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waste of time (plural wastes of time)
- A pointless or unproductive task.
Asking him for money is a waste of time: he won't give you any.
pointless or unproductive activity
- Arabic: please add this translation if you can
- Armenian: please add this translation if you can
- Catalan: pèrdua de temps (ca) f
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 浪費時間 / 浪费时间 (làngfèi shíjiān)
- Danish: spild af tid n
- Dutch: tijdverspilling (nl) f
- Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
- Finnish: ajanhukka (fi)
- French: perte de temps f
- Georgian: დროის კარგვა (drois ḳargva), დროის უქმად კარგვა (drois ukmad ḳargva), დროის ფუჭად კარგვა (drois puč̣ad ḳargva), დროის ფლანგვა (drois plangva), დროის ტყუილად ფლანგვა (drois ṭq̇uilad plangva)
- German: Zeitverschwendung (de) f
- Hebrew: בזבוז זמן m (bizbúz zman)
- Hungarian: időpocsékolás (hu), időpazarlás (hu)
- Irish: cailleadh aimsire m
- Italian: perdita di tempo f, spreco di tempo m
- Japanese: 時間の無駄 (じかんのむだ, jikan no muda), 時間の浪費 (じかんのろうひ, jikan no rōhi)
- Khmer: ខាតពេល (khaat-peel)
- Korean: 시간의 낭비 (sigan-ui nangbi)
- Macedonian: за́лудност f (záludnost)
- Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
- Polish: strata czasu f, szkoda czasu f
- Portuguese: perda de tempo f
- Russian: поте́ря времени n (potérja vremeni)
- Serbo-Croatian: gubljenje vremena n
- Spanish: pérdida de tiempo f, desperdicio de tiempo m
- Swedish: slöseri med tid n
- Thai: please add this translation if you can
- Turkish: please add this translation if you can
- Vietnamese: thì giờ mất công, thời giờ mất công
- Welsh: gwastraff amser m