User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-s
-s {suffix} | :: Forms ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers, or ordinal pronouns |
-s {clitic} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar] | :: When appended to a second-person singular or plural imperative, gives the command or request slightly rude or impatient tone—often with different verbs and different independent particles adjacent, the tone is different |
-s {clitic} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar] | :: When appended to the particle -pa that is appended to a second-person imperative, gives the command or request a slightly more persuasive or inspiring tone |
-s {clitic} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar] | :: Mainly in informal contexts: a particle appended to an interrogative suffix -ko of the verb conjugated (also -kö with the negation verb) in order to bring the conversation partner or a person outside the conversation, talked about, emotionally closer to the speaker, or to create familiarity into the conversation; also to express that closeness or familiarity—sometimes very difficult to translate well into English, in some cases corresponds to tag questions |
-s {clitic} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar, colloquial] | :: appended to the shortened impersonal indicative present form (-n omitted) to soften the command or request or to make it more persuasive |
-s {clitic} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar] | :: Softens interrogative words, particularly mikä, kuka and their inflected and derived forms, such as when the speaker expects the person addressed to know the answer |
-s {suffix} [case suffix, colloquial or dialectal] | :: alternative form of -ssa |
-s {suffix} | :: Forms some nouns |
-s {suffix} | :: Forms fractional numbers from ordinal numbers |
-s {suffix} | :: A form of the lative case. In adverbial use only |
s. {n} | :: abbreviation of sivu |
s. {v} | :: abbreviation of syntynyt |
s {letter} | :: letter: äs, es |
S {letter} | :: letter: äs, es |
š {letter} | :: letter: hattu-s, suhu-s |
Š {letter} | :: letter: hattu-s, suhu-s |
sa {pron} [personal, archaic, poetic] | :: you (singular; in archaic English: thou) |
sä {pron} [personal, colloquial] | :: you, ya (second person singular personal pronoun) |
sää {n} | :: weather |
sää {pron} [Häme dialect ~ Tampere and Turku] | :: you (addressing one person; in archaic English: thou) |
sää {n} [obsolete] | :: fiber, thread, strand |
sääasema {n} | :: weather station |
Saab {n} | :: Saab (manufacturer) |
saabisti {n} [colloquial] | :: Saab-enthusiast, especially one who owns a Saab themselves |
saada {vt} | :: to get, receive |
saada {vt} | :: saada tietää: to learn, find out, come to know |
saada {vt} | :: to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result) |
saada {vt} [+ infinitive; in indicative or conditional mood] | :: to deserve |
saada {vt} [+ infinitive] | :: may, to be allowed, to be permitted |
saada {vt} [+ direct object in accusative + 3rd infinitive in illative] | :: to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb) |
saada {vt} [+ direct object in accusative + past participle in translative] | :: to get, make something done |
saada {v} [colloquial] | :: to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to "from")) |
saada aikaan {vt} [idiomatic] | :: To accomplish, work out, achieve, get something done |
saada aikaan {vt} [idiomatic] | :: To cause, generate, set off, do, bring about, arouse, provoke |
saada aikaiseksi {v} | :: synonym of saada aikaan |
saada alkunsa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to come into being (to form; to start to exist) |
saada anteeksi {vi} | :: To be forgiven |
saada käsiinsä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get hold of, get one's hands on |
saada kenkää {vi} [idiomatic] | :: To get the boot |
saada kohtuuttomat mittasuhteet {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to be blown out of proportion |
säädännäinen {adj} | :: prescribed or decreed by law |
säädäntä {n} | :: enactment |
säädäntä {n} | :: adjustment |
saada päätökseen {vt} [+ accusative] | :: To complete |
saada reput {v} [colloquial] | :: to fail (an exam) |
saada sätky {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to throw a fit, to freak out, to blow a fuse |
saada sätky {v} [colloquial] | :: to jump, to be scared (react to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body) |
saada selkäänsä {vi} | :: to be battered, get thrashed |
saada selville {vt} [idiomatic, + genitive-accusative] | :: to find out, get to know, learn, unearth, uncover |
saada surmansa {v} | :: to get killed, die |
saada suunniltaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to infuriate, to upset |
saada tahtonsa läpi {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get one's way, have one's way |
säädättää {vt} | :: to have (something) adjusted or tuned |
saada turpaansa {vi} | :: to be battered, get thrashed |
saada turpiinsa {v} | :: alternative form of saada turpaansa |
saada vettä myllyynsä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get something to talk about from someone's actions (usually unintentionally), to get further reason to support something, to get fuel, to get grist for the mill |
saada vihiä {idiom} | :: to get wind, get inkling, get scent |
sääde {n} | :: regulating substance |
säädellä {vt} | :: to regulate |
säädettävä {adj} | :: adjustable |
säädin {n} | :: controller |
säädin {n} | :: remote control |
säädin {n} | :: regulator |
säädös {n} [law] | :: statute (legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law) |
säädöskokoelma {n} [law] | :: collection of statutes, statute book (all the statutes and laws of a given jurisdiction) |
säädösoikeus {n} | :: statute law |
säädösvalmistelu {n} | :: regulatory or legislative preparation |
säädyllinen {adj} | :: decent (acting decently) |
säädyllisesti {adv} | :: decently (in the manner of having a suitable conformity to basic moral standards) |
säädytön {adj} | :: dirty, indecent, lewd, risqué |
säädyttömästi {adv} | :: indecently, immodestly |
sääennustaja {n} | :: weather forecaster |
sääennuste {n} | :: weather forecast |
sääennustus {n} | :: weather forecast |
sääennustus {n} | :: weather forecasting |
saaga {n} | :: saga |
saago {n} | :: sago |
saagopalmu {n} | :: sago palm (Metroxylon sagu) |
säähavainto {n} | :: weather observation |
säähavaintoalus {n} | :: weather ship |
säähavaintoasema {n} | :: weather station |
säähavaintopallo {n} | :: weather balloon, sounding balloon |
šaahi {n} | :: A shah |
šaahitar {n} | :: The wife of a shah, usually called empress in English. The English transliteration of the Persian title used by the last empress of Iran would be shahbanu, which means empress in Persian |
sääilmiö {n} | :: meteorological phenomenon, weather event |
saaja {n} | :: receiver (person who gets or receives) |
saaja {n} [finance] | :: payee (of a bill of exchange or cheque) |
sääkansi {n} [nautical] | :: A weather deck |
sääkartta {n} [meteorology] | :: weather map |
saakeli {interj} | :: damn! |
saakelisti {adv} | :: (so) damn (minor intensifier) |
saakka {postp} | :: (distance) up to, all the way to |
saakka {postp} | :: (temporally) until |
saakka {postp} | :: (distance) all the way from |
saakka {postp} | :: (temporally) since |
sääksi {n} | :: osprey (Pandion haliaetus) |
saakuri {interj} | :: Synonym of saakeli |
saakuristi {adv} | :: synonym of saakelisti |
säälaiva {n} [nautical] | :: weather ship |
saali {n} | :: alternative spelling of šaali |
sääli {n} | :: pity |
sääli {n} | :: mercy (compassion, especially toward those less fortunate) |
sääli {interj} | :: what a pity |
šaali {n} | :: shawl |
sääliä {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to pity |
saaliinhimo {n} | :: rapacity, voracity |
saaliinhimoinen {adj} | :: voracious, rapacious |
säälimätön {adj} | :: merciless |
säälimättömästi {adv} | :: mercilessly |
säälimättömyys {n} | :: mercilessness |
sääliminen {n} | :: pitying |
saalinki {n} [nautical] | :: A spreader |
saalis {n} | :: prey, catch |
saalis {n} | :: kill (result of killing; that which has been killed) |
saalis {n} | :: loot, plunder, booty |
saaliseläin {n} | :: prey, quarry (animal which is hunted) |
saalispatsas {n} | :: a kind of seita |
saalistaa {vt} [esp. of an animal] | :: to prey, hunt |
saalistaja {n} | :: predator |
saalistus {n} | :: preying |
saalistushinnoittelu {n} [economics] | :: predatory pricing |
säälitellä {v} | :: to express pity, often with plentiful wording |
säälittää {vt} | :: to make feel pity |
säälittää {vi} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] | :: to feel pity |
säälittävä {adj} | :: pitiful |
säälittävä {adj} | :: pathetic |
säälittävästi {adv} | :: pitifully |
säälittömästi {adv} | :: mercilessly |
säälivä {adj} | :: compassionate |
säällisesti {adv} | :: properly, decently, respectably |
sääluotain {n} | :: weather probe |
saamari {interj} | :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat (a mild curse) |
saamarin {adv} | :: (this) damn, darn |
saamaristi {adv} | :: (so) damn, darn (minor intensifier) |
saamaton {adj} | :: inefficient, incapable |
saamattomampi {adj} | :: comparative of saamaton |
saamattomuus {n} | :: inefficiency |
saame {n} | :: Sámi (any of the languages of the Sámi people) |
saamelainen {n} | :: Sami (member of nomadic people of Lapland) |
saamelainen {adj} | :: Sami |
saamelaiskäräjät {n} | :: Sami Parliaments |
saamelaiskieli {n} | :: Sami (any of the languages of the Sami) |
saamelaiskota {n} | :: A tipi-like traditional Sami dwelling, known in some English texts by its Sami name lavvu |
saamelaiskulttuuri {n} | :: Sami culture |
saamelaismies {n} | :: Sami man |
saamelaisnainen {n} | :: Sami woman |
saamelaispuku {n} | :: synonym of saamenpuku |
saamelaisuus {n} | :: Saminess (quality of being Sami) |
saamenkielinen {adj} | :: Sami, Sami language (written or expressed in Sami) |
saamenkielinen {adj} | :: Azeri speaking (using Sami as a means of daily communication) |
saamenpuku {n} | :: Sami coat, Sami dress (any of several models of embroidered clothing traditionally worn by Sami men and women) |
saaminen {n} | :: getting, acquiring |
saaminen {n} | :: (accounting) receivable |
säämiskä {n} | :: chamois (leather) |
Saana {prop} | :: A fell in Finnish Lapland |
Saana {prop} | :: given name of modern usage, transferred from the place name |
säänkestävä {adj} | :: weatherproof |
säänlukutaito {n} [nautical] | :: weather eye (ability to predict weather over a short term by interpreting various signs in one's environment) |
säänmuutos {n} | :: weather modification |
saanne {n} | :: accept |
säännellä {v} | :: to regulate |
säännöllinen {adj} | :: regular |
säännöllinen lauseke {n} [computing] | :: regular expression |
säännöllisempi {adj} | :: comparative of säännöllinen |
säännöllisesti {adv} | :: regularly |
säännöllisin {adj} | :: superlative of säännöllinen |
säännöllistää {vt} | :: to regularize |
säännöllistyä {vi} | :: to be regularized |
säännöllisyys {n} | :: regularity |
säännönmukainen {adj} | :: conformant |
säännönmukainen {adj} | :: regular (having a constant pattern) |
säännönmukainen {adj} | :: regular (demonstrating consistent set of rules) |
säännönmukaisesti {adv} | :: as a rule |
säännönmukaisesti {adv} | :: according to rules |
säännönmukaisuus {n} | :: conformity |
säännönmukaisuus {n} | :: regularity |
säännös {n} [law] | :: provision (clause in a statute determining what is obligatory, allowed or prohibited; a specific rule that arises from the lexical content of a statute) |
säännöskokoelma {n} | :: code (body of law) |
säännöstää {vt} | :: to regulate |
säännöstellä {v} | :: to ration |
säännöstellä {v} | :: to regulate |
säännöstely {n} | :: rationing (strictly controlled distribution of scarce resources, usually based on personal quotas) |
säännöstely {n} | :: regulation (more loose control of resources; e.g. by setting limits to quantity purchased at one time or requiring preapproval for large purchases) |
säännöstelykortti {n} | :: ration card |
säännöstelylaki {n} | :: rationing act |
säännöstelylaki {n} | :: sumptuary act (a law that attempts to regulate permitted consumption) |
säännöstelypato {n} | :: weir (adjustable dam placed across a river to regulate the flow of water downstream) |
säännöstelytalous {n} | :: rationed economy |
säännötellä {v} | :: synonym of säännöttää |
säännötön {adj} | :: irregular |
säännöttää {vt} | :: to regulate |
säännöttömästi {adv} | :: irregularly |
säännöttömyys {n} | :: irregularity |
säännöttömyys {n} | :: anomaly (inconsistency) |
sääntelijä {n} | :: regulator |
sääntely {n} | :: regulation |
saanti {n} | :: supply, yield |
saanti {n} [information retrieval] | :: recall |
saantisuositus {n} | :: recommended intake, intake recommendation (of a nutrient) |
saanto {n} [law] | :: estate |
saanto {n} | :: acquisition |
saanto {n} | :: yield, recovery |
sääntö {n} | :: rule |
sääntö {n} | :: regulation |
sääntö {n} [in plural] | :: laws, rules, bylaws, code (constitution of an association) |
sääntömääräinen {adj} | :: statutory (as stipulated by the by-laws of an association) |
sääntömuutos {n} | :: rule change |
sääntöperintötila {n} [legal, obsolete] | :: fee tail, fideicommissum (estate in land which may not be sold or pledged and must be passed undivided to the next generation in the family, usually to the eldest son) |
säänvaihtelu {n} | :: rapid and constant changing of weather |
sääolosuhteet {n} | :: meteorological or weather conditions |
sääolot {n} | :: weather conditions |
sääoppi {n} | :: meteorology |
sääpallo {n} | :: A weather balloon |
sääpalvelu {n} | :: weather service |
saapas {n} | :: boot (shoe) |
saapashousut {n} | :: breeches |
saapasjalkainen {adj} | :: that is wearing boots (shoes) |
saapasmaa {n} | :: alternative case form of Saapasmaa |
Saapasmaa {prop} [figuratively, jocular] | :: Italy |
saapasnahka {n} | :: boot leather, leather for boots |
saapaspari {n} | :: A pair of boots |
saapaspihdit {n} | :: boot jack |
saapasrasva {n} | :: boot cream, boot grease |
saapasrenki {n} | :: bootjack |
saapastella {vi} | :: To walk around while wearing boots |
saapastella {vi} | :: To strut |
saapasvarsi {n} | :: shaft of a boot |
saapikas {n} | :: ankle boot |
sääpoiju {n} | :: weather buoy |
saappaanheitto {n} | :: welly whanging |
saappaankanta {n} | :: low heel of a boot |
saappaankorko {n} | :: high heel of a boot |
saappaannuolija {n} | :: bootlicker |
saappaanvarsi {n} | :: shaft of a boot |
sääprofeetta {n} | :: weather prophet |
saapua {vi} | :: to arrive |
sääpuhe {n} | :: weather speak |
saapuminen {n} | :: arrival |
saapumisaika {n} | :: time of arrival |
saapumiserä {n} | :: batch of arrival |
saapumiserä {n} [military] | :: class (a group of people subject to be conscripted in the same military draft) |
saapumisilmoitus {n} | :: notification of arrival |
saapumisjärjestys {n} | :: arriving order |
saapumisviisumi {n} | :: visa-on-arrival |
saapuneet-kansio {n} | :: in-box, inbox (computer/email folder) |
saapuneet-laatikko {n} | :: in-box, inbox (physical box or a computer file) |
saapuva {adj} | :: arriving |
saapuva {adj} | :: incoming; used e.g. of mail |
saapuvilla {adv} [of people] | :: present |
saapuville {adv} [of people] | :: into being present |
Saara {prop} | :: Sarah [biblical character] |
Saara {prop} | :: given name |
saarekas {adj} [of a body of water] | :: Having of many islands |
saareke {n} | :: An island (entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from it) |
saareke {n} | :: A small island, especially an artificial one and/or one that is close to a larger land mass, an islet |
saarekesolusyöpä {n} | :: islet cell cancer |
Saarela {prop} | :: surname |
Saarela {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
saarelainen {n} | :: islander (someone living on an island) |
Saarelainen {prop} | :: surname |
Saarenmaa {prop} | :: Saaremaa |
säärevä {adj} [dialectal, northern dialects] | :: long-legged |
saari {n} | :: island |
Saari {prop} | :: surname |
Saari {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
sääri {n} [anatomy] | :: shank, shin (lower part of the leg) |
sääri {n} | :: cannon (shank of a horse in both forelimbs and hind limbs) |
sääri {n} [in the plural] | :: used to refer to legs from an aesthetic point of view |
sääri {n} | :: a long (wooden) pole |
säärihaava {n} | :: leg ulcer |
saariharmaakettu {n} | :: island fox, Urocyon littoralis |
saarijärveläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Saarijärvi |
saarijärveläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Saarijärvi |
Saarijärvi {prop} | :: Saarijärvi (town) |
Saarijärvi {prop} | :: Any of the several lakes with that name |
Saarijärvi {prop} | :: surname |
saarijärvinen {adj} | :: alternative form of saarijärveläinen |
saarijärvinen {n} | :: alternative form of saarijärveläinen |
saarikaari {n} [vulcanology, geology] | :: island arc |
Saarikangas {prop} | :: surname |
säärikarvat {n} | :: leg hair |
saarikettu {n} | :: island fox, Urocyon littoralis |
säärikokko {n} | :: a type of bonfire in which a tall structure, supported by poles, is burned |
sääriluu {n} [skeleton] | :: The tibia or shinbone |
saarinen {adj} | :: Synonym of saarekas |
Saarinen {prop} | :: surname |
Saarinen {prop} | :: Any of a number of lakes and small places in Finland |
säärintama {n} [meteorology] | :: weather front |
Saario {prop} | :: surname |
Saario {prop} | :: A placename |
saaririkas {adj} | :: rich in islands |
saariryhmä {n} | :: island group |
sääriside {n} | :: shin bandage |
saaristo {n} | :: archipelago (especially one off the coast of a larger landmass) |
saaristoalus {n} | :: ship used or designed for use in an archipelago |
saaristolainen {n} | :: islander (person who lives on an island) |
saaristolaislammas {n} | :: Åland sheep |
saaristolaisleipä {n} | :: A type of slightly sweet rye bread baked with cultured milk, malt, bran, rye flour and syrup |
saaristolaisyhteisö {n} | :: island community |
saaristolaiva {n} | :: archipelago boat |
saaristolaivasto {n} | :: archipelago fleet, especially the historical Swedish archipelago fleet |
saaristoliikenne {n} | :: traffic in an archipelago |
Saaristomeri {n} | :: Archipelago Sea (part of the Baltic Sea) |
saaristopuhelin {n} | :: archipelago payphone |
saaristoristeily {n} | :: archipelago cruise |
saaristovaltio {n} | :: archipelagic state |
säärisuoja {n} | :: shin guard, shin pad |
saarivaltio {n} | :: island state |
säärivarsi {n} [anatomy] | :: The part of a human leg, which is between the knee and the ankle. In normal usage shortened to sääri |
saarna {n} | :: sermon |
saarnaaja {n} | :: preacher |
Saarnaaja {prop} | :: Ecclesiastes (book of the Hebrew Bible) |
Saarnaajan kirja {prop} | :: Ecclesiastes (book of the Hebrew Bible) |
saarnaajaveli {n} | :: pilgrim, friar preacher |
saarnaaminen {n} | :: preaching |
saarnalupa {n} | :: license or permission to sermon |
saarnamatka {n} | :: preaching trip, preaching tour |
saarnamies {n} | :: (male) preacher |
saarnanuotti {n} | :: a manneristic way of speech associated with those who give a sermon |
saarnapönttö {n} [colloquial] | :: pulpit |
saarnastuoli {n} | :: A pulpit, ambo |
saarnata {v} | :: to preach |
saarnateksti {n} [Christianity] | :: text for a sermon |
saarnateltta {n} | :: tabernacle (tent) |
saarnatuoli {n} | :: pulpit (raised platform in church) |
saarnavirsi {n} | :: hymn of preparation before a sermon |
saarni {n} | :: European ash, Fraxinus excelsior |
saarrostaa {vt} [military] | :: to attack in order to surround |
saartaa {vt} | :: to surround, enclose, encircle (in order not to let the object escape) |
saarto {n} | :: blockade |
saarva {n} [archaic] | :: synonym of saukko |
säärys {n} | :: alternative form of säärystin |
säärystin {n} | :: gaiter (covering of cloth or leather for the whole leg from the knee to the instep, fitting down upon the shoe) |
sääsatelliitti {n} | :: weather satellite |
sääski {n} | :: mosquito |
sääski {n} | :: midge |
sääski {n} [dialectal] | :: osprey |
sääskilakki {n} | :: mosquito hat |
sääskiparvi {n} | :: A swarm of mosquitos |
sääskisavu {n} [colloquial] | :: mosquito coil |
sääskiteltta {n} | :: synonym of rankinen |
sääskiverkko {n} | :: mosquito net |
saasta {n} | :: filth |
säästää {vt} | :: To save (some resource, e.g. money, electricity) |
saastainen {adj} | :: foul, dirty |
säästäjä {n} | :: saver (one who saves something, usually money) |
säästäminen {n} | :: saving |
säästämistili {n} | :: synonym of säästötili |
Saastamoinen {prop} | :: surname |
säästäntä {n} | :: saving (e.g. of money) |
saastata {v} | :: synonym of saastuttaa |
säästäväinen {adj} | :: prudent, frugal, thrifty (characterized by economy and good management of property) |
säästäväisempi {adj} | :: comparative of säästäväinen |
säästäväisesti {adv} | :: prudently, frugally, thriftily, economically |
säästäväisin {adj} | :: superlative of säästäväinen |
säästäväisyys {n} | :: thrift (property of being economical) |
saaste {n} [usually in the plural] | :: pollution |
saaste {n} | :: pollutant |
saastealue {n} | :: polluted area |
saasteeton {adj} | :: nonpolluting, unpolluting |
saasteeton {adj} | :: unpolluted, pollution-free |
säästeliäästi {adv} | :: prudently, frugally, thriftily |
säästeliäs {adj} | :: prudent, frugal, thrifty |
säästellä {v} | :: to save, especially one's efforts |
säästellä {v} | :: to skimp (to be parsimonious or stingy) |
saastepilvi {n} | :: pollution cloud |
säästiö {n} | :: A small natural preserve |
säästö {n} | :: saving (reduction in expenditure) |
säästö {n} | :: in plural (säästöt), savings (that which has been put aside for future needs) |
säästö {n} | :: as modifier in compound terms, savings |
säästö {n} | :: as modifier in compound terms, economy, budget (cheap) |
säästöbetoni {n} | :: concrete changed in some way to reduce cost, such as adding stone or rock |
säästökirja {n} [banking, colloquial, dated] | :: A passbook, bankbook |
säästölipas {n} | :: money box |
säästöpankki {n} | :: mutual savings bank, savings bank |
säästöpankkiryhmä {n} | :: savings bank group |
säästöpossu {n} | :: piggy bank |
säästöraha {n} | :: money that one has saved |
säästötalkoot {n} | :: a common effort of all people to start saving their money |
säästötili {n} [banking] | :: savings account |
saastua {vi} | :: to become polluted |
saastua {vi} | :: to become contaminated |
saastuke {n} | :: pollutant |
saastuminen {n} | :: pollution |
saastuminen {n} | :: contamination |
saastunein {adj} | :: superlative of saastunut |
saastunta {n} | :: synonym of saastuminen |
saastunut {adj} | :: polluted, contaminated |
saastute {n} | :: alternative form of saastuke |
saastuttaa {v} | :: To pollute |
saastuttaa {v} | :: To contaminate |
saastuttaja {n} | :: A polluter |
säästyä {vi} | :: to be spared, saved from |
säätää {vt} [mechanics] | :: to adjust, regulate, tune, control |
säätää {vt} [legal] | :: to enact; prescribe, ordain, decree |
säätää {vt} [colloquial] | :: to do (something time-consuming), to muck about |
säätää laki {v} [law] | :: to legislate, pass a law |
säätäminen {n} | :: tuning, adjusting |
säätäminen {n} | :: enacting, ordaining, decreeing |
säätäminen {n} | :: mucking about |
saatana {n} | :: devil, Satan |
Saatana {prop} | :: Satan (the Devil) |
saatanallinen {adj} | :: Satanic |
saatananpalvoja {n} | :: theistic satanist |
saatananpalvonta {n} | :: theistic satanism |
saatanasti {adv} [vulgar] | :: An intensifier |
saatava {n} | :: short for myyntisaatava |
saatavana {adv} | :: available |
saatavilla {adv} | :: available, procurable |
saataville {adv} | :: into being available |
saatavilta {adv} | :: from being available |
saatavuus {n} | :: availability |
saate {n} | :: covering note |
saatekirje {n} | :: cover letter |
säätekokuu {n} | :: synonym of sääsatelliitti |
säätelijä {n} | :: regulator |
saatella {v} | :: To escort |
säätely {n} | :: regulation |
säätelygeeni {n} [genetics] | :: regulator, regulator gene |
saatesanat {n} | :: preamble, foreword |
saati {adv} | :: let alone, not to mention |
säätiede {n} | :: meteorology |
säätiedot {n} | :: weather information, meteorological information |
säätiedote {n} | :: weather report |
säätiedottaja {n} | :: weather forecaster, weatherman, weatherperson |
säätiedotus {n} | :: weather report |
saatikka {adv} | :: alternative form of saati |
säätila {n} | :: weather conditions, weather |
saatille {adv} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: into accompanying someone |
säätiö {n} | :: foundation, institution |
säätiöidä {vt} | :: to make into or put (money) in a trust or foundation |
säätö {n} | :: adjustment, control, regulation |
säätö {n} [colloquial] | :: tuning, messing around (any indeterminate action, possibly belittlingly) |
säätö {n} [colloquial] | :: a fling, a short and garbled relationship with someone (may or may not be sexual) |
säätökondensaattori {n} [electronics] | :: variable capacitor |
säätösauva {n} | :: control rod |
saatossa {adv} | :: over the course |
säätötekniikka {n} | :: control theory |
säätöteoria {n} [engineering, math] | :: control theory |
säätövastus {n} [electronics] | :: variable resistor |
säätöventtiili {n} | :: control valve |
säätövoima {n} | :: regulating power, load-following power |
saattaa {v} | :: to escort, usher, see, accompany, walk |
saattaa {v} | :: to bring, drive (into a situation) |
saattaa {v} [auxiliary, + first infinitive] | :: may (do, probably do); (in the conditional mood) might (do, probably do) |
saattaa {v} [auxiliary, + first infinitive; in simple past tense] | :: to have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), be able to (do) |
saattaja {n} | :: escorter; one who escorts, ushers or accompanies |
saattaja {n} | :: bringer |
saattaja-alus {n} | :: escort vessel |
saattaminen {n} | :: escorting, ushering, accompanying |
saattaminen {n} | :: bringing, driving (into a situation) |
saattaminen {n} [usually, in plural] | :: abilities, capabilities |
saatto {n} | :: escort |
saattohoito {n} | :: hospice (provision of palliative care for terminally ill patients) |
saattojoukko {n} | :: escort |
saattokoti {n} | :: hospice (facility for the terminally ill) |
saattoväki {n} | :: escorting crowd (people who have gathered to wish a good journey for someone or something who leaves) |
saattoväki {n} | :: mourners (the people taking part in a funeral ceremony as a group) |
saattue {n} | :: A convoy |
saattuelentotukialus {n} | :: escort aircraft carrier |
saattuetukialus {n} | :: escort carrier |
säätutka {n} | :: weather radar |
sääty {n} [historical] | :: estate (major social class regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights) |
sääty {n} [archaic] | :: class (social grouping based on wealth, education etc.) |
sääty {n} [archaic] | :: rank (level of one's position in a class-based society) |
sääty {n} [archaic] | :: quality (high social position) |
säätyä {vi} | :: to be adjusted |
säätyä {vi} [law] | :: to be enacted or ordained |
säätyerioikeus {n} | :: A privilege of an estate, such as the right of the nobility to occupy highest public offices |
säätyläinen {n} [historical] | :: person of rank (member of the upper class or high society) |
säätyläinen {n} [in plural, historical] | :: the gentry (the members of the upper classes collectively) |
säätyläistö {n} [archaic] | :: the quality (the upper class, the high society, the gentry; the people of quality) |
säätyraja {n} | :: social class distinction |
säätyvaltiopäivät {n} | :: diet of estates (type of diet in which the representation is based on estates) |
sääty-yhteiskunta {n} [chiefly historical] | :: A society in which an indivual's rights and duties are determined by his/her estate |
saavi {n} | :: tub (broad, open, flat-bottomed vessel) |
saavillinen {n} | :: A tub or tubful (contents or capacity of a tub) |
saavutettavuus {n} | :: accessibility |
saavuttaa {vt} | :: to reach |
saavuttaa {vt} | :: to obtain |
saavuttaa {vt} | :: to achieve, accomplish |
saavuttaa {vt} | :: to gain, attain |
saavuttaa {vt} | :: to bring about |
saavuttamaton {adj} | :: unreachable, unattainable, unobtainable, inaccessible, unachievable (impossible to attain or reach, unable to accomplish, beyond limit) |
saavuttamattomiin {adv} | :: into being unreachable or unattainable |
saavuttamattomissa {adv} | :: unreachable, unattainable |
saavuttaminen {n} | :: attainment, accomplishment, satisfaction |
saavutus {n} | :: achievement, accomplishment, feat, attainment |
säbä {n} [slang] | :: floorball |
sabatti {n} | :: alternative form of sapatti |
sabayon {n} [food] | :: zabaglione |
sabloni {n} [old-fashioned] | :: template (model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object) |
sabloni {n} | :: (old-fashioned) stencil (utensil for drawing) |
sabluuna {n} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of sapluuna |
sabotaasi {n} | :: sabotage |
sabotoida {vt} | :: To sabotage |
sabotoida {vt} | :: To undermine |
sabotoija {n} | :: saboteur |
sabotointi {n} | :: sabotage |
sabotööri {n} | :: saboteur |
sabra {n} | :: sabra |
sacherkakku {n} | :: Sachertorte, Sacher torte (type of chocolate cake originating from Vienna) |
sadan metrin juoksu {n} [athletics] | :: 100 metres, 100-metre dash [UK], 100 meters [US] (athletics event) |
sadannes {n} | :: hundredth, one-hundredth (one of a hundred equal parts of a whole) |
sadanpäämies {n} | :: centurion |
sadanta {n} | :: (amount of) precipitation |
sadas {adj} | :: hundredth |
sadasosa {n} | :: one-hundredth |
sadasosasekunti {n} | :: One hundredth of a second |
sadasti {adv} | :: a hundred times |
sadastuhannes {adj} | :: hundred-thousandth (number hundred-thousand in a sequence) |
sadatella {vi} | :: To swear, curse, damn |
saddukeus {n} [biblical] | :: Sadducee (member of an ancient Jewish sect) |
sade {n} [meteorology] | :: precipitation (any kind of precipitation from the sky (e.g. rain, snow, sleet, hailstones)) |
sade {n} [especially] | :: rain (condensed water falling from a cloud) |
sade {n} [by extension] | :: rain (any matter moving or falling, usually through air) |
säde {n} | :: radius |
säde {n} | :: beam of light |
säde {n} | :: ray of radiation |
Säde {prop} | :: given name |
sadeaika {n} | :: rainy season |
sadealue {n} | :: rainfall area, watershed area |
sädeannos {n} [dated] | :: Same as säteilyannos (radiation dose) |
sadeasu {n} | :: rainwear |
säde-eläin {n} | :: radiolarian |
sade-ennätys {n} | :: rain record |
sädehoito {n} [medicine] | :: radiation therapy |
sadehousut {n} | :: rain trousers |
sädehtiä {v} | :: to radiate |
sadeilma {n} | :: rainy weather, rain |
sadeilma {n} [rare] | :: the air during the rain |
sädekaavio {n} | :: radar chart |
sädekaisla {n} | :: papyrus sedge, flatsedge, nutsedge, umbrella sedge (plant of the genus Cyperus) |
sadekausi {n} | :: wet season, rainy season, monsoon (tropical rainy season) |
sadekäyrä {n} [meteorology] | :: isohyet (line of equal rainfall on a map or chart) |
sädekehä {n} | :: halo, nimbus, aureole (luminous disc around or over the heads of saints) |
sädekehä {n} | :: halo (metaphorical aura of glory) |
sädekehävaikutus {n} [psychology] | :: halo effect |
sadekuuro {n} | :: shower (fall of light rain) |
sädelihas {n} [anatomy] | :: ciliary muscle |
sadella {v} | :: To rain [intermittently] |
sademäärä {n} | :: rainfall |
sademetsä {n} | :: rainforest |
sademittari {n} | :: rain gauge |
sädeoptiikka {n} | :: geometric optics |
sadepäivä {n} | :: rainy day (day when it rains) |
sadepilvi {n} | :: rain cloud |
sadepilvi {n} | :: nimbus |
sadepilvien kylväminen {n} | :: cloud seeding |
sadepisara {n} | :: raindrop |
sadesää {n} | :: rainy weather |
sädesieni {n} | :: actinomycete (any of various filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria, of the order Actinomycetales) |
sädesienitauti {n} [pathology] | :: actinomycosis |
sädesiipisimppu {n} | :: clearfin lionfish, Pterois radiata |
sadesumma {n} | :: total amount of precipitation over a certain period |
sadetakki {n} | :: A raincoat, mackintosh [British] |
sadetakki {n} | :: A mackintosh (type of raincoat made of rubberized cloth) |
sadetanssi {n} | :: rain dance |
sadetin {n} | :: sprinkler |
sädetin {n} | :: synonym of sadetin |
sädetin {n} | :: ray gun (fictional weapon) |
sadettaa {v} | :: To irrigate or to water by means of a sprinkler |
sädettää {vt} | :: to radiate |
sadetus {n} | :: irrigation by means of a sprinkler or other device that causes the water to fall over the irrigated area as in the form of rain; sprinkler irrigation, overhead irrigation |
sadetutka {n} | :: a (usually animated) map showing precipitation within an area |
sadevaate {n} [in plural] | :: a piece of rain or wet weather clothing; rain or wet weather clothes |
sadevesi {n} | :: rainwater |
sadevesikaivo {n} | :: rainwater gully, storm gully |
sadevesikouru {n} | :: rain gutter, eaves trough, gutter (trough that collects rainwater running from a roof and leads it to a downspout) |
sadevesisäiliö {n} | :: rainwater tank; rain barrel [US], water butt [UK] (vessel used for holding rainwater for e.g. firefighting or watering) |
sadeviitta {n} | :: cagoule |
sadin {n} | :: A trap for grouses and hares |
sadismi {n} | :: sadism |
sadisti {n} | :: sadist |
sadistinen {adj} | :: sadistic |
sadistisesti {adv} | :: sadistically |
sadistisuus {n} | :: sadism (the property of being sadistic) |
sadoittain {adv} | :: hundreds of, by the hundred |
sadomasokismi {n} | :: sadomasochism |
sadomasokisti {n} | :: sadomasochist |
sadomasokistinen {adj} | :: sadomasochistic |
sadonkorjuu {n} | :: harvest, harvesting (action of gathering of crops) |
sadonkorjuuaika {n} | :: harvest time |
sadonkorjuujuhla {n} | :: harvest festival (festival to celebrate the harvest) |
sadonkorjuutyö {n} | :: harvesting work |
sadunomaisesti {adv} | :: like in a fairytale |
säe {n} [poetry] | :: line, verse |
säen {n} | :: alternative form of säkene |
säestää {vit} [music] | :: to accompany (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition) |
säestäminen {n} [music] | :: accompaniment |
säestys {n} [music] | :: accompaniment |
saeta {vi} [usually, of snowfall] | :: To thicken, become/get thick(er) |
safari {n} | :: safari |
safarituoli {n} | :: Safari chair |
safiiri {n} [mineral] | :: sapphire |
safka {n} [slang] | :: food |
safkata {v} [slang] | :: to eat |
saflori {n} | :: safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) |
saga {n} | :: alternative spelling of saaga |
sagittaalinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: sagittal (in the direction from dorsal to ventral) |
sagittaalitaso {n} [anatomy] | :: sagittal plane |
sagriini {n} | :: shagreen |
saha {n} | :: saw (tool) |
saha {n} | :: sawmill (plant, production facility) |
saha {n} [musical instruments] | :: musical saw (musical instrument) |
Saha {prop} | :: surname |
Saha {prop} [uncountable] | :: Sakha Republic |
saha-aalto {n} | :: synonym of sahalaita-aalto |
sahaaja {n} | :: sawer, sawyer |
sahaaminen {n} | :: sawing |
sahaava {adj} | :: intermittent (stopping and starting at intervals) |
sahaava {adj} | :: back and forth (going from one position to another and back again in a manner that resembles sawing) |
sähähtää {v} | :: to sizzle (once and/or suddenly) |
sahajauho {n} | :: sawdust |
sähäkästi {adv} | :: jazzily, flashily |
sähäkkä {adj} | :: saucy (mildly sexy, mainly said of a woman) |
sähäkkä {adj} | :: jazzy, flashy, showy |
sahakuvio {n} | :: sawtooth pattern |
sahalaita {n} | :: sawtooth |
sahalaita-aalto {n} | :: sawtooth wave |
sahalaitainen {adj} | :: saw-toothed, serrated |
sahalihas {n} [anatomy] | :: serratus |
sahamainen {adj} | :: sawlike, serrate |
sahanpuru {n} | :: sawdust |
sahapistiäinen {n} | :: sawfly (insect of the suborder Symphyta) |
sahapukki {n} | :: sawbuck, buck, sawhorse (frame on which firewood is sawed) |
saharangaselli {n} | :: sand gazelle, slender-horned gazelle, Gazella leptoceros (gazelle with slender horns adapted to desert life) |
sahata {vt} | :: to saw |
sahata omaa oksaansa {v} [idiom] | :: to saw off the branch one is sitting on, shoot oneself in the foot |
sahatavara {n} | :: sawn goods, sawn timber in general |
sahateollisuus {n} | :: sawmill industry |
sahaus {n} | :: sawing |
sahauskuoppa {n} | :: saw pit, sawpit |
sahauttaa {v} | :: To let saw, have sawn (by someone else) |
sahautua {vi} | :: to be sawed |
Sahel {prop} | :: Sahel (arid region in northern Africa, south of the Saharan desert) |
sahelinelandi {n} [rare] | :: synonym of jättiläishirviantilooppi |
säheltää {vi} | :: synonym of sählätä |
sähinä {n} | :: hiss |
sähistä {vi} | :: To hiss |
sähke {n} | :: telegram |
sähkeitse {adv} | :: by telegraph or telegram |
sähkeuutiset {n} | :: short news consisting of summaries |
sähkö {n} | :: electricity |
sähköaisti {n} | :: electroreception |
sähköaita {n} | :: electric fence |
sähköaivo {n} [obsolete] | :: computer, "electronic brain" |
sähköajanotto {n} | :: electronic timing, electronic race timing |
sähköakkumulaattori {n} [dated] | :: accumulator, rechargeable battery |
sähköakustiikka {n} | :: electroacoustics |
sähköakustinen {adj} [music] | :: electroacoustic |
sähköala {n} | :: electrical sector, electrical industry |
sähköallergia {n} | :: electrohypersensitivity |
sähköankerias {n} | :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) |
sähköasema {n} | :: electrical substation |
sähköasennus {n} | :: electrical installation |
sähköasentaja {n} | :: electrician |
sähköauto {n} | :: electric car |
sähköbasso {n} | :: electric bass |
sähködipoli {n} [physics] | :: electric dipole |
sähködynaaminen {adj} | :: electrodynamic |
sähködynamiikka {n} | :: electrodynamics |
sähköelementti {n} | :: electric element |
sähköelin {n} [anatomy] | :: electric organ |
sähköenergia {n} | :: electrical energy |
sähköenergiamittari {n} | :: electricity meter |
sähköenergiatalous {n} | :: electric power economy |
sähköeriste {n} | :: electric insulator |
sähköeristin {n} | :: electrical nonconductor |
sähköeristys {n} | :: electric insulation |
sähköfortuna {n} [rare] | :: pinball |
sähköfysiologia {n} | :: electrophysiology |
sähkögeneraattori {n} | :: electrical generator |
sähkögrilli {n} | :: electric grill, electric barbecue |
sähköhammasharja {n} | :: electric toothbrush |
sähköheikko {adj} [physics] | :: electroweak |
sähköhella {n} | :: electric kitchen stove |
sähköhitsaus {n} | :: electric welding |
sähköhoito {n} | :: electroconvulsive therapy |
sähköhöylä {n} | :: power planer, electric planer |
sähköhuolto {n} | :: supply of electrical power |
sähköhuopa {n} | :: electric blanket |
sähköilmiö {n} | :: electrical phenomenon |
sähköinen {adj} | :: electrical |
sähköinen {adj} | :: e-, digital |
sähköinen media {n} | :: electronic media |
sähköinen potentiaali {n} [physics] | :: electric potential |
sähköinsinööri {n} | :: electrical engineer |
sähköisesti {adv} [not comparable] | :: electronically, electrically, digitally |
sähköisesti {adv} | :: electrically, electrifyingly |
sähköisku {n} | :: electric shock |
sähköistää {vt} | :: to electrify |
sähköistäminen {n} | :: electrification (act) |
sähköistyä {vi} | :: to electrify |
sähköistys {n} | :: electrification |
sähköistysurakka {n} | :: contract work to electrify something |
sähköjännite {n} | :: electric voltage |
sähköjärjestelmä {n} | :: electrical system |
sähköjohde {n} | :: electrical conductor |
sähköjohdin {n} | :: electrical wire |
sähköjohto {n} | :: electric wire |
sähköjuna {n} | :: electric train (train powered by electricity) |
sähkökaapeli {n} | :: electric cable |
sähkökaappi {n} | :: electrical cabinet, electrical enclosure (cabinet for electrical or electronic equipment to protect the public from electrical shock and to protect the contents from the environment) |
sähkökalastus {n} | :: electric fishing |
sähkökatko {n} | :: blackout, power outage, power failure |
sähkökatkos {n} [electricity] | :: blackout (break in power supply) |
sähkökattila {n} | :: electric boiler, electric kettle |
sähkökäymälä {n} | :: electric toilet |
sähkökäynnisteinen {adj} | :: that which is started with electrical power |
sähkökäynnistin {n} | :: electric starter |
sähkökäynnistys {n} | :: electrical starting |
sähkökäyttö {n} | :: use with electric power |
sähkökäyttöinen {adj} | :: electric-powered, electrically powered |
sähkökeitin {n} | :: electric cooker |
sähkökello {n} | :: electric clock |
sähkökemia {n} | :: electrochemistry |
sähkökemiallinen {adj} | :: electrochemical |
sähkökenttä {n} [electricity, physics] | :: electric field |
sähkökeskus {n} | :: switchboard (device used to facilitate safe distribution of electricity to the individual points of consumption, usually equipped with fuses to cut off eventual faulty circuits) |
sähkökipinä {n} | :: electric spark |
sähkökirja {n} | :: e-book |
sähkökirjoituskone {n} | :: electric typewriter (as opposed to mechanical) |
sähkökitara {n} | :: An electric guitar |
sähkökitaristi {n} | :: electric guitarist |
sähkökiuas {n} | :: electric sauna stove |
sähkökoje {n} | :: electric appliance |
sähkökone {n} | :: electrical machine |
sähkökuolema {n} | :: electrocution (accidental death or suicide by electric shock) |
sähkökynttelikkö {n} | :: electric candelabrum |
sähkökynttilä {n} | :: electric candle |
sähkökytkin {n} | :: electrical switch |
sähkölähde {n} | :: electrical source |
sähkölaite {n} | :: electronic device, electrical apparatus |
sähkölaitos {n} | :: electric utility (company that engages in distribution and often also in generation and transmission of electricity) |
sähkölaitosasentaja {n} | :: power plant mechanic |
sähkölaitostekniikka {n} | :: power plant engineering |
sähkölamautin {n} | :: electric stun gun, electric taser |
sähkölämmitin {n} | :: electrical heater |
sähkölämmitteinen {adj} | :: electrically heated |
sähkölämmitys {n} | :: electrical heating |
sähkölämpö {n} [in compounds] | :: electric heat; electrothermal |
sähkölämpömittari {n} | :: electric thermometer |
sähkölamppu {n} | :: electric lamp |
sähkölanka {n} | :: electric wire |
sähkölasku {n} | :: electricity bill, electric bill, power bill (bill for electricity consumed) |
sähkölevy {n} | :: electric hotplate |
sähköliesi {n} | :: electrical kitchen stove |
sähköliike {n} | :: electronics store |
sähkölinja {n} | :: power line |
sähkölinja-auto {n} | :: electric bus |
sähkölukitus {n} | :: electrical locking |
sähkölukko {n} | :: electrical lock |
sähkömäärä {n} | :: electric charge |
sähkömagneetti {n} | :: electromagnet |
sähkömagneettinen {adj} | :: electromagnetic |
sähkömagneettinen aalto {n} [physics] | :: electromagnetic wave (electromagnetic radiation) |
sähkömagneettinen säteily {n} | :: electromagnetic radiation |
sähkömagneettinen vuorovaikutus {n} [physics] | :: electromagnetic interaction |
sähkömagnetismi {n} | :: electromagnetism |
sähkömankeli {n} | :: electric mangle |
sähkömarkkinat {n} | :: electricity market |
sähkömekaanikko {n} | :: electrical mechanic |
sähkömekaaninen {adj} | :: electromechanical |
sähkömekaniikka {n} | :: electromechanics |
sähkömiehenmakkara {n} | :: synonym of ohmimakkara |
sähkömies {n} | :: electrician |
sähkömittari {n} | :: electricity meter |
sähkömittaustekniikka {n} | :: alternative form of sähkönmittaustekniikka |
sähkömonni {n} | :: electric catfish |
sähkömoottori {n} | :: electric motor |
sähkömoottorijuna {n} [rail transport] | :: electric multiple unit |
sähkömotorinen {adj} | :: electromotive |
sähkömotorinen voima {n} [physics] | :: electromotive force |
sähkömusiikki {n} | :: electronic music |
sähköneriste {n} | :: electrical insulator |
sähköneristin {n} | :: electrical insulator |
sähköneristys {n} | :: electrical insulation |
sähkönjakelu {n} | :: electric power distribution |
sähkönjakeluverkko {n} | :: electrical distribution network |
sähkönjohde {n} | :: alternative form of sähköjohde |
sähkönjohdin {n} | :: alternative form of sähköjohdin |
sähkönjohtavuus {n} [physics] | :: conductance, electric conductivity |
sähkönjohtokyky {n} | :: sähkönjohtavuus (conductivity) |
sähkönkäyttö {n} | :: use of electricity |
sähkönkulutus {n} | :: electricity consumption |
sähkönlähde {n} | :: source of electricity |
sähkönmittaustekniikka {n} | :: electricity measurement technology (methods, devices and calculations used to measure electrical quantities) |
sähkönpurkaus {n} | :: electrical discharge, electrical surge |
sähkönsiirto {n} | :: electric power transmission |
sähkönsininen {adj} | :: electric blue (colour) |
sähköntuotanto {n} | :: electricity generation |
sähkönvaraamiskyky {n} | :: electric capacitance |
sähköohjaus {n} | :: electrical control |
sähköompelukone {n} | :: electric sewing machine |
sähköopillinen {adj} | :: related to the branch of physics that concerns with electricity and electrical phenomena |
sähköoppi {n} | :: A branch of physics dealing with electricity and electric and electronic phenomena |
sähköpääkeskus {n} | :: The main switchboard by which the electricity supply of a building or other similar entity is controlled |
sähköpäätaulu {n} | :: main (electrical) switchboard |
sähköpaimen {n} | :: electric fence, specifically a non-lethal one used to control cattle |
sähköpaistinpannu {n} | :: electric skillet |
sähköpalo {n} | :: an electrical fire |
sähköpari {n} | :: electrochemical cell |
sähköparisto {n} | :: battery (device that produces electricity by a chemical reaction between two substances) |
sähköparranajokone {n} | :: electric razor |
sähköpatteri {n} | :: electric radiator (heating device) |
sähköpiano {n} [musical instruments] | :: electric piano |
sähköpiirustus {n} | :: electrical plan |
sähköpiiska {n} | :: prod (electric handheld device for controlling cattle) |
sähköpora {n} | :: electric drill |
sähköposti {n} | :: e-mail, electronic mail (system for transferring messages from one computer to another) |
sähköposti {n} | :: e-mail (message) |
sähköpostilaatikko {n} | :: electronic mailbox |
sähköpostilista {n} | :: mailing list |
sähköpostiosoite {n} | :: e-mail address |
sähköpostitse {adv} | :: by e-mail (as a medium) |
sähköpostiviesti {n} | :: An email message |
sähköpotkulauta {n} | :: electric scooter (electrified kickscooter) |
sähköpumppu {n} | :: electric pump |
sähköpunktuuri {n} | :: electroacupuncture |
sähköpurkaus {n} | :: electrical discharge |
sähköputkitus {n} | :: electrical conduiting |
sähköpylväs {n} | :: electricity pylon, electric pole, utility pole |
sähköpyörä {n} | :: electric bike |
sähköraha {n} | :: electronic money |
sähkörata {n} | :: electric track, electric railway |
sähkörausku {n} | :: electric ray, torpedo (fish of the order Torpediniformes) |
sähkösaha {n} | :: power saw |
sähkösanoma {n} [dated] | :: telegram |
sähkösavuke {n} | :: electronic cigarette (battery-powered device that provides doses of nicotine for inhalation by way of a vaporized solution) |
sähköshokki {n} | :: alternative spelling of sähköšokki |
sähköshokkihoito {n} | :: alternative spelling of sähköšokkihoito |
sähkösilitysrauta {n} | :: electric clothes iron |
sähkösilmä {n} | :: electric eye |
sähköskitta {n} [slang] | :: electric guitar |
sähköskootteri {n} | :: mobility scooter |
sähköskootteri {n} | :: electric scooter (electric vehicle resembling a motroscooter) |
sähkösoitin {n} | :: electric instrument, electrophone |
sähkösokki {n} | :: alternative spelling of sähköšokki |
sähköšokki {n} | :: An electric shock, especially one used as medical treatment |
sähkösokkihoito {n} | :: alternative spelling of sähköšokkihoito |
sähköšokkihoito {n} | :: electroconvulsive therapy |
sähköstaattinen {adj} | :: electrostatic |
sähköstartti {n} [colloquial] | :: electric starter, electric starter motor |
sähköstatiikka {n} [physics] | :: electrostatics |
sähkösuunnittelija {n} | :: electrical designer |
sähkösuunnittelija {n} | :: panel builder |
sähkösuunnittelu {n} | :: electronic design, electrical design |
sähkötalous {n} | :: electric power industry |
sähkötapaturma {n} | :: electrical accident |
sähkötariffi {n} | :: electricity tariff |
sähkötarkastus {n} | :: electric inspection (inspection of electric installations in order to ensure their safety and compliance with regulation) |
sähkötarvike {n} | :: electrical accessory |
sähkötavara {n} | :: electrical item, electrical good |
sähköteho {n} | :: electrical power, electric power |
sähköteippi {n} | :: insulating tape, electrical tape (poorly conductive plastic tape used to insulate electrical wires) |
sähkötekniikka {n} | :: electrical engineering (branch of engineering) |
sähköteknikko {n} | :: electrotechnician |
sähkötekninen {n} | :: electrotechnical |
sähköteloitus {n} | :: electrocution (execution by electric shock) |
sähköteollisuus {n} | :: electrical industry |
sähkötoiminen {adj} | :: electrically operated |
sähkötolppa {n} | :: utility pole, power pole |
sähkötrukki {n} | :: electric forklift, electric truck |
sähköttää {v} | :: to wire, telegraph (send a message using a telegraph) |
sähköttäjä {n} | :: telegrapher |
sähkötuoli {n} | :: electric chair |
sähköturvallisuus {n} | :: electrical safety |
sähkötuuletin {n} | :: blower (ducted fan) |
sähkötuuletin {n} | :: electric fan |
sähkötyö {n} | :: electrical work |
sähkötyökalu {n} | :: power tool |
sähkötyöväline {n} | :: synonym of sähkötyökalu |
sähkötys {n} | :: telegraphing |
sähkötyyny {n} | :: electric cushion, electric pad |
sähköurakka {n} | :: electric work, electrical contract work |
sähköurakointi {n} | :: electrical contracting |
sähköurakoitsija {n} | :: electrical contractor |
sähköurut {n} [musical instruments] | :: electronic organ |
sähköuuni {n} | :: electric oven |
sähkövakio {n} [physics] | :: The electric constant |
sähkövalaisin {n} | :: electric light, electric lamp |
sähkövalaistus {n} | :: electric lighting |
sähkövalo {n} | :: electric light |
sähkövarasto {n} | :: grid energy storage, electrical storage |
sähkövaraus {n} | :: electric charge |
sähkövastus {n} | :: electrical resistance |
sähkövatkain {n} | :: electric mixer (kitchen appliance) |
sähköverkko {n} | :: power grid, electrical grid |
sähkövero {n} | :: electricity tax (tax charged on the basis of electricity consumption) |
sähköveturi {n} | :: electric locomotive |
sähköviestintä {n} | :: electronic communication |
sähkövika {n} | :: electrical fault |
sähkövirta {n} | :: electric current |
sähköviulu {n} [musical instruments] | :: electric violin |
sähkövoima {n} | :: electrical power |
sähkövoimajohto {n} | :: electrical cord, electrical wire, electrical line |
sähkövoimala {n} | :: electric power plant |
sähkövoimalaitos {n} | :: electric power plant |
sähkövoimansiirto {n} | :: electric power transmission |
sähkövoimatalous {n} | :: electrical economy |
sähkövoimatekniikka {n} | :: electrical power engineering |
sähkövuo {n} [physics] | :: electric flux |
sähköyhtiö {n} | :: electricity company |
sähköyliherkkyys {n} | :: electrohypersensitivity |
sählääminen {n} | :: fumbling, messing up |
sählätä {vt} | :: to fumble, mess up, bungle, botch up, screw up, fuck up |
sähläys {n} | :: flub, blunder, blooper |
sähliä {v} [colloquial] | :: To screw up, mess up |
sähly {n} [colloquial] | :: floorball |
sahra {n} [historical] | :: ard (plough) |
sahrami {n} | :: saffron (spice) |
sahrami {n} | :: crocus (perennial flowering plant of the genus Crocus) |
sahraminkeltainen {adj} | :: saffron, saffron yellow (colour) |
sahraminkeltainen {n} | :: saffron, saffron yellow (colour) |
sahramiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius sommerfeltii |
sahti {n} [uncountable] | :: A traditional home-brewed strong beer made of malts and traditionally spiced with juniper; nowadays also with hops |
sahti {n} [countable] | :: A serving of that drink |
sahuri {n} | :: sawyer, lumberman |
sahuu {n} | :: sawing |
sahuuttaa {v} | :: alternative form of sahauttaa |
saidasti {adv} | :: stingily |
säie {n} | :: thread, strand, fibre, filament |
säie {n} [computing] | :: thread |
säie {n} [physics] | :: string |
säieteoria {n} [physics] | :: string theory |
saiga-antilooppi {n} | :: saiga (Saiga tatarica) |
säihke {n} | :: eclat (brilliant or successful effect; brilliance of success or effort; splendor; brilliant show; striking effect) |
säihkyä {vi} | :: to radiate, to coruscate, to glitter |
saiho {n} | :: a place to temporarily store game or fish |
Saija {prop} | :: given name |
säikähdyttää {v} | :: synonym of säikäyttää |
säikähtää {vi} | :: To be startled/frightened/scared, take fright |
säikähtyä {v} | :: synonym of säikähtää |
säikäytellä {vt} | :: to scare repeatedly |
säikäyttää {vt} [causative] | :: To scare |
säikeistää {vt} [computing] | :: to thread, to multithread |
saikka {n} [dialectal] | :: tea |
saikku {n} [colloquial] | :: sick leave (a type of leave from work) |
säikky {adj} | :: timid, fickle, skittish (easily scared) |
säikkyä {vi} | :: to startle, jump, spook (in a continuous/usual manner) |
saikuttaa {v} [colloquial] | :: To take or be on sick leave, especially an unnecessary one |
säikytellä {vt} | :: to scare or spook repeatedly |
säikyttää {vt} | :: to scare, frighten, spook |
Saila {prop} | :: given name |
säilä {n} | :: sabre |
säile {n} | :: preservative |
säiliö {n} | :: vessel, container, tank, cistern |
säiliöalus {n} | :: tank ship |
säiliöauto {n} | :: tank truck [US], road tanker [UK], tanker (truck equipped with a tank for transporting liquids or sometimes powders) |
säiliöauto {n} | :: fuel tanker, petrol tanker, road tanker [UK, tanker for liquid fuels] |
säiliöauto {n} | :: bowser (tank truck, especially one designed for airplane fuel transport in airports or one designed for water distribution) |
säiliöidä {vt} | :: to store |
säiliöidä {vt} [computing] | :: to containerize |
säiliökontti {n} [transport] | :: tank container |
säiliölaiva {n} | :: tanker (vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid) |
säiliöpakastin {n} | :: synonym of arkkupakastin |
säiliövaunu {n} [rail transport] | :: tank car |
säilö {n} | :: Place of safekeeping (e.g. store, storage jar, store cupboard, warehouse) |
säilö {n} | :: Prison (place for keeping dangerous people away from others) |
säilöä {vt} | :: To preserve (food), can |
säilömuisti {n} | :: long-term memory |
säilöntä {n} | :: preservation (of food, etc.) |
säilöntäaine {n} | :: preservative, food preservative |
säilöntäaineeton {adj} | :: preservative-free |
säilörehu {n} | :: silage |
säilöte {n} [deprecated] | :: alternative form of säilyte |
säilyä {vi} | :: To remain |
säilyä {vi} | :: To abide |
säilyä {vi} | :: To be preserved |
säilyke {n} | :: canned food |
säilykepurkki {n} | :: tin (airtight container used to preserve food) |
säilyketeollisuus {n} | :: canning industry |
säilyketölkki {n} | :: can (tin-plate canister for preserved foods) |
säilyminen {n} | :: preservation |
säilymislaki {n} [physics] | :: law of conservation |
säilyte {n} | :: preservative |
säilyttää {vt} | :: To preserve |
säilyttää {vt} | :: To retain |
säilyttäjä {n} | :: preserver |
säilyttäminen {n} | :: preservation |
säilyttäminen {n} | :: retention |
säilyttävä {adj} | :: preservative (tending to preserve) |
säilytteillä {adv} | :: stored, in storage |
säilytteille {adv} | :: into being stored or in storage |
säilytys {n} | :: preservation |
säilytys {n} | :: conservation |
säilytysaika {n} | :: storage period or time, retention period or time |
säilytysastia {n} | :: storage vessel |
säilytyskaluste {n} | :: piece of storage furniture |
säilytyslaatikko {n} | :: storage box |
säilytyslämpötila {n} | :: storage temperature |
säilytysohje {n} | :: storage instruction |
säilytysteline {n} | :: storage rack, storage stand |
säilytysyhteisö {n} | :: depositary |
Saima {prop} | :: given name |
Saimaa {prop} | :: The largest lake of Finland, and fourth in Europe |
saimaanhylje {n} | :: Saimaa ringed seal, Phoca hispida saimensis |
saimaannorppa {n} | :: A Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis), subspecies of the ringed seal, lives only in the lake Saimaa in Finland |
Saimi {prop} | :: given name |
Saini {prop} | :: given name |
SA Int {prop} | :: abbreviation of Suomen armeijan intendentuuri (later intendenttiosasto), the department of the Finnish Defence Forces in charge of acquiring food and equipment, nowadays called the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command. This abbreviation used to be printed, stamped or otherwise permanently marked on practically every object that belonged to the Finnish military |
Saint Kitts ja Nevis {prop} | :: Saint Kitts ja Nevis (a <<country>> consisting of two <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>) |
Saint Lucia {prop} | :: Saint Lucia (island/and/country) |
saintpaulia {n} | :: saintpaulia |
Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon {prop} | :: Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit {prop} | :: Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit (archipelago/and/country) |
saippo {n} [plant] | :: candytuft (plant of the genus Iberis) |
saippua {n} | :: soap |
saippua-astia {n} | :: soap tray |
saippuahiutale {n} | :: soap flake |
saippuainen {adj} | :: soapy |
saippuajuuri {n} | :: soaproot (Gypsophila struthium) |
saippuakauppias {n} | :: soap vendor |
saippuakivi {n} | :: soapstone |
saippuakivikauppias {n} | :: soapstone vendor |
saippuakotelo {n} | :: soap case, soap dish, soap box |
saippuakupla {n} | :: soap bubble |
saippualiuos {n} | :: soft soap, soap solution, soapy solution |
saippuamainen {adj} | :: soaplike, saponaceous |
saippuamarja {n} | :: soapberry, soapnut (any plant of the genus Sapindus) |
saippuamarja {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Sapindus |
saippuamarjakasvi {n} | :: any plant of the family Sapindaceae |
saippuamarjakasvi {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Sapindaceae |
saippuankeitto {n} | :: soapmaking |
saippuanpala {n} | :: alternative form of saippuapala |
saippuanvalmistus {n} | :: soapmaking |
saippuaooppera {n} | :: soap opera |
saippuapala {n} | :: piece of soap |
saippuapallo {n} [rare] | :: synonym of saippuakupla |
saippuapesu {n} | :: soap wash, washing with soap |
saippuapitoinen {adj} | :: containing soap, saponaceous |
saippuapohjainen {adj} | :: soap-based |
saippuapuu {n} [archaic] | :: soapbark, soap bark tree, Quillaja saponaria (tropical tree) |
saippuarasia {n} | :: soap case, soap box |
saippuasarja {n} | :: soap opera |
saippuasprii {n} | :: spirit of soap (spiritus saponis) |
saippuatanko {n} | :: loaf of soap (solid block of soap, from which standard bars are cut) |
saippuateline {n} | :: soap dish |
saippuavaahto {n} | :: soap foam |
saippuavati {n} | :: soap dish |
saippuavesi {n} | :: soapy water |
saippuoida {v} | :: to soap (to apply soap to, to treat with soap) |
saippuoittaa {vt} [chemistry] | :: to saponify |
saippuoitua {v} | :: to get soaped |
saira {n} | :: saury, or more specifically Pacific saury; Cololabis saira |
sairaala {n} | :: hospital |
sairaalabakteeri {n} | :: hospital-acquired infection |
sairaalafarmaseutti {n} | :: hospital pharmacist |
sairaalafyysikko {n} | :: medical physicist |
sairaalahartaus {n} | :: devotional or devotion in a hospital |
sairaalahenkilökunta {n} | :: hospital staff, hospital personnel |
sairaalahenkilöstö {n} | :: hospital staff, hospital personnel |
sairaalahoito {n} | :: hospitalization, hospital care |
sairaalainfektio {n} | :: hospital-acquired infection |
sairaalajäte {n} | :: medical waste, hospital waste |
sairaalajuna {n} | :: hospital train |
sairaalakaluste {n} | :: an article of furniture for use in a hospital |
sairaalakemisti {n} | :: clinical chemist |
sairaalakunto {n} | :: a (bad) condition that requires hospitalization |
sairaalalääkäri {n} | :: hospital doctor |
sairaalamaksu {n} | :: hospital bill |
sairaalaneuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the sixth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished businesspeople in the hospital industry, such as managers of hospitals |
sairaalapaikka {n} | :: room or place in a hospital |
sairaalapappi {n} | :: hospital chaplain |
sairaalapiiri {n} | :: hospital district |
sairaalapöpö {n} [childish] | :: hospital infection |
sairaalapotilas {n} | :: inpatient, hospital patient |
sairaalarakennus {n} | :: hospital building |
sairaalaruoka {n} | :: hospital food |
sairaalasielunhoitaja {n} | :: hospital spiritual counsellor |
sairaalasielunhoito {n} | :: hospital spiritual counseling |
sairaalatekstiili {n} | :: hospital textile |
sairaalateologi {n} | :: hospital theologian |
sairaalloinen {adj} | :: sickly, valetudinarian |
sairaalloinen {adj} | :: morbid |
sairaalloisen {adv} [attributive] | :: morbidly |
sairaalloisesti {adv} | :: morbidly |
sairaalloisuus {n} | :: morbidness |
sairaampi {adj} | :: comparative of sairas |
sairaanhoitaja {n} | :: nurse (person trained to provide care for the sick) |
sairaanhoitajatar {n} | :: female nurse |
sairaanhoito {n} | :: health care (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses) |
sairaanhoito {n} | :: nursing (process of caring for patients as a nurse) |
sairaanhoitopiiri {n} | :: health care district |
sairaankuljetusauto {n} | :: An ambulance |
sairaan voitelu {n} [Catholicism] | :: Anointing of the Sick (sacrament of the Catholic Church) |
sairaasti {adv} | :: in a sick or ill way |
sairaasti {adv} [colloquial, not comparable] | :: a load of |
sairaiden voitelu {n} | :: alternative form of sairaan voitelu (sacrament of the Catholic Church) |
Sairanen {prop} | :: surname |
sairas {adj} | :: ill, sick |
sairas {n} | :: A sick person |
sairasauto {n} | :: ambulance |
sairaseläke {n} | :: sick pension |
sairaskohtaus {n} | :: synonym of sairauskohtaus |
sairas kuin koira {adj} [simile] | :: sick as a dog |
sairasloma {n} | :: sick leave |
sairaspäivä {n} | :: sick day |
sairastaa {vt} | :: To have (a disease), be sick (in bed) with |
sairastaa {vi} | :: To ail (because of a disease) |
sairastapaus {n} | :: synonym of sairaustapaus |
sairastavuus {n} | :: morbidity, prevalence, incidence (of a disease) |
sairasteleminen {n} | :: being sick repeatedly |
sairastella {v} | :: To be sick [repeatedly] |
sairastua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: To get sick, come down with, catch (a disease) |
sairastuminen {n} | :: getting sick |
sairastupa {n} | :: infirmary, sickhouse |
sairastuttaa {vt} | :: to make somebody ill |
sairasvakuutus {n} | :: health insurance, sickness insurance |
sairaudentunnoton {n} | :: anosognosic |
sairaudentuntoinen {adj} | :: nosognosic |
sairaus {n} | :: sickness, illness, malady, disease, ailment |
sairausaika {n} | :: period of illness |
sairauseläke {n} | :: disability pension |
sairauskertomus {n} | :: medical record, case history |
sairauskohtaus {n} | :: a sudden attack of a disease, especially of a severe disease such as a stroke |
sairauskulut {n} | :: medical expenses |
sairauskustannukset {n} | :: costs caused by an illness or sickness |
sairausloma {n} | :: sick leave (a type of leave from work) |
sairauspäivä {n} | :: day of illness |
sairauspäiväraha {n} | :: sick pay, sick leave benefit |
sairauspoissaolo {n} | :: sick leave |
sairaustapaus {n} | :: An acute case of illness |
sairaustila {n} | :: pathological condition |
sairausvakuutus {n} | :: health insurance, sickness insurance |
sairausvakuutuskortti {n} | :: A medical insurance card issued by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, KELA. The official translation printed on the card is sickness insurance card |
sairausvakuutuskortti {n} | :: Similar card issued by relevant authorities in other countries |
saisinko laskun {phrase} | :: may I have the bill, please?, can I have the bill, please?, the bill, please |
saita {adj} | :: stingy, niggardly |
saituri {n} | :: miser, cheapskate |
saivar {n} | :: alternative form of saivare |
saivare {n} | :: nit (egg of a louse) |
saivarrella {v} | :: to nitpick (both literal and figurative meanings) |
saivartaa {v} | :: synonym of saivarrella |
saivartaja {n} | :: botfly |
saivartelija {n} | :: pedant |
saivartelu {n} | :: pedantry (excessive attention to details or rules, instance of such behavior) |
saivo {n} [dialectal] | :: a lake thought to have two bottoms in traditional Sami faith |
saju {n} [dialectal] | :: tea |
SAK {prop} | :: Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö, in English "Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions", abbreviated also in English as "SAK" - a central organization of trade unions representing blue-collar employees in both public and private sector |
saka {n} | :: Saka (person) |
saka {n} | :: Saka (language) |
säkä {n} | :: The withers (part of the back of a draft animal or horse that is the highest) |
säkä {n} [colloquial] | :: luck |
sakaali {n} | :: jackal |
sakaali {n} | :: golden jackal (Canis aureus) |
šakaali {n} | :: alternative spelling of sakaali |
säkäkorkeus {n} | :: height of an animal as measured at the withers |
sakara {n} | :: point of a star |
sakara {n} [architecture] | :: aisle in a church (wing in a church) |
sakara {n} [architecture, military] | :: merlon (any of the projections between the embrasures of a battlement) |
Sakari {prop} | :: given name, quite popular since the 19th century |
Sakari {prop} | :: The letter "S" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet |
Sakarias {prop} [biblical character] | :: Zacharias |
Sakarias {prop} | :: given name, popular in the form Sakari |
sakariini {n} | :: saccharin |
sakarisormi {n} [anatomy, archaic] | :: little finger |
sakaristo {n} | :: sacristy, vestry |
Sakarja {prop} [biblical character] | :: Zachariah; Zechariah |
sakata {v} [nautical, aviation] | :: to stall, drop, fall astern |
sakata {v} [card games] | :: to slough, renounce, discard (to play a card of other than the requested colour, usually because the player has run out of cards of this colour) |
sakata {v} [chess] | :: alternative spelling of shakata |
šakata {v} [chess] | :: to check |
säkättää {vi} | :: to repeatedly make a sharp cutting sound |
säkättää {vi} | :: to henpeck |
sake {n} | :: sake (Japanese rice wine) |
sakea {adj} | :: thick (having a viscous consistency) |
sakeampi {adj} | :: comparative of sakea |
sakein {adj} | :: superlative of sakea |
säkeistö {n} [music, poetry] | :: stanza, strophe, staff, stave |
säkeittäin {adv} | :: by line or verse (in poetry) |
sakemanni {n} [mildly, pejorative] | :: Kraut (German person) |
sakemanni {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of saksanpaimenkoira |
säkene {n} | :: spark |
säkenöidä {vi} | :: to sparkle |
sakerdootti {n} [archaic] | :: priest; a member of clergy |
saketti {n} | :: morning dress (kind of men's formal dress) |
šaketti {n} | :: alternative spelling of saketti |
sakeute {n} | :: thickening agent, thickener |
sakeuttaa {v} | :: to thicken (to make more viscous) |
sakeuttamisaine {n} | :: synonym of sakeutusaine |
sakeutua {vi} | :: to become thick or thicker (of liquid) |
sakeutus {n} | :: thickening (of liquid) |
sakeutusaine {n} | :: thickening agent (food additive) |
säkiä {n} | :: wels catfish [Silurus glanis] |
säkillinen {n} | :: A sack (the amount that can be put in a sack); sackful |
šakinpelaaja {n} | :: chess player |
säkittää {v} | :: to sack (fill in sacks) |
sakka {n} | :: dregs |
sakka {n} | :: lees (in wine and other beverages) |
sakka {n} | :: settlings |
sakkaaminen {n} | :: stalling (of an airplane) |
sakkaantua {v} | :: synonym of sakkautua |
sakkadi {n} | :: saccade (quick movement of the eye) |
säkkärä {adj} | :: [of hair] very curly, kinky |
sakkaraasi {n} [chemistry] | :: sucrase |
sakkaridi {n} | :: saccharide |
sakkariini {n} | :: saccharin |
sakkaroosi {n} [carbohydrate] | :: sucrose |
sakkaus {n} [aeronautics] | :: A stall (loss of lift due to an airfoil's critical angle of attack being exceeded) |
šakkaus {n} [chess] | :: checking |
sakkauttaa {v} | :: to settle (to clear of dregs and impurities by causing them to sink) |
sakkautua {vi} | :: To sediment |
sakkeli {n} | :: shackle, clevis fastener |
sakki {n} | :: gang, crowd |
sakki {n} | :: alternative spelling of šakki |
säkki {n} | :: sack (large bag for storage and handling) |
säkki {n} | :: gunny sack (coarse sack) |
säkki {n} [figuratively] | :: sackcloth (garments worn as an act of penance) |
šakki {n} | :: chess |
šakki {n} [chess] | :: check |
säkkikangas {n} | :: sackcloth, burlap, hessian (fabric) |
šakkikello {n} | :: chess clock |
šakkikerho {n} | :: chess club |
sakkilauta {n} | :: alternative spelling of šakkilauta |
šakkilauta {n} [chess] | :: chessboard (square board used in the game of chess) |
šakkimatti {n} [chess] | :: checkmate |
sakkinappula {n} | :: alternative spelling of šakkinappula |
šakkinappula {n} | :: chess piece, chessman |
säkkipaperi {n} | :: sack kraft paper |
šakkipeli {n} | :: chess match, chess game |
säkkipilli {n} | :: bagpipes |
säkkipillinsoittaja {n} | :: bagpiper |
säkkipimeä {n} | :: pitch-dark |
šakkiruutuinen {adj} | :: checkered, that which has a checkerboard pattern |
šakkitehtävä {n} | :: chess puzzle |
šakkitermi {n} | :: alternative form of shakkitermi |
säkkituoli {n} | :: beanbag, beanbag chair |
sakko {n} | :: fine, penalty |
sakkoliha {n} [slang] | :: A jailbait (a person below the age of consent for sexual activity) |
sakkomaksu {n} | :: penalty fee |
sakkorangaistus {n} | :: fine, financial penalty |
sakkovilppi {n} [law] | :: the crime of deceit when disclosing one's income for a fine |
sakkoyksikkö {n} [rare] | :: penalty unit (sum of money used as a basis for penalty fines, the actual penalties being defined as multiples of the penalty unit; often decided annually by the relevant government) |
SAK:lainen {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to SAK (Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions) |
sako {n} | :: synonym of sakka |
sakokaivo {n} | :: septic tank (underground septic tank) |
sakoluku {n} [agriculture] | :: falling number |
sakottaa {v} | :: To fine, to ticket (to issue a fine as punishment) |
sakoutua {v} [rare] | :: synonym of saostua |
sakramentti {n} | :: sacrament |
sakramenttikaappi {n} | :: tabernacle (small ornamented cupboard or box used for the sacrament of the Eucharist in a Roman Catholic church) |
saksa {n} | :: The German language |
Saksa {prop} | :: Germany |
saksalainen {n} | :: German (person) |
saksalainen {adj} | :: German, of or relating to Germany |
saksalainen {adj} | :: German, relating to the German language |
saksalainen {adj} | :: Germano-, in the form saksalais- |
saksalaismies {n} | :: German man |
saksalaisnainen {n} | :: German woman |
saksalaistaa {vt} | :: to Germanize, make German |
saksalaistua {vi} | :: to become German |
saksalaisuus {n} | :: Germanness |
Saksan demokraattinen tasavalta {prop} | :: German Democratic Republic |
saksanhirvi {n} | :: A red deer, Cervus elaphus |
saksanhirvi {n} | :: A hart (male of red deer, especially one over five years old) |
saksanhirvi {n} | :: A hind (female red deer, especially one over three years old) |
saksankielinen {adj} | :: German, German language, German speaking (written or expressed in German) |
saksankirveli {n} | :: cicely, Myrrhis odorata |
saksankumina {n} | :: fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) |
Saksan liittotasavalta {prop} | :: The Federal Republic of Germany (official name of Germany) |
saksanmarkka {n} | :: A common term for the former German currency (until 2002), the German mark or Deutschmark; see Saksan markka |
Saksan markka {n} | :: The official term for the former German currency (until 2002), the German mark or Deutschmark |
saksannos {n} | :: German translation |
saksanpähkinä {n} | :: Juglans regia |
saksanpähkinä {n} | :: walnut |
saksanpaimenkoira {n} | :: German Shepherd (breed of dog) |
saksantaa {vt} | :: to translate into German |
saksanturilas {n} | :: common cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha |
saksata {v} | :: to scissor (to move something like a pair of scissors, especially the legs) |
säksättää {v} | :: to repeatedly make a sharp sound; to make a sharp flapping noise |
säksättää {v} | :: to nag |
sakset {n} | :: scissors; shears (large) |
sakset {n} [gymnastics] | :: scissors |
sakset {n} | :: pincers, claws (front claws of crustaceans such as lobsters) |
saksi {n} | :: claw of a crab |
saksi {n} | :: Saxon |
Saksi {prop} | :: Saxony |
saksia {v} | :: to scissor, clip |
Saksi-Anhalt {prop} | :: Saxony-Anhalt |
saksija {n} | :: one who scissors |
saksilava {n} | :: scissor lift |
saksinokka {n} | :: skimmer (bird of the genus Rynchops in the family Laridae of gulls and terns) |
saksinosturi {n} | :: scissor hoist |
saksipotku {n} [soccer, swimming] | :: bicycle kick |
saksitaitto {n} | :: paste up, manual layout design |
saksitella {v} | :: To scissor repeatedly, to cut over and over again with scissors |
saksitella {v} | :: To scissor [engage in tribadism] |
saksittaa {v} | :: To scissor, to cut with scissors |
saksittaa {v} | :: To scissor [engage in tribadism] |
saksitunkki {n} | :: scissor jack |
saksofoni {n} | :: saxophone |
saksofonisti {n} | :: saxophonist |
saku {n} [slang] | :: German, Kraut (German person) |
saku {n} | :: guan (South American bird) |
Saku {prop} | :: given name |
Säkylä {prop} | :: Säkylä (municipality) |
säkyläläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Säkylä |
säkyläläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Säkylä |
sala- {prefix} | :: A prefix signifying secret, clandestine, concealed |
sala {n} [dated] | :: A secret; currently used mostly idiomatically and as modifier in compound terms |
sälä {n} | :: stuff of little value; junk |
sälä {n} [colloquial] | :: miscellany (miscellaneous items) |
salaa {adv} | :: In secret, secretly |
salaaja {n} | :: scrambler (device) |
salaaja {n} [cryptography] | :: cipher |
salaaminen {n} | :: keeping secret, concealing, hiding |
salaaminen {n} | :: encrypting |
sala-ammattilainen {n} | :: a sportsperson who hides them being a professional in order to take part in competitions or other events that would not normally allow professionals to take part |
sala-ammattilaisuus {n} | :: the state of a sportsperson of hiding one being a professional |
sala-ampuja {n} | :: sniper |
salaatinkastike {n} | :: salad dressing |
salaatinlehti {n} | :: lettuce leaf (leaf of lettuce) |
salaatti {n} | :: salad (food and vegetable) |
salaatti {n} | :: lettuce (Lactuca sativa) |
salaatti {n} | :: any plant of the genus Lactuca |
salaatti {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Lactuca |
salaattifenkoli {n} | :: finocchio, Florence fennel, Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum (fennel cultivar with a bulb-like structure at its base, used as a vegetable) |
salaattikastike {n} | :: alternative form of salaatinkastike |
salaattikleitonia {n} | :: miner's lettuce, winter purslane, Claytonia perfoliata |
salaattilinko {n} | :: salad spinner, salad tosser (kitchen tool used to wash and remove excess water from salad greens) |
salaattiotin {n} | :: salad tongs, salad server |
salaattisikuri {n} | :: leaf chicory, Italian chicory; Belgian endive [US] (variant of common chicory or chicory cultivated for its leaves, which may be used in salads and as forage; Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) |
salaattisipuli {n} | :: Spanish onion (large and sweet-tasting cultivar of onion chiefly consumed fresh in salads) |
salaattisipuli {n} | :: synonym of kevätsipuli |
salaattivenkoli {n} [dated] | :: synonym of salaattifenkoli |
salaattivoikukka {n} | :: A mild-tasting variety of common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), cultivated as leaf vegetable |
salahanke {n} | :: conspiracy, plot |
salahauta {n} | :: pitfall (type of trap consisting of a concealed hole in the ground) |
sälähtää {vi} | :: to clang sharply (as of shattering glass) |
salahuone {n} | :: secret room |
salahyökkäys {n} | :: sneak attack |
salaileminen {n} | :: keeping secret, covering up |
salailla {vt} | :: to keep secret, cover up, hide |
salain {n} [cryptography] | :: cipher |
salainen {adj} | :: secret, clandestine (done or kept hidden) |
salainen {adj} [mysterious] | :: arcane |
salainen pahe {n} [idiomatic] | :: guilty pleasure (something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo, unadvisable or lowbrow) |
salainen palvelu {n} | :: secret service |
salainen poliisi {n} | :: secret police (police operating secretively outside boundaries of normal law) |
salaisempi {adj} | :: comparative of salainen |
salaisesti {adv} | :: secretly, in secret, covertly |
salaismenot {n} | :: synonym of salamenot |
salaisuus {n} | :: secret |
salaiva {n} | :: indirect mockery, sarcasm |
salaja {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of salava |
salajärjestö {n} | :: secret organization, shadow organization |
salajuoni {n} | :: plot, stratagem |
salajuoppo {n} | :: secret drinker |
salajuoppous {n} | :: the state of being a secret drinker |
salakaato {n} | :: poaching, an instance of illicitly hunting and killing an animal |
salakähmäinen {adj} | :: underhand |
salakähmäisesti {adv} | :: underhand |
salakähmäisyys {n} | :: concealment, stealthiness, secrecy |
salakalastaja {n} | :: poacher, illegal fisher |
salakalastus {n} | :: poaching, illegal fishing |
salakammio {n} | :: secret chamber |
salakapakka {n} | :: A speakeasy |
salakapakointi {n} | :: the activity of having or maintaining a speakeasy |
salakari {n} [figuratively] | :: pitfall (potential problem, hazard, or danger) |
salakätkö {n} | :: secret stash, cache |
salakatselu {n} | :: overlooking |
salakatsoja {n} | :: viewer or spectator without a ticket, license or other necessary permission |
salakauna {n} [rare] | :: hidden grudge |
salakauppa {n} | :: trafficking, smuggling |
salakauppias {n} | :: A bootlegger |
salakavala {adj} | :: insidious, treacherous |
salakavalasti {adv} | :: insidiously, treacherously |
salakäytävä {n} | :: secret passage |
salaki {n} | :: salak |
salakieli {n} | :: code language, cipher, argot |
salakihlaus {n} | :: secret engagement |
salakirjoittaa {v} | :: To encipher, to encrypt |
salakirjoittaja {n} | :: cryptographer |
salakirjoitus {n} | :: cipher (method) |
salakirjoitus {n} | :: ciphering (process) |
salakirjoitus {n} | :: ciphertext, cipher (text) |
salakirjoitusavain {n} | :: (cryptography) key (piece of information used to encode or decode) |
salakirjoitusavain {n} [cryptography] | :: codebook (book, table, database, or other object that stores the mapping between plaintext words or phrases and their equivalents in a code) |
salakirjoitusjärjestelmä {n} | :: cipher (method) |
salakirjoitustaito {n} | :: cryptography (art and practice of writing and decoding secret messages) |
salakirjoitustekniikka {n} | :: synonym of kryptografia |
salakirjoitustekniikka {n} | :: cryptographic technology |
salakirjoitusviesti {n} | :: ciphertext, cipher (text) |
salakivi {n} | :: a hidden underwater rock |
salakka {n} | :: bleak, Alburnus alburnus |
salakomero {n} | :: secret closet |
salakuljettaa {vt} | :: To smuggle (to transport goods illicitly over a border without paying the applicable duties; to transport illegal substances secretly over a border) |
salakuljettaa {vt} | :: To bring (any goods) secretly (into a place or event where they are forbidden, e.g. a bottle of alcohol into a sports event) |
salakuljettaja {n} | :: smuggler |
salakuljetus {n} | :: smuggling (the act of illegal import or export) |
salakuoppa {n} | :: pitfall (type of trap) |
salakuoppa {n} [figuratively] | :: pitfall |
salakuunnella {v} | :: to eavesdrop, listen in (to listen to a conversation one is not intended to hear) |
salakuunnella {v} | :: to tap, wiretap (to place a listening or recording device on a telephone or wired connection) |
salakuuntelija {n} | :: eavesdropper |
salakuuntelu {n} | :: eavesdropping |
salakuuntelulaite {n} | :: wiretap (concealed device that allows a third party to listen or record conversations) |
salakuva {n} | :: candid, a photograph taken in secret |
salakuvata {vt} | :: to photograph, film or record in secret |
salakyttä {n} [colloquial] | :: secret cop |
salalaatikko {n} | :: secret box, secret drawer |
salalause {n} [computing] | :: passphrase |
salaliitto {n} | :: A conspiracy, collusion |
salaliittolainen {n} | :: conspirator |
salaliittoteoreetikko {n} | :: conspiracy theorist, conspiracist |
salaliittoteoria {n} | :: A conspiracy theory |
salalokero {n} | :: secret compartment |
salalukko {n} | :: secret lock |
salaluoto {n} [rare] | :: hidden underwater rock |
salaluukku {n} | :: trapdoor, secret hatch |
salama {n} | :: lightning, bolt |
salama {n} [photography] | :: flash |
Salama {prop} | :: surname |
salama ei iske kahta kertaa samaan paikkaan {proverb} | :: lightning never strikes twice in the same place |
salamahyökkäys {n} | :: blitz |
salama kirkkaalta taivaalta {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: bolt from the blue (complete surprise; something totally unexpected) |
salamalaukaisin {n} [photography] | :: flashgun |
salamanisku {n} | :: lightning strike |
salaman laukaisin {n} [photography] | :: flashgun |
salamannopea {adj} | :: fast as lightning |
salamannopeasti {adv} | :: quick as a flash, quick as a lightning |
salamanpaikannin {n} | :: lightning detector |
salamanteri {n} | :: salamander (mythical creature) |
salamanteri {n} | :: salamander (amphibian) |
salamapallo {n} [sports] | :: a certain sport somewhat resembling rugby (no established English translation) |
salamasota {n} | :: blitzkrieg |
salamatkustaja {n} | :: stowaway |
salamatutka {n} | :: a (usually animated) map showing lightning strikes within an area |
salameno {n} | :: secret rite |
salamenot {n} | :: secret or mysterious ceremony |
salamerkki {n} | :: secret sign |
salametsästäjä {n} | :: A poacher |
salametsästys {n} | :: poaching |
salami {n} | :: salami |
salamoida {vi} [impersonal] | :: To lighten, flash |
salamoida {vi} [figuratively, e.g. of eyes] | :: To blaze, flash (fire) |
salamurha {n} | :: assassination |
salamurhaaja {n} | :: assassin |
salamurhata {v} | :: To assassinate |
salamyhkää {adv} | :: secretly, secretively, surreptitiously, covertly |
salamyhkäinen {adj} | :: secretive |
salamyhkäisempi {adj} | :: comparative of salamyhkäinen |
salamyhkäisesti {adv} | :: secretively |
salamyhkäisin {adj} | :: superlative of salamyhkäinen |
salamyhkäisyys {n} | :: secretiveness |
salaneuvos {n} | :: privy councillor |
salanimi {n} | :: A pseudonym, nom de guerre, code name |
salaoja {n} | :: An underground drain |
salaojaverkko {n} | :: A drainage, subsurface system of drains |
salaojittaa {v} | :: To build a system of underground drainage |
salaojitus {n} [agriculture, construction] | :: A system of underground drains |
salaojitus {n} | :: The act of installing either of the above |
salaoppi {n} | :: secret doctrine |
salaovi {n} | :: secret door |
salaperäinen {adj} | :: secretive, mysterious |
salaperäisesti {adv} | :: secretively, mysteriously |
salapoliisi {n} [colloquial] | :: A detective |
salapoliisiromaani {n} | :: detective novel |
salapoltto {n} | :: moonshining (illicit liquor production) |
salarakas {n} | :: secret lover |
salasana {n} | :: password (secret word used to gain admittance) |
salasanoma {n} | :: secret message, encrypted message |
salaseura {n} | :: secret society |
salaseura {n} | :: cabal |
salasoppi {n} | :: secret lair |
salassa {adv} | :: under wraps (in hiding) |
salassapito {n} | :: confidentiality, secrecy, concealment |
salassapitoaika {n} | :: period of confidentiality, confidentiality period (period of time during which a document or information must be kept confidential) |
salassapitovelvollisuus {n} | :: duty of confidentiality, confidentiality obligation, confidentiality privilege (obligation to maintain confidentiality on a specific issue or relationship) |
salasuhde {n} | :: secret relationship, secret affair |
salasurma {n} [rare] | :: synonym of salamurha |
salat {n} | :: secrets |
salata {vt} | :: to conceal, keep secret, cover up, hide |
salata {vt} [cryptography] | :: to encrypt, encipher |
salatajunta {n} | :: synonym of alitajunta |
salateksti {n} [cryptography] | :: ciphertext (encrypted text) |
salatiede {n} | :: occultism |
salattu {adj} | :: hidden |
salaus {n} [cryptography] | :: encryption |
salausmenetelmä {n} [cryptography] | :: encryption method |
salaustapa {n} | :: method of encryption, cipher |
salava {n} | :: crack willow (Salix fragilis) |
salavaarna {n} [rare] | :: concealed tenon |
salavaimo {n} | :: secret wife |
salavehje {n} | :: secret contraption |
salavehkeilijä {n} | :: plotter, conspirer |
salavehkeily {n} | :: plotting, conspiring |
salavihkaa {adv} | :: secretly, furtively, stealthily |
salavihkainen {adj} | :: furtive, stealthy |
salavihkaisesti {adv} | :: synonym of salavihkaa |
salaviisas {adj} | :: that hides or conceals one's (true) wisdom |
salaviisaus {n} | :: the state of hiding one's wisdom |
salavoima {n} | :: secret power |
salavuode {n} [dated] | :: secret bed (used in former legal terms of being in bed or in a sexual relationship in secret, especially if extramaritally) |
salavuoteus {n} [law, historical] | :: adultery, extramarital sex |
saldo {n} | :: balance of an account |
saldo {n} [figuratively] | :: result, score (in-some-way numeric result of an endeavor) |
säle {n} | :: splinter |
säle {n} | :: lath |
säle {n} | :: slat |
säleaita {n} | :: slat fence |
salee {adv} [slang] | :: yeah right; surely |
säleikkö {n} | :: trellis (gardening: frame to support vines or other plants) |
säleikkö {n} | :: grill (on a vehicle, a slotted cover to protect and hide the radiator); also jäähdyttäjän säleikkö |
sälekaihdin {n} | :: Venetian blind |
saletti {adj} [colloquial] | :: certain, sure, guaranteed |
sali {n} | :: hall (principal room of a secular medieval building) |
sali {n} | :: A large room, often one in which dinners are served, visitors are received or banquets held |
sali {n} [colloquial] | :: short for kuntosali |
salibandy {n} | :: floorball |
salijalkapallo {n} | :: futsal |
salikirkko {n} | :: a church with a rectangular plan and a single nave |
salipallo {n} | :: floorball |
salisylaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: salicylate |
salisyylihappo {n} | :: salicylic acid |
salitanssi {n} | :: ballroom dance (type of elegant dance) |
salkkari {n} [dialectal] | :: salt dish, salt shaker |
salkku {n} | :: briefcase, portfolio |
salkku {n} | :: short for arvopaperisalkku |
salkku {n} | :: position as a secretary of state |
salkku {n} [computing] | :: briefcase (a discontinued special folder type in Microsoft Windows) |
salko {n} | :: pole (long and slender piece of metal or especially wood, used for various construction or support purposes) |
salko {n} | :: flagpole, flagstaff |
salkopallo {n} | :: tetherball |
salkopapu {n} | :: pole bean, climbing bean, Phaseolus vulgaris var. vulgaris (any cultivar of common bean that forms vines up to 3 meters long) |
salkoruusu {n} | :: althaea (plant of the genus Althaea) |
salkunkantaja {n} [colloquial] | :: sidekick (assistant) |
salkuton {adj} | :: without a briefcase |
salkuton {adj} [politics] | :: without portfolio |
Salla {prop} [uncountable] | :: Salla (municipality) |
Salla {prop} | :: given name transferred from the place name |
sallalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Salla (Finnish municipality) |
sallalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Salla (Finnish municipality) |
sallatti {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of rosolli |
Salli {prop} | :: given name |
sälli {n} [slang] | :: guy, dude, bloke |
sälli {n} [dialectal, very informal] | :: attendant, apprentice |
sallia {vt} | :: to allow, permit |
