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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-p

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
p {letter} :: letter: pee
p {n} :: abbreviation of penni (Finnish penny, no longer used)
P {letter} :: letter: pee
-pa {clitic} :: Expresses that the speaker is surprised at or astonished by something
-pa {clitic} :: please, kindly (appended to an imperative verb form in order to soften the command or request or turn it into a suggestion, or passive to form a urging hortative)
-pa {clitic} :: Expresses admission or concession, possibly in a way that expresses defeat
-pa {clitic} :: if you like (used in giving a non-concrete instruction)
-pa {clitic} :: Expresses that the speaker is proud of something, also to boast or brag about something
-pa {clitic} [colloquial] :: Used to narrate impulsive actions; when describing the speaker's own actions, expresses that the speaker decided to do the action at the referred time; when describing the (past) actions of the person being addressed, implies that the speaker is looking for an explanation
-pa {clitic} :: When appended to a second-person imperative with the particle -s, gives the command or request a slightly more persuasive or inspiring tone
-pa {clitic} [with conditional] :: I wish (expresses the speaker's desire for something that is not true)
-pa {clitic} :: Adds a general emphatic tone, the exact meaning of which depends on the tone of voice
-pa {clitic} [possibly, childish] :: Expresses backtalking or disagreement in the form of an exclamation
-pa {clitic} :: whether (no matter whether or not), no matter (if, what)
-pa {clitic} :: With interrogatives and conditional verbs, used to form self-deprecating, often rhetorical questions
-pa {suffix} [rare] :: Forms adjectives or nouns of a very limited amount of verbs
pää- {prefix} :: main, head, prime, primary, principal, leading
pää {n} :: head (of an organism or organisation)
pää {n} :: end, tip (physical end)
pää-äänenkannattaja {n} :: (leading) organ, party organ (newspaper representing the official opinion of a political party)
pääaihe {n} :: main theme, main topic, keynote
pääaine {n} :: major (academics)
pääakseli {n} [math] :: principal axis
pääanalyytikko {n} :: chief analyst, lead analyst
pääarvo {n} [math] :: principal value
pääasia {n} :: main thing, main issue, central point
pääasiallinen {adj} :: main, principal, chief (most important)
pääasiallisesti {adv} :: mainly, principally
pääasiassa {adv} :: mainly (chiefly; for the most part)
pääateria {n} :: main dish, main course
pääavain {n} [computing, databases] :: primary key
paaduttaa {vt} :: to harden (to make less sensitive)
päädyitse {adv} [rare] :: in front of the end of something
päädyittäin {adv} :: end-to-end (arranged such that each end of a given item is adjacent to one end of a different item)
päädytysten {adv} [rare] :: synonym of päädyittäin
pääelinkeino {n} :: principal industry, primary industry
pääepäilty {n} [legal] :: prime suspect
pääesiintyjä {n} :: main performer
pääesikunta {n} [military] :: (main, supreme etc.) headquarters (central command centre of a military organization)
päähän {postp} :: (to) away (after a distance)
päähänpälkähdys {n} :: a whimsical idea
päähänpiintymä {n} :: idée fixe (idea dominating the mind)
päähänpinttymä {n} :: alternative form of päähänpiintymä
päähänpisto {n} :: A whim, freak, vagary, caprice
paahde {n} :: Scorching heat
paahdella {v} :: A frequentative form of the verb paahtaa
paahdettu {adj} :: roast, roasted (cooked by roasting)
paahdin {n} :: toaster
päähenkilö {n} :: protagonist, hero
päähine {n} :: headdress, headwear
päähine {n} :: headgear, head covering, headcover
paahtaa {v} :: to toast
paahtaa {v} :: to roast
paahtaa {v} :: to parch
paahtaa {v} :: to scorch, singe
paahtaa {v} [of the sun] :: to heat
paahtaa {v} [colloquial] :: to drive fast for a long period of time, as e.g. on a motorway
paahteinen {adj} :: synonym of helteinen
paahtimo {n} :: roastery, roasting factory
paahto {n} :: roast (degree to which something is roasted)
paahto {n} [as modifier in compound terms] :: roast, roasted, toasted
paahtoaste {n} :: roast (degree to which something is roasted)
paahtofilee {n} :: A roasted loin of beef
paahtokiisseli {n} [desserts] :: A kissel sweetened with caramelized sugar
paahtokylki {n} :: synonym of grillikylki
paahtoleipä {n} :: toast
paahtopaisti {n} :: roast beef (meat)
paahtotuore {adj} [of coffee] :: freshly roasted
paahtouuni {n} :: toaster oven
paahtovanukas {n} :: A crème brûlée
paahtua {vi} :: To scorch
päähuivi {n} :: headscarf
pääideaali {n} [algebra] :: principal ideal
pääideaalirengas {n} [algebra] :: principal ideal ring
pääilmansuunta {n} [geography] :: A cardinal direction or cardinal point
pääjakso {n} [taxonomy] :: A phylum
pääjalkainen {n} :: A cephalopod
pääjäristys {n} [seismology] :: mainshock (maximum shock in an earthquake event)
pääjehu {n} [colloquial] :: big kahuna, head honcho, top banana, bigwig (boss, leader, top-ranking person in an organization)
pääjohtaja {n} :: general director, chief executive officer
pääjohtaja {n} :: director-general
pääjohto {n} :: main, main line, trunk line (large pipe or cable providing utility service to a building or area)
pääjoukko {n} :: main group
pääjoukko {n} [cycling] :: peloton
pääjuhla {n} :: main celebration
pääjuuri {n} [botany] :: taproot
pääkallo {n} [anatomy] :: skull
pääkallokeli {n} :: (very) dangerous weather conditions
pääkallokiitäjä {n} :: death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos)
pääkallonmetsästäjä {n} :: headhunter
pääkallonpaikka {n} [colloquial] :: headquarters
pääkampa {n} :: A comb, often decorated, designed to be worn as part of a hairdo rather than used for combing; hair-comb
pääkansi {n} [nautical] :: main deck
paakari {n} [dialectal] :: baker
pääkäsittely {n} [legal] :: A main hearing of a legal case
pääkatu {n} :: main street, high street
pääkaupunki {n} :: capital (city)
pääkaupunkiseutu {n} :: Helsinki metropolitan area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen)
pääkaupunkiseutu {n} :: capital region
pääkaupunkiseutulainen {n} :: a person from a capital region, often specifically the Helsinki metropolitan area
pääkaupunkiseutulainen {adj} :: pertaining to a capital region, often specifically the Helsinki metropolitan area
pääkäyttäjä {n} :: main user, primary user
pääkäyttäjä {n} [computing] :: root user, root, superuser, administrator (user with complete access to the operating system and its configuration)
pää kiinni {interj} [colloquial, impolite] :: shut up!
pääkipu {n} [pathology] :: headache
pääkirja {n} [accounting] :: general ledger (central accounting record of a company or organization)
pääkirjasto {n} :: main library
pääkirjoitus {n} :: editorial, leader (principal article in a publication giving the opinion of its editors)
pääkkäin {adv} :: head to head, head against head
paakku {n} :: lump
paakku {n} :: gob (lump of soft and moist material)
paakku {n} :: clod (lump of earth or clay)
paakkuinen {adj} :: clumpy
paakkutaimi {n} :: A sapling with a rootball
paakkuunnuttaa {vt} :: to cake (form into a cake, or mass)
paakkuuntua {v} :: to cake, stick together, get lumpy
paakkuuntuminen {n} :: Action noun of the verb paakkuuntua (to cake), caking
paakkuuntumisenestoaine {n} :: anticaking agent (substance added to another product to prevent it from forming lumps)
pää kolmantena jalkana {adv} [idiomatic] :: juosta ~ = to run head over heels; at top speed, frantically (literally: with head as the third leg)
pääkomponenttianalyysi {n} [statistics] :: principal component analysis
pääkone {n} :: main engine
pääkonsuli {n} :: consul general
pääkonsuli {n} :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland
pääkonttori {n} :: head office (main administrative centre for a company or organisation)
pääkoppa {n} :: cranium
pääksytyksin {adv} :: synonym of pääksytysten
pääksytysten {adv} :: Only used in the idiomatic expression päivät pääksytysten ("day in, day out") (every day, 24/7)
pääkuva {n} :: main image
pääkuva {n} :: headshot, portrait (portrait for branding and/or social media)
pääkvanttiluku {n} [physics] :: principal quantum number
pääkytkin {n} :: main switch, master switch
päälaenlohko {n} :: alternative form of päälakilohko
päälaenluu {n} [skeleton] :: the parietal bone
paalain {n} :: baler
päälaki {n} [anatomy] ::  A crown, pate, vertex (top of the head)
päälakilohko {n} [anatomy] :: parietal lobe
päälakiluu {n} :: synonym of päälaenluu
pääläri {n} :: a milk churn or milk jug
paalata {v} [agriculture] :: to bale (hay or similar)
päälaulaja {n} :: lead singer (leading vocalist in a musical group)
paalaus {n} :: baling
päälause {n} [grammar] :: main clause, independent clause
paalauskone {n} :: baler, baling machine
päälävistäjä {n} [linear algebra] :: main diagonal
paali {n} :: bale
paali {n} :: bolt (a large roll of material)
paali {n} :: roll
paali {n} :: Pali (language)
pääliina {n} :: headscarf
päälinja {n} :: broad line, main line
päälipeitto {n} :: coverlet (blanket used as a bed covering, usually quilted)
päälista {n} :: main list
paalittaa {v} :: to bale (wrap into a bale)
paalitus {n} :: alternative form of paalaus
paalituskone {n} :: synonym of paalauskone
päällä {adv} [static] :: on (in an operating state)
päällä {postp} [static] :: (physically) on top of
päälläoloaika {n} :: uptime
päälläseisonta {n} :: headstand, standing on one's head
päälle {adv} :: on (into an operating state)
päälle {postp} [of movement] :: on(to), on (top of)
päälleajaja {n} :: driver of a car involved in a hitting or ramming incident, such as a hit and run
päälleajo {n} :: hitting or ramming with a vehicle, often intentionally
päälleen {adv} :: third-person form form of päälle
päällekarkaus {n} :: onrush, onslaught, assault (physical attack, especially on a person)
päällekäypä {adj} :: synonym of päällekäyvä
päällekäyvä {adj} :: offensive, aggressive
päällekirjoitus {n} :: overwrite, subscription, inscription
päällekkäin {adv} :: One on the other, one upon the other
päällekkäinasettelu {n} :: superimposition
päällekkäinen {adj} :: superimposed, overlapping
päällekkäisvalotus {n} [photography] :: multiple exposure (technique)
päällemaalaus {n} :: painting on top of existing paint
päälleni {adv} :: first-person singular form form of päälle
päällepainatus {n} :: overprinting, overprint
päällesi {adv} :: second-person singular form form of päälle
päällettäin {adv} :: synonym of päällekkäin
päälletysten {adv} :: synonym of päällekkäin
päällikkö {n} :: chief
päällikkö {n} :: head
päällikkö {n} :: leader
päällikkö {n} :: commander
päällikkö {n} :: boss, manager
päällimmäinen {adj} [uncomparable] :: topmost, uppermost (at or nearest to the top of a pile, stack or similar)
päällimmäinen {adj} [comparable] :: most urgent
päällimmäisin {adj} :: superlative of päällimmäinen
päällimmiten {adv} :: superficially, by and large
päällimpänä {adv} :: synonym of päällimmäisenä
päällinen {n} :: topping (food item added on top of another)
päällinen {n} :: covering, cover, spread, jacket (removable or replaceable protective or insulating cover for an object)
päällinen {n} :: throw (piece of fabric used to cover a bed, sofa or other soft furnishing)
päällinen {n} :: case, slip
päällisin puolin {phrase} :: on the face of it, superficially, on the surface
päälliskangas {n} :: Any fabric used as outmost layer of material in a garment
päälliskangas {n} :: Any fabric used as outmost layer of material in upholstery
päällitse {postp} :: over, above; also other translations, depending on context (by the way of going over or above something)
päällys {n} :: top, cover, overlay
päällyshiha {n} :: oversleeve
päällyshousut {n} :: overtrousers
päällyskasvi {n} :: epiphyte plant
päällyskenkä {n} :: overshoe
päällyslakana {n} :: top sheet (part of bedding)
päällystä {n} :: alternative form of päällys
päällystää {vt} :: To coat, overlay, pave
päällystakki {n} :: overcoat
päällyste {n} :: pavement, paving (paved exterior surface, as with a road or sidewalk)
päällyste {n} :: flooring, (floor) covering, pavement (surfacing on an interior floor, especially in technical sense)
päällyste {n} :: covering, especially one that is meant to be used together with the covered object
päällyste {n} :: topping, such as on pizza etc
päällystö {n} :: officers in charge of a ship
päällystövyö {n} :: Sam Browne belt
päällystys {n} :: covering, paving
päällysvaate {n} :: outer garment, overgarment
päältä {postp} [of movement] :: from top of
paalu {n} :: stake, pole (long and slender piece of wood or other material, often pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a marker or a support or stay)
paalu {n} :: pile (large stake, driven into the earth or sea-bed for the support of a building, a pier, etc.)
paalu {n} [historical] :: the stake (upright piece of timber to which a person condemned to death by burning alive was affixed)
paalu {n} [heraldry] :: pale
paalu {n} [slang] :: money
paaluaita {n} :: palisade (wall made of wooden stakes, one end of which is set firmly in the ground)
paaluaita {n} :: paling fence
pääluettelo {n} :: main list, principal list
paalujuntta {n} [construction] :: pile driver
pääluku {n} :: headcount (number of people present)
pääluku {n} :: main chapter
pääluokka {n} [grammar] :: voice
pääluottamusmies {n} :: A head shop steward; in a large workplace there may be several shop stewards, in which case one of them is appointed to represent them as a group towards the employer
paalupaikka {n} [motor racing] :: pole position
paalusolmu {n} :: A bowline
paaluttaa {v} [construction] :: To drive piles into the ground, usually in order to strengthen the foundations of a structure
paaluttaminen {n} :: synonym of paalutus
paalutus {n} :: pile-driving
pääluu {n} [skeleton] :: the cranium (neurocranium and facial skeleton considered as one bone)
paaluvarustus {n} :: palisade (wall of wooden stakes, used as a defensive barrier)
paaluveto {n} [nautical] :: bollard pull
päämäärä {n} :: goal, aim, objective
päämäärätietoisuus {n} :: sense of purpose or direction, sense of having or knowing a goal
päämäärätön {adj} :: aimless, goalless
päämäärättömästi {adv} :: aimlessly, goallessly
päämaja {n} [military] :: command post, headquarters (military installation from which troops are commanded and orders are issued)
päämaja {n} [by extension, colloquial] :: base, headquarters (place where decisions for an organization are made)
päämies {n} [legal] :: client
päämineraali {n} :: primary mineral, main mineral
pääministeri {n} :: prime minister
pääministerikausi {n} :: prime ministerial term
paana {n} [dialectal] :: track, especially a racing track
paana {n} [dialectal] :: road
paana {n} [dialectal] :: railroad
päänahka {n} [anatomy, also, figurative] :: scalp
päänalunen {n} :: anything used to rest the head on when lying down, such as a pillow
päänalus {n} :: synonym of päänalunen
päänaluslauta {n} :: a wooden platform that raises the mattress under the pillow
päänalusta {n} :: synonym of päänalunen
Paananen {prop} :: surname
päänauha {n} :: headband
päänavaaja {n} :: groundbreaker (person or action)
päänäyttämö {n} :: mainstage (largest performing space in a venue)
pääni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of pää
päänkipu {n} [rare] :: alternative form of pääkipu
päänkivistys {n} [figuratively] :: headache
päänkoriste {n} :: headdress
päänmitta {n} :: head-length (a mostly ad hoc measurement unit equivalent to the length of a head)
päänmuoto {n} :: shape or form of a head
päänmyötäinen {adj} :: conforming to the head or the shape of the head
paanne {n} :: naled, aufeis (sheet-like ice)
paannejää {n} :: A locally occurring layer of solid ice on a road that is otherwise bare or covered with packed snow
päännyökähdys {n} :: nod of a head
päännyökäytys {n} :: nod of a head
päännyökkääjälihas {n} [anatomy] :: sternocleidomastoid muscle, sternomastoid
päännyökkäys {n} :: nod (of the head)
päänoja {n} :: headrest (part of a seat designed to support the head)
päänormaali {n} :: principal normal
päänpudistus {n} :: shake of a head
päänpuoleinen {adj} :: the side close to a head or the head; anterior
päänpuoli {n} :: synonym of pääpuoli
päänpyöritys {n} :: head rotation, head spinning, head turning
päänsä {n} :: third-person possissive form of pää
päänsärky {n} :: headache (pain or ache in the head)
päänsärky {n} [figuratively] :: headache (nuisance or unpleasant problem)
päänsärkylääke {n} :: headache remedy
päänsärkypulveri {n} :: headache powder
päänsärkytabletti {n} :: headache tablet
päänsilitys {n} :: head petting, head patting
päänsilitys {n} [figurative] :: positive comments, thanks (usually with the implication of being either undeserved or having deserved more)
päänsisäinen {adj} :: mental, inner
päänsuojain {n} :: head protector
päänsuojus {n} :: headpiece, headgear
pääntauti {n} :: strangles (disease of horses caused by Streptococcus equi)
pääntie {n} :: neckline
pääntuki {n} :: head support, as in a car seat etc
paanu {n} :: A relatively thick wooden shingle
paanukate {n} :: shingle roofing
paanukatto {n} :: shingle roof
päänuppi {n} [jocular] :: head, nob, noggin, attic
paanuttaa {v} :: To shingle (to cover with wooden shingles)
paanutus {n} :: shingle covering
päänvaiva {n} [figurative] :: headache, trouble, pain (nuisance; unpleasant problem, thing or person)
pääoma {n} [accounting, finance] :: capital
pääomaintensiivinen {adj} :: capital-intensive
pääomalaina {n} :: subordinated loan
pääomamarkkinat {n} :: capital market
pääomasijoittaja {n} :: venture capitalist, venture capital organization
pääomatulo {n} [taxation] :: unearned income
pääomatulovero {n} :: capital income tax (tax levied on income generated from capital assets including capital gains, rents, dividends etc.)
pääomavaltainen {adj} :: capital-intensive
pääomavaltaistua {vi} :: to become capital-intensive
pääomavero {n} :: Short for pääomatulovero (capital income tax)
pääomistaja {n} :: main owner, largest owner
pääomittaa {vt} :: to capitalize (contribute capital)
pääosa {n} :: majority, main part (most in a given group)
pääosa {n} [drama, film] :: leading role, lead role
pääosin {adv} :: mainly (chiefly; for the most part)
pääpaino {n} :: main weight
pääpaino {n} :: main focus
pääpaino {n} [linguistics] :: primary stress
pääpalkinto {n} :: top prize; big enchilada [informal]
pääpaloasema {n} :: main fire station
paapata {v} [dialectal or childish] :: To sleep
paapattaa {v} [onomatopoetic] :: To gabble, babble, blab (to speak fast and monotonously and/or incessantly)
paapatus {n} :: gabble, babble
pääpelaaja {n} [soccer] :: head player (player who uses the head to play the ball, especially one who is good at it)
pääpeli {n} [soccer] :: head play (the use of head to play the ball)
paapero {n} :: toddler
paapia {v} [child language] :: To sleep
pääpiirteisesti {adv} :: briefly, broadly, summarily
pääpiirteittäin {adv} :: in outline, broadly, in broad lines
paapoa {v} [colloquial] :: To pamper, coddle (to treat gently or with great care)
pääpolynomi {n} [math] :: monic polynomial
pääpotti {n} [poker] :: main pot
paappa {n} [dialectal, childish] :: grandpa, grandfather
pääpukari {n} :: ringleader, head honcho
pääpukkaus {n} :: headbutt
pääpuoli {n} :: headboard
pääpuoli {n} :: the side of something that has one's head
paapuuri {n} [nautical] :: port (left-hand side of a vessel as seen towards the bow from the stern)
päärakennus {n} :: main building, principal building
paarapähkinä {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of parapähkinä
päärata {n} :: main line (principal railway line)
pääri {n} :: A peer [nobleman]
paaria {n} :: pariah
paarialuokka {n} :: pariah class
paaripotilas {n} :: stretcher case (injured person who needs to be carried on a stretcher)
paarit {n} [pluralonly] :: stretcher (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person)
paarivaate {n} :: winding sheet
paarlasti {n} [nautical] :: A ballast (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel to provide stability)
päärly {n} [dialectal] :: pearl
paarma {n} :: horsefly, breezefly, gadfly, forest fly (fly of the family Tabanidae)
paarmalintu {n} [rare, obsolete] :: flycatcher (any bird of the family Muscicapidae)
päärmätä {v} :: to hem (to put hem on an article of clothing)
päärmätty {adj} [heraldry] :: fimbriated
päärme {n} :: hem (of clothing)
päärooli {n} :: leading role
paarre {n} :: tie beam, collar beam
pääruoka {n} :: main course, entrée, entree (main dish of a meal)
pääruokalaji {n} :: main course dish (dish usually eaten as main course)
paarustaa {v} :: to drag, struggle (to walk slowly and with difficulty carrying or as if carrying something heavy, or in deep snow)
pääryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: main group (in the periodic table of the elements, any of the eight groups (columns) of elements that contain the lightest elements)
päärynä {n} :: pear, a fruit and a tree
päärynäinen {adj} :: peary
päärynäjäätelö {n} :: pear ice cream
päärynälihavuus {n} :: pear-shaped obesity
päärynämeloni {n} :: pepino melon, melon pear, pepino, Solanum muricatum (South American plant in nightshade family Solanaceae, cultivated for its melon-like fruit)
päärynäpallo {n} [boxing] :: speed bag
päärynäpuu {n} :: A pear tree
päärynäripsiäinen {n} :: pear thrips, fruit tree thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens
päärynäsiideri {n} :: perry (cider-like beverage made of pears)
päärynävartalo {n} :: pear-shaped body
pääsäännöllisesti {adv} :: alternative form of pääsääntöisesti
pääsääntö {n} :: main rule, general rule, fundamental rule
pääsääntöisesti {adv} :: as a rule, as a general rule
pääsaari {n} :: main island
pääsana {n} [linguistics] :: modificand, headword (word which is modified)
pääsarja {n} [sports] :: main league, highest league
pääsarja {n} [astronomy] :: main sequence
paasata {v} :: to drone (to speak tediously)
pääseminen {n} :: getting to, reaching
pääseminen {n} :: getting (to go)
pääseminen {n} :: managing to do
paashi {n} :: alternative form of paaši
paasi {n} :: smooth, flat and large boulder; such boulder used as base for a fireplace or oven
paasi {n} :: alternative spelling of paaši
Paasi {prop} :: surname
paaši {n} :: page (serving boy)
pääsi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pää
pääsiäinen {n} :: Easter
pääsiäisaamu {n} :: Easter morning
pääsiäisaatto {n} :: Holy Saturday, Easter Eve
pääsiäisaika {n} :: Easter time
pääsiäisateria {n} [Christianity] :: Easter meal
pääsiäisateria {n} [Judaism] :: Passover seder
pääsiäisjuhla {n} [Christianity] :: Easter celebration
pääsiäisjuhla {n} [Judaism] :: Passover festival
pääsiäiskakku {n} :: Easter cake
pääsiäiskirkko {n} [Christianity] :: church service held on Easter
pääsiäiskokko {n} :: Easter fire
pääsiäiskoriste {n} :: Easter decoration
pääsiäiskortti {n} :: Easter card
pääsiäislammas {n} :: lamb eaten on Easter
pääsiäislauantai {n} :: synonym of lankalauantai
pääsiäislilja {n} :: synonym of keltanarsissi
pääsiäisloma {n} :: Easter holiday, Easter vacation
pääsiäismaanantai {n} :: Easter Monday
pääsiäismessu {n} :: Easter mass
pääsiäismuna {n} :: Easter egg
pääsiäisnoita {n} :: easter witch (påskkärring, part of a practice in Sweden and parts of Finland that takes place some time before Easter)
pääsiäispäivä {n} :: Easter Day
pääsiäispöytä {n} :: Easter meals collectively on a table
pääsiäispupu {n} :: Easter Bunny
pääsiäispyhä {n} :: Easter holiday (Easter days off from school or work)
pääsiäisruoka {n} :: Easter food
Pääsiäissaari {prop} :: Easter Island
pääsiäissunnuntai {n} :: Easter Sunday
pääsiäistipu {n} :: Easter chick
pääsiäisviikko {n} :: Holy Week, Easter week
pääsiäisyö {n} :: Easter night
paasiarkku {n} :: dolmen, hunebed
pääsihteeri {n} :: Secretary General
paašikampaus {n} :: pageboy (haircut)
Paasikivi {prop} :: surname
Paasilinna {prop} :: surname
Paasio {prop} :: surname
pääsisäänkäynti {n} :: main entrance
pääsivu {n} :: main page, general page
pääsky {n} :: swallow, martin (bird of the family Hirundinidae)
pääskykahlaaja {n} :: courser, pratincole (birds of the family Glareolidae)
pääskykahlaaja {n} :: pratincole (birds of the genus Glareola within that family)
pääskykahlaaja {n} :: collared pratincole (Glareola pratincola)
pääskynen {n} :: diminutive of pääsky
pääskynen {n} :: swallow [bird]
pääskysparvi {n} :: A flock of sparrows
päässä {adv} :: away
päässälasku {n} :: mental calculation, mental arithmetic
päästä {vi} :: to get to, reach, arrive at/in (a place)
päästä {vi} :: to get to go, be allowed/permitted to go
päästä {vi} [_, + illative] :: to get in, be admitted to
päästä {vi} [_, + illative] :: to make it to, get to (a place/level), reach, attain, achieve
päästä {vi} [_, + 3rd infinitive in illative] :: to manage (to do; to happen by accident)
päästä {vi} [_, + elative] :: to get rid of (a person); to get over (a feeling)
päästä {vi} :: to avoid, escape, get out of, not have/need, be spared the necessity of [doing/to do]
päästä {vi} [_, + elative] :: to evade, elude, escape, get off/by
päästä {vi} :: to be released/discharged (from a hospital; from prison)
päästä {postp} :: in, after, a [period] from (after a period of time)
päästä {postp} :: (from) away (after a distance)
päästää {v} [+ verb in third infinitive illative or adverb] :: to let (free someone of some restraint, obligation, etc. that prevents them from doing something or going somewhere)
päästää {v} [~ irti] :: to release, to let loose, rid
päästää {v} [~ ohi] :: to make way or give way for, let past
päästää {v} :: to emit, give off
päästää {v} [metallurgy] :: to temper (to heat-treat hardened metal in order to increase toughness)
päästää {v} [ball games] :: to concede (a goal)
päästää kärsimyksistä {vt} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to put out of one's misery
päästää päiviltä {vt} [idiomatic] :: To kill, slay, do in, knock off, bump off (literally: "to let go from days")
päästää pois päiviltä {v} :: To put down, execute, kill
päästää sammakko suustaan {idiom} :: To put one's foot in it, put one's foot in one's mouth, accidentally say something embarrassing, tactless, or offensive (literally: To emit a frog from one's mouth)
päästää suustaan {vt} [idiomatic] :: to utter, to blurt out
päästäinen {n} :: shrew (any of the mammals in the family Soricidae, especially in the genus Sorex)
päästä jyvälle {v} :: get the hang of
päästä kuin koira veräjästä {v} [simile] :: to get away with something (escape punishment for doing something or avoid doing some work)
päästä läpi {v} [literally] :: to get through
päästä läpi {v} :: to get through to
päästä läpi {v} [idiomatic] :: to pass, pass muster (adequately pass a formal or informal inspection)
päästämään {v} :: infinitive of päästää
päästäminen {n} :: letting loose, releasing
päästäminen {n} :: emitting, giving off
päästäminen {n} [metallurgy] :: tempering
päästäminen {n} [ball games] :: conceding (a goal)
päästä omilleen {v} :: to recoup one's investment, money etc. (to make back, as an investment)
päästä pälkähästä {v} :: To get out of a difficult situation
päästä pitkälle {v} [idiomatic] :: to go far, go places, succeed
päästä varpaisiin {phrase} :: head to toe
päästävedettävä {adj} :: that is pulled from its ends (such as of compact beds)
päästellä {vt} :: to let out or release repeatedly
paasto {n} :: fast (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food)
paasto {n} :: Lent
päästö {n} :: emission (of a harmful substance, such as exhaust gas)
päästö {n} :: release (act of releasing)
paastoaika {n} :: alternative form of paastonaika
paastoaminen {n} :: fasting
päästökauppa {n} :: emissions trading
paastonaika {n} :: Lent (period)
päästöoikeus {n} :: emission allowance
paastopäivä {n} :: day of fasting, day of fast
päästöskenaario {n} :: emission scenario
paastosokeri {n} :: fasting glucose
päästösuunta {n} [electronics] :: forward direction, conducting direction (of a diode)
paastota {vi} :: To fast
päästövähennysyksikkö {n} :: emission reduction unit
pääsuunnittelija {n} :: chief designer
pääsy {n} :: access, clearance
pääsy {n} :: admission
pääsy kielletty {phrase} :: no entry, no trespassing
pääsykoe {n} :: entrance examination (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to)
pääsylippu {n} :: ticket (pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.)
pääsylipputulot {n} :: profit gained from ticket sales
pääsylista {n} :: access control list
pääsynvalvonta {n} [computing] :: access control
pääsynvalvontalista {n} [computing] :: access control list
pääsytie {n} :: access road
pääsyvaatimus {n} :: admission requirement, admission criteria
pääsyy {n} :: primary reason
päätähti {n} :: main star, lead star
päätähuimaava {adj} :: staggering, dizzying, impressive, epic
päätäi {n} :: head louse
Päätalo {prop} :: surname
päätäntä {n} :: decision
päätäntä {n} :: conclusion
päätäntäelin {n} :: decision body
päätäntävalta {n} :: power to decide, decision-making power
päätä pahkaa {adv} :: headlong (with an unrestrained forward motion)
päätäpahkainen {adj} :: headlong (rushing forward without restraint)
päätarkoitus {n} :: main purpose, primary purpose
päätaulu {n} :: main switchboard
päätaulu {n} :: main table, master table
päätavoite {n} :: main objective
pääte {n} :: end, ending
pääte {n} [in compounds] :: final, terminal, end
pääte {n} [computing] :: terminal
pääte {n} [grammar] :: ending; suffix
pääteaivot {n} [anatomy] :: endbrain, telencephalon
pääteasema {n} :: terminal (station at the end of a railway line)
pääte-elin {n} :: end organ
pääte-emulaattori {n} [computing] :: terminal emulator
päätehakkuu {n} [forestry] :: final felling, final cutting (In periodic cover silviculture the last phase of the forest regeneration cycle consisting of some variant of clearcutting. After final cutting the cycle starts anew from planting new trees followed by one or more thinnings before the next final cutting when the trees have reached the target size.)
päätekijä {n} [law] :: principal (primary participant in a crime)
päätekodoni {n} :: synonym of lopetuskodoni
Paatelainen {prop} :: surname
päätellä {vt} :: To fasten off, tie off (the loose ends/threads of a needlework)
päätellä {vt} [logic] :: To conclude, draw a conclusion, decide, infer, deduce
päätelmä {n} :: conclusion, deduction
päätemoreeni {n} [geology] :: frontal moraine
pääteos {n} :: magnum opus (maker's greatest work)
päätepiste {n} :: endpoint (either of two points at the end of a line)
päätepuskin {n} :: buffer stop
päätepysäkki {n} :: final stop (either of the stops at the ends of a bus or tram line)
päätesolmu {n} :: synonym of umpisolmu
päätetyö {n} :: terminal work, screen work
päätevastus {n} [electronics] :: terminator, terminating resistor
pääteviiva {n} [typography] :: A serif (short horizontal line added to the tops and bottoms of traditional typefaces)
pääteviiva {n} [dated] :: A finish line
päätie {n} :: main road, highway (main or major road)
paatipunkka {n} [slang] :: bathtub
päätoiminen {adj} :: full-time (of a job, being, or expected to be the main occupation of an employee)
päätoimittaja {n} :: editor in chief, editor-in-chief
paatoksekas {adj} :: alternative form of paatoksellinen
paatoksellinen {adj} :: full of pathos
paatoksellisesti {adv} :: with pathos
päätöksenteko {n} :: decision making (act or process)
päätön {adj} :: headless
päätön {adj} [figuratively] :: senseless, lacking sense
paatos {n} :: pathos
paatos {n} :: rant
päätös {n} :: decision
päätös {n} :: resolution
päätös {n} :: ending
päätöserä {n} [sports] :: final period, final round etc. (last of the divisions into which a game is divided)
päätösesitys {n} :: draft decision
päätöslauselma {n} :: Resolution (a formal statement adopted by an assembly)
päätösongelma {n} [computing theory] :: decision problem
päätöspäivä {n} :: The final day of an event such as conference, fair, sports tournament
päätöspuu {n} :: decision tree
päätössanat {n} :: closing or concluding words or remarks
päätösteoria {n} :: decision theory
päätösvalta {n} :: decision making power
päätösvaltainen {adj} :: quorate, having a quorum (of a meeting or similar, having a sufficient number of people present in order to have the authority to make decisions)
päätösviiva {n} [music] :: end (in notation)
paatsama {n} [plant] :: buckthorn (any tree or shrub of the genus Rhamnus)
paatsamanmarja {n} :: buckthorn berry (fruit of buckthorn)
paatsamanmarja {n} :: Avignon berry, French berry (berry of buckthorn species Rhamnus saxatilis, used as yellow dye)
paatsamasinisiipi {n} :: holly blue, Celastrina argiolus (butterfly of the family Lycaenidae, native to Eurasia and North America)
päättää {vt} [auxiliary, + first infinitive] :: to decide (to do something); to choose (to do something)
päättää {vt} :: to judge, infer, conclude
päättää {vt} :: to end, conclude, terminate, finish, bring to a close
päättää {vt} :: to tie off, fasten (a thread)
päättää päivänsä {v} [idiomatic] :: to end one's days
päättäjä {n} :: decision maker, policymaker
päättäjäiset {n} :: closing ceremony
päättäjäiset {n} :: graduation, graduation ceremony
päättämätön {adj} :: indecisive, irresolute
päättämätön {adj} :: undecided, irresolute
päättämätön {adj} :: unfinished
päättäminen {n} :: deciding
päättäminen {n} :: concluding
päättäri {n} [slang] :: final stop (end of a bus, tram or railway line)
päättäväinen {adj} :: determined, resolute, intent, set
päättäväisempi {adj} :: comparative of päättäväinen
päättäväisesti {adv} :: decisively
päättäväisyys {n} :: decisiveness (quality of being decisive)
päättävästi {adv} :: decisively, resolutely, with determination
päätteellinen {adj} [typography] :: serif
päätteellinen {adj} [linguistics] :: suffixed, with a suffix
päätteetön {adj} [typography] :: sans serif
päätteetön {adj} [linguistics] :: suffixless, unsuffixed, nonsuffixed
päätteleminen {n} :: fastening off, tying off
päätteleminen {n} :: concluding, drawing a conclusion, deciding
päättely {n} :: deduction
päättely {n} :: inference
paatti {n} [colloquial, nautical] :: ship or boat
päättömämpi {adj} :: comparative of päätön
päättömästi {adv} :: senselessly
päättömyys {n} :: headlessness
päättömyys {n} :: senselessness
päättötodistus {n} :: leaving certificate, diploma
päättötyö {n} :: diploma work, degree work
päättyä {vi} :: to (come to an) end, finish, stop, cease, (be) conclude(d)
päättyä {vi} :: to be up, expire
päättyä {vi} :: to be finished, be completed
päättymä {n} [grammar, dated] :: the present perfect tense
päättymätön {adj} :: endless, perpetual
päättyminen {n} :: ending
päättymisaika {n} :: expiration time
päättymisajankohta {n} :: ending date or time, expiry date or time, closing date or time
päättymishetki {n} :: the instant or moment at which something ends or expires
päättymispäivämäärä {n} :: end date, expiry date
päättyvä {adj} :: ending
päättyvä {adj} [mathematics] :: terminating
paatua {v} :: To become hardened, callous (of soul)
päätuki {n} :: alternative form of pääntuki
paatumus {n} :: synonym of paatuneisuus
paatuneisuus {n} :: callousness, impenitence
paatunut {adj} :: impenitent, callous
päätuomari {n} [sports] :: main referee, referee as opposed to a linesman
päätuomari {n} [tennis] :: chair umpire
pääty {n} :: end (of an object, area or similar; side behaving as an end, often one of the shorter sides)
päätyä {vi} :: to end up (somewhere)
päätykolmio {n} :: A gable
päätykoriste {n} [architecture] :: finial (decorative fitting at the peak of a gable)
päätylaita {n} [ice hockey] :: The end board
päätyö {n} :: main job
päätyraja {n} [sports] :: end line, goal line (acting as boundary of the field)
päätyyppi {n} :: main type
pääurakoitsija {n} :: general contractor, prime contractor, main contractor
Paavali {prop} :: Paul [biblical character]
Paavali {prop} :: given name, rather rare in this biblical spelling
paavalinkukka {n} :: African violet, saintpaulia
päävalmentaja {n} :: head coach (highest ranking coach of a coaching staff)
päävamma {n} :: head injury
pääväri {n} :: primary colour
pääväylä {n} :: arterial road
pääverbi {n} [grammar] :: main verb
paavi {n} :: pope
paavillinen {adj} :: papal
paavillinen {adj} :: hypocritical
paavillisempi {adj} :: comparative of paavillinen
paavillisempi kuin paavi itse {phrase} [idiomatic] :: more Catholic than the Pope (hypocritical, supporting someone's ideas more vigorously than the person itself)
paavillisempi kuin paavi itse {phrase} :: olla ~ : to outpope the Pope (to try to act as a more authentic member of a group than one who is a genuine member of the group)
paavinistuin {n} :: papal seat
paavinkirkko {n} [derogatory] :: synonym of katolinen kirkko
paavinusko {n} [derogatory] :: papistry, papism
paavinuskoinen {n} [Christianity, derogatory] :: A papist
paavinvaali {n} :: papal election
paavinvalta {n} :: papal rule
päävirta {n} :: main power
paavius {n} :: papacy
Paavo {prop} :: given name
Paavo {prop} :: The letter "P" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
päävoitto {n} :: jackpot (in a lottery)
Paavola {prop} :: surname
Paavola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
päävuokralainen {n} :: principal tenant
pachinko {n} :: pachinko
padallinen {n} :: potful, cauldronful
padanjalka {n} :: cauldron stand (a low platform on which a cauldron or pot can be placed)
padankansi {n} :: cauldron lid, pot lid
padasjokelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Padasjoki (Finnish municipality)
padasjokelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Padasjoki (Finnish municipality)
Padasjoki {prop} :: Padasjoki (municipality)
padota {vt} :: To stem (to block or obstruct flow of liquid)
paella {n} :: paella
paeta {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To flee from, run away from
paeta {v} [transitive + partitive, or intransitive + elative or ablative] :: To escape, get away
paeta {v} :: ~ onnettomuuspaikalta = to hit and run
pagelli {n} :: bream, sea bream (any of several fish of the genus Pagellus)
pagodi {n} :: A pagoda
paha {adj} :: bad, ill
paha {adj} :: evil
paha {adj} :: difficult, hard, tricky
paha {adj} [idiomatic] :: paha mieli
paha {adj} :: See the adverb pahoillaan
paha {n} :: the evil
pahaa-aavistamaton {adj} :: unsuspecting
pahaenteinen {adj} :: ominous, threatening, portentous, inauspicious, foreboding, ill-boding
pahaenteisempi {adj} :: comparative of pahaenteinen
pahainen {adj} :: wretched
pahaksua {v} :: alternative form of paheksua
pahalainen {n} :: mild word of abuse; may be translated as bastard or son of a bitch
pahamaineinen {adj} :: notorious
pahamaineisuus {n} :: notoriety
pahan akseli {n} :: axis of evil
pahanen {n} :: poor thing, something to be pitied
pahanhajuinen {adj} :: malodorous (having a bad odor)
pahanhajuinen {adj} :: foul-smelling, smelly, fetid, mephitic, noisome, olid, whiffy (having a strong bad odor)
pahanhajuinen {adj} :: funky (smelling foul, especially of a mouldy, musty, unwashed smell)
pahanhajuinen {adj} :: reeking, stinking, stinky, rank (having a very strong and bad odor)
pahanhajuinen {adj} :: Of breath; bad or foul
pahanhajuisempi {adj} :: comparative of pahanhajuinen
pahanilkisesti {adv} :: mischievously, wickedly
pahanilkisyys {n} :: mischievousness
pahanilmanlintu {n} :: bird of ill omen (person who brings bad news)
pahanilmanlintu {n} :: jinx (person or thing supposed to bring bad luck)
pahanilmanlintu {n} :: synonym of ilonpilaaja
pahankurinen {adj} :: mischievous
pahankurisesti {adv} :: mischievously
pahankurisuus {n} :: mischievousness
pahanlaatuinen {adj} [oncology] :: malign, malignant (harmfully cancerous)
pahanlaatuistua {vi} [oncology] :: to become malignant
pahanlaatuisuus {n} :: malignancy
pahanlaisesti {adv} :: badly, bad
pahanmakuinen {adj} :: unpalatable
pahanmakuisuus {n} :: unpalatability
pahannäköinen {adj} :: bad-looking
pahanolontunne {n} :: malaise
pahanpäiväinen {adj} :: ineffectual, miserable, void
pahanpäiväisesti {adv} :: very much, thoroughly, radically
pahan päivän varalle {phrase} [idiomatic] :: for a rainy day
pahansisuinen {adj} :: ill-tempered, ill-natured
pahansuopa {adj} :: malevolent, malicious (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others)
pahansuopa {adj} :: hurtful (tending to hurt someone's feelings; insulting)
pahansuopainen {adj} :: synonym of pahansuopa
pahansuopaisuus {n} :: synonym of pahansuopuus
pahansuopuus {n} :: malevolence, maliciousness
pahansuovasti {adv} :: malevolently, maliciously
pahansuovasti {adv} :: hurtfully
pahantahtoinen {adj} :: malevolent
pahantahtoisuus {n} :: malevolence
pahantekijä {n} :: evildoer (person who performs evil acts)
pahanteko {n} :: evildoing, wrongdoing
pahantuulinen {adj} :: ill-tempered, bad-tempered
pahantuulisesti {adv} :: in a bad mood, surlily
pahapuolukka {n} :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
pahaputki {n} :: water dropwort (plant of the genus Oenanthe)
pahaputki {n} :: fine-leafed water dropwort (Oenanthe aquatica)
paha silmä {n} :: evil eye
pahasti {adv} :: badly
pahastua {vi} :: To get upset
pahastuttaa {vt} :: to upset
pahe {n} :: vice
päheä {adj} [colloquial] :: cool
paheellinen {adj} :: vicious, depraved
paheellisesti {adv} :: viciously, depravedly
paheksua {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To disapprove of, reprehend; to frown (up)on
paheksua {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To censure, find fault with, reproach
paheksuminen {n} :: disapproving, reprehending, frowning upon
paheksuminen {n} :: censuring, reproaching
paheksunta {n} :: reprehension, deprecation, disapproval, condemnation
paheksuttava {adj} :: objectionable, deplorable, reprehensible, unacceptable
paheksuttavampi {adj} :: comparative of paheksuttava
paheksuttavin {adj} :: superlative of paheksuttava
pahemmin {adv} :: very much, really (modifying a verb)
pahemmin {adv} :: comparative of pahasti; worse
pahempi {adj} :: comparative of paha
paheneminen {n} :: worsening (becoming worse)
pahennus {n} :: The event or process of getting worse, especially in moral respect
pahennus {n} :: contempt, scorn, disdain; used mostly in expressions herättää (to awake) pahennusta, aiheuttaa (to cause) pahennusta
pahennus {n} [archaic] :: The cause of contempt, scorn or disdain
pahennus {n} [archaic] :: A moral evil, temptation, sin
pahentaa {vt} :: To worsen
pahentaa {vt} :: To exacerbate, aggravate
pahentua {vi} :: To worsen
paheta {vi} :: To worsen
paheta {vi} :: To relapse
pahimmassa tapauksessa {idiom} :: In the worst case, worse comes to worst
pahimmillaan {adv} :: at worst
pahimmilleen {adv} :: into its worst, into being at worst
pahimmin {adv} :: most badly, in the worst way or manner
pahimmoiksi {adv} :: to one's misfortune
pahimmoillaan {adv} :: alternative form of pahimmillaan
pahimmoilleen {adv} :: alternative form of pahimmilleen
pahin {adj} :: superlative of paha
pahis {n} [colloquial] :: meanie, baddie, bad guy, villain, heavy (person doing bad things, especially in a movie or other story)
pahiten {adv} :: most badly, in the worst way or manner
pahka {n} :: burl [US], bur, burr, gnarl (tree growth in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner)
pähkähullu {adj} :: raving mad, mad as a hatter, insane
pähkähullu {n} :: A raving mad person
pähkäillä {vi} [colloquial] :: to ponder, to figure
pahkainen {adj} :: gnarled, gnarly
pahkaisempi {adj} :: comparative of pahkainen
pahkakuppi {n} :: a cup made out of a burr or gnarl
pähkämö {n} :: any plant of the genus Stachys; known by multiple common names in English including hedgenettle, heal-all, self-heal, woundwort, betony, and lamb's ears
pähkämö {n} [in plural] :: the genus Stachys
pahkasieni {n} :: any fungus of genus Sclerotinia
pahkasieni {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Sclerotinia
pahkasika {n} :: warthog
pahkatyö {n} :: a work or craft made of a burr or gnarl
pahki {adv} [dialectal] :: towards
pähkiä {vi} [colloquial] :: to ponder
pähkinä {n} :: nut
pähkinä {n} :: hazel
pähkinä {n} :: puzzle, riddle; difficult problem, tough nut to crack
pähkinähakki {n} :: spotted nutcracker, Eurasian nutcracker, nutcracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes
pähkinäinen {adj} :: nutty (containing nuts)
pähkinäinen {adj} :: nutty (resembling or characteristic of nuts)
pähkinälehto {n} :: a grove consisting of fruit trees, specifically trees that bear nuts
pähkinänakkeli {n} :: Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea
pähkinänkuoressa {adv} [idiomatic] :: in a nutshell
pähkinänkuori {n} :: nutshell
pähkinänrousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius pyrogalus
pähkinänsärkijä {n} :: nutcracker (tool for breaking nuts)
pähkinänsydän {n} :: nut kernel
pähkinäpensas {n} [plant] :: A member of the taxonomic genus Corylus
pähkinäpensas {n} [plant] :: common hazel, Corylus avellana
pähkinäpuu {n} :: walnut (tree, wood)
pähkinäsakset {n} :: nutcracker scissors
pähkinäsuklaa {n} :: nut chocolate, chocolate with nuts
pähkinävoi {n} :: nut butter
pahkulasieni {n} :: a species of fungus, Typhula brassicae
pahkura {n} :: wart
pahkurainen {adj} :: gnarled, gnarly
pähkylä {n} [botany] :: achene (type of dry fruit, in botanical sense of the word)
pahla {n} [dialectal] :: fishing rod (the rod in a fishing rod)
pahna {n} [agriculture] :: straws used in animal shelters
pahnanpohjimmainen {n} :: runt
pahnanpohjimmainen {n} :: lastborn
pahnue {n} :: litter of pigs, farrow
pahoillaan {adv} :: sorry; upset, sad (about something = elative)
pahoillaan {adv} :: sorry (for somebody = genitive + puolesta)
pahoilleen {adv} :: into being sorry or upset
pahoin {adv} :: badly
pahoinpidellä {vt} :: To maul, manhandle, assault, beat (up) (a person); to batter, be physically abusive of (one's spouse); to abuse (a child)
pahoinpidellä {vt} :: To abuse, mistreat, maltreat (an animal, machine, piece of furniture etc.)
pahoinpitelijä {n} :: assaulter, abuser
pahoinpitelijä {n} :: thug, bully
pahoinpitely {n} :: abuse (physical maltreatment)
pahoinpitely {n} :: battery (crime)
pahoinvointi {n} :: nausea, sickness
pahoinvoipa {adj} :: alternative form of pahoinvoiva
pahoinvoiva {adj} :: queasy, nauseated
pahoitella {v} :: To regret
pahoittaa {vi} :: to hurt; only used in the idiomatic expressions pahoittaa mielensä = to hurt one's feelings and pahoittaa jonkun mieli + (possessive suffix) = to hurt someone's feelings
pahoittelu {n} :: An apology
pahoittelu {n} :: A regret
pahoittua {vi} :: to be hurt, to hurt one's feelings
paholainen {n} :: The Devil, the devil (Satan)
paholainen {n} :: A devil, demon
paholainen {n} :: An imp
paholaisen asianajaja {n} :: devil's advocate
paholaismainen {adj} :: fiendish, diabolic, devilish
pahta {n} :: A steep, rocky cliff
pahuksesti {adv} :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive
pahus {n} :: devil, heck, hell (mild swearword)
pahus {interj} :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat, rats (a mild curse)
pahuus {n} :: evilness (the property of being evil)
pahuus {n} :: evil (as opposed to good)
pahuus {n} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of pahus
pahvi {n} :: Relatively thick and stiff cardboard. According to paper industry standards, pahvi weighs at least 250 g/sq.m
pahvi {n} :: A versatile woodfibre-based packaging material produced by combining cardboard, fluting and/or paper. The usage of both Finnish and English terms is rather incoherent, but e.g. cardboard, corrugated board, paperboard and pasteboard may apply as translations for pahvi
pahvi {n} [colloquial] :: blockhead, dolt
pahvikuppi {n} :: paper cup
pahvilaatikko {n} :: cardboard box
pahvimuki {n} :: paper cup
pahviveitsi {n} :: boxcutter, utility knife
pai {n} [Finglish] :: pie
paiaani {n} :: paean (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph)
paidanhelma {n} :: shirttail
paidanhiha {n} :: shirtsleeve
paidankaulus {n} :: shirt collar
paidannappi {n} :: shirt button
paidanpesijä {n} [jocular] :: wife
paidaton {adj} :: shirtless
päihde {n} :: intoxicant, psychoactive drug
päihdehäiriö {n} :: substance use disorder
päihdeongelma {n} :: substance abuse problem
päihdyksiin {adv} :: into being drunk
päihdyksissä {adv} :: drunk
päihdyttää {vt} :: To intoxicate
päihittää {v} :: to outsmart, outdo
päihittää {v} :: to beat, vanquish, best
päihtyä {vi} :: To get drunk, to become intoxicated
päihtymys {n} :: intoxication (state of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs)
päihtynyt {adj} :: intoxicated, inebriated
päihtynyt {adj} [in essive] :: under the influence
päihtynyt {n} :: An intoxicated, inebriated person
Päijänne {prop} :: The second largest lake in Finland
paijata {v} :: to pet
paijata {v} [colloquial] :: to have sex
paijata {v} [colloquial] :: to curry favor, to suck up (seek to gain favor by flattery or attention)
Päijät-Häme {prop} :: Päijät-Häme (region)
paikalla {adv} :: in attendance, present
paikalla {adv} [rare] :: on the spot, at once
paikalla {adv} :: used as fortifier to the word heti (at once) to underline urgency
paikalla {adv} :: in (its) place; usually with a personal suffix, also in plural
paikallaan {adv} :: in his/her/its place/location/spot
paikallavalu {n} :: on site casting (of concrete)
paikalleen {adv} :: to his/her/its place/location/spot
paikallinen {adj} :: local [of a nearby location]
paikallinen {n} [colloquial] :: local [nearest pub]
Paikallinen ryhmä {prop} [astronomy] :: Local Group
Paikallinen superjoukko {prop} [astronomy] :: Local Supercluster
paikallisaika {n} :: local time
paikallisbussi {n} [colloquial] :: local bus
paikallisedustaja {n} :: local representative
paikallisedustus {n} :: local representation
paikalliselin {n} :: local body (organisation, company or other authoritative group)
paikallisesti {adv} :: locally
paikallishallinto {n} :: local government (any form of government whose remit covers an area less than that of the nation)
paikallishistoria {n} :: local history
paikallisjärjestö {n} :: local organization
paikallisjohtaja {n} :: local leader
paikallisjoukot {n} :: local forces or troops
paikallisjuna {n} :: local, local train, commuter train (train that stops at all, or almost all, stations between its origin and destination)
paikalliskokoelma {n} :: local collection
paikalliskulttuuri {n} :: local culture
paikallislähetys {n} :: local radio transmission
paikallislehti {n} :: local magazine, local paper
paikallisliikenne {n} :: local traffic, local transport
paikallislinja {n} :: line of local transport
paikallismurre {n} :: local dialect
paikallismuseo {n} :: local museum
paikallisohjelma {n} :: local program (such as in a radio)
paikallisosasto {n} :: A local, a local chapter (branch of a an nationwide organization such as a trade union)
paikallisottelu {n} :: local derby, derby (sports match between local rival teams)
paikallispankki {n} [banking] :: local bank
paikallispoliisi {n} :: local police
paikallispuhelu {n} :: local telephone call
paikallispuolustusjärjestelmä {n} :: a system or an organization in using local troops for defense
paikallispuudutus {n} [medicine] :: local anesthesia
paikallisradio {n} :: local radio
paikallissää {n} :: local weather
paikallissairaala {n} :: local hospital
paikallissija {n} [grammar] :: A grammatical case that primarily indicates location or movement from or towards a location. Most of them are used of time as well
paikallistaa {v} :: To localize
paikallistarina {n} :: local story
paikallistie {n} :: local road (road belonging to a former road class in Finland with roads numbered 11000–19999)
paikallistua {vi} :: alternative form of paikantua
paikallistuntemus {n} :: local knowledge
paikallisuus {n} :: localness
paikallisuus {n} :: locality
paikallisvaali {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: local election
paikallisvaisto {n} :: synonym of suuntavaisto
paikallisväri {n} :: colour (interest, especially in a selective area)
paikallisväri {n} :: local colour
paikallisverkko {n} :: LAN (Local Area Network)
paikallisyhdistys {n} :: local, local chapter (branch of a an nationwide organization such as a trade union)
paikallisyhteisö {n} :: local society
paikaltaan {adv} :: from his/her/its place/location/spot
paikannimi {n} :: placename, toponym
paikannimitutkimus {n} [linguistics] :: toponymy, toponomastics (lexicological study of place names)
paikannin {n} :: locator (something that locates)
paikannussatelliitti {n} :: navigation satellite
paikan päällä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: on the spot (in a particular place)
paikansija {n} [grammar, dated] :: locative case
paikantaa {vt} :: to locate, pinpoint
paikantaa {vt} :: to localize
paikantua {vi} :: To be localized
paikanvaihto {n} :: substitution, changing of places
paikata {vt} :: To patch, mend, sew (up) (a shirt; pants/trousers)
paikata {vt} :: To fix, repair (a shoe)
paikata {vt} :: To put in a filling (on a tooth)
paikata {vt} :: To fill (gaps in one's knowledge)
paikata {vt} :: To patch up (a relationship)
paikata {vt} :: To be (sb's) understudy, take (sb's) place temporarily (e.g. at work)
paikata {vt} :: To roll a spare (in bowling)
paikka {n} :: place, location, spot, site
paikka {n} :: area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood
paikka {n} :: space, room
paikka {n} :: scene (where something happens/has happened)
paikka {n} [politics] :: seat
paikka {n} [sports] :: berth (position on the field of play)
paikka {n} [sports] :: short for maalintekopaikka
paikka {n} :: job, post, position
paikka {n} :: patch (on clothes)
paikka {n} [computing] :: patch
paikka {n} [dentistry] :: filling; inlay
paikka {n} [colloquial] :: situation
paikka {n} [colloquial, in plural] :: parts, bones
paikka-arvo {n} :: place value, positional value
paikkailla {v} :: To patch
päikkäin {adv} :: synonym of päittäin
paikkainen {adj} :: having a certain number of seats; always used with a numeral or other modifier
paikkaisomeria {n} [chemistry] :: position isomerism
paikkajärjestelmä {n} :: position system
paikkajärjestelmä {n} :: positional system
paikkakortti {n} :: place card
paikkakunta {n} :: locality
paikkakuntalainen {n} :: A local (person who lives nearby)
paikkalintu {n} :: sedentary bird species, resident bird species
paikkamaalata {v} :: to patch paint (to repair a painted surface by painting only the damaged parts)
paikkamerkki {n} :: placeholder
paikkamerkki {n} :: locality mark, location mark
paikkansa {n} :: third-person possissive form of paikka
paikkansapitävä {adj} :: accurate
paikkatasku {n} :: patch pocket (pocket made of a piece of fabric by sewing it onto the outside of a garment)
paikkatieto {n} :: geospatial data, location data, spatial data
paikkatietojärjestelmä {n} :: GIS (geographic information system)
paikkaus {n} :: patching, mending, fixing, filling
paikkaussarja {n} :: patch kit (collection of equipment and material for patching punctures in inner tubes of tires)
paikkaustiedosto {n} [computing] :: patch file (input to a patch program)
paikkauttaa {v} :: To have something patched, mended, sewn up etc. (see paikata for further senses)
paikkavektori {n} [mathematics] :: position vector
paikkeilla {adv} :: about, around, in the vicinity (of)
paikkeille {adv} :: to about or around, to the vicinity (of)
paikkeilta {adv} :: from about or around, from the vicinity (of)
paikko {n} [bowling] :: spare
paikkuuttaa {v} :: alternative form of paikkauttaa
paikoillaan {adv} :: in place, in position
paikoillanne {interj} [sports] :: ready; on your mark; on your marks (first part of the command phrase ready, steady, go!)
paikoillanne, valmiina, nyt {phrase} [sports] :: on your mark, get set, go; ready, set, go; ready, steady, go (three-command start when racing)
paikoilleen {adv} :: to where they belong
paikoilleen {adv} :: panna ~ : to put up, put away
paikoilleen {adv} :: synonym of paikalleen
paikoillenne {interj} [sports] :: ready; on your mark; on your marks (first part of the command phrase ready, steady, go!)
paikoiltaan {adv} :: from its position, place or spot; dislodged
paikoin {adv} :: at some places, locally (occurring in a limited number of locations)
paikoitellen {adv} :: in parts, in some places, in some areas, at some places, here and there
paikoittaa {v} [rare] :: to park (bring a vehicle to a halt or store in a specified place)
paikoittain {adv} :: in parts, in some places, in some areas, at some places, here and there
paikoittainen {adj} :: appearing in, occurring in or that is in parts or some places, which is here and there; patchy, regional, areal
paikoitus {n} [rare] :: parking
paikoitusalue {n} :: parking area, parking place
päikseen {adv} [colloquial] :: synonym of päittäin
päikseen {adv} [colloquial] :: evenly (such as of a trade)
pailakka {n} :: An untamed male reindeer
päilyä {vi} :: to glint, to glimmer, to glitter
paimen {n} :: A herdsman
paimen {n} :: A herd (one who herds or assembles, a herdsman)
paimen {n} :: A shepherd (metaphorical: someone who watches over and guides)
paimenen piiras {n} :: shepherd's pie, cottage pie
paimenkirje {n} :: pastoral letter, pastoral (letter of a pastor or bishop to his charge)
paimenkirje {n} [colloquial] :: circular letter, circular; especially if it contains advice for corrective action
paimenkirje {n} [colloquial] :: cease-and-desist letter, demand letter
paimenkoira {n} :: herding dog
paimenkuu {n} [astronomy] :: shepherd moon
paimentaa {vt} :: to herd, tend (animals); to shepherd (people)
paimentolainen {n} :: pastoral nomad (owning livestock)
paimentolainen {n} [modifier] :: nomadic
paimentolaiselämä {n} :: nomadic life
paimentolaisuus {n} :: pastoralism, nomadism
paimentorvi {n} :: shepherd's horn
Paimio {prop} :: Paimio (municipality)
paimiolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Paimio
paimiolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Paimio
Paimionjoki {n} :: Paimionjoki (river)
-päin {suffix} :: -wards, -ward
päin {adv} :: against, to, on etc. (indicating movement or direction straight towards something)
päin {adv} :: Used to indicate approximate direction or location; multiple translations into English are possible, may even be omitted if the direction is indicated in some other way in English. See the usage examples below
päin {adv} :: towards, for (indicating the direction of change)
päin {adv} :: -wards, -ward, -about etc. (forms adverbs that indicate small movement towards a direction or imprecise location)
päin {adv} :: way, sometimes side (indicating position, status etc.)
painaa {vt} :: to push, press
painaa {vt} :: to print (a book)
painaa {vi} :: to weigh
painaa {v} [slang] :: to fuck
painaa kuin synti {v} [simile] :: to weigh a ton
painaa mieleen {v} :: To memorise/memorize
painaa villaisella {vt} [idiomatic] :: to downplay, soft-pedal
painajainen {n} [mythology] :: nightmare (demon)
painajainen {n} :: nightmare (bad dream)
painajainen {n} :: nightmare (bad experience)
painajaismainen {adj} :: nightmarish
painajaisuni {n} :: nightmare (dream)
painallus {n} :: press, push (quick depression of a button, keyboard key etc.)
painallus {n} :: keystroke
painaltaa {vi} :: to rush (to move rapidly)
painanne {n} :: depression (e.g. on ground)
painanta {n} :: printing
painate {n} :: synonym of painotuote
painattaa {vt} :: To have printed, published
painatus {n} :: print (a picture or text created by printing)
painatustyö {n} :: printing work
painauma {n} :: A depression (e.g. in terrain)
painautua {v} :: to press oneself (against something)
painautua {v} :: to nestle (to press oneself against another affectionately)
painautua {v} :: to huddle (to crowd together as when distressed or in fear)
painava {adj} :: heavy
painava {adj} :: substantial
painavampi {adj} :: comparative of painava
painavasti {adv} :: heavily
paine {n} :: pressure
paineaalto {n} :: blastwave, shock wave, pressure wave
paineakku {n} :: pressure accumulator, hydraulic accumulator
paineanturi {n} :: pressure sensor
paineasetelma {n} [automotive] :: pressure plate (of a clutch)
paineastia {n} :: pressure vessel
paineenalaisuus {n} :: being under pressure, the state of being under pressure
paineenalennin {n} :: pressure reducer
paineenalennus {n} :: pressure reducing, pressure drop
paineenalennusventtiili {n} :: pressure reducing valve
paineenesto {n} [rare] :: pressure prevention
paineenkestävä {adj} :: pressure-resistant
paineenkesto {n} :: pressure resistance
paineenkorotus {n} :: pressure increase
paineensäädin {n} :: pressure regulator
paineensieto {n} :: pressure tolerance, pressure resistance
paineentasaus {n} :: pressure equalization, pressure relief
painehaava {n} :: pressure ulcer, bedsore
painehaavauma {n} [pathology] :: A pressure ulcer, decubitus or bedsore
painehitsaus {n} :: pressure welding
painehoito {n} :: pressure therapy
painehuuhtelu {n} :: power flushing
paineilma {n} :: compressed air, pressurized air
paineilma {n} [as modifier] :: pneumatic
paineilmahengityslaite {n} :: compressed air breathing apparatus
paineilmajarru {n} :: airbrake, pneumatic brake
paineilmakäyttöinen {adj} :: pneumatically driven, pneumatically powered
paineilmakompressori {n} :: pneumatic compressor, air compressor
paineilmalaite {n} :: compressed air apparatus
paineilmanaulain {n} :: pneumatic nail gun
paineilmapora {n} :: pneumatic drill
paineilmapullo {n} :: compressed air can
paineilmapullo {n} :: compressed air bottle
paineilmasäiliö {n} :: compressed air tank, pressurized air tank
paineilmatoiminen {adj} :: pneumatically operated
paineilmavasara {n} :: pneumatic hammer
paineisku {n} :: hydraulic shock, water hammer, fluid hammer (surge of pressure in a pipe carrying a fluid)
paineistaa {v} :: To pressurize
paineistettu {adj} :: compressed
painekaasu {n} :: compressed or pressurized gas
painekammio {n} :: pressure chamber
painekattila {n} :: pressure cooker (sealed cooking vessel that allows cooking in greater than atmospheric pressure)
painekeitin {n} :: pressure cooker (cooking vessel)
painekestoisuus {n} :: pressure rating (an upper bound for the pressure that a component can handle)
painekyllästää {v} :: to impregnate with pressure (to preserve something, especially wood, chemically in high pressure)
painekyllästys {n} :: pressure impregnation
painekytkin {n} :: pressure switch
painelaakeri {n} :: thrust bearing
painelaite {n} :: pressure equipment
painella {v} :: To press (with fingers)
painemittari {n} :: pressure gauge, pressure meter, manometer
-päinen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a head; used only as headword in compound terms. Sometimes translated into English as -headed, but often the compound has a translation of its own
painepakkaus {n} :: pressurized container
painepesuri {n} :: pressure washer, powerwasher
paineputki {n} :: pressure tube
painesäiliö {n} :: pressure vessel, pressure tank
painesensori {n} :: synonym of paineanturi
paineside {n} :: pressure dressing, pressure bandage
painesyltty {n} :: synonym of painosyltty
painevaikutus {n} :: pressure effect
painevalu {n} :: pressure casting, die casting
paineventtiili {n} :: pressure valve
painevesi {n} :: pressurized water
painevesireaktori {n} :: pressurized water reactor
painevoitelu {n} :: pressure lubrication
paini {n} [sports] :: wrestling
painia {vi} :: To wrestle
painija {n} :: wrestler
painike {n} :: button, push-button (button -like device meant to be pressed with a finger or clicked by a computer mouse)
painike {n} [in general] :: a mechanical device meant to be pressed to produce an action
Painilainen {prop} :: surname
painiminen {n} :: wrestling
painin {n} [rare] :: A press (device used to apply pressure to an item)
painin {n} :: A tool used to press an image on a surface, e.g. leather or paper
painin {n} [rare] :: A generic term for a device that is designed to deliver an action when pressed, such as a push-button or door handle
paininjalka {n} [sewing] :: presser foot (sewing machine part)
paininpuu {n} :: a wooden tool used to press something or against which something is pressed
painiote {n} :: A hold, wrestling hold
painiskella {vi} :: To wrestle, struggle with a problem
paino {n} :: weight
paino {n} :: press (general term for a printing machine)
paino {n} :: press, weight (passive device to apply pressure to something)
paino {n} [fishing] :: sinker (weight used in fishing to cause the line or net to sink)
paino {n} [phonetics] :: stress
painoaika {n} :: printing date
painoala {n} :: printing sector, printing industry, printing field
painoalue {n} :: priority area (figurative area)
painoarkki {n} :: printed sheet
painoarvo {n} :: weight, importance, value (degree of importance)
painoarvo {n} :: clout ‎(political influence or effectiveness)
painoarvo {n} :: importance, noteworthiness (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note)
painoerä {n} :: edition, issue
painoindeksi {n} [physiology] :: body mass index, BMI
painoinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] :: of (the same) weight (as), heavy, of one's weight
painokangas {n} :: print (cloth)
painokas {adj} :: emphatic
painokelvoton {adj} :: unprintable, unpublishable (chiefly in the sense of being obscene)
painokerroin {n} :: weight, weight coefficient
painokirjain {n} :: block letter
painokivi {n} :: lithographic stone
painokkaasti {adv} :: emphatically
painokone {n} :: printing press
painokuva {n} :: print (printed picture)
painolaatta {n} :: printing plate
painolasti {n} [nautical] :: A ballast
painolastivesi {n} [nautical] :: ballast water (water used as ballast in a watercraft)
painollinen {adj} [prosody] :: stressed
painomenetelmä {n} :: printing method
painomittajärjestelmä {n} :: A system of weights, such as avoirdupois or troy weight
painomuste {n} :: printer's ink (rapidly drying ink made specifically for printing machines)
painonappi {n} :: push-button, button (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger)
painonnostaja {n} :: weightlifter
painonnosto {n} :: weightlifting
painonsa arvoinen kultaa {adj} [idiomatic] :: worth one's weight in gold
painopaperi {n} :: printing paper, paper for printing
painopeitto {n} :: weighted blanket
painopinta {n} :: printing surface
painopiste {n} :: centre of gravity, center of gravity, centre of mass
painopiste {n} [math] :: centroid
painopiste {n} :: (special attention or prominence given to something) focus, [main] emphasis, core area, key area, core business, priority [often set priorities]
painopisteala {n} :: priority area
painopistealue {n} :: priority area
painoprosentti {n} :: weight percent
painoprosenttinen {adj} :: having a specific percentage by weight (usually preceded by a number in this usage)
painoprosenttinen {adj} :: measured in percentage by weight
painos {n} :: edition (the whole number of copies of a work printed and published at one time)
painosivu {n} :: printed page
painosmäärä {n} :: print run, number of copies
painostaa {vt} :: to coerce, to put pressure on, pressurize, pressure (to exert force or influence to compel one to act against his will)
painostava {adj} :: confronting, upsetting, distressing, coercing (causing distress)
painostava {adj} [weather] :: oppressive, sultry (hot and humid)
painostus {n} [figuratively] :: pressure, heat
painostusryhmä {n} :: pressure group
painosylinteri {n} [printing] :: impression cylinder
painotekniikka {n} :: printing technology
painoteksti {n} :: printed text
painotettu {adj} [mathematics] :: weighted
painotettu keskiarvo {n} [statistics] :: weighted mean, weighted average
painotettu verkko {n} [graph theory] :: weighted graph
painoton {adj} :: weightless
painoton {adj} [prosody] :: unstressed
painottaa {v} :: to highlight, emphasize
painottaa {v} :: to accent
painottamaton {adj} [mathematics] :: unweighted
painottamaton verkko {n} [graph theory] :: unweighted graph
painottomuus {n} :: weightlessness, zero gravity
painottua {vi} :: To be emphasized
painotuote {n} :: printed matter (any printed product from books to visiting cards)
painotus {n} :: stress, emphasis
painotyö {n} :: printing work
painovalmis {adj} :: print-ready
painoväri {n} :: printing ink
painovärjäys {n} :: color printing, print coloring
painovirhe {n} :: typographical error, typing error, typo
painovirheluettelo {n} :: errata, list of typos
painovoima {n} [physics] :: gravity
painovoimakenttä {n} :: gravitational field
painovoimalinssi {n} [astronomy] :: gravitational lens
painovoimavakio {n} :: synonym of gravitaatiovakio
painovoimavuorovaikutus {n} [physics] :: gravitational interaction (a fundamental interaction)
painovuosi {n} :: engraving year, printing year
painoyksikkö {n} :: unit of weight
päin prinkkalaa {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: totally wrong
päinsä {adv} :: only used in käydä päinsä
painua {v} :: to sink, sag, droop, fall, descend
painua {v} [colloquial] :: to go
painua helvettiin {v} :: to go to hell (expression of anger and contempt)
painua jorpakkoon {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] :: To get lost
painuksiin {adv} :: droop, drooping (to the drooping state)
painuksissa {adv} :: drooping; see also crestfallen
painuksista {adv} :: from being drooping
päinvastainen {n} :: converse
päinvastainen {adj} :: reciprocal, backward, contrary
päin vastoin {adv} :: alternative spelling of päinvastoin
päinvastoin {adv} :: conversely, vice versa, on the contrary
paise {n} [pathology] :: abscess
paise {n} :: (pathology, colloquial) bubo
paiseinen {adj} [medicine] :: abscessed (affected by an abscess)
paiserutto {n} [pathology] :: bubonic plague
paiskata {vt} :: To throw violently or forcefully (once); to hurl (once); to cast (once)
paiskautua {vr} :: To be thrown
paiskella {vt} :: to throw things around repeatedly
paiskia {v} :: to throw or slam something repeatedly
paiskia {v} :: ~ töitä: to work hard
paiskoa {vt} :: to throw things around
paiskoa {vt} :: to slam
päissään {adv} [idiomatic] :: [While being] very drunk, wasted, smashed
päissään {adv} [idiomatic] :: olla ~: to be drunk, wasted, smashed
paistaa {vt} :: to fry
paistaa {vt} :: to grill, barbecue
paistaa {vt} :: to braise
paistaa {vt} :: to bake, roast
paistaa {vi} [of the sun] :: to shine
paistaa {vi} :: to beam
paistaa {vi} [figuratively] :: to show
paistaa se päivä risukasaankin {proverb} :: every dog has its day (literally: the day will shine to a pile of brushwood, too)
päistär {n} :: shive, splinter (such as on flax or paper)
paistatella {v} :: To expose (oneself) to the shine of something
paistattaa {v} :: alternative form of paistatella
paistattaa {v} [rare, concretely] :: to let fry or bake
paiste {n} :: the light and often the heat from some source, e.g. shine (as in sunshine, moonshine), glow (as in fireglow)
päiste {n} :: headland
paistettu {adj} :: fried
paistettu {adj} :: baked
paisti {n} :: round (cut of beef)
paisti {n} :: leg (cut of lamb or mutton)
paisti {n} :: ham, leg (cut of pork)
paisti {n} :: roast (any of the above when prepared for food by roasting)
paisti {n} :: fish (an easily beatable person in a card or board game)
paistihaarukka {n} :: carving fork, steak fork
paistijauheliha {n} :: ground round (ground beef made of round beef cut)
paistikas {n} :: A stewed root vegetable, potato etc
paistike {n} :: noisette (cut of meat)
päistikkaa {adv} :: head over heels, headlong (tumbling upside down)
päistikkaa {adv} :: head over heels, headlong (at top speed; frantically)
paistin {n} :: a tool for frying, grilling, roasting
paistinkastike {n} :: gravy (thick sauce made from the fat or juices that come out from meat or vegetables as they are being cooked)
paistinlasta {n} :: turner (kitchen utensil used for turning food)
paistinmakkara {n} :: sausage for cooking or roasting
paistinpannu {n} :: frying pan (flat vessel used for frying)
paistinrasva {n} :: frying oil, frying grease, drippings
paistinuuni {n} :: oven of a range
paistivati {n} :: a round steak dish or platter
paisto {n} :: baking, frying, roasting
paistoaika {n} :: baking time, frying time, roasting time
paistokasari {n} :: sauté pan
paistopelti {n} :: baking tray
paistopiste {n} :: store bakery (section of a grocery store selling baked products)
paistorasva {n} :: frying fat
paistos {n} :: casserole or other type of baked dish (dish prepared by mixing the ingredients cold and baking them in an oven, often named according to the main ingredient)
paistovalmis {adj} :: ready to cook, oven-ready
paistua {v} :: to cook, fry
paistua {v} :: to bake
paistua {v} :: to stew (to suffer under uncomfortably hot conditions)
paisua {v} :: to swell (to become bigger, especially due to engorging)
paisua {v} :: to expand (to increase in volume or scope)
paisua {v} :: to mushroom (to grow quickly to a large size)
paisua {v} :: to bilge or to bulge (swell)
paisuksiin {adv} :: Used to indicate that something becomes or has become swollen
paisuksissa {adv} :: swollen (in the state of being swollen)
paisuma {n} :: swelling, swollen area
paisuma {n} :: the amount by which something swells or has swelled
paisuminen {n} :: swelling, bilging
paisuntaventtiili {n} :: expansion valve
paisunut {adj} :: swollen, inflated
paisutella {vi} [figuratively] :: To fill, lengthen, pad
paisuttaa {vt} :: to inflate, swell
paisuttaa {vt} [figurative] :: to inflate (make something, e.g. a story sound more fascinating)
paisutuskaappi {n} [music] :: swell box (box or chamber in an organ that contains the reeds or a set of pipes and has shutters that open or shut usually by means of a pedal in order to regulate the volume of musical tone)
paisuvainen {n} [anatomy] :: corpus cavernosum (cylindrical column of erectile tissue that forms the clitoris and the penis)
paisuvaiskudos {n} [anatomy] :: erectile tissue
paita {n} :: shirt
paitahihasillaan {adv} :: in shirtsleeves (having only one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. wearing no coat or jacket)
paitahihasilleen {adv} :: into shirtsleeves; into only having one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. no coat or jacket
paitakaulus {n} :: synonym of paidankaulus
paitapuku {n} :: shirtdress, shirtwaister
paitapusero {n} :: A blouse (female garment)
paitaressu {n} [uncommon] :: An affectionate term for a small child
paitasillaan {adv} :: synonym of paitahihasillaan
paitasillaan {adv} :: with only one's shirt on
paitasilleen {adv} :: synonym of paitahihasilleen
paitasilleen {adv} :: into only having one's shirt on
päitset {n} :: headgear (harness that fits on a horse's head)
paitsi {adv} :: except, other than
paitsio {n} [sports] :: offside (situation in various ballgames, where a player has advanced further ahead of the ball than the rules of the game would allow. Exact definition varies by game)
paitsio {n} :: limbo (in-between place, state or condition of neglect or oblivion which results in an unresolved status, delay or deadlock)
päittäin {adv} :: end-to-end, endwise
päittäin {adv} [of a trade or swap] :: even, mutually, reciprocally
päivä {n} :: day (period between sunrise and sunset)
päivä {n} :: day (from midnight to midnight)
päivä {n} :: day (period of 24 hours)
päivä {n} :: day (the part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.)
päivä {n} [poetic, archaic] :: the sun
päivää {interj} :: good day, hello; short of hyvää päivää
päiväaika {n} :: daytime
päiväaikainen {adj} :: diurnal (happening during daylight)
päiväaktiivinen {adj} [zoology] :: diurnal (primarily active during daylight)
päiväämätön {adj} :: undated
päiväannos {n} :: daysworth, daily portion (amount of something that is expected to last for one day)
päiväeläin {n} :: day animal, diurnal animal
päivähoito {n} :: daycare
päiväjuna {n} :: day train, daytime train
päiväkausi {n} [usually, in plural] :: all day
päiväkiintiö {n} :: daysworth, daily quota (amount of something that is expected to last for or to be produced in one day)
päiväkirja {n} :: A diary, especially one kept by an individual
päiväkirja {n} :: A log
päiväkirurgisesti {adv} :: day-surgically
päiväkorento {n} :: alternative form of päivänkorento
päiväkoti {n} :: day care center
päiväkoti {n} :: kindergarten
päiväkoulu {n} :: day school
päiväläinen {n} :: synonym of päivätyöläinen
päivälämpötila {n} :: daytime temperature, day temperature, temperature in the daytime
päivälehti {n} :: daily paper
päivällä {adv} :: at day, in the daytime
päivällä {adv} :: later or earlier today, depending on context
päivälleen {adv} :: to the day, down to the day
päivällinen {n} :: dinner (main meal of the day; midday meal)
päivällisaika {n} :: dinnertime, dinner hour, suppertime, supper hour (time when dinner is ready and served)
päivälliskortti {n} :: dinner invitation card
päivällispöytä {n} :: dinner table
päivämäärä {n} :: A date (time reference)
päivämääräraja {n} :: date line
päivämatka {n} :: day trip
päivämatka {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for length equal to two peninkulma or around 21 kilometers
päivänhattu {n} :: coneflower, rudbeckia (plant of the genus Rudbeckia)
päivänjatko {n} :: rest of the day; used mainly in the expression hyvää päivänjatkoa for which the best English translation is probably have a nice day
päivänkakkara {n} :: daisy
päivänkoite {n} :: crack of dawn
päivänkoitto {n} :: daybreak, break of dawn, dawn
päivänkorento {n} :: mayfly [any of the insects in the order Ephemeroptera]
päivänkukka {n} [archaic] :: oxeye daisy, marguerite (Leucanthemum vulgare)
päivänkukka {n} [archaic] :: sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
päivännäkemätön {n} :: synonym of pakurikääpä
päivänpaiste {n} :: sunshine
päivänsäde {n} :: sunshine
päivänsäde {n} :: sunray
päivänsankari {n} :: A person whose birthday or other anniversary it is at present
päivänsappi {n} :: synonym of auringonsappi
päivänseisaus {n} [Calendar terms] :: solstice
päivänseisaus {n} [in compounds] :: solstitial
päivänseisauspiste {n} [astronomy] :: solstice point, solstitial point (point on a planet's orbit at which a solstice occurs)
päivänselvä {adj} :: obvious
päivänselvä {adj} :: crystal clear, clear as day
päivänselvästi {adv} :: obviously
päivänselvyys {n} :: obviousness
päiväntasaaja {n} :: equator
Päiväntasaajan Guinea {prop} :: Equatorial Guinea
päiväntasaus {n} [Calendar terms] :: equinox
päiväntasauspiste {n} [astronomy] :: equinoctial point, equinox point (point on a planet's orbit at which an equinox occurs)
päivänvalo {n} :: daylight (light from the Sun)
päivänvalo {n} :: light, daylight, light of day (in certain idiomatic expressions)
päivänvarjo {n} :: parasol, umbrella (cloth-covered frame used for protection against sun)
päivän virsi {n} :: synonym of graduaalivirsi
päiväpalaveri {n} :: an informal and usually short daily meeting
päiväpalkka {n} :: daily wage
päiväpeite {n} :: bedcover, bedspread (part of bedding)
päiväpeitto {n} :: cover, bedcover, bedspread (topmost covering of a bed)
päiväperhonen {n} :: diurnal butterfly
päiväperhonen {n} :: any butterfly in the superfamily Papilionoidea
päiväpetolintu {n} :: diurnal bird of prey
päiväpulkka {n} :: a tally stick used to ensure that a worker had done the work of a day
päiväpuoli {n} [astronomy] :: dayside
päiväraha {n} :: per diem (daily stipend)
päiväraha {n} :: daily allowance
päiväreppu {n} :: daypack (small backpack, suitable for a one-day hike)
päiväsaika {n} :: daytime (the time of daylight)
päiväsaikaan {adv} :: In daytime
päiväsaikainen {adj} :: diurnal (happening during daylight)
päiväsairaala {n} :: day clinic, day hospital
päiväsairaalatoiminta {n} :: day clinic operations, day hospital operations
päiväsakko {n} :: day-fine, day fine, unit fine (fine, the amount of which is based on the daily personal income of the offender)
päiväseltään {adv} [of visiting] :: in a way that one comes back within the same day
päiväsokeus {n} :: day blindness, day-blindness (inability to see well in bright daylight)
päivästä toiseen {adv} :: day in, day out
päivätä {v} :: to date (to note the time of)
päivätanssit {n} :: daytime dance (social event)
päivät ovat luetut {phrase} [idiomatic] :: days are numbered (some period of time is coming to an end)
päivätuotanto {n} :: daysworth, daily production (amount of something that is expected to be produced in one day)
päivätyö {n} :: daywork (work done during the day)
päivätyö {n} :: day's work (amount of work usually done during a workday)
päivätyö {n} [figuratively] :: synonym of elämäntyö
päivätyö {n} [historical] :: synonym of taksvärkki (full working day that a tenant farmer had to work for a landlord instead or in addition to a cash rent)
päivätyökapula {n} :: a wooden billet used to mark days of work
päivätyökeräys {n} :: a fundraising campaign in which people, especially school pupils or students, work for a day and give their pay to a charity
päivätyöläinen {n} :: day laborer, dayworker
päiväunelma {n} :: daydream
päiväuni {n} :: daydream
päiväuni {n} :: pipe dream
päiväuni {n} :: in plural päiväunet also: (afternoon) nap
päiväurakka {n} :: work or chore of the day
päivävoide {n} :: day cream
päiväys {n} :: date
päivemmäksi {adv} :: synonym of päivemmälle
päivemmällä {adv} :: later during the day
päivemmälle {adv} :: to later during the day
päivempänä {adv} :: synonym of päivemmällä
päivettää {vt} :: to tan, to cause a suntan
päivettyä {vi} :: to tan
Päivi {prop} :: given name
Päivikki {prop} :: given name
päivikkikasvi {n} :: any plant of the family Aizoaceae
päivikkikasvi {n} [in the plural] :: the family Aizoaceae
päivineen {adv} :: and all (including every item associated with preceding item or series of items)
Päiviö {prop} :: given name
Päiviö {prop} [rare, obsolete] :: given name
päivisin {adv} :: In the daytime (habitually taking place during the day)
päivitellä {v} :: to bemoan, complain, regret; to dismay or worry about something
päivitellä {v} :: to wonder or admire, with plentiful words
päivitellä {v} [computing] :: to update, in a leisurely manner
päivittää {vt} :: To update (to make up-to-date)
päivittää {v} [dialectal] :: to complain, to berate
päivittäin {adv} :: daily
päivittäinen {adj} :: daily (that happens every day)
päivittäistavara {n} :: grocery (an item of foodstuffs or other household supplies)
päivittäistavarakauppa {n} [formal] :: grocery store, grocery, grocer's
päivittäistavarakauppa {n} :: business or trade of retailing groceries
päivittyä {vi} :: to be updated, to update
päivitys {n} :: update
päivyri {n} :: diary
päivystää {vi} :: To be on call (e.g. by a phone at a workplace)
päivystys {n} :: emergency duty, on call duty, duty, service
päivystyspoliklinikka {n} :: emergency room, emergency department, accident and emergency [Australia], casualty [UK], emergency ward (department of a hospital primarily used for the treatment of the most serious, often life-threatening conditions)
päiwä {n} :: obsolete spelling of päivä
paja {n} :: smithy, forge
paja {n} :: workshop
paja {n} [slang] :: workplace
paja {n} [slang] :: marijuana
pajahiili {n} :: coal for a smithy or forge
pajakalusto {n} :: equipment in a workshop
pajari {n} [historical] :: boyar (rank of aristocracy in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania)
pajari {n} [slang] :: cannabis
pajatso {n} :: payazzo (traditional Finnish arcade game)
pajattaa {v} :: to patter
pajauttaa {v} [slang] :: to smoke cannabis
pajavasara {n} :: forge-hammer
paju {n} :: willow
pajukko {n} :: willow thicket
pajukoitua {vi} :: To become covered with willows
pajulintu {n} :: A willow warbler, (Phylloscopus trochilus)
pajunkissa {n} [botany] :: A furry catkin of a willow
pajunvitsamurtuma {n} [medicine] :: greenstick fracture
pajupilli {n} :: willow flute, willow whistle, sallow flute (whistle made of a twig of a willow)
pajuseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius cinnamomeoluteus
pajutyö {n} :: willow work
pakahduksiin {adv} :: to the point one could burst
pakahduksissa {adv} :: at the point one could burst
pakahduksissaan {adv} :: alternative form of pakahduksissa
pakahduttaa {v} [figuratively] :: to cause to break or burst
pakahtua {vi} [figuratively] :: to burst
pakana {n} :: pagan; heathen
pakanallinen {adj} :: pagan, heathen
pakanasti {adv} [colloquial, dialectal] :: synonym of perhanasti
pakanuudenaika {n} [history] :: Pagan period: period before Christianization
pakanuus {n} :: paganism
pakara {n} :: buttock
pakaralihas {n} [anatomy] :: gluteus maximus
pakaravako {n} [anatomy] :: gluteal cleft, intergluteal cleft, anal cleft
pakari {n} [dialectal] :: bakery
Pakarinen {prop} :: surname
pakastaa {vt} :: to freeze to a low (around –20 °C) for long-term storage
pakastaa {vi} [of weather] :: to freeze, get colder (to drop below zero °C)
pakaste {n} :: frozen food
pakasteallas {n} :: island freezer
pakastearkku {n} :: freezer chest
pakastekaappi {n} :: freezer cabinet
pakastekala {n} :: frozen fish
pakastekuivattaa {v} :: to freeze-dry
pakastekuivatus {n} :: synonym of pakastekuivaus
pakastekuivaus {n} :: freeze-drying
pakastelokero {n} :: icebox [UK], freezer (section of a refrigerator)
pakastesäiliö {n} :: freezer cabinet, freezer container
pakasteteippi {n} :: freezer tape
pakastevarasto {n} :: frozen storage, frozen food storage
pakastevihannes {n} :: frozen vegetable (especially ones that are sold in bags)
pakastevirka {n} [colloquial] :: a public post from which one is absent due to other work
pakastin {n} :: freezer
pakastinkaappi {n} :: A refrigerator-style freezer with a door on the side, as opposed to chest freezer which has a lid on top
pakastinlokero {n} :: alternative form of pakastelokero
pakastua {vi} :: To become frozen
pakastusrasia {n} :: A small, usually plastic container designed for freezing food in
pakata {v} :: to pack (to gather one's belongings together and put them into a pack for a trip)
pakata {v} :: to pack, package or wrap (to protect goods for shipment or for sale)
pakata {v} :: to cram, pack, stuff
pakata {v} [computing] :: to zip, compress, stuff
pakata {v} [nautical] :: synonym of pakittaa
pakeilla {adv} [genitive + ~] :: with or at (someone), visiting (someone) to speak to them
pakeillaan {adv} :: with or at them, visiting them to speak to them
pakeille {adv} [genitive + ~] :: to (visit) someone
pakeilleen {adv} :: to (visit) them, themself or themselves
pakeilta {adv} [genitive + ~] :: from (having visited) someone
pakeiltaan {adv} :: from (having visited) them, themself or themselves
pakeneminen {n} :: escape, escaping, flight, fleeing (act)
pakenija {n} :: escapee (one who escapes)
pakertaa {vi} :: To work hard
paketinhallintajärjestelmä {n} [computing] :: package management system
paketinhallintatyökalu {n} [computing] :: package manager (software)
paketoida {vt} :: To pack, bundle, wrap up
paketointi {n} :: packaging
paketti {n} :: package
paketti {n} :: parcel
paketti {n} [networking] :: packet
pakettiauto {n} :: van
pakettiauto {n} :: delivery van (van designed for transporting goods)
pakettiautomaatti {n} :: automated parcel locker; locker kiosk
pakettidata {n} [Internet] :: packet data
pakettikärry {n} :: synonym of nokkakärry
pakettikortti {n} :: parcel tag
pakettikytkentä {n} :: packet switching
pakettiloma {n} :: package holiday
pakettiosoitekortti {n} :: parcel address card
pakettipelto {n} [historical] :: a field that was not cultivated against monetary payment by the state in an attempt to combat overproduction
pakettivarasto {n} [computing] :: repository, package repository (repository of software packages)
päkiä {n} [anatomy] :: ball (of a foot)
pakina {n} :: A causerie
pakinoida {vi} :: to write a causerie or causeries
pakinoitsija {n} :: One who writes causeries
pakista {vi} :: To chat
päkistää {v} [colloquial] :: to strain oneself
Pakistan {prop} :: Pakistan
pakistanilainen {n} :: A Pakistani
pakistanilainen {adj} :: Pakistani
pakittaa {vi} [colloquial, esp. of a vehicle] :: To move backward, to back
pakittaa {vi} [nautical, of a sail] :: To be aback
pakka {n} :: deck (deck of cards)
pakka {n} :: bundle
pakka {n} :: roll
pakka {n} :: bolt (large roll of fabric or similar material)
pakka {n} :: chuck (e.g. of a lathe)
pakka {n} [nautical] :: forecastle
pakka {n} [computing] :: deque, double-ended queue
pakka {n} :: bale of paper (5,000 sheets)
pakkaamaton {adj} :: unpacked
pakkaaminen {n} :: packing, packaging
pakkaantua {v} :: to become packed, crowded
pakkailla {v} :: To pack
pakkanen {n} :: frost, sub-zero temperature of ambient air
pakkanen {n} [colloquial] :: in the red [in adessive case]
pakkanen {n} [colloquial, with locative cases] :: freezer
pakkasaalto {n} :: cold spell, wave of cold weather
pakkasaamu {n} :: frosty morning (a morning with sub-zero ambient air temperature)
pakkasaste {n} :: degree of temperature below zero
pakkasenarka {adj} :: frost-sensitive
pakkasenkestävä {adj} :: frost-resistant
pakkasenpurema {n} :: frostbite
pakkashalkeama {n} :: frost crack
pakkasherra {n} :: a fictitive character embodying cold weather (mostly in children's literature)
pakkashuuru {n} :: frost mist
pakkasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pakka
pakkasilma {n} :: chilly air, air that has a temperature below zero Celsius
pakkaskausi {n} :: period of frost
pakkaskeli {n} :: sub-zero temperature weather conditions
pakkaslukema {n} :: negative number in temperature
pakkaslumi {n} :: powder snow (loose, powdery snow)
pakkasmittari {n} :: mottled umber (Erannis defoliaria)
pakkasneste {n} :: antifreeze (fluid)
pakkaspäivä {n} :: day with sub-zero temperature
pakkassää {n} :: weather with sub-zero temperature
pakkastalvi {n} [weather] :: A very cold winter
pakkasukko {n} :: Father Frost (Slavic equivalent to Santa Claus)
pakkasvaurio {n} :: frost damage
pakkasvoide {n} :: cold weather cream
pakkasyö {n} :: frost night, night with sub-zero temperature
pakkaus {n} :: package
pakkaus {n} [computing] :: compression
pakkauskaasu {n} :: packaging gas
pakkauskartonki {n} :: packaging board, boxboard
pakkauskenno {n} :: molded tray
pakkauskulut {n} :: packing costs
pakkauskustannukset {n} :: packaging costs, packing costs
pakkauslaatikko {n} :: packaging box
pakkausmateriaali {n} :: packaging, packaging material (the materials used to pack something)
pakkaustapa {n} :: method of packaging
pakkausteippi {n} :: packing tape, packaging tape
pakkaustiheys {n} :: packing density
pakkaustila {n} :: packaging facility
pakkaustyyppi {n} :: type of packaging
pakkauttaa {vt} :: to let or make pack
pakkautua {vi} :: to pack, to be packed
pakkautua {vi} :: to compact
pakkeli {n} :: spackle, putty, filler
pakkeli {n} [colloquial] :: makeup, especially when used in excess
pakki {n} :: A short form of työkalupakki, which is a box designed to serve as a portable tool storage, a tool box
pakki {n} [colloquial] :: Reverse, in the sense of reverse gear
pakki {n} [nautical] :: If a sailing vessel or any of its sails is in such position relative to the wind that the wind blows from the wrong side of a sail, the sail is said to be pakilla (adessive case of the noun pakki)
pakki {n} [military] :: mess kit, A metal container belonging to a soldier's field equipment. The container serves as a cooking vessel and the top doubles as a cup
pakki {n} [colloquial] :: A defending player in various ballgames; a defenceman; a defender
pakki {n} [colloquial] :: The event of getting rejected, especially by the opposite sex when approaching her/him. Normally used in plural, pakit
pakki {n} [colloquial, rare] :: The head of a person
pakko {n} :: obligation, force, necessity, compulsion
pakko {n} [olla ~ + first infinitive] :: Expresses obligation; can be translated into English as must, have to, be obliged to, be forced to, be compelled to; the one who is compelled is put in the genitive case and the verb is always in the third-person singular
pakko {n} [in compounds] :: Expresses compulsion, use of force or influence of an external force
pakkoabortti {n} :: forced abortion
pakkoajatus {n} [psychology] :: obsession
pakkoavioliitto {n} :: forced marriage
pakkohoito {n} :: involuntary treatment
pakkokeino {n} [legal] :: coercion (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person)
pakkokeino {n} :: In plural (pakkokeinot), compulsion (lawful use of violence)
pakkokuolaimet {n} [rare] :: synonym of kankikuolaimet
pakkolähtö {n} :: forced resignation from an office etc
pakkolähtö {n} :: any forced leaving
pakkolasku {n} [aviation] :: forced landing, crash landing
pakkolomauttaa {v} [dated] :: variant of lomauttaa
pakkolunastaa {v} [legal] :: to expropriate; condemn [US] (to seize a citizen's private property for public use with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent)
pakkolunastus {n} :: eminent domain [US, Philippines], compulsory purchase [UK, NZ, Ireland], resumption [Hong Kong], resumption/compulsory acquisition [Australia], expropriation [S.Afr., Canada] (process of taking private property for public use by paying a compensation but against the will of the owner)
pakkoluovuttaa {v} :: to surrender property in an expropriation
pakkoluovutus {n} :: requisition, expropriation
pakkomielle {n} [psychology] :: A compulsive thought or obsession
pakkomielteinen {adj} :: obsessive, obsessional, compulsive
pakko-oireinen häiriö {n} [pathology] :: obsessive-compulsive disorder
pakkopaita {n} :: A straitjacket
pakkopulla {n} :: The obligatory bun. (Finnish custom is that visitors to a household being visited bring food to be shared with the hosts. Typically this is in the form of a cinnamon bun to be enjoyed with coffee provided by the hosts)
pakkopulla {n} :: (by extension and playfully) any kind of obligatory task that is reluctantly carried out, such as filing a tax return or shovelling fallen snow
pakkorauha {n} :: forced peace
pakkoruotsi {n} [education, pejorative] :: The obligatory Swedish language taught in Finnish schools
pakkosiirto {n} :: forced displacement, forced immigration
pakkosiirto {n} :: forced move
pakkosyöttää {v} :: To force-feed
pakkotoimi {n} [legal] :: coercive measure
pakkotyö {n} :: forced labor
pakkovoitto {n} :: must-win game
paklata {v} [colloquial] :: to spackle (to fill with a spackle or other similar filler)
pako {n} :: flight
pako {n} :: escape
pako {n} :: hole, tear (in a fishing net, sock etc.)
