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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-h

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
h {letter} :: letter: hoo
H {letter} :: letter: hoo
H {n} [music] :: B
ha {interj} :: ha (expressing laughter)
{interj} [colloquial] :: huh? uh?
haa {interj} :: ha (expressing triumph or discovery)
hää {pron} [dialectal] :: alternative form of hän
hääasu {n} :: wedding dress
hääasu {n} :: wedding suit
hääateria {n} :: wedding meal
häädellä {vt} :: to drive away
Haades {prop} :: Hades
Haag {prop} :: Haag (city/administrative capital)
haahka {n} :: any of the Northern hemisphere sea ducks of the eider family, especially the common eider (Somateria mollissima)
haahka {n} [vulgar] :: an older, aged woman
haahkanuntuva {n} :: eiderdown (down of the eider duck, used for stuffing pillows and quilts)
haahkanuntuvapeite {n} :: eiderdown (quilt stuffed with down of eider duck)
haahla {n} [historical] :: trammel hook (kitchen utensil used to hang a pot over an open fire hearth and to regulate its height over the fire)
haahlaorsi {n} :: a wooden bar or hook from which a trammel hook is hanged when not in use
haahti {n} [rare] :: a boat, ship
haahuilla {v} [colloquial] :: To wander aimlessly
hääitku {n} :: wedding cry
hääjoukko {n} :: wedding crowd, wedding party
hääjuhla {n} :: wedding
hääkakku {n} :: wedding cake
hääkansa {n} :: guests in a wedding collectively
hääkellot {n} :: wedding bells
hääkimppu {n} :: wedding bouquet
haaksi {n} [rare, poetic] :: boat, ship
haaksi {n} :: shipwreck, wreck (boat or ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy)
haaksi {n} :: derelict (boat or ship abandoned at sea)
haaksirikko {n} :: shipwreck (the event)
haaksirikkoinen {adj} :: shipwrecky (characteristic of a shipwreck)
haaksirikkoinen {adj} :: shipwrecked (being shipwrecked)
haaksirikkoinen {n} :: shipwrecked,castaway (shipwrecked person)
haaksirikkoutua {vi} :: To shipwreck
hääkutsu {n} :: wedding invitation
hääkuva {n} :: wedding photo, wedding picture
häälahja {n} :: wedding gift
häälahjalista {n} :: bridal registry, wedding registry
haalari {n} :: hauler, haulier (one who hauls)
haalari {n} [often in plural] :: overall, overalls, coverall, coveralls, boiler suit, dungarees
haalari {n} [often in plural] :: onesie
haalari {n} [often in plural] :: jumpsuit
haalarihousut {n} :: dungarees / overalls
haalarit {n} :: overall, overalls, coverall, coveralls, boiler suit, dungarees
haalarit {n} :: jumpsuit
haalaritakki {n} :: A work jacket made of heavy denim or other material typically used in overalls
haalarityöntekijä {n} :: blue-collar worker
haalata {v} :: To haul (to pull or draw something heavy)
haalea {adj} :: tepid, lukewarm
haalea {adj} :: faded, pale (of colour)
haaleasti {adv} :: tepidly
haaleneminen {n} :: fading, discoloring
haalentaa {vt} [of liquid] :: To cool (to make less hot)
haalentaa {vt} [of color] :: To fade
häälento {n} [zoology] :: nuptial flight
haalentua {vi} [of liquid] :: To cool (to become less hot)
haalentua {vi} [of color] :: To fade
haaleta {vi} :: To fade, discolour/discolor
haaleus {n} :: tepidness
haalia {v} :: to scrape together
haalia {v} :: to rustle up
haalia {v} :: to drum up
haalistaa {vt} :: to fade, discolor
haalistua {vi} :: to fade
haalistua {vi} :: to discolour/discolor
haalistuminen {n} :: action noun of the verb haalistua (to fade), fading (the act or process of getting faded)
haalistuneisuus {n} :: fadedness (quality of being faded)
haalistunut {adj} :: faded
haaltua {vi} :: to fade (of colour)
häälyä {vi} :: häälyä jonkin yllä: to hang over (menacingly)
häälyväinen {adj} :: synonym of häilyväinen
Haam {prop} :: Ham (son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem)
häämarssi {n} :: wedding march (music to annnounce the arrival of the participants of the wedding)
häämatka {n} :: A honeymoon (trip taken by a newly married couple)
häämatkalainen {n} :: honeymooner
häämenot {n} [colloquial] :: wedding ceremony
haamilainen {adj} :: Hamitic
haamilainen {n} :: Hamite
häämöttää {v} :: to be barely visible, seem to be, be in sight (at a distance)
häämöttää {v} [figuratively] :: to be imminent, be near, be in sight
häämöttää {v} [usually of something threatening] :: to loom
häämöttäminen {n} :: being barely visible, being in sight
häämöttäminen {n} [figuratively] :: being imminent, looming
häämötys {n} :: being barely visible, seeming, looming
haamu {n} :: ghost, spirit (disembodied soul; the soul or spirit of a deceased person; a spirit appearing after death)
haamu {n} :: shadow (imperfect and faint representation)
haamuasiakas {n} :: no-show (customer who does not show up despite of a reservation)
haamukirjoittaja {n} :: ghostwriter
haamukuva {n} :: ghost image (undesired image appearing at the image plane of an optical system)
haamumaileri {n} :: four-minute mile runner (athlete who has run the distance of one mile in less than four minutes)
haamumaili {n} :: four-minute mile (instance of running the distance of one mile in under four minutes, an achievement once regarded as impossible)
haamuneliö {n} :: A square meter of the living space of an apartment or a house that is falsely claimed to exist
haamunuotti {n} [music] :: ghost note
haamupelastus {n} [sports] :: synonym of haamutorjunta
haamupotilas {n} :: no-show (patient who does not show up at a clinic despite of a reservation)
haamuraja {n} :: magic limit
haamusärky {n} [medicine] :: phantom pain
häämusiikki {n} :: wedding music
haamutorjunta {n} [sports] :: miracle save
haapa {n} :: aspen (tree of the genus Populus)
haapa {n} :: common aspen (Populus tremula)
haapainen {adj} :: aspen (made of aspen tree)
hääpäivä {n} :: A wedding day
hääpäivä {n} :: An anniversary of a wedding day
haapajärveläinen {adj} :: alternative form of haapajärvinen
haapajärveläinen {n} :: alternative form of haapajärvinen
Haapajärvi {prop} :: A Finnish placename, most notably a town in central Ostrobothnia
haapajärvinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Haapajärvi
haapajärvinen {n} :: a person from or living in Haapajärvi
Haapala {prop} :: surname
Haapala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Haapalainen {prop} :: surname
haapalastu {n} :: aspen chip
haapalehto {n} :: aspen grove (grove where the dominating species of tree is aspen)
haapametsä {n} :: aspen forest
haapana {n} :: wigeon (Anas penelope)
Haapanen {prop} :: surname
haapaperhonen {n} :: poplar admiral (Limenitis populi)
haapapuinen {adj} :: synonym of haapainen (made of aspen tree)
Haaparanta {prop} :: Haaparanta (small city/seat)
hääpari {n} :: wedding couple
haaparousku {n} :: northern milk-cap, pickle milk-cap, Lactarius trivialis
Haapasalo {prop} :: surname
Haapasalo {prop} [archaic] :: Haapasalo (town)
haapaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius lucorum
haapasieni {n} :: A species of milk-cap, better known in Finnish as haaparousku, Lactarius trivialis
Haapavesi {prop} :: Haapavesi (town)
Haapavesi {prop} :: The name of two lakes in Finland
haapaveteläinen {adj} :: alternative form of haapavetinen
haapaveteläinen {n} :: alternative form of haapavetinen
haapavetinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Haapavesi
haapavetinen {n} :: a person from or living in Haapavesi
haapio {n} :: A dugout made of aspen
hääppöinen {adj} [colloquial] :: mediocre, not very good
Haapsalu {prop} :: Haapsalu (town)
hääpuhe {n} :: wedding speech
hääpuku {n} :: A wedding dress, wedding gown, bridal gown
haara {n} :: branch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing)
haara {n} :: branch (any of the parts of something that divides like the branch of a tree)
haara {n} :: fork, bifurcation (place where a tree or other object divides into two)
haara {n} :: offshoot (that which develops from something else)
haara {n} [programming] :: branch
haaraantua {vi} :: To branch
haara-asento {n} :: A standing position with legs apart
haarahaukka {n} :: black kite (Milvus migrans)
haarahyppy {n} :: A Jumping Jack, side straddle hop
hääräillä {v} :: to bustle, scamper, scurry, hustle, run about
hääräily {n} :: bustling, scampering, scurrying, hustling
haarainen {adj} :: branched (having branches)
haarainen {adj} [as headword in compound terms] :: having a certain number or kind of branches
haaraistunta {n} [gymnastics] :: straddle
haaraisuus {n} :: branchiness
haarakas {adj} :: branched
haarakas {n} :: coral fungus
haarakatkos {n} [pathology] :: bundle branch block (heart condition in which the electrical impulses which pace the heart are not transmitted normally through the bundle of His)
haarakaukoputki {n} :: periscope binoculars
haarakäynti {n} [skiing] :: herringbone, herringbone walk
haarake {n} :: branch
haarake {n} :: mountain spur
haarakeppi {n} :: forked stick
haarakiikari {n} :: scissor binoculars
haarakiila {n} [clothing] :: crotch gusset
haarakkeinen {adj} :: branching
haarakonttori {n} :: branch office
haarakynttelikkö {n} :: branched candelabrum
haarakynttilä {n} :: A type of candle which has more than one, typically two to five, branches supported by a common stem in the manner of a candelabrum; this type of candle seems to originate from Sweden, where it is called grenljus; in English they might be called "branched candle" but there's no established term for them
haaraliike {n} :: branch office
haarallaan {adv} :: alternative form of harallaan
haaralleen {adv} :: alternative form of haralleen
haaramyymälä {n} :: branch store
haaranasta {n} :: synonym of haaraniitti
haaraniitti {n} :: brad, brass fastener, paper fastener, split pin (stationary fastener)
haaranousu {n} [skiing] :: synonym of haarakäynti
haaraosasto {n} :: branch (location other than HQ of an organization with several locations)
haarapääsky {n} :: barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)
haarapolymeeri {n} [organic chemistry] :: branched polymer
haaraseisonta {n} :: synonym of haara-asento (standing position with legs apart)
haarasokka {n} :: split pin; cotter pin [US] (metal fastener with two tines that are bent during installation, similar to a staple or rivet)
haarasuoninen {adj} [botany] :: Of a leaf, having branched veins; pinnate, palmate or reticulate
haarata {v} [rare] :: alternative form of harata
häärätä {vi} :: to bustle, hustle, run about
haarauma {n} :: fork
haarauma {n} :: branch
haarauma {n} :: bifurcation
haarautua {vi} :: to branch (off/out), fork, divide, furcate
haarautuma {n} :: fork
haarautuma {n} :: branch
haarautuma {n} :: bifurcation
haarautuminen {n} :: branching
haarautumiskohta {n} :: fork (a point where road, river, tree, etc. splits in two)
haarautuva {adj} :: branching, forking, forked
haaraväli {n} :: crotch
haaremi {n} :: A harem
haaremihousut {n} :: shalwar
hääriä {vi} :: to bustle, busy
haarikka {n} :: a type of large, usually wooden, drinking vessel with a handle or handles on both sides
haarikka {n} :: tankard
haarikko {n} :: pearlwort (any of several flowering plants of the genus Sagina)
hääriminen {n} :: bustling, busying
häärinä {n} :: bustling
häärintä {n} :: bustle
haarniska {n} :: armor, armour (body protection)
haarniskamonni {n} :: hoplo (catfish of the genus Megalechis)
haarniskoida {v} :: To put on armour/armor
haaroa {vi} [of plant] :: To grow branches; to branch
haaroitin {n} [electronics] :: splitter (device that splits a line in two)
haaroitin {n} [electricity] :: adapter, branching socket (device that permits two, three, or more plugs to be used at a single electrical power point)
haaroittaa {vt} :: to branch, furcate (to divide into branches or sections)
haaroittaminen {n} :: branching, furcating
haaroittua {vi} :: to branch
haaroitus {n} :: branching
haaroitus {n} :: tap (a connection made to an electrical or fluid conductor without breaking it)
haaroituspistorasia {n} [electricity] :: branching socket (connecting device which allows connection of multiple electric plugs in one wall outlet)
haarottaa {vt} [dialectal] :: haaroittaa (to branch)
haarova {adj} :: branchy (tending to branch frequently)
haaroväli {n} :: alternative form of haaraväli
haartätäkki {n} [Finglish] :: heart attack
haarti {adj} [Finglish] :: Hard
haarukallinen {n} :: A forkful (amount a fork will hold)
haarukka {n} :: fork (utensil; in cycling)
haarukka {n} :: range, bracket (of values or numbers)
haarukka {n} [chess] :: fork
haarukkahapero {n} :: greasy green brittlegill, Russula heterophylla
haarukkamaki {n} :: Masoala fork-marked lemur, eastern fork-marked lemur, Masoala fork-crowned lemur, Phaner furcifer (species of lemur endemic to Madagascar)
haarukkapala {n} :: fork-size piece (morsel of food of the size suitable for eating with a fork)
haarukkapurje {n} :: synonym of kahvelipurje
haarukkaristi {n} :: A Y-shaped cross
haarukkaristi {n} [heraldry] :: synonym of haaruristi
haarukkarousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius insulsus
haarukkatrukki {n} :: forklift (small industrial vehicle)
haarukkavaunu {n} :: pallet jack, pallet truck, pump truck (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets)
haarukkavipu {n} [nautical] :: wishbone
haarukoida {v} :: to fork (use a fork)
haarukoida {v} :: to straddle (to estimate range)
haarukoiminen {n} :: forking
haarukoiminen {n} :: straddling
haarukointi {n} :: straddling, pinpointing
haarukointi {n} [photography] :: bracketing
haaruristi {n} [heraldry] :: pall, pairle (Y-shaped cross that divides the shield into three parts)
hääsali {n} :: wedding hall
hääsi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of häät
haasia {n} :: hayrack (wooden frame for drying hay)
haasioida {v} :: To put hay on rack for drying
haaska {n} :: the carcass of an animal
haaska {n} [hunting] :: carcass used as bait when hunting carnivores
haaska {n} [derogatory] :: an ugly person, especially woman
haaskaaja {n} :: waster (someone or something that wastes)
haaskaaminen {n} :: wasting (money, resources, time, etc.)
haaskaantua {vi} :: To be wasted
haaskaeläin {n} :: scavenger
haaskalintu {n} :: scavenger bird (bird that feeds on carrion)
haaskalintu {n} :: vulture (person who profits from the suffering of others)
haaskametsästys {n} :: The practice or instance of hunting carnivores when they come to eat a carcass
haaskansyöjä {n} [biology] :: scavenger
haaskata {vt} :: to waste (money, time, resources, food, etc.)
haaskaus {n} :: wasting
haaskautua {vi} :: To become wasted
haaskio {n} :: waste
haaskuu {n} :: wasting, squandering
haastaa {vt} :: to challenge
haastaa {vt} :: to defy, dare
haastaa {vt} [legal] :: to summon
haastaa {vi} [dialectal] :: to talk
haastaa oikeuteen {vt} :: To sue, file (law)suit against, take to court, bring an action against
haastaa riitaa {v} [idiomatic] :: to pick a quarrel, pick a fight (deliberately provoke someone into an argument or a fight)
haastaja {n} :: challenger
haastatella {v} :: to interview
haastateltava {n} :: interviewee (someone being interviewed currently or in the future)
haastateltu {n} :: interviewee (someone who has been interviewed in the past)
haastattaa {vt} :: alternative form of haastatella; to interview
haastatteleminen {n} :: interviewing
haastattelija {n} :: interviewer
haastattelu {n} :: interview (conversation with journalist, formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant)
haastattelulausunto {n} :: interview statement (statement given in connection with an interview)
haastattelututkimus {n} :: interview survey
haastava {adj} :: challenging
haastavasti {adv} :: challengingly
haastavuus {n} :: The property of being challenging
haaste {n} :: challenge
haaste {n} [legal] :: summons
haasteaika {n} [legal] :: period of summons, length of summons (the time allowed for a defendant to appear in the court or file his written statement after receiving a summons)
haasteellinen {adj} :: challenging
haasteellisesti {adv} :: challengingly
haastehakemus {n} [legal] :: application for a summons (legal document with which the claimant initiates a judicial process in a civil law case)
haastella {v} [dialectal] :: To talk, chat
haastemies {n} :: bailiff (court officer responsible for delivering court orders, summonses and other official documents to the public)
haasteottelu {n} [sports] :: synonym of harjoitusottelu
haastetodistus {n} [law] :: certificate of summons (certificate of handing over a summons to the defendant)
häät {n} :: Wedding
häät {n} :: As a former part of compound (in the singular form hää-) signifies wedding
häätää {v} :: to evict
häätää {v} :: to drive away (force someone or something to leave)
häätää {v} :: to unhouse
häätalo {n} :: a banquet hall for a wedding
häätäminen {n} :: evicting, eviction
häätapa {n} :: wedding custom
häätö {n} :: eviction
häätöilmoitus {n} :: eviction notice (landlord's announcement to a tenant of him being evicted)
häätömääräys {n} :: eviction order (court order allowing forced eviction of a tenant)
häätöoikeus {n} :: right of eviction
häätöuhkaus {n} :: threat of eviction
haava {n} :: wound, sore (injury, such as a cut, stab, or tear)
haava {n} :: ulcer; especially in compound terms, see e.g. mahahaava (peptic ulcer), makuuhaava (pressure ulcer)
haava {n} [pesäpallo] :: reaching the next base as an advancing baserunner after being forced to as a result of a midair catch; the baserunner will be removed from the field but is not out
haavainen {adj} :: Having wounds
hääväki {n} :: The guests in a wedding ceremony collectively
haavakko {n} [hunting] :: wounded animal
haavakuume {n} [pathology] :: wound fever (fever caused by an infected wound)
haavalaastari {n} :: Adhesive bandage, band-aid [US]; sticking plaster, plaster [UK]
haavamuodostuma {n} [pathology] :: synonym of haavauma
haavanlastu {n} :: aspen chip
haavanlehti {n} :: A leaf of an aspen tree
haavanpunikkitatti {n} :: orange-cap birch boletus (Leccinum rufum, Leccinum aurantiacum)
haavaside {n} [medicine] :: dressing (binding applied to a wound for protection and for stopping the bleeding)
haavasolukko {n} [biology] :: callus
haavatartunta {n} :: infection through wound
haavateippi {n} :: surgical tape
haavatulehdus {n} [pathology] :: wound infection
haavatyyny {n} :: The absorbent pad of an adhesive bandage
haavauma {n} [pathology] :: ulcer (open sore of skin, eyes or mucous membrane)
haavauttaa {vt} :: to ulcerate (to cause an ulcer to develop)
haavautua {vi} :: to ulcerate (to become ulcerous)
haavautuma {n} [pathology] :: alternative form of haavauma
haavavoide {n} :: wound ointment
haave {n} :: dream (hope, wish)
haave {n} :: daydream
haave {n} :: vision (ideal or a goal toward which one aspires)
haave {n} :: velleity (slight wish not followed by any effort to obtain)
haaveellinen {adj} :: dreamy, dreamful
haaveellisempi {adj} :: comparative of haaveellinen
haaveellisesti {adv} :: dreamily
haaveellisin {adj} :: superlative of haaveellinen
haaveellisuus {n} :: dreaminess
haaveenomainen {adj} :: dreamlike (having characteristics of a dream or a vision)
haaveilija {n} :: dreamer
haaveilla {v} :: to dream (daydream) [of]
haaveilu {n} :: dreaming, reverie
haaveksia {v} :: To dream (daydreams)
haaveksija {n} :: A dreamer
haaveksinta {n} :: dreaming, daydreaming
haavekuva {n} :: illusion, fantasy, vision (mental picture of something that one desires)
haavemaailma {n} :: dreamworld, world of one's dreams (imaginary, idealized world)
haavemielinen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of haaveellinen
haavemielisesti {adv} [dated] :: synonym of haaveellisesti
haavemielisyys {n} [dated] :: synonym of haaveellisuus
haaveri {n} [dated] :: shipwreck (event)
haaveri {n} [colloquial] :: minor accident (especially one that results in minor injury to a person)
haavi {n} :: hand net (small net equipped with a handle and attached to a rim)
haavi {n} [slang, colloquial] :: mouth
häävi {adj} [colloquial] :: good
haavia {v} :: To net (to catch by means of a net)
häävieras {n} :: wedding guest
haavikalastus {n} :: hand net fishing
haavikko {n} :: A group or forest of aspen trees
haavipallo {n} :: lacrosse
häävirsi {n} :: hymeneal (psalm or religious hymn in honour of a wedding)
häävisti {adv} [colloquially] :: well
haavisto {n} :: alternative form of haavikko
Haavisto {prop} :: surname
haavita {v} :: to catch fish, insects etc. using a hand net
haavoittaa {vt} :: to wound, injure, hurt (physically or emotionally)
haavoittaminen {n} :: wounding (act of inflicting a wound)
haavoittua {vi} :: to be wounded (to suffer from a wound, especially in battle)
haavoittua {vi} [figuratively] :: to be wounded (to suffer from emotional injury)
haavoittua {vi} [pesäpallo] :: to make it safely to the next base after being forced to as a result of a midair ball catch (haava); the baserunner then returns to home base without scoring a run but also without being out
haavoittumaton {adj} :: invulnerable
haavoittumattomuus {n} :: invulnerability
haavoittuminen {n} :: wounding (instance of being wounded)
haavoittunut {adj} :: wounded
haavoittuva {adj} :: vulnerable
haavoittuvaisuus {n} :: vulnerability
haavoittuvuus {n} :: vulnerability
haavoitus {n} :: synonym of haavoittaminen
häävuode {n} :: marriage bed
haavuri {n} :: barber surgeon
hääyö {n} :: wedding night
hääyöaie {n} :: plan for the wedding night
haba {n} [colloquial] :: biceps
habanera {n} :: habanera
Habarovsk {prop} :: Habarovsk (city)
habilitaatio {n} :: habilitation
habitaatti {n} :: habitat
habituaatio {n} :: habituation
habitus {n} :: habitus
hackmaniitti {n} [mineral] :: hackmanite
hädänalainen {adj} :: needy, in distress
hädässä ystävä tunnetaan {proverb} :: a friend in need is a friend indeed (literally: in need a friend is known)
hadeeinen {adj} [geology] :: Hadean
hädin tuskin {adv} :: hardly, barely
hädissään {adv} :: alarmedly (in an alarmed manner)
hadith {n} :: hadith (collection of Muhammed's sayings)
hadroni {n} [particle] :: hadron
haennainen {adj} :: synonym of teennäinen
haenta {n} :: seeking
haeskella {v} :: To search, seek
haeskelu {n} :: searching
haettaa {vt} :: To have someone or something brought
haetuttaa {vt} :: to have searched, to make search
haffi {n} :: Haff; a bay or lagoon behind a spit
hafnium {n} :: hafnium
haggis {n} :: haggis
Häggman {prop} :: surname
hagiografia {n} :: hagiography
hagiolatria {n} [theology] :: hagiolatry (worship of saints)
hagiologia {n} :: hagiology
hah {interj} :: ha
häh {interj} [colloquial] :: huh?
häh {interj} :: ha (expression of mean-spirited laughter)
ha-ha {interj} :: ha-ha, haha (onomatopoeic representation of laughter)
hahaa {interj} :: aha, haha, yahoo (exclamation of joyful understanding, realization, invention, or recognition)
hahattaa {vi} :: to laugh loudly
hähättää {vi} :: to laugh in a cruel or jeering manner
hähättäminen {n} :: laughing in a cruel or jeering manner
hahatus {n} :: loud laugh, guffaw
hähätys {n} :: evil laugh
hahla {n} :: alternative form of haahla
hahlo {n} :: slot
hahmo {n} :: shape (appearance or figure)
hahmo {n} :: figure (representation of form)
hahmo {n} :: character (being in a story)
hahmo {n} [pattern recognition, artificial intelligence] :: pattern
hahmoinen {adj} [chiefly in compounds] :: -shaped, -figured
hahmonnus {n} [computer graphics] :: rendering
hahmontaa {vt} [computer graphics] :: to render
hahmontunnistus {n} :: shape recognition, pattern recognition
hahmopsykologi {n} :: gestaltist
hahmopsykologia {n} :: gestaltism, gestalt psychology (branch of psychology)
hahmotella {v} :: to sketch, delineate, outline (to draw or trace an outline)
hahmotella {v} :: to sketch (to describe briefly and with very few details)
hahmotella {v} :: to rough (to create in an approximate form)
hahmotelma {n} :: sketch (rapidly executed freehand drawing)
hahmotelma {n} :: sketch, outline (rough design, plan, or draft)
hahmotelma {n} :: sketch (brief description, general presentation or outline)
hahmoterapia {n} [psychology] :: gestalt therapy ‎(form of psychotherapy)
hahmottaa {v} :: to perceive, see, be aware of, understand
hahmottaa {v} [rare] :: synonym of hahmotella (to sketch, outline)
hahmottaminen {n} :: perceiving, seeing
hahmotteilla {adv} :: taking shape
hahmotteinen {adj} :: with some number of interpretations (usually preceded by a numeral or similar word)
hahmotteleminen {n} :: sketching, delineating
hahmottelu {n} :: sketching
hahmottua {vi} :: To take shape
hahmotus {n} :: perception
hahmoutua {vi} :: To take shape
Hahto {prop} :: surname
hahtuva {n} :: fluff
hahtuvamainen {adj} :: flocculent
hahtuvapilvi {n} [meteorology] :: altocumulus (type of cloud)
hahtuvaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius hemitrichus
hai {n} :: shark
hai {n} [poker] :: high card
haibarbi {n} :: bala shark, tricolor shark, silver shark, shark minnow, Balantiocheilos melanopterus (fish species in the minnow family Cyprinidae, endemic to Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo)
haihatella {v} :: To have unrealistic, fanciful ideas; to daydream
haihattelija {n} :: daydreamer
haihattelu {n} :: daydreaming (having unrealistic dreams)
haihdunta {n} :: evaporation
haihdutin {n} :: An evaporator
haihduttaa {vt} :: to evaporate
haihduttaa {vt} :: to dispel
haihduttaminen {n} :: evaporation
haihduttamo {n} :: evaporation plant
haihdutus {n} :: evaporation
haihdutusastia {n} :: evaporation vessel
haihtua {v} :: To evaporate
haihtua {v} :: To fade away
haihtuma {n} :: evaporation (amount evaporated)
haihtumaton {adj} :: unevaporated
haihtumaton {adj} [physics] :: nonvolatile (not readily evaporated)
haihtumaton {adj} [computing, electronics] :: nonvolatile (of memory; keeping its contents even when powered down)
haihtuminen {n} :: evaporation
haihtumismittari {n} :: atmometer, evaporimeter
haihtuva {adj} [physics] :: volatile (evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal ambient conditions)
haihtuva {adj} [computing, electronics] :: volatile (of memory; losing its contents when powered down)
haihtuvainen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of haihtuva (volatile, readily evaporated)
haihtuvaisuus {n} [dated] :: synonym of haihtuvuus (readiness to evaporate)
haihtuvuus {n} :: volatility (state of having a low boiling point and evaporating readily)
häijy {adj} :: wicked, mean, vicious
häijympi {adj} :: comparative of häijy
häijynilkinen {adj} :: wicked, malicious, mischievous
häijynilkisyys {n} :: wickedness, maliciousness, mischievousness
häijysti {adv} :: wickedly, meanly, viciously
häijyys {n} :: wickedness, meanness
häikäilemätön {adj} :: unscrupulous
häikäilemättä {adv} :: unscrupulously
häikäilemättömästi {adv} :: unscrupulously
häikäilemättömyys {n} :: unscrupulousness
häikäileminen {n} :: hesitating, shying away from (doing something)
haikailla {vt} :: To yearn for, pine for
häikäillä {v} [chiefly only in negative] :: to hesitate, to shy away from doing something
haikailu {n} :: yearning
häikäily {n} :: hesitation
häikäisevä {adj} :: glaring, dazzling, shining
häikäistä {vt} :: To blind, dazzle
häikäistyä {vi} :: To become blinded, dazzled
häikäistynyt {adj} :: dazzled, awestruck
häikäisy {n} :: dazzling, glare
häikäisysuoja {n} :: sun visor, glare screen
haikala {n} :: shark
haikara {n} :: heron (any wading bird of the Ardeidae family in order Pelicaniformes)
haikara {n} [colloquial] :: stork (any wading bird of the Ciconiidae family in order Ciconiiformes)
haikara {n} :: stork (mythical bringer of babies)
haikaralintu {n} [dated] :: Any bird of the order Ciconiiformes, which was formerly believed to include storks, herons, ibises among others, but is now regarded as consisting of only one family, Ciconiidae or storks
haikaran purema {n} [pathology] :: stork bite, nevus flammeus nuchae (congenital and usually temporary capillary malformation in a newborn caused by the dilation of blood vessels)
haikea {adj} :: wistful, longing (full of yearning or longing)
haikea {adj} :: nostalgic (yearning for the things past)
haikea {adj} :: melancholic, melancholy, sad (affected with sadness or depression)
haikeasti {adv} :: wistfully, longingly
haikeasti {adv} :: nostalgically
haikeasti {adv} :: melancholically, sadly
haikeus {n} :: wistfulness
haikeus {n} :: nostalgia
haikeus {n} :: melancholy, sadness
häikkä {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of häiriö
haiku {n} [usually, in plural] :: puff, whiff (act of inhaling tobacco smoke)
haiku {n} :: puff, whiff, puff of smoke, whiff of smoke (small quantity of smoke in the air)
haiku {n} [poetic] :: smoke
haiku {n} :: A haiku (type of Japanese poem; any poem written in haiku style)
häilähdellä {v} :: to flit, to momentarily reflect or project repeatedly
häilähtää {vt} :: to momentarily reflect or project
hailakka {adj} :: pale, faded, wishy-washy
hailakkuus {n} :: [of colour] paleness
hailea {adj} :: pale
haili {n} [dated] :: fresh Baltic herring (Baltic herring that is sold fresh, i.e. not salted, smoked, pickled or preserved in any other way)
haili {n} :: synonym of silakka
hailinpyynti {n} :: synonym of silakanpyynti
hailiverkko {n} :: synonym of silakkaverkko
Hailuoto {prop} :: Hailuoto (municipality)
hailuotolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hailuoto
hailuotolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hailuoto
häilyä {v} :: To hover, waver
häilyvä {adj} :: vacillating
häilyvä {adj} :: flickering
häilyväinen {adj} :: vacillating, fickle, volatile
häilyväisyys {n} :: vacillation, fickleness, volatility
häilyvyys {n} :: vacillation, fickleness, volatility
haima {n} :: pancreas
haimaneste {n} :: pancreatic juice
haimanpoistoleikkaus {n} :: pancreatectomy (surgical removal of all or part of the pancreas)
haimansiirto {n} [surgery] :: pancreas transplant, pancreas transplantation
haimasaareke {n} [anatomy] :: pancreatic islet (any of the several regions of the pancreas that contain its hormone-producing cells)
haimasairaus {n} :: pancreatic disease (unspecified disease affecting the pancreas)
haimasyöpä {n} :: pancreatic cancer
haimatauti {n} :: synonym of haimasairaus
haimatiehyt {n} [anatomy] :: pancreatic duct
haimatulehdus {n} [pathology] :: pancreatitis
haimentaa {v} [dialectal, rare] :: synonym of häämöttää
haimentaa {v} [dialectal, rare] :: synonym of siintää
haimme {n} :: first-person plural possissive form of hai
haimonni {n} :: pangasius, panga (any fish in the genus Pangasius, particularly the iridescent shark, Pangasius hypophthalmus, now reclassified as Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)
hainaninrottasiili {n} :: Hainan gymnure, Neohylomys hainanensis
hainevä {n} :: shark fin (fin of a shark)
haineväkeitto {n} :: shark fin soup
haipakka {n} [colloquial] :: fast speed
häipätä {vi} [colloquial] :: To leave
häippäistä {vi} [colloquial] :: To leave, sneak off
haipua {vi} :: to fade away
häipyä {vi} :: To disappear, vanish (visibly); to fade out/away (audibly)
häipyä {vi} :: To be forgotten, fade
häipyä {vi} [of brakes] :: To fade
häipyä {vi} :: To leave, take off, clear out, take to one's heels, make tracks, skedaddle
häipymä {n} [radio] :: fading
häipymätön {adj} :: inexhaustible
häipyminen {n} :: leaving, bailing out
häipyvä {adj} :: evanescent, vanishing, disappearing, transient, transitory
häipyvä {adj} :: momentary, fleeting
hairahdus {n} :: A moral aberration, deviation
hairahduttaa {vt} :: to cause to lapse or deviate (morally)
hairahtaa {vi} [physically] :: To slip, fall, lose one's balance, take a wrong step
hairahtaa {vi} [morally] :: To slip, stray (from the straight and narrow path), commit an indiscretion
hairahtaminen {n} :: slipping, falling
hairahtaminen {n} :: slipping, straying (morally)
hairahtua {vi} :: To lapse, deviate (morally)
hairahtuvainen {adj} :: fallible, frail
hairata {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of tarttua
hairata {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of siepata
häiriintyä {vi} :: To be(come) disturbed
häiriintymätön {adj} :: unperturbed
häiriintyminen {n} :: becoming disturbed
häiriintyneesti {adv} :: (emotionally) disturbedly
häiriintyneisyys {n} :: (emotional) disturbedness
häiriintynyt {adj} :: (emotionally) disturbed
häiriintyvyys {n} [physics] :: susceptibility
häirikkö {n} :: misbehaver, troublemaker, hooligan
häirikkökarhu {n} :: bear that is causing a disturbance
häirikkökäyttäjä {n} [Internet] :: disruptive user
häirikkösusi {n} :: wolf that is causing a disturbance
häiriköidä {v} :: to heckle, to cause trouble
häiriköiminen {n} :: causing trouble
häiriköinti {n} :: heckling, harassment, causing trouble
häirintä {n} :: interference
häirintä {n} :: harassment
häirintä {n} :: jamming (of signals)
häirintälähetin {n} :: jammer (device that jams signals)
häirintätuli {n} [military] :: harassing fire
häiriö {n} :: disorder, trouble
häiriö {n} :: interference, disturbance, disruption
häiriö {n} :: failure (termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function)
häiriö {n} [medicine] :: disorder
häiriö {n} :: artifact (result of external action or error in an experiment)
häiriöaltis {adj} :: vulnerable or susceptible to disruption or interference
häiriöalttius {n} :: vulnerability or susceptibility to disruption or interference
häiriökäyttäytyminen {n} :: disruptive or disorderly conduct or behavior
häiriöpäästö {n} :: emission of harmful substances
häiriösuojaus {n} :: interference shielding
häiriötapaus {n} :: case of disturbance
häiriötekijä {n} :: distraction, disturbance
häiriöteoria {n} [quantum mechanics] :: perturbation theory
häiriötiheys {n} :: defect rate
häiriötila {n} :: fault condition
häiriötön {adj} :: undisrupted, smooth
häiriövirta {n} :: interference current
häiritä {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to disturb, bother, bug
häiritä {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to disrupt
häiritseminen {n} :: disturbing, bothering
häiritsevä {adj} :: disturbing, disruptive
häiritsevästi {adv} :: disturbingly, disruptively
häiritsevyys {n} :: disturbingness, disruptiveness
häiritsijä {n} :: disturber
häiriytyä {vi} :: To become disturbed
haiseminen {n} :: smelling, stinking
haiseva {adj} :: stinky, smelly
haisevampi {adj} :: comparative of haiseva
haisevin {adj} :: superlative of haiseva
haisi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of hai
häiskä {n} [colloquial] :: dude, guy, chap, fellow (also gender neutrally)
haiskahtaa {vi} :: to smell foul, stink
haiskahtaa {vi} [figuratively] :: to appear suspicious; often may be translated into English using the idiom smell a rat
haiskiainen {n} [dated] :: synonym of raatokuoriainen
haista {vi} :: to smell (like = ablative or allative), to have a smell/scent/odor; to stink
haista {v} [figuratively] :: to smell like, stink, reek of
haistaa {vt} :: to sniff, smell
haistaa {vt} :: to scent, smell/nose out, get wind/scent of
haistaa {vt} [figuratively] :: to smell, suspect, sense, feel
haistaa palaneen käryä {v} [idiomatic] :: to smell a rat (to sense something suspicious)
haista kukkanen {interj} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: expression to show discontent with the other party or contempt (literally: (go) smell a flower)
haistaminen {n} :: smelling (sensing)
haista paska {interj} [vulgar, strongly offensive] :: fuck you (literally: smell shit)
haistatella {vi} [_, + allative] :: To tell someone where to go/where to get off/what to do with it (continuously, repeatedly and/or indifferently, in an insulting manner, as in "go to hell!")
haistattaa {vt} :: to tell someone where to go/where to get off/what to do with it (in insults, as in "go to hell!")
haistattaminen {n} :: telling someone to get off vulgarly or with insults
haistatteleminen {n} :: repeatedly telling someone to get off vulgarly or with insults
haistattelija {n} :: someone who keeps telling a person or people "where to go" in a vulgar or insulting fashion
haistattelu {n} :: Action of the verb haistatella
haista vittu {interj} [strongly vulgar] :: fuck you! (literally: "sniff the cunt!")
haisteleminen {n} :: smelling, sniffing
haistella {vt} :: to smell, sniff something
haistella {vt} :: to sniff, huff, inhale the fumes of something in order to get intoxicated
haistelu {n} :: smelling, sniffing of something
haistelu {n} :: sniffing, huffing, inhalation of the fumes, of something in order to get intoxicated
haisti {n} :: olfaction; the sense of smell
haisu {n} [rare] :: stink (strong, bad smell)
haisuhapero {n} :: foetid russula, Russula foetens
haisuherkkusieni {n} :: An agaric, Agaricus maleolens
haisuhilleri {n} :: zorille, striped polecat, African polecat, Cape polecat, African skunk, (Ictonyx striatus)
haisukalkki {n} :: bituminous limestone
haisuli {n} [humorous] :: stinker (smelly person)
haisuliini {n} :: A smelly person
haisumäyrä {n} :: stink badger (either of the species of mammals in the Mydaus genus, native to Southeast Asia, resembling a badger in appearance, but more closely related to skunks)
haisumäyrä {n} :: Sunda stink badger, teledu, Mydaus javanensis (type species of that genus)
haisunäätä {n} :: skunk (mammal of the family Mephitidae, especially the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis)
haisunäätä {n} :: stinker (one who smells)
haisunoki {n} :: common bunt, stinking smut, covered smut (disease of wheat, caused by two closely related fungi, Tilletia tritici, syn. Tilletia caries and T. laevis, syn. T. foetida)
haisuseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius traganus
haisusieni {n} :: stinkhorn, specifically Phallus impudicus
haitake {n} [computer security] :: exploit
haitake {n} [computer security, colloquial] :: synonym of haittaohjelma
haitallinen {adj} :: harmful, injurious, hazardous, detrimental, inimical
haitallisesti {adv} :: harmfully
haitallisuus {n} :: harmfulness
haitanteko {n} :: hindering, obstruction; doing harm or disadvantage
haitari {n} [musical instruments] :: accordion
haitari {n} [figuratively] :: range (the extent to which something varies)
haitaribussi {n} [colloquial] :: articulated bus
haitariliike {n} [literally] :: accordion store
haitariliike {n} :: billowing, undulation, accordioning; motion like a longitudinal wave
haitariovi {n} :: folding door, accordion door
haitariseinä {n} :: folding wall
haitaritaitto {n} :: accordion fold
haitata {vt} :: to hamper, hinder, impede
haitata {vt} :: to bother, annoy
haitattomasti {adv} :: harmlessly, innocuously, in a manner that is not harmful
haitattomuus {n} :: harmlessness, innocuousness; the property of not being harmful
haite {n} [papermaking] :: The detrimental material in pulp
haitek {n} [colloquial] :: high tech
haitekki {n} [colloquial] :: high tech
Haiti {prop} :: Haiti (country)
haitinalmikki {n} :: Hispanolian solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus)
haitinkukkaleikko {n} :: A subspecies of Cuban flower bat endemic to the island of Hispaniola (Phyllonycteris poeyi obtusa)
haitsu {n} [musical instrument, colloquial] :: hi-hat
haitta {n} :: disadvantage, hindrance, con
haitta {n} :: tumbler (part of a lock)
haittaaminen {n} :: hampering, hindering
haittaaminen {n} :: bothering, annoying
haitta-aste {n} :: degree of disability (degree to which a person is deemed to be affected by disability in terms of one's ability to work, used to determine the amount of disability compensation)
haittalevy {n} :: tumbler (in a lock)
haittamikrobi {n} :: harmful microbe
haittaohjelma {n} [computing] :: malware
haittapuoli {n} :: disadvantage, downside, con
haittatapahtuma {n} [health care] :: sentinel event, adverse event (any unanticipated or unusual event in a medical setting which results in death or serious physical injury to the patient)
haittatekijä {n} :: troublemaker
haittatekijä {n} :: disadvantage
haittavaikutus {n} :: adverse effect, injurious effect
haittavero {n} :: Pigovian tax
haittaviesti {n} :: malicious message
haituva {n} :: A single thin hair or fiber
haituva {n} [botany] :: pappus
häivä {n} :: trace
häivähdellä {vi} :: to repeatedly appear momentarily; flicker
häivähdys {n} :: brief appearance or apparition; glimpse, touch, hint, trace
häivähtää {vi} :: to appear or project momentarily
häivähtää {vi} [of colors] :: to tend
häivähtely {n} :: flickering (repeated brief appearance of something)
häive- {prefix} :: stealth (designed to be invisible to radar)
häive {n} :: glimpse, hint, trace
häivehapero {n} :: An edible brittlegill, Russula nauseosa
häivehävittäjä {n} :: stealth fighter
häivekone {n} :: synonym of häivelentokone
häivelaite {n} [science fiction] :: cloaking device, stealth device
häivelentokone {n} :: stealth aircraft, stealth airplane
haiven {n} :: A single, usually thin hair or fiber
haivene {n} [nautical] :: A type of One-design, sloop-rigged keelboat designed in Finland in 1930 by the sailboat designer Gunnar L. Stenbäck
häiveperhonen {n} :: purple emperor, Apatura iris (a butterfly)
häivepommittaja {n} :: stealth bomber
häivyttää {vt} :: To fade out
häivyttäminen {n} :: fading out, fading
häivytys {n} :: fadeout
haja- {prefix} :: scattered, dispersed
hajaääni {n} :: split decision
hajaannus {n} :: disruption
hajaannus {n} :: dispersion, dissolution
hajaannustila {n} :: state of disorganization or disarray
hajaannuttaa {vt} :: to (cause to) disperse
hajaantua {vi} :: to disperse
hajaantua {vi} [mathematics] :: to diverge
hajaantuminen {n} :: divergence
hajaantuva {adj} :: divergent
haja-asutus {n} :: dispersed settlement
haja-asutusalue {n} :: area of dispersed settlement
hajaesiintymä {n} :: scattered or dispersed occurrence or attestation
hajahavainto {n} :: a short, perhaps spurious, sighting or spotting
hajahavainto {n} :: observation, remark
hajaheijastus {n} :: diffuse reflection
hajahtaa {vi} :: synonym of haiskahtaa
hajakenttä {n} [physics] :: stray field
hajakeskittää {vt} :: to centralize into several centers; to decentralize
hajakeskitys {n} :: centralizing into several centers; decentralization
hajakoko {n} :: odd size
hajakuormitus {n} [ecology] :: scattered loading
hajakylä {n} :: a village in which the houses are far apart from each other
hajakylvö {n} :: broadcast sowing, broadcasting
hajalla {adv} :: apart
hajalla {adv} :: dispersed, scattered, in pieces
hajalla {adv} :: smashed, broken
hajalla {adv} :: disassembled
hajallaan {adv} :: dispersed
hajallaan {adv} :: smashed
hajallaan {adv} :: broken
hajallaan {adv} :: disassembled
hajallaan {adv} :: scattered
hajallaan {adv} :: in pieces
hajalle {adv} :: To the state of not being whole or united. Translates into English with e.g
hajalle {adv} :: apart, asunder
hajalle {adv} :: dispersed
hajalle {adv} :: smashed
hajalle {adv} :: broken
hajalle {adv} :: disassembled
hajalle {adv} :: scattered
hajalle {adv} :: to bits
hajalleen {adv} :: alternative form of hajalle
hajallinen {adj} :: scattered, dispersed
hajallinen {adj} :: dismantled
hajallinen {adj} :: broken in pieces
hajalöytö {n} :: synonym of irtolöytö
hajamielinen {adj} :: absent-minded, scatterbrained
hajamielisesti {adv} :: absent-mindedly
hajamielisyys {n} :: absent-mindedness
hajan {adv} :: see: hujan hajan
hajanainen {adj} :: scattered, dispersed
hajanainen {adj} :: sporadic
hajanainen {adj} :: incoherent
hajanaisesti {adv} :: scatteredly, dispersedly
hajanaisesti {adv} :: sporadically
hajanaisin {adj} :: superlative of hajanainen
hajanaisuus {n} :: disjointedness
hajapoiminto {n} :: random excerpt
hajarae {n} [geology] :: phenocryst
hajareisin {adv} :: astride; see also verb bestride
hajarivi {n} :: a form of a betting pool ticket in which only one possible result is predicted for every match, or such a row in a ticket
hajasaanti {n} [computing] :: random access
hajasaantimuisti {n} [computing] :: random access memory
hajasäärin {adv} :: astride
hajasara {n} :: Carex remota
hajasäteily {n} :: diffuse radiation
hajasävel {n} [music] :: non-harmonic tone, non-harmonic note
hajasävel {n} [music] :: added note (in a chord)
hajasijoittaa {v} :: to decentralize (services)
hajasijoitus {n} :: decentralization (of services)
hajataitteinen {adj} :: astigmatic
hajataitteisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being astigmatic; astigmatism
hajataitto {n} [pathology] :: astigmatism
hajataittoinen {adj} :: astigmatic
hajataittoisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being astigmatic; astigmatism
hajatapaus {n} :: isolated or separate case or incident
hajatieto {n} :: scattered or scarce information
hajauma {n} :: dispersion
hajautettu {adj} :: decentralized, distributed
hajauttaa {vt} :: to decentralize, distribute
hajauttaminen {n} :: decentralizing
hajautua {vi} [of people] :: To dissolve, disperse
hajautuma {n} :: alternative form of hajauma
hajautus {n} :: dispersion
hajautus {n} :: decentralization
hajautus {n} [computing] :: hashing
hajautusalgoritmi {n} [computing] :: hash function
hajautusarvo {n} [computing, cryptography] :: hash (a value created by a hash function)
hajautusfunktio {n} [computing] :: hash function
hajautustaulu {n} [computing] :: hash table
hajavalo {n} :: diffuse light
hajavalo {n} :: stray light
haje {n} :: entropy
hajoamaton {adj} :: indestructible
hajoamaton {adj} :: indissoluble
hajoaminen {n} :: decomposition (biological process)
hajoaminen {n} [nuclear physics] :: fission, spallation, radioactive decay (nuclear reaction in which a nucleus fragments into many nucleons)
hajoamisenergia {n} [physics] :: decay energy
hajoamistila {n} :: state of disarray or decomposition
hajoamistyyppi {n} [nuclear physics] :: type of decay
hajoava {adj} :: decomposable, putrescible
hajoavainen {adj} [poetic, literary] :: fragile, easily breakable
hajoilla {vi} :: to break or break down repeatedly
hajoilla {vi} [figuratively] :: to fall apart
hajonnut {adj} :: broken
hajonta {n} :: dispersion
hajonta {n} [statistics] :: deviation
hajontakaavio {n} :: scatter plot
hajontaluku {n} [statistics] :: dispersion, statistical dispersion
hajota {v} :: to disperse, scatter, break up, run in all directions
hajota {v} :: to disband (militarily); to dissolve (of a committee, commission, government, parliament, etc.), recess, split/divide up
hajota {v} [chemistry] :: to decompose
hajota {v} :: to break (up/open/into pieces), shatter, fall to pieces, fall/come apart (at the seams) crack up (also figuratively)
hajota {v} :: to dissolve, disperse, dissipate, (be) scatter(ed)
hajota {v} [military slang + illative] :: to lose one's spirit due to, get depressed by (esp. a camp or heavy physical education)
hajota ja hallitse {phrase} :: divide and conquer
hajotella {vt} :: to break or disperse repeatedly
hajotelma {n} :: decomposition, partition
hajottaa {vt} :: to scatter, disperse, break up, dissipate, drive off [in all directions], send scurrying
hajottaa {vt} :: to spread out, scatter, strew [about/around]
hajottaa {vt} :: to dissolve, dismiss, disband
hajottaa {vt} [rare] :: to tear down, knock down, demolish [a building]
hajottaa {vt} :: to take apart, dismantle [a machine]
hajottaa {vt} :: to break, smash
hajottaa {vt} :: to decompose (separate or break down something into its components)
hajottaja {n} [ecology] :: decomposer, saprotroph
hajottaja {n} [computing] :: destructor
hajottaminen {n} :: decomposition (act of taking something apart, e.g. for analysis)
hajottamo {n} :: wreck yard, wrecking yard, wrecker's yard, salvage yard, junkyard, breaker's yard, scrapheap (location of a dismantling business)
hajottava {adj} :: disruptive
hajottava {adj} :: divisive
hajottelu {n} :: breaking repeatedly
hajottelu {n} :: scattering
hajottua {vi} :: to be scattered or dissipated
hajottuminen {n} :: becoming scattered or dispersed
hajotus {n} :: breaking, disassembling, disintegration
hajotusvaalit {n} :: (early) elections caused by the parliament being dissolved
hajotuttaa {vi} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to vex, to annoy
haju {n} :: smell, whiff
haju {n} [idiomatic] :: clue, slightest idea
hajuaine {n} :: perfume, flavoring
hajuaisti {n} [physiology] :: the sense of smell
hajuaistimus {n} :: olfactory perception; smell, odor
hajuelin {n} :: smelling organ
hajuepiteeli {n} [anatomy] :: olfactory epithelium
hajuhaitta {n} :: odor nuisance
hajuheinä {n} :: drooping woodreed, Cinna latifolia
hajuhermo {n} [neuroanatomy] :: olfactory nerve
hajuherne {n} :: sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
hajuinen {adj} [genitive +] :: -smelling
hajujälki {n} :: scent, odour trace (odour trace left by an animal or person)
hajukoe {n} :: smell test (inspection using the sense of smell, such as of food)
hajukoe {n} [physiology] :: smell test (assessment of the sense of smell)
hajulukko {n} :: trap (bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids)
hajunpoistaja {n} :: smell remover
hajuöljy {n} :: essential oil
hajupihka {n} :: asafoetida
hajupommi {n} :: stinkbomb
hajurako {n} [colloquial, jocular] :: gap (between people)
hajusaippua {n} :: scented soap; also aromatic soap, aroma soap, smelling soap
hajustaa {vt} :: To perfume, scent
hajuste {n} :: perfume
hajusuola {n} :: smelling salt
hajusuolapullo {n} :: smelling salt bottle
hajuton {adj} :: odorless, scentless
hajuton ja mauton {adj} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: lackluster, qualityless, mediocre, dull
hajuton ja mauton {adj} :: used literally: odorless and tasteless
hajuttomasti {adv} :: odourlessly
hajuttomuus {n} :: odourlessness
hajuvesi {n} :: perfume
hajuvesikauppa {n} :: perfume shop
hajuvesipullo {n} :: perfume bottle
hajuvirhe {n} :: smell defect (undesired smell in a foodstuff or other product)
hajuvoide {n} :: perfumed cream
häjy {n} [historical] :: A type of troublemakers who were common in South Ostrobothnia mostly in the 19th century
haka {n} :: hook, clasp (type of fastener)
haka {n} :: corral, paddock, croft (enclosure for livestock)
haka {adv} :: olla haka jossakin: to be good at something
Haka {prop} :: A former (bankrupted in 1991) construction firm, largest in Finland in its time
häkä {n} :: carbon monoxide
haka-avain {n} :: hook wrench
hakahapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula velenovskyi
häkäilmaisin {n} :: carbon monoxide detector
häkäinen {adj} :: containing carbon monoxide
häkäkaasu {n} :: carbon monoxide gas
Hakala {prop} :: surname
Hakala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
hakaliitos {n} [carpentry] :: lap joint
häkälöyly {n} :: the throw of water on the stove of a wood-powered sauna in order to get rid of ash on the rocks, done before the sauna is used
hakalukko {n} :: hook lock
hakaluu {n} [anatomy] :: A hamate bone
hakamaa {n} :: pasturage, forest pasture
Häkämies {prop} :: surname
häkämyrkytys {n} :: carbon monoxide poisoning
hakanen {n} :: A small hook
hakaneula {n} :: A safety pin (pin, in the form of a clasp)
häkäpönttö {n} [colloquial] :: A gasifier that produces carbon monoxide from carbonaceous material such as wood, especially one used in a vehicle; wood gasifier
hakapyssy {n} :: harquebus, arquebus
häkärä {n} [dialectal] :: mist, fog
hakarasara {n} :: Carex spicata
hakarauta {n} :: iron hook used for reinforcing
hakaristi {n} :: swastika
hakaristilippu {n} :: The Nazi flag
hakasauma {n} [metalworking] :: lock seam
hakassi {n} :: Khakas (language)
Hakassia {prop} :: Hakassia (republic)
hakasulje {n} :: A square bracket (symbols "[" and "]")
hakasulku {n} :: A square bracket ( "[" or "]" )
hakasulkumerkki {n} :: square bracket sign
hakata {v} :: to hit something repeatedly, as a nail with a hammer or a log with an axe
hakata {v} :: to beat somebody up
hakata {v} [forestry] :: to cut a tree, to fell trees
hakata {v} :: to bill (to work with a billhook)
hakata {v} :: to chop, often with irti (off) (to sever with an axe or similar tool)
hakata {v} :: to chop (to cut into pieces, such as vegetables)
hakata {v} :: to beat (to win somebody with a considerable margin)
hakata {v} :: to beat (to be better in something than somebody else)
hakata {v} :: to beat (to play certain musical instruments, such as drums or piano, with a great fervor)
hakaus {n} :: stuckness (state of being stuck)
hakaus {n} [idiomatic] :: dispute; in the expression joutua hakaukseen (to end up in dispute)
hakautua {vi} :: to get stuck
hakaviivain {n} :: T-square
hakaviivoitin {n} :: synonym of hakaviivain
hake {n} :: woodchips as mass, e.g. when used as fuel
hakea {vt} :: To retrieve, get, fetch
hakea {v} :: To search
hakea {v} [transitive + partitive and intransitive] :: To apply (for a job, post, education)
hakea kissojen ja koirien kanssa {v} [idiomatic] :: to look for something thoroughly or energetically
hakelämmitys {n} :: wood chip heating
häkellyksiin {adv} :: (into being) stupefied, overwhelmed or dumbfounded
häkellyksiinsä {adv} :: alternative form of häkellyksiin
häkellyksissä {adv} :: stupefied, overwhelmed, dumbfounded
häkellyksissään {adv} :: alternative form of häkellyksissä
häkellys {n} :: stupefaction
häkellyttää {vt} :: To stupefy
häkellyttävä {adj} :: stupefying, astonishing, staggering
häkeltyä {vi} :: To be stupefied
häkeltyminen {n} :: being stupefied
hakeminen {n} :: applying
hakeminen {n} :: searching, looking for
hakemispäivä {n} :: filing date, application date
hakemisto {n} :: directory
hakemisto {n} :: index
hakemistopuu {n} [computing] :: directory tree
hakemus {n} :: application (written request)
hakemuslomake {n} :: application form
hakemusnumero {n} :: filing number, application number
hakepuu {n} :: woodchips
haketin {n} :: chipper
hakettaa {vt} :: To chip (to break into small pieces, especially wood)
hakettaminen {n} :: chipping (breaking into smaller pieces)
hakettamo {n} :: chipping plant
haketus {n} :: chipping (of wood)
hakeutua {vi} :: To ask to be committed (for treatment of a mental disorder), ask to be treated (for a disease)
hakeutua {vi} :: To gravitate (to tend or drift towards someone or something, as though being pulled by gravity)
hakeutua {vi} :: to home in on
hakevoimala {n} :: wood chip power plant (thermal power plant utilizing wood chips as its main fuel)
hakija {n} :: applicant
hakija {n} :: retriever, fetcher
hakijamaa {n} :: applicant country (country that applies for membership in an international organization, notably the European Union)
hakijaryhmä {n} :: applicant group
häkilä {n} :: hackle
häkilöidä {vt} :: to hackle
häkittää {vt} :: to cage
hakkaaja {n} :: beater
hakkaaja {n} :: cutter (of wood)
hakkaaminen {n} :: beating, whacking
hakkaantua {vi} :: alternative form of hakkautua
hakkaava {adj} :: beating
hakkaava {adj} :: hacking, nagging
hakkaava {adj} [of bass] :: pumping
hakkailla {v} :: to flirt
hakkailu {n} :: flirt
hakkapeliitta {n} :: Hakkapeliitta
Hakkarainen {prop} :: surname
hakkaus {n} :: cutting
hakkauttaa {vt} [forestry] :: to have cut
hakkauttaa {vt} :: to have chopped up
hakkauttaminen {n} :: having something cut or chopped
hakkautua {vi} :: to be beaten
hakkelus {n} :: hash (food)
hakkeri {n} :: hacker, an advanced hobbyist of computer technology, not necessarily one who uses their skill to commit crime
häkkeri {n} :: alternative form of hakkeri
hakkeroida {v} [computing] :: to hack
hakkeroiminen {n} :: hacking
hakkerointi {n} [computing] :: hacking
hakki {n} [curling] :: hack (foothold)
häkki {n} :: cage
häkki {n} [colloquial] :: goal (e.g. in ice hockey)
häkkikana {n} :: battery hen (hen kept in a battery cage)
häkkikanala {n} :: battery cage
häkkilava {n} :: cage pallet
häkkilintu {n} :: cage bird
häkkilintu {n} [colloquial] :: yardbird (imprisoned person)
Häkkinen {prop} :: surname
hakkio {n} :: synonym of hakkuuala
häkkisukellus {n} :: cage diving
häkkitarhaus {n} :: cage farming
hakku {n} :: hack, pick, pickaxe
hakkuri {n} :: chipper, woodchipper (machine for chipping wood)
hakkuri {n} :: any tool or machine for hacking material into small pieces
hakkuri {n} [electronics, in compounds] :: switchmode
hakkurimuunnin {n} [electronics] :: switched-mode converter
hakkuriteholähde {n} [electrical engineering] :: switched-mode power supply
hakkuu {n} :: logging
hakkuuala {n} :: the area to be logged; the area that will undergo logging
hakkuualue {n} :: logging area, harvest area
hakkuuarvo {n} :: immediate value of a forest
hakkuuaukio {n} :: an open area of a forest as a result of felling
hakkuuaukko {n} [forestry] :: clear-felled area
hakkuuikä {n} :: the age at which a tree is felled
hakkuujäte {n} :: logging waste, logging refuse
hakkuukausi {n} :: logging season
hakkuukertymä {n} :: timber harvest (accumulated amount of timber logged in a period of time, typically one year)
hakkuukielto {n} :: ban on logging or felling trees
hakkuukone {n} [forestry] :: harvester
hakkuukypsä {adj} [forestry, of trees or a forest] :: mature
hakkuukypsyys {n} [forestry] :: maturity (of a tree)
hakkuulinja {n} :: cutting line, felling line
hakkuumäärä {n} :: timber quantity, logging volume
hakkuupalsta {n} :: wood cutting area
hakkuupölkky {n} :: chopping block
hakkuurauta {n} :: A tool with a handle and a wide blade, used to chop or mince fish, meat or vegetables
hakkuusuunnite {n} :: the allowable logging volume in a logging plan
hakkuutähde {n} :: logging residue
hakkuuttaa {vt} :: alternative form of hakkauttaa
häkkyrä {n} [colloquial] :: gadget
hako {n} :: submerged, dead tree
hako {n} :: branch of a conifer tree
hakokirves {n} :: a type of axe with a long blade and short handle
hakotarha {n} :: a type of corral on which manure and sprigs of a coniferous tree are mixed and burned to make fertilizer
hakoteillä {adv} :: off-track, astray (being in such a state)
hakoteille {adv} :: (into being) off-track or astray
haksahdus {n} :: blunder
haksahtaa {vi} :: To blunder
haksahtaminen {n} :: blundering
haksahtua {v} :: synonym of haksahtaa
haku {n} :: search
haku {n} :: applying, application
hakuagentti {n} :: search agent
hakuaika {n} :: application time/period
hakuaika {n} [computing] :: access time
hakualgoritmi {n} [computing] :: search algorithm
hakuammunta {n} [figurative] :: A shot in the dark
hakuammunta {n} [artillery] :: Bracketing, ranging, registration fire (a method of targeting artillery fire in which a few rounds with different settings are fired near the actual target and the settings for aiming at the actual target are calculated from the results of these test firings)
hakuavain {n} :: search key
hakuehto {n} :: search criteria
hakujärjestelmä {n} :: search system, retrieval system
hakukartta {n} :: image map, clickable map
hakukausi {n} :: application period
hakukelpoinen {n} :: eligible (for a position, etc.)
hakukelpoinen {n} :: searchable
hakukelpoisuus {n} :: eligibility for an office (state of having the qualifications required for applying for a position, grant etc.)
hakukenttä {n} [computing] :: search box, search field
hakukielto {n} :: ban on finding a job (such as that declared by a trade union)
hakukomitea {n} :: search committee
hakukone {n} [computing] :: search engine
hakukoneoptimointi {n} :: search engine optimization
hakulaite {n} :: pager (device)
hakulause {n} :: search phrase
hakulauseke {n} :: search expression
Hakulinen {prop} :: surname
hakuohjelma {n} :: search program, search engine
hakupalkka {n} [colloquial] :: A type of middleman fee, i.e. a fee one earns by fetching goods to someone who does not have access to those goods themselves (e.g. alcohol and/or tobacco to a minor)
hakupalvelu {n} :: search service
hakupaperit {n} :: application files or papers collectively
hakuperuste {n} :: search criteria
hakuprofiili {n} :: search profile
hakupuu {n} [computing] :: search tree
hakurahtialus {n} :: tramp freighter
hakurahtiliikenne {n} :: tramp shipping
hakurobotti {n} [Internet] :: crawler, spider, search bot
hakusaarto {n} :: an action taken by the trade union to boycott a company, discouraging workers from seeking employment at that company
hakusana {n} :: headword (word used as the title of a section, particularly in a dictionary, encyclopedia, or thesaurus)
hakusana {n} :: keyword (word used in a reference work to link to other words or other information)
hakusana {n} [computing] :: search term
hakusassa {adv} :: alternative form of hakusessa
hakutaulu {n} [computing] :: lookup table
hakutaulukko {n} :: lookup table
hakuteos {n} :: reference work, reference, handbook
hakutermi {n} [computing] :: search term (word or phrase entered into the search box of a webpage)
hakuvalo {n} :: searchlight
hakuvarsi {n} [computing] :: access arm (in a magnetic drive)
hakuvuosi {n} :: application year
halaaminen {n} :: hugging
halailla {v} :: to hug, repeatedly
halailu {n} :: hugging
halailu {n} :: petting (act of kissing, stroking, etc., a person in a sexual manner)
halaista {v} [rare] :: alternative form of halkaista
halajaa {v} [poetic, dialectal] :: alternative form of halata, in the sense "to want" only
häläri {n} [slang] :: a phone call that is ended before the other end answers; often employed as a means of grabbing attention and to have the other end call back instead to avoid using airtime
halata {v} :: to hug, embrace (once)
halata {v} [chiefly poetic] :: to want
halattava {adj} :: huggable
halatti {n} :: A dressing gown or similar piece of clothing
halaus {n} :: hug
halava {n} :: bay willow (Salix pentandra)
haldeninajokoira {n} :: Halden Hound
hali {n} [colloquial] :: hug
halia {v} :: To hug (repeatedly or continuously)
halia {v} :: To snuggle, cuddle
halidi {n} [chemistry] :: halide
haliitti {n} [mineral] :: halite
Halikarnassos {prop} :: Halikarnassos (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Caria>> in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
halikka {n} :: synonym of merihalikka
haliminen {n} :: hugging or embracing repeatedly
haliminen {n} :: snuggling, cuddling
hälinä {n} :: hustle and bustle
halinalle {n} :: cuddle bear
Halinalle {prop} :: Care Bear (fictional character)
hälinöidä {v} :: synonym of hälistä
halipula {n} [colloquial] :: shortage of or need for hugs
halisi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of hali
hälistä {vi} :: to clamor, make noise, be noisy
halitoosi {n} :: halitosis
haljakampi {adj} :: comparative of haljakka
haljakin {adj} :: superlative of haljakka
haljakka {adj} :: tepid, lukewarm
haljakka {adj} :: faded, pale (of color)
haljakoin {adj} :: superlative of haljakka
haljas {n} :: The flesh side of split leather, see haljasnahka (split leather)
haljasmokka {n} :: suede split (type of suede leather)
haljasnahka {n} :: split leather (sheet of leather produced by splitting a raw hide into layers)
haljeta {vi} :: To rip, tear, split
haljeta {vi} :: To crack, (be) fracture(d)
haljeta {vi} :: To burst, break, pop
halju {adj} [colloquial] :: poor, boring
halkaisematon {adj} :: unsplit
halkaiseminen {n} :: splitting in two
halkaisija {n} [geometry] :: diameter
halkaisija {n} [nautical] :: jib (foremost triangular sail at the bowsprit of a sailing ship)
halkaista {v} :: to split in two
halkaista {v} [woodworking] :: to rip (to cut along the grain)
halkaista {v} :: to burst (to cause to break from internal pressure)
halkaisu {n} :: splitting (in two)
halkaisukiila {n} :: splitting wedge
halkaisukirves {n} :: felling axe, common axe
halkaisusaha {n} :: ripsaw
halkeama {n} :: A crevice
halkeama {n} :: A fissure
halkeama {n} :: A rift
halkeaminen {n} :: splitting
halkeaminen {n} :: fission
halkeamisreaktio {n} :: fission reaction, splitting reaction
halkeilla {v} :: to crack, chap, fissure (to split, forming fissures)
halkeilu {n} :: splitting, cracking
halki {postp} :: through
halki {postp} :: across
halki {postp} :: broken (in two)
halkihuuli {n} :: a person with a cleft lip
halkileikkaus {n} :: cross-section (section formed by a plane cutting through an object)
halki maiden ja mantujen {phrase} :: up hill and down dale
halkinainen {adj} :: cracked
halkio {n} :: slit
halkio {n} :: cleft, cleavage
halkiomato {n} :: schistosome, blood fluke (parasitic worm)
halkiomatotauti {n} [pathology] :: synonym of bilhartsia
halkipäinen {adj} [heraldry] :: forked
halko {n} :: piece of firewood cut to about one meter in length and usually split
halko {n} :: billet (short piece of firewood)
halko {n} [slang] :: board meeting
halkoa {v} :: To split, divide into halves
halkoa {v} :: To chop
halkoa hiuksia {v} [idiomatic] :: To split hairs
halkohitsaus {n} :: flat welding
halkoinen {adj} [heraldry] :: parted by pale, paly (if less than or seven)
halkoinen {adj} [botany] :: pinnatifid, pinnatipartite or pinnatisect
halkokauppias {n} :: firewood merchant
halkokuorma {n} :: load of firewood
halkokuutio {n} :: synonym of halkokuutiometri
halkokuutiometri {n} :: cubic metre of firewood
halkolaatikko {n} :: woodbox (box used for storage of firewood)
halkomakirves {n} :: splitting axe
halkomakone {n} :: log splitter (machine used to split logs, usually for firewood)
halkometsä {n} :: a forest from which firewood is gotten
halkominen {n} :: chopping, splitting
halkomotti {n} :: cubic metre of firewood
halkopino {n} :: woodpile, stack of wood, woodstack (organized pile of cut wood to be used as fuel)
halkopölkky {n} :: a block of firewood
halkosaha {n} :: timber saw, firewood saw, log saw
halkosyli {n} :: an old unit of measurement for volume of firewood, consisting of logs 5 kortteli long in a stack 4 kyynärä long and 3 kyynärä wide
halkotarha {n} :: wood yard
halkovaja {n} :: woodshed
halla {n} :: frost damage or frost occurring at night during the growing season
hallainen {adj} :: frosty, covered in frost
hallakko {n} :: dun horse
hallamittari {n} :: winter moth (Operophtera brumata)
hallanarka {adj} :: Easily to be frostbitten
hallanarkuus {n} :: the quality or property of becoming easily frostbitten
hallankestävä {adj} :: frost-resistant
hallankestävyys {n} :: frost resistance
hallanpesä {n} :: A place such as swamp that spreads frost
hallantorjunta {n} :: frost protection
hallanvaara {n} :: danger of frost
hallava {adj} :: pale, especially grayish
hallavahinko {n} :: frost damage
hällä väliä {interj} :: who cares, so what
hallavuosi {n} :: a cold or frosty year that leads to bad farm yield
hallayö {n} :: A frosty night
halldorofoni {adj} [music] :: halldorophone (electroacoustic instrument)
hälle {pron} [poetic] :: Shortened form of hänelle (to him/her)
hälleforsinkoira {n} :: Hällefors Elkhound
halleluja {interj} :: hallelujah
Halleyn komeetta {prop} :: Halley's Comet
halli {n} :: large building used for sports or exhibitions, e.g. indoor arena, gallery
halli {n} :: large room, e.g. at a railway station, lobby
halli {n} :: grey seal, Halichoerus grypus
halli {n} :: dog, usually grey
halliennätys {n} [athletics, sports] :: indoor record
hallikauppa {n} :: market hall trading, trading or commerce in a market hall
hallikauppias {n} :: a trader in a market hall
hallikausi {n} :: sports hall season, indoor sports season
hallikilpailu {n} [sports] :: indoor or hall competition
hallikirkko {n} :: hall church
hallikisa {n} [usually, in plural] :: a sports competition held inside a hall or arena
hallimestaruus {n} [sports] :: indoor or hall championship
hallimestaruuskilpailu {n} [sports] :: a competition that forms part of a indoor or hall championship
hallinnassa {adv} :: under control
hallinnassa {adv} :: on top of (informed and in control, up to speed)
hallinnoida {v} :: to administer, manage, supervise
hallinnointipalkkio {n} :: management fee
hallinnollinen {adj} :: administrative, administerial (of or pertaining to administering or administration)
hallinnollisesti {adv} :: administratively
hallinnonala {n} :: administration, administrative sector
hallinnonhaara {n} :: branch of government
hallinnonuudistus {n} :: administrative reform
hallinta {n} :: control
hallinta {n} :: mastery
hallinta {n} :: management (judicious use of means)
hallintajärjestelmä {n} :: management system, especially a software program that supports management
hallintalaite {n} :: controller, controlling or management device
hallintaoikeus {n} [legal] :: right of possession (right of possessing, using and getting income from the use of an object as distinct from the right of ownership)
hallintapalvelu {n} :: administration service (administration provided as service)
hallinto {n} :: government, management, administration
hallintoalamainen {n} [law, dated] :: citizen, beneficiary; person who receives public service from their government
hallintoalue {n} :: jurisdiction (limits or territory)
hallintoasia {n} :: management or administration issue or matter
hallintoedustus {n} :: representation in management or administration
hallintoelin {n} :: governing body
hallintohimmeli {n} [pejorative] :: organization chart
hallintohistoria {n} :: administrative history
hallintojohtaja {n} :: administrative director
hallintojohtaja {n} :: city administrator (US term for a person hired to manage day-to-day activities of a city)
hallintokaupunki {n} :: administrative city
hallintokäytäntö {n} :: administrative practice
hallintokeskus {n} :: administrative center
hallintokieli {n} :: administrative or management language
hallintokoneisto {n} :: A bureaucracy (administrative structure in place to control activity)
hallintokulttuuri {n} :: administrative culture
hallintokunta {n} :: A subdivision of state or municipal government, which has its own internal administration and some autonomy in decision making. Currently used especially of branches of municipal government, e.g. education, social security. For this usage, the English translation could be board
hallintokustannus {n} [chiefly in plural] :: administrative cost, management expense
hallintolainkäyttö {n} :: administrative proceedings
hallintolainkäyttölaki {n} :: administrative procedural law
hallintolaki {n} :: [in Finland] Administrative Procedure Act (an Act in the field of administrative law)
hallintolupa {n} :: administrative authorization
hallintomenettely {n} :: administrative procedure, management procedure
hallintoneuvos {n} :: former title for a member of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
hallintoneuvosto {n} :: supervisory board (in some company structures, a board between the executive board and shareholders, the powers of which are limited to general supervising and sometimes appointing the executive board and top management. A hallintoneuvosto typically has 15 to 50 members appointed by the annual meeting of the shareholders.)
