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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-a

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# English :: Finnish dictionary extracted from http://en.wiktionary.org/
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# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 105402 English glosses; 133926 Finnish translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
a {n} (name of the letter A, a) :: aa
aa {n} /ˈɑː.ɑː/ (a form of lava flow associated with Hawaiian-type volcanoes) :: aa-laava
AA {adj} (anti-aircraft) :: IT, it
Aachen {prop} /ˈɑkən/ (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: Aachen
Aalborg {prop} /ˈɔlbɔɹ/ (city in northern Denmark) :: Aalborg, Ålborg
aardvark {n} /ˈɑɹd.vɑɹk/ (mammal) :: maasika
aardwolf {n} /ˈɑɹd.ˌwʊlf/ (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) :: maasusi
Aarhus {prop} /ˈɔɹˌhus/ (Danish city) :: Århus
Aaron {prop} /ˈɛɹ.ən/ (biblical brother of Moses) :: Aaron
Aaron {prop} (male given name) :: Aaro
Aaron's beard {n} /ˈɝ.ənz bɪɹd/ (name for certain plants) :: aaroninparta
Aaron's rod {n} /ˈæɹ.ənz ɹɑd/ (tall plant associated with the biblical rod of Aaron) :: aaroninsauva
Aaron's rod {n} (goldenrod) SEE: goldenrod ::
Aaron's rod {n} (mullein) SEE: mullein ::
ab {n} /æb/ (abdominal muscle) :: vatsalihas
abaca {n} /ˌæb.əˈkɑ/ (plant) :: manila, abaca, manilahamppu
abaca {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp ::
aback {adv} /əˈbæk/ (backwards) :: takaisin, taaksepäin
aback {adv} (in the rear) :: takana, perässä
aback {adv} (said of sails pressed backward) :: pakilla
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus ::
abacterial {adj} /ˌeɪ.bækˈtɪɹ.i.əl/ (not caused by bacteria, characterized by lack of bacteria) :: abakteriaalinen
abactor {n} /ˈæˌbæk.tɚ/ (one who steals and drives away cattle or beasts by herds) :: karjavaras
abacus {n} /ˈæbəkəs/ ((obsolete) table or tray scattered with sand for calculating or drawing) :: abakus
abacus {n} (device for performing arithmetical calculations) :: helmitaulu
abacus {n} (uppermost portion of the capital of a column) :: abakus, katelaatta
Abadan {prop} /ˌɑ.bɑˈdɑn/ (city in Iran) :: Abadan
a bad workman always blames his tools {proverb} (not the tools but how they're employed) :: kyllä sika syitä löytää, välillä on maa jäässä, välillä kärsä kipeä
abaft {prep} /əˈbæft/ ((nautical) behind; toward the stern relative to some other object or position; aft of) :: takana, taakse
abaft {adv} ((nautical) on the aft side) :: perässä, perään, takaa
abaka {n} (plant) SEE: abaca ::
abaka {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp ::
abalone {n} /æb.əˈloʊ.ni/ (edible univalve mollusc) :: merikorva, abaloni
abandon {v} /əˈbæn.dn̩/ (to subdue; to take control of) :: alistaa
abandon {v} (to give up control of, surrender) :: hylätä, luovuttaa, antautua
abandon {v} (to desist in doing, practicing, following, holding, or adhering to) :: luovuttaa
abandon {v} (to leave behind or desert; to forsake) :: jättää heitteille, hylätä
abandon {v} (to cast out, expel, reject) :: ajaa pois
abandon {v} (to no longer exercise a right, relinquish a claim to property) :: luopua, luovuttaa
abandon {v} (to surrender to the insurer) :: luovuttaa
abandon {n} (a giving up to natural impulses) :: huolettomuus, riehakkuus
abandoned {adj} /əˈbæn.dn̩d/ (wicked, self-abandoned, given to sin) :: paatunut
abandoned {adj} (no longer maintained, forsaken, deserted) :: hylätty
abandoned {adj} (free from constraint, uninhibited) :: pidäkkeetön, rajaton
abandonment {n} /əˈbæn.dn̩.mn̩t/ (act of abandoning) :: hylkääminen
abandonment {n} (maritime law: relinquishment of a property to underwriters) :: luovuttaminen, luovutus
abandonment {n} (relinquishment of a right, claim or privilege) :: luopuminen
abandonment {n} (voluntary leaving of a person) :: hylkääminen
abandonment {n} (cessation of service) :: lakkauttaminen
abandonment {n} (refusal to receive freight) :: palautus, palauttaminen
abandonment {n} (careless freedom) :: holtittomuus
abase {v} /əˈbeɪs/ (to lower so as to cause pain or hurt feelings) :: alentaa [in rank]; nöyryyttää [to hurt]
abase {v} (to lower physically) :: laskea, alentaa
abasement {n} /əˈbeɪs.mənt/ (the act of abasing) :: alennus, alennustila, nöyryytys
abash {v} /əˈbæʃ/ (to make ashamed, to embarrass) :: saattaa häpeilemään, saattaa hämille, saattaa hämilleen
abash {v} (obsolete: to lose self-possession; to become ashamed) :: nolostua
abashed {adj} /əˈbæʃt/ (embarrassed) :: hämillään, hämmentynyt
abashment {n} /əˈbæʃ.mənt/ (the state of being abashed; confusion from shame) :: häpeä, hämminki
abasia {n} /ə.ˈbeɪ.ʒə/ (incapacity to walk) :: abasia, kävelykyvyttömyys
abasic {adj} /eɪˈbeɪ.sɪk/ (of, pertaining to or caused by abasia) :: kävelykyvytön, abaattinen
abatable {adj} /əˈbeɪt.ə.bəl/ (Capable of being abated) :: vähennettävissä oleva, kumottavissa oleva
abatacept {n} (medicine) :: abatasepti
abate {v} /əˈbeɪt/ (to put an end to; to cause to cease) :: lopettaa
abate {v} (to become null and void) :: raueta
abate {v} (legal: to nullify; make void) :: mitätöidä
abate {v} (transitive: to bring someone down physically or mentally) :: nöyryyttää, alentaa, halventaa, lannistaa
abate {v} (intransitive: to be humbled; to be brought down physically or mentally) :: nöyrtyä, lannistua
abate {v} (transitive: to curtail; to deprive) :: hillitä
abate {v} (transitive: to reduce in size, amount, or value) :: vähentää, alentaa, halventaa, pienentää
abate {v} (intransitive: to decrease in size, value, or amount) :: vähentyä, alentua, halventua, pienentyä
abate {v} (transitive: to lessen in force, subside) :: heikentää
abate {v} (intransitive: to decrease in intensity or force; to subside) :: vähentyä, alentua, heiketä, heikentyä, laantua,lauhtua, hellittää
abate {v} (to deduct, to omit) :: vähentää
abate {v} (to bar, except) :: pois lukien, lukuun ottamatta, poislukien [adverbs]
abate {v} (to cut away) :: kovertaa, kaivertaa
abate {v} (obsolete: to bring entirely down or put an end to) :: hävittää, tuhota, hävittää maan tasalle
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt ::
abatement {n} /əˈbeɪt.mənt/ (the act of abating or the state of being abated) :: vähennys, lievennys
abatis {n} /ˈæb.əˌti/ (means of defense) :: murros, rytövarustus
A battery {n} (battery to heat the filament of electron tube) :: hehkuparisto
abattoir {n} /ˈæb.əˌtwɑɹ/ (public slaughterhouse) :: teurastamo
abaxial {adj} /æbˈæk.si.əl/ (botany, zoology: of a side away from central line) :: abaksiaalinen
Abaza {prop} /əˈbɑ.zə/ (language) :: abaza
abbacy {n} /ˈæb.ə.si/ (dignity, estate, or jurisdiction of an abbot) :: apotin virka, apotin arvo
abbatial {adj} /əˈbeɪ.ʃl̩/ (belonging to an abbey) :: luostarin [genitive]
abbess {n} /ˈæb.ɪs/ (female superior of a nunnery) :: abbedissa
abbey {n} /ˈæb.i/ (monastery headed by an abbot) :: luostari
abbey {n} (church of a monastery) :: luostarikirkko
abbot {n} /ˈæb.ət/ (superior or head of an abbey or monastery) :: apotti
abbotship {n} (the state or office of an abbot) :: apottius
abbreviate {v} /əˈbɹi.vi.eɪt/ (to make shorter) :: lyhentää
abbreviate {adj} /əˈbɹi.vi.ət/ (abbreviated, abridged) :: lyhennetty
abbreviate {adj} (biology: having one part relatively shorter) :: lyhentynyt
abbreviated {adj} /əˈbɹi.viˌeɪ.tɪd/ (shortened) :: lyhennetty
abbreviation {n} /əˌbɹi.viˈeɪ.ʃn̩/ (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) :: lyhenne
abbreviation {n} (act or result of shortening or reducing) :: lyhentäminen, lyhennös, lyhennelmä, lyhennys
abbreviation {n} (music: one or more dashes through the stem of a note) :: lyhennysmerkki
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation ::
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet ::
ABC {n} (primer for learning the alphabet) :: aapinen
ABC {n} (rudiments) :: aakkoset {p}, alkeet {p}
ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer ::
abciximab {n} (antiplatelet drug) :: absiksimabi
abdest {n} /ˈɑb.dɛst/ (Islamic act of washing parts of the body) :: rukouspesu
abdicate {v} /ˈæb.dɪˌkeɪt/ (to disclaim and expel from family, see also: disinherit) :: hylätä
abdicate {v} (to reject, cast off, discard) :: hylätä
abdicate {v} (to surrender or relinquish as sovereign power; to withdraw from filling or exercising) :: luopua kruunusta [give up throne]; erota virasta, erota tehtävästä [leave an office]
abdicate {v} (to renounce a throne or other high office) :: luopua
abdicate {v} (to depose) SEE: depose ::
abdication {n} /ˌæb.dəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder) :: abdikaatio
abdomen {n} /ˈæb.də.mən/ (belly) :: vatsa
abdomen {n} (cavity) :: vatsaontelo
abdomen {n} (the posterior section of an arthropod's body) :: takaruumis
abdominal {adj} /æbˈdɑm.ə.nl̩/ (of or pertaining to the abdomen) :: vatsa- [in compounds], abdominaali
abdominal {adj} (having abdominal fins) :: vatsaevällinen
abdominal cavity {n} (hollow portion of the torso, containing abdominal organs) :: vatsaontelo
abdominal fin {n} (pelvic fin) SEE: pelvic fin ::
abdominal migraine {n} (variant of migraine) :: abdominaalimigreeni
abdominal wall {n} (muscles that surround the abdominal cavity) :: vatsanpeitteet {p}
abdominoplasty {n} /æbˈdɑm.ɪ.noʊˌplæs.ti/ (surgery) :: abdominoplastia
abducens nerve {n} /æbˈduˌsɛnz nɚv/ (nerve) :: loitontajahermo
abduct {v} /æbˈdʌkt/ (to take away) :: siepata, ryöstää, abduktoida
abduction {n} /æbˈdʌk.ʃn̩/ (leading away, carrying away) :: poisvienti, poistaminen
abduction {n} (physiology: movement separating limb from axis) :: loitonnus, abduktio
abduction {n} (logic: type of syllogism) :: abduktio, abduktiivinen päättely
abduction {n} (law: wrongful carrying off of a human being) :: sieppaus, ihmisryöstö, kidnappaus
abductive {adj} /æbˈdʌk.tɪv/ (anatomy) :: abduktiivinen
abductor {n} /æbˈdʌk.tɚ/ (kidnapper) :: ihmisryöstäjä, kidnappaaja
abductor {n} (muscle) :: loitontajalihas, abduktori, loitontaja
Abdullah {prop} /æbˈdʌlə/ (Muslim given name) :: Abdullah
abeam {adv} /ə.ˈbim/ (on the beam) :: suoraan sivulla
abeam {adv} (alongside) :: vieressä, kyljittäin
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer ::
abed {adv} /əˈbɛd/ (in bed, or on the bed) :: vuoteessa, sängyssä
Abel {prop} /ˈeɪ.bl̩/ (biblical character) :: Abel
Abel {prop} (male given name) :: Aapeli
abele {n} (Populus alba) SEE: white poplar ::
abelian {adj} /əˈbi.li.ən/ (math: of a group) :: abelinen, kommutatiivinen, Abelin [as in Abelin ryhmä]
abelian group {n} /əˈbi.li.ən ɡɹup/ (group in which the group operation is commutative) :: Abelin ryhmä
abend {n} /ˈæbɛnd/ (abnormal end) :: virhelopetus
Aberdeen terrier {n} (breed of dog) SEE: Scottish terrier ::
aberrance {n} /ˈæ.bɛɹ.n̩s/ (state of being aberrant; a wandering from the right way; deviation from truth, rectitude) :: poikkeama
aberrant {adj} /əbˈɛɹ.n̩t/ (deviating from the norm) :: poikkeava, epätavallinen
aberrant {adj} (straying from the right way) :: harhautunut, harhaileva, hairahtunut
aberrant {adj} (deviating from the ordinary or natural type; exceptional; abnormal) :: poikkeava
aberration {n} /ˌæb.əˈɹeɪ.ʃn̩/ (act of wandering or deviation; abnormality) :: poikkeama, poikkeavuus, eksyminen, hairahdus, harhautuminen, säännöttömyys
aberration {n} (optics: convergence to different foci) :: poikkeama, aberraatio
aberration {n} (astronomy: small periodical change of position of heavenly bodies) :: aberraatio
aberration {n} (partial alienation of reason) :: ajatusvirhe, erehdys, harhapolku
aberration {n} (minor or temporary mental disorder) :: poikkeama, aberraatio
aberration {n} (zoology, botany: atypical development or structure) :: harhamuunnos, aberraatio
aberration {n} (medicine: deviation from normal range) :: poikkeama, aberraatio
abessive {n} /æˈbɛ.sɪv/ (the abessive case) :: abessiivi, vajanto
abessive case {n} (case used to express the lack of something) :: abessiivi, vajanto
abet {v} /əˈbɛt/ (to assist or encourage in crime) :: yllyttää [to encourage], avustaa [to assist]
abet {v} (to support, uphold, or aid) :: tukea, ylläpitää
abetalipoproteinemia {n} /eɪˌbeɪ.təˌlɪp.oʊˌpɹoʊ.tiˈni.mi.ə/ (rare disorder) :: abeetalipoproteinemia
abetment {n} /əˈbɛt.mənt/ (act of abetting a crime) :: avunanto
abetter {n} /əˈbɛt.ɚ/ (non-legal abettor) :: avunantaja
abettor {n} /əˈbɛtə/ (accomplice) :: avunantaja
abettor {n} (inciter) :: yllyttäjä
abeyance {n} /əˈbeɪ.əns/ (expectancy; condition of being undetermined) :: jäädytys, jäädytettynä (in abeyance)
abeyance {n} (suspension; temporary suppression) :: lykkäys, lykättynä (in abeyance)
abeyance {n} (heraldry: expectancy of a title) :: lepääminen, lepäämässä (in abeyance)
Abha {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: Abha
abhor {v} /æbˈhɔɹ/ (to regard with horror or detestation) :: inhota
abhorrence {n} /əbˈhɔɹ.n̩s/ (extreme aversion) :: inho, kammo
abhorrence {n} (loathsome person or thing) :: iljetys
abhorrent {adj} /æbˈhɔɹ.ənt/ (detestable or repugnant) :: kammottava
abide {v} /əˈbaɪd/ (endure without yielding) :: sietää
abide {v} (bear patiently; tolerate) :: kestää
abide {v} (pay for; stand the consequences of) :: kohdata seuraukset
abide {v} (stay) :: jäädä
abide {v} (dwell) :: asustaa, oleskella
abide {v} (wait in expectation) :: odottaa
abide {v} (abide by) SEE: abide by ::
abide by {v} (accept a decision or law and act in accordance with it) :: noudattaa
abide by {v} (remain faithful to something or someone) :: pitää kiinni, pysyä
Abidjan {prop} /ˌæb.ɪˈdʒɑn/ (the largest city of Ivory Coast) :: Abidjan
abietic acid {n} /ˌæb.iˈɛd.ɪk ˈæ.sɪd/ (a yellowish resin acid isolated from rosin and used in varnishes) :: abitiinihappo
abigail {n} /ˈa.bɪ.ɡeɪl/ (lady's waiting-maid) :: kamarineito
abigeat {n} (theft of cattle) :: karjavarkaus
ability {n} /əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ (quality or state of being able) :: kyky
ability {n} (a skill or competence) :: taito, kyky
ability {n} (a high level of capability or skill) :: kyky
abiogenesis {n} /ˌeɪbaɪəʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter) :: abiogeneesi, alkusynty
abiotic {adj} /ˌeɪ.baɪˈɑt.ɪk/ (Nonliving) :: abioottinen
abiotrophy {n} /ˌeɪ.baɪˈɑ.tɹə.fi/ (premature degeneration) :: abiotrofia
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush {proverb} (small but certain advantage is preferable) :: parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
abiu {n} (tree) :: abiu
abjad {n} (writing system) :: konsonanttikirjoitus
Abkhaz {n} /ɑbˈkɑz/ (person from Abkhazia) :: abhaasi, abhasialainen
Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) :: abhaasi, abhaasin kieli
Abkhazia {prop} /æbˈkeɪ.ʒi.ə/ (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) :: Abhasia
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz ::
ablation {n} /əˈbleɪ.ʃn̩/ (amputation) :: amputaatio
ablation {n} (progressive removal of material) :: ablaatio
ablative {adj} /ˈæb.lə.tɪv/ (applied to one of the cases of the noun in other language) :: ablatiivinen
ablative {n} (ablative case) SEE: ablative case ::
ablative absolute {n} /ˈæb.lə.tɪv æb.soʊˈlut/ (linguistic construction in Latin) :: ablatiivinen absoluutti
ablative case {n} (grammatical case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source) :: ablatiivi, ulkoeronto
ablaut {n} /ˈɑbˌlaʊt/ (substitution of one root vowel for another) :: äännevaihtelu, ablaut
ablaze {adj} /əˈbleɪz/ (on fire) :: palava
ablaze {adj} (radiant with bright light and color) :: hehkuva
ablaze {adj} (in a state of glowing excitement) :: innokas, kiihkeä
ablaze {adv} (on fire) :: tulessa, liekeissä, ilmiliekeissä
ablaze {adv} (lit up brightly and with color) :: kirkkaasti valaistu
ablaze {adv} (glowing with excitement) :: innoissaan, intoa täynnä
able {adj} /ˈeɪ.bl̩/ (permitted to) :: kykenevä, pystyvä, vapaa
able {adj} (skillful) :: taitava, pystyvä, hyvä
able {adj} (legally qualified) :: pätevä
-able {suffix} /ə.bl̩/ (able to be done) :: -tava, -tävä
-able {suffix} (fit to be done) :: -kelpoinen, -tava, -tävä
-able {suffix} (relevant or suitable to, in accordance with) :: -kas, -käs
-able {suffix} (expressing capacity or worthiness in a passive sense) :: -tava, -tävä
-able {suffix} (due to be) :: -tava, -tävä
able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy ::
able {v} (enable) SEE: enable ::
able-bodied {adj} /ˈei.bl̩ˌbɑ.did/ (having a sound, strong body; physically competent; robust) :: palveluskelpoinen, kenttäkelpoinen [fit for military service], työkykyinen [capable of working], terve [sound]
able-bodied seaman {n} (seaman who has been trained in certain skills) :: ylimatruusi
ableism {n} /ˈeɪ.bəl.ɪz.m̩/ (discrimination against persons with disabilities) :: vammaisten syrjintä
able seaman {n} (military rank) :: ylimatruusi
ablet {n} (a small fresh-water fish) :: salakka
ablution {n} /əˈblu.ʃn̩/ (the act of washing or cleansing) :: peseytyminen
ablution {n} (the water used in cleansing) :: pesuvesi
ably {adv} /ˈeɪ.bli/ (with great ability) :: pontevasti, taitavasti, hyvin
abnegate {v} /ˈæb.nɪ.ɡeɪt/ (to deny oneself something) :: kieltää, luovuttaa
abnegate {v} (to reject, to deny) :: torjua, kieltää
abnegation {n} /ˌæbnɪˈɡeɪʃən/ (denial; renunciation) :: kieltäminen
abnormal {adj} /ˈæbˌnɔɹ.ml̩/ (not conforming to rule or system) :: epänormaali, poikkeava
abnormal {adj} (of or pertaining to behaviour that deviates from norms) :: epänormaali, poikkeava
abnormality {n} /ˌæbˌnɔɹˈmæl.ət.i/ (state of being abnormal) :: poikkeavuus
abnormally {adv} /æbˈnɔɹ.mə.li/ (In an abnormal manner) :: epänormaalisti, epätavallisesti
abnormalness {n} (abnormality) SEE: abnormality ::
aboard {adv} /əˈbɔɹd/ (on board) :: kyytiin, kyydissä [general]; laivaan, laivassa [ship]; koneeseen, koneessa [plane]; vaunuun, vaunussa [train]
aboard {prep} (on board of) :: inessive or illative case of the means of transport, e.g. laivaan
aboard {adv} (baseball) SEE: on base ::
abode {n} /əˈboʊd/ (obsolete: act of waiting) :: viivytys
abode {n} (stay or continuance in a place; sojourn) :: oleskelu
abode {n} (slightly dated: residence) :: asunto, asumus
abode {n} (omen) SEE: omen ::
aboil {adj} /əˈbɔɪl/ (boiling) :: kiehumassa
aboil {adj} (excited) :: kuumana
abolish {v} /əˈbɑl.ɪʃ/ (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) :: lakkauttaa, lopettaa
abolishment {n} /əˈbɑl.ɪʃ.mənt/ (The act of abolishing) :: poistaminen, lakkauttaminen, kumoaminen
abolition {n} /ˌæb.əˈlɪʃ.n̩/ (act of abolishing) :: lakkauttaminen, kumoaminen [laws], mitätöinti [debts]
abolition {n} (abolition of slavery and the slave trade) :: orjakaupan lakkauttaminen, orjuuden lakkauttaminen, orjien vapauttaminen
abolitionism {n} /ˌæb.əˈlɪʃ.əˌnɪz.m̩/ (opinion in favor of the abolition of something) :: abolitionismi
abolitionist {n} /ˌæ.bə.ˈlɪʃ.n̩.ɪst/ (person who favors the abolition) :: abolitionisti
abomasal {adj} /ˌæb.oʊˈmeɪ.səl/ (relating to the abomasum) :: juoksutusmaha-
abomasum {n} /ˌæb.oʊˈmeɪ.səm/ (fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant) :: juoksutusmaha
A-bomb {n} (atomic bomb) :: atomipommi
abominable snowman {n} /əˈbɑm.ə.nə.bl̩ ˈsnoʊ.mæn/ (humanoid or apelike animal said to exist in the Himalayas) :: lumimies
abominate {v} /əˈbɒm.əˌnəɪt/ (to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree) :: vihata, inhota, kammoksua
abomination {n} /əˌbɑm.əˈneɪ.ʃn̩/ (something abominable) :: iljetys
abonnement {n} /æˈbɔn.mɑ̃/ (season ticket) :: kausilippu
aboral {adj} /æbˈɔɹ.l̩/ (situated away from the mouth) :: aboraalinen
aborally {adv} /æbˈɔɹ.ə.li/ (away from the mouth) :: aboraalisesti
aboriginal {adj} /ˌæb.əˈɹɪd͡ʒ.n̩.l̩/ (original; indigenous) :: alkuperäinen
aboriginal {adj} (living in a land before colonization) :: alkuperäinen
aboriginal {n} (animal or plant native to a region) :: alkuperäislaji
Aboriginal {n} (aboriginal) SEE: aboriginal ::
Aboriginal {adj} /ˌæb.əˈɹɪd͡ʒ.n̩.l̩/ (of or pertaining to aborigines) :: aboriginaali-, aboriginaalien, alkuperäiskansan
Aboriginal {n} (original inhabitant of Australia) :: aboriginaali
Aboriginal {n} (original inhabitant of any land) :: alkuperäinen asukas, alkuasukas
aborigine {n} /ˌæb.əˈɹɪdʒ.ɪ.ni/ (aboriginal inhabitant of a country) :: alkuasukas
Aborigine {n} /ˌæb.əˈɹɪdʒ.ə.ni/ (Aboriginal person from Australia, Aboriginal Australian) :: aborigine
abort {n} /əˈbɔɹt/ (miscarriage) :: keskenmeno
abort {n} (product of a miscarriage) :: keskonen
abort {n} (function used to abort a process) :: keskeytys
abort {n} (event to abort a computer process) :: keskeytys
abort {v} (to miscarry) :: saada keskenmeno
abort {v} (to cause a premature termination) :: keskeyttää
abort {v} (to stop or fail at something in the preliminary stages) :: keskeyttää
abort {v} (biology: to become checked in normal development) :: keskeytyä, pysähtyä
abort {v} (biology: to cause an organism to develop minimally) :: keskeyttää kasvu
abort {v} (military: to abandon a mission) :: keskeyttää
abort {v} (aeronautics: to terminate a mission involving a missile or rocket) :: keskeyttää
abort {v} (computing: to terminate a process prior to completion) :: keskeyttää
abortion {n} /əˈbɔɹ.ʃn̩/ (miscarriage) :: keskenmeno
abortion {n} (induced abortion) :: raskaudenkeskeytys, abortti
abortion {n} (act of inducing abortion) :: abortti, raskaudenkeskeytys
abortion {n} (immature product of an untimely birth) :: keskonen
abortion {n} (biology: arrest of development of an organ) :: surkastuminen
abortion {n} (fruit/produce that doesn't come to maturity) :: surkastuma
abortion {n} (the act of aborting a project, etc) :: keskeytys, keskeyttäminen
abortion {n} (something ugly) :: tekele
abortion pill {n} (drug used to terminate pregnancy in early stage) :: aborttipilleri
abortive {adj} /əˈbɔɹ.tɪv/ (produced by abortion; born prematurely) :: abortti-
abortive {adj} (coming to naught; fruitless) :: hyödytön
abortive {adj} (imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile) :: surkastunut, abortiivinen
abortive {adj} (causing abortion) :: abortiivinen
abortive {adj} (medicine: cutting short) :: katkaiseva
abortive {n} (that which is born or brought forth prematurely; an abortion) :: abortti
abortive {n} (a medicine) :: keskeytyslääke, aborttilääke
abound {v} /əˈbaʊnd/ (to be plentiful) :: olla runsaasti, olla tulvillaan
abound {v} (to be copiously supplied) :: olla runsaasti, olla tulvillaan
abound with {v} (abound) SEE: abound ::
about {prep} /əˈbaʊt/ (on every side of) :: ympärillä
about {prep} (over or upon different parts of) :: -ssa/-ssä, -lla/-llä [inessive or adessive case]; paikkeilla, vaiheilla
about {prep} (on the point or verge of) :: lähellä, vähällä, aikeissa
about {prep} (concerning) :: -sta/-stä [elative case]; olla kyse, olla kysymys [to be about]
about {prep} (concerned with, engaged in) :: hoitaa [to be about]
about {prep} (in the immediate neighborhood of) :: lähellä, läheisyydessä, vieressä
about {prep} (on one's person; nearby the person) :: -lla/-llä [adessive case], mukana
about {prep} (in or near, as in mental faculties or in possession of) :: -ssa/-ssä [inessive case]
about {prep} :: noin, suunnilleen, osapuilleen
about {adv} (on all sides) :: ympäri, ympärillä, ympärille
about {adv} (here and there) :: siellä täällä
about {adv} (nearly, approximately) :: noin, likimain, suunnilleen
about {adv} (near; in the vicinity) :: lähellä
about {adv} (to a reversed order, or opposite direction) :: ympäri
about {adv} (nautical: to the opposite tack) :: toiselle halssille
about {adv} (in succession; one after another) :: peräkkäin, peräkanaa, peräjälkeen
about {adv} (in circuit) :: ympäri
about {adv} :: liikkeellä
