User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-w
wacky {adj} (zany) SEE: zany | :: |
Wadden Sea {prop} (Wadden Sea) | :: Mar Frísio |
wade {v} (to walk through water or something that impedes progress) | :: vadear |
wade {n} (act of wading) | :: vadeação {f}, vadeamento {m} |
Wade-Giles {prop} (transcription system for Mandarin) | :: Wade-Giles {m} |
wadi {n} (a valley, gully, or stream-bed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season) | :: uádi {m} |
Wadjet {prop} (The patron goddess and namesake of the Ancient Egyptian city of Per-Wadjet.) | :: Uadjet |
wafer {n} (biscuit) | :: wafer {m} |
wafer {n} (religious token) | :: hóstia {f} |
wafer {n} (lump of sealing substance) | :: obreia {f} |
wafer {n} (electronics) | :: wafer {m} |
Waffen-SS {prop} (combat arm of the Schutzstaffel) | :: Waffen-SS {f} |
waffle {n} (flat pastry) | :: waffle {m} |
waffle {n} (speech or writing that is vague) | :: palrança {f}, palração {f} |
waffle {v} (to speak or write at length without any clear point or aim) | :: palrar |
waffle {v} (vacillate) SEE: vacillate | :: |
waft {v} (to be moved on a buoyant medium) | :: flutuar |
wag {v} (to swing from side to side) | :: vaguear, deambular, baloiçar |
wag {v} (to not go to school) | :: vaguear |
wage {n} (money paid to a worker) | :: salário {m}, ordenado {m}, remuneração {f} |
wage {v} (to conduct or carry out) | :: conduzir, travar (uma guerra) |
wager {n} (a stake; a pledge) | :: aposta |
wager {n} (the subject of a bet) | :: aposta {f} |
wager {v} (put up as collateral) | :: apostar |
waggle {v} (move with short, quick motions; wobble) | :: agitar, sacudir |
waggon {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon | :: |
Wagnerian {adj} (of, or characteristic of Richard Wagner, or his music) | :: wagneriano |
wagon {n} (four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, see also: cart) | :: carro {m}, carroça {f}, vagão {m} |
wagtail {n} (various small passerine birds) | :: alvéola {f}, alvéloa, lavandisca {f}, lavandeira {f} |
Wahhabism {prop} (branch of Sunni Islam) | :: wahabismo {m}, Wahabismo {m}, wahhabismo, Wahhabismo {m} |
Wahhabite {n} (follower of Wahhabism) | :: wahhabita {m} {f}, Wahhabita {m} {f}, Wahhabi {m} {f}, wahhabista {m} {f}, Wahhabista {m} {f}, wahabita {m} {f}, Wahabita {m} {f} |
waifu {n} (a fictional character that one is attracted to) | :: waifu {f} |
wail {n} (loud cry or shriek) | :: gemido |
waist {n} (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) | :: cintura {f} |
waistband {n} (band of fabric encircling the waist) | :: cós {m} |
waistcoat {n} (a sleeveless, collarless garment) | :: colete {m} |
wait {v} (delay until some event) | :: esperar, aguardar |
wait {v} (to serve customers) | :: servir |
wait {n} (a delay) | :: espera {f} |
wait {v} (transitive: delay until) SEE: await | :: |
waiter {n} (a server in a restaurant or similar) | :: empregado {m} [Portugal], garçom {m} [Brazil] |
wait for {v} (await) SEE: await | :: |
waiting list {n} (ordered list of people waiting to obtain a good or service) | :: lista de espera {f} |
waiting room {n} (room) | :: sala de espera {f} |
waitlist {n} (waiting list) SEE: waiting list | :: |
waitress {n} (female waiter) | :: empregada {f} [Portugal], garçonete {f} [Brazil] |
waiver {n} (the act of waiving) | :: abdicação {f}, desistência {f}, renúncia {f} |
wake {v} (to stop sleeping) | :: acordar |
wake {v} (to make somebody stop sleeping) | :: acordar |
wake {n} (period after death) | :: velório {m} |
wake {n} (path left behind a ship on the surface of the water) | :: esteira {f}, sulco {m} |
wakeful {adj} (awake rather than sleeping) | :: vígil |
wakeful {adj} (restless) | :: desperto {m} |
wakeful {adj} (watchful) | :: vigilante |
wakefulness {n} (state of being wakeful) | :: vigília {f} |
wake up {v} (to (become) awake) | :: acordar, despertar |
wake up {v} (to awaken (someone else)) | :: acordar, despertar |
wake up {v} (to become more aware of a real-life situation.) | :: despertar |
wake up and smell the coffee {v} (stop deluding oneself) | :: encarar a realidade, acordar para a vida |
wake up on the wrong side of bed {v} (to be irritable) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed | :: |
Waldemar {prop} (male given name) | :: Valdemar {m}, Valdemiro |
waldmeister {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff | :: |
Wales {prop} (a constituent nation of the UK) | :: País de Gales {m} |
walk {v} (to move on the feet) | :: andar, caminhar |
walk {v} (to travel a distance by walking) | :: andar, caminhar |
walk {v} (to take for a walk) | :: passear |
walk {n} (trip made by walking) | :: caminhada |
walk {n} (distance walked) | :: caminhada {f} |
walk {n} (manner of walking) | :: andar {m}, andadura {f} |
walk {n} (maintained place on which to walk) | :: caminho {m} |
walk a tightrope {v} (to undertake a precarious course) | :: andar na corda bamba |
walker {n} (person who walks) | :: andarilho |
walkie-talkie {n} (portable radio) | :: walkie-talkie {m} |
walking {adj} (incarnate as a human) | :: humano, ambulante |
walking cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick | :: |
walking frame {n} (framework device, see also: baby walker) | :: andador {m} |
walking stick {n} (cane) | :: bengala {f} |
walking stick {n} (insect) SEE: stick insect | :: |
walkman {n} (any personal cassette player) | :: walkman {m} |
walk-on {n} (actor with a small part) | :: figurante {m} {f} |
walk on eggshells {v} (to act carefully to avoid upsetting someone) | :: pisar em ovos |
walk on eggshells {v} (to handle sensitive matters delicately) | :: pisar em ovos |
walkout {n} (stoppage of work) SEE: strike | :: |
walk the dog {v} (take a dog for a walk) | :: levar o cachorro para passear, passear com o cachorro |
walk the talk {v} (to act in accordance with one's words) | :: prometer e cumprir |
walkthrough {n} ((video games) playthrough detailing the steps involved in winning the game) | :: detonado {m}, tutorial {m} |
wall {n} (defensive rampart) | :: muro {m}, muralha {f} |
wall {n} (structure built for defense surrounding an area) | :: muralha {f}, muro {m}, valo {m}, baluarte {m} |
wall {n} (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building) | :: parede {f} |
wall {n} (impediment to free movement) | :: barreira {f} |
wall {n} (anatomy, zoology, botany: divisive or containing structure) | :: parede {f} |
wall {v} (to enclose by surrounding with walls) | :: murar, amurar, amuralhar |
wallaby {n} (Any of several species of Marsupial) | :: wallaby {m} |
Wallace Line {prop} (line that separates the ecozones of Asia and Wallacea) | :: linha de Wallace {f} |
Wallachia {prop} (region in Romania) | :: Valáquia {f} |
Wallachian {n} (person from Wallachia or of Wallachian descent) | :: valáquio {m} |
Wallachian {adj} (related to Wallachia) | :: valáquio |
wall barley {n} | :: balhico |
wall clock {n} (clock mounted on a wall) | :: relógio de parede {m} |
walled garden {n} (garden enclosed by walls) | :: jardim murado |
walled garden {n} (closed platform) | :: jardim murado {m} |
wallet {n} (case for keeping money) | :: carteira {f} |
wallflower {n} (any of several short-lived herbs or shrubs of the Erysimum) | :: goivo {m}, goiveira {f} |
Wallis and Futuna {prop} (an overseas territory of France in Oceania) | :: Wallis e Futuna |
Wallonia {prop} (a region) | :: Valônia {f} [Brazil], Valónia {f} [Portugal] |
Walloon {prop} (Romance language) | :: valão {m} |
Walloon {n} (an inhabitant of Wallonia) | :: valão {m} |
Walloon {adj} (referring to the French-speaking people of southern Belgium) | :: valão |
Walloon {adj} (referring to the Romance language) | :: valão |
wallow {v} (to roll oneself about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire) | :: chafurdar |
wallpaper {n} (decorative paper for walls) | :: papel de parede {m} |
wallpaper {n} (computing: image used to cover a desktop) | :: papel de parede [Brazil], imagem de fundo {f}, fundo do ambiente de trabalho {m}, padrão de fundo {m}, plano de fundo {m} [Brazil], imagem da mesa {f} [Brazil] [MacOS], fundo de ecrã {m} [MacOS], |
wallpaper {v} (to cover with wallpaper) | :: empapelar |
wall plug {n} | :: bucha {f} |
walls have ears {proverb} (be careful about what you say) | :: as paredes têm ouvidos |
wall socket {n} (electricity power point) | :: tomada {f} |
walnut {n} (tree) | :: nogueira {f} |
walnut {n} (nut) | :: noz {f} |
walnut {n} (wood) | :: nogueira {f} |
Walpurgis night {n} (Walpurgis Night) | :: Walpurgisnacht {m} {f}, noite de Walpurgis {f}, noite de santa Valburga {f} |
walrus {n} (large Arctic marine mammal) | :: morsa {f} |
Walter {prop} (male given name) | :: Guálter {m}, Gualtério {m}, Valter {m}, Walter {m} |
waltz {n} (a ballroom dance) | :: valsa {f} |
waltz {n} (piece of music) | :: valsa {f} |
waltz {v} (dance) | :: valsar |
wan {adj} (pale, sickly-looking) | :: cadavérico |
WAN {n} ((abbreviation) wide area network) | :: WAN {f} |
wand {n} (hand-held narrow rod) | :: varinha {f} |
wander {v} (to move without purpose or destination) | :: vagar, perambular |
wander {n} (act or instance of wandering) | :: vagueação {f}, perambulação {f} |
wanderer {n} (one who wanders) | :: vagante {m} {f}, vagabundo {m}, vagabunda {f}, nômade {m} |
wandering {adj} (which wanders) | :: errante, vagante |
Wandering Jew {prop} (the Jewish shoemaker from the Christian legend) | :: Judeu Errante {m} |
wanderlust {n} (a strong impulse or longing to travel) | :: wanderlust {f} |
wane {v} (the Moon becoming less visible) | :: minguar |
wangle {v} (falsify) SEE: falsify | :: |
waning {adj} (of the lunar phase) | :: minguante {f} |
waning moon {n} (moon as it progresses from full moon to a new moon) | :: lua minguante {f} |
wank {v} (intransitive: to masturbate) | :: bater punheta, tocar punheta, masturbar-se |
wank {v} (transitive: to masturbate) | :: masturbar |
wank {n} (act of masturbation) | :: masturbação {f}, punheta {f} |
wank {n} (rubbish, nonsense) | :: besteira {f} |
Wankel engine {n} (type of engine) | :: motor rotativo {m} |
wanker {n} (person who wanks) | :: punheteiro {m} |
wanker {n} (idiot) | :: idiota |
want {v} (desire) | :: querer, desejar |
want {n} (desire, wish, longing) | :: afã {m}, vontade {f} |
want {n} (lack (of)) | :: falta {f} |
want {n} (poverty) | :: pobreza {f} |
want {v} (lack) SEE: lack | :: |
wanted {adj} (subject to immediate detainment) | :: procurado {m} |
wanton {adj} (lewd, immoral; sexually open/free) | :: devasso, impúdico |
wanton {n} (overly playful person) | :: fanfarrão {m}, fanfarrona {f} |
wapiti {n} (the American elk) | :: uapiti {m}, wapiti {m} |
waqf {n} (inalienable endowment for charity) | :: wakf {m} {f} |
war {n} (conflict involving organized use of arms) | :: guerra {f} |
war {n} (rhetorical: campaign against something) | :: guerra {f} |
war {n} (card game) | :: guerra {f} |
war {v} (to engage in conflict) | :: guerrear |
warbler {n} (bird of the Sylviidae family) | :: toutinegra {f}, felosa {f} |
war bonnet {n} (ceremonial headdress) | :: cocar {m} |
war crime {n} (offense for violations of the law of war) | :: crime de guerra {m} |
ward {n} (action of a watchman) | :: guarda {f} |
ward {n} (person under guardianship) | :: tutelado {m} |
ward {n} (administrative subdivision of cities) | :: freguesia {f} |
ward {n} (Mormonism: subdivision of church) | :: ala {f} |
ward {n} (part of a hospital where patients reside) | :: enfermaria {f} |
ward {n} (minor looked after by a guardian) | :: tutelado {m} |
ward {n} (on a lock or key) | :: guarda {f} |
ward {v} (To keep in safety; to watch; to guard) | :: guardar |
ward {v} (To defend; to protect) | :: guardar, proteger |
ward {v} (To fend off; to repel; to turn aside) | :: proteger, defender |
warden {n} (a chief administrative officer of a prison) | :: diretor (de presídio) {m} |
warden {n} (an official charged with supervisory duties) | :: supervisor {m} |
warder {n} (guard) | :: guarda |
wardrobe {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
wardrobe {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
wardrobe {n} (movable furniture for storing clothes) | :: guarda-roupa, armário {m}, guarda-roupas {m} |
wardrobe {n} (costume department) | :: guarda-roupa {m}, figurino {m} |
wardrobe {n} (collection of clothing) | :: guarda-roupa {m}, vestiário {m}, vestuário {m} |
wardrobe malfunction {n} ((euphemism) an accidental instance of indecent exposure) | :: disfunção de guarda-roupa {f} |
warehouse {n} (A place for storing large amounts of products) | :: armazém {m} |
warehouse {v} (store) | :: armazenar |
warfare {n} | :: guerra {f} |
warhead {n} (part of a missile, projectile, torpedo, rocket, or other munition) | :: ogiva {f} |
Warholian {adj} (of or pertaining to Andy Warhol) | :: warholiano |
warlike {adj} (belligerent) | :: beligerante |
warlike {adj} (bellicose) | :: belicoso {m} |
warlock {n} (male magic-user) | :: bruxo {m}, feiticeiro {m}, mago {m} |
warlord {n} (high military officer in a warlike nation) | :: senhor da guerra {m} |
warlord {n} (local ruler or bandit leader where the government is weak) | :: caudilho {m}, senhor da guerra {m} |
warm {adj} (having a temperature slightly higher than usual) | :: morno |
warm {adj} (being something that causes warmth) | :: morno |
warm {adj} (caring, of relation to another person) | :: caloroso, cordial |
warm {v} (to make or keep warm) | :: aquecer, esquentar |
warm-blooded {adj} (maintaining constant body temperature) SEE: endothermic | :: |
war memorial {n} (commemorial monument) | :: monumento aos mortos {m} |
warm front {n} (the trailing edge of a mass of cold air) | :: frente quente {f} |
warmonger {n} (one who advocates war) | :: belicista {m} {f} |
warm someone's heart {v} (warm the cockles of someone's heart) SEE: warm the cockles of someone's heart | :: |
warmth {n} (moderate heat; sensation of being warm) | :: calor {m} |
warm the cockles of someone's heart {v} (to provide happiness to someone) | :: aquecer o coração |
warm up {v} (to become warmer) | :: aquecer |
warm up {v} (to reheat food) | :: reaquecer |
warm up {v} (to reach a normal operating temperature) | :: aquecer |
warm up {v} (to make an audience enthusiastic) | :: aquecer, animar, entusiasmar |
warn {v} (to make someone aware of impending danger) | :: avisar, alertar, advertir |
warn {v} (to notify someone of something) | :: avisar |
warning {n} (instance of warning someone) | :: aviso {m} |
warning {n} (something spoken or written that is intended to warn) | :: aviso {m} |
War of 1812 {prop} (military conflict) | :: guerra de 1812 {f} |
warp {n} (state of being bent out of shape) | :: empenamento {m} |
warp {n} (distortion or twist) | :: empeno {m} |
warp {n} (threads running lengthwise) | :: urdidura {f}, urdimento {m}, urdume {m} |
warp {v} (to twist or turn something out of shape) | :: empenar |
warped {adj} (distorted by warping) | :: empenado, deformado |
warplane {n} (aircraft for combat) | :: avião militar {m}, avião de combate {m} |
warrant {v} (to guarantee) | :: garantir |
warrant {v} (to justify) SEE: justify | :: |
warrant {v} (to authorize) SEE: authorize | :: |