hallinto-oikeudellinen {adj} :: pertaining to administrative law
hallinto-oikeudellinen {adj} [Finland] :: pertaining to an Administrative Court
hallinto-oikeus {n} [Finland] :: an Administrative Court (the court of first instance in cases where one of the parties is the government or a governmental agency)
hallinto-oikeus {n} [law] :: administrative law (the body of acts, statutes etc. that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government)
hallinto-oppi {n} :: administration theory, government studies
hallintopäällikkö {n} :: head of administration
hallintopäätös {n} :: administrative decision
hallintopakko {n} [law] :: an administrative action that must be taken if administrative decisions are not obeyed; usually a punitive action of some kind
hallintopalvelu {n} :: administrative service
hallintoperinne {n} :: governmental or administrative tradition
hallintopolitiikka {n} :: administrative policy
hallintoporras {n} :: level of administration or management
hallintoprosessi {n} :: management process
hallintorakennus {n} :: A building used for administrative purposes
hallintosihteeri {n} :: administrative secretary
hallintosopimus {n} :: administrative agreement
hallintoteitse {adv} :: by administrative means, through administrative channels
hallintotiede {n} :: public administration theory, management science
hallintotoimi {n} :: administrative measure
hallintotuomioistuin {n} :: administrative court
hallintovaliokunta {n} :: management committee, management board
hallintovalitus {n} :: administrative appeal
hallintovalta {n} :: administrative power, authority
hallintoviranomainen {n} :: administrative authority, administrative official
hallintovirasto {n} :: government agency
hallintovirkailija {n} :: administrative official
hallita {v} :: to rule, govern, reign, administer, command
hallita {v} :: to master (to have the skill)
hallita {v} :: to control (to exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
hallita {v} :: to be in charge (to have the power of command or control)
hallitseman {v} :: infinitive of hallita
hallitseminen {n} :: ruling, governing
hallitseminen {n} :: controlling
hallitseminen {n} :: mastering (a skill)
hallitseva {adj} :: dominant
hallitseva {adj} :: ruling
hallitseva {adj} :: reigning
hallitsevasti {adv} :: dominantly
hallitsevuus {n} :: dominance
hallitsevuus {n} :: prevalence
hallitsija {n} :: ruler (one who rules)
hallitsijahuone {n} :: throne room
hallitsijahuone {n} [metonymically] :: royal family
hallitsijanimi {n} :: throne name
hallitsijanvaihdos {n} :: change of ruler, change of rulership
hallitsijanvakuutus {n} :: oath of office taken by a monarch
hallitsijapari {n} :: ruling couple
hallitsijasuku {n} :: dynasty
hallitsijavalta {n} :: monarchy
hallitsijavaltainen {adj} :: monarchical
hallittavuus {n} :: manageability, controllability
hallittu {adj} :: controlled
hallituksen kokous {n} :: board meeting
hallituksen päämies {n} :: head of government
hallituksensa {n} :: third-person possissive form of hallitus
hallituksenvaihdos {n} :: change of government
hallituksenvastainen {adj} :: antigovernment
hallitukseton {adj} :: lacking a government
hallituksettomuus {n} :: governmentlessness
hallitus {n} :: government, regime, (in referring to the United States, translation of "administration")
hallitus {n} :: cabinet (group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch)
hallitus {n} :: board, board of directors (of almost any organisation including corporations and associations), board of trustees
hallitus {n} :: (kunnanhallitus) municipal board, board of selectmen
hallitus {n} :: agency, administration, authority (government body or branch of government entrusted with administration of a defined subsector; usually a part of a ministry)
hallitus {n} [religion] :: principality (rank of angel)
hallitusaika {n} :: reign (ruling period)
hallitusherra {n} [colloquial] :: mandarin (senior civil servant)
hallitusjärjestelmä {n} :: regime, governmental system
hallituskaupunki {n} :: the city where the government is located
hallituskausi {n} :: A reign, the period of rule
hallituskokoomus {n} [rare] :: the group of political parties that make up the government
hallituskriisi {n} :: parliamentary crisis
hallituskumppani {n} [politics] :: coalition partner in the government
hallituskysymys {n} [politics] :: a point of debate in the government
hallitusmielinen {adj} :: progovernment
hallitusmielisesti {adv} :: in a progovernment manner
hallitusmielisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being progovernment
hallitusmuoto {n} :: A system of government
hallitusneuvos {n} :: a title for the office manager of a political ministry; ministerial adviser, minister counsellor
hallitusneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplished careers working for the government
hallitusneuvottelu {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: government formation talks (translation used by the prime minister's office)
hallitusohjelma {n} :: A plan of action of a national government for its planned term, officially translated as "Government Programme" into English. The programme is agreed upon before the term begins in negotiations between the political parties which agree to form the government
hallituspaikka {n} [politics] :: a post in the government
hallituspohja {n} [politics] :: government's base of support (in a multiparty parliamentary system, those parties collectively which form the government)
hallituspolitiikka {n} :: governmental policy
hallituspolitiikka {n} :: governmental politics
hallituspula {n} [politics] :: interregnum (period of time when a country is without government)
hallituspuolue {n} :: A political party that has one or more ministers in a given government, governing party, ruling party
hallitussihteeri {n} :: ministerial secretary
hallitussuunta {n} :: direction taken by the government
hallitustapa {n} :: governance, regime
hallitustenvälinen {adj} :: intergovernmental
hallitusti {adv} :: in a controlled manner
hallitustunnustelija {n} [politics] :: a person responsible for holding the coalition talks to form a government
hallitustunnustelut {n} :: government formation talks
hallitusvaalit {n} :: governmental election
hallitusvaalit {n} :: election of the board of directors
hallitusvalta {n} :: rulership, authority
hallitusvastuu {n} :: governmental responsibility, governmental accountability
hallitusyhteistyö {n} :: coalition, alliance or cooperation in forming and keeping up a government
halloween {n} :: Halloween (31st of October)
halloweenjuhla {n} :: halloween party
hallusinaatio {n} :: hallucination
hallusinatorinen {adj} :: hallucinatory
hallusinogeeni {n} :: hallucinogen
hallusinogeeninen {adj} :: hallucinogenic
hallussa {adv} [static] :: in sb's possession, care or custody
hallussapito {n} [law] :: possession, holding
hallussapito {n} :: custody (temporary possession)
hallussapitolupa {n} :: license or permit to possess
hallussapitorikos {n} :: crime of possession, criminal possession
hallusta {adv} [static] :: from sb's possession, care or custody
hallusta {adv} :: on one's person
halma {n} [board game] :: halma
halme {n} [agriculture] :: Farmland that is produced using the slash and burn technique
Halme {prop} :: surname
halo {n} :: halo
haloefekti {n} [psychology] :: halo effect
halofiili {n} [biology] :: halophile
halofiilinen {adj} [biology] :: halophilic
halofyytti {n} [botany] :: halophyte (plant that tolerates an environment having a high salt content)
halogeeni {n} [chemistry] :: halogen
halogeenilamppu {n} :: halogen lamp
halogeenivalo {n} :: halogen light
haloilmiö {n} :: halo (optical phenomenon)
halokaari {n} :: halo arc
halokliini {n} [hydrology] :: halocline
halolamppu {n} :: synonym of halogeenilamppu
halonäytelmä {n} :: halo spectacle
Halonen {prop} :: surname
halonhakkaaja {n} :: wood-hewer
halonhakkuu {n} :: wood hewing, wood splitting
haloni {n} [chemistry] :: halon
halonta {n} :: splitting, chopping
haloo {interj} :: hello (greeting used when answering the telephone; call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening; also used sarcastically)
haloo {n} [colloquial] :: hullabaloo
haloperidoli {n} [chemistry] :: haloperidol
halottaa {vt} :: to have split, divided or chopped
halovalo {n} :: synonym of halogeenivalo
halpa {adj} :: cheap
halpa-arvoinen {adj} :: cheap (of little worth or value)
halpa-arvoisuus {n} :: cheapness (the satte of being of little worth or value)
halpahalli {n} :: discount store
halpahintainen {adj} :: cheap, low-priced
halpakopio {n} :: A cheap copy
halpakorkoinen {adj} [of a loan, etc.] :: with low or cheap interest
halpalento {n} :: budget flight
halpalentoyhtiö {n} :: budget airline
halpamainen {adj} :: dirty, ignoble, cheap
halpamaisesti {adv} :: dirtily, ignobly, cheaply
halpamaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being dirty, ignoble or cheap
halpamielinen {adj} :: ignoble, dirty, cheap, vulgar
halpamielisesti {adv} :: in an ignoble, dirty, cheap or vulgar manner
halpamielisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being dirty, ignoble, vulgar or cheap
halpamyynti {n} :: discount sales
halpasukuinen {adj} :: of lowly lineage, from a family of low social standing
halpatuonti {n} :: importing of cheap or low-priced product
halpatuote {n} :: cheap product, discount product
halpatyövoima {n} :: cheap labor, cheap labor force
halpuus {n} :: cheapness (property of being cheap)
halpuuttaa {vt} [neologism] :: to cheapen (make cheaper, to lower the price of)
halssi {n} [nautical] :: tack (rope used to hold in place the foremost lower corner of a square sail)
halssi {n} :: (nautical) board, tack (distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward)
halssi {n} :: (nautical) tack (course or heading)
halssikulma {n} [nautical] :: tack (part of sail)
halstari {n} [cooking] :: A hinged gridiron; a grilling device consisting of a handle and two gridirons hinged together so that the food can be trapped between the gridirons
halstaroida {vt} :: to grill or broil on a hinged gridiron
halsteri {n} :: alternative form of halstari
halsteroida {v} :: alternative form of halstaroida
halstraaminen {n} :: grilling on a hinged gridiron
halstrata {vt} :: To grill on a hinged gridiron
Halsua {prop} :: Halsua (municipality)
halsualainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Halsua
halsualainen {n} :: a person from or living in Halsua
haltia {n} :: elf (mythical, supernatural being)
haltiakieli {n} :: Elvish
haltiatar {n} :: female elf
haltija {n} :: holder, occupant (one who occupies a position; often used as head of compound term)
haltija {n} [legal] :: possessor, occupant (one who has control over, but not necessarily legal ownership of, an item of fixed or movable property)
haltija {n} :: elf (mythical, supernatural being)
haltijakortti {n} :: card signifying possession of some kind
haltijaosake {n} :: bearer share, bearer stock
haltijapaperi {n} :: bearer instrument, bearer share
haltijatar {n} :: fairy (in a fairy tale)
haltijatar {n} :: female elf
haltijavelkakirja {n} [finance] :: bearer bond
haltioihinsa {adv} :: into being elated, very excited, enraptured, blown away
haltioissaan {adv} :: [While being] elated, very excited, enraptured
haltioissaan {adv} :: olla haltioissaan: to be elated, enthralled, very excited, enraptured, blown away (by/about = elative)
haltioissaolo {n} :: being elated or very excited
haltioittaa {vt} :: to entrance, enthrall, bewitch, charm
haltioitua {vi} :: to become exalted, to be blown away (to be greatly impressed)
haltioituminen {n} :: exaltation
haltioitunut {adj} :: ecstatic, delirious, entranced, spellbound
haltuun {adv} [genitive or possessive suffix +] :: to the possession (care, custody) (of)
haltuunotto {n} :: takeover, seizure, taking possession (of)
halu {n} :: desire
halu {n} :: urge, itch
haluaminen {n} :: wanting, desiring
haluinen {adj} [genitive + ~] :: with a will or desire for
haluinen {adj} :: willing
halukas {adj} :: inclined, eager, willing
halukkaampi {adj} :: comparative of halukas
halukkaasti {adv} :: eagerly
halukkuus {n} :: willingness (state of being willing)
halullinen {adj} [literary] :: willing, eager
halusi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of halu
haluta {vt} :: to want; to desire, to crave
haluta {vt} [_, + first infinitive] :: to want (to do something)
haluton {adj} :: reluctant
haluttaa {v} :: to be in the mood for/to, to have an urge, to want
haluttava {adj} :: desirable
haluttomasti {adv} :: reluctantly
haluttomuus {n} :: reluctance, unwillingness
haluttu {adj} :: desired, wanted
haluttu {adj} :: in demand
halutunlainen {adj} :: desired, as was desired or wanted
haluuks {phrase} [colloquial] :: alternative form of haluuksä
haluuksä {phrase} [colloquial] :: A variant of the phrase haluutsä, a contraction of the standard Finnish phrase haluatko sinä ("do you want"). In this variant the question particle -ko is retained
haluut sä {phrase} [colloquial] :: alternative spelling of haluutsä
haluutsä {phrase} [colloquial] :: Do you want (to)
haluutsä {phrase} [colloquial, polite] :: A phrase used to soften direct orders
halva {n} :: halva
halvaannuttaa {vt} :: To paralyze
halvaantua {vi} :: To be(come) paralyzed
halvasti {adv} [uncommon] :: cheaply
halvata {vt} :: to paralyse/paralyze
halvattu {adj} :: paralyzed
halvattu {n} [vulgar] :: heck, goddamn (medium strong expletive or intensifier)
halvattu {interj} :: damn, damned, goddamnit
halvaus {n} [pathology] :: paralysis
halvaus {n} :: (pathology) arrest; as in sydänhalvaus (cardiac arrest)
halvaus {n} :: (pathology) stroke
halvauskohtaus {n} :: stroke (loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted)
halvauttaa {vt} :: To paralyze
halvautua {vi} :: To become paralysed/paralyzed
halveerata {vt} [colloquial] :: to disparage
halveksia {vt} [+ partitive] :: To despise, scorn, look down on, sneer at, disdain, contemn
halveksia {vt} [+ partitive] :: To defy, (be) oppose(d) to, resist
halveksija {n} :: One who contempts
halveksiminen {n} :: despising, scorning, disdaining
halveksinta {n} :: contempt
halveksittava {adj} :: contemptible, despicable
halveksittavasti {adv} :: contemptibly
halveksittavuus {n} :: contemptibleness
halveksiva {adj} :: contemptuous, scornful, disparaging
halveksivasti {adv} :: contemptuously, scornfully, disparagingly
halveksua {vt} [+ partitive] :: To despise, scorn, look down on, sneer at, disdain, contemn
halveksua {vt} [+ partitive] :: To defy, (be) oppose(d to), resist
halveksuminen {n} :: despising, scorning, disdaining
halveksuminen {n} :: defying, resisting
halveksunta {n} :: scorn, contempt
halveksuvasti {adv} :: contemptuously
halvemmuus {n} :: the quality or property of being cheaper than something else
halvempi {adj} :: comparative of halpa
hälveneminen {n} :: clearing, dispersing
halvennus {n} :: disparaging
halvennus {n} :: cheapening
halventaa {vt} :: to disparage
halventaa {vt} :: to cheapen
hälventää {vt} :: To dispel
halventaminen {n} :: disparaging
halventaminen {n} :: cheapening
halventava {adj} :: derogatory, pejorative, contemptuous, disparaging, defamatory
halventavasti {adv} :: derogatorily, disparagingly, defamatorily
halventua {vi} :: to become cheaper, become less expensive
hälventyä {vi} :: to clear, to disperse
halveta {vi} :: To become cheaper, become less expensive
hälvetä {vi} :: to clear, to disperse; [of clouds] to clear, to disappear
häly {n} :: noise
häly {n} [acoustics] :: unpitched sound (sound with an indefinite pitch)
hälyääni {n} :: noise (loud sound)
hälyisä {adj} :: noisy (containing various sounds)
hälytä {v} :: alternative form of hälistä
hälytin {n} :: alarm (mechanical contrivance for rousing attention)
hälyttää {vt} :: To alarm (to call to arms; to give notice of approaching danger; to rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert)
hälyttäminen {n} :: alarming, raising an alarm
hälyttävä {adj} :: alarming
hälyttävästi {adv} :: alarmingly
hälyttyä {vi} :: To become alarmed
hälytys {n} :: alarm (summons to arms)
hälytys {n} :: alarm (any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warning sound to arouse attention)
hälytysääni {n} :: alarm sound
hälytysajo {n} :: an instance of driving an emergency vehicle with the lights and possibly siren on to signal an emergency
hälytysajoneuvo {n} :: emergency vehicle
hälytysalue {n} :: alert area
hälytysjärjestelmä {n} :: alarm system
hälytyskello {n} :: An alarm bell, a tocsin
hälytyskeskus {n} :: emergency call center
hälytyslaite {n} :: alarm device
hälytysmerkki {n} :: alarm signal
hälytysnumero {n} :: emergency number
hälytyssireeni {n} :: alarm siren
hälytystila {n} :: state of alert
hälytystorvi {n} :: alarm horn
hälytysvalmis {adj} :: ready in case of alarm or alert
hälytysvalmius {n} :: alert, alertness, alarm readiness
hälytysvalo {n} [chiefly in plural] :: emergency light, alarm light
hama {adj} [rare] :: fuzzy
hama {adj} [rare] :: direct
hämääminen {n} :: amazing, astonishing
hamaan {adv} :: A word of emphasis used with points of time
hämäännyksiin {adv} :: into being confused or distracted
hämäännyksissä {adv} :: while being distracted or confused, in one's confusion
hämäännyksissään {adv} :: alternative form of hämäännyksissä
hämäännys {n} :: confusion
hämäännyttää {v} :: synonym of hämätä
hämääntyä {vi} :: To get confused
hämääntyminen {n} :: getting confused
hämähäkinseitti {n} :: spiderweb
hämähäkinverkko {n} :: spiderweb, cobweb
hämähäkki {n} :: spider
hämähäkkiapina {n} :: spider monkey (any New World monkey of the genus Ateles, with long, spindly limbs)
hämähäkkiapina {n} :: ateline (any New World monkey of the subfamily Atelinae of the family Cebidae, the subfamily comprising genera Ateles, Brachyteles (murikit) and Lagothrix (villa-apinat))
hämähäkkiapina {n} [in plural] :: subfamily Atelinae
hämähäkkiapina {n} [in plural] :: genus Ateles
hämähäkkieläin {n} :: An arachnid
hämäläinen {n} :: Tavastian, Tavastlander (a person living in or originating from the area of the historical province of Tavastia or Häme)
hämäläinen {adj} :: Tavastian (of or pertaining to Tavastia or Häme)
Hämäläinen {prop} :: surname
hämäläisittäin {adv} :: like the Tavastians; as the Tavastians do
hämäläismurteet {n} :: Tavastian dialects of Finnish
hämäläisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being Tavastian
hamara {n} :: poll, butt (part of the head of an axe)
hamara {n} :: head (top part of a railway rail)
hämärä {n} :: dusk, twilight, dark, dimness
hämärä {adj} :: dim, dusky, shadowy, dark, gloomy
hämärä {adj} :: dim, indistinct, obscure(d)
hämärä {adj} :: dim, vague, obscure, mysterious, unknown
hämärä {adj} :: shady, fishy, suspicious
hämäräkytkin {n} :: twilight switch, photoswitch
hämärämies {n} :: shady man, sneak
hämärämpi {adj} :: comparative of hämärä
hämäränäkö {n} :: night vision (ability to see in very faint light)
hämäränäkölaite {n} :: night vision device (appliance which strengthens ambient light so that one may see in very faint light)
hämäräperäinen {adj} :: shady, obscure, murky, sallow (having a dubious background)
hämäräperäisyys {n} :: shadiness, obscurity (the quality or property of having a dubious background)
hämäräsokea {adj} :: night-blind
hämäräsokeus {n} :: night blindness, nyctalopia (inability to see in faint light)
hämärästi {adv} :: Dimly
hämärätila {n} [psychology] :: twilight state
hämärätila {n} [computing] :: dark mode (darker color scheme)
hämärin {adj} :: superlative of hämärä
hämärryttää {vt} :: alternative form of hämärtää
hämärtää {vi} [impersonal, 3rd-pers. sg., of an evening] :: To darken, get/grow dim/dusky/dark(er)
hämärtää {vt} :: To blur, make more indistinct
hämärtyä {vi} :: to get/grow dim/dusky/dark(er), darken
hämärtyä {vi} [of sight] :: to be(come) blurred, become dim; (of thoughts) to get confused/diffused; (concretely or figuratively) to become more indistinct
hämärtyminen {n} :: getting dimmer, darkening
hämärtyminen {n} [of sight] :: becoming blurred
hämäryys {n} :: dimness
hämäryys {n} :: vagueness
hämäryys {n} :: shadiness
hamassa {adv} :: A word of emphasis used with points of time
hämätä {vt} [+ partitive] :: To confuse, to obfuscate, to jive
hämäys {n} :: trickery, misrepresentation, skulduggery
hame {n} :: skirt
Häme {prop} :: Tavastia, a historical province and area in Finland
hameenhelma {n} :: hem of a skirt
Hämeenkyrö {prop} :: Hämeenkyrö
hämeenkyröläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hämeenkyrö
hämeenkyröläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Hämeenkyrö
hameenlieve {n} :: hem of a skirt
Hämeenlinna {prop} :: Hämeenlinna (city/and/municipality)
hämeenlinnalainen {n} :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Hämeenlinna
hämeenlinnalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the city of Hämeenlinna or its citizens
hamekangas {n} :: skirt fabric
hamesankari {n} :: womanizer, lecher
hameväki {n} :: petticoats, skirts; the women
hamevalta {n} [jocular] :: female domination, female power (such as over a household)
hämillään {adv} :: embarrassed, confused (in the state of shameful discomfort)
hämilleen {adv} :: into the state of being embarrassed or confused
hämillinen {adj} :: sheepish, baffled, helpless, embarrassed
hämillisyys {n} :: sheepishness, baffledness
hamiltoninajokoira {n} :: Hamiltonstövare
hamina {n} [archaic] :: port, harbour
Hamina {prop} :: Hamina (town/and/municipality)
haminalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hamina
haminalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hamina
hämis {n} [colloquial] :: spider
Hämis {prop} :: Spidey (the comics character "Spiderman")
hämmälillukka {n} [regional] :: synonym of lillukka
Hammarland {prop} :: Hammarland (municipality)
hammas {n} :: tooth
hammasäänne {n} :: dental (dental sound)
hammasahven {n} :: porgy, sea bream (any of several fish of the family Sparidae)
hammasaihe {n} :: tooth germ
hammasalveoli {n} [anatomy] :: tooth socket (socket in the jaw in which the roots of teeth are held)
hammasemali {n} :: synonym of hammaskiille
hammaseroosio {n} :: dental erosion
hammashaapa {n} :: bigtooth aspen, Populus grandidentata
hammasharja {n} :: toothbrush
hammashermo {n} [anatomy] :: dental nerve
hammashoitaja {n} :: dental assistant, dentist's assistant, dental nurse
hammashoito {n} :: dental care
hammashoitola {n} :: dental clinic, dental dispensary
hammashuoltaja {n} :: dental hygienist
hammashuolto {n} :: dentistry
hammashygienisti {n} :: dental hygienist
hammasjako {n} :: pitch (distance between evenly spaced teeth of a saw or gear)
hammasjauhe {n} :: tooth powder
hammaskaries {n} :: synonym of karies (dental disease)
hammaskarppikala {n} :: killifish (fish of the order Cyprinodontiformes)
hammaskato {n} [pathology] :: edentation
hammaskeiju {n} :: Tooth Fairy
hammaskiille {n} [anatomy] :: enamel, tooth enamel (hard covering on the exposed part of a tooth)
hammaskipu {n} :: toothache
hammaskirurgi {n} :: dental surgeon
hammaskirurgia {n} :: dental surgery
hammaskirurginen {adj} :: pertaining to dental surgery
hammaskivi {n} [medicine] :: dental calculus, tartar
hammasklinikka {n} :: dental clinic
hammaskorsiyökkönen {n} :: marbled minor (Oligia strigilis)
hammaskoru {n} :: tooth jewellery
hammaskulta {n} :: dental gold
hammaskuoppa {n} [anatomy] :: tooth socket (socket in the jaw in which the roots of teeth are held)
hammaslääkäri {n} :: dentist
hammaslääketiede {n} :: dentistry, odontology
hammaslääketieteellinen {adj} [medicine] :: dental; of dentistry (of or pertaining to dentistry)
hammaslaborantti {n} :: dental technician, dental laboratory technician
hammaslaitainen {adj} :: dentate, denticulate
hammaslanka {n} :: floss (a thread, used to clean the area between the teeth)
hammasliitos {n} [woodworking] :: scarf joint
hammasloma {n} :: The gap between incisors and molars in some mammal species
hammasluku {n} :: number of teeth (usually in a gear)
hammasluu {n} :: dentin, dentine
hammasmätä {n} [dated] :: tooth decay, dental caries
hammasmuki {n} :: toothbrush cup, toothbrush mug
hammaspeikko {n} :: Literally "Tooth Troll", a figure used to teach children to brush their teeth
hammaspeite {n} :: dental deposit
hammaspesu {n} :: washing one's teeth; an instance of doing so
hammaspihdit {n} :: tooth forceps
hammaspora {n} :: dental drill
hammasproteesi {n} :: denture (device that replaces some or all teeth in a mouth)
hammaspuhdiste {n} :: dentifrice
hammaspuikko {n} :: toothpick
hammaspulveri {n} :: tooth powder
hammaspyörä {n} :: A cogwheel, gearwheel
hammaspyörästö {n} :: gear unit
hammasrata {n} :: rack railway
hammasratas {n} :: A gearwheel, gear, cogwheel, cog (wheel with grooves)
hammasrauta {n} [dentistry, usually in the plural] :: brace, braces, retainer
hammasrivi {n} :: row of teeth
hammassairaus {n} :: tooth disorder
hammassäkki {n} [anatomy] :: dental follicle (sac containing the developing tooth)
hammassärky {n} :: toothache
hammassementti {n} :: dental cement
hammassilta {n} [dentistry] :: bridge (a prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent teeth)
hammassuojus {n} :: mouth guard
hammastaa {v} :: to indent, serrate (cut into points like a row of teeth)
hammastahna {n} :: toothpaste
hammastahnaputki {n} :: tube of toothpaste
hammastanko {n} :: rack of a rack and pinion
hammastanko {n} :: rack and pinion
hammastankohissi {n} :: rack and pinion hoist, rack and pinion elevator
hammastarha {n} [jocular] :: one's teeth collectively
hammastauti {n} :: dental disease
hammaste {n} :: perforation
hammastekniikka {n} :: dental technology
hammasteknikko {n} :: dental technician
hammastella {vt} :: to pick on, to needle, to taunt
hämmästellä {v} :: to be amazed, astonished
hämmästely {n} :: amazement, astonishment
hammastenkiristys {n} :: gnashing of teeth
hammastikku {n} :: toothpick
hammastua {vi} [of toothlike projections] :: to fit smoothly with each other, like e.g. cogs in a set of gears
hammastus {n} :: denticulation, serration, indentation
hämmästyä {vi} :: To be surprised, be amazed, be astonished
hämmästyksiin {adv} :: into being surprised or amazed
hämmästyksissä {adv} :: surprised or amazed
hämmästyksissään {adv} :: while being amazed, in one's amazement
hämmästynyt {adj} :: astounded, surprised, amazed, staggered
hämmästynyt {adj} :: dumbfounded
hämmästynyt {adj} :: awful (struck or filled with awe)
hämmästys {n} :: surprise, awe
hämmästyttää {vt} :: To amaze, astonish
hämmästyttäminen {n} :: stirring, agitating
hämmästyttäminen {n} :: confusing, perplexing, befuddling
hämmästyttävä {adj} :: amazing, astonishing
hammasvaihde {n} :: gear, pinion
hammasvalas {n} :: toothed whale
hammasväli {n} :: gap between teeth
hammasväli {n} :: tooth pitch
hammasväliharja {n} :: interdental brush
hammasvälitys {n} :: gear train, gear transmission
hammasvalli {n} [anatomy] :: alveolar ridge
hammasydin {n} [anatomy] :: pulp, dental pulp
hämmennellä {vt} :: to roll, stir or agitate repeatedly
hämmennin {n} :: mixer
hämmennyksissä {adv} :: while being confused, in one's confusion
hämmennyksissään {adv} :: alternative form of hämmennyksissä
hämmennys {n} :: confusion, bafflement
hämmennyttää {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to be confused
hämmennyttää {vi} :: to confuse
hämmentää {vt} :: to stir, agitate (to disturb the relative position of the particles of, as of a liquid, by passing something through it)
hämmentää {vt} :: to roil (to render turbid by stirring up the dregs or sediment of)
hämmentää {vt} :: to confuse, perplex, befuddle (to throw into a state of confusion)
hämmentäminen {n} :: confusing, obfuscating, jiving
hämmentely {n} :: repeated rolling, stirring or agitating
hämmentyä {vi} :: To be confused
hämmentymätön {adj} :: unconfused, unperplexed
hämmentyminen {n} :: being confused
hämmentynyt {adj} :: embarrassed, confused
hämminki {n} :: confusion, disorder, fuss
hamonen {n} :: short skirt
hampaallinen {adj} :: toothed
hampaanhoito {n} :: dental care
hampaanjälki {n} :: toothmark
hampaanjuuri {n} :: root of a tooth
hampaankaula {n} :: neck of a tooth
hampaankolo {n} :: A space between two teeth
hampaankolo {n} [figuratively] :: A(n) (old) score to be settled, unsaid words that need to be said, unfinished business
hampaankolotus {n} :: toothache
hampaanoionta {n} :: orthodontics, orthodontic operation
hampaanpaikkaus {n} :: tooth repair
hampaanpoisto {n} :: tooth extraction, tooth removal
hampaansa {n} :: third-person possissive form of hammas
hampaantäyte {n} :: dental filling
hampaaton {adj} :: toothless, edentulous (having no teeth)
hampaaton {adj} :: toothless (having no capability of enforcing something)
hampaattomasti {adv} :: In a toothless manner; weakly
hampaattomuus {n} :: toothlessness
hampaidenhoito {n} :: dental care
hampaiden narskuttelu {n} :: grinding of one's teeth, bruxism (habit or practice of grinding of the teeth)
-hampainen {adj} :: toothed
hampaisto {n} :: denture
hamppari {n} [slang] :: slovenly loafer, rascal, good-for-nothing, tramp
hamppari {n} [colloquial] :: burger, hamburger
hampparoida {vi} [colloquial] :: to roam, to wander about
hamppu {n} :: hemp
hamppuinen {adj} :: hempen
hamppuköysi {n} :: hemp rope
hamppuöljy {n} :: hemp oil
hamppupelto {n} :: hemp field
hamppuvarpunen {n} :: synonym of hemppo
hampsia {vi} :: synonym of hutiloida
hampsia {vi} :: synonym of lampsia
hampunsiemen {n} :: hemp seed
Hampuri {prop} :: Hampuri (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Germany>>)
Hampuri {prop} :: Hampuri (a <<state>> of <<c/Germany>> containing the city of the same name)
hampurilainen {n} :: Hamburger (person)
hampurilainen {n} :: hamburger (sandwich)
hampurilaisbaari {n} :: hamburger bar
hampurilaiskastike {n} :: burger sauce
hampurilaisketju {n} :: hamburger chain, burger chain
hampurilaisravintola {n} :: hamburger restaurant
hampurilaisvalikko {n} [graphical user interface] :: hamburger menu
hampuusi {n} [archaic] :: dockworker, longshoreman, docker, stevedore
hampuusi {n} [colloquial] :: slovenly loafer, rascal, good-for-nothing, tramp; more commonly hamppari
hamsteri {n} [zoology, mammals, rodents] :: hamster, any member of the subfamily Cricetinae
hamsterirotta {n} :: pouched rat (group of African rodents in the subfamily Cricetomyinae, characterized by having large cheek pouches)
hamstraaja {n} :: hoarder
hamstraaminen {n} :: hoarding
hamstrata {v} :: To hoard
hamstraus {n} :: hoarding
hamstraus {n} [finance] :: panic buying (buying of commodities or other assets earlier than normal)
hamuaminen {n} :: scrabbling (grabbing or gathering hastily)
hamuilla {vi} :: to fumble, to try to grab
hamuta {v} :: to scrabble
hämy {n} :: twilight, gloom
hämyhetki {n} :: moment of twilight or gloom
hämyinen {adj} :: twilighty
hämyisä {adj} :: alternative form of hämyinen, ("twilighty")
-han {clitic} :: A particle to express that the speaker had some (more or less) certain view on something but is surprised after having got to know the truth about it
-han {clitic} :: A particle to express that the speaker had some (more or less) certain view on something but is surprised at the controversial view expressed by some other person
-han {clitic} :: after all, in any case, although
-han {clitic} :: A particle to express that the speaker has some view on something that they are willing to either confirm or question; attached to verbs, including the negative verb, and the word modified is sometimes repeated at the end of the sentence
-han {clitic} :: A particle to express that the speaker is determined about or resistant towards something
-han {clitic} :: Expresses a fact that the speaker either considers obvious, or at the very least known to both the speaker and the addressed, and worth reminding someone of
-han {clitic} :: A particle appended to an indicative (more rarely: conditional or potential) verb form in order to express the speaker's wish about something; also to politely ask someone to do something — i.e., to avoid the imperative
-han {clitic} :: Softens a question for which the speaker expects the answer to be affirmative. Note: replaces -ko; compare definition below
-han {clitic} :: Expresses wondering in questions, usually with -ko / -kö, or used to simply make questions more polite
-han {clitic} :: With a negation verb form and the enclitic particle -ko / -kö to express "I suppose"
-han {clitic} :: A particle appended to a passive or first-person plural imperative verb to express an informal proposal or suggestion
-han {clitic} :: Softens an imperative verb, causing it to behave more like a suggestion, such as a friendly suggestion or one where the speaker expects the person addressed to do so anyway
-han {clitic} :: Expresses disagreement, particularly in brief exclamations
-han {clitic} :: Expresses that the speaker is suggesting an idea that they just came up with; in this case, the clitic always attaches to the subject that must be the first word in the clause, and is often used with verbs in conditional mood
-han {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn (the case suffix for illative singular case)
-hän {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn
hän {pron} [personal] :: he, she, one, (singular) they [only of a human being; the pronoun does not determine the sex/gender of the person]
hana {n} :: faucet, tap (device to dispense liquid)
hana {n} :: hammer (of a gun)
hanajuoma {n} :: fountain drink
hanakasti {adv} :: eagerly
hanakka {adj} :: eager
hanakkuus {n} :: eagerness
hanaolut {n} [colloquial] :: draft, draft beer [US]; draught, draught beer
hanapakkaus {n} :: bag-in-box (package for liquids consisting of a strong metallised plastic bladder, seated inside a corrugated fiberboard box and equipped with a tap)
hanapakkausviini {n} :: box wine; cask wine [Australia, NZ]
hanavesi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of vesijohtovesi
handicap {n} [anglicism] :: handicap (allowance)
handu {n} [slang] :: hand
hänen {pron} :: his, her; used with the possessive suffix -nsa/-nsä appended to the main word owned
hänen {pron} :: his, hers (that which belongs to him or her, used without a following noun)
hänen {pron} :: he, she; with monopersonal verbs which require genitive, such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc
hänenlainen {adj} :: alternative form of hänenlaisensa
hänenlaisensa {adj} :: like him/her, like himself/herself
Hänen Majesteettinsa {n} :: His Majesty
Hänen Majesteettinsa {n} :: Her Majesty
hänestä {pron} :: about him/her; of him/her:
hänestä {pron} :: in his/her opinion, s/he thinks that:
hänet {pron} :: The accusative singular of the personal pronoun hän, in most cases translated into English him or her (direct object):
hangaari {n} :: hangar
hangas {n} :: a type of branched or forked tool
hangata {vt} :: to rub
hangata {v} :: ~ vastaan: to resist
hangoitella {vi} :: (+ partitive + vastaan) To chafe against, resist, protest against
hangoitteleva {adj} :: resisting, uncooperative, recalcitrant
hangoittelija {n} :: one who resists or chafes or protests against
hangoittelu {n} :: resisting, chafing or protesting against
hangollinen {n} :: pitchforkful
hangonvarsi {n} :: shaft of a pitchfork
hangota {v} :: To use a pitchfork
hangul {n} :: Hangeul (writing system)
hangul {n} [colloquial] :: a letter of the writing system
hanhenkaula {n} [crustaceans] :: goose barnacle, gooseneck barnacle
hanhenkynä {n} :: goose quill
hanhenmaksa {n} :: foie gras, goose liver
hanhenmaksapasteija {n} :: pâté de foie gras
hanhenmarssi {n} :: goose-step
hanhenmuna {n} :: goose egg
hanhenpaisti {n} :: roast goose
hanhenpaju {n} :: creeping willow (Salix repens)
hanhenpoika {n} :: gosling
hanhenrinta {n} :: goose breast
hanhensulka {n} :: goose feather
hanhi {n} :: goose
hanhiemo {n} [zoology] :: goose mother
hanhiemo {n} :: mama bear, helicopter mom (overly protective and well-meaning mother)
hanhikki {n} :: potentilla (plant of the genus Potentilla, e.g. cinquefoils)
hanhikko {n} :: a type of deep dish or vessel with two curved handles, possibly with a shape resembling a goose
hanhikorppikotka {n} :: griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)
hanhikukko {n} :: gander (male goose)
hanhilauma {n} :: flock of geese
hanhipaisti {n} :: roast goose
hanho {n} :: synonym of hanhikko
hanipöö {n} :: honeybunny
hanka {n} [botany] :: fork (of a tree and its branch, etc.)
hanka {n} [nautical] :: synonym of hankain
hankaaminen {n} :: rubbing
hanka-antilooppi {n} :: pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)
hankaantua {vi} :: alternative form of hankautua
hankahaarainen {adj} [botany] :: with branches from axillary buds
hankailla {vt} :: to rub (repeatedly)
hankailu {n} :: rubbing (repeatedly)
hankain {n} :: oarlock [US], rowlock [UK]
hankajalkainen {n} [biology] :: copepod
hankakukka {n} [botany] :: lateral flower
hankala {adj} :: difficult, challenging (hard, not easy, requiring much effort)
hankala {adj} :: cumbersome, troublesome, burdensome, wearisome (requiring much work)
hankala {adj} :: inconvenient (not easy)
hankala {adj} :: awkward (not easily managed or effected)
hankalakäyttöinen {adj} :: cumbersome (not easily managed or handled; awkward)
hankalakulkuinen {adj} :: difficult to traverse, difficultly passable
hankalasti {adv} :: laboriously, difficult (to)
hankalasti {adv} :: inconveniently
hankalasti {adv} :: awkwardly
hankalatöinen {adj} :: cumbersome, demanding, difficult
hankaloittaa {vt} :: To complicate
hankaloittaminen {n} :: complicating
hankaloitua {vi} :: to become (more) complicated
hankaluu {n} [anatomy] :: furcula
hankaluus {n} :: difficulty, complexity
hankaluus {n} :: inconvenience
hankapari {n} :: oarlock pair, rowlock pair
hankarauta {n} :: synonym of hankura
hankasalmelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hankasalmi
hankasalmelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hankasalmi
Hankasalmi {prop} :: Hankasalmi (municipality)
hankasilmu {n} [botany] :: axillary bud
hankasipuli {n} [botany] :: lateral bulb
hankatappi {n} :: thole
hankatuuli {n} [nautical] :: side wind
hankauma {n} :: chafe, gall (injury or wear)
hankaus {n} :: rubbing
hankausäänne {n} [phonetics] :: fricative
hankausjauhe {n} :: scouring powder
hankauskohta {n} :: a point in which two objects are rubbing against each other
hankauskohta {n} [figuratively] :: point of friction (issue over which two or more parties have conflicting interests)
hankauslujuus {n} :: abrasion resistance
hankausneste {n} :: scouring liquid, abrasive liquid
hankauspiirros {n} [arts] :: frottage (image)
hankauspiirros {n} :: rubbing (impression)
hankauspinta {n} :: abrasive surface, abrading surface
hankaussähkö {n} :: triboelectricity
hankaussähkö {n} :: static electricity
hankautua {vi} :: to be or to get rubbed
hankautuma {n} :: chafe (injury or wear)
hankautuminen {n} :: getting rubbed
hankavastainen {adj} [nautical, of wind] :: blowing diagonally against the course
hanke {n} [business] :: project
hankehakemus {n} :: project application
hankehallinnointi {n} :: project management
hankekoordinaattori {n} :: project coordinator
hankekumppani {n} :: project partner
hankesuunnitelma {n} :: project plan, project design
hankesuunnittelu {n} :: project design
hankevienti {n} :: export of projects
hanki {n} :: blanket of snow
hankiainen {n} :: synonym of hankikanto
han-kiinalainen {adj} :: Han Chinese (referring to the largest ethnic group indigenous to China)
hankikanto {n} :: The time of spring when snow crust is so hard that it can support a walking person
hankikeli {n} :: weather with blankets of snow
hankikylvö {n} :: winter sowing
hankinnainen {adj} [medicine] :: acquired (developed postfetally; not congenital)
hankinnaisominaisuus {n} [biology] :: acquired character, acquired characteristic
hankinnaissairaus {n} [medicine] :: acquired disease
hankinnaistauti {n} [medicine] :: synonym of hankinnaissairaus (acquired disease)
hankinta {n} :: acquisition
hankinta-aika {n} :: purchase time, purchase period (such as of stocks)
hankinta-arvo {adj} :: accounting cost
hankintahakkuu {n} :: logging or felling by the owner of the forest in order to obtain wood for selling
hankintahinta {n} :: purchasing price
hankintakauppa {n} :: acquisition
hankintakauppa {n} :: form of selling timber where the seller fells the trees
hankintakulut {n} :: acquisition costs
hankintakustannukset {n} :: acquisition or purchase costs
hankintakykyinen {n} [archaic, commercial] :: synonym of toimituskykyinen
hankintaluettelo {n} :: list of purchases
hankintamääräys {n} :: purchase order
hankintasopimus {n} :: contract, award, contract of acquisition
hankintatarjous {n} :: acquisition offer
hankintatilaus {n} :: purchase order
hankintavoima {n} [business] :: purchasing power (ability of a large collective or company to negotiate more favourable prices and terms than a smaller group or company)
hankiskella {v} :: to purchase or buy repeatedly; to shop
hankittaa {vt} :: to have (something) acquired or purchased
hänkkä {n} [skateboarding, slang] :: handrail
hankkia {vt} :: To acquire, get, obtain, find
hankkia {vt} :: To buy, purchase, procure
hankkia {vt} :: To provide, furnish, supply
hankkia {vt} [colloquial] :: To earn, make (money)
hankkia {vt} :: To prepare for, look for
hankkija {n} :: supplier
hankkiminen {n} :: acquisition, acquiring
hankkipaita {n} :: a traditional type of women's undershirt with no sleeves
hankkiutua {vi} [colloquial] :: To cause oneself to do something; to get
hankkiutua {v} :: hankkiutua eroon: To get rid of
hankkiutua {v} :: hankkiutua raskaaksi: To get pregnant
hankkiutua {v} :: hankkiutua hoitoon: To seek (mental) care
hankkiutua {v} :: hankkiutua töihin: To seek, find a job
hankkiutuminen {n} [colloquial] :: causing oneself to get into a certain state, such as getting rid of something or getting pregnant
hanko {n} :: pitchfork
Hanko {prop} :: Hanko (port town/and/municipality)
hankoaminen {n} :: using a pitchfork
hankoaura {n} [agriculture] :: ard (simple plough)
hankolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hanko
hankolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hanko
hankosarvi {n} [usually, in plural] :: forked antler
hän-muotoinen {adj} :: third-person (using verbs in the third person)
Hanna {prop} :: given name of biblical origin, also a short form of Johanna
Hanna {prop} :: Hannah (mother of Samuel)
Hanna {prop} :: Anna (biblical prophetess)
Hanna-Leena {prop} :: given name
hännällinen {adj} :: tailed (having a tail)
Hanna-Mari {prop} :: given name
hännänheilutus {n} :: tail wagging
hännänheilutus {n} [figuratively] :: to curry favor by approval
hännänhuippu {n} :: last, caboose
hännänpää {n} :: tip of tail
hännänpuoleinen {adj} :: caudal, on the tail end or side
hannari {n} [colloquial] :: chicken (coward)
hannata {v} [colloquial] :: to chicken
hannata {v} [colloquial] :: to dare (to do)
hännätön {adj} :: tailless
hännätönleikko {n} :: tailless bat (bat of the genus Anoura)
Hanne {prop} :: given name
Hannele {prop} :: given name
Hannes {prop} :: given name, short form of Johannes
hännillä {adv} [usually, genitive + ~] :: at the tail end or back (of)
hännille {adv} [usually, genitive + ~] :: to the tail end or back (of)
hänniltä {adv} [usually, genitive + ~] :: from the tail end or back (of)
Hänninen {prop} :: surname
Hannover {prop} :: Hanover (German city)
hannoverinvihikoira {n} :: Hanover hound (breed of dog)
Hannu {prop} :: given name
Hannu {prop} :: Hansel, the boy in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel
Hannu ja Kerttu {prop} :: Hansel and Gretel
Hannula {prop} :: surname
Hannula {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
hannunvaakuna {n} :: looped square, Saint John's Arms, Saint Hannes cross, Gorgon loop (decorative symbol consisting of a square with outward pointing loops at its corners)
hannunvaakuna {n} [heraldry] :: Bowen knot
hännys {n} :: tail of a tailcoat
hännystakki {n} :: A tailcoat
hännystelijä {n} :: lackey
hännystellä {v} :: To toady, truckle to
hännystely {n} :: toadying, truckling (to)
hansa {n} [historical] :: the Hanseatic League, the Hansa
Hansa {prop} [historical] :: alternative case form of hansa
hansakauppias {n} [historical] :: Hanseatic trader (trader who belonged to the Hanseatic League)
hansakaupunki {n} :: Hanseatic city
hansaliitto {n} [historical] :: Hanseatic League
Hansaliitto {prop} [historical] :: alternative case form of hansaliitto
Hansenin tauti {n} [pathology] :: synonym of lepra
hansikas {n} :: A glove
hansikaskauppa {n} :: glove shop (retailer that mainly sells gloves)
hansikaslokero {n} :: glove compartment
hanska {n} [colloquial] :: A glove
hanskakäsi {n} :: glove hand (the hand on which a player wears a glove in certain sports)
hanskakäsi {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: glove (ability to catch a hit ball)
hanskantekijä {n} :: glover (person who makes gloves)
Hanski {prop} :: surname
Hanski {prop} :: A nickname of a person named Hannu or Hannes
Hanski {prop} :: A placename
hanslankari {n} [colloquial] :: hand, manual laborer (unskilled manual worker, often one in subordinate position with respect to a skilled worker)
häntä {n} [anatomy] :: a narrow tail (e.g., of most mammals)
häntä {n} :: back
häntä {n} [typography] :: ogonek
hantaaki {n} [dialectal] :: handle (part of an object which is designed to be held in the hand when used or moved)
häntäheikki {n} :: womanizer, playboy
häntähihna {n} :: synonym of häntäremmi
häntäinen {adj} :: (in combination) tailed, as in long-tailed, short-tailed etc
häntäjouhi {n} :: tail hair, tail horsehair
häntäkärpänen {n} :: synonym of nautakiiliäinen
häntä koipien välissä {n} [idiomatic] :: tail between one's legs
häntälihas {n} [anatomy] :: coccygeus (muscle of the pelvic wall, that in combination with the levator ani forms the pelvic diaphragm)
häntäluu {n} [skeleton] :: coccyx, tailbone
häntänata {n} :: any plant of the genus Vulpia
häntänata {n} [in plural] :: the genus Vulpia
häntänikama {n} [skeleton] :: caudal, caudal vertebra, coccygeal vertebra
häntänuija {n} :: thagomizer
häntäpää {n} :: tail end
häntäpää {n} :: end, rear
häntäpuoli {n} :: caudal end, caudal side, tail end
häntärekursio {n} [computing] :: tail recursion
häntätumake {n} [anatomy] :: caudate nucleus
häntävyö {n} :: crupper
hanti {n} :: Khanty (language)
hanti {n} :: Khanty (person)
Hanti-Mansia {prop} :: Khantia-Mansia
hantinkielinen {adj} :: Khanty, Khanty language, Khanty speaking (written or expressed in Khanty)
hantlankari {n} :: alternative form of hanslankari
hanttapuli {n} [pejorative] :: An unreliable, untrustworthy and irresponsible male
hantteerata {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of käsitellä
hantti {n} [card games] :: short for hanttikortti
hantti {n} [of work, in compounds] :: odd, incidental
hantti {n} [idiomatic] :: opposition, resistance
hanttihomma {n} :: odd job (task of an incidental, unspecialized nature)
hanttihomma {n} [pejorative, slang] :: shitwork, McJob
hanttikortti {n} [card games] :: A playing card with little value in the particular game being played
hanttimies {n} :: synonym of apumies
hanttityö {n} :: odd job (task of an incidental, unspecialized nature)
Hanty-Mansijsk {prop} :: Hanty-Mansijsk (town)
häntyri {n} :: playboy
häntyri {n} :: lackey
hanukia {n} [Judaism] :: hanukkiah (nine-branched candelabrum used during Hanukkah)
hanukka {n} [Judaism] :: Hanukkah
hanumaani {n} :: gray langur, Hanuman langur, Semnopithecus entellus (Old World monkey endemic to the Indian subcontinent, the only species in its genus)
hanuri {n} :: accordion
hanuri {n} [colloquial] :: butt (buttocks)
hanurinsoittaja {n} :: accordionist
hanurinsoitto {n} :: accordion music
hanurinsoitto {n} :: accordion playing
hanuristi {n} :: accordionist
hapahko {adj} :: sourish
häpäisevä {adj} :: that causes shame
häpäisevä {adj} :: profanatory, defaming, degrading
häpäisijä {n} :: desecrater, defamer
häpäistä {v} :: alternative form of häväistä
häpäisy {n} :: desecration
hapan {adj} :: sour, acid in taste
hapan {adj} :: sour, peevish, irritable, grumpy, fretful, ill-tempered
hapan {adj} [chemistry] :: acidic, acid
hapan {adj} [geology, mineralogy] :: felsic
hapanhai {n} :: A foul-smelling Icelandic food made of Greenland shark or basking shark by fermenting and drying. As it is barely known outside Nordic countries, most languages do not have a word for it. In English, it might be called fermented shark, or by the Icelandic term kæstur hákarl (fermented shark) or just hákarl (shark, Greenland shark)
hapanimelä {adj} :: sweet-and-sour
hapanimeläkastike {n} :: sweet-and-sour sauce
hapanjuuri {n} :: sourdough starter (starter dough for sourdough)
hapankaali {n} :: sauerkraut
hapankaalikeitto {n} :: sauerkraut soup
hapankala {n} :: sour fish, fermented fish
hapankerma {n} :: sour cream
hapankirsikka {n} :: sour cherry, Prunus cerasus (tree)
hapankirsikka {n} :: sour cherry (fruit)
hapankorppu {n} :: A type of cracker or thin (abt. 2 mm thick) crisp bread popular in Finland, made of rye sourdough; translated into English as thin crisp by the producers
hapanlaskeuma {n} [ecology] :: acid deposition
hapanleipä {n} :: sourdough bread
hapanleipätaikina {n} :: synonym of hapantaikina
hapanlohko {n} :: a kind of sour gruel or soup made of potatoes and rye bread dough
hapanmaitotuote {n} :: fermented milk product
hapanmaitovalmiste {n} :: fermented milk product
hapanmultamaannos {n} [geology] :: umbrisol
hapannaama {n} :: crabapple (unpleasant person)
hapannuttaa {v} [rare] :: alternative form of hapattaa (to cause to turn sour)
hapannuttaminen {n} :: synonym of hapattaminen
hapansavimaannos {n} [geology] :: acrisol
hapansilakka {n} :: surströmming (traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented Baltic herring)
hapantaikina {n} :: sourdough
hapantua {vi} :: To (turn/go) sour, acidify, lopper
hapantuminen {n} :: souring
hapanvelli {n} :: a food similar to pea soup but sour and with rye dough
haparoida {vi} :: To grope, fumble, feel about
haparointi {n} :: groping, fumbling
haparoiva {adj} :: fumbling, blundering, incompetent
haparoiva {adj} :: groping, tentative
haparoivasti {adv} :: fumblingly, incompetently
hapata {vi} :: to (turn/go) sour, acidify, lopper
hapate {n} :: fermentation starter, ferment, leaven; a strain of bacteria used in production of fermented food products to sour the raw material
hapatettu {adj} :: fermented (produced through lactic acid fermentation)
hapatettu {adj} :: cultured (of milk products, produced through lactic acid fermentation)
hapatin {n} :: dated form of hapate
hapattaa {vt} :: to (make) sour, acidify
hapattaa {vt} :: to ferment (to turn sour through lactic acid fermentation)
hapattaa {vt} :: to culture (of milk products, to turn sour through lactic acid fermentation)
hapattamaton {adj} :: synonym of happamaton
hapattaminen {n} :: fermenting, culturing
hapatus {n} :: making sour, acidifying; fermenting, culturing
häpeä {n} [uncountable] :: shame
häpeä {n} :: a shameful thing
häpeällinen {adj} :: shameful, disgraceful
häpeällisesti {adv} :: shamefully
häpeällisyys {n} :: shamefulness
häpeämätön {adj} :: unashamed
häpeämättömästi {adv} :: unashamedly
häpeämättömyys {n} :: shamelessness
häpeämerkki {n} :: stigma (mark of shame)
häpeäminen {n} :: being ashamed
häpeäntunne {n} :: feeling or sense of shame
häpeäpaalu {n} [historical] :: pillory
häpeäpenkki {n} :: stool or bench of repentance
häpeäpilkku {n} :: disgrace, stain, embarrassment; cause of shame
häpeäpuu {n} :: synonym of häpeäpaalu
häpeärangaistus {n} :: public humiliation (as a punishment)
häpeätahra {n} :: taint, blemish, blot, stigma (mark of disgrace on one's character)
häpeillä {vi} :: to be ashamed, to feel ashamed
häpeily {n} :: being or feeling ashamed
häpeissään {adv} :: ashamed (of something = elative)
hapekas {adj} :: oxygen-rich
hapenkulutus {n} :: oxygen consumption
hapenotto {n} :: oxygen uptake, oxygen intake
hapenottokyky {n} :: oxygen intake capacity
hapenpuute {n} :: lack of oxygen, oxygen deficiency, hypoxia
hapera {adj} :: brittle
hapero {n} :: brittlegill, russula (mushroom of the genus Russula)
hapero {adj} :: brittle (apt to break or crumble when bending)
haperonvieras {n} :: powder cap, Asterophora lycoperdoides
haperrus {n} :: making brittle, weakening
hapertaa {vt} :: to make brittle, to weaken
hapertua {vi} :: to become brittle
haperuus {n} :: brittleness
hapete {n} :: oxidizer, oxidizing agent, oxidant
hapete {n} [cosmetics] :: peroxide (peroxide, especially hydrogen peroxide as used for bleaching hair)
hapetin {n} [chemistry] :: An oxidizing agent, oxidizer
hapeton {adj} :: oxygenless, lacking oxygen
hapettaa {vt} :: To oxidize
hapettaminen {n} :: oxidizing
hapettua {vi} :: To oxidize, to become oxidized
hapettuma {n} :: oxidation, spot of oxidation
hapettumaton {adj} :: unoxidized
hapettumaton {adj} :: non-oxygenated
hapettuminen {n} [chemistry] :: oxidation
hapettumisenestoaine {n} :: antioxidant (substance that prevents oxidation)
hapetus {n} :: oxidization
hapetusaste {n} :: synonym of hapetusluku
hapetusluku {n} [chemistry] :: oxidation number
hapetustila {n} :: oxidation state
haploidi {adj} :: haploid
haploidia {n} [genetics] :: haploidy
haploidinen {adj} :: haploid
haplologia {n} :: haplology
haploryhmä {n} [genetics] :: haplogroup
haplotyyppi {n} [genetics] :: haplotype
hapoinen {adj} [dialectal] :: hapan, happoinen
hapokas {adj} :: acidic (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste)
hapoke {n} :: A term used as headword in names of certain weak inorganic acids. In English similar weakness is often indicated by using the suffix -ous instead of -ic in the attributive part of the name
hapokkuus {n} :: acidity (quality of containing acid)
haponkestävä {adj} :: acid-resistant, acid-proof, acid-fast
haponpuute {n} :: lack of acid
hapottaa {vt} :: to acidify (add acid into a solution)
hapottaa {vt} :: to acidify (treat with acid)
hapottua {vi} :: to acidify (become more acid)
häppä {n} [colloquial, childish] :: drink
happamahko {adj} :: sourish
happamampi {adj} :: comparative of hapan
happamanmakea {adj} :: sour but sweet
happamasti {adv} :: sourly
happamaton {adj} :: unfermented
happamaton {adj} [Bible, of bread] :: unleavened
happamempi {adj} :: comparative of hapan
happamesti {adv} :: alternative form of happamasti
happamia, sanoi kettu pihlajanmarjoista {proverb} :: those who cannot obtain things become jealous of them; sour grapes
happamin {adj} :: superlative of hapan
happamoittaa {vt} :: to acidify (to make or cause to beome acidic)
happamoittaminen {n} :: acidification (act of making something acidic)
happamoitua {vi} :: to acidify (to turn acidic)
happamoituminen {n} :: acidification
happamuudensäätöaine {n} [chemistry] :: acidity regulator
happamuus {n} :: acidness
happamuus {n} :: sourness
happamuusfunktio {n} [chemistry] :: acidity function
happaneminen {n} :: turning or going sour, acidifying
happening {n} :: happening (event)
happi {n} :: oxygen
happiatomi {n} :: oxygen atom
happihakuinen {adj} :: aerobic (demanding or requiring oxygen)
happihappo {n} [chemistry] :: oxyacid
happihoito {n} :: oxygen therapy
happihyppy {n} [idiomatic] :: a walk outside (usually short, compare to English get some air or get some fresh air)
happikaasu {n} :: oxygen gas
happikato {n} [ecology] :: oxygen deficiency, environmental hypoxia
happiköyhä {adj} :: oxygen-deprived
happilaite {n} :: oxygen equipment, oxygen apparatus (singular)
happiletku {n} :: oxygen line, oxygen hose
happimyrkytys {n} :: oxygen poisoning, hyperoxia
happinaamari {n} :: oxygen mask
happinen {adj} :: aerobic, with oxygen
happipakoinen {adj} :: anaerobic (avoiding or not requiring oxygen)
happipeitsi {n} [metalworking] :: thermal lance
happipitoinen {adj} :: rich in oxygen
happipitoisuus {n} :: oxygen content
happipoltto {n} :: oxyfuel combustion
happipullo {n} :: oxygen bottle (bottle or similar container containing oxygen)
happiradikaali {n} [chemistry] :: reactive oxygen species, oxygen radical
happirikas {adj} :: oxygen-rich
happiryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: chalcogens, oxygen family
happisäiliö {n} :: oxygen tank
happisaturaatio {n} :: oxygen saturation
happiteltta {n} :: oxygen tent
happivajaus {n} :: hypoxia, oxygen deficit, oxygen deficiency, deprivation of oxygen
happivelka {n} [biology] :: oxygen debt
happivesi {n} :: oxygenated water
happiyhdiste {n} :: oxygen compound
happo {n} :: Any sour or acidic liquid: acid
happo {n} [chemistry] :: A substance that can give a proton to another substance (Brønsted acid)
happo {n} [chemistry] :: A substance that can act as an electron pair acceptor (Lewis acid)
happo {n} [colloquial] :: A drunkard, sot
happoanhydridi {n} [organic chemistry] :: acid anhydride
happo-emäsreaktio {n} [chemistry] :: acid-base reaction
happohyökkäys {n} :: acid erosion (of teeth)
happoinen {adj} :: acid, acidic (containing acid)
happoinen {adj} :: sour
happoisuus {n} :: acidity
happomarja {n} :: barberry (thorny shrub of genus Berberis)
happomyrkytys {n} [pathology] :: ketoacidosis
happopitoinen {adj} :: Acidic; containing acid
happopitoisuus {n} :: acid content
happoryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: acidic group, acid group
happosade {n} :: acid rain
happoteräs {n} :: acid-proof steel
happotesti {n} :: acid test
happovakio {n} [chemmistry] :: acid dissociation constant, acid constant
happoveikko {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of juoppo
hapro {n} :: mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna)
hapsenkakkiainen {n} [dialectal] :: longhorn beetle (any beetle from the Cerambycidae family)
hapsenkakkiainen {n} [humorous] :: beetle (any beetle of unknown species)
hapsi {n} [literary] :: A single hair, especially a grey hair of an ageing person
hapsikka {n} :: ditch grass, any plant of the genus Ruppia
hapsisara {n} :: hair-like sedge (Carex capillaris)
hapsottaa {vi} :: to be spread apart, to be messy (of hair)
hapsu {n} :: fringe
hapsullinen {adj} [of clothing] :: with fringes
hapsupiiska {n} :: flogger (lightweight whip)
hapsuttaa {vt} :: to fringe (decorate with fringe)
haptinen {adj} :: haptic
hapuileva {adj} :: fumbling
hapuileva {adj} [figuratively] :: tentative
hapuilevasti {adv} :: fumblingly
hapuilla {v} :: to fumble, scrabble, grope for
hapuilu {n} :: fumbling
häpy {n} [anatomy] :: vulva
häpy {n} [anatomy] :: genitalia
häpy {n} :: shame
häpy {n} [in compounds] :: pubic
häpyhuulen rauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: Bartholin's gland
häpyhuuli {n} [anatomy] :: labium
häpykannus {n} :: synonym of palsami (flower of the genus Impatiens)
häpykarva {n} :: Pubic hair (single hair that grows in the pubic region)
häpykarvat {n} :: pubic hair
häpykarvoitus {n} :: pubic hair (hair that grows in the pubic region, collectively)
häpykieli {n} [anatomy] :: clitoris
häpykukkula {n} [anatomy] :: mons pubis, pubic mound, mons; [in females] mons Venus, mons veneris
häpykumpu {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of häpykukkula
häpyliitos {n} [skeleton] :: A symphysis pubis or pubic symphysis
häpyluu {n} [skeleton] :: pubis, pubic bone
häpyrako {n} [anatomy] :: cleft of venus
hara {n} :: harrow
harajuuri {n} :: early coralroot (Corallorhiza trifida)
harajuuri {n} :: coralroot (plant of the genus Corallorhiza)
harajuuri {n} [in plural] :: the genus Corallorhiza
harakankello {n} :: spreading bellflower, Campanula patula
harakankeltano {n} :: any plant of the genus Pilosella
harakankeltano {n} [in plural] :: the genus Pilosella
harakanmarja {n} :: synonym of variksenmarja
harakanpelätin {n} :: magpie deterrent
harakanpesä {n} :: magpie nest
harakanvarvas {n} [figurative] :: Usually in plural (harakanvarpaat): chicken scratch, scrawl (cramped or illegible handwriting)
harakiri {n} :: hara-kiri, seppuku
harakka {n} :: magpie (bird of the genus Pica)
harakka {n} :: Eurasian magpie, common magpie, magpie, Pica pica
harakkakäki {n} :: great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)
harakkamylly {n} :: smock mill
haralla {adv} [static] :: apart, split or spread apart
harallaan {adv} :: apart (in a state of being apart‚ used especially of legs, arms and fingers)
haralle {adv} :: (into being) apart, (into being) split or spread apart
haralleen {adv} :: apart (to a state of being apart‚ used especially of legs, arms and fingers)
häränfilee {n} :: fillet of beef, beef tenderloin
häränhäntä {n} :: oxtail
häränhäntäkeitto {n} :: oxtail soup
häränhäntäliemi {n} :: oxtail broth, oxtail soup
häränkieli {n} :: oxtongue (both food and fungus, Fistulina hepatica)
häränkukka {n} :: oxeye (any plant of the genus Buphthalmum of composite plants with large yellow flowers)
häränleike {n} :: beef escalope
häränliha {n} :: beef
häränpaisti {n} :: roast beef
häränpihvi {n} :: beefsteak, bull steak
häränpylly {n} [jocular] :: forward roll
häränrinta {n} :: ox breast
häränseläke {n} :: bull fillet
häränsilmä {n} :: bullseye (centre of a target in darts and shooting competitions)
häränsilmä {n} [plant] :: golden marguerite, yellow chamomile, Anthemis tinctoria
häränsilmä {n} :: sunny-side up egg
häränsilmä {n} :: raw yolk of an egg when used as ingredient in a dish
häränsilmä {n} :: cat's ear; Hypochaeris
häräntalja {n} :: oxhide (hide of an ox)
häränvuota {n} :: oxhide
harata {v} :: to harrow
harata {v} :: harata vastaan: to struggle against
haraus {n} :: harrowing (the act of harrowing)
harava {n} :: rake (garden tool)
haravajärjestelmä {n} [lottery] :: abbreviated wheel
haravakone {n} :: hayrake
haravakuljetin {n} :: synonym of heinähäntä
haravapöyhin {n} :: tedder/rake, tedding rake
haravoida {vt} :: to rake
haravoida {vt} :: to comb (search through)
haravoiminen {n} :: raking, combing
haravointi {n} :: raking
haravointi {n} :: combing, searching thoroughly
haravoitseminen {n} :: alternative form of haravoiminen
Hård {prop} :: surname of Swedish origin
härdelli {n} :: hassle, fuss, chaos
hard rock {n} :: hard rock
harha {n} :: illusion, delusion, hallucination, chimera, mirage
harha {n} :: misconception, false belief, false idea, fallacy
harha {n} [statistics] :: bias
harha-aistimus {n} :: A hallucination
harhaan {adv} :: astray, amiss
harhaanjohdettu {adj} :: misled
harhaanjohtaa {v} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of johtaa harhaan
harhaanjohtava {adj} :: misleading
harhaanjohtava {adj} :: The noun misnomer can be used as equivalent to harhaanjohtava nimitys, sana, termi, käsite etc
harhaanjohtava {adj} :: deceptive
harhaanjohtava {adj} :: delusive
harhaanjohtavasti {adv} :: misleadingly
harhaanjohtavasti {adv} :: deceptively
harhaannuttaa {vt} [rare] :: alternative form of harhauttaa
harhaantua {vi} :: alternative form of harhautua
harhaanvievä {adj} :: misleading
harha-askel {n} :: misstep, false step (step that is wrong)
harha-askel {n} :: misstep (error or mistake)
harhahavainto {n} :: illusion, false observation
harhaheitto {n} [pesäpallo] :: a missed throw by one of the (defensive) players on the field (to another player), often causing the ball to go far away and allowing the runners to easily score runs
harhaileva {adj} :: aberrant, vagrant, drifting
harhailija {n} :: wanderer, drifter
harhailla {vi} :: To wander, stray, roam, drift
harhailu {n} :: wandering, straying, roaming, drifting
harhainen {adj} :: delusional
harhainen {adj} [statistics] :: biased
harhaisesti {adv} :: delusionally
harhaisesti {adv} :: in a biased way, with bias
harhaisku {n} :: miss, missed shot
harhaisku {n} [law] :: mistake in the blow, accidental harm; aberratio ictus
harhaisuus {n} :: delusionality
harhaisuus {n} [statistics] :: biasedness
harhakäsitys {n} :: misconception, false belief, false idea, false notion
harhakuva {n} :: illusion
harhakuvitelma {n} :: Delusion
harhakuvitelma {n} :: Fallacy, false belief, false idea, false notion
harhalaskelma {n} :: miscalculation
harhalaukaus {n} :: stray shot, misfire
harhalopuke {n} [music] :: deceptive cadence
harhaluoti {n} :: stray bullet
harhaluulo {n} :: Misconception; fallacy; (psychologically) delusion
harhaluuloisuushäiriö {n} :: delusional disorder
harhama {n} [biology] :: chimera (organism with genetically distinct cells from two or more zygotes)
harhamielisyys {n} [rare] :: paranoid or delusional disorder
harhanäky {n} :: hallucination, delusion
harhaoppi {n} :: A heresy
harhaoppinen {adj} :: heretic, heretical
harhaoppisesti {adv} :: heretically
harhaoppisuus {n} :: heresy, errancy
harhapäätelmä {n} :: mistaken conclusion
harhapolku {n} [figurative] :: tangent (nearly unrelated topic)
harhapolku {n} [figurative] :: blind alley
harhapolku {n} [figurative] :: aberration (a partial alienation of reason)
harharetki {n} :: excursion, digression, aberration, odyssey, wandering
harhasoitto {n} :: misdialing
harhassa {adv} [static] :: astray
harhasyöttö {n} [sports] :: missed pass
harhateillä {adv} :: astray (in the state of being astray)
harhateille {adv} :: (into being) astray
harhateiltä {adv} :: from being astray
harhatie {n} :: wrong way, way that leads one astray
harhaton {adj} [statistics] :: unbiased
harhauma {n} :: deviation (e.g. sexual deviation)
harhausko {n} :: delusional or deviant belief, heresy
harhausko {n} :: mistaken belief
harhauttaa {vt} :: to deceive
harhauttaa {vt} :: to distract
harhauttaa {vt} :: to equivocate
harhauttaa {vt} :: to decoy
harhauttaa {vt} [ball games] :: to feint, to do a dummy
harhauttaa {vt} [ice hockey] :: to deke
harhauttaminen {n} :: misleading, deception, fooling, diversion
harhautua {vi} :: to stray
harhautua {vi} :: to go astray
harhautua {vi} :: to pervert (to become perverted; to take the wrong course)
harhautuma {n} :: alternative form of harhauma
harhautuminen {n} :: straying, going astray
harhautus {n} :: diversion (tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action)
harhautus {n} :: diversion (act of diverting)
harhautus {n} :: red herring (a falsified or intentionally misleading clue)
harhautus {n} :: bluff (an act of bluffing)
harhautus {n} :: trick (an act designed to trick)
harhautus {n} :: delusion (an act of deceiving the judgment of another person)
harhautus {n} [ball games] :: dummy, feint
harhautus {n} [ice hockey] :: deke
harilla {adv} :: alternative form of haralla
harillaan {adv} :: alternative form of harallaan
harille {adv} :: alternative form of haralle
harilleen {adv} :: alternative form of haralleen
häristä {v} :: to snarl, to growl
haristua {v} [dialectal] :: to deteriorate, to come apart
harittaa {v} :: To splay
harittaminen {n} :: splaying
harittava {adj} :: splaying apart
haritus {n} :: splaying
harja {n} :: brush (implement consisting of multiple bristles or other filaments)
harja {n} :: brush (piece of conductive material, serving to maintain electrical contact between the stationary and rotating parts of a machine)
harja {n} :: mane (longer hair growth e.g. on back of neck of a horse or around head of a male lion)
harja {n} :: crest (tuft, or other excrescence or natural ornament, growing on an animal's head)
harja {n} :: crest (upper curve of a horse's neck)
harja {n} :: crest (ridge or top of a wave)
harja {n} :: crest, chine (summit of a hill or mountain ridge)
harja {n} :: arête (sharp edge of a mountain ridge)
harja {n} :: ridge (highest point on a roof)
harja {n} [curling] :: broom, sweeper (implement with which players sweep the ice to make a stone travel further)
harjaaja {n} :: brusher
harjaaminen {n} :: brushing
harjaannus {n} :: practice, competence, experience
harjaannuttaa {vt} :: To train
harjaantua {vi} :: To become competent in something
harjaantumaton {adj} :: untrained, unskilled
harjaantumattomasti {adv} :: in an untrained or unskilled manner
harjaantumattomuus {n} :: the quality or property of being untrained or unskilled
harjaantuminen {n} :: becoming competent
harjaantumiskoulu {n} :: school for disabled people
harjaantumisopetus {n} :: special education for the intellectually disabled
harjaantuneisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being practiced or trained
harjaantunut {adj} :: practiced, experienced, trained, seasoned
harjahirsi {n} :: synonym of kurkihirsi
-harjainen {adj} :: suffix for building adjectives that describe the quality of a harja (can either mean brush, mane or crest) possessed by the modified word
harjakaiset {n} :: a (small) celebration held when a trade is completed where the buyer offers a drink
harjakaiset {n} :: synonym of harjannostajaiset
harjakate {n} :: roof ridge
harjakatto {n} [architecture] :: gable roof
harjakattoinen {adj} :: with a gable roof
harjakauppias {n} :: brush salesperson
harjake {n} :: A small ridge, crest
harjakiharrin {n} :: curling brush (for hair)
harjakoriste {n} :: ridge decoration
harjakorkeus {n} :: height of a building to the very top of the roof
harjakoskelo {n} :: hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
harjakotilo {n} :: Vallonia costata
harjakotka {n} :: crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela)
harjakulma {n} :: angle of a gable roof
harjakuusi {n} :: spruce with a brush-like tip
harjalaiskiainen {n} :: maned three-toed sloth, Bradypus torquatus
harjalammas {n} :: Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia)
harjalauta {n} :: ridge board
harjalintu {n} :: hoopoe (Upupa epops)
harjalista {n} :: ridge cover
harjallinen {adj} :: brushed, with brush or brushes
harjamainen {adj} :: brushlike
harjamainen {adj} :: rooflike
harjamainen {adj} [zoology] :: tectiform (shaped like a roof)
harjamaki {n} :: crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus)
harjaneilikka {n} :: sweet william (Dianthus barbatus)
harjanne {n} :: A ridge
harjannostajaiset {n} :: topping out, more precisely the celebration held to commemorate it
harjanteinen {adj} :: ridged
harjantekijä {n} :: brushmaker
harjanvarsi {n} :: brush handle, broom handle
harjaorsi {n} :: synonym of kurkihirsi
harjaosa {n} :: brush attachment (for a tool)
harjapää {n} :: brush head
harjapalkki {n} :: ridge beam
harjapuoli {n} :: the side with a or the brush
harjapuu {n} :: synonym of kurkihirsi
harjarotta {n} :: maned rat (Lophiomys imhausi)
harjaryssä {n} :: synonym of harjulainen
harjas {n} :: bristle
harjasauma {n} :: synonym of sukasauma
harjashäntäkaniinikenguru {n} :: woylie (Bettongia penicillata)
harjasheinä {n} :: sandbur (any plant of the genus Cenchrus)
harjasheinä {n} [in plural] :: the genus Cenchrus
harjasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of harja
harjasivellin {n} :: a paintbrush with a broom-like tip
harjaspuupiikkisika {n} :: synonym of bahianpiikkirotta, Chaetomys subspinosus
harjasrousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius mairei
harjastukka {n} :: stiff, dense hair
harjastukkainen {adj} :: with stiff, dense hair
harjasusi {n} :: maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus
harjasvyötiäinen {n} :: Andean hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus nationi
harjata {v} :: to brush
harjata {v} [dialectal] :: to bash up, beat up, fight
harjatalo {n} :: a house with a gable roof
harjateltta {n} :: a tent with a gable roof and short walls
harjateräs {n} :: rebar (bar of rebar)
harjatiili {n} :: A ridge tile
harjaus {n} :: brush, brushing (act of brushing)
harjautua {vi} :: to be brushed
harjautua {v} :: synonym of harjaantua
harjava {adj} :: crested
Harjavalta {prop} :: Harjavalta (town)
harjavaltalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Harjavalta
harjavaltalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Harjavalta
harjaviiva {n} :: crest (top line)
harjoite {n} :: exercise
harjoitella {v} :: To practice, exercise, train, drill, rehearse
harjoitelma {n} :: sketch (quick freehand drawing, rough design or idea of an artistic work)
harjoittaa {v} :: to practice (to perform or execute a craft or skill)
harjoittaja {n} :: practitioner, -practicer (person who practices a profession or art)
harjoittaja {n} :: trainer (person who trains another, especially in the military)
harjoittamaton {adj} :: not practicing (something)
harjoittaminen {n} :: practicing (the act of practicing something)
harjoittava {adj} :: practicing (something)
harjoittelija {n} :: intern, trainee, apprentice, learner, student
harjoittelijainvaihto {n} :: synonym of harjoittelijavaihto
harjoittelijavaihto {n} :: trainee exchange, apprentice exchange
harjoittelu {n} :: exercise
harjoitteluaika {n} :: Time devoted to or used for exercise or practice
harjoitteluaika {n} :: A practice run, a warm-up
harjoittelukoulu {n} :: training school, practice school
harjoittelupaikka {n} :: apprenticeship, traineeship (spot for a trainee or apprentice)
harjoittelutila {n} :: training or exercise facility
harjoitus {n} :: exercise, practice
harjoitus {n} :: rehearsal
harjoitus {n} :: drill
harjoitusaine {n} :: training essay
harjoitusajo {n} :: practice run, practice drive
harjoitusalue {n} :: range (area for military training or equipment testing)
harjoituskappale {n} :: practice piece
harjoituskausi {n} :: training season
harjoituskerta {n} :: practice time or session
harjoituskirja {n} :: exercise book
harjoituskorvarengas {n} :: starter earring, sleeper (small earring worn to prevent a piercing from closing)
harjoituskurssi {n} :: training course
harjoitusleiri {n} :: training camp
harjoituslenkki {n} :: an exercise of walking, running or similar for training purposes
harjoitusliike {n} :: exercise motion
harjoitusmatka {n} :: training trip
harjoitusohjelma {n} :: training program
harjoitusottelu {n} [sports] :: exhibition game, friendly, preseason game, exhibition match, scrimmage, demonstration, warmup match, preparation match, challenge match, friendly match (sporting event whose prize money and impact on the player's or the team's rankings is either zero or otherwise greatly reduced)
harjoituspatruuna {n} :: training cartridge
harjoitustehtävä {n} :: exercise, problem, task
harjoitus tekee mestarin {proverb} :: practice makes perfect
harjoitustunti {n} :: training session
harjoitustunti {n} :: training hour
harjoitustyö {n} :: practicing work, rehearsing work
harjoitusvihko {n} :: exercise book (booklet for students, containing problems, exercises and/or blank pages for writing answers)
harjoituttaa {vt} :: to make practice, to train
harjottaa {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of harjoittaa
harju {n} [geology] :: esker; in colloquial language also a terminal moraine
Harju {prop} :: Any of a number of places in Finland and Estonia
Harju {prop} :: surname
harjujensuojelu {n} :: protection or preservation of eskers
harjukasvillisuus {n} :: esker flora, esker vegetation
harjukuoppa {n} :: synonym of suppa
Harjula {prop} :: surname
Harjula {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
harjumainen {adj} :: ridged, carinal
harjus {n} :: grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
harjusinisiipi {n} :: eastern baton blue (Pseudophilotes vicrama)
harjuslauta {n} :: synonym of kalaharava
harjusora {n} :: synonym of somero
härkä {n} :: ox, steer, stag
härkä {n} :: Meat from a bull, beef
härkä {n} [finance] :: bull (investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices)
Härkä {prop} :: Taurus (a constellation)
Härkä {prop} :: Taurus (an astrological sign)
Härkä {prop} :: Ox (the second animal in the 12-year cycle in Chinese zodiac)
härkägemssi {n} :: takin, Budorcas taxicolor
härkähai {n} :: bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
härkäjyvä {n} :: ergot
härkälintu {n} :: red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena)
härkämarkkina {n} [finance, usually, in plural] :: bull market
härkämulli {n} :: young bull, bullock
härkämullikka {n} :: steer, bull calf
härkäpää {n} :: bulldog, mule (stubborn person)
härkäpää {n} :: buff-tip (Phalera bucephala)
härkäpäinen {adj} :: stubborn, pigheaded
härkäpäisesti {adv} :: stubbornly, pigheadedly
härkäpäisyys {n} :: stubbornness, pigheadedness
härkäpapu {n} :: fava bean, broad bean (Vicia faba)
härkäpari {n} :: Pair of oxen joined by a yoke
härkäsammakko {n} :: bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana
härkäsimppu {n} :: fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis or Triglopsis quadricornis)
härkätaistelija {n} [bullfighting] :: bullfighter
härkätaistelu {n} :: bullfight
härkätaisteluareena {n} :: bullring
härkävaljakko {n} :: ox team, team of oxen
härkävaunu {n} [slang] :: boxcar, goods van
härkäviikko {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: a work week after Epiphany
Harkimo {prop} :: surname
härkin {n} :: a type of utensil used for stirring food consisting of a stick with several branches at one end
harkinnanvarainen {adj} :: discretionary (depending on someone's judgment)
harkinta {n} :: consideration, deliberation
harkinta-aika {n} :: deliberation period, consideration period
harkintakyky {n} :: discretion, the ability to make wise, informed decisions
harkintavalta {n} :: discretion
harkintaverotus {n} :: presumptive income taxation (income taxation based on approximate indicators rather than actual records)
harkita {v} :: (transitive; + partitive) To deliberate, consider, reflect upon, ponder, think
harkitsematon {adj} :: imprudent
harkitsematon {adj} :: inconsiderate, unthinking
harkitsemattomasti {adv} :: imprudently
harkitsemattomuus {n} :: rashness, imprudence, inconsiderateness
harkitseminen {n} :: deliberating, considering, pondering
harkitseva {adj} :: deliberate, circumspect (weighting facts and arguments)
harkitsevainen {adj} :: prudent, thoughtful, careful
harkitsevaisuus {n} :: prudence, thoughtfulness
harkitsevasti {adv} :: deliberately, circumspectly
harkitsevuus {n} :: prudence, deliberation, circumspection
harkittu {adj} :: deliberate (intentional)
harkittu {adj} :: deliberate (well-advised)
harkitusti {adv} :: deliberately, with deliberation, with consideration
harkka {n} [archaic] :: controversy, strife
harkka {n} [colloquial] :: practice
harkki {n} :: tow distaff (a type of distaff used to hold crash)
harkki {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of hara
härkki {n} [plant] :: mouse-ear chickweed, chickweed (Cerastium)
härkki {n} [dialectal] :: a branchy piece of wood used for multiple purposes
härkkiä {v} [dialectal] :: to poke repeatedly
harkko {n} :: bar, ingot, pig (block of cast metal)
harkko {n} :: concrete brick, concrete masonry unit (CMU), concrete block, cement block, besser block, breeze block, cinder block
harkko {n} :: expanded clay aggregate brick (kevytsoraharkko)
harkkohytti {n} :: bloomery
harkkokivi {n} :: ashlar, stone brick
harkkoperustus {n} :: concrete block foundation
harkkorauta {n} :: pig iron casted into ingots
harkkotalo {n} :: concrete block house
Härkönen {prop} :: surname
Harkova {prop} :: Harkova (city)
härkylä {n} [plant] :: A fern of the genus Polystichum
harlekiini {n} :: harlequin
harlekiini {n} :: broadbill (bird of the family Eurylaimidae)
harlekiini {n} [in plural] :: Eurylaimidae (family of tropical passerine birds)
harlekiinikuvioinen {adj} :: with a diamond or rhombic pattern
harlekiinisorsa {n} :: A term sometimes used by the ignorant of virta-alli (harlequin duck), Histrionicus histrionicus
harlekiinitulkku {n} :: grey-headed bullfinch, Pyrrhula erythaca
härmä {n} :: hoarfrost
härmä {n} :: synonym of härmätauti
Härmä {prop} :: Härmä (subregion/and/township), known for its puukkojunkkari tradition
Härmä {prop} :: A nickname for Finland
harmaa {adj} :: grey, gray (colour)
harmaa {adj} :: grey, gray, dreary, gloomy
harmaa {adj} :: grey, gray (having an indistinct or disputed quality)
harmaa {n} :: The colour grey/gray
harmaa aine {n} [anatomy] :: grey matter
harmaa-asteikko {n} :: grayscale
harmaa eminenssi {n} :: éminence grise, power behind the throne
harmaafiivi {n} :: eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)
harmaahaikara {n} :: grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
harmaahapsi {n} :: A gray-haired person
harmaahapsi {n} [figuratively] :: An old person
harmaahapsinen {adj} :: gray-haired
harmaahiuksinen {adj} :: gray-haired
harmaahome {n} :: gray mold (Botrytis cinerea)
harmaahylje {n} :: grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
harmaakaihi {n} [medicine] :: cataract
harmaakarhu {n} :: grizzly bear
harmaakerttu {n} :: synonym of pensaskerttu
harmaakettu {n} :: gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
harmaakiilto {n} :: silver leaf (fungal disease)
harmaakivi {n} :: granite, especially gray granite
harmaakivikirkko {n} :: church made of (gray) granite
harmaakorvayökkö {n} :: grey long-eared bat (Plecotus austriacus)
harmaakultarinta {n} :: Upcher's warbler (Hippolais languida)
harmaakurkkurastas {n} :: eyebrowed thrush (Turdus obscurus)
harmaakuskus {n} :: grey cuscus (Phalanger orientalis)
harmaakuukkeli {n} :: gray jay,Perisoreus canadensis
harmaakuvemyyrä {n} :: grey red-backed vole (Myodes rufocanus; former genus names Chletrionomys and Evotomys)
harmaakylkimonninen {n} :: Corydoras septentrionalis
harmaalepakko {n} :: hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus)
harmaaleppä {n} :: A grey alder, Alnus incana
harmaalokki {n} :: herring gull (Larus argentatus)
harmaamurmeli {n} :: hoary marmot (Marmota caligata)
harmaamustesieni {n} :: inky cap, Coprinopsis atramentaria
harmaanieriä {n} :: lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
harmaankirjava {adj} :: dappled-gray
harmaanmusta {adj} :: gray-black
harmaanmusta {n} :: gray-black
harmaannuttaa {vt} :: to gray
harmaanorjanhirvikoira {n} :: alternative form of harmaa norjanhirvikoira
harmaanruskea {adj} :: gray-brown
harmaanruskea {n} :: gray-brown
harmaansininen {adj} :: gray-blue
harmaansininen {n} :: gray-blue
harmaantua {vi} :: To grey (to become grey)
harmaantuminen {n} :: graying, becoming gray
harmaantunut {adj} :: hoary (of hair, turned white or grey with age)
härmääntyä {vi} :: to frost (get covered with frost)
harmaanvalkoinen {adj} :: gray-white
harmaanvalkoinen {n} :: gray-white
harmaaorava {n} :: eastern gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis
harmaaorvakka {n} :: Phlebiopsis gigantea
harmaapää {n} :: one who is gray-headed
harmaapäälokki {n} :: grey-hooded gull (Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus)
harmaapääsirkku {n} :: black-faced bunting (Emberiza spodocephala)
harmaapäätikka {n} :: grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus)
harmaapäinen {adj} :: gray-headed, hoary
harmaapapukaija {n} :: grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus)
harmaaparta {n} :: graybeard
harmaapartainen {adj} :: gray-bearded
harmaapartaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius canabarba
harmaapensselisika {n} :: bush pig, bushpig (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus larvatus)
harmaapökkelökehrääjä {n} :: common potoo (Nyctibius griseus)
harmaaporonjäkälä {n} :: reindeer lichen, reindeer moss, Cladonia rangiferina
harmaarotta {n} :: brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
harmaarousku {n} :: grey milk-cap (Lactarius vietus)
harmaasara {n} [plant] :: silvery sedge, Carex canescens
harmaasävy {n} :: a grayscale color
harmaasävy {n} [in plural] :: grayscale
harmaasävykuva {n} :: monochrome (black and white photograph)
harmaasieppo {n} :: spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)
harmaasilli {n} :: alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)
harmaasilmäinen {adj} :: gray-eyed
harmaasirkku {n} :: corn bunting (Emberiza calandra)
harmaasorsa {n} :: gadwall (Mareca strepera, syn. Anas strepera)
harmaasulkukotilo {n} :: Bulgarica cana, a door snail
harmaat {n} [colloquial] :: Time spent in the military service; from the color of the uniform, often in the form armeijan harmaat (Literally, "the greys of the Army)
harmaatasapaino {n} [photography] :: gray balance
harmaatukkainen {adj} :: grey-haired
harmaatulkku {n} :: brown bullfinch, Pyrrhula nipalensis
harmaatuonti {n} :: gray importing, parallel importing
harmaavalas {n} :: gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
harmaavarpunen {n} [figuratively] :: a drab or bland person, especially a woman
harmaavesi {n} :: greywater, gray water
harmaavilla-apina {n} :: yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda)
Harmageddon {prop} [Christianity] :: Armageddon (site of the final battle)
härmähapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula lilacea
harmahtaa {v} [intransitive}of a color] :: to have a grey shade
harmahtava {adj} :: grayish
harmahtavanvalkoinen {adj} :: grayish-white
harmain {adj} :: superlative of harmaa
härmäinen {adj} :: frosty, rimy
Härmälä {prop} :: surname
härmäläinen {n} :: A person from Härmä
härmäläinen {n} [colloquial] :: Finn
härmäläisyys {n} :: being from Härmä
härmäläisyys {n} [colloquial] :: Finnishness
härmämalikka {n} :: A mushroom, Clitocybe nebularis or Lepista nebularis, also known as the clouded agaric
härmäsieni {n} :: A fungus of the order Erysiphales
härmäsieni {n} :: powdery mildew ‎(mildew affecting many important food crops caused by these fungi)
härmätauti {n} :: powdery mildew
harmaus {n} :: grayness, greyness
harme {n} [geology] :: The non-valuable material of ore
härme {n} [chemistry] :: sublimate
härmekaali {n} :: synonym of kiinanbrokkoli
harmentaa {vt} :: to grey
harmentua {vi} [rare] :: To grey
harmeta {vi} :: To gray
härmettyä {vi} :: to frost (get covered with frost)
harmi {n} :: harm
harmi {n} :: shame (something to regret)
harmi {interj} :: pity!