pako {n} :: ladder (Br), run (Amer) (in stocking)
pakoilla {vi} [of a fugitive] :: To flee, keep in hiding (for a longer time)
pakoilla vastuuta {v} :: to pass the buck
pakokaasu {n} :: exhaust, exhaust gas (gas emitted from an internal combustion engine as result of combusting fuels)
pakokaasujärjestelmä {n} :: exhaust system
pakokauhu {n} :: panic
pakolainen {n} :: refugee
pakolaisjärjestö {n} :: refugee organization
pakolaisleiri {n} :: refugee camp
pakolinna {n} :: a castle into which people fled in case of an attack
pakollinen {adj} :: compulsory, mandatory, obligatory
pakollinen {adj} [education] :: must-learn
pakollistaa {vt} :: To make compulsory, obligatory, mandatory
pakollisuus {n} :: mandatoriness, obligatoriness
pakomatka {n} :: journey or trip made after an escape
pakonomainen {adj} :: compulsive (uncontrolled or reactive and unconscious, as if compelled by external force)
pakonopeus {n} :: escape velocity
pakopiste {n} :: A vanishing point (point in a perspective drawing)
pakopurje {n} [nautical] :: studding sail
pakoputki {n} :: exhaust pipe
pakoputkisto {n} :: exhaust system
pakoriski {n} :: flight risk
pakoruutu {n} [chess] :: flight square
pakosalla {adv} :: on the run
pakosalle {adv} :: fleeing, escaping, into exile
pakosarja {n} :: exhaust manifold
pakostakin {adv} :: inevitably, necessarily
pakosti {adv} :: in the manner of being forced to do some action
pakosti {adv} [with negation] :: necessarily
pakote {n} :: sanction
pakotie {n} :: escape route
pakoton {n} :: unforced
pakottaa {vt} [_, + (3rd infinitive in) illative] :: to force, compel, coerce, make to do something
pakottaa {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to be sore, ache
pakottaa {vt} :: to forge (beat or work iron or steel)
pakottaminen {n} :: coercion, forcing, compulsion (act or process of coercing, forcing, compelling)
pakottaminen seksuaaliseen tekoon {n} [law] :: indecent assault, sexual assault (unwanted sexual contact with another person that does not result in, or is not considered to be, rape)
pakottautua {vi} :: To force oneself
pakottava {adj} :: compelling
pakottava {adj} :: compulsive
pakottava {adj} :: compulsory
pakottomasti {adv} :: unforcedly
pakoventtiili {n} :: exhaust valve
paksoi {n} :: bok choy, Chinese mustard, Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (East Asian leafy vegetable)
paksu {adj} :: thick
paksu {adj} :: bold
paksu {adj} [colloquial] :: pregnant
paksuhko {adj} :: Quite thick
paksuinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] :: thick (being of certain thickness)
paksujalka {n} :: thick-knee, stone curlew, dikkop (birds of the family Burhinidae)
paksukainen {n} [derogatory] :: tubby, fatty
paksulti {adv} :: thickly; as a thick layer
paksunahkainen {adj} :: Having a thick skin
paksunahkainen {adj} :: [metaphorically] Thick-skinned
paksunsuolen tulehdus {n} :: alternative form of paksusuolen tulehdus
paksuntaa {v} :: To fatten
paksuntaa {v} :: To thicken
paksuntaa {v} :: To bold
paksuntua {vi} :: to fatten (become fatter)
paksuntua {vi} :: to thicken (become thicker)
paksusti {adv} :: thickly
paksusti {adv} :: [of liquid] densely
paksusti {adv} :: [of a typeface] boldly
paksusti {adv} [colloquial] :: voida paksusti: to be pregnant
paksusuolen tulehdus {n} [pathology] :: A colitis
paksusuoli {n} :: large intestine
paksusuoliavanne {n} [medicine] :: A colostomy (opening)
paksusuolisyöpä {n} :: colon cancer
paksuta {vi} :: alternative form of paksuntua
paksuuntua {v} :: alternative form of paksuntua
paksuus {n} :: thickness
paksuuskasvu {n} :: diameter growth
pakti {n} :: pact
paku {n} [colloquial] :: van (vehicle)
pakuri {n} :: the conk of chaga mushroom, Inonotus obliquus
pakurikääpä {n} :: chaga, chaga mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (parasitic fungus of trees, usually birch, found on the circumboreal region of the Northern hemisphere)
pakyteeni {n} [biology] :: pachytene
pala {n} :: piece, bit
pala {n} :: lump, chunk
pala {n} :: block
pala {n} :: tablet, bar
palaa {vi} :: to burn
palaa {vi} [e.g. of a lamp] :: to shine, emit light
palaa {v} [colloquial] :: to smoke, used when offering a cigarette
palaa {v} [figurative, idiomatic] :: ~ halusta : to burn with desire
palaa {vi} :: to be caught committing a crime
palaa {vi} [baseball, pesäpallo, dodgeball] :: to be out
palaa {vi} [of a lamp, fuse, etc.] :: to blow, to burn out, to blow out
palaaja {n} :: returner (one who returns)
palaaja {n} :: revert (one who, or that which, reverts)
palaaja {n} [Muslim usage] :: revert; usually with attribute: islamiin palaaja (convert to Islam)
palaa karrelle {vi} :: To scorch, to become charred
palaa loppuun {v} :: to burn out
paladiini {n} :: paladin
pälähtää päähän {v} :: alternative form of pälkähtää päähän
palailla {v} :: To return, come back, a little by little or slowly
pala kurkussa {adv} :: frog in one's throat
palaleipä {n} :: bread sold in pairs of slices that are easy to separate
palamaton {adj} :: nonflammable
palamaton {adj} :: unburned
palaminen {n} :: burning
palaminen {n} :: combustion
palamisilma {n} :: combustion air
palamisreaktio {n} [chemistry] :: combustion reaction
Palander {prop} :: surname
palanen {n} :: diminutive of pala
palanen {n} :: A small piece of almost anything
palankiini {n} :: palanquin
palanpaine {n} [uncommon] :: synonym of palanpainike
palanut {adj} :: burned, scorched
palanut {adj} :: burned down
palanut {adj} [baseball, cricket, pesäpallo] :: out
pala palalta {adv} :: bit by bit, little by little, gradually (in small quantities)
palapeli {n} :: jigsaw puzzle
päläs {n} :: In a ski, the place on which the foot is supported
palasaippua {n} :: bar soap
palasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pala
palasokeri {n} :: cube sugar (sugar in the form of cubes)
palata {vi} :: to return, come back
palataalinen {adj} :: palatal
palatalisaatio {n} :: palatalization
palatalisointi {n} :: palatalization
palata maankamaralle {v} [idiomatic] :: to come down to earth
palatoalveolaarinen {adj} [phonetics] :: palatoalveolar
palatsi {n} :: palace
pälättää {v} :: to prattle
pälätys {n} :: prattle
palau {n} :: Palauan (language)
Palau {prop} :: Palau
palaulainen {adj} :: Palauan
palaulainen {n} :: Palauan
palaute {n} :: feedback
palauteilmiö {n} :: feedback, feedback phenomenon
palautekytkentä {n} :: feedback circuit
palautin {n} [firearms] :: receiver
palautin {n} :: recloser
palauttaa {vt} :: to return (give something back to its original holder or owner)
palauttaa {vt} :: to return, restore, revert
palauttaa {vt} [programming] :: to return
palauttaa mieleensä {v} :: to recollect
palauttamaan {v} :: infinitive of palauttaa
palauttaminen {n} :: returning, restoration, restitution
palautua {vi} :: To recover, revert
palautus {n} :: refund (An amount of money returned)
palautus {n} :: return (item that is returned)
palautus {n} :: return (the act of returning something)
palautuskaava {n} [mathematics] :: reduction formula
palautusmaksu {n} :: refund payment
palautusmerkki {n} [music] :: natural sign, natural symbol (♮)
palautusoikeus {n} :: right to refund, right to return an item
palautuspäivä {n} :: due date (date by which a book borrowed from a library must be returned)
palautuspullo {n} :: a bottle that can be returned into a reverse vending machine to give a small amount of money to whoever returns it
palava {adj} :: burning
palava {adj} :: flammable, inflammable (capable of burning)
palavakivi {n} :: oil shale
palavarakkaus {n} :: Maltese cross, burning love (flowering plant Silene chalcedonica, syn. Lychnis chalcedonica)
palaveri {n} :: meeting; especially an informal one
palavissaan {adv} :: feeling hot or warm
palavissaan {adv} :: excited, thrilled
palella {vi} :: to feel cold
palella {vi} [+ partitive + 3rd person singular] :: To be freezing
palelluksissa {adv} :: alternative form of palelluksissaan
palelluksissaan {adv} :: freezing, feeling cold
palelluttaa {vt} :: to freeze
paleltaa {vi} [+ partitive + 3rd person singular] :: To feel cold
paleltua {vi} :: To get frostbitten
paleltua {vi} [dialectal] :: To be freezing
paleltuma {n} [pathology] :: frostbite (injury caused by exposure to cold)
paleltuneempi {adj} :: comparative of paleltunut
paleltunein {adj} :: superlative of paleltunut
paleltunut {adj} :: frostbitten
palentua {vi} [dialectal] :: To get frostbitten
palentua {vi} [dialectal] :: To be freezing
paleo- {prefix} :: paleo-
paleoantropologi {n} :: paleoanthropologist
paleoantropologia {n} :: paleoanthropology
paleoarkeeinen {adj} [geology] :: Paleoarchean
paleobiologi {n} :: paleobiologist
paleobiologia {n} :: paleobiology
paleobotaniikka {n} :: paleobotany
paleoekologia {n} :: paleoecology
paleoetnobotaniikka {n} :: paleoethnobotany
paleogeeni {n} :: synonym of paleogeenikausi
paleogeenikausi {n} [geology] :: Paleogene, Paleogene period
paleogeenikautinen {adj} [geology] :: Paleogene (of or pertaining to the Paleogene period)
paleografi {n} :: paleographer
paleografia {n} :: paleography
paleografinen {adj} :: paleographic
paleoklimatologi {n} :: paleoclimatologist
paleoklimatologia {n} :: paleoclimatology
paleoliittinen {adj} :: Paleolithic (of or referring to the Old Stone Age)
paleomaantiede {n} :: paleogeography
paleomagnetismi {n} :: paleomagnetism
paleontologi {n} :: paleontologist
paleontologia {n} :: paleontology
paleontologinen {adj} :: paleontological
paleopatologi {n} :: paleopathologist
paleopatologia {n} :: paleopathology
paleoproterotsooinen {adj} [geology] :: Paleoproterozoic
paleoseeni {n} :: The Paleocene
paleoseenikausi {n} [geology] :: The Paleocene
paleosomi {n} [geology] :: paleosome
paleotsooinen {adj} [geology] :: Paleozoic
paleozoologia {n} :: paleozoology
Palestiina {prop} :: Palestine
palestiinalainen {n} :: A Palestinian
palestiinalainen {adj} :: Palestinian
paletti {n} [painting] :: palette
paletti {n} [computing, graphical user interface] :: palette
palettiveitsi {n} :: palette knife
palho {n} [botany] :: filament (stalk of a stamen)
palikka {n} :: brick
palikka {n} :: block
palikka {n} [computing] :: dongle used for copy protection
palimpsesti {n} :: palimpsest
palindromi {n} :: palindrome
paliskunta {n} :: A cooperative of reindeer herdsmen administering a defined herding area
paljaaksihakkuu {n} [forestry] :: synonym of avohakkuu
paljaaltaan {adv} :: bare, uncovered; straight [esp. of liquor]
paljaampi {adj} :: comparative of paljas
paljain käsin {adv} :: barehanded (with no covering on the hands)
paljain käsin {adv} :: barehanded (without using a tool or weapon)
paljakka {n} :: The tundra-like treeless top of a fell
paljakkahapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula nana
paljakkarousku {n} [mushroom] :: A milk-cap (Lactarius pseudouvidus)
paljakkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius subtorvus
paljas {adj} :: naked, unaided, unprotected
paljas {adj} :: naked, unclothed
paljas {adj} :: bare
paljas {adj} :: barren
paljas {adj} :: clear, blank
paljashäntävyötiäinen {n} :: naked-tailed armadillo (armadillo of the genus Cabassous)
paljasjalkainen {adj} :: barefoot, barefooted
paljasjalkainen {adj} :: born and bred
paljasjalkalääkäri {n} :: barefoot doctor
paljasjaloin {adv} :: synonym of avojaloin
paljaspäinen {adj} :: bareheaded
paljas pinta {n} [idiomatic, uncountable] :: skin (bare or exposed human skin, particularly in a sexual or sexually suggestive context)
paljas pinta {n} :: See: fi paljas pinta
paljassiemeninen {n} [botany] :: gymnosperm
paljassiemeninen {n} :: (botany, in plural) Gymnospermae
paljassiemeninen {adj} [botany] :: gymnospermous
paljastaa {vt} :: to reveal, disclose, expose, unfold, unveil, give away, exhume, bring to light
paljastaa {vt} :: to detect; eg. of a lie
paljastaja {n} :: exposer (one who exposes)
paljastajaiset {n} :: an event or occasion held to reveal something, such as a statue
paljastaminen {n} :: revealing, disclosing, exposing
paljastava {adj} :: telltale, revealing
paljastin {n} :: detector (device that detects something hidden, such as lies or a radar)
paljastua {vi} :: to become exposed or revealed, to dawn on, to uncover, to come into daylight
paljastus {n} :: A revelation, a disclosure, an exposure (act of revealing)
paljastus {n} :: An unveiling (ceremony for the first public showing of something, especially a statue)
paljastus {n} :: An anecdote (previously untold, secret account of an incident)
paljastustilaisuus {n} :: unveiling, reveal event
palje {n} :: [often plural palkeet] bellows
paljetti {n} :: sequin (sparkling spangle used for the decoration of ornate clothing)
paljin {n} :: prong of a belt buckle
paljinsolki {n} :: a belt buckle with a prong
paljo {adj} :: voluminous, much, plenty
paljoa {adv} [in negative] :: (not) much
paljoksua {vt} :: to consider excessive
paljolti {adv} :: largely (for the most part; mainly or chiefly)
paljon {adv} :: a lot, plenty, much
paljonko {adv} :: how much?
paljonko kello on {phrase} :: what time is it, what's the time?
paljon melua tyhjästä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: much ado about nothing
paljon porua, vähän villoja {phrase} [idiom] :: great cry and little wool
paljon porua, vähän villoja {phrase} [idiom] :: all bark and no bite (full of big talk)
paljous {n} :: quantity, volume, mass, multitude (considerable measure or amount)
palju {n} :: a tub
palju {n} [colloquial] :: an old-fashioned bathing tub, typically wooden
pälkähtää {vi} :: to occur or come (to mind)
pälkähtää päähän {v} :: to come to mind, spring to mind, cross one's mind, occur (to come or be presented to the mind)
palkallinen {adj} :: salaried, paid (being paid a salary or wage)
palkanalennus {n} :: reduction of wages, pay cut, salary cut
palkanansaitsija {n} :: person who earns a salary
Pälkäne {prop} :: Pälkäne
pälkäneläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pälkäne
pälkäneläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pälkäne
palkankorotus {n} :: A pay raise (US), pay rise (UK), a raise (US) or rise (UK) (increase in wages or salary)
palkankorotusvaatimus {n} :: demand to increase wages
palkanlaskenta {n} :: calculation of salaries and wages, payroll calculation, payroll preparation
palkanlaskenta {n} :: payroll (department)
palkanlaskija {n} :: paymaster, salary accountant, payroll clerk
palkanlisä {n} :: allowance, bonus to a salary
palkanmaksaja {n} :: paymaster, person who pays a salary
palkanmaksu {n} :: payroll, salary payment
palkanmaksukausi {n} :: pay period
palkanmaksupäivä {n} :: payday, pay date
palkanmuodostus {n} :: wage formation, wage-setting
palkannauttija {n} :: synonym of palkansaaja
palkannousu {n} :: wage increase
palkanosa {n} :: part of salary, component of pay
palkansaaja {n} :: wage earner
palkansaaja {n} :: employee
palkansaajajärjestö {n} :: trade union
palkansaajaliike {n} :: synonym of ammattiyhdistysliike
palkansaajarahasto {n} :: employee fund
palkata {v} :: to hire, employ
palkaton {adj} :: unpaid, unsalaried
palkattomasti {adv} :: without pay or salary
palkinto {n} :: prize, award
palkintokoroke {n} [sports] :: podium
palkintolautakunta {n} :: jury
palkintomitali {n} :: award medal
palkintopalli {n} [sports] :: podium (steepled platform, standing on which the medalists in a sports event receive their medals and/or other trophies)
palkintopalli {n} [sports] :: podium (result amongst the best three)
palkita {vt} :: To reward
palkita {vt} :: To award
palkitseva {adj} :: rewarding
palkittaa {v} :: to beam (to furnish with beams)
palkittain {adv} [heraldry] :: bendwise
palkka {n} :: pay, salary, wage (money given in return for work; salary or wages)
palkka {n} :: compensation, remuneration (anything given in return for work)
palkkaaminen {n} :: hiring (act)
palkka-ankkuri {n} :: anchor to the wages
palkka-armeija {n} :: mercenary organization, private military company
palkka-asteikko {n} :: wage scale, pay scale
palkkaennakko {n} :: advance, salary advance
palkkaero {n} :: pay difference
palkkaero {n} :: pay gap
palkkaetu {n} :: pay benefit, emolument
palkkahaitari {n} :: wage scale
palkkahallinto {n} :: payroll management, payroll administration
palkkahinnoittelu {n} :: level of salaries
palkkahinnoitteluliite {n} :: salary appendix
palkkaindeksi {n} :: wage index
palkkajärjestelmä {n} :: wage system
palkkajoukko {n} :: mercenary troops
palkkakatto {n} :: salary cap, salary ceiling
palkkakehitys {n} :: wage development
palkkakilpailu {n} :: wage competition
palkkakuilu {n} :: pay gap
palkkakuitti {n} :: pay slip
palkkakulut {n} :: salary costs, wage costs
palkkakuoppa {n} :: wage trap, wage pit
palkkakustannukset {n} :: wage costs
palkkalainen {n} :: hired person
palkkalaskelma {n} :: payslip, salary statement
palkkalaskenta {n} :: (more commonly: palkanlaskenta) payroll calculation, payroll preparation
palkkaliite {n} :: salary attachment
palkkalista {n} :: payroll (list of employees who receive salary or wages from a particular organization)
palkkaliukuma {n} :: wage drift
palkkaluokka {n} :: pay grade
palkkamaltti {n} :: wage moderation
palkkamenot {n} :: labor costs
palkkamurha {n} :: hit, contract killing
palkkamurhaaja {n} :: contract killer, hitman, hatchet man
palkkanauha {n} :: payslip, pay grade
palkkaneuvottelu {n} :: wage negotiations
palkkansa {n} :: third-person possissive form of palkka
palkkaorja {n} :: wage slave
palkkapäivä {n} :: payday (day on which an employee's salary is paid)
palkkaperuste {n} :: wage base
palkkapolitiikka {n} :: pay policy
palkkapussi {n} :: pay packet
palkkaraha {n} [usually in the plural] :: payroll, money from salary
palkkarakenne {n} :: wage structure
palkkaratkaisu {n} :: Alternative term for tulopoliittinen sopimus ("income policy agreement"); see usage notes under tulopolitiikka for explanation of central income policy terminology
palkkaratkaisu {n} :: More narrowly, the part of above which concerns wages; wages agreement, agreement on wages
palkkarenki {n} :: hireling
palkkasäännöstely {n} :: wage regulation
palkkasaatava {n} :: outstanding renumeration, outstanding wage
palkkasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of palkka
palkkasotilas {n} :: mercenary
palkkasoturi {n} :: A mercenary
palkkasulku {n} :: freeze (on salary)
palkkasyrjintä {n} :: wage discrimination
palkkatarjous {n} :: salary offer, contract offer
palkkataso {n} :: wage level
palkkataulukko {n} :: salary grid, wage grid
palkkatili {n} :: wage account
palkkatodistus {n} :: salary certificate
palkkatuki {n} :: wage subsidy
palkkatulo {n} :: salary income
palkkaturva {n} :: pay guarantee
palkkatyö {n} :: hired labor, paid labor
palkkatyöläinen {n} :: hired laborer
palkkaus {n} :: hiring (act of hiring a new employee)
palkkaus {n} :: pay, when discussed on general or system level
palkkausjärjestelmä {n} :: salary system, wage system
palkkausluokka {n} :: pay grade, pay bracket
palkkavaatimus {n} :: pay claim
palkki {n} :: beam (long piece of timber, metal or concrete used in construction as horizontal support)
palkki {n} :: horizontal bar (on top or bottom of a newspaper page or article, television screen etc)
palkki {n} [music] :: beam (horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value)
palkki {n} [heraldry] :: bend (strip from dexter chief (upper right corner) to sinister base of the shield)
palkki {n} [telecommunications] :: bar (of signal, etc.)
palkkikaavio {n} :: (horizontal) bar graph
palkkikamera {n} :: view camera
palkkikatto {n} :: beam ceiling
palkkio {n} :: reward, bounty
palkkio {n} :: fee, honorarium
palkkiomatriisi {n} [game theory] :: reward matrix
palkkionmetsästäjä {n} :: bounty hunter
palkkisilta {n} :: beam bridge
palkkuut {n} :: a type of horse cart traditionally used to transport barrels of tar
palko {n} [botany] :: pod
palkokasvi {n} :: pulse (any annual legume used as food or fodder)
palladium {n} :: palladium
pallas {n} :: halibut
palle {n} :: A hem (border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together)
palle {n} :: A doubled-back rim of anything, especially sheet metal
palle {n} :: A groove along a board, such as the dado of a tongue and groove board
palle {n} :: A hem (rim or margin)
palle {n} [nautical] :: bilge (rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides)
pallea {n} [anatomy] :: The thoracic diaphragm
palleatyrä {n} [pathology] :: hernia diaphragmatica, diaphragmatic hernia
pallero {n} :: bolus, ball (round mass of anything)
palleroinen {n} :: A small bolus (round mass of anything)
palleroinen {n} [by extension] :: baby, puppy etc. (any roundish and cute-looking newly born human or animal)
palleropilvi {n} :: cirrocumulus (type of cloud)
palleroporonjäkälä {n} :: star reindeer lichen, Cladonia stellaris [1]
palli {n} :: stool (seat)
palli {n} [colloquial] :: in plural, balls (testicles)
palliatiivi {n} :: palliative
palliatiivinen {adj} [medicine] :: palliative
pallini {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of palli
pällistellä {vt} :: to stare in confusion
pallo {n} :: ball
pallo {n} :: balloon
pallo {n} :: orb, sphere, globe
pallo {n} [mathematics] :: sphere [see usage notes]
pallo {n} [mathematics, colloquial] :: ball [see usage notes]
palloaalto {n} :: spherical wave
palloaberraatio {n} [optics] :: spherical aberration
pallobakteeri {n} [microbiology] :: coccus
pallografiittivalurauta {n} [metallurgy] :: ductile iron, spheroidal graphite iron
pallograniitti {n} [geology] :: orbicular granite
palloharmoninen {adj} :: spherically symmetric
pallohiili {n} :: fullerene
pallohiiri {n} [computing] :: A trackball
palloilija {n} :: ball player, especially a footballer
palloilla {vi} :: to play a ball game (soccer etc.)
palloilla {v} :: to hang out
pallojuusto {n} :: a cheese shaped like a ball, such as edam
pallokaktus {n} :: hedgehog cactus (any cactus of genus Echinopsis)
pallokaktus {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Echinopsis
pallokala {n} :: pufferfish (any fish in the family Tetraodontidae)
pallokartta {n} :: ball map, globe map (spherical map)
pallokas {n} [nautical] :: spinnaker
pallokenttä {n} :: ballfield, ball field, any field for playing ball games
pallokirjoituskone {n} :: ball typewriter (typewriter that uses a typeball)
pallokivi {n} [geology] :: orbicular rock
pallokolmio {n} [geometry] :: spherical triangle
pallokoordinaatisto {n} [math] :: spherical coordinate system
pallokoordinaatit {n} [math] :: spherical coordinates
pallokulma {n} [geometry] :: spherical angle
pallokulma {n} :: ball corner
pallokurpitsa {n} :: pumpkin (round, orange fruit of pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo.)
pallolaajennus {n} :: balloon angioplasty
palloleikki {n} :: a children's ball game
pallomaha {n} :: potbelly (stomach)
pallomainen {adj} :: spherical (shaped like a sphere)
pallomainen tähtijoukko {n} [astronomy] :: globular cluster
pallomeri {n} :: ball pit, ball pond, ball pool
pallonen {n} :: spherule (small sphere)
pallonhallinta {n} [ball games] :: possession of the ball, control of the ball
pallonheitto {n} :: the act of throwing a ball; any game involving throwing a ball
pallonivel {n} [anatomy] :: ball and socket joint, enarthrosis, spheroidal joint
pallonkäsittely {n} [ball games] :: handling the ball
pallonkuori {n} :: sphere (as opposed to ball)
pallonmenetys {n} [ball games] :: losing the ball, losing possession of the ball
pallonpinta {n} :: alternative form of pallopinta
pallonpuolikas {n} :: half ball, hemisphere
pallonpuolisko {n} :: A hemisphere of the Earth or other celestial body
pallonpuolisko {n} :: A hemisphere as an object, as opposed to shape; also puolipallo
pallonriisto {n} [ball games] :: stealing possession of the ball
pallonuija {n} [archaeology] :: a spherical stone with a hole through the middle, used as a tool and weapon
pallo-ohdake {n} :: globe thistle (any plant of genus Echinops)
pallo-ohdake {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Echinops
pallopäävalas {n} :: pilot whale (either of two species of whale in the genus Globicephala)
pallopäävasara {n} :: ball-peen hammer
pallopeili {n} :: curved mirror, spherical mirror
pallopeli {n} :: ball game (game played with a ball)
palloperuna {n} :: potato ball (small fried ball)
pallopiiri {n} :: ball club (especially for football or soccer)
pallopinta {n} [mathematics] :: spherical surface
pallopinta {n} [mathematics] :: sphere (regular three-dimensional object in which every cross-section is a circle, as opposed to a ball)
pallopoika {n} [sports] :: ball boy
pallopoikkeama {n} [optics] :: spherical aberration
pallopullo {n} [rare, dated] :: synonym of roll-on
pallopurje {n} [nautical] :: balloon sail
pallorauta {n} :: melon baller (small kitchen tool used to cut round sections of melons and other soft fruits)
pallosalama {n} :: A ball lightning
pallosara {n} :: Carex globularis
pallosegmentti {n} [geometry] :: spherical segment
pallosektori {n} [geometry] :: spherical sector
palloseura {n} :: A sports club with its focus on ball games, used chiefly in the names of such clubs
pallosilla {adv} :: playing with a ball, playing ball games
pallosille {adv} :: (into a state of) playing with a ball, playing ball games
pallotähtitiede {n} [astronomy] :: spherical astronomy
pallotella {vi} :: to kick a ball around; to play a ball game in an informal manner
pallotrigonometria {n} :: spherical trigonometry
pallottaa {v} [games] :: to throw a ball at another player aiming to touch that person (not to serve, nor hurt), used in some children's playful games
pallottelu {n} :: kick around (informal game of football, rugby or similar sports)
pallotuoli {n} :: ball chair, Ball Chair
pallotyttö {n} [sports] :: ball girl
palloventtiili {n} :: ball valve
pallovyötiäinen {n} :: three-banded armadillo (armadillo of the genus Tolypeutes)
pallovyötiäinen {n} :: southern three-banded armadillo, Tolypeutes matacus
pallukka {n} :: A round object
palmaarinen {adj} :: palmar
palmetti {n} :: palmette
palmikko {n} :: plait
palmikoida {v} :: To plait
palmitaatti {n} [chemistry] :: palmitate
palmitiinihappo {n} [chemistry] :: palmitic acid
palmu {n} :: palm tree
palmuöljy {n} :: palm oil
palmupuu {n} :: palm (tropical tree)
palmuranta {n} :: a palm beach (a beach with palm trees)
palmurosvo {n} :: palm thief (Birgus latro)
palmusunnuntai {n} [Christianity] :: Palm Sunday
palmuviini {n} :: palm wine
palmuviini {n} :: toddy
palo {n} :: fire (event of something burning, an occurrence of fire)
palo {n} :: ardor (great warmth of feeling)
palo {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: out
palo {n} [cricket] :: dismissal
Palo {prop} :: surname
Palo {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
paloa {v} [rare] :: To divide into pieces
paloalue {n} :: the area of a fire, especially of a wildfire
paloasema {n} :: fire station (building for fire fighters)
paloauto {n} :: fire engine, fire truck
palohaava {n} :: burn (injury)
palohaka {n} :: carabiner
palohälytin {n} :: A fire alarm (device)
palohälytys {n} :: A fire alarm (warning made of a fire)
paloharjoitus {n} :: fire drill (practice to prepare for evacuation in the event of a fire)
paloilmoitin {n} :: fire alarm
paloitella {v} :: to cut up, cut, chop, slice, divide into pieces
paloitella {v} :: to cut up, dismember
paloittain {adv} :: piecewise
paloitteleminen {n} :: cutting, slicing, chopping
paloitteleminen {n} :: cutting up, dismembering
paloitteluveitsi {n} :: A chopper [knife for chopping food]
palokaasu {n} :: combustion gas, flue gas
palokaivo {n} :: fire water well
palokalusto {n} :: fire fighting equipment
palokärki {n} :: black woodpecker; Dryocopus martius
palokärki {n} [in plural] :: the genus Dryocopus
palokeksi {n} :: pike pole; a pole with a hook used in firefighting
palokirves {n} :: firefighter's axe, fire axe
palokunta {n} :: A fire department, fire brigade
palokuoppa {n} :: a pit in which something was burned, especially a historical type of cremated grave
palolaitos {n} :: fire department
paloletku {n} :: A fire hose
paloluukku {n} :: fire shutter
paloluukku {n} :: fire hatch
palomies {n} :: A fireman, firefighter (person who is skilled in the work of fighting fire)
palomuuri {n} :: firewall (fireproof barrier)
palomuuri {n} [computer security] :: firewall
paloöljy {n} :: petroleum oil
palo-ovi {n} :: fire door
palopäällikkö {n} :: fire chief, fire marshal
palopaikka {n} :: scene of fire, burning place
palopesäke {n} :: fire pocket
palopommi {n} :: firebomb, incendiary bomb, incendiary (bomb specially designed to cause fires)
paloposti {n} :: fire hydrant
palopuhe {n} :: rant, tirade, diatribe, harangue (oral exposition, where emotionality supersedes rationality)
palopuhuja {n} :: firebrand (argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary)
palorakko {n} :: A blister caused by burning
palorakkula {n} :: A blister caused by burning
palorypälehappo {n} [chemistry] :: pyruvic acid
palosammutin {n} :: fire extinguisher
paloseinä {n} [architecture] :: firewall (fireproof barrier)
palosirkka {n} :: rattle grasshopper (Psophus stridulus)
palosotilas {n} [dated] :: fireman
palosuojata {vt} :: to protect from fire
palotikkaat {n} :: fire escape ladder
paloton {adj} [pesäpallo] :: without the batting team having any outs
paloturvallisuus {n} :: fire safety
palovaara {n} :: risk of fire
palovahinko {n} :: fire damage
palovakuuttaa {v} :: to take a fire insurance policy
palovakuutus {n} :: fire insurance
palovamma {n} :: burn (a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals)
palovanko {n} :: a staff with a hook at one end, used to turn over logs to make sure they burned completely
palovaroitin {n} :: A fire alarm [device]
palovartija {n} :: firewatcher
palovaurio {n} :: fire damage
paloviina {n} [dated] :: spirit, liquor (distilled alcoholic beverage)
palpaatio {n} :: palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands)
palpakko {n} :: bur-reed (plant of the genus Sparganium)
pälpättää {vi} :: to chatter, blabber, gab
pälpätys {n} :: gab
palpeerata {v} [medicine, dated] :: to palpate (to examine by feeling with hands, especially as medical procedure)
palpitaatio {n} [medicine] :: palpitation
palpoida {v} [medicine] :: to palpate (to examine by feeling with hands, especially as medical procedure)
palpointi {n} [medicine] :: palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands)
palsa {n} [geomorphology] :: palsa
palsa {n} [colloquial] :: long overcoat
palsami {n} :: balsam, balm (any of various aromatic resins exuded from certain plants, especially trees of the genus Commiphora of Africa, Arabia and India and Myroxylon of South America)
palsami {n} :: balsam, balm (any aromatic or fragrant ointment)
palsami {n} :: balsam, balm (figurative: anything that heals or soothes)
palsami {n} :: impatiens, touch-me-not, snapweed, patience; jewelweed [US] (flowering plant of the genus Impatiens)
palsamikukka {n} :: synonym of palsami (flower)
palsamikuusi {n} [plant, dated] :: balsam fir (North American species of fir tree Abies balsamea)
palsamipuu {n} :: balsam (tree yielding balsam)
palsamoida {vt} :: To embalm
palsamoija {n} :: embalmer (one who embalms)
palsamoiminen {n} :: embalming
palsamointi {n} :: embalming (act, process)
palsamoitu {adj} :: embalmed (having been embalmed)
palsasuo {n} :: palsa (palsa bog)
palsi {n} :: hardpan (especially one in the bottom of a body of water)
palsta {n} :: lot, plot, parcel of land
palsta {n} :: newspaper column
palsta {n} :: column (vertically split text on a page)
palstalääkäri {n} :: advice column doctor
palstamillimetri {n} :: One millimeter of a printed column; a measure of space allocated for an article or advertisement on a newspaper. English speaking world uses column inch and column centimeter for the same purpose
palstantäyte {n} :: filler (in a newspaper)
palstatila {n} :: space in a newspaper column
palstatila {n} [figuratively] :: press coverage
palstatila {n} [historical] :: a smaller, non-independent farm within a larger farm; the smaller farm did not have to pay its own land tax but often paid taxes directly to the larger farm
palstaväli {n} [typography] :: gutter, space between columns
palstavedos {n} :: galley proof
palstaviljely {n} :: plot cultivation
palsternakka {n} :: parsnip, Pastinaca sativa
palstoittaa {vt} :: to columnize
palstoittain {adv} :: by lot, plot or parcel of land
palstoittain {adv} :: in columns
paltamo {n} [dialectal] :: A type of rowing boat used to carry freight, particularly barrels of tar, along the rivers in northern Finland
Paltamo {prop} :: Paltamo
paltamolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Paltamo
paltamolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Paltamo
paltata {v} :: To hem (to put hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something)
palte {n} :: alternative form of palle
palterohapero {n} :: The flirt or bare-toothed russula, Russula vesca
palttaa {v} :: To hem (to put a hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something)
palttiarallaa {adv} [dialectal] :: approximately, about
palttina {n} :: linen weave, plain weave
palttina {n} :: linen
palttoo {n} :: A long overcoat
paluu {n} :: return
paluu {n} :: comeback (return to fame, popularity etc.)
paluuarvo {n} [programming] :: return value
paluukoodi {n} [computing] :: return code, exit status
paluuliikenne {n} :: inbound traffic (in connection with holidays, traffic back to the cities at the end of the holidays)
paluulippu {n} :: return ticket
paluumuuttaja {n} :: an ex-pat who is returning home to live in their birth country
paluumuuttaja {n} [sports] :: a player who returns back to the team they were playing for before joining another team
paluupallo {n} [soccer] :: rebound
paluurahti {n} :: return cargo, return load
paluuvirtaus {n} :: return flow (any returning flow of a fluid)
paluuvirtaus {n} :: undertow (flow of water returning seaward from the waves breaking on the shore)
paluuvirtaus {n} :: rip current (particularly strong return flow of water from breaking waves, away from the shore, caused by underwater topology, which at some places concentrates the returning water into a powerful current)
palvata {vt} :: to cure (to preserve meat by roasting it slowly)
palvaus {n} :: curing (food preservation)
palvelija {n} :: servant
palvelijatar {n} :: maidservant, maid (female servant)
palvelin {n} [computing] :: server
palvelinkone {n} [computing] :: server machine, server computer
palvelinpohjaisuus {n} [computing] :: multitenancy
palvelinsovelma {n} [computing] :: servlet
palvella {v} :: to serve (provide a service; perform duties; be in service; be a servant)
palvelu {n} :: service
palveluala {n} :: service industry
palveluammatti {n} :: service profession, service occupation
palveluelinkeino {n} :: service sector, service industry
palveluhenkinen {adj} :: service-oriented, service-minded
palvelukanava {n} :: service channel
palvelukeskus {n} :: service center (centralized organisation that produces a service or services)
palveluksessanne {phrase} :: at your service
palveluksessanne {phrase} :: your servant (greeting)
palveluluokka {n} :: service category, service class
palvelumaksu {n} :: service charge, service fee (fee charged for a service, typically to cover administration or processing costs.)
palvelumerkki {n} :: service mark
palvelumerkki {n} :: service badge
palvelunestohyökkäys {n} [internet] :: denial-of-service attack, DoS attack
palvelunkäyttäjä {n} :: service user, service consumer
palveluntarjoaja {n} :: service provider
palveluntuottaja {n} :: service provider
palvelupaikka {n} :: service facility, service point
palvelupiste {n} :: service point
palveluprosessi {n} :: service process
palveluprosessi {n} [computing] :: daemon
palveluraha {n} :: service charge, service fee (amount added to a restaurant bill for service)
palvelus {n} :: service (event of providing a service)
palvelus {n} :: service (state of being subordinate to someone)
palvelus {n} :: favor
palvelusaika {n} :: period of service
palvelusektori {n} :: service industry
palvelusektori {n} :: tertiary sector
palvelusetelijärjestelmä {n} :: service voucher scheme
palveluskoira {n} :: service dog, helper dog
palvelusrikos {n} [law] :: criminal offense committed in or related to military service
palvelussuhde {n} :: service relation, service relationship
palvelustyttö {n} :: maid (female servant)
palvelusväki {n} :: servants, domestics, staff
palvelusvuosi {n} :: year of service, service year
palvelut {n} :: services, facilities, amenities
palvelutalo {n} :: sheltered home, sheltered accommodation, assisted living building
palvelutarjonta {n} :: servicescape
palvelutaso {n} :: service level (measure of the performance of a service provider)
palvelutasosopimus {n} :: service level agreement
palvelutoiminta {n} :: service activity
palvelutuote {n} :: service product
palvelutyyppi {n} :: type of service
palveluvalmis {adj} :: ready to serve, ready for service
palveluverkosto {n} :: service network
palvi {n} :: meat cured slowly in mild heat, often also smoked
palvi {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of patvi
pälvi {n} :: a bald spot, a patch of snow-free ground, especially in the spring when the snow melts
pälvi {n} :: a bald patch, a bald spot (an area of baldness on a partially bald head)
pälvikalju {n} :: alopecia areata
palvikinkku {n} :: (slowly) smoked ham
palviliha {n} :: (slowly) smoked meat
palvimakkara {n} :: lightly smoked sausage
pälvisokeus {n} :: scotoma
pälvittäin {adv} [of hair loss] :: in spots
palvoa {v} :: to worship (a deity, etc.)
palvoa {v} :: to love ardently
palvoja {n} :: A worshipper (one who worships)
palvonta {n} :: worship, praise, -latry
palvontamenot {n} :: A worship (religious ceremony, especially a non-Christian one)
palvontapaikka {n} :: place of worship
palvoskivi {n} :: a rock or stone once used as a place of worship
palvovasti {adv} :: worshipfully, adoringly
pälyillä {v} :: to glance (to look briefly at something)
palynologia {n} :: palynology
pam {interj} :: bam! bang!
pamahdella {vi} :: to bang, boom (repeatedly)
pamahdus {n} :: alternative form of pamaus
pamahtaa {v} :: to bang, slam, crash, pop
pamahtaa {v} :: to explode, go bang/blow
pamaus {n} :: boom, bang
pamaus {n} :: report (sharp, loud sound from a gun or explosion)
pamautella {vt} :: to bang, boom (repeatedly)
pamauttaa {vt} :: to bang, boom (to make or cause a banging sound, once)
pamauttaminen {n} :: banging, booming (making or causing a banging sound)
pamfletti {n} :: pamphlet
pamista {vi} [colloquial] :: to chat, to chatter
pampa {n} :: pampa
pampahirvi {n} :: pampas deer, Ozotoceros bezoarticus
pampajänis {n} :: Patagonian mara, Dolichotis patagonum
pampakettu {n} :: pampas fox, Lycalopex gymnacercus
pampakissa {n} :: pampas cat, Leopardus pajeros
pämpätä {v} :: to booze
pampattaa {vi} :: to throb
pampavyötiäinen {n} :: big hairy armadillo, large hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus villosus
pämppäilijä {n} :: boozer
pamppailla {v} :: to throb, beat
pämppäillä {v} :: to booze
pamppu {n} :: baton, nightstick (short stout club used primarily by policemen)
pamppu {n} [slang] :: bigwig (person of consequence)
pamppu {n} [slang] :: turnkey (warder, prison officer)
pampula {n} :: bobble
pamputtaa {v} :: to baton, to strike with a nightstick
pamputus {n} :: batoning
pan- {prefix} :: pan-
panama {n} :: Panama weave
Panama {prop} :: Panama (country)
panamahattu {n} :: Panama hat
Panaman kanava {prop} :: Panama Canal
panamanpuumuura {n} :: western slaty antshrike
panamerikkalainen {adj} :: Pan-American (covering or representing all of the Americas)
panarabismi {n} :: synonym of panarabialaisuus
panda {n} :: panda
pandakarhu {n} :: panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
pandeeminen {adj} :: pandemic
pandeismi {n} :: pandeism
pandemia {n} :: A pandemic
Pandora {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Pandora
Pandoran lipas {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Pandora's box
pandžabi {n} :: Punjabi (language)
paneeli {n} :: panel, nowadays usually paneli (rectangular section of surface)
paneeli {n} :: panel (group of people)
paneelikeskustelu {n} :: panel discussion, forum (form of discussion involving a panel of presenters and often participation by members of the audience)
paneelilaudoitus {n} :: paneling
paneelilauta {n} :: a wooden panel
paneeliseinä {n} :: paneled wall, panel wall
paneerata {v} [cooking] :: synonym of leivittää
panelisti {n} :: panelist
paneloida {vt} :: To panel
panelointi {n} :: panelling
paneminen {n} :: putting, setting, placing
paneminen {n} :: brewing (of beer)
paneminen {n} [vulgar] :: fucking, shagging
panenteismi {n} :: panentheism
paneroida {vt} :: To bread
paneskella {vi} [vulgar, usually, _] :: To have several sessions of sexual intercourse with one or more people (when that action is considered negative)
panetella {vt} [+ partitive] :: To slander, vilify, smear, defame
panettaa {vt} [vulgar, impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to be horny, to crave sex (literally "to cause to fuck")
panettaa {vt} [rare] :: To have something put/set/place by someone (= adessive) (somewhere)
panettelu {n} :: aspersion
paneutua {vi} [_, + illative] :: to delve into, take up, go into (an issue, a question; by studying or pondering it closely); to familiarize oneself with (an issue, a question)
pangasius {n} :: pangasius (pangasius fish as food)
pangrammi {n} :: pangram
panhuilu {n} :: pan pipes, panpipes, pan-pipes
paniikki {n} :: panic
paniikkihäiriö {n} [psychology] :: panic disorder
paniikkikohtaus {n} :: panic attack
panikoida {v} :: To panic
panimo {n} :: brewery
panimoravintola {n} :: brewpub, restaurant with a brewery
panimoteollisuus {n} :: brewing industry
panini {n} :: panini
pankinjohtaja {n} :: bank manager
pankkaluu {n} [anatomy] :: An epipubic bone
pankki {n} :: bank (institution, branch office and derived meanings)
pankkiaika {n} :: bank opening hours
pankkiala {n} :: banking sector
pankkiasia {n} :: any matter that requires a visit at a bank
pankkiasiointi {n} :: banking (act of dealing with a bank)
pankkiauto {n} :: bank truck (a bank inside a truck)
pankkiautomaatti {n} :: An automated teller machine, cash machine, ATM
pankkiautomaattikortti {n} :: ATM card
pankkiholvi {n} :: bank vault
pankkiiri {n} :: banker
pankkiirivalaisin {n} :: banker's lamp
pankkikelpoinen {adj} :: bankable (acceptable to a bank)
pankkikirja {n} :: bankbook, passbook
pankkikonttori {n} :: bank office
pankkikortti {n} :: bankcard, bank card, debit card
pankkikriisi {n} :: banking crisis
pankkilaina {n} :: bank loan
pankkilokero {n} :: a safe deposit box in a bank
pankkimaailma {n} :: banking world, banking sector
pankkineiti {n} :: a female bank teller
pankkipalvelu {n} :: banking service (service typically provided by a bank)
pankkirosvo {n} :: bank robber
pankkiryöstäjä {n} :: bank robber
pankkiryöstö {n} :: bank robbery
pankkisalaisuus {n} :: banking secrecy
pankkisali {n} :: bank hall (hall or large room of a bank)
pankkisiirto {n} :: giro, bank transfer
pankkisuhde {n} :: bank relationship, banking relationship
pankkitakaus {n} :: bank guarantee, banker's guarantee (guarantee issued by a bank)
pankkitalletus {n} :: bank deposit
pankkitili {n} :: bank account
pankkitoimihenkilö {n} :: bank officer
pankkitoiminta {n} :: banking (the business of managing a bank)
pankkituki {n} :: aiding an ailing bank financially (such as by the state)
pankkivaltuusmies {n} :: member of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council of the Bank of Finland
pankkivekseli {n} :: banker's draft, cashier's check
pankkivelka {n} :: bank debt (debt to a bank)
pankkivirkailija {n} :: bank clerk
pankkiyhteys {n} :: bank access
pankko {n} :: a small piece of wood attached to a reki or sleigh, used for transporting timber
pankko {n} :: a bench located by the stove
pankration {n} :: pankration
panna {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] :: to put, set, place
panna {vt} [+ accusative + illative] :: to send (make someone go somewhere)
panna {vt} [+ accusative + 3rd infinitive illative] :: to have or make someone do something
panna {vi} [+ translative] :: to start doing something
panna {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] :: to deposit [money]
panna {vt} [+ partitive] :: to brew [beer]
panna {vt} [vulgar, + partitive] :: to fuck, screw, shag
panna {n} :: ban, anathema (law; clerical)
panna hanttiin {vi} [idiomatic] :: To resist, to oppose, to counteract
panna jalalla koreasti {v} [idiomatic] :: to dance
panna kiven sisään {phrase} [colloquial] :: to immure, imprison, jail
panna liikettä niveliin {v} :: To get one's ass in gear
panna merkille {v} [idiomatic] :: to remark, notice, take note of
panna muistiin {v} :: to take notes
panna päänsä pantiksi {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to bet one's bottom dollar, to bet one's boots, to not have the slightest doubt
panna paksuksi {v} [colloquial] :: To make somebody pregnant
panna pystyyn {v} [literally] :: to put something into upright position, erect
panna pystyyn {v} [idiomatic] :: to arrange, put up, improvise
panna rautoihin {v} [idiomatic] :: to iron (to shackle with irons)
pannari {n} [colloquial] :: pancake
panna riita halki {v} [idiomatic] :: to split the difference (make a compromise)
panna täytäntöön {vt} :: to implement, put into practice
panna täytäntöön {vt} [law] :: to enforce
panna toimeen {v} :: to effectuate (to effect or execute something)
panna toimeen {v} :: to execute (to start a defined process and run it to completion)
panna toimeen {v} :: to implement (to put into practice)
panna töpinäksi {v} :: to step on it, to make haste, to get a move on
panna tuulemaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to get into action, get going (strong) (to begin or commence with determination and energy)
panni {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for volume equal to half a tynnyri, or later around 33 litres for dry substances or around 73 litres for liquids
pänniä {v} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to annoy, vex
panninala {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for area equal to a one half of a tynnyrinala or around 2 464 square meters
pannoittaa {vt} :: to collar an animal
pannu {n} :: pan, pot
pannuhuone {n} :: boiler room
pannukakku {n} :: a thick (~ 1 cm) pancake baked in oven, eaten as dessert with whipped cream and jam
pannukakku {n} :: pancake
pannukakku {n} [idiomatic] :: failure, fiasco
pannumyssy {n} :: tea cosy
pannumyssy {n} [humoristic] :: mitre
pannunalunen {n} [cooking] :: pot coaster, trivet (object placed under a hot dish to protect the table)
pannunalus {n} :: alternative form of pannunalunen
pannunmyssy {n} :: alternative form of pannumyssy
pannupihvi {n} :: a type of steak similar to Salisbury steak
pannupiirakka {n} :: Any pirog that is cooked in a frying pan, as opposed to uunipiirakka which is baked in an oven
pannupizza {n} :: deep-dish pizza
pano {n} :: deposit (of money into a bank account)
pano {n} :: putting, setup, making (later two are only used in special cases)
pano {n} [vulgar] :: a lay, a fuck, a session of sexual intercourse
panokone {n} :: fucking machine, sex machine (machine used to produce sexual pleasure)
panokone {n} :: sex machine (person with considerable sexual prowess)
panomies {n} [colloquial] :: pussyman
panoraama {n} :: panorama
panoraamakamera {n} :: panorama camera
panoroida {v} [photography, cinematography] :: to pan (turn a camera horizontally)
panoroida {v} [photography] :: to pan (move the camera lens angle while continuing to expose the film)
panoroida {v} [sound engineering] :: to pan (spread a sound signal into a new stereo or multichannel sound field)
panos {n} [weaponry] :: cartridge, pellet
panos {n} [weaponry, construction, demolition, mining] :: load (usually including a detonator)
panos {n} [gambling, economics] :: stake
panos {n} [economics] :: contribution, investment, input
panosnaulain {n} :: powder-actuated tool, powder-actuated nail gun
panostaa {vt} :: to load (to fill with munition or raw material)
panostaa {v} [+ illative] :: to invest in something (to spend money, time, or energy into something)
panostaa {v} [+ illative] :: to put effort on or into something
panostaa {v} [poker] :: to bet
panostaja {n} :: primer (person who primes explosives)
panostaja {n} :: one who puts an effort or invests into something
panostaminen {n} :: investing in, putting effort in
panostaminen {n} :: loading (filling with munition or raw material)
panostus {n} :: investment (money, time or energy invested in something)
panostus {n} :: loading (the act of filling with munition or raw material)
panotakku {n} [vulgar] :: A tangle of hair a woman gets at the back of her head when having sex
panpsykismi {n} [philosophy] :: panpsychism
panpsykistinen {adj} :: panpsychistic (relating to panpsychism)
panslavismi {n} :: Pan-Slavism
panslavisti {n} :: Pan-Slavist
panslavistinen {adj} :: Pan-Slavistic
panssari {n} :: armor, armour, armouring (for body or vehicle protection)
panssari {n} :: carapace (hard protective covering of bone or chitin)
panssariajoneuvo {n} :: armored vehicle
panssariauto {n} :: armored car, armored truck
panssarieste {n} :: anti-tank obstacle
panssarijoukot {n} :: armoured forces
panssarijuna {n} :: armoured train, armored train
panssarikauhu {n} :: Panzerschrek (German portable anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII)
panssarilaiva {n} :: armored ship
panssarimies {n} [military] :: tanker, trooper, crewman, armoured soldier, armored soldier; zipperhead [Canadian] (member of tank crew)
panssarintorjunta {n} :: antitank warfare
panssarintorjunta {n} :: As modifier in compound terms (panssarintorjunta-), antitank
panssarintorjunta-ase {n} :: anti-tank weapon
panssarintorjuntakivääri {n} [military] :: anti-tank rifle
panssarintorjuntaohjus {n} :: An anti-tank missile
panssarintorjuntavaunu {n} [military] :: tank destroyer
panssarinyrkki {n} :: Panzerfaust (German portable, single-shot anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII)
panssarivaunu {n} [military] :: A tank
panssarivaunumies {n} [military] :: synonym of panssarimies
panssariverkkoaita {n} :: wire mesh fence, chainlink fence
panssaroida {vt} :: To cover with armour/armor
panssaroitu {adj} :: armored (equipped with armor)
panssaroitua {vi} :: to become armored
pansytopenia {n} [pathology] :: pancytopenia
panta {n} :: A collar (device for restraining an animal)
panta {n} :: A choker (jewelry)
panta {n} :: Any ring that is used as an external support for example around a pole
pantaheinä {n} :: bristlegrass (any plant of the genus Setaria)
pantaheinä {n} [in plural] :: the genus Setaria
pantata {vt} :: to pledge, pawn (deposit something as a security)
päntätä {vt} [colloquial] :: to study, to cram
pantava {adj} [vulgar, comparable] :: Fuckable, suitable for having sex with
pantava {adj} :: (neutral, non-comparable) "Suitable to be put [somewhere]". For example, suuhunpantava, "Suitable to be put into mouth."
panteismi {n} :: pantheism
panteisti {n} :: A pantheist
panteistinen {adj} :: pantheistic
pantheon {n} :: pantheon (the gods of a religion as a group)
pantheon {n} :: pantheon (temple or monument)
pantografi {n} :: pantograph (drawing aid)
pantomiimi {n} :: mime (form of theatre)
pantomiimi {n} :: charades (party game)
pantoteenihappo {n} [biochemistry] :: pantothenic acid
pantteri {n} :: panther, leopard (Panthera pardus)
pantterietana {n} :: leopard slug, great grey slug, Limax maximus (very large species of slug)
pantterikärpässieni {n} :: panther cap, Amanita pantherina
pantti {n} :: pledge (security to payment)
pantti {n} :: deposit (monetary security for a borrowed item, which will be given back when the item is returned)
panttikonttori {n} [dated] :: pawn shop
panttilaina {n} :: pawn loan, pawnshop loan (loan taken from a pawn shop)
panttilainaamo {n} :: pawn shop
panttilainakonttori {n} [dated] :: pawn shop
panttilainasto {n} [dated] :: synonym of panttilainaamo (pawn shop)
panttilainaus {n} :: pawnbroking (business of advancing loans against pledges of personal possessions)
panttilaitos {n} [dated] :: pawn shop
panttioikeus {n} :: lien
panttivanki {n} :: hostage
Panu {prop} :: given name
papaha {n} :: papakha (type of fur or sometimes woollen hat originating from Caucasus; shape varies from hemisphere to cylindrical, which may be slightly tapering to either direction)
papaija {n} :: papaya (Carica papaya)
Papa-koe {n} [pathology] :: Pap test, smear test, cervical smear, Pap smear (gynecological screening test)
papana {n} :: A piece of excrement from a small animal such as a hare
paparazzi {n} :: paparazzo
papattaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to spout, to ramble
papatti {n} :: ladyfinger (small firecracker)
papelo {n} :: synonym of nypylä
paperi {n} :: paper
paperi {n} :: document
paperi {n} [colloquial] :: In the plural paperit: ID
paperiarkki {n} :: sheet of paper
paperiavioliitto {n} :: Alternative term for näennäisavioliitto
paperieriste {n} :: insulation paper
paperihaava {n} :: paper cut (wound caused by a piece of paper)
paperihuopa {n} :: papermaking felt (felt used by paper machines)
paperi-insinööri {n} :: paper engineer
paperikanta {n} [economics, rare] :: fiat monetary system
paperikantinen {adj} :: paperback
paperikarkki {n} :: wrapped candy
paperikko {n} :: Paper-machine
paperikoivu {n} :: paper birch, canoe birch Betula papyrifera (North American species of birch with white bark)
paperikoko {n} :: paper size
paperikone {n} :: paper machine
paperikopio {n} :: paper copy
paperikuitu {n} :: paper fiber, paper fibre
paperikukka {n} :: paper flower
paperilaatu {n} :: type or grade of paper
paperileikkuri {n} :: paper cutter, paper guillotine
paperilennokki {n} :: paper plane, paper airplane [US], paper aeroplane [UK]
paperiliima {n} :: paper glue, paper adhesive
paperiliitin {n} :: paper clip
paperimarkka {n} [historical] :: Papiermark (currency of Germany between 1914–1923)
paperimarkka {n} [historical] :: (Finnish) marks in paper form
paperimassa {n} :: paper pulp
paperinen {adj} :: paper (adjective), of paper
paperinen {adj} :: (opposite of "electronic") paper (adjective), hard-copy, print (adjective), printed, physical [document]
paperinen {adj} :: dry, officialese, bookish (characterized by a method of expression generally found in books)
paperinenäliina {n} :: paper napkin, tissue, kleenex
paperiniitti {n} :: staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around)
paperinjalostus {n} :: paper processing, paper converting
paperinohut {adj} :: paper-thin, thin as paper, very thin
paperinpala {n} :: piece of paper
paperinpyörittäjä {n} [derogatory] :: a bureaucrat, a paper-pusher
paperintuotanto {n} :: paper production
paperinukke {n} :: paper doll
paperinvalmistus {n} :: papermaking (craft of making paper)
paperipaino {n} :: paperweight
paperipiikki {n} :: spindle (upright spike for holding papers)
paperipino {n} :: paper stack, a stack of paper
paperipuu {n} :: pulpwood
paperiraha {n} :: paper money
paperiraina {n} :: paper web, drying paper web
papeririisi {n} :: a ream of paper (500 sheets)
paperiruukki {n} :: a historical or prehistorical place where paper was made; paper mill
paperisakset {n} :: paper-cutting scissors
paperisota {n} [derisive] :: red tape
paperitähti {n} :: paper star
paperitehdas {n} :: A paper mill
paperiteippi {n} :: stationery tape
paperitekniikka {n} :: paper technology
paperiteollisuus {n} :: paper industry
paperitiikeri {n} :: paper tiger
paperitollo {n} :: (crushed up) paper ball
paperiton {adj} :: paper-free, paperless
paperitötterö {n} :: paper cone
paperityö {n} [usually plural] :: paperwork
paperivene {n} :: paper boat (origami item)
paperivene {n} :: greater argonaut (Argonauta argo)
paperoida {v} :: To paper (to apply paper to)
paperossi {n} :: papirosa
papiljotti {n} :: hair roller
papilla {n} [anatomy, botany] :: alternative form of papilli
papilli {n} [anatomy, botany] :: papilla
papillinen {adj} :: clerical, pastoral, ministerial
papillisesti {adv} :: clerically, pastorally, ministerially
papillisuus {n} :: The quality of behaving clerically, pastorally or ministerially
papillooma {n} [pathology, oncology] :: papilloma
papinkaulus {n} :: clerical collar
papintappaja {n} :: A beetle, Callidium violaceum
papisti {n} :: papist
papisto {n} :: The clergy
papitar {n} :: A priestess
pappa {n} [dialectal] :: dad
pappa {n} [colloquial] :: grandpa, grandfather
pappeus {n} :: Priesthood (role or office of a priest)
pappi {n} :: priest
pappila {n} :: rectory, vicarage; manse [Scots] (residence of a priest)
pappismies {n} :: clergyman
pappissääty {n} [historical] :: clerical estate of the realm
pappisvalta {n} :: theocracy
paprika {n} :: paprika (spice made of dried, ground fruit of the milder varieties of Capsicum annuum)
paprika {n} :: pepper, bell pepper, sweet pepper (the fruit of a sweet variety of Capsicum annuum, used as vegetable)
paprikajauhe {n} :: paprika powder
papru {n} [colloquial] :: paper
papu {n} :: bean (edible seed or pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae)
papu {n} :: bean (similar seed of some other plants, e.g. coffee)
papu {n} :: common bean (plant Phaseolus vulgaris; short for tarhapapu)
papu {n} [colloquial] :: muscle, especially the biceps
papuannauraja {n} :: rufous-bellied kookaburra (Dacelo gaudichaud)
Papua-Uusi-Guinea {prop} :: Papua New Guinea
papuauusiguinealainen {adj} :: Papuan
papuauusiguinealainen {n} :: Papua New Guinean
papukaija {n} :: parrot (kind of bird)
papukaijapeippo {n} :: Maui parrotbill, Pseudonestor xanthophrys
papukeitto {n} :: bean soup
papupata {n} :: very talkative person, bigmouth
papurokka {n} :: a traditional soup containing fava beans
papyrologi {n} :: papyrologist
papyrologia {n} :: papyrology
papyrus {n} :: papyrus (material and document)
papyruskäärö {n} :: papyrus scroll
papyruskaisla {n} :: papyrus (plant in sedge family)
para {n} [witchcraft] :: A being created to bring milk or butter to its creator
paraabeli {n} [geometry] :: parabola
paraabeli {n} :: parable
paraabelikaari {n} :: parabolic arc
paraati {n} :: parade
paraatipuku {n} [military] :: full dress uniform, dress uniform
paraatipuku {n} [colloquial] :: One's best dress
parabolinen {adj} :: parabolic
paraboloidi {n} [mathematics] :: paraboloid
paradigma {n} :: paradigm (model or example)
paradoksaalinen {adj} :: paradoxical
paradoksaalisesti {adv} :: paradoxically
paradoksaalisuus {n} :: paradoxicalness
paradoksi {n} :: paradox
paradoksinen {adj} :: paradoxical
parafiini {n} :: paraffin [paraffin wax]
parafilia {n} [psychiatry] :: paraphilia
parafinoida {v} :: To treat with paraffin
parafoida {v} [legal] :: to initial (to sign a document with ones initials, as by negotiators to confirm the result of their negotiation for approval by decision-makers of each party)
parafraasi {n} :: paraphrase
parafyleettinen {adj} [taxonomy] :: paraphyletic
paragneissi {n} [rock] :: paragneiss
paragrafi {n} [dated] :: paragraph, article or section (of a contract or other legal document)
Paraguay {prop} :: Paraguay (country)
paraguaynvyötiäinen {n} :: Chacoan naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous chacoensis)
parahiksi {adv} :: just in time
parahiksi {adv} :: barely, just enough
parahin {adj} [literary] :: superlative of hyvä
parahtaa {vi} :: to cry out
pärähtää {vi} :: to buzz or ring once or suddenly
parahultainen {adj} [colloquial] :: just right or fitting
paraikaa {adv} :: alternative form of parastaikaa
paraiksi {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of parahiksi
paraillaan {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of parhaillaan
Parainen {prop} :: Parainen (town)
paraislainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Parainen
paraislainen {n} :: a person from or living in Parainen
paraiten {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of parhaiten
parajoukkue {n} [sports] :: parasports team
parakieli {n} :: paralanguage (non-verbal elements of speech)
parakki {n} :: barracks
paraldehydi {n} [chemistry] :: paraldehyde
paralipsis {n} [rhetoric] :: paraleipsis
parallaksi {n} :: parallax
parallaksivieritys {n} [computer graphics] :: parallax scrolling
paralleeli {n} :: parallel (something identical or similar in essential respects)
paralleeli {adj} :: alternative form of paralleelinen
paralleeliaksiooma {n} [geometry] :: parallel postulate
paralleelinen {adj} [biology] :: parallel
paralleelipipedi {n} [geometry, dated] :: synonym of suuntaissärmiö
parallelismi {n} [philosophy] :: parallelism
paralympialaiset {n} :: Paralympics, Paralympic Games
paramagnetismi {n} [physics] :: paramagnetism
parametri {n} [sciences, programming] :: parameter
parametriavaruus {n} :: parameter space
parametriesitys {n} [math] :: parametric representation
parametrinen {adj} :: parametric
parametrisointi {n} :: parametrization
parametroida {vt} :: to parameterize, to parametrize
paraneminen {n} :: improvement, healing, mending, recovery, recuperation, betterment
parane pian {phrase} :: get well soon
parannella {vt} :: To revamp, polish
parannella {v} :: To improve, incrementally, in small steps
parannus {n} :: improvement, enchantment, betterment
parannus {n} [theology] :: repentance
parannussaarna {n} :: sermon about improvement
parannustyö {n} :: improvement work, upgrading work
paranoidi {adj} :: paranoid
paranoidinen {adj} :: paranoid
paranooikko {n} :: A paranoid person
paranooinen {adj} :: paranoid
paranormaali {adj} :: paranormal
parantaa {vt} :: to improve, better
parantaa {vt} :: to heal, cure
parantaa tapansa {v} [idiomatic] :: to mend one's ways
Parantainen {prop} :: surname
parantaja {n} :: healer
parantaminen {n} :: act of healing or curing
parantaminen {n} :: improvement (act of improving)
parantava {adj} :: healing, curative
parantava {adj} :: vulnerary (useful for healing wounds; in modern use primarily resricted to traditional medicine)
parantola {n} :: sanitarium
parantua {vi} :: To improve, get better
parantua {vi} [medicine] :: To heal, mend, get well/better, recover, recuperate
parantumaton {adj} :: incorrigible
parantumaton {adj} :: incurable, not healed
parantumaton {adj} :: dyed-in-the-wool
parantumattomasti {adv} :: incurably, incorrigibly
parantuminen {n} :: improvement, healing, mending, recovery, recuperation, betterment
paraoranssi {n} [organic chemistry] :: Sunset Yellow FCF (food coloring, E110)
parapähkinä {n} :: brazil nut
parapatrinen {adj} [biology] :: parapatric
parapetti {n} :: parapet
parapsykologi {n} :: parapsychologist
parapsykologia {n} :: parapsychology
parapsykologinen {adj} :: parapsychological
pararosaniliini {n} [chemistry] :: pararosaniline
paras {adj} :: superlative of hyvä
parasetamoli {n} [pharmacology] :: acetaminophen, paracetamol
parasiitti {n} :: parasite
parasitismi {n} :: parasitism
parasitoidi {n} [biology] :: parasitoid
parasitologi {n} :: parasitologist
parasitologia {n} :: parasitology
paras käytäntö {n} :: best practice
parasomnia {n} :: parasomnia
parasosiaalinen {adj} :: parasocial
parasta ennen {phrase} :: best before (date on consumable products)
parast’aikaa {adv} :: dated form of parastaikaa
parastaikaa {adv} :: right now, currently
parata {vi} :: to improve
parata {vi} :: to heal, recover, recuperate
parata {vi} [medicine] :: to heal, mend, get well/better, recover, recuperate
parata {vi} [in negative, + infinitive] :: to be better (not) to do
parataksi {n} :: parataxis
parataktinen {adj} :: paratactic
parateksti {n} :: paratext
paratiisi {n} :: paradise
paratiisikaija {n} :: paradise parrot, Psephotus pulcherrimus
paratiisilintu {n} :: bird of paradise
Paratiisilintu {prop} :: The constellation Apus, the Bird of Paradise
paratiisimainen {adj} :: Resembling a paradise
paratiisiomena {n} :: some of the selectively bred tree variants of Malus prunifolia
paratiisiomena {n} :: fruit of such trees
parationi {n} [chemistry] :: parathion
paratyyppi {n} [biology, taxonomy] :: paratype
paraurheilija {n} :: paraplegic sportsperson
paravety {n} :: parahydrogen
parayleisurheilu {n} [sports] :: paralympic athletics, para athletics
päräyttää {vt} :: to cause to buzz or ring once or suddenly
päre {n} [construction] :: shake (thin - abt 0.5 cm - wooden shingle made by splitting wood)
päre {n} [idiomatic, in plural] :: splinters, smithereens; especially in phrases like panna päreiksi ("to smash into smithereens"), mennä tuhannen päreiksi ("to go into splinters"). Also vulgar variants pillun päreiksi and tuhannen pillun päreiksi
pareesi {n} :: synonym of halvaus
pärehöylä {n} :: a plane tool used to make shakes or wooden shingles
pareittain {adv} :: in pairs
pareittainen {adj} :: bigeminal
pärekate {n} :: wooden shingle or shake roofing
pärekatto {n} :: shake roof, shingle roof
pärekattoinen {adj} :: shingle-roofed
paremiologi {n} :: paremiologist
paremiologia {n} :: paremiology (study of proverbs)
paremmanni {adv} [dialectal, uncommon] :: better
paremmin {adv} :: better (comparative of hyvin)
paremmuus {n} :: superiority
paremmuusjärjestys {n} :: ranking or order from best to worst
parempi {adj} :: comparative of hyvä
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} :: look before you leap
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} :: better safe than sorry
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} :: haste makes waste
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} :: an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure
parempi laiha sopu kuin lihava riita {proverb} :: It's often wiser to conclude an agreement that reasonably serves one's interests than to continue quarreling
parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan {phrase} :: better late than never (it's better to do something late, than to never do it at all)
parempi puolisko {n} [figuratively] :: better half (person's spouse or lover, most commonly a man's wife)
parempi puolisko {n} :: See: fi parempi puolisko
parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla {proverb} :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (literally, better a hazel grouse in the hand than ten on the branch)
parempi virsta väärää kuin vaaksa vaaraa {proverb} :: It's better to do things in a safe way, even if it's burdensome
parenkyymi {n} [biology] :: parenchyma
parenteraalinen {adj} :: parenteral
pärepihdit {n} :: a traditional iron or steel tool with a fork from which wooden shingles were burned for illumination
päretuli {n} :: fire burning in wooden shingles or shakes
päretyö {n} :: an item or craft made of wooden shingles
parfait {n} :: parfait
parfee {n} :: parfait
parfymeria {n} :: perfumery
parfymisti {n} :: perfumer (person who creates or makes perfumes)
parfymoida {vt} :: To perfume
parfyymi {n} :: perfume
pargasiitti {n} [mineral] :: pargasite
parhaansa mukaan {adv} :: as best one can
parhaiksi {adv} :: alternative form of parahiksi
parhaillaan {adv} :: currently, at the moment, at present
parhaimmillaan {adv} :: at best
parhaimmin {adv} :: synonym of parhaiten
parhaimmisto {n} :: elite (group with higher status)
parhain {adj} :: superlative of hyvä
parhain terveisin {phrase} [idiomatic] :: best regards (used as a polite closing of a letter)
parhaiten {adv} :: best (superlative of hyvin)
pari {n} :: couple, pair
pari {n} :: partner (in an activity or when working in pairs)
pari {n} :: battery cell
pari {n} [card games, poker] :: pair (two cards of the same rank)
pari {adv} :: A couple of
pariääntiö {n} [phonetics] :: diphthong
pariajo {n} [cycling] :: madison
pariarvo {n} :: par value
parietaalilohko {n} [anatomy] :: parietal lobe
parihevoset {n} :: pair of horses
parihyppy {n} :: synchronized diving
pariin {adv} :: to
Pariisi {prop} :: Pariisi (caplc)
pariisilainen {n} :: A Parisian, both male and female
pariisilainen {n} :: A Parisienne
pariisilainen {adj} :: Parisian
pariisinperunat {n} :: small fried potato balls
pariisitar {n} :: Parisienne (woman from Paris, France)
parijono {n} :: double file, double line (queue two items wide)
parikaapeli {n} [electronics] :: twisted pair cable
pari kertaa {phrase} :: once or twice (a small, indefinite number of times)
Parikkala {prop} :: Parikkala
parikkalainen {adj} :: alternative form of parikkalalainen
parikkalainen {n} :: alternative form of parikkalalainen
parikkalalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Parikkala
parikkalalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Parikkala
parikki {n} :: one of a pair, pair, one of twins
pari kolme {num} :: a couple of, two or three (indicates a small but unsure number, certainly more than one and very likely less than five)
parikuinen {adj} :: a couple of months old
parikuukautinen {adj} :: a couple of months old
parikuukautinen {adj} :: lasting a couple of months
parikymmentä {num} :: about twenty
parikymppinen {adj} :: around twenty years old (about twenty years old)
parila {n} :: gridiron, griddle
parila {n} :: broiler, grill (device used to broil [US, Canada] or grill [UK] food)
parillinen {adj} :: even (divisible by two)
parillisuus {n} :: the quality or state of being even (not odd)
pariloida {vt} [cooking] :: to broil [US, Canada], grill [UK]
pariloitu {adj} :: grilled
pärinä {n} :: roll (the uniform beating of a drum)
parinappi {n} :: stud button
parinvaihto {n} :: swinging (sexual practice)
pariohjelmointi {n} :: pair programming
pariovi {n} [in plural] :: one of the doors of a double door; double door
parisänky {n} :: double bed (bed designed for two adults)
parisataa {num} :: a couple hundred
parisen {adv} :: about two, a couple
parisenkymmentä {num} :: a couple dozen
parisensataa {num} :: a couple hundred
pariskunta {n} :: couple (two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship)
parissa {adv} :: among, amongst
päristä {vi} :: to buzz, rattle (to emit a sound consisting of quick explosive or banging sounds, such as the sound of a moped, ratchet or quickly beaten drums)
päristää {v} :: to snort
päristin {n} :: a stick used to beat a traditional shaman drum
paristo {n} :: battery (non-rechargeable device storing electricity)
parisuhde {n} :: intimate relationship
pärisyttää {vt} :: to cause to buzz
paritalo {n} :: semi, semi-detached house
pariteetti {n} :: parity
paritella {vi} :: To copulate
pariton {adj} :: unpaired (not having a pair)
pariton {adj} [math] :: odd (not divisible by two)
parittaa {vt} :: to pander, pimp (to offer illicit sex with a third party)
parittaa {vt} [colloquial] :: to matchmake
parittaa {v} [computing] :: to pair (to form wireless connection)
parittain {adv} :: synonym of pareittain
parittaja {n} :: A pimp, panderer
parittelu {n} :: copulation, mating
paritteluaika {n} :: mating time
paritteluelin {n} :: mating organ
parittomuus {n} :: the quality or state of being odd (not even)
paritupa {n} :: a type of wooden hut or cottage containing two separated living spaces
paritus {n} :: pairing, matching
paritus {n} :: pandering, pimping (offer for illicit sex with a third party)
paritus {n} [colloquial] :: matchmaking (attempt to make two people romantically interested in each other)
pariutua {vi} :: to form into a pair or pairs
pariutua {vi} :: to mate, to couple
parivälistys {n} [typography] :: kerning
parivaljakko {n} :: span (pair of horses or other animals driven together)
parivaljakko {n} [figuratively] :: two friends that spend a lot of time together
parivaljakko {n} [comedy] :: double act, comedy duo
parivuode {n} :: double bed (bed designed for two adults)
parjaaminen {n} :: reviling
pärjäillä {vi} :: to do well, to get along, to hold up, to make it around
parjata {v} :: to revile
pärjätä {v} [colloquial] :: to be fine, to be okay, to get along, to cope
pärjätä {v} [colloquial, ~ ilman] :: to do without
pärjätä {v} [colloquial] :: to suffice against
parjaus {n} :: rebuke, scolding (harsh criticism)
parka {n} :: poor, someone pitiful
parka {n} :: parka
parkaista {vi} :: To cry out, scream, shriek
parkaisu {n} :: A cry, scream
Parkano {prop} :: Parkano (town/and/municipality)
parkanolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Parkano
parkanolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Parkano
parkata {v} :: to debark trees
parketoida {vt} :: To parquet
parketti {n} :: parquet
Parkinsonin tauti {n} [disease] :: Parkinson's disease
parkinsonismi {n} [pathology, neurology] :: parkinsonism
parkinta {n} :: tanning
parkita {vt} :: To tan (leather)
parkita {vt} :: To toughen, harden (sb's character or nature)
parkitsija {n} :: tanner
parkitusaine {n} :: tanning substance
parkkeerata {v} [colloquial] :: to park a car
parkkeerausalue {n} [colloquial] :: parking area
parkki {n} [botany] :: bark (exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree)
parkki {n} [in compounds] :: tannic
parkki {n} :: bark (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged)
parkki {n} [colloquial] :: refers to parking or a vehicle being parked or a place where one can temporarily leave something
parkkiaine {n} :: tanning substance
parkkihalli {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pysäköintihalli
parkkihappo {n} :: tannic acid
parkkiintua {vi} :: to become harder, stronger or tougher
parkkikiekko {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pysäköintikiekko
parkkilaiva {n} :: barque (ship)
parkkinahka {n} :: tanned leather
Parkkinen {prop} :: surname
parkkipaikka {n} [colloquial] :: A parking lot
parkkipaikka {n} [colloquial] :: A parking space
parkkipankki {n} [colloquial] :: asset management company
parkkipirkko {n} [colloquial] :: meter maid (female parking enforcement officer)
parkkiruutu {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pysäköintiruutu
parkkisakko {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pysäköintivirhemaksu
parkkitalo {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pysäköintitalo
parkkiutua {v} :: synonym of parkkiintua
parkkumi {n} :: fustian (fabric)
parkkumi {n} :: mix of cotton and linen
parkkuu {n} :: debarking
parkkuurauta {n} :: synonym of kuorintarauta
parku {n} :: cry (especially of a child)
parkua {vi} :: To bawl, blubber, cry loudly
parkuminen {n} :: bawling, crying loudly
parkuna {n} :: baby's cry
parlamentaarikko {n} :: A parliamentarian (a member of parliament)
parlamentaarinen {adj} :: parliamentary
parlamentaarisempi {adj} :: comparative of parlamentaarinen
parlamentaarisesti {adv} :: parliamentarily
parlamentaarisin {adj} :: superlative of parlamentaarinen
parlamentarismi {n} :: parliamentarism
parlamenttarismi {n} [rare] :: alternative form of parlamentarismi
parlamentti {n} :: parliament
parlamenttitalo {n} :: Parliament House (building in which a parliament other than the Finnish one convenes)
parlamenttivaalit {n} :: parliamentary elections
parlografi {n} :: parlograph
parmanjuusto {n} :: parmesan
parmesaani {n} :: parmesan
parmesaanijuusto {n} :: parmesan
Parnassos {prop} :: Parnassus (mountain in Greece)
Parnassos {prop} :: Parnassus (home of poetry)
parodia {n} :: parody [expression making fun of something else]
parodiahorisontti {n} [internet slang] :: a limit after which it is not possible to distinguish an opinion or act made for parodic purposes from a non-parodic one
parodinen {adj} :: parodic
parodioida {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to parody
parodiointi {n} :: parodying, making parody of
parodisesti {adv} :: parodically
paroni {n} :: baron
paronitar {n} :: baroness
paronyymi {n} [semantics] :: a paronym
parotiitti {n} [pathology] :: parotitis (inflammation of one or both parotid glands)
pärpättää {v} :: to jabber, to blabber
parrakas {adj} :: bearded
parranajo {n} :: shaving of the beard (instance of shaving the beard)
parranajokone {n} :: A safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving)
parranajokone {n} :: Short of sähköparranajokone (electric razor)
parranajosaippua {n} :: synonym of partasaippua
parrankasvu {n} :: beard growth
parransänki {n} :: beard stubble
parras {n} :: brink, verge, edge
parras {n} :: In external locative cases, used to being close to something, usually figuratively; about (to)
parras {n} [nautical] :: rail
parrasvalo {n} :: limelight, spotlight (the light)
parraton {adj} :: beardless (lacking beard)
parraton {adj} :: clean-shaven
parraton {adj} :: barefaced
parroittua {vi} [rare] :: to become bearded
parru {n} :: beam, spar, joist (long, thick piece of timber or iron)
parru {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: penis
parrunpätkä {n} [non-idiomatic] :: A stump of a wooden beam
parrunpätkä {n} :: A 2-liter, square-bottom, long-necked bottle of liquor which became popular in 1897 when sale of strong alcohol in smaller bottles was banned; probably no exact English equivalent, but handle (1.75 liters, US) comes close
parsa {n} :: synonym of ruokaparsa
parsa {n} :: asparagus (edible young shoot of Asparagus officinalis)
parsa {n} [in plural] :: Asparagus (genus)
parsaherne {n} :: asparagus pea (Lotus tetragonolobus)
parsakaali {n} :: broccoli
parsakaalikeitto {n} :: broccoli soup
parsakeitto {n} :: asparagus shop
parsakukkakaali {n} :: Romanesco, Romanesco broccoli, Roman cauliflower, Romanesque cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. broccolo
parsasalaatti {n} :: celtuce, asparagus lettuce, celery lettuce, Chinese lettuce, stem lettuce (cultivar of lettuce harvested primarily for its 15- to 20-centimeter stem)
parsasalaatti {n} :: asparagus salad (salad with asparagus as a principal ingredient)
parsek {n} [astronomy] :: parsec
parseri {n} [computing] :: synonym of jäsennin
parsi {n} :: beam (long, usually round piece of timber for hanging goods for storage)
parsi {n} :: stall (space for individual animal in a stable in which the animals are tied into a beam)
parsia {v} :: to darn, to repair
parsia {v} [slang, computing] :: to parse
parsiminen {n} :: darning, repairing
parsinneula {n} :: darning needle
parsinsieni {n} [sewing] :: darning mushroom
parsinta {n} :: mending
pärskää {v} :: alternative form of pärskyä
pärskähdellä {vi} :: alternative form of pärskyä
pärskähtää {vi} :: to splash or splatter once
pärskäjuuri {n} :: false hellebore (a plant of genus Veratrum)
pärskäjuuri {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Veratrum
pärskäyttää {vt} :: to splash once
pärske {n} [nautical] :: spindrift (sea spray blown from the tops of waves by the wind)
pärskiä {vt} :: to sputter, to splutter
pärskinä {n} :: splash
pärskyä {vi} :: to splash
pärskytellä {vt} :: to splash or cause to splash repeatedly
pärskyttää {vt} :: to cause to splash
Pärssinen {prop} :: surname
pärstä {n} [colloquial] :: face, mug
pärstäkerroin {n} [jocular] :: The physical appearance of a person
parta {n} :: beard
partaalla {adv} :: on the brink (very nearly, imminent, close)
partageeli {n} :: aftershave (gel used after finishing shaving)
partahaiven {n} [uncommon] :: beard hair
partahöylä {n} [colloquial] :: safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving)
partahöylä {n} [colloquial] :: disposable razor, where the blade and handle are integrated into one unit; also kertakäyttöinen partahöylä
partahylje {n} :: bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus (Arctic species of seal)
partainen {adj} :: bearded
partaisempi {adj} :: comparative of partainen
partajeesus {n} [derogatory] :: A man with a long beard and long hair, resembling the common image of Jesus
partakala {n} :: beardfish
partakarva {n} :: A whisker (hair of the beard)
partakone {n} :: A safety razor, short of parranajokone (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving)
partakone {n} :: Short of sähköparranajokone, electric razor
partalapsi {n} [slang, derogatory] :: a paperless refugee who falsely claims to be underage to better their chances of being granted asylum
partamonni {n} :: A fish of the genus Ancistrus in the catfish family Siluriformes
partamonni {n} [in plural] :: The genus Ancistrus
Partanen {prop} :: surname
partaniekka {n} :: man with a beard
partansa {n} :: third-person possissive form of parta
partaradikaali {n} [derogatory] :: representative of a radical youth movement, especially one with a beard
partarousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius citriolens
partasaippua {n} :: shaving soap
partasieni {n} :: sycosis
partasuti {n} :: shaving brush
partasuu {n} :: bearded man
partaterä {n} :: razor blade
partavaahdoke {n} :: shaving cream
partavaahto {n} :: shaving cream
partaveitsi {n} :: A razor (knife)
partaveitsikotelo {n} :: razor knife holder
partavesi {n} :: aftershave (lotion or liquid used after finishing shaving)
partenogeneesi {n} [biology] :: parthenogenesis
partenogeneettinen {adj} :: parthenogenetic
partia {n} :: parcel
partiaalinen {adj} [medicine] :: partial
partikkeli {n} [grammar] :: particle
partikkeli {n} [physics] :: particle
partikkeliefekti {n} [computer graphics] :: particle effect
partikkeliverbi {n} :: phrasal verb
partikulaari {n} [logic] :: particular
partikulaari {adj} [logic] :: particular
partikulaarinen {adj} :: particular
partio {n} :: patrol
partio {n} :: scouting
partio {n} [military] :: fireteam
partioauto {n} :: A patrol car; refers most often but not necessarily to a police car
partiohuivi {n} :: scout neckerchief, neckerchief
partioida {v} :: To scout (to explore a wide terrain)
partiolainen {n} :: A scout (member of Scouts movement)
partioliike {n} :: The Scouts
partiolippukunta {n} :: scout group (local chapter of Scouts movement)
partiopoika {n} :: Boy Scout
partiopuku {n} :: scout outfit, scout suit
partiovene {n} :: patrol boat
partisaani {n} [military] :: partisan (member of an irregular resistance forces)
partisiipin futuuri {n} [grammar] :: future participle
partisiipin perfekti {n} [grammar] :: past participle
partisiipin preesens {n} [grammar] :: present participle
partisiippi {n} [grammar] :: participle (verb form)
partitiivi {n} [grammar] :: partitive, partitive case
partitio {n} [computing] :: partition
partitioida {v} [computing] :: To partition a hard disk
partituuri {n} [music] :: score (printing of each instrument's part on a separate stave)
partituuri {n} [music] :: full score, partiture (book showing the music of all instruments and voices in a composition)
partneri {n} :: partner
partsi {n} [slang] :: balcony
parttio {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of porotokka
parturi {n} :: barber
parturi {n} :: barbershop (place of business of a barber)
parturi-kampaamo {n} :: a barbershop and hair salon in one establishment
parturiliike {n} :: barbershop (place of business of a barber)
parturinsakset {n} :: synonym of parturisakset
parturintuoli {n} :: barber chair, barber's chair
parturoida {vt} :: to barber
parturoida {vt} :: to mow, cut (grass etc.)
