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See also: cross, Cross, and crôs





From Middle English cros-, crosse- (relating to a cross, forming a cross, in the shape of a cross or x), from the noun (see cross) and also from across.




  1. Shaped like a cross or X; crossing lines.
    e.g. crossbody, crossbuck, cross-stitch
    Crossbuck sign at the intersection of Redrock Randsburg Road and the Union Pacific Railroad in California
    Synonym: stauro- Synonym: xipho-
  2. Perpendicular in angle; transverse.
    e.g. crossbedding, crossband, crossmember
    A juvenile American alligator with crossbands.
    Synonym: ortho-. See visuals for difference between crossband and crossbuck.
  3. Moving from one side to the other; across.
    e.g. crossfield, cross-city. When used for a rectangular space, this movement is typically diagonal, such as in crossbelt and crosscourt.
    Synonym: dia-.
    1. (figurative) Moving from one track or state to another.
      e.g. crossfeed as the process of blending the left and right channels of a stereo recording, crossfader, cross-link
      Synonym: inter-
    2. On the opposite side of.
      e.g. crosstown, cross-cousin, cross-ratio
      Synonym: contra-, Synonym: para-
  4. Moving or acting against, opposing, contrary.
    e.g. crossflow, cross-beat, cross-vote
    Synonym: ana-, Synonym: counter-
  5. Located in between. Often, but not necessarily, forming an H-shaped structure.
    e.g. cross-passage, cross-tunnel, crossfire
    Synonym: inter-
  6. More than one, often in indicating applicability to several domains that are usually separate.
    e.g. crosslingual, cross-browser, crossfunctional, cross-cultural
    Synonym: multi-, Synonym: pluri-
    1. Involving two or more at the same time; coincident.
      e.g. crossbreak, crosspost, crosscurrent
      Synonym: synchro-
    2. Comparing two sources of information, often to verify their contents.
      e.g. crossdate, crossvalidated, crosscovariance
      Synonym: co-
    3. To combine two entities to create a hybrid.
      e.g. crossbreed, cross-pollinate, crosslinear
      Synonym: zygo-
  7. Mutual exchange or influence, where both entities are affected in the same way. Mutuality.
    e.g. crosstalk, crossrepression, crosscalibration, cross-progress
    Synonym: ambi-
  8. One entity affecting a similar entity, such as to transfer of one property from one entity to the other.
    e.g. crossregulation, crossfeed, crossprotection
    To crossfeed as to supply one fuel tank of an aircraft with fuel from another. To crossregulate is when one metabolic pathway is regulated by the enzymes in another pathway. These are one-way influences, whereas the previous sense of mutuality has symmetric two-way influences; e.g. crossrepression is mutual repression of interacting systems.
    Synonym: trans-
  9. Alternate, different.
    e.g. cross-tune, cross-birth, cross-live
    Synonym: allo-, Synonym: alter-



Derived terms

(terms derived from Cross-shaped.):
(terms derived from Perpendicular.):
(terms derived from Moving across.):
(terms derived from Located in between):
(terms derived from Co-incident.):
(terms derived from Creating a hybrid.):
(terms derived from One entity affecting a similar entity):
(terms derived from Mutuality):
(terms derived from Against):
(terms derived from Opposite side.):
(terms derived from More than one.):
(terms derived from Alternate):
(terms derived from Using two sources of information):
(terms derived from Between):