harmi {interj} :: what a pity
harmillinen {adj} :: annoying, troublesome
harmillisesti {adv} :: annoyingly
harmillisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being annoying or troublesome
harminkappale {n} :: nuisance, pest, bother
harmio {n} :: hoary alyssum, Berteroa incana
harmissaan {adv} :: upset, annoyed, frustrated
härmistää {vt} :: to deposit (to cause a gas to turn directly to a solid substance; the technique is used in producing thin films of material on the surface of another material)
harmistua {vi} :: To be annoyed
harmistuksissaan {adv} :: while being upset or displeased
harmistuminen {n} :: getting annoyed
harmistunut {adj} :: annoyed, displeased, upset
härmistyä {vi} [physics, chemistry] :: to undergo deposition; change from gas into solid
härmistyminen {n} [physics] :: deposition (transformation of a gas into a solid without an intermediate liquid phase)
harmitella {v} :: to bemoan, complain, regret, dismay about something
harmiton {adj} :: harmless
harmittaa {vt} :: to make feel bad; to irritate, annoy, vex, irk
harmittaa {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to feel bad, to be irritated, annoyed, vexed
harmittava {adj} :: irritating, annoying, bothersome
harmittava {adj} :: disappointing, unfortunate
harmittelu {n} :: bemoaning, complaining
harmittomasti {adv} :: harmlessly
harmittomuus {n} :: harmlessness
harmitus {n} :: irritation, annoyance, vexation, irking, frustration (state of being mentally irritated or annoyed)
harmitus {n} :: drag (as an exclamation, something disappointing)
harmi vain {interj} :: just a pity
harmohapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula densifolia
harmoni {n} :: harmonium
harmonia {n} :: harmony
harmoniaoppi {n} :: study of harmony in music
harmonikansoittaja {n} :: accordionist
harmonikka {n} :: accordion
harmonikkakonsertto {n} :: accordion concerto
harmonikkamusiikki {n} :: accordion music
harmoninen {adj} :: harmonic
harmoninen {adj} :: harmonious
harmoninen keskiarvo {n} :: harmonic mean
harmonioida {v} :: To harmonize
harmonisesti {adv} :: harmonically
harmonisoida {vt} :: To harmonize
harmonisoiminen {n} :: harmonizing
harmonisointi {n} :: harmonization
harmonisoitua {vi} :: To be harmonized
harmonistaa {vt} :: To harmonize
harmonistua {vi} [rare] :: to harmonize
harmonisuus {n} :: harmonicity
harmonisuus {n} :: harmoniousness
harmosammal {n} :: Hedwigia ciliata
harmosammal {n} :: any moss of the genus Hedwigia
harmosammal {n} [in plural] :: the genus Hedwigia
härnääjä {n} :: teaser (one who teases)
härnäillä {vt} :: to tease around, to tease repeatedly, to play around
härnätä {vt} :: to tease
härnäys {n} :: teasing
härö {n} [slang] :: weirdo
härö {adj} [slang] :: weird, strange
härö {n} :: flat bark beetle, cucujid (any member of the family Cucujidae)
haroa {v} :: to grope, scrabble
häröillä {vi} [colloquial] :: to act in a weird or inappropriate manner
harottaa {vi} :: To protrude
harottaminen {n} :: protruding
härpäke {n} :: synonym of kilke (accessory, attachment)
harpata {v} :: To stride, to leap (to take one long step)
harpata {v} :: To warp in video gaming
harpikko {n} :: harpist
harpisti {n} :: harpist
harppaaminen {n} :: striding, leaping
harppailla {v} :: frequentative form of harpata (to leap, stride) (to take repeated long steps)
harppaus {n} :: leap (long step)
harppauskerros {n} :: pycnocline
harppi {n} :: pair of compasses, compass (a device used to draw an arc or circle)
Harppi {prop} :: the constellation Circinus, the Compass
harppia {vi} :: alternative form of harppoa
Harppi-Saksa {prop} [colloquial] :: East Germany
harppisaksalainen {n} [mildly pejorative] :: East German
harppoa {vi} :: to stride (to walk with long steps)
harppominen {n} :: striding
harppu {n} :: A harp
harppu {n} [derogatory] :: An old or ugly woman, harpy
harppukonsertto {n} :: harp concerto
harppunoida {vt} :: To harpoon
harppusoitin {n} :: harp instrument
harppuuna {n} :: harpoon
harppuuna {n} :: short for harppuunapyssy or harppuunatykki; speargun, harpoon gun
harppuunakalastus {n} :: spearfishing, harpoon fishing
harppuunapyssy {n} :: speargun (handheld)
harppuunapyssy {n} :: harpoon gun (deck-mounted)
harppuunatykki {n} :: harpoon cannon, harpoon gun (deck-mounted cannon for shooting harpoons)
harpunkieli {n} :: harp string
harpunsoittaja {n} :: harpist
harpyija {n} [Greek mythology] :: harpy (fabulous winged monster with the face of a woman)
harpyija {n} :: harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja)
harras {adj} :: pious, devout, heartfelt, earnest
harrashenkinen {adj} :: pious, devout
harrastaa {vt} [_, + elative] :: to be interested in, to be engaged in a hobby
harrastaja {n} :: hobbyist, amateur (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally)
harrastaja-astronomi {n} :: amateur astronomer
harrastajakirjoittaja {n} :: amateur writer
harrastajanäyttelijä {n} :: amateur actor
harrastajapiiri {n} :: amateur circle
harrastajataiteilija {n} :: hobbyist artist
harrastajateatteri {n} :: amateur theater, community theater
harrastaminen {n} :: being interested in, having as a hobby
harraste {n} :: hobby
harrastelehti {n} :: hobbyist magazine
harrastelija {n} :: dilettant, amateur, dabbler (someone unqualified in their field)
harrastelijamainen {adj} :: amateurish, dilettante
harrastelijamaisesti {adv} :: amateurly
harrastella {v} :: to dabble in, to be engaged in a hobby in a leisurely or superficial manner
harrastelu {n} :: dabbling in some topic, leisurely activity
harrastua {vi} :: To become interested
harrastuneisuus {n} :: hobbyism, interest
harrastunnelmainen {adj} :: with a pious or devout atmosphere
harrastus {n} :: hobby
harrastusmerkki {n} :: hobby badge
harrastuspiiri {n} :: hobby circle, hobby group
harrastustyö {n} :: work or project made as a hobby
harri {n} [colloquial] :: grayling, Thymallus thymallus
Harri {prop} :: given name
Harri {prop} [uncommon] :: surname
harrikka {n} :: A nickname of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle
harsia {v} :: to baste, tack (to sew with long or loose stitches)
harsimalanka {n} :: synonym of harsinlanka
harsimapisto {n} :: synonym of harsinpisto
harsinlanka {n} :: basting thread
harsinpisto {n} :: basting stitch
harsinta {n} :: tack (loose seam)
harsintahakkuu {n} :: selective cutting
harsintametsä {n} :: a forest with trees of mixed age and size
härski {adj} [of food] :: rancid
härski {adj} [of a story, joke etc.] :: dirty, raunchy
härski {adj} [of a person or deed] :: dirty, unscrupulous, dishonorable (displaying contempt of what is right; having no honor, conscience, or decency)
härskiintyä {vi} [of food, etc.] :: to become rancid, to rancidify
härskiintyminen {n} :: becoming rancid, rancidifying
härskiintynyt {adj} :: rancid
härskisti {adv} :: grossly
härskisti {adv} :: unscrupulously
härskiys {n} :: grossness
härskiytyä {vi} [of butter] :: To become rancid
harso {n} :: gauze (thin fabric)
harso {n} :: veil
harsokangas {n} :: gauze, mull, scrim, tissue
harsokate {n} :: dry mulch (crop cover)
harsokorento {n} :: green lacewing (insect in the family Chrysopidae)
harsokorento {n} [in plural] :: the family Chrysopidae
harsokukka {n} :: synonym of morsiusharso
harsopilvi {n} :: cirrostratus (type of cloud)
harsosääski {n} :: dark-winged fungus gnat (any fly in the family Sciaridae)
harsosääski {n} [in the plural] :: the family Sciaridae
harsu {adj} [botany] :: sparse
harsusara {n} :: looseflower alpine sedge (Carex rariflora)
harsuuntua {vi} :: To unravel
harsuuntuminen {n} :: unraveling
hartaasti {adv} :: earnestly, entreatingly, heartfeltly
hartaudenharjoitus {n} :: devotion, worship
hartaus {n} :: devotion, piety, earnestness
hartaus {n} :: short for hartaustilaisuus
hartaushetki {n} :: devotional time, prayer
hartauskirja {n} :: devotional book, prayer book
hartauskirjallisuus {n} :: devotional literature
hartauskokous {n} :: religious meeting
hartauspuhe {n} :: devotional speech
hartaustilaisuus {n} :: devotional, devotional address, service of worship
harteet {n} :: shoulders
harteikas {adj} :: broad-shouldered
harteva {adj} :: broad-shouldered
hartia {n} [anatomy] :: shoulder
hartiahuivi {n} :: shawl
hartiakappale {n} :: shoulder piece
hartiakas {adj} :: Broad-shouldered
hartialihas {n} [anatomy] :: deltoid muscle, deltoid, common shoulder muscle (triangular muscle in the shoulder)
hartialiina {n} :: scarf or cloth worn over the shoulders, fichu
hartianseutu {n} :: shoulder region, shoulder girdle
hartiapankki {n} [idiomatic] :: self-building (building something, like a home, on one's own)
hartiapankkirakentaja {n} :: a person that is building or constructing their own house; a person that takes part in the construction of their house
hartiapunos {n} [anatomy] :: brachial plexus (network of nerves leading from neck to arm)
hartiapunosvaurio {n} [pathology] :: synonym of Erbin pareesi
hartiasuojus {n} :: shoulder protector, shoulder pad
hartiavaippa {n} :: shawl
hartiaviitta {n} :: cape (cloth)
hartiavoima {n} [figuratively] :: one's physical strength
hartiavoima {n} [idiomatic] :: one's full effort; a corresponding English idiom is "shoulder to the wheel"
hartiavoimin {adv} :: with brute force, by doing the hard work, by putting one's nose to the grind stone
hartiavyö {n} [skeleton] :: pectoral girdle
Hartikainen {prop} :: surname
hartiushame {n} :: dress with decorative shoulder straps
Hartola {prop} :: Hartola (municipality)
hartolalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hartola
hartolalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hartola
hartsaantua {vi} :: to turn into resin
hartsata {vt} :: to resinate (treat with resin)
hartsata {vt} :: to seal with resin
hartsata {vt} :: to turn into resin
hartsi {n} :: resin (group of natural and synthetic chemicals)
hartsihappo {n} :: resin acid
hartsiintua {vi} :: alternative form of hartsaantua
hartsilakka {n} :: resin varnish
hartsiliima {n} :: resin adhesive
hartsimainen {adj} :: resinlike, resinous
hartsinen {adj} :: resinous
hartsiöljy {n} :: rosin oil
hartsisaippua {n} :: resin soap, rosin soap
hartsittaa {v} [rare] :: alternative form of hartsata
harus {n} :: stay, guy, guyline (rope, or wire supporting a structural element)
harus {n} [nautical] :: guy, guyline (support to secure or steady something prone to shift its position or be carried away)
harus {n} [nautical] :: synonym of staagi
harusköysi {n} :: guy rope, guyline rope
haruspeksi {n} :: haruspex
haruspurje {n} [nautical] :: A staysail
harustaa {v} [nautical] :: to equip with stays; guy (equip with guys or guylines)
harustettu {adj} :: equipped with stays; guyed
harva {adj} :: infrequent, sparse (far apart in space or time)
harva {adj} :: thin (of hair)
harva {adj} :: loose (of garment or any grid-like structure)
harva {adj} [often, in plural] :: few
harvaan {adv} :: sparsely (at long intervals in space)
harvaan {adv} :: rarely (at long intervals in time)
harvaetuhampaiset {n} :: The marsupial order Diprotodontia
harvahammas {n} [possibly, derogatory] :: a person with few teeth
harvahampainen {adj} :: gap-toothed
harvahko {adj} :: somewhat sparse, not very dense
harvainvalta {n} :: oligarchy
harvainvaltainen {adj} :: oligarchical
harvainvaltaisesti {adv} :: oligarchically
harvainvaltaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being oligarchical
harvajalkainen {n} [biology] :: pauropod
harvakseen {adv} :: seldom, rarely, infrequently (with long intervals)
harvakseen {adv} :: sparsely
harvakseltaan {adv} :: infrequently (with long intervals), seldom, rarely
harvakseltaan {adv} :: sparsely
harvalukuinen {adj} :: small in number, few, rare, sparse
harvalukuisesti {adv} :: in a manner that is sparse, or small or limited in number
harvalukuisuus {n} :: fewness
harvaoksainen {adj} :: sparsely-branched, sparse
harvapartainen {adj} :: with a thin or sparse beard
harvapuheinen {adj} :: taciturn, terse, of few words
harvapuheisesti {adv} :: taciturnly, tersely
harvapuheisuus {n} :: taciturnity
harvasanainen {adj} :: of few words; laconic, terse
harvasanaisesti {adv} :: laconically, tersely
harvasanaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being laconic or terse
harva se päivä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: almost daily, quite often
harvassa {adv} :: rare, scarce, few and far between
harvasti {adv} :: sparsely
harvasukasmato {n} :: oligochaete (any of various hermaphroditic aquatic and terrestrial annelid worms, of the class Oligochaeta, that have single bristles along the body)
harvasyinen {adj} [of wood, etc.] :: loose-grained
härveli {n} :: gimmick, gadget
harvemmin {adv} :: comparative of harvoin
harvempaan {adv} :: comparative of harvaan
harveneminen {n} :: becoming less in number
harveneminen {n} :: becoming less dense
harvennin {n} [gardening] :: thinner (thinning tool or device)
harvennus {n} :: thinning (act of removing some plants in order to improve the growth of those remaining)
harvennushakkuu {n} [forestry] :: thinning
harvennusleikkaus {n} [forestry] :: thinning
harvennuspuu {n} :: thinned tree
harventaa {v} :: to thin out (to make more sparse)
harventaa {v} :: to thin (to remove some plants or parts thereof in order to improve the growth of those remaining)
harventaa {v} :: to rarefy (to make rare, thin, porous, less dense)
harventaa {v} [music] :: to augment (to slow the tempo or meter, e.g. for a dramatic or stately passage)
harventaja {n} :: thinner (person who or something that thins, such as plants in a garden)
harventamaton {adj} :: unthinned
harventaminen {n} :: thinning out, thinning, raring
harventua {vi} :: To thin out
harventua {v} :: To become rarer (less common)
harventuma {n} :: thinned out spot
harventuminen {n} :: thinning out, becoming rarer
harvesteri {n} :: harvester
harveta {vi} :: To become more rare in number
harveta {vi} :: To become less dense, less crowded
harvimmin {adv} :: superlative of harvoin
harvinainen {adj} :: rare, uncommon
harvinainen maametalli {n} :: rare earth metal, rare earth element
harvinaisesti {adv} :: rarely
harvinaiskirja {n} :: rare book
harvinaislaatuinen {adj} :: rare, unique, extraordinary, exceptional
harvinaistua {vi} :: To become rare or rarer
harvinaisuus {n} :: rarity
harvinaisuus {n} :: rareness
harvoin {adv} :: seldom, rarely, infrequently (taking place at long intervals)
harvuinen {adj} :: sparse; of a certain sparsity
harvuus {n} :: sparsity
harvuus {n} :: scarcity, thinness
harvuus {n} :: looseness
harvuus {n} :: fewness
hasa {n} [slang] :: hash (hashish)
hasardi {n} :: hazard (change), gambling
hasardimaantiede {n} :: geography of natural hazards
häseltää {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of säheltää
hašemiitti {n} :: Hashemite (direct descendant of Hashim)
hašemiittinen {adj} :: Hashemite
hasidilaisuus {n} :: Hasidism
hasidismi {n} :: Hasidism
hasis {n} :: hashish
hašiš {n} :: alternative spelling of hasis
haskala {n} [historical] :: Haskalah (intellectual movement among European Jews in 1770 - 1880)
häslätä {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of sählätä
haspelikela {n} [fishing] :: spinning reel
hassahtaa {vi} :: to get (slightly) crazy
hassahtaa {vi} :: to get zealous (over)
hassahtanut {adj} [slang] :: silly, crazy, cracked, crackpot, nuts (mildly and harmlessly out of one's mind, as due to old age)
hassahtava {adj} :: slightly crazy or batty, often due to early stages of senility
hässäkkä {n} :: hassle, palaver, ruckus
hässäkkä {n} :: kerfuffle (disorderly outburst, disturbance, commotion or tumult)
hässäkkä {n} [vulgar] :: vulva
hassaniyya {n} :: Hassānīya, Hassaniya, Hassaniya Arabic (variety of Arabic spoken in Mauritania, northern Mali and Western Sahara)
hassata {v} [colloquial] :: to waste (squander money or resources uselessly)
hassaus {n} [colloquial] :: wasting (money, etc.)
hasselpähkinä {n} :: hazelnut
hasselpähkinävoi {n} :: hazelnut butter
hassi {n} [colloquial] :: blunder
Hassi {prop} :: surname
Hassi {prop} :: A placename
hässiä {v} [colloquial, vulgar, + partitive] :: to fuck, screw, have sex
hässiminen {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: fucking, screwing, having sex
Hassinen {prop} :: surname
hassium {n} :: hassium
hassu {adj} :: funny
hassu {adj} :: silly (playful)
hassu {adj} :: weird (strange)
hassuin {adj} :: superlative of hassu
hassumpi {adj} :: comparative of hassu
hassunkurinen {adj} :: comical
hassunkurisesti {adv} :: comically
hassunkurisuus {n} :: comicalness
hassusti {adv} :: funnily (in a fun manner)
hassusti {adv} :: funnily, strangely
hassutella {vi} :: to goof off, to monkey around, to play the fool, to act silly
hassuttaa {vt} [colloquial] :: to fool, to trick
hassuttaminen {n} [colloquial] :: fooling, tricking
hassutteleminen {n} :: goofing off, monkeying around
hassuttelu {n} :: goofing off, monkeying around
hassutus {n} [colloquial] :: fooling, tricking
hassuus {n} :: funnyness, sillyness
hästäkki {n} [colloquial] :: hashtag
hätä {n} :: emergency (situation requiring urgent assistance)
hätä {n} :: distress (serious danger)
hätä {n} :: need, necessity
hätä {n} :: hurry, urgency
hätääkärsivä {adj} :: in need, in distress
hätäännyksissä {adv} :: while being distressed, while panicking
hätäännyksissään {adv} :: alternative form of hätäännyksissä
hätäännys {n} :: becoming distressed, panicking
hätäännyttää {vt} :: to alarm (to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear)
hätääntyä {vi} :: to become distressed, to panic, to be alarmed
hätääntyminen {n} :: becoming distressed, being alarmed, panicking
hätäapu {n} :: emergency relief, disaster relief
hätäaputyö {n} :: disaster relief work
hätäavustus {n} :: emergency relief, emergency aid
hätä ei lue lakia {proverb} :: necessity knows no law
hätä ei lue lakia {proverb} :: needs must when the devil drives
hätä ei ole tämän näköinen {proverb} :: things, especially perceived emergencies, may seem worse at first than they actually are
hätähousu {n} [figuratively] :: a hasty person
hätähuuto {n} :: cry of alarm, cry for help
hätäilemätön {adj} :: unhurried, measured, deliberate
hätäilemättömästi {adv} :: unhurriedly, measuredly, deliberately
hätäilemättömyys {n} :: unhurriedness, measuredness, deliberateness
hätäileminen {n} :: acting prematurely, being too quick or hasty
hätäilijä {n} :: rusher, hasty person
hätäillä {v} :: to act prematurely, be too quick or hasty; jump the gun
hätäilmoitus {n} :: emergency announcement
hätäily {n} :: hastiness, acting prematurely, panicking
hätäinen {adj} :: hasty (acting in haste)
hätäinen {adj} :: rash (not careful or considered)
hätäisesti {adv} :: hastily, rashly
hätäistunto {n} :: emergency session
hätäisyys {n} :: hastiness
hätäisyys {n} :: rashness
hätäjarru {n} :: emergency brake
hätäjarruttaa {v} :: to emergency-brake
hätäjarrutus {n} :: emergency braking
hätäkaste {n} :: emergency baptism
hätäkatkaisin {n} :: emergency switch
hätäkeino {n} :: emergency measure
hätä keinon keksii {proverb} :: alternative form of hätä keinot keksii
hätä keinot keksii {proverb} :: necessity is the mother of invention
hätä keinot keksii {proverb} :: desperate times call for desperate measures
hätäkello {n} :: alarm bell
hätäkeskus {n} :: A public-safety answering point, PSAP (telephone center responsible for answering public emergency calls)
hätäkeskuslaki {n} :: emergency response center law or act
hätäkokous {n} :: emergency meeting
hätäkutsu {n} :: mayday (distress signal)
hätälasku {n} [aviation] :: emergency landing
hätäleipä {n} [historical] :: famine bread, especially the bark bread (any bread substitute used in the times of famine)
hätäliukumäki {n} [aviation] :: evacuation slide
hätämajoitus {n} :: emergency accommodation, emergency shelter
hätämasto {n} [nautical] :: jurymast
hätämerkki {n} :: distress signal
hätänumero {n} :: emergency number
hätäpaikka {n} :: emergency location
hätäpaikka {n} [colloquial] :: case of emergency
hätäpaikka {n} :: emergency filling, emergency patch
hätäpäissään {adv} :: in desperation or emergency
hätäpäivä {n} :: day of disaster or emergency (usually in the negative)
hätäpalvelunumero {n} :: emergency number
hätäpaska {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: shitting one's pants due to shock, fear, anguish, etc
hätäpikaa {adv} :: hastily or quickly as a result of an emergency or urgency
hätäpoistumistie {n} :: In a building, a fire escape (entire escape route)
hätäpuhelin {n} :: emergency phone
hätäpuhelu {n} :: emergency call
hätäpysäytin {n} :: emergency stopper, emergency stop button
hatara {adj} :: shaky, flimsy
hatara {adj} :: feeble
hätäraha {n} :: emergency money
hätäraketti {n} :: emergency flare, distress flare
hatarasti {adv} :: shakily
hatarasti {adv} :: feebly
hätäratkaisu {n} :: emergency solution
hätäravinto {n} :: emergency food, emergency fodder
hätäreitti {n} :: emergency route, emergency passage
hätäriki {n} [nautical] :: A jury-rig (improvised rigging)
hataruus {n} :: shakiness, feebleness
hätäsanoma {n} :: distress message, emergency message
hätäsatama {n} :: safe haven, refuge
hätäsavu {n} :: smoke signal (type of flare or combustion device used as a distress signal)
hätätakila {n} [nautical] :: A jury-rig (improvised rigging)
hätätapaus {n} :: an emergency, an emergency situation
hätätarve {n} :: emergency need
hätäteurastaa {vt} :: to subject to emergency slaughter
hätäteurastus {n} :: emergency slaughter
hätätikkaat {n} :: emergency ladder
hätätila {n} :: state of emergency (unusually difficult or dangerous situation)
hätätila {n} [colloquial] :: state of emergency (governmental decree declaring such situation; status quo following such declaration)
hätätilahallitus {n} :: emergency government
hätätilalaki {n} :: state of emergency law, state of emergency act
hätätilanne {n} :: emergency (situation such as a natural or man-made disaster requiring urgent assistance)
hätätyö {n} :: emergency work
hätäuloskäynti {n} :: emergency exit
hätävalhe {n} :: a lie made up on the spot; fib, white lie
hätävara {n} :: stopgap, makeshift or emergency solution intended to be temporary
hätävarjelu {n} [law] :: (legitimate) self-defense, self-protection (especially in the context of justifying a crime, such as homicide)
hätävarjelus {n} :: alternative form of hätävarjelu
hätävilkku {n} [usually, in plural] :: hazard light, hazard flasher
häthätää {adv} :: quickly, hurriedly, in a hurry, in a rush
häthätää {adv} :: just, just in time, in the nick of time
hätiin {adv} :: to aid in an emergency
hatikka {n} :: spurry
hätiköidä {v} :: to hurry
hätiköinti {n} :: haste
hätiköity {adj} :: hastily or hurriedly done or made
hätimmiten {adv} :: quickly, hurriedly, just in time
hätistää {vt} :: To drive off
hätistellä {v} :: to shoo, to rush
hätkähdellä {vi} :: to startle or twitch repeatedly
hätkähdys {n} :: startle, twitch
hätkähdyttää {vt} :: alternative form of hätkäyttää, to startle
hätkähdyttävä {adj} :: startling, spectacular, striking
hätkähtää {vi} :: to startle, to twitch
hätkähtäminen {n} :: startling, twitching
hatkat {adv} [colloquial] :: escape, runner (quick escape away from a scene); used with the verb ottaa (to take) in the idiomatic expression "ottaa hatkat", which may often be translated with to leave, quit, flee, run away or with an idiom like to take to one's heels or take to the hills
hätkäyttää {vt} :: to startle (excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension)
hatšapuri {n} :: khachapuri (cheese pastry from Georgia)
hattara {n} :: cotton candy
hatti {n} [historical] :: Hattian (person)
hatti {n} [historical] :: Hattic (language)
hattu {n} :: hat
hattu {n} :: tampion (plug on top of an organ pipe)
hattu {n} [orthography, typography] :: háček, caron (diacritical mark [ ˇ ])
hattu {n} [math] :: hat, circumflex
hattuhylly {n} :: hat rack, hat stand, hat shelf
hattuilla {v} :: To tease
hattukauppa {n} :: hat shop, millinery shop
Hattula {prop} :: Hattula (municipality)
hattulainen {adj} :: alternative form of hattulalainen
hattulainen {n} :: alternative form of hattulalainen
hattulalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hattula
hattulalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hattula
hattunauha {n} :: A hatband
hattuneula {n} :: hatpin
hattupäinen {adj} :: wearing a hat
hatturasia {n} :: hatbox
hattureuhka {n} :: synonym of reuhka
hattu-s {n} :: the letter Š, š (marking the voiceless postalveolar sibilant in Finnish orthography)
Hattuša {prop} [historical] :: Hattusa (capital of the Hittites)
hattuteline {n} :: hat rack
hattutemppu {n} [sports] :: hat trick (three goals by one player in one game)
hattutukki {n} :: hat block
hattuuntua {vi} :: To be annoyed
hattuuntuminen {n} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: being annoyed
hattuuntunut {adj} :: pissed off
hattu-z {n} :: the letter Ž, ž (marking the voiced postalveolar sibilant in Finnish orthography)
hatullinen {n} :: hatful (amount a hat can hold)
hatullinen {adj} :: wearing or having a hat
hatunlieri {n} :: brim of a hat
hatunnosto {n} :: hat tip, lifting or taking off the hat
hatunreuhka {n} :: synonym of reuhka
hatuntekijä {n} :: hatter
hatuttaa {vi} [colloquial] :: To be annoyed, vexed
hatuttaminen {n} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: being annoyed or vexed
hätyytellä {vt} :: to hassle, to drive off
hätyyttää {vt} :: to drive off, to shoo, to try to force someone or something to leave
hätyyttäminen {n} :: driving off, shooing, forcing to leave
hätyyttelijä {n} :: person who drives off, hassler
hätyyttely {n} :: hassling
hätyytys {n} :: shooing, driving off
hau {interj} :: woof, the sound a barking dog makes
haudanhäpäisy {n} :: desecration of grave
haudanhiljainen {adj} :: silent as the grave
haudanhiljaisuus {n} :: dead silence
haudankaivaja {n} :: gravedigger
haudankaivuu {n} :: gravedigging
haudanryöstäjä {n} :: graverobber
haudanryöstö {n} :: graverobbing
haudan takaa {phrase} :: beyond the grave
haudantakainen {adj} :: from the afterlife, otherworldly (literally "(from) behind the grave")
haudanvakava {adj} :: Grave, very serious
haudanvakavasti {adv} :: gravely, very seriously
haudanvakavuus {n} :: gravity, seriousness
haudata {vt} :: to bury, inter, entomb
haudata {vt} [figuratively] :: to bury, abandon
haudata sotakirves {v} [idiomatic] :: to bury the hatchet
haude {n} :: poultice
haude {n} :: tea (any drink made by infusing parts of various other plants)
haudehoito {n} :: poultice treatment
haudehoito {n} :: deep conditioning (for hair)
haudekattila {n} :: a pan, kettle or boiler for simmering, often a double boiler
haudella {vt} :: to dwell or linger on a thought
haudeneste {n} :: solute, infusion
hauderehu {n} :: animal feed prepared by putting ingredients in hot water
haudesidos {n} :: poultice
haudevesi {n} :: hot water in which a type of animal feed is prepared
haudikas {n} :: A stewed root vegetable, potato etc
haudonta {n} :: brooding, incubation of eggs
haudonta-aika {n} :: brooding period
haudontaerä {n} [poultry farming] :: A hatch (birds that emerged from eggs at a specified time)
haudottaa {vt} :: to have brooded or incubated
hauduttaa {v} [cooking] :: To poach (to cook in simmering water)
hauduttaa {v} :: To stew, simmer (to cook by slowly boiling or simmering)
hauduttaminen {n} :: poaching, stewing, simmering
haudutus {n} :: poaching, stewing, simmering
haudutuspata {n} :: slow cooker (kitchen appliance)
hauenkoukku {n} :: pike hook
hauenkutu {n} :: pike spawning
hauenleuka {n} :: crocodile clip or alligator clip
hauenpyynti {n} :: pike fishing
hau hau {interj} :: bow wow
hauis {n} [anatomy] :: biceps brachii
hauislihas {n} :: biceps brachii
haukahdella {vi} [of a dog] :: To bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay in a repeated and irregular manner
haukahdus {n} :: a (single) bark, yip or yap
haukahtaa {vi} :: To bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay once, utter a bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay
haukahtaminen {n} :: barking, yipping or yapping once
haukahteleminen {n} :: barking or yapping repeatedly
haukahtelu {n} :: repeated barking, yipping or yapping
haukankatse {n} [figurative] :: a piercing look
haukansilmä {n} [mineral] :: hawk-eye
haukansilmäinen {adj} :: hawk-eyed
haukata {v} :: to bite
haukata {v} :: to take a bite
haukata liian iso pala {v} [idiomatic] :: to bite off more than one can chew
haukattava {adj} :: bitable, biteable
haukattava {n} :: snack
hauki {n} :: pike [British], northern pike (Esox lucius)
hauki {n} :: pike (any fish in the genus Esox)
hauki {n} [heraldry] :: ged (representation of a pike)
hauki {n} [agriculture, dialectal] :: an unsown, untilled or unreaped strip or region (in a field)
hauki {n} [dialectal] :: an unworked part or region of something; a gap (such as when painting or cutting grass)
haukikala {n} :: any fish in the order Esociformes
haukikala {n} [in plural] :: the order Esociformes
haukikoukku {n} :: pike hook
haukiverkko {n} :: pike net, fishnet for pikes
haukka {n} :: hawk
haukka {n} :: bite
haukkaaminen {n} :: biting, taking a bite
haukkaista {vi} [+ elative] :: to take a bite (of)
haukkaisu {n} :: taking a bite
haukkametsästäjä {n} :: falconer
haukkametsästys {n} [hunting] :: falconry
haukkapala {n} :: bite (a small meal or snack; a piece of food of a size that would be produced by biting)
haukkaus {n} :: taking a bite
haukkoa {v} :: To take large mouthfuls; almost exclusively used in the expression haukkoa henkeään (to gasp for breath)
haukkoa henkeään {v} :: to gasp (for breath)
haukkoja {n} :: Agent noun of the verb haukkoa
haukku {n} :: bark (sound made by dogs, seals and some other animals)
haukku {n} :: [endearingly] dog
haukku {n} [by extension] :: scolding
haukku {n} :: a bite (e.g. of apple)
haukkua {vi} [of a dog] :: to bark, yip, yelp, bay
haukkua {vt} :: to badmouth (someone), criticise/criticize, attack, abuse
haukkua {vt} :: to call (someone) names
haukkua maanrakoon {vt} [idiomatic + genitive-accusative] :: To tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind to (literally: "to tell (someone) off to the hole/crack in the ground")
haukkua pataluhaksi {vt} [idiomatic, + genitive-accusative] :: To tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind to (literally: to call (someone) a pot spoon)
haukkua pystyyn {vt} [idiomatic + genititive-accusative] :: To tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind to
haukkua väärää puuta {v} [idiomatic] :: to bark up the wrong tree
haukkuja {n} :: A barker, one who barks
haukkumakirje {n} :: scolding letter, angry letter, hate mail
haukkumanimi {n} :: negative or derogatory nickname
haukkumasana {n} [linguistics] :: A pejorative
haukkuminen {n} :: scolding, rebuking, insulting
haukkuminen {n} :: barking
haukkupanta {n} :: synonym of haukunestopanta
haukkuva koira ei pure {proverb} :: barking dogs seldom bite
haukotella {vi} :: To yawn
haukottaa {v} :: Same as haukotuttaa, but less used
haukotteleminen {n} :: yawning repeatedly
haukottelu {n} :: yawning, yawn (action of yawning)
haukotus {n} :: yawn
haukotuttaa {v} :: To feel like yawning
haukotuttaa {v} :: To make yawn
haukunestopanta {n} :: bark control collar
haukunta {n} :: barking
haukuskella {v} :: to bark intermittently
haukuskella {v} :: to badmouth or criticize intermittently
hauli {n} :: small shot
haulikko {n} :: shotgun
haulikkoammunta {n} [sports] :: shotgun shooting
haulikkohäät {n} [humorous] :: shotgun wedding (wedding in which the bride is pregnant)
haulikkokilpailu {n} :: shotgun competition
haulikkorihla {n} :: combination shotgun-rifle
haulipanos {n} :: shotgun cartridge, shotgun shell
haulipatruuna {n} :: shotgun cartridge
haulipiippu {n} :: shotgun barrel
haulipyssy {n} [colloquial] :: shotgun
haulitorni {n} :: shot tower
haupitsi {n} :: howitzer
haura {n} :: pondweed (Zannichellia)
hauraasti {adv} :: brittlely, fragilely, frailly
hauras {adj} :: brittle, fragile, frail, friable, crumbly, rickety (breaking easily in smaller parts, easily broken physically; weak, infirm; mentally fragile)
haurashapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula fragilis
haurasrakenteinen {adj} :: of a frail build
haurastua {vi} :: To become brittle
haurastuttaa {vt} :: To make brittle
hauraus {n} :: fragility, brittleness, frailty
haureellinen {adj} [law, dated] :: fornicating, adulterous
haureellisuus {n} [dated] :: the quality or property of being fornicating or adulterous
haureus {n} [legal, dated] :: unchastity, bawdry, fornication (sexual act considered immoral or unnatural)
hausa {n} [in the plural] :: Hausa (people)
hausa {n} :: Hausa (person)
hausa {n} :: Hausa (language)
hausjärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hausjärvi
hausjärveläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Hausjärvi
Hausjärvi {prop} :: Hausjärvi (municipality)
hauska {adj} :: pleasant
hauska {adj} :: merry
hauska {adj} :: fun [in the idiomatic expression pitää hauskaa]
hauska {adj} :: funny
hauskaa joulua {phrase} :: Merry Christmas
hauskaa pääsiäistä {phrase} :: happy Easter
hauskaa päivää {interj} [colloquial] :: have a nice day!
hauskannäköinen {adj} :: good-looking, attractive
hauskannäköinen {adj} :: funny-looking
hauskasti {adv} :: funnily
hauska tutustua {phrase} :: pleased to meet you
hauskempi {adj} :: comparative of hauska
hauskutella {vi} :: to have fun
hauskuttaa {vt} :: alternative form of hauskuuttaa
hauskuttaminen {n} :: alternative form of hauskuuttaminen
hauskuttelu {n} :: having fun
hauskutus {n} :: alternative form of hauskuutus
hauskuus {n} :: funniness
hauskuuttaa {vt} :: to amuse (cause laughter, to be funny)
hauskuuttaminen {n} :: amusing (being funny or amusing)
hauskuutus {n} :: amusement, fun, entertainment
hausta {n} :: castor sac
hauste {n} :: castoreum
hauta {n} :: grave, tomb
hauta {n} :: trench (long, steep-sided, narrow depression in the ocean floor)
hauta {n} :: kiln, in the compound term tervahauta (tar kiln)
hautaamaton {adj} :: unburied
hauta-antimet {n} :: grave goods
hautaantua {vi} :: To be(come)/get buried
hautaholvi {n} :: tomb, crypt, vault (underground burial chamber)
hautajaiset {n} :: funeral, memorial service
hautajaispäivä {n} :: day of funeral, day of burial
hautajaispuhe {n} :: funeral oration
hautajaissaatto {n} :: funeral procession
hautajaissaattue {n} :: funeral procession
hautajaistunnelma {n} :: a very serious atmosphere or mood, like in a funeral
hautajaisvaakuna {n} :: funerary coat of arms
hautajaisväki {n} :: funeral attendance
hautajaisvirsi {n} :: elegy, funeral hymn (hymn sung in a funeral)
hautakalusto {n} :: grave goods
hautakammio {n} :: tomb, sepulchre
hautakappeli {n} :: sepulchral chapel, mausoleum
hautakirjoitus {n} :: epitaph
hautakivi {n} :: gravestone, tombstone, headstone
hautakumpu {n} :: burial mound, barrow, cairn
hautakuoppa {n} :: grave pit
hautakynttilä {n} :: grave candle
Hautala {prop} :: surname
Hautala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
hautalaatta {n} :: grave slab
hautalepakko {n} :: tomb bat (Old World bat of the family Emballonuridae)
hautalöydös {n} [archaeology] :: a find consisting of a grave or a tomb
hautalöytö {n} :: discovery of a grave or a tomb
hautamainen {adj} :: gravelike, tomblike (resembling a grave)
hautamainen {adj} :: sepulchral (suggestive of grave)
hautamerkki {n} :: a badge or insignia on a grave
hautamuistomerkki {n} :: funeral monument
hautapaikka {n} :: grave site, burial site, burial place, burial ground
hautapaikka {n} :: reserved site for a grave in a graveyard
hautapatsas {n} :: grave statue, grave monument
hautarauha {n} :: right of sepulchre
hautaristi {n} :: burial cross, grave cross
hautarovio {n} :: pyre, funeral pile (combustible heap on which corpses are burned)
hautaröykkiö {n} :: funeral pile, an arrangement of rocks and other material to mark a grave
hautaterva {n} :: tar produced in a tar kiln
hautaus {n} :: burial, entombment
hautausapu {n} [historical] :: an allowance paid to a widow of an official
hautausapukassa {n} [historical] :: the fund from which allowances were paid to widows of officials
hautausavustus {n} :: death grant, funeral allowance
hautauskustannus {n} [usually, in plural] :: funeral expense
hautausmaa {n} :: A graveyard, cemetery
hautausmenot {n} :: funeral practices, funeral rites (collectively)
hautauspaikka {n} :: burial site
hautauspaikka {n} :: landfill site
hautauspalvelu {n} :: burial service, funeral service
hautauspuhe {n} :: funeral oration, funeral speech
hautausrituaali {n} :: burial ritual, funeral rite
hautaustapa {n} :: burial method
hautaustoimisto {n} :: funeral home, funeral parlor
hautausurakoitsija {n} :: undertaker
hautautua {vi} :: To get buried
hautautuminen {n} :: getting buried
hautauurna {n} :: urn (for ashes)
hautavajoama {n} [geology] :: A rift valley
hautaveistos {n} :: grave sculpture (sculpture at a grave or acting as a gravestone)
hautoa {vt} :: to brood, incubate (eggs)
hautoa {vt} :: to poultice
hautoa {vt} :: to harbor (thoughts), contemplate
hautoma-aika {n} :: brooding time (time needed for eggs to hatch)
hautomakone {n} :: An incubator (apparatus for eggs)
hautomalaikku {n} :: brood patch
hautominen {n} :: brooding (sitting on eggs to keep them warm for hatching)
hautomo {n} :: incubator (for eggs)
hautomo {n} :: hothouse (for ideas, startups etc.)
hautoutua {vi} :: to be incubated
hautua {vi} :: To stew, simmer
hautua {vi} [of coffee or tea] :: To draw
hautuma {n} [pathology] :: intertrigo (chafing or dermatitis occurring between two folds of skin)
hauturi {n} :: synonym of haudankaivaja
hautuumaa {n} :: cemetery, graveyard
hautuva {adj} [of air] :: warm and humid, as if a thunderstorm would come soon
hauva {n} [childish, colloquial] :: doggy
hauva {n} [humorous] :: A dog or hound on the larger side
hauveli {n} [childish or affectionate] :: doggy, doggie
hauyniitti {n} [mineral] :: hauyne
havahduttaa {vt} :: To awaken
havahtua {vi} :: to start, be startled (to awaken suddenly)
havahtua {vi} :: to sit up (to show sudden interest or surprise)
havahtuminen {n} :: being startled
havaiji {n} :: Hawaiian (language)
Havaiji {prop} :: Hawaii
havaijilainen {n} :: a Hawaiian
havaijilainen {adj} :: Hawaiian
havaijilaisuus {n} :: Hawaiianness
havaijinhanhi {n} :: nene, Hawaiian goose, Branta sandvicensis
havaijinharmaalepakko {n} :: Hawaiian hoary bat, Lasiurus semotus
havaijinhylje {n} :: Hawaiian monk seal Neomonachus schauinslandi (endangered species of earless seal endemic to Hawaii)
havaijinkielinen {adj} :: Hawaiian, Hawaiian language, Hawaiian speaking (written or expressed in Hawaiian)
havaijinkitara {n} :: Hawaiian guitar, steel guitar (method of playing and instrument)
havaijinleike {n} :: Hawaiian schnitzel (schnitzel topped with a slice of pineapple and cheese, sometimes also ham)
Havaijisaaret {prop} :: Hawaii
havainnekuva {n} :: illustrative drawing
havainnoida {v} :: to observe
havainnoija {n} :: observer
havainnoiminen {n} :: observing
havainnointi {n} :: observation, perception
havainnoitsija {n} :: observer
havainnollinen {adj} :: illustrative
havainnollisesti {adv} :: illustratively
havainnollistaa {v} :: to demonstrate, illustrate (to clarify something by giving, or serving as, an example or a comparison.)
