From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
human resources (uncountable)
- (management) The personnel department of an organization, dealing with the recruitment, administration, management and training of employees; abbreviated as HR.
- (management) The personnel employed in an organization.
the personnel department of an organization
- Catalan: recursos humans
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 人力資源 / 人力资源 (zh) (rénlì zīyuán), 人事 (zh) (rénshì)
- Danish: personaleafdeling c
- Dutch: personeelszaken (nl) pl
- Finnish: henkilöstöosasto, henkilöstöhallinto (fi)
- French: ressources humaines (fr)
- German: Personalabteilung (de) f
- Hungarian: humánerőforrás (hu), emberi erőforrás
- Indonesian: sumber daya manusia (id)
- Irish: acmhainní daonna f pl
- Italian: risorse umane (it) f pl
- Japanese: 人材開発部 (じんざいかいはつぶ, jinzai kaihatsu bu), 人事 (ja) (じんじ, jinji)
- Malay: sumber manusia (ms)
- Portuguese: recursos humanos (pt) m pl
- Romanian: resurse umane
- Russian: ка́дровая слу́жба f (kádrovaja slúžba), эйч-а́р m (ejč-ár), HR m, челове́ческие ресу́рсы m pl (čelovéčeskije resúrsy) (rare, foreign context)
- Spanish: recursos humanos m pl
- Swedish: HR (sv), personalavdelning (sv) c
- Thai: การบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ (gaan bor-rí-hăan sáp-pá-yaa-gon má-nút)
- Turkish: insan kaynakları
- Welsh: adnoddau dynol m pl
the personnel employed in an organization