parveilla {vi} :: To swarm
parveilu {n} :: swarming, flocking
parveiluaika {n} :: swarm season
parveiluitiö {n} [botany] :: A zoospore
parveiluitiöpesäke {n} [biology] :: A zoosporangium
parveke {n} :: balcony
parveutua {vi} :: to form a swarm
parvi {n} :: group of animals
parvi {n} :: flock (group of birds)
parvi {n} :: muster (group of peafowl)
parvi {n} :: kettle (group of flying hawks)
parvi {n} :: swarm (group of insects)
parvi {n} :: school (group of fish or marine mammals such as dolphins or whales)
parvi {n} :: pod (group of marine mammals)
parvi {n} :: gam (group of whales)
parvi {n} :: cast (group of crabs)
parvi {n} :: group, cluster
parvi {n} [astronomy] :: cluster
parvi {n} :: balcony, loft, gallery
Parviainen {prop} :: surname
parvilintu {n} :: flocking bird
parvittain {adv} :: in groups (of animals); in swarms, in flocks, in schools
p-arvo {n} [statistics] :: p-value
parvorokko {n} [disease] :: fifth disease (erythovirus infection manifested as rash)
parvorokko {n} [pathology] :: slap face, slapcheek, slapped cheek syndrome, slapped face (milder form of the disease manifested as redness of the face, especially cheeks)
parvorokko {n} [pathology] :: erythema infectiosum (erythovirus infection in general)
parvovirus {n} :: parvovirus
-pas {clitic} :: Used to stress a contradicting or surprising element in a sentence. Can be attached to all words. No clear translation into English
pas {interj} [card games] :: I pass!
pasaasi {n} :: arcade
pasaati {n} :: A trade wind
pasaatituuli {n} :: A trade wind
pasaativirta {n} :: An ocean current caused by trade winds
Pasanen {prop} :: surname
pascal {n} :: pascal (unit of pressure or stress)
Pascalin kolmio {n} [mathematics] :: Pascal's triangle
paseerailla {v} :: Frequentative form of paseerata (to walk back and forth)
paseerata {v} [cooking] :: To puree or squash by squeezing through a sieve
paseerata {v} [archaic, dialectal] :: To walk back and forth, as in order to have some activity while waiting for something
pasha {n} :: paskha (traditional Eastern Orthodox dessert, eaten especially in Easter)
pasha {n} :: alternative spelling of pašša
pashtu {n} :: alternative spelling of paštu
Pasi {prop} :: given name
pasianssi {n} [card games] :: patience, solitaire
pasifismi {n} :: pacifism
pasifisti {n} :: pacifist
pasifistinen {adj} :: pacifistic
pasifistisesti {adv} :: pacifistically
paska {adj} [vulgar] :: Very bad, shitty, crappy
paska {adj} [vulgar] :: Broken (used in essive or translative)
paska {adj} [vulgar] :: Of poor quality
paska {n} [vulgar] :: shit, crap
paska {n} [vulgar] :: bullshit
paska {n} [vulgar] :: bupkis; jack shit
paska {interj} [vulgar] :: Shit!
paskaduuni {n} [slang, pejorative] :: shitwork, grunt work, bitchwork, McJob (job paying low wages, requiring few skills and having little opportunity for promotion)
paskahalvaus {n} [vulgar] :: losing one's temper
paskahousu {n} :: coward (one who 'shits his pants' in a tight situation)
paskahousu {n} [card games] :: a card game similar to shithead
paskahuusi {n} :: alternative form of paskahuussi
paskahuussi {n} [vulgar] :: shitter (toilet, especially an outhouse)
paskainen {adj} [vulgar] :: dirty
paskainen {adj} [vulgar] :: shitty
paska juttu {phrase} :: shit happens
paskalakki {n} [slang, derogatory, vulgar] :: oinker, tyre biter (policeman)
paskamainen {adj} [vulgar] :: shitty, unpleasant (person, thing)
paskamyrsky {n} [vulgar, internet] :: shitstorm
paskanmarjat {interj} [vulgar] :: bullshit!
paskanmarjat {interj} :: dingleberries (original meaning)
paskanpuhuja {n} [vulgar] :: bullshitter
paskantaa {vti} [vulgar] :: To shit
paskapää {n} [vulgar] :: shithead
paskapaperi {n} [colloquial] :: asswipe (toilet paper)
paskapuhe {n} [vulgar] :: bullshit
paskat {interj} :: shit!
paskattaa {v} [vulgar, monopersonal] :: to need to shit, to have the urge to defecate
paskattaa {v} [vulgar] :: to have somebody (especially a dog) taken to defecate
paskiainen {n} [vulgar] :: bastard, asshole
paskoa {vi} [vulgar] :: To shit
paskoa {v} [colloquial, vulgar] :: To destroy
paskooko karhu metsään {phrase} [colloquial, vulgar] :: does a bear shit in the woods?
paskuus {n} [vulgar] :: shittiness
pasma {n} :: a part of skein, consisting of a fixed number of rounds of yarn, normally 60
pasma {n} [figuratively, in plural] :: mental balance, plans
pasmakaide {n} :: synonym of pirta
pasmalanka {n} :: A piece of thread used to separate the pasmas of a skein from each other
päsmäri {n} [colloquial] :: know-it-all
pasmata {v} :: to divide a skein of yarn into pasmas
passa {n} :: alternative spelling of pašša
pašša {n} :: A pasha
passari {n} [colloquial] :: passer, one who passes
passari {n} [volleyball] :: passer
passata {v} [dialectal] :: to fit in
passata {v} [dialectal] :: to suit (to please; to make content)
passata {v} [dialectal] :: to serve
passata {v} [soccer, volleyball] :: to pass
passata {v} [card games] :: to pass (to opt not to make a bid or to play a card)
passauttaa {v} [dialectal] :: to let other people serve oneself
passeli {adj} [colloquial] :: perfect, fitting, suitable
passi {n} :: passport
passi {n} [hunting] :: wait
passi {n} [volleyball] :: set (act of directing the ball to a teammate for an attack)
passi {n} [horsemanship] :: pace (2-beat, lateral gait of a horse)
pässi {n} :: A ram (male sheep)
pässi {n} [colloquial] :: A stubborn person
passiivat {n} [accounting] :: liabilities (on a balance sheet)
passiivi {n} [grammar] :: passive voice
passiivi {n} [grammar] :: fourth person
passiivinen {adj} :: passive
passiivis-aggressiivinen {adj} [psychology] :: passive-aggressive
passiivisesti {adv} :: passively
passiivistaa {vt} :: to passivize, make passive
passiivistua {vi} [rare] :: to become passive
passiivitalo {n} :: passive house
passikuva {n} :: passport photograph
pässinpää {n} :: idiot
pässinpökkimät {n} [colloquial] :: thick woolen socks or trousers
passio {n} :: passion
passiohedelmä {n} :: alternative form of passionhedelmä
passionhedelmä {n} :: passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
passipoliisi {n} :: patrolman
passittaa {v} [colloquial] :: to dispatch, send; especially a person to a more or less undesirable location
passivapaus {n} :: exemption from the passport requirement (such as due to a passport union)
passivoida {v} :: to make passive
passivoida {v} :: to passivate
passivoitua {vi} :: To become passive
passu {n} [slang, computing] :: password
pasta {n} :: pasta
pasta {n} :: paste
pastafari {n} :: Pastafarian
pastajuotos {n} :: reflow soldering
pastakone {n} :: pasta machine, pasta maker (a kitchen appliance that makes or is used to make pasta)
pastaruoka {n} :: pasta dish
pastasiivilä {n} :: pasta strainer
pastataikina {n} :: pasta dough
pasteerailla {v} :: A frequentative form of pasteerata
pasteerata {v} :: To walk, especially slowly and/or back and forth, with one's back straight and chin up, as if wanting to make an impression to a possible onlooker
pasteija {n} :: pasty (type of seasoned meat and vegetable pie)
pasteija {n} :: paste (soft mixture of pounded foods)
pastelli {n} :: pastel (drawing made with pastel or pastels)
pastelli {n} :: pastel (crayon)
pastelliliitu {n} :: pastel (crayon made from a dried paste)
pastellityö {n} :: pastel sketch, pastel work
pastilli {n} :: pastille (soft flavoured candy)
pastilli {n} :: pastille (small granular half spheroid piece of material)
pastilli {n} :: lozenge (small tablet or medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat)
pastilliaski {n} :: box of lozenges, box of pastilles
pastori {n} :: pastor
pastöroida {vt} :: To pasteurize
pastörointi {n} :: pasteurisation
pastöroitu {adj} :: pasteurized
paštu {n} :: Pashto, Pashtu (language)
pasunisti {n} :: trombonist
pasuri {n} :: white bream (Blicca bjoerkna, syn. Abramis bjoerkna)
pasuttaa {v} :: to calcine
pasutus {n} :: calcination
pasutusuuni {n} :: calcination furnace
pasuuna {n} :: trombone
pasuuna {n} :: clarion
pata {n} :: cauldron (large bowl-shaped pot)
pata {n} :: pot; typically one made of thick material such as cast iron or pottery for slow cooking; compare kattila
pata {n} :: pataruoka: stew, hot pot, chowder (dish prepared in such vessel)
pata {n} :: barrage (type of firework)
pata {n} [card games] :: spades (suit in playing cards)
pata {n} [card games] :: spade (a card of spades)
pata-akka {n} [colloquial, card games] :: synonym of patakuningatar
pataani {n} :: Afghan (person of Pashtun origin)
pata-arkku {n} :: a chest or box with a flat lid
pataässä {n} [cards] :: ace of spades
patagoniannandu {n} :: Darwin's rhea, lesser rhea, Pterocnemia pennata (Rhea pennata)
patahanko {n} :: oven fork
patajätkä {n} :: jack of spades, knave of spades
patakakkonen {n} [cards] :: two of spades
patakasi {n} [cards] :: eight of spades
pata kattilaa soimaa {phrase} :: pot calling the kettle black
patakinnas {n} :: oven glove, oven mitt
pätäkkä {n} [slang] :: bucks, cake, cheddar, cream, dinars, dosh, dough, geld, gelt, greenbacks, jack, lolly, moolah, lucre, paper, readies, sheets, shrapnel, spends, spondulicks, sterling, wonga (money)
patakolmonen {n} [cards] :: three of spades
patakoukku {n} :: pothook, trammel
patakukko {n} :: a form of kalakukko prepared in a pot
patakuningas {n} :: king of spades
patakuningatar {n} :: queen of spades (a playing card)
patakuutonen {n} [cards] :: six of spades
patakymppi {n} [cards] :: ten of spades
patalaiska {adj} [idiomatic] :: bone-idle, bone-lazy (utterly lazy)
patalakki {n} :: skullcap (hat)
patalappu {n} :: potholder (insulated pad used for handling hot cooking utensils)
pataljoona {n} :: battalion
patanelonen {n} [cards] :: four of spades
patapaisti {n} :: pot roast
patapenkki {n} :: a bench that doubles as a chest containing cooking equipment, such as a pot
patapölkky {n} :: a simple, solid wooden stand for a pot
patarouva {n} :: queen of spades
patarummut {n} [musical instruments] :: timpani, kettledrums (set of precision kettledrums)
patarumpu {n} [musical instruments] :: timpanum, kettledrum
pataruoka {n} :: casserole (food)
pataseiska {n} [cards] :: seven of spades
patasotilas {n} :: jack of spades
patasuti {n} :: a small broom for scrubbing pots
patavalmis {adj} :: pot ready (ready to be cooked in a pot)
patavanhoillinen {adj} :: ultraconservative, archconservative, reactionary, very conservative, diehard, diehard right-winger
patavitonen {n} [cards] :: five of spades
pataysi {n} [cards] :: nine of spades
päteä {vi} :: To apply, be valid
päteä {vi} [figuratively] :: To show off one's (real or fake) intelligence or knowledge
patee {n} :: pâté
pateeni {n} :: paten (plate used to hold the host during the Eucharist)
pateettinen {adj} :: melodramatic, pompous; that has pathos
pateettisesti {adv} :: pathetically
pateettisuus {n} :: patheticness (state or quality of being pathetic)
patentoida {vt} :: to patent
patentoimaton {adj} :: unpatented
patentoitavuus {n} :: patentability
patentoitu {adj} :: patented (protected by a patent)
patentti {n} :: patent
patenttiasiakirja {n} :: patent document
patenttihakemus {n} :: patent application
patenttikirja {n} :: patent certificate
patenttilääke {n} [dated] :: patent medicine (any medicine with proprietary formula)
patenttilääke {n} [figuratively] :: cure-all, panacea, nostrum (solution for all problems)
patenttiloki {n} [nautical] :: patent log
patenttinahka {n} :: synonym of kiiltonahka
patenttineuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the fifth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplished careers in the patent industry
patenttinumero {n} :: patent number
patenttioikeus {n} [law] :: patent legislation
patenttirekisteri {n} :: patent register
paternalismi {n} :: paternalism
paternosterhissi {n} :: paternoster lift, elevator
pätevä {adj} :: adept, qualified, competent
pätevä {adj} :: valid
pätevöidä {vt} :: to qualify (declare competent or eligible for some position or task)
pätevöidä {vt} :: to qualify, certify, license (grant a proof or certificate of qualification)
pätevöidä {vt} :: to verify (confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something)
pätevöityä {vi} :: to qualify (to become competent or eligible for some position or task)
pätevöityminen {n} :: qualification (the process of acquiring the required competences for a job or office)
pätevöitymisaika {n} :: A period of time, a "grace period", during which an unqualified person, who has been elected to an office, must obtain the required qualifications
pätevyys {n} :: competence
pätevyyskoe {n} :: qualification examination
pati {n} [colloquial] :: bullet (unfired round of ammunition)
patikoida {v} :: to hike, trek
patikoiminen {n} :: hiking, trekking
patikointi {n} :: hiking
patina {n} :: patina (color or incrustation)
patinoida {vt} :: To cover with patina
patinointi {n} :: covering with patina
patinoitua {vi} :: to become covered with patina
patio {n} :: patio
patisson {n} :: pattypan squash
patistaa {vt} :: To push, press, urge (somebody to act)
patistella {v} :: Frequentative form of patistaa (to urge someone to do something)
patja {n} :: mattress
patja {n} :: stratum, layer of soil, air, water
patja {n} :: cushion
patjakangas {n} :: mattress fabric
patjapussi {n} :: mattress bag
pätkä {n} :: shorty, shortie
pätkä {n} :: clip
pätkä {n} :: snippet
pätkä {n} :: stub
pätkä {n} :: stump
pätkäistä {vt} :: to cut into pieces or sections
pätkätyö {n} :: odd job, temporary work (temporary employment)
pätkätyöläinen {n} :: temporary worker
pätkätyöllisyys {n} :: short-term employment, on-and-off employment
pätkiä {vt} :: to cut into pieces
pätkiä {vi} :: to cut in and out, be intermittent
pätkittäin {adv} :: in clips or snippets, in installments
pato {n} :: dam, dike
patoallas {n} :: reservoir (artificial lake)
patoaukko {n} :: spillway (in or around a dam)
patofysiologia {n} [pathology] :: pathophysiology
patogeeni {n} [pathology] :: pathogen
patogeeninen {adj} :: pathogenic
patokalastus {n} :: dam fishing
patolaite {n} :: dam, weir
patologi {n} :: pathologist
patologia {n} :: pathology (branch of medicine)
patologinen {adj} :: pathological
patonki {n} :: baguette
patopaine {n} [fluid dynamics] :: dynamic pressure
patosi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pato
pätöteho {n} [electrical engineering] :: active power
patouma {n} :: something that has piled up
patous {n} :: stemming (obstructing the flow of a liquid)
patoutua {vi} :: To become dammed
patriarkaalinen {adj} :: patriarchal
patriarkaatti {n} :: patriarchate
patriarkaatti {n} :: patriarchy
patriarkia {n} :: patriarchy
patriarkka {n} :: A patriarch
Patrik {prop} :: given name
patrilineaarinen {adj} :: patrilineal
patrilineaarisuus {n} :: patrilineality
patriootti {n} :: patriot
patrioottinen {adj} :: patriotic
patriotismi {n} :: patriotism
patronyymi {n} :: patronym
patruuna {n} :: cartridge, when used in sense concerning firearms
patruuna {n} :: owner (of a factory or estate etc.)
patruunatehdas {n} :: cartridge factory
patruunavyö {n} :: belt, ammunition belt (belt-like device used to retain and feed cartridges into a firearm)
patsas {n} :: statue
patsas {n} :: column formed by eg. water or clouds
patsasaitta {n} :: Same as niliaitta
patsastella {v} :: To walk around as if showing off
pätsi {n} :: furnace
pätsi {n} :: hellfire (very intensive fire)
pätsi {n} [slang] :: patch (computing: a file describing changes made to source code)
pätsi {n} [slang] :: hack (computing: a small code change or an expedient, temporary solution)
patteri {n} [military] :: battery (coordinated group of artillery)
patteri {n} [colloquial] :: non-rechargeable electrical battery; nowadays used also of small (size AA and smaller) rechargeable standard-size batteries
patteri {n} :: radiator (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room)
patteri {n} [colloquial] :: pile of dung that gradually grows in an untended outdoor toilet
patti {n} :: A firm, smooth swelling, a lump
patti {n} [chess] :: stalemate
Pattijoki {prop} :: Pattijoki (former municipality), now part of Raahe
pattitilanne {n} :: stalemate
patu {n} [colloquial] :: old hand
patukka {n} :: baton
patukka {n} :: any slender candy bar, such as chocolate, or other edible bar
patukka {n} [slang] :: penis
patukkasara {n} :: Carex hartmanii
patvi {n} :: tissue grown on a scar of tree
pauhata {vi} :: to thunder, blare
pauhata {vi} :: to bluster, rant, scold
pauhina {n} :: roar
pauhu {n} :: thunder, roar
pauhuta {v} [rare] :: alternative form of pauhata
paukahdella {vi} :: to bang, boom (repeatedly)
paukahdus {n} :: bang (sudden percussive noise)
paukahtaa {vi} :: to bang (to give a sudden loud voice, once)
paukahtelu {n} :: banging, cracking (cracking or banging sounds with intervals between them)
paukama {n} :: sting (bump on skin after having been stung)
paukapää {n} :: moron
paukaus {n} :: bang
paukautella {vt} :: To bang, boom (repeatedly)
paukauttaa {vt} :: to bang (to make a sudden loud noise, once)
pauke {n} :: banging, cracking (continuous cracking or banging sounds)
paukkaa {v} [rare, poetic] :: alternative form of paukkua
paukkina {n} :: synonym of pauke
paukku {n} [colloquial] :: detonation
paukku {n} :: bang (abrupt loud noise like that resulting of a detonation)
paukku {n} :: shot (measure of alcohol)
paukku {n} [colloquial] :: tipple, booze (any alcoholic drink, often used like a mass noun)
paukku {n} [colloquial] :: A shocking and/or surprising event or item of news
paukku {n} [colloquial] :: fart
paukku {n} [slang, usually in the plural] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
paukkua {vi} :: to bang (repeatedly)
paukkua {vi} :: to thunder (of an instrument)
paukkulaakeri {n} [colloquial, usually in plural] :: Any device or setting that causes backfire in the exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine
paukkumaissi {n} :: popcorn
paukkupakkanen {n} :: extremely cold weather
paukkupatruuna {n} :: blank (cartridge without bullet, used to simulate the noise and smoke of shooting)
paukkupommi {n} :: banger (firework that makes a bang)
paukkurauta {n} [colloquial] :: shooting iron
paukutella {vt} :: to bang repeatedly, to slam repeatedly
paukuttaa {v} :: to bang, hammer, strike, hit (strike something hard)
Paul {prop} :: given name
paula {n} :: cord, lace, string
paula {n} :: line of a gillnet
paula {n} [hunting] :: snare, trap
paula {n} [figuratively] :: snare, trap
Paula {prop} :: given name
paulakenkä {n} :: a type of traditional shoe made of tanned leather
Pauli {prop} :: given name
Pauliina {prop} :: given name derived from Latin Paulina
Paulin kieltosääntö {n} [physics] :: Pauli exclusion principle
pauloittaa {v} :: to furnish with cords, strings, laces etc.; to lace
pauloittaa {v} :: to furnish a gillnet with a line or lines
pauloitus {n} :: lacing, cording (tied laces that form a netlike pattern)
pauna {n} :: pound
pauna {n} [archaic] :: bag, purse
paunetti {n} :: pound net
paunikko {n} :: plant of the genus Crassula
pausettaa {vt} [colloquial] :: To pause (playback or game)
paussi {n} :: rest, pause
paussimerkki {n} [music] :: synonym of taukomerkki
paviaani {n} :: A baboon (primate)
paviljonki {n} :: pavilion
pavlova {n} :: pavlova
pavlovilainen {adj} [psychology] :: Pavlovian
pavunvarsi {n} :: beanstalk
pe {n} :: abbreviation of perjantai
pe {n} :: pe (seventeenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
pearsoninpäästäinen {n} :: Pearson's long-clawed shrew, Solisorex pearsoni
peba {n} [slang] :: bum, ass
pecorino {n} :: pecorino (cheese)
pedaali {n} :: pedal (used in instruments)
pedagogi {n} :: pedagogue
pedagogia {n} :: pedagogy
pedagogiikka {n} :: pedagogics, pedagogy
pedagoginen {adj} :: Pedagogic, pedagogical (of or relating to pedagogy; teaching)
pedagogisesti {adv} :: pedagogically
pedantti {adj} :: pedantic
pedanttinen {adj} :: pedantic
pedanttisesti {adv} :: pedantically
pedanttisuus {n} :: pedantry
pedari {n} [colloquial] :: pedo, pedophile
pedarius {n} [colloquial] :: pedophilia (the state of being a pedophile)
pedata {v} :: to make the bed
pedata {v} [colloquial] :: to give something a chance
pederasti {n} :: pederast
pederastia {n} :: pederasty
pederastinen {adj} :: pederastic
Pedersöre {prop} [colloquial in nominative] :: Pedersöre (town/and/municipality)
pedersöreläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pedersöre
pedersöreläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pedersöre
pediatri {n} :: pediatrician (doctor specializing in children)
pediatria {n} [medicine] :: pediatrics
pedikyristi {n} :: pedicurist
pedikyyri {n} :: pedicure
pedofiili {n} :: pedophile
pedofiilinen {adj} :: paedophilic/pedophilic
pedofilia {n} :: pedophilia
pedologia {n} :: pedology (all senses)
Pedro {prop} :: given name
pee {n} :: pee (letter: p)
pee {n} [uncountable, euphemistic] :: shit
pee {n} [uncountable, euphemistic] :: arse
peeaa {adj} [colloquial] :: broke
peeärrä {n} [colloquial] :: public relations, PR
peelo {n} [Internet slang] :: troll
peelo {n} [slang] :: lamer
peesata {v} [colloquial, sports] :: to draft, slipstream (to take advantage of the suction produced by a moving person or object by travelling immediately behind it)
peesata {v} [colloquial, figurative] :: to piggyback (to follow or attach to something bigger)
peesi {n} [colloquial] :: wake, draft
peesi {n} [colloquial] :: slipstream
Peetu {prop} :: given name
peeveli {interj} :: damn, drat, crap, heck (mild swearword)
peevelisti {adv} :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive
peffa {n} [colloquial, regional] :: buttocks
pegasos {n} :: a pegasus
Pegasus {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Pegasus
pegmatiitti {n} :: pegmatite
pehertää {v} :: to dustbathe (of fowl, to take a dust bath)
pehko {n} :: bush
pehko {n} [vulgar] :: muff
Pehkonen {prop} :: surname
pehku {n} [usually, in plural, agriculture] :: straws used in animal shelters
pehku {n} [in plural, colloquial] :: sack (bed)
pehmeä {adj} :: soft
pehmeä {adj} [of hair] :: silky
pehmeä {adj} [of skin or consistency] :: smooth
pehmeä {adj} [of a character or nature] :: mellow, gentle
pehmeähkö {adj} :: Quite soft
pehmeäjäätelö {n} :: synonym of pehmytjäätelö
pehmeäjuote {n} :: soft solder
pehmeäjuotos {n} :: soft soldering
pehmeäkalvo {n} [anatomy] :: pia mater (innermost of the meninges membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord)
pehmeäkantinen {adj} :: paperback
pehmeäkarvainen {adj} :: having soft fur
pehmeäliikkeinen {adj} :: smooth in movement
pehmeä merkki {n} :: soft sign
pehmeämpi {adj} :: comparative of pehmeä
pehmeäpäinen {adj} :: soft-headed
pehmeäpohjainen {adj} [of a shoe] :: with soft soles
pehmeäpohjasyövytys {n} :: soft ground etching
pehmeä sankkeri {n} [pathology] :: chancroid, soft chancre, ulcus molle (sexually transmitted infection)
pehmeästi {adv} :: softly
pehmeäsydäminen {adj} :: softhearted
pehmeävillainen {adj} :: having soft wool
pehmeikkö {n} :: soft ground
pehmelö {n} [rare] :: smoothie
pehmennys {n} :: softening
pehmennysmerkki {n} :: palatalization sign, soft sign
pehmentää {vt} :: To soften, make soft or softer (concretely); to mellow (sb's character/nature/disposition)
pehmentyä {vi} :: to soften, mellow, mellow out (become softer)
pehmetä {vi} :: To soften
pehmeys {n} :: softness
pehmike {n} :: padding
pehmis {n} [colloquial] :: soft serve
pehmitä {vi} :: To soften
pehmite {n} :: softener
pehmitin {n} :: plasticizer
pehmitin {n} :: synonym of pehmite
pehmittää {vt} :: to soften
pehmittyä {vi} :: to be softened
pehmitysaine {n} :: softener, plasticiser (substance)
pehmo {n} [colloquial] ::  softy (person)
pehmo {n} :: When used as modifier in a compound term, soft, cuddly etc
pehmo {n} :: When used as modifier in a compound term, soft; softly softly [UK] etc. (discreet, low-key, careful)
pehmoeläin {n} :: stuffed animal, plush toy
pehmoilija {n} :: softy (weak or sentimental person)
pehmoilla {vi} [colloquial] :: to act like a softy
pehmoinen {adj} :: soft
pehmojäätelö {n} :: soft serve, soft ice cream
pehmolelu {n} :: stuffed animal, plush toy, soft toy, cuddly toy
pehmopaperi {n} :: tissue (soft, absorbent paper)
pehmustaa {v} :: to pad (furnish with a pad or padding)
pehmuste {n} :: padding, cushion
pehmustettu {adj} :: upholstered
pehmyempi {adj} :: comparative of pehmyt
pehmyin {adj} :: superlative of pehmyt
pehmyt {adj} [dialectal, literary] :: soft
pehmytjäätelö {n} :: soft serve, soft ice cream
pehmytkalvo {n} :: synonym of pehmeäkalvo
pehmytkoralli {n} :: soft coral, gorgonian
pehmytkudos {n} :: soft tissue
pehmytpillike {n} :: broad-leaved hemp-nettle, Galeopsis ladanum
pehtori {n} :: A steward, estate manager, majordomo, caretaker, farm manager, farm superintendent (overseer of a farm)
pehva {n} [colloquial] :: buttocks
peijaat {n} :: synonym of peijaiset
peijaiset {n} :: A feast to celebrate the kill of a large wild animal, especially a bear or an elk
peijaiset {n} [by extension, colloquial] :: funeral
peijakas {interj} :: gosh
peijakkaasti {adv} :: An intensifier
peijooni {n} :: rascal
peikko {n} [folklore] :: goblin, hobgoblin, gnome, gremlin (mythical man-like creature, often depicted hairy, tailed and mischievous)
peikko {n} :: troll (in modern children's literature often a good-natured forest-dwelling humanoid)
peikko {n} :: hobgoblin (cause of dread, fear or apprehension)
peikkokrotti {n} :: batfish (anglerfish of the family Ogcocephalidae)
peikonlehti {n} :: monstera (plant of the genus Monstera, endemic to Central and South America, some species of which are commonly used as houseplants)
peikonlehti {n} :: short for jättipeikonlehti, ceriman, Swiss cheese plant, Monstera deliciosa (the most commonly cultivated species of this genus)
peilailla {v} :: To watch oneself from a mirror
peilari {n} [dialectal] :: a small milk churn or milk jug
peilata {vt} :: to mirror, reflect
peilata {vt} [computer graphics] :: to flip, mirror
peilaus {n} :: mirroring
peilaus {n} :: reflection (the act of reflecting)
peilausmatriisi {n} [linear algebra] :: reflection matrix
peilautua {vi} :: to reflect, to be reflected, to be mirrored
peili {n} :: mirror
peiliheijastuskamera {n} :: reflex camera
peiliholvi {n} [architecture] :: cavetto vault
peilikaappi {n} :: mirror cabinet
peilikaukoputki {n} :: reflecting telescope, reflector
peilikirjoitus {n} :: mirror writing (writing in such a way that the text appears correct when looked at through a mirror)
peilikuva {n} :: mirror image, reflection
peilikuva {n} [in compounds] :: reversed
peilikuvaisomeria {n} [chemistry] :: optical isomerism
peililasi {n} :: mirror glass
peiliovi {n} :: mirror door
peilipalvelin {n} [computing] :: mirror server
peilipöytä {n} :: a dressing table with a mirror
peilirauta {n} :: spiegeleisen
peilisali {n} :: hall of mirrors
peilisolu {n} :: mirror neuron
peiliteleskooppi {n} :: reflecting telescope, reflector
peilityyni {adj} :: dead calm (of a body of water, completely still with no waves)
peipata {v} [colloquial, sports] :: to do a dummy, to feint, to deke
peippi {n} :: deadnettle (plant of the genus Lamium)
peippi {n} [in plural] :: the genus Lamium
peippo {n} :: A finch (any bird in the Fringillidae family)
peippo {n} :: A chaffinch (any bird in the genus Fringilla)
peippo {n} :: A chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
peipponen {n} :: finch
peitata {vt} [metallurgy] :: to pickle
peitata {vt} [agriculture] :: to dress, to coat (seeds)
peite {n} :: cover
peite {n} :: spread, throw
peite {n} :: overlay
peite {n} [computing, networking] :: mask
peitekuvaus {n} [topology] :: covering map
peitelevy {n} :: cover plate
peitellä {v} :: To cover
peitellysti {adv} :: in a way that is covered, disguised or concealed; covertly, secretly
peitenimi {n} :: code name, assumed name
peitepuikko {n} :: concealer, cover stick, blemish stick
peiterooli {n} [espionage] :: cover
peitesiipi {n} :: elytron
peitetarina {n} :: cover story (fictitious account that is intended to hide one's real motive)
peitetysti {adv} :: in a way that is covered or disguised; implicitly
peiteyhtiö {n} :: shell company, front company
peiteyritys {n} :: synonym of peiteyhtiö
peitinkalvo {n} [anatomy] :: fascia
peitinsiipi {n} [zoology] :: elytron
peitossa {postp} :: covered in or with
peitosta {adv} [genitive + ~] :: from being covered in
peitota {vt} :: to crush, to thrash (win by a landslide)
peitsata {vi} [of a horse] :: to pace
peitsi {n} :: lance
peitsi {n} :: pace (gait of a horse)
peitsimies {n} :: A lancer (cavalry); pikeman (infantry)
peitta {n} :: mordant
peittää {vt} :: to cover
peitta-aine {n} :: mordant
peittäminen {n} :: covering (act of covering)
peittaus {n} [metallurgy] :: pickling
peittausaine {n} :: mordant, dressing agent
peittävä {adj} :: covering
peittelemätön {adj} :: overt
peittelemätön {adj} :: uncovered
peitto {n} :: blanket (part of bedding)
peitto {n} :: cover, coverage (generally)
peittoala {n} :: coverage
peittoilmiö {n} [acoustics] :: masking (when perception of one sound is affected by the presence of another sound)
peittokyky {n} :: hiding power (capability to hide the surface of an object)
peittolakana {n} :: synonym of pussilakana
peittoon {adv} [genitive + ~] :: into being covered in/with
peittyä {v} :: to become covered, to be coated; "with" is chiefly expressed with illative case, sometimes adessive
pejoratiivinen {adj} :: pejorative
pekaanipähkinä {n} :: pecan (nut)
pekani {n} :: fisher, pekan (Martes pennanti)
pekari {n} :: peccary
Peking {prop} :: Peking (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pekingeesi {n} :: synonym of kiinanpalatsikoira
Pekingin ankka {n} :: Peking duck (traditional Chinese dish)
pekinginihminen {n} :: Peking Man, Homo erectus pekinensis
pekka {n} [colloquial] :: Used in the idiom ei halunnut olla pekkaa pahempi (did not want to be worse than others)
pekka {n} :: Used in the idiom tehdä n:ään pekkaan (do something in a group of n)
Pekka {prop} :: given name
Pekka {prop} [card games] :: old maid, Old Maid (unpaired card in the children's card game of "Pekka-peli", similar to "old maid")
Pekkala {prop} :: surname
Pekkala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Pekkanen {prop} :: surname
Pekka-peli {n} :: A children's card game similar to Old Maid / old maid, in which cards must be paired and one undesirable card is designated "Pekka" ("Old Maid" in the English/American game)
Pekkarinen {prop} :: surname
pekkaspäivä {n} :: a paid day of vacation compensating for longer work days
Pekko {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: A god or spirit of cultivation
Pekko {prop} [rare today] :: given name
pekoni {n} :: bacon
pekonihampurilainen {n} :: baconburger
pekonimakkara {n} :: bacon sausage
pekonipizza {n} :: bacon pizza
Pekoraali {prop} :: Jabberwock (monster)
Pekoraali {prop} :: Jabberwocky (poem)
pektiini {n} [carbohydrate] :: pectin
pektoliitti {n} [mineral] :: pectolite
pelaaja {n} :: player
pelaaminen {n} :: playing (a game)
pelaginen {adj} :: pelagic
pelailla {v} :: To play (in a casual manner)
pelakuu {n} [dialectal] :: geranium
pelakuuni {n} :: A dialectal form of pelargoni
pelargoni {n} :: pelargonium, storksbill; geranium (any plant in the genus Pelargonium)
pelargonia {n} :: alternative form of pelargoni
pelargonihapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula pelargonia
pelargoniseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius paleaceus
pelastaa {vt} :: to save, rescue
pelastaa kasvonsa {v} [idiomatic] :: to save face
pelastaa nahkansa {v} [idiomatic] :: to save one's skin
pelastaja {n} :: savior
pelastaja {n} :: firefighter (gender-neutral version of palomies (fireman))
pelastaminen {n} :: rescue (act of rescuing)
pelastautua {vi} :: To save oneself
pelastettu {adj} :: rescued
pelastettu {n} :: rescuee
pelastua {vi} :: To be saved, rescued
pelastus {n} :: A rescue (act of rescuing), used also as modifier in compound terms
pelastus {n} :: A salvation, redemption (religion: process or event of being saved)
pelastusalus {n} :: rescue ship
Pelastusarmeija {prop} :: The Salvation Army
pelastushissi {n} :: rescue elevator
pelastuskoira {n} :: rescue dog
pelastuslaitos {n} :: rescue department
pelastuslautta {n} [nautical, aviation] :: life raft
pelastuslento {n} :: rescue flight
pelastusliivi {n} [nautical] :: life jacket, life vest
pelastusnaru {n} :: lifeline (line for drowning or falling person)
pelastusoperaatio {n} :: rescue operation
pelastuspalkkio {n} :: salvage fee
pelastuspalvelu {n} :: rescue service
pelastusrengas {n} [nautical] :: A life-buoy, life ring, life preserver
pelastusretkikunta {n} :: rescue party
pelastussukka {n} :: rescue chute
pelastussuunnitelma {n} :: rescue plan, emergency plan
pelastustie {n} :: escape route
pelastustie {n} :: a path or road for emergency services to gain access to places otherwise unreachable by the conventional road network
pelastustoimi {n} :: emergency service, rescue service
pelastustuoli {n} [nautical] :: A cradle (basket or apparatus in which people are brought off from a wreck)
pelastustyö {n} :: rescue work
pelastustyöntekijä {n} :: rescue worker, first responder
pelastusupseeri {n} :: A Salvation Army officer
pelastusväline {n} :: rescue tool
pelastusvene {n} [nautical] :: A lifeboat
pelastusyksikkö {n} :: rescue unit, rescue team
pelastusyksikkö {n} :: a type of fire engine of usually six crew members
pelästyä {vi} :: to get scared, get frightened
pelästyminen {n} :: getting scared or frightened
pelästyttää {vt} :: to scare, to give a scare, to frighten
pelata {vt} :: to play (participate in (a sport or game))
pelata {vi} [colloquial] :: to work, to function (operate normally)
pelätä {vt} [+ partitive] :: To fear, dread, be afraid of
pelata aikaa {v} [idiomatic] :: to play for time
pelata korttinsa oikein {v} [idiomatic] :: to play one's cards right
pelata upporikasta ja rutiköyhää {v} [idiomatic] :: to take a flyer, roll the dice, take a gamble, take a risk, take a chance (to invest against odds; to make a choice with an uncertain outcome)
pelätin {n} :: scarecrow
peledsiika {n} :: peled, northern whitefish, Coregonus peled (species of whitefish originating from Arctic Russia)
pelehtiä {v} :: to fool around
pelehtiä {v} :: to play, to play around
pelehtiä {v} :: to cavort
pelehtiä {v} [colloquial] :: to make out, to fool around (engage in (often casual) sexual acts)
peli {n} :: game (activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment)
peli {n} [sports] :: match, game; [tennis] game
peli {n} [especially, in compounds] :: tool, means, implement, vehicle
peli {n} [slang] :: wheels (automobile)
peliaika {n} :: playing time
peliala {n} :: gaming industry, gaming sector
peliala {n} :: gambling industry, gambling sector
pelialue {n} :: playfield
peliautomaatti {n} :: arcade game
peliautomaatti {n} :: a gambling machine, such as a slot machine
pelihallipeli {n} :: arcade game (a game resembling arcade games)
pelihelvetti {n} [slang, jocular] :: casino, a place for gambling
pelihimo {n} :: compulsion to gamble
pelihimoinen {adj} :: Having addiction to gaming
pelihousut {n} :: game pants (pair of pants or trousers used when playing a game)
pelihousut {n} :: rag; in the colloquial idiomatic expression repiä pelihousunsa (lit. "to tear one's game pants") which may be translated as "to lose one's rag" (colloquial: to become angry)
peliitti {n} [geology] :: pelite
peliittinen {adj} [geology] :: pelitic
pelikaani {n} :: A pelican
pelikausi {n} :: season during which games or matches take place
pelikello {n} :: game clock (clock used to time a ball game)
pelikenttä {n} :: playing field
pelikielto {n} [sports] :: suspension (penalty in team sports consisting of prohibiting a player to play in one or more consecutive matches or for a period of time)
pelikone {n} :: gaming machine
pelikone {n} :: synonym of pelitietokone
pelikonsoli {n} [video games] :: game console, video game console
pelikortti {n} :: A playing card, card
pelilaite {n} :: gaming device
pelilauta {n} :: game board, gameboard (portable surface marked for playing a game, and on which the counters or other pieces are placed and moved)
peliliivi {n} [sports] :: bib (colourful light vest, with or without a number, worn over one's clothes to mark one's team)
pelillinen {adj} :: relating or pertaining to a game or games, to a match or matches
pelillistää {v} :: to gamify
pelillistäminen {n} :: gamification
pelimanni {n} :: folk musician; especially one who plays accordion
pelimerkki {n} :: A chip (token used in gambling to represent money)
pelimies {n} [slang] :: womanizer, player, sport, gambler, pickup artist
pelimoottori {n} [computing, video games] :: game engine
pelinappula {n} :: A man (piece in board games)
pelinavaus {n} [chess] :: opening
pelin henki {n} :: name of the game
pelinhoitaja {n} [profession] :: banker, bank (dealer, or one who keeps the bank in a gambling house)
pelinjohtaja {n} [sports] :: game leader (in team sports, a person responsible for keeping the game moving and assisting players to give their best contribution to the game)
pelinjohtaja {n} [role-playing games] :: game master
pelinrakentaja {n} [American football] :: quarterback (offensive back whose primary job is to pass the ball in a play)
peliohjain {n} [computing] :: A joypad or gamepad
pelipaikka {n} [sports] :: position (place on the playing field, together with a set of duties, assigned to a player)
pelipaita {n} :: A jersey (shirt worn by a member of an athletic team)
pelipallo {n} :: ball used in a game, ball for a game
pelipalvelin {n} [computing, gaming] :: game server
pelipöytä {n} :: card table
pelipöytä {n} :: gaming table
pelipuu {n} [game theory, artificial intelligence] :: game tree
peliraha {n} :: token, money equivalent used in games such as card games
pelisääntö {n} [usually plural] :: rule (of game)
pelissä {adv} :: in (able to play)
pelissä {adv} :: at stake in a game
pelisuunnittelija {n} :: game designer
pelisuunnittelu {n} :: game design
peliteoreetikko {n} :: game theorist
peliteoria {n} [mathematics, economics] :: game theory
pelitietokone {n} :: gaming computer
pelittää {v} [colloquial] :: to work, to function
pelivara {n} :: leeway, elbowroom
peljätä {vt} [dated + partitive] :: To fear, dread, be afraid of
pelkääminen {n} :: fearing, dreading, being afraid (of)
pelkästään {adv} :: only, merely
pelkistää {vt} [chemistry] :: To reduce
pelkiste {n} :: reducant
pelkistin {n} [chemistry] :: A reducing agent
pelkistyä {vi} :: To be(come) reduced, be(come) simplified
pelkistyä {vi} [chemistry] :: To be(come) reduced (get electrons or lose hydrogen)
pelkistyminen {n} [chemistry] :: reduction (becoming reduced)
pelkistys {n} [chemistry] :: reduction
pelkistysaine {n} :: reducing agent
pelkka {n} :: log from which two opposite sides have been sawed off
pelkkä {adj} :: mere
pelkkä {adj} :: only, nothing but
pelkkä {adj} :: sheer, pure
pelkkä {adj} :: bare
pelkkä {adj} :: all
pelkkaäes {n} :: a harrow consisting of rows of wooden boards with spikes connected together with chains
pelkkasahaus {n} :: block sawing
pelko {n} :: fear, dread
Pelkonen {prop} :: surname
pelkosenniemeläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pelkosenniemi
pelkosenniemeläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pelkosenniemi
Pelkosenniemi {prop} :: Pelkosenniemi
pelkotila {n} :: state of fear, state of terror, state of anxiety
pelkuri {n} :: coward
pelkurimainen {adj} :: cowardly
pelkurimaisesti {adv} :: cowardly
pellagra {n} [pathology] :: pellagra
pellava {n} [plant] :: flax
pellava {n} :: linen
pellavaharja {n} :: linen brush
pellavainen {adj} :: flaxen (made of or resembling flax fibers)
pellavakampa {n} :: linen comb
pellavakangas {n} :: linen
pellavakirppa {n} :: small flax flea beetle, Longitarsus parvulus
pellavansiemen {n} :: linseed, flaxseed
pellavansiemenöljy {n} :: flaxseed oil (oil of flaxseed, used as a food)
pellavaöljy {n} :: linseed oil (oil extracted from flax seeds, used as a drying agent in paints, varnishes etc.)
pelle {n} :: A clown
pelleillä {v} :: to clown, fool, play the fool, clown around
pelleily {n} :: buffoonery, ribaldry (behaviour expected of a buffoon)
pellepuku {n} [military, slang] :: camo (clothes made of camouflage fabric)
Pellervo {prop} :: given name
Pellervoinen {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: A god of fields and growth
pelletoida {v} :: to pelletize (to form into pellets)
pelletti {n} :: pellet
pellittää {vt} :: to cover or furnish with a sheet or plate of metal
Pello {prop} :: Pello (municipality)
pellolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pello
pellolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pello
pellonmuokkaus {n} :: field preparation, field cultivation
Pellonpekko {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: The god of grain
pellonpiennar {n} :: side or margin of a field
pellonpientare {n} :: alternative form of pellonpiennar
pellonraivaus {n} :: cultivation or ploughing of land for a field
pellonvaraus {n} :: reservation of a field, such as by the state
pelmahdella {vi} :: to suddenly appear repeatedly
pelmahtaa {vi} :: to suddenly appear or show up
pelmeni {n} :: pelmeni
pelmuta {vi} :: to romp, frolic
pelmuttaa {vt} :: to puff
pelmuttaa {vt} :: to shake
peloissaan {adv} :: afraid, terrified, frightened (of something = elative)
peloissaan {adv} :: worried, anxious, apprehensive, intimidated
peloissani {adv} :: first-person singular form form of peloissaan
pelokas {adj} :: fearful, timid
pelokkaasti {adv} :: fearfully, timidly
pelonsekainen {adj} :: scared and confused, uneasy, anxious, nervous
pelontunne {n} :: feeling of fear
Peloponnesos {n} :: Peloponnese (Greek peninsula)
pelote {n} :: a deterrent
pelotella {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To intimidate; to browbeat, bully
pelotin {n} :: Anything that scares or makes think twice, like a scarecrow or deterrent
peloton {adj} :: fearless, daring
pelottaa {vt} [monopersonal, partitive + 3rd-person singular] :: to be afraid, to be scared
pelottaa {vt} [+ partitive] :: to frighten, to be intimidated or cowed by something
pelottaa {vt} [+ genitive singular or nominative plural] :: to scare
pelottava {adj} :: frightening, scary
pelottava {adj} :: daunting, discouraging
pelottavampi {adj} :: comparative of pelottava
pelottavasti {adv} :: scarily, frighteningly, dauntingly
pelotteleminen {n} :: intimidating
pelottomasti {adv} :: fearlessly, daringly
pelottomuus {n} :: fearlessness
pelsimet {n} [dialectal] :: loom
pelti {n} :: sheet metal
pelti {n} :: plate (flat, flexible, metallic object of uniform thickness)
pelti {n} :: sheet (flat metal pan used for baking in oven)
pelti {n} :: damper (valve or movable plate in the flue duct of a stove, furnace, etc., used to regulate the draught of air)
peltikate {n} :: sheet metal roofing
peltikatto {n} :: tin roof, sheet metal roof
peltikolari {n} :: A fender-bender (minor traffic accident that causes only easily repairable damage to the involved vehicles)
peltikorjaamo {n} :: body shop (workshop in which damage to the bodywork of cars is repaired)
peltikorva {n} :: tin ear (Insensitivity and inability to appreciate the elements of performed music)
peltipailakka {n} [regional] :: synonym of moottorikelkka
peltipoliisi {n} [colloquial] :: speed camera (camera to detect speeding vehicles)
peltiromu {n} :: metal scrap
peltiruuvi {n} :: sheet metal screw
peltisakset {n} :: tin snips
peltivasara {n} :: panel beating hammer, sheet metal hammer
pelto {n} :: field (wide, open space used to grow crops)
peltoala {n} :: field area, crop area, area of arable land used for farming
peltoaukea {n} :: wide open field
peltoaukeama {n} :: open field
peltoemäkki {n} :: common fumitory (Fumaria officinalis)
peltoenergia {n} :: field bioenergy, bioenergy from the produce of a field
peltoetana {n} :: field slug, grey field slug, milky slug, northern field slug (Deroceras agreste)
peltohatikka {n} :: corn spurry (Spergula arvensis)
peltohehtaari {n} :: hectare of field
peltoherkkusieni {n} :: horse mushroom, Agaricus arvensis
peltoherne {n} :: field pea
peltohiiri {n} :: striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius)
peltokaali {n} :: Brassica rapa subsp. campestris
peltokana {n} [dated] :: any bird of the family Phasianidae
peltokanankaali {n} :: bittercress (Barbarea vulgaris)
peltokaura {n} :: common oat (Avena sativa)
peltokierto {n} :: field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
peltokorte {n} :: common horsetail or field horsetail, Equisetum arvense
Peltola {prop} :: surname
Peltola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
peltolaidun {n} :: pasture field
peltoleinikki {n} :: corn buttercup, Ranunculus arvensis (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
peltolemmikki {n} :: field forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis)
peltolude {n} :: European tarnished plant bug, bishop bug, Lygus rugulipennis
peltomaa {n} :: arable land
peltomaitikka {n} [plant] :: field cow-wheat (Melampyrum arvense)
peltomies {n} :: cultivator, field man
peltomyyrä {n} :: field vole (Microtus agrestis)
Peltonen {prop} :: surname
pelto-ohdake {n} :: creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense)
pelto-orvokki {n} :: field pansy (Viola arvensis)
peltopillike {n} :: bifid hemp-nettle, Galeopsis bifida
peltopyy {n} :: Any bird in the genus Perdix
peltopyy {n} :: A grey partridge, Perdix perdix
peltoretikka {n} :: wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
peltoripsiäinen {n} :: cabbage thrips, field thrips, flax thrips, Thrips angusticeps (pest on crops of flax, cereals and peas)
peltoröykkiö {n} :: pile of rocks that were cleared while making farmland
peltosarka {n} [agriculture] :: bed (on field)
peltosaunio {n} :: scentless false mayweed, scentless mayweed, scentless chamomile, Baldr's brow, Tripleurospermum inodorum
peltosauramo {n} :: corn chamomile, mayweed, scentless chamomile, field chamomile, oxeye, Anthemis arvensis
peltosirkku {n} :: ortolan (Emberiza hortulana)
peltotaskuruoho {n} :: field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense)
peltotie {n} :: road that passes through a field
peltotilkku {n} :: patch of a field
peltotulkku {n} :: desert finch, Rhodospiza obsoleta
peltotyö {n} :: field labor, work in the field or fields
peltoukonnauris {n} :: treacle mustard (Erysimum cheiranthoides)
peltovalvatti {n} :: field milk thistle (Sonchus arvensis)
peltoviljely {n} :: field crop cultivation
peltovilla {n} :: synonym of villakko
peltovillakko {n} :: groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
P/E-luku {n} [finance] :: price-earnings ratio, PE ratio, P-E ratio (ratio of share price to earnings per share used as an indication of the relative value of the share)
peluri {n} :: gambler, player
peluu {n} :: playing (a game)
peluuttaa {vt} :: to make play
peluuttaa {vt} :: to game, to play
pemfigoidi {n} [pathology] :: pemphigoid
pemfigus {n} [pathology] :: pemphigus
pemmikaani {n} :: pemmican (emergency food made of dried meat, fat and sometimes other ingredients)
pemppu {n} [colloquial] :: buttocks
penaali {n} :: pencil case, pencil box
penätä {v} :: to demand, to press
penätä {v} :: to argue, to insist
pendeli {n} :: pendulum
pendelöinti {n} :: commuting
pendyyli {n} :: a decorative (pendulum) clock
peneplaani {n} [geography] :: peneplain
penetraatio {n} :: penetration
penetranssi {n} [genetics] :: penetrance
penetroida {vt} :: To penetrate
penger {n} :: embankment
penger {n} :: bank
penger {n} :: terrace
pengerrys {n} :: terracing
pengertää {vt} :: to embank
pengertie {n} :: causeway (elevated road)
pengonta {n} :: rummage, rummaging
peni {n} [archaic] :: dog
penikka {n} :: A puppy
penikka {n} [derogatory] :: A child, brat
penikkamaisesti {adv} :: immaturely
penikkatauti {n} [pathology, concerning humans] :: Exertional compartment syndrome of the inner side of the leg(s)
penikkatauti {n} [pathology, concerning animals] :: Disease caused by the Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
penikoida {vi} :: To pup
penikuorma {n} [obsolete] :: A traditional measure of length equal to 10 versts
peninkulma {n} [archaic] :: measure of length equal to 10 kilometers [from the year 1887]
peninkulma {n} [obsolete] :: measure of length equal to 10.688 kilometers [in 1655-1886], i.e. the Swedish mil
peninkulma {n} [obsolete] :: measure of length equal to about six kilometers [before 1655]
penis {n} [anatomy] :: penis
penisi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of peni
penisilliini {n} :: penicillin
penisilliinikuuri {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of antibioottikuuri
peniskateus {n} :: penis envy
peniskuva {n} :: dickpic
penispumppu {n} :: penis pump
penisrengas {n} :: cock ring
penkere {n} :: alternative form of penger
penkinpainajaiset {n} :: an event held to celebrate the students on their final day of study at a lukio
penkka {n} :: bank, embankment
penkkarit {n} [colloquial] :: an event held to celebrate the students on their final day of study at a lukio
penkki {n} :: bench
penkki {n} :: plant bed
penkkihiomakone {n} :: bench grinder
penkkihöylä {n} [woodworking] :: bench plane (tool)
penkkipunnerrus {n} [weightlifting] :: bench press
penkkiurheilu {n} :: spectator sport
penkkivelli {n} :: a dish made of rolled oats and milk, served cold
penkoa {vt} :: to rummage, to forage, to dig through
penkoja {n} :: rummager, forager
penkoja {n} :: logrunner (any of several Australian songbirds of the family Orthonychidae)
pennalismi {n} :: Military bullying by peers
Pennanen {prop} :: surname
penni {n} :: One hundredth of a markka, the Finnish currency until the introduction of euro in 2002
penninginmaa {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for area equal to around 490 790 square kyynärä or around 17.3 hectares
penninki {n} [historical] :: A currency in Sweden (and by extension Finland) from the Middle Ages to 1776, one 192th of a mark
pennissä satain alku, markassa tuhanten {proverb} :: synonym of senteissä tuhannen alku
pennitön {adj} :: penniless
pennonen {n} :: diminutive of penni
pennonen {n} [usually plural] :: an insignificant amount of money
Pennsylvania {prop} :: Pennsylvania (state)
pensa {n} [colloquial] :: gasoline, gas
pensaikko {n} :: shrubbery (growth of shrubs, planted or natural)
pensaikko {n} :: scrub, brush (vegetation of inferior quality, though sometimes thick and impenetrable, growing in poor soil)
pensas {n} :: bush (woody plant)
pensas {n} :: shrub
pensasaita {n} :: hedge, hedgerow
pensasampiainen {n} :: median wasp; Euro wasp [UK], Dolichovespula media (Eurasian species of wasp)
pensasaro {n} :: shrubland
pensaskataja {n} :: A common, bush-like variant of common juniper, Juniperus communis
pensaskerros {n} :: shrub layer (of a forest)
pensaskoira {n} :: bush dog (Speothos venaticus)
pensasleppä {n} :: A green alder, Alnus viridis
pensasmaisesti {adv} :: in a shrublike way
pensasmustikka {n} :: highbush blueberry
pensaspapu {n} :: bush bean, dwarf bean, Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus (any cultivar of common bean that forms erect bushes 20–60 cm tall)
pensassakset {n} :: hedge shears
pensastaa {v} :: alternative form of pensoa
pensastasku {n} :: whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)
pensastua {vi} :: to become a bush, to start growing bushes
penseä {adj} :: indifferent, lukewarm
penseästi {adv} :: indifferently, lukewarmly
penseys {n} :: indifference
penska {n} [colloquial] :: child
penslata {vt} :: to apply medicine with a brush
penslata {vt} :: to distemper (paint using distemper)
pensoa {vi} :: To grow like a bush
pensoittua {v} :: synonym of pensastua
pensseli {n} :: paintbrush
pensselisika {n} :: bush pig (wild pig of the genus Potamochoerus)
pensselisika {n} :: red river hog (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus porcus)
pensselöidä {vt} :: to paint with a brush
pentaani {n} [organic compound] :: pentane
pentaboraani {n} [chemistry] :: pentaborane
pentaedri {n} [geometry] :: pentahedron
pentagoni {n} [geometry] :: pentagon (a polygon with five sides and five angles)
pentagrammi {n} :: pentagram
pentakordi {n} [music] :: pentachord
pentametri {n} :: pentameter
pentanoli {n} [chemistry] :: pentanol
pentatoninen {adj} [music] :: pentatonic
pentatoninen {adj} :: pentatoninen asteikko = pentatonic scale
penteeni {n} [chemistry] :: pentene
pentele {interj} :: damn, drat, crap, heck (mild swearword)
penteleesti {adv} :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive
pentlandiitti {n} [mineral] :: pentlandite
pentobarbitaali {n} [chemistry] :: pentobarbital
pentodi {n} :: pentode
pentoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: pentoxide
pentoosi {n} [chemistry] :: pentose
pentriitti {n} [organic chemistry] :: pentaerythritol tetranitrate (powerful explosive)
pentteri {n} [nautical] :: pantry (small room or closet aboard a vessel, dedicated to food storage and/or storing kitchenware)
Pentti {prop} :: given name
Pentti {prop} [rare] :: surname based on the given name
Penttilä {prop} :: surname
Penttilä {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Penttinen {prop} :: surname
pentu {n} :: cub, puppy
pentu {n} [derogatory or colloquial self-reference] :: kid
pentue {n} :: litter (offspring)
pentukoira {n} :: puppy
pentumaisesti {adv} :: in a way that resembles a puppy
pentyyni {n} [chemistry] :: pentyne
penumbra {n} :: penumbra
peoni {n} :: peon
pepperoni {n} :: pepperoni (sausage)
pepperoni {n} :: pepperoni (pizza)
pepperoni {n} :: A type of longish, relatively mild, pickled, yellowish green chili, often served as condiment to doner kebab
Peppi {prop} :: given name in regular use since the 1990s
Peppi Pitkätossu {prop} :: Pippi Longstocking (fictional character invented by Astrid Lindgren)
peppu {n} [colloquial, childish] :: bum, butt, caboose, tushie
peppuneitsyt {n} [vulgar] :: A person whose anus has not been penetrated in sex
pepsiini {n} :: pepsin
peptidaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: peptidase
peptidi {n} [biochemistry] :: peptide
peptidisidos {n} [chemistry] :: peptide bond
peptisoituminen {n} :: peptization
pepu {n} :: synonym of mutti
per {prep} :: per
perä {n} :: rear, back, tail end (aft part of anything)
perä {n} [nautical] :: stern, aft (rear part or after end of a ship or vessel)
perä {n} :: far end or side of something (like of a room, hallway, etc.)
perä {n} :: butt (blunt end of anything, especially that of a gun)
perä {n} [dialectal] :: neighbourhood
perä {n} :: truth, reality, facts
perä {n} [colloquial, anatomy] :: bottom, behind
perä {n} [colloquial, in plural] :: remainder, leftovers
perä {n} [archaic, now, only in compounds] :: ground
peräaallokko {n} :: stern wave (the wave or waves caused by a stern of a (moving) ship)
peräaalto {n} :: The wash (wake of a ship), specifically the large waves produced
perään {postp} :: genitive + ~: after; used to indicate movement towards something that is going or has gone away from the subject of the sentence
perään {postp} :: genitive + ~: into; used to indicate liking
perään {adv} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: after (into being in pursuit of or seeking; into following someone else)
perään {adv} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: after (into imitating)
peräänantamaton {adj} :: unyielding, never-say-die, indomitable
peräänantamattomasti {adv} :: unyieldingly, indomitably
peräänantamattomuus {n} :: The property of being unyielding; stubbornness
peräänkuuluttaa {v} :: to call for, demand (to demand something publicly, especially in politics)
peräännyttää {vt} :: to make retreat, to force to retreat
perääntyä {v} :: to back off, back away (to move backwards away from something)
perääntyä {v} [figuratively] :: to back down, back off (to take a less aggressive stand)
perääntyä {v} :: to retreat (to withdraw military forces)
perääntymistie {n} :: way of retreat
peräaukko {n} [anatomy] :: anus
peräaukkokanava {n} [anatomy] :: anal canal
peräaukon kohottajalihas {n} [anatomy] :: levator ani (muscle that forms part of the pelvic floor; in humans it supports the viscera in pelvic cavity)
peräevä {n} [anatomy, of a fish] :: An anal fin
peräharus {n} [nautical] :: A backstay
Perähikiä {prop} [colloquial] :: An imaginary remote place, which is far from anything interesting; the middle of nowhere - equates to Bumfuck, Egypt in American slang and Woop Woop in Australian slang
-peräinen {adj} :: of origin
-peräinen {adj} :: -bottomed (having a rear side or aft part of certain type)
peräisin {adv} :: Always used together with the verb olla (to be) signifying: to be original to, to have one's origins in, to originate from, to come from
peräkanaa {adv} :: One after another
peräkansi {n} [nautical] :: afterdeck, taffrail (deck area at the stern of a vessel)
peräkärry {n} :: A light trailer suitable to be pulled by a small vehicle
peräkastelli {n} :: aftcastle, aftercastle, sterncastle (structure above the main deck in the aft of a sailship, often housing the officers' cabins)
Peräkeula {prop} :: The constellation Puppis
peräkkäin {adv} :: successively, one after the other, one after another, on the trot, in a row
peräkkäin {adv} :: running (consecutively, in a row)
peräkkäinen {adj} :: successive, consecutive, serial (taking place or coming one after another)
peräkkäisesti {adv} :: successively, consecutively, serially
peräkkäishaku {n} [comptheory] :: linear search, sequential search
peräkkäistulkkaus {n} :: consecutive interpretation, consecutive interpreting
peräkontti {n} [automotive] :: synonym of tavaratila
peräksyttäin {adv} [archaic] :: synonym of peräkkäin
Perälä {prop} :: surname
Perälä {prop} :: A placename
perälaatikko {n} :: headbox (of a paper machine)
perälaita {n} :: rear edge, rear side
perälauta {n} :: tailgate, tailboard (hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle)
perälauta {n} :: fallback clause (in a contract which leaves some element of the settlement to depend on future negotiations, a clause that stipulates the outcome in case no other agreement is reached)
perällä {postp} [+ genitive] :: at the end or back of
perälle {postp} [+ genitive] :: to the end or back of
perältä {postp} [+ genitive] :: from the end or back of
perälyhty {n} :: aft lantern
perämerenmaruna {n} [plant] :: Artemisia campestris subsp. bottnica, a highly endangered subspecies of ketomaruna (field sagewort), which occurs naturally only on the sandy shores of the Bothnian Bay
Perämeri {prop} :: The Bay of Bothnia, Bothnian Bay
perämies {n} [nautical] :: helmsman (member of a ship's crew who is responsible for steering)
perämies {n} [nautical, rank] :: chief officer, first mate, chief mate
perämies {n} :: coxswain (in a rowing crew, the member who steers the shell and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers)
perämies {n} :: sweep (person who steers a dragon boat or surf boat)
perämies {n} [aviation, rank] :: first officer, co-pilot
perämoottori {n} [nautical] :: outboard motor
peränpito {n} :: control of a marine vessel
peräpää {n} :: back (part of something that goes last)
peräpää {n} :: rear (back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last on order)
peräpää {n} :: posterior (buttocks)
peräparras {n} [nautical] :: tafferel
peräpeili {n} [nautical] :: A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, a badge
Peräpohja {prop} :: synonym of Peräpohjola
peräpohjalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to the region of Peräpohjola
peräpohjalainen {n} :: a person from the region of Peräpohjola
Peräpohjola {prop} :: Peräpohjola (region), historically considered the northernmost part of Ostrobothnia, now making up the southern portion of Finnish Lapland
peräporttialus {n} :: ship designed to be loaded through stern doors
peräpuikko {n} :: suppository
peräpukama {n} [medicine] :: hemorrhoid
peräpuoli {n} :: The hind part of anything, but especially that of a man, an animal, a boat or a ship
peräranka {n} [nautical] :: A sternpost
peräruiske {n} [medicine] :: enema
peräseinä {n} :: back wall (wall forming the back side of a structure)
peräsin {n} :: rudder
peräsinkone {n} :: powered steering gear (on a ship)
peräsinlapa {n} :: rudder blade
peräsinvipu {n} [nautical] :: whipstaff (long pole attached to a tiller)
perässä {adv} :: behind, later, afterward
perässä {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: after (in pursuit of, seeking)
perässä {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: after (in imitation of)
perästä {adv} :: after (following someone)
perästä {adv} :: after (a point or duration of time)
perästäpäin {adv} :: afterwards
peräsuolentulehdus {n} [pathology] :: proctitis (inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum)
peräsuoli {n} [anatomy] :: rectum
peräsuolioppi {n} [medicine] :: proctology
peräsuolisyöpä {n} [pathology] :: rectal cancer
perata {vt} :: to gut (eviscerate a fish)
perata {vt} :: to clean, pick (remove useless parts of something, such as cleaning berries or mushrooms etc.)
perata {vt} :: to weed (remove unwanted plants from farmland, a plant nursery, etc.)
perata {vt} :: to clean a body of water by removing rocks, vegetation etc. (in case of rivers or creeks, may also include straightening)
perätä {vt} :: to dun, inquire, try to find out; especially in a demanding tone
peräti {adv} :: Used as fortifier for adjectives, most proper translation into English being often "very" or "quite"
peräti {adv} :: Used with numerals to indicate that the figure is either in high or low end of the ordinary range. Translated into English as "as much as, up to, even" or "as little as"
perätilasynnytys {n} :: breech birth
peräti yli {adv} :: even more
perätön {adj} :: ungrounded, unreal, false (not based on facts)
perättäin {adv} :: synonym of peräkkäin
perättäinen {adj} :: alternative form of peräkkäinen
perättäisesti {adv} :: synonym of perättäin
perättömästi {adv} :: ungroundedly
perätuuppari {n} [nautical, colloquial] :: kicker (outboard motor, especially a small one)
perätyksin {adv} :: synonym of peräkkäin
perätysten {adv} :: one after the other, in a row
perävako {n} [anatomy] :: anal cleft
perävalo {n} :: taillight (one of a pair of red lights, mounted on the rear of a vehicle)
perävannas {n} [nautical] :: A sternpost
perävaunu {n} [vehicles] :: A trailer (unpowered wheeled vehicle that is towed behind another)
peräyttää {v} :: synonym of peräännyttää
peräytyä {v} :: synonym of perääntyä
peregrinaatio {n} [historical] :: A long journey abroad by the sons of noble families with the general purpose of gaining education and fostering relationships with the nobility of other countries
perehdyttää {vt} :: to introduce, to familiarize, to acquaint
perehdyttäminen {n} :: familiarization
perehtyä {vi} [+ illative] :: to get acquainted with, make oneself familiar with, familiarize oneself with, orientate oneself, read up on
perehtyminen {n} :: familiarization
peremmä {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of peremmäs
peremmäksi {adv} :: synonym of peremmälle
peremmällä {adv} :: further back
peremmällä {adv} :: (further) inside (in a building)
peremmälle {adv} :: (to) further back
peremmälle {adv} :: (further) in (to a building)
peremmältä {adv} :: from further back
peremmältä {adv} :: from (further) inside (in a building)
peremmäs {adv} :: synonym of peremmälle
perempää {adv} :: synonym of peremmältä
perempänä {adv} :: synonym of peremmällä
perempi {adj} [of location] :: further aback
perenna {n} [botany] :: perennial (plant that is active for more than two growing seasons)
perennoida {v} :: to perennialize (to grow as perennial)
perestroika {n} [historical] :: perestroika
perfekti {n} [grammar] :: present perfect tense
perfektiivinen aspekti {n} [linguistics] :: perfective aspect (especially in the context of Slavic languages)
perfektionismi {n} :: perfectionism
perfektionisti {n} :: perfectionist
perfektionistinen {adj} :: perfectionistic
perfenatsiini {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: perphenazine
perfluoro-oktaanihappo {n} [chemistry] :: perfluorooctanoic acid
perforaatio {n} :: perforation
perforaattori {n} :: perforator
performanssi {n} :: performance
performanssi {n} :: performance art
performanssitaiteilija {n} :: performance artist
perforoida {v} :: to perforate
perfuusio {n} :: perfusion
perga {n} [beekeeping] :: synonym of mehiläisleipä
pergamentointi {n} :: parchmentization
pergamentti {n} :: parchment
pergamenttipaperi {n} :: parchment (stiff paper resembling "true" parchment)
pergola {n} :: pergola
perhana {interj} :: darn
perhanasti {adv} :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive
perhe {n} :: family, nuclear family (parents and children, cf. suku)
perhealbumi {n} :: family album (photo album)
perheasunto {n} :: family residence
perheauto {n} :: family car
perhebarometri {n} :: an annual survey about family matters conducted by the Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto)
perhe-eläke {n} :: survivors' pension
perhe-elämä {n} :: family life
perheellinen {adj} :: that has a family
perheenäiti {n} :: mother of a family, housewife
perheeni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of perhe
perheenisä {n} :: father of a family, house husband
perheenjäsen {n} :: family member, member of the family
perheenpää {n} :: head of family
perheensä {n} :: third-person possissive form of perhe
perheesi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of perhe
perheetön {adj} :: that does not have a family, familyless
perhe-etuus {n} :: family benefit
perhehauta {n} :: family grave, family gravesite
perhehelvetti {n} [colloquial] :: a troublesome situation within a family, caused by alcoholism, domestic violence etc
perhehoitaja {n} [legal] :: foster parent
perhehoito {n} :: foster care (formal system by which a child is cared for, in a foster family, by people other than its own parents, but without being adopted)
perheittäin {adv} :: by family, in or as a family
perhekalleus {n} :: crown jewel (prized family possession or asset)
perhekalleus {n} [euphemism, in plural] :: crown jewels, family jewels (male genitalia)
perhekustannukset {n} :: family expenses
perhekuva {n} :: family portrait
perhelääkäri {n} :: family doctor
perhemajoitus {n} :: homestay (form of tourism)
perheneuvonta {n} :: family counseling
perhenimi {n} :: cognomen
perheoikeus {n} [law] :: family law (area of private law pertaining to family matters and domestic relations)
perhepäivähoitaja {n} :: childminder
perhepalaveri {n} :: family meeting (informal meeting for discussion)
perhepiiri {n} :: family circle (the social circle comprising one's family)
perhepyjama {n} :: family pajamas
perheriita {n} :: domestic dispute
perhesiteet {n} :: family ties
perhesivu {n} :: family page (page in a newspaper about family topics)
perhesuhteet {n} :: family relationships, family relations
perheterapeutti {n} :: family therapist
perheterapia {n} :: family therapy
perhetragedia {n} :: family tragedy
perhetunne {n} :: feeling or sense of family
perhetuomioistuin {n} :: family court
perhetuttava {n} :: family friend
perhetuttu {n} :: family friend
perhetyö {n} :: family work, family labor
perheväkivalta {n} :: domestic violence
perhevalmennus {n} :: parent training
perheviljelmä {n} :: family farm
perheyhtiö {n} :: family business
perheyritys {n} :: family business
perheystävä {n} :: family friend
perho {n} :: A fly (fishing lure)
perho {n} :: Short form of perhonen (butterfly), used poetically and in compound words
Perho {prop} :: Perho (municipality)
perhokalastus {n} :: fly fishing
perholainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Perho
perholainen {n} :: a person from or living in Perho
perhonen {n} :: insect of the order Lepidoptera; butterfly, moth or skipper
perhonen {n} [sports] :: butterfly
Perhonjoki {n} :: Perhonjoki (river)
perhosentoukka {n} :: caterpillar
perhoshaavi {n} :: butterfly net
perhoskoira {n} :: papillon (dog)
perhospihvi {n} :: butterflied steak
perhostaa {v} :: to fly-fish
perhostella {v} :: to swim the butterfly stroke
perhostus {n} :: fly fishing
perhosuinti {n} [swimming] :: butterfly
perhosvaikutus {n} :: butterfly effect
perhosveitsi {n} :: butterfly knife (folding knife with two rotating handles)
perhovapa {n} :: fly fishing rod
peri- {prefix} :: very, to the core
peri- {prefix} :: peri-
periä {v} :: to inherit
periä {v} :: to exact, tariff, dun
periä {v} [idiomatic] :: expression hukka perii (to be doomed); literally 'wolf inherits'
periaate {n} :: principle
periaatepäätös {n} :: decision in principle
periaatteellinen {adj} :: principled
periaatteellinen {adj} :: of principle
periaatteessa {adv} :: in principle
periamerikkalainen {adj} :: all-American (known by, encompassing all of, or best in America)
periapsis {n} [astronomy] :: periapsis
periastroni {n} [astronomy] :: periastron
peridootti {n} [mineral] :: peridot
peridotiitti {n} [rock] :: peridotite
perifeerinen {adj} [anatomy] :: peripheral
periferia {n} :: periphery (region)
periferia {n} :: fringe (region)
perifraasi {n} [linguistics] :: periphrasis
perifrastinen {adj} [grammar] :: periphrastic
perifrastisesti {adv} :: periphrastically
perifyton {n} :: periphyton
perigeum {n} [astronomy] :: perigee (point in the orbit of any object which is at the shortest distance from the center of the central body)
periheli {n} :: perihelion
perijä {n} :: heir
perijätär {n} :: heiress
perijätär {n} :: dowager
perikardiitti {n} [pathology] :: pericarditis
perikardium {n} [anatomy] :: pericardium
perikarppi {n} [botany] :: pericarp
perikato {n} :: ruin, destruction, undoing
perikoroniitti {n} [pathology] :: pericoronitis
periksi {adv} :: antaa periksi: to give up; [of supporting structures etc.] to give way
periksiantamaton {adj} :: persevering, relentless, determined
perikunta {n} :: heirs collectively
perikuva {n} :: An archetype
perillä {adv} :: at the destination
perille {adv} :: to/at the destination
perillinen {n} [legal] :: beneficiary, heir, inheritor (one who benefits from the distribution of an estate)
perilymfa {n} [anatomy] :: perilymph
perimä {n} :: genome (complete genetic information of an organism)
perimä {n} :: genotype (combination of alleles that determines a specific trait of an individual)
perimä {n} :: inheritance (biological attributes passed hereditarily from ancestors to their offspring)
perimätapa {n} :: synonym of perinnäistapa
perimätieto {n} :: lore
periminen {n} :: inheritance (passing of title to an estate upon death)
perimiskulut {n} :: collection costs (cost incurred to collect debt that is owed)
perimmäinen {adj} :: ultimate
perimmäinen {adj} :: furthest to the back, furthest down
perimmältä {adv} :: alternative form of perimmältään
perimmältään {adv} :: fundamentally, essentially, deep down
perimmiltään {adv} :: synonym of perimmältään
perin {adv} :: exceedingly
perinataaliaika {n} :: perinatal period
perinataalinen {adj} :: perinatal (of or pertaining to the time around birth)
perinatologi {n} :: perinatologist
perinatologia {n} :: perinatology
perin juurin {adv} :: synonym of perin pohjin
perinnäisesti {adv} :: traditionally
perinnäistapa {n} :: inherited tradition or custom
perinne {n} :: tradition
perinnearkisto {n} :: tradition archive, traditional archive
perinnelaiva {n} :: a historically important ship that still exists today
perinnelajike {n} :: A heirloom (crop variety that has been passed down through generations)
perinnemaisema {n} :: traditional landscape
perinneruoka {n} :: traditional food
perinnetiede {n} :: folkloristics
perinnöllinen {adj} :: hereditary
perinnöllinen elliptosytoosi {n} [pathology] :: hereditary elliptocytosis (blood disease)
perinnöllisyys {n} :: heritability, heredity
perinnöllisyystiede {n} [biology, genetics] :: genetics
perinnöllisyystieteilijä {n} :: geneticist
perinnötön {adj} :: disinherited (excluded from inheritance)
perinpohjainen {adj} :: thorough
perinpohjaisesti {adv} :: thoroughly
perinpohjaisuus {n} :: thoroughness
perin pohjin {adv} [idiomatic] :: thoroughly; radically
perintä {n} :: debt collection
perintä {n} :: recovery of taxes
perintä {n} [programming] :: inheritance
perintäkirje {n} :: collection letter, debt collection letter
perintätoimisto {n} :: collection agency
perinteellisesti {adv} :: traditionally
perinteikäs {adj} :: traditional
perinteikkyys {n} :: traditionality (state or condition of having traditions)
perinteinen {adj} :: traditional
perinteinen {n} :: classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)
perinteinen hiihtotapa {n} :: classic skiing
perinteinen kiina {n} :: Traditional Chinese
perinteisesti {adv} :: traditionally
perinteisyys {n} :: traditionality (state or condition of being traditional)
perintö {n} :: heritage
perintö {n} :: inheritance
perintö {n} :: legacy
perintöhopeat {n} :: a silverware set that has been inherited
perintökaari {n} [legal] :: Code of Inheritance (law governing inheritance and will, especially that of Finland or Sweden)
perintöprinsessa {n} :: A runner-up (any of one or more nominated runner-ups in a beauty contest)
perintötekijä {n} :: gene (segment of DNA)
perintötuomioistuin {n} [legal] :: probate court (court whose function is to administer estates and prove wills)
perintövero {n} :: inheritance tax (tax charged on the beneficiaries of an estate)
periodeittain {adv} :: by period, in periods (of university education)
periodi {n} :: period (of time)
periodiopetus {n} :: teaching in short periods
periodisesti {adv} :: periodically
periodityö {n} :: work in periods
peripateetikko {n} [philosophy] :: Peripatetic (disciple of Aristotle)
peripatrinen {adj} [biology] :: peripatric
perisentri {n} [astronomy] :: pericenter
periskooppi {n} :: periscope
peristaltiikka {n} [physiology] :: peristalsis (rhythmic, wave-like contraction of the digestive tract that forces food through it)
peristalttinen {adj} [physiology] :: peristaltic
perisynnitön {adj} :: immaculate
perisynnitön sikiäminen {n} :: Immaculate Conception (doctrine, in the Roman Catholic Church, that Virgin Mary was conceived free from original sin)
perisynnittömän sikiämisen päivä {n} :: Immaculate Conception (Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary celebrated on December 8th)
perisynti {n} [Christianity] :: the original sin
periteksti {n} :: peritext
peritoneaalidialyysi {n} [medicine] :: peritoneal dialysis
peritoniitti {n} [pathology] :: peritonitis
perivihollinen {n} :: archenemy
periyttää {vt} :: to make inherit
periyttää {vt} [programming] :: to inherit
periytyä {vi} :: to be inherited
periytyvä {adj} :: hereditary
perjantai {n} :: Friday
perjantaiaamu {n} :: Friday morning
perjantaiaamupäivä {n} :: late Friday morning
perjantai-ilta {n} :: Friday night
perjantai-iltapäivä {n} :: Friday afternoon
perjantainen {adj} :: having occurred on a Friday
perjantainen {adj} :: pertaining to Friday
perjantaipäivä {n} :: a Friday (day that is a Friday)
perjantaisin {adv} :: on Fridays
perkaali {n} :: percale
perkaus {n} :: gutting (evisceration of a fish)
perkaus {n} :: cleaning, picking (removal of useless parts of something, such as cleaning berries or mushrooms)
perkaus {n} :: weeding (removal of unwanted plants from farmland, a plant nursery, etc.)
perkaus {n} :: cleaning; removal of vegetation, rocks, etc. from a body of water
perkausrauta {n} :: a type of tool used to gut a fish
perkeet {n} :: parings (of fish etc.)