sallia {v} | :: to countenance |
sallimus {n} | :: fate, destiny |
sallimus {n} [religion] | :: providence (of God; manifestation of divine direction) |
Sallinen {prop} | :: surname |
sallittu {adj} | :: permissible |
salliva {adj} | :: permissible |
sallivasti {adv} | :: permissively, permissibly |
salmari {n} [slang] | :: Koskenkorva or other strong liquor with sal ammoniac (salmiakki) mixed in to mask the taste of alcohol |
Salme {prop} | :: given name |
salmeke {n} | :: A small strait |
Salmela {prop} | :: surname |
Salmela {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
salmi {n} | :: strait, sound, narrows, inlet (relatively narrow passage of water) |
Salmi {prop} | :: surname |
Salmi {prop} | :: A town in Russian Karelia |
Salmi {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
salmiakki {n} | :: salty licorice, salty liquorice |
salmiakki {n} [mineral, chemistry, archaic] | :: sal ammoniac |
salmiakkimakeinen {n} | :: salty liquorice candy |
Salminen {prop} | :: surname |
salmonella {n} | :: salmonella |
salmonelloosi {n} [disease] | :: salmonellosis |
salo {n} | :: a deep forest, wilderness |
salo {n} [archaic] | :: a forested island |
salo {n} | :: salo (non-rendered underskin pig fat) |
Salo {prop} | :: surname |
Salo {prop} [uncountable] | :: Salo (town/and/municipality) |
Salo {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
sälöinen {adj} | :: splintery, slivery |
salokylä {n} | :: village on a forested island |
salolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Salo (Finnish municipality) |
salolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Salo (Finnish municipality) |
salolimaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius stillatitius |
salomaa {n} | :: deep forest, wilderness |
Salomo {prop} | :: Solomon (Biblical figure) |
Salomo {prop} | :: given name |
Salomon {prop} [archaic] | :: Solomon (Biblical figure) |
Salomon {prop} | :: given name |
Salomonsaaret {prop} | :: The Solomon Islands |
Salomon Saarnaaja {prop} | :: synonym of Saarnaajan kirja (book of the Hebrew Bible) |
Salonen {prop} | :: surname |
salonki {n} | :: parlor, salon (large room) |
salonkikelpoinen {adj} | :: appropriate for high society (in terms of etiquette and outwardly displayed features); civilized |
salonkikelpoisesti {adv} | :: presentably |
salonkivaunu {n} | :: saloon coach |
saloseutu {n} | :: island region |
salottisipuli {n} | :: shallot (type of onion) |
salpa {n} | :: bolt (sliding pin or bar in a lock) |
salpa {n} | :: bar (horizontal pole used to lock a door or a gate) |
salpa {n} | :: hasp, clasp (metal strap fastened by a padlock or a pin) |
salpa {n} | :: salp |
sälpä {n} [mineral] | :: spar |
salpaaja {n} | :: blocker |
salpaantua {v} | :: synonym of salpautua |
salpahaka {n} | :: catch, clasp |
salparauta {n} | :: small metal piece with holes in it |
Salpausselkä {n} [geology] | :: any one of three major ridge systems in Finland |
salpautua {vi} | :: to become barred or blocked |
salpietari {n} [chemistry] | :: saltpetre, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate |
salpietarikeittämö {n} | :: a place where saltpeter was made with heat |
salsa {n} | :: salsa (sauce) |
salsa {n} [music] | :: salsa |
salsa {n} [dance] | :: salsa |
salsa verde {n} | :: salsa verde |
salskea {adj} | :: handsome |
salskea {adj} | :: tall, lean, spare |
salskea {adj} | :: upstanding, respectable |
saltaatio {n} | :: saltation |
Saltvik {prop} | :: Saltvik (municipality) |
salusiini {n} | :: synonym of puoliverho |
saluuna {n} | :: saloon |
salva {n} | :: salve, ointment |
salvaa {v} | :: To notch (to join by means of notches, especially the logs in the corners of a log house) |
salvaa {v} [dialectal] | :: to castrate, geld |
salvain {n} | :: A notch (a joint cut to fit and lock the logs into each other in the corners of a log house) |
salvata {vt} | :: to bolt, bar, latch, hasp |
salvata {v} [medicine] | :: to block |
salvattimet {n} [dialectal] | :: crimpers, pliers |
salvia {n} | :: sage, Salvia officinalis (herb) |
salvia {n} | :: sage (this plant used in cooking) |
salvia {n} | :: sage (plant of the genus Salvia) |
salvio {n} | :: gelding (castrated male horse) |
salvoa {v} | :: To notch (to join by means of notches, especially the logs in the corners of a log house) |
salvoin {n} | :: notch (a joint cut to fit and lock the logs into each other in the corners of a log house) |
salvos {n} | :: the result of notching or joining by means of notches, especially of logs in the corners of a loghouse |
salvostaa {v} [rare] | :: alternative form of salvoa |
salvukukko {n} | :: capon |
salvumies {n} [archaic] | :: carpenter who constructs log houses by hand |
salvupässi {n} | :: wether |
salvuporsas {n} | :: castrated male pig |
säly {n} | :: synonym of sälä |
sälyttää {v} [+ allative] | :: to place a burden or load on, to lump onto |
sama {pron} | :: same |
sama {adj} | :: same |
samaa mieltä {adv} | :: at one, of same opinion (olla yhtä mieltä = to be of same opinion = to agree) |
samaan aikaan {adv} | :: at the same time, even as (simultaneously) |
samaan hengenvetoon {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: in the same breath |
samaani {n} | :: alternative spelling of šamaani |
šamaani {n} | :: shaman |
šamaanirumpu {n} | :: shaman drum |
samaanne {adv} | :: alternative form of samanne |
samainen {adj} | :: same |
samaistaa {vt} | :: to identify with, equate (to hold two or more things as the same or expressions of the same underlying factor) |
samaistua {v} | :: alternative form of samastua |
samalla {adv} | :: at the same time, simultaneously |
samalla aaltopituudella {adv} [idiomatic] | :: on the same wavelength (same meaning) |
samalla mitalla {adv} | :: in kind (by the same means) |
samalla tavalla {adv} | :: Same as samalla tavoin |
samalla tavoin {phrase} | :: in the same way |
samanaikainen {adj} | :: simultaneous, coincidental (happening or existing at the same time) |
samanaikaisesti {adv} | :: at the same time, simultaneously, together |
samanaikaisuus {n} | :: simultaneity, simultaneousness |
samanaikaisuus {n} [computer science] | :: concurrency |
samanarvoinen {adj} | :: equivalent |
samanarvoisuus {n} | :: equivalence |
samanarvonkäyrä {n} | :: synonym of isoviiva |
samanarvonviiva {n} | :: synonym of isoviiva |
samanhenkinen {adj} | :: congenial, like-minded |
samanhenkinen {adj} | :: in the same spirit (as) |
samanhintainen {adj} | :: of or having the same price |
samanismi {n} | :: alternative form of šamanismi |
šamanismi {n} | :: shamanism |
šamanisti {n} | :: shamanist |
šamanistinen {adj} | :: Alternative spelling of shamanistinen |
samankaltainen {adj} | :: similar |
samankaltainen {adj} | :: homologous |
samankaltaisempi {adj} | :: comparative of samankaltainen |
samankaltaisesti {adv} | :: similarly, in the same manner |
samankaltaistaa {vt} | :: to make similar, to homogenise |
samankaltaistua {vi} | :: to become (more) similar, to become homogenised |
samankaltaisuus {n} | :: similarity, resemblance |
samankantainen {adj} | :: with the same base, with equal bases |
samankeskinen {adj} | :: concentric |
samankeskisesti {adv} | :: concentrically |
samankeskisyys {n} | :: concentricity |
samankohtainen {adj} [geometry, of an angle] | :: corresponding |
samankokoinen {adj} | :: of the same size |
samankorkuinen {adj} | :: of or having the same height |
samanlainen {adj} | :: similar, of a kind |
samanlainen {adj} | :: equivalent, identical |
samanlaisempi {adj} | :: comparative of samanlainen |
samanlaistaa {vt} | :: to make similar, to homogenize, to equalize |
samanlaistua {vi} | :: to become similar, to be homogenized or equalized |
samanlaisuus {n} | :: similarity |
samanlevyinen {adj} | :: of or having the same width |
samanmakuinen {adj} | :: having the same taste |
samanmerkkinen {adj} | :: with the same manufacturer, make or brand |
samanmerkkinen {adj} [mathematics] | :: with the same sign |
samanmielinen {adj} | :: like-minded |
samanmuotoinen {adj} | :: with a similar shape |
samanmuotoinen {adj} [algebra, of a term] | :: like |
samannäköinen {adj} | :: alike, looking alike; also lookalike [noun] |
samanne {adv} [literary] | :: to the same direction |
samanniminen {adj} | :: of the same name |
samanniminen {adj} [arithmetic] | :: having the same denominator |
samanniminen {adj} | :: eponymous (relating to the person after which something is named, specifically when the name is the exact same as the name of that person) |
samanoida {v} | :: alternative form of šamanoida |
šamanoida {v} | :: To act as an shaman |
samanpaksuinen {adj} | :: of or having the same thickness |
samanpituinen {adj} | :: of or having the same length |
samanpituinen {adj} | :: of or having the same duration |
samanpituinen {adj} [of a person or people] | :: of or having the same height |
samansäteinen {adj} | :: with the same radius |
samansävyinen {adj} | :: of or having the same hue or tone |
samansisältöinen {adj} | :: having the same content or contents |
samansuuntainen {adj} | :: parallel, having the same direction |
samansuuntainen {adj} [math] | :: codirectional |
samansuuntaisesti {adv} | :: parallelly, having the same direction |
samansuuntaisesti {adv} | :: codirectionally |
samansuuntaistaa {vt} | :: to make parallel, to orient in the same or a similar direction |
samansuuntaistua {vi} | :: to become parallel, to be oriented in the same or a similar direction |
samansuuntaisuus {n} | :: parallelism (state of being parallel) |
samansuuntaisuus {n} | :: codirectionality |
samansuuruinen {adj} | :: of or having the same amount, order or magnitude |
samansuuruinen {adj} | :: equal, having equal values |
samansyvyinen {adj} | :: of or having the same depth |
samantapainen {adj} | :: similar, suchlike |
samantasoinen {adj} | :: on the same level, comparable, equal |
samantasoinen {adj} | :: synonym of koplanaarinen |
samantein {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative spelling of saman tien |
samantekevä {adj} | :: insignificant |
saman tien {adv} | :: as well (in addition; also) |
saman tien {adv} | :: by the same token |
saman tien {adv} | :: on the spot, right away, in a jiffy (very quickly; without delay) |
samantyyppinen {adj} | :: of the same type (similar, but not quite) |
samanvärinen {adj} | :: of or having the same color |
samanveroinen {adj} | :: equal, equivalent, comparable, tantamount |
saman verran {adv} | :: same amount, as much |
samarialainen {adj} | :: Samaritan |
samarialainen {n} | :: Samaritan |
samarium {n} | :: samarium |
samassa veneessä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: in the same boat (in the same situation or predicament; having common problems) |
samastaa {v} | :: synonym of samaistaa |
samasta puusta veistetty {adj} [idiomatic] | :: cut from the same cloth, of the same stripe |
samastua {vi} | :: To identify with someone or something, relate to |
samasukupuolinen {adj} | :: same-sex |
sama täällä {phrase} | :: me too (that applies to me as well) |
samaten {adv} | :: synonym of samoin |
samba {n} | :: samba |
sambata {vi} | :: to samba |
Sambia {prop} | :: Sambia (country) |
sambialainen {adj} | :: Zambian |
sambialainen {n} | :: A Zambian person |
samea {adj} | :: murky, turbid |
samea {adj} | :: fuzzy |
sameampi {adj} | :: comparative of samea |
samekh {n} | :: samekh (fifteenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad) |
samentaa {vt} | :: to roil, to muddle |
samentua {v} | :: To cloud (to become foggy or gloomy, to become obscured from sight) |
samepiste {n} | :: cloud point (temperature at which organic liquid gets cloudy) |
sameta {vi} | :: to become turbid |
sametinpehmeä {adj} | :: velvety |
sametti {n} | :: velvet |
samettifarkut {n} [colloquial, pluralonly] | :: velvet jeans |
samettifarmarit {n} [pluralonly] | :: velvet jeans |
samettihousut {n} | :: velvet pants or trousers, corduroys |
samettikukka {n} | :: marigold (any flower in the genus Tagetes) |
samettinen {adj} | :: velvety |
samettirakuuna {n} [commercial] | :: Mexican tarragon, sweetscented marigold, Tagetes lucida (perennial plant native to Mexico and Central America with tarragon-flavored leaves, used as a medicinal plant and as a culinary herb) |
sameuttaa {vt} | :: to muddle, to make turbid |
sameutua {vi} | :: alternative form of samentua |
Sami {prop} | :: given name |
samisen {n} [musical instruments] | :: alternative spelling of shamisen |
sammahtaa {vi} | :: to shut down, turn off or shut off quickly or suddenly |
sammahtaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to go to sleep, to sack out |
sammahtaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to pass out (due to alcohol) |
sammakko {n} | :: frog |
sammakko {n} | :: common frog (Rana temporaria) |
sammakkoeläin {n} [zoology] | :: amphibian |
sammakkomies {n} | :: frogman (diver) |
sammakkoperspektiivi {n} | :: frog perspective |
sammakonkoipi {n} | :: a leg of a frog |
sammakonkoipi {n} | :: in plural frog legs (hind legs of frog used as food) |
sammakonkoivet {n} | :: frog legs (hind legs of frog used as food) |
sammakonkutu {n} | :: frogspawn |
sammakonpoikanen {n} | :: tadpole |
sammakonreisi {n} | :: a thigh of a frog |
sammakonreisi {n} | :: in plural, frog legs (hind legs of a frog used as food) |
sammakontoukka {n} | :: Larval frog; tadpole |
sammal {n} | :: bryophyte (botany term covering mosses, liverworts and hornworts) |
sammal {n} | :: moss |
sammaleinen {adj} | :: mossy |
sammaleläin {n} | :: bryozoan, bryozoon |
sammalikko {n} | :: area covered by moss |
sammalinen {adj} | :: alternative form of sammaleinen |
sammaloitua {vi} | :: To moss |
sammaloituminen {n} | :: mossing |
sammalpeite {n} | :: moss cover (dense growth of moss on the ground) |
sammaltaa {vt} | :: To slur |
sammaltiede {n} [botany] | :: bryology |
sammaltua {v} | :: synonym of sammaloitua |
sammarit {n} [colloquial] | :: velvet pants or trousers, corduroys |
sammas {n} [Finnish mythology] | :: cosmic pillar that supported the sky |
sammas {n} [pathology] | :: oral candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush |
sammi {n} [dialectal, rare] | :: vat |
sammio {n} | :: vat (large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning) |
sammota {v} [rare] | :: to churn out, especially money |
sammua {v} [of light] | :: to go out, off |
sammua {v} [of fire] | :: to go out, die (down), flame out |
sammua {v} [of a machine, device, etc.] | :: to turn off, shut down, shut off, wind down |
sammua {v} [of an engine etc.] | :: to stall, shut off |
sammua {v} [of thirst] | :: to be quenched |
sammua {v} [of feelings, emotions] | :: to die, fade/melt away, diminish |
sammua {v} [colloquial] | :: to crash, conk out (to fall asleep) |
sammua {v} [colloquial] | :: to pass out (due to heavy consumption of alcohol) |
sammua {v} [of a language] | :: to die, to go extinct |
sammuke {n} | :: extinguishant (extinguishing medium) |
sammuksiin {adv} | :: turned off (to the state of being turned off, used e.g. of lights or a machine) |
sammuksiin {adv} | :: extinguished, put out, out, blown out (to the state of being out) |
sammuksissa {adv} | :: turned off (of e.g. lights or a machine) |
sammuksissa {adv} | :: extinguished, put out (of fire) |
sammuksissa {adv} | :: passed out (unconscious) |
sammunut {adj} | :: extinguished, put out, quenched, dead (of a fire, cigarette etc.) |
sammunut {adj} | :: dead (of an emotion) |
sammunut {adj} [colloquial] | :: passed out (having lost conscience due to alcohol or drugs) |
sammunut {adj} | :: extinct (of a volcano) |
sammunut {adj} | :: extinct (of a family) |
sammunut {adj} | :: quenched (of thirst) |
sammute {n} | :: extinguishant (extinguishing medium) |
sammutettu kalkki {n} | :: slaked lime, calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 |
sammutin {n} | :: fire extinguisher |
sammuttaa {vt} | :: to put out, extinguish [fire] |
sammuttaa {vt} | :: to quench, extinguish [thirst] |
sammuttaa {vt} | :: to shut down, turn off |
sammuttaa {vt} [metallurgy] | :: to quench, chill |
sammuttamaton kalkki {n} | :: quicklime, burnt lime, calcium oxide, CaO |
sammuttaminen {n} | :: Action noun of the verb sammuttaa (to extinguish), extinguishing |
sammutus {n} | :: putting out (a fire); fire fighting |
sammutus {n} | :: a shutdown (act of shutting something down) |
sammutus {n} | :: quenching (a thirst; quenching in metallurgy) |
sammutusjauhe {n} | :: extinguishing powder |
sammutuskalusto {n} | :: the equipment used for putting out a fire |
sammutuslentokone {n} | :: firefighting airplane |
sammutuspeite {n} | :: fire blanket |
sammutustyö {n} | :: firefighting, fire suppression, fire control |
samoa {n} | :: Samoan (language) |
Samoa {prop} | :: Samoa |
samoalainen {n} | :: Samoan (person) |
samoalainen {adj} | :: Samoan |
samoanlentäväkoira {n} | :: Samoa flying-fox (Pteropus samoensis) |
samoihin aikoihin {adv} | :: at about the same time (almost simultaneously) |
samoilla {vi} | :: To wander (usually in nature and without any specific destination); to ramble |
samoilu {n} | :: wandering, hiking |
samoin {adv} | :: ditto |
samoin {adv} | :: likewise |
samoin kuin {conj} | :: as well as |
samojedi {n} | :: Samoyed |
samojedikieli {n} | :: A Samoyed language |
samojedinkoira {n} | :: Samoyed (dog) |
samota {vi} | :: to wander; hike |
samovaari {n} | :: A samovar (metal urn for boiling water) |
šampanja {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of samppanja |
samperi {interj} | :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat (a mild curse) |
samperisti {adv} | :: (so) damn, darn (minor intensifier) |
sampi {n} | :: sturgeon (any fish of the family Acipenseridae) |
sampi {n} | :: European sea sturgeon, common sturgeon, Acipenser sturio (type species of that family) |
sampikala {n} | :: a fish in the order Acipenseriformes |
sampinjoni {n} [mushroom] | :: champignon, Agaricus bisporus |
sampioni {n} | :: champion |
samplata {v} [music] | :: to sample |
sämplätä {v} [music] | :: to sample |
samplaus {n} [music] | :: sampling |
sämpläys {n} [music] | :: sampling |
sampleri {n} [musical instruments] | :: sampler |
sampo {n} [Finnish mythology] | :: a magical artifact that provides wealth to its owner |
Sampo {prop} | :: given name |
sampoo {n} | :: alternative spelling of shampoo |
šampoo {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of sampoo |
samppakalja {n} [colloquial] | :: champagne |
samppanja {n} | :: champagne (sparkling wine produced in Champagne) |
samppanja {n} | :: champagne (glass of champagne) |
samppanja {n} [colloquial, increasingly rare] | :: champagne (sparkling wine) |
šamppanja {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of samppanja |
samppanjalasi {n} | :: champagne glass, champagne flute, flute |
samppanjapullo {n} | :: champagne bottle |
samppanjavispilä {n} | :: champagne whisk |
samppis {n} [colloquial] | :: champagne |
Sampsa {prop} [Finnish mythology] | :: A god of fields and growth |
Sampsa {prop} | :: given name |
sämpylä {n} | :: roll, bun (type of bread) |
sämpylä {n} | :: sub, submarine sandwich; often with a modifier that specifies the main fillings (type of sandwich made on this type of bread) |
sämpylä {n} [military slang, in plural] | :: formal shoes, especially those distributed to conscripts to be used with the military uniform in festive occasions or when on leave |
sämpyläjauho {n} | :: a flour mix consisting of wheat flour, dark wheat flour, wheat groats, wheat bran and rye flour |
Samu {prop} | :: given name, short for Samuel and Samuli |
Samuel {prop} | :: Samuel (biblical figure) |
Samuel {prop} | :: given name |
Samuli {prop} | :: given name |
samum {n} | :: simoom |
samurai {n} | :: samurai |
samuus {n} | :: sameness |
san. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of sanoittaja |
sana {n} | :: word |
sana {n} [religion, with capital initial letter] | :: Word, Scripture |
sana {n} | :: lesson (section of the Bible or other religious text read as part of a divine service) |
sanahakemisto {n} | :: keyword index |
sanahaku {n} | :: word search |
sanaharkka {n} | :: A quarrel |
sanahelinä {n} | :: wordmongering, wordmongery, rhetoric, verbiage (showy, overabundant, often pompous use of words) |
sanahirviö {n} | :: monstrous word |
sanailla {v} | :: To speak or write; to use words |
sanailla {v} | :: To exchange words; to discuss |
sanailla {v} | :: To argue (to have an argument) |
sanailu {n} | :: repartee (skill in replying swiftly and wittily) |
sanailu {n} | :: wording |
sanainen {adj} [as headword in compound terms] | :: worded |
sanainen {adj} [idomatic usage] | :: verbal |
-sanaisesti {suffix} | :: forms adverbs describing how something is worded |
-sanaisuus {suffix} | :: forms nouns describing how something is worded |
sanajärjestys {n} [grammar] | :: word order |
sanajumalanpalvelus {n} [Christianity] | :: A mass without Eucharist |
sanakäänne {n} [chiefly in the plural] | :: idiom, phrase |
sanake {n} [computing] | :: token |
sanakirja {n} | :: dictionary |
sanakirjamääritelmä {n} | :: dictionary definition (the concise, universally applicable definition for a word or term found in a dictionary) |
sanakirjantekijä {n} | :: lexicographer |
sanakirjantoimittaja {n} | :: dictionary editor, lexicographer |
sanakirjatyö {n} | :: lexicography |
sanakirjoitus {n} | :: logographic writing system |
sanakoe {n} [education] | :: vocabulary test (an examination to test a student's knowledge of the vocabulary of a foreign language) |
sanalaatikko {n} | :: word search (popular word game) |
sanaleikki {n} | :: wordplay, pun |
sanaliitto {n} [grammar] | :: open compound |
sanalippu {n} [lexicology] | :: A sheet containing standardized set of information about a word obtained through field work; the collection of these sheets may be used as database e.g. when compiling a dictionary of dialects |
sanalla sanottuna {phrase} | :: in a word (briefly, concisely) |
sanalleen {adv} | :: word-for-word |
sanallinen {adj} | :: verbal |
sanallisesti {adv} | :: verbally |
sanallistaa {vt} | :: to make verbal |
sanaluettelo {n} | :: wordlist, lexicon, glossary |
sanaluokka {n} [grammar] | :: part of speech (the function a word or phrase performs) |
sanamäärä {n} | :: word count (number of words in a passage of text) |
sanamerkki {n} | :: word mark, logogram |
sanamuoto {n} | :: wording, phrasing |
sananalkuinen {adj} [phonetics] | :: initial (beginning a word) |
sananen {n} | :: diminutive of sana |
sananen {n} | :: word |
sananheitto {n} [linguistics, rhetoric] | :: ellipsis (omission of a grammatically required word or phrase that can be inferred) |
sanani {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of sana |
sananiekka {n} | :: wordsmith |
sananjalka {n} | :: common bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) |
sananjalka {n} | :: any fern in the genus Pteridium |
sananjulistaja {n} | :: preacher, sermonizer |
sananjulistus {n} | :: preaching (act of delivering a sermon) |
sanankäyttäjä {n} | :: user of words (usually preceded by an adjective) |
sanankäyttö {n} | :: use of words, mastery of words |
sanankuulija {n} | :: hearer (one who listens to a sermon) |
sananlasku {n} | :: proverb |
sananloppu {n} | :: end of a word |
sananloppuinen {adj} [linguistics] | :: wordfinal |
sananmukainen {adj} | :: literal |
sananmukaisesti {adv} | :: literally |
sananmuodostus {n} [linguistics] | :: word formation |
sananmuoto {n} | :: wordform |
sananmuunnos {n} | :: spoonerism |
sananparsi {n} | :: adage, proverb |
sananraja {n} | :: alternative form of sanaraja |
sanansaattaja {n} | :: courier, messenger, emissary, harbinger, herald |
sanansa mittainen {phrase} | :: of one's word, as good as one's word, true to one's word |
sananselittäjä {n} | :: word explainer |
sananselittäjä {n} | :: explainer of scripture, speaker of spiritual subjects |
sananselitys {n} | :: explaining words |
sananselitys {n} | :: explaining or analyzing scripture |
sananvaihto {n} | :: short discussion |
sananvaihto {n} | :: synonym of sanaharkka |
sananväli {n} | :: space (gap in text between words) |
sananvalinta {n} | :: diction |
sananvalta {n} | :: voice, say (power of utterance; authority or weight of an opinion or view) |
sananvapaus {n} | :: freedom of speech |
sananvastuu {n} | :: responsibility for what one says, "responsibility of speech" as something that comes with freedom of speech, interpreted by some as a euphemism for restricting freedom of speech |
sananvuoro {n} | :: synonym of puheenvuoro (floor, say) |
sanaoppi {n} [dated, linguistics] | :: logology (scientific study of words) |
sanapaino {n} | :: word stress |
sanapesye {n} | :: a small group of (linguistically) related words |
sanaraja {n} [linguistics] | :: word boundary |
sanaristikko {n} | :: crossword |
sanaryöppy {n} | :: a torrent of words |
sanasanainen {adj} | :: word-for-word, word by word (such as a translation) |
sanaseppä {n} | :: wordsmith (one who coins words or uses them skillfully) |
sanaseppo {n} | :: wordsmith |
sanaseppoilu {n} | :: recreational linguistics, logology, wordplay (study of words for recreation) |
sanaseppoilu {n} | :: wordsmithery |
sanasilla {adv} | :: in a squabble, in a quarrel, in a debate |
sanasille {adv} | :: (to/into a state of being) in a squabble, in a quarrel, in a debate |
sanasokeus {n} [dated] | :: word blindness, alexia |
sanasota {n} | :: war of words |
sanastaa {v} | :: to excerpt terms (record terms with usage context from material) |
sanasta sanaan {phrase} | :: word for word [adverbial usage], word-for-word [adjectival usage] |
sanasto {n} | :: vocabulary, glossary (collection of words alphabetized and explained) |
sanasto {n} | :: vocabulary, language (collection of words used in a particular field) |
sanasto {n} | :: vocabulary (words of a language collectively) |
sanastollinen {adj} | :: lexical |
sanastontutkimus {n} | :: lexicology |
sanasto-oppi {n} | :: lexicology |
sanastus {n} | :: term excerption (recording terms with usage context from material) |
sanasutkaus {n} | :: quip (smart, sarcastic turn) |
sanatabu {n} | :: word taboo (restricted use of words due to social constraints) |
sanataide {n} | :: any art form concerning words, such as literary art and oratory |
sanataituri {n} | :: wordsmith (one who uses words skillfully) |
sanataituruus {n} | :: the quality of being a wordsmith |
sanatarkasti {adv} | :: verbatim |
sanatarkka {adj} | :: word-for-word, exact, verbatim |
sanatasku {n} | :: portmanteau word |
sanaton {adj} | :: unspoken, wordless |
sanaton {adj} | :: non-verbal, nonverbal |
sanaton {adj} | :: speechless |
sanatorio {n} | :: sanatorium |
sanattomasti {adv} | :: wordlessly |
sanattomasti {adv} | :: speechlessly |
sanattomuus {n} | :: wordlessness |
sanattomuus {n} | :: speechlessness |
sanatulva {n} | :: logorrhea, flood of words |
sanaväli {n} | :: space (gap in text between words) |
sanavalinta {n} | :: diction, choice of words |
sanavälistys {n} [typography] | :: word spacing |
sanavalmis {n} | :: witty, quick-witted (fast to come up with a response) |
sanavalmius {n} | :: quickwittedness (the quality of being able to quickly come up with a response) |
sanavarasto {n} | :: vocabulary (collection of words one knows and uses) |
sanavarat {n} | :: lexicon, words used in or by a language or work collectively |
sanavartalo {n} [linguistics] | :: root |
sanaverkko {n} | :: wordnet |
sanavuolaus {n} | :: abundance of words, volubility of words |
sandaali {n} | :: A sandal |
sandinisti {n} | :: Sandinista |
sanduri {n} [geology] | :: sandur |
sane {n} [linguistics] | :: vocable (word or utterance, especially with reference to its form rather than its meaning) |
sane {n} | :: word token |
saneerata {v} | :: To renovate (to make extensive repairs to a building, often adding modern technology) |
saneerata {v} | :: To redevelop (to convert a neighbourhood by new construction, reconstruction and/or renovation of existing buildings) |
saneerata {v} | :: To rehabilitate (to restore or repair, to make habitable again) |
saneeraus {n} [construction] | :: renovation |
saneeraus {n} | :: A complete reorganization of a company or other organization, typically involving redundancies, outsourcing and sales of businesses and non-essential assets |
saneerausehdotus {n} | :: synonym of saneerausohjelmaehdotus |
saneerausohjelma {n} | :: short for yrityssaneerausohjelma |
saneerausohjelmaehdotus {n} [business, law] | :: a draft or proposal for a business restructuring program |
sanelin {n} | :: dictation machine, dictaphone |
sanelin {n} [colloquial, humorous] | :: A mouth, especially in connection with eating |
sanella {vt} | :: To dictate (to order, command, control) |
sanella {vt} | :: To dictate (to speak in order for someone to write down the words) |
Sanelma {prop} | :: given name |
sanelu {n} | :: dictation |
sanelukone {n} | :: dictation machine, dictaphone |
sanforoida {vt} | :: To treat wool so that it does not shrink when washed |
sangen {adv} | :: very |
sangi {n} [card games] | :: no-trump (hand that is to be played without a trump suit) |
sangoittain {adv} | :: By the bucket |
sangollinen {n} | :: bucketful (amount held in a bucket) |
sangria {n} | :: sangria (alcoholic drink) |
sangviininen {adj} | :: sanguine |
sängynpeite {n} | :: bed cover |
saniainen {n} [plant] | :: fern |
sanidiini {n} [mineral] | :: sanidine |
sanikkainen {n} | :: pteridophyte |
saniteettikalusteet {n} | :: sanitary ware |
saniteettitavara {n} | :: sanitary item, sanitary ware |
sanka {n} | :: temple, arm of spectacles |
sanka {n} | :: any handle made of metal wire or other relatively thin and stiff material |
sankalasit {n} | :: glasses or spectacles with arms |
sankaluuri {n} | :: handsfree earpiece (mobile phone device that sits in or on the ear with earphone and microphone) |
sankari {n} | :: hero, heroine |
sankari {n} | :: great capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo) |
sankarihauta {n} | :: war grave, soldier's grave |
sankarihautausmaa {n} | :: war cemetery |
sankarikoira {n} | :: hero dog |
sankarillinen {adj} | :: heroic |
sankarillisesti {adv} | :: heroically |
sankarimuistomerkki {n} | :: a memorial, often in a war cemetery, honoring those who fell in a war |
sankaripatsas {n} | :: a statue, often in a war cemetery, honoring those who fell in a war |
sankaritar {n} | :: heroine |
sankarius {n} | :: alternative form of sankaruus (heroism) |
sankaruus {n} | :: heroism, heroization |
sankasti {adv} | :: densely |
sankeri {n} | :: (expletive) purity |
sankeri {n} | :: (common) chancre |
sanketa {vi} | :: to densify (become dense) |
sänki {n} | :: stubble (hair) |
sänki {n} | :: stubble (short stalks) |
sänkipelto {n} | :: stubble field |
sankka {adj} | :: dense (such as of smoke or fog or a group of people) |
sankkeri {n} [pathology] | :: chancre (skin lesion associated with certain contagious diseases, particularly STD's) |
sankkireikä {n} | :: touch hole |
sanko {n} | :: bucket, pail |
sankoin joukoin {adv} | :: en masse |
sankoruisku {n} | :: stirrup pump |
sanktio {n} | :: sanction |
sanktioida {vt} | :: To sanction |
sänky {n} | :: bed, bedstead |
sänkykohtaus {n} [film, drama] | :: bed scene |
sänkyvaatteet {n} | :: bed clothes |
San Marino {prop} | :: San Marino (microstate) |
San Marino {prop} | :: San Marino (capital city) |
sanmarinolainen {adj} | :: Sammarinese |
Sanna {prop} | :: given name |
sännätä {v} | :: To dart (to start and run fast) |
Sanni {prop} | :: given name |
sannikas {n} | :: sandal |
sannoittaa {v} [colloquial] | :: synonym of hiekoittaa |
sanoa {vt} | :: to say, tell [partitive/accusative "something", elative "about something", allative "to (someone)"] |
sanoa {vt} [_, + partitive + translative] | :: to call (name or refer to) |
sanoa irti {v} | :: alternative form of irtisanoa |
sanoa sanansa {v} | :: to have a say |
sanoa suoraan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cut to the chase, get to the point |
sanoin kuvaamaton {adj} | :: indescribable |
sanoin kuvaamaton {adj} | :: unspeakable |
sanoinkuvaamaton {adj} | :: alternative form of sanoin kuvaamaton |
sanoittaa {v} | :: to write lyrics to a song |
sanoittaja {n} | :: lyricist, songwriter (one who writes the lyrics of songs) |
sanoitus {n} | :: lyrics (words of a song) |
sanoja {n} | :: A sayer; one who says |
sanokaa minun sanoneen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: mark my words |
sanoma {n} | :: A message, communication (figuratively) |
Sanoma {prop} | :: A Finnish media group |
sanomakellot {n} | :: knell, toll (particularly one signalling a death) |
sanomalehti {n} | :: A newspaper (publication) |
sanomalehtipaperi {n} | :: newsprint |
sanomalehtisali {n} | :: a part of a library dedicated to newspapers |
sanomaruutu {n} [graphical user interface] | :: message box |
sanomaton {adj} | :: unspoken, unsaid |
sanomaton {adj} | :: unspeakable |
sanomattomasti {adv} | :: unspeakably, without saying anything |
sanominen {n} | :: saying (act of saying) |
sano muikku {phrase} | :: say cheese (literally: say vendace) |
sanonpahan vain {phrase} | :: just saying |
sanonta {n} | :: saying, apothegm, adage |
sanontatapa {n} | :: locution, figure of speech, way of speaking |
sanoo kuka {phrase} [colloquial] | :: says who? |
sanopa muuta {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: you can say that again (in response to another person: that is very true) |
sanopa se {phrase} [colloquial] | :: you tell me |
sanottavasti {adv} [usually, with negative] | :: noticeably, remarkably, that much |
sanoutua {v} | :: Used only in the verb phrase sanoutua irti and in the compound verb irtisanoutua |
sanoutua {v} [rare] | :: synonym of lupautua |
sanoutua irti {v} | :: ~ + elative; to dissociate oneself from, to repudiate, deny (to reject the truth or validity of something) |
sanoutua irti {v} | :: to repudiate, disown (to refuse to have anything to do with) |
sanoutua irti {v} | :: synonym of irtisanoutua |
Sansibar {prop} | :: Zanzibar |
sanskriitti {n} | :: Sanskrit (language) |
sanskrit {n} | :: The Sanskrit language |
sanskritisti {n} | :: Sanskritist |
santa {n} | :: sand [usually meaning slightly wet sand] |
säntäillä {vi} | :: to squirrel around, to skitter about, to move or search erratically, especially as if hurried or confused |
santapaperi {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of hiomapaperi |
santarmi {n} | :: gendarmerie |
santarmi {n} | :: gendarme |
santelipuu {n} | :: sandalwood |
Santeri {prop} | :: given name |
säntilleen {adv} [dialectal] | :: synonym of täsmälleen |
säntillinen {adj} | :: meticulous, punctual |
säntillisesti {adv} | :: meticulously, punctually |
Santra {prop} | :: given name |
santsari {n} [military slang] | :: assistant instructor at an NCO or reserve officer school |
santsata {v} [colloquial] | :: to go back for seconds, to go back for more |
santsi {n} | :: second round of work, given as punishment |
santsi {n} | :: second portion or serving of food or such, second helping |
Santtu {prop} | :: given name |
šantung {n} | :: shantung |
sanue {n} [linguistics] | :: word family; the set of a word and words etymologically related to it |
saos {n} [chemistry] | :: precipitate |
saostaa {v} [chemistry] | :: to precipitate (to separate a substance out of a liquid solution into solid form.) |
saoste {n} [chemistry] | :: precipitating agent (substance which, when added to a solution, causes precipitation of another substance from the solution) |
saostin {n} | :: precipitant |
saostua {v} [chemistry] | :: to precipitate (to come out of a liquid solution into solid form) |
saostuma {n} | :: precipitate |
saostuma {n} | :: coagulate |
saostuminen {n} [chemistry] | :: precipitation |
saostus {n} [chemistry] | :: precipitation |
saostus {n} | :: thickening |
saostusaine {n} | :: thickener, thickening agent |
saostuskaivo {n} | :: septic tank (underground septic tank) |
saostussäiliö {n} | :: septic tank (underground or above ground septic tank) |
saota {vi} | :: To thicken (more viscous) |
São Tomé ja Príncipe {prop} | :: São Tomé and Príncipe |
sapa {n} [dialectal] | :: tail of an animal (more specifically the solid part of a tail) |
säpäke {n} | :: synonym of säpikäs |
säpäle {n} | :: splinter |
saparo {n} | :: The tail of a pig |
saparo {n} | :: bunches, pigtail (hairstyle) |
saparomakaki {n} | :: pigtail macaque |
sapatti {n} | :: Sabbath |
sapatti {n} | :: sabbatical |
sapattivapaa {n} | :: A sabbatical (extended period of leave of any length, taken by an employee in order to carry out his/her own projects) |
sapattivuosi {n} | :: A sabbatical year |
sapattivuosi {n} | :: A sabbatical (about a year long period of leave, taken by an employee in order to carry out his/her own projects) |
sapekas {adj} | :: bilious |
sapekas {adj} | :: vitriolic |
sapekkaasti {adv} | :: biliously, vitriolically |
sapeli {n} | :: sabre, saber |
sapelibeisa {n} | :: scimitar-horned oryx, Oryx dammah |
sapelihammas {n} | :: sabertooth, sabretooth |
sapelihammastiikeri {n} [mammals] | :: A sabre-toothed tiger |
sapelinkalistelija {n} | :: sabre-rattler |
sapelinkalistelu {n} | :: sabre-rattling |
sapenjohdin {n} [anatomy] | :: common bile duct, ductus choledochus (bile duct that discharges bile into the duodenum) |
sapettaa {v} | :: to gall, to trouble, to bother |
sapfolainen {adj} | :: Sapphic (relating to the Greek poet Sappho or her poetry) |
sapfolainen {adj} | :: Sapphic (relating to lesbianism; lesbian) |
sapfolainen {n} | :: sapphist (lesbian) |
säpikäs {n} | :: gaiter made of reindeer hide, traditionally worn by the Sami people |
sapilas {n} [usually, in plural] | :: a stick used in pairs to carry hay |
säpinä {n} | :: bustle, stir (excited activity) |
säpinä {n} | :: pizzazz, flair, vigor, zest |
sapiska {n} [colloquial] | :: rebuke, admonition, reprimand |
säpistä {vi} [colloquial] | :: to bustle |
sapluuna {n} [colloquial] | :: A template (model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object) |
sapluuna {n} [colloquial] | :: A stencil (utensil for drawing) |
saponiini {n} [ogranic chemistry, biochemistry] | :: saponin |
säppäli {n} | :: a baize ring with decorations, traditional Karelian female headwear |
sappi {n} | :: bile, gall (bodily fluid) |
sappi {n} | :: gallbladder (short of sappirakko) |
sappi {n} | :: centaury (any plant of the genus Centaurium) |
sappi {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Centaurium |
sappi {n} [dated, idiomatic] | :: bile, spleen, spitefulness (bad mood, bitterness of temper) |
säppi {n} | :: latch |
sappihapero {n} | :: geranium brittlegill or geranium-scented russula, Russula fellea |
sappihappo {n} | :: bile acid |
sappihiussuoni {n} [anatomy] | :: bile canaliculus, bile capillary, canaliculus biliferus (thin tube that collects bile secreted by the hepatocytes) |
säppikala {n} | :: leatherjacket, triggerfish (any of several brightly coloured tropical fishes, of the family Balistidae) |
sappikivi {n} | :: gallstone |
sappikivitauti {n} [pathology] | :: cholelithiasis |
sappipitoinen {adj} | :: bilious |
sappirakko {n} [anatomy] | :: A gallbladder |
sappirakkosyöpä {n} | :: gallbladder cancer |
sappirakon tiehyt {n} [anatomy] | :: cystic duct, ductus cysticus (short duct that joins the gallbladder to the common bile duct) |
sappirakontulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) |
sappiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius infractus |
sappitie {n} [anatomy] | :: bile duct |
sappitiehyt {n} [anatomy] | :: synonym of sappitie |
sappitiesyöpä {n} [pathology] | :: cholangiocarcinoma (cancer of the bile duct) |
saprofyytti {n} [botany] | :: saprophyte |
saprofyyttinen {adj} [biology] | :: saprophytic |
saproliitti {n} [geology] | :: saprolite |
saprotrofi {n} | :: A scientific usage term for a saprotroph |
säpsä {n} | :: a kind of traditional Karelian (married) women's headwear |
säpsähdellä {v} [frequentative] | :: to flinch, to keep flinching |
säpsähdys {n} | :: flinch (reflexive jerking away) |
säpsähdyttää {vt} | :: to faze |
säpsähtää {vi} | :: to flinch, cringe |
säpsäyttää {v} | :: alternative form of säpsähdyttää |
sapuska {n} [colloquial] | :: food, grub |
sara {n} | :: sedge |
Sara {prop} | :: given name |
särä {n} | :: a dish of mutton and potatoes baked in a large oven |
sarafaani {n} | :: sarafan |
särähdellä {vi} | :: to rattle or creak repeatedly (make a sharp buzzing sound) |
särähtää {vi} | :: to rattle or creak once (make a sharp buzzing sound) |
sarakasvi {n} | :: sedge (any plant of the family Cyperaceae) |
sarakasvi {n} [in plural] | :: the family Cyperaceae |
sarake {n} | :: column (as opposed to row) |
sarake {n} | :: kobresia (any member of the genus Kobresia) |
sarakevektori {n} [linear algebra] | :: column vector |
sarana {n} | :: A hinge (pivoting point) |
sarana {n} | :: A gudgeon |
sarananivel {n} [anatomy] | :: hinge joint |
saranapöytä {n} | :: gateleg table |
saranatappi {n} | :: A pintle (pin or bolt that acts as a pivot for a hinge) |
saranoida {v} | :: to hinge (attach by or equip with a hinge) |
saranoitu {adj} | :: hinged (equipped with hinge or hinges) |
saraseeni {n} | :: Saracen (person) |
sarastaa {vi} [with the subject aamu] | :: To dawn |
sarastaa {vi} [figuratively] | :: To dawn |
sarastus {n} | :: dawning (first beginnings of something) |
sarastus {n} | :: dawn, daybreak |
sarda {n} | :: Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) |
sardelli {n} | :: anchovy (any fish of the family Engraulidae) |
sardi {n} | :: Sardinian language |
sardi {n} [mineral] | :: sard |
sardiini {n} | :: sardine |
Sardinia {prop} | :: Sardinia (region) |
sardinialainen {adj} | :: Sardinian |
sardinialainen {n} | :: A Sardinian |
sareptansinappi {n} | :: mustard greens, Brassica juncea |
Sargassomeri {prop} | :: The Sargasso Sea |
sari {n} | :: sari (Indian piece of clothing) |
Sari {prop} | :: given name |
sariini {n} | :: sarin |
särinä {n} | :: crackle (of an electrical device) |
Sariola {prop} | :: surname |
säristä {vi} | :: to rattle, to creak |
säristä {vi} | :: to crackle (TV, radio or computer screen, static) |
Sarita {prop} | :: given name |
sarja {n} | :: series |
sarja {n} [mathematics, business, chemistry, television] | :: series |
sarja {n} | :: chain, sequence, succession, train (of events) |
sarja {n} | :: set (e.g. of tools or items to be collected) |
sarja {n} | :: (comic) strip |
sarja {n} [sports] | :: division, series, league |
sarja {n} [music] | :: suite |
sarja {n} [botany] | :: umbel |
sarja {n} | :: As a modifier in a compound signifies e.g. serial, automatic |
sarjaan {adv} [electronics] | :: in series, serial |
sarjaankytkentä {n} [electronics] | :: serial connection |
sarjakausi {n} | :: season of a series (of sports) |
sarjakehitelmä {n} [math] | :: series expansion |
sarjakeltano {n} [plant] | :: narrowleaf hawkweed, Hieracium umbellatum |
sarjakukkainen {adj} [botany] | :: umbelliferous |
sarjakukkainen {n} [chiefly collectively, in plural] | :: synonym of sarjakukkaiskasvi |
sarjakukkaiskasvi {n} [botany] | :: umbellifer |
sarjakuva {n} [comics] | :: comics, artistic medium |
sarjakuva {n} [comics] | :: comic strip |
sarjakuva-albumi {n} [comics] | :: comics, comic book |
sarjakuvakirja {n} [comics] | :: comics, comic book |
sarjakuvalehti {n} | :: comic book [magazine] |
sarjakuvapiirtäjä {n} | :: cartoonist (person who draws cartoons) |
sarjakuvastrippi {n} | :: comic strip |
sarjakuvataiteilija {n} | :: comics artist, comic book artist |
sarjakuvaus {n} | :: burst photography, continuous photography |
sarjaliitäntä {n} [computing, electronics] | :: serial interface |
sarjaliitin {n} [computing, electronics] | :: serial port, serial connector (the port itself) |
sarjallistaa {vt} | :: to serialize (make serial; convert an object into a sequence of bytes that can later be converted back into an object with equivalent properties) |
sarjallisuus {n} [music] | :: serialism |
sarjamurha {n} | :: serial murder |
sarjamurhaaja {n} | :: serial killer |
sarjapöytä {n} | :: nesting table set |
sarjaraiskaaja {n} | :: serial rapist |
sarjataulukko {n} | :: league table |
sarjatuli {n} [military] | :: sustained fire, continuous fire |
sarjatuli {n} [firearms] | :: automatic firing |
sarjatuliase {n} | :: automatic firearm, automatic weapon |
sarjatyö {n} | :: series manufacturing, series work |
sarjavalmisteinen {adj} | :: series-produced, mass-produced |
sarjis {n} [colloquial] | :: comics, comic, comic strip |
sarjoa {v} [textiles] | :: to grade |
sarjoittaa {vt} | :: to divide into series, to serialize |
sarjoittain {adv} | :: in series, by series |
sarka {n} | :: patch, strip (of field) |
sarka {n} | :: frieze (in clothes) |
sarka {n} | :: field, area, branch |
sarka {n} [colloquial] | :: chance, odds |
sarkahousut {n} | :: frieze pants |
sarkain {n} | :: tabulator (mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders) |
sarkainmerkki {n} | :: tab (a space character that extends to the next column) |
sarkajako {n} [historical] | :: open-field system (agricultural system) |
sarkamylly {n} | :: a wooden stand used when felting a frieze |
sarkasmi {n} | :: sarcasm |
sarkastinen {adj} | :: sarcastic |
sarkastisesti {adv} | :: sarcastically |
sarkatakki {n} | :: frieze jacket |
sarkatamppi {n} | :: a pair of notched wooden pieces used with a water wheel to make frieze |
särkeä {vt} | :: to break |
särkeä {vti} [monopersonal] | :: to be sore, ache [transitive -> partitive + 3rd-pers. singular or intransitive -> illative + 3rd-pers. singular] |
särkeä jonkun sydän {v} [idiomatic] | :: to break someone's heart |
särki {n} | :: roach (Rutilus rutilus) |
särkijä {n} | :: breaker, cracker |
särkijä {n} [music] | :: Distortion effect pedal (overdrive) used with electric guitar (and bass guitar) |
särkikala {n} | :: cyprinid (any fish of the family Cyprinidae) |
särkikala {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Cyprinidae (taxonomic order containing carps and minnows) |
särkiparvi {n} | :: A school of roaches |
särkkä {n} [nautical] | :: bank, sandbank (underwater formation of loose sand or gravel, often a shifting one) |
sarkofagi {n} | :: sarcophagus |
sarkoidoosi {n} | :: sarcoidosis |
sarkomeeri {n} | :: sarcomere |
sarkooma {n} [pathology] | :: sarcoma (type of malignant tumor) |
särky {n} | :: ache |
särkyä {v} | :: to break (to separate into pieces, to fracture or crack) |
särkyä {v} | :: to break down (to fail or cease to function) |
särkylääke {n} | :: analgesic, painkiller |
särkylääkepäänsärky {n} | :: medication overuse headache |
särkynyt {adj} | :: broken |
särkynyt sydän {n} | :: broken heart (feeling of grief or loss, especially of love), in some cases also brokenhearted or brokenheartedly |
särkynyt sydän {n} | :: bleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis (flowering plant in the poppy family, native to Siberia) |
särkynytsydän {n} | :: Asian bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) |
särmä {n} [geometry] | :: edge |
särmäkartio {n} [geometry] | :: pyramid (cone with a polygonal base) |
särmäri {n} [colloquial] | :: press brake |
särmäri {n} [in plural, military slang] | :: blousing strap |
särmätä {vt} | :: to press, to stamp, to chamfer, to bend |
särmätä {v} [military] | :: to blouse |
särmäys {n} [metalworking] | :: bending |
särmäys {n} [metalworking] | :: stamping in general |
särmäyspuristin {n} | :: brake, bending machine (machine for bending sheet metal) |
särmikäs {adj} | :: jagged |
särmikäs {adj} | :: edgy |
särmikkäästi {adv} | :: jaggedly, edgily |
särmiö {n} [geometry] | :: prism |
särmiö {n} [plant] | :: any plant of the genus Barleria |
särmiö {n} [plant, in plural] | :: the genus Barleria |
šarmööri {n} [rare] | :: synonym of hurmuri |
särö {n} | :: crack |
särö {n} | :: infraction |
särö {n} [signal processing] | :: distortion |
säröillä {vi} | :: to crack, to get cracks |
särölasite {n} | :: crackle glaze |
säröytyä {vi} | :: to become cracked |
särpiä {v} | :: synonym of ryystää |
sarpio {n} [plant] | :: water plantain, a plant in the genus Alisma, family Alismataceae |
SARS {n} | :: SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome |
sarsaparilla {n} | :: sarsaparilla (any tree of the genus Smilax; their roots) |
sarssi {n} | :: serge (fabric) |
sarvas {n} | :: stag, especially a reindeer |
sarveinen {adj} [archaic] | :: keratinous (consisting of keratine) |
sarveisaine {n} | :: keratin |
sarveisaineinen {adj} | :: keratinous |
sarveiskalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: cornea |
sarveiskalvonsiirto {n} [surgery] | :: corneal transplant, corneal transplantation |
sarveiskalvotulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) |
sarveissuomu {n} | :: keratin scale |
sarveistua {vi} | :: to keratinize |
sarvekas {adj} | :: horned |
sarveke {n} [rare] | :: a horn-like protrusion |
sarvellinen {adj} | :: horned |
sarvena {n} [anatomy] | :: point of hip, coxal tuber (protuberance visible on either side of the hip of an animal, caused by the upper part of the hip bone) |
sarvennoinen {n} [anatomy] | :: trochanter (end of the femur near the hip joint) |
sarveton {adj} | :: hornless |
sarvi {n} | :: horn (growth of keratin that protrudes from the head of certain animals) |
sarvi {n} | :: horn (any similar real or imaginary growth or projection) |
sarvi {n} | :: horn (substance) |
sarvi {n} | :: horn (hornlike object) |
sarvi {n} [usually, in the plural] | :: antler |
sarvi {n} | :: (chiefly in the plural) handlebar |
sarviapila {n} | :: fenugreek |
sarvihopea {n} [mineral] | :: horn silver, chlorargyrite |
sarvihöylä {n} | :: a scrub plane with a horn |
sarvijaakko {n} | :: timberman beetle (Acanthocinus aedilis) |
sarvijäärä {n} | :: longhorn beetle (any beetle from the Cerambycidae family) |
sarvijänis {n} | :: jackalope |
sarvikala {n} | :: Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus) |
sarvikalkkarokäärme {n} | :: sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes) |
sarvikampa {n} | :: horn comb |
sarvikarja {n} | :: horned livestock |
sarvikiuru {n} | :: Temminck's lark (Eremophila bilopha) |
sarvikko {n} [regional, Karelia, Savonia] | :: a stilt of an ard |
sarvikruunu {n} | :: antler (complete antler with both halves intact, as trophy or on the head of a living animal) |
sarvikumi {n} [rare] | :: ebonite |
sarvikuono {n} | :: Rhinoceros |
sarvikuonokas {n} | :: European rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes nasicornis) |
sarvikuonokyy {n} | :: rhinoceros viper (Bitis nasicornis) |
sarvikuonoleguaani {n} | :: rhinoceros iguana (Cyclura cornuta) |
sarvikuonolintu {n} | :: any bird in genus Buceros |
sarvikuonolintu {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Buceros |
sarvikyy {n} | :: Saharan horned viper (Cerastes cerastes) |
sarvilastu {n} | :: horn meal (used as fertilizer) |
sarvilevy {n} | :: a small plate made out of horn used as a decoration on a kuksa |
sarviliima {n} [rare] | :: horn glue (type of animal glue) |
sarviliitti {n} [dated] | :: Galalith |
sarvilinna {n} | :: hornwork |
Sarvilinna {prop} | :: surname |
sarvilintu {n} | :: hornbill |
sarvilusikka {n} | :: horn spoon |
sarvimainen {adj} | :: hornlike |
sarvimiina {n} | :: a naval mine with Hertz horns |
särvin {n} [colloquial or dated] | :: food |
särvin {n} | :: a foodstuff eaten or drunk alongside bread or potatoes, such as butter, fish or meat |
-sarvinen {suffix} | :: forms adjectives or nouns describing the quality of the horns of something |
sarviniekka {n} [somewhat jocular] | :: can be used to refer to any animal with horns or antlers |
sarvinokka {n} | :: hornbill (any bird of family Bucerotidae) |
sarvinokka {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Bucerotidae |
sarvio {n} | :: any plant of the genus Caralluma |
sarvio {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Caralluma |
sarvioksa {n} | :: splay knot (in wood) |
sarviöljy {n} [rare] | :: oleum animale |
sarviorvokki {n} | :: horned violet (Viola cornuta) |
sarvipää {n} | :: can be used to refer to any animal with horns or antlers |
sarvipäinen {adj} | :: horned |
sarvipöllö {n} | :: A long-eared owl, Asio otus |
sarvirauta {n} | :: U-shaped horn of a axlebox |
sarviruoste {n} [dated] | :: synonym of rengasruoste |
sarvisammal {n} [plant] | :: hornwort (any of hundreds of species of bryophytes belonging to Anthocerotophyta) |
sarvisankainen {adj} | :: horn-rimmed |
sarvitraktori {n} | :: two-wheel tractor, walking tractor |
sarvityö {n} | :: any handicraft involving horns |
sarvivalas {n} | :: narwhal (Monodon monoceros) |
sarvivälke {n} [mineral] | :: hornblende |
sashimi {n} | :: sashimi |
Sasi {prop} | :: surname |
Saskatchewan {prop} | :: Saskatchewan (province) |
sassafras {n} | :: sassafras (tree of the genus Sassafras; its bark) |
sassiin {adv} [colloquial] | :: immediately |
Sastamala {prop} | :: Sastamala (town/and/municipality) |
sastamalalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sastamala |
sastamalalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sastamala |
Sasu {prop} | :: given name |
sata {num} | :: A/one hundred |
sataa {v} [meteorology] | :: to precipitate (to have water in the air fall to the ground, for example as rain, snow, sleet, or hail) |
sataa {v} [~ vettä] | :: to rain |
sataa {v} [~ lunta] | :: to snow |
sataa {v} [~ rakeita] | :: to hail |
sataa {v} [also, figuratively] | :: to rain (fall down from the sky like rain) |
sataa äkäisiä ämmiä äkeet selässä {v} [simile] | :: rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily) |
sataa kaatamalla {v} [idiomatic] | :: To rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily) |
sataa kuin saavista kaataen {v} [simile] | :: To rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily) |
sataa tihkua {v} | :: To drizzle (to rain lightly) |
satakaksikymmentä {num} | :: hundred and twenty |
satakerta {n} [anatomy] | :: omasum |
satakertainen {adj} | :: hundredfold |
satakertaisesti {adv} | :: hundredfold, a hundred times |
satakertaistaa {v} | :: to hundredfold (to increase to hundred times as much; to multiply by hundred) |
satakielet {n} | :: The bird genus Luscinia |
satakieli {n} | :: Any of the birds in genus Luscinia, in Finnish satakielet. Individual species are called robin, rubythroat, nightingale and bluethroat in English |
satakieli {n} | :: The thrush nightingale (sprosser), Luscinia luscinia |
satakieli {n} | :: A commonly, and erroneously, used name of etelänsatakieli, the common nightingale, nightingale or rufous nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos |
satakunta {n} | :: Around a hundred |
Satakunta {prop} | :: Satakunta (region/and/historic province) |
satakuntalainen {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Satakunta |
satakuntalainen {n} | :: A person from Satakunta |
satakymmenen {num} | :: hundred and ten |
satama {n} | :: harbour, port, haven |
satama {n} | :: port authority (public authority which operates a port) |
satama-allas {n} | :: dock (body of water between two piers or wharves) |
satama-alue {n} | :: port area |
satamäärin {adv} | :: synonym of sadoittain |
satamakaupunki {n} | :: port city |
satamalaituri {n} | :: wharf |
satamaneuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplishments related to sea ports or harbors, such as former harbormasters |
satamanosturi {n} | :: container crane |
satamapalvelu {n} | :: port service |
satamatyömies {n} | :: (male) dockworker |
satamatyöntekijä {n} | :: dockworker |
satanen {n} | :: A hundred (digit or figure 100) |
satanen {n} [colloquial] | :: A hundred main units of a currency, mostly euro or markka |
satanen {n} [colloquial] | :: A banknote with the value of a hundred main units of a currency |
satanismi {n} | :: satanism |
satanisti {n} | :: satanist |
satanistinen {adj} | :: Pertaining to satanism |
satapäinen {adj} | :: hundred-headed |
sataprosenttisesti {adv} | :: one hundred percent |
satatuhatta {num} | :: hundred thousand |
satavarma {adj} [colloquial] | :: completely sure, absolutely certain, one hundred percent |
satavarmasti {adv} [colloquial] | :: 100% certainly, surely, absolutely |
satavuotias {adj} | :: centenarian, a hundred years old |
satavuotias {n} | :: centenarian |
satavuotinen {adj} | :: centenarian (of or pertaining to a centenarian) |
satavuotinen {adj} | :: hundred years' |
satayksi {num} | :: one hundred and one |
sateenharmaa {adj} | :: gray as rain (somewhat light shade of gray) |
säteenjäljitys {n} [computer graphics] | :: ray tracing |
sateenkaareva {adj} [slang] | :: queer (person of atypical sexuality or sexual identity) |
sateenkaari {n} | :: rainbow |
sateenkaarikala {n} | :: rainbowfish |
sateenkaarikardinaali {n} | :: painted bunting, Passerina ciris |
sateenkaarilippu {n} | :: rainbow flag (symbol of the LGBT community) |
sateenkaariluri {n} | :: lorikeet (bird of several genera in the parrot family) |
sateenkaarirautu {n} [dated] | :: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) |
säteenseuranta {n} [computer graphics] | :: ray tracing |
säteensuuntaus {n} [computer graphics] | :: ray casting |
sateenteko {n} | :: rainmaking |
sateenvarjo {n} | :: umbrella (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain) |
sateenvarjo {n} | :: umbrella (anything that provides protection) |
sateenvarjorattaat {n} | :: umbrella stroller |
sateeton {adj} | :: rainless |
sateettomasti {adv} | :: rainlessly |
säteilevä {adj} | :: radiating |
säteilevyys {n} | :: radiance |
säteilijä {n} | :: A radiator (something that radiates, especially electromagnetic waves) |
säteilin {n} [rare] | :: alternative form of säteilijä |
säteillä {vt} | :: to radiate |
säteily {n} [physics] | :: radiation |
säteilyannos {n} | :: radiation dose |
säteilyenergia {n} [physics] | :: radiant energy |
säteilyfysiikka {n} [physics] | :: radiophysics, radiation physics |
säteilykuvio {n} [electronic communication] | :: radiation pattern (a parameter in antenna design) |
säteilylähde {n} | :: radiation source; radiant, radiator |
säteilylämmitin {n} | :: radiator heater, heat radiator, radiator |
säteilymittari {n} | :: radiometer |
säteilypaine {n} [physics] | :: radiation pressure |
säteilypakote {n} | :: radiative forcing |
säteilysairaus {n} | :: radiation sickness |
säteilysuojaus {n} | :: radioprotection (protection against ionizing radiation) |
säteilytiheys {n} [physics] | :: radiance (the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source) |
säteilytin {n} | :: radiator (device that emits rays) |
säteilyttää {vt} | :: to radiate |
säteilytys {n} | :: irradiation |
säteilytysvoimakkuus {n} [physics, radiometry] | :: irradiance |
säteilyvaara {n} | :: radiation risk |
sateinen {adj} | :: Rainy |
säteissaha {n} | :: radial saw |
säteittäin {adv} | :: radially |
säteittäinen {adj} | :: radial |
säteittäinen {adj} | :: hub-and-spoke |
säteittäisesti {adv} | :: radially |
säteittäissymmetrinen {adj} | :: radially symmetric |
satelliitti {n} | :: satellite (especially artificial) |
satelliittiantenni {n} | :: satellite antenna |
satelliittikanava {n} | :: satellite channel |
satelliittikaupunki {n} | :: satellite city, satellite town |
satelliittikuva {n} | :: satellite photograph |
satelliittikuvaus {n} | :: satellite photography |
satelliittilähetys {n} | :: satellite transmission |
satelliittimaa {n} | :: synonym of satelliittivaltio |
satelliittimittaus {n} | :: satellite measurement |
satelliittinavigaattori {n} | :: satellite navigator |
satelliittinavigointi {n} | :: satellite navigation |
satelliittiohjelma {n} | :: satellite program |
satelliittipaikannus {n} | :: satellite navigation |
satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmä {n} | :: global positioning system, global navigation satellite system |
satelliittipuhelin {n} | :: satellite phone |
satelliittipuhelinyhteys {n} | :: satellite phone connection |
satelliittipuhelu {n} | :: satellite phone call |
satelliittirata {n} | :: orbit of or for satellites |
satelliittitehdas {n} | :: satellite factory |
satelliittitelevisio {n} | :: satellite television |
satelliittivaltio {n} | :: satellite state |
satelliittiviestintä {n} | :: satellite communication |
satelliittiyhteys {n} | :: satellite connection |
säteri {n} [textiles] | :: rayon silk |
säteri {n} [history] | :: manor whose holder is exempt from tax |
säteri {n} [architecture] | :: Roof form of a hip roof with a vertical section containing windows. ![]() |
säterikatto {n} [architecture] | :: a hip roof that has additional walls with windows between the upper and lower halves of the roof |
säteritila {n} | :: synonym of säteri |
sati {conj} [dialectal] | :: synonym of jos |
sati {adv} [dialectal] | :: synonym of saati |
satiainen {n} | :: pubic louse, crab louse (Phthirus pubis) |
satiainen {n} [pathology, plural] | :: pubic lice, crab lice, crabs (informal), pediculosis pubis, phthiriasis |
satiaistauti {n} [pathology] | :: phthiriasis; crabs |
satiini {n} | :: satin, sateen (cloth) |
satiiri {n} | :: satire |
satiirikko {n} | :: satirist |
satiirinen {adj} | :: satiric, satirical |
satiiriohjelma {n} | :: satire program |
sätkä {n} | :: rollup, rollie (cigarette rolled by hand) |
sätkäkone {n} [colloquial] | :: cigarette roller (small machine) |
sätkäpaperi {n} | :: rolling paper (sheet of cigarette paper for rolling one's own cigarettes) |
sätkättää {vi} | :: to make a sharp noise |
sätkiä {vi} | :: to fidget, wiggle, twitch (move around nervously) |
sätkin {n} | :: Any species in Ranunculus subg. Batrachium |
sätkin {n} | :: Short of järvisätkin, or pond water-crowfoot, Ranunculus peltatus |
satku {n} [colloquial] | :: A banknote of one hundred euros or other currency |
satku {n} [colloquial] | :: One hundred units of currency |
sätky {n} | :: jump, flirt, twitch (sudden involuntary jerking movement) |
sätkynukke {n} | :: puppet |
sätkynukke {n} [figuratively] | :: puppet |
sätkytellä {vi} | :: to fidget, to wriggle |
sätkyttää {vi} | :: to fidget |
sato {n} | :: harvest, crop (natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants) |
satoisa {adj} | :: high-yielding |
satoisampi {adj} | :: comparative of satoisa |
satoi tai paistoi {adv} | :: rain or shine (literally: rained or shined) |
satokausi {n} | :: harvest season |
satonsa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of sato |
satovahinko {n} | :: crop damage, crop loss |
satovuosi {n} | :: crop year |
satraappi {n} | :: satrap |
satraappi {n} | :: mother-of-pearl (butterfly of the genus Salamis) |
satraappikunta {n} | :: satrapy |
satsata {vi} [colloquial] | :: [_, + illative] to invest in |
satsi {n} [colloquial] | :: batch, ration, round, hit |
satsuma {n} | :: satsuma (seedless cultivar of tangerine, Citrus unshiu) |
sättä {n} [dialectal] | :: fishing bait, especially an angleworm |
sättiä {v} | :: to reprimand, scold |
sattua {vi} | :: (monopersonally; 3rd-pers. sg.) to hurt (with the subject it; where = illative; physically or mentally), be sore |
sattua {vi} | :: to happen, to be (with "there"), occur, come about, come up |
sattua {vi} | :: to happen (to do = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään; in conditional mood in a jos clause with or without vaikka) should |
sattua {vi} [+ illative] | :: to hit, strike |
sattua {vi} [+ illative] | :: to touch (to come involuntarily into contact with) |
sattua omaan nilkkaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cut off one's nose to spite one's face (to harm oneself as a result of attempting to harm an adversary) |
sattuma {n} | :: chance, coincidence, happenstance |
sattumalta {adv} | :: accidentally, by chance |
sattumalta {adv} | :: fortuitously |
sattumalta {adv} | :: as it happens, by coincidence |
sattumanvarainen {adj} | :: random |
sattumanvarainen {adj} | :: coincidental |
sattumanvaraisesti {adv} | :: randomly (in a random way) |
sattumoisin {adv} | :: by chance |
sattumus {n} | :: incident (relatively minor and unexpected but not extraordinary event or occurrence) |
sattuneesta syystä {adv} | :: For obvious reasons |
sattuvasti {adv} | :: opportunely, pertinently |
satu {n} | :: fairy tale |
satu {n} | :: fable (fictitious narrative intended to enforce some useful truth or precept) |
satu {n} | :: tale (idle story) |
satu {n} | :: lie |
Satu {prop} | :: given name |
satuilija {n} | :: fabulist (liar) |
satuilla {v} | :: to fabulate (to tell invented stories) |
satukirja {n} | :: storybook |
satula {n} | :: saddle |
satula {n} | :: seat of a bicycle or motorcycle |
satula {n} | :: nut of a string instrument |
satulahuopa {n} | :: saddle blanket, saddlecloth |
satulakatto {n} [architecture] | :: gable roof |
satulalaukku {n} | :: saddlebag (covered pouch) |
satulanenä {n} [pathology] | :: saddle nose |
satulanivel {n} [anatomy] | :: saddle joint |
satulantekijä {n} | :: saddlemaker, saddler |
satulapinta {n} [geometry] | :: saddle surface (often hyperbolic paraboloid) |
satulapiste {n} [geometry, game theory] | :: A saddle point |
satulapoimu {n} [geology] | :: anticline |
satulaputki {n} | :: seat tube (of a bicycle) |
satulaseppä {n} | :: saddler, saddlemaker |
satulavyö {n} | :: girth (band that holds a saddle in place) |
satulipeili {n} | :: a wooden box with a mirrored lid |
satuloida {v} | :: to saddle (put a saddle on an animal) |
satulointi {n} | :: saddling |
satumaa {n} | :: fairyland |
satumaailma {n} | :: fairy tale world |
satumaailma {n} | :: fantasy world |
satumainen {adj} | :: fabulous |
satunnainen {adj} | :: random |
satunnainen {adj} | :: coincidental |
satunnainen {adj} [accounting] | :: extraordinary |
satunnaisesti {adv} | :: randomly |
satunnaiskulku {n} [mathematics] | :: random walk |
satunnaisluku {n} | :: random number |
satunnaislukugeneraattori {n} | :: random number generator |
satunnaismuuttuja {n} [statistics] | :: A random variable |
satunnaisotanta {n} [statistics] | :: random sample |
satunnaisotos {n} [statistics] | :: random sample |
satunnaissiemen {n} [computing] | :: random seed |
satunnaistaa {vt} | :: to randomise |
satunnaistapahtuma {n} | :: random event |
satunnaisuus {n} | :: randomness |
satunnaisuus {n} [math] | :: stochasticity |
satunnaisvaikutus {n} | :: random effect |
satunnaisvektori {n} | :: random vector |
satunnaisvirhe {n} | :: random error |
saturaatio {n} | :: saturation |
saturainen {n} [colloquial] | :: one hundred markka or euro bill |
Saturnus {prop} [Roman god] | :: The Roman god Saturn |
Saturnus {prop} | :: Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun in our solar system |
saturoida {vt} | :: To saturate |
saturointi {n} | :: saturation |
satuttaa {vt} | :: to hurt (physically or mentally) |
satyriaasi {n} [sexuality] | :: satyriasis |
satyyri {n} [Greek mythology] | :: satyr |
saudi {n} | :: A Saudi |
Saudi-Arabia {prop} | :: Saudi Arabia |
saudiarabialainen {adj} | :: Saudi Arabian |
saudiarabialainen {n} | :: A Saudi Arabian person |
sauhu {n} | :: smoke |
sauhuta {vi} | :: To give off smoke |
sauhutella {v} | :: to smoke repeatedly (inhale and exhale the smoke from a burning cigarette etc.; give off smoke) |
sauhuttaa {v} | :: to smoke (to inhale and exhale the smoke from a burning cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc.) |
sauhuttaa {v} | :: to smoke (to give off smoke) |
saukko {n} | :: European otter, Lutra lutra |
saukko {n} | :: otter (carnivorous mammal of the subfamily Lutrinae (13 species)) |
saukko {n} | :: Old World river otter (otter of the genus Lutra (3 species)) |
Sauli {prop} | :: given name |
sauma {n} | :: seam |
sauma {n} [colloquial] | :: chance, window of opportunity |
saumain {n} | :: seaming machine |
saumalaasti {n} | :: grout (thin mortar used in masonry to fill the gaps between tiles) |
saumanvara {n} | :: seam allowance |
saumari {n} | :: synonym of saumuri |
saumata {v} | :: to seam (put together with a seam) |
saumaton {adj} | :: seamless |
saumattomasti {adv} | :: seamlessly |
saumauskone {n} | :: seaming machine |
saumauskone {n} | :: jointer machine |
saumautua {vi} | :: to be seamed, to be put together with a seam |
saumavara {n} | :: synonym of saumanvara |
saumoittaa {v} | :: synonym of saumata |
saumuri {n} | :: overlocker, overlock sewing machine |
sauna {n} | :: sauna |
sauna {n} | :: Any bath where sweating is part of the bathing process |
saunaharja {n} | :: sauna brush |
saunakukka {n} | :: synonym of peltosaunio |
saunamaija {n} [colloquial] | :: woodlouse, rolly polly, sowbug |
saunamakkara {n} | :: sausage eaten in a sauna, possibly cooked on a sauna stove |
saunapalvikinkku {n} | :: ham smoked in a smoke sauna |
saunapata {n} | :: A water heater consisting of a large pot with integrated stove, used for heating water for a sauna |
saunapirtti {n} | :: sauna cabin |
saunapolku {n} | :: path up to a sauna |
saunapuut {n} | :: firewood used to heat up a sauna |
saunaranta {n} | :: a beach with a sauna |
saunasieni {n} | :: sponge for use in a sauna |
saunatakki {n} | :: sauna robe |
saunatie {n} | :: way or road to a or the sauna |
saunatonttu {n} [folklore] | :: An elf said to inhabit the sauna and punish those who misbehave in it |
saunavasta {n} | :: Same as vasta (kind of whisk used in the sauna to enhance the effect of heat by gently beating oneself with it) |
saundi {n} [slang] | :: The sound of a musical instrument etc |
saunio {n} | :: Certain aster flowers in the genera Tripleurospermum and Matricaria |
saunoa {vi} | :: To bath in a sauna, to have a sauna |
saunoja {n} | :: One who bathes in a sauna |
saunominen {n} | :: sauna (act of having sauna) |
saunotella {v} | :: to visit a sauna repeatedly |
saunottaa {vt} | :: to make have or visit a sauna |
sauramo {n} | :: camomile (plant of the genus Anthemis) |
saurikki {n} | :: any plant of the genus Galinsoga |
saurikki {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Galinsoga |
sauro {n} | :: Tanned goat hide |
sauropodi {n} | :: sauropod |
sauva {n} | :: wand, staff, stick, rod |
sauva {n} | :: ski pole (short for hiihtosauva or suksisauva) |
sauva {n} | :: rod cell (short for sauvasolu) |
sauvabakteeri {n} | :: rod-shaped bacterium, bacillus |
sauvakävely {n} | :: Nordic walking |
sauvakirkko {n} [architecture] | :: stave church (type of wooden church) |
sauvamagneetti {n} | :: bar magnet |
sauvaohjain {n} | :: joystick |
sauvasekoitin {n} | :: immersion blender, hand blender, stick blender, wand blender |
sauvasirkka {n} | :: stick insect |
sauvasolu {n} [anatomy] | :: rod cell |
Sauvo {prop} | :: Sauvo (municipality) |
sauvoa {v} | :: to pole (to propel by pushing with poles, to push with a pole) |
sauvoin {n} | :: pole used to pole a boat |
sauvolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sauvo |
sauvolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sauvo |
sauvonta {n} | :: poling (pushing with a pole) |
säv. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of säveltäjä |
sävähdyttää {vt} | :: to stir, to thrill, to startle |
sävähtää {vi} | :: to shake, to vibrate |
sävähtää {vi} | :: to startle |
savakko {n} | :: A member of one of the two groups of Ingrian Finns |
savakkomurteet {n} | :: one of the two dialect groups of Finnish dialects in Ingria, distinguished from the other by long a being oa or ua |
savanni {n} | :: savannah |
savannikoira {n} | :: African hunting dog, African wild dog, Lycaon pictus |
savanninorsu {n} | :: African bush elephant, Loxodonta africana |
savariini {n} | :: savarin |
säväyttää {v} | :: to startle |
sävel {n} | :: tone (a sound that has a discernible frequency or pitch) |
sävel {n} | :: melody, tune |
sävel {n} | :: note (musical sound) |
Savela {prop} | :: surname |
Savela {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
sävelaihe {n} [music] | :: motif |
sävelala {n} [music] | :: range of a scale of notes |
sävelaskel {n} [music] | :: tone, step |
sävelaskel {n} | :: synonym of kokosävelaskel |
sävelasteikko {n} [music] | :: scale |
sävelkorkeus {n} | :: pitch (perceived frequency of a sound or note) |
sävelkorva {n} [music] | :: ear for music (ability to recognize and/or reproduce tunes and melodies) |
sävelkulku {n} [music] | :: melodic pattern |
sävelkulku {n} [linguistics] | :: intonation |
sävellaji {n} [music] | :: key |
sävellys {n} [music] | :: composition |
sävelmä {n} | :: melody, tune |
sävelnimi {n} | :: note name (name of a musical note) |
sävelrauta {n} | :: synonym of äänirauta |
säveltää {vt} | :: to compose (music) |
säveltää {v} | :: to set to music (to adapt a literary work by adding music) |
säveltäjä {n} | :: composer |
säveltäminen {n} [music] | :: composing |
savenharmaa {adj} | :: slate grey |
savenruskea seitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: Cortinarius decolorans |
savenvalaja {n} | :: potter (one who makes pots and other ceramic wares) |
savenvalanta {n} | :: pottering (act of one who potters) |
savenvalu {n} | :: pottering (act of one who potters) |
saveta {v} | :: to clay (to spread clay onto) |
saveta {v} | :: to smear with clay |
savettaa {v} | :: synonym of saveta |
savettaa {v} [computing, slang] | :: to save |
savettua {vi} | :: alternative form of saveutua |
saveutua {vi} | :: to be soiled or covered by clay |
savi {n} | :: clay |
saviastia {n} | :: earthen vessel (vessel made out of clay) |
saviesine {n} | :: earthen object, earthenware (object made out of clay) |
saviharkko {n} | :: clay block |
saviheinä {n} | :: synonym of jauhosavikka |
savihoito {n} | :: clay treatment |
savijalka {n} [usually in the plural] | :: feet of clay |
savikakku {n} | :: mass of clay shaped in the form of a pie, similar to mud pie |
savikerros {n} | :: layer of clay |
savikerrostuma {n} | :: clay stratum |
savikiekko {n} [sport, shooting] | :: clay pigeon |
savikiekko {n} [informally] | :: gramophone record, phonograph record (audio disc playable with a needle record player) |
savikiekkoammunta {n} | :: clay pigeon shooting (kind of sport shooting) |
savikimpale {n} | :: lump of clay, piece of clay |
savikivi {n} [rock] | :: claystone |
savikivi {n} [geology] | :: shale |
savikka {n} | :: goosefoot (plant of the subfamily Chenopodioideae, formerly genus Chenopodium) |
savikko {n} | :: clay ground |
savikokkare {n} | :: clod of clay, lump of clay |
savikukko {n} | :: a ceramic sculpture depicting a cock or a rooster |
savikuoppa {n} | :: clay pit |
savikuppi {n} | :: clay cup, earthen cup, ceramic cup |
savikylpy {n} | :: clay bath |
savilieju {n} | :: a mud-like mix of clay and organic matter |
saviliuske {n} [geology] | :: slate |
savimaa {n} | :: soil rich in clay, such as loam |
savimineraali {n} [geology] | :: clay mineral |
savinen {adj} | :: clayey (containing clay) |
savipaakku {n} | :: A clump of clay |
saviperäinen {adj} | :: clay-based, clayey |
savipiippu {n} | :: clay pipe |
savipitoinen {adj} | :: clayey, rich in clay |
savipohja {n} | :: clay bottom of a body of water |
savipuoli {n} [pathology] | :: tinea versicolor |
savipuumuura {n} | :: plain-winged antshrike |
savirakennus {n} | :: clay building |
saviruukku {n} | :: crock |
Savitaipale {prop} | :: Savitaipale |
savitaipalelainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Savitaipale |
savitaipalelainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Savitaipale |
savitavara {n} | :: earthenware (ceramic item made out of clay) |
saviteollisuus {n} | :: clay industry |
savitiili {n} | :: adobe (unburnt brick) |
savituote {n} | :: pottery, earthenware, clay product, ceramic product |
savityö {n} | :: pottery (practise or craft of making pottery) |
savivelli {n} [colloquial] | :: mud-like substance mostly consisting of clay |
savo {n} [colloquial] | :: Savo Finnish, Savonian (dialect of Finnish spoken in Savo) |
Savo {prop} | :: Savonia |
Savoiji {prop} | :: Savoy (region) |
savoijinkaali {n} | :: synonym of kurttukaali |
savolainen {adj} | :: Savonian |
savolainen {n} | :: A Savonian person |
Savolainen {prop} | :: surname |
savolaisittain {adv} | :: in an Savonian way, like the Savonians do |
savolaismallinen {adj} | :: Made according to a model customary in the province of Savo; used especially of a type of rowing boat |
savolaismallinen {n} | :: A rowing boat made according to the traditional model used in the province of Savo |
savolaismurre {n} | :: Savonian dialect |
Savonlinna {prop} | :: Savonlinna (town) |
savonlinnalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Savonlinna |
savonlinnalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Savonlinna |
savotoida {v} [rare] | :: to work on a logging site |
savotta {n} | :: logging site |
savotta {n} [by extension, dialectal] | :: worksite (site where work occurs; especially construction) |
savu {n} | :: smoke |
savu {n} [historical] | :: a residential building with a chimney, a unit for taxation |
savuaine {n} | :: fumigation substance |
savua ja peilejä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: smoke and mirrors |
savuaminen {n} | :: smoking (action of giving off smoke) |
savuamispiste {n} [cooking] | :: smoke point |
savuankerias {n} | :: smoked eel |
savuava {adj} | :: smoking (giving off smoke) |
savuhälytin {n} | :: A smoke alarm |
savuhapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula adusta |
savuhormi {n} | :: stovepipe, chimney, flue |
savuinen {adj} | :: smoky |
savuisuus {n} | :: smokiness |
savukaasu {n} | :: flue gas (gaseous combustion product that comes out of a stove or a furnace) |
savukaasuräjähdys {n} | :: smoke explosion |
savukala {n} | :: smoked fish |
savukalasalaatti {n} | :: smoked fish salad |
savukanava {n} | :: A flue, funnel (pipe or duct that carries gaseous combustion products) |
savuke {n} | :: A cigarette |
savukeaski {n} | :: pack of cigarettes |
savukeholkki {n} | :: cigarette tube, cigarette holder |
savukekartonki {n} | :: cigarette carton |
savukekotelo {n} | :: cigarette case |
savukemerkki {n} | :: brand of cigarettes |
savukepakkaus {n} | :: cigarette packet |
savukepaperi {n} | :: cigarette paper |
savukerasia {n} | :: cigarette case |
savukinkku {n} | :: smoked ham |
savukkeenpätkä {n} | :: cigarette butt |
savukkeensytytin {n} | :: cigarette lighter |
savukone {n} | :: fog machine |
savukoskelainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Savukoski |
savukoskelainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Savukoski |
Savukoski {prop} | :: Savukoski (municipality) |
savukvartsi {n} [mineral] | :: smoky quartz |
savuliha {n} | :: smoked meat (any smoked meat) |
savuliha {n} [pejorative, slang] | :: Gypsy |
savulohi {n} | :: smoked salmon |
savuluukku {n} | :: smoke vent |
savumerkki {n} | :: smoke signal |
savunharmaa {adj} | :: smoke (of the colour of smoke) |
savunharmaa {n} | :: smoke (the colour of smoke) |
savunilmaisin {n} | :: A smoke detector |
savunmakuinen {adj} | :: smoky (having flavour like smoke) |
savuolut {n} | :: smoked beer (beer made of smoked malt) |
šavuot {n} [Judaism] | :: Shavuot |
savupekoni {n} | :: smoked bacon |
savupelti {n} | :: smoke damper |
savupiippu {n} | :: smokestack, chimney (pipe leading smoke away from the fire and the structure surrounding the pipe) |
savupiippu {n} | :: flue, funnel (pipe or channel leading smoke away from the fire) |
savupiippu {n} | :: chimney (UK, in a steam locomotive) |
savupiippu {n} | :: smokestack (in a factory, power plant etc.) |
savupiippu {n} | :: funnel (on a steamer) |
savupiippukaulus {n} | :: vertical collar |
savupiipputeollisuus {n} | :: smokestack industry |
savupilvi {n} | :: cloud of smoke, plume of smoke |
savupirtti {n} [historical] | :: a log house with a stone oven for heating, without having a chimney |
savupommi {n} | :: smoke bomb |
savuporo {n} | :: smoked reindeer |
savurengas {n} [smoking] | :: smoke ring |
savurousku {n} | :: sooty milk-cap, Lactarius fuliginosus |
savusauna {n} | :: smoke sauna (traditional type of Finnish sauna which lacks a chimney and becomes filled by smoke during warming) |
savuseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A species of webcap, Cortinarius decoloratus |
savusilakka {n} | :: smoked Baltic herring |
savusilli {n} | :: smoked herring, buckling; red herring; kipper (herring cured with smoke) |
savusivu {n} | :: smoked pork flank |
savustaa {vt} | :: to smoke (to preserve by treating with smoke) |
savustaa {vt} [figuratively] | :: to force out, to drive out (cause someone to leave a community or the like by applying (social) pressure) |
savustaa ulos {v} [figuratively] | :: to make walk the plank (to force to resign from a position in an organization) |
savustamo {n} | :: A smokery, smokehouse (facility for smoking food) |
savustettu {adj} | :: smoked (treated with smoke) |
savustin {n} | :: A smoker (apparatus for smoking food) |
savustua {vi} | :: to become smoked |
savustus {n} | :: fumigation |
savustus {n} | :: smoking of food |
savustuspönttö {n} | :: smoker (apparatus for smoking food) |
savustusuuni {n} | :: smoker (apparatus for smoking food) |
savusukeltaja {n} | :: smoke diver (a type of firefighter) |
savusumu {n} | :: smog |
savuta {vi} | :: To give off smoke |
savutella {vti} [colloquial] | :: To smoke (to consume tobacco products) |
savutin {n} | :: A smoker (device designed to generate smoke) |
savutin {n} | :: A bee smoker |
savuton {adj} | :: smoke-free (reserved for non-smokers) |
savuton {adj} [colloquial] | :: being a non-smoker |
savuton {adj} | :: smokeless (free from the presence of smoke) |
savuttaa {vi} | :: To smoke, let/spread smoke in(to places unwanted} (often in this specific usage; e.g. of a (brick)kiln used when baking or other machines or tools) |
savuttaja {n} | :: A smoker (something that produces smoke) |
savuttomasti {adv} | :: smokelessly |
savuttomuus {n} | :: smokelessness |
savuttua {vi} | :: to become smoky |
savutupa {n} | :: a savupirtti that is also heated in while in residential use |
savutus {n} | :: fumigation |
savuvahinko {n} | :: smoke damage |
savuverho {n} | :: A smokescreen |
savuverho {n} | :: A smoke (military: screening smoke) |
sävy {n} | :: hue |
sävy {n} | :: tone (of speech or writing) |
sävyisä {adj} | :: even-tempered |
sävyisä {adj} | :: docile, meek |
sävyisästi {adv} | :: in an even-tempered manner |
sävyisästi {adv} | :: meekly, docilely |
sävyisesti {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: with some tone |
sävykäs {adj} | :: colorful (having varied colors) |
sävykäs {adj} | :: colorful, multifaceted, nuanced, diverse |
sävykuva {n} | :: toned image |
sävyntoisto {n} | :: color reproduction |
sävyntoistokäyrä {n} | :: tone reproduction curve |
sävyte {n} | :: toner |
sävyttää {v} | :: to dye (to colour with dye) |
sävyttää {v} | :: to tint |
sävyttyä {vi} | :: to tint, to become tinted |
sävytyskone {n} | :: tinting machine |
säynäs {n} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of säynävä |
säynävä {n} | :: ide (Leuciscus idus) |
säyne {n} | :: ide, Leuciscus idus |
säyseä {adj} | :: docile |
säyseästi {adv} | :: docilely |
säyseys {n} | :: docility |
schaissa {n} [vulgar] | :: shit (rubbish; worthless matter) |
schaissa {n} | :: (vulgar) bullshit, nonsense, shit |
schapendoes {n} | :: schapendoes, Dutch sheepdog (Dutch breed of shepherd dog) |
scheeliitti {n} [mineral] | :: scheelite |
Schengen {n} | :: Schengen (town) |
Schengen {n} | :: short for Schengenin sopimus, the Schengen Agreement |
Schengen-alue {n} | :: Schengen Area |
schillerinajokoira {n} | :: Schiller hound (Swedish breed of scenthound) |
schwaabi {n} | :: alternative spelling of svaabi |
schwabenilainen {adj} | :: alternative form of schwabilainen |
schwabenilainen {n} | :: Swabian (person) |
schwabilainen {adj} | :: Swabian (of or pertaining to Swabia) |
Schwartzwald {prop} | :: Schwartzwald (mountain range/and/region) |
schwartzwaldinkakku {n} | :: Black Forest gâteau (type of chocolate cake) |
scifi {n} | :: sci-fi |
scifi-elokuva {n} | :: sci-fi movie |
scifikirjailija {n} | :: sci-fi writer, sci-fi author |
scifikirjallisuus {n} | :: science fiction (literature genre) |
scifileffa {n} [colloquial] | :: sci-fi movie |
scifi-romaani {n} | :: sci-fi novel |
Scillysaaret {prop} | :: Isles of Scilly (archipelago off Cornwall) |
sclaterinkultamyyrä {n} | :: Sclater's golden mole, Chlorotalpa sclateri |
Scrabble {prop} | :: Scrabble (board game) |
Sd. {prop} | :: abbreviation of Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue |
SDP {prop} | :: initialism of Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue |
se {pron} [demonstrative] | :: it |
se {pron} [demonstrative] | :: that (when the speaker does not point at the thing, either physically or mentally) |
se {pron} [colloquial and dialectal, Kven] | :: he, she |
se {pron} [colloquial] | :: the [as a definite article; see the usage notes below] |
se {determiner} | :: that (not pointed at by the speaker) |
seaborgium {n} | :: seaborgium |
sealyhaminterrieri {n} | :: Sealyham terrier (breed of dog) |
seassa {adv} | :: mixed or intermixed (in a fluid) |
seassa {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] | :: among (intermixed with) |
seasta {adv} | :: from being mixed or intermixed (in a fluid) |
seasta {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] | :: from among (intermixed with) |
Seat {prop} | :: SEAT (automobile) |
seata {v} [rare] | :: to mess up, untidy, disorder (to make a mess of by disturbing the order of it) |
seborrea {n} [pathology] | :: seborrhea (skin disorder) |
seborrooinen {adj} [pathology] | :: seborrheic |
sebroidi {n} | :: zebroid |
seccomaalaus {n} | :: secco painting |
sedaatio {n} | :: sedation (act of sedating by use of sedatives) |
sedan {n} | :: sedan (body style for cars) |
sedatiivi {n} | :: sedative |
sedilji {n} [typography] | :: cedilla |
sedimentaatio {n} | :: sedimentation |
sedimentogeeninen {adj} | :: sedimentogenic |
sedimentoida {vt} | :: to sediment (to deposit material as a sediment) |
sedimentointi {n} | :: sedimentation (act of depositing material as sediment) |
sedimentoitua {vi} | :: To sediment |
sedimentologia {n} | :: sedimentology |
sedimentti {n} | :: sediment |
sedimenttikerros {n} | :: sediment layer |
sedimenttikivi {n} | :: sedimentary rock |
sedimenttikivilaji {n} [geology] | :: sedimentary rock |
seditellä {v} | :: to call someone uncle (to use the word setä as an address) |
Sedrik {prop} [very, rare] | :: given name |
see {n} | :: cee (letter: c) |
see {num} [colloquial, counting] | :: seven |
seebu {n} | :: zebu, Bos primigenius indicus |
seefferi {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of saksanpaimenkoira |
seeing {n} [astronomy] | :: seeing (the movement or distortion of a telescopic image as a result of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere) |
Seela {prop} | :: given name |
Seelanti {prop} [rare] | :: Zeeland |
Seem {prop} [biblical character] | :: Shem |
Seem {prop} | :: given name of biblical origin; rarely used |
seemi {n} [semantics, semiotics] | :: seme |
seemiläinen {adj} | :: Semitic (e.g. Semitic language) |
seemiläinen {n} | :: Semite (person) |
seemiläisyys {n} | :: Semiticness (quality or state of being Semitic) |
-seen {suffix} | :: Forms the illative singular case |
-seeni {suffix} [geology] | :: -cene |
seepia {n} | :: cuttlefish, inkfish (marine mollusk of the order Sepiida) |
seepia {n} | :: sepia (slightly reddish, dark brown pigment made from the secretions, the "ink", of the cuttlefish or a synthetic pigment of the same colour) |
seepia {n} | :: sepia (colour of that pigment) |
seepra {n} | :: zebra |
seeprahai {n} | :: zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum |
seeprahiiri {n} [rare] | :: Alternative term for raitahiiri |
seeprahyppijä {n} | :: zebra spider, Salticus scenicus (common jumping spider of the Northern Hemisphere) |
seeprakala {n} | :: zebrafish (Danio rerio) |
seeprakirjoahven {n} | :: convict cichlid, zebra cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata (species of small, striped fish from the family Cichlidae, native to Central America, popular aquarium fish) |