havainnollistaminen {n} :: demonstration, illustration (act of showing or explaining something)
havainnollistua {vi} :: To become illustrated
havainnollisuus {n} :: illustrativeness (quality of being illustrative)
havainto {n} :: perception
havainto {n} :: observation
havaintoasema {n} :: observatory (station or building equipped for observing celestial, meteorological or other natural phenomena)
havaintoesimerkki {n} :: illustrative example
havaintoesitys {n} :: demonstration, illustrative presentation (presentation for showing or explaining something)
havaintoharha {n} :: illusion (anything that seems to be something that it is not)
havaintoharha {n} :: synonym of aistiharha (hallucination)
havaintojakso {n} :: observation period
havaintokyky {n} :: perception
havaintokynnys {n} :: sensory threshold
havaintomatriisi {n} :: observation matrix, data matrix
havaintomenetelmä {n} :: method of observation, observation method
havainto-opetus {n} :: object lesson
havaintopallo {n} :: observation balloon
havaintopallo {n} :: weather balloon
havaintopsykologi {n} :: perceptual psychologist
havaintopsykologia {n} :: perceptual psychology
havaintosuure {n} [quantum mechanics] :: measurable quantity, observable
havaintoväline {n} :: teaching aid, visual aid (object used to improve learning in a classroom)
havaintovirhe {n} [science] :: observation error, observational error, measurement error) (difference between a measured value of quantity and its true value)
havaintoyksikkö {n} :: observational unit
häväiseminen {n} :: disgracing, dishonoring
häväiseminen {n} :: defaming, desecrating, violating
häväistä {vt} :: to disgrace, dishonour/dishonor
häväistä {vt} :: to defame, desecrate, violate, profane
häväistys {n} :: desecration
häväistysjuttu {n} :: scandal
häväistyskirjoitus {n} :: libel, defamatory writing
häväistyspuhe {n} :: slander, defamatory speech
häväistyspuhe {n} :: diatribe
havaita {vt} :: To observe, detect, perceive
havaitseminen {n} :: observation (act of making an observation)
havaitsija {n} :: observer
havaittava {adj} :: observable, perceivable, discernible (capable of being observed)
havaittava maailmankaikkeus {n} [astronomy] :: observable universe
havaittavasti {adv} :: observably, perceivably, discernibly
havaittavissa {adv} :: observable
havaittavuus {n} :: observability, perceivability, discernibility (state of being capable of being observed)
Havanna {prop} :: Havanna (capital city)
havannalainen {adj} :: Havanan (of or pertaining to the city of Havana, the capital of Cuba)
havannalainen {n} :: Havana (cigar)
havannalainen {n} :: Havanan (person)
havannasikari {n} :: Havana (cigar)
havas {n} :: The mesh fabric of a fishnet or fish-trap
häveliäästi {adv} :: modestly, bashfully
häveliäisyys {n} :: modesty (avoidance of sexual suggestiveness)
häveliäs {adj} :: Modest, bashful
haveri {n} [nautical] :: average, accident
haveri {n} [colloquial] :: accident (chiefly a minor one)
haversini {n} [mathematics] :: haversine
hävetä {vti} :: To be ashamed (of = partitive)
hävetä {vt} :: To be afraid/ashamed (of something = partitive, to do something = infinitive)
hävettää {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to be ashamed
häviäjä {n} :: loser
häviämätön {adj} :: That has not yet disappeared or lost
häviämätön {adj} :: One that cannot disappear or lost; indelible
häviämättömyys {n} :: The property of being indelible
häviämättömyys {n} [physics] :: conservation
häviäminen {n} :: losing
hävikki {n} [accounting] :: loss (something lost due to e.g. theft or spoilage)
havina {n} :: swish
hävinnyt {adj} :: lost
häviö {n} :: defeat
häviö {n} :: loss
häviökerroin {n} :: dissipation factor (measure of loss-rate of energy in an oscillating system)
häviöllinen {adj} :: lossy
häviöputki {n} :: synonym of tappioputki
häviötön {adj} :: lossless
havista {vi} :: to sough, swish, sigh
havisuttaa {vt} :: to make sough, swish, sigh
hävitä {vi} :: to disappear, vanish
hävitä {vi} :: to get lost
hävitä {vi} :: to disperse, dissipate, clear
hävitä {vi} :: to die out, fade out/away, pass away, become extinct
hävitä {vt} :: to lose, suffer a defeat
hävite {n} :: A biocide
havitella {v} :: to be after, aspire, hanker (to be in pursuit of, seeking; especially something good for oneself)
hävitellä {vt} :: to get rid of, dispose
hävittää {vt} :: to lose, misplace
hävittää {vt} :: to destroy completely, demolish, wipe out, annihilate, decimate
hävittää {vt} :: to kill, liquidate, rub out, bump off, put down, put to sleep (usually insects, more rarely mammals)
hävittää {vt} :: to exterminate, annihilate (people)
hävittää {vt} :: to devastate, lay waste to, ravage
hävittää {vt} :: to waste, squander, blow
hävittäjä {n} :: destroyer, someone/something that destroys someone/something
hävittäjä {n} :: destroyer (ship)
hävittäjä {n} :: fighter plane
hävittäjäalus {n} :: destroyer (ship)
hävittäjä-ässä {n} :: flying ace, ace
hävittäjäkone {n} :: fighter plane
hävittäjälaivue {n} :: fighter squadron
hävittäjälentäjä {n} :: fighter pilot
hävittäjälentokone {n} :: fighter plane
hävittäjäpommittaja {n} :: fighter-bomber
hävittäminen {n} :: dumping
hävittäminen {n} :: disposal
hävittäminen {n} :: annihilation
havittelija {n} :: aspirant, hankerer
havittelu {n} :: craving, hankering, yearning
hävittely {n} :: getting rid of, disposing
hävitys {n} :: destruction
hävitysaine {n} :: eliminator, exterminator (substance)
hävitysluettelo {n} :: disposal list
hävitysoperaattori {n} [quantum mechanics] :: annihilation operator
hävitysretki {n} :: raid; attack or invasion for plundering
hävityssota {n} :: war of annihilation, war of extermination
hävitystyö {n} :: eradication work
havu {n} :: fresh sprig or small branch of a coniferous tree
havu {n} [rare] :: needle of a coniferous tree
havukirves {n} :: synonym of hakokirves
havukka {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of haukka
havuköynnös {n} :: A festoon or garland made of spruce cuttings
havulaavu {n} :: A type of lean-to, a temporary shelter with a frame made of slender trees and a roof stacked of spruce twigs
havumaja {n} :: A small, usually temporary building or shelter similar to a straw hut, but made with spruce twigs
havumetsä {n} :: coniferous forest
havumetsävyöhyke {n} :: boreal forest zone (geographical range of boreal forests)
havunneula {n} :: synonym of havunneulanen
havunneulanen {n} :: needle (long, pointed leaf of a conifer)
havunoksa {n} :: synonym of havu (fresh sprig or small branch of a coniferous tree)
havununna {n} :: black arches, nun moth (Lymantria monacha)
havupensas {n} :: coniferous bush, especially one used as decorative plant, such as thuja
havupistiäinen {n} :: conifer sawfly (insect of the family Diprionidae whose larvae feed on conifers)
havupuinen {adj} :: softwood
havupuistohapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula cessans
havupuu {n} :: coniferous tree, conifer, softwood, softwood tree (tree)
havupuu {n} :: softwood (wood from a conifer)
havupuumetsä {n} :: coniferous forest
havupuuvaltainen {adj} :: conifer-dominated
havusammal {n} :: moss of the family Thuidiaceae (delicate tamarisk moss)
havuseppele {n} :: A wreath made of spruce cuttings
havuttaa {vt} :: to line, decorate or cover with sprigs of coniferous trees
havuttaminen {n} :: lining or decorating with sprigs of coniferous trees
hävyntunne {n} :: synonym of häpeäntunne
hävytön {adj} :: shameless, impudent, impudent, insolent
hävytön {adj} :: obscene
hävyttömästi {adv} :: obscenely
hävyttömyys {n} :: insolence
hävyttömyys {n} :: obscenity
hazara {n} :: Hazara (member of an Afghanistani ethnic group)
hazara {n} :: In plural (hazarat), the Hazara (an ethnic group of central Afghanistan)
HDL-kolesteroli {n} [biochemistry] :: high-density lipoprotein
H-duuri {n} [music] :: B major
he {pron} [personal] :: they [always plural, only of people]
he {n} :: he (fifth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
headeri {n} [colloquial, Internet] :: header
Heard ja McDonaldinsaaret {prop} :: Heard Island and McDonald Islands (group of islands in the Antarctic Ocean belonging to Australia)
heavyrock {n} [music] :: hard rock
heavyrock {n} [music] :: heavy metal
heazlewoodiitti {n} [mineral] :: heazlewoodite
hebefiili {n} :: hebephile
hebefilia {n} :: hebephilia
hebefreenikko {n} :: A hebephrenic schizophrenic
hebefreeninen {adj} :: hebephrenic
hebefreenisyys {n} :: The quality of being hebephrenic; hebephrenia
hebefrenia {n} [clinical psychology] :: hebephrenia
hebrea {n} [deprecated] :: alternative spelling of heprea
hebrealainen {adj} :: alternative form of heprealainen
hebrealainen {n} :: alternative form of heprealainen
Hebridit {prop} :: Hebridit (archipelago)
hede {n} [botany] :: stamen
hedekäpy {n} [botany] :: microstrobilus
hedekasvi {n} :: male plant
hedekukinto {n} [botany] :: male inflorescence (inflorescence containing only male reproductive organs of a plant)
hedekukka {n} :: male flower
hedekukka {n} :: staminate flower
hedelehti {n} :: stamen
hedelmä {n} :: fruit
hedelmähappo {n} :: alpha-hydroxy acid
hedelmähyytelö {n} :: fruit jelly
hedelmäinen {adj} :: fruity
hedelmäkakku {n} :: fruitcake (cake)
hedelmäkaramelli {n} :: fruit caramel
hedelmäkarkki {n} :: fruit candy
hedelmäkärpänen {n} :: fruit fly
hedelmäkasvi {n} :: fruit plant
hedelmäkauppa {n} :: fruit trade
hedelmäkauppa {n} :: fruit shop
hedelmäkauppias {n} :: fruit seller, fruiterer
hedelmäkehto {n} [botany] :: cupule
hedelmäkeitto {n} :: fruit soup
hedelmälaji {n} :: species of fruit
hedelmälepakko {n} :: fruit bat (bat of the family Pteropodidae, the family of Old World fruit bats)
hedelmäliha {n} :: pulp (soft center of a fruit)
hedelmäliha {n} :: flesh (soft, often edible, parts of fruits or vegetables)
hedelmällinen {adj} :: fertile
hedelmällinen {adj} :: fruitful
hedelmällinen puolikuu {n} :: Fertile Crescent
hedelmällisesti {adv} :: fruitfully
hedelmällisesti {adv} :: fertilely
hedelmällisyys {n} :: fertility
hedelmällisyysikä {n} :: age of fertility
hedelmällisyyskultti {n} :: fertility cult
hedelmällisyysluku {n} :: fertility rate
hedelmämalto {n} :: fruit pulp, fruit flesh
hedelmämarmeladi {n} :: fruit marmalade
hedelmämehu {n} :: fruit juice
hedelmänkorjuu {n} :: fruit harvesting
hedelmänpuristin {n} :: fruit squeezer
hedelmänraakile {n} :: unripe fruit
hedelmänviljely {n} :: fruit cultivation, fruit farming
hedelmäpuu {n} :: fruit tree
hedelmäpuupunkki {n} :: European red mite, Panonychus ulmi (species of mite which is a major agricultural pest of fruit trees)
hedelmäpuutarha {n} :: orchard, fruit garden
hedelmäsäilyke {n} :: canned or preserved fruit
hedelmäsalaatti {n} :: A fruit salad or macedoine
hedelmäsato {n} :: fruitage, fruit crop, fruit yield
hedelmäsokeri {n} :: fructose
hedelmäsuola {n} :: fruit salt
hedelmätarha {n} :: orchard
hedelmätarha {n} :: grove (small orchard, especially of citrus trees)
hedelmätee {n} :: fruit tea
hedelmätön {adj} :: barren, infertile
hedelmätön {adj} :: fruitless
hedelmättömästi {adv} :: fruitlessly
hedelmättömyys {n} :: infertility
hedelmäveitsi {n} :: fruit knife
hedelmäviina {n} :: fruit brandy (liquor distilled from fermented fruit juice)
hedelmäviini {n} :: fruit wine
hedelmäviljelmä {n} :: fruit plantation
hedelmäviljelys {n} :: fruit plantation
hedelmistö {n} [biology] :: infructescence
hedelmöidä {vi} :: to fruit
hedelmöiminen {n} :: fruiting, fructification
hedelmöinti {n} :: fruiting
hedelmöittää {vt} :: to impregnate, fertilize
hedelmöittäminen {n} :: impregnation (act of making pregnant)
hedelmöittävä {adj} :: fertilizing, inseminating, pollinating
hedelmöittyä {vi} :: to become fertilized
hedelmöittyminen {n} :: fertilisation/fertilization, conception
hedelmöityä {vi} :: to become fertilized
hedelmöityminen {n} :: becoming fertilized
hedelmöitys {n} :: fertilization, conception
hedelmöityshoito {n} :: infertility treatment
hedelmöityskykyinen {adj} [of a male] :: fertile
hedelmöivä {adj} :: that bears fruit, fruit-producing
hedelmys {n} [biology] :: mericarp
hedenorkko {n} [botany] :: male catkin
hedetähkä {n} [botany] :: male spike
hedge-rahasto {n} [finance] :: hedge fund
hedgerahasto {n} :: alternative form of hedge-rahasto
hedoninen {adj} :: hedonic
hedonismi {n} :: hedonism
hedonisti {n} :: hedonist
hedonistinen {adj} :: hedonistic
heeros {n} :: hero
heetti {n} :: The Hittite language
heetti {n} :: A Hittite person
heettiläinen {adj} :: Hittite
heettiläinen {n} :: a Hittite person
hefta {n} [colloquial] :: plaster, band-aid
hefthaliitti {n} [historical] :: Hephthalite
hegeliläinen {adj} :: Hegelian
hegeliläisyys {n} [philosophy] :: Hegelianism
hegemoni {n} :: hegemon
hegemonia {n} :: hegemony
hegemoninen {adj} :: hegemonic
heh {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: heh (short chuckle or laugh)
hehkeä {adj} :: blooming, flourishing
hehkeästi {adv} :: bloomingly, flourishingly
hehkeys {n} :: the quality or property of being blooming or flourishing
hehku {n} :: glow
hehkua {v} :: to glow
hehkua {v} :: to radiate light and warmth
hehkulamppu {n} :: incandescent lamp, light bulb
hehkulanka {n} :: filament (in a light bulb)
hehkuparisto {n} [in electronics] :: A battery
hehkuseppä {n} :: double-toothed barbet (Lybius bidentatus)
hehkusytytys {n} [automotive] :: preignition caused by incandescence of carbon deposits
hehkutella {vt} [colloquial] :: to (repeatedly) praise
hehkuttaa {vt} :: To blaze
hehkuttaa {vt} :: To anneal
hehkuttaa {vt} [colloquial, figurative] :: To praise, to sing the praises of. (+partitive)
hehkuttaja {n} :: one who praises
hehkuttaminen {n} :: blazing
hehkuttaminen {n} :: annealing
hehkuttaminen {n} [colloquial] :: praising, singing the praises of
hehkutulppa {n} :: A glow plug
hehkutus {n} :: annealing
hehkutus {n} [colloquial, figurative] :: giving praise
hehkuviini {n} :: mulled wine
hehtaari {n} :: hectare (10,000 m²)
hehtaarihalli {n} [colloquial] :: superstore
hehtaarisato {n} :: yield per hectare
hehto- {prefix} :: hecto-
hehto {n} :: hectolitre
hehtolitra {n} :: hectolitre/hectoliter
hehtometri {n} :: hectometre/hectometer
hei {interj} :: hi
hei {interj} :: bye (often repeated twice for goodbye: "hei hei")
hei {interj} :: hey
heidän {pron} :: their - only of human beings; used with the possessive suffix -nsa/-nsä appended to the main word owned
heidän {pron} :: theirs (that which belongs to them, used without a following noun)
heidän {pron} :: they - only of human beings; used with monopersonal verbs which require genitive such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc
heidänlainen {adj} :: alternative form of heidänlaisensa
heidänlaisensa {adj} :: like them, like themselves
heidät {pron} :: The accusative plural of the personal pronoun he, in most cases translated into English them (direct object, only of human beings):
heidelberginihminen {n} :: Heidelberg man, Homo heidelbergensis (extinct hominid)
Heidi {prop} :: given name
hei hei {interj} [colloquial] :: bye-bye
heijastaa {vt} :: To reflect (light)
heijastaa {vt} [figuratively] :: To reflect, mirror, show, express
heijastaa {vt} :: To project (on a screen)
heijastaminen {n} :: reflecting
heijastaminen {n} :: projecting
heijastava {adj} :: reflective, reflecting
heijaste {n} [biology] :: reflex
heijasteinen {adj} :: reflected
heijasteinen {adj} :: reflectory
heijastekipu {n} :: referred pain
heijastella {vi} :: to reflect (light) repeatedly
heijastelu {n} :: reflecting (light repeatedly)
heijastin {n} :: reflector (something that reflects)
heijastin {n} :: reflector (reflecting disk on the rear of a vehicle or bicycle that reflects the headlights of other vehicles)
heijastin {n} :: safety reflector
heijastinkalvo {n} :: reflective foil, reflective sheet, reflective film
heijastinliivi {n} :: reflective vest
heijastinnauha {n} :: reflective band
heijastintarra {n} :: reflective sticker
heijastinteippi {n} :: reflective tape
heijastua {vi} [e.g. of light] :: to (be) reflect(ed)
heijastuma {n} :: reflection
heijastuminen {n} :: reflection
heijastus {n} :: reflection
heijastusefekti {n} :: reflection effect
heijastusilmiö {n} :: reflective effect
heijastuskoje {n} [uncommon] :: synonym of heijastuskone
heijastuskulma {n} [optics] :: angle of reflection
heijastuskyky {n} :: reflectance, reflectability
heijastuskyky {n} :: albedo
heijastusliike {n} :: reflex, reflective motion
heijastusnäyttö {n} :: head-up display
heijastuspinta {n} :: reflecting surface
heijastussuhde {n} [physics, meteorology, astronomy] :: albedo (fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body)
heijastussumu {n} [astronomy] :: reflection nebula
heijastusvaikutus {n} :: ripple effect, knock-on effect
heijastuva {adj} :: reflecting, that which is or will be reflected
heijata {vt} [dialectal] :: keinuttaa
heijata {vi} [dialectal] :: keinua
heikäläinen {n} :: one of them
heikenne {n} [photography] :: reducer
heikennellä {vt} :: to weaken (repeatedly)
heikennin {n} [electronics] :: attenuator (device that reduces the amplitude of a signal)
heikennys {n} :: weakening, debilitating, diluting
heikentää {v} :: to weaken, debilitate, enfeeble, enervate (to make weaker)
heikentää {v} :: to deteriorate (to make inferior in quality or value)
heikentää {v} :: to dilute (to weaken, especially by adding a foreign substance)
heikentää {v} :: to undermine, hinder (to weaken or work against)
heikentäminen {n} :: making weaker, weakening
heikentävä {adj} :: weakening, debilitating, undermining
heikentävästi {adv} :: in a manner that weakens, debilitates or undermines
heikentyä {vi} :: to weaken, grow/become weaker
heikentyä {vi} :: to deteriorate, get worse
heikentyä {vi} :: to decrease, diminish, drop off
heikentymä {n} :: a weakened part or spot
heikentymä {n} :: a result of weakening
heikentymä {n} :: an amount of weakening
heikentymätön {adj} :: unabated
heikentyminen {n} :: becoming weaker
heiketä {vi} :: To weaken, become weaker
heiketä {vi} :: To abate
heiketä {vi} :: To deteriorate
Heikinheimo {prop} :: surname
heikkeneminen {n} :: decline
heikkenevästi {adv} :: in a declining or deteriorating manner
Heikki {prop} :: given name
Heikki {prop} :: The letter "H" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Heikkilä {prop} :: surname
Heikkilä {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Heikkinen {prop} :: surname
heikko {adj} :: weak
heikko {adj} :: faint
heikko {adj} :: feeble
heikko {adj} :: infirm
heikko {adj} :: frail
heikko {adj} :: delicate
heikko {adj} :: slight
heikko {adj} :: poor
heikko {adj} :: light
heikko {adj} :: slender
heikko {adj} :: meager
heikko henkäys {n} :: spiritus lenis, smooth breathing
heikkohermoinen {adj} :: high-strung, faint-hearted
heikkohermoinen {adj} :: neurasthenic
heikkohermoisuus {n} [psychiatry] :: neurasthenia
heikkojännite {n} :: A term defined in electrical safety regulations as a voltage low enough not to cause danger to people
heikkojännite {n} :: Generally a low voltage
heikkokasvuinen {adj} :: with stunted growth
heikkokuuloinen {adj} :: hard of hearing
heikkolaatuinen {adj} :: Of low quality, low-quality, poor
heikkolaatuisuus {n} :: being poor or of low quality
heikkolahjainen {adj} :: feeble-minded
heikkolahjaisuus {n} :: feeble-mindedness
heikkoluonteinen {adj} :: weak-minded, weak-kneed
heikkomielinen {adj} :: feeble-minded
heikkomielisesti {adv} :: feeble-mindedly
heikkomielisyys {n} :: feeble-mindedness
heikkonäköinen {adj} :: Having poor eyesight
heikkonäköisyys {n} [pathology] :: amblyopia
heikkopäinen {adj} :: feeble-minded
heikkopäinen {adj} :: manic, mad
heikkorakenteinen {adj} :: frail, of or with a weak build or structure
heikkotahtoinen {adj} :: weak-willed, weak-minded
heikkotasoinen {adj} :: substandard, poor, of low level
heikkotehoinen {adj} :: weak, inefficient, not powerful, lacking power
heikkoudentila {n} :: state of weakness
heikkous {n} :: A weakness (condition of being weak)
heikkous {n} :: A weakness (special fondness or desire)
heikkous {n} :: feebleness (quality or state of being feeble)
heikkous {n} :: frailty (quality or state of being frail)
heikkouskoinen {adj} :: of little faith
heikkovaloinen {adj} :: dim, dusky, weak
heikkoverinen {adj} :: anemic
heikkovirta {n} [electronics] :: low current
heikkovirtatekniikka {n} :: weak-current engineering
heikkovoima {n} :: weak force, weak nuclear force
heikkovoimainen {adj} :: of little force, power or might; feeble
heikko vuorovaikutus {n} [physics] :: weak nuclear interaction
heikohko {adj} :: weakish
heikoilla jäillä {phrase} :: alternative form of heikolla jäällä
heikolla jäällä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: out of one's league, out of one's depth (in a situation which one is poorly prepared to handle)
heikolla jäällä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: on thin ice
heikommuus {n} :: the quality or property of being weaker
heikompi {adj} :: comparative of heikko
heikompi aines {n} [idiomatic, derogatory] :: the segment of population relying on social security and contributing little to the general society, who should remain in the lower strata of society according to a classist or Social Darwinist worldview
heikompi astia {n} [idiomatic, dated] :: weaker vessel (woman; women collectively)
heikonnus {n} :: synonym of heikennys
heikontaa {v} :: alternative form of heikentää
heikontaminen {n} :: synonym of heikentäminen
heikontua {vi} :: To become weaker, weaken
heikosti {adv} :: weakly
heikosti {adv} :: poorly
heikota {v} [rare] :: To weaken (to become weaker)
heikottaa {vi} :: to feel unsteady, unwell, dizzy
heikotus {n} :: feeling unwell, unsteady or dizzy
heikotuskohtaus {n} :: unsteadiness, feeling unwell
heikun keikun {adv} [colloquial, figuratively] :: in some state one is usually not in; (metaphorically) upside down, wrong way around
heikun keikun {interj} [jocular] :: A greeting
Heikura {prop} :: surname
heila {n} :: boyfriend or girlfriend, significant other
heilahdella {v} :: to fluctuate (to vary irregularly)
heilahdella {v} :: to sway (to bend back and forth or side to side, while remaining firmly positioned in one end)
heilahdus {n} :: a swing (the act of swinging once)
heilahdusaika {n} [mechanics] :: period (of pendulum)
heilahduskulma {n} :: swing angle
heilahduslaajuus {n} :: swinging amplitude
heilahduslyönti {n} [martial arts, boxing] :: sweeping punch, swinging punch, roundhouse
heilahduslyönti {n} [golf] :: swing
heilahduttaa {vt} [rare] :: To jerk
heilahtaa {vi} :: to swing once
heilahtaminen {n} :: swinging once (moving with a swinging motion once)
heilahtelu {n} :: fluctuation, swaying, swinging
heilakka {n} :: a silly, foolish, and perhaps even a promiscuous person, often a girl
heilastaa {v} :: synonym of riiata
heilasteleminen {n} [colloquial] :: hanging out with, dating
heilastella {v} [colloquial] :: to hang out with, to date
heilata {v} [colloquial] :: to Sieg Heil; greet with a Sieg Heil
heilaus {n} :: synonym of heilahdus
heilautella {vt} :: to swing or jerk repeatedly
heilauttaa {v} :: To swing once
heilauttaa {v} :: To jerk
heilauttaminen {n} :: swinging once (causing something to swing once)
heilautus {n} :: swinging once (the act of swinging something once)
heili {n} :: alternative form of heila
heilimöidä {v} :: to flower (of rye)
heilimöiminen {n} :: flowering (of rye)
heilimöinti {n} :: flowering (of rye)
heilimöitseminen {n} :: alternative form of heilimöiminen
heilua {v} :: to swing, to sway, to rock (to move backward and forward)
heilua {v} :: to be loose
heilua {v} :: to swing (to hang on the gallows)
heilua {v} :: to vacillate (to sway unsteadily from one side to the other)
heilua {v} :: to vacillate (to swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another)
heilua {v} :: to oscillate (to swing back and forth, especially with a regular rhythm)
heilua {v} [colloquial] :: to wander around, to roam
heilua {v} [colloquial] :: to loiter, to idle
heilunta {n} :: sway
heiluri {n} :: pendulum
heilurikello {n} :: pendulum clock (clock that uses pendulum as its timekeeping element)
Heilurikello {prop} :: The constellation Horologium
heiluriliike {n} :: pendular movement, oscillating movement
heiluriliikenne {n} :: commuting
heiluriovi {n} :: swing door, swinging door
heilutella {vt} [frequentative] :: To wave
heiluttaa {vt} :: To wave, sway, wag
heiluttaminen {n} :: waving, swaying, wagging (causing something to wave, sway or wag)
heilutus {n} :: wave, wag (action resulting in swinging, oscillating movement)
heiluva {adj} :: rocky (unstable, easily rocked)
heiluva {adj} :: swinging, swaying, waving (doing a reciprocating movement)
heiluva {adj} :: wagging (of an animal's tail)
heiluvasti {adv} :: in a way that one swings, sways, rocks vacillates or oscillates
Heimlichin ote {n} [first aid] :: Heimlich maneuver
heimo {n} :: tribe
heimo {n} [taxonomy] :: family
Heimo {prop} :: given name
heimoaate {n} :: a Finno-Ugric nationalist ideology
heimohenki {n} :: tribal spirit
heimojuhla {n} :: tribal celebration
heimokieli {n} :: tribal language
heimokuntaisuus {n} :: tribalism
heimolainen {n} :: A tribesman or tribeswoman
heimolaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of belonging in a tribe
Heimonen {prop} :: surname
heimopäällikkö {n} :: tribal chief
heimoside {n} :: tribal bond
heimosota {n} :: tribal war
heimosota {n} [in the plural, historical] :: the various wars and conflicts to liberate "related peoples" which Finnish volunteers took part in
heimosoturi {n} :: tribal warrior
heimous {n} :: synonym of heimolaisuus
heimoushenki {n} :: tribal spirit (particularly of the traditional Finnish "tribes")
heimouskonto {n} :: tribal religion
heimoveli {n} :: kinsman
heinä {n} :: hay
heinä {n} :: grass
heinä {n} :: any similar plant, such as sedge
heinä {n} :: abbreviation of heinäkuu
heinäaika {n} :: haymaking time
heinäallergia {n} :: hay fever (allergy to hays)
heinäaro {n} :: grass steppe
heinähäkki {n} :: hay drying frame
heinähanko {n} :: hayfork
heinähäntä {n} :: an agricultural tool attached behind a tractor and used to move hay
heinäharava {n} :: hay rake
heinähattu {n} :: hayseed, yokel, bumpkin (rustic person)
heinähiipijä {n} :: large chequered skipper (Heteropterus morpheus)
heinäinen {adj} :: hayey
heinäkärryt {n} :: hay wain
heinäkasa {n} :: hay pile
heinäkasvi {n} :: true grass; plant of the family Poaceae
heinäkasvi {n} [in plural] :: the family Poaceae
heinäkenkä {n} [derogatory] :: A Sami
heinäkerttu {n} :: zitting cisticola, Cisticola juncidis
heinäkoukku {n} :: hay hook
heinäkuinen {adj} :: Pertaining to July
heinäkuorma {n} :: hay load, load of hay
heinäkurppa {n} :: great snipe, Gallinago media
heinäkuu {n} :: July
heinälaji {n} :: species of grass or hay
heinälato {n} :: hayloft, hay barn
heinämaa {n} :: meadow, grassland
heinämies {n} :: (male) haymaker
Heinänen {prop} :: surname
heinänhelve {n} [rare] :: lodicule of hay
heinäniitty {n} :: hayfield, grazing meadow
heinänkasvu {n} :: hay growth
heinänkorjuu {n} :: hay harvesting, haying, haymaking
heinänkorjuukone {n} :: hay-harvesting machine, haymaking machine
heinänkorsi {n} :: blade of grass or hay
heinänpaalain {n} :: hay baler (machine)
heinänpöyhin {n} :: hay tedder
heinänsiemen {n} :: hay seed, grass seed
heinäntekijä {n} :: haymaker (person)
heinänteko {n} :: haymaking
heinäntekoaika {n} :: haymaking time
heinänuha {n} [pathology] :: hay fever
heinänviljely {n} :: hay cultivation, hay production
heinäpaali {n} :: hay bale
heinäpelto {n} :: hayfield
heinäperhonen {n} :: ringlet (any of several brown butterflies in the tribe Satyrini, with numerous small rings on underwings)
heinäpouta {n} :: a non-rainy weather suitable for haymaking
heinäratamo {n} [plant] :: ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata
heinäripsiäinen {n} :: red grass thrips, Aptinothrips rufus
heinäruko {n} :: haycock
heinäsäkki {n} :: hay bag
heinäsato {n} :: hay harvest
heinäseiväs {n} :: hay pole
heinäsirkka {n} :: grasshopper
heinäsorsa {n} :: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
heinäsuova {n} :: haystack
heinätavi {n} :: garganey (Anas querquedula)
heinäturpiaali {n} :: bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus
heinätyö {n} :: haymaking work
heinäväki {n} :: people involved in haymaking
heinävero {n} :: hay tax
Heinävesi {prop} :: Heinävesi (municipality)
heinäveteläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Heinävesi
heinäveteläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Heinävesi
heinävetinen {adj} :: alternative form of heinäveteläinen
heinävetinen {n} :: alternative form of heinäveteläinen
heinävintti {n} :: A hayloft
heinävuosi {n} :: year of hay (usually used when speaking of a good or bad year in terms of production of hay)
Heini {prop} :: given name
heinikko {n} :: grass (long grass as ground cover)
heinikkö {n} :: alternative form of heinikko
heinikkoinen {adj} :: grassy (having long grass as ground cover)
heinittää {v} :: to plant with hay
heinittää {v} [archaic] :: to fill or line with hay; as e.g. boots for comfort and thermal insulation
heinittyä {vi} :: to be covered with grass
Heino {prop} :: given name
Heino {prop} :: surname
Heinola {prop} :: Heinola (town/and/municipality)
Heinola {prop} :: surname
heinolainen {adj} :: alternative form of heinolalainen
heinolainen {n} :: alternative form of heinolalainen
heinolalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Heinola
heinolalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Heinola
Heinonen {prop} :: surname
heippa {interj} [colloquial] :: bye, see you later
heippalaputtaminen {n} [colloquial] :: leaving an (unofficial) public notice or a note to someone, usually a complaint
heisi {n} :: viburnum (plant of the genus Viburnum)
heisimato {n} :: tapeworm, cestode
heisipuu {n} [colloquial] :: viburnum (tree or shrub of the genus Viburnum)
Heiskanen {prop} :: surname
heitä homo voltti {v} [sarcastic, vulgar] :: "fuck off"
heitättää {v} :: To have thrown (to order to throw)
heite {n} :: ejecta (something thrown or ejected, especially the material ejected from a volcano or impact crater)
heite {n} :: grenade (explosive device)
heitellä {vt} [frequentative] :: To throw (repeatedly)
heitellä {vi} :: To fluctuate
heitin {n} :: launcher (device that throws something)
heitin {n} :: trap (device that slings clay pigeons in the air in trapshooting)
heitin {n} :: projector (in certain compounds, see e.g. piirtoheitin)
heitin {n} :: mortar (short of kranaatinheitin - an indirect fire weapon)
heittää {vt} :: to throw, cast
heittää {vt} :: with ulos (out), to expel, e.g. from a party or meeting
heittää {vt} [colloquial] :: to give a ride (in a car)
heittää {vi} [colloquial, of a number] :: to be inaccurate or incorrect, to be off
heittää {vt} [archaic] :: to abandon
heittää helmiä sikojen eteen {v} [idiomatic] :: to cast pearls before swine
heittää henkensä {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To give up the ghost, to die (literally: to throw one's spirit)
heittää huiviin {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to gulp down, scarf (to eat or drink quickly)
heittää huulta {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to joke
heittää huulta {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to chat
heittää hyvästit {v} [idiomatic] :: to say goodbye
heittää kapuloita rattaisiin {v} [idiomatic] :: to throw a spanner in the works
heittää lapsi pesuveden mukana {v} :: alternative form of heittää lapsi pois pesuveden mukana
heittää lapsi pois pesuveden mukana {v} [figuratively] :: to throw out the baby with the bathwater
heittää leipiä {v} :: to play ducks and drakes, skim, skip stones
heittää löylyä {v} [idiomatic] :: to throw water on the sauna stove's stones (kiuas) in order to produce steam and increase the temperature of the sauna
heittää löylyä kiukaalle {v} :: See: fi heittää löyly kiuas
heittää löylyä kiukaalle {v} [idiomatic] :: to add fuel to the fire (worsen a conflict)
heittää menemään {v} :: to throw away
heittää pyyhe kehään {v} [idiomatic] :: to throw in the towel
heittää ulos {v} :: to kick out, eject, throw out (to remove from a location)
heittää veivinsä {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to bite the dust (to die)
heittää vesilintua {v} :: to throw away
heittäjä {n} :: thrower
heittäminen {n} :: throwing, casting
heittäytyä {vi} :: To throw oneself
heitteillä {adv} :: abandoned, neglected (in the state of abandonment, neglection or lack of care)
heitteille {adv} :: abandoned, neglected (to the state of abandonment, neglection or lack of care)
heitteillejättö {n} :: abandonment, neglect
heitteillejättö {n} [law] :: neglect; leaving a person in a helpless state when responsible for help
heitteillepano {n} [law] :: desertion, neglect, abandonment
heitteiltä {adv} :: from being abandoned or neglected
heittele {n} :: synonym of heite
heittelehtiä {vt} :: to swerve (to go out of a straight line)
heittelekenttä {n} [geology] :: debris field
heittely {n} :: tossing or throwing around
heittiö {n} :: scoundrel
heitto {n} :: throw, cast, shy (act of throwing)
heitto {n} :: toss (throw with an initial upward direction, particularly with a lack of care)
heitto {n} [basketpall] :: shot
heitto {n} :: caprice (impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion)
heitto {n} :: retort, riposte (quick response)
heitto {n} [colloquial] :: imprecision, inaccuracy
heittoase {n} :: missile, throwing weapon
heittoasento {n} :: throwing position
heittoistuin {n} :: ejection seat
heittokalastus {n} :: casting fishing
heittokäsi {n} :: throwing hand
heittokehä {n} :: circle or ring for shot put, hammer throw or discus throw
heittokeihäs {n} :: javelin
heittokirves {n} :: throwing axe
heittokoukku {n} :: grappling hook
heittokuutio {n} :: short for heittokuutiometri
heittokuutiometri {n} :: loose cubic metre (measurement of volume for wood or timber)
heittolaji {n} :: throwing sport
heittolaukaus {n} :: pot shot, fast shot
heittoliike {n} [mechanics] :: trajectory
heittoliina {n} [nautical] :: heaving line (lightweight rope for throwing, usually with some sort of weight in the free end to make it fly better)
heittoliina {n} :: (nautical) throwbag, throw bag (heaving line packed in a bag for easy handling and storage; the weight is on the bottom of the bag - this design is especially suitable for use as a rescue line)
heittomerkki {n} :: apostrophe
heittonuotta {n} :: throwing seine
heittopeli {n} :: passing game, throwing game
heittopussi {n} [figuratively] :: punching bag (person that is serving as an object of abuse and is unable or unwilling to defend)
heittouistelu {n} :: casting, cast fishing
heittouistin {n} :: casting lure
heittouistinkalastus {n} :: casting lure fishing
heittovaihto {n} [computing] :: swapping (transferring blocks of memory to or from a mass storage)
heittovaihtotiedosto {n} [computing] :: swap file
heittovapa {n} :: casting rod
heittoverkko {n} [fishing] :: cast net
heittovuoro {n} :: turn to throw or cast (such as turn to roll dice)
heittoympyrä {n} :: synonym of heittokehä
heittyä {v} [rare] :: synonym of sinkoutua
heittyä {v} [rare] :: synonym of poistua
heittyä {v} [rare] :: synonym of lakata
heittyä {v} [rare] :: synonym of tauota
heittyä {v} [rare] :: synonym of heittelehtiä
heittyä {v} [rare] :: synonym of kieroutua
heittyä {v} [rare] :: synonym of heittäytyä
heitukka {n} :: a girl who has loose morals either out of ignorance or her will
heitukka {n} :: hajduk
heivaaminen {n} [colloquial] :: throwing, heaving
heivata {vt} [colloquial or dialectal] :: to throw, especially something heavy and big, heave
heiveröinen {adj} :: weak, feeble; frail
heiveröisesti {adv} :: weakly, feebly, frailly
hekki {n} [nautical, slang] :: backstay
heko {interj} :: har har, hardy har har (false laughter with a sarcastic connotation)
heko {n} [military slang] :: helicopter, helo
hekotella {v} :: to guffaw (around)
hekottaa {v} :: to guffaw, chuckle
hekottaminen {n} :: guffawing, chuckling
hekotus {n} :: guffawing, chuckling
heksa- {prefix} :: hexa-
heksaani {n} [chemistry] :: hexane
heksadesimaalijärjestelmä {n} :: hexadecimal system
heksadesimaaliluku {n} :: hexadecimal number
heksadesimaalinen {adj} :: hexadecimal
heksaeditori {n} [computing] :: hex editor
heksaedri {n} [geometry] :: hexahedron
heksagoni {n} [geometry] :: hexagon
heksagoninen {adj} :: hexagonal
heksagrammi {n} :: synonym of kuusikanta
heksaklooribentseeni {n} [chemistry] :: hexachlorobenzene
heksakloorietaani {n} [chemistry] :: hexachloroethane
heksaklorofeeni {n} [chemistry] :: hexachlorophene
heksakordi {n} [music] :: hexachord
heksametri {n} [prosody] :: hexameter
heksametrinen {adj} [prosody] :: hexametric
heksametyleenitetramiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: hexamine, hexamethylenetetramine, methenamine
heksanoli {n} [chemistry] :: hexanol
hekseeni {n} [chemistry] :: hexene
heksobarbitaali {n} [chemistry] :: hexobarbital
heksogeeni {n} [chemistry] :: hexogen
heksokinaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: hexokinase
heksoli {n} [chemistry] :: hexol
heksoosi {n} [organic chemistry] :: hexose
hekstaagi {n} [nautical, slang] :: A backstay
heksyyni {n} [chemistry] :: hexyne
hektinen {adj} :: hectic
hektisesti {adv} :: hectically
hektisyys {n} :: hecticness (state or property of being hectic)
hektisyys {n} :: hectivity (hectic activity)
hektografi {n} :: hectograph
Hektor {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hector
hektorinvalas {n} :: Hector's beaked whale (Mesoplodon hectori)
hekuma {n} :: A strong feeling of pleasure, especially of sexual kind
hekuma {n} [biblical] :: lust of the flesh
hekumallinen {adj} :: voluptuous
hekumallinen {adj} :: salacious
hekumallisesti {adv} :: voluptuously
hekumallisuus {n} :: voluptuousness
hekumoida {v} :: to indulge oneself in carnal pleasures, especially of sexual kind
hekumoida {v} :: to gloat (exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction, often at an adversary's misfortune)
hekumointi {n} :: indulging in carnal, particularly sexual, pleasures
hekumoitsija {n} :: one who indulges in carnal, particularly sexual, pleasures
hela {n} :: mounting, fitting, bushing
helähdellä {vi} [frequentative] :: To tinkle, jingle
helähdys {n} :: tinging, clanging
helähdyttää {vt} :: alternative form of heläyttää
helahoito {n} [idiomatic] :: the works, complete package (everything that is available)
helähtää {vi} :: to ting, clang (once)
helähtäminen {n} :: tinging, clanging (once)
heläjää {v} [poetic, dialectal] :: alternative form of helistä
helajuhla {n} :: a traditional Finnish festival during which bonfires (helavalkea) are lit
helakanpunainen {adj} :: scarlet
helakanpunainen {n} :: scarlet (color)
helakansininen {adj} :: light blue, periwinkle
helakansininen {n} :: light blue, periwinkle (color)
helakasti {adv} :: brightly (in a manner that is sparkling with wit, lively, vivacious, cheerful)
helakka {adj} [of a color] :: bright, brilliant, light
helakkuus {n} :: brightness, brilliantness, lightness (of a color)
helapää {n} :: an object, such as a knife, that has a fitting on one end
helapäinen {adj} :: that has a fitting on one end
helari {n} [derogatory, Internet slang] :: a male who has not yet undergone voice change and has a high-pitched voice, especially in Internet multiplayer games
helari {n} [colloquial, sometimes derogatory] :: Pentecostal (person)
helatorstai {n} :: Ascension Day, Ascension (40th day after Easter)
helavalkea {n} :: A bonfire customarily burned on Ascension Day in some parts of Finland, an "Ascension Day bonfire"
helavyö {n} :: a traditional South Ostrobothnian belt with several gold-colored fibulae
heläys {n} [archaic] :: tune, jingle
heläyttää {vt} :: To clang
hele {n} [music] :: ornament
heleä {adj} :: bright, clear, vivid
heleä-ääninen {adj} :: with a bright sound
heleäihoinen {adj} :: with a light skin
heleänkeltainen {adj} :: bright yellow
heleänkeltainen {n} :: bright yellow (color)
heleänpunainen {adj} :: bright red
heleänpunainen {n} :: bright red (color)
heleänvärinen {adj} :: with a bright color
heleäsointinen {adj} :: with a bright sound or timbre
heleästi {adv} :: brightly, clearly, vividly
Heleena {prop} :: given name
Helena {prop} :: given name
heleys {n} :: brightness, clearness, vividness
Heli {prop} :: given name
heliä {n} [poetic] :: synonym of heleä
helibor {n} :: Helsinki Interbank Offered Rate
helihiihto {n} :: heli-skiing
helikobakteeri {n} :: Helicobacter
helikopteri {n} :: helicopter
helikopteriasema {n} :: heliport
helikopterikenttä {n} :: heliport, helipad
helikopterikuljetus {n} :: helicopter transport
helikopterilentäjä {n} :: helicopter pilot
helikopterionnettomuus {n} :: helicopter accident
helinä {n} :: jingle (sound of metal or glass clattering against itself)
Helinä {prop} :: given name, a variant of Helena by folk etymology shaped like helinä "tinkle"
Helinä {prop} :: Tinkerbell
heliofiili {n} [rare] :: heliophile (organism that requires a lot of sunlight to thrive)
heliografi {n} [astronomy] :: heliograph
heliolatria {n} :: heliolatry (religion)
heliometri {n} [astronomy] :: A heliometer
helioosi {n} :: heliosis (medical condition caused by overheating of the body due to exposure to sun)
heliosentrinen {adj} :: heliocentric
heliosentrismi {n} :: synonym of aurinkokeskisyys
heliosfääri {n} [astronomy] :: heliosphere
heliotrooppi {n} :: heliotrope (plant that turns so that it faces the sun)
heliotrooppi {n} :: heliotrope (plant of the genus Heliotropium)
heliotrooppi {n} [mineral] :: bloodstone, heliotrope
heliotrooppinen {adj} :: heliotropic
heliotropismi {n} [botany] :: heliotropism
heliseminen {n} :: jingling, tingling, clinking
helisiteetti {n} [physics] :: helicity
helistä {vi} :: to jingle, tingle, clink
helistää {vt} :: To jingle (to cause to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself)
helistellä {vt} :: to jingle repeatedly (to cause to make a jingle)
helistin {n} :: rattle (baby toy)
helistin {n} :: rattle (musical instrument)
helisyttää {vt} :: to jingle (cause to make a noise)
helium {n} :: helium
heliumleimahdus {n} [astronomy] :: helium flash
Heljä {prop} :: given name
Helka {prop} :: given name
helkähtää {vi} :: to clang
helkajuhla {n} :: A traditional feast celebrated during the Pentecost in the parish of Sääksmäki, based on a pagan feast that used to be celebrated in May in order to secure the crops for the year
helkätä {vi} [poetic] :: to tinkle, jingle
helkatti {adj} :: used as a mild intensifier
helkatti {interj} :: damn, dammit
helkatuli {n} :: synonym of helavalkea
helkavalkea {n} :: alternative form of helavalkea
helkavirsi {n} :: Finnish poems that were told or written in Kalevala meter (trochaic tetrameter), especially one that is sung in helkajuhla
helke {n} :: tingle, jingle
helkkari {interj} :: A mild expletive; damn, darn, blimey
helkkarinmoinen {adj} [colloquial] :: hell of a
helkkaristi {adv} :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive
helkkyä {vi} :: To tinkle, jingle
helkutti {interj} :: A mild expletive; damn, darn
helkyntä {n} :: tingle, jingle
helkytellä {vt} :: to tinkle repeatedly (cause to tinkle)
helkyttää {vt} :: to tinkle (cause to tinkle)
helkyttäminen {n} :: tinkling (causing to tinkle)
helkytys {n} :: tinkling (causing something to tinkle)
hella {n} :: range, stove (for cooking)
hella {n} [colloquial] :: oven
hellä {adj} :: affectionate, fond, tender
hellä {adj} :: gentle
hellä {adj} :: tender, sore
Hellä {prop} :: given name
helladinen {adj} [history] :: Helladic
hellahuone {n} :: range room, oven room
helläkätinen {adj} :: soft, gentle, sensitive
helläkätisesti {adv} :: gently, softly (of a person or action)
helläkätisyys {n} :: softness, gentleness
hellakoukku {n} :: stove poker (tool)
helläluonteinen {adj} :: gentle, tender
helläluontoinen {adj} :: of a gentle nature
hellämielinen {adj} :: soft, affectionate, gentle
hellanlettas {interj} [affectionate] :: synonym of herranjestas
hellanrengas {n} :: stove ring, burner ring
hellanrinki {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of hellanrengas
hellapoliisi {n} [humorous] :: “Oven police”; a (dominating) wife
hellapuu {n} :: wood billet for a stove
hellari {n} [colloquial] :: Pentecostal
hellästi {adv} :: affectionately, tenderly, fondly
hellästi {adv} :: gently
helläsydäminen {adj} :: softhearted, tenderhearted
helläsydämisesti {adv} :: softheartedly, tenderheartedly
helläsydämisyys {n} :: tenderheartedness, softheartedness
hellätä {vt} :: to loosen, unfasten
hellätunteinen {adj} :: sensitive, tender (emotionally)
hellätunteisesti {adv} :: sensitively, tenderly (emotionally)
hellätunteisuus {n} :: sensitivity, tenderness (emotionally)
hellävarainen {adj} :: gentle
hellävaraisesti {adv} :: gently
hellävaraisuus {n} :: gentleness
hellävaroen {adv} :: gently
hellävaroin {adv} :: gently, carefully
helle {n} [rare, chiefly figuratively] :: A hot place or heat
helle {n} :: Hot weather, swelter
helleaalto {n} :: heat wave
helleasu {n} :: an outfit for hot weather
helleeni {n} :: Hellene
Helleenien tasavalta {prop} :: Hellenic Republic (official name of the state of Greece)
helleeninen {adj} :: Hellenic
hellehattu {n} :: sunhat
hellekausi {n} :: hot season
hellekypärä {n} :: pith helmet
hellelukema {n} :: temperature readings hot enough to be considered helle
hellemekko {n} :: sundress
hellemmin {adv} :: comparative of hellästi
hellempi {adj} :: comparative of hellä
hellenisaatio {n} :: Hellenisation
hellenismi {n} :: Hellenism, Hellenistic civilization (culture and civilization of the Hellenistic period of the Greek culture after the death of Alexander the Great (323 B.C.) to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony by Octavian (31 B.C.))
hellenisoida {vt} :: to Hellenize (make someone or something Hellenistic)
hellenisoitua {vi} :: to Hellenize (to become Hellenistic)
hellenisti {n} :: A Hellenist (specialist in the study of Greek culture or history)
hellenisti {n} :: A Hellenist (person who adopted the Greek culture during the Hellenistic period)
hellenistinen {adj} :: Hellenistic
hellepäivä {n} :: hot day, day with a high temperature
helleraja {n} :: the temperature boundary or limit of +25 °C above which a weather is considered to be helle
hellesää {n} :: hot weather
hellevaate {n} :: piece of clothing for hot weather
Hellevi {prop} :: given name
Helli {prop} :: given name
helliä {v} :: to caress
helliä {v} :: to cherish, nurse
hellimmin {adv} :: superlative of hellästi
hellin {adj} :: superlative of hellä
Hellin {prop} :: given name
hellitä {vi} :: To make it (in time), arrive (in time), reach (in time) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
hellitä {vi} :: To come loose/free/off
hellitä {vi} [monopersonal] :: ablative + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = to consent to give, have the generosity to give
hellitellä {vt} :: to pamper, to cherish
hellittää {v} :: to loosen (to make less tight)
hellittää {v} :: to release
hellittää {v} :: to ease up (to become more relaxed)
hellittää {v} :: to ease up (to reduce the speed)
hellittää {v} :: to abate, subside, calm (to lessen in force or intensity)
hellittää {v} :: to break (of a storm or spell of weather, to end)
hellittää {v} [dated] :: to give up
hellittämätön {adj} :: relentless
hellittämätön {adj} :: unabated
hellittämättömästi {adv} :: relentlessly, unabatedly
hellittämättömyys {n} :: perseverance
hellittäminen {n} :: loosening, releasing, easing up
hellittelynimi {n} :: term of endearment
hellittelysana {n} :: term of endearment
helluntai {n} :: Pentecost, Whitsun, Whitsunday
helluntaiherätys {n} :: Pentecostalism
helluntailainen {adj} :: Pentecostal
helluntailainen {n} :: Pentecostal
helluntailaisuus {n} :: Pentecostalism (Christian religious movement)
helluntailiike {n} :: Pentecostalism (Evangelic religious movement)
helluntaipäivä {n} :: Whitsunday
helluntaiseurakunta {n} :: Pentecostal congregation
helluntaiystävä {n} :: a member of a Pentecostal movement that is a friend to other members of such
helluntalainen {n} :: alternative form of helluntailainen
helluntalainen {adj} :: alternative form of helluntailainen
hellurei {interj} :: yippee (used to express joy of life and excitement)
helluvainen {n} :: dewlap
hellyttää {vt} :: to soften, to make relent
hellyttävä {adj} :: endearing
hellyydenkaipuu {n} :: yearning or longing for affection
hellyydenkipeä {adj} :: hungry for affection
hellyydenosoitus {n} :: endearment (expression of affection)
hellyydentarve {n} :: need for affection
hellyys {n} :: affection
hellyys {n} :: tenderness
helma {n} :: hem (margin of cloth)
helmalinja {n} :: hemline (line formed by the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat)
helman korkeus {n} :: hemline (height of the helm of a skirt or coat, measured from the floor)
helmankorkeus {n} :: alternative spelling of helman korkeus
helmapelti {n} :: sill panel [UK], rocker panel [US] (in car chassis the panel that is below the doors)
helmasynti {n} :: deep-rooted sin, biggest weakness, repeated fault
helmeillä {vi} :: to effervesce
helmenharmaa {adj} :: pearl gray
helmenharmaa {n} :: pearl gray (color)
helmenkalastaja {n} :: pearl fisher, pearl diver
helmenkalastus {n} :: pearl fishing, pearl diving
helmenpyynti {n} :: pearl fishing
helmenpyytäjä {n} :: pearler, pearl diver
helmenviljely {n} :: pearl farming
helmestää {v} :: to hunt for pearls
helmestäminen {n} :: pearling, hunting for pearls
helmestys {n} :: pearling, pearl diving
Helmholtzin resonaattori {n} :: Helmholtz resonator
Helmholtz-resonaattori {n} :: Helmholtz resonator
helmi {n} :: pearl
helmi {n} [typography] :: pearl (font size)
helmi {n} :: bead
helmi {n} [figuratively] :: gem (precious or highly valued thing or person)
helmi {n} :: abbreviation of helmikuu
Helmi {prop} :: given name
helmiäinen {n} :: nacre, mother-of-pearl
helmiäishohto {n} :: pearlescence
helmiäishohtoinen {adj} :: pearlescent
helmiäishuulipuna {n} :: pearlescent lipstick
helmiäiskala {n} :: silver hatchetfish (fish of the genus Argyropelecus)
helmiäiskiilto {n} :: pearly lustre
helmiäiskiiltoinen {adj} :: with a pearly lustre
helmiäisnappi {n} :: mother-of-pearl button
helmiäisnystyt {n} :: pearly penile papules (harmless skin condition affecting glans penis)
helmiäispilvi {n} [meteorology] :: polar stratospheric cloud, nacreous cloud
helmiäistonkija {n} :: pearl cichlid (Geophagus brasiliensis)
helmiä sioille {phrase} :: pearls before swine
helmiherkkusieni {n} :: An agaric, Agaricus placomyces
helmihirssi {n} :: synonym of helmisulkahirssi
helmihirssi {n} :: paspalum (any plant of the genus Paspalum)
helmihirssi {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Paspalum
helmihopeatäplä {n} :: Queen of Spain fritillary (Issoria lathonia)
helmihyasintti {n} :: synonym of helmililja
Helmiina {prop} :: given name
helmi-itiö {n} [biology] :: aecidiospore
helmijoki {n} :: A river in which the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) lives and is known to produce pearls
helmikana {n} :: guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)
helmikana {n} :: any member of the family Numididae
helmikirjailu {n} :: synonym of helmikirjonta
helmikirjoahven {n} :: Jack Dempsey (Rocio octofasciata)
helmikirjonta {n} :: pearl embroidery
helmikkä {n} :: melic, melic grass (any of various grasses of the genus Melica)
helmikoriste {n} :: pearl decoration, pearl motif, pearl ornament
helmikoristeinen {adj} :: decorated with pearls, beaded
helmikuinen {adj} :: Pertaining to February
helmikuu {n} :: February
helmilakkimuura {n} :: spot-crowned antvireo
helmilanka {n} :: mercerized yarn
helmililja {n} :: grape hyacinth (plant in the genus Muscari)
helmililja {n} [in plural] :: the genus Muscari
helmimylly {n} :: pearl mill
helminauha {n} :: pearl necklace, pearl string
helminauha {n} [combinatorics] :: necklace
helminen {adj} :: pearly
Helminen {prop} :: surname
helmineule {n} :: a knit garment made with moss stitches
helmintiaasi {n} [disease] :: helminthiasis
helminukkajäkkärä {n} :: western pearly everlasting, Anaphalis margaritacea (flowering plant in the Asteraceae family, used as garden flower)
helmiompelu {n} :: pearl sewing
helmipartamonni {n} :: bushymouth catfish (Ancistrus dolichopterus)
helmipeite {n} :: pearl cover, pearl covering
helmipensas {n} :: pearl bush (Exochorda racemosa)
helmipensas {n} :: pearl bush (bush in the genus Exochorda)
helmipensas {n} [in plural] :: the genus Exochorda
helmipisto {n} :: moss stitch
helmipöllö {n} :: Tengmalm's owl or boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)
helmipuumuura {n} :: pearly antshrike
helmipuuro {n} :: porridge made of potato starch grains and milk
helmirihmakala {n} :: pearl gourami (Trichopodus leerii)
helmisimpukka {n} :: pearl oyster
helmisulkahirssi {n} :: pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) (cereal)
helmisuurimo {n} [usually, in plural] :: potato starch grain
helmitaulu {n} :: abacus (calculating frame)
helmitinami {n} :: white-throated tinamou (Tinamus guttatus)
helmivalkosipuli {n} :: hard-necked garlic (Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon)
helmivene {n} :: nautilus (mollusc of the family Nautilidae)
helmivene {n} [in plural] :: Nautilidae (taxonomic family of two extant genera Altonautilus and Nautilus)
helmivyö {n} :: pearl belt
helmus {n} :: synonym of helma
helmusta {n} :: synonym of helma
helo {n} [rare] :: shine
helohapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula helodes
heloittaa {vi} :: To furnish with fittings or fixtures
heloittaminen {n} :: furnishing with fittings or fixtures
heloitus {n} :: fitting, fixture
helokka {n} :: any mushroom of the genus Pholiota
helokka {n} [in plural] :: the genus Pholiota
helokki {n} :: evening primrose, suncup, sundrop (plant of the genus Oenothera)
helokkiöljy {n} :: evening primrose oil
helokkiöljykapseli {n} :: evening primrose oil capsule
helootti {n} :: helot (Spartan slave)
heloseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius cinnabarinus
helottaa {vi} :: to shine (emit light)
helottaminen {n} :: shining (emitting light)
helotus {n} :: shining (emitting light)
helpi {n} :: canary grass (plant of the genus Phalaris)
helpohko {adj} :: relatively easy
helpoimmin {adv} :: superlative of helposti
helpoiten {adv} :: synonym of helpoimmin
helpommin {adv} :: comparative of helposti
helpommin sanottu kuin tehty {phrase} :: easier said than done
helpompi {adj} :: comparative of helppo
helpontaa {vt} :: To make easier, simplify
helpontua {vi} :: To ease
helposti {adv} :: easily
helpota {vi} :: To become easier, less complicated
helpottaa {v} :: (transitive) to ease
helpottaa {v} :: (transitive) to relieve, alleviate, mitigate, facilitate
helpottaminen {n} :: facilitating. facilitation
helpottava {adj} :: soothing, relieving
helpottua {vi} :: to ease, become easier
helpottuminen {n} :: becoming easier, easing
helpottuneesti {adv} :: relievedly
helpottunut {adj} :: relieved
helpotus {n} :: relief
helppo {adj} :: easy
helppo {adj} [archaic] :: cheap
helppoa kuin heinänteko {phrase} [simile] :: very easy
helppoheikki {n} :: a vocal, well-spoken, smooth and often comedic salesman; pitchman
helppoheikki {n} [figuratively] :: someone who is well-spoken but not trustworthy
helppohintainen {adj} :: unworthy (lacking merit or value)
helppohoitoinen {adj} :: easy-to-maintain, easy maintain, easy maintenance, easily maintained, easy-to-care-for
helppohoitoisuus {n} :: ease of maintenance, ease of care (quality or property of being easy to maintain or care for)
helppohuoltoinen {adj} :: service-friendly, serviceable (easy to service)
helppokäyttöinen {adj} :: easy-to-use, user-friendly
helppokäyttöisyys {n} :: accessibility, ease of use
helppokulkuinen {adj} :: easily passable, easily tread
helppoliukoinen {adj} :: freely soluble, easily soluble
helppolukuinen {adj} :: easy to read
helppolukuisesti {adv} :: in a manner that is esay to read
helppolukuisuus {n} :: ease of reading (quality or property of being easy to read)
helppo nakki {n} [idiomatic] :: piece of cake, snap (easy task)
helppopääsyinen {adj} :: accessible (easy of access or approach)
helppo raha {n} :: quick buck
helpposivelteinen {adj} [of paint] :: easy to apply, easy-to-apply
helppotajuinen {adj} :: easily understandable, easy-to-understand, popular
helppotajuisesti {adv} :: in an easily understandable manner
helppotajuistaa {vt} :: to popularize (present in a widely understandable form)
helppotajuisuus {n} :: ease of understanding (quality or property of being easily understandable)
helppotöinen {adj} :: easy, that requires little skill or effort
helppotöisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being easy or requiring little skill or effort
helppous {n} :: ease, easiness
helppoymmärteinen {adj} :: easy to understand
helppoymmärteisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being easy to understand
Helsingör {prop} :: Helsingör (city)
Helsinki {prop} :: Helsinki (capital city)
helsinkiitti {n} [rock] :: helsinkite
helsinkiläinen {adj} :: Helsinkian, of Helsinki (of or pertaining to the city of Helsinki)
helsinkiläinen {n} :: A Helsinkian (person living in or originating from Helsinki)
helsinkiläistää {vt} :: to Helsinkiize; to make someone or something like Helsinki in character
helsinkiläistyä {vi} :: to Helsinkiize; to become like Helsinki in character
helskää {v} [rare] :: alternative form of helskyä
helskähtää {vi} :: to tinkle or jingle suddenly or once
helske {n} :: tingle, jingle
helskutti {adj} :: Used as a mild intensifier
helskutti {interj} :: damn, dammit
helskyä {vi} :: To tinkle, jingle
helskytellä {vt} :: to tinkle or jingle repeatedly
helskyttää {vt} :: to tinkle, jingle (cause to make a sound)
helskyttäminen {n} :: tinkling, jingling (causing to make such sound)
helskytys {n} :: tinkling, jingling (causing to tinkle or jingle)
helteinen {adj} :: boiling (of the weather, very hot)
helteisesti {adv} :: in a manner that is very hot (of weather)
helteisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being boiling or sweltering (of weather; very hot)
heltiäminen {n} :: making it or arriving in time
heltiäminen {n} :: coming loose, coming free
heltiäminen {n} :: consenting to give
heltta {n} :: A wattle (loose, hanging skin on birds, animals and humans)
heltta {n} :: A snood (flap of skin on the beak of a turkey)
heltta {n} [fungi] :: A gill
helttakurki {n} :: wattled crane (Grus carunculata)
helttasieni {n} :: agaric (any fungus having a cap with gills)
heltyä {vi} :: to soften, relent
heltymätön {adj} :: relentless, unrelenting
heltymättömästi {adv} :: relentlessly, unrelentingly
heltymättömyys {n} :: relentlessness, unrelentingness
helve {n} [botany] :: lodicule
helvetialainen {adj} :: Helvetian
helvetialainen {n} :: Helvetian
helvetillinen {adj} :: hellish
helvetillisesti {adv} :: hellishly (in a hellish manner)
helvetillisyys {n} :: hellishness
helvetin esikartano {n} [Christianity] :: limbo
helvetinkone {n} :: infernal machine
helvetinmoinen {adj} :: synonym of helvetillinen
helvetisti {adv} [vulgar] :: like hell (in a manner that uses all of the strength, speed, or effort that a person can summon)
helvetti {n} [religion] :: hell
helvetti {n} [vulgar] :: hell, devil
helvetti {interj} :: damn
helvettimäinen {adj} :: hellish
Helvi {prop} :: given name
hely {n} :: trinket
Hely {prop} :: given name
helykruunu {n} [historical] :: an elaborately decorated and heavy crown traditionally worn by the bride
hemaiseva {adj} :: sexy, desirable
hemaisevasti {adv} :: desirably, sexily
hemaista {v} [rare] :: To look sexy and desirable; used of a woman
hemangiooma {n} [pathology] :: hemangioma
hematiini {n} :: haematin
hematiitti {n} [mineral] :: hematite
hematokriitti {n} [medicine] :: hematocrit
hematologi {n} :: haematologist
hematologia {n} :: hematology, haematology
hematooma {n} :: hematoma
hematuria {n} [pathology, jargon] :: hematuria
hemeralopia {n} [medicine] :: day blindness, hemeralopia
hemeralopia {n} [medicine, archaic] :: night blindness, nyctalopia
hemi {n} [biochemistry] :: heme
hemiini {n} :: hemin
Hemilä {prop} :: surname
hemiola {n} [music] :: hemiola
hemiselluloosa {n} :: hemicellulose
hemisfääri {n} :: hemisphere
hemlokki {n} :: hemlock (any of several coniferous trees of the genus Tsuga; their wood)
hemmetinmoinen {adj} [mild expletive] :: hell of a
hemmetisti {adv} :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive
hemmetti {interj} :: A mild expletive; dammit, darn, blimey
Hemminki {prop} [rare today] :: given name
hemmo {n} [colloquial] :: dude, bloke, stiff
Hemmo {prop} :: given name
hemmotella {v} :: to pamper, coddle (to treat gently or with great care)
hemmotella pilalle {vt} :: to spoil, to pamper, to overindulge, to wait on hand and foot
hemmottelu {n} :: pampering, coddling
hemo {adv} [colloquial] :: An intensifier
hemodialyysi {n} [medicine] :: hemodialysis (dialysis by using extracorporeal removal of waste products from the blood)
hemofilia {n} [pathology] :: haemophilia/hemophilia
hemoglobiini {n} :: hemoglobin, haemoglobin
hemokromatoosi {n} :: hemochromatosis
hemolyysi {n} :: hemolysis
hemorroidi {n} :: hemorrhoid
hemostaasi {n} [medicine, jargon] :: hemostasis
hemotoksiini {n} :: hemotoxin
hempeä {adj} :: sweet, charming
hempeä {adj} :: gentle
hempeämielinen {adj} :: sentimental, tender, gentle
hempeämielisesti {adv} :: sentimentally, tenderly, gently
hempeämielisyys {n} :: sentimentalness, tenderness, gentleness
hempeästi {adv} :: sweetly, charmingly, gently
hempeillä {vi} :: to think or act in a sweet or gentle manner
hempeily {n} :: thinking or acting in a gentle or sweet manner
hempeys {n} :: sweetness, charmingness, gentleness
hemppo {n} :: linnet
hempukka {n} :: broad, coquette
-hen {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn
hengaaminen {n} [slang] :: hanging about, hanging out
hengähdys {n} :: taking a breather
hengähdysaika {n} :: break, breather (short rest or pause, such as from arduous work, but also from a difficult situation)
hengähdystauko {n} :: breather
hengähdystauko {n} [figuratively] :: breathing space
hengähtää {vi} :: to take a breather (to take a break; to pause or relax briefly)
hengähtäminen {n} :: taking a breather
hengailla {vi} [slang] :: To hang around, hang out (to spend time without doing anything in particular)
hengari {n} :: alternative form of henkari
hengästyä {vi} :: To get out of breath, become breathless
hengästyminen {n} :: getting out of breath
hengästynyt {adj} :: breathless, gasping, out of breath
hengästys {n} :: breathlessness
hengästys {n} :: getting out of breath
hengästyttää {vt} :: To cause to get/go out of breath
hengästyttävä {adj} :: that makes one get out of breath
hengästyttävä {adj} :: breathtaking
hengästyttävästi {adv} :: in a manner that makes one get out of breath
hengästyttävästi {adv} :: breathtakingly
hengata {vi} [slang] :: To hang about, hang out
hengellinen {adj} :: spiritual
hengellisesti {adv} :: spiritually
hengellistää {vt} :: to spiritualize
hengellisyys {n} :: spirituality
hengenahdistus {n} :: shortness of breath, dyspnea
hengenelämä {n} :: spiritual life
hengenhätä {n} :: life-or-death emergency
hengenhätä {n} [figuratively] :: real hurry
hengenheimolainen {n} :: A like-minded person
hengenheimolaisuus {n} :: affinity, congeniality
hengenlaatu {n} :: mentality, spirit, mindset
hengenlahjat {n} :: faculties, mental faculties
hengenlähtö {n} [euphemistic] :: death, dying
hengenmeno {n} [euphemistic] :: death, dying
hengenmies {n} :: cleric, clergyman, spiritualist
hengenpelastaja {n} :: lifesaver
hengenpelastaja {n} :: lifeguard
hengenpelastus {n} :: lifesaving
hengenpelastusmitali {n} :: lifesaving medal
hengenpelastusväline {n} :: lifesaving tool, lifesaving equipment
hengenpidin {n} [usually, in plural] :: one's livelihood
hengenravinto {n} :: food for thought
hengenravinto {n} :: spiritual nourishment
hengentuote {n} :: brainchild
hengenvaara {n} :: danger of life, mortal danger
hengenvaarallinen {adj} :: life-threatening, deadly dangerous, perilous
hengenvaarallisesti {adv} :: life-threateningly
hengenvaarallisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being life-threatening
hengenveto {n} :: gasp
hengenviljely {n} [dated] :: culture, civilization
hengenvoima {n} :: mental or spiritual power
hengetär {n} :: female genie
hengetön {adj} :: Lifeless, dead
hengetön {adj} :: Tedious, dull, boring (e.g. theatrical play)
hengettömästi {adv} :: soullessly, tediously
hengettömästi {adv} :: lifelessly
hengettömyys {n} :: lifelessness
hengettömyys {n} :: tediousness, dullness
hengi {n} :: obsolete spelling of henki
hengiltäotto {n} :: taking the life of (killing) someone or something
hengissä {adv} :: olla ~ to be alive
hengittää {vti} :: to breathe
hengittää jonkun niskaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to breathe down someone's neck
hengittäminen {n} :: breathing
hengittävyys {n} :: breathability (ability of a fabric or clothing to transmit air and moisture)
hengityksensuojain {n} :: breathing apparatus
hengitys {n} :: breath, breathing (act or process of breathing)
hengitys {n} :: breath, breathing (single act of breathing in and out)
hengitys {n} :: breath, breathing (air expelled from the lungs)
hengitysääni {n} :: breathing sound
hengityselimistö {n} [anatomy] :: respiratory system
hengityselin {n} [anatomy] :: respiratory organ
hengityselin {n} [anatomy, in plural] :: respiratory system
hengityshalvaus {n} :: respiratory paralysis
hengitysharjoitus {n} :: breathing exercise
hengitysilma {n} :: respiratory air
hengityskatkos {n} :: apnea
hengityskeskus {n} :: respiratory center
hengityskone {n} :: ventilator (machine that moves breathable air into and out of the lungs of a patient who is unable to breathe sufficiently)
hengityslaite {n} :: respirator, breathing device
hengityslihas {n} [anatomy] :: muscle of respiration
hengitysliike {n} :: respiratory movement
hengitysmerkki {n} :: breath mark
hengityssuojain {n} :: respirator (mask or similar device that prevents harmful substances such as dust, gases or micro-organisms from entering the respiratory tract)
hengitystaajuus {n} :: respiratory rate
hengitysteitse {adv} :: by (means of) inhalation
hengitystie {n} [anatomy, usually, in plural] :: respiratory tract (passages through which air enters and leaves the body, including the nose and nasal passages, the pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi and alveoli)
hengitystieallergia {n} :: respiratory allergy
hengitystieinfektio {n} :: respiratory infection
hengitysvaikeus {n} :: breathing difficulty
henipavirus {n} :: henipavirus (virus)
henipavirus {n} [in plural] :: Henipavirus (genus)
henkää {v} [literary, poetic] :: to breathe, to blow, to radiate, to exude
henkäillä {vti} :: To breathe (in an indifferent or relaxed manner)
henkäillä {vi} [of wind] :: To blow gently
henkäistä {vi} :: To breathe (once)
henkäisy {n} :: breath, gasp
henkari {n} [colloquial] :: coat hanger
henkäys {n} :: breath, puff, gasp
henkeä pidätellen {adv} :: with bated breath (literal and idiomatic sense)
henkeäsalpaava {adj} :: breathtaking
henkeen ja vereen {adv} [idiomatic] :: dyed-in-the-wool, diehard
henkeni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of henki
henkensä {n} :: third-person possissive form of henki
henkensä edestä {adv} [idiomatic] :: for one's life, like one's life depended on it
henkesi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of henki
henkevä {adj} :: intelligent, bright
henkevä {adj} :: spirited, vigorous, animated
henkevästi {adv} :: spiritedly, vigorously
henkevöidä {vt} :: to inspire, incite, stimulate
henkevöittää {vt} :: to inspire, incite, stimulate
henkevöityä {vi} :: To be inspired, incited, stimulated
henkevyys {n} :: spiritedness, vigorousness, esprit
henki {n} :: breath
henki {n} :: spirit, ghost
henki {n} :: life (only when its safety is questioned)
henki {n} :: person
henki {n} :: genie
henkiä {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to exude, radiate, bubble with, sparkle with, overflow with, breathe
henkihieveriin {adv} [of a living being, especially a human] :: into a very bad or half-dead condition
henkihieverissä {adv} [of a living being, especially a human] :: in a very bad or half-dead condition
henkiinherättäminen {n} :: resurrection, reanimation
henkiinherätys {n} :: resurrection, reanimation
henkiinjääminen {n} :: survival, not dying
henkiinjäänyt {adj} :: surviving, alive (not dead)
henkiinjäänyt {n} :: survivor
henkikaarti {n} :: personal guard, life guard
henkikarhu {n} :: spirit bear, Kermode bear (subspecies of the black bear)
henkikaste {n} :: baptism of spirit
henkikirja {n} [historical] :: census
henkikirjoittaja {n} :: registrar (in Finland, an employee in a magistrate that handles civil status matters)
henkikirjoitus {n} :: census, registration
henkikulta {n} [jocular] :: synonym of henki
henkilääkäri {n} :: personal physician
henkilö {n} :: person
henkilö {n} :: figure
henkilöapu {n} :: personal help
henkilöarviointi {n} :: personal assessment
henkilöarviointi {n} :: staff reporting
henkilöauto {n} :: passenger car (automobile)
henkilöautoliikenne {n} :: private car traffic
henkilöbibliografia {n} :: personal bibliography
henkilöhahmo {n} :: character, person (in a play or such)
henkilöhakemisto {n} :: directory or index of people
henkilöhaku {n} :: paging (addressing, announcing or notifying specific people, such as with a paging system)
henkilöhakujärjestelmä {n} :: paging system
henkilöhakulaite {n} :: paging device, pager
henkilöhakuvastaanotin {n} :: paging receiver, one-way pager
henkilöhissi {n} :: passenger elevator, passenger lift
henkilöhistoria {n} :: History of the life of an individual
henkilöhistoriallinen {adj} :: pertaining to personal history or history of a certain person
henkilöidä {vt} :: to personify
henkilöinti {n} :: personification (act of personifying)
henkilöityä {vi} :: To be personified
henkilöitymä {n} :: personification
henkilöjäsen {n} :: member that is a person as opposed to a company or such
henkilöjuna {n} :: passenger train
henkilökemia {n} :: chemistry (mutual attraction between two people)
henkilökierto {n} :: retraining
henkilökohtainen {adj} :: personal, intimate
henkilökohtainen {adj} :: face-to-face, vis-à-vis
henkilökohtainen {adj} [of a leave] :: compassionate
henkilökohtainen ennätys {n} :: personal record
henkilökohtainen valmentaja {n} :: personal trainer
henkilökohtaisempi {adj} :: comparative of henkilökohtainen
henkilökohtaisesti {adv} :: in person, face to face, vis-à-vis
henkilökohtaisesti {adv} :: personally (in person)
henkilökohtaisesti {adv} :: personally (in a personal manner)
henkilökohtaisesti {adv} :: personally (concerning oneself)
henkilökohtaisin {adj} :: superlative of henkilökohtainen
henkilökohtaisuus {n} :: personality, personal remark (something said of a person, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature)
henkilökortti {n} :: ID card
henkilökuljetin {n} :: personal transporter
henkilökuljetus {n} :: passenger transport
henkilökultti {n} :: cult of personality
henkilökunta {n} :: staff, personnel (employees)
henkilökunta-alennus {n} :: employee discount, staff discount
henkilökuntaetu {n} :: employee benefit, staff benefit
henkilökuntakerho {n} :: staff club
henkilökuntalehti {n} :: employee magazine
henkilökuntayhdistys {n} :: staff association
henkilökuva {n} :: profile (summary or collection of information about a person)
henkilökuvaus {n} :: profile, portrayal, description (of a person)
henkilökysymys {n} :: question of personalities
henkilöliikenne {n} :: passenger transport
henkilöllinen {adj} :: personal (of or pertaining to a particular person)
henkilöllisyys {n} :: identity
henkilöllisyystodistus {n} :: identification (document proving identity)
henkilöllisyystodistus {n} [colloquial] :: Any ID card
henkilöluotto {n} :: personal loan
henkilömaalaus {n} :: figure painting (painting of a human or person)
henkilömäärä {n} :: headcount (number of people present)
henkilömiina {n} :: anti-personnel mine
henkilömitali {n} :: a medal commemorating a person
henkilönimi {n} :: personal name
henkilönkatsastus {n} :: body inspection, personal inspection
henkilönnimi {n} :: anthroponym
henkilönostin {n} :: aerial work platform, cherry picker, boom lift, man lift, basket crane, hydraladder, bucket truck, teleporter (movable piece of equipment for lifting people)
henkilönpalvonta {n} :: cult of personality
henkilönsuojain {n} :: personal protective equipment
henkilöntarkastus {n} :: body search
henkilöoikeus {n} [law] :: The part of civil law that deals with person's capacity
henkilöpalvonta {n} :: cult of personality, personality cult
henkilöpaperit {n} :: ID, identification (document that shows one's identity)
henkilöpuhelu {n} [telecommunication, dated] :: person-to-person call
henkilörekisteri {n} :: personal data register
henkilörekisteririkos {n} :: data protection offence (intentional or grossly negligent failure to comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Act)
henkilörooli {n} :: person role
henkilöstö {n} :: personnel, staff
henkilöstöanti {n} :: An emission of shares (stock) reserved for the personnel of a company, usually at a lower than market price but with sales restrictions
henkilöstöhallinto {n} [managament] :: human resource management, HRM
henkilöstöhallinto {n} :: human resources (personnel department of an organization)
henkilöstöhankinta {n} :: recruitment (process)
henkilöstöjohtaminen {n} :: human resources management (process)
henkilöstökoulutus {n} :: personnel training
henkilöstölehti {n} :: personnel magazine
henkilöstöneuvosto {n} :: workers' council
henkilöstönhankinta {n} :: synonym of henkilöstöhankinta
henkilöstöosasto {n} :: human resources department, human resources, personnel department (organizational unit responsible for personnel administration)
henkilöstöpäällikkö {n} :: staff manager, personnel manager
henkilöstöpalvelu {n} :: personnel service
henkilöstöpolitiikka {n} :: personnel policy
henkilöstörahasto {n} :: personnel fund (fund owned and managed by the personnel of a firm: the employer contributes annually to the capital of the fund as part of its remuneration policy)
henkilöstöravintola {n} :: synonym of henkilöstöruokala
henkilöstöresurssit {n} :: human resources
henkilöstöruokala {n} :: canteen (small cafeteria in a place of work)
henkilöstösuunnittelu {n} :: personnel planning
henkilöstötila {n} :: staffroom
henkilöstötilinpäätös {n} :: statement of human resources, HR statement (annual report on an organization's personnel, akin to financial statement)
henkilöstövoimavara {n} [usually in plural] :: synonym of henkilöstöresurssit
henkilöstöyrittäjä {n} :: human resources entrepreneur
henkilöstöyrittäjä {n} :: entrepreneur in the field of staff hiring
henkilöstöyritys {n} :: personnel company
henkilöstöyritys {n} :: human resources company
henkilösuhde {n} :: personal relationship
henkilösuunnitelma {n} :: staff plan, staffing plan
henkilötakaus {n} :: personal guarantee
henkilötieto {n} [in plural] :: personal data
henkilötieto {n} :: personal datum
henkilötietolaki {n} :: Personal Data Act
henkilötietolomake {n} :: personal data form
henkilötili {n} :: personal account, individual account
henkilötodistus {n} :: identification (document proving identity)
henkilötunniste {n} :: identification, ID (document)
henkilötunniste {n} :: personal authentication (biometric feature that serves to identify a person, such as fingerprint)
henkilötunnus {n} :: social security number
henkilötyökuukausi {n} :: man-month
henkilötyöpäivä {n} :: man-day
henkilötyövuosi {n} :: man-year, person-year (average or standard amount of work expected of one worker during a period of one year)
henkilötyyppi {n} :: persona, personality type
henkilövaaka {n} :: person scales (scales intended for weighing people)
henkilövahinko {n} :: personal injury (injury to the body or mind)
henkilövaihdos {n} :: change of personnel
henkilövaihto {n} :: exchange of persons (act of exchanging people between two or more organizations, often in different countries; usually done in order to foster cooperation between the participating organizations and/or give the participating persons experience and networks)
henkilövakuus {n} :: personal security, personal guarantee
henkilövakuutus {n} :: personal insurance (insurance which covers a person, as opposed to one that covers property)
henkilövalinta {n} :: personnel selection, personnel appointment
henkilövalokuvaus {n} :: portrait photography
henkilövaunu {n} [rail transport] :: passenger car
henkilöverotus {n} :: personal taxation, taxation of persons
henkilöyhtiö {n} [law] :: partnership (association of two or more people to conduct a business)
henkilöys {n} :: identity
henkimaailma {n} :: spirit world
henkiminen {n} :: exuding, radiating, overflowing with, oozing
henkinen {adj} :: mental (of or relating to the mind or an intellectual process)
henkinen {adj} :: spiritual (of or relating to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind)
henkinen {adj} :: -person (consisting of a given number of people)
henkiolento {n} :: spirit, genie
henki on altis, mutta liha on heikko {proverb} :: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
henkiparannus {n} :: spiritual healing
henkiparantaja {n} :: faith healer
henkipatto {n} :: outlaw
henkiraha {n} :: poll tax
henkireikä {n} :: hole to breathe through
henkireikä {n} [figuratively] :: lifeline
henkiriepu {n} [figuratively, jocular] :: one's life (as something to keep or save)
henkirikollinen {n} :: homicide (person who kills another)
henkirikos {n} [dated, legal] :: homicide (hypernym for crimes by which a person is caused to die unnaturally by another person)
henkirikos {n} [colloquial] :: homicide
henkisavut {n} [colloquial] :: an instance of smoking in which one inhales smoke
henkisesti {adv} :: mentally
henkistää {vt} :: to spiritualize; in non-religious sense, compare hengellistää
henkistyä {vi} :: to become spiritual, to be spiritualized
henkisyys {n} :: spirituality
henkitiede {n} :: humanistic science
henkitoreihin {adv} [of a living being, especially a human] :: into a condition in which one is dying or close to dying
henkitoreihinsa {adv} :: synonym of henkitoreihin
henkitoreisiin {adv} :: alternative form of henkitoreihin
henkitoreisiinsa {adv} :: alternative form of henkitoreihinsa
henkitoreissa {adv} [of a living being, especially a human] :: in a condition in which one is dying or close to dying
henkitoreissaan {adv} :: synonym of henkitoreissa
henkitorvi {n} [anatomy] :: windpipe, trachea
henkivakuuttaa {vt} :: to get life insurance (on); to insure with life insurance
henkivakuutus {n} :: life insurance
henkivakuutuskirja {n} :: life insurance document
henkivakuutusmaksu {n} :: life insurance payment, life insurance premium
henkivakuutusyhtiö {n} :: life insurance company
henkivartija {n} :: A bodyguard
henkivartio {n} :: bodyguard [collectively]
henkivartiokaarti {n} :: guard working as a bodyguard, particularly for a regent, president or other high-ranking official
henkivartiosto {n} :: bodyguard, guard (collectively)
henkivero {n} :: poll tax
henkiystävä {n} :: soulmate
henkkamaukka {n} [colloquial] :: the H&M (Hennes & Mauritz) clothing retailer
henkkari {n} [casual, often in plural also of a singular document] :: synonym of henkilöpaperit
henkonen {n} :: breath, puff
henkonen {n} [linguistics, dated] :: aspiration
henkselit {n} :: suspenders [US], braces [UK]
henna {n} :: henna (dye and color)
Henna {prop} :: given name
Henna {prop} :: A railway station about 30 km south from Lahti
hennapensas {n} :: henna (shrub Lawsonia inermis)
hennata {vt} :: to henna, to dye with henna
Henni {prop} :: given name
hennoa {v} [colloquial] :: To dare (to have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons)
hennominen {n} [colloquial] :: daring (to do something for emotional reasons)
hennompi {adj} :: comparative of hento
hennota {v} [dialectal] :: To dare (to have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons)
henoteismi {n} [religion] :: henotheism
Henri {prop} :: given name
Henriikka {prop} :: given name
Henrik {prop} :: given name
Henrikki {prop} :: given name
henry {n} :: henry (unit of inductance)
hentai {n} :: hentai [pornographic anime or manga]
hento {adj} :: delicate, fragile
hentoilla {vi} :: to think or act in a delicate manner
hentoilu {n} :: thinking or acting delicately
hentoinen {adj} :: synonym of hento
hentojäseninen {adj} [uncommon] :: graceful
hentokasvuinen {adj} :: delicately growing
hentokorte {n} :: dwarf horsetail (Equisetum scirpoides)
hentomielinen {adj} :: sentimental
hentomielisyys {n} :: sentimentality
hentorakenteinen {adj} :: with a slight or delicate build
hentosara {n} :: softleaf sedge (Carex disperma)
hentosudenkorento {n} :: damselfly
hentous {n} :: delicacy
hep {interj} [colloquial] :: go! (in ready, set, go)
hep {interj} [colloquial] :: used as a generic interjection to express desire or surprise or to attract attention to what is said after
hepaattinen {adj} :: hepatic
hepariini {n} :: heparin
hepatiitti {n} [disease] :: hepatitis
hepatiittivirus {n} :: hepatitis virus
hepatologia {n} :: hepatology
hepatomegalia {n} [pathology] :: hepatomegaly
hepatooma {n} :: hepatoma
hepatoosi {n} [diseases] :: hepatosis
hepatopulmonaarinen {adj} :: hepatopulmonary
hepatorenaalinen {adj} :: hepatorenal
hepatosellulaarinen {adj} :: hepatocellular
hepatospleeninen {adj} :: hepatosplenic
hepatosyytti {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of maksasolu
hepene {n} :: finery, glad rags (excessively fine or decorated clothes); often used in plural - hepenet or hepeneet
hepo {n} [poetic] :: horse
hepo {n} [colloquial] :: heroin
hepoasteet {n} :: The horse latitudes
hepokatti {n} :: katydid, bush-cricket
heponen {n} [dialectal or archaic] :: horse
heppa {n} [children, colloquial] :: horse
heppa {n} [tech slang, colloquial] :: horsepower
heppi {n} [colloquial] :: dick, junk (penis)
heppoinen {adj} :: flimsy, shaky, of poor quality
heppoisesti {adv} :: flimsily, shakily
heppoisuus {n} :: flimsiness, shakiness
heppu {n} [colloquial] :: A person; bloke, dude, stiff, cove
heppuli {n} :: synonym of heppu
heprea {n} :: Hebrew (language)
heprea {n} :: gibberish, Greek (needlessly obscure or overly technical language)
heprealainen {adj} :: Hebrew
heprealainen {n} :: A Hebrew (person)
heprealaiskirje {n} :: alternative case form of Heprealaiskirje
Heprealaiskirje {prop} :: synonym of Kirje heprealaisille
hepreankielinen {adj} :: Hebrew speaker
hepreankielinen {adj} :: Expressed in Hebrew
hepsakka {n} [dialectal] :: something that sways or rocks
hepsankeikka {n} :: a woman of loose morals, a loose woman
heptaani {n} [chemistry] :: heptane
heptaanihappo {n} [chemistry] :: heptanoic acid
heptametri {n} :: heptameter
heptanoli {n} [chemistry] :: heptanol
heptyyni {n} [chemistry] :: heptyne
hepuli {n} [colloquial] :: a fit of rage
hepulikohtaus {n} [colloquial] :: fit of rage or madness
hera {n} :: whey
hera {n} :: blood serum
herääminen {n} :: awakening
heräämö {n} :: recovery room, recovery ward
herahdella {v} :: to flow or escape repeatedly (of liquids, especially small amounts)
herahtaa {v} :: To flow or escape suddenly in small quantity, used especially of various bodily liquids; English equivalents vary depending on the context
heräillä {vi} :: to wake up or awaken slowly or repeatedly
herainen {adj} :: wheyey
herajuusto {n} :: whey cheese
herakalvo {n} [anatomy] :: serous membrane
Herakleitos {prop} :: Heraclitus
Herakles {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hercules
heraldiikka {n} :: heraldry
heraldikko {n} :: heraldist (expert in or practitioner of heraldry)
heraldinen {adj} :: heraldic
herännäinen {n} :: A supporter of herännäisyys (Awakening), a Lutheran revivalist movement in Finland
herännäispappi {n} :: a priest of the herännäisyys movement
herännäisseurat {n} [Christianity] :: a conventicle of the herännäisyys movement
herännäisyys {n} [Christianity] :: A Lutheran revivalist movement in Finland, originally closely linked with pietism, usually translated into English as Awakening
herasilmä {n} [archaic] :: cream eyed horse
herastuomari {n} [historical] :: judge
herastuomari {n} :: an honorary title granted to successful lay judges with a long career (normally at least 10 years)
herätä {vi} :: to awake, to wake up, to awaken
herätä {vi} [figuratively] :: to arise, to be aroused
herätä {vi} [figuratively] :: to revive, to be revived, to come to life
heräte {n} :: stimulus
herätellä {vt} :: To awaken (repeatedly)
herätellä {vt} :: To stir up (continuously, gradually)
herätemiina {n} :: influence mine (a mine activated by the influence of a ship, etc.)
