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See also: 办法


to do; to manage; to handle
to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
law; method; way
law; method; way; Buddhist teaching; Legalist; France (abbrev.)
trad. (辦法)
simp. (办法)
anagram 法辦法办
Literally: “way of dealing with something”.






  1. means; solution; way (of doing something)
    明智辦法明智办法  ―  míngzhì de bànfǎ  ―  smart way
    現在沒有辦法工作 [MSC, trad.]
    现在没有办法工作 [MSC, simp.]
    Wǒ xiànzài méiyǒu bànfǎ gōngzuò. [Pinyin]
    There's no way I can work now.
    開始辦法保護女兒安全 [MSC, trad.]
    开始办法保护女儿安全 [MSC, simp.]
    Tā kāishǐ zài xiǎng lìng yī ge bànfǎ bǎohù tā nǚ'ér de ānquán. [Pinyin]
    She had begun thinking of another way to ensure her daughter's safety.
    抱歉沒有辦法 [MSC, trad.]
    抱歉没有办法 [MSC, simp.]
    Hěn bàoqiàn, méiyǒu bànfǎ le. [Pinyin]
    I'm sorry it can't be helped.
    我們沒有辦法對不起 [MSC, trad.]
    我们没有办法对不起 [MSC, simp.]
    Wǒmen méiyǒu bànfǎ, duìbùqǐ. [Pinyin]
    We don't have a solution, sorry.

Usage notes


In Min Nan, this term tends to be used more often in a positive sense. Whereas in Mandarin, one says 沒辦法没办法 (méi bànfǎ, “there is no way”), in Min Nan, one would usually say 無法度无法度 (bô-hoat-tō͘).




  • Bouyei: banqfaf
  • Zhuang: banhfap


chữ Hán Nôm in this term




  1. chữ Hán form of biện pháp (method).