself, to make an effort |
䯇 {def} /kū/ | :: diligent, sedulous |
䯌 {def} /kāo/ | :: sacrum |
䯌 {def} /kāo/ | :: coccyx, end of the spine |
䯌 {def} /kāo/ | :: rump, buttocks |
䯑 {def} /kuāng/ | :: pelvis |
䯑 {def} /kuāng/ | :: bone stuck in the throat |
䯑 {def} /kuāng/ | :: kneecap, patella |
䯑 {def} /kuāng/ | :: the five lowest pieces of bone of the spinal column |
䯕 {def} /tīng/ | :: bony, skinny |
䯞 {def} /kuā/ | :: bone (the lowest pieces of bone of the spinal column and sides of the abdominal region) |
䯭 {def} /xiān/ | :: (of hair) good-looking, attractive |
䯯 {def} SEE: 髿 | :: |
䯳 {def} /sōng/ | :: (same as 鬆) (said of hair) loosely arranged |
䯳 {def} /sōng/ | :: dishevelled hair |
䯷 {def} /sōng/ | :: fine hair |
䯻 {def} SEE: 髻 | :: |
䯹 {def} /xiān/ | :: hair |
䰅 {def} SEE: 鬚 | :: |
䰑 {def} SEE: 鬚 | :: |
䰤 {def} /dōng/ | :: ugly |
䰤 {def} /dōng/ | :: monster, ghost |
䰧 {def} /hū/ | :: sinister |
䰧 {def} /hū/ | :: evil and shrewd |
䰵 {def} /zī/ | :: blackfish, mullet (fish) |
䰵 {def} /zī/ | :: anchovy |
䰸 {def} /gōng/ | :: (interchangeable with 魟) (same as 鰩) ray, skate (fish) |
䰸 {def} /gōng/ | :: nautilus |
䰸 {def} /gōng/ | :: a fish that looks like a king crab or other crab |
䱀 {def} /yāng/ | :: a kind of small fish |
䱐 {def} /fū/ | :: globefish, blowfish, pufferfish |
䱙 {def} SEE: 鮛 | :: |
䱗 {def} /cān/ | :: Savalai hairtail (Lepturacanthus savala) |
䱛 {def} /huò,xù,yì/ | :: a kind of fish |
䱛 {def} /huò,xù,yì/ | :: small fish, fry |
䱛 {def} /huò,xù,yì/ | :: a large amphibious creature, something like the newt but much larger |
䱢 {def} /zhēng/ | :: a kind of fish |
䱦 {def} /yín/ | :: globefish, blowfish, pufferfish |
䱧 {def} SEE: 鱔 | :: |
䱧 {def} /shàn/ | :: (record in an antique books) a kind of fish |
䱬 {def} /xū/ | :: a kind of fish |
䱳 {def} SEE: 鱣 | :: |
䱵 {def} /wēng/ | :: a kind of fish that lives in the ocean |
䱸 {def} SEE: 緧 | :: |
䱸 {def} /sōu/ | :: surname |
䱽 {def} SEE: 鯧 | :: |
䲅 {def} /guī/ | :: globefish, blowfish, pufferfish |
䲉 {def} /sī/ | :: a kind of fish |
䲉 {def} /sī/ | :: a second name for tuna |
䲝 {def} SEE: 䱽 | :: |
䲠 {def} SEE: 鰆 | :: |
䲡 {def} SEE: 鰌 | :: |
䲤 {def} SEE: 鿐 | :: |
䲥 {def} SEE: 鳩 | :: |
䲲 {def} /gōng,sōng/ | :: a hawk-like bird, only much smaller |
䲼 {def} SEE: 鼪 | :: |
䲼 {def} /shēng/ | :: a kind of bird |
䳌 {def} SEE: 鵑 | :: |
䳍 {def} /gōng/ | :: (in ancient text) a kind of pheasant-like bird |
䳍 {def} /gōng/ | :: tinamou |
䳡 {def} /yàn,zhuī/ | :: (same as 鵻) a kind of bird in ancient books |
䳡 {def} /yàn,zhuī/ | :: wood pigeon |
䳡 {def} /yàn,zhuī/ | :: a hawk |
䳤 {def} /biē/ | :: a kind of strange, weird, legendary bird |
䳤 {def} /biē/ | :: second name for an owl |
䳦 {def} /xuān/ | :: wren |
䳦 {def} /xuān/ | :: tailorbird |
䳦 {def} /xuān/ | :: a kind of small bird |
䳩 {def} /yāo/ | :: only used in 鴒䳩 |
䳶 {def} SEE: 鸂 | :: |
䳶 {def} SEE: 雞 | :: |
䳼 {def} SEE: 鷗 | :: |
䳾 {def} /dēng/ | :: owl |
䳾 {def} /dēng/ | :: the rail (a bird) |
䴍 {def} SEE: 鸎 | :: |
䴓 {def} SEE: 鳾 | :: |
䴔 {def} SEE: 鵁 | :: |
䴘 {def} SEE: 鷉 | :: |
䴣 {def} /hū/ | :: a kind of animal |
䴤 {def} /shēng/ | :: an animal as big as a rabbit |
䴥 {def} SEE: 麚 | :: |
䴤 {def} /shēng/ | :: a two-year-old deer |
䴧 {def} /wēi/ | :: [obsolete] venison |
䴯 {def} /hū/ | :: a kind of cake |
䴸 {def} SEE: 麩 | :: |
䀌 {def} SEE: 衋 | :: |
□ {symbol} | :: Used as a placeholder for an unknown hanzi (such as for a dialectal morpheme) |
□ {symbol} | :: Used as a placeholder for an illegible hanzi |
㊐ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期日 (Sunday) |
㈰ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期日 (Sunday) |
㈠ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期一 (Monday) |
㈡ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期二 (Tuesday) |
㈢ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期三 (Wednesday) |
㈣ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期四 (Thursday) |
㈤ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期五 (Friday) |
㈥ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期六 (Saturday) |
㊅ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期六 (Saturday) |
㊄ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期五 (Friday) |
㊃ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期四 (Thursday) |
㊂ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期三 (Wednesday) |
㊁ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期二 (Tuesday) |
㊀ {symbol} | :: abbreviation for 星期一 (Monday) |
〷 {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: a line feed |
㏠ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the first day of the month |
㏡ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the second day of the month |
㏢ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the third day of the month |
㏣ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the forth day of the month |
㏤ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the fifth day of the month |
㏥ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the sixth day of the month |
㏦ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the seventh day of the month |
㏧ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the eighth day of the month |
㏨ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the ninth day of the month |
㏩ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the tenth day of the month |
㏪ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the eleventh day of the month |
㏫ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twelfth day of the month |
㏬ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the thirteenth day of the month |
㏭ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the fourteenth day of the month |
㏮ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the fifteenth day of the month |
㏯ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the sixteenth day of the month |
㏰ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the seventeenth day of the month |
㏱ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the eighteenth day of the month |
㏲ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the nineteenth day of the month |
㏳ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twentieth day of the month |
㏴ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-first day of the month |
㏵ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-second day of the month |
㏶ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-third day of the month |
㏷ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-fourth day of the month |
㏸ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-fifth day of the month |
㏹ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-sixth day of the month |
㏺ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-seventh day of the month |
㏻ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-eighth day of the month |
㏼ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-ninth day of the month |
㏽ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the thirtieth day of the month |
㏾ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the thirty-first day of the month |
鿏 {def} SEE: 䥑 | :: |
鿎 {def} SEE: 䃮 | :: |
鿍 {def} /gàng/ | :: Mostly used in place names: hill |
鿍 {def} /gàng/ | :: Mostly used in place names: long and narrow highland; mound |
䘞 {def} SEE: 𧜗 | :: |
䜤 {def} SEE: 鿁 | :: |
䞎 {def} SEE: 𧶧 | :: |
䥿 {def} SEE: 𨯅 | :: |
䦀 {def} SEE: 𨦫 | :: |
ㄝ {letter} | :: The 25th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄜ and followed by the letter ㄞ |
ㄞ {letter} | :: The 26th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄝ and followed by the letter ㄟ |
ㄠ {letter} | :: The 28th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄟ and followed by the letter ㄡ |
ㄡ {letter} | :: The 29th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄠ and followed by the letter ㄢ |
ㄢ {letter} | :: The 30th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄡ and followed by the letter ㄣ |
ㄣ {letter} | :: The 31st letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄢ and followed by the letter ㄤ |
ㄤ {letter} | :: The 32nd letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄣ and followed by the letter ㄥ |
ㄥ {letter} | :: The 33rd letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄤ and followed by the letter ㄦ |
ㄦ {letter} | :: The 34th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄥ and followed by the letter ㄧ |
ㄧ {letter} | :: The 35th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄦ and followed by the letter ㄨ |
ㄨ {letter} | :: The 35th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄧ and followed by the letter ㄩ |
ㄩ {letter} | :: The 37th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet. It is preceded by the letter ㄨ |
鿄 {def} SEE: 梁 | :: |
鿕 {def} SEE: 𱆥 | :: |
鿇 {def} /zhēng/ | :: Only used in people's names |
鿆 {def} SEE: 祓 | :: |
䓬 {def} [organic compound] /zhuó/ | :: tropylium |
ㄪ {letter} [obsolete] | :: A letter of the Zhuyin alphabet |
ㄫ {letter} [obsolete] | :: A letter of the Zhuyin alphabet |
ㄬ {letter} [obsolete] | :: A letter of the Zhuyin alphabet |
ㄭ {letter} | :: A letter of the Zhuyin alphabet |
鿬 {def} [chemical element] /tián/ | :: tennessine |
鿫 {def} [chemical element] /ào/ | :: oganesson |
龱 {def} SEE: 四 | :: |
龱 {def} SEE: 囟 | :: |
鿔 {def} SEE: 鎶 | :: |
鿒 {def} SEE: 鿓 | :: |
龻 {def} SEE: 䜌 | :: |
龫 {def} SEE: 幹 | :: |
龲 {def} [chemical element, obsolete] /kù/ | :: kurchatovium |
㚈 {def} SEE: 升 | :: |
䍏 {def} SEE: 网 | :: |
鿭 {def} SEE: 鉨 | :: |
鿭 {def} SEE: 鑈 | :: |
㽏 {def} /gàn/ | :: used in place names |
㿠 {def} [TCM, of face] /huàng/ | :: to appear pale due to poor circulation |
䓪 {def} /yì/ | :: Used only in the name of 王䓪鳴 (Rosanna Wong), Hong Kong politician |
䖬 {def} /jiǎ/ | :: beetle |
㘾 {def} /yǔ/ | :: used in personal names |
䲆 {def} SEE: 鮮 | :: |
䲆 {def} SEE: 穌 | :: |
䒙 {def} SEE: 藏 | :: |
㶥 {def} /gān/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
㶥 {def} /gān/ | :: Used in personal names |
㶥 {def} /gān/ | :: Used in place names |
㶥 {def} SEE: 焊 | :: |
㶥 {def} /gān/ | :: alternative form of 乾 |
鿖 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Christ; anointed one |
鿗 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Jesus |
鿘 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿙 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿚 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿛 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿜 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿝 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿟 {def} SEE: 鿠 | :: |
鿞 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿡 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿠 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿢 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿣 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿤 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿥 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿦 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿧 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿨 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
鿩 {def} [Eastern Orthodoxy, obsolete] | :: Only used for phonetic transcription |
㴠 {def} SEE: 涵 | :: |
㚙 {def} /jiā/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
㍘ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the zeroth hour of the day |
㍙ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the first hour of the day |
㍰ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-fourth hour of the day |
㍚ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the second hour of the day |
㍛ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the third hour of the day |
㍜ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the fourth hour of the day |
㍝ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the fifth hour of the day |
㍞ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the sixth hour of the day |
㍟ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the seventh hour of the day |
㍠ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the eight hour of the day |
㍡ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the ninth hour of the day |
㍢ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the tenth hour of the day |
㍣ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the eleventh hour of the day |
㍤ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twelfth hour of the day |
㍥ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the thirteenth hour of the day |
㍦ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the fourteenth hour of the day |
㍧ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the fifteenth hour of the day |
㍨ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the sixteenth hour of the day |
㍩ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the seventeenth hour of the day |
㍪ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the eighteenth hour of the day |
㍫ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the nineteenth hour of the day |
㍬ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twentieth hour of the day |
㍭ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-first hour of the day |
㍮ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-second hour of the day |
㍯ {symbol} [telegraphy] | :: the twenty-third hour of the day |
䃼 {def} /chū/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
㸆 {def} /kào/ | :: to boil down (fish or meat stew) over a mild fire |
㕀 {def} SEE: 㽕 | :: |
鿴 {def} SEE: 鮗 | :: |
鿱 {def} /bā/ | :: only used in 𪻕鿱酸 |
鿱 {def} /bā/ | :: only used in 𪻕鿱烯 |
鿸 {def} SEE: 鿳 | :: |
䶷 {def} SEE: 叫 | :: |
䶸 {def} SEE: 吆 | :: |
䶹 {def} SEE: 左 | :: |
䶺 {def} SEE: 朒 | :: |
鿳 {def} /tuò/ | :: only used in 鿳科 (Kyphosidae) |
䶿 {def} SEE: 𩚚 | :: |
鿰 {def} SEE: 𬉧 | :: |
鿲 {def} SEE: 𧰎 | :: |
鿵 {def} SEE: 𩷓 | :: |
鿶 {def} SEE: 𩷕 | :: |
鿷 {def} SEE: 𩹎 | :: |
鿹 {def} SEE: 𬵨 | :: |
鿺 {def} SEE: 𪄳 | :: |
𩈳 {def} SEE: 湎 | :: |
𩈲 {def} [archaic] /suàn/ | :: sad facial expression |
𢄓 {def} [archaic] /wù/ | :: turban; headscarf; hood |
𩝐 {def} SEE: 糍 | :: |
𧈧 {def} SEE: 雖 | :: |
𠃉 {def} SEE: 鳦 | :: |
𥳓 {def} [archaic] /shāo/ | :: a bamboo basket for holding cooked rice |
𤴐 {def} SEE: 雷 | :: |
𩂩 {def} SEE: 雷 | :: |
𩇓 {def} SEE: 雷 | :: |
𤳳 {def} SEE: 雷 | :: |
𩄣 {def} SEE: 雷 | :: |
𤴑 {def} SEE: 雷 | :: |
𠲥 {def} SEE: 𡅏 | :: |
𠻗 {def} [Cantonese] /lí/ | :: imperative final particle |
𣴓 {def} /jiàn/ | :: only used in 北𣴓 |
𭒹 {def} /shǔ/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𠀀 {def} SEE: 呵 | :: |
𠀁 {def} SEE: 七 | :: |
𠀅 {def} SEE: 亥 | :: |
𠀉 {def} SEE: 丘 | :: |
𠚹 {def} /shàn/ | :: to mow |
𠚺 {def} /shà/ | :: [obsolete] to pierce |
𠚺 {def} /shà/ | :: [obsolete] to cut without breaking |
𠚺 {def} [Min Dong, vulgar] /shà/ | :: to fuck |
𠛪 {def} /tiāo/ | :: to cut open, to sever |
𠜱 {def} /pī/ | :: [obsolete] [Cantonese, Hakka, Min] to pare; [dialectal] alternative form of 批 |
𠄎 {def} SEE: 乃 | :: |
𨒙 {def} SEE: 託 | :: |
𨒙 {def} SEE: 逅 | :: |
𩧢 {def} SEE: 騁 | :: |
𪚥 {def} SEE: 讋 | :: |
𡰪 {def} SEE: 䐁 | :: |
𡰪 {def} SEE: 𡱂 | :: |
𠂢 {def} /pài/ | :: original form of 派 |
𠔻 {def} /zhèng/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𥂁 {def} SEE: 塩 | :: |
𪠽 {def} SEE: 噹 | :: |
𠡠 {def} SEE: 敕 | :: |
𢦏 {def} /zāi/ | :: hurt; wound |
𨭆 {def} [chemical element] /hēi/ | :: hassium (Hs) |
𠳨 {def} [Taiwan] /méi/ | :: used in personal names |
𠳨 {def} /méi/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𠳨 {def} /méi/ | :: alternative form of 誨 |
𣶒 {def} SEE: 淵 | :: |
𢼸 {def} SEE: 微 | :: |
𥁕 {def} /wēn/ | :: kind; benevolent; humane |
𫟼 {def} SEE: 鐽 | :: |
𠂤 {def} SEE: 堆 | :: |
𣡽 {def} /shā/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𣓏 {def} SEE: 禁 | :: |
𣓏 {def} SEE: 麓 | :: |
𣓏 {def} SEE: 森 | :: |
𣓏 {def} /jìn/ | :: [obsolete] table for holding a goblet |
𣡕 {def} /yàn/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𫔭 {def} SEE: 開 | :: |
𥀺 {def} /xiè/ | :: harmony, peace |
𥀺 {def} /xiè/ | :: peaceful, calm |
𫃵 {def} SEE: 縷 | :: |
𠀍 {def} SEE: 世 | :: |
𠀕 {def} SEE: 亙 | :: |
𡚩 {def} SEE: 要 | :: |
𡧳 {def} SEE: 賽 | :: |
𤞏 {def} SEE: 獅 | :: |
𤆊 {def} SEE: 爆 | :: |
𤇾 {def} SEE: 榮 | :: |
𤇾 {def} SEE: 熒 | :: |
𤇾 {def} [Taiwan] /yíng/ | :: Only used in personal names. |
𠪚 {def} /yín/ | :: cliff, precipice |
𠪚 {def} /yín/ | :: rocky or dangerous mountain |
𨤿 {def} [Taiwan] /duì/ | :: used in personal names |
𫝂 {def} SEE: 所 | :: |
𫝃 {def} SEE: 爾 | :: |
𫝇 {def} SEE: 命 | :: |
𫝈 {def} SEE: 㑮 | :: |
𫝉 {def} SEE: 倉 | :: |
𫝊 {def} SEE: 傳 | :: |
𫠜 {def} SEE: 齯 | :: |
𫝍 {def} SEE: 岡 | :: |
𫝑 {def} SEE: 勢 | :: |
𠀤 {def} SEE: 並 | :: |
𠀇 {def} SEE: 且 | :: |
𠀈 {def} SEE: 丘 | :: |
𠀊 {def} [Zhejiang, including, Jiande, Ningbo, Shaoxing, of people or animals] /cāo/ | :: not big but not small; medium; intermediate |
𫛢 {def} SEE: 鸋 | :: |
𠄢 {def} SEE: 亘 | :: |
𠄠 {def} SEE: 二 | :: |
𨸏 {def} SEE: 阜 | :: |
𠀌 {def} SEE: 丘 | :: |
𠂆 {def} /yì/ | :: to drag |
𦐇 {def} /tà/ | :: [historical dictionaries] appearance of flying high |
𢦒 {def} SEE: 𢦏 | :: |
𨚵 {def} /Zài/ | :: name of ancient country in former Chenliu County (located in modern-day Henan Province) |
𨚵 {def} /Zài/ | :: surname |
𠁁 {def} [ancient] /dòu/ | :: a kind of flagon used in rituals |
𠁁 {def} /dòu/ | :: alternative form of 斗 |
𠑷 {def} /cháng,zhǎng/ | :: (classical variant of 長) long |
𠑷 {def} /cháng,zhǎng/ | :: length |
𠑷 {def} /cháng,zhǎng/ | :: excel in |
𠃊 {def} SEE: 隱 | :: |
𠃊 {def} SEE: 乙 | :: |
𠑷 {def} /cháng,zhǎng/ | :: leader, master, chief |
𫛸 {def} SEE: 鶗 | :: |
𫛶 {def} SEE: 鶒 | :: |
𫛞 {def} SEE: 鴃 | :: |
𧭜 {def} /lǜ/ | :: to deceive |
𠫤 {def} SEE: 吝 | :: |
𣎴 {def} /dǔn/ | :: block of wood |
𣎴 {def} SEE: 櫱 | :: |
𣎴 {def} [dialectal] /dǔn/ | :: brick-shaped clay |
🍋 {adj} [internet slang] /suān/ | :: alternative form of 酸 |
💊 {symbol} [Mainland, Mandarin, neologism, Internet slang] | :: alternative form of 藥丸/药丸, 要完 |
𧵑 {def} SEE: 賈 | :: |
𠁥 {def} SEE: 𦫳 | :: |
𠂔 {def} /zǐ/ | :: to stop |
𠂕 {def} SEE: 矢 | :: |
𠀃 {def} SEE: 且 | :: |
𠀃 {def} SEE: 几 | :: |
𦍒 {def} SEE: 羍 | :: |
𪛓 {def} SEE: 龣 | :: |
𠟐 {def} SEE: 創 | :: |
𠁿 {def} SEE: 丹 | :: |
𠇍 {def} SEE: 爾 | :: |
𢑚 {def} SEE: 申 | :: |
𦥑 {def} /jiù/ | :: [obsolete] to clasp one's hands together in front of one's chest |
𦥑 {def} SEE: 臼 | :: |
𦥑 {def} /jiù/ | :: [obsolete] (= 插舂)to hold with both hands |
𤆴 {def} /huāng/ | :: fire |
𠐊 {def} SEE: 豎 | :: |
𫝋 {def} SEE: 𠐊 | :: |
𫞕 {def} SEE: 氏 | :: |
𫝹 {def} SEE: 念 | :: |
𫞓 {def} SEE: 歲 | :: |
𠔉 {def} SEE: 𢍏 | :: |
𫠒 {def} SEE: 鱆 | :: |
𩙤 {def} SEE: 䬍 | :: |
𠤎 {def} SEE: 化 | :: |
𠤎 {def} SEE: 匕 | :: |
𠂇 {def} SEE: 左 | :: |
𠂇 {def} SEE: 有 | :: |
𠿧 {def} SEE: 商 | :: |
𦣞 {def} SEE: 頤 | :: |
𦣝 {def} SEE: 頤 | :: |
𡢃 {def} SEE: 嫻 | :: |
𤣩 {def} SEE: 玉 | :: |
𡠹 {def} /zhì/ | :: cunning |
𡠹 {def} /zhì/ | :: wicked |
𡠹 {def} /zhì/ | :: spoiled, coddled |
𣪘 {def} SEE: 簋 | :: |
𠬝 {def} SEE: 服 | :: |
𪨊 {def} SEE: 㞞 | :: |
𣥂 {def} /tà/ | :: (same as 蹋 and 踏) to step on, to trample, to tread on |
𧆘 {def} SEE: 囿 | :: |
𤝕 {def} /mǔ/ | :: only used in 猦𤝕 |
𢆶 {def} SEE: 玆 | :: |
𢆶 {def} /yōu/ | :: minute, extremely small, tiny, infinitesimal |
𪓉 {def} /yù/ | :: black |
𦻏 {def} SEE: 華 | :: |
𪓉 {def} /yù/ | :: black or dark in appearance |
𢅥 {def} SEE: 幮 | :: |
𠮛 {def} SEE: 旨 | :: |
𥎦 {def} SEE: 侯 | :: |
𥎦 {def} SEE: 仄 | :: |
𣎳 {def} /pìn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to strip off the skin or outer covering of the hemp stalk |
𡨄 {def} SEE: 塞 | :: |
𡨄 {def} SEE: 㙤 | :: |
𠮟 {def} SEE: 叱 | :: |
𡰯 {def} SEE: 豕 | :: |
𡰯 {def} SEE: 屌 | :: |
𦣻 {def} SEE: 首 | :: |
𦣻 {def} SEE: 百 | :: |
𠁼 {def} SEE: 伊 | :: |
𠀔 {def} SEE: 孓 | :: |
𪜂 {def} SEE: 瓦 | :: |
𠀑 {def} SEE: 天 | :: |
𠀒 {def} SEE: 平 | :: |
𠀋 {def} SEE: 丈 | :: |
𠀜 {def} SEE: 邱 | :: |
𠀜 {def} SEE: 皿 | :: |
𠀘 {def} SEE: 天 | :: |
𠑗 {def} SEE: 仙 | :: |
𠀙 {def} SEE: 麗 | :: |
𠀚 {def} SEE: 不 | :: |
𧅄 {def} /kuí/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of vegetable |
𠮷 {def} SEE: 吉 | :: |
𣴎 {def} SEE: 羕 | :: |
𦍌 {def} /yáng/ | :: radical form of 羊 |
𫟟 {def} SEE: 詊 | :: |
𠃌 {def} /gǔn/ | :: the backward tip of a hook |
𢆊 {def} SEE: 汀 | :: |
𠚪 {def} SEE: 從 | :: |
𠚪 {def} SEE: 剝 | :: |
𠮠 {def} SEE: 剮 | :: |
𠮠 {def} /bǎi/ | :: [obsolete] to separate, alternative form of 㗗 |
𠁡 {def} SEE: 卜 | :: |
𠁰 {def} SEE: 乖 | :: |
𠀡 {def} SEE: 天 | :: |
𠄷 {def} SEE: 齊 | :: |
𠄞 {def} SEE: 上 | :: |
𠄟 {def} SEE: 下 | :: |
𠄡 {def} SEE: 五 | :: |
𠄤 {def} SEE: 純 | :: |
𠆣 {def} SEE: 寡 | :: |
𠆤 {def} SEE: 丁 | :: |
𠯑 {def} /guā/ | :: to block the mouth |
𣏂 {def} SEE: 殺 | :: |
𥝢 {def} SEE: 利 | :: |
𥝢 {def} SEE: 初 | :: |
𠩺 {def} /xī/ | :: to split; to rive; crack |
𠩺 {def} /chí/ | :: to put in order |
𧰨 {def} /gèng/ | :: gather |
𠅃 {def} SEE: 亦 | :: |
𠅃 {def} SEE: 衣 | :: |
𠂑 {def} SEE: 奏 | :: |
𦈢 {def} SEE: 缶 | :: |
𦥔 {def} SEE: 申 | :: |
𠦝 {def} SEE: 卓 | :: |
𠕁 {def} SEE: 冊 | :: |
𠕁 {def} /cóng/ | :: [obsolete] hole |
𧴪 {def} /suǒ/ | :: fragments |
𪡏 {def} SEE: 嗹 | :: |
𡗜 {def} SEE: 犮 | :: |
𠃜 {def} SEE: 尸 | :: |
𠃜 {def} SEE: 眉 | :: |
𠃜 {def} SEE: 嵋 | :: |
𩠐 {def} SEE: 首 | :: |
𤴡 {def} /dì,zhì/ | :: (same as 疐) fall, stumble, falter |
𤴡 {def} /dì,zhì/ | :: hindered |
𦵹 {def} SEE: 菼 | :: |
𠧗 {def} SEE: 弄 | :: |
𠓛 {def} SEE: 亼 | :: |
𠈌 {def} SEE: 虞 | :: |
𩦢 {def} /yú/ | :: to provide for |
𩦢 {def} /yú/ | :: anxious |
𩦢 {def} /yú/ | :: danger |
𫝕 {def} SEE: 辰 | :: |
𤙭 {def} /fǔ/ | :: dried beef |
𡱒 {def} SEE: 臀 | :: |
𡱒 {def} SEE: 殿 | :: |
𥄳 {def} SEE: 眔 | :: |
𢇇 {def} /guān/ | :: to run threads though a web in weaving |
𡰣 {def} SEE: 尸 | :: |
𠆌 {def} SEE: 庸 | :: |
𠆩 {v} [obsolete] /fàn,fán/ | :: to scorn; to despise |
𠆩 {def} /fán/ | :: Kunqu gongche notation of high fa (4̇) |
𠊧 {def} /bìng/ | :: even, together |
𠊧 {def} /bìng/ | :: to reduce, equalize |
𠆿 {def} SEE: 𠌥 | :: |
𠔃 {def} SEE: 兮 | :: |
𠕄 {def} [Cantonese] /nà/ | :: dimple (酒𠕄) |
𠖥 {def} /chǒng/ | :: kindness, grace |
𠖥 {def} /chǒng/ | :: esteem |
𠗦 {def} SEE: 憑 | :: |
𠛒 {def} /guā/ | :: to cut |
𠛒 {def} /guā/ | :: to slice |
𠜎 {def} [chiefly Cantonese] /xiàn/ | :: to castrate |
𠜼 {def} /qiā/ | :: to claw |
𠜼 {def} /qiā/ | :: to pinch with the fingers |
𠝹 {def} /jiè/ | :: alternative form of 鎅 |
𠞭 {def} /lóu/ | :: to carve |
𠞭 {def} /lóu/ | :: to hollow out |
𠞰 {def} SEE: 剿 | :: |
𠤏 {def} /bǎo/ | :: a tithing |
𠙵 {def} SEE: 口 | :: |
𠬛 {def} /mò,mà,2nb/ | :: [obsolete] (= 沒) to dive into water to get something |
𠙶 {def} /ǒu/ | :: Used in 𠙶山 |
𠙷 {def} /xìn/ | :: (ancient form of 囟) top of the head |
𠙷 {def} /xìn/ | :: skull |
𦋹 {def} SEE: 瞐 | :: |
𣬉 {def} /pí/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 毗 |
𣬉 {def} /pí/ | :: [obsolete] small basket |
𧴯 {def} SEE: 孭 | :: |
𠤕 {def} SEE: 疑 | :: |
𠤕 {def} SEE: 賢 | :: |
𠤕 {def} SEE: 矢 | :: |
𢧵 {def} SEE: 截 | :: |
𧩙 {def} SEE: 誕 | :: |
𨧀 {def} [chemistry] /dù/ | :: dubnium (Db) |
𨨏 {def} [chemical element] /bō/ | :: bohrium (Bh) |
𥿗 {def} SEE: 織 | :: |
𧉁 {def} /xì/ | :: 虫名 |
𫝩 {def} SEE: 嬦 | :: |
𫟷 {def} SEE: 鉝 | :: |
𠉂 {def} SEE: 㒓 | :: |
𨙨 {def} SEE: 邑 | :: |
𨙨 {def} SEE: 苑 | :: |
𡶴 {def} SEE: 嵼 | :: |
𢀖 {def} SEE: 巠 | :: |
𣪊 {def} SEE: 㱿 | :: |
𠲎 {def} SEE: 吠 | :: |
𠲎 {particle} [Wu] /fa/ | :: final interrogative particle on a yes/no question |
𡳞 {def} [Cantonese, Hakka, Min, vulgar] /lìn/ | :: male genitalia; penis; dick (Classifier: c:條c:轆) |
𡳞 {def} [Cantonese, Hakka, vulgar] /lìn/ | :: fucking; freaking; the hell; the fuck |
𡳞 {def} [Cantonese, vulgar] /lìn/ | :: Negates the meaning of the sentence |
𦣇 {def} [Cantonese] /luó/ | :: buttocks |
𦾔 {def} SEE: 舊 | :: |
𧈡 {def} SEE: 蚤 | :: |
𡚦 {def} SEE: 閪 | :: |
𦤳 {def} SEE: 至 | :: |
𠫔 {def} SEE: 肱 | :: |
𠫛 {def} /bǎi/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𧅟 {def} SEE: 𧄠 | :: |
𣏇 {def} [Taiwan] /gōng/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𧄠 {def} [of a, flower] /zhá/ | :: suddenly bloom |
𠄕 {def} SEE: 乃 | :: |
𠆢 {def} SEE: 人 | :: |
𠇚 {def} SEE: 甲 | :: |
𡴌 {def} SEE: 甲 | :: |
𢎦 {def} SEE: 殳 | :: |
𤆅 {def} SEE: 赦 | :: |
𥃦 {def} SEE: 目 | :: |
𡇡 {def} SEE: 目 | :: |
𥆤 {def} SEE: 目 | :: |
𪜮 {def} [Taiwan] /mù/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𩙿 {def} SEE: 飠 | :: |
𪓃 {def} [obsolete] /niǎng/ | :: black |
𪓆 {def} SEE: 𪒾 | :: |
𨃝 {def} SEE: 跿 | :: |
𥁰 {def} SEE: 盟 | :: |
𪒾 {def} [obsolete] /dàn/ | :: black; dark |
𠕲 {def} SEE: 雨 | :: |
𥠵 {def} /fù/ | :: bundle of grain or straw, sheaf |
𥠵 {def} /pū/ | :: soybean |
𡥉 {def} SEE: 教 | :: |
𠈇 {def} SEE: 夙 | :: |
𩩍 {def} [Cantonese] /pīng/ | :: ribs, particularly in reference to back ribs |
𩩍 {def} [Min Nan, Min Dong] /pīng/ | :: back of the body |
𨋢 {def} [Hong Kong Cantonese] /lì/ | :: elevator; lift (Classifier: 部架) |
𨭎 {def} [chemistry] /xǐ/ | :: seaborgium (Sg) |
𫓯 {def} SEE: 銈 | :: |
𫛚 {def} SEE: 鳽 | :: |
𫚉 {def} SEE: 魟 | :: |
𫛭 {def} SEE: 鵟 | :: |
𨰾 {def} SEE: 鎷 | :: |
𫄙 {def} SEE: 糺 | :: |
𪚱 {def} SEE: 𪚰 | :: |
𪛖 {def} SEE: 簫 | :: |
𪛕 {def} SEE: 簫 | :: |
𪚦 {def} SEE: 龜 | :: |
𤜵 {def} /yàn/ | :: [obsolete] a type of ferocious dog |
𤜵 {def} /yàn/ | :: [obsolete] a type of hound that chases tigers |
𤡲 {def} /kāi/ | :: [obsolete] a type of animal |
𨱋 {def} SEE: 錂 | :: |
𫓹 {def} SEE: 錤 | :: |
𫘟 {def} SEE: 駊 | :: |
𧿹 {def} [anatomy] /mǔ/ | :: big toe |
𠮚 {def} SEE: 口 | :: |
𪉊 {def} SEE: 鷨 | :: |
𫖇 {def} SEE: 鞾 | :: |
𢭏 {def} SEE: 擣 | :: |
𠄏 {def} SEE: 屌 | :: |
𠄏 {def} /diǎo/ | :: [obsolete] dangling; hanging |
𦰩 {def} SEE: 漢 | :: |
𦰩 {def} SEE: 堇 | :: |
𪢮 {def} SEE: 圞 | :: |
𤝞 {def} /chù/ | :: name of a kind of beast |
𤝞 {def} /chù/ | :: alternative form of 䟣 |
𢽾 {def} SEE: 斅 | :: |
𤤴 {def} SEE: 玨 | :: |
𣄸 {def} /huò/ | :: alternative form of 禍 |
𡆿 {def} SEE: 國 | :: |
𫐏 {def} SEE: 輖 | :: |
𫛲 {def} SEE: 鵰 | :: |
𠚍 {def} SEE: 𠚊 | :: |
𬭊 {def} SEE: 𨧀 | :: |
𫚒 {def} SEE: 鮄 | :: |
𫚔 {def} SEE: 鮰 | :: |
𫚕 {def} SEE: 鰤 | :: |
𫚙 {def} SEE: 鯆 | :: |
𫛛 {def} SEE: 鳷 | :: |
𫚈 {def} SEE: 鱮 | :: |
𫘨 {def} SEE: 騠 | :: |
𫘤 {def} SEE: 騃 | :: |
𫘣 {def} SEE: 駻 | :: |
𫘝 {def} SEE: 駃 | :: |
𡘫 {def} SEE: 穩 | :: |
𪞝 {def} SEE: 凙 | :: |
𪨗 {def} SEE: 屩 | :: |
𫏋 {def} SEE: 蹻 | :: |
𪻐 {def} SEE: 瑽 | :: |
𪾢 {def} SEE: 睍 | :: |
𫁡 {def} SEE: 鴗 | :: |
𫂈 {def} SEE: 䉬 | :: |
𫄨 {def} SEE: 絺 | :: |
𫄸 {def} SEE: 纁 | :: |
𪺹 {def} /nǔ/ | :: a tribe in southwest Yunnan province |
𠯟 {def} SEE: 哯 | :: |
𪎉 {def} SEE: 麲 | :: |
𫌨 {def} SEE: 覼 | :: |
𦛨 {def} SEE: 朥 | :: |
𠓴 {def} SEE: 全 | :: |
𣆐 {def} SEE: 曥 | :: |
𫓧 {def} SEE: 鈇 | :: |
𠰘 {def} SEE: 嗥 | :: |
𢳂 {def} /piē/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to pull |
𥇅 {def} SEE: 睌 | :: |
𤯞 {def} SEE: 青 | :: |
𨱍 {def} SEE: 鎯 | :: |
𨱏 {def} SEE: 鎝 | :: |
𠦃 {def} SEE: 卅 | :: |
𠦄 {def} SEE: 卅 | :: |
𠦄 {def} SEE: 卉 | :: |
𩧫 {def} SEE: 駚 | :: |
𫓭 {def} SEE: 鉠 | :: |
𢇅 {def} SEE: 𢇇 | :: |
𢇅 {def} SEE: 關 | :: |
𢯱 {def} /sōu/ | :: public opinion |
𢯱 {def} /sōu/ | :: to assemble |
𢯱 {def} /sōu/ | :: to seek |
𩧰 {def} SEE: 䮝 | :: |
𫠋 {def} SEE: 騼 | :: |
𡇅 {def} SEE: 國 | :: |
𡿪 {def} SEE: 𡿩 | :: |
𡿩 {def} /liè/ | :: flow (of a liquid) |
𣚕 {def} [Cantonese] /yè,yǎn/ | :: to wave with the hand |
𪉟 {def} SEE: 鹽 | :: |
𠕇 {def} SEE: 冇 | :: |
𠕇 {def} [Min Nan, Min Dong] /diàn/ | :: hard, solid |
𨑨 {def} /zhì/ | :: [historical dictionaries] close, near |
𪣻 {def} SEE: 塿 | :: |
𦝼 {def} SEE: 膢 | :: |
𤋏 {def} SEE: 熡 | :: |
𫐷 {def} SEE: 遱 | :: |
𪧘 {def} SEE: 寠 | :: |
𫍴 {def} SEE: 謱 | :: |
𫎌 {def} SEE: 貗 | :: |
𤠋 {def} SEE: 㺏 | :: |
𠮶 {def} SEE: 嗰 | :: |
𪰐 {def} [Taiwan] /bèn/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𢀑 {def} SEE: 巨 | :: |
𠃓 {def} SEE: 昜 | :: |
𠃓 {def} SEE: 易 | :: |
𠬤 {def} SEE: 睪 | :: |
𠯮 {def} SEE: 品 | :: |
𫍙 {def} SEE: 訑 | :: |
𬣙 {def} SEE: 訏 | :: |
𬮴 {def} SEE: 闇 | :: |
𬮳 {def} SEE: 闆 | :: |
𩧼 {def} SEE: 𩣺 | :: |
𫔰 {def} SEE: 閞 | :: |
𬴍 {def} SEE: 䮽 | :: |
𩙪 {def} SEE: 颷 | :: |
𫄣 {def} SEE: 繷 | :: |
𬨉 {def} SEE: 䡘 | :: |
𠊎 {def} [Hakka] /ái/ | :: I; me |
𥥛 {def} SEE: 突 | :: |
𥥛 {def} SEE: 胈 | :: |
𩑛 {def} SEE: 髮 | :: |
𠵸 {def} SEE: 𡄣 | :: |
𡝠 {def} SEE: 㜷 | :: |
𤦀 {def} SEE: 瓕 | :: |
𥮜 {def} SEE: 䉲 | :: |
𦰴 {def} SEE: 䕳 | :: |
𫗠 {def} SEE: 餦 | :: |
𰻞 {def} /biáng/ | :: only used in 𰻞𰻞麵 |
𠀄 {def} SEE: 衛 | :: |
𠀂 {def} [Taiwan] /yǐ/ | :: Used in personal names |
𠀏 {def} [Taiwan] /tún/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𠀓 {def} SEE: 亞 | :: |
𠀛 {def} SEE: 玉 | :: |
𠀝 {def} SEE: 空 | :: |
𠀞 {def} SEE: 麗 | :: |
𠀠 {def} SEE: 箕 | :: |
𠀐 {def} [Taiwan] /zhōng/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𠀥 {def} SEE: 亘 | :: |
𠀩 {def} SEE: 汀 | :: |
𠀬 {def} SEE: 㐁 | :: |
𠀭 {def} SEE: 平 | :: |
𠀰 {def} SEE: 多 | :: |
𠀼 {def} SEE: 夏 | :: |
𠀾 {def} SEE: 𠁞 | :: |
𠁃 {def} SEE: 鋪 | :: |
𠁅 {def} SEE: 處 | :: |
𠁈 {def} SEE: 君 | :: |
𠀣 {def} [Taiwan] /qī/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𬘖 {def} SEE: 絸 | :: |
𬭛 {def} SEE: 𨨏 | :: |
𬬻 {def} SEE: 鑪 | :: |
𫫖 {def} SEE: 噁 | :: |
𪱷 {def} SEE: 梖 | :: |
𫼣 {def} SEE: 𢳂 | :: |
𫠠 {def} [Taiwan] /yì/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𠍡 {def} SEE: 袖 | :: |
𠍎 {def} SEE: 貳 | :: |
𠌫 {def} SEE: 蹕 | :: |
𠷝 {def} SEE: 喟 | :: |
𠰩 {def} SEE: 呥 | :: |
𪠸 {def} SEE: 嚛 | :: |
𢒛 {def} SEE: 變 | :: |
𠷕 {def} SEE: 吹 | :: |
𠰲 {def} SEE: 述 | :: |
𬮘 {def} SEE: 閄 | :: |
𬂲 {def} SEE: 椏 | :: |
𬭶 {def} SEE: 𨭆 | :: |
𬭳 {def} SEE: 𨭎 | :: |
𠂬 {def} SEE: 厄 | :: |
𠰷 {def} SEE: 嚧 | :: |
𡶙 {def} SEE: 㞽 | :: |
𡶧 {def} SEE: 岦 | :: |
𥐟 {def} SEE: 礒 | :: |
𩷆 {def} SEE: 鱠 | :: |
𠯿 {def} [regional] /lù/ | :: sound used to call pig |
𠯿 {def} /liū/ | :: only used in 吃𠯿 |
𬘧 {def} SEE: 纃 | :: |
𬢪 {def} SEE: 譸 | :: |
𪳤 {def} [Taiwan] /zào/ | :: used in personal names |
𬯀 {def} SEE: 隮 | :: |
𫕅 {def} SEE: 隮 | :: |
𫓩 {def} SEE: 鏦 | :: |
𤋇 {def} SEE: 視 | :: |
𫰆 {def} SEE: 姨 | :: |
𫰆 {def} [obsolete] | :: used in personal names |
𦬁 {def} SEE: 菜 | :: |
𦬁 {def} SEE: 蔡 | :: |
𫠣 {def} SEE: 柬 | :: |
𦬁 {def} /cái/ | :: a kind of grass |
𣹷 {def} SEE: 梁 | :: |
𦛂 {def} SEE: 胃 | :: |
𤆬 {def} [Min Nan, Puxian Min] /chuā/ | :: to lead; to guide |
𤆬 {def} [Min Nan, Puxian Min, of a man] /chuā/ | :: to marry; to take a wife |
𤆬 {def} [Min Nan, Puxian Min] /chuā/ | :: to take care of; to bring up; to nurture |
𤆬 {def} [Min Nan, Puxian Min] /chuā/ | :: to kidnap |
𬱓 {def} SEE: 頄 | :: |
𠳮 {def} SEE: 喬 | :: |
𧖣 {def} /mán/ | :: only used in 𧖣𧊲 |
𤱥 {def} SEE: 畛 | :: |
𧊲 {def} /quán/ | :: only used in 𧖣𧊲 |
𥫚 {def} SEE: 箕 | :: |
𡰥 {def} /yí/ | :: used in 陽𡰥 |
𡰥 {def} SEE: 仁 | :: |
𡰥 {def} SEE: 尼 | :: |
𡰥 {def} /yí/ | :: Ancient form of 夷 |
𪓄 {def} [obsolete] /chán/ | :: error in publishing |
𩊚 {def} [obsolete] /luò/ | :: raw leather used for binding things together |
𠆾 {def} [music] /liù/ | :: Kunqu gongche notation of high sol (5̇) |
𢓉 {def} SEE: 返 | :: |
𢈿 {def} SEE: 或 | :: |
𩷶 {def} /máng/ | :: Pangas catfish, Pangasius pangasius |
𡈽 {def} SEE: 土 | :: |
𠢕 {def} /háo/ | :: original form of 豪 |
𠢕 {def} [Min Nan] /háo/ | :: capable; competent |
𠢕 {def} [Min Nan] /háo/ | :: well; with competence |
𠞪 {def} SEE: 𠢕 | :: |
𠢕 {def} [Min Nan] /háo/ | :: easily |
𫔈 {def} SEE: 鎙 | :: |
𧝋 {def} /tuí/ | :: [obsolete] cover for a coffin |
𣱛 {def} SEE: 氣 | :: |
𥫶 {def} SEE: 箕 | :: |
𦈕 {def} SEE: 緰 | :: |
𨱎 {def} SEE: 鍮 | :: |
𩨈 {def} SEE: 騟 | :: |
𫓻 {def} SEE: 錜 | :: |
𫍝 {def} SEE: 諫 | :: |
𫍩 {def} SEE: 諣 | :: |
𨊥 {def} SEE: 轊 | :: |
𰻝 {def} SEE: 𰻞 | :: |
𣘴 {def} SEE: 檭 | :: |
𬢊 {def} SEE: 覗 | :: |
𬜿 {def} SEE: 蔮 | :: |
𬬪 {def} SEE: 釦 | :: |
𪜁 {def} SEE: 伐 | :: |
𫟞 {def} SEE: 訨 | :: |
𠯁 {def} SEE: 足 | :: |
𤯔 {def} SEE: 人 | :: |
𠔽 {def} SEE: 人 | :: |
𠠲 {def} SEE: 力 | :: |
𠜝 {def} SEE: 工 | :: |
𢀚 {def} SEE: 工 | :: |
𢒅 {def} SEE: 工 | :: |
𢒄 {def} SEE: 工 | :: |
𦔳 {def} SEE: 助 | :: |
𦔳 {def} /lè/ | :: Only used in names |
𩠌 {def} SEE: 餸 | :: |
𪚔 {def} SEE: 龑 | :: |
𡮑 {def} SEE: 𡭾 | :: |
𫗩 {def} SEE: 饠 | :: |
𫖯 {def} SEE: 頫 | :: |
𩚨 {def} SEE: 䬫 | :: |
𬴊 {def} SEE: 驎 | :: |
𤆀 {def} /biāo/ | :: the sound of water |
𤆀 {def} /biāo/ | :: alternative form of 滮 |
𧢲 {def} SEE: 角 | :: |
𨐅 {def} SEE: 軗 | :: |
𪳍 {def} SEE: 欇 | :: |
𣗋 {def} SEE: 欓 | :: |
𩰊 {def} SEE: 丮 | :: |
𩰋 {def} SEE: 𠨭 | :: |
𠘥 {def} [Min] | :: cold |
𠘥 {def} SEE: 凝 | :: |
𠘥 {def} [obsolete] /yán/ | :: only used in 𠘥凝 an alternative form of 嚴凝 |
𠨭 {def} [obsolete] /jú/ | :: to hold; to drag |
𩰠 {def} SEE: 糈 | :: |
𥸤 {def} SEE: 籲 | :: |
𨥶 {def} /dài/ | :: didymium (Mixture of praseodymium and neodymium. It was once considered a chemical element.) |
𫜨 {def} SEE: 䶕 | :: |
𧥝 {def} SEE: 詞 | :: |
𧾸 {def} SEE: 正 | :: |
𤼥 {def} SEE: 躋 | :: |
𤼦 {def} SEE: 發 | :: |
𣥃 {def} [rare] /wàn/ | :: the appearance of walking |
𨷻 {def} /lán,luán/ | :: to rashly enter palace gates on one's accord |
𪚏 {def} SEE: 𪘀 | :: |
𫜩 {def} SEE: 齧 | :: |
𫜪 {def} SEE: 齩 | :: |
𤼧 {def} SEE: 癹 | :: |
𤼩 {def} SEE: 癸 | :: |
𤼪 {def} SEE: 登 | :: |
𤼬 {def} SEE: 發 | :: |
𤼬 {def} SEE: 班 | :: |
𤼯 {def} SEE: 癹 | :: |
𤼰 {def} SEE: 𧶢 | :: |
𤼲 {def} SEE: 發 | :: |
𤼳 {def} SEE: 舉 | :: |
𤼴 {def} SEE: 舉 | :: |
𤼵 {def} SEE: 發 | :: |
𤼶 {def} SEE: 登 | :: |
𤼷 {def} SEE: 登 | :: |
𤼹 {def} SEE: 𧶢 | :: |
𦧅 {def} [rare] /wèng/ | :: to burn |
𩰡 {def} [obsolete] /shǐ/ | :: very fragrant; may be alternative form of 𩰢 |
𩰢 {def} [obsolete, of alcohol] /shǐ/ | :: strong |
𩰢 {def} [obsolete] /shǐ/ | :: very fragrant |
𩰣 {def} SEE: 爵 | :: |
𩰤 {def} SEE: 秬 | :: |
𩰌 {def} [obsolete] /wù/ | :: firm |
𩰍 {def} [obsolete] /biàn/ | :: to fight |
𩰏 {def} SEE: 𩰟 | :: |
𩰎 {def} [obsolete] /xuán,wēng/ | :: a hammer for testing the arm strength of a strong man |
𠮾 {def} SEE: 嗯 | :: |
𩰑 {def} SEE: 鬥 | :: |
𩰑 {def} SEE: 祐 | :: |
𩰒 {def} SEE: 鬥 | :: |
𩰓 {def} SEE: 鬨 | :: |
𩰔 {def} SEE: 琴 | :: |
𩰕 {def} SEE: 鬩 | :: |
𠨬 {def} SEE: 卮 | :: |
𠨬 {def} SEE: 庀 | :: |
𠨬 {def} SEE: 厄 | :: |
𩰗 {def} /bīn,pīn/ | :: only used in 𩰗𩰟 alternative form of 繽紛 |
𫜫 {def} SEE: 𫜦 | :: |
𪚐 {def} SEE: 𪙤 | :: |
𫜬 {def} SEE: 齰 | :: |
𫜭 {def} SEE: 齭 | :: |
𬑭 {def} SEE: 嵍 | :: |
𥍞 {def} [obsolete] /nǜ/ | :: sharp |
𡍲 {def} [archaic] /dā,tà/ | :: uneven ground; depression in ground |
𡍲 {def} /dā,tà/ | :: place, location |
𡍲 {def} /dā,tà/ | :: Classifier for places |
𡍲 {def} /dā,tà/ | :: Used in placenames |
𡍲 {def} /dā,tà/ | :: Plural suffix in pronouns |
𫜮 {def} SEE: 齴 | :: |
𫜯 {def} SEE: 𪙏 | :: |
𫜰 {def} SEE: 齾 | :: |
𬹺 {def} SEE: 齖 | :: |
𬹻 {def} SEE: 𪗝 | :: |
𬹼 {def} SEE: 齘 | :: |
𬹽 {def} SEE: 𪗜 | :: |
𡤼 {def} SEE: 孑 | :: |
𡤾 {def} SEE: 孫 | :: |
𣦼 {def} SEE: 𣦻 | :: |
𣲷 {def} [Cantonese] /nì/ | :: sticky |
𣲷 {def} [Cantonese] /nì/ | :: wet |
𣲷 {def} [Cantonese] /nì/ | :: slow |
𣲸 {def} SEE: 澮 | :: |
𣲶 {def} /niǔ/ | :: Name of a river in Runan County, Henan, China |
𬹾 {def} SEE: 𪗳 | :: |
𬹿 {def} SEE: 𪗪 | :: |
𬺀 {def} SEE: 𪗭 | :: |
𬺁 {def} SEE: 𪗻 | :: |
𬺂 {def} SEE: 𩖁 | :: |
𬺃 {def} SEE: 䶣 | :: |
𠁠 {def} SEE: 𢲶 | :: |
𣦻 {def} /cán/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to damage and penetrate |
𠃋 {def} SEE: 肱 | :: |
𠑹 {def} [obsolete] /gǔ/ | :: Original variant of 瞽 |
𤦂 {def} SEE: 國 | :: |
𠑹 {def} [obsolete] /gǔ/ | :: alternative form of 蠱 |
𬺄 {def} SEE: 𪗽 | :: |
𬺅 {def} SEE: 𪙞 | :: |
𬺆 {def} SEE: 𪘞 | :: |
𬺇 {def} SEE: 𪘓 | :: |
𬺈 {def} SEE: 齮 | :: |
𬺉 {def} SEE: 䶦 | :: |
𬺊 {def} SEE: 𪘩 | :: |
𬺋 {def} SEE: 𪘧 | :: |
𬺌 {def} SEE: 𪘲 | :: |
𬺍 {def} SEE: 䶢 | :: |
𬺎 {def} SEE: 齹 | :: |
𬺏 {def} SEE: 𪙍 | :: |
𬺐 {def} SEE: 𪙕 | :: |
𧲏 {def} SEE: 豩 | :: |
𬺑 {def} SEE: 𪙑 | :: |
𬺒 {def} SEE: 𪙤 | :: |
𬺓 {def} SEE: 齼 | :: |
𬺔 {def} SEE: 齽 | :: |
𬺕 {def} SEE: 䶪 | :: |
𢎘 {def} /hàn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] flower bud |
𬺖 {def} SEE: 𪚅 | :: |
𢎙 {def} [obsolete, of plants] /xián/ | :: flourishing; lush |
𫚊 {def} SEE: 鰑 | :: |
𫫇 {def} SEE: 噁 | :: |
𩽹 {def} SEE: 魥 | :: |
𩽺 {def} SEE: 𩵩 | :: |
𩽻 {def} SEE: 𩵹 | :: |
𫚋 {def} SEE: 鱄 | :: |
𫚌 {def} SEE: 魦 | :: |
𫚍 {def} SEE: 魵 | :: |
𫠏 {def} SEE: 𩵦 | :: |
𥐰 {def} SEE: 𥕥 | :: |
𢱟 {def} /chǎn/ | :: [obsolete] [Sichuanese] to hit; to strike |
𢱟 {def} [Sichuanese] /chǎn/ | :: to beat with a long, thin object |
𢱟 {def} [Sichuanese] /chǎn/ | :: to stir rapidly |
𢱟 {def} [Sichuanese] /chǎn/ | :: to drive out; to get rid of |
𢱟 {def} [Sichuanese, table tennis] /chǎn/ | :: to drive |
𢲵 {def} /zào/ | :: [obsolete] [Sichuanese] to stir |
𢲵 {def} [Sichuanese] /zào/ | :: to flip over; to rummage |
𠵫 {def} [Sichuanese] /āng/ | :: loud and clear |
𨸟 {def} SEE: 䧢 | :: |
𥫣 {def} SEE: 籅 | :: |
𬬱 {def} SEE: 釿 | :: |
𠥩 {def} SEE: 箕 | :: |
𦘒 {def} /niè/ | :: to be skillful with one's hands |
𦘒 {def} /niè/ | :: bamboo writing brush |
𠈋 {def} SEE: 戎 | :: |
𠑵 {def} SEE: 佛 | :: |
𠓚 {def} SEE: 𠓖 | :: |
𫤶 {def} SEE: 熾 | :: |
🌶 {particle} [Internet slang] /la/ | :: alternative form of 啦 |
🌶 {particle} /la/ | :: Used at the end of a sentence to indicate a change of state with a strong emotion |
🌶 {particle} /la/ | :: Used at the end of a sentence to inform the beginning of an action with a strong emotion |
𧲲 {def} SEE: 狐 | :: |
𢴿 {def} SEE: 掉 | :: |
𦫳 {def} /guǎi/ | :: [obsolete] ram's horn |
𦫳 {def} [dialectal] /guǎi/ | :: alternative form of 拐 |
𡈼 {def} /tǐng/ | :: good |
𡈼 {def} SEE: 壬 | :: |
𡈼 {def} SEE: 王 | :: |
𡈼 {def} SEE: 莛 | :: |
𡈼 {def} SEE: 徵 | :: |
𡈼 {def} /tǐng/ | :: to stand upright |
𫚥 {def} SEE: 鰕 | :: |
𣲙 {def} SEE: 溺 | :: |
𣲙 {def} SEE: 冰 | :: |
𫇦 {def} [Taiwan] /méng/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𫔌 {def} SEE: 鏾 | :: |
𦱄 {def} SEE: 菇 | :: |
𢁭 {def} SEE: 萬 | :: |
𫐘 {def} SEE: 轗 | :: |
𣱧 {def} [chemistry, obsolete] /zhòng/ | :: xenon |
𧒽 {def} /léi/ | :: Corbicula fluminea (a type of clam found in the Pearl River Delta) |
𢛳 {def} SEE: 德 | :: |
𨢇 {def} /liù/ | :: [obsolete] A type of wine |
𣘑 {def} SEE: 檾 | :: |
𤭢 {def} /suì/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 碎 |
𤭢 {def} [Beijing dialect] /cèi/ | :: to shatter; to fragment |
𤭢 {def} [Beijing dialect] /cèi/ | :: to hit with one's palm |
𤭢 {def} [Beijing dialect, figurative] /cèi/ | :: to hurt someone physically |
𤭢 {def} [Beijing dialect, figurative] /cèi/ | :: to defame someone |
𠂌 {def} SEE: 于 | :: |
𬂂 {def} SEE: 𦣇 | :: |
𬜥 {def} SEE: 葻 | :: |
𪺽 {def} SEE: 猌 | :: |
𬣽 {def} SEE: 謰 | :: |
𠃈 {def} SEE: 陸 | :: |
𠃑 {def} SEE: 隱 | :: |
𩽾 {def} SEE: 鮟 | :: |
𩾌 {def} SEE: 鱇 | :: |
𤰇 {def} SEE: 𤰈 | :: |
𤙌 {def} SEE: 你 | :: |
𤾡 {def} SEE: 花 | :: |
𬶐 {def} SEE: 鮡 | :: |
𬶺 {def} SEE: 鱹 | :: |
𫰡 {def} SEE: 嬅 | :: |
𨊰 {def} /qì/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𦗀 {def} SEE: 霆 | :: |
𦗀 {def} /tián/ | :: [obsolete] to fill one's ears with sound |
𠃏 {def} SEE: 糾 | :: |
𠃐 {def} SEE: 會 | :: |
𠃒 {def} SEE: 也 | :: |
𤸁 {def} [archaic or Hakka] /huì/ | :: tired |
𤺪 {def} /shàn/ | :: only used in 𤺪貢頭 |
𠯗 {def} SEE: 咂 | :: |
𡨞 {def} SEE: 寢 | :: |
𢯾 {def} /mào/ | :: [obsolete] to support with one's hand |
𢪇 {def} SEE: 將 | :: |
𢪽 {def} SEE: 將 | :: |
𤕭 {def} SEE: 將 | :: |
𬌗 {def} [dentistry] /hé/ | :: occlusion |
𬌗 {def} [dentistry, of teeth] /hé/ | :: to occlude |
𣕫 {def} [Taiwan] /zhuàng/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𨅝 {def} /chéng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 䠆 |
𨅝 {def} [Cantonese] /chéng/ | :: to press down or out with one's legs; to stretch one's legs; to tread on or to kick |
𨅝 {def} [Cantonese] /chéng/ | :: to leave; to depart; to flee |
𠼢 {def} [onomatopoeia] /qiàng/ | :: The sound of a small gong |
𠼢 {def} /jiàng/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𬣦 {def} SEE: 詏 | :: |
𬭬 {def} SEE: 鏏 | :: |
𬥳 {def} SEE: 賶 | :: |
𠘧 {def} /shū/ | :: used in 𠘧𠘧 |
𫇭 {def} SEE: 蒍 | :: |
𠘧 {def} /shū/ | :: alternative form of 殳 |
𣵩 {def} SEE: 浾 | :: |
𨤎 {def} [organic compound, obsolete] /yán/ | :: ester |
𬭩 {def} SEE: 鎓 | :: |
𢭃 {def} /dòu/ | :: [obsolete] four handfuls |
𢭃 {def} /dòu/ | :: alternative form of 逗 |
𢭃 {def} [Sichuan] /dòu/ | :: to join together; to connect; to put together |
𢭃 {def} [Sichuan] /dòu/ | :: to gather |
𢭃 {def} [Sichuan] /dòu/ | :: to meet; to face; to have contact |
𢭃 {def} [Cantonese] /dòu/ | :: to receive; to ask for |
𢭃 {def} [Cantonese] /dòu/ | :: to hold up; to lift up |
𢭃 {def} [Cantonese, slang] /dòu/ | :: to check up; to investigate; to inspect |
𢭃 {def} SEE: 短 | :: |
𤆺 {def} [Sichuan] /kǒng/ | :: to stew with a small amount of water |
𤆺 {def} [Sichuan] /kǒng/ | :: to be stuffy due to high humidity and temperature |
𤆺 {def} [Jilu Mandarin] /kǒng/ | :: shrewd |
𧝞 {def} SEE: 禨 | :: |
𨃅 {def} [Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang] /bāi/ | :: lame; crippled |
𣲩 {def} [Sichuan] /pá/ | :: classifier for bodily fluids and excrement |
𧿨 {def} [Sichuanese] /bǎn/ | :: to move randomly |
𧿨 {def} [Sichuanese] /bǎn/ | :: to struggle |
𧿨 {def} [Sichuanese] /bǎn/ | :: to work hard to earn |
𧿨 {def} [Sichuanese] /bǎn/ | :: to resist; to refuse; to deny |
𧽤 {def} /piāo/ | :: [obsolete] to walk nimbly |
𡘧 {def} [Southwestern Mandarin] /qiá/ | :: to step across |
𡘧 {def} [Southwestern Mandarin] /qiá/ | :: to walk with big steps |
𧶧 {def} [Taiwan] /chāng/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𨤡 {def} [Sichuan] /guàng/ | :: to apply; to smear on; to paint |
𨤡 {def} [Sichuan] /guàng/ | :: to rub; to wipe |
𨤡 {def} [Sichuan] /guàng/ | :: shiny; glossy |
𨤡 {def} [Sichuan] /guàng/ | :: smooth |
𫏁 {def} [Sichuanese] /kú/ | :: alternative form of 跍 |
𬪺 {def} SEE: 𨤡 | :: |
𧫆 {def} [Taiwan] /dǎng/ | :: Only used in personal names. |
𤇭 {def} SEE: 爖 | :: |
𨿽 {def} SEE: 雖 | :: |
𬍛 {def} SEE: 瓅 | :: |
𬊤 {def} SEE: 燀 | :: |
𫲗 {def} SEE: 㜺 | :: |
𨨞 {def} SEE: 斧 | :: |
𬠅 {def} SEE: 蟷 | :: |
𥚃 {def} SEE: 裡 | :: |
𠻹 {def} SEE: 添 | :: |
𪐗 {def} SEE: 黑 | :: |
𪚨 {def} SEE: 龜 | :: |
𪛄 {def} SEE: 鼉 | :: |
𪛈 {def} /líng/ | :: [obsolete] only used in 黃𪛈 |
𪚪 {def} SEE: 終 | :: |
𪚙 {def} SEE: 龗 | :: |
𪛀 {def} [of a turtle] /xiào/ | :: to retract the head |
𪚢 {def} /mǎng/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𠞩 {def} SEE: 㓼 | :: |
𠞩 {def} /shuài,shuà/ | :: [obsolete] to sever |
𧉟 {def} /tāi/ | :: [obsolete] black shell |
𢲸 {def} /lǔ/ | :: [obsolete] to shake; to wobble |
𢲸 {def} [Hokkien] /lǔ/ | :: wobbly; shaky |
𢲸 {def} /lǔ/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 擄 |
𢼌 {def} /bào/ | :: [obsolete] to strike with the hand |
𣁳 {def} /wò/ | :: [obsolete] [Hokkien] to scoop |
𣁳 {def} [Hokkien] /wò/ | :: ladle; dipper |
𣁳 {def} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /wò/ | :: to take something out with difficulty |
𧌄 {def} /è/ | :: [obsolete] a type of insect |
𧌄 {def} /yè/ | :: [obsolete] only used in 𧌄蝶 |
𪁎 {def} /xiāo/ | :: [obsolete] a species of bird |
𪚜 {def} SEE: 䶬 | :: |
𪚝 {def} SEE: 瓏 | :: |
𪚞 {def} SEE: 龓 | :: |
𪚟 {def} SEE: 䶬 | :: |
𫜲 {def} SEE: 龓 | :: |
𫼵 {def} SEE: 𢲸 | :: |
𪛔 {def} SEE: 篪 | :: |
𪛒 {def} SEE: 奩 | :: |
𦗒 {def} /guō/ | :: [obsolete] big ear |
𩇔 {def} [of clouds] /nóng/ | :: being numerous and vast |
𠁽 {def} SEE: 丸 | :: |
𠂁 {def} SEE: 丹 | :: |
𠂂 {def} SEE: 終 | :: |
𤰞 {def} SEE: 卑 | :: |
𡈻 {def} SEE: 圞 | :: |
𪚓 {def} /lóng/ | :: [obsolete] a type of beast |
𡆢 {def} SEE: 囚 | :: |
𡆡 {def} SEE: 起 | :: |
𡆠 {def} SEE: 日 | :: |
𠁤 {def} SEE: 四 | :: |
𡆣 {def} SEE: 㘝 | :: |
𡆤 {def} SEE: 𡆱 | :: |
𡆣 {def} /dí/ | :: [obsolete] to move |
𡆱 {def} /nǎn/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𡆥 {def} SEE: 囚 | :: |
𡆥 {def} SEE: 舊 | :: |
𡆦 {def} SEE: 曰 | :: |
𡈸 {def} SEE: 囮 | :: |
𡈶 {def} SEE: 雷 | :: |
𣗬 {def} [Min] /chòu/ | :: alternative form of 樹 |
𡞱 {def} SEE: 㜢 | :: |
𨊸 {def} SEE: 朝 | :: |
𨦫 {def} /yǔ/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𩶘 {def} /lì/ | :: a general name for perch, etc |
𪚅 {def} SEE: 嚼 | :: |
𪻨 {def} SEE: 瓄 | :: |
𢫬 {def} SEE: 摋 | :: |
𢫬 {def} /cuō/ | :: only used in 攫𢫬 |
𩣺 {def} /bēn/ | :: alternative form of 奔 |
𥕥 {def} SEE: 區 | :: |
𩵩 {def} /fū/ | :: only used in 𩵩鯕 |
𥕥 {def} /Ōu/ | :: surname |
𪙏 {def} /jiè/ | :: [obsolete] the sound of gnashing one's teeth in sleep |
𪙏 {def} /jiá/ | :: [obsolete] tooth |
𫜦 {def} [Teochew] /bǔ/ | :: alternative form of *哺 |
𡈹 {def} SEE: 囿 | :: |
𡿢 {def} SEE: 巋 | :: |
𡿥 {def} [of mountains] /yù/ | :: smoky |
𡿤 {def} /xián/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𤳏 {def} SEE: 畾 | :: |
𠁕 {def} SEE: 壺 | :: |
𠨫 {def} SEE: 卵 | :: |
𤣤 {def} SEE: 狑 | :: |
𤣣 {def} SEE: 㺧 | :: |
𤣠 {def} SEE: 㺧 | :: |
𤣈 {def} SEE: 㺦 | :: |
𤣒 {def} SEE: 䝕 | :: |
𤞹 {def} SEE: 狦 | :: |
𤣝 {def} SEE: 獮 | :: |
𤣟 {def} /Lǎn/ | :: [obsolete] a subgroup of the Gelao people |
𠮗 {def} SEE: 亂 | :: |
𠮘 {def} SEE: 齋 | :: |
𬥄 {def} SEE: 䝕 | :: |
𤞃 {def} SEE: 獩 | :: |
𫑛 {def} SEE: 越 | :: |
𨰻 {def} [Taiwan] /bǎo,yù/ | :: used in personal names |
𨰻 {def} /bǎo,yù/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𨰻 {def} /bǎo,yù/ | :: treasure ⇒ 寶 |
𨰻 {def} /bǎo,yù/ | :: jade ⇒ 玉 |
𡥧 {def} SEE: 孻 | :: |
𠁞 {def} [dialectal] /pēi/ | :: won't; wouldn't |
𧶢 {def} /fèi/ | :: [obsolete] to levy taxes |
𦌽 {def} SEE: 辯 | :: |
𣟱 {def} SEE: 櫸 | :: |
𣱱 {def} /chá/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𫔶 {def} SEE: 闑 | :: |
𪙤 {def} /yǐn/ | :: [obsolete] to grin; to smile showing one's teeth |
𪙤 {def} /yǐn/ | :: [obsolete] to have straight teeth |
𪙑 {def} /qiè/ | :: alternative form of 𪙌 |
𪙕 {def} | :: [obsolete] grinning; showing one's teeth |
𫔵 {def} SEE: 䦯 | :: |
𫩏 {def} SEE: 器 | :: |
𫍚 {def} SEE: 訞 | :: |
𫍚 {def} SEE: 謠 | :: |
𣚚 {def} SEE: 欘 | :: |
𢻃 {def} SEE: 豉 | :: |
𩚡 {def} SEE: 豉 | :: |
𢀐 {def} SEE: 孳 | :: |
𪜋 {def} [Taiwan] /zhǔ/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𠂄 {def} SEE: 鴅 | :: |
𠂃 {def} [Taiwan] /qiú/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𠂅 {def} [Taiwan] /wèng/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𠁢 {def} SEE: 卜 | :: |
𠁦 {def} SEE: 中 | :: |
𠾖 {def} SEE: 器 | :: |
𩇒 {def} SEE: 震 | :: |
𩇏 {def} SEE: 𩆷 | :: |
𩆷 {def} /jiān/ | :: [obsolete] drizzle |
𩆷 {def} /jiān/ | :: [obsolete] to soak |
𪘲 {def} [Cantonese] /yí/ | :: to grin, to smile |
𫼪 {def} SEE: 摌 | :: |
𪏆 {def} /tūn,tuān/ | :: yellow (used in a person's name) |
𦂈 {def} SEE: 緭 | :: |
𥥍 {def} /shēn/ | :: alternative form of 深 |
𥥍 {def} /shēn/ | :: chimney of kitchen range |
𨱄 {def} SEE: 鈯 | :: |
𨱄 {def} SEE: 鋤 | :: |
𪘯 {def} SEE: 𪙤 | :: |
𧕥 {def} /mò/ | :: [obsolete] small mosquito |
𠁧 {def} SEE: 中 | :: |
𠁴 {def} SEE: 龜 | :: |
𡈲 {def} /yīn/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𢎀 {def} SEE: 骮 | :: |
𠫒 {def} SEE: 原 | :: |
𠫒 {def} SEE: 源 | :: |
𠫑 {def} SEE: 驫 | :: |
𠫐 {def} SEE: 源 | :: |
𡈰 {def} /yóu/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𪎇 {def} /zuó/ | :: [obsolete] to grind wheat and steam it |
𫜑 {def} SEE: 麷 | :: |
𫢉 {def} SEE: 今 | :: |
𩨎 {def} SEE: 龭 | :: |
𨱆 {def} SEE: 龯 | :: |
𫚑 {def} SEE: 鮅 | :: |
𫛡 {def} SEE: 鴔 | :: |
𫛽 {def} SEE: 鷅 | :: |
𫛴 {def} SEE: 鷤 | :: |
𫛪 {def} SEE: 鴽 | :: |
𢍏 {def} /juàn/ | :: to roll rice into ball |
𪗪 {def} SEE: 齝 | :: |
𪗳 {def} | :: [obsolete] to gnaw |
𪗽 {def} /kuò/ | :: [obsolete] the sound of chewing |
𪗽 {def} /huá/ | :: [obsolete] the sound of teeth |
𪗽 {def} /kuā/ | :: only used in 𪗽嗤 |
𡄣 {def} /mí/ | :: Only used for transliteration of Buddhism terms. see Om mani padme hum |
𫭼 {def} SEE: 𡑍 | :: |
𡑍 {def} /láo/ | :: only used in 圪𡑍 |
𬒗 {def} SEE: 𥗽 | :: |
𥗽 {def} /lán/ | :: only used in 干𥗽 |
𧶠 {def} /yù/ | :: alternative form of 鬻 |
𡤺 {def} SEE: 嬎 | :: |
𣵺 {def} SEE: 沱 | :: |
𣵺 {def} SEE: 𣵻 | :: |
𬬭 {def} SEE: 錀 | :: |
𡖈 {def} SEE: 多 | :: |
𩪘 {def} /chuáng/ | :: only used in 𩪘𩩝 |
𩩝 {def} /qiāng/ | :: only used in 𩪘𩩝 |
𪱥 {def} SEE: 膹 | :: |
𫪁 {def} SEE: 唻 | :: |
𬑧 {def} SEE: 矊 | :: |
𡁭 {def} SEE: 唄 | :: |
𠼕 {def} SEE: 唄 | :: |
𬶌 {def} SEE: 鮘 | :: |
𠼔 {def} [Taiwan] /cháng/ | :: Only used in personal names |
𫢒 {def} SEE: 儱 | :: |
𬌷 {def} SEE: 㺑 | :: |
𢈻 {def} /Jié/ | :: used in personal names |
𠁭 {def} /qí/ | :: [obsolete] uneven; jagged |
𠄌 {def} /jué/ | :: hook; hook mark |
𠄌 {def} /zhuì/ | :: halberd |
𠄑 {def} /jué/ | :: only used in 𠄑𠄍 |
𠆭 {def} SEE: 陰 | :: |
𠑲 {def} SEE: 僉 | :: |
𠑲 {def} SEE: 鹼 | :: |
𪉀 {def} SEE: 鸓 | :: |
𪈮 {def} SEE: 𪈿 | :: |
𤯒 {def} SEE: 馨 | :: |
𪈿 {def} /mán/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 比翼鳥 |
𪚍 {def} SEE: 齹 | :: |
𪐔 {def} /yí/ | :: [obsolete] sticky |
𠬑 {def} SEE: 去 | :: |
𬤐 {def} SEE: 謌 | :: |
𠙴 {def} SEE: 𥬔 | :: |
𥬔 {def} /qū/ | :: [obsolete] used in 𥬔𥰠 |
𥬔 {def} /qū/ | :: [obsolete] obstacle that blocks animals in the mountains |
𦳰 {def} SEE: 𥬔 | :: |
𠁐 {def} SEE: 壼 | :: |
𠷎 {def} SEE: 壽 | :: |
𠷎 {def} SEE: 𪇘 | :: |
𠷎 {def} SEE: 疇 | :: |
𠷎 {def} /chóu/ | :: [historical dictionaries] sound of gasping |
𨚫 {def} SEE: 卻 | :: |
𬟽 {def} SEE: 蝀 | :: |
𬶋 {def} SEE: 鮈 | :: |
𫢭 {def} SEE: 儰 | :: |
𬶍 {def} SEE: 鮀 | :: |
𪁾 {def} SEE: 𪁕 | :: |
𪁾 {def} /ǎo/ | :: a kind of bird |
𩧥 {def} SEE: 驢 | :: |
𩡧 {def} /huán/ | :: [obsolete] one-year-old horse |
𫋇 {def} SEE: 蟂 | :: |
𦚏 {def} SEE: 樁 | :: |
𣲗 {def} SEE: 湋 | :: |
𠨷 {def} SEE: 辰 | :: |
𨑃 {def} SEE: 辰 | :: |
𨑄 {def} SEE: 辰 | :: |
𠩟 {def} SEE: 辰 | :: |
𭎂 {def} SEE: 㙡 | :: |
𫩳 {def} SEE: 𠼮 | :: |
𫓴 {def} SEE: 鉾 | :: |
𦬨 {def} SEE: 蔡 | :: |
𠪱 {def} SEE: 歷 | :: |
𠕂 {def} SEE: 再 | :: |
𠕅 {def} SEE: 再 | :: |
𠌂 {def} SEE: 傘 | :: |
𡬶 {def} SEE: 尋 | :: |
𤰜 {def} SEE: 畝 | :: |
𤱈 {def} SEE: 畝 | :: |
𬤙 {def} SEE: 謼 | :: |
𠇮 {def} SEE: 命 | :: |
𨽻 {def} SEE: 隸 | :: |
𦊱 {def} SEE: 掛 | :: |
𢬸 {def} SEE: 括 | :: |
𠴰 {def} SEE: 嘔 | :: |
𠴰 {def} SEE: 咱 | :: |
𥤚 {def} SEE: 秋 | :: |
𢷬 {def} SEE: 搗 | :: |
𦃂 {def} SEE: 緊 | :: |
𦂳 {def} SEE: 緊 | :: |
𤱊 {def} SEE: 留 | :: |
𠖇 {def} SEE: 冥 | :: |
𡨘 {def} SEE: 冤 | :: |
𤨏 {def} SEE: 瑣 | :: |
𡐨 {def} SEE: 野 | :: |
𩓐 {def} SEE: 脖 | :: |
𡨥 {def} SEE: 寇 | :: |
𪟝 {def} SEE: 勣 | :: |
𦵏 {def} SEE: 葬 | :: |
𬬺 {def} SEE: 鉏 | :: |
𣺌 {def} SEE: 渺 | :: |
𥦗 {def} SEE: 窗 | :: |
𬮭 {def} SEE: 闚 | :: |
𤋮 {def} SEE: 熙 | :: |
𥄨 {def} SEE: 瞅 | :: |
𠻳 {def} SEE: 嗽 | :: |
𤺥 {def} SEE: 瘩 | :: |
𡚁 {def} SEE: 弊 | :: |
𢮥 {def} SEE: 操 | :: |
𦍑 {def} SEE: 羌 | :: |
𦕈 {def} SEE: 眇 | :: |
𠴟 {def} SEE: 咩 | :: |
𩗗 {def} SEE: 颶 | :: |
𣙜 {def} SEE: 榷 | :: |
𦉆 {def} SEE: 碴 | :: |
𬣞 {def} SEE: 詝 | :: |
𬘓 {def} SEE: 紃 | :: |
𫭟 {def} SEE: 塸 | :: |
𫭢 {def} SEE: 埨 | :: |
𫐄 {def} SEE: 軏 | :: |
𫵷 {def} SEE: 㠣 | :: |
𣲘 {def} SEE: 潕 | :: |
𬇙 {def} SEE: 浿 | :: |
𬣡 {def} SEE: 諓 | :: |
𫸩 {def} SEE: 彄 | :: |
𫘜 {def} SEE: 馼 | :: |
𬘘 {def} SEE: 紞 | :: |
𬨂 {def} SEE: 軝 | :: |
𬀩 {def} SEE: 暐 | :: |
𬀪 {def} SEE: 晛 | :: |
𬬩 {def} SEE: 釴 | :: |
𫍣 {def} SEE: 詷 | :: |
𬣳 {def} SEE: 詪 | :: |
𬩽 {def} SEE: 鄩 | :: |
𬮿 {def} SEE: 隑 | :: |
𫰛 {def} SEE: 娙 | :: |
𬳵 {def} SEE: 駓 | :: |
𬳶 {def} SEE: 駉 | :: |
𫠊 {def} SEE: 䮄 | :: |
𬜬 {def} SEE: 蔄 | :: |
𬬮 {def} SEE: 鋹 | :: |
𬘡 {def} SEE: 絪 | :: |
𬳽 {def} SEE: 駪 | :: |
𬘩 {def} SEE: 綎 | :: |
𫄧 {def} SEE: 綖 | :: |
𬍤 {def} SEE: 璕 | :: |
𬜯 {def} SEE: 䓣 | :: |
𬂩 {def} SEE: 梜 | :: |
𫠆 {def} SEE: 頍 | :: |
𨐈 {def} SEE: 輄 | :: |
𫑡 {def} SEE: 鄳 | :: |
𪨶 {def} SEE: 輋 | :: |
𬬸 {def} SEE: 鉥 | :: |
𬬹 {def} SEE: 鉮 | :: |
𬬿 {def} SEE: 鉊 | :: |
𬭁 {def} SEE: 鉧 | :: |
𫢸 {def} SEE: 僤 | :: |
𫗧 {def} SEE: 餗 | :: |
𬊈 {def} SEE: 燖 | :: |
𬒈 {def} SEE: 礐 | :: |
𬳿 {def} SEE: 駼 | :: |
𫚭 {def} SEE: 鱲 | :: |
𬙋 {def} SEE: 纕 | :: |
𬶭 {def} SEE: 鰶 | :: |
𬙊 {def} SEE: 纆 | :: |
𬟁 {def} SEE: 虉 | :: |
𦈡 {def} SEE: 繻 | :: |
𬶨 {def} SEE: 鱀 | :: |
𬶠 {def} SEE: 鰊 | :: |
𬶟 {def} SEE: 鯻 | :: |
𬸪 {def} SEE: 鷭 | :: |
𫔎 {def} SEE: 鐍 | :: |
𬭼 {def} SEE: 鐩 | :: |
𨱔 {def} SEE: 鐏 | :: |
𬭸 {def} SEE: 鏻 | :: |
𫔍 {def} SEE: 鐇 | :: |
𤩽 {def} SEE: 瓛 | :: |
𫄷 {def} SEE: 繶 | :: |
𬸦 {def} SEE: 鷟 | :: |
𫗴 {def} SEE: 饘 | :: |
𬭯 {def} SEE: 䥕 | :: |
𨱑 {def} SEE: 鐄 | :: |
𪩘 {def} SEE: 巘 | :: |
𫟦 {def} SEE: 䡵 | :: |
𫍽 {def} SEE: 譞 | :: |
𬸣 {def} SEE: 鶱 | :: |
𬶮 {def} SEE: 鱚 | :: |
𩾃 {def} SEE: 鮸 | :: |
𬙂 {def} SEE: 縯 | :: |
𬤝 {def} SEE: 譓 | :: |
𬸚 {def} SEE: 鸑 | :: |
𬶏 {def} SEE: 鮠 | :: |
𬭤 {def} SEE: 鍭 | :: |
𫚖 {def} SEE: 鮆 | :: |
𬸘 {def} SEE: 鶠 | :: |
𫞩 {def} SEE: 璊 | :: |
𫘬 {def} SEE: 騱 | :: |
𫘪 {def} SEE: 騵 | :: |
𫖳 {def} SEE: 頵 | :: |
𫌀 {def} SEE: 襀 | :: |
𬕂 {def} SEE: 篢 | :: |
𬭚 {def} SEE: 錞 | :: |
𫐓 {def} SEE: 輮 | :: |
𬨎 {def} SEE: 輶 | :: |
𬪩 {def} SEE: 醲 | :: |
𬴃 {def} SEE: 騞 | :: |
𣸣 {def} SEE: 濆 | :: |
𬮱 {def} SEE: 闉 | :: |
𫷷 {def} SEE: 廞 | :: |
𬱟 {def} SEE: 頠 | :: |
𬭎 {def} SEE: 鋐 | :: |
𫓶 {def} SEE: 鋗 | :: |
𨱇 {def} SEE: 銶 | :: |
𫖮 {def} SEE: 顗 | :: |
𫶇 {def} SEE: 嵽 | :: |
𫐐 {def} SEE: 輗 | :: |
𬷕 {def} SEE: 鵏 | :: |
𬃊 {def} SEE: 櫍 | :: |
𫘧 {def} SEE: 騄 | :: |
𬘯 {def} SEE: 綧 | :: |
𫟅 {def} SEE: 綡 | :: |
𫘦 {def} SEE: 騊 | :: |
𬴂 {def} SEE: 騑 | :: |
𬘭 {def} SEE: 綝 | :: |
𬘬 {def} SEE: 綪 | :: |
𬯎 {def} SEE: 隤 | :: |
𫍲 {def} SEE: 謏 | :: |
𬤊 {def} SEE: 諟 | :: |
𫍯 {def} SEE: 諴 | :: |
𬤇 {def} SEE: 諲 | :: |
𬍡 {def} SEE: 璗 | :: |
𬇹 {def} SEE: 漍 | :: |
𫟹 {def} SEE: 鉷 | :: |
𬱖 {def} SEE: 頔 | :: |
𫮃 {def} SEE: 墠 | :: |
𬘫 {def} SEE: 綄 | :: |
𬇕 {def} SEE: 澫 | :: |
𤫉 {def} [literary] /xiè/ | :: jade-like stone |
𨭉 {def} /bān/ | :: [obsolete] to be both a scholar and a warrior |
𨟠 {def} /quān/ | :: used in place names |
𨟠 {def} /què/ | :: (~ 鄉) [historical] 𨟠 (township). (alternately, '䣤') |
𥖨 {def} /zào/ | :: used in place names |
𥕢 {def} /cáo/ | :: used in place names |
𥕢 {def} /cáo/ | :: [obsolete] mineshaft |
𥔲 {def} /è/ | :: used in place names |
𪤗 {def} /liào/ | :: only used in 圪𪤗 |
𡐓 {def} /kāng/ | :: Used in 盛𡐓 |
𬒔 {def} /gěng/ | :: used in place names |
𬒔 {def} [Cantonese, for something hard or bulging, such as a rock] /gěng/ | :: to press against the body and cause discomfort |
𤧛 {def} /dì/ | :: only used in 瑪𤧛脂 |
𠅤 {def} /xí/ | :: used in personal names |
𠅤 {def} /xí/ | :: surname |
𨺙 {def} /nì/ | :: only used in 埤𨺙 |
𦙶 {def} /gǔ/ | :: used in place names |
𪨰 {def} /qū/ | :: only used in 岞𪨰 |
𦰡 {def} /nà/ | :: used in place names |
𦰡 {def} /nuó/ | :: used in place names |
𦭜 {def} /zhī/ | :: used in place names |
𨙸 {def} /qí/ | :: used in personal names |
𢒉 {def} /shǎn/ | :: surname |
𨜏 {def} /Yíng/ | :: surname |
𣵻 {def} SEE: 沱 | :: |
𪉃 {def} SEE: 鳼 | :: |
𬡇 {def} SEE: 褭 | :: |
𦈓 {def} SEE: 䋿 | :: |
𪇘 {def} /táo/ | :: only used in 𪇘河 |
𤲍 {def} SEE: 㽠 | :: |
𥍉 {def} /shè/ | :: [obsolete] [of eyes] to move |
𥍉 {def} [Hakka, Min] /shè/ | :: to blink |
𦊓 {def} /lǐng/ | :: only used in 𦉬𦊓 |
𦜆 {def} SEE: 顄 | :: |
𦜆 {def} /hán/ | :: [obsolete] tongue |
𧿬 {def} SEE: 蹲 | :: |
𨂿 {def} /wǎi/ | :: to sprain the ankle |
𤞣 {def} SEE: 饜 | :: |
𤞣 {def} SEE: 厭 | :: |
𡴾 {def} SEE: 屺 | :: |
𨥭 {def} SEE: 䤨 | :: |
𨑳 {def} SEE: 廷 | :: |
𨑳 {def} SEE: 迋 | :: |
𨑳 {def} SEE: 霆 | :: |
𨑳 {def} SEE: 庭 | :: |
𤎹 {def} SEE: 熙 | :: |
𣏌 {def} SEE: 耜 | :: |
𣏌 {def} SEE: 卮 | :: |
𣏌 {def} SEE: 杞 | :: |
𩼕 {def} SEE: 鯼 | :: |
𣊓 {def} SEE: 褻 | :: |
𨜛 {def} SEE: 鄋 | :: |
𩼔 {def} SEE: 鰜 | :: |
𡆫 {def} SEE: 圍 | :: |
𩜴 {def} SEE: 餈 | :: |
𧮪 {def} SEE: 詀 | :: |
𢙐 {def} SEE: 憹 | :: |
𦶟 {def} SEE: 爇 | :: |
𥖁 {def} SEE: 蹲 | :: |
𦼖 {def} SEE: 檾 | :: |
𩨂 {def} SEE: 骢 | :: |
𤆢 {def} SEE: 㷍 | :: |
𣱝 {def} SEE: 氭 | :: |
𠺖 {def} [obsolete] /mǔ,yīngmǔ/ | :: alternative form of 英畝 |
𨨗 {def} /quàn/ | :: used in personal names |
𠐐 {def} SEE: 際 | :: |
𨄮 {def} SEE: 摔 | :: |
𤻊 {def} SEE: 㿗 | :: |
𥆧 {def} SEE: 瞤 | :: |
𨱓 {def} SEE: 鐎 | :: |
𦎓 {def} /yōu/ | :: only used in 𦎓酸 |
𤭭 {def} SEE: 煲 | :: |
𩽼 {def} SEE: 鯶 | :: |
𩾇 {def} SEE: 鯱 | :: |
𡁻 {def} SEE: 噍 | :: |
𦨭 {def} /pí/ | :: Used for place names in Vietnam |
𥁌 {def} SEE: 盦 | :: |
𥻀 {def} SEE: 糌 | :: |
𪃟 {def} SEE: 鷇 | :: |
𦨭 {def} [Taiwan] /pí/ | :: used in personal names |
𡙟 {def} SEE: 㚟 | :: |
𢊈 {def} SEE: 廀 | :: |
𦻘 {def} SEE: 簪 | :: |
𦩀 {def} SEE: 甲 | :: |
𠸁 {def} SEE: 哌 | :: |
𤟯 {def} SEE: 緬 | :: |
𨁖 {def} SEE: 路 | :: |
𤓋 {def} SEE: 鞭 | :: |
𧞅 {def} /tà/ | :: used in place names |
𠭴 {def} SEE: 㑁 | :: |
𧷵 {def} SEE: 賣 | :: |
𧡬 {def} /chēn/ | :: [obsolete] to peek |
𠗻 {def} /xuán/ | :: [obsolete] cold |
𣱀 {def} SEE: 氌 | :: |
𣯽 {def} SEE: 氆 | :: |
𣰯 {def} SEE: 氌 | :: |
𢀜 {def} /gǒng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to hug |
𥿝 {def} [obsolete] /dài/ | :: denier (unit) |
𦝫 {def} SEE: 腰 | :: |
𰚼 {n} [astronomy, physics, obsolete] /yún/ | :: nebulium |
𠂈 {def} SEE: 𠄍 | :: |
𠂈 {def} SEE: 殄 | :: |
𠁾 {def} SEE: 節 | :: |
𠂍 {def} SEE: 萬 | :: |
𠄔 {def} SEE: 幻 | :: |
𠄍 {def} /jié/ | :: only used in 𠄑𠄍 |
𫗰 {def} SEE: 䭔 | :: |
𪁕 {def} /wò/ | :: a kind of variegated feather resembling those of wild ducks and water birds |
𪀦 {def} SEE: 鶒 | :: |
𪉅 {def} SEE: 𪀦 | :: |
𫩫 {def} SEE: 嚈 | :: |
𦿊 {def} /lú/ | :: only used in 𦿊會 |
𣈦 {def} SEE: 㬂 | :: |
𧸘 {def} /liàn/ | :: [obsolete] to prepay |
𧸘 {def} SEE: 貶 | :: |
𧸘 {def} SEE: 贉 | :: |
𫎨 {def} SEE: 𧸘 | :: |
𧸘 {def} [historical] /jiǎn/ | :: An administrative division used by non-Han peoples in ancient Yunnan, equivalent to the prefecture of imperial China |
𩠃 {def} SEE: 𩛩 | :: |
𮐨 {def} SEE: 蘡 | :: |
𪉈 {def} SEE: 鴜 | :: |
𥗀 {def} /liǎo/ | :: only used in 𥗀䲽 |
𧷓 {def} SEE: 賣 | :: |
𤆎 {def} SEE: 災 | :: |
𡿧 {def} SEE: 災 | :: |
𡿨 {def} SEE: 畎 | :: |
𥄲 {def} SEE: 冒 | :: |
𥄲 {def} /mié/ | :: [obsolete] [of eyes] small |
𠠴 {def} SEE: 從 | :: |
𠠴 {def} SEE: 剝 | :: |
𤍐 {def} SEE: 㷟 | :: |
𡬠 {def} SEE: 爵 | :: |
𩼼 {def} SEE: 鱣 | :: |
𧊅 {def} [dialectal] /guǎi/ | :: (small) frog |
𠫓 {def} SEE: 育 | :: |
𠫓 {def} SEE: 突 | :: |
𩾋 {def} SEE: 䱰 | :: |
𩾊 {def} SEE: 䱬 | :: |
𤴷 {def} SEE: 床 | :: |
𤴷 {def} SEE: 㾁 | :: |
𣝓 {def} /yǎn/ | :: alternative name for 山桑 |
𮣳 {def} SEE: 鈜 | :: |
𫄹 {def} SEE: 纗 | :: |
𡁁 {def} SEE: 喝 | :: |
𫼱 {def} SEE: 摃 | :: |
𪭵 {def} SEE: 掚 | :: |
𪎈 {def} SEE: 䴬 | :: |
𥫗 {def} /zhú,zhúzìtóu/ | :: radical form of 竹 |
𥄉 {def} /jiāo/ | :: an ancient penalty. to remove one's head and hang it upside down |
𩹇 {def} SEE: 䱓 | :: |
𪠥 {def} SEE: 有 | :: |
𫵘 {def} SEE: 屄 | :: |
𪵕 {def} [Taiwan] /dǎo/ | :: used in personal names |
𪜄 {def} [Taiwan] /pǒ/ | :: used in personal names |
𪜍 {def} [Taiwan] /qiān/ | :: used in personal names |
𪜙 {def} [Taiwan] | :: used in personal names |
𪤟 {def} [Taiwan] /nán/ | :: Used in personal names |
𪤴 {def} [Taiwan] /yì/ | :: used in personal names |
𪧰 {def} [Taiwan] /fù/ | :: used in personal names |
𪱗 {def} [Taiwan] /jīn/ | :: used in personal names |
𪵔 {def} [Taiwan] /jīng/ | :: used in personal names |
𪡐 {def} [Taiwan] /yòu,huí/ | :: used in personal names |
𦔻 {def} SEE: 聖 | :: |
𪜦 {def} [Taiwan] /tíng/ | :: Used in personal names |
𪯡 {def} [Taiwan] /wén/ | :: used in personal names |
𠨰 {def} SEE: 女 | :: |
𢪃 {def} SEE: 撤 | :: |
𪧷 {def} SEE: 醬 | :: |
𢪃 {def} /cù,qiè,2nb/ | :: [obsolete] to rub |
𪧷 {def} /lè/ | :: used in personal names. |
𤘯 {def} SEE: 款 | :: |
𠆨 {def} SEE: 孑 | :: |
𠆨 {def} SEE: 僚 | :: |
𪧷 {def} /jué/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𠮵 {def} SEE: 嚷 | :: |
𢒈 {def} SEE: 形 | :: |
𢒈 {def} SEE: 丹 | :: |
𢒈 {def} SEE: 影 | :: |
𠮵 {def} /màng/ | :: to ask a question without answering |
𦙸 {def} SEE: 臃 | :: |
𦙸 {def} /sān/ | :: |
𢖳 {def} SEE: 愉 | :: |
𢖳 {def} /xū/ | :: [obsolete] distressed; grievous |
𪋀 {def} SEE: 獐 | :: |
𪜞 {def} [Taiwan] /zhēn/ | :: used in personal names |
𪜟 {def} [Taiwan] /shú/ | :: used in personal names |
𠒋 {def} SEE: 兇 | :: |
𡘙 {def} SEE: 太 | :: |
𢍂 {def} SEE: 鼻 | :: |
𠯥 {def} SEE: 啐 | :: |
𣅃 {def} SEE: 暴 | :: |
𣅃 {def} SEE: 曝 | :: |
𣅃 {def} [dialectal] /zǎi/ | :: classifier for bags of things |
𣱶 {def} SEE: 濮 | :: |
𣱶 {def} SEE: 瀑 | :: |
𣱶 {def} SEE: 浦 | :: |
𨚍 {def} SEE: 弼 | :: |
𨚍 {def} SEE: 邶 | :: |
𨚍 {def} SEE: 鄙 | :: |
𣱶 {def} /bǔ/ | :: name of an ancient river |
𫊥 {def} SEE: 蠹 | :: |
𪯈 {def} SEE: 扶 | :: |
𪯈 {def} SEE: 敷 | :: |
𫊥 {def} [Taiwan] /tǔ/ | :: Used in personal names |
𠜅 {def} SEE: 剿 | :: |
𦮴 {def} SEE: 華 | :: |
𦮴 {def} SEE: 蔫 | :: |
𠜅 {def} /jiǎo/ | :: to clip |
𢩳 {def} SEE: 擅 | :: |
𦬸 {def} SEE: 朮 | :: |
𦬸 {def} SEE: 薯 | :: |
𦬸 {def} SEE: 蔬 | :: |
𢩳 {def} [music] | :: abbreviation of 推出, used in 減字譜 |
𤵒 {def} SEE: 瘟 | :: |
𣔙 {def} SEE: 杴 | :: |
𣔙 {def} SEE: 掀 | :: |
𤵒 {def} /wén/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𢙝 {def} SEE: 嫌 | :: |
𣎷 {def} SEE: 椅 | :: |
𡴭 {def} SEE: 圠 | :: |
𡴭 {def} SEE: 屹 | :: |
𤴥 {def} SEE: 𤴦 | :: |
𤴥 {def} SEE: 癔 | :: |
𢙝 {def} [Taiwan] /xiǎn/ | :: Used in personal names |
𤝌 {def} SEE: 猿 | :: |
𢬂 {def} SEE: 撞 | :: |
𡵉 {def} SEE: 屼 | :: |
𡵉 {def} SEE: 微 | :: |
𧉾 {def} SEE: 蠢 | :: |
𠔾 {def} SEE: 終 | :: |
𠔾 {def} SEE: 舟 | :: |
𤴦 {def} /jiū/ | :: illness |
𡦼 {def} SEE: 家 | :: |
𤆂 {def} SEE: 蕢 | :: |
𤆂 {def} SEE: 燃 | :: |
𫝼 {def} SEE: 撥 | :: |
𫧇 {def} SEE: 能 | :: |
𫲷 {def} SEE: 富 | :: |
𬁟 {def} SEE: 得 | :: |
𫷀 {def} SEE: 旄 | :: |
𫷀 {def} SEE: 帽 | :: |
𭙏 {def} SEE: 廖 | :: |
𫹯 {def} SEE: 悍 | :: |
𫹯 {def} SEE: 感 | :: |
𫹵 {def} SEE: 忨 | :: |
𫹵 {def} SEE: 願 | :: |
𫹵 {def} SEE: 愿 | :: |
𡦼 {def} /rǒng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] long hair |
𬂭 {def} SEE: 橡 | :: |
𭳿 {def} SEE: 煤 | :: |
𬂭 {def} /xiāng/ | :: surname |
𫶬 {def} SEE: 侯 | :: |
𫶬 {def} SEE: 候 | :: |
𬓠 {def} SEE: 穖 | :: |
𬓠 {def} SEE: 稽 | :: |
𬓠 {def} SEE: 嵇 | :: |
𬜨 {def} SEE: 薉 | :: |
𬜨 {def} SEE: 穗 | :: |
𬜨 {def} SEE: 繐 | :: |
𮗸 {def} SEE: 譏 | :: |
𬮦 {def} SEE: 關 | :: |
𮨶 {def} SEE: 飛 | :: |
𫶬 {def} [Cantonese] /xián/ | :: virtuous |
𢶏 {def} SEE: 摽 | :: |
𭑙 {def} SEE: 乾 | :: |
𢑳 {def} SEE: 豬 | :: |
𤔲 {def} SEE: 辭 | :: |
𣹍 {def} SEE: 洒 | :: |
𦙵 {def} SEE: 腕 | :: |
𱆥 {def} /dān/ | :: (~ 屬) Danio (a genus of fish) |
𡃉 {def} SEE: 㗎 | :: |
𩣑 {def} SEE: 鞍 | :: |
𤯝 {def} SEE: 青 | :: |
𤯝 {def} SEE: 眚 | :: |
𠼟 {def} SEE: 圙 | :: |
𤯝 {def} /shěng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to free oneself from distracting thoughts |
𡖂 {def} SEE: 夔 | :: |
𡕒 {def} /kuà/ | :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of 跨 |
𡕒 {def} /kuà/ | :: [historical dictionaries] one step |
𬧤 {def} SEE: 軂 | :: |
𬮤 {def} SEE: 閤 | :: |
𣶫 {def} SEE: 𣿉 | :: |
𣿉 {def} /yì/ | :: the liquid acquired by burning the branch of pine tree |
𢜸 {def} /náo/ | :: bad; inferior |
𡖇 {def} SEE: 多 | :: |
𦥮 {def} SEE: 為 | :: |
𮤭 {def} SEE: 𨳒 | :: |
𠊬 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] [dialectal Wu] fatigued; weary |
𠊬 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 噱 |
𠊬 {def} /jué/ | :: [historical dictionaries] in an instant |
𬶧 {def} SEE: 鰇 | :: |
𮮆 {def} SEE: 麭 | :: |
𠅈 {def} SEE: 鬧 | :: |
𠅌 {def} /yí/ | :: A kind of flower. |
𠅏 {def} SEE: 克 | :: |
𠹌 {def} SEE: 𨶙 | :: |
𠅓 {def} SEE: 𨔟 | :: |
𠅓 {def} SEE: 直 | :: |
𠅔 {def} SEE: 克 | :: |
𠅖 {def} SEE: 亨 | :: |
𠅖 {def} SEE: 烹 | :: |
𠅞 {def} SEE: 乘 | :: |
𠅘 {def} SEE: 亭 | :: |
𠅙 {def} SEE: 亮 | :: |
𠅟 {def} SEE: 乘 | :: |
𠅠 {def} SEE: 享 | :: |
𠅡 {def} SEE: 克 | :: |
𠅢 {def} SEE: 亳 | :: |
𠅩 {def} SEE: 孰 | :: |
𠅪 {def} SEE: 聒 | :: |
𠅫 {def} SEE: 勝 | :: |
𠅨 {def} SEE: 𠅬 | :: |
𠅬 {def} /Bāo/ | :: Sun Bao, fourth son of Sun Xiu |
𠆁 {def} /luǒ/ | :: to pass on |
𠆁 {def} /luǒ/ | :: alternative form of 蓏 |
𠆂 {def} SEE: 衰 | :: |
𠆇 {def} SEE: 奧 | :: |
𠆎 {def} /wéi/ | :: to wrap |
𠆎 {def} /wéi/ | :: synonym of 衺 |
𡊨 {def} SEE: 壇 | :: |
𡊨 {def} SEE: 罈 | :: |
𠆒 {def} SEE: 𦤘 | :: |
𠆝 {def} SEE: 襄 | :: |
𰛑 {def} SEE: 演 | :: |
𠄹 {def} SEE: 亟 | :: |
𠄵 {def} SEE: 聖 | :: |
𠄱 {def} /yí/ | :: synonym of 陽氣 |
𮔅 {def} SEE: 蝜 | :: |
𠄰 {def} SEE: 老 | :: |
𠄬 {def} SEE: 棗 | :: |
𠄭 {def} SEE: 𠄣 | :: |
𠆦 {def} SEE: 乍 | :: |
𠄮 {def} SEE: 亞 | :: |
𠄮 {def} /mǒ/ | :: A particle |
𠄨 {def} SEE: 恆 | :: |
𠄣 {def} SEE: 亙 | :: |
𡩡 {def} SEE: 索 | :: |
𤞿 {def} SEE: 犴 | :: |
𤟉 {def} SEE: 犴 | :: |
𤝪 {def} SEE: 犴 | :: |
𠁩 {def} SEE: 中 | :: |
𠂶 {def} SEE: 烏 | :: |
𢆉 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] to pierce |
𠁒 {def} SEE: 假 | :: |
𠁬 {def} SEE: 乖 | :: |
𠁗 {def} SEE: 奭 | :: |
𠁗 {def} SEE: 嚇 | :: |
𠁘 {def} SEE: 載 | :: |
𠆧 {def} SEE: 化 | :: |
𠄝 {def} SEE: 豫 | :: |
𠄛 {def} SEE: 豫 | :: |
𠄙 {def} SEE: 爭 | :: |
𠄚 {def} /tīng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to comment; to discuss |
𠄗 {def} SEE: 周 | :: |
𠄓 {def} SEE: 州 | :: |
𠄒 {def} SEE: 垂 | :: |
𠄒 {def} SEE: 殺 | :: |
𠄋 {def} SEE: 乾 | :: |
𠄊 {def} SEE: 乾 | :: |
𠄉 {def} SEE: 湩 | :: |
𠄈 {def} SEE: 亃 | :: |
𠄇 {def} SEE: 酪 | :: |
𠄄 {def} SEE: 乾 | :: |
𠄃 {def} SEE: 乾 | :: |
𥝀 {def} SEE: 蛇 | :: |
𠃾 {def} SEE: 龜 | :: |
𠃽 {def} SEE: 慃 | :: |
𠃼 {def} SEE: 思 | :: |
𠃸 {def} SEE: 亄 | :: |
𠄅 {def} /yè/ | :: to pull; to stretch |
𠂸 {def} SEE: 凰 | :: |
𠃶 {def} SEE: 亂 | :: |
𠃳 {def} SEE: 馗 | :: |
𠃲 {def} SEE: 截 | :: |
𠃭 {def} SEE: 始 | :: |
𠃺 {def} /jiù/ | :: only used in 出𠃺 |
𠧝 {def} SEE: 虛 | :: |
𠃧 {def} SEE: 飛 | :: |
𠃥 {def} SEE: 舉 | :: |
𠃤 {def} SEE: 荒 | :: |
𠃡 {def} SEE: 萬 | :: |
𠃟 {def} SEE: 也 | :: |
𠃞 {def} SEE: 禮 | :: |
𠃕 {def} SEE: 州 | :: |
𠃄 {def} SEE: 愈 | :: |
𠂿 {def} SEE: 手 | :: |
𡴘 {def} SEE: 幸 | :: |
𠂺 {def} SEE: 思 | :: |
𠂹 {def} SEE: 垂 | :: |
𬇇 {def} SEE: 㲲 | :: |
𠂷 {def} SEE: 幸 | :: |
𠂲 {def} SEE: 棗 | :: |
𠂯 {def} SEE: 乖 | :: |
𠂣 {def} SEE: 㐆 | :: |
𠂞 {def} SEE: 乎 | :: |
𠂖 {def} SEE: 弟 | :: |
𠂜 {def} SEE: 乏 | :: |
𢑑 {def} SEE: 多 | :: |
𠆪 {def} SEE: 高 | :: |
𠆯 {def} SEE: 作 | :: |
𠆲 {def} SEE: 儣 | :: |
𠆲 {def} /yǎn/ | :: only used in 掩𠆲 |
𧓹 {def} SEE: 蚊 | :: |
𧓢 {def} SEE: 蚊 | :: |
𧉬 {def} SEE: 蚊 | :: |
𧊈 {def} SEE: 蚊 | :: |
𧏎 {def} SEE: 蚊 | :: |
𨷷 {def} SEE: 閩 | :: |
𨷷 {def} SEE: 蚊 | :: |
𧖁 {def} SEE: 蠍 | :: |
𧖁 {def} SEE: 蚊 | :: |
𥑢 {def} [obsolete] /bù/ | :: boron |
𡘷 {def} SEE: 套 | :: |
𩚵 {def} /gān/ | :: [obsolete] pastry |
𩚵 {def} /gān/ | :: [obsolete] to consume |
𩚵 {def} /gān/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 甘 |
𠼞 {def} [obsolete] /ā/ | :: ammonia |
𠆴 {def} SEE: 鬧 | :: |
𣗪 {def} SEE: 茶 | :: |
𠆵 {def} /ní/ | :: only used in 𠆵㑮 |
𠆶 {def} /dàn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 髧 |
𠆶 {def} /dàn/ | :: [obsolete] to stop |
𨅬 {def} SEE: 躝 | :: |
𤕠 {def} /shū/ | :: alternative form of 𤕟 |
𤕠 {def} /shū/ | :: 9th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "branching out" (𝌎) |
𠍲 {def} [literary or dialectal] /qú/ | :: alternative form of 渠 |
𬲕 {def} SEE: 䭕 | :: |
𫗚 {def} SEE: 𩟗 | :: |
𩟗 {def} /jiǎn/ | :: alternative form of 䭕 |
𣭈 {def} SEE: 屄 | :: |
𦊩 {def} SEE: 罝 | :: |
𦊕 {def} SEE: 罝 | :: |
𦊨 {def} SEE: 罝 | :: |
𦊥 {def} SEE: 罝 | :: |
𦋽 {def} SEE: 罝 | :: |
𦋽 {def} SEE: 置 | :: |
𦋾 {def} SEE: 罝 | :: |
𦋾 {def} SEE: 罳 | :: |
𡨚 {def} SEE: 冤 | :: |
𩂜 {def} SEE: 處 | :: |
𥛠 {def} SEE: 神 | :: |
𠆷 {def} SEE: 尬 | :: |
𢋁 {def} SEE: 廄 | :: |
𩠇 {def} SEE: 䭀 | :: |
𬉼 {def} SEE: 熰 | :: |
𠆸 {def} SEE: 侮 | :: |
𠆹 {def} SEE: 施 | :: |
𬭭 {def} SEE: 鏚 | :: |
𠆺 {def} SEE: 伭 | :: |
𠆻 {def} SEE: 俓 | :: |
𠆼 {def} SEE: 岡 | :: |
𠇏 {def} SEE: 夲 | :: |
𠆰 {def} SEE: 仉 | :: |
𠇂 {def} SEE: 個 | :: |
𠇋 {def} /dǎn/ | :: sound of stone striking water |
𫔀 {def} SEE: 鍊 | :: |
𥃺 {def} SEE: 窅 | :: |
𧟰 {def} [Wu] /fiào/ | :: contraction of 勿要 |
𢫨 {def} /rǒng/ | :: [obsolete] to push |
𢫨 {def} SEE: 扔 | :: |
𢶜 {def} SEE: 擁 | :: |
𢫨 {def} /rǒng/ | :: [obsolete] to resist; to refuse |
𧖩 {def} SEE: 衄 | :: |
𠭇 {def} SEE: 畝 | :: |
𬨨 {def} SEE: 過 | :: |
𫍥 {def} SEE: 誂 | :: |
𠇙 {def} SEE: 剛 | :: |
𠇝 {def} SEE: 剛 | :: |
𠇛 {def} SEE: 佛 | :: |
𠇜 {def} SEE: 施 | :: |
𠇾 {def} SEE: 休 | :: |
𠇿 {def} SEE: 癶 | :: |
𠈀 {def} SEE: 囟 | :: |
𠈁 {def} SEE: 侂 | :: |
𠇴 {def} SEE: 价 | :: |
𠇲 {def} SEE: 休 | :: |
𠇳 {def} SEE: 失 | :: |
𠇵 {def} SEE: 𠆶 | :: |
𠇯 {def} SEE: 去 | :: |
𠇞 {def} SEE: 伎 | :: |
𠈃 {def} SEE: 保 | :: |
𠈄 {def} SEE: 宦 | :: |
𠈅 {def} [historic] /shōu/ | :: Name of a county in Changsha |
𠈆 {def} SEE: 倠 | :: |
𠈈 {def} SEE: 佌 | :: |
𦤀 {def} SEE: 臭 | :: |
𠈉 {def} SEE: 侃 | :: |
𠈍 {def} SEE: 備 | :: |
𠈎 {def} SEE: 侈 | :: |
𠈏 {def} SEE: 儉 | :: |
𠈐 {def} SEE: 伸 | :: |
𠈑 {def} SEE: 光 | :: |
𠈫 {def} SEE: 㑞 | :: |
𠈩 {def} SEE: 傂 | :: |
𠈨 {def} SEE: 作 | :: |
𠈪 {def} SEE: 㑞 | :: |
𠈧 {def} SEE: 役 | :: |
𠈮 {def} SEE: 企 | :: |
𠈯 {def} SEE: 兵 | :: |
𠉔 {def} SEE: 兵 | :: |
𠈭 {def} /láo/ | :: [obsolete] big; thick |
𠈰 {def} /dàn/ | :: [obsolete] big |
𡿺 {def} SEE: 腦 | :: |
𤓯 {def} SEE: 掌 | :: |
𠔼 {def} /mǎo/ | :: [obsolete] to repeat |
𣝗 {def} SEE: 核 | :: |
𨑕 {def} SEE: 違 | :: |
𣚺 {def} [Cantonese] /xiàng/ | :: only used in 雞𣚺 |
𠛅 {def} SEE: 剾 | :: |
𡿦 {def} SEE: 坤 | :: |
𩼃 {def} SEE: 鯨 | :: |
𨓀 {def} SEE: 庭 | :: |
𨒿 {def} SEE: 遷 | :: |
𫩥 {def} SEE: 嚿 | :: |
𡩧 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𡧖 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𡥀 {def} SEE: 保 | :: |
𠋾 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𠍙 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𡪓 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𡫷 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𤥖 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𤥯 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𤨷 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𩇉 {def} SEE: 寶 | :: |
𠈲 {def} SEE: 佸 | :: |
𠈳 {def} SEE: 辟 | :: |
𠈳 {def} SEE: 僻 | :: |
𠈴 {def} SEE: 癡 | :: |
𠈵 {def} /mǎng/ | :: only used in 𠈵傋 |
𠈷 {def} SEE: 俾 | :: |
𠈹 {def} SEE: 攸 | :: |
𠈶 {def} /yí/ | :: only used in 𠈶𠈶 |
𠈺 {def} /bì/ | :: only used in 𠈺㒅 |
𠈻 {def} SEE: 𠌢 | :: |
𠈼 {def} SEE: 順 | :: |
𠈽 {def} SEE: 伊 | :: |
𠈾 {def} SEE: 宰 | :: |
𠈿 {def} SEE: 役 | :: |
𠉡 {def} SEE: 陟 | :: |
𡺄 {def} SEE: 嶘 | :: |
𡥺 {def} SEE: 姪 | :: |
𦵨 {def} SEE: 薇 | :: |
𨟳 {def} SEE: 𨣞 | :: |
𨟵 {def} /bǐ/ | :: [historical dictionaries] Name of a kind of alcoholic drink |
𮩛 {def} SEE: 饆 | :: |
𩇠 {def} /è/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 㔩 |
𩇠 {def} /yǎn/ | :: only used in *𩇠畫溪 |
𠉤 {def} /dá/ | :: only used in 儑𠉤 |
𠊰 {def} /guǎ/ | :: only used in 𠊰㒀 |
𥬇 {def} SEE: 笑 | :: |
𦧄 {def} SEE: 塵 | :: |
𬣠 {def} SEE: 詌 | :: |
𬂀 {def} SEE: 膶 | :: |
𠊫 {def} SEE: 侚 | :: |
𠊫 {def} /qióng/ | :: [obsolete] alone; lonely |
𠋧 {def} /qiē/ | :: only used in 𠏃𠋧 |
𠊲 {def} /tū/ | :: only used in 傏𠊲 |
𠌖 {def} /qióng/ | :: only used in 𠌖倯 |
𠋲 {def} /suǒ/ | :: only used in 㒀𠋲 |
𫢪 {def} SEE: 僆 | :: |
𠋵 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: only used in 僆𠋵 |
𤠫 {def} SEE: 傈 | :: |
𢆡 {def} [Cantonese] /niān,nián/ | :: breast |
𢆡 {def} [Cantonese] /niān,nián/ | :: milk (especially breast milk) |
𢆡 {def} [Hong Kong Cantonese] /niān,nián/ | :: nipple (Classifier: c:粒) |
𠌯 {def} SEE: 儷 | :: |
𠌯 {def} /lí/ | :: only used in 仳𠌯 alternative form of 仳離 |
𠌽 {def} /fù/ | :: only used in 皮𠌽 |
𨂻 {def} SEE: 蹈 | :: |
𠌮 {def} /zhē/ | :: only used in 𠌮儸 |
𠍯 {def} /bié/ | :: only used in 𠍯𠋱 |
𢙒 {def} SEE: 憢 | :: |
𩁹 {def} SEE: 雩 | :: |
𩠁 {def} SEE: 𩚵 | :: |
𠍹 {def} /zhá/ | :: only used in 𠍹𦤻 |
𤸎 {def} SEE: 𤵽 | :: |
𤇆 {def} SEE: 煙 | :: |
𤸎 {def} /kě/ | :: [obsolete] heatstroke |
𫟵 {def} SEE: 鈗 | :: |
𧝒 {def} /héng/ | :: only used in 𧝒褡 |
𩿎 {def} SEE: 鴉 | :: |
𡧃 {def} SEE: 宇 | :: |
𫓥 {def} SEE: 釟 | :: |
𫓦 {def} SEE: 釨 | :: |
𫓨 {def} SEE: 鈛 | :: |
𬬰 {def} SEE: 鎗 | :: |
𬃀 {def} SEE: 槻 | :: |
𬸅 {def} SEE: 鶵 | :: |
𡖖 {def} SEE: 卿 | :: |
𬤭 {def} SEE: 譿 | :: |
𮧵 {def} SEE: 韡 | :: |
𩎁 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
𩍇 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
𡲲 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
𩋖 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
𩋾 {def} SEE: 韋 | :: |
𩋾 {def} SEE: 韡 | :: |
𩋾 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
𩍍 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
𩰫 {def} SEE: 鍋 | :: |
𥟂 {def} SEE: 䅘 | :: |
𮔚 {def} SEE: 蟧 | :: |
𫈉 {def} SEE: 簡 | :: |
𫈉 {def} SEE: 蕳 | :: |
𠐺 {def} /pín/ | :: only used in 𠐺伽 |
𭃊 {def} SEE: 刕 | :: |
𠨕 {def} /jì/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𠓪 {def} SEE: 𠁭 | :: |
𡷈 {def} /shì/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𡙎 {def} SEE: 渺 | :: |
𡙎 {def} SEE: 皎 | :: |
𦜳 {def} SEE: 晶 | :: |
𡷈 {def} /kā/ | :: only used in 𡷈屾山 |
𡙒 {def} /tiān/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𤔙 {def} /shuǎ/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𠒶 {def} SEE: 圥 | :: |
𠚛 {def} SEE: 塊 | :: |
𠌕 {def} /gòng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𠾳 {def} /gē/ | :: [obsolete] name of a sage |
𥴒 {def} /zhì/ | :: only used in 𥴒𥴒 |
𤕇 {def} /sǒu/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𠓗 {def} SEE: 䞯 | :: |
𡚤 {def} SEE: 奰 | :: |
𢀎 {def} SEE: 河 | :: |
𣦴 {def} SEE: 奔 | :: |
𣥚 {def} SEE: 走 | :: |
𩉖 {def} SEE: 𩔁 | :: |
𠨋 {def} SEE: 𠧪 | :: |
𦏱 {def} SEE: 瘥 | :: |
𡬚 {def} SEE: 擠 | :: |
𡖃 {def} SEE: 夏 | :: |
𨑂 {def} SEE: 譶 | :: |
𥃣 {def} /kǎi/ | :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning} |
𨚗 {def} SEE: 那 | :: |
𮩝 {def} SEE: 餲 | :: |
𮩞 {def} SEE: 饐 | :: |
𬨍 {def} SEE: 輵 | :: |
𮝺 {def} SEE: 轕 | :: |
𠁓 {def} [Taiwan] /yù/ | :: used in personal names |
𬬾 {def} SEE: 鑏 | :: |
𮫂 {def} SEE: 鬡 | :: |
𪥰 {def} SEE: 嬣 | :: |
𠚥 {def} SEE: 刟 | :: |
𤫊 {def} SEE: 靈 | :: |
𩆜 {def} SEE: 靈 | :: |
𩄇 {def} SEE: 靈 | :: |
𢟍 {def} SEE: 歷 | :: |
𣱮 {def} SEE: 氫 | :: |
𠔀 {def} SEE: 九 | :: |
𭁇 {def} SEE: 與 | :: |
𮌇 {def} SEE: 肉 | :: |
𠿓 {def} /sà/ | :: only used in 𠿓𠿓 |
𠱁 {def} SEE: 氹 | :: |
𬕛 {def} SEE: 䉐 | :: |
𭤐 {def} SEE: 䱷 | :: |
𦨖 {def} [obsolete or Teochew, of a boat] /chào/ | :: unsteady; tossing |
𡩋 {def} SEE: 寧 | :: |
𮄿 {def} SEE: 龘 | :: |
𣫞 {def} SEE: 鑿 | :: |
𢙓 {def} SEE: 懀 | :: |
𬘷 {def} SEE: 縒 | :: |
𦭝 {def} SEE: 𥄕 | :: |
𪨧 {def} SEE: 崙 | :: |
𮬡 {def} SEE: 䱻 | :: |
𣸍 {def} SEE: 潑 | :: |
𫠥 {def} SEE: 陋 | :: |
𫞹 {def} SEE: 空 | :: |
𫞟 {def} SEE: 為 | :: |
𫕝 {def} SEE: 瀄 | :: |
𪫆 {def} SEE: 浸 | :: |
𬺞 {def} SEE: 龜 | :: |
𬮢 {def} SEE: 鬨 | :: |
𫊻 {def} SEE: 蟳 | :: |
𤔔 {def} SEE: 亂 | :: |
𤔔 {def} /luàn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to govern |
𧉂 {def} SEE: 蚕 | :: |
𬀥 {def} SEE: 𣄸 | :: |
𥄕 {def} /mò/ | :: uneven eyes |
𠌢 {def} SEE: 𠊬 | :: |
𫥍 {def} SEE: 𠘥 | :: |
𭱊 {def} SEE: 澒 | :: |
𬨆 {def} SEE: 䡗 | :: |
𬏟 {def} SEE: 㾵 | :: |
𬣜 {def} SEE: 䚽 | :: |
𣡌 {def} SEE: 櫱 | :: |
𮭪 {def} SEE: 鷞 | :: |
𫩑 {def} SEE: 面 | :: |
𫩑 {def} SEE: 麵 | :: |
𫗦 {def} SEE: 餔 | :: |
𫚤 {def} SEE: 鰦 | :: |
𣏒 {def} SEE: 朹 | :: |
𭘓 {def} SEE: 幠 | :: |
𫰰 {def} SEE: 嬐 | :: |
𫷌 {def} SEE: 𢅡 | :: |
𢅡 {def} SEE: 襤 | :: |
𫼝 {def} SEE: 搊 | :: |
𬇘 {def} SEE: 漙 | :: |
𭴊 {def} SEE: 㷻 | :: |
𡔽 {def} SEE: 壽 | :: |
𬊍 {def} SEE: 燽 | :: |
𬎆 {def} SEE: 㼆 | :: |
𬎑 {def} SEE: 瓓 | :: |
𬑗 {def} SEE: 瞷 | :: |
𮮇 {def} SEE: 麰 | :: |
𮬤 {def} SEE: 鱵 | :: |
𮬣 {def} SEE: 䲗 | :: |
𮬢 {def} SEE: 䱵 | :: |
𮬜 {def} SEE: 鮨 | :: |
𬶇 {def} SEE: 魪 | :: |
𬴐 {def} SEE: 驩 | :: |
𤕓 {def} SEE: 爺 | :: |
𨈺 {def} SEE: 爺 | :: |
𬱵 {def} SEE: 颹 | :: |
𩵋 {def} SEE: 魚 | :: |
𫛜 {def} SEE: 鴀 | :: |
𪉎 {def} SEE: 𪂆 | :: |
𩭹 {def} SEE: 鬖 | :: |
𬱗 {def} SEE: 頕 | :: |
𮀤 {def} SEE: 磱 | :: |
𮣶 {def} SEE: 鑢 | :: |
𬭣 {def} SEE: 䤼 | :: |
𬬫 {def} SEE: 鈚 | :: |
𬬬 {def} SEE: 鍏 | :: |
𮣲 {def} SEE: 釭 | :: |
𩁿 {def} SEE: 虐 | :: |
𠥓 {def} SEE: 匚 | :: |
𬒋 {def} SEE: 剁 | :: |
𬖞 {def} SEE: 𥻵 | :: |
𥻵 {def} [Min Dong] /shí/ | :: Sì (dessert) (a Fuzhounese dessert made from glutinous rice flour and served with soybean powder and sugar) |
𭑨 {def} SEE: 安 | :: |
𠯣 {def} SEE: 足 | :: |
𠑺 {def} SEE: 天 | :: |
𠑻 {def} SEE: 長 | :: |
𠥱 {def} SEE: 月 | :: |
𬪍 {def} SEE: 鄮 | :: |
𮝹 {def} SEE: 轘 | :: |
𮙊 {def} SEE: 讔 | :: |
𧮫 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] [anatomy] palate; uraniscus; roof of mouth |
𧮫 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 噱 |
𬮲 {def} SEE: 闄 | :: |
𬮪 {def} SEE: 閯 | :: |
𬮥 {def} SEE: 閦 | :: |
𮤲 {def} SEE: 閟 | :: |
𬮠 {def} SEE: 閜 | :: |
𫟶 {def} SEE: 銏 | :: |
𫐙 {def} SEE: 轠 | :: |
𬪨 {def} SEE: 醆 | :: |
𮝷 {def} SEE: 轒 | :: |
𬨓 {def} SEE: 轈 | :: |
𮝵 {def} SEE: 輀 | :: |
𬨇 {def} SEE: 輆 | :: |
𮝸 {def} SEE: 輴 | :: |
𮝴 {def} SEE: 軱 | :: |
𫒢 {def} [chemical element, obsolete] /hàn/ | :: hahnium (Ha) |
𫒢 {def} [Taiwan] /hǎn/ | :: used in personal names |
𩓣 {def} /xū/ | :: [obsolete] to wait |
𠩄 {def} SEE: 所 | :: |
𬲷 {def} SEE: 䬶 | :: |
𬲫 {def} SEE: 䬯 | :: |
𦺞 {def} /hè/ | :: only used in 藦𦺞 |
𮯟 {def} SEE: 龜 | :: |
𪚳 {def} SEE: 𪚮 | :: |
𫘛 {def} SEE: 馯 | :: |
𩧲 {def} SEE: 駧 | :: |
𬳴 {def} SEE: 駍 | :: |
𩧨 {def} SEE: 駎 | :: |
𩧴 {def} SEE: 駩 | :: |
𫘡 {def} SEE: 駫 | :: |
𩧺 {def} SEE: 駶 | :: |
𮪡 {def} SEE: 駹 | :: |
𬴀 {def} SEE: 駺 | :: |
𫘥 {def} SEE: 騉 | :: |
𩖕 {def} SEE: 𩓣 | :: |
𩨃 {def} SEE: 騝 | :: |
𩨊 {def} SEE: 騚 | :: |
𩨀 {def} SEE: 騔 | :: |
𫖃 {def} SEE: 靧 | :: |
𬨄 {def} SEE: 軮 | :: |
𬨁 {def} SEE: 軞 | :: |
𬣮 {def} SEE: 詺 | :: |
𫍟 {def} SEE: 𧦧 | :: |
𫌭 {def} SEE: 覹 | :: |
𫄥 {def} SEE: 纚 | :: |
𦈝 {def} SEE: 繏 | :: |
𫄳 {def} SEE: 縰 | :: |
𦈔 {def} SEE: 縎 | :: |
𦈏 {def} SEE: 緍 | :: |
𬘝 {def} SEE: 紾 | :: |
𬘠 {def} SEE: 絠 | :: |
𢍁 {def} SEE: 畀 | :: |
𬊶 {def} SEE: 爁 | :: |
𪵱 {def} SEE: 濿 | :: |
𬆦 {def} SEE: 毄 | :: |
𫽣 {def} SEE: 摪 | :: |
𡊄 {def} /fèn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to sweep away |
𫝵 {def} SEE: 嶹 | :: |
𫣊 {def} SEE: 僾 | :: |
