title |
bytes |
User:OrphicBot/hws.txt.gz.b64.part1 |
2097152 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/test.part0 |
2097152 |
Module:R:LBG/data |
2092373 |
User:OrphicBot/proposed references changes greek alpha version middleish 100 odd items.txt |
2062642 |
Module:zh/data/wordlist |
2040273 |
Module:mul/guoxue-data/cjkb |
2014827 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 6 |
1981742 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 4 |
1917622 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso whitecurrant to точеный.txt |
1899536 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 3 |
1864920 |
Module:zh/data/wordlist/big1 |
1847032 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso d-word to dirigirias.txt |
1837393 |
Module:zh/data/wordlist/big2 |
1829214 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso cheese boxes to d-holes.txt |
1827008 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/20September2016 UpdateAlso - character equivalences 1 |
1826490 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso plägade to reestrenas.txt |
1824350 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso reestrene to sellaré.txt |
1820623 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/20September2016 UpdateAlso - hanzi simplified/traditional - 0 |
1819225 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso dirigirse to ensenyés.txt |
1817756 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/20September2016 UpdateAlso - hanzi simplified/traditional - 1 |
1809946 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/20September2016 UpdateAlso - hanzi simplified/traditional - 2 |
1809355 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso sellaréis to territorialice.txt |
1805637 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso ensenyí to formáremos.txt |
1801994 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso ilusoria to limosnearan.txt |
1799318 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso limosnearas to negrecés.txt |
1798801 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso negres to plãntu.txt |
1792595 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso allotges to açodado.txt |
1791485 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso territorialices to whitecollar.txt |
1790417 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso açodados to cheese box.txt |
1789080 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso formás to ilusionó.txt |
1788291 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 5 |
1779285 |
User:OrphicBot/Hanzi Simplified to Traditional Also Mappings Test 1/2.txt |
1778642 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso Septembrojn to allostérie.txt |
1767994 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-k |
1764258 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso !khas to Septembroj.txt |
1759065 |
User:OrphicBot/Hanzi Simplified to Traditional Also Mappings Test 2/2.txt |
1757372 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 1 |
1752656 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 0 |
1749642 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 8 |
1740278 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 2 |
1740150 |
User:OrphicBot/16September2016 Multiple Class Equivalence Edit Log - additional or changed |
1729572 |
Module:User:IsomorphycSandbox/testmodule/reverse index |
1690585 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 7 |
1675753 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/20September2016 UpdateAlso - character equivalences 2 |
1655339 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/11November2016 - 1 |
1653776 |
Module:zh/data/wordlist/1 |
1621159 |
User:Rua/se-fi |
1613897 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/altforms/en |
1580212 |
Module:data tables/data0 |
1575651 |
Module:data tables/data1 |
1570873 |
Module:data tables/data2 |
1565616 |
Module:vi/nom-data |
1556514 |
Module:R:ErtSz/data |
1533133 |
Module:R:ErtSz/data/sandbox |
1532769 |
Appendix:Baxter-Sagart Old Chinese reconstruction |
1486824 |
Module:zh/data/wordlist/3 |
1486546 |
Module:zh/data/wordlist/2 |
1469930 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/20September2016 UpdateAlso - hanzi simplified/traditional - 3 |
1469469 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hindi Romanized |
1429177 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/30August2016 AddRefsMineral diffs |
1405264 |
User:Erutuon/language data.json |
1397428 |
User:This, that and the other/broken Wikipedia links/2022-01-01/1-20000 |
1353477 |
Module:R:Woodhouse/reverse index |
1353360 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-s |
1351761 |
User:OrphicBot/15September2016 Multiple Equivalence Class Membership List |
1346778 |
User:This, that and the other/broken Wikipedia links/2022-01-01/40001-60000 |
1338732 |
User:This, that and the other/broken Wikipedia links/2022-01-01/20001-40000 |
1327956 |
Module:User:IsomorphycSandbox/R:Du Cange/headwords |
1315400 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/21September2016 UpdateAlso - Missed Items (non-title family names) - 1 |
1275749 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-be-a |
1266789 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/relterms/pt |
1251473 |
User:This, that and the other/broken Wikipedia links/2022-01-01/without phonology or language |
1234237 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/March |
1212946 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/16July2016/AddRefsG/1000-4061.first half.txt.gz.b64 |
1212944 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/ru/nouns/stubs |
1208554 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso точённый to 𒉡.txt |
1205261 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/21September2016 UpdateAlso - Missed Items (non-title family names) - 0 |
1204471 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/combined |
1189440 |
User:Vanisaac/kanji |
1186672 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-s |
1183100 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-a |
1172595 |
User:This, that and the other/broken Wikipedia links/2022-01-01/60001-75895 |
1160638 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/water |
1157513 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/16July2016/AddRefsG/1000-4061.second half.txt.gz.b64 |
1147112 |
User:Inductiveload/OED missing |
1139850 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-a |
1139291 |
Appendix:Protologisms/Long words/Titin |
1117385 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-s |
1071940 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-lv-a |
1064167 |
Module:data tables/dataUnsharded0 |
1062217 |
Module:R:Woodhouse/reverse index tab delimited |
1061363 |
User:OrphicBot/Proposed Wider Latin Equivalences Changes 0 |
1059711 |
Module:User:Erutuon/07/documentation |
1052285 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-c |
1051719 |
Module:mul/guoxue-data/cjk |
1045738 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-01/WT:NORM |
1045130 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-c |
1044716 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Naive Perseus Concordance |
1027614 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/951 items locatus to molinus Diff.txt |
1006644 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 05h26m59s/AddRefsL/1115 items accedens to anemone Diff.txt |
1006398 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1025 items nummarius to pardus Diff.txt |
1005741 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1069 items perseveranter to primo Diff.txt |
1005309 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/960 items frontalia to ignavia Diff.txt |
1005112 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1100 items infans to labeosus Diff.txt |
1004817 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1070 items efflagito to fallacia Diff.txt |
1004765 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/983 items tentigo to variabilis Diff.txt |
1004492 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1026 items pygargus to robur Diff.txt |
1004267 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/964 items semet to subintro Diff.txt |
1004236 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1014 items creo to dicto Diff.txt |
1004220 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 06h17m04s/AddRefsL/951 items cavillatus to complicatio Diff.txt |
1004122 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 05h59m34s/AddRefsL/891 items auspicato to castigate Diff.txt |
1003733 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-a |
997280 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-o |
989875 |
Appendix:Proto-Bantu reconstructions |
987928 |
User:Wyang/cedict |
974528 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/30August2016 webmin diffs |
960959 |
User:Şêr/5 |
960393 |
User:Wyang/Vietic |
937863 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ms-a |
935382 |
User:Qnm/6 |
923688 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-p |
912778 |
User:OrphicBot/Proposed Wider Latin Equivalences Changes 1 |
912725 |
User:Erutuon/Odyssey nonce list |
911088 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-id-a |
907988 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-p |
907198 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-c |
904647 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12September2016 UpdateAlso RemoveRedlinks.txt |
903260 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/redirects/Other |
896366 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-lt-a |
892565 |
User:Msh210/English nouns with spaces/Words 1-5000 |
892321 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-s |
892063 |
Module:R:Mindat/data |
886032 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-c |
885950 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-0 |
884210 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-u |
883375 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-i |
881487 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-t |
877402 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-v |
873837 |
Appendix:Interlingua/con |
868581 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-k |
868226 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-m |
868194 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/756 items molio to numisma Diff.txt |
867593 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-p |
862350 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-x |
861688 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-r |
861125 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-n |
861104 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-l |
857464 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-y |
857248 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-j |
853819 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-o |
851097 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-s |
849882 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-z |
846878 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-w |
845502 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Greek Contractions With Oblique Forms |
844916 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-q |
839809 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-s |
839219 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-h |
811059 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-s |
809789 |
User:LinguisticMystic/lemmata |
803377 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/es/forms with data |
800976 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-a |
798678 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 9 |
791667 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-p |
787003 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/713 items variantia to zythum Diff.txt |
786265 |
Appendix:Russian Verbs - Frequency List |
783644 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Turkish WordList 10K |
783478 |
User:Wyang/basic-Chinese-words |
777179 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-a |
774980 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-a |
774774 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/636 items fallaciter to frons Diff.txt |
772171 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-h |
771820 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 05h26m59s/AddRefsL/876 items anethum to auspex Diff.txt |
763758 |
Appendix:Russian Adjectives - Frequency List |
761522 |
User:Erutuon/lists/non-mainspace long pages |
756844 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-s |
741008 |
User:OrphicBot/proposed references changes greek alpha version first 140 items.txt |
740950 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Italian50k |
738586 |
Module:R:Woodhouse/psia1 to infs |
737101 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/s |
734454 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-p |
730656 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/681 items robuste to sementis Diff.txt |
729238 |
User:Erutuon/label counts |
728872 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-a |
727409 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/es missing ety |
726615 |
Appendix:Sanskrit frequency list 1 |
723243 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/752 items ignavus to infamo Diff.txt |
716496 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/badhead |
716128 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-c |
715162 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-c |
714869 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-c |
714711 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-b |
711856 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-f |
711280 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-e |
711264 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-g |
710828 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-r |
709617 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-t |
708675 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/21September2016 UpdateAlso - Non-Roman Latin |
707411 |
User:OrphicBot/Proposed Wider Latin Equivalences Changes - Version V (with a-ring and wynn) |
707411 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-i |
705511 |
Appendix:Table of General Standard Chinese Characters |
702964 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-d |
702801 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/698 items dictor to efflagitatus Diff.txt |
700466 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-a |
700188 |
Module:User:Wyang/num |
693721 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-a |
692963 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/17July2016/AddRefsL/0-91.txt |
691677 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/745 items subintroduco to tentator Diff.txt |
690878 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2006 |
687979 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-a |
687892 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-de-X-sv |
686845 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/683 items pareas to perseverans Diff.txt |
684543 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-c |
684077 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-l |
679744 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 20h29m55s/AddRefsL/749 items computator to converso Diff.txt |
675659 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-b |
675107 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Punjabi |
666940 |
Appendix:Chinese telegraph code/Mainland 1983 |
662451 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-c |
657225 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/p |
653656 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-c |
653506 |
User:OrphicBot/Proposed Wider Latin Equivalences Changes - Version IIII (with y/ij, and umlaut/digraph) |
650219 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-p |
650102 |
Module:vi/vocab-list |
649177 |
User:User123o987name/5 letter words 2 |
645694 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-s |
642630 |
User:Pengo/obsolete genus list |
642534 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-c |
642219 |
Module:R:NLW/headwords |
640982 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-a |
640244 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/c |
638332 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification/Non-English |
637000 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/605 items labes to locatum Diff.txt |
635871 |
User:OrphicBot/hws.txt.gz.b64.part2 |
635852 |
User:User123o987name/5 letter words 1 |
635753 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-v |
633874 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Naive Perseus Concordance - Attic Drama |
633437 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/16July2016/AddRefsG/4062-5917.txt.gz.b64 |
632184 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Turkish WordList 40K |
632057 |
User:Benwing2/bg-freq-fiction |
630852 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/638 items primogenitalis to pycnitis Diff.txt |
628272 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/April |
627965 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-s |
619752 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/4-5 |
618647 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-b |
613754 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Turkish WordList 30K |
611449 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ca |
609688 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-m |
608674 |
User:Benwing2/uk-freq-fiction |
607182 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Turkish WordList 20K |
604514 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sw-a |
601374 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-d |
594841 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/l inside etymology |
593507 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-s |
591975 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/16July2016/AddRefsG/10-99.txt |
591828 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-p |
591736 |
User talk:Atitarev/2020/2016 |
591432 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-s |
585587 |
User:Erutuon/language headers |
583096 |
Module:ja/data/ojad/る |
582995 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Finnish/Press data |
582436 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-m |
581794 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-p |
579390 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sq-a |
578426 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-s |
578047 |
Module:User:Jberkel/languages |
577147 |
User:Ubufox |
575704 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-p |
571904 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/7 |
567814 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/8 |
567211 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/9 |
564622 |
Appendix:Frequency dictionary of the modern Russian language (the Russian National Corpus) |
563920 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/5 |
563731 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/11 |
563509 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/3 |
562885 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-a |
562312 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/2 |
561175 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-q |
560447 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/6 |
560374 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/1 |
559986 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/4 |
559714 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/0 |
559275 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Greek Contractions |
559154 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-c |
557590 |
User:DTLHS/ptwikisource/10 |
556642 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-t |
556449 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/8-10 |
551766 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-a |
551013 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/5 |
549982 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/15 |
549980 |
User:DTLHS/cawikipedia/0 |
549422 |
User:DTLHS/cawikipedia/1 |
549223 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/12 |
548609 |
User:DTLHS/cawikipedia/2 |
547387 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/10 |
547031 |
User:DTLHS/cawikipedia/3 |
546535 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/4 |
546232 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/6 |
546044 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-a |
545745 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/8 |
545726 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-c |
545585 |
User:Csörföly D/2280EZR |
545159 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/17 |
544640 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/7 |
543908 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/3 |
543688 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/14 |
543659 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/11 |
543305 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-p |
543047 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/13 |
542573 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/May |
542321 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/16 |
542063 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/9 |
541595 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-p |
540073 |
User:IsomorphycSandbox/TestGreekLSJ |
539027 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/2 |
534940 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-c |
532974 |
Appendix:Proto-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi reconstructions |
531886 |
User:Isomorphyc/Latin Wiktionary Misses |
531204 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/1 |
528850 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-m |
526848 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Non-English |
525455 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/by title |
525168 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/0 |
523990 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-a |
523744 |
User:Kc kennylau/list of ja-kanjitab usage without all required parameters |
521918 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-t |
519583 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/1 |
516754 |
User:Prahlad balaji/Sandbox |
515567 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/2 |
515141 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/12 |
513171 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/5 |
512822 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/10 |
512761 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/00 |
512728 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/7 |
512709 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/3 |
512657 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/8 |
511479 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/6 |
511089 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/4 |
510547 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/11 |
510281 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/9 |
509641 |
Template talk:zh-sortkeys |
509556 |
User talk:Benwing2/2012-2019 |
508885 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/13 |
508869 |
User:Kc kennylau/list of ja-kanjitab usage without all required parameters/more than one kanji |
507492 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/24-20 |
507464 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-d |
507383 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/16 |
506283 |
User:Prahlad balaji/Sandbox5 |
505555 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/14 |
505435 |
User:Dan Polansky/Roget MICRA/Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers |
504991 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2018 |
502970 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/15 |
502537 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/17 |
501609 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-p |
501229 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-b |
495846 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-d |
490658 |
User:Pereru/Adjective forms |
490200 |
Wiktionary:Requests for moves, mergers and splits |
489064 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-e |
488028 |
User:Daniel Carrero/term cleanup |
488012 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2005/October-December |
487762 |
User:OrphicBot/14September2016 Proposed Changes with Equivalence Classes |
484884 |
Wiktionary:Multilingual statistics |
484082 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Hebrew headwords with transliteration |
483526 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-f |
482597 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/bgen |
482213 |
User:Benwing2/russian-freq-sharoff-32600-redlinks |
481784 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-r |
480282 |
User:OrphicBot/Simplified Chinese Entries without Redirects |
478350 |
User:DTLHS/frwikisource |
477834 |
Appendix talk:Old Cyrillic script |
476075 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-s |
474058 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo |
471596 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-t |
471535 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Hebrew headwords with modern transliteration |
470121 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-c |
468176 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-s |
467700 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/September |
466693 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/sub-meaning pages |
466461 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-b |
466369 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/a |
461016 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/18September2016 Latin Proper Name Homonym Reference Removals |
460079 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-m |
458135 |
Wiktionary talk:Language treatment/Discussions |
456016 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-m |
453896 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-c |
453448 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/d |
448751 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-t |
448698 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/16July2016/AddRefsG/100-999.txt.gz.b64 |
446952 |
Wiktionary:Deletion log Archive 2003-2004 |
445258 |
User:Visviva/Medical/2 |
443182 |
Appendix:Glossary of fighting games |
441539 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/020 |
441011 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-s |
440884 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-n |
440639 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/13-11 |
439334 |
Appendix:Interlingua/di |
438110 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/June |
436538 |
Appendix:Interlingua/co |
436334 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-s |
435271 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-p |
434988 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/6-7 |
434588 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/July |
431668 |
Module talk:ru-pron/Archive 1/complete |
431657 |
Appendix:Modern Hangul characters in ISO/IEC 2022–compliant national character set standards |
431281 |
User:Isomorphyc/Sandbox6 |
430622 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-r |
430452 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-i |
429418 |
Appendix:Proto-Tibeto-Burman reconstructions |
428918 |
User talk:Hippietrail |
427903 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-c |
427791 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-a |
426954 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-r |
426625 |
User:Jyril/todo/15 |
426612 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-f |
426067 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-p |
425849 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/29-25 |
425797 |
Wiktionary:Statistics/generated |
425684 |
User talk:Fish bowl/archive |
425523 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/66-64 |
425028 |
Module:User:Wyang/desired/data |
422268 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/fr forms with tlfi lemmata |
421871 |
Module:User:IsomorphycSandbox/data tables/dataUnsharded |
421114 |
User:Dan Polansky/Roget MICRA/Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers |
420296 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-p |
420129 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/Ido |
419465 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-b |
417697 |
User:Qnm/1 |
417583 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-c |
416617 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-b |
413128 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-h |
412393 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-h |
409805 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-c |
409736 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/17July2016/EditRefListsG/0-116.txt |
408406 |
User:Erutuon/Ancient Greek inflection of |
407157 |
User talk:I'm so meta even this acronym |
406792 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-e |
405493 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-c |
404763 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/July |
404572 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-s |
403735 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-s |
403721 |
User:Chuck Entz/Memory/R:L&S |
403489 |
User talk:Leasnam |
403405 |
User:Mistrz/niedola-nibelungów-corpus-with-frequency |
402381 |
User:Erutuon/lists/IPA in Reconstruction namespace |
401181 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-t |
400909 |
Module:R:M&A/ix to phrase |
400613 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-f |
399309 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-04/WT:NORM |
399121 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-d |
399118 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/August |
398983 |
Appendix:ISO 639-3 codes/Africa |
398259 |
User talk:Benwing2/2020-2021 |
396604 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-e |
395761 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-a |
395222 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-d |
394433 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ast-a |
394240 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/b |
394182 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-s |
394123 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Hebrew headwords |
393082 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-t |
390867 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-s |
389485 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/Macedonian |
388043 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2011 |
387974 |
Appendix:Interlingua/de |
386872 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-e |
386752 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-g |
386061 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-m |
385687 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/October |
385379 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-b |
385350 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-p |
384796 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/021 |
382823 |
Appendix:Svåra ord |
382284 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-m |
381904 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-e |
381682 |
User:Benwing2/cite-web-replace |
380760 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-d |
380549 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-d |
379597 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/August |
378193 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/alt form chains |
378084 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-v |
377983 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2006/04/20001-30000 |
377260 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-t |
377184 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/63-57 |
375907 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2006/04/10001-20000 |
375504 |
User:HarJIT/sandbox/EACC index |
375300 |
User:DCDuring/AllTaxaFamilies |
374717 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-l |
374015 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2014 |
373081 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ku-a |
372290 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-p |
372113 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-t |
372004 |
Appendix:Russian Nouns - Frequency List |
370855 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-b |
368763 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-m |
368162 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Japanese2015 10001-20000 |
367949 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/t |
367817 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/m |
367512 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-s |
367449 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-m |
367101 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/March |
367094 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/English |
365975 |
User talk:Ruakh/2012 |
365657 |
User:OrphicBot/Proposed Wider Latin Equivalences Changes - Version III (with scharfes S) |
365585 |
Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2009-06/Unified Serbo-Croatian |
365304 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/025 |
365096 |
Module talk:ltc-pron/predict/raw |
364793 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/16-14 |
364287 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/July |
364189 |
User talk:Panda10 |
364116 |
User:Ubufox/J3 |
364106 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/January |
363647 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/all/data |
363334 |
Appendix:Pa-Hng comparative vocabulary list |
360737 |
User:Automatik/Analysis of Nynorsk translations |
360042 |
User:Msh210/English nouns with spaces/Words 15001-20000 |
359709 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-m |
359667 |
Wiktionary:Transwiki log/Archive2007 Jan-June |
358794 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/39-35 |
358610 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/34-30 |
358585 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/all/data |
358518 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-s |
358281 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/December |
358231 |
User:TheCheatBot/2008-11-11 |
358038 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-s |
357759 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-h |
357547 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2006/04/1-10000 |
357528 |
Appendix:Sanskrit Word Frequency of Hitopadesha/1 |
357291 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Japanese2015 10000 |
357196 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2005 |
356015 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-b |
355681 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/all/data |
355574 |
User:Pengo/Latin/species 2 |
354829 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-c |
353628 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-b |
353225 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/November |
353200 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2012 |
352557 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-m |
352160 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-a |
351855 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-s |
351793 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/all/data |
351677 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/February |
350351 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/milestones/older |
350050 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-f |
349862 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-j |
349758 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-k |
348941 |
Module:zh/data/yue-pron |
348547 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-c |
348491 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/Indo-Aryan with template bor |
347965 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/all/data |
347494 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/Bulgarian |
346889 |
Module:th-anagram/raw data |
346812 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-d |
346425 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 2 |
346383 |
Module talk:ru-pron/Archive 1/transliterated |
346219 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-j |
346128 |
User:日语 |
345157 |
Module:zh/data/glosses |
343511 |
User:Rajasekhar1961/Appendix:List of Telugu words |
343436 |
User:DTLHS/Telugu lemmas |
343391 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/19-17 |
342866 |
User:DCDuring/zhDataGlosses |
342618 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-e |
342060 |
Appendix:Proto-Uralic reconstructions |
341411 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-a |
340733 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-i |
338750 |
User:Conrad.Irwin/nasa |
338297 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-g |
337368 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/1 |
337335 |
User talk:Atitarev/2020/2012-2013 |