warranty {n} (legal: an agreement which states that the goods or property in question will be in exactly the same state as promised) | :: garantia {f} |
warren {n} (the system of burrows where rabbits live) | :: covil {m}, madrigueira {f} |
warrior {n} (person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare) | :: guerreiro {m}, guerreira {f} |
Warsaw {prop} (capital city of Poland) | :: Varsóvia {f} |
Warsaw Uprising {prop} (millitary operation) | :: Revolta de Varsóvia {f} |
warship {n} (ship built or armed for naval combat) | :: navio de guerra {m} |
wart {n} (type of growth occurring on the skin) | :: verruga {f} |
warthog {n} (a species of wild pig) | :: facochero {m}, javali-africano {m}, facoquero {m} |
wartime {n} (period of a war) | :: tempo de guerra {m} |
war-torn {adj} (extensively damaged as the result of war) | :: destruído/arrasado pela guerra |
wary {adj} (cautious of danger; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous) | :: cauteloso, cuidadoso, de pé atrás |
wary {adj} (characterized by caution; guarded; careful) | :: cauteloso, cuidadoso |
wasabi {n} (green Japanese condiment) | :: wasabi |
wash {v} (to clean with water) | :: lavar |
wash {v} (to clean oneself) | :: lavar-se |
washable {adj} (capable of being washed without being damaged) | :: lavável |
washbasin {n} (basin used for washing, sink) | :: lavabo |
washcloth {n} (cloth used to wash) | :: flanela {f} |
washer {n} (something that washes) | :: lavador {m} |
washer {n} (person who washes for a living) | :: lavadeiro {m} |
washer {n} (flat disk) | :: arruela {f} |
washerwoman {n} (woman who washes other people's laundry) | :: lavadeira |
washhouse {n} (a building used as a laundry) | :: lavadouro {m}, lavadoiro {m}, tanque {m} |
washing {n} (action of the verb "to wash") | :: lavação {f}, lavagem {f}, lavamento {m}, lavadura {f} |
washing machine {n} (machine that washes clothes) | :: máquina de lavar roupa {f}, máquina de lavar {f} |
washing powder {n} (powder for washing clothes) | :: sabão em pó |
Washington {prop} (name) | :: Washington {m} |
Washington, D.C. {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) | :: Washington D.C. {f} |
wash one's hands of {v} (absolve oneself of responsibility) | :: redimir-se de, lavar as mãos |
washroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
wash up {v} (clean utensils, dishes, etc.) SEE: do the dishes | :: |
wasp {n} (insect) | :: vespa |
waste {n} (useless by-products, garbage) | :: lixo {m}, refugo {m}, dejeto {m} |
waste {n} (excrement or urine) | :: fezes {f-p}, excremento {m} |
waste {n} (waste land, desolate region) | :: deserto {m}, ermo {m} |
waste {n} (action of wasting, ineffective use) | :: desperdício {m} |
waste {n} (gradual loss or decay) | :: degradação {f}, degeneração {f} |
waste {v} (to destroy) | :: destruir, devastar |
waste {v} (to squander) | :: desperdiçar |
waste {v} (slang: to kill) | :: matar |
waste {v} (to weaken) | :: definhar |
waste away {v} (lose energy) | :: definhar |
wastebasket {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
waste breath {v} (to speak futilely) | :: gastar saliva |
wasted {adj} (not profitably used) | :: desperdiçado |
wasted {adj} (ravaged or deteriorated) | :: devastado |
wasted {adj} (emaciated and haggard) | :: mirrado |
wasted {adj} (very drunk or stoned) | :: chumbado, chapado |
wasted {adj} (with low weight-for-height) | :: tísico |
wasteful {adj} (inclined to waste) | :: desperdiçador |
wasteland {n} (region with no remaining resources; desert) | :: deserto {m} |
waste of time {n} (meaningless or fruitless activity) | :: perda de tempo {f} |
waste time {v} (allow time to elapse in an unproductive manner) | :: perder tempo |
wastewater {n} (water containing waste products) | :: esgoto {m} |
wat {n} (Buddhist temple) | :: wat {m} |
watch {n} (portable or wearable timepiece) | :: relógio {m}, relógio de pulso {m} [wristwatch], relógio de bolso {m} [pocketwatch] |
watch {n} (particular time period) | :: vigia {f}, guarda {f} |
watch {n} (person or group of people who guard) | :: guarda {m} {f} |
watch {v} (to look at for a period of time) | :: ver, assistir |
watch {v} (to observe) | :: assistir, observar |
watch {v} (to attend or guard) | :: vigiar |
watch {v} (to be wary) | :: tomar/ter cuidado |
watch cap {n} (knitted cap) SEE: beanie | :: |
watchdog {n} (person) | :: vigilância {f} |
watchdog {n} (dog) SEE: guard dog | :: |
watcher {n} (guard) SEE: guard | :: |
watchful {adj} (observant, vigilant and aware) | :: vigilante, alerta, atento |
watchlist {n} (list for special attention) | :: lista de observação {f} |
watchmaker {n} (person who repairs (and originally made) watches) | :: relojoeiro {m}, relojoeira {f} |
watchman {n} (guard) | :: vigia {m} {f} |
watch one's mouth {v} (watch one's mouth) | :: prestar atenção ao que diz |
watch out {v} (to use caution) | :: ter cuidado, tomar cuidado |
watch out {interj} (proceed with caution) | :: cuidado! |
watch over {v} (to guard and protect) | :: cuidar |
watchtower {n} (observation tower) | :: torre de observação {f} |
water {n} (amniotic fluid) SEE: amniotic fluid | :: |
water {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water | :: |
water {v} (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) | :: regar, aguar |
water {v} (to provide (animals) with water) | :: dar água a |
water {v} (colloquial: to urinate) | :: mijar |
water {v} (to fill with or secrete water) | :: encher de água |
water {n} (clear liquid H₂O) | :: água {f} |
water {n} (one of the basic elements) | :: água {f} |
water {n} (body of water, or specific part of it) | :: águas {f-p} |
water {n} (urine) | :: água {f} |
water {n} (serving of water) | :: água {f} |
water {n} (medical: fluids in the body, especially when causing swelling) | :: água {f} |
water aerobics {n} (a form of aerobics done while in water) | :: hidroginástica {f} |
water bear {n} (A member of the phylum Tardigrada) | :: tardígrado, urso d'água |
waterboarding {n} (torture technique) | :: afogamento simulado {m} |
waterbody {n} (significant accumulation of water) SEE: body of water | :: |
water buffalo {n} (large ungulate) | :: búfalo-asiático |
water cannon {n} (device shooting water) | :: canhão d'água {m}, canhão de água {m} |
water carrier {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius | :: |
water clock {n} (device for measuring time) | :: clepsidra |
water closet {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
water closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
watercolor {n} (a painting technique) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {n} (an artwork) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {n} (any paint used in this method) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {adj} (pertaining to the methods or products of watercolor) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolorist {n} (a painter who paints watercolors) SEE: watercolourist | :: |
watercolour {n} (pigment) | :: aquarela {f} |
watercolour {n} (painting) | :: aquarela {f} |
watercolour {n} (genre) | :: aquarela {f} |
watercolourist {n} (artist who paints watercolours) | :: aquarelista {m} {f} |
water cooler {n} (dispenser of cooled drinking water) | :: bebedouro (refrigerado) {m} |
watercourse {n} (channel through which water flows) | :: igarapé {m}, curso de água {m}, curso d'água {m}, curso {m} |
watercress {n} (Nasturtium officinale) | :: agrião {m} |
watercress {n} (Nasturtium microphyllum) | :: agrião {m} |
water cycle {n} (the natural cycle of water through evaporation, condensation and precipitation) | :: ciclo da água {m}, ciclo hidrológico {m} |
water diviner {n} (water diviner) SEE: dowser | :: |
water dog {n} (water dog) | :: cão de água {m}, cão d'água {m} |
waterfall {n} (flow of water over the edge of a cliff) | :: cachoeira {f}, queda-d'água {f}, cascata {f}, salto {m}, catarata |
waterfall {n} (waterfall-like outpouring) | :: cascata {f} |
waterfowl {n} (birds that spend most of their non-flying time on water) | :: ave aquática {f} |
Watergate {prop} (scandal) | :: Watergate {m} |
water gun {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun | :: |
water heater {n} (appliance for heating water) | :: aquecedor de água {m} |
water hyacinth {n} (aquatic flowering plant of the genus Eichhornia) | :: aguapé {m} |
wateriness {n} (the state of being watery) | :: aquosidade {f} |
watering can {n} (utensil for watering plants) | :: regador {m} |
watering pot {n} (watering can) SEE: watering can | :: |
waterish {adj} (watery) SEE: watery | :: |
water-lettuce {n} (tropical duckweed) | :: alface-d'água {f}, flor-d'água {f} |
water lily {n} (Any members of Nymphaeaceae) | :: nenúfar {m}, ninfeia {f} |
watermark {n} (translucent design impressed on paper) | :: marca d’água {f}, marca de água {f} |
watermelon {n} (plant) | :: melancia {f}, melancieira {f} |
watermelon {n} (fruit) | :: melancia {f} |
water meter {n} (device for measuring water usage volume) | :: registro/relógio d'água {m} |
watermill {n} (mill powered by water) | :: moinho de água {m}, moinho d’água {m}, roda d’água {f} |
water park {n} (aquapark) SEE: aquapark | :: |
water pipe {n} (water conduit) | :: bica {f} |
water pistol {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun | :: |
water plantain {n} (Alisma) | :: alisma {f}, tanchagem d'água {f} |
water pollution {n} (water pollution) | :: poluição da água {f} |
water polo {n} (a water sport) | :: pólo aquático |
waterproof {adj} (unaffected by water) | :: à prova d’água |
waterproof {adj} (made or covered with material that doesn't let water in) | :: impermeável |
water purifier {n} (a device that purifies water) | :: purificador de água {m} |
watershed {n} (boundary between adjacent catchment basins) | :: divisor de águas {m} |
watershed {n} (critical point marking a change in course or development) | :: divisor de água {m} |
watershed {n} (drainage basin) SEE: drainage basin | :: |
water ski {n} (ski used for water skiing) | :: esqui aquático |
water skiing {n} (water sport) | :: esqui aquático {m} |
water slide {n} (a recreational slide with water flowing down it) | :: tobogã, toboágua {m} |
water snake {n} | :: áspide {f} |
watersport {n} (sport) | :: esporte aquático {m} |
waterspout {n} (tornado that occurs over a body of water) | :: tromba-d'água {f} |
water strider {n} (any of a number of predatory insects in the family Gerridae) | :: alfaiate {m} |
water table {n} (level underground) | :: lençol freático |
water tank {n} (large container used to store water) | :: caixa d'água {f} |
watertight {adj} (tightly made) | :: impermeável |
water tower {n} (tank of water) | :: caixa d'água {f}, castelo d'água {m}, torre d'água {f} |
water under the bridge {n} (something in the past that cannot be controlled but must be accepted) | :: águas passadas {f-p}, águas passadas não movem moinhos |
water vapor {n} (water in a gaseous state) | :: vapor d'água {m} |
waterway {n} (navigable body of water) | :: hidrovia {f} |
watery {adj} (wet, soggy or soaked with water) | :: aquoso |
watery {adj} (tearful) SEE: tearful | :: |
watt {n} (derived unit of power) | :: watt {m} |
wattmeter {n} (device for measuring electric power) | :: wattímetro {m} |
waulk {v} (full) SEE: full | :: |
wave {v} (to move back and forth repeatedly) | :: ondular |
wave {v} (to wave one’s hand) | :: acenar |
wave {v} (to have an undulating or wavy form) | :: ondular |
wave {v} (to produce waves to the hair) | :: ondear |
wave {v} (to cause to move back and forth repeatedly) | :: agitar, ondear |
wave {v} (to signal with a waving movement) | :: acenar |
wave {n} (moving disturbance, undulation) | :: onda {f}, vaga {f} |
wave {n} (moving disturbance in a field) | :: onda {f}, ondulação {f} |
wave {n} (shape which alternatingly curves in opposite directions) | :: onda {f}, ondulação {f} |
wave {n} (sudden unusually large amount of something) | :: onda {f}, enxame {m}, leva {f} |
wave {n} (sideways movement of the hand) | :: aceno {m} |
wave {n} (A group activity in a crowd imitating a wave going through water) | :: ola {f} |
wavefunction {n} (notion in quantum mechanics) | :: função de onda {f} |
wavelength {n} (the length of a single cycle of a wave) | :: comprimento de onda {m} |
waver {v} (to be indecisive between choices; to feel or show doubt or indecision; to vacillate) | :: vacilar |
wax {n} (oily, water-resistant substance) | :: cera {f} |
wax {n} (preparation containing wax, used as a polish) | :: cera {f} |
wax {adj} (made of wax) | :: céreo, ceroso |
wax {v} (apply wax to) | :: encerar |
wax {v} (remove hair from) | :: depilar |
wax {v} (phase of a planet) | :: crescer |
wax {v} (to assume specified characteristic) | :: virar, ficar, tornar-se |
wax {v} (literary: grow) | :: crescer |
wax {v} (of the moon: appear larger each night) | :: crescer |
wax {n} (beeswax) SEE: beeswax | :: |
wax {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax | :: |
waxbill {n} (bird) | :: bico-de-lacre {m} |
waxing {n} (the action of the verb to wax) | :: enceramento {m} |
waxing {n} (cosmetic procedure) | :: depilação com cera {f} |
waxing moon {n} (The moon as it progresses from a new moon to a full moon) | :: lua crescente {f} |
waxlike {adj} (waxy) SEE: waxy | :: |
waxwing {n} (songbird of genus Bombycilla) | :: tagarela {m} |
waxy {adj} (Resembling wax in texture or appearance) | :: céreo, ceroso |
waxy flexibility {n} (decreased response to stimuli and immobile posture in catatonic schizophrenia) | :: flexibilidade cérea |
way {adv} (very) SEE: very | :: |
way {adv} (far) SEE: far | :: |
way {n} (road, direction, path) | :: caminho {m}, via {f} |
way {n} (means to enter or leave) | :: caminho {m}, meio {m} |
way {n} (roughly-defined geographical area) | :: caminho {m} |
way {n} (method or manner) | :: jeito {m}, maneira {f}, modo {m} |
way {n} (state or condition) | :: jeito {m} |
way {n} (possibility) | :: jeito {m} |
way {n} (determined course) | :: caminho {m} |
way {n} (degree, amount, sense) | :: jeito {m} |
way {adv} (much) SEE: much | :: |
waybill {n} (document that lists the final destination (and other details) of each part of a cargo) | :: carta de porte {f}, guia de transporte {f} |
wayfarer {n} (traveller) | :: viajante |
way of life {n} (style of living) | :: estilo de vida {m} |
Way of St. James {prop} (Any of the pilgrimage routes to the shrine of the apostle St. James the Great) | :: Caminho de Santiago {m} |
Way of the Cross {n} (series of images) | :: via crúcis {m} |
way out {n} (exit) SEE: exit | :: |
way to go {interj} (expression of congrats, encouragement or approval) | :: boa! |
way too {adv} | :: muito |
wayward {adj} (given to wilful, perverse deviation from the expected norm; tending to stray) | :: desobediente |
we {pron} (the speakers, or the speaker(s) and other person(s) not being addressed (exclusive we: he or she or they and I)) | :: nós, a gente [informal] |
we {pron} (the speaker(s) and the listener(s) (inclusive we: you and I)) | :: nós |
weak {adj} (lacking in force or ability) | :: fraco, débil, frouxo |
weak {adj} (dilute, lacking in taste or potency) | :: fraco |
