User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-t
铅笔铅 {def} SEE: 鉛筆鉛 | :: |
铅笔箧仔 {def} SEE: 鉛筆篋仔 | :: |
铅笔芯 {def} SEE: 鉛筆芯 | :: |
铅笔旋儿 {def} SEE: 鉛筆旋兒 | :: |
铅笔璇 {def} SEE: 鉛筆璇 | :: |
铅垂线 {def} SEE: 鉛垂線 | :: |
铅锤 {def} SEE: 鉛錘 | :: |
铅粉 {def} SEE: 鉛粉 | :: |
铅角子 {def} SEE: 鉛角子 | :: |
铅球 {def} SEE: 鉛球 | :: |
铅山 {def} SEE: 鉛山 | :: |
铅糖 {def} SEE: 鉛糖 | :: |
铅推 {def} SEE: 鉛推 | :: |
铅线 {def} SEE: 鉛線 | :: |
铅线仔 {def} SEE: 鉛線仔 | :: |
铅芯 {def} SEE: 鉛芯 | :: |
铅芯笔 {def} SEE: 鉛芯筆 | :: |
铅印 {def} SEE: 鉛印 | :: |
铅直 {def} SEE: 鉛直 | :: |
铅直线 {def} SEE: 鉛直線 | :: |
铅中毒 {def} SEE: 鉛中毒 | :: |
铅字 {def} SEE: 鉛字 | :: |
锓 {def} SEE: 鋟 | :: |
锓仔 {def} SEE: 鋟仔 | :: |
阡 {def} [literary] /qiān/ | :: footpaths between fields going north to south |
阡陌 {n} /qiānmò/ | :: crisscross footpaths between fields |
韆 {def} /qiān/ | :: only used in 鞦韆 |
骞 {def} SEE: 騫 | :: |
鵮 {def} /qiān/ | :: [obsolete] [birds] to peck |
鹐 {def} SEE: 鵮 | :: |
鹐树虫 {def} SEE: 鵮樹蟲 | :: |
㦮 {def} SEE: 戔 | :: |
䍉 {def} [dialectal] /zhǎi,er/ | :: trace or mark of damage; chip or dent |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: dry; moistureless; waterless; arid |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: to dry; to exhaust |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: [obsolete] to neglect; to snub |
乾 {def} [colloquial] /gān/ | :: to drain one's glass; bottoms up |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: dried up; exhausted; drained |
乾 {def} [of voice] /gān/ | :: dry and coarse |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: dried-up food |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: adopted; adoptive; foster |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: in vain; for nothing |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: falsely; superficially |
乾 {def} /gān/ | :: not sweet; lacking sweetness |
乾 {def} /qián/ | :: first of the eight trigrams (bagua) used in Taoist cosmology, represented by the symbol ☰ |
乾 {def} /qián/ | :: [obsolete] [figurative] sky; heaven |
乾 {def} /qián/ | :: [obsolete] [figurative] emperor; monarch |
乾 {def} /qián/ | :: [obsolete] [figurative] sun |
乾 {def} /qián/ | :: [obsolete] [figurative] northwest |
乾 {def} /qián/ | :: [obsolete] [figurative] man; male |
乾 {def} /qián/ | :: surname |
乾巴巴 {adj} [ideophonic, of land, food, etc.] /gānbābā/ | :: dry and hard; parched |
乾巴巴 {adj} [ideophonic, of speech, writing, etc.] /gānbābā/ | :: dull; boring; insipid |
乾爸 {n} /gānbà/ | :: godfather |
乾杯 {v} /gānbēi/ | :: to toast; to drink a toast |
乾杯 {interj} [colloquial] /gānbēi/ | :: cheers!; bottoms up! |
乾貝 {n} /gānbèi/ | :: conpoy |
乾癟 {adj} /gānbiě/ | :: dry; dried out |
乾癟 {adj} /gānbiě/ | :: shrivelled; wizened |
乾癟 {adj} [of writing] /gānbiě/ | :: dull; uninteresting; drab |
乾冰 {n} /gānbīng/ | :: dry ice |
乾菜 {n} /gāncài/ | :: dried vegetable |
乾草 {n} /gāncǎo/ | :: hay |
乾草熱 {n} /gāncǎorè/ | :: hay fever |
乾草原 {n} /gāncǎoyuán/ | :: steppe |
乾炒 {v} /gānchǎo/ | :: to dry fry (one of the frying techniques in Chinese cooking) |
乾炒牛河 {n} /gānchǎo niúhé/ | :: beef chow fun (a popular Chinese dish consisting of fried hor fun rice noodles with beef) (Classifier: m,c:碟) |
乾脆 {adj} /gāncuì/ | :: straightforward; clear-cut |
乾脆 {adv} /gāncuì/ | :: simply; just |
乾脆 {adv} /gāncuì/ | :: might as well; simply; just |
乾脆麪 {def} SEE: 乾脆麵 | :: |
乾脆麵 {n} /gāncuìmiàn/ | :: crisp instant noodles (a snack) |
乾旦 {n} [Chinese opera] /qiándàn/ | :: male actor playing a female role |
乾道 {n} /qiándào/ | :: ways of heaven; natural law |
乾電池 {n} /gāndiànchí/ | :: dry cell |
乾爹 {n} /gāndiē/ | :: godfather |
乾爹 {n} [neologism] /gāndiē/ | :: sugar daddy |
乾兒子 {n} /gān'érzi/ | :: godson; (nominally) adopted son |
乾法 {n} /gānfǎ/ | :: dry process; dry |
乾飯 {n} /gānfàn/ | :: cooked rice (dry, without rice water) |
乾俸 {n} /gānfèng/ | :: sinecure |
乾股 {n} [finance] /gāngǔ/ | :: free share of stock; gratuitous share |
乾鍋 {n} /gānguō/ | :: dry pot (Chinese dish) |
乾果 {n} /gānguǒ/ | :: dried fruit (small fruit that have been preserved by drying) |
乾果 {n} /gānguǒ/ | :: dry fruit, such as nuts |
乾咳 {v} /gānké/ | :: to have a dry cough |
乾旱 {n} /gānhàn/ | :: drought |
乾涸 {v} [of bodies of water] /gānhé/ | :: to dry up |
乾涸 {adj} [of bodies of water] /gānhé/ | :: dried up |
乾紅 {n} /gānhóng/ | :: red wine made from pure grape juice, without addition of water, spices or alcohol; claret |
乾紅 {n} /gānhóng,qiánhóng,1nb/ | :: dark red |
乾红 {def} SEE: 乾紅 | :: |
乾华 {def} SEE: 乾華 | :: |
乾華 {prop} /Qiánhuá/ | :: (~ 里) 乾華 (urban village) |
乾噦 {v} /gānyue,gānyuē,1nb/ | :: to feel sick; to retch; to dry-heave |
乾貨 {n} /gānhuò/ | :: dry goods; dried fruit; nuts |
乾貨 {n} /gānhuò/ | :: corpse |
乾貨 {n} [neologism, slang] /gānhuò/ | :: something that is practical |
乾貨 {n} [neologism, slang] /gānhuò/ | :: substantial content; substance |
乾霍亂 {n} /gānhuòluàn/ | :: dry cholera |
乾季 {n} /gānjì/ | :: dry season |
乾薑 {n} /gānjiāng/ | :: dried ginger rhizome |
乾薑水 {n} /gānjiāngshuǐ/ | :: ginger beer |
乾結 {adj} [often of faeces] /gānjié/ | :: dry and hard |
乾井 {n} /gānjǐng/ | :: dry well |
乾凈 {def} SEE: 乾淨 | :: |
乾淨 {adj} /gānjìng,tl/ | :: clean; neat and tidy |
乾淨 {adj} /gānjìng,tl/ | :: complete; total |
乾淨 {adj} /gānjìng,tl/ | :: neat (done with skill or efficiency) |
乾倔 {adj} /gānjuè/ | :: having the qualities of being stubborn and humourless |
乾枯 {v} /gānkū/ | :: to wither; to shrivel; to dry out |
乾枯 {adj} /gānkū/ | :: withered; shrivelled; dried out |
乾坤 {n} /qiánkūn/ | :: the ䷀ (qian) and ䷁ (kun) hexagrams from the I Ching |
乾坤 {n} /qiánkūn/ | :: heaven and earth |
乾坤 {n} /qiánkūn/ | :: the sun and the moon |
乾坤 {n} /qiánkūn/ | :: the nation |
乾坤圈 {prop} /Qiánkūnquān/ | :: the Universe Ring, one of the weapons of Nezha (哪吒) |
乾坤一掷 {def} SEE: 乾坤一擲 | :: |
乾坤一擲 {idiom} /qiánkūn一擲,2nb/ | :: staking everything, playing for all-or-nothing |
乾酪 {n} /gān酪/ | :: cheese |
乾酪根 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /gān酪gēn/ | :: kerogen |
乾酪素 {n} /gān酪sù/ | :: casein |
乾冷 {adj} /gānlěng/ | :: dry and cold [of weather] |
乾糧 {n} /gānliáng,tl/ | :: dry provisions; dry snacks |
乾餾 {v} [chemistry] /gān馏/ | :: to apply dry distillation to |
乾餾 {n} [chemistry] /gān馏/ | :: dry distillation |
乾隆 {prop} /Qiánlóng/ | :: (~ 帝) Qianlong Emperor (Qing dynasty emperor) |
乾隆 {prop} /Qiánlóng/ | :: era name for the period that this emperor ruled (1736–1796) |
乾媽 {n} [colloquial] /gānmā/ | :: godmother |
乾娘 {n} [colloquial] /gānniáng/ | :: godmother |
乾嘔 {v} /gān'ǒu/ | :: to feel sick; to retch; to dry-heave |
乾期 {n} /gān期/ | :: dry season |
乾乾淨淨 {adj} /gāngānjìngjìng/ | :: clean and tidy |
乾乾淨淨 {adj} /gāngānjìngjìng/ | :: entirely gone; empty |
乾親 {n} /gānqīn/ | :: nominal kinship |
乾親戚 {n} /gānqīnqi/ | :: nominal kinship |
乾清宫 {def} SEE: 乾清宮 | :: |
乾清宮 {prop} /Qiánqīng Gōng/ | :: the Palace of Heavenly Purity, a palace in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China |
乾澀 {adj} /gānsè/ | :: dry and rough (skin) |
乾澀 {adj} /gānsè/ | :: hoarse (voice) |
乾澀 {adj} /gānsè/ | :: dry and heavy (style) |
乾屍 {n} /gānshī/ | :: mummy, dried corpse (Classifier: m:具) |
乾溼計 {def} SEE: 乾濕計 | :: |
乾濕計 {n} /gānshījì/ | :: psychrometer |
乾屎橛 {n} [historical] /gānshǐjué/ | :: shit stick (small piece of wood or bamboo used to clean the anus after defecation) |
乾手機 {n} /gānshǒujī/ | :: hand dryer |
乾爽 {adj} /gānshuǎng/ | :: dry and fresh |
乾嗽 {v} /gānsòu/ | :: to have a dry cough |
乾闥婆 {n} [Buddhism] /qiántàpó/ | :: gandharva, one of the lowest-ranking devas in Buddhist cosmology |
乾闼婆 {def} SEE: 乾闥婆 | :: |
乾物女 {n} [neologism, slang] /gānwùnǚ/ | :: young, single woman who is uninterested in relationships and living a sloppy lifestyle |
乾洗 {v} /gānxǐ/ | :: to dry clean |
乾洗 {n} /gānxǐ/ | :: dry cleaning (process of cleaning without water) |
乾洗店 {n} /gānxǐdiàn/ | :: dry cleaner (business establishment that engages in dry cleaning) |
乾癬 {n} [disease] /gān癬/ | :: psoriasis |
乾線 {n} [meteorology] /gānxiàn/ | :: dry line |
乾象 {n} [archaic] /qiánxiàng/ | :: celestial event |
乾薪 {n} /gānxīn/ | :: sinecure (position that requires no work but still gives an ample payment) |
乾薪 {n} /gānxīn/ | :: dry firewood |
乾鹽湖 {n} /gānyánhú/ | :: salt flat; playa |
乾眼症 {n} /gānyǎnzhèng/ | :: dry eyes |
乾衣機 {n} /gānyījī/ | :: clothes dryer |
乾燥 {adj} /gānzào/ | :: dry; arid |
乾燥 {adj} /gānzào/ | :: uninteresting; dull |
乾燥 {v} /gānzào/ | :: to dry |
乾燥機 {n} /gānzàojī/ | :: drying machine; dehydrator; dryer |
前 {def} /qián/ | :: front; forepart |
前 {def} /qián/ | :: ago |
前 {def} /qián/ | :: past; previous; former |
前 {def} /qián/ | :: top |
前 {def} /qián/ | :: future; time ahead |
前 {def} /qián/ | :: to move forward |
前 {def} SEE: 剪 | :: |
前 {def} /qián/ | :: surname |
前摆 {def} SEE: 前擺 | :: |
前坂 {prop} /Qiánbǎn/ | :: (~ 村) 前坂 (village) |
前半 {n} /qiánbàn/ | :: first half |
前半場 {n} /qiánbàn場/ | :: first half (of a game, concert, etc.) |
前半场 {def} SEE: 前半場 | :: |
前半葉 {n} /qiánbànyè/ | :: first half (of a time period, such as a certain century) |
前半叶 {def} SEE: 前半葉 | :: |
前半夜 {n} /qiánbànyè/ | :: first half of the night; time before midnight |
前保险杠 {def} SEE: 前保險槓 | :: |
前保險槓 {n} [automotive] /qián bǎoxiǎngàng/ | :: front bumper |
前輩 {n} /qiánbèi/ | :: senior (honorific reference to someone who is senior in ranking or position and/or has more experience) |
前輩 {n} /qiánbèi/ | :: someone from an older generation; senior |
前輩 {n} /qiánbèi/ | :: predecessor |
前輩 {n} [ACG] /qiánbèi/ | :: senpai |
前辈 {def} SEE: 前輩 | :: |
前臂 {n} /qiánbì/ | :: forearm |
前边 {def} SEE: 前邊 | :: |
前邊 {n} /qiánbian,qiánbiān,er/ | :: in front; ahead |
前不久 {adv} /qián不jiǔ,tl2/ | :: not long ago; not long before; recently; lately |
前不着村,后不着店 {def} SEE: 前不著村,後不著店 | :: |
前不着村后不着店 {def} SEE: 前不著村後不著店 | :: |
前不着村,後不着店 {def} SEE: 前不著村,後不著店 | :: |
前不着村後不着店 {def} SEE: 前不著村,後不著店 | :: |
前不著村,後不著店 {idiom} /qián 不 zháo cūn, hòu 不 zháo diàn,er/ | :: to be in the middle of nowhere |
前不著村後不著店 {def} SEE: 前不著村,後不著店 | :: |
前部 {n} /qiánbù/ | :: the front part |
前部 {n} [literary] /qiánbù/ | :: the advance force; the vanguard |
前菜 {n} /qiáncài/ | :: appetizer; hors d'oeuvre; antipasto (small, light first course) |
前层 {def} SEE: 前層 | :: |
前层齿 {def} SEE: 前層齒 | :: |
前車覆,後車戒 {proverb} /qiánjūfù, hòujūjiè/ | :: previous experience of failure can serve as a lesson for oneself or others |
前車可鑑 {idiom} /qiánjūkějiàn/ | :: previous experience of failure can serve as a lesson for oneself or others |
前車可鑒 {def} SEE: 前車可鑑 | :: |
前車之鑑 {idiom} /qiánjūzhījiàn/ | :: previous experience of failure that serves as a lesson for oneself or others |
前車之鑒 {def} SEE: 前車之鑑 | :: |
前车覆,后车戒 {def} SEE: 前車覆,後車戒 | :: |
前车可鉴 {def} SEE: 前車可鑑 | :: |
前车之鉴 {def} SEE: 前車之鑑 | :: |
前塵 {n} /qiánchén/ | :: the past; things of the past |
前塵 {n} [Buddhism] /qiánchén/ | :: impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) |
前尘 {def} SEE: 前塵 | :: |
前程 {n} /qiánchéng/ | :: future; prospects; expectations |
前程 {n} [archaic] /qiánchéng/ | :: scholarly honour; desired career (in imperial examinations) |
前程似錦 {idiom} /qiánchéngsìjǐn/ | :: to have splendid prospects; to have an infinitely bright future |
前程似锦 {def} SEE: 前程似錦 | :: |
前代 {n} /qiándài/ | :: previous era; previous age; previous dynasty |
前代 {n} /qiándài/ | :: previous generations |
前地 {n} [Macau] /qiándì/ | :: town square; piazza |
前定 {v} /qiándìng/ | :: to be previously determined; to be predetermined |
前定 {v} /qiándìng/ | :: to be predestined |
前定 {n} /qiándìng/ | :: predetermination; preparation in advance |
前定 {n} /qiándìng/ | :: destiny; fate; predestination |
前定 {n} [Islam] /qiándìng/ | :: qadar |
前度刘郎 {def} SEE: 前度劉郎 | :: |
前度劉郎 {idiom} /qiándùliúláng/ | :: someone who returns to a place they have once abandoned |
前端 {n} /qiánduān/ | :: fore-end; front end |
前端 {n} [computing] /qiánduān/ | :: front end |
前額 {n} [anatomy] /qián'é/ | :: forehead |
前额 {def} SEE: 前額 | :: |
前儿 {def} SEE: 前兒 | :: |
前儿个 {def} SEE: 前兒個 | :: |
前兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /qiánr,1n/ | :: day before yesterday |
前兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /qiánr,1n/ | :: time |
前兒個 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /qiánrge/ | :: day before yesterday |
前番 {n} [literary] /qiánfān/ | :: last time |
前方 {n} /qiánfāng/ | :: front |
前方 {n} [military] /qiánfāng/ | :: frontline |
前鋒 {n} /qiánfēng/ | :: vanguard |
前鋒 {n} [sports] /qiánfēng/ | :: forward |
前锋 {def} SEE: 前鋒 | :: |
前夫 {n} /qiánfū/ | :: ex-husband; former husband |
前夫 {n} /qiánfū/ | :: late husband |
前負荷 {n} [physiology] /qiánfùhè/ | :: preload |
前负荷 {def} SEE: 前負荷 | :: |
前赴后继 {def} SEE: 前赴後繼 | :: |
前赴後繼 {idiom} /qiánfùhòujì/ | :: to bravely and fearlessly advance wave upon wave |
前岗 {def} SEE: 前崗 | :: |
前崗 {prop} /Qiángǎng/ | :: (~ 村) 前崗 (village) |
前功 {n} [literary] /qiángōng/ | :: previous achievements; previous deeds |
前功盡廢 {idiom} /qiángōngjìnfèi/ | :: synonym of 前功盡棄 |
前功盡棄 {idiom} /qiángōngjìnqì/ | :: all previous achievements go down the drain; all the previous effort is wasted |
前功尽废 {def} SEE: 前功盡廢 | :: |
前功尽弃 {def} SEE: 前功盡棄 | :: |
前过 {def} SEE: 前過 | :: |
前汉 {def} SEE: 前漢 | :: |
前漢 {prop} /Qiánhàn/ | :: alternative name for 西漢 |
前行 {v} [literary] /qiánxíng/ | :: to move forward |
前后 {def} SEE: 前後 | :: |
前后不一 {def} SEE: 前後不一 | :: |
前后脚 {def} SEE: 前後腳 | :: |
前后矛盾 {def} SEE: 前後矛盾 | :: |
前后文 {def} SEE: 前後文 | :: |
前后左右 {def} SEE: 前後左右 | :: |
前後 {n} /qiánhòu/ | :: front and rear; before and after |
前後 {adv} /qiánhòu/ | :: around; about |
前後 {adv} /qiánhòu/ | :: from beginning to end |
前後 {adv} /qiánhòu/ | :: continuously; one after another; bit by bit; in turn; successively; in succession |
前後不一 {idiom} /qiánhòu不一/ | :: inconsistent; unmatching |
前後腳 {n} [literally] /qiánhòujiǎo,er/ | :: front foot and rear foot |
前後腳 {adv} [colloquial] /qiánhòujiǎo,er/ | :: almost simultaneously; consecutively; successively |
前後矛盾 {idiom} /qiánhòumáodùn/ | :: inconsistent; contradictory |
前後文 {n} [linguistics] /qiánhòuwén/ | :: context; cotext |
前後左右 {n} /qiánhòuzuǒyòu/ | :: front and back, left and right; all directions |
前呼后拥 {def} SEE: 前呼後擁 | :: |
前呼後擁 {idiom} /qiánhūhòuyǒng/ | :: describes the grand and loud scene of government officials or important personages touring, with many attendants yelling to clear the way and clustering around the officials or personages to protect them |
前戲 {n} /qiánxì/ | :: foreplay (erotic stimulation preceding sexual intercourse) |
前胡 {n} /qiánhú/ | :: Root of the Peucedanum (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.) |
前緩衝器 {n} /qiánhuǎnchōngqì/ | :: front bumper |
前缓冲器 {def} SEE: 前緩衝器 | :: |
前幾天 {adv} /qiánjǐtiān/ | :: the other day; a couple of days ago |
前幾天 {adv} /qiánjǐtiān/ | :: the past few days |
前几天 {def} SEE: 前幾天 | :: |
前記 {n} /qiánjì/ | :: preface; foreword; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude |
前記 {n} /qiánjì/ | :: earlier remarks |
前记 {def} SEE: 前記 | :: |
前甲板 {n} [nautical] /qiánjiǎbǎn/ | :: forecastle |
前江 {prop} /Qiánjiāng/ | :: (~ 省) 前江 (province) |
前金 {prop} /Qiánjīn/ | :: (~ 區) 前金 (district) |
前进 {def} SEE: 前進 | :: |
前進 {v} /qiánjìn/ | :: to advance; to go forward |
前進 {v} /qiánjìn/ | :: to progress; to improve |
前進 {prop} /qiánjìn/ | :: (~ 街道) 前進 (subdistrict) |
前進 {prop} /qiánjìn/ | :: (~ 村) 前進 (village) |
前進 {prop} /qiánjìn/ | :: (~ 村) [historical] 前進 (village) |
前井 {prop} /Qiánjǐng/ | :: (~ 村) 前井 (village) |
前景 {n} [literally] /qiánjǐng/ | :: foreground; vision; vista; perspective |
前景 {n} [figuratively] /qiánjǐng/ | :: future prospects |
前臼齒 {n} /qiánjiùchǐ/ | :: premolar; bicuspid |
前臼齿 {def} SEE: 前臼齒 | :: |
前倨后恭 {def} SEE: 前倨後恭 | :: |
前倨後恭 {idiom} /qiánjùhòugōng/ | :: to change from arrogance to humility |
前鞒 {def} SEE: 前鞽 | :: |
前鞽 {n} [archaic] /qiánqiáo/ | :: a saddle pommel |
前军 {def} SEE: 前軍 | :: |
前軍 {n} [literary] /qiánjūn/ | :: the lead force; the vanguard |
前科 {n} /qiánkē/ | :: previous convictions; priors; criminal record |
前空翻 {n} [sports] /qiánkōngfān/ | :: frontflip; forward somersault |
前扩 {def} SEE: 前擴 | :: |
前來 {v} [formal] /qiánlái/ | :: to come (here) |
前来 {def} SEE: 前來 | :: |
前黎朝 {prop} /Qián Lícháo/ | :: Early Lê dynasty |
前例 {n} /qiánlì/ | :: precedent |
前凉 {def} SEE: 前涼 | :: |
前涼 {prop} /Qiánliáng/ | :: Former Liang (320–376) |
前列 {n} /qiánliè/ | :: front row |
前列 {n} /qiánliè/ | :: front rank |
前列 {n} /qiánliè/ | :: forefront; van |
前列舒丸 {n} /qiánlièshū wán/ | :: A brownish-black pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to support the healthy energy and consolidate the essence, to nourish yin and kidney, to address diuresis in the treatment of frequent micturition, precipitant urination, urinary stuttering, hematuria, chronic prostatitis, and hypertrophy of the prostate" |
前列腺 {n} [anatomy] /qiánlièxiàn/ | :: prostate |
前列腺癌 {n} /qiánlièxiàn癌/ | :: prostate cancer |
前列腺素 {n} [lipid] /qiánlièxiànsù/ | :: prostaglandin |
前列腺炎 {n} [diseases] /qiánlièxiànyán/ | :: prostatitis |
前列腺增生 {n} [urology] /qiánlièxiàn zēngshēng/ | :: prostate hyperplasia; benign prostate hyperplasia; BPH |
前路 {n} /qiánlù/ | :: the road ahead |
前路 {n} /qiánlù/ | :: prospects; future |
前輪 {n} /qiánlún/ | :: front wheel |
前轮 {def} SEE: 前輪 | :: |
前門 {n} /qiánmén,er/ | :: front door; front gate |
前門 {prop} [colloquial] /qiánmén,er/ | :: alternative name for 正陽門 |
前门 {def} SEE: 前門 | :: |
前面 {n} /qiánmiàn,tl/ | :: in front; ahead |
前無古人 {idiom} /qiánwúgǔrén/ | :: unprecedented; unique |
前無古人,後無來者 {idiom} /qiánwúgǔrén, hòuwúláizhě/ | :: unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique |
前南斯拉夫馬其頓共和國 {prop} [historical] /Qián Nánsīlāfū Mǎqídùn Gònghéguó/ | :: former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国 {def} SEE: 前南斯拉夫馬其頓共和國 | :: |
前男友 {n} /qiánnányǒu/ | :: ex-boyfriend |
前年 {n} /qiánnián/ | :: the year before last |
前女友 {n} /qiánnǚyǒu/ | :: ex-girlfriend |
前怕狼后怕虎 {def} SEE: 前怕狼後怕虎 | :: |
前怕狼後怕虎 {idiom} /qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ/ | :: to be overly cautious and indecisive; to be plagued by fears |
前排 {n} /qiánpái/ | :: front row(s) |
前仆后继 {def} SEE: 前仆後繼 | :: |
前仆後繼 {idiom} [of a group of people] /qiánpūhòujì/ | :: to bravely advance without fear of sacrificing |
前妻 {n} /qiánqī/ | :: ex-wife; former wife |
前妻 {n} /qiánqī/ | :: late wife |
前期 {n} /qián期/ | :: first part; earlier part |
前桥 {def} SEE: 前橋 | :: |
前橋 {prop} /Qiánqiáo/ | :: (~ 市) 前橋 (city) |
前秦 {prop} /Qián Qín/ | :: the Former Qin (351–394) |
前清 {prop} /Qiánqīng/ | :: former Qing dynasty [a term for the Qing dynasty used after the Xinhai Revolution and the establishment of the Republic of China] |
前驅 {n} [military, figurative] /qiánqū/ | :: vanguard; forward troops; forerunner |
前驱 {def} SEE: 前驅 | :: |
前去 {v} /qiánqù/ | :: to advance on; to move toward; to go to |
前人 {n} /qiánrén/ | :: the ancients; people from ancient times; forefathers |
前人 {n} /qiánrén/ | :: predecessor |
前人 {n} /qiánrén/ | :: the person referred to above |
前人 {n} /qiánrén/ | :: the person facing one |
前任 {v} /qiánrèn/ | :: to have previously served as; to have previously held the position of |
前任 {n} /qiánrèn/ | :: predecessor |
前任 {n} [specifically] /qiánrèn/ | :: one's ex (ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend or ex-partner) |
前日 {adv} /qiánrì/ | :: day before yesterday |
前日 {adv} [archaic] /qiánrì/ | :: previously |
前三排 {n} /qiánsānpái/ | :: See: zh 前 三 排 ("the first three rows") |
前三排 {n} [slang] /qiánsānpái/ | :: high-ranking official in the government |
前山 {prop} /Qiánshān/ | :: (~ 街道) 前山 (subdistrict) |
前山 {prop} /Qiánshān/ | :: (~ 寨) [historical] Fort Qianshan (the former military outpost at Qianshan, overseeing the harbor of Macao) |
前晌 {n} [dialectal] /qiánshǎng,er/ | :: morning |
前哨 {n} /qiánshào,er/ | :: outpost; advanced post |
前葉 {n} [anatomy] /qiányè/ | :: anterior lobe of the pituitary gland |
前身 {n} /qiánshēn/ | :: forerunner; predecessor; previous form |
前身 {n} [Buddhism] /qiánshēn/ | :: previous incarnation, past life |
前身 {n} /qiánshēn/ | :: front part of a Chinese garment |
前生 {n} /qiánshēng/ | :: previous life; past life; past existence; previous incarnation |
前失 {v} [archaic] /qiánshī/ | :: (of a horse) to suddenly loose the momentum of one's foreleg's and cause the rider to go head over heels |
前世 {n} [literary] /qiánshì/ | :: previous era |
前世 {n} /qiánshì/ | :: previous life; past life; past existence; previous incarnation |
前世今生 {idiom} /qiánshìjīnshēng/ | :: the preceding and current lives; past and present |
前事 {n} [literary] /qiánshì/ | :: what had happened; the previous matter |
前事不忘,后事之师 {def} SEE: 前事不忘,後事之師 | :: |
前事不忘,後事之師 {idiom} /qiánshì 不 wàng, hòushì zhī shī/ | :: don't forget past events as they can guide you in future; benefit from past experience |
前首 {n} [Min Dong, Min Dong] /qián shǒu/ | :: in front; ahead |
前蜀 {prop} /Qiánshǔ/ | :: Former Shu (903-925) |
前述 {adj} [attributive] /qiánshù/ | :: aforementioned; aforestated; stated above |
前苏联 {def} SEE: 前蘇聯 | :: |
前蘇聯 {prop} /Qiánsūlián/ | :: former Soviet Union; ex-USSR |
前所未料 {idiom} /qiánsuǒwèiliào/ | :: unforeseen |
前所未有 {idiom} /qiánsuǒwèiyǒu/ | :: unprecedented |
前坮 {def} SEE: 前臺 | :: |
前臺 {n} /qiántái/ | :: reception desk; front desk |
前臺 {n} [figuratively] /qiántái/ | :: stage |
前台 {def} SEE: 前臺 | :: |
前檯 {def} SEE: 前臺 | :: |
前提 {n} [logic] /qiántí/ | :: premise |
前提 {n} /qiántí/ | :: prerequisite; precondition; presupposition |
前提条件 {def} SEE: 前提條件 | :: |
前提條件 {n} /qiántí tiáojiàn/ | :: precondition; prerequisite |
前蹄 {n} /qiántí/ | :: forehoof |
前題 {def} SEE: 前提 | :: |
前题 {def} SEE: 前題 | :: |
前天 {n} /qiántiān/ | :: day before yesterday |
前田 {prop} /Qiántián/ | :: A Japanese surname: Maeda |
前厅 {def} SEE: 前廳 | :: |
前廳 {n} /qiántīng/ | :: an anteroom; an antechamber; a vestibule; a lobby |
前庭 {n} /qiántíng/ | :: front courtyard; front yard; parvis |
前庭 {n} [anatomy] /qiántíng/ | :: forehead |
前庭 {n} [anatomy] /qiántíng/ | :: vestibule (especially of the ear) |
前庭大腺 {n} [anatomy] /qiántíngdàxiàn/ | :: Bartholin's gland |
前庭耳蝸神經 {n} [neuroanatomy] /qiántíng ěr蜗 shénjīng/ | :: vestibulocochlear nerve |
前庭小腺 {n} /qiántíngxiǎoxiàn/ | :: Skene's gland |
前头 {def} SEE: 前頭 | :: |
前頭 {n} /qiántou/ | :: in front; at the head; ahead; above; first |
前途 {n} /qiántú/ | :: prospects (of a person, project, etc.); promise; future |
前途無量 {idiom} /qiántúwúliàng/ | :: to have a great future; to have boundless prospects |
前途无量 {def} SEE: 前途無量 | :: |
前腿 {n} /qiántuǐ/ | :: foreleg |
前湾 {def} SEE: 前灣 | :: |
前灣 {prop} /Qiánwān/ | :: (~ 村) 前灣 (village) |
前晚 {n} /qiánwǎn/ | :: the evening before last night; the evening before yesterday |
前往 {v} /qiánwǎng/ | :: to head for; to leave for; to proceed towards; to go towards |
前往 {adv} [literary] /qiánwǎng/ | :: previously |
前桅 {n} [nautical] /qiánwéi/ | :: foremast |
前卫 {def} SEE: 前衛 | :: |
前衛 {n} /qiánwèi/ | :: vanguard |
前衛 {n} /qiánwèi/ | :: forward (soccer position) |
前衛 {adj} /qiánwèi/ | :: avant-garde |
前衛 {prop} /qiánwèi/ | :: (~ 鎮) 前衛 (town) |
前衞 {def} SEE: 前衛 | :: |
前无古人 {def} SEE: 前無古人 | :: |
前无古人,后无来者 {def} SEE: 前無古人,後無來者 | :: |
前夕 {n} /qián夕/ | :: eve |
前夕 {n} /qián夕/ | :: the day before |
前夕 {n} /qián夕/ | :: just before |
前夕 {n} /qián夕/ | :: the evening before last night; the evening before yesterday |
前戏 {def} SEE: 前戲 | :: |
前嫌 {n} /qiánxián/ | :: former enmity |
前賢 {n} [literary] /qiánxián/ | :: great thinker of the past; sage |
前贤 {def} SEE: 前賢 | :: |
前線 {n} [military] /qiánxiàn/ | :: frontline |
前线 {def} SEE: 前線 | :: |
前胸 {n} /qiánxiōng/ | :: human chest, breast |
前沿 {n} /qiányán/ | :: front part; front section |
前沿 {n} [military or figuratively] /qiányán/ | :: front line; forefront; forward position; leading position |
前沿 {adj} /qiányán/ | :: state-of-the-art; cutting-edge; innovative |
前言 {n} /qiányán/ | :: earlier remarks |
前言 {n} /qiányán/ | :: preface; foreword; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude |
前燕 {prop} /Qiányān/ | :: Former Yan (337–370) |
前驗 {adj} /qiányàn/ | :: a priori |
前验 {def} SEE: 前驗 | :: |
前叶 {def} SEE: 前葉 | :: |
前夜 {n} /qiányè/ | :: eve; the night before |
前夜 {n} /qiányè/ | :: the evening before last night; the evening before yesterday |
前一天 {n} /qián一tiān/ | :: the day before |
前意識 {n} [psychology] /qiányì识/ | :: preconscious |
前意识 {def} SEE: 前意識 | :: |
前因 {n} [literary] /qiányīn/ | :: the cause; the reason |
前因后果 {def} SEE: 前因後果 | :: |
前因後果 {idiom} /qiányīnhòuguǒ/ | :: the entire sequence of events (including its cause and outcome) |
前原 {prop} /Qiányuán/ | :: (~ 市) 前原 (city) |
前瞻 {v} /qiánzhān/ | :: to look ahead; to look forward |
前瞻 {v} /qiánzhān/ | :: to foresee; to predict; to envision |
前瞻性 {n} /qiánzhānxìng/ | :: foresightedness |
前爪 {n} /qiánzhǎo/ | :: forepaw |
前兆 {n} /qiánzhào/ | :: harbinger; forewarning; omen; premonition; augury; portent |
前照灯 {def} SEE: 前照燈 | :: |
前照燈 {n} /qiánzhàodēng/ | :: headlight, front vehicle light |
前赵 {def} SEE: 前趙 | :: |
前趙 {prop} /Qiánzhào/ | :: Former Zhao (304–329) |
前遮后拥 {def} SEE: 前遮後擁 | :: |
前遮後擁 {idiom} /qiánzhēhòu擁/ | :: amidst a throng and clamor; noisy and crowded |
前者 {adv} [literary] /qiánzhě/ | :: previously |
前者 {n} /qiánzhě/ | :: the former (as opposed to the latter) |
前鎭 {def} SEE: 前鎮 | :: |
前鎮 {prop} /Qiánzhèn/ | :: (~ 區) 前鎮 (district) |
前镇 {def} SEE: 前鎮 | :: |
前阵子 {def} SEE: 前陣子 | :: |
前陣子 {adv} /qiánzhènzi/ | :: a while ago |
前志 {n} /qiánzhì/ | :: long-standing ambition |
前置 {v} /qiánzhì/ | :: to position in front |
前置詞 {n} /qiánzhìcí/ | :: preposition |
前置词 {def} SEE: 前置詞 | :: |
前綴 {n} [linguistic morphology] /qiánzhuì/ | :: prefix |
前缀 {def} SEE: 前綴 | :: |
前子 {n} [physics] /qiánzǐ/ | :: preon |
前总统 {def} SEE: 前總統 | :: |
前總統 {n} /qiánzǒngtǒng/ | :: ex-president |
前奏 {n} /qiánzòu/ | :: (~ 曲) [music] prelude |
前奏 {n} [figurative] /qiánzòu/ | :: prelude; preliminary; preparation |
前奏 {n} /qiánzòu/ | :: alternative name for 前戲 |
前作 {n} /qiánzuò/ | :: previously created work, someone's earlier work |
前作 {n} /qiánzuò/ | :: crops cultivated earlier (than similar ones planted later) |
姏 {def} /mán/ | :: old woman |
扲脉 {def} SEE: 扲脈 | :: |
掮客 {n} /qiánkè/ | :: broker; agent |
歬 {def} SEE: 前 | :: |
漧 {def} SEE: 乾 | :: |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: to go under water; to move under water |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: to hide; to conceal |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: to live in seclusion |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: to make a concentrated effort |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: hidden; secret |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: latent |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: secretly; stealthily |
潛 {def} /潛/ | :: surname |
潛避 {v} [literary] /qiánbì/ | :: to avoid; to hide from |
潛步 {v} [archaic] /qiánbù/ | :: to tiptoe; to sneak up on |
潛藏 {v} /潛cáng/ | :: to hide; to go into hiding |
潛躲 {v} [literary] /qiánduǒ/ | :: to hide oneself |
潛伏 {v} /潛fú/ | :: to hide; to conceal |
潛伏 {adj} /潛fú/ | :: hidden; concealed |
潛伏力 {n} /qiánfúlì/ | :: latent power |
潛伏期 {n} [medicine] /qiánfú期/ | :: incubation period; latent period |
潛規則 {n} /潛guīzé/ | :: unspoken rule; unwritten rule |
潛規則 {v} [neologism, colloquial, slang] /潛guīzé/ | :: to apply the hidden rule that sexual favours are required for entry into an occupation or for career advancement |
潛江 {prop} /Qiánjiāng/ | :: (~ 市) 潛江 (sub-prefecture-level city) |
潛力 {n} /潛lì/ | :: potential; untapped capability |
潛力股 {n} [stock market] /潛lìgǔ,er/ | :: stock with a good growth potential; high-potential stock (Classifier: 支) |
潛力股 {n} [neologism, figurative] /潛lìgǔ,er/ | :: diamond in the rough; promising person or thing (Classifier: 支) |
潛流 {n} [geology] /qiánliú/ | :: undercurrent; underflow |
潛能 {n} /潛néng/ | :: potential |
潛能 {n} [physics] /潛néng/ | :: latent energy; latent ability |
潛熱 {n} [thermodynamics] /qiánrè/ | :: latent heat |
潛入 {v} /潛rù/ | :: to dive into; to go under (water); to submerge |
潛入 {v} /潛rù/ | :: to infiltrate; to sneak into; to enter secretly |
潛水 {v} /潛shuǐ/ | :: to dive; to go under water |
潛水 {v} [Internet slang] /潛shuǐ/ | :: to lurk; to view an internet forum or chat without participating in the discussion |
潛水 {v} [Hong Kong Cantonese, neologism, slang] /潛shuǐ/ | :: to disappear for a long period of time |
潛水 {n} [Internet slang] /潛shuǐ/ | :: lurker |
潛水球 {n} /qiánshuǐqiú/ | :: bathysphere |
潛水艇 {n} /潛shuǐtǐng/ | :: submarine (Classifier: m:艘) |
潛水衣 {n} /潛shuǐyī/ | :: diving suit |
潛水衣 {n} /潛shuǐyī/ | :: wetsuit |
潛水員 {n} /潛shuǐyuán/ | :: diver |
潛水員 {n} [Internet slang] /潛shuǐyuán/ | :: lurker |
潛臺詞 {n} [opera] /潛táicí,er/ | :: unspoken lines in a play (left for the audience to understand) |
潛臺詞 {n} [figurative] /潛táicí,er/ | :: subtext; connotation; undertone |
潛台詞 {def} SEE: 潛臺詞 | :: |
潛逃 {v} /qiántáo/ | :: to abscond; to flee; to run away; to escape |
潛艇 {n} /潛tǐng/ | :: submarine (Classifier: m:艘) |
潛艇三明治 {n} /qiántǐng sānmíngzhì/ | :: submarine sandwich; sub |
潛窪地 {n} [geography, limnology] /qiánwādì/ | :: cryptodepression |
潛望鏡 {n} /潛wàngjìng/ | :: periscope (viewing device) |
潛心 {v} /潛xīn/ | :: to concentrate hard on; to devote oneself to; to be single-minded; to do something with great concentration |
潛血 {n} [medicine] /qián血/ | :: occult blood |
潛移 {n} /qiányí/ | :: unnoticed transformation |
潛移默化 {idiom} /潛yímòhuà/ | :: to influence secretly; to change due to unnoticeable influence |
潛意識 {n} /qiányìshí,qiányìshì,qiǎnyìshí,qiǎnyìshì,tl/ | :: the unconscious mind; the subconscious; subconsciousness |
潛隱 {v} [literary] /潛yǐn/ | :: to hide; to conceal |
潛隱 {adj} [literary] /潛yǐn/ | :: hidden; concealed |
潛影 {v} [literary] /潛yǐng/ | :: to hide |
潛影 {n} [photography] /潛yǐng/ | :: latent image |
潛泳 {v} /qiányǒng/ | :: to swim underwater |
潛在 {adj} /潛zài/ | :: potential; latent |
潛質 {n} /qiánzhì,qiánzhí,qiǎnzhì,qiǎnzhí,1nb/ | :: potential; potential qualities |
潛踪 {def} SEE: 潛蹤 | :: |
潛蹤 {v} [usually, derogatory] /qiánzōng/ | :: to cover one's tracks; to go into hiding |
潜 {def} SEE: 潛 | :: |
潜避 {def} SEE: 潛避 | :: |
潜步 {def} SEE: 潛步 | :: |
潜藏 {def} SEE: 潛藏 | :: |
潜躲 {def} SEE: 潛躲 | :: |
潜伏 {def} SEE: 潛伏 | :: |
潜伏力 {def} SEE: 潛伏力 | :: |
潜伏期 {def} SEE: 潛伏期 | :: |
潜规则 {def} SEE: 潛規則 | :: |
潜江 {def} SEE: 潛江 | :: |
潜力 {def} SEE: 潛力 | :: |
潜力股 {def} SEE: 潛力股 | :: |
潜流 {def} SEE: 潛流 | :: |
潜能 {def} SEE: 潛能 | :: |
潜热 {def} SEE: 潛熱 | :: |
潜入 {def} SEE: 潛入 | :: |
潜水 {def} SEE: 潛水 | :: |
潜水艇 {def} SEE: 潛水艇 | :: |
潜水衣 {def} SEE: 潛水衣 | :: |
潜水员 {def} SEE: 潛水員 | :: |
潜台词 {def} SEE: 潛臺詞 | :: |
潜逃 {def} SEE: 潛逃 | :: |
潜艇 {def} SEE: 潛艇 | :: |
潜艇三明治 {def} SEE: 潛艇三明治 | :: |
潜洼地 {def} SEE: 潛窪地 | :: |
潜望镜 {def} SEE: 潛望鏡 | :: |
潜心 {def} SEE: 潛心 | :: |
潜血 {def} SEE: 潛血 | :: |
潜移 {def} SEE: 潛移 | :: |
潜移默化 {def} SEE: 潛移默化 | :: |
潜意识 {def} SEE: 潛意識 | :: |
潜隐 {def} SEE: 潛隱 | :: |
潜影 {def} SEE: 潛影 | :: |
潜泳 {def} SEE: 潛泳 | :: |
潜在 {def} SEE: 潛在 | :: |
潜质 {def} SEE: 潛質 | :: |
潜踪 {def} SEE: 潛蹤 | :: |
濳 {def} SEE: 潛 | :: |
灊 {def} /qián/ | :: name of an ancient river in modern-day Sichuan province |
灊 {def} /qián/ | :: name of an ancient place in Huoshan County, Anhui province, China |
燂 {def} [Shanghai] /tán,qián/ | :: to simmer with low heat |
燂 {def} SEE: 燖 | :: |
燂 {def} [Shanghai] /tán,qián/ | :: to simmer slowly |
箝制 {def} SEE: 鉗制 | :: |
荨 {def} SEE: 蕁 | :: |
荨麻 {def} SEE: 蕁麻 | :: |
荨麻疹 {def} SEE: 蕁麻疹 | :: |
葥 {def} /qián/ | :: Rubus palmatus |
蕁 {def} /tán/ | :: alternative name for 知母 |
蕁 {def} /蕁/ | :: only used in 蕁麻 |
蕁麻 {n} /蕁má/ | :: nettle |
蕁麻疹 {n} [disease] /xúnmázhěn/ | :: urticaria |
虔 {def} /qián/ | :: reverent |
虔 {def} /qián/ | :: surname |
虔 {def} /qián/ | :: to kill |
虔 {def} /qián/ | :: to plunder |
虔誠 {adj} /qiánchéng/ | :: pious; devout |
虔诚 {def} SEE: 虔誠 | :: |
虔敬 {adj} /qiánjìng/ | :: reverent; pious |
虔恪 {adj} [literary] /qiánkè/ | :: respectful; deferential |
虔婆 {n} [derogatory] /qiánpó/ | :: indecent old lady |
虔婆 {n} [derogatory] /qiánpó/ | :: female brothel-keeper |
蚙 {def} /qián,qín/ | :: [obsolete] pincers of crabs |
蚙 {def} /qián,qín/ | :: [obsolete] centipede |
鈐 {def} /qián/ | :: official seal |
鈐 {def} /qián/ | :: to affix a seal to |
鈐 {def} /qián/ | :: tea-curing tool |
鈐 {def} /qián/ | :: stratagem; plot; plan; strategy; tactic |
鈐 {def} [figurative] /qián/ | :: key (to something) |
鈐 {def} /qián/ | :: surname Qian |
鉗 {def} /qián/ | :: claw of a crustacean (Classifier: c:個) |
鉗 {def} /qián/ | :: pincers, pliers, tongs |
鉗 {def} /qián/ | :: to grab with a plier or a crustacean claw |
鉗工 {n} /qiángōng/ | :: benchwork |
鉗工 {n} /qiángōng/ | :: fitter |
鉗制 {v} /qiánzhì/ | :: to clamp down on; to suppress |
鉗子 {n} /qiánzi/ | :: pliers; pincers; tongs; forceps; vise; clamp (Classifier: m:把) |
鉗子 {n} /qiánzi/ | :: claw of a crustacean or scorpion |
銭 {def} SEE: 錢 | :: |
錢 {def} /qián,er/ | :: money; cash |
錢 {def} /qián,er/ | :: currency; coins |
錢 {def} /qián,er/ | :: cost; fund; expense |
錢 {def} /qián,er/ | :: coin-shaped object |
錢 {def} /qián,er/ | :: mace (unit of weight equivalent to one tenth of a 兩 and equal to ten 分) |
錢 {def} /qián,er/ | :: surname Qian, listed second in the Baijiaxing & the dynasty of the kings of Wuyue |
錢 {def} /jiǎn/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of farm tool |
錢包 {n} /qiánbāo/ | :: wallet |
錢幣 {n} /qiánbì/ | :: currency; money |
錢財 {n} /qiáncái/ | :: wealth; money |
錢袋 {n} /qiándài/ | :: purse; wallet |
錢當 {prop} | :: (~ 村) 錢當 (village) |
錢兒 {n} /qiánr/ | :: erhua form of money; coin-shaped object |
錢崗二 {prop} | :: (~ 村) 錢崗二 (village) |
錢崗一 {prop} | :: (~ 村) 錢崗一 (village) |
錢櫃 {n} /qiánguì/ | :: cashbox; till |
錢荒 {n} /qiánhuāng/ | :: money shortage |
錢款 {n} /qiánkuǎn/ | :: money; ready money |
錢糧 {n} [archaic] /qiánliáng/ | :: stipend (of money or rice) |
錢橋 {prop} /Qiánqiáo/ | :: (~ 鎮) 錢橋 (town) |
錢塘 {prop} /Qiántáng/ | :: (~ 江) 錢塘 (river) |
錢塘 {prop} /Qiántáng/ | :: (~ 縣) [historical] 錢塘 (county) |
錢塘江 {prop} /Qiántáng Jiāng/ | :: Qiantang River (in Zhejiang, China) |
錢途 {n} [neologism, humorous] /qiántú/ | :: financial prospects; road to the riches |
錢箱 {n} /qiánxiāng/ | :: cash cartridge |
錢寨 {prop} /Qiánzhài/ | :: (~ 村) 錢寨 (village) |
錢莊 {n} [historical] /qiánzhuāng,er/ | :: old-style Chinese private bank |
钤 {def} SEE: 鈐 | :: |
钱 {def} SEE: 錢 | :: |
钱包 {def} SEE: 錢包 | :: |
钱包仔 {def} SEE: 錢包仔 | :: |
钱币 {def} SEE: 錢幣 | :: |
钱财 {def} SEE: 錢財 | :: |
钱串子 {def} SEE: 錢串子 | :: |
钱袋 {def} SEE: 錢袋 | :: |
钱袋仔 {def} SEE: 錢袋仔 | :: |
钱当 {def} SEE: 錢當 | :: |
钱儿 {def} SEE: 錢兒 | :: |
钱岗二 {def} SEE: 錢崗二 | :: |
钱岗一 {def} SEE: 錢崗一 | :: |
钱根 {def} SEE: 錢根 | :: |
钱关 {def} SEE: 錢關 | :: |
钱柜 {def} SEE: 錢櫃 | :: |
钱柜仔店 {def} SEE: 錢櫃仔店 | :: |
钱荒 {def} SEE: 錢荒 | :: |
钱款 {def} SEE: 錢款 | :: |
钱利 {def} SEE: 錢利 | :: |
钱粮 {def} SEE: 錢糧 | :: |
钱路 {def} SEE: 錢路 | :: |
钱桥 {def} SEE: 錢橋 | :: |
钱声 {def} SEE: 錢聲 | :: |
钱鼠 {def} SEE: 錢鼠 | :: |
钱水 {def} SEE: 錢水 | :: |
钱塘 {def} SEE: 錢塘 | :: |
钱塘江 {def} SEE: 錢塘江 | :: |
钱途 {def} SEE: 錢途 | :: |
钱息 {def} SEE: 錢息 | :: |
钱箱 {def} SEE: 錢箱 | :: |
钱项 {def} SEE: 錢項 | :: |
钱银 {def} SEE: 錢銀 | :: |
钱罂 {def} SEE: 錢罌 | :: |
钱圆 {def} SEE: 錢圓 | :: |
钱仔 {def} SEE: 錢仔 | :: |
钱寨 {def} SEE: 錢寨 | :: |
钱庄 {def} SEE: 錢莊 | :: |
钳 {def} SEE: 鉗 | :: |
钳工 {def} SEE: 鉗工 | :: |
钳婆 {def} SEE: 鉗婆 | :: |
钳仔 {def} SEE: 鉗仔 | :: |
钳制 {def} SEE: 鉗制 | :: |
钳子 {def} SEE: 鉗子 | :: |
騚 {def} /qián/ | :: [obsolete] horse whose feet are all white |
鰬 {def} /hù/ | :: [obsolete] large hemibagrus catfish |
鳹 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] [bird] to have a curved beak |
黔 {def} /qián/ | :: [obsolete] black |
黔 {def} /qián/ | :: (~ 州) Name of a prefecture in ancient China now located in Chongqing and Guizhou |
黔 {def} /qián/ | :: abbreviation of 貴州 |
黔 {def} /qián/ | :: surname |
黔东南 {def} SEE: 黔東南 | :: |
黔东南苗族侗族自治州 {def} SEE: 黔東南苗族侗族自治州 | :: |
黔東南 {prop} /Qiándōngnán/ | :: (~ 苗族侗族自治州) Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture |
黔東南苗族侗族自治州 {prop} /Qiándōngnán Miáozú Dòngzú Zìzhìzhōu/ | :: Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture |
黔驢技窮 {idiom} [figurative] /qiánlǘjìqióng/ | :: to exhaust one's limited abilities |
黔驢之技 {idiom} [figuratively] /qiánlǘzhījì/ | :: one's limited abilities |
黔驴技穷 {def} SEE: 黔驢技窮 | :: |
黔驴之技 {def} SEE: 黔驢之技 | :: |
黔南 {prop} /Qiánnán/ | :: (~ 布依族苗族自治州) 黔南 (autonomous prefecture) |
黔南布依族苗族自治州 {prop} /Qiánnán Bùyīzú Miáozú Zìzhìzhōu/ | :: Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture |
黔首 {n} [archaic] /qiánshǒu/ | :: common people |
黔西南 {prop} /Qiánxīnán/ | :: (~ 布依族苗族自治州) Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture |
黔西南布依族苗族自治州 {prop} /Qiánxīnán Bùyīzú Miáozú Zìzhìzhōu/ | :: Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture |
黚 {def} /qián/ | :: yellowish black color |
黚 {def} /qián/ | :: (~ 水) an ancient river |
黚 {def} /qián/ | :: used in 黚陽 alternative name of 黔陽 (former county in Hunan) |
䭤 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: to chew |
䭤 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: to eat |
䭤 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: to roll round with the hand |
䭤 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: cake, biscuit |
槏 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: door |
槏 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: pillar beside a window |
槏 {def} SEE: 廉 | :: |
槏 {def} /xiàn/ | :: basin |
𣹇浅 {def} SEE: 𣹇淺 | :: |
浅 {def} SEE: 淺 | :: |
浅白 {def} SEE: 淺白 | :: |
浅薄 {def} SEE: 淺薄 | :: |
浅表 {def} SEE: 淺表 | :: |
浅表性 {def} SEE: 淺表性 | :: |
浅淡 {def} SEE: 淺淡 | :: |
浅海 {def} SEE: 淺海 | :: |
浅红 {def} SEE: 淺紅 | :: |
浅化 {def} SEE: 淺化 | :: |
浅见 {def} SEE: 淺見 | :: |
浅近 {def} SEE: 淺近 | :: |
浅井 {def} SEE: 淺井 | :: |
浅拷贝 {def} SEE: 淺拷貝 | :: |
浅陋 {def} SEE: 淺陋 | :: |
浅浅 {def} SEE: 淺淺 | :: |
浅色 {def} SEE: 淺色 | :: |
浅水 {def} SEE: 淺水 | :: |
浅水区 {def} SEE: 淺水區 | :: |
浅水湾 {def} SEE: 淺水灣 | :: |
浅滩 {def} SEE: 淺灘 | :: |
浅谈 {def} SEE: 淺談 | :: |
浅拖 {def} SEE: 淺拖 | :: |
浅拖仔 {def} SEE: 淺拖仔 | :: |
浅文理 {def} SEE: 淺文理 | :: |
浅析 {def} SEE: 淺析 | :: |
浅狭 {def} SEE: 淺狹 | :: |
浅显 {def} SEE: 淺顯 | :: |
浅笑 {def} SEE: 淺笑 | :: |
浅易 {def} SEE: 淺易 | :: |
浅紫 {def} SEE: 淺紫 | :: |
繾綣 {adj} [literary] /qiǎnquǎn/ | :: entangled; tangled up; attached |
繾綣 {adj} [literary] /qiǎnquǎn/ | :: in love and inseparable; tenderly attached (to each other) |
缱 {def} SEE: 繾 | :: |
缱绻 {def} SEE: 繾綣 | :: |
蜸 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: only used in 蜸蚕 |
蜸𧉂 {def} SEE: 蜸蚕 | :: |
蜸蚕 {n} [literary] /qiǎntiǎn/ | :: earthworm |
譴責 {v} /qiǎnzé/ | :: to condemn; to strongly criticize |
谴 {def} SEE: 譴 | :: |
谴相 {def} SEE: 譴相 | :: |
谴责 {def} SEE: 譴責 | :: |
遣 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: to send; to dispatch |
遣 {def} /qiǎn/ | :: to exile |
遣兵 {v} [literary] /qiǎnbīng/ | :: to dispatch soldiers; to deploy troops |
遣返 {v} /qiǎnfǎn/ | :: to repatriate; to send back |
遣悶 {v} /qiǎnmèn/ | :: to divert oneself from boredom |
遣闷 {def} SEE: 遣悶 | :: |
遣人 {v} [literary] /qiǎnrén/ | :: to dispatch someone; to send someone |
遣散 {v} /qiǎnsàn,qiǎnsǎn,2nb/ | :: to disband; to demobilise |
遣散 {v} /qiǎnsàn,qiǎnsǎn,2nb/ | :: to lay off; to make (a job) redundant; to dismiss |
遣散 {v} /qiǎnsàn,qiǎnsǎn,2nb/ | :: to clear; to evacuate |
遣散費 {n} /qiǎnsànfèi,qiǎnsǎnfèi,2nb/ | :: severance pay; redundancy pay |
遣散费 {def} SEE: 遣散費 | :: |
遣使 {v} [literary] /qiǎnshǐ/ | :: to send an emissary |
㐸 {def} /qiàn/ | :: alternative form of 欠 |
㐸 {def} /cì/ | :: surname |
㜞 {def} /qiàn/ | :: beautiful, pretty |
㜞 {def} /qiàn/ | :: used in girl names |
䫡 {def} /yán/ | :: long shape of head and face |
䫡 {def} /yán/ | :: cheeks |
䫡 {def} /yán/ | :: jaw |
䫡 {def} /qián/ | :: ugly |
䫡 {def} /qiàn/ | :: long face |
倩 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] smiling |
倩 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] (beautiful) man |
倩 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] beautiful; pretty; handsome |
倩 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] fast |
倩 {def} /qìng,qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] to ask someone to do something |
倩 {def} /qìng,qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] to have the aid of |
倩 {def} /qìng,qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] to borrow |
倩 {def} [Min] /qìng,qiàn/ | :: to employ; to hire |
倩 {def} [Teochew] /qìng,qiàn/ | :: please; excusing oneself. Example: 倩食 (ciah4 ziah8) is a very polite way of asking people to eat |
倩 {def} /qìng,qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] son-in-law |
倩 {def} SEE: 歉 | :: |
倩 {def} /qìng,qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] servant; domestic servant |
倩俏 {adj} [literary] /qiànqiào/ | :: pretty; good-looking |
倩影 {n} /qiànyǐng/ | :: beautiful silhouette, figure or picture of a woman |
傔 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] to follow |
傔 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] servant |
傔 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] to suffice; to satisfy |
傔 {def} /qiàn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 兼 |
儙 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to open; to unlatch; to unfasten |
儙 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to start; to turn on; to switch on |
儙 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to begin; to start |
刋 {def} SEE: 刊 | :: |
堑 {def} SEE: 塹 | :: |
堑壕 {def} SEE: 塹壕 | :: |
塹 {def} /qiàn/ | :: A deep pit or trench, especially a city moat |
塹 {def} /qiàn/ | :: A natural barrier |
塹 {def} /qiàn/ | :: A rift valley |
塹壕 {n} /qiànháo/ | :: trench (long, narrow ditch or hole); entrenchment |
椠 {def} SEE: 槧 | :: |
欠 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to yawn |
欠 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to lack; to be deficient |
欠 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to owe |
欠 {def} [Wuhan] /qiàn/ | :: to miss somebody |
欠安 {v} [euphemism] /qiàn'ān/ | :: to be ill; to be indisposed |
欠扁 {v} [neologism, somewhat, humorous] /qiànbiǎn/ | :: to be deserving of a good spanking; to be very annoying |
欠打 {v} [colloquial] /qiàndǎ/ | :: to need a beating |
欠乏 {def} SEE: 缺乏 | :: |
欠乏 {v} /qiànfá/ | :: to lack, to be deficient |
欠費 {v} /qiànfèi/ | :: to be in arrears; to owe fees |
欠费 {def} SEE: 欠費 | :: |
欠格 {n} /qiàngé/ | :: abessive case |
欠行 {n} [xiangqi] /qiànxíng/ | :: stalemate (loss due to the lack of legal move) |
欠行 {n} [chess] /qiànxíng/ | :: stalemate (tie due to the lack of legal move) |
欠行 {n} /qiànxíng/ | :: [figuratively] stalemate (situation where little or no advancement can be made) |
欠據 {n} /qiànjù/ | :: loan receipt; IOU |
欠据 {def} SEE: 欠據 | :: |
欠款 {v} /qiànkuǎn/ | :: to owe money |
欠款 {n} /qiànkuǎn/ | :: money owed; debt |
欠勤 {v} [Taiwanese Min Nan] /qiànqín/ | :: to be absent from work or class |
欠缺 {n} /qiànquē/ | :: shortcoming |
欠缺 {v} /qiànquē/ | :: to be deficient in; to be short of |
欠伸 {v} /qiànshēn/ | :: to yawn and stretch |
欠申 {def} SEE: 欠伸 | :: |
欠身 {v} /qiànshēn/ | :: to half rise from one’s seat (especially as a gesture of courtesy) |
欠数 {def} SEE: 欠數 | :: |
欠条 {def} SEE: 欠條 | :: |
欠條 {n} /qiàntiáo/ | :: IOU |
欠薪 {v} /qiànxīn/ | :: to default on a wage payment; to be behind with a wage payment |
欠债 {def} SEE: 欠債 | :: |
欠債 {v} /qiànzhài/ | :: to be in debt; to owe a debt |
欠債 {n} /qiànzhài/ | :: debt; the sum owed |
欠帐 {def} SEE: 欠帳 | :: |
欠帳 {def} SEE: 欠賬 | :: |
欠賬 {v} /qiànzhàng/ | :: to owe debt |
欠賬 {n} /qiànzhàng/ | :: debt owed |
欠账 {def} SEE: 欠賬 | :: |
欠資 {adj} [attributive] /qiànzī/ | :: postage-due |
欠资 {def} SEE: 欠資 | :: |
欠揍 {v} [colloquial] /qiànzòu/ | :: to need a spanking |
歉 {def} /qiàn/ | :: deficient, lacking, insufficient |
歉 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to apologize |
歉 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to regret |
歉疚 {adj} /qiànjiù/ | :: guilty (resulting from having done something wrong); sorry; feeling bad; remorseful |
歉然 {n} /qiànrán/ | :: apologetic |
歉收 {v} /qiànshōu/ | :: to experience crop failure; to have a poor harvest |
歉意 {n} /qiànyì/ | :: apology; regret |
纤 {def} SEE: 纖 | :: |
纤 {def} SEE: 縴 | :: |
纤夫 {def} SEE: 縴夫 | :: |
纤毛 {def} SEE: 纖毛 | :: |
纤巧 {def} SEE: 纖巧 | :: |
纤人 {def} SEE: 纖人 | :: |
纤弱 {def} SEE: 纖弱 | :: |
纤维 {def} SEE: 纖維 | :: |
纤维化 {def} SEE: 纖維化 | :: |
纤维环 {def} SEE: 纖維環 | :: |
纤维肌痛 {def} SEE: 纖維肌痛 | :: |
纤维瘤 {def} SEE: 纖維瘤 | :: |
纤维母细胞 {def} SEE: 纖維母細胞 | :: |
纤维软骨 {def} SEE: 纖維軟骨 | :: |
纤维素 {def} SEE: 纖維素 | :: |
纤维细胞 {def} SEE: 纖維細胞 | :: |
纤维腺瘤 {def} SEE: 纖維腺瘤 | :: |
纤细 {def} SEE: 纖細 | :: |
芡 {def} /qiàn/ | :: Euryale ferox, a plant allied to the water lily |
芡 {def} /qiàn/ | :: cornstarch (with water) |
芡 {def} [Min Dong] /qiàn/ | :: to thicken a soup by means of starch |
芡 {def} [Min Nan] /qiàn/ | :: tempering (spices) |
芡粉 {n} /qiànfěn/ | :: starch made from seeds of Euryale ferox |
芡实 {def} SEE: 芡實 | :: |
芡實 {n} /qiànshí/ | :: seed of Euryale ferox (a seed used in traditional Chinese medicine) |
茜 {def} /qiàn/ | :: (~ 草) madder (Rubia cordifolia) |
茜 {def} /qiàn/ | :: dark red |
茜 {def} /qiàn/ | :: to dye red |
茜 {def} /xī/ | :: used in personal names |
茜草 {n} /qiàncǎo/ | :: Indian madder, Rubia cordifolia |
茜素 {n} [organic compound] /qiànsù/ | :: alizarin |
呛 {def} SEE: 嗆 | :: |
呛咳 {def} SEE: 嗆咳 | :: |
呛声 {def} SEE: 嗆聲 | :: |
嗆 {def} /qiāng/ | :: to gag; to retch |
嗆 {def} [of smoke or odour] /qiàng/ | :: to irritate the nose |
嗆咳 {v} [symptom] /qiàngké/ | :: to cough as a result of choking |
嗆聲 {v} [Min Nan] /qiàngshēng/ | :: alternative form of 唱聲 |
嗆聲 {v} [Taiwan Mandarin] /qiàngshēng/ | :: to provoke; to challenge; to confront |
戕 {def} /戕/ | :: to kill |
戕 {def} /戕/ | :: to harm |
戕 {def} /戕/ | :: to destroy |
戕 {def} /戕/ | :: an ancient axe |
戕害 {v} /戕hài/ | :: to injure; to harm |
戕害 {v} /戕hài/ | :: to slay |
戕害不辜 {idiom} /戕hài不gū/ | :: to slaughter the innocent people |
戕杀 {def} SEE: 戕殺 | :: |
戕殺 {v} /qiāngshā/ | :: to kill; to butcher |
戕賊 {v} [literary] /qiāngzéi,qiángzéi,qiángzé,1nb/ | :: to damage; to harm; to injure |
戕贼 {def} SEE: 戕賊 | :: |
戗 {def} SEE: 戧 | :: |
枪 {def} SEE: 槍 | :: |
枪崩 {def} SEE: 槍崩 | :: |
枪毙 {def} SEE: 槍斃 | :: |
枪刺 {def} SEE: 槍刺 | :: |
枪打出头鸟 {def} SEE: 槍打出頭鳥 | :: |
枪法 {def} SEE: 槍法 | :: |
枪杆 {def} SEE: 槍桿 | :: |
枪杆子 {def} SEE: 槍桿子 | :: |
枪决 {def} SEE: 槍決 | :: |
枪口 {def} SEE: 槍口 | :: |
枪林弹雨 {def} SEE: 槍林彈雨 | :: |
枪炮 {def} SEE: 槍炮 | :: |
枪杀 {def} SEE: 槍殺 | :: |
枪手 {def} SEE: 槍手 | :: |
枪栓 {def} SEE: 槍栓 | :: |
枪弹 {def} SEE: 槍彈 | :: |
枪替 {def} SEE: 槍替 | :: |
枪乌贼 {def} SEE: 槍烏賊 | :: |
枪响 {def} SEE: 槍響 | :: |
枪械 {def} SEE: 槍械 | :: |
枪眼 {def} SEE: 槍眼 | :: |
枪药 {def} SEE: 槍藥 | :: |
枪鱼 {def} SEE: 槍魚 | :: |
枪战 {def} SEE: 槍戰 | :: |
枪支 {def} SEE: 槍支 | :: |
枪子子 {def} SEE: 槍子子 | :: |
椌 {def} /qiāng/ | :: ancient wooden musical instrument |
槍 {def} [historical] /qiāng/ | :: spear; lance; pike |
槍 {def} /qiāng/ | :: gun; firearm; shooter (Classifier: m:桿m,c:支m,c:把) |
槍 {def} /qiāng/ | :: classifier for gunshots |
槍 {def} /qiāng/ | :: [obsolete] to collide |
槍 {def} /qiāng/ | :: surname |
槍 {def} /chēng/ | :: only used in 欃槍 |
槍崩 {v} [regional, colloquial] /qiāngbēng/ | :: to execute by firing squad; to shoot dead |
槍斃 {v} /qiāngbì/ | :: to execute by firing squad |
槍斃 {v} [figuratively] /qiāngbì/ | :: to be rejected; to be shot down |
槍刺 {n} /qiāngcì/ | :: bayonet |
槍打出頭鳥 {proverb} /qiāng dǎ chūtóuniǎo/ | :: One who is in the forefront will be attacked first. / The nail that sticks out gets hammered down |
槍彈 {n} /qiāngdàn/ | :: bullet; cartridge (of firearms) |
槍法 {n} /qiāngfǎ/ | :: marksmanship |
槍法 {n} /qiāngfǎ/ | :: spear fighting |
槍桿 {n} /qiānggǎn/ | :: rifle; gun; arms; barrel |
槍桿子 {n} [literally] /qiānggǎnzi/ | :: barrel of a gun |
槍桿子 {n} [figuratively] /qiānggǎnzi/ | :: arms; armed forces |
槍決 {v} /qiāngjué/ | :: to execute by firing squad |
槍口 {n} /qiāngkǒu/ | :: muzzle (open end of a gun) |
槍林彈雨 {idiom} /qiānglíndànyǔ/ | :: showering bullets; fierce battles with intense gunfire |
槍炮 {n} /qiāngpào/ | :: firearm; guns and cannons |
槍砲 {def} SEE: 槍炮 | :: |
槍殺 {v} /qiāngshā/ | :: to shoot dead |
槍手 {n} [chiefly historical] /qiāngshǒu,tl/ | :: spearman; pikeman (a soldier who fights with a long thrusting pole weapon) |
槍手 {n} [military] /qiāngshǒu,tl/ | :: gunner; sharpshooter; gunman |
槍手 {n} [figurative, education] /qiāngshǒu,tl/ | :: person who sits an exam or writes an assignment for somebody else; ghostwriter |
槍栓 {n} /qiāngshuān/ | :: rifle bolt; gun bolt |
槍替 {v} /qiāngtì/ | :: to sit for an examination in place of another person |
槍烏賊 {n} [formal] /qiāngwūzéi/ | :: squid (Classifier: 隻) |
槍響 {n} /qiāngxiǎng/ | :: sound of gunshot (Classifier: 聲) |
槍械 {n} /qiāngxiè/ | :: firearm |
槍眼 {n} /qiāngyǎn,er/ | :: embrasure; loophole |
槍眼 {n} /qiāngyǎn,er/ | :: bullet hole |
槍藥 {n} /qiāngyào,er/ | :: gunpowder |
槍魚 {n} /qiāngyú/ | :: marlin |
槍戰 {v} /qiāngzhàn/ | :: to engage in a gunfight |
槍戰 {n} /qiāngzhàn/ | :: gunfight; gun battle |
槍支 {n} /qiāngzhī/ | :: firearms |
溬 {def} SEE: 㳾 | :: |
猐 {def} /qiāng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 羌 |
玱 {def} SEE: 瑲 | :: |
矼 {def} /gāng,qiāng/ | :: stone bridge |
矼 {def} /gāng,qiāng/ | :: appearance of honesty |
羌 {def} /qiāng/ | :: (~ 族) Qiang people |
羌 {def} /qiāng/ | :: historical tribe in ancient China |
羌 {def} /qiāng/ | :: muntjac (species of deer) ⇒ 山羌 |
羌 {def} /qiāng/ | :: surname |
羌笛 {n} [musical instrument] /qiāngdí/ | :: Qiang flute |
羌活 {n} /qiānghuó/ | :: rhizome of the Notopterygium (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat "wind-cold" symptoms.) |
羌家壪 {prop} /Qiāngjiāwān/ | :: (~ 村) 羌家壪 (village) |
羌家塆 {def} SEE: 羌家壪 | :: |
羌鷲 {n} /qiāngjiù/ | :: sea eagle (Classifier: m:隻) |
羌鹫 {def} SEE: 羌鷲 | :: |
羌人 {prop} /Qiāngrén/ | :: the Qiang people |
羌人 {prop} /Qiāngrén/ | :: a member of the Qiang people |
羌塘 {prop} /Qiāngtáng/ | :: Changtang (northern steppe of Tibet) |
羌族 {n} /qiāngzú/ | :: Qiang people |
羗 {def} SEE: 羌 | :: |
羗 {def} SEE: 羑 | :: |
羫 {def} /qiāng,kòng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 腔 |
羫 {def} /qiāng,kòng/ | :: [obsolete] dried mutton |
腔 {def} /qiāng,er/ | :: cavity; hollow in body |
腔 {def} [chiefly Chinese opera] /qiāng,er/ | :: tune; melody |
腔 {def} [linguistics] /qiāng,er/ | :: accent of one's speech |
腔肠 {def} SEE: 腔腸 | :: |
腔肠动物 {def} SEE: 腔腸動物 | :: |
腔腸 {n} /qiāngcháng/ | :: coelenteron |
腔腸動物 {n} [zoology, dated] /qiāngcháng dòngwù/ | :: coelenterate |
腔調 {n} /qiāngdiào/ | :: tone of voice; tone; intonation; accent |
腔调 {def} SEE: 腔調 | :: |
腔儿 {def} SEE: 腔兒 | :: |
腔兒 {n} /qiāngr/ | :: erhua form of accent; dialect |
腔静脉 {def} SEE: 腔靜脈 | :: |
腔靜脈 {n} [anatomy] /qiāngjìngmài/ | :: vena cava |
蜣螂 {n} /qiāngláng/ | :: dung beetle |
跄 {def} SEE: 蹌 | :: |
跄跤鸡 {def} SEE: 蹌跤雞 | :: |
蹡 {def} /qiāng/ | :: alternative form of 蹌 |
鎗 {def} SEE: 槍 | :: |
鎗 {def} /chēng,qiāng/ | :: Used to describe the sound of metal objects or a bell being struck |
鎗 {def} /chēng,qiāng/ | :: A type of three-footed tripod |
鎗砲 {def} SEE: 槍炮 | :: |
鏘 {def} /qiāng/ | :: tinkle, clang, jingle |
鏹水 {n} [chemistry, colloquial] /qiāngshuǐ/ | :: strong acid, especially the major inorganic strong acids (nitric acid, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid) |
锖 {def} SEE: 錆 | :: |
锵 {def} SEE: 鏘 | :: |
镪 {def} SEE: 鏹 | :: |
镪水 {def} SEE: 鏹水 | :: |
墙 {def} SEE: 牆 | :: |
墙报 {def} SEE: 牆報 | :: |
墙壁 {def} SEE: 牆壁 | :: |
墙表 {def} SEE: 牆錶 | :: |
墙根 {def} SEE: 牆根 | :: |
墙瓜围 {def} SEE: 牆瓜圍 | :: |
墙国 {def} SEE: 牆國 | :: |
墙基 {def} SEE: 牆基 | :: |
墙跤 {def} SEE: 牆跤 | :: |
墙脚 {def} SEE: 牆腳 | :: |
墙角 {def} SEE: 牆角 | :: |
墙头草 {def} SEE: 牆頭草 | :: |
墙围 {def} SEE: 牆圍 | :: |
墙帷 {def} SEE: 牆帷 | :: |
墙垣 {def} SEE: 牆垣 | :: |
墙纸 {def} SEE: 牆紙 | :: |
墻 {def} SEE: 牆 | :: |
嫱 {def} SEE: 嬙 | :: |
强 {def} SEE: 強 | :: |
强葆 {def} SEE: 強葆 | :: |
强暴 {def} SEE: 強暴 | :: |
强逼 {def} SEE: 強逼 | :: |
强宾不压主 {def} SEE: 強賓不壓主 | :: |
强兵 {def} SEE: 強兵 | :: |
强不知以为知 {def} SEE: 強不知以為知 | :: |
强盛 {def} SEE: 強盛 | :: |
强词夺理 {def} SEE: 強詞奪理 | :: |
强大 {def} SEE: 強大 | :: |
强盗 {def} SEE: 強盜 | :: |
强敌 {def} SEE: 強敵 | :: |
强点 {def} SEE: 強點 | :: |
强电解质 {def} SEE: 強電解質 | :: |
强调 {def} SEE: 強調 | :: |
强度 {def} SEE: 強度 | :: |
强风 {def} SEE: 強風 | :: |
强扶 {def} SEE: 強扶 | :: |
强告化 {def} SEE: 強告化 | :: |
强弓硬弩 {def} SEE: 強弓硬弩 | :: |
强贡 {def} SEE: 強貢 | :: |
强骨 {def} SEE: 強骨 | :: |
强固 {def} SEE: 強固 | :: |
强国 {def} SEE: 強國 | :: |
强国人 {def} SEE: 強國人 | :: |
强过 {def} SEE: 強過 | :: |
强悍 {def} SEE: 強悍 | :: |
强行 {def} SEE: 強行 | :: |
强横 {def} SEE: 強橫 | :: |
强化 {def} SEE: 強化 | :: |
强记 {def} SEE: 強記 | :: |
强加 {def} SEE: 強加 | :: |
强奸 {def} SEE: 強姦 | :: |
强奸犯 {def} SEE: 強姦犯 | :: |
强健 {def} SEE: 強健 | :: |
强劲 {def} SEE: 強勁 | :: |
强军 {def} SEE: 強軍 | :: |
强力 {def} SEE: 強力 | :: |
强烈 {def} SEE: 強烈 | :: |
强龙不压地头蛇 {def} SEE: 強龍不壓地頭蛇 | :: |
强弩之末 {def} SEE: 強弩之末 | :: |
强碰 {def} SEE: 強碰 | :: |
强迫 {def} SEE: 強迫 | :: |
强迫振动 {def} SEE: 強迫振動 | :: |
强迫症 {def} SEE: 強迫症 | :: |
强强 {def} SEE: 強強 | :: |
强强滚 {def} SEE: 強強滾 | :: |
强求 {def} SEE: 強求 | :: |
强权 {def} SEE: 強權 | :: |
强权政治 {def} SEE: 強權政治 | :: |
强人 {def} SEE: 強人 | :: |
强人所难 {def} SEE: 強人所難 | :: |
强忍 {def} SEE: 強忍 | :: |
强弱 {def} SEE: 強弱 | :: |
强势 {def} SEE: 強勢 | :: |
强手 {def} SEE: 強手 | :: |
强徒 {def} SEE: 強徒 | :: |
强相互作用 {def} SEE: 強相互作用 | :: |
强项 {def} SEE: 強項 | :: |
强心 {def} SEE: 強心 | :: |
强心苷 {def} SEE: 強心苷 | :: |
强心剂 {def} SEE: 強心劑 | :: |
强心针 {def} SEE: 強心針 | :: |
强压 {def} SEE: 強壓 | :: |
强颜 {def} SEE: 強顏 | :: |
强要 {def} SEE: 強要 | :: |
强硬 {def} SEE: 強硬 | :: |
强硬派 {def} SEE: 強硬派 | :: |
强有力 {def} SEE: 強有力 | :: |
强欲 {def} SEE: 強欲 | :: |
强贼 {def} SEE: 強賊 | :: |
强占 {def} SEE: 強佔 | :: |
强者 {def} SEE: 強者 | :: |
强震 {def} SEE: 強震 | :: |
强直 {def} SEE: 強直 | :: |
强直性脊椎炎 {def} SEE: 強直性脊椎炎 | :: |
强直性脊柱炎 {def} SEE: 強直性脊柱炎 | :: |
强制 {def} SEE: 強制 | :: |
强制拘留 {def} SEE: 強制拘留 | :: |
强制性 {def} SEE: 強制性 | :: |
强制性挖鼻综合症 {def} SEE: 強制性挖鼻綜合症 | :: |
强壮 {def} SEE: 強壯 | :: |
强子 {def} SEE: 強子 | :: |
樯 {def} SEE: 檣 | :: |
檣 {def} [literary] /qiáng/ | :: mast; yardarm; boom |
漒 {def} /qiáng/ | :: name of a river in Henan province |
牆 {def} /qiáng/ | :: wall (Classifier: m:面m,mn:堵c:埲) |
牆 {def} [Mainland, internet slang] /qiáng/ | :: Great Firewall |
牆 {def} [Mainland, internet slang] /qiáng/ | :: to censor; to block (a website) |
牆報 {n} /qiángbào/ | :: wall newspaper |
牆壁 {n} /qiángbì/ | :: wall (Classifier: m:面m:堵) |
牆表 {def} SEE: 牆錶 | :: |
牆根 {n} /qiánggēn,er/ | :: foot of a wall |
牆國 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, sarcastic] /qiángguó/ | :: mainland China; People's Republic of China excluding Hong Kong and Macau |
牆基 {n} /qiángjī/ | :: wall base |
牆腳 {n} /qiángjiǎo,er/ | :: foot of a wall |
牆腳 {n} [figurative] /qiángjiǎo,er/ | :: foundation; backbone |
牆角 {n} /qiángjiǎo/ | :: corner (formed by two walls) |
牆頭草 {idiom} /qiángtóucǎo,er/ | :: fence-sitter; a person who bends with the wind |
牆帷 {n} /qiángwéi/ | :: wall hanging |
牆垣 {n} [literary] /qiángyuán/ | :: wall |
牆紙 {n} /qiángzhǐ/ | :: wallpaper |
艢 {def} SEE: 檣 | :: |
蔷 {def} SEE: 薔 | :: |
蔷薇 {def} SEE: 薔薇 | :: |
蔷薇木 {def} SEE: 薔薇木 | :: |
薔 {def} /qiáng/ | :: only used in 薔薇 |
薔 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] hydropiper |
薔 {def} /sè/ | :: surname |
薔薇 {n} [botany] /qiáng薇/ | :: multiflora rose |
薔薇木 {n} /qiángwēimù/ | :: rosewood |
㛨 {def} /qiǎng/ | :: (corrupted form) chaos, anarchy |
㛨 {def} /qiǎng/ | :: distractions |
㛨 {def} /qiǎng/ | :: confusion |
傸 {def} /chuǎng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] evil; wicked; bad; foul; ill |
抢 {def} SEE: 搶 | :: |
抢夺 {def} SEE: 搶奪 | :: |
抢锋头 {def} SEE: 搶鋒頭 | :: |
抢风 {def} SEE: 搶風 | :: |
抢风头 {def} SEE: 搶風頭 | :: |
抢购 {def} SEE: 搶購 | :: |
抢婚 {def} SEE: 搶婚 | :: |
抢劫 {def} SEE: 搶劫 | :: |
抢劫犯 {def} SEE: 搶劫犯 | :: |
抢镜 {def} SEE: 搶鏡 | :: |
抢镜头 {def} SEE: 搶鏡頭 | :: |
抢救 {def} SEE: 搶救 | :: |
抢救室 {def} SEE: 搶救室 | :: |
抢掳 {def} SEE: 搶擄 | :: |
抢掠 {def} SEE: 搶掠 | :: |
抢钱 {def} SEE: 搶錢 | :: |
抢食胲 {def} SEE: 搶食胲 | :: |
抢事 {def} SEE: 搶事 | :: |
抢收 {def} SEE: 搶收 | :: |
抢手 {def} SEE: 搶手 | :: |
抢手货 {def} SEE: 搶手貨 | :: |
抢滩 {def} SEE: 搶灘 | :: |
抢头前 {def} SEE: 搶頭前 | :: |
抢戏 {def} SEE: 搶戲 | :: |
抢先 {def} SEE: 搶先 | :: |
抢险 {def} SEE: 搶險 | :: |
抢修 {def} SEE: 搶修 | :: |
抢眼 {def} SEE: 搶眼 | :: |
抢占 {def} SEE: 搶占 | :: |
抢注 {def} SEE: 搶註 | :: |
抢走 {def} SEE: 搶走 | :: |
抢座 {def} SEE: 搶座 | :: |
繈 {def} SEE: 襁 | :: |
繈 {def} /qiǎng/ | :: coin |
繈 {def} /qiǎng/ | :: rope |
繈保 {def} SEE: 襁褓 | :: |
繈緥 {def} SEE: 襁褓 | :: |
繈葆 {def} SEE: 襁褓 | :: |
繈褓 {def} SEE: 襁褓 | :: |
襁保 {def} SEE: 襁褓 | :: |
襁緥 {def} SEE: 襁褓 | :: |
襁褓 {n} /qiǎngbǎo/ | :: swaddling clothes |
襁褓 {n} [figurative] /qiǎngbǎo/ | :: infancy; babyhood; early childhood; early stages |
䵁 {def} /qiàng/ | :: decayed dough |
䵁 {def} /qiàng/ | :: rotten noodles |
唴 {def} /qiàng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to weep uncontrollably |
炝 {def} SEE: 熗 | :: |
羻 {def} /qiàng/ | :: used in personal names |
劁 {def} /qiáo,qiào/ | :: [obsolete] to cut |
劁 {def} /qiāo/ | :: to geld; to castrate livestock |
悄 {def} /qiāo,qiǎo,1nb/ | :: quiet; silent |
悄 {def} [literary] /qiāo,qiǎo,1nb/ | :: sad; worried |
悄悄 {adj} /悄悄,er/ | :: quiet |
悄悄 {adv} /悄悄,er/ | :: in secret; stealthily; without allowing others to notice |
悄悄話 {n} /悄悄huà,er/ | :: whispers |
悄悄話 {n} /悄悄huà,er/ | :: sweet nothings |
悄悄话 {def} SEE: 悄悄話 | :: |
悄然 {adv} [literary] /qiǎorán/ | :: sorrowfully; sadly |
悄然 {adv} [literary] /qiǎorán/ | :: quietly; softly |
悄然 {adj} [literary] /qiǎorán/ | :: distressed; laden with grief; sad |
敲 {def} /qiāo/ | :: to hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock |
敲 {def} [colloquial] /qiāo/ | :: to rip off; to overcharge; to blackmail |
敲 {def} [colloquial] /qiāo/ | :: to criticize; to warn |
敲除 {v} [biochemistry] /qiāochú/ | :: to knock out (a gene) |
敲打 {v} /qiāodǎ/ | :: to beat; to knock |
敲打 {v} /qiāodǎ/ | :: to say something to criticise or irritate someone |
敲打 {v} /qiāodǎ/ | :: to pressure and supervise someone |
敲电 {def} SEE: 敲電 | :: |
敲电话 {def} SEE: 敲電話 | :: |
敲啯 {def} SEE: 敲嘓 | :: |
敲击 {def} SEE: 敲擊 | :: |
敲擊 {v} /qiāo击/ | :: to rap, to strike, to pound |
敲开 {def} SEE: 敲開 | :: |
敲開 {n} [literary] /qiāokāi/ | :: to knock on a door until someone opens it |
敲門 {v} /qiāomén/ | :: to knock on a door |
敲門磚 {n} /qiāoménzhuān/ | :: stepping stone to success |
敲门 {def} SEE: 敲門 | :: |
敲门砖 {def} SEE: 敲門磚 | :: |
敲沙罐 {v} [chiefly Southwestern Mandarin, humorous] /qiāo shāguàn/ | :: to shoot dead; to execute by firing squad |
敲碗 {v} [literally] /qiāowǎn/ | :: to knock the bowl (with chopsticks, etc.) |
敲碗 {v} [chiefly Taiwan, figurative, neologism, slang, especially of fans] /qiāowǎn/ | :: to anxiously wait for something to occur |
敲詐 {v} /qiāozhà/ | :: to extort; to blackmail |
敲詐勒索 {idiom} /qiāozhàlèsuǒ/ | :: to blackmail and impose exactions on; to extort and racketeer |
敲诈 {def} SEE: 敲詐 | :: |
敲诈勒索 {def} SEE: 敲詐勒索 | :: |
敲鐘 {v} /qiāozhōng/ | :: to sound a bell |
敲鐘 {v} /qiāozhōng/ | :: to chime (of a clock) |
敲钟 {def} SEE: 敲鐘 | :: |
敲竹杠 {def} SEE: 敲竹槓 | :: |
敲竹槓 {idiom} /qiāozhúgàng/ | :: to take advantage of somebody's weakness to overcharge him; to make somebody pay through the nose |
敲字边 {def} SEE: 敲字邊 | :: |
敲字邊 {n} /qiāozìbiān/ | :: the Chinese character component 攴 |
硗 {def} SEE: 磽 | :: |
繑 {def} /qiāo/ | :: [obsolete] the strap on trousers |
繑 {def} /qiāo/ | :: [obsolete] a sewing method in which the edges of the fabric are rolled inward, and then sewn together, and the stitches are not exposed outside |
繑丝边 {def} SEE: 繑絲邊 | :: |
繰 {def} /sāo/ | :: alternative form of 繅 |
缲 {def} SEE: 繰 | :: |
跷 {def} SEE: 蹺 | :: |
跷担 {def} SEE: 蹺擔 | :: |
跷家 {def} SEE: 蹺家 | :: |
跷痀 {def} SEE: 蹺痀 | :: |
跷跷板 {def} SEE: 蹺蹺板 | :: |
蹺 {def} /qiāo/ | :: to raise one's foot |
蹺家 {v} [slang] /qiāojiā/ | :: to run away from home |
蹺蹺板 {n} /qiāoqiāobǎn/ | :: seesaw; teeterboard |
郻 {def} /Qiāo/ | :: An ancient place name |
鍫 {def} SEE: 鍬 | :: |
鍬 {def} /qiāo/ | :: hoe (agricultural tool) |
鍬甲 {n} /qiāojiǎ/ | :: stag beetle |
鍬形蟲 {n} /qiāoxíngchóng/ | :: stag beetle |
锹 {def} SEE: 鍬 | :: |
锹甲 {def} SEE: 鍬甲 | :: |
锹形虫 {def} SEE: 鍬形蟲 | :: |
骹 {def} [anatomy] /qiāo/ | :: calf (of leg) |
骹 {def} [by extension] /qiāo/ | :: leg; foot; lower limb |
骹 {def} /xiāo/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 髇 |
骹 {def} SEE: 跤 | :: |
骹球 {def} SEE: 跤球 | :: |
骹腿 {def} SEE: 跤腿 | :: |
㝯 {def} /qiáo/ | :: to sojourn |
㝯 {def} /qiáo/ | :: sojourn |
㝯 {def} /qiáo/ | :: sojourner, visitor |
䱁 {def} /qiáo/ | :: a kind of medium-sized fish, grown in the sea, that is long and flat with a big mouth |
乔 {def} SEE: 喬 | :: |
乔巴山 {def} SEE: 喬巴山 | :: |
乔帮主 {def} SEE: 喬幫主 | :: |
乔布斯 {def} SEE: 喬布斯 | :: |
乔丹 {def} SEE: 喬丹 | :: |
乔戈里峰 {def} SEE: 喬戈里峰 | :: |
乔家坪 {def} SEE: 喬家坪 | :: |
乔靠 {def} SEE: 喬靠 | :: |
乔苦 {def} SEE: 喬苦 | :: |
乔勒潘 {def} SEE: 喬勒潘 | :: |
乔麦 {def} SEE: 喬麥 | :: |
乔木 {def} SEE: 喬木 | :: |
乔迁 {def} SEE: 喬遷 | :: |
乔迁宴 {def} SEE: 喬遷宴 | :: |
乔迁之喜 {def} SEE: 喬遷之喜 | :: |
乔叟 {def} SEE: 喬叟 | :: |
乔治 {def} SEE: 喬治 | :: |
乔治敦 {def} SEE: 喬治敦 | :: |
乔治市 {def} SEE: 喬治市 | :: |
乔治亚 {def} SEE: 喬治亞 | :: |
乔治亚语 {def} SEE: 喬治亞語 | :: |
乔妆 {def} SEE: 喬妝 | :: |
乔装 {def} SEE: 喬裝 | :: |
乔梓 {def} SEE: 喬梓 | :: |
侨 {def} SEE: 僑 | :: |
侨胞 {def} SEE: 僑胞 | :: |
侨陈如 {def} SEE: 僑陳如 | :: |
侨汇 {def} SEE: 僑匯 | :: |
侨居 {def} SEE: 僑居 | :: |
侨眷 {def} SEE: 僑眷 | :: |
侨民 {def} SEE: 僑民 | :: |
侨批 {def} SEE: 僑批 | :: |
侨商 {def} SEE: 僑商 | :: |
侨生 {def} SEE: 僑生 | :: |
侨务 {def} SEE: 僑務 | :: |
侨乡 {def} SEE: 僑鄉 | :: |
僑 {def} /qiáo/ | :: to reside abroad; to sojourn; to lodge |
僑 {def} /qiáo/ | :: people residing abroad |
僑胞 {n} /qiáobāo/ | :: countryman living abroad; overseas compatriots |
僑陳如 {prop} /Qiáochénrú/ | :: alternative form of 憍陳如 |
僑匯 {n} /qiáohuì/ | :: overseas remittance (often of overseas Chinese); immigrant remittance |
僑居 {v} /qiáojū/ | :: to live abroad; to reside abroad |
僑眷 {n} /qiáojuàn/ | :: overseas Chinese person's immediate family members in China |
僑民 {n} /qiáomín/ | :: expatriate; expat; alien resident |
僑批 {n} [historical] /qiáopī/ | :: correspondence with money attached (remittance), sent by overseas Chinese to their hometown |
僑商 {n} /qiáoshāng/ | :: overseas Chinese businessperson (especially one doing business in Greater China) |
僑生 {n} /qiáoshēng/ | :: overseas Chinese, children of overseas Chinese, or children of foreign nationals in China, who are studying in China |
僑務 {n} /qiáowù/ | :: affairs concerning nationals living abroad; overseas Chinese affairs |
僑鄉 {n} /qiáoxiāng/ | :: region well-known for Chinese expatriates |
嘺 {def} /qiáo/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to not know |
嘺 {def} /qiào/ | :: [historical dictionaries] having a crooked mouth |
憔 {def} /qiáo/ | :: Only used in compounds |
憔悴 {adj} [of person] /qiáocuì/ | :: wan and sallow; thin and pallid; haggard; emaciated |
憔悴 {adj} [of plants] /qiáocuì/ | :: withered; wilted |
憔悴 {adj} [literary, of person] /qiáocuì/ | :: weary; enervated |
憔悴 {v} [literary] /qiáocuì/ | :: to suffer; to experience hardship; to languish; to be worried |
憔瘁 {def} SEE: 憔悴 | :: |
憔顇 {def} SEE: 憔悴 | :: |
桥 {def} SEE: 橋 | :: |
桥本 {def} SEE: 橋本 | :: |
桥边 {def} SEE: 橋邊 | :: |
桥洞 {def} SEE: 橋洞 | :: |
桥兜 {def} SEE: 橋兜 | :: |
桥段 {def} SEE: 橋段 | :: |
桥墩 {def} SEE: 橋墩 | :: |
桥梁 {def} SEE: 橋樑 | :: |
桥牌 {def} SEE: 橋牌 | :: |
桥市 {def} SEE: 橋市 | :: |
桥隧 {def} SEE: 橋隧 | :: |
桥头 {def} SEE: 橋頭 | :: |
桥头堡 {def} SEE: 橋頭堡 | :: |
桥梓 {def} SEE: 橋梓 | :: |
槗 {def} SEE: 橋 | :: |
樵 {def} /qiáo/ | :: firewood |
樵採 {v} [archaic] /qiáocǎi/ | :: to gather firewood |
樵采 {def} SEE: 樵採 | :: |
樵夫 {n} /qiáofū/ | :: firewood cutter; woodcutter |
橋 {def} /qiáo/ | :: bridge (over a river) (Classifier: m:座c:條) |
橋 {def} /qiáo/ | :: bridge-like object: footbridge; beam; crosspiece |
橋 {def} [Cantonese] /qiáo/ | :: idea; plan (Classifier: c:條) |
橋 {def} [Cantonese] /qiáo/ | :: plot; storyline (Classifier: c:條) |
橋 {def} /qiáo/ | :: surname |
橋本 {prop} /Qiáoběn/ | :: A Japanese surname: Hashimoto |
橋本 {prop} /Qiáoběn/ | :: (~ 市) 橋本 (city) |
橋邊 {prop} /Qiáobiān/ | :: (~ 鎮) 橋邊 (town) |
橋洞 {n} [colloquial] /qiáodòng/ | :: bridge opening |
橋兜 {prop} /Qiáodōu/ | :: (~ 村) 橋兜 (village) |
橋段 {n} [film] /qiáoduàn/ | :: part of a film which features a particular artistic approach; (classic) plot, scene etc |
橋墩 {n} /qiáodūn/ | :: bridge pier |
橋梁 {def} SEE: 橋樑 | :: |
橋樑 {n} [literal] /qiáoliáng/ | :: bridge (structure connecting two places) (Classifier: 座) |
橋樑 {n} [figurative] /qiáoliáng/ | :: bridge (something or someone which facilitates communication or creates a connection between two things) (Classifier: 座) |
橋牌 {n} /qiáopái/ | :: bridge (card game) |
橋市 {prop} /Qiáoshì/ | :: (~ 鎮) 橋市 (town) |
橋隧 {n} /qiáosuì/ | :: bridge-tunnel |
橋隧 {n} /qiáosuì/ | :: bridges and tunnels |
橋頭 {n} /qiáotóu/ | :: bridgehead |
橋頭 {prop} /qiáotóu/ | :: (~ 區) 橋頭 (district) |
橋頭 {prop} /qiáotóu/ | :: (~ 鎮) 橋頭 (town) |
橋頭 {prop} /qiáotóu/ | :: (~ 村) 橋頭 (village) |
橋頭堡 {n} [military] /qiáotóubǎo/ | :: bridgehead (an area of ground on the enemy's side of a bridge) |
橋梓 {n} [literary, figuratively] /qiáozǐ/ | :: father and son |
癄 {def} SEE: 憔 | :: |
癄 {def} SEE: 𥡤 | :: |
癄瘁 {def} SEE: 憔悴 | :: |
瞧 {def} [colloquial] /qiáo/ | :: to look at, to take a glance at |
瞧不来 {def} SEE: 瞧不來 | :: |
瞧不起 {v} /qiáobuqǐ/ | :: to look down on someone |
瞧見 {v} [Mandarin, colloquial] /qiáojiàn/ | :: to see |
瞧见 {def} SEE: 瞧見 | :: |
硚 {def} SEE: 礄 | :: |
硚口 {def} SEE: 礄口 | :: |
礄 {def} /qiáo/ | :: Used in place names |
礄 {def} /qiáo/ | :: surname |
礄口 {prop} /Qiáokǒu/ | :: (~ 區) 礄口 (district), part of Hankou |
翘 {def} SEE: 翹 | :: |
翘班 {def} SEE: 翹班 | :: |
翘板 {def} SEE: 翹板 | :: |
翘辫子 {def} SEE: 翹辮子 | :: |
翘楚 {def} SEE: 翹楚 | :: |
翘喙 {def} SEE: 翹喙 | :: |
翘喙嘴 {def} SEE: 翹喙嘴 | :: |
翘脚 {def} SEE: 翹腳 | :: |
翘课 {def} SEE: 翹課 | :: |
翘翘板 {def} SEE: 翹翹板 | :: |
翘舌音 {def} SEE: 翹舌音 | :: |
翘首 {def} SEE: 翹首 | :: |
翘尾巴 {def} SEE: 翹尾巴 | :: |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: [obsolete] long tail feathers of a bird; rectrix |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: [obsolete] bird's tail |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: [obsolete] animal's tail |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: to lift; to raise |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: to expose; to reveal; to uncover; to arouse |
翹 {def} [colloquial, of wooden plank, paper, etc.] /qiáo/ | :: to become twisted; to be warped after getting wet and drying up |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: outstanding; extraordinary |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: high; dangerous |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: [obsolete] lush; luxuriant |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: [obsolete] [historical] a kind of hair jewelry worn by ancient women, shaped like a bird's tail |
翹 {def} /qiáo/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 篪 |
翹 {def} [colloquial] /qiào/ | :: to stick up (one end of an object, such as a tail); to curl up; to turn upwards |
翹 {def} [colloquial] /qiào/ | :: to leave in stealth; to play truant; to wag (from school) |
翹班 {v} /qiàobān,er/ | :: to deliberately not turn up to work |
翹板 {n} /qiàobǎn/ | :: seesaw; teeterboard |
翹辮子 {v} [figurative, colloquial, often, humorous] /qiào biànzi/ | :: to kick the bucket; to die |
翹楚 {n} [figurative] /qiáochǔ/ | :: person of outstanding talent |
翹腳 {v} /qiàojiǎo/ | :: to cross one's legs |
翹課 {v} [colloquial] /qiàokè/ | :: to cut class; to skip class; to play truant; to wag |
翹翹板 {n} /qiàoqiàobǎn/ | :: seesaw; teeterboard |
翹舌音 {n} [phonetics] /qiáoshéyīn/ | :: retroflex consonant |
翹首 {v} [formal] /qiáoshǒu/ | :: to raise one's head and look |
翹尾巴 {v} [figuratively] /qiào wěiba,qiào yǐba,2er/ | :: to be cocky; to be haughty and snooty |
蕎 {def} /qiáo/ | :: buckwheat |
蕎麥 {n} /qiáomài/ | :: buckwheat |
蕎麥麪 {def} SEE: 蕎麥麵 | :: |
蕎麥麪條 {def} SEE: 蕎麥麵條 | :: |
蕎麥麵 {n} /qiáomàimiàn/ | :: soba |
蕎麥麵條 {n} /qiáomài miàntiáo/ | :: soba |
藮 {def} SEE: 樵 | :: |
譙郡 {prop} [archaic] /Qiáo Jùn/ | :: Qiao Commandery (in present day Bozhou), Cao Cao is from there |
譙讓 {v} /qiàoràng/ | :: to condemn |
譙縣 {prop} /Qiáo Xiàn/ | :: Qiao County (present day Bozhou, Anhui) |
谯 {def} SEE: 譙 | :: |
谯郡 {def} SEE: 譙郡 | :: |
谯让 {def} SEE: 譙讓 | :: |
谯县 {def} SEE: 譙縣 | :: |
顦 {def} SEE: 憔 | :: |
顦悴 {def} SEE: 憔悴 | :: |
顦顇 {def} SEE: 憔悴 | :: |
㚽 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: used in female given names |
䲾 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: tailorbird |
䲾 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: wren |
巧 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: skill; technique |
巧 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: ingenious; skillful |
巧 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: hypocritical; fake; cunning |
巧 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: exquisite; elaborate |
巧 {def} [Xiamen, Zhangzhou Min Nan] /qiǎo/ | :: pretty; beautiful |
巧 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: opportune; coincidental |
巧 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: fortunately; by chance |
巧 {def} [Hefei Mandarin] /qiǎo/ | :: cheap |
巧 {def} /qiǎo/ | :: surname |
巧茶 {n} /qiǎochá/ | :: khat (Catha edulis) |
巧夺天工 {def} SEE: 巧奪天工 | :: |
巧奪天工 {idiom} [of worksmanship, craftsmanship] /qiǎoduótiāngōng/ | :: excelling nature; wonderful; superb; skilful |
巧妇难为无米之炊 {def} SEE: 巧婦難為無米之炊 | :: |
巧婦難為無米之炊 {proverb} /qiǎofù nánwéi wúmǐzhīchuī/ | :: you can’t make bricks without straw |
巧干 {def} SEE: 巧幹 | :: |
巧幹 {v} /qiǎogàn/ | :: to work ingeniously; to do something in a clever way |
巧固球 {n} [sport] /qiǎogùqiú/ | :: tchoukball |
巧合 {v} /qiǎohé/ | :: to be coincidental; to coincide |
巧計 {n} /qiǎojì/ | :: clever device; artful scheme; artifice |
巧计 {def} SEE: 巧計 | :: |
巧匠 {n} /qiǎojiàng/ | :: skilful craftsman |
巧譎 {adj} /qiǎojué/ | :: crafty; cunning |
巧谲 {def} SEE: 巧譎 | :: |
巧克力 {n} /qiǎokèlì,tl2/ | :: chocolate |
巧克力棒 {n} /qiǎokèlì bàng/ | :: chocolate bar |
巧克力蛋糕 {n} /qiǎokèlì dàngāo/ | :: chocolate cake |
巧克力豆 {n} /qiǎokèlìdòu/ | :: chocolate chip |
巧克力块 {def} SEE: 巧克力塊 | :: |
巧克力塊 {n} /qiǎokèlì kuài/ | :: bar of chocolate |
巧克力奶 {n} /qiǎokèlìnǎi/ | :: chocolate milk |
巧克力囊肿 {def} SEE: 巧克力囊腫 | :: |
巧克力囊腫 {n} [medicine] /qiǎokèlì nángzhǒng/ | :: chocolate cyst; endometrioma |
巧克力派 {n} /qiǎokèlì pài/ | :: choco pie |
巧立名目 {idiom} /qiǎolìmíngmù/ | :: to concoct various pretexts; to invent all sorts of names |
巧妙 {adj} [of a design, answer, method, etc.] /qiǎomiào/ | :: ingenious; clever |
巧囊 {n} [medicine] /qiǎonáng/ | :: abbreviation of 巧克力囊腫 |
巧事 {n} /qiǎoshì,er/ | :: coincidence |
巧手 {n} /qiǎoshǒu/ | :: dextrous hands; skillful hands |
巧手 {n} [metonymy] /qiǎoshǒu/ | :: dab hand; skilled person |
巧言 {n} /qiǎoyán/ | :: clever but deceptive talk |
巧遇 {v} /qiǎoyù/ | :: to run into; to encounter by chance |
巧拙 {n} [literary] /qiǎozhuó/ | :: dexterity and clumsiness |
巧拙 {n} [literary] /qiǎozhuó/ | :: deception and honesty |
鵲 {def} /què/ | :: magpie |
鵲巢鳩佔 {idiom} [figurative] /quècháojiūzhàn/ | :: to take other people's efforts and reap the profits; to reap what one has not sown |
鵲巢鳩占 {def} SEE: 鵲巢鳩佔 | :: |
鵲鵝 {n} /què'é/ | :: magpie-goose |
鵲漢 {n} [literary] /quèhàn/ | :: Milky Way |
鵲河 {n} [literary] /quèhé/ | :: Milky Way |
鵲畫 {n} [archaic] /quèhuà/ | :: an archery bow which was decorated with magpie figures |
鵲畫弓 {n} [archaic] /quèhuàgōng/ | :: an archery bow which was decorated with magpie figures |
鵲鷚 {n} /quèliù/ | :: magpie-lark |
鵲橋 {n} [Chinese mythology] /quèqiáo/ | :: magpie bridge across the Milky Way between Altair and Vega where the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet once a year |
鵲橋 {n} [figurative] /quèqiáo/ | :: a place where lovers meet or reunite; something that brings (potential) lovers together |
鵲鴝 {n} /quèqú/ | :: Copsychus saularis |
鵲渚 {n} /quèzhǔ/ | :: Milky Way |
鵲渚 {prop} /quèzhǔ/ | :: synonym of 鵲洲 |
㪣 {def} SEE: 敲 | :: |
㪣 {def} /xiāo/ | :: name of place during Han dynasty |
俏 {def} /qiào/ | :: pretty; handsome; smart |
俏 {def} /qiào/ | :: charming; lovely |
俏 {def} /qiào/ | :: fast-selling; in great demand |
俏 {def} [dialectal] /qiào/ | :: to season (foods) |
俏麗 {adj} [usually of a female] /qiàolì/ | :: good-looking; pretty |
俏丽 {def} SEE: 俏麗 | :: |
俏皮 {adj} /qiàopi,qiàopí,1nb/ | :: pretty; good-looking |
俏皮 {adj} /qiàopi,qiàopí,1nb/ | :: witty; cleverly jocular |
俏皮 {v} [Taiwan] /qiàopi,qiàopí,1nb/ | :: to ridicule with sarcasm; to satirise |
俏皮話 {n} /qiàopihuà/ | :: wisecrack; witticism; witty remark |
俏皮話 {n} /qiàopihuà/ | :: sarcastic remark; sarcasm |
俏皮話 {n} [specifically] /qiàopihuà/ | :: alternative name for 歇後語 |
俏皮话 {def} SEE: 俏皮話 | :: |
僺 {def} /qiào/ | :: only used in 僥僺 |
峭 {def} /qiào/ | :: steep; precipitous; rugged |
峭 {def} [literary] /qiào/ | :: stern; severe |
峭 {def} /qiào/ | :: cold |
峭 {def} /qiào/ | :: to make more strict |
峭壁 {n} /qiàobì/ | :: precipice; cliff |
峭蒨 {adj} [literary] /qiàoqiàn/ | :: standing tall and erect |
𬣦撬 {def} SEE: 詏撬 | :: |
撬 {def} /撬/ | :: to pry open |
撬 {def} /撬/ | :: [alternative form 翹] to lift; to raise |
撬辫子 {def} SEE: 撬辮子 | :: |
撬辫子了 {def} SEE: 撬辮子了 | :: |
撬辮子 {def} SEE: 翹辮子 | :: |
撬动 {def} SEE: 撬動 | :: |
撬動 {v} /qiàodòng/ | :: to leverage |
撬杆儿了 {def} SEE: 撬桿兒了 | :: |
撬杆了 {def} SEE: 撬桿了 | :: |
撬杠 {def} SEE: 撬槓 | :: |
撬槓 {n} /qiàogàng/ | :: crowbar |
撬棍 {n} /qiàogùn/ | :: crowbar |
撬开 {def} SEE: 撬開 | :: |
撬開 {v} /qiàokāi/ | :: to pry open |
撬門 {v} /qiàomén/ | :: to pry a door open |
撬門 {v} /qiàomén/ | :: to force entry; to break in |
撬门 {def} SEE: 撬門 | :: |
撬墙脚 {def} SEE: 撬牆腳 | :: |
撬鎖 {v} /qiàosuǒ/ | :: to pick a lock |
撬锁 {def} SEE: 撬鎖 | :: |
窍 {def} SEE: 竅 | :: |
窍门 {def} SEE: 竅門 | :: |
窍门儿 {def} SEE: 竅門兒 | :: |
竅 {def} /qiào/ | :: hole, aperture |
竅門 {n} /qiàomén,er/ | :: trick (to doing something); tip; knack; ingenious method; key; skill |
竅門兒 {n} [dialectal] /qiàoménr/ | :: erhua form of trick (to doing something); tip; knack |
诮 {def} SEE: 誚 | :: |
陗 {def} SEE: 峭 | :: |
鞘 {def} /qiào/ | :: scabbard, sheath |
鞘 {def} /qiào/ | :: tube used to carry valuables |
鞘 {def} /shāo/ | :: thong |
鞘氨醇 {n} [biochemistry] /qiào'ānchún/ | :: sphingosine |
鞘磷脂 {n} [lipid] /qiàolín脂/ | :: sphingomyelin |
韒 {def} SEE: 鞘 | :: |
切 {def} /qiē/ | :: to cut; to slice; to carve; to mince with a knife |
切 {def} /qiē/ | :: to cut off; to disconnect |
切 {def} [mathematics] /qiē/ | :: tangent |
切 {def} /qiē/ | :: to switch |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: to be close to |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: to bite tightly; to clench |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: to correspond to; to match |
切 {def} [TCM] /qiè/ | :: to feel the pulse |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: eager; ardent |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: urgent; pressing |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: must; by all means |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: main point |
切 {def} [phonetics] /qiè/ | :: abbreviation of 反切 |
切 {def} [chiefly women's speech, colloquial] /qiè/ | :: An interjection conveying a slight sense of disdain or dissatisfaction |
切 {def} /qiè/ | :: only used in 一切 |
切成 {v} /qièchéng/ | :: to cut up (into pieces), to slice, to carve, to dice, to shred |
切齒 {v} [literary] /qièchǐ/ | :: to gnash one's teeth (in frustration) |
切齿 {def} SEE: 切齒 | :: |
切除 {v} [medicine] /qiēchú/ | :: to excise; to cut out; to remove (organ or other tissue) |
切磋 {v} [literally] /qiēcuō/ | :: to cut and polish (stones, bones, horns) |
