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From where +‎ withal.





wherewithal (countable and uncountable, plural wherewithals)

  1. The ability and means required to accomplish some task.
    I would like to help your project, but I do not have the wherewithal.
    • 1688, John Dryden, The Life of St Francis Xavier, book II, translation of original by Dominique Bouhours:
      Justice was sold at the tribunals, and the most enormous crimes escaped from punishment, when the criminals had wherewithal to corrupt their judges.
    • 1954, Edward Eager, Half Magic:
      Big Council meeting! At the bookshop in twenty minutes. Carfare will be refunded. Can we scrape together the wherewithal?
    • 1986, David Leavitt, The Lost Language of Cranes, paperback edition, Penguin, page 67:
      "I just can't imagine," Philip said, "having that kind of self-knowledge, that kind of...wherewithal at fifteen. [] "
    • 2011 December 15, Felicity Cloake, “How to cook the perfect nut roast”, in Guardian[1]:
      [] A single slice of this could leave you supine in front of the Queen's speech without even the wherewithal to reach for the remote control.
    • 2019, John O’Connell, Bowie's Bookshelf, →ISBN:
      Although Emma comes to realise she's trapped in a kind of hell, married to a dullard she despises, she lacks the intellectual wherewithal to plot a breakout more sophisticated than consorting with idiots such as Leon and Rodolphe.
    • 2022, Gary Gerstle, chapter 8, in The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order [] , New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, Part II. The Neoliberal Order, 1970–2020:
      In political economic terms, the pandemic worked to intensify a development that the decline in the neoliberal order had already set in motion: namely, a conviction that government was the only institution with the wherewithal to address severe economic and social hardship.





wherewithal (not comparable)

  1. (archaic) In what way; how.
  2. (archaic) By means of which.
    Synonyms: whereby, wherewith



See also

(Here-, there-, and where- words):
Pronominal adverbs
about abouts across after again against along among amongst anent[1] around as at beit beside between beyond by ever for fore forth forward forwards from hence inabove inafter inbefore inbelow inelsewhere insoever into inunder mid[2] of on out over so soever somedever somever[3] through throughout to tofore unto up upon ward wards with withal within without
hence henceafter henceforth henceforward henceforwards hencefrom
here hereabout hereabouts hereafter hereagainst hereamong hereamongst hereanent hereat hereby herefor herefore hereforth hereforward herefowards herefrom herehence hereinabove hereinafter hereinbefore hereinbelow hereinelsewhere hereinsoever hereinto hereinunder heremid hereof hereon hereout hereover heresoever herethrough herethroughout hereto heretofore hereunto hereupon herewith herewithal herewithin
hither hitherto hitherunto hitherward hitherwards
how howbeit however howso howsoever howsomedever howsomever
thence thenceafter thenceforth thenceforward thenceforwards thencefrom thenceout
there thereabout thereabouts thereacross thereafter thereagain thereagainst therealong thereamong thereamongst thereanent therearound thereat therebeside therebetween therebeyond thereby therever therefor therefore thereforth therefrom therehence thereinabove thereinafter thereinbefore thereinbelow thereinto thereinunder theremid thereof thereon thereout thereover theresoever therethrough therethroughout thereto theretofore thereunto thereup thereupon therewith therewithal therewithin therewithout
thither thitherinsoever thitherto thitherward thitherwards
what whatever whatso whatsoever whatsomedever whatsomever
when whenabout whenabouts whenas whenever whenso whensoever whensomever
whence whenceafter whencever whenceforth whenceforward whencefrom whenceward whencewards
where whereabout whereabouts whereafter whereagainst wherealong whereamong whereamongst whereanent wherearound whereas whereat wherebeside wherebetween wherebeyond whereby wherever wherefor wherefore whereforth wherefrom wherehence whereinabove whereinafter whereinbefore whereinbelow whereinsoever whereinto whereinunder wheremid whereof whereon whereout whereover whereso wheresoever wheresomever wherethrough wherethroughout whereto wheretofore whereunto whereup whereupon wherewith wherewithal wherewithin wherewithout
whither whitherever whitherinsoever whitherso whitherto whithertofore whitherward whitherwards
why whyever whyfor whyso whysoever
  1. ^ Scottish
  2. ^ from Middle English mid
  3. ^ old dialectal form