about-face {n} /əˈbaʊtˌfeɪs/ (military: abrupt turn to face the opposite direction) :: täyskäännös
about-face {n} (reversal of direction or attitude) :: täyskäännös
about-face {v} (to turn 180 degrees) :: tehdä täyskäännös
about-face {v} (to change opinion or attitude) :: tehdä täyskäännös
about time {adv} (close to the right time) :: melkein aika
about time {adv} (far past the desired time) :: oli jo aikakin
about to {phrase} (indicating imminence) :: fifth infinitive of the verb [different grammatical structure; see usex in tekemäisillään]
about turn {n} /əˈbaʊt tɚn/ (about face) :: täyskäännös
about turn {n} (change of opinion) :: takinkääntö, täyskäännös
about turn {v} (perform an about turn) :: tehdä täyskäännös
about-turn {n} (turn of 180 degrees) :: täyskäännös
about-turn {n} (total reversal of opinion or attitude) :: täyskäännös
about-turn {v} (to turn 180 degrees) :: tehdä täyskäännös
above {prep} /əˈbʌv/ (over, on top of) :: yllä, yläpuolella, päällä
above {prep} (in or to a higher place) :: yllä, yläpuolella, päällä, ylempänä, ylemmäs
above {prep} (farther north) :: pohjoisempana
above {prep} (out of reach, heightwise) :: ylle
above {prep} (superior to, surpassing) :: yläpuolella
above {prep} (higher in rank) :: yläpuolella
above {prep} (in addition to) :: lisäksi
above {prep} (more) :: yli
above {prep} (in preference to) :: mieluummin (kuin)
above {prep} (too proud or averse to) :: yläpuolella
above {prep} (upstage of) :: takana, taaempana
above {prep} (beyond) :: takana
above {adv} (overhead, on top of) :: yllä
above {adv} (earlier in order in writing) :: yllä, edellä
above {adv} (of or in the heavens or sky) :: yllä
above {adv} (in a higher place) :: ylhäällä, korkealla
above {adv} (higher in rank) :: ylempänä, yläpuolella, olla ylempiarvoinen kuin
above {adv} (archaic: in addition) :: ynnä
above {adv} (more) :: yli
above {adv} (above freezing) :: yli nollan
above {adv} (on the upper half of the dorsal surface) :: päältä
above {adj} (heavenly) :: taivaallinen
above {adj} (being located higher on the same page or on a preceding page) :: ylempänä (oleva)
above {n} (something mentioned previously in a document) :: yllä mainittu, edellä mainittu
above all {prep} (of prime importance) :: ylipäätänsä, ennen kaikkea
above ground {prep} /əˈbʌvˌɡɹaʊnd/ (on or above the surface of the ground) :: maanpäällinen, maanpinnan yläpuolinen
above ground {prep} (figuratively: not dead and buried; alive) :: tämänpuoleinen, maanpäällinen
above ground {prep} (existing within or produced by the establishment) :: valtavirtainen
abovementioned {adj} (abovementioned) SEE: above-mentioned ::
above-mentioned {adj} /əˈbʌvˌmɛnʃn̩d/ (mentioned or named before; aforesaid) :: yllä mainittu
above-named {adj} (mentioned or named before) SEE: above-mentioned ::
abovesaid {adj} (mentioned before) :: edellä mainittu, yllä mainittu
above the law {prep} (exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else) :: lain yläpuolella
abra {n} /ˈæbɹə/ (narrow pass) :: sola, rotko, kuru
abra {n} (Dubai boat) :: abra
abracadabra {interj} /ˌæ.bɹə.kəˈdæ.bɹə/ (used to indicate that a magic trick or other illusion has been performed) :: abrakadabra
abrachia {n} /əˈbɹeɪ.ki.ə/ (the congenital absence of both arms) :: abrakia
abrade {v} /əˈbɹeɪd/ ((transitive) to rub or wear off; to waste or wear away by friction) :: hiertää
Abraham {prop} /ˈeɪ.bɹəˌhæm/ (prophet in the Old Testament) :: Abraham, Aabraham
Abraham {prop} (male given name) :: Aapo
Abrahamic {adj} /eɪ.bɹəˈhæm.ɪk/ (pertaining to Abraham) :: abrahamilainen
Abrahamic {adj} (pertaining to Abrahamic religions) :: abrahamilainen
Abrahamitic {adj} (Abrahamic) SEE: Abrahamic ::
Abram {prop} /ˈeɪ.bɹəm/ (Old Testament patriarch) :: Abram
abrasion {n} /əˈbɹeɪ.ʒn̩/ (act of abrading) :: hionta
abrasion {n} (substance rubbed off) :: hiomapöly, hiomajäte
abrasion {n} (geology: effect of mechanical erosion of rock) :: kuluma
abrasion {n} (abraded, scraped, or worn area) :: kuluma
abrasion {n} (medicine: superficial wound) :: hiertymä
abrasion {n} (dentistry: wearing away of the surface of the tooth) :: kuluminen
abrasive {adj} /əˈbɹeɪ.sɪv/ (producing abrasion; rough) :: hankaava, hiova
abrasive {adj} (rough and coarse in manner or disposition) :: karski, karkea
abrasive {n} (substance used for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing) :: hankausaine, hioma-aine
abrasive disc {n} (rotating disc of abrasive material) :: laikka
abreast {adv} /əˈbɹɛst/ (informed) :: tietoinen, ajan tasalla
abreast {adv} (side by side) :: rinnakkain, vierekkäin, vierivieressä
abreast {adv} (nautical: side by side; also, opposite; over against; on a line with the vessel's beam) :: kyljittäin
abreast {adv} (up to a certain level or line) :: tasalla
abridge {v} /əˈbɹɪd͡ʒ/ (to make shorter) :: lyhentää, typistää, supistaa
abridge {v} (to shorten or contract by using fewer words) :: lyhentää
abridge {v} (to deprive) :: riistää, viedä
abridged {adj} /əˈbɹɪdʒd/ (cut or shortened, especially of a literary work) :: lyhennetty, supistettu
abroad {adv} /əˈbɹɔd/ (in foreign countries) :: [in] ulkomailla, [to] ulkomaille
abroad {adv} (at large; widely; broadly; over a wide space) :: laajalla, laajalle
abroad {adv} (without a certain confine; outside the house) :: ulkona
abroad {adv} (astray) :: eksyksissä
abroad {adv} (played elsewhere) :: vieras-
abroad {n} (countries or lands abroad) :: ulkomaat
abroad {prep} (throughout) :: pitkin
abrogate {v} /ˈæb.ɹəˌɡət/ (to annul by an authoritative act) :: kumota
abrogate {v} (to put an end to) :: lopettaa, lakkauttaa
Abruka {prop} (Estonian island located in the Gulf of Riga) :: Abruka
abrupt {adj} /ə.bɹʌpt/ (extremely steep) :: äkkijyrkkä
abrupt {adj} (without notice) :: äkillinen, odottamaton
abrupt {adj} (curt in manner) :: töksähtävä, karkea
abrupt {adj} (having sudden transitions from one state to next) :: äkillinen
abrupt {adj} (botany: truncated) :: katkaistu
abrupt {v} (to tear off or asunder) :: erottaa
abrupt {v} (to interrupt suddenly) :: keskeyttää
abruptly {adv} /əˈbɹʌp.li/ (in an abrupt manner) :: äkillisesti, yhtäkkiä
abruptly {adv} (precipitously) :: äkkijyrkästi, äkillisesti
abs {n} /æbz/ (abdominal muscles) :: vatsalihakset {p}
abs {n} (absolute function) :: abs, itseisarvo
abscess {n} /ˈæbsɛs/ (cavity filled with pus) :: paise, märkäpesäke, absessi
abscess {v} (to form an abscess) :: märkiä
abscessed {adj} (of an abscess) :: paiseinen
abscisic acid {n} /ˌæb.ˈsɪz.ɪk ˈæ.sɪd/ (plant hormone that inhibits seed germination) :: abskissihappo
abscissa {n} /æbˈsɪs.ə/ (first of two coordinates) :: abskissa
abscond {v} /əbˈskɒnd/ (to flee, often secretly) :: karata
absence {n} /ˈæb.sn̩s/ (state of being away) :: poissaolo; ero
absence {n} (failure to be present where one is expected) :: poissaolo
absence {n} (lack; deficiency; non-existence) :: puute, puuttuminen
absence {n} (inattention to things present) :: hajamielisyys, poissaolo
absence {n} (medical: temporary loss or disruption of consciousness) :: tiedottomuus
absence makes the heart grow fonder {proverb} (when someone or something is faraway, you realise how much you love or miss them or it) :: etäisyys lähentää
absent {adj} /ˈæb.sn̩t/ (being away from a place) :: puuttuva, poissa (oleva)
absent {adj} (not existing) :: puuttuva, olematon
absent {adj} (inattentive) :: poissaoleva
absent {prep} (without) :: ilman
absent {v} /æbˈsɛnt/ (to withhold from being present) :: olla poissa
absentee {n} /ˌæb.sn̩ˈti/ (person who is absent) :: poissaoleva
absentee {n} (one that is nonexistent or lacking) :: poissaoleva
absentee {adj} (pertaining to one who is absent) :: poissaoleva
absenteeism {n} /ˌæb.sənˈtiˌɪz.m̩/ (state of being absent) :: poissaolo
absent-minded {adj} /ˌæb.sn̩tˈmaɪn.dɪd/ (absent in mind) :: hajamielinen [forgetful], poissaoleva [absent in mind]
absent-mindedly {adv} /ˌæb.sn̩tˈmaɪn.dɪd.li/ (preoccupiedly) :: hajamielisesti, poissaolevasti
absent-mindedness {n} /ˌæb.sn̩tˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/ (state or quality of being preoccupied) :: hajamielisyys
absent-minded professor {n} (fictional character) :: hajamielinen professori
absent-minded professor {n} (person) :: hajamielinen professori
absinthe {n} /ˈæb.sɪnθ/ (liquor) :: absintti
absinthe {n} (Artemisia absinthium) :: koiruoho, mali
absinthe oil {n} /ˈæb.sɪnθ ɔɪl/ (narcotic oil) :: koiruohoöljy, absinttiöljy
absinthium {n} /æbˈsɪn.θi.m̩/ (dried wormwood) :: kuivattu koiruoho
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood ::
absinthium {n} (absinthe oil) SEE: absinthe oil ::
absolute {adj} /ˈæb.səˌlut/ (free from limitations or conditions) :: ehdoton, rajoittamaton, absoluuttinen
absolute {adj} (peremptory) :: ehdoton, absoluuttinen
absolute {adj} (free from imperfection; complete in itself) :: täydellinen, absoluuttinen
absolute {adj} (pure; unmixed) :: absoluuttinen, puhdas
absolute {adj} (positive; clear) :: ehdottoman varma
absolute {adj} (fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic, independent of references or relations to other things) :: absoluuttinen, riippumaton
absolute {adj} (grammar: not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence) :: absoluuttinen
absolute {n} (that which is independent of context-dependent interpretation) :: absoluuttinen
absolute advantage {n} (economics: capability) :: absoluuttinen etu
absolute alcohol {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut ˈæl.kə.hɑl/ (reasonably pure ethyl alcohol) :: absoluuttinen alkoholi
absolute altitude {n} /ˈæl.tɪˌtud/ (vertical distance) :: lentokorkeus maanpinnasta
absolute blocking {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut ˈblɑk.ɪŋ/ (system of managing trains) :: suojastus
absolute constant {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut ˈkɑn.stn̩t/ (math: universal constant) :: absoluuttinen vakio
absolute deviation {n} (statistics) :: poikkeama
absolute deviation {n} (target shooting) :: etäisyys taulun keskipisteestä
absolute humidity {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut hjuˈmɪd.ɪ.ti/ (mass of water vapour in a given volume of air) :: absoluuttinen kosteus
absolutely {adv} /ˌæb.səˈlut.li/ (in an absolute manner) :: ehdottomasti
absolutely {adv} (independently; viewed without relation to other things or factors) :: absoluuttisesti
absolutely {adv} (in a manner that does not take an object) :: absoluuttisesti
absolutely {interj} (yes; certainly) :: ehdottomasti, nimenomaan, tottakai
absolute magnitude {n} /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tjud/ (intrinsic luminosity of a celestial body) :: absoluuttinen magnitudi
absolute majority {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut məˈd͡ʒɑɹ.ɪ.ti/ (A number of votes totalling over 50 per cent) :: yksinkertainen enemmistö
absolute monarchy {n} (state) :: itsevaltainen monarkia
absolute monarchy {n} (rule) :: itsevaltius
absoluteness {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut.nəs/ (the fact free from any conditions or other beings) :: ehdottomuus
absolute pitch {n} (ability to identify and reproduce a tone) SEE: perfect pitch ::
absolute pitch {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut pɪt͡ʃ/ (pitch established by its rate of vibration) :: tarkka sävelkorkeus
absolute scale {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut skeɪl/ (temperature scale based on absolute zero) :: absoluuttinen lämpötila-asteikko
absolute superlative {n} (absolute superlative) :: absoluuttinen superlatiivi
absolute temperature {n} /ˈtɜmp.ɹə.t͡ʃɚ/ (thermodynamic temperature) :: absoluuttinen lämpötila
absolute value {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut ˈvæl.ju/ (numerical value of a real number) :: itseisarvo
absolute value {n} (modulus of a complex number) :: itseisarvo, moduli
absolute zero {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut ˈzi.ɹoʊ/ (coldest possible temperature) :: absoluuttinen nollapiste
absolution {n} /ˌæb.səˈl(j)u.ʃn̩/ (exercise of priestly jurisdiction in the sacrament of penance, by which Catholics believe the sins of the truly penitent are forgiven) :: synninpäästö
absolutism {n} /ˈæb.səˌluˌtɪz.m̩/ (political science: absolute or arbitrary government; despotism) :: absolutismi
absolutism {n} (belief in a metaphysical absolute) :: absolutismi
absolutist {n} /ˈæb.səˌlu.tɪst/ (one who favors autocratic government) :: absolutisti
absolutist {adj} (of or pertaining to absolutism) :: absolutistinen
absolutive case {n} (case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action) :: absolutiivi
absolve {v} /æbˈzɑlv/ (to set free) :: vapauttaa
absolve {v} (obsolete: to resolve or explain) :: ratkaista, selittää
absolve {v} (to pronounce free or give absolution) :: armahtaa, vapauttaa syytöksistä
absolve {v} (law: to pronounce not guilty; to grant a pardon for) :: vapauttaa, todeta syyttömäksi, armahtaa
absolve {v} (theology: to pronounce free or give absolution from sin) :: armahtaa, antaa synninpäästö
absolve {v} (theology: to remit a sin; to give absolution for a sin) :: antaa anteeksi
absolve {v} (obsolete: to finish, accomplish) :: suorittaa
absolve {v} (to pass a course or test; to gain credit for a class; to qualify academically) :: suorittaa
absorb {v} /æbˈsɔɹb/ (to include so that it no longer has separate existence) :: imeä, imaista [momentane], niellä, nielaista [momentane]
absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in) :: imeä, imaista [momentane]
absorb {v} (to learn) :: omaksua
absorb {v} (to occupy fully) :: syventyä, uppoutua
absorb {v} (to consume completely) :: kuluttaa, nielaista
absorb {v} (to endure) :: kestää, sietää
absorb {v} (physics: to take up by chemical or physical action) :: absorboida, imeä
absorb {v} (finance: to assume or pay for) :: kantaa
absorbance {n} /əbˈsɔɹ.bn̩s/ (logarithmic measure) :: absorbanssi
absorbed {adj} /æbˈsɔɹbd/ (fully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossed) :: uppoutunut, syventynyt
absorbed {adj} (taken in by a body without reflection) :: absorboitunut
absorbed {adj} (taken by through the pores of a surface) :: imeytynyt
absorbed dose {n} /æbˈsɔɹbd doʊs/ (amount of energy imparted by nuclear radiation) :: absorboitunut annos
absorbency {n} /æb.sɔɹ.bn̩.si/ (quality of being absorbent) :: absorboivuus
absorbent {adj} /æbˈsɔɹ.bn̩t/ (absorbing) :: imukykyinen
absorbent {n} (anything which absorbs) :: absorbentti
absorbent {n} (substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid fluid) :: absorbentti
absorbing {adj} /æbˈzɔɹ.bɪŋ/ (engrossing) :: mukaansatempaava
absorptiometry {n} (analysis using absorptiometer) :: absorptiometria
absorption {n} /æbˈsɔɹp.ʃn̩/ (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything) :: imeyttäminen, sulauttaminen
absorption {n} (act or process of being absorbed and made to disappear) :: imeytyminen, sulautuminen
absorption {n} (chemistry, physics: imbibing or reception by molecular or chemical action) :: absorptio, imeytyminen
absorption {n} (physiology: process by which the materials of growth and nutrition are absorbed) :: imeytyminen
absorption {n} (entire occupation of the mind) :: uppoutuminen
absorption coefficient {n} /æbˈsɔɹp.ʃn̩ ˌkoʊ.əˈfɪʃ.n̩t/ (measure of absorption) :: absorptiokerroin
absorption line {n} /æbˈsɔɹp.ʃn̩ laɪn/ (a spectral line that corresponds to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation at a specific wavelength) :: absorptioviiva
absorption spectrum {n} /æbˈsɔɹp.ʃn̩ ˈspɜk.tɹəm/ (pattern) :: absorptiospektri
absorptiveness {n} (absorptivity) SEE: absorptivity ::
absorptivity {n} /æbˌsɔɹpˈtɪvə.ti/ (the quality of being absorptive) :: absorboivuus
abstain {v} /əbˈsteɪn/ (refrain from) :: kieltäytyä, pidättäytyä
abstain {v} (refrain from voting) :: äänestää tyhjää, pidättäytyä äänestämästä
abstain {v} (hinder, withhold) :: estää
abstemious {adj} /æbˈstiː.mɪ.əs/ (refraining from freely consuming food or strong drink) :: kohtuullinen, pidättyvä
abstention {n} /æbˈstɛn.ʃn̩/ (the act of abstaining) :: pidättäytyminen
abstergent {n} /æbˈstɝ.d͡ʒn̩t/ (a substance used in cleansing) :: puhdistusaine
abstinence {n} /ˈæb.stɪ.nəns/ (the act or practice of abstaining) :: pidättyminen, pidättyvyys
abstinence {n} (specifically, abstinence from alcohol) :: raittius, täysraittius
abstinence {n} (specifically, abstinence from sexual intercourse) :: pidättyvyys
abstinence {n} (the practice of self-denial) :: pidättyvyys, kieltäytyminen
abstinence syndrome {n} /ˈæb.stə.nn̩s ˈsɪn.dɹoʊm/ (physical symptoms of withdrawing) :: vieroitusoireet {p}
abstinent {adj} /ˈæb.stɪ.nn̩t/ (refraining from indulgence) :: pidättyväinen
abstract {n} /ˌæbˈstɹækt/ (an abridgement or summary) :: tiivistelmä
abstract {n} (something that concentrates in itself the qualities of something else) :: aineellistuma
abstract {n} (an abstraction) :: käsite, abstraktio
abstract {n} (an abstract work of art) :: abstrakti teos
abstract {n} (that which is abstract) :: käsite
abstract {n} (an extract of a vegetable substance) :: uute
abstract {adj} (extracted) :: uutettu
abstract {adj} (separate) :: erillinen
abstract {adj} (absent in mind) :: poissaoleva
abstract {adj} (apart from practice or reality; not concrete) :: teoreettinen, abstrakti
abstract {adj} (difficult to understand) :: vaikeaselkoinen, abstrakti
abstract {adj} (art: free from representational qualities) :: abstrakti
abstract {adj} (general as opposed to particular) :: yleinen
abstract {v} (to separate; to disengage) :: eristää, erottaa
abstract {v} (to remove; to take away; to withdraw) :: vetää
abstract {v} (to steal) :: poistaa, puhaltaa
abstract {v} (to create an artistic abstraction of) :: abstrahoida
abstract {v} (to abridge, epitomize, or summarize) :: tiivistää
abstract {v} (to consider abstractly) :: tuumia
abstract {v} (to draw off) :: viedä huomio
abstract {v} (to extract by means of distillation) :: uuttaa
abstract {v} (to withdraw oneself) :: vetäytyä
abstract {v} (to perform the process of abstraction) :: abstrahoida
abstract algebra {n} /ˈæbˌstɹækt ˈæl.d͡ʒɪ.bɹə/ (branch of mathematics) :: abstrakti algebra
abstract art {n} /ˈæbˌstɹækt ɑɹt/ (art that does not depict objects in the natural world) :: abstrakti taide
abstract class {n} (in software - a class which cannot be instantiated) :: abstrakti luokka
abstract data type {n} (data type defined only by data properties and operations) :: abstrakti tietotyyppi
Abstract Expressionism {n} /ˈæbˌstɹækt ɪkˈspɹɜʃ.n̩ˌɪz.m̩/ (genre of modern art) :: abstrakti ekspressionismi
abstraction {n} /æbˈstɹæk.ʃn̩/ (act of abstracting) :: abstrahointi
abstractionism {n} /æbˈstɹæk.ʃn̩ˌɪz.m̩/ (abstract art) :: abstraktionismi
abstractly {adv} /æbˈstɹækt.li/ (in an abstract manner) :: abstraktisti
abstractness {n} /æbˈstɹæk.nəs/ (the quality of being abstract) :: abstraktius
abstract noun {n} /ˈæbˌstɹækt naʊn/ (noun that denotes an abstract concept) :: abstrakti substantiivi
abstract publication {n} (publication that publishes abstracts) :: abstraktijulkaisu
abstruse {adj} /əbˈstɹuːs/ (difficult to comprehend) :: vaikeaselkoinen
absurd {adj} /æbˈsɝd/ (contrary to reason or propriety) :: absurdi, järjetön
absurdism {n} (absurdity) SEE: absurdity ::
absurdism {n} /æbˈsɝdˌɪz.m̩/ (philosophy which holds that the universe is chaotic and irrational) :: absurdismi
absurdist {n} /æbˈsɝd.əst/ (writer of absurd topics) :: absurdisti
absurdity {n} /æbˈsɝd.ɪ.ti/ (the quality of being absurd) :: mielettömyys, hulluus
absurdly {adv} /æbˈsɝd.li/ (in an absurd fashion) :: absurdisti
absurdly {adv} (to an extreme degree) :: absurdisti
Abu Dhabi {prop} /ˈɑ.bu ˈdɑ.bi/ (capital of UAE) :: Abu Dhabi
abugida {n} /ɑːbuˈɡiːdə/ (writing system, see also: alphasyllabary) :: abugida
abulia {n} /əˈbu.li.ə/ (absence of will-power or decisiveness) :: abulia
abulic {adj} /ˌeɪˈbju.lɪk/ (relating to abulia) :: abuulinen
abundance {n} /əˈbʌn.dn̩s/ (large quantity) :: suuri määrä
abundance {n} (ample sufficiency) :: runsaus, yltäkylläisyys, ylenpalttisuus
abundance {n} (wealth, affluence) :: vauraus, yltäkylläisyys, runsaus
abundance {n} (frequency) :: yleisyys, määrä
abundancy {n} /əˈbʌn.dn̩.si/ (state of plentifulness) :: runsaus
abundant {adj} /əˈbʌn.dn̩t/ (fully sufficient; plentiful) :: runsas, yltäkylläinen
abundantly {adv} /əˈbʌn.dn̩t.li/ (in an abundant manner) :: runsaasti, yllin kyllin
abundant number {n} /əˈbʌn.dn̩t ˈnʌm.bɚ/ (number that is less than the sum of its proper divisors) :: runsas luku
abuse {n} /əˈbjuːs/ (corrupt practice) :: väärinkäyttö, väärinkäytös
abuse {n} (improper usage) :: väärinkäyttö
abuse {n} (insulting speech) :: solvaus, herjaus
abuse {n} (physical maltreatment) :: pahoinpitely
abuse {n} (sexual violation or assault) :: hyväksikäyttö, seksuaalinen väkivalta
abuse {v} /əˈbjuːz/ (to use improperly) :: väärinkäyttää, käyttää hyväksi
abuse {v} (to hurt) :: pahoinpidellä
abuse {v} (to insult) :: herjata, solvata
abuse {v} (to imbibe a drug for a purpose other than it was intended) :: väärinkäyttää, käyttää hyväksi
abuse {v} (to rape) :: raiskata, käyttää hyväksi
abuse {v} (to deceive) :: väärinkäyttää, käyttää hyväksi
abuse {v} (to adulterate) SEE: adulterate ::
abuse {n} (delusion) SEE: delusion ::
abuse {n} (catachresis) SEE: catachresis ::
abuser {n} /əˈbju.zɚ/ (one who abuses) :: pahoinpitelijä; hyväksikäyttäjä [one who abuses sexually]; ongelmakäyttäjä [of drug etc.]
abusio {n} (catachresis) SEE: catachresis ::
abut {v} /əˈbʌt/ (to border on) :: rajoittua
abutment {n} /əˈbʌt.mn̩t/ (point of junction that abuts) :: tukipiste
abutment {n} (architecture: support for an arch or vault) :: tukimuuri, vastikemuuri
abutment {n} (engineering: support for the ends of a bridge) :: maatuki
abutment {n} (something that abuts, or on which something abuts) :: tuki
abutment {n} (state of abutting) :: tuki, tukeminen
abutment {n} (dentistry: tooth that supports a denture or bridge) :: tukihammas
abutment {n} (fixed point or surface where resistance is obtained) :: tukipiste
Abydos {prop} /əˈbaɪ.dɑs/ (ancient city in Egypt) :: Abydos
abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
abysmal {adj} /əˈbɪz.məl/ (pertaining to, or resembling an abyss; bottomless; unending; profound) :: pohjaton, äärimmäinen, surkea, toivoton, kelvoton
abysmal {adj} (extremely bad) :: hirvittävä, kammottava, kauhea
abyss {n} /əˈbɪs/ (hell, bottomless pit) :: syöveri, kuilu, horna
abyss {n} (bottomless or unfathomed depth) :: kuilu, syöveri, kurimus
abyss {n} (anything infinite, immeasurable, or profound) :: syöveri
abyss {n} (moral depravity, vast intellectual or moral depth) :: rappio, syöveri
abyss {n} (impending catastrophe) :: kauheus, syöveri, kurimus
abyss {n} (heraldry: center of an escutcheon) :: sydänkohta
abyss {n} (difference) :: kuilu
abyss {n} (abyssal zone) SEE: abyssal zone ::
abyssal {adj} /əˈbɪs.l̩/ (belonging to the ocean depths) :: abyssinen, abyssaalinen
abyssal fish {n} (fish that lives below 2000 m) :: syvänmerenkala
abyssal plain {n} (expanse of flat ocean floor) :: syvänmeren tasanko
abyssal rock {n} /əˈbɪs.l̩ ɹɑk/ (rock crystallized at considerable depth) :: syväkivi, syväkivilaji
abyssal zone {n} /əˈbɪs.l̩ zoʊn/ (deep ocean) :: abyssaalinen vyöhyke, abyssinen alue
Abyssinia {prop} /ˌæb.ɪˈsɪn.i.ə/ (historical name of Ethiopia) :: Abessinia
Abyssinian {adj} /ˌæb.ɪˈsɪn.i.ən/ (of or pertaining to Abyssinia) :: abessinialainen
Abyssinian {n} (a native of Abyssinia) :: abessinialainen
Abyssinian {n} (cat) :: abessinialainen
Abyssinian {prop} (Amharic) SEE: Amharic ::
AC {n} (alternating current) :: vaihtovirta
acacia {n} /əˈkeɪ.ʃə/ (shrub or tree) :: akasia
acacia tit {n} (Melaniparus thruppi) :: somaliantiainen
acad {n} (abbreviation of academy) :: akat.
