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See also: 报销


to announce; to inform; report
to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; to repay; to recompense; revenge
to melt; to do away with; to sell
trad. (報銷)
simp. (报销)






  1. to apply for reimbursement; to get one's expenses reimbursed; to submit one's expenses
    費用報銷费用报销  ―  fèiyòng bàoxiāo  ―  expense reimbursement
  2. to report as unusable
  3. (figuratively, humorous) to wipe out; to eliminate; to be in total loss
    自己透過血汗錢購得新車駕駛短短一週車禍報銷 [MSC, trad.]
    自己透过血汗钱购得新车驾驶短短一周车祸报销 [MSC, simp.]
    zìjǐ tòuguò xuèhànqián gòudé de xīnchē què zài jiàshǐ duǎnduǎn yīzhōu nèi yīn chēhuò bàoxiāo [Pinyin]
    The new car I bought with my hard-earned money totaled in an accident within just one week of driving.


  • (to apply for reimbursement): 報賬报账 (bàozhàng)
  • (to wipe out):