切磋 {v} [figuratively] /qiēcuō/ | :: to compare notes; to learn (skills) from each other |
切磋琢磨 {idiom} [original meaning] /qiēcuōzhuómó/ | :: to carve and polish (bones, horns, ivory and jade) |
切磋琢磨 {idiom} [figurative] /qiēcuōzhuómó/ | :: to learn by exchanging ideas and experiences; friendly competition; improvement by learning from others |
切瑳 {def} SEE: 切磋 | :: |
切达干酪 {def} SEE: 切達乾酪 | :: |
切達乾酪 {n} /qièdá gānlào/ | :: Cheddar cheese |
切蛋蛋 {v} [slang] /qiēdàndàn,tl/ | :: to castrate |
切点 {def} SEE: 切點 | :: |
切點 {n} [geometry] /qiēdiǎn/ | :: point of contact |
切断 {def} SEE: 切斷 | :: |
切斷 {v} /qiēduàn/ | :: to cut off; to sever |
切尔西 {def} SEE: 切爾西 | :: |
切爾西 {prop} /Qiè'ěrxī/ | :: Chelsea (district in London; football club; given name) |
切肤 {def} SEE: 切膚 | :: |
切膚 {adj} [literary] /qièfū/ | :: directly concerning oneself; personal |
切腹 {n} /qiēfù/ | :: to commit ritualized self-disembowelment; to commit ritualized suicide; to commit harakiri; to commit seppuku |
切糕 {n} /qiēgāo/ | :: glutinous rice cake |
切糕 {n} /qiēgāo/ | :: zh:玛仁糖 (Xinjiang nut cake) |
切糕 {n} [neologism, slang, offensive] /qiēgāo/ | :: Uyghur people |
切割 {v} /qiēgē/ | :: to cut (using a knife, lathe) |
切割 {v} /qiēgē/ | :: to cut off; to isolate or remove from contact |
切骨 {adj} [literary, of hatred] /qiègǔ/ | :: deep; bitter |
切合 {v} /qièhé/ | :: to suit; to fit in with |
切换 {def} SEE: 切換 | :: |
切換 {v} /qiēhuàn/ | :: to cut (from one to another); to switch |
切雞 {n} [Hong Kong] /qièjī/ | :: synonym of 白切雞 |
切鸡 {def} SEE: 切雞 | :: |
切忌 {v} /qièjì/ | :: to be sure not to do something; to avoid by all means |
切記 {v} /qièjì/ | :: to be sure to keep in mind; to must always remember |
切记 {def} SEE: 切記 | :: |
切近 {adj} /qièjìn/ | :: close (to); appropriate |
切近 {adj} /qièjìn/ | :: near; close |
切距 {n} [mathematics] /qiējù/ | :: length of tangent |
切开 {def} SEE: 切開 | :: |
切開 {v} /qiēkāi/ | :: to cut open |
切開 {v} [surgery] /qiēkāi/ | :: to make an incision; to incise |
切克闹 {def} SEE: 切克鬧 | :: |
切克鬧 {phrase} [neologism, slang, humorous] /qièkènào,qiēkènào/ | :: check it out |
切口 {n} /qiēkǒu,er/ | :: incision; cut; nick; notch |
切口 {n} /qiēkǒu,er/ | :: trimmed edge (of a page in a book) |
切口 {n} [printing] /qiēkǒu,er/ | :: margin (of a page) |
切口 {n} [surgery] /qiēkǒu,er/ | :: incision |
切口 {n} /qièkǒu/ | :: argot; jargon; slang; private language used as secret code |
切羅基 {prop} /Qiēluójī,Qièluójī/ | :: Cherokee |
切罗基 {def} SEE: 切羅基 | :: |
切脈 {v} [TCM] /qièmài/ | :: to take someone's pulse |
切脉 {def} SEE: 切脈 | :: |
切面 {n} /qiēmiàn/ | :: section; cross section |
切面 {def} SEE: 切麵 | :: |
切面 {n} [differential geometry] /qiēmiàn/ | :: tangent plane |
切莫 {adv} [literary] /qièmò/ | :: do not under any circumstances ...; don't |
切片 {v} /qiēpiàn/ | :: to cut into slices |
切片 {n} /qiēpiàn/ | :: slice |
切片 {n} [medicine] /qiēpiàn/ | :: section (of organic tissues) |
切气 {def} SEE: 切氣 | :: |
切切 {adj} [literary] /qièqiè/ | :: urgent; pressing |
切切 {adj} [literary] /qièqiè/ | :: earnest; sincere |
切切 {adj} [literary] /qièqiè/ | :: sad |
切切 {adv} [literary] /qièqiè/ | :: be sure to; must |
切切 {adv} [literary] /qièqiè/ | :: in a small voice; with a soft sound |
切切私語 {idiom} /qièqièsīyǔ/ | :: synonym of 竊竊私語 |
切切私语 {def} SEE: 切切私語 | :: |
切取 {v} /qiēqǔ/ | :: to obtain by cutting it off; to procure (an organ) |
切入 {v} [literally, figuratively] /qiērù/ | :: to cut into; to incise; to break into |
切入 {v} /qiērù/ | :: to penetrate deeply into a topic; to take as a starting point for discussion |
切葉蟻 {n} /qiēyèyǐ/ | :: leaf-cutter ant |
切身 {adj} [attributive] /qièshēn/ | :: of immediate concern to oneself or somebody |
切身 {adv} /qièshēn/ | :: personally; first-hand |
切实 {def} SEE: 切實 | :: |
切實 {adj} /qièshí/ | :: workable; practical; feasible |
切實 {adv} /qièshí/ | :: conscientiously; thoroughly |
切丝 {def} SEE: 切絲 | :: |
切斯特 {prop} /Qièsītè/ | :: Chester |
切絲 {v} /qiēsī/ | :: to cut into shreds or strips; to julienne |
切碎 {v} /qiēsuì/ | :: to chop into pieces |
切題 {v} /qiètǐ/ | :: to keep to the point; to be relevant to the subject; to stay on topic |
切题 {def} SEE: 切題 | :: |
切图马尔 {def} SEE: 切圖馬爾 | :: |
切圖馬爾 {prop} /Qiètúmǎ'ěr/ | :: 切圖馬爾 (city) |
切望 {v} /qièwàng/ | :: to desire earnestly |
切勿 {adv} [literary] /qièwù/ | :: do not under any circumstances ...; don't |
切下 {v} /qiēxià/ | :: to cut off (to cause to come off, from cutting) |
切線 {n} [differential geometry] /qiēxiàn/ | :: tangent (straight line touching a curve at a single point) |
切线 {def} SEE: 切線 | :: |
切削 {n} [mechanics] /qiēxiāo/ | :: cutting |
切心 {def} SEE: 慼心 | :: |
切胸 {v} /qiēxiōng/ | :: to undergo a mastectomy; to remove breasts |
切要 {adj} /qièyào/ | :: vital; indispensable |
切要 {adj} /qièyào/ | :: precise and to the point |
切叶蚁 {def} SEE: 切葉蟻 | :: |
切緣 {n} [surgery] /qiēyuán/ | :: incisional edge; resection margin |
切缘 {def} SEE: 切緣 | :: |
切韵 {def} SEE: 切韻 | :: |
切韻 {prop} /Qièyùn/ | :: Qieyun (Chinese rhyme dictionary) |
切仔面 {def} SEE: 切仔麵 | :: |
切仔麵 {n} /qiēzǎimiàn,qiēzǐmiàn/ | :: chhek-a-mi; qiezai noodles (a type of noodles popular in Taiwan) |
切中 {v} /qièzhòng/ | :: to hit the mark; to strike home |
切中肯綮 {v} /qièzhòngkěnqìng/ | :: to be pertinent; to be to the point |
䦧 {def} SEE: 鬩 | :: |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: this |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: almost; nearly |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: be going to; will; shall |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: just; for the time being |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: even (placed after a hypothetical extreme scenario for emphasis) |
且 {def} [dialectal Mandarin] /qiě/ | :: for a long time |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: and; also (for juxtaposition) |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: both ... and .. |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: or (to list alternatives) |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: moreover (to indicate progression) |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: if; assuming (to indicate hypotheticality) |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: sentence-initial or sentence-medial modal particle |
且 {def} /qiě/ | :: surname |
且 {def} /jū/ | :: alternative form of 俎 |
且 {def} /jū/ | :: many; numerous; flourishing |
且 {def} /jū/ | :: sixth month in the lunar calendar |
且 {def} /jū/ | :: sentence-final modal particle |
且 {def} /jū/ | :: alternative form of 駔 |
且 {def} /cú/ | :: alternative form of 徂 |
且 {def} /jū/ | :: only used in 次且 |
且不說 {conj} /qiě不shuō/ | :: let alone; not to mention; much less |
且不说 {def} SEE: 且不說 | :: |
且当 {def} SEE: 且當 | :: |
且當 {v} [archaic] /qiědāng/ | :: should |
且夫 {conj} [literary] /qiěfú/ | :: besides; furthermore; moreover |
且歌且舞 {idiom} /qiěgēqiěwǔ/ | :: to dance and sing at the same time |
且行且珍惜 {phrase} /qiě xíng qiě zhēn惜/ | :: Cherish something when it has been, or while it is being pursued |
且慢 {interj} /qiěmàn/ | :: wait; be slow; just a second |
且慢 {v} /qiěmàn/ | :: to wait a moment; not so soon; not so fast |
且末 {prop} /Qiěmò,Jūmò/ | :: Name of an ancient state |
且末 {prop} /Qiěmò,Jūmò/ | :: (~ 縣) 且末 (county) |
且末 {prop} /Qiěmò,Jūmò/ | :: (~ 鎮) 且末 (town) |
且权 {def} SEE: 且權 | :: |
且權 {adv} [archaic] /qiěquán/ | :: for the time being; temporarily |
且說 {v} [archaic] /qiěshuō/ | :: Let us now speak for a moment about; Let us now turn to |
且说 {def} SEE: 且說 | :: |
且听下回分解 {def} SEE: 且聽下回分解 | :: |
且聽下回分解 {phrase} [said at the end of a radio-play broadcast] /qiě tīng xiàhuí fēnjiě/ | :: Tune in next time to hear the next installment of our story; stay tuned |
㓶 {def} SEE: 鍥 | :: |
㛍 {def} /qiè/ | :: to have one's ambition fulfilled, to be successful in one's career |
㛍 {def} /qiè/ | :: (same as 愜) pleasing, satisfying |
㛍 {def} /qiè/ | :: to gratify or be gratified |
㛍 {def} /qiè/ | :: undignified |
㛍 {def} /qiè/ | :: improper |
㛙 {def} /xīn,qiè,qín,shěn,shèn/ | :: (same as 妾) concubine |
㛙 {def} /xīn,qiè,qín,shěn,shèn/ | :: (in ancient China) a polite term used by a woman to refer to herself when speaking to her husband |
㛙 {def} /xīn,qiè,qín,shěn,shèn/ | :: used in girl names |
㥦 {def} SEE: 愜 | :: |
㾀 {def} /qiè/ | :: [obsolete] to be ill and frail; to be weakened by disease |
㾀 {def} [Hokkien] /qiè/ | :: to damage; to get worse; to turn bad |
㾀 {def} [Xiamen, Zhangzhou, &, Taiwan Hokkien] /qiè/ | :: ugly |
㾀 {def} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien, euphemistic] /qiè/ | :: to pass away; to die |
㾀 {def} [Hainanese] /qiè/ | :: bad |
㾀菜篮 {def} SEE: 㾀菜籃 | :: |
㾀势 {def} SEE: 㾀勢 | :: |
䟙妈 {def} SEE: 䟙媽 | :: |
䬊 {def} /shà/ | :: a gale, a gust of swift wind |
妾 {def} /qiè/ | :: slave woman |
妾 {def} /qiè/ | :: concubine |
妾 {def} [archaic, humble] /qiè/ | :: I; me (used by women to show modesty) |
妾 {def} /qiè/ | :: surname |
妾身 {pron} [archaic] /qièshēn/ | :: I; me |
怯 {def} /怯/ | :: timid; cowardly |
怯 {def} /怯/ | :: nervous |
怯場 {v} /怯chǎng,,qiècháng,quècháng,3nb/ | :: to have stage fright |
怯场 {def} SEE: 怯場 | :: |
怯懦 {adj} /怯nuò/ | :: timid; cowardly; overcautious |
怯弱 {adj} /怯ruò/ | :: timid and weak-willed |
怯生 {v} /qièshēng/ | :: to be shy with strangers |
怯子 {n} [pejorative, slang] /qièzi/ | :: country bumpkin; hick; villager; bogan; redneck; yokel; rube |
悏 {def} /qiè/ | :: [obsolete] to pant from fear |
惬 {def} SEE: 愜 | :: |
惬意 {def} SEE: 愜意 | :: |
愜意 {adj} [formal] /qièyì/ | :: pleased; contented; satisfied; pleasant; agreeable; carefree; comfortable |
挈 {def} /qiè/ | :: to raise; to lift |
挈 {def} /qiè/ | :: to take along; to carry; to lead (one's family) |
挈 {def} SEE: 契 | :: |
挈 {def} SEE: 𦸉 | :: |
挈 {def} SEE: 觢 | :: |
挈 {def} SEE: 𤲍 | :: |
挈 {def} /jiá/ | :: [obsolete] unique |
朅 {def} /qiè/ | :: to leave, to abandon |
朅伽 {n} [rare] /qièqié/ | :: rhinoceros |
朅伽 {n} [rare] /qièqié/ | :: sword |
淁 {def} SEE: 潗 | :: |
淁 {def} /qiè/ | :: The name of a river |
窃 {def} SEE: 竊 | :: |
窃盗 {def} SEE: 竊盜 | :: |
窃据 {def} SEE: 竊據 | :: |
窃窃 {def} SEE: 竊竊 | :: |
窃窃私语 {def} SEE: 竊竊私語 | :: |
窃取 {def} SEE: 竊取 | :: |
窃视 {def} SEE: 竊視 | :: |
窃听 {def} SEE: 竊聽 | :: |
窃听器 {def} SEE: 竊聽器 | :: |
窃喜 {def} SEE: 竊喜 | :: |
窃衣 {def} SEE: 竊衣 | :: |
窃贼 {def} SEE: 竊賊 | :: |
竊 {def} /qiè/ | :: to steal |
竊 {def} /qiè/ | :: thief |
竊 {def} /qiè/ | :: to acquire illegitimately; to usurp |
竊 {def} /qiè/ | :: secretly; stealthily |
竊 {def} [literary, humble] /qiè/ | :: personally |
竊盜 {v} /qièdào/ | :: to burgle |
竊盜 {n} /qièdào/ | :: burglar |
竊據 {v} /qièjù/ | :: to usurp; to unjustly occupy |
竊竊 {adj} [literary, ideophonic, archaic] /qièqiè/ | :: with careful discrimination; observing clearly |
竊竊 {adj} [ideophonic] /qièqiè/ | :: talking in a low voice; whispering; in whispers |
竊竊 {adv} /qièqiè/ | :: secretly; privately; covertly; behind one's back |
竊竊私語 {idiom} /qièqièsīyǔ/ | :: to talk in whispers |
竊取 {v} /qièqǔ/ | :: to steal; to snatch; to seize; to filch |
竊視 {v} [literary] /qièshì/ | :: to steal a look at; to spy a glance |
竊聽 {v} /qiètīng/ | :: to eavesdrop |
竊聽 {v} /qiètīng/ | :: to wiretap |
竊聽器 {n} /qiètīngqì/ | :: bug, hidden microphone (an electronic listening device) |
竊喜 {v} /qièxǐ/ | :: to chuckle to oneself |
竊衣 {n} /qièyī/ | :: Torilis scabra |
竊賊 {n} /qièzéi/ | :: thief |
箧 {def} SEE: 篋 | :: |
箧仔 {def} SEE: 篋仔 | :: |
藒 {def} /qì/ | :: only used in 藒車 |
蛪 {def} /qiè,ní/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 霓 |
蛪 {def} /qiè,ní/ | :: only used in 蛪蚼 |
鍥而不捨 {idiom} /qiè'ér不shě/ | :: to persevere; to continue doing something in a determined way and not give up |
鍥而不舍 {def} SEE: 鍥而不捨 | :: |
锲 {def} SEE: 鍥 | :: |
锲而不舍 {def} SEE: 鍥而不捨 | :: |
锲镰 {def} SEE: 鍥鐮 | :: |
锲仔 {def} SEE: 鍥仔 | :: |
鯜 {def} /qiè/ | :: [obsolete] rosy bitterling |
亲 {def} SEE: 親 | :: |
亲 {def} SEE: 辛 | :: |
亲爱 {def} SEE: 親愛 | :: |
亲爱的 {def} SEE: 親愛的 | :: |
亲笔 {def} SEE: 親筆 | :: |
亲笔信 {def} SEE: 親筆信 | :: |
亲兵 {def} SEE: 親兵 | :: |
亲测 {def} SEE: 親測 | :: |
亲电 {def} SEE: 親電 | :: |
亲电体 {def} SEE: 親電體 | :: |
亲电子 {def} SEE: 親電子 | :: |
亲爹 {def} SEE: 親爹 | :: |
亲睹 {def} SEE: 親睹 | :: |
亲俄 {def} SEE: 親俄 | :: |
亲父 {def} SEE: 親父 | :: |
亲赴 {def} SEE: 親赴 | :: |
亲共 {def} SEE: 親共 | :: |
亲故 {def} SEE: 親故 | :: |
亲和力 {def} SEE: 親和力 | :: |
亲核 {def} SEE: 親核 | :: |
亲核体 {def} SEE: 親核體 | :: |
亲核性 {def} SEE: 親核性 | :: |
亲厚 {def} SEE: 親厚 | :: |
亲喙 {def} SEE: 親喙 | :: |
亲家 {def} SEE: 親家 | :: |
亲家爹爹 {def} SEE: 親家爹爹 | :: |
亲家公 {def} SEE: 親家公 | :: |
亲家老爷 {def} SEE: 親家老爺 | :: |
亲家姆 {def} SEE: 親家姆 | :: |
亲家母 {def} SEE: 親家母 | :: |
亲家奶奶 {def} SEE: 親家奶奶 | :: |
亲家娘 {def} SEE: 親家娘 | :: |
亲家翁 {def} SEE: 親家翁 | :: |
亲家爷 {def} SEE: 親家爺 | :: |
亲交 {def} SEE: 親交 | :: |
亲近 {def} SEE: 親近 | :: |
亲旧 {def} SEE: 親舊 | :: |
亲眷 {def} SEE: 親眷 | :: |
亲口 {def} SEE: 親口 | :: |
亲历 {def} SEE: 親歷 | :: |
亲临 {def} SEE: 親臨 | :: |
亲冒矢石 {def} SEE: 親冒矢石 | :: |
亲美 {def} SEE: 親美 | :: |
亲密 {def} SEE: 親密 | :: |
亲民 {def} SEE: 親民 | :: |
亲姆 {def} SEE: 親姆 | :: |
亲母 {def} SEE: 親母 | :: |
亲睦 {def} SEE: 親睦 | :: |
亲耐的 {def} SEE: 親耐的 | :: |
亲昵 {def} SEE: 親暱 | :: |
亲娘 {def} SEE: 親娘 | :: |
亲朋好友 {def} SEE: 親朋好友 | :: |
亲朋戚友 {def} SEE: 親朋戚友 | :: |
亲戚 {def} SEE: 親戚 | :: |
亲切 {def} SEE: 親切 | :: |
亲亲 {def} SEE: 親親 | :: |
亲情 {def} SEE: 親情 | :: |
亲热 {def} SEE: 親熱 | :: |
亲人 {def} SEE: 親人 | :: |
亲日 {def} SEE: 親日 | :: |
亲日派 {def} SEE: 親日派 | :: |
亲善 {def} SEE: 親善 | :: |
亲身 {def} SEE: 親身 | :: |
亲身经历 {def} SEE: 親身經歷 | :: |
亲生 {def} SEE: 親生 | :: |
亲事 {def} SEE: 親事 | :: |
亲手 {def} SEE: 親手 | :: |
亲疏 {def} SEE: 親疏 | :: |
亲属 {def} SEE: 親屬 | :: |
亲属关系 {def} SEE: 親屬關係 | :: |
亲水性 {def} SEE: 親水性 | :: |
亲随 {def} SEE: 親隨 | :: |
亲痛仇快 {def} SEE: 親痛仇快 | :: |
亲王 {def} SEE: 親王 | :: |
亲王国 {def} SEE: 親王國 | :: |
亲往 {def} SEE: 親往 | :: |
亲卫队 {def} SEE: 親衛隊 | :: |
亲吻 {def} SEE: 親吻 | :: |
亲像 {def} SEE: 親像 | :: |
亲信 {def} SEE: 親信 | :: |
亲兄弟 {def} SEE: 親兄弟 | :: |
亲眼 {def} SEE: 親眼 | :: |
亲姻 {def} SEE: 親姻 | :: |
亲婣 {def} SEE: 親婣 | :: |
亲友 {def} SEE: 親友 | :: |
亲缘 {def} SEE: 親緣 | :: |
亲展 {def} SEE: 親展 | :: |
亲者痛,仇者快 {def} SEE: 親者痛,仇者快 | :: |
亲征 {def} SEE: 親征 | :: |
亲知 {def} SEE: 親知 | :: |
亲脂性 {def} SEE: 親脂性 | :: |
亲子 {def} SEE: 親子 | :: |
亲子丼 {def} SEE: 親子丼 | :: |
亲子鉴定 {def} SEE: 親子鑑定 | :: |
亲自 {def} SEE: 親自 | :: |
亲族 {def} SEE: 親族 | :: |
亲嘴 {def} SEE: 親嘴 | :: |
侵 {def} /qīn/ | :: to gradually go in |
侵 {def} /qīn/ | :: to invade; to encroach |
侵 {def} /qīn/ | :: approaching |
侵 {def} /qīn/ | :: surname |
侵晨 {n} [literary] /qīnchén/ | :: near dawn; early dawn; just before daybreak |
侵犯 {v} /qīnfàn/ | :: to encroach; to infringe upon; to violate |
侵犯 {v} /qīnfàn/ | :: to intrude into; to invade |
侵攻 {v} /qīngōng/ | :: to invade |
侵害 {v} /qīnhài/ | :: to infringe on; to violate |
侵华 {def} SEE: 侵華 | :: |
侵華 {v} /qīnhuá/ | :: to invade China |
侵凌 {v} /qīnlíng/ | :: to invade and bully |
侵陵 {v} /qīnlíng/ | :: alternative form of 侵凌 |
侵掠 {v} /qīnlüè/ | :: to invade |
侵略 {v} /qīnlüè/ | :: to invade (enter a region by force); to commit aggression |
侵略军 {def} SEE: 侵略軍 | :: |
侵略軍 {n} /qīnlüèjūn/ | :: invading army; aggressor troops |
侵略性 {n} /qīnlüèxìng/ | :: invasiveness; aggressiveness |
侵略者 {n} /qīnlüèzhě/ | :: invader; aggressor |
侵权 {def} SEE: 侵權 | :: |
侵權 {v} /qīnquán/ | :: to infringe on someone's rights, especially copyright |
侵扰 {def} SEE: 侵擾 | :: |
侵擾 {v} /qīnrǎo/ | :: to invade and harass |
侵辱 {v} [literary] /qīn辱/ | :: to humiliate; to insult; to bully |
侵入 {v} /qīnrù/ | :: to invade; to trespass; to intrude |
侵删 {def} SEE: 侵刪 | :: |
侵刪 {phrase} [Internet slang, neologism] /qīnshān/ | :: If this constitutes copyright infringement, please notify me and I will remove it |
侵蚀 {def} SEE: 侵蝕 | :: |
侵蝕 {v} /qīnshí/ | :: to corrode; to erode; to degrade |
侵蝕 {v} /qīnshí/ | :: to siphon off (money and goods) |
侵吞 {v} /qīntūn/ | :: to embezzle; to misappropriate |
侵吞 {v} /qīntūn/ | :: to swallow up; to annex |
侵袭 {def} SEE: 侵襲 | :: |
侵襲 {v} /qīnxí/ | :: to invade and attack |
侵尋 {v} [literary] /qīnxún/ | :: to make gradual progress; to advance gradually |
侵寻 {def} SEE: 侵尋 | :: |
侵越 {v} /qīnyuè/ | :: to encroach on; to infringe upon |
侵佔 {v} /qīnzhàn/ | :: to seize (property, land); to encroach on |
侵佔 {v} /qīnzhàn/ | :: to invade and occupy (territory) |
侵占 {def} SEE: 侵佔 | :: |
媇 {def} SEE: 親 | :: |
嵚 {def} SEE: 嶔 | :: |
嵚崎 {def} SEE: 嶔崎 | :: |
嵚崟 {def} SEE: 嶔崟 | :: |
嶔崎 {adj} [of mountains] /qīnqí/ | :: steep; precipitous |
嶔崎 {adj} [figuratively, of people] /qīnqí/ | :: unyielding; having outstanding personality |
嶔崟 {n} [literary] /qīnyín/ | :: dangerously steep; precipitous |
欽 {def} /qīn/ | :: respect, admire |
欽 {def} /qīn/ | :: respectful |
欽察汗國 {prop} /Qīncháhánguó/ | :: Golden Horde |
欽差 {n} /qīnchāi/ | :: imperial envoy; imperial commissioner |
欽差大臣 {n} /qīnchāidàchén/ | :: Imperial Commissioner (of ancient China) |
欽崇 {n} [Catholicism] /qīnchóng/ | :: worship |
欽崇 {v} [Catholicism] /qīnchóng/ | :: to worship |
欽點 {v} [of the emperor or central government] /qīndiǎn/ | :: to handpick; to preordain |
欽定 {v} /qīndìng/ | :: to be compiled, published or arranged by imperial order |
欽犯 {n} [archaic] /qīnfàn/ | :: criminals subject to investigation by the Emperor |
欽敬 {v} [literary] /qīnjìng/ | :: to admire and respect |
欽命 {n} [historical] /qīnmìng/ | :: imperial order |
欽奈 {prop} /Qīnnài/ | :: alternative name for 金奈 |
欽佩 {v} /qīnpèi/ | :: to respect (greatly); to admire; to look up to |
欽州 {prop} /Qīnzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 欽州 (prefecture-level city) |
衾 {def} [literary] /qīn/ | :: quilt |
衾 {def} [literary] /qīn/ | :: quilt used to cover a corpse when it is put in a coffin |
衾枕 {n} [literary, literally] /qīnzhěn/ | :: quilt and pillow |
衾枕 {n} [literary, figuratively] /qīnzhěn/ | :: bedding |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: intimate; bosom; closely acquainted; beloved; dear |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: parent(s); father and/or mother |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: relatives; blood or marriage relation |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: related by blood; blood (brothers, sisters) |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: marriage; matrimony |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: to be close to; to become intimate with |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: to fraternise with; to support or endorse; pro- |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: to approach; to go near; to get in touch with |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: to kiss; to brush one's lips against |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: personally; in person; with one's own (body part) |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: close person; reliable person; intimate friend |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: accurate; true |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: 34th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "kinship" (𝌧) |
親 {def} [Internet, customer service] /qīn/ | :: dear sir or madam |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: alternative form of 新 |
親 {def} /qīn/ | :: surname |
親 {def} /qìng/ | :: only used in 親家 and related terms |
親愛 {adj} /qīn'ài/ | :: beloved; cherished; dear (as used to address someone at the beginning of a letter) |
親愛的 {n} /qīn'ài de/ | :: darling; dear |
親筆 {adj} /qīnbǐ/ | :: in one's own handwriting |
親筆 {n} /qīnbǐ/ | :: autograph |
親筆信 {n} /qīnbǐxìn/ | :: personally handwritten letter |
親兵 {n} /qīnbīng/ | :: commander's bodyguard |
親測 {v} [neologism, slang] /qīncè/ | :: to test (something) oneself; to try out (something) in person |
親電 {adj} [chemistry] /qīndiàn/ | :: electrophilic |
親電體 {n} [chemistry] /qīndiàntǐ/ | :: electrophile |
親電子 {adj} [chemistry] /qīndiànzǐ/ | :: synonym of 親電 |
親爹 {n} /qīndiē/ | :: biological father |
親爹 {n} /qìngdiē/ | :: one's son or daughter's father-in-law |
親睹 {v} /qīndǔ/ | :: to see with one's own eyes |
親俄 {v} [attributive] /qīn'é/ | :: in favour of Russia; supporting Russia |
親父 {n} [literary] /qīnfù/ | :: biological father |
親赴 {v} [archaic] /qīnfù/ | :: to personally travel to |
親共 {v} /qīngòng/ | :: to fraternize with a communist party |
親共 {v} [specifically] /qīngòng/ | :: to fraternize with the Communist Party of China |
親共 {adj} /qīngòng/ | :: pro-communist |
親共 {adj} /qīngòng/ | :: pro-Communist Party of China; pro-CCP |
親故 {n} [literary] /qīngù/ | :: relatives and old friends |
親和力 {n} /qīnhélì/ | :: personal warmth; approachability |
親和力 {n} [chemistry] /qīnhélì/ | :: affinity |
親核 {adj} [chemistry] /qīnhé,er/ | :: nucleophilic |
親核體 {n} [chemistry] /qīnhétǐ/ | :: nucleophile |
親核性 {n} [chemistry] /qīnhéxìng/ | :: nucleophilicity |
親厚 {v} [literary] /qīnhòu/ | :: to treat someone with warmth and affection |
親家 {n} /qìngjia/ | :: one's child's parents-in-law; co-parents-in-law |
親家 {n} [more broadly] /qìngjia/ | :: any relative by marriage; affinal relative |
親家公 {n} /qìngjiagōng/ | :: co-father-in-law |
親家老爺 {n} /qìngjiā lǎoyé,tl/ | :: co-father-in-law |
親家母 {n} /qìngjiamǔ/ | :: co-mother-in-law |
親家奶奶 {n} /qìngjiā nǎinai/ | :: co-mother-in-law |
親家翁 {n} /qìngjiāwēng/ | :: co-father-in-law |
親交 {n} [literary] /qīnjiāo/ | :: close friend |
親交 {n} [literary] /qīnjiāo/ | :: intimate friendship |
親近 {adj} /qīnjìn/ | :: intimate; close |
親近 {v} /qīnjìn/ | :: to get close to; to become intimate with |
親舊 {n} [literary] /qīnjiù/ | :: relatives and old friends |
親眷 {n} /qīnjuàn/ | :: one's relative |
親口 {adv} /qīnkǒu/ | :: personally (say something) |
親歷 {v} [formal] /qīnlì/ | :: to personally experience |
親臨 {v} /qīnlín/ | :: to personally visit |
親冒矢石 {idiom} /qīn mào shǐshí/ | :: to personally brave the slings and arrows; to put oneself in the line of fire |
親美 {v} [attributive] /qīnměi/ | :: in favour of the United States; supporting the United States |
親美 {adj} /qīnměi/ | :: pro-American |
親密 {adj} /qīnmì/ | :: intimate; close |
親民 {v} /qīnmín/ | :: to be in touch with the people |
親母 {n} [literary] /qīnmǔ/ | :: biological mother |
親睦 {adj} /qīnmù/ | :: friendly; amicable |
親睦 {n} [literary] /qīnmù/ | :: relatives |
親耐的 {n} /qīnnàide/ | :: Internet slang form of 親愛的 |
親昵 {def} SEE: 親暱 | :: |
親暱 {adj} /qīnnì/ | :: very intimate |
親娘 {n} /qīnniáng/ | :: biological mother |
親娘 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin, dialectal Wu, dialectal Xiang] /qīnniáng/ | :: mother-in-law |
親娘 {n} [Beijing Mandarin, Jilu Mandarin, Jin] /qìngniáng/ | :: co-mother-in-law (one's son or daughter's mother-in-law) |
親朋好友 {n} /qīnpénghǎoyǒu/ | :: friends and relatives; kith and kin |
親慼 {def} SEE: 親戚 | :: |
親戚 {n} /qīnqī,qīnqin,tl/ | :: relative; family relation |
親戚 {n} [classical] /qīnqī,qīnqin,tl/ | :: immediate family (one's mother, father and siblings) |
親切 {adj} /qīnqiè/ | :: close (to someone); dear (to someone's heart); near and dear |
親切 {adj} /qīnqiè/ | :: kind; cordial; amiable |
親親 {v} [literary] /qīnqīn,tl/ | :: to love one's family |
親親 {v} /qīnqīn,tl/ | :: to kiss |
親親 {n} [literary or dialectal Mandarin, Jin] /qīnqīn,tl/ | :: relative; family relation |
親親 {n} /qīnqīn,tl/ | :: darling; sweetheart; honey |
親親 {adj} /qīnqīn,tl/ | :: dear; beloved |
親親 {adj} /qīnqīn,tl/ | :: affectionate; kind |
親親 {interj} [neologism, onomatopoeic] /qīnqīn,tl/ | :: mwah (sound of kissing) |
親情 {n} /qīnqíng/ | :: affection; family love |
親熱 {adj} /qīnrè/ | :: affectionate; intimate |
親熱 {v} /qīnrè/ | :: to show affection (towards someone); to be intimate (with someone) |
親熱 {v} [colloquial] /qīnrè/ | :: to make out |
親熱 {v} [euphemistic] /qīnrè/ | :: to have sex |
親人 {n} /qīnrén/ | :: relative, kinsman |
親人 {n} [by extension] /qīnrén/ | :: anyone whom one deems to be close to him or her |
親日 {v} /qīnrì/ | :: to be pro-Japanese; to be Japanophilic |
親日派 {n} /qīnrìpài/ | :: Japanophile |
親善 {adj} /qīnshàn/ | :: having goodwill; friendly (of relations between countries) |
親身 {adj} /qīnshēn/ | :: personal |
親身 {adv} /qīnshēn/ | :: personally; in person; oneself |
親身經歷 {n} /qīnshēn jīnglì/ | :: personal experience; firsthand experience |
親生 {v} /qīnshēng/ | :: to be one's own (of children, parents, etc.) |
親生 {adj} [attributive] /qīnshēng/ | :: one's own (children, parents, etc.); biological; birth |
親事 {n} /qīnshì/ | :: marriage; matrimony (Classifier: 門樁) |
親事 {n} /qīnshì/ | :: wedding (Classifier: 門樁) |
親手 {adv} /qīnshǒu/ | :: with one's own hands; personally |
親疏 {n} /qīnshū/ | :: closeness and distance (of relatives or social connections); intimacy |
親屬 {n} /qīnshǔ/ | :: kinsfolk; relatives |
親屬關係 {n} /qīnshǔ guānxi/ | :: kinship |
親水性 {n} [chemistry] /qīnshuǐxìng/ | :: hydrophilicity |
親隨 {n} [archaic] /qīnsuí/ | :: attendant |
親痛仇快 {idiom} /qīntòngchóukuài/ | :: synonym of 親者痛,仇者快 that which saddens the ones close to you and brings joy to your enemies |
親王 {n} /qīnwáng/ | :: prince |
親王國 {n} /qīnwángguó/ | :: principality |
親往 {v} [literary] /qīnwǎng/ | :: to go personally |
親衛隊 {n} /qīnwèiduì/ | :: bodyguards |
親衛隊 {prop} [Taiwan, historical] /qīnwèiduì/ | :: Schutzstaffel |
親衛隊 {n} [neologism] /qīnwèiduì/ | :: fanatics, overly enthusiastic fans, especially fans of a singer or an actor |
親衛隊 {n} [ACG] /qīnwèiduì/ | :: a student society organized by fans of a beautiful girl or a handsome boy in school, to protect her/him |
親吻 {v} /qīnwěn/ | :: to kiss |
親信 {v} /qīnxìn/ | :: to be close to and trust (someone) |
親信 {n} [usually, pejorative] /qīnxìn/ | :: trusted aide or follower; henchman |
親兄弟 {n} /qīnxiōngdì,tl/ | :: brother-german; full brother |
親眼 {adv} /qīnyǎn/ | :: with one's own eyes, personally |
親姻 {n} [literary] /qīnyīn/ | :: relative by marriage; in-law |
親婣 {def} SEE: 親姻 | :: |
親友 {n} /qīnyǒu/ | :: friends and relatives |
親友 {n} [Classical] /qīnyǒu/ | :: close friend |
親友 {v} [Classical] /qīnyǒu/ | :: to get close to |
親緣 {n} /qīnyuán/ | :: blood relation; family relationship; affinity |
親展 {v} /qīnzhǎn/ | :: to open in person (a letter, etc.) |
親展 {v} [archaic] /qīnzhǎn/ | :: to meet personally |
親者痛,仇者快 {proverb} /qīn zhě tòng, chóu zhě kuài/ | :: That which causes the ones close to you pain and causes joy in your enemies (should not be done) |
親征 {v} /qīnzhēng/ | :: to lead an army personally (of an emperor, ruler, etc.) |
親知 {n} [literary] /qīnzhī/ | :: relative and friend |
親知 {v} /qīnzhī/ | :: to know personally; to know by oneself |
親脂性 {n} [chemistry] /qīnzhīxìng/ | :: lipophilicity |
親子 {n} /qīnzǐ/ | :: parental relatedness; paternity or maternity |
親子 {n} /qīnzǐ/ | :: biological child, especially biological son |
親子 {v} /qīnzǐ/ | :: to be intimate with one's child |
親子 {adj} [attributive] /qīnzǐ/ | :: parent-child |
親子丼 {n} /qīnzǐdǎn,qīnzǐdōng,qīnzǐdòng,1nb/ | :: oyakodon (a Japanese rice dish made with chicken and eggs) |
親子鑑定 {n} /qīnzǐ jiàndìng/ | :: paternity or maternity test |
親子鑒定 {def} SEE: 親子鑑定 | :: |
親自 {adv} /qīnzì/ | :: personally; in person; oneself |
親族 {n} /qīnzú/ | :: relatives, members of the same clan, tribe, etc |
親族 {n} [linguistics] /qīnzú/ | :: cognate |
親嘴 {v} [colloquial] /qīnzuǐ,er/ | :: to kiss (on the lips) |
钦 {def} SEE: 欽 | :: |
钦察汗国 {def} SEE: 欽察汗國 | :: |
钦差 {def} SEE: 欽差 | :: |
钦差大臣 {def} SEE: 欽差大臣 | :: |
钦崇 {def} SEE: 欽崇 | :: |
钦点 {def} SEE: 欽點 | :: |
钦定 {def} SEE: 欽定 | :: |
钦犯 {def} SEE: 欽犯 | :: |
钦敬 {def} SEE: 欽敬 | :: |
钦命 {def} SEE: 欽命 | :: |
钦奈 {def} SEE: 欽奈 | :: |
钦佩 {def} SEE: 欽佩 | :: |
钦州 {def} SEE: 欽州 | :: |
骎 {def} SEE: 駸 | :: |
㩒 {def} SEE: 擒 | :: |
㩒䢂 {def} SEE: 撳𨋢 | :: |
㩒𨋢 {def} SEE: 撳𨋢 | :: |
䦦 {def} SEE: 琴 | :: |
勤 {def} /qín/ | :: industrious, diligent, attentive |
勤 {def} SEE: 懃 | :: |
勤 {def} /qín/ | :: 80th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "laboring" (𝍕) |
勤奋 {def} SEE: 勤奮 | :: |
勤奮 {adj} /qínfèn/ | :: hard-working; diligent; industrious |
勤工俭学 {def} SEE: 勤工儉學 | :: |
勤工儉學 {idiom} /qíngōngjiǎnxué/ | :: part-work and part-study; to support oneself through hard part-time work while studying |
勤工儉學 {idiom} /qíngōngjiǎnxué/ | :: work-study program |
勤俭 {def} SEE: 勤儉 | :: |
勤俭建国 {def} SEE: 勤儉建國 | :: |
勤儉 {adj} /qínjiǎn/ | :: hardworking and thrifty |
勤儉建國 {idiom} /qínjiǎnjiànguó/ | :: to build up a country through diligence and thrift |
勤恳 {def} SEE: 勤懇 | :: |
勤懇 {adj} /qínkěn/ | :: diligent and conscientious |
勤苦 {adj} /qínkǔ/ | :: hardworking; assiduous |
勤快 {adj} [colloquial] /qínkuài,tl/ | :: diligent; hardworking |
勤劳 {def} SEE: 勤勞 | :: |
勤勞 {adj} /qínláo/ | :: hardworking; diligent; industrious |
勤力 {adj} [literary or Cantonese] /qínlì/ | :: hardworking; diligent |
勤勉 {adj} /qínmiǎn/ | :: hard-working; diligent; industrious |
勤娘子 {n} [chiefly Beijing Mandarin, colloquial] /qínniángzǐ/ | :: Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil) |
勤劬 {v} [literary] /qínqú/ | :: to toil; to work hard |
勤劬 {n} [literary] /qínqú/ | :: one who toils; one who works hard |
勤务 {def} SEE: 勤務 | :: |
勤务员 {def} SEE: 勤務員 | :: |
勤務 {n} /qínwù/ | :: service; duties |
勤務 {n} [military] /qínwù/ | :: orderly; odd-jobber |
勤務員 {n} /qínwùyuán/ | :: odd-job person |
勤務員 {n} /qínwùyuán/ | :: servant |
勤有功,戲無益 {proverb} /qínyǒugōng, xìwúyì/ | :: diligence has its reward while play has no benefit |
勤有功,戏无益 {def} SEE: 勤有功,戲無益 | :: |
勤於 {v} /qínyú/ | :: to be diligent in |
勤于 {def} SEE: 勤於 | :: |
勤政 {v} /qínzhèng/ | :: to attend to government affairs diligently |
勤政愛民 {idiom} /qínzhèng'àimín/ | :: to attend to government affairs diligently and love the people |
勤政爱民 {def} SEE: 勤政愛民 | :: |
嗪 {def} /qín/ | :: used in transcriptions of foreign words |
擒 {def} /qín/ | :: to catch; to capture; to seize; to arrest |
擒 {def} /qín/ | :: to hold; to grasp |
擒獲 {v} [literary] /qínhuò/ | :: to catch; to apprehend; to arrest; to capture |
擒获 {def} SEE: 擒獲 | :: |
擒拿 {v} /qínná/ | :: to arrest; to capture; to catch |
擒賊擒王 {idiom} /qínzéiqínwáng/ | :: to defeat the enemy by capturing their chief |
擒贼擒王 {def} SEE: 擒賊擒王 | :: |
檎 {def} /qín/ | :: only used in 林檎 |
澿 {def} /qín/ | :: name of a river |
珡 {def} SEE: 琴 | :: |
琴 {def} [musical instrument] /qín/ | :: qin (“Chinese zithers”), referring to any of several traditional Chinese musical instruments, most famously the guqin |
琴 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] to play the qin |
琴 {def} [music] /qín/ | :: collective name for certain musical instruments, usually of string or keyboard types, such as piano, organ, violin, cello, huqin, accordion, harmonica, etc |
琴棒 {n} /qínbàng/ | :: mallet for keyboard percussion instruments |
琴槌 {n} /qínchuí/ | :: mallet for keyboard percussion instruments |
琴杆 {def} SEE: 琴桿 | :: |
琴桿 {n} /qíngān/ | :: neck of a string instrument |
琴弓 {n} /qíngōng/ | :: bow (of a string instrument) |
琴行 {n} /qínháng/ | :: musical instrument store |
琴鍵 {n} [music] /qínjiàn/ | :: key (on a musical instrument) |
琴键 {def} SEE: 琴鍵 | :: |
琴酒 {n} [Taiwan] /qínjiǔ/ | :: gin |
琴码 {def} SEE: 琴碼 | :: |
琴碼 {n} /qínmǎ/ | :: bridge (of a musical instrument) |
琴馬 {def} SEE: 琴碼 | :: |
琴马 {def} SEE: 琴碼 | :: |
琴鳥 {n} /qínniǎo,er/ | :: lyrebird |
琴鸟 {def} SEE: 琴鳥 | :: |
琴譜 {n} [music] /qínpǔ,er/ | :: score for musical instruments called 琴, including the guqin, piano and violin |
琴谱 {def} SEE: 琴譜 | :: |
琴棋书画 {def} SEE: 琴棋書畫 | :: |
琴棋書畫 {n} /qínqíshūhuà/ | :: the Four Arts, i.e. stringed instrument, the strategy game of Go, Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting |
琴桥 {def} SEE: 琴橋 | :: |
琴橋 {n} [music] /qínqiáo/ | :: bridge of a string instrument |
琴瑟 {n} [music] /qínsè/ | :: the qin and the se (traditional Chinese zither-like instruments) |
琴瑟 {n} [figurative] /qínsè/ | :: marital harmony |
琴瑟和鳴 {idiom} [of a married couple] /qínsèhèmíng,qínsèhémíng/ | :: in perfect harmony |
琴瑟和鸣 {def} SEE: 琴瑟和鳴 | :: |
琴瑟琵琶 {idiom} /qínsèpípá,tl/ | :: qin, se, and pipa (all of which are traditional Chinese musical instruments); Chinese musical instruments [in general] |
琴师 {def} SEE: 琴師 | :: |
琴師 {n} /qínshī/ | :: player of a stringed instrument: pianist, etc |
琴童 {n} /qíntóng/ | :: young student of a string or keyboard instrument (e.g. a guqin, violin, piano, etc.) |
琴筒 {n} [music] /qíntǒng/ | :: the tube part of a huqin |
琴头 {def} SEE: 琴頭 | :: |
琴頭 {n} [music] /qíntóu/ | :: headstock (of a lute-type string instrument) |
琴弦 {n} [music] /qínxián/ | :: string of a musical instrument |
琴絃 {def} SEE: 琴弦 | :: |
琹 {def} SEE: 琴 | :: |
禽 {def} /qín/ | :: birds and beasts |
禽 {def} /qín/ | :: fowl; bird |
禽 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of *擒 |
禽 {def} /qín/ | :: surname |
禽蛋 {n} /qíndàn/ | :: (edible) eggs of birds, especially of chickens and ducks |
禽流感 {n} [diseases] /qínliúgǎn/ | :: avian influenza; bird flu |
禽鳥 {n} /qínniǎo/ | :: birds, fowl |
禽鸟 {def} SEE: 禽鳥 | :: |
禽兽 {def} SEE: 禽獸 | :: |
禽獸 {n} /qínshòu/ | :: birds and animals |
禽獸 {n} /qínshòu/ | :: beast; animal; creature |
禽獸 {n} [metaphor] /qínshòu/ | :: beast (cruel person) |
秦 {def} /qín/ | :: (~ 國) Qin (state) |
秦 {def} /qín/ | :: (~ 朝) Qin dynasty, first imperial dynasty of China |
秦 {def} /qín/ | :: Qin, a general area of central-west China in modern-day Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces |
秦 {def} /qín/ | :: surname |
秦城 {prop} /Qínchéng/ | :: (~ 村) 秦城 (village) |
秦城 {prop} /Qínchéng/ | :: short fo 秦城監獄 (Qingcheng prison) |
秦代 {prop} /Qíndài/ | :: the Qin dynasty (221 BCE–206 BCE) (221 BCE – 206 BCE) |
秦古 {prop} /Qíngǔ/ | :: (~ 鎮) 秦古 (town) |
秦国 {def} SEE: 秦國 | :: |
秦國 {prop} /Qínguó/ | :: Qin, an ancient Chinese state during the Zhou dynasty |
秦汉 {def} SEE: 秦漢 | :: |
秦汉子 {def} SEE: 秦漢子 | :: |
秦漢 {prop} /Qín-Hàn/ | :: the Qin (221–206 BC) and Han dynasties (202 BC–AD 220) |
秦漢子 {n} [music] /qínhànzǐ/ | :: a lute with round (moon-shaped) body, equivalent to the qin pipa, believed to date to the Qin and Han dynasties of China |
秦淮河 {prop} /Qínhuáihé/ | :: Qinhuai River, Nanjing, China |
秦皇 {prop} [historical] /Qínhuáng/ | :: abbreviation of 秦始皇 |
秦皇岛 {def} SEE: 秦皇島 | :: |
秦皇島 {prop} /Qínhuángdǎo/ | :: (~ 市) 秦皇島 (prefecture-level city) |
秦火 {n} [historical] /qínhuǒ/ | :: Burning of books and burying of scholars during the Qin dynasty |
秦吉了 {n} /qínjíliǎo/ | :: hill myna |
秦吉子 {n} /qínjízi/ | :: hill myna |
秦家坪 {prop} /Qínjiāpíng/ | :: (~ 林場) 秦家坪 (forestry area) |
秦椒 {n} /qínjiāo/ | :: alternative name for 花椒 |
秦椒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Leizhou Min] /qínjiāo/ | :: chilli pepper, especially one that is thin and long |
秦艽 {n} /qínjiāo/ | :: large leaf gentian (Gentiana macrophylla, especially its root, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine) |
秦晉 {prop} [historical] /qínjìn/ | :: Qin and Jin (two states during the Eastern Zhou dynasty) |
秦晉 {n} [historical] /qínjìn/ | :: matrimonial alliance between two families |
秦晉 {n} /qínjìn/ | :: marriage (in general) |
秦晋 {def} SEE: 秦晉 | :: |
秦咀 {prop} /Qínzuǐ/ | :: (~ 村) 秦咀 (village) |
秦连翘 {def} SEE: 秦連翹 | :: |
秦連翹 {n} /qínliánqiào/ | :: Forsythia giraldiana |
秦岭 {def} SEE: 秦嶺 | :: |
秦嶺 {prop} /Qínlǐng/ | :: the Qin Mountains |
秦鹿 {n} [archaic] /qínlù/ | :: the imperial authority of the Qin Dynasty |
秦琵琶 {n} [musical instrument] /qínpípá/ | :: ruan |
秦皮 {n} /qínpí/ | :: bark of the Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis) (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat swollen eyes and to reduce "heat".) |
秦腔 {n} /Qínqiāng/ | :: Qinqiang, the representative folk Chinese opera of the northwest Province of Shaanxi, China |
秦琴 {n} /qínqín/ | :: qinqin (a plucked lute with a wooden body and a slender, fretted neck, used in Chinese folk music) |
秦始皇 {prop} [historical] /Qín Shǐhuáng/ | :: Qin Shi Huang (the first emperor of China) |
秦始皇帝 {prop} [historical] /Qín Shǐhuángdì/ | :: alternative name for 秦始皇 |
秦市 {prop} /Qínshì/ | :: (~ 鎮) 秦市 (town) |
秦野 {prop} /Qínyě/ | :: (~ 市) 秦野 (city) |
秦朝 {prop} /Qíncháo/ | :: the Qin dynasty (221-206 B.C.) |
秦筝 {def} SEE: 秦箏 | :: |
秦箏 {n} [musical instrument] /qínzhēng/ | :: Qin zither |
秦州 {prop} [historical] /Qínzhōu/ | :: Tsinchow, a former name of Tianshui, a city in southeastern Gansu in China |
秦州 {prop} /Qínzhōu/ | :: Qinzhou district in modern Tianshui |
秦篆 {n} /qínzhuàn/ | :: small seal script (the form of Chinese characters based on the script of the state of Qin and standardized by Li Si around 220 BC) |
芹 {def} /qín/ | :: celery (Apium graveolens) |
芹菜 {n} /qíncài/ | :: celery, especially the Chinese celery |
芹菜 {n} /qíncài/ | :: alternative name for 水芹 |
芹苴 {prop} /Qínjū/ | :: (~ 市) 芹苴 (city) |
菦 {def} SEE: 芹 | :: |
螓 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] a small cicada with a square head |
螓 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] housefly |
蠄 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of insect |
蠄𮔚 {def} SEE: 蠄蟧 | :: |
蠄𮔚丝网 {def} SEE: 蠄蟧絲網 | :: |
覃 {def} /tán/ | :: long |
覃 {def} /tán/ | :: to prolong |
覃 {def} /tán/ | :: to extend |
覃 {def} /tán/ | :: deep |
覃 {def} /tán/ | :: (also pronounced as qín) surname |
覃必古 {prop} [dated] /Tánbìgǔ/ | :: 覃必古 (city) |
覃湾 {def} SEE: 覃灣 | :: |
覃灣 {prop} /Tánwān/ | :: (~ 村) 覃灣 (village) |
鈙 {def} SEE: 㪁 | :: |
鈙 {def} SEE: 錡 | :: |
鈙 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] to hold; to grasp |
雂 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 鳹 |
鵭 {def} /qín/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 鳹 |
㝲 {def} SEE: 寢 | :: |
寑 {def} SEE: 寝 | :: |
寝 {def} SEE: 寢 | :: |
寝具 {def} SEE: 寢具 | :: |
寝食 {def} SEE: 寢食 | :: |
寝食不安 {def} SEE: 寢食不安 | :: |
寝食难安 {def} SEE: 寢食難安 | :: |
寝室 {def} SEE: 寢室 | :: |
寝头 {def} SEE: 寢頭 | :: |
寝卧 {def} SEE: 寢臥 | :: |
寝屋川 {def} SEE: 寢屋川 | :: |
寝息 {def} SEE: 寢息 | :: |
寢 {def} /qǐn/ | :: to sleep |
寢 {def} /qǐn/ | :: room |
寢具 {n} /qǐnjù/ | :: bedding (nightwear, pillow, blanket, futon, mattress) |
寢食 {n} [literally] /qǐnshí/ | :: resting and eating; [in general] daily life; daily activities |
寢食不安 {idiom} /qǐnshí不'ān/ | :: extremely worried and troubled |
寢食難安 {idiom} /qǐnshínán'ān/ | :: extremely worried and troubled |
寢室 {n} /qǐn室/ | :: bedroom |
寢室 {n} /qǐn室/ | :: dormitory |
寢臥 {v} /qǐnwò/ | :: to sleep |
寢屋川 {prop} /Qǐnwūchuān/ | :: (~ 市) 寢屋川 (city) |
寢息 {v} [literary] /qǐn息/ | :: to stop; to cease; to set aside |
寢息 {v} [literary] /qǐn息/ | :: to sleep |
螼 {def} /qǐn/ | :: [obsolete] earthworm |
儬 {def} /qìng/ | :: cold; freezing |
吢 {def} SEE: 唚 | :: |
吣 {def} SEE: 唚 | :: |
唚 {def} [of a dog or cat] /qìn/ | :: to vomit |
唚 {def} /qìn/ | :: to use bad language; to talk nonsense |
唚 {def} [Min Dong, Min Nan] /qīn/ | :: to kiss |
揿 {def} SEE: 撳 | :: |
揿䢂 {def} SEE: 撳𨋢 | :: |
揿钱 {def} SEE: 撳錢 | :: |
搇 {def} SEE: 撳 | :: |
搇 {def} SEE: 冚 | :: |
撳 {def} [dialectal] /qìn/ | :: to press down firmly on |
沁 {def} /qìn/ | :: to soak into; to seep in; to percolate |
沁 {def} /qìn/ | :: [obsolete] to draw (water) |
沁阳 {def} SEE: 沁陽 | :: |
沁陽 {prop} /Qìnyáng/ | :: (~ 市) 沁陽 (city) |
瀙 {def} /qìn/ | :: only used in 瀙水 |
菣 {def} /qìn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative name for 青蒿 |
倾 {def} SEE: 傾 | :: |
倾巢 {def} SEE: 傾巢 | :: |
倾城 {def} SEE: 傾城 | :: |
倾城倾国 {def} SEE: 傾城傾國 | :: |
倾倒 {def} SEE: 傾倒 | :: |
倾电话 {def} SEE: 傾電話 | :: |
倾覆 {def} SEE: 傾覆 | :: |
倾轧 {def} SEE: 傾軋 | :: |
倾盖 {def} SEE: 傾蓋 | :: |
倾国 {def} SEE: 傾國 | :: |
倾国倾城 {def} SEE: 傾國傾城 | :: |
倾偈 {def} SEE: 傾偈 | :: |
倾家荡产 {def} SEE: 傾家蕩產 | :: |
倾角 {def} SEE: 傾角 | :: |
倾慕 {def} SEE: 傾慕 | :: |
倾囊 {def} SEE: 傾囊 | :: |
倾盆 {def} SEE: 傾盆 | :: |
倾盆大雨 {def} SEE: 傾盆大雨 | :: |
倾情 {def} SEE: 傾情 | :: |
倾世 {def} SEE: 傾世 | :: |
倾首 {def} SEE: 傾首 | :: |
倾诉 {def} SEE: 傾訴 | :: |
倾谈 {def} SEE: 傾談 | :: |
倾听 {def} SEE: 傾聽 | :: |
倾听者 {def} SEE: 傾聽者 | :: |
倾吐 {def} SEE: 傾吐 | :: |
倾颓 {def} SEE: 傾頹 | :: |
倾亡 {def} SEE: 傾亡 | :: |
倾危 {def} SEE: 傾危 | :: |
倾向 {def} SEE: 傾向 | :: |
倾销 {def} SEE: 傾銷 | :: |
倾斜 {def} SEE: 傾斜 | :: |
倾泻 {def} SEE: 傾瀉 | :: |
倾心 {def} SEE: 傾心 | :: |
倾注 {def} SEE: 傾注 | :: |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: to lean; to tilt; to incline |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: to collapse |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: to overturn and pour out; to empty |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: to do one's best; to use up all of one's resources |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: to adore; to admire |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: to overpower; to overwhelm |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: to compete |
傾 {def} /qīng/ | :: entire; whole |
傾 {def} [Cantonese] /qīng/ | :: to chat; to converse |
傾 {def} [Cantonese, card games] /qīng/ | :: king |
傾巢 {v} /qīngcháo/ | :: to turn out in full force; to come out in full strength (of an enemy, bandit, etc.) |
傾城 {v} [literary] /qīngchéng/ | :: to make a city or state collapse |
傾城 {adj} [literary, figurative, of a woman] /qīngchéng/ | :: drop-dead gorgeous; extremely beautiful (and having the potential of bringing about the downfall of an empire) |
傾城 {n} [literary, figurative] /qīngchéng/ | :: drop-dead gorgeous woman; beauty who could drive a man to distraction (and bring about the downfall of an empire) |
傾城 {n} [literary] /qīngchéng/ | :: the entire city; all over the place |
傾城傾國 {idiom} /qīngchéngqīngguó/ | :: synonym of 傾國傾城 |
傾倒 {v} /qīngdǎo/ | :: to collapse; to topple over |
傾倒 {v} /qīngdǎo/ | :: to greatly admire; to be attracted to |
傾倒 {v} /qīngdǎo/ | :: to mesmerise (someone); to captivate |
傾倒 {v} /qīngdào/ | :: to dump; to pour |
傾倒 {v} /qīngdào/ | :: to empty out (one's thoughts) |
傾覆 {v} /qīngfù/ | :: to collapse; to cave in; to capsize; to overturn |
傾覆 {v} /qīngfù/ | :: to subvert (power, authority); to topple (a government); to defy (a idea, concept); to turn upside down |
傾軋 {v} /qīngyà/ | :: to engage in internal strife; to jostle against each other |
傾蓋 {v} /qīnggài/ | :: to meet in passing; to get on well at first meeting |
傾國 {v} [literary] /qīngguó/ | :: to make a nation collapse; [of a nation] to be destroyed; to collapse |
傾國 {adj} [literary, figurative, of a woman] /qīngguó/ | :: drop-dead gorgeous; extremely beautiful (and having the potential of bringing about the downfall of an empire) |
傾國 {n} [literary, figurative] /qīngguó/ | :: drop-dead gorgeous woman; beauty who could drive a man to distraction (and bring about the downfall of an empire) |
傾國 {n} [literary] /qīngguó/ | :: the entire country |
傾國傾城 {idiom} [figurative, of a woman] /qīngguóqīngchéng/ | :: to be devastatingly beautiful; to be drop-dead gorgeous |
傾家盪產 {def} SEE: 傾家蕩產 | :: |
傾家蕩產 {idiom} /qīngjiādàngchǎn/ | :: to exhaust all of a family's financial resources; to break the bank; to bring a family to ruin |
傾角 {n} [geometry] /qīngjiǎo,er/ | :: angle of inclination |
傾慕 {v} /qīngmù/ | :: to have a strong admiration for; to adore |
傾囊 {v} [literally] /qīngnáng/ | :: to empty one's pocket |
傾囊 {v} [figurative] /qīngnáng/ | :: to give all that one has (to help); to give everything |
傾盆 {v} /qīngpén/ | :: to bucket down |
傾盆大雨 {idiom} /qīngpéndàyǔ/ | :: rain cats and dogs; downpour |
傾情 {v} /qīngqíng/ | :: to devote one's heart and soul to |
傾世 {n} [literary] /qīngshì/ | :: to pass away; to be deceased |
傾首 {v} [literary] /qīngshǒu/ | :: to lower one's head (as a sign of submission) |
傾首 {v} [literary] /qīngshǒu/ | :: to raise one's head (as a sign of admiration) |
傾訴 {v} /qīngsù/ | :: to pour out (one's misfortunes) |
傾談 {v} /qīngtán/ | :: to have a good heart-to-heart talk |
傾聽 {v} /qīngtīng/ | :: to listen attentively |
傾聽者 {n} /qīngtīngzhě/ | :: listener |
傾吐 {v} /qīngtǔ/ | :: to say what is on one's mind without reservation |
傾頹 {v} /qīngtuí/ | :: to collapse |
傾頹 {v} /qīngtuí/ | :: to decline; to wane; to be at a low ebb |
傾亡 {n} [literary] /qīngwáng/ | :: to pass away; to be deceased |
傾危 {adj} [literary] /qīng危/ | :: in danger of toppling; in peril (of a government) |
傾向 {n} /qīngxiàng,qǐngxiàng,2nb/ | :: inclination; tendency; trend |
傾向 {v} /qīngxiàng,qǐngxiàng,2nb/ | :: to tend to; to incline towards |
傾向 {v} /qīngxiàng,qǐngxiàng,2nb/ | :: to yearn; to long for |
傾向 {v} /qīngxiàng,qǐngxiàng,2nb/ | :: to rely upon |
傾銷 {v} [business, finance] /qīngxiāo/ | :: to dump (goods, products) |
傾斜 {v} [of a ship, nautical] /qīngxié,qǐngxié,2nb/ | :: to slant; to incline; to tilt; to list |
傾瀉 {v} /qīngxiè/ | :: to come down in torrents; to pour down in torrents |
傾心 {v} /qīngxīn/ | :: to admire; to adore; to be partial toward; to fall in love |
傾心 {v} /qīngxīn/ | :: to pour out one's heart |
傾注 {v} /qīngzhù/ | :: to pour into |
傾注 {v} /qīngzhù/ | :: to throw (energy, power, etc.) into |
卿 {def} /qīng/ | :: noble, high officer |
卿大夫 {n} [literary, archaic] /qīngdàfū/ | :: ministers and senior officials |
卿大夫 {n} [literary, archaic] /qīngdàfū/ | :: members of the nobility |
卿卿我我 {idiom} /qīngqīngwǒwǒ/ | :: whispers of love; lovers' talk; to bill and coo; to be very much in love; intimate relations |
卿云 {def} SEE: 卿雲 | :: |
卿雲 {n} /qīngyún/ | :: propitious clouds |
圊 {def} /qīng/ | :: toilet |
寈 {def} SEE: 青 | :: |
氢 {def} SEE: 氫 | :: |
氢溴酸 {def} SEE: 氫溴酸 | :: |
氢碘酸 {def} SEE: 氫碘酸 | :: |
氢氟酸 {def} SEE: 氫氟酸 | :: |
氢化 {def} SEE: 氫化 | :: |
氢化钾 {def} SEE: 氫化鉀 | :: |
氢化铝锂 {def} SEE: 氫化鋁鋰 | :: |
氢化钠 {def} SEE: 氫化鈉 | :: |
氢化物 {def} SEE: 氫化物 | :: |
氢键 {def} SEE: 氫鍵 | :: |
氢醌 {def} SEE: 氫醌 | :: |
氢氯酸 {def} SEE: 氫氯酸 | :: |
氢气 {def} SEE: 氫氣 | :: |
氢气球 {def} SEE: 氫氣球 | :: |
氢氰酸 {def} SEE: 氫氰酸 | :: |
氢弹 {def} SEE: 氫彈 | :: |
氢氧 {def} SEE: 氫氧 | :: |
氢氧根 {def} SEE: 氫氧根 | :: |
氢氧化钡 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鋇 | :: |
氢氧化钙 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鈣 | :: |
氢氧化钾 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鉀 | :: |
氢氧化锂 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鋰 | :: |
氢氧化铝 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鋁 | :: |
氢氧化镁 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鎂 | :: |
氢氧化钠 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鈉 | :: |
氢氧化铅 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鉛 | :: |
氢氧化铁 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鐵 | :: |
氢氧化铜 {def} SEE: 氫氧化銅 | :: |
氢氧化物 {def} SEE: 氫氧化物 | :: |
氢氧化锌 {def} SEE: 氫氧化鋅 | :: |
氢氧化亚铁 {def} SEE: 氫氧化亞鐵 | :: |
氢氧基 {def} SEE: 氫氧基 | :: |
氫 {def} [chemical element] /qīng/ | :: hydrogen |
氫溴酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngxiùsuān/ | :: hydrobromic acid |
氫彈 {n} /qīngdàn/ | :: hydrogen bomb; H-bomb |
氫碘酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngdiǎnsuān/ | :: hydriodic acid |
氫氟酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngfúsuān/ | :: hydrofluoric acid |
氫化 {v} [chemistry] /qīnghuà/ | :: to hydrogenate |
氫化鉀 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīnghuàjiǎ/ | :: potassium hydride |
氫化鋁鋰 {n} [chemistry] /qīnghuàlǚlǐ/ | :: lithium aluminium hydride |
氫化鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīnghuànà/ | :: sodium hydride |
氫化物 {n} [chemistry] /qīnghuàwù/ | :: hydride |
氫鍵 {n} [physical chemistry] /qīngjiàn/ | :: hydrogen bond |
氫醌 {n} [organic compound] /qīngkūn/ | :: hydroquinone |
氫氯酸 {n} /qīnglǜsuān/ | :: hydrochloric acid |
氫氣 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /qīngqì/ | :: hydrogen gas |
氫氣球 {n} /qīngqìqiú/ | :: hydrogen balloon; hot-air balloon |
氫氰酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīng氰suān/ | :: hydrocyanic acid |
氫氧 {n} /qīngyǎng/ | :: (~ 根) [inorganic chemistry] hydroxide ion |
氫氧 {n} /qīngyǎng/ | :: (~ 基) [organic chemistry] hydroxyl group |
氫氧 {n} [chemistry] /qīngyǎng/ | :: oxyhydrogen (mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases) |
氫氧根 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnggēn/ | :: hydroxide radical |
氫氧化鋇 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàbèi/ | :: barium hydroxide |
氫氧化鈣 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàgài/ | :: calcium hydroxide |
氫氧化鉀 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàjiǎ/ | :: potassium hydroxide |
氫氧化鋰 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàlǐ/ | :: lithium hydroxide |
氫氧化鋁 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàlǚ/ | :: aluminium hydroxide |
氫氧化鎂 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàměi/ | :: magnesium hydroxide |
氫氧化鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuànà/ | :: sodium hydroxide |
氫氧化鉛 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàqiān/ | :: lead(II) hydroxide |
氫氧化鐵 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàtiě/ | :: iron(III) hydroxide; ferric hydroxide |
氫氧化銅 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàtóng/ | :: copper(II) hydroxide |
氫氧化物 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /qīngyǎnghuàwù/ | :: hydroxide (compound) |
氫氧化鋅 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuàxīn/ | :: zinc hydroxide |
氫氧化亞鐵 {n} [inorganic compound] /qīngyǎnghuà亚tiě/ | :: iron(II) hydroxide; ferrous hydroxide |
氫氧基 {n} [chemistry] /qīngyǎngjī/ | :: hydroxyl |
淸 {def} SEE: 清 | :: |
淸明節 {def} SEE: 清明節 | :: |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: clear; limpid |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: clean; unstained |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: pure; unmixed |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: distinct; clear; apparent |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: fair and honest; upright |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: quiet; still |
清 {def} [phonetics] /qīng/ | :: unaspirated |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: to clear (throat, etc.); to clean |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: to settle; to sort out |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: (~ 朝) the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) |
清 {def} /qīng/ | :: surname |
清白 {adj} /qīngbái/ | :: pure |
清白 {adj} /qīngbái/ | :: innocent |
清白 {adj} [dialectal] /qīngbái/ | :: unambiguous |
清北 {prop} /Qīng-Běi/ | :: the Tsinghua University and the Peking University |
清北复交 {def} SEE: 清北復交 | :: |
清北復交 {prop} /Qīng-Běi-Fù-Jiāo/ | :: Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (four top universities in Mainland China) |
清兵 {n} [historical] /qīngbīng/ | :: Qing troops; Manchu troops |
清补凉 {def} SEE: 清補涼 | :: |
清補涼 {n} /qīngbǔliáng/ | :: ching bo leung (a kind of soup for clearing internal heat and supplementing dampness in the summer, served as a cold and sweet drink in some regions) |
清擦音 {n} [linguistics] /qīngcāyīn/ | :: voiceless fricative |
清仓 {def} SEE: 清倉 | :: |
清仓大甩卖 {def} SEE: 清倉大甩賣 | :: |
清倉 {v} /qīngcāng/ | :: to clear stock |
清倉 {n} /qīngcāng/ | :: stock clearance |
清倉大甩賣 {n} /qīngcāng dàshuǎimài/ | :: clearance sale |
清查 {v} /qīngchá/ | :: to verify; to check thoroughly |
清茶 {n} /qīngchá/ | :: green tea |
清茶 {n} /qīngchá/ | :: tea served without refreshments |
清單 {n} /qīngdān,er/ | :: detailed list; list of items; inventory |
清場 {v} /qīng场/ | :: to clear the public place of people; to clear the scene |
清肠 {def} SEE: 清腸 | :: |
清腸 {v} [medicine] /qīngcháng/ | :: to prep the bowel (for a colonoscopy) |
清场 {def} SEE: 清場 | :: |
清唱 {v} /qīngchàng/ | :: to sing opera arias (without makeup and acting) |
清唱 {v} /qīngchàng/ | :: to sing a cappella |
清剿 {def} SEE: 清勦 | :: |
清勦 {v} /qīngjiǎo/ | :: to suppress (bandits); to clean up |
清彻 {def} SEE: 清徹 | :: |
清徹 {def} SEE: 清澈 | :: |
清澈 {adj} [of a liquid, the sky, etc.] /qīngchè/ | :: clean and clear |
清晨 {n} /qīngchén/ | :: early morning |
清澄 {adj} /qīngchéng/ | :: clear; limpid |
清澄 {v} /qīngchéng/ | :: to investigate; to inspect; to verify |
清除 {v} /qīngchú/ | :: to clear away; to eliminate |
清楚 {adj} /qīngchu,qīngchǔ,1nb/ | :: clear; lucid |
清楚 {adj} /qīngchu,qīngchǔ,1nb/ | :: clear (about a matter); unambiguous |
清楚 {adj} /qīngchu,qīngchǔ,1nb/ | :: plain; distinct; obvious |
清楚 {adj} [obsolete or Min Dong] /qīngchu,qīngchǔ,1nb/ | :: tidy; neat; refined |
清楚 {adv} /qīngchu,qīngchǔ,1nb/ | :: clearly |
清楚 {adv} /qīngchu,qīngchǔ,1nb/ | :: until a matter is clear (making sense, unambiguous, etc.) |
清楚 {v} /qīngchu,qīngchǔ,1nb/ | :: to understand; to know; to comprehend |
清創 {v} [medicine] /qīngchuāng,qīngchuàng,1nb/ | :: to debride (a wound) |
清创 {def} SEE: 清創 | :: |
清純 {adj} [of air, water] /qīngchún/ | :: fresh and pure |
清純 {adj} [of a girl] /qīngchún/ | :: pretty and pure; pretty and innocent |
清纯 {def} SEE: 清純 | :: |
清脆 {adj} /qīngcuì/ | :: ringing (laugh); brisk (voice); sharp (crack sound); clear and melodious (singing) |
清大 {prop} [Taiwan] /Qīngdà/ | :: National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan |
清代 {prop} /Qīngdài/ | :: the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) |
清单 {def} SEE: 清單 | :: |
清淡 {adj} [of food] /qīngdàn/ | :: light; mild; not greasy or strongly flavoured |
清淡 {adj} [of colour or smell] /qīngdàn/ | :: delicate; weak; slight |
清淡 {adj} [of business] /qīngdàn/ | :: slack; sluggish; slow |
清淡 {adj} [of style] /qīngdàn/ | :: fresh and elegant |
清党 {def} SEE: 清黨 | :: |
清黨 {n} /qīngdǎng/ | :: party purge; purge within a political party |
清道 {v} /qīngdào/ | :: to sweep the street; to clean the street; to clear obstacles off the road |
清道 {v} [historical] /qīngdào/ | :: to clear the way for passage of royalty or high officials |
清道夫 {n} /qīngdàofū/ | :: street cleaner; garbage collector |
清道夫 {n} [soccer] /qīngdàofū/ | :: sweeper |
清道夫 {n} [colloquial] /qīngdàofū/ | :: (~ 魚) plecostomus; plec (fish) |
清道夫 {n} [figurative] /qīngdàofū/ | :: person or thing that removes obstacles on the way |
清涤 {def} SEE: 清滌 | :: |
清滌 {v} /qīngdí/ | :: to rinse; to wash; to clean |
清滌 {v} /qīngdí/ | :: to purge |
清点 {def} SEE: 清點 | :: |
清點 {v} /qīngdiǎn/ | :: to check; to make an inventory; to sort and count |
清炖 {def} SEE: 清燉 | :: |
清燉 {v} /qīngdùn/ | :: to stew meat without adding [[soy sauce |
清燉 {n} /qīngdùn/ | :: stew in clear soup |
清匪 {v} /qīngfěi/ | :: to eliminate banditry |
清肺消炎丸 {n} /qīngfèi xiāoyán wán/ | :: A brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to clear the lungs and resolve phlegm, to relieve cough and asthma in the treatment of stagnation of phlegm-heat in the lung, cough and asthma, painful distension over hypochondrium, yellow and thick sputum or upper respiratory tract infection, acute bronchitis, acute attack of chronic bronchitis and pulmonary infection |
清肺抑火丸 {n} /qīngfèi yìhuǒ wán/ | :: A pale yellow to yellowish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to remove heat from the lungs, relieve cough, resolve phlegm and relax the bowels in the treatment of heat in the lungs marked by cough, yellowish sticky phlegm, dryness of the mouth, sore throat and constipation" |
清風 {n} /qīngfēng/ | :: breeze |
清風 {n} /qīngfēng/ | :: honest character |
清風藤 {n} /qīngfēngténg/ | :: Sabia japonica |
清风 {def} SEE: 清風 | :: |
清风藤 {def} SEE: 清風藤 | :: |
清福 {n} /qīngfú/ | :: easy and carefree life |
清高 {adj} /qīnggāo/ | :: aloof from politics and material pursuits; virtuous |
清高 {adj} [derogatory] /qīnggāo/ | :: aloof; unsociable; standoffish |
清宫术 {def} SEE: 清宮術 | :: |
清宮術 {n} [medicine] /qīnggōngshù/ | :: curettage of the uterine cavity |
清官 {n} /qīngguān/ | :: honest and upright official |
清官难断家务事 {def} SEE: 清官難斷家務事 | :: |
清官難斷家務事 {proverb} /qīngguān nán duàn jiāwù shì/ | :: even upright officials find it hard to settle family quarrels |
清規 {n} /qīngguī/ | :: monastic rules for Buddhists |
清规 {def} SEE: 清規 | :: |
清国 {def} SEE: 清國 | :: |
清國 {prop} /Qīngguó/ | :: the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) |
清还 {def} SEE: 清還 | :: |
清還 {v} /qīnghuán/ | :: to clear up and pay back (debts, etc.) |
清寒 {adj} /qīnghán/ | :: poor; in straitened circumstances |
清寒 {adj} /qīnghán/ | :: cold and clear |
清汉 {def} SEE: 清漢 | :: |
清漢 {n} [literary] /qīnghàn/ | :: Milky Way |
清漢 {n} [literary] /qīnghàn/ | :: sky |
清和 {n} [archaic] /Qīnghé/ | :: the fourth month of the Chinese lunar calendar |
清河 {prop} /Qīnghé/ | :: (~ 管理区) 清河 (management area) |
清河口 {prop} /Qīnghékǒu/ | :: (~ 街道) 清河口 (subdistrict) |
清华 {def} SEE: 清華 | :: |
清華 {prop} /Qīnghuá/ | :: Tsinghua University |
清化 {v} [linguistics] /qīnghuà/ | :: to devoice; to become devoiced |
清化 {prop} /qīnghuà/ | :: (~ 省) 清化 (province) |
清化 {prop} /qīnghuà/ | :: (~ 市) 清化 (capital city) |
清貨 {n} /qīnghuò/ | :: stock clearance |
清货 {def} SEE: 清貨 | :: |
清季 {n} [historical] /qīngjì/ | :: end of the Qing dynasty |
清淺 {adj} [literary, of water] /qīngqiǎn/ | :: clear and shallow |
清淺 {adj} [literary] /qīngqiǎn/ | :: plain; clear |
清淺 {n} [literary, figuratively] /qīngqiǎn/ | :: Milky Way |
清閒 {adj} /qīngxián/ | :: idle; leisurely; relaxed |
清江 {prop} /Qīngjiāng/ | :: (~ 社區) 清江 (residential community) |
清江浦 {prop} /Qīngjiāngpǔ/ | :: (~ 區) 清江浦 (district) |
清酱 {def} SEE: 清醬 | :: |
清醬 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /qīngjiàng/ | :: soy sauce |
清教徒 {n} [literally and figuratively] /qīngjiàotú/ | :: Puritan |
清洁 {def} SEE: 清潔 | :: |
清洁工 {def} SEE: 清潔工 | :: |
清潔 {adj} /qīngjié/ | :: clean; unsoiled |
清潔 {adj} /qīngjié/ | :: unpolluted; uncontaminated |
清潔 {adj} /qīngjié/ | :: environmentally sustainable; clean |
清潔 {adj} [figurative] /qīngjié/ | :: pure; honest |
清潔 {v} /qīngjié/ | :: to clean |
清潔工 {n} /qīngjiégōng/ | :: cleaner; sanitation worker |
清津 {prop} /Qīngjīn/ | :: (~ 市) 清津 (city) |
清津果 {n} /qīngjīnguǒ/ | :: salted dried olives (a snack originating in southern Fujian) |
清净 {def} SEE: 清淨 | :: |
清淨 {adj} /qīngjìng/ | :: peaceful; quiet; tranquil |
清淨 {adj} /qīngjìng/ | :: clear; clean |
清淨 {adj} [Buddhism] /qīngjìng/ | :: purified of defiling illusion |
清静 {def} SEE: 清靜 | :: |
清靜 {adj} /qīngjìng/ | :: tranquil; quiet; peaceful |
清酒 {n} /qīngjiǔ/ | :: sake, Japanese rice wine |
清咖啡 {n} /qīngkāfēi/ | :: black coffee |
清空 {v} /qīngkōng/ | :: to empty (a bin etc.) |
清苦 {adj} [especially of scholars and intellectuals] /qīngkǔ/ | :: destitute; poor; badly off |
清莱 {def} SEE: 清萊 | :: |
清萊 {prop} /Qīnglái/ | :: (~ 府) 清萊 (province) |
清萊 {prop} /Qīnglái/ | :: (~ 市) 清萊 (city) |
清濑 {def} SEE: 清瀨 | :: |
清瀨 {prop} /Qīnglài/ | :: (~ 市) Kiyose, Tōkyō Metropolis, Japan |
清朗 {adj} [of sounds, images, etc.] /qīnglǎng/ | :: distinct; clear |
清朗 {adj} /qīnglǎng/ | :: clear; lucid |
清朗 {adj} [of the sky, weather, etc.] /qīnglǎng/ | :: clear and bright; sunny and refreshing |
清朗 {adj} /qīnglǎng/ | :: clean and bright |
清朗 {adj} [of a narrative] /qīnglǎng/ | :: clear and lively |
清乐 {def} SEE: 清樂 | :: |
清樂 {n} /qīngyuè/ | :: alternative name for 清商 |
清冷 {adj} /qīnglěng/ | :: chilly |
清冷 {adj} /qīnglěng/ | :: deserted; desolate |
清理 {v} /qīnglǐ/ | :: to clean; to tidy up; to arrange |
清理 {v} /qīnglǐ/ | :: to deal with; to handle |
清理 {v} [accounting] /qīnglǐ/ | :: to clear (accounts); to settle; to liquidate |
清理 {v} [literary] /qīnglǐ/ | :: to understand things; to be sensible |
清理 {v} [literary] /qīnglǐ/ | :: to bring under control; to pacify and govern |
清廉 {adj} /qīnglián/ | :: upright and honest |
清凉 {def} SEE: 清涼 | :: |
清凉饮料 {def} SEE: 清涼飲料 | :: |
清涼 {adj} /qīngliáng/ | :: cool; refreshing |
清涼 {adj} [sometimes, euphemistic, especially of female] /qīngliáng/ | :: scanty [of clothing]; scantily clad; thinly dressed |
清涼飲料 {n} /qīngliáng yǐnliào/ | :: soft drink |
清亮 {adj} [of a sound] /qīngliàng/ | :: clear; resonant |
清亮 {adj} [of an individual] /qīngliàng/ | :: honest; upright; noble |
清亮 {adj} [of a liquid, the sky, etc.] /qīngliang,qīngliàng,1nb/ | :: clear; limpid |
清亮 {v} [mainland] /qīngliang,qīngliàng,1nb/ | :: to know; to understand |
清零 {v} /qīnglíng/ | :: to reset |
清零 {adj} [literary] /qīnglíng/ | :: lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate |
清流 {n} [literary, literally] /qīngliú/ | :: clear stream |
清流 {n} [literary, figuratively, historical] /qīngliú/ | :: renowned scholars unwilling to associate with influential scholars |
清流 {prop} /qīngliú/ | :: (~ 縣) 清流 (county) |
清迈 {def} SEE: 清邁 | :: |
清邁 {prop} /Qīngmài/ | :: (~ 府) 清邁 (province) |
清邁 {prop} /Qīngmài/ | :: (~ 市) 清邁 (capital city) |
清明 {adj} /qīngmíng/ | :: clear and bright |
清明 {adj} /qīngmíng/ | :: sober and calm; (of a patient's mind): clear |
清明 {adj} [of a government or administration] /qīngmíng/ | :: well ordered |
清明 {adj} /qīngmíng/ | :: peaceful (times) |
清明 {prop} /Qīngmíng/ | :: Qingming (fifth of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese calendar, occurring from April 4 or 5 to 18 or 19) |
清明 {prop} /Qīngmíng/ | :: Tomb Sweeping Day (annual Chinese festival observed on the first day of Qingming) |
清明 {prop} /Qīngmíng/ | :: (~ 村) 清明 (village) |
清明河 {prop} /Qīngmínghé/ | :: (~ 鄉) 清明河 (township) |
清明節 {prop} /Qīngmíngjié/ | :: Tomb Sweeping Day (annual Chinese festival observed on the first day of Qingming) |
清明节 {def} SEE: 清明節 | :: |
清明夢 {n} /qīngmíngmèng/ | :: lucid dream |
清明梦 {def} SEE: 清明夢 | :: |
清末 {n} [historical] /qīngmò/ | :: end of the Qing dynasty |
清奈 {prop} [Taiwan] /Qīngnài/ | :: 清奈 (city/capital city) |
清盘 {def} SEE: 清盤 | :: |
清盤 {v} /qīngpán/ | :: to liquidate (convert assets into cash) |
清貧 {adj} [especially of scholars and intellectuals] /qīngpín/ | :: destitute; poor; badly off |
清貧 {adj} [literary] /qīngpín/ | :: poor but upright |
清贫 {def} SEE: 清貧 | :: |
清坪 {prop} /Qīngpíng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 清坪 (town) |
清坪 {prop} /Qīngpíng/ | :: (~ 村) 清坪 (village) |
清平 {adj} [literary, of a country] /qīngpíng/ | :: at peace and free of corruption |
清漆 {n} /qīngqī/ | :: varnish |
清奇 {adj} [literary] /qīngqí/ | :: quaint and attractive (of scenery, style, etc.) |
清奇 {adj} [literary] /qīngqí/ | :: good-looking, peculiar, and elegant (of a person) |
清奇 {adj} [Mainland, ironic, neologism] /qīngqí/ | :: freaky; weird |
清气 {def} SEE: 清氣 | :: |
清气相 {def} SEE: 清氣相 | :: |
清浅 {def} SEE: 清淺 | :: |
清琴 {n} [literary] /qīngqín/ | :: elegant-sounding zither |
清癯 {adj} [literary] /qīngqú/ | :: thin; lean; spare |
清泉 {n} /qīngquán/ | :: clear spring; fresh spring |
清热 {def} SEE: 清熱 | :: |
清热解毒 {def} SEE: 清熱解毒 | :: |
清热药 {def} SEE: 清熱藥 | :: |
清熱 {v} [TCM] /qīngrè/ | :: to clear heat; to relieve inflammation |
清熱解毒 {idiom} [TCM] /qīngrèjiědú/ | :: to clear heat and detoxify |
清熱藥 {n} [TCM] /qīngrèyào/ | :: heat-clearing materia medica in traditional Chinese medicine (i.e. herbs and other medicinal substances that are used to relieve heat symptoms, such as sore throats and mouth ulcers) |
清人 {n} /qīngrén/ | :: person living during the Qing dynasty |
清塞音 {n} [linguistics] /qīngsèyīn/ | :: voiceless stop |
清嗓子 {v} /qīng sǎngzi/ | :: to clear one's throat |
清扫 {def} SEE: 清掃 | :: |
清掃 {v} /qīngsǎo/ | :: to sweep; to thoroughly clean up |
清商 {n} [music] /qīngshāng/ | :: The traditional court music of the Han nationality and the dominant form of musical performances of the Imperial Chinese court |
清商乐 {def} SEE: 清商樂 | :: |
清商樂 {n} /qīngshāngyuè/ | :: alternative name for 清商 |
清湯 {n} /qīngtāng/ | :: light soup; clear soup; consommé |
清史 {n} /qīngshǐ/ | :: history of the Qing dynasty |
清世 {n} [literary] /qīngshì/ | :: peaceful time |
清士 {n} [archaic] /qīngshì/ | :: upright and honest man |
清室 {n} [archaic] /qīng室/ | :: pleasantly cool room |
清室 {n} [archaic] /qīng室/ | :: prison; jail |
清室 {n} [archaic] /qīng室/ | :: the Qing imperial household |
清室 {v} [archaic] /qīng室/ | :: to inspect the palace to ensure its safety |
清瘦 {adj} [euphemistic] /qīngshòu/ | :: thin; lean; spare |
清瘦 {adj} [of calligraphy, poetry, etc.] /qīngshòu/ | :: delicate and vigorous |
清爽 {adj} /qīngshuǎng/ | :: fresh and cool |
清爽 {adj} /qīngshuǎng/ | :: relieved; relaxed |
清爽 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin, Wu] /qīngshuǎng/ | :: clean |
清爽 {adj} [Wu] /qīngshuǎng/ | :: clear |
清水 {n} /qīngshuǐ/ | :: clear and pure water; fresh water |
清水 {prop} /qīngshuǐ/ | :: (~ 縣) Qingshui County, in Tianshui, Gansu province, China |
清水 {prop} /qīngshuǐ/ | :: (~ 鎮) zh:清水鎮, name of several towns in China |
清水 {prop} /qīngshuǐ/ | :: (~ 區) 清水 (district) |
清水 {prop} /qīngshuǐ/ | :: (~ 區) Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka, a district in Shizuoka, Japan |
清水 {prop} /qīngshuǐ/ | :: A Japanese surname: Shimizu |
清水桥 {def} SEE: 清水橋 | :: |
清水橋 {prop} /Qīngshuǐqiáo/ | :: (~ 鎮) 清水橋 (town) |
清水湾 {def} SEE: 清水灣 | :: |
清水灣 {prop} /Qīngshuǐwān/ | :: 清水灣 (bay) |
清水灣 {prop} /Qīngshuǐwān/ | :: (~ 半島) 清水灣 (peninsula) |
清算 {v} [accounting] /qīngsuàn/ | :: to clear (accounts); to settle; to liquidate |
清算 {v} /qīngsuàn/ | :: to expose and criticize |
清太坪 {prop} /Qīngtàipíng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 清太坪 (town) |
清談 {v} [literary] /qīngtán/ | :: to chat; to have a casual conversation |
清談 {v} [historical] /qīngtán/ | :: to discuss pure philosophical theories among intellectuals |
清談 {v} [figurative] /qīngtán/ | :: to do empty talk |
清谈 {def} SEE: 清談 | :: |
清汤 {def} SEE: 清湯 | :: |
清廷 {n} [historical] /qīngtíng/ | :: the Qing government |
清通 {adj} /qīngtōng/ | :: lucid; easy to understand |
清通 {adj} /qīngtōng/ | :: [of language, writing, etc.] clear and coherent; smooth |
清脫 {adj} [literary] /qīngtuō/ | :: fresh and elegant; free and easy |
清脱 {def} SEE: 清脫 | :: |
清瘟解毒丸 {n} /qīngwēn jiědú wán/ | :: A blackish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to remedy epidemic infectious diseases and counteract toxicity in the treatment of epidemic infectious diseases marked by chills, fever, headache, thirst, dryness of the throat with no sweat, mumps, and erysipelas of the face" |
清文 {prop} /Qīngwén/ | :: (~ 里) 清文 (urban village) |
清晰 {adj} [of sounds, images, etc.] /qīngxī/ | :: distinct; clear |
清晰度 {n} /qīngxīdù/ | :: resolution (of an image) |
清晰度 {n} /qīngxīdù/ | :: articulation (of a sound) |
清洗 {v} /qīngxǐ/ | :: to cleanse; to clean |
清洗 {v} [figurative] /qīngxǐ/ | :: to purge; to cleanse |
清閑 {def} SEE: 清閒 | :: |
清闲 {def} SEE: 清閒 | :: |
清香 {n} /qīngxiāng,er/ | :: delicate fragrance; sweet scent |
清新 {adj} /qīngxīn/ | :: refreshing; fresh |
清新 {adj} [of style etc.] /qīngxīn/ | :: original; elegant; imaginative |
清新 {v} /qīngxīn/ | :: to refresh; to freshen up |
清新 {prop} /qīngxīn/ | :: (~ 區) Qingxin District (district in Qingyuan, Guangdong province, China) |
清新剂 {def} SEE: 清新劑 | :: |
清新劑 {n} /qīngxīnjì/ | :: deodorant |
清醒 {adj} /qīngxǐng/ | :: clear-headed; sober |
清醒 {v} /qīngxǐng/ | :: to regain consciousness; to sober up; to awake |
清醒夢 {n} /qīngxǐngmèng/ | :: lucid dream |
清醒梦 {def} SEE: 清醒夢 | :: |
清秀 {adj} /qīngxiù/ | :: delicate and pretty |
清須 {prop} /Qīngxū/ | :: (~ 市) 清須 (city) |
清须 {def} SEE: 清須 | :: |
清眩丸 {n} /qīngxuàn wán/ | :: A blackish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dispel wind-heat in the treatment of wind-heat marked by dizziness, frontal or one-sided headache, stuffed nose and toothache" |
清雅 {adj} /qīngyǎ/ | :: elegant; refined |
清咽丸 {n} /qīngyàn wán/ | :: A blackish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to remove heat, releasing discomfort in the pharynx in the treatment of dysphonia and hoarseness of the throat" |
清样 {def} SEE: 清樣 | :: |
清樣 {n} [printing] /qīngyàng/ | :: final proof; foundry proof |
清一色 {adj} /qīng一sè/ | :: all of the same colour; uniform |
清一色 {n} [mahjong] /qīng一sè/ | :: a winning hand where all the tiles are of the same suit |
清議 {v} [literary] /qīngyì/ | :: to make critical remarks of the current political climate (of learned scholars) |
清议 {def} SEE: 清議 | :: |
清逸 {adj} [literary] /qīngyì/ | :: fresh and refined |
清音 {n} [phonetics] /qīngyīn/ | :: voiceless sound |
清幽 {adj} /qīngyōu/ | :: quiet and beautiful; enchanting and secluded (of a landscape) |
清淤 {v} /qīngyū/ | :: to remove silt (in rivers, lakes and water channels) |
清远 {def} SEE: 清遠 | :: |
清遠 {prop} /Qīngyuǎn/ | :: (~ 市) 清遠 (prefecture-level city) |
清遠 {prop} /Qīngyuǎn/ | :: (~ 縣) [historical] 清遠 (county) |
清苑 {prop} /Qīngyuàn/ | :: (~ 區) 清苑 (district) |
清早 {adj} /qīngzǎo/ | :: early in the morning |
清朝 {prop} /Qīngcháo/ | :: the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) |
清真 {adj} [Islam] /qīngzhēn/ | :: halal; permissible according to Muslim religious customs, especially of food preparation |
清真 {adj} [literary] /qīngzhēn/ | :: naive; artless |
清真 {adj} [literary] /qīngzhēn/ | :: pure; sincere |
清真教 {n} /Qīngzhēnjiào/ | :: Islam |
清真寺 {n} [Islam] /qīngzhēnsì/ | :: mosque (Classifier: m:座) |
清鎮 {prop} /Qīngzhèn/ | :: (~ 市) 清鎮 (city) |
清镇 {def} SEE: 清鎮 | :: |
清蒸 {v} /qīngzhēng/ | :: to cook purely by steam; to steam in clear soup without soy sauce |
清正 {adj} /qīngzhèng/ | :: incorruptible and upright |
清州 {prop} /Qīngzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 清州 (city) |
清浊 {def} SEE: 清濁 | :: |
清濁 {n} /qīngzhuó/ | :: clear and muddy |
清濁 {n} [figurative] /qīngzhuó/ | :: good and evil; purity and impurity |
清濁 {n} [phonetics] /qīngzhuó/ | :: voicing; voiceless and voiced sounds |
清酌 {n} [literary] /qīngzhuó/ | :: clear alcohol used to be offered to gods, ancestors, etc. during worship |
狅 {def} /qīng,kuáng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 狂 |
蜻 {def} /qīng/ | :: only used in 蜻蜓 |
蜻 {def} /jīng/ | :: only used in 蜻蛚 |
蜻 {def} /jìng/ | :: only used in 蜻蜻 |
蜻蛚 {n} [literary] /jīngliè/ | :: cricket (insect) |
蜻蛉 {n} /qīnglíng/ | :: dragonfly |
蜻蜻 {n} [literary] /jìngjìng/ | :: a type of cicada |
蜻蜻 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] | :: dragonfly |
蜻蜓 {n} /qīngtíng/ | :: dragonfly |
軽 {def} SEE: 輕 | :: |
軽 {def} SEE: 輊 | :: |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: light (of low weight) |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: small; little; slight; minor; insignificant |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: lightweight; portable; convenient to carry or manoeuvre |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: rash; rattlebrained |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] frivolous; skittish; giddy |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: easy; simple; relaxed |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: humble; meagre; inexpensive |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: gentle; light; soft |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] to belittle; to make light of |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] to lighten; to reduce |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] to forgive; to pardon |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] light carriage |
輕 {def} /qīng/ | :: abbreviation of 輕工業 |
輕 {def} [obsolete, chemical element] /qīng/ | :: alternative name for 氫 |
輕薄 {adj} /qīngbó/ | :: frivolous; flirtatious; careless; disrespectful; discourteous |
輕薄 {v} /qīngbó/ | :: to behave in a disrespectful manner (especially of men to women) |
輕薄 {v} [literary, of currency] /qīngbó/ | :: to depreciate |
輕便 {adj} /qīngbiàn/ | :: light; portable |
輕便 {adj} /qīngbiàn/ | :: easy and convenient |
輕便 {adj} /qīngbiàn/ | :: handy |
輕車都尉 {n} [archaic] /qīngjūdūwèi,qīngchēdūwèi/ | :: a non-imperial nobility title of the Qing dynasty, roughly equivalent to a commander of a chivalric order |
輕唇音 {def} SEE: 輕脣音 | :: |
輕脣音 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /qīngchúnyīn/ | :: labiodental |
輕淡 {adj} [of smell, memory, etc.] /qīngdàn/ | :: faint; vague; weak |
輕淡 {adj} [of attitude] /qīngdàn/ | :: casual; unconcerned; nonchalant |
輕敵 {v} /qīngdí/ | :: to underestimate the enemy |
輕動 {v} [literary] /qīngdòng/ | :: to act lightly; to take action in haste (without forethought) |
輕而易舉 {idiom} [of doing something] /qīng'éryìjǔ/ | :: easy; without much effort |
輕風 {n} /qīngfēng/ | :: breeze |
輕風 {n} [meteorology] /qīngfēng/ | :: light wind |
輕浮 {adj} /qīngfú/ | :: frivolous; flippant |
輕浮 {adj} /qīngfú/ | :: flirtatious; flirty; coquettish |
輕撫 {v} /qīngfǔ/ | :: to lightly stroke; to lightly caress |
輕賦 {v} [literary, historical] /qīngfù/ | :: to reduce the tax |
輕歌劇 {n} /qīnggējù/ | :: light opera, operetta |
輕功 {n} [martial arts] /qīnggōng/ | :: qinggong |
輕工業 {n} /qīnggōngyè/ | :: light industry |
輕骨頭 {adj} /qīnggǔtou,qīnggútou,1nb/ | :: smug and bloated; frivolous; flighty; puffed up |
輕骨頭 {n} /qīnggǔtou,qīnggútou,1nb/ | :: one who is smug and bloated; contemptible wretch |
輕軌 {n} [transportation] /qīngguǐ/ | :: light rail |
輕活 {n} /qīnghuó/ | :: light work; soft job |
輕騎 {n} [military] /qīng騎/ | :: light cavalry |
輕騎 {n} /qīng騎/ | :: light motorcycle; moped |
輕騎兵 {n} /qīngqíbīng/ | :: light cavalry |
輕健 {adj} [of gait or steps] /qīngjiàn/ | :: brisk |
輕賤 {adj} /qīngjiàn/ | :: mean and worthless; humble; lowly |
輕賤 {v} /qīngjiàn/ | :: to look down on |
輕捷 {adj} /qīngjié/ | :: spry and light; nimble |
輕金屬 {n} /qīngjīnshǔ/ | :: light metal(s) |
輕進 {v} [literary] /qīngjìn/ | :: to hastily advance; to advance rashly |
輕舉妄動 {idiom} /qīngjǔwàngdòng/ | :: to act rashly and blindly |
輕快 {adj} /qīngkuài/ | :: nimble; agile; quick |
輕快 {adj} /qīngkuài/ | :: relaxed; cheerful; pleasant |
輕狂 {adj} /qīngkuáng/ | :: frivolous |
輕量 {n} /qīngliàng/ | :: lightweight |
輕量級 {n} [boxing] /qīngliàngjí/ | :: lightweight class |
輕量級 {adj} [computing] /qīngliàngjí/ | :: lightweight |
輕率 {adj} /qīngshuài/ | :: rash; hasty |
輕慢 {v} /qīngmàn/ | :: to slight; to treat someone without respect |
輕描淡寫 {idiom} /qīngmiáodànxiě/ | :: to touch on lightly; to mention casually; to play down |
輕蔑 {v} /qīngmiè/ | :: to look down upon; to scorn; to disdain |
輕蔑 {adj} /qīngmiè/ | :: pejorative |
輕判 {v} [legal] /qīngpàn/ | :: to give a lenient sentence |
輕飄飄 {adj} [of an object] /qīngpiāopiāo/ | :: light; light as if it's about to float |
輕飄飄 {adj} /qīngpiāopiāo/ | :: nimble; relaxed |
輕敲 {v} /qīngqiāo/ | :: to lightly strike; to lightly rap on; to patter on |
輕巧 {adj} /qīngqiǎo/ | :: light and handy |
輕巧 {adj} /qīngqiǎo/ | :: dexterous; deft |
輕巧 {adj} /qīngqiǎo/ | :: simple; easy |
輕輕 {adv} /qīngqīng/ | :: lightly; gently; softly |
輕輕 {adv} /qīngqīng/ | :: carefully; meticulously |
輕輕 {adv} /qīngqīng/ | :: lightly; easily |
輕輕易易 {idiom} /qīngqīngyìyì/ | :: simple; easy |
輕取 {v} /qīngqǔ/ | :: to win an easy victory in a game; to beat easily; to win hands down |
輕紗 {n} /qīngshā/ | :: fine gauze |
輕傷 {n} /qīngshāng/ | :: minor wound or injury |
輕身 {adv} [literary] /qīngshēn/ | :: with no respect for one's own dignity |
輕生 {v} [euphemistic] /qīngshēng/ | :: to commit suicide |
輕生重義 {idiom} /qīngshēngzhòngyì/ | :: to value justice above life |
輕聲 {adv} /qīngshēng/ | :: quietly; softly |
輕聲 {n} [phonology] /qīngshēng/ | :: neutral tone; in Hanyu Pinyin usually left unmarked (or optionally marked with ·) and in bopomofo marked with ˙ |
輕視 {v} /qīngshì/ | :: to not attach importance to; to look down on; to think little of; to despise |
輕舒 {adj} [literary] /qīngshū/ | :: relaxed and casual |
輕鬆 {adj} /qīngsōng/ | :: relaxed; gentle; light in mood |
輕鬆 {v} /qīngsōng/ | :: to relax; to calm down |
輕颱 {n} [Taiwan] /qīngtái/ | :: mild typhoon |
輕佻 {adj} /qīngtiāo/ | :: frivolous; flippant; unserious |
輕佻 {adj} /qīngtiāo/ | :: flirtatious; flirty; coquettish |
輕微 {adj} /qīng微/ | :: to a small extent; light; slight; minute; trivial; trifling; superficial |
輕信 {v} /qīngxìn/ | :: to be taken in by; to be too trusting; to be credulous |
輕型 {adj} [attributive] /qīngxíng/ | :: light-duty; light (of machinery, weapons, etc.) |
輕揚 {v} /qīngyáng/ | :: to drift lightly |
輕颺 {def} SEE: 輕揚 | :: |
輕易 {adv} /qīngyì/ | :: easily |
輕易 {adv} /qīngyì/ | :: lightly; rashly; carelessly; hastily |
輕易 {adj} /qīngyì/ | :: simple; easy |
輕易 {adj} [literary] /qīngyì/ | :: flippant; frivolous |
輕易 {v} [literary] /qīngyì/ | :: to not attach importance to; to look down on; to think little of; to despise |
輕音 {n} /qīngyīn/ | :: light music |
輕音樂 {n} /qīngyīnyuè/ | :: elevator music; instrumental music; easy listening |
輕盈 {adj} /qīngyíng/ | :: slim and graceful; lithe; lissome |