AC adapter {n} :: vaihtovirtasovitin, verkkovirtasovitin
academia {n} /ˌæ.kəˈdiː.mɪ.ə/ (scientific and cultural community engaged in higher education and research, taken as a whole) :: akateeminen maailma, tiedeyhteisö, yliopistomaailma
academia {n} (institution of higher education) :: yliopisto/yliopistot, akateeminen maailma
academian {n} /ˌæk.əˈdi.mi.n̩/ (member of an academy) :: akateemikko
academic {adj} /ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/ (belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato) :: akateeminen
academic {adj} (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning) :: akateeminen, yliopistollinen
academic {adj} (scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific) :: akateeminen, teoreettinen
academic {adj} (having an aptitude for learning) :: akateeminen
academic {adj} (conforming to set rules and traditions) :: akateeminen
academic {adj} (so scholarly as to unaware of the outside world) :: akateeminen
academic {n} (Platonist) :: akateemikko
academic {n} (senior member of an academy, college, or university) :: akateemikko
academic {n} (person who attends an academy) :: yliopisto-opiskelija, opiskelija, (yliopiston) professori/opettaja/tutkija etc., akateemikko [rarely]
academic {n} (member of the Academy) :: akateemikko
academically {adv} /ˌæk.əˈdɛm.ɪk.ə.li/ (in an academic style or way) :: akateemisesti
academically {adv} (in terms of educational achievement) :: akateemisesti
academically {adv} (from an academic perspective) :: akateemisesti
academician {n} /ˌæ.kə.dəˈmɪʃ.n̩/ (member of an academy) :: akateemikko
academician {n} (collegian) :: akateemikko
academician {n} (member faculty) :: akateemikko
academic institution {n} (institution dedicated to higher education) :: akateeminen instituutio
academic year {n} /ˌæk.əˈdɛm.ɪk jɪɹ/ (time period) :: akateeminen vuosi
academy {n} /əˈkæd.ə.mi/ (learned society) :: akatemia
academy {n} (specialized school) :: akatemia
academy {n} (college or university) :: yliopisto, korkeakoulu
academy {n} (seminary) :: seminaari
academy {n} (place of training, school) :: akatemia, opisto
Academy Award {n} /əˈkæd.ə.mi əˈwɔɹd/ (award) :: Oscar, Oscar-palkinto
Academy of Sciences {n} (national academy) SEE: national academy ::
Academy of Sciences {n} (learned society dedicated to sciences) :: tiedeakatemia
Acadia {prop} /əˈkeɪ.di.ə/ (a French colonial territory in North America) :: Acadia
Acadian {adj} /əˈkeɪ.di.n̩/ (of or pertaining to Acadia) :: acadialainen
Acadian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Acadian epoch) :: keskikambrilainen
acai {n} /əˈsaɪ.i/ (South American palms of the genus Euterpe) :: açai-palmu
acai {n} (fruit) :: açai-marja, açai-hedelmä
acai berry {n} /a.saˈiː.ˈbɛɹi/ (fruit) :: acai-marja, acai-hedelmä
acajou {n} (wood from trees of Meliaceae family) SEE: mahogany ::
acajou {n} (cashew tree) SEE: cashew ::
acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut ::
a camel is a horse designed by a committee {proverb} (critique on committees) :: kameli on komitean suunnittelema hevonen
acamprosate {n} (drug) :: akamprosaatti
acanthite {n} /əˈkæn.θaɪt/ (a mineral form of silver sulfide) :: akantiitti
acanthocephalan {n} /əˌkæn.θəˈsɛf.ə.lən/ (any of parasitic intestinal worms of the phylum Acanthocephala) :: väkäkärsämato
acanthus {n} /əˈkæn.θəs/ (plant) :: akantti
acanthus {n} (ornament) :: akantti
a cappella {adv} /ˌɑ kəˈpɛl.ə/ (performed by a choir with no instrumental accompaniment) :: a cappella
acarbose {n} /ˈæ.kɑɹ.boʊs/ (antidiabetic drug) :: akarboosi
acarology {n} /ækəˈɹɒləd͡ʒi/ (the study of ticks and mites) :: akarologia
acaudate {adj} (tailless) SEE: tailless ::
accede {v} /ækˈsid/ (obsolete: to approach) :: lähestyä [approach], saapua [arrive]
accede {v} (to join a group) :: liittyä
accede {v} (to agree to a proposal or view) :: myöntyä [intr.; + illative], taipua [intr.; + illative], suostua [intr.; + illative]
accede {v} (to enter upon an office or dignity) :: astua (virkaan), nousta (valtaan), [accede a royal office] nousta(valtaistuimelle)
accelerant {n} /əkˈsɛləɹənt/ (substance that can bond, mix, or disturb another substance) :: kiihdyte, kiihdyke, kiihdytin
accelerant {n} (substance that accelerates the devolpment of a fire) :: polttoaine, kiihdytin
accelerant {n} (substance used to catalyze the vulcanization of rubber) :: kiihdytin
accelerate {v} /ək.ˈsɛl.ə.ˌɹeɪt/ (to cause to move faster) :: kiihdyttää, nopeuttaa
accelerate {v} (to quicken natural or ordinary progression or process) :: kiihdyttää
accelerate {v} (to hasten) :: nopeuttaa
accelerate {v} (to become faster) :: nopeutua, kiihtyä
accelerated motion {n} (motion with a continually increasing velocity) :: kiihtyvä liike
acceleration {n} /ək.ˌsɛl.ə.ˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (act or state) :: kiihdytys
acceleration {n} (amount) :: kiihtyvyys
acceleration {n} ((physics)) :: kiihtyvyys
accelerator {n} /æk.ˈsɛl.ə.ˌɹeɪ.tɚ/ (one who, or that which, accelerates) :: kiihdyttäjä
accelerator {n} (device for causing acceleration) :: kiihdytin
accelerator {n} (substance which speeds up chemical reactions) :: katalyytti, kiihdytin
accelerator {n} (accelerator pedal) :: kaasupoljin
accelerator {n} (photography: chemical that reduces development time) :: kiihdytin
accelerator {n} (historical: light van) :: kiihdytin
accelerator {n} (program for startup companies) :: kiihdyttämö
accelerometer {n} /æk.ˌsɛl.ə.ˈɹɑm.ə.tɚ/ (instrument for measuring acceleration) :: kiihtyvyysmittari, akselerometri
accent {n} /ˈæk.sɛnt/ (stronger articulation) :: paino
accent {n} (emphasis or importance in general) :: painopiste, pääpaino
accent {n} (orthography: mark to indicate accent) :: aksenttimerkki, aksentti
accent {n} (modulation of the voice in speaking) :: painotus, äänensävy, sävy
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) :: korostus
accent {n} (distinctive manner of producing a sign language) :: murre
accent {n} (word, significant tone or sound) :: aksentti
accent {n} (expressions, speech) :: puhe, ilmaisu
accent {n} (prosody: stress on syllables of a verse) :: paino, painotus
accent {n} (music: recurring stress on a tone) :: isku
accent {n} (music: special emphasis on a tone) :: aksentti
accent {n} (music: rhythmical accent) :: aksentti
accent {n} (music: expressive emphasis of a passage) :: aksentti
accent {n} (music: mark to represent specific stress on a note) :: aksenttimerkki
accent {n} (math: mark to distinguish magnitudes of similar kind) :: pilkku
accent {n} (geometry: mark indicating minutes and seconds of a degree) :: pilkku
accent {n} (mark to denote feet or inches) :: pilkku
accent {n} (emphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or composition) :: korostus
accent {n} (distinctive feature or quality) :: erityispiirre
accent {v} /ækˈsɛnt/ (to emphasize) :: korostaa, painottaa
accent {v} (to express the accent of) SEE: accentuate ::
accent {v} (to mark with written accents) SEE: accentuate ::
accentology {n} (systematic analysis of word or phrase stress) :: aksentologia
accentor {n} /ək.ˈsɛn.tɚ/ (bird of the Prunella genus) :: rautiainen
accentuate {v} /əkˈsen.tʃu.eɪt/ (to pronounce with an accent) :: korostaa, painottaa, sävyttää
accentuate {v} (to mark with a written accent) :: merkitä aksentit
accept {v} /əkˈsɛpt/ (to receive with consent) :: hyväksyä
accept {v} (to admit to a place or a group) :: hyväksyä
accept {v} (to regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in) :: hyväksyä
accept {v} (to receive as adequate or satisfactory) :: hyväksyä
accept {v} (to agree to) :: hyväksyä
accept {v} (to endure patiently) :: hyväksyä
accept {v} (to agree to pay) :: hyväksyä
accept {v} (to receive officially) :: ottaa vastaan, vastaanottaa
accept {v} (to receive something willingly) :: hyväksyä
acceptability {n} /ˌæk.ˌsɛp.tə.ˈbɪl.ət.i/ (acceptableness) :: hyväksyttävyys
acceptability {n} (operation plan review criterion) :: hyväksyttävyys
acceptable {adj} /æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/ (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted) :: hyväksyttävä
acceptably {adv} /æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bli/ (in an acceptable manner) :: hyväksyttävästi
acceptably {adv} (to an acceptable degree) :: hyväksyttävän
acceptance {n} /ək.ˈsɛp.təns/ (act of accepting) :: hyväksyntä, hyväksyminen
acceptance {n} (state of being accepted) :: hyväksyntä
acceptance {n} (assent and engagement by person on whom bill of exchange is drawn) :: hyväksyntä
acceptance {n} (bill of exchange when accepted) :: sopimus
acceptance {n} (agreeing which results in a legally binding contract) :: hyväksyntä
acceptance {n} (list of horses accepted as starters in a race) :: hyväksytyt {p}
acceptance {n} (etendue) SEE: etendue ::
acceptancy {n} (acceptance) SEE: acceptance ::
accepted {adj} /æk.ˈsɛp.tɪd/ (generally approved, believed, or recognized) :: hyväksytty
accepting {adj} /əkˈsɛptɪŋ/ (characterized by acceptance) :: hyväksyvä
acceptor {n} /ək.ˈsɛp.tɚ/ (one who accepts) :: vastaanottaja
access {n} /ˈæksɛs/ (way or means of approaching) :: pääsy
access {n} (act of approaching or entering) :: pääsy, lähestyminen
access {n} (right or ability of approaching or entering) :: pääsy
access {n} (increase by addition) :: laajennus
access {n} (onset, attack or fit of disease) :: kohtaus
access {n} (outburst of an emotion) :: kohtaus
access {n} (right to visit one's child) :: tapaamisoikeus
access {n} (computing: process of locating data in memory) :: haku
access {n} (communication with a computer program or the Internet) :: yhteys
access {v} /ˈæksɛs/ (to gain or obtain access to) :: päästä
access {v} (computing: to have access to (data)) :: päästä käsiksi
access code {n} (alphanumeric sequence) :: pääsykoodi
access control {n} (practice of restricting entrance to a property) :: kulunvalvonta
access control {n} (in technology) :: pääsynvalvonta
access control list {n} (security scheme) :: pääsynvalvontalista
accessibility {n} /ækˌsɛs.əˈbɪl.ət.i/ (the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach) :: saatavillaolevuus, saavutettavuus
accessibility {n} (feature that increases software usability) :: esteettömyys, helppokäyttöisyys, saavutettavuus
accessible {adj} /əkˈsɛs.ə.bəl/ (easy of access or approach) :: helppopääsyinen
accessible {adj} (of a person, approachable) :: lähestyttävä
accessible {adj} (obtainable) :: saatavilla oleva
accessible {adj} (open to the influence of) :: avoin
accessible {adj} (easily understood) :: ymmärrettävissä oleva
accession {n} /æk.ˈsɛ.ʃən/ (a coming to) :: liittyminen
accession {n} (increase by something added) :: lisäys
accession {n} (act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity) :: valtaannousu
access modifier {n} (access specifier) SEE: access specifier ::
accessory {adj} /əkˈsɛsəɹi/ (having a supplementary function) :: lisä-, apu-, täydentävä, ylimääräinen
accessory {adj} (assisting a crime) :: avustava
accessory {n} (that which belongs to something else deemed the principal, attachment) :: lisävaruste, varuste, tarvike, oheistarvike
accessory {n} (clothing accessory) :: asuste
accessory {n} (contributor to an offense) :: avunantaja
accessory {n} (unessential part in a work of art) :: koriste
accessory fruit {n} (A fruit with tissue not derived from ovary) :: epähedelmä
accessory nerve {n} (the 11th cranial nerve) :: lisähermo
access point {n} (device permitting wireless connection to a network) :: tukiasema
access specifier {n} :: näkyvyysmääre
accident {n} /ˈæk.sə.dənt/ (unexpected event with negative consequences) :: onnettomuus, sattuma, tapaturma
accident {n} (chance event) :: sattuma, vahinko
accident {n} (chance) :: sattuma
accident {n} (transport: unintended event that causes damage) :: onnettomuus
accident {n} (property resulting from chance) :: sattuma, vahinko
accident {n} (euphemism: instance of incontinence) :: vahinko
accident {n} (euphemism: unintended pregnancy) :: vahinko
accident {n} (logic: quality or attribute in distinction from substance) :: ilmenemismuoto
accident {n} (law: unforeseen interference) :: sattuma
accident {n} (military: unplanned event resulting in injury) :: onnettomuus
accident {n} (philosophy: appearance, manifestation) :: ilmenemismuoto, ilmiasu
accidental {adj} /ˌæk.sɪ.ˈdɛn.tl̩/ (happening by chance) :: sattumanvarainen, sattumalta
accidental {n} ((music)) :: etumerkki
accidentally {adv} /ˌæksəˈdɛnt(ə)li/ (unexpectedly, unintentionally) :: vahingossa, sattumalta
accidentally {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) :: erehdyksessä, vahingossa, epähuomiossa
accidentally on purpose {adv} (deliberately but seemingly accidentally) :: näennäisesti vahingossa
accident and emergency {n} :: päivystyspoliklinikka
accident blackspot {n} :: onnettomuusaltis paikka
accidently {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) SEE: accidentally ::
accident of birth {n} (situation or characteristic resulting from birth) :: syntymävamma [negative]; syntymälahja [positive]
accident waiting to happen {n} (dangerous situation) :: onnettomuus, joka odottaa tapahtumistaan
acclaim {v} /ə.ˈkleɪm/ (to shout) :: huutaa
acclaim {v} (to shout applause) :: osoittaa suosiotaan
acclaim {v} (to applaud) :: osoittaa suosiotaan
acclaim {v} (to claim) :: väittää
acclaim {v} (to declare by acclamations) :: julistaa
acclimation {n} (acclimatization) SEE: acclimatization ::
acclimatization {n} /ə.ˌklaɪ.mə.tə.ˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (the act of acclimatizing) :: akklimatisaatio
acclimatize {v} /ə.ˈklaɪ.mə.ˌtaɪz/ (to get used to a new climate) :: sopeutua ilmastoon, mukautua ilmastoon, tottua ilmastoon, akklimatisoitua
acclimatize {v} (to make used to a new climate) :: akklimatisoida, totuttaa ilmastoon, sopeuttaa ilmastoon
acclivity {n} /ə.ˈklɪv.ə.ti/ (slope or inclination considered as "ascending") :: ylämäki, nousu
accoil {v} (nautical sense) SEE: coil ::
accommodate {v} /əˈkɑməˌdeɪt/ (to render fit or suitable) :: sopeuttaa
accommodate {v} (to cause to come into agreement) :: sovitella
accommodate {v} (to provide housing for) :: majoittaa
accommodate {v} (to provide with something desired) :: tarjota
accommodate {v} (to show the correspondence of; adapt to fit) :: sopeutua
accommodate {v} (rare: to adapt oneself) :: sopeutua
accommodation {n} /ə.ˌkɑm.ə.ˈdeɪ.ʃən/ (lodging) :: majoitus
accommodation {n} (state of being fitted and adapted) :: soveltuminen
accommodation {n} (adjustment of the eye) :: sopeutuminen
accompanied {adj} /əˈkʌmpənid/ (being part of a group of at least two) :: seurassa (oleva)
accompaniment {n} /ə.ˈkʌm.pə.ni.mənt/ (music: that which gives support or adds to the background) :: säestys
accompaniment {n} (that which accompanies) :: lisuke, seuralainen
accompany {v} /ə.ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition) :: säestää
accompany {v} (to attend as a companion) :: olla seurana, olla jonkun kanssa, olla jonkun seuralaisena
accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part next to another instrument) :: säestää
accompany {v} (to keep company) :: pitää seuraa, olla seurana
accompany {v} (obsolete: to cohabit) :: asua yhdessä
accompany {v} (obsolete: to cohabit with) :: asua yhdessä
accompanying {adj} /əˈkʌm.p(ə.)ni.ɪŋ/ (present together) :: mukana (oleva)
accomplice {n} /ə.ˈkɑm.pləs/ (associate in the commission of a crime) :: osallinen, rikokseen osallinen [principal or accessory]; rikoksentekijä [principal]; avunantaja [accessory]
accomplice {n} (cooperator) :: apulainen, apuri; kätyri
accomplish {v} /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ/ (to finish successfully) :: suorittaa, toteuttaa, saada tehdyksi, saattaa päätökseen, saada aikaan
accomplish {v} (to complete, as time or distance) :: suorittaa, saavuttaa
accomplish {v} (to bring to an issue of full success; to effect; to perform) :: suorittaa, saavuttaa
accomplish {v} ((archaic) to equip or furnish thoroughly) :: varustaa
accomplish {v} ((obsolete) to gain; to obtain) :: hankkia
accomplished {adj} /ə.ˈkɑm.plɪʃt/ (completed) :: hyväksytty, tunnustettu
accomplished {adj} (having many accomplishments) :: pätevä
accomplished {adj} (showing skill) :: ansiokas
accomplishment {n} /ə.ˈkʌm.plɪʃ.mənt/ (the act of accomplishing) :: toteuttaminen, toteutuminen, aikaansaanti
accomplishment {n} (that which completes) :: saavutus
accomplishment {n} (achievement) :: aikaansaannos, saavutus
accord {n} /ə.ˈkɔɹd/ (agreement or concurrence of opinion) :: sopusointu
accord {n} (harmony of sounds) :: harmonia
accord {n} (an agreement) :: sopimus
accord {v} (transitive: to make to agree or correspond) :: mukauttaa
accord {v} (intransitive: to agree or correspond; to be in harmony) :: olla yhtä mieltä
accord {v} (transitive: to grant) :: myöntää
accordance {n} /ə.ˈkɔɹd.əns/ (agreement; harmony; conformity) :: sopusointu
accordingly {adv} /ə.ˈkɔɹ.dɪŋ.li/ (agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable) :: sen mukaisesti
accordingly {adv} (in natural sequence; consequently; so) :: niinpä, siispä
according to {prep} (based on statement) :: mukaan
according to {prep} (in proportion) :: suhteessa
according to one's understanding {prep} (as far as one can understand) :: olla ymmärtänyt, tiettävästi
according to plan {prep} /əˈkɔɹdɪŋ tə ˈplæn/ (as intended, as planned) :: suunnitelman mukaan, suunnitelman mukaisesti, suunnitelmien mukaisesti
accordion {n} /ə.ˈkɔɹ.di.ən/ (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) :: harmonikka, haitari, hanuri
accordionist {n} /ə.ˈkɔɹd.i.ə.nəst/ (player of the accordion) :: hanuristi
accost {v} /ə.ˈkɔst/ (to approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request) :: tiukata, vaatia
accost {v} (to speak to first, to address, to greet) :: puhutella, tervehtiä
account {n} /ə.ˈkaʊnt/ (a registry of pecuniary transactions) :: tili
account {n} (a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.) :: selonteko, selostus
account {n} (a statement of facts or occurrences) :: selonteko, selostus
account {n} (a statement and explanation or vindication) :: selitys
account {n} (an authorization to use a service) :: tili, tunnus
account {n} ((archaic) reckoning, calculation) :: laskenta, laskelmointi, luku
account {v} ((obsolete) to reckon) :: laskea
account {v} (to estimate, to deem) :: pitää
account {v} (credit (to)) SEE: credit ::
account {v} (account for) SEE: account for ::
account {v} (account to) SEE: account to ::
accountability {n} /ə.ˌkaʊn.tə.ˈbɪl.ət.i/ (state of being accountable) :: vastuullisuus
accountable {adj} /ə.ˈkaʊn.tə.bəl/ (obliged to answer for one’s deeds) :: vastuullinen, vastuunalainen
accountable {adj} (liable to be called on to render an account) :: vastuullinen, vastuunalainen
accountancy {n} /ə.ˈkaʊnt.ən.si/ (the profession of accounting) :: kirjanpito, laskentatoimi
accountant {n} /ə.ˈkæʊn.(t)ən̩(t)/ (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)) :: kirjanpitäjä
accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) :: tilintarkastaja
account book {n} (a book in which accounts are kept) :: tilikirja
account for {v} (to explain by relating circumstances) :: selvittää, selittää
account for {v} (to be the primary cause of) :: aiheuttaa
account for {v} (to constitute in amount or portion) :: olla
account for {v} (to make or render a reckoning of funds, persons, or things) :: tilittää
account for {v} (to be answerable for) :: vastata
account for {v} (military: to destroy or put out of action) :: tuhota
accounting {n} /ə.ˈkaʊn.tɪŋ/ (development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions) :: kirjanpito, laskentatoimi
accounting cost {n} (total amount of money or goods) :: hankinta-arvo
account manager {n} (person in charge of sales) :: yhteyspäällikkö
accounts payable {n} (money that is owed by a party, and is counted by that party as a debit) :: ostovelka
accounts receivable {n} (total monetary amount) :: myyntireskontra
account statement {n} (bank statement) SEE: bank statement ::
account to {v} (to be responsible to) :: vastata, olla vastuussa
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
Accra {prop} /ə.ˈkɹɑ/ (capital of Ghana) :: Accra
accredit {v} /ə.ˈkɹɛd.ɪt/ (To send with letters credential, as an ambassador, envoy, or diplomatic agent; to authorize, as a messenger or delegate.) :: akkreditoida
accreditation {n} /əˌkɹɛd.ɨˈteɪ.ʃən/ (giving of credentials) :: akkreditointi
accredited {adj} /əˈkɹɛd.ɪt.əd/ (given official approval after meeting criteria) :: valtuutettu
accretion disk {n} (structure formed by matter falling into a gravitational source) :: kertymäkiekko
accrual {n} /əˈkɹuːəl/ (an increase) :: kertymä
accrual {n} (an accounting charge) :: siirtovelka
accrue {v} /ə.ˈkɹu/ (increase) :: kasvaa
acculturate {v} (to be changed by acculturation) SEE: acculture ::
acculturation {n} /ə.ˌkʌl.tʃə.ˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (process by which the culture of an isolated society changes) :: akkulturaatio
acculturation {n} (process by which a person acquires the culture) :: akkulturaatio
acculture {v} /əˈkʌl.tʃəɹ/ (familiarize oneself with a new culture) :: kotiutua, kotoutua, akkulturoitua
accumulate {v} /əˈkjuːmjʊˌleɪt/ (to pile up) :: kasata, kerätä, kerääntyä
accumulate {v} (to grow in number) :: kasaantua, kerääntyä, akkumuloitua
accumulated depreciation {n} (sum of past depreciation) :: kertynyt poisto, poistokertymä, kumulatiivinen poisto
accumulation {n} /ə.ˌkjuːm.jə.ˈleɪ.ʃən/ (act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated) :: kertyminen, kasaantuminen, akkumulaatio
accumulation {n} (concurrence of several titles to the same proof) :: konkurrenssi
accumulation {n} (continuous growth of capital by retention of interest or savings) :: karttuminen
accumulative {adj} /ə.ˈkjum.jə.ˌleɪ.tɪv/ (serving to collect or amass) :: akkumulatiivinen
accumulator {n} /ə.ˈkjum.jə.ˌleɪ.tɚ/ (one who or that which accumulates) :: varaaja, kerääjä, varasto
accumulator {n} (wet-cell storage battery) :: akku
accumulator {n} (manufacturing: vessel containing pressurized hot water ready for release as steam) :: höyryakku
accumulator {n} (hydraulics: container which stores hydraulic power for release) :: painesäiliö
accumulator {n} (computer science: register for holding intermediate results) :: akku, akkumulaattori
accuracy {n} /ˈæk.jɚ.ə.si/ (state of being accurate) :: tarkkuus
accurate {adj} /ˈæk.jə.ɹɪt/ (exact or careful conformity to truth) :: tarkka, täsmällinen, paikkansapitävä
accurately {adv} /ˈæk.jə.ɹɪt.li/ (exactly, precisely) :: tarkasti, täsmällisesti, tarkalleen, täsmälleen
accursed {adj} /əˈkɝ.sɪd/ (hateful) :: kirottu, mokoma
accursed {adj} (archaic, theology: cursed) :: kirottu
accusation {n} /ˌæk.jʊ.ˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (act of accusing or charging with a crime) :: syyttäminen
accusation {n} (that of which one is accused) :: syyte
accusation {n} (declaration of fault or blame against another) :: syyte, syytös
accusative {adj} /əˈkjuzətɪv/ (producing accusations; accusatory) :: syyttävä, syyttelevä
accusative {adj} (related to accusative case) :: akkusatiivi-
accusative {n} (accusative case) :: akkusatiivi, kohdanto
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative ::
accusatorial {adj} /ə.ˌkju.zə.ˈtɔɹ.i.əl/ (Of or pertaining to the public trial system) :: akkusatorinen
accusatory {adj} /ə.ˈkju.zə.ˌtɔɹ.i/ (pertaining to, or containing, an accusation) :: syyttävä
accuse {v} /əˈkjuz/ (attribute blame to someone) :: syyttää
accused {n} /ə.ˈkjuzd/ (defendant) :: syytetty
accused {adj} (having been accused) :: syytetty
accuser {n} /əˑˈkju.zɚ/ (one who accuses) :: syyttäjä
accustom {v} /ə.ˈkʌs.təm/ (to make familiar by use) :: totuttaa, sopeuttaa
accustomed {adj} /ə.ˈkʌs.təmd/ (familiar) :: tottunut
AC/DC {adj} (bisexual) :: bisse
ace {n} /eɪs/ (single point or spot on a card or die) :: merkki (on a playing card), piste (on a die)
ace {n} (card with a single spot) :: ässä
ace {n} (die face with a single spot) :: ykkönen
ace {n} (very small quantity or degree) :: rahtu, hitunen, tippa
ace {n} (tennis: point scored without the opponent hitting the ball) :: ässä, läpisyöttö
ace {n} (expert) :: ässä
ace {n} (excellent military aircraft pilot) :: ässä, hävittäjä-ässä
ace {n} (perfect score on a school exam) :: kymppi
ace {v} (to pass a test perfectly) :: läpäistä kirkkaasti
ace {adj} (excellent) :: huippu-
ace {n} (golf: hole in one) SEE: hole in one ::
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom ::
Aceh {prop} (language) SEE: Acehnese ::
Aceh {prop} (province of Indonesia) :: Aceh
Acehnese {prop} (language) :: atšeh, aceh
ace in the hole {n} (ace up one's sleeve) SEE: ace up one's sleeve ::
acene {n} (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) :: aseeni
ace of aces {n} (ace with the greatest number of kills) :: ässien ässä
ace of clubs {n} (playing card) :: ristiässä
ace of diamonds {n} (playing card) :: ruutuässä
ace of hearts {n} (playing card) :: herttaässä
ace of spades {n} /eɪs.əv.speɪdz/ (playing card) :: pataässä
acephalic {adj} (headless) SEE: headless ::
acephalous {adj} (headless) SEE: headless ::
acepromazine {n} (drug) :: asepromatsiini
acerb {adj} /əˈsɜːb/ (bitter to the taste) :: kitkerä
acerb {adj} (sharp and harsh in expression) :: pureva, kitkerä
acerbic {adj} /əˈsɜ(ɹ)bɪk/ (sour or bitter) :: kitkerä
acerbic {adj} (sharp, biting) :: kärkevä; pureva, kyyninen, sarkastinen
acerola {n} /æ.səˈɹəʊ.lə/ (fruit) :: barbadoksenakerola, barbadoskirsikka
acervate {adj} /ˈæs.ɚ.veɪt/ (heaped or growing in heaps) :: kimppuina kasvava
acervate {v} (to heap up) :: kimputtaa
acetabulum {n} /ˌæs.ɪˈtæb.jʊl.əm/ (Anatomy: bony cup that receives the head of the femur) :: lonkkamalja
acetabulum {n} (Anatomy: Sucker of the sepia or cuttlefish) :: imukuppi
acetabulum {n} (Anatomy: The large posterior sucker of the leeches) :: imukuppi
acetal {n} /ˈæsɪˌtæl/ (any diether of a geminal diol) :: asetaali
acetaldehyde {n} /ˌæs.ɪˈtæl.dəˌhaɪd/ (the organic compound CH3CHO) :: asetaldehydi
acetamide {n} (amide of acetic acid) :: asetamidi
acetaminophen {n} /əˌsitəˈmɪnəfən/ (drug) :: parasetamoli
acetanilide {n} (amide derived from acetic acid and aniline) :: asetanilidi