337312 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-b |
337110 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/April |
337077 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-i |
336757 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-r |
336517 |
User talk:Nemzag |
336109 |
Appendix:Hmong-Mien comparative vocabulary list |
335547 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-d |
335484 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-p |
335007 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-a |
334670 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2012/July-December |
334566 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-b |
334488 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2012 |
333807 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/December |
333735 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/frequency/1 |
333425 |
User talk:Tooironic |
333079 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-e |
332889 |
User:Dan Polansky/Roget MICRA/Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties |
332329 |
Appendix:Sanskrit Word Frequency of Hitopadesha/2 |
331118 |
Appendix:Hanyang PUA to Unicode Hangul jamo |
331052 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/2 |
330507 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-p |
329599 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/022 |
329176 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/September |
328272 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/January |
327832 |
Module:mul/guoxue-data/cjka |
327622 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-p |
327342 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101 |
327305 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/r |
327254 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-c |
326950 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/all/data |
326675 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-l |
325903 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/all/data |
325891 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Norwegian Bokmål wordlist |
325696 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220 |
325397 |
User:Sitaron/FrequencyList |
325221 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/all/data |
325201 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/November |
324875 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/4 |
324447 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-r |
324339 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-f |
324173 |
User:Erutuon/scripts in link templates |
324099 |
User talk:Doremítzwr/Archive/01 |
324087 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/i |
323548 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/5 |
323473 |
User:Chuck Entz/Hard-coded binomials |
323418 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/3 |
323256 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-e |
322288 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/February |
322144 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/f |
321738 |
User:Vis M/Pronunciation list |
321284 |
User:Pengo/common epithets/first |
320974 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/May |
320965 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/10 |
320879 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101 |
320858 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/August |
320410 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/6 |
320350 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Naive Perseus Concordance - Plato |
320098 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120 |
319898 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/7 |
319745 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120 |
319589 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/56-50 |
319376 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/11 |
319128 |
User:Ubufox/J2 |
319094 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-i |
319061 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/8 |
319029 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/April |
318781 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/23 |
318567 |
User:Visviva/Elsewhere/7 |
318362 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-r |
318305 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/all/data |
318251 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/19 |
317864 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/17 |
317362 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/25 |
317275 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/9 |
317182 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/15 |
317089 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/18 |
317052 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/6 |
316842 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Naive Perseus Concordance - Homer |
316789 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/21 |
315768 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/5 |
315731 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/16 |
315699 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/12 |
315595 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/20 |
315416 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/24 |
315383 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/7 |
315279 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-g |
315112 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/all/data |
315023 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/all/data |
314997 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/14 |
314934 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/22 |
314725 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/4 |
314720 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Spanish Wikisource/frequency/13 |
313746 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/17 |
313687 |
User:Visviva/Medical/3 |
313665 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-r |
313268 |
User:Tezamen/ref |
312049 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/3 |
311981 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest |
311965 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-07/WT:NORM |
311668 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-t |
311202 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-s |
311097 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/October |
310801 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-p |
310800 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-g |
310634 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/18 |
310173 |
User:Conrad.Irwin/arabicimport |
309788 |
User:Pengo/common epithets |
309215 |
User talk:Haplology |
308995 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-m |
308785 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201 |
308076 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/October |
307465 |
Appendix:English–French relations |
306740 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/2 |
306161 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-c |
305821 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-h |
304647 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 18 |
304423 |
User:Dan Polansky/Roget MICRA/Class I. Words Expressing Abstract Relations |
303804 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-w |
303717 |
User:Erutuon/mainspace headers/data |
303461 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/BrazilianPortuguese wordlist |
303224 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-t |
303153 |
Wiktionary:Requests for cleanup |
302839 |
User talk:Ruakh/2007 |
302642 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/p/Doroszewski |
302302 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/15 |
302071 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/14 |
301914 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-t |
301906 |
Appendix:Interlingua/es |
301706 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-c |
300898 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/June |
300464 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hungarian frequency list 1-10000 |
300284 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/all/data |
299926 |
User:Keith the Koala/Mixed character sets/content |
299745 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/February |
299134 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/12 |
299103 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Portuguese wordlist |
298378 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/August |
298163 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-h |
297713 |
Module:mul/guoxue-data/cjkf |
297679 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/January |
297231 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2009 |
296883 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/19 |
296603 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/p/words |
296320 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/22September2016 UpdateAlso - unifying some lettercase forms under equivalences |
296260 |
User:Pengo/common epithets/2 |
296255 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-p |
296125 |
User:Ubufox/J1 |
296059 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/Strong's Greek |
295690 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/all/data |
295572 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Hebrew headword transliteration |
295504 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/all/data |
295450 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-b |
295258 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-t |
295056 |
User:Ubufox/C3 |
294397 |
User:Msh210/R'n'B/18 |
294075 |
User:Benwing2/pl-IPA-has-respelling |
293638 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/16 |
293445 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-r |
293141 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Finnish wordlist |
292794 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/11 |
292565 |
User:Mahagaja/Thucydides 1 |
292527 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/04 |
292157 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-k |
291994 |
User:Erutuon/lists/misformatted part-of-speech sections |
291701 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/49-45 |
291452 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-e |
291417 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/1 |
291365 |
User talk:Atitarev/2020/2014-2015 |
291229 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/December |
290828 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/01 |
290691 |
Appendix:Male given names/A |
289373 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-e |
289314 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/07 |
288993 |
User:Uziel302 |
288706 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2016 |
288503 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-h |
288219 |
User:Benwing/ru-unable-to-match |
288108 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Polish wordlist |
287808 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/13 |
287789 |
User:Mykhal/Entries with name in multiple scripts |
287569 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/October |
287233 |
User talk:Fay Freak |
287047 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-s |
286971 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2022/January |
286648 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Estonian wordlist |
286582 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/e |
286517 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-m |
286164 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/h |
286109 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2019-12/Kurdish hāʾ |
285986 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/August |
285826 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-p |
285566 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-v |
285432 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-s |
285365 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-a |
285332 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-n |
285124 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-i |
284743 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/all/data |
284542 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-m |
284409 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/April |
284354 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-a |
284234 |
Module:zh/data/Jyutping character |
283862 |
User:Pengo/common epithets/missing |
283609 |
User:Tbot/log |
283385 |
User:E46hg2/ara-freq |
283378 |
User:Erutuon/Odyssey twice-used list |
283338 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/05 |
283191 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-d |
283165 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/May |
283030 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-t |
282911 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-f |
282710 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/11November2016 - 2 |
282565 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-w |
282518 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/March |
282390 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/March |
281929 |
User:Benwing2/ku-unable-to-convert-entries |
281087 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-b |
280891 |
User:Liliana-60/en-infl |
280318 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-v |
279893 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/03 |
279757 |
User talk:DCDuring |
278972 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/May |
278946 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/21 |
278899 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-b |
278880 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/08 |
278875 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Latvian wordlist |
278828 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/10 |
278681 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-i |
278664 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Czech wordlist |
278646 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-t |
278377 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-o |
278323 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/06 |
278319 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/all/data |
278110 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-d |
278033 |
Module:R:Cunliffe/data |
277676 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/all/data |
277595 |
User:OrphicBot/Simplified Chinese Entries without Redirects - incorrect reductions removed |
277237 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Lithuanian |
277117 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-d |
276727 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/all/data |
276669 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-p |
276528 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hungarian wordlist |
276466 |
Module talk:ru-pron/Archive 2 |
276294 |
User talk:Hekaheka/Archive |
276021 |
User talk:Gpdimonderose |
275907 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/20 |
275901 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/December |
275512 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/all/data |
275172 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/all/data |
275037 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/09 |
275019 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2013 |
274679 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-l |
274612 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-b |
274600 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/all/data |
274224 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Danish wordlist |
274141 |
User:Tregoweth/monobook.js |
274133 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/all/data |
273926 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-e |
273475 |
User:Darkest Hour/popups.js |
273315 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-s |
273262 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/June |
273143 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/all/data |
273037 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-g |
272863 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/August |
272743 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/all/data |
272287 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/all/data |
272088 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/June |
271936 |
Module:mul/guoxue-data/cjke |
271639 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-s |
271508 |
User:Wyang/medical |
271328 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-d |
271278 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-c |
271117 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2017 |
271028 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/all/data |
270667 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/all/data |
270581 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/April |
270241 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-g |
270114 |
User:Prosfilaes/Esperanto corpus/44-40 |
269888 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/02 |
269579 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-m |
269463 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/22 |
269369 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2015 |
268809 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/all/data |
268786 |
User talk:JohnC5/2016 |
268444 |
Module:R:TotfEty/data |
268381 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-a |
268292 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 3 |
268245 |
User:Olaf/requests for Polish audio |
268096 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-a |
268079 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-a |
268035 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/all/data |
268006 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-s |
267743 |
User:Alhen/popups.js |
267171 |
User:Qehath/Appendix:Turkish cardinal numbers/7000-9999 |
266905 |
User:Qehath/Appendix:Turkish ordinal numbers/4000-6999 |
266855 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-h |
266712 |
User:Yair rand/languagecodefinder.js |
266483 |
User:Sitaron/FrequencyList2 |
266386 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/February |
266328 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-g |
265917 |
User:Cinemantique/1 |
265888 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/May |
265636 |
Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2009-06/Unified Serbo-Croatian |
265464 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-h |
265420 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/23 |
265309 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-i |
265309 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/March |
264883 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-d |
264060 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/September |
263634 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-p |
263586 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/6500 |
263573 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-m |
263498 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-o |
263289 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ex |
263042 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/027 |
262615 |
Appendix:Greater Bai comparative vocabulary list |
262008 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-b |
261905 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-v |
261168 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-i |
260890 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/descendant ancestors |
260632 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-ZS/008 |
260575 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-ZS/006 |
260494 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 4 |
260438 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Others |
260408 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/September |
260055 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-k |
259831 |
User:Isomorphyc/Sandbox/lsj parsing questions |
259230 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/038 |
259083 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/February |
258875 |
User:Qehath/Appendix:Turkish ordinal numbers/1000-3999 |
258845 |
Wiktionary talk:About Japanese |
258636 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/August |
258177 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/June |
257516 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/July 2007 |
257256 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Dutch wordlist |
257209 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/37 |
256954 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 5 |
256952 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-e |
256561 |
User:OrphicBot/Proposed Wider Latin Equivalences Changes - Version II |
256461 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 6 |
256300 |
Module:mul/hanja-data |
256197 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/May |
256161 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/33 |
255833 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 14 |
255713 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 12 |
255503 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 19 |
255440 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/May |
255320 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/38 |
255298 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 7 |
255162 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 8 |
255161 |
User:Qnm/2 |
254941 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/32 |
254733 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-r |
254718 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 9 |
254643 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/November |
254627 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/024 |
254448 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/30 |
254440 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 10 |
254440 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/25 |
254205 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie |
254205 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 17 |
254121 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/November |
254106 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-l |
254026 |
User:Pengo/Latin/genus L-Z |
254011 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/31 |
253976 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/June |
253946 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 11 |
253728 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/January |
253727 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/34 |
253272 |
User:Benwing2/ru-maybe-direct-quote |
253215 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 13 |
253153 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/23 |
252858 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/39 |
252837 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 16 |
252824 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-o |
252789 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-f |
252712 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 15 |
252673 |
Appendix:Proto-Monic reconstructions |
252411 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2006/04/30001-40000 |
252393 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-l |
252321 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/redirects/Simple plural redirecting to singular |
252220 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/June |
252135 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/August |
251931 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/24 |
251713 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/36 |
251539 |
User:Pengo/common epithets/-ae |
251467 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/29 |
251281 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-c |
251099 |
Appendix:Word lists of languages of Europe |
251026 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/26 |
250841 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-s |
250009 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-s |
249965 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/026 |
249932 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-f |
249770 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-i |
249730 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/July |
249709 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2008 |
249516 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/21 |
249411 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/22 |
249057 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/module links bp summary |
249001 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/March |
248814 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/28 |
248561 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-f |
248151 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/35 |
247979 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/27 |
247902 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/17 |
247809 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/20 |
247808 |
User:Erutuon/cmn no yue |
247761 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/07 |
247640 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-b |
247469 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/18 |
247356 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/6000 |
247003 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2013 |
246984 |
Appendix:Romance Swadesh lists |
246877 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/January |
246769 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-o |
246591 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 7 |
246509 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-p |
246346 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-s |
246202 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/06 |
246182 |
User:AryamanA/Berntsen add |
246083 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/16 |
246015 |
Appendix:ISO 639-3 codes/Austronesian |
245876 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-r |
245441 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/05 |
245137 |
User:DCDuring/GeneraUsedinTaxlink |
244796 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/July |
244629 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/14 |
244576 |
User:Ubufox/C2 |
244197 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/04 |
243764 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/15 |
243613 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2013/July-December |
243296 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-g |
243220 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/November |
243045 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/19 |
242838 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/12 |
242823 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/13 |
242600 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2016 |
242242 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/01 |
242102 |
Module:number list/data/fi |
242062 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/October |
241905 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/03 |
241731 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/g |
241572 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2021-07/Hausa IPA |
241429 |
Appendix:Male given names/S |
241388 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/11 |
241335 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/January |
240990 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-r |
240694 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/January |
240593 |
User:DTLHS/tracking/Correo Orinoco/20200526 |
240559 |
User talk:Robbie SWE |
240498 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-b |
240474 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/10 |
240470 |
MediaWiki:Gadget-popups.js |
240298 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-ZS/007 |
239913 |
Wiktionary:Transwiki log/Archive2006 |
239876 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/September |
239636 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/09 |
239470 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/08 |
239367 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/02 |
239144 |
User:Dan Polansky/Roget MICRA/Class II. Words Relating to Space |
238682 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hebrew/00 |
238513 |
Wiktionary:Abbreviated Authorities in Webster |
238500 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/February |
238464 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2021-08/Afar IPA |
238399 |
Appendix:Turkish cardinal numbers/4000-6999 |
238225 |
Appendix:Turkish cardinal numbers/7000-9999 |
238225 |
User:Squidonius/userpage/list001 |
238200 |
User:Allixpeeke/terms |
237985 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/2500 |
237773 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-p |
237729 |
Appendix:Interlingua/fa |
237578 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 20 |
237398 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/July |
237128 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-i |
237050 |
User:Erutuon/Odyssey list (5-3) |
237033 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-b |
236953 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-e |
236887 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-m |
236766 |
User talk:Atitarev/2020/2015 (2) |
236684 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-d |
236644 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-ZS/005 |
236024 |
User talk:Erutuon/2019 |
235938 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-s |
235844 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-f |
235715 |
User:OrphicBot/15September2016 Proposed Changes with Equivalence Classes - mixed class error fixes |
235423 |
User:Qnm/0 |
235390 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 8 |
235372 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-a |
235146 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-c |
235085 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2015 |
235065 |
User:Pengo/Latin/species 6-9 |
235037 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/November |
235036 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/May |
235036 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/July |
234683 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-p |
234546 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/2000 |
234250 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/January |
234014 |
User:Crowley666/sandbox/3 |
233252 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/March |
233000 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-n |
232292 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-f |
232077 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-f |
232051 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/7500 |
231841 |
User:Atitarev/Ru-wiki-solid-Russian-terms-dump/24 |
231745 |
Module:zh-glyph/phonetic/list |
231588 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-b |
231353 |
User:Pengo/Latin/species 10-19 |
230811 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Pronunciation exceptions |
230683 |
User:Saltmarsh/Lists/Birds |
230669 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/4500 |
230603 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-12/Template:mt-rootbox |
230315 |
Appendix:Turkish cardinal numbers/1000-3999 |
230233 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/5000 |
230123 |
User:Vahagn Petrosyan/mylibrary |
230017 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-l |
229957 |
User:Ubufox/C1 |
229956 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/es verbs missing type |
229638 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-h |
228957 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-o |
228878 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-c |
228832 |
Module:User:Wyang/cmn-no-yue/data |
228788 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/December |
228540 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/7000 |
227791 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-a |
226778 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-o |
226433 |
User talk:Tropylium |
226382 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-s |
226309 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/10/1-10000 |
226164 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-e |
225973 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-r |
225947 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-r |
225420 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/June |
225327 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/023 |
225237 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-j |
224886 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-e |
224492 |
User:Pengo/Latin/genus A-K |
224464 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/September |
223973 |
User:PolyBot~enwiktionary/Languages |
223940 |
User talk:Wikitiki89/2015 |
223507 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/July |
223422 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-d |
223407 |
User talk:A-cai/2006 |
223390 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-h |
222891 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/K entries |
222856 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/036 |
222586 |
User:Wyang/ja-no-zh |
222525 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/5500 |
222463 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2008 |
221881 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-t |
221722 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-w |
221580 |
User:Visviva/Medical/By links |
221334 |
User talk:Robert Ullmann/2009 |
221333 |
User talk:Donnanz |
221243 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-d |
221064 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-m |
220957 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-t |
220829 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-k |
220716 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2013 |
220477 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-q |
220407 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2013/January-June |
220168 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/April |
219930 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-p |
218988 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-a |
218940 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/May |
218775 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-n |
218749 |
User:Andrejj/sandbox2 |
218595 |
Appendix:Dravidian word lists |
218541 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-s |
218483 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-m |
218058 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/December |
217939 |
Appendix:Male given names/M |
217876 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-i |
217715 |
Appendix:Ancient Greek grammar tables |
217591 |
User:DTLHS/eswikipedia/18 |
217304 |
User:Sgconlaw/templates |
217276 |
User talk:Robert Ullmann/2007b |
217204 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2013 |
217182 |
User:DTLHS/tracking/Deia/2017 |
217095 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-w |
216480 |
User:TheDaveRoss/en-noun |
216279 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-r |
215994 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2012/January-June |
215856 |
Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang |
215816 |
Appendix:Interlingua/an |
215774 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/August |
215560 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/January |
215306 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-l |
215285 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/October |
215245 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/August |
215188 |
Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S |
215049 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/October |
215016 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e |
214922 |
Wiktionary talk:About Arabic |
214525 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-d |
214487 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/019 |
214470 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2010 |
214067 |
User:Annoymous604/common.css |
214037 |
User:Taxman/Vocab2 |
213916 |
Wiktionary:Transwiki log/Archive2005 |
213815 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-a |
213783 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-d |
213670 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2011 |
213530 |
User talk:Krun |
213480 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Strong's Hebrew |
213460 |
Module:mul/hk-edu-data |
213391 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/strong's hebrew |
213310 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-h |
213300 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-03/WT:NORM |
213036 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-f |
212947 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-r |