heräteosto {n} :: impulse buying, impulse purchase
heräteostos {n} :: impulse purchase
heräteraivaaja {n} :: influence minesweeper (that which sweeps influence mines)
herättää {vt} :: to wake up, awake(n)
herättää {vt} [figuratively] :: to awaken, stir (up), rouse
herättää {vt} :: to evoke
herättää {vt} [figuratively] :: to (a)rouse, revive, bring (back) to life
herättää {vt} [figuratively] :: to arouse, raise, provoke, call forth, stir up
herättäjä {n} :: awakener (one who awakens someone)
herättäjäjuhlat {n} [Christianity] :: annual religious summer festival held by the herännäisyys movement
herättäminen {n} :: waking up, awakening
herättäminen {n} :: evoking
herätys {n} :: wake-up, awakening (act or instance of being awakened)
herätys {n} [religion] :: revival, awakening
herätys {n} [military] :: reveille
herätyskello {n} :: alarm clock
herätyskello {n} [figuratively] :: wake-up call (alert, reminder, or call to action caused by a dramatic event)
herätyskokous {n} [Christianity] :: revival meeting
herätysliike {n} :: revivalist movement (movement that seeks reawakening of religious values and true faith, often founded by a charismatic leader)
herätyssaarnaaja {n} :: evangelist, revivalist
herätyssoitto {n} :: wake-up call
herätystyö {n} :: awakening work
herätystyö {n} :: work made to spread a Christian revival movement
herauttaa {v} :: to cause to secrete instantaneously
herauttaa {v} :: to cause an instantaneous reaction
herauttaa {v} :: to water; in the expression herauttaa veden kielelle ("makes the mouth water", literally "causes the water to secrete on the tongue")
herbaario {n} :: herbarium
herbalismi {n} :: herbalism
herbartilaisuus {n} :: Herbartianism
herbisidi {n} :: herbicide
herbivori {n} [science, jargon] :: A herbivore
hereä {adj} :: abundant, ample
hereästi {adv} :: abundantly, amply
hereditaarinen {adj} :: hereditary
hereford {n} :: Hereford (breed of cattle)
herefordrotu {n} :: Hereford (species of cow)
hereillä {adv} :: awake (in the state of awakeness)
hereille {adv} :: awake (to the state of awakeness)
herein {adj} :: superlative of hereä
herero {n} [countable] :: A Herero (person belonging to the Herero people)
herero {n} [uncountable] :: Herero (language)
heresia {n} :: heresy
heretä {v} :: alternative form of herjetä
hereys {n} :: abundance, ampleness
herhiläinen {n} :: hornet
herhiläispesä {n} :: hornet's nest
heristää {vt} :: to shake
heristää {vt} :: to brandish
heristäminen {n} :: shaking, brandishing
heristellä {vt} :: to shake or brandish repeatedly
heristyä {vi} :: to shake
heristys {n} :: shaking, brandishing
heritabiliteetti {n} :: heritability
herja {n} :: slur
herja {n} [archaic] :: villain
herja {n} [archaic] :: predator, beast of prey
herja {n} [archaic] :: evil spirit (of throat disease), demon
herjaaja {n} :: slanderer
herjaaja {n} :: blasphemer
herjaaminen {n} :: reviling, abusing
herjaaminen {n} :: slandering, libeling
herjaaminen {n} :: blaspheming
herjaava {adj} :: insulting, abusive
herjaava {adj} :: defamatory, libellous, slanderous
herjaava {adj} :: blasphemous
herjaavasti {adv} :: insultingly, abusively
herjaavasti {adv} :: defamatorily, libellously, slanderously
herjaavasti {adv} :: blasphemously
herjakirjoitus {n} :: defamatory writing, libelous writing
herjanheitto {n} :: defaming, lampooning
herjasana {n} :: term of reproach, taunt, insult
herjata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to revile, rail against, abuse
herjata {vt} [legal + partitive] :: to slander; to libel
herjata {vi} :: to blaspheme
herjaus {n} :: abuse (insulting speech)
herjauskirjoitus {n} :: libellous writing
herjauspuhe {n} :: defamatory speech, slander
herjaussana {n} :: synonym of herjasana
herjetä {vi} [+ active 3rd infinitive in elative] :: To cease, stop, quit (to do/doing something)
herjetä {vi} :: To stop, end, cease
herjetä {vi} [colloquial, + active 3rd infinitive in illative] :: To start (doing something), go, get (adjective = translative)
herkästi {adv} :: easily
herkästi {adv} :: sensitively
herkästi {adv} :: exquisitely, delicately
herkästi syttyvä {adj} :: highly flammable
herkeämätön {adj} :: incessant, persistent, continuous
herkeämättä {adv} :: incessantly, unceasingly
herkeämättömästi {adv} :: incessantly, persistently, continuously
herkeämättömyys {n} :: incessantness, persistence, continuousness
herkeäminen {n} :: ceasing, stopping, quitting (to do something)
herkeäminen {n} [colloquial] :: starting (to do something)
herkempi {adj} :: comparative of herkkä
herkentää {vi} [rare] :: alternative form of herkistää
herkentyä {v} [rare] :: alternative form of herkistyä
herketä {v} [rare] :: alternative form of herkistyä
herkin {adj} :: superlative of herkkä
herkistää {vt} :: to sensitize
herkistävä {adj} :: sensitizing
herkistävä {adj} :: touching
herkistävästi {adv} :: sensitizingly
herkistävästi {adv} :: touchingly
herkiste {n} :: allergen, sensitizer (substance which causes an allergic reaction)
herkistellä {vi} :: to get or act sentimental or emotional
herkistely {n} :: acting sentimental or emotional
herkistyä {vi} :: to become sensitized
herkistymä {n} [medicine] :: allergy
herkistyminen {n} :: becoming sensitized
herkkä {adj} :: delicate, vulnerable
herkkä {adj} :: physically sensitive, tender
herkkä {adj} :: sensitive, easily offended
herkkä {adj} :: quick to react
herkkähermoinen {adj} :: squeamish
herkkähermoisuus {n} :: squeamishness
herkkähipiäinen {adj} [of a person] :: sensitive, touchy
herkkäihoinen {adj} :: Having sensitive skin
herkkäilmeinen {adj} :: with weak expression(s)
herkkäitkuinen {adj} :: tearful, weepy
herkkäkuuloinen {adj} :: hard of hearing
herkkäliikkeinen {adj} :: easy to move, sensitive to move, mobile
herkkänahkainen {adj} :: thin-skinned, overly sensitive
herkkänahkaisuus {n} :: thin-skinnedness
herkkätunteinen {adj} :: touchy, oversensitive, thin-skinned (easily offended)
herkkätunteisesti {adv} :: oversensitively, touchily
herkkätunteisuus {n} :: touchiness, oversensitiveness (property of being easily offended)
herkkätuntoinen {adj} :: sensitive, emotional
herkkäuninen {adj} :: that sleeps lightly
herkkäunisuus {n} :: the quality or property of sleeping lightly
herkkäuskoinen {adj} :: gullible
herkkäuskoisesti {adv} :: gullibly
herkkäuskoisuus {n} :: gullibility
herkkävireinen {adj} :: sensitive, emotional
Herkko {prop} :: given name, from a diminutive of Hermanni (Herman)
herkku {n} :: A delicacy (food)
herkkukauppa {n} :: delicatessen
herkkukurkku {n} :: pickle
herkkumutteri {n} [slang, anatomy] :: bell-end, cockhead, cue ball, dickhead, dome, head, helmet, knob, knobhead, little head, mushroom tip, other head, plum, purple helmet, skull, tip, warhead (slang terms for glans penis)
herkkupala {n} :: tidbit (tasty morsel of food, used also figuratively)
herkkuperse {n} [vulgar, derogatory] :: someone who eats a lot of sweets
herkkuperse {n} [vulgar] :: nice ass
herkkuperuna {n} :: a kind of dish made of potatoes
herkkuruoka {n} :: choice food, tasty food
herkkusieni {n} :: button mushroom, table mushroom, cultivated mushroom, crimini, portobello (a mature brown specimen), champignon; Agaricus bisporus
herkkusieni {n} :: A mushroom of the genus Agaricus
herkkusienikastike {n} :: champignon sauce
herkkusienikeitto {n} :: button mushroom soup, champignon soup
herkkusilava {n} [dated] :: bacon
herkkusuu {n} :: gourmet (one who knows of and appreciates good food)
herkkutatti {n} :: cep; porcini (Boletus edulis)
herkkyys {n} :: sensitivity
herkkyysanalyysi {n} [economics, statistics] :: sensitivity analysis
Herkules {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hercules
Herkules {prop} :: The constellation Hercules
herkullinen {adj} :: delicious
herkullisempi {adj} :: comparative of herkullinen
herkullisesti {adv} :: deliciously
herkullisin {adj} :: superlative of herkullinen
herkullisuus {n} :: delicacy (quality of being delicate)
herkutella {vi} :: to feast, relish
herkutteleminen {n} :: feasting, relishing
herkuttelija {n} :: gourmet, epicure
herkuttelu {n} :: gourmandism
hermafrodiitti {n} [biology] :: hermaphrodite
hermafrodiitti {n} [dated] :: intersex person
hermafrodiittinen {adj} :: hermaphroditic
hermafroditismi {n} :: hermaphroditism
Herman {prop} :: given name
Hermanni {prop} :: given name
hermeettinen {adj} :: airtight, hermetic
hermeettisesti {adv} :: airtightly, hermetically
hermeettisyys {n} :: hermeticity
hermeneutiikka {n} :: hermeneutics
hermeneutikko {n} :: hermeneuticist
hermeneuttinen {adj} :: hermeneutic
Hermes {prop} :: Hermes (Greek god)
hermetismi {n} :: hermeticism
hermiittinen {adj} :: Hermitian
hermiittisyys {n} :: hermiticity
hermo {n} [anatomy] :: nerve
hermo {n} :: snap (card game)
hermoärsyke {n} :: nerve impulse
hermoheikko {adj} :: jumpy, nervous, with shaky nerves
hermoherkkä {adj} :: nervous, impulsive
hermoilla {v} :: to be nervous
hermoilla {v} :: to champ at the bit (to show nervousness)
hermoimpulssi {n} :: nerve impulse
hermojännitys {n} :: nervous tension
hermojärjestelmä {n} [anatomy] :: nervous system
hermojuuri {n} [anatomy] :: nerve root
hermokaasu {n} :: nerve gas
hermokanava {n} [anatomy] :: nerve canal
hermokeskus {n} :: A nerve center or ganglion (center of power or authority)
hermokimppu {n} :: bag of nerves, bundle of nerves, worrywart, (very nervous person)
hermokirurgia {n} :: neurosurgery
hermokoe {n} :: nerve conduction study
hermokudos {n} [anatomy] :: nervous tissue
hermolääkäri {n} [medicine, dated] :: A neurologist
hermolepo {n} :: resting one's nerves
hermoliitos {n} :: synapse
hermomyrkky {n} :: neurotoxin
hermopääte {n} :: neural ending
hermopaine {n} :: pressure (mental strain)
hermopinne {n} :: nerve compression syndrome
hermopiste {n} [martial arts] :: pressure point
hermopunos {n} :: nerve plexus
hermorasitus {n} :: nerve strain
hermorata {n} :: neural pathway
hermoratahieronta {n} :: neural pathway massage
hermoraunio {n} :: nervous wreck
hermoromahdus {n} [psychology] :: nervous breakdown
hermosäie {n} :: nerve fiber
hermosairas {adj} :: neuropathic
hermosairaus {n} [pathology] :: neuropathy
hermosärky {n} :: neuralgia, nerve pain
hermosavut {n} [colloquial] :: a smoke taken to ease one's nervousness
hermosolmu {n} [anatomy] :: ganglion
hermosolu {n} [cytology] :: nerve cell, neuron
hermosota {n} :: war of nerves
hermosto {n} [anatomy] :: nervous system
hermostojärjestelmä {n} :: nervous system
hermostollinen {adj} :: neural (of, or relating to the nerves, neurons or the nervous system)
hermostomyrkky {n} [rare, nonstandard] :: synonym of hermomyrkky
hermostopiena {n} [embryology] :: neural crest
hermostoputki {n} [anatomy] :: neural tube
hermostosairaus {n} :: disease of the nervous system
hermostua {vi} :: to get nervous
hermostuksissaan {adv} :: while being nervous
hermostuminen {n} :: getting nervous
hermostuneesti {adv} :: nervously
hermostuneisuus {n} :: nervousness
hermostunut {adj} :: nervous, jumpy, tense
hermostus {n} :: nervousness
hermostuttaa {vt} :: To make someone or something nervous
hermostuttava {adj} :: unnerving, upsetting, unsettling
hermostuttavasti {adv} :: unnervingly, upsettingly, unsettlingly
hermosyy {n} [anatomy] :: nerve fibre
hermotauti {n} [dated] :: neuropathy
hermotautioppi {n} :: neurology
hermoton {adj} :: nerveless
hermottaa {vt} :: to innervate (to supply part of the body with nerves)
hermottua {vi} :: to be innervated, become innervated
hermotukikudoskasvain {n} :: glioma
hermotukisolu {n} [anatomy] :: glial cell
hermotulehdus {n} [colloquial, pathology] :: neuritis
hermotuppi {n} :: myelin sheath
hermotuppi {n} :: epineurium
hermotus {n} :: innervation
hermovälittäjäaine {n} :: neurotransmitter (substance)
hermoväre {n} :: tic
hermoverkko {n} [anatomy] :: A neural net
hermoverkkotietokone {n} :: neural computer
hernari {n} [colloquial] :: pea soup
hernari {n} [colloquial] :: peashooter
herne {n} :: pea
herneenpalko {n} :: pea pod
herneenvarsi {n} :: pea stalk
herneenviljely {n} :: pea cultivation
herneinen {adj} :: made of, containing or resembling peas
hernekääriäinen {n} :: pea moth, Cydia nigricana (agricultural pest the larvae of which feed on pea, Lathyrus and Vicia)
hernekärsäkäs {n} :: Any weevil of the genus Sitona, many of which are agricultural pests specializing in legumes
hernekasvi {n} :: legume (any plant in the family Fabaceae)
hernekeitto {n} :: pea soup
hernekeppi {n} :: pea stick
hernekeppi {n} [colloquial] :: beanpole (thin person)
hernekerttu {n} :: lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)
hernekirva {n} :: pea aphid, green dolphin, pea louse, clover louse, Acyrthosiphon pisum (major agricultural pest of legumes)
herneluu {n} [anatomy] :: pisiform bone, os pisiforme
hernepelto {n} :: pea field
hernepenkki {n} :: pea bed, plant bed for growing peas
hernepensas {n} :: any plant of the genus Caragana
hernepensas {n} [in plural] :: the genus Caragana
hernepuuro {n} :: pea porridge
herneripsiäinen {n} :: pea thrips, bean thrips, Kakothrips pisivorus (species of thrips native to Europe which lives in the flowers of peas and other legumes causing damage to the pods inside as they are developing)
hernerokka {n} :: pea soup
hernerokkasumu {n} :: pea-souper
hernesääski {n} :: pea midge, Contarinia pisi (small agricultural pest affecting chiefly legumes)
hernesara {n} :: Carex viridula
hernesimpukka {n} :: any clam of the genus Pisidium
hernesimpukka {n} [in plural] :: the genus Pisidium
hernesoppa {n} :: synonym of hernerokka
herneviljelmä {n} :: pea plantation
Herodotos {prop} :: Herodotus (Ancient Greek historian)
heroiini {n} :: heroin
heroiiniriippuvainen {adj} :: addicted to heroin
heroiiniriippuvainen {n} :: heroin addict
heroiiniriippuvuus {n} :: heroin addiction
heroiiniyliannostus {n} :: heroin overdose
heroinisti {n} :: heroin addict
heroismi {n} :: heroism
herooinen {adj} :: heroic
herooisuus {n} :: heroicness
herpaannus {n} :: relaxing, relenting, losing focus
herpaannuttaa {vt} :: to make numb, make lame, make exhausted
herpaantua {vi} :: to become lame
herpaantua {vi} :: to become exhausted
herpaantua {vi} :: to lose focus
herpaantua {vi} :: to relax, relent
herpaantumaton {adj} :: unflagging, relentless
herpaista {v} :: to loosen or relax (of grip, etc.)
herpauttaa {vt} :: synonym of herpaannuttaa
herpautua {vi} [rare] :: alternative form of herpaantua
herpes {n} [pathology] :: herpes (common language term for herpes simplex)
herpesvirus {n} [virology] :: herpesvirus
herpetologi {n} :: herpetologist
herpetologia {n} :: herpetology
herppi {n} [colloquial] :: herp (joint term for reptiles and amphibians)
herra {n} :: mister, gentleman, sir (polite address)
herra {n} :: lord (person having formal authority over others)
herra {n} :: lord (person enjoying great respect in a community)
herra {n} :: lord, master (owner)
herra {n} :: capitalized (Herra), Lord (God)
Herra {prop} :: Lord (God)
Herra {prop} :: Lord (Jesus)
herrahissi {n} [colloquial] :: paternoster elevator, paternoster lift
herrainhuone {n} :: gentlemen's room
herrainhuone {n} [historical] :: either the Prussian (1850–1918) or Austrian (1867–1918) House of Lords
herrainkaulus {n} :: notched lapel
herrainkerho {n} :: gentlemen's club
herrainvaate {n} :: an article of gentlemen's clothing
herrainvaatehtimo {n} :: gentlemen's tailor
herrajesta {interj} :: alternative form of herranjestas
herrajestas {interj} :: alternative form of herranjestas
herrakansa {n} :: herrenvolk
herrakutsut {n} :: gentlemen's invitation or gathering
herrakutsut {n} :: smoker (an informal social gathering for men only)
herrakutsut {n} :: bachelor party
herran elämä {n} [idiomatic] :: life of Riley
herranen {interj} :: oh my Lord, good God, oh my God
herranjesta {interj} :: alternative form of herranjestas
herranjestas {interj} :: good Lord, oh my God!
Herran pyhä ehtoollinen {n} [Christianity] :: Eucharist (sacrament and service in which it is enacted)
Herran rukous {prop} :: Lord's Prayer
Herran tähden {interj} :: for God's sake
herranterttu {n} [dated or formal] :: an endearing term for a child or a young woman
Herran voideltu {prop} :: the Lord's Anointed (Christ or the Messiah)
Herran voideltu {n} :: the Lord's Anointed (king by divine right)
Herran vuonna {adv} [archaic] :: Anno Domini, anno Domini, in the year of our Lord
Herran vuosi {n} [archaic] :: year of our Lord
Herran vuosi {n} [archaic, in essive] :: anno Domini, in the year of our Lord
herraonni {n} [figurative] :: luck in electing the correct politicians for the given circumstances (used whenever speaking of something in hindsight)
herra paratkoon {phrase} :: good heavens
Herra paratkoon {phrase} :: alternative case form of herra paratkoon
herrarotu {n} :: master race
herraseura {n} :: a gentlemen's club (private members-only male-only club)
herraskainen {adj} :: genteel, grandiose, fanciful
herraskaisesti {adv} :: genteelly, fancifully
herraskartano {n} :: manor, manor house
herrasmies {n} :: gentleman
herrasmiessopimus {n} :: gentleman's agreement (unwritten agreement bound by honour)
herrasmiesveto {n} :: A sportsman's bet
herrasnainen {n} :: gentlewoman
herraspoika {n} :: boy belonging to the gentry, gentleboy
herrastella {v} :: to lord (to domineer)
herrastella {v} :: to lord (to act like a lord)
herrastella {v} :: to give oneself airs, swagger
herrastelu {n} :: swaggering, boasting
herrasväki {n} :: gentry, gentlefolk
herraus {n} :: lordhood, lordship
herraus {n} [biblical] :: princely rule
Herra varjele {interj} :: God forbid
Herra varjele {interj} :: wow, holy smoke
herraviha {n} :: [Australia, NZ] tall poppy syndrome (tendency to disparage successful people)
herrnhutilainen {adj} :: Moravian, of or pertaining to the Moravian Church
herrnhutilainen {n} :: A Moravian; member of the Moravian Church
herrnhutilaisuus {n} :: Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine (Protestant denomination)
herroitella {vt} :: to call someone herra
herroittelu {n} :: calling someone herra (Sir, Lord, gentleman)
herruus {n} :: dominion, dominance, supremacy
herruus {n} [religion] :: dominion (rank of angel)
hersyä {vi} :: to gush, to fountain, to trickle
hersyvästi {adv} [of laughter] :: in a gushing way
hersyvästi {adv} [colloquial] :: hilariously
hertsi {n} [physics, electronics] :: hertz
hertsileijaa {interj} :: oh my, oh goodness, oh Lord
hertta {n} [card games] :: hearts, heart (only as a symbol on playing-cards)
Hertta {prop} :: given name
hertta-akka {n} [colloquial, card games] :: synonym of herttakuningatar
herttaässä {n} [cards] :: ace of hearts
herttainen {adj} :: sweet (having a pleasing disposition)
herttaisesti {adv} :: sweetly (with a pleasing disposition)
herttaisuus {n} :: sweetness (having a pleasing disposition)
herttajätkä {n} :: jack of hearts, knave of hearts
herttakakkonen {n} [cards] :: two of hearts
herttakasi {n} [cards] :: eight of hearts
herttakolmonen {n} [cards] :: three of hearts
herttakortti {n} :: card of hearts
herttaköynnös {n} :: synonym of herttalyhty
herttakuningas {n} :: king of hearts
herttakuningatar {n} :: queen of hearts (a playing card)
herttakuutonen {n} [cards] :: six of hearts
herttakymppi {n} [cards] :: ten of hearts
herttamainen {adj} [botany] :: cordate (of leaf, heart-shaped, with the petiole or stem attached to the notch)
herttanelonen {n} [cards] :: four of hearts
herttarouva {n} :: queen of hearts
herttaseiska {n} [cards] :: seven of hearts
herttasotilas {n} :: jack of hearts
herttavitonen {n} [cards] :: five of hearts
herttaysi {n} [cards] :: nine of hearts
herttu {n} :: cisticola (any bird of the Cisticolidae family, consisting of about 120 species)
herttua {n} :: duke
herttua-apina {n} :: red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus)
herttuakunta {n} :: duchy
herttuallinen {adj} :: ducal
herttuatar {n} :: duchess
Hertzsprungin-Russellin kaavio {n} [astronomy] :: Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
herua {v} :: To trickle, ooze
herua {v} [figuratively] :: To give or cede, especially as a response to someone's efforts
herukanviljely {n} :: currant plantation
herukka {n} :: currant (species of genus Ribes)
herukkapensas {n} :: currant bush
herukkaperhonen {n} :: comma (Polygonia c-album)
herukkasato {n} :: currant crop
heruttaa {v} [agriculture] :: of cattle, to cause to secrete milk
heruttaa {v} :: to extract
heruttaa {v} :: to give rise to (to be the origin of; to produce; to result in)
heruttaa {v} [slang] :: to seek the attention (or sex, money, etc.) of the opposite gender
heruttaa {v} [usually, of females] :: (slang) to wear a very open-collared shirt that reveals cleavage
heruttaminen {n} :: causing to secrete milk
heruttaminen {n} :: extracting
heruttaminen {n} [slang] :: seeking attention (often by sex appeal)
herutus {n} [of cattle] :: causing to secrete milk
herutus {n} [slang] :: seeking attention, etc. by sex appeal, etc
hervahtaa {vi} :: to flop, to loosen
hervota {vi} :: to loosen
hervoton {adj} :: limp
hervoton {adj} [colloquial] :: outrageous, hilarious, extremely funny, amazing
hervottomasti {adv} :: limply
hervottomasti {adv} [slang] :: outrageously, amazingly, extremely
hervottomin {adj} :: superlative of hervoton
hervottomuus {n} :: limpness
hervottomuus {n} [colloquial] :: outrageousness, hilariousness
Hesa {prop} [dialectal] :: nickname of Helsinki
hesalainen {n} :: synonym of helsinkiläinen
hesari {n} :: Alternative capitalization of Hesari
Hesari {prop} :: A very commonly - even by the newspaper itself - used nickname of Helsingin Sanomat (Finland's largest newspaper)
Hesari {prop} :: A nickname of one of the major streets of Helsinki, the Helsinginkatu
Hese {prop} :: A nickname of Finland's leading hamburger restaurant chain Hesburger
Hesekiel {prop} :: Ezekiel [biblical character]
Hesekiel {prop} :: the book of Ezekiel
heses {n} [music] :: B-double flat
Hesiodos {prop} :: Hesiod (Ancient Greek poet)
Hessen {prop} :: Hesse (state)
hesseniläinen {n} :: Hessian (person from Hesse, Germany)
hesseniläinen {adj} :: Hessian (of or pertaining to Hesse, Germany)
hesseninsääski {n} :: Hessian fly, barley midge, Mayetiola destructor (species of fly that is a significant pest of cereal crops)
Hessen matriisi {n} [math] :: Hessian matrix
hessoniitti {n} :: hessonite
Hessu {prop} :: A common nickname derived from the first name Heikki
Hessu {prop} :: Goofy (Disney character)
Hessu Hopo {prop} :: Goofy (Disney character)
hesykasmi {n} :: Hesychasm
het {pron} [personal, dialectal, including, Kven] :: they [only of people]
het {n} :: heth (eighth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
Heta {prop} :: given name
hetale {n} [colloquial] :: rag (low quality article of clothing)
hete {n} :: A quagmire or morass, a swampy, soggy spot. Hete is a relatively small soggy area, but big enough to stop a man or horse
heteka {n} :: a steel spring bed
hetekaali {n} :: blinks (Montia fontana)
hetero- {prefix} :: hetero- (other; different)
hetero {n} :: heterosexual, hetero (person)
hetero {adj} :: heterosexual; used mainly as modifier in compound terms
heteroatomi {n} [organic chemistry] :: heteroatom
heterodoksia {n} :: heterodoxy
heterofonia {n} [music] :: heterophony
heteroforia {n} [pathology] :: heterophoria
heterogamia {n} :: heterogamy
heterogeeninen {adj} :: heterogeneous
heterogeenisuus {n} :: alternative form of heterogeenisyys
heterogeenisyys {n} :: heterogeneity
heterografti {n} [medicine] :: A xenotransplant (that which is transplanted in a xenotransplantation)
heterokromia {n} :: heterochromia
heteromies {n} :: heterosexual man
heteronainen {n} :: straight woman, heterosexual woman
heteronormatiivisuus {n} :: heteronormativity
heteronyymi {n} :: heteronym
heteroosi {n} :: heterosis
heterorakenne {n} [physics] :: heterostructure
heteroseksi {n} :: heterosex
heteroseksuaali {n} :: heterosexual
heteroseksuaalinen {adj} :: heterosexual
heteroseksuaalisuus {n} :: heterosexuality
heteroskedastinen {adj} [statistics] :: heteroscedastic
heterosuhde {n} :: heterosexual relationship
heterotransplantaatio {n} [medicine, dated] :: A xenotransplantation (transplantation of an organ or part thereof from one species to another).
heterotrofinen {adj} :: heterotrophic
heterotsygootti {n} :: heterozygote
heterotsygoottinen {adj} :: heterozygous (of an organism which has two different alleles of a given gene)
heterous {n} :: heterosexuality
hetesara {n} :: lesser pond-sedge (Carex acutiformis)
heti {adv} :: right away
heti {adv} :: as soon as
heti kun {phrase} :: as soon as (immediately after)
hetimiten {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of hetimmiten
hetimmiten {adv} [colloquial] :: at once, as soon as possible
hetiö {n} [botany] :: androecium
heti paikalla {phrase} [idiomatic] :: right away (at this very moment; used often to strengthen a demand)
heti perään {phrase} :: immediately thereafter
hetkahtaa {vi} :: to sway, to droop (shake or move suddenly, often violently, sometimes downwards)
hetkauttaa {vt} :: to jerk
hetkauttaa {vt} :: to shock
hetkellinen {adj} :: Momentary, brief, fleeting; transitory, transient
hetkellisarvo {n} :: temporary value (value reached by something for a moment)
hetkellisesti {adv} :: momentarily
hetkellisyys {n} :: momentariness
hetken aikaa {adv} :: awhile, for a while (for some time; for a short time)
hetken mielijohteesta {phrase} :: on a whim, on a lark
hetkessä {adv} :: in a minute, in a flash (very quickly)
hetki {n} :: moment (particular point of time)
hetki {n} :: moment, minute (brief, unspecified amount of time)
hetkinen {n} :: diminutive of hetki
hetkinen {n} :: moment, minute (short but unspecified period of time)
hetkipalvelus {n} :: Liturgy of the Hours
hetkittäin {adv} :: intermittently, at times, once in a while
hetkittäinen {adj} :: intermittent, momentary
hetkua {vi} [of jelly, fat etc.] :: To shake
hetkutella {v} :: Frequentative aspect of the verb hetkuttaa (to shake)
hetkuttaa {vt} :: to shake; used of shaking flexible objects
hetkuttaminen {n} :: shaking (causing something to shake; used of flexible objects)
hetkutus {n} :: shaking (the act of shaking a flexible object)
hetteikkö {n} :: quagmire (swampy, soggy area)
hetteikköinen {adj} :: quagmiry
hetteinen {adj} :: morassy, quagmiry
hetu {n} :: identity number
hetula {n} [physiology] :: baleen
hetulavalas {n} :: baleen whale
heuristiikka {n} :: heuristics
heuristinen {adj} :: heuristic
hevari {n} [colloquial] :: a metalhead
heven {n} [rare] :: alternative form of hepene
hevi {n} [colloquial, music] :: heavy metal
hevibändi {n} [colloquial] :: heavy metal band
hevikitaristi {n} :: heavy metal guitarist
hevilaulaja {n} :: heavy metal singer
heviletti {n} [colloquial] :: long hair (particularly for a man)
hevillä {adv} :: hardly, not easily
hevimetalli {n} :: heavy metal
hevimies {n} [colloquial] :: (male) heavy metal fan
hevimusa {n} [colloquial] :: heavy metal music
hevimusiikki {n} :: heavy metal music
hevin {adv} :: hardly, not easily
hevirock {n} [colloquial] :: hard rock
hevirokkari {n} [colloquial] :: heavy metal musician
hevonen {n} :: horse, Equus caballus
hevonen {n} [gymnastics] :: horse
hevonen {n} [chess] :: knight
hevonen {n} [colloquial] :: horsepower (short for hevosvoima)
hevonen {n} :: As a modifier in a compound term (appears as the stem hevos-), signifies horse or equine
Hevonen {prop} :: Horse (the seventh animal in the 12-year cycle in Chinese zodiac)
hevonkuusi {n} [mildly, vulgar] :: hell
hevonpaska {n} [vulgar] :: horseshit, bullshit, shit
hevonperse {n} [vulgar] :: shit, ass
hevonvittu {n} [vulgar] :: bullshit, hell, fuck, devil
hevonvittu {n} [vulgar] :: In genitive singular (hevonvitun) an intensifier; fucking, shitty, damned
hevonvitunperse {interj} [extremely, vulgar] :: fuck, cunt
hevonvitunperse {n} [extremely, vulgar] :: bumfuck nowhere
hevosajoneuvo {n} :: horse-drawn vehicle
hevosasento {n} [martial arts] :: horse stance
hevoseläin {n} :: equine, horse (any member of the family Equidae)
hevoseläin {n} [in plural] :: Equidae (taxonomic family of horses)
hevosenharja {n} :: mane of a horse
hevosenhoitaja {n} :: synonym of hevostenhoitaja
hevosenhoito {n} :: synonym of hevostenhoito
hevosenkakkara {n} :: horse turd
hevosenkengittäjä {n} :: A farrier
hevosenkenkä {n} :: A horseshoe
hevosenkenkäkaari {n} :: horseshoe arch
hevosenkenkäsolki {n} :: horseshoe brooch
hevosenkenkäyökkö {n} :: horseshoe bat (bat of the genus Rhinolophus)
hevosenlanta {n} :: horse manure
hevosenleikki {n} :: horseplay
hevosenliha {n} :: horsemeat
hevosenmitta {n} :: horse length
hevosen munkki {n} :: A piece of horse manure
hevosenpaska {n} [vulgar] :: horseshit (horse's faeces)
hevosenvaljaat {n} :: horse harness
hevoset karkaa {phrase} [euphemistic] :: your fly is open, your flies are undone; you are flying low
hevosharava {n} :: horse-drawn hay rake
hevoshoitaja {n} :: synonym of hevostenhoitaja
hevoshoito {n} :: synonym of hevostenhoito
hevoshuijari {n} :: coper (dishonest horse dealer)
hevoshullu {n} :: a person that is into horses
hevosinfluenssa {n} :: equine influenza
hevosjalostus {n} :: horse breeding
hevosjuotikas {n} :: Haemopis sanguisuga, a leech
hevoskaakki {n} :: synonym of kaakki
hevoskantakirja {n} :: horse pedigree
hevoskärpänen {n} :: forest fly, horse tick, Hippobosca equina
hevoskärpänen {n} :: horse bug (enthusiasm for horses)
hevoskärryt {n} :: horse and carriage, cabriole
hevoskastanja {n} :: horse-chestnut, horse chestnut; buckeye [US] (any tree of the genus Aesculus)
hevoskastanja {n} :: common horse chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum
hevoskasvatus {n} :: horse raising, horse breeding
hevoskauppias {n} :: horse dealer
hevoskierto {n} :: a type of horse-powered engine that was powered by horses walking in circles
hevoskilpailu {n} :: horse race, derby
hevoskirja {n} :: horse book
hevoskuiskaaja {n} :: horse whisperer
hevoskuljetus {n} :: horse transport
hevoskuorma {n} :: a horseload; the weight a horse can drag
hevoskuorma {n} [figuratively] :: a boatload
hevoskuormallinen {n} :: a horseload (of something)
hevoskuormittain {adv} :: in horseloads, by the horseload
hevoskuuri {n} :: drastic cure
hevoskyyti {n} :: horse ride
hevoslääkäri {n} :: hippiater (veterinarian specializing in horse care)
hevosliike {n} :: horse business
hevosmainen {adj} :: horselike
hevosmies {n} :: A horseman (man skilled in horsemanship)
hevosmies {n} [slang, derogatory] :: A Romani
hevosmuurahainen {n} :: carpenter ant (Camponotus herculeanus)
hevosnaamainen {adj} :: horse-faced
hevosnäyttely {n} :: horse show
hevospaarma {n} :: A horsefly, Tabanus bovinus
hevospaimen {n} :: horseherd
hevospari {n} :: span, pair of horses
hevospeli {n} :: horse as means of transportation
hevospoolo {n} [sports] :: synonym of poolo (ball game played on horseback)
hevospuomi {n} :: hitchrack
hevosrotu {n} :: horse breed
hevossiittola {n} :: stud farm
hevossuka {n} :: horse brush
hevostalli {n} :: horse stable
hevostalous {n} :: horse farming, horse rearing
hevosteleminen {n} [colloquial] :: flaunting, behaving arrogantly
hevostella {vi} [colloquial] :: to flaunt, to behave arrogantly
hevostenhoitaja {n} :: horse caretaker, horse attendant
hevostenvalmentaja {n} :: horse trainer, horse coach
hevostila {n} :: horse farm
hevosurheilu {n} :: horse racing, equestrianism (as a sport)
hevosvaljaat {n} :: horse harness
hevosvetoinen {adj} :: horse-drawn
hevosvoima {n} [physics] :: horsepower (old unit for power)
hevosyskä {n} :: equine cough, equine influenza
h-hetki {n} :: zero hour, H-hour
hiaisin {n} :: razor strop (leather strop for whetting a razor)
hiatus {n} [linguistics] :: A hiatus (syllable break between two vowels)
hiatus {n} [anatomy] :: A hiatus (opening in an organ)
hibernaakkeli {n} :: synonym of talvehtimissilmu
hibernaalinen {adj} [rare] :: hibernal (of or pertaining to winter)
hibernaatio {n} :: hibernation
hibernoida {v} [rare] :: to hibernate
hibiskus {n} :: hibiscus (flower of the genus Hibiscus)
hidas {adj} :: slow
hidasaaltouni {n} :: slow-wave sleep
hidasajatuksinen {adj} :: slow-thinking
hidasälyinen {adj} :: slow-witted, dull, obtuse, sluggish, dim, dim-witted, dense, thick
hidasjärkinen {adj} :: slow-witted
hidasjuoksuinen {adj} :: slow-running
hidaskasvuinen {adj} :: slowly growing
hidaskatu {n} :: slow street (street on which the traffic has been slowed down, often limited to 30 km/h or less, using signs or physical barriers like traffic islands, bumps, or plantings)
hidaskäyntinen {adj} :: low-speed (of an engine, machine, etc.)
hidaskulkuinen {adj} :: slow-moving
hidaskulkuinen {adj} :: slow to move or traverse
hidasliikkeinen {adj} :: slow-moving, sluggish
hidaslori {n} :: Sunda loris (Nycticebus coucang)
hidaslukuinen {adj} :: slow to read
hidasluontoinen {adj} :: sluggish, phlegmatic, slow to act
hidasoppinen {adj} :: slow to learn, slow learning
hidaspuheinen {adj} :: slowly-speaking
hidastaa {vt} :: to slow, slow down, slacken/reduce/cut speed, retard; delay, hold up
hidastahtinen {adj} :: slow paced
hidastaminen {n} :: slowing down, deceleration (the act of slowing something down)
hidaste {n} :: roadblock
hidasteinen {adj} :: delayed, slowed
hidasteleminen {n} :: dragging one's feet, procrastinating
hidastelija {n} :: laggard, straggler, slowpoke
hidastella {v} :: to drag one's feet
hidastelu {n} :: dragging one's feet, intentionally being slow or stalling
hidastempoinen {adj} :: Having slow tempo; tedious
hidastetöyssy {n} :: speed bump
hidastin {n} :: a device or arrangement designed to slow down something
hidastin {n} :: retarder, retardant
hidastin {n} :: moderator (of a nuclear reaction)
hidastin {n} :: inhibitor (of a chemical reaction)
hidastin {n} :: decelerator
hidastinaine {n} :: neutron moderator (substance)
hidastua {vi} :: to slow down
hidastuminen {n} :: slowing down, becoming slower
hidastus {n} :: slowing, slowdown
hidastus {n} :: slowed-down replay
hidastus {n} [film] :: slow motion, slo-mo (technique)
hidastuskaista {n} :: deceleration lane
hidastuslakko {n} :: work-to-rule (labor protest in which the minimum work is carried out)
hidastustöyssy {n} :: speed bump
hidastuttaa {vt} :: To hinder, delay, impede
hidastutus {n} :: hindering, delaying, impeding, making slow or slower
hidastuvuus {n} :: deceleration (rate by which speed or velocity decreases)
hidžra {n} [Islam] :: Hegira, Hijra
hidžra {n} [Islam] :: hegira, hijra
hie {n} :: microsection (extremely thin slice of stone, metal or other hard material prepared for microscopic inspection)
hie {n} [rare] :: the quality of grinding, degree of sharpness
hieho {n} :: heifer
hiekanajo {n} :: transport of sand by road
hiekanjyvä {n} :: grain of sand
hiekankeltainen {adj} :: sand yellow
hiekankeltainen {n} :: sand yellow (color)
hiekanotto {n} :: extraction or removal of sand
hiekanruskea {adj} :: sand [color]
hiekansekainen {adj} :: sandy, containing sand
hiekanvärinen {adj} :: sandy, sand-colored
hiekka {n} :: sand
hiekka {n} :: gravel, the small kind used to prevent slippery pavement conditions
hiekka-aavikko {n} :: sand desert
hiekkadyyni {n} :: sand dune
hiekkaerämaa {n} :: sand desert
hiekkaeste {n} [golf] :: bunker
hiekkaharju {n} :: esker
hiekkahentunen {n} :: A type of baked good, made with butter, sugar, ground almond, egg yolks and wheat flour, usually served with a topping of whipped cream and jam or fresh berries
hiekkainen {adj} :: sandy
hiekkaisuus {n} :: sandiness
hiekkajyvä {n} :: grain of sand
hiekkajyvänen {n} :: grain of sand
hiekkakakku {n} :: lump of sand, sand pie
hiekkakannas {n} [geography] :: tombolo
hiekkakasa {n} :: pile of sand
hiekkakäytävä {n} :: sand path
hiekkakello {n} :: hourglass
hiekkakenttä {n} :: sand field
hiekkakerros {n} :: layer of sand
hiekkakerrostuma {n} :: sand stratum
hiekkakettu {n} :: Rüppell's fox (Vulpes rueppellii)
hiekkakinos {n} :: sand drift
hiekkakivi {n} :: sandstone
hiekkakuoppa {n} :: sandpit
hiekkakylpy {n} :: sand bath (bath in which the body is immersed in hot sand)
hiekkakylpy {n} :: sand bath (of many birds and mammals, act of rolling in sand)
hiekkalaatikko {n} :: sandbox; sandpit [UK] (children's play area consisting of a box filled with sand)
hiekkalaatikko {n} :: A box filled with sand
hiekkalaatikkopeli {n} :: sandbox game
hiekkalapio {n} :: sand shovel, sand spade
hiekkaleikki {n} :: playing in the sandbox
hiekkalinna {n} :: sandcastle
hiekkamaa {n} :: sandy soil
hiekkamulta {n} :: sandy soil
hiekkamyrsky {n} :: sandstorm
hiekkaneekeri {n} [derogatory, slang] :: sandnigger; a person from North Africa or Middle East
hiekkanummi {n} :: sandy heath
hiekkanurmi {n} :: lawn or turf with sand on top
hiekkapaperi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of hiomapaperi
hiekkaperäinen {adj} :: sandy, sand-based
hiekkapestä {vt} :: to sandwash
hiekkapesu {n} :: sand scrub
hiekkapiirros {n} :: sand drawing
hiekkapillu {n} [slang, vulgar, derogatory] :: an overly serious, obnoxious and nagging (especially female) person
hiekkapilvi {n} :: sand cloud
hiekkapitoinen {adj} :: sandy, arenaceous
hiekkapohja {n} :: sandy bottom (of a body of water)
hiekkapohjainen {adj} :: sandy, sand-based
hiekkapuhallin {n} :: sandblaster (device)
hiekkapuhallus {n} :: sandblasting, abrasive blasting (method for stripping paint, rust etc. from hard surfaces)
hiekkapuhaltaa {v} :: to sandblast
hiekkapussi {n} :: sandbag
hiekkarae {n} :: (large) grain of sand
hiekkaranta {n} :: beach (sandy shore)
hiekkarantainen {adj} :: with sandy beaches
hiekkarantainen {adj} [of a beach] :: sandy
hiekkariutta {n} :: sand reef
hiekkasäkki {n} :: bag or sack of sand
hiekkasammal {n} :: any moss of the genus Pogonatum
hiekkasammal {n} [in plural] :: the genus Pogonatum
hiekkasärkkä {n} :: sandbank
hiekkatie {n} :: sand road
hiekkatörmä {n} :: sand cliff
hiekoitin {n} :: sand spreader (device to spread sand on the ground, typically to prevent slipperiness)
hiekoittaa {vt} :: to (cover with) sand
hiekoittaa {vt} :: to cover with gravel, particularly roads or pathways that would otherwise be slippery
hiekoittaminen {n} :: sanding, covering with sand
hiekoitus {n} :: covering with sand
hiekoitus {n} :: covering roads or pathways with gravel or sand in order to make them less slippery
hiemailla {vi} :: to rub oneself (against something)
hieman {adv} :: a little, bit, tad, slightly
hieneritys {n} :: perspiration
hienhaju {n} :: smell of sweat, body odour
hienhajuinen {adj} :: smelling like sweat
hieno {adj} :: fine
hieno {adj} :: Particularly slender; especially thin, narrow, or of small girth
hieno {adj} :: Consisting of especially minute particulate; made up of particularly small pieces
hieno {adj} :: elegant, fancy, posh
hieno {adj} :: exquisite
hieno {adj} :: great, wonderful
hienohampainen {adj} :: fine-toothed
hienohampainen {adj} :: denticulate
hienohelma {n} [pejorative] :: dandy (man very concerned about his clothes and appearance)
hienohelma {n} :: candy-ass
hienohipiäinen {adj} [figuratively] :: thin-skinned
hienoin {adj} :: superlative of hieno
hienoinen {adj} [figuratively] :: Slight
hienoisesti {adv} :: slightly
hienojakoinen {adj} :: fine-grained, fine
hienojyväinen {adj} :: fine-grained
hienokäytöksinen {adj} :: with good manners, well-behaving
hienokseltaan {adv} :: slightly, subtly, somewhat
hienokuituinen {adj} :: with fine fibers
hienolaatuinen {adj} :: of fine quality
hienoluonteinen {adj} :: with a fine or great nature or character
hienomakuinen {adj} :: fine-tasting
hienomekaanikko {n} :: precision mechanic
hienomekaaninen {adj} :: of, related or pertaining to precision mechanics
hienomekaniikka {n} :: precision mechanics
hienomotoriikka {n} :: fine motor skills
hienonnella {v} :: to crush or grind repeatedly or leisurely
hienonnin {n} :: grinder
hienonnus {n} :: crushing, grinding
hienonnuttaa {vt} :: to have crushed or ground
hienontaa {vt} :: To crush, grind (something into smaller pieces)
hienontaminen {n} :: crushing, grinding
hienontua {vi} :: to be crushed, be ground (into smaller pieces)
hienontuminen {n} :: being crushed or ground
hienopaperi {n} :: fine paper
hienopaperiyksikkö {n} :: fine paper machine unit
hienopesu {n} :: delicate wash, gentle wash (for washing clothes, textiles, etc.)
hienopesuaine {n} :: light-duty detergent
hienopiirteinen {adj} :: with fine details
hienopuuseppä {n} :: cabinetmaker
hienopyykki {n} :: delicate laundry
hienorakeinen {adj} :: fine-grained
hienorakenne {n} :: fine structure
hienorakenne {n} [biology] :: ultrastructure
hienorakennevakio {n} [electrodynamics] :: fine-structure constant
hienorakenteinen {adj} :: with a fine structure
hienorakenteinen {adj} :: fine-textured
hienosäädin {n} :: fine-tuner, refining tool
hienosäätää {vt} :: to fine-tune
hienosäätö {n} :: finetuning, tuning
hienosahaus {n} :: fine sawing
hienosäikeinen {adj} :: with fine threads or fibers; fine-textured, fine-grained
hienosaippua {n} :: fine soap
hienosedimentti {n} :: fine sediment
hienosokeri {n} :: caster sugar, berry sugar
hienostaa {v} :: to cultivate, nurture
hienostelija {n} :: dandy
hienostella {vi} :: to give oneself airs, to pose, to act fancy
hienostelu {n} :: giving oneself airs, acting fancy
hienosti {adv} :: nicely, elegantly, very well (in a manner showing great virtue or skill)
hienosto {n} :: beau monde, elite, high society, smart set
hienostonainen {n} :: fine lady, lady that is part of the beau monde
hienostua {vi} :: To become classy, elegant, sophisticated
hienostuneesti {adv} :: exquisitely, refinedly, classily, sophisticatedly
hienostuneisuus {n} :: delicacy (elegance, refinement)
hienostunut {adj} :: exquisite, refined, classy, polished, sophisticated
hienosyinen {adj} :: fine-grained, close-grained; with fine fibres or grains
hienota {v} :: To pulverize (intransitive: to be rendered into dust or powder)
hienota {v} :: To thin (intransitive: to become thin or thinner)
hienotae {n} :: a finely forged object
hienotekoinen {adj} :: of fine or great build or quality
hienotekoinen {adj} :: fine, delicate
hienotunteinen {adj} :: considerate, tactful, discreet
hienotunteisesti {adv} :: considerately, tactfully
hienotunteisuus {n} :: tact, tactfulness, discretion, consideration
hienotunteisuussyy {n} :: reason of discretion
hienoudet {n} :: bells and whistles, gadgetry, frills (extra features added for show rather than function; fancy additions or features)
hienous {n} :: the quality of being hieno (fine, elegant, exquisite, great, wonderful); finesse
hienous {n} :: frill (luxury); usually in plural
hienouurresulkukotilo {n} :: Clausilia dubia
hienovarainen {adj} :: subtle
hienovarainen {adj} :: tactful, sensitive, delicate
hienovaraisesti {adv} :: discreetly
hienovaraisuus {n} :: considerateness, tactfulness
hienovireinen {adj} :: subtle, sophisticated, elegant
hienoviritteinen {adj} :: intricate, sophisticated
hiera {n} [dialectal] :: grindstone
hieraista {vi} :: To quickly rub once something (e.g. one's eyes)
hierakka {n} [plant] :: dock (plants in the genus Rumex)
hierakkakirppa {n} :: Mantura rustica (species of flea beetle)
hierarkia {n} :: hierarchy
hierarkisoida {vt} :: to hierarchize
hierarkkinen {adj} :: hierarchic
hierarkkisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being hierarchical
hierin {n} :: synonym of härkin
hieroa {vt} :: to rub
hieroa {vt} :: to massage
hieroa käsiään yhteen {v} [idiomatic] :: to rub one's hands together
hieroa nenää {v} :: to rub a nose
hieroa silmiä {phrase} :: to rub eyes
hieroduuli {n} :: hierodule
hieroglyfi {n} :: hieroglyph
hieroglyfikirjoitus {n} :: hieroglyphic writing
hieroja {n} :: masseur, masseuse, massage therapist
hierojatar {n} [rare, dated] :: masseuse
hieromakone {n} :: massage machine
hieromalaite {n} :: massage ðevice, vibrator
hieromalaitos {n} :: massage parlor
hieromasauva {n} :: vibrator, dildo
hieronta {n} :: massage
hieronta {n} [Internet slang] :: massacre
hierontahoito {n} :: massage treatment
hierontapalvelu {n} :: massage service
hierontatuoli {n} :: massage chair
hieroskella {vt} :: to rub (around)
hieroskelu {n} :: rubbing around
hierottaa {vt} :: to have massaged
hieroutua {v} [rare] :: to be rubbed or massaged tender
hieroutua {v} :: to be ground fine
hieroutuma {n} :: alternative form of hiertymä
hieroutuminen {n} :: being rubbed against, being ground
hierre {n} :: refined mechanical pulp
hierrin {n} :: pestle
hierrin {n} :: synonym of härkin
hiertää {vt} :: to abrade, chafe
hiertää {vt} [figuratively, + partitive] :: to gnaw at, nag at, bother, gall
hiertäminen {n} :: abrading, chafing
hiertäminen {n} [figuratively] :: gnawing at, nagging at, bothering
hiertämö {n} :: thermomechanical pulping plant
hierto {n} :: grinding
hiertokone {n} [construction] :: trowel machine, power trowel
hiertyä {vi} :: to be rubbed, be chafed, be abraded
hiertymä {n} [medicine] :: abrasion
hiertyminen {n} :: being rubbed, chafed or abraded
hieskoivu {n} :: downy birch, Betula pubescens
hiestää {v} [rare] :: alternative form of hiostaa
hiestyä {vi} :: To get sweaty
hiesu {n} :: silt (mineral soil with dominating particle size from 2 μm to 20 μm)
hiesumaa {n} :: silty soil
hiesusavi {n} [geology] :: fine silt (more precisely a mix of silt and clay, usually with about 40% silt and 40-60% clay)
hieta {n} :: silt, fine sand (mineral soil with dominating particle size from 20 μm to 60 μm)
hietahai {n} :: sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus)
hietahai {n} :: sand shark (shark in the family Odontaspididae)
hietahai {n} [in plural] :: the family Odontaspididae
hietaheinäperhonen {n} :: grayling (Hipparchia semele)
hietainen {adj} :: full of or plentiful with fine sand or silt
hietakäärme {n} :: any snake of the genus Eryx
hietakäärme {n} [in plural] :: the genus Eryx
hietakampela {n} :: common dab (Limanda limanda)
hietakiitäjäinen {n} :: tiger beetle
hietakissa {n} :: sand cat, Felis margarita
hietakuha {n} :: walleye (Sander vitreus or Stizostedion vitreum)
hietakurki {n} :: sandhill crane (Antigone canadensis)
hietakyyhky {n} :: sandgrouse (bird of the family Pteroclididae)
Hietala {prop} :: surname
Hietala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
hietamaa {n} :: soil with fine sand
hietamato {n} :: lugworm, sandworm (Arenicola marina)
hietamonninen {n} :: Corydoras haraldschultzi
hietamoreenimaa {n} :: moraine soil with fine sand
Hietanen {prop} :: surname
hietapistiäinen {n} :: red-banded sand wasp (Ammophila sabulosa)
hietasavi {n} [geology] :: sandy clay (more precisely a mix of silt and clay, usually with about 30-40% clay)
hietasimpukka {n} :: venus clam, Venus clam, venerid (clam of the family Veneridae)
hietasinappi {n} :: wall rocket (plant of the genus Diplotaxis)
hietatiira {n} :: gull-billed tern (Gelochelidon nilotica)
hietatokko {n} :: sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus)
hietikko {n} :: An expanse of sand
hietikkoinen {adj} :: sandy
hietikkomaayökkönen {n} :: buckwheat moth, white-line dart moth, Euxoa tritici
hietikkopyy {n} :: see-see partridge (Ammoperdix griseogularis)
hietikkosara {n} [plant] :: sand sedge, Carex arenaria
hievahdus {n} :: budging (moving even slightly)
hievahtaa {vi} :: to budge (move; mostly in negative polarity contexts, eg. "not budge")
hievahtaminen {n} :: budging (making even a slight move; mostly in negative polarity contexts)
hievauttaa {vt} :: To budge
hievautus {n} :: budging (moving something even slightly)
hiffaaminen {n} [slang] :: understanding, getting it
hiffata {vt} [slang] :: To understand, get it
hifi {n} :: hi-fi, high fidelity
hifilaite {n} :: hi-fi device
hifisti {n} :: hi-fi enthusiast
HIFK {prop} :: A leading sports club in Helsinki, playing in the national league in several team sports
Higgsin bosoni {n} [particle] :: Higgs boson
hiha {n} :: sleeve or an arm of a shirt, jacket etc
hiha {n} [heraldry] :: maunch
hiha-aukko {n} :: armhole
hihalauta {n} :: sleeve board
hihallinen {adj} :: sleeved
hihalyönti {n} [volleyball] :: underarm pass
hihamerkki {n} :: brassard
hihankäänne {n} :: sleeve cuff
hihanpidike {n} :: sleeve garter
hihansuu {n} :: sleeve cuff
hihasillaan {adv} :: in shirtsleeves (having only one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. wearing no coat or jacket)
hihastin {n} :: sleeve garter (band worn around upper arm to hold the shirt sleeve in desired position)
hihaton {adj} :: sleeveless
hihhuli {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: A religious person; a zealot, a Jesus freak, a Holy Roller
hihhulikokous {n} [derogatory] :: convention of religious fanatics
hihhuloida {v} :: (disparagingly) to be enthusiastic about something
hihhuloida {v} :: to rage, rampage
hihitellä {v} :: to snicker repeatedly
hihittää {vi} :: To snicker, titter
hihittäminen {n} :: snickering, tittering
hihitteleminen {n} :: snickering repeatedly
hihittely {n} :: snickering, tittering
hihitys {n} :: titter
hihkaista {vi} :: to shout shrilly, to call out, to shriek
hihkaisu {n} :: shouting shrilly, shrieking, calling out
hihkua {v} :: To yell, scream in a joyful manner
hihkunta {n} :: yelling, screaming
hihna {n} :: strap, band; especially one that is made of leather or other strong material
hihna {n} :: thong (leather strap)
hihna {n} :: leash, lead
hihna {n} [machinery] :: belt
hihna {n} [colloquial] :: conveyor, especially belt conveyor
hihna-avokas {n} :: strap pump
hihnakäyttöinen {adj} :: belt-driven
hihnakenkä {n} :: strap shoe
hihnakuljetin {n} :: conveyor belt
hihnanjakaja {n} :: leash coupler, leash splitter
hihnapyörä {n} :: belt pulley
hihnavälitys {n} :: belt transmission
hihnoittaa {vt} :: to equip with straps, bands or belts
hihnoitus {n} :: strapping, equipping with straps, bands or belts
hiidenkirnu {n} [geology] :: A pothole (pit formed in the bed of a turbulent stream)
hiidenkiuas {n} :: A barrow consisting of a pile of rocks
hiidenkivi {n} :: A glacial erratic, a large piece of rock that has been relocated by glacial ice
Hiidenmaa {prop} :: Hiidenmaa (island)
hiihdäntä {n} :: skiing
hiihdellä {v} :: to ski (indifferently and/or repeatedly)
hiihdin {n} [rare] :: A ski
hiihdonopettaja {n} :: ski instructor
hiihdonopetus {n} :: skiing teaching, skiing education
hiihtää {vi} :: To ski
hiihtäjä {n} :: skier
hiihtäminen {n} :: skiing
hiihtarit {n} :: women's pants or trousers resembling ski pants
hiihtely {n} :: skiing around
hiihto {n} :: skiing
hiihto {n} :: In plural, skiing games
hiihtoaika {n} :: ski time
hiihtoakrobatia {n} :: synonym of freestylehiihto
hiihtoareena {n} :: skiing arena
hiihtoasu {n} :: ski suit
hiihtoeliitti {n} :: skiing elite (the elite of skiers)
hiihtoesteratsastus {n} :: skijoring with steeplechase; a sport similar to steeplechase with horses except the horse is also towing a skier
hiihtohissi {n} :: ski lift
hiihtohousut {n} :: ski pants, also skipants, skiing pants, skiing trousers
hiihtojohtaja {n} :: skiing director, ski director
hiihtojoukko {n} [usually, in plural] :: ski troop, ski force
hiihtojoukkue {n} :: skiing team
hiihtojuhla {n} :: ski celebration
hiihtokäsine {n} :: skiing glove
hiihtokausi {n} :: ski season
hiihtokeli {n} :: skiing conditions, good weather for skiing
hiihtokenkä {n} :: skiing shoe
hiihtokeskus {n} :: ski resort
hiihtokilpailu {n} :: skiing competition
hiihtokisa {n} :: skiing competition
hiihtokoulu {n} :: A ski school
hiihtokuningas {n} :: "king of skiing" (the best (male) skier of a certain time)
hiihtolaji {n} :: type of skiing
hiihtolatu {n} :: ski trail
hiihtoleiri {n} :: ski camp
hiihtolenkki {n} :: a round trip that is skied, particularly as a form of exercise
hiihtoliitto {n} :: A national association of skiers
hiihtoliitto {n} :: short form of Suomen_Hiihtoliitto (Finnish Ski Association)
hiihtoloma {n} :: one week of holiday given to schoolchildren in February intended to be spent skiing
hiihtoloma {n} [by extension] :: any winter break, winter vacation, winter holidays
hiihtolukio {n} :: skiing academy
hiihtomaajoukkue {n} :: national ski team
hiihtomaasto {n} :: skiing terrain
hiihtomaja {n} :: ski lodge
hiihtomäki {n} :: ski hill
hiihtomatka {n} :: ski trip, ski tour
hiihtopäivä {n} :: skiing day
hiihtopartio {n} :: ski patrol
hiihtopuku {n} :: ski suit, ski outfit
hiihtoretki {n} :: ski trip
hiihtosauva {n} [skiing] :: ski pole
hiihtoseura {n} :: skiing club
hiihtosirkus {n} [colloquial] :: any larger skiing event
hiihtostadion {n} :: skiing stadium
hiihtosuunnistus {n} :: ski orienteering
hiihtotapa {n} :: skiing style; form of cross-country skiing
hiihtotekniikka {n} :: skiing technique
hiihtotyyli {n} :: skiing style
hiihtoura {n} :: skiing career
hiihtourheilu {n} :: skiing (as a sport)
hiihtovaellus {n} :: ski tour, ski hike
hiihtovaruste {n} :: piece of skiing equipment
hiihtovauhti {n} :: skiing speed
hiihtoyleisö {n} :: the public that follows skiing collectively
hiilari {n} [colloquial] :: carb (carbohydrate)
hiilenmusta {adj} :: black as coal
hiilenmusta {n} :: coal black (color)
hiilenpolttaja {n} :: charcoal burner
hiilenpoltto {n} :: coal or carbon burning or combustion
hiilensidonta {n} :: carbon sequestration
hiilentuotanto {n} :: coal production
hiilestää {v} :: synonym of hiilettää
hiiletön {adj} :: carbon-free, free of carbon or carbon emissions
hiiletön {adj} :: coal-free, lacking coal
hiilettää {vt} :: to carburize (to increase the carbon content of; especially steel)
hiilettäminen {n} :: carburizing
hiilettyä {vi} :: to carburize (to absorb an increased amount of carbon, such as steel as a result of certain treatment)
hiiletys {n} :: carburization
hiiletyskarkaisu {n} :: synonym of pintakarkaisu
hiili {n} :: coal (fossil fuel)
hiili {n} :: charcoal (fuel)
hiili {n} :: charcoal (carbon stick used for drawing)
hiili {n} [chemistry] :: carbon (chemical element)
hiili {n} :: cinder (partially burnt, carbonized piece of wood)
hiiliajoitus {n} :: carbon dating
hiiliatomi {n} :: carbon atom
hiilidioksidi {n} :: carbon dioxide (CO2)
hiilidioksidiekvivalentti {n} :: carbon dioxide equivalent
hiilidioksidikauppa {n} :: carbon credit market
hiilidioksidikupla {n} :: carbon dioxide bubble
hiilidioksidinielu {n} :: carbon dioxide sink
hiilidioksidipäästö {n} :: carbon dioxide emission
hiilidioksidipitoisuus {n} :: carbon dioxide content
hiilidioksidituotanto {n} :: carbon dioxide production
hiilidioksidivero {n} :: carbon tax (tax levied on the use of fossil fuels)
hiilidisulfidi {n} [chemistry] :: carbon disulfide
hiiligrilli {n} :: charcoal grill, charcoal barbecue
hiilihanko {n} :: A poker (metal rod for poking)
hiilihapollinen {adj} :: carbonated (of drinks etc., with added carbon dioxide)
hiilihapotettu {adj} :: carbonated (containing added carbon dioxide)
hiilihapoton {adj} :: noncarbonated, still (of a drink, not containing carbon dioxide)
hiilihapottaa {v} :: to carbonate (to charge with carbon dioxide, e.g. a drink)
hiilihappo {n} [chemistry] :: carbonic acid
hiilihappoinen {adj} :: carbonated, containing carbonic acid
hiilihappojää {n} :: dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)
hiilihappolannoitus {n} :: fertilizing with carbonic acid
hiilihapposammutin {n} :: carbonic acid fire extinguisher
hiilihappovesi {n} :: carbonated water
hiiliharja {n} :: carbon brush
hiilihydraatti {n} :: carbohydrate
hiili-intensiteetti {n} :: carbon intensity
hiilijalanjälki {n} [ecology] :: carbon footprint
hiilikaasu {n} :: coal gas
hiilikaivos {n} :: coal mine
hiilikala {n} :: synonym of hiilloskala
hiilikausi {n} :: Carboniferous period
hiilikautinen {adj} :: Carboniferous
hiilikenttä {n} :: coalfield (region containing deposits of coal that may be mined)
hiilikenttä {n} :: coal yard (outdoor storage facility for coal)
hiilikerros {n} :: layer or sheen of coal
hiiliketju {n} :: carbon chain
hiilikierto {n} :: carbon cycle
hiilikopio {n} :: carbon copy
hiilikoukku {n} :: a hook-shaped tool used to pull coal out of an oven or to poke the coals
hiilikuitu {n} :: carbon fiber (filament)
hiilikuitu {n} :: short for hiilikuitukomposiitti (graphite composite) (lightweight, stiff composite material made with carbon fibers)
hiilikuituinen {adj} :: carbon-fiber
hiilikuitukangas {n} :: carbon fiber (cloth)
hiilikuitukomposiitti {n} :: carbon fiber reinforced plastic, carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer, graphite composite, graphite-reinforced plastic, CFRP (composite plastic made with graphite fibers)
hiilikuitumaila {n} :: a game implement (maila) made of carbon fiber, like a racket, stick, bat, club, etc
hiilikuitusauva {n} :: A ski pole made of carbon fiber
hiilikuituvahvisteinen {adj} :: carbon fiber reinforced
hiilikuituvapa {n} :: carbon fiber fishing rod
hiilikuljetus {n} :: coal transportation
hiililaiva {n} [nautical] :: collier
hiililämmitys {n} :: coal heating
hiililapio {n} :: coal shovel
hiililasti {n} :: coal cargo
hiilimiilu {n} :: coal kiln
hiilimonoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: carbon monoxide
hiilimurska {n} :: coal slack
hiilimurska {n} :: granulated carbon
hiilimurskarata {n} :: cinder track
hiilimusta {n} :: carbon black, coal black
hiilimusta {adj} :: carbon black, coal black
hiilinanoputki {n} :: carbon nanotube
hiilineutraali {adj} :: carbon neutral, carbon-neutral
hiilinielu {n} :: carbon sink
hiilipäästö {n} :: carbon emission
hiilipaperi {n} :: carbon paper
hiilipihdit {n} :: coal tongs
hiilipiirros {n} :: charcoal drawing
hiilipiirustus {n} :: charcoal drawing
hiilipitoinen {adj} :: carbonaceous, carboniferous (containing carbon)
hiilipitoisuus {n} :: carbon content
hiilipohjainen {adj} :: carbon-based
hiilipöly {n} :: coal dust
hiilipöly {n} :: carbon dust
hiiliryhmä {n} :: carbon group
hiilisäiliö {n} :: charcoal canister
hiilisäiliö {n} :: carbon canister
hiilisatama {n} :: coal port
hiilisilakka {n} :: Baltic herring smoked or grilled over coal
hiilistö {n} :: embers
hiilisuboksidi {n} [chemistry] :: carbon suboxide
hiilisuoni {n} [geology] :: coal seam, coal bed
hiilisykli {n} :: carbon cycle
hiilitabletti {n} :: charcoal tablet
hiilitähti {n} [astronomy] :: carbon star
hiilitase {n} :: carbon balance, carbon budget
hiiliteräs {n} :: carbon steel
hiilitetrabromidi {n} [chemistry] :: tetrabromomethane
hiilitetrakloridi {n} :: carbon tetrachloride
hiilityö {n} :: charcoal drawing, charcoal work
hiilivalkea {n} :: coal fire
hiilivarasto {n} :: carbon pool, carbon reservoir
hiilivarat {n} :: coal reserves
hiilivero {n} :: carbon tax (tax levied on the use of fossil fuels)
hiilivety {n} [chemistry] :: hydrocarbon
hiilivirta {n} :: carbon flow
hiilivoima {n} :: coal power
hiilivoimala {n} :: coal plant
hiilivuoto {n} :: carbon leakage
hiiliyhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: carbon compound
hiillos {n} :: embers (smoldering or glowing remains of a fire)
hiilloskala {n} :: fish grilled or cooked on charcoal
hiillostaa {vt} :: to barbecue or grill with embers
hiillostaa {vt} [colloquial] :: to grill, interrogate
hiillostaminen {n} :: barbecuing or grilling with embers
hiillostaminen {n} [colloquial] :: grilling, interrogating
hiillostua {vi} :: To char
hiillyttää {vt} :: To char
hiillytys {n} :: charring
hiiltää {vt} :: to char (blacken by heat)
hiilto {n} :: carbonization, charring
hiiltyä {vi} :: To become charred
hiiltyä {vi} :: To get angry, steam
hiiltyminen {n} :: becoming charred
hiiltyminen {n} :: getting angry, steaming
hiilusta {n} :: pile of embers or charcoal
hiiop {interj} :: heave-ho
hiipata {v} [rare] :: synonym of hiippailla
hiipiä {v} :: to sneak (creep or steal)
hiipiä {v} :: to tiptoe
hiipiä {v} :: to creep (move slowly and quietly)
hiipiä {v} :: to creep (change gradually)
hiipiä {v} :: to slink (sneak about furtively)
hiipiminen {n} :: sneaking, tiptoeing, creeping
hiipivä {adj} :: creeping, sneaking
hiipivä {adj} :: happening slowly in a way that is hard to notice
hiipivästi {adv} :: in a way that creeps; in a way that happens slowly making it hard to notice
hiippa {n} :: mitre (covering for the head worn by church dignitaries)
hiippaileminen {n} :: sneaking or tiptoeing around
hiippailija {n} :: sneak, sneaker
hiippailla {v} :: To sneak
hiippailla {v} :: To tiptoe
hiippailu {n} :: sneaking or tiptoeing around
hiippakunta {n} [Christianity] :: diocese, bishopric, see (region administered by a bishop)
hiippakuntakokous {n} :: diocesan convention
hiippakuntakuoro {n} :: diocesan choir
hiippakuntasihteeri {n} :: diocesan secretary
hiippakuntavaltuusto {n} :: diocesan council
hiippalakki {n} :: synonym of hiippa
hiippaläppä {n} [anatomy] :: mitral valve
hiippari {n} :: A sneak (mean, sneaking fellow)
hiipua {v} :: to die down
hiipua {v} :: to flag, to weaken (to become feeble)
hiipuminen {n} :: wane, decline, declining
hiirakko {n} :: A horse that has gray hair on black skin
hiirenhäntä {n} :: mouse tail
hiirenharmaa {adj} :: mouse-gray
hiirenharmaa {n} :: mouse-gray (color)
hiirenherne {n} :: synonym of hiirenvirna
hiirenhiljaa {adv} :: quiet as a mouse
hiirenhiljainen {adj} :: quiet as a mouse (very quiet)
hiirenhiljaisuus {n} :: being as quiet as a mouse, dead silence
hiirenkolo {n} :: mouse hole
hiirenkorva {n} :: A new leaf of a tree that is about to unfold
hiirenkorva {n} :: dogear (folded corner of a page in a book)
hiirenloukku {n} :: mousetrap (device to catch mice)
hiirennakki {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of hiirenloukku
hiirenohra {n} :: wall barley, Hordeum murinum
hiirenpoikanen {n} :: baby mouse
hiirenporras {n} :: lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina (species of fern, native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere)
hiirenporras {n} :: lady fern (other similar fern of the genus Athyrium)
hiirenporras {n} [in plural] :: genus Athyrium
hiirenpyydys {n} :: mouse trap
hiiren rulla {n} [computing] :: mouse wheel
hiirenvirna {n} :: tufted vetch (Vicia cracca)
hiirestää {v} :: To mouse (to catch mice)
hiiri {n} :: A mouse, used rather indiscriminately for a number of small mouse-resembling rodents mostly in the zoologic family Muridae, but also in Zapodidae and Gliridae
hiiri {n} [computing] :: A computer mouse
hiiribaari {n} :: A box containing poisoned bait for killing mice, designed so that mice have an easy access to it, but e.g. pets and birds don't
hiirihamsteri {n} :: mouse-like hamster (rodent in the genus Calomyscus)
hiirihamsteri {n} [in plural] :: the genus Calomyscus
hiirihaukka {n} :: common buzzard, Buteo buteo
hiirihaukka {n} :: buzzard, buteo (bird of the genus Buteo)
hiirihaukka {n} [in plural] :: Buteo (genus)
hiirikäsi {n} [colloquial] :: repetitive strain injury
hiirilavantauti {n} :: typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhimurium
hiirilintu {n} :: synonym of hiirolintu
hiirimäinen {adj} :: mouselike
hiirimaki {n} :: mouse lemur (any of lemurs of the genus Microcebus)
hiirimatto {n} :: A mouse pad
hiiriopossumi {n} :: Linnaeus's mouse opossum (Marmosa murina)
hiiripöllö {n} :: northern hawk owl; Surnia ulula
hiiripuumuura {n} :: mouse-colored antshrike
hiironen {n} :: diminutive of hiiri
hiironen {n} [affectionately] :: mousekin (small, cute mouse)
hiiru {n} :: New World mouse (any of a large number of small mouse-like rodents native to the Americas)
hiirulainen {n} [affectionately] :: mousekin (small, cute mouse)
hiirulainen {n} :: mouse, sheep (shy person)
hiirulainen {n} :: pip-squeak, milquetoast (small and insignificant person)
hiirunen {n} :: harvest mouse (a New World mouse of the genus Reithrodontomys)
hiisata {v} [slang] :: to smoke tobacco very quickly
hiisata {v} [slang] :: to smoke cannabis
hiisi {n} [mythology, folklore] :: devil, demon (malicious creature)
hiisi {n} [mythology] :: wooded sacred site or burial ground, or the spirit that guards it
hiisi {n} [mild, expletive] :: goblin, devil, demon, hell
hiiskahdus {n} :: peep (feeble utterance or complaint)
hiiskahtaa {vi} :: to make a (quiet) sound (usually only used for negative sentences)
hiiskaus {n} :: synonym of hiiskahdus
hiiskua {vi} :: to breathe, whisper; mainly used in negative sentences
hiiskumaton {adj} [of silence] :: absolute or complete; soundless, breathless
hiiskuminen {n} :: breathing, whispering (making a noise or speaking about, used chiefly with negative polarity)
hiissata {vt} [dialectal] :: to move, to haul
hiitata {v} :: To run a horse at racing speed as part of its training programme
hiitti {n} [horse racing] :: hit-out (practice)
hiiva {n} :: yeast
hiivainen {adj} :: yeasty
hiivakäyminen {n} :: yeast fermentation
hiivaleipä {n} :: yeast bread
hiivaleipäjauho {n} :: dark wheat flour
hiivasieni {n} :: yeast, yeast fungus
hiivasienitauti {n} :: candidiasis
hiivasienitulehdus {n} [pathology] :: candidiasis, thrush, yeast infection (fungal infection caused by any of the Candida yeast species)
hiivasyndrooma {n} :: yeast syndrome
hiivata {vt} [nautical] :: to heave
hiivatauti {n} :: candidiasis
hiivatehdas {n} :: yeast factory
hiivatinmoinen {adj} :: heck of a, damn of a
hiivatisti {adv} :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive
hiivatti {adj} :: used as a mild intensifier
hiivatti {interj} :: damn, dammit
hiivatulehdus {n} :: yeast infection
hiivauute {n} :: yeast extract
hiivintä {n} :: sneaking, tiptoeing
hiiviskelijä {n} :: A sneaker (one who sneaks)
hiiviskellä {vi} :: To sneak, mouse (to mouse around)
hiiviskellä {vi} :: To tiptoe
hiiviskely {n} :: sneaking, tiptoeing (around)
hiivittää {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of hivuttaa
hijab {n} :: hijab (headscarf)
hikari {n} [slang] :: swot, nerd
hikata {v} :: to hiccup
hikeentyä {vi} :: To get sweaty
hikeentyä {vi} [colloquial] :: To get angry or flustered
hikeentyminen {n} :: getting sweaty
hikeentyminen {n} [colloquial] :: getting angry or flustered
hikevä {adj} [of ground] :: moist
hikevyys {n} :: moistness (of ground or soil)
hikeytyä {vi} :: To get sweaty
hiki {n} :: sweat, perspiration
hikihelmi {n} :: bead of sweat
hikihihna {n} :: synonym of hikinauha
hikihuokonen {n} [anatomy] :: sweat pore (opening of a sweat gland)
hikijumppa {n} [colloquial] :: a (hard) gymnastic exercise
hikikarpalo {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of hikihelmi
hikilappu {n} :: dress shield
hikilaudat {n} [jocular] :: skis
hikiliina {n} :: sweat cloth, sweat towel
hikinauha {n} :: sweatband
hikinauha {n} :: headband (band worn around the head in sports)
hikinen {adj} :: sweaty
hikipäissä {adv} :: while sweating, with a sweaty forehead
hikipäissään {adv} :: toiling, sweating
hikipaja {n} :: sweatshop
hikipinko {n} [derogative] :: swot (especially studious student)
hikipisara {n} :: sweatdrop
hikirakkulatauti {n} [pathology] :: miliaria
hikirätti {n} :: sweat cloth, sweat towel, sweat rag
hikirauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: A sweat gland
hikisempi {adj} :: comparative of hikinen
hikisesti {adv} :: sweatily
hikisin {adj} :: superlative of hikinen
hikisyys {n} :: sweatiness
hikitahra {n} :: sweat stain
hikka {n} :: hiccup
hikka {n} :: hiccups
hikke {n} :: (colloquial, slang, somewhat rare) A person who is addicted to studying; who studies excessively
hikkori {n} :: hickory
hikkoripuu {n} :: hickory
hikky {n} [Internet slang] :: hikikomori (person that recludes from the society around them)
hikoaminen {n} :: sweating
hikoileminen {n} :: sweating
hikoilevainen {adj} :: sweating, sweaty
hikoilla {vi} :: to sweat, perspire
hikoilla kuin sika {v} [simile] :: to sweat like a pig
hikoilu {n} :: perspiration, sweating
hikoiluttaa {v} :: to feel sweaty
hikoiluttaa {vt} :: to make sweaty, to cause to sweat
hikotella {v} :: to hiccup
hikottaa {v} :: to hiccup (once)
hikottelu {n} :: hiccuping
hikotus {n} :: hiccup
hila {n} [dialectal] :: wicket, gate
hila {n} :: grate, grating
hila {n} [math, sciences] ::  lattice
hila {n} [optics] :: diffraction grating
hila {n} [electronics] :: gate (in a field effect transistor)
hila {n} [electronics] :: grid (in a vacuum tube)
hila {n} [cricket] :: wicket
hilaenergia {n} [physics] :: lattice energy
hilapiste {n} [geometry] :: lattice point, grid point
hilarakenne {n} :: lattice structure
hilata {v} :: To haul
hilaus {n} :: hauling
hilautua {vi} :: to be hauled, to be dragged
hilavakio {n} [mineralogy] :: lattice constant
hilavakio {n} [optics] :: grating constant
hilavitkutin {n} :: An unspecified piece of apparatus, or one for which one does not know a real name, a gimmick or a thingamajig. Although they can be considered as synonyms, hilavitkutin would normally refer to something considerably more technically sophisticated than vehje or vekotin
Hilbertin avaruus {n} :: Hilbert space
Hilda {prop} :: given name
hile {n} :: small ice crystal (usually in plural), often found floating in air
hile {n} :: glitter
hilja {adj} [dialectal] :: quiet
hilja {adj} [dialectal, of movement] :: slow, relaxed, sluggish
Hilja {prop} :: given name
hiljaa {adv} :: quietly, quiet, silently
hiljaa {adv} :: slowly
hiljaa {interj} :: quiet! silence!