輕盈 {adj} /qīngyíng/ | :: lighthearted; relaxed |
輕於鴻毛 {idiom} [derogatory, figuratively] /qīngyúhóngmáo/ | :: to be worthless (or trashy, valueless, not worth a brass farthing, good for nothing, of no worth) |
輕躁 {adj} /qīngzào/ | :: reckless and impatient; frivolous and impetuous |
輕躁 {adj} [psychiatry, colloquial] /qīngzào/ | :: abbreviation of 輕躁狂 |
輕躁狂 {adj} [psychiatry] /qīngzàokuáng/ | :: hypomanic |
輕戰 {v} [archaic] /qīngzhàn/ | :: to march off into battle prematurely; to launch an attack without sufficient caution |
輕症 {n} /qīngzhèng/ | :: mild case of an illness |
輕重 {n} /qīngzhòng/ | :: lightness and heaviness |
輕重 {n} /qīngzhòng/ | :: weight |
輕重 {n} /qīngzhòng/ | :: force; intensity |
輕重 {n} /qīngzhòng/ | :: volume (of a sound) |
輕重 {n} /qīngzhòng/ | :: importance |
輕重 {n} /qīngzhòng/ | :: seriousness; severity |
輕重 {n} /qīngzhòng/ | :: propriety |
輕重緩急 {idiom} /qīngzhònghuǎnjí/ | :: relative importance and urgency (of matters) |
輕舟 {n} [literary] /qīngzhōu/ | :: a small boat; a light boat |
輕妝 {n} /qīngzhuāng/ | :: light makeup |
輕粧 {def} SEE: 輕妝 | :: |
輕裝 {n} /qīngzhuāng/ | :: light packs |
輕裝 {n} /qīngzhuāng/ | :: light equipment |
輕裝上陣 {idiom} [originally] /qīngzhuāngshàngzhèn/ | :: to go into battle with a light pack; [by extension] to go forward with one's burdens discarded; to join the action without any burdens |
輕子 {n} [physics] /qīngzǐ/ | :: lepton |
輕罪 {n} /qīngzuì/ | :: minor offense; misdemeanor |
轻 {def} SEE: 輕 | :: |
轻薄 {def} SEE: 輕薄 | :: |
轻便 {def} SEE: 輕便 | :: |
轻车都尉 {def} SEE: 輕車都尉 | :: |
轻唇音 {def} SEE: 輕脣音 | :: |
轻淡 {def} SEE: 輕淡 | :: |
轻敌 {def} SEE: 輕敵 | :: |
轻动 {def} SEE: 輕動 | :: |
轻而易举 {def} SEE: 輕而易舉 | :: |
轻风 {def} SEE: 輕風 | :: |
轻浮 {def} SEE: 輕浮 | :: |
轻抚 {def} SEE: 輕撫 | :: |
轻赋 {def} SEE: 輕賦 | :: |
轻歌剧 {def} SEE: 輕歌劇 | :: |
轻功 {def} SEE: 輕功 | :: |
轻工业 {def} SEE: 輕工業 | :: |
轻骨头 {def} SEE: 輕骨頭 | :: |
轻轨 {def} SEE: 輕軌 | :: |
轻活 {def} SEE: 輕活 | :: |
轻健 {def} SEE: 輕健 | :: |
轻贱 {def} SEE: 輕賤 | :: |
轻捷 {def} SEE: 輕捷 | :: |
轻金属 {def} SEE: 輕金屬 | :: |
轻进 {def} SEE: 輕進 | :: |
轻举妄动 {def} SEE: 輕舉妄動 | :: |
轻快 {def} SEE: 輕快 | :: |
轻狂 {def} SEE: 輕狂 | :: |
轻量 {def} SEE: 輕量 | :: |
轻量级 {def} SEE: 輕量級 | :: |
轻率 {def} SEE: 輕率 | :: |
轻慢 {def} SEE: 輕慢 | :: |
轻描淡写 {def} SEE: 輕描淡寫 | :: |
轻蔑 {def} SEE: 輕蔑 | :: |
轻判 {def} SEE: 輕判 | :: |
轻飘 {def} SEE: 輕飄 | :: |
轻飘飘 {def} SEE: 輕飄飄 | :: |
轻骑 {def} SEE: 輕騎 | :: |
轻骑兵 {def} SEE: 輕騎兵 | :: |
轻敲 {def} SEE: 輕敲 | :: |
轻巧 {def} SEE: 輕巧 | :: |
轻轻 {def} SEE: 輕輕 | :: |
轻轻易易 {def} SEE: 輕輕易易 | :: |
轻取 {def} SEE: 輕取 | :: |
轻纱 {def} SEE: 輕紗 | :: |
轻伤 {def} SEE: 輕傷 | :: |
轻身 {def} SEE: 輕身 | :: |
轻声 {def} SEE: 輕聲 | :: |
轻生 {def} SEE: 輕生 | :: |
轻生重义 {def} SEE: 輕生重義 | :: |
轻视 {def} SEE: 輕視 | :: |
轻舒 {def} SEE: 輕舒 | :: |
轻松 {def} SEE: 輕鬆 | :: |
轻台 {def} SEE: 輕颱 | :: |
轻体 {def} SEE: 輕體 | :: |
轻佻 {def} SEE: 輕佻 | :: |
轻铁 {def} SEE: 輕鐵 | :: |
轻微 {def} SEE: 輕微 | :: |
轻锡 {def} SEE: 輕錫 | :: |
轻信 {def} SEE: 輕信 | :: |
轻型 {def} SEE: 輕型 | :: |
轻扬 {def} SEE: 輕揚 | :: |
轻飏 {def} SEE: 輕颺 | :: |
轻易 {def} SEE: 輕易 | :: |
轻音 {def} SEE: 輕音 | :: |
轻音乐 {def} SEE: 輕音樂 | :: |
轻银 {def} SEE: 輕銀 | :: |
轻银仔 {def} SEE: 輕銀仔 | :: |
轻盈 {def} SEE: 輕盈 | :: |
轻于鸿毛 {def} SEE: 輕於鴻毛 | :: |
轻躁 {def} SEE: 輕躁 | :: |
轻躁狂 {def} SEE: 輕躁狂 | :: |
轻战 {def} SEE: 輕戰 | :: |
轻重 {def} SEE: 輕重 | :: |
轻重缓急 {def} SEE: 輕重緩急 | :: |
轻舟 {def} SEE: 輕舟 | :: |
轻妆 {def} SEE: 輕妝 | :: |
轻装 {def} SEE: 輕裝 | :: |
轻装上阵 {def} SEE: 輕裝上陣 | :: |
轻子 {def} SEE: 輕子 | :: |
轻罪 {def} SEE: 輕罪 | :: |
靑 {def} SEE: 青 | :: |
靑島 {def} SEE: 青島 | :: |
靑年 {def} SEE: 青年 | :: |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: blue-green; blue (of sky, stone etc.); green (of grass, plants, mountain etc.) |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: blue-green ("grue")-colored items |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: black (of hair, cloth, silk thread etc.) |
青 {def} [Min Nan] /qīng,jīng/ | :: green |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: luxuriant; lush; exuberant |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: young; adolescent |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: east |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: spring |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: green grass |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: ripening crops |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: abbreviation of 青海 |
青 {def} /qīng,jīng/ | :: surname |
青斑 {n} /qīngbān/ | :: (~ 魚) green grouper; orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) |
青保 {n} /qīngbǎo/ | :: protection of teenagers |
青菜 {n} /qīngcài/ | :: bok choy; pak choi |
青菜 {n} /qīngcài/ | :: rapeseed |
青菜 {n} /qīngcài/ | :: any green vegetable; greens |
青菜 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Jin] /qīngcài/ | :: spinach |
青藏 {prop} /Qīng-Zàng/ | :: Qinghai and Tibet |
青藏高原 {prop} /Qīng-Zàng Gāoyuán/ | :: the Tibetan Plateau |
青草 {n} /qīngcǎo/ | :: grass; green grass |
青草 {n} [Min Nan] /qīngcǎo/ | :: medicinal herbs |
青城山 {prop} /Qīngchéng Shān/ | :: Mount Qingcheng |
青出於藍 {idiom} [figurative] /qīngchūyúlán/ | :: abbreviation of 青出於藍,而青於藍 |
青出於藍,而青於藍 {proverb} /qīng chū yú lán, ér qīng yú lán/ | :: the student has surpassed his or her teacher |
青出於藍,而勝於藍 {proverb} /qīng chū yú lán, ér shèng yú lán/ | :: synonym of 青出於藍,而青於藍 |
青出于蓝 {def} SEE: 青出於藍 | :: |
青出于蓝,而青于蓝 {def} SEE: 青出於藍,而青於藍 | :: |
青出于蓝,而胜于蓝 {def} SEE: 青出於藍,而勝於藍 | :: |
青春 {n} [literary] /qīngchūn/ | :: springtime; spring |
青春 {n} [figurative] /qīngchūn/ | :: youth; adolescence; youthfulness; prime of one's life |
青春 {n} [literary, usually, honorific] /qīngchūn/ | :: age of young people |
青春痘 {n} [diseases, colloquial] /qīngchūndòu,er/ | :: acne |
青春豆 {def} SEE: 青春痘 | :: |
青春飯 {n} /qīngchūnfàn/ | :: job or profession appropriate for young people only |
青春饭 {def} SEE: 青春飯 | :: |
青春活力 {n} /qīngchūn huólì/ | :: young blood; youth |
青春靓丽 {def} SEE: 青春靚麗 | :: |
青春靚麗 {idiom} /qīngchūnliànglì/ | :: young and beautiful |
青春美丽它 {def} SEE: 青春美麗它 | :: |
青春年华 {def} SEE: 青春年華 | :: |
青春年華 {idiom} /qīngchūnniánhuá/ | :: prime of one's life; the green years |
青春年少 {idiom} /qīngchūnniánshào/ | :: to be quite young |
青春期 {n} /qīngchūn期/ | :: puberty |
青瓷 {n} /qīngcí/ | :: celadon |
青葱 {def} SEE: 青蔥 | :: |
青葱岁月 {def} SEE: 青蔥歲月 | :: |
青葱歲月 {def} SEE: 青蔥歲月 | :: |
青蔥 {n} /qīngcōng/ | :: scallion; green onion |
青蔥 {adj} [of vegetation] /qīngcōng/ | :: verdant; lush |
青蔥歲月 {n} /qīngcōng suìyuè/ | :: one's salad days; best time of one's youth |
青翠 {adj} [of grass] /qīngcuì/ | :: fresh and green; verdant; lush |
青黛 {n} /qīngdài/ | :: Indigo naturalis (herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat infection, epilepsy, mouth inflammation and nose bleeds) |
青岛 {def} SEE: 青島 | :: |
青島 {prop} /Qīngdǎo/ | :: (~ 市) 青島 (major prefecture-level city/and/sub-provincial city) |
青灯黄卷 {def} SEE: 青燈黃卷 | :: |
青燈黃卷 {idiom} /qīngdēnghuángjuàn/ | :: studying |
青豆 {n} /qīngdòu/ | :: green soybean |
青豆 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /qīngdòu/ | :: green pea |
青娥 {n} [archaic] /qīng'é/ | :: a pretty young woman |
青番姜 {def} SEE: 青番薑 | :: |
青峰 {prop} /Qīngfēng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 青峰 (town) |
青峰 {prop} /Qīngfēng/ | :: (~ 村) 青峰 (village) |
青蚨 {n} [Chinese mythology] /qīngfú/ | :: a kind of insect |
青蚨 {n} [figurative, literary] /qīngfú/ | :: money; copper coins |
青梗菜 {n} /qīnggěngcài/ | :: baby bok choy |
青工 {n} /qīnggōng/ | :: young workers (especially of the Communist Party of China) |
青瓜 {n} [regional, dialectal] /qīngguā/ | :: cucumber (Classifier: m:根c:條) |
青光眼 {n} [diseases] /qīngguāngyǎn/ | :: glaucoma |
青果 {n} /qīngguǒ/ | :: alternative name for 橄欖 |
青果 {n} [Hakka, Teochew] /qīngguǒ/ | :: fruit |
青果丸 {n} /qīngguǒ wán/ | :: A blackish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to remove heat, to relieve discomfort of the oropharynx, dissolving swelling and relieving pain, in the treatment of aphonia and hoarseness, dryness of the mouth and tongue, and cough due to dryness of the lungs" |
青果盐 {def} SEE: 青果鹽 | :: |
青海 {prop} /Qīnghǎi/ | :: (~ 湖) 青海 (lake) |
青海 {prop} /Qīnghǎi/ | :: (~ 省) 青海 (province) |
青海湖 {prop} /Qīnghǎi Hú/ | :: Qinghai Lake |
青蒿 {n} [TCM] /qīnghāo/ | :: Artemisia annua, especially the dried aboveground parts of the species |
青蒿 {n} [erroneous] /qīnghāo/ | :: Artemisia apiacea; Artemisia carvifolia |
青蒿素 {n} [organic compound] /qīnghāosù/ | :: artemisinin; qinghaosu |
青紅皂白 {idiom} /qīnghóng-zàobái/ | :: wheat and chaff; right and wrong |
青红灯 {def} SEE: 青紅燈 | :: |
青红火 {def} SEE: 青紅火 | :: |
青红皂白 {def} SEE: 青紅皂白 | :: |
青花 {n} /qīnghuā/ | :: blue and white |
青花菜 {n} /qīnghuācài/ | :: broccoli |
青花瓷 {n} /qīnghuācí/ | :: blue and white porcelain |
青黃不接 {idiom} /qīnghuáng不jiē/ | :: the crop is still in the blade and the old stock is consumed |
青黃不接 {idiom} [figuratively] /qīnghuáng不jiē/ | :: temporary deficit; temporary shortage |
青黄不接 {def} SEE: 青黃不接 | :: |
青江菜 {n} /qīngjiāngcài/ | :: baby bok choy |
青椒 {n} /qīngjiāo/ | :: green pepper (Capsicum annuum) |
青鮫 {n} /qīngjiāo/ | :: a kind of shark |
青鲛 {def} SEE: 青鮫 | :: |
青筋 {n} /qīngjīn/ | :: blue veins |
青衿 {n} [literary, historical, literally] /qīngjīn/ | :: blue collar or lapel of an unlined long gown |
青衿 {n} [literary, historical, figurative] /qīngjīn/ | :: student's clothing in ancient times; student |
青衿 {n} [literary, figurative] /qīngjīn/ | :: youngster; teenager |
青金石 {n} /qīngjīnshí/ | :: lapis lazuli |
青靓白净 {def} SEE: 青靚白淨 | :: |
青咖喱 {n} /qīnggālí/ | :: green curry |
青稞 {n} /qīngkē/ | :: highland barley (principal cereal cultivated on the Tibetan Plateau) |
青空 {n} [literary] /qīngkōng/ | :: blue sky, azure sky |
青口 {n} /qīngkǒu/ | :: mussel (especially the Asian green mussel Perna viridis) |
青口貝 {n} /qīngkǒubèi,er/ | :: Asian green mussel (Perna viridis) |
青口贝 {def} SEE: 青口貝 | :: |
青狂风 {def} SEE: 青狂風 | :: |
青睐 {def} SEE: 青睞 | :: |
青睞 {v} [literary, figurative] /qīnglài/ | :: to favour; to think highly of; to be in someone's good graces |
青覽 {v} [literary, polite] /qīnglǎn/ | :: please read this letter [used at the beginning of letters to a younger recipient] |
青览 {def} SEE: 青覽 | :: |
青藜 {n} [literary] /qīnglí/ | :: walking stick; cane (Classifier: m:個m:把) |
青莲 {def} SEE: 青蓮 | :: |
青蓮 {prop} /Qīnglián/ | :: (~ 鎮) 青蓮 (town) |
青蓮 {n} /qīnglián/ | :: blue lotus |
青菱 {prop} /Qīnglíng/ | :: (~ 街道) 青菱 (subdistrict) |
青龍 {n} /qīnglóng/ | :: Azure Dragon, one of the Four symbols of the Chinese constellations |
青龍 {n} [figurative, slang] /qīnglóng/ | :: man without pubic hair |
青龍 {prop} /qīnglóng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 青龍 (town) |
青龍庵 {prop} /Qīnglóng'ān/ | :: (~ 村) 青龍庵 (village) |
青龍刀 {prop} /Qīnglóngdāo/ | :: Green Dragon (Crescent) Blade |
青龍頭 {prop} /Qīnglóngtóu/ | :: 青龍頭 (place) |
青龍偃月刀 {prop} /Qīnglóng Yǎnyuèdāo/ | :: Green Dragon Crescent Blade |
青龙 {def} SEE: 青龍 | :: |
青龙庵 {def} SEE: 青龍庵 | :: |
青龙刀 {def} SEE: 青龍刀 | :: |
青龙头 {def} SEE: 青龍頭 | :: |
青龙偃月刀 {def} SEE: 青龍偃月刀 | :: |
青楼 {def} SEE: 青樓 | :: |
青樓 {n} [literary] /qīnglóu/ | :: brothel; whorehouse; pleasure quarters |
青鸞 {n} [mythology] /qīngluán/ | :: a phoenix-like bird in Chinese mythology |
青鸞 {n} [figurative, literary] /qīngluán/ | :: mirror (as the bird qingluan likes to dance in front of mirrors) |
青鸞 {n} [figurative, literary] /qīngluán/ | :: bird for delivering mails; messenger |
青鸞 {n} [figurative, literary] /qīngluán/ | :: woman |
青鸞 {n} /qīngluán/ | :: great argus (Argusianus argus) |
青鸞 {n} [historical] /qīngluán/ | :: alternative form of 青鑾 |
青鸾 {def} SEE: 青鸞 | :: |
青羅 {n} [archaic] /qīngluó/ | :: bluish-green silk |
青羅傘 {n} [archaic] /qīngluósǎn/ | :: an umbrella covering made from bluish-green silk |
青羅傘蓋 {n} [archaic] /qīngluó sǎngài/ | :: an umbrella covering made from bluish-green silk |
青罗 {def} SEE: 青羅 | :: |
青罗伞 {def} SEE: 青羅傘 | :: |
青罗伞盖 {def} SEE: 青羅傘蓋 | :: |
青旅 {n} /qīnglǚ/ | :: abbreviation of 青年旅舍 |
青綠 {n} /qīnglǜ/ | :: dark green |
青绿 {def} SEE: 青綠 | :: |
青盲 {n} [diseases] /qīngmáng/ | :: blue-green color blindness; tritanopia |
青盲 {n} [TCM] /qīngmáng/ | :: synonym of 青光眼 |
青盲 {n} [Min] /qīngmáng/ | :: blind person |
青盲 {adj} [Hakka, Min] /qīngmáng/ | :: blind |
青盲虫 {def} SEE: 青盲蟲 | :: |
青梅 {n} /qīngméi/ | :: greengage |
青梅 {prop} /qīngméi/ | :: (~ 市) Ōme, Tōkyō Metropolis, Japan |
青梅竹馬 {idiom} /qīngméizhúmǎ/ | :: a girl and a boy playing innocently together; a man and a woman who had an innocent affection for each other in childhood; childhood sweethearts |
青梅竹马 {def} SEE: 青梅竹馬 | :: |
青霉 {def} SEE: 青黴 | :: |
青霉素 {def} SEE: 青黴素 | :: |
青黴 {n} /qīngméi/ | :: (~ 菌) Penicillium (blue mould) |
青黴素 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /qīngméisù/ | :: penicillin |
青面獠牙 {idiom} /qīngmiànliáoyá/ | :: green-faced and long-toothed; terrifying in appearance |
青苗 {n} /qīngmiáo/ | :: young crops; green shoots of food grains |
青木 {prop} /Qīngmù/ | :: A Japanese surname: Aoki |
青年 {n} /qīngnián/ | :: youth; adolescence (period) |
青年 {n} /qīngnián/ | :: young person; youngster; youth (person) |
青年 {prop} /qīngnián/ | :: (~ 村) 青年 (village) |
青年節 {prop} [Mainland China] /Qīngniánjié/ | :: Youth Day (May 4, commemorating the May Fourth Movement) |
青年節 {prop} [Taiwan] /Qīngniánjié/ | :: Youth Day (March 29) |
青年節 {prop} /Qīngniánjié/ | :: International Youth Day (August 12) |
青年節 {prop} /Qīngniánjié/ | :: World Youth Day |
青年节 {def} SEE: 青年節 | :: |
青年旅館 {n} /qīngnián lǚguǎn/ | :: youth hostel |
青年旅馆 {def} SEE: 青年旅館 | :: |
青年旅舍 {n} /qīngnián lǚshè/ | :: youth hostel |
青年期 {n} /qīngnián期/ | :: adolescence (period between childhood and maturity) |
青年人 {n} /qīngniánrén/ | :: young person; youth |
青年团 {def} SEE: 青年團 | :: |
青年團 {n} /qīngniántuán/ | :: youth league; youth corps |
青柠 {def} SEE: 青檸 | :: |
青柠色 {def} SEE: 青檸色 | :: |
青檸 {n} /qīngníng/ | :: lime (fruit) |
青檸色 {n} /qīngníngsè/ | :: lime color; greenish yellow |
青袍 {n} [archaic] /qīngpáo/ | :: a green Chinese long shirt |
青皮 {n} /qīngpí/ | :: peel of the unripe orange fruit (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.) |
青皮 {n} /qīngpí/ | :: notice |
青皮 {n} /qīngpí/ | :: lowlife |
青皮 {adj} /qīngpí/ | :: childish |
青青 {adj} [literary] /qīngqīng,jīngjīng/ | :: green and lush |
青青 {adj} [literary] /qīngqīng,jīngjīng/ | :: thick and overgrown (grass, bamboo etc.) |
青涩 {def} SEE: 青澀 | :: |
青澀 {adj} /qīngsè/ | :: unripe; immature |
青澀 {adj} [figurative] /qīngsè/ | :: immature; pubescent |
青色 {n} /qīngsè/ | :: blue-green; cyan |
青色 {n} [Cantonese] /qīngsè/ | :: yellow-green |
青色 {n} [Min Nan] /qīngsè/ | :: green |
青色 {adj} /qīngsè/ | :: cyan; blue-green |
青色 {adj} [Cantonese] /qīngsè/ | :: yellow-green |
青色 {adj} [Min Nan] /qīngsè/ | :: green |
青森 {prop} /Qīngsēn/ | :: (~ 縣) Aomori |
青山 {n} /qīngshān/ | :: green mountains; mountains with lush forests |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: 青山 (mountain peak) |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: (~ 區) |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: 青山 (district) |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: 青山 (district) |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: 青山 (former district), renamed to Tuen Mun |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: (~ 鎮) 青山 (town) |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: Nickname for (~ 醫院) (青山 (hospital)) |
青山 {prop} /qīngshān/ | :: 青山 (sub-district) |
青山綠水 {idiom} /qīngshānlǜshuǐ/ | :: green hills and rivers; beautiful landscape |
青山绿水 {def} SEE: 青山綠水 | :: |
青衫 {n} /qīngshān/ | :: black Chinese gown |
青衫 {n} /qīngshān/ | :: lowly official position |
青少年 {n} /qīngshàonián/ | :: young person; youth; adolescent; teenager |
青少年犯罪 {n} /qīngshàonián fànzuì/ | :: juvenile delinquency; juvenile offending; youth crime |
青石 {n} /qīngshí/ | :: blue-green stones (used in architecture and carving) |
青石 {n} [colloquial] /qīngshí/ | :: limestone |
青史 {n} /qīngshǐ/ | :: annals of history; history books |
青史 {n} [archaic] /qīngshǐ/ | :: bamboo books which were used to record historical events |
青史传名 {def} SEE: 青史傳名 | :: |
青史傳名 {idiom} /qīngshǐchuánmíng/ | :: one's name will be passed down in history books |
青士 {n} [archaic] /qīngshì/ | :: bamboo |
青丝 {def} SEE: 青絲 | :: |
青絲 {n} [literary] /qīngsī/ | :: green silk thread or string |
青絲 {n} [literary] /qīngsī/ | :: reins for a horse |
青絲 {n} [literary, figurative] /qīngsī/ | :: fine black hair (especially of a female) (Classifier: 縷) |
青絲 {n} [literary, figurative] /qīngsī/ | :: girl in the prime of her youth |
青絲 {n} [literary] /qīngsī/ | :: string of a stringed instrument |
青絲 {n} [literary, figurative] /qīngsī/ | :: willow branches or the vines of other plants |
青絲 {n} [literary, figurative] /qīngsī/ | :: garlic chive sprouts |
青絲 {n} /qīngsī/ | :: shredded green plums |
青松 {n} /qīngsōng/ | :: pine; dark green pine tree |
青琐门 {def} SEE: 青瑣門 | :: |
青瑣門 {prop} [archaic] /Qīngsuǒ Mén/ | :: Qingsuo Gate |
青鎖 {n} [archaic] /qīngsuǒ/ | :: the gates to the imperial palace; the imperial palace |
青锁 {def} SEE: 青鎖 | :: |
青苔 {n} /qīngtái/ | :: moss |
青天 {n} /qīngtiān/ | :: blue sky |
青天 {prop} /qīngtiān/ | :: (~ 村) 青天 (village) |
青天白日 {idiom} /qīngtiānbáirì/ | :: broad daylight; daytime |
青天白日满地红 {def} SEE: 青天白日滿地紅 | :: |
青天白日滿地紅 {idiom} /qīngtiān báirì mǎndì hóng/ | :: a nickname for the flag of the Republic of China |
青田 {prop} /Qīngtián/ | :: (~ 縣) 青田 (county) |
青桐 {n} /qīngtóng/ | :: alternative name for 梧桐 |
青銅 {n} /qīngtóng/ | :: bronze |
青銅器 {n} /qīngtóngqì/ | :: bronzeware |
青銅器時代 {prop} [archaeology] /Qīngtóngqì Shídài/ | :: the Bronze Age |
青銅色 {n} /qīngtóngsè/ | :: bronze (colour) |
青銅時代 {prop} /qīngtóng shídài/ | :: Bronze Age |
青銅峽 {prop} /Qīngtóngxiá/ | :: (~ 市) 青銅峽 (county-level city) |
青铜 {def} SEE: 青銅 | :: |
青铜器 {def} SEE: 青銅器 | :: |
青铜器时代 {def} SEE: 青銅器時代 | :: |
青铜色 {def} SEE: 青銅色 | :: |
青铜时代 {def} SEE: 青銅時代 | :: |
青铜峡 {def} SEE: 青銅峽 | :: |
青头仔 {def} SEE: 青頭仔 | :: |
青团 {def} SEE: 青團 | :: |
青團 {n} /qīngtuán/ | :: Qingtuan, a sweet rice-flour ball, usually filled with red bean paste, traditionally consumed on Tomb Sweeping Day in China |
青蛙 {n} /qīngwā/ | :: frog (Classifier: 隻) |
青蛙 {n} [slang, offensive] /qīngwā/ | :: ugly man |
青蛙腿 {n} /qīngwātuǐ/ | :: frog legs |
青箱 {n} /qīngxiāng/ | :: alternative name for 青葙 |
青箱子 {n} /qīngxiāngzi/ | :: alternative name for 青葙子 |
青葙 {n} /qīngxiāng/ | :: plumed cockscomb (Celosia argentea) |
青葙子 {n} /qīngxiāngzǐ/ | :: seed of plumed cockscomb (Celosia argentea) |
青眼 {n} [archaic] /qīngyǎn/ | :: the colored portion of the eye; iris |
青眼 {n} [figurative] /qīngyǎn/ | :: appreciation; favorable regard |
青眼 {v} [literary, figurative] /qīngyǎn/ | :: to appreciate; to esteem |
青衣 {n} [literary, historical] /qīngyī/ | :: clothes worn by the emperor and his concubines during the spring |
青衣 {n} [literary, historical] /qīngyī/ | :: blue- or black-colored clothes (associated with lower-ranking individuals) |
青衣 {n} [literary, historical] /qīngyī/ | :: lower-ranking attendant (who wore blue- or black-colored clothes after the Han Dynasty) |
青衣 {n} /qīngyī/ | :: (~ 魚) blackspot tuskfish (Choerodon schoenleinii) |
青衣 {prop} /qīngyī/ | :: (~ 島) 青衣 (island) |
青衣 {prop} /qīngyī/ | :: (~ 江) 青衣 (river) |
青鼬 {n} /qīngyòu/ | :: yellow-throated marten; Martes flavigula |
青魚 {n} /qīngyú/ | :: black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) |
青魚 {n} /qīngyú/ | :: herring |
青魚 {n} /qīngyú/ | :: mackerel |
青鱼 {def} SEE: 青魚 | :: |
青云 {def} SEE: 青雲 | :: |
青云直上 {def} SEE: 青雲直上 | :: |
青雲 {n} [literary] /qīngyún/ | :: clouds that are the color of azure |
青雲 {n} [literary] /qīngyún/ | :: a lofty position |
青雲直上 {idiom} /qīngyúnzhíshàng/ | :: meteoric rise; to rise through the ranks rapidly |
青州 {prop} /Qīngzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 青州 (city) |
青洲 {prop} /Qīngzhōu/ | :: Ilha Verde (an area in the northwest of Macau Peninsula) |
青壮年 {def} SEE: 青壯年 | :: |
青壯年 {n} /qīngzhuàngnián/ | :: young age and “prime age”; prime time of one's life; age defined variously as between 15 and 64, between 15 and 60, or between 30 and 40 |
青紫 {n} /qīngzǐ/ | :: livid purple |
青紫 {n} [literary, figurative, from the colour of ribbons worn by imperial officials] /qīngzǐ/ | :: high official |
青紫 {v} [medical sign] /qīngzǐ/ | :: to be cyanotic |
青字底 {n} /qīngzìdǐ/ | :: the Chinese character component 月 |
青字头 {def} SEE: 青字頭 | :: |
青字頭 {n} /qīngzìtóu/ | :: name for 龶, a Chinese Character Component |
頃 {def} /qǐng/ | :: A unit of area equal to 100 畝 or 6.67 hectares |
頃 {def} [literary] /qǐng/ | :: short while |
頃 {def} [literary] /qǐng/ | :: just now; just |
頃 {def} [literary] /qǐng/ | :: about; circa [after dates] |
頃 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] original form of 傾 |
頃 {def} /kuǐ/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 跬 |
頃刻 {n} /qǐngkè/ | :: moment; instant |
頃之 {adv} /qǐngzhī/ | :: shortly after; in a moment |
鯖 {def} /qīng/ | :: mackerel |
鯖 {def} SEE: 𦙫 | :: |
鯖 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) |
鯖江 {prop} /Qīngjiāng/ | :: (~ 市) 鯖江 (city) |
鯖魚 {n} /qīngyú/ | :: mackerel |
鲭 {def} SEE: 鯖 | :: |
鲭江 {def} SEE: 鯖江 | :: |
鲭鱼 {def} SEE: 鯖魚 | :: |
䞍 {def} SEE: 䝼 | :: |
䲔 {def} SEE: 鯨 | :: |
剠 {def} SEE: 掠 | :: |
剠 {def} SEE: 黥 | :: |
夝 {def} SEE: 晴 | :: |
情 {def} /qíng/ | :: feeling; sentiment; emotion |
情 {def} /qíng/ | :: love; affection (Classifier: 段份) |
情 {def} /qíng/ | :: friendship; close relationship |
情 {def} /qíng/ | :: reputation; face (as a social concept) |
情 {def} /qíng/ | :: situation; circumstances |
情 {def} /qíng/ | :: clearly; obviously |
情愛 {n} /qíng'ài/ | :: affection, love |
情爱 {def} SEE: 情愛 | :: |
情報 {n} [military, espionage] /qíngbào/ | :: information; intelligence (Classifier: 份) |
情報局 {n} /qíngbàojú/ | :: intelligence agency |
情報學 {n} /qíngbàoxué/ | :: information science |
情报 {def} SEE: 情報 | :: |
情报局 {def} SEE: 情報局 | :: |
情报学 {def} SEE: 情報學 | :: |
情变 {def} SEE: 情變 | :: |
情變 {v} [of a romantic relationship] /qíngbiàn/ | :: to break down; to break up |
情不自禁 {idiom} /qíng不zìjīn/ | :: cannot hold back one's emotion; can't help |
情操 {n} /qíngcāo/ | :: character; sentiment |
情場 {n} /qíng场/ | :: affairs of the heart; love |
情场 {def} SEE: 情場 | :: |
情敌 {def} SEE: 情敵 | :: |
情敵 {n} /qíngdí/ | :: rival in love |
情調 {n} /qíngdiào/ | :: feeling; sentiment |
情調 {n} /qíngdiào/ | :: characteristic; flavour |
情调 {def} SEE: 情調 | :: |
情儿 {def} SEE: 情兒 | :: |
情兒 {n} /qíngr/ | :: (extramarital) lover; mistress |
情分 {n} /qíngfèn/ | :: mutual affection |
情夫 {n} /qíngfū/ | :: extramarital male lover of a married woman |
情妇 {def} SEE: 情婦 | :: |
情婦 {n} /qíngfù/ | :: mistress; paramour; the other woman |
情感 {n} /qínggǎn/ | :: emotion; feeling |
情感 {n} /qínggǎn/ | :: affection |
情歌 {n} /qínggē/ | :: love song |
情何以堪 {idiom} /qínghéyǐkān/ | :: how can someone stand it emotionally? how can something be endured? |
情話 {n} /qínghuà/ | :: sweet nothings; lovers' prattle; pick-up line |
情話 {n} [literary] /qínghuà/ | :: intimate words; heart-to-heart talk |
情话 {def} SEE: 情話 | :: |
情怀 {def} SEE: 情懷 | :: |
情懷 {n} /qínghuái/ | :: feelings; mood |
情急 {v} /qíngjí/ | :: to feel anxious |
情節 {n} /qíngjié/ | :: plot; story; synopsis |
情節 {n} /qíngjié/ | :: circumstances (of a crime or mistake); situation |
情結 {n} [psychology] /qíngjié/ | :: complex (core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious) |
情结 {def} SEE: 情結 | :: |
情节 {def} SEE: 情節 | :: |
情景 {n} /qíngjǐng/ | :: scene; sight; time; circumstance (Classifier: m:個) |
情景 {n} /qíngjǐng/ | :: feelings and scenes |
情景喜剧 {def} SEE: 情景喜劇 | :: |
情景喜劇 {n} /qíngjǐng xǐjù/ | :: situation comedy |
情境 {n} /qíngjìng/ | :: circumstances; situation; condition; context |
情况 {def} SEE: 情況 | :: |
情況 {n} /qíngkuàng/ | :: situation; status; circumstances |
情郎 {n} /qíngláng/ | :: sweetheart (of a girl); beau; inamorato |
情理 {n} /qínglǐ/ | :: reason; sense |
情侣 {def} SEE: 情侶 | :: |
情侣衫 {def} SEE: 情侶衫 | :: |
情侣照 {def} SEE: 情侶照 | :: |
情侣装 {def} SEE: 情侶裝 | :: |
情侶 {n} /qínglǚ/ | :: sweethearts; lovers; unmarried couple |
情侶衫 {n} /qínglǚshān/ | :: matching couple tops |
情侶照 {n} /qínglǚzhào/ | :: (artistic) photo of a couple; couple's photoshoot |
情侶裝 {n} /qínglǚzhuāng/ | :: matching clothing of a couple; couple's T-shirts |
情面 {n} /qíngmiàn/ | :: feelings; sensibilities |
情切 {adj} [literary] /qíngqiè/ | :: sincere; cordial; earnest |
情情愛愛 {n} /qíngqíng'ài'ài/ | :: love and affection (of the mundane world); romantic relationships |
情情爱爱 {def} SEE: 情情愛愛 | :: |
情趣 {n} /qíngqù/ | :: temperament and interest (of people); inclinations and interests |
情趣 {n} /qíngqù/ | :: delight; fun; appeal; enjoyment |
情趣商店 {n} /qíngqù shāngdiàn/ | :: sex shop |
情趣玩具 {n} /qíngqù wánjù/ | :: sex toy |
情趣用品 {n} /qíngqù yòngpǐn/ | :: sex toy |
情人 {n} /qíngrén/ | :: lover; sweetheart |
情人節 {prop} /Qíngrénjié/ | :: Valentine's Day |
情人节 {def} SEE: 情人節 | :: |
情人眼裏出西施 {def} SEE: 情人眼裡出西施 | :: |
情人眼裡出西施 {proverb} /qíngrén yǎnlǐ chū Xīshī/ | :: beauty is in the eye of the beholder; love is blind |
情人眼里出西施 {def} SEE: 情人眼裡出西施 | :: |
情色 {n} [classical] /qíngsè/ | :: one's look or facial expression |
情色 {n} /qíngsè/ | :: erotica (more literary than 色情) |
情商 {n} /qíngshāng,er/ | :: emotional intelligence; emotional intelligence quotient |
情圣 {def} SEE: 情聖 | :: |
情聖 {n} /qíngshèng/ | :: Romeo; ladies' man |
情事 {n} /qíngshì/ | :: circumstances; facts; situation |
情事 {n} /qíngshì/ | :: feelings; love life; romance |
情势 {def} SEE: 情勢 | :: |
情勢 {n} /qíngshì/ | :: situation; circumstance |
情书 {def} SEE: 情書 | :: |
情書 {n} /qíngshū/ | :: love letter (Classifier: 封) |
情思 {n} /qíngsī/ | :: tender regards; affection; goodwill |
情思 {n} /qíngsī/ | :: state of mind; mood |
情愫 {n} [literary] /qíngsù/ | :: feeling; sentiment |
情愫 {n} [literary] /qíngsù/ | :: sincerity |
情素 {def} SEE: 情愫 | :: |
情态 {def} SEE: 情態 | :: |
情态动词 {def} SEE: 情態動詞 | :: |
情態 {n} /qíngtài/ | :: situation; condition; state |
情態 {n} /qíngtài/ | :: demeanor; spirit; mood |
情態 {n} /qíngtài/ | :: manner; style; modality |
情態 {n} [literary] /qíngtài/ | :: look or expression of a person; mien; bearing |
情態 {n} [linguistics] /qíngtài/ | :: modality |
情態動詞 {n} [grammar] /qíngtài dòngcí/ | :: modal verb |
情網 {n} /qíngwǎng/ | :: web of love (from which one cannot extricate oneself) |
情网 {def} SEE: 情網 | :: |
情味 {n} /qíngwèi/ | :: sentiment; emotional appeal |
情味 {n} /qíngwèi/ | :: interest; flavor; overtone |
情形 {n} /qíngxíng,tl/ | :: time; circumstance; scene |
情性 {n} [literary] /qíngxìng/ | :: one's inherent nature |
情性 {n} [literary] /qíngxìng/ | :: personality; nature; temperament; disposition |
情性 {n} [literary] /qíngxìng/ | :: friendly regard; affection |
情緒 {n} /qíngxù/ | :: feeling; mood; emotions; state of mind |
情緒 {n} [specifically] /qíngxù/ | :: bad mood; moodiness |
情緒病 {n} [Hong Kong] /qíngxùbìng/ | :: mood disorder |
情緒化 {adj} /qíngxùhuà/ | :: emotional; dramatic; sentimental; moody; excited |
情绪 {def} SEE: 情緒 | :: |
情绪病 {def} SEE: 情緒病 | :: |
情绪化 {def} SEE: 情緒化 | :: |
情誼 {n} /qíng誼/ | :: friendship; camaraderie |
情义 {def} SEE: 情義 | :: |
情意 {n} /qíngyì/ | :: friendly regard; affection |
情意綜 {n} [psychology, dated] /qíngyì綜/ | :: synonym of 情結 |
情意综 {def} SEE: 情意綜 | :: |
情義 {n} /qíngyì/ | :: ties of relationship; ties of friendship |
情谊 {def} SEE: 情誼 | :: |
情由 {n} /qíngyóu/ | :: the hows and whys; the circumstances and causes |
情有独钟 {def} SEE: 情有獨鐘 | :: |
情有獨鍾 {idiom} /qíngyǒudúzhōng/ | :: to have special affection for (a person or a thing); to have a soft spot for |
情有可原 {idiom} /qíngyǒukěyuán/ | :: excusable; pardonable; understandable |
情慾 {n} /qíngyù/ | :: lust; sexual desire |
情欲 {def} SEE: 情慾 | :: |
情緣 {n} /qíngyuán/ | :: destiny of love; predestined relationship |
情缘 {def} SEE: 情緣 | :: |
情愿 {def} SEE: 情願 | :: |
情願 {v} /qíngyuàn/ | :: to be willing to |
情願 {conj} /qíngyuàn/ | :: would rather; would prefer; it would be better if |
情债 {def} SEE: 情債 | :: |
情債 {n} /qíngzhài/ | :: debt of love |
情債 {n} /qíngzhài/ | :: alternative name for 人情債 |
情志 {n} [literary] /qíngzhì/ | :: emotion; mood |
情致 {n} /qíngzhì/ | :: temperament and interest; taste |
情种 {def} SEE: 情種 | :: |
情種 {n} /qíngzhǒng,er/ | :: one who is the sentimental type |
情状 {def} SEE: 情狀 | :: |
情狀 {n} [literary] /qíngzhuàng/ | :: situation; state of affairs |
情資 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /qíngzī/ | :: short fo 情報資料 (intelligence; information) |
情资 {def} SEE: 情資 | :: |
擎 {def} /qíng/ | :: to prop up; to hold up; to lift up |
擎 {def} [Hakka] /qíng/ | :: to raise hand; to lift one's arm |
擎起来 {def} SEE: 擎起來 | :: |
擎天 {adj} [literary] /qíngtiān/ | :: having great strength |
擎天駕海 {idiom} /qíngtiān jià hǎi/ | :: unusually talented; able to do extraordinary things |
擎天驾海 {def} SEE: 擎天駕海 | :: |
擎头 {def} SEE: 擎頭 | :: |
晴 {def} [weather] /qíng/ | :: clear; fine |
晴 {def} /qíng/ | :: surname |
晴好 {adj} /qínghǎo/ | :: bright and sunny; warm and fine (of weather) |
晴河 {n} [literary] /qínghé/ | :: Milky Way |
晴空 {n} /qíngkōng/ | :: clear sky; cloudless sky; bright sky |
晴空萬里 {idiom} /qíngkōngwànlǐ/ | :: the sky is clear and boundless |
晴空万里 {def} SEE: 晴空萬里 | :: |
晴朗 {adj} /qínglǎng/ | :: bright; sunny |
晴天 {n} /qíngtiān,er/ | :: sunny day; clear weather; fine weather |
晴天霹雳 {def} SEE: 晴天霹靂 | :: |
晴天霹靂 {idiom} /qíngtiānpīlì/ | :: bolt from the blue; sudden and unexpected bad news |
晴曦 {n} [literary] /qíngxī/ | :: sunlight; sun |
晴雨表 {n} /qíngyǔbiǎo/ | :: barometer |
晴雨表 {n} [figurative] /qíngyǔbiǎo/ | :: indicator; reflection |
殑 {def} /qíng/ | :: to die |
殑 {def} /qíng/ | :: cold |
殑 {def} /jīng/ | :: only used in 㱥殑 |
殑 {def} /jìng/ | :: only used in 殑伽 |
殑伽 {prop} /jìngqié/ | :: Ganges |
氰 {def} /氰/ | :: cyanogen |
氰胺 {n} [organic compound] /qíng胺/ | :: cyanamide |
氰化 {n} [chemistry] /氰huà/ | :: cyanidation; cyanation |
氰化鉀 {n} [inorganic compound, poison] /氰huàjiǎ/ | :: potassium cyanide |
氰化钾 {def} SEE: 氰化鉀 | :: |
氰化鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /氰huànà/ | :: sodium cyanide |
氰化钠 {def} SEE: 氰化鈉 | :: |
氰化氢 {def} SEE: 氰化氫 | :: |
氰化氫 {n} [inorganic compound] /氰huàqīng/ | :: hydrogen cyanide |
氰化物 {n} /氰huàwù/ | :: cyanide |
氰基 {n} [organic compound] /氰jī/ | :: cyano group |
氰酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /氰suān/ | :: cyanic acid |
氰酸鉀 {n} [inorganic compound] /氰suānjiǎ/ | :: potassium cyanate |
氰酸钾 {def} SEE: 氰酸鉀 | :: |
氰酸鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /氰suānnà/ | :: sodium cyanate |
氰酸钠 {def} SEE: 氰酸鈉 | :: |
甠 {def} SEE: 夝 | :: |
黥面 {n} [archaic] /qíngmiàn/ | :: to tattoo a character on someone's forehead as a form of punishment |
黥首 {v} [archaic] /qíngshǒu/ | :: to tattoo a character on someone's forehead as a form of punishment |
黥徒 {n} [archaic] /qíngtú/ | :: a convicted criminal whose face has been tattooed as a form of punishment |
㷫 {def} /qǐng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to bake or dry by fire |
䯧 {def} SEE: 廎 | :: |
庼 {def} SEE: 廎 | :: |
檾 {def} /qǐng/ | :: grassy plant with fibres from which cloth is made |
苘 {def} SEE: 檾 | :: |
請 {def} /qǐng/ | :: to ask for; to request |
請 {def} /qǐng/ | :: to ask |
請 {def} /qǐng/ | :: to invite; to treat (to a meal, etc.) |
請 {def} /qǐng/ | :: to carry or bring (a sacred or respectable thing) |
請 {def} /qǐng/ | :: please; kindly |
請 {def} /qǐng/ | :: surname |
請 {def} /qīng/ | :: only used in 請室 |
請安 {v} [historical] /qǐng'ān/ | :: to pay respect (to someone senior); to salute; to wish well |
請安 {v} [specifically, historical, during the Ming and Qing dynasties] /qǐng'ān/ | :: to salute someone senior by: |
請安 {v} [of males] /qǐng'ān/ | :: half-genuflecting with the right knee, or by |
請安 {v} [of females] /qǐng'ān/ | :: placing both hands on the left knee when standing, and slightly lowering oneself by bending the right knee |
請便 {interj} /qǐngbiàn/ | :: be my guest; go ahead; do as you wish; help yourself |
請病假 {v} /qǐng bìngjià/ | :: to ask for sick leave |
請裁 {def} SEE: 凊彩 | :: |
請春客 {v} /qǐng chūnkè/ | :: to treat relatives and friends to a feast after the Chinese New Year (a folk custom in old times) |
請等一下 {phrase} /qǐng děng 一xià/ | :: one moment, please |
請多關照 {phrase} /qǐng duō guānzhào/ | :: please treat me kindly (a conventional phrase on first meeting) |
請假 {v} /qǐngjià/ | :: to request time off; to ask for leave |
請假條 {n} /qǐngjiàtiáo,er/ | :: written request for leave; note of absence |
請柬 {n} /qǐngjiǎn/ | :: invitation card; invitation |
請見 {v} [literary] /qǐngjiàn/ | :: to request an audience; to ask for an interview |
請降 {v} /qǐngxiáng/ | :: to beg to surrender |
請教 {v} /qǐngjiào/ | :: to consult with; to ask for advice; to confer with |
請君入瓮 {def} SEE: 請君入甕 | :: |
請君入甕 {idiom} /qǐngjūnrùwèng/ | :: to pay someone back in his/her own coin; to give someone a taste of his/her own medicine; to make someone's act backfire on him or her; to treat someone in his or her own ways |
請客 {v} /qǐngkè/ | :: to treat or shout somebody (usually to a meal), especially to congratulate or befriend |
請客 {v} /qǐngkè/ | :: to entertain guests |
請慢用 {phrase} [honorific] /qǐng mànyòng/ | :: Bon appétit! |
請命 {v} /qǐngmìng/ | :: to plead on somebody's behalf |
請命 {v} [archaic] /qǐngmìng/ | :: to ask the higher authorities for instructions |
請求 {v} /qǐngqiú/ | :: to ask; to request; to entreat; to beg |
請求 {n} /qǐngqiú/ | :: request; requirement; entreatment |
請賞 {v} [literary] /qǐngshǎng/ | :: to ask for a reward; to claim a reward |
請神容易送神難 {proverb} /qǐng shén róngyì sòng shén nán/ | :: Some people are only too willing to help you, but then you can't get rid of them |
請室 {n} [archaic, Han dynasty] /qīng室/ | :: jail in which offending officials are held |
請示 {v} /qǐngshì/ | :: to request for instructions; to refer to (a higher authority) |
請示 {n} /qǐngshì/ | :: written request for instructions |
請帖 {n} /qǐngtiě/ | :: (written) invitation |
請問 {interj} /qǐngwèn/ | :: please; excuse me; may I ask you a question? |
請勿打擾 {phrase} /qǐng wù dǎrǎo/ | :: do not disturb |
請移玉步 {phrase} [formal] /qǐng yí yùbù/ | :: please proceed to ... |
請纓 {v} [literary] /qǐngyīng/ | :: to request a cord from the emperor (to bind the enemy) |
請纓 {v} [figurative] /qǐngyīng/ | :: to volunteer for military service; to offer oneself for an assignment; to submit a request for a military assignment |
請願 {v} /qǐngyuàn/ | :: to petition; to present a petition |
請願 {v} [literary, Buddhism] /qǐngyuàn/ | :: to pray to Buddha |
請願書 {n} /qǐngyuànshū/ | :: petition |
請允悲 {phrase} /qǐngyǔnbēi/ | :: that's pathetic [indicating scornful pity or contempt] |
請罪 {v} /qǐngzuì/ | :: to admit one's error and ask for punishment; to apologize |
謦 {def} /qǐng/ | :: only used in 謦欬 |
謦欬 {v} [literary, onomatopoeia] /qǐngkài,qìngkài/ | :: to cough |
謦欬 {v} [literary] /qǐngkài,qìngkài/ | :: to talk casually; to have a pleasant chat |
请 {def} SEE: 請 | :: |
请安 {def} SEE: 請安 | :: |
请便 {def} SEE: 請便 | :: |
请病假 {def} SEE: 請病假 | :: |
请裁 {def} SEE: 凊彩 | :: |
请春客 {def} SEE: 請春客 | :: |
请等一下 {def} SEE: 請等一下 | :: |
请多关照 {def} SEE: 請多關照 | :: |
请假 {def} SEE: 請假 | :: |
请假条 {def} SEE: 請假條 | :: |
请柬 {def} SEE: 請柬 | :: |
请见 {def} SEE: 請見 | :: |
请降 {def} SEE: 請降 | :: |
请教 {def} SEE: 請教 | :: |
请君入瓮 {def} SEE: 請君入甕 | :: |
请客 {def} SEE: 請客 | :: |
请慢用 {def} SEE: 請慢用 | :: |
请命 {def} SEE: 請命 | :: |
请求 {def} SEE: 請求 | :: |
请人 {def} SEE: 請人 | :: |
请人客 {def} SEE: 請人客 | :: |
请赏 {def} SEE: 請賞 | :: |
请神容易送神难 {def} SEE: 請神容易送神難 | :: |
请室 {def} SEE: 請室 | :: |
请示 {def} SEE: 請示 | :: |
请帖 {def} SEE: 請帖 | :: |
请问 {def} SEE: 請問 | :: |
请勿打扰 {def} SEE: 請勿打擾 | :: |
请移玉步 {def} SEE: 請移玉步 | :: |
请缨 {def} SEE: 請纓 | :: |
请愿 {def} SEE: 請願 | :: |
请愿书 {def} SEE: 請願書 | :: |
请允悲 {def} SEE: 請允悲 | :: |
请罪 {def} SEE: 請罪 | :: |
顷 {def} SEE: 頃 | :: |
顷刻 {def} SEE: 頃刻 | :: |
顷顷 {def} SEE: 頃頃 | :: |
顷顷好 {def} SEE: 頃頃好 | :: |
顷先 {def} SEE: 頃先 | :: |
顷之 {def} SEE: 頃之 | :: |
庆 {def} SEE: 慶 | :: |
庆安 {def} SEE: 慶安 | :: |
庆典 {def} SEE: 慶典 | :: |
庆功 {def} SEE: 慶功 | :: |
庆功宴 {def} SEE: 慶功宴 | :: |
庆和 {def} SEE: 慶和 | :: |
庆贺 {def} SEE: 慶賀 | :: |
庆尚北道 {def} SEE: 慶尚北道 | :: |
庆尚南道 {def} SEE: 慶尚南道 | :: |
庆生 {def} SEE: 慶生 | :: |
庆幸 {def} SEE: 慶幸 | :: |
庆阳 {def} SEE: 慶陽 | :: |
庆云 {def} SEE: 慶雲 | :: |
庆州 {def} SEE: 慶州 | :: |
庆祝 {def} SEE: 慶祝 | :: |
慶 {def} /qìng/ | :: to celebrate |
慶 {def} /qìng/ | :: celebration |
慶 {def} /qìng/ | :: surname |
慶安 {prop} /Qìng'ān/ | :: (~ 縣) 慶安 (county) |
慶典 {n} /qìngdiǎn/ | :: celebration; formal celebration (e.g. of an anniversary) |
慶功 {v} [literary] /qìnggōng/ | :: to celebrate a success or victory |
慶功宴 {n} /qìnggōngyàn/ | :: celebratory feast; glee feast |
慶和 {prop} /Qìnghé/ | :: (~ 省) 慶和 (province) |
慶賀 {v} /qìnghè/ | :: to celebrate; to congratulate |
慶尚北道 {prop} /Qìngshàngběidào/ | :: North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea |
慶尚南道 {prop} /Qìngshàngnándào/ | :: South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea |
慶生 {v} /qìngshēng/ | :: to celebrate one's birthday |
慶幸 {v} /qìngxìng/ | :: to celebrate success |
慶陽 {prop} /Qìngyáng/ | :: (~ 市) 慶陽 (prefecture-level city) |
慶雲 {n} [literary] /qìngyún/ | :: iridescent clouds, considered to be an auspicious sign in ancient China |
慶雲 {n} [literary, figurative] /qìngyún/ | :: respectable, noble position |
慶雲 {n} [literary, figurative] /qìngyún/ | :: someone in authority, such as a monarch or elder |
慶雲 {prop} /qìngyún/ | :: (~ 縣) Qingyun County, Dezhou, Shandong, China |
慶州 {prop} /Qìngzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 慶州 (city) |
慶祝 {v} /qìngzhù/ | :: to celebrate (to acknowledge an event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity) |
殸 {def} SEE: 磬 | :: |
殸 {def} SEE: 聲 | :: |
殸 {def} /kēng/ | :: enemy |
汫 {def} [Min Nan] /jǐng/ | :: tasteless |
漀 {def} /qǐng/ | :: to gush out the sides of a spring |
磘 {def} /yáo/ | :: only used in 灰磘 |
磬 {def} /qìng/ | :: stone chimes; sounding stone |
磬 {def} [Buddhism] /qìng/ | :: inverted bell (a Buddhist percussion instrument) |
罄 {def} /qìng/ | :: empty |
罄 {def} /qìng/ | :: exhaust, run out, use up |
罄竹难书 {def} SEE: 罄竹難書 | :: |
罄竹難書 {idiom} /qìngzhúnánshū/ | :: so many that they cannot be completely recorded on bamboo slips even when they have been exhausted; innumerable crimes |
靘 {def} /qìng/ | :: [obsolete] Synonym of 靘䒌 or 䒌靘 |
靘 {def} /qīng/ | :: [obsolete] only used in 䒌靘 |
靘 {def} /jìng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 靚 |
靘 {def} /jìng/ | :: [obsolete] (of bamboo grove) deep |
靘彩 {def} SEE: 凊彩 | :: |
靘䒌 {adj} [literary] /qìngmìng/ | :: synonym of 䒌靘 |
焪 {def} /qióng/ | :: to end; to finish |
焪 {def} [of the sun] /qióng/ | :: to shine on |
銎 {def} /qiōng/ | :: hole in the blade of an axe to install the handle |
㒌 {def} SEE: 煢 | :: |
㷀 {def} SEE: 煢 | :: |
㷀㷀 {def} SEE: 煢煢 | :: |
䓖 {def} SEE: 藭 | :: |
儝 {def} /qióng/ | :: to stay |
惸惸 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /qióngqióng/ | :: alternative form of 煢煢 |
惸惸 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /qióngqióng/ | :: worried |
焭 {def} SEE: 煢 | :: |
煢 {def} /qióng/ | :: alone; desolate |
煢 {def} /qióng/ | :: dice |
煢煢 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /qióngqióng/ | :: solitary; lonely; all alone |
煢煢孑立 {idiom} /qióngqióngjiélì/ | :: to stand all alone |
琼 {def} SEE: 瓊 | :: |
琼海 {def} SEE: 瓊海 | :: |
琼浆 {def} SEE: 瓊漿 | :: |
琼库勒 {def} SEE: 瓊庫勒 | :: |
琼楼玉宇 {def} SEE: 瓊樓玉宇 | :: |
琼山 {def} SEE: 瓊山 | :: |
琼斯 {def} SEE: 瓊斯 | :: |
琼瑶 {def} SEE: 瓊瑤 | :: |
琼仔 {def} SEE: 瓊仔 | :: |
琼仔树 {def} SEE: 瓊仔樹 | :: |
琼脂 {def} SEE: 瓊脂 | :: |
琼脂糖 {def} SEE: 瓊脂糖 | :: |
琼中 {def} SEE: 瓊中 | :: |
琼州 {def} SEE: 瓊州 | :: |
琼州海峡 {def} SEE: 瓊州海峽 | :: |
瓊 {def} [literary] /qióng/ | :: fine jade (particularly red jade) |
瓊 {def} [literary] /qióng/ | :: elegant; exquisite; beautiful |
瓊 {def} [abbreviation] /qióng/ | :: Hainan |
瓊 {def} SEE: 璿 | :: |
瓊 {def} /qióng/ | :: surname |
瓊海 {prop} /Qiónghǎi/ | :: (~ 市) 瓊海 (county-level city) |
瓊漿 {n} [literary] /qióngjiāng/ | :: jadelike wine; good wine |
瓊庫勒 {prop} /Qióngkùlè/ | :: (~ 鄉) 瓊庫勒 (township) |
瓊樓玉宇 {idiom} [Chinese mythology] /qiónglóuyùyǔ/ | :: the palace of the Moon |
瓊樓玉宇 {idiom} /qiónglóuyùyǔ/ | :: splendid building |
瓊山 {prop} /Qióngshān/ | :: (~ 區) Qiongshan District in Haikou, the capital of Hainan Province, China |
瓊山 {prop} /Qióngshān/ | :: (~ 縣) [historical] Qiongshan County, a former county on Hainan, China |
瓊斯 {prop} /Qióngsī/ | :: Jones |
瓊瑤 {n} [literary, literally] /qióngyáo/ | :: fine jade |
瓊瑤 {n} [literary, figuratively] /qióngyáo/ | :: beautiful poetry |
瓊瑤 {n} [literary, figuratively] /qióngyáo/ | :: snow |
瓊脂 {n} /qióng脂/ | :: agar |
瓊脂糖 {n} /qióng脂táng/ | :: agarose |
瓊中 {prop} /Qióngzhōng/ | :: (~ 黎族苗族自治縣) 瓊中 (autonomous county) |
瓊州 {prop} [historical] /Qióngzhōu/ | :: Qiong Prefecture, a former division of Guangdong covering Hainan Island; [literary] Hainan itself |
瓊州 {prop} [historical] /Qióngzhōu/ | :: Qiongzhou, the prefectural seat, now Qiongshan District in Haikou, Hainan |
瓊州海峽 {prop} /Qióngzhōu Hǎixiá/ | :: Qiongzhou Strait |
睘 {def} /qióng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to look frightenedly |
睘 {def} SEE: 還 | :: |
睘 {def} /qióng/ | :: Used in 睘睘, an alternative form of 煢煢 |
睘睘 {def} SEE: 煢煢 | :: |
瞏 {def} SEE: 睘 | :: |
穷 {def} SEE: 窮 | :: |
穷矮矬 {def} SEE: 窮矮矬 | :: |
穷棒子 {def} SEE: 窮棒子 | :: |
穷屄 {def} SEE: 窮屄 | :: |
穷逼 {def} SEE: 窮逼 | :: |
穷兵黩武 {def} SEE: 窮兵黷武 | :: |
穷赤 {def} SEE: 窮赤 | :: |
穷二代 {def} SEE: 窮二代 | :: |
穷乏 {def} SEE: 窮乏 | :: |
穷根究底 {def} SEE: 窮根究底 | :: |
穷光蛋 {def} SEE: 窮光蛋 | :: |
穷鬼 {def} SEE: 窮鬼 | :: |
穷国 {def} SEE: 窮國 | :: |
穷尽 {def} SEE: 窮盡 | :: |
穷军 {def} SEE: 窮軍 | :: |
穷苦 {def} SEE: 窮苦 | :: |
穷困 {def} SEE: 窮困 | :: |
穷困潦倒 {def} SEE: 窮困潦倒 | :: |
穷怕 {def} SEE: 窮怕 | :: |
穷奇 {def} SEE: 窮奇 | :: |
穷人 {def} SEE: 窮人 | :: |
穷人子 {def} SEE: 窮人子 | :: |
穷山恶水 {def} SEE: 窮山惡水 | :: |
穷山恶水出刁民 {def} SEE: 窮山惡水出刁民 | :: |
穷㾪 {def} SEE: 窮㾪 | :: |
穷途末路 {def} SEE: 窮途末路 | :: |
穷乡 {def} SEE: 窮鄉 | :: |
穷乡僻壤 {def} SEE: 窮鄉僻壤 | :: |
穷凶极恶 {def} SEE: 窮凶極惡 | :: |
穷游 {def} SEE: 窮遊 | :: |
穹 {def} [literary] /穹/ | :: elevated and arched |
穹 {def} [literary] /穹/ | :: sky |
穹 {def} [literary] /穹/ | :: deep |
穹 {def} [literary] /穹/ | :: high and vast |
穹 {def} /穹/ | :: [obsolete] to fill up; to exhaust |
穹苍 {def} SEE: 穹蒼 | :: |
穹蒼 {n} [literary] /穹cāng/ | :: firmament; sky |
穹汉 {def} SEE: 穹漢 | :: |
穹漢 {n} /穹hàn/ | :: Milky Way |
穹漢 {n} /穹hàn/ | :: sky |
穹庐 {def} SEE: 穹廬 | :: |
穹廬 {n} [literary] /穹lú/ | :: yurt (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof) |
穹宇 {n} [literary] /穹yǔ/ | :: sky; firmament |
穹宇 {n} [literary] /穹yǔ/ | :: cave (as a place of residence) |
窮 {def} /qióng/ | :: to exhaust; to do in a thorough manner [e.g. to study, to discuss, to use, etc.] |
窮 {def} /qióng/ | :: to be constrained; to be limited; to be put to an end |
窮 {def} /qióng/ | :: to be in dire straits; to suffer from lack of opportunity, support, etc |
窮 {def} /qióng/ | :: poor; destitute; impoverished |
窮 {def} /qióng/ | :: exhausted; used up |
窮 {def} /qióng/ | :: excessively; inappropriately attentive to details; snobbishly; frivolously |
窮 {def} /qióng/ | :: 69th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "exhaustion, tiredness" (𝍊) |
窮矮矬 {n} [neologism, slang] /qióng'ǎicuó/ | :: the poor-dwarf-and-ugly; all-imperfect man |
窮棒子 {n} [derogatory] /qióngbàngzi/ | :: pauper; the destitute |
窮棒子 {n} /qióngbàngzi/ | :: poor but spirited person |
窮屄 {n} [vulgar, slang] /qióngbī/ | :: broke motherfucker |
窮逼 {def} SEE: 窮屄 | :: |
窮逼 {adj} [literary] /qióngbī/ | :: in a predicament; in an embarrassing situation |
窮兵黷武 {idiom} /qióngbīngdúwǔ/ | :: to start wars and use military might rashly and excessively |
窮二代 {n} [slang] /qióng'èrdài/ | :: the second-generation poor |
窮乏 {adj} [literary] /qióngfá/ | :: impoverished; poverty-stricken |
窮根究底 {idiom} /qiónggēn究dǐ/ | :: to get to the bottom of the matter |
窮根究底 {idiom} /qiónggēn究dǐ/ | :: to make a thorough inquiry into something |
窮光蛋 {n} [colloquial] /qióngguāngdàn/ | :: pauper; poor wretch; penniless good-for-nothing |
窮鬼 {n} [derogatory] /qióngguǐ/ | :: pauper; poor wretch |
窮國 {n} /qióngguó/ | :: poor country; poor nation |
窮盡 {n} /qióngjìn/ | :: limit; end |
窮盡 {v} /qióngjìn/ | :: to exhaust; to use up (one's energy, etc.) |
窮軍 {n} [archaic] /qióngjūn/ | :: an army which is cut off and isolated |
窮苦 {adj} /qióngkǔ/ | :: destitute; poverty-stricken |
窮困 {adj} /qióngkùn/ | :: poor; impoverished |
窮困潦倒 {idiom} /qióngkùn liáodǎo/ | :: fall on evil days; be penniless and frustrated; crack up under the strain of poverty; in a state of utter poverty; in the grip of poverty; live a life of poverty |
窮怕 {v} [slang, neologism] /qióngpà/ | :: to fear a return to poverty |
窮奇 {n} [Chinese mythology] /qióngqí/ | :: qiongqi (a legendary creature) |
窮人 {n} /qióngrén/ | :: poor person; poor people; the poor |
窮山惡水 {idiom} /qióngshān'èshuǐ/ | :: very poor and adverse natural environment |
窮山惡水出刁民 {proverb} /qióngshān'èshuǐ chū diāomín/ | :: very poor and adverse natural environments produce crafty and malevolent people |
窮途末路 {idiom} /qióngtúmòlù/ | :: to be very poor or desperate; to be back to the wall |
窮鄉 {n} /qióngxiāng/ | :: remote village; backwater |
窮鄉僻壤 {idiom} /qióngxiāngpìrǎng/ | :: remote and backward places |
窮凶極惡 {idiom} /qióngxiōngjí'è/ | :: extremely ferocious and evil |
窮游 {def} SEE: 窮遊 | :: |
窮遊 {v} /qióngyóu/ | :: to travel on a budget |
竆 {def} SEE: 窮 | :: |
茕 {def} SEE: 煢 | :: |
茕茕 {def} SEE: 煢煢 | :: |
茕茕孑立 {def} SEE: 煢煢孑立 | :: |
蒆 {def} /xuē/ | :: A surname. |
藑 {def} /qióng/ | :: only used in 藑茅 |
藑茅 {n} [historical] /qióngmáo/ | :: a red herb used for divination in ancient times |
邛 {def} /qióng/ | :: (~ 州) [historical] Qiong Prefecture (Sichuan) in Sichuan province that existed from 6th century A.D. to 1913 |
邛 {def} /qióng/ | :: (~ 縣) [historical] name of county in Sichuan province during Ming dynasty |
邛 {def} /qióng/ | :: (~ 都) [historical] tribe in ancient China |
邛 {def} /qióng/ | :: [obsolete] a mound |
邛 {def} /qióng/ | :: [obsolete] fatigue; sickness |
邛 {def} /qióng/ | :: surname |
邛崃 {def} SEE: 邛崍 | :: |
邛崃山 {def} SEE: 邛崍山 | :: |
邛崍 {prop} /Qiónglái/ | :: (~ 市) 邛崍 (city) |
邛崍山 {prop} /Qiónglái Shān/ | :: Qionglai Mountains |
丘 {def} /qiū/ | :: mound; hill |
丘 {def} /qiū/ | :: grave |
丘 {def} /qiū/ | :: to place a coffin in a temporary shelter pending burial |
丘 {def} [dialectal] /qiū/ | :: classifier for fields |
丘 {def} SEE: 坵 | :: |
丘 {def} /qiū/ | :: surname |
丘八 {n} [derogatory] /qiūbā/ | :: Argot for 兵 |
丘堡 {n} /qiūbǎo/ | :: hillfort |
丘比特 {prop} [Roman god] /Qiūbǐtè/ | :: Cupid |
丘二 {n} [Sichuan] /qiū'èr/ | :: helper; (long-term) employee |
丘吉尔 {def} SEE: 丘吉爾 | :: |
丘吉爾 {prop} [chiefly Mainland] /Qiūjí'ěr/ | :: Churchill |
丘林 {prop} /Qiūlín/ | :: (~ 村) 丘林 (village) |
丘陵 {n} /qiūlíng/ | :: a continuous stretch of hills |
丘脑 {def} SEE: 丘腦 | :: |
丘腦 {n} [anatomy] /qiūnǎo/ | :: thalamus |
丘墟 {n} [literary] /qiūxū/ | :: a wasteland; ruins |
丘引 {def} SEE: 蚯蚓 | :: |
丘疹 {n} /qiūzhěn/ | :: papule |
丠 {def} SEE: 丘 | :: |
丠 {def} SEE: 冀 | :: |
偢 {def} SEE: 僽 | :: |
偢 {def} /chǒu/ | :: alternative form of 瞅 |
坵 {def} /qiū/ | :: mound; hill |
坵 {def} SEE: 坻 | :: |
坵 {def} [dialectal] /qiū/ | :: classifier for fields |
恘 {def} /qiū/ | :: [historical dictionaries] perverse; ruthless; tyrannical |
恘 {def} [Wu] /qiū/ | :: bad |
楸 {def} /qiū/ | :: Mallotus japonicus, a deciduous tree |
秋 {def} /qiū/ | :: autumn; fall |
秋 {def} /qiū/ | :: year |
秋 {def} /qiū/ | :: period; time |
秋 {def} SEE: 鞦 | :: |
秋 {def} /qiū/ | :: surname |
秋波 {n} [literary] /qiūbō,er/ | :: autumn ripples |
秋波 {n} [figurative] /qiūbō,er/ | :: bright and clear eyes of a beautiful woman; amorous glance |
秋波送情 {idiom} /qiūbō sòngqíng/ | :: (of a woman) to make eyes; to ogle; to cast amorous glances |
秋刀魚 {n} /qiūdāoyú/ | :: Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) |
秋刀鱼 {def} SEE: 秋刀魚 | :: |
秋分 {prop} /Qiūfēn/ | :: autumnal equinox, the 16th of the 24 solar terms around September 22nd, 23rd, or 24th |
秋分点 {def} SEE: 秋分點 | :: |
秋分點 {n} /qiūfēndiǎn/ | :: autumnal equinox (point) |
秋風 {n} /qiūfēng/ | :: autumn wind; fall wind |
秋風掃落葉 {idiom} [figurative] /qiūfēng sǎo luòyè/ | :: to take by storm; to blow away (in a competition); to blow out of the water |
秋风 {def} SEE: 秋風 | :: |
秋风扫落叶 {def} SEE: 秋風掃落葉 | :: |
秋高气爽 {def} SEE: 秋高氣爽 | :: |
秋高氣爽 {idiom} /qiūgāoqìshuǎng/ | :: the autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp |
秋海棠 {n} /qiūhǎitáng/ | :: Begonia grandis |
秋毫 {adv} [literary] /qiūháo/ | :: a small amount; a little bit; in the slightest |
秋毫 {n} [archaic] /qiūháo/ | :: the extremely fine feathers which birds grow in autumn |
秋毫無犯 {idiom} /qiūháo wú fàn/ | :: to not even commit the slightest violation |
秋毫无犯 {def} SEE: 秋毫無犯 | :: |
秋河 {n} [literary] /qiūhé/ | :: Milky Way |
秋后算帐 {def} SEE: 秋後算帳 | :: |
秋后算账 {def} SEE: 秋後算帳 | :: |
秋後算帳 {idiom} /qiūhòusuànzhàng/ | :: to wait until the time is ripe to settle accounts, to bide time for revenge |
秋後算帳 {idiom} /qiūhòusuànzhàng/ | :: to get revenge after a matter is over |
秋後算賬 {def} SEE: 秋後算帳 | :: |
秋季 {n} /qiūjì/ | :: (season) autumn |
秋景 {n} /qiūjǐng/ | :: colours of autumn; autumn scenery |
秋裤 {def} SEE: 秋褲 | :: |
秋褲 {n} /qiūkù,er/ | :: long underwear pants; thermal underwear bottoms |
秋葵 {n} /qiūkuí/ | :: okra; ladies' fingers |
秋葵荚 {def} SEE: 秋葵莢 | :: |
秋葵莢 {n} /qiūkuíjiá/ | :: okra; ladies' fingers |
秋老虎 {n} /qiūlǎohǔ/ | :: hot spell during autumn, Indian summer |
秋霖 {n} [literary] /qiūlín/ | :: autumn rain |
秋留野 {prop} /Qiūliúyě/ | :: (~ 市) Akiruno, Japan |
秋明 {prop} /Qiūmíng/ | :: (~ 州) 秋明 (oblast) |
秋明 {prop} /Qiūmíng/ | :: (~ 市) 秋明 (city/administrative center) |
秋千 {def} SEE: 鞦韆 | :: |
秋千坪 {def} SEE: 鞦韆坪 | :: |
秋色 {n} /qiūsè/ | :: colours of autumn; autumn scenery |
秋社 {n} /qiūshè/ | :: A festival in honor of the earth god, observed on the 5th day which begins with Yang earth (戊) (see Sexagenary cycle), after liqiu |
秋葉 {n} /qiūyè/ | :: autumn leaves |
秋石 {n} /qiūshí/ | :: a medicine made from 人中白 |
秋收 {v} /qiūshōu/ | :: to gather crops in the autumn |
秋收 {n} /qiūshōu/ | :: autumn harvest |
秋收起义 {def} SEE: 秋收起義 | :: |
秋收起義 {prop} [Mainland] /Qiūshōu Qǐyì/ | :: Autumn Harvest Uprising |
秋水 {adj} /qiūshuǐ/ | :: clear; translucent |
秋水 {n} /qiūshuǐ/ | :: the waters of autumn |
秋水 {n} [figurative] /qiūshuǐ/ | :: limpid eyes of a woman |
秋水仙 {n} /qiūshuǐxiān/ | :: autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale) |
秋水仙素 {n} [organic compound] /qiūshuǐxiānsù/ | :: colchicine |
秋天 {n} /qiūtiān,tl/ | :: autumn; fall |
秋田 {prop} /Qiūtián/ | :: (~ 縣) 秋田 (prefecture) |
秋田 {prop} /Qiūtián/ | :: (~ 市) 秋田 (city) |
秋田 {prop} /Qiūtián/ | :: A Japanese surname: Akita |
秋叶 {def} SEE: 秋葉 | :: |
秋衣 {n} /qiūyī,er/ | :: long-sleeved thermal undergarment, especially the upper garment |
秋雨 {n} /qiūyǔ/ | :: autumn rain |
秋月 {n} [literary] /qiūyuè/ | :: autumn moon |
秋月 {n} [literary] /qiūyuè/ | :: autumn; fall |
秌 {def} SEE: 秋 | :: |
緧 {def} SEE: 鞧 | :: |
萩 {def} /qiū,jiāo/ | :: wormwood |
萩 {def} /qiū,jiāo/ | :: Chinese catalpa |
萩 {def} /qiū,jiāo/ | :: firewood |
萩餅 {n} /qiūbǐng/ | :: botamochi; ohagi (Japanese sweet) |
萩饼 {def} SEE: 萩餅 | :: |
蚯 {def} /qiū/ | :: only used in 蚯蚓 |
蚯蚓 {n} /qiūyǐn/ | :: earthworm (Classifier: 條) |
蝵 {def} /qiū/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 蟗 |
蟗 {def} /qiū/ | :: only used in 次蟗 |
蠤 {def} /qiū/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 蟗 |
邱 {def} /qiū/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of *丘 |
邱 {def} [dialect] /qiū/ | :: ugly; bad |
邱 {def} /qiū/ | :: surname |
邱比特 {prop} [Roman god] /Qiūbǐtè/ | :: alternative form of 丘比特 |
邱桥 {def} SEE: 邱橋 | :: |
邱橋 {prop} /Qiūqiáo/ | :: (~ 村) 邱橋 (village) |
鞦 {def} SEE: 鞧 | :: |
鞦 {def} /qiū/ | :: only used in 鞦韆 |
鞦韆 {n} /qiūqiān,tl/ | :: swing (hanging seat) |
鞦韆坪 {prop} /Qiūqiānpíng/ | :: (~ 村) 鞦韆坪 (village) |
鰌 {def} SEE: 鰍 | :: |
鰌 {def} SEE: 遒 | :: |
鳅 {def} SEE: 鰍 | :: |
鳅卵 {def} SEE: 鰍卵 | :: |
鳅鱼 {def} SEE: 鰍魚 | :: |
鹙 {def} SEE: 鶖 | :: |
龝 {def} SEE: 秋 | :: |
㐤 {def} SEE: 丹 | :: |
㐤 {def} SEE: 求 | :: |
㞗 {def} [dialectal Mandarin, Jin, Cantonese, vulgar] /qiú/ | :: penis |
㞗 {def} [Cantonese, Sichuan, vulgar] /qiú/ | :: fucking |
㞗 {def} [Cantonese, vulgar] /qiú/ | :: Negates the meaning of the sentence |
㺫 {def} SEE: 玌 | :: |
俅 {def} /qiú/ | :: [obsolete] appearance of headwear and decorative wear |
僋 {def} /tàn/ | :: only used in 僋俕 |
囚 {def} /qiú/ | :: prisoner, convict |
囚 {def} /qiú/ | :: to confine, to imprison |
囚犯 {n} /qiúfàn/ | :: prisoner |
囚房 {n} /qiúfáng/ | :: prison cell |
囚俘 {v} [literary] /qiúfú/ | :: to capture the enemy; to take captive |
囚俘 {n} [literary] /qiúfú/ | :: captive; prisoner of war |
囚禁 {v} /qiújìn/ | :: to imprison |
囚困 {v} /qiúkùn/ | :: to imprison; to put in jail |
囚牢 {n} [old] /qiúláo/ | :: prison; jail |
囚笼 {def} SEE: 囚籠 | :: |
囚籠 {n} [literary, historical] /qiúlóng/ | :: wooden prisoner's cage used in imperial China |
囚牛 {n} [Chinese mythology] /qiúniú/ | :: qiuniu (creature that is a hybrid between a cow and a dragon) |
囚人 {n} /qiúrén/ | :: prisoner; convict; inmate |
囚室 {n} /qiú室/ | :: prison cell; jail cell |
囚徒 {n} /qiútú/ | :: prisoner |
巯 {def} SEE: 巰 | :: |
巰 {def} [organic chemistry] /qiú/ | :: sulfhydryl |
梂 {def} /qiú/ | :: acorn cup |
毬 {def} SEE: 球 | :: |
毬蘭 {def} SEE: 球蘭 | :: |
𫩳求 {def} SEE: 𠼮求 | :: |
求 {def} /qiú/ | :: to seek; to look for |
求 {def} /qiú/ | :: to beg; to request; to implore |
求 {def} /qiú/ | :: to request; to ask for |
求 {def} /qiú/ | :: to require; to demand |
求 {def} /qiú/ | :: to covet; to seek (fame, riches) |
求 {def} /qiú/ | :: to attract |
求 {def} /qiú/ | :: surname |
求愛 {v} /qiú'ài/ | :: to court; to woo |
求愛 {n} /qiú'ài/ | :: courtship |
求爱 {def} SEE: 求愛 | :: |
求导 {def} SEE: 求導 | :: |
求導 {v} [calculus] /qiúdǎo/ | :: to calculate the derivative; to differentiate |
求得 {v} /qiúdé/ | :: to seek and obtain; to strive to obtain |
求福 {v} [literary] /qiúfú/ | :: to ask for a god's blessing; to pray to the gods |
求告 {v} /qiúgào/ | :: to implore; to entreat; to supplicate |
求官 {v} [literary] /qiúguān/ | :: to seek out an official post |
求和 {v} /qiúhé/ | :: to sue for peace; to negotiate peace; to hold peace talks; to extend an olive branch |
求和 {v} /qiúhé/ | :: to try to equalize (a contest) |
求欢 {def} SEE: 求歡 | :: |
求歡 {v} [euphemistic] /qiúhuān/ | :: to seek a woman's consent for sexual intercourse; to propose sex with; to proposition |
求婚 {v} /qiúhūn/ | :: to propose to; to make an offer of marriage |
求教 {v} /qiújiào/ | :: to ask for advice |
求解 {v} [chiefly in mathematics] /qiújiě/ | :: to find a solution |
求救 {v} /qiújiù/ | :: to ask somebody to come to the rescue; to cry for help |
求谅情 {def} SEE: 求諒情 | :: |
求偶 {v} /qiú'ǒu/ | :: to seek a mate; to find a husband or wife; to court |
求乞 {v} /qiúqǐ/ | :: to beg |
求情 {v} /qiúqíng/ | :: to plead; to intercede; to ask for a favor; to beg for leniency |
求饒 {v} /qiúráo/ | :: to beg for mercy; to ask for pardon |
求饶 {def} SEE: 求饒 | :: |
求人 {v} /qiúrén/ | :: to ask for help |
求人 {v} /qiúrén/ | :: to search for talent |
求人不如求己 {proverb} /qiúrén bùrú qiújǐ/ | :: it's better to rely on yourself than on the help of others; if you want a thing done well, do it yourself |
求仁得仁 {idiom} /qiúréndérén/ | :: to have one's wish fulfilled |
求神 {v} /qiúshén/ | :: to ask for a god's blessing; to pray to the gods |
求生 {v} /qiúshēng/ | :: to seek survival |
求生不得,求死不能 {idiom} /qiúshēng 不dé, qiúsǐ 不néng/ | :: between a rock and a hard place; in a bind; in a pickle |
求勝 {v} [literary] /qiúshèng/ | :: to strive for victory |
求胜 {def} SEE: 求勝 | :: |
求实 {def} SEE: 求實 | :: |
求實 {v} /qiúshí/ | :: to seek realistic results, to behave pragmatically |
求仕 {v} [literary] /qiúshì/ | :: to seek an official position |
求思 {v} [literary] /qiúsī/ | :: to seek; to pursue; to go after |
求索 {v} /qiúsuǒ/ | :: to search for (something); to seek; to quest; to explore |
求索 {v} /qiúsuǒ/ | :: to ask for (something); to demand |
求同存异 {def} SEE: 求同存異 | :: |
求同存異 {idiom} /qiútóngcúnyì/ | :: to seek common ground while leaving aside differences; to agree to disagree |
求心理阴影面积 {def} SEE: 求心理陰影面積 | :: |
求心理陰影面積 {phrase} [neologism, slang, humorous] /qiú xīnlǐ yīnyǐng miànjī/ | :: to “calculate the psychological shaded area” (in someone's heart), i.e. [often, figurative] to evaluate how hurt someone is from an emotional insult / he or she must find this so hurtful or embarrassing |
求学 {def} SEE: 求學 | :: |
求學 {v} [literary] /qiúxué/ | :: to seek knowledge |
求學 {v} /qiúxué/ | :: to study; to attend school |
求医 {def} SEE: 求醫 | :: |
求醫 {v} [literary] /qiúyī/ | :: to seek medical care |
求雨 {v} /qiúyǔ/ | :: to pray for rain |
求援 {v} /qiúyuán/ | :: to ask for help; to seek assistance |
求援 {v} /qiúyuán/ | :: to request reinforcements |
求診 {v} /qiúzhěn/ | :: to seek medical treatment |
求诊 {def} SEE: 求診 | :: |
求證 {v} /qiúzhèng/ | :: to seek to prove; to seek evidence or verification |
求证 {def} SEE: 求證 | :: |
求知 {adj} /qiúzhī/ | :: anxious to learn, keen on knowledge |
求知 {v} /qiúzhī/ | :: to seek knowledge |
求知慾 {n} /qiúzhīyù/ | :: thrist for knowledge |
求知欲 {def} SEE: 求知慾 | :: |
求职 {def} SEE: 求職 | :: |
求职面试 {def} SEE: 求職面試 | :: |
求职信 {def} SEE: 求職信 | :: |
求职者 {def} SEE: 求職者 | :: |
求職 {v} /qiúzhí/ | :: to look for a job; to seek employment |
求職面試 {n} /qiúzhí miànshì/ | :: job interview |
求職信 {n} /qiúzhíxìn/ | :: job application letter |
求職信 {n} /qiúzhíxìn/ | :: cover letter |
求職者 {n} /qiúzhízhě/ | :: jobseeker; job applicant |
求助 {v} /qiúzhù/ | :: to seek help; to ask for assistance |
汓 {def} SEE: 泅 | :: |
泅 {def} /qiú,yōu/ | :: to swim; to float; to wade |
泅渡 {v} /qiúdù/ | :: to swim across |
泅水 {v} /qiúshuǐ/ | :: to swim |
泅游 {v} [literary] /qiúyóu/ | :: to swim; to frolic in water |
渞 {def} /qiú/ | :: water source, headwaters of a river |
渞 {def} /wù/ | :: sound of flowing water |
湭 {def} /qiú/ | :: juice (of fruits, vegetables) |
湭 {def} SEE: 泅 | :: |
湭 {def} /qiú/ | :: name of a river in Weinan, Shaanxi province |
煪 {def} /qiú/ | :: fire |
煪 {def} /qiú/ | :: dry, parched, arid |
煪 {def} [Southwestern Mandarin] /qiú/ | :: to smoke |
犰 {def} /qiú/ | :: only used in 犰狳 |
犰狳 {n} [Chinese mythology] /qiúyú/ | :: a kind of animal in Chinese mythology (Classifier: m:隻) |
犰狳 {n} /qiúyú/ | :: armadillo (Dasypus) (Classifier: m:隻) |
玌 {def} /qiú/ | :: a name of a jade |
球 {def} /qiú,er/ | :: ball, globe, orb |
球 {def} [mathematics] /qiú,er/ | :: sphere |
球 {def} /qiú,er/ | :: round, spherical |
球 {def} /qiú,er/ | :: earth |
球 {def} /qiú,er/ | :: ball (in sports) |
球 {def} /qiú,er/ | :: ball game |
球 {def} /qiú,er/ | :: Classifier for spherical objects |
球 {def} [Teochew, Xiang] /qiú,er/ | :: Classifier for stringed objects. string |
球 {def} [dialectal Mandarin, Jin, vulgar] /qiú,er/ | :: Expletive. Often used in the form of ……個球(…… my ass). Underlying meaning may be "testes" |
球 {def} [Cantonese, colloquial] /qiú,er/ | :: million dollars |
球 {def} SEE: 璆 | :: |
球 {def} [Singapore, slang] /qiú,er/ | :: testicle |
球棒 {n} [sports] /qiúbàng/ | :: bat (of baseball or cricket) |
球場 {n} [for ball games] /qiú場,er/ | :: field; ground; court; pitch; ballpark (Classifier: 個處) |
球场 {def} SEE: 球場 | :: |
球胆 {def} SEE: 球膽 | :: |
球膽 {n} /qiúdǎn/ | :: bladder (of a ball) |
球蛋白 {n} [protein] /qiúdànbái,er/ | :: globulin |
球队 {def} SEE: 球隊 | :: |
球隊 {n} /qiúduì,er/ | :: team (in a ball game) |
球儿 {def} SEE: 球兒 | :: |
球儿屁 {def} SEE: 球兒屁 | :: |
球兒 {n} /qiúr/ | :: erhua form of ball |
球兒屁 {n} [Beijing Mandarin, vulgar] /qiúrpì/ | :: person picking up balls in a ball game |
球根 {n} /qiúgēn/ | :: bulb (bulb-shaped root) |
球果 {n} /qiúguǒ/ | :: cone (fruit of conifers) |
球海綿體肌 {n} [anatomy] /qiúhǎimiántǐjī/ | :: bulbospongiosus |
球海绵体肌 {def} SEE: 球海綿體肌 | :: |
球技 {n} [sports] /qiújì,er/ | :: ball skills; dexterity in controlling the ball |
球茎 {def} SEE: 球莖 | :: |
球莖 {n} /qiújīng/ | :: corm |
球菌 {n} /qiú菌/ | :: coccus |
球兰 {def} SEE: 球蘭 | :: |
球蘭 {n} /qiúlán/ | :: Hoya carnosa |
球雷 {n} /qiúléi/ | :: ball lightning |
球类 {def} SEE: 球類 | :: |
球類 {n} /qiúlèi,er/ | :: ball games [as a whole]; ball sports |
球粒 {n} /qiúlì/ | :: pellet |
球粒状 {def} SEE: 球粒狀 | :: |
球粒状陨石 {def} SEE: 球粒狀隕石 | :: |
球粒狀 {adj} [attributive] /qiúlìzhuàng/ | :: granular |
球粒狀隕石 {n} /qiúlìzhuàng yǔnshí/ | :: chondrite |
球門 {n} /qiúmén/ | :: goal; goalmouth (in soccer) |
球門球 {n} [soccer] /qiúménqiú/ | :: goal kick |
球门 {def} SEE: 球門 | :: |
球门球 {def} SEE: 球門球 | :: |
球迷 {n} /qiúmí,er/ | :: ball game fan [e.g. soccer fan] |
球面 {n} /qiúmiàn,er/ | :: surface of a ball or sphere |
球面 {n} [geometry] /qiúmiàn,er/ | :: sphere |
球面度 {n} [geometry] /qiúmiàndù/ | :: steradian |
球拍 {n} [sport] /qiúpāi,er/ | :: bat; racket |
球拍子 {n} [sport] /qiúpāizi/ | :: bat; racket |
球盘 {def} SEE: 球盤 | :: |
球盤 {n} [geometry] /qiúpán/ | :: part of a sphere intersected by two parallel planes |
球脐 {def} SEE: 球臍 | :: |
球賽 {n} /qiúsài,er/ | :: ball game tournament or match (Classifier: 場) |
球赛 {def} SEE: 球賽 | :: |
球手 {n} /qiúshǒu,er/ | :: ball player |
球台 {def} SEE: 球檯 | :: |
球檯 {n} [sport] /qiútái/ | :: pingpong table; billiard table |
球檯 {n} [geometry] /qiútái/ | :: part of a sphere intersected by two parallel planes |
球体 {def} SEE: 球體 | :: |
球體 {n} /qiútǐ/ | :: sphere |
球童 {n} [baseball, tennis] /qiútóng/ | :: ball boy |
球童 {n} [golf] /qiútóng/ | :: caddy |
球網 {n} /qiúwǎng/ | :: net (for ball games) |
球网 {def} SEE: 球網 | :: |
球鞋 {n} /qiúxié,er/ | :: sneakers, trainers, athletic shoes |
球心 {n} /qiúxīn,er/ | :: center of a sphere |
球星 {n} /qiúxīng/ | :: ball-game star; sports star (of a ball sport) |
球形 {adj} /qiúxíng/ | :: spherical |
球衣 {n} /qiúyī,er/ | :: jersey, T-shirt |
球员 {def} SEE: 球員 | :: |
球員 {n} /qiúyuán,er/ | :: ballplayer; footballer; golfer |
球證 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong, sports] /qiúzhèng/ | :: umpire; referee |
球证 {def} SEE: 球證 | :: |
球状 {def} SEE: 球狀 | :: |
球状闪电 {def} SEE: 球狀閃電 | :: |
球狀 {adj} [attributive] /qiúzhuàng/ | :: ball-shaped; spherical; globular; round |
球狀閃電 {n} /qiúzhuàng shǎndiàn/ | :: ball lightning |
璆 {def} /qiú/ | :: [obsolete] beautiful jade |
璆 {def} /qiú/ | :: [obsolete] tinkle of jade objects |
苬 {def} /xiú/ | :: [obsolete] artist's bracket, Ganoderma applanatum |
虬 {def} SEE: 虯 | :: |
虬龙 {def} SEE: 虯龍 | :: |
虬枝 {def} SEE: 虯枝 | :: |
虯 {def} [mythology] /qiú/ | :: young dragon with horns |
虯 {def} /qiú/ | :: twisted |
虯龍 {n} [literary, Chinese mythology] /qiúlóng/ | :: qiulong (type of dragon) |
虯龍 {n} [literary, figurative] /qiúlóng/ | :: tortuous characters written in seal script |
虯龍 {n} [literary, figurative] /qiúlóng/ | :: winding tree branches |
虯枝 {n} /qiúzhī/ | :: winding branches |
蛷 {def} /qiú/ | :: used in 蛷螋 |
蝤 {def} /qiú/ | :: only used in 蝤蠐 |
蝤 {def} SEE: 蝣 | :: |
蝤 {def} /jiū,yóu,1nb/ | :: only used in 蝤蛑 |
蝤蛑 {n} /yóumóu,jiūmóu,1nb/ | :: swimming crab |
蝤蛴 {def} SEE: 蝤蠐 | :: |
蝤蠐 {n} [literary] /qiúqí/ | :: larva of the longhorn beetle |
蝤蠐 {n} [literary, figurative] /qiúqí/ | :: the soft and smooth neck of beautiful women |
裘 {def} /qiú/ | :: fur coat |
裘 {def} /qiú/ | :: surname |
賕 {def} /qiú/ | :: bribe |
賕 {def} /qiú/ | :: graft |
赇 {def} SEE: 賕 | :: |
逑 {def} [literary] /qiú/ | :: spouse |
遒勁 {adj} [literary] /qiújìng/ | :: powerful; vigorous |
遒劲 {def} SEE: 遒勁 | :: |
酋 {def} /qiú/ | :: chief of a tribe, chieftain |
酋長 {n} /qiúzhǎng/ | :: tribal chief; headman; leader; chieftain |
酋長 {n} /qiúzhǎng/ | :: emir; sheik; raja (used as a translation of leaders in some countries) |
酋長國 {n} /qiúzhǎngguó/ | :: emirate; sheikdom |
酋長岩 {prop} /Qiúchángyán/ | :: El Capitan |
酋长 {def} SEE: 酋長 | :: |
酋长国 {def} SEE: 酋長國 | :: |
酋长岩 {def} SEE: 酋長岩 | :: |
鮂 {def} /qiú/ | :: [obsolete] white sharpbelly fish |
鮂 {def} /qiú/ | :: [obsolete] cuttlefish |
鯄 {def} /qiú/ | :: Lepidotrigla microptera |
鼽嚏 {v} /qiútì/ | :: to have a stuffy nose and sneeze due to a cold |
搝龙须 {def} SEE: 搝龍鬚 | :: |
糗 {def} /qiǔ/ | :: cooked wheat or rice, etc |
糗 {def} [dialectal, of noodles, etc.] /qiǔ/ | :: to become a whole or mush |
糗 {def} [Mandarin, colloquial] /qiǔ/ | :: embarrassing; embarrassment |
糗 {def} /qiǔ/ | :: surname |
糗事 {n} /qiǔshì/ | :: embarrassing incident; awkward story |
伹 {def} /qū/ | :: [obsolete] dull; slow; unskillful |
佉 {def} [literary] /qū/ | :: alternative form of 祛 |
佉 {def} /qū/ | :: Name of a divine being |
佉 {def} /qū/ | :: Transliteration of Sanskrit 'kh' |
佉 {def} /qū/ | :: surname |
佉苴 {n} [ancient southwestern China] /qūjū/ | :: belt |
佉卢文 {def} SEE: 佉盧文 | :: |
佉盧文 {n} /qūlúwén/ | :: Kharosthi |
匤 {def} /qū/ | :: small box, case, coffer |
区 {def} SEE: 區 | :: |
区别 {def} SEE: 區別 | :: |
区别词 {def} SEE: 區別詞 | :: |
区别开来 {def} SEE: 區別開來 | :: |
区段 {def} SEE: 區段 | :: |
区分 {def} SEE: 區分 | :: |
区分度 {def} SEE: 區分度 | :: |
区盖 {def} SEE: 區蓋 | :: |
区隔 {def} SEE: 區隔 | :: |
区划 {def} SEE: 區劃 | :: |
区画 {def} SEE: 區畫 | :: |
区间 {def} SEE: 區間 | :: |
区块链 {def} SEE: 區塊鏈 | :: |
区旗 {def} SEE: 區旗 | :: |
区区 {def} SEE: 區區 | :: |
区时 {def} SEE: 區時 | :: |
区位 {def} SEE: 區位 | :: |
区域 {def} SEE: 區域 | :: |
区域经济学 {def} SEE: 區域經濟學 | :: |
区域网路 {def} SEE: 區域網路 | :: |
区域性 {def} SEE: 區域性 | :: |
区域研究 {def} SEE: 區域研究 | :: |
区域主义 {def} SEE: 區域主義 | :: |
区域自治 {def} SEE: 區域自治 | :: |
区字框 {def} SEE: 區字框 | :: |
屈 {def} /qū/ | :: to bend; to flex |
屈 {def} /qū/ | :: bent; crooked |
屈 {def} /qū/ | :: to crouch |
屈 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] short |
屈 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] to use up; to exhaust |
屈 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 倔 |
屈 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 崛 |
屈 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 崛 |
屈 {def} /què/ | :: only used in 屈狄 |
屈臣 {prop} [Cantonese] /Qūchén/ | :: Watson (English surname) |
屈從 {v} /qūcóng/ | :: to submit; to yield; to capitulate; to obey |
屈从 {def} SEE: 屈從 | :: |
屈打成招 {idiom} /qūdǎchéngzhāo/ | :: to confess to false charges under torture |
屈乏 {adj} [literary] /juéfá/ | :: poor; exhausted |
屈伏 {def} SEE: 屈服 | :: |
屈服 {v} /qūfú/ | :: to surrender; to yield; to concede |
屈机 {def} SEE: 屈機 | :: |
屈急 {adj} [literary] /juéjí/ | :: impoverished; poverty-stricken |
屈己 {v} [literary] /qūjǐ/ | :: to humbly subjugate oneself |
屈己待人 {idiom} /qūjǐ dàirén/ | :: to humbly subjugate oneself in service to someone else |
屈駕 {v} [polite] /qūjià/ | :: to condescend (or be kind enough) to make the journey |
屈驾 {def} SEE: 屈駕 | :: |
屈強 {def} SEE: 倔強 | :: |
屈節 {v} /qūjié/ | :: to forfeit one's honor |
屈节 {def} SEE: 屈節 | :: |
屈就 {v} [polite] /qūjiù/ | :: to condescend to take a post offered |
屈挠 {def} SEE: 屈撓 | :: |
屈撓 {v} /qūnáo/ | :: to subdue; to submit; to yield; to knuckle under |
屈起 {def} SEE: 崛起 | :: |
屈强 {def} SEE: 屈強 | :: |
屈曲 {adj} [literary] /qūqū/ | :: bending |
屈辱 {v} /qū辱/ | :: to humiliate; to demean |
屈辱 {n} /qū辱/ | :: humiliation; mortification |
屈辱感 {n} /qū辱gǎn/ | :: sense of humiliation |
屈伸 {v} [literary] /qūshēn/ | :: to bend and stretch; to contract and extend |
屈身 {v} [literary] /qūshēn/ | :: to bow down to |
屈身 {v} [literary] /qūshēn/ | :: to place oneself in an inferior status to someone else |
屈头路 {def} SEE: 屈頭路 | :: |
屈膝 {v} /qūxī/ | :: to kneel; to bend one's knees |
屈膝 {v} [figurative] /qūxī/ | :: to yield to; to surrender |
屈原 {prop} /Qūyuán/ | :: (~ 鎮) 屈原 (town) |
屈原庙 {def} SEE: 屈原廟 | :: |
屈原廟 {prop} /Qūyuánmiào/ | :: (~ 村) 屈原廟 (village) |
屈折 {v} /qūzhé/ | :: to bend; to turn; to make a turn; to warp |
屈折 {v} [linguistics] /qūzhé/ | :: to inflect |
屈折 {v} [physics] /qūzhé/ | :: to refract |
屈折語 {n} [linguistics] /qūzhéyǔ/ | :: inflectional language |
屈折语 {def} SEE: 屈折語 | :: |
屈指 {v} /qūzhǐ/ | :: to count on one's fingers (an amount that is countable with fingers, i.e. counting the top few things) |
屈指可數 {idiom} /qūzhǐ#kěshǔ/ | :: can be counted with one's fingers; very few; numbered |
屈指可数 {def} SEE: 屈指可數 | :: |
屈指一算 {idiom} /qūzhǐ一suàn/ | :: to count; to calculate |
屈尊 {v} [honorific, of a high-status person] /qūzūn/ | :: to condescend; to deign; to lower oneself |
岖 {def} SEE: 嶇 | :: |
岴 {def} SEE: 嶇 | :: |
嶇 {def} /qū/ | :: only used in 崎嶇 |
抾 {def} /qū/ | :: to hold up with both hands |
抾 {def} /qū/ | :: to catch |
抾 {def} /qū/ | :: to dispel |
抾 {def} [Min Nan] /qū/ | :: to pick up |
抾 {def} [Min Nan] /qū/ | :: to retrieve, to fetch, to get, to bring |
抾 {def} [Min Nan] /qū/ | :: to collect |
抾 {def} [Min Nan] /qū/ | :: to tidy up |
抾 {def} [Min Nan] /qū/ | :: to assemble |
抾 {def} [Min Nan] /qū/ | :: to carry |
抾裥 {def} SEE: 抾襇 | :: |
抾税 {def} SEE: 抾稅 | :: |
敺 {def} SEE: 驅 | :: |
敺 {def} SEE: 毆 | :: |
祛 {def} /qū/ | :: expel, remove, disperse, exorcise |
祛斑 {v} /qūbān/ | :: to remove spots on the face or body |
祛除 {v} /qūchú/ | :: to dispel; to eradicate; to remove |
祛痘 {v} /qūdòu/ | :: to remove acne |
祛痘 {n} /qūdòu/ | :: acne treatment |
祛風藥 {n} /qūfēng yào/ | :: "Wind-eliminating" materia medica in traditional Chinese medicine. This term refers to herbs and other medicinal substances that are used to eliminate "wind" in the body |
祛风药 {def} SEE: 祛風藥 | :: |
祛痰 {v} [TCM] /qūtán/ | :: to clear phlegm; to make expectoration easy |
粬 {def} SEE: 麴 | :: |
蛆 {def} /qū/ | :: maggot |
蛆 {def} [figurative, derogatory] /qū/ | :: despicable person |
蛆 {def} [Min Nan] /qū/ | :: wriggler; wiggler; mosquito larva |
蛆 {def} /jū/ | :: only used in 蝍蛆 |
蛆虫 {def} SEE: 蛆蟲 | :: |
蛆虫疗法 {def} SEE: 蛆蟲療法 | :: |
蛆蟲 {n} /qūchóng/ | :: maggot |
蛆蟲 {n} [figurative, derogatory] /qūchóng/ | :: despicable person |
蛆蟲 {n} [Leizhou Min, Wenzhou Wu] /qūchóng/ | :: mosquito larva |
蛆蟲療法 {n} /qūchóng liáofǎ/ | :: maggot therapy |
蛆疗 {def} SEE: 蛆療 | :: |
蛆疗法 {def} SEE: 蛆療法 | :: |
蛆療 {n} /qūliáo/ | :: maggot therapy |
蛆療法 {n} /qūliáofǎ/ | :: maggot therapy |
蛐 {def} /qū/ | :: only used in 蛐蛐 |
蛐 {def} /qū,qú,1nb/ | :: alternative form of 曲 used in words for earthworm |
蛐蛐 {n} [regional] /qūqu,er/ | :: cricket (insect) |
蛐蛐儿 {def} SEE: 蛐蛐兒 | :: |
蛐蛐兒 {n} /qūqur/ | :: erhua form of [] |
覰 {def} /qù/ | :: to peep; to spy on |
覰 {def} /qù/ | :: to look |
覷 {def} /qù/ | :: to peep; to spy on |
覷 {def} [literary, Min Dong, Min Bei] /qù/ | :: to look |
覷 {def} /qū,qù,1nb/ | :: to squint while looking closely at sth |
覷視 {v} [literary] /qùshì/ | :: to look; to gaze |
诎 {def} SEE: 詘 | :: |
趋 {def} SEE: 趨 | :: |
趋奉 {def} SEE: 趨奉 | :: |
趋赴 {def} SEE: 趨赴 | :: |
趋附 {def} SEE: 趨附 | :: |
趋缓 {def} SEE: 趨緩 | :: |
趋近 {def} SEE: 趨近 | :: |
趋时 {def} SEE: 趨時 | :: |
趋侍 {def} SEE: 趨侍 | :: |
趋势 {def} SEE: 趨勢 | :: |
趋向 {def} SEE: 趨向 | :: |
趋炎附势 {def} SEE: 趨炎附勢 | :: |
趋于 {def} SEE: 趨於 | :: |
趋之若鹜 {def} SEE: 趨之若鶩 | :: |
躯 {def} SEE: 軀 | :: |
躯干 {def} SEE: 軀幹 | :: |
躯壳 {def} SEE: 軀殼 | :: |
躯体 {def} SEE: 軀體 | :: |
躯体神经系统 {def} SEE: 軀體神經系統 | :: |
軀 {def} /qū/ | :: human body |
軀幹 {n} [anatomy] /qūgàn/ | :: torso; trunk |
軀幹 {n} [figurative] /qūgàn/ | :: main part of something |
軀殼 {n} /qū殼/ | :: body (of a person, as opposed to soul) |
軀體 {n} [formal] /qūtǐ/ | :: body (of a person) |
軀體神經系統 {n} [neuroanatomy] /qūtǐshénjīngxìtǒng/ | :: somatic nervous system |
駆 {def} SEE: 驅 | :: |
駈 {def} SEE: 驅 | :: |
驅 {def} /qū/ | :: to run quickly |
驅 {def} /qū/ | :: to expel; to disperse |
驅 {def} /qū/ | :: to drive [a horse, a car]; to urge on; to spur |
驅兵 {v} [literary] /qūbīng/ | :: to dispatch soldiers; to send troops |
驅車 {v} /qūchē/ | :: to drive or travel in a vehicle |
驅蟲 {v} /qūchóng,er/ | :: to repel bugs; to expel insects |
驅蟲藥 {n} [medicine] /qūchóngyào/ | :: anthelmintic; insect repellent |
驅除 {v} /qūchú/ | :: to drive out; to get rid of; to eliminate |
驅動 {v} [literally] /qūdòng/ | :: to drive; to propel |
驅動 {v} [figuratively] /qūdòng/ | :: to urge; to spur; to prompt; to drive |
驅動 {n} /qūdòng/ | :: drive (vehicle wheel); drive mechanism (tape or disk) |
驅動 {n} [computing] /qūdòng/ | :: abbreviation of 驅動程序 |
驅動程序 {n} [computing] /qūdòng chéngxù/ | :: device driver (software that communicates between operating system and hardware) |
驅動器 {n} [computing] /qūdòngqì/ | :: drive |
驅趕 {v} /qūgǎn/ | :: to drive out; to chase away |
驅趕 {v} /qūgǎn/ | :: to herd; to drive (people or animals in a particular direction) |
驅魔 {v} /qūmó/ | :: to dispel demons; to exorcise |
驅魔禮 {n} /qūmólǐ/ | :: exorcism |
驅遣 {v} [formal] /qūqiǎn/ | :: to drive away; to banish; to expel |
驅遣 {v} /qūqiǎn/ | :: to order about; to drive |
驅遣 {v} /qūqiǎn/ | :: to dispel; to get rid of |
驅散 {v} /qūsàn/ | :: to disperse; to break up (a crowd) |
驅散 {v} [figurative] /qūsàn/ | :: to dispel; to drive away |
驅使 {v} [literary] /qūshǐ/ | :: to send (on an errand, mission, etc.); to dispatch; to deploy |
驅使 {v} /qūshǐ/ | :: to induce; to spur; to provoke; to drive (somebody to do something); to contribute to (some development) |
驅邪 {v} /qūxié/ | :: to expel evil spirits |
驅逐 {v} /qūzhú/ | :: to expel; to banish; to deport; to drive (out) |
驅逐艦 {n} /qūzhújiàn/ | :: destroyer (type of warship) |
驅走 {v} /qūzǒu/ | :: to drive out; to get rid of; to eliminate |
驱 {def} SEE: 驅 | :: |
驱兵 {def} SEE: 驅兵 | :: |
驱车 {def} SEE: 驅車 | :: |
驱虫 {def} SEE: 驅蟲 | :: |
驱虫药 {def} SEE: 驅蟲藥 | :: |
驱除 {def} SEE: 驅除 | :: |
驱动 {def} SEE: 驅動 | :: |
驱动程序 {def} SEE: 驅動程序 | :: |
驱动器 {def} SEE: 驅動器 | :: |
驱赶 {def} SEE: 驅趕 | :: |
驱魔 {def} SEE: 驅魔 | :: |
驱魔礼 {def} SEE: 驅魔禮 | :: |
驱遣 {def} SEE: 驅遣 | :: |
驱散 {def} SEE: 驅散 | :: |
驱使 {def} SEE: 驅使 | :: |
驱邪 {def} SEE: 驅邪 | :: |
驱逐 {def} SEE: 驅逐 | :: |
驱逐舰 {def} SEE: 驅逐艦 | :: |
驱走 {def} SEE: 驅走 | :: |
魼 {def} /qū/ | :: [obsolete] flatfish |
鰸 {def} /qū/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of small fish which resembles a prawn |
鱋 {def} /qū/ | :: [obsolete] flatfish |
鶌 {def} /jué/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of small pigeon |
麯 {def} SEE: 麴 | :: |
麯黴 {def} SEE: 麴黴 | :: |
麯酸 {def} SEE: 麴酸 | :: |
麯秀才 {def} SEE: 麴秀才 | :: |
麴 {def} /麴/ | :: yeast |
麴 {def} /麴/ | :: [obsolete] alcoholic beverage |
麴 {def} /Qū,Qú,2nb/ | :: surname |
麴監 {n} /麴jiàn/ | :: an official in charge of wines and liquors |
麴君 {n} [literary] /麴jūn/ | :: wine; liquor |
麴菌 {n} /麴菌/ | :: Aspergillus (mold) |
麴霉 {def} SEE: 麴黴 | :: |
麴黴 {n} /麴méi/ | :: (~ 屬) Aspergillus (mold) |
麴糱 {n} /麴niè/ | :: the yeast and the malt; the ferment for brewing |
麴糱 {n} /麴niè/ | :: brewed spirits |
麴錢 {n} /麴qián/ | :: tax paid by brewers |
麴生 {n} [literary] /麴shēng/ | :: wine; liquor |
麴酸 {n} [organic compound] /麴suān/ | :: kojic acid |
麴秀才 {n} [literary] /麴xiùcái/ | :: wine; liquor |
麴院 {n} /麴yuàn/ | :: brewery |
麹 {def} SEE: 麴 | :: |
麹 {def} SEE: 麴 | :: |
麹秀才 {def} SEE: 麴秀才 | :: |
黢 {def} /qū,qù/ | :: black |
黢黑 {adj} /qūhēi/ | :: pitch-black; pitch-dark |
㜹 {def} /qú/ | :: name of a folk song in ancient times |
㜹 {def} /qú/ | :: used in girl names |
䀠 {def} /jù/ | :: surname |
䀠 {def} /jù/ | :: the timid look of a bird |
䀠 {def} /jù/ | :: (of birds) to look around |
䀠 {def} /jù/ | :: nervous |
䀠 {def} /jù/ | :: (same as 瞿) shocked or scared |
䵶 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] A kind of frog with two horns on its head, found in Liaodong |
䵶 {def} /gōu/ | :: only used in 䵶鼊 |
劬 {def} /qú/ | :: only used in 勤劬 |
劬劳 {def} SEE: 劬勞 | :: |
劬勞 {adj} [literary] /qúláo/ | :: tired; exhausted; overworked |
忂 {def} [archaic] /qú/ | :: manner of walking |
忂 {def} /jù/ | :: to walk |
朐 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] bent part of dried meat |
朐县 {def} SEE: 朐縣 | :: |
朐縣 {prop} [archaic] /Qú Xiàn/ | :: Qu County (southwest of present day Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China) |
氍 {def} /qú/ | :: only used in 氍毹 |
氍毹 {n} /qú毹/ | :: wool carpet |
氍毹 {n} [figurative] /qú毹/ | :: stage; arena |
淭 {def} /qú/ | :: only used in 淭挐 |
渠 {def} /qú/ | :: ditch; canal; drain |