acetarsol {n} (compound sometimes used as an antiinfective) :: asetarsoli
acetate {n} (salt or ester of acetic acid) :: asetaatti
acetate {n} (transparent overlay sheet) :: kalvo
acetate {n} (aluminium disc covered in wax) :: pikalevy, lakkalevy
acetate {n} (cellulose acetate) SEE: cellulose acetate ::
acetazolamide {n} /əˌsi.təˈzoʊl.əˌmaɪd/ (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that is used to treat glaucoma and other conditions) :: asetatsoliamidi
acetic acid {n} (clear colourless organic acid, CH3COOH) :: etikkahappo
acetic anhydride {n} (organic compound) :: etikkahappoanhydridi
acetimeter {n} (an instrument) :: asetometri
acetoacetic acid {n} (organic compound) :: asetoetikkahappo, asetetikkahappo
acetohexamide {n} (drug) :: asetoheksamidi
acetone {n} /ˈæ.sə.toʊn/ (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) :: asetoni
acetonemia {n} (presence of excessive levels of acetone in blood) :: asetonitauti, lehmän ketoosi
acetonitrile {n} (the simplest organic cyanide or nitrile) :: asetonitriili
acetophenone {n} (an aromatic ketone) :: asetofenoni
acetyl {n} /ˈæsətɪl/ (univalent radical) :: asetyyli
acetylacetone {n} (a diketone used as a solvent and as a coordination ligand) :: asetyyliasetoni
acetylation {n} (reaction of a substance with acetic acid) :: asetylaatio
acetyl chloride {n} (acyl chloride of acetic acid) :: asetyylikloridi
acetylcholine {n} (the neurotransmitter compound) :: asetyylikoliini
acetylcholine chloride {n} (drug) :: asetyylikoliinikloridi
acetylcholine receptor {n} (feature of neurons) :: asetyylikoliinireseptori
acetylcholinesterase {n} (enzyme) :: asetyylikoliiniesteraasi
acetylcysteine {n} /əˌsiːtɪlˈsɪs.tiːn/ (drug) :: asetyylikysteiini
acetyldigitoxin {n} (drug) :: asetyylidigitoksiini
acetyldigoxin {n} (drug) :: asetyylidigoksiini
acetylene {n} /ə ˈsɛt əl ˌin/ (acetylene) :: asetyleeni
acetylsalicylic acid {n} (acetate ester of salicylic acid; aspirin) :: asetyylisalisyylihappo
acetylserotonin {n} (organic compound) :: asetyyliserotoniini
acetyltransferase {n} (transacetylase) SEE: transacetylase ::
ace up one's sleeve {n} (a surprise of which others are not aware) :: ässä hihassa
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link {proverb} (aphorism) :: ketju on vain niin vahva kuin sen heikoin lenkki
achalasia {n} (problem where a ring of muscles is unable to fully relax.) :: akalasia
ache {v} /eɪk/ (be in pain) :: särkeä, jomottaa
ache {n} (dull pain) :: särky, kipu
acheilous {adj} (lipless) SEE: lipless ::
achene {n} /əˈkiːn/ (small dry fruit) :: pähkylä
achievable {adj} /əˈtʃivəbəl/ (capable of being achieved) :: saavutettavissa
achieve {v} /əˈtʃiːv/ (to carry out successfully; to accomplish) :: saada aikaan, toteuttaa
achieve {v} (to obtain, or gain as the result of exertion) :: saavuttaa, päästä tavoitteeseen/päämäärään
achievement {n} /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ (act of achieving or performing) :: saavutus
achievement {n} (great or heroic deed) :: saavutus
achievement {n} (heraldry: escutcheon) :: vaakunakilpi
achievement {n} (a reward in video games) :: saavutus
Achilles {prop} /əˈkɪliːz/ (Greek mythical hero) :: Akhilleus, Akilles
Achilles heel {n} /əˌkɪl.iːz ˈhiːl/ (vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation) :: akilleenkantapää
Achilles tendon {n} (strong tendon in the calf of the leg) :: akillesjänne
achiote {n} (Bixa orellana) SEE: annatto ::
achiote {n} (seed) SEE: annatto ::
achiote {n} (dye) SEE: annatto ::
achondroplasia {n} /eɪˌkɒndɹə(ʊ)ˈpleɪziə/ (the genetic disorder) :: akondroplasia
achoo {interj} /əˈt͡ʃuː/ (the sound of a sneeze) :: atsii
achromatic {adj} /ˌækɹəʊˈmæt.ɪk/ (optics: free from colour) :: akromaattinen
achromatic {adj} (containing components to prevent colour-related distortion) :: värikorjattu
achromatic {adj} (biology: uncoloured) :: akromaattinen
achromaticity {n} (achromatism) SEE: achromatism ::
achromatism {n} (state or quality of being achromatic) :: akromaattisuus
achromatism {n} (state of being free of color) :: värittömyys
achromatism {n} (achromatopia) :: värisokeus
achromatopia {n} (defective ability to see colours) :: värisokeus
achromotrichia {n} (absence of pigmentation in the hair) :: harmaantuminen
acicular {adj} (needle-shaped) :: neulamainen
acicular {adj} (having sharp points) :: piikikäs
acicular {adj} (botany: needle-like) :: neulasmainen
acid {adj} /ˈæs.ɪd/ (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) :: hapan, hapokas
acid {adj} (sour-tempered) :: hapan
acid {adj} (of or pertaining to an acid) :: hapan
acid {n} (a sour substance) :: hapan aine
acid {n} (in chemistry) :: happo
acid {n} (LSD) :: happo
acid anhydride {n} (organic compounds with oxygen atom bonded to two acyl groups) :: happoanhydridi
acid-base indicator {n} (substance) :: happo-emäs indikaattori
acid dissociation constant {n} :: happovakio
acidic {adj} /əˈsɪdɪk/ (chemistry: having pH less than 7) :: hapan
acidic {adj} (mineralogy: containing a high percentage of silica) :: hapan
acidic {adj} (of or relating to acid) :: hapan
acidification {n} (the act or process of making something sour (acidifying), or changing into an acid) :: happamoittaminen [act], happamoituminen [process]
acidify {v} (to make something acidic) :: happamoittaa, happamoitua; hapottaa, hapottua
acidify {v} (to neutralize alkalis) :: hapottaa
acidify {v} (to embitter) :: katkeroittaa, katkeroitua
acidity {n} /əˈsɪdɪti/ (quality or state of being acid) :: happamuus
acidity {n} (quality of sourness to the taste) :: hapokkuus, happamuus
acidity {n} (pathology: excessive acid quality) :: liikahappoisuus
acidity function {n} (relationship) :: happamuusfunktio
acidity regulator {n} (food additive used to control pH) :: happamuudensäätöaine
acid jazz {n} (music combining jazz with elements of soul music, funk and disco) :: acid jazz
acidness {n} (acidity) SEE: acidity ::
acidophile {n} (organism that thrives under acidic conditions) :: asidofiili
acidophilus {n} /ˌæsɪdˈɑfɪləs/ (Lactobacillus acidophilus) :: asidofilus
acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood) :: asidoosi, happomyrkytys
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) :: happosade
acid reflux {n} (heartburn) SEE: heartburn ::
acid reflux {n} (reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus) :: refluksi
acid rock {n} (rock music genre) :: acid rock
acid test {n} (Rigorous test or appraisal of the quality or worth) :: happotesti
acitretin {n} (drug) :: asitretiini
ack emma {adv} (informal: in the morning) :: aa pee
Ackermann function {prop} (a total computable function that is not primitive recursive) :: Ackermannin funktio
acknowledge {v} /ækˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/ (to admit the knowledge of) :: tunnustaa, hyväksyä
acknowledge {v} (to admit the claims or authority of) :: tunnustaa
acknowledge {v} (to own with gratitude) :: kiittää
acknowledge {v} (to notify receipt) :: kuitata
acknowledge {v} (to own as genuine or valid) :: hyväksyä
acknowledged {adj} (recognized) :: tunnustettu, hyväksytty, myönnetty
acknowledgment {n} /əkˈnɑl.ɪd͡ʒ.mənt/ (act of acknowledging) :: kuittaus, myöntäminen, tunnustaminen, tunnustus, hyväksyntä, hyväksyminen, omistaminen
acknowledgment {n} (act of owning or recognizing in a particular character or relationship) :: tunnustaminen
acknowledgment {n} (award) :: tunnustuspalkinto, palkinto, huomionosoitus
acknowledgment {n} (expression of thanks) :: tunnustus, kiitos, omistuskirjoitus
acknowledgment {n} (message informing that the originator's communication has been received and understood) :: vastaus
acknowledgment {n} (indication of a successful receipt of a transmission) :: vastaanottoilmoitus, kuittaus
acknowledgment {n} (act of a man admitting a child as his own) :: isyyden tunnustaminen
acknowledgment {n} (formal statement or document recognizing the fulfilment or execution of a legal requirement or procedure) :: todistus
aclarubicin {n} (drug) :: aklarubisiini
acme {n} /ˈæk.mi/ (the highest point) :: huippu, huippukohta
Acmeism {n} /ˈæk.miː.ɪz.əm/ (a literary movement in early twentieth-century Russia) :: akmeismi
acne {n} /ˈæk.ni/ (a skin condition) :: akne
acne {n} (a pattern of blemishes resulting from the skin condition) :: akne
acne vulgaris {n} (inflammatory disease of the skin) :: akne
acoelomate {adj} (having no coelom) :: ruumiinonteloton
acoelous {adj} (acoelomate) SEE: acoelomate ::
acolyte {n} /ˈæ.kə.laɪt/ (Catholic church: highest of the minor orders; ordained to carry wine, water and lights at the Mass) :: akolyytti
acolyte {n} (in general: assistant) :: apulainen, avustaja, apuri
aconite {n} /ˈæ.kə.naɪt/ (herb wolfsbane) :: ukonhattu
aconitic acid {n} (organic acid) :: akoniittihappo
aconitine {n} (intensely poisonous alkaloid) :: akonitiini
a contented mind is a perpetual feast {proverb} (contentment derives from attitude more than circumstances) :: hyvä mieli on kuin alituiset pidot
acorn {n} /ˈeɪ.kɔɹn/ (fruit of the oak tree) :: tammenterho
acorn woodpecker {n} (Melanerpes formicivorus) :: terhotikka
A Coruña {prop} /ˌɑ kəˈɹunjə/ (city in Galicia) :: A Coruña
acoustic {adj} /əˈkuːstɪk/ (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds) :: akustinen
acoustic {adj} (producing or produced without electrical amplification) :: akustinen
acoustically {adv} (in an acoustic manner) :: akustisesti
acoustic bass guitar {n} (instrument) :: akustinen basso
acoustic coupler {n} (interface device for coupling electrical signals by acoustical means) :: akustinen liitin, akustinen kytkin, akustinen liitäntä
acoustic coupler {n} (terminal device used to link data terminals and radio sets with the telephone network) :: akustinen liitin, akustinen liitäntä
acoustic guitar {n} (hollow-body guitar) :: akustinen kitara
acoustic meatus {n} (internal auditory meatus) :: kuulohermon kanava
acoustic meatus {n} (external acoustic meatus) :: korvakäytävä
acoustic neuroma {n} (benign tissue growth in the hearing canal) :: akustikusneurinooma
acoustics {n} /əˈkuːstɪks/ (quality of a space for doing music) :: akustiikka
acoustics {n} (physics: a science of sounds) :: akustiikka
acquaint {v} /əˈkweɪnt/ (to furnish or give experimental knowledge of) :: tutustuttaa, perehdyttää
acquaintance {n} /ʌˈkweɪn.təns/ (state of being acquainted, acquaintanceship) :: tuttavuus, tuttavasuhde
acquaintance {n} (person) :: tuttava, tuttu
acquaintanceship {n} (the state of being acquainted) SEE: acquaintance ::
acquaintanceship {n} (acquaintance) SEE: acquaintance ::
acquainted {adj} /əˈkweɪntɪd/ (familiar) :: tutustunut, perehtynyt
acquiesce {v} /ˌækwiˈɛs/ (rest satisfied) :: myöntyä, alistua, tyytyä
acquiesce {v} (concur upon conviction) :: myöntyä, alistua, suostua
acquire {v} /əˈkwaɪɹ/ (to get) :: hankkia
acquire {v} (to gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own) :: hankkia
acquired {adj} /əˈkwaɪɹd/ (medicine: developed postfetally) :: hankinnainen
acquired immune deficiency syndrome {n} (infectious disease caused by HIV, see also: AIDS) :: immuunikato
acquired taste {n} (something or someone that is appreciated only after having initially been regarded as unappealing or unpleasant) :: opittu mieltymys
acquisition {n} /æ.kwɪ.ˈzɪ.ʃən/ (act or process of acquiring) :: hankinta, hankkiminen; yrityskauppa
acquisition {n} (thing acquired or gained; an acquirement; a gain) :: hankinta
acquit {v} /əˈkwɪt/ (to declare or find innocent or not guilty) :: vapauttaa (syytteestä), todeta syyttömäksi
acquit {v} (to discharge (for example, a claim or debt)) :: vapauttaa (velvollisuudesta)
acquit {v} (to discharge, release, or set free from a burden, duty, etc.) :: lunastaa
acquit {v} (to bear or conduct oneself; to perform one's part) :: suoriutua
acquit {v} (to clear oneself) :: vapauttaa (itsensä)
acquit {v} ((obsolete) to release, rescue) :: vapauttaa
acquit {v} ((obsolete) to pay for, to atone for) :: maksaa (jostakin), hyvittää (jotakin)
acquittal {n} /əˈkwɪ.d(ə)l/ (legal decision of not guilty) :: vapauttava tuomio
acquittal {n} (payment of debt or other obligation) :: velan maksu
acquittal {n} (acquittance from debt) :: mitätöinti
acre {n} /ˈeɪ.kə/ (unit of surface area) :: eekkeri
acrid {adj} /ˈæk.ɹɪd/ (sharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste; pungent) :: kitkerä
acrid {adj} (caustic; bitter; bitterly irritating) :: kitkerä
acridine {n} (tricyclic aromatic heterocycle obtained from coal tar) :: akridiini
acrimonious {adj} /ˌæk.ɹɪ.ˈməʊ̯.nɪ.əs/ (angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies) :: kitkerä
acrimoniously {adv} (in an acrimonious manner) :: kitkerästi
acrimony {n} (bitter hatred) :: katkeruus
acrisol {n} (soil type) :: hapansavimaannos
acrivastine {n} (drug) :: akrivastiini
acro {n} (acrobatic gymnastics) SEE: acrobatic gymnastics ::
acrobat {n} /ˈæk.ɹə.bæt/ (an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination) :: akrobaatti, tasapainotaiteilija
acrobatic {adj} (of or pertaining to an acrobat) :: akrobaattinen
acrobatic gymnastics {n} (competitive gymnastic discipline) :: akrobatiavoimistelu
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats) :: akrobatia
acrocyanosis {n} /ˌæ.kɹoʊ.ˌsaɪ.ə.ˈnoʊ.sɪs/ (acrocyanosis) :: akrosyanoosi
acro dance {n} (style of dance) :: akrotanssi
acrolect {n} /ˈæk.ɹə.lɛkt/ (variety of speech that is considered the standard form) :: akrolekti
acrolein {n} (a pungent, acrid, poisonous liquid aldehyde) :: akroleiini
acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones) :: akromegalia
acromial {adj} (pertaining to the acromion) :: olkalisäkkeen [genitive of noun]
acromion {n} (outermost point of the shoulder blade) :: olkalisäke
acronym {n} /ˈæk.ɹə.nɪm/ (any abbreviation formed by initial letters) :: kirjainlyhenne
acronym {n} (word formed by initial letters) :: kirjainsana, akronyymi
acrophobia {n} (fear of heights) :: korkean paikan kammo
acropolis {n} /əˈkɹɒpəlɪs/ (promontory of Ancient Greek cities) :: akropolis
Acropolis {prop} /əˈkɹɒpəlɪs/ (Athenian Acropolis) :: Akropolis
acrosome {n} (end of the head of a spermatozoon) :: akrosomi
across {prep} /əˈkɹɒs/ (from the far side) :: poikki
across {prep} (on the opposite side) :: toisella puolella
across {prep} (from one side to another) :: poikki, halki, yli
across {prep} (bridging a gap) :: yli
across {prep} (perpendicularly) :: poikittain, ristiin
across {adv} (from one side to the other) :: yli, poikki
across {adv} (on the other side) :: toisella puolella
across {adv} (in a particular direction) :: kohti
across {adv} (crosswords: horizontally) :: vaakasuoraan
across the board {prep} (pertaining to all categories or things) :: kaikenkattava, kautta laidan, kauttaaltaan
across the pond {prep} (on the other side of Atlantic Ocean) :: rapakon taakse (to), rapakon takana (on)
acryl {n} (univalent radical) :: akryyli
acrylamide {n} /əˈkɹɪləmaɪd/ (Amide of acrylic acid) :: akryyliamidi
acrylate {n} (salt or ester of acrylic acid) :: akrylaatti
acrylic {adj} /ə.ˈkɹɪ.lɪk/ (derived from acrylic acid or acrylonitrile) :: akryyli-, akryylinen
acrylic {adj} (containing an acrylic resin) :: akryyli-, akryylinen
acrylic {n} (paint containing an acrylic resin) :: akryyliväri
acrylic {n} (painting made with acrylic paint) :: akryylimaalaus
acrylic {n} (thick sheet of plastic) :: paksu muovilevy
acrylic {n} (acrylic resin) SEE: acrylic resin ::
acrylic acid {n} (unsaturated organic acid: CH2CHCOOH) :: akryylihappo, propeenihappo
acrylic fiber {n} (Synthetic fibers made from a polymer) :: akryylikuitu
acrylic resin {n} (acrylic resin) :: akryylihartsi
acrylonitrile {n} (toxic colourless liquid) :: akryylinitriili
act {n} /ækt/ (deed) :: teko
act {n} (state of existence) :: olemassaolo
act {n} (statute) :: laki
act {n} (process of doing) :: tekeminen
act {n} (formal record of something done) :: pöytäkirja
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance) :: näytös
act {n} (display of behaviour) :: näytös
act {v} (to do something) :: tehdä, toimia
act {v} (to perform a theatrical role) :: näytellä
act {v} (to behave in a certain way) :: toimia
act {v} (to convey an appearance of being) :: teeskennellä
act {v} (to respond to information) :: toimia
act {v} (to have an effect on) :: vaikuttaa
act {v} (to feign) SEE: feign ::
actant {n} (any of the participants in a grammatical clause) :: aktantti
acting {adj} /ˈæk.tɪŋ/ (temporarily assuming the duties or authority) :: väliaikainen, virkaa toimittava
acting {n} (occupation of an actor) :: näytteleminen
actinic keratosis {n} (skin lesion characterized by discolored, thickened growths of keratin) :: aktiininen keratoosi
actinide {n} /ˈæktɪnaɪd/ (one of a group of radioactive elements) :: aktinoidi
actinism {n} (the property of electromagnetic radiation that leads to the production of photochemical effects) :: aktinismi
actinium {n} /ækˈtɪniəm/ (chemical element) :: aktinium
actinobiology {n} (study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms) :: aktinobiologia
actinolite {n} (mineral with monoclinic crystals belonging to the amphibole group) :: aktinoliitti
actinomycete {n} /ˌæktɪnəˈmaɪsiːt/ (bacteria of the order Actinomycetales) :: sädesieni
actinomycosis {n} (infectious disease) :: sädesienitauti
action {n} /ˈæk.ʃən/ (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) :: teko, toimenpide, toiminta
action {n} (way of motion or functioning) :: liike
action {n} (fast-paced activity) :: toiminta, säpinä
action {n} (mechanism) :: koneisto, mekanismi
action {n} (slang: intercourse) :: akti
action {n} (military: combat) :: taistelu, toiminta
action {n} (law: a charge) :: kanne
action {interj} (signifying the start of something) :: käy
actionfest {n} (A story that is full of action) :: räiskintäleffa
action movie {n} (a type of motion picture) :: toimintaelokuva
action-packed {adj} (dramatic and exciting) :: toiminnantäyteinen
action plan {n} (planned series of actions) :: toimintasuunnitelma
action potential {n} (electrical potential) :: toimintapotentiaali
actions speak louder than words {proverb} (it is more effective to act than speak) :: teot puhuvat enemmän kuin sanat
actions speak louder than words {proverb} (actions indicate true sentiments) :: teot puhuvat enemmän kuin sanat
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb ::
activate {v} /ˈæktɪˌveɪt/ (to put into operation) :: aktivoida, käynnistää
activate {v} (to activate a software functionality) SEE: enable ::
activated carbon {n} (absorbent form of finely powdered carbon) :: aktiivihiili
activated sludge {n} (sewage that has been aerated and agitated) :: aktiiviliete
activation {n} /æktɪˈveɪʃən/ (making active) :: aktivointi, aktivaatio
activation {n} (process through which molecules are made able to react) :: aktivaatio
activation energy {n} (activation energy) :: aktivoitumisenergia, aktivaatioenergia
activation record {n} (programming: data structure containing state information) :: aktivaatiotietue, aktivointitietue
activator {n} (chemical increasing transcription) :: aktivaattori
active {adj} /ˈæk.tɪv/ (having the quality or power of acting) :: aktiivinen
active {adj} (quick in physical movement) :: aktiivinen
active {adj} (in action) :: aktiivinen, voimassa oleva
active {adj} (given to action) :: aktiivinen
active {adj} (given to action rather than contemplation) :: toimelias
active {adj} (brisk; lively) :: eloisa, reipas
active {adj} (in grammar) :: aktiivi-, aktiivinen
active duty {n} (active duty) :: aktiivipalvelus
active galactic nucleus {n} (region) :: aktiivinen galaksiydin
active ingredient {n} (component responsible of activity) :: aktiivinen ainesosa, vaikuttava aine
actively {adv} (in an active manner) :: vilkkaasti, aktiivisesti
actively {adv} (in the active form) :: aktiivisesti
active matrix {n} (liquid crystal display) :: aktiivimatriisi
activeness {n} (state or quality) :: aktiivisuus
active power {n} (the real component of the power of an alternating current circuit) :: pätöteho
active vocabulary {n} (words and phrases that someone commonly uses) :: aktiivinen sanavarasto
active voice {n} (the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action) :: aktiivi
active volcano {n} (active volcano) :: aktiivinen tulivuori
activism {n} /ˈæk.tɪ.vɪz.m̩/ (practice of using action to achieve a result) :: aktivismi
activist {n} /ˈæk.tɪ.vɪst/ (one who is politically active) :: aktivisti
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist ::
activity {n} /ækˈtɪ.vɪ.ti/ (state or quality of being active) :: aktiivisuus, toiminta
activity {n} (something done as an action or a movement) :: aktiviteetti, tekeminen, toiminta
activity {n} (something done for pleasure or entertainment) :: aktiviteetti, toiminta, tekeminen
act of God {n} (unforeseen occurrence) :: luonnonilmiö
act of parliament {n} (law which has received assent) :: laki
act of war {n} (act of war) :: sotatoimi
actomyosin {n} (a protein complex found in muscle fibres) :: aktomyosiini
act on {v} (act decisively) :: toimia jonkin perusteella
act on {v} (take action) :: torjua
act on {v} ((medicine) affect) :: vaikuttaa
act one's age {v} (to be mature and not childish) :: käyttäytyä (kunnolla)
actor {n} /ˈæk.tə/ (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress) :: näyttelijä
actor {n} (one who acts; a doer) :: tekijä, toimija
actor {n} (one who takes part in a situation) :: tekijä
actor {n} (plaintiff) SEE: plaintiff ::
actress {n} /ˈæk.tɹəs/ (female actor, see also: actor) :: näyttelijätär
Acts {prop} (Book of Acts) SEE: Acts of the Apostles ::
Acts of the Apostles {prop} (fifth book of the New Testament) :: Apostolien teot
actual {adj} /ˈæk(t)ʃ(əw)əl/ (existing in act or reality, not just potentially) :: todellinen, tosiasiallinen
actual {adj} (factual, real, not just apparent or even false) :: todellinen
actual {adj} (in action at the time being) :: nykyinen, tämänhetkinen, ajankohtainen
actual {adj} (emphasise a noun) :: suoranainen
actuality {n} /ˌæktjuˈælɪti/ (the state of existing) :: olemassaolo
actuality {n} (the quality of being actual or factual) :: aktuaalisuus, tosiasiallisuus
actualize {v} (make real) :: toteuttaa, aktualisoida
actualize {v} (become real) :: toteutua, aktualisoitua
actually {adv} /ˈak.(t)ʃ(ʊ).ə.li/ (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) :: itse asiassa, oikeastaan, varsinaisesti
actuarial {adj} /æk.tjuˈɛəɹ.i.əl/ (pertaining to actuaries) :: aktuaarinen
actuarial {adj} (relating to statistical calculation) :: aktuaarinen
actuarial science {n} (discipline) :: aktuaaritiede
actuary {n} (maker of insurance calculations) :: aktuaari
actuate {v} /ˈæktʃu.eɪt/ (to activate; put into motion) :: käyttää; liikuttaa
actuate {v} (to incite to action) :: kannustaa, motivoida, innostaa
actuator {n} /ˈæk.tjuː.eɪt.ə(ɹ)/ (Something that actuates something else) :: toimilaite, käyttölaite, toimielin
actuator {n} (The mechanism that moves the head assembly on a disk drive) :: toimilaite, aktuaattori
actuator {n} (A relay that controls the flow of electricity) :: aktuaattori
act up {v} (to misbehave, cause trouble) :: kiukutella, vihoitella, oikutella
actus reus {n} /ˌaktəsˈɹeɪəs/ (criminal act) :: rikollinen teko
acuity {n} /əˈkjuːɪti/ (sharpness or acuteness) :: terävyys
acumen {n} /əˈkjumən/ (quickness of perception) :: terävä-älyisyys, äly, terävyys
acuminate {adj} /əˈkjuːmɪnət/ (tapering to a point) :: kapeakärkinen
acuminate {adj} (botany, mycology: tapering to a long point in concave manner) :: pitkäsuippuinen
acupoint {n} (a specific point on the body where acupuncture is applied) :: akupiste
acupressure {n} (alternative medicine technique in which physical pressure is applied to acupoints) :: akupainanta
acupressure {n} (an act or instance of applying an acupressure technique) :: akupainanta
acupressure {n} ((dated) mode of arresting hemorrhage) :: akupainanta
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture ::
acupuncture {n} /ˈæ.kju.ˌpʌŋk.t͡ʃɝ/ (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) :: akupunktio
acupuncture {v} (to treat with acupuncture) :: hoitaa akupunktiolla, antaa akupunktiohoitoa
acupuncturist {n} (healthcare professional) :: akupunktiohoitaja
acute {adj} /əˈkjuːt/ (brief, quick, short) :: nopea
acute {adj} (high or shrill) :: korkea [high]; kimeä [shrill]
acute {adj} (intense, sensitive, sharp, see also: intense; sensitive; sharp) :: tarkka, terävä
acute {adj} (urgent, see also: urgent) :: akuutti, kiireellinen
acute {adj} ((botany) having an acute angle) :: terävä
acute {adj} ((geometry) of an angle: less than 90 degrees) :: terävä
acute {adj} ((linguistics) of an accent or tone: generally higher than others) :: akuutti
acute {adj} ((medicine) of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset) :: akuutti
acute {adj} ((medicine) of a short-lived condition) :: akuutti
acute {adj} ((orthography) after a letter of the alphabet: having an acute accent) :: nouseva, akuutti
acute {n} (person who has the acute form of a disorder) :: akuuttipotilas
acute {n} (accent or tone higher than others) :: akuutti
acute {v} (to give an acute sound to) :: korostaa
acute {adj} ((geometry) of a triangle: having all internal angles acute) SEE: acute-angled ::
acute {n} (acute accent) SEE: acute accent ::
acute abdomen {n} /əˈkjut ˈæb.də.mən/ (acute pain of stomach) :: akuutti vatsa
acute accent {n} (acute accent) :: akuuttiaksentti, akuutti
acute angle {n} (angle measuring less than ninety degrees) :: terävä kulma
acute-angled {adj} (geometry) :: teräväkulmainen
acute-angled triangle {n} (acute triangle) SEE: acute triangle ::
acute cystitis {n} (urinary tract infection) SEE: urinary tract infection ::
acutely {adv} (In an acute manner) :: akuutisti [in medicine]; pikaisesti [quickly]; tarkasti [precisely]
acuteness {n} (quality of being pointed) :: terävyys
acuteness {n} (of the senses or feelings: sensitiveness) :: tarkkuus, terävyys
acuteness {n} (shrillness) :: kimeys
acuteness {n} (violence of a disease) :: akuuttisuus
acuteness {n} (shrewdness, quickness of mind) :: oveluus [shrewdness]; nokkeluus [quickness]
acute sedge {n} (species Carex acuta) :: viiltosara
acute triangle {n} (triangle all of the angles of which are acute) :: teräväkulmainen kolmio
acutherapy {n} (type of therapy) :: akuhoito