hiljaa hyvä tulee {proverb} :: a good thing is worth waiting for
hiljainen {adj} :: quiet
hiljainen {adj} :: silent
hiljainen {adj} :: tacit
hiljainen {adj} :: untalkative, taciturn
hiljainen hetki {n} :: moment of silence
hiljainen viikko {n} :: The Holy Week
hiljaiselo {n} :: quiet, unassuming life
hiljaisempi {adj} :: comparative of hiljainen
hiljaisesti {adv} :: silently
hiljaisuus {n} :: silence
hiljakkoin {adv} :: recently
hiljakseen {adv} :: slowly, little by little
hiljakseen {adv} :: quietly
hiljalleen {adv} :: slowly, little by little
hiljan {adv} :: synonym of hiljattain
hiljattain {adv} :: recently, the other day
hiljattainen {adj} :: recent
hiljemmalla {adv} :: quieter, more quietly
hiljemmällä {adv} :: alternative form of hiljemmalla
hiljemmalle {adv} :: (into being) quieter
hiljemmälle {adv} :: alternative form of hiljemmalle
hiljemmin {adv} :: synonym of hiljempaa
hiljempi {adj} :: quieter, more quiet
hiljeneminen {n} :: becoming silent
hiljennys {n} :: silencing, muting
hiljennys {n} :: slowing down (of speed)
hiljentää {vt} :: To silence, mute, muffle
hiljentää {vt} :: To slow (driving speed)
hiljentyä {vi} :: To quiet
hiljentymätön {adj} [of a noise, etc.] :: incessant; that does not go quiet
hiljentyminen {n} :: quieting (becoming quiet)
hiljetä {vi} :: To become silent
hiljetä {vi} :: To shut up
hilkka {n} :: bonnet (hat)
Hilkka {prop} :: given name
hilkulla {adv} :: close (used of a negative situation that was narrowly avoided)
hilla {n} :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
Hilla {prop} :: given name
hillasato {n} :: cloudberry crop (production)
hillasato {n} :: cloudberry harvest (yield)
hillastaa {v} :: to pick cloudberries
hillastaja {n} :: cloudberry picker (one who picks cloudberries)
hillasuo {n} :: cloudberry mire (mire on which cloudberries grow)
Hille {prop} :: given name, a rather rare short form of Hillevi
hilleri {n} :: polecat (Mustela putorius)
hillerikärppä {n} :: Patagonian weasel, Lyncodon patagonicus
Hillevi {prop} :: given name
hillike {n} :: restraint
hillike {n} :: escapement
hillintä {n} :: restrain, control
hillitä {vt} :: to restrain, curb (to control or keep in check)
hillitä {v} :: ~ itsensä = to keep it together, forbear (to maintain composure; to avoid an overly emotional reaction; to suppress an instinct or urge; to control oneself when provoked)
hillitä {v} :: to rein in, check, bridle (to stop or slow something, by exercising control)
hillitä {v} [medicine] :: to obtund (to reduce the edge or effects of)
hillitä {v} :: to temper (to moderate or control)
hillitön {adj} :: unrestrained
hillitsemishäiriö {n} :: impulse control disorder
hillittömästi {adv} :: unrestrainedly (in an unrestrained manner)
hillittömyys {n} :: unrestrainedness (state of being unrestrained)
hillitty {adj} :: restrained, controlled, composed
hillitty {adj} :: muted (e.g. color)
hillitysti {adv} :: restrainedly
hillitysti {adv} :: mutedly
hillo {n} :: jam, jelly
hillo {n} [slang] :: money
hilloinen {adj} :: jammy
hilloke {n} :: compote
hillomarja {n} :: a berry that can be made into a jam or jelly
hillomunkki {n} :: Berliner (round donut with jam filling, rolled in crystal sugar)
hillopurkki {n} :: jar, jamjar
hillosipuli {n} :: pearl onion, Allium ampeloprasum var. sectivum (cultivar of wild leek producing small bulbs used primarily for pickling)
hillosipuli {n} :: pickled onion, silverskin onion (any small onion used for pickling, usually a variant of the common onion Allium cepa)
hillosipuli {n} [in plural] :: Pickled onions as dish
hillota {v} :: to jelly (to make jam or jelly out of fruit or other vegetable matter)
hillotäytteinen {adj} :: jam-filled
hillotölkki {n} :: jar of jam or jelly
hillottaa {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of hillota
hillottaa {v} [colloquial] :: to succeed by luck
hilloutua {vi} :: To become jam
hillovoileipä {n} :: jam sandwich, jelly sandwich
hillua {vi} [colloquial] :: to hang around (somewhere)
hilluminen {n} [colloquial] :: hanging around
Hilma {prop} :: given name popular in the 19th century
hilpaista {vi} :: to go quickly over a short distance, often to run an errand
hilpari {n} :: A medieval polearm, a halberd. Often used also for a bill, since the two arms are quite similar and the latter does not have a separate word in Finnish
hilpeä {adj} :: cheerful
hilpeästi {adv} :: cheerfully
hilpeys {n} :: cheer, mirth, joy
hilpi {n} :: any grass of the genus Arctagrostis, Catabrosa or Phippsia
Hilppa {prop} :: given name
hilse {n} :: dandruff
hilsehtiä {vi} :: To produce dandruff
hilseillä {vi} :: to scale off, peel, peel off
hilseily {n} :: scurf, dandruff (the condition of excessive flaking of skin)
hilseinen {adj} :: dandruffy, scurfy
hilsesampoo {n} :: dandruff shampoo
hilsettyä {vi} :: To become covered with dandruff
hilsetys {n} :: synonym of hilseily
hilsetystauti {n} :: psoriasis
Hiltunen {prop} :: surname
hilut {n} :: change (small coins)
hilut {n} :: chicken feed (small quantity of money)
hima {n} [colloquial] :: home
Himalaja {prop} :: Himalaya (one mountain in the mountain range)
Himalaja {prop} :: Himalayas (mountain range)
himalajankorppikotka {n} :: Himalayan griffon vulture, Gyps himalayensis
himalajanmurmeli {n} :: Himalayan marmot (Marmota himalayana)
himalajanmyyrä {n} :: Stoliczka's mountain vole, Alticola stoliczkanus
himalajanpäästäinen {n} :: Himalayan shrew, Soriculus nigrescens
himalajanrotta {n} :: Himalayan field rat, Rattus nitidus
himalajantragopaani {n} :: Temminck's tragopan, Tragopan temminckii
himalajantulkku {n} :: red-headed bullfinch, Pyrrhula erythrocephala
himalajanviiruorava {n} :: Himalayan striped squirrel, Tamiops mcclellandii
himation {n} :: himation
himmeä {adj} :: dim
himmeä {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: strange, bizarre, mind-bending
himmeäkiiltoinen {adj} :: with a dim shine or luster; matte
himmeäpintainen {adj} :: matte, with a dim or matte surface
himmeästi {adv} :: dimly
himmeli {n} :: a type of hanging, mobile decoration made of straw or other similar material
himmeli {n} [pejorative] :: organization chart, shot for hallintohimmeli
himmennin {n} :: A dimmer
himmennin {n} [optics] :: A diaphragm
himmennys {n} :: dimming (making dimmer)
himmentää {vt} :: to dim
himmentää {vt} [photography] :: to diaphragm (to reduce lens aperture using an optical diaphragm)
himmentäminen {n} :: dimming (making dim)
himmentyä {vi} :: To dim
himmentymätön {adj} :: undimming
himmentyminen {n} :: dimming (getting dim)
himmetä {vi} :: To dim
himmeys {n} :: dimness
himo {n} :: lust, desire, passion, craving
-himoinen {adj} :: Having a lust, desire or craving for
himoita {v} :: To lust, crave, desire
himoitseminen {n} :: lusting, craving, desiring
himokas {adj} :: lustful
himokkaasti {adv} :: lustfully
himokkuus {n} :: lustfulness
himomurha {n} :: lust murder
himomurhaaja {n} :: homicidal maniac
himopelaaja {n} :: compulsive gambler
himopolttaja {n} :: compulsive smoker
himoruoka {n} :: food that one wants to eat
himoshoppailija {n} :: shopaholic (one who shops very frequently)
himota {v} :: alternative form of himoita
himottaa {vt} [colloquial] :: To lust, crave, desire
himourheilija {n} :: person who plays a lot of sports
himphamppu {n} [colloquial] :: Nonsense
himppu {n} :: bit, nugget
himpun {adv} [colloquial, often with "verran"] :: a little, a tad
-hin {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn
hina {n} :: heath grass (Danthonia decumbens)
hina {n} :: any plant of the genus Danthonia
hina {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Danthonia
hinaaja {n} [nautical] :: A tugboat
hinaaja {n} [colloquial] :: A homosexual man
hinaaminen {n} :: towing
hinailla {vt} :: to tow around
hinailu {n} :: towing around
hinalugi {n} :: Khinalug (person and language)
hinata {v} :: To tow
hinaus {n} :: towing
hinausauto {n} :: tow truck, breakdown lorry, breakdown truck, recovery truck, wrecker (motor vehicle used to tow disabled vehicles)
hinausköysi {n} :: tow rope
hinausvaijeri {n} :: towing wire
hinauttaa {vt} :: to have towed
hinauttaminen {n} :: having something towed
hinautua {vi} :: To be dragged
hinautus {n} :: having (something) towed
hindi {n} :: Hindi; one of the official languages of India
hindinkielinen {adj} :: in Hindi, Hindi-language
hindu {n} :: Hindu (person)
hinduismi {n} :: Hinduism
Hindukuš {prop} :: Hindu Kush (mountain range in Afghanistan and Pakistan)
hindulainen {adj} :: Hindu
hindulaisuus {n} :: Hinduism
hindustani {n} :: Hindustani (language)
hinkalo {n} [agriculture] :: grain bin (an area separated from a larger area, used for storing grain)
hinkata {vt} :: to rub
hinkata {v} :: to polish a turd (to work on a time-consuming and ultimately pointless or impossible task)
hinkki {n} :: A type of metal milk jug, with a cap and a handle
hinkki {n} :: synonym of maitotonkka
hinkki {n} [slang, usually in the plural] :: milk jug (female breast)
hinku {n} :: itch, craving, urge
hinkua {vi} :: to wheeze
hinkua {vi} [colloquial] :: to hanker
hinkuminen {n} [colloquial] :: hankering
hinkunauru {n} :: a wheezing laugh
hinkuyskä {n} [pathology] :: whooping cough
hinnakas {adj} :: expensive
hinnalla millä hyvänsä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: at all costs, no matter what
hinnanalennus {n} :: price reduction, rebate
hinnanalennuskorvaus {n} :: compensation for price reduction
hinnanero {n} :: difference in price
hinnankorotus {n} :: price increase
hinnanlasku {n} :: decrease in price
hinnanmuodostus {n} :: price formation
hinnanmuutos {n} :: price change, price adjustment
hinnannousu {n} :: price increase, price markup
hinnantasaus {n} :: price compensation
hinnanvaihtelu {n} :: price fluctuation
hinnasto {n} :: price list, tariff
hinnaton {adj} :: priceless (without a price)
hinnoitella {v} :: To price (determine or put a price on something)
hinnoittaa {vt} [rare] :: to price
hinnoittaja {n} :: pricer
hinnoittaminen {n} [rare] :: pricing (act of pricing)
hinnoitteleminen {n} :: pricing (act of pricing)
hinnoittelu {n} :: pricing (act of setting a price)
hinnoittelu {n} :: pricing (the level at which a price is set)
hinnoitus {n} :: pricing
hinta {n} :: price
hinta-asteikko {n} :: price scale, price range
hintaero {n} :: price difference, spread
hintahaarukka {n} :: price range, price bracket
hintahaitari {n} :: price range
hintailmoittelu {n} :: price advertising
hintailmoitus {n} :: price indication, price announcement
hintaindeksi {n} :: price index
hintainen {adj} :: Having a certain price, used always with a determiner or as head of a compound term; no direct English equivalent
hintajousto {n} :: price elasticity
hintakartelli {n} :: price cartel
hintakatto {n} :: price ceiling, price cap
hintakehitys {n} :: price development
hintakilpailu {n} :: price war, price competition
hintakilpailukyky {n} :: price competitiveness
hintakilpailukykyinen {adj} :: that has competitive pricing, that has a competitive price
hintalappu {n} :: price tag, sticker
hintaluettelo {n} :: price list
hintaluokka {n} :: price bracket, price class, price category
hintapolitiikka {n} :: price policy
hintapyyntö {n} :: asking price
hintasäännöstely {n} :: price regulation, price control
hintasota {n} :: price war
hintasulku {n} :: price freeze
hintatakuu {n} :: price guarantee
hintatarjous {n} :: price proposal, price bid
hintatarkastaja {n} :: price inspector
hintataso {n} :: price level
hintatieto {n} :: price information
hintatietoinen {adj} :: price-conscious
hintatietoisuus {n} :: price-consciousness
hintatuki {n} :: price support
hintava {adj} :: pricey
hintavaihtelu {n} :: price fluctuation, price variation
hintavakaus {n} [economics] :: price stability
hintavalvonta {n} :: price control
hintavertailu {n} :: price comparison
hintaviranomainen {n} :: price regulation officer
hintavyöry {n} :: surge of prices
hintelä {adj} :: [of a person] lank
hinteläkasvuinen {adj} :: with a lank or slender build
hintelyys {n} :: lankness
Hintikka {prop} :: surname
hinttari {n} [pejorative] :: faggot, poof (homosexual male)
hintti {n} [pejorative] :: a homosexual man: faggot, poof
hintti {n} [slang] :: hint
hinttiys {n} [derogatory, colloquial] :: gayness
hinuri {n} [dated] :: tow truck
hinuri {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: faggot, poofter
hioa {vt} :: to grind, whet, hone (make smoother)
hioa {vt} :: to grind, sharpen (make sharper)
hioa {vt} :: to sand
hioa {vt} :: to polish, hone, refine (plan, skill, etc.)
hioa {vt} :: to cut, facet (a gem)
hioin {n} [historical] :: a tool used to polish or hone
hioja {n} :: grinder, whetter, honer (person)
hioja {n} :: sander (person)
hioja {n} :: polisher, honer (person)
hioke {n} :: mechanical pulp
hiokepitoinen {adj} :: containing mechanical pulp
hiokkeeton {adj} :: not containing mechanical pulp, free of mechanical pulp
hioma-aine {n} :: abrasive, abradant
hioma-arkki {n} :: sanding sheet
hiomahihna {n} :: strop
hiomakangas {n} :: abrasive cloth
hiomakivi {n} :: whetstone
hiomakone {n} :: grinder, sander (machine)
hiomalaikka {n} :: grinding wheel, abrasive wheel
hiomanauha {n} :: sanding belt, abrasive belt
hiomapaperi {n} :: sanding paper, sandpaper
hiomapaperiarkki {n} :: sanding sheet
hiomapaperirulla {n} :: sandpaper roll, sanding paper roll, sanding roll
hiomapinta {n} :: sanding surface, honing surface
hiomapöly {n} :: abrasion (substance rubbed off)
hiomapyörö {n} :: orbital sander pad
hiomaton {adj} :: ungrounded
hiomaton {adj} :: uncut (of a gemstone; not cut or ground to the desired shape)
hiomattomuus {n} :: unpolishedness, roughness, crudeness
hiomattomuus {n} [of a gem] :: the quality or property of being uncut
hiomaverkko {n} :: abrasive net, abrasive mesh
hiominen {n} :: grinding, whetting, honing
hiominen {n} :: sanding
hiominen {n} :: polishing, honing (of one's skill)
hiomo {n} :: grindery
hionta {n} :: polishing
hionta {n} :: grinding
hiontamuoto {n} :: gemstone cut
hios {n} [chemistry] :: ground joint, ground glass joint
hiostaa {vt} :: to make someone sweat
hiostaa {v} [figuratively] :: to push (to urge someone into a given course of action)
hiostaminen {n} :: making someone sweat
hiostava {adj} :: sweaty (likely to cause one to sweat)
hiostua {vi} :: To become sweaty/sweatier
hiostuminen {n} :: becoming sweaty
hiostus {n} :: making (someone) sweaty
hiostus {n} :: fermenting (herbs)
hiostuttaa {vt} [rare] :: alternative form of hiostaa
hiota {vi} :: to sweat
hiottaa {vt} :: to make sweat (to cause to sweat)
hiottaa {vt} :: to have ground, sanded, honed, sharpened etc. [more senses under hioa]
hiottu {adj} :: honed, polished, refined, sanded
hioutua {vi} :: To be ground, smoothed
hioutuminen {n} :: being ground or smoothed
hioutuneisuus {n} :: refinedness
hipaiseminen {n} :: grazing, touching lightly
hipaista {vi} :: to graze, to touch lightly
hipaisu {n} :: A light touch
hipaisukytkin {n} :: touch switch
hipaisunäppäin {n} :: touch button, touch sensor
hipelöidä {v} :: to grope (to touch another person sexually)
hipelöidä {v} :: to finger (to poke or probe with a finger)
hipelöiminen {n} :: groping, fingering
hipelöinti {n} :: groping, fingering (usually inappropriately)
hip-hop {n} :: hip-hop
hiphop {n} :: hip-hop
hiphoppari {n} :: hip-hopper
hipiä {n} :: smooth and soft skin
hipihiljaa {adv} :: very quiet, very quietly
hiplailla {n} [colloquial] :: to grope (touch inappropriately)
hiplailu {n} [colloquial] :: groping (touching inappropriately)
hiplata {v} [colloquial] :: to touch, finger, grope
hiplaus {n} [colloquial] :: groping
hipoa {v} :: to touch (barely), to verge on
hipoilla {v} :: to reach for, barely reach, verge on
hippa {n} :: tag (a children's game)
hippa {n} :: it (person who chases and tries to catch the other players in the playground game of tag)
hippaleikki {n} :: game of tag
hippalot {n} [slang] :: party
hippasilla {adv} :: in the state of playing tag
hippasille {adv} :: into the state of playing tag, to (go) play tag
hippi {n} :: hippie
hippiaate {n} :: hippie ideology
hippiäinen {n} :: goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
hippiatri {n} :: hippiater (doctor specializing in horse care)
hippikulttuuri {n} :: hippie culture
hippiliike {n} :: hippie movement
hippimuoti {n} :: hippie fashion
hippimusiikki {n} :: hippie music
hippiys {n} :: hippiedom (state or quality of being a hippie)
hippodromi {n} :: hippodrome
hippokampus {n} [anatomy] :: hippocampus
hippokraattinen {adj} :: Hippocratic
Hippokrateen vala {n} :: The Hippocratic oath
Hippokrates {prop} :: Hippocrates
hippoterapia {n} :: hippotherapy
hippu {n} :: nugget
hippulat {n} [archaic outside of idioms] :: small decorative items attached to a sleigh or cart
hippunen {n} :: diminutive of hippu
hippunen {n} :: nugget
hippunen {n} :: pinch (e.g. of salt)
hiprakka {n} :: mild drunkenness, buzzedness; specifically the stage inbetween selvinpäin and humala where one has a light buzz and socializing is made easier, but not the point where one begins to get dizzy, slur heavily, vomit and pass out
hipsiä {v} :: To tiptoe
hipsteri {n} :: hipster (person who is keenly interested in the latest trends)
hipsu {n} [computing, colloquial] :: the ASCII apostrophe, symbol '
hipsutella {v} :: to tiptoe around
hipsuttaa {vi} :: To tiptoe
hipsuttaminen {n} :: tiptoeing
hipsuttelu {n} :: tiptoeing around
hipsutus {n} :: tiptoeing
hiragana {n} :: hiragana (syllabary)
hiragana {n} :: hiragana (letter of the syllabary)
hirmu {n} :: monster
hirmu {n} :: [of a person] fright
hirmu {adv} [colloquial] :: very, really, extremely; usually in positive sense
hirmuaika {n} :: age of tyranny
hirmuhallinto {n} :: reign or regime of terror
hirmuhallitsija {n} :: tyrant
hirmuhallitus {n} :: a tyrannical government
hirmuhauska {adj} [colloquial] :: super fun
hirmuhelle {n} [idiomatic] :: severe or terrible heat wave or hot weather
hirmuinen {adj} :: horrendous, terrible
hirmuisesti {adv} :: terribly
hirmuisuus {n} :: horrendousness, terribleness
hirmukunto {n} :: terrible condition or shape
hirmulisko {n} :: dinosaur
hirmumyrsky {n} [meteorology] :: Any storm with hurricane-speed winds, i.e. of the level 12 in the Beaufort scale
hirmumyrsky {n} :: hurricane (tropical storm)
hirmustua {v} :: To get furious
hirmusuuri {adj} [colloquial] :: super big
hirmuteko {n} :: atrocity, inhumanity (extremely cruel act)
hirmutulos {n} :: unbelievable result
hirmutyö {n} :: an atrocity, an enormity
hirmuvalta {n} :: reign of terror, tyranny
hirmuvaltainen {adj} :: despotic, tyrannical
hirmuvaltias {n} :: tyrant
hirnahdella {v} :: To neigh (repeatedly)
hirnahdus {n} :: neigh
hirnahtaa {vi} :: to neigh shortly
hirnua {vi} :: to neigh, to make the sound of a horse
hirnua {vi} [colloquial] :: to laugh in a way that resembles a horse
hirnuminen {n} :: neighing
hirnunta {n} :: neigh
Hirschsprungin tauti {n} [pathology] :: Hirschsprung's disease
hirsi {n} :: log, timber (heavy wooden beam used or carved ready for use in construction of a log house or similar)
hirsi {n} [heraldry] :: fess
hirsiaita {n} :: log or timber fence
hirsiaitta {n} :: timber granary
hirsihuvila {n} :: timber villa
hirsikehikko {n} :: timber frame
hirsikerros {n} :: synonym of hirsikerta
hirsikerta {n} :: layer of logs or timbers
hirsikota {n} :: log or timber hut or shelter
hirsikoulu {n} :: log school
hirsimaja {n} :: log cabin, timber cabin
hirsimökki {n} :: log cabin (simple house made of logs)
hirsinen {adj} :: [of buildings] Made of logs
hirsipaneeli {n} :: timber panel
hirsipuu {n} :: gallows
hirsipuu {n} :: hangman (game)
hirsirakenne {n} :: log or timber structure
hirsirakennus {n} :: log or timber building
hirsisalvos {n} :: log notch, timber notch
hirsiseinä {n} :: timber wall, log wall
hirsitalo {n} :: log house (house made of logs)
hirssi {n} :: millet (any of a group of various grasses whose grains are used as food, widely cultivated in the developing world)
hirssi {n} :: millet (the grains of these grasses)
hirssi {n} :: panicgrass (grass of the genus Panicum, some of which are used as millet)
hirssi {n} :: proso millet, common millet, Panicum miliaceum (the most widely cultivated variant of millet)
hirssiryyni {n} :: millet groat
hirssisara {n} :: carnation sedge (Carex panicea)
hirssisuurimo {n} :: millet groat
hirsutismi {n} :: hirsutism
hirtättää {vt} :: To have someone hanged (by somebody = allative), make somebody (= allative) hang someone
hirteen {adv} [idiomatic] :: hanged (into a state of being executed by hanging)
hirtehinen {adj} :: having or pertaining to gallows humor
hirtehishuumori {n} :: gallows humor (comedy that still manages to be funny in the face of a perfectly hopeless situation)
hirttää {vt} :: to hang (execute by hanging)
hirttäjä {n} :: hangman
hirttäjäiset {n} :: hanging (public event at which a person is hanged)
hirttämätön {adj} [literally] :: unhanged
hirttämätön {adj} [figuratively] :: unashamed, scoundrelly
hirttäminen {n} :: hanging (method of execution)
hirttäytyä {vi} :: To hang oneself (to commit suicide by hanging oneself)
hirtto {n} :: hanging
hirttoköysi {n} :: rope (for hanging)
hirttokuolema {n} :: death by hanging
hirttolava {n} :: gallow
hirttonaru {n} :: hanging rope
hirttonuora {n} :: hanging rope
hirttopaikka {n} :: place of hanging
hirttopuu {n} :: hanging tree (tree on which people are or were hanged)
hirttosilmukka {n} :: hangman's noose
hirttyä {vi} :: to get hanged (executed by hanging)
hirudiini {n} [medicine] :: hirudin
hirvas {n} :: stag, especially a reindeer
hirveä {adj} :: horrible, terrible
hirveän {adv} :: terribly
hirveästi {adv} :: terribly
hirvenajo {n} :: elk chase, elk hunting
hirvenjäkälä {n} :: any lichen of the genus Cetraria
hirvenjäkälä {n} [in plural] :: the genus Cetraria
hirvenjuuri {n} :: inula (plant of genus Inula)
hirvenjuuri {n} [in the plural] :: Inula (the genus Inula)
hirvenkaato {n} :: elk killing, elk hunting
hirvenkaatolupa {n} :: elk killing permit
hirvenkieli {n} :: hart's tongue, Asplenium scolopendrium (species of fern)
hirvenliha {n} :: Deer, venison; the meat of an elk or moose
hirvenmetsästäjä {n} :: elk hunter
hirvenmetsästys {n} :: elk hunting
hirvennahka {n} :: elk skin
hirven nenäsaivartaja {n} :: moose botfly, moose nose botfly, moose throat botfly, Cephenemyia ulrichii (large botfly that attacks chiefly the nostrils and pharyngeal cavity of moose)
hirvenpää {n} :: elk head
hirvenpyynti {n} :: elk hunting
hirvensalmelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hirvensalmi
hirvensalmelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hirvensalmi
Hirvensalmi {prop} :: Hirvensalmi (municipality)
Hirvensalo {prop} :: An island within the city of Turku
Hirvensalo {prop} :: surname
hirvensarvenöljy {n} :: alternative form of hirvensarviöljy
hirvensarvensuola {n} :: salt of hartshorn
hirvensarvi {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: antler of a elk or moose, hartshorn
hirvensarvisaniainen {n} [plant] :: A fern, Platycerium bifurcatum
hirvensarvisuola {n} :: synonym of hirvensarvensuola
hirventalja {n} :: elk, moose fleece
hirvenvasa {n} :: calf (of elk)
hirvenvasikka {n} :: synonym of hirvenvasa
hirvestää {v} :: to hunt elk, moose
hirvestäminen {n} :: hunting elks, moosing
hirvestys {n} :: elk or moose hunting
hirvestyskausi {n} :: elk hunting season
hirvetä {vt} [auxiliary + infinitive] :: to dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the courage (to do), be brave enough (to do; sth usually very scary or frightening)
hirveys {n} :: horribleness, terribleness
hirvi {n} :: elk, moose (Alces alces)
hirvi {n} :: any large deer, such as an elk, moose or wapiti
hirvi {n} :: meat of these animals
hirvi {n} :: short for hirvieläin
hirviaita {n} :: A fence for preventing moose from crossing a highway
hirviammunta {n} :: field shooting on an elk-shaped target
hirviantilooppi {n} :: common eland (Taurotragus oryx) (large species of antelope)
hirviantilooppi {n} :: eland (antelope of the genus Taurotragus)
hirvieläin {n} [zoology] :: A deer (any animal belonging to the family Cervidae)
hirvihärkä {n} :: male elk, male moose
hirvijahti {n} :: elk hunt, moose hunt
hirvikanta {n} :: elk population (of an area, etc.)
hirvikärpänen {n} :: deer ked, deer fly (Lipoptena cervi)
hirvikeitto {n} :: traditional elk soup
hirvikivääri {n} :: elk rifle
hirvikoira {n} :: elkhound, any dog trained for assisting in elk hunting
hirvikolari {n} :: elk-vehicle collision, moose-vehicle collision
hirvilehmä {n} :: doe (female elk or moose)
hirvilupa {n} :: elk hunting permit
hirviö {n} :: monster
hirviömäinen {adj} :: monstrous
hirviösusi {n} :: dire wolf
hirvipaisti {n} :: roast elk
hirvipassi {n} [hunting] :: A place where the hunter waits for an elk
hirvipeili {n} :: a roadside mirror designed to reflect car lights to elks or moose in a forest, etc
hirviporukka {n} :: a group of people who go elk hunting
hirvisika {n} :: babyroussa (Babyrousa babyrussa)
hirvitä {v} [rare] :: alternative form of hirvetä
hirvitellä {v} :: to bemoan, complain, regret, to dismay or worry about something; especially by using plentifully the adjective hirveä, hirvittävä and similar
hirvittää {v} :: To horrify
hirvittäminen {n} :: horrifying
hirvittävä {adj} :: horrible
hirvittävästi {adv} :: horribly
hirvittävyys {n} :: horribleness
hirvituho {n} :: damage caused by elks
hirvivaara {n} :: A traffic sign warning about places where elks usually cross a road
hirvivahinko {n} :: damage caused by elks
hirvivahinkovakuutus {n} :: elk damage insurance
Hirvonen {prop} :: surname
his {n} [music] :: B-sharp
hisahdus {n} :: synonym of hiiskahdus
hisahtaa {vi} :: alternative form of hiiskahtaa
hisahtaminen {n} :: synonym of hiiskahtaminen
hisaus {n} :: synonym of hiiskahdus
Hisin kimppu {n} [anatomy] :: bundle of His, AV bundle, atrioventricular bundle (bundle of specialized heart muscle cells that transmit electrical impulses from the AV node in the heart to the muscle cells of the heart wall, which contract in response producing the heart beat)
Hiskia {prop} :: Hezekiah [biblical character]
hissa {n} [slang] :: history as a school subject
hissata {vt} :: To heave
hissi {n} :: elevator, lift
hissi {n} [idiomatic] :: elevator as metaphor for mental capabilities, as in the English expression "someone's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top"
hissiaukko {n} :: elevator opening, lift opening
hissikoneisto {n} :: elevator mechanism, elevator drive
hissikori {n} :: elevator car
hissikortti {n} :: lift ticket or card, elevator ticket or card
hissikuilu {n} :: liftshaft, elevator shaft
hissilippu {n} :: lift ticket (badge, slip, card etc. that entitles one to ride a lift, especially a skiing lift)
hissimusiikki {n} [music] :: elevator music
hissinkuljettaja {n} :: elevator operator, lift attendant
hissipuhe {n} :: elevator pitch
hissiteollisuus {n} :: elevator industry, lift industry
hissitön {adj} [usually of a building] :: without a/an lift(UK)/elevator(US)
hissivalaisin {n} :: elevator lamp, lift lamp
hissukka {n} :: milquetoast (timid, quiet person)
hissukseen {adv} [colloquial] :: quietly, silently
hissukseen {adv} [colloquial] :: slowly, little by little
hissuksiin {adv} :: synonym of hissukseen
hissun {adv} :: only used in hissun kissun
hissun kissun {adv} [colloquial, somewhat, childish] :: synonym of hissukseen
hissutella {vi} :: to pussyfoot, to tiptoe (move silently)
hissuttaa {vi} :: To tiptoe
hissuttelu {n} :: pussyfooting, tiptoeing
histamiini {n} :: histamine
histamiini-intoleranssi {n} :: histamine intolerance
histidiini {n} [amino acid] ::  histidine
histidyyli {n} [organic compound] :: histidyl
histiosyytti {n} [biology] :: histiocyte
histogramma {n} :: alternative form of histogrammi
histogrammi {n} :: histogram
histologi {n} :: histologist
histologia {n} [biology] :: histology
histologinen {adj} :: histological
histoni {n} [biochemistry] :: histone
histopatologi {n} :: histopathologist
histopatologia {n} [biology] :: histopathology
historia {n} :: history
historiakirja {n} :: one of the historical records, such as of births, weddings or deaths, kept by the church
historiallinen {adj} :: historic (very important in history or having a long history)
historiallinen {adj} :: historical (of or pertaining to things that are connected with or found in the past)
historiallinen maakunta {n} :: historical province (any of the nine regions of Finland conventionally regarded as "historical", although their borders have varied in the course of the history)
historiallisesti {adv} :: historically
historiallisperäinen {adj} :: history-based, historic
historiallisuus {n} :: historicalness
historiamaalaus {n} :: history painting
historianfilosofia {n} :: philosophy of history
historiankäsitys {n} :: conception or perception of history
historiankirja {n} :: history book, history textbook
historiankirjoittaja {n} :: historiographer, historian
historiankirjoitus {n} :: historiography, writing of history
historianmukainen {adj} :: historically accurate
historianopettaja {n} :: history teacher
historiantakainen {adj} :: prehistorical
historiantunti {n} :: history lesson
historiantutkija {n} :: historian, researcher of history
historiantutkimus {n} :: history, research of history
historianvastainen {adj} :: historically inaccurate
historiateos {n} :: history book, historical work
historiatiede {n} :: history, history as a science
historiikki {n} :: history (description of events)
historiografia {n} :: historiography (study of the discipline and practice of history and the writings of past historians)
historioida {v} :: To study history
historioiminen {n} :: studying history
historioitsija {n} :: historian
historisismi {n} :: alternative form of historismi
historismi {n} :: historicism
histrioninen {adj} :: histrionic
hitaammin {adv} :: comparative of hitaasti
hitaampi {adj} :: comparative of hidas
hitaasti {adv} :: slowly
hitaimmin {adv} :: superlative of hitaasti
hitain {adj} :: superlative of hidas
hitaus {n} :: slowness
hitaus {n} :: inertia
hitausmomentti {n} [physics] :: moment of inertia
hitiö {n} [archaic] :: synonym of bakteeri
Hitler-viikset {n} :: Hitler mustache, Charlie Chaplin mustache
hitonmoinen {adj} :: like heck, like hell
hitosti {adv} [vulgar] :: An intensifier
hitsaaja {n} :: welder
hitsaaminen {n} :: welding (action)
hitsaamo {n} :: welding shop, welding plant
hitsaantua {vi} :: alternative form of hitsautua
hitsari {n} :: welder (one who welds)
hitsata {vt} :: to weld
hitsaus {n} :: welding
hitsauskaasu {n} :: welding gas
hitsauskipinä {n} :: welding spark
hitsauskypärä {n} :: welding helmet
hitsauslaite {n} :: welding device, welding apparatus
hitsauslanka {n} :: welding wire
hitsauslasi {n} :: welding shield glass
hitsauslasit {n} :: welding glasses, welding safety glasses
hitsausliekki {n} :: welding flame
hitsausmaski {n} :: welding mask
hitsauspaja {n} :: welding shop, welding factory
hitsauspilli {n} :: welding torch
hitsauspistooli {n} :: welding gun
hitsauspoltin {n} :: welding torch
hitsauspuikko {n} :: welding rod, welding electrode
hitsaussauma {n} :: weld, welding seam
hitsaussuojain {n} :: welding protector, any piece of protection equipment for welding
hitsausvirta {n} :: welding current
hitsautua {v} :: to become welded
hitsautua {v} [figuratively] :: to knit (to become closely joined)
hitsi {n} :: weld
hitsi {interj} :: gee
Hittavainen {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: a deity that helped hare hunters
hitti {n} [colloquial] :: hit, success (of a book, song, movie, any product, etc.)
hitto {n} [vulgar, mild expletive or intensifier] :: damn, heck, hell, rats or crap. Somewhat comparable to geezers!
hittolainen {interj} [colloquial] :: damn it, bloody hell, heck
hitu {n} :: bit, little bit, tiny bit, ounce (figuratively)
hitufysiikka {n} [dated] :: synonym of hiukkasfysiikka
hitulautanen {n} :: food waste plate (a plate on which waste, such as possibly potato peels, are placed)
hitunen {n} :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota
hituolio {n} [archaic] :: synonym of mikrobi
hiuduttaa {vt} :: to make languish
hiue {n} :: loam (type of mineral soil consisting of sand, silt and clay)
hiuesavi {n} [geology] :: loam (more precisely a mix of fine sand, silt and clay)
hiuka {n} [dialectal] :: hunger
hiukaista {v} :: To feel hungry
hiukan {adv} :: a little, bit, slightly
hiukapala {n} :: alternative form of hiukopala
hiukka {n} :: nugget, pinch
hiukkanen {n} [physics] :: particle (elementary particle or subatomic particls)
hiukkanen {n} :: particle, corpuscle
hiukkasen {adv} [colloquial] :: a little (really little)
hiukkasfysiikka {n} [physics] :: particle physics
hiukkasfyysikko {n} :: particle physicist
hiukkasilmaisin {n} [physics] :: particle detector
hiukkaskiihdytin {n} [physics] :: particle accelerator
hiukkasnopeus {n} :: particle velocity
hiukkassäteily {n} [physics] :: particle radiation
hiukkassuihku {n} :: particle jet
hiukkassuodatin {n} :: particulate filter (filter that removes particulate matter from a gas flow); especially diesel particulate filter, DPF, particulate filter (device that removes particles from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine)
hiukkasteoria {n} :: particle theory
hiukkasvuo {n} :: particle flux
hiukoa {v} :: To feel hungry
hiukopala {n} :: snack, especially something salty eaten at night after a few drinks
hiuksenhalkoja {n} :: hairsplitter
hiuksenhalkominen {n} :: hairsplitting
hiuksenhieno {adj} :: extremely fine (of a line), extremely narrow (of a margin or difference), delicate, subtle
hiuksenhienosti {adv} :: extremely narrowly, delicately
hiukseton {adj} :: hairless
hius {n} :: a single hair, strand of hair (on a human head)
hiusala {n} :: hair industry
hiusgeeli {n} :: A hair gel
hiushalkeama {n} :: hairline crack (a thin crack)
hiusharja {n} :: hairbrush
hiusheinä {n} :: any plant of the genus Loudetia
hiusheinä {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Loudetia
hiushoide {n} :: hair conditioner
hiushuokoinen {adj} :: capillary
hiushuokoisuus {n} :: capillariness
hiushygrometri {n} :: synonym of hiuskosteusmittari
hiusjuuri {n} :: root of a hair (of hair that is on top of the head)
hiuskarva {n} :: An individual hair
hiuskarva {n} :: A whisker (very short distance)
hiuskiehkura {n} :: lock of hair
hiuskiinne {n} :: hair lacquer, hair spray
hiuskoriste {n} :: hair decoration or ornament
hiuskoru {n} :: hair ornament or jewellery
hiuskuontalo {n} :: messy hair
hiuslaite {n} :: hair device or accessory
hiuslakka {n} :: hairspray
hiuslaskos {n} [sewing] :: pin tuck
hiuslenkki {n} :: bobble, scrunchie, gogo (elasticated band used for securing hair)
hiuslinja {n} :: hairline (thin line)
hiuslisäke {n} :: toupee
hiusmarto {n} :: scalp (part of the head where the hair grows from, or used to grow from)
hiusmeduusa {n} :: sea blubber, lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata)
hiusmuoti {n} :: hair fashion, hairstyle
hiusmuotoilija {n} :: hairdresser, hair stylist
hiusmuotoilu {n} :: hairdressing, hair styling
hiusmurtuma {n} :: hairline fracture (small crack or sliver in a bone)
hiusnauha {n} :: hair band, hair ribbon
hiusneula {n} :: hairpin
hiusöljy {n} :: hair oil
hiuspalmikko {n} :: hair plait
hiuspanta {n} :: headband (hair accessory)
hiuspidike {n} :: Any accessory worn in the hair to keep it in order
hiuspilli {n} :: synonym of hiusputki
hiuspinni {n} :: bobby pin, hairgrip
hiuspohja {n} :: scalp
hiusputki {n} :: capillary (narrow tube)
hiusputki-ilmiö {n} :: capillary action
hiuspuuteri {n} :: hair powder
hiusraja {n} :: hairline (line of where hair starts growing)
hiusravinne {n} :: hair food
hiusristikko {n} :: crosshair, reticle
hiussairaus {n} :: hair disease
hiussaniainen {n} :: Southern maidenhair fern, black maidenhair fern, venus hair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris
hiussolki {n} :: barrette, hairclip, hair-slide (clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair)
hiussuoja {n} :: hair cover (protective headwear used to cover the hair when working in a place where cleanliness is required, when swimming etc.)
hiussuoni {n} [anatomy] :: capillary (thin blood vessel)
hiussuonikeränen {n} [anatomy] :: glomerulus
hiussuonisto {n} :: capillary bed
hiussuonivaurio {n} :: capillary damage
hiussuortuva {n} :: wisp of hair, strand of hair
hiussykerö {n} :: synonym of nuttura
hiustähti {n} :: feather star (plant of the order Comatulida)
hiustähti {n} [in plural] :: the order Comatulida
hiustenhalkaisu {n} :: hairsplitting
hiustenhalkoja {n} :: hairsplitter
hiusten halkominen {n} :: alternative spelling of hiustenhalkominen
hiustenhalkominen {n} :: hairsplitting
hiustenhoito {n} :: hair care
hiustenhoitoaine {n} :: hair conditioner
hiustenkasvu {n} :: hair growth
hiustenkiharrin {n} :: hair curler
hiustenkuivaaja {n} :: blowdryer, hairdryer, hair dryer
hiustenkuivain {n} :: blowdryer, hairdryer, hair dryer
hiustenlähtö {n} :: hair loss, loss of hair
hiustenleikkaus {n} :: haircutting
hiustenleikkuu {n} :: haircutting
hiustenleikkuukone {n} :: hair clipper, hair trimmer (either manual or electrical)
hiustenpesu {n} :: hair washing
hiustenpesuaine {n} :: shampoo
hiustöyhtö {n} :: foretop, erect tuft of hair
hiustöyhtö {n} :: cowlick
hiustukko {n} :: A tangle of hair
hiustukku {n} :: tuft of hair
hiustuppi {n} :: hair follicle
hiustupsu {n} :: lock of hair, tuft of hair
hiusväri {n} :: hair dye
hiusverisuoni {n} [anatomy] :: capillary (thin blood vessel)
hiusverkko {n} :: hairnet, snood
hiusvesi {n} :: hair lotion
hiusviiva {n} :: hairline (thin line)
hiusvoide {n} :: hair cream, brilliantine, pomade
hiutale {n} :: flake
hiutaleinen {adj} :: flaky
hiutua {vi} :: to languish, wilt
hiutua {vi} [of clothes] :: to wear thin
hiutuma {n} :: worn spot (on clothes)
HIV {n} :: HIV
hivauttaa {vt} :: to jab, to tap (hit lightly and quickly)
hiveleminen {n} :: stroking, petting, caressing
hivelevä {adj} :: silky, caressing
hivelevä {adj} :: brilliant, spectacular
hivelevästi {adv} :: silkily, caressingly
hivellä {vt} :: to stroke, to pet, to caress, to finger
hiveltää {vt} :: to superfinish, perform superfinishing
hiveltää {v} [colloquial, dialectal] :: synonym of hivellä
hiveltäminen {n} :: superfinishing
hiveltäminen {n} [colloquial, dialectal] :: synonym of hiveleminen
hiven {n} :: A trifle, bit (amount)
hivenaine {n} :: a mineral essential to nutrition; trace substance, dietary mineral
hivenaine {n} :: trace substance (in a mineral)
hivenaineanalyysi {n} :: trace element analysis
hivenlannoite {n} :: micronutrient fertilizer
hivenravinne {n} :: micronutrient
HI-virus {n} :: human immunodeficiency virus, HIV
HIV-negatiivinen {adj} :: HIV negative
HIV-positiivinen {adj} :: HIV positive
hivutella {v} :: frequentative form of hivuttaa
hivuttaa {v} :: to chafe, rub (to wear by rubbing)
hivuttaa {v} :: to edge (to move something slowly and deliberately)
hivuttaa {v} :: to wear away, gnaw, consume (to erode or weaken gradually and progressively)
hivuttaminen {n} :: chafing, rubbing
hivuttaminen {n} :: edging (moving something slowly and deilberately)
hivuttaminen {n} :: wearing away, gnawing (eroding or weakening gradually)
hivuttautua {vi} :: To inch towards, slowly and perhaps imperceptibly
hivutus {n} :: chafing, rubbing
hivutus {n} :: edging (moving something slowly and deliberately)
Hki {prop} :: abbreviation of Helsinki
H-kisko {n} :: H-shaped bar
-hko {suffix} :: an adjectival suffix used with adjectives with back vowel harmony (a, o or u) in order to give the original adjective the meaning "quite, relatively, somewhat"; -ish
HLBT {n} :: initialism of homo, lesbo, biseksuaali, transsukupuolinen
hlö {n} :: abbreviation of henkilö
hmm {interj} :: hmm
H. Moilanen {prop} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: synonym of äimän käki
h-molli {n} [music] :: B minor
hmong {n} :: Hmong (member of Hmong people)
hmong {n} :: Hmong (their language)
hmong {n} [in plural] :: Hmong (ethnic group living in the mountains of southern China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand)
{interj} :: alternative form of höh
hoatsin {n} :: hoatzin, stinkbird (Opisthocomus hoazin)
hobby {n} [nonstandard] :: hobby (activity)
hobitti {n} :: hobbit
Ho Chi Minhin kaupunki {prop} :: Ho Chi Minhin kaupunki (largest city)
hockey {n} :: hockey
hodari {n} [colloquial] :: hot dog
Hodgkinin tauti {n} [pathology] :: Hodgkin's lymphoma (type of malignant lymphoid neoplasm)
hoennainen {adj} :: rhymical, repeating (of a saying)
hoenta {n} :: the act of repeating (saying something repeatedly)
hoffmanninlaiskiainen {n} :: Hoffmann's two-toed sloth, Choloepus hoffmanni
höh {interj} :: An exclamation or expression of concern or resentment about a problem or error
höh {interj} :: Used to express anger, contempt, disappointment or similar emotions
höhä {n} [slang] :: junk (miscellaneous items of little value)
hohde {n} :: shine, luster, radiance, glow (brightness from a source of light)
hohde {n} [mineralogy] :: glance; used in compounds for names of minerals
hohdella {vi} :: to glimmer, gleam
hohdokas {adj} :: glamorous
hohdokkaasti {adv} :: glamorously
hohdokkuus {n} :: glamorousness
hohhoijaa {interj} :: ho-hum (used to express boredom, disinterest or lack of novelty)
hohka {n} :: glow
hohka {n} :: porous material
hohkainen {adj} :: porous, cancellous
hohkaisuus {n} :: porousness, cancellousness
hohkakivi {n} [geology] :: pumice
hohkasilikaatti {n} [mineral] :: tectosilicate, silica (silicate mineral having a silicon to oxygen ratio of 1:2)
hohkasilikaatti {n} [in plural] :: silica group
hohkasilikaattiryhmä {n} [mineralogy] :: silica group (group of silicate minerals having a silicon to oxygen ratio of 1:2)
hohkata {v} :: To radiate heat
hohkua {v} :: alternative form of hohkaa
höhlä {n} :: a fool
höhlä {adj} :: fool
hohottaa {vi} :: To guffaw
höhöttää {vi} :: to guffaw with a coarse voice, in a funny or silly way
hohottaminen {n} :: guffawing
hohotus {n} :: guffaw
hohtaa {vi} :: To glow, shine, glimmer, gleam
hohtava {adj} :: gleaming, glowing, luminous, shimmering
hohteinen {adj} :: shining, lustrous, radiant, glowing
hohtimet {n} :: pincers
hohto {n} :: shining
hohto {n} :: gleaming
hohto {n} :: glowing
hohtodiodi {n} :: light-emitting diode, LED
hohtoinen {adj} :: shining, gleaming
hohtokivi {n} :: synonym of briljantti
hohtolamppu {n} :: neon lamp
hohtomonninen {n} :: Corydoras agassizii
hohtomuura {n} :: glossy antshrike
hohtorasbora {n} :: redstripe rasbora (Trigonopoma pauciperforata)
hohtoseeprakala {n} :: pearl danio (Danio albolineatus)
hohtosinikka {n} :: eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis)
hohtosinisiipi {n} :: common blue (Polyommatus icarus)
hohtoturpiaali {n} :: shiny cowbird
hohtoviiripyrstö {n} :: Fundulopanchax gularis
hoi {interj} :: ahoy, hey
hoidattaa {v} :: to let nurse, care, cure, fix, handle etc., to have nursed, cared, cured, fixed, handled etc
hoide {n} :: conditioner (of hair etc.)
hoidella {vt} :: To see to, take care (continuously and/or indifferently)
hoidella {vt} [slang + genitive-accusative] :: To do, have sex with
hoidokki {n} :: An inmate, ward of a mental asylum etc
hoidollinen {adj} :: therapeutic
hoidollinen {adj} :: requiring care or treatment
hoidoton {adj} :: not requiring or having care or treatment
hoikempi {adj} :: comparative of hoikka
hoikentaa {vt} :: To make slender
hoikentaminen {n} :: making slender
hoikentua {vi} :: To become slender
hoikentuminen {n} :: becoming slender
hoiketa {vi} :: To become slimmer
hoikistaa {vt} :: To make slender
hoikistua {vi} :: To become slender
hoikistuminen {n} :: becoming slender
hoikka {adj} :: slim
hoikka {adj} :: lean
hoikkadelfiini {n} :: bridled dolphin, Stenella attenuata
hoikkalori {n} :: red slender loris, Loris tardigradus
hoikkamangusti {n} :: slender mongoose, Galerella sanguinea
hoikkaorava {n} :: slender squirrel, Sundasciurus tenuis
hoikkapäästäinen {n} :: slender shrew, Sorex gracillimus
hoikkarunkoinen {adj} :: of slender or slim build or structure
hoikkasäärinen {adj} :: slender-legged
hoikkasarvikotilo {n} :: mud bithynia (Bithynia tentaculata)
hoikkatupaija {n} :: slender tree shrew, Tupaia gracilis
hoikkavartaloinen {adj} :: slender-bodied, slim-bodied
hoikkavartinen {adj} :: with a slim or slender stalk
hoikkavyötäröinen {adj} :: slender-waisted, slim-waisted
hoikkuus {n} :: slenderness, slimness
hoilaaminen {n} :: singing badly
hoilaaminen {n} :: yelling out, crying out
hoilata {vi} :: To sing badly, not being able to follow the melody or beat
hoilata {vi} :: To yell out, to cry out
hoilata hoosiannaa {phrase} [very, colloquial] :: to give out, to burn out, to beg for mercy
hoilaus {n} :: singing badly
hoilaus {n} :: yelling out, crying out
hoilo {n} :: a deep, narrow natural valley
hoilo {n} :: synonym of kahvelikuunari
hoilottaa {v} :: To holler, call out (to vocalize audibly; announce)
hoilottaminen {n} :: hollering, calling out
hoilotus {n} :: hollering, calling out
hoiperrella {vi} :: To walk unsteadily; to stagger
hoipertaa {vi} :: To walk unsteadily; to stagger
hoipertelu {n} :: stagger
hoippua {vi} :: To teeter
hoippuroida {vi} :: To walk unsteadily; to stagger
hoippurointi {n} :: staggering (uneasy walking)
hoisin-kastike {n} :: hoisin sauce
hoitaa {v} :: to nurse, care
hoitaa {v} :: to cure
hoitaa {v} :: to deal with, fix (e.g. a problem)
hoitaa {v} :: to take care of, see to, do, handle
hoitaa {v} :: to finish, complete, tidy, put in order, square away
hoitaja {n} :: caretaker (one who takes care of someone or something)
hoitaja {n} :: carer, care-giver
hoitaja {n} :: nurse
hoitaja-potilassuhde {n} :: nurse-patient relationship
hoitajapula {n} :: nursing shortage, lack of nurses
hoitajatar {n} :: female nurse
hoitamaton {adj} :: uncured, untreated
hoitamaton {adj} :: unkempt
hoitamattomuus {n} :: the quality or property of being uncared, untreated or unkempt
hoitaminen {n} :: care, nursing, servicing
hoitelu {n} :: seeing to, taking care
hoito {n} :: care (treatment of those in need)
hoito {n} :: care (maintenance, upkeep)
hoito {n} :: nurture (act of nursing)
hoito {n} :: treatment, cure, therapy, remedy (method of healing a disease or disability)
hoito {n} :: handling, management (manner of dealing with a situation, problemetc.)
hoito {n} [slang] :: one-night stand (casual sexual partner)
hoitoaine {n} :: hair conditioner
hoitoala {n} :: healthcare sector
hoitoalue {n} :: management zone
hoitoetuus {n} :: care benefit, care allowance
hoitohenkilö {n} :: a person that is part of medical, paramedical or healthcare personnel
hoitohenkilökunta {n} :: medical staff, care staff
hoitohenkilöstö {n} :: medical or healthcare personnel
hoitohistoria {n} [medicine] :: medical history (details about a patient's previous medical experiences)
hoitoisuus {n} :: care intensity, requirement of or dependency on care
hoitojono {n} :: care waiting list
hoitokalastus {n} :: selective fishing, management fishing
hoitokerta {n} :: single treatment
hoitoketju {n} :: therapy or care chain
hoitokoti {n} :: nursing home, care home
hoitokunta {n} :: maintenance board
hoitokustannukset {n} :: management or maintenance costs
hoitola {n} :: nursing home, care center
hoitolaite {n} :: therapy or care device or appliance
hoitolaitos {n} :: care facility
hoitolapsi {n} :: a child in daycare or foster care
hoitolisä {n} :: care supplement
hoitomaksu {n} :: management fee
hoitomenetelmä {n} :: method of treatment
hoitomuoto {n} :: form of treatment
hoitomyönteisyys {n} :: positive thinking or attitude for medical treatment
hoitomyöntyvyys {n} :: compliance to treatment
hoito-ohje {n} :: treatment guideline or schedule, care instructions, prescription
hoitoonohjaus {n} :: referral to treatment
hoitopaikka {n} :: A place in a caretaking institution such as hospital, sanatorium, nursing home, children's home, daycare etc. English translation varies according to context
hoitopäivä {n} :: day of treatment or therapy
hoitopöytä {n} :: changing table
hoitoraha {n} :: care benefit, care allowance
hoitorengas {n} :: care ring
hoitosuhde {n} :: care relationship, therapist-patient relationship
hoitosuositus {n} :: treatment guideline, treatment recommendation
hoitosuunnitelma {n} :: treatment plan
hoitosuunnitelma {n} :: management plan
hoitotahto {n} :: living will; a form filled by someone expressing their wish for the kind of treatment at the end of their lives
hoitotakuu {n} :: care or treatment guarantee
hoitotapa {n} :: method of treatment
hoitotarve {n} :: need for treatment or healthcare
hoitotasapaino {n} :: metabolic or glycemic balance
hoitotestamentti {n} :: advance healthcare directive, living will
hoitotiede {n} :: science of medically taking care of a person; therapeutics
hoitotoimenpide {n} :: treatment, treatment procedure
hoitotoimenpide {n} :: management measure
hoitotuki {n} :: care allowance
hoitotutkimus {n} :: treatment study or research
hoitotyö {n} :: care work, care (treatment of those in need as a profession)
hoitovahinko {n} :: harm or damage caused by (medical) treatment
hoitovakuutus {n} :: health care insurance
hoitoväline {n} :: a piece of equipment for treatment or care
hoitovapaa {n} :: parental leave, parenting leave
hoitovaste {n} :: treatment response, therapeutic response
hoitovastike {n} :: treatment or health care dues or costs
hoitovirhe {n} :: malpractice (improper treatment of a patient by a physician)
hoitovoide {n} :: analgesic cream, care cream
hoitoyhteisö {n} :: care or therapy community
hoitoympäristö {n} :: treatment environment
hoitua {vi} :: To be fixed, to happen in an effortless manner
hoituri {n} :: nurse
hoiva {n} :: care
hoivaaja {n} :: carer, caregiver, nurser
hoivailla {vt} :: to nurse (repeatedly or leisurely)
hoivakieli {n} :: baby talk, childish language
hoivakoti {n} :: nursing home
hoivapalvelu {n} :: care service, nursing service
hoivapotilas {n} :: care patient
hoivata {vt} :: To nurse, foster
hoivaton {adj} :: without care, nursing or fostering
hoivatyö {n} :: care, care work
hoivaus {n} :: nursing, fostering, caring
hoivavietti {n} [psychology] :: caregiving instinct, care instinct
hoivayrittäjä {n} :: (elder) care entrepreneur
hoivayritys {n} :: (elder) care company
hökäistä {v} [colloquial] :: to utter, blurt out
hokata {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of hoksata
hokea {v} :: to repeat (utter over and over again)
hokea {v} :: to parrot (to repeat without understanding)
hokea {v} :: to cuckoo (to repeat incessantly)
hokea {v} :: to roll (to utter copiously, especially with sounding words)
hokema {n} :: parroting, cuckooing, mantra
hokema {n} :: catchphrase, bumper sticker, slogan
hokeminen {n} :: repeating, saying something over and over again
Hokkanen {prop} :: surname
hokkari {n} [colloquial] :: ice hockey skate
hökkeli {n} :: shack, shanty
hökkelikaupunki {n} :: shantytown
hökkelikylä {n} :: A shantytown
hokki {n} :: hobnail
hokki {n} :: stud
hokko {n} :: curassow (four genera of birds in the family Cracidae)
hokkuspokkus {interj} :: hocuspocus
hokkuspokkustemppu {n} :: magic trick, hocus pocus trick
hökötys {n} [colloquial] :: (shoddy) contraption
hoksaamaton {adj} [colloquial] :: ignorant, undiscerning, thickheaded, that just doesn't get it
hoksaaminen {n} [colloquial] :: figuring out, noticing
hoksaavainen {adj} [colloquial] :: observant, that gets it
hoksaavaisesti {adv} [colloquial] :: observantly
hoksaavaisuus {n} [colloquial] :: observantness, sagacity
hoksata {vi} [colloquial] :: To figure out
hoksata {vi} [colloquial] :: To notice
hoksottimet {n} [colloquial] :: wits
hoku {n} :: rhyme
hokutoryu {n} :: A style of jujitsu developed in Finland since the 1970s
holahtaa {vi} :: to gush, to spurt (of relatively small amounts of liquid)
holari {n} [slang, golf] :: hole in one
holauttaa {v} :: alternative form of hulauttaa
höläyttää {vi} :: To blurt
holding-yhtiö {n} :: holding company
holdingyhtiö {n} :: alternative form of holding-yhtiö
holhoaminen {n} :: nursing, fostering, patronizing
holhokki {n} :: ward (person)
holhonta {n} :: patronizing
holhooja {n} [legal, dated] :: guardian
holhoojahallitus {n} :: caretaker government
holhota {v} :: to nurse, foster, patronize, take care of
holhottava {n} :: ward (person under guardianship, minor looked after by a guardian)
holhotti {n} :: A ward (person under guardianship)
holhouksenalainen {adj} :: under guardianship, patronage or control
holhous {n} :: guardianship, patronage, fostering
holhousoikeus {n} :: guardianship law
holhousoikeus {n} :: custody
holhousvaltio {n} :: nanny state
holhousyhteiskunta {n} :: nanny state
holillinen {adj} [colloquial] :: alcoholic (containing alcohol)
hölinä {n} :: blabber
höliseminen {n} [colloquial] :: blabbering, talking nonsense
holismi {n} :: holism
hölistä {vi} [colloquial] :: To blabber, talk nonsense
holisti {n} :: holist
holistinen {adj} :: holistic
holistisuus {n} :: holisticness
holistoonata {v} [nautical, slang] :: To holystone (to scrub ship's wooden deck with a piece of sandstone)
holiton {adj} [colloquial] :: nonalcoholic, non-alcoholic
hölkäsen pöläys {n} :: diddly squat
hölkätä {vi} :: To jog
holkeri {n} :: Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus
Holkeri {prop} :: surname
hölkkä {n} :: a jog
hölkkääjä {n} :: jogger
hölkkääminen {n} :: jogging
hölkkäaskel {n} :: jogging step
hölkkäillä {v} :: to jog, go jogging
hölkkäjuoksu {n} :: jog, jog run
holkki {n} :: bushing, sleeve, gasket
holkkihiha {n} :: cap sleeve
holkkinasta {n} :: a type of stud on a tyre with a bushing
hölkynkölkyn {interj} :: alternative form of hölökyn kölökyn
hölkytellä {vi} :: to jog or run somewhat slowly
hölkyttää {v} :: Alternative term for lönkyttää
höllä {adj} :: loose (not tight)
höllä {adj} :: lenient (not strict)
höllään {adv} :: into being loose
hölläkätinen {adj} :: weak, lenient, indulgent
hölläkätisesti {adv} :: leniently, lavishly, laxly
hölläkätisyys {n} :: weakness, leniency, indulgency
höllällä {adv} :: loose (in a state of being loose)
höllälle {adv} :: into being loose
hollandaisekastike {n} :: hollandaise sauce
hollannikas {n} :: clog (shoe)
hollanninjalavatauti {n} :: Dutch elm disease (disease of elm trees)
hollanninkastike {n} :: hollandaise sauce
hollanninkielinen {adj} :: Dutch-speaking
hollanninkielinen {adj} :: Expressed in the Dutch language
hollanninpaimenkoira {n} :: Dutch shepherd dog
hollannintaa {v} :: to translate into Dutch
hollannitar {n} :: A Dutchwoman
hollanti {n} :: Dutch (language)
hollanti {n} [rare] :: Hollandic (dialect of Dutch)
Hollanti {prop} :: Hollanti (region)
Hollanti {prop} [colloquial] :: the Netherlands
hollantilainen {adj} :: Dutch
hollantilainen {n} :: a Dutch
hollantilainen ovi {n} :: Dutch door (horizontally divided door)
hollantilaisuus {n} :: Dutchness (quality of being Dutchr)
höllärakenteinen {adj} :: synonym of löyhärakenteinen
höllässä {adv} :: loosely; not tightly
höllästi {adv} :: loosely; not tightly
hölläsuinen {adj} :: talkative, chatty
höllätä {vt} :: To loosen
höllennys {n} :: loosening, relaxing
höllentää {vt} :: To loosen, relax
höllentyä {vi} :: To loosen, relax
höllentyminen {n} :: relaxation, loosening (becoming looser or relaxed)
hölletä {vi} :: To relax, unfasten
holli {n} [dialectal] :: spot, view
hollikyyti {n} [historical] :: network for transportation of civil servants
hollitupa {n} [historical] :: the main room of a kestikievari
Hollo {prop} :: surname
Hollola {prop} :: Hollola (municipality)
hollolainen {adj} :: alternative form of hollolalainen
hollolainen {n} :: alternative form of hollolalainen
hollolalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hollola
hollolalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hollola
höllyys {n} :: looseness, leniency
hölmistellä {vi} :: to be stupefied or amazed, to wonder in stupefaction
hölmistyä {vi} :: To be stupefied
hölmistyminen {n} :: being stupefied
hölmistys {n} :: puzzlement, stupefaction, bewilderment
hölmistyttää {vt} :: To stupefy
holmium {n} :: holmium
hölmö {adj} :: silly, foolish
hölmö {n} :: fool
hölmöillä {vi} :: To act stupidly
hölmöillä {v} :: To piffle
Hölmölä {prop} :: cloud-cuckoo-land (imaginary place where silly or unrealistic people reside)
hölmöläinen {n} :: cloudcuckoolander (resident of cloud-cuckoo-land)
hölmöläissatu {n} :: a tale or story about cloudcuckoolanders
hölmösti {adv} :: foolishly
hölmöys {n} :: silliness, foolishness
hölö {n} :: windbag
holodomor {n} [historical] :: Holodomor (period of famine and alleged genocide in Ukraine in 1932 to 1933)
holografia {n} :: holography
holografinen {adj} :: holographic
hologrammi {n} :: hologram
holokausti {n} :: holocaust
holokausti {n} :: The Holocaust
hölökyn kölökyn {interj} :: chin chin! (toast)
hölökynkölökyn {interj} :: alternative form of hölökyn kölökyn
holomorfinen {adj} :: holomorphic
holonyymi {n} [linguistics] :: holonym
Holopainen {prop} :: surname
holoriimi {n} :: holorime
holoseeni {n} :: Holocene
holoseenikausi {n} [geology] :: Holocene, the Holocene epoch
holoseenikautinen {adj} [geology] :: Holocene
hölösuinen {adj} :: open-mouthed, talkative
hölösuu {n} :: blabbermouth
holotniekka {n} [historical] :: a (live) frog put in milk or buttermilk to keep it cold or cool
holottaa {v} :: to blabber, holler
hölöttää {vi} :: to blabber (to run one's mouth in such a way as to spoil a surprise)
hölpöttää {vi} [colloquial] :: alternative form of höpöttää
hölpöttäminen {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of höpöttäminen
hölskyä {vi} :: To slosh
hölskyttää {vt} :: To slosh
holtiton {adj} :: reckless
holtittomasti {adv} :: recklessly
holtittomuus {n} :: recklessness
holtti {n} :: controllability, controllableness
holtti {n} :: self-control
holtti {n} :: sense, rationality
höltyä {vi} :: to loosen
höltyminen {n} :: loosening (becoming looser)
holvata {vt} :: To vault
holvata {v} :: To pour something, especially wastefully
holvaus {n} :: arching
holvaus {n} :: vaulting
holvaus {n} [colloquial] :: an act of wasting or squandering something, like money or other resources
holvautua {vi} :: to form or create a vault naturally or by itself
holvi {n} :: vault
holvi {n} [anatomy] :: fornix (archlike structure)
holvihauta {n} :: tomb, vault
holvikaari {n} [architecture] :: arch
holvikaarinen {adj} :: vaulted, arched
holvikatto {n} :: vaulted ceiling, vault
holvikattoinen {adj} :: with a vault or vaulted ceiling
holvikäytävä {n} :: archway
holvimaalaus {n} :: arch painting, dome painting
holvimainen {adj} :: vaultlike
holvirakenne {n} :: vault structure
holvisilta {n} :: arch bridge (type of arch bridge built with vaulted arches)
holvisto {n} :: vaulting (vaulted structure; such structures treated as a group)
holvittaa {vt} [rare] :: Alternative form of the sense "to vault" of the verb holvata
hölynpöly {n} :: nonsense, claptrap (meaningless words)
home {n} :: mildew, mold
homeallergia {n} :: mold allergy
homeenvihreä {adj} :: mold-green
homeenvihreä {n} :: mold-green
homeerinen {adj} :: Homeric
homehduttaa {vt} :: To mildew (to taint with mildew)
homehtua {vi} :: To grow moldy, mildew
homehtua {vi} [figuratively] :: To become stale
homehtuminen {n} :: growing moldy, mildewing
homehtunut {adj} :: One that has become covered with mold; molded
homeinen {adj} :: moldy
homejuusto {n} :: A cheese that is produced with cultures of mold
homekoira {n} :: mold dog (dog that can sniff out mold)
homekorva {n} [somewhat derogatory, colloquial] :: someone with bad hearing
hömelö {n} [colloquial] :: numbnuts, ignoramus, lummox
homemyrkky {n} :: mildewcide
homeomorfinen {adj} [mathematics] :: homeomorphic
homeomorfismi {n} [mathematics] :: homeomorphism
homeopaatti {n} :: homeopath
homeopaattinen {adj} :: homeopathic
homeopatia {n} :: homeopathy
homeostaasi {n} :: homeostasis
homeostaattinen {adj} :: homeostatic
homepilkku {n} :: spot of mildew or mould
homepöly {n} :: mold dust, mildew dust
homepölykeuhko {n} :: allergic alveolitis
homerihmasto {n} :: mold mycelium
Homeros {prop} :: Homer (the Greek poet)
homesieni {n} :: mould fungus, mold fungus, mildew fungus
hometahra {n} :: spot of mold
hometalo {n} :: moldy house
homettaa {vt} :: to make moldy
homettua {v} :: synonym of homehtua
homevaurio {n} :: damage caused by mold or mildew
homiletiikka {n} :: homiletics
hominidi {n} :: hominid
homma {n} :: job, work (task at hand)
homma {n} :: thing, case (object of scrutiny)
homma {n} :: hullun ~ : fool's errand
hommaaminen {n} [colloquial] :: acquiring, arranging
hommailla {v} :: to potter around with
hommamies {n} [colloquial] :: energetic man
hommata {vt} [colloquial] :: To acquire, arrange
hommata {vt} [colloquial] :: To do (to perform or execute)
hommautua {vi} [colloquial] :: synonym of hankkiutua
hommeli {n} [slang] :: synonym of homma
homo- {prefix} :: homo- (same; only in loanwords directly adapted from a term in which "homo-" appears in this sense, e.g. homogeeninen, homoseksuaali, homonyymi)
homo- {prefix} :: homo-, gay (homosexual; with common language words, e.g. homobaari, homoliitto, homomies)
homo {n} :: gay man
homo {n} :: [rarely] any gay person
homo {n} [offensive, derogatory] :: Used as a general slur
homoavioliitto {n} :: gay marriage, same-sex marriage
homobaari {n} [colloquial] :: A gay bar
homoeroottinen {adj} :: homoerotic
homoeroottisuus {n} :: homoeroticism
homofiili {n} :: homophile
homofiilius {n} :: homophilia
homofilia {n} :: homophilia
homofobia {n} :: homophobia (fear of homosexuals)
homofoni {n} [linguistics] :: homophone
homofonia {n} :: homophony
homogeeninen {adj} :: homogeneous
homogeenistaa {vt} :: to homogenize
homogeenisuus {n} :: homogeneity
homogenisoida {v} :: alternative form of homogenoida
homogenisointi {n} :: homogenization
homogenoida {vt} :: to homogenize
homogenointi {n} :: homogenization
homografi {n} :: homograph
homoikoni {n} :: gay icon
homoilla {vi} [rare, colloquial, usually said of men] :: to have gay sex; to do gay stuff
homokammo {n} :: homophobia (fear or hatred of homosexuals)
homokysteiini {n} [chemistry] :: homocysteine
homoliitto {n} :: gay marriage; short form of homoavioliitto (gay marriage)
homologia {n} :: homology
homologinen {adj} :: homologous
homologinen {adj} :: homological
homomies {n} :: gay man (homosexual male)
homomorfia {n} :: homomorphy
homomorfia {n} [mathematics] :: homomorphism (the quality of being homomorphic)
homomorfismi {n} :: homomorphism
homonainen {n} :: gay woman, gay female, lesbian (homosexual female)
homonymia {n} :: homonym
homonyymi {n} :: homonym
homopari {n} :: gay couple
homopoika {n} :: A boy who is gay; boyish male homosexual; gayboy
homorummutus {n} [colloquial, possibly, derogatory] :: the allegedly disproportionate attention paid to homosexuality, resulting in a widespread impression of homosexuals being a more significant minority than they actually are
homosalaatti {n} :: homosalate
homoseksi {n} :: gay sex
homoseksuaali {n} :: A homosexual
homoseksuaalinen {adj} :: homosexual, gay
homoseksuaalisesti {adv} :: homosexually
homoseksuaalisuus {n} :: homosexuality
homoseksualismi {n} :: homosexualism
homoseksualisti {n} [dated] :: A homosexual
homoskedastinen {adj} [statistics] :: homoscedastic
homoteettinen {adj} :: homothetic
homotella {vt} :: To call someone homosexual (in a negative sense)
homotetia {n} [mathematics] :: homothety
hömötiainen {n} :: willow tit, Poecile montanus
hömötiainen {n} [in plural] :: Poecile (genus of passerine birds)
homotooppinen {adj} [topology] :: homotopic
homotopia {n} :: homotopy
homotsygootti {n} :: homozygote
homotsygoottinen {adj} :: homozygotic
homotutka {n} :: gaydar
homous {n} :: homosexuality
hömpöttää {vi} [colloquial] :: To make a fuss over something
hömpötys {n} [colloquial] :: making a fuss
hömppä {n} [colloquial] :: froth (unimportant events)
hömppäsivu {n} [colloquial] :: page of yellow journalism, page in a newspaper or such about celebrities or such
homppeli {n} [colloquial] :: A gay, homosexual
hompsottaa {vi} :: to fuss
hömpsöttää {vi} [colloquial] :: to make a fuss
hömpsöttäminen {n} [colloquial] :: making a fuss
hömpsötys {n} [colloquial] :: making a fuss
hömpsy {n} [colloquial] :: drink, dram, sip (often of an alcoholic drink straight from the bottle)
homssantuu {n} :: alternative form of homsantuu
homssu {n} [colloquial] :: unclean woman
homssuinen {adj} [colloquial] :: untidy, messy
-hon {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn
-hön {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn
honata {vi} [colloquial] :: To understand, to get it
Honduras {prop} :: Honduras (country)
hongankolistaja {n} [humorous] :: beanpole, beanstalk (tall, slim person)
hongikko {n} :: A mature pine forest, with tall, handsome trees
hongisto {prop} :: synonym of hongikko
Hongisto {prop} :: surname
Hongkong {prop} :: Hongkong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
Hong Kong {prop} :: alternative spelling of Hongkong, Hong Kong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
hongkongilainen {adj} :: Hongkonger, Hongkongese (of or pertaining to Hong Kong, its culture and people)
hongkongilainen {n} :: A Hongkonger, Hongkongite (person)
hongkongilainen {n} :: The Hong Kong flu
honka {n} :: A large pine tree with a straight trunk
hönkä {n} :: breath
honkainen {adj} :: made of pine
hönkäistä {vi} :: to huff (once)
honkajokelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Honkajoki
honkajokelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Honkajoki
Honkajoki {prop} :: Honkajoki (municipality)
honkajokinen {adj} :: alternative form of honkajokelainen
honkajokinen {n} :: alternative form of honkajokelainen
Honkala {prop} :: surname
Honkala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
honkalauta {n} :: pine board
honkametsä {n} :: forest with large pine trees
Honkanen {prop} :: surname
honkapuu {n} [rare] :: pinewood (wood of the pine)
honkapuu {n} [biblical] :: gopher wood
hönkiä {v} :: to breathe, blow
honkio {n} :: A dugout made of pine
honkkeli {n} [colloquial] :: a lanky or gangly person
hönö {n} [colloquial] :: mug, face
hönö {n} [colloquial] :: intoxication, drunkenness
hönö {n} [derogatory] :: a stupid or foolish person; an idiot
honottaa {vi} :: to produce nasally phonemes that normatively are non-nasal; to talk or sing through the nose
hönöttää {v} [colloquial] :: to cheat, swindle
hönöttää {v} [colloquial] :: to deceive, mislead
hönöttää {vi} :: alternative form of honottaa
honottaminen {n} :: talking or singing through the nose
honotus {n} :: talking or singing through the nose
hontelo {adj} :: lanky
höntsä {n} [colloquial] :: Playfulness; something not done very seriously, mainly for fun
höntti {n} :: simpleton
hönttö {n} :: alternative form of höntti
hoo {n} :: aitch (letter: h)
hoonaaminen {n} :: honing
hoonata {vt} :: To hone (to produce a precision bore with a hone)
hoonata {v} [slang] :: To fuck, have sex
hoonaus {n} :: honing
hoopo {adj} [colloquial] :: dumb, crazy
hoopoilla {vi} [colloquial] :: to behave in a dumb and/or crazy manner
hoosata {v} :: alternative form of höösätä
höösätä {v} [colloquial] :: To bustle
höösäys {n} [colloquial] :: bustling
Hoosea {prop} [Bible] :: Hosea (prophet and a book of the Bible named after him)
hoosianna {interj} :: hosanna
hoosianna {n} :: hosanna
hop {interj} :: General spurring interjection
hop {interj} :: Used to entice a horse into a run
hopea {n} :: silver (metal)
hopea {n} [jewelry] :: silver (alloy of silver and copper which contains at least 83 % silver)
hopea {adj} :: silver (colour)
hopeabarbi {n} :: tinfoil barb, Barbonymus schwanenfeldii
hopeaesine {n} :: silverware (an object made out of silver)
hopeagibboni {n} :: silvery gibbon, Hylobates moloch
hopeahaapa {n} [dated] :: synonym of hopeapoppeli
hopeahääpäivä {n} :: A silver anniversary (the 25th anniversary of a marriage)
hopeahäät {n} :: silver wedding (25th wedding anniversary)
hopeahanhikki {n} :: hoary cinquefoil, Potentilla argentea
hopeahapset {n} :: silvery hair, gray hair (especially that of an aging person)
hopeahapsinen {adj} :: silver-haired
hopeaharkko {n} :: silver ingot
hopeaheinä {n} :: any plant of the genus Corynephorus
hopeaheinä {n} [in plural] :: the genus Corynephorus
hopeahela {n} :: silver fitting
hopeahelainen {adj} :: with silver fittings or bushings
hopeahiuksinen {adj} :: silver-haired, silvery-haired
hopeahko {adj} :: silverish
hopeahohde {n} :: argentite
hopeainen {adj} :: alternative form of hopeinen
hopeajodidi {n} [chemistry] :: silver iodide
hopeajoukkue {n} [sports] :: a team that has won a silver medal
hopeajuote {n} :: silver solder
hopeakaivos {n} :: silver mine
hopeakakku {n} :: egg white cake
hopeaketju {n} :: silver chain
hopeakettu {n} :: silver fox
hopeakoristeinen {adj} :: decorated with silver
hopeakoru {n} :: (a piece of) silver jewellery, silver jewelry
hopeakuore {n} :: argentine, herring smelt (fish of the genus Argentina)
hopeakuore {n} :: argentine, European argentine (fish of the species Argentina sphyraena)
hopeakuorinen {adj} :: having a silver shell
hopeakurki {n} :: blue crane (Grus paradisea, syn. Anthropoides paradiseus)
hopeakuusi {n} :: blue spruce (Picea pungens)
hopeakylki {n} :: silverside (any small fish of the family Atherinidae that are characterized by bright, silvery scales)
hopeakylki {n} :: Nickname for anything that has silvery sides, especially another fish, such as silakka (Baltic herring), lohi (salmon), siika (whitefish) or meritaimen (sea trout)
hopeakylkikala {n} :: silverside (any fish in the order Atheriniformes)
hopealanka {n} :: cushion bush (Calocephalus brownii)
hopealanka {n} :: silver wire
hopealautanen {n} :: silver plate (a plate made out of silver)
hopealejeerinki {n} :: silver alloy (an alloy containing silver)
hopealokki {n} :: silver gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae)
hopealusikka {n} [literally] :: silver spoon (spoon made of silver)
hopealusikka {n} [idiomatic] :: silver spoon (wealth passed down or inherited)
hopeamaali {n} :: silver paint
hopeamalja {n} :: silver cup, silver chalice
hopeamalmi {n} :: silver ore
hopeamarkka {n} :: a Finnish mark coin that contains silver
hopeamitali {n} :: silver medal
hopeamitalimies {n} :: male silver medalist
hopeamitalinainen {n} :: female silver medalist
hopeamitalisti {n} :: silver medalist (silver medal winner)
hopeanharmaa {adj} :: silver-grey
hopeanhohtoinen {adj} :: having a silvery glow
hopeanitraatti {n} :: silver nitrate
hopeankiillotusaine {n} :: silver polish (substance used to polish silverware)
hopeanokka {n} :: silverbill (estrildid finch of the genus Euodice)
hopeanvalkoinen {adj} :: silver-white, silvery white
hopeanvalkoinen {n} :: silver-white, silvery white (color)
hopeanvärinen {adj} :: silver, silvery (having a color/colour like silver)
hopeaottelu {n} [sports] :: match for second place, second place play-off, silver medal game
hopeapaju {n} :: silver willow (Salix alba var. sericea)
hopeapaperi {n} :: silver paper
hopeapensas {n} :: American silverberry (Elaeagnus commutata)
hopeapensas {n} :: silverberry (a plant of genus Elaeagnus)
hopeapensas {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Elaeagnus
hopeapitoinen {adj} :: argentous, argentiferous (containing silver)
hopeapitoisuus {n} :: silver content
hopeapokaali {n} :: silver trophy, silver cup
hopeapoppeli {n} :: white poplar, abele, silver poplar, Populus alba (species of poplar native to an area reaching from Morocco to cantral Asia via central Europe)
hopeaposkimuura {n} :: silvery-cheeked antshrike
hopearaha {n} :: silver coin, piece of silver
hopeareunus {n} :: silver lining
hopearupla {n} :: silver ruble
hopeaseos {n} :: silver alloy (an alloy containing silver)
hopeasepäntyö {n} :: silver crafts, the work of a silversmith
hopeaseppä {n} :: A silversmith
hopeasinisiipi {n} :: Amanda's blue (Polyommatus amandus)
hopeasolki {n} :: silver buckle, silver belt buckle
hopeasulfidi {n} [inorganic compound] :: silver sulfide
hopeatäplä {n} :: longwing, heliconian (member of the subfamily Heliconiinae)
hopeatäpläperhonen {n} :: any butterfly with silvery white spots on the wings
hopeatavara {n} :: silverware
hopeatee {n} :: nursery tea, cambric tea (beverage made out of hot water and milk or cream)
hopeateos {n} :: silverware (an item made out of silver, especially one that is decorational)
hopeateräs {n} :: silver steel
hopeatiira {n} :: Forster's tern (Sterna forsteri)
hopeatilhi {n} :: grey hypocolius (Hypocolius ampelinus)
hopeatyö {n} :: silverware (an item made out of silver, especially one that is decorational)
hopeaunssi {n} :: synonym of troy-unssi; used especially of silver (unit of weight equal to about 31.1 grams)
hopeavaahtera {n} :: silver maple (Acer saccharinum)
hopeavalmiste {n} :: a product made out of silver
hopeayhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: silver compound
hopeayrtti {n} :: santolina (a plant of the genus Santolina)
hopeayrtti {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Santolina
hopeinen {adj} :: Silvery
höpelö {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of höperö
hopeoida {vt} :: to silver-plate, to plate with silver
hopeointi {n} :: silver-plating, silver plate
hopeoitu {adj} :: silver-plated, silvered
hopeoitua {vi} :: To be silver-plated, to be plated with silver
höperö {adj} :: senile
höperö {adj} :: Somewhat crazy; batty, potty
höperösti {adv} :: senilely
höperösti {adv} :: crazily, battily
höpertyä {n} [intransitive] :: to become senile or crazy
höperyys {n} :: senility; craziness, battiness
hopiainen {adj} [dialectal] :: silvery
hopi hopi {interj} :: chop-chop (used to urge someone to hurry up)
höpinä {n} :: drivel
höpiseminen {n} [colloquial] :: babbling, drooling
hopista {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of höpistä
höpistä {vi} :: to drool, babble
hopo {n} [dialectal, mainly southwestern] :: fool, blabbering person
höpö {n} [colloquial] :: nonsense
höpö-höpö {interj} :: tosh (silly nonsense)
höpö-höpö {interj} :: humph
höpönpöpö {n} :: claptrap
höpönpöpön {interj} :: alternative form of höpö-höpö
hopoo {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of hopo
höpöpuhe {n} :: drivel, nonsense, bilgewater (stupid talk or writing)
hopoti {n} [archaic] :: forest horse
hopoti {interj} :: Used to entice a horse to run
hopoti hoi {interj} :: synonym of hopoti
hopoti hoijaa {interj} :: synonym of hopoti
hopottaa {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of höpöttää
höpöttää {vi} :: to drivel (to talk nonsense)
höpöttäminen {n} :: driveling, babbling
höpöttely {n} :: nonsense
höpötys {n} :: drivel
hoppa {n} :: alternative form of heppa (horse, childishly)
hoppa {n} [archaic] :: horse
hoppa {n} :: A car, especially a Ford Model T
höppänä {n} :: dotard
höppänä {n} :: muddle-headed person
höppänöityä {v} :: to become senile
hoppu {n} :: hurry, hustle
hoppuilla {vi} [colloquial] :: to hurry, to hustle, to fluster
hoppuilu {n} [colloquial] :: hurrying, hustling, flustering
höpsähtänyt {adj} :: mad, crazy, goofy
höpsähtävä {adj} :: slightly crazy or batty, often due to early stages of senility
höpsiä {vi} [colloquial] :: To drivel, to talk nonsense
höpsis {interj} :: nonsense (expression of disbelief or dismissal as false)
höpsistä {interj} [colloquial] :: synonym of höpsis
höpsö {adj} :: goofy, silly
hoputtaa {vt} :: to hurry, rush, busy
hoputtaminen {n} :: rushing, busying
hoputus {n} :: hurrying, rushing, busying (trying to get someone to hurry up)
hörähdellä {vi} :: to chortle (repeatedly)
hörähdys {n} :: chortling (once or briefly)
hörähtää {vi} [momentane, semelfactive] :: to chortle once or briefly
hörähtäminen {n} :: chortling (once or briefly)
hörhelö {n} :: ruffle, frill, fluff
hörhö {n} :: crackpot
hörhöttää {v} :: to drivel, complain
hörhöttää {v} :: to chortle
hörhötys {n} :: drivel, complaining
horina {n} :: twaddling, prattle
horisontaali {adj} :: horizontal
horisontaali {n} :: horizontal line
horisontaalinen {adj} :: horizontal
horisontaalitaso {n} [anatomy] :: transverse plane, horizontal plane, axial plane, transaxial plane (any plane that divides the body into upper and lower parts)
horisontaalitaso {n} :: synonym of vaakataso
horisontti {n} :: horizon
horista {vi} :: To chatter, blather
höristä {vi} :: to make a low buzzing sound
höristä {v} [colloquial] :: to drivel, to babble, to talk nonsense
höristää {vt} :: To listen attentively, to prick up one's ears
höristellä {vt} :: to prick up (one's ears)
horjahdella {vi} :: to sway or reel repeatedly
horjahdella {vi} :: to trip or stumble repeatedly
horjahdus {n} :: swaying, reeling
horjahdus {n} :: tripping, stumbling
horjahtaa {vi} :: to sway, reel
horjahtaa {vi} :: to trip, stumble
horjahtelu {n} :: stumble, swaying, stagger, weaving
horjua {vi} :: To stagger, totter, lurch, teeter (also figuratively)
horjua {vi} [figuratively] :: To totter, be(come) shaky
horjua {vi} [figuratively] :: To waver, falter, vacillate, shilly-shally
horjumaton {adj} :: unwavering
horjumattomuus {n} :: the quality or property of being unwavering
horjuminen {n} :: staggering, tottering, teetering, lurching
horjunta {n} :: wobble
horjuttaa {vt} :: To destabilize
horjuttaa {vt} :: To reel
horjuva {adj} :: staggering, unstable, titubant
horjuvainen {adj} :: wavering
horjuvaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being wavering
horjuvuus {n} :: shakiness, instability, lability
horkka {n} [pathology] :: ague, malaria
horkkahyttynen {n} :: malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae
horkkasääski {n} :: malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae)
hormi {n} :: flue
hormiaukko {n} :: flue hole, exhaust hole
hormitiili {n} :: standard brick, solid brick, chimney brick
hormonaalinen {adj} :: hormonal
hormoni {n} [physiology] :: hormone
hormonieritys {n} :: hormone secretion
hormonihäiriö {n} :: hormone disorder
hormonihoito {n} :: hormone therapy, hormone treatment
hormonikierukka {n} :: hormonal intrauterine device
hormonikorvaushoito {n} [medicine] :: hormone replacement therapy (practice of introducing hormones to the body of a patient to replace its own insufficient production of hormones)
hormonineritys {n} :: hormone secretion
hormonintuotanto {n} :: hormone production
hormonitasapaino {n} :: hormonal balance
hormonitesti {n} :: hormone test
hormonitoiminta {n} :: hormonal activity
hormonituotanto {n} :: hormone production
hormonivaikutus {n} :: hormone effect
hormonivalmiste {n} :: hormonal substance
Hormuzinsalmi {prop} :: Strait of Hormuz
horna {n} :: hell
hornankattila {n} :: Any real or imaginary place which is hot and dreadful, like the crater of a live volcano. Approximately hell-fire or abyss
hornantuutti {n} :: (common) "cornucopia from hell"
hornantuutti {n} :: (common) hell
hornantuutti {n} [derogatory] :: area remote from dense population (see korpi or erämaa)
hornblendiitti {n} [rock] :: hornblendite
horo {n} [slang, pejorative] :: ho, slut, whore
hörökorva {n} :: A jug-eared person
hörökorva {n} :: Each of the pair of jug ears
hörökorvainen {adj} :: jug-eared
hörökorvaisuus {n} :: The quality of having jug ears
höröllä {adv} [static, of ears] :: (being) open; [of an animal ear] (being) standing up
höröllään {adv} :: alternative form of höröllä
hörölle {adv} [of ears] :: into being open; [of an animal ear] into standing up
hörölleen {adv} :: alternative form of hörölle
horologia {n} :: horology
hörönauru {n} :: guffaw
höröön {adv} :: synonym of hörölle
horoskooppi {n} [astrology] :: horoscope
horoskooppimerkki {n} [astrology] :: astrological sign, sign of the zodiac
hörössä {adv} :: synonym of höröllä
höröttää {vi} :: to chortle
höröttäminen {n} :: chortling
hörötys {n} :: chortle, chortling
hörpätä {vi} :: To sip
hörppiä {vt} :: To slurp, drink noisily
hörppy {n} :: gulp
hörps {interj} :: slurp!