212814 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-c |
212374 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-m |
212169 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (French) |
212103 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/November |
211935 |
Appendix:Male given names/B |
211766 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Naive Perseus Concordance - Koine |
211517 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-e |
211421 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-n |
211326 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/n |
211267 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-w |
211230 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-e |
211062 |
User talk:Qehath/Archive 2011 |
211010 |
Appendix:Proto-Eskimo reconstructions |
210926 |
User:Sumiaz/SimiQullqa |
210724 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-t |
210709 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Strong's Hebrew/hbo-translit |
210642 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-t |
210458 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-ZS/009 |
210443 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2010 |
209479 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/September |
209012 |
User:Jyril/fi/1 |
208862 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/l |
208853 |
User:Surjection/fiindexredlinks/2 |
208825 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Japanese10001-20000 |
208772 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-i |
208714 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-i |
208686 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/April |
208506 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-b |
208473 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-s |
208458 |
User:Surjection/fiindexredlinks/3 |
208243 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/by level/2 |
208170 |
User:Jyril/fi/4 |
207867 |
User:Jberkel/sandbox/water |
207843 |
Appendix:Turkic word lists |
207776 |
User:Quercus solaris/oughta |
207724 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-f |
207707 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/November |
207631 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-i |
207586 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-w |
207105 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/french t missing |
206745 |
Appendix:Surnames/V |
206582 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/June |
206389 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-r |
206383 |
User:Jyril/fi/7 |
206215 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-m |
206137 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/September |
205892 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-g |
205726 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/April |
205701 |
User:Jyril/fi/11 |
205687 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-f |
205632 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 9 |
205401 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/es forms with drae lemmata |
205360 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-g |
205173 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/March |
205152 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/November |
204932 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-a |
204922 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-s |
204865 |
User:Surjection/fiindexredlinks/1 |
204331 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2005/January-March |
204318 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-a |
204257 |
User:Julien Daux/Navajo verbs by prefixes full |
203954 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/March |
203921 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/2012 |
203903 |
Module talk:la-pronunc/Archive 2014–2020 |
203795 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/April |
203711 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/July |
203532 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-p |
203506 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-m |
203468 |
User:Jyril/fi/9 |
203443 |
User:Isomorphyc/Sandbox/grc-rows-ipa/5 no lsj entry |
203409 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/translation/es problems |
203284 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 1 |
203109 |
Appendix:Proto-Algonquian reconstructions |
202985 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/entries no head temp |
202954 |
Template:sw-conj/table/sandbox |
202880 |
User:Jyril/fi/8 |
202834 |
User:Jyril/fi/13 |
202594 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-t |
202558 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-g |
202453 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/January |
202450 |
User:Chuck Entz/Memory/R:Elementary Lewis |
202200 |
Template:sw-conj/table |
202040 |
User:Jyril/fi/2 |
201910 |
User:Jyril/fi/3 |
201904 |
User:Jyril/temp2 |
201901 |
Appendix:Glossary of military slang |
201579 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/December |
201488 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/June |
201434 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/January |
201408 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-a |
201327 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-c |
201173 |
User:Erutuon/Odyssey list |
201019 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Mandarin Pinyin/Table |
200858 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/030 |
200788 |
User:Jyril/fi/5 |
200755 |
User:DTLHS/tracking/El Deber Bolivia/2017 |
200698 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/May |
200593 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-h |
200416 |
User:Erutuon/link template sequences |
200355 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/August |
200152 |
User talk:Conrad.Irwin/¹ |
200053 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-a |
199933 |
User talk:SemperBlotto |
199684 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-b |
199555 |
User:Jyril/fi/6 |
199477 |
Wiktionary talk:About Chinese |
199271 |
User:IsomorphycSandbox/Sandbox1 |
199252 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-l |
199212 |
User talk:Atitarev/2020 |
198864 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/3500 |
198858 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/u |
198849 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-b |
198815 |
User:Jyril/fi/12 |
198796 |
User:Dan Polansky/Roget MICRA/Class III. Words Relating to Matter |
198699 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-d |
198532 |
Wiktionary:About German/Todo/missing e-m |
198397 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-c |
198358 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/September |
198180 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/May |
198165 |
User talk:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/Archive6 |
198109 |
User:DTLHS/tracking/El Nuevo Diario/2018 (1) |
198089 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/May |
197992 |
User talk:Mar vin kaiser |
197918 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/san |
197894 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/September |
197552 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/October |
197049 |
User talk:Doremítzwr/Archive/02 |
196907 |
User:Jyril/fi/10 |
196892 |
User:Ineuw/More words to be checked |
196865 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest//by level/2 |
196804 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/October |
196661 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/September |
196651 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/4000 |
196609 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/December |
196506 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-r |
196426 |
User:Visviva/Redlist/KO |
196395 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/o |
196274 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-f |
196164 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/3000 |
196142 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/August |
196107 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/April |
196097 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-p |
195975 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification/CJK |
195922 |
Module:languages/code to canonical name |
195872 |
Module:languages/canonical names |
195872 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-c |
195772 |
Module:mul/guoxue-data/cjkc |
195563 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/April |
195449 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159524535 |
195337 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/February |
195200 |
Appendix:Proto-Hlai reconstructions |
195139 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2007 |
195002 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-l |
194664 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-i |
194481 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-t |
194335 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/September |
194226 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive1 |
194166 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2006/October |
194113 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-s |
194064 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/p |
193952 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/November |
193908 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-f |
193831 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-p |
193471 |
Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L |
193410 |
User talk:Pereru/Archive-01 |
193385 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/October |
193320 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/October |
193274 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/June |
193271 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2009 |
193254 |
User:Jyril/io/k |
193003 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-s |
192430 |
User talk:Daniel Carrero/2011 |
192411 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-g |
192131 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2011 |
191842 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-l |
191830 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/November |
191820 |
Appendix:Proto-Lalo reconstructions |
191801 |
User talk:Daniel Carrero/2010 |
191789 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/October |
191709 |
User talk:Ruakh/2011 |
191659 |
User:LoveLoveHat/bot stuff |
191507 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/July |
191449 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-t |
191163 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/September |
191054 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Mismatched wikisyntax |
190978 |
Appendix:Mandarin Pinyin/Table of General Standard Chinese Characters |
190971 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/May |
190925 |
Module:dz/data/synonyms |
190857 |
User:Hekaheka/Archive |
190697 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-z |
190372 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/June |
190310 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-d |
190281 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/February |
190083 |
Module talk:ru-verb |
190060 |
Appendix:Protologisms/Long words/Titin/German |
189878 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/September |
189827 |
Module:zh/data/cmn-pron |
189811 |
User:Pengo/Latin/species 3 |
189797 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-h |
189747 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-11/Proto-Nguni in etymologies |
189675 |
Module:User:Benwing2/ru-noun |
189638 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/July |
189399 |
User:LinguisticMystic/freq-en-ar |
189102 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/May |
189085 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-t |
188666 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-g |
188657 |
Wiktionary:Wikimedia Tech News/2018 |
188634 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-m |
188547 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/A Midsummer Night's Dream |
188465 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/June |
188318 |
User:Benwing2/pgem-wgem-only-terms |
187884 |
Appendix:Bantu Swadesh lists |
187878 |
User:Jyril/fi/14 |
187675 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/1500 |
187584 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/April |
187542 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ar |
187517 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-r |
187484 |
Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs |
187408 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/February |
187024 |
Wiktionary:Wikimedia Tech News/2017 |
186690 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-s |
186642 |
Appendix:Klamath word list |
186641 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations/Archive 2018 |
186482 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/October |
186464 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Hebrew headwords without vowels |
186442 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-e |
186369 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-a |
186352 |
Module:User:Isomorphyc/test-pron/data |
186290 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-i |
186117 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/February |
186072 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/October |
185927 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/July |
185798 |
Rhymes:Czech/ɛːɦo |
185659 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-g |
185556 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-l |
185506 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/March |
185469 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/March |
185406 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/May |
185394 |
Wiktionary:Unresolved issues/Place names |
185129 |
User talk:Razorflame/Archive 2 |
184446 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/July |
184426 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive5 |
184387 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-w |
184355 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-o |
184088 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/February |
184049 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/August |
184009 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-u |
183819 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/March |
183571 |
User:Icebob99/Sandbox/A Midsummer Night's Dream |
183420 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-l |
183351 |
Appendix talk:Terms considered difficult or impossible to translate into English/Checked |
183150 |
User:Wyang/vi-list |
183007 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/July |
182913 |
User talk:Jyril |
182823 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/July |
182790 |
User:DCDuring/MissingTaxa/2014 |
182756 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-p |
182625 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ba |
182579 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-f |
182520 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-l |
182465 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-c |
182454 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-k |
182173 |
Module:ru-noun |
182017 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-s |
181868 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/April |
181863 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-l |
181735 |
User talk:Rua/Archive 2011 |
181713 |
User:DCDuring/List of sequenced bacterial genomes |
181615 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/w |
181588 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2014/January-June |
181531 |
User:DTLHS/tracking/El Nuevo Diario/2018 (2) |
181496 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-a |
181423 |
User talk:Ruakh/2010 |
181353 |
Module:dz/data/tenses |
181299 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-g |
180887 |
Module:number list/data/bg |
180670 |
Wiktionary:About German/Todo/missing n-s |
180649 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/March |
180644 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/US vs. UK |
180625 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-m |
180560 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/035 |
180538 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-d |
180536 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-o |
180365 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/029 |
180349 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/033 |
180301 |
User:Pengo/common epithets/plants |
180097 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/August |
180052 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/October |
180010 |
User:Francis Tyers/hye-verbs |
179766 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/August |
179564 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/January |
179298 |
Rhymes:Czech/ɛːmu |
179237 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2022/January |
179116 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2006 |
178780 |
User:DCDuring/MissingTaxa/2015 |
178731 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-a |
178592 |
Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q |
178591 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/April |
178551 |
Appendix:Guiqiong word list |
178522 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/s/words |
178498 |
Wiktionary:Transwiki log/Archive2007 Jul-Dec |
178269 |
Appendix:Male given names/H |
178206 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2012 |
178189 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/February |
178154 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 8 |
178120 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/March |
178046 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-n |
178027 |
Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy |
177900 |
MediaWiki talk:Common.css |
177844 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 10 |
177732 |
User:Erutuon/lists/missing zh-dial |
177347 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive4 |
177286 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-s |
177277 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-f |
177267 |
User:Ortemis/common.css |
177035 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-m |
176875 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/032 |
176830 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/March |
176816 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-p |
176681 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/January |
176606 |
User:DTLHS/Kurdish English entries |
176592 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/September |
176449 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations |
176428 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/November |
176426 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/October |
176206 |
User talk:KoreanQuoter |
176055 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-l |
175940 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/unrecognized scripts |
175617 |
User:Visviva/Elsewhere/8 |
175510 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/September |
175340 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/translation statistics |
175230 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/December |
175168 |
Module:User:Benwing2/ru-verb |
174789 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/lemma categorization |
174759 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/February |
174756 |
User:-sche/langnames |
174627 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/s/Doroszewski |
174307 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-r |
173931 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/February |
173917 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/s |
173886 |
User talk:Matthias Buchmeier |
173773 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-r |
173737 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-m |
173737 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/December |
173427 |
User talk:Горец |
173401 |
Module:zh/data/cmn-hom |
173244 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-i |
173165 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/028 |
173116 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-l |
173086 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-b |
173056 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-r |
172869 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-c |
172830 |
Appendix:ISO 639-3 codes/Eurasia, Northern |
172381 |
User:Csörföly D/RTH1-2 |
172356 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-d |
172266 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/000 |
172224 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-t |
171974 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries:Latin/verbs |
171949 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-h |
171856 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Icelandic wordlist |
171706 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-t |
171704 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/p/PWN |
171320 |
Module:ru-verb |
171291 |
Module:richardvalvona/ru-verb |
171287 |
Module:richardvalvona/ru-verbs |
171279 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2019/March |
171163 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/June |
171070 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-g |
171021 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-f |
170916 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/September |
170795 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests archive/2009 |
170755 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-b |
170733 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-h |
170709 |
Appendix:Word lists of languages of the Balkans |
170599 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2021 |
170506 |
User:WikiPedant/created |
170409 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-n |
170353 |
Appendix:Saami word lists |
170236 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/February |
170127 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/November |
169904 |
Module:Unicode data/names/002 |
169858 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-p |
169785 |
Module:Unicode data/names/001 |
169773 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-a |
169697 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2019 |
169630 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2018 |
169206 |
User:Erutuon/ang IPA |
169138 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-n |
169025 |
User:Pengo/Latin/species 20+ |
168721 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-e |
168658 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/August |
168402 |
User talk:Dixtosa |
168381 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-h |
168192 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/February |
168106 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/January |
167951 |
User talk:Razorflame/Archive 1 |
167821 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-c |
167742 |
User:DCDuring/MissingTaxa/2016 |
167627 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Nepali 5001-10000 |
167618 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-v |
167616 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/June |
167556 |
User:DTLHS/English usage notes |
167269 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2007/January-June |
167170 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/March |
167102 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-o |
167017 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-v |
166782 |
User:DTLHS/es analysis |
166594 |
User talk:Qehath/Archive 2009 |
166339 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-e |
166313 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-l |
166180 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/W entries |
166026 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2012 |
166015 |
User talk:Ruakh/2008 |
165990 |
User talk:Ruakh/2013 |
165864 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-m |
165771 |
User:Tooironic/Chinese entries to add/Four Characters |
165733 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/December |
165627 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/February |
165573 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-m |
165570 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-g |
165529 |
Module:User:Wyang/yue-char-pron/data |
165500 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/June |
165360 |
User:Rua/CSAWL |
165163 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-e |
165085 |
User talk:Ruakh/2009 |
165013 |
Appendix:Female given names/A |
164729 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-e |
164610 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/October |
164479 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/May |
164446 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/3000 |
164445 |
Appendix:Altaic word lists |
164438 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-h |
164397 |
User talk:Adam78 |
164312 |
Wiktionary:Language treatment/Discussions |
164230 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-h |
164161 |
User:Benwing2/pgem-wgem-only-terms-2 |
164158 |
User talk:AryamanA/2017 |
164033 |
User:Jberkel/lists/missing/20190320/all |
164000 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2014 |
163945 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-i |
163860 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-t |
163822 |
Appendix:Male given names/G |
163701 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-s |
163500 |
Appendix:Interlingua/fo |
163469 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/ru/data |
163278 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/June |
163211 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/January |
163046 |
User:Visviva/Medical/4 |
163042 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/P/2 |
162748 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/November 2006 |
162643 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/April |
162583 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-w |
162378 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-b |
162252 |
User:Wyang/Vietnamese |
162091 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/031 |
162025 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/June |
161947 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-y |
161630 |
Appendix:Male given names/R |
161562 |
Appendix:Paleosiberian word lists |
161503 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive7 |
161273 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Nepali 1-5000 |
161047 |
Module:number list/data/el |
160925 |
Wiktionary:About Spanish/Todo/missing a-d |
160820 |
User:TheDaveRoss/seecites |
160698 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-n |
160663 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/December |
160634 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-d |
160535 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/December |
160312 |
Appendix:5000 Most Common Sanskrit Words Used in Valmiki Ramayana |
160026 |
User:Language Lover/Mnemosyne/Japanese |
159973 |
User talk:Sarri.greek/2018 |
159917 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/La Bibbia-NT-Italian |
159872 |
Appendix:Glossary of contract bridge |
159761 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/ru/data |
159681 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-r |
159625 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2017 |
159278 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-f |
159269 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/ru/data |
159234 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/ru/data |
159116 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2016 |
158947 |
User:DTLHS/water |
158946 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/ru/data |
158910 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/ru/data |
158901 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-u |
158886 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/ru/data |
158653 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/November |
158337 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/ru/data |
158245 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-z |
158244 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/January |
158219 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/July |
158171 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-f |
158147 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/ru/data |
158043 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 4 |
158014 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/G entries |
157927 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/ru/data |
157920 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/ru/data |
157816 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/ru/data |
157805 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/l |
157774 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/ru/data |
157702 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/ru/data |
157672 |
User:DTLHS/missing dutch french entries |
157497 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 7 |
157411 |
Appendix:Interlingua/al |
157386 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/ru/data |
157371 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/ru/data |
157333 |
User:Kc kennylau/pages using idiomatic tag |
157297 |
User:Thryduulf/local history gloassary |
157234 |
User:Jyril/anagrams |
157167 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/ru/data |
157127 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/July |
157068 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-t |
156940 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/ru/data |
156920 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-v |
156909 |
Wiktionary:About German/Todo/missing a-d |
156633 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/ine-pro/data |
156504 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-s |
156468 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/ine-pro/data |
156466 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-b |
156449 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/January |
156434 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/ine-pro/data |
156403 |
User:Erutuon/mainspace headers/possibly incorrect/json |
156350 |
User:Kephir/vanity |
156217 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/ru/data |
156057 |
Appendix:Proto-Koman reconstructions |
156033 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/ine-pro/data |
156031 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-d |
156024 |
User talk:Qehath/Archive 2010 |
156011 |
User:Don of Cherry/common.css |
155991 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/April |
155975 |
User talk:Vorziblix |
155961 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/ru/data |
155950 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/ru/data |
155945 |
Category talk:English words affected by prescriptivism |
155884 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Persian 10k |
155866 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/ru/data |
155852 |
User:Robert Ullmann/t23 |
155831 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/November |
155793 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/ru/data |
155781 |
Module:ja/data/ojad |
155778 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/ru/data |
155731 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/ine-pro/data |
155711 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/ru/data |
155703 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-w |
155646 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-d |
155570 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/ine-pro/data |
155564 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/ru/data |
155531 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2016 |
155490 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/ru/data |
155488 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/ine-pro/data |
155376 |
User talk:Martin123xyz |
155320 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/ine-pro/data |
155305 |
User:Mrmoonrocket/vector.css |
155305 |
User:Fermentedmilk/vector.css |
155305 |
User:Oxygens/vector.css |
155305 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 6 |
155302 |
User:Enoshd/he-roots-and-verbs |
155293 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/ine-pro/data |
155202 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-b |
154819 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-b |
154706 |
Module:zh/data/dial |
154631 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/February |
154597 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-c |
154381 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-r |
154378 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/ine-pro/data |
154275 |
Appendix:Samoyedic word lists |
154207 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/test.part1 |
154200 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/November |
154162 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-e |
154108 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-i |
154060 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/ru/data |
154044 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2007/July-December |
154036 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/October 2006 |
154030 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/ru/data |
153916 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/ine-pro/data |
153863 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/March |
153803 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/August |
153770 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/November |
153735 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-a |
153612 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/November |
153522 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2005/April-June |
153522 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-b |
153443 |
User talk:Wikitiki89/2016 |
153415 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Jamaica Star/all |
153300 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/ine-pro/data |
153198 |
Module:Unicode data/names/000 |
153139 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/ine-pro/data |
153097 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 73 |
153039 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/ine-pro/data |
152921 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-l |
152894 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/ine-pro/data |
152738 |
User:Csörföly D/HeisigSPH |
152685 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/April |
152625 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/ine-pro/data |
152545 |
User talk:Hekaheka/Archive 2011 2014 |
152289 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/ine-pro/data |
152238 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-g |
152042 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/April |
152038 |
Module:User:Jberkel/pt-conj/data/-ir |
151961 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/January |
151801 |
User talk:Paul G/2006 |
151637 |
Appendix:Japanese counters |
151613 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-w |
151599 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-h |
151556 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-p |
151463 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Nynorsk (NRK) |
151402 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive2 |
151339 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/March |
151336 |
Wiktionary talk:About Latin/Archive 2 |
151274 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/September |
151265 |
User:Hermitd/Greek wordlist |
151230 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-l |
151220 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-f |
151220 |
Appendix:Male given names/J |
151122 |
User:Erutuon/JWB-settings.json |
151106 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/bhagavad |
150881 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159964390 |
150854 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/July |
150750 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-o |
150625 |
User talk:Flibjib8 |
150604 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/w/Doroszewski |
150590 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/ine-pro/data |
150526 |
Appendix:Female given names/M |
150401 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/December |
150372 |
User talk:Cinemantique |
150250 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/I/1 |
150204 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/ine-pro/data |
150187 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/ine-pro/data |
150090 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-w |
150055 |
User talk:Csörföly D/RSH1-2 |
150033 |
User:So9q/translation-editor.js/languages.json |
