[edit]- IPA(key): /ˈsopimusˌʋɑltuːsˌkuntɑ/, [ˈs̠o̞pimus̠ˌʋɑ̝l̪t̪uːs̠ˌkun̪t̪ɑ̝]
- Rhymes: -untɑ
- Hyphenation(key): so‧pimus‧valtuus‧kunta
[edit]sopimusvaltuuskunta (dated)
- (labor market relations) In the public sector, a body entitled to enter into a collective bargaining agreement on behalf of a group of employers.
Usage notes
[edit]- There have been two bodies by this name in Finland, i.e. kirkon sopimusvaltuuskunta representing the parishes of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and Kunnallinen sopimusvaltuuskunta representing the municipalities. Both have changed the term sopimusvaltuuskunta in their name to työmarkkinalaitos. The municipal body translates its name into English as "Local Government Employers KT".
- In the private sector the organizations with corresponding powers are called työnantajaliitto.
[edit]Kirkon työmarkkinalaitos on the Finnish Wikipedia.Wikipedia fi
Kunnallinen työmarkkinalaitos on the Finnish Wikipedia.Wikipedia fi
- English-language web page of the Local Government Employers [1]
Further reading
[edit]- “sopimusvaltuuskunta”, in Kielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish][2] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland), 2004–, retrieved 2023-07-03