weak {adj} (grammar: regular in inflection) | :: fraco |
weaken {v} (to make weaker) | :: enfraquecer |
weaken {v} (to become weaker) | :: enfraquecer |
weaker sex {n} (women regarded collectively) | :: sexo frágil {m} |
weakling {adj} (weak, either physically, morally or mentally) | :: fracote |
weakling {n} (person of weak or even sickly physical constitution) | :: fracote {m} {f} |
weakling {n} (person of weak character) | :: fracote {m} {f} |
weakly {adv} (with little strength or force) | :: debilmente |
weakness {n} (condition of being weak) | :: fraqueza {f} |
weakness {n} (fault) | :: ponto fraco {m}, fraqueza {f} |
weakness {n} (special fondness) | :: queda {f}, fraco {m} |
weak nuclear interaction {n} (fundamental interaction) | :: interação nuclear fraca {f} |
wealth {n} (riches; valuable material possessions) | :: riqueza {f} |
wealth {n} (great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money) | :: abundância {f} |
wealth {n} (power, of the kind associated with a great deal of money) | :: poder {m} |
wealthy {adj} (rich) | :: rico |
wealthy {adj} (abundant) | :: farto |
wean {v} (to cease giving milk) | :: desmamar |
weaning {n} (process of a child or animal ceasing to be dependent on the mother for nourishment) | :: ablactação {f}, desmama {f}, desmame |
weapon {n} (instrument of attack or defense in combat) | :: arma {f} |
weapon of mass destruction {n} (weapon causing large-scale death or destruction) | :: arma de destruição em massa {f} |
weaponry {n} (weapons collectively) | :: armas {p}, armamento |
wear {v} (to have on (clothes)) | :: vestir, trajar, usar |
wear {v} (to erode due to use) | :: gastar, desgastar |
wear {v} (to exhaust physically) | :: desgastar |
wear {n} (clothing) | :: vestimenta {f} |
wear {n} (damage) | :: desgaste {m} |
wear and tear {n} (damage or depreciation) | :: desgaste |
wear down {v} (to cause physical or mental fatigue) | :: gastar |
wearily {adv} (in a weary manner) | :: cansadamente |
wear out {v} (to cause to become damaged, useless, or ineffective through continued use) | :: desgastar |
wear out {v} (to deteriorate or become unusable or ineffective due to continued use, exposure, or strain) | :: desgastar, desgastar-se |
wear rose-colored glasses {v} (to be excessively optimistic) | :: só ver o lado bom (das coisas) |
wear the pants {v} (wear the trousers) SEE: wear the trousers | :: |
wear the trousers {v} (to be the dominant partner) | :: mandar na casa |
wear thin {v} (to lessen or weaken over time, as from overuse) | :: gastar, desgastar |
weary {adj} (tired, fatigued) | :: cansado |
weary {adj} (expressive of fatigue) | :: cansado |
weasel {n} (least weasel, Mustela nivalis) | :: doninha {f} |
weasel {n} (any mammal of the genus Mustela) | :: doninha {f} |
weather {n} (state of the atmosphere) | :: tempo {m}, clima {m} |
weather {n} (unpleasant or destructive atmospheric conditions) | :: mau tempo {m} |
weather {n} (situation) SEE: situation | :: |
weather balloon {n} (meteorological balloon) | :: balão meteorológico {m} |
weathercock {n} (weather vane) | :: cata-vento {m} |
weather forecast {n} (prediction of future weather) | :: previsão do tempo {f} |
weathering {n} (breaking down of rocks) | :: intemperismo {m} |
weather map {n} (map showing the analysis of meteorological quantities) | :: mapa meteorológico {m} |
weather vane {n} (a device showing the direction of the wind) | :: cata-vento {m}, ventoinha {f}, catavento {m} |
weave {v} (to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another) | :: tecer |
weave {v} (to spin a cocoon or a web) | :: tecer |
weave {n} (a type or way of weaving) | :: costura {f} |
weave {n} (human or artificial hair worn) | :: aplique {m} |
weave {v} (to make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side) | :: costurar |
weaver {n} (one who weaves) | :: tecelão {m}, tecelã {f} |
web {n} (any interconnected set of persons, places, or things) | :: rede {f}na |
web {n} (the World Wide Web (also spelled Web)) | :: net {f}, rede {f}, web {f} |
web {n} (a fold of tissue connecting the toes of certain birds) | :: palmura {f} |
web {n} (spiderweb) SEE: spiderweb | :: |
web browser {n} (a computer program used to navigate the World Wide Web) | :: navegador {m}, navegador web {m}, browser {m}, navegador de Internet {m} |
webcam {n} (video camera viewed over a network) | :: [Portugal] câmara web {f}, [Brazil] webcam {f} |
web colors {n} (complete palette of colors that are displayed on the web and on the computer) | :: cores Web {f-p} |
web conference {n} (meeting, presentation or communication conducted via the World Wide Web) | :: webconferência {f} |
web developer {n} (person who develops applications) | :: desenvolvedor web {m} |
web development {n} (work) | :: desenvolvimento web {m} |
weber {n} (derived unit of magnetic flux) | :: [pl: webers] weber {m} |
Weberian {adj} (of or relating to German sociologist and political economist Max Weber) | :: weberiano |
Weberian {adj} (of or relating to German anatomist and biologist Ernst Heinrich Weber) | :: weberiano |
web hosting {n} (service) | :: [Brazil] alojamento web, [Brazil] alojamento de saite, [Portugal] alojamento de sítio, alojamento de site |
webinar {n} (interactive seminar conducted via Internet) | :: webinário {m} |
weblog {n} (blog) SEE: blog | :: |
web page {n} (a single page in a website) | :: página {f} |
web server {n} (software) | :: servidor {m} |
web server {n} (computer) | :: servidor {m} |
website {n} (a collection of pages on the World Wide Web) | :: sítio {m}, site {m}, website {m}, web site {m}, sítio web {m}, [Brazil] saite {m}, sítio na Internet {m}, |
wed {v} (to join in matrimony) | :: casar |
wed {v} (transitive: to take as one's spouse) | :: casar com |
wed {v} (intransitive: to take a spouse) | :: casar |
Wed {n} (abbreviation of Wednesday) | :: qua {f} |
wedding {n} (marriage ceremony) | :: casamento {m}, boda {f}, casório {m} [informal] |
wedding cake {n} (cake used as part of a wedding ceremony) | :: bolo de casamento {m} |
wedding dress {n} (the clothing worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony) | :: vestido de casamento {m} |
wedding gown {n} (wedding dress) SEE: wedding dress | :: |
wedding ring {n} (a ring symbolizing marriage) | :: aliança {f} |
wedge {n} (simple machine) | :: cunha {f} |
wedge {n} (piece of food etc.) | :: fatia {f} |
wedge {v} (to force into a narrow gap) | :: socar, atochar, enfiar |
wedge {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček | :: |
wedgie {n} (prank in which a person's underpants are pulled up sharply) | :: cueção {m}, cuecão {m} |
Wednesday {n} (day of the week) | :: quarta-feira {f} |
wee {adj} (small, little) | :: pequeno, miúdo |
wee {n} | :: xixi {m} |
wee {v} | :: fazer xixi |
weed {n} (cigar) SEE: cigar | :: |
weed {n} (the weed) SEE: tobacco | :: |
weed {n} (unwanted plant) | :: erva daninha, mato |
weed {n} (slang: marijuana) | :: maconha {f} [slang] |
weed {v} (to remove weeds from) | :: capinar |
weed {n} (duckweed) SEE: duckweed | :: |
weedhead {n} (a person who smokes cannabis regularly) | :: maconheiro {m} |
weedy {adj} (small and weak) | :: mirrado |
week {n} (period of seven days) | :: semana {f} |
weekday {n} (weekday) | :: dia de semana {m} |
weekend {n} (break in the working week) | :: final de semana, fim de semana |
weeklong {adj} (lasting for one week) | :: de uma semana |
weekly {adv} (once every week) | :: semanalmente |
weekly {adv} (every week) | :: semanalmente |
weekly {adj} (of or relating to a week) | :: semanal |
weekly {adj} (happening once a week or every week) | :: semanal |
weekly {n} (publication that is published once a week) | :: semanário {m}, hebdomadário {m} |
weep {v} (to cry, shed tears) | :: chorar, lacrimejar |
weeping willow {n} (Salix babylonica) | :: chorão {m}, salgueiro-chorão {m} |
weevil {n} (beetle in the superfamily Curculionoidea) | :: gorgulho {m} |
wee-wee {n} | :: xixi {m}; pipi {m}, piupiu {m} [male], pepeca {f}, perereca {f} [female] |
wee-wee {v} | :: fazer xixi |
weft {n} (horizontal threads) | :: trama {f} |
weigh {v} (to determine the weight of an object) | :: pesar |
weigh {v} (to weigh out) | :: pesar |
weigh {v} (to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object) | :: avaliar |
weigh {v} (to have a certain weight) | :: pesar |
weigh {v} (nautical: to raise an anchor) | :: desancorar, levantar âncora |
weighing {adj} (weighing) | :: pesagem |
weight {n} (physics: mass) SEE: mass | :: |
weight {n} (force due to gravity) | :: peso |
weight {n} (object to make something heavier) | :: peso |
weight {n} (standardized measuring weight) | :: peso {m} |
weight {n} (importance or influence) | :: peso {m} |
weight {n} (weight for training muscles) | :: peso {m}, haltere {m} |
weight {n} (statistics: multiplier) | :: peso {m} |
weight {v} (in mathematics) | :: ponderar |
weight gain {n} (increase in weight) | :: ganho de peso {m} |
weightlifter {n} (person who competes for maximum weight lifted) | :: levantador de peso {m}, levantador de pesos {m}, |
weightlifting {n} (form of exercise) | :: levantamento de peso {m} |
weightlifting {n} (sport in which competitors lift heavy weights) | :: levantamento de peso {m} |
weight loss {n} (reduction of body mass) | :: perda de peso {f} |
Weimar Republic {prop} (Germany between 1919 and 1933) | :: República de Weimar {f} |
weir {n} (adjustable dam) | :: comporta {f} |
weir {n} (fence to catch fish) | :: caniçado {m} |
weird {adj} (having an unusually strange character or behaviour) | :: estranho |
weird {adj} (deviating from the normal; bizarre) | :: estranho, bizarro |
weirdo {n} (strange person) | :: esquisito {m} |
welcome {adj} (whose arrival is a cause of joy) | :: bem-vindo |
welcome {interj} (greeting given upon someone's arrival) | :: bem-vindo! {m}, bem-vinda! {f}, bem-vindos! {p}, bem-vindas! {f-p} |
welcome {n} (act of greeting someone's arrival) | :: recepção |
welcome {n} (utterance of such a greeting) | :: boas-vindas {f-p} |
welcome {v} (affirm or greet the arrival of someone) | :: dar as boas-vindas a, receber, acolher |
welcome {v} (to accept willingly) | :: aceitar |
welcoming {adj} (hospitable) | :: acolhedor |
weld {n} (herb) | :: gauda {f}, lírio-dos-tintureiros {m} |
weld {v} (to join materials (especially metals) by applying heat) | :: soldar |
weld {v} (to bind, unite) | :: soldar |
welder {n} (one who welds) | :: soldador |
welder {n} (item of equipment) | :: maçarico {m} |
welding {n} (action or process of welding) | :: soldadura {f}, solda {f}, soldagem {f} |
welfare {n} (health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) | :: bem-estar {m} |
welfare {n} (aid, provided by a government, etc.) | :: segurança social {f} |
welfare state {n} (social system in which the state takes overall responsibility for the welfare of its citizens) | :: estado de bem-estar {m}, estado de bem-estar social {m}, estado assistencial {m} |
welfare state {n} (country in which such a system operates) | :: estado de bem-estar {m}, estado de bem-estar social {m}, estado assistencial {m} |
welfare trap {n} (situation) | :: armadilha do desemprego {f} |
welkin {n} (sky) SEE: sky | :: |
well {adv} (accurately; competently) | :: bem, apuradamente |
well {adv} (completely; fully) | :: bem, completamente |
well {adv} (to a significant degree) | :: bem |
well {adv} ((slang) very) | :: bem |
well {adj} (in good health) | :: bem |
well {interj} (used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations) | :: bem, bom |
well {interj} (to acknowledge a statement or situation) | :: bem |
well {interj} (exclamation of surprise) | :: ora, ora, muito bem, muito que bem |
well {interj} (used in conversation to fill space) | :: é... [Brazil], pois [Portugal], sabe |
well {n} (hole sunk into the ground) | :: poço {m} |
well {n} (spring) | :: fonte {f}, vertente {f}, vertedouro {m} |
well {n} (small section of a microtiter plate) | :: poço, vaso, cela |
well {v} (to issue forth) | :: verter |
well {n} (cockpit of a sailing boat) SEE: cockpit | :: |
well-behaved {adj} (having good manners and acting properly) | :: comportado |
well-being {n} (state of health, happiness and/or prosperity) | :: bem-estar {m} |
well-brought-up {adj} (having good manners) | :: bem-educado, bem-criado |
well done {adj} (well cooked) | :: passado, bem passado |
well done {interj} (exclamation of praise) | :: parabéns, muito bem! |
well-dressed {adj} (that dresses well) | :: bem-vestido, aprumado |
Wellington {prop} (capital of New Zealand) | :: Wellington {f} |
Wellington boot {n} (Wellington boot) SEE: Wellington boots | :: |
Wellington boots {n} (waterproof rubber boot) | :: galocha {f} |
well-mannered {adj} (having good manners) | :: cortês |
well-meaning {adj} (with good intentions) | :: bem-intencionado |
well off {adj} (being in fortunate circumstances) | :: abastado |
well-read {adj} (well informed and knowledgeable because of having read extensively) | :: versado |
well, well, well {interj} (indicating consideration) | :: ora, ora, ora |
wels catfish {n} (Silurus glanis) | :: bagre europeu {m} |
Welsh {adj} (of or pertaining to Wales) | :: galês {m}, galesa {f} |
Welsh {adj} (of or pertaining to the Welsh language) | :: galês {m}, galesa {f} |
Welsh {n} (language) | :: galês {m} |
Welsh {n} (collectively, people of Wales) | :: galês {m} |
Welshman {n} (native or inhabitant of Wales) | :: galês {m} |
Welsh onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion | :: |
Welshwoman {n} (woman who is a native or inhabitant of Wales) | :: galesa {f} |
weltanschauung {n} (worldview) SEE: worldview | :: |
welwitschia {n} (Welwitschia mirabilis, a desert plant of southwest Africa) | :: welwitschia {f} |
Wenceslas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Wenceslaus | :: |
Wenceslaus {prop} (male given name) | :: Venceslau {m}, Wenceslau {m} |
wench {n} ((archaic) girl or young woman) | :: moça {f} |
Wend {n} (Slav) SEE: Slav | :: |
Wendish {adj} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian | :: |
Wendish {prop} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian | :: |
Wendy {prop} (female given name) | :: Wendy {f} |
werewolf {n} (wolflike human) | :: lobisomem {m}, licantropo {m} |
Wernicke's aphasia {n} (aphasia associated with damage to Wernicke's area) | :: afasia de Wernicke {f} |
Wernicke's area {n} (posterior section of the superior temporal gyrus) | :: área de Wernicke {f} |
west {n} (compass point) | :: oeste {m}, ocidente {m}, poente {m} |
west {adj} (towards the west) | :: ocidental |
west {adj} (western) | :: ocidental |
west {adj} (occidental) | :: ocidental |
West {prop} (Western world) | :: Ocidente {m} |
West Bank {prop} (territory) | :: Cisjordânia {f} |
West Bengal {prop} (state) | :: Bengala Ocidental {f} |
western {adj} (pertaining to the west) | :: ocidental |
western {adj} (blowing from the west) | :: ocidental |
western {n} (film or other dramatic work) | :: faroeste {m} |
Western {adj} (of, situated in, or related to the West) SEE: western | :: |
Western Australia {prop} (state of Australia) | :: Austrália Ocidental {f} |