149862 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2006-06 |
149837 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-p |
149830 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-v |
149727 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-h |
149718 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-i |
149593 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/ine-pro/data |
149427 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/March |
149417 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/1000 |
149388 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-n |
149374 |
Module talk:User:Suzukaze-c/yue-pron-Taishan |
149312 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-t |
149290 |
Appendix:Caucasian word lists |
149243 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-g |
148993 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-d |
148981 |
Module:Quotations/grc/data |
148910 |
User:AutoFormat/Languages |
148794 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2008/July-December |
148762 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/039 |
148753 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-s |
148726 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-l |
148714 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/December |
148567 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/April |
148565 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/ine-pro/data |
148550 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/common.css |
148257 |
Appendix:Finnic word lists |
148223 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2009/January-July |
148151 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 74 |
148111 |
Appendix:Male given names/T |
148101 |
User talk:Surjection/archive/2021 |
147972 |
User talk:Erutuon/2017 |
147927 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/ine-pro/data |
147923 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/C/2 |
147714 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-h |
147675 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/September |
147450 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/ine-pro/data |
147448 |
Appendix:Glossary |
147381 |
User talk:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/Strong's Greek |
147369 |
User:Benwing/grc-more-long-vowel-warnings |
147212 |
User:Julien Daux/Navajo roots - backup |
147176 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/Turkish LW |
147097 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/bad etymology |
146993 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/ine-pro/data |
146959 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-r |
146908 |
User:QuasiBot/log |
146894 |
User:LinguisticMystic/szan2 |
146867 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/T/1 |
146863 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/z/Doroszewski |
146678 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/October |
146654 |
Appendix:Male given names/C |
146613 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/ine-pro/data |
146507 |
Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/Nominations |
146498 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-w |
146370 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/ine-pro/data |
146328 |
Appendix:Male given names/D |
146325 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/December |
146254 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/ine-pro/data |
146183 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/November |
145985 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/August |
145536 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2015 |
145517 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/June |
145507 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Trans languages/Romanian |
145240 |
User talk:Nemzag/2011 |
145229 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-f |
145211 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2011/July-December |
145042 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/July |
144992 |
User:Woskanian |
144968 |
Appendix:French given names |
144928 |
User talk:Kwamikagami |
144911 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/June |
144837 |
Module:R:Strong's/grc-data |
144804 |
User talk:Jberkel/2017 |
144797 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-l |
144785 |
User:Robert Ullmann/CS redirects with links/4 January 2010 |
144596 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2004/July-September |
144593 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/December |
144590 |
User:ObsequiousNewt/freq-hom |
144584 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-n |
144529 |
Rhymes:Czech/iːɦo |
144528 |
User:Vuara/Dịch thuật một vấn nạn ngôn ngữ |
144508 |
User:老师 |
144442 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 64 |
144398 |
User talk:A-cai/2009 |
144092 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-i |
144072 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2006-04 |
143967 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/20200108/1 |
143901 |
User talk:Fumiko Take |
143872 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 23 |
143862 |
Wiktionary:Wikimedia Tech News/2019 |
143805 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-p |
143787 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Japanese |
143778 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-l |
143738 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 47 |
143586 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/S/1 |
143477 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/k/words |
143453 |
User talk:Visviva/archive/2009 |
143355 |
Module:User:Erutuon/ar-verb |
143331 |
Module:R:M&A/lemmas no collision to ix phrase |
143317 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-c |
143183 |
Module talk:bg-nominal |
143161 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-h |
143148 |
Wiktionary:Todo/multiword Portuguese lemmas |
143082 |
Appendix:Hangul consonant and vowel tables/North Korean order |
143063 |
Appendix:Hangul consonant and vowel tables |
143027 |
Module:ar-verb |
143023 |
Concordance:French New Testament |
142945 |
User:Jyril/todo/7 |
142909 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/March |
142900 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/August |
142656 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/6 January 2009 |
142650 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ac |
142584 |
Rhymes:Czech/iːmu |
142547 |
User:Kc kennylau/3-letter |
142504 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2008/January-June |
142503 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-a |
142447 |
User:Benwing2/sla-pro-uk-redlinks |
142415 |
Appendix:Glossary of traumatology |
142344 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2005 |
142301 |
Appendix:Surnames/B |
142287 |
Help talk:Template |
142251 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 24 |
142121 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/March |
141723 |
Module:User:Benwing2/it-verb |
141716 |
Concordance:Federalist Papers |
141710 |
Wiktionary:Wikimedia Tech News/2021 |
141691 |
User talk:Eclecticology |
141682 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 61 |
141658 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/R/1 |
141576 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 56 |
141540 |
User:Gilgamesh~enwiktionary/Marshallese short syllables |
141516 |
User talk:Robert Ullmann/2008 |
141484 |
User talk:Octahedron80/archive 1 |
141277 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/12November2016 - 1 |
141256 |
User:Chuck Entz/Memory/R:Perseus combined tables/C |
141254 |
Appendix:Gong vocabulary lists |
141226 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-n |
141186 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/May |
141178 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/June |
141167 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/February |
141093 |
User talk:AutoFormat/2007 |
141067 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2014 |
141020 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/December |
140986 |
User talk:Wikitiki89/2014 |
140934 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-d |
140708 |
Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/008 |
140684 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2005/July-September |
140613 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-w |
140545 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/May |
140434 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/November |
140396 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/April |
140113 |
Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/006 |
140052 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-p |
139962 |
User talk:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/Archive7 |
139952 |
User talk:Eirikr/2013 |
139947 |
User talk:Torvalu4 |
139793 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-k |
139787 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/May 2006 |
139687 |
Module:User:Wyang/var num |
139682 |
User talk:-sche/Archive/2014 |
139680 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-u |
139671 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 22 |
139645 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 1 |
139645 |
User talk:DerekWinters |
139610 |
User:Robert Ullmann/t19 |
139535 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 72 |
139431 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/M/1 |
139314 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/n/words |
139308 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-o |
139282 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-i |
139198 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-f |
139134 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-m |
139039 |
User:CopperKettle/phraseology |
138975 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 36 |
138872 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 57 |
138851 |
Wiktionary:Wikimedia Tech News/2020 |
138756 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/March |
138725 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 58 |
138459 |
User:Jyril/io/s |
138434 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 43 |
138375 |
User talk:Rajasekhar1961/Districts in India |
138281 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2006 |
138221 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-l |
138087 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-v |
138062 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-r |
138029 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 62 |
138005 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/竹 |
138003 |
Wiktionary:Todo/Entries containing non-template contexts, q |
137996 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/August 2007 |
137938 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 40 |
137856 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-g |
137668 |
Appendix:Male given names/K |
137600 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-f |
137578 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2020/January |
137469 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-m |
137380 |
User:DCDuring/FamiliesUsedinTaxlink |
137369 |
User talk:Conrad.Irwin |
137365 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-m |
137361 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2019 |
137347 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-r |
137319 |
User talk:Paul G/2005 |
137256 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-o |
137099 |
User talk:Robert Ullmann/2008b |
137065 |
User talk:-sche/Archive/2015 |
137060 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 66 |
137058 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/November |
137039 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 39 |
137037 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/October |
137034 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/005 |
136992 |
User talk:DAVilla/2007 |
136987 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 59 |
136977 |
Appendix:Romance word lists |
136944 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 60 |
136936 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/E/1 |
136902 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 34 |
136887 |
User:Embryomystic/to-do list (Manx) |
136863 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/November |
136842 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 37 |
136822 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/October |
136771 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-v |
136693 |
Module:User:Isomorphyc/test/hws |
136644 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 21 |
136639 |
User talk:Kc kennylau/2014 |
136583 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/September |
136536 |
User:LinguisticMystic/szan1 |
136521 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/March |
136464 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-h |
136453 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/July |
136413 |
Appendix:Surnames/S |
136407 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/D/1 |
136386 |
User talk:Atelaes |
136332 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Esperanto |
136327 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-a |
136316 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-t |
136262 |
Appendix:Indo-Iranian Swadesh lists |
136244 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-e |
136176 |
User:KassadBot/code |
136171 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/Archive links |
136107 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-n |
136065 |
Wiktionary talk:About German/Archive 1 |
135993 |
User:Rua/Modern Germanic |
135973 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Stuff NZ/all |
135893 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/20210101 |
135888 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-m |
135837 |
User:Jberkel/lists/EuropeanVsBrazilianPortuguese |
135681 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/P/1 |
135554 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-e |
135553 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-n |
135510 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/C/1 |
135421 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-l |
135395 |
User talk:Erutuon |
135377 |
User talk:Atitarev/2020/2008-2010 |
135320 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-q |
135307 |
User:Atitarev/2008-2010 |
135268 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/lemma bad categorization |
135247 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-c |
135243 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/August 2006 |
135224 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2015 |
135079 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-s |
135076 |
User talk:-sche |
135068 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive9 |
135023 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-e |
135001 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/June 2007 |
134904 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/28 April 2009 |
134894 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-t |
134843 |
Wiktionary talk:About Ancient Greek/Archive 1 |
134821 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/January |
134752 |
User talk:Isomorphyc |
134662 |
Module:nv-conj/testcases |
134638 |
User:Visviva/Medical/By links/P |
134631 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-i |
134610 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-w |
134546 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-a |
134515 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2005 |
134356 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/June |
134315 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2018 |
134235 |
User:Saltmarsh/Conjugation |
134194 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/September |
134182 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 5 |
134181 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-b |
134015 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-t |
133927 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/A/1 |
133902 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 35 |
133884 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/January |
133810 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-b |
133773 |
Appendix:Interlingua/au |
133747 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2015 |
133621 |
User:Vuara/Sources from dchph's writing |
133545 |
User talk:Sgconlaw/Archive 2014–2019 |
133532 |
Wiktionary:Book sources/new |
133485 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/001 |
133442 |
Appendix talk:List of Proto-Indo-European roots |
133376 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/February |
133363 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/September |
133227 |
Appendix:Bijogo word list |
133117 |
Wiktionary talk:About Russian |
133037 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 51 |
133035 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-n |
133026 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 41 |
133004 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sandbox |
132950 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/March 2007 |
132889 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-g |
132877 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2018/January |
132863 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 3 |
132825 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive6 |
132810 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 69 |
132643 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/July |
132557 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/2 November 2009 |
132552 |
Appendix:Proto-Yukaghir reconstructions |
132355 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 25 |
132348 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-p |
132311 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/September |
132289 |
Appendix:Proto-Oceanic animal names |
132275 |
User talk:Mike |
132211 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/October |
132178 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-o |
132156 |
Appendix:Persian cardinal numbers 500-999 |
132078 |
User:Jj Orton/redlinks/3 |
132075 |
User talk:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/Archive3 |
131937 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 42 |
131824 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/July |
131709 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/May |
131666 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/January |
131582 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/w/words |
131554 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 49 |
131499 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/April |
131498 |
User:Atitarev/Russian verb templates |
131353 |
User:Benwing2/noun-inflection-warnings |
131274 |
Appendix:Permic word lists |
131255 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170305/1 |
131128 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations/Archive 2016 |
131037 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/unsortable categories |
131025 |
User:Chuck Entz/Memory |
130943 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Nynorsk (NRK)/2001- |
130943 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-v |
130876 |
Module:Unicode data/names/01D |
130841 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 11 |
130828 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/4 May 2009 |
130792 |
User:Bigbossfarin/10000 German words |
130721 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-m |
130627 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/November |
130591 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-n |
130543 |
User:Sitaron/FrequencyList raw |
130223 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2020 |
130223 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 55 |
130038 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/January |
129901 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/December |
129899 |
User:Erutuon/lists/R and RQ templates |
129837 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/17 February 2009 |
129745 |
User:This, that and the other/broken Wikipedia links/2022-01-01/only via wikipedia template |
129744 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/Fala |
129733 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2019/April |
129521 |
Wiktionary:Todo/bolded spaces in single-word entries |
129516 |
User:DTLHS/hu analysis |
129424 |
Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/007 |
129421 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 19 |
129380 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/April |
129353 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/February |
129315 |
User:Erutuon/link template sequences/jsonl |
129299 |
User:Jyril/fi/k |
129289 |
User talk:Liliana-60/archive2 |
129287 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 46 |
129256 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-o |
129249 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/December |
129226 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-w |
129172 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 28 |
129145 |
User:Kephir/t.love/6 |
129122 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/August |
129085 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/June |
129080 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 14 |
129019 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-z |
128994 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2019/May |
128937 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/May |
128864 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 54 |
128753 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 38 |
128725 |
User:Uziel302/Typos |
128708 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 50 |
128698 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Context labels |
128664 |
User:Psoup/workpages07 |
128636 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/q |
128624 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-n |
128369 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-i |
128359 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-t |
128346 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 6 |
128199 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2006/December |
128186 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-m |
128148 |
User:Surjection/fiindexredlinks/4 |
128079 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/April |
128059 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/D entries |
128033 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/March |
128021 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-b |
127927 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/January |
127835 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Greek wordlist |
127808 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/January |
127793 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170208/1 |
127692 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159616919 |
127692 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 12 |
127667 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/2 June 2009 |
127629 |
User:Erutuon/lists/bad transliteration/fa |
127610 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 71 |
127374 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 10 |
127362 |
User talk:Metaknowledge |
127321 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/July 2006 |
127309 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/一 |
127307 |
Appendix:Eskimo-Aleut basic vocabulary |
127098 |
Wiktionary:Todo/multiword Italian lemmas |
127070 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 67 |
127057 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 2 |
127019 |
User talk:Atelaes/2007 |
126999 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 68 |
126888 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification/English |
126883 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/September |
126829 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 52 |
126784 |
Appendix:ISO 639-3 codes/Eurasia, Southern |
126782 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 3 |
126765 |
Wiktionary talk:Votes/2010-04/Voting policy |
126746 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/May |
126666 |
User:Kephir/t.love/7 |
126533 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-m |
126516 |
Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/005 |
126464 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/ira-pro/data |
126393 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Nynorsk (NRK)/4001- |
126349 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Kurdish hāʾ |
126272 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-d |
126211 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-e |
126172 |
User:Kephir/t.love/12 |
126150 |
Talk:pedophilia |
126122 |
Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/Focus weeks |
126076 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/90001-100000 |
126033 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/July |
125989 |
User:Pengo/Latin/var |
125972 |
Appendix:Glossary of American music |
125963 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 44 |
125935 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2018 |
125896 |
User talk:LlywelynII/2 |
125831 |
Appendix:Male given names/P |
125793 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2004/October-December |
125696 |
User talk:Eirikr |
125692 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-p |
125685 |
User:SinBot~enwiktionary/code |
125648 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/80001-90000 |
125638 |
Wiktionary:About Spanish/Todo/missing e-m |
125631 |
User:Benwing2/it-noun-invariable |
125608 |
Module:User:QFQ/zh-dial-map-helper/data |
125564 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-n |
125429 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations/Archive 2019 |
125417 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 70 |
125406 |
Appendix:Interlingua/fi |
125382 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/70001-80000 |
125380 |
User:Flyax/2013 |
125373 |
User:Kephir/t.love/9 |
125363 |
Wiktionary talk:About Hebrew/archives/2016 |
125280 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 63 |
125226 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/November |
125201 |
User:Kephir/t.love/8 |
125134 |
User:Iamthe7DeadlySins/Sandbox |
125111 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20190204/1 |
125072 |
User:Kephir/t.love/11 |
124988 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-g |
124934 |
User:Kephir/t.love/3 |
124926 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-r |
124910 |
User talk:Kc kennylau/2016 |
124865 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/60001-70000 |
124831 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 65 |
124767 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/4 January 2009 |
124618 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-l |
124606 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 26 |
124589 |
Rhymes:Czech |
124542 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-m |
124455 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20190204/2 |
124358 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/February |
124262 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/40001-50000 |
124218 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2008/September |
124210 |
Module talk:languages/Archive 1 |
124168 |
User talk:Polyglot |
124012 |
User:Kephir/t.love/13 |
123980 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-h |
123944 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/30001-40000 |
123891 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/Bible NT Romanian |
123850 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 53 |
123839 |
User:Benwing/grc-need-long-vowels |
123832 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 29 |
123815 |
Appendix:Interlingua/cr |
123792 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/July |
123776 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2014 |
123750 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/April 2006 |
123741 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/50001-60000 |
123717 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170112/2 |
123710 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/20210102/1 |
123688 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 30 |
123632 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 45 |
123607 |
MediaWiki talk:Gadget-TranslationAdder.js/Archive1 |
123602 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2010/January-June |
123586 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/December |
123539 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 20 |
123527 |
User:Kephir/t.love/4 |
123512 |
User:Kephir/t.love/2 |
123465 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-z |
123458 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-a |
123422 |
User:Kephir/t.love/0 |
123392 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-b |
123359 |
User:Kephir/t.love/10 |
123261 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/k/Doroszewski |
123217 |
Appendix:Surnames/M |
123159 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/French wordlist opensubtitles 15001-20000.wiki |
123157 |
User talk:JohnC5/2015 |
123145 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/ro/data |
123106 |
User talk:Atelaes/2009 |
123099 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-f |
123096 |
Wiktionary:About German/Todo/missing t-z |
123035 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 7 |
122944 |
User:AryamanA/Bahri add |
122933 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/20001-30000 |
122879 |
Appendix:Interlingua/cu |
122852 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/October |
122762 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/September |
122753 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/d |
122746 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 13 |
122714 |
User talk:The Ice Mage/Archive |
122709 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-e |
122704 |
User:Dinofelis/Thai wordlist |
122687 |
Module talk:hi-noun |
122659 |
User:Kephir/t.love/5 |
122658 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/French wordlist opensubtitles 10001-15000.wiki |
122632 |
Transwiki talk:Glossary of alternative medicine |
122620 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161015/1 |
122589 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-o |
122574 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/February |
122521 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/Strong's Greek/accented |
122411 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2010/July-December |
122342 |
User:Benwing2/russian-freq-dict-adjs |
122328 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/8 |
122253 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/April |
122149 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Not counted/Fof list |
121997 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 15 |
121893 |
Module:pt-conj/data/-ir |
121877 |
User:Chuck Entz/Memory/R:Perseus combined tables/A |
121854 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2022/January |
121848 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 9 |
121830 |
User talk:DCDuring/2013 |
121828 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 05h06m26s/AddRefsL/150 items abnegator to accano Diff.txt |
121822 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 75 |
121779 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161207/1 |
121764 |
Module:la-verb/sandbox |
121751 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/June |
121690 |
User:This, that and the other/redlinked form-of |
121656 |
User:Erutuon/wrong script/many |
121647 |
User:Kephir/t.love/1 |
121596 |
Module:la-verb |
121591 |
Appendix:ISO 639-3 codes/Americas |
121564 |
User:Pengo/Latin/species 4 |
121563 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2011/January-June |
121512 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170119/1 |
121460 |
Appendix:Male given names/L |
121390 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-k |
121297 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-p |
121276 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170112/1 |
121265 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/June 2006 |
121180 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/i |
121159 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 4 |
121126 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-b |
121090 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 17 |
121087 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-v |
121063 |
User talk:Paul G/archive |
121031 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/December |
121013 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170714/1 |
120978 |
User talk:JohnC5/2017 |
120948 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-o |
120914 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 52 |
120908 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161109/1 |
120841 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Threatened 2 |
120822 |
User:DCDuring/MissingTaxa |
120751 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2021-06/header corrections |
120731 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2016 |
120704 |
User talk:ZxxZxxZ/Archive 1 |
120693 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2010/June |
120657 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/0500 |
120613 |
User talk:Bhagadatta/2020 |
120609 |
User:Jyril/io/p |
120604 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-m |
120600 |
User:Tooironic/Chinese entries to add/Two Characters |
120474 |
User:Benwing2/sla-pro-bg-redlinks |
120467 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 31 |
120401 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/ro/data |
120387 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-u |
120379 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-o |
120354 |
User talk:-sche/Archive/2013 |
120303 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-e |
120144 |
User:Sewnmouthsecret/CoolAir |
119914 |
User:DCDuring/VernacularNamesMissing |
119872 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 16 |
119829 |
User:Robert Ullmann/CS redirects with links/2 January 2010 |
119798 |
User:M. I. Wright/Lebanese Arabic verbs |
119725 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/Gutenberg/2006/06/1-100 |
119716 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161216/1 |
119703 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/ro/data |
119688 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations/Archive 2017 |
119684 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161006/1 |
119566 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2009/August-December |
119566 |
User talk:Daniel Carrero/2016 |
119547 |
Appendix:North Australian word lists |
119488 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-r |
119436 |
User talk:PUC/2017-2018 |
119394 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/January |
119394 |
User:Benwing2/russian-freq-ruwikt-redlinks |
119340 |
User:Dinofelis/Greek wordlist |
119325 |
User talk:Djkcel |
119246 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ce |
119243 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 9 |
119098 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-b |
119097 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2019/November |
119009 |
User:Pengo/missing 1-grams |
118927 |
Module:User:IsomorphycSandbox/la-verb-fake |
118908 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/o |
118887 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-b |
118753 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 33 |
118582 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-c |
118555 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2007 |
118475 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 2 |
118388 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-p |
118358 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/May |
118347 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/010 |
118332 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/ro/data |
118320 |
Appendix:Mongolic word lists |
118213 |
User:Orgyn/Παραμύθι χωρίς όνομα |
118190 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2017 |
118165 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/January |
118138 |
Wiktionary talk:Entry layout/archive 2005 |
118130 |
User:E46hg2/Farsi |
118061 |
Module:User:Benwing2/la-verb |
118048 |
Appendix:Ugric word lists |
117951 |
User:Visviva/WN missing |
117948 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 5 |
117892 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/May |
117867 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/002 |
117865 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-b |
117854 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-d |
117799 |
User talk:Widsith |
117758 |
User talk:SemperBlotto/2015 |
117738 |
User:Erutuon/scripts/Edittools-character-names.js |