perkele {n} :: The Devil, Satan; also Perkele
perkele {n} :: devil
perkele {interj} [vulgar] :: A swearword
perkele {adj} [vulgar] :: bloody, fucking (intensifier)
perkeleesti {adv} [vulgar] :: An intensifier
perkelöityä {v} [vulgar, rare] :: to escalate, get worse
perkloorihappo {n} [chemistry] :: perchloric acid
perkolaatio {n} :: percolation
perkolaattori {n} :: percolator (type of device used to brew coffee)
perkolointi {n} :: percolation
perkussiivinen {adj} :: percussive
perkussio {n} :: percussion
perkussionisti {n} :: percussionist
perkuu {n} :: synonym of perkaus (all senses)
perkuulauta {n} :: fish gutting board
perliitti {n} :: perlite (volcanic glass)
perliitti {n} [metallurgy] :: pearlite (lamellar structure in steel)
permalainen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of permiläinen
permalainen {n} [dated] :: synonym of permiläinen
permanentata {vt} :: to perm (hair)
permanentti {n} :: permanent (chemical hair treatment)
permanganaatti {n} [chemistry] :: permanganate
permanto {n} [archaic or dialectal] :: floor
permanto {n} [theater] :: parquet, stall
permanto {n} [gymnastics] :: floor
permantoliike {n} [gymnastics] :: floor exercise
permeaabeli {adj} [rare] :: permeable
permeaasi {n} :: permease
permeabiliteetti {n} [physics] :: permeability
permeanssi {n} [physics] :: permeance
permetriini {n} [chemistry] :: permethrin
permi {n} :: synonym of rihma
permi {n} :: any of the Permic languages
permi {n} :: synonym of permikausi
permikausi {n} :: Permian, Permian period
permikautinen {adj} :: Permian
permiläinen {n} :: Permian (person belonging to Komi or Udmurt people)
permiläinen {adj} :: Permic (of or pertaining to Permians, their languages and culture)
Permin komi {n} :: synonym of komipermjakki
permis {n} [colloquial] :: permanent (hair treatment)
permitiivisyys {n} :: alternative form of permittiivisyys
permittiivisyys {n} :: permittivity
permu {n} :: synonym of kurmu
permutaatio {n} :: permutation
permutaatiomatriisi {n} [linear algebra] :: permutation matrix
permutaatioryhmä {n} [algebra, group theory] :: permutation group
permutointi {n} :: permutating, permutation
perna {n} [anatomy] :: spleen
pernarutto {n} [pathology] :: anthrax
pernisiöösi {adj} [medicine] :: pernicious
peroksidaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: peroxidase
peroksidi {n} [chemistry] :: peroxide
peroksisomi {n} [biology, cytology] :: peroxisome
peronismi {n} [politics] :: Peronism
perovskiitti {n} [mineral] :: perovskite
perpendikkelipituus {n} [nautical] :: length between perpendiculars
persaukinen {adj} [vulgar] :: broke (financially ruined; without any money)
persaukset {n} [colloquial] :: buttocks
persaus {n} [colloquial] :: A hinder (the buttocks); often used in plural: persaukset
perse {n} [vulgar] :: arse, ass, asshole
perse {interj} [vulgar] :: shit, fuck
perseääliö {n} [vulgar] :: A person whose idiotic behaviour surpasses that of a normal moron; a dumbass
perseennuolija {n} [vulgar, derogatory] :: ass-licker; sycophant
perseet {n} [colloquial] :: extreme drunkenness
perseet olalla {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: shit-faced, rat-arsed, heavily drunk (under the influence of large amount of alcohol)
perseet olalle {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: shit-faced, rat-arsed (to the state of heavy drunkenness)
Persefone {prop} [Greek god] :: Persephone
perseidit {n} [astronomy] :: The Perseids
perseillä {v} [vulgar, colloquial] :: To muck about
persentiili {n} [statistics] :: percentile
perseptiivinen {adj} :: perceptive
perseptio {n} :: A perception
perseptroni {n} [artificial intelligence] :: perceptron
persereikä {n} [anatomy, vulgar] :: asshole (anus)
persereikä {n} [vulgar, of a person] :: asshole, jerk, asswipe
persereikä {n} [vulgar, of a place] :: shithole
Perseus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Perseus
Perseus {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Perseus
persia {n} :: The modern Persian language
persia {n} :: The old Persian language
Persia {prop} :: Persia
persialainen {n} :: Persian (person)
persialainen {n} :: Persian cat (breed of cat)
persialainen {adj} :: Persian (of or pertaining to Persia, its citizens or culture)
persialaisuus {n} :: Persianness
persianapila {n} :: Persian clover, shaftal, Trifolium resupinatum (annual clover used as fodder and hay)
persiankielinen {adj} :: Expressed in Persian language
persiankielinen {adj} :: Speaking Persian
persiankissa {n} [dated] :: synonym of persialainen (breed of cat)
Persianlahti {prop} :: The Persian Gulf
persikankivi {n} :: peach pit
persikka {n} :: peach (fruit)
persikkahapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula violeipes
persikkaiho {n} [figuratively] :: smooth skin
persikkakirva {n} :: green peach aphid, peach-potato aphid, potato aphid, tobacco aphid, Myzus persicae
persikkapuu {n} :: peach tree
persilja {n} :: parsley, Petroselinum crispum (herb)
persilja {n} :: parsley (leaves of this plant, which may be consumed fresh or dried as seasoning)
persiljaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius sulfurinus
persiljavoi {n} :: butter flavored with parsley
persimon {n} :: persimmon
persimoni {n} :: persimmon
persjalkainen {adj} [humorous, derogatory] :: A person whose legs are relatively short compared to the overall length of their back
perskat {n} :: dottle, grounds, substance left after use (such as of tobacco or coffee)
persläpi {n} [vulgar] :: asshole, anus
persnetto {n} [vulgar, economics] :: operating loss, negative revenue
perso {adj} :: greedy for something
perso {adj} :: The noun sweet tooth may be used when the greed is for sweet things in general
personaaliunioni {n} :: personal union
personalismi {n} :: personalism
personal trainer {n} :: personal trainer
personifikaatio {n} :: personification
personifioida {vt} :: To personify
personifiointi {n} :: personification
personoida {v} :: to personalize (to adapt something to the needs of an individual)
personoida {v} :: to personalize (to represent something abstract as a person; to embody)
personoida {v} :: to personify (to be an example of; to have all the attributes of)
personoida {v} :: to personify (to create a representation of an abstract quality in the form of a literary character)
personointi {n} :: personification
personoitua {vi} :: to become personalized
persoona {n} [grammar] :: person, grammatical person (linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom he is speaking)
persoona {n} :: personality
persoona {n} [rare] :: person (human being; individual)
persoonallinen {adj} :: distinctive (characteristic or typical to somebody)
persoonallisesti {adv} :: personally (in a personal manner)
persoonallisuus {n} :: personality
persoonallisuushäiriö {n} [psychology] :: personality disorder
persoonallisuustesti {n} [psychology] :: A personality test
persoonallisuustyyppi {n} :: personality type
persoonamuotoinen {adj} [grammar, of a verb, etc.] :: personal; in a form with or that depends on person
persoonapääte {n} [grammar] :: personal suffix
persoonapronomini {n} [grammar] :: personal pronoun
persoonaton {adj} :: impersonal
persoonattomampi {adj} :: comparative of persoonaton
persoonattomasti {adv} :: impersonally
persoonattomin {adj} :: superlative of persoonaton
persoonaunioni {n} :: personal union
persoonittain {adv} :: by grammatical person
perspano {n} [vulgar] :: butt-fucking, butt sex (anal sex act)
perspektiivi {n} :: perspective (view, vista or outlook)
perspektiivi {n} :: perspective (appearance of depth in objects)
perspektiivikuva {n} :: perspective (an image taken from a perspective)
perspektiivimaalaus {n} :: perspective painting (a painting)
perspektiivipiirustus {n} :: perspective drawing
persposki {n} [vulgar, slang] :: arsecheek
persreikä {n} :: alternative form of persereikä
persu {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of perussuomalainen
persus {n} [colloquial, somewhat vulgar] :: behind, bottom, backside, bum, can (buttocks)
persuukset {n} [colloquial] :: buttocks
persvako {n} [anatomy, vulgar] :: ass crack
Perth {prop} :: Perth (any place called Perth in English)
pertiitti {n} [mineral] :: perthite
pertsa {n} [colloquial] :: classic, classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)
Pertti {prop} :: given name
Perttu {prop} :: given name
Perttula {prop} :: surname
Perttula {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Pertunmaa {prop} :: Pertunmaa (municipality)
pertunmaalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pertunmaa
pertunmaalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pertunmaa
pertuska {n} :: a wide-bladed axe used to cut thickets or peat
pertuska {n} :: a battle axe
pertuska {n} :: a partisan (type of spear)
peru {n} :: heritage
peru {n} :: origin
Peru {prop} :: Peru (country)
perua {vt} :: to withdraw, renege on, retract, (colloquially) take back, go back on, bum out on
perua {vt} :: to cancel, call off
peruke {n} [fishing] :: wire trace, snood
perukirja {n} [law] :: inventory of an estate, estate inventory (list of all the assets and liabilities of a deceased person)
perukka {n} :: A back end, out-of-the-way corner or place; often used in plural (a place which is remote or otherwise difficult to reach)
perulainen {adj} :: Peruvian
perulainen {n} :: Peruvian
peruna {n} :: potato, Solanum tuberosum (plant and the tuber)
peruna-ankeroinen {n} :: golden nematode, golden potato nematode, potato cyst nematode, yellow potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis (pest of plants of the family Solanaceae)
perunahiutale {n} :: potato flake, potato crisp
perunainen {adj} :: potatoey
perunajauho {n} :: potato flour
perunakappa {n} :: a kappa of potatoes
perunakattila {n} :: potato kettle, potato boiler
perunakeitto {n} :: potato soup
perunakellari {n} :: potato cellar
perunakuokka {n} :: potato hook
perunakuoppa {n} :: hole, pit or cellar for storing potatoes
perunakuoriainen {n} :: synonym of koloradonkuoriainen
perunakuutio {n} :: potato cube
perunalaari {n} :: potato bin
perunalaatikko {n} :: Traditional Finnish potato casserole
perunalajike {n} :: potato cultivar
perunalastu {n} :: potato chip [US], potato crisp [UK]
perunaleivos {n} :: potato fritter, potato cake
perunalettu {n} :: potato pancake
perunalimppu {n} :: a sweet and sour round bread containing floury potatoes
perunalohko {n} :: potato wedge
perunalumi {n} :: an airy side dish made of grated or strained floury potatoes, somewhat resembling mashed potatoes
perunamaa {n} :: potato field, potato garden
perunamakkara {n} :: A kind of sausage made with potato
perunamämmi {n} :: mämmi made of rye and potatoes
perunamuhennos {n} :: mashed potatoes
perunamuusi {n} :: mashed potatoes
perunamuusijauhe {n} :: instant mashed potatoes
perunamylly {n} :: a hand-operated potato mill
perunanenä {n} :: large, ugly nose
perunanhitu {n} :: synonym of perunankuori
perunanistutus {n} :: planting potatoes
perunanistutuskone {n} :: potato planting machine
perunanitu {n} :: potato sprout
perunankukka {n} :: potato flower
perunankuori {n} :: potato skin
perunankuorimaveitsi {n} :: potato peeling knife, potato peeler
perunankuorimisveitsi {n} :: synonym of perunankuorimaveitsi
perunankylvö {n} :: sowing potatoes
perunanmukula {n} :: potato tuber
perunannostaja {n} :: potato lifter (person)
perunannosto {n} :: lifting potatoes
perunannostokone {n} :: potato harvester, potato lifter
perunanpano {n} :: synonym of perunanistutus
perunansiemen {n} :: potato seed
perunantaimi {n} :: potato sapling, potato tree
perunanuija {n} :: potato masher
perunanvarsi {n} :: potato stem, potato stalk
perunanviljely {n} :: potato cultivation
perunaohukainen {n} :: (thin) potato pancake, potato crepe
perunapelto {n} :: potato field
perunapenkki {n} :: potato bed
perunapiirakka {n} :: Karelian pasty made with potato filling
perunapiirakka {n} :: potato pie
perunapuuro {n} :: potato porridge
perunarieska {n} :: rieska (unleavened flatbread) made of potatoes
perunarupi {n} :: common scab, as a relatively harmless variety of scab
perunarutto {n} :: potato blight (plant disease)
perunasäkki {n} :: potato sack
perunasäkki {n} :: sackful of potatoes
perunasalaatti {n} :: potato salad
perunasarka {n} :: potato patch
perunasato {n} :: potato harvest, potato crop
perunasoppa {n} [dialectal or colloquial] :: potato soup
perunasose {n} :: synonym of perunamuusi
perunasurvin {n} :: potato pestle
perunasuurimo {n} :: potato starch grain
perunasyöpä {n} :: potato wart; Synchytrium endobioticum
perunatärkkelys {n} :: potato starch
perunateatteri {n} [colloquial] :: peeling potatoes or a place where potatoes are peeled
perunateollisuus {n} :: potato industry
perunavako {n} :: plowed furrow for potatoes
perunavalmiste {n} :: potato product, potato preparation
perunavesi {n} :: potato water
perunaviipale {n} :: potato slice
perunaviljelys {n} :: synonym of perunaviljelmä
perunkirjoitusarvo {n} :: value of something considered when drawing up an inventory
perunrotta {n} :: Andean rat, Lenoxus apicalis (species of rat found on the eastern slopes of Andes in Peru and Bolivia)
perus- {prefix} :: basic, elemental, fundamental, rudimentary, normal, typical, average
perus- {prefix} :: primal
perus {n} [architecture, rare] :: foundation
perus {adj} [indeclinable, colloquial] :: usual, normal, basic
perusäänes {n} [music, acoustics] :: fundamental tone
perusaate {n} :: basic principle
perusaihe {n} :: basic subject, fundamental subject
perusaine {n} :: base substance, substrate
perusaine {n} :: element
perusaineisto {n} :: basic material
perusarvo {n} :: fundamental value, basic value
perusasia {n} :: essential (something basic, elementary or indispensable)
perusaste {n} [grammar] :: positive (not comparative, superlative, augmentative nor diminutive)
perusaste {n} :: basic degree (such as basic education)
peruselementti {n} :: fundamental element
peruselinkeino {n} :: primary industry, basic industry
peruselintarvike {n} :: staple (basic food stuff)
perushankinnat {n} :: normal or standard supplies
perushyödyke {n} :: primary good
perusjono {n} [analysis] :: fundamental sequence, Cauchy sequence
perusjoukko {n} [set theory] :: universe
perusjoukko {n} [statistics] :: population
peruskallio {n} [geology] :: basement (mass of igneous or metamorphic rock forming the foundation over which a platform of sedimentary rocks is laid)
peruskallio {n} [figuratively] :: bedrock (basis or foundation)
peruskartoitus {n} :: baseline survey
peruskartta {n} :: base map
peruskaura {n} [idiomatic] :: 101, routine, a trivial action (or that should be)
peruskaura {n} [idiomatic] :: ordinary, run of the mill
peruskirja {n} :: charter (document issued by an authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges)
peruskirja {n} :: charter (similar document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc.)
peruskivi {n} :: cornerstone (ceremonial stone set at the foundation of a building, often in the corner and inscribed with the completion year and other details)
peruskivi {n} :: foundation stone
peruskivi {n} [figuratively] :: cornerstone (that which is prominent, fundamental, noteworthy, or central)
peruskorjata {v} :: to renovate, restore (especially of a building or a piece of machinery, to bring back to a previous or better condition or state)
peruskorjaus {n} :: major overhaul, complete renovation (thorough reparation of a building or structure)
peruskorvaus {n} :: basic compensation, basic amount
peruskoulu {n} :: The name commonly used in Finnish for Finland's 9-year comprehensive schools starting at the age of 7 (literally means "basic school"; a more precise or more descriptive name would be (yhdeksänvuotinen) yhtenäiskoulu)
peruskouluaste {n} :: comprehensive or primary education as a grade or step of education
peruskoulunopettaja {n} :: comprehensive school teacher, primary school teacher
peruskoulutus {n} :: basic education
peruskoulutus {n} [military] :: basic training
peruskoulu-uudistus {n} :: comprehensive school reform
peruskunta {n} :: basic municipality (a municipality that does not have a governing body but that is not in itself part of a regional governing body)
peruskunta {n} :: basic municipality (a municipality large enough to offer public services in a proposed model)
peruslämpö {n} :: core temperature
peruslaskutoimitus {n} [math] :: arithmetic operation
peruslause {n} [logic, mathematics] :: axiom
peruslinja {n} :: basic line, fundamental line (line, idea)
peruslinja {n} :: baseline
perusluku {n} [math] :: cardinal number
perusluku {n} [grammar] :: synonym of kardinaalilukusana
perusluku {n} [math] :: synonym of kantaluku
peruslukusana {n} [grammar] :: In Finnish grammar, a cardinal numeral that is expressed as single, non-compound word and may be used as an element for composing compound numerals. These "elementary" numeral are yksi (one), kaksi (two), ... . kymmenen (ten), sata (hundred), tuhat (thousand), miljoona (million), miljardi (billion) etc
perusmäärä {n} :: basic amount
perusmerkitys {n} [linguistics] :: denotation
perusmetalli {n} :: base metal [common metal]
perusmetalli {n} :: base metal (in welding, the metal to be welded)
perusmuoto {n} [linguistics] :: lemma, basic form (canonical form of an inflected word; ie the form usually found in dictionaries)
perusmuuri {n} :: foundation wall
perusnäyttely {n} :: permanent exhibition, main permanent exhibition
perusoikeus {n} :: fundamental right, basic right (right regarded as belonging without presumption to all human beings under a given jurisdiction, or universally)
perusolemus {n} :: essence
perusoletus {n} :: principle (fundamental assumption)
perusoletus {n} :: fundamental assumption, basic assumption
perusomavastuu {n} :: basic contribution
perusopetus {n} :: primary education
perusopetusryhmä {n} :: primary education group (of pupils)
perusopiskelija {n} :: undergraduate
perusosa {n} :: A basic element or fundamental part of anything
perusosa {n} :: component (smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity; often refers to a manufactured object that is part of a larger device)
perusosa {n} [linguistics] :: head (morpheme that determines the category of a compound)
peruspalkka {n} :: basic salary
peruspalvelu {n} :: Those government services which are considered to serve the basic human needs, usually understood to include health and social services
peruspalveluministeri {n} :: The Minister of Health and Social Services in the Finnish government
perusparannus {n} :: renovation, improvement
peruspiste {n} :: basis point
perusprosessi {n} :: basic process
perusrahoitus {n} :: core funding, basic funding
perusrakenne {n} :: infrastructure, foundation, basic structure, basic design
perusratkaisu {n} :: fundamental solution
perusryhmä {n} [topology] :: fundamental group
perussairaus {n} :: underlying health condition, chronic health condition, pre-existing (medical) condition, underlying disease, chronic ailment
perussana {n} [linguistics] :: simplex (simple word; word without affixes)
perussävel {n} [music] :: tonic, keynote (first note of a diatonic scale)
perussopimus {n} :: a framework agreement (an agreement on general terms of cooperation between two or more parties, which forms the basis for more detailed or ad hoc agreements)
perussuomalainen {n} :: A typical, normal, average Finn
perussuomalainen {n} :: A "True Finn"; member of the Finnish political party Perussuomalaiset, known in English as the "Finns Party"
perussuure {n} :: base quantity (physical quantity, chosen by convention, by which other physical quantities are defined)
perussyy {n} :: root cause (initiating cause of a chain of events which leads to an outcome or effect of interest)
perusta {n} :: base, foundation
perusta {n} :: basis
perustaa {vt} :: to establish, found, set up, institute
perustaa {vt} :: to base [on]
perustaa {vi} [_, + elative, colloquial, mostly in negative] :: to care for/about, like, be fond of
perustaajuus {n} :: fundamental frequency
perustaja {n} :: founder
perustajajäsen {n} :: founding member, founder member
perustajaurakointi {n} [construction] :: real estate development, property development (business activity in which a construction contractor also acts as property developer)
perustajaurakoitsija {n} :: A real estate developer or property developer, who also constructs; often originally a construction contractor who has gotten involved in development in order to increase its profit margin
perustaminen {n} :: foundation (act of founding)
perustamiskirja {n} [law] :: memorandum of association
perustamiskokous {n} :: inaugural meeting
perustamissopimus {n} :: establishment treaty
perustamistyö {n} :: foundation work
perustamisvuosi {n} :: establishment year, a year in which something was established
perustanta {n} [business] :: founding
perustapaus {n} :: base case
perustapaus {n} :: a basic or common case
perustarvike {n} :: A staple, as a basic or essential supply
perustava {adj} :: fundamental
perustava {adj} :: founding, constitutive
perustavanlaatuinen {adj} :: basic, fundamental
peruste {n} :: grounds, as basis or justification
peruste {n} :: A basis, as foundation for an argument or hypothesis
peruste {n} :: A reason, as a thought or a consideration offered in support, explanation or as cause of an opinion, a conclusion or an action
peruste {n} :: An argument, as a fact or statement used to support a proposition
peruste {n} :: A principle, as fundamental assumption or foundation of a theory
perusteella {adv} :: based on, on the grounds of
perusteellinen {adj} :: thorough
perusteellisesti {adv} :: thoroughly
perusteeton {adj} :: unfounded, unjustified, uncalled-for, gratuitous (not called for by the circumstances; without reason, cause, or proof)
perusteettomasti {adv} :: unjustifiedly, unfoundedly, gratuitously
perusteilla {adv} :: being founded
perusteille {adv} :: into being founded
perustekijä {n} :: fundamental factor
perusteksti {n} :: base text
perustella {vt} :: To argue, justify, explain
perustellut {v} :: nominative plural form of perusteltu
perusteltavissa {adv} :: arguable (that can be plausibly defended in an argument)
perusteltu {adj} :: justifiable (that can be justified)
perustelu {n} :: rationale, argument (process of reasoning)
perusteos {n} :: seminal work
perusterveydenhuolto {n} [healthcare] :: primary care, primary healthcare
perustieto {n} :: basic (fundamental piece of knowledge)
perustieto {n} [in the plural] :: basics, elementary knowledge, basic knowledge, grounding (fundamental knowledge or background in a field or discipline)
perustieto {n} [in titles] :: introduction
perustoimeentulotuki {n} :: basic subsistence income, basic income support
perustua {vi} [of a work of art, + illative] :: To be based on
perustua {vi} [of an opinion, + illative] :: To be based on, be grounded in
perustua {vi} [of some sort of system, + illative] :: To be founded on, be based on, rest on
perustuki {n} :: basic support, basic payment
perustulo {n} [social security] :: basic income
perustuotanto {n} :: primary production
perusturva {n} :: basic social security (the minimum level of social security to which the poorest people are entitled)
perustus {n} :: Foundation, groundwork
perustuslaillinen {adj} :: constitutional (of or relating to a constitution, a law)
perustuslaillisesti {adv} :: constitutionally
perustuslaki {n} [government, legal] :: constitution (a legal document describing the formal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions)
perustuslakioikeus {n} [law] :: constitutional court
perustuslakivaliokunta {n} :: (in the Finnish Parliament) The Constitutional Law Committee
perustustyö {n} :: foundation work
perustutkimus {n} :: fundamental research, basic research
perustutkinto {n} :: undergraduate degree
perustutkinto-opiskelija {n} :: undergraduate, undergraduate student
perustyyppi {n} :: standard, basic type
perusuusiutumisluku {n} [epidemiology] :: basic reproduction number
perusväite {n} :: axiom (especially in philosophy)
perusviiva {n} :: baseline
perusvoide {n} :: cold cream, base
perusvoima {n} [physics] :: fundamental force
perusvuorovaikutus {n} [physics] :: fundamental interaction
perusvuosi {n} :: base year
perusyksikkö {n} :: base unit (unit of measurement on which others are based)
perusyksikkö {n} [military] :: a company or other unit of similar size in the Finnish Defence Forces
peruukki {n} :: wig (head of artificial hair)
peruuntua {vi} :: to be canceled, be withdrawn, be called off, be revoked
peruuttaa {vi} [of a vehicle] :: To back, reverse, (of a computer) to backspace
peruuttaa {vt} :: To withdraw, retract, rescind, recant, renege, take back (a statement)
peruuttaa {vt} :: To revoke, cancel, call off, invalidate
peruuttaa {vt} :: ~ avioliitto = to annul a marriage
peruuttaa {vt} :: ~ käsky = to countermand an order
peruuttaa {vt} :: ~ sopimus = to nullify a contract
peruuttamaton {adj} :: irreversible, irrevocable, indelible
peruuttamattomasti {adv} :: irreversibly, irrevocably, indelibly
peruuttaminen {n} :: backing, reversing
peruuttaminen {n} :: withdrawing, retracting, reneging
peruuttaminen {n} :: revoking, canceling
peruuttamisoikeus {n} :: right of cancellation, right of withdrawal
peruutua {v} [legal, obsolete, of a marriage] :: to be nullified
peruutus {n} :: A cancellation
peruutus {n} :: A withdrawal
peruutus {n} :: A revocation
peruutuspeili {n} :: rear-view mirror
perversio {n} :: perversion
perverssi {adj} :: perverted, perverse
pervitiini {n} [dated] :: methamphetamine
pervo {n} :: perv
pesä {n} :: nest (structure built by a bird or other animal as a place to incubate eggs and hatch and/or rear young)
pesä {n} :: nest (cozy residence)
pesä {n} :: nest (hideout for bad people to frequent)
pesä {n} :: nest (parental home)
pesä {n} :: den (home of certain animals)
pesä {n} :: hive (structure, which a swarm of honeybees inhabits or has inhabited)
pesä {n} [legal] :: estate (property of a deceased person)
pesä {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: base
pesä {n} [curling] :: house
pesä {n} [colloquial] :: vagina
pesä {n} :: (tulipesä) firebox, (piipunpesä) bowl (of a pipe)
pesä {n} :: synonym of öljypesä
pesah {n} [Judaism] :: Pesach, Passover
pesaista {vt} :: To wash quickly
pesäjuuri {n} :: bird's-nest orchid (Neottia nidus-avis)
pesäke {n} [pathology] :: growth (mass of cells affected by a disease)
pesäke {n} [microbiology] :: colony (of bacteria e.g. in a Petri dish)
pesäke {n} [military] :: nest (as in: machine gun nest)
pesäke {n} :: hot spot (center of dangerous activity, normally used with a modifier to specify the kind of danger, as in kriisipesäke)
pesäkekovettumatauti {n} [pathology] :: multiple sclerosis
pesäkolo {n} :: burrow, colony
pesäloinen {n} :: brood parasite
pesämuna {n} :: nest egg (savings)
pesämuna {n} :: nest egg (egg placed in a bird's nest, to encourage the bird to lay its own eggs there)
pesänhoitaja {n} [legal] :: administrator, estate administrator (someone appointed to administer a bankruptcy estate)
pesänjakaja {n} :: executor, administrator (someone appointed by a testator to administer a will)
pesäpallo {n} [sports] :: a sport developed in Finland in the 1920s, similar to and largely based on baseball
pesäpallo {n} :: the ball used in this game, similar to a baseball
pesäpalloilija {n} :: A pesäpallo player
pesäpalloilu {n} :: The sport and practice of playing pesäpallo
pesäpallojoukkue {n} :: a pesäpallo team
pesäpallokenttä {n} :: pesäpallo field
pesäpallomaila {n} :: a pesäpallo bat, similar to a baseball bat
pesäpallo-ottelu {n} :: a pesäpallo match
pesäpallopeli {n} :: a pesäpallo game
pesäpallotuomari {n} :: a pesäpallo referee
pesävahti {n} [pesäpallo, baseball] :: baseman, baseperson
pescovegetaristi {n} :: pescetarian
peseminen {n} :: washing
peseta {n} :: peseta
pesettää {vt} :: to make wash, to let wash
peseytyä {vi} :: to wash oneself, wash up
peseytyä {vi} :: to be washed (away)
peseytymistila {n} [usually, in plural] :: washing or bathing facility
peseytymisväline {n} :: a piece of equipment for washing oneself
pesiä {v} :: To nest
pesiintyä {v} :: synonym of pesiytyä
pesijä {n} :: nester (one who nests)
pesijä {n} :: washer (person)
pesijätär {n} :: female washer (person who washes for a living)
pesimäaika {n} :: nesting time
pesimäalue {n} :: breeding range
pesimäpiiri {n} :: territory of a bird
pesiminen {n} :: nesting
pesin {n} :: washer (something that washes, especially a simple device for that purpose)
pesintä {n} :: nesting
pesis {n} [colloquial] :: Finnish baseball, pesäpallo
pesiytyä {v} :: to nest (to make a nest, settle into a nest, often with negative connotation)
peski {n} :: A type of reindeer fur coat
peso {n} :: peso (currency; coin or note of one peso)
Pesonen {prop} :: surname
pessaari {n} :: A cervical cap, pessary (female contraceptive device)
pessaari {n} :: A pessary (medical device used to treat the prolapse of the uterus)
pessimismi {n} :: pessimism
pessimisti {n} :: pessimist
pessimistinen {adj} :: pessimistic
pessimistisesti {adv} :: pessimistically
pestä {vt} :: to wash
pestä {vt} :: to launder
pestä {vt} [colloquial] :: to win
pestä kätensä {v} [idiomatic] :: to wash one's hands of (to absolve oneself of responsibility or future blame for; to refuse to have any further involvement with)
pestata {v} :: to hire
pestausraha {n} :: synonym of pestiraha
pestautua {vi} :: to sign up, to sign on, to enlist oneself, to hire oneself out
pestävä {adj} :: washable (capable of being washed, usually by some particular means which is indicated by a modifier)
pesti {n} :: job, task
pestiraha {n} :: money given to someone who takes up a job or task
pestisidi {n} :: pesticide
pesto {n} :: pesto
pestuumarkkinat {n} [historical] :: a fair for finding and hiring farmhands and maids
pesu {n} :: wash, washing
pesuaine {n} :: detergent
pesuallas {n} :: A sink (washbasin)
pesuallas {n} :: A washbasin
pesuastia {n} :: washing bowl
pesubetoni {n} :: washed concrete
pesue {n} :: A litter (animals born in one birth)
pesuhuone {n} :: shower room, bath room
pesujauhe {n} :: washing powder (powder used e.g. in washing clothes)
pesukaappi {n} :: washstand with cabinets
pesukarhu {n} :: raccoon, Procyon lotor
pesukarhu {n} :: raccoon (any species in the genus Procyon)
pesukarttu {n} :: synonym of pyykkikarttu
pesukinnas {n} :: washing mitt
pesukivi {n} :: synonym of puhdistuskivi
pesukone {n} :: any machine that washes, such as a (clothes) washing machine or a dishwasher
pesula {n} :: laundry (place or room where laundering is done)
pesulappu {n} :: washcloth
pesuneste {n} :: washing liquid
pesunkestävä {adj} :: washable (capable of being washed, usually with water, without damage)
pesunkestävä {adj} :: dyed-in-the-wool, bred-in-the-bone, deep-rooted, deep-seated (firmly established in a person's beliefs or habits; deeply ingrained in the nature of a person or thing)
pesunkestävä {adj} :: diehard (thorough in one's beliefs)
pesupalju {n} [colloquial] :: washing tub
pesupöytä {n} :: washstand
pesupulveri {n} :: washing powder
pesuri {n} :: washer (machine that washes)
pesuri {n} :: scrubber
pesuriepu {n} :: washcloth
pesusieni {n} :: bath sponge (Spongia officinalis)
pesusieni {n} :: sponge, bath sponge (implement for washing)
pesusienikurkku {n} :: loofah, luffa, a tropical vine of the species Luffa aegyptiaca
pesusoikko {n} :: washtub
pesusooda {n} :: washing soda, soda ash, Na2CO3
pesutila {n} :: washing premise or facility
pesutupa {n} :: communal laundry room shared by the inhabitants of an apartment building
pesuvati {n} :: washbasin, washbowl (movable basin for washing the face and hands)
pesuvesi {n} :: water used in washing
pesuvesi {n} :: gray water, greywater (washing water as wastewater)
pesye {n} :: alternative form of pesue
peta- {prefix} :: peta-
petabitti {n} [computing] :: petabit
petäjä {n} [dialectal] :: pine
petäjä {n} :: a large, lone pine tree
Petäjävesi {prop} :: Petäjävesi (municipality)
petäjäveteläinen {adj} :: alternative form of petäjävetinen
petäjäveteläinen {n} :: alternative form of petäjävetinen
petäjävetinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Petäjävesi
petäjävetinen {n} :: a person from or living in Petäjävesi
petaliitti {n} [mineral] :: petalite
petankisti {n} :: pétanque player
petankki {n} :: pétanque
petata {v} :: alternative form of pedata
petatavu {n} [computing] :: petabyte
petauspatja {n} :: synonym of sijauspatja
petetty {adj} :: betrayed, short-changed, put-upon
peti {n} [colloquial] :: bed
petidiini {n} [chemistry] :: pethidine
petiitti {n} [typography] :: brevier
petikaveri {n} :: bedfellow
petipuhe {n} :: pillow talk
petivaatteet {n} [colloquial] :: bedclothes
petkel {n} :: pestle
petkel {n} :: bark spud
petkele {n} :: alternative form of petkel
petkuttaa {v} :: to cheat
petkuttaja {n} :: cheater
petkutus {n} :: hoax, spoof, cheat
peto {n} :: meat-eating beast, predator
peto {n} :: carnivore
peto {n} :: monster
Peto {prop} [Bible] :: Beast (character in the Apocalypse)
petoankerias {n} :: cutthroat eel (eel of the family Synaphobranchidae)
petoankerias {n} :: Kaup's arrowtooth eel, Kaup's cut-throat eel, Gray's cutthroat, longnosed eel, northern cutthroat eel, Slatjaw cutthroat eel, Synaphobranchus kaupii (deepwater eel present in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans)
petoankerias {n} [in plural] :: the taxonomic family Synaphobranchidae
petoeläin {n} :: carnivore, any member of the order Carnivora
petokala {n} :: predatory fish
petoksellisesti {adv} :: fraudulently
petolintu {n} :: bird of prey
petollinen {adj} :: treacherous, deceptive, perfidious
petollinen ystävä {n} [linguistics] :: false friend
petollisesti {adv} :: treacherously, deceptively
petollisuus {n} :: treacherousness
petomainen {adj} :: beastlike
petomainen {adj} [figuratively] :: predatory
petomaisesti {adv} :: beastly, in a beastlike way
petopunkki {n} :: predatory mite
petos {n} :: betrayal, treachery, treason
petos {n} [legal] :: fraud
petosyritys {n} :: deceit (attempt to deceit)
petra {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of peura
Petra {prop} :: given name
petrata {vt} [colloquial] :: to better, to improve
Petri {prop} :: given name
petrimalja {n} :: A Petri dish
petrografia {n} :: petrography
petrokemia {n} [chemistry] :: petrochemistry
petrokemiallinen {adj} :: petrochemical
petrokemikaali {n} :: petrochemical
petroli {n} :: kerosene (US), paraffin (UK)
petroli {n} [military slang] :: battery acid (coffee)
petrologi {n} :: petrologist
petrologia {n} :: petrology
petrologinen {adj} :: petrologic
Petroskoi {prop} :: Petroskoi (city)
Petsamo {prop} :: The Finnish name of the Russian municipality of Pechenga (urban-type settlement), Murmansk Oblast, or ru (Pečenga) in Russian
petsata {vt} :: to apply stain on
petsi {n} :: stain (substance)
pettää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to cheat, con, swindle, defraud
pettää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to deceive, delude, mislead
pettää {vt} [_, + accusative] :: to betray
pettää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to cheat on (to be unfaithful to)
pettää {vi} :: to give way, break down, fall/tumble down
pettää {vt} [_, + accusative] :: to let down, disappoint, desert, fail
pettäjä {n} :: traitor, betrayer, deceiver
pettämättömästi {adv} :: infallibly, unfailingly, unassailably
Petteri {prop} :: given name
Petteri Punakuono {prop} :: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
pettu {n} :: phloem of a pine
pettujauho {n} :: phloem flour or flour with pine phloem
pettuleipä {n} :: bark bread (bread extended with phloem, used as famine food)
petturi {n} :: traitor
pettyä {vi} :: To be disappointed
pettymys {n} :: disappointment
pettymys {n} :: disenchantment, letdown
pettynyt {adj} :: disappointed, unsatisfied
pettynyt {adj} :: disenchanted
petunia {n} :: petunia
petunnyljin {n} :: synonym of kuloin
peuhapaikka {n} :: playroom, playing corner (room or corner dedicated for children's playing)
peuhata {v} :: to romp, frolic, play
peuhupaikka {n} :: synonym of peuhapaikka
peuhuta {v} :: alternative form of peuhata
peuhutunti {n} :: play hour (event of physical but non-sportive playing for kids, especially one that is supervised)
peukalo {n} :: thumb
peukaloida {v} :: To tamper, meddle with
peukaloinen {n} :: Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes
peukaloinen {n} :: wren, any bird of the family Troglodytidae
Peukaloinen {prop} :: Tom Thumb
peukalo keskellä kämmentä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: all thumbs (clumsy; awkward; not dextrous)
peukalokyyti {n} :: hitchhiking
peukalokyytiläinen {n} :: hitchhiker
Peukalo-Liisa {prop} :: Thumbelina
peukalonjälki {n} :: thumbprint
peukalonkynsi {n} :: thumbnail
peukalopaini {n} :: thumb war (children's game)
peukalopotti {n} [childish] :: thumb
peukaloputti {n} [childish] :: alternative form of peukalopotti
peukaloruuvi {n} :: thumbscrew
peukalosääntö {n} :: rule of thumb
peukalovarvas {n} [anatomy, colloquial] :: big toe
peukku {n} [colloquial] :: thumb
peura {n} :: a reindeer or a caribou, a general term used to refer to the deer species Rangifer tarandus and its twelve subspecies
peura {n} :: short for metsäpeura
peura {n} :: telemetacarpal deer (any species of subfamily Capreolinae)
peura {n} :: any medium-sized deer of unspecified species
peuranliha {n} :: deer, venison
peuranmetsästys {n} :: deer hunting
peurannahka {n} :: deerskin
peuranpyynti {n} :: deer hunting
peuranvasa {n} :: The fawn of a deer
peurapatsas {n} :: a statue of a reindeer
pezzotaiitti {n} :: pezzottaite
pfennig {n} :: pfennig
pH-asteikko {n} [chemistry] :: pH scale (scale for measuring acidity and alcality of a substance)
philanderinopossumi {n} :: gray four-eyed opossum, Philander opossum
philanderinvillapussirotta {n} :: bare-tailed woolly opossum, white-eared opossum, Caluromys philander
pH-indikaattori {n} [chemistry] :: pH indicator
phishing {n} [slang] :: phishing
pH-mittari {n} [chemistry] :: pH meter
Phobos {n} :: Phobos (moon of Mars)
photoshopata {v} :: to photoshop (to digitally edit or alter a digital image)
phui {interj} :: yuck
phyi {interj} :: yuck
-pi {suffix} [personal, dialectal] :: Forms the third-person singular indicative present of verbs
piä {n} [dialectal, eastern] :: head
piaffe {n} :: piaffe (movement)
piaffi {n} :: piaffe (movement)
piakkoin {adv} :: In the near future, soon
pian {adv} :: soon
pianismi {n} [music] :: pianism
pianisti {n} :: pianist
piano {n} [musical instrument] :: piano
pianohaitari {n} :: piano accordion
pianoharmonikka {n} :: piano accordion
pianokappale {n} :: piano piece
pianokonsertti {n} :: piano concert
pianokonsertto {n} :: piano concerto
pianokoulu {n} :: piano school
pianokvartetti {n} :: piano quartet (group)
pianokvartetto {n} [music] :: piano quartet
pianokvintetti {n} :: piano quintet (group)
pianokvintetto {n} :: piano quintet (piece)
pianolanka {n} :: piano wire
pianomusiikki {n} :: piano music
pianonkieli {n} :: piano wire
pianonsoittaja {n} :: pianist
pianonsoitto {n} :: playing the piano, piano playing
pianonvirittäjä {n} :: piano tuner
pianonviritys {n} [music] :: piano tuning
piano-oppilas {n} :: piano student
pianosävellys {n} :: piano composition
pianosolisti {n} :: piano soloist
pianosonaatti {n} [music] :: piano sonata
pianosoolo {n} :: piano solo
pianosovitus {n} :: piano arrangement
pianotaide {n} :: piano art
pianotaiteilija {n} :: piano artist
pianoteos {n} :: piano work
pianotrio {n} :: piano trio
pianotunti {n} :: piano lesson
pianotuoli {n} :: piano bench
picardienpaimenkoira {n} :: Berger Picard
picassokala {n} :: lagoon triggerfish, Picassofish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus
piccolo {n} :: alternative spelling of pikkolo
piccolohuilu {n} [musical instruments] :: piccolo
piccolo-pullo {n} :: alternative form of pikkolopullo
piccolopullo {n} :: alternative spelling of pikkolopullo
pidä hauskaa {phrase} :: Have fun! (2nd person singular)
pidäke {n} :: hamper (anything which impedes)
pidäke {n} [music] :: fermata
pidäkkeetön {adj} :: unrestrained, unbridled
pidäkkeettömästi {adv} :: unrestrainedly, unbridledly
pidätellä {v} :: to hold back
pidätellä {v} :: to hold, especially a physical need
pidätellä {v} :: to restrain
pidätellä {v} :: to suppress
pidätetty {adj} [legal] :: under arrest, arrested
pidätin {n} :: clog, stop
pidättää {vt} [+ accusative] :: to hold back, restrain, hinder, curb; to suppress; to suspend
pidättää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to delay, detain, slow down, hold up
pidättää {vt} [+ accusative] :: to withhold, deduct (advance taxes)
pidättää {vt} [+ accusative] :: to reserve (a right)
pidättää {vt} [law, + accusative] :: to arrest, detain, apprehend, place under arrest, take into custody, put in detention, put under custody (both in legal contexts and elsewhere)
pidättää {v} [physics, + partitive] :: to absorb
pidättäminen {n} :: holding back, restraining, hindering
pidättäminen {n} :: delaying, slowing down
pidättäminen {n} :: withholding (of advance taxes)
pidättäminen {n} :: reserving (a right)
pidättäminen {n} :: arresting, detaining
pidättäytyä {v} :: To abstain or refrain (from doing something = active 3rd infinitive in elative)
pidättyä {vi} :: To refrain
pidättynyt {adj} :: reserved (slow to reveal emotion)
pidättyväinen {adj} :: reserved, reticent, inhibited
pidättyväinen {adj} :: retiring, withdrawn, aloof, standoffish, distant
pidättyväinen {adj} :: abstemious, temperate, moderate (with alcohol)
pidättyväinen {adj} :: continent, celibate, abstinent (in respect to sex)
pidättyväisesti {adv} :: reservedly, reticently
pidättyväisesti {adv} :: in a withdrawn way, aloofly
pidättyväisyys {n} :: Reserve, reticence, inhibition
pidättyväisyys {n} :: Withdrawal, aloofness, standoffishness, distance
pidättyväisyys {n} :: Abstention, temperance, moderation (with alcohol)
pidättyväisyys {n} :: Continence, abstinence, celibacy
pidättyvästi {adv} :: reservedly, cautiously
pidätys {n} :: arrest, seizure
pidätys {n} :: detention
pidätys {n} [music] :: suspension
pidätyskeskus {n} :: detention center, detention facility
pidätyskyky {n} [medicine] :: continence (ability to control one's urination and defecation)
pidätysmääräys {n} :: arrest warrant
pidätysoikeus {n} [legal] :: distraint (legal right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant in the event of nonpayment of rent)
pidätyttää {vt} :: to have (someone) arrested
pidellä {vt} :: To hold, to handle
pidemmän päälle {phrase} :: in the long run
pidempi {adj} :: comparative of pitkä
pidennys {n} :: lengthening, making longer
pidennys {n} :: extension (the result of something being extended or made longer)
pidentää {vt} :: To lengthen
pidentää {vt} :: To elongate
pidentää {vt} :: To prolong
pidentäminen {n} :: lengthening, elongating, prolonging
pidentyä {vi} :: To lengthen
pidetä {vi} :: To grow longer; to lengthen
pidetty {adj} :: liked
pidike {n} :: holder, support
pidike {n} :: clip, clamp
pidin {n} :: holder, bracket
pidot {n} [pluralonly] :: feast, banquet (usually a traditional one)
piehtaroida {vi} :: To roll on ground; to wallow, welter
piekana {n} :: rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus)
pieksää {vt} :: synonym of piestä
pieksämäkeläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pieksämäki
pieksämäkeläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pieksämäki
Pieksämäki {prop} :: A town in South Savonia
pieksäntä {n} :: beating, thrashing
piekseminen {n} :: beating, thrashing, lashing
pieksu {n} :: synonym of lapikas
Pielavesi {prop} :: Pielavesi (municipality)
pielaveteläinen {adj} :: alternative form of pielavetinen
pielaveteläinen {n} :: alternative form of pielavetinen
pielavetinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pielavesi
pielavetinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pielavesi
piel de sapo {n} :: Santa Claus melon (variety of melon, Cucumis melo)
pieleen {adv} :: wrong, awry, amiss (going in a way that is or was not as intended)
pieles {n} :: hay on a hayrack
pieles {n} :: hayrack (rack for drying hay)
pielessä {adv} :: wrong, awry, amiss (being in a way that is or was not as intended)
pielestää {v} [agriculture] :: To build a pieles
pieli {n} :: jamb, post; doorjamb, doorpost (vertical component forming the sides of a door frame, window frame or other opening in a wall)
pieli {n} :: gatepost
pieli {n} [usually with attribute or modifier] :: side
pieli {n} [nautical, archaic] :: mast
pielikukka {n} :: pelargonium, storksbill
Pielinen {prop} :: Pielinen (lake), the fourth largest lake in Finland
pielus {n} [archaic or dialectal] :: pillow
pielus {n} :: any plant of genus Lobularia
pielus {n} [in plural] :: the genus Lobularia
pien- {prefix} :: small, micro-
piena {n} :: cleat
pienaakkonen {n} :: lowercase letter (one of the letters a,b,c.. as opposed to A,B,C..)
pienaakkonen {n} [in plural] :: lower case (such letters collectively)
pienaovi {n} :: a traditional door made of (vertical) wooden planks and containing cleats
pienase {n} :: small arms
pienehkö {adj} :: quite small, smallish
pieneksyä {v} :: To belittle
pieneläintunneli {n} :: wildlife underpass tunnel
pienelementti {n} :: small prefab
pieneliö {n} :: microorganism
pienellä painettu {adj} :: fine; used of print
pienempi {adj} :: comparative of pieni
pieneneminen {n} :: growing smaller
pienennys {n} :: diminishment, reduction (act of making smaller)
pienennysleikkaus {n} [medicine] :: reduction surgery (surgery to reduce the size of an organ or a part of body)
pienennysmuoto {n} [grammar] :: diminutive
pienenpieni {adj} :: minute (very small), tiny
pienentää {vt} :: to make smaller, to shrink
pienentää {vt} :: to reduce, diminish
pienentää {vt} [computing] :: to minimize
pienentyä {vi} :: To grow smaller
pienentyä {vi} :: To diminish
pienestä pitäen {adv} [idiomatic] :: since one was child, since one's childhood
pienetä {vi} :: To grow smaller
pienet häpyhuulet {n} [anatomy] :: the labia minora
pienhiukkanen {n} :: particulate
pieni {adj} :: little, small
pieniä {vi} :: To cut into pieces
pieni gascognenajokoira {n} :: petit bleu de Gascogne (breed of scenthound of French origin)
pieni hetki {interj} :: just a minute, just a moment
Pieni hevonen {prop} :: The constellation Equuleus
pieniin päin {phrase} [euphemistic] :: with child (pregnant)
Pieni karhu {prop} :: Ursa Minor (constellation)
pieni kirjain {n} [typography] :: lowercase letter, minuscule, small letter (a lowercase letter; a, b, c.. as opposed to upper case letters A, B, C..)
pieni kirjain {n} [in plural] :: lower case (such letters collectively)
pieni kohtaus {n} [pathology, epilepsy] :: petit mal
Pieni koira {prop} :: Canis Minor (constellation)
pienikokoinen {adj} :: small-sized
Pieni leijona {prop} :: The constellation Leo Minor
pienilläkin padoilla on korvat {proverb} :: little pitchers have big ears
pienilmasto {n} :: microclimate
Pieni Magellanin pilvi {prop} [astronomy] :: Small Magellanic Cloud
pienimittakaavainen {adj} :: small-scale (of a map or drawing, drawn in a scale which does not allow showing of much detail)
pieni monikulmaluu {n} [anatomy] :: trapezoid bone (os trapezoideum)
pienimünsterinseisoja {n} :: Small Münsterländer (breed of dog)
pienimuotoinen {adj} :: small-scale
pienin {adj} :: superlative of pieni
pienin yhteinen jaettava {n} [math] :: least common multiple
pienin yhteinen nimittäjä {n} :: lowest common denominator
pieni oktaavi {n} [music] :: small octave
Pieni Otava {prop} :: Little Dipper (asterism)
pienipäinen {adj} [pathology] :: microcephalic (having an abnormally small head)
pienipäinen {adj} :: small-headed
pienipäisyys {n} [pathology] :: microcephaly
pienituloinen {adj} :: low-income, that has a low income
pieni verenkierto {n} :: pulmonary circulation
pienjännite {n} [electrical engineering] :: low voltage
pienkarja {n} :: small livestock (various definitions, but only includes smaller animals)
pienkone {n} :: small appliance, small machine
pienkone {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pienlentokone
pienlentokone {n} :: light aircraft
pienloistelamppu {n} :: compact fluorescent lamp
piennar {n} :: shoulder of a road
piennar {n} :: headland (unplowed boundary of a field)
piennar {n} :: bank of a ditch
piennarherkkusieni {n} :: An agaric, Agaricus subperonatus or Agaricus vaporarius
piennarkasvi {n} :: roadside plant
pienoinen {adj} :: tiny, little, weensy
pienois- {prefix} :: miniature
pienoisbussi {n} :: minibus
pienoisevankeliumi {n} [Christianity] :: John 3:16
pienoisgolf {n} [colloquial] :: miniature golf
pienoisikkuna {n} [computing] :: dialog, small window
pienoisjännite {n} [electrical engineering] :: extra-low voltage
pienoiskeittiö {n} :: mini kitchen
pienoiskilpi {n} [heraldry] :: escutcheon, inescutcheon (as a charge)
pienoiskivääri {n} :: small-caliber (.22) rifle, sporting rifle
pienoiskoko {n} :: miniature size
pienoiskoko {n} :: in inessive case also: microcosm
pienoiskunniamerkki {n} :: small decoration or badge
pienoislippu {n} :: miniature flag
pienoismaailma {n} :: microcosm
pienoismalli {n} :: miniature, model, replica (model in a smallers scale)
pienoismalli {n} :: microcosm (smaller system seen as representative of a larger one)
pienoismuoto {n} :: smaller form (of something)
pienoismuoto {n} [music] :: small-scale form
pienoisnäyttely {n} :: small exhibition, small-scale exhibition
pienoisohjelma {n} [computing, graphical user interface] :: widget
pienoispistooli {n} :: small-caliber (.22) pistol
pienoisrautatie {n} :: model railway, miniature railway
pienoisrevolveri {n} :: small-caliber (.22) revolver
pienoisromaani {n} :: novella
pienokainen {n} :: little one (young child)
pienpaine {n} :: low pressure
pienpainenatriumlamppu {n} :: low-pressure sodium-vapour lamp
pienpalkka-ala {n} :: synonym of matalapalkka-ala
pienpanimo {n} :: microbrewery
pienriista {n} :: small game
pienryhmä {n} :: small group
pientä kauraa {n} [idiomatic, indeclinable] :: small beer
pientalo {n} :: A small residential building, small house
pientalo {n} :: bungalow (small house or cottage usually having a single story)
pientaloalue {n} :: A residential area with detached houses and rowhouses, but not apartment blocks
pientare {n} :: alternative form of piennar
pientietokone {n} [computing] :: minicomputer
pientila {n} :: small farm, smallholding
pienuus {n} :: smallness
pienviljelijä {n} :: smallholder
pienyrittäjä {n} :: A small entrepreneur (owner of a small business)
pienyritys {n} :: small enterprise
pieraista {vi} :: To fart (once)
piereksiä {vt} :: to fart (repeatedly)
piereminen {n} :: Action noun of the verb pierrä (to fart), farting
piereskellä {v} :: To fart (repeatedly), to have the farts, to have (bad) gas
pierettää {vi} [impersonal] :: to feel like farting, to feel like one would fart
pierrä {v} :: To fart
pieru {n} :: A fart
pierutyyny {n} :: whoopee cushion
piestä {vt} :: to beat, thrash, whip, lash
pietä {vt} :: To pitch, coat with (oily) pitch
Pietari {prop} :: given name
Pietari {prop} :: Peter [biblical character]
Pietari {prop} :: Pietari (federal city)
Pietarila {prop} :: surname
pietarilainen {n} :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Saint Petersburg
pietarilainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the city of Saint Petersburg or its citizens
Pietarinen {prop} :: surname
pietarinkala {n} :: John Dory, Zeus faber
pietarsaarelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Jakobstad
pietarsaarelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Jakobstad
Pietarsaari {prop} :: Pietarsaari (town/and/municipality)
pietaryrtti {n} :: tansy, Tanacetum vulgare (syn. Chrysanthemum vulgare)
pieteetti {n} :: piety (towards traditions)
pieteettisesti {adv} :: piously, respectfully, with piety
Pietilä {prop} :: surname
Pietilä {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
pietismi {n} :: pietism
pietisti {n} [Christianity] :: pietist
pietsosähkö {n} :: piezoelectricity
pietsosähköinen {adj} :: piezoelectric
piffata {v} [slang] :: to pay for (food, drink, etc. of) someone else
pigmentoida {vt} :: to pigment
pigmentoitua {vi} :: to become pigmented
pigmentti {n} :: pigment
pigmenttisolusyöpä {n} [pathology] :: melanoma
piha {n} :: yard (small, usually uncultivated area of land adjoining or within the precincts of a house or other building)
piha {n} [idiomatic, in adessive case] :: at sea (in a state of confusion or bewilderment)
piha-alue {n} :: yard area, garden
pihahdella {vi} :: to briefly fizzle repeatedly
pihahdus {n} :: synonym of pihaus
pihahtaa {vi} :: to briefly fizzle
pihakaluste {n} [in plural] :: a piece of patio or yard furniture; patio or yard furniture
pihakatu {n} :: living street (street designed primarily with the interests of pedestrians and cyclists while motor vehicles are allowed to use it with caution)
pihakirppis {n} [colloquial] :: yard sale
pihaleikki {n} :: a children's play or game played outside on a yard
pihamaa {n} :: synonym of piha
pihamaina {n} :: common myna, Indian myna, mynah (originally Asian passerine bird, common as cage bird)
pihan perä {n} [literally] :: back of the yard
pihan perä {n} [euphemism, colloquial] :: toilet, restroom; outhouse
pihapiiri {n} :: courtyard, court
pihapuisto {n} :: a park in a yard of a formerly or currently active building
piharatamo {n} :: greater plantain, common plantain, soldier's herb, waybread (a common weed, Plantago major)
pihasaunio {n} :: pineappleweed (Matricaria discoidea)
pihatähtimö {n} :: chickweed, common chickweed (Stellaria media)
pihatatar {n} :: common knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
pihatie {n} :: driveway; drive [UK] (short private road that leads to a house or garage)
pihatto {n} :: cowshed where the cows are kept unchained
pihaus {n} :: fizz, whoosh, (short and dull sound of releasing gas, as heard e.g. when opening the cap of a slightly pressurized bottle)
pihaus {n} :: peep (feeble utterance or complaint)
pihdata {v} :: to skimp, scrimp, to be stingy
pihdata {v} :: to not put out (not to consent to sex)
pihdit {n} :: pliers
pihdit {n} :: tongs
pihdit {n} [surgery] :: forceps
pihein {adj} :: superlative of pihi
pihi {adj} :: miserly, stingy
pihiä {vi} [dialectal] :: to scrimp
pihiä {vt} [dialectal] :: to snatch, steal
pihimpi {adj} :: comparative of pihi
pihinä {n} :: wheeze (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration)
pihistä {vi} :: To fizzle; to release a fizzling sound (e.g. when a tire is punctured)
pihistä {v} :: To wheeze (to breathe with difficulty, with a piping or whistling sound)
pihistää {vt} :: to snitch, steal
pihistää {vi} :: to skimp (to live stingily)
pihistellä {v} :: To skimp, scant, scrimp (to make insufficient allowance for)
pihistellä {v} :: To skimp (to be parsimonious or stingy)
pihisti {adv} :: stingily
pihka {n} :: resin (hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees, in its natural state)
pihkaantua {vi} :: To become stained with pitch (from trees)
pihkaantua {vi} [+ illative] :: To get a crush on
pihkainen {adj} :: resinous, pitchy
Pihkala {prop} :: surname
Pihkala {prop} :: A placename
pihkamaito {n} [colloquial] :: colostrum
pihkaniska {n} [jocular] :: orienteer
pihkankeruu {n} :: collection of resin
pihkatappi {n} :: fecal plug
pihkavuoto {n} :: resin flow, resin leak
pihkoittua {vi} :: to become resinous or pitchy
Pihkova {prop} :: Pihkova (city)
Pihla {prop} :: given name of modern usage
pihlaja {n} :: rowan, mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia
pihlaja {n} :: Any tree in the genus Sorbus
pihlajanmarja {n} :: rowan berry
pihlajanmarjakoi {n} :: apple fruit moth, Argyresthia conjugella
pihlajansarviruoste {n} :: A fungus, Gymnosporangium juniperinum
pihta {n} :: A fir of the genus Abies
pihtari {n} :: Someone who doesn't put out (who doesn't consent to sex)
pihtari {n} :: A person who skimps, is stingy
pihti {n} [archaic] :: any two-pronged handtool or artifact to hold, press together or punch something, now usually in plural; a pincer
pihti {n} [plural] :: pliers, tongs etc., see pihdit
pihti {n} :: State of being stuck between something, as if held with pliers
pihti {n} :: The front claw of a crustacean such as lobster, pincer
pihti {n} :: A pile of birchbark sheets set between two boards and tied tightly together to flatten the barks and thus make them suitable roofing and isolation material
pihti {n} [gymnastics] :: scissors
pihti {n} [in compounds] :: Indicates similarity to or use of pliers (see list below)
pihtihäntäinen {n} :: earwig (insect of the order Dermaptera)
pihtiliike {n} [military] :: pincer attack
pihtipolvi {n} :: knock knee, genu valgum (person or animal who's got knock knees)
pihtipolvinen {adj} :: knock-kneed
Pihtipudas {prop} :: Pihtipudas (municipality)
pihtiputaalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pihtipudas
pihtiputaalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pihtipudas
Pihtiputaan mummo {n} [humorous] :: Joe Average, John Q. Public, man on the Clapham omnibus
pihtivirtamittari {n} [electronics] :: current clamp
pihvi {n} :: steak (a relatively large, thick slice or slab cut from an animal, a vegetable, etc.)
pihvi {n} :: patty (flattened portion of ground meat or a vegetarian equivalent)
pihvikarja {n} :: beef cattle
pihviliha {n} :: unground beef for a steak
pihvitomaatti {n} :: beefsteak tomato [US], beef tomato [UK]
pihviveitsi {n} :: steak knife (table knife with a sharp, narrow, and often serrated blade designed for cutting meat)
pii {n} [dated] :: flint (hard, fine-grained quartz or a piece of it)
pii {n} :: silicon (element, symbol Si)
pii {n} [dated] :: A thorn, prong, tooth or similar element e.g. in a plant, a saw or a rake
pii {n} [weaving] :: A dent in a reed
pii {n} [nautical] :: The position of a sailing vessel, when she is set so that its bow points steadily to the direction of the wind
pii {n} :: pi (Greek letter)
pii {n} [mathematics] :: pi (constant 3.14159…)
Piia {prop} :: given name popular in the latter half of the twentieth century
piianpeili {n} :: dressing mirror
piidioksidi {n} [chemistry] :: silicon dioxide
piiesine {n} [archaeology] :: silicon artifact
piihappo {n} [chemistry] :: silicic acid
piika {n} :: maid (female servant)
piika {n} [archaic] :: girl
piika {n} [obsolete, Peräpohjola dialects] :: a girlchild (term for endearment)
piikarbidi {n} [chemistry] :: silicon carbide
piikata {vt} :: to break up concrete with a tool like a demolition hammer
piikata {vt} [slang] :: to flash (telephone someone, only allowing the phone to ring once)
piikiekko {n} :: wafer, silicon wafer
piikikäs {adj} :: spiky, thorny
piikikkäästi {adv} :: spikily, thornily
piikitellä {vt} :: to needle, nettle
piikittää {vt} :: to stab or prick with a spike
piikittää {vt} :: to administer something to someone with a syringe
piikittäminen {n} :: stabbing or pricking with a spike
piikivi {n} [mineral] :: flint
piikkari {n} [colloquial] :: A track spike (track and field shoe)
piikkari {n} [colloquial] :: A pump (very high-heeled shoe)
piikkauskone {n} :: demolition hammer
piikki {n} [history, military] :: pike
piikki {n} :: spike (also figuratively)
piikki {n} [figuratively] :: jab (verbal annoyance)
piikki {n} :: tine (spike or point on an implement or tool, especially a prong of a fork or a tooth of a comb)
piikki {n} :: spindle (upright spike for holding papers)
piikki {n} :: tab, slate (a record of money owed)
piikki {n} [figuratively] :: Used in idiomatic expressions for attributing causes
piikki {n} [botany] :: thorn, spine
piikki {n} [colloquial] :: syringe, needle
piikkiherne {n} :: gorse, Ulex europaeus (evergreen shrub)
piikkihiiri {n} :: spiny mouse (rodent of the genus Acomys)
piikkikampela {n} :: turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
piikkikampela {n} :: turbot (any fish of family Scophthalmidae)
piikkikenkä {n} :: A track spike (track and field shoe)
piikkikorkokenkä {n} :: [US] pump, stiletto (high-heeled women's shoe)
piikkilangankiristäjä {n} [dated] :: A nickname of the once-popular Finnish-made tractor models Valmet 15 and Valmet 20; so named due to their small motors
piikkilanka {n} :: barbed wire
piikkilanka-aita {n} :: barbed wire fence
piikki lihassa {n} [idiomatic] :: thorn in the flesh (persistent annoyance)
piikkimakrilli {n} :: horse mackerel, Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus
piikkimakrilli {n} :: jack (a fish in family Carangidae)
piikkimatto {n} :: bed of nails, spike mat
piikkimatto {n} :: spike strip (device used to stop vehicles by puncturing the tires)
piikkimonni {n} :: brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus
piikkinahkainen {n} :: echinoderm
piikkinen {adj} :: spiky, spiny
piikkinen {adj} :: thorny
piikkinuoliainen {n} :: true loach (fish of the family Cobitidae)
piikkipaatsama {n} :: American holly, Ilex opaca
piikkipäinen {adj} :: thorn-tipped
piikkipanssari {n} :: spiny armor
piikkipensaikko {n} :: thorny thicket
piikkipensas {n} :: thornbush, thorn (any of many thorny shrubs and bushes)
piikkirima {n} [electronics] :: pin header
piikkirotta {n} :: spiny rat (New World rodent of the family Echimyidae)
piikkisalaatti {n} :: prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola)
piikkisika {n} :: porcupine
piikkisimppu {n} :: sea scorpion, long-spined bullhead, Taurulus bubalis
piikkisuora {adj} :: straight as a die
piikkitaltta {n} :: half round chisel
piikkiviulu {n} [music] :: spike fiddle
piikkokauris {n} :: brocket (South American deer of the genus Mazama)
piikoa {vi} [colloquial] :: To work as a domestic
Piilaakso {prop} :: Silicon Valley
piileksiä {vi} :: to hide (for a longer period of time)
piileksijä {n} :: hider
piileskelijä {n} :: one who hides oneself
piileskellä {v} :: to hide, to be in hiding
piileskellä {v} :: to sneak (to hide, especially in a mean or cowardly manner)
piileskellä {v} :: to skulk (to conceal oneself; to hide)
pii-levä {n} :: alternative spelling of piilevä
piilevä {adj} :: latent, hidden, concealed, occult
piilevä {n} :: diatom
piileväanalyysi {n} :: diatom analysis
piilipuu {n} :: crack willow, Salix fragilis
piillä {vi} [figuratively] :: to be hidden in, lie in
piilo {n} :: hideout, lair, covert, hiding place
piilo {n} [in compounds] :: hidden
piilohallintaohjelma {n} [computer security] :: rootkit
piilokamera {n} :: candid camera [type of TV show]
piilokarsastus {n} [pathology] :: heterophoria
piilokas {n} :: bean weevil, seed beetle in the subfamily Bruchinae of the family Chrysomelidae of beetles
piilokerros {n} [artificial intelligence] :: hidden layer
piilokiteinen {adj} :: cryptocrystalline
piilokopio {n} [telecommunications] :: blind carbon copy (in email)
piilolasit {n} :: contact lenses
piilolinssi {n} :: contact lens
piilopaikka {n} :: synonym of piilo
piilopaikka {n} :: recess, retreat (place of secrecy or seclusion)
piilopirtti {n} :: hideaway, lair, retreat
piilorasva {n} :: hidden fat
piilosana {n} :: cryptic crossword
piilosarana {n} :: butt hinge
piilosilla {adv} [idiomatic] :: olla ~ : to play hide and seek
piilosilmukka {n} [crocheting] :: slip stitch
piilossa {adv} :: hidden, in hiding
piilosta {adv} [idiomatic] :: leikkiä ~ : to play hide and seek
piilotajuinen {adj} :: subconscious
piilotajuisesti {adv} :: subconsciously
piilotella {vi} :: to be in hiding, sneak, lurk, skulk, fly under the radar (to go unnoticed)
piilotella {vt} :: to hide or conceal something (repeatedly or continuously), to blot
piilottaa {vt} :: to hide, conceal
piilottautua {v} :: synonym of piiloutua
piiloutua {vi} :: To hide oneself
piilu {n} :: broadaxe
piilukirves {n} :: broadaxe
piilukko {n} :: flintlock
piilukkomusketti {n} [firearms] :: fusil
piilukkopyssy {n} [colloquial] :: flintlock
piiluta {vt} :: to hew, to carve (especially with a piilu)
piimä {n} :: soured milk, cultured milk, buttermilk (fermented dairy product produced from cow's milk, with a characteristically sour taste)
piimaa {n} :: diatomite, diatomaceous earth, kieselgur
piimäjuusto {n} :: a type of soft cheese made from soured milk, non-soured milk, eggs and salt; often eaten directly
piimäkakku {n} :: cake made of cultured or sour buttermilk
piimänsiemen {n} :: synonym of aluspiimä
piimävelli {n} :: a gruel of soured milk sweetened with syrup and including dough-raisin clumps and/or pieces of leipäjuusto
piimiä {vi} [of milk] :: to become sour like cultured buttermilk
piimittää {vt} :: to turn milk into cultured buttermilk
piimonoksidi {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: silicon monoxide, SiO
piina {n} :: torment, misery, agony
piinaava {adj} :: tormenting
piinaavampi {adj} :: comparative of piinaava
piinallinen {adj} :: awkward
piinallinen {adj} :: tormenting, painful, harrowing
piinallinen {adj} :: unpleasant
piinallisesti {adv} :: awkwardly
piinallisesti {adv} :: tormentingly, painfully, harrowingly
piinapenkki {n} :: rack (torture device)
piinata {v} :: To torment
piinaviikko {n} [dated] :: The Holy Week
piinkova {adj} :: flinty, hard, tough
piintyä {vi} :: synonym of pinttyä
piioksidi {n} :: silicon oxide
piip {interj} :: beep
piip {interj} :: meep
piipahdus {n} :: A high-pitched beep
piipahdus {n} :: quick visit
piipahtaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to drop by (to make a short, informal visit)
piipata {vi} :: To beep, tweet (of electronics, e.g.)
piipertää {vi} :: to scurry, to scuttle (walk or run with quick light steps)
piipittää {v} :: To tweet (to make several short high-pitched, unmelodic sounds, such as the young of birds in a nest)
piipitys {n} :: beeping
piipitys {n} :: The high-pitched sound produced by mice etc
piipottaa {vi} :: to jut, to stick out
piippalakki {n} :: budyonovka (distinctive type of hat used by the Red Army during the Russian Civil War and thereafter)
piippaus {n} :: beep, pip
piippo {n} :: woodrush (plant of the genus Luzula)
piippo {n} [in plural] :: the genus Luzula
piippu {n} :: pipe (smoking gear)
piippu {n} :: barrel (a metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged)
piippu {n} :: A common short form of savupiippu, meaning chimney
piippuhylly {n} :: pipe shelf, pipe rack
piippumassi {n} :: pipe bag
piippumies {n} :: A pipe-smoking man, pipe-smoker
piippurassi {n} :: pipe cleaner
piipputupakka {n} :: pipe tobacco
piipullinen {n} :: pipeful
piipunperät {n} :: dottle (still burning or wholly burnt tobacco plug in a pipe)
piipunperskat {n} :: dottle (still burning or wholly burnt tobacco plug in a pipe)
piipunpolttaja {n} :: pipe-smoker
piipunpuhdistaja {n} :: pipe cleaner
piipunrassi {n} :: alternative form of piippurassi
piiputtaa {vi} [colloquial, of an engine] :: to act up
Piirainen {prop} :: surname
piirakka {n} :: pie
piirakka {n} :: pierogi, pirog
piirakka {n} :: pasty
piirakka {n} [colloquial] :: pie chart
piirakka {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: pie, pussy (female genitals)
piirakkadiagrammi {n} :: synonym of sektoridiagrammi
piirakkakaavio {n} :: synonym of sektoridiagrammi
piirakkalasta {n} :: pie server
piirakkapulikka {n} :: a traditional tapered rolling pin
piirakkavuoka {n} :: pie dish, pie pan, pie plate
piiras {n} :: pie
piirauta {n} :: ferrosilicon
piireittäin {adv} :: by division, region or district
piiri {n} :: ring of people (a round formation of people)
piiri {n} :: administrative district, region [also in sports]
piiri {n} :: perimeter of an area
piiri {n} :: electronic circuit
piiri {n} :: a hobby club or circle [in compound words]
piirijako {n} :: districting (the action or result of splitting into districts)
piirijako {n} [automotive] :: circuit configuration (of brakes)
piirijärjestö {n} :: district organization, district group
piirikaavio {n} [electronics] :: circuit diagram
piirikokous {n} :: conference of a given circle, club or group
piirikunta {n} :: raion
piirikunta {n} :: county
piirikytkentä {n} :: circuit switching
piirileikki {n} :: a play or childrens' game involving rings of people
piirilevy {n} :: circuit board
piirinmestari {n} [sports] :: district champion (winner of a sports competition taking place in a certain region or district)
piirinmestaruuskilpailut {n} :: district championships (competition to decide the district champion)
piirisyyttäjä {n} [law] :: district attorney, district prosecutor
piirittää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to circle, surround
piirittää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to (be)siege, lay siege to, blockade
piiritys {n} :: siege
piiritysjoukot {n} :: besieging forces or troops
piirityskone {n} [military, historical] :: siege engine
piirityssota {n} :: siege warfare
piiritystaito {n} :: siegecraft, poliorcetics
piiritystorni {n} :: siege tower (type of siege engine)
piironki {n} :: chest of drawers, dresser
piirrättää {vt} :: to make draw, to have (something) drawn
piirre {n} :: feature (physical constituent)
piirre {n} :: cast (visual appearance)
piirre {n} :: trait (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend)
piirreirrotus {n} [artificial intelligence] :: feature extraction
piirrellä {vt} :: to doodle
piirretty {n} :: animated cartoon, cartoon (animated, usually short, piece of film)
piirrin {n} :: stylus
piirros {n} :: drawing, sketch (a picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper)
piirrosanimaatio {n} :: animation
piirroselokuva {n} :: animation
piirrosfilmi {n} :: animation
piirrottaa {vt} :: to scribe, to score (mark with scratches such as in woodworking or metalworking)
piirrustus {n} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of piirustus
piirtää {vt} :: to draw, sketch
piirtää {vt} [architecture] :: to design, draft
piirtää {vt} :: to outline, draft
piirtää {vt} [mathematics] :: to describe
piirtäjä {n} :: drawer (one who draws)
piirtäjä {n} :: drawer (artist who primarily makes drawings)
piirtäjä {n} :: draughtsman, draftsman (one who makes technical drawings)
piirtäminen {n} :: The act or instance of drawing
piirtäminen {n} :: graphics (making of architectural or engineering drawings)
piirto {n} :: stroke (line drawn with a pen or other writing implement)
piirto {n} :: the core of a pirn in a weaving shuttle [dialectal]
piirtoalue {n} [computing] :: canvas, drawing area
piirtoheitin {n} :: overhead projector (projector that projects an image over the head of the user of the projector onto a screen behind him)
piirtojärjestys {n} [calligraphy] :: stroke order
piirtokirjoitus {n} :: inscription, epigraph (text inscribed on stone, etc.)
piirtopaukamointi {n} [pathology] :: dermatographia
piirtopöytä {n} [computing] :: graphics tablet
piirturi {n} [computing] :: plotter (output device that draws graphs and other pictorial images on paper)
piirtyä {vi} :: to be drawn or sketched
piiru {n} [construction] :: rafter (one of the sloping beams that support a pitched roof')
piiru {n} [nautical] :: point (unit of angle equal to 1/32 of full circle or 11.25 degrees)
piiru {n} [artillery] :: angular mil, mil (unit of angle equal to 1/6000, 1/6300 or 1/6400 of full circle, depending on country)
piiru {n} :: mark (indication or sign used for reference or measurement)
piiru {n} :: inch (unspecified but very short distance)
piiru {n} [dialectal, in the plural] :: feast
piiru {n} :: wood that has been sawed to be equally thick and wide, roughly between 100–175 mm (around 4–7 in)
piirustaa {v} :: To draw, sketch (a picture, etc.)