seeprakotiloahven {n} | :: Neolamprologus multifasciatus; in the aquarium fish trade often called multi, shellie or shell dweller (small shell-dwelling cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika) |
seepraluhtakana {n} | :: slaty-breasted rail, Gallirallus striatus |
seepramaija {n} | :: zebra plant, Calathea zebrina |
seepramakrilli {n} | :: narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson |
seepramalawinahven {n} | :: zebra mbuna, Maylandia zebra (cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi in Africa) |
seepramangusti {n} | :: banded mongoose, zebra mongoose, Mungos mungo (mongoose commonly found in the central and eastern parts of Africa) |
seepramanikki {n} | :: black-and-white mannikin, black-and-white munia, Lonchura bicolor |
seepramyrkkyluikero {n} | :: striped blenny, striped fang blenny, grammistes blenny, line-spot harptail blenny, striped poison-fang blenny, Meiacanthus grammistes |
seepranuolikko {n} | :: zebra barred dartfish, Ptereleotris zebra |
seepranuolimonni {n} | :: zebra oto, tiger oto, Otocinclus cocama |
seeprapallokala {n} | :: manystriped blowfish, manystriped pufferfish, scribbled toadfish, ferocious pufferfish, Feroxodon multistriatus |
seeprapeippo {n} | :: zebra finch, Taenoipygia guttata |
seeprapleko {n} | :: zebra pleco, Hypancistrus zebra |
seeprapreussinahven {n} | :: whitetail dascyllus, humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus |
seepraraidoitus {n} | :: zebra striping |
seepraraita {n} | :: zebra stripe, zebra line (black and white striped pattern) |
seeprasarvihai {n} | :: zebra bullhead shark, Heterodontus zebra |
seeprasiipisimppu {n} | :: zebra turkeyfish, zebra lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra |
seeprasimpukka {n} | :: synonym of vaeltajasimpukka |
seepravälskäri {n} | :: Red Sea sailfin tang, Desjardin's sailfin tang, Zebrasoma desjardinii |
seepravuokkokala {n} | :: Clark's anemonefish, yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii |
seerumi {n} | :: serum |
seerumihoito {n} [medicine] | :: serotherapy (therapeutic use of sera) |
seerumioppi {n} | :: serology (science that studies the reaction between antigens and antibodies in serum) |
seerumiruiske {n} [medicine] | :: serum injection |
seerumitauti {n} [pathology] | :: serum sickness |
sees {adj} [rare] | :: serene |
seesam {n} | :: alternative spelling of seesami Used especially as modifier in compound terms |
seesam {n} [archaic] | :: An open sesame (any successful means of achieving a result) |
seesam {interj} | :: seesam aukene! = open sesame! |
seesami {n} | :: sesame (tropical Asian plant Sesamum indicum and its seed) |
seesamijauho {n} | :: sesame flour |
seesaminsiemen {n} | :: sesame seed |
seesamiöljy {n} | :: sesame oil |
seesamluu {n} [anatomy] | :: A sesamoid bone |
seestää {vt} | :: to calm, clear |
seesteinen {adj} | :: serene, tranquil |
seesteisyys {n} | :: serenity |
seestyä {vi} | :: To calm |
seestyä {vi} | :: To clear up |
Seet {prop} [archaic] | :: Seth (Biblical figure) |
Seet {prop} | :: given name of biblical origin; quite rare |
sefardi {n} | :: Sephardi (Jew of Iberian ancestry) |
sefardijuutalainen {n} | :: Sephardi (Jew of Iberian ancestry) |
sefardijuutalainen {adj} | :: Sephardic (of or pertaining to Jews of Iberian ancestry) |
sefiiri {n} | :: zephyr (fabric) |
segmentaatio {n} | :: segmentation |
segmentoida {vt} | :: To segment |
segmentointi {n} | :: segmentation |
segmentoitua {vi} | :: to become segmented |
segmentti {n} | :: segment |
segmenttikaari {n} [architecture] | :: segmental arch |
segregaatio {n} | :: segregation |
segregoida {vt} | :: to segregate |
sei {n} [proscribed] | :: saithe [Pollachius virens] |
seideli {n} [rare] | :: seidel (large beer mug, especially one with a lid) |
Seidi {prop} | :: given name |
Seija {prop} | :: given name popular in the 1930s and the 1940s |
seijas {adj} [archaic, rare] | :: tranquil, serene |
seikka {n} | :: thing, matter |
seikka {n} | :: circumstance |
seikkailija {n} | :: adventurer |
seikkailijatar {n} | :: adventuress |
seikkailla {v} | :: To adventure |
seikkailu {n} | :: adventure |
seikkailuelokuva {n} | :: adventure film |
seikkailufilmi {n} | :: adventure film |
seikkailukas {adj} | :: adventurous |
seikkailukasvatus {n} | :: adventure education |
seikkailukertomus {n} | :: adventure story |
seikkailukirja {n} | :: adventure book |
seikkailukirjallisuus {n} | :: adventure literature |
seikkailukkaampi {adj} | :: comparative of seikkailukas |
seikkailukkain {adj} | :: superlative of seikkailukas |
seikkailumatkailu {n} | :: adventure tourism |
seikkailunhalu {n} | :: desire for adventure |
seikkailunhaluinen {adj} | :: adventurous, adventuresome |
seikkailunhaluisuus {n} | :: adventurousness |
seikkailupeli {n} | :: adventure game |
seikkailupolitiikka {n} [politics] | :: adventurism |
seikkailurikas {adj} | :: adventurous |
seikkailuromaani {n} | :: adventure novel |
seikkailusarja {n} | :: adventure series |
seikkaperäinen {adj} | :: detailed, exhaustive |
seikkaperäisesti {adv} | :: detailedly, exhaustively |
seikkaperäisyys {n} | :: exhaustiveness, abundance of detail |
seikkasana {n} [grammar, dated] | :: adverb |
šeikki {n} | :: sheikh, sheik |
seilailla {v} | :: to sail |
seilata {vi} [nautical] | :: To sail |
seilata {v} [figuratively] | :: To wander, drift |
seili {n} [colloquial] | :: sail |
seilori {n} [slang, nautical] | :: A sailor |
seimi {n} | :: crib (in nativity scene) |
seimi {n} | :: trough, abreuvoir |
seinä {n} | :: wall (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building; something with the apparent solidity and dimensions of a building wall; also figurative uses) |
seinä {n} [colloquial] | :: mains (domestic electrical power supply) |
seinäalmanakka {n} | :: wall calendar |
seinää vasten {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: up against the wall |
seinää vasten {phrase} | :: See: fiseinää vasten |
seinäelementti {n} | :: wall element |
seinähirsi {n} | :: wall log |
seinähylly {n} | :: wall shelf |
seinäjokelainen {adj} | :: alternative form of seinäjokinen |
seinäjokelainen {n} | :: alternative form of seinäjokinen |
Seinäjoki {prop} | :: Seinäjoki (city) |
Seinäjoki {prop} | :: Seinäjoki (river) |
seinäjokinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Seinäjoki (Finnish municipality) |
seinäjokinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Seinäjoki (Finnish municipality) |
seinäkaakeli {n} | :: wall tile |
seinäkaappi {n} | :: wall cabinet, wall cupboard |
seinäkaide {n} | :: wall railing (hand railing attached to a wall) |
seinäkalenteri {n} | :: wall calendar |
seinäkartta {n} | :: wall map |
seinäke {n} | :: partition, screen (vertical structure that divides a room) |
seinäkello {n} | :: wall clock |
seinäkiipeily {n} | :: wall climbing |
seinäkirjoitus {n} | :: wall inscription |
seinäkkäin {adv} | :: Alternative term for seinätysten |
seinäkomero {n} | :: wall niche |
seinäkoriste {n} | :: wall hanging |
seinäkoriste {n} | :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman) |
seinäkukkanen {n} | :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman) |
seinälaatta {n} | :: wall tile |
seinälamppu {n} | :: wall lamp |
seinälehti {n} | :: wall newspaper, placard newspaper (hand-lettered or printed newspaper designed to be displayed and read in public places, such as walls) |
seinälude {n} | :: bedbug, Cimex lectularius |
seinämä {n} | :: wall (something with the apparent solidity and dimensions of a building wall) |
seinämä {n} [anatomy, zoology, botany] | :: wall (divisive or containing structure in an organ or cavity) |
seinämaalaus {n} | :: mural |
seinänaapuri {n} | :: wall neighbour (neighbour with whom one shares a wall) |
seinänvieri {n} | :: Alternative form of seinävieri [preferable] |
seinänvierus {n} | :: Alternative term for seinänvieri |
seinänvierusta {n} | :: Alternative term for seinänvieri |
seinäpäivyri {n} | :: wall calendar |
seinäpallo {n} | :: A childen's ball game similar to Butts Up or Wall Ball |
seinäpaneeli {n} | :: wall panel |
seinäpaperi {n} | :: wallpaper |
seinäpeili {n} | :: wall mirror |
seinäpenkki {n} | :: wall bench |
seinäpuhelin {n} | :: wall telephone (telephone mounted on a wall) |
seinärauta {n} | :: an iron or a metal stand attached to a wall |
seinäruusu {n} | :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman) |
seinäryijy {n} | :: rya, wall rya ("rya" rug intended to be used as wall hanging, instead of some other use such as for bedcover) |
seinäsammal {n} | :: feathermoss, Pleurozium schreberi |
seinäsammal-mustikkatyyppi {n} [forestry] | :: Hylocomium-Myrtillus-type (forest type in the Finnish forest classification system; a relatively infertile, moist spruce forest with thick layer of feathermoss, typical for the Peräpohjola and Northern Ostrobothnia regions) |
seinätekstiili {n} | :: tapestry, wall textile |
seinätiili {n} | :: wall brick |
seinätiili {n} | :: wall tile |
seinätön {adj} | :: wall-less (e.g. building without walls) |
seinätulppa {n} | :: wall plug [UK], dowel, screw anchor (fixing that allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls) |
seinätyksin {adv} | :: Alternative term for seinätysten |
seinätysten {adv} | :: wall to wall (sharing a wall with) |
seinävaate {n} | :: tapestry |
seinävalaisin {n} | :: wall lamp |
seinävieri {n} | :: A place next to a wall |
seinävitriini {n} | :: wall showcase |
seinemmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of seinemmäs |
seinemmällä {adv} | :: closer to wall (in a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one) |
seinemmälle {adv} | :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one) |
seinemmäs {adv} | :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one) |
seinempänä {adv} | :: closer to wall (in a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one) |
seinilläkin on korvat {proverb} | :: walls have ears |
seinis {n} | :: Alternative term for seinäpallo |
seinus {n} | :: Alternative form of seinusta |
seinusta {n} | :: A place next to a wall |
seinusta {n} [rare] | :: wall (something that is like a wall) |
seinustaa {v} | :: to build a wall |
seipäät {adv} [slang] | :: synonym of humalassa |
seipi {n} | :: dace, Leuciscus leuciscus |
seipiö {n} [birdwatching] | :: finnstick (stick used to support a pair of binoculars) |
seireeni {n} | :: A siren (nymph in Greek mythology) |
seis {interj} | :: stop! |
seisaalla {adv} | :: synonym of seisaallaan |
seisaallaan {adv} [static] | :: standing (up) |
seisaalle {adv} | :: synonym of seisaalleen |
seisaalleen {adv} | :: into being standing (up) |
seisaalta {adv} | :: synonym of seisaaltaan |
seisaaltaan {adv} | :: from standing (up) |
seisaaltaan {adv} | :: while standing (up) |
seisahduksissa {adv} | :: still, standing still |
seisahduksissa {adv} [figuratively] | :: stalled; not progressing |
seisahduttaa {vt} | :: to halt, to stall |
seisahtaa {vi} | :: to come to a halt, come to a standstill |
seisahtua {vi} | :: To halt, stall |
seisake {n} | :: railway stop, (UK) halt, (USA) flag stop, whistle-stop (a place where train stops to let off passengers, without infrastructure of a station) |
seisattaa {v} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of seisauttaa |
seisauksiin {adv} | :: into being still or standing still |
seisauksiin {adv} [figuratively] | :: into being stalled or not progressing |
seisauksissa {adv} | :: still, standing still |
seisauksissa {adv} [figuratively] | :: stalled, not progressing |
seisaus {n} | :: halt, stoppage, standstill |
seisautella {vt} | :: to halt or stop repeatedly |
seisauttaa {v} | :: to halt, stop |
seisinki {n} [nautical] | :: reefing tie (short length of thin rope used to tie the mainsail into the boom when reefing) |
seisinki {n} | :: A short tie that keeps the dogs pulling a dogsled from running too far from each other |
seiska {num} [colloquial] | :: the digit seven |
seiska {num} [colloquial] | :: seventh |
seiska {num} | :: anything distinguished by number seven |
seiska {num} | :: a certain Finnish card game played with the 52-card deck |
seiskyt {num} [colloquial] | :: synonym of seitsemänkymmentä |
seisminen {adj} | :: seismic |
seismografi {n} | :: seismograph |
seismogrammi {n} [seismology] | :: seismogram |
seismologi {n} | :: seismologist |
seismologia {n} | :: seismology |
seismometri {n} [geology] | :: seismometer |
seisoa {vi} | :: to stand |
seisoa {vi} | :: to be still, be at a halt |
seisoa {vi} [colloquial] | :: adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection |
seisoalla {adv} | :: alternative form of seisaalla |
seisoallaan {adv} | :: synonym of seisaallaan |
seisoalle {adv} | :: alternative form of seisaalle |
seisoalleen {adv} | :: synonym of seisaalleen |
seisoalta {adv} | :: alternative form of seisaalta |
seisoaltaan {adv} | :: synonym of seisaaltaan |
seisoa omilla jaloillaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stand on one's own two feet |
seisokki {n} | :: stoppage |
seisokki {n} [colloquial] | :: erection (hard state of penis) |
seisoksia {v} | :: to loiter |
seisomalta {adv} | :: right (from) |
seisomatyö {n} | :: standing work, work done standing up |
seisomisaika {n} | :: standing period, standing time |
seisonta {n} | :: standing |
seisonta {n} | :: laying up (taking out of service) |
seisonta-aika {n} | :: idle time |
seisontajarru {n} | :: parking brake |
seisontamaksu {n} | :: demurrage charge |
seisontapäivä {n} | :: layday, day of demurrage |
seisontavalo {n} | :: park light, parking light |
seisoskella {vi} | :: to stand around, to stand in an idle fashion |
seisottaa {vt} | :: to make or keep (someone or something) standing |
seisova aalto {n} [physics] | :: standing wave, stationary wave, fixed wave |
seisovilla {adv} | :: alternative form of seisaalla |
seisovillaan {adv} | :: synonym of seisaallaan |
seisoville {adv} | :: alternative form of seisaalle |
seisovilleen {adv} | :: synonym of seisaalleen |
seisovilta {adv} | :: alternative form of seisaalta |
seisoviltaan {adv} | :: synonym of seisaaltaan |
seistä {v} | :: synonym of seisoa (all senses) |
seita {n} | :: A Sami sacred place |
seitan {n} | :: seitan |
seiti {n} | :: saithe, pollock (Pollachius virens) |
seitikki {n} [fungi] | :: webcap, cortinar (mushroom of the genus Cortinarius, majority of them poisonous) |
seitikko {n} [colloquial] | :: The digit seven |
seitinohut {adj} | :: gossamer (extremely thin) |
seitivalas {n} | :: sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis |
seitkyt {num} [colloquial] | :: synonym of seitsemänkymmentä |
seitsemän {num} | :: seven |
seitsemän kuolemansyntiä {n} [Catholicism] | :: the seven deadly sins |
seitsemänkymmentä {num} | :: seventy |
seitsemänkymmentäkahdeksan {num} | :: seventy-eight |
seitsemänkymmentäkaksi {num} | :: seventy-two |
seitsemänkymmentäkolme {num} | :: seventy-three |
seitsemänkymmentäkuusi {num} | :: seventy-six |
seitsemänkymmentäluku {n} | :: The seventies, 1970s |
seitsemänkymmentäneljä {num} | :: seventy-four |
seitsemänkymmentäseitsemän {num} | :: seventy-seven |
seitsemänkymmentäviisi {num} | :: seventy-five |
seitsemänkymmentäyhdeksän {num} | :: seventy-nine |
seitsemänkymmentäyksi {num} | :: seventy-one |
seitsemännes {n} | :: synonym of seitsemäsosa |
seitsemänsataa {num} | :: seven hundred |
seitsemäntoista {num} | :: seventeen |
seitsemäntuhatta {num} | :: seven thousand |
seitsemäs {adj} | :: seventh |
seitsemäskymmenes {adj} | :: the seventieth, abbreviation 70. |
seitsemäskymmenesensimmäinen {adj} | :: the seventy-first, abbreviation 71. |
seitsemäskymmeneskahdeksas {adj} | :: the seventy-eighth, abbreviation 78. |
seitsemäskymmeneskahdes {adj} | :: synonym of seitsemäskymmenestoinen |
seitsemäskymmeneskolmas {adj} | :: the seventy-third, abbreviation 73. |
seitsemäskymmeneskuudes {adj} | :: the seventy-sixth, abbreviation 76. |
seitsemäskymmenesneljäs {adj} | :: the seventy-fourth, abbreviation 74. |
seitsemäskymmenesseitsemäs {adj} | :: the seventy-seventh, abbreviation 77. |
seitsemäskymmenestoinen {adj} | :: the seventy-second, abbreviation 72. |
seitsemäskymmenesviides {adj} | :: the seventy-fifth, abbreviation 75. |
seitsemäskymmenesyhdeksäs {adj} | :: the seventy-ninth, abbreviation 79. |
seitsemäskymmenesyhdes {adj} | :: synonym of seitsemäskymmenesensimmäinen |
seitsemäsluokkalainen {n} | :: seventh-grader |
seitsemäsosa {n} | :: one seventh (part of a whole such that seven of such parts make up that whole) |
seitsemässadas {adj} | :: seven-hundredth, 700th |
seitsemäs taivas {n} | :: seventh heaven |
seitsemästi {adv} | :: seven times |
seitsemästoista {adj} | :: the seventeenth, abbreviation 17., in names of monarchs and popes XVII |
seitsemisen {adv} | :: about seven |
seitsemisenkymmentä {adv} | :: about seventy |
seitsen- {prefix} | :: seven, seven-, hepta-, sept- |
seitsen {num} | :: [archaic] seven |
seitsenhaarainen {adj} | :: seven-branched |
seitsenhenkinen {adj} | :: seven-person |
seitsenkerroksinen {adj} | :: seven-floor, seven-storey (of a building, having seven floors) |
seitsenkertainen {adj} | :: sevenfold, septuple |
seitsenkertainen {adj} | :: seven-time |
seitsenkertaisesti {adv} | :: seven times, sevenfold |
seitsenkertaistaa {vt} | :: to septuple, to multiply sevenfold |
seitsenkertaistua {vi} | :: to septuple, to be multiplied sevenfold |
seitsenkuinen {adj} | :: seven-month-old |
seitsenkulmio {n} [geometry] | :: heptagon |
seitsenkymmenluku {n} | :: alternative form of seitsemänkymmentäluku |
seitsenottelija {n} [sports] | :: heptathlete |
seitsenottelu {n} [athletics] | :: heptathlon |
seitsenpäiväinen {adj} | :: seven-day (lasting seven days) |
seitsenpäiväinen {adj} [newspapers] | :: daily, seven-day (published every day) |
seitsenruototokko {n} | :: spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens) |
Seitsentähti {prop} | :: Plough (constellation) |
seitsentoistavuotias {adj} | :: seventeen-year-old |
seitsenvuotias {adj} | :: seven-year-old |
seitsenvuotinen {adj} | :: seven years' (lasting seven years) |
seitsenvyövyötiäinen {n} | :: seven-banded armadillo, Dasypus septemcinctus |
seitsikko {n} | :: A seven (group of seven members) |
seitsikko {n} | :: A seven (the digit seven) |
seittemen {num} | :: [dialectal, including, Kven] alternative form of seitsemän |
seitti {n} | :: A web spun by an insect, especially a spiderweb |
seitti {n} | :: gossamer, cobweb (filament produced by an insect) |
seitti {n} | :: gossamer (soft, sheer fabric) |
seiväs {n} | :: pole, stake (long and slender piece of wood or other material, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground; clearly lighter than a "paalu") |
seiväshyppääjä {n} | :: pole vaulter |
seiväshyppy {n} [athletics] | :: pole vault |
seiväsmetsä {n} | :: forest of thin trees or pole trees |
seiväspuu {n} | :: thin tree, pole tree, pole |
seivästää {vt} | :: to impale |
seivästää {vt} [ice hockey] | :: to spear |
seivästys {n} | :: impaling, impalement |
seivästys {n} [ice hockey] | :: spearing |
se ja se {pron} | :: such-and-such, so-and-so |
se ja tämä {pron} | :: this and that |
se jokin {phrase} | :: Often in partitive, used like a noun similary to English (that) certain something, je ne sais quoi (intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive) |
se juna meni jo {phrase} | :: that ship has sailed |
seka- {prefix} | :: mixed |
seka- {prefix} | :: cross- |
sekä {conj} | :: and, as well as |
sekä {conj} | :: both; in the expression sekä ... että (both ... and) |
sekaan {adv} | :: into being mixed or intermixed (in a fluid) |
sekaan {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] | :: into among or between |
sekaani {n} [slang] | :: A mixed eater, meat-eater, as opposed to a vegan |
sekaannus {n} | :: confusion, misunderstanding |
sekaannussana {n} [linguistics, translation studies] | :: false friend |
sekaannuttaa {vt} | :: to confuse |
sekaantua {vi} | :: To get mixed up |
sekaantua {vi} | :: To get involved |
seka-auto {n} | :: truck bus |
seka-avioliitto {n} | :: mixed marriage (marriage between people having different race, culture or religion) |
sekä ... että {phrase} | :: both ... and |
sekä että {phrase} | :: both, either |
sekahakutanssit {n} | :: a dance event in which both the man and the woman can be the initiating partner |
sekahedelmäkeitto {n} | :: mixed fruit soup, fruit soup |
sekahedelmät {n} | :: mixed (and dried) fruit |
sekahedelmätäyte {n} | :: mincemeat (mixture of fruit, spices and sugar used as a filling for mince pies) |
sekaiho {n} | :: combination skin |
sekainen {adj} | :: messy, disorderly |
sekainen {adj} | :: mixed (into or with something) |
sekaisesti {adv} | :: messily, disorderly |
sekaisin {adv} | :: in disorder, in confusion, upside down |
sekaisin {adv} | :: baffled, bewildered, confused, perplexed |
sekaisin {adv} | :: upset (of a stomach) |
sekaisin {adj} | :: superlative of sekainen |
sekajäte {n} | :: mixed waste |
sekakäyttäjä {n} | :: a person who, often because of addiction, simultaneously uses multiple drugs or intoxicating substances (such as alcohol and drugs); poly drug user |
sekakäyttö {n} | :: mixed use, mixed types of use |
sekakäyttö {n} | :: simultaneous use of multiple drugs or intoxicating substances (such as of alcohol and drugs), poly drug use |
sekakieli {n} | :: mixed language, interlanguage |
sekakuoro {n} | :: mixed choir (choir consisting of males and females) |
sekalainen {adj} | :: miscellaneous |
sekalainen {adj} | :: assorted |
sekaleipä {n} | :: mixed grain bread |
sekaluku {n} [arithmetic] | :: mixed number (number consisting of a whole number and a fraction, such as 11½) |
sekamalli {n} | :: mixed model |
sekamelska {n} | :: jumble, hodgepodge, melange, mishmash (mixture of unrelated things) |
sekamelska {n} | :: mess, chaos |
sekametsä {n} | :: mixed forest |
sekametsäkaski {n} | :: a swidden made from a mixed forest |
sekametsävyöhyke {n} | :: mixed forest region |
sekamuotoinen {adj} | :: hybrid, mixed |
sekanelinpeli {n} [sports] | :: mixed doubles |
sekantti {n} [geometry] | :: secant |
sekapäisesti {adv} | :: without a clear mind, muddleheadedly, weirdly, bizarrely |
sekarotu {n} [colloquial] | :: mixed-breed, mongrel, mutt (mixed-breed dog) |
sekarotu {n} [colloquial] | :: mixed-breed (any mixed-breed animal) |
sekarotuinen {adj} | :: mixed-breed |
sekarotuinen {adj} | :: mixed-race |
sekarotuinen {n} | :: mixed-breed (animal, often a dog, that is mixed-breed) |
sekasikiö {n} | :: mongrel |
sekasikiö {n} [derogatory] | :: chimera |
sekasorto {n} | :: chaos, turmoil |
sekasortoinen {adj} | :: chaotic |
sekasortoisesti {adv} | :: chaotically, disorderly |
sekasotku {n} | :: jumble |
sekasukupuolisuus {n} | :: intersexuality |
sekatalous {n} [economics] | :: mixed economy |
sekatavarakauppa {n} [dated] | :: general store (store which sells a large variety of useful things) |
sekatekniikka {n} | :: mixed media, mixed techniques (art using multiple media) |
sekatyömies {n} | :: handyman, odd-job laborer, unskilled laborer |
sekauinti {n} [sports] | :: medley (competitive swimming event) |
sekauitto {n} | :: timber rafting in which logs from different owners are rafted at the same time |
sekautua {vi} | :: to get involved in |
sekava {adj} | :: confusing, unclear, mixed |
sekava {adj} | :: confused |
sekavasti {adv} | :: confusingly |
sekavihannekset {n} | :: mixed vegetables |
sekavoittaa {vt} | :: to make confusing |
sekavuus {n} | :: mental confusion, haze |
sekeli {n} | :: shekel |
sekiini {n} | :: A sequin [any of various small gold coins minted in Italy and Turkey] |
sekka {n} [slang] | :: synonym of sekunti |
sekki {n} [banking] | :: cheque, check (note promising to pay money to a named person or entity) |
šekki {n} | :: alternative spelling of sekki |
šekkitili {n} [banking] | :: A checking account |
šekkivihko {n} | :: cheque book |
seko {n} [slang] | :: nut, nutcase, loon, fruitcake |
sekoaminen {n} | :: becoming crazy, going out of control |
sekobarbitaali {n} [chemistry] | :: secobarbital |
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] | :: to bumble around, bumble about |
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] | :: to muck around, muck about |
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] | :: to mess around, mess about |
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] | :: to freak out, act strangely, rage |
se koira älähtää, johon kalikka kalahtaa {proverb} | :: the lady doth protest too much |
sekoite {n} | :: mixture |
sekoitekangas {n} | :: blended fabric (fabric that consists of more than one type of fiber, e.g. wool and polyester) |
sekoitella {vt} | :: to mix, mess up or shuffle repeatedly |
sekoitettavuus {n} | :: miscibility |
sekoitevilla {n} | :: A mixture of wool and other fibers |
sekoitin {n} | :: mixer, blender |
sekoitin {n} | :: mixer tap |
sekoittaa {vt} | :: to mix; to stir |
sekoittaa {vt} | :: to mess up, untidy, disorder (to make a mess of by disturbing the order of it) |
sekoittaa {vt} | :: to mess up, spoil, ruin (to cause a problem with) |
sekoittaa {vt} | :: to shuffle (to put in a random order, e.g. playing cards) |
sekoittaa {vt} | :: to upset, disturb, disrupt (to adversely alter) |
sekoittaa {vt} | :: to confuse, mix up (one thing with another) |
sekoittaa {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to blow, in the expression sekoittaa jonkun pää ("to blow someone's mind") |
sekoittaja {n} | :: mixer, stirrer (person who mixes or stirs) |
sekoittaja {n} [colloquial, nonstandard] | :: synonym of sekoitin |
sekoittaminen {n} | :: mixing |
sekoittaminen {n} | :: messing up, untidying |
sekoittaminen {n} | :: shuffling |
sekoittaminen {n} | :: upsetting, disturbing |
sekoittaminen {n} | :: confusing, mixing up |
sekoittua {vi} | :: To (get) mix(ed) |
sekoitus {n} | :: blend, mixture, admixture (sthg produced by mixing) |
sekoitus {n} | :: mixture, medley, cocktail (sthg consisting of diverse elements) |
sekoitus {n} | :: composite (combination of separate elements) |
sekoitushana {n} | :: mixer tap |
sekoitussauva {n} [chemistry] | :: A rod (stirring rod) |
sekondi {n} | :: seconde |
sekopää {n} [colloquial] | :: nutcase, loon, kook, screwball |
sekopäinen {adj} | :: mad, wacky, deranged |
sekovarsi {n} [botany] | :: thallus |
sekovartinen {adj} | :: thalloid |
sekovartinen {n} [botany] | :: thallophyte |
sekretääri {n} | :: secretaire |
sekretääri {n} [archaic] | :: secretary |
seksageesima {n} | :: alternative spelling of seksagesima |
seksagesima {n} [Christianity, dated] | :: Sexagesima (8th Sunday before Easter) |
seksi {n} | :: sex (sexual intercourse) |
seksi {n} | :: sexuality (sexual activity) |
seksiaddikti {n} | :: sex addict |
seksiaddiktio {n} | :: sex addiction, sexual addiction |
seksiala {n} | :: sex industry |
seksiasiat {n} | :: sexual issues or matters |
seksielämä {n} | :: sex life |
seksielokuva {n} | :: sex film |
seksifilmi {n} | :: sex film |
seksikäs {adj} | :: sexy, physically attractive |
seksikauppa {n} | :: sex shop |
seksikauppa {n} [legal] | :: The legal term for prostitution; vice (prostitution) |
seksikaveri {n} | :: friend with benefits (friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship) |
seksikaveruus {n} | :: friendship with benefits |
seksikkäämpi {adj} | :: comparative of seksikäs |
seksikkäästi {adv} | :: sexily |
seksikkäin {adj} | :: superlative of seksikäs |
seksikohtaus {n} [film] | :: sex scene |
seksikumppani {n} | :: sexual partner, sex partner |
seksilelu {n} | :: A sex toy |
seksinukke {n} | :: sex doll |
seksiobjekti {n} | :: sex object (person seen only as object of sexual desire) |
seksiorja {n} | :: sex slave |
seksipartneri {n} | :: sexual partner |
seksipommi {n} | :: bombshell, sex bomb, sex kitten, sexpot (very sexy person) |
seksismi {n} | :: sexism |
seksisti {n} | :: sexist |
seksistinen {adj} | :: sexist |
seksisuhde {n} | :: sexual relationship, sexual affair |
seksitauti {n} [pathology] | :: sexually transmitted disease |
seksiteollisuus {n} | :: sex industry |
seksitön {adj} | :: sexless (not having sexual relations) |
seksiturismi {n} | :: sex tourism |
seksituristi {n} | :: sex tourist |
seksityö {n} | :: sex work |
seksityöntekijä {n} | :: sex worker (person who supplies sexual services for money) |
seksivideo {n} | :: sex video, porn video |
seksologi {n} | :: sexologist |
seksologia {n} | :: sexology |
sekstantti {n} [nautical] | :: sextant |
Sekstantti {prop} | :: The constellation Sextans |
sekstetti {n} | :: sextet |
sekstetto {n} [music] | :: sextet |
seksti {n} [music] | :: sixth |
sekstiljoona {num} | :: undecillion (short scale), sextillion (long scale); 1036 |
sekstisointu {n} [music] | :: sixth chord |
sekstoli {n} [music] | :: sextolet |
seksuaali {n} | :: sexual person, someone who experiences sexual attraction, a person who has interest in or desire for sex, as opposed to aseksuaali 'asexual' |
seksuaalielämä {n} | :: sexual life |
seksuaalikasvatus {n} | :: sex education, sex ed |
seksuaalikumppani {n} [rare] | :: sexual partner |
seksuaalimurha {n} | :: sex murder |
seksuaalinen {adj} | :: sexual |
seksuaalinen häirintä {n} | :: sexual harassment |
seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö {n} [law] | :: sexual abuse |
seksuaalinen suuntautuminen {n} | :: sexual orientation |
seksuaaliobjekti {n} | :: sex object, sexual object (person seen only as object of sexual desire) |
seksuaalirikollinen {n} | :: A sex offender |
seksuaalisesti {adv} | :: sexually |
seksuaalistaa {vt} | :: to sexualize |
seksuaalistua {vi} | :: to be sexualized |
seksuaalisuus {n} | :: sexuality |
seksuaalivähemmistö {n} | :: sexual minority |
seksuaalivalinta {n} | :: sexual selection |
seksualisoida {vt} | :: to sexualize |
seksualiteetti {n} | :: sexuality |
šektaus {n} | :: shehitah (action of slaughtering animals in this manner) |
sektio {n} | :: section, division |
sektio {n} [medicine] | :: section |
sektio {n} [medicine] | :: Caesarean section |
sektio {n} [music] | :: section |
sektori {n} | :: sector |
sektoridiagrammi {n} | :: pie chart |
sektorikaavio {n} | :: synonym of sektoridiagrammi |
sekulaari {adj} | :: alternative form of sekulaarinen |
sekulaari {n} | :: secular (secular ecclesiastic; church official) |
sekulaarinen {adj} | :: secular |
sekulaarinen {adj} | :: centennial (relating to a period of hundred years) |
sekulaaristaa {v} | :: to secularize |
sekulaaristua {vi} | :: to be secularized |
sekularisaatio {n} | :: secularization |
sekularismi {n} | :: secularism |
sekularisoida {vt} | :: To secularize |
sekularisoitua {v} | :: synonym of maallistua |
sekularistisesti {adv} | :: secularistically |
sekuli {n} | :: a crossbred variety of grain or cereal |
sekunda {adj} | :: second-rate |
sekundaari {adj} | :: alternative form of sekundaarinen |
sekundääri {adj} | :: alternative form of sekundäärinen |
sekundäärienergia {n} | :: secondary energy |
sekundaarinen {adj} | :: secondary |
sekundäärinen {adj} | :: alternative form of sekundaarinen |
sekundäärinen alkoholi {n} [chemistry] | :: secondary alcohol |
sekundaarirakenne {n} [biochemistry] | :: secondary structure |
sekundaarisesti {adv} | :: secondarily |
sekundaaristi {adv} | :: secondarily |
sekundantti {n} | :: second (attendant) |
sekunnilleen {adv} | :: (down) to the second |
sekunnilleen {adv} | :: precisely at the given time |
sekunti {n} | :: second (unit of time or angle) |
sekunti {n} [music] | :: second (interval) |
sekuntikaupalla {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by several seconds |
sekuntikello {n} | :: stopwatch |
sekuntimittari {n} | :: second hand |
sekuntiosoitin {n} | :: second hand |
sekuntiviisari {n} | :: second hand |
sekuntti {n} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of sekunti |
sekvensoida {vt} | :: To sequence |
sekvensointi {n} | :: sequencing |
sekvensseri {n} [music] | :: sequencer |
sekvenssi {n} | :: sequence |
selaaja {n} | :: browser; a person who browses (a book, archives, Internet, etc.) |
selaaja {n} [programming] | :: lexer, scanner, tokenizer |
selaaminen {n} | :: browsing |
selailla {vt} | :: To browse (magazine, web pages) |
selailu {n} | :: browsing (magazines, web, ...) |
selain {n} [Internet] | :: browser |
selainlaajennus {n} [computing] | :: browser extension |
selainmoottori {n} [computing] | :: browser engine |
selainohjelma {n} | :: browser software, browser program |
selainpohjainen {adj} [internet] | :: browser based |
seläke {n} | :: synonym of filee (sometimes specifically of such that has been pounded thin) |
seläkkäin {adv} | :: back-to-back |
selällään {adv} | :: on one's back, supine |
selällään {adv} | :: wide open, completely open (such as of a door or window) |
selälleen {adv} | :: onto one's back |
selälleen {adv} | :: (into being) wide open |
selänne {n} | :: ridge |
Selänne {prop} | :: surname |
selänpesijä {n} | :: back washer (person in a sauna or shower) |
selänpuoleinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: dorsal (relating to the side of the body where backbone is located) |
selänrapsutin {n} | :: backscratcher |
selata {v} | :: to browse, leaf, scan, page |
selättää {vt} [wrestling] | :: to pin down, to pin, to fall |
selättää {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to overcome |
selätyksin {adv} | :: synonym of seläkkäin |
selätysten {adv} | :: back-to-back |
seleeni {n} | :: selenium |
seleenidioksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: selenium dioxide |
seleenihiiva {n} | :: selenium yeast |
seleenivety {n} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen selenide |
selektiivinen {adj} | :: selective |
selektiivisesti {adv} | :: selectively |
selektiivisyys {n} | :: selectivity |
selektio {n} | :: selection |
selektori {n} | :: selector |
selenaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: selenate |
seleniitti {n} [mineral, inorganic chemistry] | :: selenite |
selenologia {n} | :: selenology |
šelfi {n} [dated] | :: synonym of mannerjalusta |
selfie {n} | :: selfie |
selibaatti {n} | :: celibate |
selikkäin {adv} | :: alternative form of seläkkäin |
selin {adv} | :: back to back |
selin {adv} [heraldry] | :: addorsed |
selinmakuu {n} | :: supine position, lying supine |
selitä {vi} | :: To clear |
selite {n} | :: key, guide, legend |
selitellä {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To make excuses for, (try to) explain away |
selittää {v} | :: to explain [to] |
selittää {v} | :: to explicate (to explain meticulously or in great detail; to elucidate; to analyze) |
selittäin {adv} | :: synonym of seläkkäin |
selittämätön {adj} | :: unexplained |
selittämätön {adj} | :: unexplainable, inexplicable |
selittämättömästi {adv} | :: inexplicably |
selittyä {vi} | :: to be explained |
selitys {n} | :: explanation |
selitysaste {n} [statistics] | :: coefficient of determination |
selitysvoima {n} [philosophy] | :: explanatory power |
selja {n} | :: elder (tree) |
Selja {prop} | :: given name |
seljanka {n} | :: solyanka |
seljanmarja {n} | :: elderberry |
seljetä {vi} [of sky] | :: To clear |
selkä {n} [anatomy] | :: back |
selkä {n} | :: ridge, spine (line or area on a mountain or hill from which one can descend to at least two separate directions) |
selkä {n} | :: watershed area |
selkä {n} | :: back, spine (the side where the pages are bound together) |
selkä {n} | :: open water (expanse of sea or large lake which is distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions) |
selkäänpuukottaja {n} | :: backstabber (traitor assumed trustworthy, figuratively attacking when one's back is turned) |
selkäevä {n} [anatomy, of a fish] | :: a dorsal fin |
selkäharja {n} | :: back scrubber, back brush |
selkähäviö {n} [wrestling] | :: loss or defeat by being pinned |
selkäin {n} [fishing] | :: The main line of a longline |
selkäin {n} [rare] | :: A longline |
selkäjänne {n} | :: notochord |
selkäjänteinen {n} | :: chordate (member of the phylum Chordata) |
selkäjänteinen {n} | :: [in plural] Chordata (taxonomic phylum) |
selkäjänteinen {adj} | :: chordate (of or pertaining to chordates or Chordata) |
selkäkappale {n} | :: back part (of clothing) |
selkäkilpi {n} [zoology] | :: pen, gladius (internal cartilage skeleton of a squid) |
selkäkipu {n} | :: backache, back pain |
selkäkoulu {n} | :: a type of training to help relax one's back |
selkälanka {n} [fishing] | :: the main line of a longline |
selkälauta {n} [nautical] | :: taffrail |
selkälento {n} [aviation] | :: inverted flight, flying upside down |
selkälihas {n} [anatomy] | :: back muscle |
selkälokki {n} | :: lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus) |
selkämeri {n} | :: open sea, high seas |
Selkämeri {prop} | :: The Bothnian Sea (southern part of the Gulf of Bothnia) |
selkämys {n} | :: back, spine, backside |
selkänahka {n} | :: back skin, dorsal skin |
selkänauha {n} | :: band (strip along the spine of a book where the pages are attached) |
selkänikama {n} [skeleton] | :: A thoracic vertebra |
selkänoja {n} | :: backrest (part of seat) |
selkäpanssari {n} | :: backplate, dorsal shield |
selkäpenkki {n} | :: back bench |
selkäperillinen {n} [law] | :: a lineal ascendant acting or potentially acting as an heir (the lineal parents of the deceased) |
selkäperintö {n} | :: inheritance awarded to lineal ascendant |
selkäpii {n} | :: The ridge of backbone |
selkäpuoli {n} | :: backside, back side (opposite to the front side of something relatively flat, such as playing card) |
selkäpuolinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: dorsal (relating to the top surface of foot or hand) |
selkäpuolinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: dorsal (relating to the side in which the backbone is located) |
selkäpuu {n} | :: rafter, balk |
selkärangan jäykistysleikkaus {n} [medicine] | :: spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis (surgical fusion of parts of the spine) |
selkärangankanava {n} [anatomy] | :: synonym of selkäydinkanava |
selkärangan nivelrikko {n} [pathology] | :: spondylarthrosis |
selkärangan niveltulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: spondylarthritis |
selkärangaton {adj} | :: invertebrate |
selkärangaton {adj} | :: spineless |
selkärangaton {n} [zoology] | :: invertebrate |
selkärangattomasti {adv} | :: spinelessly |
selkärangattomuus {n} | :: spinelessness |
selkäranka {n} [anatomy, skeleton] | :: backbone, spine, spinal column, vertebral column (series of vertebrae that protect the spinal cord) |
selkäranka {n} | :: backbone (fundamental support or infrastructure) |
selkäranka {n} | :: backbone, spine (courage, strength) |
selkärankahalkio {n} [pathology] | :: spina bifida |
selkärankainen {adj} | :: backboned |
selkärankainen {n} | :: vertebrate |
selkärankareuma {n} [pathology] | :: ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis that affects the spine, usually the joints between vertebrae and the sacroiliac joint) |
selkärankatuberkuloosi {n} [pathology] | :: Pott's disease (extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects the spine) |
selkäreppu {n} | :: backpack |
selkäruoto {n} | :: backbone (literally) |
selkäsaha {n} | :: backsaw |
selkäsairas {adj} | :: who or that has back problem(s) |
selkäsairaus {n} | :: back disease |
selkäsärky {n} | :: back pain |
selkäsauna {n} | :: beating, licking |
selkä seinää vasten {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: back to the wall, back against the wall (very difficult situation with no beneficial options available for action) |
selkäsiima {n} [fishing] | :: The main line of a longline |
selkäsiima {n} [rare] | :: A longline |
selkäsuoni {n} | :: back blood vessel |
selkäuinti {n} [swimming] | :: backstroke |
selkävaiva {n} | :: back injury, back defect, back problem |
selkävaivainen {adj} | :: who or that has back problem(s) or back injury/injuries |
selkävamma {n} | :: back injury |
selkävammainen {adj} | :: who or that has back injury/injuries |
selkävesi {n} [usually, in plural] | :: open water |
selkävika {n} | :: spinal defect, back disease |
selkävikainen {adj} | :: who or that has a back defect(s) |
selkävoitto {n} [wrestling] | :: victory by pin |
selkäydin {n} [anatomy] | :: spinal cord |
selkäydinhermo {n} [anatomy] | :: spinal nerve |
selkäydinkalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: meninx, meninx spinalis (any of the three membranes surroundingg the spinal cord) |
selkäydinkanava {n} [anatomy] | :: spinal canal, vertebral canal, spinal cavity |
selkäydinneste {n} [physiology, colloquial] | :: cerebrospinal fluid, spinal fluid |
selkäydinpuudutus {n} [medicine] | :: spinal anaesthesia |
selkäydinreaktio {n} | :: gut reaction, knee-jerk reaction |
selkäydinvamma {n} | :: spinal cord injury |
selkeä {adj} | :: clear, sunny (without clouds) |
selkeä {adj} [meteorology, of the sky] | :: Up to 1/8 covered by clouds |
selkeä {adj} | :: clear (free of ambiguity) |
selkeä-älyinen {adj} | :: lucid [mentally sane] |
selkeämpi {adj} | :: comparative of selkeä |
selkeästi {adv} | :: clearly |
selkeennyttää {v} | :: synonym of selkiinnyttää |
selkeentyä {v} | :: synonym of selkeytyä |
selkeneminen {n} | :: clearing |
selkeys {n} | :: clarity |
selkeytin {n} | :: A clarifier (device that clarifies a liquid, normally by separating solid substances from it) |
selkeyttää {v} | :: To clarify (to make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter); also figuratively, e.g. of a complicated situation |
selkeytyä {vi} | :: to clear, clear up, clarify (to become clearer) |
selkiinnyttää {vt} | :: to clarify, to make more precise |
selkiintyä {vi} [nonstandard] | :: synonym of selkeytyä |
selkis {interj} [colloquial] | :: got it |
selkiyttää {vt} | :: alternative form of selkeyttää |
selkiytyä {vi} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of selkeytyä |
selkiytyminen {n} | :: clarification |
selkkaus {n} | :: incident, confrontation |
selko {n} | :: understanding (the state of having understood, being clear); mostly idiomatic and modifier usage, see "derived terms" -section below |
selkokieli {n} | :: plain language (variant of a language which makes use of clear, commonly understood terms and brief expressions; usually specifically designed for special audiences or a specific purpose) |
selkosen {adv} [colloquial] | :: Intensifier used before selällään (wide open) and selälleen ((into being) wide open) |
selkoteksti {n} [cryptography] | :: cleartext, plain text (unencrypted text) |
selkouni {n} | :: lucid dream (dream in which one is conscious that one is dreaming as the dream is occurring) |
selkouni {n} | :: lucid dreaming |
selkova {n} | :: zelkova (tree) |
selkuppi {n} [in plural] | :: Selkup (Samoyedic tribe) |
selkuppi {n} | :: Selkup (member of this tribe) |
selkuppi {n} | :: Selkup (their language) |
sellain {adj} [colloquial] | :: such (a), that kind of |
sellainen {adj} | :: such (a), that kind of |
sellaisenaan {adv} | :: as such, as is (as should be; in its natural or original state) |
sellaista elämä on {phrase} | :: such is life, that's life, this is the life, c'est la vie |
sellaista se on {phrase} | :: that's life |
sellakka {n} | :: shellac |
selleri {n} | :: celery |
sellerinsiemen {n} | :: celery seed |
sellerinvarsi {n} | :: celery stalk |
selleripihvi {n} | :: celery patty |
sellerisuola {n} | :: celery salt (salt mixed with dried celery, used as spice) |
selli {n} | :: cell, prison cell |
sellisti {n} | :: cellist |
sello {n} | :: cello |
sellofaani {n} | :: cellophane |
sellonsoittaja {n} | :: cellist |
sellu {n} | :: cellulose, pulp |
sellukattila {n} | :: digester (in the chemical pulping process, a large vessel in which wood is exposed to heat and chemicals to break it down into cellulose and other components) |
sellukeitin {n} | :: digester (a strong closed vessel used for manufacturing cellulose) |
sellulaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: cellulase |
selluliitti {n} | :: cellulite |
selluloidi {n} | :: celluloid |
selluloosa {n} [carbohydrate] | :: cellulose |
selluloosa {n} | :: pulp made of cellulose fibres |
selluloosa-asetaatti {n} | :: cellulose acetate |
selluloosalakka {n} | :: cellulose lacquer |
selluloosatehdas {n} | :: pulp mill |
sellunkeitto {n} | :: pulping (production of cellulose pulp) |
sellutehdas {n} | :: pulp mill |
selluvilla {n} | :: a loose insulation material consisting of wood fiber batts |
Selma {prop} | :: given name |
selonteko {n} | :: report, especially an official one given by the government to the parliament |
selootti {n} | :: zealot (member of the Zealot movement in Judea on the 1st century A.D. which rebelled against the Romans under the leadership of Judas of Galilee) |
selostaa {v} | :: To explicate, explain |
selostaa {v} | :: To cover, commentate (in radio or TV) |
selostaja {n} | :: commentator, sportscaster |
seloste {n} | :: caption, legend |
selostus {n} | :: account, statement, explanation, description |
selostus {n} | :: commentary, narration |
selusta {n} | :: back, rear, backside, rearward |
selusta {n} [military] | :: rear (the part of an army or fleet which comes last) |
selustin {n} | :: harness saddle |
selvä {adj} | :: clear (primarily of abstract concepts; see usage notes) |
selvä {adj} | :: free (unobstructed) |
selvä {adj} [colloquial] | :: sober |
selvä {adj} | :: distinct |
selvä {adj} | :: plain |
selvä {adj} | :: obvious |
selvä {adj} | :: unmistakable |
selvä {adj} | :: lucid |
selvä {adj} | :: evident |
selvä {interj} | :: all right (used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent) |
selvä {interj} [radio] | :: roger! |
selväkielisesti {adv} | :: in clear language |
selväkielisesti {adv} | :: en clair, in cleartext or plaintext |
selvä kuin pläkki {phrase} [figuratively] | :: clear as a bell (of an issue, totally clear) |
selvänäkijä {n} | :: clairvoyant (person able to see things in the past, present or future, which cannot be perceived by the normal senses) |
selvänäkö {n} | :: clairvoyance |
selvänäköisesti {adv} | :: in a clear-sighted manner |
selvänäköisyys {n} | :: clairvoyance |
selvännäkijä {n} | :: alternative form of selvänäkijä |
selväpäinen {adj} | :: lucid (mentally sane) |
selväpiirteinen {adj} | :: distinct, clear-cut, well defined |
selväpiirteisesti {adv} | :: in a distinct or clear-cut manner |
selväpuheinen {adj} | :: articulate (speaking in a clear or effective manner) |
selväsanaisesti {adv} | :: clearly, explicitly, clearly stated |
selvästi {adv} | :: clearly, in a clear manner |
selvästi {adv} | :: obviously, evidently |
selvästi {adv} | :: loud and clear (of voice; in a clear and easily understandable manner) |
selvätä {vt} [rare] | :: to decode |
selvempi {adj} | :: comparative of selvä |
selvennys {n} | :: clarification |
selventää {vt} | :: To clarify |
selventyä {v} | :: synonym of selvetä |
selvetä {vi} | :: To clear |
selviäminen {n} | :: surviving, coping |
selviäminen {n} | :: becoming clear, getting solved |
selviäminen {n} | :: escaping (getting away or surviving from an unwanted situation) |
selviäminen {n} | :: sobering up |
selviämisasema {n} | :: sobering facility (facility allowing intoxicated people to safely sober up) |
selvillä {adv} | :: known, aware, decided, solved, found out |
selvillä vesillä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: out of the woods |
selvinpäin {adv} | :: sober |
selviö {n} | :: foregone conclusion |
selviö {n} | :: axiom |
selvitä {vi} | :: to become clear (become transparent in colour; become bright, not dark or obscured; become free of obstacles or clouds) |
selvitä {vi} | :: to get solved |
selvitä {vi} | :: to cope (with something), survive (after something) |
selvitä {vi} | :: to escape (get away or survive from an unwanted situation) |
selvitä {vi} | :: to sober up (recover from intoxication) |
selvitä säikähdyksellä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be left shaken but unhurt, to get off lightly (from an adversity), to dodge a bullet |
selvitellä {v} | :: to sort out (to clarify by reviewing mentally) |
selvittää {v} | :: to make clear, clarify |
selvittää {v} | :: to examine, investigate, find out |
selvittää {v} | :: to disentangle |
selvittää {v} | :: to get to the bottom of (to understand, discover the truth about, or solve) |
selvittää {v} | :: to clear, like an airplane for departure, goods through customs, or payments between banks |
selvittää {v} | :: to settle, as accounts |
selvittää {v} | :: to explain |
selvittämätön {adj} | :: unsolved |
selvittäminen {n} | :: The process of investigating, an investigation |
selvittely {n} | :: sorting out (act of clarifying by reviewing mentally) |
selvitys {n} | :: A document covering the description and results of an investigation, a report |
selvitys {n} | :: The process of investigating |
selvitys {n} | :: An oral presentation of a specific topic, especially of the actions of the speaker or the findings made by him |
selvitysmies {n} [legal] | :: liquidator (person in charge of managing the affairs of a company, association, cooperative, foundation or similar entity during the liquidation and of converting into cash enough of the assets of the entity so that its debts can be paid) |
selvitysmies {n} | :: investigator (one who conducts an inquiry or examination; used especially of high-level ad-hoc investigators nominated by a cabinet minister or other high-level official) |
selvityspyyntö {n} | :: request for clarification |
selvitystila {n} [legal] | :: liquidation, insolvency |
selvitystila {n} [legal] | :: receivership (state of being under the control of a receiver) |
selvitystyö {n} | :: investigation, investigation (process of investigating) |
selvitysvaihe {n} | :: study phase, investigation phase, exploratory phase |
selvityttää {vt} | :: to have (something) examined, have (something) investigate, have (something) clarified |
selviytyä {v} | :: to survive |
selviytyä {v} | :: to cope |
selviytyä {v} | :: to get by |
selviytyjä {n} | :: survivor |
selviytyminen {n} | :: survival |
selvyys {n} | :: clarity, clearness |
selvyys {n} | :: truth |
semafori {n} [rail transport] | :: semaphore (railway signal) |
semafori {n} [computing] | :: semaphore |
semantiikka {n} | :: semantics (science of the meaning of words) |
semantiikka {n} | :: semantics (individual meaning of words) |
semantikko {n} | :: semanticist |
semanttinen {adj} | :: semantic |
semanttisesti {adv} | :: semantically |
sembra {n} | :: Certain pines of the genus Pinus |
sembramänty {n} | :: Swiss pine, Pinus cembra |
semeemi {n} [semantics, semiotics] | :: sememe |
sementiitti {n} [metallurgy, inorganic compound] | :: cementite |
sementoida {v} | :: to cement |
sementti {n} | :: cement |
sementtilaasti {n} | :: cement mortar |
sementtimaali {n} | :: cement coating |
semiautomaattinen {adj} | :: semiautomatic |
semiempiirinen {adj} | :: semiempirical |
semifinaali {n} [sports] | :: A semifinal |
semifinalisti {n} | :: semifinalist |
semiitti {n} | :: Semite |
seminaari {n} | :: seminar (meeting) |
seminaari {n} | :: seminar (class) |
seminaari {n} | :: seminary (school) |
seminaarilainen {n} | :: seminarian |
seminaarityö {n} | :: seminar work, thesis |
seminormi {n} | :: semi-norm |
semioottinen {adj} | :: semiotic |
semiotiikka {n} | :: semiotics |
semitismi {n} | :: Semitism (word or idiom of Jewish vocabulary) |
semminkään {adv} [rare, in negative] | :: especially (not) |
semminkin {adv} [rare, in positive] | :: especially |
semmoinen {pron} | :: that kind of, such |
semmonen {pron} [colloquial or dialectal] | :: synonym of sellainen |
sen {pron} [demonstrative] | :: it [accusative; direct object] |
sen {pron} [demonstrative] | :: its [genitive] |
sen {pron} [+ comparative] | :: (the ...) the (establishes a parallel) |
senaatti {n} | :: A senate |
senaatti {n} | :: The Senate of the United States, or any of its states |
senaatti {n} | :: Senate (similar legislative body on some other countries) |
senaattori {n} | :: senator |
Senegal {prop} | :: Senegal (country) |
senegalilainen {n} | :: Senegalese (person) |
senegalilainen {adj} | :: Senegalese (of or pertaining to Senegal) |
sen enempää {phrase} | :: any more; used in negative sentences |
Sengoku-kausi {n} [history] | :: Sengoku period, Warring States period (of Japanese history) |
seniili {adj} | :: senile |
seniiliys {n} | :: senility |
seniliteetti {n} | :: senility |
seniori {n} | :: old person, senior |
Senja {prop} | :: given name |
sen jälkeen {adv} | :: thereafter |
sen jälkeen {adv} | :: after, since |
Senjanen {prop} [military humor] | :: Family name of an imaginary soldier that appears e.g. in jokes and pranks |
senkin {interj} | :: You.. |
senkka {n} [medicine] | :: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR |
senkka {n} [metallurgy] | :: ladle [container in which molten metal is kept] |
senkki {n} | :: commode (low chest of drawers) |
senkki {n} | :: sideboard |
senkki {n} | :: countersink (tool) |
sen koommin {adv} [idiomatic] | :: ever since, thereafter |
sen kun {adv} [colloquial] | :: just (only, simply, merely) |
sen lisäksi {adv} | :: in addition (to that), moreover |
Senni {prop} | :: given name |
sen paremmin {phrase} | :: any better |
sen paremmin {phrase} | :: or, nor |
sen paremmin {phrase} | :: better than that |
sen paremmin {phrase} | :: it better |
sen pituinen se {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: The very last sentence of many fairy tales and other stories. This comes after any happily ever after-type sentences. Literally the phrase translates to: "That's the length of it". It might be translated into English as: "That's all there is to tell" |
sen puoleen {phrase} | :: for that matter, at that |
sensaatio {n} | :: sensation (widespread reaction of interest or excitement) |
sensaatiolehdistö {n} | :: sensational press, the yellow press, tabloid press |
sensaatiomainen {adj} | :: sensational |
sensaationtavoittelu {n} | :: sensationalism |
sensationaalinen {adj} | :: sensational |
sen sellainen {adj} | :: suchlike |
sen seurauksena {adv} | :: consequently, as a consequence |
sen sijaan {adv} | :: instead (in the place of something; as a substitute or alternative) |
sen sijasta {adv} | :: synonym of sen sijaan |
sensitiivinen {adj} | :: sensitive |
sensitiivisesti {adv} | :: sensitively |
sensitiivisyys {n} | :: sensitivity |
sensori {n} | :: sensor |
sensorinen {adj} | :: sensory (of senses or sensations) |
senssipalsta {n} [colloquial] | :: dating column |
senssit {n} [colloquial] | :: date (pre-arranged meeting; romantic meeting or outing with a lover or potential lover) |
sensuaalinen {adj} | :: sensual |
sensualismi {n} | :: sensualism |
sensuelli {adj} | :: sensual |
sensuroida {vt} | :: To censor, expurgate, bowdlerise, redact |
sensuroimaton {adj} | :: uncensored |
sensurointi {n} | :: censoring (the act of censoring) |
sensurointi {n} | :: censorship (the practice of censoring) |
sensuuri {n} | :: censorship |
sensuuri {n} [as modifier in compound terms] | :: censorial |
sentään {adv} | :: at least |
sentään {adv} | :: however, nevertheless |
sen tähden {phrase} | :: therefore, consequently, thence, thus, for the sake (of) |
sentähden {conj} [archaic, biblical] | :: for the or that reason, because (of that), therefore |
sen takia {adv} | :: therefore, consequently |
sentata {v} [colloquial] | :: to write a piece as a freelancer |
senteissä tuhannen alku {proverb} | :: take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves |
sentiljoona {num} [long scale] | :: centillion (10600) |
sentiljoona {num} [short scale] | :: cennovemnonagintillion (10600) |
sentiljoonas {adj} | :: The centillionth |
sentiljoonasosa {n} | :: one centillionth (centillionth part) |
sentimentaalinen {adj} | :: sentimental |
sentimentaalisesti {adv} | :: sentimentally |
sentneri {n} [historical] | :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for weight equal to 100 naula or around 42.5 kilograms; comparable to hundredweight |
sentraalinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: central |
sentraalisantra {n} [dated, now, humorous] | :: switchboard operator |
sentralisaatio {n} | :: centralization |
sentralisoida {v} | :: To centralize |
sentrifugi {n} | :: centrifuge |
sentrifugoida {vt} | :: To centrifuge |
sentrioli {n} [biology] | :: centriole |
sentromeeri {n} [genetics] | :: centromere |
sentrosomi {n} [cytology] | :: centrosome |
senttaali {n} [historical] | :: unit of measure of weight, equal to 100 kilograms; quintal, centner |
senttari {n} [slang] | :: freelance journalist |
sentteri {n} [colloquial, ball games] | :: centre forward [UK]; center forward, center [US] |
sentteri {n} [basketball] | :: center |
sentteri {n} [American football] | :: center |
sentti- {prefix} | :: centi- (SI prefix, one hundreth of) |
sentti {n} | :: cent (one hundredth of many monetary units, particularly of the euro and the dollar) |
sentti {n} | :: one cent (coin worth one cent) |
sentti {n} [colloquial] | :: centimetre |
sentti {n} [as SI prefix] | :: centi-; see sentti- |
senttigramma {n} | :: centigram |
senttilitra {n} | :: centilitre/centiliter |
senttimetri {n} | :: centimetre/centimeter |
senttimetriaallot {n} | :: centimetre band, centimetre waves |
senttinen {adj} | :: Together with a numeral, being X centimeters long |
senttinen {n} | :: Together with a numeral, a coin of X cents, X-cent piece |
senttiosake {n} [finance] | :: penny stock (highly speculative stock selling for less than one euro per share) |
senturia {n} [military] | :: century (military unit) |
senturio {n} | :: centurion |
sen verran {adv} | :: so much, that much, at least that much (to a certain degree or extent) |
sen vuoksi {adv} | :: therefore, because of it, that's why |
se on nähty {phrase} | :: been there, done that (assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic) |
se on siinä {phrase} | :: that is it; Bob's your uncle; there you have it |
seos {n} | :: mixture, mix |
seos {n} | :: alloy |
seosaine {n} [metallurgy] | :: alloying element |
seosaine {n} [agriculture] | :: additive or amendment in a compost, such as wood chips or peat |
seoskivi {n} [geology] | :: migmatite |
seosmetalli {n} [metallurgy] | :: alloy |
seostaa {vt} | :: to mix (a mixture) |
seostaa {vt} [metallurgy] | :: to alloy |
seoste {n} [metallurgy] | :: alloy |
seosteräs {n} | :: alloy steel |
seota {vi} | :: to go out of control |
seota {vi} | :: to become crazy |
seota laskuissa {v} | :: to lose count |
sepä {n} [obsolete] | :: neck |
sepä {n} | :: the front of a sleigh that curves upwards |
sepalus {n} | :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants) |
separaatio {n} | :: separation |
separaattori {n} | :: separator, a device for separating cream from milk |
separatiivi {n} [grammar] | :: separative case, separative |
separatismi {n} | :: separatism |
separatisti {n} | :: separatist |
separatistinen {adj} | :: separatist |
separatistisesti {adv} | :: in a separatist manner |
separatistisuus {n} | :: separatism |
separi {n} [derogatory, slang] | :: a person suffering from cerebral palsy |
separi {n} [colloquial] | :: separator |
separoida {vt} [chemistry] | :: To separate (substances) |
separoitua {vi} [chemistry, math] | :: to separate, to be separated |
separoituva {adj} | :: separable |
sepel {n} | :: obsolete form of seppel |
sepeli {n} | :: crushed stone, often sorted by size, used as filler and supporting material in foundations, roads etc |
sepelikivi {n} | :: crushed stone |
sepelikkö {n} | :: ground covered with crushed stone |
sepelitie {n} | :: crushed stone road |
sepelkarhu {n} | :: Asian black bear, Ursus thibetanus |
sepelkyyhky {n} | :: A species of pigeon, the woodpigeon or culver, Columba palumbus |
sepelöidä {v} | :: to ballast (lay ballast on the bed of a railroad track) |
sepelpoukama {n} [anatomy] | :: coronary sinus |
sepelvaltimo {n} [anatomy] | :: coronary artery |
sepelvaltimotauti {n} [pathology] | :: coronary heart disease |
sepi {n} [derogatory, slang] | :: a person suffering from cerebral palsy |
sepioliitti {n} [mineral] | :: sepiolite |
sepite {n} | :: A piece of writing |
sepite {n} | :: fiction, fabrication, lie, hoax |
sepitellä {v} | :: to make up or fable repeatedly |
sepittää {v} | :: to make up (a story), to coin (a word) |
sepittää {v} | :: to fable |
sepivä {adj} [botany] | :: amplexicaul |
seppä {n} | :: smith, blacksmith |
seppä {n} [insects] | :: click beetle |
Seppä {prop} | :: surname |
seppäkuoriainen {n} | :: click beetle |
Seppälä {prop} | :: surname |
Seppälä {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
Seppänen {prop} | :: surname |
seppel {n} [poetic, archaic] | :: alternative form of seppele |
seppele {n} | :: A wreath |
seppele {n} | :: A garland made to the form of a ring or oval |
seppeleensitojaiset {n} | :: a part of a graduation ceremony, in which wreaths are made |
seppeleensitojatar {n} | :: Virgo clarissima; a girl or woman in a university commencement ceremony whose task is to prepare laurel wreaths |
seppelöidä {v} | :: to wreath (place a wreath upon or around something) |
seppelöidä {v} | :: to crown, e.g. with laurels |
seppo {prop} [poetic] | :: smith |
Seppo {prop} | :: given name |
sepposen {adv} [colloquial] | :: Intensifier used before selällään (wide open) and selälleen ((into being) wide open) |
sepsis {n} | :: sepsis |
septetti {n} | :: A septet or septette (a musical group of seven performers) |
septetti {n} [rare] | :: A septet (any group of seven members) |
septetto {n} [music] | :: septet, septuor (musical composition for seven instruments or seven voices) |
septikemia {n} [pathology] | :: septicemia, septicaemia |
septiljoona {num} | :: tredecillion (short scale), septillion (long scale); 1042 |
septimi {n} [music] | :: seventh (interval) |
septimikäännös {n} [music] | :: seventh chord inversion |
septimisointu {n} [music] | :: seventh chord |
septinen {adj} | :: septic |
septinen sokki {n} [medicine] | :: septic shock |
septitankki {n} | :: septic tank (small-scale septic tank such as used in boats, trailers etc.) |
septoli {n} [music] | :: septuplet, septolet |
septuageesima {n} | :: alternative spelling of septuagesima |
septuagesima {n} [Christianity, dated] | :: Septuagesima (9th Sunday before Easter) |
sepustaa {v} [colloquial] | :: to come up with a story, to concoct, to fabricate, to devise |
sepustus {n} [colloquial] | :: story, yarn |
serafi {n} | :: seraph |
Serafiina {prop} | :: given name |
serbi {n} | :: A Serb |
serbia {n} | :: Serbian (the Serbian language) |
Serbia {prop} | :: Serbia |
Serbia ja Montenegro {prop} | :: Serbia and Montenegro (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) |
serbialainen {adj} | :: Serbian |
serbialainen {n} | :: A Serbian |
serbialaisuus {n} | :: Serbianness (state or quality of being Serbian) |
serbialaisuus {n} | :: Serbness (state or quality of being Serb) |
serbiankielinen {adj} | :: Serbian (expressed in the Serbian language) |
serbokroaatti {n} | :: The Serbo-Croatian language |
seremonia {n} | :: ceremony |
seremoniallinen {adj} | :: ceremonial |
seremoniallisesti {adv} | :: ceremonially |
seremoniallisuus {n} | :: ceremonialness |
seremoniavaate {n} | :: (an article of) ceremonial clothing |
serenadi {n} | :: serenade |
sergei {n} [military slang] | :: The anti-aircraft autocannon ZU-23-2 |
seriaalinen {adj} | :: serial |
seriaalisuus {n} | :: seriality |
serialismi {n} [music] | :: serialism |
seriffi {n} | :: alternative form of sheriffi |
šeriffi {n} | :: alternative form of sheriffi |
serigrafia {n} | :: serigraphy, screen printing, silk-screen printing [art] |
serigrafia {n} | :: serigraphy, screen print, screenprint [artwork] |
seriini {n} [amino acid] | :: serine |
seripaino {n} | :: synonym of silkkipaino |
serisiini {n} | :: sericin |
serisiitti {n} [mineral] | :: sericite |
serkku {n} | :: A first cousin |
serkkuni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of serkku |
serkukset {n} | :: cousins (collective term for people who are each other's cousins) |
sermi {n} | :: screen, partition |
sermi {n} | :: folding screen |
serologia {n} | :: serology |
serologinen {adj} | :: serological (of or pertaining to serology) |
serotoniini {n} [neurotransmitter] | :: serotonin |
serpentiini {n} | :: streamer, paper streamer (strips of paper or other material used as confetti) |
serpentiini {n} [mineral] | :: serpentine |
serpentiiniankerias {n} | :: longneck eel (eel of the family Derichthyidae) |
serpentiinitie {n} | :: serpentine road |
serpentiniitti {n} [rock] | :: serpentinite (type of metamorphic rock) |
serpentti {n} [musical instrument] | :: serpent |
serpenttiinitie {n} | :: alternative form of serpentiinitie |
sertifikaatti {n} | :: certificate |
sertifioida {vt} | :: To certify |
sertifiointi {n} | :: certification |
sertifioitu {adj} | :: certified |
Serubbaabel {prop} | :: Zerubbabel |
Serubbabel {prop} | :: Zerubbabel |
servaali {n} | :: serval (Leptailurus serval) |
servata {v} [slang] | :: to burn (insult or defeat) |
serveerata {vt} [colloquial] | :: to serve |
serveri {n} [computing, colloquial] | :: A server |
servetti {n} | :: A serviette or napkin (serviette) |
serviisi {n} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: service (set of dishes or utensils) |
servikaalinen {adj} | :: cervical |
servituutti {n} [legal, obsolete] | :: servitude (qualified beneficial interest severed or fragmented from the ownership of an inferior property and attached to a superior property or to some person other than the owner) |
servo {n} | :: servo |
servomoottori {n} | :: servomotor, servo |
servotekniikka {n} | :: servo technology |
servu {n} [slang, computing, gaming] | :: server |
sesam {n} [archaic] | :: alternative spelling of seesam |
sesamluu {n} [anatomy] | :: alternative spelling of seesamluu |
se siitä {interj} | :: that's it |
sesonki {n} | :: season (especially in shopping) |
sesonkiluonteisesti {adv} | :: seasonally, that goes in seasons |
sessiili {adj} | :: sessile |
sessio {n} [computing] | :: session |
sessiomuusikko {n} | :: session musician |
sesta {n} | :: pole, pike pole, hook (used to drive or pole a boat) |
sestoa {v} | :: to stand on a floating log using a log driving hook as a paddle |
seta {n} [nautical, dated] | :: synonym of lokilastu |
setä {n} | :: paternal uncle, uncle |
setä {n} [childish] | :: man |
setalainen {n} | :: A member or supporter of "Seta", a Finnish LGBT rights organization |
setalainen {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to "Seta" or the ideas it promotes |
setämäisesti {adv} | :: avuncularly |
setäni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of setä |
setäpuoli {n} | :: paternal step-uncle |
Setä Samuli {prop} | :: Uncle Sam (personification of the United States) |
seteli {n} | :: bill [US]; banknote, note [UK] (piece of paper money) |
seteli {n} [in plural] | :: paper money (cash in the form of banknotes) |
seteli {n} [as head of a compound word] | :: coupon (other piece of paper which has limited monetary value for example in buying a specified service or goods) |
setelinkate {n} | :: backing of a banknote |
setelipaino {n} | :: banknote printing works |
setelipankki {n} [banking] | :: bank of issue |
seteliraha {n} | :: synonym of paperiraha |
setelirahoitus {n} [economics] | :: quantitative easing |
setlementti {n} | :: settlement house |
setlementtiliike {n} | :: settlement movement |
setlementtityö {n} | :: settlement work (work relating to the settlement movement) |
seto {n} | :: alternative form of setu |
setolkka {n} | :: harness saddle |
Seton sisämeri {prop} | :: Seto Inland Sea (sea that separates the Japanese islands of Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku) |
setri {n} | :: cedar |
setriseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius subtortus |
setsuuri {n} | :: a type of sweet-and-sour bread |
setswana {n} | :: Setswana (language) |
setti {n} | :: A set as in "TV set"; a receiver |
setti {n} | :: A set of consecutive performances, such as the songs performed by an artist in a given occasion |
setti {n} | :: A set of things belonging or grouped together, especially as items for sale |
setu {n} | :: Seto (person) |
setu {n} | :: Seto (language or dialect) |
setvertti {n} | :: tchetvert (old Russian unit of measure for length or capacity) |
setviä {v} | :: synonym of selvitellä |
setvintä {n} | :: sorting out |
setyylialkoholi {n} | :: cetyl alcohol |
seuduilla {adv} | :: in the region of |
seudullisesti {adv} | :: subregionally, regionally |
seula {n} | :: sieve |
seulalokero {n} [anatomy] | :: An ethmoid sinus |
seulaluu {n} [skeleton] | :: ethmoid bone |
seulaluun ontelo {n} [anatomy] | :: An ethmoid sinus |
seulasarja {n} | :: sieve set, set of sieves |
Seulaset {n} [astronomy] | :: Pleiades |
seuloa {vt} | :: to sieve, sift |
seulonta {n} | :: sieving, screening, filtering |
seuloutua {vi} | :: to become sieved or sifted |
seur. {adj} | :: abbreviation of seuraava |
seura {n} | :: company (visitors, companionship) |
seura {n} | :: society (association, especially a cultural or scientific one) |
seura {n} | :: club, especially a sports-oriented one |
seura {n} | :: circle, in ompeluseura (sewing circle) |
seuraaja {n} | :: follower |
seuraaja {n} | :: successor |
seuraajafunktio {n} | :: successor function |
seuraaminen {n} | :: following (act of following) |
seuraamus {n} [legal] | :: sanction (penalty, punishment, or some coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance) |
seuraanto {n} [legal, ecology] | :: succession |
seuraava {adj} | :: next, following |
seuraavaksi {adv} | :: next |
seuraavasti {adv} | :: followingly |
seuraavasti {adv} | :: as follows, in the following way |
seuraeläin {n} | :: companion animal |
seuraelämä {n} | :: social life |
seurailija {n} | :: follower |
seurailla {vi} | :: to follow repeatedly or continuously |
seuraintalo {n} | :: synonym of seuratalo |
seurakoira {n} | :: companion dog |
seurakunnallinen {adj} | :: parochial (pertaining to a parish) |
seurakunta {n} | :: A parish (subdivision of diocese) |
seurakunta {n} | :: A congregation, parish (in the sense of community attending a church, members of the parish) |
seurakunta {n} | :: (slightly pejorative) Any group of people who have gathered together |
seurakuntaelämä {n} | :: congregational life, parish life |
seurakuntakoulu {n} | :: parish school |
seurakuntalainen {n} | :: A parishioner |
seurakuntaneuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in the church |
seurakuntasali {n} | :: parish hall |
seurakuntatalo {n} | :: congregation hall, parish hall, church hall |
seurakuntatyö {n} | :: parish work, parochial work |
seurakuntavaalit {n} | :: church elections |
seurakuntaväki {n} | :: parish people, church people |
seurakuntayhtymä {n} | :: A combine of two or more parishes for running the administration and managing the property of member parishes; there are at least two ways to translate the term into English: "parish union" and using the plural form "parishes of X" |
seuralainen {n} | :: companion (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company) |
seuralainen {n} | :: escort (accompanying person) |
seuralainen {n} | :: date (companion in a social occasion) |
seuralainen {n} | :: Also maksettu (paid) ~ : gigolo (hired escort or dancing partner for a woman) |
seuralainen {n} | :: accompaniment (non-musical sense) |
seuraleikki {n} | :: (children's) party game |
seurallinen {adj} | :: outgoing, sociable, gregarious |
seuranhaluisesti {adv} | :: sociably, in a way that is looking for social interactions |
seurannaisvaikutus {n} | :: ramification |
seuranpito {n} | :: association, socializing |
seuranta {n} | :: tracking, monitoring |
seuranta {n} [accounting] | :: control |
seurantakokous {n} | :: follow-up meeting |
seurantalo {n} | :: meeting house, meeting hall |
seurantatutkimus {n} | :: tracking study, followup study |
seuranto {n} [grammar, dated] | :: comitative case |
seurapeli {n} | :: party game (board game or similar played at a party) |
seurapiiri {n} | :: [often used in plural] high society |
seurapiiripalsta {n} | :: high society column (in a newspaper) |
Seurasaaret {n} | :: The Society Islands |
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to follow, accompany (to go or come after in physical space) |
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to keep track, monitor |
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to follow, carry out according to |
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to follow, obey (live one's life according to religion, teachings, etc) |
seurata {vi} | :: to follow, to come next or after (in a sequence) |
seurata {vi} | :: to follow, to ensue (be a consequence of) [from] |
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to follow, pay attention to |
seurata {vt} [programming + partitive] | :: to dereference (a pointer or reference) |
seurata aikaansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to move with the times |
seurata jalanjäljissä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to follow in someone's footsteps |
seurata katseella {v} [literally] | :: to follow with one's look, gaze |
seurata katseella {v} [idiomatic] | :: to turn a blind eye, look the other way (observe something but otherwise ignore) |
seuratalo {n} | :: meeting house |
seuratapa {n} [chiefly in the plural] | :: manner of a social life |
seuratoiminta {n} | :: club activity, social activity |
seurauksena {adv} [with, genitive] | :: as a consequence of |
seuraus {n} | :: consequence |
seuraus {n} | :: result |
seuraus {n} | :: corollary |
seurauslause {n} | :: corollary |
seurojentalo {n} | :: synonym of seuratalo |
seurue {n} | :: group, party (group of people gathered in one place for common cause) |
seurue {n} | :: entourage, retinue (group of attendants, associates or followers) |
seuruepassi {n} | :: collective passport, group passport |
seurustella {v} | :: to date, go out with, go together (to be involved in a romantic relationship) |
seurustella {v} | :: to converse, associate with |
seurustelu {n} | :: dating (romantic courtship) |
seurustelu {n} | :: socializing (interacting with others) |
seurusteluaika {n} | :: dating period |
seurusteluhuone {n} | :: parlor, salon (large room) |
seuruu {n} | :: follow-up |
seutu {n} | :: region |
seutu {n} | :: tract (an area) |
seutukaava {n} | :: regional plan |
seutukaavoitus {n} | :: regional planning |
seutukunta {n} [Finland, administration, legal] | :: sub-region (local administrative unit consisting of municipalities within a region, which is usually defined on economic basis) |
seututie {n} | :: regional road (road belonging to a road class in Finland with roads numbered 100–999) |
seutuvilla {adv} | :: in the region or vicinity of |
seutuville {adv} | :: into the region or vicinity of |
seutuvilta {adv} | :: from the region or vicinity of |
Severi {prop} | :: given name |
Sevettijärvi {n} | :: Sevettijärvi |
Sevilla {prop} | :: Sevilla (capital city) |
Sevilla {prop} | :: Sevilla (province) |
sevillalainen {n} | :: Sevillian (someone from Sevilla, Spain) |
sevillalainen {adj} | :: Sevillian (of or pertaining to Sevilla, Spain) |
Seychellit {prop} | :: The Seychelles |
-sfääri {suffix} | :: -sphere |
sfääri {n} | :: sphere |
sfaleriitti {n} [mineral] | :: sphalerite |
sfenoidaaliluu {n} [skeleton] | :: sphenoid bone |
sferoidinen {adj} | :: spheroid |
sfingolipidi {n} [biochemistry] | :: sphingolipid |
sfinksi {n} [mythology] | :: sphinx |
sfinksipaviaani {n} | :: guinea baboon, Papio papio |
SFNT {n} | :: initialism of sosialistinen federatiivinen neuvostotasavalta |
sfragistiikka {n} [rare] | :: sigillography |
sgabello {n} | :: sgabello |
sgraffito {n} | :: sgraffito |
shaahi {n} | :: alternative spelling of šaahi |
shaahitar {n} | :: alternative spelling of šaahitar |
shaali {n} | :: shawl |
shaivismi {n} | :: Shaivism |
shakaali {n} | :: alternative spelling of sakaali |
shakata {v} [chess] | :: to check |
shaketti {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of saketti |
shakinpelaaja {n} | :: alternative form of šakinpelaaja |
shakki {n} | :: chess |
shakki {n} [chess] | :: check |
shakkikello {n} | :: alternative spelling of šakkikello |
shakkilauta {n} | :: alternative spelling of šakkilauta |
shakkimatti {n} | :: alternative spelling of šakkimatti |
shakkinappula {n} | :: alternative spelling of šakkinappula |
shakkitermi {n} | :: chess term |
shakkitietokone {n} | :: chess computer |
shakuhachi {n} [musical instrument] | :: shakuhachi (instrument) |
shamaani {n} | :: alternative spelling of šamaani |
shamanismi {n} | :: alternative form of šamanismi |
shamanisti {n} | :: alternative form of šamanisti |
shamanistinen {adj} | :: shamanistic |
shamanoida {v} | :: alternative form of šamanoida |
shamisen {n} [musical instruments] | :: shamisen |
shamoutiappelsiini {n} | :: synonym of jaffa-appelsiini |
shampanja {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of samppanja |
shamponoida {v} | :: to shampoo (to spread shampoo on the object that is going to be washed and rub it in) |
shampoo {n} | :: shampoo (commercial liquid soap) |
shamppanja {n} | :: alternative spelling of samppanja |
shan {n} | :: Shan (language spoken in eastern Burma in an area bordering China, Laos and Thailand) |
shan {n} | :: Shan (person belonging to the ethnic minority that speaks the language) |
sharon {n} | :: persimmon |
Sharpen luku {n} [finance] | :: Sharpe ratio |
shawnee {n} [in plural] | :: Shawnee (Native American people from Ohio) |
shawnee {n} | :: Shawnee (language) |
shawnee {n} | :: Shawnee (person) |
sheikki {n} | :: sheikh (Arab leader) |
shekki {n} | :: alternative spelling of sekki |
shekkitili {n} | :: alternative spelling of šekkitili |
shekkivihko {n} | :: cheque book |
sheriffi {n} | :: sheriff |
sherry {n} | :: sherry |
Shetlandin saaret {prop} [dated] | :: alternative form of Shetlannin saaret |
shetlanninlammaskoira {n} | :: A breed of herding dog that originates from the Shetland Islands |
shetlanninponi {n} | :: Shetland pony |
Shetlannin saaret {prop} | :: The Shetland Islands |
Shetlanninsaaret {prop} | :: alternative form of Shetlannin saaret |
shetlanninvilla {n} | :: Shetland wool |
Shetlanti {prop} | :: Shetland (group of islands north of Scotland) |
shigelloosi {n} [pathology] | :: dysentery |
shih tzu {n} | :: shih tzu, Shih Tzu (breed of dog) |
shiia {n} | :: Shiite, Shi'a (follower of the Shi'ism) |
shiialainen {adj} | :: Shiite, Shi'ite (of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam) |
shiialainen {n} | :: Shiite (follower of Shia Islam) |
shiialaisuus {n} | :: Shia Islam (branch of Islam) |
shiiamuslimi {n} | :: Shiite, Shi'a, Shia Muslim (follower of the Shi'ism) |
shikaani {n} [motor racing] | :: chicane |
shikaani {n} [legal] | :: chicanery |
shikoku {n} | :: shikoku |
shillinki {n} | :: alternative spelling of šillinki |
shinto {n} | :: alternative form of šinto |
shintolainen {n} | :: alternative form of šintolainen |
shintolaisuus {n} | :: alternative spelling of šintolaisuus |
shish kebab {n} | :: shish kebab (roasted meat dish) |
Shiva {prop} | :: Shiva (Hindu deity) |
shokeerata {v} | :: to shock, stun (to cause to be emotionally shocked) |
shokki {n} | :: alternative spelling of šokki |
shokkiaalto {n} | :: alternative spelling of sokkiaalto |
shokkilamelli {n} [geology] | :: shock lamella |
shokkimetamorfoosi {n} [geology] | :: shock metamorphism |
shona {n} | :: Shona (language) |
shona {n} | :: Shona (person) |
shona {n} [in plural] | :: Shona (people) |
shop {n} [Anglism] | :: Alternative form of shoppi (establishment that sells goods or services to the public) |
shopata {v} | :: Alternative term for shoppailla |
shoppailla {vi} | :: to shop (to visit shops) |
shoppailu {n} | :: shopping |
shoppi {n} [Anglism] | :: shop, store (establishment that sells goods or services to the public) |
shortata {v} [finance, slang] | :: to short, sell short (to sell something, especially securities, that one does not own at the moment for delivery at a later date) |
shortsihame {n} | :: culottes, skort |
shortsit {n} | :: shorts (short trousers or pants) |
shorttaaminen {n} [finance, slang] | :: short selling |
shorttaus {n} [finance, slang] | :: short selling, shorting |
shotti {n} | :: shot of alcohol (measure of alcohol, usually spirits) |
shottilasi {n} | :: shot glass, particularly one that widens at the top |
show {n} | :: show (entertainment) |
showpaini {n} [entertainment] | :: wrestling, professional wrestling |
shuari {n} | :: Shuar (language) |
shuari {n} | :: Shuar (member of Shuar people) |
shuari {n} [in plural] | :: Shuar (indigenous people of Ecuador) |
shuttle-bussi {n} | :: synonym of sukkulabussi |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: suffix used with or without sinun (the genitive of the personal pronoun sinä), corresponds to the English possessive pronoun your (addressing one person; in archaic English: thy) |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: appended to a genitive-requiring postposition that is after or without sinun (the genitive of the personal pronoun sinä), you (addressing one person; in archaic English: thee) |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person); appended to the active present participle in genitive singular when the action is concurrent with the main clause |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person); appended to the active past participle in genitive singular when the said/alleged (etc.) action antedates the main clause |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: used in a shortened sentence expressing concurrent actions when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the inessive of the active second infinitive |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: used in a shortened sentence expressing subsequent actions when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the partitive of the passive past participle singular |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: used in a final shortened sentence expressing "in order to do" when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the long first infinitive |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: Used in some adverbs, when the clause has the subject "you" (addressing one person) |
-si {suffix} [possessive] | :: Always appended to a noun in the comitative case when the clause has the subject "you" (addressing one person). |
sialma {n} [geology] | :: sima |
siam {n} [archaic] | :: Thai (language) |
Siam {prop} | :: Siam |
siamanki {n} | :: siamang, Symphalangus syndactylus or Hylobates syndactylus (a species of gibbon) |
siamilainen {adj} [archaic] | :: Siamese (of or pertaining to Siam) |
siamilainen {n} [archaic] | :: Thai (person) |
siamilainen {n} | :: Siamese (breed of cat) |
siamilaiset kaksoset {n} | :: conjoined twins, Siamese twins |
siaminkielinen {adj} [archaic] | :: synonym of thainkielinen |
siaminkissa {n} | :: Siamese (breed of cat) |
siaminpiikkisilmä {n} | :: Myer's loach, Myer's kuhli, giant kuhli, Pangio myersi (small worm-like fish native to Mekong river, sometimes kept as aquarium fish) |
sianharjas {n} | :: boar bristle |
sianjalostus {n} | :: selective pig breeding |
siankärsämö {n} [plant] | :: common yarrow (Achillea millefolium) |
siankasvattaja {n} | :: pig farmer |
siankasvatus {n} | :: pig farming |
siankuonoleikko {n} | :: Mexican long-tongued bat, Choeronycteris mexicana |
siankuonolepakko {n} | :: Kitti's hog-nosed bat, Craseonycteris thonglongyai (small bat found in western Thailand and southeast Burma) |
siankyljys {n} | :: synonym of porsaankyljys |
siankylki {n} | :: side of pork |
sianliha {n} | :: pork (the meat of a pig) |
sianlihakastike {n} | :: a stew or sauce made of pork chops grilled or browned in butter with onions and flour |
sianmarja {n} [regional] | :: bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
sianmustikka {n} | :: synonym of variksenmarja |
sianpieremä {n} [obscene] | :: sparrow-fart (UK, Austr.: time very early in the day; dawn) |
sianpuola {n} | :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka |
sianpuolukka {n} [plant] | :: any bearberry, especially the species common bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
sianruoka {n} | :: swill (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps fed to pigs) |
sianruoka {n} [colloquial] | :: bad-tasting food |
siansaksa {n} | :: gibberish, double Dutch (speech or writing that is unintelligible, incoherent or meaningless) |
siansaparo {n} | :: pigtail (tail of a pig) |
siansaparoapina {n} | :: pigtail macaque |
siansivu {n} | :: pork flank |
siansorkka {n} | :: hoof of a pig |
siansorkka {n} | :: pig's trotter (foot of a pig cooked as food) |
siansorkka {n} [nautical, knots] | :: clove hitch |
siansuoli {n} | :: pig's intestine |
Sibelius {prop} | :: surname, notably of the Finnish composer "Jean" Sibelius |
sibeliusryppy {n} | :: vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows |
sibilantti {n} | :: sibilant |
side {n} | :: bandage |
side {n} | :: bond |
side {n} | :: sanitary towel |
side {n} [anatomy] | :: ligament |
sideaine {n} | :: binder, adhesive |
sideerinen {adj} [astronomy] | :: sidereal |
sideerinen vuosi {n} [astronomy] | :: sidereal year |
sideharso {n} | :: gauze (bleached cotton fabric used as surgical dressing) |
sidekaari {n} [music] | :: slur (symbol indicating a legato passage) |
sidekalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: conjunctiva |
sidekalvontulehdus {n} [medicine] | :: conjunctivitis, pinkeye |
sidekisko {n} | :: fishplate |
sidekudos {n} [anatomy] | :: connective tissue |
sidelanka {n} | :: ligature (cord or similar thing used to tie something) |
sidepultti {n} | :: tie bolt, anchor bolt |
sideriitti {n} [mineral] | :: siderite |
sidesana {n} [grammar] | :: conjunction |
sidetaitos {n} | :: gauze compress |
sidetiili {n} [masonry] | :: header (brick that is laid sideways) |
sidevokaali {n} [linguistics] | :: a paragogic vowel added to facilitate inflection of (foreign) words |
sidoksiin {adv} | :: into being linked, associated, bound or tied (with) |
sidoksissa {adv} | :: linked, associated, bound or tied (with) |
sidonnainen {adj} | :: encumbered |
sidonnainen {adj} [linguistics] | :: bound |
sidonnainen morfeemi {n} [linguistics] | :: bound morpheme |
sidonnaisuus {n} | :: interest, linkage, encumbrance |
sidonta {n} | :: tying (act of tying) |
sidonta {n} | :: binding |
sidonta {n} | :: dressing, bandaging (act of dressing wounds) |
sidonta {n} | :: bookbinding |
sidonta {n} [boxing, martial arts] | :: clinch |
sidonta {n} [BDSM] | :: bondage |
sidontapaikka {n} | :: dressing station (place where wounds are dressed) |
sidontatarpeet {n} | :: bandage (materials used as bandage collectively) |
sidos {n} | :: bond |
sidos {n} | :: linkage |
sidos {n} | :: weave |
sidosaine {n} | :: adhesive, binding agent |
sidosasu {n} | :: binding form (of a book) |
sidoselektronipari {n} [chemistry] | :: bonding electron pair |
sidosenergia {n} [physics] | :: binding energy |
sidoskulma {n} [chemistry] | :: bond angle |
sidosryhmä {n} | :: stakeholder |
sidostaja {n} [linguistics] | :: cohesive device |
sidottaa {vt} | :: to make or let tie or bind |
sidottu {adj} | :: bound |
sidottu {adj} | :: bandaged |
sidottu {adj} | :: assigned, associated, tied to |
sidottu {adj} [linear algebra] | :: linearly dependent (of a set of vectors) |
sie {pron} [personal, dialectal, including, Kven] | :: you (singular; in archaic English: thou) |
siedätys {n} [immunology] | :: immunotherapy |
siedätyshoito {n} [immunology] | :: immunotherapy |
siedettävä {adj} | :: tolerable, bearable, endurable |
siedettävästi {adv} | :: tolerably, bearably (in a tolerable or bearable manner) |
siekailematta {adv} | :: unscrupulously, unhesitatingly |
siekailemattomasti {adv} | :: unhesitatingly, unscrupulously |
siekailla {vi} | :: to hesitate, to delay |
siekale {n} | :: a small part of cloth; rag, shred |
Siekkinen {prop} | :: surname |
sielikkö {n} | :: creeping azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens |
siellä {adv} [static] | :: there (when the speaker does not point at the place) |
siellä täällä {adv} | :: here and there (in one place and another) |
sieltä {adv} | :: from there, thence (from a place not pointed at by the speaker) |
sielu {n} | :: soul |
sielu {n} | :: moving spirit (one who provides significant impetus or guidance in a given venture, movement, enterprise etc.) |
sielukas {adj} | :: soulful |
sielukellot {n} | :: alternative form of sielunkellot |
sielukkaasti {adv} | :: soulfully |
sielullisesti {adv} | :: spiritually, emotionally |
sielullistaa {vt} | :: to spiritualize |
sielumessu {n} | :: requiem mass |
sielunahdistus {n} | :: anguish of the soul |
sielunasia {n} | :: matter of the soul |
sielunelämä {n} | :: emotional life |
sielunhätä {n} | :: spiritual agony |
sielunhoitaja {n} | :: spiritual counsellor |
sielunhoito {n} | :: pastoral care |
sielunhoitotyö {n} | :: pastoral duty, pastoral coaching |
sielunkamppailu {n} | :: struggle of the soul |
sielunkellot {n} | :: synonym of sanomakellot |
sielunlääkäri {n} | :: spiritual healer |
sielunmaisema {n} | :: landscape of the soul, mindset |
sielunmessu {n} | :: A requiem |
sielunpaimen {n} [poetic] | :: priest |
sielunpalo {n} [figuratively] | :: enthusiasm ("fire of the soul") |
sielunrakenne {n} | :: structure of the soul, character |
sielunrauha {n} | :: peace of mind |
sieluntaistelu {n} | :: battle or struggle of the soul |
sielunterveys {n} | :: health of the soul |
sieluntila {n} | :: state of the soul |
sieluntoiminto {n} | :: function of the soul |
sieluntuska {n} | :: spiritual agony or pain |
sielunvaellus {n} | :: transmigration, metempsychosis |
sielunvamma {n} | :: a negatively perceived mental behavior, property or disease |
sielunvihollinen {n} [biblical] | :: Satan, devil. Literally “enemy of soul” |
sieluoppi {n} | :: doctrine of or about a soul |
sielutiede {n} [archaic] | :: psychology |
sielutieteilijä {n} [archaic] | :: psychologist |
sieluttaa {vt} [uncommon] | :: to spiritualize |
sielu-usko {n} | :: animism |
siemailla {v} | :: To sip |
siemaista {v} | :: to gulp |
siemen {n} | :: seed |
siemen {n} [dated] | :: semen |
siemen {n} | :: precursor |
siemenaihe {n} [botany] | :: ovule (structure in a plant that develops into a seed after fertilization) |
siemenaiheen kalvo {n} [botany] | :: integument |
siemenaiheen sydän {n} [botany] | :: nucellus (tissue which surrounds and protects the embryo and lies inside of the integuments) |
siemenetön {adj} | :: seedless |
siemenettömyys {n} | :: seedlessness |
siemenholvi {n} | :: seed vault |
siemenjohdin {n} [anatomy] | :: vas deferens |
siemenkasvi {n} | :: phanerogam, spermatophyte (plant that produces seeds rather than spores) |
siemenkota {n} | :: seed pod, seed capsule |
siemenneste {n} | :: semen, sperm |
siemennesteinen {adj} | :: spermous |
siemenperuna {n} | :: A seed potato |
siemenpuu {n} [forestry] | :: seed tree (superior tree left standing at the time of cutting to produce seed for reforestation) |
siemenpuu {n} | :: A yet ungrafted fruit tree grown from the seed |
siemens {n} | :: siemens (unit of electrical conductance) |
siemensyöjä {n} | :: granivore |
siemensyöksy {n} [biology] | :: ejaculation (forcible ejection of semen from the mammalian urethra, a reflex in response to sexual stimulation) |
siementää {vt} | :: to seed, to inseminate |
siementiede {n} | :: carpology |
siementyä {vi} | :: to be seeded, to be inseminated |
siemenvaippa {n} [botany] | :: aril |
siemenvilja {n} | :: seed corn, seed grain (seed saved from one year's harvest for the subsequent year's planting) |
siemenvuosi {n} | :: year of seeds (usually used when speaking of a good or bad year in terms of production of seeds) |
sienestää {vti} | :: To collect/gather mushrooms, mushroom |
sienestäjä {n} | :: One who picks mushrooms |
sienestys {n} | :: mushroom hunting, picking, mushrooming |
sienettyä {v} | :: to become covered with fungal growth |
sieni {n} | :: fungus |
sieni {n} | :: mushroom |
sieni {n} | :: sponge, bath sponge; shorter form of pesusieni |
sieni {n} | :: sponge (porous material) |
sieni {n} [colloquial] | :: sponge (heavy drinker) |
sieniaika {n} | :: The time of year when mushrooms can be collected |
sieniasema {n} | :: mushroom processing plant |
sienieläin {n} | :: sponge (invertebrate of the phylum Porifera) |
sieni-itiö {n} | :: fungal spore |
sienijuuri {n} | :: mycorrhiza |
sienikartta {n} | :: a diagram of mushrooms intended for mushroom collectors to help in identifying edible mushrooms |
sienikastike {n} | :: mushroom sauce |
sienikehä {n} | :: fairy ring (circular growth of mushrooms on a lawn etc.) |
sienikeitto {n} | :: mushroom soup |
sienikukko {n} | :: a food baked in a loaf of bread with a mushroom filling |
sienikunta {n} | :: Fungi, the kingdom of fungi |
sienikylpy {n} | :: sponge bath |
sienilääke {n} | :: antifungal (drug that inhibits the growth of fungi) |
sienimäinen {adj} | :: mushroom or mushroom-shaped |
sienimäinen {adj} | :: spongy |
sienimetsä {n} | :: a woods or forest good for finding and collecting mushrooms |
sienimö {n} | :: mushroom farm, a place where mushroom cultivation takes place |
sienimuhennos {n} | :: mushroom stew |
sienimyrkky {n} | :: mycotoxin |
sienimyrkytys {n} | :: mushroom poisoning |
sienineuvoja {n} | :: mushroom advisor, mushroom guide (person) |
sienipesin {n} | :: sponge mop |
sienipiirakka {n} | :: mushroom pie |
sienipilvi {n} | :: mushroom cloud |
sieniretki {n} | :: a trip to collect mushrooms |
sienirihma {n} | :: hypha |
sienirihmasto {n} | :: mycelium |
sieniruoka {n} | :: Food prepared from mushrooms |
sienisalaatti {n} | :: mushroom salad |
sienisato {n} | :: mushroom yield, mushroom crop |
sienisokeri {n} | :: trehalose |
sienistö {n} | :: fungi, range of fungi (fungi considered as a group, especially those of a region) |
sienitauti {n} | :: fungal disease |
sienitiede {n} | :: mycology |
sienivärjäys {n} | :: dyeing with mushroom dyes |
sieniviljelmä {n} | :: culture of fungi |
siepakka {n} | :: synonym of nutukas |
siepata {v} | :: To snatch, to catch, to nab, to grab |
siepata {v} | :: To intercept, to capture |
siepata {v} | :: To kidnap |
siepata {v} [slang] | :: To get on one's nerves, to be pissed off |
sieppaaja {n} | :: kidnapper, abductor |
sieppari {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: catcher |
sieppari {n} | :: catcher (device that catches signals) |
sieppari {n} | :: any passerine bird of the genus Empidonax |
sieppari {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Empidonax |
sieppaus {n} | :: A snatch, catch (act of capturing something with a swift motion) |
sieppaus {n} | :: An interception (act of capturing, e.g. an enemy message, the ball in a ballgame) |
sieppaus {n} | :: A kidnapping |
sieppi {n} [archaic] | :: halter (horse's headgear) |
sieppi {n} [archaic] | :: chain |
sieppi {n} [slang] | :: fit (sudden outburst of emotion) |
sieppo {n} | :: flycatcher, especially an Old World flycatcher (bird of the family Muscicapidae) |
sieppomuura {n} | :: cinereous antshrike |
sieppuri {n} | :: a cape or cloak made of bear fur |
siera {n} | :: A grindstone made from sandstone |
sierain {n} | :: nostril |
sierettää {vt} [rare, of skin] | :: to chap |
sierettyä {vi} [rare, of skin] | :: to get chapped |
Sierra Leone {prop} | :: Sierra Leone (country) |
sierraleonelainen {n} | :: Sierra Leonean |
sierraleonelainen {adj} | :: Sierra Leonean |
siesta {n} | :: siesta |
sietä {v} | :: alternative form of siitä |
sietä {v} [of sleep] | :: to become deeper |
sietää {v} | :: to tolerate, endure |
sietää {v} | :: to stand |
sietämätön {adj} | :: unbearable |
sietämättömästi {adv} | :: unbearably, intolerably, unacceptably |
sietoalue {n} | :: tolerance range |
sietokyky {n} | :: tolerance, endurance |
sietoraja {n} | :: Limit of tolerance |
sievä {adj} | :: cute, pretty |
sievästi {adv} | :: prettily |
sieventää {vt} | :: to prettify |
sieventää {vt} [mathematics] | :: to simplify, reduce |
sieventyä {vi} | :: to become prettier |
sievert {n} | :: sievert (unit of radiation dose) |
sievetä {vi} | :: to become prettier |
Sievi {prop} | :: Sievi (municipality) |
sieviläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sievi |
sieviläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sievi |
sievin {adj} | :: superlative of sievä |
Sievinen {prop} | :: surname |
sievistää {vt} | :: to make (more) cute or pretty |
sievistelijä {n} | :: prude |
sievistellä {vt} | :: to sugarcoat, to pussyfoot, to embellish |
sievistellä {vi} | :: to act dandy, to pose |
sievistyä {vi} | :: to become prettier |
sievoinen {adj} | :: bountiful, nice, tidy, hefty, quite a (generous; considerable) |
sifoni {n} | :: soda siphon |
sifoni {n} [rare] | :: siphon (bent pipe or tube used to move liquid from one reservoir to another) |
sifonki {n} | :: chiffon |
šifonki {n} | :: alternative spelling of sifonki |
sifonkikakku {n} | :: chiffon cake (very light cake made with vegetable oil) |
sigge {n} [slang] | :: stogie (cigar) |
sigillografia {n} [rare] | :: sigillography |
sigma {n} | :: sigma (Greek letter) |
sigmasidos {n} [chemistry] | :: sigma bond |
sigmasuoli {n} [anatomy] | :: sigmoid colon |
sigmoidi {n} | :: sigmoid |
signaali {n} | :: signal |
signaaliarvo {n} [electronics] | :: signal value |
signaaligeneraattori {n} [electronics] | :: signal generator |
signaali-kohinasuhde {n} | :: signal-to-noise ratio |
signaalilippu {n} | :: signal flag |
signaalinkäsittely {n} | :: signal processing |
signaaliprosessori {n} | :: signal processor |
signaaliteho {n} | :: signal power (measured in watts for instance) |
signeerata {vt} [art] | :: to sign (such as a painting) |
signifikantti {n} [math] | :: significand (part of floating-point number that contains the significant digits) |
signifikantti {adj} [rare] | :: synonym of merkittävä |
signifikantti {adj} [rare] | :: synonym of merkitsevä |
sihahdella {vi} | :: to sizzle or hiss repeatedly |
sihahtaa {vi} | :: to sizzle or hiss once |
sihauttaa {vt} | :: to hiss, to fizzle |
sihauttaa {vt} [figurative] | :: to crack open a can |
sihdata {v} | :: to aim, target |
sihdata {v} | :: to sift, sieve |
sihinä {n} | :: sizzle, hiss |
sihistä {vi} | :: to hiss |
sihistä {vi} | :: to sizzle |
sihtailla {vi} [colloquial] | :: to aim for |
sihteeri {n} | :: a secretary (a person keeping records and handling clerical work) |
sihteeri {n} | :: a secretary (leading or managerial position in certain non-profit organizations) |
sihteeri {n} | :: a secretary (species of bird; Sagittarius serpentarius), also sihteerilintu |
sihteerikkö {n} | :: female secretary |
sihteerilintu {n} | :: A secretary (species of bird; Sagittarius serpentarius) |
sihteeristö {n} | :: secretariat |
sihti {n} | :: shifter |
sihti {n} | :: sieve |
sihti {n} [colloquial] | :: sight (a device used in aiming a projectile) |
sihveli {n} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: dustpan |
Sihvonen {prop} | :: surname |
sii {n} | :: synonym of siihirsi |
šiia {n} | :: Shiite |
šiialainen {adj} | :: Shiite, Shi'ite (of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam) |
šiialainen {n} | :: Shiite (follower of Shia Islam) |
šiialaisuus {n} | :: Shi'a Islam |
šiiamuslimi {n} | :: Alternative spelling of shiiamuslimi |
siida {n} | :: sida (plant of the genus Sida) |
siida {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Sida |
siide {n} | :: fine snow |
siideri {n} | :: cider (alcoholic beverage) |
siihen aikaan {phrase} | :: at that time |
siihen asti {adv} | :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that |
siihenastinen {adj} | :: up until that point, up to that point, until then |
siihen mennessä {adv} | :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that |
siihen saakka {adv} | :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that |
siihirsi {n} [historical] | :: a timber supporting a traditional birch-bark roof, located on the lower side |
siika {n} | :: common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), or any of its subspecies |
siika {n} | :: Any fish in the genus Coregonus with the exception of muikku (Coregonus albula) |
Siikainen {prop} | :: Siikainen (municipality) |
siikaislainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Siikainen |
siikaislainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Siikainen |
siikajokelainen {adj} | :: alternative form of siikajokinen |
siikajokelainen {n} | :: alternative form of siikajokinen |
Siikajoki {prop} | :: Siikajoki (municipality) |
Siikajoki {prop} | :: Siikajoki (river) |
siikajokinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Siikajoki (Finnish municipality) |
siikajokinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Siikajoki (Finnish municipality) |
Siikalatva {prop} | :: Siikalatva (municipality), formed in 2009 by merger of the former municipalities Kestilä, Piippola, Pulkkila and Rantsila |
siikalatvalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Siikalatva |
siikalatvalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Siikalatva |
siilata {vt} [rare] | :: to strain, to filtrate |
siilautua {v} | :: synonym of suodattua |
siili {n} | :: hedgehog (small mammal of the subfamily Erinaceinae) |
siili {n} | :: hedgehog, European hedgehog, common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) |
siili {n} [electronics, colloquial] | :: heat sink |
siili {n} [colloquial] | :: short for siilitukka |
siili {n} [colloquial] | :: sieve |
siiliasema {n} [military] | :: a post used in hedgehog defence |
siilimäinen {adj} | :: erinaceous (of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog) |
siilinjärveläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Siilinjärvi (Finnish municipality) |
siilinjärveläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Siilinjärvi (Finnish municipality) |
Siilinjärvi {prop} | :: Siilinjärvi (municipality) |
siilitukka {n} [colloquial] | :: buzzcut |
siilo {n} | :: silo |
siima {n} | :: fishing line, fishline |
siima {n} [botany, zoology] | :: flagellum |
siimaeliö {n} [biology] | :: flagellate (type of protozoa) |
siimajalkainen {n} | :: barnacle (marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia) |
siimes {n} | :: shade (shaded place in outdoors) |
Siimes {prop} | :: surname |
Siimon {prop} [archaic] | :: Simon (Biblical figure) |
Siimon {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
-siin {suffix} | :: plural form of illative suffix -seen |
Siina {prop} | :: given name |
siinä {pron} | :: there |
siinä {pron} | :: mikäs siinä = why not |
Siinai {prop} | :: Sinai |
Siinain niemimaa {prop} | :: Sinai |
Siinainvuori {prop} | :: Mount Sinai |
siinä kaikki {phrase} | :: that's all |
siinä määrin kuin {phrase} | :: insofar as, inasmuch as, in that (to the extent that) |
siinä mielessä {phrase} | :: in the sense |
siinä mielessä {phrase} | :: in that sense |
siinä missä {phrase} | :: where (while on the contrary; although; whereas) |
siinä näet {interj} [idiomatic] | :: alternative form of näet |
siinä paha missä mainitaan {phrase} [idiomatic, humorous] | :: speak of the devil |
siinä paikassa {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: on the spot, right away (at that very moment) |
siinä tapauksessa {phrase} | :: in that case; in case (that) |
siinnellä {vi} | :: to loom somewhat |
siintää {vi} | :: to loom at a distance, to be in sight |
siintyä {vi} [of a smoke sauna] | :: to get rid of unpleasant fumes (tiku, kitku) |
Siion {prop} [biblical] | :: Zion |
siipeilijä {n} | :: sponge (person who takes advantage of the generosity of others) |
siipeillä {v} [slang] | :: To sponge (to take advantage of others) |
siipi {n} | :: wing (animal appendage for flying) |
siipi {n} | :: wing (airplane part) |
siipi {n} | :: wing (part of building) |
siipi {n} | :: wing (fraction of political movement) |
siipi {n} | :: wing (slang: human hand) |
siipi {n} | :: sail (blade of a windmill) |
siipi {n} | :: blade or a paddle of a water wheel or a paddlewheel |
siipi {n} | :: blade of a turbine or a propeller |
siipi {n} [idiomatic] | :: mood |
siipialttari {n} | :: triptych that is used as altar painting |
siipiensä alla {adv} [idiomatic] | :: under one's wing |
siipiensä alle {adv} [idiomatic] | :: (to) under one's wing |
siipiensä suojaan {adv} | :: synonym of siipiensä alle |
siipiensä suojassa {adv} | :: synonym of siipiensä alla |
siipikarja {n} | :: poultry (domesticated fowl collectively) |
siipikarjanliha {n} | :: poultry meat |
siipikarjatalous {n} | :: poultry farming, poultry industry |
siipikone {n} | :: a plane on one wing of a jet squadron |
siipikotilo {n} [mollusks] | :: conch; any of the mollusks in the family Strombidae |
siipilihas {n} [anatomy] | :: pterygoid muscle |
siipilyöntilentokone {n} | :: ornithopter (aircraft) |
siipimies {n} [aviation] | :: wingman (pilot partner of another, fighter pilot whose role is the protect another plane) |
siipimies {n} | :: wingman (male friend who accompanies one to offer support, especially in picking up women in a bar or similar) |
siipimies {n} [rare] | :: synonym of siipeilijä |
siipiopastin {n} [rail transport] | :: semaphore |
siipipapu {n} | :: winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) |
siipiprofiili {n} | :: airfoil |
siipipumppu {n} | :: vane pump |
siipipyörä {n} | :: impeller |
siipirakennus {n} | :: wing, annex (of a building) |
siipiratas {n} | :: paddlewheel |
siipiratasalus {n} | :: paddle steamer |
siipiratashöyry {n} | :: paddle steamer |
siipirataslaiva {n} | :: paddlewheel ship |
siipirikko {n} | :: wounded bird, crippled bird |
siipirikko {n} [figuratively] | :: lame duck (a person or thing that is helpless, inefficient or disabled) |
siipiruuvi {n} | :: winged screw |
siipisaurus {n} | :: pterosaur |
siipisimppu {n} | :: red lionfish, Pterois volitans |
siipisulka {n} [ornithology] | :: wing feather (any asymmetrical feather of the wing of a bird) |
siipisuoni {n} | :: A vein (nervure of an insect's wing) |
siipisuoni {n} | :: A nervure (chitinous rib that supports an insect's wing) |
siippa {n} [colloquial] | :: spouse |
siippa {n} | :: Any bat of the subfamily Vespertilioninae of the family Vespertilionidae (vesper bats) |
siippa {n} | :: mouse-eared bat (bat of the genus Myotis within the subfamily Vespertilioninae) |
siira {n} | :: isopod |
siirappi {n} | :: syrup |
siirappimainen {adj} | :: syrupy |
siirappinen {adj} | :: syrupy taste |
siirappinen {adj} | :: overly sweet or sentimental |
siirappivohveli {n} | :: stroopwafel |
Siiri {prop} | :: given name |
siirottaa {vi} | :: to jut, to protrude |
siirrähtää {vi} | :: to move suddenly (some uses may be translated with twitch, lunge or jump) |
siirrännäinen {n} [medicine] | :: transplant (transplanted organ or tissue) |
siirräntä {n} | :: transfer |
siirräntä {n} [computing] | :: input/output |
siirrättää {vt} | :: to make move, to have (something) moved |
siirre {n} | :: graft (piece of tissue) |
siirrellä {vt} | :: to move around, to move repeatedly |
siirrettävä {adj} | :: portable (able to be easily moved) |
siirrettävä {adj} | :: transferable |
siirrettävyys {n} | :: portability, transferability |
siirrin {n} | :: transporter |
siirros {n} [geology, seismology] | :: fault |
siirroslinja {n} [geology] | :: fault line (line formed on the surface of the Earth as visible edge of a fault plane) |
siirrospinta {n} [geology] | :: fault plane (plane, or surface formed between two rock blocks that move in relation to each other during an earthquake) |
siirrostaa {v} | :: to inoculate |
siirryntä {n} | :: transfer |
siirryntä {n} | :: shift, shifting |
siirtää {vt} | :: to move, transfer |
siirtää {vt} | :: to transfer (data, money or energy) |
siirtää {vt} | :: to reschedule, postpone |
siirtää {vt} [medicine] | :: to transplant (tissue, organ) |
siirtää {vt} [computing] | :: to port (to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform) |
siirtää maalitolppia {v} [idiomatic] | :: to move the goalposts |
siirtää rahaa taskusta toiseen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to rob Peter to pay Paul |
siirtäjä-rna {n} [biochemistry] | :: transfer RNA |
siirtäjä-RNA {n} [biochemistry] | :: transfer RNA |
siirtäminen {n} | :: transfer, transferal, conveyance, removal |
siirtäminen {n} | :: postponement |
siirtäminen {n} | :: rain check |
siirto {n} | :: move, shift, transport |
siirto {n} | :: transfer |
siirtoäänivaali {n} [usually, in plural] | :: single transferable vote election |
siirtoäänivaalitapa {n} | :: single transferable vote |
siirtofunktio {n} [mathematics] | :: transfer function |
siirtogeeninen {adj} | :: transgenic |
siirtoheitin {n} | :: computer screen projector |
siirtokokoelma {n} | :: a collection of works in a library transferred from another library |
siirtokunta {n} | :: colony (a settlement of emigrants) |
siirtokuva {n} | :: transfer (design conveyed by contact from one surface to another) |
siirtokuvakoristelu {n} | :: (heat) transfer decoration |
siirtola {n} | :: settlement |
siirtolainen {n} | :: migrant; immigrant or emigrant |
siirtolaisuus {n} | :: migration, immigration |
siirtolapuutarha {n} | :: An allotment garden, often found in towns, on which the plotholder is allowed to build or use a small hut for summer use |
siirtolava {n} | :: synonym of vaihtolava |
siirtolinja {n} | :: transmission line |
siirtolohkare {n} [geology] | :: erratic, glacial erratic, erratic block (a substantial piece of rock carried away from its original location by a glacier) |
siirtomaa {n} | :: colony (land ruled by another country) |
siirtomaa-aika {n} | :: colonial period, colonial era, colonial times |
siirtomaajoukot {n} [military] | :: colonial troops, colonial army (military force recruited from the colonies) |
siirtomaapolitiikka {n} | :: colonial policy |
siirtomaasota {n} | :: colonial war |
siirtomaatavara {n} [usually in plural, dated] | :: colonial goods, colonial produce |
siirtomaatavarakauppa {n} [dated] | :: colonial goods store (grocery store which trades goods regarded as colonial, or originating from the colonies) |
siirtomaatyyli {n} [architecture] | :: colonial style (building design style associated with the colonial period) |
siirtomaavalta {n} | :: a colonial power |
siirtomenot {n} | :: transfer (subsidy) |
siirtonopeus {n} | :: transfer rate (rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second) |
siirtopakko {n} [chess] | :: zugzwang |
siirtorata {n} [aerospace] | :: transfer orbit |
siirtorekisteri {n} [computing, electronics] | :: shift register |
siirtosaaminen {n} [accounting] | :: a prepayment (an asset recognized in respect an expense incurred in a period for which the benefit will be received in a future period; credit expected to be paid in a latter accounting period) |
siirtosuomalainen {n} | :: synonym of suomalaissiirtolainen |
siirtotie {n} | :: link (communications link used for transmission) |
siirtotuoli {n} | :: transfer chair (light wheelchair for short distance transport of disabled persons on airports, railway stations etc.) |
siirtotyöläinen {n} | :: migrant worker |
siirtotyömaa {n} [historical] | :: workplace or such located outside the rural community the unemployed people of which it is intended for |
siirtotyöväki {n} | :: migrant workers or laborers collectively |
siirtotyövoima {n} | :: migrant labor |
siirtoväki {n} | :: displaced people |
siirtovelka {n} [accounting] | :: an accrual (from the debtor's viewpoint, a charge incurred in one accounting period that has not been paid by the end of it) |
siirtyä {vi} | :: to move (move from place to place; to go) |
siirtyä ajasta ikuisuuteen {v} [idiomatic, euphemistic] | :: To pass away |
siirtyä autuaammille metsästysmaille {v} [idiomatic] | :: To buy the farm, die (literally: "to move on to the more blessed hunting fields") |
siirtyä tuonpuoleiseen {vi} [literary, poetic] | :: To die, pass away (literally: "to move on to the beyond") |
siirtyillä {vi} | :: to move around, to move repeatedly |
siirtymä {n} | :: transition |
siirtymä {n} | :: displacement |
siirtymäaika {n} | :: transition period, transition time |
siirtymäalkuaine {n} [chemistry] | :: transition element |
siirtymäkausi {n} | :: period of transition |
siirtymämetalli {n} [chemistry] | :: transition metal |
siirtymäriitti {n} | :: rite of passage |
siirtymäsäännös {n} [law] | :: A transitional provision (statutory provision that regulates a process that starts before an amendment or enactment of the statute comes into force, and ends after the amendment or enactment of the statute has come into force) |
siirtymäsana {n} | :: catchword, custodian |
siirtymätalous {n} [economics] | :: transition economy |
siirtyminen {n} | :: transition (process of change from one form, state, style or place to another) |
siis {adv} | :: thus, so |
siis {adv} | :: therefore |
siiseli {n} | :: European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus |
siisna {n} | :: a band of birchbark |
siispä {adv} | :: so, thus |
siistata {vt} | :: to deink (of paper) |
siistein {adj} | :: superlative of siisti |
siisteys {n} | :: cleanness |
siisti {adj} | :: clean, neat |
siisti {adj} [slang] | :: cool, wicked |
siistiä {interj} [slang] | :: wicked! cool! |
siistiä {v} | :: To clean (up) |
siistijä {n} | :: cleaner |
siistimpi {adj} | :: comparative of siisti |
siistintä {n} | :: cleaning |
siististi {adv} | :: cleanly |
siistiytyä {vi} | :: to clean up oneself, tidy up |
siitä {vi} [biblical, of a human being] | :: To be conceived |
siitä {vi} [esp. of animals] | :: To procreate |
siitä {vi} [figuratively] | :: To become more common, grow |
siitää {v} [dialectal] | :: to endure, to tolerate, to stand |
siitä huolimatta {phrase} | :: See: huolimatta |
siitä huolimatta {phrase} | :: that said, even so |
siitake {n} | :: shiitake (Lentinula edodes) |
siitakesieni {n} | :: shiitake (Lentinula edodes) |
siitä lähtien {adv} | :: ever since |
siitä lähtien, kun {conj} | :: ever since, since (continuously from the time that) |
siitä pitäen {adv} | :: ever since |
siitä saakka {adv} | :: ever since |
siitäs sait {phrase} [colloquial] | :: in your face, take that |
siitä vaan {interj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of siitä vain |
siitä vaan {adv} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of siitä vain |
siitä vain {interj} | :: go ahead, go for it, feel free, be my guest (expression of acceptance for someone to do something) |
siitä vain {interj} | :: come on, go ahead, be a devil (expression of encouragement to a person that is hesitating, particularly to do a specific action right away) |
siitä vain {interj} | :: come on (expression of defiance) |
siitä vain {adv} [idiomatic] | :: on the spot, ad hoc |
siitepöly {n} [botany] | :: pollen |
siitepölyallergia {n} | :: pollen allergy |
siitepölyanalyysi {n} | :: pollen analysis |
siitepölyhiukkanen {n} [botany] | :: A pollen grain |
siitereikä {n} [botany] | :: micropyle (in seed-bearing plants, a small opening in the integuments of the ovule through which sperm are able to access the ovum) |
siitin {n} | :: penis |
siitinluu {n} | :: baculum, penis bone |
siitinneste {n} | :: semen |
Siitonen {prop} | :: surname |
siitos {n} | :: insemination, breeding |
siitoskarja {n} | :: breeding stock, breeding cattle |
siittää {vt} | :: To impregnate, inseminate, breed, conceive |
siittää {vt} | :: To cause, breed, seed |
siittiö {n} [zoology] | :: sperm cell, sperm, spermatozoon (male reproductive cell) |
siittiökotelo {n} | :: spermatophore |
siittiöluku {n} | :: sperm count (number of spermatozoa in a given amount of ejaculate, typically one millilitre) |
siittiöpesäke {n} [botany] | :: antheridium |
siittiösäiliö {n} [zoology] | :: spermatheca |
siittiösolu {n} [botany] | :: spermatozoid |
siittiösolu {n} [botany] | :: antherozoid |
siittiösolu {n} [biology] | :: sperm, spermatozoon |
siittiötiheys {n} | :: sperm count (number of spermatozoa in a given amount of ejaculate, typically one millilitre) |
siittola {n} | :: stud farm |
siivekäs {adj} | :: winged |
siivekäs {n} | :: bird |
siiveke {n} | :: aileron |
siiveke {n} | :: canard |
siivellä eläjä {n} [idiomatic] | :: freeloader |
siivenlapa {n} | :: rotor blade (of a wind power plant) |
siivetön {adj} | :: wingless |
siivetönruokki {n} | :: great auk, Pinguinus impennis (extinct species of auk) |
siivilä {n} | :: sieve |
siiviläkangas {n} | :: sieve cloth (type of fabric used for sieving) |
siivilöidä {vt} | :: To sieve, sift, filter |
siivilöinti {n} | :: sieving, filtering |
siivilöityä {vi} | :: to be sieved, sifted, filtered |
siivittää {v} [figuratively] | :: to wing (assist as if by giving wings) |
siivittyä {vi} | :: to be winged, to be expedited |
siivo {adj} | :: decent |
siivo {n} | :: order |
siivo {n} | :: cleanliness, tidiness |
siivolla {adv} | :: synonym of siivosti |
Siivonen {prop} | :: surname |
siivooja {n} | :: cleaner, janitor (in an institution, condo etc.) |
siivooja {n} | :: char, charlady, cleaning lady (in a household) |
siivosti {adv} | :: clean, well-behaved, decently |
siivota {v} | :: to clean, to tidy up |
siivoton {adj} | :: foul |
siivottomasti {adv} | :: seedily, filthily, dirtily |
siivous {n} | :: housecleaning |
siivous {n} | :: decency |
siivouskomero {n} | :: broom closet, broom cupboard (a closet or such containing cleaning equipment) |
siivouskone {n} | :: cleaning machine |
siivouspäivä {n} | :: house cleaning day |
siivoussuunnitelma {n} | :: cleaning plan, cleanup plan |
siivoustalkoot {n} | :: an event in which a common effort is taken to clean up some place, usually with relatively many people |
siivoustiede {n} | :: cleaning science |
siivoustyönjohtaja {n} | :: housekeeper, cleaning supervisor |
siivousväline {n} | :: cleaning implement, cleaning equipment |
siivu {n} | :: slice |
siivu kakusta {n} | :: piece of the pie |
siivuttaa {vt} | :: to slice |
sija {n} | :: place, position, room, stead, instead ("in its stead") |
sija {n} | :: ranking |
sija {n} [grammar] | :: case |
sijaan {postp} | :: instead of |
sijainen {n} | :: substitute (person) |
sijainen {n} | :: short for sijaisopettaja (supply teacher) |
sijainti {n} | :: A situation (position vis-à-vis surroundings) |
sijainti {n} | :: A situation (location) |
sijainti {n} | :: A location |
sijainti {n} | :: A position |
sijaintikunta {n} | :: municipality or locality in which something is located |
sijaintimaa {n} | :: country in which something is located |
sijaintiosoite {n} | :: address at which something is located |
sijaintipaikka {n} | :: site, location |
sijaintivaltio {n} | :: state or country in which something is located |
sijaintiviite {n} | :: spatial reference |
sijaintiviite {n} | :: location reference |
sijaishallitsija {n} | :: regent (person or group of persons selected to act as head of state because the ruler is a minor, not present, or debilitated) |
sijaishoito {n} | :: respite care (provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside home) |
sijaiskärsijä {n} | :: surrogate victim |
sijaiskoti {n} | :: foster home |
sijaisnäyttelijä {n} | :: stuntperson |
sijaisopettaja {n} | :: supply teacher [UK, parts of Canada], substitute teacher [North America, Ireland], relief teacher [Australia, NZ] (teacher who fills a temporary position in a school on a short-term basis) |
sijaisperhe {n} | :: foster family (family having at least one foster child) |
sijaissota {n} | :: proxy war |
sijaistaa {v} | :: to substitute, supply (to act as substitute to someone) |
sijaisuus {n} | :: The state of acting as substitute to someone |
sijaisuus {n} | :: The position held in this role |
sijaisvanhempi {n} | :: foster parent |
sijaita {vi} | :: to lie, to be located or situated at/in/on |
sijaluku {n} | :: rank (one's position in a list) |
sijamuoto {n} [grammar] | :: case, grammatical case |
sijapääte {n} [grammar] | :: case suffix |
SI-järjestelmä {n} | :: The International System of Units (abbreviated SI) |
sijasta {adv} | :: in lieu (of), instead (of) |
sijata {v} | :: to make the bed |
sijauspatja {n} | :: mattress protector, mattress pad, mattress topper, underpad (item of removable bedding that sits on top of or encases a mattress to provide protection to the mattress) |
sijoillaan {adv} [static] | :: in place, in its position |
sijoilleen {adv} | :: into its place, into position |
sijoiltaan {adv} | :: from its place, from position |
sijoiltaanmeno {n} [medicine] | :: luxation, dislocation |
sijoitetun pääoman tuotto {n} [finance] | :: return on investment |
sijoittaa {vt} [+ illative] | :: to set, locate, place |
sijoittaa {vt} [+ illative] | :: to backdrop |
sijoittaa {vt} [economics] | :: to invest [in] |
sijoittaa {vt} | :: to rank |
sijoittaa {vt} [computing] | :: to assign (to a variable) |
sijoittaja {n} | :: investor (person who invests money in order to make a profit) |
sijoittaminen {n} | :: placing, locating |
sijoittaminen {n} | :: investing |
sijoittautua {vi} | :: to place or locate oneself |
sijoittua {vi} | :: to rank, be placed |
sijoittua {vi} | :: to be set, be located, be assigned a backdrop to |
sijoittuminen {n} | :: ranking, being placed |
sijoitus {n} | :: placement |
sijoitus {n} | :: rank |
sijoitus {n} | :: investment |
sijoituspaikka {n} | :: location (place where something is or is going to be located) |
sijoituspalveluyritys {n} | :: investment company |
sijoituspankki {n} [banking] | :: investment bank |
sijoitusrahasto {n} | :: investment fund, mutual fund |
sijoitustodistus {n} | :: investment certificate, certificate of deposit |
sijoitusyhtiö {n} | :: investment company, financier |
sijs {n} | :: obsolete spelling of siis |
sika {n} | :: pig, swine |
sika {n} | :: synonym of sianliha |
sika {n} [derogatory] | :: pig, swine (term for a person) |
sika {n} [derogatory, slang] | :: police officer |
sika {adv} [slang] | :: extremely, totally, very, really (used as an intensifier in compound terms) |
Sika {prop} | :: Pig (the twelfth animal in the 12-year cycle in Chinese zodiac) |
šikaani {n} [motor racing] | :: chicane |
šikaani {n} [legal] | :: chicanery |
sikaeläin {n} | :: any animal in the suborder Suina |
sikahalpa {adj} [slang] | :: really cheap, super cheap |
sikahirvi {n} | :: hog deer, Axis porcinus |
sikahumala {n} [slang] | :: severe drunkenness |
sikailla {v} | :: to behave like a pig |
sikainfluenssa {n} | :: swine flu |
sikainfluenssarokote {n} | :: swine flu vaccine |
sikala {n} | :: piggery |
sikäläinen {adj} | :: local (referring to elsewhere) |
sikalauma {n} | :: herd of swine |
sikäli {adv} | :: as far as |
sikamainen {adj} | :: Pig-like |
sikamainen {adj} | :: Hoggish |
sikamaisesti {adv} | :: in a pig-like or hoggish manner |
sikamokka {n} | :: pig suede |
sikana {adv} [colloquial] | :: a load (of), greatly, like crazy |
sikanauta {n} | :: mixed pork-beef, particularly in ground or minced meat |
sika-nautajauheliha {n} | :: pork and beef ground meat (mixture of ground pork and beef, which contains more than 50 % pork - in Finland traditionally 80 %, but the trend is towards higher beef content) |
sikapossu {n} | :: synonym of possu |
sikari {n} | :: cigar |
sikarileikkuri {n} | :: cigar cutter |
sikarotu {n} | :: breed of pig |
sikarutto {n} | :: swine fever (contagious, often fatal disease of domesticated pigs) |
sikaruusu {n} | :: erysipeloid |
sika säkissä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: pig in a poke |
sikasiisti {adj} [slang] | :: super cool, really cool |
sikatalous {n} | :: pig farming |
sikatarha {n} | :: pigpen, pigsty |
sikeä {adj} | :: [of sleep] fast |
sikeästi {adv} [of sleep] | :: fast, soundly |
sikermä {n} | :: cluster, group |
sikermä {n} [music] | :: medley |
sikeytyä {v} | :: synonym of sietä |
sikhi {n} | :: Sikh |
sikhiläisyys {n} | :: Sikhism |
sikiäin {n} [botany] | :: ovary |
sikiäminen {n} | :: conception |
sikin sokin {adv} | :: topsy-turvy (disorderly; chaotically) |
sikiö {n} | :: fetus/foetus |
sikiö {n} [dialectal] | :: young child |
sikiöaika {n} | :: fetal period |
sikiöasento {n} | :: fetal position |
sikiökalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: A fetal membrane |
sikiökausi {n} | :: fetal period |
sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä {n} [pathology] | :: fetal alcohol syndrome (any of a spectrum of birth defects that result from excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy) |
sikiönkehitys {n} | :: embryogenesis |
sikiönkehitysoppi {n} | :: embryology |
sikiöpussi {n} [anatomy] | :: gestational sac |
sikiövesi {n} | :: amniotic fluid |
sikkara {adj} | :: [of hair] Very curly |
sikkaraan {adv} | :: into being (very) curly |
sikkaralla {adv} | :: synonym of sikkarassa |
sikkarallaan {adv} | :: alternative form of sikkaralla |
sikkaralle {adv} | :: synonym of sikkaraan |
sikkaralleen {adv} | :: alternative form of sikkaralle |
sikkarassa {adv} | :: being (very) curly |
sikkatiivi {n} | :: drier, siccative |
sikkura {adj} | :: [of hair] Very curly |
sikkuraan {adv} | :: into being (very) curly or frizzly |
sikkuraan {adv} [of eyes] | :: into being squinched or squinting |
sikkuralla {adv} | :: synonym of sikkurassa |
sikkurallaan {adv} | :: alternative form of sikkuralla |
sikkuralle {adv} | :: synonym of sikkuraan |
sikkuralleen {adv} | :: alternative form of sikkuralle |
sikkurassa {adv} | :: being (very) curly or frizzly |
sikkurassa {adv} [of eyes] | :: being squinched or squinting |
siklata {vt} | :: to scrape or plane a flat-bladed scraping tool |
siklata {vt} | :: to finish wood with a card scraper |
sikli {n} | :: a flat-bladed scraping tool; scraper |
sikli {n} | :: card scraper (precision planing tool) |
sikolätti {n} | :: piggery |
sikopaimen {n} | :: A swineherd |
sikotauti {n} [pathology] | :: mumps |
siks {adv} [colloquial] | :: therefore, that's why |
siksak {adv} | :: zigzag |
siksakata {v} | :: to zigzag |
siksakkaus {n} | :: zigzagging (movement or layout of something that zigzags) |
siksakki {n} | :: zigzag (line or path that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions) |
sikseen {adv} | :: aside |
siksi {adv} | :: therefore, that's why |
siksi {adv} | :: consequently (as a consequence) |
sikspäkki {n} [slang] | :: six-pack (set of six beverage cans) |
sikspäkki {n} [bodybuilding] | :: six-pack (set of highly developed abdominal muscles) |
siksti {n} | :: sixte |
sikuna {n} | :: A distilled alcoholic beverage containing more fusel oil than desirable, such as low quality moonshine |
sikunaöljy {n} | :: fusel oil, fusel alcohol (byproduct of alcoholic fermentation) |
sikuri {n} | :: chicory (plant of the genus Cichorium) |
sikuri {n} | :: common chicory, chicory, Cichorium intybus (name species of that genus) |
sikuri {n} | :: chicory (coffee substitute) |
sikurirousku {n} | :: curry milk-cap, Lactarius camphoratus |
sila {n} | :: harness saddle |
silaani {n} [chemistry] | :: silane |
silakanpyynti {n} | :: Baltic herring fishing (instance or practice of fishing Baltic herring) |
silakka {n} | :: A Baltic herring, Clupea harengus membras |
silakka {n} [nautical, military slang] | :: A drafted navy soldier |
silakkalaatikko {n} | :: Baltic herring casserole |
silakkaleipä {n} | :: a sandwich with Baltic herring |
silakkamarkkinat {n} | :: an annual fair where Baltic herring is sold |
silakkaparvi {n} | :: A school of herrings |
silakkaperunat {n} | :: a dish of Baltic herring and potatoes, prepared in a kettle |
silakkapihvi {n} | :: herring fillet |
silakkarulla {n} | :: a food similar to suutarinlohi, Baltic herring pickled and slowly boiled in vinegar |
silakkarullat {n} | :: small rolls of Baltic herring similar to rollmops |
silakkaverkko {n} | :: A fishing net intended for catching Baltic herring |
silankaari {n} | :: saddle of a harness saddle |
silarengas {n} | :: ring in a harness saddle |
silata {v} | :: to plate |
silava {n} | :: lard (pork fat, often specifically subcutaneous fat) |
silavaljaat {n} | :: collar and hames harness (for a horse) |
silavoida {v} | :: to lard (cover or garnish with lard) |
sile {n} [dialectal, Southwestern Finland] | :: meat jelly |
sileä {adj} | :: smooth, as having a texture with no or just a little friction |
sileäkarvainen {adj} | :: smooth-haired; sometimes shortened to smooth, as in smooth fox terrier (sileäkarvainen kettuterrieri) |
sileäleukainen {adj} | :: clean-shaven |
sileäputkinen {adj} | :: smoothbore |
sileästi {adv} | :: smoothly |
silestone {n} [slang] | :: A worn-out tyre which has less tread pattern than required |
siletä {vi} | :: To smooth |
sileys {n} | :: smoothness |
silhuetti {n} | :: silhouette |
silika {n} [inorganic compound] | :: silica (silicon dioxide) |
silikaatti {n} | :: silicate (any salt of silica or of one of the silicic acids) |
silikaatti {n} | :: silicate (any mineral composed of silicates) |
silikaattimineraali {n} [mineral] | :: silicate mineral |
silikoni {n} | :: silicone (class of inert, semi-inorganic polymeric compounds of silicon) |
silikonikitti {n} | :: silicone sealant |
silikoosi {n} [disease] | :: silicosis |
silinteri {n} | :: top hat (men's cylinder-shaped formal hat) |
silinterihattu {n} | :: top hat (men's cylinder-shaped formal hat) |
silitä {vi} | :: to smooth out |
silitellä {v} | :: to touch repeatedly with a gentle motion |
silitellä {v} | :: to pat (a pet) |
silitellä {v} | :: to smooth out |
silitellä {v} | :: to smooth down |
silitellä {v} | :: to stroke |
silittää {v} | :: to stroke, to pet, to fondle |
silittää {v} | :: to iron |
silittyä {vi} | :: to become smooth or smoother |
silitys {n} | :: A stroke (act of stroking) |
silitys {n} | :: ironing |
silityshöylä {n} [woodworking] | :: smoothing plane (tool) |
silityskivi {n} | :: a stone historically used to press wrinkles |
silityskone {n} | :: ironing machine (machine used to iron clothes) |
silityslauta {n} | :: ironing board [board on which one can iron clothes] |
silitysrauta {n} | :: iron, clothes iron (tool for pressing clothes) |
silitysväline {n} | :: a tool used to press wrinkles from clothes |
silityttää {vt} | :: to have (something) ironed (especially of clothes or fabrics) |
siliytyä {v} | :: synonym of silitä |
Silja {prop} | :: given name |
silkinkiilto {n} | :: alternative form of silkkikiilto |
silkinpehmeä {adj} | :: soft as silk, silky |
silkka {adj} | :: sheer, solid, pure |
silkki {n} | :: silk (fine fiber excreted by the silkworm) |
silkki {n} | :: silk (fine, soft cloth woven from silk fibers) |
silkkiäinen {n} [archaic] | :: silkworm |
silkkiäistoukka {n} | :: silkworm |
silkkiapina {n} [zoology] | :: marmoset |
silkkihaikara {n} | :: little egret, Egretta garzetta |
silkkihansikas {n} | :: silk glove |
silkkihansikas {n} [figuratively] | :: kid glove |
silkkiharso {n} | :: silk gauze |
silkkikana {n} | :: silkie (a breed of chicken) |
silkkikangas {n} | :: silk (cloth) |
silkkikiilto {n} | :: silky lustre |
silkkikukka {n} | :: silk flower |
silkkimaalaus {n} | :: silk painting |
silkkinauha {n} | :: silk ribbon, silk band |
silkkipaino {n} | :: screen printing, serigraphy, silk-screen printing (printing technique) |
silkkipainotyö {n} | :: screen print, screenprint, serigraphy (artwork) |
silkkipaita {n} | :: silk shirt |
silkkipaperi {n} | :: tissue paper |
silkkiperhonen {n} | :: silkmoth, Bombyx mori |
silkkiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: silver-violet webcap, Cortinarius alboviolaceus |
silkkiterrieri {n} | :: Australian silky terrier |
silkkitie {n} | :: Silk Road |
silkkitoukka {n} | :: silkworm |
silkkiuikku {n} | :: great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) |
silkkiunikko {n} | :: corn poppy, red poppy, Papaver rhoeas |
silkkiyrtti {n} | :: any plant of the genus Asclepias |
silkkiyrtti {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Asclepias |
silkko {n} | :: a bread made of cultured milk and phloem, historically used as emergency food in times of famine when nothing else was available |
silko {adv} | :: Used as an intensifier for sileä: "silko sileä" ("very smooth") |
silkoinen {adj} | :: synonym of siloinen |
silla {n} [textiles, dated] | :: A synthetic fabric similar to rayon |
sillä {conj} [coordinating] | :: for, since |
sillä {adv} | :: for that reason or intention, because |
sillä aikaa {adv} | :: synonym of sillä välin |
sillään {adv} | :: as such |
sillä ehdolla, että {phrase} | :: under the condition that |
sillai {adv} [dialectal, colloquial] | :: synonym of silleen |
sillaikaa {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of sillä aikaa |
sillä lailla {interj} | :: way to go, that's it, there we go |
sillä lailla {adv} | :: like that, that way |
sillankorva {n} | :: the area close to the end of a bridge |
sillanpää {n} | :: bridgehead (area around the end of a bridge) |
sillanpää {n} [military] | :: bridgehead (area of ground held by the friendly troops on the enemy's side of a river or other obstacle) |
Sillanpää {prop} | :: surname |
sillanpääasema {n} [military] | :: bridgehead |
sillanpaikka {n} | :: location of a prehistoric bridge |
sillanrakennus {n} | :: bridge building, bridge construction |
sillanrakentaja {n} | :: bridgebuilder, bridge builder |
sillanrakentaja {n} [idiomatic] | :: bridge-builder (one who establishes links or friendly relations) |
sillä siisti {interj} [colloquial] | :: that's it, that's that (there's nothing more to say, and I'm not going to argue with you) |
sillä sipuli {interj} [colloquial] | :: that's it, that's that, that's the lot (there's nothing more to say, and I'm not going to argue with you) |
sillata {v} [computing, telecommunication] | :: to bridge (to connect with a bridge) |
sillata {v} [wrestling] | :: to bridge (to go to the bridge position) |
sillä tapaa {phrase} | :: in a way, in that way |
sillä tavoin {phrase} | :: in that or such a way |
sillä välin {adv} | :: in the meantime, meanwhile |
sillee {adv} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of silleen |
silleen {adv} [colloquial] | :: like, like that (in a way not pointed at by the speaker) |
silleen {adv} [colloquial] | :: stuff |
silli {n} | :: Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus |
silli {n} | :: any of the several related species of herring and shad, especially as food |
silli {n} [zoology] | :: in plural also Clupeidae (taxonomic family of the herrings, shads, sardines, hilsa and menhadens) |
sillihai {n} | :: porbeagle (Lamna nasus) |
sillihai {n} | :: mackerel shark (shark of the family Lamnidae) |
sillihai {n} | :: (in plural) the family Lamnidae |
sillihaikala {n} | :: mackerel shark (shark of the order Lamniformes) |
sillihaikala {n} | :: (in plural) the order Lamniformes |
sillihapero {n} | :: shrimp mushroom, Russula xerampelina |
sillikuningas {n} | :: rabbit fish, ratfish, chimaera, Chimaera monstrosa |
sillikuningaskala {n} | :: chimera (fish in the subclass Holocephali) |
sillimaniitti {n} [mineral] | :: sillimanite |
šillinki {n} | :: shilling |
sillis {n} | :: The breakfast serving event the morning after an anniversary/get-together (sitsit) of a (university) student association/nation |
sillisalaatti {n} | :: synonym of rosolli |
sillisiika {n} | :: lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (North American species of freshwater whitefish) |
sillivalas {n} | :: fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) |
silloin {adv} | :: then, at that time |
silloinen {adj} | :: of that time |
silloin kun {conj} | :: when |
silloin tällöin {adv} | :: every now and then, once in a while |
silloittaa {vt} | :: to bridge, to build a bridge or bridges (for or to) |
silmä {n} | :: eye (organ) |
silmä {n} | :: eye (hole in needle) |
silmä {n} | :: eye (center of a hurricane) |
silmä {n} | :: eye (mark on an animal resembling an eye) |
silmä {n} | :: eye (bud of a potato) |
silmä {n} | :: eye (ability to notice what others might miss) |
silmäänpistävä {adj} | :: Conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding |
silmägneissi {n} [geology] | :: augen gneiss |
silmähermo {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: ophthalmic nerve |
silmähuuhde {n} | :: eyewash (soothing medicated lotion for the eyes) |
silmähuuhtelukuppi {n} | :: alternative form of silmänhuuhtelukuppi |
silmäillä {v} | :: To eye, glance, scan, skim |
-silmäinen {adj} | :: -eyed |
silmäistä {vi} [rare] | :: to glance |
silmäjuova {n} | :: eyestripe |
silmäke {n} [nautical] | :: hawsehole |
silmäkirves {n} [archaeology] | :: an axe head with a hole for a shaft |
silmäkkäin {adv} | :: synonym of silmätysten |
silmäkulma {n} [anatomy] | :: corner of the eye |
silmäkulma {n} | :: (anatomy) supercilium (region of the eyebrows) |
silmäkuoppa {n} [anatomy] | :: eye socket |
silmäkuppi {n} | :: synonym of silmänhuuhtelukuppi |
silmäkuvio {n} | :: eye (mark or design resembling an eye) |
silmäkuvio {n} | :: [electronics] eye pattern (an oscilloscope display) |
silmälääkäri {n} | :: ophthalmologist; eye doctor [US] |
silmälappu {n} | :: eyepatch |
silmälappu {n} | :: blinder (horse's eye shield) |
silmälasikäärme {n} | :: cobra (snake) |
silmälasikarhu {n} | :: spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) |
silmälasikotelo {n} | :: glasses case |
silmälasikuvioinen {adj} | :: spectacled |
silmälasinkehykset {n} | :: spectacle frames |
silmälasipäinen {adj} | :: bespectacled, spectacled (wearing spectacles) |
silmälasit {n} | :: spectacles, glasses, eyeglasses, specs |
silmälihas {n} [anatomy] | :: extraocular muscle |
silmälihashalvaus {n} | :: ophthalmoplegia |
silmälläpito {n} | :: supervision, surveillance, oversight |
silmäluomi {n} | :: eyelid |
silmämääräisesti {adv} | :: by eye (using visual estimation for measuring, estimating or judging something) |
silmämeikki {n} | :: eyeliner, eye makeup (makeup used to outline the eye) |
silmämuna {n} | :: eyeball |
silmämurre {n} | :: synonym of näköismurre |
silmänalus {n} | :: the area or region under one's eye |
silmäneula {n} | :: needle (fine, sharp implement with a small hole) |
silmänhuuhtelukuppi {n} | :: eyebath; eyecup [US] (cup-shaped vessel used to apply eyewash) |
silmäni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of silmä |
silmänilo {n} | :: eye candy |
silmänkääntäjä {n} | :: conjurer; one who performs the sleight of hand |
silmänkääntötemppu {n} | :: sleight of hand |
silmän kantamattomiin {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as far as the eye can see |
silmänlume {n} | :: illusion, eyewash; something that looks deceptively different |
silmänpaine {n} | :: intraocular pressure |
silmänpainetauti {n} | :: high-pressure glaucoma |
silmänpohja {n} [anatomy] | :: eyeground |
silmänräpäyksessä {adv} | :: in the blink of an eye |
silmänräpäys {n} | :: eyeblink, blink of an eye |
silmänräpäytys {n} | :: A blink of eyes |
silmänsä {n} | :: third-person possissive form of silmä |
silmäntähystys {n} | :: ophthalmoscopy |
silmänvalkuainen {n} | :: sclera (the white of an eye) |
silmänympärysvoide {n} | :: eye cream (cream applied around the eye) |
silmäpäivänhattu {n} | :: brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba) |
silmäpako {n} | :: run, ladder (length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings) |
silmäpankki {n} | :: eye bank |
silmäpeili {n} | :: ophthalmoscope |
silmäpeli {n} | :: eye flirtation |
silmäpultti {n} | :: eyebolt (bolt with a looped head) |
silmäpussit {n} | :: eyebags |
silmäripsi {n} | :: eyelash |
silmäripsikato {n} [pathology] | :: madarosis (loss of eyelashes) |
silmäsairaus {n} | :: ophthalmopathy |
silmäsi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of silmä |
silmäsolki {n} | :: a type of brooch or fibula with a small hollow tube |
silmäsuojus {n} | :: eye shield |
silmätä {v} [rare] | :: to glance (look at something quickly) |
silmät auki {phrase} | :: with one's eyes open, eyes open |
silmätauti {n} | :: ophthalmopathy |
silmätautioppi {n} | :: ophthalmology |
silmäterä {n} [anatomy] | :: pupil (part of an eye) |
silmäterä {n} [figuratively] | :: apple of one's eye |
silmätikku {n} | :: Someone singled out as target for negative attention |
silmätippa {n} | :: eyedrop |
silmät kiinni {phrase} | :: with one's eyes closed, eyes closed |
silmätön {adj} | :: eyeless |
silmätulehdus {n} [disease] | :: Any eye inflammation |
silmätyksin {adv} | :: synonym of silmätysten |
silmätysten {adv} | :: face to face, eye to eye |
silmävärve {n} | :: nystagmus |
silmäys {n} | :: glance, sight |
silmiinpistävä {adj} | :: striking, glaring, prominent |
silmiinpistävästi {adv} | :: strikingly, conspicuously, glaringly |
silmikkäin {adv} | :: synonym of silmätysten |
silmikko {n} | :: visor (armor) |
silmikkoraanu {n} | :: a certain type of raanu |
silmikoida {vi} | :: To bud |
silmikoitua {vi} | :: to reproduce by budding |
silminnähden {adv} | :: visibly, clearly, obviously |
silminnähtävä {adj} | :: evident |
silminnähtävästi {adv} | :: evidently |
silminnäkijä {n} | :: eyewitness |
silmitön {adj} | :: indiscriminate |
silmittömästi {adv} | :: indiscriminately |
silmityksin {adv} | :: synonym of silmätysten |
silmitysten {adv} | :: synonym of silmätysten |
silmu {n} | :: bud of a leaf |
silmu {n} [rare] | :: lamprey |
silmukka {n} | :: loop (length of thread, line or rope making an opening) |
silmukka {n} | :: loop (shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself) |
silmukka {n} [programming] | :: loop (programmed sequence of instructions) |
silmukka {n} [aviation] | :: loop (aircraft maneuver) |
silmukka {n} [nautical] | :: becket (loop made of rope or an eye made at the end of a rope) |
silmukka {n} | :: mesh (opening or space enclosed by the threads of a net) |
silmukka {n} [knitting, crocheting] | :: stitch |
silmukka {n} | :: eye (fitting) |
silmukkalanka {n} | :: boucle (yarn with multiple plies, one of which is looser than the others, producing loops and curls) |
silmukkaruuvi {n} | :: eyebolt |
silmukkavarsta {n} | :: a type of flail where the two sticks are attached by a ring |
silmukoida {v} | :: to loop (make loops) |
silmukoida {v} [biochemistry] | :: to splice |
silmukointi {n} | :: looping (making loops) |
silmukointi {n} [biology] | :: splicing (such as RNA splicing) |
silmus {n} | :: loop (of thread, etc.) |
silmuttaa {v} [horticulture] | :: to inoculate (to graft by inserting buds) |
silohaperonvieras {n} [mushroom] | :: Asterophora parasitica |
siloinen {adj} | :: smooth (having a smooth texture) |
siloisesti {adv} | :: smoothly (with a smooth texture) |
silokallio {n} | :: roche moutonnée, smooth rock shaped by glacial erosion |
silokampela {n} | :: brill |
siloposkinen {adj} | :: beardless |
silote {n} | :: spackle, filler |
silotella {vt} | :: to smooth or even casually or repeatedly |
silottaa {vt} | :: to smoothen, to even |
silottua {vi} | :: to be smoothened, to be evened |
silovalas {n} | :: right whale |
silpiä {vt} [of peas] | :: to pod |
silpoa {vt} | :: to dismember, mutilate, maim |
silpoherne {n} | :: shelling pea, round pea |
silpoja {n} | :: dismemberer, mutilator, maimer |
silpoja {n} | :: white-tipped plantcutter (Phytotoma rutila) |
silpoja {n} | :: plantcutter (any of the passerine birds in the genus Phytotoma) |
silpominen {n} | :: mutilation, dismemberment |
silposuoninen {adj} [botany] | :: Of leaves, having parallel veins |
silpoutua {v} | :: to be maimed, mutilated or dismembered |
silpoydinherne {n} | :: wrinkled pea |
silppu {n} | :: chaff (straw or hay cut up for cattle food) |
silppu {n} | :: chaff (loose material dropped from aircraft to interfere with radar) |
silppu {n} | :: roughage (rough or coarse material) |
silppuri {n} | :: shredder |
silppuri {n} | :: chipper |
silpputyö {n} | :: odd job (work of very short duration) |
silppuuntua {vi} | :: to be shredded |
silpunteko {n} | :: chaff making |
silputa {vt} | :: To shred |
silputa {vt} | :: To chip |
silsa {n} [pathology] | :: dermatophytosis, ringworm |
silta {n} | :: bridge (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) |
silta {n} [gymnastics, dance] | :: bridge, backbend |
silta {n} [wrestling] | :: bridge |
silta {n} [telecommunication] | :: bridge (system which connects two or more local area networks) |
silta {n} | :: bridge (in eyeglasses or spectacles, the connecting part between the two lenses) |
silta {n} [chemistry] | :: bridge |
silta {n} [music] | :: bridge (section of music, usually one between a stanza and a chorus/refrain) |
silta {n} [nautical] | :: synonym of komentosilta |
silta {n} [dentistry] | :: synonym of hammassilta |
siltään {adv} | :: as is, as such |
silta-arkku {n} | :: bridge support |
silta-asento {n} [gymnastics] | :: bridge, backbend |
silta-aukko {n} | :: space between supports in a bridge |
siltä istumalta {phrase} | :: on the spot (at that very moment) |
Siltala {prop} | :: surname |
Siltala {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
siltalaina {n} | :: bridge loan |
Siltanen {prop} | :: surname |
siltanosturi {n} | :: gantry crane, travelling crane |
siltarumpu {n} | :: culvert |
siltarumpupolitiikka {n} [politics] | :: pork-barrelling, provincialism, parochialism; parish pump politics [Ireland] (practice of MP's favoring their own voters instead of promoting national interest) |
siltaus {n} | :: bridging, bridge |
siltavouti {n} [historical] | :: an official tasked with ensuring maintenance of roads and bridges |
silti {adv} | :: however, still, yet, nevertheless, anyway |
siltti {n} | :: silt |
silttikivi {n} [rock] | :: siltstone |
siluetti {n} | :: A silhouette |
silumiini {n} [chemistry] | :: silumin |
siluuri {n} [geology] | :: The Silurian, Silurian period |
siluurikausi {n} [geology] | :: The Silurian |
siluurikautinen {adj} [geology] | :: Silurian |
Silvennoinen {prop} | :: surname |
silvonta {n} | :: mutilation, dismemberment |
sima {n} | :: a nonalcoholic or low-alcohol drink made from lemon, various sugars and water, common around vappu (May Day) |
sima {n} [dated] | :: mead |
simahtaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to doze off, to nod off |
simahtaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to pass out |
simake {n} | :: hornwort, vernal grass (any plant of the genus Anthoxanthum) |
simake {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Anthoxanthum |
simanuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius corrosus |
simapanimo {n} | :: meadery (place where mead is made) |
Simeoni {prop} | :: given name |
simhat tora {n} [Judaism] | :: Simchat Torah |
Simhat Tora {prop} | :: alternative case form of simhat tora |
simieninsakaali {n} | :: Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis |
similaarinen {adj} | :: similar |
simmarit {n} [colloquial] | :: swimming trunks |
simmu {n} [childish] | :: eye |
Simo {prop} | :: given name |
Simo {prop} [uncountable] | :: Simo (municipality) |
Simojoki {n} | :: Simojoki (river) |
Simojoki {n} | :: surname |
Simola {prop} | :: surname |
Simola {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
simolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Simo (Finnish municipality) |
simolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Simo (Finnish municipality) |
Simon {prop} | :: Simon (biblical figure) |
Simonen {prop} | :: surname |
simonia {n} | :: simony |
simoninhyppymyyrä {n} | :: lesser short-tailed gerbil, Simon's gerbil (Gerbillus simoni) |
simpanssi {n} | :: chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) |
simpleksi {n} | :: simplex |
simppeli {adj} [colloquial] | :: simple |
simppelisti {adv} [colloquial] | :: simply |
simppu {n} | :: sculpin (any fish in the family Cottidae) |
simppu {n} | :: plebe (first year cadet) |
simpukankuori {n} | :: clamshell (shell of a clam or a hinged object that resembles one) |
simpukankuori {n} [colloquial] | :: seashell, shell (shell of a marine mollusk) |
simpukanpyynti {n} | :: clam hunting |
simpukka {n} [mollusks] | :: In plural (simpukat), Bivalvia or bivalves (taxonomic class) |
simpukka {n} | :: Any of the tens of thousands of species of mollusks belonging to bivalves |
simpukka {n} | :: A clam (a bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible) |
simpukka {n} | :: A mussel |
simpukka {n} [anatomy] | :: cochlea |
simpukkamurros {n} | :: conchoidal fracture |
simputtaa {vt} [military, + partitive] | :: To haze |
simputus {n} [military] | :: hazing |
Simson {prop} | :: Samson (Biblical figure) |
simulaatio {n} | :: simulation |
simulaatiopeli {n} | :: simulation game |
simulaattori {n} | :: simulator |
simulantti {n} | :: simulator |
simuloida {vt} | :: To simulate |
simultaani {adj} | :: simultaneous |
simultaanikäännös {n} | :: simultaneous translation |
simultaaninäyttämö {n} | :: multiple setting, simultaneous setting |
simultaaninen {adj} | :: simultaneous |
simultaanisesti {adv} | :: simultaneously |
simultaanisti {adv} | :: simultaneously |
simultaanitulkkaus {n} | :: simultaneous interpretation, simultaneous interpreting |
simultaanitulkki {n} | :: simultaneous interpreter |
simvastatiini {n} [medicine] | :: simvastatin |
-sin {suffix} | :: Forms certain nouns, particularly those describing tools or implements |
šin {n} | :: shin (twenty-first letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad) |
sinä {pron} [personal] | :: you (second person singular, familiar), (in archaic English) thou |
sinäkin, Brutukseni {interj} | :: et tu, Brute (recognition of betrayal) |
sinällään {adv} | :: as such, in itself (considered alone; used often to hint that there's something else which makes matters worse when combined with the thing or circumstance mentioned) |
sinälleen {adv} | :: as such, as it is |
sinältään {adv} | :: as is, as such |
sinä-muotoinen {adj} | :: second-person (using verbs in the second person) |
sinänsä {adv} | :: per se, in and of itself |
sinäpä sen sanoit {phrase} | :: you said it (used to express complete agreement with a previous statement by the interlocutor) |
sinapinkeltainen {adj} | :: mustard (of mustard colour) |
sinapinkeltainen {n} | :: mustard (colour) |
sinapinsiemen {n} | :: mustard seed |
sinapinvärinen {adj} | :: mustard (colour) |
sinappi {n} | :: mustard (plant) |
sinappi {n} | :: mustard (spice) |
sinappihapero {n} | :: ochre brittlegill or common yellow russula, Russula ochroleuca |
sinappijauhe {n} | :: mustard powder |
sinappikaali {n} | :: arugula |
sinappikaasu {n} | :: mustard gas |
sinappikone {n} [humorous] | :: shit factory (infant) |
sinappinen {adj} | :: Having the taste or colour of mustard |
sinappiöljy {n} | :: mustard oil (oil extracted from mustard seeds) |
sinappiöljy {n} | :: mustard oil (organic compound allyl-isothiocyanate) |
sinappirousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius flavidus |
sindhi {n} | :: Sindhi (language) |
sine {n} | :: bluing (blue pigment used for coloring clothes when washing) |
sine {n} | :: blueprint (paper-based reproduction usually of a technical drawing), diazo print, ammonia print |
sinelli {n} | :: overcoat (heavy overcoat of the Russian army, similar to mantteli) |
šinelli {n} | :: alternative form of sinelli |
sinelmä {n} | :: A bruise |
sineraria {n} | :: cineraria |
sinertää {vt} | :: to make bluer |
sinertää {vi} | :: to have a shade of blue |
sinertävä {adj} | :: bluish |
sinertyä {vi} | :: to become more blue |
sinervä {adj} [poetic] | :: bluish (having a tint or hue similar to the colour blue) |
sinetöidä {v} | :: to seal (to place a seal on) |
sinetöidä {v} | :: to seal (to fasten so that it cannot be opened without visible damage) |
sinetöidä huulensa {v} | :: To keep one's lips sealed, to seal one's lips |
sinetöinti {n} | :: sealing (act of sealing, putting a seal on) |
sinetöityä {vi} | :: to become sealed |
sinetti {n} | :: seal (something which will be visibly damaged when a cover or container is opened) |
sinettilakka {n} | :: sealing wax |
sinettileimasin {n} | :: seal stamp, stamp seal |
sinettipuu {n} | :: sigillaria (any of the genus Sigillaria of fossil trees) |
sinettisormus {n} | :: signet ring, seal ring |
sinettitaide {n} | :: seal art (art involving seals or stamps) |
sinettitiede {n} | :: sigillography (study of seals and sigils) |
sinettivaha {n} | :: sealing wax |
sinfonia {n} | :: symphony |
sinfoniaorkesteri {n} [music] | :: symphony orchestra, philharmonic, philharmonic orchestra |
sinfonietta {n} [music] | :: sinfonietta |
sinfonikko {n} | :: symphonist |
sinfoninen {adj} | :: symphonic |
singahdella {v} | :: To pinball, shuttlecock (to dart about rapidly) |
singahduttaa {v} | :: synonym of sinkauttaa |
singahtaa {v} | :: to dart (shoot rapidly along) |
singaleesi {n} | :: A Singhalese (person) |
singaleesi {n} | :: Singhalese (language) |
Singapore {prop} | :: Singapore (island/and/city-state) |
singaporelainen {adj} | :: Singaporean |
singaporelainen {n} | :: Singaporean person |
single {n} | :: single (45 rpm record; track nominally released on its own) |
singota {vtt} | :: to fling, hurl, throw, dart (throw with a sudden effort) |
singota {vt} | :: to catapult (launch from catapult or as if from catapult) |
singulariteetti {n} [physics, mathematics] | :: A singularity |
sini {n} [poetic] | :: blue |
sini {n} | :: In compound words, blue- or bluish |
sini {n} [mathematics] | :: The sine function |
Sini {prop} | :: given name |
siniaalto {n} | :: sine wave |
siniara {n} | :: Spix's macaw, Cyanopsitta spixii |
sinibakteeri {n} | :: A cyanobacterium |
sinihapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula azurea |
sinihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen cyanide (chemical formula HCN) |
siniheinä {n} | :: purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) |
sinihomejuusto {n} | :: blue cheese |
sinijalkasuula {n} | :: blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) |
sinijuuri {n} | :: any plant of the genus Mercurialis |
sinijuuri {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Mercurialis |
sinikäyrä {n} [mathematics] | :: sinusoid, sine curve |
sinikeltainen {adj} | :: Referring to the quality of being coloured blue and yellow |
sinikeltainen {adj} [colloquial] | :: Especially in connection with sports, "Swedish" or, in plural, "the Swedish", according to the colours of the Swedish national flag |
sinikettu {n} | :: A "blue fox", a variant of arctic fox grown in captivity because of its beautiful bluish grey winter fur |
sinikka {n} | :: bluebird (any of various North American birds of the genus Sialia) |
Sinikka {prop} | :: given name, fairly popular in the 20th century. Pet form: Sini |
sinikopio {n} | :: blueprint, cyanotype (white-on-blue copy produced with cyanotype process) |
sinikvartsi {n} [mineral] | :: blue quartz |
sinilatva {n} | :: Jacob's ladder (any plant of the genus Polemonium) |
sinilatva {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Polemonium |
sinilause {n} [mathematics] | :: law of sines, sine rule, sine formula |
sinileppärousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius hemicyaneus |
sinilevä {n} | :: blue-green alga |
sinililja {n} | :: squill (Scilla) |
sinilimaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius salor |
sinilippu {n} | :: blue flag (award given to European beaches, based on cleanliness and water quality) |
sinilippu {n} | :: Any blue flag |
siniliuske {n} [rock] | :: blueschist |
sinimailanen {n} [plant] | :: alfalfa, lucerne, Medicago sativa |
sinimatara {n} | :: blue field madder (Sherardia arvensis) |
sinimuotoinen {adj} [mathematics] | :: sinusoidal |
sinimusta {n} [historical] | :: a member of a far-right youth organization in Finland that was active between 1930–1936 |
sinimuura {n} | :: bluish-slate antshrike (Thamnomanes schistogynus) |
sininaakka {n} | :: Any of the Central and South American jays of the genus Cyanolyca in the crow family Corvidae |
sininaakka {n} | :: kobolttinaakka, Cyanolyca armillata (black-collared jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: indigonaakka, Cyanolyca viridicyanus (white-collared jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: turkoosinaakka, Cyanolyca turcosa (turquoise jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: purppuranaakka, Cyanolyca pulchra (beautiful jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: sinilakkinaakka, Cyanolyca cucullata (azure-hooded jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: mustakurkkunaakka, Cyanolyca pumilo (black-throated jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: pikkusininaakka, Cyanolyca nanus (dwarf jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: meksikonsininaakka, Cyanolyca mirabilis (white-throated jay) |
sininaakka {n} | :: hopeakurkkunaakka, Cyanolyca argentigula (silvery-throated jay) |
sininärhi {n} | :: roller (any bird in the family Coraciidae - rollers) |
sininärhi {n} | :: European roller, Coracias garrulus |
sininauraja {n} | :: blue-winged kookaburra (Dacelo leachii) |
sininen {adj} | :: blue |
sininen {n} | :: The color blue |
sininen jättiläinen {n} [astronomy] | :: blue giant |
sininen maito {n} [colloquial] | :: semi-skimmed milk, reduced-fat milk (milk with reduced fat content, in Finland about 1,5 %) |
Sininen nauha {prop} [nautical] | :: The Blue Riband (trophy for fastest Atlantic crossing by a commercial liner) |
sininen ylijättiläinen {n} [astronomy] | :: blue supergiant |
sininuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius coerulescens |
sinipääsky {n} | :: purple martin, Progne subis |
sinipaita {n} [literally] | :: blue shirt |
sinipaita {n} | :: blue shirt |
sinipallas {n} | :: synonym of grönlanninpallas |
sinipallo {n} | :: any plant of the genus Globularia |
sinipallo {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Globularia |
sinipeippo {n} | :: cordon-bleu (passerine bird) |
sinipuna {n} [politics] | :: A political term referring to a coalition of or cooperation between conservatives and social democrats; compare purple, US politics sense |
sinipuna {n} | :: Used also adjectively in compound words |
sinipuna {n} | :: In compound words, also violet, purple |
sinipunainen {adj} | :: purple |
sinipunaisuus {n} | :: purpleness (quality of being purple in color) |
sinipunarousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius violascens |
sinirapu {n} | :: blue crayfish (Procambarus alleni) |
sinirikko {n} | :: purple saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) |
sinirinta {n} | :: bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) |
siniristi {n} | :: the blue cross of the Finnish flag |
siniristilippu {n} | :: the Finnish flag |
sinisavikka {n} | :: oak-leaved goosefoot (Oxybasis glauca) |
sinisempi {adj} | :: comparative of sininen |
sinisiipi {n} | :: blue (any butterfly in the subfamily Polyommatinae of the family Lycaenidae) |
sinisiipinen {adj} | :: blue-winged (having blue wings) |
sinisiipinen {n} | :: Any of the butterflies of the family Lycaenidae |
sinisiipinen {n} | :: In plural (sinisiipiset), the family Lycaenidae, the gossamer-winged butterflies |
sinisiirtymä {n} | :: blueshift |
sinisilmä {n} | :: blue eye (eye with blue iris) |
sinisilmä {n} | :: blue-eyed person |
sinisilmä {n} | :: blue-eye (fish of the family Pseudomugilidae) |
sinisilmäinen {adj} | :: blue-eyed (having blue eyes) |
sinisilmäinen {adj} | :: gullible, credulous (easily deceived) |
sinisilmäinen {adj} | :: naive, blue-eyed |
sinisilmäisesti {adv} | :: naively, gullibly |
sinisilmäisyys {n} | :: blue-eyedness (quality of having blue eyes) |
sinisilmäisyys {n} | :: gullibility, credulity (quality of readily believing information) |
sinisilmäisyys {n} | :: naïveté (lack of sophistication, experience, judgement or worldliness) |
sinisimpukka {n} | :: blue mussel, Mytilus edulis |
sinisin {adj} | :: superlative of sininen |
sinisorsa {n} | :: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) |
sinistää {vt} [metallurgy] | :: to blue (passivate steel) |
sinistäjäsieni {n} | :: blue stain fungus |
sinistyä {vi} | :: To become (more) blue |
sinisukkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius evernius |
sinisuohaukka {n} | :: hen harrier, Circus cyaneus (bird of prey) |
sinisyys {n} | :: blueness |
sinitaivas {n} | :: (the) blue sky |
sinitaivas {n} | :: azure (the unclouded sky) |
sinitäplätursas {n} | :: southern blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa |
sinitarra {n} | :: Blu-Tack |
sinitiainen {n} | :: blue tit, Eurasian blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus |
sinitiainen {n} [in plural] | :: Cyanistes (genus of passerine birds) |
sinivalas {n} | :: blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) |
sinivalkoinen {adj} | :: Referring to the combination of the blue and white colours |
sinivalkoinen {adj} | :: Finnish (derived from the colours of the Finnish national flag) |
sinivalvatti {n} | :: any plant of the genus Cicerbita |
sinivalvatti {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Cicerbita |
sinivatukka {n} | :: dewberry, European dewberry (Rubus caesius) |
siniverinen {adj} | :: blue-blooded (royal, aristocratic or patrician) |
sinivihreä {adj} | :: A color between blue and green; blue-green, turquoise, cyan, teal |
sinivihreä {n} | :: A color between blue and green |
sinivihreä savikka {n} | :: synonym of sinisavikka |
siniviiva {n} [ice hockey] | :: The blue line |
sinivuokko {n} | :: The common hepatica (Anemone hepatica, syn. Hepatica nobilis) |
sinivuokko {n} | :: In plural (sinivuokot), the genus Hepatica |
sinivuokko {n} [colloquial] | :: In plural (sinivuokot), the police |
siniyökönlehti {n} | :: common butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris) |
sinkata {vt} [woodworking] | :: to dovetail |
sinkautella {vt} | :: to fling, propel or slingshot repeatedly |
sinkauttaa {vt} | :: to fling, to propel, to slingshot |
Sinkiang {prop} | :: Sinkiang (autonomous region) |
sinkilä {n} | :: A staple (fastener) |
sinkilänaulain {n} | :: staple gun |
sinkilöidä {vt} | :: to staple (attach something with the use of one or more sinkilä) |
sinkitä {v} | :: To galvanise/galvanize |
sinkitys {n} | :: galvanizing |
sinkkaliitos {n} | :: synonym of lohenpyrstöliitos |
sinkki {n} | :: zinc |
sinkki {n} [musical instrument] | :: cornett |
sinkkiarkku {n} | :: zinc coffin, zinc-lined coffin |
sinkkiasetaatti {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zinc acetate |
sinkkikloridi {n} | :: zinc chloride |
sinkkioksidi {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zinc oxide |
sinkkipasta {n} | :: zinc oxide cream |
sinkkisälpä {n} [mineral] | :: smithsonite |
sinkkivälke {n} [mineral] | :: sphalerite |
sinkkivalkoinen {n} | :: zinc white (zinc oxide when used as pigment) |
sinkkivoide {n} | :: calamine lotion |
sinkku {n} | :: single (not in a relationship) |
sinkku {n} [colloquial] | :: single (a vinyl record or a popular song) |
sinkkuus {n} | :: singlehood |
sinko {n} [weapons] | :: rocket-propelled grenade launcher, RPG |
sinko {n} [weapons] | :: recoilless rifle |
sinko {n} [weapons] | :: bazooka (any shoulder-fired rocket grenade launcher) |
sinkoilla {v} | :: to catapult or fly around |
sinkoryhmä {n} | :: RPG team, bazooka team |
sinkoutua {v} | :: to dart, to be catapulted (to fly, pass or shoot out swiftly due to an external force) |
sinne {adv} [of movement] | :: there (when the speaker does not point at the place) |
sinnemmä {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of sinnemmäs |
sinnemmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of sinnemmäs |
sinnemmäs {adv} | :: (to) further over there, (to) more over there (towards a location not pointed at by the speaker) |
sinnempää {adv} | :: from further over there (from closer to a location not pointed at by the speaker) |
sinnempänä {adv} [static] | :: further over there (closer to a location not pointed at by the speaker) |
sinnepäin {adv} | :: (in) that direction, that way (into a direction referred to but not pointed at by the speaker) |
sinnepäin {adv} [figuratively] | :: something like that |
sinnes {conj} [obsolete, now, dialectal] | :: until then, theretofore |
sinne sun tänne {phrase} [colloquial] | :: synonym of sinne tänne |
sinne tänne {adv} [idiom] | :: hither and thither |
sinnikäs {adj} | :: steadfast, relentless, dogged |
sinnikkäämpi {adj} | :: comparative of sinnikäs |
sinnikkäästi {adv} | :: doggedly, relentlessly |
sinnikkyys {n} | :: steadfastness, relentlessness, resilience |
sinnitellä {v} | :: to hang on, persevere |
sinnitellä {v} | :: to survive, stay alive |
sinofobia {n} | :: Sinophobia (fear of China and Chinese) |
sinologi {n} | :: sinologist |
sinologia {n} | :: Sinology |
sinooperi {n} [mineral] | :: cinnabar |
sinooperinpunainen {adj} | :: vermilion, cinnabar (colour) |
sinooperipunainen {n} | :: vermilion (pigment) |
sinosentrinen {adj} | :: Sinocentric |
sinotiibetiläinen {adj} | :: Sino-Tibetan |
sinsalla {n} [dialectal, Central and South Ostrobothnia] | :: synonym of rosolli |
sinsilla {n} | :: chinchilla (mammal) |
šinto {n} | :: Shinto (religion) |
šintolainen {n} | :: Shintoist (adherent of Shinto) |
šintolainen {adj} | :: Shinto (of, related or pertaining to Shinto) |
sintolaisuus {n} | :: alternative spelling of šintolaisuus |
šintolaisuus {n} | :: Shintoism, Shinto (religion) |
sintraantua {v} | :: synonym of sintrautua |
sintrata {vt} | :: To sinter |
sintraus {n} [metallurgy] | :: sintering |
sintrautua {vi} | :: to be sintered |
sintsi {n} [textiles] | :: chintz |
sintsinen {adj} | :: chintzy (of or decorated with chintz) |
sintteri {n} [geology] | :: sinter |
sintti {n} | :: [disparaging] minnow (small fish) |
sintu {n} [dialectal] | :: skimmed milk, skim milk |
sintu {n} [dialectal] | :: milk diluted with water to increase its volume |
sinuiitti {n} [pathology] | :: sinusitis (inflammation) |
sinuiksi {adv} | :: to terms (with); to grips (with) (often with tulla or päästä) |
sinun {pron} | :: The genitive singular of the personal pronoun sinä, in most cases (with the possessive suffix -si appended to the main word owned) translated with the possessive pronoun your; after the verb olla: yours - when addressing one person: |
sinun {pron} | :: Used with verbs or verb structures that are used monopersonally such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc., and require genitive: translated into English you - when addressing one person: |
sinunkaupat {n} [figurative] | :: a trade made to establish a first name basis |
sinunlainen {adj} | :: alternative form of sinunlaisesi |
sinunlaisesi {adj} | :: like you, like yourself [singular you] |
sinusrytmi {n} | :: sinus rhythm (normal beating of the heart, as measured by an electrocardiogram) |
sinussolmuke {n} [anatomy] | :: sinoatrial node, sinus node |
sinusta {pron} | :: about you; of you (addressing one person) |
sinusta {pron} | :: in your opinion, you think that (addressing one person) |
sinutella {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to address with the informal T-form, to address someone (especially friends and relatives) informally in the second-person (in languages in which such form is distinguishable) |
sinuttelu {n} | :: using T-form (act or custom of addressing someone informally in second person) |
sinuttelumuoto {n} [linguistics] | :: T-form (second-person form of address used in informal situations) |
sionismi {n} | :: Zionism |
sionisti {n} | :: Zionist |
sionistinen {adj} | :: Zionist |
sioux {n} | :: Sioux (person) |
sioux {n} | :: Sioux (language) |
sipa {n} [military slang] | :: barracks room cleaning |
sipaista {v} | :: to stroke lightly and quickly; to swipe |
sipaista {v} | :: Used generally of performing an action swiftly, briskly and seemingly with little effort, sometimes used braggingly |
sipaisu {n} | :: stroke |
sipaisu {n} | :: any swift action |
sipasta {v} [dialectal, colloquial] | :: alternative form of sipaista |
sipata {v} [colloquial] | :: to stop working, to break down, to run out of steam |
sipattaa {v} | :: synonym of supattaa |
sipatti {n} | :: A dish consisting of sautéed cubes of smoked side of pork or ham in white sauce, often served with boiled potatoes |
Siperia {prop} | :: Siberia |
siperialainen {adj} | :: Siberian |
siperialainen {n} | :: A Siberian person |
siperianharmaalokki {n} | :: Vega gull (Larus vegae) |
siperianhusky {n} | :: Siberian Husky |
siperianjokilohi {n} | :: Hucho taimen, taimen |
siperiankissa {n} | :: Siberian (breed of cat) |
siperianmetso {n} | :: black-billed capercaillie, Tetrao parvirostris (large black grouse endemic to Siberia, closely related to western capercaillie) |
siperianmuikku {n} | :: sardine cisco, least cisco, Coregonus sardinella (small freshwater fish found in Arctic waters from NW Russia to NE Canada) |
siperiannukula {n} | :: honeyweed, Siberian motherwort, Leonurus sibiricus |
siperiansampi {n} | :: Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) |
siperiansinivalvatti {n} | :: Lactuca sibirica |
siperiantiikeri {n} | :: Siberian tiger, Panthera tigris altaica (subspecies of tiger found in Siberia) |
Siperia opettaa {proverb} | :: to learn the hard way |
Siperia opettaa {proverb} | :: once bitten, twice shy (one is cautious in the future if one has been hurt in the past) |
Sipilä {prop} | :: surname |
Sipilä {prop} | :: A placename |
sipinä {n} | :: whisper |
sipistä {vi} | :: To whisper quietly |
siplari {n} | :: Any member of the genus Eumerus of hoverflies |
Sipoo {prop} | :: Sipoo (municipality) |
sipoolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sipoo |
sipoolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sipoo |
Sippora {prop} | :: Zipporah |
sipsi {n} | :: chip [US], crisp [UK] (thin, crisp, baked piece of vegetable, especially potato) |
sipsu {n} | :: synonym of shih tzu |
sipsutella {vi} | :: to tiptoe around |
sipsuttaa {vi} | :: to tiptoe |
sipsuttaa {vi} | :: to mince (walk with small steps in a prim, affected manner) |
sipuli {n} | :: onion, Allium cepa |
sipuli {n} | :: onion (plant of the genus Allium) |
sipuli {n} [in plural] | :: onion, Allium (genus) |
sipuli {n} | :: bulb (onion shaped root bulb of many plants) |
sipulihakkuri {n} | :: onion mincer, onion chopper (tool) |
sipulihiutale {n} | :: onion flake (thinly sliced and dried piece of onion) |
sipulijauhe {n} | :: onion powder |
sipulikampa {n} | :: onion holder (comb-like kitchen tool used to hold an onion in place and guide the knife when slicing it) |
sipulikärpänen {n} | :: onion fly (Delia antiqua) |
sipulikastike {n} | :: onion gravy, onion sauce |
sipulikasvi {n} | :: bulbous plant |
sipulikasvi {n} | :: any alliaceous plant, such as those of family Liliaceae, or in the plural, alliaceous plants collectively, including the family Liliaceae |
sipulikeitto {n} | :: onion soup |
sipulikirkko {n} [colloquial] | :: an Eastern Orthodox church with an onion dome |
sipulikoi {n} | :: leek moth, onion leaf miner, Acrolepiopsis assectella |
sipulikupoli {n} | :: onion dome |
sipulilehti {n} | :: onion leaf |
sipulileikkuri {n} | :: onion cutter |
sipulimaito {n} | :: a drink traditionally used as a cold remedy consisting of water, milk and onions |
sipulinen {adj} | :: oniony (resembling onion) |
sipulinkuori {n} | :: onion skin (skin of an onion) |
sipulinnoki {n} | :: onion smut, Urocystis cepulae (fungus and the disease caused by it) |
sipulinviipale {n} | :: synonym of sipuliviipale |
sipulipihvi {n} | :: steak with onions |
sipulipiirakka {n} | :: onion pie |
sipulirengas {n} | :: onion ring |
sipulisuola {n} | :: onion salt (mixture of dried onion powder and salt, used as seasoning) |
sipuliviipale {n} | :: onion slice, slice of onion |
sirahdella {vi} | :: to buzz repeatedly |
sirahtaa {vi} | :: to buzz once |
sireeni {n} | :: siren (device for making a sound alarm) |
sireeni {n} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of syreeni |
sireenieläin {n} | :: sirenian |
Siren {prop} | :: surname |
Sirén {prop} | :: surname |
sirinä {n} | :: buzz |
siristä {vi} | :: to buzz |
siristää {vt} | :: to squint (look with the eyes partly closed, especially if briefly) |
siristellä {vt} | :: to squint repeatedly |
sirittää {v} | :: to chirr, chirp, stridulate (to make a prolonged trilling sound of an insect, like e.g. a grasshopper) |
sirittäjä {n} | :: wood warbler, Phylloscopus sibilatrix, Rhadina sibilatrix) (common Eurasian leaf warbler) |
siritys {n} | :: chirr (sound) |
sirkadiaanirytmi {n} | :: circadian rhythm |
sirkeä {adj} | :: lively, brisk, perky |
sirkka {n} | :: cricket (insect of the family Gryllidae) |
sirkka {n} [botany] | :: synonym of sirkkalehti |
Sirkka {prop} | :: given name |
Sirkka {prop} | :: surname |
sirkkajuuri {n} | :: synonym of alkeisjuuri |
sirkkalehti {n} [botany] | :: cotyledon |
Sirkka-Liisa {prop} | :: given name |
sirkkeli {n} | :: circular saw |
sirkkelisaha {n} | :: synonym of pyörösaha |
sirkku {n} | :: emberizid (bird of the family Emberizidae) |
sirkku {n} | :: bunting (any of the passerine birds in the genus Emberiza) |
sirkku {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Emberiza |
Sirkku {prop} | :: given name |
sirklata {vt} [figure skating] | :: to perform a crossover |
sirkulaattori {n} | :: circulator |
sirkulaattori {n} | :: thermal immersion circulator |
sirkumboreaalinen {adj} [biogeography] | :: circumboreal |
sirkumfiksi {n} [grammar] | :: circumfix |
sirkumfleksi {n} [orthography] | :: circumflex |
sirkumfleksi {n} [computing] | :: caret (the character ^ as it appears in ASCII) |
sirkumpolaarinen {adj} [astronomy] | :: circumpolar |
sirkus {n} | :: circus |
sirkusareena {n} | :: circus ring |
sirkushevonen {n} | :: circus horse |
sirkushuvi {n} [archaic] | :: circus |
sirkuslainen {n} | :: circus person |
sirkuspelle {n} | :: circus clown |
sirkusryhmä {n} | :: circus group |
sirkustaiteilija {n} | :: circus performer |
sirkusteltta {n} | :: circus tent |
sirkustirehtööri {n} | :: ringmaster; circus director |
sirkuttaa {v} | :: to twitter, chirp (to utter a succession of bird's chirps) |
sirkutus {n} | :: chirping |
sirmakka {n} [music] | :: synonym of harmonikka |
siro {adj} | :: petite (fairly short and of slim build) |
siro {adj} | :: graceful, delicate |
siro {adj} | :: slender |
siroherkkusieni {n} | :: an agaric (Agaricus semotus) |
siroin {adj} | :: superlative of siro |
širokko {n} | :: sirocco |
sirompi {adj} | :: comparative of siro |
sironta {n} [physics] | :: scattering |
sirostella {v} [rare] | :: to pose, to act fancy |
sirota {vi} [physics] | :: to scatter |
sirote {n} | :: Any powder that is sprinkled |
sirotella {v} | :: To scatter, sprinkle |
sirotella tuhkaa päällensä {phrase} | :: to regret deeply, to blame oneself for a loss or mishap |
sirotesokeri {n} | :: caster sugar |
sirotin {n} | :: shaker (table container for pepper or salt) |
sirottaa {vt} | :: to scatter, spread, sprinkle |
sirottaja {n} | :: scatterer |
sirottelu {n} | :: sprinkling, scattering |
sirottelu {n} [computer graphics, signal processing] | :: dithering (adding noise to signal to randomize errors) |
sirottua {vi} | :: to be scattered, spread or sprinkled |
Sirpa {prop} | :: given name |
sirpakka {adj} | :: pert, brisk |
sirpale {n} | :: shard, splinter, fragment, chip |
sirpalepommi {n} | :: fragmentation bomb |
sirpaletieto {n} | :: fragmentary information |
sirpaloitua {vi} | :: to fragment, to break apart |
sirppi {n} | :: sickle |
sirppi {n} | :: crescent |
sirppi ja vasara {n} | :: hammer and sickle (symbol of the union of industrial and agricultural workers in Communist iconography) |
sirppimailanen {n} | :: yellow lucerne, sickle alfalfa, yellow-flowered alfalfa, yellow alfalfa, Medicago sativa ssp. falcata |
sirppimäinen {adj} | :: sickle-shaped, falciform, falcate |
sirppimäisyys {n} | :: falciformity |
sirppisoluanemia {n} [pathology] | :: sickle-cell anemia (US), sickle-cell anaemia (UK), sickle-cell disease |
sirra {n} [slang] | :: ambo (ambulance) |
sirrakuski {n} [slang] | :: ambo (ambulance driver) |
sirri {n} | :: sandpiper, stint, knot, dunlin (small wading birds primarily in the genus Calidris but also in three related genera Eurynorhynchus, Aechmorhynchus and Prosobonia, see list below under Derived terms) |