117677 |
MediaWiki talk:Gadget-AcceleratedFormCreation.js/2008-19 |
117649 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170126/1 |
117618 |
Wiktionary talk:Russian transliteration |
117527 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Jamaica Gleaner/all |
117501 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 32 |
117312 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2019-12/Template:R:itc:EDL |
117253 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/z/words |
117214 |
User talk:Word dewd544 |
117190 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-h |
117158 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-g |
117094 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/March |
117010 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/March |
117000 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/September |
116959 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/13 March 2009 |
116943 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/June |
116913 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/20September2016 UpdateAlso - character equivalences 3 |
116616 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159920891 |
116589 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Oldest redlinks |
116558 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 27 |
116538 |
Module:User:Rua/place names |
116523 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-g |
116521 |
Module:R:Strong's/grc-data-text-format |
116494 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/French wordlist opensubtitles 5001-10000.wiki |
116485 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-n |
116447 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161225/1 |
116424 |
User:E46hg2/love |
116368 |
User:Robert Ullmann/CS redirects with links/5 January 2010 |
116355 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 8 |
116351 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2016 |
116350 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/3 January 2009 |
116236 |
Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/009 |
116218 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-c |
116125 |
Appendix:Mordvinic word lists |
116063 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/November |
116059 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-en-similar |
116038 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/k |
115995 |
Wiktionary talk:About Japanese/Archive 2 |
115978 |
Module:place/shared-data |
115962 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 48 |
115941 |
Appendix:Female given names/S |
115893 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2007/06 |
115871 |
User talk:Dijan/101-200 |
115794 |
Module:User:Benwing2/place/shared-data |
115774 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/October |
115721 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-i |
115621 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/August |
115619 |
User talk:Koavf |
115563 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159564780 |
115534 |
Wiktionary talk:About Spanish |
115470 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-u |
115462 |
Appendix:Mari word lists |
115459 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-c |
115451 |
Appendix:JLPT/N2 |
115436 |
Wiktionary:Transwiki log/Archive2008 |
115373 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/November |
115312 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/June |
115297 |
User:Gilgamesh~enwiktionary/English words by phonological interest |
115167 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/1-10000 |
115080 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/C |
115039 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-o |
114991 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/C |
114977 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 8 |
114930 |
Module:User:Ignatus/ru-verb/sandbox |
114812 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2018/September |
114769 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161225/2 |
114760 |
Module:Unicode data/names/010 |
114723 |
User:AG202/Sandbox2 |
114713 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/February |
114710 |
Appendix:Ekoid word lists |
114661 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items nummarius to perseverans Summary.txt |
114610 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items creo to efflagitatus Summary.txt |
114517 |
User talk:AryamanA/2018 |
114480 |
User:Saltmarsh/Lists/Life |
114410 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items frontalia to infamo Summary.txt |
114388 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/April |
114285 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 05h26m59s/AddRefsL/2000 items accedens to auspex Summary.txt |
114271 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items perseveranter to pycnitis Summary.txt |
114248 |
User:Isomorphyc/Sandbox/grc-rows-ipa/4 ambiguous with lsj |
114113 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/o/Doroszewski |
114105 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-m |
114084 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2020 |
114062 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ap |
114007 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/C entries |
113917 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/March |
113881 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2017 |
113791 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/June |
113755 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items semet to tentator Summary.txt |
113711 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items pygargus to sementis Summary.txt |
113666 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items infandus to locatum Summary.txt |
113593 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-y |
113592 |
User:Erutuon/lists/orphaned template documentation pages |
113505 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2022/January |
113481 |
Appendix:HSK list of Mandarin words/Advanced Mandarin |
113445 |
User talk:Rajasekhar1961/Index |
113440 |
Appendix:Glossary of pool, billiards and snooker |
113430 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 4 |
113398 |
User talk:Atelaes/2008a |
113366 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/27 February 2009 |
113363 |
User:HippieBot/all headings |
113344 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/ro/data |
113225 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/April |
113216 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/C |
113209 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-n |
112962 |
Appendix talk:Terms considered difficult or impossible to translate into English/Candidates |
112939 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items efflagito to frons Summary.txt |
112887 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Epithets by Suffix 18 |
112828 |
Module:User:Jberkel/pt-conj/data/-ar |
112788 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2011/August |
112679 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/C |
112602 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/C |
112506 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/034 |
112476 |
User:Erutuon/sandbox3 |
112445 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Serbo-Croatian wordlist |
112366 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/trans-en-es.awk |
112361 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 11 |
112332 |
User talk:DCDuring/2015 |
112242 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 1 |
112242 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1704 items tentigo to zythum Summary.txt |
112232 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/P |
112131 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-d |
112122 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-v |
112119 |
User:DCDuring/MissingTaxa/2017 |
112116 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-i |
112087 |
Module:User:Wyang/num var |
112086 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-v |
112058 |
User talk:Kiwima |
111804 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/French wordlist opensubtitles 5000 |
111798 |
User talk:Robbie SWE/2015-2017 |
111771 |
Appendix:JLPT/N3 |
111738 |
User talk:Dijan |
111708 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/March |
111667 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/n/Doroszewski |
111607 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-b |
111552 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h16m19s/AddRefsL/1713 items locatus to numisma Summary.txt |
111516 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/B/5 |
111344 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/C |
111335 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/p |
111261 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-e |
111254 |
User:Erutuon/sga IPA |
111199 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/February |
111175 |
Appendix:Japanese verbs |
111175 |
Wiktionary talk:Etymology/Archive 1 |
111117 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/April |
111047 |
Wiktionary:Todo/English Chaucer |
110990 |
User talk:Eirikr/Archive 2011-2012 |
110948 |
User:Jyril/missing |
110904 |
User talk:Gilgamesh~enwiktionary |
110865 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/23 March 2009 |
110679 |
User talk:-sche/Archive/2012 |
110653 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2017/January |
110639 |
User:MglovesfunBot/switch/inverted |
110575 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/January |
110459 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/C |
110393 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 58 |
110380 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/November |
110360 |
Wiktionary:Todo/Pages containing LTR marks |
110358 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/December |
110313 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-u |
110234 |
Appendix:Germanic word lists |
110191 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/March |
110184 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-t |
110167 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 57 |
110134 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/March |
110057 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Granma/20210126 |
109985 |
Appendix:Australian English military slang |
109882 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-o |
109863 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-t |
109858 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ch |
109793 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/November |
109729 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2017/July |
109725 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 49 |
109712 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2010/September |
109663 |
User:Koavf/common.js |
109649 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-w |
109609 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/October |
109606 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/December |
109366 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 29 |
109246 |
Wiktionary:About Chinese/references |
109236 |
Appendix:Proto-Uto-Aztecan reconstructions |
109204 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/gem-pro/data |
109190 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/gem-pro/data |
109153 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2010/July |
109150 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 51 |
109138 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-r |
109120 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/gem-pro/data |
109111 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/08/10001-20000 |
109105 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/gem-pro/data |
109086 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/gem-pro/data |
109072 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/gem-pro/data |
109069 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/gem-pro/data |
109054 |
Module:Unicode data/names/00A |
109014 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170104 |
108954 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/gem-pro/data |
108944 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/A |
108918 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/037 |
108802 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2018/February |
108788 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-w |
108770 |
User talk:Daniel Carrero/2009 |
108626 |
User:Sobreira/PIE Roberts-Pastor |
108446 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-i |
108435 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 28 |
108414 |
User:Languageseeker/PUC |
108385 |
User talk:Atelaes/2010, 2011 |
108378 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/February |
108316 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-b |
108295 |
User:Visviva/Linkeration/v |
108276 |
Module:pt-conj/data/-ar |
108233 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/o |
108170 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 55 |
108166 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 34 |
108157 |
Wiktionary talk:About Serbo-Croatian/Archive |
107980 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 53 |
107917 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 44 |
107822 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/gem-pro/data |
107803 |
User:Mx. Granger/Missing Esperanto |
107709 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-m |
107638 |
Appendix:Glossary of chordophones |
107635 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-j |
107619 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/C |
107616 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/February 2006 |
107596 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/7 |
107595 |
Rhymes:Czech/ɪlɪ |
107558 |
Module:User:Erutuon/sandbox/data |
107554 |
Appendix:Glossary of Hinduism |
107454 |
Appendix:South Slavic word lists |
107399 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/freq |
107384 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/7a |
107356 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-f |
107354 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 30 |
107352 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/7c |
107340 |
User talk:Surjection/archive/2018 |
107305 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-d |
107241 |
User:Iceblock/Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy |
106955 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-d |
106930 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/h |
106917 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/August |
106889 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2006/05 |
106853 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-l |
106676 |
Template:sw-conj/table-rel-obj |
106616 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 27 |
106589 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 60 |
106578 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 38 |
106503 |
User talk:Bogorm/archive4 |
106497 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/gem-pro/data |
106489 |
User:ჯეო/surnames |
106360 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/e |
106355 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 50 |
106269 |
Appendix:English legal terms |
106190 |
Template:RQ:King James Version/documentation |
106152 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-p |
106147 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 22 |
106132 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/gem-pro/data |
106115 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/g |
106057 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/February |
106004 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-j |
105955 |
Appendix:Mienic comparative vocabulary list |
105893 |
User:Benwing2/sla-pro-be-redlinks |
105882 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-p |
105878 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2004/April-June |
105809 |
User talk:Wikitiki89/2017 |
105754 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 46 |
105750 |
Appendix:Irantxe word lists |
105693 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 35 |
105673 |
Wiktionary:Todo/North American |
105635 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-h |
105635 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 41 |
105559 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/廿 |
105545 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-b |
105522 |
Module:Unicode data/names/01F |
105494 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ci |
105481 |
User talk:WikiPedant |
105476 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/s/PWN |
105474 |
Module:es-verb |
105421 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/gem-pro/data |
105365 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 54 |
105363 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-d |
105356 |
Module:User:Benwing2/es-verb-2 |
105341 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/July |
105338 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 36 |
105331 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 42 |
105297 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-l |
105247 |
User talk:Dijan/1-100 |
105244 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 37 |
105143 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 56 |
105135 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 23 |
105123 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 62 |
104989 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/gem-pro/data |
104925 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 24 |
104837 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 10 |
104765 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/M |
104760 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 47 |
104743 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/M |
104698 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/February |
104681 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 26 |
104620 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 21 |
104595 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-w |
104587 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-f |
104565 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 43 |
104537 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 31 |
104488 |
Module:User:Benwing2/es-verb |
104470 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 59 |
104379 |
User talk:B2V22BHARAT |
104271 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/gem-pro/data |
104205 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/016 |
104177 |
Appendix:Male given names/E |
104162 |
User:DCDuring/FamiliesUsedinTaxon |
104116 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 10 |
104086 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/gem-pro/data |
104062 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/May |
104050 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159955328 |
103929 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/gem-pro/data |
103895 |
User:Sarri.greek/lab |
103885 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-f |
103835 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/August |
103810 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/A |
103799 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 48 |
103786 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/February |
103766 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/gem-pro/data |
103718 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/September |
103671 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-b |
103591 |
Appendix:Glossary of bagpipe terms |
103578 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/apostrophe |
103564 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 32 |
103558 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 45 |
103496 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/Y entries |
103490 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-d |
103485 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ru-j |
103474 |
User talk:DTLHS |
103473 |
Module talk:links |
103453 |
Module talk:ru-headword |
103413 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-g |
103347 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/M |
103297 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 25 |
103297 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-h |
103194 |
User talk:BenjaminBarrett12 |
103170 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-u |
103133 |
Wiktionary talk:Votes/2012-04/Languages with limited documentation |
103119 |
User talk:Mx. Granger |
103111 |
Module:ar-nominals |
103087 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-u |
103086 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2018/April |
103066 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/12 |
103013 |
Appendix:Ural-Altaic word lists |
103001 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-o |
102924 |
Wiktionary:Todo/Slovene masculine translations |
102914 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2021/November |
102875 |
User talk:Sinek/Archive 1 |
102809 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-m |
102778 |
User:Conrad.Irwin/Polyglot |
102762 |
Appendix:Biblical names |
102723 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (Kannada)/Conversational Kannada |
102711 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-l |
102710 |
User:Daniel Carrero/Missing entries for language names |
102673 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/95001-100000 |
102609 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/M |
102539 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/90001-95000 |
102484 |
Appendix:Proto-Wakashan reconstructions |
102463 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/M |
102456 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/M |
102428 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/M |
102372 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-m |
102316 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-b |
102246 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 05h59m34s/AddRefsL/105 items castifico to cavillator Diff.txt |
102179 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 61 |
102170 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2006/November |
102122 |
Module:pt-conj/data/-er |
102025 |
Appendix:Common Mongolic reconstructions |
102006 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-o |
101985 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/September |
101949 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/6 |
101938 |
User:AKA MBG/Statistics:POS |
101935 |
User:RJFJR/WTconcord |
101922 |
User:Jyril/io/t |
101918 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/August |
101881 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 5 |
101871 |
Talk:been |
101798 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/August |
101793 |
Appendix:Interlingua adjectives |
101773 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-o |
101724 |
User:Robert Ullmann/t16 |
101686 |
Appendix:Female given names/L |
101661 |
User:Sumiaz/Ullanta |
101649 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/es duplicate passages |
101593 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/February |
101553 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/September |
101544 |
Wiktionary talk:Criteria for inclusion/Archive 1 |
101541 |
User:CrowleyBot/task/1/4 |
101434 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 33 |
101429 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/May |
101391 |
User talk:Robert Ullmann/2007 |
101387 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/September |
101377 |
Appendix:Surnames/H |
101252 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/75001-80000 |
101234 |
Appendix:West Slavic word lists |
101208 |
Appendix:Interlingua/fu |
101060 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-r |
100976 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-n |
100953 |
User:BD2412/Prabodha Chandrodaya Krishna Misri comoedia |
100903 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/pron/50001-100000 |
100897 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 40 |
100832 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/E/2 |
100826 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/July |
100748 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2013 |
100744 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-p |
100673 |
User talk:Liliana-60/archive |
100654 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 5 |
100596 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/July |
100576 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/80001-85000 |
100551 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/S |
100546 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/70001-75000 |
100521 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/October |
100520 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/7b |
100493 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/S |
100484 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/S |
100467 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/A |
100437 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-d |
100356 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-c |
100336 |
Rhymes:Czech/alɪ |
100314 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-a |
100221 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-n |
100221 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-h |
100197 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-v |
100197 |
Template talk:t |
100175 |
User talk:Eirikr/2015 |
100166 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-w |
100133 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/85001-90000 |
100121 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/7 January 2009 |
100113 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/65001-70000 |
100069 |
Appendix:Glossary of philosophical isms |
100049 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-s |
100033 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-f |
100030 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations/Archive 2012 |
99988 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159944337 |
99988 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-d |
99937 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-p |
99900 |
Wiktionary:About Spanish/Todo/missing n-s |
99892 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/S |
99886 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-250001-255000 |
99873 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2010 |
99869 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Prologue/examples/cat |
99868 |
User talk:AugPi/2009 |
99841 |
Rhymes:Czech/ala |
99806 |
User talk:Æ&Œ/archive |
99724 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/S |
99682 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/December |
99644 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159492310 |
99628 |
User talk:Williamsayers79 |
99568 |
Appendix:Interlingua/fr |
99489 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2020/May |
99470 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/f |
99424 |
Rhymes:Czech/alo |
99399 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/55001-60000 |
99372 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/m/words |
99350 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-m |
99290 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/m |
99262 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 39 |
99242 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-t |
99083 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/December |
99078 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/卜 |
99034 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 6 |
98993 |
User:PUC/French blue links/1 |
98992 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/60001-65000 |
98989 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/50001-55000 |
98856 |
Module:User:Benwing2/uk-noun |
98775 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-t |
98728 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-d |
98702 |
User talk:Dvortygirl/October-2006 |
98658 |
User:Prosfilaes/Tom Sawyer versus Pride and Prejudice |
98540 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/7e |
98529 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-d |
98459 |
Appendix:Male given names/F |
98322 |
User:Automatik/editor.js |
98310 |
User talk:Neitrāls vārds |
98279 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 7 |
98192 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/August |
98191 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-b |
98172 |
User:Erutuon/languages data2.json |
98157 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-d |
98055 |
Appendix:Surnames/A |
98044 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-g |
98025 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/A |
98004 |
Module talk:la-pronunc |
97999 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/45001-50000 |
97994 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2017 |
97985 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-1 |
97956 |
User:Jyril/io/v |
97837 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-4 |
97827 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/40001-45000 |
97652 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/K |
97589 |
User:Qnm/5 |
97589 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-o |
97538 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/n |
97529 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/K |
97527 |
User talk:Wyang/Archive3 |
97517 |
User:JoergenB/PIEnounsappendix |
97507 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-complete |
97465 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-pedia |
97463 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/6 |
97418 |
Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/Emergency |
97392 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/35001-40000 |
97302 |
User:-sche/Namibian German |
97220 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-a |
97148 |
User talk:EncycloPetey |
97144 |
User talk:Estela.rs |
97115 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/S |
97091 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-e |
97046 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/9 |
97046 |
Talk:mahā |
97024 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-t |
97005 |
Template talk:zh-pron |
96965 |
Module:zu-verbs |
96939 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-a |
96896 |
User:Adam78/todo/no pron |
96881 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2007/07 |
96858 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/February |
96848 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-h |
96837 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/June |
96806 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-h |
96802 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/K |
96799 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-w |
96726 |
Module:User:QFQ/jouyou-list/data |
96651 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-l |
96618 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/May |
96593 |
User:Nizil Shah/common.js |
96370 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/K |
96302 |
User talk:Nemzag/Etimo |
96277 |
Appendix:Varieties of Arabic Swadesh lists |
96250 |
User:Benwing2/fr-warning |
96196 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/5 |
96193 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/S |
96163 |
User:Rua/editor.js |
96043 |
Wiktionary:Transwiki log/Archive2009 |
96040 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/10 |
96023 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/August |
95989 |
User talk:Eirikr/2020 |
95954 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-m |
95934 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Radicals/Table |
95890 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/0000 |
95888 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/d/words |
95885 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/December |
95827 |
User talk:Rua/Archive 2009-2010 |
95784 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/23 February 2009 |
95746 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161015/2 |
95691 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/30001-35000 |
95675 |
Appendix:English words by Latin antecedents |
95650 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-240001-245000 |
95629 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/April |
95626 |
Module:User:Jberkel/pt-conj/data/-er |
95597 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-r |
95483 |
User:Sobreira/PIE-appendices-nouns |
95475 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/25001-30000 |
95353 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/S |
95343 |
User talk:Pilcrow/archive |
95318 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Hindi 1900 |
95307 |
Module:zh/data/hak-pron/00 |
95272 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-i |
95244 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-f |
95198 |
User:Robert Ullmann/CS redirects with links/6 January 2010 |
95162 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/9 |
95159 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-08/Module:pa-headword |
95125 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-220001-225000 |
95102 |
User:Erutuon/inherited from PIE root |
95099 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-225001-230000 |
95096 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/4 |
95090 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ad |
95015 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/2 |
95007 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/8 |
94977 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20171228 |
94940 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-h |
94905 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-a |
94902 |
Appendix:Animals |
94878 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/7 |
94843 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/K |
94820 |
Appendix:East Slavic word lists |
94819 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2006-05 |
94717 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/March |
94678 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/15001-20000 |
94651 |
User:Jyril/todo/1 |
94625 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/K |
94597 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/20001-25000 |
94585 |
Appendix:Translations of female given names in multiple languages |
94574 |
Appendix:Male given names/W |
94551 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/September |
94529 |
User:Pengo/Latin/species 5 |
94494 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/hu/data |
94486 |
Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/004 |
94444 |
User:Tooironic/Chinese entries to add/Three Characters |
94350 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-f |
94344 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/May |
94342 |
Module:ka-form of/data |
94318 |
User:Msh210/English nouns with spaces/Words 10001-15000 |
94290 |
Module:Unicode data/yue-jyutping/004 |
94236 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/1 |
94224 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/A |
94208 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-g |
94193 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries:Latin/etymons |
94147 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-g |
94048 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/A |
94023 |
Appendix:Interlingua/fe |
94015 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-r |
93983 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/ira-pro/data |
93958 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/ira-pro/data |
93907 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/September 2006 |
93884 |
User talk:Atelaes/2008b |
93867 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-h |
93843 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/ira-pro/data |
93822 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/ira-pro/data |
93819 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-310001-315000 |
93774 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/December |
93771 |
Appendix:Interlingua/as |
93722 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-295001-300000 |
93706 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/ira-pro/data |
93667 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/February |
93665 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-265001-270000 |
93629 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/ira-pro/data |
93613 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-01/iir-pro and ira-pro c and j |
93595 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/ira-pro/data |
93590 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/ira-pro/data |
93589 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/June |
93571 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/ira-pro/data |
93561 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/ira-pro/data |
93528 |