horre {n} :: alternative form of horros
horros {n} :: hibernation
horros {n} :: slumber
horroskehrääjä {n} :: common poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii)
horrostaa {vi} :: to hibernate
horrostila {n} [computing] :: hibernation
horrosuni {n} :: sopor
horsma {n} :: One of several plants of the genus Epilobium; willowherb
horsmakasvi {n} :: any plant in the family Onagraceae
horsmakasvi {n} [in plural] :: the family Onagraceae
horsmakiitäjä {n} :: elephant hawk moth (Deilephila elpenor)
horsti {n} [geology] :: horst
horteessa {adv} :: in slumber, in sopor
horteinen {adj} :: in hibernation or slumber
horteinen {adj} :: lethargic, drowsy
hortensia {n} :: hydrangea
hortoilla {vi} [colloquial] :: to wander, to drift
hortoilu {n} [colloquial] :: wandering, drifting
hortonomi {n} :: horticulturist
hörtsö {n} :: Axyris amaranthoides
hörtsö {n} :: any plant of the genus Axyris
hörtsö {n} [in plural] :: the genus Axyris
hosa {n} :: a partially pruned top of a tree traditionally used to put out fires
höskä {n} [colloquial] :: junk
hospitaali {n} [historical] :: hospital
hospitalisti {n} :: hospitalist
hospitsi {n} :: hospice
hössäkkä {n} [colloquial] :: fuss, bustle
hösseli {n} [colloquial] :: fuss, bustle
hössöttää {vi} :: To fuss
hössötys {n} :: fuss
hostata {v} [colloquial, computing] :: to host
hostaus {n} [computing] :: hosting (running and maintaining a computer system on someone's behalf)
hostelli {n} :: hostel
hostinsara {n} :: Carex hostiana
hosua {vi} :: to rush (to perform a task with great haste)
hosuminen {n} :: rushing (performing a task with great haste)
hota {n} :: A one-year-old vendace
hotaista {vi} :: To gulp down
hotaisu {n} :: gulping down
hötäkkä {n} [colloquial] :: fuss
hot dog {n} :: hot dog (frankfurter in a bun)
hoteisiin {adv} [colloquial] :: into the care (of)
hoteissa {adv} [colloquial] :: in the care (of)
hoteista {adv} [colloquial] :: from the care (of)
hotelli {n} :: hotel
hotelliala {n} :: hotel industry
hotellihuone {n} :: hotel room
hotelli- ja ravintola-ala {n} [business] :: hospitality, hospitality business, hotel and restaurant business
hotelliketju {n} :: hotel chain
hotellikuolema {n} [jocular] :: boredom caused by extended stay in a hotel
hotellilasku {n} :: hotel bill
hotelliloma {n} :: hotel break, hotel holiday, hotel vacation
hotellimajoitus {n} :: hotel accommodation
hotellinjohtaja {n} :: hotel manager
hotellinomistaja {n} :: hotel owner
hotellipoika {n} :: A bellboy
hotelliravintola {n} :: hotel restaurant
hotellisekki {n} :: hotel cheque
hotellivaraus {n} :: hotel reservation
hotellivirkailija {n} :: hotel clerk
hötistä {v} :: synonym of hytistä
hotkaiseminen {n} :: wolfing down
hotkaista {vi} :: To wolf down
hotkaisu {n} :: wolfing down
hotkia {vt} :: To wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, gorge oneself on, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
hotkiminen {n} :: eating quickly, gulping, gobbling, gorging oneself
hotkinta {n} :: wolfing down, eating quickly, gorging oneself on, stuffing oneself with
hötkyillä {vi} [colloquial] :: to rush, to fluster, to hurry
hötkyily {n} [colloquial] :: rushing, flustering, hurrying
hötö {adj} [colloquial] :: fluffy
hotpot {n} :: hot pot (communal meal, popular in China, wherein diners share a hot bowl of broth or stock into which uncooked foods such as mushrooms, vegetables, and cuts of meat are dipped until they are cooked enough to be eaten)
hotsi {n} [colloquial] :: hot dog
hotsittaa {v} [slang, impersonal] :: To want, especially in negations
hotsittaminen {n} [slang] :: wanting (especially in negative sentences)
hottamuikku {n} :: A one year old vendace
hottentotti {n} [dated] :: Hottentot
höttö {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of hötö
höttösissään {adv} [colloquial] :: excited, enthusiastic, jazzed up
houkka {n} :: fool
houkkamainen {n} :: foolish
houkkio {n} :: fool
houkute {n} :: bait
houkutella {vt} :: To tempt, entice, lure, allure
houkutella {vt} :: To coax, persuade, talk into
houkutella {vt} :: To cheat, con, trick
houkutin {n} :: A lure
houkuttaa {v} :: to tempt; to be drawn, attracted or allured
houkuttaminen {n} :: tempting, attracting, alluring
houkutteleva {adj} :: attractive, tempting, alluring
houkuttelija {n} :: tempter, enticer, lurer, teaser
houkuttelu {n} :: tempting, enticement, inducement
houkuttua {v} :: to become tempted
houkutus {n} :: temptation (something attractive, tempting or seductive)
houkutusääni {n} :: decoy call
houkutuseläin {n} :: a decoy animal used as a lure
houkutuskeino {n} :: enticement, means of temptation or attracting
houkutuslintu {n} :: decoy
houkutuspilli {n} :: decoy whistle
hourailla {vi} :: to rave, to be delirious
hourailu {n} :: raving, being delirious
houre {n} :: raving (wild or incoherent speech)
houreinen {adj} :: delirious
hourekuva {n} :: delirious illusion, delirious mirage, chimera
houretila {n} :: delirium
houria {vi} :: to rave
houru {n} [dated, dialectal] :: synonym of hullu; now chiefly used as modifier in compound terms
hourula {n} :: madhouse
hourupää {n} :: lunatic
hourupäinen {adj} :: lunatic, raving mad
hourupäisesti {adv} :: lunatically
hourupäisyys {n} :: lunacy
house {n} [music] :: house music, house
housu {n} :: trouser (used as modifier in compound terms)
housuasu {n} :: pantsuit
housuhame {n} :: culottes
housukangas {n} :: Any cloth used for trousers
housuliivi {n} :: panty girdle
housumuoti {n} :: trouser fashion
housunkäänne {n} :: turn-up; cuff, trouser cuff [US]
housunkannattimet {n} :: braces, suspenders
housunkaulus {n} :: the top of pants or trousers
housunlahje {n} :: trouser leg [UK]; pant leg, pantleg [US]
housunnappi {n} :: trouser button
housunpolvi {n} :: trouser knee
housunprässi {n} :: crease pressed on the legs of trousers
housunpuntti {n} [colloquial] :: A leg of trousers
housuntakamus {n} :: trouser seat
housuntasku {n} :: trouser pocket
housupari {n} :: pair of pants, pair of trousers
housuprässi {n} :: trouser press
housupuku {n} :: pantsuit
housurooli {n} :: breeches role
housusillaan {adv} :: with one's pants or trousers (and not necessarily anything else) on
housusilleen {adv} :: (into being) with one's pants or trousers (and not necessarily anything else) on
housut {n} :: trousers, pants
housut kintuissa {phrase} :: with one's pants down
housuvaippa {n} :: napkin pants
höveli {adj} :: alternative form of höyli
hövelisti {adv} [colloquial] :: generously, friendly
hovi {n} :: court (of a king or nobleman)
hovietiketti {n} :: court etiquette
hovihankkija {n} :: purveyor to the [[royal[[ [[court[[ or household
hoviherra {n} :: courtier, steward
hovikelpoinen {adj} :: courtly, stately, formal
hovikelpoinen {adj} [humorous] :: adequate
hovimaalari {n} :: court painter
hovimarsalkka {n} :: Lord Chamberlain, marshal to the court
hovimestari {n} :: headwaiter (waiter who has a supervisory position over the other wait staff)
hovimestari {n} :: butler, majordomo (chief male servant of a household)
hovimies {n} :: courtier
hovinainen {n} :: lady-in-waiting, courtier
hovinarri {n} :: jester (person who amused a mediaeval royal court)
hovineiti {n} :: lady-in-waiting
hoviniiaus {n} :: royal curtsey
hovioikeudenneuvos {n} :: The (honorary) title of a judge of hovioikeus
hovioikeus {n} [legal, in Finland] :: A court of appeal
hovipoika {n} :: page, knave
hovirunoilija {n} :: court poet
hovisaarnaaja {n} :: court preacher
hovisuru {n} :: court mourning
hovitavat {n} :: courtly manners, courtliness
hoviväki {n} :: court, courtiers
höyde {n} :: alternative form of höytyvä
höyhen {n} :: feather (less stiff feather than sulka; see usage notes)
höyhenenkeveä {adj} :: featherlight
höyhenenkevyt {adj} :: featherlight
höyhenheinä {n} :: feathergrass (plant of the genus Stipa)
höyhenheinä {n} [in plural] :: the genus Stipa
höyhenhuisku {n} :: feather duster
höyhenhuivi {n} :: A boa (kind of fluffy scarf originally made of feathers)
höyheninen {adj} :: feathery
höyheninen {adj} :: Stuffed with feathers
höyhenistö {n} :: plumage
höyhenkoriste {n} :: plume, feather ornament
höyhennys {n} :: plucking (feathers)
höyhenpatja {n} :: featherbed
höyhenpeite {n} [biology] :: plumage
höyhenpuku {n} :: A coat (feathers of a bird)
höyhensaari {n} [usually, in plural] :: dreamland (imaginary world experienced while dreaming)
höyhensarja {n} :: featherweight
höyhensarjalainen {n} :: featherweight (boxer)
höyhensato {n} :: molting of feathers
höyhentää {v} :: To pluck
höyhentäminen {n} :: plucking
höyhentäyte {n} :: feather filling
höyhentäytteinen {adj} :: Stuffed with feathers
höyhentöyhtö {n} :: feather crest, feather tuft
höyhentuppi {n} [anatomy] :: feather follicle
höyhentyyny {n} :: feather pillow
höyhenväkänen {n} [biology] :: radiolus
höyhenys {n} :: plumage
höykäsen pöläystä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: squat (of knowledge, nothing)
höykky {n} :: synonym of höykytys
höykyttää {vt} :: to be rough on, to castigate, to upbraid
höykyttäminen {n} :: being rough on, castigating, upbraiding
höykytys {n} :: being rough on, roughing, castigation, upbraiding
höylä {n} :: plane (woodworking tool)
höylääminen {n} :: planing
höyläämö {n} :: planing mill
höylääntyä {vi} :: To be planed
höylähirsi {n} :: planed timber
höylähirsitalo {n} :: planed timber house
höyläkone {n} :: planing machine, planer
höylänlastu {n} :: wood shaving
höylänterä {n} :: plane blade
höyläpenkki {n} :: workbench, planing bench
höylätä {vt} :: To plane
höylätä {vt} :: To swipe (a card)
höylätavara {n} :: planed timber
höyläys {n} [woodworking] :: planing
höyläyttää {vt} :: to have planed (wood smoothed with a plane)
höyläytyä {vi} :: To be planed
höyli {adj} [colloquial] :: friendly, helpful
höylisti {adv} [colloquial] :: generously, friendly
höynä {n} :: cretin, moron
höynähtää {vi} :: to do something inconsiderately or even gullibly
höynäyttää {vt} :: to trick, prank, deceive, play a confidence game
höyrähtää {vi} :: To evaporate instantaneously
höyrähtää {vi} :: To get a craze, to become crazy about (to get suddenly passionate about something)
höyrähtää {vi} [rare] :: To burn up quickly
höyry {n} :: steam (vapor from water, in any pressure)
höyry {n} :: vapor (cloudy diffused matter suspended in the air)
höyry {n} :: vapor (gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid)
höyryalus {n} :: Any waterborne vessel powered by steam, such as steamship, steamboat or steamer
höyryäminen {n} :: steaming (producing or venting steam)
höyryauto {n} :: steam car
höyryävä {adj} :: steaming
höyryhengityslaite {n} :: steam inhaler, thermal inhaler
höyryhiili {n} :: steam coal
höyryhinaaja {n} :: steam tugboat
höyryinen {adj} :: steamy
höyryjarru {n} :: steam brake
höyryjuna {n} :: steam train
höyryjyrä {n} :: A steamroller ( steam-powered heavy road roller)
höyryjyrä {n} :: A steamroller (any seemingly irresistible force)
höyrykaappi {n} :: steam cabinet, steam cubicle
höyrykattila {n} :: A steam boiler or boiler
höyrykeitin {n} :: A steamer (cooking vessel) in which the steam is not pressurized
höyrykiharrin {n} :: steam curler
höyrykone {n} :: steam engine (machine that uses the power of steam to drive a piston)
höyrykuivata {vt} :: to dry with steam
höyrykylpy {n} :: steam bath
höyrykypsennys {n} :: steam cooking
höyrykypsentää {vt} :: to steam (cook with steam)
höyrylaiva {n} :: A steamship or steamer
höyrylaivaliikenne {n} :: steamship traffic
höyrylämmitys {n} :: steam heating
höyrylotja {n} :: a wooden steamship that has been treated with tar, often used in inland waters
höyrymatkailu {n} [archaic] :: steam travel (travel by means of steam-powered vehicles)
höyrymehustin {n} :: steam juicer
höyrymoottori {n} :: steam engine
höyrymylly {n} :: steam mill
höyrynpaine {n} :: vapor pressure
höyrynsulku {n} :: synonym of höyrysulku
höyrypää {n} :: zealot
höyrypää {n} :: hothead
höyrypää {n} :: lunatic
höyrypäinen {adj} [colloquial] :: hotheaded
höyrypannu {n} :: synonym of höyrykattila
höyrypilli {n} :: steam whistle
höyrypilvi {n} :: a cloud of steam
höyrypitoisuus {n} [physics] :: vapor content (ratio of mass of water vapor to the total mass of fluid)
höyrypitoisuus {n} [thermodynamics] :: quality (of steam, the ratio of the mass of vapor present to the total mass of a two-phase liquid-vapor mixture)
höyrypursi {n} :: steam sailboat
höyryradio {n} [humorous] :: steam radio (radio broadcasting, especially as seen as an old-fashioned media)
höyryradio {n} :: (humorous) A radio receiver built with vacuum tube technology instead of currently used solid state components
höyryräjähdys {n} :: steam explosion
höyryrauta {n} :: steam iron
höyrysäiliöveturi {n} :: fireless locomotive
höyrysilitysrauta {n} :: A steam iron
höyrystää {vt} :: To vaporize (to turn sth into steam)
höyrystäminen {n} :: vaporization (destruction of something by turning it into vapor)
höyrystäminen {n} :: steaming (cooking by using steam)
höyrystin {n} :: steam generator, boiler (appliance to generate steam)
höyrystin {n} :: evaporator (device to produce vapor)
höyrystyä {vi} :: to evaporate (to be transformed to vapor)
höyrystyminen {n} [physics] :: evaporation (conversion of a liquid into a gas)
höyrystyminen {n} [colloquial] :: vaporization (conversion of a solid or a liquid into a gas)
höyrystymislämpö {n} [physics, thermodynamics] :: heat of vaporization, enthalpy of vaporization
höyrystys {n} :: vaporization, evaporation
höyrysulku {n} :: vapor barrier, steam barrier
höyrytä {vi} :: To steam (to produce or vent steam)
höyrytä {vi} :: To steam (to travel by the power of steam)
höyrytä {vi} [colloquial + elative] :: To obsess over (to talk obsessively about)
höyrytellä {v} :: to steam (to treat with steam)
höyrytellä {v} :: to vape (to consume e-cigarettes)
höyrytellä {v} [rare, colloquial] :: to smoke (to consume tobacco)
höyrytin {n} :: A steamer (appliance used to treat something with steam, such as a domestic steam cleaner, aka household steamer)
höyryttää {vt} :: to steam (to cook or treat with steam)
höyryttäminen {n} :: steaming (cooking or treating with steam)
höyryttelijä {n} :: vaper (user of electronic cigarettes)
höyryttyä {v} :: To steam (to be covered with condensed water vapor)
höyryttyä {v} :: To get/be steamed (treated with steam)
höyryttyminen {n} :: steaming (getting steamed, covered or treated with steam)
höyryturbiini {n} :: steam turbine
höyryturbiinivoimala {n} :: steam turbine power plant
höyrytys {n} :: steaming (action of steam)
höyrytys {n} :: steaming (cooking with steam)
höyryuuni {n} :: steam oven
höyryvasara {n} :: A steam hammer
höyryveturi {n} :: A steam locomotive
höyryveturi {n} :: A steam engine (UK: steam-powered locomotive)
höyryvoima {n} :: steam power
höyryvoimala {n} :: steam-electric power plant
höyryvoimalaitos {n} :: steam power plant
höyryyntyä {vi} :: To evaporate (to be transformed to vapor)
höyryyntyminen {n} :: evaporating (becoming vapor)
höystää {v} :: to season, flavor/flavour
höystää {v} :: to salt (to include colorful language)
höystää {v} [rare] :: to punctuate (to vary, interrupt, give structure)
höystämätön {adj} :: unseasoned, unflavored
höyste {n} :: seasoning
höysteinen {adj} [nominative/genitive + ~] :: seasoned with
höystö {n} [foods] :: ragout
höystyä {vi} :: to become seasoned or flavored
höytäle {n} :: flake
höyty {n} [ornithology] :: vane
höyty {n} :: alternative form of höytyvä
höytyinen {adj} :: fuzzy, flocky
höytylumi {n} :: light, fine snow
höytyvä {n} :: floc, fuzz
HPY {prop} [dated] :: Former Helsingin Puhelinyhdistys ("The Telephone Association of Helsinki"), the predecessor of the current publicly held telecom company Elisa Oyj
hra {n} :: Mr.; abbreviation of herra
hrr {interj} :: brr
Hrushtshev {prop} [dated] :: alternative spelling of Hruštšov
Hruštšev {prop} [dated] :: alternative spelling of Hruštšov
Hruštšov {prop} :: Khrushchev (transliteration of the Russian surname Хрущёв)
HS {prop} :: initialism of Helsingin Sanomat (the leading newspaper in Finland)
H-teräs {n} :: H-shaped steel beam
-htia {suffix} :: Forms mostly frequentative verbs
-htua {suffix} :: Forms translative verbs, often emphasizing the quick nature of the change
huasteekki {n} :: Huastec, Huaxtec (member of an indigenous people of Mexico)
hubbinvalas {n} :: Hubbs' beaked whale, Mesoplodon carlshubbi
Hubblen vakio {n} [astronomy] :: Hubble constant
hubi {n} [colloquial, computing] :: hub
Hudson {n} [geography] :: Hudson (river)
Hudsoninlahti {prop} :: The Hudson Bay
Hudsonjoki {n} [geography] :: Hudson (river in the United States chiefly in the state of New York)
Hudžand {prop} :: Hudžand (city)
hugenotti {n} :: A Huguenot
huh {interj} :: phew (used to show relief, fatigue, or surprise)
huhhuh {interj} :: phew; whew
huhkia {vi} :: To work hard, sweat
huhmar {n} :: mortar (vessel used to grind ingredients)
huhmar {n} :: mortar and pestle (device)
huhmare {n} :: alternative form of huhmar
huhta {n} :: woodland cleared for cultivation in slash-and-burn method of agriculture
huhtakoukku {n} [historical] :: a hook used to turn over ground in a swidden
Huhtala {prop} :: surname
Huhtala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Huhtamäki {prop} :: surname
huhtasieni {n} :: morel
huhtasinisiipi {n} :: silvery argus, Aricia nicias (butterfly of the Lycaenidae family)
huhti {n} :: abbreviation of huhtikuu
huhtikuinen {adj} :: Pertaining to April
huhtikuu {n} :: April
huhtoa {vt} :: to bustle, to fluster
huhu {n} :: rumour/rumor
huhuilla {v} :: to cry (of or like an owl)
huhuilla {v} :: to call (by shouting)
huhuilla {v} :: to rumor/rumour
huhuilu {n} :: The act of hooting (making the sound of an owl)
huhukampanja {n} :: rumor campaign
huhumylly {n} :: rumour mill, rumor mill
huhupuhe {n} [legal] :: hearsay
huhupuhe {n} :: scuttlebutt
huhuta {vi} :: To rumour/rumor
huhuu {interj} :: yoo-hoo
huhuu {interj} :: hello (call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening)
hui {interj} :: oh! (an exclamation when scared or startled)
huidella {vi} :: to flail about repeatedly
huidella {vi} [colloquial] :: to run about
huidonta {n} :: flailing about
hui hai {interj} [colloquial] :: An expression of contempt or apathy
huijaaminen {n} :: conning, swindling, cheating, deceiving
huijari {n} :: conman, charlatan, fraudster, phoney, scammer, swindler
huijari {n} :: cheater
huijata {vt} [+ partitive] :: To con, swindle, cheat, trick, deceive, hoax
huijata järjestelmää {v} [idiomatic] :: to game the system
huijaus {n} :: hoax, scam, cheat, sham, swindle
huijausyritys {n} :: scam or deception attempt
huikaista {vt} :: To dazzle
huikaistua {vi} :: to become dazzled
huikata {v} :: to call out (to vocalize audibly; announce)
huikea {adj} :: very large; immense, enormous, huge, whopping, incomparable
huikea {adj} :: tremendous, breathtaking, amazing, staggering, unbelievable
huikeampi {adj} :: comparative of huikea
huikeasti {adv} :: immensely, enormously, whoppingly
huikennella {vi} :: to fritter, to frivol, to wanton (live frivolously)
huikenteleva {adj} :: fickle
huikentelevainen {adj} :: fickle, flighty
huikentelevaisesti {adv} :: in a fickle or flighty manner
huikentelevaisuus {n} :: frivolousness, wantonness
huikentelevasti {adv} :: in a fickle manner
huikentelevuus {n} :: frivolousness, wantonness
huikentelu {n} :: dissipation, profligacy, frivolousness
huikka {n} [colloquial] :: A draught (the amount of liquid in one swallow)
huikkaista {v} :: alternative form of huikata
huikkaus {n} :: calling out (announcing or vocalizing audibly)
huilaaminen {n} :: resting, having a break
huilata {v} [colloquial] :: To rest, to have a break
huilia {vi} [colloquial] :: To rest for a while for relaxation
huilisti {n} :: A flautist, flutist
huilu {n} :: flute
huiluääni {n} [music] :: harmonic (note in the harmonic series)
huiluäänikerta {n} :: flute organ stop
huilumainen {adj} :: flute-like
huilumusiikki {n} :: flute music
huiluniekka {n} :: flutist
huilunsoittaja {n} :: piper
huilusoitin {n} :: flute-like instrument
huima {adj} :: reckless, wild
huimaaminen {n} :: feeling dizzy
huimaava {adj} :: dizzying
huimaavasti {adv} :: dizzyingly
huimaavuus {n} :: the quality or property of being dizzying
huimapää {n} :: daredevil
huimapäinen {adj} :: dauntless, foolhardy, reckless
huimapäisesti {adv} :: dauntlessly, foolhardily, recklessly
huimapäisyys {n} :: foolhardiness
huimasti {adv} :: hugely
huimata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To make someone (feel) dizzy (also figuratively)
huimata {vt} [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel dizzy
huimaus {n} :: dizziness, vertigo (sensation of whirling and loss of balance)
huimauskohtaus {n} :: spell of dizziness or vertigo
huimeta {vi} :: to become reckless
huimia {vt} [archaic] :: To slap repeatedly, to lash
huimin {adj} :: superlative of huima
huipata {vt} [impersonal, colloquial] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel dizzy
huipennus {n} :: zenith, culmination, climax
huipennus {n} :: punch line (of a joke)
huipentaa {vt} :: To finalize, form the climax
huipentua {vi} :: + illative To culminate (in something)
huipentua {v} [rare] :: To narrow (intransitive: to get narrower)
huipentuma {n} :: climax
huipeta {v} [rare] :: A variant of huipentua
huipistaa {vt} :: alternative form of huipentaa
huipistua {v} :: alternative form of huipentua
huippeneminen {n} :: synonym of huipentuminen
huippu {n} :: top, peak, summit
huippu {n} :: climax, culmination
huippu {n} [in compounds] :: top-class, state-of-the-art, leading, top-flight, top-level, top, peak, super (indicates that the thing referred to is among the best of its kind)
huippuälykäs {adj} :: supersmart
huippuarvo {n} :: peak value
huippuedullinen {adj} :: very cheap, super cheap, the cheapest
huippuhieno {adj} :: exquisite, superfine
huippuhinta {n} :: top price, peak price
huippuhyvä {adj} :: super, top-notch
huippuimuri {n} :: extractor fan, suction fan
-huippuinen {adj} :: -peaked, -topped (used only in compounds)
huippujännite {n} :: peak voltage
huippujännittävä {adj} :: super thrilling, super exciting
huippujohtaja {n} :: top manager
huippujuttu {n} [colloquial] :: top news story (often a positive one)
huippujuttu {n} [colloquial] :: very good or great thing
huippukausi {n} :: top season, peak season
huippukohta {n} :: climax
huippukokous {n} :: summit (gathering)
huippukulma {n} [geometry] :: vertex angle (of an isosceles triangle)
huippukulma {n} :: peak angle, maximum angle
huippukunto {n} :: top form, prime (of physical form or condition)
huippukunto {n} [sports] :: zone (high performance phase or period)
huippukuormitus {n} :: peak load
huippukurssi {n} :: top course
huippukurssi {n} [finance] :: top rate, top exchange rate
huippukyky {n} :: top talent
huippulämpökeskus {n} :: peaking (district) heating plant
huippulukema {n} :: peak (value)
huippuluku {n} :: peak (value)
huippuluokka {n} :: state of the art, highest quality; often translated into English with expressions involving adjectives first-class, top-quality, top-notch
huippumalli {n} :: top supermodel, top model
huippumies {n} :: top man, top guy
huippumuodikas {adj} :: ultrafashionable
huippunimi {n} :: top name (name of a person, company or other such that is among the most important in its field)
huippunopeus {n} :: top speed
huippupelaaja {n} :: top player
huippusaavutus {n} :: top achievement
huippusalainen {adj} :: top secret
huippusävel {n} [music] :: dominant
huippusesonki {n} :: high season, peak season
huippusuoritus {n} :: top performance
huipputähti {n} :: star, celebrity
huipputapaaminen {n} :: summit (meeting of leaders)
huipputapaus {n} :: climax (of an event, etc.)
huipputaso {n} :: top quality
huipputaso {n} :: top level
huipputeho {n} :: peak power
huipputehokas {adj} :: ultra efficient, very high performance or efficiency
huipputekijä {n} :: top talent
huipputekijä {n} :: crest factor
huipputekniikka {n} :: high technology, advanced technology
huipputeknologia {n} :: high technology
huipputiedemies {n} :: top scientist
huipputuloinen {adj} :: top-income (being among the people with the highest income)
huipputulos {n} :: top result, top score
huippututkija {n} :: leading researcher, top researcher
huippututkimus {n} :: leading research, top research
huippututkimusyksikkö {n} :: top research unit
huipputylsä {n} [colloquial] :: extremely boring, most boring
huippu-urheilija {n} :: top athlete
huippu-urheilu {n} :: competitive sports at the highest level
huippuvalo {n} [photography] :: highlight (strongly illuminated area in a drawing, painting, or photograph)
Huippuvuoret {prop} :: Svalbard
huippuvuosi {n} :: peak year
huippuyksikkö {n} :: center of excellence
huippuyliopisto {n} :: top university
huipukas {adj} :: leptokurtic
huipuke {n} :: pinnacle
huipukkuus {n} [statistics] :: kurtosis
huipulla tuulee {proverb} :: should one reach the top, they must keep working hard to keep that position
huiputtaa {v} :: to trick, cheat
huiputtaminen {n} :: tricking, cheating
huiputus {n} :: trick, sham, deceit, con, swindle
huiska {n} :: whisk (bunch of twigs or hair etc, used as a brush)
huiskaa {v} :: alternative form of huiskia
huiskahtaa {vi} :: to wave suddenly, to swing suddenly
huiskaista {v} :: To sweep once
huiskaisu {n} :: sweep (specifically one, quick sweep)
huiskale {n} :: a lanky person
huiskaus {n} :: sweep, wave
huiskauttaa {vt} :: to make wave, to make sweep (once)
huiskautus {n} :: making sweep or wave (once)
huiske {n} :: swinging
huiskea {adj} [rare] :: slender, slim (of a person)
huiskia {v} :: to wave, to flail
huiskia {v} :: to hash (make a quick, rough version)
huiskilo {n} [botany] :: corymb
huiskina {n} :: act of waving, flailing
huiskina {n} :: act of hashing (make a quick, rough version)
huiskin haiskin {adv} [colloquial] :: all over the place
huiskinta {n} :: act of waving, flailing
huiskinta {n} :: act of hashing (make a quick, rough version)
huiskis {interj} :: whoosh (onomatopoeia of something going fast)
huisku {n} :: A whisk (broom)
huiskutella {v} :: to wave one's arm repeatedly
huiskuttaa {v} :: To wave one's arm
huiskuttaminen {n} :: waving one's arm
huiskutus {n} :: waving one's arm (to greet someone, etc.)
huiskuvuoriminttu {n} [plant] :: whorled mountainmint, Pycnanthemum verticillatum
huispaus {n} :: Quidditch
huitaista {v} :: to slog, to slash, to strike, to swing
huitaisu {n} :: A swing, wave (of hand etc.)
huithapeli {n} [colloquial] :: a careless and carefree person; flake
huitoa {vi} :: To wave one's arms (about), flail (about), gesticulate
huitoa {vt} [+ partitive] :: To flail, lay about (with one's own hands or with a long object in a violent manner)
huitoa {v} [ice hockey] :: to slash
huitominen {n} :: swinging one's arms
huitominen {n} :: flailing
huitominen {n} [ice hockey] :: slashing
huitsin {adv} [colloquial] :: An intensifier
huitsin nevada {n} :: alternative case form of Huitsin Nevada
Huitsin Nevada {prop} :: Timbuktu (any proverbially distant or remote place)
huitti {n} :: crake (bird of the genus Porzana)
Huittinen {prop} :: Huittinen (town)
huittislainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Huittinen
huittislainen {n} :: a person from or living in Huittinen
huitu {n} [dialectal] :: (traditional) buttermilk, possibly diluted with water
huitukka {n} :: synonym of heitukka
huivi {n} :: headscarf (piece of cloth worn over the head)
huivi {n} :: neckerchief, necker (type of neckwear, consisting of a rolled piece of cloth and often a woggle)
huivi {n} :: scarf
huiviholkki {n} [scouting] :: woggle
huivikaulus {n} :: scarf collar
huivineula {n} :: scarf pin
huivio {n} :: any plant of the genus Mussaenda
huivio {n} [in plural] :: the genus Mussaenda
huivipäinen {adj} :: wearing a headscarf
hujahdus {n} :: synonym of hujaus
hujahtaa {vi} :: to zoom (by), to zip (by), to swoosh (by)
hujahtaminen {n} :: zooming, zipping or swooshing (by)
hujakoilla {adv} [colloquial, usually genitive + ~] :: about, around, in the region of, in the ballpark of
hujan {adv} :: see: hujan hajan
hujan hajan {adv} :: topsy-turvy (disorderly; chaotically)
hujaus {n} :: jiffy, flash, blink of an eye (very short amount of time)
hujauttaa {vt} :: to slash, to slap (move quickly, rapidly, suddenly)
hujellus {n} :: dashing, zooming
hujeltaa {vi} :: to dash, to zoom
hujoppi {n} :: beanpole (a tall, thin man)
hukanputki {n} :: fool's parsley (Aethusa cynapium)
hukari {n} :: A cutlass (short sabre)
hukassa {adv} :: wasted, lost (in an unknown location)
hukata {vt} :: to lose, misplace (sth in a manner that it is then missing)
hukata {vt} :: to waste, especially in the expression hukata aikaa (to waste time)
huki {n} [colloquial] :: turn
hukka {n} :: waste, loss; often used as head of compound terms, in which the modifier reveals what is lost, e.g. rahanhukka (waste of money), verenhukka (blood loss); see also hukassa, hukkaan
hukka {n} [idiomatic, with the verb periä] :: doom, peril (adverse or terrible fate)
hukka {n} [familiar, colloquial] :: wolf
hukka {n} [hunting] :: A situation in which a hound loses the scent and is not able to find it again
hukkaääni {n} [politics] :: wasted vote
hukka-aika {n} :: wasted time
hukkaaminen {n} :: losing, misplacing
hukkaamiskielto {n} [legal] :: prohibition of transfer, sequestration
hukkaan {adv} :: wasted, lost (to the state of being wasted or lost)
hukkaanheitetty {adj} :: wasted, missed
hukkaantua {vi} :: to be wasted, lost
hukkailla {vt} :: to repeatedly lose or misplace
hukkakaura {n} :: common wild oats (Avena fatua (common weed of oats, which is difficult to get rid of due to its likeness to cultivated oats))
hukkakäyttö {n} :: wasteful use, waste
hukkalämpö {n} :: waste heat
hukkaneliö {n} [in plural] :: wasted square meter of space; wasted space
hukkapala {n} :: waste piece, waste part
hukkapätkä {n} [colloquial] :: pansy, weed (a puny person)
hukkaprosentti {n} :: waste percentage, percentage of waste
hukkaputki {n} :: spill pipe
hukkapuu {n} :: waste wood
hukkareissu {n} [idiomatic] :: wild-goose chase
hukkariisi {n} :: rice cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides)
hukkariisi {n} :: any plant of the genus Leersia
hukkariisi {n} [in plural] :: the genus Leersia
hukkasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of hukka
hukkateho {n} [electrical engineering] :: wasted power
hukkateillä {adv} :: missing
hukkateillä {adv} :: astray (in a wrong or unknown and wrongly-motivated direction)
hukkateille {adv} :: into being astray
hukkatila {n} :: wasted space
hukkatyö {n} :: wasted work
hukkaus {n} [rare] :: synonym of hukkaaminen
hukkautua {v} :: alternative form of hukkaantua
hukki {n} [golf] :: hook (shot that curves unintentionally)
hukkua {vi} :: To drown
hukkua {vi} :: To get lost
hukkuminen {n} :: drowning
hukkumiskuolema {n} :: death by drowning
hukkumisonnettomuus {n} :: drowning accident
hukuksiin {adv} :: into being lost
hukuksissa {adv} :: being drowned or submerged
hukuttaa {vt} :: To drown (both in concrete and abstract sense)
hukuttaa {vt} :: To lose (sth; in a manner that it is missing)
hukuttaminen {n} :: losing (something physical)
hukuttaminen {n} :: losing (having something go missing)
hukuttaminen {n} :: drowning (causing someone to drown)
hukuttautua {vi} :: To drown oneself
hukutus {n} :: drowning (making someone drown)
hukutus {n} :: losing or misplacing an item
hula {n} :: hula
hulabaloo {n} [colloquial] :: hullabaloo, hoo-ha, fuss
hulahtaa {vi} :: to gush, pour out (to flow out suddenly in one swoop, in large or larger than intended volume)
hulasvesi {n} :: synonym of hulevesi
hulatanssija {n} :: hula dancer
hulatyttö {n} :: hula girl
hulauttaa {vt} :: to gush, to spill
hulavanne {n} :: hula hoop
Hulda {prop} :: Huldah (biblical figure)
Hulda {prop} :: given name popular in the 19th century
hulevesi {n} :: urban runoff (surface runoff of rainwater created by urbanization)
huligaani {n} :: hooligan
huliganismi {n} :: hooliganism
hulikka {n} [dialectal] :: a wide wooden dish or tub
hulikupteri {n} [childish] :: helicopter
hulina {n} :: hullabaloo, ruckus, ado, fuss, to-do, uproar
hulinoida {v} :: to make a hullabaloo, ruckus, ado, fuss, to-do, or uproar
hulinointi {n} :: riot, rioting (wanton or unrestrained behavior; excessive feasting; wild and loose festivity)
hulinoitsija {n} :: hooligan
hulivili {n} :: rascal
hulivilipoika {n} :: naughty boy, rascal boy, troublemaker
hulivilityttö {n} :: naughty girl, girl with loose morals
huljahtaa {vi} :: to spill, to pour out
huljauttaa {vt} :: to spill, to splash
huljua {vi} :: To slosh
huljutella {vt} :: to wash in running water repeatedly
huljuttaa {vt} :: To wash in running water
huljuttaminen {n} :: washing or rinsing in running water
huljuttelu {n} :: washing in running water (repeatedly or leisurely)
huljutus {n} :: washing in running water
hullaannuttaa {vt} [causative] :: to cause someone to become infatuated with something
hullaantua {vi} :: to infatuate
hullaantuminen {n} :: infatuating
hullu {adj} :: crazy, mad, insane
hullu {n} :: A crazy, mad or insane person
hullu {n} [colloquial] :: A reckless person
hullu {n} [in compounds] :: enthusiast, addict, freak, aficionado, junkie
hulluin {adj} :: superlative of hullu
hullujenhuone {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: madhouse, nuthouse, nutfarm, funny farm (house where insane persons are confined; a mental hospital)
hullujenhuone {n} :: madhouse, nuthouse (place exhibiting stereotypical characteristics of such a house)
hullujussi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of kaivinkone
hullukaali {n} :: henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
hullumpi {adj} :: comparative of hullu
hullun homma {n} :: fool's errand (foolish undertaking)
hullunkurinen {adj} :: comical
hullunkurisesti {adv} :: comically
hullunkurisuus {n} :: comicalness
hullun lailla {adv} [simile] :: madly, like mad, like crazy
hullun lehmän tauti {n} :: mad cow disease
hullunmylly {n} :: snafu, bedlam (ridiculously chaotic situation)
hullunrohkea {adj} :: foolhardy
hullu paljon työtä tekee, viisas pääsee vähemmällä {proverb} :: Thinking or planning may save you a lot of work
hulluruoho {n} :: thorn apple (Datura stramonium)
hulluruoho {n} :: Any plant in the genus Datura
hullusti {adv} :: crazily, insanely
hullutella {vi} :: to fool around, to goof off
hulluttelija {n} :: one who fools around
hulluttelu {n} :: fooling around
hullutus {n} :: fool's errand, lost errand (foolish undertaking)
hullutus {n} :: fool's errand, snipe hunt (prank)
hulluus {n} :: madness, insanity (unsoundness of mind)
hulluus {n} :: folly, madness (foolishness)
hulmahdella {vi} :: to waft continuously or repeatedly
hulmahdus {n} :: wafting
hulmahdus {n} :: flashfire
hulmahtaa {vi} :: to waft
hulmahtaa {vi} :: to ignite suddenly and quickly, to burst into flames (usually with liekkeihin)
hulmahtaminen {n} :: wafting
hulmahtaminen {n} :: igniting suddenly
hulmahtelu {n} :: wafting (continuously or repeatedly)
hulmauttaa {vt} :: to make swing, to make waft
hulmuaminen {n} :: flying or flowing in a current of air
hulmuta {v} :: to fly, flow in a current of air, as e.g. a flag or long hair
hulmuttaa {vt} :: to make fly or flow in a current of air
hulmutus {n} :: making fly or flow in a current of air
hulokki {n} :: hoolock gibbon
hulpa {n} [dialectal, northern] :: alternative form of hulpio
hulpilo {n} :: synonym of hulpio
hulpio {n} [weaving] :: selvage (edge of a woven fabric, where the weft threads run around the warp, creating a finished edge)
hulpio {n} [geology] :: selvage
hulpioreuna {n} :: synonym of hulpio
hulppea {adj} [colloquial] :: gorgeous, fancy
hulttio {n} :: good-for-nothing, layabout, ne'er-do-well
hulttiomainen {adj} :: like a good-for-nothing or layabout
hulvahdus {n} :: wafting, drifting (of intangible things through the air)
hulvahtaa {vi} :: to waft, to drift (of intangible things through the air)
hulvahtaminen {n} :: wafting, drifting
hulvaton {adj} :: hilarious, side-splitting
humaani {adj} :: humane
humaaninen {adj} :: humane
humaanistaa {vt} :: To humanize
humaanistua {vi} :: To humanize
humaanisuus {n} :: humaneness
humaanius {n} :: humaneness
humahdella {vi} :: to swoosh repeatedly (make a swooshing sound or do something that causes a swooshing sound)
humahdus {n} :: swoosh (a swooshing sound caused by something)
humahdus {n} :: deflagrating
humahtaa {vi} :: to swoosh (make a swooshing sound or do something that causes a swooshing sound)
humahtaa {vi} :: to deflagrate
humahtaminen {n} :: swooshing
humahtaminen {n} :: deflagrating
humajaa {v} [poetic, dialectal] :: alternative form of humista; used in third person only
humala {n} [plant] :: hop (plant)
humala {n} :: drunkenness, intoxication, high
humalaan {adv} [of the change of sb's condition; with the verb juoda and a reflexive pronoun] :: Drunk, intoxicated
humalahakuinen {adj} :: for getting drunk; in order to get intoxicated, binge (of drinking of alcoholic beverages)
humalainen {adj} :: Drunk, inebriate
humalainen {n} :: A drunk
humalajauho {n} :: hop flour
humalajuominen {n} :: binge drinking, drinking to get drunk
humalankäpy {n} :: hop flower, strobile, cone (female flower of the hop plant, Humulus lupulus)
humalanvieras {n} [plant] :: greater dodder, Cuscuta europaea
humalapäissä {adv} :: while drunk
humalapäissään {adv} :: while drunk, in a drunken fit
humalaperhonen {n} :: ghost moth, Hepialus humuli
humalasalko {n} :: hop pole
humalassa {adv} :: (static, of sb's condition) drunk, intoxicated, under the influence
humalatila {n} :: intoxication, drunkenness (state of being under the influence of alcohol)
humalikas {n} [dialectal] :: drunk, drunkard
humalikko {n} :: drunk, drunkard
humalisto {n} :: A hop garden
humalluttaa {vt} :: To intoxicate
humaltua {vi} :: To get drunk, become intoxicated
humaltuminen {n} :: getting drunk, becoming intoxicated
humanismi {n} :: humanism
humanismi {n} :: humanities (branch of learning)
humanisoida {v} :: To humanize
humanisoitua {vi} :: To humanize
humanisti {n} :: humanist
humanistinen {adj} :: humanistic
humanitaarinen {adj} :: humanitarian
humanitäärinen {adj} :: alternative form of humanitaarinen
humanitarismi {n} :: humanitarianism
humanoidi {n} :: humanoid
humaus {n} :: synonym of humahdus
humauttaa {vt} :: To beat
humboldtinvilla-apina {n} :: yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda)
humidi {adj} :: humid
humidori {n} :: humidor
humina {n} :: whoosh (indistinct sound, like that produced by the wind in the crowns of trees)
huminoida {v} [poetic] :: A variant of humista
humista {vi} :: to drone (produce a low-pitched hum or buzz), wuther
humma {n} [children] :: horse
humma {n} [tech slang, colloquial] :: horsepower
hummailla {vi} :: to romp, to racket
hummailu {n} :: romping, racketing
hummata {vi} :: To romp
hummaus {n} :: romping
hummeli {n} [musical instruments] :: hummel
hummeri {n} :: lobster (large marine crustacean of the family Nephropidae, especially the two species of the genus Homarus)
hummus {n} :: hummus
humoraalinen {adj} :: humoral
humoraalioppi {n} :: humorism
humoreski {adj} :: humoresque
humoristi {n} :: A humourist/humorist
humoristinen {adj} :: humorous (full of humor)
humoristisesti {adv} :: humorously
humoristisuus {n} :: humorousness
humpata {v} :: To dance humppa
humppa {n} :: humppa
Humppila {prop} :: Humppila (municipality)
humppilalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Humppila
humppilalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Humppila
humpsahtaa {vi} :: to fall suddenly and unintentionally, dropping into something soft
humputella {vi} [colloquial] :: to go shopping around
humputtaa {v} :: synonym of humputella
humputteleminen {n} :: going shopping around
humpuuki {n} :: humbug
humpuukki {n} :: dialectal form of humpuuki (humbug)
humu {n} :: hum
humu {n} :: whirl (in a party etc.)
humus {n} :: humus
humuskerros {n} :: layer of humus
humuspitoinen {adj} :: rich in humus
-hun {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn
hunaja {n} :: honey
hunajahapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula melliolens
hunajahyrrä {n} :: honey dipper
hunajainen {adj} :: honey
hunajaisesti {adv} :: in a honey manner
hunajakakku {n} :: honey cake
hunajakaste {n} :: synonym of mesikaste
hunajakasvi {n} :: melliferous plant, honey plant
hunajakenno {n} :: A honeycomb in the sense of a hexagonal cell structure made by bees
hunajalinko {n} [beekeeping] :: honey extractor
hunajalusikka {n} :: honey dipper (turned kitchen tool used to transfer honey)
hunajamehiläinen {n} :: synonym of tarhamehiläinen
hunajameloni {n} :: Canary melon (melon of the inodorus group of cultivars of Cucumis melo with large, bright-yellow elongated fruit with pale green to white flesh)
hunajameloni {n} :: honeydew (melon of the inodorus group of cultivars of Cucumis melo with large, greens to yellow, round to slightly oval fruit with pale green flesh)
hunajankeltainen {adj} :: honey (yellowish-brown colour, like that of honey)
hunajanmakea {adj} :: sweet as honey
hunajanvaalea {adj} :: honey-blond, honey-blonde
hunajaopas {n} :: honeyguide (bird of the family Indicatoridae)
hunajapupu {n} :: honeybunny
hunajapurkki {n} :: pot of honey
hunajapurkki {n} [computer security] :: honeypot
hunajarihmakala {n} :: honey gourami (Trichogaster chuna)
hunajasiirappi {n} :: honey syrup
hunajatölkki {n} :: can of honey
hunajavesi {n} :: honey water
hunajaviini {n} :: mead
hunni {n} :: A Hun
hunningolla {adv} :: In a state or condition of neglect or oblivion; may often be translated into English with the noun mess, or the verb neglect
hunningolle {adv} :: into being neglected or in oblivion
hunninko {n} [rare] :: a state or condition of neglect or oblivion
hunnuttaa {v} :: to veil
hunsvotti {n} :: rascal, scoundrel
hunterinantilooppi {n} :: hirola, Hunter's hartebeest, Beatragus hunteri or Damaliscus hunteri
Huntingtonin tauti {n} [pathology] :: Huntington's chorea
huntti {n} [colloquial] :: A hundred-euro or markka bill
huntti {n} [colloquial] :: A set of a hundred units of some item
hunttu {n} [dialect, humorous] :: A dog or hound
huntu {n} :: veil
huntu {n} [astronomy] :: coma
huntukielto {n} :: veil ban
huntupäinen {adj} :: Veiled, having head covered by a veil
huntupakko {n} :: being forced to wear a veil or hijab
huoahdella {v} :: to sigh repeatedly
huoahdus {n} :: sighing briefly
huoahtaa {v} :: to sigh briefly
huoahtaa {v} :: to rest briefly, to take a break
huoahtaminen {n} :: sighing briefly
huoahtaminen {n} :: resting briefly
huoahtelu {n} :: sighing repeatedly
huoata {vi} :: To sigh
huoh {interj} :: sigh
huohotin {n} [automotive] :: breather
huohottaa {vi} :: To pant
huohottaminen {n} :: panting
huohotus {n} :: panting
huoistaa {v} :: alternative form of huojistaa
huoistua {vi} [archaic] :: to cheapen (to become cheaper, go down in price)
huojahdella {vi} :: to swing suddenly repeatedly
huojahtaa {vi} :: to swing once and suddenly
huojahtelu {n} :: swinging repeatedly
huojas {adj} [obsolete] :: easy
huojas {adj} [obsolete] :: cheap
huojennus {n} :: relief
huojentaa {v} :: to relieve (to reduce the burden, lighten the load)
huojentua {vi} :: to be relieved
huojeta {v} :: alternative form of huojentua
huojistaa {vt} :: To cheapen
huojistua {vi} :: To become cheaper
huojua {vi} :: To sway
huojua {vi} [nautical] :: to sway (move back and forth along the transverse axis)
huojuilla {v} :: to sway repeatedly
huojuminen {n} :: swaying
huojunta {n} :: wobble, sway, fluctuation
huojunta {n} [astronomy] :: libration (apparent wobble of the Moon or other celestial object)
huojunta {n} [physics] :: beat (interference of two tones)
huojunta {n} [audio] :: wow (relatively slow form of flutter)
huojunta {n} [telecommunications] :: synonym of värinä
huojutella {vt} [frequentative] :: To make sway (repeatedly)
huojuttaa {vt} :: To sway, rock
huojutus {n} :: swaying, rocking (making something sway or rock)
huokailla {vt} [frequentative] :: To sigh (repeatedly)
huokailu {n} :: sighing
huokaista {vi} :: to sigh (briefly)
huokaista {vi} :: to take a break
huokaus {n} :: A sigh
huokaus {n} :: helpotuksen huokaus: a sigh of relief
huokea {adj} :: inexpensive, cheap
huokeahintainen {adj} :: low-priced, affordable
huokeahintaisuus {n} :: being low-priced, affordability
huokeampi {adj} :: comparative of huokea
huokeasti {adv} :: inexpensively, cheaply
huokein {adj} :: superlative of huokea
huokeus {n} :: inexpensiveness, cheapness
huokoinen {adj} :: porous
huokoistua {vi} :: To become porous
huokoisuus {n} :: porosity
huokonen {n} [anatomy] :: pore
huokosilma {n} :: pore air
huokosvesi {n} :: interstitial water, pore water
huoku {n} :: air current
huokua {v} :: to exhale, emanate (to pass off in the form of vapour, to emit an odor etc.)
huokua {v} [figuratively] :: to emanate, radiate
huolehdinta {n} :: tending, looking after; taking care; worrying (act)
huolehtia {v} :: to care, tend to, tend, look after, take care of
huolehtia {v} :: to take care, mind (to be in charge of)
huolehtia {v} :: to worry
huolehtija {n} :: one who cares, tends (to) or looks after
huolehtiminen {n} :: caring, worrying, rearing
huolehtiva {adj} :: caring, careful, protective
huolehtivainen {adj} :: caring, concerned, provident
huolehtivaisesti {adv} :: caringly, concernedly, providently
huolehtivaisuus {n} :: caringness, concernedness, providentness
huolekas {adj} :: Thorough
huolekas {adj} :: Worried
huolellinen {adj} :: careful
huolellinen {adj} :: thorough, meticulous
huolellinen {adj} :: painstaking, diligent
huolellisesti {adv} :: carefully
huolellisuus {n} :: carefulness
huolellisuus {n} :: meticulousness
huolellisuus {n} :: diligentness
huolenaihe {n} :: cause of worry (something to worry about)
huolenpito {n} :: caring, care, attention
huolestua {vi} [_, + elative] :: to get worried about
huolestuminen {n} :: getting worried
huolestuneesti {adv} :: worriedly, with concern
huolestuneisuus {n} :: worriedness
huolestunut {adj} :: worried, concerned
huolestus {n} [uncommon] :: worriedness, worry
huolestuttaa {vt} :: To worry
huolestuttava {adj} :: worrying, worrisome, anxious (causing worry)
huolestuttava {adj} :: distressing, confronting (causing distress)
huoleti {adv} :: worryless, free of worry
huoleton {adj} :: carefree
huoleton {adj} :: scatterbrained
huolettaa {vt} :: to worry
huolettaminen {n} :: worrying
huolettomasti {adv} :: carelessly, unsafely, indifferently, blithely
huolettomasti {adv} :: negligently (carelessly)
huolettomasti {adv} :: unconcernedly (in a way that is not worried, anxious or apprehensive)
huolettomuus {n} :: carelessness
huoli {n} :: worry, concern
huolia {v} :: To accept (a present etc.)
huolia {v} :: To care about
huolia {v} :: To mind
huolimaton {adj} :: sloppy, careless, negligent
huolimatta {postp} :: in spite of, despite
huolimattomasti {adv} :: sloppily, carelessly
huolimattomasti {adv} :: unsafely
huolimattomuus {n} :: negligence, carelessness
huolimattomuus {n} [legal] :: criminal negligence, negligence
huolimattomuusvirhe {n} :: A careless error
huoliminen {n} :: accepting (a present)
huoliminen {n} :: caring about or for
huolinta {n} :: forwarding, shipping (of freight)
huolintaliike {n} :: freight forwarding agent
huolissaan {adv} :: [While being] concerned, worried, bothered (about = elative)
huolissaan {adv} :: olla ~: to be concerned, worried, bothered (about = elative)
huolita {v} [nautical] :: to forward (send freight onwards)
huolitella {vt} :: to titivate, to neaten, to finish
huolitella {vt} [sewing] :: to finish a seam
huolitellusti {adv} :: stylishly, neatly
huolitellusti {adv} :: dignifiedly
huoliteltu {adj} :: stylish, neat, dapper
huoliteltu {adj} :: dignified
huolitsija {n} :: forwarder
huolittelu {n} :: neatening, titivating, finishing
huollattaa {vt} :: to have serviced
huollettava {n} :: dependant, dependent (person who depends on another for support)
huollettava {adj} :: dependent (depending upon for support)
huollettavuus {n} :: serviceability (property of being able to be serviced)
huolloton {adj} :: maintenance-free
huoltaa {vt} :: To maintain, support, upkeep
huoltaa {v} :: To service (to perform maintenance)
huoltaja {n} [legal] :: A guardian of a minor
huoltajuus {n} [legal] :: custody, guardianship (right to and responsibility for fostering a child)
huoltajuuskiista {n} :: child custody battle
huoltajuusriita {n} :: custody battle, custody dispute, (UK, informal) tug of love (dispute concerning which of two separated parents should have custody of one or more children)
huoltaminen {n} :: maintaining, supporting, upkeeping, servicing
huoltamo {n} :: service station
huolto {n} :: service, maintenance, upkeep, care
huolto {n} [military] :: logistics (procurement, supply, maintenance, and transportation of equipment, facilities, and personnel)
huoltoajo {n} :: driving of a maintenance vehicle, driving for maintenance purposes
huoltoalue {n} :: maintenance area
huoltoalus {n} :: supply ship
huoltoapu {n} :: social work
huoltoasema {n} :: service station, gas station, petrol station, filling station
huoltoauto {n} :: service truck, maintenance car
huoltohenkilökunta {n} :: maintenance staff
huoltohenkilöstö {n} :: maintenance staff
huoltohissi {n} :: maintenance elevator, maintenance lift
huoltojoukot {n} [military] :: supply troops, maintenance troops
huoltokäytävä {n} :: maintenance corridor, service corridor
huoltokirja {n} :: service manual
huoltokonttori {n} :: synonym of henkilöstökassa
huoltokuljetus {n} [military] :: transportation of supplies
huoltola {n} :: care facility
huoltolaitos {n} :: management facility
huoltoliike {n} :: service center, maintenance center
huoltoliikenne {n} :: service traffic
huoltoluukku {n} :: A hatch (opening to allow maintenance)
huoltomies {n} :: serviceman, mechanic (one employed in service and maintenance)
huoltomies {n} :: janitor (caretaker)
huoltomoduuli {n} :: service module
huoltomuoto {n} :: form of service or care
huoltopäällikkö {n} :: quartermaster
huoltopäällikkö {n} :: maintenance manager
huoltopäiväkirja {n} :: A maintenance log or logbook kept of details of servicing a motor car or other piece of equipment
huoltopäivitys {n} [computing] :: service pack (collection of software patches or upgrades offered as a single package with an installer)
huoltopiiri {n} :: care district
huoltopiiri {n} :: maintenance district
huoltopoliisi {n} :: vice squad
huoltorakennus {n} :: service building
huoltosuhde {n} :: dependency ratio
huoltosuunnitelma {n} :: maintenance plan
huoltotila {n} :: maintenance or service space or room
huoltotyö {n} :: maintenance work
huoltotyöntekijä {n} :: maintenance worker
huoltoupseeri {n} :: supply officer, logistics officer
huoltoväli {n} :: maintenance or service interval
huoltovapaa {adj} :: maintenance-free, zero-maintenance
huoltovarmuus {n} :: security of supply even in cases of emergency
huoltovelvollinen {adj} :: obliged to or responsible for caring
huoltovelvollisuus {n} :: care responsibility or obligation
huoltoyhteys {n} [military] :: supply line
huoltoyhtiö {n} :: maintenance company
huoltoystävällinen {adj} :: service-friendly, serviceable (easy to service)
huom. {interj} :: please note, N.B., NB (used to draw the attention of the reader to an important point)
huoma {n} [in expressions] :: care, protection
huomaamaton {adj} :: inconspicuous, unobtrusive
huomaamaton {adj} :: inattentive
huomaamatta {adv} :: imperceptibly
huomaamatta {adv} :: without being noticed, unnoticedly
huomaamattomasti {adv} :: inconspicuously
huomaamattomuus {n} :: inconspicuousness
huomaamattomuus {n} :: inattentiveness
huomaaminen {n} :: noticing, taking notice
huomaaminen {n} :: realizing
huomaaminen {n} :: finding, discovering
huomaaminen {n} :: paying attention
huomaavainen {adj} :: considerate, thoughtful
huomaavaisesti {adv} :: considerately, thoughtfully
huomaavaisuus {n} :: considerateness, thoughtfulness
huomata {v} :: to notice, take notice, take note, note, see
huomata {v} :: to realise/realize, become aware of, detect
huomata {v} :: to find, discover, realise/realize
huomata {v} :: to pay attention to
huomata {v} :: to be considerate
huomattava {adj} :: Notable, remarkable, prominent
huomattavasti {adv} :: considerably, notably, remarkably, significantly
huomattavuus {n} :: notability, remarkableness
huomautella {vi} :: to remark or remind repeatedly
huomauttaa {v} :: To point out, remark
huomauttaa {v} :: To remind
huomauttaa {v} :: To give a formal notification
huomauttaminen {n} :: pointing out, remarking
huomauttaminen {n} :: reminding
huomautus {n} :: A comment
huomautus {n} :: A remark
huomen {n} [poetic, literary] :: morning
huomenaamu {n} :: tomorrow morning
huomenaamuinen {adj} :: taking place tomorrow morning
huomenia {interj} [colloquial] :: synonym of huomenta
huomenilta {n} :: tomorrow evening
huomeniltainen {adj} :: taking place tomorrow evening or night
huomenissa {adv} [colloquial or dialectal] :: tomorrow
huomenlahja {n} :: morning gift, dower (gift, often something valuable such as jewelry, given by the bridegroom to his newly married wife in the morning after the wedding)
huomenna {adv} :: tomorrow
huomenna on uusi päivä {proverb} :: tomorrow is another day
huomenta {interj} :: good morning
huominen {n} :: tomorrow
huominen {adj} :: tomorrow's
huomio {n} :: attention
huomio {n} :: account
huomio {n} :: point
huomio {n} :: observation
huomio {interj} [military] :: attention!
huomioida {vt} [_, + partitive or accusative] :: to pay attention to, take notice of, notice
huomioida {vt} [_, + accusative] :: to take into consideration, consider
huomioida {vt} [_, + accusative] :: to take into account/consideration, regard
huomioida {vt} [_, + accusative] :: to observe, make observations
huomioija {n} :: observer
huomioiminen {n} :: paying attention to, taking notice of, noticing
huomioiminen {n} :: taking into account or consideration
huomioiminen {n} :: observing
huomiointi {n} :: recognition (act of giving honour, favourable note, or attention)
huomiointi {n} :: annotation (process of writing critical or explanatory commentary or analysis)
huomioitsija {n} :: alternative form of huomioija
huomiojänne {n} :: attention span
huomiokyky {n} :: discernment, power of observation
huomiokykyinen {adj} :: observant, attentive
huomionarvoinen {adj} :: remarkable, noteworthy
huomionkipeä {adj} :: histrionic, attention-seeking
huomionosoitus {n} :: acknowledgment, consideration, courtesy
huomioon otettava {adj} :: to be considered or taken into attention
huomioonotettava {adj} :: alternative form of huomioon otettava
huomioonotto {n} :: regard, heed, paying attention
huomiota herättävä {adj} :: that draws attention; striking, conspicuous, prominent
huomiotaherättävä {adj} :: alternative form of huomiota herättävä
huomiovalot {n} :: daytime running lights
huomisaamu {n} :: tomorrow morning
huomisaamuinen {adj} :: taking place tomorrow morning
huomiseen {interj} :: see you tomorrow
huomisilta {n} :: tomorrow night, tomorrow evening
huomisiltainen {adj} :: taking place tomorrow evening or night
huomisiltana {adv} :: tomorrow night
huomispäivä {n} :: tomorrow
huomispäiväinen {adj} :: tomorrow's
huone {n} :: room
huone {n} :: house (dynasty)
huone {n} [astrology] :: house
huone {n} [in compounds] :: house, hall
huoneakustiikka {n} :: room acoustics
huoneala {n} :: room area
huonearalia {n} :: Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica
huoneenlämpö {n} :: room temperature (normal indoor temperature)
huoneenlämpöinen {adj} :: room-temperature
huoneentaulu {n} :: a frame hanging on a wall in a room, often as decoration
huoneenvuokra {n} :: room rental
huoneenvuokra {n} :: room rent
huonehämähäkki {n} :: domestic house spider (Tegenaria domestica)
huoneilma {n} :: room air, indoor air
huoneisto {n} :: apartment, flat (complete domicile occupying only part of a building)
huoneistoala {n} :: floorspace, the area of all the rooms combined
huoneistohotelli {n} :: residential hotel, apartment hotel
huoneistonhaltija {n} :: holder of an apartment
huoneistopalo {n} :: apartment fire
huoneistopinta-ala {n} :: total area of an apartment or a flat
huonejärjestys {n} :: room layout
huonekalu {n} :: A piece of furniture
huonekalukangas {n} :: upholstery fabric
huonekalukauppa {n} :: furniture store
huonekalukauppias {n} :: furniture retailer
huonekaluliike {n} :: furniture company
huonekalupuuseppä {n} :: cabinetmaker
huonekalupyörä {n} :: caster (wheeled assembly)
huonekalusuunnittelija {n} :: furniture designer
huonekalutehdas {n} :: furniture factory
huonekaluteollisuus {n} :: furniture industry
huonekalutyyli {n} :: furniture style
huonekärpänen {n} :: housefly
huonekasvi {n} :: houseplant (plant that is grown indoors for decorative purposes or one that is especially suited for such cultivation)
huoneke {n} :: cubicle (in office)
huonekorkeus {n} :: ceiling height
huonekumipuu {n} :: synonym of kumiviikuna
huonekumppani {n} :: roommate
huonekunta {n} :: household (those living in the same residence)
huonekuusi {n} :: synonym of norfolkinaraukaria
huonelämpötila {n} :: room temperature (the actual temperature in a room)
huonepalvelu {n} :: room service
huonepinta-ala {n} :: room area
huonepöly {n} :: household dust
huoneteatteri {n} :: room theater
huonetoveri {n} :: roommate (someone with whom one shares a room, as in a dorm)
huoneusto {n} [proscribed] :: synonym of huoneisto
huonevehka {n} :: zantedeschia, calla lily, arum lily (plant of the genus Zantedeschia)
huono {adj} :: bad
huono {adj} :: poor
huono häviäjä {n} :: sore loser
huonoin {adj} :: superlative of huono
huonokasvuinen {adj} :: barren, scrawny, desolate (with not much plant growth)
huonokasvuinen {adj} :: stunted
huonokuntoinen {adj} :: seedy, rundown, unsound, deteriorated (in bad repair)
huonokuntoinen {adj} :: seedy, infirm (not feeling well)
huonokuntoinen {adj} :: unfit (not fit, not having a good physical demeanor)
huonokuuloinen {adj} :: having bad hearing
huonokuuloisuus {n} :: bad hearing, hypoacusis
huonolaatuinen {adj} :: Of low, poor quality
huonolaatuisuus {n} :: shoddiness, being of poor quality
huonolukuinen {adj} :: having a bad or weakened ability to read
huonomaineinen {adj} :: disreputable, seedy
huonomaineisuus {n} :: disreputation, dishonour, disrepute (lack of reputation or good name)
huonommuudentunne {n} :: feeling of inferiority
huonommuus {n} :: inferiority
huonompi {adj} :: comparative of huono
huonompiosainen {adj} :: more disadvantaged (socially or economically)
huonomuistinen {adj} :: forgetful (unable to remember things well; liable to forget)
huonomuistisuus {n} :: forgetfulness
huononäköinen {adj} :: with bad sight or eyesight
huononeminen {n} :: worsening, deterioration
huononlainen {adj} :: bad, poor
huononlaisesti {adv} :: badly, poorly
huononnäköinen {adj} :: bad-looking
huononnus {n} :: worsening
huonontaa {vt} :: to deteriorate, worsen
huonontua {vi} :: to deteriorate, worsen
huonontuminen {n} :: deterioration, decline
huono-onninen {adj} :: unlucky
huono-oppinen {adj} :: that is bad at learning
huono-osainen {adj} :: disadvantaged (socially or economically)
huono-osaisuus {n} :: being disadvantaged (socially or economically)
huonopäinen {adj} :: with a bad head; stupid
huonopalkkainen {adj} :: low-paying, low-paid
huono puoli {phrase} :: drawback, disadvantage (negative aspect)
huono puoli {phrase} :: bad side (of a person)
huonoryhtinen {adj} :: with a bad posture
huonosatoinen {adj} :: with bad crop yield
huonosilmäinen {adj} :: with bad eyesight
huonosti {adv} :: badly, poorly
huonosti ajoitettu {adj} :: inopportune, untimely
huonota {vi} :: To worsen
huonotapainen {adj} :: bad-mannered, ill-mannered
huonotapaisuus {n} :: lack of manners, being bad-mannered
huonotuloinen {adj} :: poor, low-income
huonotuottoinen {adj} :: marginal (of land, barely productive)
huonotuulinen {adj} :: bad-tempered, ill-tempered
huonotuulisuus {n} :: bad temper, being bad-tempered
huonous {n} :: badness (being of bad quality)
huonovointinen {adj} :: queasy, infirm
huonovointisuus {n} :: queasiness, nausea
huopa {n} :: felt
huopaaminen {n} :: backwatering, backing the oars
huopahattu {n} :: felt
huopahattu {n} :: felt hat
huopahattu {n} :: fedora
huopainen {adj} :: felt (made of or containing felt)
huopajalkine {n} :: felt boot
huopakangas {n} :: felt (fabric)
huopakate {n} :: felt roof
huopakatto {n} :: felt roof
huopakeltano {n} [plant] :: mouse-ear hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella)
huopakynä {n} :: felt-tip pen
huopanaula {n} :: felt nail
huopasaapas {n} :: felt boot
huopatiiviste {n} :: felt gasket
huopatöppönen {n} :: felt boot
huopatossu {n} :: felt boot
huopatossutehdas {n} :: felt slipper factory
huopatyö {n} [chiefly in plural] :: felting work
huopaus {n} :: backwatering, backing the oars
huopauttaa {vt} :: synonym of huovuttaa
huopikas {n} :: alternative form of huovikas
huopua {vi} :: To felt, mat
huora {n} [somewhat pejorative] :: prostitute, whore
huora {n} [pejorative, vulgar] :: whore; promiscuous woman
huora {n} [offensive, vulgar] :: whore, slut, bitch; used as a general term of abuse
huora {n} [colloquial, often humorous] :: someone who will do anything for money
huoraaminen {n} [biblical] :: fornicating
huoraaminen {n} [vulgar] :: whoring, hooking, prostituting (oneself)
huorahtava {adj} :: slutty
huorala {n} :: whorehouse
huoranpenikka {n} :: son of a bitch
huorata {vi} [biblical] :: to commit adultery, fornicate
huorata {vi} [vulgar, pejorative] :: to whore, hook, prostitute (oneself), hook
huorata {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, vulgar] :: to be in bed with (to engage in a close mutually beneficial relationship, especially secretly and illicitly)
huoratalo {n} :: whorehouse
huoria {v} :: alternative form of huorata
huorin tekeminen {n} [biblical] :: adultery, fornication
huorin tekeminen {n} [dated] :: prostitution
huorintekijä {n} :: adulterer (literally "one who conducts whorely"; see huorinteko)
huorinteko {n} [biblical] :: adultery, fornication
huoripukki {n} :: fornicator, whoremonger
huoritella {vt} :: to call someone a whore
huoruus {n} :: The state of being an adulterer, adultery or whoredom
huosia {v} [rare] :: to scrub
huosiain {n} :: a traditional type of wash sponge made of birchbark
huosta {n} :: possession, care, custody
huostaanottaa {v} :: alternative form of ottaa huostaan
huostaanotto {n} :: custody
huotra {n} :: sheath
huounta {n} :: exhalation, emanation
huovata {vi} :: To back water, back the oars
huovi {n} [historical] :: soldier or cavalryman serving the crown
huovikas {n} :: felt boot
Huovinen {prop} :: surname
huovuttaa {v} :: to full, felt, waulk (make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing)
huovuttaja {n} :: fuller, walker (person who fulls/walks cloth)
huovuttaminen {n} :: fulling, felting, waulking
huovutus {n} :: fulling, waulking
huovutus {n} :: felting, wet felting
hupa {adj} [uncommon] :: quickly diminishing
hupa {adj} [uncommon] :: funny
hupailla {v} :: synonym of huvitella
hupailu {n} :: synonym of huvittelu
hupainen {adj} :: funny, merry
hupaisa {adj} :: amusing, funny
hupaisasti {adv} :: amusingly, funnily
hupaisuus {n} :: funniness, merriness
hupakko {n} :: a silly person, somewhat promiscuous (often a female)
hupeneminen {n} :: decline, dwindling, vanishing
hupeneva {adj} :: waning, dwindling, shrinking, diminishing
hupi {n} :: fun
hupijuttu {n} :: joke, funny thing
hupimieli {n} :: humorous mood
hupiohjelma {n} :: comedy show
hupiveikko {n} :: funny guy
huppari {n} [colloquial] :: hooded jacket, hoodie
huppeli {n} :: tipsiness
huppu {n} :: hood (covering for the head; protective cover)
huppu {n} :: construction tarp (used to temporarily cover a building for construction during winter or cold weather)
huppu {n} [slang] :: hoodie (foreskin)
huppukerttuli {n} :: hooded warbler (Setophaga citrina)
huppupäinen {adj} :: hooded (wearing a hood)
huppupuumuura {n} :: black-hooded antshrike
hupputakki {n} :: a jacket or coat with a hood, parka
hupputasku {n} :: hooded wheatear (Oenanthe monacha)
hupputinami {n} :: hooded tinamou (Nothocercus nigrocapillus)
hups {interj} :: oops; acknowledging a minor mistake
hupsahtaa {vi} :: to fall suddenly and intentionally into something soft; to tumble, to stumble into something soft
hupsia {v} :: To be funny, playful or silly; used especially of talk
hupsis {interj} :: oops!
