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See also: sulo and súlo





From Sulë +‎ -o, from Sulejman.

Proper noun


Sulo m (definite Suloja)

  1. a surname originating as a patronymic
  2. a diminutive of the male given name Sulejman


Declension of Sulo
indefinite definite
nominative Sulo Suloja
accusative Sulon
dat./abl. Suloje Sulos





19th century invention from sulo (charm).


  • IPA(key): /ˈsulo/, [ˈs̠ulo̞]
  • Rhymes: -ulo
  • Hyphenation(key): Su‧lo

Proper noun



  1. a male given name
    • 1930-1945, published posthumously 1968, Ain'Elisabet Pennanen, Kaksi raukkaa, WSOY, page 429:
      ―Eikö teillä ole muuta ristimänimeä kuin Sulo, Laisa kysyi ärsytellen.
      ―On, Mauri.
      ―No, mutta käyttäkää sitä sitten! Sehän on kaunis nimi. Mauri Määttä ja sointuu.
      ―Is Sulo the only name you were christened with, Laisa asked in a teasing way.
      ―No, there's also Mauri.
      ―Well, use that then! It's a pretty name. Mauri Määttä and it rhymes.
    • 1991, Riitta Vartti, Pispalan enkeli, Gummerus, →ISBN, pages 142–143:
      ―Yhteen aikaan kaikki nimet aina tarkotti niiko jotain, Reino sanoi. ―Meitin naapurisa oli Voitto, Rauha, Usko, Taisto ja Sulo. Vai olikos se nuorin Vieno, se ei käyny enää koulua samaan aikaan meitin kansa.
      ―On ne parempia nimiä kun ne kaikki vanhat ruotsalaiset, joita ei osaa kukaa ihminen sanookkaa, äiti sanoi.
      ―Back then all the names meant something, Reino said. ―We had neighbors like Voitto, Rauha, Usko, Taisto and Sulo. Or the youngest one might've been Vieno, he was too young and I was never in school with him.
      ―Those are all better than those old Swedish names that nobody can say anyway, mother said.
    • 2001, Jorma Palo, Irvistyksiä, WSOY, →ISBN, page 122:
      Mikään ei ole suloisempi kosketella kuin nainen, eikä mikään tuoksu paremmalta. Tosin SULO tarkoittaa nykyisin mustaa roskapönttöä, mikä heikentää naisen suloutta. Eikä Sulo ole Suomessa edes naisen nimi vaan miehen.
      There is nothing sweeter to touch than a woman, and nothing smells better either. Even if SULO refers to a black trash container now, which could make it a little less sweet. And Sulo is a male name in Finland anyway, not a female one.
  2. a Finnish surname

Usage notes

  • Popular in early 20th century.
  • Initially also given to women in the 19th century.


Inflection of Sulo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative Sulo Sulot
genitive Sulon Sulojen
partitive Suloa Suloja
illative Suloon Suloihin
singular plural
nominative Sulo Sulot
accusative nom. Sulo Sulot
gen. Sulon
genitive Sulon Sulojen
partitive Suloa Suloja
inessive Sulossa Suloissa
elative Sulosta Suloista
illative Suloon Suloihin
adessive Sulolla Suloilla
ablative Sulolta Suloilta
allative Sulolle Suloille
essive Sulona Suloina
translative Suloksi Suloiksi
abessive Sulotta Suloitta
instructive Suloin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of Sulo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative Suloni Suloni
accusative nom. Suloni Suloni
gen. Suloni
genitive Suloni Sulojeni
partitive Suloani Sulojani
inessive Sulossani Suloissani
elative Sulostani Suloistani
illative Sulooni Suloihini
adessive Sulollani Suloillani
ablative Suloltani Suloiltani
allative Sulolleni Suloilleni
essive Sulonani Suloinani
translative Sulokseni Suloikseni
abessive Sulottani Suloittani
comitative Suloineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative Sulosi Sulosi
accusative nom. Sulosi Sulosi
gen. Sulosi
genitive Sulosi Sulojesi
partitive Suloasi Sulojasi
inessive Sulossasi Suloissasi
elative Sulostasi Suloistasi
illative Suloosi Suloihisi
adessive Sulollasi Suloillasi
ablative Suloltasi Suloiltasi
allative Sulollesi Suloillesi
essive Sulonasi Suloinasi
translative Suloksesi Suloiksesi
abessive Sulottasi Suloittasi
comitative Suloinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative Sulomme Sulomme
accusative nom. Sulomme Sulomme
gen. Sulomme
genitive Sulomme Sulojemme
partitive Suloamme Sulojamme
inessive Sulossamme Suloissamme
elative Sulostamme Suloistamme
illative Suloomme Suloihimme
adessive Sulollamme Suloillamme
ablative Suloltamme Suloiltamme
allative Sulollemme Suloillemme
essive Sulonamme Suloinamme
translative Suloksemme Suloiksemme
abessive Sulottamme Suloittamme
comitative Suloinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative Sulonne Sulonne
accusative nom. Sulonne Sulonne
gen. Sulonne
genitive Sulonne Sulojenne
partitive Suloanne Sulojanne
inessive Sulossanne Suloissanne
elative Sulostanne Suloistanne
illative Suloonne Suloihinne
adessive Sulollanne Suloillanne
ablative Suloltanne Suloiltanne
allative Sulollenne Suloillenne
essive Sulonanne Suloinanne
translative Suloksenne Suloiksenne
abessive Sulottanne Suloittanne
comitative Suloinenne


  • Sulo is the 220th most common male given name in Finland, belonging to 2,538 male individuals (and as a middle name to 2,603 more), and also belongs as a middle name to 5 female individuals, according to February 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.
  • The surname Sulo belongs to 98 individuals, according to February 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.