User talk:Csörföly D/RSH |
93507 |
User talk:Thadh |
93406 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/r/Doroszewski |
93392 |
Module:la-nominal |
93389 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/K |
93340 |
User:Bequw/SymbolCount2 |
93319 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/c |
93233 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-n |
93214 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-u |
93198 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/9 February 2009 |
93165 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/10001-15000 |
93127 |
User talk:Metaknowledge/2019 |
93124 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/-019 |
93054 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/008 |
93021 |
User:Dominic/word list |
92971 |
Appendix:Modern Hangul syllabic blocks by strokes |
92953 |
Rhymes:Czech/iːmɪ |
92936 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/18September2016/Multiple Also Templates Fixed |
92916 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/ira-pro/data |
92909 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Turkish wordlist |
92897 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-365001-370000 |
92896 |
User:Msh210/English nouns with spaces/Words 5001-10000 |
92876 |
User:Enoshd/cleanup/he-no-root |
92830 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-p |
92718 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-330001-335000 |
92665 |
User talk:Ncik |
92656 |
Wiktionary:Christmas Competition 2008 |
92558 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-c |
92537 |
Wiktionary:Book sources |
92509 |
Module:zh/data/hak-pron/c |
92473 |
Wiktionary:Todo/unhelpful abbreviations |
92456 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/July |
92418 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/grc/data |
92397 |
Module talk:grc-decl/Archive 1 |
92393 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-f |
92352 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-t |
92344 |
User:Jyril/todo/2 |
92307 |
Module:ja/data/jouyou-yomi |
92288 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/June |
92278 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-320001-325000 |
92253 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/grc/data |
92252 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-k |
92237 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-n |
92203 |
User talk:Atitarev/2020/2011-2012 |
92183 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-260001-265000 |
92150 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/ira-pro/data |
92135 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/o/words |
92129 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/grc/data |
92099 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-215001-220000 |
92058 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/F |
92019 |
Module:User:Benwing2/be-noun |
91983 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-325001-330000 |
91974 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/女 |
91935 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/n |
91914 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/November |
91877 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-g |
91844 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2019-12/Proto-Bantu *m̀- and *ǹ- |
91836 |
User talk:Dbfirs |
91822 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-230001-235000 |
91814 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-t |
91779 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/grc/data |
91769 |
User:TheDaveRoss/headennoun |
91760 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-280001-285000 |
91744 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/hu/data |
91714 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/ira-pro/data |
91704 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/15 |
91690 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/hu/data |
91629 |
Module:dialect synonyms/zh |
91592 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/hu/data |
91590 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-335001-340000 |
91579 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/hu/data |
91561 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/A |
91528 |
Concordance:The Book of Mormon |
91522 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-360001-365000 |
91519 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-e |
91497 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/hu/data |
91477 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/A |
91466 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/July |
91461 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-340001-345000 |
91390 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/grc/data |
91372 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2009/October |
91356 |
User talk:Eirikr/2019 |
91338 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/M/4 |
91318 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/006 |
91299 |
User:Brittletheories/every bird in Finnish/3 |
91241 |
User:CopperKettle/todo |
91233 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-235001-240000 |
91192 |
User talk:Eirikr/2018 |
91134 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-205001-210000 |
91118 |
User talk:Hekaheka/Archive 2015 2017 |
91117 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/hu/data |
91094 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/5001-10000 |
91028 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere |
91017 |
User talk:Luciferwildcat |
91017 |
Appendix:Surnames/K |
91016 |
User:Robert Ullmann/en v fr |
91006 |
Module:User:Benwing2/la-nominal |
90994 |
Module:uk-noun |
90969 |
Appendix:Germanic Swadesh lists |
90927 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-255001-260000 |
90924 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-155001-160000 |
90893 |
Wiktionary talk:Quotations |
90880 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/j |
90863 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/April |
90853 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/hu/data |
90843 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de/bold |
90831 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20170305/2 |
90831 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-300001-305000 |
90812 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-275001-280000 |
90803 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-e |
90800 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/hu/data |
90763 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/October 2005 |
90745 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/hu/data |
90743 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/hu/data |
90721 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/Normalization of articles |
90719 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/hu/data |
90671 |
Appendix:Mey word lists |
90659 |
User talk:Erutuon/2018 |
90654 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/grc/data |
90632 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-290001-295000 |
90628 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-370001-375000 |
90603 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-h |
90578 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/October |
90549 |
User:Dubaduba~enwiktionary/bga |
90535 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-r |
90451 |
Appendix:Male given names/N |
90444 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/grc/data |
90378 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-315001-320000 |
90377 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20190204/3 |
90364 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/hu/data |
90357 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-wik |
90326 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/018 |
90230 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/17November2016 - Poetic Present Passive Infinitive - formal |
90228 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/January |
90158 |
Appendix:Interlingua/bi |
90139 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/k |
90134 |
User:Wyang/Pinyin-check |
90129 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-n |
90129 |
User:AutoFormat/code |
90127 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/grc/data |
90118 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2020/September |
90112 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-145001-150000 |
90102 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/July |
90099 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/007 |
90078 |
User:Vuara/Thuật ngữ tin học |
90018 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-285001-290000 |
89975 |
Module:zh/data/hak-pron/k |
89930 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-t |
89873 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-245001-250000 |
89823 |
User:Dan Polansky/Notes |
89799 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-160001-165000 |
89746 |
Wiktionary talk:About Hebrew/archives/2007 |
89680 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/grc/data |
89666 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/pron/1-50000 |
89661 |
Appendix:Temein word lists |
89607 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/grc/data |
89543 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/pl/data |
89523 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/grc/data |
89494 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-185001-190000 |
89491 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-k |
89474 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Han/Problems |
89421 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/October |
89388 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-175001-180000 |
89270 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/r/words |
89267 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-g |
89253 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/March 2006 |
89236 |
User:Aearthrise/RomanceLanguage/Louisiana Creole French Folktales Alcee Mercier |
89233 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-150001-155000 |
89232 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-345001-350000 |
89203 |
Appendix:Gahri word list |
89193 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/grc/data |
89165 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/grc/data |
89136 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-190001-195000 |
89124 |
Appendix:Hungarian words K |
89099 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/grc/data |
89066 |
User:Jimregan/csb-freq |
89013 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-f |
89002 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-b |
88990 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-n |
88959 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/grc/data |
88904 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/grc/data |
88898 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-180001-185000 |
88859 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2016/May |
88851 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-200001-205000 |
88838 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/grc/data |
88816 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/grc/data |
88798 |
Module:zh/data/yue-word/040 |
88775 |
Appendix:Baltic word lists |
88770 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations/Archive 2008 |
88761 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/December |
88749 |
User talk:DCDuring/2009 QIV |
88690 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-n |
88686 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2011-10 |
88664 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-a |
88606 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-c |
88524 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-i |
88416 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-o |
88381 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-e |
88366 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/March |
88333 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-270001-275000 |
88299 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/grc/data |
88242 |
User talk:Geographyinitiative |
88240 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/grc/data |
88208 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/grc/data |
88181 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-355001-360000 |
88107 |
User:Malku H₂n̥rés/Afroasiatic consistency |
88090 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/October |
88073 |
User talk:Kutchkutch |
88066 |
Module talk:ja/data/jouyou-yomi |
88043 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-115001-120000 |
88035 |
Module:User:Erutuon/transliteration/documentation |
88021 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/bg/data |
87957 |
User:Benwing2/templatize-given-name-variant-warnings |
87942 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/bg/data |
87940 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-210001-215000 |
87901 |
Wiktionary talk:About Ancient Greek/Archive 6 |
87880 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl |
87858 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-n |
87856 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/grc/data |
87812 |
Appendix:Female given names/C |
87761 |
User:TheDaveRoss/redlinks/es |
87743 |
User:OrenBochman/a-hungarian-verb-list |
87733 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/May |
87701 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/b/words |
87649 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/grc/data |
87646 |
Module:zh/data/hak-pron/s |
87642 |
Module:Unicode data/names/00F |
87634 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/grc/data |
87601 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-1-5000 |
87595 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/July |
87554 |
Talk:gay |
87529 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/grc/data |
87491 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-r |
87459 |
User talk:Surjection/archive/2019-1 |
87408 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/5 |
87408 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/grc/data |
87395 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-305001-310000 |
87380 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/bg/data |
87324 |
User:HappyMidnight/한국어 발음 |
87317 |
Talk:atheist |
87295 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/grc/data |
87279 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/April |
87279 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/004 |
87273 |
User talk:Embryomystic |
87246 |
User talk:AutoFormat/2008 |
87218 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/grc/data |
87200 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2006/06 |
87167 |
User:Sinek/Template:tr-conj |
87121 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/August |
87106 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/August |
87086 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/July |
87085 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-l |
87067 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-g |
87042 |
Appendix:Kutenai word list |
87000 |
User talk:Strabismus |
86972 |
User:Csörföly D/RSH1table |
86969 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/July |
86953 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/September |
86947 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/January |
86931 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-f |
86927 |
User:BD2412/military glossary |
86917 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (English)/Wordlist/Upper |
86906 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/T |
86905 |
User talk:Sarri.greek/2019 |
86894 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/grc/data |
86885 |
User:Erutuon/Thucydides words |
86876 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/bg/data |
86871 |
User talk:BiT |
86752 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-165001-170000 |
86744 |
User:Atitarev/Appendix:List of Hindi words |
86711 |
User talk:Uncle G |
86689 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/T |
86676 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/April |
86645 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/August |
86620 |
User:Andrew Sheedy/Redlinks & Missing Senses |
86613 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-140001-145000 |
86610 |
Module:User:Benwing2/bg-nominal |
86582 |
Module:bg-nominal |
86554 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-v |
86552 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2013 |
86544 |
User:LinguisticMystic/sa-gita-tr |
86500 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-200001-205000 |
86495 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2010 |
86461 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/August |
86433 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-170001-175000 |
86397 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-d |
86359 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/1-1000 |
86336 |
User talk:Crom daba |
86286 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-350001-355000 |
86236 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-w |
86191 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/bg/data |
86182 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-120001-125000 |
86179 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/I |
86103 |
User:Ivan Štambuk/ru/nouns |
86069 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/pl/data |
85966 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/bg/data |
85954 |
Appendix:Dutch given names |
85943 |
User:Psoup/workpages08 |
85929 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/M |
85876 |
User:ToilBot/Afar IPA |
85860 |
Talk:formaticus |
85819 |
User talk:DAVilla/2006 |
85769 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2019/May |
85727 |
User talk:Hippietrail/archive |
85662 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-130001-135000 |
85646 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/11 |
85641 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-m |
85637 |
User:So9q/da nb no without sv |
85613 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/May |
85607 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Swedish Parole corpus/1-5000 |
85606 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-m |
85570 |
User talk:Ultimateria |
85545 |
User talk:Amgine |
85475 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/ro/data |
85458 |
User talk:AugPi/2010 |
85351 |
Module:labels/data/regional |
85272 |
Module:families/data |
85255 |
User:Benwing2/latin-macrons |
85226 |
Appendix:Nihali word list |
85164 |
Appendix:Latin phrases (A–E) |
85163 |
Appendix:Interlingua/am |
85154 |
Module:labels/data/topical |
85144 |
Appendix:Ancient Greek endings |
85135 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2020/November |
85071 |
Help talk:Editing |
85050 |
Appendix:Latin script/alphabets |
85044 |
Appendix:Interlingua/be |
85041 |
User:Aearthrise/RomanceLanguage/Louisiana Creole French Folktales Pointe Coupee |
84929 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/A |
84927 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-95001-100000 |
84903 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-r |
84888 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/G |
84885 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/bg/data |
84860 |
Wiktionary:Votes/2021-04/Creation of Template:inh+ and Template:bor+ |
84855 |
User:DCDuring/WPTaxonomicArticlesMissingatSpecies |
84835 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/September |
84809 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-135001-140000 |
84793 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/July |
84764 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-55001-60000 |
84763 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/empty section |
84752 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-50001-55000 |
84746 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/013 |
84743 |
User:Erutuon/titles with control characters |
84726 |
User talk:Hazarasp |
84717 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/T |
84635 |
User:IsomorphycSandbox/Sandbox2 |
84635 |
Wiktionary:Requests for cleanup/archive/2010 |
84616 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-195001-200000 |
84611 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-100001-105000 |
84604 |
User talk:Mutante |
84574 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/October |
84540 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/k/PWN |
84526 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-n |
84456 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-45001-50000 |
84452 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-110001-115000 |
84393 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/bg/data |
84380 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-l |
84371 |
Module:place/data |
84364 |
User:Maro/Polish audio files/9 |
84351 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-r |
84317 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/20 February 2009 |
84307 |
User talk:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/Archive5 |
84282 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-85001-90000 |
84247 |
User:BD2412/IP talk pages |
84232 |
User talk:Renard Migrant/archives/1 |
84231 |
Module:User:Benwing2/place/data |
84229 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-125001-130000 |
84213 |
Talk:formaticus/Archive for June 2021 |
84206 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20180420 |
84184 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/T |
84119 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/F/3 |
84113 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-105001-110000 |
84093 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/pl/data |
84084 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-r |
84080 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/a/words |
84079 |
User talk:Richardb |
84077 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/November |
84066 |
Appendix:Persian cardinal numbers 200-499 |
84036 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-h |
84013 |
User:Benwing/fix-ar-translit |
84006 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-l |
83994 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/T |
83986 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/bg/data |
83978 |
Wiktionary talk:Main Page/Archive 3 |
83962 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-20001-25000 |
83942 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/19 |
83901 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/B |
83880 |
User talk:Goldenrowley |
83833 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/口 |
83823 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/la/data |
83822 |
Appendix:Glossary of poker terminology |
83817 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-15001-20000 |
83815 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/November |
83796 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/d/Doroszewski |
83794 |
Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/documentation |
83783 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-40001-45000 |
83705 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-65001-70000 |
83704 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/22September2016 UpdateAlso Error Log |
83682 |
Module:Unicode data/category |
83666 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/August |
83646 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-a |
83636 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-e |
83604 |
User:Jberkel/lists/missing/20190301/all |
83602 |
User talk:Vildricianus/Archive3 |
83592 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/19 |
83588 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-205001-210000 |
83569 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 3 |
83568 |
Appendix:Proto-Mixe-Zoquean reconstructions |
83553 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-i |
83546 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2021/May |
83537 |
User:DanielWhernchend/tr-conj-auto/table |
83530 |
User:Jyril/fi/p |
83527 |
Appendix:Proto-Vietic reconstructions |
83518 |
User talk:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV |
83486 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/la/data |
83463 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/la/data |
83398 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-o |
83379 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-r |
83370 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-e |
83341 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2017/December |
83337 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-g |
83320 |
User:Psoup/workpages20 |
83309 |
Wiktionary talk:About Korean |
83304 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/30August2016 mindat diffs |
83266 |
Module:Unicode data/names/011 |
83249 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/bg/data |
83233 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-t |
83232 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-135001-140000 |
83182 |
Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Animals |
83181 |
Module:ko/data/dial |
83150 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-z |
83108 |
Module:be-noun |
83107 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-35001-40000 |
83084 |
Appendix:Kanoé word list |
83080 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/B/3 |
83061 |
User talk:Jberkel/2018 |
83053 |
User:Jyril/io/a |
83051 |
Module talk:User:Atitarev/ru-verb |
82874 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-55001-60000 |
82866 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/la/data |
82863 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/la/data |
82857 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/11 |
82801 |
Appendix:German given names |
82796 |
User talk:Jamesjiao/Archive 1 |
82765 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-160001-165000 |
82757 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-75001-80000 |
82749 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/May |
82728 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-90001-95000 |
82714 |
User:Sumiaz/Arte |
82671 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-10001-15000 |
82654 |
Appendix:Proto-Utian reconstructions |
82627 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Korean 5800 |
82626 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-o |
82613 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/August |
82591 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/弓 |
82588 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-195001-200000 |
82572 |
User:Visviva/Medical/By links/C |
82530 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/R/2 |
82519 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/T |
82458 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest//by level/4 |
82444 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 03h24m19s/AddRefsL/117 items Rhenanus to Troas Diff.txt |
82421 |
Module:User:Suzukaze-c/02/zhwp |
82417 |
User talk:DCDuring/2008 QI |
82400 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/T |
82396 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-i |
82382 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/unparseable translation tables |
82380 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/bg/data |
82375 |
User talk:Magyar from Ural |
82357 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/la/data |
82345 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/sh/data |
82342 |
User talk:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/Archive4 |
82319 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/2 |
82310 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-165001-170000 |
82277 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/December |
82237 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/November |
82202 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/bg/data |
82201 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/sh/data |
82192 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/bg/data |
82188 |
User:ObsequiousNewt/LSJ Archive Index |
82165 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/sh/data |
82129 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-30001-35000 |
82119 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/sh/data |
82109 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-t |
82100 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/sh/data |
82086 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/sh/data |
82072 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-5001-10000 |
82061 |
Wiktionary:Previously deleted entries/S |
82058 |
User:RJFJR/nounscan |
82024 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2009 |
82007 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/人 |
81980 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/bg/data |
81975 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-50001-55000 |
81951 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-i |
81936 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/la/data |
81914 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-5001-10000 |
81911 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/sh/data |
81906 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/January |
81902 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/sh/data |
81875 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/sh/data |
81872 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2020 |
81867 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/20 |
81818 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines2 |
81815 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-45001-50000 |
81804 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/月 |
81800 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/bg/data |
81799 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/sh/data |
81785 |
Wiktionary talk:Requests for verification/Archive 1 |
81778 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-v |
81764 |
User:Jyril/io/h |
81760 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-10001-15000 |
81760 |
Appendix:Surnames/G |
81749 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-l |
81747 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-70001-75000 |
81747 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/V |
81740 |
User:Mutante/German nouns/S |
81736 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2017 |
81709 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-25001-30000 |
81697 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/sh/data |
81623 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/sh/data |
81575 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/sh/data |
81575 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-45001-50000 |
81575 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2010/October |
81557 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/May |
81543 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-h |
81527 |
Appendix:Flemish given names |
81527 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/sh/data |
81492 |
User talk:Dominic/Archive 1 |
81489 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/May |
81484 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/March |
81420 |
User talk:BigDom |
81412 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/July |
81403 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/la/data |
81389 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-g |
81389 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/B |
81357 |
Appendix:Proto-Karenic reconstructions |
81352 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-50001-55000 |
81345 |
User:DCDuring/LPSNProkaryoteClassification |
81307 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-i |
81307 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/B |
81295 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-40001-45000 |
81287 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-60001-65000 |
81276 |
User:Visviva/Hotlist cited |
81273 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/水 |
81265 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-65001-70000 |
81253 |
Appendix:Female given names/J |
81252 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-35001-40000 |
81233 |
User:Robert Ullmann/CS redirects with links/3 January 2010 |
81231 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/Swahili |
81216 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 13 |
81210 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-5001-10000 |
81197 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/15 January 2009 |
81128 |
User:Saltmarsh/Verbs |
81119 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-i |
81107 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/August |
81072 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-80001-85000 |
81037 |
Appendix:Austronesian Swadesh lists |
81033 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2011-11 |
81029 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-m |
81019 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-215001-220000 |
80997 |
Category talk:Korean etymologies with first attestations that need to be moved to Middle Korean entries |
80954 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-40001-45000 |
80950 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-10001-15000 |
80919 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2006-07 |
80851 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/la/data |
80850 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/A/4 |
80841 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-b |
80834 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-w |
80786 |
User:KYPark/Beer Parlor calling for the bad guy |
80773 |
User:Darkdadaah/Diff/fr/2013-10/5 |
80764 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines6 |
80757 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/P/6 |
80738 |
User:Dixtosa/Alternative frequency list |
80730 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo2/4001-5000 |
80726 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/March |
80723 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-1-5000 |
80712 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/sh/data |
80703 |
User:Benwing2/mismatched-comments-2020-09-20-dump |
80663 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-60001-65000 |
80656 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/la/data |
80652 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/4 |
80648 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-35001-40000 |
80626 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/P |
80620 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-20001-25000 |
80579 |
User talk:Sgconlaw/Archive 2020–2024 |
80520 |
Wiktionary talk:Pronunciation/Collected archive |
80514 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/P/5 |
80509 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Persian |
80485 |
User:E46hg2/per-freq |
80485 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-105001-110000 |
80475 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/January |
80472 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-30001-35000 |
80463 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/August |
80456 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-t |
80439 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-30001-35000 |
80439 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/thesaurus |
80431 |
User:Darkdadaah/Diff/fr/2013-10/3 |
80422 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/July |
80351 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/1001-2000 |
80324 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/B |
80315 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/012 |
80296 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-11 |
80292 |
Appendix:Surnames/D |
80284 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-190001-195000 |
80253 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/5 January 2009 |
80250 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-e |
80239 |
User talk:AutoFormat |
80218 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-l |
80191 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/la/data |
80184 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-120001-125000 |
80163 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-v |
80116 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-25001-30000 |
80049 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-n |
80046 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/January |
80022 |
Module talk:ar-headword |
80015 |
User:Darkdadaah/Diff/fr/2013-10/2 |
80006 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2018 |
79991 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-25001-30000 |
79959 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-l |
79938 |
User:Mårtensås/Swedish lemmas not in en-wikt/&c to Zoey |
79933 |
User:LvdT88/Swadesh |
79930 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/sh/data |
79889 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo2/2001-3000 |
79878 |
User:Jyril/Kalevala/5001-10000 |
