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From wholesale +‎ -er.


English Wikipedia has an article on:

wholesaler (plural wholesalers)

  1. A person or company that buys merchandise from manufacturers, importers, or distributors and resells the merchandise to retail businesses and to business and institutional end users.
    • 1941, Sir Arnold Henry Moore Lunn, Come what may: an autobiography, Little, Brown and company, page 7:
      He observed that a wholesaler who supplied my grandfather with goods continued to advertise the implements of a new game, called "Sphairistike."
    • 1954, Thomas Firbank, Log Hut, page 194:
      Your market gardener is not a well-breeched man, dependant as he is on the imponderables of glut, the inequities of distribution, and the greeds of wholesaler and retailer.
    • 1968, Progressive Grocer's Marketing Guidebook, page 13:
      Among wholesalers, voluntary and cooperatives carry a far wider range and number of items in private brands than do unaffiliateds.
    • 1976, USITC Publication - Issue 773, page A-33:
      The packinghouse usually delivers shrimp to a few regular customers, such as breaders, freezers, canners, or wholesalers of fresh shrimp.