piirustella {vt} :: to draw, to doodle
piirustus {n} :: a drawing (picture)
piirustus {n} :: the act of drawing
piirustuskokoelma {n} :: collection of drawings
piirustuslauta {n} :: drawing board
piirustuslauta {n} [computing, rare] :: graphics tablet
piirustusnasta {n} :: drawing pin
piirustussali {n} :: drawing hall (a hall for drawing)
piirustustaide {n} :: drawing art
piirustustaito {n} :: drawing skill
piirustustarvikkeet {n} :: drawing equipment
piirustusväline {n} :: drawing instrument
piisami {n} :: muskrat
piisata {vi} [colloquial] :: to be enough, to suffice
piisi {n} :: fireplace
piisi {n} :: alternative form of biisi
piisi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pii
piisidos {n} [chemistry, physics] :: pi bond
piisiru {n} :: A silicon chip
piiska {n} :: A short whip, crop
piiska {n} [slang, obsolete] :: A black and white (police patrol car)
piiska-auto {n} [colloquial] :: police car
piiskakäärme {n} :: oriental whipsnake, Ahaetulla prasina, Dryophis prasinus
piiskamato {n} :: whipworm (parasitic roundworm of the species Trichuris trichiura)
piiskanvarsi {n} :: shaft of a whip
piiskaraha {n} [colloquial] :: money or raise given solely to increase work efficiency
piiskata {vt} :: To whip (to hit with a whip)
piiskata kuollutta hevosta {phrase} :: to flog a dead horse, beat a dead horse
piisku {n} :: goldenrod (plant of the genus Solidago)
piisku {n} [in plural] :: the genus Solidago
piiskujänis {n} :: pika (small mammal of the family Ochotonidae)
piiskuri {n} :: whipper, lasher
piiskuri {n} [figuratively] :: taskmaster, strict leader or boss
piiskuri {n} [politics] :: whip
piiskuttaa {vi} :: to peep
piispa {n} [Christianity] :: bishop
piispanhiippa {n} :: mitre of a bishop; usually only hiippa (mitre) unless there's a need to be specific
piispanhiippa {n} :: elfin saddle, Gyromitra infula (species of mushroom)
piispanistuin {n} :: see (office of a bishop or archbishop)
piispanistuin {n} :: apse (ceremonial seat or throne of a bishop)
piispanmunkki {n} [regional, Southwest Finland, especially, Turku] :: synonym of berliininmunkki
piispanristi {n} :: pectoral cross, pectorale
piispatar {n} :: The wife of a bishop
piitata {vi} :: to care about, worry about, bother oneself about, trouble oneself about
piiteräs {n} :: silicon steel
piitetrafluoridi {n} [chemistry] :: silicon tetrafluoride
Piitime {prop} :: The Finnish name of the Swedish municipality of Piteå in the north of Sweden
piitimensaame {n} :: The Pite Sami language
piitta {n} :: beam, spar, balk
piitta {n} :: thwart (fixed seat across a boat)
piittaamaton {adj} :: unconcerned, nonchalant, indifferent (not worried, anxious or apprehensive)
piittaamaton {adj} :: regardless, heedless, careless (having no regard)
piittaamaton {adj} :: lax, neglectful, negligent (lacking care)
piittaamaton {adj} :: unresponsive, apathetic, emotionless
piittaamaton {adj} :: laeista ~, laista ~ : lawless
piittaamattomasti {adv} :: unconcernedly
piittaamattomasti {adv} :: recklessly
piittaamattomuus {n} :: disregard
pika- {prefix} :: quick, fast, express, instant
pika- {prefix} :: summary (performed speedily and without formal ceremony)
pika {n} :: A pika
pika {n} :: In plural (pikat), the taxonomic family Ochotonidae
pika {adj} :: See: pika-
pikaa {adv} :: only used in tuota pikaa
pika-arpajaiset {n} :: instant lottery
pika-ateria {n} :: quick meal
pikahaku {n} :: quick search, instant search
pikahiiva {n} [brewing] :: turbo yeast
pikahissi {n} :: express elevator, express lift
pikahiutaleet {n} :: grain flakes that only require quick heating
pikainen {adj} :: quick
pikaisesti {adv} :: promptly
pikaistua {vi} :: to become quickly furious or angry
pikaistuksissa {adv} :: after losing one's temper, after quickly or suddenly becoming angry
pikaistuksissaan {adv} :: alternative form of pikaistuksissa
pikajuna {n} :: An express train
pikajuoksu {n} [athletics] :: A sprint (short race at top speed)
pikakahvi {n} :: instant coffee
pikakirje {n} [mail] :: express mail (service)
pikakirje {n} :: express letter (individual letter)
pikakirjoittaja {n} :: stenographer, steno; shorthand typist [UK]
pikakirjoitus {n} :: shorthand (compendious and rapid method of writing)
pikakurssi {n} :: crash course (quick, intense course of learning)
pikakysely {n} :: straw poll, quick poll (informal poll)
pikaliitin {n} :: quick connector
pikaluistelu {n} :: speed skating
pikaluistin {n} :: speed skate
pikamatka {n} :: sprint (short race at top speed)
pikana {adv} :: (as) express
pikana {adv} [colloquial] :: pronto
pikanäppäin {n} [computing] :: keyboard shortcut, shortcut
pikantisti {adv} :: poignantly
pikantti {adj} :: poignant
pikanttius {n} :: poignancy
pikanuudeli {n} :: instant noodle
pikapankki {n} [dated] :: ATM, automated teller machine
pikapano {n} [vulgar] :: quickie (brief sexual encounter)
pikapikaa {adv} [colloquial] :: quickly
pikaposti {n} :: express mail (service)
pikapuoliin {adv} [colloquial] :: shortly, in a moment
pikapuolin {adv} :: alternative form of pikapuoliin
pikaraitiotie {n} :: light rail
pikaraitiovaunu {n} :: light rail vehicle
pikari {n} :: goblet
pikaruoka {n} :: fast food
pikaruokala {n} :: fast food restaurant
pikashakki {n} :: speed chess
pikataipale {n} [rare] :: alternative form of pikataival
pikataival {n} [motor racing] :: special stage (timed stretch in a rally race)
pikateräs {n} :: high-speed steel
pikatreffit {n} :: speed dating
pikatuomio {n} :: A short shrift (quick rejection)
pikatuomioistuin {n} :: kangaroo court
pikauusinta {n} :: a replay of a program broadcast soon after the original broadcast
pikauusinta {n} :: instant replay
pikavalinta {n} :: speed dial
pikavene {n} :: speedboat (fast boat, usually a motorboat)
pikavierailu {n} :: flying visit
pikaviesti {n} :: instant message
pikaviestin {n} :: instant messenger
pikaviestittää {v} :: to instant message
pikavippi {n} :: quick loan, payday loan
pikavoitto {n} :: fast buck (money earned quickly)
pikavuoro {n} :: express (bus)
pikee {n} :: pique (fabric)
pikeentyä {v} :: synonym of pikeytyä
pikemmin {adv} :: comparative of pian
pikemmin {adv} :: alternative form of pikemminkin
pikemminkin {adv} :: rather, preferably (expression of preference)
pikemminkin {adv} :: rather, on the contrary (used to introduce a contradiction)
pikemminkin {adv} :: rather, more precisely (introducing a qualification or clarification)
pikeytyä {vi} :: to become pitchy, to become filled or covered with pitch
piki {n} :: pitch (material made by distilling tar)
pikiintyä {v} :: synonym of pikeytyä
pikimmältä {adv} :: quickly, hastily, in a hurry
pikimmältään {adv} :: alternative form of pikimmältä
pikimmiltä {adv} :: alternative form of pikimmältä
pikimmiltään {adv} :: alternative form of pikimmältään
pikimmin {adv} :: superlative of pian
pikimmiten {adv} :: at once, right away, immediately
pikimusta {adj} :: Pitch black (colour)
pikinen {adj} :: pitchy (of, pertaining to, or resembling pitch; filled or covered with pitch)
pikipöksy {n} [archaic] :: A tar (sailor)
pikipuumuura {n} :: black bushbird
pikitie {n} :: pitch road
pikivälke {n} [mineral] :: pitchblende
pikkainen {adj} :: alternative form of pikkanen
pikkanen {adj} [colloquial] :: little, small
pikkarainen {adj} [colloquial] :: weensy, tiny, little
pikkelöidä {v} :: to pickle (preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution)
pikkelssi {n} :: pickle (any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish; a salad made of such)
pikkiriikkinen {adj} [colloquial] :: tiny
pikkolo {n} [musical instruments] :: piccolo (type of flute)
pikkolo {n} :: bellboy, hall porter
pikkolo {n} :: piccolo, snipe, quarter bottle (wine bottle of 0,1875 l)
pikkolopullo {n} :: piccolo, snipe, quarter bottle (wine bottle containing 0.1875 l)
pikku- {prefix} :: small, minor, little
pikku {adj} :: little, small
pikku {adj} :: little old
pikkuaavikkokiuru {n} :: bar-tailed lark, Ammomanes cinctura
pikkuaivomato {n} :: synonym of aivomato
pikkuaivot {n} [anatomy] :: cerebellum
pikkuakseli {n} [geometry] :: minor axis (an axis of symmetry of a conic section; the shorter one in an ellipse, in a hyperbola the one that does not intersect the curve)
pikkuakselin puolikas {n} :: semiminor axis
pikkuasia {n} :: trifle, minor thing, peanuts, small potatoes, small fry, small beer (thing of little importance)
pikkuauto {n} [colloquial] :: a small passenger car
pikkuauto {n} [colloquial] :: a toy car
pikkubussi {n} :: minibus
pikkuflamingo {n} :: lesser flamingo, Phoenicopterus minor
pikkugrisoni {n} :: lesser grison, Galictis cuja (smaller of the two species of the genus Galictis of South American mustelid mammals)
pikkuhaikara {n} :: little bittern, Ixobrychus minutus
pikkuhaikara {n} :: bittern (any of the species in the genus Ixobrychus)
pikkuhäiveperhonen {n} :: lesser purple emperor, Apatura ilia
Pikku hevonen {prop} :: The constellation Equus
pikkuhietasinappi {n} [botany] :: annual wall-rocket, Diplotaxis muralis (mustard-like plant cultivated for its leaves that may be used in salads to give texture and flavor, one of the plants commercially known as villirucola)
pikkuhiirenhäntälepakko {n} :: lesser mouse-tailed bat, Rhinopoma hardwickei
pikkuhiljaa {adv} :: little by little, gradually
pikkuhirssi {n} :: little millet, Panicum sumatrense (type of millet grown in India both for food and fodder)
pikkuhousunsuoja {n} :: pantyliner (pad worn on the inner surface of women's underwear)
pikkuhousut {n} :: briefs (underpants worn by men or boys)
pikkuhousut {n} :: panties (women's and girls' small underpants)
pikkuinen {adj} :: little, tiny
pikkuinen {n} :: little one
pikkuisen {adv} :: a little, a bit
pikkuitiö {n} [botany] :: microspore
pikkuitiöpesäke {n} [botany] :: microsporangium
pikkujamssipapu {n} :: jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus)
pikkujoulu {n} [Finland, sometimes, in plural] :: pre-Christmas party (celebration of approaching Christmas, originally held on the eve of Advent Sunday, but now dispersed over a period of five to two weeks before Christmas)
pikkujoulujuhla {n} :: synonym of pikkujoulu
pikkujoutsen {n} [colloquial] :: a young swan
pikkujoutsen {n} :: tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus
pikkujuttu {n} :: trifle, minor thing, peanuts, small potatoes, small fry, small beer (thing of little importance)
pikkukaalikärpänen {n} :: synonym of kaalikärpänen
pikkukaivajavyötiäinen {n} :: pink fairy armadillo, Chlamyphorus truncatus
pikkukajava {n} :: black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla
pikkukala {n} :: small fish, small fry
pikkukäpylintu {n} :: red crossbill or common crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)
pikkukarhu {n} :: A baby bear (bear cub)
pikkukarhu {n} :: Any small bear
pikkukarhu {n} :: sun bear, Helarctos malayanus (proposed Finnish term for this bear)
pikkukartta {n} :: minimap
pikkukasuaari {n} :: dwarf cassowary, Casuarius bennetti
pikkukaupunki {n} :: small town
pikkukengät {n} :: little shoes
pikkukiivi {n} :: little spotted kiwi, Apteryx owenii
pikkukiljukotka {n} :: lesser spotted eagle, Aquila pomarina
pikkukirjain {n} :: synonym of pieni kirjain
pikkukiuru {n} :: lesser short-toed lark, Calandrella rufescens
pikkukivi {n} :: A pebble (small stone)
pikkukondori {n} :: lesser yellow-headed vulture, Cathartes burrovianus
pikkukorppikotka {n} :: Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus
pikkukorvapusseli {n} :: synonym of pikkupussikaniini
pikkukotka {n} :: booted eagle, Hieraaetus pennatus
pikkukultarinta {n} :: booted warbler, Iduna caligata
pikkukultasiipi {n} :: small copper, Lycaena phlaeas
pikkukuovi {n} :: whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
pikkukylä {n} :: hamlet
pikkula {n} [euphemistic] :: outhouse
pikkulainen {n} [affectionate] :: child, kid, kiddo (literally little one)
pikkulämmin {n} :: small snack, often a baked one, eaten when warm
pikkulantio {n} [anatomy] :: lesser pelvis
pikkulapasotka {n} :: lesser scaup, Aythya affinis
pikkulapsi {n} :: A small child
pikkulaukku {n} :: yellow rattle, Rhinanthus minor (flowering plant)
pikkulaukku {n} :: minibag, small bag
pikkulavantauti {n} [pathology] :: paratyphoid fever
pikkuleinikki {n} :: pygmy buttercup, Ranunculus pygmaeus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
pikkuleipä {n} :: biscuit
pikkulepakko {n} :: Nathusius' pipistrelle, Pipistrellus nathusii
pikkulepinkäinen {n} :: red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)
pikkuliitäjä {n} :: Manx shearwater, Puffinus puffinus
pikkulimakotilo {n} :: Galba truncatula, a snail
pikkulintu {n} :: small bird, sparrow (any small bird)
pikkulokki {n} :: little gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus, formerly Larus minutus)
pikkuluppio {n} :: salad burnet, garden burnet, small burnet, Sanguisorba minor
pikkumainen {adj} [derogatory] :: pedantic, nitpicky (excessively concerned with rules or details)
pikkumaisesti {adv} :: pedantically, in a nitpicky way
pikkumusta {n} :: little black dress (woman's black cocktail dress)
pikkumusta {n} [by extension, military, slang] :: The short black underpants used in the Finnish military
pikkumuurahaiskarhu {n} :: silky anteater, Cyclopes didactylus
pikkunahkiainen {n} :: A brook lamprey, Lampetra planeri
pikkunäppärä {adj} :: gimmicky, skillful to the extent of going into unnecessary detail
Pikku Otava {prop} :: alternative spelling of Pikku-Otava
Pikku-Otava {prop} :: Little Dipper (asterism)
pikkupanda {n} :: red panda, lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens)
pikkuplaneetta {n} [astronomy] :: A minor planet
pikkupoika {n} :: A little boy
pikkupöksyt {n} [colloquial] :: briefs
pikkupöksyt {n} [colloquial] :: panties
pikkuporvaristo {n} :: petty bourgeoisie (social class according to Karl Marx)
pikkupulla {n} :: a type of small bun (pulla), often with (granulated or crushed) sugar on top and no special filling or added fruits or raisins; similar to a Bath bun
pikkupussikaniini {n} :: lesser bilby, Macrotis leucura
pikkuraha {n} :: petty cash, loose change
pikkuraha {n} :: small potatoes, peanuts (small amount of money)
pikkurikollinen {n} :: petty criminal
pikkurilli {n} [anatomy, colloquial] :: little finger
pikkurokko {n} [disease] :: fifth disease (erythovirus infection manifested as rash)
pikkurokko {n} [pathology] :: slap face, slapcheek, slapped cheek syndrome, slapped face (milder form of the disease manifested as redness of the face, especially cheeks)
pikkurokko {n} [pathology] :: erythema infectiosum (erythovirus infection in general)
pikkurousku {n} :: birch milk-cap, Lactarius tabidus
pikkuruinen {adj} :: diminutive, tiny
pikkurumpu {n} :: snare drum
pikkuseikka {n} :: bagatelle (trifle; unsubstantial thing)
pikkuserkku {n} :: second cousin
pikkuserkukset {n} :: second cousins (collective term for people who are each other's second cousins)
pikkusielu {n} :: small mind, prude, snob, cynic
pikkusikari {n} :: cigarillo
pikkusirri {n} :: little stint, Calidris minuta (small wading bird)
pikkusisar {n} :: little sister
pikkusisko {n} :: little sister
pikkusormensa {n} :: third-person possissive form of pikkusormi
pikkusormi {n} [anatomy] :: little finger
pikkusuolainen {n} :: small, savory snack
pikkutakki {n} :: A type of cut of men's jacket, such as used in men's suit jacket, blazer or sportcoat, the main difference between which is in the material
pikkutakkisillaan {adv} :: with a pikkutakki, such as a suit jacket or blazer, on, but no overcoat
pikkutarkasti {adv} :: pedantically, painstakingly
pikkutarkka {adj} :: painstaking, pedantic (concerned with details)
pikkutekijä {n} :: small fry (person of little importance)
pikkutelkkä {n} :: bufflehead, Bucephala albeola (bird of the duck family)
pikkutiira {n} :: little tern, Sternula albifrons
pikkutikka {n} :: lesser spotted woodpecker
pikkutunnit {n} :: small hours, wee hours (the period from midnight to dawn)
pikkutuulenkala {n} :: lesser sand eel, Ammodytes tobianus
pikkutyttö {n} :: little girl
pikkuväki {n} :: small fry (one or more children)
pikkuvanha {adj} :: precocious
pikkuvanhasti {adv} :: precociously
pikkuvarpunen {n} :: tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
pikkuvarvas {n} [anatomy] :: little toe (smallest toe, fifth toe from medial to lateral)
pikkuveli {n} :: little brother
pikkuviha {n} [historical] :: Lesser Wrath; period of Russian occupation of Finland between 1742-1743 during the Russo-Swedish War (1741–1743)
pikkuvika {n} :: minor defect
pikkuvyötiäinen {n} :: pichi, Zaedyus pichiy
pikkuvyötiäismyyrä {n} :: pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus)
pikkuyksiö {n} :: bachelorette (very small single room apartment)
piknikki {n} :: picnic
piko- {prefix} :: pico-
pikometri {n} :: picometer (unit of distance)
pikornavirus {n} :: picornavirus
pikosekunti {n} :: picosecond
pikriinihappo {n} [chemistry] :: picric acid
pikriitti {n} [rock] :: picrite
pikriitti {n} :: synonym of nitroguanidiini
pikseli {n} [computing] :: pixel
pikselivarjostin {n} [computer graphics] :: pixel shader
pikselöidä {vt} :: to pixelate
pikti {n} :: Pict
piktogrammi {n} :: pictogram
pikuri {n} [slang] :: express train
pila {n} :: joke, jest
pila {n} :: practical joke, jest
pilaaja {n} :: spoiler (somebody or something that spoils)
pilaaminen {n} :: ruining, spoiling
pilaaminen {n} :: damaging, foiling
pilaaminen {n} :: blemishing
pilaaminen {n} :: contaminating
pilaannuttaa {vt} [of food] :: to spoil, to make spoil
pilaantua {vi} [of food] :: To spoil
pilaantumaton {adj} :: imperishable
pilaantumattomampi {adj} :: comparative of pilaantumaton
pilaantuminen {n} :: spoilage (process)
pilaantunut {adj} :: spoilt (gone bad)
pilaantuva {adj} :: perishable, putrescible, rottable (easily decayed, as food)
pilaesitys {n} :: satirical play
pilahinta {n} :: measly price
pilahvi {n} :: pilaf (dish made by browning grain and then cooking it in broth)
pilahvi {n} :: clipping of pilahviriisi
pilahviriisi {n} :: rice pilaf [dish]
pilailla {v} :: to joke
pilailuväline {n} :: prank equipment
pilajuttu {n} :: wisecrack, crack, joke
pilakuva {n} :: caricature
pilalaulu {n} :: parody song, joke song
pilalehti {n} :: satirical magazine
pilalla {adv} :: ruined (not good for use or consumption)
pilalla {adv} :: spoilt, spoiled (having lost its original value)
pilalla {adv} :: spoilt, spoiled, rancid, off (of food, deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible)
pilalla {adv} :: spoilt, spoiled, pampered (of a person, usually a child, having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering)
pilalle {adv} :: ruined (not good for use or consumption, indicates transformation to this state)
pilanpäiten {adv} :: as a joke, for fun
pilanteko {n} :: pranking, jest
pilapiirros {n} :: a satirical cartoon
pilapiirros {n} :: a caricature; a drawing that intentionally exaggerates real or imagined characteristics of the subject
pilapiirtäjä {n} :: editorial cartoonist
pilapuhe {n} :: jibe, crack, wisecrack
pilapuhelu {n} :: prank call
pilari {n} :: pillar, column
pilari {n} [colloquial] :: prank call
pilariperustus {n} :: pillar foundation
pilasteri {n} [architecture] :: pilaster
pilata {v} :: To spoil, ruin, blight, destroy (to cause the ruin of)
pilata {v} :: To damage or mar (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction)
pilata {v} :: To foil, scupper, thwart (to prevent something from being accomplished)
pilata {v} :: To blemish, soil (to spoil the appearance of)
pilata {v} :: To contaminate (to introduce impurities or foreign matter)
pilata {v} :: To bugger up, mess up, muck up (mild slang expressions for ruining or spoiling things)
pilata {v} :: To bugger, cock up, fuck up, screw up (obscene slang expressions for ruining or spoiling things)
pilata {v} :: To spoil (to coddle or pamper to excess)
pilata {v} [internet slang] :: To cook
piletti {n} [dated] :: ticket (admission; pass)
pili {n} [childish] :: a pee-pee
pilkahdella {vi} :: to gleam repeatedly
pilkahtaa {vi} :: to gleam
pilkallaan {adv} :: jokingly, tauntingly, mockingly
pilkallisesti {adv} :: derisively (in a mocking and demeaning manner)
pilkata {v} :: to mock, deride, ridicule, jeer at, make fun of
pilke {n} :: twinkle, flicker, glimmer, shimmer (faint unsteady light)
pilke {n} :: twinkle (sparkle of delight in the eyes)
pilke {n} :: billet (short piece of firewood)
pilkintä {n} :: ice fishing
pilkistää {vi} :: to peek out
pilkistellä {vi} :: to peek out
pilkka {n} :: jeer, mock, ridicule, jest
pilkka {n} :: bullseye (center of target)
pilkka {n} :: a mark carved in a tree
pilkkaaja {n} :: mocker
pilkkahinta {n} :: A very cheap price, song
pilkkakirjoitus {n} :: A lampoon (written attack ridiculing a person, group, or institution)
pilkkakirves {n} [figuratively] :: mocker, jokester
pilkkasiipi {n} :: velvet scoter, Melanitta fusca
pilkki {n} :: The lure used in ice fishing
pilkki {n} :: As a contracted form of pilkkiminen, ice fishing
pilkkiä {v} :: to ice fish (to fish through a hole cut into ice)
pilkkiä {v} [colloquial] :: to doze off
pilkkijä {n} :: ice fisher
pilkkiminen {n} :: ice fishing (act or instance of fishing through a hole cut into ice)
pilkkoa {vt} :: To chop, chip
pilkkoisen {adv} :: An intensifier used before pimeä
pilkkopimeä {n} :: pitch-dark
pilkkoutua {vi} :: To shatter, break up into pieces
pilkku {n} :: comma (punctuation mark ,)
pilkku {n} [mathematics] :: dot (symbol , used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part)
pilkku {n} :: spot, dot (small spot or mark)
pilkku {n} [slang] :: hashish (cannabis extract)
pilkku {n} [colloquial] :: last call
pilkku {n} [colloquial, sports] :: penalty kick, penalty shot
pilkku {n} [mathematics] :: prime (symbol ′, as in x′)
pilkkukuume {n} [disease] :: typhus
pilkkumi {n} [dialectal] :: bowl (vessel)
pilkkusääntö {n} :: comma rule (rule regarding comma usage)
pilkkusilli {n} :: allis shad, Alosa alosa (formerly Clupea alosa) (migratory fish of the family Clupeidae: family of herrings, shads, sardines, hilsa, and menhadens)
pilkkuvirhe {n} :: comma mistake, comma error
pilkoittaa {vt} :: to mark with a carved mark
pilkottaa {vi} :: to be barely visible, to be in sight
pilkukas {adj} :: spotty (having spots)
pilkulleen {adv} [colloquial] :: precisely, to a tee
pilkullinen {adj} :: spotty, dotted
pilkunnussija {n} [vulgar, pejorative] :: a person with exceptional and unnecessary attention to detail; a grammar Nazi, a nitpicker
pilkuntarkka {adj} :: meticulous, punctilious, fastidious
pilkunviilaaja {n} :: A nitpicker, hairsplitter, grammar cop, pettifogger
pilkuttaa {vt} :: to apply or insert commas into (such as into a text)
pillahtaa {vi} :: ~ itkuun: = to burst out crying
pillastua {vi} [of horses] :: To bolt
pillata {v} [dialectal] :: to spill (liquid)
pilleri {n} :: pill
pillerihattu {n} :: toque
pillerihumala {n} :: the state of simultaneously being under the influence of alcohol and drugs
pillerinpyörittäjä {n} :: scarab (beetle of the genus Scarabaeus)
pillerirasia {n} :: pillbox
pilli {n} :: whistle (device)
pilli {n} :: pipe (musical instrument)
pilli {n} :: drinking straw, straw
pilli {n} [colloquial] :: bag (breathalyzer)
pillifarkut {n} :: skinny jeans, drainpipe jeans
pillihousut {n} :: skinny jeans, stovepipe trousers
pillike {n} :: hemp-nettle (any plant of the genus Galeopsis)
pillimehu {n} :: juice box juice
pillimehu {n} :: juice box
pillisieni {n} :: pore fungus
pillisipuli {n} :: spring onion, Japanese bunching onion, scallion, green onion; Allium fistulosum
pillittää {vi} [colloquial] :: To cry, shed a tear
pilliurut {n} :: pipe organ
pillu {n} [vulgar] :: vulva and/or vagina
pillupuhelin {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: bidet shower
piloilla {adv} :: Alternative form of pilalla
piloillaan {adv} :: in jest (as a joke)
piloille {adv} :: Alternative form of pilalle
pilosyyttinen {adj} :: pilocytic
pilotti {n} [colloquial] :: aviator, pilot, airman (one who pilots an aircraft)
pilotti {n} [colloquial] :: pilot project
pilottihanke {n} :: pilot project
pilottiprojekti {n} :: pilot project
pilppu {n} :: tipcat (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick)
pilppu {n} :: cat, tipcat (wooden piece struck in the game of tipcat)
pilppu {n} [dialectal] :: piece, stub, stump
pilsner {n} :: pilsner (type of beer)
pilssi {n} [nautical] :: bilge (the lowest inner part of a ship's hull)
pilssipumppu {n} [nautical] :: bilge pump (pump located in the bilge of a ship or a boat to allow emptying of the bilgewater)
pilssivesi {n} [nautical] :: bilgewater
pilsu {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of ykkösolut
piltti {n} [literally, religious] :: child
pilttuu {n} :: A stall (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed)
pilveillä {vi} :: to be occasionally cloudy
pilvenhahtuva {n} :: cloudlet
pilvenhaituva {n} :: cloudlet
pilvenhattara {n} :: A cloudlet
pilvenkorkeus {n} :: cloud base
pilvenlonka {n} :: A single, large cloud
pilvenpiirtäjä {n} :: skyscraper
pilvenrako {n} :: a gap in a sheet of clouds
pilvenreuna {n} :: the edge of a cloud
pilvenveikko {n} [colloquial] :: a veteran pilot of the Finnish Air Force
pilves {n} [rare] :: A shaded place outdoors, where sunlight comes filtered e.g. through the leaves of trees
pilvessä {adv} [slang] :: high, stoned
pilvetä {vi} :: to become cloudy
pilvetön {adj} :: cloudless, unclouded
pilvettömyys {n} :: cloudlessness
pilvi {n} :: cloud
pilvi {n} [computing] :: cloud
pilvi {n} [slang] :: hashish, marijuana
Pilvi {prop} :: given name
pilvikerros {n} :: cloud layer
pilvilaskenta {n} :: cloud computing
pilvilinna {n} :: pipe dream, castle in the air (plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work)
pilvilinna {n} :: fool's paradise (happiness based on illusion)
pilvimetsä {n} :: cloud forest
pilvimuodostelma {n} :: cloud formation
pilvimuodostuma {n} :: synonym of pilvimuodostelma
pilvinen {adj} :: cloudy
pilvin pimein {adv} [idiomatic] :: hand over fist, in abundance
pilvipalvelu {n} [computing] :: cloud service
pilvipeite {n} :: cloud cover
pilvipeite {n} :: a sheet of clouds
pilvipouta {n} [meteorology] :: dry cloudy weather
pilvipyörre {n} :: cloud swirl
pilvipyörre {n} :: tornado
pilviraja {n} [meteorology] :: cloud base
pilvirintama {n} :: an approaching or distancing group of clouds
pilvisalama {n} :: cloud-to-cloud lightning (lightning that hits from one cloud to another, or within one cloud)
pilvisalama {n} :: sheet lightning (cloud-to-cloud lightning without a visible bolt, because the lightning hits behind the clouds from the point-of-view of the observer)
pilviseinämä {n} :: a wall-like formation of clouds
pilvistyä {vi} [of the sky] :: to grow cloudy
pilvisyys {n} :: cloudiness
pilvitutka {n} :: a (usually animated) map showing clouds within an area
pilvivalli {n} :: eyewall
pilvivalli {n} :: cloud bank
pilviverho {n} :: a large uniform cloud
pimahtaa {v} :: To flip (to go berserk or crazy)
pimatsu {n} [slang] :: chick (attractive woman)
pimeä {adj} :: dark (lack of light)
pimeä {adj} :: under-the-counter, cash in hand (receiving money in cash with the purpose of avoiding taxes)
pimeä {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
pimeä {n} :: The time of darkness
pimeä aine {n} [astronomy] :: dark matter
pimeämpi {adj} :: comparative of pimeä
pimeänäkö {n} :: night vision (ability to see in the dark)
pimeänäkölaite {n} :: night vision device (appliance which allows the user to see even in complete darkness)
pimeänpelko {n} :: nyctophobia, scotophobia
pimeäreaktio {n} :: light-independent photosynthesis reaction, dark reaction
pimeästi {adv} :: under-the-table, under-the-counter, secretly, covertly
pimeästi {adv} :: cash in hand (in a manner receiving direct payment by cash, often without paying tax)
pimeästi {adv} :: darkly, obscurely
pimeä verkko {n} [internet] :: Dark Web, darknet
pimennys {n} [astronomy] :: eclipse
pimennysmuuttuja {n} [astronomy] :: eclipsing variable
pimentää {vt} :: to darken (to reduce light)
pimento {n} [figuratively] :: dark, darkness (place hidden from the sight)
pimentyä {vi} :: To darken (having less light)
pimentyminen {n} :: darkening (the action of becoming darker)
pimetä {vi} :: to darken, to get dark (to lose light)
pimeys {n} :: darkness
pimiö {n} :: darkroom
pimittää {vt} :: to conceal, to keep from
pimpinellaruusu {n} :: burnet rose, Rosa pimpinellifolia
pimpparauta {n} [music, dated] :: triangle
pimppi {n} [anatomy, childish] :: vagina (female genitalia, especially of a girl)
pimpsikivi {n} :: synonym of hohkakivi
pimputtaa {vt} :: to play piano shoddily
pimu {n} :: chick (young woman, especially attractive one)
pinaatti {n} :: spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
pinaattikeitto {n} :: spinach soup
pinaattikiinankaali {n} :: synonym of paksoi
pinaattilettu {n} :: spinach pancake
pinaattiohukainen {n} :: spinach pancake
pinaattiohukas {n} :: A kind of crêpe or thin pancake that includes spinach
pineeni {n} [chemistry] :: pinene
pingis {n} [colloquial] :: table tennis, ping-pong, ping pong
pingispallo {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pöytätennispallo
pingotin {n} :: stretcher
pingottaa {vt} :: to stretch, tension (to apply tension to something in order to straighten it out)
pingottaa {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to study hard (e.g. for exams)
pingottua {vi} :: to tense, to be strained or tensioned
ping-pong {n} [rare] :: synonym of pöytätennis [ping pong]
pingviini {n} :: penguin
pinja {n} :: A stone pine, Pinus pinea
Pinja {prop} :: given name
pinjansiemen {n} :: A pine nut
pinkaista {vi} :: To sprint
pinkaisu {n} :: dash (short run)
pinkka {n} :: pile, stack
pinkki {adj} [colloquial] :: pink, hot pink
pinkki {n} :: A pinky (baby mouse, especially when used as food for a snake, etc.)
pinkki {n} [colloquial] :: colour pink
pinko {n} [colloquial] :: swot (studious student)
pinkoa {vi} :: to dash (to run quickly)
pinkoa {v} [shoemaking] :: to stretch
pinkoa {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] :: synonym of pingottaa
pinkoittain {adv} :: in piles or stacks
pinkopahvi {n} :: A type of thick cardboard formerly used on interior walls and ceilings under wallpaper or other finishing material
pinna {n} :: spoke (of a wheel, ie. in bicycle)
pinna {n} [nautical] :: tiller
pinna {n} [music] :: sound post (dowel inside an instrument of violin family)
pinna {n} [colloquial] :: point (unit of scoring in a game or competition)
pinna {n} [colloquial] :: temper, nerve, fuse (in the sense of loosing one's temper)
pinna {n} [colloquial] :: percent
pinnaaja {n} :: alternative form of pinnari
pinnakkain {adv} :: surface against surface
pinnakkaisvedos {n} [photography] :: contact print
pinnallinen {adj} :: superficial, shallow
pinnallisesti {adv} :: superficially, shallowly
pinnallistaa {vt} :: to make (more) superficial
pinnallistua {vi} :: To become (more) superficial
pinnanalainen {adj} :: subsurface
pinnanmuodostus {n} :: topography, relief
pinnari {n} :: truant
pinnasänky {n} :: crib, cot (baby’s bed with high, slatted, often moveable sides)
pinnata {v} :: To play truant, skip class or work
pinnata {v} :: (rare) To skimp (to do carelessly)
pinnatuoli {n} :: spoke chair (a light chair, often used around a table, the back of which is made of spokes)
pinne {n} [rare, dialectal] :: Any device or part that keeps something in its place through tension (as contrasted with e.g. weight or friction), such as a clamp or clip
pinne {n} [pathology] :: A condition in which a nerve is pressed by other body parts causing pain, cramps or other symptoms
pinne {n} [idiomatic] :: A difficult situation, jam, bind. In this sense only used in inessive, elative and illative cases in set expressions
pinnemmaksi {adv} :: synonym of pinnemmalle
pinnemmalla {adv} [static] :: closer to the surface
pinnemmalle {adv} :: closer towards the surface
pinnemmalta {adv} :: from closer to the surface
pinnemmassa {adv} :: synonym of pinnemmalla
pinnemmasta {adv} :: synonym of pinnemmalta
pinnempaa {adv} :: synonym of pinnemmalta
pinnempaan {adv} :: synonym of pinnemmalle
pinnempana {adv} :: synonym of pinnemmalla
pinni {n} :: hairpin
pinni {n} [electronics] :: pin
pinniä {v} [rare] :: to work hard (for), to struggle
pinnistää {vi} :: to push, to strain
pinnistellä {vi} :: to persist, to cope, to strain
pinnistyä {vi} :: to tense, to strain
pinnoite {n} :: coat, coating, lining (thin outer layer on the surface of something)
pinnoittaa {vt} :: to coat, to plate, to apply a coating or surface
pinnoittaa {vt} :: to spoke (furnish a wheel with spokes)
pinnoitus {n} :: coating, lining (covering with a coating of some material)
pino {n} :: stack, pile
pino {n} [computing, programming] :: stack
pinojäljitys {n} [programming] :: stack trace
Pinokkio {prop} :: Pinocchio
pinokuutio {n} :: short for pinokuutiometri
pinokuutiometri {n} :: stacked cubic metre (measurement of volume for wood or timber)
pinomuisti {n} [computing] :: stack memory
pinosytoosi {n} [biology] :: pinocytosis
pinota {vt} :: To stack
pinotavara {n} :: cordwood
pinous {n} :: stacking
pinseri {n} :: pinscher
pinsetit {n} :: tweezers
pinssi {n} :: pin (simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener)
pinta {n} :: surface
pinta-aktiivinen {adj} :: surface-active (capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid)
pinta-ala {n} [mathematics] :: area
pinta-ala {n} [mathematics] :: surface area
pinta-alus {n} :: surface vessel
pintahiiva {n} :: top yeast (yeast that in the end of fermentation tends to rise to the surface of wort, used e.g. to produce ale)
pintahiivakäyminen {n} :: top fermentation
pintahiivaolut {n} :: top-fermented beer
pintaintegraali {n} [mathematics] :: surface integral
pintajännitys {n} [physics] :: surface tension
pintakaavio {n} :: surface diagram
pintakarkaisu {n} :: case hardening
pintakäsittely {n} :: surface finish
pintakiilto {n} :: gloss (superficially or deceptively attractive appearance)
pintakivilaji {n} [geology] :: extrusive (rock which has been formed through volcanic extrusion)
pintakudos {n} :: synonym of epiteelikudos
pintakuvio {n} :: surface pattern
pintakuvio {n} :: texture, surface texture
pintakytkin {n} :: float switch
pintalämpötila {n} :: surface temperature
pintaloinen {n} :: ectoparasite
pintalöytö {n} [archaeology] :: surface find
pintalujuus {n} :: surface strength
pintamaa {n} :: topsoil
pintamaa {n} [geology] :: epipedon
pintametro {n} :: overground metro
pintapaino {n} :: basis weight
pintapoiminta {n} [archaeology] :: fieldwalking
pintapuolinen {adj} :: superficial
pintapuolisesti {adv} :: superficially
pintaremontoida {v} :: to reface (to replace the face or surface of something; to create a new outer layer)
pintaremontti {n} :: facelift (activity undertaken to renew, revamp, update, or improve the appearance of something)
pintatieto {n} :: superficial knowledge
pintautua {vi} :: to surface, to rise to (the) surface
pintaverkko {n} [fishing] :: floating net
pintavesi {n} :: surface water
pintavesimaannos {n} [geology] :: planosol
pintavika {n} :: surface defect
pinteessä {adv} :: in a pinch
pinteli {n} [dialectal] :: spindle
pinteli {n} :: a type of traditional Karelian headwear
pinteli {n} :: polo wrap
pintominen {n} :: coming to surface (of fish)
pintopapu {n} :: pinto bean
pinttyä {vi} :: to cling, to stick
pinttynyt {adj} :: grimy
pinttynyt {adj} :: stale
pioneeri {n} [military ranks] :: private in the engineer corps
pioneeri {n} [Communism] :: young pioneer
pioneerihuivi {n} :: pioneer scarf (red scarf belonging to the outfit of a young pioneer)
pioneerijoukot {n} :: troops or forces engaging in military engineering
pioneerilaji {n} [botany] :: pioneer species
pioneerisilta {n} :: a bridge built by a (military) pioneer
pioneerityö {n} :: pioneering work
pioni {n} :: peony
pioni {n} [physics] :: pion
pipana {n} :: A small clump of material (e.g. earth)
pipana {n} :: A small child
pipari {n} :: gingersnap, ginger biscuit
pipari {n} [computing] :: cookie
pipari {n} [vulgar] :: cookie (female genitalia)
piparjuuri {n} :: horseradish, Armoracia rusticana (syn. Cochlearia armorica)
piparjuurikastike {n} :: horseradish sauce
piparkakku {n} :: gingerbread, gingersnap, ginger biscuit (brown ginger-flavoured biscuit)
piparkakkumuotti {n} :: gingerbread cutter, gingerbread mold
piparkakkupossu {n} :: a pig-shaped gingerbread
piparkakkutaikina {n} :: gingerbread dough
piparkakkutalo {n} :: gingerbread house
piparkakku-ukko {n} :: gingerbread man (ginger-flavoured biscuit/cookie in the shape of a person)
piparminttu {n} :: peppermint
piparminttutee {n} :: peppermint tea
piperatsiini {n} [chemistry] :: piperazine
piperidiini {n} [chemistry] :: piperidine
pipertää {vi} :: to scribble with small handwriting
pipertää {vi} [figurative] :: to make a meal of; to do something with superfluous detail and spend more time than necessary
pipetoida {v} :: to pipet
pipetti {n} :: pipet
pipi {adj} [hypocoristic, baby talk] :: hurt (adjectival form for a boo-boo or an owie)
pipi {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
pipi {n} [childish] :: boo-boo
piplia {n} [colloquial] :: Bible
Piplia {n} [archaic, common] :: synonym of Raamattu
pipo {n} :: knit cap, stocking cap, watch cap; bobble hat; beanie [US], toque/tuque [Canada] (knitted hat of varying shape, often woollen, and sometimes topped by a pom-pom or tassel)
pipo {n} [archaic] :: tenpin
pippalot {n} [slang] :: party
pippeli {n} [colloquial, childish, hypocoristic] :: pee-pee (penis)
pippuri {n} :: pepper (plant of the family Piperaceae and spice prepared from the berries of this plant)
pippuri {n} :: pepper, chili (as head word in a compound term may also refer to the spicy varieties of Capsicum, notably in words chilipippuri and turkinpippuri)
pippurihapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula badia
pippurikastike {n} :: pepper sauce
pippurikastike {n} :: creamy pepper sauce
pippurimylly {n} :: A pepper mill
pippurinen {adj} :: peppery
pippurinen {adj} [figuratively] :: temperamental
pippuripihvi {n} :: pepper steak, steak au poivre
pippurirousku {n} :: peppery milk-cap, Lactarius piperatus
pippurisirotin {n} :: A pepper shaker
pippurisumute {n} :: pepper spray
pippurisumutin {n} :: A hand-held self-defense spraying device containing pepper spray
pippuroida {v} :: To pepper (to add pepper to)
pippuroida {v} :: To devil (to add cayenne pepper to)
piraatti {n} :: pirate (one who reproduces copyrighted works for distribution)
piraattikopio {n} :: pirated copy, pirated edition
piraattipainos {n} :: pirate edition (of a book)
pirahdella {vi} :: to briefly ring repeatedly
pirahtaa {vi} :: to ring briefly
piraija {n} :: piranha
pirana {n} :: a certain thick porridge-like soup made of legumes, beans and some other ingredients, often meat and/or rutabaga
piratismi {n} :: piracy (unauthorized duplication of goods, software, music etc. protected by intellectual property law)
pirauttaa {v} [colloquial] :: (with a telephone) to call
Pirhonen {prop} :: surname
piri {n} [slang] :: speed (metamphetamine)
pirinä {n} :: ringing
Pirinen {prop} :: surname
piripinnassa {adv} :: brimful, filled to the brim
piripintaan {adv} :: to the brim (used chiefly of actual containers)
piripintanaan {adv} :: synonym of piripinnassa
piripolkka {n} [colloquial] :: fast-paced or very (perhaps overly) energetic music
piristä {vi} :: to ring (to produce a repetitive resonant sound that doesn't reverberate for long, like that produced by a landline telephone)
piristää {vt} :: to refresh
piristää {vt} :: to cheer up
piristäytyä {vi} :: to refresh
piriste {n} :: stimulant
piristyä {vi} :: To perk up
piristyä {vi} :: To cheer up
piristysaine {n} :: stimulant
piristyspilleri {n} :: refreshment pill
Pirita {prop} :: given name
Piritta {prop} :: given name
Pirjo {prop} :: given name
Pirkanmaa {prop} :: Pirkanmaa (region) (a maakunta)
pirkanmaalainen {adj} :: of or pertaining to Pirkanmaa
pirkanmaalainen {n} :: an inhabitant of Pirkanmaa
pirkka {n} :: synonym of pykäläpuu
Pirkka {prop} :: given name
Pirkkala {prop} :: Pirkkala (municipality)
pirkkalainen {n} [historical] :: birkarl (member of a group of Finnic origin that controlled taxation and commerce in central Lappmarken in Sweden from the 13th to the 17th century)
pirkkalalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pirkkala
pirkkalalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pirkkala
Pirkko {prop} :: given name
Pirkko-Liisa {prop} :: given name
pirpana {n} [colloquial] :: shrimp, squirt, tyke (child)
pirskahdella {vi} :: to briefly burst or drip repeatedly
pirskahtaa {vi} :: to briefly burst or drip
pirskauttaa {vt} :: to quickly throw or drop some liquid, to dash
pirskeet {n} :: party
pirskotella {v} :: to spurt, spatter or sprinkle lightly (to splash lightly with small droplets)
pirskottaa {v} :: to spurt, spatter, sprinkle (to splash with small droplets)
pirskua {vi} :: to spatter, to splash
pirssi {n} [colloquial] :: taxi
pirssiauto {n} [rare] :: taxicab
pirsta {n} :: shard
pirstale {n} :: shard
pirstaleinen {adj} :: shattered, splintered, broken
pirstaloitua {v} :: synonym of pirstoutua
pirstoa {v} :: to shatter, smash (to violently break something into pieces)
pirstoutua {vi} :: to shatter, shard
pirta {n} [weaving] :: reed
pirtakoukku {n} :: reed hook
pirtanauha {n} :: a band of fabric woven with a reed
pirteä {adj} :: perky, vivacious, lively
pirteämpi {adj} :: comparative of pirteä
pirtelö {n} :: A milkshake, shake
pirtti {n} :: cabin, cottage
pirtti {n} :: living room, main room (especially in a farmhouse or older house)
pirtu {n} :: rectified spirit (spirit that has been purified to or close to the maximum concentration obtainable by using conventional distillation processes, i.e. about 96% by volume)
piru {n} :: the Devil (Satan)
piru {n} :: a devil
piru {adv} [vulgar] :: An intensifier; used in genitive singular form (pirun)
piru asuu yksityiskohdissa {phrase} :: devil is in the details
piruetti {n} :: pirouette
piruilla {vt} [somewhat, vulgar] :: to take the piss, tease, mock
pirulainen {n} [derogatory, mildly, vulgar] :: bastard, son of a bitch
pirullinen {adj} :: devilish
pirullisesti {adv} :: devilishly
pirunkeuhko {n} [music] :: synonym of harmonikka
pirunnyrkki {n} :: burr puzzle
pirunpelto {n} :: shingle beach, rocky beach
pirunpihka {n} :: synonym of hajupihka
pirunpuolukka {n} :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
piruntatti {n} :: Devil's bolete or Satan's mushroom (Boletus satanas)
piruntusina {n} :: baker's dozen (group of 13)
piruparka {n} :: poor devil
pirusti {adv} :: an intensifier
piruuksissaan {adv} [colloquial] :: maliciously, mischievously
piruuntua {vi} [rare] :: to get angry
piruus {n} [colloquial, somewhat, vulgar] :: malevolence, malice, wickedness
piruuttaan {adv} [somewhat, vulgar] :: for the hell of it, out of spite
pisama {n} :: freckle
pisamainen {adj} :: freckled
pisara {n} :: drop (a small mass of liquid)
pisara meressä {n} [idiomatic] :: drop in the bucket
pisaratartunta {n} [pathology] :: droplet transmission, aerosol transmission (method of transmission of disease)
pisaroida {v} :: To drip
pisiä {v} [childish] :: to piss
piski {n} :: A mutt, mongrel, pooch or cur (mixed-breed dog)
piski {n} [slang] :: A pooch (dog)
piskuinen {adj} :: tiny, petty
pisoaari {n} :: urinal
pissa {n} [euphemistic] :: pee
pissaaminen {n} :: peeing, wee
pissaleikki {n} [colloquial] :: watersport (sexual practice)
pissaliisa {n} [slang, pejorative] :: synonym of pissis
pissapoika {n} [colloquial] :: windscreen washer (device to clean windscreens)
pissata {v} :: to pee, wee, wee-wee
pissattaa {v} [impersonal] :: to have the urge to urinate
pissi {n} [childish] :: pee
pissiä {v} [colloquial, childish] :: to piss, wee
pissiä {v} [colloquial] :: to fail
pissis {n} [slang] :: teenybopper; teenage girl obsessed with her appearances (as for clothing, hair style, makeup, etc.), having self-conscious behavior, boasting with alcohol consumption and having an indifferent attitude towards everything; partially corresponds to the terms chav [girl], Essex girl and Valley girl, but does not connote any specific social status (teenage girl obsessed with outer appearances (as for clothing, hair style, makeup, etc.), having self-conscious behavior, often drinking alcohol excessively and having an indifferent attitude towards everything)
pissittää {vi} [childish] :: to have the urge to urinate
pistää {vt} :: to poke, thrust
pistää {vt} :: to stick, prick, stab, puncture; (of insects) to bite, sting
pistää {vt} :: to inject (administer an injection)
pistää {vt} [colloquial] :: to put, place, make, leave
pistää {vi} [monopersonal, illative + ~] :: to smart
pistää {vt} [colloquial] :: to give, make
pistää {vt} [vulgar, rare] :: to fuck
pistää päänsä pensaaseen {v} :: to bury one's head in the sand (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation)
pistää pyörät pyörimään {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to set things in motion
pistaasi {n} :: pistachio
pistää silmään {v} [idiomatic] :: to stand out, to catch someone's eye
pistaasipähkinä {n} :: pistachio nut
pistari {n} [colloquial] :: pop quiz
pistari {n} [colloquial] :: focus mitt
pistävä {adj} :: pungent
pistäytyä {vi} [_, + inessive] :: To drop by
piste {n} [typography] :: point, dot, full stop, period
piste {n} [mathematics] :: point (zero-dimensional object)
piste {n} :: point (particular location)
piste {n} :: point (something tiny)
piste {n} :: point (mark or stroke above a letter)
piste {n} :: point (unit of scoring)
piste {n} [typography] :: point (unit of font size or spacing)
pisteaita {n} :: synonym of riukuaita
pistearvo {n} :: point value
pisteittää {vt} :: to mark with a dot or dots
pisteittää {v} :: synonym of pisteyttää
pisteittäin {adv} [math] :: pointwise
pisteittäinen {adj} [mathematics] :: pointwise
pistekaavio {n} :: scatter plot
pistekirjoitus {n} :: Braille
pistekoko {n} :: type size
pistekota {n} :: a conical kota made of vertical but leaning wooden poles
pistekuorma {n} :: concentrated load (a weight or such load concentrated to a point)
pisteliäästi {adv} :: sarcastically, mordantly
pisteliäästi {adv} :: tartly, pungently
pisteliäs {adj} :: sarcastic, mordant
pisteliäs {adj} :: tart, pungent
pistelinko {n} [ice hockey] :: a player that scores very many points
pistellä {v} :: Frequentative form of pistää; all senses
pistemäärä {n} :: score (total number of points earned by a participant in a game)
pistemäärä {n} :: score (first derivative of the log-likelihood function)
pistemäinen {adj} [math] :: punctual
pistemusiikki {n} [music] :: punctualism
pistenäyttö {n} [computing] :: refreshable display, braille terminal
pistepörssi {n} :: player statistics
pisteputki {n} [sports] :: point streak
pistesilmä {n} [zoology] :: simple eye (in invertebrates)
pistetodennäköisyysfunktio {n} [probability theory] :: probability mass function
pistetulo {n} [linear algebra] :: scalar product, dot product
pistevieras {adj} :: disjoint, non-intersecting
pisteyttää {vt} :: to rank, to score
pistia {n} :: water cabbage, water-lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)
pistiäinen {n} [commmonly] :: sawfly (insect of the suborder Symphyta within the order Hymenoptera)
pistiäinen {n} [zoology] :: Any insect in the order Hymenoptera
pistiäinen {n} [zoology, in plural] :: The insect order Hymenoptera comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees and ants
pistin {n} :: stinger (of animals, e.g. wasp stinger)
pistin {n} :: bayonet
pistinkasvit {n} [rare] :: plants that can sting
pisto {n} :: sting, bite
pisto {n} [sewing] :: stitch
pisto {n} [fencing] :: thrust
pistoaita {n} :: synonym of riukuaita
pistohaava {n} :: puncture wound, stab (deep narrow wound caused by a pointed object)
pistokärpänen {n} :: stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans
pistokas {n} [gardening] :: cutting (leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant and cultivated to grow a new plant)
pistokas {n} :: sandal
pistoke {n} [electricity] :: plug (connecting device)
pistoke {n} [computing] :: socket (interprocess or network communication channel)
pistokoe {n} :: pop quiz, test or quiz without any prior announcement
pistokoe {n} :: spot check, random check
pistokone {n} [machining] :: shaper
pistokortti {n} :: plug-in card
pistokortti {n} :: stitching card
pistomiekka {n} :: rapier
pistooli {n} :: pistol
pistooli {n} [by extension] :: handgun
pistooli {n} :: gun (device operated by a trigger and acting in a manner similar to a firearm)
pistooliammunta {n} :: pistol shooting (sport)
pistoolikahva {n} :: pistol grip (grip shaped like that of a pistol)
pistoolikotelo {n} :: pistol holster
pistorasia {n} :: socket, outlet, wall socket; point [UK]; receptacle, wall plug [US] (opening for connecting an electric plug)
pistos {n} :: twinge, pang, sting (sudden sharp pain)
pistos {n} [medicine] :: injection
pistos {n} :: synonym of pisto
pistosaha {n} :: keyhole saw, drywall saw, pad saw, alligator saw (handsaw with a long, narrow blade; used for cutting small, often awkward features in various building materials)
pistotulppa {n} :: plug (electric connecting device)
pistouvata {v} [dialectal] :: to pick up the tab, treat (to entertain with food or drink, especially at one's own expense; to show hospitality to; to pay for as celebration or reward)
pisu {n} [childish] :: pee
pisuaari {n} :: alternative spelling of pisoaari
pita {n} :: pita
pitää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to hold, grasp, grip
pitää {vt} [_, + accusative] :: to keep, take
pitää {vt} [_, + elative] :: to like, be fond of
pitää {vt} [impersonal, genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + 1st infinitive] :: to have (to do); (in conditional mood) should (do), ought (to do), be supposed (to do), would have (to do)
pitää {vt} [_, + partitive + essive] :: to consider (to be), to assess, to see as
pitää {vt} [_, + elative + kiinni] :: to hold onto
pitää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to keep (an animal)
pitää {vt} :: to hold, to organize (such as an event)
pitää {vt} :: Used in very many collocations with nouns, translated often as "engage in", "have", "do", "transact", "pursue", "conduct", "carry out" "keep up", "maintain", "lead/teach" etc
pitää arvossa {v} :: to value, hold in high regard, hold dear, appreciate
pitää hallussaan {vt} :: to command, hold, control the use of, maintain in one's possession, obtain
pitää hauskaa {v} :: To have fun, have a ball, have a good time
pitää hauskaa {v} :: To enjoy oneself
pitää huolta {vi} [+ elative] :: to take care of
pitää huolta {v} :: to mind
pitää huolta omista asioistaan {v} :: To mind one's own business
pitää kiinni {v} :: to hold onto, to hold, to hang on
pitää kiinni {v} :: to stick to, to adhere (persist or continue to do or use)
pitää kiirettä {v} :: To hurry
pitää kovilla {v} :: to give someone a hard time
pitää kuin kukkaa kämmenellä {v} [simile] :: to walk on eggshells (act carefully to avoid upsetting someone)
pitää kynttiläänsä vakan alla {v} [idiomatic] :: to hide one's light under a bushel (to conceal one's talents or positive qualities, especially due to modesty or shyness; to avoid attention)
pitaali {n} [pathology, dated, now rare] :: alternative spelling of spitaali
pitää lukua {vi} :: to tally, keep score
pitää matalaa profiilia {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep a low profile
pitää meteliä {v} [literally] :: to cause noise or ruckus
pitää meteliä {v} [idiomatic] :: to raise the roof, cause a commotion
pitää mykkäkoulua {v} [idiomatic] :: to give someone the silent treatment (to refuse to speak to someone for an extended period of time)
pitää nenä pinnalla {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep one's head above water
pitää pää kylmänä {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep one's cool
pitää päänsä pystyssä {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold one's head high
pitää paikkansa {v} :: to hold true, be true (to be true, valid or applicable)
pitää peukkua {v} [idiomatic] :: to cross one's fingers, lit. "to keep one's thumb up" (to wish someone good luck)
pitää pintansa {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold up, stick to one's guns
pitää pintansa {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold one's own
pitää puhe {v} :: To speak, to give a speech, to deliver a speech, to address an audience (to deliver a message to a group)
pitää puheensa {v} [idiomatic] :: To walk the talk [US] (to do what one said one could do, or would do, not just making empty promises)
pitää puolensa {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold up, stick to one's guns
pitää puolensa {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold one's own
pitää pystyssä {v} [literally] :: to keep standing or vertical; to support, uphold
pitää pystyssä {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold the fort, maintain
pitää sanansa {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep one's word
pitää seuraa {v} :: to keep someone company
pitää silmällä {v} :: To keep an eye on
pitää silmäpeliä {v} [idiomatic] :: to give someone the eye, make eyes at (to show flirtatious signs with one's eyes)
pitää sisällään {v} :: to contain, to suppress (such as an emotion)
pitää varansa {vi} [idiomatic] :: To watch out, watch one's step, be on one's guard, keep one's eyes open (literally: "to maintain one's room/space")
pitää varpaillaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep someone on their toes
pitää vettä {v} :: to hold water; both literally (to not leak) and figuratively (to withstand scrutiny, to be valid)
pitää yhtä {vi} :: To band together, stick together, speak with one voice
pitää yhteyttä {v} :: to keep in touch
pitää yhteyttä {v} :: to follow up (to maintain communication)
pitää yllä {vt} [+ partitive] :: To maintain; to keep up (to maintain the good condition of sth); to sustain
pitäjä {n} :: (old-fashioned) rural municipality
pitäjä {n} :: holder
pitäjä {n} :: keeper
pitäjänmakasiini {n} :: parish granary
pitäjänneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in municipal politics
pitäkää hauskaa {phrase} :: Have fun! (2nd person plural)
pitaleipä {n} :: pita bread, pita
pitali {n} [obsolete] :: synonym of spitaali
pitäminen {n} :: holding, keeping
pitävä {adj} :: solid, as in pitävä väite ("solid argument")
pitävä {adj} :: firm, as in pitävä ote ("firm grip")
pitävä {adj} :: proof (in compound terms, firm or successful in resisting)
pitävästi {adv} :: conclusively
pitäytyä {v} :: to hold on to, to stick to, to adhere
pitbull {n} :: pitbull, pit bull terrier (breed of dog)
pitchi {n} [golf] :: pitch
pitempi {adj} :: comparative of pitkä
pitentää {v} :: alternative form of pidentää
pitentyä {v} :: alternative form of pidentyä
pitkä {adj} [of an object] :: long
pitkä {adj} [of a person] :: tall
pitkä {n} :: short for pitkä kiekko
pitkäaaltoalue {n} :: longwave bands collectively
pitkäaikainen {adj} :: long-term, longtime
pitkäaikainen {adj} :: chronic
pitkäaikainen {adj} :: secular (going on for a long period of time)
pitkäaikainen vastuu {n} [accounting, finance] :: long-term liability
pitkäaikainen vieras pääoma {n} [accounting, finance] :: long-term debt
pitkäaikaisin {adj} :: superlative of pitkäaikainen
pitkäaikaispotilas {n} :: long-term patient (seriously injured or chronically ill person who has to spend long periods of time in hospital care)
pitkäaikaissäilytys {n} :: long-term storage, long-term preservation
pitkäaikaissokeri {n} :: long-term sugar (especially in blood)
pitkäaikaistyötön {n} :: long-term unemployed (person who has been unemployed for an elongated period of time)
pitkäaikaistyöttömyys {n} :: long-term unemployment
pitkäaikaisvaikutus {n} :: long-term effect
pitkään {adv} :: for long, at length
pitkään aikaan {phrase} :: in a long time, for a long time
pitkähäntämuurahaiskäpy {n} [zoology] :: long-tailed pangolin, Manis tetradactyla
pitkähihainen {adj} :: longsleeved
pitkähiuksinen {adj} :: [of humans] longhaired
pitkähöylä {n} :: a woodworking plane made of a long block of wood
pitkähuilu {n} [musical instruments] :: willow flute
pitkäikäinen {adj} :: long-lasting (persisting or enduring for a long time)
pitkäikäinen {adj} :: long-lived (having a long lifespan; surviving for a long period of time)
pitkäikäisyys {n} :: longevity
pitkäjalka {n} :: stilt (three species of bird in the genera Himantopus and Cladorhynchus)
pitkäjalka {n} :: black-winged stilt, Himantopus himantopus
pitkäjalkainen {adj} :: long-legged
pitkäjännitteisesti {adv} :: in a long-term way
pitkäjänteinen {adj} :: long-term (extending over a relatively long time period)
pitkäjänteisesti {adv} :: in a long-term way
pitkäkarvainen {adj} :: [of furred animals] longhaired
pitkäkarvainen collie {n} :: rough collie (breed of dog)
pitkäkaulaluuttu {n} [music] :: tanbur (type of long-necked lute commonly used in Central and South Asian music)
pitkäkestoinen {adj} :: lengthy, prolonged, sustained
pitkäkestoinen {adj} :: long-term
pitkäkestoinen {adj} :: long-lasting
pitkä kiekko {n} [ice hockey] :: An icing
pitkäkirkko {n} :: a church with a rectangular plan, often such that the church is longer in the east-west direction
pitkäkseen {adv} :: down (to a reclining position); mostly used in the expression käydä pitkäkseen (to lie down)
pitkäkyntinen {adj} :: light-fingered (given to thievery or shoplifting)
pitkällään {adv} :: in a horizontal position, horizontally; often translated into English with down
pitkällä tähtäimellä {phrase} :: in the long run, in the long term
pitkälleen {adv} :: to a horizontal position, horizontally; often translated into English with down
pitkällinen {adj} :: prolonged, lengthy
pitkälti {adv} :: to a large extent
pitkämiekka {n} :: A longsword, greatsword, bastard sword or bastardsword
pitkämielinen {adj} :: long-suffering, patient, forbearing (characterized by patience and indulgence)
pitkämielisesti {adv} :: patiently, forbearingly, in a long-suffering way
pitkänään {adv} :: synonym of pitkällään
pitkän aikavälin vastuu {n} [accounting, finance] :: long-term liability
Pitkänen {prop} :: surname
pitkänomainen {adj} :: elongated, longish
pitkänurkka {n} :: a corner of a log house with logs sticking out the corner; such a corner type
pitkäpääsara {n} :: Carex elongata
pitkä penni {n} [idiomatic] :: pretty penny
pitkäperjantai {n} [Christianity] :: Good Friday
pitkäpiimä {n} [dairy products] :: A type of piimä typical for western Finland
pitkäpiimäinen {adj} [idiomatic] :: prolix (tediously lengthy)
pitkäpiimäinen {adj} [idiomatic] :: ponderous (extremely dull or boring)
pitkäpiimäinen {adj} :: of or pertaining to pitkäpiimä
pitkäpiimäisesti {adv} :: ponderously, dully
pitkäpiimäisyys {n} :: ponderousness, dullness
pitkäpinnainen {adj} [colloquial] :: even-tempered, patient
pitkäsäärinen {adj} :: long-legged, leggy (having long legs)
pitkäsiima {n} [fishing] :: longline
pitkäsoitto {n} :: LP record
pitkäsoitto {n} :: As modifier in compound terms: long-playing, LP
pitkäsoittolevy {n} :: LP, long-playing record
pitkästä aikaa {interj} :: long time no see; it has been a long time
pitkästi {adv} :: longly
pitkästyä {v} :: to get bored
pitkästyttää {vt} :: to bore (to make boring, tiresome)
pitkästyttävä {adj} :: tiresome, dull
pitkästyttävästi {adv} :: tiresomely, dully
pitkäsuippuinen {adj} [botany] :: acuminate (tapering to a long point in a concave manner)
pitkätakki {n} :: longcoat
pitkäthousut {n} :: long trousers
pitkät valot {n} [automotive] :: high beams
pitkävene {n} :: longship (Viking naval vessel)
pitkäveteinen {adj} :: dull, tedious, boring
pitkäveteisesti {adv} :: tediously
pitkäviha {n} [historical] :: the war between Sweden and Russia that took place between 1570–1595
pitkikset {n} [colloquial] :: trousers, leggings
pitkin {postp} :: along
pitkin ja poikin {adv} :: synonym of pitkin poikin
pitkin korvia {phrase} [idiomatic] :: Together with a suitable verb, e.g. antaa, lyödä, läimäyttää, vedellä, vetää, to box someone's ears
pitkin poikin {adv} :: crisscross (crossing one another, or one's own path)
pitkistyä {v} :: synonym of pitkittyä
pitkittää {v} :: to prolong, draw out, extend (make something last for more time than is necessary)
pitkittäin {adv} :: lengthwise
pitkittäinen {adj} :: longitudinal (running in the direction of the long axis of a body)
pitkittäisaalto {n} [physics] :: longitudinal wave (wave in which the direction of disturbance is parallel to the direction of travel)
pitkittäisleikkaus {n} :: lengthwise cross-section
pitkittäistutkimus {n} :: longitudinal study
pitkittyä {vi} :: to be prolonged
pitko {n} :: An elongated loaf of pulla (cardamom bread), often baked in the form of a plait
pitkospuu {n} :: duckboard (one of a long series of boards laid as a path across wet or muddy ground)
pitkospuu {n} :: in plural (pitkospuut), duckboards (path made that way)
pitkulainen {adj} :: oblong, elongated
pito {n} :: keeping, upkeep
pito {n} :: spending (a vacation)
pito {n} :: traction (friction)
pito {n} :: hold (as in a phone call kept on hold)
-pitoinen {adj} :: containing, -bearing, -rich (containing a relatively large share of); often the English equivalent is a substance-specific adjective
pitoisuus {n} :: percentage
pitoisuus {n} :: concentration
pitokokki {n} :: caterer
pitokytkin {n} :: hold-to-run switch, hold switch
pitopaikka {n} :: venue, establishment
pitopalvelu {n} :: catering, catering service
pitopohja {n} :: grip bottom, grippy underside (especially of a type of ski)
pitopohjasukset {n} :: waxless skis
pitopöytä {n} :: smorgasbord
pitoruoka {n} :: food in a traditional feast or banquet
pitoteippi {n} :: grip tape
pitot-putki {n} :: Pitot tube
pitovaatteet {n} :: casualwear
pitovaikeus {n} [usually, in plural] :: difficulty of maintenance
pitovoide {n} :: grip wax, kick wax (type of ski wax)
pitovoima {n} [fluid dynamics] :: downforce
pitsa {n} :: alternative form of pizza
pitseria {n} :: alternative form of pizzeria
pitsi {n} :: lace
pitsipuumuura {n} :: chestnut-backed antshrike
pitsisukat {n} :: lace socks
pitskat {n} [dialectal] :: matches (devices to make fire)
pittoreski {adj} :: picturesque
pituinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] :: long; [of humans] tall
pituus {n} :: length
pituus {n} :: longitude (angular distance east or west from Greenwich meridian; used in combination with itäinen (eastern) or läntinen (western))
pituus {n} :: height (vertical distance from the ground to the highest part of a standing person)
pituusaste {n} :: longitude (angular distance east or west from the Greenwich meridian), degree of longitude
pituushyppääjä {n} :: long jumper (athlete)
pituushyppy {n} [athletics] :: long jump
pituuskaltevuus {n} :: gradient of a rail track or road
pituuskontraktio {n} [physics] :: length contraction, Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction
pituusleikkaus {n} :: slitting, cutting across the longitudinal axis
pituusleikkaus {n} [papermaking] :: roll slitting
pituusleikkuri {n} :: roll slitter
pituusmerkki {n} :: macron (diacritical mark)
pituusmitta {n} :: linear measure, length measure
pituuspiiri {n} [geography] :: longitude, meridian
pituussuunta {n} :: the direction of length; lengthwise direction
pituusyksikkö {n} :: unit of length
piuha {n} [colloquial] :: electrical cord
piuha {n} [tools] :: turf spade
piukasti {adv} :: tightly, tautly, skimpily
piukea {adj} :: alternative form of piukka
piukempi {adj} :: comparative of piukka
piukka {adj} :: tight, taut, skimpy
piukkasara {n} :: Carex elata
piupaut {n} :: used in the expression antaa piupaut
piuru {n} :: Scolochloa festucacea
piuru {n} :: any plant of the genus Scolochloa
piuru {n} [in plural] :: the genus Scolochloa
pivo {n} [archaic] :: A hand, palm
pivosirppi {n} :: an early type of sickle
pizza {n} :: pizza
pizzaleikkuri {n} :: pizza cutter
pizzamauste {n} :: pizza seasoning (a blend of herbs and spices used in pizzas)
pizzauuni {n} :: pizza oven
pizzeria {n} :: pizzeria
Pjongjang {prop} :: Pjongjang (capital city)
pjongjangilainen {n} :: Pyongyangite (person)
pk {phrase} :: abbreviation of pieni ja keskisuuri; used in compounds
P-kausi {n} [military slang] :: the period of recruit training, basic training or boot camp during military service
PKK {prop} :: initialism of PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party)
pk-teollisuus {n} :: small and medium industry (industrial enterprises employing 10 to 250 people)
pk-yrittäjä {n} :: small and medium entrepreneur (entrepreneur who employs 10 to 250 people)
pk-yritys {n} :: small and medium enterprise, SME (enterprise employing 10 to 250 people)
pl. {adv} :: abbreviation of pois lukien
pl {n} :: abbreviation of pullo
plaanata {v} [nautical] :: to plane
plaani {n} [nautical] :: planing
plafondi {n} :: ceiling light
plagaali {adj} [music] :: plagal
plagiaatti {n} :: A plagiarism
plagioida {vt} :: To plagiarize
plagioija {n} :: plagiarizer
plagiointi {n} :: plagiarizing
plagioklaasi {n} [mineral] :: plagioclase
plagioklaasiporfyriitti {n} [geology] :: plagioclase porphyrite
pläkä {n} [nautical, slang] :: calm, dead calm (period of no wind)
plakaatti {n} :: synonym of juliste
plaketti {n} :: plaquette (small, usually square, metal tablet decorated in bas-relief, often used mark of honor by organizations)
plakkari {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of tasku
plakki {n} [dentistry] :: plaque
pläkki {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of läkki (tin plate)
planeetta {n} :: planet
planeettainvälinen {adj} :: interplanetary
planeettakunta {n} [astronomy] :: planetary system
planeettapyörästö {n} :: planetary gear
planeettatutkimus {n} [astronomy] :: planetary science
planeettavaihteisto {n} [automotive] :: planetary transmission
planetaarinen {adj} [astronomy] :: planetary
planetaarinen sumu {n} [astronomy] :: planetary nebula
planetaario {n} :: planetarium
planetoidi {n} [astronomy] :: planetoid
planetologi {n} :: planetologist
planetologia {n} [astronomy] :: planetology
planimetri {n} :: planimeter
planisfääri {n} [astronomy] :: planisphere
plankata {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of lankata
plankkaus {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of lankkaus
plankki {n} [dialectal] :: shoe polish
planktinen {adj} :: planktonic
plankton {n} :: plankton
planssi {n} :: poster (illustration, especially one fixed on stiff base for presentation)
planssi {n} [printing] :: plate (page dedicated for illustratiions, especially one printed on better paper than the rest of the publication)
planssi {n} [television] :: background image, especially one with text
planssi {n} [television] :: In subtitling, any unspoken element, such as a note or sign, which needs to be translated
plantaarifaskiitti {n} [patology] :: plantar fasciitis
plantaarinen {adj} :: plantar
plantaasi {n} :: plantation
planttu {n} [dialectal] :: sapling, seedling
planttu {n} :: novice, beginner, greenhorn (someone new to a profession, usually with a modifier that specifies the profession)
plarata {v} [dialectal, colloquial] :: to browse, leaf
plärätä {v} [dialectal, colloquial] :: alternative form of plarata
plari {n} [colloquial] :: manuscript
plari {n} :: (colloquial) program sheet
plasebo {n} [pharmacology] :: placebo
plasebovaikutus {n} [medicine] :: placebo effect
plaseerata {v} :: to seat (to assign seats to participants, particularly around a table, as in dinner party)
plaseeraus {n} :: seating (act of assigning seats to participant; seating order that thus results)
pläsi {n} [slang] :: face, especially an ugly one
plasma {n} [biology, physics, hematology] :: plasma
plasmafysiikka {n} :: plasma physics
plasmaleikkaus {n} :: plasma cutting
plasmanäyttö {n} :: plasma screen
plasmapallo {n} :: plasma ball
plasmasolu {n} :: plasma cell
plasmasuihkuhitsaus {n} :: plasma jet welding
plasmatekniikka {n} :: plasma technology
plasmidi {n} [cytology] :: plasmid
plasmiini {n} [biochemistry] :: plastin
plasmodesmi {n} [biology] :: plasmodesma
plasmoni {n} :: plasmon
plasmosyytti {n} :: plasmocyte
plastidi {n} [biology] :: plastid
plastiikka {n} :: plastic art
plastiikka {n} :: plasticity
plastiikkakirurgi {n} :: plastic surgeon
plastiikkakirurgia {n} :: plastic surgery
plastiikki {n} [archaic] :: plastic
plastillinen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of plastinen
plastinen {adj} :: plastic, malleable; flexible, pliant (capable of being moulded)
plastinen {adj} :: plastic (biology: capable of adapting to varying conditions)
plastinen {adj} :: plastic (of or pertaining to the inelastic, non-brittle, deformation of a materia)
plastisesti {adv} :: plastically
plastisuus {n} :: plasticity
plataani {n} :: sycamore (tree of the genus Platanus)
platformi {n} :: platform (type of shoe)
platina {n} :: platinum
platinafasaani {n} :: Lady Amherst's pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae
platinakettu {n} :: platinum fox (grey, white and black color variant of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) found in foxes that are bred in captivity for their fur)
platinakoru {n} [individually] :: platinum piece of jewelry, piece of platinum jewelry (piece of jewelry in which the metal part is chiefly platinum)
platinakoru {n} [collectively] :: platinum jewelry
platinalevy {n} [music] :: platinum disc, platinum record, platinum (recording that has sold enough to reach platinum level; the actual number varies by the market and awarder, in Finland the level is currently 20,000)
platinanvaalea {adj} :: platinum blond, platinum blonde
platinaryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: platinum group
platinoida {vt} :: to platinize (coat with platinum)
platinointi {n} :: platinization
Platon {prop} :: Plato
platonikko {n} :: Platonist
platonilainen {adj} :: Platonic (of or pertaining to Plato or his philosophy)
platonilaisuus {n} :: synonym of platonismi
platoninen {adj} :: platonic (of love or relationship, nonsexual)
platoninen rakkaus {n} :: platonic love
Platonin kappale {n} [geometry] :: A Platonic solid
platonismi {n} :: Platonism
plätsähtää {vi} :: to splat (make a sharp, atonal sound akin to liquid hitting a hard surface)
platykurtinen {adj} :: platykurtic
playback {n} [music, singing] :: playback singing
playback {n} [music, singing] :: lip-syncing
playboy {n} :: playboy
playoff-peli {n} :: playoff match
plebeiji {n} [history] :: plebeian, pleb
pleenumi {n} :: synonym of täysistunto (plenary session)
pleenumiesitelmä {n} :: plenary talk (talk given in the plenary session of a conference)
pleikkari {n} [colloquial] :: PlayStation
pleiotrooppinen {adj} :: pleiotropic
pleissata {v} :: to splice (unite ropes by interweaving the strands)
pleissi {n} :: splice (junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together)
pleistoseeni {n} [geology] :: synonym of pleistoseenikausi
pleistoseenikausi {n} [geology] :: The Pleistocene (epoch)
pleistoseenikautinen {adj} [geology] :: Pleistocene (of or pertaining to Pleistocene epoch)
plejadi {n} :: Pleiad
Plejadit {prop} [astronomy] :: The Pleiades
Plejadit {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The Pleiades
pleko {n} :: pleco (South American fishes)
pleksi {n} :: short for pleksilasi
pleksi {n} [sports, especially, ice hockey] :: glass (clear, protective screen surrounding a hockey rink)
pleksilasi {n} :: plexiglass, acrylic glass (tough transparent plastic used sometimes in lieu of glass)
plektra {n} [music] :: plectrum, pick
plenaariesitelmä {n} :: synonym of pleenumiesitelmä
pleomorfismi {n} [biology] :: pleomorphism
pleonasmi {n} [rhetoric] :: pleonasm (rhetorical device)
pleonastinen {adj} [rhetoric] :: pleonastic (of or relating to pleonasm)
pleuradreeni {n} :: chest tube
pleuriitti {n} :: pleuritis
pliisu {adj} [colloquial] :: mediocre, bland, boring
plikka {n} [dialectal] :: girl
plioseeni {n} [geology] :: The Pliocene
plioseenikausi {n} [geology] :: The Pliocene
plioseenikautinen {adj} [geology] :: Pliocene (of or pertaining to Plioocene epoch)
pliseerata {v} :: synonym of vekata
pliseeraus {n} :: pleating (act or instance of pleating)
pliseeraus {n} :: pleating, pleats (result of pleating)
plogging {n} :: synonym of roskajuoksu
plokata {v} [slang] :: to pick
plokata {v} [slang] :: to bus (clean meal remains from plates; act as a busboy or busser)
ploki {n} [nautical] :: block (case with one or more sheaves/pulleys)
plombeerata {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of plombittaa
plombi {n} :: bulla (seal made out of lead)
plombittaa {v} :: to seal with lead, seal with a bull (to attach a seal of lead to)
plonkata {v} [internet slang] :: to ignore a message or user
plonkata {v} [by extension, slang] :: to reject a boy- or girlfriend
plootu {n} [historical] :: A plate of copper of up to 15 kilograms in weight, used as money in Sweden in 17th century
plootu {n} [colloquial] :: slab, sheet (flat piece of metal)
plooturaha {n} :: synonym of plootu
plörinä {n} :: See mennä plörinäksi
plörö {n} [colloquial] :: A drink consisting of coffee and a shot of hard liquor, often vodka
plösö {adj} [slang] :: fat
plotata {v} [colloquial] :: To plot (a diagram)
plumpsahdus {n} :: synonym of lumpsahdus
plumpsahtaa {v} :: synonym of lumpsahtaa
pluraali {n} :: plural
pluralismi {n} [social sciences] :: pluralism
pluralismi {n} [philosophy] :: pluralism
pluralisti {n} :: pluralist
pluralistinen {adj} :: pluralistic
pluraliteettijärjestelmä {n} :: first past the post, simple majority voting, plurality voting (voting system where the candidate with the most votes (a plurality) wins, without any form of preference transfer)
pluratiivi {n} :: plurale tantum
plus {conj} :: plus
plusaste {n} :: synonym of lämpöaste
pluskvamperfekti {n} [grammar] :: past perfect, pluperfect, pluperfect tense
pluslasit {n} :: reading glasses (eyeglasses meant for correcting farsightedness, with positive (+) diopter value)
pluslasku {n} [arithmetic, colloquial] :: addition
plusmerkki {n} :: plus sign
plusmerkkinen {adj} [math] :: positive (greater than zero)
plusmerkkinen {adj} [physics] :: positive (having more positrons than electrons)
plus-miinusmerkki {n} [typography] :: plus-minus sign (±)
plusnapa {n} [electricity, direct current system] :: positive terminal, cathode (battery pole toward which the electrons flow)
plusnapa {n} [colloquial] :: positive terminal, hot terminal (in a two- or three phase electricity distribution system, a terminal with voltage, as opposed to the neutral or zero-voltage terminal)
pluspiste {n} :: point (in a game or test in which penalties are allowed, point that increases the score)
pluspuoli {n} :: pro, plus, advantage, upside (positive aspect of something, especially when contrasted with its disadvantages)
pluspuu {n} [forestry] :: seed tree (superior tree selected for seed production for the needs of nurseries)
plussa {n} [colloquial] :: plus sign
plussa {n} :: pro, plus, positive thing
plussa {n} [colloquial] :: weather with above zero Celsius of temperature
plussata {v} [colloquial] :: To sum
Pluto {prop} [Roman mythology] :: Pluto (Roman god)
Pluto {prop} :: Pluto (dwarf planet)
plutokraatti {n} :: plutocrat
plutokratia {n} :: plutocracy
plutoni {n} [geology] :: pluton
plutoninen {adj} [mineralogy] :: plutonic
plutonium {n} :: plutonium
plutoniumpommi {n} :: plutonium bomb (nuclear fission bomb in which the fissile material is plutonium)
plutoona {n} [military, archaic] :: synonym of joukkue
plutoona {n} [jocular] :: crowd
pluumi {n} [geology] :: mantle plume
plyymi {n} :: plume (cluster of feathers worn as an ornament)
plyyshikangas {n} :: alternative spelling of plyysikangas
plyysi {n} :: plush (textile fabric with a nap or shag on one side, especially the type that's used for upholstery)
plyysihuonekalu {n} :: plush piece of furniture (piece of furniture upholstered with plush)
plyysi-istuin {n} :: plush seat
plyysikangas {n} :: plush (textile fabric with a nap or shag on one side, especially the type that's used for upholstery)
plyysimatto {n} :: plush carpet
plyysisohva {n} :: plush sofa
PN {prop} :: initialism of w:fi:Pohjoismaiden neuvosto
pneumaattinen {adj} :: pneumatic
pneumaattinen sireeni {n} :: pneumatic siren
pneumaattisesti {adv} :: pneumatically
pneumatiikka {n} :: pneumatics
pneumokokki {n} :: pneumococcus (bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, which causes pneumonia)
pneumonia {n} [pathology] :: pneumonia
podcast {n} :: podcast
podcastata {v} :: To podcast (to deliver audio via an RSS feed over the internet to a subscriber)
podsoli {n} :: podzol, podsol
poeettinen {adj} :: poetic
poetiikka {n} :: poetics
pogostantauti {n} :: Pogosta disease
pogromi {n} :: pogrom
pohatta {n} :: tycoon
pohdin {n} [archaic] :: a flat-bottomed vessel used for separating grain from husks and chaff
pohdinta {n} :: deliberation, consideration, pondering
pohdiskella {v} :: To reflect, contemplate
pohdittava {n} :: food for thought (information or knowledge that is worthy of contemplation)
pöheikkö {n} :: thicket
pöhinä {n} :: hustle (state of busy activity)
pohja {n} :: bottom (lowest part of anything, especially of a container)
pohja {n} :: fundament (underlying basis or principle)
pohja {n} :: layout (spatial arrangement of a building or flat)
pohja {n} [archaic, poetic] :: north; also with capital initial
Pohja {prop} :: surname
Pohja {prop} :: Pohja (former municipality), now part of Raasepori
Pohja {prop} :: alternative case form of pohja (in the sense "north")
pohja-aika {n} [motorsports] :: fastest time, fastest stage time
pohja-ala {n} :: base area, ground area, ground
pohjaeliöstö {n} :: benthos
pohjagneissikompleksi {n} :: basal gneiss complex
pohjahiiva {n} :: bottom yeast (yeast that in the end of fermentation tends to sink to the bottom of wort, used e.g. to produce lager beer)
pohjahiivakäyminen {n} :: bottom fermentation
pohjahiivaolut {n} :: botom-fermented beer
pohjahinta {n} :: reserve price (price set by a seller in an auction, below which the lot or item cannot be sold)
-pohjainen {adj} [not comparable] :: -based
-pohjainen {adj} :: -bottomed
-pohjainen {adj} :: -soled
pohjainflaatio {n} :: core inflation
pohjajää {n} :: anchor ice (submerged ice anchored to the bottom of a river etc.)
pohjakerros {n} :: ground floor (floor of a building closest to ground level)
pohjakonglomeraatti {n} [geology] :: basal conglomerate
pohjakosketus {n} :: grounding, an instance of hitting the bottom of a body of water
pohjakoulutus {n} :: initial training
pohjalainen {adj} :: Ostrobothnian (of or pertaining to the region of Ostrobothnia)
pohjalainen {n} :: Ostrobothnian (person)
pohjalaisittain {adv} :: like the Ostrobothnians do, in an/the Ostrobothnian way
pohjalaismurre {n} :: Ostrobothnian dialect
pohjalehtinen {n} [botany] :: isoetid (rosette plant that completes its entire life cycle submerged)
pohjalehtinen {adj} [botany] :: isoetid
pohjalevy {n} [automotive] :: platform
pohjalevy {n} :: bottom plate
pohjaliete {n} :: bottom sludge
pohjallinen {adj} :: Having a bottom
pohjallinen {n} :: insole
pohjalukema {n} :: The lowest value in a set of observations, the rock bottom, a minimum
pohjalukema {n} [sports] :: The best result reached so far in an ongoing contest; the leading score which other competitors have to beat, if they wish to win
pohjamaa {n} [construction] :: subgrade
pohjamaalata {vt} :: to prime, to size, to apply primer paint or undercoat to
pohjamaalaus {n} :: priming, undercoating
pohjamaali {n} :: primer (type of paint used to prime wood, metal, etc. in preparation for painting; a layer of such substance)
pohjamajakka {n} :: caisson lighthouse
pohjamateriaali {n} :: base material, substrate, backing material
Pohjan akka {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: synonym of Louhi
pohjanhorsma {n} [plant] :: Hornemann's willowherb (Epilobium hornemannii)
pohjanhyytelöjäkälä {n} :: Collema curtisporum (a lichen)
pohjankatkarapu {n} :: deep-sea prawn, Pandalus borealis (species of shrimp found in cold parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans)
Pohjan kruunu {prop} :: The constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown
Pohjanlahti {prop} :: The Gulf of Bothnia
pohjanleinikki {n} :: arctic buttercup, Ranunculus hyperboreus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
pohjanlepakko {n} :: northern bat, Eptesicus nilssonii
Pohjanmaa {prop} :: Pohjanmaa (historic province)
Pohjanmaa {prop} :: Ostrobothnia (administrative region of contemporary Finland)
pohjanmaalainen {adj} :: synonym of pohjalainen
pohjanmaalainen {n} :: synonym of pohjalainen
Pohjanmaan kautta {interj} :: bottoms up
Pohjanmeri {prop} :: The North Sea
pohjanmerikarhu {n} :: northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus (species of fur seal native to the northern Pacific)
pohjanoteeraus {n} [idiomatic] :: low point, all-time low, rock bottom, the worst
pohjanpika {n} :: northern pika, Ochotona hyperborea
pohjanpystykorva {n} :: Norrbottenspets, Nordic spitz
pohjanrousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius subcircellatus
Pohjantähti {prop} [astronomy] :: Polaris, North Star or Pole Star
pohjantamandua {n} :: northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana)
pohjantikka {n} :: Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)
pohjanuotta {n} :: dragnet, demersal seine
pohjapaine {n} :: bottom pressure
pohjapalkka {n} :: base wage, base salary (such as minimum of what is considered acceptable)
pohjapato {n} :: underwater dam
pohjapiimä {n} :: synonym of aluspiimä
pohjapiirros {n} :: floor plan, blueprint, layout
pohjapiirustus {n} :: floor plan, schematic
pohjasakka {n} :: dreg, dregs (sediment in a liquid)
pohjasakka {n} :: dreg (lowest and most worthless part of something)
pohjasävel {n} [music] :: root (fundamental tone of chord)
pohjata {v} :: to base on
pohjata {v} :: to furnish with a sole or soles
pohjata {v} [rare] :: to run aground, ground
pohjatiedot {n} :: prerequisite or underlying information or knowledge
pohjaton {adj} :: bottomless
pohjaton kaivo {n} [idiomatic] :: bottomless pit (endless resource or supply; entity or problem which consumes endless resources)
pohjatrooli {n} [fishing] :: A dragnet
pohjattomasti {adv} :: bottomlessly
pohjatuuli {n} [poetic, literary] :: north wind
pohjauttaa {vt} :: to have something furnished with a new sole or soles
pohjautua {vi} :: To be based on
pohjaverkko {n} [fishing] :: bottom-set gillnet
pohjavesi {n} :: groundwater
pohjavesikerros {n} :: An aquifer
pohjavilla {n} :: undercoat (layer of hairs under fur)
pohje {n} [anatomy] :: A calf
pohjeapu {n} [equestrianism] :: leg as a riding aid
pohjehermo {n} [anatomy] :: fibular nerve, peroneal nerve
pohjelihas {n} [anatomy] :: calf muscle, triceps surae
pohjeluu {n} [skeleton] :: calf bone, fibula (smaller of the two bones of the lower leg)
pohjeluulihas {n} [anatomy] :: peroneus
pohjemmaksi {adv} :: closer towards the bottom
pohjemmalla {adv} [static] :: closer to the bottom
pohjemmalle {adv} :: closer towards the bottom
pohjemmalta {adv} :: from closer to the bottom
pohjempaa {adv} :: from closer to the bottom
pohjempana {adv} [static] :: closer to the bottom
pohjimmainen {adj} :: underlying, fundamental, quintessential
pohjimmaksi {adv} :: to closest to the bottom, to furthest down
pohjimmalla {adv} :: synonym of pohjimpana
pohjimmalle {adv} :: synonym of pohjimmaksi
pohjimmalta {adv} :: synonym of pohjimmaltaan
pohjimmalta {adv} :: synonym of pohjimpaa
pohjimmaltaan {adv} :: basically, fundamentally, in essence, deep down
pohjimmiltaan {adv} :: basically, fundamentally, in essence, deep down
pohjimpaa {adv} [from] :: the closest to the bottom
pohjimpana {adv} [static] :: closest to the bottom, furthest down
pohjittaa {v} :: synonym of pohjata
pohjoinen {n} :: north
pohjoinen {adj} :: northern
Pohjoinen jäämeri {prop} :: The Arctic Ocean
pohjoinen napapiiri {n} [geography] :: Arctic Circle
pohjois- {prefix} :: north, northern
Pohjois-Afrikka {prop} :: North Africa
Pohjois-Amerikan suuret järvet {prop} :: The Great Lakes
Pohjois-Amerikka {prop} :: North America
pohjoisamerikkalainen {adj} :: North American
pohjoisamerikkalainen {n} :: North American
Pohjois-Atlantin liitto {prop} :: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Pohjois-Atlantti {prop} :: The North Atlantic
Pohjois-Carolina {prop} :: Pohjois-Carolina (state)
Pohjois-Dakota {prop} :: North Dakota
pohjoisemmaksi {adv} :: synonym of pohjoisemmas
pohjoisemmas {adv} :: (to) further north, (to) some (more) distance towards the north
pohjoisempaa {adv} :: from further north
pohjoisempana {adv} [static] :: further north
pohjoisempi {adj} :: comparative of pohjoinen
pohjoisenpuoleinen {adj} :: northerly
Pohjois-Eurooppa {prop} :: Northern Europe
pohjoiseurooppalainen {adj} :: Northern European
pohjoiseurooppalainen {n} :: A Northern European person
pohjoisfriisi {n} :: North Frisian (Frisian language)
pohjoisfriisi {n} :: North Frisian (person)
Pohjois-Irlanti {prop} :: Northern Ireland
Pohjois-Jemen {prop} :: North Yemen
pohjoisjukagiiri {n} :: Northern Yukaghir (Yukaghir language)
pohjoiskalotti {n} :: northern polar cap
Pohjois-Karjala {prop} :: Pohjois-Karjala (region)
pohjoiskarjalainen {adj} :: North Karelian (of or pertaining to North Karelia)
pohjoiskarjalainen {adj} :: North Karelian (person from North Karelia)
pohjoiskoillinen {n} :: north-northeast
Pohjois-Korea {prop} :: North Korea
pohjoiskorealainen {adj} :: North Korean
pohjoiskorealainen {n} :: North Korean
pohjoisluode {n} :: north-northwest
pohjoismaa {n} :: A Nordic country
Pohjoismaat {prop} :: the Nordic countries
pohjoismainen {adj} :: Nordic
Pohjois-Mariaanit {prop} :: Northern Marianas
pohjoismurre {n} :: northern dialect
pohjoismyrsky {n} :: northerly storm
pohjoisnaapuri {n} :: northern neighbor
pohjoisnapa {n} :: A north pole
pohjoisosa {n} :: northern part
Pohjois-Ossetia {prop} :: North Ossetia
Pohjois-Ossetia-Alania {prop} :: North Ossetia-Alania
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa {prop} :: Pohjois-Pohjanmaa (region)
pohjoispuoli {n} :: northside
pohjoisraja {n} :: northern border
pohjoissaame {n} :: The Northern Sami language
Pohjoissaari {prop} :: North Island
Pohjois-Savo {prop} :: Pohjois-Savo (region)
pohjoissilta {n} [literally] :: north bridge, northern bridge
pohjoissilta {n} [computing, electronics] :: northbridge
Pohjois-Suomi {prop} :: Northern Finland (geographical and administrative area that consists of the northern parts of Finland, commonly understood to include the regions of Lapland (Finland), Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu)
Pohjoisterritorio {prop} :: Northern Territory
pohjoistuuli {n} :: north wind
Pohjois-Vietnam {prop} :: North Vietnam
pohjoisviitta {n} [nautical] :: north cardinal (cardinal mark indicating navigable water to the north of the mark)
pohjola {n} :: the North, especially the Arctic and subarctic regions of the world in general, without reference to any particular place
Pohjola {prop} :: The Nordic countries
Pohjola {prop} :: A prominent mythical location in the Finnish national epic Kalevala, typically translated as Northland. It is depicted as the main rival of Kalevala, the home of the heroes of the epic
Pohjola {prop} :: surname
Pohjola {prop} :: alternative case form of pohjola
Pohjolan emäntä {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: synonym of Louhi
Pohjonen {prop} :: surname
pohjukaissuoli {n} :: duodenum
pohjukaissuolihaava {n} [pathology] :: duodenal ulcer
pohjukka {n} [anatomy] :: fornix (archlike fold)
pohjustaa {v} :: to underlay, set up
pohjustaja {n} :: primer (person who primes wood, metal etc.)
pohjuste {n} :: primer, undercoat (material applied onto a surface before topcoat)
pohjustusvoide {n} :: primer cream
pohkeenväistö {n} [equestrianism] :: leg-yield
pöhkö {n} :: A fool
pohmelo {n} :: hangover (sickness caused by excessive drinking)
pöhnä {n} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
pöhö {n} [pathology] :: edema
pöhöttää {vt} :: to cause to bloat or swell
pöhöttyä {vt} :: to bloat, swell
pohtaa {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of pohtia
pohtia {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to ponder, consider, reflect, mull over (think about something deeply)
pohtia {vt} [archaic] :: to thresh (separate grain from husk or chaff)
poies {adv} [dialectal] :: away
poi’inta {n} :: calving, littering
poi’ittaa {vt} :: to have or make calve or litter
poi’itus {n} :: having or making calve or litter
poiju {n} :: A buoy
poijuttaa {vt} :: to buoy, to mark with a buoy
poika {n} :: boy
poika {n} :: son
poika {n} :: young (an offspring of an animal, especially of a bird)
poikabakteeri {n} [childish] :: cootie, boy germ (imaginary germ that the boys are supposed to have, used as a pretence to avoid their company or just to make a fuss about nothing)
poikabändi {n} :: boy band
poikakissa {n} :: boy cat, tomcat
poikakoira {n} :: boy dog
poikakoulu {n} :: boy school
poikalapsi {n} :: A boy child
poikamainen {adj} :: boyish
poikamaisesti {adv} :: boyishly
poikamies {n} :: bachelor (unmarried man)
poikamiesboksi {n} :: bachelor pad, garçonnière
poikamieselämä {n} :: bachelor life, life as a bachelor
poikanen {n} :: diminutive of poika
poikanen {n} :: little boy
poikanen {n} :: young (an animal offspring, especially one for which there's no specific term - see hyponyms below)
poikanen {n} :: tuulen ~ : puff of wind, light breeze
poikani {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of poika
poikanne {n} :: second-person plural possissive form of poika
poikansa {n} :: third-person possissive form of poika
poikaoppilas {n} :: boy student, boy pupil
poikaparka {n} :: poor (pitiful) boy
poikapöpö {n} :: synonym of poikabakteeri
poikapuoli {n} :: stepson
poikarakkaus {n} [euphemistic] :: A homosexual relationship between males
poikarakkaus {n} [euphemistic] :: homosexual love between males
poikasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of poika
poikasopraano {n} [music] :: boy soprano
poikatyttö {n} :: tomboy
poikavauva {n} :: baby boy
poikavuosi {n} :: boyhood year
poikaystävä {n} :: boyfriend
poikaystäväni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of poikaystävä
poikaystäväsi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of poikaystävä
poiketa {vi} [_, + elative] :: to differ from, be different from, depart, deviate, diverge (not to have the same traits, characteristics)
poiketa {vi} :: to deviate, stray, wander; to diverge, swerve, veer (to change course or plan; to go off course; to fall outside, e.g. of a norm)
poiketa {vi} [_, + elative] :: to digress, deviate (to turn aside from the main subject of attention, or course of argument)
poiketa {vi} :: to drop by, drop in (to visit without an appointment)
poiketa rivistä {v} [also, idiomatic] :: to break ranks
poikia {v} :: to calve
poikia {v} :: to litter (to give birth to, used of animals)
poikimahalvaus {n} [veterinary medicine] :: milk fever (fatal metabolic disorder in dairy cattle, occurring at the start of lactation)
poikin {adv} :: pitkin ~ far and wide, here and there, this way and that, every which way, crisscross
poikitse {adv} [rare, dated, poetic, dialectal] :: (Scattered/strewn) here and there, all over (the place), (all) spread out
poikitse {postp} [rare, dated, poetic, dialectal] :: Across, through
poikittain {adv} :: crosswise, diagonally, obliquely
poikittain {adv} [nautical] :: abeam
poikittainen {adj} :: transverse, traverse (crossing from one side to the other)
poikittainen {adj} [nautical] :: abeam (being at a right angle to the centerline)
poikittaisaalto {n} [physics] :: transverse wave (wave in which the direction of disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of travel)
poikittaisleikkaus {n} :: crosswise cross-section
poikittaispalkki {n} :: A transverse beam
poikittaistutkimus {n} :: cross study
poikkaista {vi} [colloquial] :: synonym of katkaista
poikkeama {n} :: aberration
poikkeama {n} :: anomaly
poikkeama {n} :: deflection
poikkeama {n} [math] :: deviation
poikkeama {n} [aviation] :: diversion, unscheduled landing (unscheduled landing, possibly back to its departure airport, the cause of which is not severe enough to be an emergency landing)
poikkeamaraja {n} :: tolerance limit
poikkeava {adj} :: abnormal, aberrant, deviant, anomalous
poikkeavampi {adj} :: comparative of poikkeava
poikkeavasti {adv} :: abnormally, aberrantly, anomalously
poikkeavuus {n} :: abnormality (the state of being abnormal)
poikkeuksellinen {adj} :: Exceptional
poikkeuksellisen {adv} :: Exceptionally
poikkeuksellisesti {adv} :: exceptionally (in an exceptional way)
poikkeukseton {adj} :: exceptionless, without exception
poikkeuksetta {adv} :: without exception, bar none
poikkeus {n} :: exception, anomaly, outlier (deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal)
poikkeus {n} :: anomaly, abnormality, exception, deviant (something or someone that is strange or unusual)
poikkeusasema {n} :: exceptional status, exceptional position
poikkeuslahjakkuus {n} :: exceptional giftedness
poikkeuslahjakkuus {n} :: an exceptional talent (person)
poikkeuslaki {n} :: emergency law, emergency bill, emergency act; special act
poikkeuslupa {n} :: permit of exception
poikkeusolot {n} :: exceptional circumstances
poikkeustapaus {n} :: exceptional case, exception
poikkeustila {n} [legal] :: state of emergency
poikkeustilanne {n} :: exceptional situation (any out-of-ordinary situation, especially one in which exception from established practices or rules is justified)
poikkeutin {n} :: deflector
poikkeuttaa {vt} :: to deflect, to make deviate
poikkeutuskela {n} :: deflection coil
poikki- {prefix} :: cross-, transverse
poikki {adv} :: broken into two or more pieces
poikki {adv} :: off (with verbs describing cutting into two or more pieces)
poikki {adv} [colloquial] :: exhausted, beat, dead tired
poikki {postp} :: across, through
poikkihuilu {n} :: Western concert flute, transverse flute
poikkikirves {n} :: axe with a perpendicular blade
poikkilaiva {n} [architecture] :: transept
poikkileikkaus {n} :: cross-section (section formed by a plane cutting through an object)
poikkinainen {adj} :: broken, cut
poikkinainti {n} [colloquial] :: marrying across Torne River from Finland to Sweden or from Sweden to Finland
poikkipääty {n} [architecture] :: wall dormer above a front door or window
poikkipalkki {n} :: crossbar (any transverse bar or piece)
poikkipinta-ala {n} :: cross-sectional area, cross section area
poikkipuolin {adv} :: synonym of poikkiteloin
poikkipuu {n} :: (wooden) crossbeam, (wooden) transom, (wooden) stringer
poikkitela {n} [music] :: false relation
poikkiteloin {adv} :: crosswise, diagonally, obliquely
poikkiteloin {adv} [figuratively] :: opposing, crossing (contradicting)
poikkitieteellinen {adj} :: multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary (relating to multiple areas of study)
poikkiviiva {n} [typography] :: stroke (individual horizontal strikethrough such as in Đ)
poikue {n} :: litter (offspring of a mammal born in one birth)
poikuus {n} :: boyhood
poikuus {n} :: male virginity
poikuusaika {n} :: time or period of one's boyhood
poimia {vt} :: to pick
poimia {vt} :: to excerpt, extract (to take by selection; to choose out; to cite or quote, as a passage from a book)
poimia rusinat pullasta {v} [idiomatic] :: to cherry pick (to select only the best from a range of options)
poimija {n} :: collector, picker (e.g. of berries)
poiminta {n} :: collecting, picking
poimintalasta {n} :: weaving sword
poimiskella {vt} :: to pick in a somewhat leisurely manner
poimu {n} :: fold, warp, crease, wrinkle, ruga
poimuajo {n} [science fiction] :: warp drive
poimuilla {vi} :: to be or become warped, creased or wrinkled
poimuinen {adj} :: corrugated
poimuinen {adj} :: pleated
poimuinen {adj} :: wrinkled
poimuinen {adj} [botany] :: plicate
poimukas {adj} :: wrinkled
poimukas {adj} [botany] :: plicate
poimulehti {n} :: lady's mantle (plant of the genus Alchemilla)
poimulehti {n} [in plural] :: the genus Alchemilla
poimuttaa {vt} :: to fold, pleat (fabric, cloth); to drape; to ruffle, crimp, crimple
poimuttaa {vt} :: to corrugate
poimuttaa {v} [science fiction] :: to warp (travel or transport across a medium without passing through it normally)
poimuttua {vi} :: To be folded, be pleated; to be draped; to be ruffled, be crimp(l)ed
poimuttua {vi} :: To be corrugated
poimuttua {vi} [botany] :: To be plicated
poimuuntua {v} :: synonym of poimuttua
poimuvuori {n} :: fold mountain
pointe {n} [ballet] :: pointe
pointillismi {n} :: pointillism
pointillisti {n} :: pointillist
pointillistinen {adj} :: pointillistic
pointsi {n} [colloquial] :: point (usually 'unit of scoring')
pointteri {n} :: pointer (dog breed)
pointteri {n} [computing] :: pointer (e.g. of mouse or memory)
pointti {n} [colloquial] :: point (argument)
pois {adv} [of movement] :: away, off
pois {adv} [of clothes] :: off
pois {adv} [mathematics] :: minus, take away
poisehdollistaminen {n} :: aversion therapy
pois lukien {adv} :: excluding, disregarding
poislukien {adv} :: alternative form of pois lukien
poismennyt {adj} [euphemistic] :: deceased
poismeno {n} :: exit, departure
poismeno {n} [euphemistic] :: passing away, decease, demise (death)
poisnukkunut {adj} [euphemistic] :: that who has passed away (dead)
pois päältä {adv} [of a machine, device] :: Off (into a state of non-operation)
poispäin {adv} :: away (motion away from something: compare to ylös (up) and ylöspäin (upward))
poissa {adv} [static] :: absent, gone, not there/here, away
poissa {adv} [+ elative] :: out of, away from
poissa hyvä, kotona paras {proverb} :: there's no place like home
poissaoleva {adj} :: absent
poissaoleva {adj} :: absent-minded
poissaoleva {n} :: absentee, no-show (one who is not present)
poissaolevana {adv} [legal] :: in absentia (while not present; while absent)
poissaolevasti {adv} :: inattentively
poissaolevasti {adv} :: absent-mindedly
poissaolo {n} :: absence
poissaoloaika {n} :: period of absence
poissaolo-oikeus {n} :: right of absence
poissaoloviesti {n} :: out-of-office reply
poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä {proverb} :: out of sight, out of mind
poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä {proverb} :: long absent, soon forgotten
poissulkea {v} [rare] :: alternative form of sulkea pois (to preclude)
poissulkeminen {n} :: exclusion (act of excluding or shutting out; removal from consideration or taking part)
poissulkeminen {n} :: preclusion
poissulkeva {adj} :: exclusive (excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions)
poissulkeva tai {n} :: XOR, exclusive OR
poistaa {v} :: to remove
poistaa {v} :: to delete
poistaa {v} :: ~ tuotannosta, myynnistä, valikoimasta etc.: to discontinue (to put an end to, especially as regards commercial productions; to stop producing, making, or supplying something)
poistaa {v} :: ~ asemasta: to eject (such as a disc from a drive)
poistaa {v} [accounting] :: to depreciate
poistaa {v} [slang] :: to sell or deal illegal recreational drugs
poistaa käytöstä {vt} :: to put out of use
poistaa käytöstä {vt} [computing] :: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
poistaa pelistä {vt} :: to eliminate, remove from a game
poistaa pelistä {vt} [idiomatic] :: to eliminate, take out, liquidate
poistaja {n} :: remover
poistaminen {n} :: removal
poistaminen {n} :: abolishment
poistattaa {vt} :: to make remove, to have (something) removed
poiste {n} :: remover (substance)
poistella {vt} :: to remove repeatedly
poistin {n} :: remover
poisto {n} :: removal
poisto {n} :: deletion
poisto {n} [accounting] :: depreciation
poisto {n} [accounting] :: amortization (of intangible assets)
poistoaine {n} :: remover, stripper (chemical)
poistogeeninen {adj} [genetics] :: knockout (having one ore more genes inactivated)
poistohöyry {n} :: exhaust (steam let out of a cylinder after it has done its work there)
poistoilma {n} :: exhaust (foul air let out of a room)
poistoilmalämpöpumppu {n} :: exhaust air heat pump
poistoleikkaus {n} [surgery] :: surgical removal; [usually in compounds] ectomy (surgery which removes something from the body)
poistonäppäin {n} [computing] :: delete key
poistopuhallin {n} :: exhaust fan
poistoputki {n} :: drainage pipe
poistoventtiili {n} :: discharge valve
poistoviiva {n} :: strikeout line, strikethrough line
poistua {vi} :: to leave [a place]
poistuma {n} [technical] :: deletion, loss, wastage, reduction, drain (that which is removed, lost or retired, especially within a given time frame)
poistuma {n} [genetics] :: deletion (mutation in which a gene, or other section of DNA, is removed from a chromosome)
poistuminen {n} :: The act of leaving
poistumisnäppäin {n} [computing] :: escape key
poistumistie {n} :: escape route, escape road
pojanpoika {n} :: son of someone's son; grandson
pojantytär {n} :: daughter of someone's son; granddaughter
pojanviikari {n} :: rascal (misbehaving and wild, but not intentionally bad boy)
pojat ovat poikia {proverb} :: boys will be boys
pojintima {n} [dialectal] :: stepson
pojo {n} [colloquial] :: a point (e.g. in a sports match or video game)
Po-joki {prop} :: Po-joki (river)
poju {n} [colloquial] :: boy, lad, sonny
poka {n} [colloquial, usually, in the plural] :: frame (of a window, etc.)