79867 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-55001-60000 |
79862 |
Appendix:Jewish surnames |
79812 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/bg/data |
79809 |
Appendix:Interlingua/cl |
79793 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-i |
79790 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/la/data |
79784 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/sh/data |
79782 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/2001-3000 |
79772 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-15001-20000 |
79768 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/sh/data |
79740 |
User talk:Liliana-60 |
79734 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/13 |
79731 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-e |
79723 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/B |
79685 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-o |
79681 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/January 2006 |
79669 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/sh/data |
79668 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-20001-25000 |
79666 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/2 |
79663 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/sh/data |
79646 |
User:Anas1712/common.js |
79601 |
User talk:Hamaryns |
79565 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/003 |
79481 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/sh/data |
79457 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/8 January 2009 |
79454 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/12 |
79431 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-150001-155000 |
79416 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/3 |
79398 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/A/1 |
79395 |
Appendix:Turkish ordinal numbers |
79368 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/September |
79362 |
User:Darkdadaah/Diff/fr/2013-10/4 |
79360 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-a |
79357 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/August |
79354 |
Module talk:es-pronunc |
79345 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/sh/data |
79334 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/B |
79329 |
User:Iceblock/Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy/Red links |
79305 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/sh/data |
79295 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/sh/data |
79290 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-1-5000 |
79286 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/P |
79281 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-185001-190000 |
79274 |
User:DTLHS/tracking/Juventud Rebelde/2017 |
79257 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/sh/data |
79202 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2018/December |
79166 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/sh/data |
79158 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-130001-135000 |
79152 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-c |
79150 |
User:Scs/allrhymes/s |
79137 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-15001-20000 |
79025 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-v |
79011 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-155001-160000 |
79006 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines1 |
78916 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/B |
78903 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-210001-215000 |
78847 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/trans/15001-20000 |
78832 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-t |
78827 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/October |
78812 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-175001-180000 |
78804 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/B |
78802 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/April |
78776 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo2/3001-4000 |
78775 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines4 |
78719 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/August |
78690 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-short |
78652 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-f |
78613 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/30August2016 webmin b diffs |
78560 |
Appendix:Interlingua/do |
78559 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-90001-95000 |
78535 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/P |
78499 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines3 |
78486 |
User:Fenakhay/Maltese |
78453 |
User:Jyril/Kalevala/10001-15000 |
78452 |
User:This, that and the other/broken interwiki links/2022-01-20/wikispecies |
78447 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines5 |
78444 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-f |
78425 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/ro/data |
78395 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/3 |
78379 |
Template:az-latin-conj |
78331 |
User talk:Stephen G. Brown/2014 |
78319 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/10 |
78306 |
User:Jyril/Kalevala/1-5000 |
78303 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/P |
78295 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-p |
78282 |
Appendix:Chinese four corner/4 |
78279 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/lemma misspellings |
78247 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-180001-185000 |
78237 |
Appendix:Interlingua/du |
78217 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Trans languages |
78202 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-g |
78165 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/by level/4 |
78157 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines7 |
78141 |
User talk:ZxxZxxZ/Archive 2 |
78132 |
User:Jyril/fi/s |
78127 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-140001-145000 |
78126 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2019/March |
78124 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-t |
78114 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo8/Words 7001-8000 |
78099 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-k |
78097 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2015/December |
78064 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2007/01 |
78005 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/7 |
77991 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo8/Words 6001-7000 |
77954 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-170001-175000 |
77937 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-80001-85000 |
77887 |
User talk:Bhagadatta |
77864 |
Talk:two-spirit |
77854 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2013/March |
77831 |
User:So9q/translations without gender |
77780 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-75001-80000 |
77768 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 4 |
77731 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/January |
77723 |
Appendix:Puquina word list |
77709 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-110001-115000 |
77703 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/January |
77699 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/la/data |
77682 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/P |
77655 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-g |
77622 |
User talk:Algrif |
77617 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-100001-105000 |
77564 |
User talk:Doremítzwr/Archive/03 |
77558 |
User:Julien Daux/Navajo wanted entries |
77549 |
User:Jyril/Kalevala/15001-20000 |
77473 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/4 |
77472 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-65001-70000 |
77471 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2012 |
77461 |
User:-sche/apostrophe |
77427 |
User talk:Jan.Kamenicek |
77418 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/c/words |
77409 |
User:Dominic/B |
77394 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/July |
77388 |
User talk:Medellia |
77386 |
User talk:KevinUp |
77383 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-h |
77380 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/la/data |
77370 |
User:LinguisticMystic/sa-de |
77353 |
Module:fr-verb |
77320 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-60001-65000 |
77281 |
Appendix:Ik word list |
77279 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-i |
77238 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo2/1001-2000 |
77236 |
User talk:Adamsa123 |
77213 |
User talk:Jamesjiao/Archive 2 |
77161 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/L |
77153 |
Talk:usuress |
77086 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-125001-130000 |
77082 |
Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2015-09/Using macrons and breves for Ancient Greek in various places |
77058 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-r |
77057 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-85001-90000 |
77047 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/29 January 2009 |
77044 |
User talk:Gnosandes |
77014 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Headers/replace |
77014 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/P/3 |
77013 |
Appendix:Chinese four corner/2 |
77000 |
Module:Unicode data/yue-jyutping/008 |
76999 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/la/data |
76922 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/August |
76906 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-u |
76906 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-95001-100000 |
76893 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2020/October |
76854 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/la/data |
76820 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-i |
76793 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/F/1 |
76793 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2006 |
76731 |
Talk:김 |
76728 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/3 February 2009 |
76711 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo2/1-1000 |
76704 |
Appendix:Kadu word lists |
76687 |
MediaWiki talk:Edittools/Archive 1 |
76674 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/la/data |
76668 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-115001-120000 |
76647 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/pron/200001-250000 |
76640 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/P |
76634 |
Wiktionary talk:Entry layout/archive 2006 |
76634 |
Wiktionary talk:Criteria for inclusion |
76610 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-q |
76603 |
User:Darkdadaah/Diff/fr/2013-10/1 |
76588 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/P |
76572 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2006-03 |
76561 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/501-1000 |
76556 |
User talk:咽頭べさ |
76547 |
Appendix:Interlingua/fl |
76545 |
Appendix:Surnames/R |
76539 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/T/4 |
76505 |
Appendix:Interlingua/bo |
76446 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-u |
76416 |
Module talk:grc-pronunciation/Archive 1 |
76414 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/115917695 |
76395 |
Module:Unicode data/yue-jyutping/006 |
76381 |
User:QuasiBot/la-conj-3rd-IO-nopass+gloss |
76377 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-70001-75000 |
76344 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2018/April |
76341 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/pl/data |
76304 |
Appendix:Proto-Chukotko-Kamchatkan reconstructions |
76260 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo2/5001-6000 |
76242 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-x |
76130 |
User:Edward the nice person/editor.js |
76036 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/la/data |
76030 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/la/data |
76024 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-b |
76015 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-b |
76000 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/July |
75997 |
Module:User:Benwing2/fr-verb |
75996 |
Wiktionary:Changing username/Archive 2008 |
75985 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/bg/data |
75976 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/la/data |
75976 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-o |
75974 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/10 |
75970 |
User talk:Borovi4ok |
75967 |
Module:ru-adjective |
75962 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-h |
75939 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-145001-150000 |
75936 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/la/data |
75924 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/May |
75921 |
Appendix:Warao word lists |
75914 |
Appendix:ISO 639-3 codes/Melanesia |
75863 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/la/data |
75848 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Spanish2001-3000 |
75812 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/m/Doroszewski |
75795 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/中 |
75789 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/木 |
75757 |
Module:ja/data/ojad/い |
75673 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-d |
75632 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/la/data |
75592 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/July |
75553 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-l |
75544 |
User talk:Bogorm/archive2 |
75519 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Top 1000 |
75495 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/A/3 |
75454 |
User:Enoshd/cleanup/he-needing-ipa |
75450 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-m |
75438 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/October |
75411 |
Appendix:Kho-Bwa comparative vocabulary lists |
75350 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/7 |
75244 |
Module:Unicode data/yue-jyutping/005 |
75220 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/la/data |
75197 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-BS/005 |
75179 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/la/data |
75160 |
Module:Unicode data/yue-jyutping/003 |
75149 |
User talk:Allahverdi Verdizade |
75142 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/January |
75135 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/17November2016 - Latin Syncopated Forms - Formal Version |
75112 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/la/data |
75104 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/1001-1500 |
75063 |
User:Jyril/io/m |
75055 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/la/data |
75047 |
Module:he-verb |
75040 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/la/data |
75038 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/October |
75029 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/June |
75024 |
User talk:Korn |
75002 |
User talk:334a |
74965 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/sh/data |
74962 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/I/1 |
74921 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-d |
74895 |
User talk:Eirikr/2016 |
74891 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-k |
74875 |
User:Benwing2/rq-templates-unable-to-parse |
74864 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/December |
74855 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-n |
74850 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-u |
74808 |
User:Jyril/io/l |
74801 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/i |
74789 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-j |
74754 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/16 January 2009 |
74748 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/10 |
74733 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/ka/data |
74654 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-h |
74643 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-k |
74634 |
Module:fi-nominals |
74628 |
User talk:Rhyminreason |
74627 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2020/July |
74581 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/December |
74550 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/de/data |
74537 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/de/data |
74476 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/7 |
74460 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/2001-2500 |
74459 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/bg/data |
74449 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/November |
74447 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (Chinese) |
74398 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-u |
74317 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/4 |
74243 |
User talk:Mzajac |
74241 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/August |
74228 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/uk/data |
74158 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo6 Romanian |
74134 |
Module talk:ru-pron/Archive 1 |
74128 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/ro/data |
74107 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/uk/data |
74101 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/de/data |
74082 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/de/data |
74069 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/uk/data |
74065 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/de/data |
73991 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-t |
73989 |
Template talk:place |
73980 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/de/data |
73949 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/de/data |
73948 |
Module:de-verb |
73948 |
Module:User:Benwing2/de-verb |
73939 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/de/data |
73929 |
Module talk:hi-verb |
73918 |
Wiktionary:Requests for cleanup/archive/2009 |
73875 |
Wiktionary talk:About Japanese/Conjugation |
73869 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2020-05/WT:NORM |
73853 |
Appendix:Proto-Japurá-Colombia reconstructions |
73852 |
User:Mglovesfun/list of English words of French origin/a-d |
73828 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/bg/data |
73816 |
Concordance:New Testament Greek |
73785 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/bg/data |
73768 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/de/data |
73741 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/bg/data |
73741 |
User:Jyril/fi/a |
73735 |
Template talk:IPA |
73728 |
Module:he-verb-ng |
73702 |
Concordance:Engines/Engines8 |
73673 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/de/data |
73664 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/uk/data |
73664 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-f |
73623 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/redirects/Participle redirecting to singular |
73613 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 21h10m06s/AddRefsL/49 items copula to corolla Diff.txt |
73611 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/German subtitles 1000 |
73596 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2006/03 |
73543 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/4001-5000 |
73527 |
User:Vildricianus/Dutch |
73505 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211101/N |
73490 |
Appendix:Salinan word lists |
73481 |
User:Vorziblix/Pseudo-Epiphanius - Old Slavonic Homily on the Burial of the Divine Body |
73468 |
Wiktionary talk:Pronunciation |
73436 |
User talk:Qehath/Archive 2012 |
73427 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-10 |
73411 |
User talk:Barmar/2008 |
73395 |
Module:pi-conj/verb |
73393 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/pl/data |
73328 |
Appendix:Female given names/D |
73282 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/de/data |
73268 |
User talk:Mallerd/S Files |
73240 |
User:Hippietrail/editor.js |
73236 |
User:DTLHS/WantedPages/1 |
73222 |
Wiktionary talk:About Hebrew/archives/2008 |
73102 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/April |
73094 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/de/data |
73078 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Spanish1001-2000 |
73054 |
Appendix:Surnames/C |
73025 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/6b |
73019 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-e |
73010 |
User talk:Conrad.Irwin/i |
72993 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/November |
72982 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/February |
72959 |
Appendix:Austroasiatic Swadesh lists |
72906 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-j |
72902 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/December 2006 |
72902 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-w |
72890 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220101/N |
72888 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/1501-2000 |
72875 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/L/3 |
72858 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/de/data |
72851 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/O/1 |
72834 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20220120/N |
72795 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-o |
72787 |
User:Gamren/Todo |
72769 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/N |
72733 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/28 January 2009 |
72733 |
Module talk:ru-pron |
72714 |
Appendix:Female given names/K |
72705 |
Module:data tables/dataC8 |
72703 |
User talk:Bragz |
72698 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-g |
72696 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/12 February 2009 |
72690 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/September |
72660 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/bg/data |
72655 |
User:Jonrgrover4 |
72614 |
User:DCDuring/NativePlantsofNYCRegion |
72594 |
Wiktionary talk:Main Page/Archive 6 |
72588 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/T/3 |
72561 |
User talk:-sche/Archive/2016 |
72549 |
User talk:Vildricianus/Archive2 |
72534 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/A/2 |
72525 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-h |
72507 |
User:Itsacatfish/LRD |
72402 |
Wiktionary:Requests for checkuser/archive |
72378 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-h |
72359 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/December |
72358 |
User:Erutuon/wrong script/Arabic/data |
72336 |
Appendix:Proto-Southern Min reconstructions |
72307 |
Module:data tables/dataC11 |
72287 |
Appendix:Icelandic given names |
72273 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211220/N |
72259 |
Wiktionary:Votes/2008-02/Reprimand of User:Connel MacKenzie |
72234 |
User:Patricorgi/vector.css |
72212 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2008/July |
72206 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/bg/data |
72202 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2011 |
72179 |
Module:data tables/dataC6 |
72159 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/w/PWN |
72146 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/9 |
72091 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/d |
72028 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/2501-3000 |
71977 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/E/1 |
71926 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/bg/data |
71842 |
Module:Unicode data/yue-jyutping/007 |
71826 |
Module:Unicode data/yue-jyutping/009 |
71813 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/23 January 2009 |
71807 |
User:Wietsezuyderwijk/HU/ECTSs |
71765 |
Module:data tables/dataC9 |
71758 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/D/4 |
71740 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/6 |
71734 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/22 January 2009 |
71711 |
User talk:Sae1962 |
71702 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/bg/data |
71696 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/de/data |
71695 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/5 |
71658 |
User talk:Widsith/archive5 |
71649 |
User:Dinofelis/sandbox |
71639 |
Wiktionary talk:About Czech |
71639 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-m |
71635 |
User:Erutuon/wrong script/ru |
71576 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/pl/data |
71557 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2006/02 |
71549 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2006-12 |
71547 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/6 |
71514 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-9 |
71508 |
Appendix:Proto-Kartvelian reconstructions |
71474 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/4001-4500 |
71469 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/de/data |
71450 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/sh/data |
71448 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/R/4 |
71448 |
Module:grc-decl/testcases |
71445 |
User talk:Hans-Friedrich Tamke |
71444 |
Appendix talk:English pronunciation |
71442 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-h |
71399 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/June |
71348 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/bg/data |
71327 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/bg/data |
71248 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/5 |
71236 |
Appendix:Candoshi word list |
71218 |
Appendix:Surnames/P |
71174 |
Appendix:Celtic word lists |
71167 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211201/N |
71163 |
Module:data tables/dataC10 |
71038 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/sh/data |
70963 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2014/March |
70961 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/bg/data |
70941 |
User talk:JohnC5 |
70939 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/case-sensitivity vote |
70933 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-f |
70932 |
Appendix:Afroasiatic Swadesh lists |
70908 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3501-4000 |
70906 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier |
70896 |
Appendix:Glossary of cricket |
70874 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-r |
70832 |
User:Erutuon/wrong script/be bg mk |
70823 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-l |
70804 |
Module:ru-verb/documentation |
70799 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/20211120/N |
70745 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/altforms/en2 |
70737 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/6 |
70661 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/1-500 |
70589 |
Appendix:Cyrillic script |
70583 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-d |
70566 |
User:Jyril/todo/9 |
70557 |
User:Ah3kal/Local |
70538 |
User talk:Tibidibi/archive |
70513 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-l |
70512 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/M/1 |
70511 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/October |
70502 |
Template talk:ja-spellings |
70469 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-u |
70465 |
Module:User:Benwing2/ru-adjective |
70465 |
Module:zh/data/hak-pron/t |
70463 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/February |
70450 |
Module:it-headword |
70441 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/October |
70439 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/5 |
70431 |
User:Erutuon/Latin verb stems |
70421 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/enm/data |
70414 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/enm/data |
70387 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/A Frequency Dictionary of German |
70371 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-l |
70324 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/a |
70322 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/enm/data |
70321 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/enm/data |
70297 |
Module:data tables/dataC7 |
70288 |
User:Aearthrise/Hieroglyphics/Egyptian Sign List |
70270 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/enm/data |
70213 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/enm/data |
70212 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Not counted |
70205 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/enm/data |
70204 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/T/2 |
70200 |
User:PUC/French red links |
70142 |
User:E46hg2/p1 |
70136 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000 |
70123 |
User talk:BD2412/Archive 8 |
70109 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Periódico (Spanish)/20170104 |
70098 |
User talk:Burgundaz |
70066 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/12 |
70046 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/enm/data |
70035 |
User:Arael/To Translate:Portuguese |
70013 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/April |
69983 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2020/June |
69972 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/enm/data |
69939 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/14 January 2009 |
69914 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/enm/data |
69912 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2011/July |
69889 |
User:Şêr/6 |
69864 |
Module:data tables/dataC5 |
69853 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/P/4 |
69843 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/enm/data |
69841 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/5001-6000 |
69823 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/8 |
69822 |
Appendix:Proto-Gbaya reconstructions |
69820 |
Appendix:Surnames/L |
69805 |
User:Visviva/GSL coverage |
69792 |
User talk:Lysdexia |
69757 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-3500 |
69706 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/enm/data |
69669 |
User talk:RcAlex36 |
69669 |
User:RJFJR/verbscan |
69617 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6501-7000 |
69540 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/enm/data |
69519 |
Talk:they |
69476 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/I/2 |
69474 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/22September2016 UpdateAlso - a few more |
69468 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/8 |
69449 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/5501-6000 |
69436 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2006/08 |
69431 |
Module:R:M&A/lemmas collision to ix phrase |
69425 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/20 January 2009 |
69404 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-d |
69395 |
User talk:Chuck Entz/2012 |
69380 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Spanish1000 |
69358 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/de/data |
69356 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/enm/data |
69348 |
User talk:ReidAA |
69309 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/30001-32000 |
69254 |
Module:rgn-pronunciation |
69247 |
Module:it-pronunciation |
69246 |
Module:User:Benwing2/it-pronunciation |
69245 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/4501-5000 |
69212 |
Appendix:Turkish cardinal numbers |
69212 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/13 |
69210 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/enm/data |
69207 |
Appendix:List of Latin phrases (P–Z) |
69199 |
Appendix:Surnames/T |
69195 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/30 January 2009 |
69167 |
Wiktionary talk:Administrators |
69133 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/28001-30000 |
69086 |
Module:grc-decl/sandbox/testcases |
69085 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/24001-26000 |
69006 |
User:AryamanA/Indo-Iranian |
69003 |
Wiktionary:Todo/Dash quotes |
68944 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/22001-24000 |
68901 |
User talk:Saltmarsh/Archive 9 |
68890 |
Module talk:uk-verb |
68882 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-w |
68878 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/26001-28000 |
68867 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/G/3 |
68858 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-w |
68847 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest//by level/3 |
68846 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/de/data |
68822 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/3 |
68812 |
User:DCDuring/Geology |
68790 |
Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations/Archive 2007 |
68771 |
Wiktionary:Previously deleted entries/A |
68765 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-6 |
68752 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-f |
68704 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/20001-22000 |
68703 |
User talk:Widsith/archive3 |
68678 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/de/data |
68665 |
Appendix:Proto-Nilo-Saharan reconstructions |
68635 |
User:Heyzeuss/Information Technology |
68635 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/18001-20000 |
68625 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-w |
68615 |
Module:data tables/dataC12 |
68597 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/de/data |
68594 |
Wiktionary:Previously deleted entries/0 |
68590 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/de/data |
68579 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/14001-16000 |
68579 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000 |
68574 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/trans/10001-15000 |
68573 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/16001-18000 |
68568 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2016/August |
68545 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-g |
68510 |
Wiktionary:Votes/2010-04/Voting policy |
68491 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/M/5 |
68489 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2021/June |
68484 |
Appendix:Proto-Hokan reconstructions |
68480 |
User talk:Emi-Ireland |
68455 |
Module talk:fr-pron |
68443 |
Module:ro-verb |
68428 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/May |
68417 |
User:Jyril/todo/8 |
68415 |
User:Jyril/todo |
68403 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-w |
68386 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2021/August |
68364 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/redirects/Past tense redirecting to singular |
68363 |
User:Tropylium/Proto-Indo-European/Verbs |
68345 |
User:This, that and the other/broken interwiki links/2022-01-20/wikipedia |
68344 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/de/data |
68314 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/12001-14000 |
68282 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/February |
68262 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/18 February 2009 |
68257 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/8 |
68232 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/November |
68228 |
User talk:AryamanA |
68192 |
User:Isomorphyc/Sandbox/grc-rows-ipa/head arguments with unmarked ambiguous vowels |
68167 |
User talk:Mutante/Archive 1 |
68162 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo8/Words 1001-2000 |
68159 |
Module:Unicode data/images/010 |
68152 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-o |
68104 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/5001-5500 |
68081 |
User talk:HausaDictionary/googletranslate/json2 |
68044 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/D |
68023 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/10001-12000 |
68012 |
Module:dialect synonyms/ko |
68003 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2018/May |
67999 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/b |
67947 |
User:Beobach972/C |
67917 |
Rhymes:English/ɪk |
67905 |
Appendix:Common Persian verbs |
67885 |
Appendix:Raji-Raute comparative vocabulary list |
67876 |
User talk:Kc kennylau/2015 |
67863 |
Template talk:term |
67853 |
User talk:GianWiki |
67845 |
Module:ru-pron |
67831 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/2 |
67821 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/todo8/Words 8001-9000 |
67753 |
User talk:Dan Polansky/2008 |
67737 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/ro/data |
67715 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2019/February |
67640 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-e |
67599 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/D/2 |
67592 |
Rhymes:Czech/ɛtɛ |
67547 |
User talk:Ultimateria/Archive 2 |
67540 |
Wiktionary talk:About Ancient Greek/Archive 2 |
67537 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/21 |
67536 |
Module talk:hi-translit |
67531 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/b/Doroszewski |
67505 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/lt/data |
67490 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/enm/data |
67481 |
Template talk:en-noun |
67478 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/June |
67468 |
Talk:Jahbulon |
67459 |
User:Chuck Entz/Butterflies/Names without entries/Lycaenidae/Polyommatinae |
67453 |
Module:data tables/dataC3 |
67449 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Trinidad and Tobago Newsday/all |
67446 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/9 |