渠 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] big; huge |
渠 {def} /qú/ | :: surname |
渠 {def} [literary or dialectal] /qú/ | :: third-person pronoun; he, she, it |
渠道 {n} [for irrigation, drainage] /qúdào/ | :: ditch; trench |
渠道 {n} [as a means of handling or communicating something] /qúdào/ | :: channel; medium |
渠口 {prop} /Qúkǒu/ | :: (~ 鎮) 渠口 (town) |
渠魁 {n} [archaic] /qúkuí/ | :: rebel leader |
渠侬 {def} SEE: 渠儂 | :: |
渠儂 {pron} [Wu, obsolete in Shanghai, &, Suzhou, dated in Ningbo, still used in Tangxi] /qúnóng/ | :: he; she; it |
渠儂 {pron} [Wu, obsolete in Shanghai, &, Suzhou] /qúnóng/ | :: they |
渠帅 {def} SEE: 渠帥 | :: |
渠帥 {n} [archaic] /qúshuài/ | :: leader of the local chapter of a bandit gang |
灈 {def} /qú/ | :: (~ 水) [historical] Qu (a river in Henan, China, now called Shiyang River) |
癯 {def} /qú/ | :: alternative form of 臞 |
磲 {def} /qú/ | :: only used in 硨磲 |
籧 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] crude bamboo mat |
籧 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] tray to hold mulberry leaves for feeding silkworms |
籧 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] (~ 篨) an illness of the abdomen |
臞 {def} /qú/ | :: emaciated; thin |
菃 {def} /qú/ | :: used in personal names |
葋 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of grass |
蘧 {def} /qú/ | :: (~ 麥) fringed pink (Dianthus superbus) |
蘧 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] (~ 然) to be pleasantly surprised |
蘧 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 瞿 |
蘧 {def} /qú/ | :: surname |
螶 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] mayfly |
螶 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of beast |
蟝 {def} SEE: 螶 | :: |
蠷蝚 {n} /qúróu/ | :: a type of rhesus macaque |
蠷螋 {n} /qúsōu/ | :: earwig |
衢 {def} /qú/ | :: A thoroughfare, a highway junction, an intersect |
衢州 {prop} /Qúzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 衢州 (prefecture-level city) |
豦 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] the appearance of beasts fighting |
豦 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] large pig |
豦 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] an animal like a macaque |
躣 {def} /qú/ | :: manner of walking (used in 躣躣) |
鴝 {def} /qú/ | :: myna |
鴝鵒 {n} [literary] /qúyù/ | :: myna bird |
鴝鵒 {n} /qúyù/ | :: abbreviation of 鴝鵒舞 |
鴝鵒 {n} /qúyù/ | :: abbreviation of 鴝鵒眼 |
鸲 {def} SEE: 鴝 | :: |
鸲鹆 {def} SEE: 鴝鵒 | :: |
鼩 {def} /qú/ | :: [obsolete] shrew |
鼩鼱 {n} /qújīng/ | :: shrew (mouselike animal) |
䶚 {def} SEE: 齲 | :: |
取 {def} /qǔ/ | :: to take; to fetch |
取 {def} /qǔ/ | :: to get; to obtain |
取 {def} /qǔ/ | :: to receive |
取 {def} /qǔ/ | :: to select; to choose |
取 {def} /qǔ/ | :: surname |
取 {def} /qǔ/ | :: original form of 娶 |
取保 {v} [legal] /qǔbǎo/ | :: to get somebody to go bail for one |
取便 {v} [literary] /qǔbiàn/ | :: to take advantage of a situation |
取才 {v} /qǔcái/ | :: to select talented people |
取材 {v} /qǔcái/ | :: to obtain (material, data) from |
取長補短 {idiom} /qǔchángbǔduǎn/ | :: to learn from others' merits to offset one's weaknesses |
取长补短 {def} SEE: 取長補短 | :: |
取出 {v} /qǔchū/ | :: to remove; to take out |
取次 {adv} [archaic] /qǔcì/ | :: in a leisurely manner |
取代 {v} /qǔdài/ | :: to supersede; to replace; to supplant; to substitute |
取代反应 {def} SEE: 取代反應 | :: |
取代反應 {n} [chemistry] /qǔdài fǎnyìng,tl/ | :: substitution reaction |
取道 {v} /qǔdào/ | :: to pass through; to take the route of; by way of; via |
取得 {v} /qǔdé/ | :: to gain; to obtain |
取灯 {def} SEE: 取燈 | :: |
取灯儿 {def} SEE: 取燈兒 | :: |
取燈 {n} /qǔdēng,er/ | :: wooden stick used to light a fire from another fire source |
取燈 {n} [dialectal] /qǔdēng,er/ | :: match (for lighting fire) |
取燈兒 {n} /qǔdēngr/ | :: erhua form of match (for lighting fire) |
取締 {def} SEE: 取替 | :: |
取締 {v} /qǔdì/ | :: to ban; to prohibit (publications, customs, etc.); to outlaw; to suppress (violators) |
取缔 {def} SEE: 取締 | :: |
取而代之 {idiom} /qǔ'érdàizhī/ | :: to take the place of; to substitute for; to replace |
取法 {v} /qǔfǎ/ | :: to follow the example of; to take as one's model; to pattern after; to imitate |
取給 {v} /qǔjǐ/ | :: to draw (supplies, etc.) |
取给 {def} SEE: 取給 | :: |
取关 {def} SEE: 取關 | :: |
取關 {v} [Internet] /qǔguān/ | :: to unfollow; to unsubscribe |
取回 {v} /qǔhuí/ | :: to take back; to get back; to retrieve |
取經 {v} [Buddhism, historical] /qǔjīng/ | :: to go on a pilgrimage trip to India to acquire Buddhist scriptures |
取經 {v} [figurative] /qǔjīng/ | :: to learn from other's experience |
取经 {def} SEE: 取經 | :: |
取景 {v} /qǔjǐng/ | :: to find a view (when painting or taking photographs) |
取景器 {n} /qǔjǐngqì/ | :: viewfinder (device on a camera) |
取决 {def} SEE: 取決 | :: |
取决于 {def} SEE: 取決於 | :: |
取決 {v} /qǔjué/ | :: to depend on (be determined by); to hinge upon; to be subject to |
取決於 {v} /qǔjuéyú/ | :: to depend on; to rely on |
取款 {v} /qǔkuǎn/ | :: to withdraw (money from a bank) |
取款机 {def} SEE: 取款機 | :: |
取款機 {n} [banking] /qǔkuǎnjī/ | :: automated teller machine |
取來 {v} /qǔlái/ | :: to fetch |
取来 {def} SEE: 取來 | :: |
取乐 {def} SEE: 取樂 | :: |
取樂 {v} /qǔlè/ | :: to seek pleasure; to find amusement; to amuse oneself; to make merry |
取樂 {v} /qǔlè/ | :: to ridicule; to make fun of; to poke fun at |
取录 {def} SEE: 取錄 | :: |
取錄 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /qǔlù/ | :: to admit (someone) |
取码 {def} SEE: 取碼 | :: |
取碼 {v} /qǔmǎ/ | :: to choose the keystrokes (碼 /-/) that produce a character (or character sequence) in a Chinese IME |
取名 {v} /qǔmíng/ | :: to name; to be named |
取名 {v} [literary] /qǔmíng/ | :: to seek fame |
取匿 {v} [neologism, slang] /qǔnì/ | :: to remove the anonymity on a post that one originally made anonymously |
取暖 {v} /qǔnuǎn/ | :: to warm oneself up; to keep warm |
取暖器 {n} /qǔnuǎnqì/ | :: heater |
取气 {def} SEE: 取氣 | :: |
取錢 {v} /qǔqián/ | :: to withdraw money (from an ATM, etc.) |
取钱 {def} SEE: 取錢 | :: |
取巧 {v} /qǔqiǎo/ | :: to resort to trickery to serve oneself or avoid a difficulty |
取捨 {v} /qǔshě/ | :: to accept or reject; to make one's choice |
取舍 {def} SEE: 取捨 | :: |
取勝 {v} /qǔshèng/ | :: to win victory; to score a success |
取胜 {def} SEE: 取勝 | :: |
取事 {v} [literary] /qǔshì/ | :: to take action |
取事 {v} [literary] /qǔshì/ | :: to illustrate with an example; to use an allusion |
取士 {v} [literary] /qǔshì/ | :: to select a man of talent to take on an official post |
取手 {prop} /Qǔshǒu/ | :: (~ 市) 取手 (city) |
取水 {v} /qǔshuǐ/ | :: to draw water |
取討 {v} /qǔtǎo/ | :: to demand |
取討 {v} /qǔtǎo/ | :: to retrieve; to redeem |
取讨 {def} SEE: 取討 | :: |
取向 {n} /qǔxiàng/ | :: orientation; direction; tendency |
取消 {v} /qǔxiāo/ | :: to cancel |
取銷 {def} SEE: 取消 | :: |
取销 {def} SEE: 取消 | :: |
取笑 {v} /qǔxiào/ | :: to ridicule; to make fun of; to poke fun at |
取信 {v} /qǔxìn/ | :: to fetch a letter |
取信 {v} /qǔxìn/ | :: to win the confidence or trust of others; to establish credibility |
取信於民 {idiom} /qǔxìnyúmín/ | :: to attain the people's trust; to win the confidence of the people |
取信于民 {def} SEE: 取信於民 | :: |
取样 {def} SEE: 取樣 | :: |
取样率 {def} SEE: 取樣率 | :: |
取樣 {v} /qǔyàng,er/ | :: to take a sample |
取樣率 {n} /qǔyànglǜ/ | :: sampling rate |
取药 {def} SEE: 取藥 | :: |
取藥 {v} /qǔyào/ | :: to pick up medication (with a prescription, in a hospital, pharmacy, etc.) |
取用 {v} /qǔyòng/ | :: to make use of; to take and use |
取悅 {v} /qǔyuè/ | :: to try to please; to ingratiate oneself with somebody |
取悦 {def} SEE: 取悅 | :: |
取整 {v} [mathematics] /qǔzhěng/ | :: to round; to approximate a number |
取之不竭 {idiom} /qǔzhī不jié/ | :: synonym of 取之不盡,用之不竭 |
取之不盡 {idiom} /qǔzhī不jìn/ | :: synonym of 取之不盡,用之不竭 |
取之不盡,用之不竭 {idiom} [of resources] /qǔ zhī 不 jìn, yòng zhī 不 jié/ | :: inexhaustible |
取之不盡,用之有餘 {idiom} /qǔ zhī 不 jìn, yòng zhī yǒu yú/ | :: synonym of 取之不盡,用之不竭 |
取之不尽 {def} SEE: 取之不盡 | :: |
取之不尽,用之不竭 {def} SEE: 取之不盡,用之不竭 | :: |
取之不尽,用之有余 {def} SEE: 取之不盡,用之有餘 | :: |
取之不尽,用之有馀 {def} SEE: 取之不盡,用之有餘 | :: |
取之無禁 {idiom} /qǔzhīwújìn/ | :: synonym of 取之不盡,用之不竭 |
取之無禁,用之不竭 {idiom} /qǔ zhī wú jìn, yòng zhī 不 jié/ | :: synonym of 取之不盡,用之不竭 |
取之无禁 {def} SEE: 取之無禁 | :: |
取之无禁,用之不竭 {def} SEE: 取之無禁,用之不竭 | :: |
取总 {def} SEE: 取總 | :: |
娶 {def} [of a man] /qǔ,qù,1nb/ | :: to marry; to take (a wife) |
娶妻 {v} [of a man] /qǔqī/ | :: to marry a wife; to take a wife |
娶妻娶德 {proverb} /qǔqīqǔdé/ | :: marry a woman for her morality (rather than beauty) |
娶妻生子 {idiom} [of a man] /qǔqīshēngzǐ/ | :: to get married and have children |
娶亲 {def} SEE: 娶親 | :: |
娶親 {v} /qǔqīn/ | :: to take a wife |
曲 {def} /qū/ | :: not straight; bent |
曲 {def} /qū/ | :: twisting |
曲 {def} /qū/ | :: curved |
曲 {def} /qū/ | :: crooked |
曲 {def} /qū/ | :: wrong; not right |
曲 {def} /qū/ | :: surname |
曲 {def} /qū/ | :: Used in names of rivers in Tibet and surrounding regions |
曲 {def} /qǔ,er/ | :: song |
曲 {def} SEE: 麴 | :: |
曲 {def} /qǔ,er/ | :: Qu (poetry) |
曲阿 {prop} [archaic] /Qū'ē/ | :: Qu'e (present day Danyang) |
曲別針 {n} [Mainland] /qūbiézhēn,er/ | :: paper clip |
曲别针 {def} SEE: 曲別針 | :: |
曲尺 {n} /qūchǐ/ | :: carpenter's square |
曲尺 {prop} /qūchǐ/ | :: (~ 鄉) 曲尺 (township) |
曲尺 {prop} /qūchǐ/ | :: (~ 村) 曲尺 (village) |
曲笛 {n} [musical instrument] /qǔdí/ | :: A regional variant of dizi |
曲調 {n} /qǔdiào/ | :: melody; tune |
曲调 {def} SEE: 曲調 | :: |
曲風 {n} /qǔfēng,er/ | :: music style |
曲风 {def} SEE: 曲風 | :: |
曲阜 {prop} /Qūfù/ | :: (~ 市) 曲阜 (county-level city) |
曲高和寡 {idiom} /qǔgāohèguǎ/ | :: to be highbrow and unpopular, as it cannot be easily understood by the common people |
曲頸甑 {n} /qūjǐngzèng/ | :: retort |
曲颈甑 {def} SEE: 曲頸甑 | :: |
曲棍球 {n} [sports] /qūgùnqiú,er/ | :: hockey |
曲监 {def} SEE: 麴監 | :: |
曲江 {prop} /Qūjiāng/ | :: (~ 區) 曲江 (district) |
曲江 {prop} /Qūjiāng/ | :: 曲江 (tributary) |
曲解 {v} /qūjiě/ | :: to deliberately misinterpret; to twist; to distort |
曲界 {prop} /Qūjiè/ | :: (~ 鎮) Qujie, a town on southern China's Leizhou Peninsula |
曲靖 {prop} /Qūjìng/ | :: (~ 市) 曲靖 (prefecture-level city) |
曲裾 {n} [archaic, historical] /qūjū/ | :: quju (a kind of outfit worn in ancient China) |
曲剧 {def} SEE: 曲劇 | :: |
曲劇 {n} [opera] /qǔjù/ | :: quju, Chinese opera derived from ballad singing |
曲君 {def} SEE: 麴君 | :: |
曲菌 {def} SEE: 麴菌 | :: |
曲栏 {def} SEE: 曲欄 | :: |
曲欄 {n} [archaic] /qūlán/ | :: a handrail which curves and winds |
曲率 {n} [geometry] /qūlǜ/ | :: curvature |
曲霉 {def} SEE: 麴黴 | :: |
曲面 {n} [topology] /qūmiàn,er/ | :: surface; curved surface |
曲面屏 {n} /qūmiànpíng/ | :: curved screen |
曲目 {n} /qǔmù/ | :: music repertoire; catalogue of song/opera performances; track |
曲糱 {def} SEE: 麴糱 | :: |
曲牌 {n} /qǔpái/ | :: the generic term for a stock tune or melody used in traditional Chinese instrumental or vocal music, often as the basis for variation |
曲盘 {def} SEE: 曲盤 | :: |
曲屏 {n} /qūpíng/ | :: curved screen |
曲譜 {n} /qǔpǔ/ | :: music score of Chinese operas |
曲譜 {n} /qǔpǔ/ | :: music score (of any instrument); sheet music |
曲譜 {n} /qǔpǔ/ | :: collection of tunes of qu |
曲谱 {def} SEE: 曲譜 | :: |
曲奇 {n} /qūqí/ | :: cookie |
曲奇餅 {n} /qūqíbǐng/ | :: cookie |
曲奇饼 {def} SEE: 曲奇餅 | :: |
曲钱 {def} SEE: 麴錢 | :: |
曲蟮 {n} [colloquial] /qūshàn,qúshàn,qúchun,qúqin,tl/ | :: earthworm |
曲生 {def} SEE: 麴生 | :: |
曲式 {n} [music] /qǔshì/ | :: musical form |
曲說 {n} [literary] /qūshuō/ | :: biased statement |
曲說 {v} /qūshuō/ | :: [literary] to convince; to argue one's case |
曲说 {def} SEE: 曲說 | :: |
曲酸 {def} SEE: 麴酸 | :: |
曲蹄 {n} [derogatory] /qūtí/ | :: Fuzhou Tanka, Fuzhou boat people (traditionally boat-dwelling people in Fuzhou) |
曲細精管 {n} [anatomy] /qūxìjīngguǎn/ | :: seminiferous tubule |
曲细精管 {def} SEE: 曲細精管 | :: |
曲線 {n} /qūxiàn,qǔxiàn,2nb/ | :: curve; bend; curl; curvature |
曲線 {n} [geometry] /qūxiàn,qǔxiàn,2nb/ | :: curve (Classifier: m:條m:根) |
曲線 {n} /qūxiàn,qǔxiàn,2nb/ | :: curved contour; curves; curvaceous figure of a woman |
曲線 {adj} [attributive] /qūxiàn,qǔxiàn,2nb/ | :: indirect; roundabout; circuitous; inexplicit |
曲線美 {n} /qūxiànměi/ | :: beauty from curvaceousness; the beauty of a curvy woman |
曲线 {def} SEE: 曲線 | :: |
曲线美 {def} SEE: 曲線美 | :: |
曲項琵琶 {n} [musical instrument] /qūxiàng pípá,tl/ | :: an early form of pipa, popular during the Tang Dynasty, whose peg box is bent backwards at an angle |
曲项琵琶 {def} SEE: 曲項琵琶 | :: |
曲秀才 {def} SEE: 麴秀才 | :: |
曲阳 {def} SEE: 曲陽 | :: |
曲陽 {prop} /Qūyáng/ | :: Quyang County |
曲意 {v} [literary] /qūyì/ | :: to subjugate one's own wishes (in order to serve someone else) |
曲意逢迎 {idiom} /qūyìféngyíng/ | :: to go out of one's way to curry favor |
曲艺 {def} SEE: 曲藝 | :: |
曲藝 {n} /qǔyì/ | :: quyi; a category of traditional, usually non-staged, Chinese vocal art forms such as ballad singing (唱曲, chàngqǔ), storytelling (說書), comic dialogues (小品), clapper talk (快板), and crosstalk (相聲) |
曲院 {def} SEE: 麴院 | :: |
曲院 {n} [literary] /qūyuàn/ | :: brothel |
曲张 {def} SEE: 曲張 | :: |
曲張 {adj} [medicine] /qūzhāng/ | :: cirsoid; dilated and tortuous |
曲折 {adj} [of a road, stream, etc.] /qūzhé/ | :: winding; tortuous; twisting and turning |
曲折 {adj} [of a plot, situation, etc.] /qūzhé/ | :: complicated; convoluted; tortuous; having many twists and turns |
曲折离奇 {def} SEE: 曲折離奇 | :: |
曲折離奇 {idiom} [of an event, a story] /qūzhélíqí/ | :: convoluted and eccentric; complicated and bizarre |
曲折縈紆 {idiom} /qūzhéyíngyū/ | :: twisted; winding; tortuous |
曲折萦纡 {def} SEE: 曲折縈紆 | :: |
曲直 {n} /qūzhí/ | :: bent and straight |
曲直 {n} /qūzhí/ | :: right and wrong; reasonable and unreasonable |
曲終人散 {idiom} /qǔzhōngrénsàn/ | :: a bustling scene becomes deserted and cheerless |
曲终人散 {def} SEE: 曲終人散 | :: |
曲子 {n} /qǔzi/ | :: tune; melody; song (Classifier: m:首) |
浀 {def} /qū/ | :: alternative form of 曲 only used in 浀池 |
齲 {def} [dentistry] /qǔ/ | :: decay; cavity |
齲齒 {n} /qǔchǐ/ | :: dental caries; tooth decay |
齲齒性 {adj} /qǔchǐxìng/ | :: caries-inducing |
齲洞 {n} /qǔdòng/ | :: hole due to dental caries |
齲蠹 {n} /qǔdù/ | :: rotten teeth |
齲痛 {n} /qǔtòng/ | :: toothache due to dental caries |
龋 {def} SEE: 齲 | :: |
龋齿 {def} SEE: 齲齒 | :: |
龋齿性 {def} SEE: 齲齒性 | :: |
龋洞 {def} SEE: 齲洞 | :: |
龋蠹 {def} SEE: 齲蠹 | :: |
龋痛 {def} SEE: 齲痛 | :: |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: to leave; to depart from |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: to go to; to leave for |
去 {def} [before or after a verb] /qù/ | :: to go in order to do something |
去 {def} [between two verbs] /qù/ | :: to; in order to |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: Particle used after a verb of motion to indicates movement away from the speaker |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: to send; to dispatch |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: to play [a part, a character]; to act |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: to remove, to be removed |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: last; past |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: 66th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "departure" (𝍇) |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: abbreviation of 去聲 |
去 {def} [literary] /qù/ | :: to be separated by; to be apart by |
去 {def} [neologism] /qù/ | :: what the hell; what; damn; fuck |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: to remove; to get rid of |
去 {def} SEE: 弆 | :: |
去 {def} SEE: 驅 | :: |
去 {def} /qù/ | :: to discard |
去除 {v} /qùchú/ | :: to get rid of; to remove; to do away with |
去處 {n} /qùchù,er/ | :: place one has gone to; whereabouts; location |
去處 {n} /qùchù,er/ | :: place (to go to); site; destination |
去处 {def} SEE: 去處 | :: |
去粗取精 {idiom} /qùcūqǔjīng/ | :: to discard the dross and select the essential |
去掉 {v} /qùdiào/ | :: to remove; to get rid of; to do away with |
去根 {v} [chiefly Mandarin, colloquial] /qùgēn,er/ | :: to cure completely; to cure once and for all |
去根儿 {def} SEE: 去根兒 | :: |
去根兒 {v} /qùgēnr/ | :: erhua form of [] |
去归 {def} SEE: 去歸 | :: |
去后 {def} SEE: 去後 | :: |
去後 {adv} [archaic] /qùhòu/ | :: afterwards |
去後 {postp} [archaic] /qùhòu/ | :: after |
去火 {v} [TCM] /qùhuǒ/ | :: to reduce internal heat |
去火 {v} [literary] /qùhuǒ/ | :: to remove an ignition source |
去火 {v} [literary, figurative] /qùhuǒ/ | :: to remove the root of a problem |
去极端化 {def} SEE: 去極端化 | :: |
去极化 {def} SEE: 去極化 | :: |
去極端化 {v} /qùjíduānhuà/ | :: to de-extremize |
去極化 {v} [physiology] /qùjíhuà/ | :: to depolarise |
去甲 {n} /qùjiǎ/ | :: abbreviation of 去甲基 |
去甲基 {n} [chemistry] /qùjiǎjī/ | :: demethylation |
去甲肾上腺素 {def} SEE: 去甲腎上腺素 | :: |
去甲腎上腺素 {n} [organic compound, hormone, neurotransmitter, pharmaceutical drug] /qùjiǎshènshàngxiànsù/ | :: noradrenaline; norepinephrine |
去甲油 {n} /qùjiǎyóu/ | :: nail polish remover |
去角質 {v} /qùjiǎo質/ | :: to exfoliate |
去角质 {def} SEE: 去角質 | :: |
去壳 {def} SEE: 去殼 | :: |
去殼 {v} /qùké,er/ | :: to shell; to peel (to remove the shell of) |
去留 {n} /qùliú/ | :: going and staying; whether a person stays or not |
去路 {n} [literary] /qùlù/ | :: the road that one is traveling on |
去路 {n} [literary] /qùlù/ | :: a road that one can travel on; an escape route |
去你的 {interj} [colloquial] /qù nǐ de/ | :: nonsense!; come off it! |
去年 {n} /qùnián/ | :: last year |
去皮 {v} /qùpí/ | :: to remove the skin; to peel |
去訖 {v} [archaic] /qùqì/ | :: to finish |
去讫 {def} SEE: 去訖 | :: |
去声 {def} SEE: 去聲 | :: |
去聲 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /qùshēng/ | :: departing tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese, also a tone in various modern varieties, e.g. tone 4 (/˥˩/) in Standard Mandarin (marked with a grave accent [ ` ] in Hanyu Pinyin and bopomofo) and tone 4 in Meixian Hakka (/˥˧/)) |
去聲 {v} /qùshēng/ | :: to give up one's reputation |
去世 {v} /qùshì/ | :: to pass away; to die |
去势 {def} SEE: 去勢 | :: |
去势者 {def} SEE: 去勢者 | :: |
去勢 {v} /qùshì/ | :: to castrate; to emasculate |
去勢者 {n} /qùshìzhě/ | :: castrated person; eunuch |
去死 {v} /qùsǐ/ | :: go to hell |
去伪存真 {def} SEE: 去偽存真 | :: |
去偽存真 {idiom} /qù伪cúnzhēn/ | :: to discard the false and retain the true; to sift the true from the false |
去芜存菁 {def} SEE: 去蕪存菁 | :: |
去蕪存菁 {idiom} /qùwúcúnjīng/ | :: to separate the wheat from the chaff |
去向 {n} /qùxiàng/ | :: whereabouts; where somebody has gone or is going |
去信 {v} /qùxìn/ | :: to send a letter to |
去氧核糖 {n} [biochemistry] /qùyǎnghétáng/ | :: alternative name for 脫氧核糖 |
去氧核糖核酸 {n} [biochemistry] /qùyǎnghétánghésuān/ | :: alternative name for 脫氧核糖核酸 |
去中心化 {n} /qùzhōngxīnhuà/ | :: decentralization |
去中心化 {adj} /qùzhōngxīnhuà/ | :: decentralized |
去重 {v} /qùchóng/ | :: to remove duplicates |
去罪化 {v} /qùzuìhuà/ | :: to decriminalize |
去罪化 {n} /qùzuìhuà/ | :: decriminalization |
覻 {def} SEE: 覰 | :: |
觑 {def} SEE: 覷 | :: |
觑视 {def} SEE: 覷視 | :: |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: interest; delight |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: interesting; amusing |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: aspiration and interests; inclination |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: [obsolete] objective; purport; intention |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: [obsolete] action; conduct |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: [obsolete] charm; appeal |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 取 |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 取 |
趣 {def} /qù,er/ | :: surname |
趣 {def} /cù/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 促 |
趣 {def} /qū/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 趨 |
趣 {def} /cǒu/ | :: [obsolete] only used in 趣馬 |
趣 {def} /zōu/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 掫 |
趣舍 {def} SEE: 取捨 | :: |
趣事 {n} /qùshì/ | :: interesting story, piece of news or anecdote (Classifier: m:件) |
趣談 {v} /qùtán/ | :: to discuss with interest; to talk about amusingly |
趣談 {n} /qùtán/ | :: interesting discussion; fascinating topic; amusing remarks |
趣谈 {def} SEE: 趣談 | :: |
趣味 {n} /qùwèi/ | :: interest; delight |
趣味 {n} [obsolete] /qùwèi/ | :: taste; liking; preference |
趣味 {adj} [Min Nan] /qùwèi/ | :: interesting |
趣聞 {n} /qùwén/ | :: interesting anecdote; funny news item; tidbit |
趣闻 {def} SEE: 趣聞 | :: |
趣向 {n} [obsolete] /qùxiàng/ | :: inclination; aspiration; liking |
趣旨 {n} /qùzhǐ/ | :: gist; intention; main point |
闃寂 {adj} /qù寂/ | :: still; quiet; tranquil |
闃然 {adj} [literary] /qùrán/ | :: quiet; still |
阒 {def} SEE: 闃 | :: |
阒寂 {def} SEE: 闃寂 | :: |
阒然 {def} SEE: 闃然 | :: |
鼁 {def} /qù/ | :: [obsolete] toad |
戌 {def} /xū/ | :: eleventh of twelve earthly branches (十二支) |
戌 {def} /xū/ | :: Dog (狗) of Chinese zodiac |
戌 {def} /qu/ | :: only used in 屈戌 |
戌时 {def} SEE: 戌時 | :: |
戌時 {n} [literary] /xūshí/ | :: the hours of the dog (7:00pm to 9:00pm) |
戌月 {prop} [archaic] /Xūyuè/ | :: The ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar |
圈 {def} /juàn/ | :: pen; sty; fold |
圈 {def} /juàn/ | :: state; city |
圈 {def} [neologism, Internet slang, derogatory by comparison to sense 1] /juàn/ | :: alternative form of 圈 |
圈 {def} /juàn/ | :: surname |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: to enclose; to encircle; to circle |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: to mark with a circle |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: to bend; to angle; to curve |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: circle; ring; loop |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: area; circle |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: social circle; connections; group |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: trap; trick; trickery |
圈 {def} /quān,er/ | :: classifier for laps of a race, loops, orbits, etc |
圈 {def} /juān/ | :: to shut in a pen; to pen in |
圈 {def} /juān/ | :: to lock up; to jail |
圈 {def} /juān/ | :: to confine |
圈点 {def} SEE: 圈點 | :: |
圈點 {v} [historical] /quāndiǎn/ | :: to punctuate an ancient text with dots and small circles |
圈點 {v} /quāndiǎn/ | :: to annotate a text (with dots and circles) in order to highlight certain parts; to mark a text for emphasis |
圈儿 {def} SEE: 圈兒 | :: |
圈兒 {n} /quānr/ | :: erhua form of ring; loop |
圈兒 {n} [card games] /quānr/ | :: queen (Q) |
圈馬 {v} [literary] /juānmǎ/ | :: to rein in the horse upon turning back |
圈马 {def} SEE: 圈馬 | :: |
圈圈 {n} /quānquān/ | :: circles |
圈圈 {v} /quānquān/ | :: to draw a circle |
圈套 {n} /quāntào/ | :: snare; trap |
圈閱 {v} /quānyuè/ | :: to draw a circle around one's name on a document submitted for approval to show that one has read it; to tick off one's name listed on a circular, notice, etc. after reading it |
圈阅 {def} SEE: 圈閱 | :: |
圈子 {n} /quānzi/ | :: circle; ring |
圈子 {n} /quānzi/ | :: community; clique; social circle |
圈子 {n} /quānzi/ | :: scope |
圈子 {n} [regional, card games] /quānzi/ | :: queen (Q) |
弮 {def} /quān/ | :: a crossbow which discharged several bolts in succession |
悛 {def} [fossil word] /quān/ | :: to regret; to repent |
惓惓 {def} SEE: 拳拳 | :: |
棬 {def} /quān/ | :: bowl |
㒰 {def} SEE: 全 | :: |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] pure jade |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: whole; entire; all |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: completely; wholly |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: everything; complete |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: perfect; flawless; faultless |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: to preserve; to save; to keep whole or intact |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: to maintain; to keep |
全 {def} /quán/ | :: surname |
全敗 {v} /quánbài/ | :: to experience utter defeat |
全败 {def} SEE: 全敗 | :: |
全般 {adj} /quánbān/ | :: whole, entire |
全包 {v} /quánbāo/ | :: to be all included; to be all-inclusive or responsible for all matters |
全豹 {n} [literary] /quánbào/ | :: the whole picture; the full story |
全備 {adj} /quánbèi/ | :: complete |
全备 {def} SEE: 全備 | :: |
全本 {n} /quánběn,er/ | :: whole performance (of a drama) |
全本 {n} /quánběn,er/ | :: complete script (of a drama) |
全本 {n} /quánběn,er/ | :: complete book; full version; unabridged edition |
全部 {n} /quánbù/ | :: all; everything; whole; entirety |
全部 {adj} [attributive] /quánbù/ | :: entire; whole |
全部 {adv} /quánbù/ | :: all; entirely; completely; fully; totally |
全才 {n} /quáncái/ | :: an all-around person; a polymath |
全場 {n} /quán场/ | :: everyone present; the house |
全長 {n} /quáncháng/ | :: total length; span |
全长 {def} SEE: 全長 | :: |
全场 {def} SEE: 全場 | :: |
全称 {def} SEE: 全稱 | :: |
全稱 {n} /quánchēng/ | :: whole title; full name |
全稱 {adj} [logic] /quánchēng/ | :: universal; pertaining to the universal quantifier |
全盛 {adj} /quánshèng/ | :: flourishing; at the height of prosperity; at the peak (especially of historical periods) |
全盛期 {n} /quánshèng期/ | :: heyday; glory years |
全程 {n} /quánchéng/ | :: whole journey; whole course |
全程 {n} /quánchéng/ | :: entire process |
全村 {n} /quáncūn/ | :: whole village |
全党 {def} SEE: 全黨 | :: |
全黨 {n} /quándǎng/ | :: whole party (the whole political party) |
全等 {adj} [geometry] /quánděng/ | :: congruent |
全都 {adv} /quándōu/ | :: all; without exception |
全額 {n} /quán'é/ | :: full amount; sum |
全额 {def} SEE: 全額 | :: |
全反射 {n} [physics] /quánfǎnshè/ | :: total internal reflection |
全方位 {n} /quánfāngwèi/ | :: omnidirection |
全方位 {n} /quánfāngwèi/ | :: comprehensiveness |
全方位 {adj} [attributive] /quánfāngwèi/ | :: omnidirectional |
全方位 {adj} [attributive] /quánfāngwèi/ | :: comprehensive; all-purpose; all-around; well-rounded; multifarious; all-inclusive; holistic |
全丰 {def} SEE: 全豐 | :: |
全豐 {prop} /Quánfēng/ | :: (~ 村) 全豐 (village) |
全副 {adj} [literary] /quánfù/ | :: complete |
全副 {adv} [literary] /quánfù/ | :: completely |
全港 {n} /quángǎng/ | :: all of Hong Kong |
全个 {def} SEE: 全個 | :: |
全個 {adj} [attributive] /quángè/ | :: entire; whole |
全功盡棄 {idiom} /quángōngjìnqì/ | :: to nullify all the advantages; to waste all efforts made |
全功尽弃 {def} SEE: 全功盡棄 | :: |
全国 {def} SEE: 全國 | :: |
全国各地 {def} SEE: 全國各地 | :: |
全国人民代表大会 {def} SEE: 全國人民代表大會 | :: |
全国性 {def} SEE: 全國性 | :: |
全國 {adj} /quánguó/ | :: national |
全國 {n} /quánguó/ | :: the whole country; the entire nation |
全國各地 {idiom} /quánguó gèdì/ | :: all over the country |
全國人民代表大會 {prop} /Quánguó Rénmín Dàibiǎo Dàhuì/ | :: National People's Congress |
全國性 {adj} /quánguóxìng/ | :: national |
全合成 {n} [chemistry] /quánhéchéng/ | :: total synthesis |
全会 {def} SEE: 全會 | :: |
全會 {n} /quánhuì/ | :: plenary session; plenum (Classifier: m:屆) |
全集 {n} /quánjí/ | :: complete works (of a writer or artist) |
全家 {n} /quánjiā/ | :: entire family; whole family |
全家福 {n} /quánjiāfú/ | :: family portrait; family photograph (Classifier: m,c:張) |
全家福 {n} /quánjiāfú/ | :: hodgepodge; hotchpotch (dish) |
全家桶 {n} [Mainland, slang] /quánjiātǒng/ | :: multiple pieces of unsolicited bundleware |
全奖 {def} SEE: 全獎 | :: |
全獎 {n} /quánjiǎng/ | :: full scholarship |
全角 {adj} /quánjiǎo/ | :: fullwidth |
全景 {n} [photography] /quánjǐng/ | :: panoramic view; panorama |
全景自由 {n} [copyright] /quánjǐng zìyóu/ | :: freedom of panorama |
全境 {n} /quánjìng/ | :: the entire territory |
全局 {n} /quánjú/ | :: overall situation; whole picture |
全剧终 {def} SEE: 全劇終 | :: |
全劇終 {phrase} /quánjùzhōng/ | :: The End. [used at the end of a play, film, etc.] |
全距 {n} [statistics] /quánjù/ | :: range |
全军 {def} SEE: 全軍 | :: |
全军覆没 {def} SEE: 全軍覆沒 | :: |
全军覆灭 {def} SEE: 全軍覆沒 | :: |
全軍 {n} /quánjūn/ | :: whole army |
全軍覆沒 {idiom} /quánjūnfùmò/ | :: to suffer a crushing defeat; total defeat of an army; complete wipe-out |
全軍覆沒 {idiom} [figurative] /quánjūnfùmò/ | :: to fail completely |
全軍覆滅 {def} SEE: 全軍覆沒 | :: |
全科 {n} /quánkē/ | :: general practice (in medicine) |
全科医生 {def} SEE: 全科醫生 | :: |
全科医师 {def} SEE: 全科醫師 | :: |
全科醫生 {n} /quánkē yīshēng/ | :: general practitioner |
全科醫師 {n} /quánkē yīshī/ | :: general practitioner |
全垒打 {def} SEE: 全壘打 | :: |
全壘打 {n} [baseball] /quánlěidǎ/ | :: home run |
全力 {n} /quánlì/ | :: all of one's might; all one can do |
全力 {adv} /quánlì/ | :: with all of one's might; with one's best |
全力以赴 {idiom} /quánlìyǐfù/ | :: to do all one can; to do one's utmost; to spare no effort; to go all-out |
全羅北道 {prop} /Quánluóběidào/ | :: North Jeolla Province, South Korea |
全羅南道 {prop} /Quánluónándào/ | :: South Jeolla Province, South Korea |
全罗北道 {def} SEE: 全羅北道 | :: |
全罗南道 {def} SEE: 全羅南道 | :: |
全裸 {adj} /quánluǒ/ | :: stark naked; completely undressed |
全麻 {n} [medicine] /quánmá/ | :: abbreviation of 全身麻醉 |
全麻药 {def} SEE: 全麻藥 | :: |
全麻藥 {n} [medicine] /quánmáyào/ | :: general anaesthetic |
全麥 {adj} /quánmài/ | :: wholemeal; whole |
全麦 {def} SEE: 全麥 | :: |
全貌 {n} /quánmào/ | :: the whole picture; the full story |
全面 {adj} /quánmiàn/ | :: comprehensive; all-out; all-encompassing; overall; all-round; full |
全面 {n} /quánmiàn/ | :: overall situation; all aspects |
全面 {adv} /quánmiàn/ | :: fully; completely; entirely |
全民 {n} /quánmín/ | :: all people; entire population (of a country) |
全民 {adj} [attributive] /quánmín/ | :: universal |
全民公决 {def} SEE: 全民公決 | :: |
全民公決 {n} /quánmín gōngjué/ | :: referendum; public referendum |
全民所有制 {n} /quánmín suǒyǒuzhì/ | :: ownership by the whole people (advanced form of socialist public ownership under which all means of production and its products are owned by the people as a whole) |
全名 {n} /quánmíng/ | :: full name (of a person) |
全內反射 {n} [physics] /quánnèifǎnshè/ | :: total internal reflection |
全内反射 {def} SEE: 全內反射 | :: |
全能 {adj} /quánnéng/ | :: almighty; all-powerful; omnipotent |
全能 {adj} /quánnéng/ | :: all-round |
全年 {n} /quánnián/ | :: whole year |
全盘 {def} SEE: 全盤 | :: |
全盘否定 {def} SEE: 全盤否定 | :: |
全盤 {n} [literally] /quánpán/ | :: the whole chessboard; the overall arrangement of Chinese chess pieces on the chessboard |
全盤 {n} [figuratively] /quánpán/ | :: overall situation; totality; comprehensiveness |
全盤否定 {idiom} /quánpánfǒudìng/ | :: to totally reject |
全篇 {n} [of a written work] /quánpiān/ | :: whole chapter; full text |
全拼 {n} /quánpīn/ | :: "full pinyin", an input method for Chinese that uses complete toneless pinyin syllables |
全屏 {adj} [computing] /quánpíng/ | :: fullscreen |
全清 {adj} [Chinese phonetics] /quánqīng/ | :: of a voiceless unaspirated obstruent |
全球 {n} /quánqiú/ | :: whole world; entire world; globe |
全球变暖 {def} SEE: 全球變暖 | :: |
全球變暖 {n} [Mainland China] /quánqiú biànnuǎn/ | :: global warming |
全球定位系統 {n} /quánqiú dìngwèi xìtǒng/ | :: global positioning system |
全球定位系统 {def} SEE: 全球定位系統 | :: |
全球化 {n} /quánqiúhuà/ | :: globalisation |
全球化 {v} /quánqiúhuà/ | :: to globalise |
全球暖化 {n} /quánqiú nuǎnhuà/ | :: global warming |
全球通 {prop} /Quánqiútōng/ | :: short fo 全球移動通信系統 (Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)) |
全权 {def} SEE: 全權 | :: |
全權 {n} /quánquán/ | :: full powers; total authority |
全然 {adv} /quánrán/ | :: completely; entirely; utterly |
全日 {n} /quánrì/ | :: all day (usually a working day); entire day; day and night |
全日制 {n} /quánrìzhì/ | :: full-time schooling system; whole-day schooling system |
全身 {n} /quánshēn/ | :: full body; the whole body |
全身 {v} [literary] /quánshēn/ | :: to keep one's own body intact; to keep oneself alive; to save one's own skin |
全身麻醉 {n} [anesthesiology] /quánshēn mázuì/ | :: general anesthesia |
全神貫注 {idiom} /quánshénguànzhù/ | :: to focus all of one's attention on |
全神贯注 {def} SEE: 全神貫注 | :: |
全省 {n} /quánshěng/ | :: the whole province |
全勝 {v} /quánshèng/ | :: to achieve a complete victory |
全胜 {def} SEE: 全勝 | :: |
全蚀 {def} SEE: 全蝕 | :: |
全蝕 {n} [astronomy] /quánshí/ | :: alternative form of 全食 |
全食 {n} [astronomy] /quánshí/ | :: total eclipse |
全食 {n} /quánshí/ | :: whole food |
全世界 {adj} [attributive] /quánshìjiè/ | :: worldwide; universal; of the world |
全世界 {n} /quánshìjiè/ | :: the whole world |
全世界無產者,聯合起來 {phrase} /quánshìjiè wúchǎnzhě, liánhé qǐlái/ | :: workers of the world, unite! |
全世界无产者,联合起来 {def} SEE: 全世界無產者,聯合起來 | :: |
全是 {v} /quánshì/ | :: to be full of; all; without exception |
全书 {def} SEE: 全書 | :: |
全書 {n} /quánshū/ | :: comprehensive volume; entire book |
全熟 {adj} [of, cooking] /quánshú/ | :: well done |
全數 {n} /quánshù/ | :: whole amount; full amount; entire sum |
全数 {def} SEE: 全數 | :: |
全素食 {adj} [attributive] /quánsùshí/ | :: vegan |
全速 {n} /quánsù/ | :: full, maximum, or top speed |
全套 {n} /quántào/ | :: the whole set; complete set; full complement |
全体 {def} SEE: 全體 | :: |
全體 {n} /quántǐ/ | :: all; entirety; en masse; whole |
全天 {n} /quántiān/ | :: all day |
全天候 {adj} [attributive] /quántiānhòu/ | :: all-weather |
全天候 {adj} [attributive] /quántiānhòu/ | :: 24-hour; all the time |
全土 {n} /quántǔ/ | :: the whole land/country |
全托 {n} /quántuō/ | :: full-time care (of children) |
全網通 {n} [attributive, mobile telephony] /quánwǎngtōng/ | :: supporting "all" mobile networks (i.e. Telecommunications industry in China) |
全网通 {def} SEE: 全網通 | :: |
全文 {n} /quánwén/ | :: full text |
全武行 {n} [Chinese opera] /quánwǔháng/ | :: full-scale acrobatic fighting |
全武行 {n} [figurative] /quánwǔháng/ | :: punch-up; gang fighting; violence |
全息 {adj} [attributive] /quán息/ | :: holographic |
全息图 {def} SEE: 全息圖 | :: |
全息圖 {n} /quán息tú/ | :: hologram |
全席 {n} /quánxí/ | :: whole feast; complete banquet; full-course dinner |
全下 {v} [poker] /quánxià/ | :: to go all in |
全線 {n} [military] /quánxiàn/ | :: entire front line; all fronts |
全線 {n} /quánxiàn/ | :: whole route (of a road or transportation route) |
全线 {def} SEE: 全線 | :: |
全蝎 {n} /quánxiē/ | :: scorpion (A substance used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce wind, to lower blood pressure and platelet coagulation.) |
全心 {adv} /quánxīn/ | :: wholeheartedly |
全心畈 {prop} /Quánxīnfàn/ | :: (~ 村) 全心畈 (village) |
全心全意 {idiom} /quánxīnquányì/ | :: wholeheartedly; without reservation |
全新 {adj} /quánxīn/ | :: brand new; completely new |
全新世 {prop} /Quánxīnshì/ | :: Holocene |
全选 {def} SEE: 全選 | :: |
全選 {v} /quánxuǎn/ | :: to select all |
全押 {v} [poker] /quányā/ | :: to go all in |
全音 {n} [music] /quányīn/ | :: whole tone; whole step |
全音符 {n} [music] /quányīnfú/ | :: semibreve; whole note |
全域 {n} /quányù/ | :: the entire area; the entire territory |
全愈 {def} SEE: 痊癒 | :: |
全癒 {def} SEE: 痊癒 | :: |
全员 {def} SEE: 全員 | :: |
全員 {n} /quányuán/ | :: complete personnel; all members |
全責 {n} /quánzé/ | :: short fo 全部責任 (full responsibility) |
全责 {def} SEE: 全責 | :: |
全栈 {def} SEE: 全棧 | :: |
全棧 {adj} [computing] /quánzhàn/ | :: full-stack |
全知 {adj} [attributive] /quánzhī/ | :: omniscient |
全脂 {adj} [attributive] /quánzhī/ | :: full-cream |
全职 {def} SEE: 全職 | :: |
全职太太 {def} SEE: 全職太太 | :: |
全職 {adj} [attributive] /quánzhí/ | :: full-time |
全職太太 {n} /quánzhí tàitai/ | :: housewife; full-time housewife |
全州 {prop} /Quánzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 全州 (city) |
全州 {prop} /Quánzhōu/ | :: (~ 縣) 全州 (county) |
全浊 {def} SEE: 全濁 | :: |
全濁 {adj} [Chinese phonetics] /quánzhuó/ | :: of a voiced obstruent |
全資 {adj} [attributive, finance, business] /quánzī/ | :: wholly-owned |
全资 {def} SEE: 全資 | :: |
拳 {def} /quán/ | :: fist |
拳 {def} /quán/ | :: Chinese boxing |
拳 {def} /quán/ | :: classifier for strikes made with a fist |
拳 {def} /quán/ | :: alternative form of 踡 |
拳不离手,曲不离口 {def} SEE: 拳不離手,曲不離口 | :: |
拳不離手,曲不離口 {proverb} /quán不líshǒu, qū不líkǒu/ | :: Only through diligent practice can one become proficient in the skill or art |
拳参 {def} SEE: 拳參 | :: |
拳參 {n} [TCM] /quánshēn/ | :: bistort (herb often used in traditional Chinese medicine to clear heat and toxics) |
拳打 {v} /quándǎ/ | :: to punch |
拳打脚踢 {def} SEE: 拳打腳踢 | :: |
拳打腳踢 {idiom} /quándǎjiǎotī/ | :: to punch and kick; to brutally assault |
拳法 {n} /quánfǎ/ | :: boxing; fighting technique |
拳击 {def} SEE: 拳擊 | :: |
拳击沙袋 {def} SEE: 拳擊沙袋 | :: |
拳擊 {n} [sports] /quán擊/ | :: boxing |
拳擊沙袋 {n} /quán击 shādài/ | :: punching bag |
拳交 {n} /quánjiāo/ | :: fisting |
拳脚 {def} SEE: 拳腳 | :: |
拳腳 {n} [literally] /quánjiǎo/ | :: fists and feet |
拳腳 {n} [metonymy] /quánjiǎo/ | :: Chinese boxing |
拳曲 {def} SEE: 蜷曲 | :: |
拳拳 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /quánquán/ | :: earnest; sincere |
拳拳 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /quánquán/ | :: diligent; industrious |
拳拳 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /quánquán/ | :: curved; bent |
拳拳 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /quánquán/ | :: yearning |
拳蔘 {def} SEE: 拳參 | :: |
拳师 {def} SEE: 拳師 | :: |
拳師 {n} /quánshī/ | :: boxer; boxing coach |
拳師 {n} [Internet slang, derogatory, potentially offensive] /quánshī/ | :: feminist (especially a militant one) |
拳手 {n} /quánshǒu/ | :: boxer |
拳手 {n} [Hong Kong] /quánshǒu/ | :: someone (often female) whose job is to play hand games with customers at a bar |
拳术 {def} SEE: 拳術 | :: |
拳術 {n} /quánshù/ | :: the art of boxing |
拳头 {def} SEE: 拳頭 | :: |
拳头嫲 {def} SEE: 拳頭嫲 | :: |
拳头拇 {def} SEE: 拳頭拇 | :: |
拳头母 {def} SEE: 拳頭母 | :: |
拳頭 {n} /quántou,quántóu,1nb/ | :: fist (Classifier: 隻雙) |
拳頭拇 {def} SEE: 拳頭母 | :: |
权 {def} SEE: 權 | :: |
权变 {def} SEE: 權變 | :: |
权柄 {def} SEE: 權柄 | :: |
权臣 {def} SEE: 權臣 | :: |
权宠 {def} SEE: 權寵 | :: |
权当 {def} SEE: 權當 | :: |
权贵 {def} SEE: 權貴 | :: |
权衡 {def} SEE: 權衡 | :: |
权利 {def} SEE: 權利 | :: |
权利能力 {def} SEE: 權利能力 | :: |
权力 {def} SEE: 權力 | :: |
权力结构 {def} SEE: 權力結構 | :: |
权略 {def} SEE: 權略 | :: |
权谋 {def} SEE: 權謀 | :: |
权能 {def} SEE: 權能 | :: |
权且 {def} SEE: 權且 | :: |
权摄 {def} SEE: 權攝 | :: |
权时 {def} SEE: 權時 | :: |
权势 {def} SEE: 權勢 | :: |
权术 {def} SEE: 權術 | :: |
权威 {def} SEE: 權威 | :: |
权威控制 {def} SEE: 權威控制 | :: |
权威性 {def} SEE: 權威性 | :: |
权位 {def} SEE: 權位 | :: |
权限 {def} SEE: 權限 | :: |
权焰 {def} SEE: 權焰 | :: |
权宜 {def} SEE: 權宜 | :: |
权宜婚姻 {def} SEE: 權宜婚姻 | :: |
权宜之计 {def} SEE: 權宜之計 | :: |
权益 {def} SEE: 權益 | :: |
权欲 {def} SEE: 權欲 | :: |
权责 {def} SEE: 權責 | :: |
权杖 {def} SEE: 權杖 | :: |
权证 {def} SEE: 權證 | :: |
权值 {def} SEE: 權值 | :: |
权重 {def} SEE: 權重 | :: |
权宗 {def} SEE: 權宗 | :: |
権 {def} SEE: 權 | :: |
權 {def} /quán/ | :: power; authority |
權 {def} /quán/ | :: right; entitlement |
權 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] standard weight |
權 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] scales |
權 {def} /quán/ | :: to weigh; to measure; to judge |
權 {def} /quán/ | :: tentatively; for the time being |
權 {def} /quán/ | :: surname |
權變 {v} /quánbiàn/ | :: to act according to circumstances |
權柄 {n} /quánbǐng/ | :: power; authority |
權臣 {n} [historical or literary] /quánchén/ | :: powerful minister; domineering minister |
權寵 {n} [archaic] /quánchǒng/ | :: power and influence (as the result of being favored by the emperor) |
權當 {v} /quándàng,quándāng/ | :: to temporarily act as; to treat something as if it were |
權貴 {n} /quánguì/ | :: influential officials; bigwigs |
權衡 {v} /quánhéng/ | :: to weigh; to balance |
權衡 {n} /quánhéng/ | :: sliding weight and weighing rod; tools for weighing things |
權衡 {n} [literary] /quánhéng/ | :: power; authority |
權利 {n} /quánlì/ | :: power and wealth |
權利 {n} /quánlì/ | :: right; entitlement |
權利能力 {n} [legal] /quánlì nénglì/ | :: ability to exercise one’s rights and honour one’s obligations |
權力 {n} /quánlì/ | :: power; authority |
權力結構 {n} /quánlì jiégòu/ | :: power structure |
權略 {n} /quánlüè/ | :: political tactics; trickery |
權謀 {n} /quánmóu/ | :: tactics; strategy; a well thought out strategy which is nimble and adaptable to circumstances |
權能 {n} /quánnéng/ | :: powers and functions |
權且 {adv} [literary] /quánqiě/ | :: for the time being |
權攝 {v} [archaic] /quánshè/ | :: to temporarily take charge of |
權時 {adj} [literary] /quánshí/ | :: for the time being |
權勢 {n} /quánshì/ | :: power and influence |
權術 {n} [derogatory, politics] /quánshù/ | :: political trickery; shifts in politics |
權威 {n} /quánwēi/ | :: power and prestige; authority |
權威 {n} /quánwēi/ | :: authority (thing or person of authority) |
權威 {adj} /quánwēi/ | :: authoritative |
權威控制 {n} [library science, chiefly Hong Kong and Taiwan] /quànwēi kòngzhì/ | :: authority control |
權威性 {n} /quánwēixìng/ | :: authoritativeness |
權位 {n} /quánwèi/ | :: position of power and authority |
權限 {n} /quánxiàn/ | :: authority; powers; jurisdiction |
權限 {n} [computing] /quánxiàn/ | :: privilege; permissions |
權焰 {n} [literary] /quányàn/ | :: power and influence |
權宜 {adj} /quányí/ | :: expedient; convenient |
權宜婚姻 {n} /quányí hūnyīn/ | :: marriage of convenience |
權宜之計 {idiom} /quányízhījì/ | :: expedient measure; stopgap; makeshift stratagem |
權益 {n} /quányì/ | :: rights and interests; rights and benefits |
權欲 {n} [derogatory] /quányù/ | :: lust for power |
權責 {n} /quánzé/ | :: power and responsibility; rights and duties |
權杖 {n} /quánzhàng/ | :: sceptre; crosier |
權證 {n} [finance] /quánzhèng/ | :: warrant |
權值 {n} [statistics] /quánzhí/ | :: weight |
權重 {n} [statistics] /quánzhòng/ | :: weight |
權宗 {n} [archaic] /quánzōng/ | :: nobles, powerful family |
泉 {def} /quán/ | :: spring; fountain |
泉 {def} /quán/ | :: an ancient type of coin |
泉 {def} /quán/ | :: abbreviation of 泉州 |
泉城 {prop} /Quánchéng/ | :: alternative name for 濟南 |
泉大津 {prop} /Quándàjīn/ | :: (~ 市) 泉大津 (city) |
泉港 {prop} /Quángǎng/ | :: (~ 區) 泉港 (district) |
泉沟 {def} SEE: 泉溝 | :: |
泉溝 {prop} /Quángōu/ | :: (~ 村) 泉溝 (village) |
泉口 {prop} /Quánkǒu/ | :: (~ 街道) 泉口 (subdistrict) |
泉口 {prop} /Quánkǒu/ | :: (~ 村) 泉口 (village) |
泉流 {n} /quánliú/ | :: spring-fed stream |
泉南 {prop} /Quánnán/ | :: (~ 市) 泉南 (city) |
泉石 {n} [literary] /quánshí/ | :: spring water and mountain rocks |
泉石 {n} [literary] /quánshí/ | :: scenery; landscape |
泉水 {n} /quánshuǐ/ | :: springwater |
泉水河 {prop} /Quánshuǐhé/ | :: (~ 村) 泉水河 (village) |
泉溪 {prop} /Quánxī/ | :: (~ 鎮) 泉溪 (town) |
泉下 {n} /quánxià/ | :: netherworld; underworld; the Hades |
泉眼 {n} /quányǎn/ | :: mouth of a spring |
泉源 {n} /quányuán/ | :: fountainhead; springhead; wellspring |
泉源 {n} /quányuán/ | :: source |
泉州 {prop} /Quánzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 泉州 (prefecture-level city) |
泉州話 {n} /Quánzhōuhuà/ | :: the Quanzhou dialect of Hokkien Chinese |
泉州话 {def} SEE: 泉州話 | :: |
泉佐野 {prop} /Quánzuǒyě/ | :: (~ 市) 泉佐野 (city) |
湶 {def} SEE: 泉 | :: |
湶 {def} /quán/ | :: name of a river |
灥 {def} /xún/ | :: a group of springs |
牷 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] solid-colored sacrificial cattle |
犈 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] cattle with black legs |
犈 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] cattle with black ears |
㹴犬 {n} /gēngquǎn,gěngquǎn/ | :: terrier |
犬 {def} [literary or Classical, Min Dong, dialectal Wu] /quǎn/ | :: dog |
犬部 {n} /quǎnbù/ | :: the Chinese character component 犭 |
犬齒 {n} /quǎnchǐ/ | :: canine tooth; cuspid |
犬齿 {def} SEE: 犬齒 | :: |
犬浣熊 {n} /quǎnhuànxióng/ | :: olingo (Bassaricyon sp.) |
犬科 {n} /quǎnkē/ | :: Canidae; canines |
犬馬 {n} [literally] /quǎnmǎ/ | :: dogs and horses |
犬馬 {n} [figurative, humble] /quǎnmǎ/ | :: a personal pronoun used by a subject when addressing a monarch |
犬馬之報 {idiom} [archaic] /quǎnmǎ zhī bào/ | :: a sincere effort to repay a favor |
犬馬之力 {idiom} [archaic] /quǎnmǎ zhī lì/ | :: (to employ) one's humble strength (in service to one's ruler) |
犬马 {def} SEE: 犬馬 | :: |
犬马之报 {def} SEE: 犬馬之報 | :: |
犬马之力 {def} SEE: 犬馬之力 | :: |
犬丘 {prop} [historical] /Quǎnqiū/ | :: Quanqiu, a settlement of Zhou China at the site of present-day Lixian in Gansu, held by the ancestors of the future dukes of Qin |
犬戎 {prop} [historical] /Quǎnróng/ | :: the Quanrong (ethnic group active in the northwestern part of China during the Zhou dynasty) |
犬儒 {n} /quǎnrú/ | :: cynic |
犬儒主义 {def} SEE: 犬儒主義 | :: |
犬儒主義 {n} /quǎnrúzhǔyì/ | :: cynicism |
犬山 {prop} /Quǎnshān/ | :: (~ 市) 犬山 (city) |
犬牙 {n} /quǎnyá/ | :: canine tooth; cuspid |
犬牙 {n} /quǎnyá/ | :: fang (of a dog) |
犬牙交錯 {idiom} /quǎnyájiāocuò/ | :: jigsaw-like; jagged; zigzag; crisscross |
犬牙交錯 {idiom} [by extension] /quǎnyájiāocuò/ | :: tangled and complicated; intricate |
犬牙交错 {def} SEE: 犬牙交錯 | :: |
⿱犬一 {def} SEE: 然 | :: |
犬种 {def} SEE: 犬種 | :: |
犬種 {n} /quǎnzhǒng/ | :: dog breed |
犬子 {n} [literary] /quǎnzǐ/ | :: young dog; puppy |
犬子 {n} [literary, humble] /quǎnzǐ/ | :: my son |
犬子 {prop} /quǎnzǐ/ | :: another name of Sima Xiangru |
痊 {def} /quán/ | :: to recover (from illness) |
痊愈 {def} SEE: 痊癒 | :: |
痊癒 {v} /quányù/ | :: to heal and recover completely |
筌 {def} /quán/ | :: bamboo fish trap |
荃湾 {def} SEE: 荃灣 | :: |
荃灣 {prop} /Quánwān/ | :: 荃灣 (area) |
荃灣 {prop} /Quánwān/ | :: (~ 區) 荃灣 (district) |
葲 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of grass |
蜷局 {v} [literary] /quánjú/ | :: to curl up; to coil |
蜷曲 {v} [of the body of a human, animal or plant] /quánqū/ | :: to curl; to coil; to twist |
蜷縮 {v} /quánsuō/ | :: to huddle; to curl up |
蜷缩 {def} SEE: 蜷縮 | :: |
蠸 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] a pest which damages the leaves and roots of melon plants |
觠 {def} /quán/ | :: curled (of an animal horn) |
觠 {def} /quán/ | :: bent |
觠 {def} /quán/ | :: meandering, winding |
觠 {def} /quán/ | :: to bend, to curve |
觠 {def} /quán/ | :: to warp, to distort |
觠 {def} [of the body of a human, animal or plant] /quán/ | :: to curl, to coil, to twist |
詮 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] to explain |
詮釋 {v} /quánshì/ | :: to comment and explain; to annotate; to expound |
詮釋 {v} /quánshì/ | :: to decode; to interpret (e.g. in law or performing arts) |
詮釋學 {n} /quánshìxué/ | :: hermeneutics |
诠 {def} SEE: 詮 | :: |
诠释 {def} SEE: 詮釋 | :: |
诠释学 {def} SEE: 詮釋學 | :: |
辁 {def} SEE: 輇 | :: |
醛 {def} [organic compound] /quán/ | :: aldehyde |
醛 {def} /chuò/ | :: [obsolete] change in the flavour of wine (which may be due to the formation of aldehydes, from which its modern mean may be derived.) |
醛 {def} /chuò/ | :: [obsolete] pickled vegetables |
醛固酮 {n} [biochemistry] /quángùtóng/ | :: aldosterone |
醛基 {n} [organic compound] /quánjī/ | :: aldehyde group |
醛糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /quántáng/ | :: aldose |
醛醣 {def} SEE: 醛糖 | :: |
銓敘 {v} /quánxù/ | :: to examine an official's qualifications and achievements to determine his/her position and duties |
铨 {def} SEE: 銓 | :: |
铨叙 {def} SEE: 銓敘 | :: |
顴 {def} /quán/ | :: cheek bones |
顴骨 {n} [skeleton] /quángǔ/ | :: zygomatic bone; cheekbone |
颧 {def} SEE: 顴 | :: |
颧骨 {def} SEE: 顴骨 | :: |
駩 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] horse with black muzzle and white fur |
騡 {def} /quán/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 駩 |
鰁 {def} /quán/ | :: Sarcocheilichthys, genus of cyprinid fish |
鳈 {def} SEE: 鰁 | :: |
齤 {def} /quán/ | :: Missing teeth |
呟 {def} [archaic] /juǎn/ | :: loud |
呟 {def} [archaic] /juǎn/ | :: loudly |
汱 {def} /quǎn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] to fall; to drop |
汱 {def} /quǎn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] appearance of cascading water |
汱 {def} /quǎn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] groundwater |
汱 {def} SEE: 汰 | :: |
汱 {def} SEE: 洑 | :: |
汱 {def} SEE: 泫 | :: |
汱 {def} /quǎn/ | :: [historical dictionaries] name of river |
犭 {def} /quǎn/ | :: radical form of 犬 |
甽 {def} SEE: 畎 | :: |
畎 {def} /quǎn/ | :: a little drain between fields |
畎 {def} /quǎn/ | :: field |
綣戀 {v} [literary] /quǎnliàn/ | :: to miss; to long for |
绻 {def} SEE: 綣 | :: |
绻恋 {def} SEE: 綣戀 | :: |
券 {def} [historical] /券,er/ | :: title deeds; deed of trust; bond |
券 {def} /券,er/ | :: ticket; pass; coupon; voucher; certificate |
券 {def} /券,er/ | :: [obsolete] [figurative] guarantee; surety; certainty |
券 {def} /券,er/ | :: [obsolete] to agree; to tally with |
券 {def} /券,er/ | :: [obsolete] to copy; to trace |
券 {def} /券,er/ | :: [obsolete] to bore; to drill |
券 {def} [architecture] /xuàn,quàn,2nb/ | :: arch (on bridges, doors, windows) |
券 {def} /juàn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 倦 |
券儿 {def} SEE: 券兒 | :: |
券兒 {n} /券r/ | :: erhua form of [] |
券书 {def} SEE: 券書 | :: |
券書 {n} [literary] /quànshū/ | :: contract; deed; agreement |
劝 {def} SEE: 勸 | :: |
劝导 {def} SEE: 勸導 | :: |
劝告 {def} SEE: 勸告 | :: |
劝和 {def} SEE: 勸和 | :: |
劝激 {def} SEE: 勸激 | :: |
劝架 {def} SEE: 勸架 | :: |
劝谏 {def} SEE: 勸諫 | :: |
劝降 {def} SEE: 勸降 | :: |
劝解 {def} SEE: 勸解 | :: |
劝戒 {def} SEE: 勸戒 | :: |
劝诫 {def} SEE: 勸誡 | :: |
劝进 {def} SEE: 勸進 | :: |
劝酒 {def} SEE: 勸酒 | :: |
劝勉 {def} SEE: 勸勉 | :: |
劝农 {def} SEE: 勸農 | :: |
劝善 {def} SEE: 勸善 | :: |
劝世 {def} SEE: 勸世 | :: |
劝说 {def} SEE: 勸說 | :: |
劝退 {def} SEE: 勸退 | :: |
劝慰 {def} SEE: 勸慰 | :: |
劝学 {def} SEE: 勸學 | :: |
劝诱 {def} SEE: 勸誘 | :: |
劝喻 {def} SEE: 勸喻 | :: |
劝止 {def} SEE: 勸止 | :: |
劝阻 {def} SEE: 勸阻 | :: |
勸 {def} /quàn/ | :: to encourage; to recommend |
勸 {def} /quàn/ | :: to advise; to urge; to exhort |
勸 {def} /quàn/ | :: to appeal |
勸導 {v} /quàndǎo/ | :: to admonish; to advise |
勸告 {v} /quàngào/ | :: to advise; to recommend; to counsel |
勸告 {n} /quàngào/ | :: advice; recommendation; counsel |
勸和 {v} /quànhé/ | :: to mediate |
勸激 {v} [literary] /quànjī/ | :: to encourage; to urge; to stimulate |
勸架 {v} /quànjià/ | :: to try to reconcile parties to a quarrel; to stop people from fighting each other; to mediate |
勸諫 {v} [literary] /quànjiàn/ | :: to remonstrate tactfully (with a monarch, superior, etc.); to exhort; to admonish; to plead for rectification |
勸降 {v} /quànxiáng/ | :: to induce (the enemy) to capitulate |
勸解 {v} /quànjiě/ | :: to advise and help resolve worries |
勸解 {v} /quànjiě/ | :: to mediate and pacify; to patch things up between two parties |
勸戒 {def} SEE: 勸誡 | :: |
勸誡 {v} /quànjiè/ | :: to exhort; to admonish; to advise |
勸進 {v} [literary] /quànjìn/ | :: to make an appeal to ascend the throne |
勸進 {v} [literary] /quànjìn/ | :: to reward and admonish |
勸酒 {v} /quànjiǔ/ | :: to urge somebody to drink alcoholic beverage (at a banquet etc) |
勸勉 {v} /quànmiǎn/ | :: to advise and encourage |
勸農 {v} /quànnóng/ | :: to promote agriculture |
勸善 {v} [literary] /quànshàn/ | :: to encourage people to do good |
勸世 {v} /quànshì/ | :: to exhort and admonish people |
勸說 {v} /quànshuō/ | :: to persuade; to advise |
勸退 {v} /quàntuì/ | :: to persuade someone to resign (from a company) or withdraw (from an organisation or a role) |
勸慰 {v} /quànwèi/ | :: to console; to soothe |
勸學 {v} [literary] /quànxué/ | :: to encourage learning |
勸誘 {v} /quànyòu/ | :: to induce; to prevail upon |
勸喻 {v} /quànyù/ | :: to advise and explain (using reasons) |
勸止 {v} [literary] /quànzhǐ/ | :: to persuade someone to stop; to dissuade |
勸阻 {v} /quànzǔ/ | :: to dissuade somebody from; to advise somebody not to; to discourage |
烇 {def} /quǎn/ | :: (appearance of) fire |
牶 {def} /quàn/ | :: [obsolete] nose ring for cattle |
缺 {def} /quē/ | :: incomplete; uncompleted; deficient |
缺 {def} /quē/ | :: imperfect; flawed |
缺 {def} /quē/ | :: to lack; to be short of |
缺 {def} /quē/ | :: to be absent |
缺 {def} /quē/ | :: vacancy; gap; deficit |
缺 {def} [colloquial] /quē/ | :: to be mean; to be wicked |
缺 {def} [colloquial] /quē/ | :: to be stupid; to be dense |
缺唇 {def} SEE: 缺脣 | :: |
缺德 {adj} /quēdé/ | :: wicked; dishonorable; immoral |
缺点 {def} SEE: 缺點 | :: |
缺點 {n} /quēdiǎn/ | :: fault; defect; drawback |
缺乏 {v} /quēfá/ | :: to lack; to be deficient in; to be short of |
缺乏症 {n} [medicine] /quēfázhèng/ | :: deficiency |
缺环 {def} SEE: 缺環 | :: |
缺環 {n} /quēhuán/ | :: missing link |
缺貨 {v} /quēhuò/ | :: to be out of stock; to be in short supply |
缺货 {def} SEE: 缺貨 | :: |
缺覺 {v} /quējiào/ | :: to lack sleep, to be sleep-deprived |
缺觉 {def} SEE: 缺覺 | :: |
缺課 {v} /quēkè/ | :: to be absent from class |
缺课 {def} SEE: 缺課 | :: |
缺口 {n} /quēkǒu,er/ | :: breach; gap; opening; break |
缺口 {n} [mechanics] /quēkǒu,er/ | :: notch |
缺口 {n} [figurative] /quēkǒu,er/ | :: gap; shortfall; deficiency (of funds, materials, etc.) |
缺口 {v} /quēkǒu,er/ | :: to break; to crack |
缺粮 {def} SEE: 缺糧 | :: |
缺糧 {v} /quēliáng/ | :: to lack grains |
缺糧 {v} /quēliáng/ | :: to lack food; to lack food supplies |
缺漏 {n} /quēlòu/ | :: gaps and omissions |
缺欠 {n} /quēqiàn/ | :: shortcoming |
缺欠 {v} /quēqiàn/ | :: to be deficient in; to be short of |
缺勤 {v} /quēqín/ | :: to be absent from work or class |
缺如 {v} [literary] /quērú/ | :: to lack |
缺少 {v} /quēshǎo/ | :: to lack; to be short of; to miss |
缺省 {adj} [computing] /quēshěng/ | :: default |
缺失 {v} /quēshī/ | :: to lack; to be missing; to be lost; to be deficient |
缺失 {n} /quēshī/ | :: deficiency; shortcoming; defect; hiatus |
缺水 {v} /quēshuǐ/ | :: to run out of water; to experience a water shortage |
缺水 {n} /quēshuǐ/ | :: water scarcity; water shortage |
缺损 {def} SEE: 缺損 | :: |
缺損 {v} /quēsǔn/ | :: to be incomplete and damaged; to be broken |
缺損 {v} [medicine] /quēsǔn/ | :: to be defective; to have a defect |
缺損 {n} /quēsǔn/ | :: place or area of damage |
缺鐵性貧血 {n} [disease] /quētiěxìng pín血/ | :: iron-deficiency anemia |
缺铁性贫血 {def} SEE: 缺鐵性貧血 | :: |
缺头互 {def} SEE: 缺頭互 | :: |
缺頭互 {n} /quētóuhù/ | :: the Chinese character component 彑 |
缺席 {v} /quēxí/ | :: to be absent |
缺陷 {n} /quēxiàn/ | :: defect (especially a physical defect); flaw; deficiency |
缺心眼 {v} /quē xīnyǎn,er/ | :: to lack sophistication; to be dull-witted; to be simple-minded |
缺血 {n} [medicine] /quē血/ | :: ischemia |
缺氧 {v} [medicine] /quēyǎng/ | :: to be hypoxic; to be anoxic |
缺氧 {v} [figuratively] /quēyǎng/ | :: to be unable to breathe; to be stifled; to feel (a place is) stuffy |
缺一不可 {idiom} /quē一不kě/ | :: not a single one is dispensable; none can be absent |
缺衣少食 {idiom} /quēyīshǎoshí/ | :: to have insufficient food and clothing due to poverty |
缺疑 {def} SEE: 闕疑 | :: |
缺指 {n} /quēzhǐ/ | :: (~ 症) [disease] ectrodactyly |
缺嘴 {n} /quēzuǐ/ | :: harelip |
缺嘴 {v} /quēzuǐ/ | :: to fail to satisfy one's appetite or hunger |
缼 {def} SEE: 缺 | :: |
闕 {def} /què/ | :: a watchtower that flanked both sides of a palace's gates in ancient times |
闕 {def} /què/ | :: palace |
闕 {def} /què/ | :: surname |
闕 {def} /quē/ | :: fault; error; mistake |
闕 {def} [archaic, ancient southwestern China] /quē/ | :: (supposition/tentative/presumed only!) to tuck (in or behind) |
闕如 {v} [literary] /quērú/ | :: to lack |
闕疑 {v} [literary, of a difficult question] /quēyí/ | :: to be left unanswered or unresolved |
闕中 {n} [anatomy] /quēzhōng/ | :: glabella (space between eyebrows) |
阙 {def} SEE: 闕 | :: |
阙如 {def} SEE: 闕如 | :: |
阙疑 {def} SEE: 闕疑 | :: |
阙中 {def} SEE: 闕中 | :: |
瘸 {def} /qué/ | :: to limp |
瘸 {def} /qué/ | :: lameness of the leg |
瘸脚 {def} SEE: 瘸腳 | :: |
瘸腳 {adj} /quéjiǎo/ | :: lame, disabled in one's leg(s) |
瘸腳 {n} /quéjiǎo/ | :: lame person; cripple |
瘸腿 {adj} /quétuǐ/ | :: lame; crippled |
瘸子 {n} [pejorative] /quézi/ | :: lame person; cripple |
㕁 {def} SEE: 卻 | :: |
㱿 {def} /què/ | :: to hit low from above |
㱿 {def} /què/ | :: original form of *殼 |
㱿 {def} /què/ | :: [historical dictionaries] a leather object for containing weapon |
㱿 {def} SEE: 嗀 | :: |
㱿 {def} /què/ | :: alternative form of *愨 |
㱿 {def} /jiǎng/ | :: [historical dictionaries] firm; solid |
却 {def} SEE: 卻 | :: |
却步 {def} SEE: 卻步 | :: |
却待 {def} SEE: 卻待 | :: |
却是 {def} SEE: 卻是 | :: |
却说 {def} SEE: 卻說 | :: |
卻 {def} /què/ | :: [obsolete] to withdraw; to retreat |
卻 {def} /què/ | :: [obsolete] to drive back (enemy) |
卻 {def} /què/ | :: [obsolete] to decline; to refuse |
卻 {def} /què/ | :: [obsolete] [particle placed after monosyllabic verbs] to do away with |
卻 {def} [literary, only sentence-medially] /què/ | :: but; yet; however |
卻步 {v} /quèbù/ | :: to step back (in fear or disgust); to hang back |
卻待 {v} [archaic] /quèdài/ | :: just about to; to be on the verge of |
卻是 {v} /quèshì/ | :: is indeed; indeed is; it is in fact |
卻說 {v} [archaic] /quèshuō/ | :: Let us now speak for a moment about; Let us now turn to |
悫 {def} SEE: 愨 | :: |
慤 {def} SEE: 愨 | :: |
搉 {def} SEE: 榷 | :: |
搉 {def} /què/ | :: to knock |
榷 {def} /què/ | :: footbridge |
榷 {def} /què/ | :: toll, levy |
榷 {def} /què/ | :: monopoly |
毃 {def} SEE: 敲 | :: |
灍 {def} SEE: 㵐 | :: |
确 {def} SEE: 確 | :: |
确保 {def} SEE: 確保 | :: |
确定 {def} SEE: 確定 | :: |
确定性 {def} SEE: 確定性 | :: |
确乎 {def} SEE: 確乎 | :: |
确例 {def} SEE: 確例 | :: |
确立 {def} SEE: 確立 | :: |
确率 {def} SEE: 確率 | :: |
确切 {def} SEE: 確切 | :: |
确认 {def} SEE: 確認 | :: |
确认过眼神 {def} SEE: 確認過眼神 | :: |
确认偏误 {def} SEE: 確認偏誤 | :: |
确实 {def} SEE: 確實 | :: |
确是 {def} SEE: 確是 | :: |
确信 {def} SEE: 確信 | :: |
确有其人 {def} SEE: 確有其人 | :: |
确有其事 {def} SEE: 確有其事 | :: |
确凿 {def} SEE: 確鑿 | :: |
确诊 {def} SEE: 確診 | :: |
碏 {def} /què/ | :: Used in personal names |
確 {def} /què/ | :: sure; certain |
確 {def} /què/ | :: real; true |
確保 {v} /quèbǎo/ | :: to ensure; to guarantee; to make sure |
確定 {adj} /quèdìng/ | :: fixed; certain; sure |
確定 {v} /quèdìng/ | :: to fix; to determine to establish; to confirm; to make sure |
確定性 {n} /quèdìngxìng/ | :: certainty; definiteness |
確乎 {adv} /quèhū,quèhu,1nb/ | :: indeed; really |
確乎 {adj} [literary] /quèhū,quèhu,1nb/ | :: firm; solid |
確例 {n} /quèlì/ | :: confirmed case |
確立 {v} /quèlì/ | :: to establish; to set up |
確率 {n} [mathematics] /quèlǜ/ | :: alternative name for 概率 |
確切 {adj} /quèqiè/ | :: definite; exact; precise |
確切 {adj} /quèqiè/ | :: true; truthful; reliable |
確切 {adj} [literary] /quèqiè/ | :: stubborn; persistent |
確認 {v} /quèrèn/ | :: to confirm; to verify; to affirm; to acknowledge |
確認過眼神 {phrase} [neologism, slang] /quèrèn guò yǎnshén/ | :: from what I can see in your eyes; having confirmed it from your eyes; (I) can confidently confirm that .. |
確認偏誤 {n} [psychology] /quèrèn piānwù/ | :: confirmation bias |
確實 {adj} /quèshí/ | :: certain; true; real |
確實 {adv} /quèshí/ | :: indeed |
確是 {v} /quèshì/ | :: certainly is; truly is; indeed is |
確信 {v} /quèxìn/ | :: to firmly believe; to be certain |
確信 {n} /quèxìn/ | :: definite news; reliable information |
確有其人 {idiom} /quèyǒuqírén/ | :: to be a real person; to be a person that actually existed or exists |
確有其事 {idiom} /quèyǒuqíshì/ | :: to be a real thing; to be something that actually happened |
確鑿 {adj} /què鑿/ | :: conclusive; irrefutable; definite |
確診 {v} [medicine] /quèzhěn/ | :: to make a definitive diagnosis; to diagnose |
闋 {def} [literary] /què/ | :: to stop; to end |
闋 {def} /què/ | :: classifier for songs, poems, etc |
闋 {def} /què/ | :: classifier for stanzas of a poem |
闋𩧉 {def} SEE: 騤𩧉 | :: |
闋廣 {def} SEE: 騤𩧉 | :: |
阕 {def} SEE: 闋 | :: |
阕𱄾 {def} SEE: 闋𩧉 | :: |
阕广 {def} SEE: 闋廣 | :: |
雀 {def} /què,qiǎo,qiāo/ | :: sparrow |
雀 {def} [Cantonese] /què,qiǎo,qiāo/ | :: bird (Classifier: c:隻) |
雀斑 {n} [dermatology] /quèbān/ | :: freckle (Classifier: m:塊) |
雀窦 {def} SEE: 雀竇 | :: |
雀儿 {def} SEE: 雀兒 | :: |
雀儿屎 {def} SEE: 雀兒屎 | :: |
雀儿窝窝 {def} SEE: 雀兒窩窩 | :: |
雀兒 {n} /qiǎor/ | :: erhua form of sparrow |
雀兒 {n} [Sichuan] /qiǎor/ | :: bird |
雀鳥 {n} /quèniǎo/ | :: sparrow; passerine |
雀鸟 {def} SEE: 雀鳥 | :: |
雀雀儿 {def} SEE: 雀雀兒 | :: |
雀雀窝窝 {def} SEE: 雀雀窩窩 | :: |
雀榕 {n} /quèróng/ | :: Ficus subpisocarpa |
雀跃 {def} SEE: 雀躍 | :: |
雀躍 {v} [figurative] /quèyuè/ | :: to jump for joy |
雀子 {n} [colloquial] /qiāozi/ | :: freckle |
雀子 {n} [dialectal] /qiāozi/ | :: bird |
𱉊鹊 {def} SEE: 鳱鵲 | :: |
鹊 {def} SEE: 鵲 | :: |
鹊巢鸠占 {def} SEE: 鵲巢鳩佔 | :: |
鹊鹅 {def} SEE: 鵲鵝 | :: |
鹊汉 {def} SEE: 鵲漢 | :: |
鹊河 {def} SEE: 鵲河 | :: |
鹊画 {def} SEE: 鵲畫 | :: |
鹊画弓 {def} SEE: 鵲畫弓 | :: |
鹊鹨 {def} SEE: 鵲鷚 | :: |
鹊鸟仔 {def} SEE: 鵲鳥仔 | :: |
鹊桥 {def} SEE: 鵲橋 | :: |
鹊鸲 {def} SEE: 鵲鴝 | :: |
鹊渚 {def} SEE: 鵲渚 | :: |
夋 {def} /qūn/ | :: to dawdle |
夋 {def} /qūn/ | :: Emperor Yao's father |
夋 {def} SEE: 酸 | :: |
夋 {def} SEE: 痠 | :: |
夋 {def} /qūn/ | :: fleet-footed |
踆 {def} [literary] /cūn,cún/ | :: to kick |
踆 {def} /qūn/ | :: [obsolete] used in 踆踆 |
踆 {def} /qūn/ | :: [obsolete] to retreat; to withdraw |
踆 {def} /dūn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 蹲 |
踆乌 {def} SEE: 踆烏 | :: |
踆烏 {n} [Chinese mythology] /cūnwū/ | :: synonym of 三足烏 |
踆烏 {n} [literary, figuratively] /cūnwū/ | :: the sun |
逡 {def} /qūn,xùn,suō/ | :: retreat, withdraw, fall back |
逡巡 {v} [literary] /qūnxún/ | :: to hesitate to move forward; to hang back |
䭽 {def} SEE: 群 | :: |
帬 {def} SEE: 裙 | :: |
羣 {def} SEE: 群 | :: |
羣臣 {def} SEE: 群臣 | :: |
羣島 {def} SEE: 群島 | :: |
羣集 {def} SEE: 群集 | :: |
羣龍無首 {def} SEE: 群龍無首 | :: |
羣馬 {def} SEE: 群馬 | :: |
羣魔亂舞 {def} SEE: 群魔亂舞 | :: |
羣毆 {def} SEE: 群毆 | :: |
羣青 {def} SEE: 群青 | :: |
羣情 {def} SEE: 群情 | :: |
羣情激憤 {def} SEE: 群情激憤 | :: |
羣躰 {def} SEE: 群體 | :: |
羣體 {def} SEE: 群體 | :: |
羣體性 {def} SEE: 群體性 | :: |
羣體性事件 {def} SEE: 群體性事件 | :: |
羣像 {def} SEE: 群像 | :: |
羣星 {def} SEE: 群星 | :: |
羣众 {def} SEE: 群眾 | :: |
羣眾 {def} SEE: 群眾 | :: |
羣眾路線 {def} SEE: 群眾路線 | :: |
羣衆 {def} SEE: 群眾 | :: |
羣衆路綫 {def} SEE: 群眾路線 | :: |
羣主 {def} SEE: 群主 | :: |
群 {def} /qún/ | :: group; crowd; flock; herd; pack |
群 {def} /qún/ | :: multitude; many people |
群 {def} [group theory] /qún/ | :: group |
群 {def} [social media] /qún/ | :: group (of a group chat) |
群 {def} /qún/ | :: numerous; many |
群 {def} /qún/ | :: classifier for groups of people or animals |
群 {def} [Cantonese, often, derogatory] /qún/ | :: to hang out with |
群 {def} /qún/ | :: (~ 母) [Chinese linguistics] the Middle Chinese initial of |
群 {def} /qún/ | :: surname |
群臣 {n} /qúnchén/ | :: large number of retainers |
群岛 {def} SEE: 群島 | :: |
群岛主义 {def} SEE: 群島主義 | :: |
群島 {n} /qúndǎo/ | :: archipelago; chain of islands |
群島主義 {n} /qúndǎozhǔyì/ | :: claims of archipelago countries on the jurisdiction of national territorial waters |
群发 {def} SEE: 群發 | :: |
群發 {v} /qúnfā/ | :: to send (a message, a photo, etc.) to multiple people; to send in a group |
群婚 {n} /qúnhūn/ | :: group marriage |
群集 {v} /qúnjí/ | :: to gather; to congregate |
群架 {n} /qúnjià/ | :: gang fight |
群交 {v} /qúnjiāo/ | :: to have group sex |
群經 {n} [literary] /qúnjīng/ | :: classic books; classic texts |
群經 {n} [literary] /qúnjīng/ | :: Confucian classics |
群经 {def} SEE: 群經 | :: |
群居 {v} /qúnjū/ | :: to live together (in a large group or flock) |
群居 {n} /qúnjū/ | :: gregariousness |
群聚 {v} /qúnjù/ | :: to gather, to congregate, to aggregate |
群力 {n} [literary] /qúnlì/ | :: wisdom and power of the people |
群力 {prop} /qúnlì/ | :: (~ 村) 群力 (village) |
群聊 {v} /qúnliáo/ | :: to chat in a group (especially in a chat software) |
群龍無首 {idiom} [of a group] /qúnlóngwúshǒu/ | :: to lack a leader |
群龙无首 {def} SEE: 群龍無首 | :: |
群論 {n} [mathematics] /qúnlùn/ | :: group theory |
群论 {def} SEE: 群論 | :: |
群馬 {prop} /Qúnmǎ/ | :: Gunma |
群马 {def} SEE: 群馬 | :: |
群魔乱舞 {def} SEE: 群魔亂舞 | :: |
群魔亂舞 {idiom} /qúnmóluànwǔ/ | :: evil spirits of all kinds dance in a riotous revelry; a badly choreographed dance, or a seemingly badly choreographed but very hilarious dance |
群魔亂舞 {idiom} /qúnmóluànwǔ/ | :: rogues of all kinds running wild; evil-doers dominating the stage unrestrained |
群殴 {def} SEE: 群毆 | :: |
群毆 {v} /qún'ōu/ | :: to engage in gang fight |
群趴 {n} [slang] /qúnpā/ | :: group (sex) party; orgy |
群起 {v} /qúnqǐ/ | :: to all rise (to do something) |
群青 {n} /qúnqīng/ | :: ultramarine |
群情 {n} /qúnqíng/ | :: public sentiment; public feeling |
群情激愤 {def} SEE: 群情激憤 | :: |
群情激憤 {idiom} /qúnqíng jīfèn/ | :: the public furious and up in arms; public revulsion running high; mounting public indignation |
群体 {def} SEE: 群體 | :: |
群体免疫 {def} SEE: 群體免疫 | :: |
群体性 {def} SEE: 群體性 | :: |
群体性事件 {def} SEE: 群體性事件 | :: |
群體 {n} /qúntǐ/ | :: group; collective (especially one whose members have a common purpose) |
群體 {n} [biology] /qúntǐ/ | :: population (of a species); colony |
群體免疫 {n} [epidemiology] /qúntǐ miǎnyì/ | :: herd immunity |
群體性 {adj} [attributive] /qúntǐxìng/ | :: communal; group-like; public; mass |
群體性事件 {n} [euphemistic] /qúntǐxìng shìjiàn/ | :: large protest, riot, demonstration or petition |
群舞 {n} /qúnwǔ/ | :: group dancing; group dance |
群賢 {n} [literary] /qúnxián/ | :: numerous sages; a group of talented people |
群贤 {def} SEE: 群賢 | :: |
群像 {n} /qúnxiàng/ | :: sculpture of a group of people |
群星 {n} /qúnxīng/ | :: galaxy (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc.) |
群星 {n} [music] /qúnxīng/ | :: various artists |
群雄 {n} /qúnxióng/ | :: outstanding heroes |
群雄 {n} [obsolete, historical] /qúnxióng/ | :: warlords vying for supremacy |
群雄 {n} /qúnxióng/ | :: stars (in sports, music, business, etc.) |
群言堂 {idiom} /qúnyántáng/ | :: democratic decision making; decision making by consensus |
群众 {def} SEE: 群眾 | :: |
群众筹资 {def} SEE: 群眾籌資 | :: |
群众集资 {def} SEE: 群眾集資 | :: |
群众路线 {def} SEE: 群眾路線 | :: |
群众募资 {def} SEE: 群眾募資 | :: |
群众性 {def} SEE: 群眾性 | :: |
群众演员 {def} SEE: 群眾演員 | :: |
群众运动 {def} SEE: 群眾運動 | :: |
群眾 {n} /qúnzhòng/ | :: the general public; civilians |
群眾 {n} /qúnzhòng/ | :: crowd of people |
群眾 {n} [communism] /qúnzhòng/ | :: the masses; the people |
群眾 {n} [communism] /qúnzhòng/ | :: non-party members |
群眾籌資 {n} [finance, Mainland China] /qúnzhòng chóuzī/ | :: crowdsourcing |
群眾集資 {n} [finance, Hong Kong] /qúnzhòng jízī/ | :: crowdsourcing |
群眾路線 {n} [politics] /qúnzhòng lùxiàn/ | :: mass line |
群眾募資 {n} [finance, Taiwan] /qúnzhòng mùzī/ | :: crowdsourcing |
群眾性 {n} /qúnzhòngxìng/ | :: mass character |
群眾演員 {n} /qúnzhòng yǎnyuán/ | :: extra (person engaged temporarily to fill out a crowd scene in a film or play) |
群眾運動 {n} [politics] /qúnzhòng yùndòng/ | :: mass movement |
群衆 {def} SEE: 群眾 | :: |
群主 {n} [Internet] /qúnzhǔ/ | :: admin of a group on social media, especially a chat group |
群組 {n} [social media] /qúnzǔ/ | :: group |
群组 {def} SEE: 群組 | :: |
裙 {def} /qún/ | :: skirt; apron; dress; petticoat (Classifier: c:條) |
裙带 {def} SEE: 裙帶 | :: |
裙带菜 {def} SEE: 裙帶菜 | :: |
裙带关系 {def} SEE: 裙帶關係 | :: |
裙带资本主义 {def} SEE: 裙帶資本主義 | :: |
裙帶 {n} /qúndài/ | :: band of the skirt; skirt and girdle |
裙帶 {n} [figurative] /qúndài/ | :: affinity; relationship by marriage |
裙帶菜 {n} /qúndàicài/ | :: Japanese kelp, sea mustard, wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) |
裙帶關係 {n} [pejorative] /qúndài guānxì,tl/ | :: cronyism; nepotism |
裙帶資本主義 {n} /qúndàizīběnzhǔyì/ | :: crony capitalism |
裙礁 {n} [oceanography] /qúnjiāo/ | :: fringing reef |
裙脚子 {def} SEE: 裙腳仔 | :: |
裙裤 {def} SEE: 裙褲 | :: |
裙褲 {n} /qúnkù/ | :: culottes |
裙子 {n} /qúnzi/ | :: skirt (woman's garment fastened around the waist) (Classifier: m:條) |
裙子 {n} /qúnzi/ | :: dress (woman's one-piece garment that covers the body) (Classifier: m:條) |
裠 {def} SEE: 裙 | :: |
㜣 {def} /rán/ | :: carriage, deportment, bearing |
㜣 {def} /rán/ | :: poise (of a woman) |
㜣 {def} /rán/ | :: surname |
䑙 {def} SEE: 舑 | :: |
䑙 {def} SEE: 㐁 | :: |
然 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] original form of 燃 |
然 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] so; thus; in this manner; like this |
然 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] Suffix forming adverbs, sometimes also adjectives, with an abstract meaning of “in the manner of, like” |
然 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] but |
然 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] correct; right |
然 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] to regard as correct; to agree |
然 {def} [Teochew] /rán/ | :: to resemble; to be like |
然並卵 {phrase} [neologism, slang] /ránbìngluǎn/ | :: however it's of no use |
然并卵 {def} SEE: 然並卵 | :: |
然鵝 {conj} [neologism, slang] /rán'é/ | :: alternative form of 然而 |
然鹅 {def} SEE: 然鵝 | :: |
然而 {conj} /rán'ér/ | :: but; yet |
然后 {def} SEE: 然後 | :: |
然后呢 {def} SEE: 然後呢 | :: |
然後 {conj} /ránhòu/ | :: then; after that; afterwards; and |
然後呢 {phrase} /ránhòu ne/ | :: and then?; then what?; so what? |
然諾 {v} /ránnuò/ | :: to agree; to promise |
然诺 {def} SEE: 然諾 | :: |
然然可可 {idiom} [literary] /ránránkěkě/ | :: to be a yes man without any opinions of one's own |
然则 {def} SEE: 然則 | :: |
然則 {conj} /ránzé/ | :: that being the case; so |
然之后 {def} SEE: 然之後 | :: |
燃 {def} /rán/ | :: to burn; to be alight |
燃 {def} /rán/ | :: to ignite; to light |
燃 {def} /rán/ | :: to spark off (hopes); to start (debate); to raise (hopes) |
燃点 {def} SEE: 燃點 | :: |
燃點 {n} /rándiǎn/ | :: ignition temperature |
燃點 {v} /rándiǎn/ | :: to ignite |
燃放 {v} /ránfàng/ | :: to let off (firecrackers, fireworks, etc.); to set off |
燃膏繼晷 {idiom} /rángāojìguǐ/ | :: synonym of 焚膏繼晷 |
燃膏继晷 {def} SEE: 燃膏繼晷 | :: |
燃料 {n} /ránliào/ | :: fuel |
燃料電池 {n} /ránliào diànchí/ | :: fuel cell |
燃眉之急 {idiom} /ránméizhījí/ | :: extreme urgency |
燃气 {def} SEE: 燃氣 | :: |
燃气涡轮发动机 {def} SEE: 燃氣渦輪發動機 | :: |
燃氣 {n} /ránqì/ | :: gas (fuel) |
燃氣渦輪發動機 {n} /ránqì wōlún fādòngjī/ | :: gas turbine |
燃烧 {def} SEE: 燃燒 | :: |
燃烧的荆棘 {def} SEE: 燃燒的荊棘 | :: |
燃烧瓶 {def} SEE: 燃燒瓶 | :: |
燃烧室 {def} SEE: 燃燒室 | :: |
燃烧弹 {def} SEE: 燃燒彈 | :: |
燃燒 {v} [literally] /ránshāo/ | :: to burn |
燃燒 {v} [figuratively] /ránshāo/ | :: to excite |
燃燒彈 {n} /ránshāodàn/ | :: Molotov cocktail |
燃燒的荊棘 {n} [Judaism, Christianity] /ránshāo de jīngjí/ | :: burning bush |
燃燒瓶 {n} /ránshāopíng/ | :: Molotov cocktail (simple incendiary bomb) |
燃燒室 {n} /ránshāo室/ | :: combustion chamber |
燃香 {v} /ránxiāng/ | :: to burn incense |
燃油 {n} /rányóu/ | :: fuel oil |
肰 {def} /rán/ | :: [obsolete] dog meat |
蚒 {def} /tóng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 彤 |
蚒 {def} /tóng/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 赨 |
蚦 {def} SEE: 蚺 | :: |
蚺 {def} /rán/ | :: boa; python |
蚺蛇 {n} /ránshé/ | :: python; boa |
蛅 {def} /zhān/ | :: used in 蛅蟖 |
蛅 {def} /zhān/ | :: used in 蛅蛅 |
髥 {def} SEE: 髯 | :: |
髯 {def} /rán/ | :: whiskers; beard |
髯 {def} /rán/ | :: person with a lot of beard |
㚩 {def} /rǎn/ | :: to have a charming, sprightly carriage (said of a woman) |
冄 {def} SEE: 冉 | :: |
冉 {def} /rǎn/ | :: tender |
冉 {def} /rǎn/ | :: weak |
冉 {def} /rǎn/ | :: proceed gradually |
冉 {def} /rǎn/ | :: surname |
冉冉 {adv} [ideophonic] /rǎnrǎn/ | :: slowly; gradually |
冉冉 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /rǎnrǎn/ | :: walking slowly |
冉冉 {adj} [ideophonic, of tree branches, etc.] /rǎnrǎn/ | :: hanging down loosely |
冉冉 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /rǎnrǎn/ | :: filling the air; permeating |
冉魏 {prop} [historical] /Rǎnwèi/ | :: Ranwei, a state in the Sixteen Kingdoms period (350–352) |
呥 {def} /rán/ | :: only used in 呥呥 |
姌嫋 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /rǎnniǎo/ | :: thin and delicate |
染 {def} /rǎn/ | :: to dye |
染 {def} /rǎn/ | :: be contagious |
染 {def} /rǎn/ | :: to infect |
染病 {v} /rǎnbìng/ | :: to contract an illness; to fall ill |
染发 {def} SEE: 染髮 | :: |
染发剂 {def} SEE: 染髮劑 | :: |
染髮 {v} /rǎn髮/ | :: to dye one's hair |
染髮劑 {n} /rǎn髮jì/ | :: hairdye |
染料 {n} /rǎnliào/ | :: dye; colourant |
染蛮 {def} SEE: 染蠻 | :: |
染色 {v} /rǎnsè/ | :: to dye |
染色体 {def} SEE: 染色體 | :: |
染色體 {n} [biochemistry] /rǎnsètǐ/ | :: chromosome |
染雾 {def} SEE: 染霧 | :: |
染颜 {def} SEE: 染顏 | :: |
染疫 {v} /rǎnyì/ | :: to be infected by an epidemic disease |
染指 {v} [literally] /rǎnzhǐ/ | :: to dip a finger |
染指 {v} /rǎnzhǐ/ | :: to encroach on; to have a hand in |
染指 {v} /rǎnzhǐ/ | :: to meddle in; to interfere in |
苒 {def} /rǎn/ | :: luxuriant growth |
苒 {def} /rǎn/ | :: passing (of time) |
苒 {def} [Xiamen Hokkien] /rǎn/ | :: fruit preserve; jam [UK]; jelly [US] |
苒荏 {v} [literary] /rǎnrěn/ | :: synonym of 荏苒 |
嚷 {def} /rǎng/ | :: to shout; to cry out |
嚷 {def} /rǎng/ | :: to make an uproar, to brawl |
嚷 {def} [dialectal] /rǎng/ | :: to criticize |
嚷 {def} /rāng,rǎng,1nb/ | :: synonym of 嚷 only used in 嚷嚷 |
嚷嚷 {v} [colloquial] /rāngrang,rǎngrǎng,rāngrāng,1nb/ | :: to yell; to be noisy |
嚷嚷 {v} [colloquial] /rāngrang,rǎngrǎng,rāngrāng,1nb/ | :: to shout out; to disclose |
㑌儴 {def} SEE: 劻勷 | :: |
儴 {def} /ráng/ | :: to follow, to carry on (an old routine, a custom) |
儴 {def} /xiāng/ | :: only used in 儴佯 |
儴佯 {adj} [obsolete] /chángyáng/ | :: wandering around |
瀼 {def} /ráng/ | :: [obsolete] dewy; heavy with dew; misty |
瀼 {def} /ráng/ | :: (~ 河) 瀼 (river) |
瀼 {def} /nǎng,ráng,2nb/ | :: [obsolete] [of water] flowing |
獽 {def} /ráng/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of ape |
獽 {def} /ráng/ | :: [obsolete] one of the minorities in ancient China |
瓤 {def} /ráng,er/ | :: the flesh of fruits and nuts |
瓤 {def} [dialect] /ráng,er/ | :: bad; weak |
瓤儿 {def} SEE: 瓤兒 | :: |
瓤兒 {n} /rángr/ | :: erhua form of [] |
禳 {def} /ráng/ | :: to pray or sacrifice to expel disasters |
禳 {def} /ráng/ | :: to expel; to drive off |
穣 {def} SEE: 穰 | :: |
穰 {def} /ráng/ | :: stalk of grain |
穰 {def} /ráng/ | :: bumper harvest |
穰 {def} /ráng/ | :: surname |
穰 {def} /rǎng/ | :: many; numerous |
穰 {def} /rǎng/ | :: a numeral that refers to 1028 or others |
蘘 {def} /ráng/ | :: used in 蘘荷 |
蘘 {def} /ráng/ | :: alternative form of 穣 |
蘘荷 {n} /ránghé/ | :: myoga |
壌 {def} SEE: 壤 | :: |
壤 {def} /rǎng/ | :: soil |
壤 {def} /rǎng/ | :: land; earth; ground |
壤 {def} /rǎng/ | :: region; area |
壤地 {n} [literary] /rǎngdì/ | :: land; territory |
壤駟 {prop} /Rǎngsì/ | :: surname |
壤驷 {def} SEE: 壤駟 | :: |
壤土 {n} /rǎngtǔ/ | :: loam |
攘 {def} /ráng/ | :: to repel; to expel |
攘 {def} /ráng/ | :: to steal; to snatch |
攘 {def} /ráng/ | :: to invade; to seize by force |
攘 {def} /ráng/ | :: to pull up the sleeves |
攘 {def} /rǎng/ | :: to throw into disorder; to disturb |
攘 {def} /ràng/ | :: [obsolete] original form of 讓 |
攘辟 {def} SEE: 讓避 | :: |
攘外安內 {idiom} /rángwài'ānnèi/ | :: to repel foreign aggression while pacifying the interior |
攘外安内 {def} SEE: 攘外安內 | :: |
攘夷 {v} /攘yí/ | :: to repel the barbarians |
攘夷 {n} [nationalism] /攘yí/ | :: expulsion of the foreigners (aggressors, barbarians) |
爙 {def} /rǎng/ | :: fire, sparks |
懹 {def} /ràng/ | :: to fear, to be afraid |
譲 {def} SEE: 讓 | :: |
讓 {def} /ràng/ | :: to allow; to let; to permit |
讓 {def} /ràng/ | :: to ask (someone to do something); to get (someone to do something); to have (someone do something) |
讓 {def} /ràng/ | :: to yield; to concede |
讓 {def} [driving] /ràng/ | :: to yield; to give way |
讓 {def} /ràng/ | :: by (passive signifier) |
讓 {def} /ràng/ | :: [obsolete] to criticise; to reproach |
讓 {def} /ràng/ | :: Jean (French name) |
讓步 {v} /ràngbù/ | :: to relent; to give in; to yield; to compromise; to concede |
讓道 {v} /ràngdào/ | :: to give way (on the road) |
讓渡 {v} /ràngdù/ | :: to transfer the possession of; to alienate |
讓國 {v} /ràngguó/ | :: to yield the throne; to abdicate the kingdom |
讓行 {v} [driving] /ràngxíng/ | :: to give way |
讓開 {v} /ràngkāi/ | :: to make way; to step aside; to get out of the way |
讓梨 {v} [literary] /rànglí/ | :: to yield the pear; to leave (the biggest) pears (for others to eat) |
讓梨 {v} [figurative] /rànglí/ | :: to subordinate oneself to elders |
讓利 {v} /rànglì/ | :: to discount; to cut profit |
讓路 {v} /rànglù/ | :: to make way for somebody or something; to give way; to give somebody the right of way |
讓位 {v} /ràngwèi/ | :: to give one's seat to |
讓位 {v} /ràngwèi/ | :: to abdicate (one's position) |
讓位 {v} /ràngwèi/ | :: to yield |
讓賢 {v} /ràngxián/ | :: to resign from one's post to make way for someone better qualified |
讓與 {v} [literary] /ràngyǔ/ | :: to yield one's possessions or authority to someone else |
讓座 {v} /ràngzuò,er/ | :: to offer one's seat to someone |
讓座 {v} /ràngzuò,er/ | :: to invite guests to be seated |
让 {def} SEE: 讓 | :: |
让步 {def} SEE: 讓步 | :: |
让道 {def} SEE: 讓道 | :: |
让渡 {def} SEE: 讓渡 | :: |
让国 {def} SEE: 讓國 | :: |
让行 {def} SEE: 讓行 | :: |
让开 {def} SEE: 讓開 | :: |
让梨 {def} SEE: 讓梨 | :: |
让利 {def} SEE: 讓利 | :: |
让路 {def} SEE: 讓路 | :: |
让位 {def} SEE: 讓位 | :: |
让贤 {def} SEE: 讓賢 | :: |
让与 {def} SEE: 讓與 | :: |
让座 {def} SEE: 讓座 | :: |
䫞 {def} /xiāo,ráo/ | :: large head |
䫞 {def} /xiāo,ráo/ | :: a wide forehead |
䫞 {def} /xiāo,ráo/ | :: a fish with a large head |
䫞 {def} /qiāo/ | :: numerous |
䫞 {def} /qiāo/ | :: crowd |
娆 {def} SEE: 嬈 | :: |
荛 {def} SEE: 蕘 | :: |
蕘 {def} /yáo/ | :: grass used as fuel |
襓 {def} /ráo/ | :: [obsolete] scabbard |