acyclic {adj} (not cyclic) :: ei-syklinen, asyklinen
acyclovir {n} /eɪ ˈsaɪ kloʊ viɹ/ (drug) :: asikloviiri
acyl {n} /ˈæ.sɪl/ (any of a class of organic radicals) :: asyyli
acyl halide {n} (organic compound containing an acyl functional group directly attached to a halogen) :: asyylihalidi
acyltransferase {n} /ˌasɪlˈtɹansfəɹeɪz/ (any of several enzymes that catalyse the transfer of acyl groups between lipids) :: asyylitransferaasi
AD {adv} (anno Domini) :: jKr. (jälkeen Kristuksen)
adactylism {n} (absence of fingers or toes) :: adaktylia
adage {n} /ˈæ.dɪdʒ/ (old saying) :: sanonta
Adah {prop} (biblical character) :: Ada
Adah {prop} (female given name) :: Aada
adalimumab {n} /æ dæ lɪ ˈmʌ mæb/ (drug) :: adalimumabi
Adam {prop} /ˈæ.dəm/ (first man in Abrahamic religions) :: Aadam
Adam {prop} (male given name) :: Aatami
Adam {prop} (figuratively: original sin; human frailty) :: Aatami, vanha Aatami
Adam {prop} (with "last" or "second", Jesus Christ) :: Aadam
Adam {prop} (designating a neoclassical style) :: Adam, Adam-tyyli
Adam {prop} (surname derived from Adam or its equivalents in other languages) :: Aatamila
Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis)) :: Aatami ja Eeva
adamant {adj} /ˈæ.də.mənt/ (determined; unshakeable; unyielding) :: peräänantamaton, järkkymätön
adamantane {n} (polycyclic hydrocarbon) :: adamantaani
adamantine {adj} (incapable of being broken) :: timanttinen [made of or as of diamond]; timantinkova [hard as diamond], rikkomaton [unbreakable]
adamantine {adj} (like a diamond) :: timantinkova [in hardness]
adamantly {adv} (in an inflexible manner) :: peräänantamattomasti, järkkymättömästi
adamite {n} (mineral) :: adamiitti
Adam's apple {n} (Citrus medica) SEE: citron ::
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat) :: aataminomena
Adam-teasing {n} (sexual harassment of men by women) :: miesten ahdistelu
adapalene {n} (medicine) :: adapaleeni
adapt {v} /əˈdæpt/ (to make suitable) :: sovittaa, mukauttaa, sopeuttaa, soveltaa
adapt {v} (to fit by alteration) :: sovittaa
adapt {v} (to make by altering) :: mukauttaa
adapt {v} (to make oneself comfortable to a new thing) :: sopeutua
adapt {adj} (adapted (adjective)) :: sopiva
adaptability {n} /ədæptəˈbɪlɪti/ (quality of being adaptable; a quality that renders adaptable) :: sopeutuvuus, sopeutumiskyky
adaptability {n} (variability in respect to, or under the influence of, external conditions) :: sopeutuvuus
adaptable {adj} /əˈdæptəbəl/ (capable of adapting or of being adapted) :: sopeutuva, mukautuva
adaptation {n} /ˌædæpˈteɪʃən/ (process of adapting) :: sopeutuminen, sopeuttaminen, muutos
adaptation {n} (change that is made or undergone) :: muutos
adaptation {n} (evolutionary theory: process of change) :: sopeutuminen
adaptation {n} (evolutionary theory: instance of change) :: sopeutuminen
adaptation {n} (process of adapting an artistic work) :: sovittaminen
adaptation {n} (artistic work that has been adapted) :: sovitus
adaptationism {n} (view that many traits of organisms are evolved adaptations) :: adaptationismi
adaptative {adj} (adaptive) SEE: adaptive ::
adapted {adj} /əˈdæptɪd/ (having been subject to alteration) :: mukautettu, sovitettu
adapter {n} /əˈdaptə/ (one who adapts well) :: sopeutuja
adapter {n} (one who adapts something) :: sovittaja
adapter {n} (device to allow compatibility (in general)) :: sovitin, adapteri
adapter {n} (device allowing more plugs at an outlet) :: haaroitin, haaroituspistorasia
adapter {n} (device allowing plug to fit in an outlet of different type) :: sovitin, adapteri
adapter {n} (device that converts AC to DC for battery-powered gadgets) :: verkkosovitin, verkkoadapteri
adaptive {adj} /əˈdæp.tɪv/ (of, pertaining to, characterized by or showing adaptation; making or made fit or suitable) :: mukautuva, sopeutuva, joustava
adaptive {adj} (capable of being adapted or of adapting; susceptible of or undergoing accordant change) :: mukautuva, sopeutuva, joustava
adaptive {adj} (of a trait: that helps an individual to function well in society) :: sopeutuva, adaptiivinen
adaptogen {n} (herbal substance with a normalizing effect upon body functions) :: adaptogeeni
add {v} /æd/ (to append, as a statement) :: lisätä
add {v} (to make an addition) :: lisätä
add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up) :: laskea yhteen, summata
addedly {adv} (in addition) :: lisäksi
addend {n} /ˈæd.ɛnd/ (any of various terms added together) :: yhteenlaskettava
addend {n} (term added to another) :: lisääjä
addendum {n} (something to be added) :: liite
adder {n} /ˈædɚ/ (snake) :: käärme
adder {n} (viper) :: kyy
adder {n} (what performs arithmetic addition) :: lisääjä, summain [circuit]
adder {n} (what increases) :: lisääjä
adder's tongue {n} (fern of the genus Ophioglossum) :: käärmeenkieli
adder's tongue {n} (lily of the genus Erythronium) SEE: trout lily ::
adder's tongue {n} (Asplenium scolopendrium) SEE: hart's tongue ::
add fuel to the fire {v} (worsen a conflict) :: kaataa bensaa liekkeihin, heittää löylyä kiukaalle (to throw water on the sauna stove)
addict {n} /ˈæ.dɪkt/ (person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug) :: riippuvainen, väärinkäyttäjä, -himoinen, addikti, narkomaani, alkoholisti
addict {n} (adherent or fan) :: fani, kannattaja, entusiasti
addict {v} (to cause to become addicted) :: aiheuttaa riippuvuutta, orjuuttaa, saada koukkuun, koukuttaa, addiktoida
addict {v} (to involve oneself) :: omistautua, tulla riippuvaiseksi, jäädä koukkuun, addiktoitua
addiction {n} /əˈdɪkʃən/ (the state of being addicted) :: riippuvuus, addiktio
addiction {n} (a habit or practice) :: riippuvuus, himo, addiktio
addiction {n} (a pathological relationship) :: riippuvuus, addiktio
addictive {adj} /əˈdɪktɪv/ (tending to cause addiction) :: riippuvuutta aiheuttava, addiktiivinen, addiktoiva
addictive {adj} (enjoyable) :: koukuttava
addictive {adj} (susceptible to addiction) :: riippuvuuteen taipuvainen, addiktoituva
addictive personality {n} (personality prone to addiction) :: addiktiivinen persoonallisuus
add insult to injury {v} (to further a loss with mockery or indignity) :: pahentaa asiaa entisestään
Addis Ababa {prop} /ˌædɪs ˈæbəbə/ (capital of Ethiopia) :: Addis Abeba
Addison's disease {n} (Addison's disease) :: Addisonin tauti
addition {n} /əˈdɪʃən/ (act of adding) :: lisäys, additio [chemistry]
addition {n} (thing added) :: lisäys
addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding) :: yhteenlasku
addition {n} (arithmetic: thing added) :: yhteenlaskettava
additional {adj} /əˈdɪʃənəl/ (Supplemental or added to) :: lisä- [part of compound]
additionally {adv} (by way of addition) :: lisäksi, lisää, vielä
addition sign {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign ::
additive {n} /ˈæ.də.tɪv/ (substance added to another substance to produce certain properties) :: lisäaine
additive identity {n} (mathematics) :: yhteenlaskun neutraalialkio
additive manufacturing {n} :: lisäävä valmistus
addle {adj} /ˈæ.dəl/ (rotten) :: mätä
add-on {n} (something which can be appended to something else) :: lisä
add-on {n} (software: extension of core application) :: laajennus
addorsed {adj} (set back to back) :: selin
address {n} /əˈdɹɛs/ (direction for letters) :: osoite
address {n} (act of addressing oneself to a person) :: puhe, puhuttelu
address {n} (manner of speaking to another) :: puhetapa, ulosanti
address {n} (romantic advance) :: liehittely
address {n} (skill) :: taitavuus, taito
address {n} ((obsolete in English) act of preparing oneself) :: valmistautuminen
address {n} (description of the location of a property) :: osoite
address {n} (property) :: osoite
address {n} (computing: location in computer memory) :: muistiosoite, osoite
address {n} (Internet address) :: osoite, URL-osoite
address {v} ((obsolete in English) to prepare oneself) :: valmistautua
address {v} ((obsolete in English) to direct speech) :: puhutella
address {v} ((obsolete in English) to aim) :: osoittaa
address {v} ((obsolete in English) to prepare) :: valmistaa
address {v} (reflexively: to prepare oneself) :: valmistautua
address {v} (to direct one’s remarks to someone) :: puhutella
address {v} ((archaic in English) to clothe or array) :: pukeutua
address {v} (to direct, as words) :: osoittaa, kohdistaa
address {v} (to direct speech to) :: puhua (jollekin)
address {v} (to direct in writing) :: osoittaa
address {v} (to make suit to as a lover) :: kosiskella
address {v} (to consign or intrust to the care of another) :: antaa jonkun huostaan, jättää jonkun haltuun
address {v} (to address oneself to; to prepare oneself for; to apply oneself to; to direct one's speech or discourse to) :: puhutella, valmistautua, ryhtyä
address {v} (to direct attention towards a problem or obstacle) :: käsitellä
address {v} (to refer to a location in computer memory) :: viitata
address {v} (golf: to get ready to hit) :: valmistautua
address bar {n} (bar in a web browser that displays the address) :: osoitepalkki
address book {n} (small book with addresses) :: osoitekirja
address book {n} (computing: storage area for contacts) :: osoitekirja
addressee {n} (person or organization to which something is addressed or sent) :: vastaanottaja
addressin {n} (an extracellular protein of the endothelium of venules) :: addressiini
addressing {n} /əˈdɹɛsɪŋ/ (the process of placing an address on something) :: osoitteen määrittäminen
addressing {n} (any of several methods of locating and accessing information) :: viittaus
address space {n} (range of discrete addresses) :: osoiteavaruus
adduce {v} /əˈd(j)uːs/ (to bring forward or offer, as an argument, passage, or consideration) :: tuoda esiin, esittää
adduction {n} /əˈdʌk.ʃn̩/ (act) :: esittäminen
adduction {n} (physiology: action) :: lähennys, adduktio
adductive {adj} (bringing towards something) :: adduktiivinen
adductor {n} /əˈdʌktə(ɹ)/ (muscle) :: lähentäjälihas, adduktori
add up {v} (be reasonable or consistent) SEE: make sense ::
ade {n} /ˈeɪd/ (drink made from a fruit) :: hedelmäjuoma
adefovir dipivoxil {n} (drug) :: adefoviiridipivoksiili
Adelaide {prop} /ˈæ.dɜ.læɪ̯d/ (female given name) :: Aada
Adelaide {prop} (state capital of South Australia) :: Adelaide
Adele {prop} (language spoken in Ghana and Togo) :: adele, adelen kieli
Adelie penguin {n} (Pygoscelis adeliae) :: jääpingviini
adelphopoiesis {n} (a ceremony where two men are united with one another) :: ystävyysliitto
Aden {prop} (seaport of Yemen) :: Aden
adenine {n} /ˈæ.dəˌniːn/ (base that pairs with thymine or uracil) :: adeniini
adenitis {n} /ædəˈnaɪtɪs/ (glandular inflammation) :: rauhastulehdus, adeniitti
adenoblast {n} (embryonic cell) :: adenoblasti
adenocarcinoma {n} (any of several forms of carcinoma that originate in glandular tissue) :: adenokarsinooma
adenocyte {n} (secretory cell) :: adenosyytti
adenofibroma {n} (type of benign neoplasm) :: adenofibrooma
adenohypophysis {n} (the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland) :: adenohypofyysi
adenoid {n} (folds of lymphatic tissue covered by ciliated epithelium) :: kitarisa
adenoidectomy {n} (surgical removal of the adenoids or growths thereof) :: kitarisan poistoleikkaus, adenotomia, adenoidektomia
adenoiditis {n} (inflammation of the adenoid) :: kitarisatulehdus
adenolipoma {n} (benign lipoma of a gland) :: rauhas-rasvakasvain
adenolymphoma {n} (type of benign tumor) :: adenolymfooma
adenoma {n} /æd ˈənoʊ mʌ/ (benign tumour) :: adenooma
adenomatoid {adj} (of or pertaining to an adenoma) :: adenomatoidi
adenomatosis {n} (form of cancer) :: adenomatoosi
adenomatotic {adj} (of or pertaining to adenomatosis) :: adenomatoottinen
adenomyoma {n} :: rauhas-lihaskasvain
adenomyomatosis {n} (condition) :: adenomyomatoosi
adenomyosis {n} (condition) :: adenomyoosi
adenopathy {n} /æ.dəˈnɑ.pə.θi/ (any glandular disease) :: rauhastauti, adenopatia
adenosarcoma {n} (form of cancer) :: adenosarkooma
adenosine {n} /əˈdɛnəˌsin/ (nucleoside) :: adenosiini
adenosine monophosphate {n} (nucleotide) :: adenosiinimonofosfaatti
adenosinetriphosphatase {n} :: adenosiinitrifosfataasi
adenosine triphosphate {n} (adenosine triphosphate) :: adenosiinitrifosfaatti
adenosis {n} (benign swelling of lymph glands) :: adenoosi
adenosyltransferase {n} (any enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of an adenosyl group) :: adenosyylitransferaasi
adenotonsillectomy {n} (surgical removal of adenoids and tonsils) :: adenotonsillektomia
adenotonsillitis {n} (inflammation) :: adenotonsilliitti
adenovirus {n} (a virus of the family Adenoviridae) :: adenovirus
adenylate cyclase {n} (enzyme) :: adenylaattisyklaasi
adenylic acid {n} (nucleotide found in RNA) :: adenyylihappo
adept {adj} /əˈdɛpt/ (well skilled) :: pätevä, asiantunteva
adept {n} (one fully skilled or well versed in anything) :: asiantuntija
adeptly {adv} (with great skill or knowledge) :: pätevästi, taitavasti
adequacy {n} (sufficiency) :: sopivuus, soveltuvuus
adequate {adj} /ˈæ.də.kwɪt/ (equal to some requirement) :: asianmukainen, riittävä
adequate {v} (to make adequate) :: asianmukaistaa
adequately {adv} (in an adequate manner) :: asianmukaisesti, riittävästi, kelvollisesti
adequately {adv} (sufficiently) :: riittävästi
adequately {adv} (barely satisfactory) :: hädin tuskin riittävästi
adessive {n} (the adessive case, or a word in that case) :: adessiivi, ulko-olento
adessive case {n} (noun case used to indicate adjacent location) :: adessiivi, ulko-olento
adfix {n} (type of affix) :: etu- tai jälkiliite
adhan {n} /ɑːˈðɑːn/ ((Islam) The call to prayer) :: rukouskutsu; adhan
adhere {v} /ædˈhiɹ/ (To stick fast or cleave) :: kiinnittyä, tarttua
adhere {v} (To hold, be attached, or be devoted) :: pitää kiinni
adhere {v} (To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree) :: noudattaa, pitää kiinni
adherence {n} (union of two objects) :: kiinnittyminen, liimautuminen; adherenssi
adherence {n} (support for a cause) :: kannatus
adherence {n} ((medicine)) :: adherenssi, hoitoon sitoutuminen
adherent {adj} /ædˈ(h)ɪəɹənt/ (adhesive) :: kiinnittyvä
adherent {adj} (that has the quality of clinging) :: adherentti, tarttuva
adherent {n} (a person who has membership in some group) :: jäsen
adhesin {n} (factor enabling bacteria to adhere to epithelial surfaces) :: adhesiini
adhesion {n} (ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance) :: adheesio
adhesion {n} (persistent attachment or loyalty) :: sitoutuminen
adhesion {n} (abnormal union of surface) :: adheesio, yhteenkasvaminen
adhesive {adj} /ædˈhi.sɪv/ (sticky) :: tarttuva, kiinnittyvä, adhesiivinen
adhesive {adj} (clinging) :: tarttuva, kiinnittyvä, adhesiivinen
adhesive {n} (substance that provides or promotes adhesion) :: sidosaine, liima, sideaine
adhesive capsulitis {n} (disorder) :: jäätynyt olkapää, adhesiivinen kapsuliitti
adhesive tape {n} (adhesive tape generally) :: teippi
adhesive tape {n} (medical tape) :: kiinnelaastari, haavateippi, ihoteippi
ad hoc {adj} /ˌæd ˈhɒk/ (for this particular purpose) :: ad hoc; tätä tarkoitusta varten
ad hoc {adv} (on the spur of the moment) :: noin vain, siitä vain, tuosta vain
ad hoc {adv} (for a particular purpose) :: jotakin varten, nimenomaisesti, varta vasten
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special ::
ad hoc {adj} (impromptu) SEE: impromptu ::
ad hominem {n} (logical fallacy) :: ad hominem
ad hominem {n} (personal attack) :: ad hominem, henkilökohtaisuus
adiabat {n} (curve) :: adiabaatti
adiabatic {adj} /ˌeɪdaɪəˈbætɪk/ (occurring without gain or loss of heat) :: adiabaattinen
adiadochokinesia {n} (inability to perform rapid alternating movements) :: adiadokokineesi
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
adieu {n} /əˈdu/ (a farewell) :: hyvästi
Adige {prop} /ˈadɪdʒeɪ/ (river in South Tyrol) :: Adige
ad infinitum {adv} /ˌæd ɪnfɪˈnaɪtəm/ (endlessly) :: ikuisesti, loputtomasti, loputtomiin
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
adipate {n} (salt or ester of adipic acid) :: adipaatti
adipic acid {n} (crystalline dicarboxylic acid) :: adipiinihappo
adipiodone {n} (drug) :: adipiodoni
adipo- {prefix} (fat) :: adipo-
adipocyte {n} (type of cell) :: rasvasolu, adiposyytti
adipolysis {n} (process) :: adipolyysi
adipolytic {adj} (converting fat into free fatty acids) :: adipolyyttinen
adiponitrile {n} :: adiponitriili, adipiinihapponitriili
adipose {adj} /ˈæd.ɪ.poʊs/ (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat) :: rasva-, ihra-, rasvainen
adipose {adj} (slightly overweight, somewhat fat and hence soft) :: pullea
adipose {n} (animal fat stored in the tissue of the body) :: rasvakudos, ihra
adipose fin {n} (a soft, fleshy fin found on the back of a fish) :: rasvaevä
adipose tissue {n} (tissue) :: rasvakudos
adjacency {n} (the quality of being adjacent, or near enough so as to touch) :: viereisyys, vierekkäisyys
adjacent {adj} /əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/ (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring) :: viereinen
adjacent {adj} (just before, after, or facing) :: viereinen
adjacent angle {n} :: vieruskulma, viereinen kulma
adjectival {adj} /ˌæ.dʒəkˈtaɪ.vəl/ (functioning as an adjective) :: adjektiivi- (in compound words), adjektiivinen (otherwise)
adjectivally {adv} /ˌædʒɛkˈtaɪvəli/ (as an adjective) :: adjektiivisesti
adjective {n} /ˈæ.d͡ʒɪk.tɪv/ ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) :: adjektiivi, laatusana
adjective {v} (To make an adjective of) :: muuntaa adjektiiviksi
adjective {adj} (adjectival) SEE: adjectival ::
adjective phrase {n} (Phrase that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun) :: adjektiivilauseke
adjectivity {n} (state or condition) :: adjektiivisuus
adjudicate {v} /əˈdʒudɪˌkeɪt/ (to settle a legal case or other dispute) :: ratkaista, tuomita
adjudicate {v} (to act as a judge) :: tuomita
adjudication {n} /ə(d)ˌd͡ʒu.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (judgment) :: tuomio
adjunct {n} /ˈædʒ.ʌŋkt/ (appendage) :: adjunkti
adjust {v} /əˈdʒʌst/ (to modify) :: mukauttaa, muuttaa, muokata, sopeuttaa
adjust {v} (to improve or rectify) :: muuttaa
adjust {v} (to settle an insurance claim) :: korvata
adjust {v} (to change to fit circumstances) :: sopeutua
adjustable {adj} (capable of being adjusted) :: säädettävä
adjusted {adj} /əˈdʒʌstɪd/ (compensated in order to avoid bias) :: sovitettu, korjattu
adjustment {n} /əˈdʒʌst.mənt/ (action of adjusting) :: säätäminen, säätö
adjustment {n} (result of adjusting, small change) :: säätö, hienosäätö
adjustment {n} (settling or balancing of a financial account) :: korjaus
adjustment {n} (process of balancing conflicting needs) :: sopeutuminen
adjustment {n} (assessment or settlement by an insurance company) :: arviointi [assessment]; korvaus, korvaaminen [settlement]
adjutant {n} /ˈæ.dʒə.tənt/ (lower-ranking officer) :: adjutantti
adjutant {n} (assistant) :: adjutantti, avustaja
adjuvant {adj} /ˈædʒ.ə.vənt/ (helpful) :: avustava, auttavainen, tuki-
adjuvant {adj} (medicine: involving an adjuvant) :: adjuvanttinen
adjuvant {n} (someone who helps or facilitases) :: avustaja, apuri, assistentti, adjutantti, apumies
adjuvant {n} (medicine: something that enhances the effectiveness of a medical treatment) :: adjuvantti
adjuvant {n} (pharmacology: additive that aids or modifies the action of the principal ingredient) :: adjuvantti
adjuvant {n} (pesticides: additive that enhances the efficacy of pesticides) :: liitännäisaine
adjuvant {n} (immunology: substance enhancing the immune response) :: adjuvantti
adjuvant therapy {n} (secondary treatment) :: adjuvanttihoito
admin {n} /ˈædˌmɪn/ (systems administrator) :: ylläpitäjä
admin {n} (user with privileges) :: ylläpitäjä
admin {v} (to serve as admin) :: ylläpitää
adminicle {n} (aid) SEE: aid ::
adminicle {n} (auxiliary) SEE: auxiliary ::
administer {v} /ədˈmɪnɪstɚ/ (to cause to take by openly offering or through deceit) :: annostella, antaa
administer {v} (to work in an administrative capacity; to supervise) :: hallita, johtaa, hallinnoida
administer {v} (to minister to the sick) :: palvella, hoitaa
administerial {adj} (of or pertaining to administering or administration) :: hallinnollinen
administrate {v} (administer) SEE: administer ::
administration {n} /ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən/ (the act of administering) :: hallinto, hallintotoimi
administration {n} (the executive part of government) :: johto, hallinto
administration {n} (the act of administering or tendering something to another) :: annostelu
administrative {adj} /ədˈmɪ.nəsˌtɹeɪ.ɾɪv/ (of or relating to administering or administration) :: hallinnollinen
administrative law {n} (laws that pertain to the administrative agencies of government) :: hallinto-oikeus
administratively {adv} (in an administrative manner) :: hallinnollisesti
administrative region {n} (type of region) :: hallinnollinen alue, hallintoalue
administrator {n} /ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtɚ/ (one who administers affairs) :: hallintovirkamies [in gov't], hallinnoija
administrator {n} (law: one to whom the right of administration has been committed) :: uskottu mies
administrator {n} (computing: one who responsible for software and maintenance of a computer or network) :: ylläpitäjä
admirable {adj} /ˈæd.məɹ.ə.bəl/ (deserving of the highest esteem or admiration) :: ihailtava
admirably {adv} /ˈæd.mɪɹ.əˌbli/ (in an admirable manner) :: ihailtavasti
admirably {adv} (to an admirable degree) :: ihailtavan
admiral {n} /ˈæd.mə.ɹəl/ (naval officer of the highest rank) :: amiraali, suuramiraali, laivastoamiraali
admiral {n} (a naval officer of high rank, immediately below Admiral of the Fleet) :: amiraali
admiral {n} (the ship which carries the admiral, the flagship) :: lippulaiva
admiral {n} (prince or Saracen leader under the Sultan) :: amiraali
admiral {n} (butterfly) :: amiraali
admiralcy {n} (the rank of admiral) :: amiraalin arvo
admiral of the fleet {n} (top naval rank) :: laivastoamiraali; suuramiraali [Germany]
Admiral of the Fleet {prop} (nautical rank) SEE: admiral of the fleet ::
admiralship {n} (state, property, or office of being an admiral) :: amiraalius
admiralty {n} /ˈæd.mɪ.ɹəl.ti/ (office or jurisdiction) :: amiraalinvirka [office]; amiraalikunta [jurisdiction]
admiralty {n} (department or officers) :: merivoimien esikunta; amiraliteetti [department]; amiraalikunta [officers]
admiralty {n} (court) :: merioikeus
admiralty {n} (system of jurisdiction) :: merioikeus
admiralty {n} (building) :: amiraliteetti
admiralty law {n} (area of law that deals with ships at sea) :: merioikeus
admiration {n} /ˌæd.mɚˈeɪʃ.ən/ (adoration; appreciation) :: ihailu
admire {v} /ədˈmaɪə/ (regard with wonder and delight) :: ihailla
admirer {n} /ædˈmaɪɚ.ɹɚ/ (one who admires) :: ihailija
admissible {adj} (capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable) :: hyväksyttävä, kelvollinen, pätevä
admissibly {adv} (admissible manner) :: hyväksyttävästi, kelvollisesti
admission {n} /ædˈmɪʃ.ən/ (the act or practice of admitting) :: hyväksyminen, päästäminen
admission {n} (power or permission to enter) :: pääsy
admission {n} ((law) acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another) :: myöntäminen
admission {n} (a fact, point, or statement admitted) :: myöntäminen
admission {n} (cost or fee associated with attendance or entry) :: pääsymaksu, sisäänpääsymaksu
admit {v} /ədˈmɪt/ (to allow to enter; to grant entrance) :: päästää (sisään), sallia
admit {v} (to allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege) :: myöntää, hyväksyä
admit {v} (to concede as true) :: myöntää
admit {v} (to be capable of, to permit) :: sallia
admit {v} (admit into hospital) :: ottaa sisään
admittance {n} /ədˈmɪt.n̩s/ (act of admitting) :: myöntäminen
admittance {n} (permission to enter, the power or right of entrance) :: kulkulupa, kulkuoikeus
admittance {n} (actual entrance, reception) :: sisäänkäynti, vastaanotto
admittance {n} (physics: reciprocal of impedance) :: admittanssi
admixture {n} (instance of mixing in) :: lisäys, lisääminen
admixture {n} (mixture) :: sekoitus
admonition {n} (gentle or friendly reproof) :: nuhde, nuhteleminen, huomautus, varoitus
ad nauseam {adv} /ˌæd ˈnɔːziəm/ (to a sickening degree) :: kyllästymiseen saakka
adnexitis {n} (inflammation) :: adneksiitti
adnominal {n} (word or phrase qualifying a noun) :: substantiivin määre
ado {n} /əˈduː/ (doing; trouble; difficulty; troublesome business; fuss; bustle; as, to make a great ado about trifles) :: meteli, mekkala, älämölö
adobe {n} /əˈdoʊ.bi/ (unburnt brick) :: savitiili
adobe {n} (the earth from which such bricks are made) :: tiilisavi
adobe {n} (a house made of adobe brick) :: savitiilitalo
adolescence {n} /ˌædəˈlɛsəns/ (period between childhood and maturity) :: murrosikä, nuoruusikä, nuoruus
adolescent {adj} /ˌædəˈlɛsənt/ (characteristic of adolescence) :: nuori
adolescent {n} (a teenager) :: nuori
Adolf {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph ::
Adolph {prop} /ˈeɪ.dɔlf/ (male given name) :: Aatu
Adolphus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph ::
Adonis {n} /əˈdoʊnɪs/ (beautiful man) :: adonis
adopt {v} /əˈdɑpt/ (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) :: adoptoida
adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally) :: omaksua
adoptee {n} (adopted son or daughter) :: ottolapsi, adoptiolapsi
adoptee {n} (person who was adopted as a child) :: ottolapsi, adoptiolapsi
adoption {n} /əˈdɑp.ʃən/ (act of adopting, or state of being adopted) :: adoptio
adoption {n} (admission to a more intimate relation) :: adoptio
adoption {n} (choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so) :: adoptio
adoption {n} (transfer between old system to another) :: käyttöönotto
adoptive {adj} (related through adoption) :: adoptio-, otto- [of parents]
adoptive father {n} (man who has adopted a child) :: adoptioisä
adoptive mother {n} (woman who has adopted a child) :: adoptioäiti
adoptive sibling {n} (adoptive sibling) :: adoptiosisarus
adorable {adj} /əˈdɔːɹəbəl/ (befitting of being adored) :: ihailtava, hurmaava
adorably {adv} /əˈdɔɹəbli/ (in an adorable manner) :: ihailtavasti, hurmaavasti
adoral {adj} :: adoraalinen
