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bicycle path (plural bicycle paths)
- A path, segregated from other traffic, for the use of riders of bicycles
- Synonyms: bikeway, cycle lane, cycle track, cycleway
- A bicycle path is not necessarily reserved exclusively for bicycles, but at least excludes cars and trucks.
segregated path for the use of bicycles
- Chinese:
- Cantonese: 單車徑 / 单车径 (daan1 ce1 ging3)
- Czech: cyklostezka (cs)
- Danish: cykelsti (da) c
- Dutch: fietspad (nl) n
- Estonian: jalgrattatee
- Faroese: súkklubreyt f
- Finnish: pyörätie (fi)
- French: piste cyclable (fr) f
- German: Fahrradweg (de) m, Radweg (de) m
- Greek: ποδηλατόδρομος (el) m (podilatódromos)
- Icelandic: hjólastígur m, hjólreiðastígur m, hjólreiðabraut f, reiðhjólastígur m
- Malay: laluan basikal
- Norman: c'mîn à bike m, sente à bike f
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: sykkelsti (no) m
- Nynorsk: sykkelsti m, sykkelstig m
- Polish: ścieżka rowerowa f
- Portuguese: ciclovia (pt) f
- Romanian: pistă de biciclete f, traseu de bicicletă n
- Russian: велосипе́дная доро́жка (ru) f (velosipédnaja doróžka), велодоро́жка (ru) f (velodoróžka)
- Spanish: ciclovía (es) f, carril bici (es) m, sendavía f
- Swedish: cykelväg (sv), cykelbana (sv) c
- Ukrainian: велосипе́дна дорі́жка f (velosypédna dorížka), велодорі́жка f (velodorížka)