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See also: pantà, pantă, and panta-





From Proto-Finnic *panta, borrowed from Proto-Germanic *bandą. Compare English band, Estonian pand.


  • IPA(key): /ˈpɑntɑ/, [ˈpɑ̝n̪t̪ɑ̝]
  • Rhymes: -ɑntɑ
  • Hyphenation(key): pan‧ta




  1. collar (device for restraining an animal)
  2. choker (jewelry)
  3. Any ring that is used as support, such as around a pole.


Inflection of panta (Kotus type 9*J/kala, nt-nn gradation)
nominative panta pannat
genitive pannan pantojen
partitive pantaa pantoja
illative pantaan pantoihin
singular plural
nominative panta pannat
accusative nom. panta pannat
gen. pannan
genitive pannan pantojen
pantain rare
partitive pantaa pantoja
inessive pannassa pannoissa
elative pannasta pannoista
illative pantaan pantoihin
adessive pannalla pannoilla
ablative pannalta pannoilta
allative pannalle pannoille
essive pantana pantoina
translative pannaksi pannoiksi
abessive pannatta pannoitta
instructive pannoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of panta (Kotus type 9*J/kala, nt-nn gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative pantani pantani
accusative nom. pantani pantani
gen. pantani
genitive pantani pantojeni
pantaini rare
partitive pantaani pantojani
inessive pannassani pannoissani
elative pannastani pannoistani
illative pantaani pantoihini
adessive pannallani pannoillani
ablative pannaltani pannoiltani
allative pannalleni pannoilleni
essive pantanani pantoinani
translative pannakseni pannoikseni
abessive pannattani pannoittani
comitative pantoineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative pantasi pantasi
accusative nom. pantasi pantasi
gen. pantasi
genitive pantasi pantojesi
pantaisi rare
partitive pantaasi pantojasi
inessive pannassasi pannoissasi
elative pannastasi pannoistasi
illative pantaasi pantoihisi
adessive pannallasi pannoillasi
ablative pannaltasi pannoiltasi
allative pannallesi pannoillesi
essive pantanasi pantoinasi
translative pannaksesi pannoiksesi
abessive pannattasi pannoittasi
comitative pantoinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative pantamme pantamme
accusative nom. pantamme pantamme
gen. pantamme
genitive pantamme pantojemme
pantaimme rare
partitive pantaamme pantojamme
inessive pannassamme pannoissamme
elative pannastamme pannoistamme
illative pantaamme pantoihimme
adessive pannallamme pannoillamme
ablative pannaltamme pannoiltamme
allative pannallemme pannoillemme
essive pantanamme pantoinamme
translative pannaksemme pannoiksemme
abessive pannattamme pannoittamme
comitative pantoinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative pantanne pantanne
accusative nom. pantanne pantanne
gen. pantanne
genitive pantanne pantojenne
pantainne rare
partitive pantaanne pantojanne
inessive pannassanne pannoissanne
elative pannastanne pannoistanne
illative pantaanne pantoihinne
adessive pannallanne pannoillanne
ablative pannaltanne pannoiltanne
allative pannallenne pannoillenne
essive pantananne pantoinanne
translative pannaksenne pannoiksenne
abessive pannattanne pannoittanne
comitative pantoinenne

Derived terms


Further reading








A 17th-century borrowing from Middle Low German panden (to pledge);[1] compare Dutch pand (house; pledge, pawn).





panta (weak verb, third-person singular past indicative pantaði, supine pantað)

  1. to reserve, to order [with accusative]




  1. ^ Ásgeir Blöndal Magnússon (1989) “panta”, in Íslensk orðsifjabók, Reykjavík: Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, →ISBN (Available at Málið.is under the “Eldri orðabækur” tab.)






  1. nominative/accusative/vocative plural of panton

Norwegian Bokmål





  1. inflection of pante:
    1. preterite
    2. perfect participle

Norwegian Nynorsk


Alternative forms




panta (present tense pantar, past tense panta, past participle panta, passive infinitive pantast, present participle pantande, imperative panta/pant)

  1. to pawn, to provide something as a security for a loan or similar
  2. to return something (e.g. bottles or cans) for a deposit refund






  1. wrong, incorrect




  1. mistake, error


Declension of panta
singular plural
nominative panta pantakuna
accusative pantata pantakunata
dative pantaman pantakunaman
genitive pantap pantakunap
locative pantapi pantakunapi
terminative pantakama pantakunakama
ablative pantamanta pantakunamanta
instrumental pantawan pantakunawan
comitative pantantin pantakunantin
abessive pantannaq pantakunannaq
comparative pantahina pantakunahina
causative pantarayku pantakunarayku
benefactive pantapaq pantakunapaq
associative pantapura pantakunapura
distributive pantanka pantakunanka
exclusive pantalla pantakunalla
Possessive forms of panta
ñuqap - first-person singular
ñuqap (my) singular plural
nominative pantay pantaykuna
accusative pantayta pantaykunata
dative pantayman pantaykunaman
genitive pantaypa pantaykunap
locative pantaypi pantaykunapi
terminative pantaykama pantaykunakama
ablative pantaymanta pantaykunamanta
instrumental pantaywan pantaykunawan
comitative pantaynintin pantaykunantin
abessive pantayninnaq pantaykunannaq
comparative pantayhina pantaykunahina
causative pantayrayku pantaykunarayku
benefactive pantaypaq pantaykunapaq
associative pantaypura pantaykunapura
distributive pantayninka pantaykunanka
exclusive pantaylla pantaykunalla
paypa - third-person singular
paypa (his/her/its) singular plural
nominative pantan pantankuna
accusative pantanta pantankunata
dative pantanman pantankunaman
genitive pantanpa pantankunap
locative pantanpi pantankunapi
terminative pantankama pantankunakama
ablative pantanmanta pantankunamanta
instrumental pantanwan pantankunawan
comitative pantanintin pantankunantin
abessive pantanninnaq pantankunannaq
comparative pantanhina pantankunahina
causative pantanrayku pantankunarayku
benefactive pantanpaq pantankunapaq
associative pantanpura pantankunapura
distributive pantaninka pantankunanka
exclusive pantanlla pantankunalla

See also






From Old Swedish panta, from pant +‎ -a.

a pawn (2) machine



panta (present pantar, preterite pantade, supine pantat, imperative panta)

  1. to pawn
    Synonym: pantsätta
  2. to pawn; to use the container deposit legislation (bottle deposit) for cans and bottles from which you drink a beverage
    Jag pantade en colaburk och fick en enkrona tillbaka.
    I pawned a Coca-Cola can and got a one krona coin back.


Conjugation of panta (weak)
active passive
infinitive panta pantas
supine pantat pantats
imperative panta
imper. plural1 panten
present past present past
indicative pantar pantade pantas pantades
ind. plural1 panta pantade pantas pantades
subjunctive2 pante pantade pantes pantades
present participle pantande
past participle pantad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.



panta (present pantar, preterite pantade, supine pantat, imperative panta)

  1. (Finland) to worry, to be troubled, fret
    Synonyms: oroas, bekymras


Conjugation of panta (weak)
active passive
infinitive panta pantas
supine pantat pantats
imperative panta
imper. plural1 panten
present past present past
indicative pantar pantade pantas pantades
ind. plural1 panta pantade pantas pantades
subjunctive2 pante pantade pantes pantades
present participle pantande
past participle pantad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