𩧪 {def} SEE: 䮾 | :: |
𬮨 {def} SEE: 䦝 | :: |
𬨔 {def} SEE: 䡶 | :: |
𬨑 {def} SEE: 䡦 | :: |
𬨌 {def} SEE: 䡟 | :: |
𫰠 {def} SEE: 㜭 | :: |
𦸉 {def} /qià/ | :: only used in 菝𦸉 alternative form of 菝葜 |
𬊜 {def} SEE: 𤓓 | :: |
𬡒 {def} SEE: 裌 | :: |
𩠈 {def} SEE: 䭃 | :: |
𤶊 {def} SEE: 癊 | :: |
𤶊 {def} SEE: 癐 | :: |
𬴅 {def} SEE: 騯 | :: |
𤺊 {def} [Cantonese] /xī,sī/ | :: to hiccup |
𫽥 {def} SEE: 攑 | :: |
𢦟 {def} [obsolete] /kān/ | :: alternative form of 戡 |
𢦟 {def} [obsolete] /kān/ | :: alternative form of 堪 |
𩃬 {def} /yīn/ | :: alternative form of 陰 |
𩃬 {def} /yīn/ | :: surname |
𨾊 {def} /hóng/ | :: alternative form of 䲨 |
𨾊 {def} /hóng/ | :: synonym of 傭 |
𠖫 {def} /gǎn/ | :: to cover |
𠖫 {def} /gǎn/ | :: cover; lid |
𠖫 {def} /gǎn/ | :: to print |
𠑄 {def} /xiè/ | :: used in 㑙𠑄 |
𦠿 {def} [dialectal Mandarin] /sà/ | :: head |
𪺴 {def} SEE: 㹙 | :: |
𪫺 {def} SEE: 憸 | :: |
𪜃 {def} SEE: 事 | :: |
𫛝 {def} SEE: 鴅 | :: |
𫛟 {def} SEE: 鸗 | :: |
𫛠 {def} SEE: 𩿤 | :: |
𣈆 {def} SEE: 晉 | :: |
𫞄 {def} SEE: 晉 | :: |
𦘠 {def} SEE: 書 | :: |
𡟓 {def} [Hakka, Xiang, Pinghua] | :: mother |
𧅁 {def} SEE: 薑 | :: |
𦷗 {def} SEE: 薑 | :: |
𤕬 {def} SEE: 疾 | :: |
𫟸 {def} SEE: 鉽 | :: |
𫐕 {def} SEE: 轊 | :: |
𫐖 {def} SEE: 轇 | :: |
𫐒 {def} SEE: 輷 | :: |
𬸩 {def} SEE: 䴈 | :: |
𫐌 {def} SEE: 軿 | :: |
𫐑 {def} SEE: 輨 | :: |
𫐈 {def} SEE: 軷 | :: |
𫐊 {def} SEE: 軬 | :: |
𫐇 {def} SEE: 軜 | :: |
𫌇 {def} SEE: 襵 | :: |
𫐅 {def} SEE: 軕 | :: |
𡵸 {def} SEE: 嶧 | :: |
𡋤 {def} SEE: 壗 | :: |
𪞚 {def} SEE: 凙 | :: |
𪎌 {def} SEE: 麳 | :: |
𫋷 {def} SEE: 襗 | :: |
𣏧 {def} SEE: 檡 | :: |
𠉀 {def} SEE: 候 | :: |
𠬪 {def} /biào,piǎo/ | :: [obsolete] to give |
𢗜 {def} SEE: 懌 | :: |
𫗞 {def} SEE: 飦 | :: |
𫺊 {def} SEE: 懠 | :: |
𬬵 {def} SEE: 鈂 | :: |
𰀈 {def} SEE: 青 | :: |
𰋙 {def} SEE: 具 | :: |
𰗶 {def} SEE: 榴 | :: |
𥑥 {def} SEE: 䂳 | :: |
𧳯 {def} SEE: 豬 | :: |
𩙧 {def} SEE: 䬞 | :: |
𩙮 {def} SEE: 䬘 | :: |
𠌶 {def} SEE: 花 | :: |
𣽷 {def} SEE: 瀃 | :: |
𪓑 {def} SEE: 黽 | :: |
𠾅 {def} SEE: 嚚 | :: |
𠾅 {def} SEE: 要 | :: |
𧕴 {def} /nán/ | :: [historical dictionaries] a kind of insect |
𡳾 {def} SEE: 𠄑 | :: |
𨃩 {def} [Cantonese] /xiàn/ | :: to slip |
𨃩 {def} [Cantonese] /xiàn/ | :: slippery |
𨃩 {def} [Cantonese] /xiàn/ | :: to trap |
𤗈 {def} /xiè/ | :: [historical dictionaries] used in 𤗈牒 |
𤗈 {def} /xiè/ | :: [historical dictionaries] bamboo slips used for writing |
𬱫 {def} SEE: 顁 | :: |
𢹲 {def} SEE: 捃 | :: |
𠙑 {def} SEE: 夜 | :: |
𨲸 {def} SEE: 鬡 | :: |
𨤲 {def} SEE: 釐 | :: |
🐴 {symbol} [Internet slang, humorous] | :: Used phonetically for a character pronounced ma (regardless of tone), such as 媽 or 嗎 |
𪢕 {def} SEE: 嚽 | :: |
𢇍 {def} SEE: 絕 | :: |
𥎊 {def} SEE: 矜 | :: |
𩧉 {def} /guāng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] only used in 騤𩧉 |
𫖱 {def} SEE: 䫀 | :: |
𠯠 {def} SEE: 噅 | :: |
𨌠 {def} SEE: 轆 | :: |
𨏔 {def} SEE: 轆 | :: |
𦨈 {def} SEE: 服 | :: |
𧞷 {def} SEE: 懷 | :: |
𪚮 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] the hem or the margin of a tortoise shell |
𫜳 {def} SEE: 䶲 | :: |
𪚮 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] tortoise with protruding part similar to a toe at the back portion of its legs |
𥪖 {def} SEE: 龍 | :: |
𦮙 {def} SEE: 葵 | :: |
𢁫 {def} SEE: 希 | :: |
𠪳 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𢀓 {def} SEE: 巨 | :: |
𠃠 {def} SEE: 丑 | :: |
𥳑 {def} SEE: 簡 | :: |
𣄼 {def} SEE: 昏 | :: |
𪟧 {def} /nào/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𨚕 {def} /biàn/ | :: used in personal names |
𧻲 {def} /hái/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to stay and not leave |
𧻲 {def} /kuī/ | :: only used in 趔𧻲趔趄 |
𬲳 {def} SEE: 䭞 | :: |
𫰹 {def} SEE: 嫢 | :: |
𣺼 {def} SEE: 灙 | :: |
𢖻 {def} SEE: 愛 | :: |
𢙴 {def} SEE: 愛 | :: |
𢟪 {def} SEE: 愛 | :: |
𫃎 {def} /má/ | :: used in 𫃎糬 |
𫧃 {def} SEE: 𣍐 | :: |
𨟾 {def} /zhī/ | :: only used in 䣫𨟾 |
𤈦 {def} [ancient Qi or Wu dialect] /huǐ/ | :: fire |
𣽆 {def} SEE: 筑 | :: |
𫉁 {def} SEE: 薆 | :: |
𤍠 {def} SEE: 熱 | :: |
𬤉 {def} SEE: 䜋 | :: |
𬤈 {def} SEE: 𧫚 | :: |
𨳐 {def} SEE: 闖 | :: |
𨳔 {def} SEE: 閻 | :: |
𠭆 {def} SEE: 事 | :: |
𡘋 {def} SEE: 並 | :: |
𪾔 {def} SEE: 盨 | :: |
𫎆 {def} SEE: 豵 | :: |
𬤥 {def} SEE: 譔 | :: |
𪾦 {def} SEE: 矑 | :: |
𩧿 {def} SEE: 䮠 | :: |
𫘠 {def} SEE: 駤 | :: |
𫘞 {def} SEE: 駞 | :: |
𥂾 {def} SEE: 盨 | :: |
𥨍 {def} /fù/ | :: cave |
𪆰 {def} /yà/ | :: only used in 鶷𪆰 |
𬸭 {def} SEE: 𪆰 | :: |
𫟴 {def} SEE: 鈖 | :: |
𦑜 {def} /gé/ | :: [obsolete] wing |
𪊋 {def} SEE: 麂 | :: |
𫜋 {def} [Taiwan] /jǐ/ | :: Used in personal names |
𬣧 {def} SEE: 䛍 | :: |
𪟮 {def} /yáng/ | :: surname |
𮤫 {def} SEE: 閅 | :: |
𢑌 {def} SEE: 羹 | :: |
𥬯 {def} /kǎo/ | :: only used in 𥬯䇭 alternative form of 栲栳 |
𦯠 {def} SEE: 薍 | :: |
𤂣 {def} SEE: 瀟 | :: |
𦈎 {def} SEE: 繟 | :: |
𦈐 {def} SEE: 縺 | :: |
𬉧 {def} /hán/ | :: only used in 𬉧江 |
𧰎 {def} /láo/ | :: only used in 𧰎豆 |
𩷓 {def} /zhì/ | :: only used in 𩷓科 |
𬸢 {def} SEE: 鷎 | :: |
𪄳 {def} [only in compounds] /mài/ | :: macaw |
𪤚 {def} SEE: 壣 | :: |
𫂱 {def} SEE: 𣶒 | :: |
𠲲 {def} SEE: 吝 | :: |
𫏆 {def} SEE: 蹳 | :: |
𧊄 {def} SEE: 蟙 | :: |
𨈪 {def} SEE: 肢 | :: |
𨉗 {def} SEE: 軉 | :: |
𪡀 {def} SEE: 嘺 | :: |
𣃔 {def} SEE: 斷 | :: |
𪡃 {def} SEE: 嘪 | :: |
𪡋 {def} SEE: 噞 | :: |
𫁟 {def} SEE: 竱 | :: |
𫘽 {def} SEE: 鬠 | :: |
𫂆 {def} SEE: 簂 | :: |
𫂃 {def} SEE: 簢 | :: |
𮉧 {def} SEE: 緉 | :: |
𫽮 {def} SEE: 攩 | :: |
𧵪 {def} SEE: 賊 | :: |
𬺳 {def} SEE: 万 | :: |
𬺶 {def} SEE: 丐 | :: |
𣦸 {def} SEE: 死 | :: |
𣦹 {def} SEE: 死 | :: |
𠒁 {def} SEE: 死 | :: |
𠑾 {def} SEE: 死 | :: |
𦭀 {def} SEE: 死 | :: |
𫝧 {def} SEE: 㜐 | :: |
𫝦 {def} SEE: 㛝 | :: |
𫝨 {def} SEE: 媈 | :: |
𫝪 {def} SEE: 𡟫 | :: |
𫝫 {def} SEE: 婡 | :: |
𡟫 {def} /gòng/ | :: Used in female names |
𢳆 {def} /ào/ | :: [obsolete] to move |
𬭉 {def} SEE: 鑇 | :: |
𡠆 {def} SEE: 㜌 | :: |
𪥿 {def} SEE: 嬻 | :: |
𫗮 {def} SEE: 餭 | :: |
𫓵 {def} SEE: 鋠 | :: |
𨱈 {def} SEE: 鋉 | :: |
𨱅 {def} SEE: 鉁 | :: |
𨱃 {def} SEE: 鈲 | :: |
𨱁 {def} SEE: 鈠 | :: |
𨱂 {def} SEE: 鈋 | :: |
𤞤 {def} SEE: 玁 | :: |
𪴙 {def} SEE: 欑 | :: |
𮯙 {def} SEE: 䶗 | :: |
𢱤 {def} [Hakka] /sǒng/ | :: to push |
𢱤 {def} /sǒng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 㩳 |
𠖃 {def} SEE: 宜 | :: |
𠖄 {def} [Hakka] /tóng/ | :: to cover, to conceal |
𠖂 {def} /liáo/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𫽋 {def} SEE: 攞 | :: |
𬺟 {def} SEE: 𧢢 | :: |
𧢢 {def} /yào/ | :: [obsolete] dazzled; having dim eyesight |
𫖔 {def} SEE: 韛 | :: |
𢮿 {def} [Taiwan] /guāi/ | :: used in personal names |
𨰉 {def} SEE: 鍘 | :: |
𰥛 {def} SEE: 瞓 | :: |
𱄾 {def} SEE: 𩧉 | :: |
𱈂 {def} SEE: 鰅 | :: |
𱉈 {def} SEE: 鳭 | :: |
𱉊 {def} SEE: 鳱 | :: |
𱉵 {def} SEE: 鶆 | :: |
𤉷 {def} SEE: 然 | :: |
𰓆 {def} SEE: 摀 | :: |
𱇟 {def} SEE: 魻 | :: |
𱉨 {def} SEE: 鵶 | :: |
𠇐 {def} SEE: 㒜 | :: |
𢤦 {def} SEE: 懂 | :: |
𰌻 {def} SEE: 寨 | :: |
𰑐 {def} SEE: 懶 | :: |
𰌙 {def} SEE: 嬾 | :: |
𰵨 {def} SEE: 讝 | :: |
𠭘 {def} SEE: 𠭗 | :: |
𠭗 {def} /jǐng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] animal trap |
𥛱 {def} SEE: 祊 | :: |
𫖒 {def} SEE: 韠 | :: |
𧪄 {def} SEE: 記 | :: |
𠇑 {def} SEE: 父 | :: |
𥷑 {def} /bì/ | :: only used in 𥷑篥 alternative form of 篳篥 |
𨉣 {def} SEE: 哈 | :: |
👴 {pron} [Mandarin, internet slang, colloquial, offensive, derogatory or familiar, humorous, Northern China, male] /yé/ | :: alternative form of 爺 |
𩱚 {def} /bó/ | :: [historical dictionaries] [of boiling water] to overflow from a cauldron |
𮬞 {def} SEE: 䱗 | :: |
𬉋 {def} SEE: 瀢 | :: |
𭣧 {def} SEE: 斁 | :: |
𮙋 {def} SEE: 讟 | :: |
𥥷 {def} SEE: 竇 | :: |
𩼪 {def} SEE: 漁 | :: |
𣱼 {def} /dāo/ | :: only used in 𣱼𣱼 |
𪽇 {def} /kē/ | :: only used in 𪽇𤰚 |
𤰚 {def} /lá/ | :: used in compounds |
𢜶 {def} [Jianghuai Mandarin, Wu] /sào/ | :: fast |
👊 {symbol} | :: used in 女👊 |
👵 {pron} [Mandarin, internet slang, colloquial, offensive, derogatory or humorous, Northern China, female, rare] /lǎoniáng/ | :: alternative form of 老娘 |
𠳐 {def} [onomatopoeia] /bāng/ | :: bang; rat-tat-tat (the sound of hitting wood) |
𬎩 {def} SEE: 缸 | :: |
𬎩 {def} [Taiwan] /fǒu/ | :: used in personal names |
𩓏 {def} SEE: 頃 | :: |
𢇁 {def} SEE: 絲 | :: |
𢇁 {def} /zī/ | :: surname |
𦐈 {def} SEE: 翂 | :: |
𣛙 {def} SEE: 藥 | :: |
𮝩 {def} SEE: 轢 | :: |
𫦳 {def} SEE: 㔢 | :: |
𬧀 {def} SEE: 蹡 | :: |
𮔊 {def} SEE: 蜽 | :: |
𢧄 {def} SEE: 戜 | :: |
𭩚 {def} SEE: 檥 | :: |
𠠻 {def} SEE: 𠡀 | :: |
𠡀 {def} | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𠂰 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𢁺 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𧆞 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𧇂 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𪊖 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𢋪 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𪋕 {def} SEE: 虎 | :: |
𪉂 {def} SEE: 䲰 | :: |
𬳸 {def} SEE: 䮸 | :: |
𮉠 {def} SEE: 䊵 | :: |
𬘶 {def} SEE: 緧 | :: |
𫇘 {def} SEE: 𦧺 | :: |
𰾠 {def} SEE: 鑱 | :: |
𰃮 {def} SEE: 𦥯 | :: |
𰀡 {def} SEE: 臤 | :: |
𰀢 {def} SEE: 𰯲 | :: |
𰁜 {def} SEE: 龻 | :: |
𰯲 {def} /jiān/ | :: Form of 監 used at the top of a character |
𰀂 {def} SEE: 虐 | :: |
𰆖 {def} SEE: 原 | :: |
𱂪 {def} SEE: 顛 | :: |
𰅴 {def} SEE: 真 | :: |
𰀁 {def} SEE: 串 | :: |
𰁬 {def} SEE: 俱 | :: |
𰅰 {def} SEE: 直 | :: |
𰅹 {def} SEE: 矗 | :: |
𰁡 {def} SEE: 儒 | :: |
𰁲 {def} SEE: 值 | :: |
𬽥 {def} SEE: 假 | :: |
𰗝 {def} SEE: 植 | :: |
𰙽 {def} SEE: 殖 | :: |
𰭋 {def} SEE: 置 | :: |
𰰤 {def} SEE: 蓲 | :: |
𰰤 {def} SEE: 藕 | :: |
𫓱 {def} SEE: 鐈 | :: |
𫓱 {def} SEE: 鍬 | :: |
𰐿 {def} SEE: 愓 | :: |
𰐿 {def} SEE: 惕 | :: |
𰸄 {def} SEE: 踼 | :: |
𰸄 {def} SEE: 踢 | :: |
𰹷 {def} SEE: 䡇 | :: |
𰹷 {def} SEE: 轅 | :: |
𰽢 {def} SEE: 鋧 | :: |
𰽢 {def} SEE: 鍵 | :: |
𰽤 {def} SEE: 鈌 | :: |
𰽤 {def} SEE: 鐝 | :: |
𰽤 {def} SEE: 钁 | :: |
𰉰 {def} SEE: 填 | :: |
𰑝 {def} SEE: 慎 | :: |
𰛬 {def} SEE: 滇 | :: |
𰾋 {def} SEE: 龲 | :: |
𰞳 {def} SEE: 龽 | :: |
𰀉 {def} SEE: 囊 | :: |
𰀉 {def} SEE: 囔 | :: |
𫩕 {def} SEE: 嚝 | :: |
𰆳 {def} SEE: 靴 | :: |
𰁼 {def} SEE: 像 | :: |
𬦾 {def} SEE: 𨈇 | :: |
𰈆 {def} SEE: 囕 | :: |
𰜐 {def} SEE: 灠 | :: |
𬜾 {def} SEE: 藖 | :: |
𰧇 {def} SEE: 礥 | :: |
𬒎 {def} SEE: 䃘 | :: |
𰓱 {def} SEE: 摼 | :: |
𰞤 {def} SEE: 熞 | :: |
𫽊 {def} SEE: 㩭 | :: |
𰉽 {def} SEE: 㙾 | :: |
𫣉 {def} SEE: 儖 | :: |
𰈓 {def} SEE: 嚂 | :: |
𰊑 {def} SEE: 壏 | :: |
𫞨 {def} SEE: 璼 | :: |
𰧔 {def} SEE: 礛 | :: |
𬖮 {def} SEE: 糮 | :: |
𰺗 {def} SEE: 轞 | :: |
𰾫 {def} SEE: 鑑 | :: |
𪟎 {def} SEE: 㔋 | :: |
𫱕 {def} SEE: 㜮 | :: |
𰚪 {def} SEE: 㲯 | :: |
𱆅 {def} SEE: 䰐 | :: |
𫰐 {def} SEE: 婜 | :: |
𬜤 {def} SEE: 菣 | :: |
𰲮 {def} SEE: 蜸 | :: |
𬌛 {def} SEE: 㹂 | :: |
𬹔 {def} SEE: 䵖 | :: |
𨦡 {def} [chemistry] /yáng/ | :: oxonium |
𰽽 {def} SEE: 𨦡 | :: |
𰓊 {def} SEE: 攜 | :: |
𱂢 {def} SEE: 䪼 | :: |
𱃙 {def} SEE: 䬟 | :: |
𰁸 {def} SEE: 儅 | :: |
𬲩 {def} SEE: 𩚚 | :: |
𰺎 {def} SEE: 輫 | :: |
𰾓 {def} SEE: 錔 | :: |
𬙆 {def} SEE: 繙 | :: |
𪭢 {def} SEE: 摐 | :: |
𰉘 {def} SEE: 㙔 | :: |
𰯼 {def} /cuò/ | :: only used in 中山王𰯼 |
𨑒 {def} SEE: 徒 | :: |
𰵬 {def} SEE: 𧧸 | :: |
𨑡 {def} SEE: 徒 | :: |
𰅉 {def} SEE: 勤 | :: |
𦤇 {def} SEE: 歸 | :: |
𰗘 {def} SEE: 㯺 | :: |
𨏊 {def} SEE: 轞 | :: |
𰹾 {def} SEE: 𨏊 | :: |
𰆊 {def} SEE: 卩 | :: |
𰆊 {def} SEE: 部 | :: |
𰴣 {def} SEE: 觷 | :: |
𰺵 {def} SEE: 徙 | :: |
𨑭 {def} SEE: 徙 | :: |
𰍰 {def} SEE: 展 | :: |
𰍱 {def} SEE: 屬 | :: |
𱊳 {def} SEE: 鸓 | :: |
𱅦 {def} SEE: 䮲 | :: |
𫘩 {def} SEE: 騜 | :: |
𦃳 {def} SEE: 纞 | :: |
𰵣 {def} SEE: 詥 | :: |
𱉬 {def} SEE: 鷮 | :: |
𱉫 {def} SEE: 鴸 | :: |
𰪩 {def} SEE: 䊯 | :: |
𰪩 {def} SEE: 糖 | :: |
𨰥 {def} /lèi/ | :: used in personal names |
𥱧 {def} /qín/ | :: synonym of 軋箏 used during the Qing Dynasty |
𠰱 {def} SEE: 㘉 | :: |
𮔂 {def} SEE: 䗻 | :: |
𬶎 {def} SEE: 䲙 | :: |
𬝋 {def} SEE: 蠞 | :: |
𰓜 {def} SEE: 擳 | :: |
𰛤 {def} SEE: 瀄 | :: |
𰞍 {def} SEE: 㸅 | :: |
𫧯 {def} SEE: 卨 | :: |
𰃝 {def} SEE: 尊 | :: |
𰃝 {def} SEE: 遵 | :: |
𰰮 {def} SEE: 蘬 | :: |
𰉣 {def} SEE: 墿 | :: |
𰗛 {def} SEE: 檡 | :: |
𧕇 {n} [Fuzhou Min Dong, Fuqing Min Dong] /xiǎn/ | :: gecko |
𰋞 {def} SEE: 整 | :: |
𬲹 {def} SEE: 𩛲 | :: |
𭕆 {def} SEE: 𧴪 | :: |
𰑫 {def} SEE: 㦬 | :: |
𢌿 {def} SEE: 畀 | :: |
𢌿 {def} SEE: 卑 | :: |
𢌿 {def} SEE: 𢍁 | :: |
𰛪 {def} SEE: 灓 | :: |
𰥠 {def} SEE: 矕 | :: |
𢖶 {def} SEE: 恐 | :: |
𡲰 {def} /qú/ | :: only used in 屄𡲰 |
𩫻 {def} /jī/ | :: only used in 𩫻䯲 |
𥩴 {def} SEE: 在 | :: |
𪿝 {def} SEE: 礜 | :: |
𡉄 {def} SEE: 在 | :: |
𤊶 {def} [dialectal Hakka] /là/ | :: rice crust; scorched rice |
𭻾 {def} SEE: 旋 | :: |
𭻾 {def} SEE: 漩 | :: |
𢘪 {def} SEE: 怪 | :: |
𱅋 {def} SEE: 駬 | :: |
𱅗 {def} SEE: 騀 | :: |
𱅒 {def} SEE: 𩧢 | :: |
𱄿 {def} SEE: 騳 | :: |
𫍡 {def} SEE: 詑 | :: |
𬳈 {def} SEE: 𩝡 | :: |
𰋷 {def} SEE: 嬰 | :: |
𰬕 {def} SEE: 纓 | :: |
𰌇 {def} SEE: 嫧 | :: |
𰡵 {def} SEE: 瓐 | :: |
𫰍 {def} SEE: 媁 | :: |
𫹽 {def} SEE: 慯 | :: |
𢏳 {def} /pēng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to draw a bow |
𱆌 {def} SEE: 鬺 | :: |
𰾍 {def} SEE: 錶 | :: |
𱌮 {def} SEE: 齣 | :: |
𰿾 {def} SEE: 闢 | :: |
𱁶 {def} SEE: 韆 | :: |
𱋐 {def} SEE: 麴 | :: |
𱃗 {def} SEE: 颱 | :: |
𰬫 {def} SEE: 緻 | :: |
𰛮 {def} SEE: 滷 | :: |
𫖸 {def} SEE: 願 | :: |
𬞕 {def} SEE: 蘭 | :: |
𧹒 {def} SEE: 買 | :: |
𪪏 {def} SEE: 廬 | :: |
𢧐 {def} SEE: 戰 | :: |
𣶇 {def} SEE: 灑 | :: |
𰗬 {def} SEE: 櫏 | :: |
𱌺 {def} SEE: 齻 | :: |
𬀮 {def} SEE: 㬣 | :: |
𬳾 {def} SEE: 䮈 | :: |
𬱮 {def} SEE: 䫜 | :: |
𮉦 {def} SEE: 䋞 | :: |
𰲒 {def} SEE: 蘱 | :: |
𬣀 {def} SEE: 讆 | :: |
𰿆 {def} SEE: 鑽 | :: |
𱄊 {def} SEE: 饡 | :: |
𱅛 {def} SEE: 驒 | :: |
𪼋 {def} SEE: 㻶 | :: |
𰳄 {def} SEE: 螴 | :: |
𫈟 {def} SEE: 蔯 | :: |
𰇖 {def} SEE: 㗢 | :: |
𰜨 {def} SEE: 瀳 | :: |
𰕭 {def} SEE: 旝 | :: |
𭤰 {def} SEE: 旟 | :: |
𡳻 {def} SEE: 屭 | :: |
𤕫 {def} SEE: 疒 | :: |
𬱼 {def} SEE: 颽 | :: |
𬶀 {def} SEE: 魝 | :: |
𡡁 {def} SEE: 媳 | :: |
𠴴 {def} SEE: 咂 | :: |
𠶴 {def} SEE: 咂 | :: |
𫔱 {def} SEE: 𨷻 | :: |
𭃂 {def} SEE: 兩 | :: |
𧼇 {def} SEE: 趁 | :: |
𦐊 {def} SEE: 翅 | :: |
𨂋 {def} SEE: 躋 | :: |
𡚱 {def} SEE: 妃 | :: |
𬲶 {def} SEE: 䭣 | :: |
𬲸 {def} SEE: 𩟂 | :: |
𩟂 {def} /guò/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to eat |
𱊰 {def} SEE: 鷾 | :: |
𱊰 {def} | :: only used in *𱊰鸸 |
𰌦 {def} SEE: 孲 | :: |
𦵁 {def} SEE: 䖇 | :: |
𰿉 {def} SEE: 鑸 | :: |
𰾚 {def} SEE: 鍡 | :: |
𰾛 {def} SEE: 鎅 | :: |
𧿫 {def} [Guilin Mandarin] /dǒu/ | :: to kick |
𧿫 {def} /kē/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𧴧 {def} SEE: 助 | :: |
𢶀 {def} SEE: 拽 | :: |
𰽟 {def} SEE: 鏡 | :: |
𫎺 {def} SEE: 䟃 | :: |
𫺌 {def} SEE: 愩 | :: |
𢦅 {def} SEE: 戇 | :: |
𢦅 {def} /hǒng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] absentminded |
𠠆 {def} SEE: 劍 | :: |
𰽚 {def} SEE: 鑛 | :: |
𣴣 {def} [archaic] /zhuàng/ | :: to fill a cauldron or rice pot with rice |
𬮟 {def} SEE: 焛 | :: |
𡞋 {def} SEE: 㜗 | :: |
𰌆 {def} SEE: 㜞 | :: |
𫰨 {def} SEE: 㜥 | :: |
𫍗 {def} SEE: 辭 | :: |
𢦞 {def} [rare] /guó/ | :: alternative form of 馘 |
𢦞 {def} | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𢦞 {def} | :: unable to proceed; tied up; fettered |
𢦞 {def} | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𢦞 {def} | :: alternative form of 戩 |
𱊟 {def} SEE: 鶷 | :: |
𱊝 {def} SEE: 鶶 | :: |
𱊛 {def} SEE: 鶽 | :: |
𮭨 {def} SEE: 鷃 | :: |
𱊚 {def} SEE: 鷏 | :: |
𪉑 {def} SEE: 鷔 | :: |
𱊡 {def} SEE: 鷕 | :: |
𱌫 {def} SEE: 齞 | :: |
𭎜 {def} SEE: 壔 | :: |
𥷹 {def} /sè/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𡦪 {def} /jí/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𡿭 {def} /kūn,shuǐ/ | :: {uncertain meaning} |
𱉻 {def} SEE: 鵎 | :: |
𱊊 {def} SEE: 鵼 | :: |
𰓌 {def} SEE: 攮 | :: |
𫫾 {def} SEE: 嚬 | :: |
𠳞 {def} SEE: 𠶸 | :: |
𰇡 {def} SEE: 𠶹 | :: |
𬁭 {def} [Wu] | :: contraction of 阿曾 |
𱅕 {def} SEE: 騋 | :: |
𠴛 {def} SEE: 𡃕 | :: |
𧮙 {def} /zuó/ | :: to swear; to hurl abuse |
…… {punct} | :: Ellipsis |
…… {punct} | :: Indicates subsequent texts in a quotation are omitted |
…… {punct} | :: Indicates subsequent items in a list are omitted |
…… {punct} | :: Indicates pauses in a speech |
…… {punct} | :: Indicates sound lengthening in a speech |
…… {punct} | :: Indicates silence or contemplation |
…… {punct} | :: Indicates there is implied meaning |
…… {punct} [neologism, Internet slang] | :: Indicates speechlessness |
—— {punct} | :: Chinese em dash (—). It occupies the space of two characters in the center of the line. It is called 破折號 |
䜣䜣 {def} SEE: 欣欣 | :: |
㶉𫛶 {def} SEE: 鸂鶒 | :: |
𫇘閪 {def} SEE: 𦧺閪 | :: |
㤿𪫺 {def} SEE: 㤿憸 | :: |
𩽾𩾌 {def} SEE: 鮟鱇 | :: |
𬨉𬨉 {def} SEE: 䡘䡘 | :: |
𣯽𣰯 {def} SEE: 氆氌 | :: |
𫘝𫘨 {def} SEE: 駃騠 | :: |
𫛸𫛞 {def} SEE: 鶗鴃 | :: |
𬸚𬸦 {def} SEE: 鸑鷟 | :: |
𮩛𫗩 {def} SEE: 饆饠 | :: |
𫘦𬳿 {def} SEE: 騊駼 | :: |
𫓩𫓩 {def} SEE: 鏦鏦 | :: |
𫓭𫓭 {def} SEE: 鉠鉠 | :: |
𬴅𬴅 {def} SEE: 騯騯 | :: |
𠄑𠄍 {adj} /juéjié/ | :: [historical dictionaries] moving |
𡳾𠄍 {def} SEE: 𠄑𠄍 | :: |
𡳾𠂈 {def} SEE: 𠄑𠄍 | :: |
𱉵𬸩 {def} SEE: 鶆䴈 | :: |
𫐐𫐄 {def} SEE: 輗軏 | :: |
𣱼𣱼 {adj} [literary] /dāodāo/ | :: flexible; flowing |
𪽇𤰚 {def} SEE: 坷垃 | :: |
🐮🍺 {adj} [Mainland China, Internet slang] /niúbī/ | :: alternative form of 牛屄 |
𬲹𬲹 {def} SEE: 𩛲𩛲 | :: |
𫘟𱅗 {def} SEE: 駊騀 | :: |
𫘧𱅋 {def} SEE: 騄駬 | :: |
𫎺𧽼 {def} SEE: 䟃𧽼 | :: |
𱉻𱊊 {def} SEE: 鵎鵼 | :: |
ㄍㄧㄥ {adj} [Taiwanese Mandarin] | :: obstinate |
ㄍㄧㄥ {adj} [Taiwanese Mandarin] | :: nonexpressive and nervously tense; rarely showing feelings; inhibited; stiff and uncomfortable |
ㄍㄧㄥ {adv} [Taiwanese Mandarin] | :: obstinately |
ㄍㄧㄥ {v} [Taiwanese Mandarin] | :: to hold on firmly despite extreme adversity, pain, etc |
。。。 {punct} [Internet slang, text messaging, by itself] | :: Indicates speechlessness or helplessness |
。。。 {punct} [Internet slang, text messaging, placed in place of commas, periods, question marks etc.] | :: Softens the tone of the sentence |
⿱𠆢𬼽 {def} SEE: 今 | :: |
⿱𠆢𬼽 {def} [Taiwan] /jīn/ | :: used in personal names |
ㄅㄆㄇㄈ {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /bōpōmōfō,bēpēmēfē/ | :: bopomofo; Zhuyin fuhao |
ㄋㄟㄋㄟ {n} [Taiwan, slang] /nēinēi/ | :: alternative form of 奶奶 boobies |
………… {punct} | :: Ellipsis indicating subsequent paragraphs in a quotation are omitted |
0 {n} [gay slang] /líng/ | :: bottom |
00后 {def} SEE: 00後 | :: |
00後 {n} [neologism] /línglínghòu/ | :: the "post-00s"; a person born between 2000 and 2009 |
0.5 {n} [gay slang] /língdiǎnwǔ,er/ | :: versatile |
-1 {v} [internet slang] /jiǎnyī/ | :: Used to indicate that one member of the group (or internet forum, etc) disappeared |
+1 {interj} [internet slang] /jiāyī/ | :: Used to signify agreement with the comment to which one is replying |
1 {n} /一/ | :: one |
1 {n} [gay slang] /一/ | :: top |
10 {n} [slang] /yīlíng/ | :: Natural sex or sexual intercourse for heterosexual |
10 {n} [gay slang] /yīlíng/ | :: Anal sex |
10000米 {n} [sport] /一wàn-mǐ/ | :: 10000 metres |
100米 {n} [sport] /一bǎi-mǐ/ | :: 100 metres |
100米跨栏 {def} SEE: 100米跨欄 | :: |
100米跨欄 {n} [sport] /一bǎi-mǐ kuàlán/ | :: 100 metres hurdles |
100米栏 {def} SEE: 100米欄 | :: |
100米欄 {n} [sport] /一bǎi-mǐ lán/ | :: abbreviation of 100米跨欄 |
10月 {n} /shíyuè/ | :: alternative form of 十月 |
110 {prop} /yāoyāolíng,yīyīlíng,1nb/ | :: In mainland China and Taiwan, the telephone number used to call the police |
110 {n} /yāoyāolíng,yīyīlíng,1nb/ | :: police |
110米跨栏 {def} SEE: 110米跨欄 | :: |
110米跨欄 {n} [sport] /一bǎiyīshí-mǐ kuàlán/ | :: 110 metres hurdles |
110米栏 {def} SEE: 110米欄 | :: |
110米欄 {n} [sport] /一bǎiyīshí-mǐ lán/ | :: abbreviation of 110米跨欄 |
119 {prop} /yāoyāojiǔ,yīyījiǔ,1nb/ | :: In mainland China and Taiwan, the emergency telephone number for firefighting |
11區 {prop} [Internet slang, ACG] /shíyī-qū/ | :: Japan |
11区 {def} SEE: 11區 | :: |
11月 {n} /shíyīyuè/ | :: alternative form of 十一月 |
120 {prop} /yāo'èrlíng/ | :: In mainland China, the telephone number for first aid |
12月 {n} /shí'èryuè/ | :: alternative form of 十二月 |
1500米 {n} [sport] /一qiānwǔbǎi-mǐ/ | :: 1500 metres |
1812年战争 {def} SEE: 1812年戰爭 | :: |
1812年戰爭 {prop} /Yībāyī'èr Nián Zhànzhēng/ | :: War of 1812 |
18禁 {def} SEE: 十八禁 | :: |
+1s {v} [neologism, Internet slang] /jiā一'áisi,jiā一miǎo,xù一miǎo/ | :: alternative form of 加一秒 |
1號電池 {n} /yīhào diànchí/ | :: alternative form of 一號電池 |
1号电池 {def} SEE: 1號電池 | :: |
1月 {n} /yīyuè/ | :: alternative form of 一月 |
200米 {n} [sport] /liǎngbǎi-mǐ,èrbǎi-mǐ/ | :: 200 metres |
2019冠狀病毒病 {n} [neologism, disease] /èrlíngyījiǔ guānzhuàngbìngdúbìng,èrlíngyījiǔ guànzhuàngbìngdúbìng,2nb/ | :: COVID-19 |
20国集团 {def} SEE: 20國集團 | :: |
20國集團 {prop} /Èrshí Guó Jítuán,py/ | :: alternative form of 二十國集團 |
233 {interj} [chiefly Mainland China, internet slang] /èrsānsān/ | :: LOL |
250 {def} SEE: 二百五 | :: |
26 {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin, internet slang] /èrliù/ | :: a person from Mainland China; Mainlander |
2B {def} SEE: 二屄 | :: |
2號電池 {n} /èrhào diànchí/ | :: alternative form of 二號電池 |
2号电池 {def} SEE: 2號電池 | :: |
2月 {n} /èryuè/ | :: alternative form of 二月 |
3000米障碍 {def} SEE: 3000米障礙 | :: |
3000米障礙 {n} [sport] /sānqiān-mǐ zhàng'ài/ | :: 3000 metres steeplechase |
360度無死角 {phrase} [neologism, slang] /sānbǎiliùshí dù wú sǐjiǎo/ | :: from all possible angles; from A to Z; thoroughly; wholly |
360度无死角 {def} SEE: 360度無死角 | :: |
3D {adj} /sāndī,py/ | :: 3D; three-dimensional |
3D打印 {n} [printing] /sāndī dǎyìn,py/ | :: 3D printing |
3D打印机 {def} SEE: 3D打印機 | :: |
3D打印機 {n} [computer hardware, printing] /sāndī dǎyìnjī,py/ | :: 3D printer |
3K产业 {def} SEE: 3K產業 | :: |
3K產業 {n} [Taiwan] /sān kèi chǎnyè,py/ | :: 3D jobs (dirty, dangerous and difficult jobs) |
3K党 {def} SEE: 3K黨 | :: |
3K黨 {def} SEE: 三K黨 | :: |
3P {n} [slang] /sānpì,sānpī,py/ | :: threesome |
3Q {interj} [slang] | :: alternative spelling of 三Q: thank you |
3號電池 {n} /sānhào diànchí/ | :: alternative form of 三號電池 |
3号电池 {def} SEE: 3號電池 | :: |
3月 {n} /sānyuè/ | :: alternative form of 三月 |
400米 {n} [sport] /sìbǎi-mǐ/ | :: 400 metres |
400米跨栏 {def} SEE: 400米跨欄 | :: |
400米跨欄 {n} [sport] /sìbǎi-mǐ kuàlán/ | :: 400 metres hurdles |
400米栏 {def} SEE: 400米欄 | :: |
400米欄 {n} [sport] /sìbǎi-mǐ lán/ | :: abbreviation of 400米跨欄 |
404 {v} [Internet slang] /sìlíngsì/ | :: [of contents on the Internet] to be censored; to be removed |
4×100米 {n} [sport] /sì-chéng-一bǎi-mǐ/ | :: 4 × 100 metres relay |
419 {n} [slang] | :: one-night stand |
4×400米 {n} [sport] /sì-chéng-sìbǎi-mǐ/ | :: 4 × 400 metres relay |
484 {conj} [text messaging, internet slang] /sìbāsì,shì不shì/ | :: whether or not |
484 {interj} [text messaging, internet slang] /sìbāsì,shì不shì/ | :: isn't it so? |
4v {prop} [Internet slang, neologism, mainland, sometimes, derogatory] | :: Taiwan |
4號電池 {n} /sìhào diànchí/ | :: alternative form of 四號電池 |
4号电池 {def} SEE: 4號電池 | :: |
4月 {n} /sìyuè/ | :: alternative form of 四月 |
5000米 {n} [sport] /wǔqiān-mǐ/ | :: 5000 metres |
502 {n} /wǔlíng'èr/ | :: abbreviation of 502膠水 |
502胶 {def} SEE: 502膠 | :: |
502胶水 {def} SEE: 502膠水 | :: |
502膠 {n} /wǔlíng'èr-jiāo/ | :: synonym of 502膠水 |
502膠水 {n} /wǔlíng'èr jiāoshuǐ/ | :: glue made from cyanoacrylate |
520 {def} SEE: 五二零 | :: |
555 {interj} [internet slang] /wū-wū-wū/ | :: alternative form of 嗚嗚嗚 |
5號電池 {n} /wǔ-hào diànchí,er/ | :: alternative form of 五號電池 |
5号电池 {def} SEE: 5號電池 | :: |
5月 {n} /wǔyuè/ | :: alternative form of 五月 |
666 {interj} [Internet slang] /liùliùliù/ | :: Wow! Awesome! Great skills! This is so cool! (in game chats) |
666 {n} /liùliùliù/ | :: alternative form of 六六六 |
689 {n} /liùbājiǔ/ | :: See: zh 6 8 9 六 八 九 |
689 {n} [neologism, slang] /liùbājiǔ/ | :: Leung Chun-ying, or his supporters |
689 {n} [neologism, slang] /liùbājiǔ/ | :: supporters of Ma Ying-jeou |
689 {n} [neologism, slang] /liùbājiǔ/ | :: supporters of Tsai Ing-wen |
69 {n} [slang] /liùshíjiǔ/ | :: sixty-nine (the sex position) |
69式 {n} [slang] /liùjiǔshì,py/ | :: sixty-nine, the sex position |
6月 {n} /liùyuè/ | :: alternative form of 六月 |
70后 {def} SEE: 70後 | :: |
70後 {n} [neologism] /qīlínghòu/ | :: the "post-70s"; a person born between 1970 and 1979 |
78定律 {def} SEE: 七八定律 | :: |
7號電池 {n} /qī-hào diànchí,er/ | :: alternative form of 七號電池 |
7号电池 {def} SEE: 7號電池 | :: |
7月 {n} /qīyuè/ | :: alternative form of 七月 |
800米 {n} [sport] /bābǎi-mǐ/ | :: 800 metres |
80后 {def} SEE: 80後 | :: |
80後 {n} [neologism] /bālínghòu/ | :: the "post-80s"; a person born between 1980 and 1989 |
8424 {n} /bāsì'èrsì,bāsìliǎngsì/ | :: a kind of watermelon of superior quality |
87 {n} [internet slang] | :: idiot |
88 {interj} [slang, text messaging, internet slang] /báibái,bāibái,bàibài,bābā/ | :: bye-bye |
8月 {n} /bāyuè/ | :: alternative form of 八月 |
90后 {def} SEE: 90後 | :: |
90後 {n} [neologism] /jiǔlínghòu/ | :: the "post-90s"; a person born between 1990 and 1999 |
9·11事件 {def} SEE: 九一一事件 | :: |
985 {prop} /Jiǔbāwǔ/ | :: Project 985 |
985 {prop} /Jiǔbāwǔ/ | :: Project 985 university |
996 {def} SEE: 九九六 | :: |
9月 {n} /jiǔyuè/ | :: alternative form of 九月 |
a {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呵 |
a {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啊 |
a {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿 |
a {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ā |
a {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of á |
a {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ǎ |
a {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of à |
A {v} [slang, neologism] /ēi/ | :: to attack; to assault |
A {adj} [Hong Kong Cantonese, slang] /ēi/ | :: single, open to a relationship |
á {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啊 |
á {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗄 |
à {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阾 |
à {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啊 |
à {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿 |
ǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啊 |
ǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阾 |
ā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吖 |
ā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腌 |
ā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿 |
ā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啊 |
ā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呵 |
ā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錒 |
a0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of a |
A0 {adj} [Hong Kong Cantonese, slang] | :: single, never been in a relationship |
a1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ā |
a2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of á |
a3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ǎ |
A380 {adj} [Hong Kong Cantonese, slang] | :: promiscuous |
a4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of à |
a5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of a |
AA {v} /ēi'ēi,py/ | :: abbreviation of AA制 |
AAA电池 {def} SEE: AAA電池 | :: |
AAA電池 {n} /sān-ēi diànchí/ | :: AAA battery |
AA电池 {def} SEE: AA電池 | :: |
AA電池 {n} /ēi-ēi diànchí,py/ | :: AA battery |
AA制 {v} /ēi'ēi zhì,py/ | :: to go dutch; to split the bill |
ābà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爸 |
Ābásī Wángcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拔斯王朝 |
ABC冰 {n} /ēi-bī-xī-bīng,py/ | :: ais kacang |
ABC群岛 {def} SEE: ABC群島 | :: |
ABC群島 {prop} /Ēi-Bì-Sēi Qúndǎo,Ēi-Bī-Xī Qúndǎo,py/ | :: ABC Islands |
Ābèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿貝 |
Ābǐràng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿比讓 |
Ābǐxīníyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿比西尼亞 |
Ābótè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿博特 |
ABO血型系統 {n} /ēi-bì-ōu 血xíng xìtǒng/ | :: ABO system |
ABO血型系统 {def} SEE: ABO血型系統 | :: |
ABS树脂 {def} SEE: ABS樹脂 | :: |
ABS樹脂 {n} /ēi-bì-áisi shùzhī,py/ | :: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene |
a-bú {def} SEE: 阿母 | :: |
Ābùjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿布賈 |
Ābùzābǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿布扎比 |
AB胶 {def} SEE: AB膠 | :: |
AB膠 {n} /ēibì-jiāo,py/ | :: multi-component adhesive (usually two-part) |
AB型血 {n} /ēibìxíng血/ | :: blood type AB |
ace球 {n} [tennis] /èisi-qiú/ | :: ace |
āchà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿差 |
Āchāngzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿昌族 |
Ādàofū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿道夫 |
Ādéláidé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿德萊德 |
ādìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吖啶 |
ādīngdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吖丁啶 |
Āduōnísī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿多尼斯 |
Ā'ěrbāníyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾巴尼亞 |
Ā'ěrbāníyà rén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾巴尼亞人 |
Ā'ěrbāníyàrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾巴尼亞人 |
Ā'ěrbēisī shān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾卑斯山 |
Ā'ěrbēisī Shān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾卑斯山 |
Ā'ěrcíhǎimòbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾茨海默病 |
Ā'ěrcíhǎimòshìbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿耳茨海默氏病 |
ā'ěrfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾法 |
ā'ěrfǎ shèxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾法射線 |
Ā'ěrjí'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾及爾 |
Ā'ěrjílìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾及利亞 |
Ā'ěrshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿爾山 |
āfántí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿凡提 |
āfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿飛 |
āfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿父 |
Āfùhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿富汗 |
āfújiāduǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿芙佳朵 |
āfúróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿芙蓉 |
Āgēntíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿根廷 |
Āhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿亨 |
a-hiaⁿ {def} SEE: 阿兄 | :: |
a̍h-sī {def} SEE: 抑是 | :: |
ai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of āi |
ai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ái |
ai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ǎi |
ai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ài |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癌 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呆 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啀 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘊 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵦 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敱 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敳 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癊 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皚 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硖 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磏 |
ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騃 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唉 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礙 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隘 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砹 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曖 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬡 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伌 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僾 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靉 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唆 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗋 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噯 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堥 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塧 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壒 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懓 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懝 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戳 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濭 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璦 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皧 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞹 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砨 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砱 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硋 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薆 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賹 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑀 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閝 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阦 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阵 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餱 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴱 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餲 |
ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗌 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矮 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佁 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗰 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噧 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娾 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昹 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欸 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毐 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藹 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躷 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靄 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馤 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑸 |
ǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噯 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埃 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎄 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哎 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唉 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噧 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埃 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娪 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誒 |
āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銰 |
ai1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of āi |
ai2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ái |
ai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ǎi |
ai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ài |
ái'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皚皚 |
ài'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曖曖 |
ài'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾艾 |
ài'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛愛 |
áibǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呆板 |
áibǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騃板 |
áibìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癌病 |
àibùshìshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛不釋手 |
àicáirúmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛才如命 |
àicǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾草 |
àichē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛車 |
àichǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛寵 |
āichóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀愁 |
āicì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨次 |
áidǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨打 |
āidǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨打 |
àidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛戴 |
àidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靉靆 |
àidǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛黨 |
āidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀悼 |
āidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨到 |
Àidéhuá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛德華 |
Àidéhuá Wángzǐ Dǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛德華王子島 |
āidiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀調 |
Àidīngbǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛丁堡 |
àidòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛豆 |
ái'è {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨餓 |
āi'è {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨餓 |
Ài'ěrfúléidé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾爾弗雷德 |
Ài'ěrlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛爾蘭 |
Ài'ěrlán Gònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛爾蘭共和國 |
Ài'ěrlán kāfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛爾蘭咖啡 |
ài'ěrlán xuědá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛爾蘭雪達 |
Ài'ěrsuǒpǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾爾索普 |
àifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛瘋 |
àifǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛撫 |
āigào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀告 |
āigē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀歌 |
àigù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛顧 |
àiguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛國 |
àiguózhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛國主義 |
àihào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛好 |
āiháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀號 |
àihàozhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛好者 |
àihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛河 |
àihèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛恨 |
àihènqíngchóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛恨情仇 |
àihù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛護 |
Āijí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埃及 |
āijiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀叫 |
ài-jîn {def} SEE: 愛人 | :: |
āijìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨近 |
Āijírén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埃及人 |
àijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾灸 |
àijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾酒 |
àijiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾灸 |
áikesi guāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of X光 |
àikèsī guāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of X光 |
àikèsī guāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛克司光 |
àikèsī'ōujiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of XO醬 |
áikesi wàngyuǎnjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of X射線望遠鏡 |
àikèsī wàngyuǎnjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of X射線望遠鏡 |
àikǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礙口 |
àikǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隘口 |
àikùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛睏 |
āilè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀樂 |
àilián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛憐 |
àiliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛戀 |
ài-lîn {def} SEE: 愛人 | :: |
Àilìsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾麗絲 |
Āilǐwēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埃里溫 |
àilù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隘路 |
àimèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曖昧 |
àiměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛美 |
ài miànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛面子 |
āimíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀鳴 |
àimònéngzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛莫能助 |
àimù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛慕 |
áimu-pì-sān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of MP3 |
áimu-pì-sān bòfàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of MP3播放機 |
áimu-pì-sān bōfàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of MP3播放機 |
áimu-pì-sān bòfàngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of MP3播放器 |
áimu-pì-sān bōfàngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of MP3播放器 |
áipī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨批 |
Āi-Pì dìzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of IP地址 |
Āi-Pì wèizhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of IP位址 |
àiqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛妻 |
ǎiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噯氣 |
āiqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀戚 |
àiqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛情 |
àiqíng shēnghuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛情生活 |
āiqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀求 |
Àiqíxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾奇遜 |
àiren {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛人 |
àirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛人 |
àiróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾絨 |
Āisài'ébǐyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埃塞俄比亞 |
àishàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛上 |
āishāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀傷 |
àishén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛神 |
āishēngtànqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唉聲嘆氣 |
āishēngtànqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唉聲歎氣 |
àishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礙事 |
Àisījīmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛斯基摩 |
àisījīmórén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛斯基摩人 |
Àisījīmó wěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛斯基摩吻 |
àitiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾條 |
āitòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀痛 |
āitòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀慟 |
àixí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛惜 |
àixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛惜 |
àixiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隘巷 |
ǎixiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矮小 |
àixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛心 |
ǎixīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矮星 |
ǎixíngxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矮行星 |
Àixīnjuéluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛新覺羅 |
Àixīn Juéluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛新覺羅 |
àixīn zhuānzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛心專座 |
àixīn zuòwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛心座位 |
āiyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哎呀 |
āiyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唉呀 |
āiyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哎呀 |
āiyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唉呀 |
àiyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礙眼 |
āiyō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唉唷 |
āiyō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哎喲 |
āiyōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哎喲 |
àiyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛玉 |
Àiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛媛 |
āiyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀怨 |
àiyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛樂 |
àiyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛悅 |
āiyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀樂 |
àiyùzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛玉子 |
àizēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛憎 |
āizhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哀詔 |
áizhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癌症 |
áizhěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨整 |
āizhěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挨整 |
Àizhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛知 |
áizhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癌腫 |
àizī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾滋 |
àizī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛滋 |
ǎizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矮子 |
àizībìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艾滋病 |
àizībìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愛滋病 |
ākǎbèilā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿卡貝拉 |
Ākèlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿克拉 |
Ākèsàiqīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿克賽欽 |
Ākèsū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿克蘇 |
ālā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉 |
Ālā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉 |
Ālābó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯 |
Ālābó Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯半島 |
Ālābó fùxīng shèhuìdǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯復興社會黨 |
Ālābó Liánhé Dàgōngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯聯合大公國 |
Ālābó Liánhé Qiúzhǎngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯聯合酋長國 |
Ālābómǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯馬 |
Ālābórén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯人 |
Ālābó shùzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯數字 |
ālābówén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯文 |
Ālābówén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯文 |
ālābóyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯語 |
Ālābóyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉伯語 |
Ālā'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉爾 |
Ālàiyéshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿賴耶識 |
Ālàiyéshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿賴耶識 |
Ālāmùtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿拉木圖 |
ālánrě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿蘭若 |
Ālètài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿勒泰 |
àma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿瑪 |
āmā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿媽 |
Āmā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿媽 |
Āmàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿曼 |
āmāo'āgǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿貓阿狗 |
āmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿門 |
āmǐbā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿米巴 |
āmǐbābìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿米巴病 |
Āmǐlìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿米利亞 |
Āmínniànzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿民念主義 |
āmóníyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿摩尼亞 |
āmóníyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿摩尼亞 |
àm-tǹg {def} SEE: 暗頓 | :: |
āmǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿母 |
an {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ān |
an {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of án |
an {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ǎn |
an {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of àn |
án {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啽 |
án {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犳 |
án {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玵 |
án {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝹 |
án {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雸 |
án {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝻 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儑 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匎 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厃 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堓 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岸 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桉 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洝 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犴 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胷 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荌 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豳 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錌 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闇 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 項 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮟 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黬 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黯 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胺 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頇 |
àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胺 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俺 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匼 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唵 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垵 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埯 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揞 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晻 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罯 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菳 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銦 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隌 |
ǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铵 ammonium |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侒 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卸 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媕 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峎 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峖 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厂 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 广 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庵 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桇 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氨 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痷 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盒 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盦 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盫 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腌 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腤 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菴 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萻 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葊 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓭 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誝 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諳 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉖 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銨 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铵 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閽 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阥 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阯 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陮 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隀 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞌 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞍 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韴 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馣 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵪 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶕 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黯 |
ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桉 |
an1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ān |
an2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of án |
an3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ǎn |
an4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of àn |
Ānàmǔdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿納姆地 |
àn'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗暗 |
ànbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案板 |
ānbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安邦 |
ānbāngdìngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安邦定國 |
ànbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岸邊 |
ànbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按兵 |
ānbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安步 |
ānbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安瓿 |
ānbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞍部 |
ànbùjiùbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按部就班 |
àncáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗藏 |
ānchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安產 |
ānchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安車 |
an-chēng {def} SEE: 安靜 | :: |
Ànchūhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按出虎 |
ānchún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵪鶉 |
ānchúndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵪鶉蛋 |
Āndá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安達 |
àndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗淡 |
àndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黯淡 |
àndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗澹 |
àndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黯澹 |
àndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黯黮 |
àndànwúguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗淡無光 |
àndànwúguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黯淡無光 |
Āndào'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安道爾 |
àndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗地 |
àndǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案底 |
Āndí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安迪 |
àndìlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗地裡 |
āndìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安定 |
āndìngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安定劑 |
àndú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案牘 |
āndùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安頓 |
Āndūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安敦 |
ànfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案發 |
ànfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案犯 |
ànfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗房 |
ànfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案房 |
ānfàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安放 |
ānfēitāmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安非他明 |
ānfēitāmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安非他命 |
ānfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安分 |
ānfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安份 |
ānfènshǒujǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安分守己 |
ānfènshǒujǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安份守己 |
ānfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安撫 |
ang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of āng |
ang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of áng |
ang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ǎng |
ang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of àng |
áng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仯 |
áng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卬 |
áng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岇 |
áng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昂 |
áng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昻 |
àng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枊 |
àng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盎 |
àng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醠 |
àng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㼜 |
ǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軮 |
ǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雵 |
āng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肮 |
āng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骯 |
ang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of āng |
ang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of áng |
ang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ǎng |
ang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of àng |
Āngélā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安格拉 |
Āngēlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安哥拉 |
Āngēlā Rénmín Gònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安哥拉人民共和國 |
āngēlā tù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安哥拉兔 |
ángguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昂貴 |
àngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盎然 |
ángshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昂首 |
ángshǒukuòbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昂首闊步 |
àngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盎司 |
àngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盎斯 |
ānguǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安廣 |
ānguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安國 |
ángyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昂揚 |
āngza {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腌臢 |
āngzāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骯髒 |
āngzāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腌臢 |
ànhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗害 |
ànhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗號 |
ānhǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安好 |
Ānhuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安徽 |
ànhuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗火 |
ànjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗記 |
ànjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗計 |
Ānjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安吉 |
ānjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安家 |
ānjiāluòhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安家落戶 |
ànjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案件 |
ànjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按鍵 |
ànjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗箭 |
ànjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按劍 |
ànjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗劍 |
ānjiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安檢 |
ànjiànshāngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗箭傷人 |
ànjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按揭 |
ānjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安靜 |
ānjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安靖 |
ānjīsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氨基酸 |
ānjīsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胺基酸 |
ānjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安居 |
ānjūlèyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安居樂業 |
Ānkǎlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安卡拉 |
ānkāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安康 |
Ānlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安拉 |
ànláofēnpèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按勞分配 |
ānlè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安樂 |
ānlèsǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安樂死 |
ānlèwō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安樂窩 |
ānlèyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安樂椅 |
ànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案例 |
ànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按例 |
ànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按立 |
ànlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按理 |
ànlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗裡 |
ānlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安利 |
ànliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗戀 |
Ānlǐhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安理會 |
ànlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按鈴 |
ànlǐshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按理說 |
ànlì yánjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案例研究 |
ànlì yánjiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案例研究 |
ānmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞍馬 |
ānmǎláodùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞍馬勞頓 |
Ānmàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安曼 |
ànmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗昧 |
ǎnmen {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俺們 |
ānmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安謐 |
ānmián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安眠 |
ānmiányào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安眠藥 |
ānmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安民 |
ānmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安命 |
ànmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按摩 |
ànmóchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按摩床 |
ànmó liáofǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按摩療法 |
ànmóshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按摩師 |
ànmóyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按摩椅 |
ànnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按捺 |
Ānnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安娜 |
ànnàbùzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按捺不住 |
Ānnàhǎimǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安納海姆 |
Ānnàhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安那翰 |
ānnǎijìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安乃近 |
ānnàkāngdá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安納康達 |
Ānnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安南 |
ānnàqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安那其 |
ānnàqízhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安那其主義 |
ānnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安能 |
Ānnī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安妮 |
ānníng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安寧 |
ànniǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按鈕 |
an-pâi {def} SEE: 安排 | :: |
ānpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安排 |
ānpéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安培 |
ānpèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞍轡 |
ānpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安平 |
Ānpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安平 |
Ānpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安坪 |
ānpò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闇魄 |
ànqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按期 |
ànqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗棋 |
ànqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗泣 |
ànqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗器 |
ànqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按期 |
ānqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氨氣 |
ānqí'ér {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安琪兒 |
ànqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案情 |
Ānqìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安慶 |
ānquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全 |
ānquándài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全帶 |
ānquándǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全島 |
ānquándēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全燈 |
ānquán jiǎnchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全檢查 |
Ānquán Lǐshìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全理事會 |
ānquánmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全帽 |
ānquán qìnáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全氣囊 |
ānquántào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全套 |
ānquánwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全網 |
ānquánwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全屋 |
ānquán xìng'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全性愛 |
ānquán xìngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全性交 |
ānquán xìngxíngwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安全性行為 |
ànrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岸然 |
ànrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黯然 |
ānrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安然 |
ànrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按日 |
ànshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗殺 |
ànshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗射 |
ānshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安身 |
ānshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安生 |
ānshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安聲 |
ànshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按時 |
ànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗示 |
ànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗室 |
ànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗事 |
ànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案事 |
ànshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗室 |
Ānshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安石 |
ānshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安適 |
ānshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安士 |
ānshíliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安石榴 |
Ān Shǐ Zhī Luàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安史之亂 |
ānshóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諳熟 |
ānshú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諳熟 |
ānshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桉樹 |
ànshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按說 |
ànsuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗算 |
àntàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗探 |
āntáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庵堂 |
àntúsuǒjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按圖索驥 |
Ānuòdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿諾德 |
ànwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗網 |
ānwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安危 |
ānwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安慰 |
ānwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安危 |
ānwěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安穩 |
ànwùzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗物質 |
ànwùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗物質 |
ànxǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗喜 |
ānxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諳習 |
ānxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息 |
ānxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息 |
Ānxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息 |
ànxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岸線 |
ànxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗線 |
ānxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安閒 |
ànxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗想 |
ànxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗箱 |
ànxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗香 |
ānxiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安詳 |
ānxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安享 |
ānxiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諳曉 |
ānxiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安歇 |
ānxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安心 |
Ānxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安新 |
ānxírì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息日 |
ānxīrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息日 |
ānxíxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息香 |
ānxīxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息香 |
Ānxíyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安息語 |
ànyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按壓 |
Ānyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安陽 |
ānyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安養 |
ānyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安怡 |
ānyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安逸 |
Ānyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安邑 |
ànyǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗影 |
ānyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安營 |
ānyíngxiàzhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安營下寨 |
ànyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗喻 |
ànyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按語 |
ànyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案語 |
ànyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗語 |
ānyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安於 |
ānzàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安葬 |
ànzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按照 |
ānzhěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安枕 |
ànzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗指 |
ānzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安置 |
ànzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗中 |
ānzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安裝 |
Ānzhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安卓 |
ānzhuójī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 安卓機 |
ànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 案子 |
ànzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗自 |
ao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of āo |
ao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of áo |
ao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ǎo |
ao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ào |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敖 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隞 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶅 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遨 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗷 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廒 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璈 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獒 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熬 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聱 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螯 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翱 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謷 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰲 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囂 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏖 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗸 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摮 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滶 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爊 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獓 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磝 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磼 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔜 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謸 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏊 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驁 |
áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷔 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圪 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坳 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垇 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墷 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奡 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奥 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫯 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岙 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶴 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慠 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懊 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扷 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拕 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拗 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擙 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敏 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鿫 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浇 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澅 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燠 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詏 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謴 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謸 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏉 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镸 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隨 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驁 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骛 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骜 |
ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶅 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媼 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拗 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狕 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芺 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襖 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镺 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑃 |
ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䴈 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坮 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垄 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柪 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梎 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棌 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熩 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爊 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軪 |
āo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坳 |
ao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of āo |
ao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of áo |
ao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ǎo |
ao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ào |
áo'áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗷嗷 |
áo'áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗸嗸 |
áo'áo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謷謷 |
ào'ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謷謷 |
áo'áodàibǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗷嗷待哺 |
āo'āotūtū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹凹凸凸 |
Àobāmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧巴馬 |
āobǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹版 |
āobǎn yìnshuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹版印刷 |
áobāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敖包 |
àobì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳幣 |
áobīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏖兵 |
āocáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹槽 |
Àocūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳村 |
Àodàlāxīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大拉西亞 |
Àodàlìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞 |
Àodàlìyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞 |
Àodàlìyà jiānguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞堅果 |
Àodàlìyǎ jiānguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞堅果 |
Àodàlìyà Liánbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞聯邦 |
Àodàlìyǎ Liánbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞聯邦 |
Àodàlìyàrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞人 |
Àodàlìyǎrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞人 |
Àodàlìyà Shǒudū Lǐngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞首都領地 |
Àodàlìyǎ Shǒudū Lǐngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞首都領地 |
Àodàlìyà Shǒudū Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞首都特別行政區 |
Àodàlìyǎ Shǒudū Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞首都特別行政區 |
Àodàlìyà shǒuyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞手語 |
Àodàlìyǎ shǒuyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞手語 |
Àodàlìyà xūnzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞勛章 |
Àodàlìyà xūnzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞勳章 |
Àodàlìyǎ xūnzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞勛章 |
Àodàlìyǎ xūnzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳大利亞勳章 |
Àodésài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧德賽 |
āodì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹地 |
Àodìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧地利 |
àofúhèbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧伏赫變 |
àogǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲骨 |
Àoháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳航 |
āohén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹痕 |
Àohuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧會 |
àohuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懊悔 |
áojiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熬煎 |
àojiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲嬌 |
Àokèlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧克蘭 |
àokǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拗口 |
àokǒulìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拗口令 |
àolínpǐkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧林匹克 |
Àolínpǐkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧林匹克 |
Àolínpīkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧林匹克 |