poka {n} :: frame of a bow saw
pokaali {n} :: cup (trophy in the shape of an oversized cup)
pökäle {n} :: log, stock (large piece of round wood)
pökäle {n} :: A relatively solid lump of anything
pökäle {n} :: turd (piece of excrement)
pokara {n} :: pike pole
pokasaha {n} :: bow saw, bucksaw
pökät {n} [slang] :: pants
pokata {v} :: to bow in a handsome manner, especially by bringing one foot to the side and back while bowing
pokata {v} :: to ask to dance
pokata {v} [slang] :: to pick up (to seduce)
pökätä {vt} :: to shove, to butt
poke {n} [slang] :: doorman, bouncer (at a bar or nightclub)
poke {n} [slang] :: pornography
pokemon {n} [military slang] :: the PK machine gun
pokeri {n} :: poker (any of various card games in which the players make tactical bets or drop out, and the superior hand remaining in the game at the end of betting rounds collects the pot)
pokerinaama {n} [poker] :: Poker face
pökerryksiin {adv} :: into being stunned or dazed
pökerryksissä {adv} :: stunned, dazed
pökerryksistä {adv} :: from being stunned or dazed
pökerryttää {vt} :: to stun
pökertyä {vi} :: To become stunned
pokka {n} [colloquial] :: poker (game)
pokka {n} [colloquial] :: poker face
pokka {n} [colloquial] :: guts, courage
pokkailla {vi} :: to bow repeatedly
pokkana {adv} [colloquial] :: with a straight face, confidently
pokkari {n} [colloquial] :: pocketbook, paperback
pokkari {n} [colloquial] :: compact camera, pocket camera
pökkelö {n} :: rotting tree
pökkelö {n} :: chucklehead (stupid or clumsy person)
pökkiä {v} :: to butt, to shove (strike bluntly, particularly with the head)
pökkiä {v} [slang] :: to bang (engage in sexual intercourse)
pökkö {n} :: log, stock, block of wood
pökkövehka {n} :: amorphophallus (plant of the genus Amorphophallus)
pokkuroida {v} :: to truckle (to act in a submissive manner)
pokkuroida {v} :: to fawn and seek favour by flattery
poks {interj} :: pop
poksahtaa {vi} :: to pop (make a pop, or sharp, quick sound; burst with a popping sound)
poksauttaa {vt} :: to pop (burst something with a popping sound)
poksi {n} :: alternative form of boksi
pokstaavi {n} [dated] :: letter, character
pöksyt {n} [colloquial] :: pants, especially women's underpants and children's trousers
pola {n} :: A buoyant mark put on a fishing net or similar non-moving fishing equipment
polaarihajotelma {n} [math] :: polar decomposition
polaari-ilma {n} :: polar air
polaarinen {adj} :: polar (having a dipole)
polaarinen {adj} :: polar (relating to a geographic pole)
polaarinen {adj} :: polar (of an orbit passing near a geographic pole)
polaarinen {adj} :: polar (of a certain coordinate system)
polaaripyörre {n} :: synonym of napapyörre
polaarisuus {n} :: polarity
polabi {n} :: Polabian, Polabian Slav (person)
polabi {n} :: Polabian (language)
pölähdellä {vi} :: to billow repeatedly
pölähtää {vi} :: to billow once
polakka {n} :: A type of wheat bread
polakki {n} [archaic, now derogatory] :: A Polack (Polish person)
polanne {n} :: A hard ridge of snow on road
polanne {n} :: second-person plural possissive form of pola
polanteinen {adj} :: having hard ridges of snow on road
polarisaatio {n} :: polarization
polarisoida {vt} :: To polarise/polarize
polarisoitua {vi} :: To be(come) polarised/polarized
polariteetti {n} :: polarity
polaroida {vt} :: To polarise/polarize
polaroitua {vi} :: To be(come) polarised/polarized
pöläyttää {vt} :: to cause to billow once
polderi {n} :: polder
poleeminen {adj} :: polemic (having the characteristics of a polemic)
poleemisesti {adv} :: polemically
polemikoida {v} :: alternative form of polemisoida
polemisoida {v} :: to polemicize
polenta {n} :: polenta
poletti {n} :: token (substitute for money)
pölhö {n} [colloquial] :: bozo, fool, goof
poli {n} [colloquial] :: polyclinic
poliisi {n} :: police (organization)
poliisi {n} :: policeman
poliisiaakkonen {n} :: in plural only, police alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used by the police to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
poliisiaakkonen {n} :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
poliisiajoneuvo {n} :: police vehicle
poliisiarvo {n} :: police rank
poliisiasema {n} :: police station
poliisiasia {n} :: police matter, police business
poliisiauto {n} :: police car
poliisihallinto {n} :: police administration
poliisijärjestys {n} :: local police ordinance
poliisikamari {n} [dated] :: police station
poliisiketju {n} :: police cordon
poliisikoira {n} :: police dog
poliisikomentaja {n} :: police commander
poliisikonstaapeli {n} :: police constable, police officer
poliisikoulu {n} :: police academy
poliisikunta {n} :: police force (police collectively)
poliisikuulustelu {n} :: police interrogation, police questioning
poliisilaitos {n} :: police department (local or regional branch of a national police force)
poliisilaitos {n} :: A building housing a police department
poliisimerkki {n} :: police badge
poliisimestari {n} [historical] :: synonym of poliisipäällikkö; chief constable, police commissioner, police inspector
poliisimies {n} :: policeman
poliisineuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in police or law enforcement
poliisiopisto {n} :: police academy
poliisipäällikkö {n} :: chief constable (UK: chief of territorial police force)
poliisipartio {n} :: police patrol
poliisipiiri {n} :: police district, precinct (subdivision of a city under the jurisdiction of a specific group of police)
poliisitalo {n} :: police station
poliisitarkastaja {n} :: superintendent, police inspector
poliisitiedotus {n} :: police announcement
poliisitoimi {n} :: police (police as branch of government)
poliisitutkinta {n} :: police investigation
poliisiväkivalta {n} :: police brutality
poliisivaltio {n} :: police state
poliisivalvonta {n} :: police check, police surveillance
poliisivankila {n} :: jail (place or institution for the short-term confinement of persons held in lawful custody or detention for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding)
poliisivartio {n} :: police patrol, police protection
poliisiviranomainen {n} :: police authority, police
poliisiviranomainen {n} :: police officer
poliisivoima {n} :: in singular, police force (force as used by the police)
poliisivoima {n} :: in plural, police force (police as an institution)
poliitikko {n} :: politician
poliittinen {adj} :: political
poliittinen kansantaloustiede {n} [economics] :: political economy
poliittinen korrektius {n} :: political correctness
poliittisesti {adv} :: politically
poliittisesti korrekti {adj} :: politically correct
poliittistaa {vt} :: To politicize; to turn into a political issue
poliittistua {v} :: alternative form of politisoitua
polikliinisesti {adv} :: in an outpatient way
poliklinikka {n} :: outpatient clinic, policlinic (false friend: polyclinic)
pölinä {n} :: dusting
pölinä {n} :: twaddle
polinja {n} [hydrology] :: polynya
polio {n} :: poliomyelitis
pölistä {vi} :: to shed dust
pölistä {vi} [colloquial] :: to babble, prattle; jabber
politbyroo {n} :: politburo
politiikka {n} :: politics
politiikka {n} :: policy (as a course of action)
politikoida {v} :: to politicize (to discuss politics)
politikoida {v} :: to politick (to engage in politics)
politisoida {vt} :: to politicize (to turn something into a political issue)
politisoitua {v} :: to become politicized
politologi {n} :: political sociologist
politologia {n} :: political sociology
pöljä {n} :: A dumb person
polje {n} :: a polje
poljennollisesti {adv} :: rhythmically
poljenta {n} :: stamping
poljenta {n} :: pedaling
poljenta {n} [figuratively] :: oppressing, oppression
poljento {n} :: rhythm
poljettu {adj} :: downtrodden
poljettu {adj} :: oppressed
poljin {n} :: pedal
poljin {n} :: treadle
polkaista {vt} :: to stomp one's foot once
polkea {v} :: to stamp (with one's foot or feet)
polkea {v} :: to pedal
polkea {v} :: to treadle
polkea {v} [figuratively] :: to oppress
polkea paikallaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to stagnate, to tread water
polkeminen {n} :: stamping, pedaling
polkeutua {v} :: To get trampled, stomped
polkka {n} :: polka
polkkatukka {n} :: bob haircut
pölkky {n} :: log, stock, block of wood
pölkkypää {n} :: blockhead, loggerhead (dumb person)
pölkkytuoli {n} :: a block of wood used as a chair or stool
polku {n} :: Act of treading, stomping; used only in compounds
polku {n} :: path, trail, track
polku {n} [computing, graph theory] :: path
polkuäes {n} :: a type of harrow consisting of boards of wood with spikes at the bottom, designed for the harrower to stand on top of
polkuantura {n} :: pad (cushion-like thickening of the skin on the underside of the toes of animals)
polkuauto {n} :: pedal car (toy car fitted with pedal drive)
polkuauto {n} :: velomobile, quadricycle (road vehicle)
polkuhinta {n} [figurative] :: dumping price (extremely low price)
polkuintegraali {n} :: path integral (line integral)
polkumiina {n} :: blast mine (type of anti-personnel mine)
polkumyynti {n} :: dumping (selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market)
polkunimi {n} [computing] :: pathname
polkupyörä {n} :: bicycle
polkupyöräilijä {n} :: bicyclist, cyclist
polkupyöräillä {v} :: to ride a bike, cycle
polkupyöräily {n} :: cycling
polkupyöräjoukot {n} :: bicycle troops
polkupyörälaukku {n} :: bicycle bag
polkupyöräpoliisi {n} :: bicycle police (police that patrols on bicycles)
polkupyöräriksa {n} :: cycle rickshaw (vehicle)
polkupyörätaksi {n} :: pedicab, cycle rickshaw, bike taxi (cycle rickshaw used as taxi)
polkusara {n} :: brownish sedge (Carex brunnescens)
polkusilta {n} :: a bridge on a trail designed to pass over a body of water (possibly temporary)
polkusin {n} [rare] :: A pedal
polkuvene {n} :: pedalo, paddleboat
polkuyhtenäinen {adj} [topology] :: path-connected
polkuyhtenäisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being path-connected
polla {n} [slang] ::  head
pöllähdellä {vi} :: to billow or puff repeatedly
pöllähtää {vi} :: to billow, to puff
pöllähtää {vi} :: to sprint
pöllämystyä {v} [dialectal] :: to be stupefied, baffled or confused
pöllämystynyt {adj} :: dumbfounded, stunned
pollari {n} [nautical] :: A bollard
pollari {n} [colloquial] :: police officer
pölläyttää {vt} :: to cause to billow or puff
polle {n} [humorous, childish] :: horse
polle {n} [colloquial] :: Big H, boy, dope, junk, H, horse, Ron, shit, skag, smack (street name of heroin)
pölli {n} [colloquial] :: log, stock, block of wood
pölliä {v} [colloquial] :: to steal, nick
pöllö {n} :: owl
pöllö {n} [colloquial] :: fool
pöllö {adj} [slang] :: batty, stupid, crazy, silly
pöllökehrääjä {n} :: frogmouth (bird of the family Podargidae)
pöllönen {n} :: scops owl (bird of the genus Otus)
pöllönen {n} :: screech owl (bird of the genus Megascops, formerly classified to belong to Otus)
pöllönen {n} :: part of the common name of some other small owls in other genera
pöllösti {adv} [slang] :: crazily, in a silly way
pollusiitti {n} [mineral] :: pollucite
pöllytä {vi} [of dust] :: to float
pöllytellä {vt} :: to smoke or puff repeatedly
pöllyttää {vt} :: to smoke, to puff
pöllyttää {vt} :: to spank, to pull someone's hair as a punishment
polo {n} :: poor (one to be pitied)
poloinen {n} [oldish, dialectal or poetic] :: poor, wretch (one to be pitied)
poloneesi {n} [dance] :: polonaise
polonium {n} :: polonium
polottaa {vi} [rare] :: to blabber
polpo {n} [internet slang, derogatory] :: (the) police
pölpöttää {v} :: to babble, to blather
polskahtaa {vi} :: to splash once
polskauttaa {vt} :: to splash once
polskia {vi} :: to splash
polskuttaa {v} :: To dabble
polsteri {n} [dialectal] :: bolster (large cushion or pillow)
poltattaa {vt} :: to have (something) burned
polte {n} :: burning sensation
poltella {v} :: to burn (with/in fire)
poltella {vt} :: to smoke (tobacco, drugs)
poltella {v} :: to burn, to feel a burning sensation
poltettu kalkki {n} :: quicklime, burnt lime, calcium oxide, CaO
poltettu maa {n} :: scorched earth
poltettu tiili {n} :: burnt brick
poltin {n} :: burner
poltinrauta {n} :: A branding iron
polttaa {vt} :: to burn (to cause to be consumed by fire)
polttaa {v} :: to burn (to overheat so as to make unusable)
polttaa {v} :: to burn (to make or produce by the application of fire)
polttaa {v} :: to burn (to injure with heat or chemicals that cause similar injuries)
polttaa {v} :: to burn, sunburn
polttaa {v} :: to burn (to consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat)
polttaa {v} [computing] :: to burn (to write data on a permanent storage device)
polttaa {v} :: to burn, waste (to lose money and/or other resources)
polttaa {v} :: to burn (in a game, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought)
polttaa {vti} :: to smoke (to deliberately inhale smoke from cigarettes, other tobacco products or some other substances such as marijuana)
polttaa {vt} [medicine] :: to cauterize
polttaa {v} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: to put out
polttaa kuin korsteeni {v} [simile] :: to smoke like a chimney (smoke tobacco frequently)
polttaa päreensä {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to lose one's temper, fly off the handle
polttaa siltansa {v} [idiomatic] :: to burn one's bridges (to destroy one's connections, reputation, opportunities, etc.)
polttaja {n} :: burner (someone or something which burns)
polttaja {n} [in compounds] :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
polttaja {n} [baseball] :: shortstop
polttaja {n} [pesäpallo] :: one of the two shortstop positions (see kakkospolttaja, kolmospolttaja)
polttaja {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: one who puts out (causes an out for the other team)
polttaminen {n} :: burning
polttaminen {n} :: incineration
polttaminen {n} :: combustion
polttarit {n} :: stag party [Commonwealth]; bachelor party [US, South Africa], buck's party [Australia], stag do [UK]
polttarit {n} :: bachelorette party, bridal shower; hen party, hen night, hen do
polttava {adj} :: hot (spicy)
polttavampi {adj} :: comparative of polttava
polttiainen {n} :: biting midge (insect of order Diptera)
polttiainen {n} [in the plural] :: the order Diptera
polttiaiseläin {n} :: cnidarian (any species in the phylum Cnidaria)
polttiaishapero {n} :: Russula consobrina
polttimo {n} :: distillery, brewery
polttimo {n} :: bulb (part of a lamp)
polttimo {n} :: burner (component of devices)
poltto {n} :: burn, burning (act of burning something intentionally)
poltto {n} :: burn (physical sensation in the muscles following strenuous exercise)
poltto {n} :: burn (operation or result of burning or baking)
poltto {n} :: incineration [act of destroying by burning]
poltto {n} :: pain, smarting, especially the labor pains,
polttoaine {n} :: fuel
polttoainepumppu {n} [automotive] :: fuel pump
polttoainesäiliö {n} :: fuel tank
polttoainesauva {n} :: fuel rod
polttoainetankki {n} :: fuel tank (container of fuel, especially one inside a vehicle)
polttohautaus {n} :: cremation (act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse)
polttoitsemurha {n} :: self-immolation
polttoitsemurhata {v} [rare] :: to self-immolate
polttokaasu {n} :: combustion gas, fuel gas
polttokalmisto {n} :: any type of (ancient) graveyard where the dead were cremated
polttokammio {n} :: combustion chamber
polttokenno {n} :: fuel cell
polttokenttäkalmisto {n} :: an ancient graveyard where the ashes of the cremated were spread over a large area
polttokivi {n} :: a base stone for a fireplace
polttolaiva {n} [nautical] :: A fire ship
polttolakata {vt} :: to coat with a baking enamel
polttolasi {n} :: sunglass (convex lens of glass for producing heat by converging the sun's rays into a focus)
polttoleikkaus {n} :: flame cutting
polttomaalata {vt} :: to powder-coat
polttomerkitä {vt} :: To brand (mark (especially cattle) with a brand as proof of ownership)
polttomerkki {n} :: A brand (mark made by burning)
polttomerkki {n} :: A stigma
polttomoottori {n} :: internal combustion engine
polttomoottorivoimalaitos {n} :: diesel generator; a facility or device creating electrical power using an internal combustion engine
polttoneste {n} :: liquid fuel
polttoöljy {n} :: fuel oil
polttopallo {n} :: dodgeball
polttopallo {n} :: murderball
polttopiste {n} :: focus
polttopullo {n} :: Molotov cocktail
polttopuu {n} :: wood, firewood (pieces of wood gathered to make fire)
polttopuu {n} :: cordwood
polttorauta {n} :: searing iron (tool)
polttosäde {n} [geometry] :: focal radius
polttotaisteluaine {n} :: incendiary material
polttotaso {n} [optics] :: focal plane
polttouhri {n} :: A holocaust (sacrifice to a god, completely burned to ashes)
polttouuni {n} :: kiln
polttoviljely {n} :: Any agricultural method in which fire is used to make the land more suitable for food production, e.g. slash-and-burn, firestick farming
polunetsintä {n} [computing] :: pathfinding
polvarit {n} [colloquial] :: stockings, knee-highs
pölvästi {n} :: A dumb person
polveilla {vi} :: to wind, to meander
polveke {n} :: bend, curve, turn
polvekenauha {n} :: zigzag ribbon
polvenkorkuinen {adj} :: knee-high
polveutua {vi} :: To stem from
polvi {n} :: knee
polvi {n} :: stifle (joint above the hock on a horse's hind leg and corresponding to the knee)
polvi {n} :: hitch (type of knot)
polvi {n} :: generation (single step in the succession of natural descent)
polvihousut {n} :: breeches (tight-fitting knee-length trousers worn by men until early 19th century)
polvihousut {n} :: knickerbockers (baggy knee-length trousers worn by men and boys in 20th century)
polvijärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Polvijärvi (Finnish municipality)
polvijärveläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Polvijärvi (Finnish municipality)
Polvijärvi {prop} :: Polvijärvi
polvillaan {adv} :: on one's knees
polvilleen {adv} :: onto one's knees
polviltaan {adv} :: from one's knees
polviltaan {adv} [with action verbs] :: while on one's knees
polvilumpio {n} [skeleton] :: kneecap, patella (bone)
polvinivel {n} [anatomy] :: knee joint
polviorsi {n} [heraldry] :: chevron
polvipussi {n} :: baggy knee (bag-like formation at the knees of trousers)
polvipussinen {adj} :: of trousers, having bags in the knees
polvistaa {vt} :: To force somebody to his knees
polvistua {vi} :: to kneel (to stoop down and rest on the knee)
polvistua {vi} [figurative] :: to submit, to bend the knee
polvisukka {n} :: knee sock, knee high
polvitaive {n} [anatomy] :: ham (region back of the knee)
polvitaive {n} :: popliteal (adjective referring to the back of the knee, used often as translation of polvitaive- or polvitaipeen. There's no corresponding adjective in Finnish.)
polvitaklaus {n} [ioe hockey] :: kneeing
polvivamma {n} :: knee injury
pöly {n} :: dust
polyamidi {n} [chemistry] :: polyamide
polyandria {n} :: polyandry
polybutyleenitereftalaatti {n} [chemistry] :: polybutylene terephthalate
polydaktylia {n} :: polydactyly
polydekstroosi {n} [organic chemistry] :: polydextrose
polydimetyylisiloksaani {n} [chemistry] :: polydimethylsiloxane
polyesteri {n} [organic chemistry] :: polyester
polyesterifilmi {n} :: polyester film
polyeteeni {n} [chemistry] :: polyethylene
polyeteenitereftalaatti {n} :: synonym of polyetyleenitereftalaatti
polyetyleenitereftalaatti {n} [chemistry] :: polyethylene terephthalate
polyfagi {n} [biology] :: polyphage
polyfenoli {n} [chemistry] :: polyphenol
polyfonia {n} :: polyphony
polyfoninen {adj} :: polyphonic
polyfyleettinen {adj} [taxonomy] :: polyphyletic
polygaaminen {adj} :: polygamous
polygamia {n} :: polygamy
polygeneettinen {adj} :: polygenetic
polyglotti {n} :: polyglot
polygonaalinen {adj} [geometry] :: polygonal
polygoni {n} [geometry, dated] :: polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
polygoni {n} [computer graphics] :: polygon, poly
polygynia {n} :: polygyny
pölyharja {n} :: dusting brush
polyhistori {n} [rare, academic] :: A polyhistor
pölyhiukkanen {n} :: dust mote, dust speck, dust particle
pölyhuiska {n} :: feather duster
pölyhuisku {n} :: dusting brush, whisk, duster
pölyinen {adj} :: dusty
pölykansi {n} :: dust cover
pölykapseli {n} :: hubcap, wheel cover
polykarbonaatti {n} [chemistry] :: polycarbonate
pölykasetti {n} :: dust cartridge
pölykerros {n} :: dust layer, dust deposit
polyketidi {n} :: polyketide
pölykeuhko {n} [pathology] :: pneumoconiosis
polykloorattu {adj} [chemistry] :: polychlorinated
polykloorattu bifenyyli {n} [chemistry] :: polychlorinated biphenyl
pölykoira {n} :: dust bunny
polykromia {n} :: polychromy
polykystinen {adj} :: polycystic
polylaktidi {n} [organic compound] :: polylactic acid, polylactide
pölyliina {n} :: dust cloth
pölymaa {n} :: dust soil
polymeeri {n} [chemistry] :: polymer
polymeerinen {adj} [chemistry] :: polymeric
polymeraasi {n} [enzyme] :: polymerase
polymeria {n} [chemistry] :: polymerism
polymerisaatio {n} :: polymerization (process)
polymerisoida {v} [dated] :: alternative form of polymeroida
polymerisoitua {v} :: dated form of polymeroitua
polymeroida {v} [organic chemistry] :: to polymerize (to convert into a polymer)
polymeroitua {v} [chemistry] :: to polymerize (to undergo polymerization)
polymeroituminen {n} [chemistry] :: polymerization
polymiktinen {adj} :: polymictic
pölymoppi {n} :: dust mop
polymorfia {n} :: polymorphism
polymyosiitti {n} [medicine] :: polymyositis
Polynesia {prop} :: Polynesia
polyneuropatia {n} [medicine] :: polyneuropathy
pölynimuri {n} :: vacuum cleaner, hoover
pölynkerääjä {n} :: dust collector, precipitator
polynomi {n} [algebra] :: polynomial
polynomifunktio {n} [mathematics] :: polynomial function
polynominen {adj} [mathematics] :: polynomial
polynomirengas {n} [algebra] :: polynomial ring
polynomiyhtälö {n} [mathematics] :: polynomial equation
pölynpesä {n} :: dust collector
pölynpitävä {adj} :: dustproof
pölynsitomisaine {n} :: dust binder
polynukleaarinen {adj} [biology] :: polynuclear
polyomino {n} [geometry] :: polyomino
pölypatsas {n} :: dust column, dust devil
polypeptidi {n} [biochemistry] :: polypeptide
pölypilvi {n} :: dustcloud
polyploidia {n} [genetics] :: polyploidy
polypropeeni {n} [chemistry] :: polypropylene
pölypunkki {n} :: dust mite, house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)
pölypussi {n} :: dust bag
polyradikuliitti {n} [pathology] :: Guillain-Barré syndrome
pölyräjähdys {n} :: a dust explosion
pölyrätti {n} :: dustcloth, duster
pölyriepu {n} :: dustcloth, dustrag
polyrytmi {n} [music] :: polyrhythm
polysakkaridi {n} [organic chemistry] :: polysaccharide
polysemia {n} [semantics] :: polysemy
pölysokeri {n} :: synonym of tomusokeri
polystyreeni {n} [chemistry] :: polystyrene
pölysuojaus {n} :: dustproofing
polysyklinen {adj} [organic chemistry] :: polycyclic
polysytemia {n} [pathology] :: polycythemia
pölytä {vi} :: To make dust
pölyte {n} :: dust, powder, pollen, particles (any fine solid which gets a wide distribution in the air and falls finely to the ground)
polyteismi {n} :: polytheism
polyteisti {n} :: A polytheist
polyteistinen {adj} :: polytheistic
polyteknillinen {adj} :: alternative form of polytekninen
polytekninen {adj} :: polytechnic
polytetrafluorieteeni {n} :: polytetrafluoroethylene (tough synthetic resin)
pölytiivis {adj} :: dustproof, sift-proof
pölytön {adj} :: dust-free, dustless (having no dust)
polytooppi {n} [geometry] :: polytope
polytrooppi {n} :: polytrope
polytrooppinen {adj} :: polytropic
pölyttää {v} :: to dust (to remove dust by shaking or similar mechanical treatment, but not vacuuming)
pölyttää {v} :: to dust (to sprinkle over with fine powder)
pölyttää {v} [botany] :: to pollinate
pölyttäjä {n} :: pollinator (insect etc. that pollinates)
pölyttäjä {n} :: pollinator (plant that is the source of pollen for cross-pollination)
pölyttäjä {n} :: duster (person who dusts)
pölyttäjähyönteinen {n} :: pollinating insect
pölyttyä {vi} :: to become covered in dust, to gather dust
pölytys {n} :: dusting (removal of dust)
pölytys {n} :: dusting (spraying or covering something with fine powder)
pölytys {n} [botany] :: pollination
polyuretaani {n} [organic chemistry] :: polyurethane
polyvinyylikloridi {n} [chemistry] :: polyvinyl chloride
polyyni {n} [chemistry] :: polyyne
pölyyntyä {v} :: synonym of pölyttyä
polyyppi {n} :: A polyp
polyyppikala {n} :: man-of-war fish, bluebottle fish, Nomeus gronovii (species of fish that lives among the tentacles of the Portuguese man-of-war)
pölyyttää {v} :: synonym of pölyttää
Pomarkku {prop} :: Pomarkku (municipality)
pomarkkulainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pomarkku
pomarkkulainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pomarkku
pomeranssi {n} :: sour orange
pomfretti {n} :: Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama
pomiloida {v} [dialectal] :: To talk
Pommeri {prop} :: Pomerania
pommerilainen {adj} :: Pomeranian
pommerilainen {n} :: Pomeranian
Pommerinlahti {prop} :: The Bay of Pomerania
pommi {n} :: bomb
pommi {n} [idiomatic] :: see nukkua pommiin
pommi-isku {n} :: bomb strike
pommikoira {n} :: bombdog (dog trained to sniff explosives)
pommikone {n} [aircraft] :: bomber
pomminkestävä {adj} :: bombproof
pomminvarma {adj} [idiomatic, of a person] :: safe as houses, bulletproof, foolproof (very certain, very sure)
pomminvarmasti {adv} :: in a safe as houses, bulletproof or foolproof way (of a person)
pommisuoja {n} [dated] :: bomb shelter, bombproof
pommitella {vt} :: to bomb or bombard repeatedly
pommittaa {vt} :: To bomb (to attack with bombs)
pommittaa {vt} :: To bombard
pommittaja {n} :: bomber (aircraft)
pommittaja {n} :: bomber (person)
pommitus {n} :: bombing
pommituskone {n} [rare] :: bomber (aircraft)
pomo {n} [colloquial] :: boss
pomoilla {v} :: to boss around
pomologi {n} :: pomologist
pomologia {n} :: pomology
pomoni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of pomo
pomosi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pomo
pomottaa {v} :: to boss, boss around
pompahdella {vi} :: to bounce, spring or rebound repeatedly
pompahtaa {vi} :: to bounce, to spring, to rebound
pompata {v} :: to jump, to leap, to bounce
pompata {v} :: to fail, to flunk, to defect
Pompeiji {prop} :: Pompeii
Pompeji {prop} :: Pompeii
pömpöllään {adv} [colloquial, especially of a belly] :: round and bulging
pompöösi {adj} :: pompous
pompotella {v} :: to bounce (to cause to move quickly up and down)
pompotella {v} [colloquial] :: to continuously recruit or force someone to do odd jobs and chores
pompottaa {v} :: bounce (cause to move quickly up and down)
pömpöttää {vi} [colloquial] :: to bulge
pomppia {vi} :: to bounce, bump, bobble
pomppoilla {vi} :: to bounce around
pömppömaha {n} :: A protruding belly
pömppövatsa {n} :: potbelly
pomppu {n} :: bounce
pomppukiekko {n} [ice hockey] :: bouncing or skipping puck
pomppulinna {n} :: bouncing castle, bouncy castle (large inflatable structure, resembling a castle etc., on which children jump and play)
pomppulyönti {n} [pesäpallo] :: bouncer (hit aimed downwards to cause the ball to bounce up high)
pompula {n} :: pompon
pomsi {n} :: synonym of satiini
pönäkkä {adj} :: squat, thickset, stout
pönäköityä {vi} :: to become squat, thickset or stout
ponantsa {n} [slang, rare] :: synonym of pontikka
ponape {n} :: Pohnpeian (language)
pondi {n} :: pond [unit of measure]
poni {n} :: pony
poninhäntä {n} :: ponytail (hairstyle)
ponkaista {vi} :: to vault, to jump
pönkittää {v} :: to prop up, shore up
pönkkä {n} :: prop, strut, crossbar
ponnahduslauta {n} :: springboard
ponnahduslauta {n} [figuratively] :: stepping stone (something used as a way to progress to something or somewhere)
ponnahdusvalikko {n} [graphical user interface] :: pop-up menu
ponnahduttaa {v} :: synonym of ponnauttaa
ponnahtaa {vi} :: To spring (back/off), bound (back/off), rebound (back/off)
ponnauttaa {vt} :: to cause to spring or bound
ponneaine {n} :: propellant
ponnekaasu {n} :: propellant (pressurized gaseous substance used to expel the contents of an aerosol package)
ponnekas {adj} :: alternative form of ponteva
ponnekkaasti {adv} :: energetically, vigorously
ponneton {adj} :: watery, feeble, limp
ponneton {adj} :: dispassionate, half-hearted
ponnin {n} :: spur, stimulus
ponnistaa {vi} :: To push; to bear down
ponnistaa {vi} :: To push off, leap, jump
ponnistaa {vi} :: To try hard, make a massive/great/supreme effort, put one's back into it: to struggle, strive
ponnistautua {vi} :: to push oneself (such as from the ground)
ponnistautua {vi} :: to make a great effort to do something
ponnistella {vi} :: To struggle, strive
ponnistelu {n} :: effort
ponnistus {n} :: effort
ponnistus {n} :: takeoff (in long jump and similar sports, the act that sends the athlete in the air)
ponnistusvoima {n} :: power of legs used for vertical jumps
pönöttää {vi} [colloquial] :: to act self-important and pompous
ponsi {n} [botany] :: anther (pollen-bearing part of the stamen of a flower)
ponsi {n} [politics] :: motion (parliamentary action to propose something)
ponsi {n} :: pommel (of sword, knife, axe or such)
ponsi {n} :: energy, vigour
ponsi {n} :: weight
ponsi {n} :: The part of a kantele that holds the varras
pontata {vt} :: to apply a tongue and groove joint onto a plank
pontata {vt} :: to join a plank or planks using a tongue and groove joint
ponteva {adj} :: energetic, vigorous
pontevasti {adv} :: energetically, vigorously
pontikankeitto {n} :: moonshining (illicit production of liquor)
pontikka {n} :: moonshine (illegal home-distilled liquor)
pontti {n} :: tongue and groove (joint)
ponttihirsi {n} :: a log with a tongue and groove joint
ponttilauta {n} :: tongue and groove board (board with tongue on one side and groove on the other to allow tongue and groove joint between them)
ponttiliitos {n} [construction] :: tongue and groove joint
pönttö {n} [colloquial] :: bin, can (any clumsy and/or ugly container, with or without a lid)
pönttö {n} [colloquial] :: blockhead (stupid person)
pönttö {n} [colloquial] :: toilet (fixture)
Pönttö-Mac {prop} :: A nickname for the Macintosh 128K
ponttoni {n} :: pontoon
ponttonisilta {n} :: pontoon bridge
ponttooni {n} :: pontoon
ponttoonisilta {n} :: pontoon bridge (temporary bridge built over floating pontoons)
pönttötuoli {n} [historical] :: a type of (often) cylindrical chair
pontus {n} :: overweight person [colloquial]
ponu {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pontikka
ponzu-kastike {n} :: ponzu (sauce)
pooki {n} [nautical] :: daymark
poolinen {adj} [chemistry] :: polar
poolisuus {n} [chemistry] :: polarity
pooliton {adj} [chemistry] :: nonpolar
poolo {n} [sports] :: polo (ball game where two teams of players on horseback use long-handled mallets to propel the ball along the ground and into their opponent's goal)
poolokaulus {n} [clothing] :: polo-neck, turtleneck (high, close-fitting collar, turned back on itself and covering all or most of the neck, on a sweater or similar garment)
poolopaita {n} :: turtleneck, polo-neck (shirt or blouse with a polo-neck collar)
poolopusero {n} :: polo neck sweater [UK]; turtleneck, turtleneck sweater [US] (sweater with a polo neck)
pootoora {n} [dialectal] :: second cup of coffee or tea
pop {adj} [chiefly in compounds] :: pop (popular)
pop {n} :: pop (popular music)
popata {v} [childish] :: to burn (be or feel hot)
popcorn {n} :: popcorn
pöpelikkö {n} [colloquial] :: thicket, copse
pöpi {adj} [colloquial] :: kooky, wacky (eccentric, strange, foolish or crazy)
popidoli {n} :: pop idol
pöpilä {n} [colloquial] :: nutfarm, funny farm
popin {adj} :: superlative of poppa
pöpinä {n} :: twaddle, nonsense, rubbish (empty or silly idle talk or writing)
pöpistä {vi} :: to twaddle, prattle (to talk nonsense)
popkulttuuri {n} :: pop culture
poplaulaja {n} :: pop singer
popliini {n} :: poplin (fabric)
popliinitakki {n} :: gabardine, trench coat
pop-musiikki {n} :: pop music
popmusiikki {n} :: alternative spelling of pop-musiikki
popmuusikko {n} :: pop musician
pöpö {n} [colloquial] :: bug, contagious disease
pöpö {n} [colloquial, especially metaphorical] :: frightening being, ghost-like monster, bugbear, bogeyman
pöpöttää {v} [colloquial] :: to twaddle
poppa {adj} [childish] :: hot
poppa {n} [childish] :: fire, hot thing
poppakonsti {n} [colloquial] :: magic trick, charm
poppamies {n} :: medicine man, witch doctor
poppana {n} :: A type of traditional Karelian woven fabric, made with hand loom of strips that have been cut obliquely out of (used) cloth, resulting in soft, nubby texture; used e.g. as tablecloth and bedcover
poppari {n} :: pop musician
poppari {n} [colloquial] :: popcorn
poppeli {n} :: poplar
poppelimagnolia {n} :: cucumber tree, Magnolia acuminata (tree with cucumber-like fruit, native to the northeastern United States)
pöpperöinen {adj} :: groggy or woozy from sleepiness or drowsiness
pöpperössä {adv} :: dizzy or woozy as a result of having just woken up
poppi {n} :: alternative form of pop
poppoo {n} [colloquial] :: A group of people; gang, lot
popsia {v} :: [of children or small animals] to eat, munch
poptähti {n} :: pop star
poptaide {n} :: pop art
poptaiteilija {n} :: pop artist
popula {n} [colloquial] :: group of people, gang
populaari {adj} :: popular
populääri {adj} :: alternative form of populaari
populaarikulttuuri {n} :: popular culture, pop culture
populaarimusiikki {n} :: popular music
populaaristaa {vt} :: to popularize; to present something in an easily understood form
populaatio {n} :: population
populaatioekologia {n} :: population ecology
popularisoida {vt} :: To popularise/popularize
populariteetti {n} :: popularity
populismi {n} :: populism
populisti {n} :: populist
populistinen {adj} :: populist
pora {n} :: drill
poraaja {n} :: driller
porakaivo {n} :: drilled well
porakone {n} :: power drill
porakonepumppu {n} :: drill pump
poranterä {n} :: A drill bit (tool)
poraruuvi {n} :: drilling screw
porasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pora
porata {vt} :: to drill, bore (to make a hole by boring)
porata {vt} [often with isommaksi (larger)] :: to bore out (to enlarge the diameter of a hole)
porata {vt} [gaming, slang] :: to wallbang (to shoot through walls in shooting games)
porata {vi} [dialectal] :: to cry
poraus {n} :: drilling
poraus {n} :: crying
porauslautta {n} :: drilling rig
porausreikä {n} :: borehole
porautua {vi} :: To drill into
poravasara {n} :: rotary hammer
pore {n} :: bubble (gas bubble in water)
pore {n} :: An area of molten water near the edge of ice in a melting lake
poreallas {n} :: jacuzzi, whirlpool, hot tub (bath with underwater jets that massage the body)
poreamme {n} :: jacuzzi, hot tub
poreilla {vi} :: to bubble or effervesce heavily (like a hot tub)
poretabletti {n} :: effervescent tablet
poretin {n} [rare] :: a device that produces bubbles, turning a pool into a jacuzzi
porevesi {n} :: sparkling water, seltzer
porfyria {n} [pathology] :: porphyria
porfyroblasti {n} [geology] :: porphyroblast
porfyyri {n} [geology] :: porphyry
porfyyrinen {adj} :: porphyrous, porphyric
porhaltaa {vi} [colloquial] :: To drive fast, to race
pörheä {adj} :: furry
pörhistää {v} :: to ruffle
pörhistellä {v} :: alternative form of pörhistää
pörhistyä {vi} :: to fluff up, puff up
porho {n} [colloquial] :: A very wealthy or affluent person; moneybags
pörhöllä {adv} :: fluffy or fuzzy
pörhöllään {adv} :: alternative form of pörhöllä
pörhölle {adv} :: into being fluffy or fuzzy
pörhölleen {adv} :: alternative form of pörhölle
pörhöön {adv} :: synonym of pörhölle
pörhössä {adv} :: synonym of pörhöllä
Pori {prop} :: Pori (city)
porilainen {n} :: A person living in, or originating from the city of Pori
porilainen {n} :: A hamburger-style snack, where the beef is replaced with a thick slice of sausage
porilainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the city of Pori or its people
porina {n} :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by several simultaneous discussions in one room)
pörinä {n} :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by bees)
pörinä {n} :: A vivid activity
porinaryhmä {n} :: chat group
porista {vi} :: to bubble
porista {vi} [colloquial] :: to babble (talk)
pöristä {vi} :: to drone, buzz, whirr, hum
porkka {n} [dialectal, skiing] :: ski pole
porkka {n} [fishing] :: synonym of tarvoin
porkkana {n} :: carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus)
porkkana {n} [figuratively] :: carrot (incentive, motivational tool)
porkkanakakku {n} :: carrot cake
porkkanakärpänen {n} :: carrot fly, carrot rust fly, Chamaepsila rosae
porkkanakemppi {n} :: carrot psyllid, Trioza apicalis
porkkanalaatikko {n} :: carrot casserole (traditional hot side dish made with carrot and rice as main ingredients and stewed in the oven)
porkkanalaatikko {n} :: box of carrots
porkkanamehu {n} :: carrot juice
porkkananpunainen {adj} :: carrot, carrot-colored (having a carrot color)
porkkananpunainen {n} :: carrot (color)
porkkanaraaste {n} :: grated carrot
porkkanasosekeitto {n} :: puréed carrot soup
pormestari {n} :: mayor ("general director" of a city's or other municipality's staff and chairman of the board of the municipality)
pormestari {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland
pornahtava {adj} :: porny, spicy
Pornainen {prop} :: Pornainen (municipality)
pornaislainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pornainen
pornaislainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pornainen
pornalainen {adj} :: alternative form of pornaislainen
pornalainen {n} :: alternative form of pornaislainen
porno- {prefix} :: porn-
porno {n} :: clipping of pornografia; porn
porno {n} [in compounds] :: pornographic, porn
pornoelokuva {n} :: porn movie
pornofilmi {n} :: porn film
pornografia {n} :: pornography
pornografinen {adj} :: pornographic, blue
pornografisempi {adj} :: comparative of pornografinen
pornografisin {adj} :: superlative of pornografinen
pornokansio {n} [computing, colloquial] :: a porn folder; a virtual container in a computer's file system in which pornographic material is stored
pornokauppias {n} [colloquial] :: sex shop owner
pornokeisari {n} :: a porn baron
pornokratia {n} :: pornocracy (period in the history of the Catholic church)
pornoleffa {n} [colloquial] :: porn movie
pornolehti {n} :: porn magazine
pornotähti {n} :: porn star
pornovideo {n} :: pornographic video, porn video
poro {n} :: A semi-domesticated reindeer of the subspecies Rangifer tarandus tarandus
poro {n} [normally, in plural] :: grounds (e.g. in coffee)
poro {n} [idiomatic, in transitive case] :: into ashes
poroaita {n} :: reindeer fence
poroerotus {n} :: reindeer roundup
porohärkä {n} :: castrated male reindeer
porohirvas {n} :: reindeer stag
porokarja {n} :: reindeer as livestock
porokoira {n} :: reindeer dog
porokolari {n} :: (traffic) collision with a reindeer
porolappalainen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of porosaamelainen
porolappalainen {n} [dated] :: synonym of porosaamelainen
poromerkki {n} :: reindeer ear tag
poronhoito {n} :: reindeer herding
poronhoitoalue {n} :: reindeer herding area
poronjäkälä {n} :: A lichen of the Cladina morphotype within the genus Cladonia (cup lichens), especially the reindeer lichen or reindeer moss (Cladonia rangiferina)
poronkäristys {n} :: sautéed reindeer
poronkusema {n} :: an informal traditional measure of distance, not well defined but perhaps 7.5 kilometers at the most
poronliha {n} :: reindeer meat
poronluu {n} :: reindeer bone
poronsarvi {n} :: reindeer antler
poronsarvijauhe {n} :: reindeer antler powder (used as an aphrodisiac)
poronvaljaat {n} :: reindeer harness
poropeukalo {n} :: ham-fisted person
poropietari {adj} [computing, slang] :: proprietary (as opposed to being free software)
poroporvari {n} :: An extremely or very bourgeois person
poroporvarillinen {adj} :: Of, or having very bourgeois values
porosuoja {n} :: a shelter for reindeer
porotalous {n} :: reindeer husbandry
porotokka {n} :: reindeer herd
porottaa {vi} [descriptive, with paistaa] :: To shine (scorchingly)
pörräillä {vi} :: to drone or buzz around
porras {n} :: step, stair
porraselementti {n} :: step section, stair section
porrasfunktio {n} [mathematics] :: step function
porrashissi {n} :: stairlift
porraskäytävä {n} :: A stairwell
porraskivi {n} :: step stone
porraslimaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius trivialis
porrasmatriisi {n} [linear algebra] :: a matrix in row echelon form, echelon matrix
porrasmuoto {n} [algebra] :: row-echelon form
porrasperä {n} :: sedan (automobile body style with a separate luggage compartment)
porrassyöksy {n} :: flight of stairs between landings
porrastaa {vt} :: To step, terrace
porrastaa {vt} :: To scale, grade
porrastasanne {n} :: stair landing
porrasteinen {adj} :: having multiple distinct levels like stairs; progressive, gradual
porrasteisesti {adv} :: progressively, gradually
porrastua {vi} :: to be scaled or graded
pörrätä {vi} :: To drone, buzz, whirr, hum
porro {n} :: synonym of valkoporro
porro {n} :: any plant of the genus Ballota
porro {n} [in plural] :: the genus Ballota
pörröhäntä {n} :: bushy tail, such as that of a squirrel
pörröinen {adj} :: furry, fluffy, shaggy, ruffled, straggled
pörröllä {adv} :: fluffy
pörröllään {adv} :: alternative form of pörröllä
pörrölle {adv} :: into being fluffy
pörrölleen {adv} :: alternative form of pörrölle
pörröön {adv} :: synonym of pörrölle
pörrössä {adv} :: synonym of pörröllä
pörröttää {vt} :: to ruffle, to tousle, to dishevel
pörröttyä {vi} :: to become fluffy
porsaankyljys {n} :: pork chop
porsaanleike {n} :: pork escalope
porsaanliha {n} :: pork meat
porsaanreikä {n} :: loophole (method of escaping; also a loophole in a document, agreement, etc. that can be taken advantage of)
porsas {n} :: A piglet
porsas {n} :: Pork (meat)
porsas {n} :: A pig in the sense of messy, slovenly, disgusting, or nasty person
porsasmaisesti {adv} :: piggishly
porsastella {vi} :: to pig around, to drink (especially alcohol) or eat heavily
porsia {v} :: To farrow
porsittaa {vt} :: to have (something) farrow
porskutella {vi} :: to dabble or paddle around
porskuttaa {vi} :: to dabble, to paddle
porskuttaa {vi} [figuratively] :: to go swimmingly
porskuttaa {vi} [figuratively] :: to survive
porsliini {n} :: alternative form of posliini
pörssi {n} :: An exchange (place for conducting trading), especially a stock exchange
pörssi {n} [colloquial] :: A wallet
pörssiaika {n} :: period during which a stock exchange allows trading
pörssiarvo {n} :: market capitalization, market value
pörssikurssi {n} :: share price (the price of a share as quoted in a stock exchange)
pörssimeklari {n} :: stockbroker
pörssiromahdus {n} :: stock market crash
pörssitähti {n} :: the company with rising stock, being wanted by investors; the most wanted stock of a certain period
pörssiyhtiö {n} :: listed company, public company, publicly traded company, quoted company (company whose shares are traded in a stock exchange)
porstua {n} [dialectal] :: porch (covered and inclosed entrance to a building)
portaali {n} [Internet] :: portal
portaaton {adj} :: stepless
portaaton {adj} :: continuously variable
portaattomasti {adv} [of a change] :: continuously
portaikko {n} :: staircase
portaittain {adv} :: in steps, incrementally
portaittainen {adj} :: stepped, graduable
portata {v} [computing, colloquial] :: to port (to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform)
portatiivi {n} [musical instruments] :: portative organ
portfolio {n} :: portfolio
portfoliosijoitus {n} :: portfolio investment
portieeri {n} :: doorman, especially in a restaurant or hotel
portiikki {n} [architecture] :: portico
portimo {n} [rare] :: A stoat
portinohjaus {n} [computing, Internet] ::  port forwarding
portsari {n} [colloquial] :: bouncer
portsariraha {n} [colloquial] :: money paid to a bouncer
pörttei {n} [Finglish] :: birthday
portteri {n} :: porter (strong, dark ale)
portti {n} :: gate
portti {n} [electronics] :: gate
portti {n} [electronics] :: port (connector of an electronic device)
portti {n} [computing] :: port (ie. of a web server)
portti {n} [anatomy] :: hilum, hilus (fissure through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave a gland or organ)
portti {n} :: portal
portti {n} [croquet] :: hoop; wicket [US]
porttikäytävä {n} :: gateway
porttikielto {n} :: ban, entry ban (from a building, place, area, event)
porttilaskimo {n} [anatomy] :: A portal vein
porttiohjaus {n} [computing, Internet] :: port forwarding
porttirakennus {n} :: a building through which a gateway runs; gatehouse
porttiteoria {n} :: the gateway drug effect
portto {n} [pejorative] :: A harlot, whore, (female) prostitute
porttola {n} [dated] :: brothel
portugali {n} :: The Portuguese language
Portugali {prop} :: Portugali (country)
portugalilainen {adj} :: Portuguese (of or relating to Portugal)
portugalilainen {adj} :: Luso- (combining form; Finnish equivalent portugalilais-)
portugalilainen {n} :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Portugal
portugalilaisuus {n} :: Portugueseness
portugalinkielinen {adj} :: Portuguese, Portuguese language, Lusophone (written or expressed in Portuguese)
portugalinkielinen {adj} :: Portuguese speaking, Lusophone (using Portuguese as a means of daily communication)
portugalinsotalaiva {n} :: Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
portugalinvesikoira {n} :: Portuguese Water Dog
portulakka {n} :: purslane (plant of the family Portulacaceae, especially of the genus Portulaca)
portviini {n} :: port wine
poru {n} [colloquial] :: cry (shedding of tears; the act of crying)
poru {n} :: complaint, whining
porukka {n} [colloquial] :: gang, band, crowd
porukka {n} [colloquial, in the plural] :: folks (one's parents and immediate family)
porukoida {v} [colloquial] :: to do something in or as a group
porvari {n} [historical] :: merchant, shopowner
porvari {n} [politics] :: a person having bourgeois opinions; a bourgeois
porvari {n} [politics, leftist terminology] :: bourgeois, capitalist
porvari {n} [in compounds] :: bourgeois, bourgeoisie, right-wing, non-socialist, conservative
porvarihallitus {n} :: bourgeois government (in a multiparty parliamentary system, a government formed by the bourgeois parties)
porvarillinen {adj} :: bourgeois
porvarillinen hämärä {n} :: civil twilight
porvarillisesti {adv} :: in a bourgeois way
porvarillistaa {vt} :: to make somebody or something bourgeois
porvarillistua {vi} :: to become bourgeois
porvaristo {n} :: bourgeoisie (the bourgeois as a social class)
porvaristo {n} [marxism] :: bourgeoisie (the owners of capital, the capitalists)
Porvoo {prop} :: Porvoo (city)
porvoolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Porvoo
porvoolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Porvoo
Porvoonjoki {n} :: Porvoonjoki (river)
posahtaa {v} :: to explode, blow up
posauttaa {vt} :: to explode, to blow up, to cause to make a sound like that of an explosion
pose {n} [slang] :: jail
poseerata {vi} :: To pose (when being photographed)
posetiivari {n} :: organ grinder
posetiivi {n} :: barrel organ, street organ, roller organ
pösilö {n} :: A dumb person
posio {n} [dialectal, northern] :: In a kota (Sami tipi-like dwelling), an area opposite to the door opening, reserved for storage of kitchen utensils and foodstuffs
Posio {prop} :: Posio
posiolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Posio
posiolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Posio
positiivi {n} [grammar] :: positive (degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, the base form)
positiivi {n} :: (grammar) positive (adjective or adverb in the positive degree)
positiivi {n} [photography] :: positive (positive image; one that displays true colors and shades, as opposed to a negative)
positiividefiniitti {adj} :: positive definite
positiivinen {adj} [physics] :: Having positive charge
positiivinen {adj} :: Positive (inspiring positive reactions)
positiivisesti {adv} :: positively
positio {n} :: position
positivismi {n} :: positivism
positivisti {n} :: positivist
positivistinen {adj} :: positivistic
positroni {n} [physics] :: positron
positroniemissiotomografia {n} :: positron emission tomography
posketon {adj} [colloquial] :: very funny, absurd
poskettomasti {adv} [colloquial] :: in a very funny or absurd way
poski {n} :: cheek
poskihammas {n} [anatomy] :: molar
poskilihas {n} [anatomy] :: cheek muscle
poskiluu {n} [anatomy] :: cheekbone, zygomatic bone, malar bone, malar
-poskinen {adj} :: cheeked
poskiontelo {n} [anatomy] :: maxillary sinus
poskiontelontulehdus {n} [medicine] :: sinusitis
poskipää {n} [anatomy] :: cheekbone
poskipäälihas {n} [anatomy] :: zygomaticus
poskiparta {n} :: sideburns
poskipuna {n} [makeup] :: rouge, blusher
poskipussi {n} [anatomy, zoology] :: A cheek pouch
poslari {n} [slang] :: shaved genitalia
posliini {n} :: porcelain
posliini {n} [slang] :: shaved genitalia
posliinikauppa {n} :: china shop
posliinikotilo {n} :: A cowry (any of the marine molluscs of the genus Cypraea)
posliinikukka {n} :: waxflower (plant of the genus Hoya)
posliininen {adj} :: Made of porcelain
posliininmaalaus {n} :: porcelain painting
posliinipillu {n} [slang, vulgar] :: shaved female genitalia
posliinisavi {n} :: synonym of kaoliini
posliiniseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius cumatilis
posmittaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to speak quickly, especially in a foreign language
pösö {n} [colloquial] :: bigwig, big cheese, big enchilada, big kahuna, big wheel, grand poobah, head honcho, kingpin, muckety muck, top banana, top dog (wealthy man who is in a leading position)
pösö {n} [colloquial] :: Peugeot (car)
posottaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to drive fast
possessiivinen {adj} :: possessive
possessiivipronomini {n} [grammar] :: possessive pronoun
possessiivisuffiksi {n} [linguistics] :: Possessive suffix
posso {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of possumunkki
possu {n} [hypocoristic, childish] :: piggy, pig, piglet
possu {n} [hypocoristic, childish] :: a slovenly person
possu {n} [colloquial] :: pork
possumunkki {n} :: A flat, rectangular doughnut with a pocket of jam inside, rolled in granular sugar
possunkorva {n} :: pig's ear
possunliha {n} :: pork
postalveolaarinen {adj} [phonetics] :: postalveolar
postata {v} [internet, colloquial] :: to post (To publish a message in a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.)
postaus {n} [colloquial] :: A post (publication) on the Internet, e.g. on a forum
posteri {n} :: informational poster
posterinäyttely {n} :: poster session (in a conference, a display of posters with which the participants can share information on their contributions to the theme of the conference)
posteriorinen {adj} [anatomy] :: posterior
posti {n} :: post, postal service
posti {n} :: postal office
posti {n} :: mail
posti {n} :: appointment, position, post
Posti {prop} :: Short for Posti Group, the Finnish postal service company
Posti {prop} :: surname
postiauto {n} :: postal truck, mail truck
postibussi {n} :: postbus
postiennakko {n} :: cash on delivery, payment on receipt (sale of goods by mail order where payment is made on delivery to the carrier rather than in advance)
postietuanti {n} [obsolete] :: synonym of postiennakko
postihallitus {n} [rare] :: any organization managing a postal system
postikortti {n} :: A postcard
postikorttien keräily {n} :: deltiology, collecting postcards (study and collection of postcards)
postikulut {n} :: postal charges, postage
postilaatikko {n} :: mailbox
postilaatikko {n} :: inbox, in-tray
postilaatikko {n} [espionage] :: live drop, dead drop
postilähetys {n} :: consignment (a collection of goods to be sent, in transit or having been sent through post)
postilaitos {n} :: postal service, post (an organization for delivering letters, parcels, as a service)
postileima {n} :: postmark, cancellation mark (marking made by a postal service on a mailed item that records the time of receival of the item and cancels the stamp)
postiljooni {n} [dated] :: postman, mailman
postilla {n} :: postil (collection of homilies)
postilokero {n} :: post-office box, postal box
postilokero-osoite {n} :: post office box address, letterbox address
postiluukku {n} :: A mail slot
postimaksu {n} :: postage (charge for posting an item)
postimaksukone {n} :: postage meter, franking machine
postimerkittää {v} [rare] :: to stamp, frank (to place a stamp on an envelope)
postimerkkeilijä {n} :: philatelist
postimerkkeillä {v} :: to do philately
postimerkkeily {n} :: philately
postimerkki {n} :: stamp, postage stamp (small piece of printed paper indicating amount of postage paid)
postimerkkikansio {n} [philately] :: stamp album
postimestari {n} [archaic] :: postmaster (head of a post office)
postimestari {n} :: a honorary title of the fourteenth rank granted by the President of Finland to merited people who work or worked for the post office
postimies {n} :: postman [male]
postimies {n} :: Heliconius erato
postimpressionismi {n} [arts] :: postimpressionism
postimyyntimorsian {n} :: mail-order bride
postinjakaja {n} :: mailman (post office employee)
postinkantaja {n} :: A postman, mailman, letter carrier
postinlajittelija {n} :: mail sorter
postinumero {n} :: A postal code [British], zip code [US]
postinumeroalue {n} :: postcode (region within which all addresses share the same postal code)
postiosoite {n} :: postal address
postiosoitus {n} :: postal order, postal money order (money order arranged by a postal service)
postipäällikkö {n} :: postmaster (head of post office)
postipaketti {n} :: post parcel, postal package
postipalveluauto {n} :: postal service car, postal service truck
postitaide {n} :: mail art
postitoimipaikka {n} :: post town, post city
postitoimisto {n} :: post office (place concerned with the business of delivering letters, post or mail and selling stamps, etc.)
postitorvi {n} [musical instruments] :: post horn
postitorvi {n} [zoology] :: little post horn squid, ram's horn squid, tail-light squid, Spirula spirula; the only extant species in the order Spirulida
postitse {adv} :: by mail, by post
postittaa {vt} :: to mail
postitus {n} :: mailing
postituslista {n} :: mailing list, distribution list
postivaunu {n} :: stagecoach
postivaunu {n} :: mail car (of a train)
postivaunut {n} :: A stage-coach, stagecoach
postkolonialismi {n} :: postcolonialism
postmoderni {adj} :: postmodern
postmodernismi {n} :: postmodernism
postmodernistinen {adj} :: postmodern
postnataalinen {adj} :: postnatal
postorogeeninen {adj} :: post-orogenic
postpositio {n} [grammar] :: A postposition
postpositionaalinen {adj} [grammar] :: postpositional (of or pertaining to postpositions)
postpositionaalisesti {adv} [grammar] :: postpositionally
postpositsiooni {n} [archaic] :: alternative form of postpositio
poststrukturalismi {n} :: post-structuralism
postulaatti {n} :: A postulate
postuloida {v} :: To postulate
postuumi {adj} :: posthumous
postuumisti {adv} :: posthumously
potaatti {n} [colloquial] :: potato
potaska {n} :: potash
potaska {n} [figuratively] :: nonsense, rubbish, piffle
potaska {n} [colloquial] :: potassium carbonate
potaskankeitto {n} :: potash making
potea {vt} [+ partitive] :: To be sick with, have, suffer from (a disease or, figuratively, a mental state)
potensoida {vt} :: to potentize
potensoitua {vi} :: to become potent, potentized
potenssi {n} :: potency (sexual potency)
potenssi {n} [mathematics] :: power (product of equal factors)
potenssifunktio {n} [mathematics] :: power function
potenssiin korotus {n} [mathematics] :: exponentiation
potenssiinkorotus {n} :: alternative form of potenssiin korotus
potenssiinkorotusmenetelmä {n} [math] :: exponentiation method
potenssijoukko {n} [mathematics] :: power set
potenssilääke {n} :: impotence drug, aphrodisiac
potenssimenetelmä {n} [linear algebra] :: power method (to find eigenvalues)
potenssisarja {n} [mathematics] :: power series
potentaatti {n} [archaic] :: potentate (powerful leader)
potentiaali {n} [physics] :: potential (work required)
potentiaali {n} [grammar] :: potential (verbal construction)
potentiaalienergia {n} [physics] :: potential energy
potentiaaliero {n} [physics] :: potential difference, electrical potential
potentiaalikuoppa {n} [physics] :: potential well
potentiaalinen {adj} :: potential
potentiaalisesti {adv} :: potentially
potentiaaliteoria {n} [math] :: potential theory
potentiometri {n} :: potentiometer
potentsiaali {n} [archaic] :: potential
potentti {adj} :: potent
poterni {n} :: postern
potero {n} [military] :: foxhole
potero {n} [figuratively] :: position, standpoint; especially one that is defended vigorously against contradictory or challenging ideas
potikka {n} [colloquial] :: A potentiometer
potilas {n} :: patient
potilashuone {n} :: patient's room, ward (part of a hospital where patients reside)
potilassali {n} :: ward (part of a hospital where patients reside)
potilastiedot {n} [pluralonly] :: Medical report(s), medical record(s)
potilasturvallisuus {n} :: patient safety
potilasvaatteet {n} :: patient clothing
potka {n} :: hind leg
potka {n} :: shank (the lower part of the leg of an animal)
potka {n} :: shank (meat from that part of an animal)
potka {n} :: gaskin (part of horse's hind leg)
potkaista {vt} :: To kick (once)
potkaista tyhjää {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, euphemism] :: to kick the bucket, buy the farm, bite the dust (to die)
potkaisu {n} :: A kick
potkia {vt} :: to kick (repeatedly/continuously)
pötkiä {vi} :: to run
potkia aisan yli {v} [idiomatic] :: to be insubordinate
potkia aisan yli {v} [idiomatic] :: to break ranks (deviate ideologically from one's organization)
potkiaiset {n} :: a celebration held for leaving students of a lukio (usually third-year students) by the second-year students
potkija {n} :: A kicker, one who kicks
potkiminen {n} :: kicking (repeatedly)
potkiskella {vt} :: to kick around
pötkö {n} [colloquial] :: bar, stick (cylindrical mass of anything relatively firm)
pötköllään {adv} [colloquial] :: lying down, reclining
pötkölleen {adv} [colloquial] :: into being lying down or reclining
pötköttää {v} [colloquial] :: To lie; to rest
potku {n} :: kick
potku {n} :: a side net steering fish towards a fyke
potkuhousut {n} :: children's bodysuit
potkukelkka {n} :: kicksled
potkukelkkailla {v} :: to kicksled (to travel by kicksled)
potkulauta {n} :: kick scooter, foot-operated scooter
potkumaali {n} [American football] :: field goal
potkumaali {n} [ice hockey] :: An illegal goal scored by kicking
potkunyrkkeily {n} [sports] :: kickboxing
potkupallo {n} [sports] :: low-level or friendly football/soccer
potkupuku {n} :: onesie, romper suit (one-piece baby garment)
potkuri {n} [aeronautics] :: propeller, prop
potkuri {n} [nautical] :: screw, propeller
potkuri {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of potkukelkka
potkurikone {n} :: propeller aircraft
potkurinlapa {n} :: propeller blade
potkuriturbiini {n} :: turboprop, propjet
potkuriturbiinikone {n} :: turboprop aircraft
potkuriturbiinimoottori {n} :: turboprop engine
potkurivirta {n} [nautical, aviation] :: prop wash (flow of water or air pushed by a propeller, whether aftward or foreward)
potkurivirta {n} [nautical, aviation] :: backwash (aftward flow of water or air pushed by a propeller)
potkut {n} [colloquial] :: firing, dismissal, axing, sack
potkuverkko {n} :: synonym of potku
potlohko {n} :: a stew cooked in an oven containing meat, potatoes and onion
potpuri {n} [music] :: potpourri
potretti {n} :: portrait
pötsi {n} [anatomy] :: rumen, paunch (first stomach of a ruminant)
pötsi {n} [derogatory] :: potbelly, paunch (large, protruding stomach)
potsolaani {n} :: pozzolana (type of volcanic ash used for mortar or for cement which sets under water)
potsolaaninen {adj} :: pozzolanic (having the characteristics of pozzolana, a type of volcanic ash used for mortar or for cement which sets under water)
potta {n} :: A potty
potta {n} [colloquial] :: A chamberpot
potta {n} [slang] :: A helmet
pottaharjoittelu {n} :: toilet training
pottatukka {n} :: A bowl cut (hairstyle)
pottatuoli {n} :: potty chair
potti {n} :: pot (money in center of table in card games)
pottu {n} [colloquial] :: potato, spud
pottu {n} :: potty
pottu {n} [colloquial] :: bottle, especially one of booze
pottuilla {v} :: To tease (to provoke by annoying remarks)
pottumaisesti {adv} [colloquial] :: in a bothersome, annoying or mean way
pottumaito {n} :: mashed potatoes mixed with milk and made into a gruel
pottuuntua {vi} [colloquial] :: to become/get annoyed or upset
pottuvarvas {n} [colloquial] :: big toe
potuttaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to be annoyed, vexed
pöty {n} :: nonsense
pötypuhe {n} [colloquial] :: nonsense, hogwash
poukahdella {vi} :: to bounce, spring or ricochet around
poukahtaa {vi} :: to bounce, to spring, to ricochet
poukama {n} :: A small bay; cove
poukata {vi} :: to hop, to spring, to vault
poukauttaa {vt} :: to cause to bounce, spring or ricochet
poukkoilla {vi} :: to bounce around
pounu {n} :: a small peat hummock
pouta {n} :: dry weather
poutailma {n} :: non-rainy weather
poutainen {adj} [of weather] :: dry; sunny or cloudy, but with no precipitation
poutapilvi {n} :: a cloud seen during dry weather
poutapilvi {n} :: synonym of harsotyräkki
poutasää {n} :: non-rainy weather
poutia {vi} :: to be dry, to suffer from drought
Poutiainen {prop} :: surname
povaaja {n} :: fortuneteller
povailla {v} :: to predict, foretell
povari {n} :: fortuneteller
povari {n} :: inside pocket
povata {vt} :: to divine, foretell
povauttaa {vt} :: to have (something) divined or foretold
povekas {adj} :: full-bosomed, big-breasted
povekkaampi {adj} :: comparative of povekas
povi {n} :: bosom, breast
povi {n} [fishing] :: bosom of a seine
povipommi {n} :: attractive big-breasted woman; bombshell
povitasku {n} :: inside pocket, inside jacket pocket (pocket inside of a jacket)
pöydällinen {adj} :: Having a table
pöydällinen {n} :: tableful
pöydänjalka {n} :: table leg
pöydätä {vt} [card games, + accusative] :: to lay (a card on the table) face-up
pöydätä {vt} [+ accusative] :: to table, postpone the decision (on an issue) to the next meeting
pöyheä {adj} :: fluffy
pöyhiä {vt} :: to fluff, to plump
pöyhin {n} :: tedder, hay tedder
pöyhistää {vt} :: to fluff
pöyhistellä {vt} :: to puff up, to fluff (repeatedly or leisurely)
pöyhistellä {vi} :: to show off, to flaunt
pöyhistyä {vi} :: to fluff
pöyhkeä {adj} :: haughty, uppity, snooty
pöyhkeästi {adv} :: haughtily, snootily
pöyhkeilevä {adj} :: self-important, pompous; arrogant or egotistical; tending to show off or hold oneself in unduly high regard
pöyhkeillä {vi} :: to flaunt, to be haughty
pöyhöllä {adv} :: fluffy
pöyhöllään {adv} :: alternative form of pöyhöllä
pöyhölle {adv} :: into being fluffy
pöyhölleen {adv} :: alternative form of pöyhölle
pöyhöttää {vt} :: to fluff, to plump
pöyristyä {v} :: to be shocked
pöyristynyt {adj} :: devastated (extremely upset and shocked)
pöyristyttää {vt} :: to shock, to appall, to dismay
pöyristyttää {vi} [impersonal] :: to be appalled or dismayed
pöysti {n} [dated] :: ham
pöytä {n} :: table (piece of furniture)
Pöytä {prop} :: Mensa (constellation)
pöytäfutis {n} :: foosball; table soccer [US]; table football [UK]
pöytähopeat {n} :: cutlery made out of silver, silverware
pöytäjalkapallo {n} :: foosball; table soccer [US]; table football [UK]
pöytäkello {n} :: table clock, timepiece
pöytäkirja {n} :: minutes (records of a meeting), proceedings
pöytäkone {n} [colloquial] :: desktop, desktop computer
pöytälaatikko {n} :: drawer, desk drawer
pöytälahja {n} :: party favor (small gift to a guest at a dinner party, distributed to the tables)
pöytälamppu {n} [colloquial] :: table lamp
pöytäliina {n} :: tablecloth
pöytäradio {n} :: tabletop radio
pöytäroolipeli {n} [gaming] :: tabletop roleplaying game
pöytärope {n} [gaming, slang] :: short for pöytäroolipeli
pöytäsaha {n} :: table saw
pöytäsirkkeli {n} :: table saw
pöytäsuola {n} :: table salt
pöytätaso {n} :: desktop (top surface of a desk)
pöytätavat {n} :: table manners
pöytätekstiili {n} [usually in plural] :: table linen
pöytätennis {n} :: table tennis, ping-pong, ping pong
pöytätennispallo {n} :: ping pong ball
pöytätietokone {n} :: desktop computer, desktop
pöytävalaisin {n} :: table lamp
pöytäveitsi {n} :: table knife (knife designed to be used together with a fork as an item of cutlery)
pöytäviini {n} :: table wine
pöytävitriini {n} :: a food display case
pöytävoi {n} :: table butter
pöytävuori {n} :: table mountain
Pöytävuori {prop} :: Table Mountain
Pöytävuori {prop} :: The constellation Mensa
pöytiintarjoilu {n} :: table service
Pöytyä {prop} :: Pöytyä (municipality)
pöytyäläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pöytyä
pöytyäläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pöytyä
pöytye {n} :: Group of people around one table
pöytyri {n} [archaic, biblical] :: a large wooden dish
PR {n} :: PR, public relations (communication by a person or an organization with the purpose of creating a favorable public image)
praasniekka {n} :: A village festival for the celebration of a local patron saint in the Orthodox Karelia
praasu {n} [dialectal] :: fire, especially in a fireplace
pragmaatikko {n} :: pragmatist
pragmaattinen {adj} :: pragmatic
pragmaattisesti {adv} :: pragmatically
pragmaattisuus {n} :: pragmatism (pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities; a concentration on facts rather than emotions or ideals)
pragmatiikka {n} [linguistics] :: pragmatics
pragmatismi {n} :: pragmatism
pragmatisti {n} :: pragmatist
Praha {prop} :: Praha (capital city)
prakata {v} [colloquial] :: to break down (to fail to function)
praksis {n} :: synonym of käytäntö (custom or established practice)
praksis {n} [drama] :: praxis (deliberate action of a rational being)
praksis {n} [philosophy] :: praxis (synthesis of theory and practice, without presuming the primacy of either)
praktiikka {n} :: practice
praktikko {n} :: practitioner (person who practices a profession or art)
praktikoida {v} :: to practice (to pursue a career, especially in medicine or law)
praktikoida {v} :: to practise (to act as trainee)
praktikumi {n} :: practicum [US], work placement [UK] (college course designed to give a student supervised practical knowledge of a subject previously studied theoretically)
praktikumkurssi {n} :: synonym of praktikumi
praktinen {adj} :: synonym of käytännöllinen
praktisoida {v} :: synonym of praktikoida
praliini {n} :: praline
pramea {adj} :: ostentatious, showy, elaborate, gaudy
prameasti {adv} :: ostentatiously, showily, elaborately, gaudily
prameilla {v} :: to parade, flaunt (to display with ostentation)
prameilu {n} :: parading, flaunting (act of displaying with ostentation)
prameus {n} :: ostentatiousness, showiness, elaborateness, gaudiness
präntti {n} :: print (printed text)
praseodyymi {n} :: praseodymium
prässäämö {n} :: press shop (workshop equipped with hydraulic presses for the production of pressed parts)
prassata {v} [nautical] :: to brace (to swing round the yards of a square-rigged ship)
prässätä {v} :: to press (clothes, flowers)
prässätä {v} :: to crease (to produce a crease, intentionally, as to the front of trousers)
prässäys {n} :: pressing (act or onstance of pressin)
prässäys {n} :: creasing (act or instance of creasing)
prässäyslaite {n} :: synonym of housuprässi
prässäyttää {v} :: to have something pressed or creased
prässäytyä {v} :: to be pressed or creased
prässi {n} :: A press [device]
prässi {n} :: A crease, especially one pressed on the legs of trousers; often in plural
prässihousut {n} :: crease pants (pair of pants with creases)
prässipuolustus {n} [basketball] :: pressure defense
prässirauta {n} :: pressing iron
prätkä {n} [colloquial] :: motorcycle
prebiootti {n} :: prebiotic (food)
prebioottinen {adj} [biology] :: prebiotic
predestinaatio {n} [theology] :: predestination
predestinaatio-oppi {n} :: doctrine of predestination
predestinoida {v} :: to predestine (to determine the future or the fate of something in advance)
predestinoitua {vi} :: to become predestined
predikaatintäyte {n} [grammar, archaic] :: synonym of predikaatti
predikaatti {n} [grammar] :: predicate
predikaatti {n} [logic] :: predicate
predikaattilogiikka {n} [logic] :: predicate logic
predikaattiosa {n} [grammar] :: predicate plus any elements of sentence - object, predicative, adjuncts - that complete it
predikatiivi {n} [grammar] :: A predicative, complement
predikatiiviadverbiaali {n} [grammar] :: predicative adverbial
predispositio {n} :: predisposition
pre-eklampsia {n} [pathology] :: preeclampsia ‎(complication of pregnancy)
preemio {n} :: premium
preeria {n} :: prairie
preeriahaukka {n} :: prairie falcon, Falco mexicanus
preeriahiirihaukka {n} :: Swainson's hawk, grasshopper hawk, locust hawk, Buteo swainsoni
preeriakahlaaja {n} :: upland sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda
preeriakana {n} :: greater prairie chicken, pinnated grouse, Tympanuchus cupido (large bird in the grouse family native to North America)
preeriakoira {n} :: prairie dog
preerialokki {n} :: California gull (Larus californicus)
preerianaurulokki {n} :: Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
preeriapöllö {n} :: burrowing owl, Athene cunicularia
preeriasirkku {n} :: a longspur
preeriasirkku {n} :: McCown's longspur, Calcarius mccownii
preeriasusi {n} :: coyote, Canis latrans
preeriaturpiaali {n} :: eastern meadowlark, Sturnella magna
preeriavaivaishiiri {n} :: plains harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys montanus
preeriaväriminttu {n} :: wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa
preeriaviklo {n} :: willet, Tringa semipalmata (syn. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus)
preesens {n} [grammar] :: present tense
preesensmuoto {n} [grammar] :: present tense form
prefekti {n} :: prefect
preferanssi {n} :: preferans, preference (card game, popular in Russia)
preferenssi {n} :: preference
preferenssi {n} :: preferans (card game, popular in Russia)
prefiksi {n} :: prefix
prehniitti {n} [mineral] :: prehnite
prejudikaatti {n} [legal] :: A prejudicate
prekambri {n} [geology] :: The Precambrian
prekambrikausi {n} [geology] :: the Precambrian
prekambrikautinen {adj} [geology] :: Precambrian
prekambrinen {adj} :: Precambrian
prekariaatti {n} [sociology] :: precariat
prekarisaatio {n} [sociology] :: precarization
prekessio {n} [physics] :: precession
prekluusio {n} :: preclusion
prekompakti {adj} [topology] :: precompact
prelaatti {n} :: prelate (clergyman of high rank and authority)
prelatuuri {n} :: prelature (office of a prelate)
preliminääri {n} :: preliminary examination (qualifying exam, in Finland particularly an exam, often oral, that prepares the student for baccalaureate, see ylioppilaskoe)
preliminäärikoe {n} :: synonym of preliminääri (type of exam)
preludi {n} :: prelude (short piece of music)
premiääri {n} :: synonym of ensiesitys
premillennialismi {n} :: premillennialism (concept in Christian eschatology)
premissi {n} :: premise
prenataalinen {adj} :: prenatal
prenikka {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: gewgaw (showy decoration, especially a mark of honor)
prenikka {n} [dated] :: gingerbread
preparaatti {n} :: preparation (specimen prepared for scientific purposes)
preparaatti {n} [rare] :: synonym of valmiste
preparaattori {n} :: preparator
preparoida {vt} :: to prepare (e.g. specimen)
preparointi {n} :: preparation
prepata {v} [colloquial] :: to prep, prepare (for examination, presentation, performance etc.)
prepositio {n} [grammar] :: preposition
prepositioilmaus {n} [grammar] :: synonym of prepositiolauseke
prepositiolauseke {n} [grammar] :: prepositional phrase
prepositionaali {n} [grammar] :: prepositional case, prepositional (grammatical case)
prepositionaali {n} :: prepositional (a word that is in prepositional case)
prepositionaalinen {adj} [grammar] :: prepositional (of or pertaining to prepositions)
prepositionaalisesti {adv} [grammar] :: prepositionally
preppaus {n} [colloquial] :: prepping (act of preparing for an exam, presentation etc.)
prerafaeliitti {n} [art history] :: preraphaelite
presbyteeri {n} :: Presbyterian (person)
presbyteeriläinen {adj} :: alternative form of presbyteerinen
presbyteerinen {adj} :: Presbyterian (of or relating to Presbyterian beliefs or their supporters)
presbyteerio {n} :: presbytery
presbyteriaani {n} :: alternative form of presbyteeri
presbyterismi {n} [religion] :: Presbyterianism
presedenssi {n} :: precedence
preservatiivi {n} [dated] :: synonym of kondomi
presidentinlinna {n} :: presidential palace (the palace of the president, especially that of Finland)
presidentin palatsi {n} :: presidential palace
presidentinvaali {n} :: presidential election
presidentinvaalikampanja {n} :: presidential election campaign
presidentinvaalit {n} :: presidential election
presidentinvirka {n} :: office of the president (position)
presidentti {n} :: president (head of state or chairperson)
presidenttiehdokas {n} :: presidential candidate
presidenttiehdokkuus {n} :: presidential candidacy
presidenttikausi {n} :: presidential term, presidency
presidenttipari {n} :: presidential couple (president and their spouse taken together)
presidenttipeli {n} [politics] :: intrigues, stratagems, moves etc. in order to ensure a favorable position in the presidential election
presidenttiys {n} :: presidency (quality of being a president)
presidiumi {n} :: presidium
presiis {adv} [colloquial] :: precisely, exactly
presisoida {v} [rare] :: synonym of täsmentää
presisointi {n} [rare] :: clarification, detailing (act making more precise)
preskriptiivinen {adj} :: prescriptive
preskriptivismi {n} :: prescriptivism
pressa {n} [colloquial] :: prez
pressanvaali {n} [colloquial] :: presidential election
pressikeskus {n} :: press center
pressikortti {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of lehdistökortti (press card)
pressopannu {n} :: French press, cafetière
pressu {n} :: tarpaulin (a heavy, waterproof sheet of material)
prestiisi {n} [colloquial] :: prestige
preteriti {n} [grammar] :: preterite
pretoriaani {n} :: Praetorian (member of the Praetorian Guard, a special bodyguard force used by Roman emperors)
preussi {n} :: Prussian (Prussian language)
preussi {n} :: Old Prussian (Old Prussian language)
Preussi {prop} :: Prussia
preussilainen {adj} :: Prussian
preussilainen {n} :: A Prussian person
preussilaisuus {n} :: Prussianness
preussinsininen {adj} :: Prussian blue (rich blue, tinted with green)
preussinsininen {n} :: Prussian blue (pigment and color)
prevalenssi {n} :: prevalence (quality or condition of being prevalent)
prevalenssi {n} [epidemiology] :: prevalence (number of cases of a disease in a given statistical population at a given time, divided by the number of individuals in that population)
preventiivinen {adj} :: preventive
preventio {n} :: prevention
preventteri {n} [nautical] :: preventer
prevostinorava {n} :: Prevost's squirrel, Callosciurus prevostii
priapismi {n} [medicine] :: priapism
priima {adj} :: prime
priimakunto {n} :: prime condition
priimalaatu {n} :: prime quality
priimas {n} [ecclesiastical] :: primate (rare title for archbishop in Catholic and Anglican church)
priimatavara {n} :: prime quality article
priimi {n} [music] :: prime (first note or tone of a musical scale)
priimi {n} [music] :: unison (interval formed by two identical notes)
priimi {n} [fencing] :: prime
priimus {n} :: best student, valedictorian, head of the class (individual who gets the highest grades in a class)
priimus {n} :: short for priimuskeitin
priimuskeitin {n} :: Primus stove (type of pressurized-burner kerosene stove)
priimusmaisteri {n} :: The individual in a master's class who graduates with the highest grades
priimustohtori {n} her fellow doctoral graduates
priinia {n} :: graceful prinia, Prinia gracilis
priipurje {n} [nautical] :: alternative form of spriipurje
priitanko {n} [nautical] :: alternative form of spriitanko
prikaati {n} :: brigade
prikaatikenraali {n} [military ranks] :: A military rank in the Finnish army and the Air Force, a brigadier general
prikaatinkomentaja {n} :: brigadier (officer commanding a brigade)
prikaatinkomentaja {n} :: Kombrig (former rank in the Soviet military)
prikantiini {n} :: alternative form of brigantiini
prikatiiri {n} [colloquial] :: foreman, especially a Russian one in the former Soviet Union
priki {n} [nautical] :: brig
prikka {n} [colloquial] :: washer (small metal plate under a nut etc.)