67438 |
Appendix:Glossary of collective nouns by subject |
67438 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-6500 |
67395 |
User:Turkish Glossary of Untranslatable Expressions |
67377 |
User talk:Lingo Bingo Dingo/2017 |
67355 |
Module:User:Suzukaze-c/02/hz |
67342 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/enm/data |
67317 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/p/phrases |
67304 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-h |
67303 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-c |
67247 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/38001-40000 |
67237 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/D/3 |
67235 |
Appendix:Interlingua/ab |
67221 |
User:Julien Daux/Translations Eng-Nav A-E |
67220 |
User talk:DCDuring/2008 QII |
67203 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/34001-36000 |
67201 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-v |
67164 |
User talk:Sarri.greek/2020 |
67143 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/32001-34000 |
67141 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/F/2 |
67138 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/February |
67136 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/t/words |
67134 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/36001-38000 |
67128 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/de/data |
67096 |
Appendix:Swadesh lists |
67074 |
Appendix talk:Glossary of Boston slang |
67003 |
Appendix:Interlingua/at |
66989 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/z/PWN |
66953 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/18 |
66917 |
Module:User:Benwing2/ru-pron |
66892 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2007/January |
66882 |
Wiktionary:News for editors/Archive/2007-2017 |
66879 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/de/data |
66807 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/6c |
66805 |
User talk:Kolmiel |
66803 |
User talk:Hazarasp/Kent Dominic |
66795 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-2 |
66789 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-7500 |
66786 |
Wiktionary talk:About Proto-Slavic |
66782 |
User talk:DCDuring/2012 QIV |
66782 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-by-iw |
66681 |
User:Tropylium/Proto-Samic |
66622 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7501-8000 |
66585 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/9501-10000 |
66514 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/de/data |
66506 |
Wiktionary:Votes/sy-2016-08/User:Dan Polansky for admin |
66494 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/8001-8500 |
66465 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/La Nación (Costa Rica)/20170903 |
66462 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/8501-9000 |
66440 |
User talk:Vs.abbott |
66411 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/9001-9500 |
66409 |
Appendix:Interlingua/el |
66405 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/pl/data |
66399 |
User:Taxman/Vocab |
66379 |
User talk:ObsequiousNewt/1 |
66364 |
Wiktionary:Requests for verification archive/December 2005 |
66356 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/E/2 |
66351 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/pl/data |
66333 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/el/data |
66312 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-j |
66299 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/8 |
66295 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-g |
66268 |
User:DTLHS/WantedPages/3 |
66267 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Arab |
66252 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/enm/data |
66242 |
Appendix:Female given names/R |
66224 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/altforms/en1 |
66187 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Granma/20210114 |
66168 |
User:So9q/Improved-xte.js |
66142 |
Wiktionary talk:About Hebrew |
66120 |
Wiktionary:Previously deleted entries/C |
66098 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/June |
66054 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/ro/data |
66050 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/D/1 |
66027 |
User:Arael/To Translate:Italian |
66009 |
User:Pengo/Latin/Most Common Epithets 63 |
65992 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/T/5 |
65981 |
User talk:Kwékwlos |
65940 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 06h17m04s/AddRefsL/1000 items cavillatus to computatio Summary.txt |
65911 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/de/data |
65899 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Stabroek News/all |
65895 |
Wiktionary talk:Language considerations |
65879 |
Wiktionary talk:About Ancient Greek/Declension table cleanup |
65878 |
User:Keith the Koala/Two words |
65860 |
Wiktionary talk:Spelling Variants in Entry Names - Draft Policy/BP April 2006 |
65857 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/11November2016 - further equivalences |
65852 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/en/data |
65812 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/October |
65807 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/2016/September |
65798 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2018/January |
65787 |
User talk:Dvortygirl |
65777 |
Wiktionary:Requests for cleanup/archive/2008 |
65772 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/R/2 |
65768 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-u |
65763 |
User talk:Conrad.Irwin/一 |
65762 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/W/1 |
65741 |
User talk:Robin Lionheart |
65701 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (English)/2021 |
65688 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Nacional/E |
65682 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-8 |
65677 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/enm/data |
65657 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/missing translations/pt |
65630 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/en/data |
65605 |
Appendix:Interlingua/da |
65599 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/el/data |
65586 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/enm/data |
65579 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/9 |
65570 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-k |
65554 |
User talk:DCDuring/2010 QIII |
65536 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2019/January |
65514 |
User talk:Mulder1982 |
65495 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/t |
65494 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-i |
65457 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/uk/data |
65438 |
Appendix talk:Swadesh lists |
65407 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2006/11 |
65398 |
Appendix:Roget's thesaurus classification |
65386 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-BS/006 |
65381 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/手 |
65372 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/February |
65339 |
User:DTLHS/cleanup/unrecognized translation line starts |
65332 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/26 January 2009 |
65326 |
User talk:Sack36/archive20080828 |
65310 |
User talk:Interwicket |
65281 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/en/data |
65278 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/3 |
65267 |
User talk:RichardW57 |
65255 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-d |
65226 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-j |
65226 |
Appendix:Canadian English military slang |
65218 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-7 |
65186 |
User:LinguisticMystic/de-freq-5009 |
65167 |
Module:data tables/dataC4 |
65165 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/trans/5001-10000 |
65164 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/enm/data |
65140 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/enm/data |
65136 |
User:Benwing2/sla-pro-ru-redlinks |
65127 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/en/data |
65125 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-n |
65123 |
User:DTLHS/WantedPages/4 |
65121 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/uk/data |
65115 |
Rhymes:Czech/iːmɛ |
65115 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ko-n |
65107 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2019/April |
65106 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/enm/data |
65098 |
User:DTLHS/WantedPages/5 |
65043 |
User:Mglovesfun/list of English words of French origin/e-m |
65043 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/de/data |
65039 |
Rhymes:Czech/ɛmɛ |
65035 |
User:DTLHS/WantedPages/2 |
65031 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/enm/data |
65021 |
User:Jyril/io/r |
65021 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-r |
65007 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/6 |
64986 |
User:Daniel Carrero/Quotations sections |
64984 |
Template talk:ja-pron |
64926 |
Module:yue-pron/hom |
64920 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/bg/data |
64836 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/7001-8000 |
64805 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-f |
64790 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/en/data |
64781 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/April |
64781 |
User talk:Linshee/Archive1 |
64778 |
User talk:Inqilābī |
64777 |
User:Erutuon/εω in Herodotus |
64738 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2009/July |
64726 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/de/data |
64718 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/de/data |
64679 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/en/data |
64670 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000 |
64668 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/el/data |
64663 |
Module:fi-verbs |
64658 |
User:DTLHS/googlebookscorpus/Z |
64652 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/en/data |
64646 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/8001-9000 |
64637 |
Wiktionary talk:Main Page/Archive 4 |
64626 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/el/data |
64624 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/H/3 |
64616 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/7 |
64613 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/el/data |
64606 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/el/data |
64606 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/el/data |
64600 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/17 January 2009 |
64595 |
Appendix:Balkanisms |
64592 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/el/data |
64590 |
Template talk:head |
64583 |
Rhymes:Czech/aːɲiː |
64581 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/el/data |
64576 |
Wiktionary talk:About Hebrew/archives/2010 |
64568 |
Module:fro-verb |
64555 |
Appendix:Chinook Jargon |
64536 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/June |
64524 |
User talk:DCDuring/2011 QIII |
64512 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/de/data |
64458 |
User:Saga City/Chemical list |
64436 |
User:Darkdadaah/Diff/fr/2008-01 |
64430 |
Appendix:Female given names/E |
64426 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/en/data |
64424 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-g |
64424 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/el/data |
64380 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/enm/data |
64363 |
User:Julien Daux/Translations Eng-Nav S-Z |
64359 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/el/data |
64331 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-n |
64316 |
Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2012-01 |
64304 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/el/data |
64293 |
Appendix:Female given names/B |
64282 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Jamaica Star/20210102 |
64248 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/el/data |
64248 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/uk/data |
64202 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/el/data |
64173 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/8001-9000 |
64167 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/el/data |
64144 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 05h59m34s/AddRefsL/1000 items auspicato to cavillator Summary.txt |
64138 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/el/data |
64137 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 1 |
64116 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/el/data |
64110 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/el/data |
64104 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/September |
64093 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/en/data |
64087 |
Wiktionary:Previously deleted entries/P |
64086 |
Wiktionary talk:About Latin |
64066 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/October |
64054 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/el/data |
64041 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-h |
64039 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/el/data |
64034 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/enm/data |
64030 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/enm/data |
64015 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/el/data |
64015 |
User:TheDaveBot/summary/1159475404 |
63990 |
User:Erutuon/lists/abbreviation titles |
63978 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/O/2 |
63972 |
Appendix:English terms of Native North American origin |
63936 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/015 |
63929 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2014/March |
63924 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2018/November |
63920 |
Rhymes:Czech/iːtɛ |
63918 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/pl/data |
63894 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/enm/data |
63884 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/enm/data |
63883 |
Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/9001-10000 |
63871 |
User:Atelaes/AGr |
63870 |
User:Benwing2/convert-en-noun.warnings |
63849 |
User talk:Bogorm/archive1 |
63840 |
User talk:Furius/Egyptian Conjugations |
63829 |
Module:data tables/dataC2 |
63827 |
Appendix:Greek word lists/8 |
63824 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-g |
63799 |
User:Meco/Insektoid |
63793 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/November |
63788 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2010/May |
63787 |
User talk:Werdna Yrneh Yarg |
63784 |
Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/r |
63771 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/la/data |
63769 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/6001-7000 |
63767 |
User talk:Dijan/Vocab2 |
63763 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/5001-6000 |
63755 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/el/data |
63754 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/June |
63750 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/el/data |
63748 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/9001-10000 |
63691 |
User:Mike Dillon/timezones |
63660 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/bug reports |
63653 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/en/data |
63626 |
Appendix:Hungarian words M |
63607 |
User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/by level/3 |
63594 |
User:Guitarmankev1 |
63580 |
Appendix:Female given names/T |
63578 |
Appendix:Female given names/N |
63566 |
Appendix:Proto-Hmong-Mien reconstructions |
63562 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/el/data |
63546 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-l |
63530 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/en/data |
63503 |
Wiktionary talk:About Latin/Archive 1 |
63429 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/B/1 |
63429 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/pron/150001-200000 |
63417 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/T entries |
63396 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200401/el/data |
63389 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/el/data |
63374 |
User talk:DCDuring/2009 QIII |
63371 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/en/data |
63362 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/4001-5000 |
63353 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2017/February |
63350 |
User:Keith the Koala/Curly quotes |
63345 |
User talk:Alasdair~enwiktionary |
63324 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2018/August |
63281 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/7 |
63272 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/1 |
63237 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-u |
63229 |
Wiktionary:WikiProject Check Wikipedia/Translation |
63206 |
User talk:Rodasmith |
63203 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/el/data |
63193 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/el/data |
63191 |
User talk:Eirikr/2014 |
63188 |
Appendix:English dictionary-only terms |
63165 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/trans/1-5000 |
63152 |
Appendix:Dogon word lists |
63151 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (Latin) |
63146 |
User:Benwing2/uk-nouns-m |
63117 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2007/February |
63117 |
User:Jyril/fi/t |
63115 |
Appendix:Male given names/I |
63072 |
User:The Ice Mage/Bits and bobs |
63028 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-k |
63003 |
Appendix:Jōyō kanji by Kanken degree 2 |
63001 |
User talk:Kappa~enwiktionary |
62998 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-d |
62990 |
Template:az-decl-noun |
62966 |
Appendix:Hungarian words E |
62962 |
Wiktionary talk:About Portuguese |
62957 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/el/data |
62908 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/en/data |
62873 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-n |
62845 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/en/data |
62842 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Spanish frequency list-220001-225000 |
62829 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/en/data |
62739 |
Module talk:ang-pron |
62703 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2008/September |
62698 |
Module:Unicode data/names/012 |
62686 |
User talk:-sche/Archive/2018 |
62680 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/en/data |
62662 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/en/data |
62656 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/pl/data |
62654 |
Appendix:Tungusic Swadesh lists |
62639 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-n |
62636 |
User:Razorflame/Esperanto pronunciation to do list/5 |
62623 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2018/December |
62598 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-j |
62568 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200101/pl/data |
62562 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200201/pl/data |
62559 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Korean Yale |
62545 |
Appendix:Kusunda word list |
62542 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/3001-4000 |
62537 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/B/4 |
62530 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2013/June |
62525 |
Appendix:Uralic Swadesh lists |
62488 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (English)/Wordlist/Proper names/A |
62473 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/en/data |
62441 |
Appendix:Dravidian Swadesh lists |
62437 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/January |
62435 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20200120/pl/data |
62393 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/en/data |
62375 |
User talk:Irman |
62374 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-u |
62340 |
Appendix:Male given names/V |
62322 |
User talk:Caladon/Archive 2 |
62313 |
User:Chuck Entz/Memory/R:Perseus combined tables/D |
62295 |
User:Koavf/monobook.js |
62279 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/en/data |
62248 |
User talk:Pereru |
62232 |
Wiktionary talk:Entry layout/POS headers |
62228 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/pl/data |
62223 |
Module:User:Suzukaze-c/02 |
62197 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/en/data |
62187 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/pl/data |
62169 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/en/data |
62163 |
Wiktionary:Project cleanup of basic English entries/Table |
62160 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-c |
62119 |
Appendix talk:Latin phrases (A–E) |
62094 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-v |
62089 |
User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/19July2016 04h13m48s/AddRefsL/50 items abactus to abicio Diff.txt |
62053 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/en/data |
62033 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-l |
62033 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/R/3 |
62029 |
User:Kwunlam/HKPrimarySchoolChineseWords |
62008 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/en/data |
61975 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-u |
61952 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/November |
61933 |
User:Jyril/fi/m |
61923 |
User talk:Huhu9001 |
61910 |
User talk:Wanjuscha |
61906 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/en/data |
61894 |
User talk:Mellohi! |
61867 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2012/March |
61866 |
User talk:Shāntián Tàiláng |
61862 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/en/data |
61858 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/uk/data |
61852 |
User:Sumiaz/Ullanta/Workbook |
61803 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/June |
61794 |
Module:R:Bailly/headwords |
61787 |
User:Vorziblix/Shipwrecked Sailor |
61781 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/6 |
61777 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-w |
61758 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-l |
61753 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/16 March 2009 |
61745 |
Talk:fabulous |
61734 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/2021/February |
61728 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/H/2 |
61687 |
Category talk:Prakrit languages |
61673 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220101/en/data |
61667 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/December |
61655 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211201/pl/data |
61649 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/April |
61642 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191201/pl/data |
61586 |
User talk:Paul G/2007 |
61572 |
Wiktionary talk:About Proto-Brythonic |
61560 |
Module:User:Benwing2/inflection utilities |
61547 |
User:DCDuring/NonverbalDeverbals |
61544 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/en/data |
61516 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/R |
61515 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/8 |
61488 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/2001-3000 |
61457 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20220120/be/data |
61456 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-w |
61455 |
User talk:Wikitiki89/Fête's pronunciation questions |
61442 |
User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/m |
61430 |
User:Vuara/Cachmạng Chữ Viẹt |
61426 |
Module:data tables/dataC13 |
61417 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/27 January 2009 |
61416 |
User talk:A-cai/2010 |
61410 |
User talk:Robert Ullmann/2010–2011 |
61395 |
User talk:Daniel Carrero/2017 |
61379 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2017/January |
61376 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/C/2 |
61337 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-BS/008 |
61322 |
Module:data tables/dataC1 |
61294 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/P/1 |
61288 |
Wiktionary talk:Entry layout/archive 2012-2018 |
61281 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191101/pl/data |
61262 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-p |
61250 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/A22 |
61226 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (German) |
61199 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/1001-2000 |
61187 |
User:AdamBMorgan/sandbox |
61170 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Cyrl/10 |
61163 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20201101/en/data |
61123 |
Wiktionary:Votes/2020-12/Bringing back wynn entries |
61113 |
Module:jbo/data |
61091 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2006/07 |
61084 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 6 |
61015 |
User talk:Jamesjiao |
60984 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-j |
60954 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists |
60944 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-i |
60925 |
Appendix:Greek abbreviations |
60909 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-d |
60884 |
Module talk:pt-pronunc |
60861 |
User:Jyril/todo/13 |
60847 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/ro/data |
60843 |
User:Scs/allrhymes/c |
60836 |
Wiktionary talk:Japanese transliteration |
60800 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk |
60790 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Periódico (Spanish)/20170514 |
60787 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/El Periódico (Spanish)/20170714 |
60783 |
User:Dixtosa/Alternative frequency list/lemmatized |
60779 |
Module:data tables/dataC14 |
60768 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211101/pl/data |
60760 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/ones |
60757 |
User:BD2412/appendix factory |
60755 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2018/September |
60727 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191020/pl/data |
60719 |
Talk:santorum |
60706 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2021/July |
60696 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/June |
60679 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2019-12/sga schwa |
60665 |
Appendix:Chinese hanzi by GB 2312 quwei code |
60634 |
User:JeffDoozan/lists/mismatched pos/S |
60617 |
User:Robert Ullmann/IPAchars |
60614 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/4 February 2009 |
60608 |
Talk:Jesuses |
60580 |
User:GerardM/Kladblok |
60566 |
User talk:A-cai/2007 |
60554 |
Appendix:Alsea word list |
60546 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-h |
60542 |
Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2007-08/Brand names of products 2 |
60539 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20191001/pl/data |
60522 |
Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-03/Unified Norwegian |
60516 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/5 |
60508 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-l |
60507 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/October |
60493 |
User:Erutuon/lists/Ancient Greek verbs by conjugation code |
60484 |
User talk:Paul G/2004 |
60468 |
User talk:Dentonius/2020 |
60462 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-v |
60418 |
Talk:nationality |
60413 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/N/1 |
60374 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/es/Guinea Ecuatorial Press/all |
60364 |
Rhymes:Czech/ɛɲiː |
60349 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/2021/January |
60318 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2019/August |
60317 |
User talk:Eirikr/2012 |
60279 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-q |
60254 |
User:Imetsia/The state of the plus templates |
60238 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-k |
60235 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-t |
60234 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2007/December |
60231 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/17 |
60230 |
Wiktionary talk:About Persian |
60184 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/T/1 |
60165 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/P/2 |
60155 |
User:Samwilson/Noongarpedia/J entries |
60142 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2010/March |
60106 |
Module:ur-verb |
60018 |
Wiktionary talk:Wanted entries/Archive 1 |
59994 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/18 |
59989 |
Wiktionary talk:Quotations/Archive |
59985 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2009/September |
59984 |
Appendix:French irregular verbs |
59957 |
User talk:Connel MacKenzie/archive-2007-5 |
59948 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20211001/uk/data |
59941 |
User:Robert Ullmann/t11 |
59922 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190901/pl/data |
59901 |
Module:data tables/dataC15 |
59832 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/S/1 |
59809 |
User talk:Mlgc1998 |
59801 |
User talk:Nadando/Archive 2 |
59768 |
Wiktionary:Christmas Competition 2017 |
59765 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/18 January 2009 |
59749 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-g |
59746 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-f |
59722 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-k |
59712 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-e |
59687 |
User talk:Maro |
59663 |
Appendix:Danish given names in Greenland |
59649 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2018/March |
59648 |
User:Jyril/anagrams/7f |
59618 |
Appendix:Hunan Kam-Sui languages comparative vocabulary list |
59611 |
Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2014-07/Allowing well-attested romanizations of Sanskrit |
59607 |
Appendix:Proto-Katuic reconstructions |
59528 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Telangana Today/all |
59517 |
Module:languages/datax |
59495 |
User:Jyril/todo/4 |
59448 |
Module talk:pi-Latn-translit |
59447 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/7 |
59394 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/20161225/3 |
59369 |
User talk:Stardsen |
59360 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190801/pl/data |
59348 |
User:Vuara/Tệp rác ở đâu ra |
59343 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-u |
59331 |
Appendix:Mochica word list |
59314 |
Module:kab-verb |
59303 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/Italian frequency list-70001- |
59299 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2021/November |
59280 |
Appendix:Interlingua/br |
59244 |
Wiktionary:Information desk/2014/July |
59223 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2017/October |
59222 |
User talk:Ivan Štambuk/Archive 2 |
59195 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/September |
59192 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2017/February |
59095 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/9 |
59070 |
User talk:--Stranger |
59070 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-l |
59022 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-j |
59012 |
User talk:DCDuring/2014 |
58960 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2016/December |
58912 |
User talk:Julien Daux |
58895 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210501/uk/data |
58882 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210901/uk/data |
58880 |
Module:number list/data/id |
58867 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2017/May |
58832 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-la-w |
58799 |
Appendix:Proto-Afroasiatic reconstructions |
58795 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-j |
58792 |
User talk:EncycloPetey/Archive 12 |
58783 |
Appendix:Latin phrases (F–O) |
58777 |
User:Buttermilch/updated KassadBot |
58735 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190401/fr/data |
58707 |
User:So9q/nb-no-da1 |
58689 |
User:Jberkel/lists/Frequency/German/1-1000 |
58671 |
User:Benwing2/hi-conj-auto |
58657 |
User talk:The dog2 |
58646 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-v |
58646 |
User:LinguisticMystic/sa-300 |
58609 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2011/March |
58579 |
User talk:Frous |
58568 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190420/fr/data |
58560 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/ca/El Periódico/H |
58545 |
Module:zh/data/ts |
58541 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/金 |
58533 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190501/fr/data |
58525 |
Appendix:Hebrew given names |
58524 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-v |
58505 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/n/PWN |
58488 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/L/2 |
58472 |
Module:zh/data/nan-pron/011 |
58443 |
Module:User:Abuccts/ru-pron |
58425 |
Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives/2007/04 |
58400 |
User talk:Cynewulf/2007 |
58397 |
Talk:atheism |
58395 |
User:Jberkel/lists/L2-header-label-mismatch/20190301 |
58362 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210801/uk/data |
58351 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-z |
58335 |
Appendix:Male given names/O |
58326 |
Appendix:Glossary of nautical terms |
58302 |
Template talk:la-IPA |
58284 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/pl/data |
58224 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/D/5 |
58209 |
User talk:Mglovesfun/Archives/14 |
58204 |
User talk:Romanophile/archive |
58194 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210401/uk/data |
58186 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2016/October |
58186 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/November |
58166 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2019/December |
58160 |
User talk:Malku H₂n̥rés |
58139 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-o |
58109 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210701/uk/data |
58098 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210101/uk/data |
58095 |
User:Adam78/missing link to ErtSz |
58087 |
Appendix:Proto-Tujia reconstructions |
58078 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/checktrans |
58070 |
User:Beobach972/A |
58050 |
User talk:Vahagn Petrosyan/Archive 9 |
58046 |
User talk:Saltmarsh/Archive 10 |
58044 |
Wiktionary talk:Criteria for inclusion/Archive 3 |
58021 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20210601/uk/data |
57995 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/B/2 |
57994 |
User:-sche/wanted-de |
57991 |
Module:hi-verb |
57986 |
User talk:Heyzeuss |
57951 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/戈 |
57942 |
User:Connel MacKenzie/reformat.js |
57940 |
User:ToilBot/edit logs/2021-01/Spanish rhymes |
57915 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/pl/data |
57856 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-r |
57822 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/fr/data |
57804 |
User talk:Vedac13 |
57798 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/M/2 |
57797 |
Module:ang-verb |
57781 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190620/fr/data |
57778 |
Module:grc-conj |
57758 |
User:Forudgah/Languages of Wikipedia 2-dic |
57756 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2010/January |
57746 |
User talk:Rodasmith/Archive 6 |
57720 |
User:DTLHS/elsewhere/Hebr |
57715 |
User:DTLHS/word tracking/en/Jamaica Star/20210101 |
57683 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2017/March |
57619 |
User talk:Bogorm |
57607 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190701/fr/data |
57566 |
Appendix:Chinese Cangjie/尸 |
57545 |
Module:data tables/dataC16 |
57520 |
User talk:Sarri.greek/2017 |
57516 |
User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/flags |
57498 |
User:Kipmaster/english-index |
57479 |
User talk: |
57436 |
Wiktionary:Greek noun inflection-table templates |
57418 |
User:Jberkel/lists/wanted/20190601/pl/data |
57413 |
User:BD2412/dinosaurs |
57391 |
User:OrphicBot/Sandbox/Aeneis1 |
57342 |
User:Greenismean2016 |
57330 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/F/4 |
57297 |
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Telugu/1-1000 |
57289 |
Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/terms by etymology |
57287 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/W/2 |
57286 |
Talk:trap |
57225 |
User:Vininn126/wanted/o/PWN |
57201 |
Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/June |
57186 |
Module:zh/data/och-pron-BS/007 |
57162 |
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-o |
57151 |
Module:User:Benwing2/ang-verb |
57131 |
Wiktionary:Tea room/2014/June |
57126 |
Module:User:Benwing2/hi-verb |
57099 |
Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs |
57083 |
Wiktionary:Requested entries (English)/Wordlist/Proper names/S |
57062 |
Wiktionary talk:Capitalization |
57042 |
Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2020/July |
57025 |
Module:data tables/dataC0 |
57025 |
User:Psoup |
56995 |
User:Robert Ullmann/Italiano/24 January 2009 |
56974 |
User:Javier Carro/Linguistic terminology |
56957 |
Module:Sandbox/2 |
56897 |
Wiktionary:Beer parlour/Protologisms |
56885 |
Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/V/1 |
56795 |
Appendix:Cognate sets for Formosan languages |
56788 |