western barn owl {n} (Tyto alba furcata) | :: coruja-das-torres {f} |
western cattle egret {n} (Bubulcus ibis) | :: garça-vaqueira {f} |
Western concert flute {n} (transverse woodwind instrument made of metal or wood) | :: flauta transversa {f}, flauta transversal {f} |
westerner {n} (inhabitant of Europe and the Americas) | :: ocidental {m} {f} |
Western Europe {prop} (Western Europe) | :: Europa Ocidental {f} |
westernization {n} (assimilation of the western culture) | :: ocidentalização {f} |
westernize {v} (make something western) | :: ocidentalizar |
western osprey {n} (Pandion haliaetus) SEE: osprey | :: |
Western Sahara {prop} (a territory in northern Africa) | :: Saara Ocidental {m} |
Western Samoa {prop} (the former name of Samoa) | :: Samoa Ocidental {f} |
western sandpiper {n} (Calidris mauri) | :: pilrito de Maur {m} |
Western Wall {prop} (ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple) | :: Muro das Lamentações {m}, Muro Ocidental {m} |
West Frisian {prop} (language spoken in Friesland) | :: frísio {m}, frisão {m} |
West Germany {prop} (former European country) | :: Alemanha Ocidental {f} |
West Indies {prop} (islands of the Caribbean sea) | :: Índias Ocidentais {f-p} |
Westminster Abbey {prop} (large Gothic church) | :: abadia de Westminster {f} |
Westminster Cathedral {prop} (chuerch) | :: Catedral de Westminster {f} |
Westminster system {n} (democratic parliamentary system) | :: sistema Westminster {m} |
west-northwest {n} (compass point) | :: oés-noroeste {m} |
Westphalia {prop} (province of Germany) | :: Vestfália {f}, Vestefália {f}, Westfália {f} |
west-southwest {n} (compass point) | :: oés-sudoeste {m} |
West Virginia {prop} (US state) | :: Virgínia Ocidental {f} |
wet {adj} (made of liquid or moisture) | :: úmido |
wet {adj} (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid) | :: molhado |
wet {adj} (of weather or a time period: rainy, see also: rainy) | :: chuvoso |
wet {adj} ((slang) sexually aroused and thus having a moistened vulva) | :: molhada {f} |
wet {v} (cover or impregnate with liquid) | :: molhar |
wet {v} (urinate accidentally in or on) | :: molhar |
wet {v} (become wet) | :: umedecer |
wet blanket {n} (someone who takes the fun out of a situation or activity) | :: desmancha-prazeres {m} {f}, estraga-prazeres |
wet dream {n} (literally) | :: sonho molhado {m} |
wet dream {n} (ejaculation or orgasm while asleep) SEE: nocturnal emission | :: |
wether {n} (castrated buck goat) | :: castrão {m} |
wether {n} (castrated ram) | :: carneiro castrado {m} |
wetland {n} (land that is covered mostly with water, with occasional marshy and soggy areas) | :: brejo {m}, paul {m} |
wet nurse {n} (woman hired to suckle another woman's child) | :: ama-de-leite {f} |
wet oneself {v} (lose control of one's bladder) | :: mijar-se |
wet one's pants {v} (wet oneself) SEE: wet oneself | :: |
wet one's whistle {v} (to have a drink) | :: molhar a garganta |
wet season {n} (rainy season) SEE: rainy season | :: |
wetsuit {n} (close fitting, insulating garment) | :: roupa de mergulho {f} |
wetting {n} (act of making something wet) | :: molhada |
whale {n} (large sea mammal) | :: baleia {f} |
whaler {n} (person who hunts whales) | :: baleeiro {m} |
whaler {n} (vessel for hunting whales) | :: baleeiro {m} |
whale shark {n} (Rhincodon typus) | :: tubarão-baleia {m} |
whaling {n} (practice of hunting whales) | :: baleação {f} |
wharf {n} (man-made landing place) | :: cais {m} |
what {pron} (what? (interrogative pronoun)) | :: o que |
what {pron} (relative pronoun: that which; those that; the thing that) | :: o que |
what {pron} (nonstandard relative pronoun) | :: que |
what {adv} (such) | :: que |
what {adv} (why (see also why)) | :: por que |
what {interj} (expression of surprise) | :: o quê? |
what {determiner} (which) | :: que, qual |
what {determiner} (how much! (in an exclamation)) | :: quanto |
what about {adv} (used to make a suggestion) | :: que tal...?, quem sabe…? |
what about {adv} (used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered) | :: e...?, e sobre...?, e quanto a...? |
what about {adv} (used to repeat a question) | :: e...? |
what a lovely day {phrase} (what a lovely day) | :: que dia maravilhoso |
what a pity {phrase} (used to express regret) | :: que pena |
what are you doing {phrase} (what are you doing) | :: o que você está fazendo?, o que estás a fazer? |
what a shame {phrase} (used to express regret) SEE: what a pity | :: |
whatchamacallit {n} (any object the actual name of which the speaker does not know or cannot remember) | :: coisa {f}, negócio {m}, treco {m}, troço {m} |
what date is it today {phrase} (what date is it today?) | :: que dia é hoje? |
what day is it today {phrase} (what day is it today? (current day of the week or of the month)) | :: que dia é hoje? |
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger {proverb} (hardship builds moral character) | :: o que não mata, engorda |
what does XX mean {phrase} (what does XX mean?) | :: o que significa XX?, o que XX quer dizer? |
what do you know {phrase} (what a surprise) | :: olha só |
whatever {determiner} (no matter which; for any) | :: qualquer que seja |
whatever {determiner} (anything) | :: qualquer coisa que |
whatever {pron} (anything) | :: qualquer coisa |
whatever {interj} (indicating the speaker does not care what someone says) | :: tanto faz |
whatever it takes {n} (anything required to achieve an objective) | :: custe o que custar |
what for {adv} (For what reason; why) | :: para quê? |
what goes around comes around {proverb} (the status returns to its original value) | :: tudo que vai volta |
what goes around comes around {proverb} (actions have consequences) | :: quem semeia ventos colhe tempestades, aqui se faz, aqui se paga, você colhe o que planta, o mundo dá voltas, tudo que vai volta |
whath {determiner} (which ordinal number) SEE: whatth | :: |
what if {adv} (used to introduce suggestion) | :: e se [with imperfect subjunctive or future subjunctive], que tal [with personal infinitive] |
what if {adv} (used to introduce speculation about future) | :: e se |
what is her name {phrase} (what is her name?) | :: qual é o nome dela? |
what is his name {phrase} (what is his name?) | :: qual é o nome dele? |
what is more {adv} (furthermore) | :: aliás |
what is that {phrase} (what is that?) | :: o que é isso?, o que é isto? |
what is the Wi-Fi password {phrase} (what is the Wi-Fi password?) | :: qual é a senha do Wi-Fi? |
what is your name {phrase} (what is your name?) | :: qual é o teu nome?, como te chamas? |
what kind of music do you like {phrase} (what kind of music do you like?) | :: você gosta de que tipo de música? |
what languages do you speak {phrase} (what languages do you speak?) | :: que línguas você fala?, quais línguas você fala? |
what of it {interj} (so what) | :: e daí |
WhatsApp {n} | :: whatsapp {m} |
what's done is done {proverb} | :: o que está feito está feito |
what's good {phrase} (what's up) SEE: what's up | :: |
what's-his-name {pron} (A person or entity whose name one does not remember) | :: fulano {m} |
what should I do {phrase} (what should I do?) | :: o que eu devo fazer? |
what's new {phrase} (informal greeting asking what has happened recently) | :: quais as novas?, quais as novidades? |
what's new {phrase} (implies that the situation is and always has been unsatisfactory) | :: qual a novidade?, qual é a novidade?, qual que é a novidade? |
whatsoever {adj} (in any way) | :: de forma alguma, de forma nenhuma, de modo algum, de maneira nenhuma, de jeito algum |
what's the matter {phrase} (what's wrong?) | :: qual (é) o problema? |
what's up {phrase} (How are you?) | :: e aí?, tudo em cima?, tudo bem? |
what's your job {phrase} (what's your job?) | :: qual é o seu trabalho? |
what's your phone number {phrase} (what's your phone number?) | :: qual é o seu número de telefone? |
whatth {n} (which ordinal number) | :: x-ésimo |
what the fuck {phrase} (An intensive form of what) | :: que porra/diabos/merda |
what the fuck {interj} (expressing astonishment) | :: que porra/merda/bosta |
what the fuck {interj} (expressing nonchalance) | :: quê se foda |
what the hell {phrase} (an intensive form of what) | :: que diabos? |
what the hell {phrase} (why not?) | :: que se dane, dane-se |
what time is it {phrase} (what is the time of day?) | :: que horas são? |
what you saying {interj} (greeting) | :: o quê me conta |
wheat {n} (grain) | :: trigo {m} |
wheatfield {n} (wheat field) | :: trigal {m}, seara {f} |
wheat flour {n} (flour from wheat) | :: farinha de trigo {f} |
wheat germ {n} (embryo of the wheat kernel) | :: gérmen de trigo {m} |
Wheatstone bridge {n} (instrument used to measure an unknown electrical resistance) | :: ponte de Wheatstone {f} |
wheat weevil {n} (species of weevils) | :: gorgulho-do-trigo {m} |
whee {interj} (expression of pleasure or enjoyment) | :: oba |
wheel {n} (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation) | :: roda {f} |
wheel {n} (steering device in a vessel) | :: timão {m} |
wheel {v} (To roll along as on wheels) | :: rodar |
wheel {n} (steering wheel and its implied control of a vehicle) SEE: steering wheel | :: |
wheelbarrow {n} (small cart) | :: carrinho de mão {m} |
wheelchair {n} (chair) | :: cadeira de rodas {f} |
wheelchair user {n} (person who uses a wheelchair) | :: cadeirante {m} {f} |
wheelhouse {n} (enclosed compartment on the deck of a vessel from which it may be navigated) | :: casa do leme {f} |
wheel of Fortune {prop} (Tarot card) | :: a Roda da Fortuna {f} |
Wheel of Fortune {prop} (television game show) | :: [Brazil] Roletrando Novelas |
wheeze {n} (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration) | :: sibilo {m} |
whelk {n} (edible sea snail of the family Buccinidae) | :: búzio {m} |
whelp {n} (young of a mammal) | :: filhote {m} |
whelp {v} ((animals) to give birth) | :: parir |
when {adv} (at what time, as a direct question) | :: quando |
when {adv} (at what time, as an indirect question) | :: quando |
when {conj} (as soon as, at the time that) | :: quando, assim que |
when {conj} (during the time that) | :: quando |
when {conj} (at what time; at which time) | :: quando |
when {conj} | :: quando |
when {pron} (what time; which time) | :: quando |
when {n} (the time) | :: quando |
whence {adv} (from where; from which place or source) | :: donde, de onde |
whence {conj} (conjunction) | :: de onde, donde |
whenever {conj} (when) SEE: when | :: |
whenever {conj} (at any time that) | :: quando |
whenever {conj} (every time that) | :: sempre que, toda vez que |
when Hell freezes over {adv} (never) | :: quando o inferno congelar |
when in Rome {proverb} (adjust to local customs) SEE: when in Rome, do as the Romans do | :: |
when in Rome, do as the Romans do {proverb} (behave as those around do) | :: [Brazilian] quando em Roma, faça como os romanos, [European] em Roma sê romano |
when is closing time {phrase} (when is closing time?) | :: a que horas vocês fecham? |
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade {proverb} (make the best out of difficult situations) | :: se a vida lhe der um limão, faça dele uma caipirinha; se a vida lhe der um limão, faça dele uma limonada |
when pigs fly {adv} (never, expressed by an idiom) | :: quando os porcos voarem (when pigs fly), no Dia de São Nunca (on Saint Never’s day), no Dia de São Nunca à tarde (on Saint Never’s day’s evening) |
when the cat's away {proverb} (People take advantage of the absence of authority) | :: quando o gato não está |
when the cat's away the mice will play {proverb} (in the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances) | :: quando o gato sai, os ratos fazem a festa |
where {conj} (while on the contrary, although, whereas) | :: enquanto |
where {conj} (at or in which place) | :: onde, aonde |
where {conj} (to which place or situation) | :: onde, aonde |
where {conj} (legal: in the situation in which) | :: onde |
where {adv} (at or in what place) | :: onde |
where {adv} (to what place) | :: aonde |
where {adv} (from what place) | :: de onde |
where {adv} (in what situation) | :: aonde |
where {pron} (the place in which) | :: onde |
where {n} (the place in which something happens) | :: onde |
whereabouts {n} (location) | :: paradeiro {m} |
where are we {phrase} (where are we) | :: onde nós estamos?, onde estamos? |
where are we going {phrase} (where are we going?) | :: aonde estamos indo? |
where are you {phrase} (where are you?) | :: onde você está? |
where are you from {phrase} (in which country or region were you born or raised) | :: de onde vens? |
where are your parents {phrase} (where are your parents?) | :: cadê os seus pais? |
whereas {conj} (but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…) | :: enquanto, ao passo que |
whereas {conj} (it being the case that…) | :: sendo que, considerando que, dado que |
whereas {n} (clause) | :: cláusula |
whereby {adv} (by which) | :: pelo qual |
where does it hurt {phrase} (where does it hurt?) | :: onde dói?, onde está doendo? |
where does this bus go {phrase} (where does this bus go) | :: para onde vai este autocarro? [Portugal], para onde vai este ônibus? [Brazil] |
where does this train go {phrase} (where does this train go) | :: para onde vai este comboio? [Portugal], para onde vai este trem? [Brazil] |
where do you live {phrase} (where do you live?) | :: onde mora você?, onde vives? |
wherefore {conj} (because of which) | :: por quê |
where have you been {phrase} (where have you been?) | :: onde você esteve? |
where is the toilet {phrase} (where is the toilet?) | :: onde fica o banheiro?, onde fica o toalete? [Brazil], onde fica a casa de banho?, onde fica o quarto de banho? [Portugal] |
wherenot {n} (wherever) SEE: wherever | :: |
whereof {conj} (of what; of which; of whom) | :: donde |
where there is a will there is a way {proverb} (if someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found) | :: querer é poder |
where there's smoke, there's fire {proverb} (if there is telltale evidence of some event, the event is probably occurring) | :: onde há fumaça, há fogo [Brazil], onde há fumo, há fogo [Portugal] |
whereto {adv} (to what place; whither) | :: aonde |
wherever {conj} (in any place, anywhere) | :: onde quer que |
wherever {conj} (in all places, everywhere) | :: onde quer que |
wherewith {adv} (with which) | :: com que |
wherewithal {n} (the ability and means to accomplish some task) | :: meios {m-p}, recursos {m-p} |
where you at {phrase} (where are you) SEE: where are you | :: |
whet {v} (hone or rub on with some substance for the purpose of sharpening) | :: amolar, afiar |
whet {v} (stimulate or make more keen) | :: aguçar, estimular |
whether {conj} (introducing indirect questions) | :: se {m} |
whether {conj} (if, whether or not) | :: se |
whether {conj} (introducing adverbial clause; no matter whether or not) | :: quer |
whetstone {n} (stone used to hone tools) | :: mó {f} |
whey {n} (liquid remaining after milk has been curdled) | :: soro {m} |
which {determiner} ((interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied) | :: qual |
