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Alternative forms




From anti- +‎ government.



antigovernment (comparative more antigovernment, superlative most antigovernment)

  1. Opposed to a government currently in power.
    Antigovernment protesters marched in the capital.
    • 2013 April 1, Timothy Havens, Black Television Travels: African American Media around the Globe (Book collections on Project MUSE)‎[1], NYU Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 75:
      And finally, the transnational discourses of antiapartheidism and divestiture had led the U.K. television industry to ban sales of current programs to South Africa, again shaping the ways Bop-TV could enact its particular form of antigovernment, antiapartheid cultural politics.
  2. Opposed to government in general.
    They have an antigovernment philosophy.
    • 2021 April 9, “Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community”, in Office of the Director of National Intelligence[2], page 24:
      This diverse set of extremists reflects an increasingly complex threat landscape, including racially or ethnically motivated threats and antigovernment or antiauthority threats.
    • 2021 April 13, Katie Bo Williams and Zachary Cohen, “US intelligence community warns of devastating long-term impact of coronavirus pandemic”, in CNN[3]:
      Domestic extremists are motivated by a range of ideologies which “reflects an increasingly complex threat landscape, including racially or ethnically motivated threats and antigovernment or antiauthority threats,” the report says.
    • 2023 October 31, Nicole Hemmer, “Opinion: Hard-right Republicans say they hate government, but they sure love the power”, in CNN[4]:
      It is tempting to see these vacancies through the feature-not-a-bug lens of the Republican Party’s antigovernment politics. If a party doesn’t care about governing, why would it care that the government isn’t functioning?









antigovernment (plural antigovernments)

  1. A government set up to oppose another government.
    • 2017, Richard K. Betts, Conflict After the Cold War:
      Insurrection and subversion are primarily the weapons of indigenous antigovernments. Foreign governments, of course, may encourage antigovernments.