sirri {n} | :: In plural (sirrit) the genus Calidris |
sirriin {adv} | :: synonym of sirrilleen |
sirrillä {adv} | :: synonym of sirrillään |
sirrillään {adv} [of eyes] | :: squinting |
sirrille {adv} | :: synonym of sirrilleen |
sirrilleen {adv} [of eyes] | :: into being squinting |
sirrissä {adv} | :: synonym of sirrillään |
siru {n} | :: A chip (small piece broken from a larger piece of solid material) |
siru {n} [technology] | :: A chip (a small substrate of semi-conducting material on which electronic circuits have been fabricated) |
siru {n} | :: A fragment (small portion or segment of an object) |
siruetana {n} | :: roundback slug (slug of the family Arionidae) |
sirukortti {n} | :: chip card, smart card |
sirveli {n} | :: A traditional dish from Kainuu region in Finland, made of vendace, onion, butter and cream |
sirveli {n} | :: In other regions sirveli refers to a dish made of pork and onions resembling a hash |
sirvi {n} | :: strawworm (larva of the caddis fly) |
sirvikäs {n} | :: caddis fly (insect of the order Trichoptera) |
sisä- {prefix} | :: inner, internal, interior, inward; indoor; inland |
sisä {n} [archaic] | :: the inside of something |
sisään {adv} | :: into, in, inside, inwards (into a state of being in or inside something) |
sisäänajo {n} | :: the running in period of a car |
sisäänajotie {n} | :: approach, access road, slip road |
sisäänheittotarjous {n} [business] | :: Trojan horse (offer made to lure customers, seeming like a good deal, that has the ultimate effect of extorting large amounts of money from the customer) |
sisäänhengitys {n} | :: inhalation |
sisäänhengityslihas {n} [anatomy] | :: muscle of inhalation |
sisäänkäynti {n} | :: An entrance (structure that allows entering a confined space; door, gate etc.) |
sisäänkäynti {n} | :: An admittance |
sisäänkäyntikatos {n} | :: porte cochère |
sisäänkirjautuminen {n} [computing] | :: login (process) |
sisäänkirjautuminen {n} | :: check-in (at a hotel) |
sisäänostaja {n} | :: purchasing agent |
sisäänostaja {n} | :: buyer |
sisäänostohinta {n} | :: purchase price |
sisäänostohintaan {adv} | :: at cost |
sisäänpäin {adv} | :: inward, inwards |
sisäänpäinlämpiävä {adj} [idiomatic] | :: of a group or culture that so prefers to deal within itself that it is difficult for an outsider to become a member of it |
sisäänpisto {n} | :: insert (inserted leaflet) |
sisäänrakennettu {adj} | :: built-in |
sisääntulo {n} | :: entry |
sisääntuloaula {n} | :: entrance hall |
sisääntulotie {n} | :: access road |
sisäasiainministeriö {n} [dated] | :: synonym of sisäministeriö |
sisäasiat {n} | :: domestic affairs, internal affairs |
sisäelin {n} | :: internal organ, visceral |
sisäenergia {n} [physics] | :: internal energy |
sisäeritteinen {adj} | :: endocrine |
sisäeritysjärjestelmä {n} [anatomy, medicine] | :: endocrine system |
sisäeronto {n} [grammar, dated] | :: elative |
sisäfile {n} | :: alternative form of sisäfilee |
sisäfilee {n} | :: tenderloin |
sisäfileepihvi {n} | :: tenderloin steak |
sisähalkaisija {n} | :: inner diameter, inside diameter, internal diameter |
Sisä-Hebridit {prop} [geography] | :: Sisä-Hebridit (archipelago) |
sisäheitto {n} [linguistics] | :: syncope |
sisäilma {n} | :: indoor air |
sisäilma {n} | :: indoor air quality |
sisäilmasto {n} | :: indoor climate |
sisäinen {adj} | :: internal |
sisäinen kitka {n} | :: viscosity |
sisäinen yrittäjyys {n} [buzzword] | :: intrapreneurship |
sisäisempi {adj} | :: comparative of sisäinen |
sisäisesti {adv} | :: internally |
sisäisesti {adv} | :: self- |
sisäistää {vt} | :: to internalize, to assimilate (incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind) |
sisäistyä {vi} | :: to be internalized |
sisäkalut {n} [jocular] | :: one's innards, entrails, guts |
sisäkatto {n} | :: ceiling (highest portion of room) |
sisäkierre {n} [machining] | :: inner thread, internal thread |
sisäkissa {n} | :: indoor cat; a cat who prefers to stay indoors |
sisäkkäin {adv} | :: one inside another |
sisäkkö {n} | :: housemaid |
sisäkorva {n} [anatomy] | :: inner ear |
sisäkorvaistute {n} | :: cochlear implant (implant that can help provide a sense of sound to a person with severe hearing problem) |
sisäkorvaproteesi {n} | :: cochlear implant (implant that can help provide a sense of sound to a person with severe hearing problem) |
sisäkumi {n} | :: inner tube |
sisal {n} | :: sisal |
sisälämpötila {n} | :: interior temperature |
sisälentopallo {n} | :: indoor volleyball |
sisali {n} | :: sisal (fiber) |
sisäliitos {n} [databases] | :: inner join |
sisälinja {n} | :: inside line, inner line |
sisällä {adv} | :: inside (in the position inside something) |
sisällä {adv} | :: indoors |
sisällä {postp} | :: inside |
sisälle {adv} | :: inside (to the position inside something) |
sisälle {adv} | :: indoors |
sisälle {postp} | :: inside |
sisällinen {adj} [archaic] | :: internal; now preferably sisäinen |
sisällisesti {adv} | :: inwardly |
sisällissota {n} | :: A civil war |
sisällissota {n} | :: The Finnish Civil War of 1918 |
sisällökäs {adj} | :: rich in content |
sisällöllinen {adj} | :: contentual |
sisällöllisesti {adv} | :: contentually |
sisällönhallintajärjestelmä {n} [computing] | :: content management system |
sisällönjakeluverkko {n} | :: content delivery network, CDN |
sisällönkuvailu {n} | :: content description |
sisällönkuvailu {n} | :: subject cataloging |
sisällyksekäs {adj} | :: alternative form of sisällökäs |
sisällys {n} | :: content |
sisällysluettelo {n} | :: table of contents |
sisällyttää {vt} [_, + genitive-accusative + illative] | :: to include (something in something), incorporate |
sisällyttää {vt} [computing] | :: to transclude |
sisälmykset {n} [anatomy] | :: viscera (internal organs of the body collectively) |
sisälmykset {n} [anatomy] | :: innards, insides (common language name for internal organs) |
sisälmysmato {n} | :: synonym of loismato |
sisälmysrasva {n} | :: gut-dressing fat |
sisäloinen {n} | :: endoparasite |
sisältä {adv} | :: from inside (from a position inside something) |
sisältä {adv} | :: from indoors |
sisältä {postp} | :: from inside |
sisältää {vt} | :: To include; to contain |
sisältää {vt} | :: To involve |
sisältäpäin {adv} | :: from inside |
sisältö {n} | :: content, contents (that which is contained) |
sisältö {n} | :: content (amount of material contained) |
sisältö {n} | :: content (subject matter; substance) |
sisältö {n} | :: meaning (significance of a thing) |
sisältö {n} [rare] | :: contents (table of contents) |
sisältöfarmi {n} [Internet] | :: content farm |
sisältöjako {n} | :: quotition division |
sisältömalli {n} | :: content model |
sisältörikas {adj} | :: rich in content |
sisältyä {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to be included in |
sisältyen {adv} [+ illative] | :: included in, contained in |
sisälukutaito {n} [dated] | :: literacy |
sisämaa {n} | :: inland, interior |
sisämaanpassi {n} | :: internal passport |
sisämaavaltio {n} | :: landlocked country |
sisämarkkinat {n} | :: internal market |
sisämeri {n} | :: inland sea, mediterranean sea |
Sisämeri {prop} | :: Inland Sea |
sisäministeri {n} [colloquial] | :: interior minister; Home Secretary [UK] |
sisäministeriö {n} [Finland] | :: Ministry of the Interior (official translation) |
sisäministeriö {n} | :: interior ministry, ministry of the interior, ministry of internal affairs; Home Office [UK]; Department of Homeland Security [US] (ministry responsible for internal affairs in another country) |
Sisä-Mongolia {prop} [geography] | :: Inner Mongolia |
sisäolento {n} [grammar, dated] | :: inessive |
sisäoppilaitos {n} | :: boarding school |
sisäovi {n} | :: interior door, door between two indoor spaces |
sisäpaikallissija {n} [grammar] | :: Any of the three cases inessive, elative and illative in Finnish that indicate location inside (inessive) something, or a movement from (elative) or towards (illative) such location |
sisäpiha {n} | :: inner court |
sisäpiiri {n} | :: insiders (people that have special knowledge of the inner workings of an organization collectively) |
sisäpiiri {n} [business] | :: insiders (individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company) |
sisäpiirikauppa {n} [finance] | :: insider trading, inside dealing, inside trading, insider dealing |
sisäpiiriläinen {n} | :: insider (person who has special knowledge of the inner workings of a company or other organization) |
sisäpiirivitsi {n} | :: inside joke |
sisäpiste {n} [topology] | :: interior point |
sisäplaneetta {n} [astronomy] | :: inner planet |
sisäpoliittisesti {adv} | :: interior-politically, domestic-politically |
sisäpolitiikka {n} | :: domestic policy |
sisäpuoli {n} | :: inside |
sisäpuolinen {adj} | :: inside, inner (of or pertaining to the inner surface, limit or boundary) |
sisäpuolinen {adj} | :: internal, inner, interior (being or occurring inside something) |
sisäpuolinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: medial (pertaining to the inside; closer to the midline) |
sisar {n} | :: sister |
sisaralus {n} | :: sister ship |
sisarekset {n} | :: synonym of siskokset |
sisarellinen {adj} | :: sisterly, sororal |
sisarellisesti {adv} | :: sisterly, sororally |
sisärengas {n} | :: inner tube |
sisareni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of sisar |
sisarenpoika {n} | :: sororal nephew |
sisarentytär {n} | :: sororal niece |
sisäreuna {n} | :: inner edge, inner margin, inner border |
sisaristo {n} | :: A sisterhood (religious society of women) |
sisarkunta {n} | :: A sisterhood (religious society of women) |
sisarkunta {n} | :: A sisterhood, sorority (group of girls or women associated for a common purpose) |
sisarpuoli {n} | :: half-sister |
sisarpuoli {n} | :: stepsister |
sisäruokinta {n} [agriculture] | :: barn feeding |
sisäruokintakausi {n} | :: wintering period, indoor feeding period |
sisarus {n} [chiefly in the plural] | :: sibling (person who shares same parents) |
sisaruus {n} | :: sisterhood (state of being sisters) |
sisaruus {n} | :: sisterhood (quality of being sisterly) |
sisaryhtiö {n} | :: sister company (a subsidiary in context to other subsidiaries of the same level) |
sisäsaaristo {n} | :: inner archipelago |
sisäseinä {n} | :: inner wall |
sisäsiitos {n} [biology] | :: inbreeding |
sisäsiittoisuus {n} | :: the quality of being inbred |
sisäsivu {n} | :: inner side |
sisässä {adv} | :: inside (particularly if deep inside and probably completely enclosed) |
sisästä {adv} | :: from inside, from the inside of (particularly from deep inside) |
sisäsynnyttimet {n} | :: internal parts of a or the female reproductive system |
sisäsyntyinen {adj} | :: intrinsic |
sisäsyntyinen {adj} | :: endogenous |
sisätasku {n} | :: inside pocket (pocket that is inside a garment in an unspecified place) |
sisätaudit {n} | :: internal medicine |
sisätauti {n} [medicine] | :: Any disease the treatment of which falls within the scope of internal medicine |
sisätautilääkäri {n} [medicine] | :: internist |
sisätautioppi {n} [medicine] | :: internal medicine |
sisätila {n} | :: interior |
sisätiloissa {adv} | :: indoors |
sisättäin {adv} | :: synonym of sisäkkäin |
sisätulento {n} [grammar, dated] | :: illative |
sisätulo {n} [linear algebra] | :: inner product, scalar product |
sisätuloavaruus {n} [mathematics] | :: inner product space |
sisätyksin {adv} | :: synonym of sisäkkäin |
sisätyö {n} | :: interior work (work done on the inside of something) |
sisätyö {n} | :: indoor work |
sisätysten {adv} | :: synonym of sisäkkäin |
sisävaatteet {n} | :: indoor clothes |
sisävalaistus {n} | :: indoor lighting |
sisävalo {n} | :: interior light (such as dome light in a car) |
sisäverkko {n} [computing] | :: intranet |
sisävesi {n} [usually in the plural] | :: inland water (permanent water body inland from the sea coast including e.g. rivers, lakes, canals, reservoirs) |
sisävesialus {n} | :: inland vessel |
sisävesihöyry {n} | :: inland waterway steamship |
sisävesikala {n} | :: inland water fish, freshwater fish |
sisävesikalastus {n} | :: inland water fishing |
sisävesilaiva {n} | :: inland vessel, inland water ship (ship built for inland waters) |
sisävesiliikenne {n} | :: inland water traffic, inland water transport |
sisävesireitti {n} | :: inland water route, inland waterway |
sisävesisatama {n} | :: inland port |
sisävesitie {n} | :: inland waterway |
sisävesitutkimus {n} | :: inland water research |
sisävesiväylä {n} | :: inland waterway |
sisävuoro {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: state of being the batting team, offensive inning |
sisäydin {n} [geology] | :: inner core (innermost part of the Earth, a solid ball believed to consist of an iron-nickel alloy) |
siselöidä {v} [metalworking] | :: to chisel (to work the surface of a metal object with a chisel or punch in order to produce a decorative pattern) |
sisemmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of sisemmäs |
sisemmällä {adv} [static] | :: closer inside |
sisemmälle {adv} | :: to closer inside |
sisemmältä {adv} | :: from closer inside |
sisemmäs {adv} | :: (to/towards) closer to the inside; inward |
sisempää {adv} | :: from closer to the inside |
sisempänä {adv} [static] | :: closer to the inside |
sisempi {adj} | :: inner (closer to the center) |
sisempi laitahyökkääjä {n} [American football] | :: tight end |
sisennys {n} | :: indentation (act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line) |
sisentää {v} [typography] | :: to indent (to begin a line or lines at a greater or lesser distance from the margin) |
sisentyä {v} [nonstandard] | :: synonym of sisetä |
sisetä {vi} | :: to indent (to be cut, notched, or dented) |
sisilia {n} | :: Sicilian (Romance language) |
Sisilia {prop} | :: Sisilia (island/and/region) |
sisilialainen {adj} | :: Sicilian (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants) |
sisilialainen {n} | :: A Sicilian |
sisilisko {n} | :: common lizard, viviparous lizard, Zootoca vivipara |
sisilisko {n} | :: in plural (sisiliskot), the taxonomic family Lacertidae |
Sisilisko {prop} | :: the constellation Lacerta, the lizard |
sisimmäinen {adj} | :: innermost |
sisimmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of sisimmäs |
sisimmältään {adv} | :: deep down, in essence, essentially, at heart |
sisimmäs {adv} | :: (to/towards) closest to the inside |
sisimpää {adv} | :: from closest to the inside |
sisimpänä {adv} [static] | :: closest to the inside |
sisin {adj} | :: innermost |
sisinnä {adv} | :: synonym of sisimpänä |
sisko {n} | :: sister |
Sisko {prop} | :: given name |
siskokset {n} | :: sisters (collective term for people who are each other's sisters; chiefly used of family or family relations) |
siskoni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of sisko |
siskonmakkara {n} | :: A kind of mild, smooth pork sausage, often cooked in soup |
siskonmakkarakeitto {n} | :: a soup with siskonmakkara (a kind of mild smooth pork sausage) |
siskonpoika {n} | :: synonym of sisarenpoika |
siskontytär {n} | :: synonym of sisarentytär |
siskopuoli {n} | :: half sister |
siskopuoli {n} | :: stepsister |
siskosi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of sisko |
sisnalaukku {n} | :: a traditional Sami handbag |
sissi {n} | :: (irregular soldier) guerrilla, partisan |
sissi {n} | :: (regular soldier) commando, ranger |
sissijoukot {n} | :: guerrilla forces |
sissijuusto {n} [military slang] | :: smegma |
sissisota {n} | :: guerrilla war |
sissisota {n} | :: guerrilla warfare |
sisterna {n} [anatomy] | :: cisterna |
sisu {n} | :: perseverance, doggedness, stubbornness, grit, stamina, spunk, determination, courage, guts (unwavering strength to keep going when the going gets tough) |
sisu {n} | :: sisu, often with the attribute suomalainen (Finnish) (strength of will in the face of adversity; grit; perseverance; regarded as an integral part of Finnish culture) |
sisu {n} | :: temper (tendency to be of a certain type of mood, especially of a bad or defiant one) |
sisukas {adj} | :: gutsy |
sisukkaasti {adv} | :: gutsily |
sisupussi {n} | :: a gutsy person |
sisus {n} | :: interior |
sisuskalut {n} [jocular] | :: one's innards, entrails, guts |
sisuskalut {n} [figurative] | :: innards, inner workings |
sisuspunos {n} [anatomy] | :: solar plexus, celiac plexus (complex network of nerves located in the abdomen) |
sisusta {n} | :: inside, interior |
sisustaa {vt} | :: To furnish, decorate (to improve the appearance of the interior of a house etc.) |
sisuste {n} | :: furnishing |
sisustus {n} | :: interior decoration, decoration |
sisustus {n} [as modifier] | :: interior, decorative |
sisustuskangas {n} | :: decoration textile (fabric designed for interior decoration) |
sisustussuunnittelu {n} | :: interior design |
sisustustekstiili {n} | :: interior textile |
sisustustyö {n} | :: interior decoration work |
sisuuntua {vi} | :: to become gutsy from anger |
sit. {adj} [politics] | :: abbreviation of sitoutumaton |
sitä {pron} [+ comparative] | :: (the ...) the (establishes a parallel) |
sitaatti {n} | :: quotation |
sitaattilaina {n} | :: a loanword that preserves its spelling and pronunciation as opposed to being made fit into the target's language phonology (most often into Finnish) |
sitaista {vt} | :: to tie or bind quickly or haphazardly |
sitä itseään {phrase} [idiomatic, euphemism, also figuratively] | :: crap, manure (feces, excrement) |
sitä kuusta kuuleminen, jonka juurella asunto {proverb} | :: one must be obedient to the environment around which one lives in |
sitä mukaa {adv} | :: along, along with, together, simultaneously, in proportion, in pace with, while |
sitä niittää mitä kylvää {proverb} | :: you reap what you sow |
sitä paitsi {adv} | :: moreover, furthermore, besides |
sitar {n} [musical instrument] | :: sitar (instrument) |
sitä saa, mitä tilaa {proverb} | :: you reap what you sow |
sitä saa, mitä tilaa {proverb} | :: you get what you pay for |
sitä saat, mitä tilaat {proverb} | :: you get what you pay for (more common for sitä saat, mitä tilaat) |
sitä saat, mitä tilaat {proverb} | :: you reap what you sow (more common for sitä saa, mitä tilaa) |
sitä samaa {phrase} | :: same to you, right back at you (used to return greeting or insult) |
sitä sun tätä {pron} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of sitä ja tätä |
sitä vastoin {adv} | :: on the contrary, by contrast, conversely, whereas, while |
sitävastoin {adv} | :: on the other hand |
sitcom {n} [rare] | :: synonym of tilannekomedia |
siteerata {v} | :: to cite, quote |
siten {adv} | :: therefore, thus |
siten {adv} | :: in that way |
sitkaasti {adv} | :: toughly, resiliently |
sitkas {adj} | :: tough |
sitkas {adj} | :: resilient, hardy |
sitkas {adj} | :: viscous |
sitkeä {adj} [of food] | :: tough, chewy |
sitkeä {adj} | :: resilient, hardy |
sitkeä {adj} | :: persistent, tenacious, dogged, tough |
sitkeä {adj} | :: viscous, thick |
sitkeästi {adv} | :: resiliently |
sitketä {vi} | :: To become more viscous |
sitkeys {n} | :: resilience |
sitkeys {n} | :: viscosity |
sitkeyttää {vt} | :: to make resilient or more resilient |
sitkeytyä {vi} | :: to become resilient or more resilient |
sitkistää {vt} | :: to make resilient or more resilient |
sitkistyä {v} | :: synonym of sitkeytyä |
sitko {n} | :: the viscous and elastic mass formed in dough by gluten proteins |
sitko {n} | :: viscosity (quality of being viscous) |
sitkoaine {n} | :: gluten |
sitkopitoisuus {n} | :: gluten content (in grain, the content of the protein responsible for the elasticity in dough) |
sitkostaa {vt} | :: to make viscous |
sitlooda {n} [nautical, slang] | :: alternative form of sitloora |
sitloora {n} [nautical, slang] | :: cockpit (in a sailing boat, the well in which the helm is located) |
sitoa {vt} | :: to bind, to tie, to fasten |
sitoa {vt} | :: to tie up |
sitoa {vt} | :: to bandage, to dress |
sitoa {vt} | :: to bind a book |
sitoa {vt} [figuratively] | :: to tie to, to attach, to associate, to assign |
sitoa {vt} | :: to bind (be binding; oblige, restrain, hold) |
sitoa {vt} [chemistry] | :: to absorb |
sitoen {adv} [music] | :: legato |
sitomakone {n} | :: binding machine, binder |
sitominen {n} | :: tying |
sitominen {n} | :: bondage |
sitomisleikit {n} [BDSM] | :: bondage |
sitoumus {n} | :: commitment, covenant (promise or agreement to do something in the future) |
sitoumus {n} | :: obligation (legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; the document containing such agreement) |
sitoumusbridge {n} [card games] | :: contract bridge |
sitouttaa {vt} | :: to commit, to engage, to indent |
sitoutua {v} | :: to pledge, engage, adhere |
sitoutua {vi} [chemistry] | :: to be absorbed |
sitoutumaton {adj} [politics] | :: nonaligned, independent |
sitoutumaton {adj} | :: unmarried |
sitoutuminen {n} | :: commitment |
sitoutuminen {n} [computing, databases] | :: commit |
sitova {adj} | :: binding (obligating) |
sitovasti {adv} | :: in a binding way, imperatively |
sitra {n} | :: zither |
sitraatti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: citrate |
sitraattisyntaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: citrate synthase |
sitriini {n} [mineral] | :: citrine |
sitronellaali {n} [chemistry] | :: citronellal |
sitrushedelmä {n} | :: citrus fruit (fruit of a common genus Citrus) |
sitruspuu {n} | :: citrus (tree of the genus Citrus) |
sitrusraastin {n} | :: zester |
sitruuna {n} | :: lemon |
sitruunahappo {n} [chemistry] | :: citric acid |
sitruunahappokierto {n} [biology] | :: Krebs cycle |
sitruunajäätelö {n} | :: lemon ice cream |
sitruunakissanminttu {n} [botany] | :: lemon catnip, Nepeta cataria citriodora (lemon-smelling cultivar of catnip) |
sitruunakurkku {n} | :: lemon cucumber (cultivar of cucumber, Cucumis sativus, with yellow, roundish fruit) |
sitruunamehu {n} | :: lemon juice |
sitruunamehu {n} | :: lemonade (still drink) |
sitruunamelissa {n} | :: lemon balm, Melissa officinalis |
sitruunaperhonen {n} | :: brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) |
sitruunapippuri {n} | :: lemon pepper (seasoning made from granulated lemon zest and cracked black peppercorns) |
sitruunapuu {n} | :: lemon tree |
sitruunasooda {n} | :: lemonade (carbonated beverage flavored with lemon) |
sitruunatahna {n} | :: lemon curd |
sitruunatee {n} | :: lemon tea |
sitruunaväriminttu {n} | :: lemon beebalm, lemon mint, purple horsemint, Monarda citriodora |
sitruunavästäräkki {n} | :: citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola) |
sitruunaverbena {n} | :: lemon verbena, lemon beebrush, Aloysia citrodora |
sitruunavoi {n} | :: lemon curd, lemon butter |
sitsi {n} [often in plural] | :: get-together (informal meeting or gathering; a party or social function, especially one organized by a club) |
sitta {n} [rare, dialectal, colloquial] | :: shit |
sittemmin {adv} | :: since then, afterwards, after |
sitten {adv} | :: then (when referring to temporal, logical or other order) |
sitten {adv} | :: when or whenever (in the expression "sitten, kun") |
sitten {adv} | :: used in some expressions for intensifying questions |
sitten {adv} | :: ago |
sitten {adv} | :: acts as an emphatic modifier for tahansa ... -kin expressions used to mean "whatever", "whoever".. |
sitten {prep} | :: since |
sittenkään {adv} | :: after all, on second thought |
sittenkin {adv} | :: after all, on second thought |
sittiäinen {n} | :: dung beetle, scarab, dor (type of beetle of the family Scarabaeidae) |
sittis {n} [slang] | :: synonym of sitruunasooda |
sittisontiainen {n} | :: synonym of sittiäinen |
situatiivi {n} [grammar] | :: situative, situative case |
siula {n} | :: a net or mesh in a wing of a seine, located furthest along it; side net or mesh in a seine |
siula {n} | :: outer mesh of a fishing net |
siula {n} | :: a fence used to direct reindeer when separating them |
siulaverkko {n} | :: a net with an outer mesh |
siunaantua {vi} | :: to appear, to arise, to turn up (of a positive thing) |
siunailla {v} [dialectal] | :: to bemoan, to complain |
siunata {vt} | :: To bless (also figuratively) |
siunauksekas {adj} | :: blessed |
siunauksellinen {adj} | :: blessed |
siunaus {n} | :: blessing |
siunauskappeli {n} | :: cemetary chapel |
siunauslapio {n} | :: a shovel ceremonially used during a burial |
siunautua {v} | :: synonym of siunaantua |
Siuntio {prop} | :: Siuntio (municipality) |
siuntiolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Siuntio |
siuntiolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Siuntio |
Siuruanjoki {n} | :: Siuruanjoki (river), a tributary of the Ii river |
Šiva {prop} | :: Shiva (Hindu deity) |
sivakka {n} [dialectal] | :: ski |
sivakka {n} [dialectal, archaic] | :: right, shorter ski |
sivakoida {v} | :: to ski |
sivallella {v} | :: to slash, lash or slap repeatedly (deliver a fast and powerful swinging blow, usually with something longish and/or flexible such as a hand, sword, whip or rod) |
sivallus {n} | :: cut, lash, slash |
sivallus {n} | :: retort, quip, wit |
sivaltaa {v} | :: to slash, lash, slap (to deliver a fast and powerful swinging blow, usually with something longish and/or flexible such as a hand, sword, whip or rod) |
sivaltaa {v} | :: to snap (to say or speak abruptly or sharply, usually as a response to something that another person said or did) |
sivari {n} [colloquial] | :: A person who is doing or has done non-military service |
sivari {n} [colloquial] | :: non-military service |
siveä {adj} | :: chaste |
siveä {adj} | :: modest (of clothing) |
siveästi {adv} | :: chastely |
siveellinen {adj} | :: ethical |
siveellinen {adj} | :: moral, decent |
siveellisesti {adv} | :: morally, ethically, chastely |
siveellisyysrikos {n} [legal] | :: indecency |
siveetön {adj} | :: immoral |
siveettömästi {adv} | :: immorally, wantonly |
siveettömyys {n} | :: unchastity |
sivellä {vt} | :: to paint (apply paint to) |
sivellä {vt} | :: to spread (smear, distribute in a thin layer) |
sivellä {vt} | :: to stroke (as if in a painting motion, e.g. a moustache) |
sivellin {n} | :: paintbrush |
sivellintekniikka {n} | :: brush technique |
sivetoni {n} [chemistry] | :: civetone |
sivetti {n} | :: civet (cat-like carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae) |
sivetti {n} | :: oriental civet (Viverra tangalunga) (carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae) |
sivetti {n} | :: civet (musky perfume) |
sivettieläin {n} | :: civet, a carnivore of the family Viverridae |
sivettikissa {n} | :: civet (cat-like carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae) |
siveydensipuli {n} | :: A person who pays attention to guarding other people's chastity and morality |
siveys {n} | :: morality |
siveys {n} | :: chastity |
siveyshäkki {n} | :: chastity cage |
siveysoppi {n} | :: synonym of etiikka |
siveyspoliisi {n} | :: vice squad |
siveyssormus {n} | :: purity ring, abstinence ring, chastity ring, promise ring (ring representing a Christian religious vow to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage) |
siveysvyö {n} | :: chastity belt |
Siviä {prop} | :: given name, rare today |
siviili {n} | :: civilian |
siviiliammatti {n} | :: civilian profession |
siviiliauto {n} | :: civil car |
siviiliauto {n} | :: unmarked police car |
siviiliavioliitto {n} | :: civil marriage, civil union |
siviilielämä {n} | :: civil life, civilian life |
siviilihenkilö {n} | :: a civilian |
siviili-ilmailu {n} | :: civil aviation |
siviilikanne {n} [law] | :: civil action, lawsuit |
siviilikäyttö {n} | :: civil use |
siviilioikeus {n} [law, dated] | :: civil law (body of law dealing with the relations between private persons (natural persons and non-governmental legal persons)) |
siviilipalvelus {n} | :: alternative civilian service, civilian service, substitute service, alternative service, non-military service |
siviilipalvelusmies {n} | :: conscientious objector; a person undergoing non-military service |
siviilipoliisiauto {n} | :: unmarked police car |
siviilipuku {n} | :: civilian dress, civilian clothing |
siviilisääty {n} | :: marital status |
siviilivihkiminen {n} | :: The ceremony in which two people enter into a civil marriage |
sivilisaatio {n} | :: civilization |
sivilisoitua {vi} | :: To be civilized |
sivistää {vt} | :: to civilize (to educate to a perceived higher level of education) |
sivistyä {vi} | :: To be civilized |
sivistyä {vi} | :: To become educated |
sivistymätön {adj} | :: uneducated, uncultured, uncivilized, vulgar |
sivistymättömästi {adv} | :: in an uncivilized or unsophisticated manner |
sivistyneesti {adv} | :: in a civilized or sophisticated manner |
sivistyneistö {n} | :: intelligentsia |
sivistynyt {adj} | :: civilized, sophisticated, erudite, cultured, educated |
sivistys {n} | :: learning, scholarship, sophistication, erudition, civilization |
sivistyssana {n} | :: learned borrowing (word borrowed or composed from classical languages, chiefly Latin and Ancient Greek) |
sivu- {prefix} | :: side, auxiliary |
sivu {n} | :: page, side (one surface of a sheet of paper) |
sivu {n} | :: side (bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape) |
sivu {n} | :: side (flat surface of a three-dimensional object; a face) |
sivu {n} | :: flank (extreme left or right edge of a military formation) |
sivu {n} | :: flank, side (flesh between the last rib and the hip) |
sivu {n} [in compounds] | :: side, secondary, auxiliary |
sivuaallokko {n} | :: beam sea (a rough sea or the waves of such, the waves of which are perpendicular to the heading of a ship) |
sivuääni {n} | :: murmur |
sivuaine {n} | :: minor (subject area of secondary concentration of a student at a college or university) |
sivuaja {n} [geometry] | :: tangent |
sivuajatus {n} | :: side thought |
sivualttari {n} | :: side altar |
sivuammatti {n} | :: side occupation, side job |
sivuansio {n} | :: side earning, side job |
sivuapteekki {n} | :: branch pharmacy |
sivuasia {n} | :: side matter, side topic, sidearm |
sivuaskel {n} | :: sidestep |
sivuasunto {n} | :: granny flat (dwelling detached from a primary residence) |
sivuaurinko {n} | :: sun dog, mock sun |
sivuava {adj} | :: tangential (merely touching, positioned as a tangent) |
sivuava {adj} | :: tangential (indirectly related to a topic) |
sivuelinkeino {n} | :: side activity, secondary activity (economic activity) |
sivuhaara {n} | :: side branch |
sivuhalkio {n} | :: side slit, side vent |
sivuhenkilö {n} | :: side character, supporting character |
sivuhomma {n} | :: side work, sideline |
sivuhuomautus {n} | :: side note, aside |
sivuhuone {n} | :: side room |
sivuhyppy {n} | :: side jump, side-to-side jump |
sivuikkuna {n} | :: side window |
sivuilmiö {n} | :: byproduct, side consequence, side phenomenon |
-sivuinen {suffix} | :: -paged |
sivuinen {adj} | :: page (having a certain number of pages) |
sivuinen {adj} | :: sided (having a side or sides with a given property) |
sivuitse {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix, of movement] | :: by, past, by the side of |
sivuitse {adv} | :: by, past |
sivuittain {adv} | :: pagewise (one page at a time) |
sivuittain {adv} | :: page by page |
sivujoki {n} | :: tributary (river) |
sivujuoni {n} | :: subplot, offshoot |
sivujuonne {n} | :: subplot (of secondary importance), secondary plot, grace note |
sivukaista {n} | :: sideband |
sivukallistuma {n} | :: A (sideways) inclination |
sivukallistuma {n} [automotive] | :: camber (inclination of wheels) |
sivukappale {n} | :: side piece |
sivukartta {n} [computing] | :: sitemap |
sivukatu {n} | :: A back street |
sivukaupalla {adv} | :: pages and pages (of) |
sivukautta {adv} | :: around the side, through or via the side route |
sivukierre {n} [sports] | :: sidespin |
sivukirjasto {n} | :: library branch, branch library (library that is part of a larger system of libraries) |
sivukivi {n} [mining] | :: gangue, veinstone, gob, goaf |
sivukoko {n} | :: page size |
sivukone {n} | :: auxiliary machine |
sivukonttori {n} | :: branch office |
sivukortti {n} | :: supplementary credit card |
sivukortti {n} [poker] | :: kicker |
sivukulu {n} | :: incidental expense (minor expense incurred in the course of an activity) |
sivukuva {n} | :: profile (shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side) |
sivukvanttiluku {n} [physics] | :: azimuthal quantum number |
sivulaiton {n} [pesäpallo] | :: foul ball, outside the play area (on the first bounce) from either the left or right side |
sivulaiva {n} | :: side aisle (in a church or other such structure with a nave or central aisle) |
sivulastaaja {n} | :: sideloader |
sivulaukku {n} | :: pannier |
sivulause {n} [grammar] | :: subordinate clause |
sivuleikkurit {n} | :: diagonal pliers, wire cutters |
sivuliike {n} | :: branch, side establishment |
sivullepäin {adv} | :: towards the side |
sivulletaivutus {n} | :: bending or tilting to the side |
sivullinen {n} | :: bystander |
sivulta {adv} | :: from the side |
sivultapäin {n} | :: from the side |
sivuluisu {n} | :: skid, sideslip |
sivuluku {n} | :: number of sides |
sivuluokka {n} [math] | :: coset |
sivumäärä {n} | :: number of pages |
sivumaku {n} | :: off-flavor, undertaste, aftertaste |
sivumennen {adv} | :: synonym of ohimennen |
sivumeri {n} | :: adjacent sea |
sivumerkitys {n} | :: connotation |
sivummaksi {adv} | :: synonym of sivummas |
sivummalla {adv} [static] | :: closer to the side |
sivummalle {adv} | :: to closer to the side |
sivummalta {adv} | :: from closer to the side |
sivummas {adv} | :: to closer to the side |
sivummassa {adv} | :: synonym of sivummalla |
sivummasta {adv} | :: synonym of sivummalta |
sivumpaa {adv} | :: from closer to the side |
sivumpaan {adv} | :: synonym of sivummalle |
sivumpana {adv} [static] | :: closer to the side |
sivumyötäinen {adj} | :: longitudinal |
sivumyötäinen {n} [meteorology] | :: longitudinal wind |
sivumyötäinen {n} [colloquial] | :: (alcoholic) intoxication |
sivumyymälä {n} | :: branch of a store |
sivunkuvauskieli {n} | :: page description language |
sivunormaali {n} [geometry] | :: binormal |
sivunumerointi {n} | :: page numbering |
sivunvalmistus {n} | :: page design, page production |
sivuontelo {n} | :: side sinus |
sivuosa {n} | :: A walk-on (small part in a theater drama production) |
sivuotsikko {n} | :: page heading, subheading |
sivuovi {n} | :: A side door |
sivupaino {n} [linguistics] | :: secondary stress |
sivupalkki {n} | :: sidebar |
sivuperäsin {n} [aeronautics] | :: rudder |
sivuperintö {n} | :: collateral inheritance |
sivupersoona {n} | :: alter ego, side persona |
sivupinta {n} | :: sidewall, side surface |
sivupolku {n} | :: detour, sidepath |
sivupolku {n} [figurative] | :: detour (such as a digression) |
sivupotti {n} [poker] | :: side pot |
sivupöytä {n} | :: side table |
sivuraide {n} | :: sidetrack, spur |
sivuraide {n} [figuratively] | :: sidetrack, tangent |
sivuraja {n} [sports] | :: sideline, touchline at the side of a pitch (as opposed to a touchline at the end of a pitch) |
sivurakennus {n} | :: annex, adjoining building or structure |
sivusaalis {n} [fishing] | :: bycatch (unintended catch) |
sivusaranoitu {adj} | :: side-hinged (having hinges on the side, as opposed to having them on top or bottom) |
sivusauma {n} | :: side seam |
sivusävel {n} [music] | :: neighbor tone, neighbor note |
sivuseikka {n} | :: A moot point, footnote |
sivuseinä {n} | :: sidewall (side of a tire) |
sivuseinä {n} | :: sidewall, side wall (wall forming the side of a structure, racquetball court etc.) |
sivussa {adv} | :: on the side, aside (on one side so as to be out of the way) |
sivussa {adv} | :: With reitiltä: off course |
sivusta {n} | :: flank |
sivustavedettävä {adj} | :: pulled out from the side |
sivusto {n} | :: web site, site |
sivustoida {v} [chess] | :: To fianchetto |
sivustointi {n} [chess] | :: fianchetto |
sivustovastaava {n} | :: webmaster |
sivu suun {adv} [idiomatic, of speaking] | :: without thinking or consideration |
sivu suun {adv} [idiomatic] | :: past someone, in a way that someone misses it |
sivusuunnitelma {n} | :: page design, page layout |
sivusuunta {n} | :: sideways direction, lateral direction |
sivuta {v} | :: To touch on/upon a subject (in speech or writing) |
sivuta {vi} [mathematics] | :: To be tangent to, touch |
sivutaitto {n} | :: page layout design |
sivutaivutus {n} | :: side bend |
sivutarkoitus {n} | :: side purpose, secondary purpose |
sivutasku {n} | :: side pocket |
sivutaulu {n} [computing] | :: page table |
sivuteema {n} | :: side theme, subsidiary theme |
sivutie {n} | :: byroad, back road, backroad |
sivutissi {n} [colloquial] | :: sideboob |
sivutoimi {n} | :: sideline, side activity |
sivutörmäys {n} | :: side collision |
sivuttaa {v} | :: to ignore |
sivuttaa {vt} | :: to page (To mark or number the pages or divide to pages) |
sivuttaa {v} [computing] | :: to page (To save or load pages or memory) |
sivuttain {adv} | :: sideways (with a side to the front) |
sivuttain {adv} | :: alternative form of sivuittain |
sivuttainen {adj} | :: sideways |
sivuttainen {adj} | :: pagewise |
sivuttaiskierre {n} [sports] | :: alternative form of sivukierre |
sivuttaisliike {n} | :: lateral motion, lateral movement, sideways motion, sideways movement |
sivuttaispito {n} | :: sideways grip |
sivutuote {n} | :: byproduct, by-product, also: sideproduct |
sivutus {n} [computing] | :: paging |
sivutustiedosto {n} [computing] | :: page file, paging file, swap file |
sivutustila {n} [computing] | :: swap space |
sivutuuli {n} [nautical] | :: reach (wind blowing from either side of the vessel) |
sivutuuli {n} | :: (nautical) crosswind, beam reach (wind blowing perpendicular to the line of travel) |
sivutuulipurjehdus {n} [nautical] | :: reaching |
sivutyö {n} | :: side job, secondary occupation, moonlighting, side project (something productive done regularly in addition to one's primary occupation and household chores, whether paid or not) |
sivuun {adv} | :: aside (to one side so as to be out of the way) |
sivuun {adv} | :: With reitiltä: off course |
sivu-uoma {n} | :: side riverbed |
sivuuttaa {vt} | :: to skip, to bypass |
sivuuttaa {vt} | :: to skip, to ignore, to brush aside |
sivuvaaka {n} [gymnastics] | :: side lever |
sivuvaikutus {n} | :: side effect, adverse effect |
sivuvaikutus {n} [medicine] | :: iatrogenesis |
sivuvaimo {n} | :: concubine |
sivuvakaaja {n} | :: synonym of sivuvakain |
sivuvakain {n} [aviation] | :: vertical stabilizer |
sivuvalo {n} | :: sidelight |
sivuvaunu {n} | :: sidecar (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle) |
sivuvedos {n} | :: page proof |
sivuverho {n} | :: side curtain, drapery |
sivuverso {n} [botany] | :: offshoot (that which shoots off or separates from a main stem or branch of a plant) |
sivuvesieste {n} [golf] | :: lateral hazard, lateral water hazard |
sivuvirka {n} | :: side position, side post |
sivuvivahde {n} | :: side nuance |
Själlanti {prop} | :: Zealand (Danish island) |
Sjellanti {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Själlanti |
-ska {suffix} [colloquial, archaic, now humoristic] | :: Used to transform husband's family name or title to a term for addressing or speaking of a married woman. Used especially with family names ending with -nen and titles ending -ri |
skaala {n} | :: scale, scope |
skaalata {vt} | :: to scale (up or down), to change the size of |
skaalatikku {n} | :: A scale ruler, architect's ruler (drafting implement) |
skaalaus {n} | :: scaling |
skaalautua {vi} | :: To become scaled |
skaba {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: A competition |
skäfä {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: A short person, a dwarf |
skalaari {n} | :: scalar |
skalaaribosoni {n} [nuclear physics] | :: scalar boson |
skalaarifunktio {n} [mathematics] | :: scalar function |
skalaarikenttä {n} [mathematics, physics, linear algebra] | :: scalar field |
skalaarikertolasku {n} [linear algebra] | :: scalar multiplication |
skalaarisuure {n} | :: scalar (quantity) |
skalaaritulo {n} [linear algebra] | :: scalar product |
skaldi {n} | :: skald (Nordic poet) |
skalmeija {n} [musical instruments] | :: shawm |
skalpeerata {v} | :: to scalp |
skalpeeraus {n} | :: scalping (act of taking someone's scalp) |
skalpeeraus {n} [finance] | :: scalping (fraudulent form of market manipulation) |
skalpelli {n} | :: scalpel (small precision knife) |
skandaali {n} | :: scandal |
skandaalijuttu {n} | :: scandal story |
skandaalilehdistö {n} | :: yellow press |
skandaalilehti {n} | :: scandal sheet, yellow newspaper (newspaper ragarded as belonging to the yellow press) |
skandaalimainen {adj} | :: scandalous |
skandaalinkäry {n} | :: smell of a scandal, scent of a scandal |
skandaalinkäryinen {adj} | :: scandalous (wrong, immoral, causing a scandal) |
skandalisoida {vt} | :: To scandalize |
skandaloida {v} | :: alternative form of skandalisoida |
skandeerata {v} | :: to recite a poem in a manner which emphasizes the meter |
skandeeraus {n} | :: Act or practice of reciting a poem in a manner which emphasizes the meter |
skandi {n} | :: [usually plural] Any of the letters Ä, ä, Ö, ö, or Å, å |
skandinaavi {n} | :: A Scandinavian |
skandinaavinen {adj} | :: Scandinavian |
skandinaaviska {n} | :: A hypothetical common Scandinavian language often agreed to be spoken in Nordic meetings. In practice it means that each participant adheres to the standard form of Swedish, Danish or Norwegian according to his/her preference thus facilitating mutual understanding and avoiding need for simultaneous interpretation. There appears to be no established English translation to the term, but "Scandinavian" is a good bet, especially if explained for those who are not familiar with the concept |
Skandinavia {prop} | :: Scandinavia (peninsula) |
skandinavialainen {adj} [dated] | :: Alternative form of skandinaavinen |
skandinaviska {n} | :: Alternative spelling of skandinaaviska |
skandinavismi {n} | :: Scandinavianism |
skandinavisti {n} | :: Scandinavianist (supporter of Scandinavianism) |
Skandit {prop} | :: The Scandinavian Mountains |
skandium {n} | :: scandium |
Skåne {prop} | :: Alternative spelling of Skoone |
skannata {vt} [computing] | :: To scan |
skannaus {n} | :: scanning |
skanneri {n} [computing] | :: scanner |
skanssi {n} [nautical] | :: crew's quarters on a ship; in sailships they were usually located under a raised part of the upper deck at the bow of the vessel, in which case they were called forecastle |
skanssi {n} [historical] | :: fortalice (small fortress) |
skarpata {v} [colloquial] | :: Synonym of ryhdistäytyä |
skarpata {v} [photography] | :: to focus |
skarppi {adj} [colloquial] | :: alert (not tired) |
skede {n} [slang] | :: skateboard |
skeduloida {v} | :: to schedule |
skeema {n} [psychology] | :: schema |
skeema {n} [databases] | :: schema |
skeet-ammunta {n} | :: skeet, skeet shooting (form of trapshooting using clay targets to simulate birds in flight) |
skegi {n} [nautical] | :: skeg (fin-like structure to the rear of the keel of a vessel that supports the rudder and protects a propeller) |
skeglu {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: A puukko (Nordic hunting knife) |
skeida {n} [slang] | :: crap |
skeidata {v} | :: [slang, vulgar] shit, have a shit |
skeidata {v} | :: [slang, vulgar] soil, begrime |
skeidata {v} | :: [slang, vulgar] spoil, botch |
skeidata {v} | :: [slang, because of connotation considered vulgar] skateboard, board |
skeitata {v} | :: to skateboard, skate (to use a skateboard) |
skeittaaja {n} [colloquial] | :: skateboarder |
skeittailu {n} | :: skateboarding |
skeittari {n} [colloquial] | :: skateboarder, skater |
skeittaus {n} [colloquial] | :: skateboarding |
skeitti {n} [colloquial] | :: skateboarding |
skeittilauta {n} | :: skateboard |
skeittipuisto {n} | :: skatepark (recreational area dedicated to skateboarders) |
skeittiramppi {n} | :: skating ramp |
skeittirata {n} | :: skatepark (minor recreational facility dedicated to skateboarders) |
-skella {suffix} | :: Forms frequentative verbs, chiefly from bisyllabic stems |
skemaattinen {adj} | :: schematic |
skematisoida {vt} | :: to schematize |
skematisointi {n} | :: schematization |
skenaario {n} | :: scenario |
skenaristi {n} | :: scenarist (writer of screenplays) |
skenaristi {n} | :: scenario planner (one who writes scenarios of expected or supposed sequences of events) |
skene {n} [slang] | :: scene, view |
skene {n} [slang] | :: demoscene |
-skennella {suffix} | :: Forms frequentative verbs from monosyllabic stems |
skenografia {n} | :: scenography (design of theatrical sets) |
skenografia {n} | :: scenography (art of designing theatrical sets) |
skeptikko {n} | :: A sceptic/skeptic |
skeptinen {adj} | :: sceptical, skeptical |
skeptisesti {adv} | :: skeptically |
skeptisismi {n} | :: skepticism [US], scepticism [UK] (doctrine that absolute knowledge is not possible) |
skeptisyys {n} | :: skepticism [US], scepticism [UK] (property or attitude of being skeptical) |
sketsi {n} | :: sketch (short dramatic production) |
skiathlon {n} | :: skiathlon |
skidi {n} [slang] | :: child, kid |
skientismi {n} | :: scientism (belief that the scientific method is applicable to all other disciplines) |
skientologi {n} | :: Scientologist |
skientologia {n} | :: Scientology |
skientologinen {adj} | :: Scientological |
skiitta {n} | :: skete |
skimba {n} [slang] | :: ski |
skimbata {v} [slang] | :: to ski |
skimbaus {n} [slang] | :: skiing |
skinhead {n} | :: skinhead (member of a subculture) |
skini {n} [slang] | :: skinhead |
skini {n} [colloquial, computing, gaming] | :: skin |
skinkki {n} | :: Alternative term for kaivajalisko |
skintillaatio {n} [astronomy] | :: scintillation |
skipata {vi} [colloquial] | :: To skip (to omit, not to attend) |
skisma {n} | :: schism |
skistosomiaasi {n} [pathology] | :: schistosomiasis, bilharzia (any of various diseases of humans caused by parasitic blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma) |
skitsi {n} [slang] | :: sketch |
skitso {adj} [slang] | :: Alternative form of skitsofreeninen |
skitso {adj} [slang] | :: crazy, mad |
skitso {adj} [slang] | :: angry |
skitso {n} [slang] | :: Alternative form of skitsofreenikko |
skitsofreeni {adj} | :: schizophrenic |
skitsofreeni {n} | :: A schizophrenic person |
skitsofreenikko {n} | :: A schizophrenic person |
skitsofreeninen {adj} | :: schizophrenic |
skitsofreenisesti {adv} | :: schizophrenically |
skitsofreenistyyppinen {adj} | :: schizophreniform |
skitsofrenia {n} | :: schizophrenia (illness) |
skitta {n} [slang] | :: guitar |
skleroderma {n} [pathology] | :: scleroderma (chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterised by hardening of the skin) |
skleroosi {n} [pathology] | :: sclerosis |
sklerosoiva {adj} [medicine] | :: sclerosing |
skolastiikka {n} | :: scholasticism |
skolastikko {n} | :: scholastic (philosopher) |
skolastinen {adj} | :: scholastic |
skole {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: school |
skolioosi {n} [pathology] | :: scoliosis |
skonssi {n} | :: scone |
skool {interj} | :: cheers (toast) |
skoolata {v} | :: To toast (to salute and raise glasses before drinking) |
skoolaus {n} | :: toasting (act of raising a toast) |
skoone {n} | :: Scanian (dialect of Swedish spoken in Scania) |
Skoone {prop} | :: Scania (southmost province of Sweden) |
Skoone {prop} | :: Scania (peninsula on which the province lies) |
skoonelainen {adj} | :: Scanian (of Scania or its people) |
skoonelainen {n} | :: Scanian (person) |
-skooppi {suffix} | :: -scope |
skootteri {n} | :: motor scooter, scooter |
-skopia {suffix} | :: -scopy |
Skopje {prop} | :: Skopje (capital city) |
skoposteoria {n} [linguistics] | :: Skopos theory |
skorpioni {n} | :: A scorpion |
skorpioni {n} [astrology] | :: A person born under the sign of Scorpio |
Skorpioni {prop} | :: Scorpio (constellation) |
Skorpioni {prop} | :: Scorpio (astrological sign) |
skorpionilisko {n} | :: beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum |
skotlanninhirvikoira {n} | :: Scottish deerhound, deerhound (large breed of hound bred to hunt the red deer by coursing) |
skotlanninkäpylintu {n} | :: Scottish crossbill, Loxia scotica (passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae endemic to the pine forests of northern Scotland) |
skotlanninpaimenkoira {n} [dated] | :: rough collie (breed of dog) |
skotlanninterrieri {n} | :: Scottish terrier (breed of dog) |
Skotlanti {prop} | :: Scotland (country in northwest Europe to the north of England) |
skotlantilainen {adj} | :: Scottish |
skotlantilainen {n} | :: A Scottish person |
skotooma {n} [pathology] | :: scotoma (area of impaired or lost vision) |
skotti {n} | :: Scot (person) |
skotti {n} | :: Scots, Lallans (Germanic language based on Middle English, spoken in Southern parts of Scotland, the Lowlands) |
skotti {n} | :: Scottie Alternative term for skotlanninterrieri |
skottihame {n} | :: tartan skirt |
skottilainen {adj} | :: Alternative term for skotlantilainen |
skottiruudullinen {adj} | :: Alternative form of skottiruutuinen |
skottiruutuinen {adj} | :: tartan |
skoude {n} [slang] | :: A cop [police officer] |
SKP {prop} | :: initialism of Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue (Communist Party of Finland) |
skraga {n} [slang] | :: tie (item of clothing) |
skrapi {n} | :: scrapie (degenerative prion disease of sheep and goats that attacks the central nervous system) |
skrätsätä {v} [music] | :: to scratch (produce the distinctive sound on a turntable) |
skribentti {n} [rare] | :: A scribe (writer, especially a journalist) |
skripti {n} [computing, psychology] | :: script |
skrubu {n} [slang] | :: contusion, laceration |
skrubu {n} | :: (slang) scratch (disruption, mark or shallow cut on a surface caused by scratching) |
skrubu {n} | :: (slang) dent (shallow deformation in the surface of an object, produced by an impact) |
skrubu {adj} [slang] | :: poor, bad, inferior |
skruudata {vt} [Helsinki slang] | :: To eat |
skruuvata {v} | :: to play vint or screw |
skruuvi {n} [card games] | :: vint (card game for four players of Russian origin, similar to bridge) |
skulata {v} [slang] | :: to work, function, run (to act as intended, to be in action) |
skulata {v} | :: (slang) to play (a game) |
skulata {v} | :: (slang) to play (a musical instrument) |
skumppa {n} [colloquial] | :: sparkling wine |
skunkki {n} | :: skunk |
skuru {n} [Helsinki slang, dated] | :: A tram (passenger vehicle) |
skutsi {n} [slang] | :: forest, woods |
skutsi {n} [slang, with internal locative cases] | :: backwoods, bumfuck |
skuuppi {n} | :: scoop (news learned and reported before anyone else) |
skuutata {vt} [nautical] | :: to sheet (to trim a sail using a sheet) |
skuutti {n} [nautical] | :: sheet (rope to adjust sail) |
skuuttikulma {n} [nautical] | :: clew (on a triangular sail, the trailing corner relative to the wind direction) |
skvalaani {n} | :: squalane |
skvaleenisyntaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: squalene synthase |
SKY {prop} | :: initialism of Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys |
skyenterrieri {n} | :: Skye terrier (breed of dog) |
Skylla ja Kharybdis {phrase} | :: Scylla and Charybdis (metaphor of two equally perilous threats or courses of action between which one needs to navigate) |
skypettää {v} [colloquial, computing] | :: to skype (to make a telephone call using Skype software) |
skypettää {v} [colloquial, computing] | :: to skype (to send a file with Skype) |
skyrmioni {n} [physics] | :: skyrmion |
skyyttalainen {n} | :: Scythian (inhabitant of Scythia) |
skyyttalainen {adj} | :: Scythian (relating to Scythia or Scythians) |
skyytti {n} | :: Scythian (inhabitant of Scythia) |
slaageri {n} | :: schlager (piece of light music in schlager style, especially a German one) |
slaavi {n} | :: A Slav; a Slavic person |
slaavilainen {adj} | :: Slavonic, Slavic |
slaavilaisuus {n} | :: Slavicness (state or quality of being Slavic) |
slaba {n} [slang] | :: penis |
slaissi {n} [colloquial] | :: pizza slice |
slammata {v} [construction] | :: to plaster thinly, to apply a thin layer of plaster to |
slammata {v} [card games] | :: to slam (to make a slam bid in bridge) |
slammaus {n} [construction] | :: thin layer of plaster, thin plastering |
slammaus {n} [card games] | :: slamming |
slangi {n} | :: Slang, jargon, vernacular (language characteristic of a particular group) |
slangi {n} | :: Argot, jargon, vernacular (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a certain field or profession) |
slangi {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: Helsinki slang |
slangisana {n} | :: slang word |
slangisanakirja {n} | :: slang dictionary |
slapstick {n} | :: slapstick (physical comedy) |
slapstickelokuva {n} | :: slapstick movie, slapstick film (film genre) |
slapstickkomedia {n} | :: slapstick comedy (comedy genre) |
slavisti {n} | :: Slavist |
slavistiikka {n} | :: Slavistics |
slavofiili {n} | :: Slavophile |
Sleesia {prop} | :: Silesia |
sliipata {v} [colloquial] | :: to whet (to sharpen with a whetstone) |
sliipattu {adj} | :: slick (superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy) |
sliipattu {adj} | :: dandyish (in the style of a dandy; of a man, paying excessive attention to one's looks) |
sliippari {n} | :: slicker (person who is perceived as clever, urbane and possibly disreputable) |
sliippari {n} | :: dandy, Dapper Dan, fop (man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance) |
sliippaus {n} | :: whetting (act) |
sliksi {n} [jargon] | :: slick (tire with a smooth surface instead of a tread pattern) |
slipover {n} | :: alternative form of slipoveri |
slipoveri {n} | :: slipover, slipover vest, sleeveless sweater; tank top [UK]; sweater vest [US]; baldwin [Australia] |
slivovits {n} | :: slivovitz (plum liquor) |
slobo {n} [pejorative] | :: Rusky (Russian) |
slobo {n} [pejorative] | :: Slav |
slobo {n} [pejorative] | :: Serb |
slogaani {n} [rare] | :: slogan |
slogani {n} | :: alternative form of slogaani |
slovakia {n} | :: The Slovakian language |
Slovakia {prop} | :: Slovakia |
slovakialainen {adj} | :: Slovak (of Slovakia) |
slovakialainen {n} | :: A Slovak |
slovakialaisuus {n} | :: Slovakness (state or quality of being Slovak) |
slovakiancuvac {n} | :: Slovak Cuvac (breed of dog) |
slovakinkielinen {adj} | :: Slovak, Slovak language, Slovak speaking (written or expressed in Slovak) |
slovakki {n} | :: The Slovak language |
slovakki {n} | :: A person of Slovak nationality or origin |
sloveeni {n} | :: A person of Slovenian nationality or origin |
sloveeni {n} | :: The Slovenian language |
sloveeninkielinen {adj} | :: Slovenian, Slovenian language, Slovenian speaking (written or expressed in Slovenian) |
slovenia {n} | :: The Slovenian language |
Slovenia {prop} | :: Slovenia |
slovenialainen {adj} | :: Slovene (adjective) |
slovenialainen {n} | :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Slovenia |
slummi {n} | :: slum |
slummialue {n} | :: slum area, slum district |
slummimainen {adj} | :: slummy |
slummiutua {vi} | :: To become a ghetto |
slumpata {v} [slang] | :: To buy |
slush {n} | :: slush (icy drink) |
sluuppi {n} [nautical] | :: sloop |
SM {prop} | :: initialism of Suomen mestaruus Finnish championship series |
smakki {n} [nautical] | :: smack (type of sailing vessel used for fishing) |
smalltalk {n} | :: small talk (idle conversation) |
smaragdi {n} [mineral] | :: emerald |
smaragdiara {n} | :: military macaw, Ara militaris |
smaragdimonninen {n} | :: Britski's catfish, Corydoras britskii (small tropical fish used as aquarium fish) |
smaragdinvihreä {adj} | :: emerald green |
smaragdinvihreä {n} | :: emerald green |
smaragdipuuboa {n} | :: emerald tree boa, Corallus caninus (bright green non-venomous boa species found in the rainforests of South America) |
smaragdisormus {n} | :: emerald ring (ring decorated with an emerald or emeralds) |
smegma {n} | :: smegma |
smegma {n} | :: # (rare) MEP {{gloss|Member of European Parliament]] |
smektiitti {n} [mineral] | :: smectite |
smetana {n} | :: smetana |
sminkata {v} [dated] | :: synonym of meikata |
sminkki {n} [dated] | :: synonym of meikki |
smirgeli {n} [mineral] | :: emery (impure type of corundum, often used for sanding or polishing) |
smirgeli {n} [by extension] | :: grinder, bench grinder |
smirgelikangas {n} | :: emery cloth |
smirgelikivi {n} | :: emery stone |
smirgelipaperi {n} | :: emery paper |
smirgelöidä {vt} | :: to grind (to remove material by rubbing with a bench grinder) |
smirgelöinti {n} | :: grinding (act of removing material with a bench grinder) |
smithinkalliokaniini {n} | :: Smith's red rock hare, Pronolagus rupestris (East African species of hare) |
smithsoniitti {n} [mineral] | :: smithsonite |
smokki {n} | :: tuxedo, dinner jacket, black tie; penguin suit [informal] |
smokkipaita {n} | :: tuxedo shirt (formal shirt worn with tuxedo, typically with wing collar, buttoned cuffs and pleats in front) |
smokkipukuinen {adj} | :: dressed in tuxedo |
smokkitakki {n} | :: dinner jacket, tuxedo (typically black or sometimes white formal, tail-less jacket worn by men) |
smokkitilaisuus {n} | :: A black tie occasion |
smokkivyö {n} | :: cummerbund |
smoltti {n} | :: smolt (young salmon ready to leave its home river) |
smoolanninajokoira {n} | :: Smaland hound (breed of dog originating in Sweden) |
smoothie {n} | :: smoothie (beverage) |
smurffi {n} [comics, fictional character] | :: smurf |
smurffi {n} [derogatory, slang] | :: police officer |
smurffipuku {n} [military slang] | :: warm-up suit (used in the Finnish Army) |
snadi {adj} [slang] | :: small |
snadisti {adv} [slang] | :: little, a bit |
snagari {n} [slang] | :: nakkikioski |
snägäri {n} [slang] | :: A variant of snagari |
snaijata {v} [slang] | :: to understand, grab, get it |
snapsi {n} | :: schnapps (beverage) |
snapsi {n} | :: schnapps (serving) |
snapsilasi {n} | :: shot glass, particularly one that doesn't widen at the top |
snautseri {n} | :: schnauzer |
snobbailla {vi} | :: To act like a snob |
snobbailu {n} | :: snobbishness (snobbish behaviour) |
snobi {n} | :: A snob |
snobismi {n} | :: snobbishness (state, quality or instance of being snobbish) |
snobistinen {adj} | :: snobbish |
snobistisesti {adv} | :: snobbishly |
snobistisuus {n} | :: snobbishness (state or quality of being snobbish) |
snöge {n} [slang] | :: snow |
snooker {n} | :: snooker |
snorkkeli {n} | :: snorkel |
snörppi {n} [nautical] | :: A leech line |
snt {n} | :: abbreviation of sentti |
SNT {prop} | :: initialism of sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta |
SNTL {prop} | :: abbreviation of Sosialististen neuvostotasavaltojen liitto |
so. {phrase} | :: abbreviation of se on; i.e. |
soba {n} | :: soba |
socinolainen {n} [religion] | :: Socinian (person) |
socinolainen {adj} [religion] | :: Socinian (of or pertaining to the Socinians) |
socinolaisuus {n} [religion] | :: Socinianism (religious movement) |
sodanaikainen {adj} | :: wartime (taking place or being in force during a war) |
sodanjälkeinen {adj} | :: post-war |
sodanjohto {n} | :: war leadership (the bodies and persons collectively that have the responsibility of leading a war in the strategic level) |
sodanjulistus {n} | :: declaration of war |
sodanjumala {n} [paganism] | :: god of war |
sodanjumalatar {n} | :: war goddess, goddess of war |
sodankäynti {n} | :: warfare |
Sodankylä {prop} | :: Sodankylä |
sodankyläläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sodankylä |
sodankyläläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sodankylä |
sodanlietsoja {n} | :: warmonger (one who advocates war) |
sodanuhka {adj} | :: threat of war |
sodanvaara {n} | :: threat of war |
sodanvastainen {adj} | :: anti-war |
sodassa ja rakkaudessa kaikki on sallittua {proverb} | :: all's fair in love and war |
söde {adj} [slang] | :: cute |
sodomanmadari {n} | :: apple of Sodom, Calotropis procera |
sodomia {n} | :: bestiality, sodomy (sexual activity between a human and another animal species) |
sodomia {n} [rare, dated] | :: sodomy (any sexual activity regarded as unnormal) |
sodomiitti {n} | :: sodomite |
soemmerringingaselli {n} | :: Soemmerring's gazelle, Nanger soemmerringii, formerly Gazella soemmerringii |
soentaa {v} | :: synonym of sokaista |
soentua {v} | :: synonym of sokaistua |
soeta {vi} | :: to go blind |
Sofia {prop} | :: Sofia (capital city) |
Sofia {prop} | :: given name |
sofismi {n} | :: synonym of sofistiikka |
sofisti {n} | :: sophist |
sofistiikka {n} | :: sophism (rhetoric-based method of teaching applied by the ancient sophists) |
sofistiikka {n} | :: synonym of saivartelu |
sofistikoitunut {adj} | :: sophisticated |
sofistinen {adj} | :: sophistic (of or pertaining to sophism or sophists) |
softa {n} [computing, jargon] | :: software |
softa {n} | :: softa |
softaus {n} | :: airsoft |
softball {n} | :: softball |
soft ice {n} [rare] | :: synonym of pehmytjäätelö |
sohaista {vt} | :: To poke once |
sohaisu {n} | :: jab (quick stab) |
sohia {v} | :: To poke |
sohjo {n} | :: slush (partially melted snow) |
sohjo {n} | :: sludge (mass of small pieces of ice on the surface of a body of water) |
sohjoinen {adj} | :: [of half-melted snow] slushy |
sohjokeli {n} | :: slushy road condition |
sohjoliirto {n} [automotive] | :: slush planing (phenomenon similar to hydroplaning, but on slush rather than on water) |
sohjolumi {n} | :: slush |
sohjoontua {vi} | :: alternative form of sohjoutua |
sohjoutua {vi} | :: to become slushy |
sohlata {v} | :: synonym of sählätä |
söhlätä {v} | :: synonym of sählätä |
söhläys {n} | :: synonym of sähläys |
söhliä {v} [colloquial] | :: To screw up, mess up |
sohlo {n} | :: synonym of sähläri |
sohlo {n} | :: a bad-quality rifle |
sohva {n} | :: sofa, couch |
sohvaantua {vi} | :: to turn into a couch potato |
sohvakaluste {n} | :: A piece of furniture that belongs to a sofa group |
sohvakalusto {n} | :: sofa set |
sohvannurkka {n} [literally] | :: A corner of a sofa |
sohvannurkka {n} [figuratively] | :: A passive position in relation to one's career and employment |
sohvanurkka {n} | :: sofa corner (corner in which a sofa or a sofa group is placed) |
sohvanurkkaus {n} | :: sofa corner (corner in which a sofa or a sofa group is placed) |
sohvaperuna {n} | :: couch potato, idler, layabout (person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down) |
sohvapöytä {n} | :: coffee table |
sohvaryhmä {n} | :: sofa set, sofa group |
sohvasänky {n} | :: sofa bed |
sohvatyyny {n} | :: sofa cushion |
sohvautua {v} | :: synonym of sohvaantua |
Sohvi {prop} | :: given name |
soida {vi} | :: To sound (to make a musical sound) |
soida {vi} | :: To ring (of a phone or bell) |
soidensuojelu {n} | :: marsh protection |
soidensuojelualue {n} | :: marsh protection area, marsh protection zone |
soidin {n} [zoology] | :: mating display, courtship, lek (pattern of behaviour by some male birds and other animals to attract the females) |
soidinääni {n} | :: courtship call |
soidinalue {n} | :: site or region that a species inhabits |
soidinhuuto {n} | :: mating call |
soidinlento {n} | :: courtship flight |
soidinmenot {n} | :: courtship display |
soidinpaikka {n} | :: breeding ground (place where some birds gather for their courtship) |
soidinpuku {n} | :: breeding plumage |
soidintaa {v} [zoology] | :: to court, lek (to take part in the courtship and display behaviour of a lek) |
soieta {vi} | :: to become oval (transform into oval shape) |
soihdunkantaja {n} | :: torch carrier |
soihtu {n} | :: torch |
soihtu {n} | :: asphodel; plant of the genus Asphodelus |
soihtuköynnös {n} [in plural] | :: The genus Aeschynanthus; the English common names of species in this genus include basket plant, lipstick plant |
soihtuköynnös {n} | :: Any plant in this genus |
soihtukulkue {n} | :: torch procession |
soihtukynttilä {n} | :: outdoor candle (wide, low candle for outdoor use, often cast in metal can for safety) |
soihtupurkaus {n} [astronomy] | :: solar flare |
soija {n} | :: soy/soya |
soija {n} | :: soy sauce |
soija {n} [colloquial, often in plural] | :: sweat |
soijajauho {n} | :: soy flour |
soijajuusto {n} | :: soy cheese (cheese-like edible product made of soy) |
soijakakku {n} | :: soybean meal (residue from extraction of soybean oil from soybeans, used chiefly as animal fodder but also as raw material for various soy products for human use) |
soijakakku {n} | :: soy cake (cake made of soy flour) |
soijakastike {n} | :: soy sauce |
soijamaito {n} | :: soy milk |
soijaöljy {n} | :: soybean oil (oil extracted from soybeans) |
soijapapu {n} | :: soybean, Glycine max (legume plant, commonly cultivated for human and animal consumption and as a nitrogen-fixing ground cover) |
soijarouhe {n} | :: kibbled soy |
soijarouhekastike {n} | :: A sauce made with kibbled soy as main raw material |
soikea {adj} | :: oval, elliptical |
soikea {adj} [botany, of leaves] | :: elliptic |
soikeakasvoinen {adj} | :: oval faced |
soikeampi {adj} | :: comparative of soikea |
soikeasti {adv} | :: ovally |
soikeus {n} | :: ovalness |
soikio {n} | :: oval |
soikko {n} | :: tub |
Soila {prop} | :: given name |
Soile {prop} | :: given name |
Soili {prop} | :: given name |
soilikki {n} | :: Cape primrose (plant of the genus Streptocarpus, many of which are popular houseplants) |
Soilikki {prop} | :: given name |
soima {n} | :: a kind of traditional large sailboat once used on Lake Ladoga |
soimaaminen {n} | :: reproaching, rebuking |
soimata {v} | :: to reproach, rebuke, scold |
soimaus {n} | :: rebuke (harsh criticism) |
soimia {v} [dialectal, rare] | :: synonym of ivata |
soimiminen {n} [dialectal, rare] | :: synonym of ivaaminen |
soiminen {n} | :: sounding, ringing (the act of making a musical sound) |
soinen {adj} | :: swampy |
soini {n} [historical, archaic] | :: squire |
Soini {prop} [uncountable] | :: Soini (municipality) |
Soini {prop} [Finnish mythology] | :: A giant, son of Kaleva, in Finnish mythology |
Soini {prop} [now rare] | :: given name |
Soini {prop} | :: surname derived from the given name |
Soini {prop} | :: Any of a number of places in Finland |
soinilainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Soini (Finnish municipality) |
soinilainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Soini (Finnish municipality) |
Soininen {prop} | :: surname |
soinnahtaa {vi} | :: to ring out, to sound, to chime (and sound pleasant) |
soinnikas {adj} | :: sonorous |
soinnikkaasti {adv} | :: sonorously |
soinnillinen {adj} | :: toned (of a sound, having a tone) |
soinnillinen {adj} [phonetics] | :: voiced (of a speech sound, spoken with vibration of the vocal cords, e.g. m, n, r) |
soinnillisesti {adv} | :: with a tone |
soinnillisesti {adv} [of phonemes] | :: in a voiced manner, with voicing |
soinnillistua {vi} [linguistics] | :: to become voiced |
soinniton {adj} | :: toneless (of voice, lacking tone) |
soinniton {adj} [phonetics] | :: voiceless, unvoiced (of a consonant, spoken without vibration of the vocal cords, e.g. t, s, f) |
soinnittomasti {adv} | :: tonelessly |
soinnittomasti {adv} [linguistics] | :: voicelessly |
soinnittomuus {n} | :: tonelessness |
soinnittomuus {n} [linguistics] | :: voicelessness |
soinnukas {adj} | :: melodious, tuneful |
soinnukkaasti {adv} | :: melodiously |
soinnukkuus {n} | :: melodiousness |
soinnullisesti {adv} | :: in a manner that is related or pertaining to chords (harmonic sets of three or more notes) |
soinnutella {v} [music] | :: to chord casually or repeatedly (write chords for) |
soinnuttaa {v} [music] | :: to chord (to write chords for) |
soinnutus {n} [music] | :: chording |
sointi {n} | :: voice |
sointi {n} | :: clang |
sointi {n} | :: timbre |
sointinen {adj} | :: having a sound (of or like) |
sointiväri {n} | :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume) |
sointu {n} [music] | :: A chord |
Sointu {prop} | :: given name |
sointua {vi} [music] | :: to harmonize, to tune |
sointufunktio {n} [music] | :: chord function, diatonic function |
sointuisa {adj} | :: melodious, harmonious, tuneful |
sointukierto {n} | :: synonym of sointukulku |
sointukulku {n} [music] | :: chord progression |
sointumuura {n} | :: black-crested antshrike |
sointuoppi {n} [music] | :: harmony (the academic study of chords) |
sointuva {adj} | :: musical, sonorous, harmonious, melodious |
sointuva {adj} | :: consonant |
soiro {n} | :: wooden plank that is 38–75 mm (around 1.5–3 in) thick and 75–175 mm (around 3–7 in) broad |
soisempi {adj} | :: comparative of soinen |
soisin {adj} | :: superlative of soinen |
soistaa {vt} | :: to make swampy |
soistua {vi} | :: to turn into a marsh |
soistuminen {n} | :: becoming marshy, turning into a marsh; paludification |
soitanta {n} | :: playing (act of playing music) |
soitella {v} | :: Frequentative form of the verb soittaa (to play); to play for fun, in a light-hearted way, without paying too much attention to playing exactly right |
soitella {v} | :: To give a number of phone calls, either many to one person, or one to each of many people |
soitin {n} | :: musical instrument |
soitin {n} | :: player (any device that repeats recorded sound) |
soitinmusiikki {n} | :: instrumental music |
soitinnus {n} [music] | :: orchestration (act or result of orchestrating) |
soitinrakennus {n} | :: instrument building (art and craft of making musical instruments) |
soitinrakentaja {n} [music] | :: instrument builder |
soitinryhmä {n} | :: instrumental group |
soitinryhmä {n} | :: group of instruments |
soitinsävellys {n} [music] | :: instrumental piece, instrumental |
soitinsoolo {n} [music] | :: instrumental solo |
soitintaa {vt} | :: to orchestrate (to arrange or score music for performance by an orchestra) |
soitonopettaja {n} | :: music playing teacher or instructor |
soittaa {v} | :: to play (produce music using a musical instrument; use a device to hear (a recording); the instrument is in the partitive, but the piece is also often in the accusative) |
soittaa {v} [with allative] | :: to phone, call (the person called is in the allative) |
soittaa {v} | :: to ring, toll (a bell; also idiomatically in the expression soittaa kelloa) |
soittaa {v} [archaic] | :: to drive, ride (now chiefly in idiomatic expressions, such as yhtä soittoa) |
soittaa kelloa {v} [idiomatic] | :: To ring a bell (to seem remotely familiar) |
soittaa suutaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to speak provocatively, to attack verbally, to mouth off |
soittaja {n} | :: player (one who plays a musical instrument) |
soittaja {n} | :: caller (one who makes a phone call) |
soittaminen {n} | :: playing (act of playing an instrument) |
soittaminen {n} | :: calling, phoning (act of calling with a phone) |
soittimenrakennus {n} | :: synonym of soitinrakennus |
soittimentekijä {n} | :: synonym of soitinrakentaja |
soitto {n} | :: music (sounds produced with musical instruments) |
soitto {n} | :: playing (act of playing music) |
soitto {n} | :: call, telephone call; ring; bell [UK, colloquial] |
soitto {n} | :: toll (ringing of a bell) |
soitto {n} [archaic] | :: driving, riding; now chiefly idiomatic use, see yhtä soittoa |
soittoääni {n} | :: ringtone (sound made by a telephone when ringing) |
soittokello {n} | :: bell |
soittokone {n} | :: playing machine (machine that plays music or similar) |
soittokunta {n} | :: A band, orchestra, marching band (group of musicians, especially of wind and percussion players) |
soittolista {n} | :: playlist |
soittoniekka {n} | :: skilled musician, especially one who plays folk music |
soitto-opinnot {n} | :: music lessons, instrument lessons |
soitto-oppilas {n} | :: music playing student |
soittorasia {n} [musical instruments] | :: musical box, music box |
soittotaito {n} | :: playing skill, musicianship |
soittotekniikka {n} | :: playing technique (technique for playing an instrument) |
sojolla {adv} | :: upright, standing, upstanding, erect, outstretched |
sojollaan {adv} | :: synonym of sojolla |
sojolle {adv} | :: into being upright, standing, upstanding, erect or outstretched |
sojolleen {adv} | :: synonym of sojolle |
sojoon {adv} | :: synonym of sojolle |
sojossa {adv} | :: synonym of sojolla |
sojottaa {vi} | :: to stick out |
sokaiseva {adj} | :: blinding |
sokaista {vt} | :: to blind (especially momentarily) |
sokaistua {vi} | :: To become blind |
sokea {adj} | :: blind (unable to see) |
sokea {n} | :: blind (person) |
sokeainaakkoset {n} | :: braille alphabet |
sokeainkirjoitus {n} | :: braille (system of writing in which letters are represented by raised dots and are read with the fingertips) |
sokeainkoulu {n} | :: school for the blind |
sokea kuin lepakko {adj} [simile] | :: blind as a bat |
sokea piste {n} | :: blind spot (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina) |
sokea Reetta {prop} | :: Blind Freddy (archetype of incapacity) |
sokeasti {adv} | :: blindly |
sokeentua {v} | :: alternative form of sokeutua |
sokeerata {v} | :: alternative spelling of šokeerata |
šokeerata {v} | :: to shock, stun (to cause to be emotionally shocked) |
sokein {adj} | :: superlative of sokea |
sokeisto {n} [metal type] | :: spacing material (in a text) |
sokellus {n} | :: slurring (poor articulation) |
sokeltaa {vi} | :: to slur one's words |
sokeri {n} | :: sugar |
sokeriaineenvaihdunta {n} | :: sugar metabolism |
sokerialkoholi {n} [chemistry] | :: sugar alcohol |
sokeriannoona {n} | :: sugar apple, sweetsop, Annona squamosa |
sokeriastia {n} | :: sugar bowl |
sokeriastia {n} | :: sugar dish (any dish used for serving sugar in the table) |
sokeriglyseridi {n} [organic chemistry] | :: sucroglyceride |
sokeriherne {n} [vegetables] | :: snow pea, mangetout, sugar pea (sweet cultivar of garden pea, Pisum sativum var. sativum) |
sokerihumala {n} | :: sugar high, sugar rush |
sokerijuurikas {n} | :: sugar beet, Beta vulgaris var. altissima (the plant) |
sokerijuurikas {n} | :: sugar beet (the root) |
sokerikakku {n} | :: An ambiguous term which may be used of many dessert cakes, but sponge cake often comes close as translation |
sokerikasvi {n} | :: sugar plant (plant grown for raw material of sugar production) |
sokerikko {n} | :: sugar bowl (dish specifically designed for serving sugar) |
sokerikoivu {n} | :: cherry birch. Betula lenta (North American species of birch) |
sokerikorppu {n} | :: sugar rusk (sugared rusk of twice baked wheat bread, often spiced with cinnamon) |
sokerikulööri {n} | :: caramel coloring, caramel (caramelized sugar) used as brown food coloring |
sokerikuorrute {n} [cooking] | :: sugar frosting (sugary coating for cakes and other baked goods) |
sokerikuorrutus {n} | :: synonym of sokerikuorrute |
sokerikuorrutus {n} | :: synonym of sokerilla kuorruttaminen |
sokerileipomo {n} | :: pastry shop, patisserie |
sokerileipuri {n} | :: pastry chef, confectioner |
sokeriliemi {n} | :: syrup (sweet liquid used e.g. for preserving fruit) |
sokerilusikka {n} | :: sugar spoon |
sokerimaissi {n} | :: sweet corn, Zea mays var. saccharata (high sugar-content variety of corn consumed as vegetable) |
sokerimamma {n} | :: sugar mama |
sokerimuurahainen {n} | :: black garden ant, Lasius niger |
sokerina pohjalla {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as the icing on the cake, the cherry on the cake, the cherry on top (something that intensifies the appreciation of something already good) |
sokerinen {adj} | :: sugary |
sokerinpala {n} | :: synonym of sokeripala |
sokerinpalanen {n} | :: a small piece of sugar, disregarding the shape |
sokerinpalanen {n} | :: synonym of sokeripala (sugar cube) |
sokerinsirotin {n} | :: synonym of sokerisirotin |
sokerintuotanto {n} | :: sugar production |
sokerintuottaja {n} | :: sugar producer |
sokeriorava {n} | :: sugar glider, Petaurus breviceps (small omnivorous marsupial endemic to Australia and New Guinea) |
sokeripala {n} | :: sugar cube, piece of sugar, lump of sugar (small cubical piece of sugar for sweetening of e.g. hot beverages) |
sokeripala {n} [colloquial] | :: screw terminal (electrical installation material for connecting low voltage devices) |
sokeripalanen {n} | :: synonym of sokerinpalanen |
sokeripihdit {n} | :: sugar tongs (tongs for handling sugar bits) |
sokeripitoinen {adj} | :: sugar-containing, that contains sugar |
sokeripitoinen {n} | :: sugar-containing (sugared rusk of twice baked wheat bread, often spiced with cinnamon) |
sokeripitoisuus {n} | :: sugar content |
sokeripussi {n} | :: bag of sugar |
sokeriruoko {n} | :: sugar cane, sugarcane |
sokeriruokoviljelmä {n} | :: sugar cane plantation |
sokerisäilöntä {n} | :: sugar preservation (preservation of food in sugar) |
sokerisakset {n} | :: sugar nips (type of pincers for cutting raw sugar into pieces) |
sokerisirotin {n} | :: sugar shaker (sugared rusk of twice baked wheat bread, often spiced with cinnamon) |
sokeristua {vi} | :: to turn into sugar; used especially to refer to the process in which some carbohydrates turn into sugar in the metabolism |
sokeristumisindeksi {n} | :: glycemic index |
sokerisuolata {v} | :: to preserve food, such as raw fish, by both salting and sugaring it |
sokerisuolaus {n} | :: A method of preserving food by both salting and sugaring it; used e.g. in making a variety of gravadlax |
sokerisuus {n} | :: sugariness (property of being sugary) |
sokeritasapaino {n} | :: sugar balance |
sokeritauti {n} [pathology] | :: diabetes |
sokeritautinen {adj} | :: diabetic |
sokeritautipotilas {n} | :: diabetes patient, diabetic |
sokeritehdas {n} | :: sugar mill (industrial facility for producing sugar) |
sokeriteollisuus {n} | :: sugar industry |
sokeriton {adj} | :: sugar-free |
sokeritoppa {n} | :: sugar-loaf, sugarloaf |
Sokeritoppa {n} | :: Sugarloaf Mountain (famous mountain in Rio de Janeiro) |
sokeritorakka {n} | :: American cockroach, waterbug (Periplaneta americana) |
sokeritoukka {n} | :: silverfish, Lepisma saccarina (small wingless insect with silvery scales) |
sokerivaahtera {n} | :: sugar maple |
sokerivesi {n} | :: sugar water (sugared water) |
sokerivesikuorrute {n} | :: glazing, icing (foodstuff coating made of powdered sugar, water, flavors and colors) |
sokerivesikuorrutus {n} | :: synonym of sokerivesikuorrute |
sokerivesikuorrutus {n} | :: synonym of sokerivedellä kuorruttaminen |
sokeroida {vt} | :: to sugar (add sugar to) |
sokeroida {vt} | :: to sugar, to sugar-wax |
sokeroimaton {adj} | :: unsugared |
sokerointi {n} | :: sugaring |
sokeroittaa {v} | :: to turn into sugar |
sokeroitua {v} | :: to become sugarcoated (to become covered with sugar) |
sokeroitua {v} | :: to crystallize (of a sugary substance, such as honey: to solidify and turn sugar-like) |
sokeroitua {v} | :: synonym of sokeristua |
sokeroituminen {n} | :: glycation |
sokeroituminen {n} | :: sugarcoating (the act of becoming sugarcoated) |
sokeroitumisindeksi {n} | :: synonym of sokeristumisindeksi |
sokeus {n} | :: blindness |
sokeuttaa {vt} | :: To blind (permanently) |
sokeutua {vi} | :: to become (permanently) blind |
sokka {n} | :: A removable fastener used to secure machine parts, axles etc., such as e.g. a cotter pin [US], split pin [UK], linchpin |
sokka {n} | :: safety pin (pin of a hand grenade that prevents accidental detonation) |
sokkanaula {n} | :: split pin; cotter pin [US] (metal fastener with two tines that are bent during installation, similar to a staple or rivet) |
sokkapultti {n} | :: clevis bolt |
sokkarengas {n} | :: circle cotter, cotter ring, split ring (formed wire fastener that is shaped like a circle; the cotter is installed into its hole very much the way a key ring is slid into the whole in a key) |
sokkeli {n} | :: plinth (bottom course of stones or bricks supporting a wall) |
sokkeli {n} | :: plinth (base or pedestal beneath a cabinet) |
sokkeli {n} | :: socle |
sokkeliperustus {n} | :: plinth foundation |
sokkelo {n} | :: maze |
sokkeloinen {adj} | :: labyrinthine |
sokkelopartamonni {n} | :: Ancistrus claro (small South American catfish, kept as aquarium fish) |
sokki {n} | :: alternative spelling of šokki |
šokki {n} [pathology] | :: shock |
sokkiaalto {n} | :: alternative spelling of šokkiaalto |
šokkiaalto {n} | :: A shock wave |
šokkisivusto {n} | :: shock site |
sokko {n} | :: blind man's buff (children's game in which a blindfolded person tries to catch the other players) |
sokko {n} | :: blindman (the blindfolded person in this game, also called "It") |
sokko {n} | :: Someone who is temporarily unable to see, either due to being blinded or because something essential is hidden from that person, as in a "blind test" |
sokko {n} [dated] | :: blind person |
sokkohiiri {n} | :: mole rat (mole rat of the genus Spalax) |
sokkojuoksiainen {n} [zoology] | :: symphylan (arthropod of the class Symphyla) |
sokkokäärme {n} | :: any snake of family Typhlopidae or Anomalepididae |
sokkolaukaus {n} | :: A blind shot |
sokkolento {n} | :: blind flying |
sokkopaarma {n} | :: deer fly (any horsefly of the genus Chrysops) |
sokkopaarma {n} | :: twin-lobed deerfly, Chrysops relictus (species of horsefly) |
sokkosilla {adv} | :: playing blind man's buff |
sokkosille {adv} | :: into playing blind man's buff |
sokkotesti {n} | :: blind test (testing method) |
sokkotreffit {n} | :: blind date |
sökö {n} [poker] | :: A variant of stud poker; sousem, Canadian stud, Scandinavian stud |
sökö {adj} [colloquial] | :: broken |
sököttää {v} [poker] | :: to check |
Sokrates {prop} | :: Socrates |
sola {n} | :: pass, mountain pass (between mountains) |
sola {n} | :: (narrow) alley or lane, gap |
solaarinen {adj} | :: solar |
solaario {n} | :: solarium (room) |
solahtaa {vi} | :: to slip, to slump |
solakka {adj} | :: slender, thin |
solakko {n} [aviation] | :: slat |
solakoittaa {vt} | :: to make (more) slender or thin |
solakoitua {vi} | :: to become (more) slender or thin |
solaniini {n} [chemistry] | :: solanine |
solarium {n} | :: A tanning bed, sunbed (tanning device) |
solarium {n} | :: A solarium (room or establishment with sunbeds) |
solariumi {n} | :: solarium [tanning booth] |
solauttaa {vt} | :: to slip (cause to move smoothly and quickly) |
solenoidi {n} | :: solenoid |
solenoidiventtiili {n} | :: solenoid valve |
solfeesi {n} [music] | :: solfège |
solidaarinen {adj} | :: solidary |
solidaarisesti {adv} | :: solidarily |
solidaarisuus {n} | :: solidarity |
solidariteetti {n} | :: solidarity |
solidi {n} | :: a solid |
solidi {adj} [colloquial] | :: solid, robust |
solina {n} | :: murmur, gurgle, purl |
solipsismi {n} | :: solipsism |
solisluu {n} [skeleton] | :: clavicle, collarbone |
solista {vi} [of water e.g. in a creek or spring] | :: To burble, bubble |
solisti {n} | :: soloist |
solistikonsertti {n} [music] | :: solo concert |
solisvaltimo {n} [anatomy] | :: subclavian artery |
solitoni {n} [physics] | :: soliton |
soljahtaa {v} | :: synonym of solahtaa |
soljo {n} | :: dayflower (any plant of the genus Commelina) |
soljo {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Commelina |
soljua {vi} | :: to flow, to slide (smoothly) |
soljuttaa {vt} | :: to cause to flow or slide smoothly |
solkata {v} | :: to slur, to speak unclearly |
solkenaan {adv} | :: continuously and in large quantity |
solki {n} | :: a belt buckle |
solki {n} | :: fibula, brooch, clasp |
solkottaa {vi} | :: to speak unclearly |
solmeilla {v} | :: to knot |
solmeilu {n} | :: knotting |
solmeilutyö {n} | :: knotting work, macramé |
solmia {vt} | :: to tie, knot |
solmia {vt} | :: to conclude (some sort of an agreement, treaty, pact) |
solminta {n} | :: tying (such as a tie) |
solmio {n} | :: necktie, tie (item of clothing) |
solmioneula {n} | :: tie tack, tie pin, stickpin, tie tac (pin to hold a tie in place) |
solmioneula {n} [by extension] | :: tie clip, tie slide, tie bar, tie clasp (clip to hold a tie in place) |
solmionpidike {n} | :: tie clip |
solmionpidin {n} | :: tie clip |
solmisaatio {n} [music] | :: solmization |
solmita {v} | :: synonym of solmia |
solmittaa {v} [rare] | :: to have tied by someone, to make someone tie |
solmiutua {vi} | :: to be tied or knotted |
solmiutua {vi} | :: to be concluded (of an agreement) |
solmu {n} | :: knot (looping) |
solmu {n} | :: knot (tangled clump) |
solmu {n} | :: knot (maze-like pattern) |
solmu {n} | :: knot, deadlock (difficult situation) |
solmu {n} | :: knot (nautical unit of speed) |
solmu {n} [graph theory] | :: vertex |
solmu {n} [computing] | :: node (computer attached to a network or cluster) |
solmu {n} [physics] | :: node (of a standard wave) |
solmuke {n} | :: bow tie |
solmukohta {n} | :: hub (a place where many routes meet) |
solmulevä {n} | :: knotted wrack, Ascophyllum nodosum (common seaweed) |
solmupiste {n} | :: nodal point |
solmuteoria {n} [mathematics] | :: knot theory |
solmuvarsta {n} | :: synonym of riusa |
solmuverkko {n} [computing] | :: mesh network |
solttu {n} [colloquial] | :: soldier |
solu {n} [biology, communication, computing] | :: cell |
solu {n} [colloquial] | :: short for soluasunto |
solua {vi} | :: to slide or glide calmly and effortlessly, to flow |
solualue {n} [computing, spreadsheets] | :: cell area |
soluasunto {n} | :: shared apartment, shared flat (apartment or flat in which every resident has their own room but shares the kitchen and other living spaces) |
soluautomaatti {n} [computing theory] | :: cellular automaton |
solubetoni {n} | :: foam concrete |
soluelin {n} [cytology] | :: organelle |
soluemali {n} | :: cloisonne (material, objects made of cloisonne as class) |
soluemalinen {adj} | :: cloisonne (made of cloisonne) |
soluemalityö {n} | :: cloisonne, cloisonné (object) |
soluemalointi {n} | :: cloisonne, cloisonné (technique) |
soluhengitys {n} | :: cellular respiration |
solukalvo {n} | :: cell membrane |
solukelmu {n} | :: synonym of solukalvo |
solukko {n} [biology] | :: tissue |
solukudos {n} | :: cellular tissue |
solukuolema {n} | :: apoptosis |
solulima {n} [cytology] | :: cytoplasm |
solulimakalvosto {n} [cytology] | :: endoplasmic reticulum |
solulinja {n} [genetics] | :: cell line |
solumuovi {n} | :: polyfoam |
solunesterakkula {n} [cytology] | :: vacuole |
solunielu {n} [biology] | :: A cytopharynx (opening through which a ciliate ingests its food) |
solunjakautuminen {n} [cytology] | :: cytokinesis |
soluoppi {n} [biology] | :: cytology |
soluseinä {n} [cytology] | :: cell wall |
solusisältö {n} [computing, spreadsheets] | :: cell content |
solusyönti {n} [cytology] | :: phagocytosis |
soluteoria {n} [biology] | :: cell theory |
soluton {adj} [biology] | :: acellular |
soluttaa {vt} | :: to hide in, to inconspicuously put in |
soluttaa {vt} | :: to infiltrate (send someone through gaps in the enemy line) |
soluttautua {vi} | :: to infiltrate |
soluttautuja {n} | :: infiltrator |
solutukiranka {n} | :: cytoskeleton |
solutus {n} | :: the act of putting something somewhere inconspicuously |
solutus {n} | :: infiltration, the act of infiltrating |
solutustyö {n} | :: infiltrating work |
solutyö {n} | :: work in small groups to make a complete product |
soluutio {n} | :: solution |
soluväliaine {n} [anatomy] | :: extracellular matrix |
soluviljely {n} | :: cell culture. cell culturing |
solvata {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To insult, abuse, deride |
solvaus {n} | :: affront, abuse, defamation (insulting speech) |
solvenssi {n} [finance] | :: solvency |
soma {adj} | :: pretty |
soma {adj} | :: cute, sweet |
somaattinen {adj} | :: somatic |
somaattinen hermosto {n} [anatomy] | :: somatic nervous system |
somaattinen solu {n} | :: somatic cell |
somali {n} | :: A Somali |
somali {n} | :: The Somali language |
Somalia {prop} | :: Somalia |
somalialainen {adj} | :: Somalian |
somalialainen {n} | :: A Somalian person, Somali |
Somalimaa {prop} | :: Somaliland |
somasti {adv} | :: sweetly, cutely, neatly, beautifully |
somatiikka {n} | :: somatics (holistic approach to physical therapy) |
