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Hisin kimppu

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Hisin (of His) kimppu (bundle); named after Swiss cardiologist Wilhelm His, Jr.



Hisin kimppu

  1. (anatomy) bundle of His, AV bundle, atrioventricular bundle (bundle of specialized heart muscle cells that transmit electrical impulses from the AV node in the heart to the muscle cells of the heart wall, which contract in response producing the heart beat)


Inflection of Hisin kimppu (Kotus type 1*B/valo, pp-p gradation)
nominative Hisin kimppu Hisin kimput
genitive Hisin kimpun Hisin kimppujen
partitive Hisin kimppua Hisin kimppuja
illative Hisin kimppuun Hisin kimppuihin
singular plural
nominative Hisin kimppu Hisin kimput
accusative nom. Hisin kimppu Hisin kimput
gen. Hisin kimpun
genitive Hisin kimpun Hisin kimppujen
partitive Hisin kimppua Hisin kimppuja
inessive Hisin kimpussa Hisin kimpuissa
elative Hisin kimpusta Hisin kimpuista
illative Hisin kimppuun Hisin kimppuihin
adessive Hisin kimpulla Hisin kimpuilla
ablative Hisin kimpulta Hisin kimpuilta
allative Hisin kimpulle Hisin kimpuille
essive Hisin kimppuna Hisin kimppuina
translative Hisin kimpuksi Hisin kimpuiksi
abessive Hisin kimputta Hisin kimpuitta
instructive Hisin kimpuin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of Hisin kimppu (Kotus type 1*B/valo, pp-p gradation)

