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Etymology 1


From chorar (to cry) +‎ -ão.





chorão m (plural chorões, feminine chorona, feminine plural choronas)

  1. crybaby (someone who cries readily)
    Synonym: choromingas
  2. (music) a player of choro, a genre of Brazilian popular music
  3. weeping willow, or any willow cultivar characterised by extreme pendulousness
    Synonym: salgueiro-chorão
  4. (Brazil) Casuarina equisetifolia, a she-oak of Southeast Asia and Oceania
    Synonym: pinheiro-casuarina
  5. cat's claw (Carpobrotus edulis, a small plant of South Africa)
  6. red-spectacled amazon (Amazona pretrei, a parrot of southern South America)
    Synonyms: charão, papagaio-charão, papagaio-da-serra
  7. white-bellied seedeater (Sporophila leucoptera, a bird of the Amazon forest)
    Synonym: patativa-chorona
  8. variegated tinamou (Crypturellus variegatus, a bird of Brazil)
    Synonyms: chororão, inhambu-anhangá, inhambu-codorna, inhambu-onça, inhambu-relógio
  9. any species of catfish capable of emitting a sound similar to crying
    1. (specifically) Trachycorystes galeatus, a driftwood catfish
    Synonym: anujá



chorão (feminine chorona, masculine plural chorões, feminine plural choronas)

  1. who is a crybaby
  2. (botany) pendulous (having branches that bend downwards)

Etymology 2





  1. Obsolete spelling of choram.