prikka {n} [archaic] :: clout (metal plate on a wooden axle)
prikka {n} :: slug (counterfeit coin used to steal from vending machines)
prikka {n} [dialectal] :: medal
prikka {n} [dialectal] :: tray
prikku {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of täplä
prikku {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of tahra
prikulleen {adv} [colloquial] :: precisely
prillit {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of silmälasit
primaaliterapia {n} [psychiatry] :: primal therapy
primaari {adj} :: primary
primääri {adj} :: alternative form of primaari
primaariaineisto {n} [collectively] :: primary sources
primäärienergia {n} :: primary energy
primaarikäämi {n} :: synonym of ensiökäämi
primaarikasvain {n} :: primary tumor
primaarilähde {n} :: primary source
primaarinen {adj} :: primary
primäärinen {adj} :: alternative form of primaarinen
primäärinen alkoholi {n} [chemistry] :: primary alcohol
primaarirakenne {n} [biochemistry] :: primary structure
primaarisesti {adv} :: primarily
primaaristi {adv} :: synonym of primaarisesti
primaarisuus {n} :: primariness
primaariterapia {n} [psychiatry] :: first-line therapy, primary therapy, induction therapy, front-line therapy
primaarius {n} :: synonym of primaarisuus
primakiini {n} :: primaquine (malaria medicine)
Primakov {prop} :: Primakov
primatologi {n} :: primatologist
primatologia {n} :: primatology
prima vista {n} [music] :: sight reading (act of performing a piece of music straight from the music notation without rehearsal)
prime-korko {n} [banking] :: prime rate (bank's reference lending rate on top of which the loan client usually pays a customer-specific margin which is based on the bank's risk assessment)
primekorko {n} :: alternative form of prime-korko
primitiivi {n} [programming] :: primitive
primitiivinen {adj} :: Primitive
primitiivireaktio {n} :: instinctual reaction
primitiivisesti {adv} :: primitively
primitiivisyys {n} :: primitiveness (state or quality of being primitive)
primitivismi {n} :: primitivism
primitivisti {n} :: primitivist
primus motor {n} :: principal actor
prinipomi {n} [rare, nonstandard] :: ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it)
Prinkkala {prop} :: A manor in SW Finland near Turku, now better known by its Swedish name Brinkhallin kartano
Prinkkala {prop} :: surname
prinsessa {n} :: princess
prinsessakakku {n} :: princess cake (layer cake or torte of Swedish origin)
prinsessalinja {n} :: princess line (style of a woman's dress, cut in long panels without a horizontal join or separation at the waist)
prinsessalinjainen {adj} :: princess-line (of a woman's dress, cut in long panels without a horizontal join or separation at the waist)
Prinsessa Ruusunen {prop} :: Sleeping Beauty
prinsiippi {n} :: A principle
prinssi {n} :: A prince (son or male-line grandson of a monarch)
prinssi {n} :: A woman's ideal man in the phrase "unelmien prinssi" (Prince Charming)
Prinssi Edwardin saari {prop} :: Prince Edward Island (province, island)
prinssimakkara {n} :: cocktail sausage
prinssinakki {n} :: cocktail wiener, cocktail sausage
prinssipuoliso {n} :: prince consort
printata {vt} [computing] :: to print
printtaus {n} :: printing (act or process)
printteri {n} [colloquial, computing] :: printer
printti {n} [colloquial] :: print (text printed by a printer)
printtiliuska {n} :: A sheet printed by a computer
prioni {n} :: prion
prioniproteiini {n} :: prion protein, PrP (protein of which prions are composed)
priori {n} :: a prior
priorisoida {vt} :: To prioritise/prioritize
priorisointi {n} :: prioritization
prioriteetti {n} :: priority
prioriteettijono {n} [computing] :: priority queue
prisma {n} [optics] :: prism
prismakiikari {n} :: prism binoculars
prismapinta {n} [geometry] :: prismatic surface
prismasauva {n} :: prism pole
prismatoidi {n} [geometry] :: prismatoid
prismoidi {n} [geometry] :: prismoid
Pristina {prop} :: Pristina (capital city)
Pristina {prop} :: Pristina (district)
privaatisti {adv} :: privately
privaatti {adj} :: private
privatisoida {vt} :: To privatise/privatize
privatisoitua {v} :: to become privatized
privatisoituminen {n} :: privatization (process of becoming more private)
privilegio {n} :: privilege
PR-kampanja {n} :: PR campaign
PR-mies {n} :: PR man
PR-nainen {n} :: PR woman
probiootti {n} :: probiotic (dietary supplement)
probioottinen {adj} [bacteriology] :: probiotic
probleema {n} :: problem
probleemi {n} :: problem
problemaattinen {adj} :: problematic
problemaattisesti {adv} :: problematically
problemaattisuus {n} :: problematicness
problematiikka {n} :: problematic (problem or difficulty in a particular field of study)
problematisoida {vt} :: To problematize
problematisoitua {vi} :: To be problematized
prodromi {n} [medicine] :: prodrome (early symptom warning of the onset of a disease)
produktiivinen {adj} [linguistics] :: productive (of an affix or word construction rule: applicable to any of an open set of words)
produktiivinen {adj} [medicine] :: productive (of cough, producing mucus or sputum from the respiratory tract)
produktiivinen {adj} [medicine] :: productive (of inflammation, producing new tissue)
produktiivinen {adj} [set theory] :: productive
produktiivistua {v} [linguistics, medicine] :: to become productive
produktiivisuus {n} :: productivity
produktio {n} :: production (esp. of a piece in a theatre)
produktiviteetti {n} :: productivity
produsoida {v} :: to produce
produsointi {n} :: synonym of tuottaminen
profaani {adj} :: profane
profaasi {n} [biology] :: prophase
profanoida {vt} :: to profane, to make profane
profanoitua {vi} :: to become profane
profeetallinen {adj} :: prophetic
profeetallisesti {adv} :: prophetically
profeetallisuus {n} :: propheticalness
profeetta {n} :: prophet
professionaalinen {adj} :: professional
professionaalistuminen {n} :: professionalization
professionalismi {n} :: professionalism
professori {n} :: professor
professori {n} :: an honorary title of the sixth rank granted by the President of Finland to professors leading a research entity
professorinvirka {n} :: professor position
professuuri {n} :: professorship
profetia {n} :: prophecy
profetoida {v} :: To prophesy
proffa {n} [colloquial] :: prof, professor
profiili {n} :: profile
profiilikuva {n} [internet] :: profile picture
profiililista {n} :: profile strip
profiiliteräs {n} :: profile steel
profiloida {vt} :: To profile
profilointi {n} :: profiling
profiloitua {vi} :: to become profiled
profossi {n} :: provost
profylaksi {n} :: prophylactic (medicine which preserves or defends against disease)
profylaksia {n} :: prophylaxis
profylaktinen {adj} :: prophylactic (serving to preserve or defend against disease)
profylaktisesti {adv} :: prophylactically
profylaktisuus {n} :: preventiveness
proge {n} [colloquial, music] :: prog rock, progressive rock
progemetalli {n} :: synonym of progressiivinen metalli (rock music genre)
progesteroni {n} [biochemistry] :: progesterone
progestiini {n} :: progestin
proggis {n} [slang] :: A program
prognoosi {n} :: prognosis
prognostinen {adj} :: synonym of ennusteellinen
pro gradu {n} :: master's thesis
pro gradu -tutkielma {n} :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree)
pro gradu -työ {n} :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree)
progredioida {vi} [pathology] :: to progress (of a disease)
progressiivinen {adj} :: progressive (politics: favoring progress)
progressiivinen {adj} [taxation] :: progressive
progressiivinen {adj} [education] :: progressive
progressiivinen metalli {n} :: progressive metal (rock music genre)
progressiivisesti {adv} :: progressively
progressiivisuus {n} :: progressiveness
progressio {n} :: progress
progressio {n} :: progression
projekti {n} :: project
projektiili {n} :: projectile
projektiivinen {adj} [math] :: projective
projektijohtaminen {n} :: project management
projektimenetelmä {n} [education] :: learning through projects, project-based learning (teaching method)
projektinhallinta {n} :: project management
projektio {n} :: projection
projektiokuva {n} [geometry] :: projection (image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions)
projektiopetus {n} :: project-based teaching
projektiopinta {n} [geometry] :: viewing surface (in orthographic projection, the surface onto which an object is projected)
projektioppiminen {n} :: project-based learning
projektiorganisaatio {n} :: project organization (organization for carrying out a project)
projektiotaso {n} [geometry] :: viewing surface (in orthographic projection, the surface onto which an object is projected)
projektipäällikkö {n} :: project manager
projektiryhmä {n} :: project team
projektisihteeri {n} :: project secretary
projektisuunnitelma {n} :: project plan
projektisuunnittelu {n} :: project planning
projektisykli {n} :: project cycle
projektituonti {n} [international trade] :: project imports
projektityö {n} :: project work
projektityö {n} :: project job
projektityöskentely {n} :: project work
projektivienti {n} [international trade] :: project exports
projektori {n} :: projector
projisioida {v} :: synonym of projisoida
projisiointi {n} :: synonym of projisointi
projisoida {v} :: to project (to cast an image or shadow upon a surface)
projisoida {v} [psychology] :: to project (to assume qualities or mindsets in others based on one's own personality)
projisoida {v} [geometry] :: to project
projisointi {n} :: projection, projecting (act of projecting in all senses of projisoida)
prokariootti {n} :: alternative form of prokaryootti
prokaryootti {n} :: prokaryote
prokaryoottinen {adj} [biology] :: prokaryotic
Prokrusteen vuode {n} [figurative] :: procrustean bed (arbitrary standard)
Prokrustes {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Procrustes
proksimaalinen {adj} :: proximal
proktologi {n} :: proctologist
proktologia {n} [medicine] :: proctology
prokura {n} :: alternative form of prokuura
prokuraattori {n} [legal] :: procurator (in certain countries, legal officer who both investigates and prosecutes crimes)
prokuraattori {n} [history, Finland] :: procurator (in autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland, public officer responsible for supervision of conformity with law)
prokuraattori {n} [history, Ancient Rome] :: procurator (governor of a small imperial province)
prokuristi {n} [legal, Finland] :: procurator (holder of prokuura i.e. permanent proxy to sign documents on behalf of a company)
prokuura {n} [legal] :: procuration (permanent proxy to sign documents on behalf of a company)
prokuuravaltuutus {n} [legal] :: synonym of prokuura
prolaktiini {n} [biochemistry] :: prolactin
prolatiivi {n} [grammar] :: prolative
proleptinen {adj} :: proleptic
proletaari {n} :: A proletarian
proletaarikirjallisuus {n} :: proletarian literature
proletaarinen {adj} :: proletarian
proletaaristaa {v} :: alternative form of proletarisoida
proletaaristua {v} :: synonym of proletarisoitua
proletariaatti {n} :: proletariat
proletarisoida {vt} :: to proletarianize
proletarisoitua {v} :: to be proletarianized
proliferatiivinen {adj} :: proliferative
proliini {n} [amino acid] ::  proline
prologi {n} :: prologue
prolyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: prolyl
promemoria {n} :: memorandum
promenadi {n} :: promenade
promenadikonsertti {n} [music] :: promenade concert
prometafaasi {n} [biology] :: prometaphase
prometium {n} :: promethium
promille {n} :: per mille, permille, per mil, per mill (1/1000th part of something)
promillemittari {n} [colloquial] :: breathalyzer
promiskuiteetti {n} :: promiscuity (state of being indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners)
promootio {n} :: promotion ceremony, conferment, commencement (in Finnish universities, a ceremony to honour those who have graduated as doctors since the previous ceremony; the frequency depends on local traditions)
promoottori {n} :: promoter
promovoida {vt} :: to graduate someone as a master (maisteri) or doctor (tohtori)
pronaatio {n} :: pronation
pronominaali {n} [grammar] :: pronominal (phrase that acts as a pronoun)
pronominaaliadverbi {n} [grammar] :: A pronominal adverb
pronominaalinen {adj} [grammar] :: pronominal (of or pertaining to a pronominal, or a phrase that acts as a pronoun)
pronomini {n} [grammar] :: pronoun
pronssata {v} :: to bronze (plate with bronze)
pronssata {v} :: to bronze (color bronze)
pronssaus {n} [rare] :: bronzing (act or result of bronzing)
pronssi {n} :: bronze (copper alloy)
pronssi {n} :: bronze (bronze medal)
pronssi {n} [by extension] :: third place, third position (in a competition)
pronssi {n} :: short for pronssiväri
pronssi-iibis {n} :: glossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus
pronssijauhe {n} :: bronze powder
pronssijoukkue {n} [sports] :: bronze team (team that wins the bronze metal in a tournament or series)
pronssikausi {n} :: the Bronze Age
pronssikautinen {adj} :: Bronze Age
pronssikirves {n} :: bronze axe
pronssikoru {n} :: piece of bronze jewellery
pronssikulttuuri {n} :: Bronze Age culture
pronssilakka {n} :: bronze lacquer
pronssimaali {n} :: bronze paint
pronssimies {n} :: A male bronze medalist
pronssimies {n} :: Literally, a bronze statue of a man, especially one of natural size
pronssimitali {n} :: bronze medal
pronssimitalimies {n} :: A male bronze medalist
pronssimitalisti {n} :: bronze medalist (bronze medal winner)
pronssinen {adj} :: bronze
pronssinruskea {adj} :: bronze (having reddish brown color)
pronssinvalaja {n} :: bronze founder
pronssinvalanta {n} :: bronze casting
pronssinvalu {n} :: bronze casting
pronssinvärinen {adj} :: bronze (having reddish brown color)
pronssinvihreä {adj} :: bronze green (of the color of oxidized bronze, mouldy green)
pronssiottelu {n} [sports] :: match for third place, third place play-off, bronze medal game, consolation game
pronssipatsas {n} :: bronze statue
pronssisolki {n} :: bronze buckle
pronssiteräkala {n} :: bronze featherback
pronssittaa {v} [rare] :: alternative form of pronssata
pronssitus {n} [rare] :: bronzing (act or result of bronzing)
pronssityö {n} :: bronzeworking (making of items from bronze)
pronssityö {n} :: piece of bronze work, bronze item, bronze
pronssivalimo {n} :: bronze foundry
pronssivalos {n} :: bronze cast
pronssiväri {n} :: bronze powder used for decorative purposes or in printing
pronssiveistos {n} :: bronze sculpture
proomu {n} :: barge (flat-bottomed bulk carrier)
proomu {n} :: pram (flat-bottomed vessel to carry cargo to and from ships whose draft does not allow them to enter the harbour)
proopuska {n} [colloquial] :: alternative spelling of propuska
proosa {n} :: prose
proosaeepos {n} :: prose epic (epic written in prosaic style)
proosakäännös {n} :: prose translation (translation of a poem in prose form)
proosakertomus {n} :: prose story
proosakirjailija {n} :: prosaist
proosakirjallisuus {n} :: prose literature
proosallinen {adj} :: prosaic
proosallisesti {adv} :: prosaically
proosallisuus {n} :: prosaicness
proosamuoto {n} :: prose format
proosamuotoinen {adj} :: in prose format
proosaruno {n} :: prose poem (prose with characteristics of poetry)
proosateksti {n} :: prose text
proosateos {n} :: work of prose
propaani {n} :: propane
propagaatio {n} [physics, biology] :: propagation (instance of propagating, especially of a wave, signal, nerve impulse etc.)
propaganda {n} :: propaganda
propagandaelokuva {n} :: propaganda movie
propagandakirjallisuus {n} :: propaganda literature
propagandakirjoitus {n} :: propaganda text
propagandakuva {n} :: propaganda picture
propagandalehti {n} :: propaganda paper
propagandalehtinen {n} :: propaganda leaflet, propaganda sheet
propagandapuhe {n} :: propaganda speech
propagandasota {n} :: propaganda war
propagandatarkoitus {n} :: propaganda purpose
propagandisti {n} :: propagandist
propagandistinen {adj} :: propagandistic
propagoida {v} :: to propagate, disseminate (to spread information or propaganda)
propagoija {n} :: propagator (one who spreads information or propaganda)
propagointi {n} :: propagation, dissemination (act of spreading information or propaganda)
propanoli {n} [organic chemistry] :: propanol
propata {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of tulpata
propedeuttinen {adj} :: [of teaching] propedeutic, introductory, preparatory
propeeni {n} [chemistry] :: propene
propeenihappo {n} :: acrylic acid
propelli {n} [colloquial] :: A propeller
propellipää {n} :: propeller head (person)
propionaatti {n} [chemistry] :: propionate
propionialdehydi {n} [chemistry] :: propionaldehyde
propionihappo {n} [chemistry] :: propionic acid
propionitriili {n} [chemistry] :: propionitrile
proportionaalinen {adj} :: proportional
propositio {n} :: proposition
propositiologiikka {n} [logic] :: propositional logic
proppu {n} [colloquial, electricity] :: fuse
proppu {n} [construction] :: dowel, wall plug, screw anchor
proppu {n} [pathology] :: tonsillolith, tonsil stone
propri {n} [grammar] :: proper noun
propsi {n} [mining, forest industry] :: synonym of kaivospölkky
propsi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of kuitupuu
propsipino {n} :: A stack of pit props
propsipino {n} :: A stack of pulpwood
propsipuu {n} :: synonym of kuitupuu
propuska {n} [colloquial] :: authorization, certificate, permit, licence, or other official document required by a bureaucracy
propyleeniglykoli {n} :: propylene glycol
propyleenioksidi {n} [chemistry] :: propylene oxide
propyylialkoholi {n} [organic chemistry] :: synonym of 1-propanoli
propyyni {n} [chemistry] :: methylacetylene, propyne
prosaisti {n} :: prosaist
PR-osasto {n} :: PR department
proseduraalinen {adj} :: procedural
proseduuri {n} [colloquial] :: procedure
proseduuri {n} [computing] :: procedure
proseminaari {n} :: proseminar
prosentiton {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of alkoholiton
prosentti {n} :: A percent
prosenttiarvo {n} :: percentage, value in percentage
prosenttikerroin {n} :: percentage multiplier
prosenttikorotus {n} :: percentual raise
prosenttilasku {n} :: percent calculation (art or instance of performing calculations with percentages)
prosenttiliike {n} :: A social movement born in Finland in 1980's with the aim of raising the Finnish development aid to the level of one percent of the gross national product. As a sign of their commitment the members donate 1 percent of their gross income to third sector development organizations
prosenttilinja {n} [incomes policy] :: A point of view which states that a collectively agreed wage increase should be distributed to the employees as percentage of their current salary
prosenttiluku {n} :: percentage (number expressed in percents)
prosenttimääräinen {adj} :: measured in percents, often translated into English as percentage
prosenttimerkki {n} :: percent sign (the sign "%")
prosenttinen {adj} :: percent (consisting of or containing something to an amount expressed as percentage)
prosenttiosuus {n} :: percentage (part of a whole measured in percent)
prosenttipalkka {n} :: A salary determined as a percentage of something such as billing generated by a waiter
prosenttipalkkio {n} :: percentage (share of sales, profits, gross margin or similar)
prosenttipiste {n} :: percentile
prosenttisesti {adv} :: -percent (to a degree expressed as percentage)
prosenttiyksikkö {n} :: percentage point
prosentuaalinen {adj} :: measured in percents, usually translated into English as percentage; percentual
prosentuaalisesti {adv} :: percentually
prosentuaalisuus {n} :: The quality of being measured in percentage
prosessi {n} :: process (series of events)
prosessi {n} [law] :: trial
prosessi {n} [computing] :: process
prosessiarviointi {n} :: process evaluation
prosessidraama {n} [education] :: process drama (teaching method)
prosessijohtaminen {n} :: process management
prosessikirjoittaminen {n} :: process writing (method of writing or teaching to write, in which the text is written as an iterative process without planning the structure in advance)
prosessilukeminen {n} :: reflective reading (reading method intended to enhance learning; the student is guided by a set of questions to reflect their reading before, during and after the actual reading)
prosessimalli {n} :: process model
prosessinedellytys {n} [law] :: procedural requirement (formal requirement that must be fulfilled before a case can be admitted to judicial proceedings)
prosessinjohto {n} :: process management
prosessinohjaus {n} :: process control
prosessioikeus {n} [law] :: procedural law
prosessitaide {n} :: process art (artistic movement)
prosessitekniikka {n} [engineering] :: process technology
prosessiteollisuus {n} :: process industry (industry involved in turning raw materials into commodities in continuous processes, e.g. pulp and paper, steel, petrochemicals, food processing)
prosessityöntekijä {n} :: process worker
prosessiväite {n} [law] :: procedural defense, plea of inadmissibility (plea by a party to a trial that it should not be held liable for the legal charge brought against it on the grounds that one or more formal procedural requirements for the trial have not been fulfilled)
prosessiväri {n} :: process color
prosessoida {vt} :: To process (an industrial product)
prosessointi {n} :: processing
prosessointiviive {n} :: processing delay
prosessori {n} [computing] :: processor, CPU
prosessuaalinen {adj} :: processual (of or relating to a process)
prosessuaalinen {adj} [law] :: procedural (of or relating to procedure)
prosodia {n} [linguistics] :: prosody
prosodiikka {n} :: synonym of prosodia
prosodinen {adj} [linguistics] :: prosodic
prosopagnosia {n} [pathology, psychology] :: face blindness, prosopagnosia (disorder in face recognition)
prospekti {n} [rare] :: synonym of esite
prospekti {n} [music] :: prospect, façade (frontal part of an organ visible for the audience)
prospekti {n} :: avenue, particularly in Russia
prossa {n} [colloquial] :: A percent
prossu {n} [colloquial] :: processor, CPU
prostaattinen {adj} [medicine, jargon] :: prostatic
prostaglandiini {n} [biochemistry] :: prostaglandin
prostasykliini {n} [chemistry] :: prostacyclin
prostata {n} [anatomy, medicine, jargon] :: prostate
prostatektomia {n} [medicine, jargon] :: prostatectomy (surgical removal of prostate)
prostatismi {n} [pathology] :: prostatism
prostituoida {vt} :: to prostitute (to make another person, or organisation, prostitute themselves)
prostituoida {v} :: to prostitute (to exploit for base purposes)
prostituointi {n} :: prostituting (act or process)
prostituoitu {n} :: A prostitute (male or female)
prostituoitua {vi} :: to be prostituted
prostituutio {n} :: prostitution
prosymidoni {n} :: procymidone
protaktinium {n} :: protactinium
proteaasi {n} [chemistry] :: protease
proteaasi-inhibiittori {n} [medicine] :: protease inhibitor
proteaasin estäjä {n} [medicine] :: protease inhibitor
proteesi {n} :: prosthesis
proteesi {n} :: prothesis
proteettinen {adj} :: prosthetic
proteettinen {adj} [linguistic] :: prothetic
proteidi {n} [obsolete] :: proteid (protein)
proteiini {n} :: protein
proteiinijuoma {n} :: protein shake
proteiinikinaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: protein kinase
proteiinimuuntokuitu {n} [textiles] :: azlon ‎[US]; regenerated protein fiber (textile fiber derived from a protein such as casein or zein)
proteiinipatukka {n} :: protein bar
proteiinisynteesi {n} [biochemistry] :: protein biosynthesis, proteosynthesis
protektionismi {n} :: protectionism
protektionisti {n} :: protectionist
protektionistinen {adj} :: protectionist, protectionistic
protektoraatti {n} :: protectorate
proteolyysi {n} [biochemistry] :: proteolysis
proteomi {n} :: proteome
proteomiikka {n} :: proteomics
proterotsooinen {adj} [geology] :: Proterozoic
protestantismi {n} [Christianity] :: Protestantism (faith or beliefs)
protestantti {n} [Christianity] :: a Protestant
protestanttinen {adj} :: protestant
protestanttisuus {n} [Christianity] :: Protestantism (faith or beliefs)
protesti {n} :: protest (formal objection)
protestiääni {n} :: protest vote (vote cast as protest against some element of the prevailing political setting)
protestilaulaja {n} :: protest singer
protestilaulu {n} [music] :: protest song
protestiliike {n} :: protest movement
protestilista {n} :: An official record of unhonoured bills of exchange and other negotiable loan instruments
protestipuolue {n} :: protest party
protestitodistus {n} :: A document issued by a competent authority to the plaintiff of filing a complaint for unhonored bill of exchange or other negotiable loan instrument
protestivaalit {n} :: An election characterized by a large number of protest votes
protestoida {vi} :: to protest
protestoida {v} [finance] :: to file an official complaint about unhonoured bill of exchange or other negotiable loan instrument in order not to lose the right to claim the payment from the original issuer
protestointi {n} :: protesting (act)
Proteus-syndrooma {prop} [disease] :: Proteus syndrome
protium {n} [isotope] :: protium
proto {n} [colloquial] :: prototype
protokolla {n} :: protocol
protokolla {n} :: minutes (records of a meeting)
protokollapino {n} :: protocol stack
protolysoituminen {n} [chemistry] :: protolysis (becoming protolyzed)
protolyysi {n} [chemistry] :: protolysis
protomarttyyri {n} :: protomartyr
protoni {n} [particle] :: proton
protonipumppu {n} [biochemistry] :: proton pump
protoplaneetta {n} [astronomy] :: protoplanet
protoplasma {n} [biology] :: protoplasm
prototyyppi {n} :: prototype
protrombinaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: prothrombinase
prötti {n} :: a food made of potatoes that is similar to mämmi
protu {n} [colloquial] :: a Prometheus camps
protuberanssi {n} [astronomy] :: solar prominence
provasti {n} [archaic] :: synonym of rovasti
provenienssi {n} :: provenance
proviisori {n} :: Master of Pharmacy (degree)
provikka {n} [colloquial] :: commission (a fee charged)
provinsiaalinen {adj} :: provincial (exhibiting the ways or manners of a province)
provinsiaalinen {adj} :: provincial (of or pertaining to a province); used especially of provinces in non-Nordic countries
provinsialismi {n} :: provincialism (quality of being provincial)
provinsialismi {n} [linguistics] :: provincialism (word or locution characteristic of a region or district)
provinssi {n} :: A province (subdivision of government usually one step below the national level)
provinssi {n} [colloquial] :: The countryside, country (rural area)
provisio {n} :: commission (fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction)
provisiopalkka {n} :: commission salary (salary that consists largely of commissions)
provisiopalkkio {n} :: synonym of provisio
provisorinen {adj} :: provisory (pending something more permanent)
provitamiini {n} [biochemistry] :: provitamin
provokaatio {n} :: provocation
provokaattori {n} :: provocateur
provokatiivinen {adj} :: provocative
provokatiivisesti {adv} :: provocatively
provokatiivisuus {n} :: provocativeness
provokatorinen {adj} :: provocative
provokatorisesti {adv} :: provocatively
provokatorisuus {n} :: provocativeness
provosoida {vt} :: To provoke
provosointi {n} :: provocation
provosoitua {vi} :: To be provoked
provosoiva {adj} :: provocative
provosti {n} :: provost (senior academic administrator)
proxy-sota {n} :: synonym of sijaissota
pröystäilijä {n} :: braggart, braggadocio, bragger, boaster
pröystäillä {v} :: to show off (to attract attention to for the purpose of bragging or personal exhibitionism)
pröystäillä {v} :: to brag, boast (to talk with excessive pride about what one has, can do, or has done)
pröystäily {n} :: bragging, boasting, showing off (act)
PR-toimisto {n} :: PR agency
prusik {n} :: prusik (hitch)
Prusikin solmu {n} :: prusik (hitch)
prutkuttaa {v} :: chug (to make dull, explosive sounds, like a small two-stroke motor at low speed)
prutkutus {n} :: chug (dull, fairly quick explosive sounds like those made by a small two-stroke engine at low speed)
pruukata {v} [colloquial] :: to be a habit, to do habitually, to tend to
pruutta {n} [dialectal] :: sprayer, squirt, douche
pruutta {n} [dialectal] :: syringe
przewalskingaselli {n} :: Przewalski's gazelle, Procapra przewalskii (species of gazelle only found in China)
przewalskinhevonen {n} :: Przewalski's horse, Equus ferus przewalskii
przewalskinhyppymyyrä {n} :: Przewalski's gerbil, Brachiones przewalskii (only species of the genus Brachiones, only found in China)
psalmi {n} [religion] :: psalm (one of the hymns collected into the book of psalms in the Old Testament)
psalmilaulu {n} :: psalm singing, psalmody
psalttari {n} [musical instruments] :: psaltery (ancient stringed instrument)
psalttari {n} :: Used collectively of a group of similar instruments, including kanun, sitra, langleik, gusli and kantele [Finnish terms]
psalttari {n} [biblical, rare] :: psalter (Book of Psalms)
psammiitti {n} :: psammite
psammiittinen {adj} :: psammitic
pseudepigrafi {n} :: pseudepigrapha
pseudo- {prefix} :: pseudo-
pseudoanglismi {n} [linguistics] :: pseudo-anglicism
pseudoartroosi {n} [pathology] :: pseudarthrosis, false joint ‎(bony, flexible structure, resembling a joint, sometimes found after a poorly united fracture)
pseudoinverssi {n} :: pseudoinverse
pseudokoodi {n} :: pseudocode
pseudokruppi {n} [pathology] :: croup; pseudocroup [dated] (form of croup caused by a virus and not by the diphtheria bacterium)
pseudokysta {n} [pathology] :: pseudocyst
pseudomorfi {n} :: pseudomorph
pseudonyymi {n} :: A pseudonym
pseudopodi {n} :: pseudopod
pseudosana {n} :: nonsense word
pseudotiede {n} :: pseudoscience
pseudotieteellinen {adj} :: pseudoscientific
pseudotieteilijä {n} :: pseudoscientist
pseudounipolaarinen {adj} [anatomy] :: pseudounipolar (having one split axon)
pseudovektori {n} [math, physics] :: pseudovector
psii {n} :: psi (Greek letter)
psilosiini {n} [chemistry] :: psilocin
psilosybiini {n} :: psilocybin
psori {n} [colloquial, pathology] :: psoriasis
psoriaasi {n} [pathology] :: psoriasis
psoriaatikko {n} :: A person affected by psoriasis
psoriasis {n} [medicine] :: psoriasis
ps-tili {n} [finance] :: An account somewhat similar to the US Individual Retirement Account, or IRA which provides tax advantages for retirement savings
psyka {n} [colloquial] :: psychology
psykedeelinen {adj} :: psychedelic
Psykhe {prop} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] :: Psyche (personification of the soul)
psykiatri {n} [medicine] :: psychiatrist
psykiatria {n} [medicine] :: psychiatry
psykiatrinen {adj} [medicine] :: psychiatric
psyko- {prefix} :: psycho-
psyko {n} [colloquial] :: psycho
psykoaktiivinen {adj} :: psychoactive
psykoakustiikka {n} [acoustics] :: psychoacoustics
psykoanalysoida {vt} :: to psychoanalyze
psykoanalyysi {n} :: psychoanalysis
psykoanalyytikko {n} :: psychoanalyst, analyst, shrink (psychoanalysis practitioner)
psykoanalyyttinen {adj} :: psychoanalytic
psykobiologi {n} :: psychobiologist
psykobiologia {n} :: psychobiology
psykodiagnostiikka {n} [psychology] :: psychodiagnostics
psykodraama {n} :: psychodrama
psykodynaaminen {adj} :: psychodynamic
psykodynamiikka {n} :: psychodynamics
psykofarmaka {n} :: synonym of psyykenlääke
psykofysiikka {n} :: psychophysics
psykofysiologi {n} :: psychophysiologist
psykofysiologia {n} :: psychophysiology
psykofyysinen {adj} :: psychophysical
psykogeeninen {adj} :: psychogenic
psykogerontologia {n} :: psychogerontology
psykohistoria {n} :: psychohistory
psykohistoriallinen {adj} :: psychohistorical (of or pertaining to psychohistory)
psykokineettinen {adj} :: psychokinetic
psykokinesia {n} :: psychokinesis
psykolingvistiikka {n} :: psycholinguistics
psykolingvistinen {adj} :: psycholinguistic
psykologi {n} :: psychologist
psykologia {n} :: psychology
psykologinen {adj} :: psychological
psykologioida {v} :: To psychologize
psykologiointi {n} :: psychologization
psykologisesti {adv} :: psychologically
psykologismi {n} :: psychologism
psykologisoida {v} :: To psychologize
psykologisointi {n} :: psychologization
psykometriikka {n} :: psychometrics
psykometrinen {adj} :: psychometric
psykomotoriikka {n} :: psychomotricity
psykomotorinen {adj} :: psychomotor
psykoosi {n} :: psychosis
psykoosilääke {n} :: antipsychotic (drug)
psykootikko {n} :: A psychotic person
psykoottinen {adj} :: psychotic
psykoottisesti {adv} :: psychotically
psykoottisuus {n} :: psychoticism
psykopaatti {n} :: psychopath
psykopaattinen {adj} :: psychopathic
psykopatia {n} :: psychopathy
psykopatologi {n} :: psychopathologist
psykopatologia {n} :: psychopathology
psykosomaattinen {adj} :: psychosomatic
psykosomatiikka {n} :: psychosomatics
psykososiaalinen {adj} :: psychosocial
psykoterapeutti {n} :: A psychotherapist
psykoterapeuttinen {adj} :: psychotherapeutic
psykoterapia {n} :: psychotherapy [treatment of those with metal illness]
psykotrooppinen {adj} :: psychotropic
psykrofiili {n} [biology] :: psychrophile
psykrofiilinen {adj} [biology] :: psychrophilic
psyykata {v} [colloquial] :: to psyche (to put into required state of mind)
psyyke {n} :: psyche
psyykenlääke {n} :: psychoactive drug, psychiatric medication
psyykepotilas {n} :: psychiatric patient
psyykkaus {n} [colloquial] :: psyching (act of putting someone into required state of mind)
psyykkinen {adj} :: psychic
psyykkisesti {adv} :: psychically
pthyi {interj} :: ptui (sound of spitting)
ptolemaiolainen {adj} :: Ptolemaic
Ptolemaios {n} :: Ptolemy
ptruu {interj} :: whoa (stopping command for horse)
-pua {suffix} :: Forms passive verbs
pub {n} :: pub
puberteetti {n} :: puberty
pubi {n} [colloquial] :: pub, public house
publikaani {n} [historical, biblical] :: publican (tax collector in ancient Rome)
pudas {n} :: A fork of river that rejoins back to the main river
pudasjärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pudasjärvi (Finnish municipality)
pudasjärveläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pudasjärvi (Finnish municipality)
Pudasjärvi {prop} :: Pudasjärvi (town/and/municipality)
Pudasjärvi {prop} :: A lake located close to that town in Finland
pudistaa {v} :: to shake (usually with broad movements)
pudistaa päätään {v} :: to shake one's head (to indicate something negative such as disapproval)
pudistella {v} :: to shake repeatedly (usually with broad movements)
pudokas {n} :: A windfall (fruit that has fallen from a tree naturally, as from wind)
pudokas {n} :: A primary school dropout (one who has left primary school without completing the course)
pudota {vi} :: to drop, fall (down/off), slip
pudota {vi} [slang] :: to burst out laughing
pudotella {vt} :: To drop (indifferently and/or repeatedly)
pudottaa {vt} :: To drop
pudottautua {vr} :: To drop oneself
pudotus {n} :: fall (act of moving down under the effect of gravity)
pudotus {n} :: act of dropping (causing something to fall)
pudotus {n} [computing] :: dropdown
pudotusikkuna {n} [computing] :: dropdown window (window in which a dropdown menu is shown)
pudotuslista {n} [computing] :: dropdown list, dropdown menu, drop-down, combo box
pudotuspeli {n} [sports] :: playoff (game played after the regular season or similar by the top competitors, with a single-elimination system, to determine the champion)
pudotussondi {n} :: dropsonde
pudotusvalikko {n} [computing] :: dropdown list, dropdown menu, drop-down, combo box
pudotusvasara {n} :: drop hammer
pueskella {v} :: to dress, put on or clothe slowly or leisurely
puettaa {vt} :: To dress up somebody or something
puettava {adj} :: wearable
puff {interj} :: poof (deflating object or a magical disappearance)
puffata {v} :: to puff (to advertise)
pugilismi {n} :: pugilism
pugilisti {n} :: pugilist
puh. {n} :: tel (abbreviation for telephone number)
puhahtaa {vi} :: to snort or puffer once
Puhakka {n} :: surname
puhallella {v} :: to blow (repeatedly)
puhallin {n} :: blower, a device that blows
puhallin {n} :: wind instrument
puhallinsoitin {n} :: wind instrument
puhallus {n} :: blowing (using lungs)
puhalluselvytys {n} :: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
puhallushiekka {n} :: blasting grit (sand or resembling material used as abrasive in sandblasting)
puhallusilma {n} :: blast air, blow air
puhalluskoe {n} :: breath test
puhalluslamppu {n} :: blowtorch, blowlamp
puhallusputki {n} [glass blowing] :: blowpipe
puhallusputki {n} :: blowgun, blowpipe (weapon)
puhallussoitin {n} :: Alternative term for puhallinsoitin
puhalluttaa {vt} :: To have something (= genitive-accusative) blown by someone (= adessive)
puhalluttaa {vt} [of a police officer + genitive-accusative] :: To make (a car driver suspected of driving under the influence) blow on a gauge displaying the possible amount of alcohol in the air exhaled
puhaltaa {vt} :: To blow
puhaltaa {vi} [of wind] :: To blow
puhaltaa {vt} :: To blow on, play, sound (a wind instrument)
puhdas {adj} :: clean; neat, tidy (not dirty)
puhdas {adj} :: clean, unpolluted (not polluted)
puhdas {adj} :: clear, clean, innocent (free of guilt)
puhdas {adj} :: pure, undiluted, absolute, neat; sweet (unadulterated; free from extraneous elements)
puhdas {adj} :: net (with all deductions or allowances made)
puhdas {adj} :: naked (without decoration, put bluntly)
puhdas {adj} :: sheer (being only what it seems to be)
puhdas ansiotulo {n} [accounting] :: net earnings
puhdaskielinen {adj} [linguistics] :: purist
puhdaskielisyys {n} [linguistics] :: purism
puhdas kuin pulmunen {adj} [simile] :: clean as a whistle (completely innocent)
puhdasoppinen {adj} :: orthodox
puhdasoppinen {adj} :: puristic
puhdasoppisempi {adj} :: comparative of puhdasoppinen
puhdasoppisin {adj} :: superlative of puhdasoppinen
puhdasoppisuus {n} :: purism (insistence on the traditionally correct way of doing things)
puhdasrotuinen {adj} :: purebred
puhde {n} [archaic] :: twilight (period between daylight and darkness)
puhdetyö {n} :: work done during twilight hours
puhdistaa {vt} :: To clean (up), clear (up), cleanse, purge, scour
puhdistaa {vt} :: To refine, purify
puhdistaa {vt} :: To purify (air, water)
puhdistaja {n} :: cleaner (mostly for cleaning detergents/substances)
puhdistajarapu {n} :: any crustacean of the infraorder Stenopodidea
puhdistajarapu {n} [in the plural] :: the infraorder Stenopodidea
puhdistaminen {n} :: cleaning, cleansing, purifying
puhdistamo {n} :: water purification plant, sewage treatment plant
puhdistautua {vi} :: To cleanse oneself
puhdistautuminen {n} :: cleaning or cleansing oneself
puhdiste {n} :: synonym of puhdistusaine
puhdistin {n} :: cleaner, purifier (device that cleans)
puhdistua {vi} :: To become clean
puhdistuma {n} [medicine] :: renal clearance (a measure of the functioning of the kidneys: amount of harmful substances removed from the blood per unit of time)
puhdistus {n} :: A cleansing
puhdistus {n} :: A purge
puhdistusaine {n} :: cleanser, detergent
puhdistusharja {n} :: cleaning brush
puhdistusjauhe {n} :: cleansing powder
puhdistusmenot {n} :: cleansing or purification rite or ceremony
puhdistuttaa {vt} :: to have something cleaned
puhe {n} :: speech
puhe {n} :: address
puhe {n} :: oration
puhe {n} :: talk, chat
puhe {n} :: speak (jargon, terminology)
puhe {n} :: speak (conversation)
puheaika {n} :: airtime (chargeable use of a mobile phone)
puheanalyysi {n} :: speech analysis, voice analysis
puhe-elin {n} :: speech organ
puheenaihe {n} :: talking point, theme
puheenjohtaja {n} :: chairman, chairwoman, chairperson
puheenjohtajakausi {n} :: chairmanship (term of a chairman)
puheenjohtajamaa {n} :: presiding country
puheenjohtajuus {n} :: chairmanship
puheenjohtajuuskausi {n} :: period of chairmanship, term of chairmanship
puheen ollen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: regarding, concerning, apropos, speaking of
puheenparsi {n} :: idiom
puheentunnistus {n} [computing] :: voice recognition, speech recognition
puheenvuoro {n} :: A floor, say (one's stated opinion or input into a discussion)
puheenvuoro {n} :: statement
puhehäiriö {n} :: speech disorder
puheilla {adv} [genitive + ~] :: speaking to, meeting, seeing or with (someone)
puheille {adv} [genitive + ~] :: (into) speaking to, meeting, seeing or with (someone)
puheilta {adv} [genitive + ~] :: (from) speaking to, meeting, seeing or with (someone)
-puheinen {adj} :: -talking
puhekela {n} :: voice coil
puhekeskus {n} :: speech center, motor center for speech
puhekeskus {n} :: speech center, speech department (of a hospital or medical institution)
puhekieli {n} :: A language as it is commonly spoken, a vernacular, colloquial language
puhekielinen {adj} :: colloquial
puhekone {n} :: talking machine
puhekorpus {n} [linguistics] :: speech corpus
puhekupla {n} :: A speech bubble
puhekyvytön {adj} :: aphonic
puheliaisuus {n} :: talkativeness, loquacity
puhelias {adj} :: talkative
puhelimessa {adv} :: at the phone
puhelimitse {adv} :: By telephone
puhelin {n} :: telephone, phone
puhelin {n} :: short for puhelinnumero
puhelinaakkonen {n} :: in plural only, telephone alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
puhelinaakkonen {n} :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
puhelinasentaja {n} :: telephone installer, telephone lineman, telephone repairman
puhelinautomaatti {n} :: payphone
puhelingallup {n} :: phone gallup, phone poll
puhelinhaastattelu {n} :: telephone interview
puhelinherätys {n} :: wake-up call (telephone service)
puhelinjärjestelmä {n} :: telephone system
puhelinjohto {n} :: telephone cable
puhelinkaapeli {n} :: telephone cable
puhelinkeskus {n} [telecommunications] :: telephone exchange, switchboard, switch
puhelinkeskustelu {n} :: telephone conversation
puhelinkioski {n} :: phone booth
puhelinkoje {n} :: telephone apparatus
puhelinkokous {n} :: telephone conference (conference held by telephone)
puhelinkone {n} :: telephone apparatus, telephone machine
puhelinkoppi {n} :: phone booth
puhelinkortti {n} :: telephone card, telecard, phone card, calling card (plastic card used to pay for telephone services)
puhelinkuuntelu {n} :: phone tapping
puhelinkysely {n} :: telephone survey
puhelinlaitos {n} :: telephone company, telephone service, telephone organization
puhelinlanka {n} :: telephone wire
puhelinlasku {n} :: phone bill
puhelinliikenne {n} :: telephone traffic
puhelinliittymä {n} :: telephone subscription
puhelinlinja {n} :: telephone line
puhelinluettelo {n} :: A telephone directory, phone book
puhelinmääräys {n} :: telephone prescription (of drugs or medicine)
puhelinmaksu {n} :: telephone fee, telephone payment
puhelinmuistio {n} :: telephone notebook, telephone book, telephone index book
puhelinmyyjä {n} :: telemarketer
puhelinmyynti {n} :: telemarketing
puhelinneuvottelu {n} :: telephone conference, conference call (conference held by telephone)
puhelinnumero {n} :: telephone number; number [informal]
puhelinnumeronne {n} :: second-person plural possissive form of puhelinnumero
puhelinnumerosi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of puhelinnumero
puhelinoperaattori {n} :: synonym of teleoperaattori
puhelinosake {n} :: telephone share, telephone stock
puhelinosuuskunta {n} :: telephone cooperative
puhelinpäivystys {n} :: telephone service, on call service, telephone hotline
puhelinpalvelu {n} :: telephone service
puhelinpalvelukeskus {n} :: call center (business location where a person can call for such things as customer service, to place an order, etc.)
puhelinpylväs {n} :: telephone pole, telegraph post
puhelinsalaisuus {n} :: confidentiality over the telephone
puhelinsanoma {n} :: telephone message
puhelinseksi {n} :: phone sex
puhelinsoitto {n} :: A telephone call
puhelintariffi {n} :: phone tariff
puhelintekniikka {n} :: telephony
puhelinteknikko {n} :: telephone technician
puhelinterrori {n} :: telephone harassment
puhelintiedustelu {n} :: telephone inquiry
puhelintilaaja {n} :: telephone subscriber
puhelintilaus {n} :: telephone subscription
puhelintoivekonsertti {n} :: phone-in radio request show
puhelintorvi {n} [colloquial] :: telephone receiver
puhelintyttö {n} :: call girl
puhelinuutiset {n} :: phone news; news transmitted via phone
puhelinvaihde {n} [telecommunications] :: A telephone exchange, switchboard or switch which serves one organization
puhelinvaihteenhoitaja {n} :: telephone switchboard operator
puhelinvastaaja {n} :: An answering machine
puhelinverkko {n} :: telephone network, public switched telephone network
puhelinyhdistys {n} :: telephone company, telephone association
puhelinyhteys {n} :: telephone connection
puhelinyhtiö {n} :: telephone company
puhella {vi} :: To chatter
puhelu {n} :: talk, conversation; used especially in compound terms
puhelu {n} :: telephone call, call
puhelukortti {n} :: phonecard, telephone card
puhemies {n} :: chairman, speaker (title used of the chair of certain bodies instead of the more common puheenjohtaja (chairman))
puhemies {n} :: spokesman (one who speaks as the voice of a group)
puhemies {n} :: wingman (friend who accompanies one to offer support in picking up women)
puhemies {n} :: best man
puheohjelma {n} :: radio talk show
puheohjelma {n} :: podcast
puheopettaja {n} :: voice instructor, dialect coach
puheposti {n} :: voice mail (system)
puhepostiviesti {n} :: voice mail (individual message)
puheripuli {n} :: logorrhea (excessive talkativeness)
puhesynteesi {n} [computing] :: speech synthesis
puhetaito {n} :: rhetoric
puhetapa {n} :: parlance
puhetekniikka {n} :: elocution
puheterapeutti {n} :: speech therapist
puhetulva {n} :: logorrhea (excessive flow of words)
puhevälit {n} :: speaking terms, relationship or terms where people can talk to each other due to being sufficiently acquainted or on good terms
puhevalta {n} :: right to speak
puhevammainen {adj} :: speech impaired
puhevibraattori {n} :: electrolarynx (battery-oprated device that assists a person who has lost their voice box in producing speech)
puhevika {n} :: speech defect
puhevika {n} :: speech disorder
puhina {n} :: puff
puhista {vi} :: to snort, to puffer
puhjennut {adj} :: flat (of a tire)
puhjeta {v} [of something full e.g. of gas] :: to pop, burst, (e.g. of something sewn or of an abscess) to rupture
puhjeta {v} [of a flower] :: to open, blossom
puhjeta {v} [of a war, epidemy, storm] :: to break out
puhjeta itkuun {v} [idiomatic] :: to burst into tears
puhjeta nauruun {v} [idiomatic] :: to burst into laughter
puhkaa {v} :: alternative form of puhkua
puhkaiseminen {n} :: piercing, puncturing, bursting
puhkaista {vt} :: to pierce, puncture
puhkaista {vt} :: to burst
puhkeaminen {n} :: burst (instance of breaking from internal pressure)
puhkeaminen {n} :: onset (initial phase of a disease or condition)
puhkeaminen {n} :: outbreak, breakout (sudden appearance)
puhkeaminen {n} [hampaiden ~] :: teething
puhkeilla {vi} :: to pop, burst or rupture repeatedly
puhkeilla {vi} [of a war, epidemy, storm, etc.] :: to break out repeatedly
puhki {adv} :: through
puhki {adv} :: mennä puhki: to puncture, burst open, blow out
puhki {adv} [colloquial] :: olla puhki: to be tired
puhkia {v} :: synonym of puhkua
puhkina {n} :: alternative form of puhkinta
puhkinta {n} :: synonym of puhkunta
puhkoa {vt} :: To burst
puhkonta {n} :: bursting (the action of bursting an object)
puhkua {v} :: To blow
puhkunta {n} :: blowing, puffing
puhkuri {n} :: broken wind, heaves
puhletti {n} :: phablet
puhtaaksileikkaus {n} [printing] :: trimming
puhtaalta pöydältä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: from scratch
puhtaalta pöydältä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: with a clean slate
puhtaampi {adj} :: comparative of puhdas
puhtaanapito {n} :: sanitation, cleaning
puhtaasti {adv} :: cleanly
puhtaus {n} :: cleanliness, cleanness (condition of being habitually clean)
puhtaus {n} :: cleanness (condition of being clean)
puhtaus {n} :: cleanness, purity (moral purity, innocence)
puhtaus {n} :: purity (state of being pure)
puhtausintoilija {n} :: neat-freak
puhti {n} :: energy, vigour/vigor, vitality, vim, zip
puhti {n} [nautical, slang] :: bight (bend of a rope)
puhua {vi} :: To talk (about = elative)
puhua {vt} [+ partitive] :: To speak (a language)
puhua joutavia {vi} [idiomatic] :: to talk nonsense, to waste breath
puhua läpiä päähänsä {v} :: To shoot one's mouth off, to talk through one's hat, to whistle in the dark
puhua muiden päälle {vi} [idiomatic] :: to talk out of turn
puhua rumia {v} [idiomatic] :: to swear, have a foul mouth, talk dirty (use inappropriate or profane language)
puhua suunsa puhtaaksi {v} [idiomatic] :: To speak one's mind (literally: "to speak one's mouth clean, clean one's mouth by speaking")
puhua uskovaisille {v} :: To preach to the choir
puhua vastoin parempaa tietoaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to lie, talk through one's hat
puhua ympäri {phrase} :: to win over, persuade
puhuja {n} :: orator, speaker (one who speaks)
puhujakoroke {n} :: platform (for a speaker)
puhujalava {n} :: platform (for a speaker)
puhujamäärä {n} :: number of speakers (of a language, etc.)
puhujantunnistus {n} :: speaker recognition
puhujapönttö {n} [colloquial] :: lectern (a stand with a slanted top used to support a speaker's notes)
puhujapöytä {n} :: A lectern (a stand with a slanted top used to support the notes of a speaker)
puhumaton {adj} :: speechless, mute
puhuminen {n} :: talking, speaking
puhuminen on hopeaa, vaikeneminen kultaa {proverb} :: speech is silver, silence is golden
puhunta {n} [rare] :: speaking, speech, discourse
puhu pukille {phrase} [colloquial] :: tell it to the marines, talk to the hand
puhuri {n} :: gust
puhuroida {vt} [rare, computing] :: to upload
puhut asiaa {phrase} :: now you're talking
puhutella {v} :: to accost (to speak to first, to address), to speak to, to address
puhutella {v} :: to speak to (to resonate with, to strike a chord in)
puhutko englantia {phrase} [colloquial] :: do you speak English?
puhutko suomea {phrase} :: do you speak Finnish? [informal]
puhuttaa {v} :: to be discussed, to get people talking
puhutteko englantia {phrase} [formal or plural] :: do you speak English?
puhutteko suomea {phrase} :: do you speak Finnish? [formal]
puhuttelumuoto {n} [linguistics] :: form of address (grammatical structure used when addressing others)
puhuttelunimi {n} :: synonym of kutsumanimi
puhuttelusana {n} :: term of address (word or phrase used to address or refer to someone or something without using their name)
puhuttelutapa {n} :: way of speaking to or addressing someone
puhuuko kukaan täällä englantia {phrase} :: does anyone here speak English?
puhuva {adj} :: talking, speaking
puhuva vaakuna {n} [heraldry] :: canting arms (heraldic bearing in the form of a visual pun)
puhveli {n} :: buffalo
puhvelihärkä {n} :: bull (adult male buffalo)
puhvetti {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of buffetti
puida {vt} :: To thresh (grain)
puida {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To thrash out, hash out, discuss (an issue)
puida {vt} :: ~ nyrkkiä = to shake a fist
puija {n} :: thresher (anyone who threshes)
puijaaminen {n} :: tricking, cheating
puijata {v} :: to trick, cheat
puikahtaa {vi} :: to sneak or slip (by)
puikea {adj} [botany] :: ovate (oval, with widest part near the base)
puikelo {n} [botany] :: spadix
puikkari {n} :: fishing net hook
puikkaroida {vt} :: to attach onto a puikkari
puikkelehtia {vi} :: To weave one's way (to move by turning and twisting)
puikkia {vi} :: To slink
puikko {n} :: peg
puikko {n} :: stick
puikko {n} :: short for neulepuikko (knitting needle)
puikula {n} :: synonym of puikulaperuna
puikulaperuna {n} :: A small, almond-shaped variety of potato with a firm texture and pleasant taste grown in northern Scandinavia. It has been granted the Protected Designation of Origin (PD|O) status by the European Union
puilla paljailla {adv} [idiomatic] :: down and out (penniless, bankrupt)
puimakone {n} :: thresher (threshing machine)
puimuri {n} :: short for leikkuupuimuri (combine harvester)
puimuri {n} :: thresher (anything that threshes)
puin {n} [usually plural] :: cloth
puinen {adj} :: wooden (made of wood)
puinti {n} :: threshing (separation of grain from the straw or husks)
puinti {n} :: cornhusking (removal of the husk from corn)
puinti {n} [figuratively] :: handling, of an issue
puintihäkki {n} :: a type of frame for threshing grain
puintiväline {n} :: threshing equipment
puiseva {adj} :: wooden (figuratively)
puisevasti {adv} :: in a wooden way (figuratively)
puistaa {vt} :: to shake
puistaa {v} :: puistaa päätään: to shake one's head
puistattaa {v} :: to make shudder, make shiver, cause to shudder
puistella {v} :: alternative form of pudistella
puistikko {n} :: A small park, a green
puistikko {n} :: In street names, an avenue, boulevard, esplanade
puisto {n} :: park
puistoalue {n} :: park area
puistoherkkusieni {n} :: An agaric, Agaricus bitorquis
puistokatu {n} :: A street bordered by trees; an avenue, boulevard, esplanade, parkway
puistokemisti {n} [slang] :: an alcoholic, especially one who drinks strong alcohol drinks in a park
puistoseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius balteatus
puistotie {n} :: parkway
puite {n} :: frame
puite {n} :: framework
puiteohjelma {n} :: framework program
puitesopimus {n} [international law] :: framework agreement
puitetalous {n} :: synonym of sekatalous
puitteet {n} :: grounds (background, context, framework, surroundings)
puitteissa {postp} :: within; used mostly figuratively
pujahtaa {vi} :: to slip (through), to creep into, to sneak, to slither
pujauttaa {vt} :: to slip (to pass something quickly and often covertly)
pujo {n} :: mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
pujoa {v} [rare] :: synonym of pleissata
pujoa {v} [rare] :: synonym of pujottaa
pujoa {v} [rare] :: synonym of pujotella
pujoa {v} [rare] :: synonym of puida
pujoke {n} [rare] :: splice (junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together)
pujonta {n} :: splicing
pujoparta {n} :: goatee
pujos {n} [nautical] :: splice
pujotella {v} :: To zigzag, avoiding obstacles
pujotella {v} :: To slalom
pujotella {v} :: To thread, string (frequentative form of pujottaa)
pujottaa {vt} :: to string, thread, wire (put items on a string)
pujottaa {vt} :: to thread (pass through a narrow constriction or around a series of obstacles)
pujottaa {vt} :: to insert smoothly or effortlessly, to slip or slide (on)
pujottautua {vi} :: to thread oneself through, to squeeze through
pujottelija {n} :: slalom skier, slalomer, slalomist
pujottelu {n} :: slalom
pujottua {vi} :: to be threaded (passed through a narrow constriction)
pujotuspuikko {n} :: marlinspike
pukahtaa {v} [chiefly only in negative] :: to (even) utter a word
pukari {n} [colloquial] :: bully, stirrer, troublemaker
pukata {vt} [colloquial] :: to bunt, to headbutt
pukea {vt} :: To dress (a person), put on (clothes); to clothe
pukea {vt} [of a piece of clothing, + partitive] :: To become, suit
pukea sanoiksi {v} :: to put into words (to express using words, either written or spoken)
pukeet {n} :: dress, clothes
pukeutua {vi} :: to get dressed, dress (oneself), put one's clothes on; ~ (hienosti) = to dress up
pukeutua {v} :: in the perfect tense: olla pukeutunut (+ illative) to wear, be dressed (in)
pukeutua {vi} [+ translative] :: to disguise oneself as; to dress up as
pukeutuminen {n} :: dressing
pukeutumispöytä {n} :: A dressing table
pukija {n} [theater] :: dresser
pukine {n} :: A piece of cloth used for dressing
pukinjuuri {n} :: burnet saxifrage, pimpernel (Pimpinella saxifraga)
pukinkontti {n} :: Santa's bag
pukinparta {n} :: goatee
pukinparta {n} :: goat's-beard, salsify (plant of the genus Tragopogon)
pukinparta {n} [in plural] :: the genus Tragopogon
pukinpartainen {adj} :: One having a goatee
pukinpensas {n} :: wolfberry (bush of the genus Lycium)
pukinsorkka {n} :: cloven hoof (mark of the Devil)
pukittaa {vi} [of a horse] :: to buck (leap upward arching its back, kicking out hind legs)
pukkailla {vt} [colloquial] :: to bunt or headbutt repeatedly
pukkaus {n} [soccer] :: header
pukki {n} :: billygoat; buck (male goat)
pukki {n} [colloquial] :: lecherous man
pukki {n} :: sawhorse (device used to support pieces of timber while sawing)
pukki {n} [colloquial] :: check, checkmark (✓)
pukki {n} :: Santa Claus, Santa
pukki {n} [colloquial] :: driver's seat
pukki {n} [colloquial, gymnastics] :: vaulting horse
pukki {n} [colloquial, gymnastics] :: vaulting table
Pukki {prop} :: surname
pukkihyppely {n} [games] :: leapfrog (children's game)
Pukkila {prop} :: Pukkila (municipality)
pukkilainen {adj} :: alternative form of pukkilalainen
pukkilainen {n} :: alternative form of pukkilalainen
pukkilalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pukkila
pukkilalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pukkila
pukkinosturi {n} :: gantry crane
puksipuu {n} :: box, boxwood (evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Buxus)
puksprööti {n} [nautical, dialectal] :: bowsprit
puksuttaa {v} :: to chug (to make dull, fairly quick explosive or percussive sounds, as if made by a labouring engine)
puku {n} :: suit, dress
puku {n} :: attire, outfit
puku {n} :: As modifier in compound terms may also denote changing (of clothes), e.g. in pukukoppi (changing cubicle) or pukuhuone (changing room, locker room)
puku {n} :: puku (antelope Kobus vardonii)
pukuhuone {n} :: changing room
pukuhuone {n} :: locker room
pukuilla {v} :: To cosplay
pukuilu {n} :: cosplay
pukujuhla {n} :: a gala in which people are dressed up in suits or costumes
pukukangas {n} :: fabric suitable for making a suit
pukukoodi {n} :: dress code
pukukoppi {n} :: cubicle, changing cubicle (small enclosure for changing clothes, e.g. by a pool or in a sports facility)
pukukoppi {n} :: changing room, locker room (room for changing clothes, such as in a sports facility or in a workplace where special working clothes are used; changing cubicles may be provided within the room)
pukukoru {n} [usually, in plural] :: costume jewellery
pukupaita {n} :: dress shirt (men's collared shirt that is of proper style to be worn with a suit)
pukupussi {n} :: garment bag (style of luggage that folds over on itself to allow long garments to be packed flat to avoid creasing)
pukuraha {n} :: dress or suit allowance
pula {n} :: shortage
pula {n} [economy] :: an economic crisis characterized by shortage of goods and/or means to buy them; a depression, slump
pula {n} :: urgent situation, trouble, scrape, pinch, deep water
pula-aika {n} :: depression period (used in Finland mostly to refer to the Great Depression)
pulahdus {n} :: dip (short swim)
pulahtaa {v} :: to dip (oneself) into water, take a dip (to go for a swim)
pulakausi {n} :: period of shortage or economic depression
pulautin {n} [computing, slang] :: a program that transforms given input, gives a transformed output and then terminates
pulauttaa {v} :: to regurgitate, to spit up
pulauttaa {vt} :: to utter, to let come out of one's mouth (of words)
pulauttaa {vt} [computing] :: to munge
puleerata {v} [colloquial] :: To shine (to polish)
puli {n} [colloquial] :: drunkard, sot (one who is badly addicted with alcohol, to the point where the person is completely dependent on it)
puli {n} :: puli
pulikka {n} :: A round piece of log
pulikoida {v} :: to take a dip, splash about
pulina {n} :: gab, palaver, chatter
pulipää {n} [often, derogatory] :: shaveling (someone with all or part of their head shaved)
pulisongit {n} :: sideburns, especially ones that are limited to a the area in front of the ear and the back of the jaw
pulista {vi} [of water] :: To bubble, burble
pulista {vi} [of a person] :: To babble, burble, hum, whisper, murmur, chatter
pulista {vi} [_, + partitive + vastaan] :: To whisper against, murmur against, gripe about, complain about
pulittaa {v} [colloquial] :: to cough up (to pay money)
pulituuri {n} :: French polish (substance)
puliveivata {vt} [colloquial] :: to con, to swindle, to cheat
pulja {n} :: alternative form of pulju
pulju {n} :: tub
pulju {n} [colloquial] :: company
pulkka {n} :: toboggan (flat-bottomed small sled used chiefly as a toy but also to transport goods on snow)
pulkka {n} :: tally, tally stick (piece of wood on which notches or scores were cut, as the marks of number)
pulkkailija {n} :: tobogganer, tobogganist
pulkkailla {v} :: to toboggan (to ride a toboggan)
pulkkamäki {n} :: toboggan slide, toboggan run, sled hill (slope used for tobogganing or sledding for recreation)
Pulkkinen {prop} :: surname
pulkkosieni {n} [mushroom] :: common roll-rim, brown roll-rim, poison pax; Paxillus involutus
pulla {n} :: cardamom bread, also pulla (mildly sweet, leavened baked good made of wheat and flavored with crushed cardamom, resembling very soft bread in consistency)
pulla {n} :: ball; as headword in names of some foodstuffs, e.g lihapulla (meatball), falafel-pulla (falafel ball)
pullahtaa {vi} :: to rise up, appear, spring up
pullakahvi {n} [usually, in plural] :: the coffee and pastries offered at an occasion
pullakahvi {n} [usually, in plural] :: an occasion or meeting where coffee and pastries are offered
pullakka {n} [dialectal] :: a plump person, a chub
pullakko {n} [botany] :: perigynium
pullamössö {n} :: cardamom bread mash (pulla (sweet cardamom bread) mashed and mixed with coffee or milk)
pullamössö {n} [in compounds, derogatory] :: pampered, coddled; see pullamössösukupolvi
pullamössökansa {n} [derogatory, colloquial] :: People as a collective incapable of taking care of themselves due to excessive pampering or reliance on modern amenities, often implied to possess feelings of misplaced entitlement
pullamössösukupolvi {n} [derogatory] :: a pampered or coddled generation, supposedly due to having been fed mashed cardamom bread (pullamössö) when babies; used variously of post-war generations younger than the speaker
pullapelti {n} [colloquial] :: baking tray
pullapitko {n} :: synonym of pitko
pullasuti {n} :: pastry brush, basting brush (cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil or glaze on food)
pullataikina {n} :: sweet wheat dough used for baking pulla, a traditional type of coffee bread
pullataikina {n} [figuratively] :: anything that swells
pullauttaa {vt} :: to cause to rise up, appear or spring up
pullea {adj} :: chubby, plump, rotund, round
pulleasti {adv} :: chubbily, plumply
pulleasti {adv} [idiomatic, voida ~] :: well, swell (very well)
pulleus {n} :: chubbiness, plumpness, rotundity
pulleva {adj} [dialectal] :: chubby, plump
Pulliainen {prop} :: surname
pullikoida {v} [colloquial] :: To resist
pullillaan {adv} [dialectal] :: bulging with
pullistaa {v} :: to puff out
pullistella {v} :: to swell, to puff up
pullistella {v} :: to flex, flex one's muscles (to tense and bend one's flexor muscles)
pullistella {v} [colloquial] :: to talk big
pullistella {v} [colloquial] :: to flex one's muscles (to show off one's strength or skills)
pullistua {vi} :: to protrude, bulge outward
pullistua {vi} :: to balloon
pullistuma {n} :: protrusion, bulge
pullo {n} :: bottle
pullo {n} [obsolete] :: bowl, chalice
pulloharja {n} :: bottle brush
pulloittain {adv} :: in bottles, by the bottle
pullokuonodelfiini {n} :: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
pullolääke {n} :: bottled medicine
pullolaiva {n} :: ship in a bottle
pullollaan {adv} :: bulging with, bursting with, abound with
pullolleen {adv} :: into being abound, bulging or bursting with
pullollinen {n} :: bottle of something, bottleful of something
pullomaito {n} :: milk fed from baby bottles
pullonavaaja {n} :: A bottle opener
pullonkaula {n} :: bottleneck
pullonkaulailmiö {n} :: bottleneck, especially in terms of population
pullonkorkki {n} :: bottle cap, bottle cork
pullonokkadelfiini {n} :: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
pullonpalautus {n} :: bottle recycling (a system in Finland in which one can get small amounts of money for empty bottles or cans returned back to the store)
pullonpalautusautomaatti {n} :: reverse vending machine (machine that accepts empty bottles and cans, giving small amounts of money in return for every such returned)
pullonpalautuskone {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pullonpalautusautomaatti
pullonpohjalasi {n} :: crown glass (early type of window glass)
pullonpohjalasi {n} [in plural] :: Eyeglasses with thick lenses
pullonsulkija {n} :: bottle closure; bottle cap, bottlecap; bottle top
pullonvihreä {adj} :: bottle green (dark shade of green such as used in wine bottles)
pullo-olut {n} :: bottled beer
pullopantti {n} :: bottle deposit
pullopersepaviaani {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: a detestable person, especially one with bad driving skills (literally: plump-assed baboon)
pulloposki {n} :: a person with plump cheeks
pulloposti {n} :: message in a bottle
pulloruokinta {n} :: bottle feeding
pullosara {n} [plant] :: bottle sedge (Carex rostrata)
pullote {n} :: bottled substance
pullottaa {vt} :: to bottle
pullottaa {vi} :: to bulge
pullotunkki {n} :: bottle jack
pulloveri {n} :: pullover
pullovesi {n} :: bottled water
pullukka {n} :: A plump person, a chub
pullulaani {n} :: pullulan
pulma {n} :: trouble, problem
pulma {n} :: dilemma, conundrum (difficult choice or decision that must be made)
pulma {n} :: puzzle, riddle, brain-teaser, conundrum (difficult question or riddle)
pulmallinen {adj} :: tricky
pulmallinen {adj} :: problematic
pulmapeli {n} :: puzzle (game for one or more people that is more or less difficult to work out or complete)
pulmapeli {n} :: puzzle game
pulmaton {adj} :: unproblematic
pulmonaaliläppä {n} [anatomy] :: pulmonary valve
pulmu {n} :: snow bunting
Pulmu {prop} [rare] :: given name
pulmunen {n} :: snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis
pulmussirri {n} :: sanderling, Calidris alba
pulpa {n} :: synonym of hammasydin
pulpahdella {vi} :: to surface or spring up repeatedly
pulpahtaa {vi} :: to surface, spring up, well up
pulpetti {n} :: school desk
pulpetti {n} :: standing desk (raised desk for standing while working)
pulpetti {n} :: control panel
pulpetti {n} :: short of pulpettikatto: a single-surface roof, usually oblique
pulpettikatto {n} :: pentroof, shed roof
pulpperi {n} :: pulper, pulping machine
pulppuilla {vi} :: to fountain or gluck continuously
pulputa {v} :: To fountain (to flow or gush as if from a fountain)
pulputa {v} :: To glug (to flow with noisy bursts, like liquid that flows from a bottle through a narrow neck)
pulputtaa {vt} :: to gluck
pulputuspannu {n} :: percolator (type of device used to brew coffee)
pulsaatio {n} :: pulsation
pulsaattori {n} :: short for pulsaattoripesukone
pulsaattori {n} [engineering] :: the low-profile impeller of an impeller or pulsator washing machine; pulsator
pulsaattoripesukone {n} :: impeller washing machine, pulsator washing machine (a washing machine that uses a low-profile impeller to agitate clothes)
pulsari {n} [astronomy] :: pulsar
pulska {adj} :: fleshy, porky, chubby
pulskasti {adv} :: fleshily, porkily, chubbily
pulskempi {adj} :: comparative of pulska
pulskin {adj} :: superlative of pulska
pulskistaa {vt} :: To fatten
pulskistua {vi} :: to fatten
pulssi {n} :: pulse
pulssisuhde {n} [electronics] :: duty cycle
pultata {vt} :: to bolt
pultinkanta {n} :: bolt end
pultinreikä {n} :: hole for a bolt, bolt hole
pultittaa {v} :: synonym of pultata
pultitus {n} :: bolting
pultsari {n} [colloquial] :: drunkard
pultti {n} :: A bolt, as a metal fastener
pultti {n} [colloquial] :: A fit of rage
pulttikiinnitys {n} :: bolt mounting
pulttilukko {n} :: bolt action
pulttipistooli {n} :: captive bolt pistol
pulu {n} [colloquial] :: feral pigeon (Columba livia, syn. Columba livia domestica)
pulu {n} :: cushat (informal term for domesticated pigeons)
pulunnussija {n} [vulgar, pejorative] :: no-good (worthless or useless man)
pulveri {n} :: powder (fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced)
pulveroida {vt} :: to pulverise (to render into dust or powder)
pulveroitua {vi} :: to pulverise (become reduced to powder)
pum {interj} :: bang, bam
pumi {n} :: Pumi (dog)
pumi {n} :: Pumi (person of Pumi nationality)
pumi {n} [uncountable] :: Pumi (language)
pumissi {n} :: wild buckwheat (plant of the North American genus Eriogonum)
pummata {v} [colloquial] :: to bum
pummaus {n} :: bumming
pummi {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: bum, hobo, vagabond (homeless person)
pummi {n} :: bum (person who doesn't do their share or lets others pay their part of a bill etc.)
pummi {n} :: panhandler (urban beggar)
pummi {n} :: miss (failure to hit a target)
pummi {n} :: When used adverbially in adessive singular indicates avoidance of a fee, such as a movie ticket or hotel bill
pummia {v} [slang] :: to snatch, steal
pumpata {vt} :: to pump
pumpattava {adj} :: pumpable
pumpattava barbara {n} [colloquial] :: love doll, sex doll, blow up doll
pumpernikkeli {n} :: A biscuit-like, often oval-shaped baked good made of gingerbread (piparkakku) dough and topped with a layer of sugar icing
pumppaamo {n} :: pump station
pumppaus {n} :: pump, pumping
pumppu {n} :: pump
pumppu {n} [colloquial] :: heart
pumppuasema {n} :: pump station
pumppuhaulikko {n} :: pump-action shotgun
pumppuhuone {n} :: pump room
pumppukaivo {n} :: pump well
pumppukärry {n} :: pallet jack, pallet truck, pump truck (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets)
pumppuventtiili {n} :: pump valve
pumppuvoimalaitos {n} :: pumped-storage power station
pumpuli {n} [archaic] :: cotton (raw material)
pumpuli {n} :: lint, cotton (soft cotton material for dressing wounds)
pumpulikangas {n} :: cotton (textile)
pumpulinkevyt {adj} :: as light as lint or cotton, very light
pumpulinpehmeä {adj} :: soft as lint, soft as cotton
pumpulipuikko {n} :: cotton swab, cotton stick, Q-tip [US], cotton wool bud [UK]
pumputa {v} :: To pump
puna {n} :: The color red
puna-aavetetra {n} :: red phantom tetra (Hyphessobrycon sweglesi or Megalamphodus sweglesi)
puna-apila {n} :: red clover (Trifolium pratense)
puna-ara {n} :: scarlet macaw, Ara macao
puna-armeija {n} :: The Red Army
punaevätetra {n} :: bloodfin tetra, Aphyocharax anisitsi
punahäntämarakatti {n} :: red-tailed guenon, Cercopithecus ascanius (guenon native to the basin of the river Congo)
punahattu {n} [botany] :: coneflower, echinacea (plant of the genus Echinacea)
punahattu {n} :: short for kaunopunahattu
punaherukka {n} :: redcurrant, Aphyocharax anisitsi
punahierakka {n} :: bloody dock, red-veined dock, Rumex sanguineus
Punahilkka {prop} :: Little Red Riding Hood
punahilkka-aratti {n} :: pileated parrot (Pionopsitta pileata)
punahirvi {n} [rare] :: synonym of saksanhirvi
punahomejuusto {n} [foods] :: red mold cheese (cheese aged with red mold)
punahonka {n} :: red pine
punahukka {n} [pathology] :: systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus
punainen {adj} :: red
punainen {n} :: red (color)
punainen {n} [often, in plural] :: reds, red lights (traffic signal)
punainen {n} [in plural, politics, archaic] :: the socialists
punainen {n} [in plural, historical] :: "Reds", in the Finnish civil war of 1918, the revolutionary side, as opposed to the valkoiset (Whites)
Punainen armeijakunta {prop} :: The Red Army Faction (former German terrorist group)
punainen jättiläinen {n} [astronomy] :: red giant
punainen kääpiö {n} [astronomy] :: red dwarf
punainen khmer {n} [historical] :: A supporter of Khmer Rouge
punainen khmer {n} [in plural] :: Khmer Rouge (movement)
punainen kortti {n} [sports] :: red card
punainen maito {n} [colloquial] :: whole milk (consumer product: pasteurized and homogenized milk from which nothing has been removed, at least in principle; in Finland the fat content has been standardized to 3,5 %)
Punainenmeri {prop} :: the Red Sea
Punainen Risti {prop} :: the Red Cross
punaisempi {adj} :: comparative of punainen
punaisin {adj} :: superlative of punainen
punaisuus {n} :: redness (quality of being red)
punajalkahapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula rhodopoda
punajalkahaukka {n} :: red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus)
punajalkaviklo {n} :: redshank, common redshank (Tringa totanus)
punajättikenguru {n} :: red kangaroo, Macropus rufus
punajuuri {n} :: A red variety of the beet, the beetroot, Beta vulgaris var. rubra
punajuurikas {n} :: beetroot, red beet
punajuurikeitto {n} :: beet soup
punajuuripihvi {n} :: red beet patty
punajuuripihvi {n} :: synonym of lindströminpihvi
punajuuriväri {n} [organic chemistry] :: beetroot red
punakaali {n} :: red cabbage
punakaarti {n} :: Any of the several organizations known as Red Guards
punakaarti {n} [historical] :: The Finnish Red Guards (in the Finnish Civil War of 1918, the armed troops that fought for a Socialist revolution against the Finnish White Guard (Finland))
punakaartilainen {n} :: red guard (member of a Red Guard)
punakampela {n} :: European plaice, Pleuronectes platessa
punakapina {n} :: A politically loaded term for the Finnish Civil War, literally the “Red Rebellion”
punakardinaali {n} :: northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis
punakärpässieni {n} :: fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)
punakasvoinen {adj} :: red-faced
punakaulahanhi {n} :: red-breasted goose, Branta ruficollis
punakaulakenguru {n} :: red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus
punakettu {n} :: red fox, Vulpes vulpes
punakhmer {n} :: synonym of punainen khmer
punakirjoseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius spilomeus
punakka {adj} :: reddish, ruddy; used especially of skin colour
punakko {n} :: velvetbells (Bartsia alpina)
punakoiso {n} [plant] :: bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara
punakoitua {vi} [of skin] :: to become reddish or ruddy
punakone {n} [figuratively, humorous] :: Literally “Red Machine”; a Soviet sports team, especially in ice hockey
punakorvakilpikonna {n} :: red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans
punakottarainen {n} :: rosy starling, Pastor roseus
punakuiri {n} :: bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica
punakylkirastas {n} :: redwing (Turdus iliacus)
punakynä {n} :: red pencil, especially one used to delete items from a list, budget etc., or to censor a text; often used figuratively of an act of deletion or censorship disregarding the means used
punalakkimuura {n} :: rufous-capped antshrike
punaleppä {n} :: A red alder, Alnus rubra
punalevä {n} :: red alga
punalippu {n} :: red flag (socialist symbol)
punalippu {n} :: The flag of the former Soviet Union
punalippu {n} [rare] :: Any red flag, such as used as warning
punamerikorva {n} :: An abalone, a pawa (New Zealand English)
punamulta {n} :: Falu red (pigment)
punamulta {n} :: Falu red paint
punamulta {n} [politics] :: Used in Finnish politics to refer to a government, where the leading parties are socialist and centre parties
punamultahauta {n} :: a grave in which Falu red was used in the burial ritual
punamultamaali {n} :: Falu red paint
punamusta puu {n} [computing] :: red-black tree
punamyyrä {n} :: A northern red-backed vole (Myodes rutilus; former genus names Clethrionomys and Evotomys)
punanahka {n} :: redskin (Native American)
punanäppy {n} [pathology] :: rosacea (chronic condition characterized by redness of the face)
punaniskavallabi {n} :: red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus
punaolkaturpiaali {n} :: red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus
punaorava {n} :: red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris
punapää {n} :: redhead (red-haired person)
punapäänarsku {n} :: red-crested pochard, Netta rufina
punapahkasieni {n} :: A fungus, Nectria cinnabarina
punapaita {n} [literally] :: red shirt
punapaita {n} :: Red Shirt
punapapu {n} :: synonym of adsukipapu
punaparsaherne {n} :: asparagus pea, winged pea, Tetragonolobus purpureus (annual leguminous herb native to the Mediterranean, cultivated for its edible green seed pods)
punapeippi {n} :: red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum)
punapensselisika {n} :: red river hog (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus porcus)
punapersepaviaani {n} [vulgar] :: hamadryas, hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas)
punaposkinen {adj} :: rosy-cheeked, flushed, with red cheeks
punapuu {n} :: sequoia, redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
punapyrstölepinkäinen {n} :: isabelline shrike, Lanius isabellinus
punapyy {n} :: red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa
punarinta {n} :: a European robin, often just robin, also known as redbreast; Erithacus rubecula
punarintarastas {n} :: An American robin, or robin; Turdus migratorius
punarousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lilacinus
punaselkämuura {n} :: rufous-backed antvireo
punasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of puna
punasiirtymä {n} :: redshift
punasikuri {n} :: radicchio, Cichorium intybus var. foliosum (cultivar of chicory with red leaves and a slightly bitter taste, used in salads)
punasilmäisyys {n} :: The condition of having red eyeballs; the bloodshot or bloodshed
punasipuli {n} :: red onion
punasleipä {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of verileipä
punasolu {n} [hematology, cytology] :: erythrocyte, red blood cell
punasotka {n} :: common pochard, Aythya ferina
punastella {v} :: To blush (repeatedly)
punastua {vi} :: To blush
punastuttaa {v} :: to redden (to cause someone to flush)
punasuolayrtti {n} :: marsh samphire, Salcornia europaea
punasuomuseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius bolaris
punasusi {n} :: red wolf, Canis rufus
punata {vt} :: to redden (make red)
punatähti {n} :: red star [symbol]
punatakki {n} :: redcoat
punatäplärousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius controversus
punatauti {n} [pathology] :: dysentery
punatavi {n} :: cinnamon teal, Anas cyanopter
punatetra {n} :: flame tetra, Hyphessobrycon flammeus
punatiikeripeippo {n} :: red munia, Amandava amandava
punatiili {n} :: red brick
punatukkainen {adj} :: redhaired, redheaded
punatulkku {n} :: bullfinch
punatulkku {n} :: Eurasian bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula
punatyviseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius colus
punaväriminttu {n} :: crimson beebalm, scarlet beebalm, American bergamot, Monarda didyma
punavarpunen {n} :: rosefinch
punavarpunen {n} :: common rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus
punavatsamaki {n} :: red-bellied lemur, Eulemur rubriventer
punaviherkupla {n} [politics] :: a bloc of green left voters, sometimes considered an echo chamber
puna-vihersokeus {n} [medicine] :: deuteranopia
punavihervärisokea {adj} :: red-green colorblind
punavihreä {adj} :: red and green
punavihreä {adj} [politics] :: left-wing green; of, related or pertaining to the green left
punaviidakkokana {n} :: red junglefowl, Gallus gallus
punaviini {n} :: red wine
punaviinikastike {n} :: red wine sauce
punaviinimarja {n} :: redcurrant, Aphyocharax anisitsi
punavyöseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: bracelet cortinar, Cortinarius armillatus
pune {n} :: red ink (in the concrete sense)
punehtia {vi} [of face, skin] :: To have a shade of red
punehtua {vi} :: to redden (become red)
punerrus {n} :: reddening
punerruttaa {vt} :: to cause to redden
punertaa {vt} :: To make redder
punertaa {vi} :: To have a shade of red
punertava {adj} :: reddish, rufous
punertua {vi} :: to redden (become gradually redder, as a ripening fruit or the sky in the evening)
punerva {adj} :: synonym of punertava
punikki {n} [derogatory, historical] :: red (supporter of socialist ideas)
punka {n} :: pimpernel (flowering plant of the genus Anagallis)
Punkalaidun {prop} :: Punkalaidun
punkalaitumelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Punkalaidun
punkalaitumelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Punkalaidun
punkero {n} [colloquial] :: fatty
punkka {n} :: bunk, berth
punkka {n} [colloquial] :: bed
punkkari {n} :: a punk, punk rocker
punkki {n} :: any member of the taxonomic class Acarina, including tick and mite
punkkipihdit {n} :: tick removers, tick tweezers
punkku {n} [colloquial] :: red wine
punkteerata {vt} [medicine] :: to puncture
punktio {n} [medicine] :: paracentesis
punktoida {v} :: To puncture
punktuaalinen {adj} [grammar] :: punctual (having no duration)
punnerrus {n} :: push-up (exercise)
punnertaa {vt} :: to exert effort
punnertaa {vi} :: to do a push-up
punnertaa {vt} :: to bench press
punninta {n} :: weighting
punnita {vt} :: to weigh
punnita {vt} [figuratively] :: to evaluate, consider, test (a theory, leadership, etc.)