adore {v} /əˈdɔɹ/ (worship) :: palvoa
adore {v} (love with entire heart and soul) :: ihailla
adorn {v} /əˈdɔɹn/ (to make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate) :: komistaa, koristaa, koristella
adposition {n} /ˈæd.pəˌzɪ.ʃən/ (element combining with a phrase and indicating how to interpret the phrase in the context) :: adpositio, suhdesana
adpositional {adj} (pertaining to or of the nature of an adposition) :: adpositionaalinen
adrafinil {n} (drug) :: adrafiniili
adrenal {adj} /æˈdɹiːnəl/ (pertaining to adrenal glands) :: lisämunuais-, lisämunuaisen
adrenal {n} (noun sense) SEE: adrenal gland ::
adrenal cortex {n} (outer portion of the adrenal gland) :: lisämunuaiskuori
adrenalectomy {n} (removal of one or both adrenal glands) :: adrenalektomia
adrenal gland {n} (endocrine gland situated above the kidney) :: lisämunuainen
adrenaline {n} /əˈdɹɛnəlɪn/ (the compound epinephrine) :: adrenaliini
adrenaline junkie {n} (one who is addicted with the sensation of risky, exciting situations) :: adrenaliiniaddikti
adrenalitis {n} (inflammation of one or both adrenal glands) :: lisämunuaistulehdus, adrenaliitti
adrenarche {n} (stage of maturation) :: adrenarke
adrenergic {adj} (having the quality of adrenaline or epinephrine) :: adrenerginen
adrenergic {adj} (containing or releasing adrenaline) :: adrenerginen
adrenergic receptor {n} (site innervated by adrenergic neuron) :: adrenoreseptori
adrenochrome {n} (oxidation product of adrenaline or epinephrine) :: adrenokromi
adrenocortical {adj} (relating to adrenal cortex) :: adrenokortikaalinen; lisämunuaiskuoren [genitive of noun]
adrenocorticotropic {adj} (that stimulates the adrenal cortex) :: adrenokortikotrooppinen, adrenotrooppinen
adrenocorticotropin {n} (hormone) :: adrenokortikotropiini
adrenoleukodystrophy {n} (disease) :: adrenoleukodystrofia
adrenomedullin {n} (peptide) :: adrenomedulliini
Adrian {prop} /ˈeɪ.dɹiː.ən/ (male given name) :: Ari
Adriatic {prop} (Adriatic Sea) SEE: Adriatic Sea ::
Adriatic Sea {prop} /eɪ.dɹiˈæt.ɪk/ (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice) :: Adrianmeri
adrift {adj} /əˈdɹɪft/ (floating at random) :: tuuliajolla
adrift {adv} (in a drifting condition) :: tuuliajolla
adroit {adj} (dexterous) SEE: dexterous ::
adsorb {v} /ədˈzɔːb/ (to accumulate on a surface) :: pidättää, adsorboida
adsorbent {n} (substance on which the adsorbate accumulates) :: adsorbentti
adsorption {n} (process of forming a film on the surface of a solid) :: adsorptio
adsorptive {adj} (pertaining to adsorption) :: adsorboiva
adularia {n} (variety of orthoclase feldspar) :: adulaari
adulation {n} /ˌædʒəˈleɪʃən/ (Flattery; fulsome praise) :: mielistely, imartelu
adulator {n} (one who adulates) :: mielistelijä, imartelija
adult {n} /əˈdʌlt/ (fully grown human) :: aikuinen
adult {adj} (fully grown) :: aikuinen
adult {adj} (intended for adults) :: aikuis-, aikuisille suunnattu
adult content {n} (content not appropriate for children) :: aikuisille suunnattu sisältö (adult-oriented content)
adulter {v} (adulterate) SEE: adulterate ::
adulterate {v} (corrupt) :: väärentää
adulterate {v} (spoil by adding impurities) :: väärentää, laimentaa
adulterate {v} (commit adultery) :: käydä vieraissa
adulterer {n} /əˈdʌltəɹɚ/ (husband or wife who commits adultery) :: avionrikkoja
adulteress {n} (woman or girl who commits adultery) :: avionrikkoja
adulterous {adj} (of or characterized by adultery) :: uskoton [unfaithful in marriage]; haureellinen, rietas
adultery {n} /əˈdʌltəɹi/ (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) :: aviorikos, huorinteko, huoruus, haureus, uskottomuus
adultery {n} (lewdness or unchastity of thought as well as act, as forbidden by the seventh commandment) :: huorinteko [1933]; aviorikos [1992]
adultery {n} (faithlessness in religion; as used in Jeremiah 3:9) :: aviorikos [1933]; uskottomuus [1992]
adulthood {n} (time of life) :: täysi-ikäisyys, aikuisuus, aikuisikä
adult learner {n} (student over 25) :: aikuisopiskelija
adult movie {n} (pornographic film) :: eroottinen elokuva, aikuisviihde-elokuva
adult shop {n} (sex shop) SEE: sex shop ::
adult star {n} (porn star) SEE: porn star ::
adunc {adj} /ˈæ.dʌnk/ (curved inward) :: koukku-
advance {v} /ədˈvæns/ (to bring forward; to move towards the front; to make to go on) :: siirtää eteenpäin
advance {v} (to raise to a higher rank; to promote) :: ylentää, antaa ylennys
advance {v} (to accelerate the growth or progress; to further; to forward) :: edistää, kiihdyttää
advance {v} (to bring to view or notice; to offer or propose) :: esittää
advance {v} (to make earlier, as an event or date; to hasten) :: aikaistaa
advance {v} (to furnish, as money or other value, before it becomes due) :: antaa/maksaa ennakkoa
advance {v} (to raise to a higher point; to enhance; to raise in rate) :: korottaa
advance {v} (to move forwards, to approach) :: edetä, lähestyä
advance {n} (forward move) :: edistysaskel, eteneminen
advance {n} (amount of money) :: laina [loan]; ennakko, ennakkomaksu [sthg paid in advance]
advance {n} (rise in price) :: hinnankorotus
advance {n} (opening approach) :: lähestyminen, iskuyritys
advanced {adj} /ədˈvænst/ (at or close to state of the art) :: kehittynyt
advanced {adj} (late) :: myöhäinen
advanced degree {n} (university degree) :: jatkotutkinto
advance guard {n} (leading unit of an army) :: etujoukot
advancement {n} /ɛdˈvæns.mɛnt/ (act of advancing) :: edistyminen
advancement {n} (state of being advanced) :: edistys
advancement {n} (property given in advance of future distribution) :: ennakkoperintö [inheritance], ennakko [general]
advancement {n} (payment in advance) SEE: advance payment ::
advance payment {n} (part of a contractually due sum) :: ennakkomaksu
advance person {n} (one who travels in advance of others) :: matkanjärjestäjä
advancer {n} /ədˈvænsɚ/ (one who advances or puts forward) :: etenijä (one who advances); edistäjä [one who puts forward]
advantage {n} /ədˈvæn.tɪdʒ/ (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success) :: etu, hyöty
advantage {n} (superiority; mastery) :: yliote
advantage {n} (superiority of state, or that which gives it) :: etu, hyöty
advantage {n} (the score where one player wins a point after deuce) :: etu
advantage {v} (to provide with an edge) :: antaa etulyöntiasema
advantaged {adj} (having been given a advantage) :: etuoikeutettu
advantaged {adj} (financially secure) :: hyväosainen
advantageous {adj} /ˌædvənˈteɪd͡ʒəs/ (being of advantage, see also: beneficial) :: edullinen, hyödyllinen
advantageously {adv} (in an advantageous manner) :: edullisesti, hyödyllisesti
advection {n} /ædˈvɛkʃən/ (The horizontal movement of a body of atmosphere (or other fluid) along with a concurrent transport of its temperature, humidity etc.) :: advektio
advent {n} /ˈæd.vɛnt/ (coming, arrival) :: saapuminen
advent {n} (Christianity) SEE: Advent ::
Advent {prop} (coming of the Christ) :: Kristuksen tuleminen
Advent {prop} (season before Christmas) :: adventti
Advent calendar {n} (calendar used to count down the days of Advent) :: joulukalenteri
Adventist {n} (believer in the Second Advent of Jesus; an advocate of Adventism) :: adventisti
Adventist {n} (member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) :: adventisti
Advent Sunday {prop} (fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, the start of Advent) :: adventtisunnuntai
adventure {n} /ədˈvɛnt͡ʃɚ/ (encountering of risks) :: seikkailu
adventure {n} (remarkable occurrence) :: seikkailu
adventure {n} (mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard) :: seikkailu
adventure {n} (adventure game) :: seikkailupeli
adventure {n} (that which happens without design) :: sattuma
adventure {n} (risk; danger; peril) :: vaara
adventure {v} (to risk) :: ottaa riski, riskeerata
adventure {v} (to run the risk of) :: riskeerata
adventure education {n} (use of adventure to reach educational goals) :: seikkailukasvatus
adventure game {n} (video game genre) :: seikkailupeli
adventurer {n} /ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ɚ/ (one who enjoys adventures) :: seikkailija
adventuresome {adj} (prone or willing to undertake adventures) :: seikkailunhaluinen
adventuress {n} /ədˈvɛntʃəɹɪs/ (female adventurer) :: seikkailijatar
adventurism {n} /ədˈvɛn(t)ʃəɹɪz(ə)m/ (policy led by excessive risk taking) :: seikkailupolitiikka
adventurous {adj} /ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ʌs/ (inclined to adventure) :: seikkailunhaluinen
adventurous {adj} (full of hazard) :: uskalias, uhkarohkea
adventurousness {n} (quality of being adventurous) :: seikkailunhaluisuus
adverb {n} /ˈæd.vɝb/ (lexical category) :: adverbi, seikkasana
adverbial {adj} /ædˈvɝbi.əl/ (of or relating to an adverb) :: adverbiaalinen
adverbial {n} (grammar: word or phrase modifying a verb) :: adverbiaali
adverbiality {n} (condition) :: adverbiaalisuus
adverbially {adv} (as an adverb) :: adverbiaalisesti, adverbisesti
adverbial participle {n} (linguistic sense) :: adverbiaalipartisiippi
adverbial phrase {n} (type of phrase) :: adverbilauseke, adverbiaalilauseke
adversarial system {n} (system of law) :: syyttämisjärjestelmä
adversary {n} /ˈæd.vəɹ.sɛɹi/ (opponent) :: vastustaja, vastapuoli, vihollinen
adversative {adj} (expressing opposition or difference) :: adversatiivinen
adversatively {adv} (in an adversative manner) :: adversatiivisesti
adverse {adj} /ˈæd.və(ɹ)s/ (unfavourable) :: epäsuotuisa
adverse {adj} (contrary, hostile) :: vastakkainen
adverse {adj} (opposite) :: nurja
adverse effect {n} (side-effect, especially a negative one in pharmacology) :: haittavaikutus, sivuvaikutus
adverse possession {n} :: kuulutuslainhuuto nautinnan perusteella
adversity {n} /ædˈvɝ.sɪ.ti/ (state of being adverse) :: vastoinkäyminen
adversity {n} (adverse event) :: vastoinkäyminen
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement ::
advertently {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
advertise {v} /ˈadvə(ɹ)taɪz/ ((transitive) to give public notice of; to announce publicly) :: julistaa, ilmoittaa, kuuluttaa
advertise {v} ((intransitive) to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others) :: mainostaa
advertise {v} ((transitive) to provide public information about (a product, services etc.)) :: mainostaa
advertisement {n} /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ (commercial solicitation) :: mainos, mainostus
advertisement {n} (public notice) :: ilmoitus
advertiser {n} (one who advertises) :: mainostaja
advertising {n} /ˈædvə(ɹ)ˌtaɪzɪŋ/ (communication) :: mainostaminen
advertising {n} (industry or profession) :: mainosala
advertising agency {n} (business which handles advertising) :: mainostoimisto
advertising mail {n} (type of mail) :: mainosposti
advice {n} /ædˈvaɪs/ (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) :: neuvo
advice {n} (information or notice given) :: tieto
advice column {n} (newspaper feature) :: ihmissuhdepalsta
advice columnist {n} (someone who writes for an advice column) :: neuvoja, neuvontapalstan pitäjä
advisable {adj} (worthy of being recommended) :: suositeltava
advisatory {adj} (advisory) SEE: advisory ::
advise {v} /ədˈvaɪz/ (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn) :: neuvoa
advise {v} (to give information or notice to; to inform) :: neuvoa
advised {adj} /ədˈvaɪzd/ (considered or thought out; resulting from deliberation) :: harkittu
advised {adj} (informed, appraised or made aware) :: tiedotettu, ilmoitettu
adviser {n} (advisor) SEE: advisor ::
advisor {n} /ædˈvaɪz.ɚ/ :: neuvonantaja
advisory {adj} /ədˈvaɪzəɹi/ (able to give advice) :: neuvoa-antava
advisory {adj} (containing advice) :: neuvoa-antava
advisory {n} (A warning) :: tiedotus, varoitus
advocaat {n} /ˈadvəkɑː/ (liqueur) :: munalikööri
advocacy {n} /ˈæd.və.kə.si/ (the profession of an advocate) :: asianajo
advocacy {n} (the act of arguing in favour of, or supporting something) :: kannatus, kannattaminen, puolesta puhuminen
advocacy {n} (the practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard) :: kannatus, kannattaminen, puoltaminen
advocacy group {n} (people who use various forms of advocacy to influence public opinion) :: etujärjestö, painostusryhmä, kampanjaryhmä, kansalaisjärjestö
advocate {n} /ˈæd.və.kət/ (person who argues the case of another) :: asianajaja
advocate {n} (person who speaks in support of something) :: kannattaja, puoltaja, puolestapuhuja
advocate {v} (argue for) :: puolustaa, puhua puolesta, kannattaa
advocate {v} (encourage support for) :: kannattaa
adware {n} (software application) :: mainosohjelma
Adygea {prop} /ɑːdɪˈɡeɪ.ə/ (republic of south-west Russia) :: Adygeia
Adygei {prop} (Adygei) SEE: Adyghe ::
Adyghe {prop} /ˈɑː.dɪ.ɡeɪ/ (language spoken in the Republic of Adygea) :: adyge
adze {n} /ædz/ (cutting tool) :: koverokirves, talso, telso, kourukirves
adze {v} (to shape material with an adze) :: veistää koverokirveellä
adzuki {n} (azuki bean) SEE: azuki bean ::
aedeagus {n} /iˈdi.ə.ɡəs/ (copulatory organ of insects) :: aedeagus
aedile {n} /ˈiːdaɪl/ (elected official in Ancient Rome) :: ediili
Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea ::
Aegean {adj} /iˈdʒi.ən/ (of or relating to Bronze Age civilization) :: aigeialainen
Aegean Sea {prop} /əˈdʒi.ən ˈsi/ (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) :: Aigeianmeri, Egeanmeri
aegirine {n} (mineral) :: akmiitti
aegis {n} /ˈiːdʒɪs/ (guidance, protection) :: suojelus, suoja, turva
aenigmatite {n} (inosilicate mineral of sodium and iron) :: enigmatiitti
aeolian {adj} (of, or relating to the wind) :: aeolinen
aeolian {adj} (carried, deposited or eroded by the wind) :: aeolinen
Aeolian {adj} (Relating to the Greek god of wind) :: aiolinen
aeolian harp {n} (type of harp) :: tuulikannel
aerate {v} (to supply with oxygen or air) :: ilmastaa
aeration {n} (the circulation of air) :: ilmaaminen, ilmaus
aerator {n} (a device which mixes air with a substance) :: ilmastin
aerenchyma {n} (airy tissue found in the roots of aquatic plants) :: aerenkyymi, tuuletussolukko
aerial {adj} /ˈɛɹ.i.əl/ (taking place in the air) :: ilma-, lento-
aerial {adj} (ethereal) :: eteerinen
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) :: antenni
aerial cableway {n} (assortment of cables suspended above the ground) :: köysirata
aerial device {n} (aerial work platform) SEE: aerial work platform ::
aerialist {n} (acrobat performing high off the ground) SEE: tightrope walker ::
aerial photography {n} (taking photographs from the air) :: ilmakuvaus
aerial work platform {n} (device used to provide temporary access to areas at high levels) :: henkilönostin
aero- {prefix} (air; aircraft) :: aero-
aerobatics {n} (stunts, performed in an airplane) :: aerobatia, taitolento
aerobe {n} (organism that can tolerate the presence of oxygen) :: aerobiontti
aerobic {adj} /ɛˈɹoʊbɪk/ (living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen) :: aerobinen
aerobic {adj} (involving or improving oxygen consumption by the body) :: aerobinen
aerobics {n} /əˈɹoʊbɪks/ (exercise for cardiovascular fitness) :: aerobikkaus
aerobiology {n} (study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials) :: aerobiologia
aerobiosis {n} (form of life that is sustained by the presence of air) :: aerobioosi
aerodrome {n} (airfield) :: lentopaikka, lentokenttä
aerodynamic {adj} (aerodynamic) :: aerodynaaminen
aerodynamically {adv} (In an aerodynamic manner) :: aerodynaamisesti
aerodynamics {n} (The science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases) :: aerodynamiikka
aerodyne {n} (heavier-than-air aircraft) :: ilmaa raskaampi ilma-alus
aeroelastic {adj} (of or pertaining to aeroelasticity) :: aeroelastinen
aeroelasticity {n} (scientific study of the effect of aerodynamic loads on structures.) :: aeroelastisuus
aeroembolism {n} (condition) SEE: air embolism ::
Aeroflot {prop} (Russian airline) :: Aeroflot
aerogel {n} (ultralight solid-state substance) :: aerogeeli
aerogram {n} (foldable and gummed paper for writing a letter) :: ilmakirje
aerology {n} (branch of meteorology) :: aerologia
aeromechanics {n} (branch of mechanics) :: aeromekaniikka
aeronomy {n} (study of the upper atmosphere) :: aeronomia
aerophobia {n} (fear of flying) :: aerofobia
aerophobic {adj} (having a fear of flying) :: aerofobinen
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane ::
aerosinusitis {n} (type of sinusitis) :: aerosinuiitti
aerosol {n} /ˈɛɹəsɔl/ (fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium) :: aerosoli
aerosol {n} (physics: colloidal system with gas as dispersal medium) :: aerosoli
aerosol {n} (aerosol can) SEE: aerosol can ::
aerosol bomb {n} (type of weapon) :: aerosolipommi
aerosol can {n} (pressurized canister) :: suihkepullo, aerosolipullo
aerospace {n} (Earth's atmosphere and space the around it) :: ilmakehä ja avaruus
aerospace {adj} (of or relating to aircraft) :: ilmailu-
aerostat {n} (aircraft) :: aerostaatti
aerostat {n} (balloon) :: aerostaatti
aerostatic {adj} (pneumatic) SEE: pneumatic ::
aerostatics {n} (study of gases in equilibrium) :: aerostatiikka
aerothorax {n} (pneumothorax) SEE: pneumothorax ::
aerotitis {n} (type of otitis) :: aero-otiitti
aerotropism {n} (growth of an organism either towards, or away from a region of higher oxygen content) :: aerotropismi
Aeschylus {prop} /ˈɛs.kə.ləs/ (Greek tragedian) :: Aiskhylos {m}
Aesculapian snake {n} (a European species of nonvenomous snake, Zamenis longissimus, syn. Coluber longissimus, associated with Aesculapius in Ancient Greek mythology) :: pensaskäärme, asklepioksenkäärme
aesir {n} (Æsir) SEE: Æsir ::
Aesop {prop} /ˈiːsɒp/ (ancient Greek author) :: Aisopos
aesthete {n} /ˈɛs.θiːt/ (someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature) :: esteetikko
aesthetic {adj} /es.ˈθe.tɪk/ (concerned with beauty) :: esteettinen
aesthetic {n} (that which appeals to the senses) :: estetiikka
aesthetic {n} (the study of art or beauty) SEE: aesthetics ::
aesthetically {adv} (in an aesthetic manner) :: esteettisesti
aesthetics {n} /ɛsˈθɛt.ɪks/ (study or philosophy of beauty) :: estetiikka
aesthetic surgery {n} (cosmetic surgery) SEE: cosmetic surgery ::
aestivation {n} /ˌiːstɪˈveɪʃən/ (state of inactivity and metabolic depression during summer) :: estivaatio
aestivation {n} (vernation of the parts of flower inside a bud; prefloration) :: silmuasento, vernaatio
aetiology {n} /itiˈɑlədʒi/ (study of causes or origins) :: etiologia, syyoppi
aetiology {n} (origins of a disease) :: etiologia, taudinsyy
Aetolia {prop} /iːˈtəʊ.liː.ə/ (region of Greece) :: Aitolia
Aetolian {adj} (of or relating to Aetolia) :: aitolialainen
Aetolian {n} (native of Aetolia) :: aitolialainen
afar {adv} /ʌˈfaɹ/ (at, to or from a great distance) :: kaukana (at), kauas (to), kaukaa (from)
Afar {prop} (language) :: afar, afarin kieli
a fault confessed is half redressed {proverb} :: tunnustettu virhe on puoliksi korjattu
afebrile {adj} (having no fever, without a fever) :: kuumeeton, afebriili
a few {determiner} (a small number of) :: muutama, jokunen
a few {pron} (a small number of things) :: muutama, jokunen
affable {adj} /ˈæf.ə.bəl/ (friendly, courteous, sociable) :: mukava
affair {n} /əˈfɛɹ/ (that which is done or is to be done) :: asia
affair {n} (any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely) :: asia
affair {n} (action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle) :: selkkaus
affair {n} (material object (vaguely designated)) :: esine
affair {n} (adulterous relationship) :: syrjähyppy
affect {v} /əˈfɛkt/ (to influence or alter) :: vaikuttaa
affect {v} (to move to emotion) :: liikuttaa
affect {v} (to infect or harm) :: vahingoittaa
affect {v} /əˈfɛkt/ (to feel affection for; to like, be fond of) :: pitää
affect {v} (to make a false display of) :: esittää, teeskennellä
affect {n} /ˈæ.fɛkt/ (psychology: feeling in response to a stimulus) :: affekti
affectation {n} /ˌæf.ɛkˈteɪ.ʃən/ (an attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real) :: teeskentely
affectation {n} (an unusual mannerism) :: maneeri
affected {adj} /əˈfɛktɪd/ (simulated in order to impress) :: teennäinen, teeskennelty
affected {adj} (emotionally moved, touched) :: liikuttunut
affected {adj} (artificial, stilted) :: teennäinen
affecting {adj} /əˈfɛktɪŋ/ (producing strong emotions) :: koskettava, liikuttava
affection {n} /əˈfɛkʃən/ (act of affecting) :: vaikuttaminen, liikuttaminen, vahingoittaminen
affection {n} (state of being affected) :: liikutus, vahingoittuneisuus
affection {n} (attribute, quality or property) :: ominaisuus
affection {n} (any emotion) :: tunne, tuntemus, mielenliikutus
affection {n} (feeling of love or strong attachment) :: mieltymys, kiintymys
affection {n} (morbid symptom) :: affektio, tauti, vaiva
affectionate {adj} /əˈfɛkʃənət/ (loving) :: hellä, rakastava
affectionate {adj} (indicating love) :: hellä, rakastava
affectionately {adv} /əˈfɛkʃənətli/ (in an affectionate manner) :: hellästi
affective {adj} /əˈfɛktɪv/ (relating to, resulting from, or influenced by the emotions) :: affektiivinen, liikuttunut, tunteellinen
affective {adj} (emotional; emotionally charged) :: affektiivinen, tunteellinen, tunnepitoinen
affective disorder {n} (disorder) :: mielialahäiriö, affektiivinen häiriö, affektihäiriö
affectively {adv} (in an affective way) :: affektiivisesti, tunteellisesti, tunnepitoisesti
affectivity {n} (ability to experience affects) :: tunneherkkyys
Affenpinscher {n} (Affenpinscher) :: apinapinseri, affenpinseri
afferent {adj} /ˈæ.fɜː.ənt/ (Carrying towards) :: afferentti
affiance {v} /əˈfaɪəns/ (to be betrothed to) :: olla kihloissa
affidavit {n} /ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪt/ (legal, signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement) :: valaehtoinen kirjallinen todistus
affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt ::
affiliate {n} /əˈfɪl.i.et/ (something that is affiliated) :: tytäryhtiö
affiliate {v} (to fix the paternity of) :: määrittää isyys
affiliate {v} (to connect in the way of descent) :: johtaa
affiliate {v} (to attach (to) or unite (with)) :: liittyä
affiliated {adj} (associated, related or united) :: liittyvä
affiliation {n} /əˌfɪliˈeɪʃən/ (The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another) :: yhteys, kytkös
affiliation {n} (A club, society or umbrella organisation so formed, especially a trade union) :: liitto, yhtymä
affine {n} (in-law) SEE: in-law ::
affine {adj} /əˈfaɪn/ (pertaining to a kind of function that generalises a linear transformation) :: affiini, affiininen
affine transformation {n} (linear transformation followed by a translation) :: affiinikuvaus, affiini kuvaus
affinity {n} /əˈfɪnɪti/ (family relationship through marriage of a relative) :: lankous
affinity {n} (kinsman or kinswoman of such relationship) :: sukulainen
affinity {n} (romantic relationship) :: mieltymys
affinity {n} (passionate love for something) :: viehtymys
affinity {n} (attraction between atoms) :: affiniteetti
affinity {n} (attraction between an antibody and an antigen) :: affiniteetti
affinity card {n} (credit card) :: jäsenyyteen perustuva luottokortti (there's no fixed term, but this phrase will be understood correctly)
affirm {v} /əˈfɝm/ (to agree with or verify) :: vahvistaa
affirm {v} (to support or encourage) :: vahvistaa, tukea
affirmance {n} (affirmation) SEE: affirmation ::
affirmation {n} /æfɝˈmeɪʃn/ (that which is affirmed) :: vahvistus
affirmation {n} (autosuggestion) :: itsesuggestio
affirmative {adj} /əˈfɝmətɪv/ (pertaining to truth) :: myöntävä
affirmative {adj} (positive) :: puoltava
affirmative {n} (answer that shows agreement or acceptance) :: myöntölause
affirmatively {adv} (In an affirming manner) :: myöntävästi
affix {n} /ˈæ.fɪks/ (that which is affixed) :: lisä, lisäke, uloke
affix {n} (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem) :: affiksi
affix {n} (suffix) SEE: suffix ::
affixoid {n} (regular word that also works as an affix) :: affiksoidi
afflict {v} /əˈflɪkt/ (To cause pain to) :: vaivata, koetella
affliction {n} /əˈflɪkʃən/ (a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony) :: kärsimys, tuska
affluence {n} /ˈæf.lu.əns/ (abundance of wealth) :: rikkaus
affluence {n} (moderate level of wealth) :: varakkuus
affluent {n} /ˈæf.lu.ənt/ (someone wealthy) :: varakas
affluent {adj} (abundant) :: runsas
affluent {adj} (abounding in goods or riches; materially wealthy) :: varakas
affluent {adj} (tributary) :: osallinen
affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary ::
affogato {n} /ˌɑːfəˈɡɑːtəʊ/ (dessert) :: affogato
afford {v} /əˈfoɹd/ (to incur, stand, or bear) :: olla varaa
afford {v} (to offer, provide, or supply) :: tarjota
afford {v} (to give forth; to produce as a natural result) :: tarjota, tuottaa, antaa, suoda
afford {v} (to provide; furnish) :: tarjota, suoda
affordable {adj} /əˈfɔɹ.də.bəl/ (able to be afforded) :: edullinen, huokea
affordance {n} (A potential action that is made possible by a given object or environment) :: affordanssi, käyttömahdollisuus
afforest {v} /əˈfɔɹɪst/ (make into a forest) :: metsittää
affray {n} /əˈfɹeɪ/ (a sudden assault or quarrel) :: kahakka, rähinä, rähäkkä
affreightment {n} (hire a vessel for cargo) :: rahtaus
affricate {n} /ˈæfɹɪkət/ (sound) :: affrikaatta
affront {v} /əˈfɹʌnt/ (to insult intentionally, especially openly) :: loukata, solvata, herjata
affront {v} (to meet defiantly; confront) :: vastustaa
affront {n} (open or intentional offense, slight, or insult) :: loukkaus, solvaus
affusion {n} (a method of Christian baptism) :: valelukaste
Afghan {n} /ˈæfˌɡæn/ (person from Afghanistan) :: afganistanilainen; afgaani [incorrectly]
Afghan {n} (person of Pashtun ethnicity) :: pataani, afgaani
Afghan {n} (Afghan hound) :: afgaaninvinttikoira; afgaani [informal]
Afghan {prop} (Pashto language) :: paštu, afgaani
Afghan {adj} (pertaining to Afghanistan) :: afganistanilainen
Afghan {adj} (pertaining to Pashtun) :: pataani-, afgaani-
Afghan hound {n} (Afghan Hound) SEE: Afghan Hound ::
Afghan Hound {n} /ˌæfɡæn ˈhau̯nd/ (Afghan Hound) :: afgaaninvinttikoira, afgaani
afghani {n} /æfˈɡɑːni/ (national currency of Afghanistan) :: afgaani
Afghani {n} (citizen or native of Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