which {determiner} ((relative) the one(s) that) | :: qual, o qual {m}, os quais {m-p}, a qual {f}, as quais {f-p} |
which {pron} ((interrogative) what one or ones) | :: qual |
which {pron} ((relative) who, whom, what) | :: que |
whiggism {n} (principles, philosophy and methods of the Whigs) | :: whiggismo {m} |
while {n} (uncertain duration of time, a period of time) | :: tempo {m} |
while {conj} (during the same time that) | :: enquanto |
while {conj} (although) | :: embora, malgrado |
while {conj} (until) SEE: until | :: |
while away {v} (spend time idly) | :: passar o tempo |
whilst {conj} | :: enquanto |
whim {n} (fanciful impulse) | :: inspiração, capricho |
whimbrel {n} (a large wading bird, Numenius phaeopus) | :: maçarico-galego {m} |
whimper {v} (to cry or sob softly and intermittently) | :: choramingar |
whimsical {adj} (Given to whimsy; capricious; odd; peculiar; playful; light-hearted or amusing) | :: caprichoso, extravagante |
whimsicality {n} (caprice) SEE: caprice | :: |
whimsy {n} (idea) | :: capricho {m} |
whimsy {n} (character) | :: impulsivo {m} |
whine {n} (a long-drawn, high-pitched complaining cry or sound) | :: ganido {m} |
whine {v} (to utter a whine) | :: ganir |
whine {v} (to make a sound resembling such a cry) | :: ganir |
whine {v} (to complain or protest with a whine or as if with a whine) | :: lamuriar |
whinny {n} (a gentle neigh) | :: relincho {m} |
whinny {v} (of a horse; to make a gentle neigh) | :: relinchar |
whip {n} (rod or rope) | :: chicote {m}, açoite {m} |
whip {v} (to hit with a whip) | :: chicotear, açoitar |
whip {v} (by extension, to hit with any flexible object) | :: açoitar, chicotear |
whip {v} (to mix food in a rapid aerating fashion) | :: bater |
whip {n} (whipped cream) SEE: whipped cream | :: |
whiplash {n} (lash of a whip) | :: chicotada {f} |
whiplash {n} (whiplash injury) | :: lesão em chicote {f} |
whip out {v} (to pull something out with a sudden jerk) | :: sacar |
whipped cream {n} (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating) | :: creme chantilly {m}, chantilly {m}, creme chantili {m}, chantili {m} |
whippersnapper {n} (young, cheeky person) | :: metido {m} |
whirlpool {n} (swirling body of water) | :: redemoinho {m}, remoinho {m}, rodamoinho {m}, turbilhão {f}, vórtice {m}, sorvedouro {m}, voragem {f} |
whirlwind {n} (a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air) | :: turbilhão {m} |
whisk {n} (quick, light sweeping motion) | :: lapada {f} |
whisk {n} (kitchen utensil) | :: batedor {m}, fuê {m} |
whisk {v} (in cooking, to whip e.g. eggs or cream) | :: bater |
whisker {n} (part of the beard) | :: costeleta {f}, suíça {f} |
whisker {n} (hair of the beard) | :: pelo {m}, fio {m} |
whisker {n} (long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat) | :: bigode {m} |
whisker {n} ((colloquial) very small distance between two things) | :: fio {m} |
whiskered tern {n} (Chlidonias hybrida) | :: gaivina-de-faces-brancas {f} |
whiskey {n} (alcoholic drink) | :: uísque {m}, whisky {m} |
whisky {n} (whiskey) SEE: whiskey | :: |
whisper {n} (act of speaking in a quiet voice) | :: murmúrio {m}, sussurro {m} |
whisper {v} (to talk in a quiet voice) | :: murmurar, sussurrar, cochichar |
whistle {n} (device used to make a whistling sound) | :: apito {m} |
whistle {n} (act of whistling) | :: apitada {f} [with a whistle], assoviada, assobiada [with one’s mouth] |
whistle {n} (sound made by whistling) | :: apito {m}, assobio {m}, assovio {m} |
whistle {n} (sound similar to the sound made by whistling) | :: apito {m}, assobio {m} |
whistle {v} (to produce a whistling sound) | :: assobiar [with one’s mouth], assoviar [with one’s mouth], apitar [with a whistle] |
whistle {n} (slang: a suit) SEE: suit | :: |
whistle-blower {n} (one who reports a problem or violation to the authorities) | :: delator |
whistle past the graveyard {v} (to try to be cheerful in the face of one's fears) | :: manter as esperanças |
white {n} (color/colour) | :: branco {m} |
white {n} (Caucasian person) | :: branco {m}, caucasoide {m} {f}, caucasiano {m} |
white {n} (albumen) | :: clara {f}, albúmen {m} |
white {n} (white of the eye) | :: branco do olho {m}, esclerótica {f} |
white {n} (cue ball) | :: branca {f} |
white {n} (street name for cocaine) | :: pó {m} |
white {n} (white wine) SEE: white wine | :: |
white {adj} (Cistercian) SEE: Cistercian | :: |
white {adj} (bright and colourless) | :: branco |
white {adj} (of or relating to Caucasians) | :: branco, caucasoide, caucasiano |
white ant {n} (white ant) SEE: termite | :: |
whitebeam {n} (any of various Eurasian deciduous trees of the genus Sorbus subg. Aria) | :: mostajeiro {m} |
white bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear | :: |
white-bearded antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: [Brazil]: papo-branco |
white beech {n} (American beech) SEE: American beech | :: |
white blood cell {n} (cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response) | :: célula branca {f}, glóbulo branco {m}, leucócito {m} |
whiteboard {n} (large vertical writing area) | :: quadro branco {m} |
white bread {n} (bread made from white flour) | :: pão branco {m} |
white cabbage {n} (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) | :: repolho branco {m} |
white chocolate {n} (food) | :: chocolate branco {m} |
white Christmas {n} (a Christmas Day or Eve with snow) | :: Natal branco {m} |
white clover {n} (Trifolium repens) | :: trevo-branco {m} |
white coat {n} (white coat worn in laboratories) | :: jaleco {m} |
white coffee {n} (coffee with milk added) | :: café com leite {m} |
white-collar {adj} (of or pertaining to office work and workers) | :: de/do colarinho branco |
white-collar crime {n} (non-violent crime) | :: crime do colarinho branco {m} |
white dwarf {n} (white dwarf star) | :: anã branca {f} |
white-eyed gull {n} (Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus) | :: gaivota-d'olho-branco {f} |
whitefin dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
whitefish {n} (whiting) SEE: whiting | :: |
whitefish {n} (beluga) SEE: beluga | :: |
white flag {n} (a flag used as a symbol of surrender) | :: bandeira branca {f} |
white fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox | :: |
white gold {n} (A precious metal alloy consisting of gold and a platinum group metal) | :: ouro branco {m} |
white-haired {adj} (having white hair) | :: cão |
white hole {n} (singularity) | :: buraco branco {m} |
Whitehorse {prop} (capital of the Yukon Territory, Canada) | :: Whitehorse {f} |
White House {prop} (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) | :: Casa Branca {f} |
white lie {n} (deliberate untrue statement which is intended to produce a favorable result) | :: mentira branca {f}, mentirinha {f} |
white lightning {n} (illegally distilled whiskey) SEE: moonshine | :: |
white man {n} (Caucasian) SEE: Caucasian | :: |
white meat {n} (light-coloured meat) | :: carne branca {f} |
white mustard {n} (Sinapis alba) | :: mostarda-branca {f} |
whiten {v} (to make white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) | :: branquear |
whiten {v} (to become white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) | :: branquear |
white-naped tit {n} (Machlolophus nuchalis) | :: [[ chapim-d'asa-branca]] |
whiteness {n} (state of being white) | :: brancura {f}, alvura {f} |
whitening {n} (the process of making something white or whiter) | :: branqueamento {m} |
white noise {n} (random signal with flat power spectral density) | :: ruído branco |
whiteout {n} (correction fluid) SEE: correction fluid | :: |
white owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl | :: |
white pointer {n} (great white shark) SEE: great white shark | :: |
white poplar {n} (Populus alba) | :: choupo branco {m}, álamo branco {m} |
white roe {n} (milt) SEE: milt | :: |
white-rumped hawk {n} (Buteo leucorrhous) | :: gavião-de-sobre-branco |
white-rumped sandpiper {n} (Calidris fuscicollis) | :: macarico de rabadilha branca {m} |
White Russian {n} (Belarusian language) SEE: Belarusian | :: |
White Russian {n} (a cocktail) | :: russo branco |
white sauce {n} (mayonnaise) SEE: mayonnaise | :: |
white sauce {n} (béchamel sauce) SEE: béchamel sauce | :: |
White Sea {prop} (a sea to the northwest of Russia) | :: Mar Branco {m} |
whitesmith {n} (tinsmith) SEE: tinsmith | :: |
white soul {n} (rhythm and blues or soul music performed by white artists) | :: soul branco {m} |
white space {n} (white area between written characters and graphic regions on a produced page) | :: espaço em branco {m} |
white stork {n} (large wading bird, Ciconia ciconia) | :: cegonha-branca {f} |
white-tailed deer {n} (type of deer) | :: suaçuapara {m}, cariacu {m}, veado-de-cauda-branca {m} |
white-tailed eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) | :: pigargo {m} |
white-tailed hawk {n} (Buteo albicaudatus) | :: gavião-de-rabo-branco |
white tea {n} (drink) | :: chá branco {m} |
white terror {n} | :: terror branco {m} |
white wagtail {n} (bird in the wagtail family) | :: alvéola-branca {f} |
whitewash {n} (lime and water mixture) | :: cal {f} |
whitewash {n} (campaign to paper over unfavorable elements.) | :: branquear |
whitewash {v} (paint) | :: caiar |
whitewash {v} (cover errors) | :: encobrir |
white whale {n} (a cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) SEE: beluga | :: |
white willow {n} (Salix alba) | :: salgueiro-branco {m} |
white wine {n} (light coloured wine) | :: vinho branco {m} |
white-winged tern {n} (Chlidonias leucopterus) | :: gaivina-d'asa-branca {f} |
whither {adv} (to which place) | :: aonde |
whiting {n} (fish, Merlangius merlangus) | :: badejo {m}, pescada {f} |
whitish {adj} (somewhat white) | :: esbranquiçado |
whitlow {n} (an infection) | :: paroníquia {f}, panarício {m}, unheiro {m} |
Whitsunday {n} (the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost) | :: Pentecostes |
whiz {n} (urination) SEE: urination | :: |
whiz {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
who {pron} (who? (interrogative pronoun)) | :: quem |
who {pron} (who (relative pronoun)) | :: que, quem |
WHO {prop} (World Health Organization) | :: OMS {f} |
whoa {interj} (stop, said to a horse) | :: alto!, ou! |
whoa {interj} (expression of surprise) | :: nossa! |
who are you {phrase} (who are you?) | :: quem é você?, quem és tu? |
who cares {phrase} (reply to an unimportant statement) SEE: so what | :: |
whodunit {n} (a crime novel or drama) | :: romance criminal {m} |
whoever {pron} (whatever person or persons) | :: quem, quem quer que |
who knows {phrase} (rhetorical question: one doesn't know) | :: quem sabe?, vai saber? |
who knows {phrase} (rhetorical question: anything is possible) | :: quem sabe?, vai saber? |
whole {adj} (entire) | :: inteiro |
whole {adj} (food with no constituents removed) | :: integral |
whole {adv} (colloquial: in entirety) | :: inteiro |
whole {n} (something complete) | :: todo {m} |
wholeheartedly {adv} (in a wholehearted manner; with one's whole heart; enthusiastically) | :: de todo coração |
wholemeal bread {n} (bread) | :: pão integral {m} |
whole milk {n} (milk from which nothing has been removed) | :: leite gordo {m}, leite integral {m} |
whole note {n} (semibreve) SEE: semibreve | :: |
whole number {n} (integer) SEE: integer | :: |
whole number {n} (natural number) SEE: natural number | :: |
wholesale {n} (sale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants) | :: atacado {m} |
wholesale {adj} (of or relating to sale in bulk or large quantity) | :: atacado |
wholesaler {n} (person or company that sells goods wholesale to retailers) | :: atacadista {m} {f} |
wholly {adv} (to the fullest extent) SEE: completely | :: |
whom {pron} (what person; object of a verb (accusative)) | :: o que, [for nonhumans] o quê, [for humans] quem |
whom {pron} (what person or people, object of a preposition (dative)) | :: o que, [for nonhumans] o quê, [for humans] quem |
whom {pron} (relative pronoun) | :: [for human beings] quem, que, o qual {m}, a qual {f}, os quais {p}, as quais {f-p} |
whoopee {interj} (expression of delight) | :: iúpi |
whooper {n} (whooper swan) SEE: whooper swan | :: |
whooper swan {n} (the species of swan Cygnus cygnus) | :: cisne bravo {m} |
whooping cough {n} (a contagious disease) | :: coqueluche {f}, pertússis {f}, tosse convulsa {f} |
whopper {n} (something remarkably large) | :: colosso {m}, grandalhão {m} |
whopper {n} (outrageous lie) | :: mentirona {f} |
whore {n} | :: puta {f}, prostituta {f}, meretriz {f}, rameira {f}, garota de programa {f}; vadia {f}, devassa {f}, periguete {f} |
whore {v} (to pimp) SEE: pimp | :: |
whoremaster {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp | :: |
Whorfian {adj} (relating to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) | :: whorfiano |
whorl {n} (circle of three or more leaves, flowers, or other organs.) | :: verticilo {m} |
whorl {n} (spindle whorl.) | :: fusaiola {f} |
who's calling {phrase} (who is calling?) | :: quem está falando |
whose {determiner} (of whom (interrogative)) | :: de quem |
whose {determiner} (of whom (relative)) | :: cujo {m}, cuja {f} |
whose {determiner} (of which (relative)) | :: cujo {m}, cuja {f}, cujos {m-p}, cujas {f-p} |
who watches the watchers {phrase} (concern about whether the law is enforced on those who enforce the law) | :: quem vigia os vigilantes |
who would have thunk it {phrase} (who would have guessed it?) | :: quem diria? |
why {adv} (for what reason) | :: por que |
why {adv} | :: por que, por quê |
why {n} (the reason) | :: porquê |
why {interj} (exclamation of surprise) | :: uai |
why not {adv} (why is that not true) | :: por que não |
why not {adv} (state one has no objection) | :: por que não |
why not {adv} (introduce a proposal) | :: por que não |
wick {n} (the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) | :: pavio {m}, mecha {f} |
wicked {adj} (evil or mischevous) | :: mau {m}, má {f}, malvado {m}, bárbaro {m} |
wicked {adj} (slang: awesome) | :: legal, da hora [slang], muito louco [slang] |
wicker {n} (flexible branch or twig) | :: vime {m}, verga {f} |
widdle {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
wide {adj} (having a large physical extent from side to side) | :: largo, amplo |
wide-angle lens {n} (short focal length lens) | :: lente grande-angular {f}, objetiva grande-angular {f} |
wide-eyed {adj} (astonished or surprised) | :: de olhos arregalados |
widely {adv} (commonly, generally) | :: amplamente |
widely {adv} (separated by a large distance) | :: distantemente |
widen {v} (to make wider) | :: alargar |
widening {n} (act of widening) | :: alargamento {m} |
widespread {adj} (affecting a large area) | :: difuso, difundido |
widow {n} (woman whose spouse has died) | :: viúva {f} |
widower {n} (a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried) | :: viúvo {m} |
widowerhood {n} (The period of being a widower) | :: viuvez {f} |
widowhood {n} (The period of being a widow) | :: viuvez {f} |
widow's mite {n} ((numismatics) lepton) SEE: lepton | :: |
width {n} (state of being wide) | :: largura {f} |