Àolínpǐkè yùndònghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧林匹克運動會 |
Àolínpǐkè Yùndònghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧林匹克運動會 |
Àolínpīkè Yùndònghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧林匹克運動會 |
Àoluólā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧羅拉 |
àomán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拗蠻 |
àomàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲慢 |
àománg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳芒 |
àomànwúlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲慢無禮 |
Àomén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳門 |
Àomén Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳門特別行政區 |
àomì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧秘 |
àomì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧祕 |
àomiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧妙 |
àonǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懊惱 |
àonì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲睨 |
àopòsèmǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧珀瑟姆 |
àosàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懊喪 |
àoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲視 |
àoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傲世 |
Àosīlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧斯陸 |
āotáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坳塘 |
āotū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凹凸 |
áoxiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翱翔 |
Ào-Xiōng Dìguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧匈帝國 |
áoyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熬藥 |
áoyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熬夜 |
áoyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遨遊 |
àoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧援 |
àoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳元 |
Àoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳元 |
Àoyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧運 |
Àoyùnhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奧運會 |
àozǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳仔 |
áozhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏖戰 |
Àozhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲 |
Àozhōu báihuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲白䴉 |
Àozhōu báixuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲白䴉 |
Àozhōu Hángkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲航空 |
Àozhōu hútáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲胡桃 |
Àozhōu jiānguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲堅果 |
Àozhōurén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲人 |
Àozhōu Shǒudū Tèqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澳洲首都特區 |
a-pa {def} SEE: 阿爸 | :: |
a-pah {def} SEE: 阿爸 | :: |
āpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿片 |
āpó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿婆 |
APP {n} [computing, mobile phones, Mainland China] /ēipīpī,py/ | :: app (Classifier: 個款) |
àpu-zhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of up主 |
āqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吖嗪 |
Āsàibàijiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿塞拜疆 |
Āsàibàijiāngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿塞拜疆語 |
āsān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿三 |
ASCII艺术 {def} SEE: ASCII藝術 | :: |
ASCII藝術 {n} [computing, art] /āsike yìshù/ | :: ASCII art |
Āsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿瑟 |
Āshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿什 |
Āshíhābādé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿什哈巴德 |
āshú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿叔 |
āshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿叔 |
āsike yìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of ASCII藝術 |
Āsīmǎlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿斯馬拉 |
āsīpǐlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿司匹林 |
Āsītǎnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿斯塔納 |
a-soaⁿ {def} SEE: 阿山 | :: |
Ātíkǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿提卡 |
Ātílā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿提拉 |
ATM机 {def} SEE: ATM機 | :: |
ATM機 {n} /ēi-tì-áimu jī/ | :: ATM machine |
a-tok-á {def} SEE: 阿啄仔 | :: |
ATP酶 {n} /ēi-tì-pì-méi,py/ | :: alternative form of 三磷酸腺苷酶 |
ātǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿土 |
Ātúshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿圖什 |
AV {adj} /ēi-wēi/ | :: audiovisual |
AV {n} /ēi-wēi/ | :: pornographic video; porn |
AV画质 {def} SEE: AV畫質 | :: |
AV畫質 {n} [neologism, slang, of a video] /ēi-wēi huà質/ | :: low picture quality; low resolution |
awsl {def} SEE: 啊我死了 | :: |
Āxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿細 |
A-xíng gānyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of A型肝炎 |
āxiūluo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿修羅 |
āyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啊呀 |
āyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿姨 |
Āyùwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿育王 |
āza {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腌臢 |
Āzīhǎimòbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阿茲海默病 |
A版 {n} [Taiwan] /ēi-bǎn,py/ | :: A-print |
A菜 {n} [chiefly Taiwanese Mandarin] /ēi-cài,py/ | :: Indian lettuce (Lactuca indica) |
A肝 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /ēigān,py/ | :: abbreviation of A型肝炎 |
A股 {n} /ēigǔ,py/ | :: stocks bought and sold in Renminbi |
A貨 {n} /ēi-huò,py/ | :: quality product; first-class product |
A貨 {n} [ironic] /ēi-huò,py/ | :: counterfeit product |
A货 {def} SEE: A貨 | :: |
A面 {n} /ēi-miàn,py/ | :: A-side |
A片 {n} [slang] /ēipiàn,er/ | :: pornographic film, porno |
A錢 {v} [Taiwan] /ēi-qián,āi-qián/ | :: trying to take (monetary) advantage from confusing situation. / To fish (money) in troubled waters. Refer to 混水摸魚 |
A钱 {def} SEE: A錢 | :: |
A书 {def} SEE: A書 | :: |
A書 {n} [colloquial] /ēishū,py/ | :: pornographic book; pornographic magazine |
A型肝炎 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /ēixíng gānyán,py/ | :: hepatitis A |
A型血 {n} /ēixíng血/ | :: blood type A |
A站 {prop} [colloquial] /ēi-zhàn,py/ | :: AcFun |
B {def} SEE: 屄 | :: |
ba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吧 |
ba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷 |
ba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𣬶 |
ba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𣬷 |
ba {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bā |
ba {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bá |
ba {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǎ |
ba {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bà |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叐 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坺 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墢 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妭 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抜 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渿 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炦 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犮 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癭 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秡 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胈 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茇 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菝 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詙 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跋 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軷 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈸 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钹 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颰 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馛 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魃 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼥 |
bá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔜 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伫 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坝 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垻 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壩 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弝 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抈 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杷 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欛 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灞 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爸 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猈 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罢 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耘 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覇 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靳 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魿 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮂 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱻 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲄 |
bà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲋 |
bǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把 |
bǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耘 |
bǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈀 |
bǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钯 |
bǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靶 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仈 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叭 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哵 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夿 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岜 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岰 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扒 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捌 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朳 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玐 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疤 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笆 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粑 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羓 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豝 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釟 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈀 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲃 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八 |
bā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吧 |
ba0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ba |
ba1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bā |
ba2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bá |
ba3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǎ |
ba4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bà |
ba5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ba |
bàba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爸爸 |
bǎbá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爸爸 |
bābā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叭叭 |
bābā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粑粑 |
bābā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吧吧 |
bābā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴巴 |
Bābāduōsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴巴多斯 |
bābǎozhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八寶粥 |
bàbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷兵 |
bǎbǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把柄 |
bābǐtuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴比妥 |
bābǐtuǒsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴比妥酸 |
bābude {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴不得 |
bābudé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴不得 |
bácǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔草 |
bāchà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴剎 |
bǎchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把持 |
báchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔除 |
bàchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷黜 |
bādàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴旦 |
Bādān Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴丹半島 |
bādànmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴旦木 |
bādànxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴旦杏 |
bādànxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴擔杏 |
bàdao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸道 |
bàdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸道 |
bádāoxiāngzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔刀相助 |
Bādōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴東 |
Bā'ěrgān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴爾幹 |
Bā'ěrgàn Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴爾幹半島 |
bāfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八方 |
bāfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八分 |
bāfēnyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八分儀 |
bā gānzi dǎbùzháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八竿子打不著 |
Bāgédá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴格達 |
bàgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷工 |
bàgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壩工 |
bāgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八股 |
bāguà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八卦 |
báguàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔罐 |
bàguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷官 |
bǎguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把關 |
bāguàzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八卦掌 |
bā guó liánjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八國聯軍 |
bāgǔwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八股文 |
bāhāyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴哈伊 |
Bāhāyījiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴哈伊教 |
Bāhāyī Xìnyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴哈伊信仰 |
báhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔河 |
bāhén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疤痕 |
báhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跋扈 |
bāhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八荒 |
bai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㗑 |
bai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bāi |
bai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bái |
bai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǎi |
bai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bài |
bái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白 |
bái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呗 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唄 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庍 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拝 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棎 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稗 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粺 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薜 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛽 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贁 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 败 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭 |
bài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㗑 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伫 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佰 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捭 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摆 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栢 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矲 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粨 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絔 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罞 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 署 |
bǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襬 |
bāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掰 |
bai0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bai |
bai1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bāi |
bai2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bái |
bai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǎi |
bai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bài |
bai5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bai |
bái'ái'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白皚皚 |
báibái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白白 |
báibái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜拜 |
bàibai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜拜 |
bàibài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜拜 |
bǎibai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯伯 |
bāibai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜拜 |
bāibai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯伯 |
bāibái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜拜 |
báibān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白班 |
báibān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白斑 |
bǎibān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百般 |
bǎibǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百寶 |
bǎibǎoxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百寶箱 |
bàiběi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗北 |
bǎibèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百倍 |
bàibǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗筆 |
bǎibì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百辟 |
bàibié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜別 |
bǎibìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百病 |
bǎibù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺佈 |
báicài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白菜 |
báichì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白熾 |
báichī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白吃 |
báichī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白痴 |
báichī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白癡 |
báichìdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白熾燈 |
bǎichū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百出 |
bàicí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜辭 |
báidā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白搭 |
báidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白帶 |
báidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白㿃 |
báidànbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白蛋白 |
báidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白道 |
bàidé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗德 |
báidiànfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白癜風 |
báidiànfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白癜瘋 |
báidīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白丁 |
bǎidòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺動 |
báidú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白讀 |
bǎidù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺渡 |
bǎidù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百度 |
Bǎidù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百度 |
bái'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白俄 |
bái'è {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白俄 |
bái'è {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白堊 |
báifà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白髮 |
báifǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白髮 |
báifán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白帆 |
báifán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白礬 |
báifàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白飯 |
báifān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白帆 |
bàifǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜訪 |
bǎifàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺放 |
báifàrén sòng hēifàrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白髮人送黑髮人 |
báifǎrén sòng hēifǎrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白髮人送黑髮人 |
báifèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白費 |
báifěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白粉 |
bǎifēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百分 |
bǎifēnbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百分比 |
bǎifēndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百分點 |
bǎi fēnzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百分之 |
bǎifēnzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百分之 |
bàifó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜佛 |
bàifú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜服 |
báifùměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白富美 |
báigōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白宮 |
bǎiguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百官 |
báiguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白光 |
bàiguānyěshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稗官野史 |
báiguǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白鬼 |
bàiguǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜鬼 |
báigǔjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白骨精 |
báiguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白果 |
Báihǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白海 |
bǎihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百合 |
bǎihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捭闔 |
bǎihéhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百合花 |
báihóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白喉 |
báihóubìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白喉病 |
báihú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白狐 |
báihua {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白話 |
báihuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白話 |
báihuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白樺 |
báihuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白化 |
báihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白花 |
bǎihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百花 |
báihuàbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白化病 |
báihuāhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白花花 |
bàihuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗壞 |
bǎihuāqífàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百花齊放 |
báihuàwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白話文 |
báihuàzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白話字 |
bàihuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜會 |
báihújiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白胡椒 |
bǎihuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百貨 |
bǎihuò gōngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百貨公司 |
báijí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白芨 |
báijí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白及 |
báijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白芨 |
báijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白雞 |
bàijì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗績 |
bàijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗績 |
Bǎijì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百濟 |
bàijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗家 |
bàijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜嘉 |
bǎijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百家 |
bǎijiālè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百家樂 |
bàijiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜見 |
bàijiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗將 |
Bǎijiāxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百家姓 |
bǎijiāzhēngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百家爭鳴 |
bǎijiàzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺架子 |
báijímó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白吉饃 |
báijīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白金 |
bàijīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜金 |
báijing {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白淨 |
bàijīnnǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜金女 |
bàijīnzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜金主義 |
báijìtún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白鱀豚 |
báijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白酒 |
báijū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白駒 |
bàijú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗局 |
báijūguòxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白駒過隙 |
bàijūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗軍 |
bàijūnzhījiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗軍之將 |
báikāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白開 |
bāikāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掰開 |
báikāishuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白開水 |
bǎikē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百科 |
bǎikēquánshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百科全書 |
báilándì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白蘭地 |
bàilèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗類 |
bǎilǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百里 |
bǎilǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百禮 |
báiliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白臉 |
báiliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白蘞 |
báilín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白磷 |
Bǎilín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏林 |
báilǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白領 |
bǎilǐxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百里香 |
bǎi lóngménzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺龍門陣 |
báilù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白鷺 |
báilù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白露 |
bàilù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗露 |
bàiluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗落 |
báiluóbo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白蘿蔔 |
báilùsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白鷺鷥 |
báimǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白馬 |
bǎimáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百忙 |
báimángmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白茫茫 |
bǎimángzhīzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百忙之中 |
báimǎ wángzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白馬王子 |
báiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白煤 |
báiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白眉 |
báiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白霉 |
báimǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白米 |
báimiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白麵 |
báimiànbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白麵包 |
báimiànbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白麪包 |
báimiànr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白麵兒 |
báimiàn shūshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白面書生 |
báimíngdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白名單 |
báimò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白沫 |
báimófǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白魔法 |
báimù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白目 |
báimù'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白木耳 |
báinèizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白內障 |
bàinián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜年 |
bǎinián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百年 |
bǎiniándàjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百年大計 |
bǎiniánguīlǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百年歸老 |
bǎinián guóchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百年國恥 |
Bǎinián Zhànzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百年戰爭 |
bǎinong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺弄 |
bǎinòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺弄 |
bǎinōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺弄 |
bǎinou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺弄 |
báipái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白牌 |
bǎipíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺平 |
báipízhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白皮豬 |
báipútáojiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白葡萄酒 |
báiqiǎokèlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白巧克力 |
bàiquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗卻 |
báirè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白熱 |
báirèdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白熱燈 |
báirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白人 |
báirèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白刃 |
báirén línghúnyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白人靈魂樂 |
báirényōuyuèzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白人優越主義 |
báirénzhìshàngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白人至上主義 |
báirì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白日 |
báirìmèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白日夢 |
báirìzuòmèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白日做夢 |
bàisǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜掃 |
báisè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白色 |
Bǎisè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百色 |
Báishān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白山 |
báishānhēishuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白山黑水 |
bǎishe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺設 |
bǎishè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺設 |
báishēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白身 |
báishí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白食 |
báishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白事 |
báishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白士 |
bàishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗事 |
Báishíshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白石山 |
báishǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白手 |
báishǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白首 |
báishǒuchéngjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白手成家 |
báishǒuqǐjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白手起家 |
báishǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白薯 |
báishǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白鼠 |
bǎishù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of (柏樹 |
báishuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白水 |
bǎisībùjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百思不解 |
bàisú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗俗 |
bàisù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗訴 |
bǎisuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百歲 |
bàitǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜毯 |
bǎitān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺攤 |
báitǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白體 |
báitiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白天 |
báitiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白鐵 |
Báitīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白廳 |
báitóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白銅 |
báitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白頭 |
Báitóushān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白頭山 |
báitóuwēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白頭翁 |
báitóuxiélǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白頭偕老 |
báitǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白土 |
bàituì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗退 |
bàituō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜託 |
bǎituō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺脫 |
bǎituō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺脱 |
báiwán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白玩 |
bǎiwàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百萬 |
bāiwān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掰彎 |
bǎiwàn fùwēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百萬富翁 |
bàiwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜望 |
báiwánr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白玩兒 |
báiwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白文 |
bàiwùjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜物教 |
bǎiwújìnjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百無禁忌 |
báiwūshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白巫術 |
báixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白皙 |
báixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白晳 |
báixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白晰 |
báixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白錫 |
bǎixiāngguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百香果 |
bàixiàzhènlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗下陣來 |
báixìbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白細胞 |
bàixiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜謝 |
bàixiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血 |
bàixiěbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血病 |
báixiěqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白血球 |
bàixiězhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血症 |
bàixìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗興 |
bǎixìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百姓 |
báixióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白熊 |
bàixù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗絮 |
báixuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白雪 |
bàixuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血 |
bàixuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血 |
báixuě'ái'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白雪皚皚 |
bàixuèbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血病 |
bàixuěbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血病 |
báixuèqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白血球 |
báixuěqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白血球 |
bàixuèzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血症 |
bàixuězhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗血症 |
báixún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白鱘 |
báiyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白眼 |
báiyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白楊 |
báiyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白羊 |
báiyánggōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白羊宮 |
báiyángzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白羊座 |
bàiyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜謁 |
bǎiyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百葉 |
bǎiyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百頁 |
báiyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白蟻 |
báiyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白衣 |
báiyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白銀 |
báiyīrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白衣人 |
bǎiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏油 |
bǎiyóulù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏油路 |
báiyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白玉 |
báiyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白芋 |
Bǎi Yuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百越 |
báiyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白雲 |
Báiyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白雲 |
báiyúnshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白雲石 |
Báiyùshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白玉山 |
báizéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白賊 |
bǎizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百丈 |
báizhǎng chángbìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白掌長臂猿 |
báizhǎnjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白斬雞 |
Bàizhàntíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜佔庭 |
Bàizhàntíng Dìguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拜占庭帝國 |
bǎizhébùnáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百折不撓 |
báizhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白質 |
báizhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白質 |
báizhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白紙 |
báizhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白芷 |
bāizhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掰直 |
báizhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白種 |
bǎizhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擺鐘 |
báizhǒngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白種人 |
báizhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白晝 |
bàizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稗子 |
bàizǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗子 |
bàizǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敗走 |
bǎizú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百足 |
báizuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白左 |
bājí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八級 |
bājǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴戟 |
bǎjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把家 |
bájiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔劍 |
bājiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八角 |
bājiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭蕉 |
bājiāodòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭蕉洞 |
bājiǎo huíxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八角茴香 |
bājiǎojīnpán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八角金盤 |
bājiǎotíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八角亭 |
bājié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴結 |
bājié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴劫 |
bājíquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八極拳 |
bājǐtiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴戟天 |
bājùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八俊 |
bàkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷課 |
bǎkòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把控 |
Bākūníngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴枯寧主義 |
Bālākè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴拉克 |
bālākèlāwǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴拉克拉瓦 |
bālāláikǎqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴拉萊卡琴 |
bà le {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷了 |
bālè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭樂 |
bālè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴樂 |
bāléi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭蕾 |
bālěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭蕾 |
Bāléitè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴雷特 |
bāléiwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭蕾舞 |
bālěiwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芭蕾舞 |
Bālí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴黎 |
Bālí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴厘 |
Bālì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴力 |
Bālǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴里 |
Bālín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴林 |
bàlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸凌 |
bàlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸淩 |
Bàlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸陵 |
bālínghòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 80後 |
Bālí Shèngmǔyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴黎聖母院 |
Bālìyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴利語 |
Bālù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八路 |
Bālùjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八路軍 |
bàmā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爸媽 |
bǎmài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把脈 |
Bāmǎkē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴馬科 |
bǎmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把妹 |
bǎmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把袂 |
bàmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷免 |
bāmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八面 |
bāmùmán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八目鰻 |
ban {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bān |
ban {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǎn |
ban {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bàn |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伴 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 办 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埾 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姅 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怑 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扮 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拌 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湴 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓣 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秚 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絆 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绊 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辠 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辫 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉡 |
bàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靽 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坂 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岅 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昄 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粄 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舢 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舨 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝂 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈑 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钣 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闆 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阪 |
bǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魤 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扳 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攽 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斒 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朌 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘢 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癍 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肦 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 般 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虨 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螌 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褩 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辠 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辬 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒 |
bān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颁 |
ban1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bān |
ban3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǎn |
ban4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bàn |
Bānàdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴納德 |
Bānámǎ Yùnhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴拿馬運河 |
bānbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑白 |
bānbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒白 |
bānbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班白 |
Bānbālā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班巴拉 |
bānbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班輩 |
bànbèizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半輩子 |
bǎnběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版本 |
bǎnběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板本 |
bǎnběn mùlùxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版本目錄學 |
bǎnběnxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版本學 |
bànbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半邊 |
bànbiān jiātíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半邊家庭 |
bànbiānlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半邊蓮 |
bànbiāntiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半邊天 |
bānbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班表 |
bànbìhéshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半壁河山 |
bànbìjiāngshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半壁江山 |
bānbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑駁 |
bānbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班駁 |
bānbólùlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑駁陸離 |
bānbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒布 |
bànbúdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦不到 |
bànchàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伴唱 |
bànchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦成 |
bànchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扮成 |
bànchéngpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半成品 |
bānchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬出 |
bànchuānggāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絆創膏 |
bāncì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班次 |
bāncì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒賜 |
Bǎndà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昄大 |
bàndào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦到 |
bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半島 |
bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絆倒 |
bàndǎotǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半導體 |
bǎndèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板凳 |
bàndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半點 |
bāndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑點 |
bāndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘢點 |
bāndòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬動 |
bànfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦法 |
bānfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒發 |
bānfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班房 |
bànfēngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半封建 |
bang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bāng |
bang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǎng |
bang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bàng |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 严 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傍 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塝 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挶 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搑 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旁 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榕 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玣 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磅 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埩 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稖 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竚 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腴 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艕 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒡 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚌 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜯 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謗 |
bàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎊 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挶 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榜 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氃 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牓 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 素 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綁 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纷 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绑 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膀 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝼 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髃 |
bǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔙 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垹 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帮 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幇 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幚 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捠 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梆 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浜 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縍 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邦 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邫 |
bāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞤 |
bang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bāng |
bang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǎng |
bang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bàng |
bāngbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫辦 |
bàngbàngtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒棒糖 |
bàngbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傍邊 |
bāngbǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫補 |
bāngchèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫襯 |
bàngchèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磅秤 |
bàngchui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒槌 |
bàngchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒槌 |
bāngcùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫寸 |
bāng dào máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫倒忙 |
bāngdí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邦迪 |
bǎngdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綁定 |
bǎng'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榜額 |
bǎngfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綁縛 |
bǎngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綁縛 |
bǎngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綁赴 |
bāngfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫扶 |
bǎngfùshìcáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綁赴市曹 |
bānggōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫工 |
bāngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邦國 |
bànghè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒喝 |
bànghēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傍黑 |
bānghēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傍黑 |
bānghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫會 |
bǎngjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綁架 |
bāngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邦交 |
bàngjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎊金 |
bàngké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚌殼 |
bang-koang {def} SEE: 芒光 | :: |
bānglián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邦聯 |
bāngmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫忙 |
bàngōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦公 |
bàngōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半工 |
bàngōng dàlóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦公大樓 |
bàngōnglóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦公樓 |
bàngōngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦公室 |
bàngōngshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦公室 |
bàngōngzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦公桌 |
bāngpài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫派 |
bāngpǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫浦 |
bàngqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒球 |
bǎngr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膀兒 |
bǎngshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榜首 |
bāngshou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫手 |
bāngshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫手 |
bāngtóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫同 |
bǎngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板鼓 |
bàngwǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傍晚 |
bāngwǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傍晚 |
bāngwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傍午 |
bāngxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫兇 |
bǎngyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榜眼 |
bǎngyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榜樣 |
bāngzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫助 |
bāngzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫主 |
bàngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒子 |
bǎngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膀子 |
bǎngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榜子 |
bǎngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牓子 |
bāngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幫子 |
bāngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梆子 |
bànhǎishuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半海水 |
bànhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半酣 |
bānhén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑痕 |
bānhén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘢痕 |
bǎnhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板胡 |
bǎnhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版畫 |
bǎnhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板話 |
bǎnhuàdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版畫店 |
bànhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拌和 |
bànhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦貨 |
bǎniào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把尿 |
bānjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班級 |
Bānjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班吉 |
bānjǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班戟 |
bānjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扳機 |
bānjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬家 |
Bānjiāluó'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班加羅爾 |
bànjiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半獎 |
bānjiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒獎 |
bànjiǎoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絆腳石 |
bànjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半截 |
bànjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦結 |
bǎnjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板結 |
bànjīnbāliǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半斤八兩 |
bànjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半徑 |
bānjiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑鳩 |
bànkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半空 |
bànkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扮酷 |
bǎnkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板塊 |
bǎnkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版塊 |
bānkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑塊 |
bànlǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半拉 |
Bân-lâm-gí {def} SEE: 閩南語 | :: |
Bân-lâm-gú {def} SEE: 閩南語 | :: |
bānlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑斕 |
bānlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斒斕 |
bǎnlángēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板藍根 |
bànlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦理 |
bǎnlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板栗 |
bànlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半路 |
bànlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伴侶 |
bānmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑馬 |
bānmǎxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑馬線 |
bānménnòngfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班門弄斧 |
bǎnmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版面 |
bànmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓣膜 |
bànmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓣膜 |
bànnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半年 |
bānnòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬弄 |
bānnòngshìfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬弄是非 |
bānpèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 般配 |
Bànpō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半坡 |
bānqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班期 |
bānqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班期 |
bānqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬遷 |
bǎnqiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板橋 |
Bǎnqiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板橋 |
bǎnquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版權 |
bǎnquán suǒyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版權所有 |
bǎnquányè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版權頁 |
bànrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半日 |
bānshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班社 |
bànshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半身 |
bànshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半生 |
bànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦事 |
bànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半世 |
bānshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒示 |
bānshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班師 |
bànshìbùláo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦事不牢 |
bànshìchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦事處 |
bānshīhuícháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班師回朝 |
bànshìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦事員 |
bānshou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扳手 |
bānshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒授 |
bānshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扳手 |
bànshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半數 |
bǎnshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版稅 |
bànsuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伴隨 |
bàntáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半糖 |
bàntáng fūqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半糖夫妻 |
bàntángzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半糖主義 |
bàntiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半天 |
bàntóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伴同 |
bàntòumíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半透明 |
bàntú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半途 |
bǎntú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版圖 |
bāntū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑禿 |
bàntú'érfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半途而廢 |
bàntuībànjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半推半就 |
bàntuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦妥 |
bàntuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半托 |
bǎntú yóuxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版圖遊戲 |
bānwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑紋 |
bānxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒行 |
bànxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦學 |
bǎnyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板鴨 |
bànyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扮演 |
bǎnyān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板煙 |
bànyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半夜 |
bānyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬移 |
bànyīnjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半音階 |
bànyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拌勻 |
bānyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬運 |
bānyùngōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬運工 |
bànzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半載 |
bānzèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頒贈 |
bānzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班長 |
bànzhēnbànjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半真半假 |
bānzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬至 |
bànzhímíndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半殖民地 |
bǎnzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 版主 |
bānzhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斑竹 |
bānzhuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬磚 |
bànzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扮裝 |
Bānzhū'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班珠爾 |
bànzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦桌 |
bānzhuóqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班卓琴 |
bānzhǔrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班主任 |
bànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絆子 |
bànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柈子 |
bǎnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 板子 |
bānzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 班子 |
bānzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扳子 |
bānzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搬子 |
bànzòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伴奏 |
bànzuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辦罪 |
bànzuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 半醉 |
bao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bāo |
bao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of báo |
bao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǎo |
bao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bào |
báo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㼎 |
báo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫑 |
báo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓟 |
báo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窇 |
báo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄 |
báo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雹 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儤 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刨 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勽 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忁 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抔 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 报 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 授 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曓 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀐 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煲 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犦 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菢 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虣 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袃 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袌 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豹 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趵 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉋 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铇 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞂 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞄 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮑 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲍 |
bào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸔 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堡 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堢 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宝 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宲 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寚 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寳 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怉 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珤 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緥 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葆 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褓 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褴 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賲 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靌 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駂 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳵 |
bǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴇 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剚 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剢 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勹 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孢 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枹 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炨 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煭 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笣 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胞 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脬 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苞 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苳 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葆 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕔 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裏 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襃 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骲 |
bāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮎 |
bao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bāo |
bao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of báo |
bao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǎo |
bao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bào |
bǎo'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶愛 |
bào'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報案 |
bǎo'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保安 |
bāobàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包辦 |
bāobàn hūnyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包辦婚姻 |
bàobào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱抱 |
bǎobao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶寶 |
bǎobao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保保 |
bǎobǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶寶 |
bǎobǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保保 |
bǎobǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葆葆 |
bāobāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包包 |
bǎobaofěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶寶粉 |
bǎobèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶貝 |
bǎoběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保本 |
bāobì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包庇 |
bāobiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒貶 |
bàobiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報表 |
bǎobiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保鏢 |
bǎobiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保膘 |
bàobìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱病 |
bàobìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴病 |
bàobīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刨冰 |
bàobīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉋冰 |
Bàobó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮑勃 |
bàobù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀑布 |
bǎobùzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保不住 |
bǎocān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽餐 |
bǎocáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保藏 |
bàocháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報償 |
bǎocháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽嘗 |
bǎocháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽嚐 |
bāocháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包場 |
bāochǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包場 |
bàochǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆炒 |
bǎochāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶鈔 |
bāochāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包抄 |
bāochē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包車 |
bàochí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱持 |
bǎochí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保持 |
bàochou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報酬 |
bàochóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報仇 |
bàochóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報讎 |
bàochóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報酬 |
bàochóu dìjiǎn dìnglǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報酬遞減定律 |
bàochóulǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報酬率 |
báocuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄脆 |
bǎocún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保存 |
bǎocúnběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保存本 |
bàodá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報答 |
bàodàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆彈 |
bàodàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱蛋 |
bàodān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報單 |
bǎodān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保單 |
bàodào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報道 |
bàodào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報到 |
bàodǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報導 |
bàodāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刨刀 |
Bǎodǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶島 |
bǎodāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶刀 |
bǎodāowèilǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶刀未老 |
bào dàtuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱大腿 |
bào dé měirén guī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱得美人歸 |
Bàodéwēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮑德溫 |
bǎodì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶地 |
bǎodiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶殿 |
bǎodiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶典 |
bāodiànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煲電話 |
bāodiànhuàzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煲電話粥 |
bàodié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴跌 |
bàodiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴跌 |
Bǎodìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保定 |
bàodòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴動 |
bǎodú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽讀 |
bǎodúshīshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽讀詩書 |
bào'ēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報恩 |
bāo èrnǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包二奶 |
bàofā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆發 |
bàofā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴發 |
bàofāhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴發戶 |
bàofàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報販 |
bàofànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報販子 |
bàofèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報廢 |
bǎofèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保費 |
bàofēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴風 |
bàofēngxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴風雪 |
bàofēngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴風雨 |
bàofēngzhòuyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴風驟雨 |
bàofēngzòuyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴風驟雨 |
bàofù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱負 |
bàofù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴富 |
bàofù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報復 |
bàofù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱腹 |
bāofu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包袱 |
bàofùzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報復主義 |
bāogān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包乾 |
bāogān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胞苷 |
bàogào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報告 |
bàogàohuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報告會 |
bàogào wénxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報告文學 |
bàogōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報功 |
bǎogù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保固 |
bāogǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包穀 |
bāogǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苞穀 |
bāoguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包括 |
bàoguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報館 |
bàoguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報關 |
bàoguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報官 |
bǎoguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保管 |
bāoguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包管 |
bàoguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曝光 |
bàoguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴光 |
bǎoguǎnyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保管員 |
bǎoguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶貴 |
bàoguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報國 |
bāoguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包裹 |
bàohàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱憾 |
bāohan {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包含 |
bāohán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包含 |
bāohán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包涵 |
bǎohé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽和 |
bǎohé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶盒 |
bǎohé zhīfángsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽和脂肪酸 |
bàohóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴洪 |
bàohóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆紅 |
báohòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄厚 |
bǎohù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保護 |
bào hùkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報戶口 |
bǎohùmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保護膜 |
bǎohùmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保護膜 |
bǎohùqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保護器 |
bǎohùqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保護區 |
bǎohùzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保護罩 |
bǎohùzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保護主義 |
Bǎojī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶雞 |
bàojià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報價 |
bàojià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報架 |
bǎojià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保駕 |
bǎojiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保家 |
bǎojiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保健 |
bāojiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒獎 |
bǎojiànpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保健品 |
bǎojiànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保健室 |
bǎojiànshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保健室 |
bǎojiàn shípǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保健食品 |
bǎojiànyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保健員 |
bǎojiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堡礁 |
bàojié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報捷 |
bǎojié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保潔 |
bāojīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包金 |
bàojǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報警 |
bāojìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包莖 |
bāojìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包徑 |
bāojīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包莖 |
bāojīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包徑 |
bàojǐngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報警器 |
bǎojǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保舉 |
bāojǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包舉 |
bàojūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴君 |
bàokān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報刊 |
Bǎokāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保康 |
bàokǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報考 |
bàokǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴恐 |
bǎokù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶庫 |
bàokuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆款 |
bàokuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱愧 |
bāokuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包括 |
bǎolǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽覽 |
bāolǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包攬 |
bǎolěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堡壘 |
bàolì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴力 |
bàolì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴利 |
bàolì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴戾 |
bàolì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴吏 |
Bǎolì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保利 |
bàoliào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆料 |
bàoliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆裂 |
bàoliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴烈 |
bǎolíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保齡 |
bǎolíngqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保齡球 |
bǎolíngqiúguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保齡球館 |
bǎoliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保留 |
bàolù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴露 |
bàoluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴亂 |
bāoluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包羅 |
bàolùwúyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴露無遺 |
bǎomǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶馬 |
bàomǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆滿 |
bǎomǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽滿 |
bǎoméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保媒 |
bāoměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒美 |
bǎomì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保密 |
bāomǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包米 |
bāomǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苞米 |
bàomǐhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆米花 |
bàomín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴民 |
bàomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報名 |
bàomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報明 |
bǎomìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保命 |
bàomíngbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報名表 |
báomó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄膜 |
bàomù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報幕 |
bǎomǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保姆 |
bǎomǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褓母 |
bǎomǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褓姆 |
bǎomǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保母 |
bǎomǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴇母 |
Bǎoníng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保寧 |
bàonù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴怒 |
bǎonuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保暖 |
bǎonuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽暖 |
bǎonuǎnbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保暖杯 |
bǎonuǎn nèiyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保暖內衣 |
bǎonuǎn sī yínyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽暖思淫慾 |
bàonüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴虐 |
bāopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包皮 |
bāopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝皮 |
bāopì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包庇 |
bāopígòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包皮垢 |
bāopí huánqiēshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包皮環切術 |
bàopò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆破 |
bàopò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴迫 |
bàoqiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱歉 |
bǎoquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保全 |
bǎorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保人 |
bāoróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包容 |
bàosāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報喪 |
bǎoshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保山 |
bǎoshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶山 |
bàoshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報社 |
bǎoshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保身 |
bǎoshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保生 |
Bǎoshēng Dàdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保生大帝 |
bàoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報時 |
bàoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴食 |
bǎoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶石 |
bǎoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽食 |
bǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保釋 |
bǎoshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保濕 |
bǎoshījì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保濕劑 |
bǎoshíjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保時捷 |
bǎoshìjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保釋金 |
bǎoshīshuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保濕霜 |
bǎoshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽受 |
bǎoshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保守 |
bǎoshǒupài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保守派 |
bǎoshǒuzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保守主義 |
bāoshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胞叔 |
bāoshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包書 |
bǎoshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保稅 |
bǎosòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保送 |
bāosù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包粟 |
bàosūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱孫 |
bào sūnnǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱孫女 |
bào sūnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱孫子 |
bǎotǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶塔 |
bǎotiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶貼 |
bāotóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包頭 |
bāotóulǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包頭佬 |
bàotú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴徒 |
bàotǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴土 |
bǎowài jiùyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保外就醫 |
bàowáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴亡 |
bǎowèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保衛 |
bāowéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包圍 |
bǎowèizhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保衛者 |
bǎowēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保溫 |
bǎowēnbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保溫杯 |
bǎowēnchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保溫車 |
bǎowēn nèiyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保溫內衣 |
bǎowēnpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保溫瓶 |
bǎowēntào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保溫套 |
bǎowù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶物 |
bǎoxiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險 |
bǎoxiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保鮮 |
bǎoxiǎndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險帶 |
bǎoxiǎndān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險單 |
bǎoxiǎnfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險法 |
bǎoxiǎnfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險費 |
bāoxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包廂 |
bǎoxiǎngàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險槓 |
bǎoxiǎn gōngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險公司 |
bǎoxiǎnguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險櫃 |
bǎoxiǎn hétong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險合同 |
bǎoxiǎn jìhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險計劃 |
bǎoxiānmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保鮮膜 |
bǎoxiānmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保鮮膜 |
bǎoxiǎnsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險絲 |
bǎoxiǎntào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險套 |
bǎoxiǎnxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保險箱 |
bǎoxiānzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保鮮紙 |
bàoxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報效 |
bàoxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆笑 |
bàoxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報銷 |
bàoxìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報信 |
bāoxīncài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包心菜 |
bāoxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胞兄 |
bāoxiōngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胞兄弟 |
bǎoxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保修 |
bǎoxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽學 |
bǎoyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保養 |
bāoyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒揚 |
bāoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒義 |
bāoyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胞衣 |
bāoyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包衣 |
bāoyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒衣 |
bāoyìcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褒義詞 |
bàoyǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豹隱 |
bāoyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包銀 |
bàoyǐnbàoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴飲暴食 |
bàoyìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報應 |
bàoyǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱擁 |
bàoyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱擁 |
bǎoyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保用 |
bǎoyòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保佑 |
bǎoyòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保祐 |
bǎoyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保有 |
bāoyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包游 |
bāoyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包郵 |
bǎoyǒuqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保有期 |
bǎoyǒuqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保有期 |
bàoyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮑魚 |
bàoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴雨 |
bǎoyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保育 |
bǎoyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶玉 |
bàoyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱怨 |
bàoyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報怨 |
bāoyuánr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包圓兒 |
bāoyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包孕 |
bǎoyùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保育員 |
bǎoyùyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保育院 |
bāozā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包紮 |
bāozǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煲仔 |
bāozài...shēnshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包在……身上 |
bǎozàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶藏 |
bàozào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴躁 |
bàozhà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆炸 |
bāozhá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包紮 |
bāozhā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包紮 |
bàozhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報站 |
bàozhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴漲 |
bàozhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報章 |
bǎozhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保障 |
bǎozhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽脹 |
bǎozhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶杖 |
bàozhàwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆炸物 |
bàozhàxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆炸性 |
bǎozhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保真 |
bǎozhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葆真 |
bàozhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴政 |
bǎozhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保證 |
bǎozhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保正 |
bǎozhèngjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保證金 |
bǎozhèngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保證人 |
bàozhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報紙 |
bàozhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報知 |
bǎozhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保質 |
bǎozhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保質 |
bāozhìbǎibìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包治百病 |
bǎozhíbǎoliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保質保量 |
bǎozhìbǎoliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保質保量 |
bǎozhíqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保質期 |
bǎozhìqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保質期 |
bǎozhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保重 |
bǎozhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶重 |
bāozhòngchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包種茶 |
bàozhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爆竹 |
bàozhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抱住 |
bǎozhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保住 |
bāozhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包裝 |
bāozhuāngxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包裝箱 |
bāozhuāngzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包裝紙 |
bǎozhǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 保準 |
báozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雹子 |
bàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豹子 |
bàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉋子 |
bàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 報子 |
bǎozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堡子 |
bāozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 包子 |
bāozǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孢子 |
bāozǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胞子 |
bàozǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴走 |
bàozǒuzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暴走族 |
bǎozú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飽足 |
bǎozuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寶座 |
bāpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扒皮 |
bāpó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八婆 |
bàqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸氣 |
bāqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八旗 |
báqiánzhìhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跋前疐後 |
bàquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸權 |
bàr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把兒 |
bǎr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把兒 |
bāshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴剎 |
báshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跋涉 |
bǎshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把式 |
bǎshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把勢 |
bāshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴士 |
bǎshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把手 |
bǎshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把守 |
Bāshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴蜀 |
básī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔絲 |
Bāsīkèyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴斯克語 |
bāsōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴松 |
bāsōngguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴松管 |
bat {def} SEE: 捌 | :: |
bātái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吧檯 |
bātái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吧枱 |
bātái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吧臺 |
Bātōngguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八通關 |
bātou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扒頭 |
bǎwán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把玩 |
bàwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸王 |
bāwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴望 |
bàwángshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸王樹 |
Bā Wáng Zhī Luàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八王之亂 |
bāwèi chénxiāng sǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八味沉香散 |
báwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跋文 |
bǎwò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把握 |
bāwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴烏 |
bǎxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把戲 |
Bāxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴西 |
bāxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八線 |
bāxiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八仙 |
bāxiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴仙 |
bāxiānguòhǎi, gèxiǎnshéntōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八仙過海,各顯神通 |
bāxiānzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八仙桌 |
Bāxīlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴西立 |
Bāxīlìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴西利亞 |
bǎxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靶心 |
bǎxiōngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把兄弟 |
Bāxī róushù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴西柔术 |
bàxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷休 |
Bāyànnào'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴彥淖爾 |
bàyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸業 |
bāyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八佾 |
Bàyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灞源 |
bāyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八月 |
bāzhá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴紮 |
bāzhā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴紮 |
bàzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霸佔 |
bàzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷戰 |
bāzhang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴掌 |
bàzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罷職 |
bàzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把子 |
bàzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壩子 |
bàzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垻子 |
bǎzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靶子 |
bǎzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 把子 |
bāzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴子 |
bāzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八字 |
Bāzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴子 |
bāzìhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八字鬍 |
bāzìméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八字眉 |
bāzìnǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八字奶 |
bāzìrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 八字乳 |
bāzǔkǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巴祖卡 |
BB {v} [Mandarin, slang] /bībi/ | :: to complain; to talk rubbish |
BB机 {def} SEE: BB機 | :: |
BB機 {n} /bìbìjī,py/ | :: pager (device) |
BB枪 {def} SEE: BB槍 | :: |
BB槍 {n} /bībīqiāng,py/ | :: BB gun |
BB霜 {n} [cosmetics] /bìbìshuāng,bībīshuāng,py/ | :: BB cream |
bē-bái {def} SEE: 𣍐䆀 | :: |
be̍h-á {def} SEE: 襪仔 | :: |
be̍h-á-chiú {def} SEE: 麥仔酒 | :: |
bei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唄 |
bei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臂 |
bei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bēi |
bei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of běi |
bei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bèi |
bé-í {def} SEE: 馬椅 | :: |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓈 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俻 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倍 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偝 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偹 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僃 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 备 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孛 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悖 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惫 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愂 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憊 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拔 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掎 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昁 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杮 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梖 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棒 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焙 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牬 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犕 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狈 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珼 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琲 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碔 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糒 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紴 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絤 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膼 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菦 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葝 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓓 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜘 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褙 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誓 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贝 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跉 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軰 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邶 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郥 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄁 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋇 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐾 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钡 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靿 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞴 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韛 |
bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骲 |
Bèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝 |
běi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北 |
běi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惣 |
běi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉳 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伓 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埡 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墻 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岥 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庳 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桮 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椑 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犜 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痺 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盃 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碑 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禆 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筵 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簰 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綼 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胇 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萆 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藣 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錃 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陂 |
bēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵯 |
bei0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bei |
bei1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bēi |
bei3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of běi |
bei4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bèi |
bei5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bei |
bēi'āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲哀 |
Běi-Ài'ěrlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北愛爾蘭 |
bèi'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備案 |
běi'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北岸 |
Běi'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北安 |
Bèi'àowǔfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝奧武夫 |
běibànqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北半球 |
bēibào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲報 |
bēibāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背包 |
bēibāokè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背包客 |
bèibàozhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被爆者 |
Bèibei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝貝 |
Běiběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北本 |
běibí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北鼻 |
bēibǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑鄙 |
běibiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北邊 |
Běibīngyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北冰洋 |
bēibǐwòchuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑鄙齷齪 |
bēibǐwúchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑鄙無恥 |
bèibù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背部 |
bèibǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被捕 |
běibù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北部 |
Běibù Fēizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北部非洲 |
bēicǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲慘 |
běicè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北側 |
Běicháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北朝 |
Běi Cháoxiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北朝鮮 |
bèichū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩出 |
bēicuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲摧 |
bēicuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲催 |
Běidà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北大 |
bèidǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被逮 |
bēidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背帶 |
bèidān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被單 |
bèidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背道 |
bèidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倍道 |
bēidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲悼 |
bèidào'érchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背道而馳 |
Běi-Dàxīyáng Gōngyuē Zǔzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北大西洋公約組織 |
bèidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背地 |
Běidí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北狄 |
bèidìlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背地裡 |
bèidòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被動 |
Běidǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北斗 |
Běidǒu Qīxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北斗七星 |
Běidǒuxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北斗星 |
bèiduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背對 |
Běi'èrgāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北二高 |
Bèi'ěrgéláidé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝爾格萊德 |
Bèi'ěrmòpān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝爾莫潘 |
Běi Èrwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北二外 |
běifá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北伐 |
běifā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北伐 |
běifāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北方 |
běifānghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北方話 |
Běifānghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北方話 |
běifāngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北方人 |
Běifāng Xuánwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北方玄武 |
Běifá Zhànzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北伐戰爭 |
Běifā Zhànzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北伐戰爭 |
Běifēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北非 |
bèifen {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩分 |
bèifen {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩份 |
bèifèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備份 |
bèifèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩分 |
bèifèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩份 |
bèifěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焙粉 |
bēifèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲憤 |
běifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北風 |
Běigǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北港 |
bèigào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被告 |
bēigé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯葛 |
bēigě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯葛 |
bēigē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲歌 |
bēigōngjiāocuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯觥交錯 |
bēigōngshéyǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯弓蛇影 |
bēiguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲觀 |
bèiguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背光 |
bēiguānzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲觀主義 |
běiguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北國 |
bēiguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背鍋 |
bèihài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被害 |
Běihǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北海 |
Běihǎidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北海道 |
bèihàirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被害人 |
Běihán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北韓 |
bēihēiguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背黑鍋 |
bēihēiguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揹黑鍋 |
bèihòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背后 |
bēihuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲歡 |
bēihuānlíhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲歡離合 |
bēihuānsuìyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲歡歲月 |
bèihuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備貨 |
bèihuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背貨 |
bèihuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝貨 |
Běihuòbùxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北霍布遜 |
Běihuòlǔxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北霍魯遜 |
bèijǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背脊 |
Běijí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北極 |
bēijì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碑記 |
bèijiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備件 |
bēijiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑賤 |
běijiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北疆 |
běijiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北江 |
Běijiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北疆 |
Běijiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北江 |
bèijiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背教 |
bèijìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背靜 |
bèijǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背景 |
Běijīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北京 |
Běijīng kǎoyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北京烤鴨 |
Běijīngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北京人 |
bèijǐng yīnyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背景音樂 |
Běijíquān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北極圈 |
Běijíxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北極星 |
Běijíxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北極熊 |
bēijù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲劇 |
bēijù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯具 |
bèikǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備考 |
bèikǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焙烤 |
bèiké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝殼 |
bèikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備課 |
bēikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碑刻 |
bèikèlè'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝克勒爾 |
bēikǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲苦 |
bèilěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓓蕾 |
bèilěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓓藟 |
bèilí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背離 |
bèilǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悖理 |
bèilǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背理 |
Běilǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北理 |
bēiliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲涼 |
bēiliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑劣 |
Běi Lǐgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北理工 |
Běilín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北林 |
bēilín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碑林 |
Běi Lǐngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北領地 |
Bèilǐsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝里斯 |
Běiliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北流 |
bèiluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悖亂 |
bèilùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悖論 |
Běiluòshīmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北落師門 |
Bèilǔtè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝魯特 |
bèimǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備馬 |
bèimǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞴馬 |
Běiměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北美 |
Běi Měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北美 |
Běiměi tǔbōshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北美土撥鼠 |
Běiměizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北美洲 |
Běi Měizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北美洲 |
běimén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北門 |
bèimiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背面 |
bèimiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被面 |
běimiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北面 |
bēimiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯麵 |
bēináng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背囊 |
Běi-Ōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北歐 |
bèipàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背叛 |
bèipàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悖叛 |
bēipánlángjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯盤狼藉 |
běipiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北漂 |
Běipíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北平 |
bèipò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被迫 |
bèiqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背鰭 |
bèiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背棄 |
Běiqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北齊 |
Běiqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北圻 |
bēiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲泣 |
bēiqiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑怯 |
běiqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北區 |
bēiquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑怯 |
bèir {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倍兒 |
bèir {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩兒 |
bèirù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被褥 |
bēishāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲傷 |
Běi-Shàng-Guǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北上廣 |
Běi-Shàng-Guǎng-Shēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北上廣深 |
bèishāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焙燒 |
Běishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北市 |
Běishǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北史 |
bēishí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碑石 |
bēishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑視 |
bèishòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備受 |
bèishù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倍數 |
bèishù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩數 |
bèishù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備述 |
bèisī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝斯 |
bèisī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝司 |
bèisòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背誦 |
Běi Sòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北宋 |
bèitāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備胎 |
bèitāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被胎 |
bēitàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲嘆 |
bèitào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被套 |
bēitòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲痛 |
bēitòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲慟 |
Běiwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北外 |
bèiwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備忘 |
bèiwànglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備忘錄 |
Běiwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北魏 |
bēiwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑微 |
bēiwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑微 |
bēiwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碑文 |
Běixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北溪 |
bēixǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲喜 |
bēixià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卑下 |
bèixiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貝香 |
bēixiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萆薢 |
bèixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背心 |
bēixíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯形 |
bēixíng dàngāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯形蛋糕 |
běiyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北洋 |
bèiyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背陰 |
bèiyǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背影 |
bèiyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備用 |
bèiyòngpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備用品 |
bèiyòngtāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備用胎 |
bèiyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備禦 |
běiyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北苑 |
bēiyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲願 |
Běiyuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北約 |
bèizhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備戰 |
bēizhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碑志 |
Běizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北周 |
bèizhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備註 |
bèizhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 備注 |
bēizhuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悲壯 |
bèizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被子 |
bèizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輩子 |
bèizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褙子 |
bēizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杯子 |
bēizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 背子 |
bèi zìshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被自殺 |
bèizǐzhíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 被子植物 |
ben {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bēn |
ben {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of běn |
ben {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bèn |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佄 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倴 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坌 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 央 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捹 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撪 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桳 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燌 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獐 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軦 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輽 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逩 |
bèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 体 |
běn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夲 |
běn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奙 |
běn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本 |
běn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楍 |
běn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畚 |
běn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苯 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栞 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泍 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渀 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犇 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟤 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貼 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贰 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逤 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錛 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐼 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锛 |
bēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賁 |
ben1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bēn |
ben3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of běn |
ben4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bèn |
běnběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本本 |
běnběnzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本本主義 |
bēnbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔波 |
běnbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本部 |
běnbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本埠 |
běncǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本草 |
Běncǎo Gāngmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本草綱目 |
běncháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本朝 |
bēnchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔馳 |
běnchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本初 |
bēncuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔竄 |
bèndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨蛋 |
běndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本島 |
běndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本地 |
běndǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本底 |
běndiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本屌 |
běndiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本吊 |
běndìhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本地化 |
běndìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本地人 |
běndì shíjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本地時間 |
bēnfàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔放 |
běnfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本分 |
běnfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本份 |
běnfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苯酚 |
bēnfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔赴 |
beng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bēng |
beng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of béng |
beng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of běng |
beng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bèng |
béng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甭 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堀 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塴 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搒 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槰 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泵 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甍 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繂 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 维 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚄 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螶 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠯 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跰 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹦 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迸 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逬 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錈 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镚 |
bèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甏 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唩 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埲 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玤 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琫 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綰 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繂 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 维 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菶 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誁 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞛 |
běng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑟 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伻 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘣 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崩 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵭 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 护 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挶 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榕 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祊 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絣 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綳 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繃 |
bēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閍 |
beng1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bēng |
beng2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of béng |
beng3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of běng |
beng4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bèng |
běngǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本港 |
běngběng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菶菶 |
bèngchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹦床 |
bèngchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹦牀 |
bēngdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繃帶 |
bèngfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迸發 |
béngguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甭管 |
bèngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹦極 |
bèngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迸濺 |
bēngkuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崩潰 |
běngliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繃臉 |
bèngliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迸裂 |
bēngliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崩裂 |
bèngliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迸流 |
bēngluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崩落 |
bèngpǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泵浦 |
bēngtā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崩塌 |
bèngtiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹦跳 |
běnguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本官 |
běnguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本國 |
bēngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崩陷 |
bènjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坌集 |
běnjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本紀 |
běnjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畚箕 |
běnjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苯基 |
běnjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本家 |
běnjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本金 |
běnkē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本科 |
běnkēshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本科生 |
bēnkuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔潰 |
běnlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本來 |
běnlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本利 |
běnlǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本領 |
bēnliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔流 |
bēnmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔忙 |
bēnmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賁門 |
bènmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔命 |
běnmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本名 |
bēnmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔命 |
běnmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本末 |
běnmòdàozhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本末倒置 |
běnnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本能 |
běnnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本年 |
bènniǎoxiānfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨鳥先飛 |
bēnpǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔跑 |
běnqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本期 |
běnqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本期 |
běnqian {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本錢 |
běnqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本錢 |
bènrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨人 |
běnrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本人 |
běnrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本日 |
běnsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本色 |
běnshǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本色 |
běnshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本身 |
běnshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本生 |
běnshēngdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本生燈 |
běnshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本事 |
běnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本市 |
běnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本事 |
běnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本是 |
běnshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本始 |
běnshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本書 |
bēntáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔逃 |
bēnténg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔騰 |
běntǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本體 |
běntǐlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本體論 |
běntǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本土 |
běntǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畚土 |
běntǔhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本土化 |
běnwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本位 |
běnwèizhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本位主義 |
běnwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本文 |
běnwǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本我 |
běnxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本息 |
běnxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本息 |
Běnxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本溪 |
bēnxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔襲 |
běnxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本相 |
běnxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本心 |
běnxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本性 |
běnyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本業 |
běnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本意 |
běnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本義 |
běnyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本源 |
běnyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本願 |
běnyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本月 |
běnzhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本著 |
běnzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本真 |
běnzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本證 |
běnzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本徵 |
běnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本職 |
běnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本質 |
běnzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本質 |
běnzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本志 |
běnzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本旨 |
bènzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨重 |
Běnzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本州 |
bènzhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨豬 |
Běnzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本庄 |
bènzhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨拙 |
bènzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨拙 |
bènzhūtiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笨豬跳 |
běnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本子 |
běnzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本字 |
bēnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錛子 |
bēnzǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奔走 |
běnzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本族 |
běnzúyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 本族語 |
BGM {n} /bìjì'áim/ | :: background music |
bi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bī |
bi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bí |
bi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǐ |
bi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bì |
bí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荸 |
bí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襣 |
bí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魮 |
bí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痺 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咇 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗶 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坒 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堛 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墻 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奰 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妼 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婢 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幣 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庇 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廦 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弊 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弻 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弼 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彃 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怭 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愊 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愎 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抿 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敝 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斃 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 服 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枆 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枈 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柲 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梐 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楅 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檘 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殂 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毕 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毙 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泋 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湢 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滒 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滭 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潶 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濚 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煏 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熚 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狴 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獘 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獙 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珌 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璧 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甿 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畀 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疪 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痲 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痹 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睤 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睥 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞤 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秗 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筚 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箄 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箅 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箆 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篦 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篳 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粊 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紕 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綻 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縪 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繴 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罼 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聛 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肸 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肹 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脾 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腷 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臂 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芘 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苾 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荜 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萆 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓒 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓽 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔽 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薜 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜌 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螶 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袐 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袩 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裨 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襞 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襣 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觱 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诐 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貱 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貹 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賁 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贔 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贲 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贸 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赑 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跗 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跸 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹕 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躃 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躄 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辛 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邲 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄨 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄪 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉍 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎞 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏎 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐴 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐽 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铋 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閇 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閟 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陂 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陛 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陴 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞸 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韠 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飶 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饆 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 香 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馝 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駜 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驆 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骳 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髀 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髯 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魓 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮅 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰏 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲾 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷝 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷩 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸃 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼊 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓖 |
bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䊆 |
Bì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁宿 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佊 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俾 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匕 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吡 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啚 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夶 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妣 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庯 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朼 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枆 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柀 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沘 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滗 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疕 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秕 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笔 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粃 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紕 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 署 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肣 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舭 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚍 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貏 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙 |
bǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞚 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屄 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毴 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皀 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皕 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稫 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紕 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芘 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓖 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螕 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豍 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎞 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰏 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颷 |
bī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵕 |
bi1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bī |
bi2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bí |
bi3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǐ |
bi4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bì |
bí'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻癌 |
bian {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊 |
bian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biān |
bian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biǎn |
bian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biàn |
bián {def} SEE: 免 | :: |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匥 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卞 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 变 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弁 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徧 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忭 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 所 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抃 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揙 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昪 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汳 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汴 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玣 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緤 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緶 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 缐 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艑 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苄 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覍 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辡 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辧 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辩 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辫 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釆 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閞 |
biàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴘 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匾 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惼 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碥 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窆 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緤 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緶 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藊 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褊 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辠 |
biǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辫 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煸 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牑 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猵 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獯 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甂 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砭 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稨 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稸 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箯 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籩 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糄 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萵 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝙 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍽 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯾 |
biān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯿 |
bǐ'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼岸 |
bian0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bian |
bian1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biān |
bian3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biǎn |
bian4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biàn |
bian5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bian |
biàn'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便安 |
biànbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯白 |
biānbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編班 |
biànběnjiālì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變本加厲 |
biànbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便秘 |
biànbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便祕 |
biànbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便便 |
biān... biān... {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊……邊…… |
biànbié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨別 |
biànbié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯別 |
biànbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯駁 |
biànbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍布 |
biànbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便步 |
biànbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徧步 |
biāncái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊材 |
biàncáiwú'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯才無礙 |
biàncān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便餐 |
biāncè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭策 |
biāncè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊側 |
biànchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變產 |
biānchángmòjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭長莫及 |
biànchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變成 |
biānchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編成 |
biānchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊城 |
biānchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編程 |
biānchéng yǔyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編程語言 |
biànchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便池 |
biǎnchì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶斥 |
biānchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭笞 |
biānchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊陲 |
biānchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭棰 |
biānchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭捶 |
biāncì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編次 |
biàndà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變大 |
biāndá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭韃 |
biāndǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭打 |
biǎndan {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁擔 |
biàndang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便當 |
biàndāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便當 |
biàndào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便道 |
biàndào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變道 |
biànde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變得 |
biàndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍地 |
biǎndī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶低 |
biāndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊地 |
biàndiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變調 |
biàndìkāihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍地開花 |
biāndìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編定 |
biàndòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變動 |
biǎndòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁豆 |
biānduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編隊 |
biǎn'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匾額 |
biànfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變法 |
biànfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便飯 |
biānfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊防 |
biànfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變分 |
biànfēnfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變分法 |
biànfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便服 |
biānfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝙蝠 |
biáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𰻞 |
biǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屄養 |
biang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biáng |
biang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biǎng |
biángbiángmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𰻞𰻞麵 |
biàngé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變革 |
biàngé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變格 |
biàngēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變更 |
biàngù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變故 |
biǎngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁骨 |
biǎngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁鼓 |
biànguà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變卦 |
biànguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍觀 |
biànhán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便函 |
biānhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編號 |
biànhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便壺 |
biànhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯護 |
biànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變化 |
biànhuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變壞 |
biànhuàmòcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變化莫測 |
biànhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變換 |
biànhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變幻 |
biànhuànmòcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變幻莫測 |
biànhùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯護士 |
biànjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍及 |
biànjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卞急 |
biànjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苄基 |
biǎnjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褊急 |
biānjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編輯 |
biānjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編集 |
biānjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊際 |
biānjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊將 |
biānjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊疆 |
biānjíbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編輯部 |
biànjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便捷 |
biànjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變節 |
biànjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯解 |
biānjiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊界 |
biānjièxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊界線 |
Biànjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汴京 |
biānjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊境 |
biānjìngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊境線 |
biānjíqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編輯器 |
biànlǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變老 |
biànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便利 |
biànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍歷 |
biànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變例 |
biànliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變臉 |
Biànliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汴梁 |
biànliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變量 |
biànlìdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便利店 |
biànlì shāngdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便利商店 |
biànlìtiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便利貼 |
biànluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變亂 |
biànlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯論 |
biānmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編碼 |
biànmài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變賣 |
biànmǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍滿 |
biànmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便帽 |
biānmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊門 |
biànmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便秘 |
biànmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便祕 |
biànmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便民 |
biànmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨明 |
biànmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯明 |
biānnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編年 |
biānniánshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編年史 |
biànniào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便溺 |
biànnuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變暖 |
biānpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編排 |
biànpàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變胖 |
biānpào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭炮 |
biǎnpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁平 |
biànqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便器 |
biànqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變遷 |
biànqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便簽 |
biànqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便籤 |
biānqìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編磬 |
biānqìnzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊沁主義 |
biānqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編曲 |
biànrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨認 |
biānrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編入 |
biànsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變色 |
biànsèlóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變色龍 |
biànsè xīyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變色蜥蜴 |
biànshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變身 |
biànshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變聲 |
biànshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨識 |
biànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便是 |
biànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便士 |
biànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨識 |
biǎnshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁食 |
biānshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編史 |
biànshídù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨識度 |
biànshìdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨識度 |
biànshílì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨識力 |
biànshìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨識力 |
biànshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變瘦 |
biànshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變數 |
biànshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便倏 |
biànsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變速 |
biànsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便所 |
biànsùqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變速器 |
biāntà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭撻 |
biàntài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變態 |
biǎntáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁桃 |
biǎntáotǐyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扁桃體炎 |
biàntiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變天 |
biàntiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便條 |
biàntōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變通 |
biànwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變為 |
biànwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變爲 |
biànwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變位 |
biànwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變味 |
biānwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編委 |
biānwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編舞 |
biànxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便攜 |
biànxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨析 |
biànxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變現 |
biànxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變相 |
biànxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變項 |
biànxié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便攜 |
biànxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便血 |
biānxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編寫 |
biànxiéshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便攜式 |
biànxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變心 |
biànxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變形 |
biànxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變性 |
biànxíngchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變形蟲 |
biànxìng dúsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變性毒素 |
biànxīshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便攜式 |
biānxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編選 |
biànxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便血 |
biànxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便血 |
biànyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弁言 |
biānyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊沿 |
biànyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變樣 |
biànyāqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變壓器 |
biànyě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍野 |
biànyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便宜 |
biànyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變異 |
biànyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變易 |
biànyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨異 |
biànyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨義 |
biànyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便衣 |
biǎnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶義 |
biǎnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶抑 |
biānyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編譯 |
biǎnyìcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶義詞 |
biānyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊音 |
biānyìqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編譯器 |
biànyíxíngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便宜行事 |
biànyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 便於 |
biànyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遍於 |
biānyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊緣 |
biānyuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊遠 |
biānyuánhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊緣海 |
biānyuánhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邊緣化 |
biānzā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編紮 |
biānzào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編造 |
biǎnzhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶謫 |
biānzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編者 |
biānzhě'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編者按 |
biānzhě'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編者案 |
biànzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯證 |
biànzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨證 |
biànzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨正 |
biànzhèngfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯證法 |
biànzhèng wéiwùlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯證唯物論 |
biànzhèng wéiwùzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯證唯物主義 |
biànzhèngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辯證性 |
biànzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變質 |
biànzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變質 |
biànzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辨志 |
biǎnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶值 |
biǎnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貶職 |
biānzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編製 |
biānzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編制 |
biānzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編織 |
biànzhíyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變質岩 |
biànzhìyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變質岩 |
biànzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變種 |
biānzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編著 |
biànzhuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變磚 |
biānzhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編撰 |
biànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辮子 |
biānzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭子 |
biànzòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變奏 |
biànzòuqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 變奏曲 |
biānzuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 編纂 |
biao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biāo |
biao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biǎo |
biao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biào |
biào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俵 |
biào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摼 |
biào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脿 |
biào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覅 |
biào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰾 |
biào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳔 |
biào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摽 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婊 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檦 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脿 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裱 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褾 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諘 |
biǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飈 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儦 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墂 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幖 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彪 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徰 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摼 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杊 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 标 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滮 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漀 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀌 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焰 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熛 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爂 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猋 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘭 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磦 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穮 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脿 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膐 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臕 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苜 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔈 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藧 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謤 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贆 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏔 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏢 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑣 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镖 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镳 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颩 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颮 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飃 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飆 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飇 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飍 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飑 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飙 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飚 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驂 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驫 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骉 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骝 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髟 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麃 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麅 |
biāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摽 throw out; push out; strike |
biao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biāo |
biao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biǎo |
biao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biào |
biǎobái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表白 |
biāobǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標榜 |
biǎobào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表報 |
biāoběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標本 |
biǎobiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表表 |
biāobiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀌瀌 |
biāobiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儦儦 |
biāobiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颮颮 |
biāobiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麃麃 |
biāobiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猋猋 |
biāobǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彪炳 |
biāobīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標兵 |
biāobǐngqiāngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彪炳千古 |
biāochē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飆車 |
biǎodá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表達 |
biǎodé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表德 |
biāodì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標的 |
biāodiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標點 |
biāodiǎn fúhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標點符號 |
biāogān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標竿 |
biāogān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標杆 |
biāogān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標桿 |
biāogāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標高 |
biǎogé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表格 |
biǎogōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表功 |
biǎogōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裱工 |
biāohàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彪悍 |
biāohàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飆汗 |
biāohào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標號 |
biāohuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標黃 |
biāojì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標記 |
biāojià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標價 |
biāojì yǔyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標記語言 |
biǎojué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表決 |
biǎolǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表裡 |
biǎolǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表裏 |
biǎolǐbùyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表裡不一 |
biǎolù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表露 |
biǎomèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表妹 |
biǎomiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表面 |
biǎomiànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表面化 |
biǎomiànjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表面積 |
biǎomiànshang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表面上 |
biǎomiàn zhānglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表面張力 |
biǎomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表明 |
biāomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標明 |
biāomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標名 |
biāopái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標牌 |
biāopèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標配 |
biǎopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表皮 |
biāoqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標籤 |
biāoqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標簽 |
biǎoqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表情 |
biāoqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標清 |
biāoshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飆升 |
biǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表示 |
biāoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標識 |
biāoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標石 |
biǎoshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表述 |
biǎoshuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表率 |
biǎotài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表態 |
biǎotí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表題 |
biāotí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標題 |
biāotídǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標題黨 |
biāotízì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標題字 |
biǎowén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表文 |
biǎoxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表現 |
biǎoxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表象 |
biǎoxiànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表現力 |
biǎoxiànzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表現主義 |
biǎoyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表演 |
biǎoyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表揚 |
biǎoyǎn yìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表演藝術 |
biǎoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表意 |
biǎoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表義 |
biǎoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表憶 |
biǎoyì wénzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表意文字 |
biǎoyì wénzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表義文字 |
biǎoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表語 |
biāoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標語 |
biǎozhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表彰 |
biǎozhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表章 |
biǎozhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表徵 |
biāozhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標誌 |
biāozhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標致 |
biāozhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標識 |
biāozhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標幟 |
biāozhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標註 |
biāozhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標注 |
biāozhǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標準 |
biāozhǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標准 |
biāozhǔnhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標準化 |
biāozhǔn piānchā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標準偏差 |
biāozhǔnshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標準時 |
biāozhǔn shíjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標準時間 |
biāozhǔnyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標準語 |
biǎozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婊子 |
biǎozì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 表字 |
bìbǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臂膀 |
bìbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁報 |
bǐbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆刨 |
bìbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必備 |
bìbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比比 |
bǐbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比比 |
bìbìjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of BB機 |
bìbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弊病 |
bìbìshuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of BB霜 |
bībīshuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of BB霜 |
bìbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧波 |
bǐbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙薄 |
bìbùkěshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必不可少 |
bǐbùshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比不上 |
bìchāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of B超 |
bìchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬖臣 |
bǐchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙稱 |
bìchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧池 |
bìchíliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧池臉 |
bìchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁櫥 |
bìchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苾芻 |
bǐchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆觸 |
bǐcǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼此 |
bǐcǐ bǐcǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼此彼此 |
bìdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必得 |
Bǐdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼得 |
bìděi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必得 |
bìdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁燈 |
bǐdeshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比得上 |
bǐdiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆調 |
bìdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必定 |
bǐdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吡啶 |
bìdōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁咚 |
bìduān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弊端 |
bǐduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比對 |
bie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biē |
bie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bié |
bie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biě |
bie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of biè |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 别 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秗 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莂 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚻 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟞 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襒 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹩 |
bié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓖 |
biè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利 |
biè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 别 |
biè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彆 |
biè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徶 |
biě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘪 |
biě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癟 |
biě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛂 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憋 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘪 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癟 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虌 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱉 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷥 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼈 |
biē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龞 |
bie1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biē |
bie2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bié |
bie3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biě |
bie4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of biè |
biébái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別白 |
biéchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別稱 |
biéchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別處 |
biéde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別的 |
biēdehuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憋得慌 |
biéguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別管 |
biéguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別館 |
biéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別國 |
biéhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別號 |
biéjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別集 |
biéjia {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別介 |
biéjia {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別價 |
biéjia {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別家 |
biéjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別駕 |
biéjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別家 |
biéjià cóngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別駕從事 |
biéjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹩腳 |
biéjie {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別介 |
biéjie {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別價 |
biéjie {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別家 |
biéjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別解 |
biéjùtèsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別具特色 |
biékàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別看 |
Biélè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別勒 |
biélí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別離 |
biēmen {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憋悶 |
biēmèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憋悶 |
biémíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別名 |
biéniǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彆扭 |
biéniǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別扭 |
bièniu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彆扭 |
bièniu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別扭 |
bièniǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彆扭 |
bièniǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別扭 |
biēqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憋氣 |
Bǐ'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比爾 |
biéren {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別人 |
biérén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別人 |
Bǐ'ěrmǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼爾姆 |
biēsān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癟三 |
biēsān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必三 |
biéshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別墅 |
biéyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別樣 |
biéyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別有 |
biéyǒudòngtiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別有洞天 |
biéyǒuyòngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別有用心 |
biézhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別針 |
biézhi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別致 |
biézhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別致 |
biézhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別緻 |
biézì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 別字 |
bǐfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆法 |
bǐfang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比方 |
bǐfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比方 |
bǐfangshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比方說 |
bǐfāngshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比方說 |
bìfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觱沸 |
bìfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滭沸 |
bìfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔽芾 |
bǐfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比分 |
bǐfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆鋒 |
bǐfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比附 |
bīgé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屄格 |
bīgé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼格 |
bǐgòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆供 |
bǐgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆供 |
bīgòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼供 |
bīgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼宮 |
bīgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼供 |
bìgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辟穀 |
bìgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髀骨 |
bìguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉館 |
big胆 {def} SEE: big膽 | :: |
big膽 {adj} [Mainland, neologism, slang] /bìgedǎn/ | :: daring; bold |
bìhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧海 |
bíhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻鼾 |
bǐhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆盒 |
bìhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庇護 |
bìhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔽護 |
bìhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁虎 |
bǐhua {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比畫 |
bǐhua {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比劃 |
bǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆畫 |
bǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆劃 |
bǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比畫 |
bǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比劃 |
bìhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避諱 |
bìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避諱 |
bìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉會 |
bīhūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼婚 |
bìhùquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庇護權 |
bìhùsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庇護所 |
bìjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避忌 |
bìjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗶嘰 |
bìjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毕几 |
bìjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襞襀 |
bǐjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆記 |
bǐjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆跡 |
bǐjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆跡 |
bǐjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比價 |
bǐjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆架 |
bǐjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙見 |
bǐjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙賤 |
bìjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必將 |
bìjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧江 |
bǐjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比較 |
bǐjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比較 |
bǐjiào děngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比較等級 |
bǐjiào wénxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比較文學 |
bǐjiào yǔyánxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比較語言學 |
bǐjìběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆記本 |
bǐjìběn diànnǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆記本電腦 |
bījìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼近 |
bījìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼進 |
bìjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢竟 |
bìjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避靜 |
bìjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必經 |
bìjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉經 |
bìjīngzhīlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必經之路 |
bǐjīní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比基尼 |
bìjuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉卷 |
bìkāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避開 |
bìkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧空 |
bìkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉口 |
bǐlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比來 |
bǐlātísī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼拉提斯 |
bìlěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁壘 |
bìlěisēnyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁壘森嚴 |
Bǐlètuólìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比勒陀利亞 |
bìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薜荔 |
bǐlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比例 |
bǐlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆力 |
bǐlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秕粒 |
bǐlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆立 |
bìlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賁臨 |
bìlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹕臨 |
bìlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比鄰 |
bǐlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比鄰 |
Bǐlìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比利時 |
Bìlíshìbīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庇釐士彬 |
bǐlòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙陋 |
bìlú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁爐 |
Bìlǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘魯 |
Bìlǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕魯 |
bìlǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧綠 |
bǐlǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比率 |
bìluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避亂 |
Bìlǔ Gònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘魯共和國 |
bǐluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吡咯 |
bìmá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓖麻 |
bìmá dúsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓖麻毒素 |
bímáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻毛 |
bìmáyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓖麻油 |
bìmázǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓖麻子 |
bǐměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比美 |
bìmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉門 |
bìmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閟門 |
bìménzàochē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉門造車 |
bìménzàojū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉門造車 |
bìmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避免 |
bìmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斃命 |
bìmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢命 |
bǐmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆名 |
bǐmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆墨 |
bìmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉幕 |
bìmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉目 |
bìmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔽目 |
bìmùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉幕式 |
bin {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bīn |
bin {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǐn |
bin {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bìn |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儐 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宷 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殯 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臏 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髕 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髩 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬂 |
bìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬓 |
bǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祶 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仼 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宾 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彬 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攸 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斌 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梱 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椕 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槟 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汃 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浜 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀕 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濱 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獯 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玠 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑸 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璸 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矉 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繽 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠙 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豩 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豳 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邠 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑌 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霦 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頹 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顮 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颐 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馪 |
bīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驞 |
bin1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bīn |
bin3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǐn |
bin4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bìn |
bîn-á-chài {def} SEE: 明仔載 | :: |
bìnàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避難 |
bǐnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吡喃 |
bìnànsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避難所 |
bīnbīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彬彬 |
bīnbīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斌斌 |
bīnbīnyǒulǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彬彬有禮 |
bîn-cho̍k {def} SEE: 民族 | :: |
bìnchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擯除 |
bīnfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繽紛 |
bing {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bīng |
bing {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǐng |
bing {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bìng |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倂 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傡 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寎 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屏 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屐 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 并 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幷 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摒 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枈 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柃 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栤 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棅 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燦 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竝 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈵 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靐 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮩 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵦 |
bìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓈 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柄 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丙 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偋 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屏 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屐 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廩 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怲 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抦 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昞 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昺 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柄 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炳 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琐 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癍 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癜 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眪 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禀 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窉 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綆 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苪 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛃 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迸 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邴 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉼 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陃 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞞 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餠 |
bǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饼 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仌 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冫 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屐 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 平 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幷 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掤 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栟 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梹 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槜 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檲 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氷 |
bīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絣 |
bing1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bīng |
bing3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǐng |
bing4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bìng |
bǐngběng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞞琫 |
bǐngbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉筆 |
bìngbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病變 |
bīngbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵變 |
bìngbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並不 |
Bīngbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵部 |
bǐngchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅茶 |
bìngchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並稱 |
bǐngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉承 |
bǐngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟承 |
bǐngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟呈 |
bǐngchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉持 |
bīngchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰櫥 |
bīngchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰船 |
bīngchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵船 |
bīngchuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰川 |
bìngchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病床 |
bìngchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病牀 |
bīngchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰床 |
bìng cóng kǒu rù, huò cóng kǒu chū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病從口入,禍從口出 |
bīngcuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰鑹 |
bìngcún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並存 |
bìngcún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併存 |
bīngdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰袋 |
bìngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病倒 |
Bīngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰島 |
bīngdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰燈 |
bīngdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰點 |
bīngdiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰雕 |
bīngdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰凍 |
bīngdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰洞 |
bīngdòng sān chǐ, fēi yīrì zhī hán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 |
bìngdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病毒 |
bìngdǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病篤 |
bìngdúxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病毒性 |
bīng'è {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵厄 |
bǐng'èrxīniào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丙二醯脲 |
bìngfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併發 |
bīngfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵法 |
bìngfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病房 |
bǐngfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丙方 |
bìngfāzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併發症 |
bìngfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並非 |
bǐngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟賦 |
bǐngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉赋 |
bǐngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟復 |
bīngfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵符 |
bǐnggān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅乾 |
bǐnggān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅亁 |
bǐnggān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丙肝 |
bǐnggào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟告 |
bīnggāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰糕 |
bīnggōngchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵工廠 |
bìnggòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併購 |
bìnggù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病故 |
bìngguǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並軌 |
bīngguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰櫃 |
bīnggùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰棍 |
bīnggùnr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰棍兒 |
bìnghào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病號 |
bīnghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰河 |
bīnghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰核 |
bīnghú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰壺 |
bìnghuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病患 |
bīnghuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵禍 |
bīnghuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵火 |
bìngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病疾 |
bìngjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病假 |
bīngjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰架 |
bìngjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並肩 |
bìngjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併肩 |
bīngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵艦 |
bīngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰鑒 |
bīngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵諫 |
bìngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病嬌 |
bìngjiàtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病假條 |
bīngjilíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰激凌 |
bìngjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並進 |
bǐngjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屏居 |
bǐngjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屏絕 |
bìngjùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病菌 |
bìngjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病菌 |
Bīngkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵庫 |
bīngkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰塊 |
bīngkuàihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰塊盒 |
bīngkuàipán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰塊盤 |
bìngkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病況 |
bīngláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檳榔 |
bīngláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓桹 |
bīngláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓郎 |
bīngláng xīshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檳榔西施 |
bīnglěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰冷 |
bìnglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病例 |
bìnglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病歷 |
bìnglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並立 |
bìnglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併力 |
bìnglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病粒 |
bìnglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病理 |
bīnglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵力 |
bìnglián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並聯 |
bīngliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰涼 |
bìngliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並列 |
bìngliè jiégòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並列結構 |
bìnglǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病理學 |
bīngluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵亂 |
bīngmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵馬 |
bīngmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰帽 |
bīngmǎyǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵馬俑 |
bìngmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病魔 |
bìngpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並排 |
bìngpái tíngchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並排停車 |
bìngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摒棄 |
bǐngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屏棄 |
bīngqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰期 |
bīngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵器 |
bīngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵磧 |
bīngqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰期 |
bìngqiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並且 |
bīngqilín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰淇淋 |
bīngqílín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰淇淋 |
bīngqílìnjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰淇淋機 |
bìngqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病情 |
bīngqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰球 |
bīngquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵權 |
bìngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病人 |
bīngrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵刃 |
bīngróngxiāngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵戎相見 |
bìngrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併入 |
bìngrùgāohuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病入膏肓 |
bīngshàng qūgùnqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰上曲棍球 |
bìngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病室 |
bìngshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病史 |
bìngshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病室 |
bīngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰釋 |
bīngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵士 |
bīngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵事 |
bīngshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵書 |
bīngshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰水 |
bìngtà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病榻 |
bīngtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰糖 |
bīngtáng húlu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰糖葫蘆 |
bīngtiānxuědì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰天雪地 |
bìngtòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病痛 |
bìngtūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併吞 |
bīnguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓館 |
bīnguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓果 |
bìngwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 併為 |
bìngwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病危 |
bìngwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並未 |
bìngwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病危 |
bīngwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵威 |
bīngwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰屋 |
bǐngxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丙烯 |
bìngxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病象 |
bīngxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰箱 |
bīngxiāowǎjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰消瓦解 |
bīngxié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰鞋 |
bìngxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並行 |
bǐngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉性 |
bǐngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟性 |
bìngxíngbùbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 並行不悖 |
bīngxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰雪 |
bīngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵役 |
bìngyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病因 |
bǐngyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅銀 |
bǐngyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丙寅 |
bīngyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵營 |
bīngyìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵役制 |
bìngyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病友 |
bìngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病癒 |
bìngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病原 |
bìngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病源 |
bìngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病員 |
bìngyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病院 |
bīngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵源 |
bīngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵員 |
bīngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰原 |
bìngyuánjùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病原菌 |
bìngyuánjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病原菌 |
bìngyuántǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病原體 |
bìngzào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病灶 |
bīngzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵站 |
bīngzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰鎮 |
bìngzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病症 |
bìngzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病徵 |
bìngzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病癥 |
bǐngzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柄政 |
bǐngzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉政 |
bǐngzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秉正 |
bīngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵制 |
bīngzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵種 |
bīngzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冰柱 |
bìngzhuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病狀 |
bǐngzhuàngtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅狀圖 |
bǐngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餅子 |
bìngzìpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 病字旁 |
bīngzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兵卒 |
bīnhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濱海 |
bīnhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀕海 |
Bīnhǎiwān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濱海灣 |
bìnì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睥睨 |
bǐnǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比擬 |
bìnjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臏腳 |
bīnkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓客 |
bīnláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檳榔 |
bīnláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓桹 |
bīnláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓郎 |
bīnláng xīshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檳榔西施 |
bīnlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀕臨 |
bīnlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濱臨 |
bīnpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓朋 |
bìnqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擯棄 |
bīntiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓天 |
bìnǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婢女 |
bīnwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀕危 |
bīnwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀕危 |
bīnwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濱危 |
bìnxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儐相 |
bīnxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儐相 |
Bīnxīfǎníyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓夕法尼亞 |
Bīnxīfánníyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓夕凡尼亞 |
bìnyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殯儀 |
bìnyíguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殯儀館 |
bīnyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀕於 |
bìnzàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殯葬 |
bīnzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賓主 |
bìnzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臏足 |
bīpò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼迫 |
bíqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荸薺 |
bǐqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙棄 |
bǐqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比起 |
bìqiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婢妾 |
bǐqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吡嗪 |
bìqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁球 |
bǐqiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比丘 |
bǐqiūní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比丘尼 |
bìrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必然 |
bìrán wángguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必然王國 |
bìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敝人 |
bìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璧人 |
bìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬖人 |
bǐrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙人 |
bīrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼人 |
bǐrú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比如 |
bǐsà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比薩 |
bǐsàbǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比薩餅 |
bísāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻塞 |
bǐsài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比賽 |
bísè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻塞 |
bìsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉塞 |
bìsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔽塞 |
bìsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧色 |
bìshang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉上 |
Bǐshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比紹 |
bìshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必勝 |
bìshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢生 |
bíshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻屎 |
bìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避世 |
bìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁飾 |
bìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 币市 |
bìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拂士 |
bìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉市 |
bìshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁蝨 |
bǐshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彼時 |
bǐshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆石 |
bǐshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆試 |
bǐshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙視 |
bǐshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比試 |
bǐshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆勢 |
bǐshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙事 |
Bǐshíkǎikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比什凱克 |
bìshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匕首 |
bǐshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匕首 |
bìshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避暑 |
bíshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻水 |
bìshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避稅 |
bìshuìgǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避稅港 |
Bìshǔ Shānzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避暑山莊 |
Bìsònglóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皕宋樓 |
bǐsú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙俗 |
bǐtán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆談 |
bǐtè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比特 |
bǐtèbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比特幣 |
bítì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻涕 |
bítìchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻涕蟲 |
bǐtǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆挺 |
bǐtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆筒 |
bítóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻頭 |
biu {interj} | :: alternative form of biù |
biù {interj} [possibly childish, onomatopoeia] /biù/ | :: sound of gun shot; pew |
bǐwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆誤 |
bíxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻息 |
bìxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避席 |
bìxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬖習 |
bǐxǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆洗 |
bìxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陛下 |
bìxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避嫌 |
bīxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼肖 |
bíxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻血 |
bìxié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辟邪 |
bìxié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避邪 |
bìxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萆薢 |
bìxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璧謝 |
bǐxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆芯 |
bǐxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆心 |
bǐxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比心 |
bǐxióngquǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比熊犬 |
bìxì | :: pinyin reading of 贔屓 |
bìxì | :: pinyin reading of 贔屭 |
bíxíròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻息肉 |
bíxīròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻息肉 |
Bìxiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壁宿 |
bìxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必修 |
bìxiūkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必修課 |
Bìxiùwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢宿五 |
bìxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必須 |
bìxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必需 |
bìxū ānjīsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必需氨基酸 |
bíxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻血 |
bíxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻血 |
bìxūpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必需品 |
bìxū zhīfángsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必需脂肪酸 |
bíyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻炎 |
bíyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻癌 |
bíyān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻煙 |
bíyān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻菸 |
bíyān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻咽 |
bìyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉眼 |
bìyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧眼 |
bíyān'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻咽癌 |
bīyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屄樣 |
bīyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屄養 |
bíyāngāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻煙膏 |
bíyānhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻煙壺 |
bíyānhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻菸壺 |
bìyǎntóngyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧眼童顏 |
bíyānwō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻煙窩 |
bíyānwō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻菸窩 |
bíyānyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻咽癌 |
bìyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必要 |
bìyàoxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 必要性 |
bìyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢業 |
bìyè lùnwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢業論文 |
bìyèshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢業生 |
bìyè zhèngshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畢業證書 |
bíyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻翼 |
bìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裨益 |
bìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避疫 |
bìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避役 |
bìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敝邑 |
bìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辟易 |
bìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愊憶 |
bǐyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙夷 |
bǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比翼 |
bǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆意 |
bǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄙意 |
bǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆譯 |
bǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比譯 |
bíyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻音 |
bìyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辟雍 |
bìyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辟廱 |
bìyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辟雝 |
bìyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廦廱 |
bìyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璧雍 |
bìyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璧廱 |
bìyòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庇佑 |
bìyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碧玉 |
bìyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避雨 |
bǐyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比喻 |
bìyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避孕 |
bìyùntào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避孕套 |
bìyùnwán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避孕丸 |
bìyùnyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避孕藥 |
bǐzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比照 |
bǐzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆者 |
bìzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避震 |
bīzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逼真 |
bìzhènqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 避震器 |
bìzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幣值 |
bǐzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筆直 |
bǐzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比重 |
bìzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臂助 |
bízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻子 |
bízǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻子 |
bízǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼻祖 |
bìzuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閉嘴 |
bìzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吡唑 |
bǐzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吡唑 |
bǐzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 比作 |
BL {n} | :: boys' love (yaoi media) |
bo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜 |
bo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啵 |
bo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噃 |
bo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔔 |
bo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bō |
bo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bó |
bo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǒ |
bo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bò |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亳 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佤 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侼 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僰 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勃 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚗 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壆 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孛 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶏 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帛 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悍 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愽 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懪 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拍 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挬 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搏 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敀 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暡 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曐 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栢 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桲 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欂 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泊 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泺 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浡 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渤 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溡 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濼 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀐 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煿 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爀 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牔 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犥 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犻 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猼 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓋 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓝 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礴 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箔 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簙 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簿 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糪 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胉 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脖 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膊 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舶 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艊 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艳 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苩 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苼 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荸 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菒 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菦 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葧 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒰 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔔 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕂 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薜 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袯 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襏 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襮 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誖 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謈 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豰 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跑 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踄 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踣 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郣 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈸 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉑 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋍 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎛 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑮 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钸 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铂 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雸 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餑 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餺 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饽 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馎 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馞 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駁 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駮 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驳 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髆 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魂 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮊 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲌 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵓 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹁 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑟 |
bó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔜 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孹 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挀 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擘 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栢 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檗 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疈 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簸 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繴 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薜 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘖 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘗 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譒 |
bò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 北 |
bǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撬 |
bǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箥 |
bǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簶 |
bǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚾 |
bǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跛 |
bǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駊 |
bǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剚 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剥 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 収 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哱 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坸 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墏 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶓 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弻 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拨 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撬 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柭 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泻 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潐 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潒 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 番 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癶 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 發 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盋 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砵 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碆 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磻 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 缽 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舢 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕂 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袚 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趴 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹳 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉢 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钵 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餑 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饹 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驋 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髉 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮁 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱍 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲅 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播 |
bō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𨨏 |
bo0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bo |
bo1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bō |
bo2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bó |
bo3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǒ |
bo4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bò |
bo5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bo |
bō-á {def} SEE: 帽仔 | :: |
bó'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博愛 |
bô-ài {def} SEE: 無愛 | :: |
bó'àizuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博愛座 |
boán-hōe {def} SEE: 晚會 | :: |
boán-ì {def} SEE: 滿意 | :: |
bōbà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波霸 |
bòbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播報 |
bōbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播報 |
bòbàoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播報員 |
bōbàoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播報員 |
bô-beh {def} SEE: 無欲 | :: |
bòbǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擘餅 |
bóbo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯伯 |
bóbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勃勃 |
bóbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄薄 |
bóbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泊泊 |
bǒbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯伯 |
bōbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波波 |
bōbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趵趵 |
bōbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱍鱍 |
bōbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝剝 |
bōbōtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波波頭 |
bô-būn-tê {def} SEE: 無問題 | :: |
bô-būn-tôe {def} SEE: 無問題 | :: |
bōcài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠菜 |
bōcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波長 |
bóchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泊車 |
bóchì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駁斥 |
bòchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播出 |
bōchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播出 |
Bócíwǎnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博茨瓦納 |
bócuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄脆 |
bódà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博大 |
bódàjīngshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博大精深 |
bódǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駁倒 |
bódǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博導 |
bódāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄刀 |
bódé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博得 |
Bōdégēlǐchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波德戈里察 |
bódòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搏動 |
bōdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波動 |
bōdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥動 |
bódòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搏鬥 |
bōduó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝奪 |
Bōduōlígè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波多黎各 |