hupsista {interj} :: synonym of hupsis
hupsu {adj} :: Silly, funny
hupsusti {adv} :: in a silly or funny manner
hupsutella {vi} :: to act silly
hupsuttelu {n} :: acting silly
hupsutus {n} :: acting like a fool, acting silly
hupsuus {n} :: silliness
hupullinen {adj} :: hooded, with a hood
huputus {n} :: covering a building temporarily with construction tarp, chiefly for renovation
hurahdella {vi} :: to speed or rush around
hurahdus {n} :: jiffy, flash (short period of time)
hurahdus {n} :: going past quickly, flying by
hurahtaa {vi} :: to speed, rush (of an engine)
hurahtaa {vi} :: to fly by, go past quickly
hurahtaminen {n} :: speeding, rushing
hurahtaminen {n} :: flying by, going past quickly
huraus {n} :: synonym of hurahdus
hurauttaa {v} [colloquial] :: to drive somewhere with a motor vehicle
hurauttaa {v} :: to start a machine which keeps a humming sound
hurina {n} :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by a smoothly running motor)
huriseminen {n} :: humming, whirring, buzzing, droning
hurista {vi} :: to hum, whirr, buzz, drone (to produce a low-pitched sound like that of a smoothly running motor)
hurista {vi} [colloquial] :: to go (proceed, often in a specified manner, indicating the perceived quality of an event or state)
huristaa {vi} :: to speed, to hurry, to rush
huristeleminen {n} :: speeding, hurrying or rushing around
huristella {vi} :: to speed, hurry or rush around
hurja {adj} :: fierce
hurja {adj} [colloquial] :: fantastic, terrific
hurjaluonteinen {adj} :: fierce, reckless
hurjaluontoinen {adj} :: fierce, ferocious
hurjannäköinen {adj} :: fierce-looking, scary-looking
hurjanrohkea {adj} :: daredevil, rash, bold
hurjapää {n} :: daredevil, hothead
hurjapäinen {adj} :: reckless, hotheaded, swashbuckling
hurjapäisyys {n} :: recklessness, hotheadedness
hurjasteleminen {n} :: speeding, taking a joyride
hurjastelija {n} :: speeder
hurjastella {v} :: to take a joyride, speed (to drive in a carefree or reckless manner)
hurjastelu {n} :: A joyride
hurjasti {adv} :: wildly, fiercely
hurjasti {adv} :: hugely
hurjeta {vi} :: to become more fierce, ferocious
hurjimus {n} :: hothead, tearaway
hurjistaa {v} :: alternative form of hurjistuttaa
hurjistua {vi} :: To become furious
hurjistuminen {n} :: becoming furious
hurjistunut {adj} :: rampant, furious, frenzied
hurjistuttaa {vt} :: to make furious, to cause to become furious
hurjuus {n} :: fierceness
hurlumhei {n} [colloquial] :: hassle, ruckus
hurma {n} :: ecstasy, rapture
hurmaaja {n} :: charmer, seducer
hurmaaminen {n} :: charming (the act of charming)
hurmaantua {vi} :: To be enraptured, to be fascinated
hurmaantuminen {n} :: the process of becoming charmed
hurmaava {adj} :: charming
hurmaavasti {adv} :: charmingly
hurmahenki {n} :: zealotry
hurmahenkinen {adj} :: Zealous
hurmahenkisyys {n} :: zealousness, zealotry
hurmata {vt} :: To charm
hurmaus {n} :: charming (act of charming)
hurmautua {v} :: alternative form of hurmaantua
hurme {n} [poetic] :: gore, blood
Hurme {prop} :: surname
hurmeinen {adj} [poetic] :: bloody
hurmeseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius phoeniceus
hurmio {n} :: ecstasy
hurmioitua {vi} :: To become ecstatic
hurmiotila {n} :: state of ecstasy
hurmoksellinen {adj} :: voluptuous, ecstatic
hurmoksellinen {adj} :: pertaining to hurmoksellisuus
hurmoksellisuus {n} [Christianity] :: a type of movement in which ecstasy (state of emotion; trance) plays an important role
hurmos {n} :: ecstasy, rapture
hurmosliike {n} :: rapturous religious movement
hurmostila {n} :: ecstasy
hurmuri {n} :: casanova
Huronjärvi {prop} :: Lake Huron
hurraa {interj} :: hurrah!
hurraa-huuto {n} :: hurrah, cheer or cry of hurrah
hurraaisänmaallisuus {n} :: patriotism
hurrata {vi} :: To cheer
hurri {n} [pejorative] :: A Swedish-speaking Finn
hurri {n} [pejorative] :: A Swede
hurri {n} :: Hurrian (language)
hurrikaani {n} :: hurricane
hurskaasti {adv} :: piously
hurskas {adj} :: pious
hurskas {adj} :: [archaic] wise, deliberate
hurskasteleminen {n} :: making oneself look pious, feigning piety
hurskasteleva {adj} :: sanctimonious, self-righteous, holier-than-thou, hypocritical
hurskastelija {n} :: A holier-than-thou, self-righteous person
hurskastella {v} :: To purport oneself to be more pious than in reality
hurskastella {v} :: To behave hypocritically
hurskastelu {n} :: behaving piously or hypocritically
hurskaus {n} :: piousness
hursti {n} :: dowlas
hurstuthame {n} :: a certain type of traditional skirt, particularly used by Ingrians or Izhorians
hurtanminttu {n} :: horehound (plant of the genus Marrubium)
hurtanminttu {n} [colloquial] :: horehound, Marrubium vulgare
hurtta {n} [colloquial] :: dog, hound; especially a large one
hurtti {adj} [colloquial] :: hilarious, boisterous (primarily of humor)
huru-ukko {n} :: senile old man
hurvitella {v} :: to have fun
hurvitteleminen {n} :: having fun
hurvittelu {n} :: having fun
hus {interj} :: shoo!
husaari {n} :: hussar
husaariapina {n} :: Patas monkey, Erythrocebus patas
huseerata {vi} [colloquial] :: to bustle about, to busy
hussilainen {n} :: Hussite
hutaista {v} :: To dash
hutaisu {n} :: lick and a promise (hasty or incomplete performance of a task)
hutera {adj} :: rickety
hutera {adj} :: groggy
hutero {adj} :: alternative form of hutera
huti {n} [colloquial] :: miss (as opposed to hit)
hutia {n} :: hutia (rodent)
hutikka {n} :: mild drunkenness, drunkenness
hutiloida {v} :: to bungle, to be sloppy (at)
hutiloija {n} :: bungler
hutilointi {n} :: bungling, botching
hutilus {n} :: bungler
hutkia {v} :: To hit, beat
hutkinta {n} :: hitting, beating
hutsu {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: a whore
hutteriitti {n} :: Hutterite
huttu {n} :: porridge, gruel
Huttu-Juntunen {prop} :: surname
Huttunen {prop} :: surname
hutu {n} :: Hutu
hutunkeitto {n} [pesäpallo] :: the traditional way of deciding the starting team (done by the players alternatingly grabbing the bat above the hand of the other player until the top of the bat is reached; the winning team who grips the top of the bat gets to decide whether to start batting or fielding)
huudahdella {vi} :: To exclaim, cry out repeatedly
huudahdus {n} :: exclamation
huudahduslause {n} :: interjection clause
huudahdussana {n} :: interjection
huudahtaa {vi} :: to exclaim, cry out
huudahtaminen {n} :: exclaiming, crying out
huudahtelu {n} :: exclaiming or crying out repeatedly
huudattaa {v} :: To make someone shout
huudattaa {v} :: To make something produce a loud voice
huudella {vi} :: To yell in an indifferent/continuous manner
huudella {vt} :: To call in an indifferent/continuous manner by yelling
Huugo {prop} :: given name
huuhaa {n} :: (informal) woo woo, woo (supernatural beliefs, pseudoscience etc.)
huuhaa {n} [military slang] :: non-commissioned officer, NCO
huuhde {n} :: fabric softener
huuhde {n} :: wash (liquid used for washing)
huuhdella {v} :: to flush (to cleanse by flooding with large amount of fluid)
huuhdella {v} :: to rinse (to wash quickly with water and no soap)
huuhdella {v} :: to rinse (to remove soap from something using water)
huuhdella {v} :: to wash (to carry away by the action of liquid)
huuhdevesi {n} :: ablution, washing water
huuhdonta {n} :: washing
huuhkain {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of huuhkaja
huuhkaja {n} :: eagle owl (Old World owl of the genus Bubo)
huuhkaja {n} :: horned owl (New World owl of the genus Bubo)
huuhkaja {n} :: Eurasian eagle-owl, eagle owl (Bubo bubo)
huuhkaja {n} [in plural, usually, capitalized] :: A nickname of the Finnish national soccer team - see Huuhkajat
Huuhkajat {prop} :: A nickname of the Finnish national soccer team
huuhta {n} :: alternative form of huhta
huuhtaista {vt} :: To rinse (wash quickly)
huuhtaisu {n} :: rinsing quickly
huuhteleminen {n} :: flushing (cleansing by flooding)
huuhteleminen {n} :: rinsing (washing quickly with water)
huuhtelu {n} :: flush
huuhtelu {n} :: rinse, the act of rinsing
huuhteluaine {n} :: fabric softener
huuhtelukäymälä {n} [rare] :: synonym of vesivessa
huuhtelukirkaste {n} :: rinse aid (substance added to rinsing water in a dishwasher in order to get brighter dishes)
huuhteluvesi {n} :: rinsing water
huuhtoa {vt} :: to rinse, wash (to move by the force of water in motion)
huuhtoa {vt} :: to wash (to separate valuable material)
huuhtoja {n} :: washer
huuhtominen {n} :: rinsing, washing
huuhtouma {n} :: wash (ground washed away to the sea or a river)
huuhtoutua {vi} :: To be washed/rinsed/eroded (away)
huuhtoutuminen {n} :: being washed, rinsed or eroded (away)
huuleilla {v} [rare] :: to tell jokes, to crack jokes
huulenheittäjä {n} :: One who tells jokes
huulenheitto {n} :: telling or cracking jokes
huuleni ovat sinetöidyt {phrase} :: my lips are sealed
huuli {n} :: lip, labium (either of the two fleshy protrusions around the opening of the mouth)
huuli {n} :: lip (part of the body that resembles a lip)
huuli {n} [idiomatic] :: olla huulilla: to be close (to happen), to be at reach
huuli {n} [colloquial] :: joke
huuliäänikerta {n} :: flue stop
huuliäänne {n} :: labial or labiodental sound
huulihalkio {n} :: cleft lip
huuliharppu {n} :: harmonica, mouth organ
huuliherpes {n} [pathology] :: oral herpes (oral form of herpes simplex)
huulikala {n} :: wrasse
huulikarhu {n} :: sloth bear (Melursus ursinus)
huulikiille {n} :: lip gloss
huulikiilto {n} :: lip gloss
huulikoru {n} :: lip ornament, lip ring
huulikukkainen {adj} :: being of the Lamiaceae family
huulikukkaiskasvi {n} :: any plant of the Lamiaceae family
huuliltalukeminen {n} :: lipreading
huuliltalukija {n} :: lipreader
huuliltaluku {n} :: synonym of huuliltalukeminen
huulio {n} :: lip area, mouth area
huulioluku {n} :: lipreading
huuliote {n} [music] :: embouchure
huuliparta {n} :: moustache
huulipilli {n} :: flue pipe, labial pipe
huulipuikko {n} :: lipstick (stick)
huulipuna {n} :: lipstick
huulipuristin {n} :: barnacle (instrument like a pair of pincers, to fix on the nose of a vicious horse while shoeing so as to make it more tractable)
huulirasva {n} :: lip balm
huulirihmakala {n} :: thick-lipped gourami (Colisa labiosa)
huulisolu {n} [botany] :: guard cell
huulisyöpä {n} :: lip cancer
huuliveikko {n} :: (male) jokester
huulivoide {n} :: lip balm
huullos {n} :: rabbet, rebate
huultaa {vt} :: to rabbet
huultenrajauskynä {n} :: lip pencil
huuma {n} :: ecstasy, agony (display of keen emotion)
huuma {n} :: fever (state of excitement)
huumaaminen {n} :: stunning, dazing
huumaaminen {n} :: drugging, doping, intoxicating
huumaaminen {n} :: enchanting, charming
huumaannuttaa {vt} [rare] :: synonym of huumata
huumaantua {vi} :: To be(come) stunned/enchanted/charmed/bewitched
huumaantua {vi} :: To be(come) drugged/intoxicated/dazed/doped (figuratively as well as in concrete meaning, but not by alcohol)
huumaava {adj} :: intoxicating, narcotic
huumaava {adj} :: stimulating, intoxicating
huumata {vt} :: to stun, daze
huumata {vt} :: to drug, dope, intoxicate, turn on, give a buzz to (figuratively as well as in concrete meaning, but not with alcohol); to get (someone) high/drunk; to exhilarate
huumata {vt} :: to enchant, charm, bewitch
huumaus {n} :: synonym of huumaaminen
huumausaine {n} :: illegal drug, narcotic
huumausainekasvi {n} :: narcotic plant
huumausaineriippuvainen {adj} :: addicted to narcotics
huumausaineriippuvuus {n} :: narcotics addiction
huumausainerikos {n} :: drug crime (a crime directly connected with illicit trade, use or production of drugs)
huumaustila {n} :: intoxicated or otherwise delirious state
huumautua {vi} :: To be intoxicated
huume {n} :: drug, narcotic (an addictive substance)
huumediileri {n} [colloquial] :: A drug dealer
huumehoito {n} :: drug treatment
huumejengi {n} :: A drug gang
huumekasvi {n} :: drug crop
huumekauppa {n} :: illegal drug trade
huumekauppias {n} :: drug dealer
huumeklinikka {n} :: drug treatment clinic
huumekoira {n} :: drug detection dog
huumekuriiri {n} :: drug mule, drug courier
huumelaki {n} :: drug law
huumeneula {n} :: drug syringe
huumenuori {n} :: young drug user, drug kid
huumeongelma {n} :: drug problem
huumeongelmainen {adj} :: that has drug issues, addicted to drugs
huumeparoni {n} :: drug baron, druglord
huumepoliisi {n} :: narcotics agent, narcotics police
huumepolitiikka {n} :: drug policy
huumepotilas {n} :: drug patient, drug rehab patient
huumeriippuvuus {n} :: drug addiction
huumerikollinen {n} :: drug-related criminal
huumerikollisuus {n} :: drug-related crime (oollectively)
huumerikollisuus {n} :: drug-related criminality (the quality of being a drug-related criminal)
huumerikos {n} :: drug crime
huumetesti {n} :: drug test
huumetrippi {n} :: trip (period of time in which one experiences drug-induced reverie or hallucinations)
huumetyö {n} :: work done to prevent drug use
huumori {n} :: humour/humor
huumorimies {n} :: funny man, humorist
huumorintaju {n} :: sense of humour
huumorintajuinen {adj} :: having a sense of humour
huumorintajuisesti {adv} :: with a sense of humor
huumoripitoinen {adj} :: humorous (full of humor)
huunpurema {n} [rare] :: love bite (hickey)
huuri {n} [Islam] :: A houri
huurre {n} :: rime (minute particles of ice frozen on a surface, formed when the relative humidity is 100 %, and thus the dew point is equal to the air temperature)
huurrelasta {n} :: frost scraper
huurrepöytä {n} :: chilled table (for food, etc)
huurretursas {n} [Norse mythology] :: ice giant (type of giant associated with coldness)
huurruttaa {vt} :: To frost (to cover with frost)
huurtaa {vt} :: To frost, fog up
huurteinen {adj} :: frosty (having frost on itself)
huurteinen {n} [colloquial] :: cold beer
huurtua {vi} :: To frost (to get covered with frost)
huurtua {vi} :: To steam (to get covered with condensed water vapour)
huurtuminen {n} :: frosting (becoming covered with frost)
huurtuminen {n} :: steaming (becoming covered with condensed water vapour)
huuru {n} :: vapour/vapor
huuru {n} :: mist, fog
huuru {n} :: condensed vapour
huuruinen {adj} :: misty, steamy
huurumadonlakki {n} [mushroom] :: Psilocybe cubensis
huuruta {v} :: to emit vapor, to exhale vapor
huuruuntua {vi} :: alternative form of huurtua
huushollata {v} [colloquial] :: to manage a household
huusholli {n} [colloquial] :: household
huusi {n} [slang, colloquial] :: restroom, toilet; outhouse
Huuskonen {prop} :: surname
huussi {n} :: outhouse, latrine, toilet
huutaa {vi} :: to shout, yell, holler
huutaa {vi} :: to scream, shriek
huutaa {vi} :: to cry, wail, bawl
huutaa {vi} :: to moan, groan
huutaa {vt} [religion] :: to call out
huutaa {vt} [figuratively] :: to cry out (for = partitive)
huutaa {vt} [auctions] :: to bid, buy
huutaa {vi} [alarms] :: to blow, shriek, sound, buzz
huutaa {vi} [animals] :: to howl, roar
huutaa kuin hinaaja {v} [simile, colloquial] :: to yell or shout very loudly, to make a very loud sound
huutaja {n} :: shouter, yeller, screamer
huutaminen {n} :: shouting, yelling
huutelu {n} :: yelling (indifferently or continuously)
huutis {n} [Internet slang] :: laughing out loud
huuto {n} :: scream, cry
huutoäänestys {n} :: voice vote
huutoetäisyys {n} :: shouting distance
huutojoukkue {n} [jocular] :: a mess of shouting voices
huutokaupanpitäjä {n} :: auctioneer
huutokaupantoimittaja {n} :: auctioneer
huutokaupata {vt} :: to auction
huutokauppa {n} :: auction
huutokauppakamari {n} :: auction house, auction room
huutokauppakorko {n} :: auction tender interest
huutokauppatilaisuus {n} :: auction event
huutokuoro {n} :: sea of cries or shouts
huutokuoro {n} :: screaming or shouting choir
huutolainen {n} [historical] :: a child without sustenance auctioned off to whoever asked the least money from the authorities
huutolaispoika {n} :: a huutolainen boy
huutolaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being a huutolainen
huutomatka {n} :: shouting distance
huutomeri {n} :: sea or crowd of screams or cries
huutomerkki {n} :: exclamation mark, exclamation point
huutomyrsky {n} [figuratively] :: lots of shouting or yelling; very loud reaction
huutopussi {n} [card games] :: A popular card game in Finland
huutosakki {n} :: fan crowd, especially one that shouts in support of their team
huutotorvi {n} :: synonym of megafoni
huuttori {n} :: khutor
huvennus {n} :: decreasing, reducing
huventaa {vt} :: to reduce
huventua {v} :: synonym of huveta
huventuminen {n} :: synonym of hupeneminen
huveta {vi} :: To dwindle, decrease, shrink, vanish, diminish
huvi {n} :: amusement, pleasure
huviajelu {n} :: joyride
huvialue {n} :: leisure area
huvialus {n} :: pleasure craft (any private noncommercial vessel)
huvielämä {n} :: entertainment life
huvijahti {n} :: pleasure yacht, cruiser
huvikausi {n} :: season of an amusement park
huvikeskus {n} :: amusement center
huvikseen {adv} :: for fun
huvila {n} :: villa
huvila-alue {n} :: residential area with villas
huvila-asukas {n} :: resident of a villa
huvila-asutus {n} :: settlement of villas
huvilakaupunki {n} :: villa town
huvilamurto {n} :: villa burglary, villa break-in
huvilapalsta {n} :: villa lot, villa plot
huvilateltta {n} :: chalet tent
huvilatontti {n} :: villa plot
huvilavakuutus {n} :: villa insurance
huvilayhdyskunta {n} :: villa community
huvilinna {n} :: fun castle
huvimaja {n} :: gazebo
huvimatka {n} :: pleasure trip
huvimestari {n} :: organizer of a party
huvinäytelmä {n} :: comedy (comedic play)
huvipuisto {n} :: amusement park
huvipurjehdus {n} :: pleasure sailing, cruise sailing
huvipursi {n} :: yacht (slick and light ship)
huviretkeilijä {n} :: excursionist
huviretki {n} :: junket (trip made for pleasure)
huviretki {n} :: picnic (easy or pleasant task)
huviristeilijä {n} :: pleasure cruiser
huviristeily {n} :: pleasure cruise
huvitella {vi} :: To have fun
huviteollisuus {n} [uncommon] :: entertainment industry
huvitilaisuus {n} :: recreational event
huvitoimikunta {n} :: recreation committee, social committee
huvittaa {vt} :: to amuse
huvittaa {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to feel (like doing), want (to do)
huvittaminen {n} :: amusing
huvittaminen {n} :: feeling like (doing something)
huvittava {adj} :: amusing
huvittava {adj} :: ludicrous, laughable
huvittava {adj} [archaic] :: interesting
huvittavuus {n} :: amusingness
huvittavuus {n} :: ludicrousness
huvitteleminen {n} :: having fun
huvittelu {n} :: having fun
huvittelunhalu {n} :: desire for pleasure or entertainment
huvittelunhaluinen {adj} :: desiring for pleasure or entertainment
huvittelupaikka {n} :: place to have fun in
huvittua {vi} :: to be(come) amused
huvittunut {adj} :: amused
huvitus {n} :: amusement
huvitutti {n} :: pacifier, dummy, soother
huvivene {n} :: recreational craft, pleasure craft
huviveneilijä {n} :: leisure boater, pleasure boater
huviveneily {n} :: leisure boating, pleasure boating
huvivero {n} :: entertainment tax
hv {n} :: hp (horsepower, unit of power)
H.V. {n} :: initialism of hyvä veli (salutation in the beginning of a letter)
h-viiva {n} :: h-bar
-hVn {suffix} :: Forms the illative singular case
hyadit {n} [Greek mythology] :: The Hyades
Hyadit {prop} [astronomy] :: the Hyades open star cluster
hyaloklastiitti {n} [rock] :: hyaloclastite
hyaluronihappo {n} :: hyaluronic acid
hyasintti {n} :: hyacinth
hyasintti {n} :: jacinth
hyasinttiara {n} :: hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)
hybridi {n} :: hybrid
hybridiauto {n} :: hybrid car
hybridimedia {n} :: hybrid media
hybridiorbitaali {n} :: hybrid orbital
hybridisaatio {n} :: hybridization
hybridisoida {vt} :: To hybridise/hybridize
hybridisoitua {vi} :: To become hybridised/hybridized
hybris {n} :: hubris
hydraatti {n} [chemistry] :: hydrate
hydrata {vt} [chemistry] :: to hydrogenate
hydratoida {vt} [chemistry] :: to hydrate
hydratoitua {vi} [chemistry] :: to be hydrated
hydratoituminen {n} [chemistry] :: hydration
hydratsiini {n} :: hydrazine
hydrauliikka {n} :: hydraulics
hydraulimäntä {n} :: ram (piston powered by hydraulic pressure)
hydraulimoottori {n} :: hydraulic motor
hydraulinen {adj} :: hydraulic
hydraulineste {n} :: hydraulic fluid
hydraulisesti {adv} :: hydraulically
hydraus {n} [chemistry] :: hydrogenation
hydridi {n} [chemistry] :: hydride
hydro- {prefix} :: hydro-
hydrobiologi {n} :: hydrobiologist
hydrobiologia {n} :: hydrobiology
hydrobiologinen {adj} :: hydrobiologic
hydrodynamiikka {n} :: hydrodynamics
hydrofiilinen {adj} :: hydrophilic
hydrofobia {n} [pathology] :: hydrophobia (rabies)
hydrofobiini {n} :: hydrophobin
hydrofobinen {adj} :: hydrophobic
hydrofoni {n} :: hydrophone
hydrofyytti {n} [botany] :: hydrophyte
hydrogeologi {n} :: hydrogeologist
hydrogeologia {n} :: hydrogeology
hydrografia {n} :: hydrography
hydrokefalia {n} :: hydrocephalus
hydrokemia {n} :: hydrochemistry
hydrokinoni {n} :: hydroquinone
hydrokloridi {n} [chemistry] :: hydrochloride
hydrokodoni {n} :: hydrocodone
hydrokopteri {n} :: hydrocopter
hydrokortisoni {n} :: hydrocortisone, cortisol
hydroksidi {n} [chemistry] :: hydroxide
hydroksietyyli-prometatsiini {n} [pharmacology] :: hydroxyethylpromethazine
hydroksipropyylimetyyliselluloosa {n} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
hydroksipropyyliselluloosa {n} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxypropyl cellulose
hydroksylaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: hydroxylase
hydroksyyli {n} [chemistry] :: hydroxyl
hydroksyyliryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: hydroxyl group
hydrolaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: hydrolase
hydrologi {n} :: hydrologist
hydrologia {n} :: hydrology
hydrologinen {adj} :: hydrological
hydrolysoida {vt} [chemistry] :: to hydrolyze
hydrolysoitua {vi} :: to hydrolyze, to be subjected to hydrolysis
hydrolyysi {n} [chemistry] :: hydrolysis
hydromantia {n} :: hydromancy
hydromekaniikka {n} :: hydromechanics
hydrometeorologi {n} :: hydrometeorologist
hydrometeorologia {n} [hydrology, meteorology] :: hydrometeorology
hydrometri {n} :: hydrometer
hydroponiikka {n} :: hydroponics
hydroponinen {adj} :: hydroponic
hydrosfääri {n} :: hydrosphere
hydrostaattinen {adj} :: hydrostatic
hydrostatiikka {n} :: hydrostatics
hydrotekniikka {n} :: hydrotechnology
hydroteknikko {n} :: hydro technician
hydroterminen {adj} :: hydrothermal
hydroviljely {n} :: hydroponics
hyeena {n} :: hyena
hyeenakoira {n} :: African wild dog, African hunting dog, Lycaon pictus
hyfwin {adv} :: obsolete spelling of hyvin
hygeninajokoira {n} :: Hygen Hound
hygieenikko {n} :: hygienist
hygieeninen {adj} :: hygienic
hygieenisempi {adj} :: comparative of hygieeninen
hygieenisesti {adv} :: hygienically
hygieenisin {adj} :: superlative of hygieeninen
hygieenisyys {n} :: Hygiene; the property of being hygienic
hygienia {n} :: hygiene
hygieniapaperi {n} :: hygienic paper
hygieniatila {n} :: hygiene or sanitary facility
hygrofyytti {n} [botany] :: hygrophyte
hygrografi {n} :: hygrograph
hygrometri {n} :: hygrometer
hygrometria {n} :: hygrometry
hygroskooppinen {adj} :: hygroscopic
hygrostaatti {n} :: humidistat, hygrostat
hyh {interj} :: ugh, yuck
hyhmä {n} :: slush (partially melted water or snow)
hyhmä {n} :: sludge (watery sludge)
hyhmäinen {adj} :: slushy
hyhmettyä {vi} :: To become slushy
hyi {interj} :: yuck, ew, ugh
hyinen {adj} :: frigid, glacial (very cold)
hyisesti {adv} :: frigidly, glacially (in a very cold manner)
hykerrellä {v} :: to chuckle
hykerrellä {v} :: to rub one's hands
hykerrys {n} :: chuckling
hykerryttää {vt} :: to titillate, to entertain
hykertää {vi} :: to chuckle
hylätä {vt} :: to reject, turn down (e.g. a plan)
hylätä {vt} :: to refuse, turn away (e.g. a person proposing something)
hylätä {vt} :: to abandon, desert, leave (e.g. one's spouse, child)
hylätä {vt} :: to abandon, forsake (e.g. principles)
hylätä {vt} :: to give up, dismiss (e.g. a thought)
hylätä {vt} :: to fail, flunk (in a test at school)
hylätä {vt} [legal] :: to dismiss, disallow, throw out (e.g. charges); to overrule (a protest at a court)
hylätä {vt} [legal] :: to defeat (a law proposal)
hylätä {vt} :: to disqualify (a sports result)
hylätä {vt} [logic] :: to discharge (an assumption)
hylättävä {adj} :: to be dismissed
hylättävä {adj} :: to be deprecated
hyljätä {v} :: alternative form of hylätä
hylje {n} :: seal (common language term for smaller pinnipeds; used mainly of earless or true seals but sometimes also covering the eared seals)
hylje {n} [zoology] :: earless seal, true seal (any seal of the family Phocidae)
hylje-eläin {n} [zoology] :: pinniped
hyljekeihäs {n} :: seal-hunting spear
hyljekoira {n} :: seal dog
hyljeksiä {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to spurn
hyljepyssy {n} :: seal-hunting gun or rifle
hyljevene {n} :: seal-hunting boat
hyljintä {n} :: repelling
hylkääjä {n} :: rejecter
hylkääjä {n} :: abandoner
hylkääminen {n} :: abandonment
hylkääminen {n} :: disqualification
hylkääminen {n} :: rejection, renunciation
hylkäys {n} :: rejecting
hylkäys {n} :: refusing
hylkäys {n} :: abandoning
hylkäys {n} [law] :: dismissing, throwing out
hylkäys {n} :: disqualifying
hylkäyspäätös {n} :: decision to reject or dismiss
hylkäystuomio {n} :: judgment of rejection or dismissal
hylkäysvirhe {n} [statistics] :: type I error, error of the first kind
hylkeennahka {n} :: sealskin
hylkeenpyynti {n} :: sealing, seal hunting
hylkeenpyytäjä {n} :: seal hunter
hylkeenrasva {n} :: seal blubber
hylkiä {v} [physics] :: to repel (to force away)
hylkiä {v} [medicine] :: to reject (to fail to accept, said of a transplant)
hylkiminen {n} :: repelling
hylkiminen {n} :: rejecting (a transplant)
hylkimisreaktio {n} [medicine] :: rejection
hylkiö {n} :: outcast, castaway, reject (person)
hylky {n} :: derelict (boat or ship abandoned at sea)
hylky {n} :: shipwreck (boat or ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy)
hylky {n} [technical] :: reject
hylkyaine {n} :: waste material
hylkyaukko {n} [zoology] :: osculum
hylkyauto {n} :: an abandoned, often broken, car
hylkyjoukko {n} [biblical] :: brood
hylkypuu {n} :: cull wood, cull lumber
hylkytavara {n} :: castaway, discard, remainder, debris
hylly {n} :: shelf
hylly {n} :: rack
hyllyä {vi} [of jelly, fat etc.] :: to shake
hyllyaika {n} :: shelf life
hyllykaappi {n} :: shelving unit, storage cabinet
hyllykkö {n} :: shelves
hyllykomero {n} :: closet with shelves
hyllykorjain {n} :: shelving equalizer
hyllyllinen {adj} :: with a shelf or shelves
hyllyllinen {n} :: shelfful
hyllyluokitus {n} :: shelf categorization, shelf arrangement
hyllymetri {n} :: a meter of shelf space (as an unit of measurement of storage capacity)
hyllyopaste {n} :: shelf sign
hyllypaperi {n} :: shelf liner paper
hyllystö {n} :: A shelving (group of shelves)
hyllyttää {vt} :: to shelve, mothball
hylsy {n} :: shell or case of a projectile
hylsy {n} :: socket for a wrench
hylsyavain {n} :: ratchet, ratchet wrench, socket wrench
hymähdellä {v} :: to repeatedly smile briefly, especially with a short "hm" sound
hymähdellä {v} :: to repeatedly scorn in a mocking manner
hymähdys {n} :: sneer
hymähtää {v} :: to smile shortly, especially with a short "hm" sound
hymähtää {v} :: to scorn, often with ivallisesti (mockingly) (to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn)
hymähtäminen {n} :: smiling briefly
hymähtely {n} :: grinning, smiling briefly
hymähtely {n} :: scorning, mocking
hymen {n} [anatomy, rare] :: hymen
hyminä {n} :: A hum (tune created orally with lips closed)
hymiö {n} :: emoticon, smiley
hymistä {vi} :: To hum
hymistellä {vt} :: to hum, to praise (flatter by approving)
hymistely {n} :: humming, praising
hymistys {n} :: praise, accolade
hymni {n} :: hymn
hymnografia {n} :: hymnography
hymnologia {n} :: hymnology
hymy {n} :: smile
hymyhuulin {adv} :: (while) smiling, as one smiles or smiled
hymy hyytyy {phrase} [idiomatic] :: To stop smiling or laughing after a situation changes; to laugh on the other side of one's face
hymyileminen {n} :: smiling
hymyillä {vi} :: to smile
hymyillä korvasta korvaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to smile from ear to ear
hymyillä kuin Hangon keksi {v} [simile] :: to grin like a Cheshire cat
hymyily {n} :: smiling
hymyilyttää {vt} :: To make someone smile
hymykuoppa {n} :: dimple (on both sides of mouth)
hymynaama {n} :: smiley, smiley face
hymynhäivä {n} :: half-smile
hymynhäive {n} :: synonym of hymynhäivä
hymynkare {n} :: faint smile, semi-smile
hymynväre {n} :: synonym of hymynkare
hymypoika {n} :: happy boy, pretty boy
hymypoika {n} :: a boy chosen to win a sculpture as a sign of fair and friendly behavior, often annually by schools
hymypoikapatsas {n} :: the sculpture given to a hymypoika
hymysuin {adv} :: smilingly
hymytä {vi} :: To smile
hymytyttö {n} :: a girl chosen to win a sculpture as a sign of fair and friendly behavior, often annually by schools
hymytyttöpatsas {n} :: the sculpture given to a hymytyttö
-hyn {suffix} :: alternative form of -hVn
hynä {n} [slang] :: money
Hynninen {prop} :: surname
hyntteet {n} [dialectal, colloquial] :: clothes
hynttyyt {n} [colloquial] :: clothes
Hynynen {prop} :: surname
hyö {pron} [personal, dialectal] :: they (only of people)
hyödykäs {adj} :: Useful
hyödyke {n} [economics] :: good
hyödykevero {n} :: commodity tax
hyödyksikäyttö {n} :: exploitation
hyödyllinen {adj} :: useful, beneficial, helpful
hyödyllinen {adj} :: advantageous
hyödyllisesti {adv} :: usefully
hyödyllisyys {n} :: usefulness
hyödyllisyysmalli {n} :: utility model
hyödyllisyysperiaate {n} :: expediency
hyödynsaaja {n} :: beneficiary
hyödyntää {vt} :: to exploit, benefit, utilize, capitalize
hyödyntäminen {n} :: exploitation
hyödytön {adj} :: useless
hyödyttää {vt} :: To benefit, be of use to, profit
hyödyttäminen {n} :: benefiting, profiting
hyödyttömästi {adv} :: uselessly
hyödyttömyys {n} :: futility, uselessness, ineffectiveness
hyödyttömyys {n} :: unprofitability
hyökätä {vi} :: To attack, assault, charge, come at (someone = genitive + kimppuun (+ possessive suffix if the thing in genitive is a personal pronoun))
hyökätä {vi} :: To invade (a country = maahan (illative))
hyökkääjä {n} :: attacker
hyökkääjä {n} [sports] :: forward, attackman (a player in a team whose primary task is to score)
hyökkääjä {n} [sports] :: In plural (hyökkääjät) attack, offense (the attackmen of a team collectively)
hyökkääjäpelaaja {n} :: offensive player
hyökkäämättömyys {n} :: nonaggression
hyökkäämättömyyssopimus {n} :: non-aggression pact
hyökkääminen {n} :: attacking
hyökkäävä {adj} :: Aggressive
hyökkäävä linjamies {n} [American football] :: offensive tackle
hyökkäävästi {adv} :: aggressively
hyökkäävyys {n} :: aggressiveness, aggression, belligerence
hyökkäillä {v} :: To attack repeatedly
hyökkäily {n} :: raiding, mobbing, attacking repeatedly
hyökkäyksellinen {adj} :: offensive, attacking
hyökkäys {n} :: attack
hyökkäysalue {n} [ice hockey] :: attacking zone
hyökkäysalue {n} [loosely] :: opponent's half of the playing field in any ballgame, especially the area in the vicinity of the goal, from which one can reasonably expect to score
hyökkäysase {n} :: offensive weapon
hyökkäyshaluinen {adj} :: aggressive, willing to attack, combative
hyökkäyskanta {n} :: offensive (posture of attacking or being able to attack)
hyökkäyskäsky {n} :: order to attack
hyökkäysketju {n} [ice hockey] :: offensive line (of players)
hyökkäysohjus {n} :: offensive missile
hyökkäys on paras puolustus {proverb} :: attack is the best form of defence, attack is the best defence
hyökkäyspää {n} [sports] :: offense, attack (portion of a team dedicated to scoring)
hyökkäyspää {n} :: (sports) In various ballgames, the end of the field in which the opponent's goal is
hyökkäyspeli {n} [sports] :: offense (strategy and tactics employed when in position to score)
hyökkäyspinta {n} [computing] :: synonym of hyökkäyspinta-ala
hyökkäyspinta-ala {n} [computing] :: surface area, attack surface (total resources of a system that are accessible from the outside world and thus might be attacked)
hyökkäysrikos {n} [law] :: crime of aggression
hyökkäyssota {n} :: A war of aggression
hyökkäyssuunnitelma {n} :: plan of attack
hyökkäystie {n} :: way or route used by firefighters to attack a fire
hyökkäysuhka {n} :: threat of attack
hyökkäysvaunu {n} [military] :: A tank
hyöky {n} :: A surge
hyöky {n} :: An outpouring
hyöky {n} :: A waterfall (waterfall-like outpouring)
hyökyä {vi} :: To billow
hyökyaalto {n} :: tidal wave, (large, sudden, and disastrous wave of water)
hyökyaalto {n} :: rogue wave, freak wave, monster wave
hyönteinen {n} :: insect
hyönteishaavi {n} :: insect hand net
hyönteishävite {n} :: insecticide
hyönteishotelli {n} :: insect hotel, bug hotel, insect house (manmade structure created to provide shelter for insects)
hyönteiskarkote {n} :: insect repellent
hyönteislaji {n} :: An insect species
hyönteismaailma {n} :: insect world
hyönteismyrkky {n} :: insecticide
hyönteisparvi {n} :: A swarm of insects
hyönteispölytteinen {adj} :: insect-pollinated, entomophilous
hyönteispölytys {n} :: insect pollination, entomophily
hyönteissuosija {n} :: entomophilous plant
hyönteissyöjä {n} :: insectivore
hyönteistiede {n} :: entomology
hyönteistieteellinen {adj} :: entomological
hyönteistieteilijä {n} :: entomologist
hyönteistoukka {n} :: An insect larva
hyönteistuho {n} :: insect damage
hyönteistutkija {n} :: entomologist
hyönteistutkimus {n} :: entomology
hyönteisvahinko {n} :: insect damage
hyöriä {vi} :: To bustle
hyörinä {n} :: bustling
hyörintä {n} :: bustling
hyötää {vt} [botany] :: to force
hyötää {v} [obsolete] :: to grow, to prosper
hyötö {n} [gardening] :: forcing
hyötöreaktori {n} :: breeder, fast breeder reactor, FBR
hyöty {n} :: gain, benefit
hyötyä {vi} :: To profit
hyötyajoneuvo {n} :: commercial vehicle, utility vehicle
hyötyeläin {n} :: useful or productive animal
hyötyhyönteinen {n} :: beneficial insect (type of insect that performs services valued by humans)
hyötyisä {adj} :: beneficial
hyötyisyys {n} :: beneficialness, utility
hyötykasvi {n} [agriculture] :: crop (plant, grown to be harvested for any economic purpose)
hyötykasvi {n} :: beneficial plant (any plant useful to man)
hyötykasvikuivuri {n} :: food dehydrator, especially one for vegetables
hyötykasvuinen {adj} :: well grown, beneficial
hyötykäyttö {n} :: useful purpose
hyötykuorma {n} :: payload (total weight of passengers, crew, equipment and cargo carried by something)
hyötyliikenne {n} :: commercial traffic, commercial service
hyötyliikunta {n} :: small acts of everyday life that are meant as exercise
hyötymansikka {n} :: garden strawberry; commercial strawberry
hyötymikrobi {n} :: beneficial microbe
hyötyminen {n} :: profiting
hyötynäkökohta {n} :: utilitarian viewpoint
hyötynäkökohta {n} :: (football) advantage rule
hyötyohjelma {n} [computing] :: utility software, utility program
hyötyosuus {n} [pharmacology] :: bioavailability
hyötypisto {n} [sewing] :: utility stitch (stitch that is used to hold a garment together, as opposed to decorative stitches)
hyötypuu {n} :: worked timber
hyötysuhde {n} :: efficiency, efficiency coefficient, operating efficiency (useful energy or work performed by a machine divided by the raw energy fed in)
hyötyteho {n} :: useful efficiency, useful output
hyötyteoria {n} :: utility theory
hypähdellä {v} :: To jump (repeatedly, irregularly and effortlessly)
hypähdys {n} :: jumping (suddenly)
hypähtää {vi} :: To jump (suddenly)
hypähtäminen {n} :: jumping suddenly
hypähtely {n} :: jumping (repeatedly)
hypätä {vi} :: To jump, leap (usually once)
hypätä kattoon {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit the roof, lose one's temper
hypätä veneestä {v} [idiomatic] :: to jump ship (to leave something, especially suddenly or rapidly)
hype {n} [colloquial or jargon] :: hype
hypellä {vi} :: To jump about
hyper- {prefix} :: hyper-
hyperaktiivinen {adj} :: hyperactive
hyperaktiivisuus {n} :: hyperactivity
hyperakusia {n} [medicine] :: hyperacusia
hyperbeli {n} :: hyperbola
hyperbola {n} :: hyperbole (extreme exaggeration or overstatement; especially as a literary or rhetorical device)
hyperbolinen {adj} :: hyperbolic
hyperbolinen funktio {n} [mathematics] :: hyperbolic function
hyperbolinen sini {n} :: hyperbolic sine
hyperboloidi {n} :: hyperboloid
hyperestesia {n} [pathology] :: hyperesthesia
hypergamia {n} :: hypergamy
hypergeometrinen {adj} [math] :: hypergeometric
hyperglykemia {n} :: hyperglycemia
hyperinflaatio {n} [economics] :: hyperinflation
hyperinsulinismi {n} :: hyperinsulinism
hyperkalsemia {n} :: hypercalcemia
hyperkolesterolemia {n} :: hypercholesteraemia
hyperkorrekti {adj} [grammar] :: hypercorrect
hyperlinkki {n} :: hyperlink
hyperlipemia {n} [pathology] :: alternative form of hyperlipidemia
hyperlipidemia {n} [pathology] :: hyperlipidemia
hypermarket {n} :: alternative form of hypermarketti
hypermarketti {n} :: hypermarket
hypermedia {n} :: hypermedia
hypermoderni {adj} :: hypermodern
hypernatreeminen {adj} [medicine] :: hypernatremic
hypernatremia {n} :: hypernatremia
hyperonymia {n} :: hyperonymy
hyperonyymi {n} :: hypernym
hyperpallo {n} [geometry] :: hypersphere
hyperpolarisaatio {n} :: hyperpolarization
hyperreaaliluku {n} :: hyperreal number
hyperrealismi {n} :: hyperrealism
hyperseksuaalisuus {n} :: hypersexuality
hypersomnia {n} :: hypersomnia
hypersteeni {n} [mineral] :: hypersthene
hypertaso {n} :: hyperplane
hyperteksti {n} :: hypertext
hypertensiivinen {adj} :: hypertensive
hypertensio {n} [pathology] :: hypertension
hypertonia {n} :: hypertonia
hypertrikoosi {n} :: hypertrichosis
hypertyreoidismi {n} :: hyperthyroidism
hypertyreoosi {n} [medicine] :: hyperthyroidism
hyperventilaatio {n} :: hyperventilation
hyperventiloida {vi} :: To hyperventilate
hypestesia {n} [pathology] :: alternative form of hypoestesia
hypettää {v} [colloquial] :: to hype
hypetys {n} [colloquial] :: hyping, hype
hypistellä {v} :: to finger, to fiddle, to fidget
hypistely {n} :: fingering, fiddling, fidgeting
hypittää {vt} :: to cause someone/something to jump
hypnagoginen {adj} :: hypnagogic (that accompanies falling asleep)
hypnologi {n} :: hypnotist
hypnoosi {n} :: hypnosis
hypnoositerapia {n} :: hypnotherapy
hypnoottinen {adj} :: hypnotic
hypnoottisesti {adv} :: hypnotically
Hypnos {prop} [Greek god] :: Hypnos
hypnoterapia {n} :: hypnotherapy
hypnotismi {n} :: hypnotism
hypnotisoida {vt} :: To hypnotise/hypnotize
hypnotisoija {n} :: hypnotist
hypnotisointi {n} :: hypnotization
hypnotisoitu {adj} :: hypnotized
hypnotisoitua {vi} :: to go under, become hypnotized (to enter the state of hypnosis)
hypoestesia {n} [pathology] :: hypoesthesia (partial loss of tactile sensation)
hypofyysi {n} [anatomy] :: hypophysis
hypogaeum {n} [rare] :: hypogeum, hypogee (underground room)
hypoglykemia {n} :: hypoglycemia
hypokalsemia {n} :: hypocalcemia
hypokondria {n} :: hypochondria
hypokondrikko {n} :: hypochondriac
hypokondrinen {adj} [pathology] :: hypochondriac, hypochondriacal (affected by hypochondria)
hypokondrisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being hypochondriac
hypokortisolismi {n} [pathology] :: hypocortisolism
hypoksantiini {n} [chemistry] :: hypoxanthine
hypolimnion {n} [geography] :: synonym of alusvesi
hypomania {n} [medicine] :: hypomania
hyponatremia {n} [medicine] :: hyponatremia
hyponymia {n} :: hyponymy
hyponyymi {n} :: hyponym
hyposensibilisaatio {n} :: hyposensitization
hypospadia {n} [medicine] :: hypospadias
hyposykloidi {n} :: hypocycloid
hypotaksi {n} :: hypotaxis
hypotaktinen {adj} :: hypotactic
hypotalamus {n} [anatomy] :: hypothalamus
hypoteekki {n} :: mortgage
hypoteekkilaina {n} :: An asuntolaina (mortgage granted for purchasing residential property) issued by Suomen_Hypoteekkiyhdistys (The Mortgage Society of Finland)
hypoteekkipankki {n} [banking] :: mortgage bank
hypoteesi {n} :: hypothesis
hypoteettinen {adj} :: hypothetic
hypoteettis-deduktiivinen {adj} :: hypothetico-deductive
hypotensio {n} [pathology] :: hypotension
hypotenuusa {n} [geometry] :: hypotenuse
hypotermia {n} [pathology] :: hypothermia
hypoterminen {adj} :: hypothermic
hypotetisoida {v} [rare] :: to hypothesise
hypotyreoidismi {n} [pathology] :: hypothyroidism
hypotyreoosi {n} [pathology] :: hypothyreosis
hypotyroidismi {n} [pathology] :: hypothyroidism
hypovitaminoosi {n} :: hypovitaminosis
hyppääjä {n} :: jumper, one who jumps
hyppääminen {n} :: jumping (act)
hyppäävä {adj} :: jumping (capable of jumping)
hyppäyksellinen {adj} :: incremental; in jumps, leaps or hops
hyppäyksittäin {adv} :: in fits, hops or jumps; inconsistently, intermittently
hyppäyksittäinen {adj} :: happening in fits, hops or jumps; intermittent
hyppäys {n} :: jump, leap
hyppäys {n} [figuratively] :: quantum leap
hyppäyttää {vt} :: to make jump, to cause to jump
hyppelehtiä {vi} :: To jump (erratically)
hyppely {n} :: jumping
hyppiä {vi} :: To jump (repeatedly), hop
hyppiä {v} :: hyppiä yli: To skip
hyppy {n} :: jump
hyppy {n} :: leap
hyppy {n} :: vault (gymnastics event)
hyppy {n} [networking] :: hop
hyppyantilooppi {n} :: springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis)
hyppyarkku {n} [gymnastics] :: vaulting table, vault (apparatus)
hyppyasento {n} :: jumping position, jumping stance
hyppyaskel {n} :: jumping step
hyppyhaalari {n} [often in plural] :: jumpsuit
hyppyhämähäkki {n} :: jumping spider, salticid (spider of the family Salticidae that jump for their pray instead of sewing webs)
hyppyhanko {n} [zoology] :: furcula
hyppyhäntäinen {n} :: A springtail
hyppyheikki {n} :: synonym of hyppymiina
hyppyheitto {n} [basketball] :: jump shot
hyppyhiiri {n} :: jumping mouse (rodent of the taxonomic subfamily Zapodinae, variously endemic to North America or China)
hyppyjalka {n} :: leg for leaping or jumping
hyppyjänis {n} :: South African springhare (Pedetes capensis)
hyppykeppi {n} :: pogo stick
hyppylaji {n} [sports] :: jumping sport
hyppylanka {n} [electronics] :: jump wire
hyppylauta {n} :: diving board
hyppyleikkaus {n} [film] :: jump cut
hyppymatto {n} :: jumping mat
hyppymyyrä {n} :: gerbil, desert rat (any mammal of the subfamily Gerbillinae)
hyppynaru {n} :: skipping rope, skip rope, jump rope (rope)
hyppynen {n} :: pinch (small amount)
hyppynen {n} [in plural] :: fingertip
hyppynuora {n} :: synonym of hyppynaru
hyppypäästäinen {n} :: elephant shrew
hyppypaikka {n} :: jumping spot
hyppypapu {n} :: A jumping bean
hyppypotku {n} :: jump kick
hyppypukki {n} [gymnastics] :: vaulting horse (apparatus)
hyppyraja {n} [athletics] :: foul line (in long jump, the line before which legal leap must start)
hyppyri {n} :: synonym of hyppyrimäki
hyppyri {n} :: jumping ramp
hyppyrima {n} :: jumping bar
hyppyrimäki {n} [ski jumping] :: ski jump ramp, ski jumping hill
hyppyrotta {n} :: dipodid (rodent of the family Dipodidae)
hyppyrotta {n} [dated] :: synonym of taskuhyppyrotta
hyppysellinen {n} :: pinch (small amount)
hyppysyöttö {n} [volleyball] :: jump serve (type of overhand serve in which the ball is tossed high in the air, then the player jumps to hit the ball higher in the air than would be possible standing on the floor)
hyppytamariini {n} :: Goeldi's marmoset (Callimico goeldii)
hyppyteline {n} [gymnastics, rare] :: vaulting horse (apparatus)
hyppyteline {n} [gymnastics, rare] :: vault, vaulting table (apparatus)
hyppyteline {n} :: Any man-made structure intended to serve as base for jumping
hyppytorni {n} :: diving tower, diving platform
hyppytunti {n} :: free period (period within a school day when one has no scheduled activity)
hyppytuomari {n} :: ski jumping judge
hyppytyyny {n} :: jumping cushion
hyppyyttää {vt} :: To make someone or something to jump; to bounce
hyppyyttää {v} :: To collect sperm from large mammals, like stallions
hypsometri {n} :: hypsometer
hyrähdys {n} :: kicking into action suddenly; a sound made by such
hyrähtää {vi} :: to start doing something suddenly, burst into
hyrähtäminen {n} :: bursting into (doing something)
hyräillä {vt} :: to hum, to croon (to sing softly, like singing a lullaby to a child, without words)
hyräily {n} :: humming (a song)
hyräys {n} :: synonym of hyrähdys
hyrinä {n} :: hum, purr (indistinct sound, like that produced by a purring cat)
hyristä {vi} :: to hum, to drone, to whirr, to purr
hyrrä {n} :: spinning top, top (toy)
hyrräkela {n} :: multiplier reel
hyrräkompassi {n} :: gyrocompass
hyrrälaite {n} :: gyroscope
hyrräliike {n} :: gyration
hyrrätä {vi} :: to drone, buzz, whirr, hum
hyrräys {n} :: droning, buzzing, whirring, humming
hyrskähtää {vi} :: to gush, to burst
hyrske {n} :: surge
hyrskiä {v} :: alternative form of hyrskytä
hyrsky {n} :: surge, wave
hyrskyinen {adj} :: surging, billowing
hyrskytä {v} [nautical] :: to wave, swell, surge (indicates powerful, violent seas)
hyrynsalmelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Hyrynsalmi
hyrynsalmelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Hyrynsalmi
Hyrynsalmi {prop} :: Hyrynsalmi
hyrysysy {n} [dated] :: An automobile
hys {interj} :: hush!, shh!
hyssytellä {vt} :: To hush
hyssyttää {vt} :: to hush
hyssyttäminen {n} :: hushing
hyssyttely {n} :: hushing (appeasing, soothing; making quiet)
hyssytys {n} :: hushing (appeasing, soothing; making quiet)
hysteerikko {n} :: A hysteric person
hysteerinen {adj} :: hysterical, hysteric
hysteerisesti {adv} :: hysterically
hystereesi {n} :: hysteresis
hysterektomia {n} :: hysterectomy
hysteria {n} :: hysteria
hysteriakohtaus {n} :: hysterical episode, hysterical fit
hytinä {n} :: shiver, especially one due to cold
hytinä {n} :: hunch
hytistä {vi} :: to tremble, quiver
hytisyttää {vt} :: To make somebody or something to tremble, quiver
hytkähdellä {vi} :: to twitch or jolt repeatedly
hytkähdyttää {vt} :: to thrill, to stir
hytkähtää {vi} :: to twitch, to jolt
hytkäyttää {vt} :: to thrill, to stir
hytke {n} :: wiggle
hytkyä {vi} [of jelly, fat etc.] :: to shake, jiggle
hytkytellä {vt} :: to jiggle around repeatedly
hytkyttää {vt} :: To jiggle
hytkyttävä {adj} :: wiggling
hytkytys {n} :: wiggling (making something wiggle)
Hytönen {prop} :: surname
hytti {n} :: cabin (private room on a ship)
hyttiemäntä {n} :: cabin hostess
hyttimatkustaja {n} :: cabin passenger (passenger who has a cabin, as opposed to a deck passenger, who hasn't)
Hyttinen {prop} :: surname
hyttipaikka {n} :: cabin berth
hyttipoika {n} :: cabin boy
hyttynen {n} :: mosquito
hyttysenpisto {n} :: mosquito bite (literal sense: bite of a mosquito)
hyttysenpisto {n} [pejorative, usually in plural] :: bee sting, mosquito bite (very small breast)
hyttysenpurema {n} :: mosquito bite
hyttyskarkote {n} :: mosquito repellent
hyttyskierukka {n} :: mosquito coil
hyttysmyrkky {n} :: mosquito repellent, mosquito poison, mosquito spray
hyttysöljy {n} :: mosquito oil
hyttysparvi {n} :: mosquito swarm
hyttysspiraali {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of hyttyskierukka
hyttyssuihke {n} :: mosquito spray, bug spray
hyttyssuoja {n} :: mosquito screen
hyttysverkko {n} :: bug screen, fly screen, insect screen, window screen
hyttysverkko {n} :: mosquito net
hyttysvoide {n} :: mosquito repellent lotion
hytykkä {n} :: tremella (fungus of the genus Tremella, with many edible species)
hyvä {adj} :: good (all the meanings: inspiring positive reactions; morally good; good by one's skills)
hyvä {adj} :: desirable, advisable
hyvä-ääninen {adj} :: that has a good voice or sound
hyvää huomenta {phrase} :: good morning
hyvää iltaa {phrase} :: good evening
hyvää joulua {phrase} :: Merry Christmas
hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta {phrase} :: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
hyvää matkaa {interj} :: bon voyage, have a nice trip
hyvää päivää {phrase} :: good day, how do you do
hyvää päivänjatkoa {interj} :: have a nice day!
hyvää ruokahalua {interj} :: bon appétit
hyvää syntymäpäivää {phrase} :: happy birthday!
hyvää tarkoittava {adj} :: well-meaning
hyvää uutta vuotta {phrase} :: Happy New Year
hyvää vappua {phrase} :: happy May Day
hyvää vauhtia {phrase} [idiomatic] :: at a good pace, at a good speed, fast
hyvää viikonloppua {phrase} :: Have a good weekend
hyvää yötä {phrase} :: good night
hyvää ystävänpäivää {phrase} :: happy Valentine's day
hyväenteinen {adj} :: auspicious, bright, hopeful (being or exhibiting a good omen)
hyvähermoinen {adj} :: with good or strong nerves; calm, steady
hyvä huomio {phrase} :: good point, good catch, well spotted
hyvä-huuto {n} :: cheer (cry expressing joy, approval or support)
hyväihoinen {adj} :: having a good, healthy skin
hyväilevä {adj} :: caressing
hyväillä {v} :: To caress, fondle
hyväily {n} :: caressing, cuddling, fondling
hyväilysana {n} :: synonym of hellittelysana
hyväkäs {adj} :: A mild word of abuse
hyväkasvuinen {adj} :: well-growing
hyväkäytöksinen {adj} :: well-behaved, well-mannered
hyväkroppainen {adj} [colloquial] :: having a good body
hyväksi {adv} :: for one's good, for one's (own) benefit, to one's advantage
hyväksi {postp} :: for the good of, for the benefit of
hyväksikäyttää {vt} :: to abuse, to exploit, to molest
hyväksikäyttäjä {n} :: user, exploiter, abuser (person who treats and regards people unfairly, selfishly and/or unethically)
hyväksikäyttäjä {n} :: misuser, abuser (one who abuses sexually)
hyväksikäyttäminen {n} :: exploitation
hyväksikäyttäminen {n} :: abuse
hyväksikäyttö {n} :: exploitation
hyväksikäyttö {n} :: utilization
hyväksikäyttö {n} :: seksuaalinen ~ : sexual abuse
hyväksikäyttö {n} :: luottamuksen ~ : con game
hyväksilukeminen {n} [education] :: acceptance of credits from a course by prior study
hyväksyä {vt} :: to accept, approve of
hyväksyä {v} :: to agree (to be of same opinion)
hyväksyä {v} :: to sanction, ratify
hyväksyjä {n} :: acceptor
hyväksymästä {v} :: infinitive of hyväksyä
hyväksyminen {n} :: acceptance, approval
hyväksymiskelvoton {adj} :: inacceptable, unacceptable
hyväksymisprosessi {n} :: approval process, qualification
hyväksymistodennäköisyys {n} :: probability of passing or acceptance
hyväksymisvirhe {n} [statistics] :: type II error, error of the second kind
hyväksymys {n} :: acceptance
hyväksyntä {n} :: approval
hyväksyntä {n} :: assent
hyväksyntä {n} :: sanction (approval of an action by an authority)
hyväksyttää {vt} :: to get an approval, to have somebody else approve
hyväksyttäminen {n} :: getting or having something approved
hyväksyttävä {adj} :: acceptable, admissible
hyväksyttävämmin {adv} :: comparative of hyväksyttävä
hyväksyttävästi {adv} :: acceptably
hyväksyttävimmin {adv} :: superlative of hyväksyttävä
hyväksyttävyys {n} :: acceptability
hyväksyttävyys {n} [statistics] :: face validity
hyväksytty {adj} :: acceptable
hyväksytty {adj} :: accepted, approved, accomplished
hyväksyvä {adj} :: accepting, approving (characterized by acceptance, expressing approbation)
hyväksyvä {adj} :: approbative (expressing approval)
hyväksyvä {adj} :: approbative (giving authorization or approval to something)
hyväksyvästi {adv} :: approvingly
hyväkuntoinen {adj} :: healthy
hyväkuntoinen {adj} :: sound
hyväkuuloinen {adj} :: with good hearing
hyvälaatuinen {adj} :: quality
hyvälaatuinen {adj} :: benign
hyvälahjainen {adj} :: talented, gifted
hyvälistö {n} :: synonym of herrasväki
hyvällä tuulella {adv} :: In good mood
hyväluonteinen {adj} :: with good nature, personality or character
hyväluontoinen {adj} :: good-natured
hyväluontoisuus {n} :: The property of being good-natured
hyvämaineinen {adj} :: reputable
hyvämuistinen {adj} :: Having a good memory
hyvänahkainen {adj} :: calm, even-tempered
hyvänahkaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being calm or even-tempered
hyvänäköinen {adj} :: Having good eyesight
hyvänen {adj} :: good; used only as fortifier in the exclamation hyvänen aika (good heavens)
hyvänen aika {interj} :: oh my goodness, good heavens
hyvänhajuinen {adj} :: odorous, good-smelling, sweet-smelling
hyvänheikinsavikka {n} :: Good King Henry, Lincolnshire spinach, English mercury, poor man's asparagus (Blitum bonus-henricus, formerly Chenopodium bonus-henricus) (plant in the goosefoot family used as a leaf vegetable)
hyvän kehä {n} :: virtuous circle
hyvänlaatuinen {adj} [rare] :: quality (being of good quality)
hyvänlaatuinen {adj} [medicine] :: benign
hyvänlaatuisuus {n} :: of good quality
hyvänlaatuisuus {n} :: benignancy, benignity (of a tumor, etc.)
hyvänlainen {adj} :: good, goodish
hyvänmakuinen {adj} :: tasty
hyvänmakuisesti {adv} :: with a good taste
hyvänmiehenlisä {n} [colloquial] :: bonus given to good employees
hyvännäköinen {adj} :: good-looking, easy on the eyes
hyvänolontunne {n} :: euphoria, pleasure, good feeling
hyvänpäiväntuttu {n} :: an acquaintance that one only really says hello to
hyvänsä {adv} :: synonym of tahansa
hyvän sään aikana {adv} [idiomatic] :: Before it's too late (literally: "during the good weather")
hyvänsuopa {adj} :: benevolent
hyvänsuopainen {adj} :: benevolent
hyvänsuopaisuus {n} :: benevolence
hyvänsuopuus {n} :: benevolence
hyvänsuovasti {adv} :: benevolently
hyväntahdonlähettiläs {n} :: goodwill ambassador
hyväntahtoinen {adj} :: good-natured, kind, benevolent
hyväntahtoisesti {adv} :: benevolently
hyväntahtoisuus {n} :: benevolence
hyväntapainen {adj} :: well-mannered
hyväntekeväinen {adj} :: charitable
hyväntekeväisyys {n} :: charity
hyväntekeväisyysjärjestö {n} :: a charitable organization
hyväntekeväisyysjuhla {n} :: charity ball, charity event
hyväntekeväisyyskonsertti {n} :: benefit concert, charity concert
hyväntekeväisyyslaitos {n} :: charitable organization, charitable institution
hyväntekeväisyysmyyjäiset {n} :: charity rummage sale
hyväntekeväisyystanssiaiset {n} :: charity ball
hyväntekijä {n} :: benefactor
Hyväntoivonniemi {prop} :: Cape of Good Hope
hyväntuntuinen {adj} :: that feels good
hyväntuoksuinen {adj} :: fragrant (having a pleasant smell)
hyväntuulinen {adj} :: cheerful, jovial
hyväntuulisesti {adv} :: cheerfully
hyväntuulisuus {n} :: cheerfulness
hyvänyönsuukko {n} :: good night kiss
hyvä on {phrase} :: fine, all right, very well (expression of (possibly reluctant) agreement)
hyväonninen {adj} :: lucky (of people, having good fortune)
hyväoppinen {adj} :: well-learned
hyväosainen {adj} :: well off, advantaged (of a person: in fortunate circumstances, especially having financial security)
hyväpäinen {adj} :: clever, talented, bright
hyväpalkkainen {adj} :: well-paid, highly paid
hyvä puoli {phrase} :: advantage; pro
Hyvärinen {prop} :: surname
hyväryhtinen {adj} :: with a good posture
hyvästellä {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] :: to say goodbye to, take one's leave, take leave
hyvästely {n} [often in plural] :: farewell (act of saying goodbye)
hyvästi {interj} :: farewell, goodbye (formal and final)
hyvästi {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: farewell
hyvästi {adv} [somewhat, dated or dialectal] :: well
hyvästijättö {n} :: farewell, goodbye, send-off
hyväsydäminen {adj} :: goodhearted
hyväsydämisesti {adv} :: goodheartedly
hyväsydämisyys {n} :: goodheartedness
hyvä tahto {n} :: good will (favourably disposed attitude)
hyvätapainen {adj} :: well-mannered, well mannered, well-behaved (having good manners)
hyvätasoinen {adj} :: on or at a high level or standard
hyvätekoinen {adj} :: well-made
hyvät naiset ja herrat {phrase} :: ladies and gentlemen
hyvätuloinen {adj} :: well-to-do (having a good income)
hyvätuoksuinen {adj} :: odorous, odoriferous
hyvätuottoinen {adj} :: that makes a good profit or return
hyväuskoinen {adj} :: gullible, credulous
hyväuskoisesti {adv} :: gullibly
hyväuskoisuus {n} :: gullibility
hyvä veli {n} :: A salutation used at the beginning of a friendly, often confidential letter from male to male; abbreviation H.V.
hyvä veli {n} :: Used attributively to make a reference to cronyism; notably in expressions hyvä veli -järjestelmä and hyvä veli -verkosto
hyvä veli -järjestelmä {n} :: cronyism (favoritism to friends)
hyvä yritys {interj} [colloquial] :: nice try
hyve {n} :: virtue
hyveellinen {adj} :: virtuous
hyveellisesti {adv} :: virtuously
hyveellisyys {n} :: virtuousness
hyvesignalointi {n} :: virtue signalling
hyvike {n} :: compensation
hyvillään {adv} :: pleased, happy, glad, delighted (about something = elative)
hyvilleen {adv} :: into being pleased
hyvin {adv} :: well
hyvin {adv} :: very
hyvinjärjestys {n} [set theory, order theory] :: well-order
Hyvinkää {prop} :: Hyvinkää (town), 50 km north of Helsinki
hyvinkääläinen {adj} :: of Hyvinkää (of or pertaining to the city of Hyvinkää)
hyvinkääläinen {n} :: A person living in or originating from Hyvinkää
hyvinkin {adv} :: very well
hyvin perillä asioista {phrase} :: well-informed
hyvinpukeutuva {adj} :: well-dressed
hyvin suunniteltu on puoleksi tehty {proverb} :: planning ahead can help immensely in doing something
hyvinvarustettu {adj} :: well-equipped
hyvinvarustettu {adj} :: well-endowed
hyvinvointi {n} :: well-being, welfare (health, safety, happiness and prosperity)
hyvinvointi {n} :: wellness
hyvinvointikapitalismi {n} :: welfare capitalism
hyvinvointimatkailu {n} :: wellness tourism
hyvinvointipalvelu {n} :: welfare service
hyvinvointitekniikka {n} :: welfare technology
hyvinvointiteknologia {n} :: welfare technology
hyvinvointivaltio {n} :: welfare state
hyvinvointiyhteiskunta {n} :: welfare society
hyvinvoipa {adj} :: alternative form of hyvinvoiva
hyvinvoipaisuus {n} :: synonym of hyvinvoivuus
hyvinvoiva {adj} :: healthy
hyvinvoiva {adj} :: thrifty
hyvis {n} [colloquial] :: A good guy, hero
hyvissä ajoin {adv} :: in good time (before an appointed time)
hyvissä käsissä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: in good hands
hyvite {n} :: compensation
hyvitellä {vt} :: to palliate, to appease, to soothe
hyvittää {vt} :: To compensate, recompense, reimburse
hyvittää {vt} :: To credit (transfer money to somebody's account)
hyvittää {vt} :: To make up, make amends
hyvittäminen {n} :: compensating, reimbursing
hyvittäminen {n} :: crediting
hyvittely {n} :: palliating, appeasing, soothing
hyvitys {n} :: rebate, refund
hyvitys {n} :: atonement
hyvityslasku {n} :: credit note, credit memorandum
hyvityssakko {n} :: compensatory fine
Hyvönen {prop} :: surname
hyvyys {n} :: goodness (the property of being good)
hyvyys {n} :: good (as opposed to evil)
hyvyysluku {n} [physics] :: Q factor
hyy {n} [archaic, now, dialectal] :: slush (partially melted snow)
hyyde {n} :: slush (partially melted water or snow)
hyyde {n} :: sludge (watery sludge)
hyyde {n} :: frazil ice (loose, randomly oriented needle-shaped ice crystals in water)
hyydepato {n} :: ice jam, slush jam (of a river)
hyydyke {n} :: sorbet
hyydyke {n} :: jelly
hyydyke {n} :: aspic
hyydyte {n} :: coagulant
hyydyttää {vt} :: to coagulate (cause to congeal)
hyydyttäminen {n} :: coagulating (causing to congeal)
hyydytys {n} :: coagulation
hyydytysaine {n} :: clotting agent
hyyfi {n} :: synonym of sienirihma
hyyhmä {n} :: slush (partially melted water or snow)
hyyhmä {n} :: sludge (watery sludge)
hyypiö {n} :: creep
hyyppä {n} [birds] :: lapwing, plover (any wader of the genus Vanellus)
hyyry {n} [dialectal] :: rent
hyysätä {v} [colloquial] :: to pamper, to coddle (to treat gently or with great care)
hyysikkä {n} [colloquial] :: outhouse
hyytää {vt} :: To freeze
hyytelö {n} :: gelee, jelly
hyytelöidä {vt} :: to jellify (make into jelly or gel)
hyytelöimisaine {n} :: gelling agent
hyytelöityä {v} :: to gel, jellify (to become jelly or gel)
hyytelömäinen {adj} :: gelatinous, jellylike
hyytelörakko {n} [pathology] :: ganglion cyst
Hyytiäinen {prop} :: surname
hyytö {n} :: slush, sludge; partially melted water or snow
hyytyä {v} :: to congeal, coagulate, clot
hyytyä {v} :: to coagulate, clot [of blood]
hyytyä {v} [colloquial] :: to lose power, to get tired etc
hyytymä {n} :: clot (mass of coagulated material)
hyytyminen {n} :: coagulation, clotting
hyytymistekijä {n} [biochemistry] :: coagulation factor
hyytymistekijä X {n} [biochemistry] :: factor X, X factor (prothrombinase)
hyytyvä {adj} :: coagulating