width {n} (measurement of something from side to side) | :: largura |
wield {v} (to handle with skill and ease) | :: manusear |
wield {v} (to exercise authority or influence) | :: exercer |
wield {v} (to handle or use a weapon) | :: empunhar, brandir, manusear |
wiener {n} (sausage) | :: salsicha |
wiener {n} (childish word for the penis) | :: pinto, bilau |
wife {n} (married woman) | :: esposa {f}, mulher {f} |
wifebeater {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet | :: |
wife carrying {n} (Scandinavian sport) | :: carregamento de mulheres {m} |
Wi-Fi {n} (computing: wireless data communication standard) | :: Wi-Fi {m}, conexão sem fio {f}, conexão sem fios {f} |
wig {n} (head of artificial hair) | :: peruca {f} |
wigeon {n} (a kind of duck) | :: piadeira {f} |
wiggle {v} (to move with irregular motions) | :: rebolar, sacolejar |
wiggle {n} (wiggling movement) | :: rebolado |
wiki {n} (collaborative website) | :: wiki {m} |
wikification {n} (the process of adding wiki syntax to text in a wiki platform) | :: wikificação {f} |
wikify {v} (to adapt (text) to a wiki, see also: wiki; -ify) | :: wikificar |
Wikipedia {prop} (online encyclopedia) | :: Wikipédia |
Wikipedian {n} (a person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia) | :: wikipediano {m}, wikipediana {f}, wikipedista |
Wiktionarian {n} (A person who contributes to Wiktionary) | :: wikcionarista {m} {f} |
Wiktionary {prop} (the collaborative project; a particular version of this project written in a certain language) | :: Wikcionário |
wild {adj} (not domesticated or tamed) | :: selvagem, silvestre, bravio |
wild {adj} (raucous, unruly, and savage) | :: selvagem |
wild animal {n} (animal living in a natural, undomesticated state) | :: fera {f} |
wild boar {n} (Sus scrofa) | :: javali {m} |
wild card {n} (special card) | :: curinga {m} |
wild cat {n} (Felis silvestris) SEE: wildcat | :: |
wild cat {n} (Lynx rufus) SEE: bobcat | :: |
wildcat {n} (Felis silvestris) | :: gato-bravo {m}, gato-selvagem {m}, gato-montês {m} |
wildcat {n} (Felix rufus) SEE: bobcat | :: |
wildcat {n} (wildcat strike) SEE: wildcat strike | :: |
wildcat strike {n} (labour strike not authorized by the leaders of a trade union) | :: greve selvagem {f} |
wildebeest {n} (gnu) SEE: gnu | :: |
wilderness {n} (uncultivated tract of land) | :: mato |
wildfire {n} (rapidly spreading fire) | :: incêndio florestal |
wildfire {n} (Greek fire) SEE: Greek fire | :: |
wild goose {n} (species of wildlife goose) | :: ganso-bravo {m} |
wild-goose chase {n} (fruitless, futile pursuit) | :: caça aos gambozinos {f} |
Wild Hunt {n} (folk myth) | :: caça selvagem {f} |
wildlife {n} (animals and plants in their natural environment) | :: vida selvagem {f}, fauna {f} |
wildlife reserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
wildlife sanctuary {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
wildly {adv} (in a wild manner) | :: selvagemente, selvaticamente, desvairadamente |
wild rice {n} (any species of Zizania) | :: arroz selvagem {m} |
wild strawberry {n} (Fragaria vesca) | :: morango silvestre {m} |
wild turkey {n} (Meleagris gallopavo) | :: peru |
Wild West {prop} (western United States during the 19th-century era of settlement) | :: Velho Oeste {m} |
Wild West {prop} (place or situation in which disorderly behaviour prevails) | :: faroeste {m} |
wilful {adj} (intentional) | :: intencional |
wilful {adj} (stubborn) | :: persistente, obstinado, voluntarioso |
Wilhelmina {prop} (female form of William) | :: Guilhermina |
will {v} (indicating future action) | :: Use the future tense; [colloquial] use present indicative forms of ir |
will {n} (one's independent faculty of choice) | :: arbítrio {m} |
will {n} (act of choosing to do something; conscious intent or volition) | :: vontade {f} |
will {n} (legal document) | :: testamento {m} |
will {v} (To bequeath) | :: legar |
will {v} (to wish strongly) | :: desejar |
Will {prop} (diminutive of William) | :: Gui |
William {prop} (male given name) | :: Guilherme |
Williams syndrome {n} (a rare neurodevelopmental disorder) | :: síndrome de Williams {f} |
willing {adj} (ready to do something that is not a matter of course) | :: disposto |
willingly {adv} (of one’s own free will) | :: de boa vontade |
willingness {n} (state of being willing) | :: disposição {f}, [Brazil] boa vontade {f} |
will o' the wisp {n} (strange light) | :: fogo-fátuo {m}, fogo tolo {m}, fogo corredor {m} [Brazil], João Galafoice {m} [Brazil], boitatá {m} [Brazil] |
willow {n} (tree) | :: salgueiro {m} |
willow grouse {n} (Lagopus lagopus) | :: lagópode {m} |
willow ptarmigan {n} (Lagopus lagopus) SEE: willow grouse | :: |
willow warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochilus) | :: felosa-musical {f} |
willpower {n} (strength of will) | :: força de vontade {f} |
willy {n} (The penis) | :: pirilau {m}, pipi {m}, bingola {f} |
willy-nilly {adv} (whether desired or not) | :: querendo ou não, queira ou não queira, obrigatoriamente |
willy-nilly {adv} (seemingly at random, haphazardly) | :: de qualquer maneira, de qualquer jeito |
will you marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal) | :: queres casar comigo?, você quer se casar comigo? |
wilt {v} (to droop) | :: murchar |
Wiltshire {prop} (inland county in England) | :: Wiltshire |
wily {adj} (sly, cunning) | :: ladino, matreiro, finório |
wimp {n} (someone who lacks confidence) | :: covarde, medroso |
win {v} (transitive: achieve victory in) | :: vencer, ganhar |
win {v} (obtain (someone) by wooing) | :: ganhar, conquistar |
win {v} (intransitive: achieve by winning) | :: vencer, ganhar |
win {n} (individual victory) | :: vitória {f} |
win {n} (gain, profit) | :: proveito {m}, lucro {m}, ganho {m} |
winch {n} (machine) | :: molinete |
wind {v} (to introduce by insinuation) SEE: insinuate | :: |
wind {n} (movement of air) | :: vento {m} |
wind {n} (flatus) | :: flatulência {f} |
wind {v} (blow air through (a wind instrument)) | :: soprar {f} |
wind {v} (to turn coils of something around) | :: enrolar |
wind {v} (to tighten a clockwork mechanism) | :: dar corda a |
wind {v} (to travel in a way that is not straight) | :: serpentear |
wind back {v} (to wind towards the beginning) | :: rebobinar |
wind chimes {n} (chime made from suspended wooden, metal, etc. tubes, bells and rods that tinkle when moved by the wind) | :: espanta-espíritos {m}, sinos de vento {m-p}, sinos da felicidade {m-p}, mensageiro do vento {m}, carrilhão de vento {m} |
winded {adj} (short of breath) | :: sem fólego |
wind farm {n} (collection of wind turbines) | :: parque eólico {m} |
windflower {n} (Anemone nemorosa) SEE: wood anemone | :: |
Windhoek {prop} (capital of Namibia) | :: Windhoek {f} |
windhover {n} (common kestrel) SEE: common kestrel | :: |
winding {n} (something wound around something else) | :: enrolado {m}, enrolada {f} |
winding {adj} (twisting, turning or sinuous) | :: tortuoso, sinuoso |
wind instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) | :: instrumento de sopro {m} |
windle {n} (redwing) SEE: redwing | :: |
windmeter {n} (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind) SEE: anemometer | :: |
windmill {n} (machine) | :: moinho de vento {m} |
windmill {n} (structure) | :: moinho de vento {m} |
windmill {n} (child's toy) | :: cata-vento {m} |
window {n} (opening for light and air) | :: janela {f} |
window {n} (period of time) | :: intervalo {m} (período de tempo) |
window {n} (area on a computer screen) | :: janela {f} |
window {n} (shop window) SEE: shop window | :: |
windowpane {n} (piece of glass filling a window) | :: vidraça {f} |
windowsill {n} (the horizontal member protruding from the base of a window frame) | :: parapeito {m} |
windpipe {n} (anus) SEE: anus | :: |
windpipe {n} (trachea) | :: traqueia {f} |
wind power {n} (power harnessed from the wind) | :: energia eólica {f} |
wind rose {n} (meteorological diagram) | :: rosa dos ventos {f}, rosa-dos-ventos |
windscreen {n} (windshield) SEE: windshield | :: |
windscreen wiper {n} (a device to clear a windscreen) SEE: windshield wiper | :: |
windshield {n} (screen located in front of a vehicle to protect from wind and weather) | :: para-brisa {m}, para-brisas {m} |
windshield {n} (cover for a microphone to exclude airy noises) | :: pára-brisas {m} |
windshield wiper {n} (device to clear a windshield) | :: limpador de parabrisa {m}, limpador de parabrisas {m}, limpador de pára-brisas {m} |
windsock {n} (tube designed to indicate wind direction and relative wind speed) | :: biruta {f} |
Windsor bean {n} (fava bean) SEE: broad bean | :: |
windstorm {n} (storm with strong violent winds) | :: vendaval {m} |
wind turbine {n} (device) | :: aerogerador {m} |
wind up {v} (to end up; to arrive or result) | :: acabar, resultante |
wind up {v} (to conclude, complete, or finish) | :: terminar, concluir |
wind up {v} (to tighten by winding or twisting) | :: dar corda [clocks and watches] |
wind up {v} (to excite) | :: animar, excitar |
wind up {v} (to play a prank, to take the mickey or mock) | :: pregar uma peça |
windward {adj} (towards the wind) | :: de barlavento |
windward {n} (towards the wind) | :: barlavento {m} |
Windward Islands {prop} (the southern islands of the Lesser Antilles) | :: Ilhas de Barlavento {f-p}, Ilhas Barlavento {f-p} |
windy {n} (fart) SEE: fart | :: |
windy {adj} (orally verbose) SEE: long-winded | :: |
windy {adj} (accompanied by wind) | :: ventoso {m} |
Windy City {prop} (nickname for Chicago) | :: Cidade dos Ventos {f} |
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from grapes) | :: vinho {m} |
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from other fruit or vegetables) | :: vinho {m} |
wine {n} (wine colour) | :: vinho {m} |
wine {v} (drink wine) | :: beber vinho |
wine bottle {n} (bottle for holding wine) | :: garrafa de vinho {f} |
wine cellar {n} (underground place for storing wine) | :: adega, adega de vinhos |
wine glass {n} (glass vessel for drinking wine from) | :: taça {f} |
winemaking {n} (the act of making wine) | :: vinificação {f} |
winery {n} (a place where wine is made, or a company that makes wine) | :: vinícola {f} |
wineskin {n} (bag for holding wine) | :: borracha {f} |
wing {n} (part of an animal) | :: asa {f} |
wing {n} (part of an aircraft) | :: asa {f} |
wing {n} (extension to a main body) | :: ala {f}, asa {f} |
wing {n} (fraction of a political movement) | :: ala {f} |
wing {n} (sports: position in many team sports) | :: ala |
wing {v} (to injure slightly) | :: ferir (no braço) |
wing {v} (to be extemporaneous) | :: improvisar |
wing {v} (to fly) SEE: fly | :: |
wing {v} (to throw) SEE: throw | :: |
winged {adj} (having wings) | :: alado |
winger {n} (offensive player) | :: ponta {m} {f}, ponteiro {m} |
wingspan {n} (the distance from left wingtip to right) | :: envergadura {f} |
wink {v} (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion) | :: piscar (o olho) |
wink {n} (a blink) | :: piscada {f} |
winkle {n} (gastropod) SEE: periwinkle | :: |
winner {n} (one who has won or often wins) | :: ganhador {m}, vencedor {m} |
Winnie the Pooh {prop} (the fictional bear) | :: Ursinho Pooh {m}, Ursinho Puff {m}, Joanica-Puff [outdated] |
winning {adj} (that constitutes a win) | :: ganhador |
winning {adj} (that leads to success) | :: ganhador |
winnings {n} (something won) | :: ganhos {m-p} |
winnow {v} (to separate the heavier and lighter with a current of air) | :: joeirar |
winnow {v} (figuratively: to separate, sift, analyze, test) | :: joeirar |
winnow {n} (something that winnows) | :: joeira {f} |
win over {v} (to persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
winter {n} (fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures) | :: inverno {m} |
winter {v} (spend the winter, as in a particular place on holiday) | :: invernar |
winter cherry {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
wintergreen {n} (evergreen) SEE: evergreen | :: |
winter solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined away from the sun) | :: solstício de inverno {m} |
wintrily {adv} (in a wintry manner) | :: invernalmente, hibernalmente |
wintry {adj} (suggestive or characteristic of winter; cold, stormy) | :: hibernal, invernal, invernoso |
win-win {adj} (of a situation that benefits two parties) | :: em que todos saem ganhando, em que todos ganham |
wipe {v} (remove surface substance) | :: esfregar, enxugar, limpar |
wipe out {v} (to destroy or obliterate) | :: aniquilar |
wipe out {v} (to erase) | :: apagar |
wipe out {v} (to crash or fall) | :: cair |
wipe the slate clean {v} (to make a fresh start, forgetting differences) | :: começar do zero |
WIPO {prop} (World Intellectual Property Organization) | :: OMPI |
wire {n} (thin thread of metal) | :: arame {m} |
wire {n} (metal conductor that carries electricity) | :: fio |
wire {n} (slang: hidden listening device on the person) | :: escuta {f} |
wire {n} (informal: telegraph) SEE: telegraph | :: |
wire {n} (informal: message transmitted by telegraph) SEE: telegram | :: |
wireless {adj} (not having any wires) | :: sem fio |
wireless {adj} (of or relating to wireless telegraphy) | :: sem fio |
wireless {n} (radio) | :: tecnologia sem fio {f}, tecnologia wireless {f} |
wireless {n} (wireless connectivity to a computer network) | :: wireless {f} |
wire netting {n} (hexagonal network of interwoven wire) | :: alambrado {m}, cerca de arame {f} |
wiretap {n} (covert connection) | :: grampo {m} [Brazil] |
wiretap {v} (to install or to use such a device) | :: [Brazil] grampear |
wire transfer {n} (electronic transfer of funds) | :: transferência (bancária) eletrónica {f} |
Wisconsin {prop} (state of the United States of America) | :: Wisconsin {m} |
wisdom {n} (element of personal character) | :: sabedoria, sagacidade, sapiência |
wisdom {n} (piece of wise advice) | :: orientação {f} |
wisdom {n} (discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good) | :: bom senso {m} |
wisdom {n} (ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way) | :: sabedoria {f} |
wisdom {n} (ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding) | :: sabedoria {f} |
wisdom {n} (ability to know and apply spiritual truths) | :: sabedoria {f} |
wisdom tooth {n} (rearmost molar in humans) | :: siso {m}, dente do siso {m}, dente do juízo {m} |
wise {adj} (showing good judgement) | :: sábio, sensato |
wisely {adv} (in a wise manner) | :: sabiamente |
wisent {n} (European bison, Bison bonasus) | :: bisão europeu {m}, bisonte europeu {m} |
wish {n} (desire) | :: desejo {m}, pedido {m} |
wish {v} (to hope for an outcome) | :: desejar |
wish {v} (to bestow a thought) | :: desejar a |
wishable {adj} (desirable) SEE: desirable | :: |
wishful thinking {n} (illusion that what one would like is true) | :: wishful thinking {m}, pensamento desejoso {m} |
wishing well {n} (well where wishes were thought to be granted) | :: poço dos desejos {m} |
wishy-washy {adj} (wavering or lacking in commitment, certainty, or support) | :: indeciso {m}, enrolado {m} |
wisp {n} (a small bundle, as of straw or other like substance) | :: tufo {m} |