Bōduōlígè Zìyóubāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波多黎各自由邦 |
bōe-bái {def} SEE: 𣍐䆀 | :: |
boe̍h-á {def} SEE: 襪仔 | :: |
bó'èr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博二 |
Bō'ěrduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波爾多 |
bófā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勃發 |
bòfàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放 |
bōfàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放 |
bòfàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放機 |
bōfàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放機 |
bòfàngliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放量 |
bōfàngliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放量 |
bòfàng lièbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放列表 |
bōfàng lièbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放列表 |
bòfàngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放器 |
bōfàngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播放器 |
bófù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯父 |
bófǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搏拊 |
bōfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波幅 |
bōfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播幅 |
bōfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥付 |
Bōgēdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波哥大 |
bógěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脖頸 |
bógǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博古 |
bógǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髆骨 |
Bógǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄古 |
bōguānglínlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波光粼粼 |
bōguāngzhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝光豬 |
bógǔtōngjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博古通今 |
Bó Hǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渤海 |
bōhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥號 |
bòhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄荷 |
bòhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄荷 |
Bōhēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波黑 |
bóhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄厚 |
bóhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博後 |
bòhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擘畫 |
bóhuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駁回 |
bóhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博會 |
bô-iàu-kín {def} SEE: 無要緊 | :: |
bójí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搏擊 |
bójī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搏擊 |
bòji {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簸箕 |
bòjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簸箕 |
bōjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波及 |
bǒjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跛腳 |
bójué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯爵 |
bójuéchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯爵茶 |
bōkāi yúnwù jiàn qīngtiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥開雲霧見青天 |
bô-kâng {def} SEE: 無仝 | :: |
bo̍k-chêng {def} SEE: 目前 | :: |
bókè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博客 |
bòkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播客 |
bōkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播客 |
bōkuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥款 |
bólái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舶來 |
bóláipǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舶來品 |
bólǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博覽 |
bòlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擘藍 |
bōlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波瀾 |
bōlàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波浪 |
bōlanggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥浪鼓 |
bōlanggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波浪鼓 |
bōlànggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥浪鼓 |
bōlànggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波浪鼓 |
bólǎnhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博覽會 |
Bōlányǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波蘭語 |
Bólātú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏拉圖 |
Bólātú-shì àiqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏拉圖式愛情 |
Bólātú-shì liàn'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏拉圖式戀愛 |
Bólè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博樂 |
bōléng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠薐 |
bōléngcài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠薐菜 |
bōléngcài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠稜菜 |
bólì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄利 |
Bólì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯力 |
bólǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯理 |
bōli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃 |
bōlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃 |
bóliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 白蘞 |
bōlibǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃版 |
bōlibēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃杯 |
Bólín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏林 |
Bólíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博陵 |
Bōlìníxīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波利尼西亞 |
Bōlìníxīyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波利尼西亞 |
bōlisī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃絲 |
bōlísī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃絲 |
bōli tiānhuābǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃天花板 |
Bóliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帛琉 |
bōlixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玻璃心 |
bólǐxǐtiāndé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯理璽天德 |
Bólìzī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯利茲 |
bô-lōa-kú {def} SEE: 無偌久 | :: |
bòluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播亂 |
bōluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播亂 |
bōluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠蘿 |
bōluóbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠蘿包 |
Bóluóbēnnísā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯羅奔尼撒 |
Bóluóbēnnísā Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯羅奔尼撒半島 |
bōluómì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠蘿蜜 |
bōluómì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波羅蜜 |
bōluómì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠羅蜜 |
bōluóyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菠蘿油 |
bóměiquǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博美犬 |
bómìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄命 |
bómó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄膜 |
bómò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄膜 |
bómù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄暮 |
bómǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯母 |
bōnong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥弄 |
bōnòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥弄 |
bōpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝皮 |
bóqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荸薺 |
bóqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葧薺 |
bóqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勃起 |
bòqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簸箕 |
bóqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄情 |
bóqīnggē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏青哥 |
bórán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勃然 |
bórán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浡然 |
bórán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艴然 |
bórándànù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勃然大怒 |
bōrě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 般若 |
bōrǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥冗 |
bóruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄弱 |
bósān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博三 |
bòsàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播散 |
bōsàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播散 |
Bósè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百色 |
bōsèmǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波瑟姆 |
bóshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博深 |
bóshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博士 |
bóshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搏噬 |
bóshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襏襫 |
bóshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯氏 |
bóshìdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博士點 |
bóshìhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博士後 |
bóshì lùnwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博士論文 |
bóshìmǎilǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博士買驢 |
Bōshìníyà yǔ Hèsègēwéinà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 |
Bōshìníyǎ yǔ Hèsègēwéinà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 |
bóshìshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博士生 |
bóshì xuéwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博士學位 |
bóshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏樹 |
bóshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帛書 |
bōshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波束 |
bōshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波數 |
bósì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博四 |
Bósī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏斯 |
Bōsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波斯 |
bô-sim-sek {def} SEE: 無心適 | :: |
Bōsīníyà hé Hēisàigēwéinà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那 |
Bōsīníyǎ hé Hēisàigēwéinà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那 |
Bōsī Wān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波斯灣 |
bōsīyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波斯語 |
bòsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播送 |
bōsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播送 |
bōtáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波濤 |
bōtāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波濤 |
Bōwān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波灣 |
bówén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博文 |
bówén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博聞 |
bówén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僰文 |
bówù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄霧 |
bówù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博物 |
bówù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舶物 |
bówùguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博物館 |
bówùguǎnxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博物館學 |
bówùxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博物學 |
bówùyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博物院 |
bóxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 百姓 |
bóxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄幸 |
bóxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄倖 |
bóxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄行 |
bóxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勃興 |
bǒxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跛行 |
bóxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博學 |
bōxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝削 |
bōxuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剝削 |
bóxuéduōcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博學多才 |
bóxuéqiángjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博學強記 |
bóyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博一 |
bòyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播音 |
bōyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播音 |
bōyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波音 |
Bōyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波音 |
bóyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏油 |
bóyóulù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柏油路 |
bōyúnjiànrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撥雲見日 |
Bōzhánà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波札那 |
bōzhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波折 |
bōzhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 波磔 |
bózhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯仲 |
bòzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播種 |
bōzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播種 |
bōzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 播種 |
Bōzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶓冢 |
bózhòngshújì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯仲叔季 |
bózhòngshūjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伯仲叔季 |
Bózhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亳州 |
Bòzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亳州 |
bózhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 博主 |
bózi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脖子 |
bózi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駁子 |
bǒzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跛子 |
BP机 {def} SEE: BP機 | :: |
BP機 {n} /bìpìjī,py/ | :: pager (device) |
BT {n} | :: initialism of BitTorrent |
BT {n} [internet slang] | :: initialism of 變態 pervert |
bu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bū |
bu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bú |
bu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bǔ |
bu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of bù |
bú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繼 |
bú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轎 |
bú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醪 |
bú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樸 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卢 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吥 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咘 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埔 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埗 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埚 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埠 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怖 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悑 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捗 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歨 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歩 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溡 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓪 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篰 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簼 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荹 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菦 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔀 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薄 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郶 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈈 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陃 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞭 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餢 |
bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮬 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卟 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哺 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堖 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擈 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 补 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餒 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳪 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵍 |
bǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埔 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峬 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庯 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惚 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扑 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晡 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誤 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逋 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈺 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餔 |
bū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵏 |
bu1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bū |
bu2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bú |
bu3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bǔ |
bu4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of bù |
bù'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不安 |
bù'ānzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不安症 |
bùbǎohé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不飽和 |
bùbǎohé zhīfángsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不飽和脂肪酸 |
bùbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不備 |
bùbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不必 |
bùbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不比 |
bùbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不便 |
bùbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不變 |
bùbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步兵 |
bùbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步步 |
bǔbǔmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜卜米 |
bùcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不才 |
bùcéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不曾 |
bùcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不常 |
bùcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步長 |
bǔcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補償 |
bùchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不成 |
bùchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布城 |
Bùchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布城 |
bùchéngbǐlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不成比例 |
bùchéngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不成器 |
bùchéngtǐtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不成體統 |
bùchéngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不成文 |
bùchéngwénfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不成文法 |
bùchì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不啻 |
bùchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不齒 |
bùchǐxiàwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不恥下問 |
bǔchōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補充 |
bǔchōngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補充劑 |
bùchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步出 |
bùchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不出 |
bùchuǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不揣 |
bùchuǎimàomèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不揣冒昧 |
bùchūsuǒliào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不出所料 |
bùcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不辭 |
bǔcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜辭 |
bùcíxīnkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不辭辛苦 |
bùcóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步從 |
bùcóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部從 |
bùcóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不從 |
Bùcūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布村 |
bùcuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不錯 |
bùdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不大 |
bù dǎ bù chéng qì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不打不成器 |
bùdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布袋 |
bùdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不待 |
bùdàishuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不待說 |
búdàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不但 |
bùdàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不但 |
bùdàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不憚 |
bùdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不單 |
Bùdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不丹 |
bùdàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不當 |
bù dāngjiā bùzhī cháimǐ guì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不當家不知柴米貴 |
Bùdān Wángguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不丹王國 |
budào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不到 |
búdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不到 |
bùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不到 |
bùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布道 |
bùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈道 |
bùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不道 |
bùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步道 |
bùdàodé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不道德 |
bùdǎowēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不倒翁 |
budé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得 |
bùdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得 |
bùdébù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得不 |
bùdé'érzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得而知 |
bùdéjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得勁 |
bùdéjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得勁 |
bùdéliǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得了 |
bùděng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不等 |
bùděnghào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不等號 |
bùděngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不等式 |
bùdérénxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得人心 |
bùdéyàolǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得要領 |
bùdéyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不得已 |
bùdí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不敵 |
bùdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布店 |
bùdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布甸 |
bùdiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步調 |
bùdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不定 |
bùdīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布丁 |
bǔding {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補丁 |
bǔding {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補靪 |
bǔding {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補釘 |
bùdìngguàncí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不定冠詞 |
bùdǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不懂 |
bùdòngchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不動產 |
bùduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不斷 |
bùduān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不端 |
bùduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不對 |
bùduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部隊 |
bùduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步隊 |
bùduìchèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不對稱 |
bùduìjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不對勁 |
bù'èr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不二 |
bù'èrzhīxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不二之選 |
bùfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步伐 |
bùfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不乏 |
bùfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不法 |
bùfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步法 |
bùfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步伐 |
bùfādá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不發達 |
bùfādá guójiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不發達國家 |
bùfán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不凡 |
bùfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不妨 |
bùfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布防 |
bùfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不防 |
bùfáqírén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不乏其人 |
bùfáxiānlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不乏先例 |
bùfěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不菲 |
bùfen {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部分 |
bùfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部分 |
bùfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部份 |
bùfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不忿 |
bùfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不分 |
bǔfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卟吩 |
bùfēnbózhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不分伯仲 |
bùfen zhǔnbèijīn yínháng zhìdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部分準備金銀行制度 |
bùfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不符 |
bùfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不服 |
bùfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步幅 |
bùfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不負 |
bùfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不復 |
bùfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布覆 |
bùfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不敷 |
bùfúshuǐtǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不服水土 |
bùgāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不該 |
bǔgài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補鈣 |
bùgān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不甘 |
bùgānbùjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不乾不淨 |
bùgǎndāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不敢當 |
bùgāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不綱 |
bùgānhòurén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不甘後人 |
bùgānjímò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不甘寂寞 |
bùgānjìmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不甘寂寞 |
bùgānluòhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不甘落後 |
bùgānshèzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不干涉主義 |
bùgānshìruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不甘示弱 |
bùgǎnwènjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不敢問津 |
bùgǎn yuè Léichí yībù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不敢越雷池一步 |
bùgào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈告 |
bùgāoxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不高興 |
bùgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不公 |
bùgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步弓 |
bùgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不恭 |
bùgòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不夠 |
bùgǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不苟 |
bùgǒuyánxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不苟言笑 |
bùgù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不顧 |
bùgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布穀 |
bǔguà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜卦 |
bùguàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不慣 |
bù guǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不管 |
bùguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不管 |
bùguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不關 |
bùguā shì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不關……的事 |
bùguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不光 |
bùguāntòngyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不關痛癢 |
bùguǎnzěnyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不管怎樣 |
bùguǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不軌 |
bùguīzé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不規則 |
bùguīzé dòngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不規則動詞 |
bùgǔniǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布穀鳥 |
bùguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不過 |
bǔguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補鍋 |
Bùhālā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布哈拉 |
bùhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不好 |
bùhǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不好 |
bùhǎoyìsi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不好意思 |
bùhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不和 |
bùhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不合 |
bùhéfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不合法 |
bùhéshíyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不合時宜 |
bùhuàjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步話機 |
bù huàn guǎ ér huàn bùjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不患寡而患不均 |
bùhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不會 |
bùhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不諱 |
bùhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部會 |
bǔhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕獲 |
bǔhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補貨 |
bùhuòyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不獲已 |
bùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不及 |
bùjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不計 |
bùjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不濟 |
bùjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簿記 |
bǔjǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補給 |
bùjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步甲 |
bùjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不佳 |
bùjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不家 |
bùjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不加 |
bùjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不見 |
bùjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部件 |
bùjiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不檢 |
bùjiàndé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不見得 |
bùjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部將 |
bùjiàn guāncai bù diàolèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不見棺材不掉淚 |
bùjiāobúzào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不驕不躁 |
bùjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不解 |
bùjígé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不及格 |
bùjī jiāodài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布基膠帶 |
bùjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不盡 |
bùjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步進 |
bùjǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不僅 |
bùjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不禁 |
bùjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布巾 |
Bùjínà Fǎsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布吉納法索 |
Bùjīnà Fǎsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布基納法索 |
bùjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈景 |
bùjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不景 |
bùjìng'érzǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不脛而走 |
bùjǐngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不景氣 |
bùjìqíshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不計其數 |
bùjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不久 |
bǔjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補救 |
bùjíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不及物 |
bùjíwù dòngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不及物動詞 |
bùjú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈局 |
bùjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不拘 |
bùjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部居 |
bǔjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜居 |
bǔjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補苴 |
bùjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不絕 |
bùjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不覺 |
bùjuéyú'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不絕於耳 |
bùjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不均 |
bùkān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不堪 |
bùkān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不刊 |
bùkānrùmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不堪入目 |
bùkānshèxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不堪設想 |
bǔkǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補考 |
bùkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不克 |
bùkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可 |
bǔkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補課 |
bǔkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜課 |
būkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逋客 |
bùkěbìmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可避免 |
bùkěhuòquē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可或缺 |
bùkějiùyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可救藥 |
bùkěkànglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可抗力 |
bùkělǐyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可理喻 |
bùkěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不肯 |
bùkěnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可能 |
bù kèqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不客氣 |
bùkěsīyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可思議 |
bùkēxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不科學 |
bùkěyìxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可譯性 |
bùkězhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可知 |
bùkězhuōmō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不可捉摸 |
bùkōngchéngjiùrúlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不空成就如來 |
bùkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不快 |
bǔkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕快 |
bùkuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不愧 |
bùkuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不匱 |
Bùlācháiwéi'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布拉柴維爾 |
bùlācháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布拉腸 |
Bùlāgé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布拉格 |
Bùlāgēwéishēnsīkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布拉戈維申斯克 |
bùlài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不賴 |
Bùlái'ēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布萊恩 |
Bùlǎngkèsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布朗克斯 |
bùlǎngní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布朗尼 |
bùláo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不牢 |
bùlǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不老 |
bǔlāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕撈 |
bùlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不利 |
bùlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不力 |
bùlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不理 |
bùliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不良 |
bùliángrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不良人 |
bùliáng shàonián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不良少年 |
bùliào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不料 |
bùliào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布料 |
bùliǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不了 |
bùliǎoliǎozhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不了了之 |
bǔliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕獵 |
Bùlièdiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不列顛 |
Bùlièdiān Gēlúnbǐyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不列顛哥倫比亞 |
Bùlièdiān Gēlúnbǐyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不列顛哥倫比亞 |
Bùlièdiān Qúndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不列顛群島 |
bùlièdiān zhànyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不列顛戰役 |
Bùlièdiān Zhūdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不列顛諸島 |
bǔlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜鄰 |
bǔlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卟啉 |
Bùlǐsībān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布裡斯班 |
Bùlǐsīběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布里斯本 |
bùliúyúdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不留餘地 |
Bùlóngfāngdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布隆方丹 |
bùlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步履 |
bùlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不論 |
Bùlǔnuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布魯諾 |
bùluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部落 |
bùluògé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部落格 |
bùluòkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部落客 |
Bùlǔsài'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布魯塞爾 |
bùlǚwéijiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步履維艱 |
bùmǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不滿 |
bùmǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布滿 |
bùmǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈滿 |
bùmáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不毛 |
bùmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部門 |
bùmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不免 |
bùmiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不妙 |
bùmiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不滅 |
bùmǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不敏 |
bùmǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不泯 |
bùmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不明 |
bùmíngjuélì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不明覺厲 |
bù míng zé yǐ, yīmíngjīngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不鳴則已,一鳴驚人 |
bùmóu'érhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不謀而合 |
bùnàifán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不耐煩 |
bùnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不能 |
bùnéng bù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不能不 |
bûn-ha̍k {def} SEE: 文學 | :: |
bûn-hòa {def} SEE: 文化 | :: |
bùniǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步輦 |
bùníng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不寧 |
bùpà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不怕 |
bù pà màn, jiù pà zhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不怕慢,就怕站 |
bù pà màn, zhǐ pà zhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不怕慢,只怕站 |
bùpèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不配 |
bùpǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布匹 |
bùpǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布疋 |
bǔpiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補票 |
bǔpiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕票 |
bǔpiàochù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補票處 |
bǔpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補品 |
bùpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不平 |
bùpíngděng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不平等 |
bù píngděng tiáoyuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不平等條約 |
bùqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不起 |
bùqiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步槍 |
bǔqiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補強 |
bùqiètí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不切題 |
bùqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不清 |
Bùqióngbùlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布瓊布拉 |
bùqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不屈 |
bùqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步趨 |
bùqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部曲 |
bùquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不全 |
bǔquē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補缺 |
bǔquē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補闕 |
bùquèdìngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不確定性 |
bùrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不然 |
bùrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不日 |
bùróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不容 |
bùróngfēnshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不容分說 |
bùróngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不容易 |
bùróngzhìbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不容置辯 |
bùróngzhìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不容置喙 |
bùróngzhìyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不容置疑 |
bùrú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不如 |
bùrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步入 |
bǔrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哺乳 |
bǔrǔlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哺乳類 |
bùruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不若 |
bǔrǔshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哺乳室 |
bǔrǔshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哺乳室 |
bù rúyì shì, shí cháng bā jiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不如意事,十常八九 |
bùsānbùsì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不三不四 |
bùshàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不善 |
bùshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不上 |
bùshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步哨 |
bùshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布哨 |
bùshǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不少 |
bùshě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不捨 |
bùshěde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不捨得 |
bùshèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不慎 |
bùshèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不甚 |
bùshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不勝 |
bùshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不勝 |
bùshēngbùxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不聲不響 |
bùshèngméijǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不勝枚舉 |
bùshēngméijǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不勝枚舉 |
bùshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不是 |
bùshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不時 |
bùshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不識 |
bùshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不實 |
bùshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布什 |
Bùshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布什 |
bùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不是 |
bùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不適 |
bùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不識 |
bùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不仕 |
bùshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不失 |
bùshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布施 |
bùshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈施 |
bǔshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕食 |
bǔshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜筮 |
bùshì dōngxi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不是東西 |
bùshì...érshì... {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不是……而是…… |
bùshì...jiùshì... {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不是……就是…… |
bùshí Lúshān zhēnmiànmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不識廬山真面目 |
bùshì Lúshān zhēnmiànmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不識廬山真面目 |
bùshì ma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不是嗎 |
bù shí rénjiān yānhuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不食人間煙火 |
bùshīshíjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不失時機 |
bùshīwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不失為 |
bùshìwèir {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不是味兒 |
bùshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部首 |
bù shòu huānyíng de rén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不受歡迎的人 |
bùshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部署 |
bùshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布署 |
bùshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部署 |
bùshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布署 |
bùshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部屬 |
bùshuǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不爽 |
bùshūfu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不舒服 |
bùshùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不順 |
bǔshǔqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕鼠器 |
bùsǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不死 |
bùsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不送 |
bùsú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不俗 |
bùsuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不算 |
bùsuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布算 |
bùtài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不太 |
bùtài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步態 |
bǔtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補臺 |
bǔtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補體 |
bùtiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不腆 |
bùtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布條 |
bǔtiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補貼 |
bùtíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不停 |
bùtīng lǎorén yán, chīkuī zài yǎnqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不聽老人言,吃虧在眼前 |
bùtóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不同 |
bùtōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不通 |
bùtòngbùyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不痛不癢 |
bùtóngfánxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不同凡響 |
bùtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埠頭 |
bùtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埠頭 |
bùtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步頭 |
bùtòumíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不透明 |
bùtuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不妥 |
bùwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不外 |
bùwàihū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不外乎 |
bùwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不忘 |
bùwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不枉 |
bùwáwa {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布娃娃 |
bùwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部位 |
bùwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不畏 |
bùwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不謂 |
bùwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怖畏 |
bùwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不問 |
bǔwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜問 |
bùwénbùwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不聞不問 |
bùwùzhèngyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不務正業 |
bùxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不惜 |
bùxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不息 |
bùxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不惜 |
bùxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不稀 |
bùxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不希 |
bùxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不息 |
bǔxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補習 |
bùxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部下 |
bùxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不下 |
bùxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布下 |
bùxiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不詳 |
bùxiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不祥 |
bùxiàngbózhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不相伯仲 |
bùxiānggān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不相干 |
bùxiāngshàngxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不相上下 |
bùxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不孝 |
bùxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不肖 |
bùxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步校 |
bùxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不消 |
bùxiāoshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不消說 |
bùxiào zǐsūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不肖子孫 |
bǔxíbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補習班 |
bùxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不懈 |
bùxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不屑 |
bùxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不謝 |
bǔxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補血 |
bǔxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補寫 |
bùxièyīgù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不屑一顧 |
bùxìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不信 |
bǔxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補薪 |
búxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不幸 |
bùxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不行 |
bùxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步行 |
bùxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不幸 |
bùxíngchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步行蟲 |
bùxíngjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步行街 |
bùxíngzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步行者 |
bǔxíshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補習社 |
bùxiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不朽 |
bùxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不休 |
bǔxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補修 |
bǔxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補休 |
bùxiùgāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不鏽鋼 |
bùxiùgāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不銹鋼 |
bùxǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不許 |
bǔxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補選 |
bǔxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補血 |
bǔxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補血 |
bùxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不遜 |
bùyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不雅 |
bǔyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補牙 |
bùyán'éryù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不言而喻 |
bǔyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補養 |
bǔyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哺養 |
bùyángwáwa {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布洋娃娃 |
bùyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不要 |
bǔyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補藥 |
bùyàobùyàode {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不要不要的 |
bùyào dānxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不要擔心 |
bùyàojǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不要緊 |
bùyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不夜 |
bǔyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補液 |
bùyèchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不夜城 |
bùyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不宜 |
bùyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不移 |
bùyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不遺 |
bùyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不意 |
bùyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不義 |
bùyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不易 |
bùyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不已 |
bùyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不一 |
bùyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布衣 |
bùyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不依 |
bǔyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補遺 |
bǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補益 |
bǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕役 |
bǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補液 |
bùyídìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不一定 |
bùyīdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不一定 |
bùyī'érzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不一而足 |
bùyīhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不一會 |
bùyìlèhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不亦樂乎 |
bùyǐwéirán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不以為然 |
bùyīyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不一樣 |
bǔyìyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補益藥 |
bùyíyúlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不遺餘力 |
bùyīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不一致 |
búyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不用 |
bùyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不用 |
bùyòngshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不用說 |
bùyòngxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不用謝 |
bùyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不由 |
bùyóude {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不由得 |
bùyóufēnshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不由分說 |
bùyóuzìzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不由自主 |
bùyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不虞 |
bùyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不渝 |
bùyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不予 |
bùyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不語 |
bǔyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕魚 |
bǔyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哺育 |
bǔyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補語 |
bùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部員 |
bùyuē'értóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不約而同 |
bùyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不孕 |
bùyùnzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不孕症 |
bùyúzhīyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不虞之譽 |
bùzài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不再 |
bùzài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不在 |
bùzàicháng zhèngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不在場證明 |
bùzàichǎng zhèngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不在場證明 |
bù zàihu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不在乎 |
bùzàihuàxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不在話下 |
bùzěnme {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不怎麼 |
bùzěnmeyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不怎麼樣 |
bùzéshǒuduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不擇手段 |
bǔzhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卜占 |
bùzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部長 |
bùzhébùkòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不折不扣 |
bùzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不振 |
bùzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部陣 |
bùzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布陣 |
bùzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不正 |
bǔzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補正 |
bùzhèngcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不正常 |
bùzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不值 |
bùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佈置 |
bùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不致 |
bùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不治 |
bùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不置 |
bùzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不止 |
bùzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不只 |
bùzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不支 |
bùzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不知 |
bùzhíde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不值得 |
bùzhídé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不值得 |
bùzhíqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不值錢 |
bùzhīqīměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不知妻美 |
bùzhìyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不致於 |
bùzhī zhě bù zuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不知者不罪 |
bùzhìzhīzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不治之症 |
bùzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不忠 |
bùzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不中 |
bùzhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步驟 |
bùzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不周 |
bùzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不住 |
bǔzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補助 |
bǔzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補註 |
bǔzhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補綴 |
bǔzhùjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補助金 |
bùzhǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不准 |
bùzhǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不準 |
bùzhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不著 |
bǔzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捕捉 |
bǔzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補拙 |
bùzhuóbiānjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不著邊際 |
bùzhuóhénjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不著痕跡 |
bùzhuóhénjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不著痕跡 |
bùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步子 |
bùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簿子 |
bùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餔子 |
bǔzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堡子 |
bùzìjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不自覺 |
bùzìliànglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不自量力 |
bùzìrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不自然 |
bùzòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步驟 |
bùzǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步走 |
bùzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不足 |
bùzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 部族 |
bùzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步卒 |
bùzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 步足 |
bǔzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 補足 |
bùzúdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不足道 |
bùzǔjīqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 布祖基琴 |
bùzuòwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不作為 |
bùzúwéiqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不足為奇 |
bùzúwéixùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不足為訓 |
bùzúzhīchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 不足之處 |
B版 {n} [Taiwan] /bì-bǎn,py/ | :: B-print |
B超 {n} [medicine] /bìchāo,py/ | :: ultrasound radiography |
B肝 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /bìgān,py/ | :: abbreviation of B型肝炎 |
B股 {n} /bìgǔ,py/ | :: stocks bought/sold in foreign currency |
B面 {n} /bì-miàn,py/ | :: B-side |
B細胞 {n} [immunology] /bì-xìbāo,py/ | :: B cell |
B细胞 {def} SEE: B細胞 | :: |
B型肝炎 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /bìxíng gānyán,py/ | :: hepatitis B |
B型血 {n} /bìxíng血/ | :: blood type B |
B站 {prop} [colloquial] /bì-zhàn,py/ | :: Bilibili |
ca {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cā |
ca {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cǎ |
ca {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cà |
cà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囃 |
cà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磣 |
cǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礤 |
cā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚓 |
cā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆 |
cā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擦 |
cā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔠 |
cā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䃰 |
ca1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cā |
ca3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cǎ |
ca4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cà |
cǎchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礤床 |
cāgān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擦乾 |
cai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cāi |
cai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cái |
cai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cǎi |
cai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cài |
cái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才 |
cái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材 |
cái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犲 |
cái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁 |
cái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財 |
cái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溨 |
cái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒲 |
cài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埰 |
cài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寀 |
cài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縩 |
cài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜 |
cài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔡 |
cài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采 |
cài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䰂 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倸 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婇 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棌 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睬 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綵 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跍 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跴 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踩 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釄 |
cǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采 |
cāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜 |
cai1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cāi |
cai2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cái |
cai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cǎi |
cai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cài |
càibǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜板 |
cǎibàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採辦 |
cǎibǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩筆 |
cǎicǎiyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采采蠅 |
cāicè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜測 |
cáichǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財產 |
càicháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜場 |
càichǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜場 |
cáichǎnquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財產權 |
cáichǎnshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財產稅 |
cáichǎnxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財產性 |
cǎichāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩超 |
cǎichē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩車 |
cáichǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁處 |
cāichū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜出 |
càidān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜單 |
cǎidàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩蛋 |
cǎidàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩旦 |
càidāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜刀 |
cáidé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才德 |
càidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜地 |
càidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埰地 |
càidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寀地 |
càidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采地 |
cǎidiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩電 |
cáidiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才調 |
càidòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜豆 |
cáiduó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁奪 |
cáiduó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁度 |
cāiduó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜度 |
cāiduò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜度 |
cáifá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財閥 |
cǎifǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採訪 |
cǎifǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踩訪 |
cáifèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才分 |
cáifeng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁縫 |
cáiféng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁縫 |
cǎifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采風 |
cáiféngshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁縫師 |
cáifù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財富 |
cáifù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才賦 |
cáifù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財賦 |
cáifù mìmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財富密碼 |
cáigàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才幹 |
cáigàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材幹 |
cáigān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材幹 |
cǎigòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採購 |
cáiguài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才怪 |
càiguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜館 |
cǎiguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採光 |
cǎihóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩虹 |
cǎihóngqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩虹旗 |
cáihuá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才華 |
càihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜花 |
cǎihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採花 |
cáihuáhéngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才華橫溢 |
cǎihuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩繪 |
cǎihuì bōli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩繪玻璃 |
cáihuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財貨 |
cǎijí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採集 |
cǎijí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寀集 |
cǎijí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採輯 |
cǎijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跴緝 |
cāijì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜忌 |
cáijiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁減 |
cáijiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁剪 |
càijiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜椒 |
cǎijié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採擷 |
cáijīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財經 |
cǎijuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩券 |
cáijué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁決 |
cǎijué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採掘 |
cáijùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才俊 |
cáijūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁軍 |
cáikuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財會 |
cǎikuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採礦 |
cǎiléi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩雷 |
cáilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財力 |
cáilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才力 |
cáilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材吏 |
cáilǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財禮 |
cǎilǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩禮 |
cáiliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財糧 |
cáiliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁量 |
cáiliào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材料 |
cáilù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財路 |
cáimào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才貌 |
cāiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜枚 |
cáimíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才名 |
cáimù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材木 |
cǎinà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採納 |
cáinéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才能 |
cáinián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財年 |
càiniǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜鳥 |
cǎinǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采女 |
cǎipái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綵排 |
cǎipái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綵牌 |
cáipàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁判 |
cáipànguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁判官 |
cáipànyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁判員 |
cǎipiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩票 |
càipǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜譜 |
cǎiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跴緝 |
cǎiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踩緝 |
cǎiqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩鉛 |
cǎiqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採取 |
cǎiquàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩券 |
cāiquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜拳 |
cáirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁人 |
cǎisè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩色 |
cǎisè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采色 |
cǎisè bōli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩色玻璃 |
cǎisè diànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩色電視 |
cǎisè diànshìjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩色電視機 |
cǎisè píngguāng yǐnxíng yǎnjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩色平光隱形眼鏡 |
cǎisè qiānbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩色鉛筆 |
cáishén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財神 |
càishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜市 |
càishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜式 |
càishìcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜市場 |
càishìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜市場 |
cáishù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材樹 |
càishū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜蔬 |
cáishūxuéqiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才疏學淺 |
cǎisù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩塑 |
cáitài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁汰 |
càitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜頭 |
cǎitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩頭 |
cǎitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綵頭 |
cáituán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財團 |
cáiwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財務 |
cáiwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財物 |
cáiwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才悟 |
cáiwù guǎnlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財務管理 |
cǎixiá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彩霞 |
cāixiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜想 |
càixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜心 |
cǎixíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採行 |
cáixué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才學 |
càiyáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜餚 |
cáiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才藝 |
cáiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材藝 |
cáiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁抑 |
càiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 采邑 |
càiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埰邑 |
càiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寀邑 |
cāiyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜疑 |
cǎiyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採用 |
càiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜油 |
cáiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財源 |
cáiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁員 |
cáiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才媛 |
càiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜園 |
cǎizé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採擇 |
cǎizhāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 採摘 |
cáizhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財長 |
cáizhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政 |
cáizhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁正 |
cáizhèngbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政部 |
cáizhèng bǔtiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政補貼 |
cáizhèng guǎtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政寡頭 |
cáizhèngjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政家 |
cáizhèng niándù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政年度 |
cáizhèngxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政學 |
cáizhèng zhèngcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財政政策 |
cáizhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材質 |
cáizhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才智 |
cáizhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裁制 |
cáizhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才質 |
cáizhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 材質 |
càizhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜汁 |
cāizhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猜中 |
cáizhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財主 |
cáizhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 財主 |
cáizǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才子 |
cáizǐ jiārén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 才子佳人 |
càizǐyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菜籽油 |
call机 {def} SEE: call機 | :: |
cāmǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擦抹 |
can {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cān |
can {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cán |
can {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cǎn |
can {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of càn |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬠 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬱 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惭 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 残 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淺 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚎 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝅 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠺 |
cán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚕 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叄 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叅 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孭 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掺 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摻 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澯 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灿 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璨 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粲 |
càn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薒 |
cǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惨 |
cǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憯 |
cǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昕 |
cǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朁 |
cǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穁 |
cǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黪 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傪 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叅 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喰 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湌 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓡 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謲 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飡 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驂 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰬 |
cān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 参 |
can1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cān |
can2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cán |
can3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cǎn |
can4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of càn |
cǎn'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘案 |
cǎnbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘白 |
cānbài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參拜 |
cánbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘暴 |
cānbiànliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參變量 |
cánbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘兵 |
cánbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘部 |
cánchā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘差 |
cānchā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐叉 |
cānchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐車 |
cáncún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘存 |
cǎndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘淡 |
cǎndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘澹 |
cāndāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐刀 |
cándí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘敵 |
cāndiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐墊 |
cándòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶豆 |
cándòubìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶豆病 |
cán'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶蛾 |
cánfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘廢 |
cang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cāng |
cang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cáng |
cang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cǎng |
cang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of càng |
cáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏 |
cáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匚 |
cáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣 |
cáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔮 |
cáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏 |
cáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑶 |
càng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賶 |
cǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苌 |
cǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒶 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仓 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仺 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伧 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傖 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凔 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵢 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沧 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滄 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獃 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舱 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苍 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螥 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶬 |
cāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸧 |
cang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cāng |
cang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cáng |
cang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cǎng |
cang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of càng |
cāngbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼白 |
cāngchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉儲 |
cāngchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉儲 |
cāngcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉促 |
cāngcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉猝 |
cāngcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉卒 |
cāngcuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼翠 |
cángfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏鋒 |
cānghǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滄海 |
cānghǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼海 |
cānghǎiyīsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滄海一粟 |
cānghuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉皇 |
cānghuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉黃 |
cānghuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉惶 |
cānghuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼黃 |
Cāngjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉頡 |
cāngkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼空 |
cāngkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉庫 |
cānglǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉廩 |
cāngmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼茫 |
cāngmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉忙 |
cāngmǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼莽 |
cāngmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼旻 |
cángnì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏匿 |
cāngqióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼穹 |
cāngqiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼穹 |
cāngsāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滄桑 |
cángshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏身 |
cángshēnchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏身處 |
cāngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼生 |
cángshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏書 |
cāngshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉鼠 |
cángshūjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藏書家 |
cāngtiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼天 |
cāngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參股 |
cānguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐館 |
cānguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參觀 |
cāngxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倉鴞 |
cāngying {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼蠅 |
cāngyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滄瀛 |
cāngyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼蠅 |
cāngyīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼鷹 |
cāngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒼鬱 |
cánhái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘骸 |
cánhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘害 |
cānhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參會 |
cānhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐會 |
cánjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘疾 |
cānjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參加 |
cánjiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶繭 |
cānjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參見 |
cānjiāzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參加者 |
cānjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐巾 |
cǎnjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘景 |
cānjīnzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐巾紙 |
cánjírén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘疾人 |
Cánjírén Àolínpǐkè yùndònghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘疾人奧林匹克運動會 |
cǎnjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘劇 |
cānjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐具 |
cánjuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘卷 |
cānjùdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐具墊 |
cānjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參軍 |
cānkàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參看 |
cānkǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參考 |
cānkǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參攷 |
cānkǎoshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參考書 |
cānkǎo wénxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參考文獻 |
cānkǎoxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參考系 |
cánkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘酷 |
cànkuākè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粲夸克 |
cánkuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慚愧 |
cànlàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燦爛 |
cànlàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粲爛 |
cānliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參量 |
cánliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘留 |
cánliú yìnglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘留應力 |
cānmóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參謀 |
cānmóuzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參謀長 |
cánniàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘念 |
cánpò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘破 |
cánquē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘缺 |
cánquē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘闕 |
cànrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粲然 |
cànrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燦然 |
cánrěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘忍 |
cānsài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參賽 |
cānsàizhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參賽者 |
cánsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慚色 |
cánshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘殺 |
cánshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶沙 |
cǎnshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘殺 |
cánshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶食 |
cǎnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘事 |
cānshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參事 |
cānshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐室 |
cānshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐室 |
cānshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參數 |
cǎnsǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘死 |
cāntiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參天 |
cāntīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐廳 |
cāntīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歺厅 |
càntou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孱頭 |
cāntòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參透 |
cǎnxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘象 |
cānxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參選 |
cānyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參謁 |
cányǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶蟻 |
cānyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參議 |
cānyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐椅 |
cānyǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐飲 |
cānyǐnyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐飲業 |
cānyìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參議員 |
cānyìyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參議院 |
cányú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘餘 |
cānyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參與 |
cānyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參預 |
cānyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參與 |
cányuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘月 |
cányuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠶月 |
cānyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參閱 |
cānyùgǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參與感 |
cānyǔgǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參與感 |
cānyùzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參與者 |
cānyǔzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參與者 |
cānzàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參贊 |
cǎnzāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘遭 |
cānzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參戰 |
cānzhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參展 |
cánzhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘障 |
cānzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參照 |
cānzhàoxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參照系 |
cānzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參政 |
cānzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參證 |
cánzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殘帙 |
cǎnzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慘重 |
cānzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐桌 |
cānzhuō diànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餐桌墊子 |
cao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cāo |
cao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cáo |
cao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cǎo |
cao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cào |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傮 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘈 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶆 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曹 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曺 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槽 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漕 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艚 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓸 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螬 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褿 |
cáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏪 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慞 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擌 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漕 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肏 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襙 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 速 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄳 |
cào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操 |
cǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屭 |
cǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愺 |
cǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愼 |
cǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懆 |
cǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艸 |
cǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草 |
cǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騲 |
cāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撡 |
cāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操 |
cāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澡 |
cāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糙 |
cāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄵 |
cao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cāo |
cao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cáo |
cao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cǎo |
cao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cào |
cǎo'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草案 |
cāobàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操辦 |
cǎoběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草本 |
cǎoběn zhíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草本植物 |
cǎocǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草草 |
cǎocháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草場 |
cǎochǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草場 |
cāocháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操場 |
cāochǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操場 |
cāochi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操持 |
cāochí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操持 |
cǎochuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草創 |
cǎocóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草叢 |
cǎodì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草地 |
cǎoduò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草垛 |
cǎogānlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草甘膦 |
cǎogānlìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草甘膦 |
cǎogǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草稿 |
cǎogēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草根 |
cǎogū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草菇 |
Cáoguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曹國 |
cǎohuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草花 |
cǎojiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草菅 |
cǎojiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草芥 |
cāokòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操控 |
cāoláo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操勞 |
cāoliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操練 |
cǎolǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草綠 |
cāolǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操慮 |
cáoluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘈亂 |
cǎoméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草莓 |
cǎoméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草煤 |
cǎomèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草昧 |
cāomǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糙米 |
cǎomín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草民 |
cǎomù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草木 |
cǎonǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草擬 |
cǎopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草皮 |
cāopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糙皮 |
cāopí cè'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糙皮側耳 |
cǎopíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草坪 |
cáorǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘈嚷 |
caoser {n} [neologism, ACG, vulgar, derogatory] | :: cosplayer who provides prostitute service |
cǎoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草食 |
cāoshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操守 |
cāoshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操手 |
cǎoshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草書 |
cǎoshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草蔬 |
cǎoshuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草率 |
cǎosuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草酸 |
Cáo Wèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曹魏 |
cǎoxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草席 |
cǎoxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草蓆 |
cǎoxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草檄 |
Cáoxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曹縣 |
cǎoxié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草鞋 |
cāoxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操心 |
cāoxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操行 |
cáoyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槽牙 |
cāoyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操演 |
cǎoyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草藥 |
cǎoyě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草野 |
cǎoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草原 |
cáoyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漕運 |
cáozá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘈雜 |
cáozáshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘈雜聲 |
cǎozé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草澤 |
cǎozìtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 草字頭 |
cāozòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操縱 |
cāozònggān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操縱桿 |
cāozuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操作 |
cāozuò xìtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 操作系統 |
cā pìgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擦屁股 |
cāshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擦拭 |
cāzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擦子 |
CD {n} /xìdì,py/ | :: CD, compact disk (Classifier: m:張) |
CD-jī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of CD機 |
CD播放机 {def} SEE: CD播放機 | :: |
CD播放機 {n} /xìdì 播fàngjī,py/ | :: CD player |
CD播放器 {n} /xìdì 播fàngqì,py/ | :: CD player |
CD光盘 {def} SEE: CD光盤 | :: |
CD光盤 {n} [computing] /sèidì guāngpán,py/ | :: compact disc |
CD机 {def} SEE: CD機 | :: |
CD機 {n} /xìdìjī,py/ | :: CD player |
ce {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cè |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侧 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冊 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 册 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厔 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厕 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫧 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庼 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恻 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憡 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拺 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敇 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柵 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柾 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 测 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溫 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畟 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矠 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笧 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筞 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筴 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箣 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粣 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茦 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荜 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萗 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萳 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓛 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遪 |
cè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頙 |
ce4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cè |
cèbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁篦 |
cèbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側邊 |
cèchè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁轍 |
cèchóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁籌 |
cèdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測地 |
cèdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測定 |
cèdìxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測地學 |
cèdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策動 |
cè'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側耳 |
cèfǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策反 |
cèfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冊封 |
cèfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側鋒 |
cègāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁缸 |
cèhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策劃 |
cèhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側化 |
cèhuǎngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測謊機 |
cèhuǎngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測謊器 |
cèhuǎngyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測謊儀 |
cèhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測繪 |
cèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𤭢 |
cei4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cèi |
cèjiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測檢 |
cèjiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁簡 |
cèliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測量 |
cèliángxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測量學 |
cèliángyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測量員 |
cèlòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側漏 |
cèlüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策略 |
cèmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策馬 |
cèmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側門 |
cèmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側面 |
cen {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cēn |
cen {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cén |
cén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埁 |
cén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岑 |
cén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梣 |
cén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橬 |
cén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涔 |
cén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硭 |
cén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笒 |
cēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叄 |
cēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參 |
cēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵾 |
cēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梫 |
cēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篳 |
cen1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cēn |
cen2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cén |
cēncī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 參差 |
ceng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cēng |
ceng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of céng |
ceng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cèng |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 层 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶒 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曾 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碀 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竲 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繑 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 缬 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹭 |
céng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄫 |
cèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹭 |
cēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噌 |
cēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曽 |
ceng1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cēng |
ceng2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of céng |
ceng4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cèng |
céngcéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 層層 |
céngchūbùqióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 層出不窮 |
céngcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 層次 |
céngdié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 層疊 |
cèngfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹭飯 |
céngjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曾經 |
céng jīng cānghǎi nán wéi shuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曾經滄海難為水 |
cēnglín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噌啉 |
céngmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 層面 |
céngyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 層雲 |
cènián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測年 |
cénjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岑寂 |
cénjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岑寂 |
Cénxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岑溪 |
cèpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測評 |
cèshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測試 |
cèshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側視 |
cèshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側室 |
cèshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策士 |
cèshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策試 |
cèshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側室 |
cèsuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測算 |
cèsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁所 |
cèwēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測溫 |
cèwén húláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側紋胡狼 |
cèyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 測驗 |
cèyǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惻隱 |
cèyìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策應 |
cèyǐnzhīxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惻隱之心 |
cèzhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策展 |
cèzhǎnrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策展人 |
cèzhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁轍 |
cèzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廁紙 |
cèzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 側重 |
cèzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冊子 |
CF卡 {n} /sēi-áifu kǎ/ | :: CompactFlash |
cha {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chā |
cha {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chá |
cha {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chǎ |
cha {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chà |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垞 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵖 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搽 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 査 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楁 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槎 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檫 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痄 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碴 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秅 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苳 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茬 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荻 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詧 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍤 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锸 |
chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𣱱 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侘 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刹 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剎 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 向 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咟 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奼 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姹 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岔 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杇 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汊 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紁 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜛 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衩 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訍 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詫 |
chà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诧 |
chǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衩 |
chǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹅 |
chǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑔 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叉 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偛 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喯 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗏 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫅 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扠 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扱 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挿 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揷 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搃 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擑 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杈 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楁 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槎 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疀 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碲 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肞 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臿 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艖 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荔 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釲 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銟 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍝 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靫 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餷 |
chā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馇 |
cha1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chā |
cha2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chá |
cha3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chǎ |
cha4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chà |
chábàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查辦 |
chábào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查報 |
chábāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶包 |
chābié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差別 |
chábǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶餅 |
chābò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插播 |
chābō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插播 |
chābò xīnwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插播新聞 |
chābō xīnwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插播新聞 |
chàbuduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差不多 |
chācha {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喳喳 |
chāchā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喳喳 |
chāchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叉車 |
chāchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插車 |
chāchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差池 |
cháchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查重 |
cháchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查處 |
chāchuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差舛 |
chācuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差錯 |
chádào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查到 |
chádào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶道 |
chàdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岔道 |
chádiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶點 |
chádiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查點 |
chàdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差點 |
chādiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差點 |
chàdiǎnr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差點兒 |
chādiǎnr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差點兒 |
cháduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查對 |
chā'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差額 |
Chá'ěrhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察爾汗 |
cháfang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶房 |
cháfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查房 |
cháfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶房 |
cháfǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查訪 |
cháfǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察訪 |
chāfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差分 |
cháfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查封 |
chágǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查崗 |
cháguǎn {rom} | :: Chinese teahouse, pinyin reading of 茶館 |
chāguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插管 |
cháhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查核 |
cháhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察核 |
cháhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶盒 |
cháhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶壺 |
cháhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶花 |
chāhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插話 |
chāhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插畫 |
chāhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插花 |
cháhuàhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶話會 |
cháhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶會 |
cháhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查獲 |
chai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chāi |
chai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chái |
chai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chǎi |
chai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chài |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侪 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儕 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喍 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柴 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犪 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祡 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茈 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豺 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齛 |
chái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑪 |
chài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囆 |
chài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘥 |
chài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虿 |
chài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠆 |
chài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袃 |
chǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茝 |
chāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差 |
chāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆 |
chāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芆 |
chāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釵 |
chāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钗 |
chāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靪 |
chai1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chāi |
chai2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chái |
chai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chǎi |
chai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chài |
chāibái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆白 |
cháicǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柴草 |
chāichú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆除 |
chāichuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆穿 |
cháihe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柴禾 |
cháihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柴禾 |
chāihuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆毀 |
cháihuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柴火 |
chai-iáⁿ {def} SEE: 知影 | :: |
chāijiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆解 |
chāikāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆開 |
cháiláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豺狼 |
cháimǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柴米 |
chāiqiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差遣 |
chāiqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆遷 |
chāirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差人 |
chāisàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆散 |
chāisǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆散 |
chāishi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差事 |
chāishi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差使 |
chāishǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差使 |
chāixiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆卸 |
chāiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差役 |
cháiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柴油 |
chájī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶几 |
chájī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查緝 |
chājià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差價 |
chājià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插架 |
chājiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插件 |
chájīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶巾 |
chàjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差勁 |
chājìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插進 |
Chájīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶經 |
chàjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差勁 |
chájiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查究 |
chájiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶酒 |
chájiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查究 |
chájù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶具 |
chājù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差距 |
chājù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插句 |
chājù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插犋 |
chájué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察覺 |
chájué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查覺 |
chákàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查看 |
chákàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察看 |
chákǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查考 |
chákè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶客 |
chākǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插口 |
chàlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岔路 |
Chá-mǎ Gǔdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶馬古道 |
chámíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查明 |
chámíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察明 |
chan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chān |
chan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chán |
chan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chǎn |
chan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chàn |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僝 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儃 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劖 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卓 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 单 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喬 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚵 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婵 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孱 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巉 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廛 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掸 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棎 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欃 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毚 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渐 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湹 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漳 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潹 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潺 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澶 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀍 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀺 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煘 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獑 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磛 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禂 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禅 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緾 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繵 |
chán {rom} | :: 纏, 纒, 缠: wrap, wind around; tie, bind |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艬 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝉 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螸 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟹 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟾 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誗 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讒 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躔 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄽 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酁 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋋 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑱 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镵 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饞 |
chán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔆 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儳 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䠨 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忏 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硟 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羼 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讌 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韂 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顫 |
chàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颡 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丳 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 产 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冁 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刬 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剗 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剷 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啴 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘺 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囅 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵼 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幝 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摌 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浐 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滻 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灛 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燀 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 産 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簅 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繟 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒇 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諂 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譂 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讇 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谄 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏟 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閳 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闡 |
chǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驏 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幨 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惉 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掺 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搀 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摻 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攙 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梴 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沾 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脠 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苨 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袩 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裧 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襘 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襜 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覘 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觅 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辿 |
chān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋓 |
chan1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chān |
chan2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chán |
chan3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chǎn |
chan4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chàn |
chànà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剎那 |
chánchán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潺潺 |
chánchán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巉巉 |
chǎnchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏟車 |
chánchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟾蜍 |
chǎnchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏟除 |
chǎnchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剷除 |
chǎnchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剗除 |
chǎnchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產出 |
chǎndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產地 |
chǎndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏟地 |
chándìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪定 |
chàndòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顫動 |
chàndǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顫抖 |
chānduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摻兌 |
chānduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攙兌 |
chǎnfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闡發 |
chānfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攙扶 |
chang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chāng |
chang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cháng |
chang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chǎng |
chang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chàng |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仧 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 償 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兏 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘗 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫦 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尚 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徜 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑺 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓺 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萇 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裳 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋿 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏛 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镸 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長 |
cháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱨 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倡 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悵 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昶 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淌 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焻 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑋 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畼 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誯 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韔 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬯 |
chàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑒 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 场 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僘 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卸 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厰 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圱 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堩 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 填 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惕 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懿 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昶 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氅 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淌 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋹 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷥 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場 |
chǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塲 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倀 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 借 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娼 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昌 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晿 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淐 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猖 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琩 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菖 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裮 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錩 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锠 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閶 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闛 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阊 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯧 |
chāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼚 |
chang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chāng |
chang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cháng |
chang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chǎng |
chang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chàng |
cháng'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長按 |
Cháng'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長安 |
Chángbáishān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長白山 |
chángbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常備 |
chángbèibīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常備兵 |
chángbìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長臂猿 |
chángbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長波 |
chángcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常常 |
Chángchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長城 |
chángchu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長處 |
chángchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長處 |
chángchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萇楚 |
chángchūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長春 |
chángchūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長蝽 |
chángchūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常春 |
Chángchūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長春 |
chángchūnténg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常春藤 |
chángchūnténg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常春籐 |
Chángchūnténg Liánméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長春藤聯盟 |
chàngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱詞 |
chángcún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長存 |
chàngdá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢達 |
Chángdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長島 |
chàngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倡導 |
chàngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倡道 |
chàngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱導 |
Chángdǎo bīngchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長島冰茶 |
chàngdǎo tuántǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倡導團體 |
chángdí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長笛 |
chángdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場地 |
chǎngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場地 |
chǎngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞地 |
chángdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長度 |
chángdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常度 |
chángdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸肚 |
chángduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸斷 |
chángduǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長短 |
chàngduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱段 |
chángdùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長噸 |
chángdūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長噸 |
Cháng'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫦娥 |
chángfà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長髮 |
chángfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長法 |
chángfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常法 |
chángfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長髮 |
chǎngfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠房 |
chángfěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸粉 |
chāngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娼婦 |
chànggāodiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱高調 |
chànggē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱歌 |
chánggēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長庚 |
chánggěngzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸梗阻 |
chànggēr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱歌 |
chánggōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長工 |
chángguī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常規 |
chángguī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場規 |
Chāngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昌國 |
chánghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長河 |
chánghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場合 |
chànghè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱和 |
chǎnghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場合 |
chànghèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悵恨 |
chánghuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 償還 |
chàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱機 |
Chāngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昌吉 |
chǎngjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠家 |
chángjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常見 |
chángjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長劍 |
Cháng Jiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長江 |
Chángjiāng Sānjiǎozhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長江三角洲 |
chángjiāojù jìngtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長焦距鏡頭 |
chǎngjìbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場記板 |
chángjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常景 |
chángjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場景 |
chǎngjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場景 |
chángjǐnglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長頸鹿 |
chángjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長久 |
chángjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常久 |
chāngjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猖獗 |
chǎngkāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞開 |
chángkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常客 |
chǎngkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞口 |
chángkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長褲 |
chàngkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢快 |
chāngkuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猖狂 |
chángláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長廊 |
chánglè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長樂 |
chánglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常例 |
chánglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常理 |
chánglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常禮 |
chánglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長里 |
chànglián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倡廉 |
chǎngliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞亮 |
chánglǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常綠 |
chángmáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長矛 |
chángmáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長毛 |
chángmáoxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長毛象 |
chángmián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長眠 |
chángmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場面 |
chǎngmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場面 |
chángmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長命 |
chāngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昌明 |
chángnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長年 |
chángnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常年 |
Chángōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟾宮 |
chángōngzhéguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟾宮折桂 |
chǎngpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠牌 |
chǎngpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠棚 |
chǎngpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞篷 |
chǎngpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞棚 |
chǎngpéngchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敞篷車 |
chàngpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱片 |
chàngpiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱片 |
Chángpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長坪 |
chāngpú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菖蒲 |
chángqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長期 |
chángqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長崎 |
Chángqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長崎 |
chángqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長期 |
chángqiāngjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長槍鯨 |
chángqí fúwùjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長期服務假 |
chángqī fúwùjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長期服務假 |
chángqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常情 |
chángqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常青 |
chángqīngshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常青樹 |
Chángqīngténg Liánméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常青藤聯盟 |
chàngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悵然 |
chángrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常人 |
Chángsānjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長三角 |
Chángshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長沙 |
Chángshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長山 |
chǎngshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠商 |
chángshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常設 |
chángshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長生 |
chāngshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昌盛 |
chángshè wěiyuánhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常設委員會 |
chángshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常識 |
chángshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常時 |
chángshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長石 |
chángshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘗試 |
chángshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常事 |
chángshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長逝 |
chángshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常式 |
chángshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常識 |
chángshì cuòwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘗試錯誤 |
chángshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長壽 |
chángshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘗受 |
chángshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長瘦 |
chángshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常數 |
chángsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場所 |
chǎngsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場所 |
chàngsuǒyùyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢所欲言 |
chángtài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常態 |
Chángtài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長泰 |
chángtàihuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常態化 |
chàngtán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢談 |
chàngtōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢通 |
chángtǒngwà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長統襪 |
chàngtōngwúzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢通無阻 |
chángtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長途 |
chángtú báshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長途跋涉 |
chángtúbáshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長途跋涉 |
chángtú qìchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長途汽車 |
chángwà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長襪 |
chàngwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悵惘 |
chàngwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悵罔 |
chángwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸胃 |
chángwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常委 |
chángwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長尾 |
chángwěihuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常委會 |
chángwèiyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸胃炎 |
chángwěi yīngwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長尾鸚鵡 |
chángwēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常溫 |
chángwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常務 |
chángwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長物 |
chángwù wěiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常務委員 |
chángwù wěiyuánhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常務委員會 |
chángxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長線 |
chàngxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢想 |
chàngxiǎngqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢想曲 |
chángxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長效 |
chángxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長嘯 |
chàngxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢銷 |
chàngxiāobǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢銷榜 |
chàngxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢行 |
Chángxīngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長興島 |
chàngxíngwúzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢行無阻 |
chàngxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢敘 |
chángyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長牙 |
chángyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸炎 |
chángyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸癌 |
chángyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常言 |
chángyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徜徉 |
chángyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儴佯 |
Chángyě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長野 |
chàngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倡議 |
chàngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱議 |
Chāngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昌邑 |
Chāngyì wáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昌邑王 |
chángyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常用 |
chángyòngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常用詞 |
chàngyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暢遊 |
chángyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長於 |
chángyuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長遠 |
chǎngzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠長 |
chǎngzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 場長 |
chángzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長針 |
chàngzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱針 |
chángzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長征 |
Chángzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長征 |
Chángzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長治 |
chángzhìjiǔ'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長治久安 |
Chángzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常州 |
Chángzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長洲 |
chángzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常駐 |
chángzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 常住 |
chángzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸子 |
chángzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長子 |
chǎngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廠子 |
chángzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 長足 |
chàngzuòrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唱作人 |
chángzǔsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腸阻塞 |
chánhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讒害 |
chànhuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懺悔 |
chǎnhuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏟鮰 |
chānhuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摻和 |
chānhuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攙和 |
chānhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摻和 |
chānhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攙和 |
chǎnjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產假 |
chānjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摻假 |
chānjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攙假 |
chánjuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬋娟 |
chánjuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟬娟 |
chánlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟬聯 |
chánlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬋連 |
chǎnliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產量 |
chánlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪林 |
chǎnlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闡論 |
chǎnmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諂媚 |
chánmián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纏綿 |
chǎnmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闡明 |
chánnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪那 |
chǎnnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產能 |
chánnuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪那 |
chǎnpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產品 |
chǎnpǐnliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產品鏈 |
chǎnpǐn zhírù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產品植入 |
chǎnpó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產婆 |
chǎnqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產鉗 |
chǎnqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產區 |
chǎnquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產權 |
chánrào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纏繞 |
chánrǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纏擾 |
chánruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孱弱 |
chánshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纏身 |
chǎnshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產生 |
chánshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪師 |
chǎnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闡釋 |
chǎnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕆事 |
chǎnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闡士 |
chǎnshǐguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏟屎官 |
chǎnshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闡述 |
chánsì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪寺 |
chànuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剎那 |
chǎnwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產物 |
chánxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪學 |
chányán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讒言 |
chányán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饞言 |
chányán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬋妍 |
chányán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巉岩 |
chànyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儳言 |
chǎnyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產業 |
chǎnyè gōngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產業工人 |
chǎnyèhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產業化 |
chǎnyè jiégòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產業結構 |
chǎnyè jíqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產業集群 |
chǎnyèliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產業鏈 |
chànyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顫音 |
chǎnyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諂諛 |
chānzá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摻雜 |
chānzá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攙雜 |
chǎnzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產崽 |
chǎnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 產值 |
chánzōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禪宗 |
chánzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纏足 |
chánzuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饞嘴 |
chao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chāo |
chao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of cháo |
chao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chǎo |
chao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chào |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘲 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巢 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巣 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晁 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朔 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樔 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濢 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窲 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謿 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轈 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄛 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼂 |
cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼌 |
chào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仦 |
chào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仯 |
chào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縃 |
chào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耖 |
chào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觘 |
chào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趠 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巐 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煼 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眧 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禈 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諹 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈓 |
chǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麨 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剹 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勦 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弨 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怊 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欩 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焯 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紳 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綽 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繛 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绩 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罺 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訬 |
chāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈔 |
chao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chāo |
chao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of cháo |
chao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chǎo |
chao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chào |
chāobá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超拔 |
cháobài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝拜 |
chāoběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄本 |
chāochǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超產 |
chǎochǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵吵 |
chāochao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵吵 |
chāochē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超車 |
cháochén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝臣 |
chāochū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超出 |
cháochuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮吹 |
cháodài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝代 |
cháodài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝帶 |
chǎodàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒蛋 |
chāodào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄道 |
chāodù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超度 |
chāoduǎnqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超短裙 |
chāo'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超額 |
chǎofàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒飯 |
chāofán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超凡 |
chǎofáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒房 |
cháofèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝奉 |
cháofèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘲諷 |
cháofěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘲諷 |
cháofú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝服 |
chāogāoqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超高清 |
cháogòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝貢 |
chǎogǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒股 |
chǎoguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒鍋 |
chāoguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超過 |
cháohè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝賀 |
chāohū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超乎 |
chāojí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級 |
chāojí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄籍 |
chāojí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄擊 |
chǎojià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵架 |
chāojiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄家 |
cháojiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝見 |
cháojiāndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮間帶 |
chāojí dàguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級大國 |
chāojí míngmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級名模 |
chāojí míngxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級明星 |
chāojí mótè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級模特 |
cháojìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝覲 |
cháojǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝覲 |
chāo jìndào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄近道 |
chāo jìnlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄近路 |
chāojí shìcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級市場 |
chāojí shìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級市場 |
chāojí shípǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級食品 |
chāojí shuǐguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級水果 |
chāojí xìjùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級細菌 |
chāojí xìjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級細菌 |
chāojí yīngxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超級英雄 |
chāojué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超覺 |
chāojué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超絕 |
chāojué jìngzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超覺靜坐 |
chāoliánjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超連結 |
chāoliànjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超鏈接 |
cháoliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮流 |