punnita sanansa {v} [idiomatic] :: to weigh one's words
punnitseminen {n} :: weighing
punnitseminen {n} :: judgment (act of judging)
punnitsija {n} :: A weigher
punnus {n} :: weight (standardized measuring weight)
punoa {v} :: to intertwine, twine, weave
punoittaa {vi} [of face, skin] :: To have a shade of red
punoitus {n} :: redness, especially temporary redness of the skin for any reason such as blushing or irritation
punonta {n} :: plaiting
punontatyö {n} :: wickerwork, lacework
punos {n} :: twine, braid
punosruutu {n} [heraldry] :: fretty
punoutua {vi} :: To intertwine
punsa {n} :: synonym of alatoopi (head cheese)
punssi {n} :: A liqueur based on arrack, neutral spirits and flavorings. Originates in Sweden and is mostly not known outside Nordic countries. There's no established English name for it, but "arrack liqueur" might be a good bet
punta {n} :: pound (currency)
puntari {n} :: A steelyard balance
puntaroida {vi} :: to weigh, consider
puntarpää {n} :: foxtail grass; any plant of the genus Alopecurus
puntarpää {n} [in plural] :: the genus Alopecurus
puntata {v} [military slang] :: To go to an AWOL, to have an AWOL
puntata {v} [colloquial] :: To uplift somebody by having hands under the other one's feet
puntis {n} [military slang] :: AWOL (absence without proper authority)
punttaaja {n} [military, slang] :: AWOL (a person who holds AWOL status)
puntti {n} [colloquial] :: leg, trouser leg, pant leg (part of garment covering the leg)
puntti {n} [colloquial, weightlifting] :: weight
puntti {n} [colloquial, back-formation] :: short for punttisali (gym)
puntti {n} :: an unit of 10 matchboxes
punttikello {n} :: A type of pendulum clock, which utilizes the potential energy of hanging weights to compensate for the energy losses in the clock mechanism
punttis {n} [colloquial, weightlifting] :: gym
punttisali {n} [weightlifting] :: gym
puohde {n} [dlalectal] :: fold, crease, warp
puola {n} :: The Polish language
puola {n} :: short for sytytyspuola
puola {n} :: thick (wooden) spoke; stave (in a wheel)
puola {n} :: rung, stave (horizontal bar in a ladder)
puola {n} :: bobbin (small spool)
puola {n} :: cowberry
Puola {prop} :: Poland
puolain {n} [rare] :: winder, reeler (machine that winds or reels)
puolalainen {n} :: A Pole
puolalainen {adj} :: Polish
puolalaismies {n} :: Polish man
puolalaisnainen {n} :: Polish woman
puolalaisuus {n} :: Polishness
puolanajokoira {n} :: Polish hound
Puolanka {prop} :: Puolanka
puolankalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Puolanka
puolankalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Puolanka
puolankielinen {adj} :: Polish-speaking
puolankielinen {adj} :: Expressed in the Polish language
puolanminttu {n} :: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
puolannos {n} :: A Polish translation
puolantaa {vt} :: to translate into Polish
Puolan tasavalta {prop} :: The Republic of Poland
puolanvinttikoira {n} :: Chart Polski
puolapuu {n} :: wooden rung, spoke, stave
puolapuu {n} [gymnastics] :: in plural, wall bars, see puolapuut
puolapuut {n} :: wall bars (gymnastics equipment)
puolata {v} :: to spool
puoleensavetävä {adj} :: attractive (all senses)
puoleensavetävämpi {adj} :: comparative of puoleensavetävä
puoleensavetävästi {adv} :: attractively
puoleensavetävin {adj} :: superlative of puoleensavetävä
puoleensavetävyys {n} :: attractiveness
puoleettomuus {n} :: impartiality, objectivity
puoleinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +, also, in compounds] :: being on the side of something
puoleinen {adj} [genitive +, in compounds] :: related through one of the parents, or his/her side of the family
puoleinen {adj} [genitive +] :: somewhat, a bit, -ish (having a property, but only to a some extent)
puolentuhatta {adv} :: half a thousand (about 500)
puolenvaihtovaihde {n} [railroads] :: scissors crossover
puolesta {postp} :: on behalf of, for
puolesta {postp} :: in favor of, for, pro
puolestaan {adv} :: for one's part, as far as one is concerned, for oneself
puolestaloukkaantuja {n} [often, derogatory] :: a person who gets offended on behalf of others
puolestansa {adv} :: synonym of puolestaan
puolestapuhuja {n} :: advocate
puolet {adv} :: half
puolet {adv} :: ~ + elative: half of sth
puoli- {prefix} :: half-, semi-, demi-
puoli {adj} :: half
puoli {adj} :: when followed by a number representing an hour, similar to half past, but 30 minutes before an hour rather than after
puoli {n} :: half
puoli {n} :: side
puoli {n} :: aspect, facet, feature
puoli {n} [in compounds] :: step- (of parent or grandfather who is not blood relative or adopted)
puoli {n} [in compounds] :: For adjectives, used to express that something, usually one half of a pair is missing
puoliaalto {n} [physics, mathematics] :: halfwave
puoliääneen {adv} :: under one's breath
puoliaasi {n} [obsolete] :: An onager, Equus hemionus
puoliaavikko {n} :: semidesert
puoliaika {n} :: half (period of a game before or after the half-time)
puolialaston {adj} :: half-naked
puoliapina {n} :: prosimian
puoliapina {n} [pejorative, offensive, colloquial] :: A person of mixed Black and White descent
puoliautomaattinen {adj} :: semi-automatic
puoliautomaattisesti {adv} :: semiautomatically
puoliavoin {adj} :: half-open
puolihereillä {adv} :: half-awake
puolihorroksiin {adv} :: into a state of semi-hibernation
puolihorroksissa {adv} :: in a state of semi-hibernation
puolihorroksista {adv} :: from a state of semi-hibernation
puolihuolimaton {adj} :: slipshod
puolihuolimattomasti {adv} :: slipshodly
puoliintua {vi} :: To halve
puoliintumisaika {n} :: half-life
puolijalokivi {n} [jewelry, geology] :: A semiprecious stone
puolijänteinen {adj} [anatomy] :: semitendinous
puolijohde {n} :: semiconductor
puolijohdediodi {n} :: semiconductor diode
puolijohdelevy {n} [computing] :: solid-state drive, solid-state disk, SSD
puolijohdelevy {n} :: semiconductor sheet, semiconductor plate (sheet or plate made out of semiconductive material)
puolijohdetekniikka {n} :: semiconductor engineering
puolijohdetekniikka {n} :: semiconductor technology
puolijoukkueteltta {n} :: "half-platoon tent"; an octagonal military tent with a heater
puolijumala {n} :: A demigod
puolijuoksua {adv} :: almost running
puolikaari {n} [geometry] :: arc of a semicircle
puolikalvoinen {adj} [anatomy] :: semimembranous
puolikansi {n} [nautical] :: A quarterdeck
puolikarhu {n} :: procyonid (any of the species in the taxonomic family Procyonidae - raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles)
puolikarhut {n} [taxonomy] :: the family Procyonidae
puolikas {n} :: half (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided)
puolikas {n} :: half (half of a standard measure)
puolikko {n} [dialectal] :: half of a barrel
puolikostea {adj} :: semihumid
puolikova {adj} :: semihard
puoliksi {adv} :: in half, fifty-fifty (into two equal parts)
puolikuiva {n} :: semidry
puolikuiva {n} :: semiarid
puolikuollut {adj} :: half-dead
puolikupoli {n} :: semidome
puolikuu {n} :: half-moon
puolikuu {n} :: crescent
puolikuuluu {n} [anatomy] :: A lunate bone, os lunatum (one of the carpal bones)
puolikuuro {adj} :: semideaf
puolikuva {n} [photography, cinematography] :: medium shot
puolikuva {n} [video, computing] :: half frame
puolikymmentä {num} :: About five
puolikypsä {adj} :: half-baked
puolikypsä {adj} :: medium (0f a steak; between rare and well done)
puolilähikuva {n} [photography, cinematography] :: medium close-up
puolilainausmerkki {n} [typography] :: single quotation mark (’)
puolilammas {n} :: bharal, Himalayan blue sheep, naur, Pseudois nayaur (caprid native to the Himalayas)
puoliläpäisevä peili {n} :: one-way mirror
puolillaan {adv} :: half-full
puolilleen {adv} :: to half
puolilogaritmipaperi {n} :: semi-log paper
puoliloinen {n} :: semiparasite, hemiparasite
puoliltaöin {adv} :: in the midnight
puoliluku {n} [mathematics] :: half-integer
puolimäessä {adv} :: halfway up or down the hill
puolimäestä {adv} :: from halfway up or down the hill
puolimakaava {adj} :: semirecumbent
puolimäkeen {adv} :: to halfway up or down the hill
puolimalli {n} :: half model
puolimaraton {n} :: half marathon, semi-marathon
puolimetalli {n} [chemistry] :: metalloid
puolimmainen {adj} :: closer or closest to the side (of)
puolinainen {adj} :: incomplete, partial, imperfect, insufficient
puolinaisesti {adv} :: partially, imperfectly, insufficiently
puolinelson {n} [wrestling] :: half nelson
puolinen {n} [archaic] :: lunch (meal eaten at about midday)
puolinen {adj} :: Of location; being on a defined side of something, or closer to something; no exact English equivalent
puolinen {adj} :: -sided, -faceted
puolinormi {n} :: semi-norm
puolinormi {n} :: gauge
puolinukuksissa {adv} :: half-asleep
puolinuotti {n} [music] :: half note, minim
puoliorpo {n} :: half orphan
puoliovi {n} :: Dutch door (horizontally divided door)
puolipäivä {n} :: midday, noon (12 o'clock at day)
puolipäivätyö {n} :: half-time work
puolipallo {n} [geometry] :: A hemisphere (half-sphere, formed by a plane intersecting the center of a sphere)
puolipaneeli {n} [architecture] :: dado panel (paneling that covers the lower part of the wall between the dado rail/chair rail and the skirting board)
puoliperävaunu {n} :: A semi-trailer (trailer with wheels only at the trailing end)
puoliperävaunuyhdistelmä {n} [vehicles] :: A combination of a tractor and a semi-trailer; a semi-trailer, articulated lorry, tractor-trailer
puolipiiri {n} [geometry] :: semiperimeter
puolipilvinen {adj} [meteorology] :: partly cloudy
puolipiste {n} :: semicolon
puolipolveen {adv} :: to up or down to halfway towards the knee (such as of snow or water)
puoliponttilauta {n} :: shiplap
puolipukeissa {adv} :: half-clothed, underclothed
puolipukeissaan {adv} :: alternative form of puolipukeissa
puolipullo {n} :: split (bottle of 0.375 liters, half of a standard bottle)
puolipylväs {n} [crocheting] :: half treble crochet [UK], half double crochet [US]
puolipylväs {n} [architecture] :: half column
puoliraaka {adj} :: medium rare
puolireaktio {n} [chemistry] :: half-reaction
puolireidessä {adv} :: halfway up or down towards the thigh
puolireiteen {adv} :: to halfway up or down towards the thigh
puolirengas {n} :: semiring
puoliryhmä {n} :: semigroup
puoliryijy {n} :: a rug of which only a part is a rya
puolisääreen {adv} :: to halfway up or down towards the shin
puolisääressä {adv} :: halfway up or down towards the shin
puolisävelaskel {n} :: semitone (interval between adjacent keys)
puoliselässä {adv} :: halfway up or down towards the back
puoliselkään {adv} :: to halfway up or down towards the back
puolisen {adv} :: about a half
puolisenkymmentä {num} :: half a dozen
puolisensataa {num} :: around fifty
puolisentoista {num} :: around one and a half
puolisentoistasataa {num} :: around one hundred and fifty
puolisisarukset {n} :: half sisters
puolisisko {n} :: half-sister
puolisko {n} :: A half
puolisko {n} :: hemisphere
puoliso {n} :: spouse
puolisormikas {n} :: half glove
puolisotilaallinen {adj} :: paramilitary
puolisukeltaja {n} :: dabbling duck
puolisukeltajasorsa {n} :: dabbling duck
puolisummain {n} [electronics] :: half adder
puolisuora {n} [geometry] :: half-line, ray
puolisuppea {adj} [phonetics, of a vowel] :: close-mid
puolisuunnikas {n} [geometry] :: trapezium, trapezoid (four-sided polygon with two sides parallel)
puolisuunnikassääntö {n} [calculus, analysis] :: trapezoidal rule
puolitakki {n} :: half coat
puolitalveen {adv} :: to halfway during the winter
puolitalvessa {adv} :: halfway during the winter
puolitalvesta {adv} :: from halfway during the winter
puolitangossa {adv} :: At half-mast
puolitanko {n} :: half-staff, half-mast (the lowered position, half the height of a mast, at which a flag is flown when expressing respect for the dead)
puolitankoon {adv} :: To half-mast
puolitaso {n} [mathematics] :: half-plane
puolitauko {n} [music] :: half rest
puolitelavaunu {n} :: half-track
puolitiehen {adv} :: to halfway
puolitiessä {adv} :: halfway
puolitiestä {adv} :: from halfway
puolitoista {num} :: one and a half
puolitoistavuotias {adj} :: Eighteen months old
puolitotuus {n} :: half-truth
puolitse {adv} :: through, by or from the side of
puolittaa {vt} :: To halve (to reduce to half the original amount)
puolittaa {vt} :: To halve (to divide into two halves)
puolittain {adv} :: half (in two equal parts or to an equal degree; in some part approximating a half; partially; imperfectly)
puolittainen {adj} :: halfway, half, partial
puolittaja {n} :: anything that halves
puolittaja {n} [geometry] :: bisector
puolittua {vi} :: to halve
puolituhatta {adj} :: half a thousand (about 500)
puolituntinen {adj} :: half-hour (lasting thirty minutes)
puolituntinen {n} :: half-hour (period of thirty minutes)
puolituoppi {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for volume half a tuoppi
puolitus {n} :: halving
puolitus {n} :: bisection
puolitushaku {n} [comptheory] :: binary search
puolitusmenetelmä {n} [math] :: bisection method
puoliuneen {adv} :: to being half-asleep
puoliunessa {adv} :: half-asleep
puoliutua {vi} :: To halve
puolivahingossa {adv} :: semiaccidentally
puolivaiheilla {adv} :: halfway, in the middle (of)
puolivaiheille {adv} :: to halfway, into the middle (of)
puoliväli {n} :: middle
puoliväli {n} :: halfway, midway
puolivälierä {n} [sports] :: A quarterfinal
puoliväljä {adj} [phonetics, of a vowel] :: open-mid
puolivalmis {adj} :: semi-finished, semi-processed, semi-ready
puolivalmiste {n} :: semi-manufactured product
puolivalmiste {n} :: semi-finished food
puolivarjo {n} [optics, astronomy] :: penumbra
puoliveli {n} :: half-brother
puoliverho {n} :: half window curtain
puoliverinen {adj} :: half-blood, half-blooded
puolivillaisesti {adv} :: in a half-baked way
puolivilli {adj} :: semi-wild
puolivirallisesti {adv} :: half-officially
puolivokaali {n} :: semivowel
puolivuosittain {adv} :: semiannually, half-yearly
puolivuosittainen {adj} :: biannual, semiannual
puolivuotiskausi {n} :: half-year period
puoliympyrä {n} [geometry] :: semicircle
puoliyö {n} :: midnight (12 p.m.)
puoltaa {vi} [of steering] :: To pull (to the left/right, to one side)
puoltaa {vt} :: To support, approve, second, recommend
puoltaja {n} :: advocate
puoltaminen {n} :: pulling (to one side)
puoltaminen {n} :: supporting, approving
puolue {n} [politics] :: party, political party
puolueaktiivi {n} :: party activist, partisan (person active in a political party)
puolue-elämä {n} :: political party life
puolue-elin {n} :: body or organization part of a political party
puolueellinen {adj} :: biased, partisan, partial
puolueellinen {adj} :: prejudiced
puolueellisesti {adv} :: biasedly, with bias
puolueellisuus {n} :: partiality
puolueeton {adj} :: unbiased
puolueeton {adj} :: nonaligned, neutral
puolueeton {adj} :: impartial, fair
puolueettomasti {adv} :: impartially
puolueettomuus {n} :: impartiality
puolueettomuus {n} :: neutrality
puoluehallitus {n} :: board of a party
puolueittain {adv} :: by (political) party
puoluejohtaja {n} :: party leader (leader of a political party)
puoluejohto {n} [politics] :: The leadership of a party
puoluekokous {n} :: (political) party congress (where e.g. political general positions of a party are adopted in position papers); caucus (with reference to the United States)
puoluekokousedustaja {n} :: (political) party congress representative
puoluelainen {n} :: adherent, supporter
puoluelainen {n} :: member of a party
puoluepolitiikka {n} :: party politics
puolueraja {n} :: party boundary, party border (perceived boundary between the ideologies of two or more political parties)
puoluesihteeri {n} :: party secretary (senior official within a political party with responsibility for the organizational and daily political work, usually second in rank to the party chairman)
puoluetoveri {n} :: (Communist) party member
puoluetoverinsa {n} :: third-person possissive form of puoluetoveri
puolueväki {n} :: members of a political party collectively
puoluevaltuusto {n} :: party council (in political parties, a body elected by the party congress which, between the party congresses, decides the most important and far-reaching line issues, whereas the party board makes the operative decisions)
puoluevirkailija {n} :: party official
puolukka {n} :: lingonberry, cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
puolukka {n} [plant] :: plant in the genus Vaccinium
puolukka {n} [plant, in plural] :: genus Vaccinium
puolukkahillo {n} :: lingonberry jam
puolukkakasvi {n} :: any plant of the genus Vaccinium
puolukkatyyppi {n} :: Vaccinium type (of a forest)
puolulainen {adj} [uncommon] :: allied (on the same side as someone else)
puolulainen {n} [uncommon] :: ally
puolustaa {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to defend
puolustaja {n} :: defender (someone who defends people or property)
puolustaja {n} :: defender (a fighter who repels an attack)
puolustaja {n} [sports] :: defender, back (a player whose primary task is to prevent the opposition from scoring)
puolustaja {n} [ice hockey, lacrosse] :: defenseman, defenceman
puolustaminen {n} :: defending
puolustautua {vi} :: To defend oneself
puolustava linjamies {n} [American football] :: tackle (person playing defensive tackle)
puolustella {v} :: To apologise/apologize
puolustuksellisesti {adv} :: defensively
puolustus {n} :: defense [US], defence [UK]
puolustusalue {n} [ice hockey] :: defending zone
puolustusasema {n} [military] :: defensive position, stand
puolustusasianajaja {n} :: defense attorney (US), defence counsel (UK) [lawyer]
puolustusjärjestö {n} :: defense organization
puolustuskirjoitus {n} :: apology
puolustuskomitea {n} :: defense committee
puolustuskyky {n} :: ability to defend (oneself)
puolustuskykyinen {adj} :: able to defend (oneself)
puolustuskyvytön {adj} :: defenseless
puolustuskyvyttömästi {adv} :: defenselessly
puolustuskyvyttömyys {n} :: defenselessness
puolustusliitto {n} :: defence accord, defence alliance (political agreement of mutual military assistance in case one of the parties is attacked)
puolustusmekanismi {n} [psychology, biology] :: defense mechanism
puolustusmenot {n} :: defence expenditure
puolustusministeri {n} :: secretary of defense
puolustusministeriö {n} :: ministry of defense, department of defense
puolustuspeli {n} [sports] :: defensive play
puolustussota {n} :: defensive war
puolustusvaliokunta {n} [in the Finnish Parliament] :: The Defence Committee
puolustusvoima {n} :: defence capacity (the ability of an individual, group or country to defend itself against an aggressor); more frequently puolustuskyky
puolustusvoima {n} :: In plural, defence force(s); see puolustusvoimat
puolustusvoimain ylipäällikkö {n} :: commander in chief
puolustusvoimat {n} [pluralonly] :: defence forces, defence force (organization)
puolustusvoimat {n} :: armed forces
puomi {n} :: barrier (rail)
puomi {n} :: boom (horizontal bar of a crane)
puomi {n} [gymnastics] :: balance beam
puomi {n} [nautical] :: boom (spar extending the foot of a sail)
puomi {n} :: (nautical) pole (see spinnaker pole; spar supporting a spinnaker)
puomi {n} :: (nautical) boom (barrier closing a harbor, or one used for oil spill containment)
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] :: boom vang
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] :: kicking strap
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] :: kicker
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] :: martingale
puomipeite {n} [sailing] :: boom cover
puomittaa {vt} :: to furnish with a barrier, beam or boom (such as closing a road this way)
puoshaka {n} :: boathook
puoskari {n} :: quack, quacksalver
puoskaroida {v} :: To practice quackery
puoskaroida {v} :: [Of a medical doctor] To work unprofessionally
puoskarointi {n} :: quackery (practice or instance of practicing false medicine)
puosu {n} [nautical] :: boatswain, bosun
puosuntuoli {n} [nautical] :: boatswain's chair, bosun's chair
puoti {n} :: shop (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)
pupeltaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to blunder
pupilli {n} [anatomy] :: pupil (part of an eye)
puppeli {n} [slang, derogatory] :: faggot, poofter
puppu {n} :: nonsense
pupu {n} [childish] :: hare, bunny
pupuhaukka {n} [dialectal, archaic] :: Tengmalm's owl, boreal owl, Aegolius funereus
pupujussi {n} [childish] :: bunny (hare or rabbit)
puputtaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to eat like a rabbit
pura {n} [rare] :: synonym of purasin
puraista {v} :: to bite once
puraisu {n} :: bite
Puranen {prop} :: surname
puras {n} :: synonym of purasin
purasin {n} :: awl (pointed tool)
purasin {n} :: bradawl (awl with screwdriver-like blade)
purasin {n} :: stitching awl (leatherman's tool)
purasin {n} :: scratch awl (sharp-pointed awl for marking wood)
purasruoho {n} :: borage (Borago officinalis)
purastaa {v} [archaic] :: to engrave
purastaa {v} [archaic] :: to make a hole with a tool
purattaa {vt} :: To have something dismantled
purattaa {vt} :: To have something unloaded
purée {n} :: alternative form of pyree
pureksia {vt} :: to chew (repeatedly, wantonly)
purema {n} :: bite (the wound or swelling on sb's skin caused by an animal that has bitten the skin)
puremahaava {n} :: bite wound
puremalihas {n} [anatomy] :: muscle of mastication
puremasta {v} :: infinitive of purra
pureminen {n} :: biting
purenta {n} [dentistry] :: occlusion
purentavika {n} :: malocclusion
pureskelija {n} :: chewer
pureskella {vt} :: to chew
pureskelu {n} :: chewing
pureutua {vi} [_, + illative] :: to bite into, seize/grab with one's teeth
pureutua {vi} [_, + illative] :: to grab onto, seize, cling to
pureutua {vi} [_, + illative] :: to sink into, cut into, bite into, take hold in
pureva {adj} :: biting (as e.g. frost)
pureva {adj} :: bitter, acerb, acerbic, sarcastic
purevasti {adv} :: bitingly
purevasti {adv} :: incisively
puriini {n} [chemistry] :: purine
purija {n} :: One who or which bites; biter
purilaat {n} [plural only] :: travois
purilainen {n} [colloquial] :: hamburger, burger
purilainen {n} [in compounds] :: -burger, burger
purim {n} [Judaism] :: Purim
purismi {n} :: purism
purista {vi} :: to make a quiet purring sound
purista {vi} :: to talk quietly or whisper
puristaa {v} :: to press; to clasp, grasp, grip, squeeze, shake, clench, flatten, squash (to apply pressure)
puristaa {v} :: to flatten (to make flat by applying pressure)
puristaa {v} :: to rub, pinch (of shoes, to be too tight)
puristaa {v} :: to constrict (of a collar, to be too tight)
puristaa {v} :: to wring (to obtain by force)
puristaminen {n} :: pressing, clasping, squeezing
puristautua {vi} :: to squeeze oneself (in order to fit into something)
puriste {n} :: briquet
puristeinen {adj} [of voice or speech] :: tense
puristeinen {adj} :: having a compression ratio of (some kind)
puristeisesti {adv} :: tensely (of a voice)
puristelasi {n} :: pressed glass
puristella {v} :: To press, squeeze (repeatedly)
puristemehu {n} :: must (pressed fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes)
puristi {n} :: purist
puristin {n} :: clamp, cramp (tool to press and hold objects together)
puristin {n} :: press (device used to apply pressure to an item)
puristinen {adj} :: puristic
puristinosa {n} [papermaking] :: press section (of a paper machine)
puristisesti {adv} :: puristically
puristua {vi} :: To be pressed, get squeezed
puristua kasaan {vi} :: To crush into itself, to implode
puristumaton {adj} :: incompressible
puristus {n} :: press, squeeze
puristusjäte {n} :: pomace (pulp that remains after a fruit has been pressed to extract the juice or oil)
puristusliitos {n} :: press fit, interference fit
puristuslujuus {n} :: compressive strength
puristuspaine {n} :: pressing pressure, compression pressure
puristussovitus {n} :: press fitting
puristussuhde {n} :: compression ratio
puristustela {n} :: printing roller
puristusventtiili {n} :: pinch valve
puristusvoima {n} :: crushing power, squeezing power
puritaani {n} :: A puritan
puritaanisesti {adv} :: puritanically
puritanismi {n} :: puritanism
purje {n} [nautical] :: sail; [colloquial] rag, sheet (piece of fabric attached to a boat and arranged such that it causes the wind to drive the boat along)
Purje {prop} :: The constellation Vela, the Sail
purjeala {n} [nautical] :: sail area, surface area of sails
purjealus {n} :: sailing ship
purjeenteko {n} :: sailmaking
purjehdus {n} :: sailing, sail, sailing trip (motion across water in a vessel powered by wind)
purjehdus {n} :: voyage, sail (a trip by a ship or of a ship)
purjehduskausi {n} :: sailing season
purjehduskenkä {n} :: boat shoe, deck shoe, topsider
purjehdussää {n} :: sailing weather
purjehtia {vi} :: to sail
purjehtija {n} :: yachtsman
purjehtiminen {n} :: sailing (motion across water)
purjekala {n} :: sailfish
purjekangas {n} :: sailcloth
purjekerta {n} [nautical] :: suit (full set of sails required for a ship)
purjekone {n} :: A sailplane or glider; a short form of purjelentokone
purjelaiva {n} :: sailing ship
purjelauta {n} :: sailboard
purjelautailija {n} :: windsurfer
purjelautailla {v} :: to windsurf
purjelautailu {n} :: windsurfing
purjelentäjä {n} :: glider, glider pilot (one who flies a glider plane)
purjelento {n} :: gliding (hobby, sport or act of flying a glider)
purjelento {n} :: glide (act of gliding)
purjelentokone {n} [aviation] :: A glider airplane intended for soaring, a sailplane
purjelotja {n} :: sailing barge
purjeneula {n} :: sail needle
purjevene {n} [nautical] :: sailboat
purjo {n} :: leek, Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum (vegetable, having edible leaves and a milder flavour than the onion)
purjolaukka {n} [dated] :: leek (vegetable)
purjosipuli {n} :: synonym of purjo
purka {n} [dialectal] :: moult (the loss of summer fur by an animal before the winter; used at least of reindeer)
purkaa {vt} :: to dismantle, dissemble, take apart, disassemble, deconstruct (into pieces)
purkaa {vt} :: to disentangle, undo, clear (up) (a mess)
purkaa {vt} :: to unravel (a knitwear), unstitch (a stitch)
purkaa {vt} :: to untie (a knot), unwind (a bandage, dressing), untwist (a rope), unwrap (package paper), untwine
purkaa {vt} :: to unload (remove cargo, load or burden)
purkaa {vt} :: to unpack (contents of a package; baggage)
purkaa {vt} :: to demolish, wreck, tear/pull/take down (a building)
purkaa {vt} :: to strike (a set, wings in theatre)
purkaa {vt} :: to dissolve, liquidate (a company, corporation)
purkaa {vt} :: to cancel, annul, revoke (a contract, deal); annul (a marriage)
purkaa {vt} :: to break off (an engagement)
purkaa {vt} [legal] :: to rescind, reverse (a decision)
purkaa {vt} :: to defuse (a bomb)
purkaa {vt} :: to discharge (water, lava, battery)
purkaa {vt} :: to discharge, release, vent, take out (emotions); to unburden, lighten (one's heart), let off steam
purkaa {vt} [sports] :: to clear (defend by moving the ball away from the defending goal)
purkaa {vt} [cryptography] :: to decrypt, decipher (a secret message)
purkaa {vt} [figuratively] :: to take apart, analyze, examine, review, reflect
purkaa {vt} [programming] :: to destruct (an object)
purkaa {vt} [computing] :: to extract (an archive)
purkaa kiukkuaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to vent one's spleen
purkaantua {vi} :: To unravel
purkaa sydäntään {v} [idiomatic] :: to get off one's chest, pour one's heart out
purkaja {n} :: dismantler, destructor, unraveler, unloader, defuser (the agent noun of purkaa)
purkaja {n} [object-oriented programming] :: destructor
purkaminen {n} :: Verbal noun of purkaa; possible meanings include:
purkaminen {n} :: dismantling
purkaminen {n} :: disentangling
purkaminen {n} :: unraveling, unstitching
purkaminen {n} :: untying, unwinding, untwisting, unwrapping
purkaminen {n} :: unloading, unpacking
purkaminen {n} :: demolition
purkaminen {n} :: dissolving, liquidation
purkaminen {n} :: revoking, annulling
purkamistyö {n} :: dismantling work
purkaus {n} :: an eruption (of a volcano)
purkaus {n} :: a discharge (of a battery)
purkaus {n} :: a fit, blow-up, explosion, eruption (of emotions)
purkausaukko {n} [geology] :: volcanic vent
purkauspaikka {n} :: place of unloading
purkaussatama {n} :: port of unloading, port of discharge
purkaustyö {n} :: demolition work
purkautua {vi} :: To be dismantled, come apart
purkautua {vi} [of a knitwear] :: To unravel, come undone
purkautua {vi} [of a knot etc.] :: To come untied/unwound
purkautua {vi} [of a deal] :: To be cancelled/annuled/revoked, (colloquial) fall through
purkautua {vi} [of a marriage] :: To break up
purkautua {vi} [of an engagement] :: To get broken off
purkautua {vi} [legal, of a decision] :: To be rescinded/reversed
purkautua {vi} [of a battery] :: To lose its charge, run down
purkautua {vi} [of emotions] :: To be released/vented, burst out, erupt
purkautua {vi} [of a volcano] :: To erupt
purkautumistie {n} :: outlet, vent (something which allows for the release of one's desires)
purkautuva {adj} :: extrusive, extruding
purkinavaaja {n} :: can opener
purkittaa {vt} :: To can (to preserve)
purkka {n} [colloquial] :: chewing gum, bubble gum (type of candy)
purkka {n} [music] :: bubblegum (pop music style)
purkka {n} [slang] :: kludge, hack (temporary and/or unelegant solution)
purkkari {n} [nautical, slang] :: purjevene (sailing boat)
purkkari {n} [nautical, slang] :: purjehduskenkä (boat shoe)
purkki {n} :: can
purkki {n} :: jar
purkki {n} :: canister (lightweight container)
purkki {n} [computing, colloquial] :: a BBS
purku {n} :: demolition (of a building)
purku {n} :: cancellation (of a contract)
purku {n} [sports] :: clear (the act of clearing)
purkukielto {n} :: demolition ban
purkulaite {n} :: demolition or demolishing device or equipment
purkulaite {n} :: unloading equipment
purkulaite {n} :: decoder, demultiplexer (device)
purkulupa {n} :: demolition permit
purkurauta {n} :: crowbar
purkusuunnitelma {n} :: demolition plan
purkusuunnitelma {n} :: unloading plan (such as of freight)
purkutyö {n} :: demolition work, dismantling work
purkutyömaa {n} :: demolition site
purnata {vi} :: to grumble, grouse, complain
purnukka {n} :: jar
puro {n} :: streamlet, brook, creek (body of running water smaller than a river)
puronen {n} :: diminutive of puro
puronen {n} :: streamlet
puronieriä {n} :: brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
purotaimen {n} :: form of brown trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario)
purppura {adj} :: purple
purppura {n} :: color purple
purppurahapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula undulata
purppurajalkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius porphyropus
purppurakana {n} :: a purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio
purppuranuijakas {n} [mushrooms] :: purple fairy club, purple coral (Alloclavaria purpurea, a species of mushroom)
purppuranuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius purpurascens
purppurapihta {n} :: Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis)
purppurapilvi {n} :: a purple cloud
purppuravalo {n} :: purple light (atmospheric phenomenon after sunset)
purppuraviitta {n} :: scarlet robe
purppuroida {vt} :: To purple
purpura {n} [medicine] :: purpura
purra {vt} :: To bite (more or less continuously, with the moment temporally not confined)
purra hammasta {v} [idiomatic] :: to bite the bullet, grit one's teeth
purra ruokkivaa kättä {v} [idiomatic] :: to bite the hand that feeds you (to cause harm to a benefactor)
purse {n} [metallurgy] :: flash
purseri {n} [nautical] :: A steward (ship's officer in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions)
pursi {n} :: sailboat (any small sailing vessel)
pursi {n} [poetic] :: barque (sailing vessel or boat of any kind)
pursimies {n} [military ranks] :: An NCO rank in the Finnish Navy. The official English translation is chief petty officer
pursimies {n} [nautical] :: boatswain, bosun
pursiseura {n} :: yacht club
purskahdella {vi} :: To spurt out, gush (repeatedly)
purskahtaa {vi} [of blood, from a wound] :: To gush, spurt
purskahtaa {vi} :: ~ nauruun = to burst out laughing/into laughter
purskahtaa {vi} :: ~ itkuun = to burst out crying/into tears
purskauttaa {vt} :: to spurt, gush
purske {n} :: burst (sudden, often intense, expression, manifestation or display; series of shots fired from an automatic firearm)
purskua {vi} :: to spurt, gush (to rush from a confined place in a small stream or jet)
purskutella {vt} :: to make spurt or gush repeatedly
purskuttaa {vt} :: to make spurt or gush
purskuttaa {v} :: to rinse one's mouth (with)
pursotin {n} :: a tool for piping, piping tube, pastry tube
pursotinpussi {n} :: piping bag, pastry bag
pursottaa {vt} :: to extrude
pursu {n} :: alternative form of suopursu
pursua {v} :: alternative form of pursuta
pursuava {adj} :: extrusive, extruding
pursuilla {vi} :: to gush or burst repeatedly
pursuta {vi} :: To gush, burst
pursuttaa {vt} :: to cause to gush or burst
purtilo {n} :: trough, manger
purtilo {n} [colloquial] :: boat
purtojuuri {n} :: devil's-bit (Succisa pratensis)
purtojuuri {n} :: a plant of genus Succisa
purtojuuri {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Succisa
puru {n} [rare] :: synonym of pureminen
puru {n} [in compounds] :: chewing
puru {n} :: A quantity of finely chewn food, such as a bird may give to its young
puru {n} :: chaw, chew (plug or wad of chewing tobacco)
puru {n} [pathology] :: ache, pain (gnawing, persistent pain, especially in stomach)
puru {n} :: dust, powder, swarf (waste chips, shavings and dust from working a solid material)
puruimuri {n} :: dust collector (industrial machine)
purukalusto {n} [colloquial] :: teeth
purukumi {n} :: chewing gum
purukumi {n} :: bubblegum
purulelu {n} :: teething ring (object designed for a baby to chew during the teething stage)
puruluu {n} :: chewing bone
purupihka {n} :: chewing resin (often birch resin or birch tar)
pururata {n} :: a walking or running road or route covered and/or marked with sawdust or a similar material
purutupakka {n} :: chewing tobacco
pusakka {n} :: jacket, smock (informal, usually loose-fitting piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse)
pusata {v} :: to tinker (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner)
pusero {n} :: blouse
pusero {n} :: sweater, light jacket
puseroisillaan {adv} :: wearing a blouse (but nothing on top of it)
puseroisilleen {adv} :: into wearing a blouse (but nothing on top of it)
puserrin {n} :: squeezer
pusertaa {vt} :: to squeeze
pusertaa {vt} :: to press (together)
pusertaa {vt} :: to crush
pusertaa {vt} :: to jam, cram
pusertaa {vt} :: to rice (squeeze through a ricer)
pusertaa kuivaksi {v} :: to squeeze dry
pusertautua {vi} :: to squeeze or press oneself, such as through a crowd
pusertua {vi} :: To squeeze
pusi {interj} :: mwah (sound of a kiss)
pusia {v} [colloquial] :: to smooch, to kiss
pusikko {n} :: thicket, copse
puska {n} [colloquial] :: bush, shrub (plant)
puska {n} [colloquial] :: bush (pubic hair)
puskaradio {n} :: grapevine (informal means of circulating gossip)
puskaraiskaus {n} [colloquial] :: a rape that is perpetrated in a public space, usually outdoors and by an individual previously unknown to the victim
puskea {v} :: to ram, to push
puskea {v} :: to gore (to pierce with horns)
puskea {v} [sports] :: to header (strike a ball with one's head)
puskeutua {vi} :: to push oneself
puskikko {n} :: thicket
puskin {n} :: A rammer or other tool for ramming or pushing
puskualus {n} :: towboat
puskuri {n} :: bumper (an impact absorber in an automobile)
puskuri {n} :: bumper (a mechanical device to absorb impact)
puskuri {n} :: anything that rams
puskuri {n} [chemistry, computing] :: buffer
puskuriliuos {n} [chemistry] :: buffer solution
puskurivyöhyke {n} :: buffer zone
puskuroida {vt} :: To buffer
puskusauma {n} :: butt joint
puskutraktori {n} :: bulldozer
puskuttaa {v} :: to puff
pusla {n} :: bushing
pussailla {v} [colloquial] :: to kiss repeatedly; to snog, make out
pussailu {n} [colloquial] :: kissing, smooching
pussata {v} [colloquial] :: to kiss, smooch, peck
pusseittain {adv} :: in bags, by the bag
pussi {n} :: bag, pouch, sac
pussi {n} [marsupials] :: pouch
pussi {n} [billiards] :: pocket
pussi {n} [colloquial, in plural] :: scrotum
pussi {n} [in compounds] :: Together with certain modifiers used to produce compound terms meaning a person who has a lot of a given characteristic; bag of
pussiahma {n} :: Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii
pussiäyriäinen {n} :: a barnacle in family Sacculinidae
pussiäyriäinen {n} [in the plural] :: the family Sacculinidae
pussieläin {n} :: A marsupial
pussihiha {n} :: puff sleeve
pussihiiri {n} :: dunnart (any of various small marsupials, of the genus Sminthopsis)
pussihousut {n} :: baggy pants, breeches, jodhpurs
pussihukka {n} :: thylacine, Tasmanian tiger, Thylacinus cynocephalus
pussihyppyrotta {n} :: kultarr (Antechinomys laniger)
pussijuoksu {n} :: sack race (type of children's game)
pussikalja {n} :: beer from a bag of beers
pussikaniini {n} :: bilby (marsupial of the genus Macrotis, native to Australia)
pussikarhu {n} :: koala
pussikärsäpäästäinen {n} :: synonym of kärsäpussipäästäinen
pussikas {n} :: bagworm (a member of the family Psychidae)
pussikas {n} [in the plural] :: the family Psychidae
pussikatu {n} :: a dead-end street (such as into a park)
pussikehrääjä {n} :: synonym of pussikas
pussikeitto {n} :: instant soup
pussikettu {n} :: common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
pussikissa {n} :: synonym of pussinäätä
pussikko {n} :: Alternative term for pussihiiri (dunnart)
pussikoi {n} :: A species of moth
pussikontiainen {n} :: marsupial mole (a marsupial in family Notoryctidae)
pussikontiainen {n} [in the plural] :: the family Notoryctidae
pussilakana {n} :: duvet cover, quilt cover
pussillinen {n} :: bagful, sackful
pussimaamyyrä {n} :: synonym of pussikontiainen
pussimatti {n} [chess] :: smothered mate
pussimäyrä {n} :: bandicoot (long-nosed marsupial of the order Peramelemorphia)
pussimuurahaiskarhu {n} :: numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
pussinäätä {n} :: quoll (carnivorous marsupial of the genus Dasyurus found in Australia and New Guinea)
pussinperä {n} [figurative] :: dead end, cul-de-sac
pussipäästäinen {n} :: shrew opossum (a marsupial in family Caenolestidae)
pussipäästäinen {n} [in the plural] :: the family Caenolestidae
pussipeto {n} :: marsupial carnivore
pussipiru {n} :: Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii
pussipoimulepakko {n} :: greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata)
pussirotta {n} :: opossum
pussisaukko {n} :: water opossum, Chironectes minimus
pussisika {n} :: pig-footed bandicoot (Chaeropus ecaudatus)
pussitee {n} :: tea prepared with a teabag
pussitiainen {n} :: European penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus
pussittaa {v} :: To pouch (to enclose in a pouch)
pussittaa {v} :: To trap as in a pouch, also figuratively
pussittaa {v} :: To hang as a pouch or shaped as a pouch
pussittaa {v} [billiards] :: To pocket
pussitus {n} :: pouching (enclosing in a pouch)
pussitus {n} [billiards] :: pocketing
pusta {n} :: pusta
pustula {n} [pathology] :: pustule
pusu {n} [colloquial] :: a kiss, especially a short one, a peck
pusukala {n} :: kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii)
put {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: putt, imitating the sound of a low speed internal combustion engine, usually repeated at least twice: put, put
putata {v} [golf] :: to putt
putatiivinen {adj} :: putative (commonly believed or deemed to be the case)
puteli {n} [colloquial] :: bottle
putelli {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of puteli ("bottle")
putiikki {n} :: boutique (small shop, especially one that sells fashionable clothes, jewelry and the like)
putiikki {n} [dialectal] :: any shop
putiikki {n} [slang] :: firm, company
putina {n} [dialectal] :: a type of wooden jug
putipuhdas {adj} :: spick-and-span, clean as a whistle (absolutely clean, spotless)
putka {n} :: A drunk tank, jail, usually located in a police station
putkahdella {vi} :: to keep popping up or cropping up
putkahtaa {v} :: to pop up (to appear without warning)
putkeen {adv} [colloquial] :: nonstop, in a row
putkeen {adv} [colloquial] :: correctly, right; swimmingly
putki {n} :: tube, pipe
putki {n} :: duct, conduit
putki {n} :: barrel (of a large calibre firearm)
putki {n} :: streak (continuous series of like events)
putki {n} :: bout (period of something)
putki {n} [figuratively] :: pipeline (system through which something is conducted)
putki {n} :: cow parsley (plant in the family Apiaceae similar to Anthriscus sylvestris)
putkiaivo {n} :: one-track mind
putkiasentaja {n} :: plumber (one who furnishes, fits, and repairs pipes)
putkihämähäkki {n} :: purseweb spider, atypical tarantula (spider of the family Atypidae, that builds a silken tube close to the ground)
putkihampainen {n} :: A mammal of the taxonomic order Tubulidentata
putkikassi {n} :: tube bag (style of bag, roughly tubular in shape, usually equipped with handles and shoulder strap)
putkikellot {n} [musical instruments] :: tubular bells
putkikirves {n} :: socketed axe
putkikuono {n} :: tube-snout, tubesnout, Aulorhynchus flavidus (small fish found on the Pacific coast of North America, the only species in its family Aulorhynchidae)
putkikuono {n} [in plural] :: Aulorhynchidae (family of fish)
putkikuono {n} :: tube-nosed fruit bat (bat of the genus Nyctimene)
putkilo {n} [botany] :: vessel, trachea
putkilo {n} :: tube (container for toothpaste, ointment)
putkilokasvi {n} [botany] :: vascular plant
putkilukko {n} :: pipe lock
putkiluu {n} [anatomy] :: long bone
putkimainen {adj} :: tubular
putkimato {n} :: tubeworm
putkimies {n} :: plumber
putkinäkö {n} :: tunnel vision (restricted field of vision)
putkipihdit {n} :: pipe wrench
putkiposti {n} :: pneumatic post, pneumatic mail (system that propels cylindrical containers through a network of tubes by compressed air or by partial vacuum, used primarily as a system for delivering mail and similar parcels)
putkiposti {n} :: pneumatic post, pneumatic mail (mail delivered through such system)
putkiradio {n} :: tube radio (radio that works with vacuum or electron tubes)
putkiremontti {n} :: pipe repair
putkirikko {n} :: pipe break
putkiruuvipenkki {n} :: pipe vise
putkisilta {n} :: tubular bridge
putkisolu {n} [botany] :: tracheid cell
putkisto {n} :: tubing (system of tubes)
putkitongit {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of putkipihdit
putkittaa {vt} :: to tube (furnish with tubes)
putkittaa {vt} [computing] :: to pipe
putkityö {n} :: plumbing work, plumbery
putlaus {n} [metallurgy] :: puddling
putoaminen {n} :: falling
putoamisaika {n} [physics] :: falling time, time in free fall
putoamiskiihtyvyys {n} [mechanics] :: acceleration due to gravity
putoamisliike {n} [physics] :: free fall, falling, falling motion
putoilla {v} :: to fall, drop (repeatedly)
putoilla kuin kärpäsiä {v} [simile] :: to drop like flies
putous {n} :: fall, drop
putous {n} :: slope
putous {n} :: waterfall
putputtaa {v} :: to putt (make a putting sound)
putputtaa {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get tired, lose power etc
putputtaa {v} :: to dook
putreskiini {n} :: putrescin
putsata {vt} [colloquial] :: To clean, cleanse
puttaus {n} [golf] :: putt
putteri {n} [golf] :: putter
putti {n} [golf] :: putt
putto {n} :: putto, cherub
puu {n} :: tree
puu {n} :: wood (material)
puu {n} [in compounds] :: wooden
puu {n} [graph theory, computing theory] :: tree (data structure, connected acyclic graph)
puu {n} [golf] :: wood
puuaine {n} :: wood (as a material)
puuaines {n} [technical] :: wood, timber (substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree)
puuastia {n} :: wooden vessel, wooden dish
puucee {n} [colloquial] :: wooden outhouse (toilet)
puudeli {n} :: poodle
puuduksiin {adv} :: into being numb
puuduksissa {adv} :: (being) numb
puudute {n} :: (local) anesthetic
puuduttaa {v} :: to numb, benumb (to cause to go numb)
puuduttaa {vt} [medicine] :: to give a local anesthetic, to deaden, to numb; to anesthetize a part of the body (without sedation)
puudutus {n} [medicine] :: anesthesia
puudutusaine {n} :: (local) anesthetic
puuha {n} :: chore, work, trouble, undertaking, activity
puuhailla {vi} :: to keep busy with, to potter around with
puuhakas {adj} :: energetic, active
puuhake {n} :: wood chips
puuhakkaasti {adv} :: energetically, actively
puuhaku {n} [computer science] :: tree search, tree lookup
puuhamaa {n} :: playland (area of free recreation)
puuhamaa {n} :: amusement park
puuhamies {n} [colloquial] :: organizer, especially one who works on a voluntary basis
puuhanhi {n} :: magpie-goose (bird Anseranas semipalmata)
puuhanhi {n} :: a representation of goose made of wood; wooden goose
puuhastella {vt} :: to fumble around with, to potter around with
puuhastelu {n} :: busy work, basketweaving (useless or unproductive activity)
puuhata {vi} :: To keep busy with
puuhautaus {n} :: tree burial
puuhevonen {n} :: wooden toy horse
puuhiili {n} :: charcoal
puuhka {n} :: muff (piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm)
puuhka {n} :: a position in which the arms are crossed
puuhöylä {n} [woodworking] :: wood plane (tool)
puuhuilu {n} [musical instruments] :: Irish flute
puujakso {n} :: the trees of a certain age in a forest collectively; tree storey, forest storey
puujalka {n} :: wooden leg
puujalka {n} :: stilt
puujalka {n} :: charley horse
puujalkavitsi {n} :: dad joke
puujauho {n} :: wood flour
puujuna {n} :: wooden train (often a toy one)
puujuna {n} :: timber train (train transporting timber)
puukaasu {n} :: woodgas
puukaasutin {n} :: A gasifier that produces carbon monoxide from wood
puukaiverrus {n} :: woodcut (print and a method of printmaking from an engraved block of wood)
puukala {n} :: wooden fish (percussion instrument)
puukasa {n} :: A pile of wood
puukatto {n} :: wooden ceiling
puukatto {n} :: wooden roof
puukauppa {n} [uncountable] :: timber trade (forest owners' business of selling raw wood to the forest industry)
puukauppa {n} [countable] :: timber sale (instance of selling raw wood)
puukaupunki {n} :: wooden city, a city in which houses were built of wood
puukenkä {n} :: clog (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel)
puukerros {n} :: tree layer
puukiipijä {n} :: Eurasian treecreeper or common treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
puukikoortinki {n} [nautical] :: buntline
puukirkko {n} :: wooden church
puukko {n} :: hunting knife, puukko [type of knife]
puukkohippa {n} [colloquial, idiomatic, jocular] :: a knife fight
puukkohippaset {n} :: knifeplay
puukkojunkkari {n} [historical] :: A type of troublemakers who were common in South Ostrobothnia mostly in the 19th century
puukkosaha {n} :: reciprocating saw
puukkosaha {n} :: synonym of pistosaha
puukkoseppä {n} :: A knifesmith who specializes in puukko-type hunting knives
puukoin ja puntarein {phrase} [idiomatic] :: by hook or by crook
puukomposiitti {n} :: wood-plastic composite
puukonhaava {n} :: knife wound
puukottaa {vt} [+ partitive] :: to stab; to knife (to use a knife to kill or injure)
puukottaa {vt} [+ accusative] :: to stab or knife (resulting death)
puukottaa {v} [colloquial, jocular] :: to operate (to perform surgery)
puukottaja {n} :: stabber
puukotus {n} :: stabbing, knifing
puukoulu {n} :: wooden school
puulaatikko {n} :: woodbox (box used for storage of firewood)
puulaatikko {n} :: wooden box (box made of wood)
puulaiva {n} :: wooden ship
puulaji {n} :: species of tree
puulaji {n} :: wood (from a particular species)
puulajipuisto {n} :: arboretum
puulajitiede {n} :: dendrology
puulautanen {n} :: wooden plate
puuleikkaus {n} :: wood carving (decoration made in wood by carving)
puulelu {n} :: wooden toy
puuleopardi {n} :: clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa
puulevy {n} :: wooden panel, wooden board
puuliesi {n} :: wood-burning stove
puuliima {n} :: wood glue
puuliiteri {n} :: woodshed
puuliitos {n} :: woodworking joint, wood joint
puulla päähän lyöty {adj} [idiomatic, often with kuin] :: stunned
puulukko {n} :: a primitive wooden lock
puuluokka {n} :: tree class
puulusikka {n} :: wooden spoon
puuma {n} :: mountain lion, puma, cougar, Puma concolor (large cat)
puuma {n} [colloquial] :: cougar (older woman who actively seeks the casual, often sexual, companionship of younger men)
puumainen {adj} :: Resembling wood or a tree; woody; treelike
puumaisuus {n} :: treeness, likeness to a tree
puumaisuus {n} :: woodiness, likeness to wood
Puumala {prop} :: Puumala (municipality)
puumalainen {adj} :: alternative form of puumalalainen
puumalainen {n} :: alternative form of puumalalainen
Puumalainen {prop} :: surname
puumalalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Puumala
puumalalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Puumala
puumerkki {n} [chiefly historical] :: a mark or insignia used by the illiterate as a signature or autograph
puumuura {n} :: Any passerine bird in the taxonomic family Thamnophilidae, the antbird family
puunata {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of buunata
puunaula {n} :: wooden nail or stud
puunenä {n} [idiomatic] :: A symbol of a liar; a person may be said to have or get a "wooden nose", if he/she is caught of lying
puunhaara {n} :: tree fork
puunhakkaaja {n} [dated] :: hewer, woodcutter (worker who cuts trees with an axe)
puunhoitaja {n} :: arborist, arboriculturist (person who practices arboriculture)
puuni {n} :: Punic (language)
puuni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of puu
puunilainen {adj} :: Punic
puunilaissota {n} :: Punic War
puun ja kuoren välissä {phrase} :: between a rock and a hard place
puunjalostus {n} :: wood processing
puunjalostusteollisuus {n} :: wood processing industry
puunjuuri {n} :: tree root
puunkaivaja {n} :: deathwatch beetle (beetle of the family Anobiidae)
puunkaivertaja {n} :: woodcutter, xylographer (one who makes woodcuts)
puunkanto {n} :: tree stump
puunkolo {n} :: tree hollow
puunkorjuu {n} :: logging, timber harvesting
puunkuori {n} :: bark, rind
puunkyllästysaine {n} :: wood preservative
puunleikkaaja {n} :: woodcarver
puunleikkaus {n} :: wood carving (art of carving decorations in wood)
puunsuoja-aine {n} :: wood preservative
puun takaa {phrase} :: See: fipuun takaa
puun takaa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: out of nowhere
puuntyöstö {n} :: woodworking
puupää {n} :: blockhead (dumb person)
puupäästäinen {n} :: An erroneous term sometimes used of tree shrews, which are called tupaija in Finnish
puupaneeli {n} :: wood panel, wooden panel
puupankki {n} :: treebank
puupelletti {n} :: wood pellet
puupenni {n} :: plug nickel (nearly worthless amount)
puupiirros {n} :: a drawing or engraving on wood
puupino {n} :: woodpile
puupöly {n} :: wood dust
puupora {n} :: wood drill
puuppikansi {n} [nautical] :: poop deck
puupuhallin {n} [musical instruments] :: woodwind
puuraaka-aine {n} :: wood raw material
puuraja {n} :: tree line
puurakenne {n} :: wooden structure
puurakennus {n} :: wooden building
puurakentaminen {n} :: building or construction with wood
puurakenteinen {adj} :: Made of wood; having wooden structure
puuro {n} :: porridge
puurojauho {n} :: porridge flour
puuropata {n} :: porridge pot
puuroriisi {n} :: pudding rice (short-grained white rice that thickens easily)
puurot ja vellit {phrase} :: apples and oranges (two incompatible, different things)
puurouttaa {vt} [literally] :: to make into porridge
puurouttaa {vt} [figurative] :: to jam, to bog down
puuroutua {vi} :: to thicken (usually into a porridge)
puurtaa {vi} :: to work hard
puurtaminen {n} :: working hard, grind
Puurunen {prop} :: surname
puuruuvi {n} :: wood screw
puusavanni {n} :: tree savanna
puusee {n} :: (official spelling of) puucee
puuseita {n} :: a seita that is a tree or located by one
puusepänlakka {n} :: synonym of pulituuri
puuseppä {n} :: carpenter, especially one who makes furniture and interiors
puuseppä {n} :: joiner
puuseppä {n} :: cabinetmaker
puusilmä {n} :: A wooden eye; an eye prosthesis made of wood
puusilmä {n} [derogative] :: An idiotic person, especially one that does not observe things which he/she should
puusilta {n} :: wooden bridge
puuska {n} :: gust, blast, scud
puuska {n} :: fit (sudden outburst of emotion)
puuska {n} :: synonym of puuhka
puuskahtaa {v} :: to splurge
puuskahtaa {vt} :: to blurt out, to say something abruptly (especially when angry)
puuskainen {adj} :: gusty, blustery (of wind, blowing in gusts)
puuskajuoppous {n} :: synonym of kausijuoppous
puuskarintama {n} :: outflow boundary
puuskassa {adv} [kädet, ... ~] :: akimbo
puuskittain {adv} :: paroxysmally, in gusts, in fits and starts
puuskittainen {adj} :: gusty
puuskittaisesti {adv} :: gustily
puuskuttaa {vi} :: to pant, to puff
puusolukko {n} [botany] :: xylem
puustavi {n} [archaic] :: letter (a letter of the alphabet)
puusto {n} :: The trees of an area collectively; the forest cover
puuta {n} :: A pood (Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kg)
puuta heinää {adv} [idiomatic] :: malarkey, rubbish, poppycock
puutalo {n} :: wooden house
puutaloalue {n} :: area with wooden houses
puutarha {n} :: garden
puutarhahortensia {n} :: bigleaf hydrangea, French hydrangea, lacecap hydrangea, mophead hydrangea, penny Mac, Hydrangea macrophylla
puutarhakasvi {n} :: garden plant
puutarhakaupunki {n} :: garden city
puutarhakeinu {n} :: garden swing
puutarhaletku {n} :: garden hose
puutarhamansikka {n} :: garden strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)
puutarhamulta {n} :: garden soil
puutarhaneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished gardeners or other people involved in gardening
puutarhanhoitaja {n} :: A groundskeeper
puutarhanhoito {n} :: gardening (art and practice of cultivating gardens)
puutarhanhoito {n} :: horticulture (the science of caring for gardens)
puutarhanviljely {n} :: horticulture, gardening
puutarhapalsta {n} :: garden plot
puutarhapöytä {n} :: garden table
puutarhasakset {n} :: garden shears, pruning shears
puutarhasuunnittelu {n} :: garden design
puutarhataide {n} :: garden art
puutarhatalous {n} :: horticulture, market gardening
puutarhatila {n} :: horticultural holding
puutarhatonttu {n} :: garden gnome
puutarhatuoli {n} :: garden chair
puutarhatyö {n} :: gardening work
puutarhatyökalu {n} :: gardening tool
puutarhuri {n} :: gardener
puutavara {n} :: lumber, timber, wood
puutavaraliike {n} :: lumberyard (facility dedicated to the sale of lumber)
puutavaramarkkinat {n} :: market or markets for timber
puutavaranuitto {n} :: timber rafting
puute {n} :: shortage
puute {n} :: deficiency
puute {n} :: shortcoming
puute {n} :: poverty
puute {n} :: drought
puuteollisuus {n} :: timber industry, wood industry
puuteri {n} [cosmetics] :: powder
puuteri {n} :: powder snow
puuterihuisku {n} :: powder puff
puuterilumi {n} :: powder snow (loose, powdery snow, especially in the context of alpine skiing)
puuterisokeri {n} :: powdered sugar
puuteroida {vt} :: To powder
Puuti {prop} [rare] :: The Finnish name of the municipality of Boden, Sweden in the north of Sweden
puutiainen {n} :: any tick of the family Ixodidae, especially any castor bean tick (Ixodes ricinus), known to transmit borrelia
puutiaisaivokuume {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of puutiaisaivotulehdus
puutiaisaivotulehdus {n} [pathology] :: tick-borne encephalitis, TBE (viral disease of central nervous system borne by ticks)
puutomaatti {n} :: tamarillo
puuton {adj} :: treeless
puuton {adj} :: deforested
puuton {adj} :: unforested (not covered with forest), not forested
puuton {adj} :: bare (free of trees)
puutos {n} :: deficiency
puutosoire {n} :: deficiency symptom
puutostauti {n} :: deficiency disease
puutteellinen {adj} :: insufficient, inadequate
puutteellinen {adj} :: incomplete
puutteellisesti {adv} :: insufficiently, inadequately, incompletely
puuttua {vi} :: to be missing; inanimate thing in elative or animate thing in ablative + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = to lack
puuttua {vi} [_, + illative] :: to intervene, get involved in, interfere with
puuttua {v} :: to clamp down on, to put an end to (to take measures to stop something)
puuttuminen {n} :: lack
puutua {vi} [of a limb] :: to grow numb
puutua {vi} :: to become wooden or woody
puutunut {adj} :: asleep, numb
puutuoli {n} :: wooden chair
puutyö {n} :: woodwork (handiwork with wood)
puutyökalu {n} :: woodworking tool
puuvaja {n} :: woodshed
puuvapaa {adj} [paper industry] :: Woodfree
puuvarsi {n} :: wooden stem
puuvarsi {n} :: wooden shaft
puuvartinen {adj} [botany] :: woody
puuvasara {n} :: maul, mallet, carpenter's mallet
puuvene {n} :: wooden boat
puuvilla {n} :: cotton (type of plant used as a source of cotton fiber)
puuvilla {n} :: cotton (raw material)
puuvilla {n} :: cotton (textile)
puuvillainen {adj} :: cotton (made of cotton)
puuvillakangas {n} :: cotton (textile)
puuvillansiemenöljy {n} :: cottonseed oil
puvunhousut {n} :: dress pants
puvustaa {v} [theater] :: to costume
puvustaja {n} :: costumier
puvusto {n} :: wardrobe (costume department, collection of clothing)
puvustus {n} :: costumes
pv {n} :: abbreviation of päivä
pvm. {n} :: abbreviation of päivämäärä
PVR-laite {n} :: personal video recorder, PVR (device that can record video from various sources for subsequent playback through a television set)
pyältää {vt} :: To notch, to cover in notches
pygmi {n} :: A pygmy
pyh {interj} :: bah, meh
pyhä {adj} :: holy, sacred
pyhä {adj} :: when capitalized, Saint
pyhä {adj} :: when used as modifier in compound term (pyhä-), Sunday, dominical, Sunday-go-to-meeting, holy etc
pyhä {adj} :: taboo, border
pyhä {n} :: holiday
pyhäaamu {n} :: Sunday morning
pyhä allianssi {prop} :: alternative case form of Pyhä allianssi
pyhä allianssi {prop} [figuratively] :: any tight, seemingly inseparable alliance
Pyhä allianssi {prop} [history] :: the Holy Alliance
Pyhä allianssi {prop} :: alternative case form of pyhä allianssi
pyhä ehtoollinen {n} [Christianity] :: The Holy Communion
Pyhä Henki {prop} [Christianity] :: The Holy Spirit
pyhäiibis {n} :: sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus
pyhäiibis {n} :: ibis (bird of the genus Threskiornis)
pyhäiibis {n} [in plural] :: Threskiornis (genus in the family Threskiornithidae, ibises and spoonbills)
pyhäinhäväistys {n} :: sacrilege
pyhäinjäännös {n} [religion] :: A relic
pyhäinjäännöslipas {n} [religion] :: A reliquary
pyhäinkuva {n} :: icon (religious painting)
pyhäinkuvakaappi {n} :: synonym of ikonikaappi
pyhäinmiestenpäivä {n} :: All Hallows' Day
pyhäinpäivä {n} :: All Saints' Day, All Hallows' Day
pyhä isä {n} [Christianity] :: The Holy Father (the Pope)
Pyhä Isä {prop} [Christianity] :: The Holy Father (God)
pyhäisin {adv} :: alternative form of pyhisin
Pyhä istuin {prop} :: The Holy See
pyhäjärveläinen {adj} :: alternative form of pyhäjärvinen
pyhäjärveläinen {n} :: alternative form of pyhäjärvinen
Pyhäjärvi {prop} :: Pyhäjärvi (town)
Pyhäjärvi {prop} :: Pyhäjärvi (former municipality)
Pyhäjärvi {prop} :: A former Finnish municipality in the Karelian Isthmus, now the Russian municipality Отрадное
Pyhäjärvi {prop} :: Any of a number of lakes in Finland
pyhäjärvinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäjärvi (Finnish municipality)
pyhäjärvinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pyhäjärvi (Finnish municipality)
pyhäjokelainen {adj} :: alternative form of pyhäjokinen
pyhäjokelainen {n} :: alternative form of pyhäjokinen
Pyhäjoki {prop} :: Pyhäjoki (municipality)
Pyhäjoki {prop} :: surname
pyhäjokinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäjoki (Finnish municipality)
pyhäjokinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pyhäjoki (Finnish municipality)
Pyhä kirja {prop} :: the Holy Book, the Holy Writ (Bible)
pyhäkkö {n} :: shrine (holy place)
pyhäkoulu {n} :: Sunday school
pyhäkoululainen {n} :: Sunday school student, Sunday school pupil (person attending a Sunday school)
pyhäkoulunopettaja {n} :: Sunday school teacher
pyhä lehmä {n} :: sacred cow
pyhä leipä {n} :: Holy Bread
Pyhä maa {prop} [Christianity] :: The Holy Land
Pyhän Kolminaisuuden päivä {n} :: Trinity Sunday
Pyhäntä {prop} :: Pyhäntä (municipality)
pyhäntäläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäntä
pyhäntäläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pyhäntä
Pyhän Yrjön kanaali {prop} :: St George's Channel
pyhäpäivä {n} :: holiday
pyhä pillerinpyörittäjä {n} :: scarab, Scarabaeus sacer (species of beetle, sacred to the ancient Egyptians)
pyhäpukeissaan {adv} :: in one's Sunday best
pyhäpuku {n} :: Sunday best (person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday)
Pyhäranta {prop} :: Pyhäranta (municipality)
pyhärantalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäranta
pyhärantalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Pyhäranta
Pyhä saksalais-roomalainen keisarikunta {prop} :: Holy Roman Empire
Pyhäselkä {prop} :: Pyhäselkä (former municipality), now part of Joensuu.
pyhä sota {n} :: Sacred War (three wars fought in ancient Greece)
pyhä sota {n} :: holy war (primarily religious war)
pyhä sota {n} :: crusade, jihad (aggressive campaign for some worthy cause)
pyhästi {adv} :: sacredly
pyhättö {n} :: shrine
pyhätyö {n} :: Sunday work, work on Sundays
pyhävaatteet {n} :: Sunday best (person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday)
pyhempi {adj} :: comparative of pyhä
pyhiinvaellus {n} :: pilgrimage
pyhiinvaellus {n} :: hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca made by pious Muslims)
pyhiinvaellusmatka {n} :: pilgrimage
pyhiinvaeltaja {n} :: A pilgrim
pyhimyksenkuva {n} [religion] :: icon
pyhimys {n} :: A saint
pyhimyskalastaja {n} :: sacred kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus)
pyhimyskehä {n} [religion] :: halo
pyhimysluettelo {n} :: canon
pyhimystarina {n} [religion] :: legend
pyhimystaru {n} :: Saint legend
pyhisin {adv} :: in holidays
pyhisin {adv} :: every Sunday
pyhittää {v} :: to sanctify
pyhittää {v} :: to consecrate
pyhittää {v} :: to devote
pyhittää {v} :: to sacralize (to make sacred)
pyhittäytyä {v} :: to devote oneself (to)
pyhitys {n} :: sanctification
Pyhtää {prop} :: Pyhtää
pyhtääläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhtää
pyhtääläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Pyhtää
pyhyys {n} :: holiness, sacredness
pyj {n} :: initialism of pienin yhteinen jaettava (least common multiple); lcm
pyjama {n} :: pajamas, pyjamas
pyjamaisillaan {adv} :: in one's pyjamas
pykälä {n} :: A notch, a dent or a nick
pykälä {n} [legal] :: A section, paragraph, clause (in a legal code, a subsection of luku; the subsection of this is momentti)
pykälä {n} [legal] :: A clause, paragraph (in a contract or other legal document)
pykälä {n} :: A section sign (§), also pykälämerkki, pykälän merkki, pykälänmerkki
pykälämerkki {n} [legal, typography] :: The section sign (§)
pykäläpuu {n} :: tally stick (notched piece of wood used for keeping an account)
pykälikäs {adj} :: jagged
pykälikkö {n} :: small forest prepared for slashing and burning
pykälittäin {adv} :: in steps
pykälittäin {adv} :: by section or paragraph
pykällys {n} :: separating reindeer between those to kept alive and those to be slaughtered
pykälöidä {vi} :: to indent, to dent, to notch
pykätä {vt} [colloquial] :: to build
pykiä {v} :: to chap (of the skin, to split or flake due to cold weather or dryness)
pykiä {v} :: to crack (to form cracks due to drying, shrinking or other such process)
pyknikko {n} :: pyknic
pyknometri {n} :: pycnometer
pykriitti {n} :: pykrete
pyllähtää {vi} :: to fall over, especially if with a spinning motion
pylläyttää {vt} :: to cause to fall over, especially if with a spinning motion
pyllistää {v} [colloquial] :: to moon, to bend over
pyllistellä {v} [colloquial] :: to moon or bend over repeatedly
pylly {n} [colloquial] :: arse, ass, butt, buttocks
pyllyseksi {n} :: bum sex
pyllyvako {n} [anatomy, vulgar] :: butt crack
pylpyrä {n} [rare] :: pulley
pylväikkö {n} :: colonnade
pylväistö {n} :: alternative form of pylväikkö
pylväs {n} [architecture] :: column (an upright supporting beam)
pylväs {n} :: a free-standing column or pillar
pylväs {n} :: bar (in a bar chart, a longish shape with some volume)
pylväs {n} [crocheting] :: treble crochet [UK], double crochet [US]
pylväsdiagrammi {n} :: bar chart
pylväsjärjestelmä {n} [architecture] :: order (disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it; a style or manner of architectural designing)
pylväskaappi {n} :: a tall but thin cabinet
pylväskaavio {n} :: bar chart
pylväskataja {n} :: A tall and slim variant of common juniper, Juniperus communis
pylväskäytävä {n} [architecture] :: colonnaded walkway
pylväskuvio {n} :: bar chart
pylväsporakone {n} :: column drilling machine, pillar drilling machine
pylväspyhimys {n} :: stylite
pylvässali {n} :: any hall with a supporting column or columns
pylvässänky {n} [furniture] :: A canopy bed
pyntätä {vt} [colloquial] :: to dress up, spruce, doll up
pynttäytyä {vi} :: to dress up, to don clothing
pyökinrousku {n} :: beech milk-cap, Lactarius blennius
pyökki {n} :: beech
pyökkihapero {n} :: beechwood sickener, Russula mairei
pyökkilehtorousku {n} :: mild milk-cap, Lactarius subdulcis
pyökkinen {adj} :: Made of beech
pyökkiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius anserinus
pyörä {n} :: wheel
pyörä {n} :: caster (wheeled assembly)
pyörä {n} :: short for polkupyörä
pyörä {n} :: short for moottoripyörä
pyörähdellä {vi} :: to spin around repeatedly
pyörähdys {n} :: A turn, rotation
pyörähdysaika {n} [astronomy] :: rotational period
pyörähdysakseli {n} :: axis of rotation
pyörähdyskappale {n} [mathematics] :: solid of revolution
pyörähdyspinta {n} [mathematics] :: A surface of revolution
pyörähdyttää {vt} :: to cause to spin around once
pyörähtää {vi} :: to spin once
pyörähtää {vi} :: to twirl (to spin round elegantly)
pyörähtää {vi} :: to turn around; often with ympäri (around) (to physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees)
pyöräilijä {n} :: A cyclist
pyöräillä {vi} :: to bike, cycle (to ride a bicycle or a motorcycle)
pyöräily {n} :: cycling
pyöräilykypärä {n} :: A bicycle helmet
pyöräilyshortsit {n} :: cycling shorts
pyöräilysortsit {n} :: alternative form of pyöräilyshortsit
pyöräilystadion {n} :: velodrome
-pyöräinen {adj} :: wheeled (having a specified number or type of wheels)
pyöräkaista {n} :: bicycle lane, cycle lane (part of a roadway designated for use by cyclists)
pyörälaukku {n} :: A pannier designed for a bicycle or a motorcycle
pyörällä {adv} [figuratively, chiefly with pää] :: confused, stunned, bewildered
pyörällä päästään {phrase} [idiomatic] :: baffled, bewildered, confused, perplexed
pyörälle {adv} [figuratively, chiefly with pää] :: into being confused, stunned or bewildered
pyörällinen {adj} :: wheeled (having wheels)
pyöränpinna {n} :: spoke of a wheel (especially of a bicycle wheel)
pyöräpoliisi {n} :: bicycle police, bike police
pyörätasku {n} :: bike box
pyöräteline {n} :: A bicycle stand (device to which bicycles may be securely attached)
pyörätie {n} :: cycleway (bicycle path or bicycle lane)
pyörätie {n} :: bicycle path, cycle path (path segregated for bicycles)
pyörätuoli {n} :: wheelchair
pyörätuolicurling {n} [sports] :: wheelchair curling
pyörätuolikoripallo {n} [sports] :: wheelchair basketball
pyörätuolimiekkailu {n} [sports] :: wheelchair fencing
pyörätuolirugby {n} [sports] :: wheelchair rugby
pyörätuolitennis {n} [sports] :: wheelchair tennis
pyöräytellä {vt} :: to roll over repeatedly
pyöräyttää {vt} :: to spin once
pyöreä {adj} :: round
pyöreä {adj} [phonetics] :: rounded, labial
pyöreähkö {adj} :: roundish
pyöreämpi {adj} :: comparative of pyöreä
pyöreästi {adv} :: roundly, circularly
pyöreästi {adv} :: approximately
pyörentää {vt} :: to round (make rounder)
pyöretä {vi} :: To become round
pyöriä {vi} :: to rotate, turn, revolve, spin, roll (continuously)
pyöriä {vi} [colloquial] :: to run (of a machine, to be operating or working normally)
pyöriä {vi} [colloquial] :: to play (of a video)
pyöriäinen {n} [mammals] :: porpoise, harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena
pyöriäinen {n} [taxonomy, in plural] :: genus Phocoena
pyöriäinen {n} [taxonomy, in plural] :: family Phocoenidae
pyörijä {n} :: spinner, rotator (one who or that which spins or rotates (intransitive))
pyörijä {n} :: rotor (spinning part of an engine)
pyörijä {n} [automotives] :: distributor rotor
pyöriminen {n} :: turning, spinning, rotation
pyörimisakseli {n} :: axis of rotation
pyörimisenergia {n} [mechanics] :: rotational energy
pyörimismäärä {n} [physics] :: angular momentum
pyörimisnopeus {n} :: rotational speed, speed of rotation or revolution (angular velocity as measured in revolutions)
pyörimissuunta {n} :: direction of rotation, sense
pyörinä {n} [rare] :: whirl
pyörintä {n} :: spin
pyöriö {n} [sewing] :: The round upper part of a sleeve that is fitted to a corresponding opening in the body of a garment
pyöriskellä {vi} :: to roll around, to tumble repeatedly
pyöristää {vt} :: to round (shape something into a curve)
pyöristää {vt} [arithmetic] :: to round (approximate a number)
pyöristyä {v} :: to become rounded
pyöristyä {v} :: to become fatter
pyöristys {n} [mathematics] :: rounding
pyöristyskone {n} :: rounding machine
pyöristyssäde {n} :: radius of curvature
pyöristysvirhe {n} :: roundoff error, rounding error
pyöritellä {v} :: to rotate, roll, reel (repeatedly)
pyöritellä {v} :: to mull, ponder, cogitate, ruminate, turn over (to work over mentally)
pyöritellä {v} :: to dwell on (to continue to think or talk about something)
pyöritellä {v} :: to prevaricate (to shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour; to evade the truth; to waffle or be intentionally ambiguous)
pyöritellä peukaloitaan {v} [also, figuratively] :: to twiddle one's thumbs
pyöritellä peukaloitansa {v} :: alternative form of pyöritellä peukaloitaan
pyörittää {vt} :: to rotate, roll, reel (continuously)
pyörittää {vt} [colloquial] :: to run (to control or manage, be in charge of)
pyörittäjä {n} :: roller (one who rolls something)
pyörivä {adj} :: rotary, rotating (having or being capable of rotating motion)
pyörö {n} [rare] :: disc, spinning disc, abrasive disc
pyörö {n} :: synonym of pyörönen
pyörö {n} [modifier] :: round, revolving
pyöröharja {n} :: round brush
pyöröhionta {n} :: cylindrical grinding
pyöröhionta {n} :: polished round cut
pyöröhirsi {n} :: a round log (hirsi) as opposed to being sawed to some other shape
pyöröikkuna {n} :: round window
pyörökaari {n} :: arch in the shape of a semicircle
pyörökolvi {n} [chemistry] :: Florence flask
pyörönen {n} :: A type of pirog; a round pasty with savory filling, open on the top; the base is made of barley and/or talkkuna (flour mixture of barley, rye, oats and peas)
pyöröovi {n} :: revolving door (door that rotates around a central pivot)
pyöröpaalain {n} :: round baler
pyöröpaisti {n} :: eye of round (beef cut)
pyöröpuu {n} [nautical] :: spar (linear object used as a mast, sprit, yard, boom, pole or gaff)
pyöröpuu {n} :: round timber
pyörösaha {n} :: circular saw
pyörre {n} :: vortex, whirl, swirl
pyörremyrsky {n} :: cyclone (storm)
pyörretuuli {n} :: whirlwind
pyörrevirta {n} [physics] :: eddy current
pyörryksiin {adv} :: into being fainted, out or stunned
pyörryksissä {adv} :: fainted, out or stunned
pyörryksistä {adv} :: from being fainted, out or stunned
pyörryttää {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to feel dizzy, to feel like one would faint
pyörtää {vi} :: to turn around, return (to change to the opposite direction from a previous position)
pyörtää {vi} [of a road, river etc.] :: to curve, bend, turn
pyörtää {vt} [figuratively] :: to take back, withdraw (a decision, command etc.)
pyörtäminen {n} [figurative] :: taking back, withdrawing
pyörteetön {adj} :: irrotational
pyörteinen {adj} [physics] :: turbulent
pyörteinen {adj} :: vortical
pyörteinen virtaus {n} :: turbulent flow
pyörteisyys {n} :: vorticity
pyörtyä {vi} :: to faint, pass out, swoon, black out
pyörtyillä {vi} :: to faint repeatedly
pyörtyminen {n} :: fainting
pyöry {n} :: swivel
pyörykkä {n} [culinary] :: ball (minced meat or sometimes fish rolled to a ball and then cooked)
pyöveli {n} :: An executioner
pyrähdellä {vi} :: to sprint repeatedly
pyrähdys {n} :: sprint (burst of speed or activity)
pyrähtää {vi} :: to sprint
pyramidi {n} :: pyramid
pyramidihuijaus {n} :: pyramid scheme, Ponzi scam (illicit money-making investment scheme whereby early investors are paid primarily or wholly by later investors)
pyramidikatto {n} :: pyramid roof
pyramidikyy {n} :: saw-scaled viper, Indian saw-scaled viper, little Indian viper (Echis carinatus)
pyranometri {n} :: pyranometer
pyree {n} :: puree
Pyreneet {prop} :: the Pyrenees (mountain range)
Pyreneiden niemimaa {prop} :: The Iberian Peninsula
pyreneittenkoira {n} :: Great Pyrenees, Pyrenean Mountain Dog
pyrheliometri {n} :: pyrheliometer
pyridiini {n} [chemistry] :: pyridine
pyridoksiini {n} [vitamin] :: pyridoxin
pyriitti {n} [mineral] :: pyrite
pyrimidiini {n} [chemistry] :: pyrimidine
pyrintä {n} [rare] :: synonym of pyrkiminen
pyrintö {n} :: dated form of pyrkimys
pyristellä {vi} :: to wriggle, to struggle
pyritionisinkki {n} :: zinc pyrithione
pyrkiä {v} [+ (3rd infinitive in) illative] :: to strive, endeavour (to attempt through application of effort)
pyrkiä {v} :: to plan to become, aspire to be, run for office (to work towards or hope to attain a position)
pyrkiä {v} :: to pursue (to aim for)
pyrkiä {v} :: to tend (to have a tendency to)
pyrkijä {n} :: applicant, candidate
pyrkimys {n} :: endeavour (determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal)
pyrkyri {n} :: careerist
pyrofylliitti {n} [mineral] :: pyrophyllite
pyrokinesia {n} :: pyrokinesis
pyroklastinen {adj} :: pyroclastic
pyrokloori {n} [mineral] :: pyrochlore
pyrokseeni {n} [mineral] :: pyroxene
pyrokseniitti {n} [rock] :: pyroxenite
pyroksyliini {n} [organic chemistry] :: pyroxylin
pyrolyysi {n} [chemistry, physics] :: pyrolysis
pyromaani {n} :: pyromaniac
pyromania {n} :: pyromania
pyromorfiitti {n} [mineral] :: pyromorphite
pyrooppi {n} [mineral] :: pyrope
pyroosi {n} [rare, pathology] :: heartburn, pyrosis (burning sensation in the chest due to reflux of stomach contents in the esophagus)
pyrotekniikka {n} :: pyrotechnics
pyroteknikko {n} :: pyrotechnician
pyroteknillinen {adj} [dated] :: pyrotechnic, pyrotechnical
pyrotekninen {adj} :: pyrotechnic
Pyrrhoksen voitto {n} :: Pyrrhic victory (very costly victory)
pyrroli {n} [chemistry] :: pyrrole
pyrrotiitti {n} [mineral] :: pyrrhotite
pyrskähdellä {v} :: synonym of purskahdella
pyrskähtää {v} :: synonym of purskahtaa
pyrskiä {v} :: to burst out (into laughter or such) repeatedly
pyrstö {n} [anatomy] :: tail (of a bird or a marine animal)
pyrstö {n} [aviation] :: tail (of an airplane)
pyrstöevä {n} :: tailfin, caudal fin
pyrstökäs {n} :: larvacean
pyrstöllinen {adj} :: tailed
pyrstömuura {n} :: tufted antshrike
pyrstöroottori {n} :: tail rotor, auxiliary rotor (small rotor mounted at the tail of a single-rotor helicopter)
pyrstösammakko {n} :: salamander
pyrstösulka {n} [ornithology] :: tail feather (any asymmetrical feather of the tail of a bird)
pyrstötähti {n} [astronomy] :: comet
pyrstötiainen {n} :: long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus
pyrstötulkku {n} :: Mongolian finch, Uragus sibricus
pyrstövarsi {n} [anatomy, of a fish] :: a caudal peduncle
pyruvaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: pyruvate
pyruvaattikinaasi {n} [enzyme] :: pyruvate kinase
pyruvaldehydi {n} [organic compound] :: pyruvaldehyde
pyry {n} :: snowstorm, blizzard
Pyry {prop} :: given name of modern usage
pyryilma {n} :: snowstorm weather
pyrypallo {n} :: synonym of lumisadepallo
pyrytä {vi} :: synonym of pyryttää
pyrytellä {v} :: to blizzard, to snow heavily for a long time
pyryttää {v} :: to blizzard, snow heavily (of snow: to fall, especially in windy conditions)
pyryttyä {vi} [rare] :: to be covered by snow
pysähdellä {vi} :: to stop repeatedly
pysähdys {n} :: stop-over (of a journey made with terrain vehicles; meaning only the interruption, not the place of the interruption)
pysähdysaika {n} :: Time of a stop (of trains etc.)
pysähtää {vi} [colloquial] :: to stop by, to stop briefly
pysähtää {vi} [dialectal] :: to stop
pysähtyä {vi} :: to stop, pause, halt
pysähtyminen {n} :: stopping
pysähtymismatka {n} :: stopping distance (distance that is the sum of the thinking distance and the braking distance)
pysähtymisongelma {n} [computing theory] :: halting problem
pysäkinväli {n} :: the gap or distance between two stops, such as bus stops
pysäkki {n} :: stop (place where line buses or trams halt)
pysäköidä {vt} :: to park (a vehicle)
pysäköimisalue {n} :: parking area
pysäköinninvalvoja {n} :: director of a municipal parking authority; parking attendant; parking enforcement officer [US], traffic warden [UK, Ireland]; parking inspector [Aus.]; parking warden, parking compliance officer [NZ]; traffic attendant [N. Ireland]; bylaw enforcement officer [Canada] (civilian officer who enforces parking regulations e.g. by issuing parking tickets)
pysäköinti {n} :: parking (action)
pysäköintialue {n} :: parking lot
pysäköintihalli {n} :: parking garage
pysäköintikiekko {n} :: parking disc
pysäköintilippu {n} :: parking ticket, parking coupon (slip of paper issued as proof of payment for the right to park)
pysäköintilipuke {n} :: synonym of pysäköintilippu
pysäköintiluola {n} :: underground parking garage (car parking facility built underground, often a multistorey one)
pysäköintimaksu {n} :: parking fee
pysäköintimittari {n} :: parking meter
pysäköintipaikka {n} :: parking space, parking
pysäköintirike {n} [dated] :: synonym of pysäköintivirhe
pysäköintiruutu {n} :: marked parking space
pysäköintisakko {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pysäköintivirhemaksu
pysäköintitalo {n} :: parking garage; parkade [Canada]
pysäköintivirhe {n} :: parking violation
pysäköintivirhemaksu {n} :: parking ticket
pysäytellä {vti} :: to stop (repeatedly)
pysäytin {n} :: stopper (object)
pysäyttää {v} :: to stop, halt
pysäyttää {v} :: to thwart, halt
pysäyttämätön {adj} :: unstoppable
pysäytys {n} :: stopping (causing something to stop)
pysäytyskoukku {n} [aviation] :: arresting hook, tailhook
pysäytyskuva {n} :: freeze frame, still image
pysäytyslyönti {n} [tennis] :: stop (very short shot which touches the ground close behind the net and is intended to bounce as little as possible)
pysäytysnappula {n} :: stop, stop button (button to activate stop function)
pysäytyspiste {n} :: stopping point
pysäytyspiste {n} [programming] :: breakpoint
pyslinki {n} [dialectal] :: fourth cousin
pyssy {n} [colloquial] :: gun, handgun
pyssymies {n} :: gunman
pyssynpiippu {n} :: gun barrel (small arms)
pyssyttää {v} [sports] :: to shoot hard or rapidly
pysti {n} [colloquial] :: bust (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders)
pysti {n} [colloquial, by extension] :: trophy; cup; any small statue or similar object
pystö {n} :: milk churn
pysty- {prefix} :: upright, erect, vertical
pysty {adj} :: upright, vertical
pystyä {v} [archaic, dialectal] :: to cut, make a cut, to be able to cut
pystyä {vt} [auxiliary, + illative] :: to be able to, to can
pystyakseli {n} [math] :: vertical axis
pystyammunta {n} [sports] :: shooting in standing position (in biathlon)
pystyasento {n} :: upright position
pystyerottelu {n} :: vertical resolution
pystyhiiri {n} [computer hardware] :: a vertical mouse#Noun (a computer mouse which is used with the hand in a vertical position)
pystyihminen {n} :: Homo erectus
pystyillä {v} [colloquial] :: To demonstrate in an arrogant way one’s ability or efficiency
pystykomponentti {n} :: vertical component
pystykorva {n} :: spitz (type of dog)
pystykorva {n} [slang] :: A Finnish modification of the Mosin-Nagant rifle
pystykorvainen {adj} :: [dogs, cats] Having pointed ears
pystylaudoitus {n} :: vertical cladding
pystympi {adj} :: comparative of pysty
pystynaulakko {n} [furniture] :: hat rack, clothes tree
pystynokkamuura {n} :: recurve-billed bushbird
pystynopeus {n} :: vertical speed, vertical velocity
pystypiano {n} :: upright piano
pystyraita {n} :: vertical stripe
pystyraitainen {adj} [heraldry] :: paly (if more than seven)
pystyrivi {n} :: column (as opposed to a row)
pystyrukki {n} :: vertical spinning wheel
pystysauma {n} :: standing seam
pystyssä {adv} :: upright, erect (in an upright position)
pystystä {adv} :: from being upright
pystysuora {adj} :: vertical
pystysuoraan {adv} :: vertically (straight upwards)
pystysuorasti {adv} :: vertically
pystysuunnassa {adv} :: vertically (measured vertically; on a vertical axis)
pystysuunta {n} :: vertical direction
pystysuuntaan {adv} :: vertically (to a direction that goes along the vertical axis)
pystysuuntainen {adj} :: vertical
pystytellä {vt} :: to erect something leisurely
pystyttää {vt} :: to erect
pystytuki {n} :: stanchion, upright, post
pystytukka {n} :: crew cut (type of hairdo)
pystytys {n} :: erection (act of putting up or together of something)
pystyvektori {n} [linear algebra] :: column vector
pystyviiva {n} :: vertical line (a line that is vertical)
pystyviiva {n} [typography] :: pipe, vertical bar, vertical line (the symbol |)
pystyyn {adv} :: Into an upright position
pysyä {vi} :: To stay, remain
pysyä {vi} :: ~ (kiinni) = to hold (tight/fast), not come/fall off/out
pysyä {vi} [+ inessive] :: To keep/stick to, not deviate from; not to renege on, not change one's mind on
pysyä kärryillä {v} [idiomatic] :: to follow, to keep track
pysyminen {n} :: staying
pysytellä {v} :: To stay
pysyttää {vt} :: to make stay
pysyttää {vt} :: to maintain
pysyttäytyä {vi} :: to keep oneself, to stay
pysyvä {adj} :: permanent
pysyväisesti {adv} [literary] :: permanently
pysyvä komitea {n} :: standing committee (established parliamentary committee to which all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials and other matters regarding a defined scope of subjects get referred to, especially in a parliament other than Finland's)
pysyvästi {adv} :: permanently
pyterliitti {n} [mineral] :: pyterlite
Pythagoraan lause {prop} :: The Pythagoras' theorem, Pythagorean theorem
pythagoralainen {adj} :: Pythagorean
pythagoralaisuus {n} :: Pythagoreanism
Pythagoras {n} :: Pythagoras
pytinki {n} [dialectal] :: building
pyton {n} :: python
pytonkäärme {n} :: any snake of family Pythonidae
pytonkäärme {n} [in the plural] :: the family Pythonidae
pyttipannu {n} :: hash (food)
pytty {n} [colloquial] :: pot
pytty {n} [colloquial] :: toilet seat
pytty {n} [colloquial] :: cylinder (of engine)
pytty {n} [colloquial] :: prison, jail
pytty {n} [colloquial] :: cup (A trophy in the shape of an oversized cup)
pyttyillä {v} [colloquial, of a child] :: to use a toilet instead of a potty
pytyttää {vt} [colloquial] :: to piss off, to annoy, to vex
pyy {n} :: hazel grouse, Tetrastes bonasia (syn. Bonasa bonasia)
pyyde {n} :: desire, wish
pyyde {n} :: objective, aim
pyyde {n} :: motive (including, ulterior motive)
pyydellä {vi} :: to plead or beg repeatedly
pyydys {n} :: trap (for catching animals or fish)
pyydystää {vt} :: to trap, snare (animals); to hunt, fish for
pyydystää {vt} [figuratively] :: to snare, catch, net (a person to get married with)
pyydystellä {vt} :: to trap, snare or hunt for repeatedly
pyygatti {n} [nautical] :: Alternative form of spyygatti
pyyh {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: onomatopoeia of exhaling when snoring
pyyhältää {vi} :: To zoom past
pyyhe {n} :: towel
pyyhe {n} :: any piece of soft cloth, tissue paper etc. used for wiping
pyyhe {n} [idiomatic, in the plural] :: rebuke, used chiefly with verbs saada (to get), antaa (to give), tulla (to come)
pyyhekangas {n} :: toweling
pyyhekumi {n} :: eraser
pyyheliina {n} :: towel
pyyheliinakangas {n} :: toweling, terry cloth
pyyhin {n} :: wiper (tool for wiping, other than a towel)
pyyhintä {n} :: wiping
pyyhkäistä {vt} :: to wipe or sweep quickly; to whisk, flick
pyyhkäisy {n} :: (quick) wipe
pyyhkäisy {n} :: sweep
pyyhkäisy {n} :: whisk (quick, light sweeping motion)
pyyhkäisy {n} [electronics] :: a scan (that which forms a scanline or the image)
pyyhkäisy-läpivalaisuelektronimikroskooppi {n} [physics] :: scanning transmission electron microscope
pyyhkiä {vt} :: to wipe
pyyhkiä {vt} :: to erase (like with an eraser)
pyyhkijä {n} :: wiper (something designed for wiping)
pyyhkijä {n} :: wiper (someone who wipes)
pyyhkiytyä {vi} :: To get wiped out, erased
pyyjuoksija {n} :: buttonquail (bird of the genus Turnix)
pyykätä {vt} :: To wash (the laundry)
pyykinkuivausteline {n} :: A clotheshorse, clothes rack, winterdyke, clothes maiden, drying rack, airer
pyykinpesijä {n} :: launderer
pyykinpesu {n} :: laundering
pyykinpesuaine {n} :: laundry detergent
pyykinpesukone {n} :: washing machine (a machine which washes clothes)
pyykinpesuneste {n} :: liquid laundry detergent
pyykittää {v} :: to mark with posts like a border
pyykkääminen {n} :: laundry, laundering
pyykkäri {n} :: laundress
pyykkäys {n} :: laundry, laundering
pyykki {n} :: laundry (that which needs to be laundered)
pyykki {n} :: A post that is used to mark something, especially a border or limit
pyykkikaappi {n} :: laundry cabinet, laundry cupboard
pyykkikarttu {n} :: washing paddle (hand tool used to do laundry)
pyykkikone {n} [colloquial] :: washing machine (machine that washes clothes)
pyykkikori {n} :: laundry basket
pyykkilauta {n} :: washboard
pyykkilinko {n} :: spin dryer
pyykkinaru {n} :: A clothesline, washing line
pyykkipoika {n} :: clothes peg, clothespin
pyykkiteline {n} :: synonym of pyykinkuivausteline
pyykkitupa {n} :: synonym of pesutupa
pyylevä {adj} :: plump
pyylevöityä {vi} [euphemistic] :: to become plump, to gain weight
pyylevyys {n} :: plumpness
pyynti {n} :: hunting
pyynti {n} :: fishing
pyyntiaika {n} :: fishing season
pyyntiaika {n} :: hunting season
pyyntialue {n} :: catch area
pyyntielinkeino {n} [chiefly in plural] :: hunting and fishing livelihood
pyyntikausi {n} :: fishing season
pyyntikuoppa {n} :: pitfall (trap, especially for animals)
pyyntilonkero {n} :: a tentacle for hunting prey
pyyntipaikka {n} :: fishing or hunting location or grounds
pyyntipäivä {n} :: catching day (such of a fish)
pyyntiretki {n} :: fishing or hunting trip or expedition
pyyntitalous {n} :: hunting and fishing economy
pyyntitapa {n} :: catching, fishing or hunting method
pyyntiväline {n} :: fishing or hunting gear
pyyntö {n} :: request [act of requesting]
pyyntösi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pyyntö
pyyntösi on käskyni {phrase} :: your wish is my command
pyypilli {n} :: a whistle that imitates the bird call of a hazel grouse
pyyry {n} [nautical] :: grip or handle of an oar
pyysi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of pyy
pyytää {v} :: to request, ask
pyytää {v} :: to demand, insist
pyytää {v} :: to petition, apply
pyytää {v} :: to desire, wish, want
pyytää {v} :: to hunt, fish
pyytää anteeksi {vi} :: To say one is sorry [for something (in the partitive)]; apologize [to someone (in the ablative)] [for something (in the partitive)]; ask [someone (in the ablative)] for forgiveness [for something (in the partitive)]
pyytää kuuta taivaalta {v} [idiomatic] :: to ask for the moon
pyyteettömästi {adv} :: unselfishly, altruistically, selflessly