饒 {def} /ráo/ | :: abundant; plentiful |
饒 {def} /ráo/ | :: to forgive; to have mercy on |
饒 {def} [Mandarin, colloquial, often of the vendor] /ráo/ | :: to give as a giveaway, or as an extra |
饒 {def} /ráo/ | :: surname |
饒蔡 {prop} /Ráocài/ | :: (~ 村) 饒蔡 (village) |
饒命 {v} /ráomìng/ | :: to spare somebody's life |
饒平 {prop} /Ráopíng/ | :: (~ 縣) 饒平 (county) |
饒舌 {n} [music] /ráoshé/ | :: rapping; MCing |
饒舌 {v} /ráoshé/ | :: to talk a lot; to be talkative |
饒舌 {v} /ráoshé/ | :: to blather; to nag; to shoot one's mouth off |
饒恕 {v} /ráoshù/ | :: to forgive; to pardon |
饒着 {def} SEE: 饒著 | :: |
饒著 {conj} [dialectal Mandarin] /ráozhe,1na/ | :: even though |
饶 {def} SEE: 饒 | :: |
饶蔡 {def} SEE: 饒蔡 | :: |
饶痕 {def} SEE: 饒痕 | :: |
饶命 {def} SEE: 饒命 | :: |
饶平 {def} SEE: 饒平 | :: |
饶舌 {def} SEE: 饒舌 | :: |
饶赦 {def} SEE: 饒赦 | :: |
饶恕 {def} SEE: 饒恕 | :: |
饶巡 {def} SEE: 饒巡 | :: |
饶着 {def} SEE: 饒著 | :: |
㑱 {def} /rǎo/ | :: a kind of monkey |
㑱 {def} /rǎo/ | :: fingering for an ancient string instrument |
扰 {def} SEE: 擾 | :: |
扰乱 {def} SEE: 擾亂 | :: |
扰民 {def} SEE: 擾民 | :: |
扰扰 {def} SEE: 擾擾 | :: |
扰人清梦 {def} SEE: 擾人清夢 | :: |
擾 {def} /rǎo/ | :: to disturb; to trouble |
擾 {def} [literary] /rǎo/ | :: confused; disordered |
擾 {def} [polite] /rǎo/ | :: to receive money, goods or food; to enjoy hospitality |
擾亂 {v} /rǎoluàn/ | :: to throw into disorder; to disturb; to harass; to disrupt; to perturb |
擾亂 {adj} [literary] /rǎoluàn/ | :: in a state of turmoil |
擾民 {v} /rǎomín/ | :: to disturb the people |
擾擾 {v} /rǎorǎo/ | :: to be in chaos or disorder |
擾人清夢 {idiom} /rǎorénqīngmèng/ | :: to disturb someone's sleep |
繞 {def} /rào/ | :: to entwine |
繞 {def} /rào/ | :: to wind around |
繞 {def} /rào/ | :: to confuse |
繞 {def} /rào,rǎo,2nb/ | :: to surround |
繞 {def} /rào,rǎo,2nb/ | :: to bypass, to make a detour |
繞 {def} /rào,rǎo,2nb/ | :: curved |
繞 {def} /rào,rǎo,2nb/ | :: surname |
繞道 {v} /ràodào/ | :: to make a detour; to go by a roundabout route |
繞過 {v} /ràoguò/ | :: to go around; to detour past; to bypass; to circumvent; to avoid; to wind around |
繞行 {v} /ràoxíng/ | :: to detour; to make a detour |
繞行 {v} [of planet] /ràoxíng/ | :: to rotate around |
繞口 {adj} /ràokǒu/ | :: hard to pronounce; tongue-twisting |
繞口令 {n} /ràokǒulìng/ | :: tongue-twister (Classifier: m:篇) |
繞梁三日 {def} SEE: 繞樑三日 | :: |
繞樑三日 {idiom} [especially, of one's voice or of music] /ràoliángsānrì/ | :: sonorous and resounding |
繞路 {v} /ràolù/ | :: synonym of 繞道 |
繞射 {n} [physics] /ràoshè/ | :: diffraction |
繞彎子 {v} /rào wānzi/ | :: to go the long way round; to detour |
繞彎子 {v} [figurative] /rào wānzi/ | :: to speak in a roundabout way; to beat about the bush; to hum and haw |
绕 {def} SEE: 繞 | :: |
绕道 {def} SEE: 繞道 | :: |
绕过 {def} SEE: 繞過 | :: |
绕行 {def} SEE: 繞行 | :: |
绕口 {def} SEE: 繞口 | :: |
绕口令 {def} SEE: 繞口令 | :: |
绕梁三日 {def} SEE: 繞樑三日 | :: |
绕路 {def} SEE: 繞路 | :: |
绕射 {def} SEE: 繞射 | :: |
绕弯子 {def} SEE: 繞彎子 | :: |
遶 {def} SEE: 繞 | :: |
惹 {def} /rě/ | :: to cause (problem); to court |
惹 {def} /rě/ | :: to offend; to provoke; to irritate; to vex |
惹 {def} /rě/ | :: to attract; to cause (reaction) |
惹不起 {v} /rě不qǐ/ | :: to be the kind of person one cannot afford to offend |
惹火 {v} /rěhuǒ/ | :: to provoke and offend people; to enrage |
惹火 {v} /rěhuǒ/ | :: to wear provocative or revealing clothing; to be sexy; hot |
惹火烧身 {def} SEE: 惹火燒身 | :: |
惹火燒身 {idiom} /rěhuǒshāoshēn/ | :: to court disaster; to ask for trouble |
惹祸 {def} SEE: 惹禍 | :: |
惹禍 {v} /rěhuò/ | :: to stir up trouble; to invite disaster |
惹拉 {prop} /Rělā/ | :: (~ 府) 惹拉 (province) |
惹拉 {prop} /Rělā/ | :: (~ 市) 惹拉 (city) |
惹毛 {v} [colloquial] /rěmáo/ | :: to push someone's buttons; to make someone mad |
惹恼 {def} SEE: 惹惱 | :: |
惹惱 {v} /rěnǎo/ | :: to irritate; to enrage |
惹气 {def} SEE: 惹氣 | :: |
惹氣 {v} /rěqì/ | :: to get angry |
惹事 {v} /rěshì,er/ | :: to stir up trouble; to make trouble |
惹事儿 {def} SEE: 惹事兒 | :: |
惹事兒 {v} /rěshìr/ | :: erhua form of to stir up trouble; to make trouble |
惹事生非 {idiom} /rěshìshēngfēi/ | :: to incur unnecessary trouble; to stir up ill will |
惹是生非 {idiom} /rěshìshēngfēi/ | :: to provoke a dispute; to stir up trouble |
渃 {def} /ruò/ | :: name of a river in Sichuan province |
渃 {def} /ruò/ | :: a creek in Hubei province that flows into the Yangtze River |
渃 {def} SEE: 落 | :: |
渃 {def} /rè/ | :: only used in 渃城 |
热 {def} SEE: 熱 | :: |
热爱 {def} SEE: 熱愛 | :: |
热巴 {def} SEE: 熱巴 | :: |
热白开 {def} SEE: 熱白開 | :: |
热榜 {def} SEE: 熱榜 | :: |
热病 {def} SEE: 熱病 | :: |
热播 {def} SEE: 熱播 | :: |
热补 {def} SEE: 熱補 | :: |
热菜 {def} SEE: 熱菜 | :: |
热层 {def} SEE: 熱層 | :: |
热潮 {def} SEE: 熱潮 | :: |
热忱 {def} SEE: 熱忱 | :: |
热诚 {def} SEE: 熱誠 | :: |
热传 {def} SEE: 熱傳 | :: |
热带 {def} SEE: 熱帶 | :: |
热带气旋 {def} SEE: 熱帶氣旋 | :: |
热带雨林 {def} SEE: 熱帶雨林 | :: |
热岛 {def} SEE: 熱島 | :: |
热岛效应 {def} SEE: 熱島效應 | :: |
热点 {def} SEE: 熱點 | :: |
热毒 {def} SEE: 熱毒 | :: |
热度 {def} SEE: 熱度 | :: |
热痱 {def} SEE: 熱痱 | :: |
热痱仔 {def} SEE: 熱痱仔 | :: |
热敷 {def} SEE: 熱敷 | :: |
热辐射 {def} SEE: 熱輻射 | :: |
热干面 {def} SEE: 熱乾麵 | :: |
热疙瘩 {def} SEE: 熱疙瘩 | :: |
热狗 {def} SEE: 熱狗 | :: |
热海 {def} SEE: 熱海 | :: |
热和 {def} SEE: 熱和 | :: |
热河 {def} SEE: 熱河 | :: |
热乎 {def} SEE: 熱乎 | :: |
热乎乎 {def} SEE: 熱乎乎 | :: |
热呼 {def} SEE: 熱呼 | :: |
热呼呼 {def} SEE: 熱呼呼 | :: |
热化学 {def} SEE: 熱化學 | :: |
热话 {def} SEE: 熱話 | :: |
热火 {def} SEE: 熱火 | :: |
热火朝天 {def} SEE: 熱火朝天 | :: |
热机 {def} SEE: 熱機 | :: |
热寂 {def} SEE: 熱寂 | :: |
热加工 {def} SEE: 熱加工 | :: |
热键 {def} SEE: 熱鍵 | :: |
热结 {def} SEE: 熱結 | :: |
热酒 {def} SEE: 熱酒 | :: |
热可可 {def} SEE: 熱可可 | :: |
热裤 {def} SEE: 熱褲 | :: |
热扩散 {def} SEE: 熱擴散 | :: |
热辣辣 {def} SEE: 熱辣辣 | :: |
热浪 {def} SEE: 熱浪 | :: |
热泪 {def} SEE: 熱淚 | :: |
热泪盈眶 {def} SEE: 熱淚盈眶 | :: |
热力 {def} SEE: 熱力 | :: |
热力学 {def} SEE: 熱力學 | :: |
热力瑜伽 {def} SEE: 熱力瑜伽 | :: |
热恋 {def} SEE: 熱戀 | :: |
热恋期 {def} SEE: 熱戀期 | :: |
热量 {def} SEE: 熱量 | :: |
热量计 {def} SEE: 熱量計 | :: |
热烈 {def} SEE: 熱烈 | :: |
热烈欢迎 {def} SEE: 熱烈歡迎 | :: |
热流 {def} SEE: 熱流 | :: |
热络 {def} SEE: 熱絡 | :: |
热门 {def} SEE: 熱門 | :: |
热敏电阻 {def} SEE: 熱敏電阻 | :: |
热那亚 {def} SEE: 熱那亞 | :: |
热闹 {def} SEE: 熱鬧 | :: |
热能 {def} SEE: 熱能 | :: |
热气 {def} SEE: 熱氣 | :: |
热气球 {def} SEE: 熱氣球 | :: |
热气腾腾 {def} SEE: 熱氣騰騰 | :: |
热巧克力 {def} SEE: 熱巧克力 | :: |
热切 {def} SEE: 熱切 | :: |
热情 {def} SEE: 熱情 | :: |
热情果 {def} SEE: 熱情果 | :: |
热情洋溢 {def} SEE: 熱情洋溢 | :: |
热容 {def} SEE: 熱容 | :: |
热衫 {def} SEE: 熱衫 | :: |
热身 {def} SEE: 熱身 | :: |
热食 {def} SEE: 熱食 | :: |
热衰竭 {def} SEE: 熱衰竭 | :: |
热水 {def} SEE: 熱水 | :: |
热水袋 {def} SEE: 熱水袋 | :: |
热水壶 {def} SEE: 熱水壺 | :: |
热水瓶 {def} SEE: 熱水瓶 | :: |
热水器 {def} SEE: 熱水器 | :: |
热水汀 {def} SEE: 熱水汀 | :: |
热搜 {def} SEE: 熱搜 | :: |
热天 {def} SEE: 熱天 | :: |
热天衫 {def} SEE: 熱天衫 | :: |
热头 {def} SEE: 熱頭 | :: |
热瓦甫 {def} SEE: 熱瓦甫 | :: |
热瓦普 {def} SEE: 熱瓦普 | :: |
热望 {def} SEE: 熱望 | :: |
热吻 {def} SEE: 熱吻 | :: |
热舞 {def} SEE: 熱舞 | :: |
热线 {def} SEE: 熱線 | :: |
热销 {def} SEE: 熱銷 | :: |
热心 {def} SEE: 熱心 | :: |
热心肠 {def} SEE: 熱心腸 | :: |
热血 {def} SEE: 熱血 | :: |
热演 {def} SEE: 熱演 | :: |
热议 {def} SEE: 熱議 | :: |
热饮 {def} SEE: 熱飲 | :: |
热瑜伽 {def} SEE: 熱瑜伽 | :: |
热胀冷缩 {def} SEE: 熱脹冷縮 | :: |
热着 {def} SEE: 熱著 | :: |
热中 {def} SEE: 熱中 | :: |
热衷 {def} SEE: 熱衷 | :: |
热朱古力 {def} SEE: 熱朱古力 | :: |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: hot; heated; having a high temperature |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: to heat up; to warm up |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: heat; hotness; warmness; high temperature |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: hot weather; summer heat |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: kind; amiable; fervent; close and dear |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: feverish; to have a fever |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: fever; febrility; pyrexia |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: zeal; fondness; enthusiasm; trend |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: popular; fashionable; in vogue |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: flourishing; thriving; prosperous |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: worried; anxious; distraught |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: fervently; passionately; enthusiastically; very |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: surname |
熱 {def} /rè/ | :: angry |
熱愛 {v} /rè'ài/ | :: to have a passion for; to have a deep love for; to love with all one's heart |
熱巴 {n} [dance] /rèbā/ | :: A kind of dance performed by Tibetan reba artists, featuring drums and tambourines |
熱白開 {n} /rèbáikāi/ | :: boiled water (while it's still hot) |
熱榜 {n} [internet jargon] /rèbǎng/ | :: ranking/chart of what's popular/hot |
熱病 {n} [medicine] /rèbìng/ | :: fever |
熱病 {n} [TCM] /rèbìng/ | :: acute disease accompanied by fever; pyrexia |
熱播 {v} /rè播/ | :: to broadcast (or be broadcast) with popularity |
熱補 {v} /rèbǔ/ | :: to vulcanize (tyre, etc.) |
熱菜 {n} /rècài/ | :: hot dish |
熱層 {n} [meteorology] /rècéng/ | :: thermosphere |
熱潮 {n} /rècháo/ | :: upsurge; craze; fever |
熱忱 {n} /rèchén/ | :: zeal; warmheartedness; enthusiasm; devotion |
熱忱 {adj} /rèchén/ | :: zealous; warmhearted; enthusiastic; devoted |
熱誠 {adj} /rèchéng/ | :: enthusiastic and sincere; earnest |
熱傳 {v} /rèchuán/ | :: to be popular (on the Internet etc.); to go viral |
熱帶 {n} /rèdài/ | :: torrid zone; the tropics |
熱帶氣旋 {n} /rèdài qìxuán/ | :: tropical cyclone |
熱帶雨林 {n} /rèdài yǔlín/ | :: tropical rainforest |
熱島 {n} /rèdǎo/ | :: heat island |
熱島效應 {n} /rèdǎo xiàoyìng/ | :: heat island effect |
熱點 {n} /rèdiǎn/ | :: hot topic |
熱點 {n} [geology] /rèdiǎn/ | :: hot spot |
熱點 {n} [computing, networking] /rèdiǎn/ | :: hot spot |
熱毒 {n} [TCM] /rèdú/ | :: alternative name for 時毒 |
熱毒 {n} [TCM] /rèdú/ | :: heat toxin syndrome (due to buildup of internal heat) |
熱度 {n} /rèdù,tl/ | :: degrees of heat; temperature level |
熱度 {n} /rèdù,tl/ | :: temperature above the normal physiological temperature |
熱度 {n} [Vietnam] /rèdù,tl/ | :: temperature |
熱度 {n} [figurative] /rèdù,tl/ | :: (degree of) enthusiasm; interest; passion |
熱痱 {n} /rèfèi/ | :: miliaria, heat rash |
熱敷 {v} /rèfū/ | :: to apply hot compress; to foment |
熱輻射 {n} /rèfúshè/ | :: thermal radiation |
熱狗 {n} /règǒu/ | :: hot dog |
熱狗 {n} [Hong Kong Cantonese, humorous] /règǒu/ | :: unairconditioned bus |
熱海 {prop} /Rèhǎi/ | :: (~ 市) 熱海 (city) |
熱和 {adj} [colloquial] /rèhuo/ | :: nice and warm; warm |
熱和 {adj} [colloquial] /rèhuo/ | :: warm and friendly; pally; chummy; thick |
熱河 {prop} /Rèhé/ | :: The Rehe, a Chinese river |
熱河 {prop} /Rèhé/ | :: Rehe and Jehol, former names of 承德, a city in northeastern China |
熱河 {prop} /Rèhé/ | :: (~ 省) 熱河 (former province) |
熱乎 {adj} [colloquial, of temperature] /rèhu,rèhū,1nb/ | :: nice and warm |
熱乎 {adj} [colloquial, of relationships] /rèhu,rèhū,1nb/ | :: chummy; intimate; close |
熱乎乎 {adj} [colloquial, of temperature] /rèhūhū,er/ | :: warm; hot |
熱乎乎 {adj} [colloquial, figurative] /rèhūhū,er/ | :: warm at heart |
熱呼 {def} SEE: 熱乎 | :: |
熱呼呼 {def} SEE: 熱乎乎 | :: |
熱化學 {n} /rèhuàxué/ | :: thermochemistry |
熱話 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /rèhuà/ | :: hot topic |
熱火 {adj} [colloquial] /rèhuǒ,pn/ | :: showing tremendous enthusiasm; exciting |
熱火 {adj} [colloquial] /rèhuǒ,pn/ | :: nice and warm |
熱火 {adj} [colloquial] /rèhuǒ,pn/ | :: warm and friendly; pally; chummy; thick |
熱火 {prop} /Rèhuǒ,pn/ | :: (~ 村) 熱火 (village) |
熱火朝天 {idiom} /rèhuǒ cháotiān/ | :: buzzing or bustling with activity; in full swing |
熱機 {n} [thermodynamics] /rèjī/ | :: heat engine |
熱寂 {n} [physics] /rè寂/ | :: heat death |
熱加工 {v} /rèjiāgōng/ | :: to hot-work |
熱加工 {n} /rèjiāgōng/ | :: hot-working |
熱鍵 {n} [computing] /rèjiàn/ | :: hotkey |
熱酒 {n} [literary] /rèjiǔ/ | :: heated wine |
熱酒 {v} [literary] /rèjiǔ/ | :: to heat wine |
熱可可 {n} /rèkěkě/ | :: hot cocoa |
熱褲 {n} /rèkù/ | :: hot pants |
熱擴散 {n} [physics] /rèkuòsàn/ | :: thermal diffusion |
熱辣辣 {adj} [of temperature, weather, etc.] /rèlàlà/ | :: very hot; scorching; burning hot; sizzling hot |
熱辣辣 {adj} [of food] /rèlàlà/ | :: hot and spicy |
熱辣辣 {adj} [figurative, of mood] /rèlàlà/ | :: high; emotional; excited |
熱浪 {n} /rèlàng/ | :: heatwave |
熱絡 {adj} /rèluò/ | :: warm and friendly |
熱淚 {n} /rèlèi/ | :: warm tears |
熱淚盈眶 {idiom} /rèlèiyíng眶/ | :: to be moved to tears |
熱力 {n} /rèlì/ | :: heating power; thermal force; heat |
熱力學 {n} /rèlìxué/ | :: thermodynamics |
熱力瑜伽 {n} /rèlì yújiā/ | :: hot yoga |
熱戀 {v} /rèliàn/ | :: to be head over heels in love; to be madly in love |
熱戀 {v} /rèliàn/ | :: to yearn deeply (e.g. for one's homeland) |
熱戀期 {n} /rèliàn期/ | :: love bubble (the period during dating when the two people are head over heels in love) |
熱量 {n} /rèliàng/ | :: heat; amount of heat |
熱量 {n} /rèliàng/ | :: calories; energy (in food) |
熱量計 {n} /rèliàngjì/ | :: calorimeter |
熱烈 {adj} /rèliè/ | :: enthusiastic; warm; ardent; animated |
熱烈歡迎 {v} /rèliè huānyíng/ | :: to give someone a warm welcome; to extend a warm welcome |
熱烈歡迎 {n} /rèliè huānyíng/ | :: warm welcome |
熱流 {n} [physics] /rèliú/ | :: thermal current |
熱流 {n} /rèliú/ | :: heart-warming feeling |
熱流 {n} /rèliú/ | :: synonym of 熱潮 |
熱門 {adj} [attributive] /rèmén/ | :: popular; in vogue; hot |
熱敏電阻 {n} /rèmǐn diànzǔ/ | :: thermal resistor; thermistor |
熱那亞 {prop} /Rènà亚/ | :: Genoa |
熱鬧 {adj} /rènao,rènào,1nb/ | :: bustling; lively; filled with activity |
熱鬧 {n} /rènao,rènào,1nb/ | :: excitement; fun |
熱鬧 {v} /rènao,rènào,1nb/ | :: to have fun |
熱能 {n} [physics] /rènéng/ | :: thermal energy |
熱氣 {n} /rèqì/ | :: steam; heat (Classifier: 股) |
熱氣 {n} /rèqì/ | :: passion; enthusiasm; hype (Classifier: 股) |
熱氣 {n} [TCM] /rèqì/ | :: internal heat |
熱氣 {n} [Cantonese, Hakka] /rèqì/ | :: food that increases internal heat (e.g. deep-fried food) |
熱氣 {adj} [Cantonese] /rèqì/ | :: suffering from internal heat |
熱氣 {adj} [Cantonese] /rèqì/ | :: increasing internal heat |
熱氣球 {n} /rèqìqiú,er/ | :: hot-air balloon (Classifier: 隻) |
熱氣騰騰 {idiom} /rèqìténgténg/ | :: steaming hot |
熱氣騰騰 {idiom} /rèqìténgténg/ | :: seething with activity |
熱乾麪 {def} SEE: 熱乾麵 | :: |
熱乾麵 {n} /règānmiàn/ | :: hot dry noodles (a traditional dish of Wuhan) |
熱巧克力 {n} /rè qiǎokèlì/ | :: hot chocolate |
熱切 {adj} /rèqiè/ | :: fervent; earnest |
熱情 {adj} /rèqíng/ | :: enthusiastic; warm; ardent; animated |
熱情 {n} /rèqíng/ | :: enthusiasm |
熱情果 {n} /rèqíngguǒ/ | :: passion fruit |
熱情洋溢 {idiom} /rèqíngyángyì/ | :: brimming with enthusiasm; ebullient |
熱容 {n} [thermodynamics] /rèróng/ | :: heat capacity |
熱身 {v} /rèshēn/ | :: to warm up |
熱食 {n} /rèshí/ | :: hot meal |
熱食 {v} [literary or Cantonese] /rèshí/ | :: to eat food hot |
熱衰竭 {n} [medicine] /rèshuāijié/ | :: heat exhaustion |
熱水 {n} /rèshuǐ/ | :: hot water |
熱水 {v} /rèshuǐ/ | :: to heat up water |
熱水袋 {n} /rèshuǐdài/ | :: hot water bottle |
熱水壺 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /rèshuǐhú/ | :: kettle |
熱水壺 {n} /rèshuǐhú/ | :: thermos; vacuum flask (Classifier: m:隻) |
熱水瓶 {n} /rèshuǐpíng/ | :: thermos; vacuum flask (Classifier: m:隻) |
熱水器 {n} /rèshuǐqì/ | :: hot water heater (for domestic use); geyser |
熱水汀 {n} [Wu] /rèshuǐtīng/ | :: steam heater |
熱搜 {n} [internet] /rèsōu/ | :: popular search query |
熱天 {n} /rètiān,er/ | :: hot day |
熱天 {n} /rètiān,er/ | :: hot weather |
熱天 {n} [dialectal] /rètiān,er/ | :: summer |
熱頭 {n} [dialectal] /rètóu/ | :: sun |
熱瓦甫 {n} /rèwǎfǔ/ | :: alternative name for 熱瓦普 |
熱瓦普 {n} [musical instrument] /rèwǎpǔ/ | :: rawap (a fretless plucked long-necked lute used in Uyghur traditional music) |
熱望 {v} [literary] /rèwàng/ | :: to fervently hope |
熱望 {n} [literary] /rèwàng/ | :: fervent hope |
熱吻 {v} /rèwěn/ | :: to kiss passionately |
熱舞 {v} /rèwǔ/ | :: to dance passionately or seductively |
熱線 {n} /rèxiàn/ | :: hotline (telephone line that is able to give immediate assistance) |
熱線 {n} /rèxiàn/ | :: infrared |
熱銷 {v} /rèxiāo/ | :: to sell well; to do well in sales; to sell like hot cakes |
熱心 {adj} /rèxīn/ | :: enthusiastic |
熱心 {v} /rèxīn/ | :: to be enthusiastic in promoting |
熱心腸 {n} /rèxīncháng/ | :: warm heart; warmheartedness |
熱血 {adj} [attributive, zoology] /rè血/ | :: warm-blooded; endothermic |
熱血 {adj} [figurative] /rè血/ | :: hot-blooded; enthusiastic |
熱演 {v} [of a play, movie, drama, etc.] /rèyǎn/ | :: to be popularly staged; to be well-received |
熱演 {v} /rèyǎn/ | :: to perform passionately |
熱議 {v} /rèyì/ | :: to debate passionately; to discuss heatedly |
熱飲 {n} /rèyǐn/ | :: hot drink |
熱瑜伽 {n} /rèyújiā/ | :: hot yoga |
熱脹冷縮 {v} [physics, of an object, a substance, etc.] /rèzhànglěngsuō/ | :: to expand when temperature increases and contract when temperature decreases; to undergo thermal expansion |
熱着 {def} SEE: 熱著 | :: |
熱中 {v} /rèzhōng/ | :: alternative form of 熱衷 |
熱衷 {v} /rèzhōng/ | :: to hanker after; to crave |
熱衷 {v} /rèzhōng/ | :: to be fond of; to be keen on; to be enthusiastic in, to be engrossed in |
熱朱古力 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /rè zhūgǔlì/ | :: hot chocolate |
䌾 {def} SEE: 䋻 | :: |
䴦 {def} [mythology] /yín/ | :: a legendary animal resembling a raccoon dog and with eyes like those of human beings (from the Classic of Mountains and Seas or Shan Hai Jing) |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: man; person; people (Classifier: m,c:個h:隻) |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: human being |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: body |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: everybody; everyone |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: physical, psychological or moral quality or condition; character; personality |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: a person associated with a particular identity or trait; -er |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: manpower; worker; employee |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] talent; person of talent |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] other people; others |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] common people; commoner |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] adult; grown-up |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] reason; cause |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] sexual intercourse |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] company; companion; friend |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] artificial; man-made |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] mortal; bodily; earthly |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 仁 |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 仁 |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 仁 |
人 {def} [Beijing] /rén/ | :: Lenition of 人家 |
人 {def} [Taishanese] /rén/ | :: paternal grandmother |
人 {def} /rén/ | :: surname |
人保 {n} /rénbǎo/ | :: personal guarantor; sponsor |
人保 {n} /rénbǎo/ | :: personal certificate |
人保 {n} /rénbǎo/ | :: abbreviation of 人壽保險 |
人本主义 {def} SEE: 人本主義 | :: |
人本主義 {n} /rénběnzhǔyì/ | :: humanism |
人比人,气死人 {def} SEE: 人比人,氣死人 | :: |
人比人,氣死人 {proverb} /rén bǐ rén, qì sǐ rén/ | :: If you compare your lot to others, you will only torture yourself |
人必自侮而后人侮之 {def} SEE: 人必自侮而後人侮之 | :: |
人必自侮而後人侮之 {proverb} /rén bì zìwǔ érhòu rén wǔ zhī/ | :: One is humiliated by others always because one has brought humiliation upon oneself first |
人必自侮然后人侮之 {def} SEE: 人必自侮然後人侮之 | :: |
人必自侮然後人侮之 {proverb} /rén bì zìwǔ ránhòu rén wǔ zhī/ | :: synonym of 人必自侮而後人侮之 |
人必自重而后人重之 {def} SEE: 人必自重而後人重之 | :: |
人必自重而後人重之 {proverb} /rén bì zìzhòng érhòu rén zhòng zhī/ | :: A person must first respect himself and conduct himself appropriately before others will respect him |
人不可貌相 {proverb} /rén 不kě màoxiàng/ | :: one cannot judge someone by his or her appearance; you can’t judge a book by its cover |
人不为己,天诛地灭 {def} SEE: 人不為己,天誅地滅 | :: |
人不為己,天誅地滅 {proverb} /rén 不 wèi jǐ, tiān zhū dì miè/ | :: unless a person looks out for themselves, Heaven and Earth will destroy them; everyone for themselves and the devil take the hindmost |
人不像人,鬼不像鬼 {idiom} /rén 不 xiàng rén, guǐ 不 xiàng guǐ/ | :: pure misery |
人不像人,鬼不像鬼 {idiom} /rén 不 xiàng rén, guǐ 不 xiàng guǐ/ | :: ghastly |
人不知,鬼不覺 {idiom} /rén 不 zhī, guǐ 不 jué/ | :: very secret or mysterious |
人不知,鬼不觉 {def} SEE: 人不知,鬼不覺 | :: |
人才 {n} /réncái/ | :: talent; abilities that make one an asset |
人才 {n} /réncái/ | :: talented individual; skilled or trained individual (in education or employment) |
人才 {n} /réncái/ | :: appearance; looks |
人才輩出 {idiom} /réncáibèichū/ | :: talented people emerge in succession |
人才辈出 {def} SEE: 人才輩出 | :: |
人才濟濟 {idiom} /réncáijǐjǐ/ | :: many talented people |
人才济济 {def} SEE: 人才濟濟 | :: |
人才流失 {n} /réncái liúshī/ | :: brain drain |
人才市場 {n} /réncái shì場/ | :: job fair; career fair; career expo |
人才市场 {def} SEE: 人才市場 | :: |
人才外流 {n} /réncái wàiliú/ | :: brain drain |
人材 {def} SEE: 人才 | :: |
人参 {def} SEE: 人參 | :: |
人参皂甘 {def} SEE: 人參皂甘 | :: |
人参皂苷 {def} SEE: 人參皂苷 | :: |
人參 {n} /rénshēn/ | :: ginseng (any of several plants, of the genus Panax) |
人參皂甘 {def} SEE: 人參皂苷 | :: |
人參皂苷 {n} [organic compound] /rénshēn zàogān/ | :: ginsenoside |
人蓡 {def} SEE: 人參 | :: |
人蓡皂甘 {def} SEE: 人參皂甘 | :: |
人潮 {n} /réncháo/ | :: a tide of people |
人车 {def} SEE: 人車 | :: |
人臣 {n} /rénchén/ | :: vassal; minister; subject |
人称 {def} SEE: 人稱 | :: |
人称代词 {def} SEE: 人稱代詞 | :: |
人称代名词 {def} SEE: 人稱代名詞 | :: |
人稱 {n} [grammar] /rénchēng/ | :: person |
人稱代詞 {n} [grammar] /rénchēngdàicí/ | :: personal pronoun |
人稱代名詞 {n} [grammar] /rénchēngdàimíngcí/ | :: personal pronoun |
人吃人 {adj} /rénchīrén/ | :: dog eat dog; ruthlessly competitive |
人畜無害 {idiom} [neologism] /rénchùwúhài/ | :: harmless to both humans and livestock; utterly harmless |
人畜无害 {def} SEE: 人畜無害 | :: |
人传人 {def} SEE: 人傳人 | :: |
人傳人 {v} [epidemiology, of a disease] /rénchuánrén/ | :: to transmit human-to-human |
人次 {n} /réncì/ | :: the number of people; the amount of people |
人從 {n} /réncóng/ | :: retinue; hanger-on |
人丛 {def} SEE: 人叢 | :: |
人从 {def} SEE: 人從 | :: |
人叢 {n} /réncóng/ | :: crowd of people |
人大 {n} /Réndà/ | :: short fo ^人民^代表^大會 (National People's Congress) |
人大 {n} /Réndà/ | :: short fo ^中國^人民^大學 (Renmin University of China) |
人道 {n} /réndào/ | :: humanity; humanitarianism; human sympathy |
人道 {n} /réndào/ | :: ethics; morality; way of living |
人道 {n} /réndào/ | :: hierarchical relationship between people in ancient Chinese feudal society |
人道 {n} /réndào/ | :: sexual intercourse |
人道 {n} [literary] /réndào/ | :: male genitals; penis |
人道 {n} [Buddhism] /réndào/ | :: humanity; human realm |
人道 {adj} /réndào/ | :: humane; humanitarian |
人道主义 {def} SEE: 人道主義 | :: |
人道主义者 {def} SEE: 人道主義者 | :: |
人道主義 {n} /réndàozhǔyì/ | :: humanitarianism |
人道主義者 {n} /réndàozhǔyìzhě/ | :: humanitarian (person) |
人等 {n} /rénděng/ | :: everybody; all kinds of people |
人地生疏 {idiom} /réndìshēngshū/ | :: to be unfamiliar with the place and the people; to be a complete stranger |
人丁 {n} /réndīng/ | :: adult males |
人丁 {n} /réndīng/ | :: people; population (people living within a political or geographical boundary) |
人丁 {n} /réndīng/ | :: male servants |
人丁兴旺 {def} SEE: 人丁興旺 | :: |
人丁興旺 {idiom} /réndīngxīngwàng/ | :: to have a growing family; to have a flourishing population |
人定勝天 {proverb} /réndìngshèngtiān/ | :: Man's determination will triumph over nature |
人定胜天 {def} SEE: 人定勝天 | :: |
人堆 {n} /rénduī,er/ | :: crowd |
人堆儿 {def} SEE: 人堆兒 | :: |
人堆兒 {n} /rénduīr/ | :: erhua form of crowd |
人盾 {n} /réndùn/ | :: human shield |
人多好办事 {def} SEE: 人多好辦事 | :: |
人多好辦事 {proverb} /rénduōhǎobànshì/ | :: many hands make light work; a task is easier to accomplish when many people work together |
人多势众 {def} SEE: 人多勢眾 | :: |
人多勢眾 {idiom} /rénduōshìzhòng/ | :: a great number of people with strong force or power |
人多勢衆 {def} SEE: 人多勢眾 | :: |
人多手脚乱 {def} SEE: 人多手腳亂 | :: |
人多手腳亂 {proverb} /rénduōshǒujiǎoluàn/ | :: too many cooks spoil the broth; too many people being involved in a task leads to chaos |
人多嘴杂 {def} SEE: 人多嘴雜 | :: |
人多嘴雜 {proverb} /rénduōzuǐzá/ | :: Agreement is difficult if there are too many people |
人多嘴雜 {proverb} /rénduōzuǐzá/ | :: Secrecy is difficult if too many people share it |
人儿 {def} SEE: 人兒 | :: |
人兒 {n} /rénr,rén'ér/ | :: erhua form of person |
人而無信,不知其可 {proverb} /rén ér wú xìn, bù zhī qí kě/ | :: A man without honesty is capable of nothing |
人而无信,不知其可 {def} SEE: 人而無信,不知其可 | :: |
人犯 {n} [literary] /rénfàn/ | :: suspect (person who is suspected of something); offender |
人范 {def} SEE: 人範 | :: |
人販子 {n} /rénfànzi/ | :: people smuggler |
人販子 {n} /rénfànzi/ | :: human trafficker |
人販子 {n} /rénfànzi/ | :: slave trader |
人贩子 {def} SEE: 人販子 | :: |
人防 {n} /rénfáng/ | :: civil air defense |
人非圣贤,孰能无过 {def} SEE: 人非聖賢,孰能無過 | :: |
人非圣贤,谁能无过 {def} SEE: 人非聖賢,誰能無過 | :: |
人非聖賢,誰能無過 {proverb} /rén fēi shèngxián, shéi néng wúguò/ | :: alternative form of 人非聖賢,孰能無過 |
人非聖賢,孰能無過 {proverb} /rén fēi shèngxián, shú néng wúguò/ | :: nobody is perfect; everyone makes mistakes |
人粪尿 {def} SEE: 人糞尿 | :: |
人糞尿 {n} [agriculture] /rénfènniào/ | :: night soil; human wastes; human excrement |
人逢喜事精神爽 {proverb} /rén féng xǐshì jīngshén shuǎng/ | :: joy puts heart into a man; a joyful occasion boosts one's spirits |
人夫 {n} [obsolete] /rénfū/ | :: forced labour; coolie; corvée |
人夫 {n} [obsolete] /rénfū/ | :: labourer; worker |
人夫 {n} /rénfū/ | :: another person's husband |
人浮於事 {idiom} /rénfúyúshì/ | :: to have more hands than needed; to be overstaffed |
人浮于事 {def} SEE: 人浮於事 | :: |
人父 {n} /rénfù/ | :: (someone else's) father |
人高馬大 {idiom} /réngāomǎdà/ | :: (of a person) unusually tall |
人高马大 {def} SEE: 人高馬大 | :: |
人格 {n} /réngé/ | :: personality; character |
人格 {n} /réngé/ | :: integrity |
人格 {n} /réngé/ | :: human dignity |
人格分裂 {n} /réngé fēnliè/ | :: split personality |
人格化 {v} /réngéhuà/ | :: to personify; to anthropomorphize |
人格化 {n} /réngéhuà/ | :: personification; anthropomorphization; anthropomorphism |
人各有志 {idiom} /rén gè yǒuzhì/ | :: every person has his or her own aspiration |
人公里 {n} [transport] /rén-gōnglǐ/ | :: passenger kilometer; person-kilometer |
人工 {adj} [attributive] /réngōng/ | :: man-made; artificial |
人工 {n} /réngōng/ | :: manual work; labour |
人工 {n} /réngōng/ | :: man-day |
人工 {n} /réngōng/ | :: manpower |
人工 {n} [Cantonese, Min Nan] /réngōng/ | :: pay; salary |
人工 {n} [Min Nan] /réngōng/ | :: worker; labourer; coolie |
人工电子耳 {def} SEE: 人工電子耳 | :: |
人工電子耳 {n} /réngōng diànzǐ'ěr/ | :: cochlear implant; bionic ear |
人工耳蝸 {n} /réngōng ěr蜗/ | :: cochlear implant; bionic ear |
人工耳蜗 {def} SEE: 人工耳蝸 | :: |
人工肺 {n} /réngōngfèi/ | :: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) |
人工港 {n} /réngōnggǎng/ | :: artificial harbor |
人工呼吸 {n} /réngōng hūxī/ | :: artificial respiration |
人工湖 {n} /réngōng hú/ | :: artificial lake |
人工降雨 {n} /réngōng jiàngyǔ/ | :: rainmaking; cloud seeding; artificial rainfall |
人工泪液 {def} SEE: 人工淚液 | :: |
人工淚液 {n} /réngōng lèi液/ | :: artificial tears |
人工林 {n} /réngōnglín/ | :: artificial forest |
人工流产 {def} SEE: 人工流產 | :: |
人工流產 {n} /réngōng liúchǎn/ | :: abortion (of an unborn baby) |
人工神經網絡 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /réngōng shénjīngwǎngluò/ | :: artificial neural network |
人工神经网络 {def} SEE: 人工神經網絡 | :: |
人工受精 {n} /réngōng shòujīng/ | :: fertilization; artificial insemination |
人工受孕 {n} /réngōng shòuyùn/ | :: artificial insemination |
人工授精 {n} [biology, medicine] /réngōng shòujīng/ | :: artificial insemination |
人工心肺机 {def} SEE: 人工心肺機 | :: |
人工心肺機 {n} /réngōng xīnfèijī/ | :: heart-lung machine |
人工語言 {n} [linguistics] /réngōng yǔyán/ | :: artificial language; constructed language |
人工语言 {def} SEE: 人工語言 | :: |
人工制品 {def} SEE: 人工製品 | :: |
人工智慧 {n} /réngōng zhìhuì/ | :: artificial intelligence |
人工智能 {n} /réngōng zhìnéng/ | :: artificial intelligence |
人工製品 {n} /réngōng zhìpǐn/ | :: artefact |
人骨 {n} /réngǔ/ | :: human bone |
人貴自知 {idiom} /rénguìzìzhī/ | :: know thyself |
人贵自知 {def} SEE: 人貴自知 | :: |
人棍 {n} [historical] /réngùn/ | :: an ancient form of death penalty by amputating all of a person's limbs and leaving them to die by bleeding |
人棍 {n} [offensive] /réngùn/ | :: amputee |
人海 {n} /rénhǎi/ | :: huge crowd |
人海 {n} [figuratively] /rénhǎi/ | :: human world; society |
人行 {adj} [attributive] /rénxíng/ | :: built for pedestrians |
人行 {prop} /Rénháng/ | :: short fo ^人民^銀行 (People's Bank of China) |
人行道 {n} /rénxíngdào/ | :: sidewalk; pavement; footpath |
人行横道 {def} SEE: 人行橫道 | :: |
人行橫道 {n} /rénxíng héngdào/ | :: pedestrian crossing (place for pedestrians to cross a street) |
人和 {n} [literary] /rénhé/ | :: harmony among people; unity of people |
人和 {def} SEE: 人胡 | :: |
人和 {prop} /Rénhé/ | :: (~ 鎮) 人和 (town) |
人胡 {n} [mahjong] /rénhú/ | :: hand of man, declaring a win by a discarded tile during the first go around of play; one of the limit hands in mahjong |
人話 {n} [by extension] /rénhuà/ | :: human speech; sensible talk |
人话 {def} SEE: 人話 | :: |
人欢马叫 {def} SEE: 人歡馬叫 | :: |
人歡馬叫 {idiom} [of a country scene] /rénhuānmǎjiào/ | :: people bustling and horses neighing: busy; prosperous |
人寰 {n} [literary] /rénhuán/ | :: the land of the living; the land of mortals |
人祸 {def} SEE: 人禍 | :: |
人禍 {n} /rénhuò/ | :: man-made disaster |
人跡 {n} /rén迹/ | :: human footmarks; traces of human presence |
人跡罕至 {idiom} [of a place] /rén迹hǎnzhì/ | :: untraversed; deserted |
人迹 {def} SEE: 人跡 | :: |
人迹罕至 {def} SEE: 人跡罕至 | :: |
人吉 {prop} /Rénjí/ | :: (~ 市) 人吉 (city) |
人祭 {n} /rénjì/ | :: human sacrifice |
人际 {def} SEE: 人際 | :: |
人际关系 {def} SEE: 人際關係 | :: |
人際 {n} /rénjì/ | :: human relationships |
人際 {adj} [attributive] /rénjì/ | :: interpersonal |
人際關係 {n} /rénjìguānxì/ | :: interpersonal relationship |
人家 {n} /rénjiā/ | :: family |
人家 {n} /rénjiā/ | :: household |
人家 {n} /rénjiā/ | :: dwelling |
人家 {n} /rénjiā/ | :: family of a girl's betrothed |
人家 {n} [Cantonese] /rénjiā/ | :: Used after a noun to specify a type of person |
人家 {pron} [chiefly Mandarin, Wu] /rénjia/ | :: others (i.e. besides the speaker and the listener); everybody else |
人家 {pron} [chiefly Mandarin, Wu] /rénjia/ | :: someone specific that the speaker does not wish to name explicitly: he; she; they |
人家 {pron} [chiefly Mandarin, women's speech, affectionate] /rénjia/ | :: I; me (first-person singular pronoun) |
人尖子 {n} [colloquial] /rénjiānzi/ | :: outstanding figure |
人艰不拆 {def} SEE: 人艱不拆 | :: |
人艱不拆 {idiom} [neologism, slang, humorous] /rénjiān不chāi/ | :: Life is hard already; some things need not be revealed |
人間 {n} /rénjiān/ | :: the human world; the world of mortals |
人間地獄 {n} /rénjiān dìyù/ | :: hell on earth |
人間樂園 {n} /rénjiān lèyuán/ | :: paradise on earth |
人間世 {n} [literary] /rénjiānshì/ | :: the human world; the world of mortals |
人間天上 {idiom} /rénjiān tiānshàng/ | :: describes two people who are separated by a great distance |
人間天上 {idiom} /rénjiān tiānshàng/ | :: heaven on earth |
人間蒸發 {idiom} /rénjiānzhēngfā/ | :: inexplicably out of sight; to vanish into thin air |
人间 {def} SEE: 人間 | :: |
人间地狱 {def} SEE: 人間地獄 | :: |
人间乐园 {def} SEE: 人間樂園 | :: |
人间世 {def} SEE: 人間世 | :: |
人间天上 {def} SEE: 人間天上 | :: |
人间蒸发 {def} SEE: 人間蒸發 | :: |
人見人愛 {adj} /rénjiànrén'ài/ | :: loved by all |
人见人爱 {def} SEE: 人見人愛 | :: |
人閒 {def} SEE: 人間 | :: |
人傑 {n} [literary] /rénjié/ | :: outstanding person; hero |
人傑地靈 {idiom} /rénjiédìlíng/ | :: the greatness of a person lends glory to a place; a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son |
人杰 {def} SEE: 人傑 | :: |
人杰地灵 {def} SEE: 人傑地靈 | :: |
人盡皆知 {idiom} /rénjìnjiēzhī/ | :: everyone knows; known to everyone |
人盡可夫 {idiom} /rénjìnkěfū/ | :: perverted woman |
人尽皆知 {def} SEE: 人盡皆知 | :: |
人尽可夫 {def} SEE: 人盡可夫 | :: |
人精 {n} [dialectal] /rénjīng/ | :: experienced person |
人精 {n} [dialectal] /rénjīng/ | :: unusually smart child |
人精 {n} [dialectal] /rénjīng/ | :: spirit (of a person) |
人精 {n} [dialectal] /rénjīng/ | :: clever individual |
人君 {n} [literary] /rénjūn/ | :: monarch; sovereign; king; ruler |
人均 {adj} [attributive] /rénjūn/ | :: per capita |
人客 {n} [literary or dialectal] /rénkè/ | :: guest; visitor |
人客 {n} [literary] /rénkè/ | :: intruder |
人客 {n} [literary] /rénkè/ | :: land renter |
人客 {n} [dialectal] /rénkè/ | :: customer |
人客 {n} [dialectal] /rénkè/ | :: traveller; tourist |
人孔 {n} /rénkǒng,er/ | :: manhole |
人口 {n} /rénkǒu/ | :: population (people living within a political or geographical boundary) |
人口 {n} /rénkǒu/ | :: number of people in a family |
人口 {n} /rénkǒu/ | :: mouths to feed |
人口 {n} /rénkǒu/ | :: people (in general contexts) |
人口爆炸 {n} /rénkǒu bàozhà/ | :: population explosion |
人口調查 {n} /rénkǒu diàochá/ | :: census (official count of a population) |
人口调查 {def} SEE: 人口調查 | :: |
人口販賣 {n} /rénkǒu fànmài/ | :: human trafficking |
人口販運 {n} /rénkǒu fànyùn/ | :: human trafficking |
人口贩卖 {def} SEE: 人口販賣 | :: |
人口贩运 {def} SEE: 人口販運 | :: |
人口結構 {n} /rénkǒu jiégòu/ | :: population structure; demographic structure; population composition |
人口结构 {def} SEE: 人口結構 | :: |
人口密度 {n} /rénkǒu mìdù,tl/ | :: population density |
人口普查 {n} /rénkǒu pǔchá/ | :: census (official count of a population) |
人口学 {def} SEE: 人口學 | :: |
人口學 {n} /rénkǒuxué/ | :: demographics; demography |
人口走私 {n} /rénkǒu zǒusī/ | :: people smuggling |
人困馬乏 {idiom} /rénkùn-mǎfá/ | :: the force of men and horses are tired and exhausted |
人困马乏 {def} SEE: 人困馬乏 | :: |
人來瘋 {v} [idiomatic, of a child] /rénláifēng/ | :: to act up when there are guests present; to be peevish or loud in the presence of visitors |
人来疯 {def} SEE: 人來瘋 | :: |
人狼 {n} /rénláng/ | :: werewolf |
人类 {def} SEE: 人類 | :: |
人类工程学 {def} SEE: 人類工程學 | :: |
人类行为 {def} SEE: 人類行為 | :: |
人类免疫缺陷病毒 {def} SEE: 人類免疫缺陷病毒 | :: |
人类世 {def} SEE: 人類世 | :: |
人类条件 {def} SEE: 人類條件 | :: |
人类性 {def} SEE: 人類性 | :: |
人类学 {def} SEE: 人類學 | :: |
人类学家 {def} SEE: 人類學家 | :: |
人類 {n} /rénlèi/ | :: humanity; humans (as a collective); humankind; the human race |
人類工程學 {n} /rénlèi gōngchéngxué/ | :: ergonomics |
人類行為 {n} /rénlèi xíngwéi/ | :: human behaviour |
人類免疫缺陷病毒 {n} [virology] /rénlèi miǎnyì quēxiàn bìngdú/ | :: human immunodeficiency virus; HIV |
人類世 {prop} /Rénlèishì/ | :: Anthropocene |
人類條件 {n} /rénlèi tiáojiàn/ | :: human condition |
人類性 {n} /rénlèixìng/ | :: humanity |
人類學 {n} /rénlèixué/ | :: anthropology |
人類學家 {n} /rénlèixuéjiā/ | :: anthropologist |
人力 {n} /rénlì/ | :: manpower; human power |
人力 {n} /rénlì/ | :: human strength |
人力 {n} /rénlì/ | :: human effort |
人力車 {n} /rénlìchē/ | :: rickshaw |
人力車夫 {n} /rénlìchē fū/ | :: rickshaw puller; rickshaw driver |
人力车 {def} SEE: 人力車 | :: |
人力车夫 {def} SEE: 人力車夫 | :: |
人力銀行 {n} [Taiwan] /rénlì yínháng/ | :: employment agency; recruitment agency |
人力银行 {def} SEE: 人力銀行 | :: |
人力資源 {n} /rénlì zīyuán/ | :: human resources, HR |
人力资源 {def} SEE: 人力資源 | :: |
人脸 {def} SEE: 人臉 | :: |
人脸彩绘 {def} SEE: 人臉彩繪 | :: |
人臉 {n} /rénliǎn/ | :: the human face |
人臉彩繪 {n} /rénliǎn cǎihuì/ | :: face painting |
人鏈 {n} /rénliàn/ | :: human chain |
人链 {def} SEE: 人鏈 | :: |
人流 {n} /rénliú,er/ | :: a stream of people; crowd |
人流 {n} /rénliú,er/ | :: flow of people; passage of people |
人流 {n} /rénliú,er/ | :: abbreviation of 人工流產 |
人龍 {n} [figurative] /rénlóng/ | :: long queue of people |
人龙 {def} SEE: 人龍 | :: |
人伦 {def} SEE: 人倫 | :: |
人倫 {n} /rénlún/ | :: human relations (according to feudal ethics) |
人馬 {n} /rénmǎ/ | :: people and horses |
人馬 {n} /rénmǎ/ | :: rider and mount |
人馬 {n} /rénmǎ/ | :: troops |
人馬 {n} /rénmǎ/ | :: personnel; manpower; staff |
人馬 {n} [mythology] /rénmǎ/ | :: centaur |
人馬座 {prop} /Rénmǎzuò/ | :: Sagittarius |
人马 {def} SEE: 人馬 | :: |
人马座 {def} SEE: 人馬座 | :: |
人脈 {n} /rénmài/ | :: connections (people with whom one is acquainted who can offer help and influence); contacts |
人脉 {def} SEE: 人脈 | :: |
人满为患 {def} SEE: 人滿為患 | :: |
人滿為患 {idiom} /rénmǎnwéihuàn/ | :: to be overcrowded; to be packed with people |
人们 {def} SEE: 人們 | :: |
人們 {n} /rénmen/ | :: people; everybody |
人门 {def} SEE: 人門 | :: |
人面兽心 {def} SEE: 人面獸心 | :: |
人面獸心 {adj} /rénmiàn shòuxīn/ | :: duplicitous, two-faced |
人面桃花 {idiom} /rénmiàntáohuā/ | :: a man's nostalgic memory of an old sweetheart |
人面桃花 {prop} /rénmiàntáohuā/ | :: the name of a Peking opera play |
人民 {n} /rénmín/ | :: people (collectively, as members of society) |
人民 {n} /rénmín/ | :: humanity; humans (as a collective); humankind; the human race |
人民币 {def} SEE: 人民幣 | :: |
人民幣 {n} /rénmínbì/ | :: renminbi (currency in the People's Republic of China) |
人民大会堂 {def} SEE: 人民大會堂 | :: |
人民大會堂 {prop} /Rénmín Dàhuìtáng/ | :: Great Hall of the People (state building in Beijing) |
人民代表 {n} /rénmín dàibiǎo/ | :: people's deputies; people's representatives |
人民代表大会 {def} SEE: 人民代表大會 | :: |
人民代表大會 {n} /rénmín dàibiǎo dàhuì/ | :: people's congress |
人民公社 {n} /rénmín gōngshè/ | :: people's commune (administrative unit in China from 1958 to 1983) |
人民共和国 {def} SEE: 人民共和國 | :: |
人民共和國 {n} /rénmín gònghéguó/ | :: people's republic |
人民民主独裁 {def} SEE: 人民民主獨裁 | :: |
人民民主獨裁 {n} [Maoism, rare] /rénmín mínzhǔ dúcái/ | :: synonym of 人民民主專政 |
人民民主专政 {def} SEE: 人民民主專政 | :: |
人民民主專政 {n} [Maoism] /rénmín mínzhǔ zhuānzhèng/ | :: people's democratic dictatorship |
人民內部矛盾 {n} [Maoism] /rénmín nèibù máodùn/ | :: contradictions among the people |
人民内部矛盾 {def} SEE: 人民內部矛盾 | :: |
人民群众 {def} SEE: 人民群眾 | :: |
人民群眾 {n} /rénmín qúnzhòng/ | :: the masses; the people |
人民团体 {def} SEE: 人民團體 | :: |
人民團體 {n} /rénmín tuántǐ/ | :: mass organization |
人民战争 {def} SEE: 人民戰爭 | :: |
人民戰爭 {n} [Maoism] /rénmín zhànzhēng/ | :: people's war |
人民政府 {n} /rénmín zhèngfǔ/ | :: people's government |
人名 {n} /rénmíng/ | :: person's name; first name |
人命 {n} /rénmìng/ | :: human life |
人命关天 {def} SEE: 人命關天 | :: |
人命關天 {idiom} /rénmìngguāntiān/ | :: a case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care |
人命關天 {idiom} /rénmìngguāntiān/ | :: (a matter) of life and death; of vital importance |
人命危淺 {idiom} /rénmìng危qiǎn/ | :: to be critically ill; to be close to death |
人命危浅 {def} SEE: 人命危淺 | :: |
人無千日好,花無百日紅 {proverb} /rén wú qiān rì hǎo, huā wú bǎi rì hóng/ | :: Nothing good lasts forever; all good things must come to an end |
人無完人 {idiom} /rén wú wánrén/ | :: nobody's perfect |
人無遠慮,必有近憂 {proverb} /rén wú yuǎnlǜ, bì yǒu jìnyōu/ | :: he who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby |
人莫予毒 {idiom} /rénmòyúdú/ | :: arrogant; conceited |
人母 {n} /rénmǔ/ | :: (someone else's) mother |
人奶 {n} /rénnǎi/ | :: breast milk |
人偶 {n} /rén'ǒu/ | :: puppet; doll |
人怕出名猪怕肥 {def} SEE: 人怕出名豬怕肥 | :: |
人怕出名猪怕壮 {def} SEE: 人怕出名豬怕壯 | :: |
人怕出名豬怕肥 {proverb} /rén pà chūmíng zhū pà féi/ | :: Fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs |
人怕出名豬怕壯 {proverb} /rén pà chūmíng zhū pà zhuàng/ | :: Fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs |
人品 {n} /rénpǐn/ | :: one's character, especially the quality of it |
人品 {n} /rénpǐn/ | :: one's appearance; looks |
人品 {n} [neologism, slang] /rénpǐn/ | :: luck; good luck |
人品問題 {n} [literally] /rénpǐn wèntí/ | :: sum of parts of 人品 問題: problem with one's character; problem with one's personality |
人品问题 {def} SEE: 人品問題 | :: |
人妻 {n} /rénqī/ | :: (another person's) wife; married woman |
人气 {def} SEE: 人氣 | :: |
人氣 {n} /rénqì/ | :: presence of people |
人氣 {n} [dialectal] /rénqì/ | :: personality; character |
人氣 {n} /rénqì/ | :: popularity |
人氣 {adj} /rénqì/ | :: popular |
人墙 {def} SEE: 人牆 | :: |
人牆 {n} /rénqiáng/ | :: human shield |
人情 {n} /rénqíng/ | :: human sentiment; natural human feelings; inherent goodness of human nature |
人情 {n} /rénqíng/ | :: friends and relationships; personal connections; people with which one has curried favor |
人情 {n} /rénqíng/ | :: courtesy; etiquette; civility |
人情 {n} /rénqíng/ | :: favour (kind or helpful deed) |
人情 {n} /rénqíng/ | :: gift; present |
人情冷暖 {idiom} /rénqínglěngnuǎn/ | :: fickleness of human nature; changing of one's attitude to another according to social status |
人情練達 {idiom} /rénqíngliàndá/ | :: experienced in the ways of the world; worldly-wise |
人情练达 {def} SEE: 人情練達 | :: |
人情世故 {idiom} /rénqíngshìgù/ | :: the ways of the world; traditional code of conduct; worldly wisdom |
人情味 {n} /rénqíngwèi,er/ | :: human touch; humane feelings; human kindness |
人情味儿 {def} SEE: 人情味兒 | :: |
人情味兒 {n} /rénqíngwèir/ | :: erhua form of human touch; humane feelings; human kindness |
人情债 {def} SEE: 人情債 | :: |
人情債 {n} /rénqíngzhài/ | :: debt of gratitude |
人情之常 {idiom} /rénqíngzhīcháng/ | :: synonym of 人之常情 |
人权 {def} SEE: 人權 | :: |
人权宣言 {def} SEE: 人權宣言 | :: |
人權 {n} /rénquán/ | :: human right; human rights |
人權宣言 {prop} [historical] /Rénquán Xuānyán/ | :: Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) |
人權宣言 {prop} /Rénquán Xuānyán/ | :: alternative name for 世界人權宣言 |
人羣 {def} SEE: 人群 | :: |
人群 {n} /rénqún/ | :: crowd; drove (of people); demographic; population (group of people) |
人群 {n} /rénqún/ | :: people in society; the general public; the community at large |
人人 {n} /rénrén/ | :: everyone; everybody; all of us |
人人皆知 {idiom} /rénrénjiēzhī/ | :: everyone knows; widely known |
人人为我,我为人人 {def} SEE: 人人為我,我為人人 | :: |
人人為我,我為人人 {phrase} /rénrén wèi wǒ, wǒ wèi rénrén/ | :: one for all, all for one |
人人自危 {idiom} /rénrénzì危/ | :: to be in a tense and terrible situation, causing people to be in uneasy and worried |
人日 {n} /rénrì/ | :: Renri; Human Day (the seventh of the first month in the Chinese calendar) |
人日 {n} /rénrì/ | :: man-day |
人肉 {n} /rénròu/ | :: human flesh; human meat |
人肉 {n} [neologism] /rénròu/ | :: human flesh search engine |
人肉 {v} [neologism] /rénròu/ | :: to “Human flesh search engine”, i.e. to collectively search and distribute one's personal information over the Internet (in an attempt to shame the individual); to doxx |
人肉市場 {n} /rénròu shì場/ | :: sex market; houses of ill fame |
人肉市场 {def} SEE: 人肉市場 | :: |
人肉搜索 {n} [Internet, neologism, slang] /rénròu sōusuǒ/ | :: human flesh search; a large-scale collective online effort to find details about a person or event |
人肉搜索引擎 {n} [Internet, neologism, slang] /rénròu sōusuǒ yǐnqíng/ | :: human flesh search engine |
人瑞 {n} /rénruì/ | :: good omen |
人瑞 {n} /rénruì/ | :: virtuous person |
人瑞 {n} /rénruì/ | :: old person |
人蔘 {def} SEE: 人參 | :: |
人蔘皂甘 {def} SEE: 人參皂甘 | :: |
人蔘皂苷 {def} SEE: 人參皂苷 | :: |
人山人海 {idiom} /rénshānrénhǎi/ | :: very crowded or congested (with people) |
人善得人欺,馬善得人騎 {proverb} /rén shàn dé rén qī, mǎ shàn dé rén qí/ | :: nice guys finish last |
人善得人欺,马善得人骑 {def} SEE: 人善得人欺,馬善得人騎 | :: |
人上人 {n} /rénshàngrén/ | :: one who is above the others in the society; top person |
人蛇 {n} [regional] /rénshé/ | :: illegal immigrant |
人設 {n} [fiction] /rénshè/ | :: in-universe profile of a fictional character |
人設 {n} [neologism] /rénshè/ | :: designed personality (of a person); good public image (of someone); public persona |
人設崩塌 {phrase} [fandom slang] /rénshè bēngtā/ | :: out of character |
人設崩塌 {phrase} [neologism, slang] /rénshè bēngtā/ | :: to have one's good public image destroyed by something scandalous |
人设 {def} SEE: 人設 | :: |
人设崩塌 {def} SEE: 人設崩塌 | :: |
人葠 {def} SEE: 人參 | :: |
人葠皂甘 {def} SEE: 人參皂甘 | :: |
人薓 {def} SEE: 人參 | :: |
人薓皂甘 {def} SEE: 人參皂甘 | :: |
人身 {adj} [attributive] /rénshēn/ | :: personal (of freedom, liberty, safety, etc.) |
人身 {n} [literary] /rénshēn/ | :: the human body |
人身攻击 {def} SEE: 人身攻擊 | :: |
人身攻擊 {n} /rénshēn gōng击/ | :: personal attack; character assassination |
人身伤害 {def} SEE: 人身傷害 | :: |
人身傷害 {n} [legal] /rénshēn shānghài/ | :: personal injury |
人身事故 {n} /rénshēn shìgù/ | :: accident causing injury or death |
人身自由 {n} /rénshēn zìyóu/ | :: personal freedom |
人神 {n} [literary] /rénshén/ | :: men and gods |
人神 {n} [literary] /rénshén/ | :: the spirits of one's ancestors |
人神共愤 {def} SEE: 人神共憤 | :: |
人神共憤 {idiom} /rénshéngòngfèn/ | :: hated and reviled |
人声 {def} SEE: 人聲 | :: |
人声鼎沸 {def} SEE: 人聲鼎沸 | :: |
人生 {n} /rénshēng/ | :: life (i.e. human life) (Classifier: m:段) |
人生伴侣 {def} SEE: 人生伴侶 | :: |
人生伴侶 {n} /rénshēng bànlǚ/ | :: life partner |
人生导师 {def} SEE: 人生導師 | :: |
人生導師 {n} /rénshēng dǎoshī/ | :: life coach |
人生觀 {n} /rénshēngguān/ | :: one's view of life; one's outlook on life |
人生观 {def} SEE: 人生觀 | :: |
人生何處不相逢 {proverb} /rénshēng héchù bù xiāngféng/ | :: even if you are separated from somebody by a great distance, there is always a chance that you may bump into them someday; it's a small world |
人生何处不相逢 {def} SEE: 人生何處不相逢 | :: |
人生教練 {n} /rénshēng jiàoliàn/ | :: life coach |
人生教练 {def} SEE: 人生教練 | :: |
人生苦短 {idiom} /rénshēngkǔduǎn/ | :: Life is too short. |
人生七十古來稀 {proverb} /rénshēng qīshí gǔlái xī/ | :: it is rare for a person to live to seventy |
人生七十古来稀 {def} SEE: 人生七十古來稀 | :: |
人生如夢 {idiom} /rénshēngrúmèng/ | :: life is but a dream |
人生如梦 {def} SEE: 人生如夢 | :: |
人生贏家 {n} /rénshēng yíngjiā/ | :: a person with a fulfilling life |
人生赢家 {def} SEE: 人生贏家 | :: |
人聲 {n} /rénshēng/ | :: voice; sound (emitted by people) |
人聲鼎沸 {idiom} /rénshēngdǐngfèi/ | :: a cacophony of voices |
人师 {def} SEE: 人師 | :: |
人師 {n} /rénshī/ | :: paragon of virtue and learning |
人世 {n} /rénshì/ | :: the human world; the world of mortals |
人世 {n} [literary] /rénshì/ | :: life (i.e. human life) |
人世沧桑 {def} SEE: 人世滄桑 | :: |
人世滄桑 {idiom} /rénshìcāngsāng/ | :: tremendous changes in the world; vicissitudes of human affairs |
人世間 {n} /rénshìjiān/ | :: the human world; the world of mortals |
人世间 {def} SEE: 人世間 | :: |
人事 {n} /rénshì/ | :: men's behaviours; the reach of one's ability; what is humanly possible |
人事 {n} /rénshì/ | :: human affairs; ways of the world; facts of life |
人事 {n} /rénshì/ | :: consciousness of the (outside) world |
人事 {n} /rénshì/ | :: personnel matters; human resources |
人事 {n} /rénshì/ | :: social activity; social intercourse |
人事 {n} [dialectal] /rénshì/ | :: gift; present |
人事 {n} /rénshì/ | :: man-caused turmoil; unrest |
人事 {n} /rénshì/ | :: sexual awareness; sexual passion |
人事关系 {def} SEE: 人事關係 | :: |
人事關係 {n} /rénshì guānxì,tl/ | :: interpersonal relationship |
人仕 {def} SEE: 人士 | :: |
人势 {def} SEE: 人勢 | :: |
人勢 {n} [TCM] /rénshì/ | :: human penis |
人士 {n} /rénshì/ | :: public figure; personage |
人士 {n} /rénshì/ | :: person (used with an attributive to indicate a group of people which share a particular attribute) |
人士 {n} [literary] /rénshì/ | :: scholar; intellectual; man of letters |
人士 {n} [literary] /rénshì/ | :: the people; the general populace |
人市 {n} /rénshì/ | :: crowd-gathering place |
人市 {n} /rénshì/ | :: labor market |
人氏 {n} /rénshì/ | :: the province and county where one's family is registered (or birthplace if the same) |
人氏 {n} /rénshì/ | :: a person; a character; a gentleman |
人手 {n} /rénshǒu/ | :: human hand |
人手 {n} /rénshǒu/ | :: manpower; staff |
人兽交 {def} SEE: 人獸交 | :: |
人壽 {n} /rénshòu/ | :: duration of human life |
人壽保險 {n} /rénshòu bǎoxiǎn/ | :: life insurance |
人壽年豐 {idiom} /rénshòuniánfēng/ | :: the land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health |
人寿 {def} SEE: 人壽 | :: |
人寿保险 {def} SEE: 人壽保險 | :: |
人寿年丰 {def} SEE: 人壽年豐 | :: |
人獸交 {n} /rénshòujiāo/ | :: bestiality; sexual intercourse between a human and an animal |
人殊意异 {def} SEE: 人殊意異 | :: |
人殊意異 {idiom} /rén shū yì yì/ | :: people and opinions will vary; not everyone will view it the same way |
人數 {n} /rénshù/ | :: number of people |
人数 {def} SEE: 人數 | :: |
人算不如天算 {proverb} /rén suàn 不rú tiān suàn/ | :: the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry; no matter how much one plans things out, life always intervenes; man proposes but God disposes; God's plans supersede our own |
人体 {def} SEE: 人體 | :: |
人体彩绘 {def} SEE: 人體彩繪 | :: |
人体测量学 {def} SEE: 人體測量學 | :: |
人体工程学 {def} SEE: 人體工程學 | :: |
人体工学 {def} SEE: 人體工學 | :: |
人体计测 {def} SEE: 人體計測 | :: |
人体解剖学 {def} SEE: 人體解剖學 | :: |
人体模型 {def} SEE: 人體模型 | :: |
人体润滑剂 {def} SEE: 人體潤滑劑 | :: |
人体扫描安检仪 {def} SEE: 人體掃描安檢儀 | :: |
人体艺术 {def} SEE: 人體藝術 | :: |
人体运动学 {def} SEE: 人體運動學 | :: |
人體 {n} /réntǐ/ | :: human body; human organism |
人體彩繪 {n} /réntǐ cǎihuì/ | :: body painting |
人體測量學 {n} /réntǐ cèliàngxué/ | :: anthropometry |
人體工程學 {n} /réntǐ gōngchéngxué/ | :: ergonomics |
人體工學 {n} /réntǐ gōngxué/ | :: ergonomics |
人體計測 {n} /réntǐ jìcè/ | :: anthropometry |
人體解剖學 {n} /réntǐ jiě剖xué/ | :: human anatomy |
人體模型 {n} /réntǐ móxíng/ | :: mannequin |
人體潤滑劑 {n} /réntǐ rùnhuájì/ | :: personal lubricant |
人體掃描安檢儀 {n} /réntǐ sǎomiáo ānjiǎnyí/ | :: full body scanner |
人體藝術 {n} /réntǐ yìshù/ | :: body art |
人體運動學 {n} /réntǐ yùndòngxué/ | :: human movement |
人同此心,心同此理 {idiom} /rén tóng cǐ xīn, xīn tóng cǐ lǐ/ | :: everybody feels the same about this |
人头 {def} SEE: 人頭 | :: |
人头狗 {def} SEE: 人頭狗 | :: |
人头生 {def} SEE: 人頭生 | :: |
人头狮身 {def} SEE: 人頭獅身 | :: |
人头税 {def} SEE: 人頭稅 | :: |
人头涌涌 {def} SEE: 人頭湧湧 | :: |
人头猪脑 {def} SEE: 人頭豬腦 | :: |
人頭 {n} /réntóu,er/ | :: human head |
人頭 {n} /réntóu,er/ | :: number of people |
人頭 {n} [Mainland China] /réntóu,er/ | :: interpersonal relation |
人頭 {n} [Taiwan] /réntóu,er/ | :: people who knowingly or unknowingly provides their identity information which is used by someone else for illegal activities |
人頭狗 {n} [gaming slang] /réntóugǒu/ | :: one who would do anything for kills in a PvP game |
人頭獅身 {n} /réntóushīshēn/ | :: sphinx |
人頭稅 {n} /réntóushuì/ | :: poll tax; head tax; capitation |
人外有人,天外有天 {proverb} /rén wài yǒu rén, tiān wài yǒu tiān/ | :: No matter how good you think you are, there is always someone out there that is better |
人王 {n} /rénwáng/ | :: monarch; emperor |
人望 {n} [literary] /rénwàng/ | :: the hopes of the people |
人微言輕 {idiom} /rén微yánqīng/ | :: the words of the lowly carry little weight |
人微言轻 {def} SEE: 人微言輕 | :: |
人为 {def} SEE: 人為 | :: |
人为财死,鸟为食亡 {def} SEE: 人為財死,鳥為食亡 | :: |
人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 {def} SEE: 人為刀俎,我為魚肉 | :: |
人為 {v} [formal] /rénwéi/ | :: to have a human cause |
人為 {v} [formal] /rénwéi/ | :: to require human effort |
人為 {adj} [attributive] /rénwéi/ | :: artificial; man-made; contrived |
人為財死,鳥為食亡 {proverb} /rén wèi cái sǐ, niǎo wèi shí wáng/ | :: men would die in pursuit of wealth just like how birds would die in pursuit for food; human beings would sacrifice even their lives in pursuit of wealth |
人為刀俎,我為魚肉 {idiom} [figuratively] /rén wéi dāozǔ, wǒ wéi yúròu/ | :: to be at somebody's mercy |
人爲 {def} SEE: 人為 | :: |
人文 {n} /rénwén/ | :: humanities; letters; belles-lettres (as in "science and letters") |
人文 {n} /rénwén/ | :: human affairs |
人文 {n} /rénwén/ | :: culture; the arts |
人文关怀 {def} SEE: 人文關懷 | :: |
人文關懷 {n} /rénwén guānhuái/ | :: humane care; humanistic solicitude |
人文精神 {n} /rénwén jīngshén/ | :: humanistic spirit; humanism |
人文景觀 {n} /rénwén jǐngguān/ | :: cultural landscape |
人文景观 {def} SEE: 人文景觀 | :: |
人文科学 {def} SEE: 人文科學 | :: |
人文科學 {n} /rénwén kēxué/ | :: humanities (learning concerned with human culture) |
人文学 {def} SEE: 人文學 | :: |
人文學 {n} /rénwénxué/ | :: humanities |
人文主义 {def} SEE: 人文主義 | :: |
人文主义者 {def} SEE: 人文主義者 | :: |
人文主義 {n} /rénwénzhǔyì/ | :: humanism |
人文主義者 {n} /rénwénzhǔyìzhě/ | :: humanist |
人无千日好,花无百日红 {def} SEE: 人無千日好,花無百日紅 | :: |
人无完人 {def} SEE: 人無完人 | :: |
人无远虑,必有近忧 {def} SEE: 人無遠慮,必有近憂 | :: |
人物 {n} /rénwù/ | :: figure; personage |
人物 {n} /rénwù/ | :: character (in a story) |
人物 {n} /rénwù/ | :: personnel |
人物 {n} /rénwù/ | :: figure painting; portrait |
人物 {n} [classical] /rénwù/ | :: demeanour |
人物 {n} [classical] /rénwù/ | :: people and things |
人相 {n} /rénxiàng/ | :: looks, physiognomy, countenance |
人像 {n} /rénxiàng/ | :: portrait; image; figure |
人心 {n} /rénxīn/ | :: people's thoughts; public feeling |
人心 {n} /rénxīn/ | :: moral nature |
人心 {n} /rénxīn/ | :: popularity |
人心不古 {idiom} /rénxīn不gǔ/ | :: the moral compass of modern man lags far behind that of the ancients |
人心不足蛇吞象 {idiom} /rénxīn 不 zú shé tūn xiàng/ | :: Being discontent is like a snake swallowing an elephant |
人心隔肚皮 {proverb} /rénxīn gé dùpí/ | :: someone else's heart is difficult to know |
人心果 {n} /rénxīnguǒ/ | :: sapodilla |
人心惶惶 {idiom} /rénxīnhuánghuáng/ | :: everyone is anxious; people are filled with anxiety |
人心叵测 {def} SEE: 人心叵測 | :: |
人心叵測 {idiom} /rénxīnpǒcè/ | :: the human mind is unpredictable; people may harbour an evil intent |
人心齊,泰山移 {proverb} /rénxīn qí, Tàishān yí/ | :: many hands make light work |
人心齐,泰山移 {def} SEE: 人心齊,泰山移 | :: |
人心丧尽 {def} SEE: 人心喪盡 | :: |
人心喪盡 {idiom} /rénxīnsàngjìn/ | :: to lose all popular sympathy |
人心思变 {def} SEE: 人心思變 | :: |
人心思變 {v} [idiomatic] /rénxīn sībiàn/ | :: to long for change, especially a political one |
人心所向 {idiom} /rénxīnsuǒxiàng/ | :: popular sentiment; common aspiration of the people |
人形 {n} /rénxíng/ | :: human shape or appearance |
人形 {n} /rénxíng/ | :: doll; puppet |
人性 {n} /rénxìng/ | :: human nature; humanity |
人性 {n} /rénxìng,tl/ | :: normal human feelings; reason |
人性化 {adj} /rénxìnghuà/ | :: user-friendly |
人性論 {n} /rénxìnglùn/ | :: theory of human nature |
人性論 {n} [Marxism] /rénxìnglùn/ | :: the “theory of human nature”, a fallacy put forward by the landlord class and the bourgeoisie which denies the class character of human nature |
人性论 {def} SEE: 人性論 | :: |
人熊 {n} /rénxióng/ | :: brown bear |
人选 {def} SEE: 人選 | :: |
人選 {n} /rénxuǎn/ | :: candidate; person selected |
人血饅頭 {idiom} /rén血mántou/ | :: advantage taken from others' misfortune |
人血馒头 {def} SEE: 人血饅頭 | :: |
人烟 {def} SEE: 人煙 | :: |
人烟稠密 {def} SEE: 人煙稠密 | :: |
人烟凑集 {def} SEE: 人煙湊集 | :: |
人烟辐辏 {def} SEE: 人煙輻輳 | :: |
人烟浩穰 {def} SEE: 人煙浩穰 | :: |
人烟稀少 {def} SEE: 人煙稀少 | :: |
人煙 {n} /rényān/ | :: signs of human habitation |
人煙稠密 {idiom} /rényānchóumì/ | :: to be densely populated |
人煙湊集 {idiom} /rényāncòují/ | :: synonym of 人煙稠密 |
人煙輻輳 {idiom} /rényānfúcòu/ | :: synonym of 人煙稠密 |
人煙浩穰 {idiom} /rényānhàoráng/ | :: synonym of 人煙稠密 |
人煙稀少 {idiom} /rényānxīshǎo/ | :: to be sparsely populated |
人言 {n} [literary] /rényán/ | :: what people are saying |
人言 {n} /rényán/ | :: words, speech |
人言 {n} /rényán/ | :: alternative name for 砒霜 |
人言可畏 {idiom} /rényánkěwèi/ | :: gossip is a fearful thing |
人仰馬翻 {idiom} /rényǎngmǎfān/ | :: to be utterly routed; to suffer a crushing defeat |
人仰馬翻 {idiom} /rényǎngmǎfān/ | :: in a complete mess |
人仰马翻 {def} SEE: 人仰馬翻 | :: |
人妖 {n} [archaic] /rényāo/ | :: devil in human form; evil genius |
人妖 {n} [figurative] /rényāo/ | :: bad person |
人妖 {n} /rényāo/ | :: freak (a person with abnormal sexual proclivities) |
人妖 {n} /rényāo/ | :: person fond of fancy dress and excessive make-up |
人妖 {n} [derogatory, offensive] /rényāo/ | :: tranny (a transsexual, transgender or transvestite person, usually a trans woman) |
人祅 {n} [archaic] /rényāo/ | :: alternative form of 人妖 |
人要面,树要皮 {def} SEE: 人要面,樹要皮 | :: |
人意 {n} [literary] /rényì/ | :: desire of men; will of men |
人影 {n} /rényǐng,er/ | :: shadow or figure of a person |
人影 {n} [figurative] /rényǐng,er/ | :: trace of a person |
人影儿 {def} SEE: 人影兒 | :: |
人影兒 {n} /rényǐngr/ | :: erhua form of shadow or figure of a person; trace of a person |
人有三急 {idiom} /rényǒusānjí/ | :: to need to use the toilet; to need to urinate or defecate |
人魚 {n} /rényú/ | :: merperson; merfolk |
人魚 {n} /rényú/ | :: dugong |
人魚 {n} /rényú/ | :: manatee |
人魚 {n} /rényú/ | :: salamander |
人魚線 {n} [anatomy] /rényúxiàn/ | :: Apollo's belt; iliac furrows (as a sign of physical fitness) |
人鱼 {def} SEE: 人魚 | :: |
人鱼线 {def} SEE: 人魚線 | :: |
人慾 {n} [literary] /rényù/ | :: human desire |
人欲 {def} SEE: 人慾 | :: |
人员 {def} SEE: 人員 | :: |
人員 {n} /rényuán/ | :: staff; personnel; employee (Classifier: 個) |
人員 {n} /rényuán/ | :: person (of a particular type) (Classifier: 個) |
人緣 {n} /rényuán,er/ | :: interpersonal relations; popularity |
人緣兒 {n} /rényuánr/ | :: erhua form of interpersonal relations; popularity |
人缘 {def} SEE: 人緣 | :: |
人缘儿 {def} SEE: 人緣兒 | :: |
人云亦云 {idiom} /rényúnyìyún/ | :: to say what others say; to follow the herd |
人仔册 {def} SEE: 人仔冊 | :: |
人仔图 {def} SEE: 人仔圖 | :: |
人仔细细 {def} SEE: 人仔細細 | :: |
人贓並獲 {idiom} [of a thief, etc.] /rénzāngbìnghuò/ | :: to be caught with stolen items; to be caught red-handed |
人贓俱獲 {idiom} [of a thief, etc.] /rénzāngjùhuò/ | :: to be caught with stolen items; to be caught red-handed |
人赃并获 {def} SEE: 人贓並獲 | :: |
人赃俱获 {def} SEE: 人贓俱獲 | :: |
人造 {n} [attributive] /rénzào/ | :: artificial; man-made |
人造革 {n} /rénzàogé/ | :: imitation leather; mock leather |
人造黃油 {n} /rénzào huángyóu/ | :: margarine (spread) |
人造黄油 {def} SEE: 人造黃油 | :: |
人造奶油 {n} /rénzào nǎiyóu/ | :: margarine (spread) |
人造卫星 {def} SEE: 人造衛星 | :: |
人造衛星 {n} /rénzào wèixīng/ | :: artificial satellite |
人造衞星 {def} SEE: 人造衛星 | :: |
人渣 {n} [derogatory] /rénzhā,er/ | :: scum; scumbag; dirtbag |
人證 {n} /rénzhèng/ | :: witness testimony |
人證 {n} /rénzhèng/ | :: witness |
人证 {def} SEE: 人證 | :: |
人之常情 {idiom} /rénzhīchángqíng/ | :: human nature; what is natural and normal in human relationships; it's only human |
人之患在好为人师 {def} SEE: 人之患在好為人師 | :: |
人之患在好為人師 {proverb} /rén zhī huàn zài hàowéirénshī/ | :: it is bad to give unsolicited counsel or lectures |
人之将死,其言也善 {def} SEE: 人之將死,其言也善 | :: |
人之將死,其言也善 {idiom} /rén zhī jiāng sǐ, qí yán yě shàn/ | :: A person's words are kind when death is near |
人治 {n} [legal] /rénzhì/ | :: rule of man |
人質 {n} /rén質/ | :: hostage |
人质 {def} SEE: 人質 | :: |
人中 {n} [anatomy, physiology] /rénzhōng/ | :: philtrum |
人中白 {n} /rénzhōngbái/ | :: urine with water removed |
人中齿 {def} SEE: 人中齒 | :: |
人中豪傑 {idiom} /rénzhōngháojié/ | :: person with outstanding talent and wisdom |
人中豪杰 {def} SEE: 人中豪傑 | :: |
人中之龍 {idiom} /rénzhōngzhīlóng/ | :: outstanding and extraordinary person among a group |
人中之龙 {def} SEE: 人中之龍 | :: |
人种 {def} SEE: 人種 | :: |
人种学 {def} SEE: 人種學 | :: |
人種 {n} /rénzhǒng/ | :: race; ethnicity (Classifier: 個) |
人種學 {n} /rénzhǒngxué/ | :: ethnology |
人主 {n} [literary] /rénzhǔ/ | :: monarch; sovereign; king; ruler |
人子 {n} [literary] /rénzǐ/ | :: child (son or daughter) |
人子 {prop} [Christianity] /rénzǐ/ | :: Son of Man |
人字旁 {n} /rénzìpáng/ | :: the Chinese character component 亻 |
人字拖 {n} /rénzìtuō/ | :: flip-flops; thongs |
人字拖鞋 {n} /rénzì tuōxié/ | :: flip-flops, thongs |
人走茶凉 {def} SEE: 人走茶涼 | :: |
人走茶涼 {proverb} /rénzǒucháliáng/ | :: When a man loses his power, he loses the praise, respect or flattering as well |
亻 {def} /rén/ | :: Side form of the person (人) radical |
⿰亻革 {n} /gě/ | :: only used in ⿰亻革家 |
⿰亻革家 {n} /Gějiā/ | :: (~ 人) Gejia people |
⿰亻革家話 {n} /gějiāhuà/ | :: Gejia (language) |
⿰亻革家话 {def} SEE: ⿰亻革家話 | :: |
⿰亻革家人 {prop} /Gějiārén/ | :: Gejia (people) |
⿰亻革家語 {n} /gějiāyǔ/ | :: Gejia (language) |
⿰亻革家语 {def} SEE: ⿰亻革家語 | :: |
𫊻仁 {def} SEE: 蟳仁 | :: |
仁 {def} /rén/ | :: compassionate |
仁 {def} /rén/ | :: humaneness; benevolence; kindness |
仁 {def} /rén/ | :: kernel |
仁愛 {adj} /rén'ài/ | :: benevolent; kindhearted |
仁愛 {n} /rén'ài/ | :: benevolence; kindheartedness |
仁愛 {prop} /rén'ài/ | :: (~ 區) 仁愛 (district) |
仁愛 {prop} /rén'ài/ | :: (~ 鄉) 仁愛 (mountain indigenous township) |
仁愛 {prop} /rén'ài/ | :: (~ 里) 仁愛 (urban village) |
仁爱 {def} SEE: 仁愛 | :: |
仁宝哲 {def} SEE: 仁寶哲 | :: |
仁寶哲 {n} /rénbǎozhé/ | :: rinpoche |
仁波切 {n} [Buddhism] /rénbōqiè/ | :: rinpoche |
仁川 {prop} /Rénchuān/ | :: (~ 廣域市) Incheon |
仁慈 {adj} /réncí/ | :: humane; merciful; benevolent; kind |
仁慈 {n} /réncí/ | :: benevolence; kindheartedness |
仁丹 {n} /réndān/ | :: Jintan (Japanese medicine) |
仁道 {n} [literary, Confucianism] /réndào/ | :: the way of benevolence |
仁德 {n} /réndé/ | :: benevolent moral integrity |
仁德 {prop} /réndé/ | :: (~ 區) 仁德 (district) |
仁福 {prop} /Rénfú/ | :: (~ 里) 仁福 (urban village) |
仁和 {adj} [literary] /rénhé/ | :: benevolent; kindhearted |
仁和 {prop} /rénhé/ | :: (~ 鎮) 仁和 (town) |
仁和坪 {prop} /Rénhépíng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 仁和坪 (town) |
仁賀保 {prop} /Rénhèbǎo/ | :: (~ 市) 仁賀保 (city) |
仁贺保 {def} SEE: 仁賀保 | :: |
仁厚 {adj} /rénhòu/ | :: benevolent and generous |
仁化 {prop} /Rénhuà/ | :: (~ 縣) 仁化 (county) |
仁怀 {def} SEE: 仁懷 | :: |
仁懷 {prop} /Rénhuái/ | :: (~ 市) 仁懷 (city) |
仁頻 {n} [obsolete] /rénpín/ | :: alternative name for 檳榔 |
仁频 {def} SEE: 仁頻 | :: |
仁人 {n} [literary] /rénrén/ | :: benevolent gentleman; public-spirited person; philanthropist |
仁人君子 {idiom} /rénrén jūnzǐ/ | :: benevolent gentleman; public-spirited person; philanthropist |
仁人志士 {idiom} /rénrénzhìshì/ | :: people with lofty ideas |
仁术 {def} SEE: 仁術 | :: |
仁術 {n} [literary] /rénshù/ | :: benevolent act; humanitarian measures |
仁術 {v} [literary] /rénshù/ | :: to carry out humanitarian rule |
仁武 {prop} /Rénwǔ/ | :: (~ 區) 仁武 (district) |
仁心 {n} /rénxīn/ | :: kindheartedness; charity |
仁心仁术 {def} SEE: 仁心仁術 | :: |
仁心仁術 {idiom} [said of a doctor] /rénxīnrénshù/ | :: with both a benevolent mind and benevolent acts; benevolent heart and skillful execution |
仁兄 {n} [honorific, usually as a written address] /rénxiōng/ | :: my dear friend |
仁兄 {n} [honorific, used by a younger brother] /rénxiōng/ | :: my elder brother |
仁誼 {def} SEE: 仁義 | :: |
仁义 {def} SEE: 仁義 | :: |
仁义道德 {def} SEE: 仁義道德 | :: |
仁義 {n} /rényì/ | :: benevolence and righteousness |
仁義 {adj} [colloquial] /rényi/ | :: good-natured |
仁義道德 {n} /rényì dàodé/ | :: humanity; justice and virtue; virtue and morality |
仁谊 {def} SEE: 仁誼 | :: |
仁者見仁,智者見智 {idiom} /rén zhě jiàn rén, zhì zhě jiàn zhì/ | :: different people have different views; opinions differ |
仁者见仁,智者见智 {def} SEE: 仁者見仁,智者見智 | :: |
仁政 {n} /rénzhèng/ | :: benevolent government; humane policy; humane governance |
仁至义尽 {def} SEE: 仁至義盡 | :: |
仁至義盡 {idiom} /rénzhìyìjìn/ | :: to have helped or cared for to the greatest extent |
仁宗 {prop} /Rénzōng/ | :: a temple name used for Chinese emperors, Vietnamese rulers, or Korean monarchs |
壬 {def} /rén/ | :: the ninth of the ten heavenly stems |
壬 {def} /rén/ | :: surname |
壬 {def} [internet slang] /rén/ | :: eye dialect of 人 |
壬辰 {n} /rénchén/ | :: The twenty-ninth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Dragon" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac |
壬醇 {n} [organic compound] /rénchún/ | :: nonanol |
壬炔 {n} [organic compound] /rénquē/ | :: nonyne |
壬基 {n} [organic chemistry] /rénjī/ | :: nonyl |
壬戌 {n} /rénxū/ | :: The fifty-ninth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Dog" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac |
壬醛 {n} [organic compound] /rénquán/ | :: nonanal |
壬申 {n} /rénshēn/ | :: The ninth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Monkey" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac |
壬酸 {n} [fatty acid] /rénsuān/ | :: nonanoic acid; pelargonic acid |
壬酮 {n} [organic compound] /réntóng/ | :: nonanone |
壬烷 {n} [organic compound] /rénwán/ | :: nonane |
壬午 {n} /rénwǔ/ | :: The nineteenth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Horse" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac |
壬烯 {n} [organic compound] /rénxī/ | :: nonene |
壬寅 {n} /rényín/ | :: The thirty-ninth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Tiger" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac |
壬子 {n} /rénzǐ/ | :: The forty-ninth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Rat" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac |
忈 {def} SEE: 仁 | :: |
忎 {def} SEE: 仁 | :: |
秂 {han} | :: year |
秂 {han} | :: harvest |
纴 {def} SEE: 紝 | :: |
鴹 {def} /rén,yáng/ | :: [obsolete] a mythical bird which can create heavy rain |
䏕 {def} SEE: 飪 | :: |
䭃 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] to be full |
䭃 {def} SEE: 飪 | :: |
䭃 {def} /niè/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of cake |
忍 {def} /rěn/ | :: to endure; to bear; to suffer |
忍 {def} /rěn/ | :: to forbear |
忍不住 {v} /rěn不zhù,tl2/ | :: to be unable to bear |
忍不住 {v} /rěn不zhù,tl2/ | :: to be unable to help (from doing sth) |
忍冬 {n} /rěndōng/ | :: Japanese honeysuckle; golden-and-silver honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) |
忍冬藤 {n} /rěndōngténg/ | :: stalk or stem of the Japanese Honeysuckle or Lonicera japonica (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to "detoxify".) |
忍俊不禁 {idiom} /rěnjùn不jīn/ | :: to fail to keep from laughing |
忍無可忍 {idiom} /rěnwúkěrěn/ | :: to reach the limit of one's patience; to be unable to bear any more |
忍耐 {v} /rěnnài/ | :: to endure; to bear; to be patient |
忍尿 {v} [regional] /rěnniào/ | :: to hold in urine |
忍气 {def} SEE: 忍氣 | :: |
忍气吞声 {def} SEE: 忍氣吞聲 | :: |
忍氣 {v} /rěnqì/ | :: to swallow one's anger; to submit to humiliation |
忍氣 {v} /rěnqì/ | :: to hold one's breath |
忍氣吞聲 {idiom} /rěnqìtūnshēng/ | :: to silently eat humble pie; to suppress anger and quietly bear humiliation |
忍讓 {v} /rěnràng/ | :: to exercise forbearance; to be forbearing and conciliatory |
忍让 {def} SEE: 忍讓 | :: |
忍辱 {v} [literary] /rěn辱/ | :: to endure humiliation |
忍辱負重 {idiom} /rěn辱fùzhòng/ | :: to endure or tolerate humiliation to accomplish an important task |
忍辱负重 {def} SEE: 忍辱負重 | :: |
忍辱偷生 {idiom} /rěn辱tōushēng/ | :: to endure humiliation in order to remain alive |
忍受 {v} /rěnshòu/ | :: to bear; to endure; to tolerate |
忍术 {def} SEE: 忍術 | :: |
忍術 {n} [martial arts] /rěnshù/ | :: ninjutsu |
忍痛 {v} [medicine] /rěntòng/ | :: to bear the pain; to suffer from pain |
忍痛 {v} [figurative] /rěntòng/ | :: to do something very reluctantly |
忍无可忍 {def} SEE: 忍無可忍 | :: |
忍心 {v} /rěnxīn/ | :: to have the heart to; to be hardhearted enough to |
忍者 {n} [historical] /rěnzhě/ | :: a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan |
忍者 {n} /rěnzhě/ | :: a person trained primarily in stealth, espionage, assassination |
忍住 {v} /rěnzhù/ | :: to hold back something |
忍住 {v} /rěnzhù/ | :: to tolerate |
棯 {def} /rěn/ | :: jujube tree |
稔 {def} /rěn/ | :: year |
稔 {def} [of crops, grains] /rěn/ | :: to ripen; ripe; mature; fully-grown |
稔 {def} /rěn/ | :: classifier for number of crops grown in a year |
稔 {def} /rěn/ | :: to accumulate in the course of time; to collect; to pile up |
稔 {def} /rěn/ | :: to be familiar with; to know |
稔 {def} /rěn/ | :: usually; normally |
稔 {def} /rěn/ | :: beautiful |
稔 {def} /rěn/ | :: alternative form of 飪 |
腍 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 飪 |
腍 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] delicious; tasty |
腍 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] full (having eaten one's fill) |
腍 {def} /diàn/ | :: [obsolete] beautiful |
荏 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] perilla (Perilla frutescens) |
荏 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] a kind of big bean; big |
荏 {def} /rěn/ | :: [obsolete] soft; weak; yielding |
荏𪽴 {def} SEE: 荏𤺔 | :: |
荏货 {def} SEE: 荏貨 | :: |
荏懒 {def} SEE: 荏懶 | :: |
荏苒 {v} [literary, of time] /rěnrǎn/ | :: to pass gradually; to elapse; to slip by quickly or imperceptibly |
荏苒 {v} [literary] /rěnrǎn/ | :: to waste (time); to play for time |
荏苒 {v} [literary] /rěnrǎn/ | :: to pass through many places; to move about |
荏苒 {adj} [literary, ideophonic, of worry, sadness, etc.] /rěnrǎn/ | :: incessant; never-ending; continual |
荏苒 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /rěnrǎn/ | :: alternative form of 荏染 |
㶵 {def} SEE: 飪 | :: |
㸾 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 牣 |
㸾 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 韌 |
仞 {def} [historical] /rèn/ | :: a unit of measure, which had been defined to be 8 chi, 7 chi, 5 chi 6 cun, and 4 chi |
仞 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] to fathom; to measure depth or height |
仞 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 刃 |
仞 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 牣 |
仞 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 認 |
仞 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 忍 |
仞 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 韌 |
仞 {def} [historical] /rèn/ | :: a place in Chu during the Spring and Autumn period |
仭 {def} SEE: 仞 | :: |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: to carry on a shoulder pole; to carry |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: to bear; to endure; to put up with |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: to take charge of; to assume the post of; to be in charge of |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: to trust to; to rely on; to believe; to guarantee |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: to appoint; to assign someone to a post |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: to indulge; to be self-indulgent; to allow |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: load; burden; luggage; baggage |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: duty; responsibility; obligation |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: tenure; term of office; incumbency |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: office; post; position |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: officeholder; postholder |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: even if; even though |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: no matter how; regardless of |
任 {def} /rèn/ | :: classifier for terms of office |
任 {def} [historical] /rén/ | :: an ancient woman's rank of nobility |
任 {def} [historical] /rén/ | :: an ancient music of the southern indigenous people |
任 {def} /rén/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 壬 |
任 {def} /rén/ | :: surname |
任城 {prop} /Rènchéng/ | :: Rencheng (southeast of present day Jining, Shandong) |
任從 {v} /rèncóng/ | :: to allow; to let (somebody do as he pleases) |
任從 {conj} /rèncóng/ | :: no matter (how, what, etc.) |
任從 {conj} /rèncóng/ | :: even if; even though |
任从 {def} SEE: 任從 | :: |
任岗 {def} SEE: 任崗 | :: |
任崗 {prop} | :: (~ 村) 任崗 (village) |
任官 {v} [literary] /rènguān/ | :: to assume office; to take up an official post |
任何 {adj} /rènhé/ | :: any |
任何人 {pron} /rènhérén/ | :: anyone |
任教 {v} /rènjiào/ | :: to take up a teaching position |
任課 {v} /rènkè/ | :: to teach a course |
任课 {def} SEE: 任課 | :: |
任免 {v} /rènmiǎn/ | :: to appoint and dismiss |
任命 {v} /rènmìng/ | :: to appoint; to assign a job; to assign a role |
任命 {v} [literary] /rènmìng/ | :: to resign oneself to fate |
任命 {v} [literary] /rènmìng/ | :: to receive instructions |
任內 {n} /rènnèi/ | :: during one's period in office |
任内 {def} SEE: 任內 | :: |
任凭 {def} SEE: 任憑 | :: |
任憑 {adv} /rènpíng/ | :: at one's convenience; at one's discretion |
任憑 {conj} /rènpíng/ | :: no matter (what, how, etc.); regardless of; whether |
任憑 {conj} /rènpíng/ | :: even though; even if |
任憑 {v} /rènpíng/ | :: to allow; to let somebody do as he or she pleases |
任期 {n} /rèn期/ | :: tenure, term or period of office |
任丘 {prop} /Rénqiū/ | :: (~ 市) 任丘 (county-level city) |
任人 {v} /rènrén/ | :: to use or appoint people |
任人 {v} /rènrén/ | :: to let people (do something without restrictions) |
任人摆布 {def} SEE: 任人擺佈 | :: |
任人擺佈 {idiom} /rènrénbǎibù/ | :: to allow oneself to be ordered about; to be at the mercy of others |
任人擺布 {def} SEE: 任人擺佈 | :: |
任人唯亲 {def} SEE: 任人唯親 | :: |
任人唯親 {idiom} /rènrénwéiqīn/ | :: to appoint people by favouritism; nepotism |
任人唯賢 {v} /rènrénwéixián/ | :: to appoint people based on merit |
任人唯賢 {n} /rènrénwéixián/ | :: meritocracy |
任人唯贤 {def} SEE: 任人唯賢 | :: |
任事 {v} [literary] /rènshì/ | :: to assume office |
任天堂 {prop} /Rèntiāntáng/ | :: Nintendo (Japanese video game company) |
任豚 {n} [slang, derogatory, video games] /rèntún/ | :: Nintendrone |
任为 {def} SEE: 任為 | :: |
任為 {v} /rènwéi/ | :: to appoint as |
任务 {def} SEE: 任務 | :: |
任务管理器 {def} SEE: 任務管理器 | :: |
任务栏 {def} SEE: 任務欄 | :: |
任務 {n} /rènwù,tl/ | :: task; assignment; job; mission |
任務管理器 {n} [software] /rènwù guǎnlǐqì/ | :: task manager |
任務欄 {n} /rènwùlán/ | :: taskbar |
任县 {def} SEE: 任縣 | :: |
任縣 {prop} /Rén Xiàn/ | :: 任縣 (county) |
任性 {adj} /rènxìng/ | :: willful; headstrong; self-willed |
任性 {adj} /rènxìng/ | :: unrestrained; without border or limit |
任意 {adv} /rènyì/ | :: as one pleases; as one likes; whatever one wants |
任意 {adj} [attributive] /rènyì/ | :: arbitrary; willful |
任意球 {n} [sport] /rènyìqiú/ | :: free kick (in football) |
任用 {v} /rènyòng/ | :: to appoint to a position; to assign to a post |
任职 {def} SEE: 任職 | :: |
任職 {v} /rènzhí/ | :: to hold an employed position, office or post; to work |
任重 {n} /rènzhòng/ | :: a load, a heavy burden |
任重道远 {def} SEE: 任重道遠 | :: |
任重道遠 {idiom} /rènzhòngdàoyuǎn/ | :: to shoulder a heavy responsibility for a long time |
任庄 {def} SEE: 任莊 | :: |
任莊 {prop} /Rénzhuāng/ | :: (~ 村) 任莊 (village) |
刃 {def} /rèn/ | :: blade; knife edge |
刃 {def} /rèn/ | :: sword; knife |
刃 {def} /rèn/ | :: [obsolete] to kill with a sword or knife |
刃具 {n} [Mainland China, mechanics] /rènjù/ | :: cutting tool; cutter |
刄 {def} SEE: 刃 | :: |
刄 {def} SEE: 兩 | :: |
妊 {def} /rèn/ | :: pregnant |
妊娠 {v} [formal] /rènshēn,rènchén,2nb/ | :: to be pregnant |
妊娠 {n} /rènshēn,rènchén,2nb/ | :: pregnancy; gestation |
妊娠反应 {def} SEE: 妊娠反應 | :: |
妊娠反應 {n} /rènshēn fǎnyìng/ | :: nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and other symptoms during pregnancy; morning sickness |
妊娠期 {n} /rènshēn期/ | :: gestation period |
妊娠紋 {n} [obstetrics] /rènshēnwén,er/ | :: stretch marks (due to pregnancy) |
妊娠纹 {def} SEE: 妊娠紋 | :: |
妊妇 {def} SEE: 妊婦 | :: |
妊婦 {n} /rènfù/ | :: pregnant woman; expecting mother |
妊神星 {prop} [astronomy] /Rènshénxīng/ | :: Haumea |
姙 {def} SEE: 妊 | :: |
姙妇 {def} SEE: 姙婦 | :: |
姙婦 {def} SEE: 妊婦 | :: |
屻 {def} [Cantonese] /rèn/ | :: sharp |
紉 {def} /rèn/ | :: to string; to thread (needles) |
紉 {def} /rèn/ | :: to sew; to stitch |
紉 {def} [literary] /rèn/ | :: to esteem highly |
紉佩 {v} [literary] /rènpèi/ | :: to feel gratitude and admiration (for somebody) |
紉針 {v} /rènzhēn/ | :: to thread a needle |
纫 {def} SEE: 紉 | :: |
纫佩 {def} SEE: 紉佩 | :: |
纫针 {def} SEE: 紉針 | :: |
葚 {def} /shèn,rèn,1nb/ | :: mulberry fruit |
袵 {def} SEE: 衽 | :: |
認 {def} /rèn/ | :: to recognize; to know; to understand; to acknowledge |
認 {def} /rèn/ | :: to accept; to agree |
認 {def} /rèn/ | :: to admit (defeat); to resign (oneself to something) |
認 {def} /rèn/ | :: to treat as; to consider as |
認 {def} /rèn/ | :: to adopt; to take on |
認 {def} /rèn/ | :: to undertake (to do something) |
認出 {v} /rènchū/ | :: to recognise; to identify; to make out |
認床 {v} /rènchuáng/ | :: to have difficulty sleeping in a bed other than one's own |
認錯 {v} /rèncuò/ | :: to admit a mistake; to acknowledge an error |
認錯 {v} /rèncuò/ | :: to apologize; to offer an apology |
認錯 {v} /rèncuò/ | :: to identify incorrectly; to mistake |
認得 {v} /rènde/ | :: to recognize (a person) |
認得 {v} [dialectal] /rènde/ | :: to know |
認定 {v} /rèndìng/ | :: to firmly believe; to maintain |
認定 {v} /rèndìng/ | :: to confirm; to establish |
認定 {v} [business, legal] /rèndìng/ | :: to authorize; to approve |
認定 {v} [Vietnam] /rèndìng/ | :: to think; to believe |
認罰 {v} /rènfá/ | :: to willingly accept a punishment |
認購 {v} /rèngòu/ | :: to offer to buy; to subscribe |
認股證 {n} [finance] /rèngǔzhèng/ | :: warrant |
認可 {v} /rènkě/ | :: to approve; to acknowledge; to validate |
認領 {v} /rènlǐng/ | :: to claim |
認命 {v} /rènmìng/ | :: to resign oneself to one's fate, to admit that one's misfortune is predetermined; to accept whatever the situation is |
認親 {v} /rènqīn/ | :: to visit new in-laws after a marriage |
認親 {v} /rènqīn/ | :: to recognise someone as one's relative |
認清 {v} /rènqīng/ | :: to see clearly; to recognise |
認生 {v} /rènshēng/ | :: to be shy with strangers (usually of a child) |
認識 {v} [Mandarin] /rènshi,rènshì,1nb/ | :: to know (somebody); to be acquainted with |
認識 {v} /rènshi,rènshì,1nb/ | :: to recognize (somebody or something) |
認識 {v} /rènshi,rènshì,1nb/ | :: to know; to understand; to be familiar with |
認識 {v} /rènshi,rènshì,1nb/ | :: to be aware of; to appreciate |
認識 {n} /rènshi,rènshì,1nb/ | :: knowledge; understanding; cognition |