somatisaatio {n} | :: somatization |
somatisoida {vt} | :: to somatize |
sombrero {n} | :: sombrero (hat) |
sombrero {n} | :: sombrero (drink) |
some {n} [colloquial or jargon] | :: social media |
somekansa {n} | :: people of social media |
somekupla {n} | :: an echo chamber in social media |
somempi {adj} | :: comparative of soma |
somentaa {vt} | :: to make more pretty |
somentua {vi} | :: to become more pretty |
someraivo {n} | :: social media outrage |
somerikko {n} | :: ground covered with coarse gravel |
Somerkoski {prop} | :: surname |
somero {n} | :: shingle, rough gravel |
Somero {prop} | :: Somero (town/and/municipality) |
somerolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Somero |
somerolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Somero |
somersara {n} | :: Carex glareosa |
somiitti {n} [biology] | :: somite |
somistaa {v} | :: To decorate, embellish |
somistautua {vi} | :: to dress up |
somiste {n} | :: decoration, embellishment |
somistua {vi} | :: to be decorated or embellished |
somistus {n} | :: decorating, embellishing |
sommelieeri {n} | :: sommelier |
sommelo {n} | :: ball of string |
sommitella {vt} | :: to compose, to arrange (arrange elements of a picture) |
sommitelma {n} | :: arrangement, composition |
sommittaa {v} [poetic] | :: to design (to fit), make fit |
somnambulismi {n} [medical terminology] | :: somnambulism |
somnolenssi {n} [medical terminology] | :: somnolence |
somnolentti {adj} [medicine] | :: somnolent |
sompa {n} [skiing] | :: A rim in the lower part of a ski pole that prevents it from sinking too deep; a basket |
sompahissi {n} | :: platter lift (a type of ski lift) |
sompailla {v} [colloquial] | :: to drive a car |
son {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of se on |
sonaatti {n} [music] | :: sonata |
sonaattimuoto {n} [music] | :: sonata form |
sonatiini {n} [music] | :: sonatina |
sondeerata {v} | :: sound (to probe) |
sondi {n} | :: sonde |
Sonera {prop} | :: A former major teleoperator in Finland, now part of Swedish Telia Company under the name TeliaSonera Finland, still (as of 2016) used as marketing name |
sonetti {n} | :: sonnet |
sonic hedgehog {n} | :: sonic hedgehog |
Sonja {prop} | :: given name |
sonkajärveläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sonkajärvi (the municipality) |
sonkajärveläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sonkajärvi (the municipality) |
Sonkajärvi {prop} | :: Sonkajärvi (municipality) |
sönkätä {v} | :: synonym of sönköttää |
sönköttää {v} | :: to splutter (to speak hurriedly and confusedly) |
sönköttää {v} | :: to drivel (to talk nonsense) |
sonnanajo {n} | :: synonym of lannanajo |
sonni {n} | :: bull (uncastrated adult male of domesticated cattle) |
sonni {n} | :: stag (adult male elk or deer) |
Sonninen {prop} | :: surname |
sonnustaa {vt} | :: to suit up, to clothe |
sonnustaa {vt} | :: to prepare, to equip |
sonnustautua {v} | :: to don clothing, to suit up, to get equipped or prepared |
sonometri {n} | :: sonometer |
sonsari {n} [dialectal] | :: flea |
sonta {n} | :: dung |
sonta {n} | :: crap |
sontareki {n} | :: synonym of lantareki |
sontia {v} | :: to defecate; used especially of animals |
sontiainen {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of sittiäinen |
sontikka {n} [colloquial] | :: umbrella (for rain) |
sontsa {n} [slang] | :: umbrella (for rain) |
soo {interj} [often repeated] | :: tsk, tut-tut (expression of disapproval or holding back) |
sooda {n} | :: washing soda, sodium carbonate |
sooda {n} | :: (depending on the situation) incorrect term for or colloquial shortened version of "ruokasooda" (baking soda), i.e. incorrect or misleading trivial name for sodium bicarbonate |
soodakattila {n} | :: recovery boiler (boiler for recovering the soda used in a wood pulping process) |
soodalasi {n} | :: soda-lime glass |
soodasifoni {n} | :: soda siphon |
soodavesi {n} | :: soda |
sooli {n} [chemistry] | :: sol (colloid) |
sooli {n} [card games] | :: A special mode of play in tuppi |
soolo {n} | :: solo |
sooloilla {v} | :: to solo, to go solo, to do something solo |
soolokitara {n} [music] | :: lead guitar |
sooma {n} | :: soma (the bulbous part of a neuron) |
sooni {n} [acoustics] | :: sone |
soopa {n} [colloquial] | :: nonsense, bunk |
soopa {n} [dialectal] | :: soap |
soopeli {n} | :: sable, Martes zibellina |
soopelinnahka {n} | :: sable (fur) |
soopeliturkki {n} | :: sable fur coat |
soosi {n} [colloquial] | :: sauce |
soossi {n} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of soosi |
söötisti {adv} | :: sweetly, cutely |
söötti {adj} [dialectal, colloquial] | :: cute, sweet |
sopa {n} [dated] | :: clothes |
soperrella {vi} | :: to splutter, to slur |
sopertaa {vi} | :: to splutter, to slur one's speech |
sopeuttaa {vt} | :: to adapt, adjust (to make suitable; to modify to fit circumstances) |
sopeutua {vi} | :: to adapt (to change oneself so as to be adapted) |
sopeutuja {n} | :: adapter (one who adapts well) |
sopeutumaton {adj} | :: unadaptable, unadapted |
sopeutuminen {n} | :: adaptation |
sopeutumiskyky {n} | :: adaptability |
sopeutuva {adj} | :: adaptive, adaptable, flexible |
sopeutuvuus {n} | :: adaptability |
sopia {v} | :: to fit |
sopia {v} | :: to suit, to be suitable |
sopia {v} [+ illative] | :: to comport with, match (to be in agreement with; to be of an accord) |
sopia {v} | :: to agree, make an agreement, to settle (a dispute or lawsuit) [(agree) on] |
sopia {v} [+ allative] | :: to be acceptable, okay or alright (for someone); to be okay with; to suit |
sopia kuin nakutettu {v} [simile] | :: to fit like a glove |
sopia kuin nyrkki silmään {v} [simile, colloquial, jocular] | :: to fit like a glove |
sopia kuin valettu {v} [simile] | :: to fit like a glove |
sopia yhteen {v} | :: to comport with |
sopia yhteen {v} | :: to match with, match |
sopia yhteen {v} | :: to be a (good, bad etc.) match |
sopija {n} | :: One who agrees |
sopija {n} | :: synonym of sopijapuoli |
sopijajärjestö {n} [labor market] | :: An organization - trade union or employers' organization - that has the right to enter into a collective bargaining contract on behalf of its members |
sopijapuoli {n} | :: party to an agreement |
sopimaton {adj} | :: unsuitable |
sopimaton {adj} | :: disagreeable |
sopimaton {adj} | :: unfit, out of line |
sopimaton {adj} | :: improper |
sopimaton {adj} | :: unbecoming (not in keeping with the expected standards of one's position) |
sopimattomasti {adv} | :: inappropriately |
sopimattomuus {n} | :: inappropriateness |
sopiminen {n} | :: fitting (the act of fitting or being suitable) |
sopiminen {n} | :: agreeing, settling (the act of making an agreement) |
sopimisoikeus {n} | :: right to make a contract |
sopimuksellinen {adj} | :: contractual |
sopimuksenrikkoja {n} | :: contract breaker (one who commits a breach of contract) |
sopimuksenteko {n} | :: contracting, closing of a contract (act) |
sopimuksenvarainen {adj} | :: synonym of sopimusperusteinen |
sopimukseton {adj} | :: contractless |
sopimus {n} | :: agreement, arrangement, contract |
sopimus {n} | :: treaty, convention, covenant; pact |
sopimusaika {n} [legal] | :: contract period |
sopimusasiakirja {n} | :: contract, agreement, contract document (document that contains a contract) |
sopimusehdotus {n} | :: proposal for a contract, proposal for an agreement |
sopimusehto {n} | :: clause, covenant, stipulation (something stated or stipulated as a condition of an agreement) |
sopimushinta {n} | :: contract price |
sopimusjärjestelmä {n} | :: contract system (system for managing contracts) |
sopimusjärjestelmä {n} [labor market policy] | :: contract system (legal and administrative framework within which the collective bargaining takes place) |
sopimusjohtaminen {n} | :: contract management, contract administration (process of managing the contract portfolio of an organization) |
sopimuskausi {n} | :: contract period |
sopimuskierros {n} | :: contracting round (process of closing a number of related contracts within a relatively short period of time) |
sopimuskirja {n} [dated, formal] | :: synonym of sopimusasiakirja |
sopimuskumppani {n} | :: contract partner, contracting partner |
sopimuslomake {n} | :: contract form (form for making a standard contract, such as for providing electricity for a household) |
sopimusluonnos {n} | :: draft contract, draft agreement |
sopimusneuvottelu {n} | :: contract negotiation |
sopimusohjaus {n} | :: In the public-private partnership model of procuring public services, a contract-based method of controlling the quality and scope of the services, as opposed to the bureaucratic and budgetary control exercised in the traditional public sector management |
sopimusoikeudellinen {adj} | :: contract law (of or pertaining to contract law) |
sopimusoikeus {n} [law] | :: contract law (area of law pertaining to the rights and duties that arise from agreements) |
sopimusosapuoli {n} | :: synonym of sopimuspuoli |
sopimuspakko {n} [law] | :: obligation to contract (legal obligation to enter into a contract; may apply e.g. to suppliers of public goods such as electricity or water, or obligatory insurances) |
sopimuspalkka {n} | :: agreed-upon salary, contracted salary (in a public office, an individually agreed-upon salary, as opposed to one determined by a collectively contracted table of salaries) |
sopimuspalkkainen {adj} | :: Having an individually contracted salary (sopimuspalkka) in a public office |
sopimuspalokunta {n} | :: contract fire department (non-governmental fire department, e.g. a volunteer fire department, which has made a contract with the government of providing public fire-fighting service in a specified geographical area) |
sopimusperusteinen {adj} [law] | :: contract-based, contractual |
sopimuspohjainen {adj} | :: synonym of sopimusperusteinen |
sopimuspuoli {n} | :: party to an agreement |
sopimusrikko {n} | :: synonym of sopimusrikkomus |
sopimusrikkomus {n} [legal] | :: breach of contract (failure to perform under the terms of a contract) |
sopimussakko {n} [legal] | :: A contingency fee, penal damages (a payment required due to non-fulfilment of a contract that is punitive in nature and usually not legal or at least not enforceable under common law; instead, common law permits liquidated damages, i.e. payment for real, actually incurred and ascertained damages) |
sopimussuhde {n} | :: contractual relationship (legal relationship between parties to a contract) |
sopimusteitse {adv} | :: contractually (by means of a contract) |
sopimusteksti {n} | :: text of a contract, contract text |
sopimustie {n} | :: contractual route (contract as a means of achieving a goal, see also sopimusteitse) |
sopimustuotanto {n} | :: contract production |
sopimustyyppi {n} | :: type of contract |
sopimusvalmistaja {n} | :: contract manufacturer |
sopimusvalmistus {n} | :: contract manufacturing |
sopimusvaltio {n} [international law] | :: contracting state (state that adheres to a particular international agreement) |
sopimusvaltuuskunta {n} [dated, labor market relations] | :: In the public sector, a body entitled to enter into a collective bargaining agreement on behalf of a group of employers |
sopimusvapaus {n} | :: freedom of contract |
sopimusvedos {n} [printing] | :: final proof |
sopimusvelvoite {n} [legal] | :: contractual obligation |
sopimusviljelijä {n} | :: contract farmer |
sopimusviljelmä {n} | :: contract farm (farm engaged in contract farming) |
sopimusviljelmä {n} | :: contract plantation |
sopimusviljely {n} | :: contract farming |
sopimusvuosi {n} | :: contract year (period of one calendar year within a contract period that is longer than a year) |
sopimusyhteiskunta {n} | :: a society in which people have the freedom to do contracts; contract society, contractual society |
sopiva {adj} | :: suitable |
sopiva {adj} | :: fit |
sopiva {adj} | :: suited |
sopiva {adj} | :: fitted |
sopiva {adj} | :: convenient |
sopiva {adj} | :: appropriate |
sopiva {adj} | :: proper |
sopiva {adj} | :: befitting |
sopiva {adj} | :: decent |
sopiva {adj} | :: opportune |
sopiva {adj} | :: timely |
sopiva {adj} | :: well-timed |
sopiva {adj} | :: expedient |
sopiva {adj} | :: becoming |
sopiva {adj} | :: matching |
sopivasti {adv} | :: suitably |
sopivasti {adv} | :: opportunely |
söpö {adj} | :: cute |
söpöillä {vi} | :: to behave in a cute manner |
söpöin {adj} | :: superlative of söpö |
söpöläinen {n} | :: cutie |
söpöliini {n} | :: cutie |
söpömpi {adj} | :: comparative of söpö |
söpösti {adv} | :: cutely |
sopottaa {v} | :: to blabber or gabble quietly |
söpöttää {vi} | :: to gabble, to drivel |
söpöys {n} | :: cuteness |
soppa {n} [dialectal or colloquial] | :: soup |
soppa {n} [idiomatic] | :: mess (messy situation) |
soppajono {n} | :: soupline |
soppajono {n} [by extension] | :: soup kitchen |
soppajono {n} [colloquial] | :: lunchline, or any line for queueing for food |
soppari {n} [colloquial] | :: contract, agreement |
soppatykki {n} [colloquial] | :: field kitchen |
soppi {n} | :: A small quiet spot; corner, nook |
sopraano {n} | :: soprano |
sopraanoavain {n} [music] | :: soprano clef |
sopraanosaksofoni {n} [musical instrument] | :: soprano saxophone |
sopraniino {n} | :: sopranino |
sopu {n} | :: harmony, concord, agreement |
sopuilla {v} [colloquial] | :: to appear to be in harmony or concord while conspiring |
sopuisa {adj} | :: amicable |
sopuisasti {adv} | :: amicably |
sopukka {n} | :: corner, nook |
sopuli {n} | :: lemming (several rodents in the family Cricetidae, especially those of the tribe Lemmini) |
sopuli {n} | :: lemming, true lemming (any rodent of the genus Lemmus) |
sopuli {n} | :: Norway lemming, Lemmus lemmus |
sopuli {n} | :: lemming (a member of a group given to conformity or groupthink; used especially of journalists) |
sopulinsara {n} | :: Carex macloviana |
sopulismi {n} | :: pack journalism |
sopulivuosi {n} | :: year with many lemmings |
sopuloida {v} | :: to act as a lemming (following others) |
sopupelaaminen {n} | :: match fixing (practice) |
sopupeli {n} | :: fixed match (match played to a completely or partially pre-determined result) |
sopupeliskandaali {n} | :: match-fixing scandal |
sopuratkaisu {n} | :: compromise |
sopu sijaa antaa {proverb} | :: those who are amicable and friendly can live together well even in smaller places |
sopusointu {n} | :: harmony |
sopusointuinen {adj} | :: harmonious |
sopusointuinen {adj} | :: consonant |
sopusointuisesti {adv} | :: harmoniously |
sopusuhtainen {adj} | :: proportionate |
sopusuhtainen {adj} | :: harmonious |
sopusuhtaisesti {adv} | :: proportionately, harmoniously |
sopuvaalit {n} | :: elections in which there are less candidates than what would be selected and hence voting does not apply |
sora {n} | :: gravel |
sorahdella {vi} | :: to trill repeatedly |
sorahduttaa {v} | :: synonym of sorauttaa |
sorahtaa {vi} | :: to trill |
sorakauha {n} | :: gravel scoop, gravel bucket |
sora-r {n} [phonetics] | :: burr, uvular "r" ("r" articulated with the uvula, considered mispronunciation in Finnish) |
sorasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of sora |
sorastaa {v} | :: synonym of sorata |
sorata {v} | :: to gravel (apply a layer of gravel to the surface of a road) |
soratie {n} | :: gravel road, dirt road (unpaved road) |
sorauttaa {vt} | :: to trill (impart the quality of a trill to) |
sorautua {vi} | :: to become gravel |
sorbetti {n} | :: sorbet |
sorbi {n} | :: Sorbian (a pair of Western Slavic languages) |
sorbiinihappo {n} | :: sorbic acid |
sorbitoli {n} [chemistry] | :: sorbitol |
sorboosi {n} [chemistry] | :: sorbose |
sordiino {n} [music] | :: mute, sordine (device for dulling the sound of an instrument) |
sordiino {n} [figuratively, idiomatic] | :: sordiino päällä : unable or unwilling to speak, quiet, uninformative, keeping a low profile |
sorea {adj} | :: graceful, pretty, beautiful |
soreahiirenporras {n} | :: lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina (species of fern, native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere) |
soreasti {adv} | :: gracefully, beautifully |
sori {interj} [colloquial] | :: Sorry! |
sorina {n} | :: drone |
sorina {n} | :: murmur |
sorista {vi} | :: to babble, to burble, to gurgle |
sorittaa {vt} | :: to gravel, to pave with gravel |
sorja {adj} | :: slim, slender |
sorjeta {vi} | :: to become slim, to become slender |
sorjistua {vi} | :: to become slim or slender |
Sorjonen {prop} | :: surname |
sorkka {n} | :: cloven hoof, cleft hoof, cloven foot (divided hoof, as in bovine animals) |
sorkka {n} | :: hitch (type of knot) |
sorkka {n} | :: claw (pronged end of the head of a claw hammer) |
sorkka-aita {n} | :: a diagonal wooden fence made of split pieces of wood |
sorkkaeläin {n} | :: An even-toed ungulate, artiodactyl |
sorkka- ja kavioeläin {n} | :: ungulate |
sorkkarauta {n} | :: crowbar (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart) |
sorkkatulehdus {n} [veterinary medicine] | :: A general term for any inflammation of the hooves of cattle |
sorkkavasara {n} | :: claw hammer |
sorkkia {v} | :: to dig ground using cloven hooves |
sorkkia {v} [colloquial] | :: to poke |
sörkkiä {v} [dialectal] | :: to poke |
sörkkiä {v} [dialectal] | :: to finger, touch |
sormainen {n} | :: strick (bunch of hackled flax prepared for drawing into slivers) |
sormeilla {v} | :: To finger |
sormellinen {adj} | :: digitate (having fingers) |
sormenjälki {n} | :: fingerprint |
sormenjälkilukija {n} | :: fingerprint scanner, fingerprint reader |
sormenjälkitunnistin {n} [computing] | :: fingerprint sensor |
sormenjälkitunnistus {n} | :: fingerprint recognition |
sormenjälkitutkimus {n} | :: dactyloscopy |
sormenkärki {n} | :: fingertip |
sormenkynsi {n} | :: fingernail |
sormenleveys {n} | :: fingerbreadth |
sormenpää {n} | :: A fingertip |
sormeton {adj} | :: fingerless |
sormettaa {vi} [vulgar, chiefly of a female] | :: to finger oneself, to jill off, to masturbate |
sormettaa {vt} [vulgar] | :: to finger (sexually stimulate with a finger or fingers) |
sormi {n} [anatomy] | :: finger (one of the five extremities of the hand) |
sormi {n} | :: finger (extremity of an animal's forelimb, which resembles human finger) |
sormi {n} | :: finger (any object which resembles a finger, such as a part of a mechanical device) |
sormieläin {n} | :: aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) |
sormihirssi {n} | :: goosegrass (any plant of the genus Eleusine) |
sormihirssi {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Eleusine |
sormihyrrä {n} | :: fidget spinner (toy) |
sormikas {n} | :: A glove, especially knitted |
sormikoukku {n} | :: finger wrestling (competition of strength in which the competitors lock their fingers and pull to opposite directions until one of them is dragged beyond a limit) |
sormilehdykkäinen {adj} [botany, of leaves] | :: digitate (with finger-like lobes) |
sormiliitos {n} | :: finger joint, box joint |
sormilovi {n} | :: tab or notch for a finger |
sormiluu {n} [skeleton] | :: A phalange or phalanx of the hand |
sormimainen {adj} | :: digitate, fingerlike |
sorminäppäryys {n} | :: sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation (digital dexterity) |
sorminivel {n} [anatomy] | :: finger joint |
sormio {n} [musical instruments] | :: A manual or keyboard of a musical instrument |
sormiruoka {n} | :: finger food |
sormiruuvi {n} | :: thumbscrew |
sormisara {n} | :: Carex digitata |
sormiskeittilauta {n} | :: fingerboard (miniature skateboard that is driven with fingers) |
sormisukaattisitruuna {n} | :: Buddha's hand, fingered citron, Citrus medica var. sarcodactylus (variant of citron the fruit of which is divided into finger-like sections) |
sormitiukka {adj} | :: finger-tight, fingertight |
sormitiukkuus {n} | :: fingertightness (quality of being fingertight) |
sormituntuma {n} | :: touch, feeling, fingertips |
sormitus {n} [music] | :: fingering |
sormitus {n} | :: fingering [sexual stimulation with fingers] |
sormiväri {n} | :: fingerpaint |
sormus {n} | :: ring (jewelry) |
sormusrasia {n} | :: ring box |
sormustimellinen {adj} | :: thimbled (having or wearing one or more thimbles) |
sormustimellinen {n} | :: thimbleful |
sormustin {n} | :: thimble |
sormustin {n} | :: cot (flexible fingertip cover used for hygiene, protection for static electricity etc.) |
sormustinkukka {n} [plant] | :: foxglove (plant of the genus Digitalis) |
sormustinkukka {n} | :: short for rohtosormustinkukka (common foxglove), Digitalis purpurea |
sormustinkukka {n} [in plural] | :: Digitalis (genus of foxglove) |
Soro {prop} | :: surname |
sorokka {n} | :: a kind of traditional Karelian women's headwear |
soromnoo {adv} | :: it’s all the same; it doesn’t matter |
sorosilikaatti {n} [mineral] | :: sorosilicate (mineral) |
sorrettu {adj} | :: oppressed |
sorruttaa {vt} | :: to collapse; cause to collapse, crumble, fall or cave in |
sorsa {n} | :: A duck, a bird of the Anatidae family |
sorsa {n} [poker] | :: A duck (slang: playing card two) |
sorsa {n} [medical] | :: A bedpan (slang) |
sorsa {n} [computing, slang] | :: A source code; often in plural (sorsat) |
Sorsa {prop} | :: surname |
sorsalintu {n} | :: a bird of the taxonomic order Anseriformes |
sorsapilli {n} | :: duck whistle, duck call |
sorsastaa {vi} | :: to hunt for ducks |
sorsastus {n} | :: duck hunting |
sorsetti {n} | :: georgette (fabric) |
sorsia {vt} [colloquial] | :: To discriminate against, treat unequally |
sorsimo {n} | :: mannagrass (any plant of the genus Glyceria) |
sorsimo {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Glyceria |
sorsinta {n} [colloquial] | :: discrimination, persecution |
sörssätä {v} [colloquial] | :: to cook (to prepare food) |
sörsseli {n} [colloquial] | :: grub (food) |
sortaa {vt} | :: to trample |
sortaa {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to oppress, persecute, tyrannize, repress, bully |
Sortavala {prop} | :: Sortavala (a town in Karelia, Russia, formerly part of Finland) |
sorto {n} | :: oppression, persecution, repression |
sorto {n} [aviation, nautical] | :: leeway (sideways drift) |
sortoaita {n} | :: deadwood hedge |
sortokausi {n} | :: period of oppression; in Finnish history especially either of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally |
sortovuodet {n} [pluralonly] | :: in Finnish history either or both of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally |
sortovuonna {adv} [dated] | :: in the year of oppression (In any of the years 1899–1905 and 1908–1917, see sortovuosi for explanation) |
sortovuosi {n} [history, pluralonly] | :: in Finnish history either or both of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally |
sortovuosi {n} | :: Any individual year falling within these periods |
sortsit {n} | :: alternative form of shortsit |
šortsit {n} | :: alternative form of shortsit |
sortti {n} [colloquial] | :: type, kind, sort |
sortti {n} [baseball] | :: shortstop (infield defensive player that stands between the second baseman and the third baseman) |
sortua {vi} | :: to crumble, fall, collapse, cave in |
sortuma {n} | :: collapse |
sortuma {n} [mining] | :: cave-in, cave |
sortuma {n} [nautical, aviation] | :: synonym of sorto |
sortuuki {n} | :: surtout |
sorva {n} | :: rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) |
sorvaamo {n} | :: turnery (place where lathework is carried out) |
sorvailla {vt} | :: to lathe casually or repeatedly |
sorvari {n} | :: turner (lathe operator) |
sorvata {vt} | :: to lathe |
sorvata {v} [idiomatic, slang] | :: to work a job or task |
sorvi {n} | :: lathe |
sose {n} | :: mash (soft pulpy mass) |
sose {n} | :: purée (food that has been ground or crushed into a thick liquid) |
sose {n} | :: dip (used of relatively firm dips such as guacamole) |
sose {n} | :: chutney |
sosekeitto {n} | :: cream soup, creamy soup |
sosemylly {n} | :: food mill |
soseuttaa {vt} | :: to make into a mash or purée |
soseutua {vi} | :: to turn into a mash or purée |
sosiaaliala {n} | :: social services, social work |
sosiaaliantropologia {n} | :: social anthropology |
sosiaalidarvinismi {n} | :: social Darwinism |
sosiaalidarwinismi {n} | :: alternative spelling of sosiaalidarvinismi |
sosiaalidemokraatti {n} | :: A social democrat |
sosiaalidemokraattinen {adj} | :: social democratic (of or pertaining to a Social Democrat Party of some country or its policy) |
sosiaalidemokratia {n} | :: social democracy [ideology and a society based on it] |
sosiaaliekologia {n} | :: social ecology |
sosiaalietu {n} | :: benefit (provided by the social security system) |
sosiaalihistoria {n} | :: social history |
sosiaalilääketiede {n} | :: social medicine |
sosiaalimenot {n} | :: social or welfare expenditure |
sosiaalinen {adj} | :: social (being extroverted or outgoing) |
sosiaalinen {adj} | :: social (of or relating to society) |
sosiaalinen {adj} | :: having to do with social policy, striving to improve the quality of life of society's weaker members, sociopolitical, assistive (e.g. sosiaalitekniikka = assistive technology) |
sosiaalinen älykkyys {n} [psychology] | :: social intelligence |
sosiaalinen etäisyys {n} | :: social distance |
sosiaalinen manipulointi {n} [computer security] | :: social engineering (practice of tricking a user into giving, or giving access to, sensitive information, thereby bypassing most or all protection) |
sosiaalinen media {n} | :: social media |
sosiaalinen sukupuoli {n} | :: gender (gender as social and cultural concept as opposed to biological gender) |
sosiaalineuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in social studies or social assistance |
sosiaalipoliittinen {adj} | :: relating or pertaining to social policy; social political |
sosiaalipolitiikka {n} | :: social policy |
sosiaaliporno {n} [media, colloquial] | :: the sensationalized reporting of people's private matters on mass media, such as on gossip magazines and tabloids |
sosiaalipsykologi {n} | :: social psychologist |
sosiaalipsykologia {n} | :: social psychology |
sosiaalipsykologinen {adj} | :: social psychological |
sosiaaliryhmä {n} | :: social group |
sosiaalisairaala {n} | :: substance abuse treatment center |
sosiaalisesti {adv} | :: socially |
sosiaalistaa {vt} | :: to socialize (to instruct, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society) |
sosiaalistua {vi} | :: to be socialized (to be instructed, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society) |
sosiaalitieteet {n} | :: social sciences |
sosiaalitilat {n} | :: social facilities or rooms |
sosiaalitoimi {n} | :: social security; usually as a branch of municipal government |
sosiaalitoimisto {n} | :: social services office |
sosiaaliturva {n} | :: social security (system) |
sosiaaliturva {n} | :: social welfare, social security (benefits) |
sosiaaliturvajärjestelmä {n} | :: social security (system) |
sosiaaliturvamaksu {n} | :: social security contribution, social security payment (payroll tax earmarked for financing of social security) |
sosiaaliturvasopimus {n} | :: social security agreement |
sosiaaliturvatunnus {n} [dated] | :: social security number |
sosiaalityö {n} | :: social work (work concerned with providing social services to those members of the community that need it) |
sosiaalityöntekijä {n} | :: social worker |
sosiaalivakuutus {n} | :: social insurance |
sosialidemokraatti {n} | :: alternative spelling of sosiaalidemokraatti |
sosialisaatio {n} | :: socialization |
sosialismi {n} | :: socialism |
sosialisoida {vt} | :: to socialise/socialize, in the meaning "forcibly take into governmental ownership", compare nationalise |
sosialisoida {v} | :: In slang, analogously, to arbitrarily take into possession; to steal |
sosialisti {n} | :: socialist |
sosialistinen {adj} | :: socialistic, socialist |
sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta {n} | :: Soviet Socialist Republic |
Sosialististen neuvostotasavaltojen liitto {prop} | :: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
sosin {n} [dialectal, rare] | :: A piece of cutlery |
sosin {n} [in plural, dialectal] | :: cutlery (collective ensemble of eating and serving utensils such as knives, forks and spoons) |
sosiobiologi {n} | :: sociobiologist |
sosiobiologia {n} | :: sociobiology |
sosioekonominen {adj} [social sciences] | :: socio-economic |
sosiogrammi {n} | :: sociogram |
sosiolekti {n} [linguistics] | :: sociolect (variant of language used by a social group) |
sosiolingvisti {n} | :: sociolinguist |
sosiolingvistiikka {n} | :: sociolinguistics |
sosiolingvistinen {adj} | :: sociolinguistic |
sosiologi {n} | :: sociologist |
sosiologia {n} | :: sociology |
sosionomi {n} | :: Bachelor of Social Services |
sosiopaatti {n} | :: sociopath |
sosiopatia {n} [psychiatry] | :: sociopathy |
sosioterapia {n} | :: socio-therapy |
sössiä {v} [colloquial] | :: To blunder, screw up |
sössö {n} | :: lisper, splutterer |
sössö {n} | :: synonym of mössö |
sössöttää {v} | :: to lisp (to pronounce the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly) |
sössöttää {v} | :: to splutter, lisp (to speak hurriedly and confusedly) |
sössöttäjä {n} | :: lisper, splutterer |
sössötys {n} | :: lisping (that which is spoken in a lisp, act of pronouncing the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly) |
sössötys {n} | :: spluttering, lisping (act of speaking hurriedly and confusedly) |
sossu {n} [colloquial] | :: A social democrat |
sossu {n} [colloquial] | :: A social security office |
sota {n} | :: war |
sota {n} | :: warfare |
sota {n} | :: [as modifier in compound terms] military, war- |
sota-aika {n} | :: wartime |
sota-aikainen {adj} | :: synonym of sodanaikainen |
sotaakäyvä {adj} | :: warring, belligerent (engaged in war) |
sota-alus {n} | :: warship |
sota-alus {n} [historical] | :: man of war (war sailship) |
sota-ase {n} | :: military weapon |
sota-asiakirja {n} | :: war document |
sotadokumentti {n} | :: war document |
sotadokumentti {n} | :: war documentary |
sotaelokuva {n} | :: war film |
sotaharjoitus {n} | :: A war game, wargame (US), military exercises, field exercise (full-scale rehearsal of military maneuvers as practice for warfare) |
sotaherra {n} | :: A warlord (local ruler or bandit leader where the government is weak) |
sotaherra {n} [derogative] | :: Any high military officer |
sotahevonen {n} | :: warhorse |
sotahistoria {n} | :: war history |
sotahullu {n} [derogatory] | :: warmonger |
sotahullu {adj} [derogatory] | :: warmongering |
sotahuuto {n} | :: battle cry |
sotahysteria {n} | :: war hysteria |
sotainen {adj} | :: warlike, bellicose, militaristic |
sotaintoinen {adj} | :: warlike, bellicose, belligerent (eager to go to war) |
sotainvalidi {n} | :: disabled veteran |
sotaisa {adj} | :: Belligerent, warlike (eager to go to war) |
sotaisampi {adj} | :: comparative of sotaisa |
sotaisasti {adv} | :: belligerently |
sotaisesti {adv} | :: bellicosely |
sotaisuus {n} | :: belligerency |
sotajalka {n} | :: warpath |
sotajoukko {n} | :: A war party |
sotajuoni {n} | :: war stratagem |
sotajuttu {n} | :: war story |
sotakalusto {n} | :: military equipment |
sotakamreeri {n} | :: an honorary title of the fourteenth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplishments related to the military or police |
sotakassa {n} | :: A war chest (fund to finance a war) |
sotakirja {n} | :: war book |
sotakirjailija {n} | :: war novelist (one who writes novels about war) |
sotakirjallisuus {n} | :: war literature |
sotakirjeenvaihtaja {n} | :: war correspondent |
sotakirves {n} | :: A battle axe (weapon) |
sotakoira {n} | :: war dog |
sotakomissaari {n} | :: war commissary |
sotakomissariaatti {n} | :: war commissariat |
sotakone {n} | :: war machine (individual mechanical weapon or nation's military might as a whole) |
sotakoneisto {n} | :: war machine (nation's military might as a whole) |
sotakorkeakoulu {n} | :: military academy |
sotakorvaus {n} [usually, in plural] | :: war reparations (compensation intended to cover damage or injury during a war) |
sotakoulu {n} | :: military school |
sotalaina {n} | :: war loan |
sotalaitos {n} | :: synonym of asevoimat |
sotalaiva {n} | :: warship |
sotalaiva {n} [historical] | :: man of war (war sailship) |
sotalaivasto {n} | :: navy (country's entire sea force) |
sotalaivasto {n} | :: armada (large fleet of military vessels) |
sotalaki {n} | :: military act (branch of law) |
sotalapsi {n} | :: A war child |
sotalapsi {n} | :: Any of the Finnish war children who were evacuated to other countries during the Second World War |
sotaleikki {n} | :: war play (act of children playing war) |
sotalelu {n} | :: war toy |
sotaleski {n} | :: war widow |
sotaliike {n} | :: synonym of sotatoimi |
sotalippu {n} | :: military flag |
sotamaalaus {n} | :: A war paint |
sotamarsalkka {n} | :: field marshal |
sotamateriaali {n} | :: ordnance |
sotamestari {n} | :: master of war |
sotamiehenotto {n} [historical] | :: synonym of kutsunta |
sotamies {n} [military ranks] | :: private |
sotamies {n} | :: infantryman, foot soldier |
sotamies {n} [dated] | :: soldier |
sotamies {n} [card games] | :: knave, jack (playing card) |
sotaministeri {n} [government] | :: minister of war |
sotaministeriö {n} | :: Ministry of War |
sotamorsian {n} | :: A war bride [woman who marries a man who is on active duty military in wartime] |
sotamuisto {n} | :: war memory |
sotamuisto {n} | :: war memento |
sotamuistomerkki {n} | :: war memorial |
sotanäyttämö {n} | :: theater of war |
sotaobligaatio {n} [economics] | :: war bond |
sotaoikeus {n} | :: court-martial |
sotaoikeus {n} | :: military tribunal |
sotaonni {n} | :: military luck |
sotaoppi {n} | :: military doctrine |
sotaorpo {n} | :: warphan (one who has lost their parents in war) |
sotapäähine {n} | :: A war bonnet |
sotapäällikkö {n} | :: war leader |
sotapäällikkö {n} | :: warlord (high military officer in a warlike nation) |
sotapäällikkyys {n} | :: war leadership |
sotapäiväkirja {n} | :: war diary |
sotapakolainen {n} | :: war refugee |
sotapalvelus {n} | :: war service (wartime military service) |
sotapeli {n} | :: A war game [game that simulates or represents a military operation] |
sotapetos {n} [law] | :: perfidy (an illegitimate act of deception in warfare) |
sotapoika {n} [colloquial] | :: soldier, especially a young one |
sotapoliisi {n} [dated] | :: military police |
sotapolitiikka {n} | :: war politics (politics that promotes war) |
sotapolku {n} | :: warpath |
sotapotentiaali {n} | :: warpower (capacity to wage war) |
sotapropaganda {n} | :: war propaganda |
sotapsykoosi {n} | :: shell shock (psychiatric condition caused by terror of combat) |
sotaraportti {n} | :: war report, war reporting |
sotarasitus {n} | :: war strain (strain or stress incurred on the population by war) |
sotaratsu {n} | :: warhorse (horse used in horse-cavalry) |
sotaretki {n} | :: A military expedition or campaign |
sotarikollinen {n} | :: A war criminal |
sotarikos {n} | :: A war crime |
sotarikostuomioistuin {n} | :: A tribunal that conducts trials on war crimes |
sotarintama {n} [military] | :: front |
sotaromaani {n} | :: war novel |
sotaruno {n} | :: war poem (poem about war) |
sotasaalis {n} | :: war booty |
sotasairaala {n} | :: military hospital |
sotasalaisuus {n} | :: military secret |
sotasankari {n} | :: war hero |
sotasatama {n} | :: naval port |
sotaseikkailija {n} | :: military adventurer |
sotaseikkailu {n} | :: war adventure |
sotasensuuri {n} | :: war censorship, military censorship |
sotasiirtolainen {n} | :: synonym of evakko |
sotasilla {adv} | :: playing war (of children) |
sotasille {adv} | :: into playing war (of children) |
sotasokea {adj} | :: blinded in the war |
sotasuunnitelma {n} | :: military operation plan, war plan |
sotasyyllinen {n} | :: war responsible |
sotasyyllisyys {n} | :: war responsibility |
sotasyyllisyysoikeudenkäynti {n} | :: war responsibility trial |
sotata {v} [colloquial] | :: to soil, tarnish |
sotataidollinen {adj} | :: military strategic |
sotataito {n} | :: art of war |
sotatalous {n} | :: war economy (an economy adjusted to the wartime conditions by changing lines of production, coping with shortages of material and workforce, rationing etc.) |
sotatanner {n} | :: synonym of taistelukenttä |
sotatanssi {n} | :: war dance |
sotatantere {n} | :: synonym of taistelukenttä |
sotatapahtuma {n} | :: event of war |
sotatarvike {n} | :: ordnance |
sotatarviketeollisuus {n} | :: munitions industry |
sotatekniikka {n} | :: military technology |
sotatekninen {adj} | :: military technological |
sotateollisuus {n} | :: military industry |
sotateoreetikko {n} | :: military theorist |
sotatiede {n} | :: military science |
sotatieteellinen {adj} | :: military scientific |
sotatila {n} | :: state of war |
sotatilalaki {n} | :: act of martial law (a law concerning state of war) |
sotatoimi {n} | :: any act or activity related to warring, such as military operations, battles (both defensive or offensive), or troop transport |
sotatoimialue {n} | :: war zone |
sotatoimialue {n} [military] | :: theater |
sotatoimiyhtymä {n} [military] | :: operational unit |
sotatoimiyksikkö {n} | :: synonym of sotatoimiyhtymä |
sotatuomari {n} | :: military judge |
sotatuomioistuin {n} | :: court martial, military tribunal |
sotauutinen {n} | :: war news |
sotaväenosasto {n} | :: troop, military unit |
sotaväenotto {n} [military, historical] | :: levying, conscription |
sotavahinko {n} | :: war damage |
sotavahvuinen {adj} [military] | :: strong enough to engage in combat (such as of units) |
sotavahvuus {n} [military] | :: military strength during war conditions |
sotaväki {n} | :: military (armed forces) |
sotavalmistelut {n} | :: war preparations, preparations for war |
sotavalmius {n} | :: preparedness for war |
sotavalokuvaus {n} | :: war photography |
sotavamma {n} | :: war injury |
sotavammainen {adj} | :: war-disabled (disabled due to a war injury) |
sotavammainen {n} | :: war invalid |
sotavankeus {n} | :: military captivity, being a prisoner of war |
sotavanki {n} [military] | :: A prisoner of war, POW |
sotavankileiri {n} [military] | :: prisoner-of-war camp |
sotavarustelu {n} | :: military buildup |
sotavarustus {n} | :: military equipment |
sotavasara {n} | :: war hammer |
sotaväsymys {n} | :: war-weariness (public or political disapproval for the continuation of a prolonged conflict or war) |
sotavaunut {n} [historical] | :: chariot (two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle, used in warfare) |
sotaveteraani {n} | :: war veteran |
sotaveteraanitoiminta {n} | :: war veteran activity |
sotavoimat {n} | :: armed forces |
sotavuosi {n} | :: A year of war |
sote {n} | :: acronym of sosiaalinen terveys; Used attributively as modifier in compound terms to denote social and health services or issues as a whole, often separated with a hyphen from the headword |
soteriologia {n} | :: soteriology |
sotia {vi} | :: to be at war, to fight in a war |
sotia {v} | :: to campaign |
sotiisi {n} [archaic, dance] | :: alternative form of sottiisi |
sotija {n} | :: fighter (esp. figuratively) |
sotilaallinen {adj} | :: military |
sotilaallisesti {adv} | :: militarily |
sotilaallistaa {vt} | :: to militarize |
sotilas- {prefix} | :: military |
sotilas {n} | :: soldier |
sotilas {n} [chess] | :: pawn |
sotilas {n} [card games] | :: jack, knave |
sotilas {n} | :: As a modifier in compound terms signifies military |
sotilasaakkonen {n} | :: in plural only, military alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used by the military to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen) |
sotilasaakkonen {n} | :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling) |
sotilasajoneuvo {n} | :: military vehicle |
sotilasammatti {n} | :: military profession |
sotilasarvo {n} | :: military rank |
sotilasasiamies {n} | :: military attaché |
sotilasattasea {n} | :: military attaché |
sotilasdiktaattori {n} | :: military dictator |
sotilasdiktatuuri {n} | :: military dictatorship |
sotilaselämä {n} | :: soldiering, military life |
sotilashallinto {n} | :: military government |
sotilashallitus {n} | :: military government |
sotilashenkilö {n} | :: military officer, military official, military person |
sotilashenkilö {n} [in plural] | :: military personnel |
sotilasjuntta {n} | :: junta |
sotilaskarkuri {n} | :: deserter |
sotilaskäyttö {n} | :: military use |
sotilaskeisari {n} [historical] | :: barracks emperor |
sotilaskohde {n} | :: military target |
sotilaskone {n} | :: synonym of sotilaslentokone |
sotilaskoti {n} | :: a recreational center, often with a café and kiosk, within a garrison area designed for soldiers |
sotilaskulttuuri {n} | :: military culture |
sotilaskurinpito {n} | :: military discipline |
sotilaslääni {n} | :: military district |
sotilaslakki {n} | :: forage cap |
sotilaslentokenttä {n} | :: military airfield |
sotilaslentokone {n} | :: warplane, military aircraft |
sotilasliitto {n} | :: A military alliance such as the NATO or the Warsaw Pact |
sotilasliittouma {n} | :: An unofficial military alliance |
sotilasliittoutuma {n} | :: an unofficial military alliance |
sotilasmenot {n} | :: military expenditure |
sotilasmesikko {n} | :: noisy miner, Manorina melanocephala (Australian bird) |
sotilasmestari {n} [military ranks] | :: The highest NCO rank in the Finnish defence forces. The official English translation is chief warrant officer |
sotilasnimi {n} | :: soldier name |
sotilaspalvelija {n} | :: batman [US, UK from between WWI and WWII], soldier-servant [UK up to WWI], ordinary [UK colonial forces], steward [UK navy], dog robber [US informal], striker |
sotilasparaati {n} | :: military parade |
sotilaspassi {n} | :: a certificate that one has finished military service |
sotilaspoliisi {n} | :: military police |
sotilaspoliittinen {adj} | :: military-political |
sotilaspoliittisesti {adv} | :: military-politically |
sotilaspuku {n} | :: military uniform |
sotilasrakennelma {n} | :: military structure |
sotilassaapas {n} | :: jackboot |
sotilassairaala {n} | :: military hospital |
sotilassalaisuus {n} | :: military secret |
sotilassosiologi {n} | :: military sociologist |
sotilassosiologia {n} | :: military sociology |
sotilasteltta {n} | :: military tent |
sotilastiedustelu {n} | :: military intelligence |
sotilastorppa {n} [historical] | :: a copyhold granted to soldiers under the allotment system (ruotujako) |
sotilastukikohta {n} | :: military base |
sotilasvakoilu {n} | :: military espionage |
sotilasvala {n} | :: military oath, soldier's oath |
sotilasvallankaappaus {n} | :: military coup |
sotilasvaltio {n} | :: military state (state ruled by the military) |
sotilasvankila {n} | :: military prison |
sotilasviisiottelu {n} | :: military pentathlon |
sotilasvirkatalo {n} [historical] | :: a virkatalo given to a military official |
sotilasyhteisö {n} | :: military community |
sotiminen {n} | :: warring (act of engaging in war or conflict) |
sotisopa {n} [literary] | :: panoply (set of armour) |
sotka {n} | :: bluebill, scaup (any bird of the genus Aythya) |
sotka {n} [dated] | :: The common goldeneye, Bucephala clangula |
sotka {n} [military, historical] | :: A Soviet T-34 tank |
Sotkamo {prop} | :: Sotkamo |
sotkamolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sotkamo |
sotkamolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sotkamo |
sotkea {vt} | :: to mess, to dirty |
sotkea {vt} | :: to involve, to drag into |
sotkea {vt} | :: to mix (stir together) |
sotkea {vt} | :: to mix up, to confuse |
sotkea {vt} | :: to foil, to ruin (a plan) |
sotkea {vt} | :: to knead |
sotkeentua {v} | :: alternative form of sotkeutua |
sotkeuksiin {adv} | :: synonym of sotkuun |
sotkeuksissa {adv} | :: synonym of sotkussa |
sotkeuksista {adv} | :: synonym of sotkusta |
sotkeutua {vi} | :: to tangle, entangle |
sotkeutua {vi} | :: to meddle, interfere |
sotkoksiin {adv} | :: synonym of sotkuun |
sotkoksissa {adv} | :: synonym of sotkussa |
sotkoksista {adv} | :: synonym of sotkusta |
sotkos {n} | :: synonym of sotku |
sotku {n} | :: mess |
sotku {n} | :: tangle |
sotku {n} | :: snafu |
sotku {n} [military slang] | :: synonym of sotilaskoti |
sotkuinen {adj} | :: messy |
sotkuisesti {adv} | :: messily |
sotkuisuus {n} | :: messiness |
sotkuksiin {adv} | :: synonym of sotkuun |
sotkuksissa {adv} | :: synonym of sotkussa#Adverb |
sotkuksista {adv} | :: synonym of sotkusta |
sotkussa {adv} | :: messed up (in disorder) |
sotkusta {adv} | :: Out of the state of mess |
sotkuun {adv} | :: To the state of mess |
sotta {n} [rare, childish] | :: synonym of lika |
sottaantua {v} | :: synonym of likaantua |
sottainen {adj} | :: dirty, soiled |
sottapytty {n} | :: pig (dirty or slovenly person) |
sottiisi {n} [dance] | :: schottische |
Sottunga {prop} | :: Sottunga (municipality) |
sotu {n} | :: social security number |
sotumaksu {n} | :: synonym of sosiaaliturvamaksu |
soturi {n} [literary, poetic] | :: Warrior, soldier |
soudattaa {vt} | :: to have (someone) row |
soudella {vi} | :: To row (around, in an indifferent manner, for fun) |
soudettava {adj} | :: rowable (capable of being rowed) |
soukentaa {vt} | :: to make slim |
soukentua {v} | :: synonym of souketa |
souketa {v} | :: to slim |
souketa {v} | :: to taper, narrow |
soukistaa {vt} | :: to make slim |
soukistua {vi} | :: to become slim |
soukka {adj} | :: slim |
soukkasara {n} | :: Carex parallela |
soul {n} | :: soul music |
Soul {prop} | :: Soul (capital city) |
soul-musiikki {n} | :: soul music |
soundi {n} | :: sound |
sousafoni {n} | :: sousaphone |
soutaa {vti} | :: to row |
soutaa ja huovata {vi} [idiomatic] | :: To shilly-shally, tergiversate, procrastinate, vacillate, hem and haw, hum and haw (literally: "to row and back the oars") |
soutaja {n} | :: oar, oarsman, rower (one who rows) |
soutaminen {n} | :: rowing |
soutu {n} | :: rowing |
soutulaite {n} | :: rowing machine, indoor rower |
soutuvene {n} | :: rowboat |
souvi {n} [colloquial] | :: work, task |
sov. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of sovittaja |
sovelias {adj} | :: suitable, fit |
sovelias {adj} | :: appropriate, seemly, proper |
sovellettu {adj} | :: applied |
sovellettu matematiikka {n} [mathematics] | :: applied mathematics |
sovellus {n} | :: application (act of applying as a means; act of directing or referring something to a particular case) |
sovellus {n} | :: application, app (computer program or the set of software that the end user perceives as a single entity as a tool for a well-defined purpose) |
sovellusala {n} | :: field of application |
sovellusesimerkki {n} | :: example on how to apply something |
sovelluskehitys {n} [computing] | :: software development, application development |
sovelluskehitysympäristö {n} [computing] | :: integrated development environment, IDE |
sovelluskerros {n} [networking] | :: application layer |
sovelluskirjasto {n} [computing] | :: application library |
sovellusloki {n} | :: application log |
sovellutus {n} | :: synonym of sovellus |
sovelma {n} [computing] | :: applet |
sovelma {n} [computing] | :: widget |
soveltaa {v} | :: To apply (to make use of) |
soveltaa {v} | :: To apply (to pertain or be relevant to a specified individual or group) |
soveltaminen {n} | :: application |
soveltamisala {n} | :: scope, the scope to or in which one is applicable |
soveltava {adj} | :: applied |
soveltava {adj} [education] | :: applied (nearly if not always optional; entirely optional in lukio) |
soveltua {v} | :: to suit |
soveltua {v} | :: to fit |
soveltuvuus {n} | :: suitability, feasibility, aptitude |
soveltuvuuskoe {n} | :: aptitude test |
soveltuvuustesti {n} | :: synonym of soveltuvuuskoe |
soveltuvuustutkimus {n} | :: aptitude survey |
sovhoosi {n} | :: sovkhoz |
sovinismi {n} | :: chauvinism |
šovinismi {n} | :: alternative spelling of sovinismi |
sovinisti {n} | :: chauvinist |
sovinistinen {adj} | :: chauvinist |
sovinistisesti {adv} | :: chauvinistically |
sovinistisika {n} | :: chauvinist pig |
sovinistisuus {n} | :: The state of being chauvinistic |
sovinnainen {adj} | :: conformist (conforming to established customs) |
sovinnaisesti {adv} | :: conformistically, conventionally |
sovinnaisnimi {n} | :: conventionalized name |
sovinnolla {adv} | :: willingly, amicably |
sovinnolla {adv} [colloquial] | :: willingly but somewhat reluctantly |
sovinnollisesti {adv} | :: amicably |
sovinto {n} | :: A reconciliation, atonement |
sovinto {n} | :: tehdä sovinto: To reconcile, expiate |
sovintoratkaisu {n} | :: out-of-court settlement |
sovintoveri {n} | :: atoning blood |
sovite {n} | :: engineering fit |
sovite {n} | :: adapter |
sovite {n} [statistics] | :: fit, fitted value |
sovitella {vt} | :: To mediate, reconcile |
sovitin {n} | :: adaptor/adapter |
sovitin {n} | :: interface |
sovittaa {vt} | :: to fit, try on |
sovittaa {vt} | :: to adapt |
sovittaa {vt} | :: to atone for, expiate |
sovittaa {vt} [music] | :: to arrange, transcribe (to prepare and adapt an already written composition for presentation in other than its original form) |
sovittaja {n} [music] | :: arranger |
sovittaminen {n} | :: adaptation (process of adapting an artistic work from a different medium, such as from drama to cinema) |
sovittaminen {n} [music] | :: arrangement (process of adapting a musical piece to another set of instruments) |
sovittautua {vi} | :: to fit oneself into |
sovitteleva {adj} | :: conciliatory (willing to conciliate) |
sovittelevasti {adv} | :: conciliatorily |
sovittelija {n} | :: mediator, negotiator, arbiter |
sovittelu {n} | :: conciliation, mediation |
sovittelu {n} | :: adjustment, fitting |
sovitteluehdotus {n} | :: mediation proposal, conciliation proposal (conciliator's proposal for settlement of a dispute) |
sovitteluesitys {n} | :: synonym of sovitteluehdotus |
sovittelujärjestelmä {n} | :: mediation system, conciliation system |
sovittelukyky {n} | :: ability to conciliate |
sovittelulautakunta {n} | :: mediation board, conciliation board (board for settling disputes, especially those arising in the labor market) |
sovittelunhalu {n} | :: willingness to conciliate, conciliatoriness |
sovittelunhaluinen {adj} | :: conciliatory (willing to conciliate) |
sovittelupolitiikka {n} | :: conciliatory policy |
sovittelupolitiikka {n} | :: conciliatory politics |
sovitteluratkaisu {n} | :: conciliatory solution |
sovitteluyritys {n} | :: mediation attempt, conciliation attempt (attempt of a conciliator to settle a dispute, especially one arising in the labor market) |
sovittu {adj} | :: agreed |
sovittu {adj} | :: appointed |
sovittu {interj} | :: agreed! |
sovitus {n} | :: fitting (act of trying on clothes) |
sovitus {n} [music] | :: arrangement |
sovitus {n} | :: atonement |
sovituselin {n} | :: fitting or transforming component |
sovituskoppi {n} | :: fitting room (place for trying on clothes, as in a clothes shop) |
sovjetologi {n} | :: Sovietologist |
sovjetologia {n} | :: Sovietology |
spaatteli {n} | :: spatula |
spaddu {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: A cigarette |
spade {n} [military slang] | :: field cook |
spagaatti {n} [gymnastics, dance] | :: split, splits (acrobatic feat of spreading the legs flat on the floor 180 degrees apart) |
spagetti {n} | :: spaghetti |
spagettiwestern {n} | :: spaghetti western |
spakaatti {n} [gymnastics, dance] | :: alternative form of spagaatti |
spakkeli {n} | :: alternative form of pakkeli |
spaklata {v} | :: alternative form of paklata |
špalerniitti {n} | :: synonym of kalterijääkäri |
spammi {n} [colloquial, computing, internet] | :: alternative form of spämmi |
spämmi {n} [colloquial, computing, internet] | :: synonym of roskaposti (unsolicited and undesired electronic content) |
spämmibotti {n} [colloquial] | :: spambot |
spanieli {n} | :: spaniel |
sparraaja {n} | :: sparrer, sparring partner |
sparrata {v} | :: to spar (to act as sparring partner) |
sparraus {n} | :: sparring |
Sparta {prop} | :: Sparta (ancient city-state in southern Greece) |
spartakiadit {n} | :: Spartakiad (name of a number of national and international athletics events organized by the Soviet Union and its allies between 1928 and 1991) |
spartakisti {n} | :: Spartacist (member of the Spartacus League, aMarxist revolutionary movement in Germany during and after WWI) |
spartalainen {adj} | :: Spartan (of or pertaining to Sparta) |
spartalainen {adj} | :: spartan (austere, lacking luxury) |
spartalainen {n} | :: Spartan (citizen, native or inhabitant of Sparta) |
spartalaisuus {n} | :: Spartanness (state or quality of being Spartan; citizen of Sparta) |
spartalaisuus {n} | :: spartanness (state or quality of being spartan; austere or lacking luxury) |
spasmi {n} [medicine] | :: spasm |
spastikko {n} | :: spastic |
spastinen {adj} [pathology] | :: spastic (of, relating to, or affected by spasm) |
spastinen {adj} | :: (pathology) spastic (of or relating to spastic paralysis) |
spastisuus {n} [pathology] | :: spasticity (state, quality or property of being spastic) |
spatha {n} | :: spatha (sword) |
spatha {n} [botany] | :: spathe (large bract that envelops a spadix) |
spatiaalinen {adj} | :: spatial |
spatiaalisesti {adv} | :: spatially (with reference to space or arrangement in space) |
spatiaalisuus {n} | :: spatiality |
speedway {n} | :: speedway |
spekengundi {n} | :: Speke’s pectinator, Speke's gundi, Pectinator spekei |
spekenkampavarvasrotta {n} | :: Speke’s pectinator, Speke's gundi, Pectinator spekei |
speksi {n} | :: spec, specification (set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service) |
speksi {n} | :: A type of interactive musical comedy theatre performed by university students in Sweden and Finland; its Swedish name "spex" is sometimes used in English as well, but also "show" and "spectacle" might be applicable |
speksit {n} [computing, slang] | :: specs (specifications) |
spektaakkeli {n} | :: spectacle |
spektraalinen {adj} | :: spectral |
spektri {n} | :: spectrum |
spektrianalysaattori {n} | :: spectrum analyzer |
spektrianalyysi {n} | :: spectral analysis |
spektriviiva {n} [physics] | :: spectral line |
spektro- {prefix} | :: spectro- |
spektrofotometri {n} | :: spectrophotometer |
spektrografi {n} | :: spectrograph |
spektrografia {n} | :: spectrography |
spektrogrammi {n} | :: spectrogram |
spektroliitti {n} [mineral] | :: spectrolite |
spektrometri {n} | :: spectrometer (optical instrument for measuring the absorption of light by chemical substances) |
spektrometria {n} | :: spectrometry (measurement of the wavelengths present in electromagnetic radiation) |
spektropolarimetri {n} | :: spectropolarimeter |
spektroradiometri {n} | :: spectroradiometer |
spektroskooppi {n} | :: spectroscope |
spektroskooppinen {adj} | :: spectroscopic |
spektroskopia {n} | :: spectroscopy |
spekulaatio {n} | :: speculation |
spekulantti {n} | :: speculator |
spekulatiivinen {adj} | :: speculative |
spekulatiivisesti {adv} | :: speculatively |
spekuloida {v} | :: To speculate |
spekulointi {n} | :: speculation |
speleologi {n} | :: A speleologist |
speleologia {n} | :: speleology |
speltti {n} | :: spelt (type of wheat, Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta or Triticum spelta) |
spelttivehnä {n} | :: synonym of speltti |
sperma {n} | :: semen |
sperma {n} | :: sperm [fluid] |
spermanluovuttaja {n} | :: sperm donor (man who donates sperm, usually anonymously, to a sperm bank or fertility clinic) |
spermapankki {n} | :: sperm bank |
spermaseetti {n} | :: spermaceti (wax obtained from the head of sperm whale) |
spermatofori {n} | :: spermatophore |
spermatofyytti {n} [botany] | :: spermatophyte |
spermatogeneesi {n} [zoology] | :: spermatogenesis |
spermatosyytti {n} [cytology] | :: spermatocyte (cell that develops into a sperm cell) |
spermatotsoidi {n} [botany] | :: spermatozoid |
spermiini {n} [organic chemistry] | :: spermine |
spermiseettiöljy {n} | :: sperm oil (whale oil extracted from sperm whale) |
spermisidi {n} | :: spermicide |
spermisidinen {adj} | :: spermicidal |
spesiaali {n} | :: A special |
spesiaaliala {n} | :: synonym of erikoisala |
spesiaalinen {adj} [rare] | :: special |
spesiaalistaa {v} [rare] | :: to specialize |
spesiaalistua {vi} [rare] | :: to specialize |
spesiaatio {n} [chemistry] | :: speciation |
spesialisoida {vt} | :: To specialise/specialize |
spesialisointi {n} | :: specialization (act of specializing) |
spesialisoitua {vi} | :: to specialize, to be an expert or specialist |
spesialisoituminen {n} [rare] | :: specialization (act of specializing) |
spesialisti {n} | :: specialist |
spesialiteetti {n} | :: specialty [US], speciality [UK] (that in which one specializes) |
spesies {n} [grammar, dated] | :: definiteness or indefiniteness (the quality of a language of expressing the nouns and noun phrases in either definite or indefinite form; the Indoeuropean languages generally have this quality whereas some others, like the Finno-Ugric languages, don't) |
spesifikaatio {n} | :: specification (explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service) |
spesifinen {adj} | :: specific |
spesifioida {vt} | :: to specify |
spesifiointi {n} | :: specification (act of specifying) |
spesismi {n} [ethics, veganism] | :: speciesism (ethical stance that assigns different worth or rights to beings on the basis of their species membership) |
spesisti {n} [veganism] | :: speciesist (proponent of speciesism) |
spesistinen {adj} [veganism] | :: speciesist (of or relating to speciesism) |
spessartiini {n} [mineral] | :: spessartine |
spettari {n} [slang] | :: report card, report, diploma (in education) |
spiccato {n} [music] | :: spiccato (manner of playing a stringed instrument) |
spiccato {n} | :: (music) A piece or section of music played that way |
spiidata {vi} [slang] | :: to speed, to use speed (methamphetamine or similar drug) |
spiidata {vi} [slang, dated] | :: to cry |
spiidi {n} | :: speed (slang term for methamphetamine) |
spiikata {v} | :: synonym of juontaa |
spiikkaus {n} | :: presenting [UK], hosting [US] (occasion of acting as a host or MC in a television sitcom or other type of show) |
spiikkeri {n} [colloquial] | :: announcer |
spiikkeri {n} | :: (colloquial) speaker, loudspeaker |
spiikki {n} | :: lines spoken by an emcee, host of a TV show or the like, used to lead in next performer, event etc |
spiliitti {n} [rock] | :: spilite |
spin {n} [physics] | :: spin |
spinaakkeri {n} [nautical, sailing] | :: spinnaker |
spinaakkeripuomi {n} [nautical] | :: spinnaker pole |
spinaalinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: spinal (of or relating to the spine) |
spinaalipuudutus {n} [medicine] | :: spinal anesthesia |
spinelli {n} [mineral] | :: spinel |
spinetti {n} [musical instruments] | :: A spinet |
spinkvanttiluku {n} [physics] | :: spin quantum number |
spinnata {v} [slang] | :: to spin (to rotate) |
spinnata {v} [sports, slang] | :: to run an exercise bike, especially on high speed; to do spinning on an exercise bike |
spinnata {v} [business, slang] | :: to spin off (to create as a by-product) |
spinnata {v} | :: (business, slang) to spin off (to separate a line of business from a firm) |
spinnaus {n} | :: spinning |
spinneri {n} | :: fidget spinner (toy) |
spinni {n} | :: alternative form of spin |
spinnu {n} [nautical, slang] | :: synonym of spinaakkeri |
spinnupuomi {n} [nautical, slang] | :: synonym of spinaakkeripuomi |
spinori {n} [algebra] | :: spinor |
spinoserebellaarinen {adj} | :: spinocerebellar |
spin-ratakytkentä {n} [quantum mechanics] | :: spin–orbit coupling |
spintroniikka {n} [physics] | :: spintronics |
spintroninen {adj} | :: spintronic |
spiraakkeli {n} [zoology] | :: spiracle |
spiraali {n} | :: spiral |
spiraaligalaksi {n} [astronomy] | :: synonym of kierteisgalaksi |
spiraalivetoketju {n} | :: coil zipper (type of zipper in which slider runs on two coils, one on each side; the teeth are formed by the windings of the coils) |
spirantti {n} | :: spirant |
spiritismi {n} | :: spiritism, spiritualism (belief that the dead communicate with the living) |
spiritisti {n} | :: spiritist, spiritualist (believer in Spiritism, one who attempts to communicate with the dead) |
spiritistinen {adj} | :: spiritistic, spiritualistic (of or pertaining to spiritism) |
spirituaali {n} | :: spiritual (religious song, especially one in an African-American style) |
spiritualismi {n} | :: spiritualism (philosophic doctrine, opposing materialism) |
spiritualisti {n} [philosophy] | :: spiritualist (one who maintains the doctrine of spiritualism) |
spiritualistinen {adj} | :: spiritualistic (of or pertaining to spiritualism in the philosophic sense) |
spiritualiteetti {n} | :: spirituality (appreciation for religious values) |
spirituelli {adj} [rare] | :: witty, spirited |
spirografi {n} | :: spirograph (instrument) |
spirometri {n} | :: spirometer |
spirometria {n} | :: spirometry |
spitaali {n} [pathology] | :: leprosy |
spitaalinen {adj} | :: leprotic, leprous |
spitaalisairaala {n} | :: leprosy hospital |
splättis {n} [slang] | :: synonym of värikuulasota |
splini {n} [mathematics, computing] | :: spline |
splitata {vt} [finance] | :: to split (to split each share of a company in two or more new shares in order to reduce the market value of an individual share) |
splittaus {n} [finance] | :: split (act of splitting each share of a company in two or more new shares in order to reduce the market value of an individual share) |
splöö {n} [military slang] | :: Military police |
spodumeeni {n} [mineral] | :: spodumene |
spoileri {n} [slang] | :: spoiler |
spolle {n} [military slang] | :: Military police |
spondee {n} | :: A spondee |
spondylalgia {n} [pathology] | :: spondylalgia |
spondylartriitti {n} [pathology] | :: spondylarthritis |
spondylartroosi {n} [pathology] | :: spondylarthrosis |
spondyliitti {n} [pathology] | :: spondylitis (inflammation of the spine) |
spondylodeesi {n} | :: spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis |
spondylodiskiitti {n} [pathology] | :: spondylodiscitis |
spondylolisteesi {n} [medicine] | :: spondylolisthesis (displacement of a vertebra over a lower vertebra) |
spondylolyysi {n} [pathology] | :: spondylolysis (defect of the pars interarticularis) |
spondyloosi {n} [pathology] | :: spondylosis (degenerative disease in which the vertebral joints of the spine become stiff and then fused) |
spondylopatia {n} [pathology] | :: spondylopathy (disorder of the vertebrae; osteopathy of the spine) |
sponsori {n} | :: sponsor |
sponsoroida {v} | :: To sponsor |
sponsorointi {n} | :: sponsoring |
sponssata {vt} [slang, + partitive] | :: to sponsor |
sponssaus {n} [colloquial] | :: sponsoring (act of providing sponsorship) |
sponssaus {n} | :: (colloquial) sponsorship, backing patronage (aid or support provided by a sponsor) |
spontaani {adj} | :: spontaneous |
spontaanikäymisolut {n} | :: spontaneous fermentation beer, wild yeast beer (beer fermented using spontaneous fermentation caused by "wild" yeast) |
spontaaninen {adj} | :: spontaneous |
spontaani sikiäminen {n} | :: spontaneous generation |
spontaanisti {adv} | :: spontaneously |
spontaanisuus {n} | :: spontaneity |
spontaanius {n} | :: spontaneity |
spora {n} [Helsinki, slang] | :: tram (passenger vehicle) |
sporadinen {adj} | :: sporadic |
sporadisesti {adv} | :: sporadically |
sporadisuus {n} | :: sporadicity |
sporalogia {n} | :: A parody of astrology, consisting of predictions based on the positions of Helsinki trams at the moment a person is born. (The gravitational pull of a tram on a person is indeed stronger than that of the largest planets because it is so much closer.) |
sporofyytti {n} [botany] | :: sporophyte |
sporokysta {n} [biology] | :: sporocyst |
sportteli {n} [archaic] | :: A payment made to a public officer on the basis of performing an official duty such as confirming a trade, legalizing a document, issuing a decision etc.; the whole judicial system used to be financed by these payments |
sportti {n} [colloquial] | :: sport |
sporttihenkinen {adj} [colloquial] | :: sporty (favourable to sports) |
sporttimalli {n} | :: sports model (sporty looking model of anything, like a car) |
sporttimallinen {adj} | :: sports model (of or pertaining to a sporty looking model of anything, like a car) |
sporttinen {adv} | :: synonym of urheilullinen |
sporttisesti {adv} | :: synonym of urheilullisesti |
sporttisuus {n} | :: synonym of urheilullisuus |
spot-hinta {n} | :: spot price |
spot-kauppa {n} | :: spot trade |
spot-markkinat {n} | :: spot market |
spotti {n} | :: spotlight, spot |
spottiväri {n} | :: spot color |
SPR {prop} | :: initialism of Suomen Punainen Risti |
spray {n} | :: spray (device for spraying) |
sprayata {v} | :: alternative form of spreijata |
spraydeodorantti {n} | :: synonym of suihkedeodorantti |
sprayhood {n} [nautical] | :: sprayhood |
spraymaalata {v} | :: to spray paint (to apply spray paint) |
spraymaali {n} | :: spray paint (paint applied in the form of a spray from an aerosol can) |
spraypullo {n} | :: spray can, spray bottle (device to spray) |
spraytölkki {n} | :: spray can |
spredi {n} [finance, slang] | :: spread |
spreijata {v} | :: to spray |
sprii {n} | :: spirit, ethanol (pure, or rather almost pure, alcohol; used as fuel, solvent, disinfectant etc.) |
sprii {n} | :: short for spriipurje |
spriidari {n} [nautical] | :: A spreader |
spriikeitin {n} | :: alcohol stove (portable stove which uses ethanol as fuel) |
spriikopiokone {n} | :: spirit duplicator |
spriiliukoinen {adj} | :: soluble in strong ethanol |
spriimonistuskone {n} | :: spirit duplicator |
spriipurje {n} [nautical] | :: spritsail |
spriitanko {n} [nautical] | :: sprit |
springi {n} [nautical] | :: spring (rope attaching the bow of a vessel to the stern-side of the jetty, or vice versa, to stop the vessel from swaying) |
sprinkleri {n} | :: sprinkler, fire sprinkler (type of fire extinguisher) |
sprinklerilaitteisto {n} | :: sprinkler system (installed sprinkler system) |
sprinklerilaitteisto {n} | :: sprinkler equipment (gear that goes into s sprinkler system) |
sprintata {v} | :: to sprint |
sprintteri {n} | :: sprinter |
sprintterikisat {n} | :: sprint games (competition in short distance swimming, skating, running, skiing etc.) |
sprinttihiihto {n} | :: sprint skiing (short distance skiing event) |
sprite {n} [computer graphics] | :: sprite |
spritsata {vt} [cooking] | :: synonym of pursottaa |
spuge {n} [slang] | :: drunkard |
spurgu {n} [slang] | :: drunkard |
spurtata {v} [slang] | :: to dash (to run quickly over a short distance) |
spurtti {n} | :: dash (short run) |
spyygatti {n} [nautical, slang] | :: scupper (drainage hole) |
squash {n} [sports] | :: squash |
squash-halli {n} | :: A sports hall featuring squash courts; a squash center |
squash-kenttä {n} | :: squash court |
squash-maila {n} | :: squash racket |
squash-ottelu {n} | :: squash match |
squash-pallo {n} | :: squash ball |
squash-turnaus {n} | :: squash tournament |
srapnelli {n} [historical, military] | :: shrapnel (type of anti-personnel artillery shell used in WWI) |
Sri Lanka {prop} | :: Sri Lanka |
srilankalainen {adj} | :: Sri Lankan |
srilankalainen {n} | :: A Sri Lankan person |
srilankanhäntähiiri {n} | :: synonym of ceyloninpalmuhiiri |
srilankanpäästäinen {n} | :: Sri Lankan shrew, Suncus fellowesgordoni |
-ssa {suffix} | :: The marker of inessive case |
-sta {suffix} | :: indicates the elative case of a noun, adjective, numeral or pronoun |
-stä {suffix} | :: alternative form of -sta (for words with front vowel harmony) |
-staa {suffix} | :: Forms captative verbs, i.e. verbs for hunting or catching animals or picking plants |
staagi {n} [nautical, slang] | :: stay (wire or rope that supports the mast of a vessel lengthwise) |
staaki {n} [nautical] | :: guy, guyline |
staalo {n} [mythology] | :: Stállu, an evil creature in the Sami mythology |
staasi {n} | :: stasis |
staattinen {adj} | :: static |
staattinen sähkö {n} | :: static electricity |
staattisesti {adv} | :: statically |
staattisuus {n} | :: staticity |
staattori {n} | :: stator |
stabiili {adj} | :: stable |
stabiilisuus {n} | :: stability |
stabiilius {n} | :: stability |
stabilisaattori {n} | :: stabilizer |
stabilisoida {vt} | :: To stabilize |
stabiliteetti {n} | :: stability |
stabiloida {vt} | :: To stabilize |
stabilointi {n} | :: stabilization |
stabilointiaine {n} | :: stabilizer (substance that stabilizes, used for example as a food additive or in fuel) |
Stadi {prop} [Helsinki slang] | :: Helsinki, capital of Finland |
stadiaali {n} [geology] | :: stadial |
stadilainen {adj} [Helsinki slang] | :: synonym of helsinkiläinen |
stadilainen {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: synonym of helsinkiläinen |
stadion {n} [sports] | :: stadium |
stadion {n} | :: stadion (unit of measure) |
stadionyleisö {n} | :: stadium audience |
staffi {n} [colloquial] | :: Staffie, Staffy |
staffordshirenbullterrieri {n} | :: Staffordshire bull terrier, Staffie, staffie (English breed of dog) |
stafylokokki {n} | :: staphylococcus |
stagflaatio {n} | :: stagflation |
stagnaatio {n} | :: stagnation |
stahanovilainen {n} | :: Stakhanovite (extremely productive or hard-working worker, especially in the former USSR) |
stahanovilainen {adj} | :: Stakhanovite (heroically hard-working) |
stailata {v} | :: to spruce up, make up, prep, embellish |
stailata {v} | :: rare: to style (to create or give a style, fashion or image) |
staili {n} [slang] | :: style |
staili {adj} [slang] | :: stylish, chic |
stakyoosi {n} | :: stachyose |
stalagmiitti {n} | :: stalagmite |
stalaktiitti {n} | :: stalactite |
stalinismi {n} | :: Stalinism |
stalinisti {n} | :: Stalinist |
stalinisti {n} [pejorative] | :: A devout leftist, especially a Communist |
stalinistinen {adj} | :: Stalinist |
stallari {n} [colloquial, deprecating] | :: A Stalinist, communist |
standaari {n} | :: standard [flag] |
standardi- {prefix} | :: See standardi |
standardi {n} | :: standard |
standardi {n} | :: Alternative form for standartti (unit of measure for softwood timber) |
standardihuonekalu {n} | :: standard piece of furniture |
standardikirjasto {n} [programming] | :: standard library |
standardikivääri {n} | :: (sports) standard rifle (International Shooting Sport Federation event with an army-style rifle, usually at 300 metre's distance) |
standardikivääri {n} | :: standard rifle (weapon used in this sport) |
standardikoko {n} | :: standard size |
standardikokoinen {adj} | :: standard size, standard sized |
standardimalli {n} | :: standard model |
standardimalli {n} [particle physics] | :: Standard Model |
standardimitoitus {n} | :: standard dimensioning |
standardimittainen {adj} | :: standard size, standard-sized |
standardinen {adj} | :: standard |
standardipoikkeama {n} [statistics, Anglism] | :: standard deviation |
standardisoida {vt} | :: To standardize |
standardisointi {n} | :: standardization |
standardisoitua {v} | :: alternative form of standardoitua |
standardituote {n} | :: standard product |
standardoida {vt} | :: To standardize |
standardointi {n} | :: standardization |
standardointielin {n} | :: standards organization |
standardointityö {n} | :: standardization work |
standardoitua {vi} | :: To be standardized |
standartti {n} | :: standard (unit of measure for softwood timber) |
standertti {n} | :: Alternative form of standartti |
stand up -komedia {n} | :: stand-up comedy |
stand up -koomikko {n} | :: stand-up comedian |
stanniini {n} [mineral] | :: stannite |
stannioli {n} | :: tinfoil (thin sheet of tin) |
stanoli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: stanol (any saturated steroid alcohol, formed by hydrogenation of an appropriate sterol) |
stanssata {v} | :: to stamp (to mark by pressing quickly and heavily) |
stanssata {v} | :: to punch, die cut (o employ a punch to create a hole in or stamp or emboss a mark on something) |
stanssi {n} | :: die (device for cutting into a specified shape) |
stara {n} [colloquial] | :: star: talented or famous person; celebrity; leading actor |
starovertsi {n} [religion] | :: Old Believer (in Russian Orthodox Church, a believer in Orthodoxy as it was before 1650 reforms) |
startata {v} [colloquial] | :: To start (to initiate a vehicle or machine) |
starttaus {n} | :: starting, start (act of starting something, especially a motor vehicle) |
startti {n} [colloquial] | :: start |
startti {n} [colloquial] | :: starter, starter motor |
starttimoottori {n} | :: starter motor |
starttipistooli {n} | :: start pistol |
starttiraha {n} [social security] | :: startup grant (social benefit granted by a TE-keskus on certain conditions to a startup entrepreneur in order to support his/her living costs during the initial phase of the enterprise) |
statiikka {n} [physics] | :: statics |
statiini {n} [medicine] | :: statin |
statiivi {n} | :: stand (laboratory device to hold something upright or aloft) |
statiivi {n} [photography] | :: tripod |
stationaarinen {adj} | :: stationary |
stationaaripiste {n} [mathematics] | :: stationary point (point on a curve where the gradient is zero) |
statisti {n} [acting] | :: extra, walk-on, supernumerary |
statistiikka {n} | :: statistics |
statistiikka {n} | :: statistic |
statistinen {adj} | :: statistical (of or pertaining to statistics) |
statoliitti {n} [anatomy] | :: statolith |
status {n} | :: status (person's position or standing; high standing) |
status epilepticus {n} | :: status epilepticus |
statusrakenne {n} [grammar] | :: an adverbial structure in Finnish grammar consisting of a noun and an adverb that is used to describe how something is or was done |
statussymboli {n} | :: status symbol |
statuutti {n} [law] | :: statute (legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law) |
stauroliitti {n} [mineral] | :: staurolite |
stearaatti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: stearate |
steariini {n} | :: stearin |
steariinihappo {n} | :: stearic acid |
steariinikynttilä {n} | :: stearin candle |
steela {n} [archaeology] | :: synonym of steele |
steele {n} [archaeology] | :: stele (upright, or formerly upright slab containing engraved or painted decorations or inscriptions) |
steerinen {adj} | :: steric |
Stefanos {prop} [biblical character] | :: Stephen the protomartyr |
steinerkoulu {n} | :: Rudolf Steiner school (school which bases its working methods on Steiner pedagogy) |
steinerpedagogiikka {n} | :: Rudolf Steiner pedagogy (humanistic approach to pedagogy based on the teachings of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner) |
steissi {n} [slang] | :: A railway station |
steissi {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: The Helsinki Central railway station in particular |
stejnegerinvalas {n} [rare] | :: Stejneger's beaked whale, Bering Sea beaked whale, saber-toothed whale, Mesoplodon stejnegeri (poorly known species of beaked whale inhabiting the northern North Pacific Ocean) |
stellerinmerileijona {n} | :: Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus |
stelliitti {n} [metallurgy] | :: stellite |
stemma {n} [music] | :: part, voice; harmony (melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece) |
stemmaharjoitus {n} [music] | :: part rehearsal (session for rehearsing parts, i.e. melodies sung or played by a particular voice or instrument) |
stemmalaulu {n} [music] | :: harmony singing |
stemmata {v} [slang] | :: to match, to fit |
stemmatologia {n} | :: stemmatics, stemmatology |
stendari {n} [Helsinki, slang] | :: A lighter, cigarette lighter |
stensiilikopiokone {n} [rare] | :: synonym of vahaskopiokone |
stepata {v} | :: to tap dance, step dance |
stephensaartensammakko {n} | :: Hamilton's frog, Leiopelma hamiltoni |
steppaaja {n} | :: stepdancer |
steppaus {n} | :: tap dance |
steppaus {n} | :: step dance |
stepperi {n} [colloquial] | :: stepper (fitness training machine) |
steppi {n} [dance] | :: tap dance |
steradiaani {n} [geometry] | :: steradian (unit for solid angle) |
stereo {n} | :: stereo |
stereoääni {n} | :: stereo sound, stereophonic sound |
stereoäänite {n} | :: stereo recording |
stereoetäisyysmittari {n} | :: coincidence rangefinder, stereoscopic rangefinder |
stereofonia {n} | :: stereophony |
stereofoninen {adj} | :: stereophonic |
stereoisomeria {n} [chemistry] | :: stereoisomerism |
stereokamera {n} | :: stereo camera |
stereokartoitus {n} | :: stereo mapping |
stereokuulokkeet {n} | :: stereo headphones |
stereokuva {n} | :: stereo image |
stereokuvaus {n} | :: stereo photography |
stereokuvaus {n} | :: stereo imaging |
stereolähetys {n} | :: stereo broadcast |
stereolaite {n} | :: stereo device |
stereolitografia {n} | :: stereolithography |
stereomikroskooppi {n} | :: stereo microscope |
stereonäkö {n} | :: stereopsis, stereoscopic vision, stereovision |
stereoradio {n} | :: stereo radio |
stereoskooppi {n} | :: stereoscope |
stereoskooppikuva {n} | :: stereoscopic picture |
stereoskooppinen {adj} | :: stereoscopic |
stereoskopia {n} | :: stereoscopy |
stereotelevisio {n} | :: stereo television |
stereotoisto {n} | :: stereo reproduction |
stereotypia {n} | :: stereotype |
stereotypia {n} | :: stereotypy |
stereotyyppi {n} | :: stereotype |
stereotyyppinen {adj} | :: stereotypical (pertaining to a stereotype; conventional) |
stereotyyppinen {adj} | :: stereotypical (banal, commonplace and clichéd because of overuse) |
stereotyyppisesti {adv} | :: stereotypically |
stereotyyppisyys {n} | :: The property of being stereotypic |
stereovahvistin {n} | :: stereo amplifier |
stereovastaanotin {n} | :: stereo receiver |
steriili {adj} | :: sterile |
steriilisti {adv} | :: In a sterile manner |
steriilisyys {n} | :: alternative form of steriiliys |
steriiliys {n} | :: sterility |
sterilaattori {n} | :: sterilizer |
sterilisaatio {n} | :: sterilization |
sterilisaattori {n} | :: sterilizer |
sterilisoida {v} [archaic] | :: alternative form of steriloida |
sterilisointi {n} | :: sterilization |
steriliteetti {n} | :: sterility |
steriloida {vt} | :: To sterilize |
steriloida {vt} | :: To castrate, neuter or spay |
sterilointi {n} | :: sterilization |
sterletti {n} | :: sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) |
sterling-hopea {n} | :: sterling silver |
sternaalinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: sternal |
steroidi {n} | :: steroid |
steroli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: sterol |
stetoskooppi {n} | :: stethoscope |
stetson {n} | :: stetson (wide-brimmed felt hat) |
stevia {n} | :: stevia, candyleaf, sweetleaf, sugarleaf (plant of the genus Stevia) |
stevia {n} | :: stevia, Stevia rebaudiana |
stevia {n} | :: stevia (sweetener obtained from these plants, but primarily from Stevia rebaudiana) |
-sti {suffix} | :: [multiplicative] Forms adverbs describing how many times something is done; corresponds number + times structure in English |
-sti {suffix} | :: [adverbial suffix, comparable] Forms adverbs from adjectives describing the manner in which something is done; corresponds to the English suffix -ly |
-sti {suffix} | :: [intensifier] Forms intensifying adverbs from certain nouns |
-sti {suffix} | :: alternative form of -isti |
stidi {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: match |
stidilodju {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: matchbox |
stiftata {vt} [printing] | :: to staple |
stigma {n} | :: stigma |
stiiknafuulia {n} | :: overly complicated or misleading use of language |
stiiknafuulia {n} | :: nonsense |
Stiina {prop} | :: given name |
stikari {n} | :: sticharion |
stikki {n} [colloquial] | :: stick, as in glue stick, deodorant stick |
stiletti {n} | :: switchblade, flick knife |
stiletti {n} [historical] | :: stiletto |
stilettikorko {n} | :: stiletto heel |
stilisoida {v} | :: to edit (to do minor editing on a text) |
stilisointi {n} | :: minor editing |
stilistiikka {n} | :: stylistics |
stilistinen {adj} | :: stylistic (of or pertaining to style, especially to linguistic or literary style) |
still drink {n} | :: still drink (noncarbonated drink, usually non-alcoholic) |
stilleben {n} [arts, rare] | :: still life |
stillkuva {n} | :: still frame, still image, still picture, freeze frame, video prompt (static image taken from a film or video) |
stillkuva {n} | :: still image, still picture (static image used within a film or video as an effect device) |
stiltonjuusto {n} | :: Stilton, stilton (type of blue-veined cheese made in England) |
stilus {n} | :: stylus (sharp stick used in ancient times for writing in clay tablets) |
stimulaatio {n} | :: stimulation |
stimulanssi {n} | :: alternative form of stimulantti |
stimulantti {n} | :: stimulant |
stimuloida {vt} | :: To stimulate |
stimulointi {n} | :: stimulation |
stipendi {n} | :: scholarship, grant, stipend, allowance, subsidy, bursary (money to assist a student to study) |
stipendiaatti {n} | :: stipendiary (one who receives a stipend) |
stipendijärjestelmä {n} | :: scholarship scheme, grant scheme |
stipendimatka {n} | :: A trip, visit or tour financed from a scholarship, typically a visit to another university or a study tour |
stipendirahasto {n} | :: scholarship fund (fund from which scholarships are paid) |
stirlingmoottori {n} | :: Stirling engine |
stishoviitti {n} [mineral] | :: stishovite |
-sto {suffix} | :: Forms collective nouns from nouns indicating individual things |
stoa {n} [architecture] | :: stoa |
stoalainen {adj} | :: stoic |
stoalaisesti {adv} | :: stoically |
stoalaisuus {n} | :: stoicism |
stoge {n} [slang] | :: A train |
stoikiometria {n} | :: stoichiometry |
stoikiometrinen {adj} | :: stoichiometric |
stokastiikka {n} [mathematics] | :: stochastics |
stokastikko {n} | :: An expert in stochastics |
stokastinen {adj} | :: stochastic |
stokastisuus {n} [math] | :: stochasticity |
stökiometria {n} [dated] | :: stoichiometry |
stokki {n} [geology] | :: stock |
stola {n} | :: stola (garment in Ancient Rome) |
stola {n} | :: stole (liturgical garment) |
stondis {n} [slang] | :: erection |
stoola {n} | :: alternative spelling of stola#Finnish (ecclesiastical or academic garment worn around the neck or over the shoulder) |
stoola {n} | :: stole (scarf-like garment, often made of fur) |
stoori {n} [colloquial] | :: story |
stop {interj} | :: stop (halt) |
stop {interj} | :: stop (end-of-sentence indicator in telegrams) |
stoppari {n} [tennis] | :: stop |
stoppi {n} [colloquial] | :: stop |
stora {n} [slang] | :: synonym of isopurje |
stout {n} | :: stout (type of beer) |
strabismi {n} [pathology, medical parlance] | :: strabismus |
stradivarius {n} [musical instrument] | :: Stradivarius (stringed instrument built by members of the Stradivari family, particularly Antonio Stradivari) |
stradivarius {n} [figuratively] | :: Stradivarius (standard of excellence in unrelated fields, sometimes exaggeratedly) |
strassi {n} | :: paste (lead glass) |
strassikoru {n} | :: paste jewelry |
strategi {n} | :: strategist (one who devises strategies) |
strategia {n} | :: strategy (science and art of military command) |
strategia {n} | :: strategy (art or practice of using similar techniques in other fields of life, particularly business and politics) |
strategiapeli {n} | :: strategy game |
strategikko {n} | :: strategian |
strateginen {adj} | :: strategic |
strategisesti {adv} | :: strategically |
strategisuus {n} | :: strategicness |
stratifikaatio {n} | :: stratification |
stratigrafia {n} [geology] | :: stratigraphy |
stratocumulus {n} | :: synonym of kumpukerrospilvi |
stratosfääri {n} | :: stratosphere |
stratus {n} | :: synonym of sumupilvi |
streikata {v} [colloquial] | :: to break down (to fail to work) |
streptokokki {n} | :: streptococcus |
stressaantua {vi} | :: To become stressed |
stressata {v} | :: To apply emotional pressure to (a person or animal) |
stressata {v} [colloquial] | :: To suffer stress; to worry or be agitated |
stressautua {vi} | :: To become stressed |
stressi {n} | :: stress |
stressi {n} | :: pressure |
stressi {n} | :: strain |
stressihormoni {n} | :: stress hormone |
stressilelu {n} | :: stress toy (toy used for relieving psychic stress) |
stressiloma {n} | :: stress relief vacation (vacation taken in order to relieve stress) |
stressinhallinta {n} | :: stress control |
stressioire {n} [pathology, psychology] | :: stress symptom |
stressipallo {n} | :: stress ball |
stressisairaus {n} | :: stress disease (physical disease caused by psychic stress) |
stressitekijä {n} | :: stress factor (something that causes psychic stress) |
stressitilanne {n} | :: stressful situation |
stressitön {adj} | :: unstressed (not subject to stress) |
stretch- {adj} [textiles] | :: Used as modifier in compound terms to indicate that the material stretches |
striimata {v} [colloquial, Internet] | :: to stream (push continuous data) |
stripata {v} [colloquial] | :: To striptease |
strippari {n} | :: striptease dancer, stripper, tease |
strippaus {n} | :: striptease, stripping |
strippi {n} | :: comic strip |
striptease {n} | :: striptease (act or show) |
stroganov {n} | :: stroganoff (dish of sautéed pieces of beef originating from Russia) |
stroganovinpihvi {n} | :: stroganoff (dish of sautéed pieces of beef originating from Russia) |
stromatoliitti {n} | :: stromatolite |
strontianiitti {n} [mineral] | :: strontianite |
strontium {n} | :: strontium |
stroofi {n} [prosody] | :: strophe |
stroofi {n} [poetry, rare] | :: stanza |
strösseli {n} | :: hundreds and thousands [UK], sprinkles [US] (tiny bits of colored sugar, chocolate and/or other candy used as decoration on baked goods, desserts and candy) |
strukturaalikielitiede {n} [linguistics] | :: structural linguistics (branch of linguistics examining language as a static system of interconnected units) |
strukturaalinen {adj} | :: structural |
strukturalismi {n} | :: structuralism |
strukturalisti {n} | :: structuralist |
strukturalistinen {adj} | :: structuralist |
strukturalistisesti {adv} | :: structuralistically |
strukturoida {vt} | :: To structure |
strukturointi {n} | :: structuring |
struktuuri {n} | :: structure |
struktuurianalyysi {n} | :: structural analysis |
strutsi {n} | :: ostrich, Struthio camelus |
strutsilintu {n} | :: ratite (any bird of the order Struthioniformes) |
strutsinsulka {n} | :: ostrich feather (feather of an ostrich, especially a fluffy tail feather used as decoration or as duster) |
strutsinsulka {n} | :: something resembling an ostrich feather |
struudeli {n} | :: strudel (pastry made from multiple, thin layers of dough rolled up and filled with fruit, etc.) |
struuma {n} | :: goiter |
strykniini {n} [chemistry] | :: strychnine |
STT {prop} | :: A news agency, "Suomen Tietotoimisto", or "Finnish News Agency" |
STTK {prop} | :: the Toimihenkilökeskusjärjestö STTK, in English "Finnish Confederation of Salaried Employees", abbreviated also in English as "STTK", a central organization of trade unions representing white-collar employees on operative level in both public and private sector |
-stua {suffix} | :: Forms translative verbs |
Studentin t-jakauma {n} [statistics] | :: Student's t distribution |
studio {n} | :: studio (workshop) |
studioäänitys {n} | :: studio recording (recording done in a studio, as contrasted to "live recording") |
studioalbumi {n} | :: studio album |
studio-ohjaaja {n} | :: studio director |
studio-ohjelma {n} | :: studio program (radio or TV program produced in a studio) |
studio-opetus {n} | :: studio teaching |
studio-orkesteri {n} | :: studio orchestra |
studiosi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of studio |
studioyhtye {n} | :: studio band |
studioyleisö {n} | :: studio audience |
stuertti {n} | :: flight attendant, steward |
stuhlmanninkultamyyrä {n} | :: Stuhlmann's golden mole, Chrysochloris stuhlmanni (African rodent) |
stukki {n} [rare] | :: stucco |
stukko {n} | :: stucco |
stukkotyö {n} | :: stucco work, stuccowork (work done in stucco) |
stukturoida {vt} | :: To structure |
