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From pay + slip.
payslip (plural payslips)
- A small document, included with an employee's wage or salary, giving details of money earned and tax and insurance paid.
- Synonyms: pay advice, pay stub
- Coordinate term: (US) paycheck
document of employee's wage or salary
- Bulgarian: фиш за заплата (fiš za zaplata)
- Catalan: nòmina (ca) f
- Czech: výplatní páska f
- Dutch: loonstrookje (nl) n
- Finnish: palkkalaskelma (fi), palkkanauha (fi), tilinauha (fi)
- French: bulletin de paie (fr) m, bulletin de salaire (fr) m, fiche de paie (fr) f
- German: Entgeltabrechnung f, Gehaltsabrechnung (de) f, Gehaltszettel m
- Italian: busta paga (it) f, cedolino (it) m, folio paga m
- Polish: pasek wynagrodzenia m
- Portuguese: holerite (pt) m (Brazil), contracheque (pt) m
- Romanian: fluturaş (ro) m
- Russian: расчётный лист m (rasčótnyj list) (по за́работной пла́те)
- Spanish: nómina (es) f
- Swedish: lönespecifikation (sv) c, lönespec (sv) c