wispy {adj} (Consisting of or resembling a wisp) | :: flocoso |
wisteria {n} (a genus of about ten species of woody climbing vines) | :: wisteria {f}, glicínia {f} |
wistful {adj} (full of longing) | :: saudoso |
wit {n} (mind; sanity) | :: mentalidade, sanidade |
wit {n} (intellectual ability) | :: intelectual, intelecto |
wit {n} (Ability to think quickly) | :: agudeza, agudez |
wit {n} (Spoken humour, particularly that thought of quickly) | :: humorístico {m}, humor, engraçado {m} |
wit {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence | :: |
witch {n} (person who uses magic) | :: bruxa {f}, estria {f}, estrige {f}, feiticeira {f} |
witch {n} (derogatory: ugly or unpleasant woman) | :: bruxa {f} |
witchcraft {n} (the practice of witches) | :: bruxaria {f} |
witch doctor {n} (person believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magic) | :: curandeiro {m}, curandeira {f}, xamã {m} {f}, pajé {m} [Brazil] |
witch-hunt {n} (persecution of persons believed to be using magic) | :: caça às bruxas {f} |
witch-hunt {n} (campaign to punish dissident persons) | :: caça às bruxas {f} |
with {prep} (against) | :: contra, com |
with {prep} (in the company of) | :: com |
with {prep} (in addition to) | :: com |
with {prep} (in support of) | :: com |
with {prep} (expressing manner) | :: com |
with {prep} (by means of) | :: com |
with {prep} (as nourishment) | :: de |
with a grain of salt {adv} (with common sense and skepticism) | :: cum grano salis |
with all due respect {prep} (phrase used before disagreeing with someone) | :: com todo respeito |
with bated breath {prep} (eagerly) | :: prendendo o fôlego, com a respiração em suspenso, com a respiração suspensa |
withdraw {v} (pull back) | :: retirar |
withdraw {v} (take back) | :: devolver |
withdraw {v} (remove, stop providing) | :: retirar |
withdraw {v} (extract (money from an account)) | :: sacar, levantar, retirar |
withdraw {v} (retreat) | :: retirar-se |
withdrawal {n} (receiving from someone's care what one has earlier entrusted to them) | :: saque {m} |
withdrawal {n} (method of birth control) | :: coito interrompido |
withdrawal {n} (type of metabolic shock) | :: síndrome de abstinência {f} |
withdrawal {n} (act of withdrawing) | :: retirada {f}, saque {m} |
withdrawn {adj} (introvert) | :: introvertido {m} |
wither {v} ((intransitive) shrivel, droop, dry up) | :: murchar murchar-se, mirrar, mirrar-se |
wither {v} ((transitive) to make helpless due to emotion) | :: decair |
withered {adj} (shrivelled) | :: murcho |
witherite {n} (mineral) | :: whiterita |
withers {n} (part of the back of a draft animal) | :: cernelha {f} |
withhold {v} (to keep an object) | :: reter |
withhold {v} (to keep information) | :: privar |
withhold {v} (to retain) | :: reter |
within {prep} (spatial enclosure) | :: dentro de |
within {prep} (in scope or range of) | :: dentro de |
within {prep} (before the specified duration ends) | :: dentro de |
with no further ado {prep} (with no further ado) | :: sem mais delongas |
with one hand tied behind one's back {adv} (hands down) SEE: hands down | :: |
without {prep} (not having) | :: sem |
without a doubt {prep} (certainly) SEE: certainly | :: |
without a doubt {prep} (probably) SEE: probably | :: |
without a doubt {prep} | :: sem dúvida |
without doubt {prep} (without a doubt) SEE: without a doubt | :: |
with pleasure {prep} (willingly, without argument) | :: com prazer |
with regard to {prep} (concerning) | :: quanto a, a respeito de |
with respect to {prep} (pertaining to) | :: em relação a |
withspeak {v} (speak against) SEE: oppose | :: |
withspeak {v} (contradict) SEE: contradict | :: |
withstand {v} (to resist) | :: aguentar |
withy {n} (osier) SEE: osier | :: |
withy {n} (long, flexible twig of the osier) SEE: osier | :: |
witness {n} (attestation of a fact or event) | :: testemunho {m} |
witness {n} (one who has a personal knowledge of something) | :: testemunha {f} |
witness {n} (someone called to give evidence in a court) | :: testemunha {f} |
witness {n} (something that serves as evidence) | :: prova {f} |
witness {v} ((transitive) to furnish proof of) | :: testemunhar |
witness {v} ((transitive) to take as evidence) | :: testemunhar |
witness {v} ((transitive) to see or gain knowledge of through experience) | :: presenciar, testemunhar |
wits' end {n} (at (one's) wits' end) SEE: perplexed | :: |
wittiness {n} (the quality of being witty) | :: argúcia {f}, sagacidade {f}, perspicácia {f} |
witty {adj} (possessing a strong intellect or intellectual capacity) | :: sábio {m} |
witty {adj} (clever; amusingly ingenious) | :: engenhoso, espirituoso {m} |
witty {adj} (quick of mind; insightful; in possession of wits) | :: arguto |
wizard {n} (person skilled with magic) | :: bruxo {m}, mago {m} |
wizard {n} (computing: program or script used to simplify complex operations) | :: assistente {m} |
wizardess {n} (sorceress) SEE: sorceress | :: |
wizardry {n} (art of a wizard; sorcery) | :: feitiçaria {f}, bruxaria {f}, magia {f} |
wizardry {n} (something that gives the appearance of magic) | :: magia {f} |
wizened {adj} (withered) | :: encarquilhado |
WNW {n} (west-northwest) | :: ONO, WNW |
woad {n} (Isatis tinctoria) | :: pastel-dos-tintureiros {m} |
wobble {n} (unsteady motion) | :: agitação, trémulo {m} |
wobbler {n} (tantrum) SEE: tantrum | :: |
woe {n} (grief; sorrow; misery; heavy calamity) | :: desgraça {f}, infelicidade {f}, mágoa {f} |
woe is me {interj} (interjection) | :: ai de mim |
wog {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop | :: |
wok {n} (large round pan) | :: wok {f} {m} |
wokou {n} (pirates) | :: Wako {m-p} |
wolf {n} (animal) | :: lobo {m} |
wolf {v} (to devour) | :: devorar |
wolf {n} (constellation) SEE: Lupus | :: |
wolfberry {n} (fruit of Lycium barbarum or Lycium chinense) | :: goji {m} |
wolf cub {n} (young wolf) | :: lobato {m}, lobacho {m}, lobinho {m} |
Wolfgang {prop} (male given name) | :: Wolfgang {m} |
wolf in sheep's clothing {n} (someone or something harmful or threatening but disguised as something peaceful or pleasant) | :: lobo em pele de cordeiro |
wolfkin {n} (young or small wolf) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolfling {n} (wolf cub) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolfpack {n} (group of wild wolves, see also: pack) | :: alcateia {m} |
wolfpack {n} (group of submarines) | :: matilha {f} |
wolfram {n} (tungsten) SEE: tungsten | :: |
wolfram {n} (wolframite) SEE: wolframite | :: |
wolframite {n} (wolframite) | :: wolframita {f} |
wolfsbane {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite | :: |
wolf spider {n} (any of several spiders of the family Lycosidae) | :: aranha-lobo {f} |
wolf whelp {n} (young, esp. infant, wolf) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wollastonite {n} (grey inosilicate mineral) | :: wollastonite {f} |
Wolof {prop} (people) | :: wolof {m-p} |
Wolof {prop} (language) | :: wolof {m} |
wolverine {n} (Gulo gulo) | :: carcaju {m} |
woman {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
woman {n} (adult female person) | :: mulher {f} |
womanhater {n} (hater of women) SEE: misogynist | :: |
womanizer {n} (habitual seducer of women) | :: mulherengo {m}, namorador {m} |
womanliness {n} (femininity) SEE: femininity | :: |
womanly {adj} (having the characteristics of a woman) | :: feminino |
woman of the world {n} (worldly woman) | :: mulher do mundo {f} |
womb {n} (uterus) | :: útero {m}, matriz {f} |
womb {n} (figuratively: place where something is made or formed) | :: útero {m} |
womb {n} (belly) SEE: belly | :: |
wombat {n} (marsupial) | :: vombate {m}, wombat {m} |
wombly {adj} (of or pertaining to the womb) | :: uterino |
womenfolk {n} (women collectively) | :: mulherio {m}, mulherada {f} |
wonder {n} (something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel) | :: maravilha {f} |
wonder {n} (something astonishing and seemingly inexplicable) | :: maravilha {f} |
wonder {n} (someone very talented at something, a genius) | :: maravilha {f}, genial |
wonder {n} (informal: thought) | :: pensamento {m}, pensamento {m} |
wonder {v} (to ponder about something) | :: ponderar, perguntar-se |
wonderful {adj} (excellent, extremely impressive) | :: maravilhoso |
wonderfully {adv} (in a wonderful manner) | :: maravilhosamente |
wonderfully {adv} (to an extent inspiring wonder) | :: maravilhosamente |
wonderland {n} (Imaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels) | :: país das maravilhas {m} |
wonderous {adj} (wondrous) SEE: wondrous | :: |
Wonder Woman {prop} (DC Comics character) | :: Mulher Maravilha |
wondrous {adj} (amazing, inspiring awe) | :: maravilhoso |
woo {v} (to endeavor to gain someone's affection) | :: cortejar |
wood {n} (substance) | :: madeira {f} |
wood {n} (wood from a particular species) | :: madeira {f} |
wood {n} (woodland) | :: bosque {m} |
wood {n} (firewood) | :: lenha {f} |
wood {n} (slang: an erection) | :: tusa {f}, tesão {f} |
wood {v} (to cover or plant with trees) | :: florestar |
wood anemone {n} (Anemone nemorosa) | :: anêmona dos bosques {f} |
wood apple {n} (Aegle marmelos) SEE: bael | :: |
Woodburytype {n} (photomechanical printing process) | :: fotogliptia {f} |
woodchip {n} (fibre of wood) | :: farpa {f} |
woodchuck {n} (rodent of the family Sciuridae) | :: marmota americana {f} |
woodcock {n} (wading bird in the genus Scolopax) | :: galinhola {f} |
woodcut {n} (method of printmaking) | :: xilografia {f} |
woodcutter {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack | :: |
wood ear {n} (black fungus) | :: orelha-de-judas {f} |
wooded {adj} (covered with trees) | :: arborizado |
wooden {adj} (made of wood) | :: lenhoso, de madeira |
wooden spoon {n} (spoon made from wood) | :: colher de pau {f} |
woodie {n} (erection) SEE: erection | :: |
woodland {n} (land covered with woody vegetation) | :: mato {m}, mata {f} |
woodlouse {n} (any species of suborder Oniscidea) | :: bicho-de-conta {m}, tatuzinho-de-jardim {m}, tatu-de-jardim {m}, tatu {m}, tatuzinho {m} |
woodpecker {n} (bird in Picinae) | :: pica-pau {m}, picapau {m} |
wood pigeon {n} (Columba palumbus) | :: pombo torcaz {m} |
woods {n} (forest) SEE: forest | :: |
wood sandpiper {n} (Tringa stagnatilis) | :: maçarico-bastardo {m} |
wood sorrel {n} (a white-flowered woodland plant, Oxalis acetosella) | :: acetosela {f}, azedinha {f}, aleluia {f} |
wood strawberry {n} (Fragaria vesca) SEE: wild strawberry | :: |
woodwind {n} (musical instrument) | :: madeira {f} |
woodwind instrument {n} (musical instrument) | :: madeira {f} |
woody {adj} (non-herbaceous) | :: lenhoso |
woody {adj} (lignified) | :: lenhoso |
woof {n} (set of yarns placed crosswise in a loom) | :: trama {f} |
woof {n} (sound of a dog) | :: ão-ão [European], au-au [Brazilian] |
woof {v} (to make the sound of a dog) | :: latir |
wooing {n} (courting) SEE: courtship | :: |
wool {n} (hair of sheep, etc.) | :: lã {f} |
wool {n} (cloth or yarn) | :: lã {f} |
woolen {adj} (made of wool) | :: de lã |
woolly {adj} (made of wool) | :: lanoso |
woolly hat {n} (beanie) SEE: beanie | :: |
woomera {n} (atlatl) SEE: atlatl | :: |
wop {n} (person of Italian descent) | :: macarrone {m} {f}, carcamano {m} {f}, latacho {m} |
Worcestershire sauce {n} (English condiment) | :: molho inglês {m} |
word {n} (unit of language) | :: palavra, vocábulo |
word {n} (computing: fixed-size group of bits handled as a unit) | :: palavra |
word {n} (news, tidings) | :: notícias |
word {n} (promise) | :: palavra, promessa |
word {n} (brief discussion) | :: palavra |
word {n} (the word of God) | :: verbo, palavra, f, palavra divina, palavra de Deus |
word {v} (to say or write using particular words) | :: frasear |
word {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb | :: |
wordbook {n} (dictionary) SEE: dictionary | :: |
wordbook {n} (lexicon) SEE: lexicon | :: |
wordbook {n} (libretto) SEE: libretto | :: |
word for word {adv} (in exactly the same words) SEE: verbatim | :: |
word-hoard {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary | :: |
wording {n} (choice of words) | :: fraseado {m} |
word of honor {n} (a promise, or a pledge of one's good faith) | :: palavra de honra {f} |
word of honour {n} (word of honor) SEE: word of honor | :: |
word of mouth {n} (verbal means of passing of information) | :: boca a boca {m}, passa-palavra {m} |
word order {n} (order of syntactic constituents) | :: ordem das palavras {m} |
wordplay {n} | :: trocadilho {m}, jogo de palavras {m} |
words {n} (lyrics) SEE: lyrics | :: |
wordster {n} (one who uses words instead of actions) SEE: hypocrite | :: |
word-stock {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary | :: |
work {n} (labour, employment, occupation, job) | :: trabalho {m}, emprego {m} |
work {n} (place where one is employed) | :: trabalho {m}, emprego {m} |
work {n} (effort expended on a particular task) | :: trabalho {m} |
work {n} (result of a particular manner of production) | :: obra {f} |
work {n} (something produced using the specified material or tool) | :: obra {f} |
work {n} (literary, artistic, or intellectual production) | :: obra {f}, trabalho {m} |
work {n} (measure of energy expended in moving an object) | :: trabalho {m} |
work {n} (thermodynamics: energy in transit between one form or repository and another) | :: trabalho {m} |
work {n} (fortification) | :: fortificação {f} |
work {v} (to do a specific task) | :: trabalhar |
work {v} (set into action) | :: operar, ativar |
work {v} (shape, form, or improve a material) | :: trabalhar |
work {v} (cause to happen) | :: fazer |
work {v} (function correctly) | :: funcionar |
workaholic {n} (person) | :: workaholic {m} {f} |
workaround {n} (a means of overcoming some obstacle) | :: contornar |
workbench {n} (sturdy table) | :: bancada, banca {f} |
workday {n} (day on which work is done) | :: dia útil {m} |
worked up {adj} (excessively emotional) | :: emocionado |
worker {n} (person who performs labor) | :: trabalhador {m} |
worker {n} (insect) | :: operário {m} |
worker bee {n} (sterile bee) | :: abelha-operária {f} |
workers of the world, unite {phrase} (workers of the world, unite) | :: trabalhadores do mundo, uni-vos!, proletários de todos os países, uni-vos! |
workforce {n} (workers employed by an organization) | :: mão de obra {f} |
work function {n} (The minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a material) | :: função trabalho {f} |
work hardening {n} (repeated plastic deformation of a material) | :: encruamento {m} |
working {n} (operation; action) | :: serviço {m} |
working {n} (method of operation) | :: funcionamento {m} |
working {adj} (functioning) | :: funcional |
working class {n} (social class doing physical work) | :: classe trabalhadora {f}, classe operária {f}, proletariado {m} |
working day {n} (day of a week in which work is done) | :: dia útil {m} |
working dog {n} (type of dog breed) | :: cão de serviço {m} |
working week {n} (range of days of the week) SEE: workweek | :: |
workmate {n} (coworker) SEE: coworker | :: |
work of art {n} (product of the fine arts) | :: obra de arte {f} |
work one's butt off {v} (to work excessively) | :: dar duro |