stuntti {n} | :: stunt |
stuntti {n} | :: stuntperson |
styge {n} [slang] | :: track (song or other relatively short piece of music) |
stylisoida {v} | :: to stylize, (to represent something in a particular style) |
stylisti {n} | :: stylist |
stylobaatti {n} [architecture] | :: stylobate |
stylofoni {n} [music] | :: stylophone (type of small synthesizer operated with a stylus) |
styreeni {n} [chemistry] | :: styrene |
styreenioksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: styrene oxide |
styroksi {n} | :: styrofoam (packaging and insulation material; expanded polystyrene foam) |
styrox {n} | :: Alternative form of styroksi |
styyrpuuri {n} | :: alternative form of tyyrpuuri |
su {n} | :: abbreviation of sunnuntai |
suaheli {n} | :: alternative form of swahili (Swahili language) |
suahili {n} | :: alternative spelling of swahili (Swahili language) |
suahilinkielinen {adj} | :: alternative spelling of swahilinkielinen |
subakuutti {adj} | :: subacute |
subaraknoidaalinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: subarachnoid (located or occurring below the arachnoid membran) |
subaraknoidaalitila {n} [anatomy] | :: subarachnoid space (space between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater that surround the brain and spinal cord) |
subaraknoidaalivuoto {n} [pathology] | :: subarachnoid hemorrhage [US], subarachnoid haemorrhage [UK] (bleeding into the subarachnoid space) |
subarktinen {adj} | :: subarctic |
subatominen {adj} [physics] | :: subatomic |
subbari {n} [colloquial] | :: subwoofer |
subdominantti {n} [music] | :: subdominant |
subduktio {n} [geology] | :: subduction |
subduktiovyöhyke {n} [geology] | :: subduction zone |
suberiini {n} | :: suberin |
subi {n} [colloquial] | :: submarine sandwich, sub; hoagie [Pennsylvania] |
subi {n} [slang] | :: sub (subscription) |
subi {n} [slang] | :: sub (subtitle) |
subi {n} [BDSM] | :: sub (submissive party) |
subito {adv} [music] | :: subito (suddenly, abruptly) |
subjekti {n} [grammar] | :: subject |
subjekti {n} [logic] | :: subject (that of which a statement is made) |
subjekti {n} [philosophy] | :: subject (something that acts conscientiously, as contrasted with the object of the action) |
subjekti {n} [music] | :: subject (theme of a fugue) |
subjekti {n} [legal] | :: short for oikeussubjekti |
subjektiivi {n} [grammar] | :: subjective case |
subjektiivinen {adj} | :: subjective |
subjektiivisesti {adv} | :: subjectively |
subjektiivisuus {n} | :: subjectivity (quality of being subjective) |
subjektiosa {n} [grammar] | :: subject clause (clause that is the subject of a sentence) |
subjektiton {adj} [grammar] | :: subjectless |
subjektius {n} [grammar] | :: subjectness |
subjektivismi {n} | :: subjectivism |
subjektivisti {n} | :: subjectivist |
subjektivistinen {adj} | :: subjectivist |
subjektiviteetti {n} [philosophy] | :: subjectivity (quality of being a subject) |
subjunktiivi {n} [grammar] | :: subjunctive mood (grammatical mood) |
subkontraoktaavi {n} [music] | :: subcontraoctave |
subkortikaalinen {adj} [anatomy, pathology] | :: subcortical (of or pertaining to the subcortex) |
subkutaaninen {adj} [medicine, jargon] | :: subcutaneous |
subkutis {n} [anatomy] | :: hypodermis |
sublatiivi {n} [grammar] | :: sublative, sublative case |
sublimaatio {n} [physics, chemistry] | :: sublimation |
sublimaatio {n} [psychoanalysis] | :: sublimation |
sublimoida {v} [physics] | :: to sublime, sublimate (to cause to change state from a solid to a gas directly without passing through the liquid state) |
sublimoida {v} | :: to sublimate (to purify or refine through sublimation) |
sublimoida {v} [psychoanalysis] | :: to sublimate (to modify the natural expression of a sexual or other instinct in a socially acceptable manner) |
sublimointi {n} | :: sublimation (act of sublimating) |
sublimoitua {vi} | :: To sublime |
sublimoituminen {n} | :: sublimation |
subluksaatio {n} | :: subluxation |
submediantti {n} [music] | :: submediant |
subraktiivinen {adj} | :: alternative form of subtraktiivinen |
subretti {n} | :: soubrette (mischievous or cheeky female servant or attendant, especially in theatrical comedies) |
subsidiariteetti {n} | :: subsidiarity (principle that government power ought to reside at the lowest feasible level (i.e. at the local or regional level, instead of the national or supranational level, unless the latter presents clear advantages) |
subsidiariteettiperiaate {n} | :: subsidiarity (pinciple) |
substanssi {n} | :: substance [essential part] |
substanssiarvo {n} [finance] | :: net worth |
substantiivi {n} [grammar] | :: substantive, noun |
substantiivilauseke {n} [grammar] | :: noun phrase |
substantiivinen {adj} [grammar] | :: substantival (of or pertaining to a substantive) |
substantiivinen {adj} [philosophy of history] | :: speculative |
substantiivitauti {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of substantiivityyli |
substantiivityyli {n} [linguistics] | :: nominal style (overuse of nouns, excessive use of nouns in expressing oneself, especially in writing) |
substituoida {vt} | :: To substitute |
substituoitua {v} | :: synonym of korvautua (to be substituted) |
substituutio {n} | :: substitution |
substituutioreaktio {n} [chemistry] | :: substitution reaction |
substituutti {n} | :: substitute |
substraatti {n} | :: substrate |
subtraktiivinen {adj} | :: subtractive |
subtrooppinen {adj} | :: subtropical |
subventio {n} | :: subvention |
subventoida {v} | :: To subsidize |
subventointi {n} | :: subventioning (act or practice of distributing subvention or subventions) |
subwoofer {n} | :: subwoofer |
Sudan {prop} | :: Sudan |
sudanilainen {adj} | :: Sudanese (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, or Sudanese people) |
sudanilainen {n} | :: Sudanese (person) |
sudanilaisuus {n} | :: The quality of being Sudanese |
sudari {n} [scouting, slang] | :: A Brownie |
sudeetti {n} | :: synonym of sudeettisaksalainen |
Sudeettialueet {prop} | :: Sudetenland |
sudeettisaksalainen {n} | :: Sudeten German (person) |
sudeettisaksalainen {adj} | :: Sudeten German (of or pertaining to Sudeten Germans) |
sudeettisavolainen {n} [colloquial] | :: A Savonian Finn who lives outside Savo |
sudenkorento {n} | :: dragonfly (insect of the suborder Epiprocta) |
sudenkorento {n} | :: odonate (insect of the order Odonata, including Epiprocta or dragonflies and Zygoptera or damselflies) |
sudenkuoppa {n} [hunting] | :: wolf pit, trapping pit (pitfall for hunting wolves) |
sudenkuoppa {n} [figuratively] | :: pitfall (potential problem, hazard, or danger) |
sudenmaito {n} | :: wolf's milk or toothpaste slime, Lycogala epidendrum |
sudenmarja {n} | :: herb Paris, true lover's knot, Paris quadrifolia |
sudenmarja {n} | :: The blueberry-like poisonous fruit of this plant |
sudennahka {n} | :: wolfskin (skin of a wolf, with or without fur) |
sudennahkaturkki {n} | :: wolfskin fur coat |
sudennälkä {n} | :: ravenous hunger |
sudennälkäinen {adj} | :: ravenous (very hungry) |
sudenpentu {n} [literally] | :: wolf cub (young of a wolf) |
sudenpentu {n} | :: Cub Scout (junior Boy Scout) |
sudenpentu {n} | :: Brownie (junior Girl Guide) |
sudenpyynti {n} | :: wolf hunting (practice or occasion of hunting wolves) |
sudentalja {n} | :: wolfskin (usually of a whole skin which has the fur left) |
sudentarha {n} | :: a yard used for capturing wolves |
sudoku {n} [games, puzzles] | :: sudoku |
sueta {vi} | :: to develop |
sueviitti {n} [rock] | :: suevite (a type of rock born in collision of a meteorite on the surface of the Earth) |
suffiksi {n} | :: A suffix [letters or sounds added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning] |
suffragetti {n} | :: suffragette |
sufilainen {adj} | :: alternative spelling of suufilainen |
sufilainen {n} | :: alternative spelling of suufilainen |
sufilaisuus {n} | :: alternative spelling of suufilaisuus |
sufismi {n} | :: Sufism |
suflee {n} | :: soufflé |
suggeroida {vt} | :: To influence by suggestion |
suggeroitavuus {n} | :: suggestibility (property of being suggestible) |
suggeroitua {vi} | :: to be influenced by suggestion |
suggestiivinen {adj} | :: suggestive, evocative |
suggestiivisesti {adv} | :: suggestively |
suggestio {n} [psychology] | :: suggestion |
suggestopedia {n} | :: suggestopedia, suggestopedy (teaching method) |
suggestopedinen {adj} | :: suggestopedic |
suggestoterapia {n} | :: suggestive therapeutics (controversial alternative medicine technique which is claimed by its practitioners to be capable of healing mental and physical problems through telepathy and hypnosis) |
suhahdella {vi} | :: to zoom, whiz, whoosh or swoosh repeatedly |
suhahdus {n} | :: whoosh, whiz, swish, zing |
suhahtaa {v} | :: to zoom, to whiz, to whoosh, to swoosh (move fast with a humming noise) |
suhailla {v} [colloquial] | :: to drive around (of a vehicle) |
suhari {n} [colloquial] | :: driver; jehu (driver of a vehicle) |
suhata {v} [colloquial] | :: to drive (a vehicle) |
suhauttaa {vt} | :: to cause to zoom, whiz, whoosh or swoosh |
suhdanne {n} [economy] | :: current economic situation, current trend in the business/economic/trade cycle |
suhdanne-ennuste {n} [economics] | :: trend forecast |
suhdannekierto {n} [economics] | :: business cycle, economic cycle (long-term fluctuation in economic activity between growth and recession) |
suhdannepöly {n} [figuratively, neologism] | :: inability to spot economic and structural issues due to economic upturn |
suhdannerahasto {n} | :: countercyclical fund |
suhdannetyöttömyys {n} [economics] | :: cyclical unemployment |
suhdannevaihtelu {n} | :: business cycle |
suhdaton {adj} [rare] | :: disproportionate |
suhde {n} | :: proportion, ratio |
suhde {n} | :: relationship, affair |
suhde {n} | :: attitude |
suhde {n} | :: relation |
suhde {n} | :: respect, comparison |
suhde {n} [in plural] | :: connections, network (connections; relationships; one's social or business network) |
suhdeasteikko {n} [statistics] | :: ratio scale |
suhdeasteikollinen {adj} [statistics, of a variable] | :: ratio (measured at the ratio level) |
suhdekaava {n} [chemistry] | :: empirical formula |
suhdeluku {n} | :: ratio (number representing comparison) |
suhdelukuasteikko {n} | :: ratio scale |
suhdepiirrin {n} | :: pantograph (drawing aid) |
suhdesana {n} [grammar] | :: adposition |
suhdetoiminta {n} | :: public relations |
suhdetoimintahenkilö {n} | :: public relations officer, public relations person |
suhdeviivain {n} | :: A scale ruler, architect's ruler (drafting implement) |
suhdittaa {v} [dialectal] | :: to mediate, to appease |
suhina {n} | :: murmur |
suhista {vi} | :: to whisper (talk quietly) |
Suhonen {prop} | :: surname |
suht {adv} [colloquial] | :: relatively, quite, pretty |
suhta {n} [rare] | :: ratio, proportion |
suhtauttaa {vt} | :: to put into perspective |
suhtautua {v} | :: to relate, to concern |
suhtautua {v} | :: to deal with something, to react to something, to look on, to look upon |
suhtautuminen {n} | :: attitude, stance, position |
suhtautumistapa {n} | :: way of dealing with or reacting to something, mindset, mentality |
suhteellinen {adj} | :: relative |
suhteellinen {adj} | :: proportionate |
suhteellinen {adj} | :: proportional |
suhteellinen {adj} | :: comparative |
suhteellinen enemmistö {n} [politics] | :: relative majority, plurality |
suhteellinen etu {n} [economics] | :: comparative advantage |
suhteellisen {adv} | :: relatively |
suhteellisesti {adv} | :: relatively |
suhteellistaa {vt} | :: to relativize |
suhteellisuudentaju {n} | :: sense of proportionality |
suhteellisuudentajuinen {adj} | :: Having a sense of proportionality |
suhteellisuudentajuisesti {adv} | :: With a sense of proportionality |
suhteellisuus {n} | :: relativity |
suhteellisuus {n} | :: proportionality |
suhteellisuusperiaate {n} [physics] | :: principle of relativity |
suhteellisuusteoria {n} | :: theory of relativity |
suhteen {postp} | :: (+ genitive) regarding, in regards to, in terms of |
suhteeton {adj} | :: disproportionate |
suhteettomasti {adv} | :: disproportionately |
suhteittaa {vt} | :: to set into a ratio |
suhteutettu {adj} [typography, of a typeface] | :: proportional |
suhteuttaa {v} | :: to put into perspective (to compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea) |
suhteuttaa {v} | :: to make proportional |
suhteuttamaton {adj} [typography, of a typeface] | :: non-proportional, monospaced |
suhteutua {v} | :: synonym of suhtautua |
suhtkoht {adv} [colloquial] | :: somewhat, quite |
suhuäänne {n} [phonetics] | :: sibilant |
Suhumi {prop} | :: Suhumi (capital city) |
suhu-s {n} | :: the voiceless postalveolar sibilant, the sh sound |
suhu-z {n} | :: the voiced postalveolar sibilant |
suihinotto {n} | :: blowjob, fellatio |
suihkaa {vi} [poetic, dialectal] | :: synonym of suihkia |
suihkari {n} [colloquial] | :: jet plane |
suihkata {v} [colloquial] | :: to spray quickly |
suihke {n} | :: spraying (instance of spraying shortly) |
suihke {n} | :: spray (that which is sprayed) |
suihke {n} | :: spray can, spray bottle or other container used for spraying |
suihkedeodorantti {n} [cosmetics] | :: spray deodorant |
suihkepullo {n} | :: spray bottle |
suihkepullo {n} | :: spray can |
suihkeserpentiini {n} | :: spray streamer (non-staining, usually brightly colored substance administered from a spray bottle, which dries quickly to form long strips; used in a similar way as paper streamers) |
suihkia {vi} | :: to zoom, to dash, to whoosh |
suihkia {vt} | :: to spray, to splash, to splatter |
suihku {n} | :: shower (device for bathing) |
suihku {n} | :: shower (instance of taking a shower) |
suihku {n} | :: jet (collimated stream, spurt or flow of liquid or gas) |
suihku {n} | :: spray (stream of liquid dispersed in the air) |
suihku {n} | :: fountain (fireworks device) |
suihkuallas {n} | :: The bowl-like base part of a shower cubicle (suihkukaappi) |
suihkualus {n} | :: jet vessel (boat or ship propelled by a water jet instead of a propeller) |
suihkugeeli {n} | :: shower gel |
suihkuhävittäjä {n} | :: jet fighter |
suihkuhuone {n} | :: shower room |
suihkujarru {n} [aviation] | :: thrust reverser |
suihkukaappi {n} | :: shower cubicle (bathroom structure, typically consisting of a bowl-like base for water collection and drainage and of glass walls for isolating a shower from the rest of the room to keep it dry) |
suihkukaivo {n} | :: fountain |
suihkukappale {n} [rare] | :: spray nozzle |
suihkukappale {n} [rare] | :: shower head, showerhead |
suihkukomennus {n} [ice hockey, colloquial] | :: match or game misconduct penalty, send-off (penalty in which the player, coach or other team member is removed from the rest of the game) |
suihkukone {n} | :: jet, jet plane, jet aircraft (airplane using jet engines) |
suihkulähde {n} | :: fountain |
suihkulentokone {n} | :: jet plane |
suihkumoottori {n} | :: jet engine |
suihkumyssy {n} | :: shower cap |
suihkupää {n} | :: showerhead (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather) |
suihkupullo {n} | :: spray bottle |
suihkuputki {n} | :: nozzle, hose nozzle |
suihkusaippua {n} | :: shower soap, shower wash |
suihkuseinä {n} | :: shower screen (bathroom structure, typically consisting of glass walls for isolating a shower from the rest of the room to keep it dry) |
suihkuseinäke {n} | :: A glass wall element for building a shower screen (suihkuseinä) |
suihkuseinäke {n} | :: A stretch of wall that partially separates a shower from the rest of the room. The remaining opening is often furnished with a door |
suihkuseurapiiri {n} | :: [often used in plural] jet set |
suihkusuutin {n} | :: spray nozzle |
suihkusuutin {n} | :: shower head, showerhead (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather) |
suihkuta {vi} | :: to shower |
suihkute {n} | :: spray (product that is sprayed) |
suihkutin {n} | :: synonym of sumutin |
suihkutin {n} | :: synonym of suutin |
suihkuton {adj} | :: showerless (not equipped with a shower) |
suihkuttaa {vt} | :: To spray, spout |
suihkuturbiini {n} | :: turbojet |
suihkuturbiinimoottori {n} | :: turbojet engine |
suihkuverho {n} | :: shower curtain |
suihkuvirtaus {n} [meteorology] | :: jet stream |
suikale {n} | :: A strip, a shred (long, narrow piece cut or torn off) |
suikalepata {n} | :: (meat) strip stew |
suikaloida {vt} | :: to shred (cut into strips) |
suikaloida {vt} | :: to French (cut food into strips) |
suikaloida {vt} | :: to julienne (cut vegetables, into thin strips) |
suikaloidut vihannekset {n} | :: julienne (garnish of vegetables cut into strips) |
suikata {v} | :: to kiss quickly |
suikea {adj} | :: oblong, elongated |
suikea {adj} [botany] | :: lanceolate |
suikerosammal {n} | :: feather-moss (any moss of the genus Brachythecium) |
suikerrella {vi} | :: to squirm, slither or meander around |
suikertaa {vi} | :: to squirm, to slither, to meander |
suikkari {n} [slang, vulgar] | :: A blow job, BJ |
Suikkari {prop} | :: surname |
suikulainen {n} | :: lancelet, cephalochordate |
-suinen {adj} | :: mouthed (having some specific type of mouth, as specified by the modifier) |
suinkaan {adv} | :: See ei suinkaan [always used with a negation] |
suinkin {adv} | :: by all means, if at all possible |
suinkin {adv} [kuin + ~] | :: as possible (to a maximum degree) |
suin päin {adv} | :: head over heels (tumbling upside down) |
suin päin {adv} | :: head over heels (at top speed; frantically) |
suinpäin {adv} | :: alternative form of suin päin |
suipentaa {vt} | :: to taper |
suipentua {v} | :: synonym of suipeta |
suipeta {vi} | :: to taper (to become thinner towards the end) |
suipistaa {vt} | :: to purse (press the lips together) |
suipistella {vt} | :: to purse repeatedly (press the lips together) |
suipistua {vi} [of a mouth] | :: to be pursed |
suippo {adj} | :: tapered |
suippo {adj} | :: pointed |
suippohuulisarvikuono {n} | :: black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) |
suippokaali {n} | :: A cultivar of white cabbage with a tapered head, Brassica oleracea ssp. capitata v. elliptica |
suippokaari {n} [architecture] | :: ogive |
suippokuononokkavalas {n} | :: Gray's beaked whale, Mesoplodon grayi |
suippopäinen {adj} | :: tapered (narrowing gradually towards a point) |
suippotorni {n} [architecture] | :: spire (tapering structure built on a roof or tower, especially as one of the central architectural features of a church or cathedral roof) |
suippotyvinen {adj} [botany] | :: attenuate (having leaf tissue taper down the petiole to a narrow base) |
suippu {n} | :: (pointed) tip |
suippukaneliseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius croceoconus |
suippumadonlakki {n} [mushroom] | :: liberty cap, Psilocybe semilanceata |
suippumyrkkyseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: deadly webcap, Cortinarius rubellus (species of webcap) |
suisidaalinen {adj} | :: suicidal (pertaining to suicide) |
suisidaalinen {adj} | :: suicidal (likely to commit suicide) |
suistaa {vt} | :: To throw off/down |
suistaa {vt} | :: To derail |
suisto {n} | :: A river delta |
suistoalue {n} | :: estuary, estuary region |
suistokrokotiili {n} | :: saltwater crocodile, estuarine crocodile, Indo-Pacific crocodile, Crocodylus porosus |
suistua {v} | :: to fall, to tumble, especially accidentally and/or violently |
suistua {v} [~ raiteilta or ~ kiskoilta] | :: to derail, to be derailed |
suitsait {adv} [colloquial] | :: quickly and easily |
suitsea {v} | :: alternative form of suitsia |
suitsea {v} [literary] | :: to smoke |
suitsea {v} [literary] | :: to incense |
suitsemme {n} | :: first-person plural possissive form of suitset |
suitset {n} | :: bridle |
suitsia {vt} [horsemanship] | :: to bridle (to put a bridle on) |
suitsia {vt} [figuratively] | :: to bridle, rein in (to check, restrain, or control as if with a bridle) |
suitsittaa {v} | :: synonym of suitsia, especially in non-figurative sense |
suitsu {n} [archaic, now, dialectal] | :: smoke |
suitsuke {n} | :: incense |
suitsukeastia {n} | :: censer |
suitsuta {vi} | :: to smoke (to give off smoke) |
suitsute {n} | :: alternative form of suitsuke |
suitsuttaa {v} | :: to smoke (to give off smoke) |
suitsuttaa {v} | :: to cense (to perfume with incense) |
suitsuttaa {v} [figuratively] | :: to elate |
suitsutus {n} | :: incensing (act) |
suitsutusaine {n} | :: incense, fragrance, fumigation preparation |
suitsutusastia {n} | :: censer |
suitsutuspuikko {n} | :: incense stick |
suivaantua {vi} | :: to become unhappy, tired (of) or angry |
suivakko {n} | :: light-colored reindeer, especially if so around the muzzle |
suivautua {v} [rare] | :: synonym of suivaantua |
sujahdella {vi} | :: to slip (through) repeatedly |
sujahtaa {v} | :: to slip (through), to sneak |
sujakka {adj} | :: slender |
sujautella {vt} | :: to slip repeatedly (cause to move smoothly and quickly) |
sujauttaa {vt} | :: to slip (cause to move smoothly and quickly) |
sujua {vi} | :: to go, run (smoothly, successfully) |
sujua {vi} [of time] | :: to pass, go, come along |
sujut {adv} | :: quits (on equal monetary terms; neither owing or being owed) |
sujutella {vt} | :: to slip, slide or pass repeatedly (especially surreptitiously) |
sujuttaa {vt} | :: to slip, to slide, to pass (especially surreptitiously) |
sujuttaa {vt} [plumbing] | :: to cure in place |
sujuttautua {vi} | :: to squeeze oneself through |
sujuva {adj} | :: fluent (able to speak a foreign language accurately and with confidence) |
sujuva {adj} | :: smooth (without difficulty, problems, or unexpected consequences or incidents) |
sujuva {adj} | :: readable (enjoyable to read) |
sujuvasti {adv} | :: fluently |
sujuvasti {adv} | :: smoothly |
sujuvoittaa {vt} | :: to make fluent or more fluent, make smooth or smoother (to make have no difficulty) |
suka {n} | :: A brush, especially one used for brushing animals |
suka {n} | :: currycomb |
sukaatti {n} | :: citron (candied rind of the citron fruit) |
sukaattisitruuna {n} | :: citron (tree Citrus medica and its fruit) |
sukaista {vt} | :: to brush, to groom (quickly) |
sukasauma {n} [microbiology] | :: brush border |
sukassara {n} | :: Carex microglochin |
sukellella {vi} | :: to dive around, to dive repeatedly |
sukelluksiin {adv} | :: into being submerged |
sukelluksissa {adv} [static] | :: submerged |
sukelluksista {adv} | :: from being submerged |
sukellus {n} | :: dive, diving |
sukellusalus {n} | :: submersible (small submarine) |
sukelluskello {n} | :: diving bell |
sukelluslaite {n} | :: diving apparatus, diving device |
sukelluslöytö {n} | :: a find discovered by diving |
sukelluslupa {n} | :: diving permit |
sukellusnaamari {n} | :: diving mask |
sukelluspuku {n} | :: diving suit (garment or apparatus worn by a diver for protection from the underwater environment) |
sukelluspuku {n} [slang] | :: condom |
sukellustietokone {n} [diving] | :: dive computer |
sukellusvene {n} [nautical] | :: submarine |
sukelluttaa {vt} | :: to cause to dive |
sukeltaa {vi} | :: To dive |
sukeltaja {n} | :: diver |
sukeltaja-antilooppi {n} | :: duiker (any species of small antelope of the Cephalophinae subfamily) |
sukeltajantauti {n} [dated, colloquial] | :: decompression sickness, bends |
sukeltaminen {n} | :: diving (act of diving) |
sukeltautua {vi} | :: To dive into |
sukeltava {adj} | :: diving |
sukeutua {vt} | :: to lead into, to develop into, to ensue |
sukia {v} | :: To curry (to groom a horse with a currycomb) |
sukia {v} | :: To brush (to untangle or arrange with a brush, usually the fur of an animal) |
sukia {v} | :: To groom (to care for animals by brushing and cleaning them) |
sukiminen {n} | :: currying, brushing, grooming |
sukka {n} | :: sock (garment covering foot) |
sukka {n} | :: stocking (garment covering foot and part of leg) |
sukka {n} | :: stocking (knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually converted into an incandescent mantle for gas lighting) |
sukkahousut {n} | :: pantyhose (US), tights (UK) |
sukkanauha {n} | :: garter |
sukkanauhakäärme {n} | :: garter snake (any of various nonvenomous snakes of the genus Thamnophis, native to America) |
sukkanauhavyö {n} | :: garter belt, suspender belt |
sukkanukke {n} [Internet] | :: sock puppet (second account created by a user who already has an account) |
sukkapari {n} | :: pair of socks |
sukkapuikko {n} | :: knitting needle, especially a smaller or circular one suitable for knitting socks and stockings |
sukkasaippua {n} [military] | :: blanket party (hazing practice in which the offer is incapacitated with a blanket and beaten, often with lumps of soap that have been stuck inside a sock) |
sukkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius torvus |
sukkaside {n} | :: a type of band wrapped around socks to keep them on |
sukkasillaan {adv} | :: with bare socks, with only one's socks or stockings in the feet (without shoes) |
sukkasilleen {adv} | :: into wearing socks or stockings (but no shoes, etc.) |
sukkasunnuntai {n} [Christianity] | :: Easter Sunday |
sukkatti {n} | :: succade (candied citrus peel) |
sukkela {adj} | :: quick, swift |
sukkelaan {adv} | :: quickly, swiftly |
sukkelasti {adv} | :: quickly, swiftly |
sukkeluus {n} | :: quickness, swiftness |
sukkeluus {n} | :: witticism (witty remark) |
sukkessio {n} [ecology] | :: succession |
sukki {adj} [dialectal, rare] | :: cunning, wise, spiteful |
sukkiinihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: succinic acid |
sukkikset {n} [colloquial] | :: pantyhose, tights |
sukkinaatti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: succinate (any salt or ester of succinic acid) |
sukkinonitriili {n} [chemistry] | :: succinonitrile |
sukkot {n} [Judaism] | :: Sukkot |
sukkula {n} | :: shuttle (part of a loom) |
sukkula {n} | :: shuttle (spacecraft) |
sukkula-asento {n} [sports] | :: a type of position for going down hills where the body is lowered down close to the thighs |
sukkulabussi {n} | :: shuttle bus |
sukkuladiplomatia {n} | :: shuttle diplomacy |
sukkulalento {n} | :: shuttle flight, shuttle mission |
sukkulaliikenne {n} | :: shuttle service |
sukkulamato {n} | :: nematode, roundworm |
sukkulaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius duracinus |
sukkulaväestö {n} | :: people who shuttle (go back and forth between two places) |
sukkulaviesti {n} [athletics] | :: shuttle relay |
sukkuloida {vi} | :: to shuttle |
suklaa {n} | :: chocolate |
suklaahippu {n} | :: chocolate chip |
suklaahippukeksi {n} | :: chocolate chip cookie |
suklaajäätelö {n} | :: chocolate ice cream |
suklaakakku {n} | :: chocolate cake |
suklaakalenteri {n} | :: chocolate Advent calendar (Advent calendar with chocolate behind each window) |
suklaakastike {n} | :: chocolate sauce |
suklaakeksi {n} | :: chocolate cookie, chocolate biscuit (cookie covered in or flavored with chocolate) |
suklaakiisseli {n} | :: chocolate kisel |
suklaakonvehti {n} | :: A chocolate [small piece of confectionery made from chocolate] |
suklaakuorrute {n} | :: chocolate frosting |
suklaakuorrutus {n} | :: chocolate frosting, frosting with chocolate |
suklaalastu {n} | :: chocolate chip (particularly one that is thin, large and conical) |
suklaaleivos {n} | :: brownie, chocolate pastry |
suklaalevite {n} | :: chocolate spread |
suklaalevy {n} | :: chocolate bar, chocolate slab (flat chocolate bar, usually with multiple rows of detachable bits) |
suklaamakeinen {n} | :: a chocolate, chocolate sweet |
suklaamestari {n} | :: A person in charge of or highly skilled in chocolate production |
suklaamestari {n} | :: chocolatier (small producer of chocolate) |
suklaamousse {n} | :: chocolate mousse |
suklaamuna {n} | :: chocolate egg |
suklaanappi {n} | :: chocolate button |
suklaanruskea {adj} | :: chocolate (of chocolate colour) |
suklaanruskea {n} | :: chocolate (colour) |
suklaaosasto {n} [slang, vulgar, sex] | :: chocolate channel (anus) |
suklaapäällyste {n} | :: chocolate coating |
suklaapatukka {n} | :: chocolate bar (longish, slender chocolate bar which may be solid or with filling, one slab or divided into detachable bits) |
suklaarasia {n} | :: box of chocolates |
suklaarousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius moseri |
suklaarusina {n} | :: chocolate covered raisin |
suklaatäyte {n} | :: chocolate filling |
suklaaton {adj} | :: chocolate-free, free of chocolate |
suklaavaahto {n} | :: synonym of suklaamousse |
suklaavanukas {n} | :: chocolate pudding |
suklainen {adj} | :: chocolate, chocolaty (made of, containing or having characteristics of chocolate) |
suklari {n} [slang] | :: synonym of sukellusvene (type of vessel) |
suklata {v} [childish] | :: synonym of sukeltaa |
sukraasi {n} | :: synonym of sakkaraasi |
sukraloosi {n} [carbohydrate] | :: sucralose |
sukroosi {n} | :: sucrose |
suksee {n} [colloquial] | :: success |
suksessio {n} [ecology] | :: succession |
suksi {n} [usually, in the plural] | :: ski |
suksia {vi} [rare] | :: To ski |
suksia {v} | :: To go away; used mostly in idiomatic expressions |
suksikeli {n} | :: good weather conditions for skiing |
suksikelkka {n} | :: ski bob, ski sled |
suksirasva {n} | :: ski grease, ski wax |
suksisauva {n} [skiing] | :: synonym of hiihtosauva |
suksiside {n} | :: ski binding |
suksitehdas {n} | :: ski factory (factory in which skis are made) |
suksivoide {n} [skiing] | :: ski wax |
suku {n} | :: extended family, kin (in addition to parents and children, includes cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and farther relatives; compare perhe) |
suku {n} [taxonomy] | :: genus |
suku {n} [linguistics] | :: gender |
suku {n} [topology] | :: synonym of genus |
sukuanamneesi {n} | :: family anamnesis, family medical history |
sukuelin {n} [anatomy] | :: genital, reproductive organ, sex organ |
sukuelinherpes {n} [pathology] | :: genital herpes |
sukuelinten korjausleikkaus {n} | :: sex reassignment surgery |
sukuhaara {n} [genealogy] | :: branch, stem (branch of a family) |
sukuhauta {n} | :: family grave |
sukuisin {adv} | :: by birth, by blood, being related to |
sukujuuri {n} [usually in the plural] | :: bloodline, lineage, ancestry, descent |
sukukieli {n} | :: language relative |
sukukunta {n} | :: clan, tribe, kin |
sukukypsä {adj} | :: sexually mature |
sukukypsyys {n} | :: sexual maturity |
sukulainen {n} | :: relative, relation |
sukulaiskieli {n} | :: language relative |
sukulaissana {n} [linguistics] | :: A cognate |
sukulaissielu {n} | :: soulmate, kindred spirit |
sukulaistua {vi} | :: to become a relative (of), to become related (with) |
sukulaistunne {n} | :: related emotion |
sukulaisuus {n} | :: relationship, kinship |
sukulaisvierailu {n} | :: relative visit |
sukuloida {v} [colloquial] | :: To visit relatives |
sukunimi {n} | :: surname, family name, last name |
sukupolvenvuorottelu {n} [biology] | :: metagenesis, alternation of generations |
sukupolvi {n} | :: generation (single step in the succession of natural descent) |
sukupolvienvälinen {adj} | :: intergenerational |
sukupuolenkorjaus {n} | :: sex reassignment |
sukupuolentutkimus {n} | :: gender studies |
sukupuolenvaihdos {n} | :: sex change, gender reassignment |
sukupuolenvaihtaja {n} [electronics] | :: gender changer |
sukupuolenvaihtaja {n} | :: transgender (person whose gender has been changed or is in the process of changing it) |
sukupuoleton {adj} | :: asexual, neuter (having no distinct sex) |
sukupuoleton {adj} | :: agender (gender identity) |
sukupuoli {n} | :: sex, gender |
sukupuoliakti {n} | :: sexual act |
sukupuoliasia {n} | :: sex or gender-related matter |
sukupuoliasiat {n} | :: gender or sexual matters or issues |
sukupuoliaukko {n} [zoology] | :: genital orifice |
sukupuolidimorfismi {n} | :: sexual dimorphism |
sukupuolielämä {n} | :: sex life (frequency and quality of one's sexual encounters) |
sukupuolielimistö {n} | :: reproductive system, reproductive tract |
sukupuolielin {n} [anatomy] | :: sex organ |
sukupuolienergia {n} | :: sexual energy |
sukupuoliero {n} | :: gender gap, gender difference |
sukupuolierottelu {n} | :: gender segregation |
sukupuolifantasia {n} [rare] | :: sex fantasy |
sukupuolihaju {n} | :: sexual odour |
sukupuolihimo {n} | :: sexual lust |
sukupuolihormoni {n} | :: sex hormone |
sukupuolihormooni {n} | :: alternative form of sukupuolihormoni |
sukupuolihurjastelu {n} | :: sexual promiscuity, acting sexually promiscuous |
sukupuolihygienia {n} | :: sexual hygiene |
sukupuoli-identiteetti {n} | :: gender identity |
sukupuoli-irstailu {n} | :: sexual debauchery |
sukupuolijakauma {n} | :: gender distribution, gender balance |
sukupuolijako {n} | :: gender-based division |
sukupuolijoustava {adj} [sexuality] | :: genderfluid (not conforming to a fixed gender) |
sukupuolikasvatus {n} | :: sex education |
sukupuolikehitys {n} | :: sexual development |
sukupuolikiihotus {n} | :: sexual arousal |
sukupuolikiintiö {n} | :: gender quota |
sukupuolikokemus {n} | :: gender experience, how one feels about one's gender |
sukupuolikromosomi {n} | :: sex chromosome |
sukupuolikumppani {n} | :: sexual partner, sex partner |
sukupuolikuri {n} | :: sexual discipline |
sukupuolikypsä {adj} | :: synonym of sukukypsä |
sukupuolikypsyys {n} | :: sexual maturity |
sukupuolileikki {n} | :: sexual play |
sukupuolimoraali {n} | :: sexual morality |
sukupuolimoraali {n} | :: sexual moral |
sukupuolinen {adj} | :: sexual (of or relating to having sex or sexuality) |
sukupuolinen {adj} | :: sexual (of or relating to the sex of an organism) |
sukupuolineutraali {adj} | :: gender-neutral |
sukupuolineuvonta {n} | :: sex counseling |
sukupuoliobjekti {n} | :: synonym of seksuaaliobjekti |
sukupuoliominaisuus {n} | :: sex characteristic, gender characteristic |
sukupuoliopetus {n} | :: sex education |
sukupuolipatologia {n} | :: sexual pathology |
sukupuolipsykologia {n} | :: sexual psychology |
sukupuolirauhanen {n} [anatomy] | :: gonad, sex gland |
sukupuolirooli {n} | :: gender role |
sukupuolisesti {adv} | :: sexually; in terms of sex, sexuality or gender |
sukupuolisiveellisyys {n} | :: sexual morality |
sukupuolisiveettömyys {n} | :: sexual unchastity |
sukupuolisiveys {n} | :: sexual chastity |
sukupuolisolu {n} | :: gamete |
sukupuolisuhde {n} | :: sexual relation, sexual relationship |
sukupuolisuus {n} | :: sexuality (that which is characterized or distinguished by sex; "sex" understood either as sexual activity or gender) |
sukupuolisyrjintä {n} | :: gender discrimination |
sukupuolitauti {n} [pathology] | :: venereal disease (VD), sexually transmitted disease (STD) |
sukupuoliteitse {adv} | :: through or by sexual orifices |
sukupuolitesti {n} | :: gender test |
sukupuolitietoisuus {n} | :: gender awareness |
sukupuolitietous {n} | :: gender knowledge, sexual knowledge |
sukupuolitoiminto {n} | :: sexual function |
sukupuolitunne {n} | :: sexual feeling |
sukupuolituntomerkki {n} | :: gender characteristic |
sukupuolitutkimus {n} | :: gender studies |
sukupuolityydytys {n} | :: sexual pleasure |
sukupuolivähemmistö {n} | :: gender minority |
sukupuolivalinta {n} | :: sexual selection |
sukupuolivalistus {n} | :: sexual education |
sukupuolivietti {n} | :: sex drive (strong motivational tendency or instinct of animals to have sexual intercourse) |
sukupuoliviha {n} | :: gender hatred, sexism |
sukupuoliyhdyntä {n} | :: sexual intercourse (sexual interaction) |
sukupuoliyhteys {n} | :: sexual intercourse, sexual union |
sukupuoliyhteys lähisukulaisten kesken {n} [legal] | :: incest |
sukupuu {n} | :: family tree |
sukupuutto {n} | :: extinction (of a species) |
sukurutsa {n} | :: alternative form of sukurutsaus |
sukurutsainen {adj} | :: incestuous |
sukurutsaus {n} | :: incest (sexual intercourse between close relatives, whether illegal or not) |
sukusiitos {n} | :: inbreeding |
sukusolu {n} [cytology] | :: A gamete |
sukusolupesäke {n} [botany] | :: gametangium |
sukutaulu {n} [family] | :: A pedigree (chart of ancestors), written in the form of a table |
sukutaulu {n} [family] | :: A chart of descendants, written in the form of a table |
sukututkija {n} | :: genealogist |
sukututkimus {n} | :: genealogy |
sukuvaakuna {n} | :: family crest, family coat of arms |
sukuvika {n} | :: (negative) family trait, a negative thing that runs in the family |
sula {adj} | :: molten |
sula {adj} [of bodies of water] | :: not having ice cover |
sula {adj} [intensifier] | :: pure |
sula {n} | :: melt, molten material (any molten substance) |
sula {n} [metallurgy] | :: smelt (any of the various liquids or semi-molten solids produced and used during the course of production of metal in a smelting process that involves melting and chemical reduction of metal compounds into purified metal) |
sulaa {v} | :: to melt (to change from a solid state to a liquid state, usually by a gradual heat) |
sulaa {v} [figuratively] | :: to dissolve, disperse, vanish |
sulaa {v} [figuratively] | :: to melt (to soften, as by a warming or kindly influence) |
sulahitsaus {n} | :: fusion welding |
sulake {n} | :: A fuse (in an electronic circuit) |
sulakeautomaatti {n} | :: synonym of automaattisulake |
sulakerasia {n} | :: fusebox |
sulaminen {n} | :: melting (instant or process of melting) |
sulaminen {n} | :: meltdown (melting of the core of a nuclear reactor) |
sulamislämpö {n} [physics, thermodynamics] | :: heat of fusion, enthalpy of fusion |
sulamislämpötila {n} | :: melting temperature, melting point |
sulamispiste {n} [physics] | :: melting point |
sulamisvesi {n} | :: meltwater |
sulasuolareaktori {n} | :: molten salt reactor |
sulate {n} | :: flux (molten material) |
sulatejuusto {n} | :: processed cheese |
sulatella {v} | :: to digest |
sulattaa {vt} | :: to melt (to cause something to melt) |
sulattaa {vt} | :: to smelt (to produce metal from ore in a process that involves melting and chemical reduction of metal compounds into purified metal) |
sulattaa {vt} | :: to thaw, defrost |
sulattaa {vt} | :: to digest (to separate food in the alimentary canal) |
sulattaa {vt} [by extension] | :: to digest (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind) |
sulattaa {vt} [by extension] | :: to put up with, tolerate (to suffer through, or allow, especially something annoying) |
sulattamo {n} | :: synonym of sulatto |
sulattimo {n} | :: synonym of sulatto |
sulatto {n} | :: smelter (place where smelting is done) |
sulatus {n} | :: melting |
sulatus {n} [metallurgy] | :: smelting (process of melting ore or metallic raw material) |
sulatusaine {n} | :: thawing or defrosting preparation, deicer |
sulatuspata {n} [metallurgy] | :: melting pot |
sulatusuuni {n} | :: smelting furnace, smelter |
sulatusuuni {n} [figuratively] | :: melting pot (place where many divergent things come together and are homogenized) |
Sulatusuuni {prop} | :: The constellation Fornax |
sulautettu ohjelma {n} [computing] | :: firmware (program) |
sulauttaa {v} [computing] | :: to embed |
sulauttaa {v} | :: to fuse (to melt together; to blend; to mix indistinguishably) |
sulauttaa {v} | :: to merge (to combine into a whole) |
sulautua {vi} | :: to merge |
sulautua {vi} | :: to become one with something |
sulautua {vi} | :: to blend in something |
sulautuma {n} [linguistics] | :: portmanteau, portmanteau word (word that is combined of parts of two or more words, e.g. "smog" < "smoke" + "fog") |
sulautuma {n} | :: (linguistics) merger (type of sound change where two or more sounds merge into one) |
sulautuma {n} [business] | :: merger |
sulautuminen {n} | :: merger (all senses) |
sulava {adj} | :: melting |
sulava {adj} | :: loose, smooth (relaxed, of movement) |
sulava {adj} | :: suave (of behaviour) |
sulavaliikkeinen {adj} | :: sinuous, graceful (moving gracefully and supplely) |
sulavasti {adv} [of movement] | :: smoothly |
sulavasti {adv} | :: suavely, gracefully |
sulavesi {n} [rare] | :: meltwater |
sulavesijoki {n} | :: glacial meltwater river |
sulavesivirta {n} | :: stream of liquid water |
sulawesinokarotta {n} | :: Sulawesi spiny rat, Echiothrix leucura |
sulempi {adj} | :: comparative of sula |
Sulevi {prop} | :: given name |
sulfaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: sulphate, sulfate |
sulfaattimenetelmä {n} | :: Kraft process, sulfate process (method for producing wood pulp) |
sulfaattisellu {n} | :: kraft pulp, sulfate pulp (wood pulp produced through kraft or sulfate process) |
sulfaattiselluloosa {n} | :: kraft pulp, sulfate pulp (wood pulp produced through kraft or sulfate process) |
sulfalääke {n} | :: sulfa drug |
sulfaniilihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: sulfanilic acid |
sulfataasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: sulfatase, sulphatase |
sulfidi {n} [chemistry] | :: sulfide |
sulfidimineraali {n} [mineralogy] | :: sulfide mineral |
sulfiitti {n} | :: sulfite |
sulfiittimenetelmä {n} | :: sulfite process (method for producing wood pulp) |
sulfiittisellu {n} | :: sulfite pulp (wood pulp produced through sulfite process) |
sulfiittiselluloosa {n} | :: sulfite pulp (wood pulp produced through sulfite process) |
sulfonaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: sulfonate |
sulfonihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: sulfonic acid |
sulfuryylifluoridi {n} [chemistry] | :: sulfuryl fluoride |
sulhanen {n} | :: fiancé |
sulhanen {n} | :: groom |
sulhasmies {n} | :: fiancé |
sulhasmies {n} | :: groom |
sulhaspiirakka {n} | :: a traditional pasty from Karelia similar to the Karelian pasty but cooked on a pan |
sulhaspoika {n} | :: groomsman (attendant to a bridegroom) |
sulhaspoika {n} | :: usher (male escort at a wedding) |
sulhaspoika {n} | :: page boy (young male attendant at a wedding, especially one in the service of the bridegroom) |
sulho {n} [poetic] | :: bridegroom |
sulittaa {vt} | :: to fledge, to fletch, to feather |
sulje {n} | :: A bracket (any of the symbols "〈", "{", "[", "(", ")", "]", "}", "〉" ) |
suljettu {adj} | :: closed |
suljettu joukko {n} [mathematics] | :: closed set |
suljin {n} | :: shutter |
sulka {n} | :: feather (stiff feather in a bird's wing or tail that helps to produce the lift) |
sulka {n} | :: windscreen wiper rubber blade |
sulkahirssi {n} | :: fountaingrass (any plant of the genus Pennisetum) |
sulkahirssi {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Pennisetum |
sulkakoralli {n} | :: octocoral, octocorallian |
sulkakynä {n} | :: quill (pen made from a feather) |
sulkapallo {n} | :: badminton (game) |
sulkapallo {n} | :: shuttlecock, birdie (lightweight object used as a ball in badminton) |
sulkasato {n} | :: moult; molt [US] (process of shedding or losing a covering of feathers) |
sulkasuoninen {adj} [botany] | :: pinnate (of a leaf, having two sets of veins arranged on both sides of a midvein) |
sulkatöyhtö {n} | :: plume, panache (decoration on a hat or helmet, usually one that is made with the showy wing or tail feathers) |
sulkatyö {n} | :: featherwork |
sulkava {n} | :: zope, blue bream (Ballerus ballerus, syn. Abramis ballerus) |
Sulkava {prop} | :: Sulkava (municipality) |
Sulkava {prop} | :: surname |
sulkavalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sulkava |
sulkavalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sulkava |
sulkavene {n} | :: A class of small wooden sailing boat |
sulkea {vt} | :: to close, shut (a box; a door) |
sulkea {vt} | :: to turn off, to switch off (a machine) |
sulkea pois {v} | :: to preclude |
sulkea silmänsä {v} [idiomatic + ablative] | :: To close one's eyes, to ignore |
sulkea sisäänsä {v} | :: To enclose, encase |
sulkeiset {n} | :: military drill |
sulkemaan {v} | :: infinitive of sulkea |
sulkeminen {n} | :: closing, closure |
sulkemisaika {n} | :: closing time |
sulkeuksiin {adv} | :: into being closed up, locked up or stuck |
sulkeuksissa {adv} | :: closed up, locked up, stuck |
sulkeuma {n} [mathematics, programming] | :: closure |
sulkeutua {vir} | :: to close oneself in, to shut oneself in |
sulkeutua {vi} [automative] | :: to close (become closed) |
sulkeutunut {adj} | :: withdrawn, introverted |
sulkija {n} | :: closer, shutter (someone or something that closes) |
sulkijalihas {n} [anatomy] | :: sphincter |
sulkis {n} [colloquial] | :: badminton |
sulku {n} | :: bracket (symbol) |
sulku {n} | :: blockade |
sulku {n} | :: lock (segment of a canal) |
sulkualue {n} | :: prohibited zone |
sulkukammio {n} [nautical] | :: lock chamber |
sulkukanava {n} | :: canal with a lock or locks |
sulkukartio {n} | :: traffic cone |
sulkukorkeapaine {n} [meteorology] | :: block, anticyclone |
sulkulauseke {n} | :: expression in parentheses [US] or brackets [UK] |
sulkumerkki {n} | :: bracket or parenthesis (symbol) |
sulkupallo {n} [military] | :: barrage balloon |
sulkuportti {n} | :: gate, lock gate [device used to close and open a waterway, such as in a canal] |
sulkutelakka {n} [nautical] | :: A dry dock, drydock |
sulkutuli {n} [military] | :: barrage |
sulkuventtiili {n} | :: A stopcock |
sulloa {vt} | :: to cram, stuff (to pack or fill something up or in excess in a compressed manner) |
sullonta {n} | :: cramming, stuffing |
sulloutua {vi} | :: To pack, crowd (into = illative) |
sulo {n} | :: charm, grace |
Sulo {prop} | :: given name |
suloinen {adj} | :: sweet, cute, lovely |
suloisa {adj} | :: graceful |
suloisesti {adv} | :: sweetly, adorably, cutely |
sulokas {adj} | :: sweet, cute, lovely |
sulokkaasti {adv} | :: sweetly, cutely, graciously |
sulostaa {vt} | :: to bring charm or grace to |
sulosti {adv} | :: sweetly, adorably, cutely |
sulostuttaa {vt} | :: to sweeten (make (more) pleasant or delicate) |
sulotar {n} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] | :: Grace |
sulotar {n} [figuratively] | :: beauty, sweetie, cutie (a beautiful, attractive woman) |
sulppu {n} | :: wet pulp |
sulputtaa {vt} | :: to make into wet pulp |
sultanidi {n} | :: A sultana [pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape] |
sultsina {n} | :: A traditional Karelian food, a cross between a crêpe and a flatbread, made of unleavened rye dough with a farina filling |
sulttaani {n} | :: sultan |
sulttaanikana {n} | :: a purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio |
sulttaanikunta {n} | :: sultanate |
sulttaanirusina {n} | :: A sultana (pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape) |
suluke {n} [metal type] | :: space |
sulute {n} [military] | :: tactical barrier (defensive barrier typically consisting of mines, obstacles and traps, designed to deny enemy movements in a designated area) |
suluttaa {vt} [nautical] | :: to lock (operate locks; raise or lower a boat in a lock) |
suluttaa {vt} [military] | :: to make the terrain less advantageous to enemy forces in order to slow them down |
sulutus {n} | :: locking, lockage, operating locks in a canal |
suma {n} | :: (traffic, log) jam |
sumakki {n} | :: sumac (plant and the spice made of its dried berries) |
sumatrankaniini {n} | :: Sumatran striped rabbit, Nesolagus netscheri |
sumatranoranki {n} | :: Sumatran orangutan, orangutan, Pongo abelii |
sumatransarvikuono {n} | :: Sumatran rhinoceros |
sumautua {vi} | :: to become or form into a traffic or log jam |
sumea {adj} | :: fuzzy |
sumea {adj} | :: blurry |
sumea {adj} [colloquial] | :: dim, not smart or intelligent |
sumeampi {adj} | :: comparative of sumea |
sumeasti {adv} | :: fuzzily |
sumeasti {adv} | :: blurrily |
sumeilla {vi} [in negative] | :: to hesitate, to shy away (from) |
sumein {adj} | :: superlative of sumea |
sumentaa {vt} | :: to blur (in concrete sense) |
sumentua {vi} | :: to blur (in concrete sense) |
Sumer {prop} | :: Sumer |
sumeri {n} | :: Sumerian (ancient language spoken in Sumer) |
sumeri {n} | :: Sumerian (citizen of Sumer) |
sumerilainen {adj} | :: Sumerian (of or pertaining to Sumer or Sumerian civilization) |
sumerilainen {n} | :: Sumerian (citizen of Sumer) |
sumerilaisuus {n} | :: Sumerian civilization |
sumerinkielinen {adj} | :: Sumerian (expressed in Sumerian) |
sumeta {vi} | :: to become fuzzy, blurry |
summa {n} | :: sum (result of addition) |
summa {n} | :: amount (especially of money) |
summaarinen {adj} [law] | :: summary |
summaarisesti {adv} | :: summarily |
summamuoto {n} | :: sum form |
summamuoto {n} | :: rectangular form (of a complex number) |
summamutikassa {adv} [colloquial] | :: at random, without further consideration |
summanmutikassa {adv} | :: alternative form of summamutikassa |
summassa {adv} | :: at random |
summata {v} | :: To add, sum |
summatiivinen {adj} | :: summative |
summattomasti {adv} [rare] | :: immensely, countlessly |
summaus {n} | :: sum, summary, summation, summing |
summautua {v} [accounting, mathematics] | :: to sum up, summarize |
summautua {v} [accounting, mathematics] | :: to accumulate |
summeerata {vt} | :: to sum up |
summeri {n} | :: buzzer (device) |
summittain {adv} | :: by sum or sums |
summittain {adv} | :: roughly |
summittain {adv} | :: at random |
summittainen {adj} | :: summary, approximate, rough |
summittaisesti {adv} | :: summarily |
sumo {n} [sport] | :: sumo (wrestling style of Japanese origin) |
sumopaini {n} [sports] | :: sumo (form of wrestling originating in Japan) |
sumopainija {n} | :: sumo wrestler |
sumplata {v} [colloquial] | :: synonym of sumplia |
sumplia {v} [colloquial] | :: to arrange, fix, organize, wangle (often dishonestly) |
sumppi {n} | :: coffee made from used coffee grounds, a common practice at the time coffee was expensive as compared to ordinary incomes |
sumppi {n} [colloquial] | :: mud (coffee brew, especially when of poor quality) |
sumppu {n} | :: corf (container to keep caught fish alive under water) |
sumppu {n} [by extension] | :: Any tight space in which movements are restricted |
sumppuuntua {vi} | :: to become congested |
sumputtaa {vt} | :: to make into a place where jams occur frequently |
sumu {n} | :: fog, mist |
sumu {n} [astronomy] | :: nebula |
sumuinen {n} | :: foggy (covered by fog) |
sumukammio {n} | :: cloud chamber |
sumukuivaus {n} | :: spray-drying |
sumumainen {adj} | :: nebulous |
sumupeite {n} | :: thick fog cover |
sumupilvi {n} | :: stratus (type of cloud) |
sumupisara {n} | :: fog droplet, mist droplet |
sumu-poisto {n} [finance] | :: depreciation according to plan |
sumusireeni {n} | :: foghorn |
sumuta {vi} | :: to fume, form droplets |
sumute {n} | :: spray |
sumutin {n} | :: sprayer |
sumuttaa {v} | :: to spray, mist |
sumuttaa {v} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to mislead |
sumuttua {vi} | :: To become fog-like |
sumuuntua {vi} | :: To become foggy (covered by fog) |
sumuvalo {n} | :: fog light |
sun {conj} [coordinating] | :: A coordinating conjunction expressing generality |
sun {pron} [colloquial] | :: genitive form of sä |
Sund {prop} | :: Sund (municipality) |
sunda {n} | :: Sundanese language |
sundae {n} | :: sundae |
Sundamaa {prop} | :: Sundamaa (region) |
Sundqvist {prop} | :: surname |
sunnalainen {adj} | :: Sunni |
sunnalainen {n} | :: A Sunni |
sunni {n} | :: A Sunni (person) |
sunnilainen {n} | :: A Sunni (person) |
sunnilainen {adj} | :: Sunni (of or pertaining to Sunni religion or people) |
sunnilaisuus {n} | :: Sunni (branch of Islam) |
sunnimuslimi {n} [Islam] | :: Sunni Muslim |
sunnuntai {n} | :: Sunday |
sunnuntaiaamu {n} | :: Sunday morning |
sunnuntaiaamupäivä {n} | :: late Sunday morning |
sunnuntaiajelija {n} | :: Sunday driver (one who drives slowly, as for leisure or sightseeing) |
sunnuntaiautoilija {n} | :: Sunday driver (one who drives slowly, as for leisure or sightseeing) |
sunnuntai-ilta {n} | :: Sunday evening |
sunnuntai-iltapäivä {n} | :: Sunday afternoon |
sunnuntailisä {n} | :: Sunday allowance (extra payment for working on Sunday) |
sunnuntainen {adj} | :: having occurred on a Sunday |
sunnuntainen {adj} | :: pertaining to Sunday |
sunnuntainumero {n} | :: Sunday paper |
sunnuntaipäivä {n} | :: a Sunday (day that is a Sunday) |
sunnuntaisarjakuva {n} | :: Sunday strip |
sunnuntaisin {adv} | :: Sundays, on Sundays |
sunnuntaityö {n} | :: Sunday work, work on Sundays |
suntio {n} | :: sexton |
suntti {n} | :: shunt (connection used as an alternative path between parts of an electric circuit) |
suntti {n} | :: shunt (passage between body channels constructed surgically as a bypass) |
suntti {n} | :: A thermostatic water-mixing valve for a central heating system |
šuntti {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of suntti |
suo {n} | :: swamp, bog, marsh, mire |
suoalue {n} | :: wetland, marsh |
suoda {vt} | :: To give, allow, permit, grant |
suoda {v} | :: (in imperative interjections) ~ anteeksi = to forgive |
suodatin {n} | :: filter |
suodatinkangas {n} | :: filter fabric |
suodatinpussi {n} | :: coffee filter paper |
suodatinsavuke {n} | :: filter cigarette (cigarette with a filter) |
suodattaa {vt} | :: To filter |
suodattua {vi} | :: To filter (to pass through a filter) |
suodatus {n} | :: filtering (act) |
suodin {n} | :: filter |
suohaukka {n} | :: harrier (any of several birds of prey in the genus Circus) |
suohorsma {n} [plant] | :: marsh willowherb (Epilobium palustre) |
suoja {n} | :: shelter |
suoja {n} | :: protective covering |
suoja {n} | :: refuge |
suoja {n} | :: safeguard |
suoja {n} | :: thaw (weather slightly warm enough to melt snow or ice) |
suoja-aika {n} | :: copyright term, copyright duration |
suoja-aita {n} | :: barrier, protective barrier, protective fence |
suoja-alue {n} | :: protected zone |
suojaamaton {adj} | :: unprotected, not protected |
suojaikäraja {n} | :: age of consent |
suojailma {n} | :: thaw (weather) |
suojain {n} | :: A protective device |
suojainen {adj} | :: sheltered |
suojaisa {adj} | :: alternative form of suojainen |
suojajoukot {n} | :: protection forces, peacekeeping forces |
suojakaasu {n} [welding] | :: shielding gas |
suojakaasu {n} [food hygiene] | :: protective atmosphere |
suojakaide {n} | :: guardrail, guard rail |
suojakansi {n} | :: dust jacket, dustcover, bookjacket (detachable paper cover of a book) |
suojakansi {n} | :: Any protecting cap |
suojakansi {n} [nautical] | :: hurricane deck |
suojakäsine {n} | :: protective glove, protective mitten |
suojakate {n} | :: protective covering |
suojakatos {n} | :: canopy, shelter |
suojakeli {n} | :: thaw (warmth of weather sufficient to melt that which is frozen) |
suojakenkä {n} | :: protective shoe |
suojakerroin {n} | :: sun protection factor |
suojakypärä {n} | :: safety helmet |
suojalaite {n} | :: safety device |
suojalakka {n} | :: protective lacquer |
suojalasit {n} | :: safety glasses |
suojalehti {n} [botany] | :: alternative form of suojuslehti |
suojalevy {n} | :: covering plate, protective plate, escutcheon |
suojamaski {n} | :: safety mask (full-face mask) |
suojametsäalue {n} | :: forest reserve area |
suojamuuri {n} | :: bulwark, rampart (defensive wall) |
Suojanen {prop} | :: surname |
suojanpuoleinen {adj} [nautical] | :: leeward, downwind (located away from the direction from which the wind is blowing) |
suojanpuoli {n} [nautical] | :: lee (side of the ship away from the wind) |
suojapäähine {n} | :: bouffant cap |
suojapäähine {n} | :: any protective headgear |
suojapaikka {n} | :: shelter, haven |
suojapaperi {n} | :: protective paper |
suojaravintoaine {n} | :: out of nutrients, either vitamins, proteins or minerals |
suojasää {n} | :: thaw (in winter, the weather when temperature rises above 0°C) |
suojasatama {n} | :: haven (harbour) |
suojata {vt} | :: to protect, shield |
suojatakki {n} | :: protective jacket |
suojatie {n} | :: crosswalk, pedestrian crossing |
suojaton {adj} | :: unprotected, defenseless |
suojatti {n} | :: protege |
suojattu {adj} | :: protected |
suojatyö {n} | :: sheltered work, work in sheltered environment |
suojatyökeskus {n} | :: sheltered work center |
suojatyöpaikka {n} | :: sheltered workshop, sheltered workplace |
suojaus {n} | :: protection (process or means of keeping something or someone safe) |
suojaus {n} [finance] | :: hedge (contract or arrangement reducing one's exposure to risk) |
suojaussuunnitelma {n} | :: protection plan, protection scheme |
suojautua {vi} | :: To protect oneself |
suojautua {vi} | :: To shelter |
suojavaate {n} | :: piece of protective clothing |
suojavaatetus {n} | :: protective clothing |
suojavalli {n} | :: rampart (defensive mound of earth) |
suojavalo {n} [photography] | :: safelight |
suojaväri {n} | :: protective coloring, camouflage |
suojaväri {n} [slang, derogatory] | :: Dark skin color, when perceived to be a shield from criticism or punishment, or a cause for receiving benefits (reverse discrimination) |
suojavarustus {n} | :: rampart (protection against intrusion) |
suojaverho {n} | :: protective curtain |
suojaviiva {n} [cinematography] | :: "the line"; an imaginary line used to apply the 180 degree rule |
suojeleminen {n} | :: protection |
suojelija {n} | :: protector |
suojella {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To protect, shelter |
suojelu {n} | :: protection |
suojelu {n} | :: conservation |
suojelualue {n} | :: protectorate (autonomous territory protected against third parties by a stronger entity) |
suojelualue {n} | :: sanctuary, nature reserve (area set aside for protection) |
suojelukohde {n} | :: protected site |
suojelulaki {n} | :: protection law |
suojeluluokka {n} | :: protection category |
suojelumääräys {n} | :: protection order |
suojelupoliisi {n} | :: security police, intelligence agency, security service (government organisation that aims to protect its nation and its secrets from enemies) |
suojelupoliisi {n} [Finland, law enforcement] | :: Finnish Security Intelligence Service |
suojeluraha {n} | :: protection fee or money, tribute |
suojelus {n} | :: protection, guarding, auspice, patronage |
suojelusenkeli {n} | :: guardian angel |
suojelushenki {n} | :: guardian spirit, genius |
suojeluskunta {n} | :: The Finnish White Guard |
suojeluspyhimys {n} | :: patron saint |
suojelutoimenpide {n} | :: protective measure |
suojelutoimikunta {n} | :: a board or committee for protection of something |
suojelutyö {n} | :: protection work, conservation work |
suojiinsa {adv} | :: (to) under one's wing, (to) under one's protection |
suojissaan {adv} | :: under one's wing, under one's protection |
suojus {n} | :: guard, protection, cover (thing that protects something) |
suojus {n} | :: pad (stuffed cushion to prevent damage) |
suojus {n} | :: sheath (long case) |
suojuslehti {n} [botany] | :: bract |
suojuslehti {n} | :: husk of some plants, e.g. corn (maize) and some vegetables |
suokaasu {n} | :: swamp gas, marsh gas |
suokaski {n} | :: a swidden in a bog or swamp |
suokenkä {n} | :: marsh shoe, swamp shoe |
suokorte {n} | :: marsh horsetail (Equisetum palustre) |
suokukka {n} | :: bog rosemary (flowering plant of the genus Andromeda) |
suokukko {n} | :: ruff (medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax) |
suokukko {n} | :: reeve (female of this bird) |
suola {n} | :: salt (common table salt, sodium chloride, NaCl) |
suola {n} | :: salt (chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base) |
suola {n} [cryptography] | :: salt |
suola {n} [in compounds] | :: saline |
suola {n} [in compounds] | :: salted |
suola-aavikko {n} | :: salt desert |
suolaaminen {n} | :: salting |
suolaantua {vi} | :: To become salty |
suola-astia {n} | :: salt vessel (dish for keeping salt in) |
suolahappo {n} [chemistry] | :: hydrochloric acid |
suolaheinä {n} | :: sorrel (plants in the genus Rumex) |
Suolahti {prop} | :: Suolahti (former municipality), now part of Äänekoski |
Suolahti {prop} | :: surname |
suolahuonehoito {n} | :: salt room therapy, salt cave therapy (type of therapy in which the patients spend time in a salt-lined room; believed to soothe respiratory and skin problems) |
suolain {n} | :: salt spreader (device used to spread salt on roads under freezing conditions) |
suolainen {adj} | :: salty |
suolainen {adj} | :: saline |
suolaisenmakea {adj} | :: salty sweet |
suolaisennälkä {n} | :: craving for something salty |
suolaisuus {n} | :: saltiness (property of being, or tasting, salty) |
suolaisuus {n} | :: salinity (quality of being saline) |
suolajärvi {n} | :: salt lake, saline lake |
suolakaivos {n} | :: salt mine |
suolakala {n} | :: saltfish, salted fish |
suolakeksi {n} | :: saltine cracker |
suolakide {n} | :: salt crystal |
suolakivi {n} | :: synonym of nuolukivi |
suolakivilaji {n} | :: saline mineral |
suolakko {n} | :: synonym of suolasirotin |
suolakkokasvi {n} [botany] | :: halophyte (plant that tolerates an environment having a high salt content) |
suolakurkku {n} | :: pickle (cucumber preserved in brine) |
suolaliemi {n} | :: brine (salt-and-water solution for pickling) |
suolaliha {n} [charcuterie] | :: salt meat, salted meat (meat cured with brine) |
suolaliha {n} | :: salt beef |
suolaliuos {n} | :: saline solution |
suolalohi {n} | :: salted salmon |
suolamaa {n} | :: saline soil |
suolamuikku {n} | :: salted vendace |
suolamylly {n} | :: salt mill, salt grinder |
suolankukka {n} | :: fleur de sel |
suolanpoisto {n} | :: desalination |
suolansirotin {n} | :: synonym of suolasirotin |
suolapähkinä {n} | :: salted nut |
suolapala {n} | :: salty snack |
suolapanos {n} | :: salt cartridge (in a gun) |
suolapatsas {n} | :: pillar of salt |
suolapitoinen {adj} [chemistry] | :: saline |
suolapitoisuus {n} | :: salinity (concentration of salt in a solution) |
suolapulssi {n} | :: A pulse of saltwater, especially the ones occurring in the Baltic Sea |
suolapunka {n} | :: brookweed, Samolus valerandi |
suolarae {n} | :: grain of salt |
suolaraha {n} [usually in plural] | :: peanuts (insigificant amount of money) |
suolarinkeli {n} | :: synonym of viipurinrinkeli |
suolasara {n} | :: Carex halophila |
suolasieni {n} | :: salted mushroom |
suolasiika {n} | :: salted whitefish |
suolasilakka {n} | :: salted Baltic herring |
suolasilli {n} | :: salted herring |
suolasilta {n} [chemistry] | :: salt bridge |
suolasirotin {n} | :: salt shaker |
suolasorsimo {n} | :: alkali grass, salt grass (any grass of the genus Puccinellia) |
suolasorsimo {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Puccinellia |
suolasuihke {n} [cosmetics] | :: salt spray (hair spray that contains salt) |
suolata {v} | :: To salt (to add salt to) |
suolata {v} | :: To preserve in salt |
suolata {v} | :: To spread salt on the ground (esp. on a road surface to prevent it from freezing in the winter) |
suolata {v} [colloquial] | :: To smoke (to kill, especially with a gun) |
suolatasanko {n} | :: salt flat |
suolatasapaino {n} [physiology] | :: salt balance |
suolatasku {n} | :: salt dome, pocket of salt |
suolatikku {n} | :: snack salt stick (thin stick-formed cracker with grains of salt on the surface, often served as party food or snack) |
suolaton {adj} | :: saltless |
suolaton {adj} | :: unsalted |
suolattu {adj} | :: salted (treated with salt) |
suolaus {n} | :: salting (act of sprinkling salt) |
suolautua {vi} | :: alternative form of suolaantua |
suolavesi {n} | :: brine |
suolavesitasku {n} | :: pocket of saltwater, pocket of salty water |
suolayrtti {n} | :: glasswort, samphire (plant of the genus Salicornia) |
suoli {n} [anatomy] | :: intestine, bowel |
suoliavanne {n} | :: intestinal stoma |
suolikaasu {n} | :: intestinal gas; flatulence |
suolikasvain {n} [pathology] | :: intestinal tumor |
suolikivi {n} | :: enterolith |
suolilieve {n} [anatomy] | :: mesentery |
suoliluu {n} [skeleton] | :: An ilium (bone) |
suoliluu-sääriside {n} [anatomy] | :: iliotibial tract |
suolimato {n} | :: intestinal worm |
suolineste {n} | :: intestinal juice, succus entericus |
suolinkainen {n} | :: giant roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) |
suolinukka {n} [anatomy] | :: villus, intestinal villus |
suolirauhanen {n} [anatomy] | :: intestinal gland |
suolisaivartaja {n} | :: any parasitic fly affecting the intestines |
suolisaivartaja {n} [particularly] | :: horse bot fly (Gasterophilus intestinalis) |
suolisolmu {n} | :: intestinal knot, intestinal obstruction |
suolistaa {v} | :: To disembowel, gut, eviscerate |
suolisto {n} [anatomy] | :: intestines (collectively) |
suolistokaasu {n} | :: synonym of suolikaasu |
suolistomato {n} | :: mawworm, maw-worm (any parasitic worm that infests the stomach) |
suolistosairaus {n} | :: bowel disease, intestinal disease |
suolistosyöpä {n} [pathology] | :: bowel cancer |
suolistotulehdus {n} [medicine] | :: gastroenteritis |
suolitukos {n} [pathology] | :: bowel obstruction, intestinal obstruction |
suolitulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: enteritis, inflammation of an intestine |
suoltaa {vt} | :: To run on (speech at the mouth); to churn/crank out (text) |
suoltaminen {n} | :: running on (of speech) |
suoltaminen {n} | :: churning, cranking out (of text) |
suoltua {vi} [rare] | :: to rush (in or out), to flood (in or out) |
Suoma {prop} | :: given name |
Suomala {prop} | :: surname |
suomalainen {adj} | :: Finnish, of or relating to Finland |
suomalainen {adj} | :: Finnish, relating to the Finnish language |
suomalainen {n} | :: Finn (person from Finland) |
Suomalainen {prop} | :: surname |
suomalainen viittomakieli {n} | :: Finnish Sign Language |
suomalaisesti {adv} | :: in a Finnish way or manner |
suomalaisin {adj} | :: superlative of suomalainen |
suomalaisittain {adv} | :: in (a or the) Finnish way |
suomalaislapsi {n} | :: A Finnish child |
suomalaismies {n} | :: Finnish man |
suomalaisnainen {n} | :: Finnish woman |
suomalaissiirtolainen {n} | :: Finnish immigrant |
suomalaistaa {vt} | :: to make Finnish |
suomalaistua {vi} | :: to become Finnish |
suomalaistuttaa {vt} | :: to cause to become Finnish |
suomalais-ugrilainen {adj} | :: Finno-Ugric |
suomalaisuus {n} | :: Finnishness |
suomalaisuusaate {n} [historical] | :: the movement to improve the status of the Finnish language |
suomalaisyritys {n} | :: Finnish company, Finnish firm |
suomalmi {n} | :: bog iron, bog iron ore; limonite (deposit of limonite found in a bog) |
suomeksi {adv} | :: In Finnish |
Suomela {prop} | :: surname |
suomenajokoira {n} | :: Finnish hound |
suomenhevonen {n} | :: Finnish horse, Finnhorse |
suomenkarja {n} | :: Finncattle (collective term for three Finnish livestock breeds) |
Suomen Keskusta {prop} | :: The Centre Party of Finland |
suomenkielinen {adj} | :: Finnish-language, Finnish (of Finnish language) |
suomenkielinen {adj} | :: Finnish-speaking |
suomenkielinen {n} | :: A Finnish-speaker; somebody whose mother tongue is Finnish |
Suomen Kristillinen Liitto {prop} | :: A former name of Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit, a Christian Democratic party in Finland |
Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit {prop} [politics] | :: A Christian Democratic party in Finland, commonly referred to as Kristillisdemokraatit |
Suomenlahti {prop} | :: The Gulf of Finland |
suomenlammas {n} | :: Finnsheep |
suomenlapinkoira {n} | :: Finnish Lapphund |
Suomenmaa {prop} [poetic] | :: Finland |
Suomenmaa {prop} [media] | :: A newspaper, organ of Suomen Keskusta (The Centre Party of Finland) |
Suomen markka {n} | :: The official term for the currency of Finland between 1860 and 2002, until it was replaced by the euro |
suomennos {n} | :: Finnish translation, a translation into Finnish |
suomennostyö {n} | :: work of translation into Finnish |
suomennus {n} | :: Finnish translation, translating into Finnish |
suomenopettaja {n} | :: Finnish language teacher |
suomenpeura {n} | :: Finnish forest reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus |
suomenpystykorva {n} | :: Finnish spitz |
Suomen romanikieli {n} | :: Kalo Finnish Romani (language spoken by the Finnish Roma) |
suomenruotsalainen {n} | :: Swedish Finn |
suomenruotsalainen {adj} | :: Swedish-Finnish |
suomenruotsalaisuus {n} | :: the quality or property of being a Swedish-speaking Finn |
suomenruotsi {n} | :: Finland Swedish (group of Swedish dialects spoken in Finland) |
Suomenselkä {prop} | :: Suomenselkä (a watershed or water divide between the drainage basins of the Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland) |
Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue {prop} | :: The Social Democratic Party of Finland |
suomensotti {n} [childish] | :: pointer finger, index finger, forefinger |
suomensukuinen {adj} [of a people or language] | :: related to the Finnish people or language |
suomentaa {vt} | :: To translate into Finnish |
suomentaa {v} [colloquial] | :: To make clear, to put in plain English (in this case, Finnish), to explain |
suomentaja {n} | :: a translator into Finnish; a person that translates into Finnish |
Suomen tasavalta {prop} | :: The Republic of Finland |
suomentua {vi} | :: to be translated into Finnish |
suomenusko {n} | :: Finnish neopaganism |
Suometar {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Suometar {prop} | :: A newspaper published in 1847-1866, later named Uusi Suometar and Uusi Suomi |
suometsä {n} | :: swamp forest |
suomettaa {vt} | :: to Finlandize |
suomettua {v} | :: to become Fennicized, to become like Finland |
suomettua {v} [politics] | :: to become Finlandized |
suomettuminen {n} [politics] | :: Finlandization |
suomi {n} | :: The Finnish language |
Suomi {prop} [uncountable] | :: Finland (country) |
Suomi {prop} | :: surname |
suomia {v} | :: to whip, lash |
suomia {v} [figuratively] | :: to scold, lash |
suomia {v} [dialectal] | :: to scale (remove scales from a fish) |
suomimakkara {n} | :: a type of sausage made also of animal innards and blood |
Suomi-neito {prop} | :: The Maiden of Finland, the national personification of Finland |
Suominen {prop} | :: surname |
suomisaundi {n} [music] | :: A freeform variation of psytrance music said to originate in Finland; also called "suomi" or "freestyle psytrance" outside Finland |
Suomi-yhtiö {prop} [dated] | :: A former life insurance company, now after a complex M&A process part of OP-Pohjola, Finland's leading finance group |
suomu {n} | :: scale (one of the keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals) |
suomu {n} [botany] | :: scale (individual plate of a conifer cone) |
suomugrafiittivalurauta {n} [metallurgy] | :: grey cast iron |
suomuhaarniska {n} | :: scale armour |
suomuhäntäorava {n} | :: anomalure, scaly-tailed squirrel (rodent of the family Anomaluridae, found in central Africa) |
suomuinen {adj} | :: scaly, squamous |
suomumustesieni {n} | :: lawyer's wig, Coprinus comatus |
suomurousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius spinosulus |
suomussalmelainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Suomussalmi |
suomussalmelainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Suomussalmi |
Suomussalmi {prop} | :: Suomussalmi |
suomustaa {vt} | :: to scale (remove scales from a fish) |
suomustin {n} [cooking] | :: A scaler (tool or device for scaling fish) |
suomustus {n} | :: scaling (removing scales from a fish) |
suomustusrauta {n} | :: tool for scaling fish |
suomutauti {n} [pathology, common term] | :: ichthyosis (disease which gives the sufferer a dry, scaly skin) |
suomuurain {n} | :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus |
suomuvyöseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius pholideus |
suomyrkkysumakki {n} | :: poison sumac, swamp sumac, poison dogwood, poison elder, Toxicodendron vernix (woody shrub or small tree, all parts of which cause irritation to humans) |
suomyrtti {n} | :: gale, sweet gale, bog myrtle (Myrica gale) (shrub) |
suonekas {adj} | :: venous |
suoneniskentä {n} | :: bloodletting |
suonenjokelainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Suonenjoki (Finnish municipality) |
suonenjokelainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Suonenjoki (Finnish municipality) |
Suonenjoki {prop} | :: Suonenjoki (town/and/municipality) |
suonenjokinen {adj} | :: alternative form of suonenjokelainen |
suonenjokinen {n} | :: alternative form of suonenjokelainen |
suonensisäinen {adj} | :: intravascular (pertaining to what is inside blood vessels) |
suonensisäinen {adj} | :: intravenous (pertaining to what is inside veins) |
suonensisäisesti {adv} | :: intravascularly |
suonenveto {n} [colloquial] | :: A cramp (painful contraction of muscle) |
suongeri {n} | :: traditional Sami drying rack |
suoni {n} [botany] | :: vein (of a leaf) |
suoni {n} [anatomy] | :: short for verisuoni (blood vessel) |
suoni {n} [anatomy, archaic] | :: tendon, sinew; still used in the phrasal verb vetää suonta (to cramp) |
suoni {n} | :: lode, stratum, vein (vein-like deposit of ore; often used in compound terms with a modifier specifying the kind of metal to be found) |
suonigneissi {n} [geology] | :: veined gneiss |
suonikalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: chorion |
suonikas {adj} | :: venous, veined, veiny |
suonikkuus {n} | :: venation (state of having veins) |
suonikohju {n} [pathology] | :: varicose vein |
suonikohjutauti {n} [pathology] | :: varicose veins (the condition of having varicose veins) |
suonirauta {n} | :: a type of tool used for bloodletting |
suonitus {n} [botany] | :: venation (pattern of veins) |
suonsilmä {n} | :: bog hole |
suopa {n} | :: soft soap, potassium soap (gel-like soap obtained by cooking potassium hydroxide with natural oils and fats) |
suopa {v} | :: alternative form of suova (present active participle of suoda) |
suopapuu {n} | :: soapbark, soap bark tree, Quillaja saponaria (tropical tree) |
suopayrtti {n} | :: soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) |
suopea {adj} | :: approving |
suopea {adj} | :: benevolent |
suopea {adj} | :: favourable/favorable |
suopeampi {adj} | :: comparative of suopea |
suopeasti {adv} | :: favorably, approvingly |
suopelto {n} | :: swamp field, bog field |
suoperäinen {adj} | :: Originated from swamp |
suopeus {n} | :: benevolence |
suopua {vi} [rare] | :: To agree, give in |
suopunki {n} | :: A type of lasso used to catch reindeer |
suopursu {n} | :: marsh Labrador tea, northern Labrador tea, wild rosemary (strong-smelling flowering plant in the family Ericaceae, Rhododendron tomentosum) |
suoputki {n} | :: Any plant of the genusPeucedanum |
suora {adj} | :: straight (not crooked or bent) |
suora {adj} | :: straight (direct, truthful, frank) |
suora {adj} | :: straight (having all cylinders in a single row) |
suora {adj} | :: live (broadcast) |
suora {adj} | :: right (of angle, 90°) |
suora {n} | :: straight (something that is not crooked or bent such as a part of a road or track) |
suora {n} [poker] | :: straight (five consecutive cards) |
suora {n} [geometry] | :: line |
suora {n} [boxing] | :: cross, straight |
suora-ammunta {n} [military] | :: direct fire |
suoraan {adv} | :: straight |
suoraan {adv} | :: right, directly |
suoraan {adv} | :: suoraan edessä: dead ahead |
suoraan {adv} | :: sanoa suoraan: to say frankly |
suoraan hevosen suusta {phrase} | :: straight from the horse's mouth |
suoraa päätä {adv} [figurative] | :: straight, right away, head over heels |
suorahampainen {adj} | :: having straight teeth |
suorahiuksinen {n} | :: having straight hair |
suorakaide {n} [geometry] | :: rectangle |
suorakaide {n} [geometry] | :: rectangle that is not a square |
suorakauppa {n} | :: over-the-counter trade (direct trade of shares between two parties without an intermediary) |
suorakäyttö {n} [computing] | :: direct access (using a server directly with a shell) |
suorakorvaus {n} [insurance] | :: direct reimbursement, direct compensation |
suora kulma {n} [geometry] | :: right angle |
suorakulma {n} [geometry] | :: right angle (angle of 90 degrees) |
suorakulma {n} | :: square, set square, carpenter's square (tool used to measure out right angles) |
suorakulmainen {adj} | :: right-angled (having one or more right angles, i.e. an angle of 90°) |
suorakulmainen {adj} | :: rectangular (having a shape like a rectangle) |
suorakulmainen {adj} [geometry] | :: rectangular, right (incorporating right angles between axes, faces, edges etc.) |
suorakulmainen {adj} [math] | :: Cartesian, rectangular, orthogonal |
suorakulmainen kolmio {n} [geometry] | :: right triangle, right-angled triangle (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles) |
suorakulmio {n} | :: rectangle |
suoralta kädeltä {adv} | :: off the top of one's head |
suoralta kädeltä {adv} | :: at first hand, at face value |
suoraluonteinen {adj} | :: sincere, honest, forthright |
suoraluontoinen {adj} | :: sincere, honest, forthright |
suoramainonta {n} | :: direct advertising |
suoramainos {n} | :: direct advertisement (sdvertisement using direct advertising) |
suoramarkkinointi {n} [marketing] | :: direct marketing |
suoramarkkinointikielto {n} | :: a request sent to a holder of one's personal data, asking it not be used it for direct marketing |
suoramyynti {n} | :: direct selling |
suoranaan {adv} | :: in a straight stream or flow |
suoranainen {adj} | :: direct, obvious, patent |
suoranaisesti {adv} | :: directly |
suora objekti {n} [grammar] | :: direct object |
suoraommel {n} [sewing] | :: straight stitch |
suoraommelkone {n} | :: straight stitch machine |
suorapankki {n} [banking, internet] | :: direct bank |
suorapuheinen {adj} | :: outspoken, straightforward, direct, candid |
suorarunkoinen {adj} | :: having a straight build, trunk |
suoraruutuinen {adj} | :: with straight squares |
suoraryhtinen {adj} | :: having a straight posture |
suorasaanti {n} [computing] | :: direct access |
suorasäärinen {adj} | :: having straight legs |
suorasäärinen {n} [figurative, euphemism] | :: a dead person |
suorasanainen {adj} | :: outspoken, direct, blunt |
suoraselkäinen {adj} | :: stand-up (honest; honorable) |
suoraselkäisyys {n} | :: integrity (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code) |
suorasiipinen {n} | :: orthopteran (any insect of order Orthoptera) |
suorastaan {adv} | :: downright, positively |
suorasti {adv} | :: straightly, directly (in a straight or direct manner) |
suorasuihkutus {n} | :: direct injection |
suorasukainen {adj} | :: blunt, direct, straightforward |
suorasukaisesti {adv} | :: bluntly, straightforwardly |
suorasuu {n} | :: an outspoken person |
suorasuuntaus {n} [military] | :: aiming with or for direct fire |
suoratoisto {n} [computing] | :: streaming (transmission of digital audio or video; reception or playback of such data without first storing it) |
suoratoistopalvelu {n} | :: streaming service |
suorat sanat {n} [idiomatic] | :: piece of one's mind, home truth |
suoratukkainen {adj} | :: having straight hair |
suoratulostus {n} | :: direct printing |
suoravartinen {adj} | :: having a straight handle (of a tool) |
suoraveloitus {n} [banking] | :: direct debit |
suoraviivainen {adj} | :: straight-line, linear |
suoraviivainen {adj} [figurative] | :: rough, coarse, slash and burn, straightforward; used of way of acting (lacking finesse, performed with little skill) |
suoraviivaisesti {adv} | :: straightforwardly |
suorempi {adj} | :: comparative of suora |
suorentaa {vt} | :: to straighten; to make physically straighter |
suoreta {vi} | :: To straighten |
suoria {vt} | :: to straighten |
suorin {adj} | :: superlative of suora |
suoristaa {vt} | :: to straighten |
suoristaminen {n} | :: straightening (act of making something straight) |
suoristautua {vi} | :: To straighten oneself |
suoristella {vt} | :: to straighten (somewhat leisurely) |
suoristua {vi} | :: to straighten |
suoristusharja {n} | :: straightening brush (for hair) |
suorite {n} | :: performance |
suoritella {v} | :: to perform or carry out (repeatedly) |
suoritin {n} [computing] | :: (micro)processor |
suorittaa {v} | :: to perform, carry out, fulfill, execute, run |
suorittaminen {n} | :: performing, carrying out, executing |
suoritus {n} | :: performance (act of performing; that which is performed) |
suoritus {n} [formal, euphemistic] | :: payment |
suoritus {n} [computing] | :: execution (carrying out of an instruction, program or program segment by a computer) |
suoritusaika {n} | :: execution time, performance time |
suoritusarvo {n} | :: performance value |
suorituskyky {n} | :: performance |
suorituskykyvaatimus {n} | :: performance requirement |
suoritusmerkki {n} | :: badge of achievement |
suorituspaine {n} | :: performance anxiety |
suorituspalkka {n} | :: performance-based pay (salary paid on the basis of an employee's performance) |
suorituspiste {n} | :: course credit, credit |
suoritustapa {n} | :: method of execution or conducting |
suoritusteho {n} | :: performance, throughput |
suoritusympäristö {n} | :: execution environment |
suorituttaa {vt} | :: to get performed or carried out, to make perform or carry out |
suoriutua {v} | :: to manage, wield (to handle or control a job successfully) |
suoriutua {v} | :: to get through, overcome, endure (to handle or control a task, ordeal or challenge successfully) |
suoriutua {v} | :: to perform one's part, conduct one's self, acquit |
suoro {n} [dialectal] | :: penis of an animal |
suorsa {n} [dialectal] | :: duck |
suortua {vi} | :: to straighten (become straight) |
suortuva {n} | :: wisp |
suoruus {n} | :: straightness, rectitude |
suoruus {n} | :: candor |
suosia {vt} | :: to favor/favour |
suo siellä, vetelä täällä {proverb} | :: used of a desperate situation where no solution is ideal; damned if one does and damned if one doesn't; stuck between a rock and a hard place |
suosija {n} | :: patron |
suosikki {n} | :: favourite/favorite |
suosikkiasema {n} | :: the position of being the favorite |
suosikkijärjestelmä {n} | :: favouritism |
suosikkikohtaus {n} | :: favorite scene (of a theater or film) |
suosiminen {n} | :: preference, favoring/favouring |
suosinta {n} | :: favoring |
suosio {n} | :: popularity |
suosiolla {adv} | :: synonym of sovinnolla |
suosiollinen {adj} | :: gracious, favorable |
suosiollisesti {adv} | :: favorably, graciously |
suosionosoitus {n} | :: favour (indication of being favoured by someone, such as a friendly gesture, small gift) |
suosionosoitus {n} | :: [in plural] cheer, acclaim, ovation, applause, hand |
suosirri {n} | :: dunlin, Calidris alpina (small wading bird) |
suositella {v} | :: to recommend |
suositeltava {adj} | :: advisable |
suosittaa {v} | :: to recommend |
suosittelija {n} | :: reference |
suosittu {adj} | :: popular (as in liked by many) |
suosittu {adj} | :: hot, in |
suosittuus {n} | :: popularity, popularness |
suosituimmuusasema {n} | :: preferential position |
suosituin {adj} | :: superlative of suosittu |
suositumpi {adj} | :: comparative of suosittu |
suositus {n} | :: recommendation, testimonial |
suositus {n} | :: guideline |
suosituskirje {n} | :: A letter of recommendation |
suosopuli {n} | :: bog lemming (cricetic rodent of the genus Synaptomus) |
suostua {vi} [+ active 3rd infinitive in illative] | :: to agree (to do something), consent (to do something), be willing (to do something), comply |
suostua {vi} [+ illative] | :: to accept, approve |
suostumus {n} | :: approval, consent |
suostutella {vt} | :: to persuade, talk someone into something |
suostuttaa {vt} [rare] | :: to persuade |
suosuksi {n} | :: marsh ski |
suotaa {vi} [dialectal] | :: to leak (of a container) |
suotaa {vt} | :: to filter out |
suotautua {vi} | :: to be filtered |
suotava {adj} | :: desirable, advisable |
suoti {n} | :: chestnut (reddish-brown horse) |
suoti {adj} | :: sorrel (having a reddish-brown color, like that of a horse) |
suotta {adv} | :: without reason, to no purpose |
suotuinen {adj} | :: favourable/favorable, propitious, advantageous |
suotuinen {adj} | :: beneficial |
suotuisa {adj} | :: favourable/favorable, propitious, advantageous |
suotuisa {adj} | :: beneficial |
suotuisasti {adv} | :: favorably, propitiously, auspiciously |
suotyyppi {n} | :: type of mire, bog, marsh, swamp or similar |
suova {n} | :: haystack |
suovehka {n} | :: calla, Calla palustris |
suoveri {n} [dialectal] | :: brother-in-law |
suovero {n} | :: The spike at the lower end of a ski pole |
suoviljely {n} | :: peatland agriculture |
suovilla {n} | :: cottongrass (plant of the genus Eriophorum) |
suoyhdistymätyyppi {n} | :: mixed bog or marsh type |
supatella {v} | :: to whisper for extended periods of time, to chat by whispering |
supattaa {v} | :: to whisper |
super- {prefix} | :: super- |
superase {n} | :: superweapon |
superbensiini {n} [dated] | :: super gasoline; super petrol [UK] (gasoline with RON octane rating of 97 to 99) |
superego {n} [psychoanalysis] | :: superego |
superemäs {n} [chemistry] | :: superbase |
superessiivi {n} [grammar] | :: superessive, superessive case |
superhappo {n} [chemistry] | :: superacid |
superiorinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: superior |
superjoukko {n} [astronomy] | :: supercluster |
superkalanterointi {n} | :: supercalendering |
superkavitaatio {n} [fluid dynamics] | :: supercavitation |
superlatiivi {n} [grammar] | :: superlative |
supermarket {n} | :: alternative form of supermarketti |
supermarketti {n} | :: supermarket (large self-service store that sells groceries and, often, household goods and clothing) |
supermassiivinen {adj} [astronomy] | :: supermassive (having a mass higher than 105 times that of the Sun) |
supernova {n} | :: supernova (exploding star) |
supernovajäänne {n} [astronomy] | :: supernova remnant |
superoksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: superoxide |
superpallo {n} | :: bouncy ball, superball |
superpositio {n} [physics] | :: superposition |
supersäie {n} [physics] | :: superstring |
supersäieteoria {n} | :: superstring theory |
supersankari {n} | :: superhero |
superseos {n} [metallurgy] | :: superalloy |
supersooninen {adj} | :: supersonic |
superstara {n} [colloquial] | :: superstar |
superstraatti {n} | :: superstratum |
superstraatti {n} | :: superstrate |
supersymmetria {n} [physics] | :: supersymmetry |
supertähti {n} | :: superstar |
supertankkeri {n} [nautical] | :: supertanker |
supertartuttaja {n} [epidemiology] | :: superspreader |
supertietokone {n} | :: supercomputer |
supertoonika {n} [music] | :: supertonic |
supertulivuori {n} | :: supervolcano |
supervalta {n} | :: superpower |
supervuoropari {n} [pesäpallo] | :: a final inning played as a tiebreaker if the period wins in a game are tied after the usual two periods |
supeta {vi} [math] | :: to converge |
supeta {v} | :: synonym of supistua |
supi {n} | :: short for supikoira (Nyctereutes procyonoides) |
supi {n} [dated] | :: the fur of raccoon (Procyon lotor) |
supi {n} [dated or regional, Finglish, see usage notes] | :: raccoon |
supi {n} [zoology] | :: raccoon; in the names of several Procyon species |
supi {n} [rare, dialectal] | :: badger |
supiini {n} [grammar] | :: supine |
supikas {n} | :: a traditional Finnish leather shoe used with some folk costumes, having a somewhat raised front |
supikoira {n} | :: raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) |
supina {n} | :: murmur, whisper |
supinaatio {n} | :: supination |
supista {vi} | :: to murmur |
supistaa {vt} | :: to reduce |
supistaa {vt} | :: to abridge |
supistaa {vt} [mathematics] | :: to cancel, reduce (remove a common factor from both the numerator and denominator of a fraction) |
supistaminen {n} | :: reducing, abridging |
supistella {vti} | :: to contract repeatedly |
supistua {vi} | :: to contract (to draw together or nearer; to shorten, narrow, or lessen) |
supistua {vi} [math] | :: to cancel out, to cancel |
supistuma {n} [grammar] | :: Contraction |
supistus {n} | :: reduction, cutback, cut |
supistus {n} | :: contraction (medicine, biology) |
supisuomalainen {adj} | :: typically and 100% Finnish |
supisuomalaisesti {adv} | :: in a typically Finnish way |
suplementtikulma {n} [geometry] | :: one of a pair of supplementary angles |
supo {n} | :: security police, intelligence agency, security service (government organisation that aims to protect its nation and its secrets from enemies) |
supo {n} [Finland, law enforcement] | :: Finnish Security Intelligence Service |