認識論 {n} [philosophy] /rènshilùn,rènshìlùn,1nb/ | :: epistemology |
認輸 {v} /rènshū/ | :: to admit defeat |
認同 {v} /rèntóng/ | :: to approve; to recognize; to endorse |
認同 {v} /rèntóng/ | :: to identify with |
認同 {n} [psychology, sociology] /rèntóng/ | :: identification; identity |
認同感 {n} /rèntónggǎn/ | :: sense of identification (with a country, culture, organisation, etc.) |
認為 {v} /rènwéi/ | :: to think (that); to believe (that); to be of the opinion (that); to hold the view (that) |
認爲 {def} SEE: 認為 | :: |
認帳 {v} /rènzhàng/ | :: to acknowledge a debt (or an account); to admit what one has said or done |
認賬 {def} SEE: 認帳 | :: |
認真 {adj} /rènzhēn/ | :: meticulous; conscientious |
認真 {v} /rènzhēn/ | :: to take seriously; to take to heart |
認真 {adv} /rènzhēn/ | :: seriously; earnestly; conscientiously; meticulously |
認證 {v} [business, legal] /rènzhèng/ | :: to authenticate; to certify (a document); to approve (a product); to attest (a will); to authorize |
認知 {v} /rènzhī/ | :: to acknowledge |
認知 {n} /rènzhī/ | :: cognition |
認知 {adj} [attributive] /rènzhī/ | :: cognitive |
認知科學 {n} /rènzhī kēxué/ | :: cognitive science |
認知失調 {n} [psychology] /rènzhī shītiáo/ | :: cognitive dissonance |
認知心理學 {n} /rènzhī xīnlǐxué/ | :: cognitive psychology |
認字 {v} /rènzì/ | :: to know how to read; to be literate |
認罪 {v} [legal] /rènzuì/ | :: to admit one's guilt; to plead guilty |
認罪協商 {v} [legal] /rènzuì xiéshāng/ | :: to plea-bargain |
認罪協商 {n} [legal] /rènzuì xiéshāng/ | :: plea bargaining |
認作 {v} /rènzuò/ | :: to consider as; to regard as; to treat as; to view as |
认 {def} SEE: 認 | :: |
认出 {def} SEE: 認出 | :: |
认床 {def} SEE: 認床 | :: |
认错 {def} SEE: 認錯 | :: |
认到 {def} SEE: 認到 | :: |
认得 {def} SEE: 認得 | :: |
认定 {def} SEE: 認定 | :: |
认罚 {def} SEE: 認罰 | :: |
认购 {def} SEE: 認購 | :: |
认股证 {def} SEE: 認股證 | :: |
认可 {def} SEE: 認可 | :: |
认领 {def} SEE: 認領 | :: |
认命 {def} SEE: 認命 | :: |
认亲 {def} SEE: 認親 | :: |
认清 {def} SEE: 認清 | :: |
认生 {def} SEE: 認生 | :: |
认识 {def} SEE: 認識 | :: |
认识论 {def} SEE: 認識論 | :: |
认屎认屁 {def} SEE: 認屎認屁 | :: |
认输 {def} SEE: 認輸 | :: |
认同 {def} SEE: 認同 | :: |
认同感 {def} SEE: 認同感 | :: |
认为 {def} SEE: 認為 | :: |
认帐 {def} SEE: 認帳 | :: |
认账 {def} SEE: 認賬 | :: |
认真 {def} SEE: 認真 | :: |
认证 {def} SEE: 認證 | :: |
认知 {def} SEE: 認知 | :: |
认知科学 {def} SEE: 認知科學 | :: |
认知失调 {def} SEE: 認知失調 | :: |
认知心理学 {def} SEE: 認知心理學 | :: |
认字 {def} SEE: 認字 | :: |
认罪 {def} SEE: 認罪 | :: |
认罪协商 {def} SEE: 認罪協商 | :: |
认作 {def} SEE: 認作 | :: |
讱 {def} SEE: 訒 | :: |
轫 {def} SEE: 軔 | :: |
靭 {def} SEE: 韌 | :: |
靱 {def} SEE: 韌 | :: |
韌 {def} /rèn/ | :: strong, tough |
韌 {def} [Cantonese] /rèn/ | :: hard |
韌帶 {n} [anatomy] /rèndài/ | :: ligament |
韌皮 {n} [botany] /rènpí/ | :: bast (fibre made from the phloem of certain plants) |
韌皮部 {n} [botany] /rènpíbù/ | :: phloem |
韌性 {n} /rènxìng/ | :: toughness |
韌性 {n} /rènxìng/ | :: resilience |
韧 {def} SEE: 韌 | :: |
韧带 {def} SEE: 韌帶 | :: |
韧皮 {def} SEE: 韌皮 | :: |
韧皮部 {def} SEE: 韌皮部 | :: |
韧性 {def} SEE: 韌性 | :: |
飪 {def} /rèn/ | :: to cook thoroughly |
餁 {def} SEE: 飪 | :: |
饪 {def} SEE: 飪 | :: |
鵀 {def} /rèn/ | :: hoopoe |
扔 {def} /rēng,rěng,1nb/ | :: to throw |
扔 {def} /rēng,rěng,1nb/ | :: to throw away |
扔 {def} /rēng,rěng,1nb/ | :: surname |
扔 {def} /rèng/ | :: [obsolete] to pull; to draw |
扔 {def} /rèng/ | :: [obsolete] to destroy |
扔弃 {def} SEE: 扔棄 | :: |
扔棄 {v} /rēngqì/ | :: to abandon; to forsake; to cast aside |
䄧 {def} /réng/ | :: A type of grain |
仍 {def} /réng/ | :: to follow; to do the same as |
仍 {def} /réng/ | :: to continue; to be done repeatedly |
仍 {def} /réng/ | :: frequently; repeatedly |
仍 {def} /réng/ | :: the eighth generation; numerous (descendants) |
仍 {def} /réng/ | :: still; yet |
仍 {def} /réng/ | :: thus; as a result |
仍 {def} /réng/ | :: surname |
仍旧 {def} SEE: 仍舊 | :: |
仍舊 {adv} /réngjiù/ | :: still; yet |
仍舊 {adv} /réngjiù/ | :: as always; as before |
仍舊 {v} /réngjiù/ | :: to remain the same; to be as before |
仍然 {adv} /réngrán/ | :: still; yet |
仍世 {adv} [literary] /réngshì/ | :: over the course of several generations; from generation to generation; down through the generations; through successive generations |
仍是 {adv} /réngshì/ | :: still |
仍未 {adv} /réngwèi/ | :: not yet |
礽 {def} /réng/ | :: blessings; happiness |
䒤 {def} /rì/ | :: A variety of grass |
囸 {def} SEE: 日 | :: |
日 {def} [star] /rì/ | :: Sun |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: daytime; time between sunrise and sunset |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: day; twenty-four hours |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: everyday; daily; day-to-day |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: day of the month |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: some day; some other time |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: former times; previous times; the past |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: time; period; age |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: classifier for days |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: abbreviation of 日本 |
日 {def} [Beijing Mandarin, Jiaoliao Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin, Jianghuai Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin, dialectal Jin, dialectal Wu, dialectal Xiang, vulgar, often in abuses] /rì/ | :: to fuck; to have sexual intercourse with |
日 {def} /rì/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 二 |
日 {def} [obsolete] /rì/ | :: abbreviation of 日斯巴尼亞 |
日 {def} SEE: 時 | :: |
日 {def} /mì/ | :: Only used in 日磾, a Han dynasty-era personal name borne by Jin Midi (金日磾) and Ma Midi (馬日磾) |
日班 {n} /rìbān,er/ | :: day shift |
日薄西山 {idiom} [of an old person] /rìbóxīshān/ | :: to be close to death |
日薄西山 {idiom} [of a matter] /rìbóxīshān/ | :: to decline and be close to perishing |
日報 {n} /rìbào/ | :: daily newspaper (often used in the name of a newspaper) |
日报 {def} SEE: 日報 | :: |
日本 {prop} /Rìběn/ | :: 日本 (country/and/archipelago) |
日本刀 {n} /Rìběndāo/ | :: Japanese sword or knife |
日本刀 {n} /Rìběndāo/ | :: katana |
日本狗 {n} [slang, pejorative] /Rìběn gǒu/ | :: a Japanese (person), Jap |
日本鬼子 {n} [slang, pejorative, ethnic slur] /Rìběn guǐzi/ | :: a Japanese (person), Jap (common term of abuse in wartime China and in subsequent writing) |
日本国 {def} SEE: 日本國 | :: |
日本國 {prop} [official] /Rìběnguó/ | :: State of Japan |
日本海 {n} /rìběnhǎi/ | :: Sea of Japan |
日本化 {n} /rìběnhuà/ | :: Japanification |
日本化 {v} /rìběnhuà/ | :: japanize |
日本話 {n} [colloquial] /rìběnhuà/ | :: Japanese language |
日本话 {def} SEE: 日本話 | :: |
日本金龜子 {n} /rìběn jīnguīzǐ/ | :: Japanese beetle |
日本金龟子 {def} SEE: 日本金龜子 | :: |
日本酒 {n} /rìběnjiǔ/ | :: sake, Japanese rice wine |
日本料理 {n} /Rìběn liàolǐ/ | :: Japanese food; Japanese cuisine |
日本木瓜 {n} /rìběn mùguā/ | :: Chaenomeles japonica |
日本脑炎 {def} SEE: 日本腦炎 | :: |
日本腦炎 {n} /Rìběn nǎoyán/ | :: Japanese encephalitis |
日本人 {n} /rìběnrén/ | :: Japanese person |
日本鳀 {def} SEE: 日本鯷 | :: |
日本鯷 {n} /rìběntí/ | :: Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) |
日本学 {def} SEE: 日本學 | :: |
日本學 {n} /rìběnxué/ | :: Japanology |
日本血吸虫 {def} SEE: 日本血吸蟲 | :: |
日本血吸蟲 {n} /Rìběn 血xīchóng/ | :: Schistosoma japonicum |
日本銀帶鯡 {n} /Rìběn yíndàifēi/ | :: silver-stripe round herring (Spratelloides gracilis) |
日本銀行 {prop} /Rìběn Yínháng/ | :: Bank of Japan |
日本银带鲱 {def} SEE: 日本銀帶鯡 | :: |
日本银行 {def} SEE: 日本銀行 | :: |
日本語 {n} /rìběnyǔ/ | :: Japanese language |
日本语 {def} SEE: 日本語 | :: |
日本筝 {def} SEE: 日本箏 | :: |
日本箏 {n} /Rìběnzhēng/ | :: koto |
日产 {def} SEE: 日產 | :: |
日產 {prop} /Rìchǎn/ | :: Nissan (brand and car) |
日場 {n} /rì場/ | :: day show; daytime performance; matinée |
日常 {adj} [attributive] /rìcháng/ | :: everyday; daily; day-to-day; ordinary |
日常 {n} [neologism, slang] /rìcháng/ | :: daily life; everyday activities |
日常生活 {n} /rìcháng shēnghuó/ | :: everyday life; daily life |
日常用品 {n} /rìcháng yòngpǐn/ | :: daily essentials |
日场 {def} SEE: 日場 | :: |
日程 {n} /rìchéng/ | :: daily schedule |
日程表 {n} /rìchéngbiǎo/ | :: daily schedule |
日出 {n} /rìchū/ | :: sunrise |
日出而作,日入而息 {idiom} /rìchū ér zuò, rìrù ér 息/ | :: up when the sun is out, resting when its dark (as in the days of old) |
日趨 {adv} /rìqū/ | :: increasing day by day; more critical with every passing day; gradually |
日当头 {def} SEE: 日當頭 | :: |
日当昼 {def} SEE: 日當晝 | :: |
日德兰 {def} SEE: 日德蘭 | :: |
日德兰半岛 {def} SEE: 日德蘭半島 | :: |
日德蘭 {prop} /Rìdélán/ | :: Jutland |
日德蘭半島 {prop} /Rìdélán Bàndǎo/ | :: Jutland |
日珥 {n} [astronomy] /rì'ěr/ | :: solar prominence |
日耳曼 {prop} [historical] /Rì'ěrmàn/ | :: abbreviation of 日耳曼尼亞 |
日耳曼 {adj} /Rì'ěrmàn/ | :: Germanic (relating to the Germanic peoples, such as Germans, Scandinavians or Anglo-Saxons) |
日耳曼 {adj} [linguistics] /Rì'ěrmàn/ | :: Germanic (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic) |
日耳曼尼亞 {prop} [historical] /Rì'ěrmànní亚/ | :: Germania |
日耳曼尼亚 {def} SEE: 日耳曼尼亞 | :: |
日耳曼語 {n} /rì'ěrmànyǔ/ | :: Germanic language |
日耳曼語族 {n} /Rì'ěrmànyǔzú/ | :: Germanic languages |
日耳曼语 {def} SEE: 日耳曼語 | :: |
日耳曼语族 {def} SEE: 日耳曼語族 | :: |
日閥 {n} /rìfá/ | :: Japanese warlords |
日阀 {def} SEE: 日閥 | :: |
日方 {n} /rìfāng/ | :: the Japanese side; the Japanese (in negotiations, etc.) |
日复一日 {def} SEE: 日復一日 | :: |
日復一日 {idiom} /rìfù一rì/ | :: day in, day out; day after day |
日高 {prop} /Rìgāo/ | :: (~ 市) 日高 (city) |
日工 {n} /rìgōng/ | :: daywork |
日工 {n} /rìgōng/ | :: day laborer; dayworker |
日共 {prop} [politics] /Rìgòng/ | :: short fo 日本^共產黨 (Japanese Communist Party) |
日轂 {n} [literary] /rìgǔ/ | :: sun |
日轂 {n} [literary] /rìgǔ/ | :: imperial carriage |
日毂 {def} SEE: 日轂 | :: |
日觀峯 {def} SEE: 日觀峰 | :: |
日觀峰 {prop} /Rìguānfēng/ | :: The Eastern peak of Mount Tai |
日观峰 {def} SEE: 日觀峰 | :: |
日光 {n} /rìguāng/ | :: sunlight; sunshine; daylight |
日光 {prop} /rìguāng/ | :: (~ 市) 日光 (city) |
日光灯 {def} SEE: 日光燈 | :: |
日光燈 {n} /rìguāngdēng/ | :: fluorescent lamp; daylight lamp |
日光浴 {n} /rìguāngyù/ | :: sunbathing |
日規 {n} /rìguī/ | :: sundial |
日规 {def} SEE: 日規 | :: |
日晷 {n} /rìguǐ/ | :: sundial |
日行千里 {idiom} /rì xíng qiānlǐ/ | :: able to travel great distances in a single day |
日行一善 {idiom} /rìxíng一shàn/ | :: to do a good deed every day; to do a good turn daily |
日后 {def} SEE: 日後 | :: |
日后再说 {def} SEE: 日後再說 | :: |
日後 {adv} /rìhòu/ | :: some day (in the future); in days to come |
日後再說 {phrase} /rìhòu zàishuō/ | :: to put off until a later time; to think about something later |
日後再說 {phrase} [neologism, slang, vulgar, typically of a guy] /rìhòu zàishuō/ | :: to think about everything else (in that relationship) after sleeping with the girl first |
日环食 {def} SEE: 日環食 | :: |
日環食 {n} /rìhuánshí/ | :: annular eclipse |
日貨 {n} /rìhuò/ | :: Japanese goods |
日货 {def} SEE: 日貨 | :: |
日积月累 {def} SEE: 日積月累 | :: |
日積月累 {idiom} /rìjīyuèlěi/ | :: to accumulate over a long period; gradual accumulation |
日記 {n} /rìjì/ | :: diary; journal (Classifier: 本冊) |
日記本 {n} /rìjìběn/ | :: diary (book in which daily records are kept) |
日記簿 {n} /rìjìbù/ | :: diary |
日记 {def} SEE: 日記 | :: |
日记本 {def} SEE: 日記本 | :: |
日记簿 {def} SEE: 日記簿 | :: |
日漸 {adv} /rìjiàn/ | :: day by day; gradually |
日間 {n} /rìjiān/ | :: daytime |
日間行車燈 {n} /rìjiān xíngchē dēng/ | :: daytime running lamp [of a car] |
日间 {def} SEE: 日間 | :: |
日间行车灯 {def} SEE: 日間行車燈 | :: |
日渐 {def} SEE: 日漸 | :: |
日脚 {def} SEE: 日腳 | :: |
日腳 {n} [literary or Wu] /rìjiǎo,rìjué,2nb/ | :: day; time |
日腳 {n} [Wu] /rìjiǎo,rìjué,2nb/ | :: life |
日腳 {n} [literary] /rìjiǎo,rìjué,2nb/ | :: sunlight breaking through the clouds |
日腳 {n} [Min Nan] /rìjiǎo,rìjué,2nb/ | :: brilliance of the setting sun |
日腳 {n} [Cantonese, Hakka] /rìjiǎo,rìjué,2nb/ | :: date; day (in the Yellow Calendar, the Chinese divination guide) |
日较晚 {def} SEE: 日較晚 | :: |
日界線 {prop} [Mainland] /Rìjièxiàn/ | :: Date Line; International Date Line |
日界线 {def} SEE: 日界線 | :: |
日进 {def} SEE: 日進 | :: |
日進 {prop} /Rìjìn/ | :: (~ 市) 日進 (city) |
日晶 {n} [literary] /rìjīng/ | :: sun |
日景 {def} SEE: 日影 | :: |
日景 {n} [literary] /rìjǐng/ | :: sunlight |
日鏡 {n} [literary] /rìjìng/ | :: sun |
日镜 {def} SEE: 日鏡 | :: |
日久 {adj} [literary] /rìjiǔ/ | :: many days; a long time |
日久見人心 {proverb} /rì jiǔ jiàn rénxīn/ | :: time reveals a person's heart; time will tell a true friend from a false one |
日久见人心 {def} SEE: 日久見人心 | :: |
日久生情 {idiom} /rìjiǔshēngqíng/ | :: familiarity breeds fondness; love develops with time |
日久生情 {idiom} [wordplay, vulgar, slang] /rìjiǔshēngqíng/ | :: to develop fondness after sleeping with each other for a while |
日據 {n} [historical] /rìjù/ | :: Japanese occupation |
日剧 {def} SEE: 日劇 | :: |
日劇 {n} /rìjù/ | :: Japanese TV drama; J-drama; dorama (Classifier: m:部) |
日据 {def} SEE: 日據 | :: |
日军 {def} SEE: 日軍 | :: |
日軍 {n} /rìjūn/ | :: Japanese troops; Japanese army |
日喀则 {def} SEE: 日喀則 | :: |
日喀則 {prop} /Rìkāzé/ | :: (~ 市) 日喀則 (prefecture-level city) |
日刊 {n} /rìkān/ | :: daily publication |
日課 {n} [literary] /rìkè/ | :: daily classes |
日課 {n} [literary] /rìkè/ | :: daily homework |
日課 {n} [literary] /rìkè/ | :: daily monitoring |
日課 {n} [literary] /rìkè/ | :: daily tax |
日課 {n} [religion] /rìkè/ | :: lesson (in a church) |
日课 {def} SEE: 日課 | :: |
日寇 {n} /rìkòu/ | :: Japanese invaders; Japanese aggressors |
日來 {adv} [literary] /rìlái/ | :: recently |
日来 {def} SEE: 日來 | :: |
日理萬機 {idiom} /rìlǐwànjī/ | :: to deal with numerous matters daily; to be very busy |
日理万机 {def} SEE: 日理萬機 | :: |
日力 {n} [literary] /rìlì/ | :: one day's strength; one day's energy |
日力 {n} [literary] /rìlì/ | :: time (the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past) |
日历 {def} SEE: 日曆 | :: |
日曆 {n} /rìlì/ | :: calendar |
日立 {prop} /Rìlì/ | :: Hitachi, a Japanese company |
日立 {prop} /Rìlì/ | :: (~ 市) Hitachi, Ibaraki, a city in Ibaraki prefecture, Japan |
日料 {n} /Rìliào/ | :: abbreviation of 日本料理 |
日輪 {n} [literary] /rìlún/ | :: sun |
日輪 {n} [literary] /rìlún/ | :: imperial carriage |
日輪 {n} /rìlún/ | :: short fo 日本輪船 (Japanese ship) |
日轮 {def} SEE: 日輪 | :: |
日落 {n} /rìluò/ | :: sunset; sundown |
日落黃 {n} /rìluòhuáng/ | :: Sunset Yellow FCF |
日落黄 {def} SEE: 日落黃 | :: |
日媒 {n} /rìméi/ | :: Japanese (news) media |
日沒 {n} /rìmò/ | :: sunset |
日没 {def} SEE: 日沒 | :: |
日冕 {n} [astronomy] /rìmiǎn/ | :: corona |
日暮 {n} /rìmù/ | :: nightfall; dusk; sunset; evening |
日暮途穷 {def} SEE: 日暮途窮 | :: |
日暮途窮 {idiom} /rìmùtúqióng/ | :: to be in a very desperate situation and close to perishing |
日南 {prop} /Rìnán/ | :: (~ 市) 日南 (city) |
日南 {prop} /Rìnán/ | :: (~ 町) 日南 (town) |
日內 {n} /rìnèi/ | :: in a couple of days |
日內瓦 {prop} /Rìnèiwǎ/ | :: 日內瓦 (city) |
日内 {def} SEE: 日內 | :: |
日内瓦 {def} SEE: 日內瓦 | :: |
日偏食 {n} [astronomy] /rìpiānshí/ | :: partial solar eclipse |
日期 {n} /rì期/ | :: date; day |
日前 {n} /rìqián/ | :: a few days ago; the other day |
日前 {n} [literary] /rìqián/ | :: former times; the olden days |
日球 {prop} [astronomy, literary] /Rìqiú/ | :: the Sun |
日趋 {def} SEE: 日趨 | :: |
日圈 {n} [neologism, slang] /rìquān,er/ | :: Japanese showbiz |
日圈 {n} [neologism, slang] /rìquān,er/ | :: group formed by the fans of Japanese music, drama, etc |
日全蚀 {def} SEE: 日全蝕 | :: |
日全蝕 {def} SEE: 日全食 | :: |
日全食 {n} [astronomy] /rìquánshí/ | :: total solar eclipse |
日惹 {prop} /Rìrě/ | :: (~ 市) 日惹 (city/provincial capital) |
日人 {n} [literary] /Rìrén/ | :: Japanese person |
日日 {adv} [literary, formal or dialectal] /rìrì/ | :: daily; every day; day by day |
日日如是 {phrase} [literary] /rìrìrúshì/ | :: Everyday is like this |
日日如是 {adj} [Cantonese] /rìrìrúshì/ | :: commonplace; quotidian |
日日如是 {adv} [Cantonese] /rìrìrúshì/ | :: usually; often; always |
日日夜夜 {idiom} /rìrìyèyè/ | :: day and night; day in, day out |
日入 {n} [literary] /rìrù/ | :: sunset |
日入 {n} /rìrù/ | :: See: zh 日 入 daily income |
日色 {n} /rìsè/ | :: color of the sky; time of day |
日色 {n} [literary] /rìsè/ | :: color of the sun |
日色 {n} [literary] /rìsè/ | :: sunlight |
日色 {n} [literary] /rìsè/ | :: shadow of the sun |
日晒 {def} SEE: 日曬 | :: |
日晒床 {def} SEE: 日曬床 | :: |
日曬 {v} /rìshài/ | :: to tan the skin |
日曬 {n} /rìshài/ | :: solarization |
日曬床 {n} /rìshàichuáng/ | :: tanning bed; sunbed |
日上三竿 {idiom} /rìshàngsāngān/ | :: late in the day |
日甚一日 {idiom} /rìshèn一rì/ | :: to worsen day by day |
日时 {def} SEE: 日時 | :: |
日时头 {def} SEE: 日時頭 | :: |
日时仔 {def} SEE: 日時仔 | :: |
日時 {n} [literary] /rìshí/ | :: date and time |
日時 {n} [literary, by extension] /rìshí/ | :: time |
日時 {n} [Min Bei, Min Nan] /rìshí/ | :: daytime |
日蚀 {def} SEE: 日蝕 | :: |
日蝕 {def} SEE: 日食 | :: |
日食 {n} /rìshí/ | :: solar eclipse |
日食 {n} [literary or Min Nan] /rìshí/ | :: daily food |
日食 {n} [literary or Min Nan, figurative] /rìshí/ | :: daily life |
日式 {adj} /rìshì/ | :: Japanese (style) |
日书 {def} SEE: 日書 | :: |
日書 {n} [literary, archaic, historiography] /rìshū/ | :: divinatory almanac (used in ancient China to choose auspicious days on which to hold ceremonies and other events) |
日斯巴尼亞 {prop} /Rìsībāní亚/ | :: (~ 國) [archaic, possibly obsolete] Spain |
日斯巴尼亚 {def} SEE: 日斯巴尼亞 | :: |
日田 {prop} /Rìtián/ | :: (~ 市) 日田 (city) |
日头 {def} SEE: 日頭 | :: |
日头公 {def} SEE: 日頭公 | :: |
日头光 {def} SEE: 日頭光 | :: |
日头花 {def} SEE: 日頭花 | :: |
日头擎枷 {def} SEE: 日頭擎枷 | :: |
日头日脚 {def} SEE: 日頭日腳 | :: |
日头水 {def} SEE: 日頭水 | :: |
日头丝 {def} SEE: 日頭絲 | :: |
日头阳 {def} SEE: 日頭陽 | :: |
日头爷 {def} SEE: 日頭爺 | :: |
日头雨 {def} SEE: 日頭雨 | :: |
日头欲落山 {def} SEE: 日頭欲落山 | :: |
日頭 {n} [literary or dialectal] /rìtou,rìtóu,1nb/ | :: sun |
日頭 {n} [dialectal Hakka, Huizhou, Puxian Min, dialectal Wu] /rìtou,rìtóu,1nb/ | :: sunlight |
日頭 {n} [Zhongyuan Mandarin, Cantonese, Longyan Min, Chaoyang Teochew, Zhongshan Min, Hainanese, dialectal Wu] /rìtou,rìtóu,1nb/ | :: daytime |
日頭 {n} [dialectal] /rìtou,rìtóu,1nb/ | :: date; day (Classifier: 個) |
日頭 {n} [Min Nan] /rìtou,rìtóu,1nb/ | :: wedding day (date suggested by the bridegroom's family to the bride's family) |
日頭花 {n} [dialectal] /rìtóuhuā/ | :: sunflower |
日頭爺 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /rìtóuyé/ | :: sun |
日土 {prop} /Rìtǔ/ | :: (~ 縣) 日土 (county) |
日托 {n} /rìtuō/ | :: day care |
日王 {n} [non-honorific] /rìwáng/ | :: mikado (emperor of Japan) |
日围箍 {def} SEE: 日圍箍 | :: |
日文 {n} /rìwén/ | :: Japanese language [especially written] |
日文 {n} [obsolete] /rìwén/ | :: Spanish language |
日乌 {def} SEE: 日烏 | :: |
日烏 {n} [literary, figuratively] /rìwū/ | :: sun |
日系 {n} /rìxì/ | :: Japanese origin or style |
日下 {adv} /rìxià/ | :: at the moment; currently |
日下 {v} [literary] /rìxià/ | :: to go down day by day |
日衔乌 {def} SEE: 日銜烏 | :: |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: (~ 市) 日向 (city) |
日向 {prop} [historical] /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hyūga (a World War II battleship) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hinata (a Japanese female given name) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hinata (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hyūga (a Japanese female given name) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hyūga (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Nikkō (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hiuga (a Japanese female given name) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hiuga (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Higano (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hikō (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hina (a Japanese female given name) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hina (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Himukai (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Himuka (a Japanese female given name) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Himuka (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Himuki (a Japanese surname) |
日向 {prop} /Rìxiàng/ | :: Hyuga (a Japanese surname) |
日新 {v} [classical] /rìxīn/ | :: to be in a state of constant renewal |
日新月异 {def} SEE: 日新月異 | :: |
日新月異 {idiom} /rìxīnyuèyì/ | :: advancing rapidly (especially in an innovative way); everchanging |
日薪 {n} /rìxīn/ | :: daily salary |
日旸 {def} SEE: 日暘 | :: |
日暘 {def} SEE: 日陽 | :: |
日阳 {def} SEE: 日陽 | :: |
日陽 {n} [literary] /rìyáng,er/ | :: sun |
日陽 {n} [archaic] /rìyáng,er/ | :: sunlight |
日曜 {n} [classical, archaic] /rìyào/ | :: the Sun |
日曜 {v} /rìyào/ | :: to shine |
日曜 {adj} /rìyào/ | :: bright, well lit |
日曜日 {n} [classical] /rìyàorì/ | :: Sunday |
日野 {prop} /Rìyě/ | :: (~ 市) Hino, Tōkyō Metropolis, Japan |
日夜 {adv} /rìyè/ | :: day and night |
日以繼夜 {idiom} /rìyǐjìyè/ | :: day and night; round the clock |
日以继夜 {def} SEE: 日以繼夜 | :: |
日益 {adv} /rìyì/ | :: day by day; increasingly; more and more |
日影 {n} [literary] /rìyǐng/ | :: sun |
日影 {n} /rìyǐng/ | :: shadow (of the sun); [figuratively] passage of time |
日影 {n} /rìyǐng/ | :: short fo 日本電影 (Japanese film) or short fo 日本影視劇 (Japanese film and TV drama) |
日用 {adj} [attributive] /rìyòng/ | :: of daily use; of everyday use |
日用 {n} /rìyòng/ | :: daily expenses |
日用品 {n} /rìyòngpǐn/ | :: daily necessities; goods for every day use |
日有所思,夜有所夢 {proverb} /rì yǒu suǒ sī, yè yǒu suǒ mèng/ | :: That which one thinks about during the day, is what one dreams about come night |
日有所思,夜有所梦 {def} SEE: 日有所思,夜有所夢 | :: |
日宇 {n} [literary] /rìyǔ/ | :: the place where the sun resides |
日宇 {n} [literary] /rìyǔ/ | :: imperial palace |
日羽 {n} [literary] /rìyǔ/ | :: the light of the sun |
日語 {n} /rìyǔ/ | :: Japanese language |
日語 {n} [obsolete] /rìyǔ/ | :: Spanish language |
日语 {def} SEE: 日語 | :: |
日御 {n} [literary] /rìyù/ | :: sun |
日御 {n} [literary] /rìyù/ | :: imperial carriage |
日御 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /rìyù/ | :: alternative form of 日馭 |
日欲昼 {def} SEE: 日欲晝 | :: |
日馭 {n} [literary] /rìyù/ | :: sun |
日馭 {n} [literary] /rìyù/ | :: imperial carriage |
日馭 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /rìyù/ | :: Xihe (deity) (*羲和) (a solar diety who charioteers the sun) |
日驭 {def} SEE: 日馭 | :: |
日元 {n} /rìyuán/ | :: yen |
日圆 {def} SEE: 日圓 | :: |
日圓 {n} /rìyuán/ | :: yen |
日月 {n} [literally] /rìyuè/ | :: sun and moon |
日月 {n} [figurative] /rìyuè/ | :: life; livelihood |
日月 {n} [figurative] /rìyuè/ | :: time; times |
日月潭 {prop} /Rìyuètán/ | :: Sun Moon Lake, a lake in Taiwan |
日月星辰 {n} /rìyuèxīngchén/ | :: the sun, the moon and the stars; the heavenly bodies |
日晕 {def} SEE: 日暈 | :: |
日暈 {n} [meteorology] /rìyùn/ | :: solar halo |
日脏 {def} SEE: 日髒 | :: |
日朝 {prop} /Rì-Cháo,Rì-Zhāo/ | :: Japan and Korea; Japan and North Korea |
日朝 {adv} [dialectal] /rìzhāo/ | :: every day; daily |
日照 {v} /rìzhào/ | :: to shine (of the sun) |
日照 {n} /rìzhào/ | :: sunshine |
日照 {n} [literary] /rìzhào/ | :: umbrella |
日照 {prop} /rìzhào/ | :: (~ 市) 日照 (city) |
日照 {interj} [Internet slang, vulgar] /rìzhào/ | :: fuck!; shit! |
日照 {interj} [Internet slang, vulgar] /rìzhào/ | :: fuck you!; fuck off! |
日者 {n} [archaic, historical, religion] /rìzhě/ | :: diviner, soothsayer |
日正当中 {def} SEE: 日正當中 | :: |
日正當中 {n} /rìzhèngdāngzhōng/ | :: high noon; the middle of the day |
日志 {def} SEE: 日誌 | :: |
日誌 {n} /rìzhì/ | :: daily record; log (Classifier: 本冊) |
日誌 {n} /rìzhì/ | :: diary; journal (Classifier: 本冊) |
日中 {n} [literary or dialectal] /rìzhōng/ | :: noon |
日中 {n} [literary] /rìzhōng/ | :: equinox |
日中 {n} [Min Dong, Jianyang Min Bei] /rìzhōng/ | :: daytime |
日中 {prop} [attributive] /Rì-Zhōng/ | :: Japan and China; Japanese-Chinese |
日中昼 {def} SEE: 日中晝 | :: |
日昼 {def} SEE: 日晝 | :: |
日昼顿 {def} SEE: 日晝頓 | :: |
日珠 {n} [literary] /rìzhū/ | :: sun |
日資 {n} /rìzī/ | :: Japanese capital |
日資 {n} [attributive] /rìzī/ | :: Japanese-funded |
日资 {def} SEE: 日資 | :: |
日子 {n} /rìzi/ | :: day; days |
日子 {n} /rìzi/ | :: date |
日子 {n} /rìzi/ | :: one's life; days in one's life |
日子 {n} [literary] /rìzǐ/ | :: son of the Sun |
日子图 {def} SEE: 日子圖 | :: |
日昨 {n} [regional] /rìzuó/ | :: yesterday |
氜 {def} SEE: 陽 | :: |
氜 {def} [obsolete] /rì/ | :: helium |
鈤 {def} [obsolete] /rì/ | :: alternative name for 鍺 |
鈤 {def} [obsolete] /rì/ | :: alternative name for 鐳 |
驲 {def} SEE: 馹 | :: |
㝐 {def} SEE: 容 | :: |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: to hold; to contain |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: to tolerate; to stand |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: to allow; to permit |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: perhaps; maybe |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: facial appearance; looks |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: bearing; posture |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: surname |
容 {def} /róng/ | :: (~ 縣) Rong County, Guangxi, Yulin, Guangxi, Guangxi |
容不下 {v} /róng不xià/ | :: to be unable to tolerate; to be unable to hold |
容長 {adj} [literary] /róngcháng/ | :: good-looking |
容长 {def} SEE: 容長 | :: |
容城 {prop} /Róngchéng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 容城 (town) |
容斥 {v} [mathematics] /róngchì/ | :: to include and exclude |
容臭 {n} [historical] /róngxiù/ | :: perfume pouch |
容光 {n} /róngguāng/ | :: facial expression; bearing |
容光焕发 {def} SEE: 容光煥發 | :: |
容光煥發 {idiom} [of one's face] /róngguānghuànfā/ | :: to glow with vigour and joy |
容許 {v} /róngxǔ/ | :: to tolerate; to allow; to accept |
容許 {adv} [literary] /róngxǔ/ | :: perhaps; maybe |
容积 {def} SEE: 容積 | :: |
容積 {n} /róngjī/ | :: capacity; volume |
容量 {n} /róngliàng/ | :: capacity; volume |
容量分析 {n} [analytical chemistry] /róngliàng fēnxī,tl/ | :: volumetric analysis |
容貌 {n} /róngmào/ | :: facial features; looks; countenance |
容美 {prop} /Róngměi/ | :: (~ 鎮) 容美 (town) |
容納 {v} /róngnà/ | :: to have a capacity of; to hold; to accommodate |
容納 {v} /róngnà/ | :: to tolerate (different views) |
容纳 {def} SEE: 容納 | :: |
容器 {n} /róngqì/ | :: container; vessel; receptacle (Classifier: 個隻) |
容器笛 {n} /róngqìdí/ | :: vessel flute |
容忍 {v} /róngrěn/ | :: to tolerate; to put up with; to condone |
容身 {v} [literary] /róngshēn/ | :: to settle oneself down; to take shelter |
容受 {v} /róngshòu/ | :: to endure; to bear; to accept |
容恕 {v} [literary] /róngshù/ | :: to tolerate and forgive |
容态 {def} SEE: 容態 | :: |
容態 {n} [literary] /róngtài/ | :: appearance and posture; looks and attitude |
容县 {def} SEE: 容縣 | :: |
容縣 {prop} /Róngxiàn/ | :: 容縣 (county) |
容许 {def} SEE: 容許 | :: |
容顏 {n} /róngyán/ | :: facial features; looks; countenance |
容颜 {def} SEE: 容顏 | :: |
容易 {adj} /róngyì/ | :: easy; simple |
容易 {adj} /róngyì/ | :: likely; liable |
容易 {adj} [colloquial, in rhetorical questions and negative sentences] /róngyì/ | :: having an easy life |
容易 {adj} [literary] /róngyì/ | :: rash; hasty; careless; flippant |
容易 {adj} [literary] /róngyì/ | :: impudent; wanton; unbridled |
容易 {adj} [literary] /róngyì/ | :: negligent; careless |
容裔 {v} [literary] /róngyì/ | :: to rise and fall; to move up and down; to undulate; to fluctuate |
容裔 {v} [literary, of water] /róngyì/ | :: to ripple; to undulate |
容裔 {v} [literary] /róngyì/ | :: to flutter (in the wind); to sway; to drift |
容裔 {v} [literary] /róngyì/ | :: to be at one's leisure |
容裔 {v} [literary] /róngyì/ | :: to march; to parade |
容姿 {n} [literary] /róngzī/ | :: face and features; one's appearance |
嵘 {def} SEE: 嶸 | :: |
嶸 {def} /róng/ | :: Used in 崢嶸, etc |
戎 {def} /róng/ | :: arms, armaments |
戎 {def} /róng/ | :: military affair |
戎 {def} /róng/ | :: [obsolete] you |
戎 {def} /róng/ | :: an ancient tribe during the Zhou dynasty ⇒ 西戎 |
戎 {def} /róng/ | :: surname |
戎狄 {n} [historical, derogatory] /róngdí/ | :: non-Han ethnic groups living in modern-day western and northern China |
戎机 {def} SEE: 戎機 | :: |
戎機 {n} [literary] /róngjī/ | :: war; invasion |
戎機 {n} [literary] /róngjī/ | :: opportunity for victory (in battle) |
戎馬 {n} [literary] /róngmǎ/ | :: military horse |
戎馬 {n} [literary, metonymy] /róngmǎ/ | :: military matters |
戎马 {def} SEE: 戎馬 | :: |
戎帅 {def} SEE: 戎帥 | :: |
戎帥 {n} [archaic] /róngshuài/ | :: a military leader; a general |
曧 {def} /róng/ | :: the sun being directly overhead; midday |
栄 {def} SEE: 榮 | :: |
榕 {def} /róng/ | :: banyan tree |
榕 {def} /róng/ | :: abbreviation of 榕城 |
榕城 {prop} [poetic] /Róngchéng/ | :: alternative name for 福州 |
榕城 {prop} /Róngchéng/ | :: (~ 區) 榕城 (district) |
榕树 {def} SEE: 榕樹 | :: |
榕樹 {n} /róngshù/ | :: banyan |
榕語 {prop} /Róngyǔ/ | :: alternative name for 福州話 |
榕语 {def} SEE: 榕語 | :: |
榕仔须 {def} SEE: 榕仔鬚 | :: |
榮 {def} /róng/ | :: glory; honor |
榮 {def} /róng/ | :: to flourish; to prosper |
榮 {def} /róng/ | :: surname |
榮 {def} /róng/ | :: (~ 縣) Rong County, Sichuan, Zigong, Sichuan |
榮成 {prop} /Róngchéng/ | :: (~ 市) 榮成 (city) |
榮福直觀 {n} [Christianity] /róngfú zhíguān/ | :: beatific vision |
榮光 {n} /róngguāng/ | :: honor; glory |
榮華 {n} /rónghuá/ | :: glory and splendor |
榮華富貴 {idiom} /rónghuáfùguì/ | :: high social position and great financial wealth |
榮獲 {v} /rónghuò/ | :: to have the honour to win; to be honoured with |
榮枯 {n} /róngkū/ | :: flourishing and withering (of plants) |
榮枯 {n} /róngkū/ | :: rise and fall (or decline) |
榮美 {adj} /róngměi/ | :: glorious and beautiful; gloriously beautiful |
榮美 {n} /róngměi/ | :: glory and beauty; glorious beauty |
榮民 {n} /róngmín/ | :: veteran; ex-serviceperson |
榮辱 {n} /róng辱/ | :: honour and disgrace; reputation |
榮辱與共 {idiom} /róngrùyǔgòng/ | :: highly intertwined; to share honor and disgrace together |
榮神益人 {idiom} [Christianity] /róngshényìrén/ | :: to glorify God and help people |
榮市 {prop} /Róng Shì/ | :: 榮市 (city) |
榮幸 {v} /róngxìng/ | :: to be honoured |
榮耀 {n} /róngyào/ | :: honour and glory |
榮耀 {n} /róngyào/ | :: good reputation |
榮耀 {n} /róngyào/ | :: prominence and wealthiness |
榮耀 {adj} /róngyào/ | :: glorious; honourable |
榮譽 {n} /róngyù/ | :: honor; credit; glory |
榮譽 {n} /róngyù/ | :: honorable reputation; prestige |
榮譽榜 {n} /róngyùbǎng/ | :: synonym of 光榮榜 |
榮譽博士 {n} /róngyù bóshì/ | :: honorary doctorate degree |
榮譽博士 {n} /róngyù bóshì/ | :: honorary doctorate degree holder |
榮譽國民 {n} /róngyù guómín/ | :: veteran; ex-serviceperson |
毧 {def} SEE: 絨 | :: |
溶 {def} /róng/ | :: of flowing, grand |
溶 {def} /róng/ | :: to dissolve; to disintegrate chemically into a solution by immersion into a liquid or gas |
溶洞 {n} /róngdòng/ | :: Karst cave |
溶度 {n} [chemistry] /róngdù/ | :: abbreviation of 溶解度 |
溶度积 {def} SEE: 溶度積 | :: |
溶度積 {n} [chemistry] /róngdùjī/ | :: solubility product |
溶化 {v} /rónghuà/ | :: to dissolve |
溶剂 {def} SEE: 溶劑 | :: |
溶劑 {n} /róngjì/ | :: solvent (liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute) |
溶胶 {def} SEE: 溶膠 | :: |
溶膠 {n} [physical chemistry] /róngjiāo/ | :: sol (a type of colloid) |
溶解 {v} [chemistry] /róngjiě/ | :: to dissolve (into a solution) |
溶解度 {n} [chemistry] /róngjiědù/ | :: solubility |
溶媒 {n} [chemistry, dated] /róngméi/ | :: alternative name for 溶劑 |
溶溶 {adj} /róngróng/ | :: billowing |
溶溶 {adj} /róngróng/ | :: wide, broad |
溶溶 {adj} /róngróng/ | :: flourishing |
溶溶 {adj} /róngróng/ | :: bright and clean |
溶溶 {adj} /róngróng/ | :: warm |
溶溶 {adj} /róngróng/ | :: slow |
溶入 {v} /róngrù/ | :: to dissolve into |
溶栓 {v} [medicine] /róngshuān/ | :: to dissolve a blood clot; to be thrombolytic |
溶体 {def} SEE: 溶體 | :: |
溶體 {n} /róngtǐ/ | :: lysosome |
溶血 {n} [haematology, diseases] /róng血/ | :: haemolysis |
溶岩 {n} [geology] /róngyán/ | :: lava (melted rock) |
溶岩 {n} /róngyán/ | :: calcite |
溶液 {n} /róng液/ | :: chemical solution |
瀜 {def} /róng/ | :: only used in 浺瀜 |
烿 {def} /róng/ | :: only used in 烿烿 |
熔 {def} /róng/ | :: to melt by heat, to turn solid into liquid by heat |
熔点 {def} SEE: 熔點 | :: |
熔點 {n} [chemistry, physics] /róngdiǎn/ | :: melting point |
熔断 {def} SEE: 熔斷 | :: |
熔断机制 {def} SEE: 熔斷機制 | :: |
熔斷 {v} [finance] /róngduàn/ | :: to trigger a circuit breaker; to activate a trading curb |
熔斷機制 {n} [finance] /róngduànjīzhì/ | :: trading curb; circuit breaker |
熔合 {v} /rónghé/ | :: to fuse together |
熔化 {v} [physics] /rónghuà/ | :: to melt |
熔化 {v} /rónghuà/ | :: to fuse (metals); to smelt |
熔接 {v} /róngjiē/ | :: to weld; to weld together |
熔解 {v} /róngjiě/ | :: to fuse (metals); to smelt |
熔炼 {def} SEE: 熔煉 | :: |
熔煉 {v} /róngliàn/ | :: to smelt metal |
熔炉 {def} SEE: 熔爐 | :: |
熔爐 {n} /rónglú/ | :: smelting furnace; smelter |
熔爐 {n} [figurative] /rónglú/ | :: melting pot; a place where divergent ideologies, culture and races come together and are homogenized |
熔模 {n} /róngmó/ | :: fired mold; investment |
熔融 {v} /róngróng/ | :: to fuse (metals); to smelt |
熔岩 {n} /róngyán/ | :: lava |
熔岩管 {n} [volcanology] /róngyánguǎn/ | :: lava tube |
熔冶 {n} /róngyě/ | :: to smelt metal |
狨 {def} /róng/ | :: marmoset |
絨 {def} /róng/ | :: silk, cotton, or woolen fabric |
絨 {def} /róng/ | :: velvet |
絨布 {n} /róngbù/ | :: flannelette; cotton flannel |
絨毛 {n} /róngmáo/ | :: fine fur |
絨毛 {n} [anatomy] /róngmáo/ | :: villus |
絨帽 {n} [Catholicism] /róngmào/ | :: camauro |
絨縧 {n} [archaic] /róngtāo/ | :: a silk chord (used for things such as horse bridals etc.) |
絨頭繩 {n} /róngtóushéng/ | :: wool (for tying pigtails) |
絨頭繩 {n} [dialect] /róngtóushéng/ | :: knitting wool |
絨線 {n} /róngxiàn/ | :: floss for embroidery |
絨線 {n} [dialect] /róngxiàn/ | :: knitting wool |
絨衣 {n} /róngyī/ | :: sweatshirt; undershirt |
绒 {def} SEE: 絨 | :: |
绒布 {def} SEE: 絨布 | :: |
绒毛 {def} SEE: 絨毛 | :: |
绒帽 {def} SEE: 絨帽 | :: |
绒绦 {def} SEE: 絨縧 | :: |
绒头绳 {def} SEE: 絨頭繩 | :: |
绒线 {def} SEE: 絨線 | :: |
绒衣 {def} SEE: 絨衣 | :: |
绒仔布 {def} SEE: 絨仔布 | :: |
羢 {def} SEE: 絨 | :: |
茙 {def} /róng/ | :: only used in 茙葵 |
茸 {def} /róng/ | :: soft and downy, pilose |
茸 {def} /róng/ | :: fine thin hair |
茸 {def} /róng/ | :: the pilose antler of a young stag |
茸茸 {adj} /róngróng/ | :: soft and thick |
荣 {def} SEE: 榮 | :: |
荣成 {def} SEE: 榮成 | :: |
荣福直观 {def} SEE: 榮福直觀 | :: |
荣光 {def} SEE: 榮光 | :: |
荣华 {def} SEE: 榮華 | :: |
荣华富贵 {def} SEE: 榮華富貴 | :: |
荣获 {def} SEE: 榮獲 | :: |
荣枯 {def} SEE: 榮枯 | :: |
荣美 {def} SEE: 榮美 | :: |
荣民 {def} SEE: 榮民 | :: |
荣辱 {def} SEE: 榮辱 | :: |
荣辱与共 {def} SEE: 榮辱與共 | :: |
荣神益人 {def} SEE: 榮神益人 | :: |
荣市 {def} SEE: 榮市 | :: |
荣幸 {def} SEE: 榮幸 | :: |
荣耀 {def} SEE: 榮耀 | :: |
荣誉 {def} SEE: 榮譽 | :: |
荣誉榜 {def} SEE: 榮譽榜 | :: |
荣誉博士 {def} SEE: 榮譽博士 | :: |
荣誉国民 {def} SEE: 榮譽國民 | :: |
蓉 {def} /róng/ | :: used in 芙蓉 |
蓉 {def} /róng/ | :: abbreviation of 蓉城 |
蓉 {def} /róng/ | :: alternative form of 茸 |
蓉 {def} [Cantonese] /róng/ | :: wonton noodle |
蓉城 {prop} [colloquial or literary] /Róngchéng/ | :: "Hibiscus City", a nickname of Chengdu, Sichuan |
蝾 {def} SEE: 蠑 | :: |
蝾螈 {def} SEE: 蠑螈 | :: |
融 {def} /róng/ | :: [obsolete] hot air; steam (during cooking) |
融 {def} /róng/ | :: to melt |
融 {def} /róng/ | :: to mix; to blend; to fuse; to harmonise |
融 {def} [economics] /róng/ | :: to circulate |
融 {def} /róng/ | :: abbreviation of 融城 |
融安 {prop} /Róng'ān/ | :: (~ 縣) 融安 (county) |
融城 {prop} [poetic] /Róngchéng/ | :: alternative name for 福清 |
融合 {v} /rónghé/ | :: to fuse; to blend; to combine; to integrate |
融合 {v} /rónghé/ | :: to assimilate (of peoples) |
融合 {adj} [attributive] /rónghé/ | :: integrated; blended; fused |
融和 {adj} /rónghé/ | :: pleasantly warm |
融和 {adj} /rónghé/ | :: cordial; harmonious |
融化 {v} /rónghuà/ | :: to dissolve |
融化 {v} /rónghuà/ | :: to thaw |
融会 {def} SEE: 融會 | :: |
融会贯通 {def} SEE: 融會貫通 | :: |
融匯 {v} /rónghuì/ | :: to combine; to merge; to integrate |
融會 {v} /rónghuì/ | :: to blend; to integrate; to amalgamate; to fuse |
融會貫通 {idiom} /rónghuìguàntōng/ | :: to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject |
融汇 {def} SEE: 融匯 | :: |
融解 {v} /róngjiě/ | :: to melt |
融洽 {adj} /róngqià/ | :: having friendly relations; harmonious; having a good rapport; being on good terms |
融融 {adj} [ideophonic] /róngróng/ | :: harmonious and happy; quiet and comfortable |
融融 {adj} [ideophonic] /róngróng/ | :: pleasantly warm; bright and beautiful |
融融 {adj} [ideophonic] /róngróng/ | :: bright; glaring; blazing |
融入 {v} /róngrù/ | :: to merge into; to blend into; to integrate; to assimilate |
融水 {prop} /Róngshuǐ/ | :: (~ 苗族自治縣) 融水 (autonomous county) |
融为 {def} SEE: 融為 | :: |
融为一体 {def} SEE: 融為一體 | :: |
融為 {v} /róngwéi/ | :: to fuse into; to melt into; to merge into |
融為一體 {idiom} /róngwéi一tǐ/ | :: to fuse together; to become one |
融資 {n} /róngzī/ | :: financing; finance |
融资 {def} SEE: 融資 | :: |
螎 {def} SEE: 融 | :: |
蠑 {def} /róng/ | :: [obsolete] Clipping of 蠑螈 |
蠑螈 {n} /róngyuán/ | :: salamander; newt |
鎔 {def} /róng/ | :: mould for casting |
鎔 {def} /róng/ | :: to melt by heat; to turn solid into liquid by heat |
鎔煉 {def} SEE: 熔煉 | :: |
鎔爐 {def} SEE: 熔爐 | :: |
鎔冶 {def} SEE: 熔冶 | :: |
镕 {def} SEE: 鎔 | :: |
镕炼 {def} SEE: 熔煉 | :: |
镕炉 {def} SEE: 熔爐 | :: |
镕冶 {def} SEE: 鎔冶 | :: |
駥 {def} /róng/ | :: [obsolete] horse which is eight chi tall |
鰫 {def} /róng/ | :: [obsolete] bighead carp |
鷛 {def} /yōng/ | :: [obsolete] [chickens and ducks] to walk |
傇 {def} /rǒng/ | :: the masses, the people at large |
冗 {def} /rǒng/ | :: superfluous; unnecessary; surplus; uncalled-for; spare; excessive; redundant |
冗 {def} /rǒng/ | :: complicated and tedious; overloaded with details |
冗 {def} /rǒng/ | :: busy routine |
冗兵 {n} [literary] /rǒngbīng/ | :: idle soldier; superfluous troop |
冗長 {adj} /rǒngcháng/ | :: verbose; long-winded |
冗長 {adj} [archaic] /rǒngzhàng/ | :: redundant; superfluous |
冗长 {def} SEE: 冗長 | :: |
冗費 {n} [literary] /rǒngfèi/ | :: unnecessary expense |
冗费 {def} SEE: 冗費 | :: |
冗賦 {n} /rǒngfù/ | :: miscellaneous levies; various taxes |
冗赋 {def} SEE: 冗賦 | :: |
冗句 {n} /rǒngjù/ | :: superfluous sentences |
冗忙 {adj} [literary] /rǒngmáng/ | :: busy; bustling |
冗言 {n} [linguistics] /rǒngyán/ | :: pleonasm |
冗言 {n} /rǒngyán/ | :: chatter; useless words |
冗余 {def} SEE: 冗餘 | :: |
冗餘 {adj} /rǒngyú/ | :: superfluous; redundant |
冗餘 {n} /rǒngyú/ | :: redundancy |
冗员 {def} SEE: 冗員 | :: |
冗員 {n} /rǒngyuán/ | :: redundant personnel |
冗杂 {def} SEE: 冗雜 | :: |
冗雜 {adj} [of writing] /rǒngzá/ | :: lengthy and jumbled |
冗雜 {adj} [of affairs] /rǒngzá/ | :: miscellaneous |
冗贅 {adj} /rǒngzhuì/ | :: verbose; wordy |
冗赘 {def} SEE: 冗贅 | :: |
宂 {def} SEE: 冗 | :: |
宂 {def} SEE: 穴 | :: |
宂餘 {def} SEE: 冗餘 | :: |
鴧 {def} SEE: 鴥 | :: |
䰆 {def} /róu/ | :: beautiful and hairy mane |
䰆 {def} /róu/ | :: yellow hair |
䰆 {def} /róu/ | :: hoary hair of the aged |
揉 {def} /róu/ | :: to knead; to rub; to massage |
揉 {def} /róu/ | :: to crush by hand |
揉搓 {v} /róucuō,tl/ | :: to rub and knead with the hands |
揉搓 {v} [dialectal] /róucuō,tl/ | :: to torment; to bother; to torture |
揉豆豆 {v} [slang] /róudòudou/ | :: to finger clitoris |
揉和 {v} /róuhuò,tl/ | :: to knead |
揉和 {v} /róuhé/ | :: to mix together |
柔 {def} /róu/ | :: soft; supple |
柔 {def} /róu/ | :: to soften |
柔 {def} /róu/ | :: gentle; pliant |
柔 {def} /róu/ | :: to make gentle |
柔 {def} /róu/ | :: (~ 州) abbreviation of 柔佛 |
柔道 {n} /róudào/ | :: judo |
柔佛 {prop} /Róufó/ | :: (~ 州) 柔佛 (state) |
柔和 {adj} [of disposition, sound, voice, colour, lighting, etc.] /róuhé/ | :: soft; gentle |
柔和 {adj} /róuhé/ | :: soft to the touch; supple |
柔化 {v} /róuhuà/ | :: to soften; to mollify |
柔曼 {adj} [of singing, dancing, etc.] /róumàn/ | :: soft; gentle |
柔曼 {adj} [of fabric, skin, etc.] /róumàn/ | :: soft and smooth; satiny; silky |
柔美 {adj} [of music, scenery] /róuměi/ | :: graceful; exquisite; pleasing |
柔媚 {adj} /róumèi/ | :: gentle and lovely |
柔嫩 {adj} /róunèn/ | :: tender; delicate |
柔情 {n} /róuqíng/ | :: tender feelings; gentle sentiments; tenderness |
柔然 {prop} /Róurán/ | :: Rouran Khaganate, an ancient ethnic group in China |
柔韌 {adj} /róurèn/ | :: pliable and tough |
柔韧 {def} SEE: 柔韌 | :: |
柔軟 {adj} /róuruǎn/ | :: soft to the touch; supple |
柔軟劑 {n} /róuruǎnjì/ | :: softener; emollient |
柔软 {def} SEE: 柔軟 | :: |
柔软剂 {def} SEE: 柔軟劑 | :: |
柔弱 {adj} /róuruò/ | :: weak; delicate |
柔弱 {adj} /róuruò/ | :: meek; yielding; agreeable |
柔术 {def} SEE: 柔術 | :: |
柔術 {n} /róushù/ | :: jujitsu |
柔術 {n} /róushù/ | :: contortionism |
柔順 {adj} /róushùn/ | :: gentle and agreeable; meek |
柔順劑 {n} /róushùnjì/ | :: fabric softener |
柔顺 {def} SEE: 柔順 | :: |
柔顺剂 {def} SEE: 柔順劑 | :: |
柔似蜜 {prop} /Róusìmì/ | :: 柔似蜜 (city) |
柔荑 {n} [literary] /róutí/ | :: bud of the cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) |
柔荑 {n} [literary, by extension] /róutí/ | :: bud; shoot |
柔荑 {n} [literary, figurative] /róutí/ | :: soft and beautiful hand of a woman |
渘 {def} SEE: 柔 | :: |
渘 {def} /róu/ | :: name of a river |
禸 {def} /róu/ | :: beast foot step on the ground |
糅 {def} /糅/ | :: to blend, to mix |
糅合 {v} /róuhé/ | :: to combine together (multiple factors, techniques, viewpoints, etc.) |
糅杂 {def} SEE: 糅雜 | :: |
糅雜 {v} /糅zá/ | :: to mix; to blend; to mingle |
蝚 {def} /róu/ | :: [obsolete] a pest insect which resembles a mole cricket |
蝚 {def} /róu/ | :: [obsolete] leech |
蹂躏 {def} SEE: 蹂躪 | :: |
蹂躪 {v} [literally] /róulìn/ | :: to trample (on) |
蹂躪 {v} [figuratively] /róulìn/ | :: to do damage to; to ravage (dignity, sovereignty, etc.); to ruin |
鞣 {han} | :: to tan (of hides, leather, etc.) |
鞣酸 {n} [organic compound] /róusuān/ | :: tannin |
鞣質 {n} [organic compound] /róu质/ | :: tannin |
鞣质 {def} SEE: 鞣質 | :: |
騥 {def} /róu/ | :: [obsolete] dark horse with thick mane |
鰇 {def} /róu/ | :: [obsolete] squid |
鰇魚 {n} [literary or Min Nan] /róuyú/ | :: squid |
鶔 {def} /róu/ | :: only used in 鶝鶔 |
宍 {def} SEE: 肉 | :: |
宍粟 {prop} /Ròusù/ | :: (~ 市) 宍粟 (city) |
肉 {def} /ròu,rù,1nb/ | :: meat; flesh |
肉 {def} [specifically] /ròu,rù,1nb/ | :: pork |
肉 {def} /ròu,rù,1nb/ | :: body |
肉 {def} /ròu,rù,1nb/ | :: flesh; pulp |
肉 {def} [dialectal] /ròu,rù,1nb/ | :: spongy; squashy; flabby |
肉 {def} [dialectal] /ròu,rù,1nb/ | :: slow; sluggish |
肉案 {n} /ròu'àn/ | :: butcher block |
肉棒 {n} /ròubàng,er/ | :: alternative name for 蟹肉棒 |
肉棒 {n} /ròubàng,er/ | :: alternative name for 牛肉棒 |
肉棒 {n} [slang] /ròubàng,er/ | :: penis |
肉包 {n} [regional] /ròubāo/ | :: baozi with meat filling |
肉包子打狗 {idiom} [metaphor] /ròu bāozi dǎ gǒu/ | :: never return |
肉餅 {n} /ròubǐng/ | :: meat patty |
肉饼 {def} SEE: 肉餅 | :: |
肉搏 {v} /ròubó/ | :: to fight hand-to-hand |
肉顫心驚 {idiom} /ròu 顫 xīn jīng/ | :: shaking with fear |
肉垂鶴 {n} /ròuchuíhè/ | :: wattled crane, Grus carunculata, Bugeranus carunculatus |
肉垂鹤 {def} SEE: 肉垂鶴 | :: |
肉刺 {n} /ròucì/ | :: hangnail (protruding piece of nail tissue or skin near base of fingernail or toenail) |
肉刺 {n} /ròucì/ | :: whitlow (an infection under the cuticle of a fingernail or toenail) |
肉苁蓉 {def} SEE: 肉蓯蓉 | :: |
肉蓯蓉 {n} /ròucōngróng/ | :: desert broomrape (Cistanche deserticola) (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.) |
肉脞面 {def} SEE: 肉脞麵 | :: |
肉脞麵 {n} [chiefly Singapore] /ròucuǒmiàn/ | :: bak chor mee (a noodle dish with minced meat) |
肉彈 {n} /ròudàn/ | :: buxom beauty; bombshell |
肉彈 {n} [Japanese war literature] /ròudàn/ | :: human bullet |
肉垫 {def} SEE: 肉墊 | :: |
肉墊 {n} /ròudiàn/ | :: the pad of an animal's paw (commonly a feline's paw) |
肉店 {n} /ròudiàn/ | :: butchershop |
肉丁 {n} /ròudīng/ | :: diced meat; cubed meat |
肉冻 {def} SEE: 肉凍 | :: |
肉凍 {n} /ròudòng/ | :: aspic; meat jelly |
肉荳蔻 {def} SEE: 肉豆蔻 | :: |
肉豆寇 {def} SEE: 肉豆蔻 | :: |
肉豆蔻 {n} /ròudòukòu/ | :: nutmeg |
肉毒 {n} /ròudú/ | :: abbreviation of 肉毒桿菌 |
肉毒 {n} /ròudú/ | :: abbreviation of 肉毒素 |
肉毒杆菌 {def} SEE: 肉毒桿菌 | :: |
肉毒杆菌毒素 {def} SEE: 肉毒桿菌毒素 | :: |
肉毒桿菌 {n} /ròudúgǎn菌/ | :: Clostridium botulinum |
肉毒桿菌毒素 {n} /ròudúgǎn菌 dúsù/ | :: botulinum toxin; botox |
肉毒素 {n} /ròudúsù/ | :: botox; botulinum toxin |
肉墩 {n} /ròudūn/ | :: butcher block |
肉麸 {def} SEE: 肉麩 | :: |
肉脯 {n} /ròufǔ/ | :: dried (and processed) meat |
肉脯 {def} SEE: 肉拊 | :: |
肉脯 {n} [literary] /ròufǔ/ | :: human body |
肉干 {def} SEE: 肉乾 | :: |
肉感 {n} /ròugǎn/ | :: texture (of meat when eaten) |
肉感 {adj} /ròugǎn/ | :: sexy; voluptuous; sensual |
肉羹 {n} /ròugēng,er/ | :: stew; bouillon |
肉骨茶 {n} /ròugǔchá/ | :: bak kut teh (a Chinese soup popularly served in Malaysia and Singapore) |
肉冠 {n} [zoology] /ròuguān/ | :: comb |
肉桂 {n} /ròuguì/ | :: cassia (the Chinese cinnamon Cinnamomum cassia) |
肉桂 {n} /ròuguì/ | :: cassia bark (herb used in traditional Chinese medicine for various ailments) |
肉桂 {n} /ròuguì/ | :: related members of the genus Cinnamomum, such as true cinnamon (C. verum), Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni), and Vietnamese cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi) |
肉桂 {n} /ròuguì/ | :: the bark of such trees |
肉桂醛 {n} [organic compound] /ròuguìquán/ | :: cinnamaldehyde |
肉果 {n} /ròuguǒ/ | :: fleshy fruit; sarcocarp |
肉果 {n} /ròuguǒ/ | :: nutmeg |
肉雞 {n} /ròujī/ | :: chicken that is specially raised for its meat |
肉雞 {n} [hacking slang] /ròujī/ | :: compromised device; device that is under control of the hacker |
肉鸡 {def} SEE: 肉雞 | :: |
肉夹馍 {def} SEE: 肉夾饃 | :: |
肉夾饃 {n} /ròu夹mó/ | :: roujiamo (sliced meat sandwich popular in northern China) |
肉碱 {def} SEE: 肉鹼 | :: |
肉鹼 {n} [organic compound] /ròujiǎn/ | :: carnitine |
肉酱 {def} SEE: 肉醬 | :: |
肉酱意粉 {def} SEE: 肉醬意粉 | :: |
肉醬 {n} /ròujiàng/ | :: meat paste; meat pâté |
肉醬 {n} /ròujiàng/ | :: bolognese sauce |
肉醬 {n} [figurative] /ròujiàng/ | :: mincemeat; cut-up body |
肉醬意粉 {n} /ròujiàng yìfěn/ | :: spaghetti bolognese |
肉紧 {def} SEE: 肉緊 | :: |
肉脍 {def} SEE: 肉膾 | :: |
肉膾 {n} /ròukuài/ | :: yukhoe (Korean dish) |
肉类 {def} SEE: 肉類 | :: |
肉類 {n} /ròulèi/ | :: meats |
肉類 {n} /ròulèi/ | :: meat dishes |
肉林 {n} /ròulín/ | :: wanton extravagance |
肉瘤 {n} [diseases] /ròuliú,er/ | :: sarcoma |
肉麻 {adj} /ròumá/ | :: numb |
肉麻 {adj} /ròumá/ | :: overly romantic; corny; cheesy |
肉麻 {adj} /ròumá/ | :: nauseating; sickening; disgusting |
肉排 {n} /ròupái/ | :: steak |
肉皮 {n} /ròupí,er/ | :: pork skin |
肉皮 {n} [dialectal] /ròupí,er/ | :: human skin |
肉皮儿 {def} SEE: 肉皮兒 | :: |
肉皮兒 {n} [dialectal] /ròupír/ | :: erhua form of [] |
肉片 {n} /ròupiàn/ | :: sliced meat; meat slice |
肉鋪 {n} /ròupù/ | :: butchershop |
肉铺 {def} SEE: 肉鋪 | :: |
肉舖 {def} SEE: 肉鋪 | :: |
肉乾 {n} /ròugān/ | :: bakkwa; jerky; dried meat; charqui |
肉乾 {n} [Malaysia Hokkien] /ròugān/ | :: parking summon |
肉絨 {n} /ròuróng/ | :: rousong; meat floss |
肉绒 {def} SEE: 肉絨 | :: |
肉肉 {n} [childish or cute-sounding] /ròurou/ | :: meat; flesh |
肉色 {n} /ròusè/ | :: the colour of flesh |
肉湯 {n} /ròutāng/ | :: broth |
肉身 {n} /ròushēn/ | :: flesh body; physical body; corporeal body |
肉身翻墙 {def} SEE: 肉身翻牆 | :: |
肉身翻牆 {v} [neologism, slang] /ròushēn fānqiáng/ | :: to emigrate from mainland China |
肉声 {def} SEE: 肉聲 | :: |
肉聲 {n} [music] /ròushēng/ | :: singing without musical accompaniment |
肉聲 {n} /ròushēng/ | :: sound produced by tapping or beating on the flesh |
肉食 {adj} [attributive] /ròushí/ | :: meat-eating; carnivorous |
肉食 {n} /ròushí/ | :: meat; meat product |
肉食 {n} [figurative] /ròushí/ | :: wealthy person |
肉食动物 {def} SEE: 肉食動物 | :: |
肉食動物 {n} /ròushí dòngwù/ | :: carnivore |
肉食者 {n} /ròushízhě/ | :: meat eater |
肉食者 {n} [figuratively] /ròushízhě/ | :: high-ranking officials |
肉食者鄙 {idiom} /ròushízhěbǐ/ | :: high-ranking officials are shortsighted |
肉丝 {def} SEE: 肉絲 | :: |
肉絲 {n} /ròusī/ | :: shredded meat; shredded pork |
肉絲 {n} /ròusī/ | :: short fo 肉色絲襪 |
肉松 {def} SEE: 肉鬆 | :: |
肉鬆 {n} /ròusōng/ | :: rousong; meat floss |
肉酥 {n} /ròusū/ | :: rousong; meat floss |
肉碎 {n} /ròusuì/ | :: mince; minced meat; ground meat (usually pork) |
肉弹 {def} SEE: 肉彈 | :: |
肉汤 {def} SEE: 肉湯 | :: |
肉体 {def} SEE: 肉體 | :: |
肉體 {n} /ròutǐ/ | :: physical body (of a person); human body; flesh |
肉头悻脑 {def} SEE: 肉頭悻腦 | :: |
肉丸 {n} /ròuwán/ | :: meatball |
肉餡 {n} /ròuxiàn/ | :: mince; meat stuffing (finely chopped meat) |
肉馅 {def} SEE: 肉餡 | :: |
肉刑 {n} /ròuxíng/ | :: corporal punishment (especially one that inflicts permanent mutilation of the body) |
肉芽 {n} [pathology] /ròuyá,er/ | :: granulation |
肉芽肿 {def} SEE: 肉芽腫 | :: |
肉芽腫 {n} [pathology] /ròuyázhǒng/ | :: granuloma |
肉眼 {n} /ròuyǎn/ | :: naked eye |
肉眼 {n} /ròuyǎn/ | :: the eyes of a layperson |
肉眼 {n} [Cantonese] /ròuyǎn/ | :: (~ 扒) ribeye steak |
肉燕 {n} /ròuyàn/ | :: rouyan (a type of wonton found in Fujian and Taiwan) |
肉鱼 {def} SEE: 肉魚 | :: |
肉慾 {n} /ròuyù/ | :: lust; sexual desire |
肉欲 {def} SEE: 肉慾 | :: |
肉圆 {def} SEE: 肉圓 | :: |
肉圆仔 {def} SEE: 肉圓仔 | :: |
肉圓 {n} /ròuyuán/ | :: meatball |
肉圓 {n} [Min Nan] /ròuyuán/ | :: ba-wan, a Taiwanese snack food |
肉燥 {n} /ròusào/ | :: braised minced pork |
肉燥飯 {n} /ròusàofàn/ | :: minced pork rice (a Taiwanese style rice dish) |
肉燥饭 {def} SEE: 肉燥飯 | :: |
肉颤心惊 {def} SEE: 肉顫心驚 | :: |
肉汁 {n} /ròuzhī/ | :: meat juice |
肉汁 {n} /ròuzhī/ | :: gravy |
肉質 {n} /ròu质/ | :: quality/nature of meat |
肉质 {def} SEE: 肉質 | :: |
肉中刺,眼中釘 {idiom} /ròuzhōngcì, yǎnzhōngdīng/ | :: thorn in one's side; eyesore; offence to the eye |
肉中刺,眼中钉 {def} SEE: 肉中刺,眼中釘 | :: |
肉猪 {def} SEE: 肉豬 | :: |
肉豬 {n} /ròuzhū/ | :: domestic pig; meat hog |
肉贅 {n} [pathology] /ròuzhuì/ | :: wart |
肉赘 {def} SEE: 肉贅 | :: |
肉孜節 {prop} [Islam] /Ròuzījié/ | :: alternative form of 開齋節 |
肉孜节 {def} SEE: 肉孜節 | :: |
肉粽 {n} /ròuzòng/ | :: [Min Nan] zongzi (traditional Chinese dumplings of glutinous rice stuffed with fillings) |
肉粽 {n} /ròuzòng/ | :: zongzi with meat stuffing |
肉粽节 {def} SEE: 肉粽節 | :: |
䰰 {def} /rú/ | :: (same as 䰭) dreary cries of ghosts, sound of monsters |
偄 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: weak |
儒 {def} /rú/ | :: scholar |
儒 {def} /rú/ | :: Confucianism |
儒艮 {n} /rúgèn/ | :: dugong |
儒家 {n} /rújiā/ | :: Confucianism; Ruism |
儒家 {n} [literary] /rújiā/ | :: scholarly household |
儒家八派 {prop} /Rújiā Bā Pài/ | :: the Eight Confucian Factions (eight schools of Confucianism reassembled after Confucius' death by his disciples during the Warring States period) |
儒家思想 {n} /rújiā sīxiǎng/ | :: Confucian thinking; Confucianism |
儒教 {n} /rújiào/ | :: Confucianism |
儒經 {n} /rújīng/ | :: Confucian classics |
儒经 {def} SEE: 儒經 | :: |
儒林 {n} [historical] /rúlín/ | :: Confucian scholars; scholars; academic circles |
儒林外史 {prop} /Rúlín Wàishǐ/ | :: The Scholars (novel); Unofficial History of the Scholars (Qing-dynasty novel) |
儒略历 {def} SEE: 儒略曆 | :: |
儒略曆 {n} /rúlüèlì/ | :: Julian calendar |
儒生 {n} [literary] /rúshēng/ | :: Confucian scholar |
儒生 {n} [literary] /rúshēng/ | :: scholar |
儒士 {n} [literary] /rúshì/ | :: Confucian scholar |
儒术 {def} SEE: 儒術 | :: |
儒術 {n} /rúshù/ | :: Confucianism |
儒学 {def} SEE: 儒學 | :: |
儒學 {n} /rúxué/ | :: Confucianism |
儒雅 {adj} [literary] /rúyǎ/ | :: erudite; learned; well-educated |
儒雅 {adj} [literary] /rúyǎ/ | :: scholarly and elegant; refined and poised |
儒医 {def} SEE: 儒醫 | :: |
儒醫 {n} [old, TCM] /rúyī/ | :: scholar-physician (trained in traditional Chinese medicine) |
儒者 {n} /rúzhě/ | :: Confucian scholar |
儒者 {n} /rúzhě/ | :: by extension, any scholar or intellectual |
嚅唲 {adj} /rú'ér/ | :: forced smiling |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: to be like; as; as if; as though |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: to comply with; to agree with; to fit |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: such as; for example; for instance |
如 {def} [usually in the negative] /rú/ | :: to be as good as; to be comparable to |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: than; more than |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: if; supposing |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: [obsolete] postposition indicating an appearance, a state, or a condition; having the characteristic of |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: surname |
如 {def} /rú/ | :: [obsolete] to go to |
如厕 {def} SEE: 如廁 | :: |
如廁 {v} [formal] /rúcè/ | :: to use the toilet; to go to the toilet |
如常 {v} /rúcháng/ | :: to be as usual |
如痴如醉 {idiom} /rúchīrúzuì/ | :: in ecstasies over; intoxicated by something; enchanted; carried away; spellbound; fascinated |
如癡如醉 {def} SEE: 如痴如醉 | :: |
如出一轍 {idiom} /rúchū一轍/ | :: from the same mold; peas in a pod; exactly alike |
如出一辙 {def} SEE: 如出一轍 | :: |
如初 {v} /rúchū/ | :: to be as before |
如此 {adj} /rúcǐ/ | :: so; such; the case; this way |
如此 {adj} [literary] /rúcǐ/ | :: like this; this kind of |
如此一來 {adv} /rúcǐ一lái/ | :: therefore; so that |
如此一来 {def} SEE: 如此一來 | :: |
如次 {v} /rúcì/ | :: to be as follows |
如堕五里雾中 {def} SEE: 如墮五里霧中 | :: |
如墮五里霧中 {idiom} /rú duò wǔ lǐ wù zhōng/ | :: as if lost in a thick fog; utterly mystified |
如法炮制 {def} SEE: 如法炮製 | :: |
如法炮製 {idiom} /rúfǎpáozhì/ | :: to follow a set pattern; to follow suit |
如皋 {prop} /Rúgāo/ | :: (~ 市) 如皋 (county-level city) |
如故 {adv} /rúgù/ | :: as before |
如故 {adv} /rúgù/ | :: like old friends |
如果 {conj} /rúguǒ/ | :: if |
如果說 {conj} /rúguǒshuō/ | :: if, say |
如果说 {def} SEE: 如果說 | :: |
如何 {adv} [formal] /rúhé/ | :: how; what; in what way |
如何 {adv} [formal] /rúhé/ | :: how about; what about |
如虎添翼 {idiom} /rúhǔtiānyì/ | :: making someone even stronger |
如画 {def} SEE: 如畫 | :: |
如畫 {adj} /rúhuà/ | :: picturesque |
如火如荼 {idiom} [literal] /rúhuǒrútú/ | :: (to have) a mighty army like wildfire |
如火如荼 {idiom} /rúhuǒrútú/ | :: a daunting and vigorous momentum; flourishing; magnificent |
如獲至寶 {idiom} /rúhuòzhìbǎo/ | :: like obtaining the most precious item |
如获至宝 {def} SEE: 如獲至寶 | :: |
如胶似漆 {def} SEE: 如膠似漆 | :: |
如膠似漆 {idiom} /rújiāosìqī/ | :: to cleave together as firmly and inseparably as glue and lacquer; to love each other dearly; to be closely bound together (as lovers) |
如今 {n} /rújīn/ | :: now |
如今 {n} /rújīn/ | :: nowadays |
如來 {n} [Buddhism] /rúlái/ | :: Tathāgata |
如来 {def} SEE: 如來 | :: |
如雷灌耳 {idiom} /rú léi guàn ěr/ | :: to reverberate like thunder |
如雷灌耳 {idiom} /rú léi guàn ěr/ | :: one's famous name has long been known to people |
如雷灌耳 {idiom} /rú léi guàn ěr/ | :: your name has long resounded in my ears |
如雷貫耳 {idiom} /rúléiguàněr/ | :: to reverberate like thunder |
如雷貫耳 {idiom} /rúléiguàněr/ | :: one's famous name has long been known to people |
如雷貫耳 {idiom} /rúléiguàněr/ | :: your name has long resounded in my ears |
如雷贯耳 {def} SEE: 如雷貫耳 | :: |
如临大敌 {def} SEE: 如臨大敵 | :: |
如临深渊 {def} SEE: 如臨深淵 | :: |
如臨大敵 {idiom} /rúlíndàdí/ | :: to have strict precautions; to be overly critical of the current situation |
如臨深淵 {idiom} [figurative] /rúlínshēnyuān/ | :: to be extremely cautious |
如履薄冰 {idiom} [figurative] /rúlǚbóbīng/ | :: to be very careful; to act with extreme caution |
如履平地 {idiom} /rú lǚ píngdì/ | :: very easily; as if it were nothing |
如夢 {v} /rúmèng/ | :: to be like a dream |
如夢初醒 {idiom} /rúmèngchūxǐng/ | :: as if awakening from a dream |
如夢初醒 {idiom} [figuratively] /rúmèngchūxǐng/ | :: to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light; to wake up to reality |
如梦 {def} SEE: 如夢 | :: |
如梦初醒 {def} SEE: 如夢初醒 | :: |
如牛負重 {idiom} [figuratively] /rúniúfùzhòng/ | :: heavily burdened |
如牛负重 {def} SEE: 如牛負重 | :: |
如期 {adv} /rú期/ | :: on schedule; on time |
如弃敝屣 {def} SEE: 如棄敝屣 | :: |
如棄敝屣 {idiom} /rúqìbìxǐ/ | :: to throw away (something useless) without any repentance |
如人飲水,冷暖自知 {proverb} /rú rén yǐnshuǐ, lěngnuǎn zìzhī/ | :: One must personally experience something in order to know what it's like |
如人饮水,冷暖自知 {def} SEE: 如人飲水,冷暖自知 | :: |
如日方升 {idiom} [figuratively] /rúrìfāngshēng/ | :: to have broad and bright prospects |
如日方中 {idiom} /rúrìfāngzhōng/ | :: synonym of 如日中天 |
如日中天 {idiom} /rúrìzhōngtiān/ | :: at the height of prosperity or power; at its zenith |
如入無人之境 {idiom} /rú rù wúrénzhījìng/ | :: to fight without fear (as if the enemy were nowhere in sight) |
如入无人之境 {def} SEE: 如入無人之境 | :: |
如若 {conj} /rúruò/ | :: if |
如丧考妣 {def} SEE: 如喪考妣 | :: |
如喪考妣 {idiom} [now, derogatory] /rúsàngkǎobǐ/ | :: grieved or anxious as if one had lost one's parents |
如上 {adv} /rúshàng/ | :: as above |
如实 {def} SEE: 如實 | :: |
如實 {adv} /rúshí/ | :: strictly by the facts; as things really are; truthfully; accurately |
如势 {def} SEE: 如勢 | :: |
如是 {adj} [literary] /rúshì/ | :: like this; so; such |
如數 {adv} /rúshù/ | :: exactly the number or amount |
如数 {def} SEE: 如數 | :: |
如斯 {adj} /rúsī/ | :: such; this way |
如斯 {adj} [literary] /rúsī/ | :: like this |
如題 {v} [neologism, Internet slang] /rútí/ | :: to be as titled (used as a placeholder of content); there is nothing else the poster wants to say other than what has been said in the post title |
如题 {def} SEE: 如題 | :: |
如同 {v} /rútóng/ | :: to be like; as; to be akin to |
如下 {v} /rúxià/ | :: to be as follows |
如約而至 {idiom} /rúyuē'érzhì/ | :: to arrive as promised or planned |
如意 {v} /rúyì/ | :: to be as one wishes; to be satisfactory |
如意 {n} /rúyì/ | :: ceremonial sceptre (auspicious decorative object associated with Chinese Buddhist ritual made from bone or jade, with a cloud or lingzhi-shaped head and slightly curved handle) |
如意 {n} /rúyì/ | :: backscratcher |
如意郎君 {idiom} /rúyìlángjūn/ | :: ideal husband; Mr. Right; Prince Charming |
如意算盘 {def} SEE: 如意算盤 | :: |
如意算盤 {idiom} /rúyìsuànpán,tl/ | :: one's wishful thinking; counting the chickens before they are hatched |
如意套 {n} [chiefly Singapore and Malaysia] /rúyìtào/ | :: condom |
如影随形 {def} SEE: 如影隨形 | :: |
如影隨形 {idiom} /rúyǐngsuíxíng/ | :: closely associated with each other; inseparable |
如雨 {adj} [literary] /rúyǔ/ | :: like rain; in large amounts |
如雨駢集 {idiom} [archaic] /rú yǔ piánjí/ | :: to gather together side by side in large numbers |
如雨骈集 {def} SEE: 如雨駢集 | :: |
如愿 {def} SEE: 如願 | :: |
如愿以偿 {def} SEE: 如願以償 | :: |
如願 {v} /rúyuàn/ | :: to have one's wish fulfilled |
如願以償 {idiom} /rúyuànyǐcháng/ | :: to have one's wish fulfilled |
如约而至 {def} SEE: 如約而至 | :: |
如月 {prop} [archaic] /Rúyuè/ | :: The second month of the Chinese lunar calendar |
如崭 {def} SEE: 如嶄 | :: |
如之何 {pron} [literary] /rúzhīhé/ | :: how |
如之何 {pron} [literary] /rúzhīhé/ | :: what to do |
如之奈何 {idiom} [archaic] /rú zhī nàihé/ | :: what can be done; there's no choice |
如坠五里雾中 {def} SEE: 如墜五里霧中 | :: |
如墜五里霧中 {idiom} /rú zhuì wǔ lǐ wù zhōng/ | :: synonym of 如墮五里霧中 |
如醉如痴 {idiom} /rúzuìrúchī/ | :: alternative form of 如痴如醉 |
如醉如癡 {def} SEE: 如醉如痴 | :: |
如左 {v} [chiefly dated] /rúzuǒ/ | :: to be as follows |
如坐針氈 {idiom} /rúzuòzhēnzhān/ | :: lit. as if sitting on pins and needles, fig. to be in an uncomfortable situation |
如坐针毡 {def} SEE: 如坐針氈 | :: |
孺子 {n} [literary] /rúzǐ/ | :: child |
孺子 {n} [literary] /rúzǐ/ | :: young person |
孺子牛 {n} /rúzǐniú/ | :: somebody who serves the public |
渪 {def} SEE: 濡 | :: |
濡 {def} /rú/ | :: immerse, moisten |
濡 {def} /rú/ | :: wet, damp |
濡湿 {def} SEE: 濡濕 | :: |
濡溼 {def} SEE: 濡濕 | :: |
濡濕 {v} /rúshī/ | :: to soak or be soaked |
濡濕 {adj} /rúshī/ | :: wet; moist |
茹 {def} /rú,rù/ | :: to eat |
茹 {def} /rú,rù/ | :: to bear |
茹 {def} /rú,rù/ | :: to guess |
茹 {def} /rú,rù/ | :: soft |
茹 {def} /rú,rù/ | :: corrupted |
茹 {def} /rú,rù/ | :: vegetables |
茹 {def} /rú,rù/ | :: surname |
茹荤 {def} SEE: 茹葷 | :: |
茹葷 {v} /rúhūn/ | :: to eat meat; to be a meat eater |
茹乱 {def} SEE: 茹亂 | :: |
茹藘 {n} [literary] /rúlǘ/ | :: alternative name for 茜草 |
茹毛飲血 {idiom} /rúmáoyǐn血/ | :: to consume raw animal meat with its hair and blood unremoved |
茹毛饮血 {def} SEE: 茹毛飲血 | :: |
茹素 {v} /rúsù/ | :: to live on a vegetarian diet; to be a vegetarian |
蠕 {def} /rú/ | :: squirm; wriggle |
蠕 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: alternative form of 蝡 |
蠕虫 {def} SEE: 蠕蟲 | :: |
蠕蟲 {n} /rúchóng/ | :: worm (invertebrate animal) |
蠕蟲 {n} [computing] /rúchóng/ | :: worm (self-replicating program) |
蠕动 {def} SEE: 蠕動 | :: |
蠕動 {v} /rúdòng/ | :: to wriggle; to squirm |
蠕動 {n} [physiology] /rúdòng/ | :: peristalsis |
蠕動 {n} [geology] /rúdòng/ | :: creep |
蠕蠕 {adj} /rúrú,ruǎnruǎn,1nb/ | :: wiggling; squirming |
蠕蠕 {prop} [historical] /rúrú,ruǎnruǎn,1nb/ | :: synonym of 柔然 |
蠕蠕而动 {def} SEE: 蠕蠕而動 | :: |
蠕蠕而動 {idiom} /rúrú'érdòng,ruǎnruǎn'érdòng,1nb/ | :: to crawl out; to wriggle |
蠕形动物 {def} SEE: 蠕形動物 | :: |
蠕形動物 {n} /ruǎnxíng dòngwù/ | :: worm |
襦裙 {n} /rúqún/ | :: an item of traditional Han attire for women |
邚 {def} /rú/ | :: alternative form of 𨚴 |
邚 {def} SEE: 婦 | :: |
邚 {def} /rú/ | :: an ancient country name |
銣 {def} /rú/ | :: rubidium |
铷 {def} SEE: 銣 | :: |
顬 {def} /rú/ | :: only used in 顳顬 |
颥 {def} SEE: 顬 | :: |
鱬 {def} /rú/ | :: [obsolete] a creature with a human face and a fish body |
鴑 {def} SEE: 鴽 | :: |
鴽 {def} /rú/ | :: quail-like bird |
乳 {def} /rǔ/ | :: breast; nipples |
乳 {def} /rǔ/ | :: milk |
乳 {def} /rǔ/ | :: to suckle |
乳癌 {n} /rǔ癌/ | :: breast cancer |
乳白 {adj} /rǔbái/ | :: milky white |
乳白色 {n} /rǔbáisè/ | :: milky white |
乳白色 {adj} /rǔbáisè/ | :: milky white |
乳餅 {n} /rǔbǐng/ | :: rubing (a goat milk cheese made by the Bai people of Yunnan) |
乳饼 {def} SEE: 乳餅 | :: |
乳缽 {n} /rǔbō/ | :: mortar (tool used to crush ingredients) |
乳钵 {def} SEE: 乳缽 | :: |
乳哺 {v} [literary] /rǔbǔ/ | :: to feed (a child) with breast milk (mother's milk) |
乳齒 {n} /rǔchǐ/ | :: milk tooth |
乳齿 {def} SEE: 乳齒 | :: |
乳臭 {n} /rǔxiù/ | :: smell of one's mother's milk |
乳臭 {n} [figurative] /rǔxiù/ | :: childishness, boyishness |
乳臭未干 {def} SEE: 乳臭未乾 | :: |
乳臭未乾 {idiom} [figurative] /rǔxiùwèigān/ | :: still very young; wet behind the ears |
乳蛋糕 {n} /rǔdàngāo/ | :: custard |
乳儿 {def} SEE: 乳兒 | :: |
乳兒 {n} /rǔ'ér/ | :: infant, suckling, baby |
乳房 {n} [anatomy] /rǔfáng/ | :: breast |
乳房 {n} /rǔfáng/ | :: udder |
乳房摄影 {def} SEE: 乳房攝影 | :: |
乳房攝影 {n} /rǔfáng shèyǐng/ | :: mammography |
乳腐 {n} /rǔfǔ/ | :: fermented bean curd |
乳腐 {n} /rǔfǔ/ | :: rubing (a goat milk cheese made by the Bai people of Yunnan) |
乳杆菌 {def} SEE: 乳桿菌 | :: |
乳桿菌 {n} /rǔgǎn菌/ | :: Lactobacillus |
乳膏 {n} /rǔgāo/ | :: medicinal cream; topical medication |
乳鴿 {n} /rǔgē/ | :: squab (baby pigeon) |
乳鸽 {def} SEE: 乳鴿 | :: |
乳沟 {def} SEE: 乳溝 | :: |
乳溝 {n} /rǔgōu/ | :: cleavage (between breasts) |
乳菇 {def} SEE: 奶菇 | :: |
乳化剂 {def} SEE: 乳化劑 | :: |
乳化劑 {n} /rǔhuàjì/ | :: emulsifier |
乳尖 {n} /rǔjiān,er/ | :: (tip of the) nipple |
乳交 {v} /rǔjiāo/ | :: to have mammary intercourse; to titfuck |
乳胶 {def} SEE: 乳膠 | :: |
乳膠 {n} /rǔjiāo/ | :: latex (emulsion) |
乳酪 {n} /rǔ酪/ | :: cheese |
乳酪 {n} [Hong Kong, Macau] /rǔ酪/ | :: yogurt |
乳酪蛋糕 {n} /rǔ酪 dàngāo/ | :: cheesecake |
乳酪汉堡 {def} SEE: 乳酪漢堡 | :: |
乳酪漢堡 {n} /rǔ酪 hànbǎo/ | :: cheeseburger |
乳糜 {n} [physiology] /rǔmí/ | :: chyle |
乳糜管 {n} [anatomy] /rǔmíguǎn/ | :: lacteal |
乳糜泻 {def} SEE: 乳糜瀉 | :: |
乳糜瀉 {n} [diseases] /rǔmíxiè/ | :: coeliac disease |
乳名 {n} /rǔmíng/ | :: childhood name |
乳母 {n} /rǔmǔ/ | :: wet nurse |
乳牛 {n} /rǔniú/ | :: milk cow; dairy cow; dairy cattle |
乳牛 {n} [regional] /rǔniú/ | :: female cow |
乳癖 {n} [TCM] /rǔ癖/ | :: breast lump, especially a benign one |
乳癖消片 {n} [TCM] /rǔ癖xiāopiàn/ | :: A sugar-coated brownish-black tablet used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dissolve mass, to activate blood circulation, to dispel heat and counteract toxicity in the treatment of mass in the breast, mastitis, and cystic hyperplasia of breast" |
乳清 {n} /rǔqīng/ | :: whey |
乳清苷 {n} [chemistry] /rǔqīnggān/ | :: orotidine |
乳山 {prop} /Rǔshān/ | :: (~ 市) 乳山 (county-level city) |
乳扇 {n} /rǔshàn/ | :: rushan; fan cheese (a cow's milk cheese of Yunnan) |
乳酸 {n} [carboxylic acid] /rǔsuān/ | :: lactic acid |
乳酸 {adj} [neologism, slang] /rǔsuān/ | :: so bored, astonished or frustrated that one's "boobs" hurt |
乳酸菌 {n} [bacteriology] /rǔsuān菌/ | :: lactic acid bacteria, especially Lactobacillus |
乳糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /rǔtáng/ | :: lactose |
乳糖不耐 {n} [diseases] /rǔtáng 不nài/ | :: lactose intolerance |
乳糖酶 {n} [enzyme, organic compound] /rǔtángméi/ | :: lactase |
乳糖酸 {n} [sugar acid] /rǔtángsuān/ | :: lactobionic acid |
乳醣 {def} SEE: 乳糖 | :: |
乳醣酶 {def} SEE: 乳糖酶 | :: |
乳头 {def} SEE: 乳頭 | :: |
乳頭 {n} [anatomy] /rǔtóu/ | :: nipple |
乳突 {n} [anatomy] /rǔ突/ | :: mastoid process |
乳突炎 {n} [disease] /rǔ突yán/ | :: mastoiditis |
乳献 {def} SEE: 乳獻 | :: |
乳腺 {n} [anatomy] /rǔxiàn/ | :: mammary gland |
乳腺癌 {n} /rǔxiàn癌/ | :: breast cancer |
乳腺炎 {n} [diseases] /rǔxiànyán/ | :: mastitis |
乳香 {n} /rǔxiāng/ | :: frankincense |
乳牙 {n} /rǔyá/ | :: milk tooth; baby tooth; deciduous tooth |
乳业 {def} SEE: 乳業 | :: |
乳業 {n} /rǔyè/ | :: dairy farming |
乳液 {n} /rǔ液/ | :: lotion; emollient |
乳液 {n} /rǔ液/ | :: moisturising cream; moisturiser |
乳源 {prop} /Rǔyuán/ | :: (~ 瑤族自治縣) 乳源 (autonomous county) |
乳晕 {def} SEE: 乳暈 | :: |
乳暈 {n} [anatomy] /rǔyùn/ | :: areola (pigmented circle around the nipple) |
乳罩 {n} /rǔzhào/ | :: brassiere; bra |
乳汁 {n} /rǔzhī/ | :: milk |
乳脂 {n} /rǔzhī/ | :: cream; milk fat (oily part of milk) |
乳脂軟糖 {n} /rǔzhīruǎntáng/ | :: toffee |
乳脂软糖 {def} SEE: 乳脂軟糖 | :: |
乳制品 {def} SEE: 乳製品 | :: |
乳製品 {n} /rǔzhìpǐn/ | :: dairy products |
乳猪 {def} SEE: 乳豬 | :: |
乳豬 {n} /rǔzhū/ | :: suckling pig |
乳浊液 {def} SEE: 乳濁液 | :: |
乳濁液 {n} [chemistry] /rǔzhuó液/ | :: emulsion |
汝 {def} /rǔ/ | :: (~ 水) zh:汝水, a northern tributary of the Huai River in modern-day southern Henan province. The name also refers to the Hong River (Huai River Tributary) in its lower reaches, which now shares a common course with the Ru, as well as a southern tributary of the Hong |
汝 {def} [literary or coastal Min] /rǔ/ | :: thou, you (second-person pronoun) |
汝 {def} /rǔ/ | :: surname |
汝輩 {pron} [literary or Puxian] /rǔbèi/ | :: you all |
汝辈 {def} SEE: 汝輩 | :: |
汝曹 {pron} [literary] /rǔcáo/ | :: you all; you [plural] |
汝各侬 {def} SEE: 汝各儂 | :: |
汝南 {n} /Rǔnán/ | :: Runan County (in Henan) |
汝侬 {def} SEE: 汝儂 | :: |
汝窑 {def} SEE: 汝窯 | :: |
汝窯 {prop} /Rǔyáo/ | :: Ru kilns where the Ru wares are produced |
汝州 {prop} /Rǔzhōu/ | :: (~ 市) 汝州 (city) |
辱 {def} /辱/ | :: to humiliate; to insult; to abuse |
辱 {def} /辱/ | :: to disgrace; to bring shame on |
辱 {def} /辱/ | :: disgrace; shame; discredit |
辱 {def} [humble, polite form] /辱/ | :: gratefully |
辱华 {def} SEE: 辱華 | :: |
辱華 {v} /辱huá/ | :: to insult China |
辱罵 {v} /辱mà/ | :: to abuse; to insult; to humiliate |
辱骂 {def} SEE: 辱罵 | :: |
辱沒 {v} /辱mò/ | :: to bring disgrace to; to be unworthy of |
辱没 {def} SEE: 辱沒 | :: |
傉 {def} /nù/ | :: Only used in proper names |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to enter; to go into |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to join; to become a member of |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to accept; to admit |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to pay |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: income |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to confirm; to agree |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to conform (to) |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to arrive (at); to attain |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to go to imperial court |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: to invade |
入 {def} [telephony] /rù/ | :: to get through |
入 {def} [Cantonese] /rù/ | :: inside |
入 {def} [dialectal Mandarin, dialectal Wu, vulgar] /rù/ | :: to fuck; to have sexual intercourse |
入 {def} /rù/ | :: abbreviation of 入聲 |
入笔 {def} SEE: 入筆 | :: |
入筆 {v} [Chinese calligraphy] /rùbǐ/ | :: to start writing a stroke of a Chinese character |
入不敷出 {idiom} /rù不fūchū/ | :: unable to make ends meet; income cannot cover expenditure; to spend more than one earns |
入册 {def} SEE: 入冊 | :: |
入場 {v} /rù場/ | :: to enter a venue |
入場 {v} /rù場/ | :: to take part in an examination |
入場券 {n} /rùchǎngquàn,rùchángquàn,rùchǎngjuàn,er/ | :: admission ticket |
入场 {def} SEE: 入場 | :: |
入场券 {def} SEE: 入場券 | :: |
入超 {n} [economics] /rùchāo/ | :: trade deficit |
入鈔機 {n} [Hong Kong] /rùchāojī/ | :: cash deposit machine |
入钞机 {def} SEE: 入鈔機 | :: |
入党 {def} SEE: 入黨 | :: |
入黨 {v} /rùdǎng/ | :: to join a political party |
入黨 {v} [specifically] /rùdǎng/ | :: to join the Communist Party of China |
入道 {v} /rùdào/ | :: to accord with Taoism |
入道 {v} /rùdào/ | :: to take part in Taoism |
入店 {v} /rùdiàn/ | :: to enter a shop |
入店行窃 {def} SEE: 入店行竊 | :: |
入店行竊 {v} /rùdiàn xíngqiè/ | :: to shoplift |
入店行竊 {n} /rùdiàn xíngqiè/ | :: shoplifting |
入調 {adj} /rùdiào/ | :: in tune |
入調 {v} /rùdiào/ | :: to hit the spot |
入调 {def} SEE: 入調 | :: |
入定 {v} [Buddhism] /rùdìng/ | :: to sit in meditation (a technique for mental self-discipline) |
入冬 {v} /rùdōng/ | :: to begin the winter season |
入肚 {v} /rùdù/ | :: to swallow; to consume |
入耳 {v} [of words, sound] /rù'ěr/ | :: to enter the ear |
入耳 {v} /rù'ěr/ | :: to be pleasant to hear |
入伏 {v} /rùfú/ | :: to begin the hottest days of the year |
入港 {v} /rùgǎng/ | :: to enter a port |
入港 {v} [obsolete] /rùgǎng/ | :: to be in great harmony; to engage in a great conversation with each other |
入格 {n} /rùgé/ | :: illative case (case used to indicate movement into something) |
入格 {v} [literary or Zhangzhou Hokkien] /rùgé/ | :: to qualify; to reach a standard |
入閣 {v} [politics] /rùgé/ | :: to join the cabinet |
入阁 {def} SEE: 入閣 | :: |
入宫 {def} SEE: 入宮 | :: |
入宮 {v} [literary] /rùgōng/ | :: to enter the imperial palace |
入貢 {v} [archaic] /rùgòng/ | :: to offer tributes to the emperor |
入贡 {def} SEE: 入貢 | :: |
入股 {v} /rùgǔ/ | :: to purchase a stake of a company; to buy shares; to buy into a company; to become a shareholder; to invest |
入骨 {adv} /rùgǔ/ | :: to the bone; deeply (of hatred, love, etc.) |
入骨 {adv} [Mainland China Hokkien] /rùgǔ/ | :: extremely |
入官 {v} [archaic] /rùguān/ | :: to confiscate (for the government) the assets of a person convicted of a crime |
入海 {v} /rùhǎi/ | :: to enter the sea |
入海口 {n} /rùhǎikǒu/ | :: estuary |
入行 {v} /rùháng/ | :: to start a career in a certain industry |
入行 {v} /rùháng/ | :: to learn the fundamentals |
入賀 {v} [archaic] /rùhè/ | :: to attend an audience in order to offer congratulations |
入贺 {def} SEE: 入賀 | :: |
入戲 {v} /rùxì/ | :: to be used as the theme of a play, film or television work |
入戲 {v} [of a person] /rùxì/ | :: to become part of the play or drama; to immerse oneself in the story |
入戶 {v} /rùhù/ | :: to enter other people's house (without permission) |
入戶 {v} /rùhù/ | :: to register one's residence; to register and obtain a residence permit |
入户 {def} SEE: 入戶 | :: |
入会 {def} SEE: 入會 | :: |
入會 {v} /rùhuì/ | :: to become a member; to join an organisation |
入伙 {def} SEE: 入夥 | :: |
入夥 {v} /rùhuǒ,er/ | :: to join a group; to join a gang |
入夥 {v} /rùhuǒ,er/ | :: to join in partnership |
入夥 {v} /rùhuǒ,er/ | :: to share a meal |
入夥 {v} [Cantonese] /rùhuǒ,er/ | :: to move in (a house, a flat, etc.) |
入籍 {v} /rùjí/ | :: to become a naturalized citizen |
入寂 {v} [Buddhism, of Buddhist monks] /rù寂/ | :: to pass away; to die |
入繼 {v} [archaic] /rùjì/ | :: to succeed; to be the successor |
入继 {def} SEE: 入繼 | :: |
入监 {def} SEE: 入監 | :: |
入監 {v} /rùjiān/ | :: to be sent to prison |
入間 {prop} /Rùjiān/ | :: (~ 市) 入間 (city) |
入间 {def} SEE: 入間 | :: |
入見 {v} [archaic] /rùjiàn/ | :: to enter into the palace to see (a ruler etc.); to attend an audience with (the ruler etc.) |
入见 {def} SEE: 入見 | :: |
入京 {v} [literary] /rùjīng/ | :: to enter the capital |
入境 {v} /rùjìng/ | :: to enter a region; to enter a country |
入境随俗 {def} SEE: 入境隨俗 | :: |
入境隨俗 {idiom} [chiefly , Taiwan] /rùjìngsuísú/ | :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do |
入坑 {v} /rùkēng/ | :: to become entrapped |
入坑 {v} [Mandarin, neologism, internet slang] /rùkēng/ | :: to get into a fandom; to begin reading, watching, playing, etc. a creative work or franchise |
入口 {n} /rùkǒu,er/ | :: entrance; the "in" door |
入口 {n} /rùkǒu,er/ | :: import(s) |
入口 {v} /rùkǒu,er/ | :: to enter the mouth |
入口 {v} /rùkǒu,er/ | :: to import |
入寇 {v} [literary] /rùkòu/ | :: to invade and pillage |
入库 {def} SEE: 入庫 | :: |
入庫 {v} /rùkù/ | :: to deposit into a warehouse; to put in storage |
入庫 {v} /rùkù/ | :: to confiscate (on behalf of the state) |
入來 {v} [literary, Min Nan, Hakka, Cantonese] /rùlái/ | :: to come in; to enter |
入来 {def} SEE: 入來 | :: |
入殓 {def} SEE: 入殮 | :: |
入殓师 {def} SEE: 入殮師 | :: |
入殮 {v} /rùliàn/ | :: to put a corpse in a coffin; to encoffin |
入殮師 {n} /rùliànshī/ | :: embalmer (person) |
入列 {v} [military] /rùliè/ | :: to take one's place in the ranks; to fall in |
入路 {n} [medicine] /rùlù/ | :: approach (used in an operation) |
入梅 {v} /rùméi/ | :: to commence the rainy season |
入門 {v} /rùmén/ | :: to enter (a door or gate) |
入門 {v} /rùmén/ | :: to learn the fundamentals |
入門 {n} /rùmén/ | :: entrance door |
入門 {n} /rùmén/ | :: introduction to a subject; elementary course; primer |
入門級 {adj} [attributive] /rùménjí/ | :: entry-level |
入门 {def} SEE: 入門 | :: |
入门级 {def} SEE: 入門級 | :: |
入门喜 {def} SEE: 入門喜 | :: |
入夢 {v} /rùmèng/ | :: to fall asleep |
入夢 {v} /rùmèng/ | :: to appear in one's dream |
入梦 {def} SEE: 入夢 | :: |
入迷 {v} /rùmí/ | :: to be fascinated by; to be obsessed with; to be enchanted by |
入魔 {v} /rùmó/ | :: to be spellbound; to be infatuated or obsessed |
入木三分 {idiom} /rùmùsānfēn/ | :: written in a forceful hand; penetrating; profound |
入內 {v} /rùnèi/ | :: to enter |
入内 {def} SEE: 入內 | :: |
入气 {def} SEE: 入氣 | :: |
入钱 {def} SEE: 入錢 | :: |
入侵 {v} /rùqīn/ | :: to invade; to intrude |
入侵者 {n} /rùqīnzhě/ | :: invader; intruder |
入情入理 {idiom} /rùqíngrùlǐ/ | :: fair and reasonable; fair and sensible |
入去 {v} [literary, Cantonese, Hakka, Min Nan] /rùqù/ | :: to go in; to enter |
入去 {v} [Cantonese] /rùqù/ | :: Used after a verb to indicate the action is moving inwards, away from the speaker |
入羣 {def} SEE: 入群 | :: |
入群 {v} [social media] /rùqún/ | :: to join a group chat |
入山 {v} /rùshān/ | :: to enter the mountains |
入山 {v} /rùshān/ | :: to live in seclusion in the mountains |
入射 {n} [physics] /rùshè/ | :: incidence |
入射角 {n} [optics] /rùshèjiǎo/ | :: angle of incidence (angle that straight line makes with the normal of a surface) |
入神 {adj} /rùshén/ | :: focused out of interest; intent; entranced; enthralled |
入神 {adj} /rùshén/ | :: superb; exquisite |
入声 {def} SEE: 入聲 | :: |
入聲 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /rùshēng/ | :: entering tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) |
入圣 {def} SEE: 入聖 | :: |
入聖 {v} [literary, Buddhism] /rùshèng/ | :: to become an arhat |
入时 {def} SEE: 入時 | :: |
入時 {adj} /rùshí/ | :: fashionable; modish; a la mode |
入世 {v} /rùshì/ | :: to enter society; to enter the (secular) world |
入世 {v} [Mainland] /rùshì/ | :: to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) |
入仕 {v} [literary] /rùshì/ | :: to become an official; to take an official post; to become a government employee |
入室 {v} /rù室/ | :: to enter someone's house or room |
入室 {v} /rù室/ | :: to gain mastery of |
入市 {v} /rùshì/ | :: to enter a market; to start investing |
入市 {v} [archaic] /rùshì/ | :: to be taken to the execution ground (in the city center) |
入手 {v} /rùshǒu/ | :: to start with; to begin with |
入手 {v} [neologism] /rùshǒu/ | :: to buy; to obtain; to get one's hands on |
入数 {def} SEE: 入數 | :: |
入睡 {v} /rùshuì/ | :: to fall asleep |
入睡抽动 {def} SEE: 入睡抽動 | :: |
入睡抽動 {n} /rùshuì chōudòng/ | :: hypnic jerk |
入死 {v} [literary] /rùsǐ/ | :: to die |
入土 {v} /rùtǔ/ | :: to be buried; to be interred |
入托 {v} [of a child] /rùtuō/ | :: to start daycare; to start to go to a daycare centre |
入微 {adv} /rù微/ | :: in every (possible) way |
入微 {adv} /rù微/ | :: extremely |
入围 {def} SEE: 入圍 | :: |
入圍 {v} /rùwéi/ | :: to qualify for; to get past the qualifying round; to be longlisted for |
入闈 {v} [historical] /rùwéi/ | :: to enter the testing area (said of the examiner and the examinee in imperial examinations) |
入闈 {v} /rùwéi/ | :: to proceed to the next round in a competition; to be selected |
入闈 {v} /rùwéi/ | :: to enter the area where the examination is prepared (of examiners) |
入闱 {def} SEE: 入闈 | :: |
入味 {v} [of seasoning] /rùwèi,er/ | :: to be absorbed into the food after prolonged cooking or seasoning; [of food] to be tasty |
入味 {v} /rùwèi,er/ | :: to be interesting; fun |
入屋爆窃 {def} SEE: 入屋爆竊 | :: |
入屋爆竊 {n} /rùwū bàoqiè/ | :: home invasion |
入伍 {v} /rùwǔ/ | :: to join the army; to enlist |
入席 {v} [literary] /rùxí/ | :: to take up one's seat (at a ceremony or banquet) |