chāolù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄錄 |
chāolù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈔錄 |
chāoméitǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超媒體 |
chǎomiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒麵 |
chāomó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超模 |
chǎonào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵鬧 |
cháonòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘲弄 |
cháonüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘲謔 |
cháopái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮牌 |
chāopái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄牌 |
chāopiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈔票 |
chāoqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超前 |
chǎoqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒青 |
chāoqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超群 |
chāoqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超羣 |
chǎorǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵嚷 |
cháorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮人 |
chāorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超人 |
Cháoshàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮汕 |
chāoshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超商 |
chāoshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄身 |
cháoshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝聖 |
cháoshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮濕 |
cháoshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮溼 |
chāoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超時 |
chāoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超市 |
chāoshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄手 |
cháoshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮水 |
Cháoshuǐhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮水河 |
chāosòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄送 |
cháotáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝堂 |
cháotiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝天 |
cháotiānjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝天椒 |
cháotíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝廷 |
cháotíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝庭 |
chāowénběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超文本 |
chāowénjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超文件 |
chāowǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超我 |
chāoxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄襲 |
chāoxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剿襲 |
chāoxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勦襲 |
Cháoxiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮 |
Cháoxiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮 |
Cháoxiǎn Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮半島 |
Cháoxiān Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮半島 |
cháoxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝向 |
cháoxiǎnjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮薊 |
Cháoxiǎn Mínzhǔzhǔyì Rénmín Gònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 |
Cháoxiān Mínzhǔzhǔyì Rénmín Gònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 |
cháoxiǎnrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮人 |
chāoxiànshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超現實 |
chāoxiànshízhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超現實主義 |
cháoxiǎnyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮語 |
cháoxiānyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮語 |
Cháoxiānyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮語 |
cháoxiǎnzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮族 |
Cháoxiǎnzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮族 |
cháoxiānzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮族 |
Cháoxiānzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝鮮族 |
cháoxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘲笑 |
chāoxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抄寫 |
chāoxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈔寫 |
chǎoxǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵醒 |
chāoxīnlǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超心理學 |
cháoxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巢穴 |
cháoxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘲謔 |
cháoxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巢穴 |
cháoxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮汛 |
cháoyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝陽 |
Cháoyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮陽 |
cháoyě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝野 |
chāoyīnsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超音速 |
chǎo yóuyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒魷魚 |
cháoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮語 |
chāoyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超越 |
chāozài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超載 |
cháozhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝政 |
chāozhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超支 |
chāozhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超重 |
Cháozhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮州 |
Cháozhōuhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潮州話 |
cháozhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朝珠 |
chāozìrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 超自然 |
chǎozuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吵嘴 |
chǎozuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炒作 |
chàpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差評 |
chàqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岔氣 |
chàqiángrényì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差強人意 |
chāqiángrényì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差強人意 |
chāqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插曲 |
chàrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差人 |
chārù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插入 |
chārùyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插入語 |
cháshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶商 |
cháshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查哨 |
chāshāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叉燒 |
chàshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差事 |
chāshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差事 |
chāshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差失 |
cháshōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查收 |
cháshōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察收 |
chāshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叉手 |
chāshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插手 |
cháshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶樹 |
cháshùgū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶樹菇 |
cháshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶水 |
chá shuǐbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查水錶 |
chátāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶湯 |
chātóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插頭 |
chātú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插圖 |
cháwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查問 |
cháwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察問 |
chāwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差誤 |
chāxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插香 |
cháxún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查詢 |
cháxún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查尋 |
cháyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查驗 |
chāyāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插秧 |
chāyāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叉腰 |
chāyāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插腰 |
cháyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶葉 |
cháyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查夜 |
cháyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶業 |
chāyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插頁 |
cháyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察議 |
cháyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶役 |
cháyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶藝 |
chàyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詫異 |
chāyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差異 |
chàyīdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差一點 |
chāyīdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 差一點 |
chāyīgàngzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插一槓子 |
cháyíshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶儀式 |
cháyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶油 |
cháyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶語 |
cháyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查閱 |
cházhǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查找 |
cházhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 查證 |
cházhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 察知 |
cházhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶燭 |
cházǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶籽 |
cházǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶子 |
chàzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岔子 |
chàzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杈子 |
chàzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汊子 |
chāzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叉子 |
cházǐyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶籽油 |
chāzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插足 |
chāzuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插嘴 |
cházuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茶座 |
chāzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 插座 |
che {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chē |
che {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chě |
che {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chè |
ché {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𧙝 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勶 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呦 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坼 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屮 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彻 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拆 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掣 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汛 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澈 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烲 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爡 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞮 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硩 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聅 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詀 |
chè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轍 |
chě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偖 |
chě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尰 |
chě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扯 |
chě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺 |
chē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車 |
chē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俥 |
chē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唓 |
chē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砗 |
chē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莗 |
chē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛼 |
che1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chē |
che2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ché |
che3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chě |
che4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chè |
chēbǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車把 |
chēbǎshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車把式 |
chēbǎshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車把勢 |
chēcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車場 |
chēchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車場 |
chēchè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車轍 |
chēchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車程 |
chēchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車城 |
chèchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤除 |
chèchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤出 |
chēchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車床 |
chēchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車牀 |
chědàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扯淡 |
chēdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車道 |
chēdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車燈 |
chèdǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徹底 |
chèdǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澈底 |
chě dúzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扯犢子 |
chèfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤廢 |
chēfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車費 |
chēfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車夫 |
chēgài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車蓋 |
chègǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徹骨 |
chēháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車行 |
chě hòutuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扯後腿 |
chèhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤換 |
chěhuǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扯謊 |
chèhuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤回 |
chēhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車禍 |
chējì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車技 |
chējiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車間 |
chèjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤軍 |
chēkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車庫 |
chèlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤離 |
chēliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車輛 |
chēliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車流 |
chēliúliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車流量 |
Chēlǐyǎbīnsīkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車里雅賓斯克 |
chēlízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車厘子 |
chēmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車馬 |
chēmǎfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車馬費 |
chen {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傖 |
chen {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chēn |
chen {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chén |
chen {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chěn |
chen {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chèn |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宸 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尘 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屒 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忱 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愖 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敐 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曟 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桫 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梣 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樄 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橒 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湕 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煁 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茞 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莀 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莐 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔯 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薼 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螴 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訦 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諶 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趀 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軙 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辰 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迧 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈂 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陈 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霃 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷐 |
chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麎 |
Chén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儬 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儭 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚫 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夦 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榇 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀇 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疢 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疹 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秠 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 积 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稯 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藽 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衬 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讖 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趂 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闖 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闠 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齓 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齔 |
chèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墋 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捵 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眈 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硶 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碜 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祳 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贂 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趻 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踸 |
chěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍖 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抻 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗒 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抺 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捳 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棽 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琛 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞋 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綝 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縘 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肛 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肻 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諃 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謓 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賝 |
chēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郴 |
chen0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chen |
chen1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chēn |
chen2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chén |
chen3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chěn |
chen4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chèn |
chen5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chen |
chén'āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵埃 |
chènbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁便 |
chénbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨勃 |
Chénchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳池 |
chéncílàndiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳詞濫調 |
chéndiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉澱 |
chéndiànwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉澱物 |
chéndú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨讀 |
Chénēnshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳恩沙 |
chénfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨風 |
chénfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵封 |
chénfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣服 |
chénfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉浮 |
chénfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈浮 |
chénfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉伏 |
chénfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳腐 |
cheng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chēng |
cheng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chéng |
cheng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chěng |
cheng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chèng |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丞 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乗 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伡 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傓 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埕 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堘 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塍 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塖 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娍 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宬 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峸 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惩 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憕 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挰 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掁 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揨 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撗 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晟 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 机 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枨 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棖 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椉 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橙 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洆 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浈 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澂 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澄 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀓 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珵 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珹 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盗 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盯 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窚 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筬 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絾 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脀 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脭 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荿 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虰 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裎 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郕 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郟 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酲 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醎 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋮 |
chéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騬 |
chèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牚 |
chèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秤 |
chèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 积 |
chèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稯 |
chèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靗 |
chèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㐼 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侱 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塣 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庱 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徎 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悜 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梬 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睈 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 装 |
chěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逞 |
chěng {rom} | :: 騁, 骋, 𩧢: (of a horse) gallop; hasten, hurry; give free rein to, free from constraints |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偁 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噌 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埥 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憆 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抢 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搴 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撐 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撑 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枨 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柼 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棦 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槍 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樕 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橕 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檉 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泟 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浾 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湜 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爯 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牚 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琤 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞠 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秠 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 称 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穪 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竀 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緽 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛏 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赪 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赬 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趚 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎑 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏿 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐶 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铎 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阷 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頳 |
chēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饓 |
cheng1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chēng |
cheng2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chéng |
cheng3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chěng |
cheng4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chèng |
chēngbà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱霸 |
chéngbài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成敗 |
chéngbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承辦 |
chéngbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲辦 |
chěngbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲辦 |
chéngbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈報 |
chéngbǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城堡 |
chéngbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承包 |
chéngběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成本 |
chéngcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成材 |
chéngcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成才 |
chéngchè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澄澈 |
chéngchè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澄徹 |
chéngchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘車 |
chēngchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱臣 |
chéngchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城池 |
chéngchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘除 |
chéngchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲處 |
chěngchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲處 |
chéngchuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成串 |
chèngchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秤錘 |
chéngdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承擔 |
chéngdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成單 |
chéngdāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承當 |
chēngdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱道 |
Chéngdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承德 |
chēngdeshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱得上 |
chéngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈遞 |
chēngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱帝 |
chéngdu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程度 |
chéngdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程度 |
Chéngdū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成都 |
chéngduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成對 |
chéngduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承兌 |
chéngduǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城垛 |
chéngfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲罰 |
chéngfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承乏 |
chéngfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘法 |
chéngfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成法 |
chěngfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲罰 |
chéngfǎbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘法表 |
chéngfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘方 |
chéngfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成方 |
chéngfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成分 |
chéngfèn shūxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成分輸血 |
chéngfèn shūxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成分輸血 |
chéngfèn shūxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成分輸血 |
chéngfó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成佛 |
chéngfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城府 |
chènggǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秤桿 |
chènggǎnchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秤桿蟲 |
chénggōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成功 |
chénggǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成狗 |
chéngguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承管 |
chéngguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城管 |
chéngguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城關 |
chéngguī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成規 |
chéngguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成果 |
chéngguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城郭 |
chéngguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城廓 |
chéngháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城壕 |
chēnghào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱號 |
chénghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城河 |
chénghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈核 |
chēnghu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱呼 |
chēnghū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱呼 |
chénghuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城隍 |
chénghuángmiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城隍廟 |
chéng huì wán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城會玩 |
chénghūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成婚 |
chéngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成績 |
chéngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承繼 |
chéngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘騎 |
chéngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘機 |
chéngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘積 |
chéngjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成家 |
chéngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成見 |
chéngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承建 |
chéngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城建 |
chéngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘間 |
chéngjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成姦 |
chéngjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘肩 |
chéngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成交 |
chéngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈交 |
chéngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城郊 |
chéngjiāoliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成交量 |
chéngjiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲戒 |
chéngjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承接 |
chěngjiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲戒 |
Chéngjísīhán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成吉思汗 |
chéngjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成就 |
chéngjiùgǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成就感 |
chéngkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘客 |
chéngkěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠懇 |
chéngkòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程控 |
chénglǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承攬 |
chéng le {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成了 |
chénglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成立 |
chénglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城裡 |
chénglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成禮 |
chéngliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘涼 |
chénglǐrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城裡人 |
chénglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘龍 |
chénglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成龍 |
chéngmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘馬 |
chéngmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城門 |
chéngméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承蒙 |
chéngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成名 |
chéngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈明 |
chéngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澄明 |
chěngnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逞能 |
chéngnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成年 |
chéngniánrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成年人 |
chéngniánzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成年者 |
chéngnuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承諾 |
chéngnuòhán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承諾函 |
chéngnuòshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承諾書 |
chéngpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成品 |
chéngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成器 |
chéngqiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城牆 |
chěngqiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逞強 |
chéngqiānshàngwàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成千上萬 |
chéngqīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成親 |
chéngqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澄清 |
chéngqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城區 |
chéngquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成全 |
chéngquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城闕 |
chéngqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成群 |
chéngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠然 |
chéngràng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承讓 |
chéngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成人 |
chéngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成仁 |
chéngrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承認 |
chéngrén nèiróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成人內容 |
chéngrén yòngpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成人用品 |
chéngrén yòngpǐn diàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成人用品店 |
chéngrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成日 |
chéngrú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠如 |
chéngsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橙色 |
chéngsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成色 |
chéngshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈上 |
chèngshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱身 |
chēngshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱身 |
chéngshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠實 |
chéngshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘時 |
chéngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城市 |
chéngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程式 |
chéngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成事 |
chéngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘勢 |
chéngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成式 |
chéngshìbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城市病 |
chéngshì bùzú, bàishì yǒuyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成事不足,敗事有餘 |
chéngshì gǎizào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城市改造 |
chéngshì gēngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城市更新 |
chéngshì guīhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城市規劃 |
chéngshóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成熟 |
chéngshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承受 |
chéngshú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成熟 |
chéngshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成書 |
chēngshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱說 |
chéngsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈送 |
chéngsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成誦 |
chéngsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成訟 |
chēngsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱頌 |
chéngsuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成算 |
chéngtào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成套 |
chéngtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成體 |
Chéngtián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成田 |
chéngtiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成天 |
chénguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨光 |
chénguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辰光 |
chénguī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳規 |
chēngwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱王 |
chéngwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成為 |
chéngwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成爲 |
chéngwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠偽 |
chéngwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠偽 |
chēngwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱為 |
chēngwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱謂 |
chéngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成文 |
chéngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈文 |
chéngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程文 |
chéngwénfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成文法 |
chéngwénhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成文化 |
chéngwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘務 |
chéngwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成物 |
chéngwùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘務員 |
chéngxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承襲 |
chéngxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘隙 |
chéngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈現 |
chéngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呈獻 |
chéngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程限 |
chéngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成憲 |
chēngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱羨 |
chéngxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丞相 |
chéngxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成象 |
chéngxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城鄉 |
chéngxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城廂 |
chéngxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成效 |
chéngxìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠信 |
chéngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠心 |
chéngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成心 |
chéngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澄心 |
chèngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱心 |
chèngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁心 |
chéngxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成行 |
chéngxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成形 |
chéngxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成型 |
chéngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘興 |
chéngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成性 |
chèngxīnrúyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱心如意 |
chěngxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逞兇 |
chēngxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱雄 |
chéngxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程序 |
chéngxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承續 |
chéngxù wèntí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程序問題 |
chéngxùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程序員 |
chéngxùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 程序猿 |
chēngyāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撐腰 |
chéngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠意 |
chéngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成義 |
chéngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成議 |
chéngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城邑 |
chéngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲役 |
chéngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲艾 |
chěngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲役 |
chěngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逞意 |
chéngyǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成癮 |
chéngyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成因 |
chéngyìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承應 |
chéngyǐnxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成癮性 |
chéngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成語 |
chēngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱譽 |
chéngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成員 |
chéngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城垣 |
chéngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘員 |
chéngzài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承載 |
chéngzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承載 |
chēngzàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱讚 |
chēngzàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱贊 |
chéngzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成長 |
chéngzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 成章 |
chéngzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城鎮 |
chéngzhènhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城鎮化 |
chéngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲治 |
chéngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誠摯 |
chéngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承製 |
chéngzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城址 |
chèngzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱職 |
chěngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懲治 |
chěngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逞志 |
chěngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騁志 |
chéngzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 城中 |
chéngzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘舟 |
chéngzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盛裝 |
chéngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橙子 |
chēngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟶子 |
chēngzūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱尊 |
chéngzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乘坐 |
chéngzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 承做 |
chénjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉寂 |
chénjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉寂 |
chénjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳跡 |
chénjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉積 |
chénjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨雞 |
chénjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳跡 |
chènjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁機 |
Chénjiāgǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳家港 |
chénjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉浸 |
chénjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉靜 |
chénjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈靜 |
chénjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨靜 |
chénjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳舊 |
chénjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳酒 |
chénjīyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉積岩 |
chénliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨練 |
chénliáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣僚 |
chénliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳列 |
chénlièsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳列所 |
Chénliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳留 |
chénlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉淪 |
chénmèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉悶 |
chénmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉湎 |
chénmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈湎 |
chénmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣民 |
chénmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨明 |
chénmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉默 |
chénmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈默 |
chénmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉沒 |
chénmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈沒 |
chénmò chéngběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉沒成本 |
chénmòguǎyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉默寡言 |
chénmòguǎyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈默寡言 |
chēnmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞋目 |
chénnì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉溺 |
chénnì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵膩 |
chénnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳年 |
chénpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳皮 |
chénpú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣僕 |
chènqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁錢 |
chènqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱錢 |
chènqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襯錢 |
chénqiānglàndiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳腔濫調 |
chénqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳情 |
chènrèdǎtiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁熱打鐵 |
chénshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵沙 |
chénshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辰砂 |
chènshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襯衫 |
chénshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳設 |
chènshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱身 |
chénshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辰時 |
chénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵世 |
chénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵事 |
chénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳事 |
chénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳式 |
chénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣事 |
chénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣仕 |
chénshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳屍 |
chénshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳詩 |
chènshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁勢 |
chénshìjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵世間 |
chénshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳述 |
chénshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣庶 |
chénshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉睡 |
chénshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陳說 |
chénsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉思 |
chénsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈思 |
chéntòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉痛 |
chéntǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵土 |
chèntuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襯托 |
chénwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵霧 |
chénwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塵務 |
chénwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨霧 |
chénxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晨曦 |
chènxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱心 |
chènxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趁心 |
chènxīnrúyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱心如意 |
chènyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襯衣 |
chényù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉鬱 |
chényù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈鬱 |
chényuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉冤 |
chényuāndéxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉冤得雪 |
chényuānzhāoxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉冤昭雪 |
chènzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稱職 |
chènzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襯紙 |
chénzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉重 |
chénzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沈重 |
chénzhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉著 |
chénzhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉濁 |
chénzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臣子 |
chénzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉子 |
chénzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉滓 |
chénzuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沉醉 |
chēpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車牌 |
chēpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車篷 |
chēpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車棚 |
chēpiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車票 |
chěpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扯平 |
chēqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車騎 |
chēshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車身 |
chēshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車市 |
chētāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車胎 |
chētóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車頭 |
chètuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤退 |
chēwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車位 |
chēxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車廂 |
chèxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤消 |
chèxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤銷 |
chèxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徹消 |
chēxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車型 |
chēzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車站 |
chēzhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車轍 |
chēzhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車磔 |
chèzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤職 |
chēzhóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車軸 |
chēzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車主 |
chèzī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撤資 |
chēzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車子 |
chēzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車子 |
chēzìpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車字旁 |
chhòng {def} SEE: 創 | :: |
chhò-ngō͘ {def} SEE: 錯誤 | :: |
chi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chī |
chi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chí |
chi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chǐ |
chi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chì |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倁 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匙 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坻 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墀 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岻 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弛 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彽 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徥 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徲 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歭 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 池 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汦 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沯 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沺 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泜 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竾 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筂 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箈 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箎 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篪 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耛 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芪 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茌 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茬 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荎 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莇 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚳 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛇 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誃 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謘 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謹 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貾 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赿 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趍 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踟 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踶 |
chí {rom} | :: 迟, 遅, 遟, 遲: late, tardy; slow; delay |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍈 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馳 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驠 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驰 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓾 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺 |
chí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 治 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乿 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佁 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侙 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勂 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勅 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叱 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啻 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘡 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彳 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恜 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慗 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憏 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懘 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抶 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敕 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斥 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杘 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栻 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淔 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滬 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灻 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炽 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烾 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熾 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痓 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痸 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘈 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘛 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眙 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糤 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翄 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翅 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翠 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翤 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觢 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趩 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跮 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踅 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遫 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉓 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銐 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飭 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飶 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饎 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵡 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶒 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷘 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒆 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓼 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔑 |
chì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傺 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侈 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叺 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呎 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哆 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垑 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奓 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姼 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恀 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恥 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扡 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拸 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搋 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杙 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欼 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歯 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秹 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粎 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紕 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耻 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胟 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚇 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袳 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裭 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褫 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誃 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豉 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉹 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齒 |
chǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齿 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吂 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呜 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哧 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喫 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗤 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噄 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媸 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彨 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彲 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摛 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攡 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杖 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欫 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓻 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眵 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞝 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 离 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笞 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絺 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胝 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胴 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚩 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螭 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訵 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誺 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郗 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雠 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骴 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魑 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴞 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵄 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黐 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齝 |
chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸱 |
chi1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chī |
chi2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chí |
chi3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chǐ |
chi4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of chì |
chī'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴呆 |
chī'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡呆 |
chī'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴獃 |
chī'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴騃 |
chī'áizhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴呆症 |
chǐbā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺八 |
chìbǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翅膀 |
chìbǎngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翅膀子 |
chībǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃飽 |
chībǎo le chēng de {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃飽了撐的 |
chībǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗤鄙 |
chíbùtóngzhèngjiànzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持不同政見者 |
Chìcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤才 |
chīcǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃草 |
chīchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃茶 |
chīchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喫茶 |
chìchà fēngyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叱吒風雲 |
chìchà fēngyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叱咤風雲 |
chìchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤忱 |
chíchěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馳騁 |
chìchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤誠 |
chíchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲遲 |
chīchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃吃 |
chīchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哧哧 |
chīchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴痴 |
chīchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗤嗤 |
chīchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚩蚩 |
chíchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踟躕 |
chíchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踟躇 |
chīcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃醋 |
chícun {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺寸 |
chǐcùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺寸 |
chī cuò yào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃錯藥 |
chīdāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴呆 |
chīdāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡呆 |
chīdāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴獃 |
chīdāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴騃 |
chīdāizhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴呆症 |
chídào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲到 |
chídào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馳道 |
chìdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤道 |
Chìdào Jǐnèiyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤道幾內亞 |
chīde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃的 |
chīdeguàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃得慣 |
chīdelái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃得來 |
chìdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤地 |
chìdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斥地 |
chìdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤帝 |
chīdiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃掉 |
chī dòufu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃豆腐 |
chǐdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺牘 |
chǐdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺度 |
chídùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲鈍 |
chīfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃法 |
chīfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃飯 |
chìfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敕封 |
chìfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勅封 |
Chìfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤峰 |
chígǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持股 |
chǐgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺骨 |
chǐgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恥骨 |
chǐgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齒骨 |
chīguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃瓜 |
chīguā qúnzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃瓜群眾 |
chíguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 治國 |
chīhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴漢 |
chīhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡漢 |
chīhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摛翰 |
chīhē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃喝 |
chīhēwánlè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃喝玩樂 |
chìhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斥候 |
chìhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤狐 |
chìhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤化 |
chíhuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲緩 |
chíhuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弛緩 |
chīhūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃葷 |
chǐhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺蠖 |
chīhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃貨 |
chíjǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持戟 |
chījí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笞擊 |
chījī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃雞 |
chījī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笞擊 |
chíjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持家 |
chìjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤腳 |
chìjiǎo yīshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤腳醫生 |
chījīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃驚 |
chījīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喫驚 |
chíjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持久 |
chījiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃酒 |
chíkǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持卡 |
chīkàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴看 |
chīkàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡看 |
chīkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃苦 |
chīkuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃虧 |
chī kǔtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃苦頭 |
chìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤痢 |
chìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斥力 |
chìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤立 |
chìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飭厲 |
chīlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃力 |
chìliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熾烈 |
chìlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤羚 |
chìlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤苓 |
chìlìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飭令 |
chìlìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敕令 |
chìlìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勅令 |
chìlìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叱令 |
chǐlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齒輪 |
chìluǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤裸 |
chìluǒluǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤裸裸 |
chìmà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斥罵 |
chǐmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺碼 |
Chìméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤眉 |
chīmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魑魅 |
chǐmí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侈靡 |
chǐmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侈靡 |
chīmí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴迷 |
chímíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馳名 |
chímíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲明 |
chìmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敕命 |
chímù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲暮 |
chímù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馳慕 |
chímù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馳目 |
chīnǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃奶 |
chīnì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃膩 |
chiok chōe {def} SEE: 足濟 | :: |
chī-ǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃藕 |
chípiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持票 |
chípiàorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持票人 |
chìpín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤貧 |
chīqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡情 |
chǐqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齒齲 |
chìrè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熾熱 |
chìrè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤熱 |
chīrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃人 |
chīrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡人 |
chī rén bù tǔ gútou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃人不吐骨頭 |
chī rén bù tǔ gǔtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃人不吐骨頭 |
chǐrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恥辱 |
chǐrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恥辱 |
chìsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤色 |
chìshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤身 |
chìshēn lùtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤身露體 |
chīshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃食 |
chī shítáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃食堂 |
chìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敕書 |
chīsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃素 |
chítáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 池塘 |
chítáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 池堂 |
chītáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃糖 |
Chìxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤縣 |
chīxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黐線 |
chīxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黐綫 |
chīxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癡線 |
chīxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴線 |
chīxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴綫 |
chīxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痴线 |
chīxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃相 |
chīxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃香 |
Chìxiàn Shénzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤縣神州 |
chǐxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恥笑 |
chìxiázhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤霞珠 |
chíxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持械 |
chíxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 池榭 |
chíxiè qiǎngjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持械搶劫 |
chìxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤心 |
chíxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持續 |
chíxù dīyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持續低音 |
chíxùxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持續性 |
chíyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲延 |
chíyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 池鹽 |
chīyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃厭 |
chīyān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃煙 |
chǐyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齒藥 |
chíyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲疑 |
chīyījīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃一驚 |
chīyījīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喫一驚 |
chíyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持有 |
chǐyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豉油 |
Chīyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚩尤 |
chíyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馳譽 |
chízǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲早 |
chīzǎoyàowán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吃棗藥丸 |
chìzé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斥責 |
chìzé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叱責 |
chìzé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤幘 |
chìzhà fēngyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叱吒風雲 |
chìzhà fēngyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叱咤風雲 |
chízhǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 池沼 |
chízhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲滯 |
chīzhīyǐbí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗤之以鼻 |
chízhīyǐhéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持之以恆 |
chízhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 持重 |
chízhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遲重 |
chízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 池子 |
chízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匙子 |
chìzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赤字 |
chìzī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斥資 |
chǐzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尺子 |
chok样 {def} SEE: chok樣 | :: |
chong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chōng |
chong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chóng |
chong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chǒng |
chong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of chòng |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崇 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崈 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漴 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爞 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痋 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 种 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稦 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翀 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茧 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虫 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝩 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟲 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褈 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酫 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隀 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 重 |
chóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓽 |
chòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冲 |
chòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揰 |
chòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衚 |
chòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銃 |
chòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓼 |
chǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埫 |
chǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宠 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 充 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冲 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘃 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徸 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忡 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憃 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憧 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摏 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桨 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樀 |
chōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橣 |