suppa {n} [geology] | :: kettle hole, kettle (fluvioglacial landform) |
suppea {adj} | :: scanty, limited, narrow |
suppea {adj} | :: concise, succinct |
suppea {adj} [phonetics, of a vowel] | :: close |
suppeampi {adj} | :: comparative of suppea |
suppeasti {adv} | :: compactly, succinctly, concisely, narrowly |
suppea suhteellisuusteoria {n} | :: synonym of erityinen suhteellisuusteoria |
suppein {adj} | :: superlative of suppea |
suppeneminen {n} | :: convergence |
suppeneva {adj} | :: convergent |
suppeuttaa {vt} | :: synonym of supistaa |
suppeutua {v} [rare] | :: synonym of supistua |
suppilo {n} | :: funnel |
suppilohapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula delica |
suppilopikarikulttuuri {n} | :: funnel beaker culture |
suppilopilvi {n} | :: A funnel cloud |
suppilovahvero {n} [mushrooms] | :: A funnel chanterelle, yellowfoot; Craterellus tubaeformis |
suppo {n} [hydrology] | :: frazil ice, i.e. ice in a frazil form i.e. as a kind of watery sludge |
suppo {n} [colloquial] | :: suppository |
suppojää {n} | :: frazil ice (loose, randomly oriented needle-shaped ice crystals in water) |
supportiivinen {adj} [medicine, psychology] | :: supportive |
suppositorio {n} | :: suppository |
suppupaarma {n} | :: cleg, notch-horned cleg (Haematopota pluvialis) |
suppuun {adv} | :: into being tightly closed or pursed (such as of lips; figuratively of becoming quiet) |
suprajohde {n} [physics] | :: superconductor |
suprajohtava {adj} [physics] | :: superconductive |
suprajohtavuus {n} [physics] | :: superconductivity |
suprakrustinen {adj} | :: supracrustal |
supraneste {n} | :: superfluid |
supraskapulaarinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: suprascapular (situated above, or on the anterior side of, the scapula) |
supraventrikulaarinen {adj} | :: supraventricular |
supremum {n} [mathematics] | :: supremum |
supukka {n} | :: small or closed mouth |
supulla {adv} | :: synonym of supussa |
supullaan {adv} | :: synonym of supussa |
supulle {adv} | :: synonym of suppuun |
supulleen {adv} | :: synonym of suppuun |
supussa {adv} | :: tightly closed or pursed (such as of lips; figuratively of being quiet) |
suputtaa {v} | :: alternative form of supattaa |
surahdella {vi} | :: to repeatedly buzz, whirr or zoom past |
surahtaa {vi} | :: to buzz, whirr or zoom past (once) |
sureksia {v} | :: to mourn |
surettaa {vt} | :: to grieve, to sadden, to make sad |
surettaa {vi} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] | :: to feel sad, to be saddened |
sureva {adj} | :: mourning |
surfaktantti {n} | :: surfactant |
surffaaja {n} | :: surfer |
surffailija {n} | :: surfer |
surffailla {v} | :: to surf (to ride a wave) |
surffailla {v} | :: to surf (to browse the Internet) |
surffari {n} [colloquial] | :: surfer |
surffata {v} | :: To surf (ride on waves) |
surffata {v} | :: To surf (browse the Internet) |
surffaus {n} | :: surfing |
surffilauta {n} | :: surfboard |
surija {n} | :: mourner |
surimi {n} | :: surimi |
surimipuikko {n} | :: crab stick |
surina {n} | :: Hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by the bees) |
Surinam {prop} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of Suriname |
Suriname {prop} | :: Suriname (country) |
surinamelainen {n} | :: Surinamese (person) |
surinamelainen {adj} | :: Surinamese (of or pertaining to Suriname) |
surinamilainen {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of surinamelainen |
surinamilainen {adj} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of surinamelainen |
surista {v} | :: To buzz, whirr, hum |
surjektiivinen {adj} [mathematics] | :: surjective |
surjektio {n} [set theory] | :: surjection |
surkastaa {vt} | :: to constrict |
surkastua {vi} | :: To atrophy |
surkastuttaa {vt} | :: to atrophy |
surkea {adj} | :: miserable, wretched |
surkea {adj} | :: pitiful |
surkea {adj} | :: lousy |
surkea {adj} | :: squalid |
surkeasti {adv} | :: miserably, pitifully |
surkeilla {vi} | :: to feel sad, to feel down |
surkeilla {v} | :: to bemoan, to express pity |
surkeus {n} | :: ruefulness |
surkeus {n} | :: squalor |
surkeus {n} | :: misery |
surkeus {n} | :: pitifulness |
surkeus {n} | :: miserableness |
surkeus {n} | :: sadness |
surkimus {n} | :: weakling (someone physically weak or with weak character) |
surku {n} [dialectal or uncommon] | :: pity |
surku {n} [dialectal or uncommon] | :: sadness, sorrow |
surkuhupaisa {adj} | :: tragicomic |
surkutella {v} | :: To bemoan |
surma {n} | :: A violent death, mainly used of humans |
surma {n} | :: Personification of sudden death |
surma {n} [legal] | :: Killing, voluntary manslaughter under mitigating circumstances |
surmaaja {n} | :: killer, slayer |
surma-ase {n} | :: a weapon that was used to kill someone |
surmanhyppy {n} | :: salto mortale |
surmansa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of surma |
surmata {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] | :: to kill, slay |
surmatyö {n} | :: killing, homicide |
surmauttaa {vt} | :: to have (someone) killed or slain |
surra {vi} | :: To mourn, grieve (very often because of someone's death) |
surra {vt} | :: To mourn, grieve (over someone = partitive; over a dead person) |
surrata {vi} | :: to drone, buzz, whirr, hum |
surrealismi {n} | :: surrealism |
surrealisti {n} | :: surrealist |
surrealistinen {adj} | :: surreal |
surrogaatti {n} | :: surrogate |
suru {n} | :: sorrow, grief; woe |
suruaika {n} | :: mourning period |
suruasu {n} | :: A mourning (traditional clothes worn by those who mourn) |
suruharso {n} | :: mourning veil |
suruhuntu {n} | :: mourning veil |
surujuhla {n} | :: ceremony of mourning |
surulaulu {n} | :: dirge, elegy, requiem, threnody |
suruliputtaa {v} | :: to fly a flag at half-staff for purposes of mourning or honouring the dead |
suruliputus {n} | :: The act of flying flags, usually half-staff, to honour the dead |
surullinen {adj} | :: sad |
surullisempi {adj} | :: comparative of surullinen |
surullisenkuuluisa {adj} | :: infamous |
surullisesti {adv} | :: sadly, sorrowfully, somberly |
surullisin {adj} | :: superlative of surullinen |
surullisuus {n} | :: sadness |
surumarssi {n} | :: funeral march |
surumielellä {adv} | :: with a sad or solemn mind |
surumieli {n} | :: mournful mood |
surumielin {adv} | :: with great sadness or regret, with a sad or solemn mind |
surumielinen {adj} | :: gloomy, melancholy |
surumielisesti {adv} | :: melancholically, sadly, gloomily |
surumielisyys {n} | :: melancholy |
surunappi {n} | :: badge of mourning |
surunauha {n} | :: mourning band |
surunkyynel {n} | :: tear of sadness |
surunlapsi {n} | :: child that brings worry and sadness |
surunpäivä {n} | :: day of mourning |
surunsekainen {adj} | :: sorrowful, mixed with sorrow |
suruntäyteinen {adj} | :: sorrowful |
surunvalittelu {n} | :: condolence (expression of comfort, support, or sympathy offered to the family and friends of somebody who has died) |
surunvalittelukirja {n} | :: book of condolence (book in which people may sign their name and write a short message as a symbol of sympathy; often in response to a high profile death or series of deaths) |
surunviesti {n} | :: synonym of suruviesti |
surunvoittoinen {adj} | :: sad, sorrowful, mournful, grieving |
surupuku {n} | :: mourning clothes, mourning dress |
surureuna {n} | :: a black border used to represent mourning, such as on obituaries |
surureunus {n} | :: synonym of surureuna |
surusaatto {n} | :: funeral procession, sorrowful procession |
surusaattue {n} | :: funeral procession, sorrowful procession |
surusanoma {n} | :: message of grief, message of loss |
surusilmäinen {adj} | :: that has sad eyes, sad-eyed |
surusormus {n} | :: mourning ring |
surutalo {n} | :: house of mourning |
suruttomasti {adv} | :: carefreely, carelessly, unconcernedly |
surutyö {n} | :: grieving, mourning |
suruvaippa {n} | :: mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) |
suruviesti {n} | :: message of loss, message of grief (message of someone having passed away) |
suruvirsi {n} | :: elegy (mournful or plaintive poem; funeral song; poem of lamentation) |
survaista {vt} | :: to thrust, to shove, to push, to plunge |
surve {n} | :: synonym of survos |
survey-tutkimus {n} | :: synonym of kyselytutkimus |
survin {n} | :: pestle |
survivalismi {n} | :: survivalism |
survivalisti {n} | :: survivalist |
survoa {v} | :: to cram, stuff, crowd (press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another) |
survoa {v} [cooking] | :: to mash |
survoin {n} [rare, nonstandard] | :: alternative form of survin |
survoutua {vt} | :: to cram (in) |
survoutua {vi} | :: to be crammed |
survoutua {vi} | :: to be mashed |
sus {interj} | :: oh; used only in the expression shown in the example below |
susanna {n} | :: thunbergia, clockvine (any plant of the genus Thunbergia) |
Susanna {prop} | :: given name |
Susanna {prop} [biblical character] | :: Susanna |
sushi {n} | :: sushi |
susi {n} | :: grey wolf (Canis lupus) |
susi {n} [colloquial] | :: dud |
Susi {prop} [constellation] | :: The constellation Lupus |
suši {n} | :: alternative form of sushi |
susihämähäkki {n} | :: wolf spider (spider of the genus Pardosa within the family Lycosidae) |
susihukka {n} [poetic] | :: wolf, howler (a nickname for wolves) |
susijahti {n} | :: wolf hunting, wolf hunt (occasion of hunting wolves) |
Susijengi {prop} | :: A nickname of the Finnish national basketball team |
susikoira {n} | :: wolfhound (dog of various breeds originally developed to hunt wolves) |
susikoira {n} | :: wolf dog (hybrid between a dog and a wolf) |
susikoira {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of saksanpaimenkoira |
susilapsi {n} | :: feral child |
susilauma {n} | :: wolf pack, wolfpack |
susimainen {adj} | :: wolf-like, wolfish, lupine |
susiovi {n} | :: a Dutch door used as an exterior door |
susipari {n} | :: unmarried couple |
susiraja {n} [humorous] | :: Literally “wolf border,” the boundary between the capital region and the rest of Finland; the name suggests that rest of the country is wilderness |
susiruma {adj} | :: fugly (extremely ugly) |
susisävel {n} [music] | :: wolf tone |
suskeptanssi {n} [physics, electronics] | :: susceptance |
suskeptibiliteetti {n} [physics] | :: susceptibility |
suslikki {n} | :: speckled ground squirrel, spotted souslik, Spermophilus suslicus |
suspensio {n} [chemistry] | :: suspension |
sussexinspanieli {n} | :: Sussex spaniel (breed of dog) |
sussu {n} [colloquial] | :: woman, girl, sheila |
sutaista {vi} | :: To jot (to write quickly) |
sutari {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of nuohooja |
sutata {v} [colloquial] | :: to smudge, to scribble over, to render something illegibile by marking over it |
Sutela {prop} | :: surname |
sutenööri {n} | :: pimp, panderer |
suti {n} | :: A brush |
sutia {vt} | :: to brush (using a small brush) |
sutia {vi} [of a wheel] | :: to spin without moving the vehicle, to do wheelspin |
sutina {n} [colloquial] | :: Bustle, hustle |
sutina {n} [colloquial] | :: Amorous play, sometimes akin to an affair |
sutjakasti {adv} | :: slenderly, smoothly |
sutjakka {adj} | :: slender |
sutjakka {adj} | :: smooth (without problems) |
sutkaus {n} | :: quip, wit |
sutkauttaa {v} | :: to quip |
suttaantua {vi} | :: To become dirty |
suttautua {vi} | :: alternative form of suttaantua |
suttu {n} | :: A smudge |
suttura {n} [colloquial] | :: woman, girl |
suttura {n} [colloquial] | :: sweetheart, broad |
sutuura {n} | :: sutura |
suu {n} | :: mouth |
suualue {n} | :: estuary |
suude {n} | :: A wedge that is used to fasten the blade of an axe |
suudella {vti} | :: To kiss |
suudelma {n} | :: kiss |
suudita {vt} [rare] | :: to wedge (to support or secure with a wedge; to force into a narrow space) |
suufilainen {n} | :: Sufi (Islamic mysticist) |
suufilainen {adj} | :: Sufite (of or pertaining to Sufism) |
suufilaisuus {n} | :: Sufism (Islamic mysticism) |
suuhaara {n} | :: distributary |
suuharppu {n} | :: synonym of munniharppu |
suuhoito {n} | :: Oral treatment |
suuhoito {n} [vulgar] | :: A blowjob |
suuhoito {n} [vulgar] | :: An instance of cunnilingus, pussy eating, lip service |
suuhunpantava {n} | :: snack, food |
suuhygienia {n} | :: oral hygiene |
suuhygienisti {n} | :: oral hygienist |
suujarru {n} [firearms] | :: A muzzle brake |
suu- ja sorkkatauti {n} [pathology] | :: foot-and-mouth disease |
suukamera {n} | :: intraoral camera |
suukappale {n} | :: mouthpiece (part of any device that functions in or near the mouth) |
suukapula {n} | :: gag (device to restrain speech) |
suukirurgia {n} | :: oral surgery |
suukki {n} [colloquial, childish] | :: mouth |
suukko {n} | :: kiss (touch with the lips) |
suukko {n} | :: type of sweet consisting of a round biscuit base with flavored whipped egg white cream on top of it, the whole coated in a thin layer of chocolate |
suukkosuu {n} [plant] | :: kissing lips (Hypocyrta glabra, a decorative flower) |
suukku {n} [colloquial, childish language] | :: mouth |
suukopu {n} [colloquial] | :: quarrel |
suukottaa {v} | :: to kiss |
suula {n} | :: northern gannet, Morus bassanus (type species of the bird family Sulidae) |
suula {n} | :: booby, gannet (any of the marine birds in the family Sulidae, the family of gannets and boobies) |
suulaampi {adj} | :: comparative of suulas |
suulaasti {adv} | :: mouthily |
suulaenluu {n} [skeleton] | :: palatine bone |
suulain {adj} | :: superlative of suulas |
suulake {n} | :: nozzle |
suulakepuristus {n} | :: extrusion (a manufacturing process) |
suulaki {n} [anatomy] | :: palate |
suulakihalkio {n} | :: cleft palate |
suulas {adj} | :: outspoken |
suuli {n} [dialectal] | :: barn, shed, shelter, hut |
suuliekki {n} [firearms] | :: muzzle blast |
suuliina {n} | :: mouth cloth |
suuliina {n} [fishing] | :: mouth, funnel (in a fyke net) |
suullinen {adj} | :: oral, spoken (spoken rather than written) |
suullinen {n} | :: mouthful (amount that will fit in a mouth) |
suullisesti {adv} | :: orally |
suuna päänä {adv} [idiomatic] | :: outspokenly, talkatively |
suuni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of suu |
suun limakalvon haavauma {n} [pathology, set phrase] | :: aphthous ulcer, mouth ulcer, aphtha |
suunnanmuutos {n} | :: change of direction |
suunnanmuutos {n} | :: inflection (a turning away from a straight course) |
suunnanvaihto {n} | :: change of direction, reversal |
suunnanvaihto {n} | :: power reversal |
suunnata {vt} | :: to direct |
suunnata {vt} | :: to target, aim |
suunnata {vt} | :: to head (move in a specified direction) |
suunnaton {adj} | :: enormous, immense |
suunnaton {adj} | :: directionless |
suunnaton {adj} | :: aimless |
suunnattoman {adv} | :: enormously, hugely (+adjective) |
suunnattomasti {adv} | :: enormously |
suunnattomuus {n} | :: enormity |
suunnattu kaari {n} [graph theory] | :: directed edge |
suunnattu verkko {n} [graph theory] | :: directed graph |
suunnikas {n} [geometry] | :: parallelogram |
suunnikaslihas {n} [anatomy] | :: rhomboid muscle |
suunnilleen {adv} | :: about, around, approximately, some |
suunnilleen {adv} | :: odd (together with a number: about) |
suunnilleenkaan {adv} | :: (not) even close (to) |
suunniltaan {adv} | :: overcome with an emotion, distraught, frantic |
suunnin {n} | :: homing device |
suunnistaa {vi} | :: To go orienteering |
suunnistaja {n} [sports] | :: orienteer (someone who competes in the sport of orienteering) |
suunnistautua {vi} | :: to determine one's bearing, direction or position |
suunnistus {n} | :: orienteering |
suunnistuskartta {n} | :: orienteering map, navigation map |
suunnite {n} | :: plan, especially one setting a numeric goal, largely omitting the means for reaching it |
suunnitella {v} | :: to design |
suunnitella {v} | :: to plan |
suunnitella {v} | :: to conceive |
suunnitelma {n} | :: plan, scheme |
suunnitelma {n} | :: blueprint |
suunnitelma {n} | :: design |
suunnitelmallinen {adj} | :: methodical, systematical, planned (carried out according to a plan) |
suunnitelmallisemmin {adv} | :: comparative of suunnitelmallisesti |
suunnitelmallisempi {adj} | :: comparative of suunnitelmallinen |
suunnitelmallisesti {adv} | :: methodically, systematically, programmatically, in a planned or structured manner |
suunnitelmallisimmin {adv} | :: superlative of suunnitelmallisesti |
suunnitelmallisin {adj} | :: superlative of suunnitelmallinen |
suunnitelmallisuus {n} | :: methodicalness, systematicity, design |
suunnitelmatalous {n} | :: planned economy |
suunnitteilla {adv} | :: under planning (in the process of being planned) |
suunnittelematon {adj} | :: unscheduled, unplanned |
suunnittelemattomasti {adv} | :: in an unplanned way |
suunnittelija {n} | :: A designer |
suunnittelija {n} | :: A planner |
suunnittelu {n} | :: planning (act of formulating of a course of action, or of drawing up plans) |
suunnittelu {n} | :: design (art of designing) |
suunnittelu {n} | :: contemplation (act of looking forward to an event; the act of intending or purposing) |
suunnittelu {n} | :: plotting (planning of a crime) |
suunnitteluinsinööri {n} | :: planning engineer, design engineer |
suunnittelukilpailu {n} [architecture] | :: architectural competition (competition for architects to find the best and most attractive design for a construction project) |
suunnittelukilpailu {n} | :: design competition (similar competition on some other field of design) |
suunnittelumalli {n} [architecture, computing, design] | :: design pattern (documented general solution to a design problem in a particular field of expertise) |
suunnittelupäällikkö {n} | :: planning director, planning manager |
suunnittelupeli {n} | :: planning game |
suunnittelupiirustus {n} | :: design drawing |
suunnittelutyö {n} | :: design work |
suunnitteluvelvoite {n} | :: planning obligation |
suunpieksentä {n} | :: backchat, backtalk, sass (especially if vulgar) |
suunsa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of suu |
suunta {n} | :: direction (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) |
suunta {n} | :: hand (direction when indicated by right or left) |
suunta {n} | :: path (direction of proceeding) |
suunta {n} [navigation] | :: bearing, magnetic bearing (short for kompassisuunta, the direction towards an object or target expressed in terms of horizontal angle between that direction and that of true north) |
suunta {n} [navigation] | :: heading (short for kulkusuunta, the direction into which a vessel's bow is pointing or the direction into which it is actually moving relative to the ground) |
suunta {n} | :: lay (direction to which a rope is twisted) |
suunta {n} [math] | :: sense (direction of a vector) |
suunta {n} | :: tack (course of action) |
suuntaa antava {adj} | :: approximate (that which serves to give an idea of the extent, quality, or reality of something) |
suuntaamaton {adj} | :: undirected (having no direction, not having been directed) |
suuntaamaton kaari {n} [graph theory] | :: undirected edge |
suuntaamaton verkko {n} [graph theory] | :: undirected graph |
suuntain {n} | :: a device that directs |
suuntain {n} | :: sight of a (modern) mortar |
suuntain {n} | :: waveguide of or for a speaker |
suuntainen {adj} | :: genitive + ~ : having the direction of, being parallel to |
suuntaisesti {adv} | :: parallel to |
suuntaissärmiö {n} [geometry] | :: parallelepiped |
suuntanumero {n} | :: prefix (set of digits placed before a telephone number, to indicate where the number is based or what type of phone number it is) |
suuntanumero {n} | :: area code (prefix appended to a telephone number indicating the geographical area) |
suuntapiirrin {n} | :: marking gauge |
suuntaruusu {n} | :: compass rose |
suuntasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of suunta |
suuntasija {n} [grammar] | :: any directional case; any case that indicates motion or change |
suuntaus {n} | :: trend |
suuntaus {n} | :: orientation |
suuntautua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: To be directed towards |
suuntautua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: To orientate oneself towards, orient oneself towards |
suuntautua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: To be aimed at, be geared towards |
suuntautuminen {n} | :: orientation |
suuntautuneisuus {n} | :: orientation |
suuntautuneisuus {n} [philosophy] | :: synonym of intentionaalisuus |
suuntavaisto {n} | :: sense of direction, sense of orientation |
suuntavalaisin {n} [legal] | :: A direction indicator, trafficator |
suuntavektori {n} [math] | :: direction vector |
suuntaventtiili {n} | :: check valve, directional control valve |
suuntaviitta {n} | :: signpost |
suuntaviiva {n} | :: guideline (non-specific rule, principle or explanation that provides direction to action or behaviour) |
suuntavilkku {n} | :: An indicator, turn signal, trafficator (blinking light that indicates the direction that a vehicle is about to turn) |
suuntia {vt} | :: to take the bearings (to determine the bearing to sthg) |
suuntima {n} [navigation] | :: bearing (horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object, or between it and that of true north, especially as a result of a measurement) |
suuntima-asema {n} [rare] | :: a station used to get the bearing for anti-air defense |
suuntimalevy {n} [navigation] | :: pelorus |
suuntimislevy {n} | :: synonym of suuntimalevy |
suuontelo {n} | :: oral cavity (medical profession's term for mouth) |
suupala {n} | :: bite (piece of food) |
suupaltti {n} | :: gasbag, blowhard, windbag, big mouth, blusterer, boaster, braggart, loudmouth (person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner) |
suupaltti {adj} | :: talkative, open-mouthed (inclined to talking too much or too loudly) |
suupano {n} [vulgar, colloquial] | :: face fuck, mouthfuck |
suupuhe {n} | :: word of mouth |
suur- {prefix} | :: great, grand, major, macro- |
suura {n} [Islam] | :: sura |
suuraakkonen {n} | :: capital letter, uppercase letter (one of letters A, B, C… as opposed to a, b, c…) |
suuramiraali {n} | :: grand admiral (rank in German navy, above ordinary admirals) |
suurarkkipiispa {n} | :: major archbishop |
suure {n} [mathematics] | :: quantity |
suure {n} [physics] | :: quantity, physical quantity |
suurehko {adj} | :: largish |
suurelementti {n} | :: large prefab |
suurellinen {adj} | :: pretentious, pompous |
suurellisesti {adv} | :: pretentiously, pompously |
suurelta osin {adv} | :: mostly |
suurempi {adj} | :: comparative of suuri |
suurenergiafysiikka {n} [physics] | :: high energy physics |
suurenmoinen {adj} | :: magnificent (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance) |
suurenmoisesti {adv} | :: in an magnificient manner |
suurennella {v} | :: to exaggerate |
suurennus {n} | :: magnification |
suurennus {n} | :: enlargement |
suurennus {n} | :: augmentation |
suurennus {n} | :: zooming |
suurennuskone {n} [photography] | :: enlarger |
suurennuslasi {n} | :: magnifying glass |
suurennusleikkaus {n} [medicine] | :: augmentation surgery (surgery to increase the size of an organ or a part of body) |
suurennussuhde {n} | :: magnification ratio |
suurennuttaa {vt} | :: to have something enlarged |
suurentaa {vt} | :: to magnify, enlarge |
suurentaa {vt} [computing] | :: to maximize |
suurentua {vi} | :: To become larger |
suuresti {adv} | :: greatly |
suureta {vi} | :: To grow bigger |
Suuret järvet {prop} | :: The Great Lakes |
suurherttua {n} | :: grand duke |
suuri {adj} | :: large |
suuri {adj} | :: big |
suuri {adj} | :: great |
suuriäänisesti {adv} | :: vociferously |
suurieleisesti {adv} | :: grandly, grandiosely, extravagantly |
suuri harppaus {n} | :: Great Leap Forward (Chinese campaign in 1958-61) |
suuri ikäluokka {n} [used other than idiomatically] | :: large age-cohort |
suuri ikäluokka {n} [in plural, idiomatic] | :: baby boomers |
suurikokoinen {adj} | :: large-sized |
suurilmasto {n} | :: macroclimate |
suurima {n} [rare] | :: synonym of suurimo |
Suuri Magellanin pilvi {prop} [astronomy] | :: Large Magellanic Cloud |
suurimittakaavainen {adj} | :: large-scale (of a map or drawing, drawn large to show details) |
suurimmaksi osaksi {adv} | :: for the most part, by and large, largely, mainly, principally (almost entirely) |
suurimo {n} | :: an individual grain of groats (hulled grain) |
suurimot {n} | :: grits, groats (hulled grain) |
suurin harppauksin {adv} | :: leaps and bounds, by leaps and bounds (considerably, significantly) |
suurin piirtein {adv} | :: roughly, approximately |
suurinpiirtein {adv} | :: roughly, more or less, by and large |
suurin yhteinen tekijä {n} | :: greatest common divisor |
suuri oktaavi {n} [music] | :: great octave |
suuriruhtinaanmaa {n} [historical] | :: grand duchy, especially the Grand Duchy of Finland btw. 1809 and 1917 |
suuriruhtinas {n} | :: grand duke |
suuriruhtinaskunta {n} | :: grand duchy |
suuriruhtinatar {n} | :: grand duchess |
suuri sali {n} | :: great hall (main room of a palace, castle or manor) |
suuri sali {n} | :: The main meeting room of a parliament, conference or the like |
suurisanaisesti {adv} | :: pompously, boastingly |
Suuri seuraaja {prop} | :: Kim Jong-un |
suurisuisesti {adv} | :: in a bigmouthed or loudmouthed way |
suurisuuntaisesti {adv} | :: grandly, grandiosely, on a large scale |
suurituloinen {adj} | :: high-income, having a high income |
suuri valiokunta {n} | :: a standing committee of the Finnish Parliament handling the national politics related to the EU membership of Finland |
suuri verenkierto {n} [anatomy] | :: systemic circulation |
suurjännite {n} [electrical engineering] | :: high voltage |
suurkäräjät {n} | :: Storting (the Norwegian parliament) |
suurkaupunki {n} | :: large city, metropolis |
suurkeittiö {n} | :: synonym of suurtalouskeittiö |
suurkirves {n} | :: large axe |
suurkirves {n} | :: synonym of mottikirves |
Suur-Kreikka {prop} [historical] | :: Magna Graecia (Greek colonies in southern Italy that were established in 8th and 7th century B.C.) |
suurlähettiläs {n} | :: ambassador |
suurlähetystö {n} | :: embassy |
suurlähetystö {n} | :: High Commission (embassy of a Commonwealth country in another Commonwealth country) |
suurliikemies {n} | :: tycoon |
Suur-Lontoo {prop} | :: Greater London |
suurmaatalous {n} | :: economy of or with large farms |
suurmanner {n} | :: A supercontinent (one of the contemporary landmasses consisting of several continents) |
suurmarttyyri {n} [Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: great martyr |
suurmestari {n} [chess] | :: Grandmaster |
suurmestari {n} [knighthood] | :: Grand Master |
suurmielenosoitus {n} | :: mass demonstration, large demonstration, major demonstration (display of opinion) |
suurmies {n} | :: great man |
suurmoskeija {n} | :: A grand mosque; a large mosque that is for all denominations |
suurmyymälä {n} [retail] | :: superstore, large retailer, mass merchandiser |
suurnopeusjuna {n} [uncountable] | :: high-speed rail (form of transport) |
suurnopeusjuna {n} | :: bullet train |
suurnopeusrata {n} | :: high-speed railway line, high-speed railway track |
suurpaine {n} | :: high pressure |
suurpainenatriumlamppu {n} | :: high-pressure sodium-vapour lamp |
suurperhe {n} | :: A large family; kinship family |
suurpeto {n} | :: large predator |
suurpiirteisesti {adv} | :: ambiguously, roughly, generously |
suurpujottelu {n} [sports] | :: giant slalom |
suurriista {n} | :: big game |
suurristi {n} | :: grand cross |
suursäätila {n} | :: large-scale weather; synoptic weather |
Suur-Saimaa {n} | :: The lake Saimaa, especially when open waters of it are included |
suursiivous {n} | :: spring cleaning (systematic and complete cleaning of a house, system etc.) |
suursota {n} | :: great war, major war |
suursuomalainen {n} [historical] | :: A supporter of the idea of Greater Finland, i.e. the idea of uniting Finland, Karelia and possibly other areas inhabited by Finnic peoples into one country |
suursuomalainen {adj} [historical] | :: Of or pertaining to Greater Finland, the ideology behind the concept, or its supporters |
suursyömäri {n} | :: glutton (one who eats a lot) |
suurtaajuus {n} [radio] | :: high frequency |
suurtaajuustekniikka {n} | :: high-frequency technology |
suurtalous {n} | :: a large, independently acting and managed economic unit, especially in terms of food procurement and cooking |
suurtalouskeittiö {n} | :: a professional kitchen – often part of an institution or a large organization – that prepares food for a large number of people; an industrial kitchen |
suurtapahtuma {n} | :: major event, large-scale event, spectacle |
suurteos {n} | :: magnum opus, masterpiece |
suurtietokone {n} [computing] | :: mainframe |
suurtila {n} | :: large farm, large holding |
suurtyö {n} | :: large work, deed |
suuruinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] | :: of the amount, order or magnitude |
suurus {n} | :: synonym of suuruste |
suurustaa {vt} [cooking] | :: to thicken (such as with flour or cream) |
suuruste {n} [cooking] | :: thickening agent, thickener |
suuruudenhullu {n} | :: megalomaniac |
suuruudenhulluus {n} | :: delusion of grandeur, megalomania (the false belief that one is important or powerful or something is important; the act of constructing or planning to construct something concrete or abstract that is unrealistically big) |
suuruus {n} | :: largeness, greatness |
suuruus {n} | :: size, magnitude |
suuruusjärjestys {n} | :: order or ordering of numbers or numerical values |
suuruusluokka {n} | :: order of magnitude |
suuruusluokka {n} | :: vicinity (approximate size or amount) |
suuruusluokka {n} | :: ballpark figure |
suurvalta {n} | :: A great power (nation or state that has the ability to exert its influence on a global scale) |
suurvalta-aika {n} [historical] | :: Sweden during the Swedish Empire (during which it was a great power) |
suurvalta-asema {n} | :: station of being a great power |
suurvisiiri {n} | :: grand vizier |
suuryhtiö {n} | :: large company, large corporation |
suuryritys {n} | :: large company or corporation |
suuryritys {n} | :: In plural, big business (large corporations understood as a collective with significant economic, political, or social influence) |
suu säkkiä myöten {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: within one's means |
suusanallinen {adj} [rare] | :: oral, spoken (spoken rather than written) |
suuseksi {n} | :: oral sex |
suusi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of suu |
suusola {n} [phonetics] | :: The space that is left between the tongue and the palate when pronouncing a vowel |
suussasulava {adj} [literally] | :: melting (sense "dissolving") in the mouth; in this sense usually written as two separate words |
suussasulava {adj} [figurative] | :: delicious |
suustaladattava {n} [firearms] | :: A muzzleloader |
suustaladattava {adj} | :: muzzleloading |
suusta-suuhun {adv} | :: mouth-to-mouth |
suusuihke {n} | :: mouth spray, oral spray |
suusuihkute {n} [rare] | :: mouth spray, oral spray |
suusumute {n} | :: mouth spray, oral spray |
suusyöpä {n} | :: mouth cancer |
suutahtaa {v} | :: to flare, to burst out with anger |
suutari {n} | :: shoemaker (one who makes shoes) |
suutari {n} | :: cobbler (one who repairs shoes) |
suutari {n} | :: cobbler's (shoe repair shop) |
suutari {n} | :: A dud explosive, an unexploded piece of ordnance or fireworks |
suutari {n} [fish] | :: tench, Tinca tinca |
suutarinkielo {n} | :: synonym of tuonenkielo |
suutarin lapsilla ei ole kenkiä {proverb} | :: the shoemaker's children go barefoot |
suutarinlohi {n} | :: Baltic herring pickled with vinegar, sugar, carrot, onion, salt, bayleaves and allspice |
suutarintyö {n} | :: work of a shoemaker or cobbler |
suutarinverstas {n} | :: cobbler's (shoe repair shop) |
suutaroida {v} | :: To work as a shoemaker |
suute {n} | :: alternative form of suude |
suuteleminen {n} | :: kissing |
suutelu {n} | :: kissing |
suutia {vt} | :: to fasten with a wedge (used to fasten a blade of an axe) |
suutin {n} | :: A nozzle |
suutin {n} | :: A tuyere |
suuttua {vi} | :: to get angry |
suuttumus {n} | :: anger, indignation |
suuttunut {adj} | :: angry |
suuttuva {adj} | :: irritable (capable of being irritated) |
suutuksiin {adv} | :: into being angry or mad |
suutuksissa {adv} | :: angry or mad |
suutuksissaan {adv} | :: alternative form of suutuksissa |
suutulehdus {n} | :: stomatitis (inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane lining of the mouth) |
suutuntuma {n} | :: mouthfeel |
suutuspäissä {adv} | :: alternative form of suutuspäissään |
suutuspäissään {adv} | :: (while) furious or angry |
suututtaa {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to anger someone or something, to make angry |
suututtaa {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] | :: to feel angry, to become angry |
suu-urut {n} [musical instruments] | :: sheng |
suuvesi {n} | :: mouthwash |
suvaita {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To accept, stand |
suvaita {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To tolerate, stand |
suvaita {vt} [auxiliary, + infinitive] | :: To deign, condescend (to do something) |
suvaitsematon {adj} | :: intolerant |
suvaitsemattomasti {adv} | :: intolerantly |
suvaitsemattomuus {n} | :: intolerance, closed-mindedness |
suvaitsevainen {adj} | :: permissive, lenient, tolerant |
suvaitsevaisesti {adv} | :: tolerantly |
suvaitsevaisuus {n} | :: tolerance (ability to tolerate beliefs etc.) |
suvaitsevasti {adv} | :: permissively, tolerantly |
suvaitsevuus {n} | :: toleration |
suvakki {n} [derogatory] | :: social justice warrior, libtard |
suvanto {n} | :: stream pool (stretch of a river or stream in which the water depth is above average and the water velocity is quite below average) |
suvanto {n} [figuratively] | :: A slow section in anything that might be understood as a stream, e.g. in musical composition, history, life of a person, project etc |
suvehtia {v} [archaic] | :: to spend a summer |
suvereeni {adj} | :: sovereign (country etc.) |
suvereenisesti {adv} | :: in a sovereign way |
suvereenisti {adv} | :: in a sovereign way |
suvereenisuus {n} | :: sovereignty |
suvereenius {n} | :: sovereignty (independence) |
suvereniteetti {n} | :: sovereignty |
suvi {n} [literary, poetic] | :: summer |
suvi {n} [archaic] | :: south |
Suvi {prop} | :: given name, popular in the end of the 20th century |
Suvi-Anne {prop} | :: given name |
suviseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius erythrinus |
suvivirsi {n} | :: a traditional Swedish and Finnish summertime hymn, often sung at the end of the school year |
suviyö {n} [poetic] | :: summer night |
suvuittain {adv} [of humans] | :: by ancestry |
suvuittain {adv} [of species] | :: by genus |
suvullinen {adj} | :: sexual (as opposed to asexual, often of reproduction) |
suvullisesti {adv} | :: [of reproduction] sexually |
suvuton {adj} [grammar] | :: gender-neutral, epicene |
suvuton {adj} [biology] | :: neuter (having no generative organs) |
suvuton {adj} [biology] | :: asexual |
suvuttomasti {adv} | :: [of reproduction] asexually |
švaa {n} | :: schwa (indeterminate central vowel sound) |
svaabi {n} | :: Swabian (person) |
švaabi {n} | :: alternative spelling of svaabi |
svaabilainen {adj} | :: alternative spelling of schwabilainen |
švaabilainen {adj} | :: alternative spelling of schwabilainen |
švaavokaali {n} | :: synonym of švaa |
Sveitsi {prop} | :: Switzerland |
sveitsiläinen {adj} | :: Swiss |
sveitsiläinen {n} | :: A Swiss |
sveitsiläiskaarti {n} [historical] | :: Swiss Guard (mercenary guard consisting of Swiss soldiers seeking their fortune abroad due to the poverty of their home country) |
sveitsiläiskaarti {n} | :: Swiss Guard (pontifical Swiss Guard stationed in Vatican, the only remaining unit of this kind) |
sveitsiläisyys {n} | :: Swissness (state or quality of being Swiss) |
sveitsinajokoira {n} | :: Swiss hound, Schweizer Laufhund (Swiss breed of dog) |
sveitsinhuilu {n} [musical instruments] | :: fife |
sveitsinjuusto {n} | :: synonym of emmentaljuusto |
sveitsinleike {n} | :: Swiss schnitzel (dish consisting of veal cutlet filled with cheese, typically Emmentaler or Gruyere, and a slice of ham) |
sveitsinsaksa {n} | :: Swiss German (language) |
sveitsinveitsi {n} | :: Swiss Army knife |
svekofennialainen {adj} | :: Svecofennian |
svekofiili {n} | :: Suecophile |
svekomaani {n} [historical] | :: Svecoman (supporter of a Swedish nationalistic movement in Finland, which had its heyday in 1870's and 1880's) |
svengaava {adj} [colloquial] | :: synonym of mukaansatempaava |
svengaava {adj} | :: cool, neat, interesting, fashionable, groovy |
svengata {v} | :: to groove (to perform, dance to, or enjoy rhythmic music) |
svengata {v} [slang] | :: to be going, to be doing, to be happening |
svengata {v} | :: to have a good time |
svengi {n} [colloquial] | :: happening, going |
svetari {n} [colloquial] | :: sweater (knitted jacket or jersey) |
svetisismi {n} | :: A loanword from Swedish |
svetisismi {n} | :: An expression influenced by Swedish, often one that is regarded as non-standard in the target language, particularly in Finnish |
sviitti {n} | :: suite (group of connected rooms, usually separable from other rooms by means of access; such as in a hotel) |
svingata {v} [golf, slang] | :: to swing |
svingi {n} [golf] | :: swing |
swahili {n} | :: The Swahili language |
swahilinkielinen {adj} | :: Swahili-speaking |
swahilinkielinen {adj} | :: Swahili, Swahili language (expressed in the Swahili language) |
swap {n} [finance, slang] | :: swap (financial derivative) |
swap {n} [computing, slang] | :: swap (auxiliary memory) |
swazi {n} | :: Swazi (Bantu language) |
swazi {n} | :: Swazi (personfrom Swaziland or of Swati descent) |
Swazimaa {prop} | :: Swaziland |
swedenborgilaisuus {n} | :: Swedenborgianism |
swingi {n} [golf] | :: swing (act of swinging the club) |
switch {n} [BDSM] | :: switch |
syaani {adj} | :: cyan |
syaanimetaani {n} | :: acetonitrile |
syaanivety {n} | :: hydrogen cyanide |
syaanivetyhappo {n} | :: hydrogen cyanide |
syaaniyhdiste {n} | :: cyanide (any chemical containing a cyano group) |
syanidi {n} [chemistry] | :: cyanide |
syankalium {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium cyanide |
syano- {prefix} | :: cyano- |
syanoakrylaatti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: cyanoacrylate |
syanobakteeri {n} | :: cyanobacterium |
syanokobalamiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: cyanocobalamin |
syanoosi {n} [pathology] | :: cyanosis |
syanuurihappo {n} [organic chemistry] | :: cyanuric acid |
sybariitti {n} [rare] | :: A sybarite |
sydämeenkäypä {adj} | :: poignant, heartfelt |
sydämeenkäyvä {adj} | :: poignant, heartfelt |
sydämellinen {adj} | :: warm, warmhearted, affectionate, kind, lovable, sweet |
sydämellinen {adj} | :: cordial, heartfelt |
sydämellisesti {adv} | :: cordially |
sydämenahdistus {n} [colloquial] | :: chest pain (more or less painful feeling of the heart not being able to pump blood in normal manner, often a symptom of a heart disease, but may also indicate mental problems) |
sydämenasia {n} | :: matter of the heart, something close to one's heart |
sydämenhieronta {n} | :: cardiac massage |
sydämeni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of sydän |
sydämenkuva {n} | :: heart shape, heart pattern |
sydämenlaajentuma {n} | :: enlarged heart |
sydämenlyönti {n} | :: heartbeat (single pulsation) |
sydämenpysähdys {n} | :: alternative form of sydänpysähdys |
sydämensä {n} | :: third-person possissive form of sydän |
sydämensä kyllyydestä {phrase} | :: to one's heart's content |
sydämensä pohjasta {adv} | :: from the bottom of one's heart |
sydämensiirto {n} [surgery] | :: heart transplantation, cardiac transplantation |
sydämensiirtoleikkaus {n} | :: heart transplant operation |
sydämensiirtopotilas {n} | :: heart transplant patient |
sydämen sisäkalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: endocardium |
sydämensivistys {n} | :: social or mental sophistication |
sydämensyke {n} | :: heartbeat |
sydämentahdistin {n} | :: pacemaker |
sydämentakainen {adj} [anatomy, medicine] | :: retrocardiac |
sydämentykytys {n} | :: palpitation |
sydämenvahvistusyrtti {n} | :: synonym of rohtonukula |
sydämen vajaatoiminta {n} [pathology] | :: heart failure |
sydämesi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of sydän |
sydämetön {adj} | :: heartless |
sydämettömästi {adv} | :: heartlessly |
sydämistyä {vi} | :: to get furiously angry, to be offended |
sydämystyä {v} | :: alternative form of sydämistyä |
sydän {n} | :: heart |
sydän {n} | :: core |
sydän {n} | :: wick (of a candle) |
sydänääni {n} | :: heartbeat, pulse; sound of a heart (also figuratively) |
sydänala {n} [anatomy] | :: the area around one's heart, precordium |
sydänalue {n} | :: heart, central region |
sydänambulanssi {n} | :: ambulance dedicated to heart attack or heart disease patients |
sydäneteinen {n} | :: heart atrium |
sydänfilmi {n} [colloquial] | :: electrocardiogram |
sydänhaava {n} | :: heartache |
sydänhäiriö {n} | :: cardiac disorder |
sydänhalkeama {n} | :: crack deep in wood |
sydänhalvaus {n} | :: cardiac arrest |
sydänhermo {n} | :: heart nerve |
sydänhermovika {n} [pathology] | :: Da Costa's syndrome |
sydänhieronta {n} | :: cardiac massage |
sydäninfarkti {n} [pathology] | :: Coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction, heart attack |
sydäninsuffisienssi {n} | :: heart insufficiency |
sydäninvalidi {n} | :: person with an incapacitating heart disease |
sydäniskuri {n} [medicine] | :: defibrillator (electronic device that delivers a controlled electric shock to a patient to correct ventricular fibrillation) |
sydän- ja verisuonitauti {n} | :: cardiovascular disease (class of diseases involving the heart or blood vessels); as a group name normally used in plural in Finnish |
sydänjuuret {n} | :: the bottom of one's heart; used especially in the idiomatic expression sydänjuuriaan myöten ("to the bottom of one's heart") |
sydänkammio {n} [anatomy] | :: heart chamber |
sydänkäpy {n} | :: sweet, sweetheart |
sydänkäpynen {n} | :: sweetheart |
sydänkäyrä {n} | :: cardiogram |
sydänkesä {n} | :: midsummer |
sydän-keuhkokone {n} | :: heart-lung machine |
sydänkipu {n} | :: angina, heart pain, chest pain |
sydänkirurgi {n} | :: cardiac surgeon, cardiologist |
sydänkirurgia {n} | :: cardiac surgery |
sydänkohta {n} [heraldry] | :: fess point |
sydänkohtaus {n} [pathology] | :: heart attack |
sydänkorvake {n} [anatomy] | :: auricle (ear-shaped appendage of the either atrium of the heart) |
sydänkuolema {n} | :: cardiac death |
sydänkuolleisuus {n} | :: cardiac mortality |
sydän kurkussa {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: one's heart in one's mouth (very scared) |
sydänlääkäri {n} | :: cardiologist |
sydänlääke {n} | :: heart medication |
sydänlaho {n} | :: heartrot |
sydänlanka {n} | :: wick (yarn in a candle that draws up melted stearine, wax etc.) |
sydänläppä {n} [anatomy] | :: heart valve |
sydänleikkaus {n} | :: heart surgery |
sydänlihas {n} [anatomy] | :: myocardium (the middle of the three layers forming the wall of the heart) |
sydänlihassairaus {n} [pathology] | :: cardiomyopathy (deterioration of the myocardium) |
sydänlihastulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: myocarditis |
sydänmaa {n} | :: hinterland, wilderness |
sydänmuuri {n} | :: fireplace side wall |
sydänosa {n} | :: core |
sydänosa {n} | :: heartwood |
sydänpäivä {n} | :: midday, high noon |
sydänperäinen {adj} | :: cardiogenic |
sydänpotilas {n} | :: heart patient |
sydän puhdasta kultaa {n} | :: heart of gold |
sydänpuolisko {n} | :: half of a heart |
sydänpussi {n} [anatomy] | :: pericardium |
sydänpuu {n} | :: heartwood, duramen |
sydänpysähdys {n} [pathology] | :: cardiac arrest |
sydänsähkökäyrä {n} | :: electrocardiogram |
sydänsairaus {n} | :: heart disease, heart ailment, heart condition |
sydänsärky {n} | :: heartache, heartbreak |
sydänsiirto {n} | :: heart transplant |
sydänsimpukka {n} | :: cockle (European bivalve mollusk of the family Cardiidae, having heart-shaped shells) |
sydänsuru {n} | :: heartache |
sydänsuvi {n} [literary, poetic] | :: mid-summer |
sydänsyöpä {n} | :: heart cancer |
sydäntalvi {n} | :: midwinter (middle of the winter) |
sydäntäsärkevä {adj} | :: heartbreaking |
sydäntauti {n} [pathology] | :: heart disease |
sydäntenmurskaaja {n} | :: heartbreaker |
sydäntoiminta {n} | :: heart activity |
sydäntulehdus {n} | :: cardiac infection, heart infection |
sydäntutkimus {n} | :: heart examination |
sydäntyä {v} [dialectal] | :: to get angry |
sydänvaiva {n} | :: heart problem, heart condition |
sydänvalvuri {n} | :: heart monitor |
sydänvarjo {n} | :: umbra (of a shadow) |
sydänvaurio {n} | :: heart damage |
sydänveri {n} | :: heart blood |
sydänveritulppa {n} | :: congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction |
sydänvika {n} | :: heart disease |
sydänvikainen {adj} | :: who or that has a heart disease |
sydänyö {n} | :: midnight |
sydänystävä {n} | :: bosom friend |
sydeemi {n} [slang] | :: synonym of systeemi (metasyntactic term) |
Sydney {prop} | :: Sydney (city) |
sydneyläinen {n} | :: Sydneysider (inhabitant or native of Sydney, Australia) |
sydneyläinen {n} | :: Sydneyite (inhabitant or native of Sydney, Nova Scotia) |
sydneyläinen {adj} | :: Sydneyan (of or pertaining to Sydney, Australia) |
sydneynsuppilohämähäkki {n} | :: Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus (highly venomous funnel-web spider chiefly found in the area surrounding Sydney, Australia) |
sydneyntunneliverkkohämähäkki {n} | :: Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus (highly venomous funnel-web spider chiefly found in the area surrounding Sydney, Australia) |
sydvesti {n} | :: sou'wester (waterproof hat with a long brim at the back) |
syeniitti {n} [rock] | :: syenite |
syfilis {n} | :: syphilis |
syinen {adj} | :: fibrous |
sykähdellä {vi} | :: to pulse or pulsate repeatedly |
sykähdyttää {vt} | :: to thrill |
sykähtää {v} | :: to jump (to react to sudden stimulus by jerking, said especially of heart) |
sykäys {n} | :: A single pulse |
syke {n} | :: pulse, heartbeat; heart rate |
sykemittari {n} | :: heart rate monitor |
sykerö {n} [botany] | :: glomerule |
sykertää {vt} | :: to curl up, to coil up |
sykertyä {vi} | :: to curl up |
sykintä {n} | :: throb |
sykkää {v} [poetic] | :: to throb |
sykkiä {vi} | :: to pulse, pulsate |
sykkiä {vi} [of a heart] | :: to beat, throb |
sykkiä {vi} [Internet slang, impersonal, adessive + 3rd-pers. singular] | :: to be aroused (by) |
sykkivä muuttuja {n} [astronomy] | :: pulsating variable |
sykkyrä {n} | :: A kink (tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material) |
sykkyräinen {adj} | :: kinky (full of kinks; liable to kink or curl) |
sykkyräsuoli {n} [anatomy] | :: ileum (final section of the small intestine in most higher vertebrates) |
syklaami {n} [plant] | :: A cyclamen |
syklaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: cyclase |
syklamaatti {n} | :: cyclamate |
sykli {n} | :: cycle |
sykliini {n} | :: cyclin |
syklinen {adj} | :: cyclic, cyclical |
syklitsiini {n} | :: cyclizine |
syklo- {prefix} | :: cyclo- |
sykloalkaani {n} [chemistry] | :: cycloalkane |
syklobutaani {n} [chemistry] | :: cyclobutane |
syklobutadieeni {n} [organic chemistry] | :: cyclobutadiene |
sykloheksaani {n} [chemistry] | :: cyclohexane |
sykloheksaanitioli {n} | :: cyclohexanethiol |
sykloheksanoni {n} [chemistry] | :: cyclohexanone |
sykloheksyyliasetaatti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: cyclohexyl acetate |
sykloidi {n} | :: cycloid |
syklokonvertteri {n} | :: cycloconverter |
sykloni {n} | :: A cyclone |
syklo-oksigenaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: cyclooxygenase |
syklopentaani {n} [chemistry] | :: cyclopentane |
syklopropaani {n} [chemistry] | :: cyclopropane |
syklosilikaatti {n} [mineral] | :: cyclosilicate (mineral) |
syklotroni {n} [physics] | :: cyclotron |
sykomori {n} | :: sycamore, Ficus sycomorus |
syksy- {prefix} | :: autumn, fall; autumnal |
syksy {n} | :: autumn, fall |
syksyinen {adj} | :: autumnal |
syksyinen {adj} | :: autumn |
syksyisin {adv} | :: in (the) autumn, in (the) fall |
syksyisin {adj} | :: superlative of syksyinen |
syksymmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of syksymmäs |
syksymmällä {adv} | :: later in autumn/fall |
syksymmälle {adv} | :: synonym of syksymmäs |
syksymmäs {adv} | :: closer or later towards the autumn or fall |
syksympänä {adv} | :: later in the autumn/fall |
syleillä {v} | :: to embrace |
syleily {n} | :: hug, embrace |
syli {n} | :: arms (in reference to embracing or holding in both one's arms) |
syli {n} | :: lap (space over upper legs of a seated person) |
syli {n} [figuratively] | :: lap (place of rearing and fostering) |
syli {n} | :: synonym of sylillinen (armful) |
syli {n} | :: fathom (traditional measure of length equal to three cubits; see usage notes below) |
syli {n} [nautical] | :: fathom |
syli {n} [archaic] | :: A measure for chopped firewood, about four cubic meters |
sylikkäin {adv} | :: holding or cuddling each other, in each other's laps |
sylikoira {n} | :: lapdog |
sylillinen {n} | :: armful (amount of something (e.g., wood) that a person can hold or carry in both arms) |
sylimikro {n} | :: laptop |
sylinteri {n} | :: cylinder |
sylinterikoordinaatisto {n} [math] | :: cylindrical coordinate system |
sylinterikoordinaatit {n} [math] | :: cylindrical coordinates |
sylinterilasi {n} | :: cylinder glass |
sylinterilohko {n} [automotive] | :: cylinder block, engine block |
sylinterimäinen {adj} | :: cylinder-like, cylindrical |
sylinteriryhmä {n} | :: cylinder block |
sylitanssi {n} | :: lap dance |
sylitanssija {n} | :: lap dancer |
sylittäin {adv} | :: synonym of sylikkäin |
sylityksin {adv} | :: synonym of sylikkäin |
sylitysten {adv} | :: synonym of sylikkäin |
syljeksiä {vi} | :: to spit (repeatedly) |
syljeksiä kattoon {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stare at the wall (to be idle) |
syljeneritys {n} | :: salivation (process of producing saliva) |
syljeskellä {vti} | :: To spit in a continuous/indifferent manner |
syljettää {vt} | :: To cause one to spit |
syljettää {vt} | :: To disgust |
sylkäistä {vt} | :: To spit (once) |
sylkeä {vti} | :: to spit |
sylki {n} | :: saliva, spit |
sylkikaskas {n} | :: froghopper (insect of the superfamily Cercopoidea) |
sylkikuoriainen {n} | :: soldier beetle |
sylkirauhanen {n} [anatomy] | :: Salivary gland |
sylkky {n} | :: boll (seed-bearing capsule of a flax plant) |
sylky {n} | :: spitting |
sylky {n} | :: spit |
sylkyastia {n} | :: spittoon |
sylkykuppi {n} | :: spittoon, cuspidor (receptacle for spit) |
syllabinen {adj} [linguistics] | :: syllabic |
syllepsi {n} [rhetoric] | :: syllepsis |
syllogismi {n} [logic] | :: syllogism |
syllogistiikka {n} | :: syllogistic logic |
syllogistinen {adj} | :: syllogistic |
syltä {n} [obsolete] | :: synonym of syli (traditional measure of length equal to three cubits) |
syltä {n} [obsolete, nautical] | :: synonym of syli (fathom) |
syltty {n} | :: brawn, head cheese |
Sylvesteri {prop} | :: given name |
Sylvi {prop} | :: given name |
Sylvia {prop} | :: given name |
sylys {n} | :: armful |
symbiontti {n} | :: symbiont, symbiote |
symbioosi {n} | :: symbiosis |
symbiootti {n} | :: symbiont, symbiote |
symbioottinen {adj} | :: symbiotic |
symbioottisesti {adv} | :: symbiotically |
symboli {n} | :: A symbol |
symboliarvo {n} | :: symbolic value |
symboliikka {n} | :: symbolics |
symbolikieli {n} | :: symbol language |
symbolinen {adj} | :: symbolic |
symbolinen linkki {n} [computing] | :: symbolic link |
symbolisesti {adv} | :: symbolically |
symbolismi {n} | :: symbolism |
symbolisoida {vt} | :: To symbolise/symbolize |
symbolisuus {n} | :: symbolicism |
symboloida {vt} | :: To symbolise/symbolize |
symbooli {n} [archaic] | :: symbol |
symmetria {n} | :: symmetry |
symmetria-akseli {n} [geometry] | :: axis of symmetry |
symmetriaryhmä {n} [math, geometry, algebra] | :: symmetry group |
symmetriataso {n} | :: plane of symmetry |
symmetrinen {adj} | :: symmetric |
symmetrisesti {adv} | :: symmetrically |
symmetrisyys {n} | :: symmetry |
symmetrointielin {n} | :: balun |
sympaattinen {adj} | :: sympathetic |
sympaattinen {adj} | :: nice, sweet |
sympaattisesti {adv} | :: sympathetically |
sympaattisuus {n} | :: sympathy |
sympatia {n} | :: sympathy |
sympatisoida {v} | :: To sympathize |
sympatrinen {adj} [biology, evolution] | :: sympatric |
symposio {n} | :: symposium |
symposiumi {n} | :: symposium |
symppis {adj} [colloquial] | :: sympathetic, sweet |
symptomaattinen {adj} | :: symptomatic |
symptomi {n} [medicine] | :: symptom |
syn- {prefix} | :: -syn |
synagoga {n} | :: synagogue (place of worship) |
synapsi {n} | :: synapse |
synapsirako {n} [bicohemistry] | :: synaptic cleft |
syndaktylia {n} | :: syndactyly |
syndaktylinen {adj} | :: syndactylous |
syndikaatti {n} | :: syndicate |
syndikoida {v} | :: to syndicate |
syndrooma {n} [pathology] | :: syndrome |
synekdokee {n} [rhetoric] | :: A synecdoche |
synergia {n} | :: synergy |
synerginen {adj} | :: synergistic |
synergismi {n} | :: synergism |
synergistinen {adj} | :: synergistic |
synestesia {n} | :: synaesthesia |
synkassa {adv} [colloquial] | :: in sync |
synkästi {adv} | :: grimly, gloomily, somberly |
synkata {v} [colloquial + adessive] | :: to click, to match, to synch, to go together (of people) |
synkeä {adj} | :: grim |
synkempi {adj} | :: comparative of synkkä |
synkentää {vt} | :: To darken, make gloomier |
synkentyä {v} | :: synonym of synketä |
synketä {vi} | :: To darken |
synketä {vi} | :: To become gloomy |
synkeys {n} | :: grimness |
synkin {adj} | :: superlative of synkkä |
synkinemaattinen {adj} | :: synkinematic |
synkistää {vt} | :: To make gloomier |
synkistelijä {n} | :: miserabilist |
synkistellä {v} | :: to think, say or act gloomily |
synkistellä {v} | :: to scowl (look gloomy) |
synkistyä {v} | :: synonym of synketä |
synkkä {adj} | :: gloomy |
synkkä {adj} | :: dismal, bleak |
synkkä {adj} | :: grim |
synkkaan {adv} [colloquial] | :: into being in sync |
synkkäilmeinen {adj} | :: long-faced (displaying sadness) |
synkkyys {n} | :: gloominess, darkness |
synkliini {n} [geology] | :: syncline |
synkooppi {n} [music] | :: syncope (missed beat or off-beat stress in music) |
synkopaatio {n} [music] | :: syncopation (rhythm quality resulting of the use of syncope) |
synkopee {n} [pathology] | :: syncope (sudden and temporary loss of consciousness) |
synkopee {n} [phonology] | :: syncope (loss of sounds in the middle of a word) |
synkopoida {v} [music] | :: to syncopate (to stress or accentuate the weak beat of a rhythm) |
synkopoida {v} [phonology] | :: to syncopate (to omit a sound or a letter from a word) |
synkopointi {n} [music, phonology] | :: syncopation (use of syncope) |
synkretistinen {adj} | :: syncretic, syncretistic |
synkroninen {adj} | :: synchronic |
synkronisatelliitti {n} | :: synchronous satellite, geosynchronous satellite |
synkronisoida {vt} | :: To synchronise/synchronize |
synkronoida {vt} | :: To synchronise/synchronize |
synkronointi {n} | :: synchronization |
synkrotroni {n} [physics] | :: synchrotron |
synkrotronisäteily {n} [physics] | :: synchrotron radiation |
synnillisesti {adv} | :: sinfully |
synninpäästö {n} [Christianity] | :: Absolution (christian forgiveness of a sin, in general; in Roman Catholic Church, the exercise of priestly jurisdiction in the sacrament of penance, by which the sins of the truly penitent are believed to be forgiven) |
synninpäästö {n} [figuratively] | :: Forgiveness of an offense |
synnitön {adj} | :: sinless |
synnitön {adj} | :: righteous |
synnittömyys {n} | :: sinlessness |
synnyinmaa {n} | :: native country (the country where one was born) |
synnyinpaikka {n} | :: birthplace |
synnyinpäivä {n} | :: date of birth, birthdate (the date and year something was born) |
synnyinseutu {n} | :: birthplace, the area or region one was born in |
synnyinvuosi {n} | :: The year of one's birth |
synnynnäinen {adj} | :: innate |
synnynnäinen {adj} | :: congenital |
synnynnäinen jättisuoli {n} [pathology] | :: synonym of Hirschsprungin tauti |
synnynnäinen sairaus {n} [medicine] | :: birth defect, congenital disorder (any of several medical disorders that are present at birth) |
synnynnäisesti {adv} | :: innately, congenitally |
synnytinelimet {n} | :: synonym of synnyttimet |
synnyttää {vt} [of women] | :: To deliver, bear, give birth to; (of female animals) to drop, calve, foal, kid |
synnyttää {vt} [figuratively] | :: To engender, breed, develop |
synnyttäjä {n} | :: person who is in labour / giving birth; birther |
synnyttäminen {n} | :: birth (process of giving birth) |
synnyttimet {n} | :: female reproductive organs collectively |
synnytyksen jälkeinen masennus {n} | :: postpartum depression, postnatal depression |
synnytys {n} | :: The act of giving birth; childbirth, parturition |
synnytyskanava {n} [anatomy] | :: birth canal |
synnytyslaitos {n} | :: maternity ward |
synnytysoppi {n} [medicine] | :: obstetrics |
synnytysosasto {n} | :: maternity ward |
synnytyspihdit {n} | :: obstetric forceps |
synnytyssairaala {n} | :: maternity hospital |
synnytyssupistus {n} [medicine] | :: contraction of labour, contraction (strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth) |
synnytystuska {n} | :: birth pang |
synodi {n} [religion] | :: synod (ecclesiastic council or meeting) |
synodi {n} | :: (religion) synod (administrative division of church) |
synodinen {adj} | :: synodic |
synonymia {n} | :: synonymy [quality of being synonymous] |
synonyymi {n} | :: synonym, as a word meaning the same as another word |
synonyymisanakirja {n} | :: thesaurus (publication that provides synonyms, and often antonyms) |
synopsis {n} | :: synopsis |
synoptiikka {n} | :: synoptic meteorology |
synoptinen {adj} [meteorology] | :: synoptic (of data, obtained simultaneously over a wide area) |
synoptinen {adj} [Christianity] | :: synoptic (pertaining to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke) |
synorogeeninen {adj} | :: synorogenic |
synoviaalinivel {n} [anatomy] | :: synovial joint |
synoviitti {n} | :: synovitis |
synt. {adv} | :: abbreviation of syntyään |
syntaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: synthase |
syntaksi {n} | :: syntax |
syntaktinen {adj} | :: syntactic |
synteesi {n} | :: A synthesis |
synteettinen {adj} | :: synthetic |
synteettinen kuitu {n} | :: synthetic fiber |
synteettisesti {adv} | :: synthetically |
syntesoida {v} | :: alternative form of syntetisoida |
syntesoitua {v} | :: synonym of syntetisoitua |
syntetaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: synthetase |
syntetisaattori {n} [musical instruments] | :: synthesizer |
syntetisaattori {n} [electronics] | :: synthesizer |
syntetisoida {vt} | :: To synthesise/synthesize |
syntetisoitua {vi} | :: To be synthesized |
synti {n} | :: sin |
syntiinlankeemus {n} [biblical] | :: the Fall (fall of humanity into the state of sin) |
syntikka {n} [colloquial, musical instrument] | :: synth, synthesizer |
syntinen {adj} | :: Sinful (charecterized by sin) |
syntinen {adj} | :: Sinful (of or relating to sin) |
syntinen {n} | :: A sinner (person who has committed sin) |
syntipukki {n} | :: scapegoat (one held responsible for something negative) |
syntisempi {adj} | :: comparative of syntinen |
syntisesti {adv} | :: sinfully |
synttäripäivä {n} [colloquial] | :: birthday |
synttärit {n} [colloquial] | :: birthday party |
synty {n} | :: birth |
synty {n} | :: origin, genesis, beginning |
synty {n} | :: establishment, formation, passing, production, creation, building, emergence, etc. of a right, contract, resolution, work, town, industry, etc |
syntyä {vi} | :: to be born |
syntyä {vi} | :: to arise, develop, spring up, break out, originate, come into being |
syntyä {vi} | :: to be made, produced, generated (to be produced as a result of a chemical or physical process) |
syntyään {adv} | :: by birth |
syntyaika {n} | :: The time of building, birth, etc |
syntyinen {adj} | :: -born, of birth; used only as headword of compound terms |
syntyisin {adv} | :: born, by birth (used to indicate some qualifier related to the origins of a person, idea or thing) |
syntyjään {adv} | :: alternative form of syntyään |
syntymä {n} | :: birth |
syntymäaika {n} | :: time of birth, date of birth |
syntymäaika {n} | :: birthday |
syntymäajankohta {n} | :: birth date or time |
syntymäasu {n} | :: birthday suit (nakedness) |
syntymähetki {n} | :: the moment at which someone was born |
syntymäkuukausi {n} | :: the month in which one was born |
syntymälahja {n} | :: accident of birth (desirable fact, situation, or personal characteristic resulting from the circumstances into which a person was born) |
syntymämaa {n} | :: country of birth |
syntymämerkki {n} | :: A birthmark |
syntymänimi {n} | :: birth name (name chosen for a child after their birth) |
syntymäpaikka {n} | :: birthplace |
syntymäpaino {n} | :: birth weight |
syntymäpäivä {n} | :: birthday |
syntymäpäivä {n} | :: birthdate, date of birth |
syntymäpäiväjuhla {n} | :: birthday party |
syntymäpäiväkutsu {n} | :: invitation to a birthday party |
syntymäpäiväkutsu {n} [in plural] | :: birthday party |
syntymäpäiväkutsut {n} | :: birthday party |
syntymäpäivälahja {n} | :: birthday gift, birthday present |
syntymäpäiväongelma {n} | :: birthday problem |
syntymäpäiväparadoksi {n} | :: birthday paradox |
syntymäpäiväsankari {n} | :: a person whose birthday it is; birthday boy or birthday girl |
syntymäpuku {n} [euphemistic] | :: birthday suit (nakedness) |
syntymätodistus {n} | :: birth certificate |
syntymätön {adj} | :: unborn |
syntymävamma {n} | :: accident of birth (undesirable fact, situation, or personal characteristic resulting from the circumstances into which a person was born) |
syntymävika {n} | :: birth defect |
syntymävuosi {n} | :: birth year (the year when one was born) |
syntyminen {n} | :: birth |
syntyminen {n} | :: (Often left untranslated) The establishment, formation, passing, production, creation, building, emergence, incurrence, etc. of a right, contract, resolution, work, town, industry, debt, etc |
syntynyt kultalusikka suussa {adj} [idiomatic] | :: born with a silver spoon in one's mouth |
syntyperä {n} | :: birth, origin |
syntyperäinen {adj} | :: native (born in a given place) |
syntysanat {n} | :: origin myth |
syntyvuosi {n} | :: year of birth |
syntyvyys {n} | :: birthrate, natality (ratio of live births to population) |
syntyvyyssäännöstely {n} | :: birth rate regulation, birth rate control |
syödä {vt} | :: to eat |
syödä {vt} [figurative, + partitive] | :: to wear out, to tire, to strain; to erode |
syödä {v} [chess] | :: to capture |
syödä kädestä {v} | :: to be in someone's pocket (receiving money from, and under the influence of, a person or group of people) |
syödä kuin hevonen {v} [simile, idiomatic] | :: eat like a horse (same meaning) |
syödä kuin varpunen {v} [simile] | :: to eat like a bird (eat in small amounts at a time) |
syödä miestä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to displease, to irk, to annoy, to make feel bad |
syödä miestä {v} | :: See: fi syödämiestä (often with "syödä" in the figurative meaning "to wear out, to tire, to strain") |
syödä niin, että napa naukuu {v} [idiomatic] | :: to overeat, stuff one's face (to eat excessively) |
syödä sanansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to eat one's words, to break one's word (renege on or take back what one has said) |
syöjä {n} | :: eater |
syöjäsolu {n} [cytology] | :: phagocyte (cell of the immune system that engulfs and destroys viruses, bacteria and waste materials) |
syöjätär {n} | :: man-eater (woman) |
syöksähdellä {vi} | :: to rush, dash or dart around repeatedly |
syöksähtää {vi} | :: to rush, to dash, to dart |
syökseminen {n} | :: throwing, plunging |
syöksy {n} | :: rush, swoop |
syöksy {n} | :: dive |
syöksy {n} | :: ejection |
syöksyä {vi} | :: to rush, fall |
syöksyä {vi} | :: to plummet |
syöksyä {vi} [nautical] | :: to surge (move back and forth along the longitudinal axis) |
syöksyhammas {n} | :: A tusk (elongated pointed tooth) |
syöksyillä {vi} | :: to rush around |
syöksykierre {n} [aeronautics] | :: spin (abnormal flight state) |
syöksylasku {n} | :: downhill (fastest of the disciplines of alpine skiing) |
syöksypommittaja {n} [aviation] | :: dive bomber |
syöksypommituskone {n} | :: dive bomber aircraft |
syöksyputki {n} | :: downpipe, drain pipe |
syöksytorvi {n} | :: downspout, drainpipe, leader (pipe that leads rainwater from the roof to a drain or to the ground) |
syöksytulva {n} [rare] | :: synonym of äkkitulva (sudden, rapid flood) |
syöksyvirtaus {n} [meteorology] | :: downburst |
syömäkelpoinen {adj} | :: edible, comestible (fit to eat but not very inviting, i.e. not poisonous, rotten or overly bad-tasting) |
syömäkelvoton {adj} | :: inedible |
syömäomena {n} | :: eating apple (apple eaten fresh as opposed to one that is used as ingredient for a dish) |
syömäpuikko {n} | :: [usually plural] chopstick |
syömäri {n} | :: glutton (excessive eater) |
syömätön {adj} | :: uneaten |
syömävilja {n} | :: grist (grain that is to be ground in a mill) |
syöminen {n} | :: eating |
syöminen {n} | :: food |
syömingit {n} | :: feast, blowout |
syömishäiriö {n} | :: eating disorder |
syön {n} [dialectal, poetic] | :: heart |
syönnillä {adv} [of fish] | :: biting |
syönnillään {adv} | :: alternative form of syönnillä |
syönti {n} | :: eating |
syöntiaika {n} | :: feeding time |
syöpä {n} [pathology] | :: cancer |
syöpägeeni {n} [oncology, genetics] | :: oncogene |
syöpäkääryle {n} [colloquial, humorous] | :: cancer stick (cigarette) |
syöpäkasvain {n} | :: tumour/tumor (cancer) |
syöpäkudos {n} | :: cancer tissue, cancerous tissue (tissue consisting of cancer cells) |
syöpäkuolleisuus {n} | :: cancer mortality |
syöpälääke {n} | :: antineoplastic |
syöpäläinen {n} | :: Any parasitic insect, especially an ectoparasite of humans or animals; a vermin |
syöpälapsi {n} | :: child with cancer |
syöpäpesäke {n} [pathology] | :: cancerous growth, cancerous focus (occurrence of cancerous tissue, the total amount of cancerous tissue in one spot) |
syöpäpotilas {n} | :: cancer patient |
syöpäsairas {adj} | :: that suffers from cancer |
syöpäsairaus {n} | :: malignancy, cancer |
syöpäsolu {n} | :: cancer cell |
syöpätauti {n} | :: cancer, cancer disease |
syöpätutkimus {n} | :: cancer research |
syöpävaara {n} | :: cancer risk |
syöpävirus {n} | :: cancer virus |
syöpötellä {v} | :: to binge, to overindulge |
syöppö {n} | :: glutton (excessive eater) |
syöppö {n} | :: guzzler, gas guzzler (vehicle that consumes a lot of fuel) |
syöppöys {n} | :: gluttony |
syöppöys {n} | :: excessive consumption (of fuel etc.) |
syöpyä {vi} [+ illative] | :: To eat into, erode (soil), corrode (metal) |
syöpymä {n} | :: spot of corrosion |
syöstä {vt} | :: to throw, plunge |
syötävä {adj} | :: edible, comestible (suitable to be eaten) |
syötävä {adj} | :: used as fortifier with some adjectives, e.g. syötävän hyvä, syötävän kaunis |
syötävä {n} | :: food |
syöte {n} | :: input |
syöte {n} | :: feed |
syötekerros {n} [artificial intelligence] | :: input layer |
syötellä {vt} | :: to feed repeatedly |
syötellä {vt} [sports] | :: to pass repeatedly |
syötin {n} | :: feeder (device that feeds something, typically raw material to a process) |
syötittää {vt} | :: to bait (affix or attach a bait) |
syöttää {vt} | :: to feed |
syöttää {vt} [computing] | :: to input, enter (to type into a computer) |
syöttää {v} [tennis] | :: to serve |
syöttää {v} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: to pitch |
syöttää {v} [soccer, football, ice hockey, etc.] | :: to pass |
syöttää pajunköyttä {v} [idiomatic + allative] | :: To lie to (literally: "to feed (someone) with willow rope") |
syöttäjä {n} | :: feeder |
syöttäjä {n} [sports] | :: passer, one who passes |
syöttäjä {n} [baseball] | :: pitcher |
syöttäjä {n} [cricket] | :: bowler |
syöttäjä {n} [shuttlecock] | :: server |
syöttäminen {n} | :: feeding |
syöttäminen {n} [computing] | :: inputing, entering |
syöttäminen {n} [tennis] | :: serving |
syöttäminen {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: pitching |
syöttäminen {n} [soccer, ice hockey, etc.] | :: passing |
syöttely {n} | :: passing (act of passing a ball, puck etc. to another person back and forth for fun) |
syöttely {n} | :: passing (form of joggling) |
syötti {n} | :: bait |
syöttimato {n} | :: baitworm |
syöttö {n} | :: feeding |
syöttö {n} [sports] | :: assist (statistical recognition of making a pass that leads directly towards scoring) |
syöttö {n} [sports] | :: pass |
syöttö {n} [sports] | :: serve, service (act of putting the ball in play in various games. The choice of word depends on game in question.) |
syöttö {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: pitch |
syöttö {n} [computing] | :: input (the act of inputting) |
syöttökaukalo {n} | :: feed bunk, feeding trough |
syöttökumpu {n} [baseball] | :: pitcher's mound |
syöttölaatta {n} [baseball] | :: pitcher's plate, pitcher's rubber; rubber |
syöttölautanen {n} [pesäpallo] | :: a disc or plate used for pitches (the pitcher throws the ball vertically up in the air so that the ball is above the plate) |
syöttölinja {n} | :: feeder line, supply line, service line |
syöttönäppäin {n} | :: Enter (computer key) |
syöttöpallo {n} [tennis] | :: serve hit |
syöttörahasto {n} [finance] | :: feeder fund |
syöttöruuvi {n} | :: feed screw |
syöttösolu {n} [cytology] | :: mast cell |
syöttötariffi {n} | :: feed-in tariff |
syöttötieto {n} | :: input data |
syöttötuoli {n} | :: highchair |
syöttöviive {n} [computing] | :: input lag |
syöväntutkimus {n} | :: cancer research |
syövätön {adj} | :: cancerless (not possessing cancer) |
syöveri {n} [usually, in plural] | :: abyss, depths |
syövyte {n} | :: corroding agent |
syövyttää {v} | :: to corrode (cause to corrode by acid or alkali) |
syövyttää {v} | :: to erode, wear away |
sypressi {n} | :: A cypress (any of the coniferous trees in the genus Cupressus), especially the Mediterranean species Cupressus sempervirens, also known as aitosypressi, in English, graveyard cypress, Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, pencil pine, Spanish cypress, or Tuscan cypress |
Syrakusa {prop} | :: Syrakusa (province/and/city) |
syreeni {n} | :: lilac (flower) |
syrinks {n} [rare, music] | :: panpipes (instrument) |
syrinx {n} [rare] | :: alternative spelling of syrinks |
syrjä- {prefix} | :: back (far from the main area) |
syrjä {n} | :: edge |
syrjä {n} | :: border |
syrjä {n} | :: side |
syrjä {n} | :: shoulder of a road |
syrjään {adv} | :: aside |
syrjääni {n} [dated] | :: Komi, Zyrian (language) |
syrjääni {n} [dated] | :: Komi (person) |
syrjäänvetäytyvä {adj} | :: reclusive (of, characterized by, or preferring privacy and isolation) |
syrjähyppy {n} | :: betrayal, act of infidelity (in a relationship) |
syrjäinen {adj} | :: remote, back (far from the main area) |
syrjäisyys {n} | :: remoteness |
syrjäkarein {adv} | :: with a remote, unfriendly glance; out of the corner of one's eye |
syrjäkylä {n} | :: remote village |
syrjällään {adv} | :: on one's edge or side |
syrjälleen {adv} | :: onto one's edge or side |
Syrjäniemi {prop} | :: surname |
syrjäpolku {n} [figurative] | :: detour, digression |
syrjäseutu {n} | :: periphery, backcountry (remote area) |
syrjäsilmällä {adv} | :: out of the corner of one's eye, askance ((looking at or seeing) sideways, obliquely, unnoticed) |
syrjäsilmin {adv} | :: synonym of syrjäsilmällä |
syrjässä {adv} | :: apart, away, aloof (at a distance, but within view, or at a small distance) |
syrjätie {n} | :: back road, remote road |
syrjäyttää {v} | :: to supplant, replace, displace |
syrjäyttää {v} | :: to supersede |
syrjäyttää {v} | :: to marginalize (to relegate, especially a group of people, to the margins) |
syrjäyttää {v} | :: to usurp |
syrjäyttää {v} [object-oriented programming] | :: to override |
syrjäytyä {vi} | :: to become marginalized or alienated; to suffer from social exclusion |
syrjäytyminen {n} | :: marginalization, alienation, social exclusion |
syrjemmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of syrjemmälle |
syrjemmällä {adv} [static] | :: somewhere aside, somewhere more remote |
syrjemmälle {adv} | :: (to) somewhere aside, to somewhere more remote |
syrjemmältä {adv} | :: from somewhere aside, from somewhere more remote |
syrjemmäs {adv} | :: synonym of syrjemmälle |
syrjemmässä {adv} | :: synonym of syrjemmällä |
syrjemmästä {adv} | :: synonym of syrjemmältä |
syrjempää {adv} | :: synonym of syrjemmältä |
syrjempään {adv} | :: synonym of syrjemmälle |
syrjempänä {adv} | :: synonym of syrjemmällä |
syrjiä {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To discriminate against |
syrjiminen {n} | :: discriminating (against) |
syrjintä {n} | :: discrimination (racial or against foreigners) |
syrjittäin {adv} | :: edge against edge, on one's edge |
syrjittäin {adv} | :: edgeways, edgewise |
syrjivä {adj} | :: discriminatory |
sysäri {n} [military slang] | :: blank firing adaptor: when shooting wood bullets (blank), it makes them explode and thus harmless |
sysätä {v} | :: to push, thrust |
sysätä {v} | :: ~ syy: to scapegoat (to blame someone for an error of someone else) |
sysätä syrjään {v} [idiomatic] | :: to toss aside, push aside, kick into touch |
sysäyksittäin {adv} | :: by fits and starts |
sysäys {n} | :: impetus |
sysäysputkimoottori {n} | :: pulsejet |
sysi {n} | :: piece of charcoal |
sysi {n} [usually in plural] | :: charcoal (material) |
sysiä {vt} [frequentative] | :: to thrust or push with something repeatedly or continuously |
sysimusta {adj} | :: pitch black |
sysipaska {adj} [vulgar] | :: really shitty |
sysisara {n} | :: Carex atrofusca |
sysiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius anthracinus |
syslinki {n} [dialectal] | :: third cousin |
Sysmä {prop} | :: Sysmä |
sysmäläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Sysmä |
sysmäläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Sysmä |
syssyyn {adv} [colloquial] | :: run |
systeemi {n} | :: system |
systeemi {n} [colloquial] | :: A metasyntactic term that can be used instead of almost any noun |
systeemianalyysi {n} | :: systems analysis |
systeemianalyytikko {n} | :: systems analyst |
systeemibiologia {n} | :: systems biology |
systeeminen {adj} | :: systemic |
systeeminen skleroosi {n} [pathology] | :: scleroderma, systemic sclerosis (chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterised by hardening of the skin) |
systeemisesti {adv} | :: systemically |
systeemisuunnittelu {n} | :: systems design |
systeemitekniikka {n} | :: systems engineering |
systeemiteoria {n} [engineering, math] | :: systems theory |
systemaatikko {n} | :: systematist |
systemaattinen {adj} | :: systematic |
systemaattisesti {adv} | :: systematically |
systematiikka {n} | :: systematics |
systematisoida {v} | :: To organize |
systemoida {vt} | :: To systematize |
systeri {n} [colloquial] | :: sister, sissy |
systiserkoosi {n} [pathology] | :: cysticercosis (parasitic infestation caused by the ingestion of eggs of the pork tapeworm Taenia solium) |
systolinen {adj} | :: systolic |
syt {n} | :: initialism of suurin yhteinen tekijä (greatest common divisor); gcd |
syteä {v} [obsolete] | :: to strike fast, especially of striking two things together |
syteä {v} [dialectal] | :: to scrape or hack off, especially of ice |
syteen tai saveen {adv} | :: boom or bust, win or lose |
sytkäri {n} [colloquial] | :: lighter (cigarette lighter) |
sytkyttää {vi} | :: to chug (make dull and somewhat sharp explosive sounds; make infrequent but somewhat regular sounds, like that of an engine or motor) |
syto- {prefix} | :: cyto- |
sytokiini {n} [protein, immunology] | :: cytokine |
sytokineesi {n} [biology] | :: cytokinesis |
sytologi {n} | :: cytologist |
sytologia {n} | :: cytology |
sytolyysi {n} [biology] | :: cytolysis |
sytoplasma {n} [cytology] | :: cytoplasm |
sytosiini {n} | :: cytosine |
sytosoli {n} [cytology] | :: cytosol |
sytostaatti {n} | :: cytostatic |
sytostaattihoito {n} | :: cytostatic treatment |
syttöpuu {n} [often in plural] | :: kindling (small piece of wood or twig used to start a fire) |
syttyä {v} [of fire] | :: to ignite, be ignited, catch fire (to commence burning) |
syttyä {v} [of lights] | :: to be turned on |
syttyä {v} | :: to break out (to begin suddenly, especially of war or other unrest) |
syttyä {v} [figuratively] | :: to become interested, enthuse |
syttyminen {n} | :: ignition (instance of catching fire) |
syttymislämpötila {n} | :: ignition temperature |
syttymispiste {n} | :: ignition temperature |
syttyvä {adj} | :: combustible (capable of burning) |
sytyke {n} | :: tinder (small dry sticks and finely-divided fibrous matter etc., used to help light a fire) |
sytytin {n} | :: lighter, cigarette lighter |
sytytin {n} | :: primer, detonator (substance or device used to detonate a main explosive) |
sytyttää {vt} | :: To light, kindle, ignite, set on fire, set fire to, burn, inflame, set ablaze, torch |
sytyttää {vt} | :: To ignite (to activate a spark plug in an internal combustion engine) |
sytyttää {vt} | :: To switch on, turn on (the lights) |
sytyttää {vt} | :: To turn on (to attract, give pleasure, or encourage) |
sytyttää {vt} | :: To detonate, to trigger |
sytyttää {vt} [colloquial] | :: To grasp, comprehend, get it |
sytyttäminen {n} | :: ignition |
sytytys {n} | :: ignition |
sytytysaine {n} | :: lighter, accelerant, ignition substance |
sytytysennakko {n} [automotive] | :: ignition advance |
sytytyslaite {n} | :: ignition device, detonation device |
sytytyslanka {n} | :: A fuse (a cord that conveys fire to an explosive device) |
sytytyspuola {n} | :: An ignition coil; a part in the ignition system of an internal combustion engine that produces the high voltage required by the spark plugs |
sytytystulppa {n} | :: A spark plug |
syvä {adj} | :: deep |
syvä {adj} | :: deep-water |
syvään {adv} | :: deeply |
syväkairaus {n} | :: deep boring, deep drilling |
syväkivi {n} [geology] | :: abyssal rock, plutonic rock |
syväkivilaji {n} | :: abyssal rock, plutonic rock (specific type of abyssal or plutonic rock) |
syväkurkku {n} | :: Deep Throat (secret informant) |
syvällä {adv} | :: (located at) deep |
syvällä sisimmässään {phrase} | :: in one's heart of hearts |
syvällinen {adj} | :: profound (intellectually deep) |
syvällisesti {adv} | :: profoundly, deeply (in an intellectually deep manner) |
syvälti {adv} | :: deeply, deep |
syvämeri {n} | :: deep sea |
syvämietteinen {adj} | :: deep-thinking |
syvänkö {n} [geography] | :: A depression that is below the sea level |
syvänmerenkala {n} | :: abyssal fish |
syvänne {n} | :: deep (relatively small deep area in the bottom of a sea or lake) |
syvänne {n} [rare] | :: trench (long, narrow and steep depression in the bottom of the sea) |
syväoppiminen {n} [computing] | :: deep learning |
syväpaino {n} | :: rotogravure, gravure |
syväpainoväri {n} | :: rotogravure ink, intaglio ink, engraving ink |
syväsatama {n} | :: A deep-water harbour |
syvästi {adv} | :: deeply |
syvätä {vt} | :: to cut out an image by making a clipping path |
syväterävyys {n} | :: depth of field effect; the relation between depth and sharpness |
syväterävyysalue {n} | :: depth of field |
syväväärennös {n} | :: deepfake |
syväväylä {n} | :: deep-water route |
syvä verkko {n} [internet] | :: Deep Web |
syväveto {n} | :: deep drawing |
syväys {n} [nautical] | :: draft (depth of water required by a ship) |
syväys {n} | :: image clipping |
syväyspolku {n} | :: clipping path |
syvemmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of syvemmälle |
syvemmällä {adv} | :: deeper, in a position more deep |
syvemmälle {adv} | :: (to) deeper, to a position more deep |
syvemmältä {adv} | :: from deeper, from a position more deep |
syvemmäs {adv} | :: synonym of syvemmälle |
syvempää {adv} | :: synonym of syvemmältä |
syvempänä {adv} | :: synonym of syvemmällä |
syvempi {adj} | :: comparative of syvä |
syvennys {n} | :: inset, recess |
syventää {vt} | :: To deepen; to make deeper |
syventävä {adj} | :: deepening, advanced |
syventävä {adj} [education] | :: advanced (not necessarily mandatory; in lukio, some advanced courses/subjects must however be picked) |
syventyä {v} | :: to immerse oneself in, engross (to involve deeply) |
syventyä {v} | :: synonym of syvetä |
syvetä {vi} | :: to deepen (to become deeper) |
syvin {adj} | :: superlative of syvä |
syvissä vesissä ne isot kalat uivat {proverb} | :: still waters run deep |
syvyinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] | :: having a depth of |
syvyys {n} | :: depth |
syvyyshaku {n} [graph theory] | :: depth-first search |
syvyyskäyrä {n} [oceanography] | :: depth contour (line of equal depth on a map or chart) |
syvyysmittari {n} | :: depth gauge, depth meter |
syvyysnäkö {n} | :: depth perception |
syvyyspommi {n} | :: depth charge |
syvyyspuskuri {n} [computer graphics] | :: depth buffer |
syvyyssuunta {n} | :: the direction of depth; depthwise direction |
syvyysvaikutelma {n} | :: perspective, effect of depth |
syvyyttää {vt} | :: to lower to a depth |
syy {n} | :: fibre |
syy {n} | :: filament |
syy {n} | :: grain (linear texture of a material or surface); used in plural (syyt) |
syy {n} | :: reason |
syy {n} | :: fault |
syydvesti {n} | :: alternative form of sydvesti |
syyhkiä {v} [slang] | :: To steal, nick |
syyhy {n} [pathology] | :: scabies (human skin condition caused by parasitic mites) |
syyhy {n} [pathology, rare] | :: mange, scab (animal disease similar to scabies) |
syyhy {n} | :: A heavy and/or persistent itch, as a physical sensation on the skin, whatever the cause may be |
syyhyä {vi} | :: alternative form of syyhytä |
syyhyinen {adj} | :: scabby (infested with scabies) |
syyhypunkki {n} | :: itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, the species of mite that causes scabies |
syyhytä {vi} | :: To itch |
syyhyttää {v} | :: to itch |
syylä {n} | :: wart |
syyläjuuri {n} | :: figwort, common figwort (Scrophularia nodosa) |
syyläjuuri {n} | :: figwort (any plant of genus Scrophularia) |
syyläjuuri {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Scrophularia |
syylinki {n} | :: a felt boot liner |
syyllinen {adj} | :: guilty |
syyllinen {n} [legal] | :: guilty party, offender, culprit |
syyllinen {n} | :: perpetrator |
syyllisempi {adj} | :: comparative of syyllinen |
syyllisin {adj} | :: superlative of syyllinen |
syyllistää {vt} | :: To accuse, claim (sb) guilty, blame, put the blame on |
syyllistäminen {n} | :: accusing, blaming, claiming someone to be guilty |
syyllistyä {vi} [+ illative] | :: to perpetrate, commit, be guilty of |
syyllisyydentunne {n} | :: feeling or sense of guilt |
syyllisyys {n} | :: guilt (both in legal contexts and elsewhere) |
syynätä {v} [colloquial] | :: to sweep, to go over, to check |
syyni {n} [dialectal] | :: inspection |
syyni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of syy |
syyntakeeton {adj} [legal] | :: not criminally responsible,The first is the act in Finnish, the second is the unofficial translation used by the Ministry of Justice of Finland: |
syyntakeinen {adj} [legal] | :: criminally responsible,The first reference is Finland's Criminal Code in Finnish, the second is a legally non-binding translation: |
syyoppi {n} [pathology, science] | :: aetiology |
syypää {n} | :: A guilty one, culprit |
syyperäinen {adj} | :: causal |
Syyria {prop} | :: Syria |
syyrialainen {adj} | :: Syrian |
syyrialainen {n} | :: A Syrian person |
syyriankarhu {n} | :: Syrian brown bear, Ursus arctos syriacus |
syyrusto {n} [anatomy] | :: fibrocartilage |
syys- {prefix} | :: autumn, fall; autumnal |
syys {n} [archaic] | :: autumn, fall |
syys {n} | :: abbreviation of syyskuu |
syysaamu {n} | :: autumn morning, fall morning |
syysaurinko {n} | :: autumn sun, fall sun |
syysilma {n} | :: autumnal air, fall air |
syyskausi {n} | :: fall season |
syyskuinen {adj} | :: Pertaining to September |
syyskuu {n} | :: September |
syyskyntö {n} | :: fall plowing, autumn plowing |
syysleimu {n} | :: fall phlox (Phlox paniculata) |
syysleimukukka {n} | :: synonym of syysleimu |
syysmaitiainen {n} | :: autumn hawkbit (Scorzoneroides autumnalis) |
syysmyrsky {n} | :: autumn storm, fall storm |
syysomena {n} | :: any apple tree that produces its fruit in the fall or autumn |
syysomena {n} | :: fruit of such trees |
syyspäivänhattu {n} | :: cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) |
syyspäiväntasaus {n} [Calendar terms] | :: autumnal equinox |
syysruis {n} | :: winter rye (any breed of rye planted in the fall and harvested the next year) |
syyssää {n} | :: autumn weather, fall weather |
syyssade {n} | :: autumn, fall rain |
syyssiivous {n} | :: autumn cleaning, fall cleaning |
syystasauspiste {n} [astronomy] | :: first point of Libra |
syysvehnä {n} | :: winter wheat |
syysvilja {n} | :: winter cereal, winter grain, fall cereal, autumn-sown cereal (any breed of cereals sown in the fall and harvested the next year) |
syytää {v} | :: to throw |
syytää {v} | :: to use resources (often money) in an excessive manner |
syyte {n} [legal] | :: Accusation, charge, indictment |
syyteaineisto {n} | :: prosecution material, prosecutable material |
syyteharkinta {n} [legal] | :: consideration of charges (step in the judicial process in which the prosecutor assesses whether there is sufficient cause for bringing a charge for a suspected offence) |
syytekysymys {n} [rare] | :: question or matter of a (legal) charge |
syytellä {v} | :: To accuse someone repeatedly or continuously |
syyteoikeus {n} [legal] | :: cause of action |
syytetty {n} [legal] | :: The accused, defendant |
syytinki {n} | :: A pension-like arrangement in which a former owner of a property retains the right to dwell in some part of the property and often receive a regular payment or in-kind settlement for a fixed period of time or lifetime; this type of arrangement is typically agreed on in connection with selling a farm |
syytön {adj} | :: innocent (bearing no responsibility for a crime) |
syytön {adj} | :: clear (free of guilt, or suspicion) |
syytön {adj} [legal] | :: not guilty |
syytös {n} | :: accusation, charge, allegation, crimination, recrimination |
syyttää {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To blame (for something = elative), blame (something) on, accuse (of something = elative) |
syyttää {vt} [legal + partitive] | :: To accuse, charge, indict, prosecute, try, arraign (of/with/for something = elative) |
syyttää {v} [dialectal] | :: To itch |
syyttäjä {n} [legal] | :: prosecutor |
syyttäjäorganisaatio {n} | :: prosecutor organization |
syyttäjäviranomainen {n} | :: prosecutor; Crown prosecutor [Commonwealth] (legal party responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of breaking the law) |
syyttämättäjättämispäätös {n} [legal] | :: dismissal, motion to dismiss (in the judicial process, prosecutor's decision not to prosecute the suspect) |
syyttäminen {n} | :: accusation (act of accusing) |
syyttämisjärjestelmä {n} [common law] | :: adversarial system |
syyttä suotta {phrase} | :: for no reason, without rhyme or reason |
syyttävä {adj} | :: accusatory |
syytteenluku {n} [legal] | :: arraignment |
syytteleminen {n} | :: accusing repeatedly |
syyttelevä {adj} | :: accusatory, accusative |
syyttely {n} | :: Repeated or continuing crimination |
syyttely {n} | :: Mutual crimination, recrimination |
-syytti {suffix} | :: -cyte |
syyttömästi {adv} | :: innocently |
syyttömyys {n} | :: innocence, guiltlessness, inculpability |
syyttömyysolettama {n} [legal] | :: presumption of innocence |