入戏 {def} SEE: 入戲 | :: |
入献 {def} SEE: 入獻 | :: |
入獻 {v} [archaic] /rùxiàn/ | :: to enter (an imperial court) and present (a gift) |
入乡随俗 {def} SEE: 入鄉隨俗 | :: |
入鄉隨俗 {idiom} /rùxiāngsuísú/ | :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do |
入心入肺 {idiom} [chiefly Cantonese] /rùxīnrùfèi/ | :: to feel deeply |
入选 {def} SEE: 入選 | :: |
入選 {v} /rùxuǎn/ | :: to be chosen |
入選 {v} /rùxuǎn/ | :: to be elected as |
入学 {def} SEE: 入學 | :: |
入学考试 {def} SEE: 入學考試 | :: |
入学试 {def} SEE: 入學試 | :: |
入學 {v} /rùxué/ | :: to start school; to enter college |
入學考試 {n} /rùxué kǎoshì/ | :: entrance examination |
入學試 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /rùxuéshì/ | :: entrance examination |
入眼 {adj} /rùyǎn/ | :: pleasing to the eye |
入浴 {v} /rùyù/ | :: to enter a bath |
入狱 {def} SEE: 入獄 | :: |
入獄 {v} /rùyù/ | :: to go to jail; to be sent to prison |
入园 {def} SEE: 入園 | :: |
入園 {v} /rùyuán/ | :: to enter a park; to enter a garden |
入園 {v} /rùyuán/ | :: to start going to a kindergarten |
入院 {v} /rùyuàn/ | :: to be admitted to hospital; to be hospitalised |
入宅 {v} /rùzhái/ | :: to move into a new residence |
入宅 {v} [ACG] /rùzhái/ | :: to become an otaku; to enter the otaku world |
入朝 {v} [archaic] /rùcháo/ | :: to attend court; to meet with the emperor |
入职 {def} SEE: 入職 | :: |
入職 {v} /rùzhí/ | :: to commence employment; to start work (for an employer); to enter a company |
入珠 {v} /rùzhū/ | :: to insert genital beads |
入主 {v} [literary] /rùzhǔ/ | :: to become the master |
入住 {v} /rùzhù/ | :: to check in (to a hotel); to move into (a newly constructed apartment) |
入贅 {v} /rùzhuì/ | :: to marry into and live with the wife's family |
入赘 {def} SEE: 入贅 | :: |
入樽 {v} [Hong Kong, basketball] /rùzūn/ | :: to slam dunk; to perform a dunk shot |
入坐 {def} SEE: 入座 | :: |
入座 {v} /rùzuò,er/ | :: to take one's seat |
縟節 {n} [literary] /rùjié/ | :: excessive formality |
缛 {def} SEE: 縟 | :: |
缛节 {def} SEE: 縟節 | :: |
褥 {def} /rù/ | :: cotton-padded mattress; mattress; cushion |
褥 {def} /rù/ | :: bedding |
褥單 {n} /rùdān,er/ | :: bedsheet |
褥單子 {n} /rùdānzi/ | :: bedsheet |
褥疮 {def} SEE: 褥瘡 | :: |
褥瘡 {n} [medicine] /rùchuāng/ | :: bedsore; pressure ulcer |
褥单 {def} SEE: 褥單 | :: |
褥单子 {def} SEE: 褥單子 | :: |
褥套 {n} /rùtào/ | :: bedding sack; mattress cover |
褥子 {n} /rùzi/ | :: cotton-padded mattress |
䓴 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: [obsolete] wood ear |
朊 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: moonlight shines faintly |
朊 {def} [biochemistry, obsolete] /ruǎn/ | :: protein |
朊 {def} [biochemistry, in compounds] /ruǎn/ | :: prion |
朊病毒 {n} /ruǎnbìngdú/ | :: prion |
朊毒体 {def} SEE: 朊毒體 | :: |
朊毒體 {n} [biology] /ruǎndútǐ/ | :: prion |
耎 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: soft |
耎 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: weak |
蝡 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: wriggle; squirm |
軟 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: soft; flexible; pliable |
軟 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: soft; gentle; mild |
軟 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: weak; feeble |
軟白乾酪 {n} /ruǎnbái gān酪/ | :: cottage cheese |
軟筆 {n} /ruǎnbǐ/ | :: soft-tipped writing utensil; writing brush; brush pen |
軟磁碟 {n} [Taiwan] /ruǎncídié/ | :: floppy disk; diskette |
軟磁盤 {n} [Mainland China] /ruǎncípán/ | :: floppy disk; diskette |
軟蛋 {n} /ruǎndàn/ | :: soft-shell egg; rubber egg |
軟蛋 {n} [figurative, colloquial, derogatory] /ruǎndàn/ | :: coward; mouse |
軟墊 {n} /ruǎndiàn/ | :: soft cushion |
軟碟 {n} [Taiwan] /ruǎndié/ | :: floppy disk; diskette |
軟凍 {n} /ruǎndòng/ | :: custard |
軟腭 {def} SEE: 軟齶 | :: |
軟腭音 {def} SEE: 軟齶音 | :: |
軟顎 {n} [anatomy] /ruǎn'è/ | :: soft palate; velum |
軟顎音 {n} [linguistics] /ruǎn'èyīn/ | :: velar |
軟齶 {n} /ruǎn'è/ | :: alternative form of 軟顎 |
軟齶音 {n} /ruǎn'èyīn/ | :: alternative form of 軟顎音 |
軟飯 {n} /ruǎnfàn/ | :: soft diet |
軟飯 {n} [figurative, in compounds, of a man] /ruǎnfàn/ | :: living off a woman |
軟飯男 {n} /ruǎnfànnán/ | :: a man who lives off a woman |
軟肥皂 {n} /ruǎnféizàoshuǐ/ | :: soft soap; green soap |
軟鋼 {n} /ruǎngāng/ | :: mild steel |
軟膏 {n} /ruǎngāo/ | :: ointment, paste, salve |
軟骨 {n} [anatomy] /ruǎngǔ/ | :: cartilage |
軟骨膜 {n} [anatomy] /ruǎngǔ膜/ | :: perichondrium |
軟骨肉瘤 {n} [diseases] /ruǎngǔ ròuliú,er/ | :: chondrosarcoma |
軟骨細胞 {n} /ruǎngǔxìbāo/ | :: chondrocyte |
軟骨魚類 {n} /ruǎngǔyúlèi/ | :: cartilaginous fishes; chondrichthyans |
軟管 {n} /ruǎnguǎn/ | :: hose (flexible tube) |
軟和 {adj} /ruǎnhuo/ | :: soft; gentle |
軟化 {v} /ruǎnhuà/ | :: to soften; to weaken |
軟化 {v} /ruǎnhuà/ | :: to persuade using soft tactics |
軟件 {n} [Mainland, Hong Kong, computing] /ruǎnjiàn,er/ | :: software (Classifier: m:個m:套) |
軟腳蟹 {n} [literally] /ruǎnjiǎoxiè/ | :: soft-legged crab |
軟腳蟹 {n} [figurative, pejorative] /ruǎnjiǎoxiè/ | :: softie; wuss; chicken |
軟禁 {v} /ruǎnjìn/ | :: to imprison |
軟禁 {v} /ruǎnjìn/ | :: to put someone under house arrest |
軟口蓋 {n} [anatomy] /ruǎnkǒugài/ | :: synonym of 軟顎 |
軟肋 {n} [anatomy] /ruǎn肋/ | :: costal cartilage |
軟肋 {n} [figurative, neologism, Mainland] /ruǎn肋/ | :: weak point; weakness; soft underbelly |
軟妹幣 {n} [neologism, humorous] /ruǎnmèibì/ | :: renminbi |
軟妹子 {n} [neologism, slang] /ruǎnmèizi/ | :: girly girl; soft and feminine girl |
軟綿綿 {adj} [ideophonic] /ruǎnmiánmián/ | :: soft (like cotton) |
軟綿綿 {adj} [ideophonic, of body] /ruǎnmiánmián/ | :: weak (all over); worn out |
軟綿綿 {adj} [ideophonic, of words, etc.] /ruǎnmiánmián/ | :: affectionate; tender; sentimental |
軟磨硬泡 {idiom} /ruǎnmóyìngpào/ | :: to coax and pester unceasingly; to tiresomely pursue something |
軟木 {n} /ruǎnmù/ | :: cork |
軟腦膜 {n} [anatomy] /ruǎnnǎo膜,er/ | :: pia mater (that surrounds the brain) |
軟泥 {n} /ruǎnní/ | :: soft mud, silt; sludge; ooze |
軟盤 {n} [Mainland China] /ruǎnpán/ | :: floppy disk; diskette |
軟盤驅動器 {n} /ruǎnpán qūdòngqì/ | :: floppy drive; floppy disk drive; floppy diskette drive |
軟片 {n} /ruǎnpiàn/ | :: roll of film |
軟弱 {adj} /ruǎnruò/ | :: weak; feeble; infirm |
軟弱 {adj} [figurative] /ruǎnruò/ | :: weak; useless; lacking courage |
軟實力 {n} [politics] /ruǎnshílì/ | :: soft power |
軟柿子 {n} /ruǎnshìzi/ | :: softened persimmon, which has thick, jelly-like flesh |
軟柿子 {n} [figurative, colloquial, pejorative] /ruǎnshìzi/ | :: one who is weak and easily bullied or manipulated; pushover |
軟水 {n} [chemistry] /ruǎnshuǐ/ | :: soft water |
軟水 {adj} [Mainland China Hokkien] /ruǎnshuǐ/ | :: relaxed; light (of a task or work) |
軟癱 {n} [medicine] /ruǎntān/ | :: flaccid paralysis |
軟糖 {n} /ruǎntáng/ | :: toffee (Classifier: 塊) |
軟體 {adj} /ruǎntǐ/ | :: soft-bodied |
軟體 {n} [Taiwan, computing] /ruǎntǐ/ | :: software (Classifier: m:個m:套) |
軟體動物 {n} /ruǎntǐ dòngwù/ | :: mollusk; mollusc |
軟體動物學 {n} /ruǎntǐ dòngwùxué/ | :: malacology |
軟體動物學家 {n} /ruǎntǐ dòngwùxuéjiā/ | :: malacologist |
軟文 {n} [advertising] /ruǎnwén/ | :: advertorial |
軟臥 {n} /ruǎnwò/ | :: soft sleeper (on a train or boat) |
軟席 {n} /ruǎnxí/ | :: soft or cushioned seat or berth |
軟下疳 {n} /ruǎnxiàgān/ | :: chancroid |
軟性飲料 {n} /ruǎnxìng yǐnliào/ | :: soft drink |
軟飲 {n} /ruǎnyǐn/ | :: abbreviation of 軟性飲料 |
軟飲料 {n} /ruǎnyǐnliào/ | :: soft drink |
軟硬件 {n} [Mainland, Hong Kong, computing] /ruǎnyìngjiàn/ | :: software and hardware |
軟硬體 {n} [Taiwan, computing] /ruǎnyìngtǐ/ | :: software and hardware |
軟玉 {n} /ruǎnyù/ | :: nephrite |
軟着陸 {def} SEE: 軟著陸 | :: |
軟脂酸 {n} [fatty acid] /ruǎn脂suān/ | :: palmitic acid |
軟指標 {n} /ruǎnzhǐbiāo,er/ | :: soft target (that is more flexible or negotiable); soft endpoint; soft objective |
軟著陸 {v} /ruǎnzhuólù/ | :: to soft-land; to land safely and without damage with a reduced speed |
軟著陸 {v} [figurative, economics] /ruǎnzhuólù/ | :: to soft-land; to smoothly shift from rapid growth to slow growth (in order to avoid recession) |
軟組織 {n} /ruǎnzǔzhī/ | :: soft tissue |
軟座 {n} /ruǎnzuò/ | :: soft seat (on train or boat) |
輭 {def} SEE: 軟 | :: |
輭弱 {def} SEE: 軟弱 | :: |
软 {def} SEE: 軟 | :: |
软白干酪 {def} SEE: 軟白乾酪 | :: |
软笔 {def} SEE: 軟筆 | :: |
软磁碟 {def} SEE: 軟磁碟 | :: |
软磁盘 {def} SEE: 軟磁盤 | :: |
软大米 {def} SEE: 軟大米 | :: |
软蛋 {def} SEE: 軟蛋 | :: |
软垫 {def} SEE: 軟墊 | :: |
软碟 {def} SEE: 軟碟 | :: |
软冻 {def} SEE: 軟凍 | :: |
软腭 {def} SEE: 軟腭 | :: |
软腭音 {def} SEE: 軟齶音 | :: |
软颚 {def} SEE: 軟顎 | :: |
软颚音 {def} SEE: 軟顎音 | :: |
软饭 {def} SEE: 軟飯 | :: |
软饭男 {def} SEE: 軟飯男 | :: |
软肥皂 {def} SEE: 軟肥皂 | :: |
软钢 {def} SEE: 軟鋼 | :: |
软膏 {def} SEE: 軟膏 | :: |
软骨 {def} SEE: 軟骨 | :: |
软骨膜 {def} SEE: 軟骨膜 | :: |
软骨肉瘤 {def} SEE: 軟骨肉瘤 | :: |
软骨细胞 {def} SEE: 軟骨細胞 | :: |
软骨鱼类 {def} SEE: 軟骨魚類 | :: |
软管 {def} SEE: 軟管 | :: |
软和 {def} SEE: 軟和 | :: |
软化 {def} SEE: 軟化 | :: |
软件 {def} SEE: 軟件 | :: |
软脚蟹 {def} SEE: 軟腳蟹 | :: |
软禁 {def} SEE: 軟禁 | :: |
软口盖 {def} SEE: 軟口蓋 | :: |
软肋 {def} SEE: 軟肋 | :: |
软妹币 {def} SEE: 軟妹幣 | :: |
软妹子 {def} SEE: 軟妹子 | :: |
软绵绵 {def} SEE: 軟綿綿 | :: |
软磨硬泡 {def} SEE: 軟磨硬泡 | :: |
软木 {def} SEE: 軟木 | :: |
软脑膜 {def} SEE: 軟腦膜 | :: |
软嫩 {def} SEE: 軟嫩 | :: |
软泥 {def} SEE: 軟泥 | :: |
软盘 {def} SEE: 軟盤 | :: |
软盘驱动器 {def} SEE: 軟盤驅動器 | :: |
软片 {def} SEE: 軟片 | :: |
软蜞 {def} SEE: 軟蜞 | :: |
软气 {def} SEE: 軟氣 | :: |
软钱 {def} SEE: 軟錢 | :: |
软汫 {def} SEE: 軟汫 | :: |
软韧 {def} SEE: 軟韌 | :: |
软弱 {def} SEE: 軟弱 | :: |
软实力 {def} SEE: 軟實力 | :: |
软柿子 {def} SEE: 軟柿子 | :: |
软水 {def} SEE: 軟水 | :: |
软瘫 {def} SEE: 軟癱 | :: |
软糖 {def} SEE: 軟糖 | :: |
软体 {def} SEE: 軟體 | :: |
软体动物 {def} SEE: 軟體動物 | :: |
软体动物学 {def} SEE: 軟體動物學 | :: |
软体动物学家 {def} SEE: 軟體動物學家 | :: |
软文 {def} SEE: 軟文 | :: |
软卧 {def} SEE: 軟臥 | :: |
软席 {def} SEE: 軟席 | :: |
软下疳 {def} SEE: 軟下疳 | :: |
软心 {def} SEE: 軟心 | :: |
软性饮料 {def} SEE: 軟性飲料 | :: |
软饮 {def} SEE: 軟飲 | :: |
软饮料 {def} SEE: 軟飲料 | :: |
软硬件 {def} SEE: 軟硬件 | :: |
软硬体 {def} SEE: 軟硬體 | :: |
软玉 {def} SEE: 軟玉 | :: |
软着陆 {def} SEE: 軟著陸 | :: |
软脂酸 {def} SEE: 軟脂酸 | :: |
软指标 {def} SEE: 軟指標 | :: |
软组织 {def} SEE: 軟組織 | :: |
软座 {def} SEE: 軟座 | :: |
阮 {def} /ruǎn/ | :: surname |
阮 {def} [historical] /ruǎn/ | :: state of Ruan (a small state during the Shang Dynasty) |
阮 {def} [musical instrument] /ruǎn/ | :: ruan |
阮 {def} /yuán/ | :: [obsolete] The name of a mountain |
阮 {def} /yuán/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 原 only used in 五阮關 |
阮咸 {n} [musical instrument] /ruǎnxián/ | :: ruan |
阮朝 {prop} /Ruǎncháo/ | :: Nguyen dynasty (a dynasty of Vietnam (1802–1945)) |
惢 {def} /suǒ/ | :: to doubt; to be suspicious |
惢 {def} SEE: 蕊 | :: |
惢 {def} /suǒ/ | :: to worry too much |
橤 {def} SEE: 蕊 | :: |
橤 {def} /ruǐ/ | :: to hang down; to droop |
蕊 {def} [botany] /ruǐ/ | :: reproductive organ of a flower; stamen or gynoecium |
蕊 {def} /ruǐ/ | :: flower bud |
蕊 {def} [Hokkien, Teochew, Taiwan Hakka] /ruǐ/ | :: classifier for flowers and eyes |
蕋 {def} SEE: 蕊 | :: |
蘂 {def} SEE: 蕊 | :: |
㓹 {def} /ruì/ | :: a sharp-pointed weapon |
㓹 {def} /ruì/ | :: acute |
㓹 {def} /ruì/ | :: zealous |
㓹 {def} /ruì/ | :: valiant |
㓹 {def} /ruì/ | :: wound |
㓹 {def} /ruì/ | :: minor injury |
㛱 {def} /wěi/ | :: exquisite, fine |
㛱 {def} /wěi/ | :: used in girl names |
䌼 {def} SEE: 綐 | :: |
叡 {def} SEE: 睿 | :: |
叡問 {n} [archaic] /ruìwèn/ | :: reputation of being capable and virtuous |
叡智 {def} SEE: 睿智 | :: |
枘 {def} /ruì/ | :: tool handle |
棁 {def} SEE: 梲 | :: |
瑞 {def} /ruì/ | :: [obsolete] token made of jade |
瑞 {def} /ruì/ | :: auspicious omen |
瑞 {def} /ruì/ | :: auspicious |
瑞 {def} /ruì/ | :: surname |
瑞安 {prop} /Ruì'ān/ | :: (~ 市) 瑞安 (county-level city) |
瑞草 {n} [literary] /ruìcǎo/ | :: rare and auspicious plant |
瑞昌 {prop} /Ruìchāng/ | :: (~ 市) 瑞昌 (city) |
瑞典 {prop} /Ruìdiǎn/ | :: Sweden |
瑞典人 {n} /Ruìdiǎnrén/ | :: Swede; someone from Sweden |
瑞典語 {prop} /Ruìdiǎnyǔ/ | :: Swedish language |
瑞典语 {def} SEE: 瑞典語 | :: |
瑞尔 {def} SEE: 瑞爾 | :: |
瑞爾 {n} /ruì'ěr/ | :: riel |
瑞芳 {prop} /Ruìfāng/ | :: (~ 區) 瑞芳 (district) |
瑞金 {prop} /Ruìjīn/ | :: (~ 市) 瑞金 (county-level city) |
瑞浪 {prop} /Ruìlàng/ | :: (~ 市) 瑞浪 (city) |
瑞麗 {prop} /Ruìlì/ | :: (~ 市) 瑞麗 (county-level city) |
瑞丽 {def} SEE: 瑞麗 | :: |
瑞龍 {prop} /Ruìlóng/ | :: (~ 社區) 瑞龍 (residential community) |
瑞龙 {def} SEE: 瑞龍 | :: |
瑞鳥 {n} /ruìniǎo/ | :: auspicious bird |
瑞鸟 {def} SEE: 瑞鳥 | :: |
瑞平 {prop} /Ruìpíng/ | :: (~ 里) 瑞平 (urban village) |
瑞山 {prop} /Ruìshān/ | :: (~ 市) 瑞山 (city) |
瑞士 {prop} /Ruìshì,tl/ | :: Switzerland |
瑞士刀 {n} /Ruìshìdāo/ | :: Swiss Army knife |
瑞士法郎 {n} /Ruìshì 法láng/ | :: Swiss franc |
瑞士雞翼 {n} /Ruìshì jīyì/ | :: Swiss wing (a type of chicken wings originating in Hong Kong) |
瑞士鸡翼 {def} SEE: 瑞士雞翼 | :: |
瑞士卷 {def} SEE: 瑞士捲 | :: |
瑞士捲 {n} /ruìshìjuǎn/ | :: Swiss roll |
瑞士军刀 {def} SEE: 瑞士軍刀 | :: |
瑞士军官刀 {def} SEE: 瑞士軍官刀 | :: |
瑞士軍刀 {n} /Ruìshì jūndāo/ | :: Swiss Army knife |
瑞士軍官刀 {n} /Ruìshì jūnguān dāo/ | :: Swiss Army knife |
瑞士联邦 {def} SEE: 瑞士聯邦 | :: |
瑞士聯邦 {prop} /Ruìshì Liánbāng/ | :: 瑞士聯邦 (country) |
瑞士麥片 {n} /Ruìshì màipiàn/ | :: muesli (breakfast dish) |
瑞士麦片 {def} SEE: 瑞士麥片 | :: |
瑞士人 {n} /ruìshìrén/ | :: Swiss (person, people) |
瑞穗 {prop} /Ruìsuì/ | :: (~ 市) 瑞穗 (city) |
瑞穗 {prop} /Ruìsuì/ | :: (~ 鄉) 瑞穗 (rural township) |
瑞雪 {n} /ruìxuě/ | :: timely snow; auspicious snow |
瑞月 {n} [literary] /ruìyuè/ | :: auspicious moon |
睿 {def} /ruì/ | :: shrewd, astute, clever, keen |
睿 {def} /ruì/ | :: emperor |
睿 {def} /ruì/ | :: Confucius |
睿问 {def} SEE: 叡問 | :: |
睿知 {def} SEE: 睿智 | :: |
睿智 {adj} [literary] /ruìzhì/ | :: wise and prescient |
蚋 {def} /ruì/ | :: black fly (small biting fly in family Simuliidae) |
銳 {def} /ruì/ | :: sharp; keen; acute; pointed |
銳 {def} /ruì/ | :: 14th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "penetration" (𝌓) |
銳 {def} /duì/ | :: [obsolete] A kind of spear-like weapon |
銳 {def} /yuè/ | :: [historical dictionaries] only used in 銚銳 |
銳角 {n} [geometry] /ruìjiǎo/ | :: acute angle |
銳角 {n} [architecture] /ruìjiǎo/ | :: angled bastion, such as those employed in Renaissance Europe's star forts |
銳角三角形 {n} [geometry] /ruìjiǎo sānjiǎoxíng/ | :: acute triangle |
銳利 {adj} [of a blade] /ruìlì/ | :: sharp; sharp-edged; keen |
銳利 {adj} [figurative, of words, writing style, etc.] /ruìlì/ | :: sharp; incisive; to the point |
銳敏 {adj} [of thinking, vision, etc.] /ruìmǐn/ | :: sharp; acute; keen |
銳氣 {n} [literary] /ruìqì/ | :: courage; audacity; fortitude; drive; dash; vigor |
銳聲 {n} [phonetics] /ruìshēng/ | :: the sắc ("sharp") tone of Vietnamese |
銳鈦礦 {n} [mineral] /ruìtàikuàng/ | :: anatase; octahedrite |
銳意 {adj} [formal] /ruìyì/ | :: firm; resolute; determined; bent (on) |
鋭 {def} SEE: 銳 | :: |
锐 {def} SEE: 銳 | :: |
锐角 {def} SEE: 銳角 | :: |
锐角三角形 {def} SEE: 銳角三角形 | :: |
锐利 {def} SEE: 銳利 | :: |
锐敏 {def} SEE: 銳敏 | :: |
锐气 {def} SEE: 銳氣 | :: |
锐声 {def} SEE: 銳聲 | :: |
锐钛矿 {def} SEE: 銳鈦礦 | :: |
锐意 {def} SEE: 銳意 | :: |
犉 {def} /chún,rún/ | :: [obsolete] yellow cattle with black lips |
瞤 {def} SEE: 瞬 | :: |
润 {def} SEE: 潤 | :: |
润笔 {def} SEE: 潤筆 | :: |
润饼 {def} SEE: 潤餅 | :: |
润饼仔 {def} SEE: 潤餅仔 | :: |
润唇膏 {def} SEE: 潤脣膏 | :: |
润肤 {def} SEE: 潤膚 | :: |
润肤膏 {def} SEE: 潤膚膏 | :: |
润肤露 {def} SEE: 潤膚露 | :: |
润肤乳 {def} SEE: 潤膚乳 | :: |
润喉 {def} SEE: 潤喉 | :: |
润滑 {def} SEE: 潤滑 | :: |
润滑剂 {def} SEE: 潤滑劑 | :: |
润滑油 {def} SEE: 潤滑油 | :: |
润滑脂 {def} SEE: 潤滑脂 | :: |
润色 {def} SEE: 潤色 | :: |
润湿 {def} SEE: 潤濕 | :: |
润饰 {def} SEE: 潤飾 | :: |
润泽 {def} SEE: 潤澤 | :: |
潤 {def} /rùn/ | :: wet; moist |
潤 {def} /rùn/ | :: sleek |
潤 {def} /rùn/ | :: to moisten; to wet |
潤 {def} /rùn/ | :: to polish (a piece of writing, etc.); to touch up |
潤 {def} /rùn/ | :: profit (excess of revenue over cost) |
潤筆 {v} /rùnbǐ/ | :: to dip in ink (of a writing brush) |
潤筆 {n} [old] /rùnbǐ/ | :: remuneration for a writer, painter, or calligrapher |
潤餅 {n} /rùnbǐng/ | :: soft mixed vegetable and meat roll-up, popiah |
潤唇膏 {def} SEE: 潤脣膏 | :: |
潤脣膏 {n} /rùnchúngāo/ | :: lip balm |
潤膚 {v} /rùnfū/ | :: to moisten the skin |
潤膚膏 {n} /rùnfūgāo/ | :: moisturising cream; moisturiser |
潤膚露 {n} /rùnfūlù/ | :: body lotion |
潤膚乳 {n} /rùnfūrǔ/ | :: lotion |
潤喉 {v} /rùnhóu/ | :: to soothe one's throat; to wet one's whistle |
潤滑 {v} /rùnhuá/ | :: to lubricate |
潤滑劑 {n} /rùnhuájì/ | :: lubricant |
潤滑油 {n} /rùnhuáyóu/ | :: lubricating oil; grease |
潤滑脂 {n} /rùnhuázhī/ | :: lubricating oil; grease |
潤色 {v} /rùnsè/ | :: to polish (a piece of writing, etc.); to touch up |
潤溼 {def} SEE: 潤濕 | :: |
潤濕 {v} /rùnshī/ | :: to make moist; to moisten |
潤濕 {v} /rùnshī/ | :: to wet; soak |
潤飾 {v} /rùnshì/ | :: to polish (a piece of writing, etc.); to touch up |
潤澤 {adj} /rùnzé/ | :: moist; damp |
潤澤 {v} /rùnzé/ | :: to moisten; to wet |
膶 {def} [Cantonese] /rùn/ | :: liver |
膶 {def} [Cantonese] /rùn/ | :: dried food |
閏 {def} /rùn/ | :: intercalary |
閏秒 {n} /rùnmiǎo/ | :: leap second |
閏年 {n} /rùnnián/ | :: leap year |
閏盤 {n} [anatomy] /rùnpán/ | :: intercalated disc |
閏日 {n} /rùnrì/ | :: leap day |
閏月 {n} /rùnyuè/ | :: intercalary month in the lunar calendar; leap month |
閠 {def} SEE: 閏 | :: |
闰 {def} SEE: 閏 | :: |
闰秒 {def} SEE: 閏秒 | :: |
闰年 {def} SEE: 閏年 | :: |
闰盘 {def} SEE: 閏盤 | :: |
闰日 {def} SEE: 閏日 | :: |
闰月 {def} SEE: 閏月 | :: |
偌 {def} /ruò/ | :: so; that |
偌 {def} /rè/ | :: surname |
偌大 {adj} /ruòdà/ | :: so big; such a big .. |
偌尔 {def} SEE: 偌爾 | :: |
偌尔仔 {def} SEE: 偌爾仔 | :: |
偌济 {def} SEE: 偌濟 | :: |
偌济钱 {def} SEE: 偌濟錢 | :: |
偌呢 {def} SEE: 偌爾 | :: |
偌钱 {def} SEE: 偌錢 | :: |
偌仔尔 {def} SEE: 偌仔爾 | :: |
叒 {def} SEE: 若 | :: |
弱 {def} /ruò/ | :: weak; feeble |
弱 {def} /ruò/ | :: fragile; delicate |
弱爆 {phrase} [neologism, slang] /ruòbào/ | :: synonym of 弱爆了 |
弱爆了 {phrase} [neologism, slang] /ruò bào le/ | :: it sucks; so weak; subpar |
弱不禁風 {idiom} /ruò不jīnfēng/ | :: [of a person, especially a woman; of a structure] so weak as to be unable to stand any breeze; too frail to stand a gust of wind |
弱不禁风 {def} SEE: 弱不禁風 | :: |
弱点 {def} SEE: 弱點 | :: |
弱點 {n} /ruòdiǎn/ | :: weak point; weakness; shortcoming |
弱电解质 {def} SEE: 弱電解質 | :: |
弱電解質 {n} [physical chemistry] /ruòdiànjiě质/ | :: weak electrolyte |
弱冠 {n} [literary] /ruòguàn/ | :: the approach of adulthood (20 years of age) |
弱国 {def} SEE: 弱國 | :: |
弱国无外交 {def} SEE: 弱國無外交 | :: |
弱國 {n} /ruòguó/ | :: weak country; backward country |
弱國無外交 {proverb} /ruòguó wú wàijiāo/ | :: weak countries are diplomatically underprivileged |
弱化 {v} /ruòhuà/ | :: to weaken |
弱雞 {adj} /ruòjī/ | :: weakling |
弱雞 {adj} /ruòjī/ | :: fragile; weak |
弱鸡 {def} SEE: 弱雞 | :: |
弱碱 {def} SEE: 弱鹼 | :: |
弱鹼 {n} [chemistry] /ruòjiǎn/ | :: weak base |
弱军 {def} SEE: 弱軍 | :: |
弱軍 {n} /ruòjūn/ | :: weak army |
弱女子 {n} /ruònǚzǐ/ | :: weak girl or woman |
弱肉強食 {proverb} /ruòròuqiángshí/ | :: survival of the fittest; law of the jungle |
弱肉强食 {def} SEE: 弱肉強食 | :: |
弱弱地問 {phrase} [neologism, slang] /ruòruò de wèn/ | :: to ask (something) in a low voice out of timidity |
弱弱地问 {def} SEE: 弱弱地問 | :: |
弱势 {def} SEE: 弱勢 | :: |
弱势群体 {def} SEE: 弱勢群體 | :: |
弱勢 {n} /ruòshì/ | :: comparatively weak position; losing streak |
弱勢 {n} /ruòshì/ | :: disadvantaged state; marginalised state; vulnerableness |
弱勢群體 {n} /ruòshì qúntǐ/ | :: vulnerable group |
弱視 {n} /ruòshì/ | :: amblyopia; lazy eye |
弱视 {def} SEE: 弱視 | :: |
弱水三千,只取一瓢飲 {idiom} /ruòshuǐsānqiān, zhǐ qǔ 一piáo yǐn/ | :: there are so many potential lovers to choose from, but you only pick one from among those potential lovers |
弱水三千,只取一瓢饮 {def} SEE: 弱水三千,只取一瓢飲 | :: |
弱酸 {n} [chemistry] /ruòsuān/ | :: weak acid |
弱体 {def} SEE: 弱體 | :: |
弱體 {n} /ruòtǐ/ | :: weak body and physique |
弱相互作用 {n} [physics] /ruò xiānghù zuòyòng/ | :: weak interaction |
弱項 {n} [Mainland, Hong Kong] /ruòxiàng/ | :: one's weak point |
弱项 {def} SEE: 弱項 | :: |
弱小 {adj} /ruòxiǎo/ | :: small and weak; puny |
弱小 {n} /ruòxiǎo/ | :: the small and weak |
弱阳 {def} SEE: 弱陽 | :: |
弱阳性 {def} SEE: 弱陽性 | :: |
弱陽 {n} [colloquial] /ruòyáng/ | :: abbreviation of 弱陽性 |
弱陽性 {n} /ruòyángxìng/ | :: weak positivity |
弱者 {n} /ruòzhě/ | :: the weak; those who are weak; a weakling |
弱智 {adj} /ruòzhì/ | :: mentally retarded; intellectually disabled |
弱智 {adj} [derogatory] /ruòzhì/ | :: stupid; idiotic |
弱智 {n} /ruòzhì/ | :: intellectually impaired person |
弱智 {n} [derogatory] /ruòzhì/ | :: idiot; blockhead; halfwit |
弱作用力 {n} [physics] /ruòzuòyònglì/ | :: weak interaction |
焫 {def} /ruò/ | :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of 爇 |
焫 {def} [TCM] /ruò/ | :: to burn a needle applied to acupoints to stimulate them |
焫鸡 {def} SEE: 焫雞 | :: |
爇 {def} [literary] /ruò/ | :: to ignite; to set on fire; to light; to kindle |
箬 {def} /ruò/ | :: cuticle of bamboo plant |
箬 {def} /ruò/ | :: bamboo sheath |
箬 {def} /ruò/ | :: leaf of a type of bamboo |
箬 {def} /nà/ | :: [obsolete] a type of disease in bamboo |
箬笠 {n} /ruòlì/ | :: alternative name for 斗笠 |
篛 {def} SEE: 箬 | :: |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: [obsolete] to be obedient to; compliant |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: [obsolete] to trim vegetables |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: [obsolete] to choose |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: [obsolete] you; your |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: [obsolete] he; his |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: like; as if |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: if; supposing; assuming |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: in this way |
若 {def} [Teochew] /ruò/ | :: how much; how many |
若 {def} /ruò/ | :: surname |
若 {def} [Chinese mythology] /ruò/ | :: Ruo, mythological divine being of the northern seas |
若 {def} /rě/ | :: [obsolete] hay; dried grass |
若 {def} /rě/ | :: used in compounds |
若 {def} /ré/ | :: Placename in Sichuan |
若此 {adj} [literary] /ruòcǐ/ | :: so; such |
若此 {adj} [literary] /ruòcǐ/ | :: like this |
若非 {conj} [literary] /ruòfēi/ | :: were it not for; if not for |
若夫 {conj} /ruòfú/ | :: as to; as for |
若干 {adv} [literary] /ruògān/ | :: how many; how much |
若干 {determiner} [formal] /ruògān/ | :: several; a few |
若干 {prop} /ruògān/ | :: surname |
若果 {conj} [literary or Cantonese] /ruòguǒ/ | :: if |
若翰 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòhàn/ | :: John (the Baptist) |
若何 {adv} [literary] /ruòhé/ | :: how |
若許 {adv} [literary] /ruòxǔ/ | :: with so much; with all of this |
若济 {def} SEE: 若濟 | :: |
若开 {def} SEE: 若開 | :: |
若開 {prop} /Ruòkāi/ | :: (~ 邦) 若開 (state) |
若克雅 {prop} /Ruòkèyǎ/ | :: (~ 鄉) 若克雅 (township) |
若榴 {n} [literary] /ruòliú/ | :: alternative name for 石榴 |
若無其事 {idiom} /ruòwúqíshì/ | :: calm; composed; uncaring; impervious; nonchalant |
若木 {n} [Chinese mythology, archaic] /ruòmù/ | :: trees growing where the sun sets |
若其 {conj} [archaic] /ruòqí/ | :: if |
若羌 {prop} /Ruòqiāng/ | :: (~ 縣) 若羌 (county) |
若羌 {prop} /Ruòqiāng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 若羌 (town) |
若且唯若 {conj} [Taiwan, mathematics, logic] /ruòqiěwéiruò/ | :: if and only if |
若亲像 {def} SEE: 若親像 | :: |
若然 {conj} /ruòrán/ | :: if |
若瑟 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòsè/ | :: Joseph |
若使 {conj} [archaic] /ruòshǐ/ | :: if |
若是 {conj} /ruòshì/ | :: if; supposing |
若属 {def} SEE: 若屬 | :: |
若屬 {pron} [literary] /ruòshǔ/ | :: you [plural] |
若苏厄 {def} SEE: 若蘇厄 | :: |
若苏厄书 {def} SEE: 若蘇厄書 | :: |
若蘇厄 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòsū'è/ | :: Joshua |
若蘇厄書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòsū'èshū/ | :: Joshua (book of the Bible) |
若望 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòwàng/ | :: John (the Apostle) |
若望二书 {def} SEE: 若望二書 | :: |
若望二書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòwàng Èrshū/ | :: 2 John |
若望福音 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòwàng Fúyīn/ | :: Gospel of John |
若望默示录 {def} SEE: 若望默示錄 | :: |
若望默示錄 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòwàng Mòshìlù/ | :: Book of Revelation; The Apocalypse |
若望三书 {def} SEE: 若望三書 | :: |
若望三書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòwàng Sānshū/ | :: 3 John |
若望一书 {def} SEE: 若望一書 | :: |
若望一書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Ruòwàng Yīshū/ | :: 1 John |
若无 {def} SEE: 若無 | :: |
若无其事 {def} SEE: 若無其事 | :: |
若系 {def} SEE: 若係 | :: |
若许 {def} SEE: 若許 | :: |
若要 {conj} /ruòyāo/ | :: if it's necessary (that); if somebody wants |
若隐若现 {def} SEE: 若隱若現 | :: |
若隱若現 {idiom} /ruòyǐnruòxiàn/ | :: faint; fuzzy; indistinct |
若准 {def} SEE: 若準 | :: |
蒻 {def} /ruò/ | :: bulrush |
蒻 {def} /ruò/ | :: mat made from bulrush |
蒻头 {def} SEE: 蒻頭 | :: |
蒻頭 {n} /ruòtóu/ | :: konjac (foul-smelling plant grown in Asia, Amorphophallus konjac) |
仨 {def} [chiefly Mandarin, colloquial] /sā/ | :: functioning as *三 + an implied classifier: three |
㒎 {def} /sà/ | :: only used in 傝㒎 |
撒 {def} /sā/ | :: to cast away; to let go |
撒 {def} [colloquial] /sā/ | :: to excrete (urine); to piss |
撒 {def} [derogatory] /sā/ | :: to throw off one's constraint |
撒 {def} /sǎ/ | :: to scatter; to sprinkle; to disperse |
撒 {def} /sǎ/ | :: to spill |
撒 {def} /sǎ,sā,1nb/ | :: surname |
撒币 {def} SEE: 撒幣 | :: |
撒幣 {v} [derogatory, slang] /sǎbì/ | :: to invest or give (as financial help) a large amount of money to foreign countries |
撒但 {prop} [religion] /Sādàn/ | :: Satan; shaitan |
撒但教 {n} /Sādànjiào/ | :: Satanism |
撒旦 {prop} /Sādàn/ | :: alternative name for 撒但 |
撒旦教 {n} /Sādànjiào/ | :: alternative name for 撒但教 |
撒丁 {prop} /Sàdīng/ | :: (~ 島) Sardinia (island) |
撒丁 {prop} /Sàdīng/ | :: 撒丁 (region) |
撒丁岛 {def} SEE: 撒丁島 | :: |
撒丁島 {prop} /Sàdīng Dǎo/ | :: Sardinia Island |
撒丁語 {prop} /Sǎdīngyǔ/ | :: the Sardinian language |
撒丁语 {def} SEE: 撒丁語 | :: |
撒都該人 {n} [historical, religion] /Sādūgāirén/ | :: Sadducee |
撒都该人 {def} SEE: 撒都該人 | :: |
撒哈拉 {prop} /Sāhālā/ | :: (~ 沙漠) Sahara |
撒哈拉沙漠 {prop} /Sāhālā Shāmò/ | :: Sahara |
撒花 {v} /sǎhuā,er/ | :: to strew flowers (especially over someone as an expression of congratulation); to sprinkle flowers |
撒欢 {def} SEE: 撒歡 | :: |
撒歡 {v} /sāhuān,er/ | :: to frolic; to gambol |
撒謊 {v} /sāhuǎng/ | :: to tell a lie; to lie |
撒谎 {def} SEE: 撒謊 | :: |
撒迦利亞 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sājiālì亞/ | :: Zechariah |
撒迦利亞書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sājiālì亞shū/ | :: Zechariah (book of the Bible) |
撒迦利亚 {def} SEE: 撒迦利亞 | :: |
撒迦利亚书 {def} SEE: 撒迦利亞書 | :: |
撒娇 {def} SEE: 撒嬌 | :: |
撒嬌 {v} [of a child, girl, woman, pet, etc.] /sājiāo,er/ | :: to act in a loveable, coy, childish or coquettish manner to someone who loves or dotes on them, in order to fulfil their wish or display their affection |
撒酒疯 {def} SEE: 撒酒瘋 | :: |
撒酒瘋 {v} /sā jiǔfēng,er/ | :: to act crazy from drinking too much alcohol; to be in a drunken fit |
撒克逊人 {def} SEE: 撒克遜人 | :: |
撒克遜人 {n} /sǎkèxùnrén/ | :: Saxon; a member of an ancient West Germanic tribe that lived at the eastern North Sea coast and south of it |
撒拉族 {n} /sālāzú/ | :: Salar people |
撒賴 {v} /sālài/ | :: to make a scene; to raise hell; to act shamelessly |
撒赖 {def} SEE: 撒賴 | :: |
撒羅滿 {prop} [Catholicism] /Sāluómǎn/ | :: Solomon |
撒罗满 {def} SEE: 撒羅滿 | :: |
撒玛黎雅 {def} SEE: 撒瑪黎雅 | :: |
撒玛黎雅人 {def} SEE: 撒瑪黎雅人 | :: |
撒瑪黎雅 {n} [Catholicism] /Sāmǎlíyǎ/ | :: Samaria |
撒瑪黎雅人 {n} [Catholicism] /sāmǎlíyǎrén/ | :: Samaritan |
撒馬爾罕 {prop} /Sǎmǎ'ěrhǎn/ | :: 撒馬爾罕 (city) |
撒馬利亞 {n} [Protestantism] /Sāmǎlì亞/ | :: Samaria |
撒馬利亞人 {n} [Protestantism] /sāmǎlì亞rén/ | :: Samaritan |
撒马尔罕 {def} SEE: 撒馬爾罕 | :: |
撒马利亚 {def} SEE: 撒馬利亞 | :: |
撒马利亚人 {def} SEE: 撒馬利亞人 | :: |
撒母耳 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sāmǔ'ěr/ | :: Samuel |
撒母耳記 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sāmǔ'ěrjì/ | :: Samuel (one of the two books of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh) |
撒母耳記上 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sāmǔ'ěrjì Shàng/ | :: 1 Samuel |
撒母耳記下 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sāmǔ'ěrjì Xià/ | :: 2 Samuel |
撒母耳记 {def} SEE: 撒母耳記 | :: |
撒母耳记上 {def} SEE: 撒母耳記上 | :: |
撒母耳记下 {def} SEE: 撒母耳記下 | :: |
撒慕尔 {def} SEE: 撒慕爾 | :: |
撒慕尔纪 {def} SEE: 撒慕爾紀 | :: |
撒慕尔纪上 {def} SEE: 撒慕爾紀上 | :: |
撒慕尔纪下 {def} SEE: 撒慕爾紀下 | :: |
撒慕爾 {prop} [Catholicism] /Sāmù'ěr/ | :: Samuel |
撒慕爾紀 {prop} [Catholicism] /Sāmù'ěrjì/ | :: Samuel (one of the two books of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh) |
撒慕爾紀上 {prop} [Catholicism] /Sāmù'ěrjì Shàng/ | :: 1 Samuel |
撒慕爾紀下 {prop} [Catholicism] /Sāmù'ěrjì Xià/ | :: 2 Samuel |
撒尿 {v} /sāniào/ | :: to urinate; to pee; to wee-wee |
撒泼 {def} SEE: 撒潑 | :: |
撒潑 {v} /sāpō/ | :: to be unreasonable and make a scene |
撒奇莱雅族 {def} SEE: 撒奇萊雅族 | :: |
撒奇萊雅族 {n} /sāqíláiyǎzú/ | :: Sakizaya people, an ethnic group in Taiwan |
撒气 {def} SEE: 撒氣 | :: |
撒氣 {v} /sāqì/ | :: to let air out of a ball or tyre; to go soft or flat |
撒氣 {v} /sāqì/ | :: to take one's anger out on someone or something |
撒手 {v} /sāshǒu/ | :: to let go (of one's hold); to give up |
撒手塵寰 {idiom} /sāshǒuchénhuán/ | :: to pass away (to die) |
撒手尘寰 {def} SEE: 撒手塵寰 | :: |
撒手人寰 {idiom} /sāshǒurénhuán/ | :: to pass away (to die) |
撒網 {v} /sāwǎng/ | :: to cast a net |
撒網 {v} [figurative] /sāwǎng/ | :: to lay out or spread a net |
撒網 {v} [dated] /sāwǎng/ | :: to invite relatives and friends with the intention of collecting presents (to weddings, funerals, etc.) |
撒网 {def} SEE: 撒網 | :: |
撒乌耳 {def} SEE: 撒烏耳 | :: |
撒烏耳 {prop} [Catholicism] /Sāwū'ěr/ | :: Saul |
撒西米 {n} /sǎxīmǐ,sāxīmǐ/ | :: sashimi (dish of slices of raw fish or meat) |
撒野 {v} /sāyě/ | :: to act wildly; to behave atrociously |
撒种 {def} SEE: 撒種 | :: |
撒種 {v} /sǎzhǒng/ | :: to sow (seeds) |
洒 {def} SEE: 灑 | :: |
洒 {def} SEE: 洗 | :: |
洒 {def} /cuǐ/ | :: [obsolete] high and steep |
洒 {def} /xiǎn/ | :: [obsolete] deep and steep |
洒 {def} /xiǎn/ | :: [obsolete] solemn |
洒 {def} /sǎ/ | :: [obsolete] I; me |
洒 {def} /sǎ/ | :: surname |
洒家 {pron} [archaic] /sǎjiā,shuāijiā,2nb/ | :: I; me |
洒金纸 {def} SEE: 灑金紙 | :: |
洒泪 {def} SEE: 灑淚 | :: |
洒落 {def} SEE: 灑落 | :: |
洒洒水 {def} SEE: 灑灑水 | :: |
洒扫 {def} SEE: 灑掃 | :: |
洒水 {def} SEE: 灑水 | :: |
洒水车 {def} SEE: 灑水車 | :: |
洒脫 {def} SEE: 灑脫 | :: |
洒脱 {def} SEE: 灑脫 | :: |
潵 {def} /sàn/ | :: to disperse water |
潵 {def} /sǎ/ | :: name of a river in Hebei province |
潵 {def} [archaic] /sǎ/ | :: to scatter, to sprinkle, to disperse |
灑 {def} /sǎ/ | :: to sprinkle; to splash |
灑 {def} /sǎ/ | :: to scatter; to throw |
灑 {def} /xǐ/ | :: alternative form of 洗 |
灑 {def} /xǐ/ | :: alternative form of 蓰 |
灑 {def} /shī/ | :: alternative form of 釃 |
灑 {def} /shī/ | :: only used in 離灑 |
灑 {def} /xiǎn/ | :: [obsolete] cold |
灑 {def} /xiǎn/ | :: [obsolete] terrified |
灑 {def} /lí/ | :: only used in 淋灑 |
灑金紙 {n} /sǎjīnzhǐ/ | :: gold-flecked paper |
灑泪 {def} SEE: 灑淚 | :: |
灑淚 {v} [formal] /sǎlèi/ | :: to shed tears |
灑落 {v} [of solid] /sǎluò/ | :: to trickle; [of liquid] to drip |
灑落 {v} /sǎluò/ | :: confident and at ease; natural and elegant |
灑灑水 {phrase} [Mandarin] /sǎsǎshuǐ/ | :: trivial; piece of cake; no big deal |
灑掃 {v} [literary] /sǎsǎo/ | :: to sprinkle water and sweep the floor |
灑水 {v} /sǎshuǐ/ | :: to sprinkle water |
灑水車 {n} /sǎshuǐchē/ | :: sprinkler truck |
灑脫 {adj} /sǎtuō,tl/ | :: free and at ease; carefree; unaffected |
灑脱 {def} SEE: 灑脫 | :: |
䘮 {def} SEE: 喪 | :: |
䬃 {def} SEE: 颯 | :: |
卅 {def} /sà/ | :: thirty |
攃冰 {def} SEE: 礤冰 | :: |
脎 {def} [organic compound] /sà/ | :: osazone |
萨 {def} SEE: 薩 | :: |
萨巴里安尼 {def} SEE: 薩巴里安尼 | :: |
萨巴依 {def} SEE: 薩巴依 | :: |
萨保 {def} SEE: 薩保 | :: |
萨宝 {def} SEE: 薩寶 | :: |
萨德 {def} SEE: 薩德 | :: |
萨丁尼亚 {def} SEE: 薩丁尼亞 | :: |
萨丁尼亚语 {def} SEE: 薩丁尼亞語 | :: |
萨度 {def} SEE: 薩度 | :: |
萨埵 {def} SEE: 薩埵 | :: |
萨尔兹堡 {def} SEE: 薩爾茲堡 | :: |
萨尔茨堡 {def} SEE: 薩爾茨堡 | :: |
萨尔瓦多 {def} SEE: 薩爾瓦多 | :: |
萨尔温江 {def} SEE: 薩爾溫江 | :: |
萨凡纳 {def} SEE: 薩凡納 | :: |
萨格勒布 {def} SEE: 薩格勒布 | :: |
萨哈 {def} SEE: 薩哈 | :: |
萨哈共和国 {def} SEE: 薩哈共和國 | :: |
萨哈林 {def} SEE: 薩哈林 | :: |
萨哈林岛 {def} SEE: 薩哈林島 | :: |
萨罕 {def} SEE: 薩罕 | :: |
萨克管 {def} SEE: 薩克管 | :: |
萨克拉门托 {def} SEE: 薩克拉門托 | :: |
萨克森 {def} SEE: 薩克森 | :: |
萨克斯 {def} SEE: 薩克斯 | :: |
萨克斯风 {def} SEE: 薩克斯風 | :: |
萨克斯管 {def} SEE: 薩克斯管 | :: |
萨拉丁 {def} SEE: 薩拉丁 | :: |
萨拉米 {def} SEE: 薩拉米 | :: |
萨拉姆 {def} SEE: 薩拉姆 | :: |
萨拉姆·阿莱控 {def} SEE: 薩拉姆·阿萊控 | :: |
萨拉热窝 {def} SEE: 薩拉熱窩 | :: |
萨勒吾则克 {def} SEE: 薩勒吾則克 | :: |
萨里 {def} SEE: 薩里 | :: |
萨利吉勒干南库勒 {def} SEE: 薩利吉勒干南庫勒 | :: |
萨马拉 {def} SEE: 薩馬拉 | :: |
萨满 {def} SEE: 薩滿 | :: |
萨满教 {def} SEE: 薩滿教 | :: |
萨摩川内 {def} SEE: 薩摩川內 | :: |
萨摩瓦尔 {def} SEE: 薩摩瓦爾 | :: |
萨摩亚 {def} SEE: 薩摩亞 | :: |
萨摩亚语 {def} SEE: 薩摩亞語 | :: |
萨那 {def} SEE: 薩那 | :: |
萨其马 {def} SEE: 薩其馬 | :: |
萨省 {def} SEE: 薩省 | :: |
萨斯喀彻温 {def} SEE: 薩斯喀徹溫 | :: |
萨索罗 {def} SEE: 薩索羅 | :: |
萨它尔 {def} SEE: 薩它爾 | :: |
萨塔尔 {def} SEE: 薩塔爾 | :: |
萨威棱帖 {def} SEE: 薩威稜帖 | :: |
萨伊 {def} SEE: 薩伊 | :: |
萨依巴格 {def} SEE: 薩依巴格 | :: |
薩 {def} /sà/ | :: abbreviation of 菩薩 |
薩 {def} /sà/ | :: surname |
薩巴里安尼 {n} /sàbālǐ'ānní/ | :: zabaglione |
薩巴依 {n} [musical instrument] /sàbāyī/ | :: sapayi, a Uyghur percussion instrument (a type of sistrum) made of metal rings mounted on a wooden stick or animal horn |
薩保 {n} /sàbǎo/ | :: alternative name for 薩寶 |
薩寶 {n} [historical, Tang Dynasty] /sàbǎo/ | :: A religious title granted to an Iranian who was appointed, in a semi-official function, to act as a controller of Zoroastrians in Tang Dynasty China |
薩德 {prop} /Sàdé/ | :: Terminal High Altitude Area Defense; THAAD |
薩丁尼亞 {prop} /Sàdīngní亚/ | :: (~ 島) 薩丁尼亞 (island) |
薩丁尼亞語 {n} /sàdīngní亚 yǔ/ | :: the Sardinian language |
薩度 {def} SEE: 衰瘏 | :: |
薩埵 {n} [Buddhism] /sàduǒ/ | :: sentient beings, living things |
薩埵 {n} [Buddhism] /sàduǒ/ | :: abbreviation of 菩提薩埵 |
薩爾茨堡 {prop} [mainland] /Sà'ěrcíbǎo/ | :: Salzburg |
薩爾瓦多 {prop} /Sà'ěrwǎduō/ | :: 薩爾瓦多 (country) |
薩爾温江 {def} SEE: 薩爾溫江 | :: |
薩爾溫江 {prop} /Sà'ěrwēn Jiāng/ | :: Salween River (in its lower reaches outside of China) |
薩爾茲堡 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sà'ěrzībǎo/ | :: Salzburg |
薩凡納 {prop} /Sàfánnà/ | :: Savannah (name of several cities in the US) |
薩格勒布 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sàgélèbù/ | :: 薩格勒布 (capital city) |
薩哈 {prop} /Sàhā/ | :: (~ 共和國) Sakha Republic; Yakutia |
薩哈共和國 {prop} /Sàhā Gònghéguó/ | :: Sakha Republic |
薩哈林 {prop} /Sàhālín/ | :: 薩哈林 (island) |
薩哈林島 {prop} /Sàhālín Dǎo/ | :: Sakhalin |
薩罕 {prop} /Sàhǎn/ | :: (~ 鎮) 薩罕 (town) |
薩克管 {n} /sàkèguǎn/ | :: saxophone |
薩克拉門托 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sàkèlāméntuō/ | :: 薩克拉門托 (city/state capital) |
薩克森 {prop} /Sàkèsēn/ | :: Saxony |
薩克斯 {prop} /sàkèsī/ | :: Sax (surname) |
薩克斯 {n} [musical instrument] /sàkèsī/ | :: abbreviation of 薩克斯風 |
薩克斯風 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, musical instrument] /sàkèsīfēng/ | :: saxophone |
薩克斯管 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /sàkèsīguǎn/ | :: saxophone |
薩拉丁 {prop} /Sàlādīng/ | :: Saladin |
薩拉米 {n} /sàlāmǐ/ | :: salami |
薩拉姆 {interj} [chiefly Xinjiang] /sàlāmǔ/ | :: salaam (a respectful ceremonial greeting) |
薩拉姆 {prop} /sàlāmǔ/ | :: Salam (Middle Eastern surname) |
薩拉姆·阿萊控 {interj} [Islam, neologism, rare] /sàlāmǔ'āláikòng/ | :: salaam alaikum [Muslim greeting] |
薩拉熱窩 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sàlārèwō/ | :: 薩拉熱窩 (capital city) |
薩勒吾則克 {prop} /Sàlèwúzékè/ | :: (~ 鄉) 薩勒吾則克 (township) |
薩里 {prop} /Sàlǐ/ | :: Surrey |
薩利吉勒干南庫勒 {prop} /Sàlìjílègānnánkùlè/ | :: (~ 湖) 薩利吉勒干南庫勒 (lake) |
薩馬拉 {prop} /Sàmǎlā/ | :: 薩馬拉 (oblast) |
薩馬拉 {prop} /Sàmǎlā/ | :: 薩馬拉 (city/administrative center) |
薩馬拉 {prop} /Sàmǎlā/ | :: 薩馬拉 (tributary) |
薩滿 {n} /sàmǎn/ | :: shaman |
薩滿教 {n} /sàmǎnjiào/ | :: shamanism |
薩摩川內 {prop} /Sàmóchuānnèi/ | :: (~ 市) 薩摩川內 (city) |
薩摩瓦爾 {n} /sàmówǎ'ěr/ | :: samovar (metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea) |
薩摩亞 {prop} /Sàmóyà/ | :: Samoa |
薩摩亞語 {prop} /Sàmóyàyǔ/ | :: the Samoan language |
薩那 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sànà/ | :: 薩那 (city/capital city) |
薩其馬 {n} /sàqímǎ,er/ | :: sachima (a type of Chinese pastry similar in structure to a Rice Krispie square) |
薩省 {prop} /Sà Shěng/ | :: short fo 薩斯喀徹溫^省 (Saskatchewan (province)) |
薩斯喀徹温 {def} SEE: 薩斯喀徹溫 | :: |
薩斯喀徹溫 {prop} /Sàsīkāchèwēn/ | :: (~ 河) 薩斯喀徹溫 (river) |
薩斯喀徹溫 {prop} /Sàsīkāchèwēn/ | :: (~ 省) 薩斯喀徹溫 (province) |
薩索羅 {prop} /Sàsuǒluó/ | :: Sassuolo |
薩它爾 {n} /sàtā'ěr/ | :: alternative form of 薩塔爾 |
薩塔爾 {n} [musical instrument] /sàtǎ'ěr/ | :: satar (a bowed long-necked lute used as a traditional instrument by the Uyghur people of Xinjiang) |
薩威稜帖 {n} [politics, obsolete] /sàwēiléngtiē/ | :: sovereignty |
薩伊 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sàyī/ | :: Zaire |
薩依巴格 {prop} /Sàyībāgé/ | :: (~ 鄉) 薩依巴格 (township) |
薩依巴格 {prop} /Sàyībāgé/ | :: (~ 鄉) 薩依巴格 (township) |
颯秣建 {prop} [historical] /Sàmòjiàn/ | :: Samarkand |
颯爽 {adj} /sàshuǎng/ | :: valiant; gallant; heroic |
飒 {def} SEE: 颯 | :: |
飒秣建 {def} SEE: 颯秣建 | :: |
飒爽 {def} SEE: 颯爽 | :: |
噻 {def} /sāi/ | :: used in transcriptions of foreign words |
噻吩 {n} [organic compound] /sāifēn/ | :: thiophene |
噻嗪 {n} [organic compound] /sāiqín/ | :: thiazine |
噻唑 {n} [organic compound] /sāizuò/ | :: thiazole |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to stop up; to block up |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to stuff; to cram; to squeeze in |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to be blocked; to be jammed |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to forbid; to suppress; to prohibit |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to satisfy; to fulfil |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to compensate; to remedy |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to answer; to repay |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to manage to arrange a position for someone |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to practise bribe |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to evade; to stall |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: stopper; cork |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: to be in a difficult position; destitute |
塞 {def} /sāi,sè,sēi,er/ | :: honest; truthful |
塞 {def} [historical] /sài/ | :: place of strategic importance; pass; fortress |
塞 {def} /sài/ | :: to build fortress; to construct fortifications |
塞 {def} /sài/ | :: frontier; border |
塞 {def} [specifically] /sài/ | :: the northern frontier of imperial China, as demarcated by the Great Wall |
塞 {def} /sài/ | :: alternative form of 賽 |
塞 {def} /sài/ | :: alternative form of 簺 |
塞巴斯蒂安 {prop} /Sàibāsīdì'ān/ | :: Sebastian |
塞班 {prop} /Sàibān/ | :: (~ 島) Saipan |
塞班岛 {def} SEE: 塞班島 | :: |
塞班島 {prop} /Sàibān Dǎo/ | :: Saipan |
塞擦化 {n} [phonology] /sècāhuà/ | :: affrication; the process of becoming an affricate consonant |
塞擦化 {v} [phonology] /sècāhuà/ | :: to change into an affricate consonant |
塞擦音 {n} [phonetics] /sècāyīn/ | :: affricate consonant |
塞車 {n} /sāichē/ | :: traffic jam |
塞車 {v} [dialectal] /sāichē/ | :: to be jammed with traffic; to be congested |
塞车 {def} SEE: 塞車 | :: |
塞窦窿 {def} SEE: 塞竇窿 | :: |
塞儿 {def} SEE: 塞兒 | :: |
塞兒 {n} /sāir/ | :: erhua form of stopper; cork |
塞尔维亚 {def} SEE: 塞爾維亞 | :: |
塞尔维亚和黑山 {def} SEE: 塞爾維亞和黑山 | :: |
塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 {def} SEE: 塞爾維亞-克羅地亞語 | :: |
塞尔维亚与蒙特内哥罗 {def} SEE: 塞爾維亞與蒙特內哥羅 | :: |
塞尔维亚语 {def} SEE: 塞爾維亞語 | :: |
塞爾維亞 {prop} /Sài'ěrwéiyà,Sè'ěrwéiyà,Sài'ěrwéiyǎ,Sè'ěrwéiyǎ,1nb/ | :: Serbia |
塞爾維亞和黑山 {prop} /Sài'ěrwéi亚 Hé Hēishān/ | :: Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006) |
塞爾維亞-克羅地亞語 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau] /Sài'ěrwéi亚-kèluódì亚yǔ/ | :: Serbo-Croatian |
塞爾維亞與蒙特內哥羅 {prop} /Sài'ěrwéi亚 #Yǔ Méngtènèigēluó/ | :: Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006) |
塞爾維亞語 {prop} /Sài'ěrwéi亚yǔ/ | :: Serbian (language) |
塞凡堡 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sàifánbǎo/ | :: Sevastopol |
塞黑 {prop} /Sàihēi/ | :: abbreviation of 塞爾維亞和黑山 |
塞克拉迈 {def} SEE: 塞克拉邁 | :: |
塞克拉邁 {n} [dated] /sàikèlāmài/ | :: cyclamate |
塞克什白堡 {prop} /Sàikèshí Bái Bǎo/ | :: Székesfehérvár |
塞拉利昂 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Sàilālì'áng/ | :: 塞拉利昂 (country) |
塞拉耶佛 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sèlāyēfó/ | :: 塞拉耶佛 (capital city) |
塞勒姆 {prop} /Sàilèmǔ/ | :: 塞勒姆 (city/state capital) |
塞满 {def} SEE: 塞滿 | :: |
塞滿 {v} /sāimǎn/ | :: to cram in; to stuff |
塞滿 {v} /sāimǎn/ | :: to be stuffed with; to be packed tight |
塞納河 {prop} /Sàinà Hé,Sènà Hé/ | :: Seine |
塞纳河 {def} SEE: 塞納河 | :: |
塞內加爾 {prop} /Sàinèijiā'ěr,Sènèijiā'ěr,1nb/ | :: 塞內加爾 (country) |
塞内加尔 {def} SEE: 塞內加爾 | :: |
塞浦路斯 {prop} [chiefly Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau] /Sàipǔlùsī/ | :: Cyprus |
塞壬 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, mythology] /sàirén/ | :: siren |
塞萨洛尼基 {def} SEE: 塞薩洛尼基 | :: |
塞薩洛尼基 {prop} /Sàisàluòníjī/ | :: 塞薩洛尼基 (city) |
塞上江南 {prop} /Sàishàng Jiāngnán/ | :: Ningxia (especially its northern part) |
塞舌尔 {def} SEE: 塞舌爾 | :: |
塞舌爾 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sàishé'ěr/ | :: Seychelles |
塞思黑 {prop} [historical] /Sàisīhēi/ | :: The name of the Manchu prince Yuntang after he was banished from the imperial clan |
塞特 {n} /sàitè/ | :: setter (dog) |
塞特 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sàitè/ | :: Seth (son of Adam) |
塞特犬 {n} /sàitèquǎn/ | :: setter |
塞瓦斯托波尔 {def} SEE: 塞瓦斯托波爾 | :: |
塞瓦斯托波爾 {prop} [mainland China, Hong Kong] /Sàiwǎsītuōbō'ěr/ | :: Sevastopol |
塞維爾 {prop} /Sàiwéi'ěr/ | :: Sevilla |
塞維利亞 {prop} /Sàiwéilì亚/ | :: 塞維利亞 (capital city) |
塞維利亞 {prop} /Sàiwéilì亚/ | :: 塞維利亞 (province) |
塞维尔 {def} SEE: 塞維爾 | :: |
塞维利亚 {def} SEE: 塞維利亞 | :: |
塞尾韵 {def} SEE: 塞尾韻 | :: |
塞尾韻 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /sāiwěiyùn/ | :: syllable with a stop coda |
塞翁失馬 {idiom} /sàiwēngshīmǎ/ | :: Every cloud has a silver lining. / A setback may turn out to be a blessing in disguise |
塞翁失馬,焉知非福 {proverb} /sàiwēng shī mǎ, yānzhī fēi fú/ | :: Every cloud has a silver lining. / A setback may turn out to be a blessing in disguise |
塞翁失马 {def} SEE: 塞翁失馬 | :: |
塞翁失马,焉知非福 {def} SEE: 塞翁失馬,焉知非福 | :: |
塞席尔 {def} SEE: 塞席爾 | :: |
塞席爾 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sèxí'ěr/ | :: Seychelles |
塞牙 {v} [of food] /sāiyá,sēiyá,2n/ | :: to get stuck between the teeth |
塞牙 {v} [figurative, of one's words] /sāiyá,sēiyá,2n/ | :: to be caustic and unpleasant to hear |
塞音 {n} [phonetics] /sèyīn,sāiyīn,1nb/ | :: stop consonant; plosive consonant |
塞責 {v} /sèzé/ | :: to not do one's job conscientiously; to perform one's duties perfunctorily |
塞责 {def} SEE: 塞責 | :: |
塞子 {n} /sāizi/ | :: cork; plug |
恖 {def} SEE: 思 | :: |
腮 {def} [anatomy] /sāi/ | :: cheek |
腮 {def} [anatomy] /sāi/ | :: lower part of face; jaw |
腮 {def} /sāi/ | :: alternative form of 鰓 |
腮帮子 {def} SEE: 腮幫子 | :: |
腮幫子 {n} [colloquial] /sāibāngzi/ | :: cheek; lower part of the cheek |
腮紅 {n} /sāihóng/ | :: rouge; blush |
腮红 {def} SEE: 腮紅 | :: |
腮頰 {n} [anatomy] /sāijiá/ | :: cheek; jaw |
腮颊 {def} SEE: 腮頰 | :: |
腮腺 {n} /sāixiàn/ | :: parotid gland |
腮腺炎 {n} [pathology] /sāixiànyán/ | :: mumps |
顋 {def} SEE: 腮 | :: |
鰓 {def} /sāi/ | :: fish gills |
鰓 {def} /xǐ/ | :: only used in 鰓鰓 |
鳃 {def} SEE: 鰓 | :: |
㗷 {def} SEE: 㘔 | :: |
僿 {def} /sài/ | :: small, minute |
僿 {def} /sài/ | :: lacking sincerity |
嗮 {def} [Cantonese] /sài/ | :: Verbal aspect marker for full extent |
簺 {def} /sài/ | :: an ancient gambling game |
簺 {def} /sài/ | :: bamboo fish-catching device |
賽 {def} /sài/ | :: to compete; to contend |
賽 {def} /sài/ | :: competition; contest; race |
賽百味 {prop} [Mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore] /Sàibǎiwèi/ | :: Subway (fast food brand) |
賽博朋克 {n} /sàibópéngkè/ | :: cyberpunk |
賽場 {n} /sàichǎng/ | :: stadium; racetrack; field (for athletics competition); court |
賽車 {n} /sàichē/ | :: car race |
賽車 {n} /sàichē/ | :: motorbike race |
賽車 {n} /sàichē/ | :: cycle racing |
賽車 {n} /sàichē/ | :: racing vehicle, such as a race car or bicycle |
賽城 {prop} /Sàichéng/ | :: 賽城 (city) |
賽程 {n} /sàichéng/ | :: schedule for a competition |
賽程 {n} /sàichéng/ | :: distance of a race |
賽程表 {n} /sàichéngbiǎo,er/ | :: match schedule; competition schedule |
賽道 {n} /sàidào/ | :: racetrack (for athletics, motor racing, etc.) |
賽德克族 {n} /sàidékèzú/ | :: Seediq people, an ethnic group in Taiwan |
賽點 {n} /sàidiǎn/ | :: match point (in tennis, etc.) |
賽恩斯 {n} [obsolete] /sāi'ēnsī/ | :: science |
賽高 {interj} [ACG, internet slang] /sàigāo/ | :: awesome! great! amazing! |
賽狗 {n} /sàigǒu/ | :: greyhound racing |
賽果 {n} /sàiguǒ/ | :: results of a competition |
賽會 {n} [Chinese folk religion] /sàihuì/ | :: folk festival in which gongs and drums are played, and lively costumes worn, all in honor of a deity whose statue is carried through the streets of a village in a procession |
賽季 {n} /sàijì/ | :: season of matches |
賽局理論 {n} [maths, economics, chiefly Taiwan] /sàijú lǐlùn/ | :: game theory |
賽里木 {prop} /Sàilǐmù/ | :: (~ 鎮) 賽里木 (town) |
賽力 {prop} /Sàilì/ | :: (~ 鄉) 賽力 (town) |
賽蓮 {n} [Taiwan, mythology] /sàilián/ | :: siren |
賽龍船 {v} /sàilóngchuán/ | :: to race dragon boats |
賽龍舟 {v} /sàilóngzhōu/ | :: to race dragon boats |
賽璐玢 {n} /sàilùfēn/ | :: cellophane |
賽璐珞 {n} /sàilùluò/ | :: celluloid |
賽馬 {v} /sàimǎ/ | :: to have a horse race |
賽馬 {n} /sàimǎ/ | :: horse race; horse racing |
賽馬 {n} /sàimǎ/ | :: racehorse |
賽馬場 {n} /sàimǎ場/ | :: racecourse; racetrack |
賽螃蟹 {n} /sàipángxiè/ | :: imitation crab; a Chinese dish traditionally containing scrambled eggs with fish |
賽跑 {n} /sàipǎo/ | :: race; running |
賽跑 {v} /sàipǎo/ | :: to race |
賽普勒斯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sàipǔlèsī/ | :: Cyprus |
賽事 {n} /sàishì/ | :: match; game; contest |
賽特 {n} /sàitè/ | :: setter (dog) |
賽特犬 {n} /sàitèquǎn/ | :: setter |
賽艇 {n} /sàitǐng/ | :: rowing boat; racing shell |
賽艇 {n} [sports] /sàitǐng/ | :: rowing |
賽圖拉 {prop} /Sàitúlā/ | :: (~ 鎮) 賽圖拉 (town) |
賽夏 {prop} /Sàixià/ | :: (~ 族) Saisiyat (a Taiwanese aborigine ethnic group) |
賽夏人 {n} /sàixiàrén/ | :: Saisiyat people |
賽夏語 {prop} /Sàixiàyǔ/ | :: Saisiyat language |
賽夏族 {prop} /Sàixiàzú/ | :: Saisiyat people (an indigenous people of Taiwan) |
賽制 {n} /sàizhì/ | :: competition system and rules |
赛 {def} SEE: 賽 | :: |
赛百味 {def} SEE: 賽百味 | :: |
赛博朋克 {def} SEE: 賽博朋克 | :: |
赛场 {def} SEE: 賽場 | :: |
赛车 {def} SEE: 賽車 | :: |
赛城 {def} SEE: 賽城 | :: |
赛程 {def} SEE: 賽程 | :: |
赛程表 {def} SEE: 賽程表 | :: |
赛道 {def} SEE: 賽道 | :: |
赛德克族 {def} SEE: 賽德克族 | :: |
赛点 {def} SEE: 賽點 | :: |
赛恩斯 {def} SEE: 賽恩斯 | :: |
赛高 {def} SEE: 賽高 | :: |
赛狗 {def} SEE: 賽狗 | :: |
赛果 {def} SEE: 賽果 | :: |
赛会 {def} SEE: 賽會 | :: |
赛季 {def} SEE: 賽季 | :: |
赛局理论 {def} SEE: 賽局理論 | :: |
赛里木 {def} SEE: 賽里木 | :: |
赛力 {def} SEE: 賽力 | :: |
赛莲 {def} SEE: 賽蓮 | :: |
赛龙船 {def} SEE: 賽龍船 | :: |
赛龙舟 {def} SEE: 賽龍舟 | :: |
赛璐玢 {def} SEE: 賽璐玢 | :: |
赛璐珞 {def} SEE: 賽璐珞 | :: |
赛马 {def} SEE: 賽馬 | :: |
赛马场 {def} SEE: 賽馬場 | :: |
赛螃蟹 {def} SEE: 賽螃蟹 | :: |
赛跑 {def} SEE: 賽跑 | :: |
赛普勒斯 {def} SEE: 賽普勒斯 | :: |
赛事 {def} SEE: 賽事 | :: |
赛特 {def} SEE: 賽特 | :: |
赛特犬 {def} SEE: 賽特犬 | :: |
赛艇 {def} SEE: 賽艇 | :: |
赛图拉 {def} SEE: 賽圖拉 | :: |
赛夏 {def} SEE: 賽夏 | :: |
赛夏人 {def} SEE: 賽夏人 | :: |
赛夏语 {def} SEE: 賽夏語 | :: |
赛夏族 {def} SEE: 賽夏族 | :: |
赛制 {def} SEE: 賽制 | :: |
赛走 {def} SEE: 賽走 | :: |
三 {def} /sān,er/ | :: three |
三 {def} [Mainland, slang, neologism] /sān,er/ | :: the other woman; the other man |
三 {def} /sān,er/ | :: surname |
三 {def} /sān,sàn,2nb/ | :: [obsolete] repeatedly; thrice |
三K党 {def} SEE: 三K黨 | :: |
三K黨 {prop} /Sān-kèi-dǎng,py/ | :: Ku Klux Klan |
三P {n} [slang] /sānpì,sānpī,py/ | :: threesome |
三Q {interj} [slang] /sān kiù,tl/ | :: thank you |
三八 {adj} [derogatory, of a woman, originally, Min Nan] /sānbā/ | :: nosy; gossipy; impetuous; rash; foolish; stupid |
三八 {n} [derogatory] /sānbā/ | :: spiteful or unpleasant woman; bitch; slut |
三八 {prop} /sānbā/ | :: (~ 節) 8th of March, International Women's Day |
三八妇女节 {def} SEE: 三八婦女節 | :: |
三八婦女節 {prop} /Sān-Bā Fùnǚjié/ | :: International Working Women's Day (March 8) |
三八線 {prop} /Sānbāxiàn/ | :: Military Demarcation Line (between North and South Korea) |
三八线 {def} SEE: 三八線 | :: |
三巴 {n} /sānbā/ | :: sambal |
三百 {prop} /Sānbǎi/ | :: See: zh 三 百 |
三百 {prop} /Sānbǎi/ | :: abbreviation of 三百篇 |
三百六十行,行行出状元 {def} SEE: 三百六十行,行行出狀元 | :: |
三百六十行,行行出狀元 {proverb} /sānbǎi liùshí háng, hángháng chū zhuàngyuán/ | :: One can become successful with accomplishment in any industry or profession |
三百篇 {prop} /Sānbǎipiān/ | :: alternative name for 詩經 |
三班倒 {v} /sānbāndǎo/ | :: to work in three shifts |
三板 {def} SEE: 舢板 | :: |
三板斧 {idiom} /sānbǎnfǔ/ | :: someone with a limited repertoire of skills |
三板湖 {prop} /Sānbǎnhú/ | :: (~ 村) 三板湖 (village) |
三胞胎 {n} /sānbāotāi/ | :: triplets |
三保公鱼 {def} SEE: 三保公魚 | :: |
三宝 {def} SEE: 三寶 | :: |
三宝垄 {def} SEE: 三寶壟 | :: |
三宝颜 {def} SEE: 三寶顏 | :: |
三寶 {n} /sānbǎo/ | :: three precious things |
三寶 {n} /sānbǎo/ | :: Three Ancestral Treasures |
三寶 {n} [Daoism] /sānbǎo/ | :: Three Treasures |
三寶 {n} [traditional Chinese medicine] /sānbǎo/ | :: Three Treasures |
三寶 {n} [Buddhism] /sānbǎo/ | :: Three Jewels; Triple Gem |
三寶壟 {prop} /Sānbǎolǒng/ | :: 三寶壟 (city/provincial capital) |
三寶顏 {prop} /Sānbǎoyán/ | :: 三寶顏 (city) |
三杯雞 {n} /sānbēijī/ | :: sanbeiji; three-cup chicken (a chicken dish in Chinese cuisine, popular in Jiangxi, Guangdong and Taiwan) |
三杯鸡 {def} SEE: 三杯雞 | :: |
三北 {prop} [abbreviation] /Sānběi/ | :: Northeast China (*東北), North China (*華北) and Northwest China (*西北) |
三鞭酒 {n} [TCM] /sānbiānjiǔ/ | :: “three penis liquor”, a brown-yellow alcoholic beverage made from three kinds of animal penis and used in traditional Chinese medicine to “enhance health” |
三不二时 {def} SEE: 三不二時 | :: |
三不管 {v} [of an area, matter, event, etc.] /sān不guǎn/ | :: to be not managed, controlled, supervised or administered by any party |
三不五时 {def} SEE: 三不五時 | :: |
三不五時 {idiom} [Min Nan, Taiwanese Mandarin, Taiwanese Hakka] /sān不wǔshí/ | :: sometimes; from time to time; occasionally; now and then |
三部曲 {n} /sānbùqǔ/ | :: trilogy |
三才 {n} [historic] /sāncái/ | :: the "three talents" - sky (天), earth (地) and people (人) (one who knows all three well would be an all-rounded person) |
三餐 {n} /sāncān/ | :: three meals of the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) |
三藏 {n} [Buddhism] /sānzàng/ | :: the Tripitaka |
三藏 {n} [honorific] /sānzàng/ | :: alternative name for 玄奘 |
三藏法师 {def} SEE: 三藏法師 | :: |
三藏法師 {prop} /Sānzàngfǎshī/ | :: Tripitaka, another name for 玄奘 |
三层 {def} SEE: 三層 | :: |
三层肉 {def} SEE: 三層肉 | :: |
三层仔 {def} SEE: 三層仔 | :: |
三層肉 {n} [chiefly Hokkien, Taiwan Hakka, Zhejiang Wu] /sāncéngròu/ | :: streaky pork; pork belly |
三叉 {adj} [attributive] /sānchà/ | :: branching in three directions; three-way |
三叉 {adj} [anatomy, attributive] /sānchà/ | :: trigeminal |
三叉戟 {n} /sānchājǐ/ | :: trident |
三叉山 {prop} [historical] /Sānchàshān/ | :: former name of 雪山, the 2nd-tallest mountain on Taiwan Island |
三叉神經 {n} [anatomy] /sānchā shénjīng,sānchà shénjīng,1nb/ | :: trigeminal nerve |
三叉神經節 {n} [anatomy] /sānchà shénjīngjié/ | :: trigeminal ganglion |
三叉神經痛 {n} [diseases] /sānchà shénjīngtòng/ | :: trigeminal neuralgia |
三叉神经 {def} SEE: 三叉神經 | :: |
三叉神经节 {def} SEE: 三叉神經節 | :: |
三叉神经痛 {def} SEE: 三叉神經痛 | :: |
三岔 {prop} /Sānchà/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三岔 (town) |
三長兩短 {idiom} /sānchángliǎngduǎn,er/ | :: unexpected misfortune; unexpected accident; sudden death |
三长两短 {def} SEE: 三長兩短 | :: |
三成熟 {adj} [of, cooking, particularly of meats] /sānchéngshú/ | :: medium rare |
三春 {n} [literary] /sānchūn/ | :: three months of spring |
三春 {n} [literary] /sānchūn/ | :: three springs; three years |
三春晖 {def} SEE: 三春暉 | :: |
三春暉 {n} [figuratively] /sānchūnhuī/ | :: maternal love |
三春暉 {n} [figuratively, by extension] /sānchūnhuī/ | :: deep kindness |
三次 {prop} /Sāncì/ | :: (~ 市) 三次 (city) |
三次 {prop} /Sāncì/ | :: See: zh 三 次 |
三次方程 {n} [algebra] /sān cì fāngchéng/ | :: cubic equation |
三從 {n} [literary] /sāncóng/ | :: three obediences of a woman, i.e. to her father, husband, and to her sons when widowed |
三從四德 {idiom} /sāncóngsìdé/ | :: the Three Obediences and Four Virtues (traditional Chinese social and familial code of conduct on womanhood) |
三从 {def} SEE: 三從 | :: |
三从四德 {def} SEE: 三從四德 | :: |
三催四請 {idiom} /sāncuīsìqǐng/ | :: to repeatedly urge or plead |
三催四请 {def} SEE: 三催四請 | :: |
三寸不烂之舌 {def} SEE: 三寸不爛之舌 | :: |
三寸不爛之舌 {idiom} /sān cùn 不 làn zhī shé/ | :: to have a silver tongue; to have a way with words; to have an ability to schmooze |
三大件 {n} [Mainland] /sāndàjiàn,er/ | :: the three basic household items, which, in the 1950s-1960s originally referred to watch, bicycle and radio receiver, but nowadays often refer to house (房子), car (車子) and money (票子) |
三代 {prop} [historical] /sāndài/ | :: collective name for the dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou in Chinese history |
三代 {n} /sāndài/ | :: three generations (of a family) |
三代 {n} /sāndài/ | :: great-grandfather, grandfather and father |
三岛 {def} SEE: 三島 | :: |
三島 {prop} /Sāndǎo/ | :: (~ 市) 三島 (city) |
三等奖 {def} SEE: 三等獎 | :: |
三等獎 {n} /sānděngjiǎng/ | :: third prize (as in a competition) |
三地門 {prop} /Sāndìmén/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三地門 (mountain indigenous township) |
三地门 {def} SEE: 三地門 | :: |
三点 {def} SEE: 三點 | :: |
三点式 {def} SEE: 三點式 | :: |
三点水 {def} SEE: 三點水 | :: |
三点装 {def} SEE: 三點裝 | :: |
三碘甲烷 {n} [organic compound] /sāndiǎnjiǎwán/ | :: triiodomethane; iodoform |
三點 {n} /sāndiǎn/ | :: three o'clock |
三點 {n} [slang] /sāndiǎn/ | :: the three private points on a woman's body (two nipples and the genitals) |
三點式 {n} /sāndiǎnshì/ | :: (~ 泳衣) bikini (Classifier: 件) |
三點水 {n} /sāndiǎnshuǐ,er/ | :: the Chinese character component 氵 |
三點裝 {n} /sāndiǎnzhuāng/ | :: bikini |
三店 {prop} /Sāndiàn/ | :: (~ 街道) 三店 (subdistrict) |
三电 {def} SEE: 三電 | :: |
三電 {prop} /Sāndiàn/ | :: (~ 街道) 三電 (subdistrict) |
三貂角 {prop} /Sāndiāojiǎo/ | :: 三貂角 (cape) |
三叠 {def} SEE: 三疊 | :: |
三叠纪 {def} SEE: 三疊紀 | :: |
三叠字 {def} SEE: 三疊字 | :: |
三疊 {prop} /Sāndié/ | :: (~ 市) 三疊 (city) |
三疊紀 {prop} /Sāndiéjì/ | :: the Triassic period |
三疊字 {n} /sāndiézì/ | :: a type of Chinese character in which a single component is repeated three times |
三定 {n} /sāndìng/ | :: fixed quotas for production, purchasing and marketing |
三斗坪 {prop} /Sāndǒupíng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三斗坪 (town) |
三斗坪 {prop} /Sāndǒupíng/ | :: (~ 社區) 三斗坪 (residential community) |
三讀 {n} /sāndú/ | :: three readings (of a bill in a body of legislature) |
三讀 {n} /sāndú/ | :: third reading (of a bill in a body of legislature) |
三读 {def} SEE: 三讀 | :: |
三度 {n} [music] /sāndù/ | :: third |
三段論 {n} [logic] /sānduànlùn/ | :: syllogism |
三段论 {def} SEE: 三段論 | :: |
三堆河 {prop} /Sānduīhé/ | :: (~ 村) 三堆河 (village) |
三墩 {prop} /Sāndūn/ | :: (~ 村) 三墩 (village) |
三番 {n} /sānfān/ | :: three times; many times |
三番 {prop} /sānfān/ | :: (~ 市) alternative form of 三藩 |
三番五次 {idiom} /sānfānwǔcì/ | :: again and again; time and again |
三藩 {prop} [historical] /Sān藩/ | :: Revolt of the Three Feudatories (three lords of the fiefdoms during the Qing dynasty) |
三藩 {prop} /Sān藩/ | :: (~ 市) [chiefly Hong Kong] 三藩 (city) |
三藩之乱 {def} SEE: 三藩之亂 | :: |
三藩之亂 {prop} /Sān藩zhīluàn/ | :: the Revolt of the Three Feudatories |
三反 {prop} /sānfǎn/ | :: (~ 運動) [historical] Three-anti and Five-anti Campaigns (campaign against corruption, waste and bureaucracy launched by the Communist Party of China in 1951) |
三分 {v} /sānfēn/ | :: to be divided into three parts |
三分 {n} /sānfēn/ | :: three tenth (3⁄10) |
三分 {adv} /sānfēn/ | :: somewhat; a little; to some extent |
三分球 {n} [basketball] /sānfēnqiú/ | :: three-point field goal |
三分熟 {adj} [of, cooking] /sānfēnshú/ | :: medium rare |
三分损益 {def} SEE: 三分損益 | :: |
三分损益法 {def} SEE: 三分損益法 | :: |
三分損益 {n} [music] /sānfēn sǔnyì/ | :: The “Method of Subtracting and Adding Thirds” in ancient Chinese music theory, which involves alternately rising a fifth and descending a fourth through the subtraction or addition of a third of the length of the preceding pitch pipe |
三分損益法 {n} /sānfēn sǔnyìfǎ/ | :: alternative name for 三分損益 |
三分鐘熱度 {n} /sānfēnzhōng rèdù/ | :: short-lived passion or interest |
三分钟热度 {def} SEE: 三分鐘熱度 | :: |
三丰 {def} SEE: 三豐 | :: |
三豐 {prop} /Sānfēng/ | :: (~ 市) 三豐 (city) |
三佛齊 {prop} /Sānfóqí/ | :: Srivijaya (ancient kingdom) |
三佛齐 {def} SEE: 三佛齊 | :: |
三伏 {n} /sānfú/ | :: three fu (three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 in mid-July, 中伏 in late July to early August and 末伏 in mid-August) |
三伏 {n} /sānfú/ | :: the third fu |
三伏潭 {prop} /Sānfútán/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三伏潭 (town) |
三伏天 {n} /sānfútiān,er/ | :: a period in the Chinese lunisolar calendar of around 30-40 days which represents the hottest days of the summer |
三輔 {n} [archaic] /sānfǔ/ | :: the three auxiliary defensive zones (which surrounded the ancient capital at Chang'an) |
三輔 {n} [archaic] /sānfǔ/ | :: the area in and around Chang'an |
三辅 {def} SEE: 三輔 | :: |
三副 {n} /sānfù/ | :: third mate |
三綱 {n} [Confucianism] /sāngāng/ | :: the three most important relationships among men according to Confucian philosophy (in order: ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife) |
三綱五常 {idiom} [Confucianism] /sāngāngwǔcháng/ | :: the three rules and five virtues |
三纲 {def} SEE: 三綱 | :: |
三纲五常 {def} SEE: 三綱五常 | :: |
三高 {n} [medicine, colloquial] /sāngāo/ | :: The Three Highs: high blood pressure (hypertension, 高血壓), high blood glucose (hyperglycaemia, 高血糖), high blood lipid (hyperlipidaemia, 高血脂) |
三哥 {n} /sāngē/ | :: third eldest brother |
三哥 {n} [neologism, slang] /sāngē/ | :: Indian male |
三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮 {def} SEE: 三個臭皮匠,勝過諸葛亮 | :: |
三个代表 {def} SEE: 三個代表 | :: |
三个女人一台戏 {def} SEE: 三個女人一臺戲 | :: |
三個臭皮匠,勝過諸葛亮 {proverb} /sān ge chòupíjiàng, shèngguò Zhū葛 Liàng/ | :: two heads are better than one |
三個代表 {n} /sān ge dàibiǎo/ | :: Three Represents |
三個女人一臺戲 {proverb} /sān gè nǚrén 一 tái xì/ | :: three women and a goose make a market; three women make a drama (women love chatting livelily and that can be turned into a drama) |
三個女人一台戲 {def} SEE: 三個女人一臺戲 | :: |
三更 {n} /sāngēng,sānjīng,1nb/ | :: third watch (between 11:00pm and 1:00am); midnight |
三更半夜 {idiom} /sāngēngbànyè,sānjīngbànyè,1nb/ | :: in the middle of the night; late at night |
三更灯火五更鸡 {def} SEE: 三更燈火五更雞 | :: |
三更燈火五更雞 {idiom} /sāngēng dēnghuǒ wǔgēng jī/ | :: to burn the midnight oil, only to get up at the crack of dawn |
三更燈火五更雞 {idiom} /sāngēng dēnghuǒ wǔgēng jī/ | :: to work long hours |
三更燈火五更雞 {idiom} /sāngēng dēnghuǒ wǔgēng jī/ | :: to burn one's candle at both ends |
三公 {prop} [archaic] /sāngōng/ | :: three highest-ranking civil officials in the imperial court |
三公九卿 {prop} [historical] /Sāngōng Jiǔqīng/ | :: the Three Lords and Nine Ministers system (central administrative system adopted in ancient China) |
三沟 {def} SEE: 三溝 | :: |
三溝 {prop} /Sāngōu/ | :: (~ 村) 三溝 (village) |
三姑六婆 {idiom} /sāngūliùpó/ | :: women with disreputable or illegal professions |
三姑六婆 {idiom} [figurative] /sāngūliùpó/ | :: (female) gossipmongers |
三顧茅廬 {idiom} [figurative] /sāngùmáolú/ | :: to sincerely and repeatedly request someone to take up a post |
三顾茅庐 {def} SEE: 三顧茅廬 | :: |
三官 {prop} /Sānguān/ | :: (~ 村) 三官 (village) |
三官殿 {prop} /Sānguāndiàn/ | :: (~ 街道) 三官殿 (subdistrict) |
三官庙 {def} SEE: 三官廟 | :: |
三官廟 {prop} /Sānguānmiào/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三官廟 (town) |
三觀 {n} [neologism, slang] /sānguān/ | :: the three fundamental views or values of a person, i.e. one's world view (*世界觀), values of worth (*價值觀) and philosophy on life (*人生觀) |
三观 {def} SEE: 三觀 | :: |
三光 {n} /sānguāng/ | :: sun, moon and stars |
三光 {n} /sānguāng/ | :: 燒光/烧光, 殺光/杀光 and 搶光/抢光 |
三皈 {n} [Buddhism] /sānguī/ | :: the three Refuge (Buddhism) |
三国 {def} SEE: 三國 | :: |
三国鼎立 {def} SEE: 三國鼎立 | :: |
三国杀 {def} SEE: 三國殺 | :: |
三国演义 {def} SEE: 三國演義 | :: |
三国志 {def} SEE: 三國志 | :: |
三国志演义 {def} SEE: 三國志演義 | :: |
三國 {prop} [Chinese history] /Sānguó/ | :: the Three Kingdoms (220–280 AD) |
三國 {prop} [Korean history] /Sānguó/ | :: the Three Kingdoms of Korea |
三國 {prop} /Sānguó/ | :: A Japanese surname: Mikuni |
三國鼎立 {n} /sānguó dǐnglì/ | :: the period where The Three Kingdoms coexisted and were strong |
三國殺 {prop} /Sānguóshā/ | :: Legends of the Three Kingdoms (a popular Chinese card game) |
三國演義 {prop} /Sānguó Yǎnyì/ | :: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of China's Four Great Classical Novels |
三國志 {prop} /Sānguó Zhì/ | :: Records of the Three Kingdoms |
三國志演義 {prop} /Sānguózhì Yǎnyì/ | :: alternative name for 三國演義 |
三韓 {prop} [historical] /Sānhán/ | :: Samhan |
三韩 {def} SEE: 三韓 | :: |
三行 {n} /sānháng/ | :: three trades |
三行 {n} [Cantonese, specifically] /sānháng/ | :: the three construction trades of bricklaying, painting and carpentry (or stone carving) |
三行 {n} [literary] /sān行/ | :: three virtues |
三行 {v} [literary] /sānxíng/ | :: to toast thrice |
三號電池 {n} [Taiwan] /sānhào diànchí/ | :: AA battery |
三好 {n} /sānhǎo/ | :: three excellent traits possessed by a student (good in ethics, study and physical training) |
三好 {n} [literary] /sānhào/ | :: three hobbies |
三好 {prop} /Sānhǎo/ | :: (~ 市) 三好 (city) |
三号电池 {def} SEE: 三號電池 | :: |
三合 {prop} /Sānhé/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三合 (town) |
三合 {prop} /Sānhé/ | :: (~ 村) 三合 (village) |
三合 {prop} /Sānhé/ | :: (~ 村) 三合 (village) |
三合板 {n} /sānhébǎn/ | :: plywood; three-ply board |
三合垸 {prop} /Sānhéyuàn/ | :: (~ 村) 三合垸 (village) |
三合会 {def} SEE: 三合會 | :: |
三合會 {n} /sānhéhuì/ | :: triad (criminal organisation) |
三合土 {n} /sānhétǔ/ | :: lime-sand-clay mixture |
三合土 {n} /sānhétǔ/ | :: concrete |
三合元音 {n} [phonetics, phonology] /sānhé yuányīn/ | :: triphthong |
三合院 {n} /sānhéyuàn/ | :: Sanheyuan |
三和弦 {n} [music] /sānhéxián/ | :: triad |
三河 {prop} /Sānhé/ | :: (~ 市) 三河 (county-level city) |
三河口 {prop} /Sānhékǒu/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三河口 (town) |
三胡 {prop} /Sānhú/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三胡 (township) |
三皇 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Sānhuáng/ | :: the Three Sovereigns |
三皇五帝 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Sānhuáng Wǔdì/ | :: the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors |
三魂七魄 {idiom} [Taoism] /sānhúnqīpò/ | :: Hun and po |
三及第 {prop} /Sānjídì/ | :: A written language formed from a mixture of Classical Chinese, Standard Chinese, and vernacular Cantonese, formerly used in publications and media such as Hong Kong newspapers |
三极管 {def} SEE: 三極管 | :: |
三極管 {n} [electronics] /sānjíguǎn,er/ | :: triode |
三極管 {n} [electronics, colloquial] /sānjíguǎn,er/ | :: transistor |
三級 {adj} [attributive] /sānjí/ | :: third-degree; level-three; third-class |
三級醇 {n} [organic chemistry] /sānjíchún/ | :: tertiary alcohol |
三級結構 {n} [biochemistry] /sānjí jiégòu/ | :: tertiary structure |
三級片 {n} /sānjípiàn,sānjípiān,er/ | :: a film containing explicit content; X-rated movie |
三級跳 {n} [sports] /sānjítiào/ | :: triple jump; hop, skip, and a jump |
三級跳 {v} [figurative] /sānjítiào/ | :: to rapidly advance; to be promoted more than one level at a time |
三級跳遠 {n} [sport] /sānjítiàoyuǎn/ | :: triple jump |
三级 {def} SEE: 三級 | :: |
三级醇 {def} SEE: 三級醇 | :: |
三级片 {def} SEE: 三級片 | :: |
三级跳 {def} SEE: 三級跳 | :: |
三级跳远 {def} SEE: 三級跳遠 | :: |
三际 {def} SEE: 三際 | :: |
三際 {prop} /Sānjì/ | :: 三際 (village) |
三家垸 {prop} /Sānjiāyuàn/ | :: (~ 村) 三家垸 (village) |
三甲 {adj} [attributive, in hospital classification] /sānjiǎ/ | :: short fo 三級甲等 (grade-A tertiary) |
三甲胺 {n} [organic compound] /sānjiǎ胺/ | :: trimethylamine |
三尖瓣 {n} [anatomy] /sānjiānbàn/ | :: tricuspid valve |
三尖刀 {n} /sānjiāndāo/ | :: a war trident (the favored weapon of Ji Ling) |
三緘其口 {idiom} /sānjiānqíkǒu/ | :: keeping one's mouth shut more than once; be extremely selective in one's words |
三缄其口 {def} SEE: 三緘其口 | :: |
三件头 {def} SEE: 三件頭 | :: |
三件頭 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /sānjiàntóu/ | :: three-piece suit |
三件頭 {n} [Cantonese opera] /sānjiàntóu/ | :: gaohu, yangqin and qinqin |
三鍵 {n} [physical chemistry] /sānjiàn/ | :: triple bond |
三键 {def} SEE: 三鍵 | :: |
三江 {prop} /Sānjiāng/ | :: (~ 侗族自治縣) 三江 (autonomous county) |
三江 {prop} /Sānjiāng/ | :: (~ 村) 三江 (village) |
三江 {prop} /Sānjiāng/ | :: 三江 (area) where the drainage basins of the Jinsha/Yangtze, Mekong, and Nu/Salween Rivers meet |
三椒 {n} /sānjiāo/ | :: chilli pepper (*辣椒), (black) pepper (*胡椒) and Sichuan pepper (*花椒) |
三焦 {n} [TCM] /sānjiāo/ | :: triple burner |
三跤马 {def} SEE: 三跤馬 | :: |
三跤猫笑一目狗 {def} SEE: 三跤貓笑一目狗 | :: |
三脚架 {def} SEE: 三腳架 | :: |
三脚猫 {def} SEE: 三腳貓 | :: |
三腳架 {n} /sānjiǎojià,er/ | :: tripod |
三腳貓 {n} [figurative, colloquial] /sānjiǎomāo/ | :: jack of all trades, master of none; one who only has superficial knowledge of a skill |
三角 {n} [geometry] /sānjiǎo,er/ | :: triangle |
三角 {n} /sānjiǎo,er/ | :: abbreviation of 三角學 |
三角 {n} /sānjiǎo,er/ | :: abbreviation of 三角洲 |
三角波 {n} /sānjiǎobō/ | :: triangle wave |
三角不等式 {n} [mathematics] /sānjiǎo不děngshì/ | :: triangle inequality |
三角测量站 {def} SEE: 三角測量站 | :: |
三角測量站 {n} /sānjiǎo cèliángzhàn/ | :: trigonometrical station; triangulation pillar |
三角窗 {n} [Taiwan] /sānjiǎochuāng/ | :: store at a street corner |
三角法 {n} [mathematics] /sānjiǎofǎ/ | :: trigonometry |
三角鋼琴 {n} [musical instrument] /sānjiǎo gāngqín/ | :: grand piano |
三角钢琴 {def} SEE: 三角鋼琴 | :: |
三角函數 {n} [trigonometry] /sānjiǎo hánshù,er/ | :: trigonometric function |
三角函数 {def} SEE: 三角函數 | :: |
三角肌 {n} [anatomy] /sānjiǎojī/ | :: deltoid (muscle) |
三角裤 {def} SEE: 三角褲 | :: |
三角褲 {n} /sānjiǎokù,er/ | :: briefs (male underwear) |
三角恋 {def} SEE: 三角戀 | :: |
三角戀 {n} /sānjiǎoliàn,er/ | :: love triangle |
三角龍 {n} /sānjiǎolóng/ | :: Triceratops (genus) |
三角龙 {def} SEE: 三角龍 | :: |
三角巧克力 {prop} /sānjiǎo qiǎokèlì/ | :: Toblerone |
三角琴 {n} [musical instrument] /sānjiǎoqín/ | :: balalaika |
三角琴 {n} [musical instrument] /sānjiǎoqín/ | :: grand piano |
三角鐵 {n} [musical instrument] /sānjiǎotiě,er/ | :: triangle |
三角铁 {def} SEE: 三角鐵 | :: |
三角形 {n} [geometry] /sānjiǎoxíng,er/ | :: triangle (polygon) |
三角学 {def} SEE: 三角學 | :: |
三角學 {n} [mathematics] /sānjiǎoxué/ | :: trigonometry |
三角眼 {n} /sānjiǎoyǎn/ | :: popular name for the eyes of a person whose eyelids cause the visible part of the eye to look roughly triangular (either upwards (正) or downwards (倒)); alleged to make it difficult to see; considered ferocious and malicious in appearance (Zhang Fei had this appearance) |
三角洲 {n} /sānjiǎozhōu/ | :: delta (landform at the mouth of a river) |
三角朱古力 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /sānjiǎo zhūgǔlì/ | :: Toblerone |
三角錐 {n} [geometry] /sānjiǎozhuī/ | :: triangular pyramid |
三角锥 {def} SEE: 三角錐 | :: |
三節 {n} /sānjié/ | :: the three major Chinese holidays (Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year) |
三节 {def} SEE: 三節 | :: |
三界 {n} [Buddhism] /sānjiè/ | :: Trailokya or the “three worlds” of Buddhism |
三金片 {n} /sānjīn piàn/ | :: A sugar-coated tablet used in traditional Chinese medicine "to remove toxic heat, to dispel damp and relieve dysuria, and to tonify the kidney in the treatment of damp-heat in lower energizer marked by heat scanty dark urine, dysuria with difficult painful urination, acute or chronic pyelitis and urinary tract infection due to kidney-deficiency and downward flow of damp-heat" |
三晉 {prop} [historical] /Sānjìn/ | :: States of Han, Zhao and Wei during the Warring States period in Chinese history |
三晉 {prop} /Sānjìn/ | :: alternative name for 山西 |
三晋 {def} SEE: 三晉 | :: |
三井 {prop} /Sānjǐng/ | :: Mitsui (Japanese surname, company) |
三径 {def} SEE: 三徑 | :: |
三徑 {n} /sānjìng/ | :: place that hermits reside |
三九 {n} /sānjiǔ/ | :: from the 19th day to the 27th day after the winter solstice |
三九 {n} /sānjiǔ/ | :: the coldest weather days of winter |
三巨头 {def} SEE: 三巨頭 | :: |
三巨頭 {n} /sānjùtóu/ | :: big three; triumvirate; troika (any collective of three prominent individuals or entities) |
三巨頭 {prop} [historical] /sānjùtóu/ | :: the Big Three (Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill, leaders of their respective governments during the World War II and its immediate aftermath) |
三聚氰胺 {n} [organic compound] /sānjù氰胺/ | :: melamine |
三聚氰酸 {n} [organic compound] /sānjù氰suān/ | :: cyanuric acid |
三絕 {n} /sānjué/ | :: the Three Wonders of Tang dynasty China |
三絕韋編 {idiom} /sānjuéwéibiān/ | :: alternative form of 韋編三絕 |
三绝 {def} SEE: 三絕 | :: |
三绝韦编 {def} SEE: 三絕韋編 | :: |
三军 {def} SEE: 三軍 | :: |
三军未动,粮草先行 {def} SEE: 三軍未動,糧草先行 | :: |
三军未发,粮草先行 {def} SEE: 三軍未發,糧草先行 | :: |
三軍 {n} [archaic] /sānjūn/ | :: the three armies (of the left, right and center) |
三軍 {n} /sānjūn/ | :: three armed services (army, navy, and air force) |
三軍未動,糧草先行 {proverb} /sānjūnwèidòng, liángcǎoxiānxíng/ | :: synonym of 三軍未發,糧草先行 |
三軍未發,糧草先行 {proverb} [figuratively] /sānjūnwèifā, liángcǎoxiānxíng/ | :: one has to make preparations being doing something |
三孔 {prop} /Sānkǒng/ | :: The three famous Confucian sites in Qufu, Shandong: the Cemetery of Confucius, Temple of Confucius, and Kong Family Mansion |
三兰港 {def} SEE: 三蘭港 | :: |
三蘭港 {prop} /Sānlángǎng/ | :: Dar es Salaam |
三垒 {def} SEE: 三壘 | :: |
三壘 {n} [baseball, softball] /sānlěi/ | :: third base |
三棱 {n} /sānléng/ | :: Root of the Sparganium (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.) |
三棱髻 {n} /sānléngjì/ | :: widow's peak |
三棱镜 {def} SEE: 三稜鏡 | :: |
三稜鏡 {n} /sānléngjìng/ | :: (triangular) prism |
三礼 {def} SEE: 三禮 | :: |
三禮 {prop} /Sānlǐ/ | :: the Three Ritual Classics (namely, the Rites of Zhou, the Etiquette and Ceremonial and the Book of Rites) |
三里 {prop} /Sānlǐ/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三里 (town) |
三里 {prop} /Sānlǐ/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三里 (township) |
三里岗 {def} SEE: 三里崗 | :: |
三里崗 {prop} | :: (~ 鎮) 三里崗 (town) |
三里崗 {prop} | :: (~ 村) 三里崗 (village) |
三笠 {prop} /Sānlì/ | :: (~ 市) 三笠 (city) |
三联画 {def} SEE: 三聯畫 | :: |
三聯畫 {n} /sānliánhuà/ | :: triptych |
三连音 {def} SEE: 三連音 | :: |
三連音 {n} [music] /sānliányīn/ | :: triplet |
三磷酸腺苷 {n} [organic compound, biochemistry, neurotransmitter] /sān línsuān xiàngān/ | :: adenosine triphosphate |
三磷酸腺苷酶 {n} [enzyme] /sānlínsuānxiàngānméi/ | :: ATPase |
三菱 {prop} /Sānlíng/ | :: Mitsubishi (a Japanese industrial company) |
三菱 {prop} /Sānlíng/ | :: Mitsubishi (a Japanese surname) |
三令五申 {v} /sānlìngwǔshēn/ | :: to repeatedly order, instruct, admonish or warn |
三六 {n} /sānliù/ | :: three sixes; eighteen |
三六 {n} [Cantonese] /sānliù/ | :: dog meat |
三六滚一滚,神仙都企唔稳 {def} SEE: 三六滾一滾,神仙都企唔穩 | :: |
三六九等 {idiom} /sānliùjiǔděng/ | :: various grades and ranks |
三录仪 {def} SEE: 三錄儀 | :: |
三錄儀 {n} /sānlùyí/ | :: tricorder |
三輪 {n} [colloquial] /sānlún,er/ | :: abbreviation of 三輪車 |
三輪車 {n} /sānlúnchē,er/ | :: pedicab; tricycle, three-wheeler (any three-wheeled vehicle) |
三轮 {def} SEE: 三輪 | :: |
三轮车 {def} SEE: 三輪車 | :: |
三氯胺 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānlǜ胺/ | :: nitrogen trichloride; trichloramine |
三氯化氮 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānlǜhuàdàn/ | :: nitrogen trichloride; trichloramine |
三氯化铬 {def} SEE: 三氯化鉻 | :: |
三氯化鉻 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānlǜhuàgè/ | :: chromium(III) chloride |
三氯化磷 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānlǜhuàlín/ | :: phosphorus trichloride |
三氯化鐵 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānlǜhuàtiě/ | :: ferric chloride; iron(III) chloride |
三氯化铁 {def} SEE: 三氯化鐵 | :: |
三氯甲烷 {n} [organic compound] /sānlǜjiǎwán/ | :: trichloromethane; chloroform |
三吗哈 {def} SEE: 三嗎哈 | :: |
三毛猫 {def} SEE: 三毛貓 | :: |
三毛貓 {n} /sānmáomāo/ | :: calico cat |
三昧 {n} [Buddhism] /sānmèi/ | :: samadhi |
三昧 {n} [figurative] /sānmèi/ | :: knack; secret |
三門 {prop} /sānmén/ | :: (~ 縣) 三門 (county) |
三門峽 {prop} /Sānménxiá/ | :: (~ 市) 三門峽 (prefecture-level city) |
三门 {def} SEE: 三門 | :: |
三门峡 {def} SEE: 三門峽 | :: |
三面紅旗 {prop} [historical] /Sānmiànhóngqí/ | :: Three Red Banners (the General Line for socialist construction, the Great Leap Forward, and the people's communes) |
三面红旗 {def} SEE: 三面紅旗 | :: |
三藐 {n} /sānmiǎo/ | :: abbreviation of 三藐三菩提 |
三藐三菩提 {n} [Buddhism] /sānmiǎo sānpútí/ | :: abbreviation of 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 |
三妙丸 {n} /sānmiào wán/ | :: A greyish-yellow pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to remove damp-heat in the treatment of damp-heat in the lower part of the body marked by redness, swelling, hotness and pain in the legs and knees accompanied by a sensation of heaviness in the lower extremities and oliguria with deep-coloured urine" |
三民 {prop} /Sānmín/ | :: (~ 區) 三民 (district) |
三民 {prop} /Sānmín/ | :: (~ 里) 三民 (urban village) |
三民 {prop} /Sānmín/ | :: (~ 村) 三民 (rural village) |
三民主义 {def} SEE: 三民主義 | :: |
三民主義 {n} [historical] /sānmínzhǔyì/ | :: Three Principles of the People (political doctrine of Sun Yat-sen) |
三明 {n} [literary] /sānmíng/ | :: three heavenly bodies: sun, moon and stars |
三明 {prop} /sānmíng/ | :: (~ 市) 三明 (prefecture-level city) |
三明 {prop} /sānmíng/ | :: Miake (Japanese surname) |
三明治 {n} /sānmíngzhì/ | :: sandwich |
三無 {v} /sānwú/ | :: to have three withouts: |
三無 {v} [of a product] /sānwú/ | :: to have no production date, no manufacturing company and no manufacturing address |
三無 {v} [Mainland China, of a migrant worker] /sānwú/ | :: to have no legal documents, no fixed accommodation and no stable income |
三無 {v} [Hong Kong] /sānwú/ | :: to have no properties, pay no taxes and receive no welfare money |
三無 {v} [ACG, of a girl] /sānwú/ | :: to have no words, no mood and no facial expression |
三拇指头 {def} SEE: 三拇指頭 | :: |
三木 {n} /sānmù,Sānmù/ | :: fetters, shackles and pillory (three types of stocks) |
三木 {prop} /sānmù,Sānmù/ | :: Miki (Japanese place name, surname) |
三沐三熏 {def} SEE: 三沐三薰 | :: |
三沐三薰 {idiom} /sānmùsānxūn/ | :: to be respectful |
三年五載 {n} /sānniánwǔzǎi/ | :: several years |
三年五载 {def} SEE: 三年五載 | :: |
三辇车 {def} SEE: 三輦車 | :: |
三鳥 {n} [literary, Chinese religion] /sānniǎo/ | :: the three blue birds attending to the Queen Mother of the West |
三鳥 {n} [literary, figurative] /sānniǎo/ | :: messengers; envoys |
三鳥 {n} /sānniǎo/ | :: chicken, duck and goose |
三鸟 {def} SEE: 三鳥 | :: |
三农 {def} SEE: 三農 | :: |
三農 {n} /sānnóng/ | :: agriculture, rural areas and farmers |
三攀 {prop} /Sānpān/ | :: (~ 縣) 三攀 (district) |
三陪 {v} [of a girl] /sānpéi/ | :: to provide “threefold accompaniments”, i.e. chatting, drinking and dancing (or other similar services) with their clients; to provide intimate escort services |
三陪 {n} [colloquial] /sānpéi/ | :: abbreviation of 三陪小姐 |
三陪小姐 {n} /sānpéixiǎojiě/ | :: female escort; bar girl |
三撇 {n} /sānpiě/ | :: the Chinese character component 彡 |
三菩提 {n} /sānpútí/ | :: abbreviation of 三藐三菩提 |
三浦 {prop} /Sānpǔ/ | :: A Japanese surname: Miura |
三浦 {prop} /Sānpǔ/ | :: (~ 市) 三浦 (city) |
三七 {n} /sānqī/ | :: Panax notoginseng |
三七二十一 {idiom} [figurative] /sān qī èrshí一/ | :: (to not care about) the actual situation; facts of the matter |
三七开 {def} SEE: 三七開 | :: |
三七开定论 {def} SEE: 三七開定論 | :: |
三七開 {n} /sānqīkāi/ | :: ratio seventy to thirty, thirty percent failure, seventy percent success |
三七開定論 {n} /sānqīkāi dìnglùn/ | :: thirty percent failure, seventy percent success, the official PRC verdict on Mao Zedong |
三七仔 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /sānqīzǐ/ | :: pimp |
三岐 {prop} /Sānqí/ | :: (~ 市) 三岐 (city) |
三迁 {def} SEE: 三遷 | :: |
三遷 {v} [literary] /sānqiān/ | :: to move house multiple times |
三秦 {prop} [historical] /Sānqín/ | :: Three Qins, three of the Eighteen Kingdoms created by Xiang Yu in Chinese history |
三秦 {prop} /Sānqín/ | :: alternative name for 陝西 |
三清觀 {prop} /Sānqīngguàn/ | :: (~ 村) 三清觀 (village) |
三清观 {def} SEE: 三清觀 | :: |