Afghani {adj} (relating to Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
Afghani {n} (money) SEE: afghani ::
Afghanistan {prop} /æfˈɡæn.ɪˌstæn/ (country) :: Afganistan
Afghanistani {n} (Afghanistani) :: afganistanilainen
Afghanistani {adj} (Afghanistani) :: afganistanilainen
a-fib {n} (atrial fibrillation) SEE: afib ::
afib {n} (atrial fibrillation) :: flimmeri
afire {adj} /əˈfaɪə(ɹ)/ (literally on fire) :: tulessa, liekeissä
afire {adj} (metaphorically on fire) :: tulessa
A-flat {n} (tone four fifths below C) :: As
A-flat {n} (A-flat major) :: As-duuri
A-flat major {n} (A-flat major) :: As-duuri
A-flat minor {n} (minor key) :: as-molli
aflatoxin {n} (poison) :: aflatoksiini
afloat {adv} /əˈfloʊt/ (floating) :: pinnalla
afloat {adv} (at sea) :: merellä
aflutter {adj} /əˈflʌt.ɚ/ (in a state of excited anticipation) :: sekaisin (of state of affairs), täpinöissä (of people)
afoot {adv} /əˈfʊt/ (means of locomotion, walking) :: jalan
aforementioned {adj} /əˈfɔɹˌmɛn.ʃənd/ (previously mentioned) :: edellä mainittu
aforesaid {adj} /əˈfɔɹsɛd/ (previously stated) :: edellä mainittu, yllä mainittu
afoul {adv} /əˈfaʊl/ (in a state of entanglement or conflict (with)) :: sotkussa [entangled], hakauksessa [in conflict]
afraid {adj} /əˈfɹeɪd/ (impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive) :: peloissaan
afraid {adj} ((colloquial, to be afraid) regretful, sorry) :: pahoillaan, pelkäänpä
afresh {adv} /ʌˈfɹɛʃ/ (anew; again) :: uudestaan
Africa {prop} /ˈæf.ɹɪ.kə/ (continent south of Europe) :: Afrikka
Africa-Eurasia {prop} (Afro-Eurasia) SEE: Afro-Eurasia ::
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans ::
African {adj} /ˈæf.ɹɪ.kən/ (of or pertaining to Africa) :: afrikkalainen
African {n} (a native of Africa) :: afrikkalainen
African American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African-American {adj} (American and black) :: afroamerikkalainen
African-American {n} (A black American) :: afroamerikkalainen
African-American Vernacular English {prop} (variation of Modern English spoken by African-Americans) :: afrikkalaisamerikkalainen englanti
African blue tit {n} (Cyanistes teneriffae) :: afrikansinitiainen
African buffalo {n} (large bovid) :: kafferipuhveli
African cherry orange {n} (citrus fruit) :: omuboro
African elephant {n} (Loxodonta africana or Loxodonta cyclotis found in Africa) :: afrikannorsu
African forest elephant {n} (Loxodonta cyclotis) :: metsänorsu
African hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) :: hyeenakoira, savannikoira
Africanis {n} (breed of dog) :: africanis
African mahogany {n} (tree of the genus Khaya) :: bassaminkaijamahonki
Africanness {n} (the state or quality of being African) :: afrikkalaisuus
African Union {prop} (multinational organisation) :: Afrikan unioni
African violet {n} (perennial plant of the genus Saintpaulia) :: saintpaulia, paavalinkukka
African wildcat {n} (Felis silvestris lybica) :: afrikanvillikissa, aavikkokissa
African wild dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
a friend in need is a friend indeed {proverb} (someone who helps you in your time of need is a real friend) :: hädässä ystävä tunnetaan
Afrikaans {prop} /ˌɑːfɹɪˈkɑːnz/ (language) :: afrikaans
Afrikaans {adj} (of or pertaining to the Afrikaans language) :: afrikaansin kielinen
Afrikaans {prop} (Afrikaner) SEE: Afrikaner ::
Afrikaner {n} (member of ethnic group) :: afrikaaneri, buuri
afro {n} /ˈæf.ɹoʊ/ (hairstyle) :: afro, afrokampaus
Afro- {prefix} /ˈæfɹoʊ-/ (African) :: afro-
Afro-American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
Afro-American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
Afrocentrism {n} (black African ethnocentrism) :: afrosentrismi
Afro-Eurasia {prop} /ˈæf.ɹoʊ.jʊɹˈeɪ.ʒə/ (supercontinent) :: Afrikka-Euraasia
aft {n} /æft/ (stern portion of a vessel) :: perä, ahteri
aft {adv} (at, near, or towards the stern) :: perässä [at or near], perään [towards]
aft {adj} (located at the back of a vessel) :: perä-
aftcastle {n} (raised part of the upper deck) :: peräkastelli
after {adv} /ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/ (behind; later in time; following) :: myöhemmin
after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than) :: jälkeen, yli [clock]
after {prep} (behind) :: taakse, takana, jälkeen, jäljessä
after {prep} (in pursuit of, seeking) :: perään, perässä, jälkeen, jäljessä
after {prep} (in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing) :: mukaan, mukaillen
after {prep} (next in importance or rank) :: jälkeen, seuraava
after {prep} (as a result of) :: vuoksi, takia, seurauksena
after {prep} (in spite of) :: huolimatta
after {conj} (Signifies that the action of its clause takes place before the action of the other clause) :: kun, sen jälkeen, kun
after all {prep} (in the end; anyway) :: loppujen lopuksi, kuitenkin
afterbirth {n} /ˈæf.tɚ.bɚθ/ (material expelled after childbirth) :: jälkeiset {p}
afterburner {n} (a device in a turbojet engine which injects fuel into the exhaust system to increase the thrust) :: jälkipoltin
afterburning {n} (injection of extra fuel into a jet engine) :: jälkipoltto
aftercare {n} /ˈæf.tɚ.kɛɹ/ (the care given to a patient during recovery) :: jälkihoito
afterdeck {n} (part of a ship's deck from amidships toward the stern) :: peräkansi, takakansi
after-effect {n} (after-effect) SEE: aftereffect ::
aftereffect {n} /ˈæftəɹ.əˌfɛkt/ (delayed effect) :: jälkivaikutus
afterfeather {n} (downy lower barbs of a feather) :: lisähöyhen
afterglow {n} (glow in the sky after sunset) :: iltarusko
afterglow {n} (light emitted by a cooling object) :: jälkihehku
afterglow {n} (light emitted by a phosphor after excitation) :: jälkihehku
afterglow {n} (mildly euphoric feeling) :: jälkihehku, raukeus
aftergrass {n} (grass that grows after the first crop) :: odelma, äpäre, jälkisato
aftergrowth {n} (second growth, seen in plants) :: jälkikasvu
aftergrowth {n} (second growth, figuratively) :: jälkikasvu
afterheat {n} (residual heat) :: jälkilämpö
afterimage {n} (image) :: jälkikuva
afterlife {n} /ˈæftɚˌlaɪf/ (life after death) :: kuolemanjälkeinen elämä, tuonpuoleinen
aftermarket {n} (market) :: jälkimarkkinat {p}
aftermarket {n} (trading activity) :: jälkimarkkinat {p}
aftermath {n} /ˈæf.tɚˌmæθ/ (second mowing) :: äpäre
aftermath {n} (that which happens after, that which follows) :: jälkivaikutus, jälkiseuraus, jälki, jäljet {p}
afternoon {n} /ˌɑːf.tə.ˈnuːn/ (part of the day between noon and evening) :: iltapäivä
afternoon tea {n} (formal afternoon meal) :: iltapäivätee
afternoon tea {n} (light meal or snack taken in the mid to late afternoon) :: iltapäivätee
afterpain {n} (pain of uterine contractions experienced after childbirth) :: jälkipoltto
after-party {n} /ˈæftɚˌpɑɹti/ (party that takes place after another party) :: jatkot {p}
afterpiece {n} (piece performed after a play) :: jälkinäytös
aftershave {n} (lotion, gel or liquid) :: partavesi [lotion]; partageeli [gel]
aftershock {n} (earthquake that follows in the same vicinity as another) :: jälkijäristys
aftershock {n} (emotional distress after a traumatic event) :: jälkivaikutus
aftertaste {n} (The persistence of the taste of something no longer present) :: jälkimaku
after-tax {adj} (remaining after tax) :: verojen jälkeinen, netto-
after the jump {phrase} (intro on a webpage) :: mainoksen jälkeen
afterward {adv} (afterwards) SEE: afterwards ::
afterwards {adv} /ˈæf.tɚ.wɚdz/ (at a later or succeeding time) :: jälkeenpäin, jälkikäteen, perästäpäin, sittemmin, myöhemmin, perässä
afterword {n} (appendix) SEE: appendix ::
afterword {n} (postscript) SEE: postscript ::
afterword {n} (epilogue) :: jälkipuhe
afterworld {n} (supposed world that is entered after death) :: tuonpuoleinen
again {adv} /əˈɡɛn/ (back to a former place or state) :: jälleen, uudestaan, ennalleen
again {adv} (another time) :: taas, uudelleen, jälleen, toistamiseen, vielä kerran
again {adv} (used in a question to ask something one has forgotten) :: taas
again and again {adv} (repeatedly) :: yhä uudelleen
against {prep} /əˈɡɛnst/ (in a contrary direction to) :: vastaan, vastavirtaan
against {prep} (close to) :: vasten
against {prep} (in front of; before a background) :: edessä, vasten
against {prep} (in physical contact with) :: vasten
against {prep} (in opposition to) :: vasten
against {prep} (in contrast or comparison with) :: verrattuna
against {prep} (in competition with) :: vastaan
against {prep} (in exchange for) :: vastaan
against {prep} (as counterbalance to) :: vastaan
against {prep} (as a charge to) :: vastaan
against {prep} (as protection from) :: vastaan, vasten
against {prep} (in anticipation of, in preparation for) :: varten
against {conj} (by the time that) :: ennen kuin
against all odds {prep} (despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability) :: vastoin kaikkea todennäköisyyttä (contrary to all probability)
against the clock {prep} (in a time-restricted manner) :: kilpaa ajan kanssa
against the law {prep} (illegal, forbidden by law) :: lainvastainen
agalactia {n} (failure of a mother to produce sufficient milk following childbirth) :: agalaktia
agalactorrhea {n} (disease) SEE: agalactia ::
agalloch {n} (soft, aromatic, resinous wood of Aquilaria malaccensis) SEE: agarwood ::
agalmatolite {n} (soft, compact stone) :: agalmatoliitti
agalmatophilia {n} (paraphilia) :: agalmatofilia
agama {n} (lizard of the subfamily Agaminae) :: agama
agammaglobulinemia {n} (condition in which gammaglobulins are absent from the blood) :: agammaglobulinemia
agape {adj} /əˈɡeɪp/ (astonished) :: suu auki
agape {adj} (open) :: ammollaan
agar {n} /ˈɑˌ.ɡɑɹ/ (material) :: agar-agar
agar {n} (culture medium) :: agarliuos
agaric {n} /ˈæɡəɹɪk/ (any fungus having a cap with gills) :: helttasieni
agaropectin {n} (part of agar that is not agarose) :: agaropektiini
agarose {n} (polymeric cross-linked polysaccharide) :: agaroosi
agarwood {n} (type of heartwood) :: agarpuu
agate {n} /ˈæ.ɡət/ (mineral) :: akaatti, agaatti
Agatha {prop} /ˈæɡəθə/ (female given name) :: Agata
agave {n} /əˈɡeɪviː/ (genus) :: agaave
age {n} (century) SEE: century ::
age {n} /eɪd͡ʒ/ (whole duration of a being) :: elinikä, ikä
age {n} (one of the stages of life) :: ikä, jakso
age {n} (time of life at which some particular power or capacity is understood to become vested) :: -ikä
age {n} (particular period of time in history) :: aika, kausi
age {n} (great period in the history of the Earth) :: geologinen kausi, kausi
age {n} (people who live during a particular period) :: aikalaiset {p}
age {n} (generation, see also: generation) :: ikäpolvi, sukupolvi
age {n} (a long time) :: ikuisuus, iäisyys
age {n} (geology: a unit of geologic time) :: vaihe
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) :: ikä
age {n} (advanced period of life; latter part of life) :: vanhuus
age {n} (time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities) :: täysi-ikäisyys
age {v} (transitive: cause to grow old) :: vanhentaa
age {v} (intransitive: become old) :: vanhentua, vanheta
aged {adj} /eɪdʒd/ (old, see also: old) :: ikääntynyt
aged {adj} (having the age of) :: ikäinen
aged {adj} (undergone effects of time, improving in the process) :: kypsynyt
aged {n} :: ikääntyneet {p}, vanhat {p}
aged care {n} (eldercare) SEE: eldercare ::
age distribution {n} (the number of people in stated age ranges) :: ikäjakauma
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity ::
ageful {adj} (aged, old) SEE: elderly ::
age group {n} (demographic grouping based on age) :: ikäluokka
ageism {n} /ˈeɪdʒ.ɪzm̩/ (the treating of a person or people differently from others based on assumptions or stereotypes relating to their age) :: ikäsyrjintä
ageless {adj} (continuing infinitely or indefinitely) :: iätön
ageless {adj} (youthful) :: iätön
age limit {n} (restriction based on age) :: ikäraja
age-mate {n} (one who is the same age as another) :: ikätoveri
agency {n} /ˈeɪ.dʒən.si/ (capacity of acting or of exerting power) :: toiminta
agency {n} (office of an agent, or relation between a principal and his agent) :: edustus, agentuuri
agency {n} (establishment engaged in doing business for another) :: toimisto, agentuuri
agency {n} (government office) :: virasto, toimisto
agenda {n} /əˈdʒɛn.də/ (temporally organized plan) :: asialista
agenda {n} (list of matters to be taken up) :: esityslista (in a meeting); asialista
agenda {n} (agenda book; notebook for organizing and planning) :: päivyri
agender {adj} (having no gender) :: suvuton [grammar]; sukupuoleton [gender identity]
agenesis {n} (imperfect development of the body) :: ageneesi
agent {n} /ˈeɪ.dʒənt/ (one who exerts power) :: toimija
agent {n} (one who acts in place of another) :: asiamies, agentti
agent {n} (active power or cause) :: toimija, vaikuttaja, vaikuttava aine (medicine), taudinaiheuttaja (pathology)
agent {n} (someone who works for an intelligence agency) :: agentti
agent {n} (computing: part of the system that performs action on behalf of a client or server) :: agentti
agent {n} (grammar: performer of the action in a sentence) :: agentti
agentive {adj} (indicating an agent) :: agentiivinen
agentive {n} (word) :: agentiivi
agentivity {n} (the state or condition of being agentive) :: agentiivisuus
agent noun {n} (noun that denotes an agent) :: tekijännimi
agent participle {n} (a verb form) :: agenttipartisiippi
agent provocateur {n} /aʒɑ̃ pʁɔvɔkatœʁ/ (a person who disrupts a group's activities from within) :: provokaattori
age of consent {n} (an age at which one is legally mature enough to have sex) :: suojaikäraja
Age of Enlightenment {prop} (period of history) :: valistusaika
age of majority {n} (age at which the rights and privileges of an adult are legally granted) :: täysi-ikäisyyden ikäraja
ages {n} /ˈeɪ.dʒɪz/ (a long time) :: aikoihin
ageusia {n} /əˈɡjuːzɪə/ (loss of the sense of taste) :: ageusia, makuaistin menetys
aggiornamento {n} /əˌdʒɔɹnəˈmɛntəʊ/ (reform of some teachings of Roman Catholic Church in 1962-65) :: uudistus, reformi
agglomeration {n} (act of collecting in a mass) :: agglomeraatio
agglomeration {n} (state of being collected in a mass) :: agglomeraatio
agglomeration {n} (extended city area) :: agglomeraatio
agglutinate {adj} (united with or as with glue) :: liimattu
agglutinate {adj} (linguistics: consisting of root words combined with affixes) :: agglutinoiva
agglutinate {v} (to unite with or as with glue) :: liimata
agglutinate {v} (linguistics: to form through agglutination) :: agglutinoida
agglutination {n} (act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance) :: liimaus, liimautuminen
agglutination {n} (combination in which root words are united with little or no change of form or loss of meaning) :: agglutinaatio
agglutination {n} (clumping together of red blood cells or bacteria) :: agglutinaatio
agglutinative {adj} /əˈɡluːtɪnətɪv/ (sticky) :: tahmea, tahmainen
agglutinative {adj} (having words derived by combining parts) :: agglutinatiivinen
aggravate {v} /ˈæɡ.ɹə.veɪ̯t/ (To make worse, or more severe) :: pahentaa
aggravate {v} (To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate) :: ärsyttää, suututtaa
aggravation {n} (act of aggravating) :: ärsyttäminen, suututtaminen
aggravation {n} (extrinsic circumstance or accident which increases the guilt of a crime or the misery of a calamity) :: raskauttava asianhaara
aggregate {n} /ˈæɡɹɪɡət/ (a mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars) :: kokonaismäärä, kokonaissumma, kokonaisuus
aggregate {n} (a mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles) :: keräytymä, kokouma
aggregate {n} (set (mathematics)) :: joukko
aggregate {n} (solid particles of low aspect ratio added to a composite material) :: runkoaine
aggregate {n} (any of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism) :: aggregaatti, skandha
aggregate {adj} (Formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum) :: kokonainen
aggregate {adj} (consisting or formed of smaller objects or parts) :: koottu, kasattu
aggregate {v} (To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum) :: kerätä, koota yhteen
aggregate {v} (To add or unite, as, a person, to an association) :: ryhmittää, liittää
aggregate {v} (To amount in the aggregate to) :: olla yhteensä
aggregate fruit {n} (a fruit that develops from the fusion of more than one carpel within a single flower, as for instance, a raspberry) :: kertohedelmä
aggregation {n} /æɡɹəˈɡeɪʃən/ (The act of aggregating, or the state of being aggregated) :: yhdistäminen, kokoaminen, koostaminen
aggregation {n} (collection into a mass or sum) :: yhdistäminen, kokoaminen, koostaminen
aggregation {n} (an aggregate) :: keräymä, aggregaatti, kooste
aggregation {n} (summarizing multiple routes into one route) :: kooste
aggression {n} /əˈɡɹɛʃən/ (act of initiating hostilities or invasion) :: hyökkäys
aggression {n} (the practice or habit of launching attacks) :: väkivaltaisuus, hyökkäävyys
aggression {n} (hostile or destructive behavior or actions) :: väkivaltaisuus, hyökkäävyys
aggressive {adj} /əˈɡɹɛs.ɪv/ (tending or disposed to aggress) :: aggressiivinen, hyökkäävä
aggressively {adv} (in an aggressive manner) :: aggressiivisesti
aggressiveness {n} (state or quality being aggressive) :: aggressiivisuus
aggressor {n} (the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression) :: hyökkääjä
agha {n} /ˈɑːɡə/ (an honorific for high officials used in Turkey and certain Muslim countries) :: agha
aghast {adj} /əˈɡæst/ (terrified) :: kauhistunut
Aghul {prop} (language:) :: aguli
agile {adj} /ˈæd͡ʒ.aɪl/ (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs) :: ketterä
agile gibbon {n} (Hylobates agilis) :: notkeagibboni
agilely {adv} (in an agile manner) :: ketterästi
agility {n} /əˈdʒɪl.ɪ.ti/ (quality of being agile) :: ketteryys
aging {n} /ˈeɪ.dʒɪŋ/ (the process of becoming older or more mature) :: vanheneminen, ikääntyminen
aging {n} (becoming senescent) :: vanheneminen
aging {adj} (becoming elderly) :: vanheneva, ikääntyvä
agitate {v} /ˈæ.dʒɪ.teɪt/ (to move with a violent, irregular action) :: hämmentää
agitate {v} (to move or actuate) :: hämmentää
agitate {v} (to stir up, to disturb or excite) :: ravistella
agitation {n} /æ.d͡ʒɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ (act of agitating) :: agitaatio
agitative {adj} (tending to agitate) :: agitatorinen
agitator {n} (one who agitates) :: kiihottaja, agitaattori
agitator {n} (implement for shaking or mixing) :: sekoitin
aglet {n} (catkin) SEE: catkin ::
aglet {n} (cover of a shoelace) SEE: aiglet ::
aglycone {n} (non-sugar fragment of a glycoside) :: aglykoni
agnate {n} /ˈæɡneɪt/ (relative whose relation is traced only through male members of the family) :: mieslinjainen sukulainen, agnaatti
agnate {adj} (related by male connections) :: mieslinjainen
agnathan {n} /ˈæɡ.nəθən/ (member of the superclass Agnatha of jawless vertebrates) :: leuaton selkärankainen
Agnes {prop} /ˈæɡ.nɪs/ (female given name) :: Aune
agnosia {n} /æɡ.ˈnoʊ.ʒə/ (inability to recognize objects) :: agnosia
agnostic {adj} /æɡˈnɑstɪk/ (of or relating to agnosticism) :: agnostinen
agnostic {n} (one who holds to a form of agnosticism.) :: agnostikko
agnostically {adv} (in an agnostic manner) :: agnostisesti
agnosticism {n} /æɡˈnɑstɪsɪzəm/ (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable) :: agnostismi
agnotology {n} (promotion of inaccurate or misleading scientific data) :: agnotologia
agnus castus {n} (chaste tree) SEE: chaste tree ::
Agnus Dei {n} /ˌæɡnəs ˈdeɪ.i/ (part of the Mass; music to which it is set) :: Jumalan Karitsa
Agnus Dei {n} (model or picture of a lamb with a cross) :: Jumalan Karitsa
ago {adv} /əˈɡoʊ/ (past; gone by; since) :: sitten
agogic {n} :: agogiikka
agomelatine {n} (drug) :: agomelatiini
agon {n} /ˈæ.ɡoʊn/ (a struggle or contest) :: taistelu
agon {n} (a test of will) :: taistelu
agon {n} (a contest in ancient Greece) :: agon
agon {n} (a two-player boardgame) :: agon
agonist {n} (someone involved in a contest or battle) :: taistelija
agonist {n} (a muscle that contracts while another relaxes) :: vaikuttajalihas, agonisti
agonist {n} (molecule that can combine with a receptor on a cell) :: agonisti
agony {n} /ˈæ.ɡə.niː/ (extreme pain) :: tuska
agony {n} (Bible: sufferings of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane) :: tuska
agony {n} (violent contest or striving) :: kamppailu, taistelu
agony {n} (paroxysm of joy) :: huuma
agony {n} (last struggle of life) :: kuolinkamppailu, agonia
agony aunt {n} (writer of an advice column) :: ihmissuhdekolumnisti
agony aunt {n} (someone consulted for advice about personal problems) :: leelian lepotuoli
a good beginning makes a good ending {proverb} (good beginnings promise a good end) :: alku hyvin, loppu hyvin
a good deed is its own reward {proverb} (one should not expect a reward for good deeds) :: työ tekijäänsä kiittää
agora {n} /ˈæ.ɡə.ɹə/ (a place for gathering) :: kokouspaikka
agora {n} (a marketplace) :: tori, agora
agoraphobia {n} /ˌæɡəɹəˈfoʊbi.ə/ (fear of open spaces) :: agorafobia, torikammo, aukean paikan kammo, torikauhu, aukiokammo
agorism {n} /ˈæ.ɡəˌɹɪzm̩/ (philosophy that advocates the creation of a voluntaryist society through counter-economics) :: agorismi
agouti {n} /əˈɡuːti/ (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs) :: aguti
agraphia {n} (loss of writing ability) :: agrafia, kirjoituskyvyttömyys
agraphia {n} (inability to write) :: kirjoitustaidottomuus [due to lack of education]
agrarian {adj} /əˈɡɹɛ(ə)ɹi.ən/ (relating to the cultivation of land) :: maanviljelys-, agraarinen
agrarian party {n} (political party that advocates agrarianism) :: agraaripuolue
agree {v} /əˈɡɹiː/ (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur) :: olla yhtä mieltä, olla yksimielisiä
agree {v} (to yield assent, to accede) :: hyväksyä
agree {v} (to come to terms or to a common resolve) :: sopia
agree {v} (to resemble, coincide, correspond) :: vastata
agree {v} (to do well) :: sopia
agree {v} (grammar: to correspond in gender, number, case, person, etc.) :: vastata
agreeable {adj} /əˈɡɹiːəbl/ (pleasing) :: miellyttävä
agreeable {adj} (willing; ready to agree or consent) :: myötämielinen, myöntyväinen
agreeable {adj} (conforming) :: sopiva
agreeable {adj} (in pursuance, conformity, or accordance) :: mukaisesti [adverb]
agreed {interj} /ə.ɡɹi.ːd/ (interjection that expresses agreement) :: sovittu, yhtä mieltä
agreement {n} /əˈɡɹiːmənt/ (understanding to follow a course of conduct) :: sopimus
agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view) :: yksimielisyys
agreement {n} (legally binding contract) :: sopimus
agreement {n} (grammatical agreement) :: kongruenssi
agree to disagree {v} (tolerate one another's opinion and stop arguing) :: sopia siitä, että ollaan eri mieltä
agribusiness {n} /ˈæɡɹɪˌbɪznəs/ (big business connected to agriculture) :: maatalousbisnes, maatalousliiketoiminta
agricultural {adj} /ˌæɡɹɪˈkʌlt͡ʃəɹəl/ (of or pertaining to agriculture) :: maatalous-, maataloudellinen
agriculturalism {n} (Chinese philosophy) :: maanviljelyn koulukunta
agriculturalism {n} (ideology that promotes agriculture) :: maatalouden ihannointi
agriculture {n} /ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃɚ/ (the art or science of cultivating the ground) :: maanviljely
Agrigento {prop} /ˌæɡɹɪˈd͡ʒɛntəʊ/ (province and city in Sicily) :: Agrigento
agrimi {n} (type of goat) :: kri-kri, kreetalainen villivuohi
agrimony {n} /ˈæɡ.ɹɪ.mən.i/ (plant of the genus Agrimonia) :: verijuuri
agro- {prefix} (agriculture) :: agro-
agrobiology {n} (the science of plant life and nutrition) :: agrobiologia, maatalousbiologia
agrochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry) :: maatalouskemia
agroecological {adj} (pertaining to agroecology) :: maatalousekologinen
agroecology {n} (agricultural ecology) :: maatalousekologia
agroforester {n} (one who takes part in agroforestry) :: peltometsäviljelijä
agrology {n} /əˈɡɹɒlədʒi/ (science and art of agriculture) :: agrologia, maataloustiede
agronomic {adj} (of or pertaining to agronomy) :: agronominen, maataloustieteellinen
agronomist {n} /əˈɡɹɑːnəmɪst/ (scientist specialized in agronomy) :: agronomi
agronomy {n} /əˈɡɹɑːnəmi/ (science of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, feed and more) :: agronomia, maataloustiede
aground {adv} /əˈɡɹaʊnd/ (resting on the bottom) :: karilla (being aground), karille (running aground)
ague {n} /ˈeɪ.ɡju/ (intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits) :: sahaava kuume
ague {n} (chill, or state of shaking, as with cold) :: palelu, horkka
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria ::
ah {interj} /ɑː/ (an expression) :: aa
aha {interj} /ɑːhɑː/ (exclamation of understanding, realization, invention, or recognition) :: ahaa
aha moment {n} (instance of becoming clear) :: ahaa-elämys
Ahasuerus {prop} /əˈhæz.wə.ɹəs/ (biblical king of Persia) :: Kserkses
ahead {adv} /əˈhɛd/ (in or to the front) :: edellä, edessä
ahead {adv} (in the direction one is facing or moving) :: edessä
ahead {adv} (in or for the future) :: edessä; ennalta
ahead {adv} (at an earlier time) :: etuajassa
ahead {adv} (having progressed more) :: edellä
ahead of {prep} (in front of, see also: in front of) :: edessä
ahead of {prep} (preceding) :: ennen
ahead of {prep} (in the future of) :: edessä
ahead of {prep} (in advance of) :: ennen, edellä
ahead of one's time {prep} (in advance of commonly accepted ideas) :: aikaansa edellä
ahead of time {prep} (early) :: etuajassa, ennen aikojaan, etukäteen
ahem {interj} /əˈhɛm/ (onomatopoeia) :: kröhöm
ahem {interj} (exclamation or cough to get attention) :: kröhöm, öhöm
ahem {interj} (exclamation of disapproval or annoyance) :: öhöm
ahem {interj} (exclamation to indicate sarcasm) :: köh, öhöm
ahimsa {n} /əˈhɪmsɑː/ (doctrine of non-violence in Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism) :: ahimsa
ahistorically {adv} (in an ahistorical way) :: epähistoriallisesti
Ahmed {prop} /ˈɑːx.mɛd/ (male given name) :: Ahmed
ahorse {adv} (on the back of a horse) SEE: horseback ::
ahorseback {adv} (on the back of a horse) SEE: horseback ::
ahoy {interj} (used to hail a ship, etc) :: ohoi!