work out {v} (to calculate) | :: calcular |
work out {v} (to habitually exercise rigorously) | :: malhar, exercitar-se |
workout {n} (an exercise session; a period of physical exercise) | :: malhação {f} |
workplace {n} (place where someone works) | :: local de trabalho {m} |
work placement {n} (practicum) SEE: practicum | :: |
workshop {n} (small manufacturing room) | :: oficina {f} |
workshop {n} (intensive course of education) | :: seminário {m}, workshop {m} |
workshop {n} (academic conference) | :: seminário {m}, colóquio {m} |
worksome {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious | :: |
worksome {adj} (laborious) SEE: laborious | :: |
work someone's arse off {v} (to work excessively) SEE: work someone's ass off | :: |
work someone's ass off {v} (to work excessively) | :: tirar o couro de |
workstation {n} (powerful desktop computer) | :: workstation {f}, estação de trabalho {f} |
workstead {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory | :: |
work up {v} (To develop) SEE: develop | :: |
workweek {n} (range of days of the week) | :: semana de trabalho {f} |
world {n} (human collective existence) | :: mundo {m} |
world {n} (the universe) | :: mundo {m} |
world {n} (the Earth) | :: mundo {m} |
world {n} (inhabited planet) | :: mundo {m} |
world {n} (individual or group perspective or social setting) | :: mundo {m} |
world cup {n} (event; competition) | :: mundial, campeonato mundial, copa do mundo |
World Exposition {n} (a regular international exposition) | :: Exposição mundial {f}, Exposição Universal {f}, Feira Mundial {f}, Expo |
World Heritage Site {n} (place listed by UNESCO as being of significance) | :: Patrimônio Mundial {m} [Brazil], Património Mundial {m} [Portugal] |
worldly {adj} (concerned with the human, earthly or physical rather than spiritual) | :: mundano |
world record {n} (the world's best score or time) | :: recorde mundial {m} |
world's oldest profession {n} (euphemism for prostitution) | :: a mais velha profissão do mundo {f} |
world soul {n} (single, unifying spirit present in every living being) | :: anima mundi {f} |
World Trade Organization {prop} (World Trade Organization) | :: Organização Mundial do Comércio {f}, OMC {f} |
worldview {n} (personal view of the world) | :: visão de mundo {f}, mundividência {f}, cosmovisão {f} |
world war {n} (a war involving the major nations of the world) | :: guerra mundial {m} |
World War I {prop} (war) | :: Primeira Guerra Mundial {f} |
World War II {prop} (war from 1939 to 1945) | :: Segunda Guerra Mundial {f} |
World War III {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War III)) | :: terceira guerra mundial {f} |
World War IV {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War IV)) | :: Quarta Guerra Mundial {f} |
World War One {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I | :: |
World War Two {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II | :: |
worldwide {adj} (affecting every place in the world) | :: mundial |
worldwide {adv} (throughout the world) | :: mundialmente |
World Wide Web {prop} (information space on the Internet) | :: web {f}, rede {f}, Internet {f}, net {f}, rede mundial de computadores {f} |
worm {n} (animal) | :: verme {m} |
worm {n} (contemptible being) | :: miserável {m} {f}, patife {m}, verme {m} |
worm {n} (self-replicating program) | :: worm {m} |
worm {v} (to move with one's body dragging the ground) | :: rastejar |
wormhole {n} (a hole burrowed by a worm) | :: buraco de minhoca {m} |
wormhole {n} (a shortcut between distant parts of space) | :: buraco de minhoca {m} |
Worms {prop} (a city in Germany) | :: Worms {f} |
wormwood {n} (Artemisia absinthium) | :: absinto {m} |
wormwood {n} (that which causes bitterness) | :: amargura {f} |
wormy {adj} (infested with worms) | :: verminado {m}, bichado {m} |
worn {adj} (damaged and shabby from too much use) | :: gastado {m}, gasto |
worn out {adj} (damaged and useless due to hard or continued use) | :: gasto, desgastado |
worn out {adj} (exhausted from exertion) | :: exausto, moído |
worn-out {adj} (worn-out) SEE: worn out | :: |
worried {adj} (thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen) | :: preocupado |
worrisome {adj} (causing worry; perturbing or vexing) | :: preocupante |
worry {v} (be troubled) | :: preocupar-se |
worry {v} (disturb the peace of mind of) | :: preocupar |
worry {n} (strong feeling of anxiety) | :: preocupação {f} |
worry {v} (strangle) SEE: strangle | :: |
worrying {adj} (inducing worry) | :: preocupante |
worse {adj} (comparative form of bad) | :: pior |
worse {adv} (comparative of badly) | :: pior |
worse for wear {adj} (in poor physical condition due to long or heavy use) | :: acabado |
worsen {v} (transitive: make worse) | :: piorar, empiorar |
worsen {v} (intransitive: get worse) | :: piorar, empiorar |
worship {n} (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) | :: adoração {f}, cultuação {f}, culto {m} |
worship {n} (the religious ceremonies that express this devotion) | :: culto {m} |
worship {n} (the ardent love of a person) | :: adoração {f} |
worship {v} (to honor and adore, especially as a deity) | :: adorar, venerar, cultuar |
worshipper {n} (person who worships) | :: adorador {m} |
worst {adj} (most inferior) | :: pior |
worst {n} (something that is worst) | :: pior {m} |
worst {adv} (in the worst way) | :: pior |
worst comes to worst {adv} (if a bad situation develops) | :: na pior das hipóteses |
worsted {n} (fine smooth wool fabric) | :: estambre, lã penteada, lã cardada |
worth {adj} (obsolete: valuable, worthwhile) SEE: worthwhile | :: |
worth {adj} (equal in value to) | :: equivalente |
worth {adj} (deserving of) | :: valer a pena |
worth {n} (value) | :: valor {m} |
worthless {adj} (not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential) | :: sem valor, inútil |
worthlessness {n} (quality of lacking worth) | :: inutilidade {f} |
worthwhile {adj} (good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on) | :: vantajoso |
worthy {adj} (having worth, merit or value) | :: digno, valioso |
would {v} (indicating an action or state that is conditional on another) | :: use the conditional tense; We would be warmer if you hadn't opened the window! - Teríamos mais calor se você não tivesse aberto a janela. |
would {v} (indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state) | :: Use the conditional tense (futuro do pretérito); We sat on the bench, wondering if the bus would be late this time. - Nos sentamos no banco, perguntando-nos se o ônibus chegaria tarde esta vez. |
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended) | :: Use the conditional tense (futuro do pretérito); The waiter said he would be right back. - O garçom disse que voltaria logo. |
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly) | :: Use the imperfect tense; In the winters, we would sit by the hole on the frozen lake and fish for hours. - No inverno, nos sentávamos perto do buraco do lago congelado e pescávamos por horas. |
would {v} (used to express a polite request) | :: por favor; Would you please turn off the TV? - Pode desligar a televisão, por favor? [informal]; Poderia desligar a televisão, por favor? [formal]; Me faria a gentileza de desligar a televisão, por favor? [very formal] |
would like {v} (transitive) | :: gostaria |
would like {v} (intransitive) | :: gostaria |
would you mind putting on your seat belt {phrase} (would you mind putting on your seat belt?) | :: você poderia colocar o cinto de segurança? |
wound {n} (injury) | :: ferimento {m}, ferida {f}, lesão, mágoa {f}, machucado |
wound {n} (something that offends a person’s feelings) | :: mágoa {f} |
wound {v} (hurt or injure) | :: ferir, lesar, machucar, vulnerar |
wound {v} (hurt (someone's feelings)) | :: magoar |
wounded {adj} (suffering from a wound) | :: ferido, machucado |
woven {adj} (fabricated by weaving) | :: tecido |
wow {interj} (excitement) | :: uau, uia, nossa |
wow {interj} (amazement) | :: uau, uia, nossa, ena! |
wrack {v} (rack) SEE: rack | :: |
wramp {v} (to sprain part of the body) SEE: sprain | :: |
wrangle {v} (to bicker) | :: disputar |
wrangle {v} (to herd livestock) | :: pastorar |
wrangle {n} (act of wrangling) | :: disputar |
wrangle {n} (angry dispute) | :: briga |
wrap {v} (to enclose completely in fabric, paper, etc) | :: embalar, empacotar, embrulhar |
wrap around one's little finger {v} (to successfully control or influence) | :: encoleirar |
wrapping paper {n} (paper used for wrapping parcels or presents) | :: papel de/para embrulho {m} |
wrap up {v} (To fold and secure something to be the cover or protection) | :: embrulhar, empacotar, embalar |
wrap up {v} (To wear abundant clothing as protection from the weather) | :: encapotar-se, agasalhar-se |
wrasse {n} (Fish) | :: bodião {m} |
wrath {n} (great anger) | :: cólera {f}, ira {f} |
wreak havoc {v} (To cause damage, disruption, or destruction) | :: causar estragos |
wreath {n} (ornamental circular band) | :: grinalda {f}, guirlanda {f} |
wreath {n} (heraldry: support of a crest) | :: virol |
wreck {n} (remains) | :: destroço {m} |
wreck {n} (collision) | :: choque {m} |
wrecker {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck | :: |
wreckfish {n} (perciform marine fish of the family Polyprionidae) | :: cherne {m} |
wrecking ball {n} (heavy steel ball used for demolition) | :: bola de demolição {f} |
wren {n} (bird of family Troglodytidae) | :: carriça {f}, uirapuru {m} [Brazil] |
wrench {n} (screw) SEE: screw | :: |
wrench {n} (violent twisting movement) | :: sacalão {m} |
wrench {n} (hand tool) | :: chave inglesa |
wrench {v} (to pull or twist) | :: arrancar |
wrench {v} (to sprain a joint) | :: deslocar, torcer |
wrest {v} (to seize) SEE: seize | :: |
wrest {v} (to obtain by pulling or violent force) | :: arrancar |
wrest {v} (to distort, pervert, twist) SEE: distort | :: |
wrestle {v} (to contend, with an opponent, by grappling and attempting to throw) | :: lutar |
wrestle {v} (to take part in wrestling match) | :: combater |
wrestler {n} (person who wrestles) | :: lutador |
wrestling {n} (sport) | :: luta {f} |
wretch {n} (exile) SEE: exile | :: |
wretch {n} (unhappy, unfortunate, or miserable person) | :: miserável {m}, desgraçado {m}, coitado {m} |
wretched {adj} (very miserable) | :: miserável |
wretched {adj} (worthless) | :: maldito |
wriggle {v} (to twist one's body and move the limbs) | :: contorcer-se |
wriggle {v} (to make or cause to wriggle) | :: contorcer |
wring {v} (to squeeze or twist tightly so that liquid is forced out) | :: torcer |
wring {v} (to obtain by force) | :: arrancar |
wring {v} (to hold tightly and press or twist) | :: torcer |
wrinkle {n} (furrow in a smooth surface) | :: ruga {f} |
wrinkle {n} (line or crease in the skin) | :: ruga {f} |
wrinkle {v} (to make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles) | :: enrugar (of people), amassar (of clothing) |
wrinkled {adj} (having many wrinkles) | :: enrugado, rugoso |
wrinkly {adj} (having wrinkles) | :: rugoso |
wrist {n} (wrist) | :: punho {m}, pulso {m} |
wristlet {n} (handcuff) SEE: handcuff | :: |
wristwatch {n} (watch worn on the wrist) | :: relógio de pulso {m} |
writ {n} (a written order) | :: mandado {m} |
writ {n} (that which is written) | :: escrito {m} |
write {v} (to form letters, etc.) | :: escrever, redigir |
write {v} (to send a letter to) | :: escrever |
write {v} (to be the author of) | :: escrever |
write {v} (to be an author) | :: escrever |
write {v} (record (data)) | :: escrever |
writer {n} (person who writes; an author) | :: escritor {m}, escritora {f} |
writer's block {n} (the temporary inability to write) | :: bloqueio de escritor {m}, bloqueio criativo {m} |
writhe {v} (to twist or contort the body) | :: retorcer-se, contorcer-se |
writing {n} (written letters or symbols) | :: escrita {f} |
writing {n} (something written) | :: escrita {f} |
writing {n} (process of representing a language) | :: escrita {f} |
writing {n} (work of an author) | :: obra {f} |
writing {n} (style of writing) | :: letra {f} |
writing as separate words {n} (writing an expression with spaces) | :: grafia separada {f} |
writing system {n} | :: sistema de escrita |
written {adj} (of, relating or characteristic of writing) | :: escrito |
Wroclaw {prop} (a city in southwestern Poland) | :: Breslávia {f}, Wroclaw {f}, Breslau {f} |
wrong {adj} (incorrect) | :: errado, incorreto; errado, equivocado |
wrong {adj} (immoral) | :: errado, imoral |
wrong {adj} (improper) | :: errado, impróprio, inadequado |
wrong {adj} (not working) | :: errado |
wrong {adj} (designed to be worn or placed inward) | :: errado {m}, avesso |
wrong {adv} | :: incorretamente, erroneamente, erradamente, errado |
wrong {n} (something immoral) | :: mal {m} |
wrong {n} (instance of wronging someone) | :: erro {m} |
wrong {n} (opposite of right) | :: injúria {f} |
wrong {v} (to treat unjustly) | :: maltratar, injustiçar |
wrong {v} (to deprive of a right) | :: injustiçar, lesar |
wrong {v} (to slander or impute evil) | :: ofender |
wrongdoer {n} (someone who does wrong) | :: malfeitor {m} |
wrongdoing {n} (instance of doing wrong) | :: malfeitoria {f}, malfeito {m} |
wrongness {n} (the quality of being wrong) | :: erroneidade {f} |
wrong number {n} (A call with a mistake in the number dialled) | :: engano {m} |
wrought iron {n} (form of iron that is not cast) | :: ferro forjado {m} |
wryneck {n} (either of two small woodpeckers, Jynx torquilla and Jynx ruficollis) | :: torcicolo {m} |
WSC {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin | :: |
WSW {n} (abbreviation of west-southwest) | :: OSO, WSW |
WTF {phrase} (What the fuck) | :: PQP |
wuderove {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff | :: |
wudu {n} (ritual washing after minor impurity) | :: abdeste {m} |
Wu-han {prop} (Wuhan) SEE: Wuhan | :: |
Wuhan {prop} (sub-provincial city in central China) | :: Wuhan {f} |
wulfenite {n} (a mineral, lead molybdate) | :: wulfenita {f} |
Wulumuqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi | :: |
wunderkind {n} (child prodigy) SEE: child prodigy | :: |
wushu {n} (martial art) | :: wushu {m} |
wuss {n} (weak, ineffectual person) | :: fracote {m} {f}, bundão {m} |
wuss out {v} (chicken out) SEE: chicken out | :: |
wussy {n} (wuss) SEE: wuss | :: |
wuther {v} (To make a rushing sound; to whizz) | :: soprar com forte rugido |
wuther {v} (To shake vigorously) | :: agitar vigorosamente |
WW1 {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I | :: |
WWW {prop} (World Wide Web (abbreviation)) | :: WWW {f} |
wy {n} (name of the letter Y, y) SEE: wye | :: |
Wyandot {n} (a member of the Wyandot people) | :: hurão |
Wyandot {n} | :: hurões {p} |
Wyandot {prop} (language) | :: wyandot |
wye {n} (name of the letter Y, y) | :: ípsilon {m}, i grego {m} |
wynkernel {n} (common moorhen) SEE: common moorhen | :: |
Wyoming {prop} (US state) | :: Wyoming {m} |
WYSIWYG {n} (computer program that allows editing on screen what the printed version would be like) | :: o que você vê é o que você tem |
wyvern {n} (mythical dragon-like creature) | :: serpe |