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big deal (plural big deals)
- (idiomatic, informal, often sarcastic) Something very important or difficult; a matter of great concern; a considerable feat or achievement.
It's a big deal to him to get this promotion.
It's no big deal if you don't finish it today.
Why do you always have to make such a big deal of tiny punctuation errors?
- (idiomatic, informal) Someone very important; a VIP.
- Synonym: big, fat, hairy deal
She's a big deal in music in Spain.
something very important
- Chinese:
- Cantonese: 大件事 (daai6 gin6 si6)
- Mandarin: 大事 (zh) (dàshì)
- Finnish: iso juttu
- French: problème (fr) m, drame (fr) m (concern), toute une affaire (fr) f (important, affirmative form), montagne (fr) f (difficult), en faire tout un plat (fr)
- German: große Sache f
- Hindi: महत्त्वपूर्ण (mahattvapūrṇ)
- Hungarian: nagy ügy, nagy dolog, pláne (hu), (a fuss made about something) nagy hűhó, nagy felhajtás
- Portuguese: grande coisa
- Russian: ва́жное де́ло n (vážnoje délo), большо́е де́ло n (bolʹšóje délo)
- Spanish: gran cosa f, grosa cosa f (Southern Cone), grossa cosa f (Latin America)
- Turkish: çok mühim, çok önemli
big deal
- (idiomatic, informal, ironic) Indicates that something is not important or impressive; so what.
He can run a mile in six minutes? Big deal! Some people can do it in four.
So you beat the worst team in the league. Big deal, call the TV crews.
so what
- Bulgarian: голя́ма ра́бота! (goljáma rábota!)
- Chinese:
- Cantonese: 噉又點呀 / 噉又点呀 (gam2 jau6 dim2 aa3)
- Mandarin: 那又怎麼樣 / 那又怎么样 (nà yòu zěnmeyàng), 所以呢 (suǒyǐ ne)
- Czech: to je toho, no a co má být
- Finnish: mitä sitten, entä sitten
- French: la belle affaire ! (fr) f, et puis ?, et alors ? (fr)
- German: auch schon was
- Greek: σιγά τ’ αβγά (el) (sigá t’ avgá), σιγά τον πολυέλαιο (sigá ton polyélaio)
- Hindi: तो क्या हुआ (to kyā huā)
- Hungarian: nagy ügy
- Italian: bella forza f, e allora
- Macedonian: голема работа! (golema rabota!), голем кур (golem kur) (vulgar, slang)
- Portuguese: grande coisa, grande merda (vulgar)
- Russian: поду́маешь! (ru) (podúmaješʹ!), ну и что́ ж? (nu i štó ž?)
- Spanish: como gran cosa, y qué, qué tanto (es)
- Swedish: än sen? (sv)
- Turkish: hıh, o da bir şey mi