三清山 {prop} /Sānqīng Shān/ | :: Mount Sanqing |
三全音 {n} [music] /sānquányīn/ | :: tritone |
三权鼎立 {def} SEE: 三權鼎立 | :: |
三权分立 {def} SEE: 三權分立 | :: |
三權鼎立 {n} [government, politics] /sān quán dǐnglì/ | :: synonym of 三權分立 |
三權分立 {n} [government, politics] /sānquánfēnlì/ | :: separation of powers |
三人成虎 {proverb} /sānrénchénghǔ/ | :: What you are told three times is true. If something is repeated by many individuals, it will be accepted as truth |
三人行 {idiom} [literally] /sānrénxíng/ | :: three people walking together |
三人行 {idiom} [figurative, slang] /sānrénxíng/ | :: threesome |
三人行,必有我师 {def} SEE: 三人行,必有我師 | :: |
三人行,必有我師 {proverb} /sānrénxíng, bì yǒu wǒ shī/ | :: there is always someone that one can learn from among a group of people |
三人性交 {n} [sexual] /sānrén xìngjiāo/ | :: threesome |
三日不讀書,面目可憎 {proverb} /sān rì bù dúshū, miànmùkězēng/ | :: If you are not diligent in your studies, you will remain ignorant, and nobody will be attracted to you |
三日不读书,面目可憎 {def} SEE: 三日不讀書,面目可憎 | :: |
三日打魚,兩日曬網 {idiom} /sān rì dǎ yú, liǎng rì shài wǎng/ | :: synonym of 三天打魚,兩天曬網 |
三日打鱼,两日晒网 {def} SEE: 三日打魚,兩日曬網 | :: |
三日节 {def} SEE: 三日節 | :: |
三三两两 {def} SEE: 三三兩兩 | :: |
三三兩兩 {adj} /sānsānliǎngliǎng/ | :: scattered; by ones and twos |
三色椒 {n} /sānsèjiāo/ | :: bell pepper |
三色旗 {n} /sānsèqí/ | :: tricolour |
三沙 {prop} [historical] /Sānshā/ | :: Sansha (a former island of the Yangtze estuary now forming part of Chongming Island) |
三沙 {prop} /Sānshā/ | :: (~ 市) 三沙 (prefecture-level city) |
三沙 {prop} /Sānshā/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三沙 (town) |
三山 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Sānshān/ | :: Three Sacred Mountains |
三山 {prop} /Sānshān/ | :: Three Mountains (refers to various place names and deities) |
三山 {prop} /Sānshān/ | :: alternative name for 福州 |
三山 {prop} /Sānshān/ | :: (~ 區) Sanshan District (district in Wuhu, Anhui province, China) |
三山 {prop} /Sānshān/ | :: (~ 市) 三山 (city) |
三葉草 {n} /sānyècǎo/ | :: clover (Trifolium) |
三葉蟲 {n} /sānyèchóng,er/ | :: trilobite (extinct arthropod) |
三身 {n} [Buddhism] /sānshēn/ | :: trikāya |
三神 {n} /sānshén/ | :: the three gods: god of heaven, god of earth and god of mountains |
三神 {n} [Taoism] /sānshén/ | :: alternative name for 三彭 |
三声 {def} SEE: 三聲 | :: |
三牲 {n} /sānshēng/ | :: three domestic animals (i.e. cattle, sheep, and pigs, formerly used as sacrificed offerings) |
三生有幸 {idiom} /sānshēngyǒuxìng/ | :: very lucky |
三聲 {n} /sānshēng/ | :: third tone; alternative name for 上聲 |
三省六部 {prop} [historical] /Sānshěng Liùbù/ | :: the Three Departments and Six Ministries system (the main central government structure in imperial China from the Sui dynasty to the Yuan dynasty, and some other Asian polities) |
三圣 {def} SEE: 三聖 | :: |
三聖 {prop} /Sānshèng/ | :: (~ 村) 三聖 (village) |
三十 {num} /sānshí/ | :: thirty; 30 |
三十八 {num} /sānshíbā/ | :: thirty-eight; 38 |
三十儿 {def} SEE: 三十兒 | :: |
三十兒 {n} [colloquial] /sānshír/ | :: Chinese New Year's Eve |
三十二 {num} /sānshí'èr/ | :: thirty-two; 32 |
三十二分音符 {n} [music] /sānshí'èrfēnyīnfú/ | :: demisemiquaver; thirty-second note |
三十九 {num} /sānshíjiǔ/ | :: thirty-nine; 39 |
三十里堡 {prop} /Sānshílǐpù/ | :: (~ 街道) 三十里堡 (subdistrict) |
三十六 {num} /sānshíliù/ | :: thirty-six; 36 |
三十六計 {prop} /Sānshíliù Jì/ | :: Thirty-Six Stratagems |
三十六计 {def} SEE: 三十六計 | :: |
三十六天罡 {n} [Taoism] /sānshíliù tiāngāng/ | :: the 36 heavenly spirits |
三十六天罡 {n} /sānshíliù tiāngāng/ | :: the 36 Heavenly Spirits from The Water Margin |
三十年河东,三十年河西 {def} SEE: 三十年河東,三十年河西 | :: |
三十年河東,三十年河西 {proverb} /sānshí nián hé dōng, sānshí nián hé xī/ | :: Prosperity and decline never last |
三十年河東,三十年河西 {proverb} /sānshí nián hé dōng, sānshí nián hé xī/ | :: Life has its ups and downs |
三十年河東,三十年河西 {proverb} /sānshí nián hé dōng, sānshí nián hé xī/ | :: Everything in life is cyclical |
三十年河東,三十年河西 {proverb} /sānshí nián hé dōng, sānshí nián hé xī/ | :: Easy come, easy go |
三十年战争 {def} SEE: 三十年戰爭 | :: |
三十年戰爭 {prop} /Sānshínián Zhànzhēng/ | :: Thirty Years' War |
三十七 {num} /sānshíqī/ | :: thirty-seven; 37 |
三十三 {num} /sānshísān/ | :: thirty-three; 33 |
三十四 {num} /sānshísì/ | :: thirty-four; 34 |
三十晚间子 {def} SEE: 三十晚間子 | :: |
三十五 {num} /sānshíwǔ/ | :: thirty-five; 35 |
三十一 {num} /sānshí一/ | :: thirty-one; 31 |
三唑仑 {def} SEE: 三唑侖 | :: |
三唑侖 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /sānzuòlún/ | :: triazolam |
三手烟 {def} SEE: 三手煙 | :: |
三手煙 {n} /sānshǒuyān,er/ | :: third-hand smoke |
三手菸 {def} SEE: 三手煙 | :: |
三水 {prop} /Sānshuǐ/ | :: (~ 區) 三水 (district) |
三司 {n} [collective name] /sānsī/ | :: three officers of Hong Kong (Chief Secretary for Administration, Financial Secretary (Hong Kong) and Secretary for Justice (Hong Kong)) |
三司 {n} [historical, collective name] /sānsī/ | :: three national-level ministers during the Han dynasty (司馬, 司空 and 司徒) |
三司 {n} [historical, collective name] /sānsī/ | :: three national-level officers during the Tang dynasty (御史臺, 中書省, 門下省; or 刑部, 御史臺, 大理寺) |
三司 {n} [historical, collective name] /sānsī/ | :: three financial officers during the Song dynasty (鹽鐵司, 度支司 and 戶部司) |
三司 {n} [historical, collective name] /sānsī/ | :: three provincial-level officers during the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty (布政使司, 按察使司 and 都指揮使司) |
三思 {v} [literary] /sānsī,sànsī,2nb/ | :: to think carefully (before taking action) |
三思而行 {idiom} /sānsī'érxíng,sànsī'érxíng,2nb/ | :: look before you leap |
三思而后行 {def} SEE: 三思而後行 | :: |
三思而後行 {proverb} /sānsī ér hòuxíng,sànsī ér hòuxíng,2nb/ | :: look before you leap |
三穗 {prop} /Sānsuì/ | :: (~ 縣) 三穗 (county) |
三肽 {n} [chemistry] /sāntài/ | :: tripeptide |
三潭 {prop} /Sāntán/ | :: (~ 風景區) 三潭 (scenic area) |
三碳糖 {n} [biochemistry] /sāntàntáng/ | :: triose |
三套車 {n} /sāntàochē/ | :: troika, a Russian carriage drawn by three horses |
三套车 {def} SEE: 三套車 | :: |
三体船 {def} SEE: 三體船 | :: |
三體船 {n} /sāntǐchuán/ | :: trimaran |
三天打魚,兩天曬網 {idiom} [figurative] /sān tiān dǎ yú, liǎng tiān shài wǎng/ | :: to fail to persevere in something; to be unwilling or too lazy to concentrate |
三天打鱼,两天晒网 {def} SEE: 三天打魚,兩天曬網 | :: |
三天两头 {def} SEE: 三天兩頭 | :: |
三天兩頭 {idiom} /sāntiānliǎngtóu,er/ | :: every two or three days (something bad happens); almost everyday |
三田 {prop} /Sāntián/ | :: Mita (Japanese name or place name) |
三田 {prop} /Sāntián/ | :: Sanda (Japanese name or place name) |
三条 {def} SEE: 三條 | :: |
三條 {prop} /Sāntiáo/ | :: (~ 市) 三條 (city) |
三條 {n} [card games] /sāntiáo/ | :: three of a kind |
三厅一社 {def} SEE: 三廳一社 | :: |
三廳一社 {n} /sāntīng一shè/ | :: amusement arcades, bars/clubs, video theatres and billiard halls |
三停 {n} [archaic] /sāntíng/ | :: three sections; three parts |
三停 {n} [archaic] /sāntíng/ | :: thirty percent; three-tenths |
三通 {n} [mechanics] /sāntōng/ | :: tee; tee joint |
三通 {n} /sāntōng/ | :: Three Links |
三同 {n} [Maoism] /sāntóng/ | :: the three togethers (policy stating that peasants should eat together, live together, and labour together) |
三头肌 {def} SEE: 三頭肌 | :: |
三头两日 {def} SEE: 三頭兩日 | :: |
三头六臂 {def} SEE: 三頭六臂 | :: |
三頭肌 {n} [anatomy] /sāntóujī/ | :: triceps |
三頭兩日 {idiom} /sāntóu liǎngrì/ | :: every two or three days (something bad happens); almost everyday |
三頭六臂 {idiom} [figurative] /sāntóuliùbì/ | :: (having) superhuman powers |
三土門 {prop} /Sāntǔmén/ | :: (~ 村) 三土門 (village) |
三土门 {def} SEE: 三土門 | :: |
三退 {v} [neologism, slang] /sāntuì/ | :: to quit the Communist Party of China (退黨), Communist Youth League of China (退團) and Young Pioneers of China (退隊) |
三湾 {def} SEE: 三灣 | :: |
三灣 {prop} /Sānwān/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三灣 (rural township) |
三危山 {prop} /Sān危shān/ | :: Sanwei Mountain, a mountain located in southeastern Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Gansu, China; considered part of the Qilian Mountains |
三围 {def} SEE: 三圍 | :: |
三圍 {n} [clothing] /sānwéi/ | :: vital statistics; bust, waist and hip (B/W/H) measurements |
三維 {adj} /sānwéi/ | :: three-dimensional |
三维 {def} SEE: 三維 | :: |
三位一体 {def} SEE: 三位一體 | :: |
三位一體 {n} /sānwèi一tǐ/ | :: three in one; trinity; three forming an organic whole |
三位一體 {n} [Christianity] /sānwèi一tǐ/ | :: Trinity |
三味蒺藜散 {n} /sānwèi jílísǎn/ | :: A greyish-yellow powder used in traditional Mongolian medicine "to remove damp-heat and induce diuresis in the treatment of the downward flow of damp-heat, and a painful burning sensation during urination" |
三味線 {n} /sānwèixiàn/ | :: shamisen (Japanese three-stringed instrument) |
三味线 {def} SEE: 三味線 | :: |
三味治 {n} [rare] /sānwèizhì/ | :: sandwich |
三温暖 {def} SEE: 三溫暖 | :: |
三溫暖 {n} [Taiwan] /sānwēnnuǎn/ | :: sauna |
三文魚 {n} /sānwényú/ | :: salmon |
三文鱼 {def} SEE: 三文魚 | :: |
三文治 {n} /sānwénzhì/ | :: sandwich |
三唔识七 {def} SEE: 三唔識七 | :: |
三无 {def} SEE: 三無 | :: |
三五成羣 {def} SEE: 三五成群 | :: |
三五成群 {idiom} /sānwǔ-chéngqún/ | :: in groups of three or five |
三溪 {prop} /Sānxī/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三溪 (town) |
三溪 {prop} /Sānxī/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三溪 (township) |
三峡 {def} SEE: 三峽 | :: |
三峽 {prop} /Sān Xiá/ | :: Three Gorges of the Yangtze River |
三峽 {prop} /Sān Xiá/ | :: (~ 區) 三峽 (district) |
三下五除二 {idiom} [figurative] /sān xià wǔ chú èr/ | :: (doing things) in an instant; in the blink of an eye; quickly and easily |
三弦 {n} /sānxián,er/ | :: sanxian (fretless lute with three strings used in traditional Chinese music) |
三絃 {def} SEE: 三弦 | :: |
三線 {n} [often, attributive] /sānxiàn/ | :: third line; third tier |
三线 {def} SEE: 三線 | :: |
三乡 {def} SEE: 三鄉 | :: |
三相 {adj} [physics, attributive] /sānxiàng/ | :: triphasic |
三相点 {def} SEE: 三相點 | :: |
三相點 {n} [physics] /sānxiàngdiǎn/ | :: triple point (the unique temperature and pressure at which the solid, liquid and gas phases of a substance are all in equilibrium) |
三相神 {prop} /Sānxiàngshén/ | :: Trimurti |
三鄉 {prop} /Sānxiāng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三鄉 (town) |
三鄉 {prop} /Sānxiāng/ | :: (~ 市) 三鄉 (city) |
三項式 {n} [mathematics] /sānxiàngshì/ | :: trinomial |
三项式 {def} SEE: 三項式 | :: |
三硝基甲苯 {n} [organic compound] /sānxiāojījiǎběn/ | :: trinitrotoluene; TNT |
三小 {n} [Taiwan Mandarin, Taiwan Min Nan, vulgar] /sānxiǎo/ | :: what the hell |
三斜 {adj} [crystallography] /sānxié/ | :: triclinic |
三心二意 {idiom} /sānxīn'èryì/ | :: shilly-shally; half-hearted; without consistency or constancy; likely to change minds easily |
三心两意 {def} SEE: 三心兩意 | :: |
三心兩意 {idiom} /sānxīn liǎngyì/ | :: shilly-shally; half-hearted; without consistency or constancy; likely to change minds easily |
三衅三沐 {def} SEE: 三釁三沐 | :: |
三釁三沐 {idiom} /sānxìnsānmù/ | :: to be respectful; to be courteous |
三星 {n} [astronomy] /sānxīng/ | :: the three major stars of Shenxiu |
三星 {n} [Chinese mythology] /sānxīng/ | :: the Sanxing (Gods of Happiness, Wealth and Longevity) |
三星 {prop} /sānxīng/ | :: Samsung (South Korean conglomerate) |
三星 {prop} /sānxīng/ | :: Sanxing (any of various townships in China) |
三星 {prop} /sānxīng/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三星 (rural township) |
三星堆 {prop} /Sānxīngduī/ | :: Sanxingdui |
三兄 {n} [literary or Min Nan] /sānxiōng/ | :: third elder brother (referring to the third son) |
三熏三沐 {def} SEE: 三薰三沐 | :: |
三薰三沐 {idiom} /sānxūnsānmù/ | :: to be respectful |
三亞 {prop} /Sān亞/ | :: 三亞 (prefecture-level city) |
三亚 {def} SEE: 三亞 | :: |
三言两语 {def} SEE: 三言兩語 | :: |
三言兩語 {idiom} /sānyánliǎngyǔ/ | :: just a few words; concise language |
三眼井 {prop} /Sānyǎnjǐng/ | :: (~ 社區) 三眼井 (residential community) |
三阳 {def} SEE: 三陽 | :: |
三陽 {prop} /Sānyáng/ | :: (~ 社區) 三陽 (community) |
三氧化二铬 {def} SEE: 三氧化二鉻 | :: |
三氧化二鉻 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānyǎnghuà'èrgè/ | :: chromium(III) oxide |
三氧化二鐵 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānyǎnghuà'èrtiě/ | :: iron(III) oxide; ferric oxide |
三氧化二铁 {def} SEE: 三氧化二鐵 | :: |
三氧化铬 {def} SEE: 三氧化鉻 | :: |
三氧化鉻 {n} [inorganic compound] /sānyǎnghuàgè/ | :: chromium trioxide |
三氧化硫 {n} /sānyǎnghuàliú/ | :: sulfur trioxide |
三叶草 {def} SEE: 三葉草 | :: |
三叶虫 {def} SEE: 三葉蟲 | :: |
三一律 {n} /sānyīlǜ/ | :: classical unities |
三一頌 {n} [Christianity] /sānyīsòng/ | :: Trinitarian doxology (most often refers to “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow”) |
三一颂 {def} SEE: 三一頌 | :: |
三揖三讓 {idiom} /sānyīsānràng/ | :: a series of formal greetings between a guest and host (in ancient China) |
三揖三让 {def} SEE: 三揖三讓 | :: |
三乙胺 {n} [organic compound] /sānyǐ胺/ | :: triethylamine |
三义 {def} SEE: 三義 | :: |
三易 {prop} /Sānyì/ | :: the Three Changes (namely, the three ancient divinatory texts Lianshan, Guicang and Zhouyi) |
三易 {n} [literary] /Sānyì/ | :: three easy things |
三易 {n} [literary] /Sānyì/ | :: three changes |
三義 {prop} /Sānyì/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三義 (township) |
三義 {prop} /Sānyì/ | :: (~ 鄉) 三義 (rural township) |
三義 {prop} /Sānyì/ | :: (~ 鄉) [historical] 三義 (township) |
三義 {prop} /Sānyì/ | :: (~ 社區) 三義 (community) |
三英 {n} [archaic] /sānyīng/ | :: the three heroes (Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei) |
三鷹 {prop} /Sānyīng/ | :: (~ 市) Mitaka, Tōkyō Metropolis, Japan |
三鹰 {def} SEE: 三鷹 | :: |
三友 {n} /sānyǒu/ | :: pine, bamboo and ume (plum blossom) |
三友 {n} /sānyǒu/ | :: music, wine and poetry |
三元 {n} [historical] /sānyuán/ | :: winning three stages in imperial examinations |
三元 {prop} /sānyuán/ | :: (~ 區) Sanyuan District (district in Sanming, Fujian province, China) |
三元 {prop} /sānyuán/ | :: (~ 鎮) zh:三元镇 (name of several towns and townships in China) |
三元 {prop} /sānyuán/ | :: (~ 村) 三元 (village) |
三元牌 {n} [mahjong] /sānyuánpái/ | :: dragon tile |
三元音 {n} [phonetics, phonology] /sānyuányīn/ | :: triphthong |
三原 {prop} /Sānyuán/ | :: (~ 縣) 三原 (county) |
三原 {prop} /Sānyuán/ | :: (~ 市) 三原 (city) |
三月 {n} /sānyuè/ | :: March, the third month of the Gregorian solar calendar |
三月 {n} /sānyuè/ | :: The modern name for the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar |
三月不知肉味 {idiom} /sān yuè 不zhī ròu wèi/ | :: describes a situation in which one is totally captivated by whatever activity is taking place; totally enraptured |
三月份 {prop} /Sānyuèfèn,tl/ | :: synonym of 三月 |
三月间子 {def} SEE: 三月間子 | :: |
三月节 {def} SEE: 三月節 | :: |
三月泡 {n} /sānyuèpāo/ | :: a kind of raspberry |
三泽 {def} SEE: 三澤 | :: |
三澤 {prop} /Sānzé/ | :: (~ 市) 三澤 (city) |
三栈肉 {def} SEE: 三棧肉 | :: |
三振 {v} [baseball] /sānzhèn/ | :: to strike out |
三振 {n} [baseball] /sānzhèn/ | :: a strikeout |
三振出局 {idiom} [baseball] /sānzhèn chūjú/ | :: to strike out |
三振出局 {idiom} /sānzhèn chūjú/ | :: three strikes and you're out |
三振出局 {idiom} /sānzhèn chūjú/ | :: three-strikes and you're out law; three-strikes law |
三芝 {prop} /Sānzhī/ | :: (~ 區) 三芝 (district) |
三隻手 {n} [colloquial] /sānzhīshǒu,er/ | :: pickpocket |
三只手 {def} SEE: 三隻手 | :: |
三鐘經 {n} [Catholicism] /sānzhōngjīng/ | :: Angelus |
三钟经 {def} SEE: 三鐘經 | :: |
三重 {adj} /sānchóng/ | :: triple; triplicate |
三重 {prop} /Sānchóng/ | :: (~ 區) 三重 (district) |
三重 {prop} /Sānchóng/ | :: (~ 縣) 三重 (prefecture) |
三重冕 {n} [Catholicism] /sānchóngmiǎn/ | :: triregnum |
三重奏 {n} [music] /sānchóngzòu/ | :: trio |
三州府 {prop} /Sānzhōufǔ/ | :: (~ 市) 三州府 (city) |
三州府 {prop} [historical] /Sānzhōufǔ/ | :: Straits Settlements (collective name of Penang, Singapore and Malacca) |
三洲 {prop} /Sānzhōu/ | :: (~ 鎮) 三洲 (town) |
三子散 {n} /sānzǐ sǎn/ | :: A yellow powder used in traditional Mongolian medicine "to reduce heat in the blood and to counteract toxicity in the treatment of fever in epidemic diseases or heat in blood, either acute or chronic" |
三字經 {prop} /sānzìjīng,er/ | :: Three Character Classic (classic Chinese text) |
三字經 {n} [idiomatic] /sānzìjīng,er/ | :: swear words |
三字经 {def} SEE: 三字經 | :: |
三族 {n} [literary] /sānzú/ | :: three generations (parents, siblings, and children) |
三足鼎立 {idiom} /sānzúdǐnglì/ | :: to be in a situation of tripartite confrontation |
三足乌 {def} SEE: 三足烏 | :: |
三足烏 {n} [Chinese mythology] /sānzúwū/ | :: three-legged crow |
叁 {def} SEE: 參 | :: |
叁鍵 {def} SEE: 叄鍵 | :: |
叁键 {def} SEE: 叁鍵 | :: |
弎 {def} SEE: 三 | :: |
攕仔车 {def} SEE: 攕仔車 | :: |
攕针 {def} SEE: 攕針 | :: |
毵 {def} SEE: 毿 | :: |
犙 {def} /sān,sōu/ | :: [obsolete] three-year-old cattle |
糁 {def} SEE: 糝 | :: |
糁说 {def} SEE: 糝說 | :: |
鬖 {def} /sān/ | :: only used in 鬖髿 |
䫩 {def} /sǎn/ | :: to shake one's head |
仐 {def} SEE: 傘 | :: |
伞 {def} SEE: 傘 | :: |
伞兵 {def} SEE: 傘兵 | :: |
伞盖 {def} SEE: 傘蓋 | :: |
傘 {def} /sǎn/ | :: umbrella; parasol |
傘 {def} /sǎn/ | :: umbrella-like object |
傘 {def} /sǎn/ | :: parachute |
傘 {def} /sǎn/ | :: surname San |
傘兵 {n} /sǎnbīng/ | :: paratrooper |
傘蓋 {n} [archaic] /sǎngài/ | :: an umbrella covering |
糂 {def} SEE: 糝 | :: |
糤 {def} SEE: 饊 | :: |
繖 {def} SEE: 傘 | :: |
繖 {def} /sǎn/ | :: damask silk |
鏾 {def} [obsolete] /sā/ | :: samarium |
饊子 {n} [dialect] /sǎnzi/ | :: sangza; deep-fried dough twist |
馓 {def} SEE: 饊 | :: |
馓子 {def} SEE: 饊子 | :: |
㪚 {def} SEE: 散 | :: |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: free and unfettered |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: natural and restrained; at ease |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: loose; free |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: to become loose; to break apart; to fall apart |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: scattered; fragmentary; odd; apart |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: mixed and disorderly; miscellaneous |
散 {def} [literature] /sǎn/ | :: free from parallelism |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: careless; incautious; inattentive |
散 {def} /sǎn/ | :: ordinary; useless |
散 {def} [TCM] /sǎn/ | :: medicine in powder form |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to break up; to disperse; to scatter |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to distribute; to disseminate |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to open; to open wide |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to dissipate; to distract; to find diversion |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to run away; to escape; to flee |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to express; to declare; to explain |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to end; to finish; to be over |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: to lose; to miss |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: herd; graze |
散 {def} /sàn/ | :: chaotic; helter-skelter |
散 {def} [Hokkien] /sàn/ | :: poor |
散兵 {n} [military] /sǎnbīng/ | :: skirmisher |
散兵 {n} [military] /sǎnbīng/ | :: disbanded soldier |
散兵 {n} [figuratively] /sǎnbīng/ | :: loner |
散播 {v} /sàn播/ | :: to spread; to disseminate |
散佈 {def} SEE: 散布 | :: |
散佈圖 {n} [statistics] /sànbùtú/ | :: scatter plot |
散布 {v} [literally, figuratively] /sànbù/ | :: to spread; to scatter; to disseminate |
散布图 {def} SEE: 散佈圖 | :: |
散布圖 {def} SEE: 散佈圖 | :: |
散步 {v} /sànbù/ | :: to take a walk; to go for a stroll |
散策 {v} /sàncè/ | :: to take a walk with a cane |
散場 {v} /sànchǎng,sàncháng,1nb/ | :: to be over (of a show, etc.) |
散場 {v} /sànchǎng,sàncháng,1nb/ | :: to be empty (of a theater) |
散场 {def} SEE: 散場 | :: |
散打 {n} [sports] /sǎndǎ/ | :: sanda (a Chinese self-defense system and combat sport) |
散胆 {def} SEE: 散膽 | :: |
散彈 {n} /sǎndàn/ | :: shotgun shell |
散彈槍 {n} /sǎndànqiāng/ | :: shotgun |
散点图 {def} SEE: 散點圖 | :: |
散點圖 {n} [statistics] /sǎndiǎntú/ | :: scatter plot |
散度 {n} [mathematics] /sàndù/ | :: divergence |
散发 {def} SEE: 散發 | :: |
散发 {def} SEE: 散髮 | :: |
散發 {v} /sànfā/ | :: to send out; to diffuse; to give off (a smell); to produce (an aroma) |
散發 {v} /sànfā/ | :: to distribute; to issue |
散髮 {n} /sàn髮/ | :: shaggy hair; dishevelled hair |
散工 {v} /sàngōng/ | :: to stop work for the day; to knock off; to get off work; to clock out |
散工 {n} /sǎngōng/ | :: odd job; temporary job; part-time job |
散光 {n} [diseases] /sǎnguāng/ | :: astigmatism |
散光 {v} [of light] /sànguāng/ | :: to scatter |
散光 {v} /sànguāng/ | :: to diffuse (light) |
散戶 {n} /sǎnhù/ | :: retail investor |
散户 {def} SEE: 散戶 | :: |
散会 {def} SEE: 散會 | :: |
散會 {v} /sànhuì/ | :: to adjourn a meeting |
散伙 {def} SEE: 散夥 | :: |
散伙飯 {def} SEE: 散夥飯 | :: |
散伙饭 {def} SEE: 散夥飯 | :: |
散夥 {v} /sànhuǒ/ | :: to dissolve; to disband (of a group, body, or organization) |
散夥 {v} [colloquial] /sànhuǒ/ | :: to break up (of lovers or a married couple) |
散夥飯 {n} /sànhuǒfàn/ | :: farewell dinner or lunch; farewell party |
散見 {v} /sànjiàn/ | :: to be seen here and there; to appear sporadically; to be scattered throughout |
散见 {def} SEE: 散見 | :: |
散盡 {v} /sànjìn/ | :: to be gone (of a crowd, etc.), to be totally dispersed (crowd) |
散盡 {v} /sànjìn/ | :: to give all/everything away |
散尽 {def} SEE: 散盡 | :: |
散居 {v} /sǎnjū/ | :: to live scattered |
散开 {def} SEE: 散開 | :: |
散開 {v} /sànkāi/ | :: to separate and strew (distribute objects or pieces of something) |
散開 {v} /sànkāi/ | :: to scatter; to disperse |
散来 {def} SEE: 散來 | :: |
散镭 {def} SEE: 散鐳 | :: |
散乱 {def} SEE: 散亂 | :: |
散亂 {adj} /sǎnluàn/ | :: messy; in disorder |
散落 {v} /sànluò/ | :: to fall scattered |
散落 {v} /sànluò/ | :: to be scattered |
散落 {v} /sànluò/ | :: to scatter and disappear |
散漫 {adj} [literary] /sǎnmàn/ | :: scattered; dispersed |
散漫 {adj} /sǎnmàn/ | :: lax (in discipline); slack; disorganised |
散漫 {v} [literary] /sànmàn/ | :: to scatter; to disperse |
散錢 {n} /sǎnqián/ | :: loose change; small sum of money |
散錢 {v} [literary] /sànqián/ | :: to donate money |
散钱 {def} SEE: 散錢 | :: |
散曲 {n} /sǎnqǔ/ | :: Chinese Sanqu poetry (poetry popular during the Yuan dynasty) |
散热 {def} SEE: 散熱 | :: |
散热器 {def} SEE: 散熱器 | :: |
散熱 {v} /sànrè/ | :: to dissipate heat |
散熱器 {n} /sànrèqì/ | :: radiator (device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air) |
散熱器 {n} /sànrèqì/ | :: cooling panel, heat sink |
散熱器 {n} /sànrèqì/ | :: fan (computer) |
散沙 {n} /sǎnshā/ | :: scattered sand |
散沙 {n} [figurative] /sǎnshā/ | :: disunity; incohesiveness |
散射 {v} [physics] /sǎnshè,sànshè/ | :: to scatter |
散射 {n} [physics] /sǎnshè,sànshè/ | :: scattering |
散失 {v} /sànshī/ | :: to scatter and disappear; to be lost; to be missing |
散失 {v} /sànshī/ | :: to be lost; to vaporize; to dissipate (of moisture, etc.) |
散施 {v} [literary] /sànshī/ | :: to give in the name of charity; to give to the poor; to distribute alms |
散手 {n} /sànshǒu/ | :: alternative name for 散打 |
散碎 {v} /sǎnsuì/ | :: to go into bits and pieces |
散碎 {adj} /sǎnsuì/ | :: in bits and pieces; in fragments; fragmentary |
散弹 {def} SEE: 散彈 | :: |
散弹枪 {def} SEE: 散彈槍 | :: |
散瞳 {v} /sàntóng/ | :: to dilate the pupil(s) |
散瞳剂 {def} SEE: 散瞳劑 | :: |
散瞳劑 {n} /sàntóngjì/ | :: mydriatic (drug that dilates the pupil) |
散瞳药 {def} SEE: 散瞳藥 | :: |
散瞳藥 {n} /sàntóngyào/ | :: mydriatic (drug that dilates the pupil) |
散文 {n} /sǎnwén/ | :: prose (Classifier: 篇) |
散文家 {n} /sǎnwénjiā/ | :: essayist; prose writer |
散文詩 {n} /sǎnwénshī,er/ | :: prose poem; prose poetry |
散文诗 {def} SEE: 散文詩 | :: |
散心 {v} /sànxīn/ | :: to drive away one's cares; to relieve boredom |
散学 {def} SEE: 散學 | :: |
散养 {def} SEE: 散養 | :: |
散養 {v} /sǎnyǎng/ | :: to scatter-feed (animals) |
散佚 {v} [of a book, manuscript etc.] /sànyì/ | :: to be scattered and lost |
散逸 {v} [literary] /sànyì/ | :: to become scattered and lost |
散逸 {v} [physics] /sànyì/ | :: to dissipate |
散逸 {n} [physics] /sànyì/ | :: dissipation |
散逸 {adj} [literary] /sǎnyì/ | :: relaxed and idle |
散逸层 {def} SEE: 散逸層 | :: |
散逸層 {n} /sànyìcéng/ | :: exosphere |
散在 {adj} /sǎnzài/ | :: scattered |
散朝 {v} [literary] /sàncháo/ | :: to conclude an audience (with a monarch, head of state, etc.) |
散纸 {def} SEE: 散紙 | :: |
散装 {def} SEE: 散裝 | :: |
散裝 {adj} /sǎnzhuāng/ | :: unpackaged; loosely packed; in bulk |
散走 {v} /sànzǒu/ | :: to run all over the place |
丧 {def} SEE: 喪 | :: |
丧棒 {def} SEE: 喪棒 | :: |
丧病 {def} SEE: 喪病 | :: |
丧胆 {def} SEE: 喪膽 | :: |
丧德 {def} SEE: 喪德 | :: |
丧服 {def} SEE: 喪服 | :: |
丧家 {def} SEE: 喪家 | :: |
丧家之狗 {def} SEE: 喪家之狗 | :: |
丧家之犬 {def} SEE: 喪家之犬 | :: |
丧尽天良 {def} SEE: 喪盡天良 | :: |
丧礼 {def} SEE: 喪禮 | :: |
丧乱 {def} SEE: 喪亂 | :: |
丧门神 {def} SEE: 喪門神 | :: |
丧门星 {def} SEE: 喪門星 | :: |
丧命 {def} SEE: 喪命 | :: |
丧偶 {def} SEE: 喪偶 | :: |
丧妻 {def} SEE: 喪妻 | :: |
丧气 {def} SEE: 喪氣 | :: |
丧权辱国 {def} SEE: 喪權辱國 | :: |
丧身 {def} SEE: 喪身 | :: |
丧生 {def} SEE: 喪生 | :: |
丧失 {def} SEE: 喪失 | :: |
丧尸 {def} SEE: 喪屍 | :: |
丧事 {def} SEE: 喪事 | :: |
丧恸 {def} SEE: 喪慟 | :: |
丧亡 {def} SEE: 喪亡 | :: |
丧文化 {def} SEE: 喪文化 | :: |
丧心病狂 {def} SEE: 喪心病狂 | :: |
丧仪 {def} SEE: 喪儀 | :: |
丧葬 {def} SEE: 喪葬 | :: |
丧钟 {def} SEE: 喪鐘 | :: |
喪 {def} /sāng/ | :: mourning; funeral ceremony |
喪 {def} /sāng/ | :: corpse; dead body |
喪 {def} /sāng/ | :: misfortune; misadventure |
喪 {def} /sāng/ | :: to mourn; to be in mourning |
喪 {def} /sāng/ | :: to grieve over the death of |
喪 {def} /sàng/ | :: to forfeit; to lose; to be deprived of |
喪 {def} /sàng/ | :: to die; to pass away |
喪 {def} /sàng/ | :: to be defeated; to be destroyed; to perish |
喪 {def} /sàng/ | :: to escape; to flee |
喪 {def} /sàng/ | :: to forget; to fail to remember |
喪 {def} /sàng/ | :: to be discouraged; to lose heart |
喪病 {v} [slang, neologism] /sàngbìng/ | :: Short form of 喪心病狂 |
喪膽 {adj} /sàngdǎn/ | :: smitten with fear; terror-stricken |
喪服 {n} /sāngfú/ | :: mourning garment |
喪家 {n} /sāngjiā/ | :: family of the deceased |
喪家之狗 {idiom} [literal] /sàngjiāzhīgǒu/ | :: a stray dog |
喪家之狗 {idiom} [figurative] /sàngjiāzhīgǒu/ | :: a desperate person who has nobody to turn to |
喪家之犬 {idiom} /sàngjiāzhīquǎn/ | :: synonym of 喪家之狗 |
喪盡天良 {idiom} /sàngjìntiānliáng/ | :: to be utterly devoid of conscience; to be extremely vicious and evil |
喪禮 {n} /sānglǐ/ | :: funeral |
喪亂 {n} [literary] /sāngluàn/ | :: death and disorder; disturbance and bloodshed |
喪門神 {n} /sàngménshén/ | :: bearer of ill luck |
喪門星 {n} /sàngménxīng/ | :: bearer of ill luck |
喪門星 {n} [dated] /sàngménxīng/ | :: woman who brings bad luck to her husband's family |
喪命 {v} [euphemistic] /sàngmìng/ | :: to be killed; to lose one's life |
喪偶 {v} [formal] /sàng'ǒu/ | :: to be bereaved of one's spouse (especially one's wife); to have lost one's wife or husband; to be widowed |
喪妻 {v} /sàngqī/ | :: to lose one's wife by death; to become a widower |
喪妻 {n} /sàngqī/ | :: deceased wife |
喪氣 {v} /sàngqì/ | :: to feel disheartened; to lose heart; to become crestfallen |
喪氣 {adj} /sàngqì/ | :: disheartened; dejected; dispirited |
喪氣 {v} [colloquial] /sàngqi/ | :: to be unlucky; to be out of luck; to have bad luck |
喪權辱國 {idiom} /sàngquán辱guó/ | :: to cause the country to lose its sovereignty and be humiliated |
喪身 {n} [archaic] /sàngshēn/ | :: one's downfall; one's doom; one's death |
喪身 {v} /sàngshēn/ | :: to die (usually a horrific death) |
喪生 {v} [euphemistic] /sàngshēng/ | :: to be killed; to lose one's life |
喪失 {v} /sàngshī/ | :: to lose; to forfeit |
喪屍 {n} /sàngshī/ | :: zombie |
喪事 {n} /sāngshì/ | :: funeral; funeral arrangements |
喪慟 {adj} /sāngtòng/ | :: grieving; bereaved |
喪亡 {v} [literary] /sàngwáng/ | :: to die; to meet one's death |
喪文化 {n} [neologism, slang] /sàngwénhuà/ | :: the pessimistic outlook of millennials |
喪心病狂 {idiom} /sàngxīnbìngkuáng/ | :: frenzied; crazy; ridiculous |
喪葬 {n} [literary] /sāngzàng/ | :: funeral and burial |
喪鐘 {n} /sāngzhōng/ | :: funeral bell; death knell |
桑 {def} /sāng/ | :: mulberry tree |
桑 {def} /sāng/ | :: surname |
桑 {def} [ACG, internet slang] /sāng/ | :: -san |
桑巴 {n} /sāngbā/ | :: (~ 舞) [dance] samba |
桑巴舞 {n} /sāngbāwǔ/ | :: samba |
桑白皮 {n} /sāngbáipí/ | :: Bark of the Mulberry root (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.) |
桑蚕 {def} SEE: 桑蠶 | :: |
桑蠶 {n} /sāngcán/ | :: domestic silkworm (Bombyx mori) |
桑德兰 {def} SEE: 桑德蘭 | :: |
桑德蘭 {prop} /Sāngdélán/ | :: Sunderland |
桑德斯 {prop} /Sāngdésī/ | :: Sanders |
桑堆 {prop} /Sāngduī/ | :: (~ 鎮) 桑堆 (town) |
桑高 {n} /sānggāo/ | :: The saung, a harp used in traditional Burmese music |
桑給巴爾 {prop} /Sāngjǐbā'ěr/ | :: 桑給巴爾 (region) |
桑给巴尔 {def} SEE: 桑給巴爾 | :: |
桑寄生 {n} /sāngjìshēng/ | :: Twig of the mistletoe Viscum album (A hemi-parasitic shrub used as an herb in traditional Chinese medicine.) |
桑間濮上 {idiom} /sāngjiānpúshàng/ | :: lovers' rendezvous |
桑間之音 {idiom} /sāngjiānzhīyīn/ | :: synonym of 靡靡之音 |
桑间濮上 {def} SEE: 桑間濮上 | :: |
桑间之音 {def} SEE: 桑間之音 | :: |
桑涧 {def} SEE: 桑澗 | :: |
桑澗 {prop} /Sāngjiàn/ | :: (~ 鎮) 桑澗 (town) |
桑鳩 {n} [literary] /sāngjiū/ | :: cuckoo |
桑鸠 {def} SEE: 桑鳩 | :: |
桑名 {prop} /Sāngmíng/ | :: (~ 市) 桑名 (city) |
桑拿 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau] /sāngná/ | :: sauna |
桑拿天 {n} [Mainland] /sāngnátiān/ | :: sultry and oppressively hot weather; very hot and humid weather |
桑拿浴 {n} /sāngnáyù/ | :: sauna |
桑那 {n} /sāngnà/ | :: alternative name for 桑拿 |
桑螵蛸 {n} [TCM] /sāngpiāoxiāo/ | :: egg-case of the mantis that is on the mulberry tree |
桑葚 {n} /sāngshèn,sāngrèn,2nb/ | :: fruit of the mulberry (an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat yin deficiency) |
桑葚儿 {def} SEE: 桑葚兒 | :: |
桑葚兒 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /sāngrènr/ | :: mulberry fruit |
桑葚胚 {n} [embryology] /sāngshènpēi/ | :: morula |
桑葚子 {n} /sāngshènzi/ | :: fruit of the mulberry |
桑葉 {n} /sāngyè/ | :: mulberry leaf |
桑椹 {def} SEE: 桑葚 | :: |
桑树 {def} SEE: 桑樹 | :: |
桑樹 {n} /sāngshù/ | :: mulberry tree |
桑塔利語 {prop} /Sāngtǎlìyǔ/ | :: Santali language |
桑塔利语 {def} SEE: 桑塔利語 | :: |
桑田 {n} /sāngtián/ | :: mulberry plantation |
桑田沧海 {def} SEE: 桑田滄海 | :: |
桑田滄海 {idiom} /sāngtiáncānghǎi/ | :: synonym of 滄海桑田 |
桑图尔 {def} SEE: 桑圖爾 | :: |
桑圖爾 {n} [musical instrument] /sāngtú'ěr/ | :: santur (hammered dulcimer of Persian origin) |
桑土 {n} /sāngtǔ/ | :: mulberry field |
桑土 {n} [obsolete] /sāngdù/ | :: mulberry root |
桑香佛舍 {prop} [archaic, literary] /Sāngxiāng Fóshè/ | :: Angkor Wat |
桑叶 {def} SEE: 桑葉 | :: |
桑叶树 {def} SEE: 桑葉樹 | :: |
桑榆 {n} /sāngyú/ | :: mulberry and elm trees |
桑榆 {n} /sāngyú/ | :: evening |
桑榆暮景 {idiom} /sāngyúmùjǐng/ | :: remaining years of life; twilight years |
桑榆晚景 {idiom} /sāngyúwǎnjǐng/ | :: remaining years of life; twilight years |
桑仔树 {def} SEE: 桑仔樹 | :: |
桑仔叶 {def} SEE: 桑仔葉 | :: |
桑枣 {def} SEE: 桑棗 | :: |
桑棗 {n} [regional] /sāngzǎo/ | :: mulberry fruit |
桑株 {prop} /Sāngzhū/ | :: (~ 鎮) 桑株 (town) |
桑子 {n} [regional] /sāngzǐ/ | :: fruit of the mulberry |
桑梓 {n} [literary] /sāngzǐ/ | :: one's native place |
桒 {def} SEE: 桑 | :: |
䫙 {def} SEE: 顙 | :: |
嗓 {def} /sǎng/ | :: throat |
嗓 {def} /sǎng/ | :: voice |
嗓門 {n} /sǎngmén/ | :: voice |
嗓門 {n} [anatomy] /sǎngmén/ | :: trachea; windpipe |
嗓门 {def} SEE: 嗓門 | :: |
嗓音 {n} /sǎngyīn/ | :: voice |
嗓子 {n} /sǎngzi/ | :: throat |
嗓子 {n} /sǎngzi/ | :: voice (Classifier: 把) |
嗓子眼 {n} [colloquial] /sǎngziyǎn,er/ | :: throat (the opening) |
磉墩 {n} /sǎngdūn/ | :: pedestal at the base of a pillar |
顙 {def} /sǎng/ | :: [obsolete] forehead |
顙 {def} /sǎng/ | :: [obsolete] head |
顙 {def} /sǎng/ | :: [obsolete] to kowtow |
颡 {def} SEE: 顙 | :: |
掻 {def} SEE: 搔 | :: |
搔 {def} /sāo/ | :: to scratch |
搔 {def} /sāo/ | :: (Cantonese) to pay attention |
搔背 {v} /sāobèi/ | :: to scratch one's back (with fingernails, backscratcher, etc.) |
搔头 {def} SEE: 搔頭 | :: |
搔頭 {n} [archaic] /sāotóu/ | :: hair clasp (worn by a woman) |
搔頭 {v} /sāotóu/ | :: to scratch the head |
搔痒 {def} SEE: 搔癢 | :: |
搔癢 {v} /sāoyǎng/ | :: to scratch an itch |
搔癢 {v} /sāoyǎng/ | :: to tickle |
溞 {def} /sāo/ | :: Used in 溞溞 |
溞 {def} /sāo/ | :: to wash |
繅 {def} /sāo/ | :: to reel silk from the cocoon |
繅絲 {v} /sāosī/ | :: to reel silk |
缫 {def} SEE: 繅 | :: |
缫丝 {def} SEE: 繅絲 | :: |
臊 {def} /sāo/ | :: having the smell like one of urine |
臊 {def} /sào/ | :: embarrassed |
臊 {def} /sào/ | :: to embarrass |
臊眉搭眼 {adj} [Beijing] /sàomeidāyǎn,sàomedāyǎn,1n/ | :: embarassed; shy |
臊气 {def} SEE: 臊氣 | :: |
臊氣 {n} /sāoqì/ | :: urine-like smell |
臊氣 {adj} [Min Nan] /sāoqì/ | :: fishy; stinking |
臊子面 {def} SEE: 臊子麵 | :: |
臊子麵 {n} /sàozimiàn/ | :: saozi noodles (specialty dish of Shaanxi) |
騷 {def} /sāo/ | :: to harass; to bother; to annoy; to disturb; to agitate |
騷 {def} /sāo/ | :: sad; grieved |
騷 {def} /sāo/ | :: coquettish; flirty; provocative |
騷 {def} /sāo/ | :: alternative form of 臊 |
騷B {n} /sāobī/ | :: alternative form of 騷屄 |
騷屄 {n} [vulgar, derogatory] /sāobī/ | :: bitch; slut |
騷逼 {n} /sāobī/ | :: alternative form of 騷屄 |
騷比 {n} /sāobī/ | :: alternative form of 騷屄 |
騷動 {v} /sāodòng/ | :: to cause a commotion; to become chaotic; to cause a disturbance |
騷動 {v} /sāodòng/ | :: to become agitated; to become restless |
騷動 {n} /sāodòng/ | :: commotion; chaos; riot |
騷貨 {n} [derogatory] /sāohuò/ | :: slut; whore; loose woman (sexually promiscuous woman) |
騷客 {n} /sāokè/ | :: scholar; intellectual; man of letters |
騷亂 {v} /sāoluàn/ | :: to riot; to be in turmoil |
騷馬 {n} /sāomǎ/ | :: male horse; stallion |
騷年 {n} [slang, humorous] /sāonián/ | :: frivolous youth; restless young soul (craving for romance); kid |
騷擾 {v} /sāorǎo/ | :: to harass; to annoy; to be a nuisance to |
騷人 {n} /sāorén/ | :: scholar; intellectual; man of letters |
騷人 {n} /sāorén/ | :: poet; bard |
騷人墨客 {n} /sāorénmòkè/ | :: scholar; intellectual; man of letters |
骚 {def} SEE: 騷 | :: |
骚B {def} SEE: 騷B | :: |
骚屄 {def} SEE: 騷屄 | :: |
骚逼 {def} SEE: 騷逼 | :: |
骚比 {def} SEE: 騷比 | :: |
骚动 {def} SEE: 騷動 | :: |
骚牯子 {def} SEE: 騷牯子 | :: |
骚货 {def} SEE: 騷貨 | :: |
骚客 {def} SEE: 騷客 | :: |
骚乱 {def} SEE: 騷亂 | :: |
骚马 {def} SEE: 騷馬 | :: |
骚年 {def} SEE: 騷年 | :: |
骚扰 {def} SEE: 騷擾 | :: |
骚人 {def} SEE: 騷人 | :: |
骚人墨客 {def} SEE: 騷人墨客 | :: |
骚骚念 {def} SEE: 騷騷念 | :: |
骚它子 {def} SEE: 騷它子 | :: |
骚子子 {def} SEE: 騷子子 | :: |
鰠 {def} /sāo/ | :: [obsolete] a fish similar to a sturgeon |
鱢 {def} /sāo/ | :: [obsolete] the smell of fish |
鳋 {def} SEE: 鰠 | :: |
㛮 {def} SEE: 嫂 | :: |
嫂 {def} | :: sister-in-law (older brother's wife) |
嫂 {def} | :: friend's wife |
嫂 {def} [Hong Kong Cantonese] | :: university society |
嫂嫂 {n} [regional] /sǎosao/ | :: sister-in-law (elder brother's wife) |
嫂子 {n} /sǎozi/ | :: sister-in-law (elder brother's wife) |
嫂子 {n} /sǎozi/ | :: friend's wife |
扫 {def} SEE: 掃 | :: |
扫把 {def} SEE: 掃把 | :: |
扫把星 {def} SEE: 掃把星 | :: |
扫除 {def} SEE: 掃除 | :: |
扫荡 {def} SEE: 掃蕩 | :: |
扫地 {def} SEE: 掃地 | :: |
扫地俱尽 {def} SEE: 掃地俱盡 | :: |
扫地以尽 {def} SEE: 掃地以盡 | :: |
扫房 {def} SEE: 掃房 | :: |
扫坟节 {def} SEE: 掃墳節 | :: |
扫管笏 {def} SEE: 掃管笏 | :: |
扫光 {def} SEE: 掃光 | :: |
扫黄 {def} SEE: 掃黃 | :: |
扫街 {def} SEE: 掃街 | :: |
扫雷 {def} SEE: 掃雷 | :: |
扫罗 {def} SEE: 掃羅 | :: |
扫码 {def} SEE: 掃碼 | :: |
扫盲 {def} SEE: 掃盲 | :: |
扫描 {def} SEE: 掃描 | :: |
扫描电子显微镜 {def} SEE: 掃描電子顯微鏡 | :: |
扫描器 {def} SEE: 掃描器 | :: |
扫描仪 {def} SEE: 掃描儀 | :: |
扫墓 {def} SEE: 掃墓 | :: |
扫清 {def} SEE: 掃清 | :: |
扫洒 {def} SEE: 掃灑 | :: |
扫射 {def} SEE: 掃射 | :: |
扫视 {def} SEE: 掃視 | :: |
扫堂 {def} SEE: 掃堂 | :: |
扫尾 {def} SEE: 掃尾 | :: |
扫兴 {def} SEE: 掃興 | :: |
扫星 {def} SEE: 掃星 | :: |
扫雪车 {def} SEE: 掃雪車 | :: |
扫雪机 {def} SEE: 掃雪機 | :: |
扫帚 {def} SEE: 掃帚 | :: |
扫帚星 {def} SEE: 掃帚星 | :: |
扫箒 {def} SEE: 掃箒 | :: |
掃 {def} /sǎo,sào/ | :: to clean with a broom; to sweep clean |
掃 {def} /sǎo,sào/ | :: to clear away; to exterminate; to eliminate |
掃 {def} [historical] /sǎo,sào/ | :: to go on a punitive expedition; to stabilise (a political situation); to conquer |
掃 {def} [of eyes] /sǎo,sào/ | :: to sweep over; to sweep away; to dart a look at |
掃 {def} /sǎo,sào/ | :: to offer sacrifices and pay respect to a dead person at the tomb |
掃 {def} /sǎo,sào/ | :: to paint; to write |
掃 {def} /sǎo,sào/ | :: total; all; entire |
掃 {def} /sǎo,sào/ | :: broom; broomstick |
掃 {def} [Hakka] /sǎo,sào/ | :: to beat up somebody |
掃把 {n} /sàobǎ,tl/ | :: broom (Classifier: m,c:把) |
掃把星 {n} [colloquial, astronomy] /sàobǎxīng,tl2/ | :: comet |
掃把星 {n} [colloquial, figurative] /sàobǎxīng,tl2/ | :: bearer of ill luck; person with the evil eye |
掃除 {v} /sǎochú/ | :: to clear away; to sweep away; to clean with a brush |
掃除 {v} [figurative] /sǎochú/ | :: to eradicate; to wipe out |
掃蕩 {v} /sǎodàng/ | :: to root out; to wipe out |
掃地 {v} /sǎodì/ | :: to sweep the floor |
掃地 {v} [figurative, of reputation, etc.] /sǎodì/ | :: to be completely destroyed; to reach rock bottom; to be at an all-time low |
掃地俱盡 {idiom} /sǎodìjùjìn/ | :: to be swept away; to be completely destroyed or discredited |
掃地以盡 {idiom} [pejorative] /sǎodìyǐjìn/ | :: synonym of 掃地俱盡 |
掃房 {v} /sǎofáng/ | :: to sweep up a room |
掃墳節 {n} /Sǎofénjiē/ | :: Tomb Sweeping Day (annual Chinese festival observed on the first day of Qingming) |
掃管笏 {prop} /Sǎoguǎnhù/ | :: 掃管笏 (area) |
掃光 {v} /sǎoguāng/ | :: to sweep away; to remove completely; to get rid of entirely |
掃黃 {v} /sǎohuáng/ | :: to hold an anti-pornography or anti-prostitution campaign |
掃黃 {n} /sǎohuáng/ | :: anti-pornography or anti-prostitution campaign |
掃街 {v} /sǎojiē/ | :: to sweep the streets |
掃街 {v} [photography] /sǎojiē/ | :: to make a clean sweep (of an area with one's camera) |
掃街 {v} [colloquial] /sǎojiē/ | :: to make a clean sweep (of the shops) |
掃街 {v} [Cantonese] /sǎojiē/ | :: to try out every roadside food stall; to make a complete scrutiny of all the street food stalls |
掃街 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /sǎojiē/ | :: to canvass for votes |
掃雷 {v} /sǎoléi/ | :: to clear mines |
掃雷 {n} /sǎoléi/ | :: minesweeping |
掃雷 {n} /sǎoléi/ | :: minesweeper (computer game) |
掃羅 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sǎoluó/ | :: Saul |
掃碼 {v} [computing] /sǎomǎ,er/ | :: to scan a code |
掃盲 {v} /sǎománg/ | :: to eliminate illiteracy |
掃盲 {v} [figurative] /sǎománg/ | :: to explain (to someone who does not know about something); to educate; to inform |
掃描 {v} /sǎomiáo/ | :: to scan (create a digital copy of an image using a scanner) |
掃描 {v} /sǎomiáo/ | :: to scan (read with an electronic device) |
掃描 {n} /sǎomiáo/ | :: scan; scanning |
掃描電子顯微鏡 {n} /sǎomiáo diànzǐ xiǎn微jìng/ | :: scanning electron microscope |
掃描器 {n} /sǎomiáoqì/ | :: scanner (device which scans documents) |
掃描儀 {n} /sǎomiáoyí/ | :: scanner |
掃瞄 {def} SEE: 掃描 | :: |
掃墓 {v} /sǎomù/ | :: to sweep a grave |
掃墓 {v} [figurative] /sǎomù/ | :: to pay respects to a dead person at their grave |
掃清 {v} /sǎoqīng/ | :: to clear away; to sweep away |
掃灑 {v} [literary or Min Nan] /sǎosǎ/ | :: to sweep; to thoroughly clean up; to sprinkle water and sweep the floor |
掃灑 {v} [literary] /sǎosǎ/ | :: to pacify with violence |
掃射 {v} /sǎoshè/ | :: to mow down with machine gun fire |
掃射 {v} /sǎoshè/ | :: to strafe |
掃射 {v} /sǎoshè/ | :: to scan (e.g. across the sky with spotlights); to sweep |
掃視 {v} /sǎoshì/ | :: to sweep (with one's eyes); to glance |
掃尾 {v} /sǎowěi/ | :: to wind up; to round off; to complete the last stage of work |
掃星 {n} [literary or dialectal] /sàoxīng/ | :: comet |
掃興 {v} /sǎoxìng,sàoxìng,1nb/ | :: to be disappointed; to be dispirited; to feel dejected; to have one's spirits dampened |
掃雪車 {n} /sǎoxuěchē/ | :: snow plow (vehicle) |
掃雪機 {n} /sǎoxuějī/ | :: snow plow (vehicle, device) |
掃帚 {n} /sàozhou,sàozhǒu,1nb/ | :: broom (Classifier: m,c:把) |
掃帚 {n} /sàozhou,sàozhǒu,1nb/ | :: alternative name for 地膚 |
掃帚星 {n} [colloquial, astronomy] /sàozhouxīng,sàozhǒuxīng,1nb/ | :: comet |
掃帚星 {n} [colloquial, figurative] /sàozhouxīng,sàozhǒuxīng,1nb/ | :: bearer of ill luck; person with the evil eye |
掃箒 {def} SEE: 掃帚 | :: |
氉 {def} /zào/ | :: only used in 毷氉 |
瘙 {def} [archaic] /瘙/ | :: scabies |
瘙痒 {def} SEE: 瘙癢 | :: |
瘙癢 {v} /瘙yǎng/ | :: to itch; to feel itchy |
瘙癢 {v} [archaic] /瘙yǎng/ | :: to scratch an itch |
㒊 {def} /sè/ | :: loquacious, talkative |
啬 {def} SEE: 嗇 | :: |
啬屄 {def} SEE: 嗇屄 | :: |
啬鬼 {def} SEE: 嗇鬼 | :: |
啬家子 {def} SEE: 嗇家子 | :: |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] original form of 穡 |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: to reap |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: farming; farm labour |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] to cherish |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] to save; to conserve; to not waste |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: miserly; thrifty; stingy |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] to covet |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] to lack; to be insufficient |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] to have a poor harvest |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: surname |
嗇 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 濇 |
歮 {def} SEE: 澀 | :: |
歰 {def} [Cantonese] /sè/ | :: only used in 歰氣 |
涩 {def} SEE: 澀 | :: |
涩篦 {def} SEE: 澀篦 | :: |
涩川 {def} SEE: 澀川 | :: |
涩聂 {def} SEE: 澀聶 | :: |
涩肉 {def} SEE: 澀肉 | :: |
嚡涩涩 {def} SEE: 嚡澀澀 | :: |
涩味 {def} SEE: 澀味 | :: |
澀 {def} /sè/ | :: astringent; acerbic; tart |
澀 {def} [of writing] /sè/ | :: hard to understand; obscure; not flowing |
澀 {def} [of surfaces] /sè/ | :: rough; unsmooth |
澀 {def} [Min Nan] /sè/ | :: stingy; miserly |
澀川 {prop} /Sèchuān/ | :: (~ 市) 澀川 (city) |
澀聶 {prop} /Sèniè/ | :: (~ 湖) Suli or Senie Lake in the Qarhan Playa in Qinghai, China |
澀味 {n} /sèwèi,er/ | :: astringent taste; tart taste |
澁 {def} SEE: 澀 | :: |
濇 {def} [of surfaces] /sè/ | :: rough; grating; uneven |
濇 {def} /sè/ | :: alternative form of 澀 |
濏 {def} /sè/ | :: only used in 濏濏水 |
瀒 {def} SEE: 澀 | :: |
瑟 {def} [musical instrument] /sè/ | :: the Se (instrument), an ancient Chinese instrument |
瑟瑟 {n} [literary] /sèsè/ | :: a kind of dark green gemstone |
瑟瑟 {adj} [literary] /sèsè/ | :: dark green |
瑟瑟 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sèsè/ | :: cold |
瑟瑟 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sèsè/ | :: desolate |
瑟瑟 {adj} [ideophonic] /sèsè/ | :: shivering; trembling |
瑟瑟 {adj} [ideophonic] /sèsè/ | :: rustling; swishing |
瑟瑟发抖 {def} SEE: 瑟瑟發抖 | :: |
瑟瑟發抖 {idiom} /sèsèfādǒu/ | :: to shiver with cold; to shiver; to tremble |
瑟縮 {v} /sèsuō/ | :: to curl up shivering; to cower |
瑟缩 {def} SEE: 瑟縮 | :: |
穑 {def} SEE: 穡 | :: |
穑头 {def} SEE: 穡頭 | :: |
穡 {def} /sè/ | :: to harvest; to reap |
穡 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] harvest; crops |
穡 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] to plant crops; to cultivate; to work on a farm |
穡 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] ear of grain |
穡 {def} [literary or Hokkien] /sè/ | :: farming; farm labour |
穡 {def} [Hokkien] /sè/ | :: work; labour (in general) |
穡 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] to link together; to connect; to hook together |
穡 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 嗇 |
穡 {def} /sè/ | :: [obsolete] alternative form of 㱇 |
翜 {def} /shà,sè/ | :: [obsolete] fast; rapid |
𬬵色 {def} SEE: 鈂色 | :: |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: color/colour; tint; hue; shade |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: look; expression |
色 {def} [Buddhism] /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: rūpa (form; material element; form of existence; etc.) |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: kind; sort |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: feminine charm; beauty |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: lust; sexual desire |
色 {def} [colloquial] /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: perverted; being a pervert |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: theatrical role |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: metallic content |
色 {def} /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: die (a cube with numbers or symbols on each side, used in games of chance) (Classifier: c:粒) |
色 {def} [transgender slang] /sè,shǎi,shè,1nb/ | :: abbreviation of 色普龍 cypro (cyproterone acetate) |
色氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /sè'ānsuān/ | :: tryptophan |
色胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /sè胺suān/ | :: tryptophan |
色斑 {n} /sèbān/ | :: colour patch (on the skin or another object); spot; stain; patch; pigmentation |
色彩 {n} /sècǎi/ | :: color |
色彩 {n} [figurative] /sècǎi/ | :: character; flavour; distinctive quality; tone; color |
色采 {def} SEE: 色彩 | :: |
色当 {def} SEE: 色當 | :: |
色當 {prop} /Sèdāng/ | :: 色當 (commune) |
色調 {n} /sèdiào/ | :: tone; hue |
色调 {def} SEE: 色調 | :: |
色丁 {n} /sèdīng/ | :: satin (fabric) |
色动力学 {def} SEE: 色動力學 | :: |
色動力學 {n} [physics] /sèdònglìxué/ | :: chromodynamics |
色儿 {def} SEE: 色兒 | :: |
色兒 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /shǎir/ | :: erhua form of colour |
色兒 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /shǎir/ | :: erhua form of lust; pornography |
色兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Jin] /shǎir/ | :: erhua form of die (polyhedron used in games of chance) |
色法尔月 {def} SEE: 色法爾月 | :: |
色法爾月 {prop} /Sèfǎ'ěryuè/ | :: Safar |
色格孜库勒 {def} SEE: 色格孜庫勒 | :: |
色格孜庫勒 {prop} /Sègézī Kùlè/ | :: (~ 鄉) 色格孜庫勒 (township) |
色梗港 {prop} /Sègěnggǎng/ | :: (~ 府) 色梗港 (province) |
色梗港 {prop} /Sègěnggǎng/ | :: (~ 市) 色梗港 (city) |
色鬼 {n} /sèguǐ/ | :: lecher; satyr |
色即是空 {phrase} /sè jí shì kōng/ | :: abbreviation of 色即是空,空即是色 |
色即是空,空即是色 {phrase} [Buddhism] /sè jí shì kōng, kōng jí shì sè/ | :: Form is precisely emptiness and emptiness precisely form |
色即是空,空即是色 {phrase} [reinterpretation of the phrase, humorous] /sè jí shì kōng, kōng jí shì sè/ | :: Lust is void, and void is lust. / Lust is nothing worthy of your pursuit. [often as an admonishment] |
色界 {n} [Buddhism] /sèjiè/ | :: form realm; rūpadhātu |
色军 {def} SEE: 色軍 | :: |
色軍 {prop} /Sèjūn/ | :: (~ 府) 色軍 (province) |
色軍 {prop} /Sèjūn/ | :: (~ 市) 色軍 (city) |
色拉 {n} /sèlā/ | :: salad |
色拉 {prop} /sèlā/ | :: (~ 鄉) 色拉 (township) |
色拉油 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /sèlāyóu/ | :: salad oil |
色兰 {def} SEE: 色蘭 | :: |
色蘭 {interj} [Islam] /sèlán/ | :: salaam; salaam alaikum [used by the Hui people] |
色狼 {n} /sèláng/ | :: pervert; lecher; sex maniac; satyr |
色雷斯 {prop} /Sèléisī/ | :: Thrace |
色楞格 {prop} /Sèlénggé/ | :: (~ 省) 色楞格 (province) |
色楞格 {prop} /Sèlénggé/ | :: (~ 河) 色楞格 (river) |
色楞格河 {prop} /Sèlénggé Hé/ | :: 色楞格河 (river) |
色林錯 {prop} /Sèlíncuò/ | :: Siling Lake |
色林错 {def} SEE: 色林錯 | :: |
色盲 {n} /sèmáng/ | :: color blindness |
色盲 {adj} /sèmáng/ | :: color blind |
色迷 {n} /sèmí/ | :: lecher |
色迷 {adj} /sèmí/ | :: lecherous; horny |
色迷迷 {adj} /sèmímí,sèmīmī,2nb/ | :: lustful; lecherous |
色迷迷 {adv} /sèmímí,sèmīmī,2nb/ | :: lustfully; lecherously |
色目 {prop} /Sèmù/ | :: See 色目人 |
色目人 {prop} /Sèmùrén/ | :: Semu, a caste established in China under the Yuan Dynasty |
色譜 {n} [physics, chemistry] /sèpǔ,er/ | :: chromatogram |
色譜法 {n} [analytical chemistry] /sèpǔfǎ/ | :: chromatography |
色谱 {def} SEE: 色譜 | :: |
色谱法 {def} SEE: 色譜法 | :: |
色气 {def} SEE: 色氣 | :: |
色氣 {n} [neologism] /sèqì/ | :: seductiveness; sex appeal; glamor |
色氣 {adj} [neologism] /sèqì/ | :: seductive; sexually appealing; glamorous |
色鉛筆 {n} /sèqiānbǐ/ | :: colored pencil |
色铅笔 {def} SEE: 色鉛筆 | :: |
色情 {n} /sèqíng/ | :: lust; sexual desire; sexuality |
色情 {n} /sèqíng/ | :: sexually explicit material; erotica; pornography |
色情复仇 {def} SEE: 色情復仇 | :: |
色情復仇 {n} /sèqíng fùchóu/ | :: revenge porn |
色情狂 {n} /sèqíngkuáng/ | :: abnormal sexual desire; sex mania; sexual perversion; nymphomania |
色情狂 {n} /sèqíngkuáng/ | :: person with abnormal sexual desires; sex pervert; nymphomaniac |
色情片 {n} /sèqíngpiàn,sèqíngpiān,er/ | :: pornographic film; sex film |
色弱 {n} [disease] /sèruò/ | :: color vision deficiency |
色萨利 {def} SEE: 色薩利 | :: |
色薩利 {prop} /Sèsàlì/ | :: Thessaly |
色散 {n} [optics] /sèsàn/ | :: dispersion |
色散力 {n} [chemistry] /sèsànlì/ | :: dispersion power |
色士风 {def} SEE: 色士風 | :: |
色素 {n} /sèsù/ | :: pigment; colouring matter |
色素沉着 {def} SEE: 色素沉著 | :: |
色素沉著 {n} [medicine] /sèsù chénzhuó/ | :: pigmentation |
色素体 {def} SEE: 色素體 | :: |
色素體 {n} [cytology] /sèsùtǐ/ | :: plastid |
色图 {def} SEE: 色圖 | :: |
色圖 {n} [internet slang] /sètú/ | :: erotic image |
色瓦布 {n} [Islam] /sèwǎbù/ | :: What one gets from God for a good deed |
色瓦布 {v} /sèwǎbù/ | :: to thank |
色温 {def} SEE: 色溫 | :: |
色溫 {n} /sèwēn/ | :: color temperature |
色香味 {n} /sèxiāngwèi/ | :: the look, smell and taste (of a dish of food, etc.) |
色香味俱全 {idiom} /sè-xiāng-wèi jùquán/ | :: the look, smell and taste (of a dish of food) are all excellent |
色也克 {prop} /Sèyěkè/ | :: (~ 鄉) 色也克 (township) |
色友 {n} /sèyǒu/ | :: photography enthusiast; shutterbug |
色慾 {n} /sèyù/ | :: lust; sexual desire |
色欲 {def} SEE: 色慾 | :: |
色泽 {def} SEE: 色澤 | :: |
色澤 {n} /sèzé/ | :: color and lustre (e.g. of gems) |
色致 {def} SEE: 色緻 | :: |
色子 {n} /shǎizi/ | :: die (polyhedron used in games of chance) (Classifier: m:顆) |
色字头上一把刀 {def} SEE: 色字頭上一把刀 | :: |
色字頭上一把刀 {proverb} /sè zì tóushàng 一 bǎ dāo/ | :: charming beauty makes men fall |
銫 {def} /sè/ | :: caesium |
铯 {def} SEE: 銫 | :: |
曑 {def} SEE: 參 | :: |
森 {def} /sēn,shēn,2nb/ | :: full of trees |
森 {def} /sēn,shēn,2nb/ | :: in profusion |
森 {def} /sēn,shēn,2nb/ | :: dark; gloomy; cold |
森 {def} /sēn,shēn,2nb/ | :: orderly |
森 {def} /sēn,shēn,2nb/ | :: strict; rigid; rigorous |
森 {def} /sēn,shēn,2nb/ | :: Mori (a Japanese surname) |
森林 {n} /sēnlín/ | :: forest (Classifier: m:片) |
森林大火 {n} /sēnlín dàhuǒ/ | :: forest fire; bush fire; wildfire |
森林火災 {n} /sēnlín huǒzāi/ | :: forest fire; bush fire; wildfire |
森林火灾 {def} SEE: 森林火災 | :: |
森林图 {def} SEE: 森林圖 | :: |
森林圖 {n} [statistics] /sēnlíntú/ | :: forest plot |
森林系 {n} [neologism, slang] /sēnlínxì/ | :: the mori subculture |
森林浴 {n} /sēnlínyù/ | :: forest bathing (shinrinyoku), visiting the woods to soothe oneself mentally |
森羅萬象 {idiom} /sēnluówànxiàng/ | :: to include myriads of things |
森罗万象 {def} SEE: 森羅萬象 | :: |
森美兰 {def} SEE: 森美蘭 | :: |
森美蘭 {prop} /Sēnměilán/ | :: (~ 州) 森美蘭 (state) |
森女 {n} [neologism, slang] /sēnnǚ/ | :: mori girl |
森然 {adj} [literary, of trees] /sēnrán/ | :: dense; wooded; luxuriant |
森然 {adj} [literary] /sēnrán/ | :: awesome and terrifying |
森蚺 {n} /sēnrán/ | :: anaconda (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes, especially the green anaconda) |
森賽 {n} [colloquial, imitating Japanese] /sēnsài/ | :: sensei |
森赛 {def} SEE: 森賽 | :: |
森森 {adj} [ideophonic, of trees] /sēnsēn/ | :: dense; lush |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: many; numerous |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: flourishing; thriving |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: towering; standing tall and erect |
森森 {adj} [ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: gloomy; dark |
森森 {adj} [ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: cold; frigid |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: murky; confused; dazed |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: dignified; formidable; frightening |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: shuddering; trembling |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /sēnsēn/ | :: orderly; rigorous |
森森 {adj} [literary, ideophonic, of taste] /sēnsēn/ | :: pure and rich |
森森 {n} [literary] /sēnsēn/ | :: lush forest; dense leafy shade |
森系 {n} [neologism, slang] /sēnxì/ | :: the mori subculture |
森严 {def} SEE: 森嚴 | :: |
森嚴 {adj} [of hierarchy, security] /sēnyán/ | :: strict; tight; rigid |
椮 {def} SEE: 槮 | :: |
穼 {def} /shēn/ | :: alternative form of 𥥿 |
穼 {def} /shēn/ | :: hidden and deep |
穼 {def} /shēn/ | :: surname |
蔘 {def} SEE: 參 | :: |
蔘 {def} /sān/ | :: Used in 蔘綏 |
蔘茸 {def} SEE: 參茸 | :: |
蔘湯 {def} SEE: 參湯 | :: |
蔘仔 {def} SEE: 參仔 | :: |
襂 {def} /sēn/ | :: only used in 襂纚 |
僧 {def} [Buddhism] /sēng/ | :: monk; bonze |
僧 {def} /sēng/ | :: surname |
僧兵 {n} /sēngbīng/ | :: warrior monk |
僧多粥少 {idiom} /sēngduōzhōushǎo/ | :: not enough to go around; having demands exceeding supply |
僧伽 {n} [Buddhism] /sēngqié,sēngjiā,2nb/ | :: sangha; Buddhist community of monks, nuns, novices and laity |
僧伽羅語 {prop} /Sēngjiāluóyǔ/ | :: Sinhalese |
僧伽罗语 {def} SEE: 僧伽羅語 | :: |
僧家 {n} /sēngjiā/ | :: (Buddhist) monk |
僧侣 {def} SEE: 僧侶 | :: |
僧侣体 {def} SEE: 僧侶體 | :: |
僧侶 {n} /sēnglǚ/ | :: bhikkhu; Buddhist monk |
僧侶 {n} /sēnglǚ/ | :: sangha |
僧侶體 {n} /sēnglǚtǐ/ | :: hieratic |
僧帽瓣 {n} [anatomy] /sēngmàobàn/ | :: mitral valve |
僧帽水母 {n} /sēngmào shuǐmǔ/ | :: Portuguese man-of-war |
僧尼 {n} /sēngní/ | :: Buddhist monks and nuns |
僧祇 {adj} [literary, Buddhism] /sēngqí/ | :: abbreviation of 阿僧祇 |
僧祇 {n} [Buddhism] /sēngqí/ | :: alternative name for 僧伽 |
僧祇 {n} [literary, obsolete] /sēngqí/ | :: dark-skinned aborigines in Southeast Asia, or black people from the east coast of Africa |
僧人 {n} /sēngrén/ | :: bhikkhu; Buddhist monk |
僧塔 {n} [Buddhism] /sēngtǎ/ | :: small stupa for storing sarira, scriptures and other religious items |
僧徒 {n} [Buddhism] /sēngtú/ | :: Buddhist believers; monks and nuns |
杀 {def} SEE: 殺 | :: |
杀 {def} SEE: 剎 | :: |
杀必死 {def} SEE: 殺必死 | :: |
杀虫 {def} SEE: 殺蟲 | :: |
杀虫剂 {def} SEE: 殺蟲劑 | :: |
杀虫药 {def} SEE: 殺蟲藥 | :: |
杀到 {def} SEE: 殺到 | :: |
杀敌 {def} SEE: 殺敵 | :: |
杀毒 {def} SEE: 殺毒 | :: |
杀毒软件 {def} SEE: 殺毒軟件 | :: |
杀伐 {def} SEE: 殺伐 | :: |
杀风景 {def} SEE: 殺風景 | :: |
杀割 {def} SEE: 殺割 | :: |
杀刮 {def} SEE: 殺刮 | :: |
杀害 {def} SEE: 殺害 | :: |
杀鸡给猴看 {def} SEE: 殺雞給猴看 | :: |
杀鸡惊猴 {def} SEE: 殺雞驚猴 | :: |
杀鸡儆猴 {def} SEE: 殺雞儆猴 | :: |
杀鸡警猴 {def} SEE: 殺雞儆猴 | :: |
杀鸡取卵 {def} SEE: 殺雞取卵 | :: |
杀鸡吓猴 {def} SEE: 殺雞嚇猴 | :: |
杀鸡焉用牛刀 {def} SEE: 殺雞焉用牛刀 | :: |
杀价 {def} SEE: 殺價 | :: |
杀绝 {def} SEE: 殺絕 | :: |
杀菌 {def} SEE: 殺菌 | :: |
杀戮 {def} SEE: 殺戮 | :: |
杀马特 {def} SEE: 殺馬特 | :: |
杀灭 {def} SEE: 殺滅 | :: |
杀年猪 {def} SEE: 殺年豬 | :: |
杀棋 {def} SEE: 殺棋 | :: |
杀气 {def} SEE: 殺氣 | :: |
杀青 {def} SEE: 殺青 | :: |
杀人 {def} SEE: 殺人 | :: |
杀人不见血 {def} SEE: 殺人不見血 | :: |
杀人不眨眼 {def} SEE: 殺人不眨眼 | :: |
杀人偿命,欠债还钱 {def} SEE: 殺人償命,欠債還錢 | :: |
杀人犯 {def} SEE: 殺人犯 | :: |
杀人放火 {def} SEE: 殺人放火 | :: |
杀人鲸 {def} SEE: 殺人鯨 | :: |
杀人狂 {def} SEE: 殺人狂 | :: |
杀人灭口 {def} SEE: 殺人滅口 | :: |
杀人如麻 {def} SEE: 殺人如麻 | :: |
杀人游戏 {def} SEE: 殺人遊戲 | :: |
杀人越货 {def} SEE: 殺人越貨 | :: |
杀软 {def} SEE: 殺軟 | :: |
杀伤 {def} SEE: 殺傷 | :: |
杀伤力 {def} SEE: 殺傷力 | :: |
杀伤性 {def} SEE: 殺傷性 | :: |
杀身 {def} SEE: 殺身 | :: |
杀身成仁 {def} SEE: 殺身成仁 | :: |
杀身之祸 {def} SEE: 殺身之禍 | :: |
杀生 {def} SEE: 殺生 | :: |
杀手 {def} SEE: 殺手 | :: |
杀手锏 {def} SEE: 殺手鐧 | :: |
杀死 {def} SEE: 殺死 | :: |
杀头 {def} SEE: 殺頭 | :: |
杀校 {def} SEE: 殺校 | :: |
杀心 {def} SEE: 殺心 | :: |
杀一儆百 {def} SEE: 殺一儆百 | :: |
杀一警百 {def} SEE: 殺一警百 | :: |
杀婴 {def} SEE: 殺嬰 | :: |
杀猪菜 {def} SEE: 殺豬菜 | :: |
杀猪的 {def} SEE: 殺豬的 | :: |
杉 {def} /shān,shā/ | :: various species of pine and fir |
杉 {def} /shān,shā/ | :: used in transliteration |
杉林 {prop} /Shānlín/ | :: (~ 區) 杉林 (district) |
杉山 {prop} /Shānshān/ | :: Sugiyama (a Japanese surname) |
桬 {def} /shā/ | :: pear and other trees |
殺 {def} /shā/ | :: to kill; to murder |
殺 {def} /shā/ | :: to hurt |
殺 {def} [dialectal] /shā/ | :: to cut, to slice (fruit, food) |
殺 {def} /shā/ | :: to bargain (price) |
殺 {def} /殺/ | :: [obsolete] to pare off; to diminish; to reduce; to clip |
殺 {def} /sà/ | :: [obsolete] dark |
殺 {def} /sà/ | :: alternative form of 𥻦 |
殺 {def} /xiè/ | :: only used in 蹩殺 |
殺 {def} SEE: 弒 | :: |
殺 {def} /shì/ | :: only used in 降殺 |
殺必死 {n} [ACG] /shābìsǐ/ | :: fanservice |
殺蟲 {v} /shāchóng/ | :: to kill insects |
殺蟲劑 {n} /shāchóngjì/ | :: pesticide |
殺蟲藥 {n} /shāchóngyào/ | :: insecticide |
殺到 {v} [of military officials, forces] /shādào/ | :: to rush (to the battlefield in time) |
殺到 {v} /shādào/ | :: to go all the way to ...; to beat (the merchant) down .. |
殺敵 {v} /shādí/ | :: to kill the enemy |
殺毒 {v} /shādú/ | :: to disinfect; to sterilise |
殺毒 {v} [computer security] /shādú/ | :: to kill computer virus |
殺毒軟件 {n} [Mainland, Hong Kong, computer security] /shādú ruǎnjiàn/ | :: antivirus |
殺伐 {v} [literary] /shā伐/ | :: to kill; to murder; to massacre |
殺風景 {v} /shā fēngjǐng/ | :: alternative form of 煞風景 |
殺害 {v} /shāhài/ | :: to murder; to kill |
殺雞給猴看 {idiom} /shā jī gěi hóu kàn/ | :: to make an example out of someone to frighten others |
殺雞嚇猴 {idiom} /shājīxiàhóu/ | :: to punish an individual as an example to others |
殺雞驚猴 {idiom} /shājījīnghóu/ | :: alternative form of 殺雞儆猴 |
殺雞儆猴 {idiom} [figurative] /shājījǐnghóu,er/ | :: to make a public demonstration of punishing a wrongdoer in order to deter innocents who might mimic the example of the wrongdoer |
殺雞警猴 {def} SEE: 殺雞儆猴 | :: |
殺雞取卵 {idiom} /shājīqǔluǎn/ | :: to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs |
殺雞焉用牛刀 {proverb} /shā jī yān yòng niúdāo/ | :: synonym of 割雞焉用牛刀 |
殺鷄儆猴 {def} SEE: 殺雞儆猴 | :: |
殺鷄取卵 {def} SEE: 殺雞取卵 | :: |
殺價 {v} [colloquial] /shājià,er/ | :: to bargain or haggle the price down; to slash the price |
殺絕 {v} /shājué/ | :: to exterminate |
殺菌 {n} /shā菌/ | :: sterilisation |
殺菌 {n} /shā菌/ | :: disinfectant |
殺菌 {v} /shā菌/ | :: to disinfect, to sterilise |
殺戮 {v} [literary] /shālù/ | :: to slaughter; to massacre |
殺馬特 {n} [neologism, pejorative] /shāmǎtè/ | :: someone, typically a rural migrant to the city in his or her late teens or early twenties, who adopts an extravagant and colourful hairstyle, odd makeup and cheap clothing bought from street markets to show off their fashionability; rural punk or goth |
殺滅 {v} /shāmiè/ | :: to kill; to exterminate; to eliminate |
殺年豬 {v} /shāniánzhū/ | :: to kill a pig and prepare a feast in the time period approaching the Chinese New Year |
殺氣 {n} [literary] /shāqì/ | :: cold murderous mood; aura of murder |
殺青 {v} [historical] /shāqīng/ | :: to dry green bamboo strips on fire before writing on them |
殺青 {v} [in tea manufacture] /shāqīng/ | :: to heat green tea to prevent fermentation and preserve the green colour |
殺青 {v} [figurative] /shāqīng/ | :: to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc), to finalise (a manuscript) |
殺人 {v} /shārén/ | :: to kill someone |
殺人 {n} /shārén/ | :: murder; homicide |
殺人不見血 {phrase} /shārén 不 jiànxiě/ | :: to kill by subtle means; to kill by smooth strategy |
殺人不眨眼 {idiom} /shārén 不 zhǎyǎn/ | :: ruthless; cold-blooded |
殺人償命,欠債還錢 {proverb} /shārén chángmìng, qiànzhài huánqián/ | :: a murderer must pay with his life as a debtor pays with money |
殺人犯 {n} /shārénfàn/ | :: murderer; killer |
殺人放火 {idiom} /shārénfànghuǒ/ | :: to commit murder and arson; to commit heinous crimes |
殺人鯨 {n} /shārénjīng/ | :: killer whale |
殺人狂 {n} /shārénkuáng/ | :: homicidal maniac, murderous lunatic |
殺人滅口 {idiom} /shārénmièkǒu/ | :: to kill someone to silence them |
殺人如麻 {idiom} /shārénrúmá/ | :: to have killed countless people; to have committed countless murders |
殺人游戲 {def} SEE: 殺人遊戲 | :: |
殺人遊戲 {n} /shārén yóuxì/ | :: Mafia (party game) |
殺人越貨 {idiom} /shārényuèhuò/ | :: to kill somebody for their property; to murder for money |
殺軟 {n} [computer security] /shāruǎn/ | :: abbreviation of 殺毒軟件 |
殺傷 {v} /shāshāng/ | :: to hurt and kill |
殺傷力 {n} /shāshānglì/ | :: killing or wounding power of a weapon |
殺傷性 {n} /shāshāngxìng/ | :: destruction |
殺身 {v} [literary] /shāshēn/ | :: to be killed; to lose one's life |
殺身成仁 {idiom} /shāshēnchéngrén/ | :: to die to achieve virtue; to die for a just cause |
殺身之禍 {idiom} /shāshēnzhīhuò/ | :: fatal disaster |
殺生 {v} /shāshēng/ | :: to destroy life |
殺生 {n} /shāshēng/ | :: destruction of life |
殺手 {n} /shāshǒu/ | :: killer (especially a professional one such as a hitman or assassin) |
殺手 {n} /shāshǒu/ | :: person who is especially good at a certain skill |
殺手鐗 {def} SEE: 殺手鐧 | :: |
殺手鐧 {n} [metaphor] /shāshǒujiǎn,shāshǒujiàn/ | :: one's trump card |
殺死 {v} /shāsǐ/ | :: to kill |
殺頭 {v} /shātóu/ | :: to behead; to decapitate |
殺心 {n} /shāxīn/ | :: desire to kill someone; urge to kill |
殺一儆百 {idiom} /shāyījǐngbǎi/ | :: to warn by example |
殺一警百 {def} SEE: 殺一儆百 | :: |
殺嬰 {v} /shāyīng/ | :: to murder an infant |
殺嬰 {n} /shāyīng/ | :: infanticide (murder of an infant) |
殺豬菜 {n} /shāzhūcài/ | :: a stew eaten in Northeast China near the end of lunar year |
沙 {def} /shā/ | :: sand |
沙 {def} /shā/ | :: something granular |
沙 {def} /shā/ | :: mushy and rough (as sand), texture of a watermelon of good quality |
沙 {def} [of a voice] /shā/ | :: hoarse; husky |
沙 {def} [Buddhism] /shā/ | :: the number 10-8 |
沙 {def} /shā/ | :: abbreviation of 沙皇 |
沙 {def} /shā/ | :: surname |
沙 {def} SEE: 砂 | :: |
沙 {def} [dialectal] /shà/ | :: to shake in order to gather impurities to be removed |
沙阿 {n} /shā'ā/ | :: shah (a king of Persia or Iran) |
沙巴 {prop} /Shābā/ | :: (~ 州) 沙巴 (state) |
沙坝 {def} SEE: 沙壩 | :: |
沙壩 {prop} /Shābà/ | :: 沙壩 (district) |
沙壩 {prop} /Shābà/ | :: 沙壩 (capital) |
沙白安南 {prop} /Shābái Ānnán/ | :: (~ 縣) 沙白安南 (district) |
沙包 {n} /shābāo,er/ | :: sandbag |
沙包 {n} /shābāo,er/ | :: sand dune |
沙堡 {n} /shābǎo/ | :: sandcastle |
沙暴 {n} /shābào/ | :: sandstorm |
沙参 {def} SEE: 沙參 | :: |
沙參 {n} [TCM] /shāshēn/ | :: root of the Glehnia littoralis (coastal glehnia) |
沙參 {n} [TCM] /shāshēn/ | :: root of the Adenophora tetraphylla (fourleaf ladybell) |
沙參 {n} [TCM] /shāshēn/ | :: root of the Adenophora stricta (upright ladybell) |
沙蓡 {def} SEE: 沙參 | :: |
沙蚕 {def} SEE: 沙蠶 | :: |
沙蠶 {n} /shācán/ | :: clam worm; Nereis |
沙茶 {n} /shāchá/ | :: satay sauce (a southeast Asian peanut-based sauce) |
沙茶 {n} /shāchá/ | :: shacha sauce (a Chinese sauce adapted from satay sauce) |
沙茶辣酱 {def} SEE: 沙茶辣醬 | :: |
沙茶面 {def} SEE: 沙茶麵 | :: |
沙茶麵 {n} /shāchámiàn/ | :: noodle soup made with shacha sauce (dish in the Min Nan region) |
沙場 {n} /shā场/ | :: sandpit; sandy field |
沙場 {n} /shā场/ | :: battlefield; battleground |
沙场 {def} SEE: 沙場 | :: |
沙塵 {n} /shāchén/ | :: dust and sand; yellow dust (in the air) |
沙塵 {adj} [Cantonese] /shāchén/ | :: cocky; arrogant |
沙塵白攉 {def} SEE: 沙塵白霍 | :: |
沙塵暴 {n} /shāchénbào/ | :: sandstorm, duststorm |
沙尘 {def} SEE: 沙塵 | :: |
沙尘白攉 {def} SEE: 沙塵白攉 | :: |
沙尘白霍 {def} SEE: 沙塵白霍 | :: |
沙尘暴 {def} SEE: 沙塵暴 | :: |
沙虫 {def} SEE: 沙蟲 | :: |
沙虫子 {def} SEE: 沙蟲子 | :: |
沙蟲 {n} /shāchóng/ | :: sandworm; ragworm (worms in the genus Nereis) |
沙蟲 {n} /shāchóng/ | :: peanut worm (Sipunculus nudus) |
沙蟲 {n} [dialectal] /shāchóng/ | :: mosquito larva |
沙村 {prop} /Shācūn/ | :: A Japanese surname: Samura |
沙袋 {n} /shādài,er/ | :: sandbag (for flood control); punchbag (for exercise) |
沙袋鼠 {n} /shādàishǔ/ | :: wallaby |
沙胆 {def} SEE: 沙膽 | :: |
沙荡 {def} SEE: 沙蕩 | :: |
沙蕩 {prop} /Shādàng/ | :: (~ 社區) 沙蕩 (residential community) |
沙道沟 {def} SEE: 沙道溝 | :: |
沙道溝 {prop} /Shādàogōu/ | :: (~ 鎮) 沙道溝 (town) |
沙道觀 {prop} /Shādàoguàn/ | :: (~ 鎮) 沙道觀 (town) |
沙道观 {def} SEE: 沙道觀 | :: |
沙地 {n} /shādì/ | :: steppe |
沙地 {prop} /Shādì/ | :: abbreviation of 沙地阿拉伯 |
沙地 {prop} /Shādì/ | :: (~ 鄉) 沙地 (township) |
沙地阿拉伯 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Shādì'ālābó/ | :: Saudi Arabia |
沙嗲 {n} /shādiē,shādiǎ/ | :: satay sauce (a southeast Asian peanut-based sauce) |
沙嗲 {n} /shādiē,shādiǎ/ | :: shacha sauce (a Chinese sauce adapted from satay sauce) |
沙甸鱼 {def} SEE: 沙甸魚 | :: |
沙雕 {n} /shādiāo/ | :: sand sculpture |
沙雕 {n} [neologism, internet slang, humorous or offensive] /shādiāo/ | :: alternative form of 傻屌 |
沙爹 {n} /shādiē/ | :: satay sauce (a southeast Asian peanut-based sauce) |
沙爹 {n} /shādiē/ | :: shacha sauce (a Chinese sauce adapted from satay sauce) |
沙丁 {n} /shādīng/ | :: sardine |
沙丁胺醇 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /shādīng胺chún/ | :: salbutamol |
沙丁魚 {n} /shādīngyú/ | :: sardine |
沙丁鱼 {def} SEE: 沙丁魚 | :: |
沙俄 {prop} /Shā俄/ | :: The Tsarist Russia (the Russian Empire) |
沙啞 {adj} [of voice] /shāyǎ/ | :: hoarse; husky; having a frog in one's throat |
沙发 {def} SEE: 沙發 | :: |
沙发 {def} SEE: 沙髮 | :: |
沙发床 {def} SEE: 沙發床 | :: |
沙发椅 {def} SEE: 沙發椅 | :: |
沙發 {n} /shāfā/ | :: sofa (Classifier: m:組) |
沙發 {n} [Internet slang] /shāfā/ | :: first person to reply or comment on an online forum |
沙發床 {n} /shāfāchuáng/ | :: sofa bed (sofa that unfolds into a bed) |
沙發牀 {def} SEE: 沙發床 | :: |
沙發椅 {n} /shāfāyǐ/ | :: sofa |
沙髮 {n} /shā髮/ | :: dry, frizzy hair |
沙葛 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Hakka, Singapore Hokkien] /shāgě/ | :: jicama |
沙鍋 {def} SEE: 砂鍋 | :: |
沙锅 {def} SEE: 砂鍋 | :: |
沙国 {def} SEE: 沙國 | :: |
沙國 {prop} /Shāguó/ | :: abbreviation of 沙特阿拉伯 |
沙果 {n} /shāguǒ/ | :: Malus asiatica |
沙蝦 {n} [Taiwan] /shāxiā/ | :: greasyback shrimp; sand shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) |
沙蝦 {n} [Teochew] /shāxiā/ | :: Chinese white shrimp; fleshy prawn (Fenneropenaeus chinensis) |
沙害 {n} /shāhài/ | :: sand damage; sand hazard |
沙壪河 {prop} /Shāwānhé/ | :: (~ 村) 沙壪河 (village) |
沙河 {prop} /Shāhé/ | :: (~ 市) 沙河 (city) |
沙河 {prop} /Shāhé/ | :: (~ 街道) Shahe Subdistrict (various subdistricts in China) |
沙河 {prop} [specifically] /Shāhé/ | :: 沙河 (subdistrict) |
沙河 {prop} /Shāhé/ | :: (~ 鎮) Shahe Town (various towns in China) |
沙河 {prop} /Shāhé/ | :: (~ 鄉) 沙河 (town) |
沙河 {prop} /Shāhé/ | :: (~ 鄉) 沙河 (town) |
沙河 {prop} /Shāhé/ | :: Sha River; Sandy River (various rivers in China) |
沙河粉 {n} /shāhéfěn/ | :: shahe fen; hor fun (a kind of broad, flat rice noodles used in Cantonese cuisine) |
沙河口 {prop} /Shāhékǒu/ | :: (~ 區) 沙河口 (district) |
沙盒 {n} /shāhé/ | :: sandbox |
沙赫 {n} /shāhè/ | :: shah (a king of Persia or Iran) |
沙湖 {prop} /Shāhú/ | :: (~ 鎮) 沙湖 (town) |
沙湖 {prop} /Shāhú/ | :: 沙湖 (lake) |
沙狐 {n} /shāhú/ | :: corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) |
沙化 {v} /shāhuà/ | :: to desertify |
沙化 {v} [neologism] /shāhuà/ | :: to Saudify |
沙獾 {n} /shāhuān/ | :: sand badger |
沙皇 {n} /shāhuáng/ | :: tzar |
沙皇国 {def} SEE: 沙皇國 | :: |
沙皇國 {n} /shāhuángguó/ | :: tsardom |
沙棘 {n} /shājí/ | :: sea buckthorn (Hippophae) |
沙加緬度 {prop} [Taiwan] /Shājiāmiǎnduó/ | :: 沙加緬度 (city/state capital) |
沙加缅度 {def} SEE: 沙加緬度 | :: |
沙姜 {def} SEE: 沙薑 | :: |
沙薑 {n} /shājiāng/ | :: The rhizome of Kaempferia galanga |
沙金 {def} SEE: 砂金 | :: |
沙井 {n} /shājǐng/ | :: manhole |
沙口 {prop} /Shākǒu/ | :: (~ 鎮) 沙口 (town) |
沙拉 {n} /shālā/ | :: salad |
沙拉酱 {def} SEE: 沙拉醬 | :: |
沙拉醬 {n} /shālājiàng/ | :: salad dressing |
沙拉醬 {n} /shālājiàng/ | :: salad cream |
沙拉醬 {n} /shālājiàng/ | :: mayonnaise |
沙拉油 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /shālāyóu/ | :: salad oil |
沙榄 {def} SEE: 沙欖 | :: |
沙朗 {n} /shālǎng/ | :: sirloin |
沙捞越 {def} SEE: 沙撈越 | :: |
沙撈越 {prop} /Shālāoyuè/ | :: alternative name for 砂拉越 |
沙哩弄铳 {def} SEE: 沙哩弄銃 | :: |
沙里院 {prop} /Shālǐyuàn/ | :: (~ 市) 沙里院 (city) |
沙沥 {def} SEE: 沙瀝 | :: |
沙瀝 {prop} /Shālì/ | :: (~ 市) 沙瀝 (city) |
沙砾 {def} SEE: 沙礫 | :: |
沙礫 {n} /shālì/ | :: grain of sand; grit; gravel |
沙粒 {n} /shālì/ | :: grain of sand; grit; gravel |
沙林 {n} /shālín/ | :: sarin |
沙羚 {n} /shālíng/ | :: dibatag (African species of antelope) |
沙龍 {n} /shālóng/ | :: salon (a large room or establishment) |
沙龍 {n} [figurative] /shālóng/ | :: salon (small informal meeting) |
沙龍 {def} SEE: 紗籠 | :: |
沙龍 {n} /shālóng/ | :: shalom |
沙龙 {def} SEE: 沙龍 | :: |
沙漏 {n} /shālòu/ | :: hourglass (clock) |
沙漏 {n} /shālòu/ | :: sand filter |
沙鹿 {prop} /Shālù/ | :: (~ 區) 沙鹿 (district) |
沙仑 {def} SEE: 沙崙 | :: |
沙崙 {prop} /Shālún/ | :: (~ 里) 沙崙 (urban village) |
沙羅 {def} SEE: 桫欏 | :: |
沙罗 {def} SEE: 桫欏 | :: |
沙螺湾 {def} SEE: 沙螺灣 | :: |
沙螺灣 {prop} /Shāluówān/ | :: Sha Lo Wan (a bay on northwestern Lantau Island, Hong Kong) |
沙律 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Hakka, Penang Hokkien] /shālǜ/ | :: salad |
沙門 {n} [Buddhism] /shāmén/ | :: ascetic monk |
沙門 {prop} [archaic] /shāmén/ | :: former name of the Changshan Archipelago between the Shandong and Liaoning peninsulas in northeastern China |
沙門氏菌 {n} /shāménshì菌/ | :: salmonella |
沙门 {def} SEE: 沙門 | :: |
沙门氏菌 {def} SEE: 沙門氏菌 | :: |
沙弥 {def} SEE: 沙彌 | :: |
沙彌 {n} [Buddhism] /shāmí/ | :: novice Buddhist monk |
沙面 {prop} /Shāmiàn/ | :: 沙面 (island) |
沙漠 {n} /shāmò/ | :: desert; erg; sand sea |
沙漠化 {v} /shāmòhuà/ | :: to desertify |
沙漠化 {n} /shāmòhuà/ | :: desertification |
沙漠学 {def} SEE: 沙漠學 | :: |
沙漠學 {n} /shāmòxué/ | :: desertology; eremology |
沙漠之舟 {n} [figurative] /shāmò zhī zhōu/ | :: camel (beast of burden) |
沙那 {prop} [Taiwan] /Shānà/ | :: 沙那 (city/capital city) |
沙鷗 {n} /shā'ōu/ | :: seabird; shorebird (Laridae) |
沙鸥 {def} SEE: 沙鷗 | :: |
沙排 {n} /shāpái/ | :: abbreviation of 沙灘排球 |
沙坪 {prop} /Shāpíng/ | :: (~ 村) 沙坪 (village) |
沙琪玛 {def} SEE: 沙琪瑪 | :: |
沙琪瑪 {n} /shāqímǎ,tl2/ | :: sachima (a type of Chinese pastry similar in structure to a Rice Krispie square) |
沙丘 {n} [geology] /shāqiū/ | :: sand dune |
沙蔘 {def} SEE: 沙參 | :: |
沙沙 {v} /shāshā/ | :: to make a rustling sound |
沙葠 {def} SEE: 沙參 | :: |
沙薓 {def} SEE: 沙參 | :: |
沙省 {prop} [chiefly Canada] /Shā Shěng/ | :: short fo 沙斯卡寸旺^省 (Saskatchewan) |
沙士 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, pathology] /shāshì/ | :: SARS |
沙士 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /shāshì/ | :: sarsaparilla (soft drink) |
沙市 {prop} /Shāshì/ | :: (~ 區) 沙市 (district) |
沙鼠 {n} /shāshǔ/ | :: gerbil |
沙鼠 {n} /shāshǔ/ | :: jird |
沙司 {n} /shāsī/ | :: sauce |
沙斯卡寸旺 {prop} /Shāsīkǎcùnwàng/ | :: (~ 省) [chiefly Canada] Saskatchewan |
沙汰 {v} [archaic] /shātài/ | :: to do away with; to abolish |
沙滩 {def} SEE: 沙灘 | :: |
沙滩车 {def} SEE: 沙灘車 | :: |
沙滩毛巾 {def} SEE: 沙灘毛巾 | :: |
沙滩排球 {def} SEE: 沙灘排球 | :: |
沙灘 {n} /shātān/ | :: beach (sandy, on a river, lake or coast); sandy shore |
沙灘車 {n} /shātānchē/ | :: quad bike |
沙灘毛巾 {n} /shātān máojīn/ | :: beach towel |
沙灘排球 {n} /shātān páiqiú/ | :: beach volleyball |
沙糖 {def} SEE: 砂糖 | :: |
沙特 {prop} [Mainland China] /Shātè/ | :: abbreviation of 沙特阿拉伯 |
沙特 {adj} [Mainland China] /Shātè/ | :: Saudi |
沙特阿拉伯 {prop} [Mainland China] /Shātè Ālābó/ | :: Saudi Arabia |
沙特阿拉伯王国 {def} SEE: 沙特阿拉伯王國 | :: |
沙特阿拉伯王國 {prop} [Mainland] /Shātè Ālābó Wángguó/ | :: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
沙田 {prop} /shātián/ | :: farmland converted from a sandflat |
沙田 {prop} /Shātián/ | :: Sha Tin, Hong Kong |
沙田 {prop} /Shātián/ | :: (~ 鎮) Shatian Town (various towns in China) |
沙田 {prop} /Shātián/ | :: (~ 鄉) 沙田 (township) |
沙田 {prop} /Shātián/ | :: (~ 村) 沙田 (village) |
沙田柚 {n} /shātiányòu/ | :: Shatian pomelo (Citrus maxima cv. Shatian Yu) |
沙头角 {def} SEE: 沙頭角 | :: |
沙頭角 {prop} /Shātóujiǎo/ | :: 沙頭角 (area) |
沙頭角 {prop} /Shātóujiǎo/ | :: (~ 街道) 沙頭角 (subdistrict) |
沙涂 {def} SEE: 沙塗 | :: |
沙土 {n} /shātǔ/ | :: sandy soil |
沙陀 {prop} /Shātuó/ | :: Shatuo (a Turkic tribe that influenced northern Chinese politics from the late 9th century through the 10th century) |
沙塆河 {def} SEE: 沙壪河 | :: |
沙威玛 {def} SEE: 沙威瑪 | :: |
沙威瑪 {n} /shāwēimǎ/ | :: shawarma |
沙文 {n} /shāwén/ | :: ripples on a beach |
沙文 {n} /shāwén/ | :: servant |
沙文 {prop} /shāwén/ | :: Chauvin |
沙文猪 {def} SEE: 沙文豬 | :: |
沙文豬 {n} [slang, neologism, feminism] /shāwénzhū/ | :: chauvinist pig |
沙文主义 {def} SEE: 沙文主義 | :: |
沙文主義 {n} /shāwénzhǔyì/ | :: chauvinism |
沙文主義 {n} /shāwénzhǔyì/ | :: jingoism |
沙翁 {n} /shāwēng/ | :: a kind of doughnut |
沙窝 {def} SEE: 沙窩 | :: |
沙窩 {prop} /Shāwō/ | :: (~ 鄉) 沙窩 (township) |
沙乌 {def} SEE: 沙烏 | :: |
沙乌地 {def} SEE: 沙烏地 | :: |
沙乌地阿拉伯 {def} SEE: 沙烏地阿拉伯 | :: |
沙烏地 {adj} [Taiwan] /Shāwūdì/ | :: Saudi |
沙烏地阿拉伯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Shāwūdì Ālābó/ | :: Saudi Arabia |
沙悟净 {def} SEE: 沙悟淨 | :: |
沙悟淨 {prop} /Shā Wùjìng/ | :: Sha Wujing |
沙溪 {prop} /Shāxī/ | :: (~ 鄉) 沙溪 (township) |
沙西米 {n} /shāxīmǐ/ | :: sashimi (dish of slices of raw fish or meat) |
沙虾 {def} SEE: 沙蝦 | :: |
沙县 {def} SEE: 沙縣 | :: |
沙縣 {prop} /Shā Xiàn/ | :: 沙縣 (county) |
沙哑 {def} SEE: 沙啞 | :: |
沙雅 {prop} /Shāyǎ/ | :: (~ 縣) 沙雅 (county) |
沙眼 {n} [diseases] /shāyǎn/ | :: trachoma |
沙洋 {prop} /Shāyáng/ | :: (~ 縣) 沙洋 (county) |
沙洋 {prop} /Shāyáng/ | :: (~ 鎮) 沙洋 (town) |
沙洋 {prop} /Shāyáng/ | :: (~ 村) 沙洋 (village) |
沙耶武里 {prop} /Shāyēwǔlǐ/ | :: 沙耶武里 (capital) |
沙耶武里 {prop} /Shāyēwǔlǐ/ | :: (~ 省) 沙耶武里 (province) |
沙魚 {def} SEE: 鯊魚 | :: |
沙鱼 {def} SEE: 沙魚 | :: |
沙枣 {def} SEE: 沙棗 | :: |
沙棗 {n} /shāzǎo/ | :: Russian olive; oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia) |
沙蚤 {n} /shāzǎo/ | :: chigoe flea; jigger (Tunga penetrans) |
沙蚤 {n} /shāzǎo/ | :: chigger (Trombiculidae, especially the species Leptotrombidium deliense) |
沙展 {n} /shāzhǎn/ | :: police sergeant (in Hong Kong) |
沙鎮溪 {prop} /Shāzhènxī/ | :: (~ 鎮) 沙鎮溪 (town) |
沙镇溪 {def} SEE: 沙鎮溪 | :: |
沙紙 {def} SEE: 砂紙 | :: |
沙纸 {def} SEE: 沙紙 | :: |
沙質 {adj} /shā質/ | :: sandy |
沙質土 {n} /shā質tǔ/ | :: sandy soil |
沙质 {def} SEE: 沙質 | :: |
沙质土 {def} SEE: 沙質土 | :: |
沙州 {prop} /Shāzhōu/ | :: (~ 鎮) 沙州 (town) |
沙州 {prop} /Shāzhōu/ | :: Shazhou, a former province of Imperial China |
沙州 {def} SEE: 沙洲 | :: |
沙州 {prop} /Shāzhōu/ | :: Shazhou, a former name of Dunhuang, an oasis town in Gansu, China, during the time when it served as Shazhou's provincial capital |
沙洲 {n} /shāzhōu/ | :: sandbank; sandbar; shoal (Classifier: m:塊) |
沙子 {n} /shāzi/ | :: sand |
沙子 {n} /shāzi/ | :: grain; grit; granule |
沙嘴 {n} /shāzuǐ/ | :: spit, sandspit (a narrow, usually sandy peninsula) |
沙嘴 {prop} /shāzuǐ/ | :: (~ 街道) 沙嘴 (subdistrict) |
煞 {def} /shā/ | :: to kill |
煞 {def} /shā/ | :: to stop, halt |
煞 {def} /shā/ | :: to restrict |
煞 {def} /shà/ | :: evil spirit, demon |
煞 {def} /shà/ | :: soul |
煞 {def} /shà/ | :: very |
煞 {def} /shà/ | :: what |
煞 {def} /shà/ | :: illness |
煞 {def} /shà/ | :: to damage |
煞 {def} /shà/ | :: although |
煞场 {def} SEE: 煞場 | :: |
煞車 {def} SEE: 剎車 | :: |
煞车 {def} SEE: 煞車 | :: |
煞風景 {v} /shā fēngjǐng,shà fēngjǐng,2nb/ | :: to damage the beautiful scenery |
煞風景 {v} [figurative] /shā fēngjǐng,shà fēngjǐng,2nb/ | :: to spoil the fun; to be a wet blanket |
煞风 {def} SEE: 煞風 | :: |
煞风景 {def} SEE: 煞風景 | :: |
煞裉 {v} | :: to sew up the armpit of a garment |
煞神 {n} [literary] /shàshén/ | :: demon; fiend |
煞尾 {v} /shāwěi/ | :: to finish off; to round off; to wind up; to come to an end |
煞尾 {n} /shāwěi/ | :: final stage; end; ending |
煞尾 {n} /shāwěi/ | :: conclusion or ending paragraph of an article |
煞尾 {adj} [Min Bei, Min Nan] /shāwěi/ | :: last; final; ultimate |
煞星 {n} /shàxīng/ | :: devil; fiend; demon |
煞星 {n} /shàxīng/ | :: fierce-looking person |
煞痒 {def} SEE: 煞癢 | :: |
煞有介事 {idiom} /shàyǒujièshì/ | :: in all apparent seriousness |
猀 {def} /shā/ | :: [obsolete] name of a tribe in ancient China, who lived in what is now Guangxi |
痧药 {def} SEE: 痧藥 | :: |
痧藥 {n} /shāyào/ | :: A vermilion pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dispel summer-heat, to counteract toxicity, to prevent the attack of evil factors and to promote the restoration of normal consciousness in the treatment of sudden attacks of restlessness and impairment of consciousness, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and trismus" |
砂 {def} /shā/ | :: sand, alternative form of 沙 |
砂 {def} /shā/ | :: extremely mushy and/or rough (as sand), texture of a watermelon of good quality, alternative form of 沙 |
砂煲飯 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, especially, Singapore] /shābāofàn/ | :: clay pot rice |
砂煲饭 {def} SEE: 砂煲飯 | :: |
砂川 {prop} /Shāchuān/ | :: (~ 市) 砂川 (city) |
砂礦 {n} /shākuàng/ | :: placer deposit |
砂鍋 {n} /shāguō/ | :: clay pot (used for cooking, most often in the cuisines of East and Southeast Asia) |
砂鍋 {n} /shāguō/ | :: Asian-style casserole |
砂锅 {def} SEE: 砂鍋 | :: |
砂浆 {def} SEE: 砂漿 | :: |
砂漿 {n} /shājiāng/ | :: mortar (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water) |
砂金 {n} /shājīn/ | :: placer gold; gold dust |
砂矿 {def} SEE: 砂礦 | :: |
砂拉越 {prop} /Shālāyuè/ | :: (~ 州) 砂拉越 (state) |
砂啦越 {prop} /Shālayuè/ | :: alternative name for 砂拉越 |
砂劳越 {def} SEE: 砂勞越 | :: |
砂勞越 {prop} /Shāláoyuè/ | :: alternative name for 砂拉越 |
砂砾 {def} SEE: 砂礫 | :: |
砂礫 {def} SEE: 沙礫 | :: |
砂粒 {def} SEE: 沙粒 | :: |
砂輪 {n} [mechanics] /shālún/ | :: emery wheel; grinding wheel; abrasive wheel |
砂轮 {def} SEE: 砂輪 | :: |
砂羅越 {prop} /Shāluóyuè/ | :: alternative name for 砂拉越 |
砂罗越 {def} SEE: 砂羅越 | :: |
砂漠 {def} SEE: 沙漠 | :: |
砂仁 {n} /shārén/ | :: fruit of the Amomum villosum (as used in traditional Chinese medicine) |