AI {prop} (artificial intelligence) :: tekoäly
AI {prop} (artificial insemination) :: keinosiemennys
aichmophobia {n} (fear of pointed or sharp objects) :: aikmofobia
aid {n} /eɪd/ (help; succor; assistance; relief) :: apu
aid {n} (a person that promotes or helps in something being done; a helper) :: apulainen, assistentti
aid {n} (something which helps; a material source of help) :: apu, apukeino, apuneuvo, apuväline
aid {v} (to support) :: auttaa
aid {n} (aide-de-camp) SEE: aide-de-camp ::
aid and abet {v} :: auttaa (rikoksen tekemisessä)
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant ::
aide {n} (military: officer who acts as an assistant to a more senior one) SEE: aide-de-camp ::
aide-de-camp {n} /ˌeɪd dɪ ˈkæmp/ (military officer) :: adjutantti
aide-mémoire {n} /ˌeɪd.mɛmˈwɑː/ (reminder) :: muistin tuki; muistikirja [book]; muistilappu [piece of paper]
aide-mémoire {n} (diplomacy: document) :: muistio, keskustelumuistio
Aidi {n} (dog breed) :: aidi, atlaksenkoira
AIDS {n} /eɪdz/ (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome) :: AIDS
aiglet {n} /ˈeɪ.ɡlɛt/ (tip on a ribbon or cord) :: nauhanpää
aikido {n} /aɪˈkiːdəʊ/ (Japanese martial art) :: aikido
ail {v} /eɪl/ (to cause to suffer) :: vaivata
ail {v} (to be ill) :: sairastaa
ail {n} (An ailment; trouble; illness) :: vaiva
ailanthus {n} /ˌeɪˈlænθəsɪz/ (any of several deciduous Asiatic trees of the genus Ailanthus) :: jumaltenpuu
aileron {n} /ˈeɪlərɒn/ (Hinged part on trailing edge of airplane wing) :: siiveke
ailing {adj} /ˈeɪ.lɪŋ/ (sick) :: raihnas
ailment {n} /ˈeɪlmənt/ (something which ails one; a disease; sickness) :: sairaus, vaiva
ailurophobia {n} /ˌaɪljʊəɹəˈfəʊbɪ.ə/ (irrational fear or hatred for cats) :: ailurofobia, kissakammo
aim {n} /eɪm/ (pointing of a weapon towards a particular point or object) :: tähtäys
aim {n} (point intended to be hit) :: tähtäyspiste, maali
aim {n} (intention; purpose) :: aikomus, tarkoitus, tavoite
aim {v} (to point or direct a missile weapon) :: tähdätä
aim {v} (to direct the intention or purpose) :: pyrkiä
aimless {adj} /ˈeɪm.ləs/ (without aim) :: suunnaton
aimlessly {adv} /ˈeɪmləsli/ (without an aim) :: ympäri ämpäri
Ainu {n} /ˈaɪnuː/ (ethnic group) :: ainut {p}
Ainu {adj} (pertaining to ethnic group or language) :: ainu- [ethnic group]; ainunkielinen [language]
Ainu {prop} (language) :: ainun kieli, ainu
aioli {n} /aɪˈəʊlɪ/ (A type of sauce made from garlic, egg, lemon juice and olive oil) :: aioli
Aion {prop} (Greek god associate with time, the universe and the zodiac) :: Aioni
air {v} /ˈɛəɹ/ (to bring into contact with the air) :: tuulettaa [freshen], kuivattaa (ilmassa) [dry]
air {v} (to ventilate) :: tuulettaa
air {v} (to discuss varying viewpoints) :: tuulettaa, ilmaista, päästää ilmoille
air {v} (to broadcast) :: lähettää
air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements) :: ilma
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) :: ilma
air {n} (the apparently open space above the ground) :: ilma
air {n} (feeling or sense) :: vaikutelma, ilme
air {n} (sense of poise, graciousness, quality) :: tyyli
air {n} (pretension, snobbishness) :: koppavuus, ylimielisyys
air {n} (music: a song, an aria) :: aaria
air {n} (informal: absence of anything) :: ilma
air {n} (air conditioner or the processed air it produces) :: ilmastointi
air {n} (obsolete: any specific gas) :: ilma, kaasu
air {n} (snowboarding, skateboarding: jump in which one becomes airborne) :: ilmalento, ilmahyppy
airbag {n} (protective system in automobiles) :: turvatyyny
air base {n} (military airport) :: lentotukikohta
airbase {n} (airbase) SEE: air base ::
air bearing {n} (type of bearing) :: ilmalaakeri
air bladder {n} (swim bladder) SEE: swim bladder ::
airborne {adj} (carried by the air) :: ilmassa leijuva, ilma-
airbrake {n} (pneumatic brake) :: paineilmajarru
airbrake {n} (aircraft brake) :: lentojarrut {p}
airbreathing catfish {n} (any fish of the Clariidae family) :: ankeriasmonni
air brick {n} (brick-sized block with holes) :: reikätiili
airbrush {n} (handheld paint sprayer powered by compressed air) :: retussiruisku
air bubble {n} (a small pocket of air) :: ilmakupla
air cargo {n} (The payload of an aircraft) :: lentorahti
air cleaner {n} (device that filters air) :: ilmanpuhdistin
air commodore {n} (rank in the RAF) :: prikaatikenraali
air compressor {n} (a machine for generating compressed air, typically for use by air-powered tools or paint sprayers) :: paineilmakompressori, kompressori, kompura
air-condition {v} (to mechanically cool a space or an entire structure) :: ilmastoida
air conditioner {n} (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space) :: ilmastointilaite
air conditioning {n} (the state of temperature and humidity produced by an air conditioner) :: ilmastointi
air conditioning {n} (an air conditioner or system of air conditioners, see also: air conditioner) :: ilmastointi, ilmastointilaite
air-cooled {adj} (cooled by air) :: ilmajäähdytteinen
air corridor {n} (a route within which aircraft fly) :: ilmakäytävä
aircraft {n} /ɛə.kɹɑːft/ (machine capable of atmospheric flight) :: lentokone, ilma-alus
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) :: lentotukialus
aircrew {n} (team that operates an aircraft) :: lentomiehistö
air cushion {n} (layer of trapped air) :: ilmatyyny
air cushion {n} (shock absorber) :: ilmatyyny
air cushion {n} (inflatable cushion) :: ilmatyyny
air-dry {adj} (dried by exposure to air) :: ilmakuiva, ilmakuivattu
air-dry {v} (to dry by exposure to air) :: ilmakuivata
Airedale Terrier {n} (breed of large rough-haired dog) :: airedalenterrieri
air embolism {n} (condition caused by bubbles of gas) :: aeroembolia
airer {n} (clotheshorse) SEE: clotheshorse ::
airfare {n} (cost or expense of an airplane ticket or trip) :: lentolipun hinta
airfield {n} (place where airplanes can take off and land) :: lentokenttä
air filter {n} (a filter for removing dust and other particles from a stream of air) :: ilmansuodatin
airflow {n} (any flow of air) :: ilmavirta, ilmavirtaus
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing ::
airfoil {n} (structure shaped to produce lift when moving in air) :: siipiprofiili
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) :: ilmavoimat {p}
air force {n} (unit in the U.S. Air Force) :: ilmavoimat {p}
air freshener {n} (device containing substances that neutralize unpleasant odours) :: ilmanraikastin
air gap {n} (network security measure) :: ilmaväli
air guitar {n} (imaginary guitar that a person pretends to play) :: ilmakitara
air guitar {v} (to mime the action of playing a guitar) :: soittaa ilmakitaraa
air guitarist {n} (someone who plays the air guitar) :: ilmakitaristi
air gun {n} /ˈɛɹ.ɡə/ (gun that propels a projective by compressed air) :: ilma-ase
air hammer {n} (air tool) :: ilmavasara
airhead {n} /ˈɛːhɛd/ (area of hostile territory seized for use as an airbase) :: sillanpää
airhead {n} (foolish, silly, or unintelligent person) :: reikäpää, tyhjäpää
air hole {n} (hole in surface) :: hengitysreikä, hengitysaukko
air hole {n} (air pocket) :: ilmatasku
air hole {n} (blowhole) :: hengitysaukko
air hostess {n} (female flight attendant) SEE: stewardess ::
airily {adv} /ˈeɹ.ə.li/ (lightly) :: ilmavasti
airing cupboard {n} (clothes storage cupboard) :: kuivauskaappi
air intake {n} (inlet for air) :: ilmanottoaukko
air lane {n} (air corridor) SEE: air corridor ::
air letter {n} (letter sent by airmail) :: ilmakirje, lentopostikirje
airlift {n} /ˈɛə.lɪft/ (the transportation of troops) :: ilmasilta
airlift {n} (a flight) :: ilmasilta
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) :: lentoyhtiö
airliner {n} (passenger aircraft) :: matkustajakone
airlock {n} (used to provide access to and from the sealed area) :: ilmalukko, ilmasulku
air mail {n} (airmail) SEE: airmail ::
air mail {v} (airmail) SEE: airmail ::
airmail {n} /ˈɛə.meɪl/ (the system of conveying mail using aircraft) :: lentoposti
airmail {n} (the items of mail carried using aircraft) :: lentoposti
airmail {v} (to send mail by air) :: lähettää lentopostina
airman {n} /ˈeə.mən/ (pilot) :: lentäjä, pilotti
airman {n} (member of air force) :: ilmavoimalainen [rare]
airman {n} (rank in air force) :: lentosotamies
air mass {n} /ɛəɹ mæs/ ((meteorology) a particular volume of air) :: ilmamassa
airmass {n} (a body of air with uniform characteristics) :: ilmamassa
air one's dirty laundry in public {v} :: puida julkisesti, pestä likapyykkiä julkisesti
air pistol {n} (pistol that propels a pellet) :: ilmapistooli
airplane {n} /ˈɛəɹˌpleɪ̯n/ (powered aircraft) :: lentokone
air pocket {n} (a local region of low atmospheric pressure, or a local downward current) :: ilmakuoppa
air pollutant {n} (substance) :: ilmansaaste
air pollution {n} (contamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates) :: ilman saastuminen
airport {n} /ˈɛɹ.pɔɹt/ (place designated for airplanes) :: lentoasema, lentokenttä
airport lounge {n} (area in an airport which offers comforts beyond those in the main parts) :: lounge
air pressure {n} (atmospheric pressure) SEE: atmospheric pressure ::
air pump {n} (pump that moves air either into or out of something) :: ilmapumppu
air purifier {n} (device used to remove contaminants from the air) :: ilmanpuhdistin
air quote {n} (hand gesture) :: ilmalainausmerkki
air raid {n} (attack) :: ilmahyökkäys
air-raid shelter {n} (reinforced underground shelter designed to give protection against air raids) :: väestönsuoja
air resistance {n} (friction that slows things moving through air) :: ilmanvastus
air rifle {n} (rifle) :: ilmakivääri
air rights {n} (right to build over an existing property) :: kiinteistön pystysuuntainen ulottuvuus
air rights {n} (right to fly over a certain territory) :: lento-oikeus
airship {n} (aircraft) SEE: aircraft ::
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible ::
air show {n} (a public display of stunt flying, aerobatics, and historical aircraft) :: lentonäytös
airsickness {n} (form of motion sickness) :: matkapahoinvointi
airspace {n} (controlled portion of atmosphere) :: ilmatila
airspace {n} (part of sky used by aircraft) :: ilmatila
airspace {n} (broadcasting space) :: taajuusalue
air sport {n} (recreational activity) :: ilmaurheilu
air strike {n} (attack by aircraft) :: ilmaisku, ilmahyökkäys
airstrip {n} (primitive aircraft landing field) :: lentopaikka; korpikenttä [informal]
air superiority {n} (dominance in the air power) :: ilmaylivoima, ilmanherruus
air support {n} (use of aircraft to assist ground forces) :: ilmatuki
air supremacy {n} (most favorable state of control of the air) :: ilmaherruus
air ticket {n} (a pass entitling the holder to travel in an aeroplane) :: lentolippu
airtight {adj} (impermeable to air or other gases) :: ilmatiivis, hermeettinen, kaasutiivis
airtight {adj} (having no weak points or flaws) :: pitävä, vedenpitävä
airtightly {adv} (in an airtight manner) :: ilmatiiviisti
airtime {n} (duration of transmission) :: lähetysaika
airtime {n} (chargeable use of mobile phone usage) :: puheaika
air-to-air missile {n} (missile) :: ilmataisteluohjus
air-to-surface missile {n} (missile) :: ilmasta maahan -ohjus
air traffic {n} (movement of aircraft) :: lentoliikenne
air traffic control {n} (system designed to give assistance to aircraft) :: lennonjohto
air traffic controller {n} (operator of air traffic control system) :: lennonjohtaja
air vent {n} (opening that allows air to circulate) :: tuuletusluukku
airway {n} (windpipe) SEE: windpipe ::
airway {n} (trachea) SEE: trachea ::
airway {n} (flight path used by aeroplanes) :: lentoreitti
airworthy {adj} (being able to fly) :: lentokelpoinen, lentokuntoinen
airworthy {adj} (meeting standards for safe flight) :: lentokelpoinen
airy {adj} /ˈɛəɹ.i/ (breezy, in an airy situation) :: ilmava
airy {adj} (light of heart, superficial) :: ilmava
Aisha {prop} /aɪˈiːʃə/ (female given name) :: Aisha
aisle {n} /aɪ̯l/ (wing of a building, notably in a church) :: siipi [commonly], sakara [in a church]
aisle {n} (clear path through rows of seating) :: käytävä
aisle {n} (corridor in a supermarket) :: käytävä
aisle {n} (any path through obstructed space) :: käytävä
aitch {n} /eɪtʃ/ (name of the letter H, h) :: hoo
Ajaccio {prop} /əˈdʒæksɪoʊ/ (capital city of Corsica) :: Ajaccio
ajar {adv} /əˈd͡ʒɑɹ/ (slightly turned or opened) :: raollaan
ajar {adj} (slightly turned or opened) :: raollaan
Ajax {prop} /ˈeɪ.dʒæks/ (either of two heroes of the Trojan War) :: Aias
Ajax {prop} (Amsterdam football club) :: Ajax
ajmaline {n} (drug) :: aimaliini
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step {proverb} (a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step) :: pisinkin matka alkaa yhdellä askeleella
ajwain {n} (thyme-flavored seed) :: intiankumina
Akaa {prop} (municipality) :: Akaa
Akan {prop} (Niger-Congo language) :: akan
Akan {prop} (language group spoken in Ghana) :: akan
akathisia {n} /æ.kə.ˈθɪ.si.ə/ (sensation of restlessness characterized by an inability to sit still) :: akatisia
Akhenaten {prop} /ˌækəˈnɑːtən/ (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism) :: Akhenaten
akimbo {adv} /əˈkɪm.bo͡ʊ/ (with arms akimbo) :: lanteillaan
Akita {n} (Japanese dog breed) :: akita
Akkadian {prop} /əˈkeɪ.di.ən/ (Semitic language) :: akkadi, akkadin kieli
Akkala Sami {prop} (language) :: akkalansaame
Alabama {prop} /ˌæ.lə.ˈbæ.mə/ (U.S. State) :: Alabama
Alabama {prop} (river) :: Alabama-joki
Alabama {prop} (tribe) :: alabamat
Alabama {prop} (language) :: alabama
alabandite {n} (mineral form of manganese sulfide) :: alabandiitti
alabaster {n} /ˈæl.əˌbæs.tɚ/ (variety of gypsum) :: alabasteri
alabaster {adj} (made of alabaster) :: alabasteri-, alabasterinen
alack {interj} /əˈlæk/ (expression of sorrow) :: voi
alacrity {n} /əˈlækɹɨti/ (eagerness) :: into
alacrity {n} (promptness) :: ripeys
Alajärvi {prop} (town) :: Alajärvi
Alan {prop} /ˈæl.ən/ (male given name) :: Allan
Aland {prop} (archipelago) :: Ahvenanmaa, Ahvenanmaan saaristo
Aland {prop} (province) :: Ahvenanmaa, Ahvenanmaan maakunta
al-Andalus {prop} (Islamic Spain) :: Al-Andalus
Alander {n} (person) :: ahvenanmaalainen
Alanic {adj} /əˈleɪnɪk/ (of or pertaining to Alans or their language) :: alaanilainen
Alanic {prop} (language) :: alaani
alanine {n} (nonessential amino acid; C3H7NO2) :: alaniini
alanyl {n} /ˈæl.ə.nɪl/ (the univalent acyl radical) :: alanyyli
Alaric {prop} (king of Visigoths) :: Alarik
Alaric {prop} (male given name) :: Alarik
alarm {n} /əˈlɑːm/ (summons to arms) :: hälytys
alarm {n} (notice of approaching danger) :: hälytys
alarm {n} (sudden surprise with fear or terror) :: pelästyminen
alarm {n} (mechanical contrivance for awaking) :: herätyskello
alarm {n} (instance of an alarm ringing or clanging) :: hälytys
alarm {v} (to call to arms) :: hälyttää
alarm {v} (to give notice (by sound or otherwise) of approaching danger) :: hälyttää
alarm {v} (to surprise with apprehension of danger) :: pelästyttää, hätäännyttää
alarm {v} (to keep in excitement; to disturb) :: huolestuttaa
alarm clock {n} (type of clock) :: herätyskello
alarmed {adj} (worried) SEE: worried ::
alarmedly {adv} (in an alarmed manner) :: hädissään
alarming {adj} /ə.ˈlɑɹm.ɪŋ/ (causing alarm) :: hälyttävä
alarmingly {adv} /ə.ˈlɑɹm.ɪŋ.li/ (in an alarming manner, frighteningly. In a way the induces fear or concern) :: hälyttävästi
alarmism {n} (production of needless alarms) :: alarmismi
alarmist {n} /əˈlɑɹmɪst/ (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause) :: alarmisti
alas {interj} /əˈlæs/ (exclamation of sorrow, etc.) :: voi kauhistus, kauheaa, kuinka ikävää
alas {n} (type of depression) :: suppa
Alaska {prop} /əˈlæs.kə/ (US state) :: Alaska
Alaskan {adj} /əˈlæskən/ (of or pertaining to Alaska, its people or its culture) :: alaskalainen
Alaskan {n} (someone from Alaska) :: alaskalainen
Alaskan Malamute {n} (Alaskan Malamute sled dog) :: alaskanmalamuutti
Alavus {prop} (municipality) :: Alavus
Alawite {n} :: alaviitti
alb {n} /ælb/ (a long white robe worn by priests and other ministers) :: alba
Albania {prop} /ælˈbeɪ.ni.ə/ (country in south-eastern Europe) :: Albania
Albanian {adj} /ælˈbeɪ.ni.ən/ (of or pertaining to Albania) :: albanialainen
Albanian {n} (person from Albania) :: albanialainen
Albanian {prop} (language) :: albania, albanian kieli
Albanian {adj} /ælˈbeɪ.ni.ən/ (Of or pertaining to Caucasian Albania) :: albanialainen
Albanian {n} (inhabitant Caucasian Albania) :: albanialainen
Albanian {n} (language) :: albania
Albanianness {n} (the quality of being Albanian) :: albanialaisuus
Albanology {prop} (study of Albanian language, culture and history) :: albanologia
albatross {n} /ˈæl.bəˌtɹɔs/ (seabird) :: albatrossi
albatross {n} (three under par) :: albatrossi
albatross {n} /ˈæl.bəˌtɹɔs/ (long-term impediment) :: heikkous, rasite
albatross around one's neck {n} (thing that hinders) :: apina selässä, apina niskassa
albedo {n} /ælˈbi.doʊ/ (fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body) :: heijastussuhde
albedo {n} (part of citrus fruit rind) :: aluskuori
albeit {conj} /ɔlˈbi.ət/ (despite its being; although) :: vaikka, vaikkakin, joskin
albeluvisol {n} (soil type) :: valkosavimaannos
albendazole {n} (drug) :: albendatsoli
Albert {prop} /ˈæl.bɚt/ (male given name) :: Pertti
Alberta {prop} /ˌælˈbɜː(ɹ).tə/ (province) :: Alberta
albertite {n} (bituminous mineral resembling asphalt) :: albertiitti
Albigenses {n} (sect) :: albigenssit {p}
Albin {prop} (male given name) :: Alpo
albinism {n} /ˈælbəˌnɪzəm/ (lack of melanin pigmentation) :: albinismi
albino {adj} /ælˈbaɪnoʊ/ (congenitally lacking melanin) :: albiino-
albino {n} (one congenitally lacking melanin) :: albiino
albinoism {n} (albinism) SEE: albinism ::
albite {n} (plagioclase feldspar) :: albiitti
album {n} /ˈælbəm/ (book for photographs, stamps, or autographs) :: albumi, valokuva-albumi
album {n} (phonograph record (LP)) :: albumi
album {n} (group of audio recordings on any media) :: albumi
albumen {n} /ˈælbjʊmən/ (white part of an egg) :: valkuainen, munanvalkuainen
albumin {n} /æl.ˈbjuː.mən/ (class of monomeric proteins that are soluble in water) :: albumiini
albuminous {adj} /ælˈbjuː.mɪn.əs/ (of or pertaining to albumin) :: albumiini-
albuminuria {n} (the presence of albumin in the urine) :: albuminuria, valkuaisvirtsaisuus
alburn {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak ::
alburnum {n} (sapwood) SEE: sapwood ::
Alcalá de Henares {prop} (city) :: Alcalá de Henares
alchemist {n} /ˈæl.kə.mɪst/ (one who practices alchemy) :: alkemisti
alchemistic {adj} /ˈæl.kə.mɪ.stək/ (of or pertaining to alchemists) :: alkemistinen
alchemy {n} /ˈælkəmi/ (ancient chemistry) :: alkemia
alcogel {n} (hand sanitizer in the form of an alcohol gel) :: alkoholigeeli
alcohol {n} /ˈæl.kə.hɔl/ (organic chemistry sense) :: alkoholi
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) :: alkoholi
alcohol abuse {n} (abuse caused by excessive drinking of alcohol) :: alkoholin väärinkäyttö
alcoholate {n} (crystalline salt containing alcohol in place of water of crystallization) :: alkoholaatti
alcoholate {n} (an alkoxide) :: alkoholaatti
alcohol-free {adj} (containing no alcohol) :: alkoholiton
alcoholic {n} /ˌælkəˈhɑlɪk/ (a person addicted to alcohol) :: alkoholisti
alcoholic {n} (one who abuses alcohol) :: alkoholisti, juoppo
alcoholic {adj} (of or pertaining to alcohol) :: alkoholi-
alcoholic {adj} (having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents) :: alkoholipitoinen
alcoholic {adj} (of alcoholism) :: alkoholisoitunut; alkoholismi-
Alcoholics Anonymous {prop} (proper noun) :: AA-liike
alcoholism {n} /ˈælkə(ˌ)hɔlˌɪzəm/ (chronic disease) :: alkoholismi
alcoholism {n} (acute alcohol poisoning) :: alkoholimyrkytys
alcohology {n} (study of the effects of alcohol) :: alkohologia
alcohol poisoning {n} (condition of having very high alcohol level in blood) :: alkoholimyrkytys
alcolock {n} (mechanism that prevents a car from starting) :: alkolukko
alcopop {n} /ˈælkəʊ.pɒp/ (type of alcoholic drink) :: limualkoholi
alcove {n} /ˈæl.kəʊv/ (small recessed area) :: alkovi
alcuronium {n} (drug) :: alkuronium
Aldebaran {prop} /alˈdɛbəɹən/ (star) :: Aldebaran
aldehyde {n} /ˈæl.dɨ.haɪd/ (organic compound of the general formula R·CHO) :: aldehydi
al dente {adj} /æl ˈdɛn.teɪ/ (firm) :: al dente, kovankypsä
alder {n} /ˈɔːldə/ (any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus) :: leppä
alderman {n} (member of a municipal legislative body in a city or town) :: valtuutettu
alderwood {n} (wood populated by alders) :: lepikko, lepikkö
aldol {n} (aldehyde or ketone having a hydroxy group in the beta- position) :: aldoli
aldolase {n} (enzyme present in some tissue) :: aldolaasi
aldose {n} (any of a class of monosaccharides) :: aldoosi
aldosterone {n} (aldosterone) :: aldosteroni
aldrin {n} (insecticide) :: aldriini
ale {n} /eɪl/ (beer produced by warm fermentation) :: pintahiivaolut, ale
Alectryon {prop} (character in Greek mythology) :: Alektryon
alehouse {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander ::
alembic {n} /əˈlɛmbɪk/ (chemical apparatus) :: tislausastia, retortti
alemtuzumab {n} /æ.lɛm.ˈtu.zu.mæb/ (drug) :: alemtutsumabi
alendronic acid {n} (drug) :: alendronihappo
a leopard cannot change its spots {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) :: jäljistään jäniskin tunnetaan (a hare is known by its tracks)
aleph {n} (first letter of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet and descendant script) :: alef
aleph-null {prop} (first of the transfinite cardinal numbers) :: alef-nolla
Aleppo {prop} /əˈlɛpoʊ/ (city in Syria) :: Aleppo
alerion {n} (a heraldic eagle) :: alerion, kotka
alert {adj} /əˈlɜːt/ (attentive) :: virkeä, pirteä
alert {n} (an alarm) :: hälytys
alert {n} (a notification) :: varoitus
alert {v} (to give warning to) :: varoittaa, hälyttää
alertness {n} /əˈlɝt.nəs/ (quality of being alert) :: varuillaanolo
Aleut {n} /ˌæ.liːˈuːt/ (native of the Aleutian Islands) :: aleutti
Aleut {prop} (language of the Aleutian Islands) :: aleutti
Aleutian {n} /ˌæ.liːˈuːʃən/ (a native or inhabitant of the Aleutian Islands) :: aleutti (native)
Aleutian Islands {prop} /ˌæliːˈuːʃən ˈɑɪlændz/ (archipelago) :: Aleutit {p}
Alevite {n} (Muslim who follows Alevism) :: aleviitti
alewife {n} /ˈeɪlˌwaɪf/ (Alosa pseudoharengus) :: harmaasilli, kantasilli
Alex {prop} (male given name) SEE: Alexius ::
Alexander {prop} /ˌæ.lɨɡˈzæn.dɚ/ (male given name) :: Aleksanteri
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia) :: Aleksanteri Suuri
Alexandra {prop} (female given name) :: Aleksandra
Alexandria {prop} /æləkˈzændɹi.ə/ (city in Egypt) :: Aleksandria
Alexandria {prop} (any of a number of cities bearing the same name) :: Alexandria
Alexandria {prop} (female given name) :: Aleksandra
alexandrine {n} (line of a twelve-syllable poetic meter) :: aleksandriini
alexandrite {n} /ˌæl.ɪɡ.ˈzæn.dɹaɪt/ (form of chrysoberyl that displays a colour change) :: aleksandriitti
Alexandroupoli {prop} (city) :: Alexandroúpoli
alexia {n} /ə.ˈlɛk.si.ə/ (word blindness) :: aleksia
Alexis {prop} (male given name) SEE: Alexius ::
alexithymia {n} /ˌeɪ.lɛk.səˈθaɪ.mi.ə/ (deficiency in understanding emotions) :: aleksitymia
alexithymic {adj} /əˌlɛksɪˈθaɪmɪk/ (pertaining to or having alexithymia) :: aleksityyminen
Alexius {prop} (male given name) :: Aleksi, Aleksis
alfa {n} (the letter "A" in the ICAO spelling alphabet) :: Aarne
alfalfa {n} /ælˈfælfə/ (Medicago sativa) :: sinimailanen, alfalfa
alfentanil {n} (drug) :: alfentaniili
alfisol {n} /ˈælfɪsɒl/ (soil with a clay-enriched subsoil and high native fertility) :: savimaannos
alfonsino {n} (deep-sea food fish of the genus Beryx) :: limapää
alga {n} /ˈæl.ɡə/ (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) :: levä
algal bloom {n} (dense spread of algae) :: leväkukinta
algebra {n} /ˈæl.dʒɪ.bɹə/ (system for computation) :: algebra
algebra {n} (study of algebraic structures) :: algebra
algebra {n} (structure) :: algebra
algebra {n} (set theory: collection of subsets) :: algebra
algebra {n} (one of several other types of mathematical structure) :: algebra
algebra {n} (universal algebra) SEE: universal algebra ::
algebraic {adj} /ˌældʒɪˈbɹeɪɪk/ (relating to algebra) :: algebrallinen
algebraic {adj} (containing numbers, letters, and arithmetic operators) :: algebrallinen
algebraic {adj} (which is a root of some polynomial) :: algebrallinen
algebraic {adj} (of a particular notation for chess moves that assigns each square a letter and a number defined from a player-independent perspective) :: algebrallinen
algebraical {adj} (pertaining to algebra or its laws) :: algebrallinen
algebraical {adj} (requiring a finite number of algebraic operations) :: algebrallinen
algebraic closure {n} (field which is algebraically closed over another one) :: algebrallinen sulkeuma
algebraic equation {n} (mathematical equation) :: algebrallinen yhtälö
algebraic geometry {n} (branch of mathematics that studies solutions of systems of algebraic equations using both algebra and geometry) :: algebrallinen geometria
algebraic integer {n} (algebraic number whose minimal polynomial has integer coefficients) :: algebrallinen kokonaisluku
algebraic number {n} (element of a number field that is a root of a polynomial with integer coefficients) :: algebrallinen luku
algebraic structure {n} (sets with operations) :: algebrallinen rakenne
algebraic topology {n} (field of topology) :: algebrallinen topologia
algebraic variety {n} (set of solutions to a system of polynomial equations; any of certain generalisations of such a set) :: varisto
Algeria {prop} /ælˈdʒɪəɹi.ə/ (country) :: Algeria
Algerian {n} /ælˈdʒɪɹi.ən/ (person from Algeria) :: algerialainen
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) :: algerialainen
Algerian Arabic {prop} :: algerianarabia
Algerianness {n} (quality of being Algerian) :: algerialaisuus
Algherese {prop} (Catalan dialect spoken in Alghero) :: algareesi
Alghero {prop} /ɑlˈɡɛɹoʊ/ (port town in Sardinia) :: Alghero
algid {adj} /ˈæl.dʒɪd/ (cold, chilly) :: alilämpöinen
algidity {n} (state of being algid) :: alilämpöisyys
Algiers {prop} /ælˈdʒɪɹz/ (the capital of Algeria) :: Alger
alginate {n} (any salt or ester of alginic acid) :: alginaatti
alginic acid {n} (gum) :: algiinihappo
algology {n} (branch of botany dealing with algae) :: levätiede, algologia, fykologia
algorithm {n} /ˈælɡəɹɪðəm/ (well-defined procedure) :: algoritmi
algorithmic {adj} /ˌælɡəˈɹɪðmɪk/ (relating to an algorithm) :: algoritminen
algorithmics {n} (subdiscipline of informatics) :: algoritmiikka
alhamdulillah {interj} /alˌhamduːlɪˈlɑː/ ((Islam) praise be to God) :: alhamdulillah, kiitos ja ylistys Allahille
Ali {prop} (male given name from Arabic) :: Ali
alias {n} /ˈeɪ.li.əs/ (another name; an assumed name) :: alias
aliasing {n} (distortion caused by a low sampling rate) :: laskostuminen, vierastuminen
alibi {n} /ˈæl.ə.baɪ/ (criminal legal defense) :: alibi
alibi {n} (excuse) :: veruke
Alice {prop} /ˈæl.ɪs/ (female given name) :: Aliisa, Alisa; Liisa
Alice {prop} (message sender in cryptography) :: Alice
alicyclic {adj} (of a class of organic compounds) :: alisyklinen
a lie has no legs {proverb} (you can't get away with a lie) :: valheella on lyhyet jäljet
alien {n} /ˈeɪ.li.ən/ (person, etc. from outside) :: muukalainen
alien {n} (foreigner) :: muukalainen, ulkomaalainen, vierasmaalainen
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) :: avaruusolento
alien {adj} (not belonging to the same country) :: vierasmaalainen
alien {adj} (very unfamiliar, strange) :: vieras
alien {adj} (pertaining to extraterrestrial life) :: avaruusolio-, avaruusolento-, muukalainen
alienate {v} /ˈeɪ.li.ə.neɪt/ (to convey or transfer) :: siirtää
alienate {v} (to estrange) :: vieraannuttaa
alienation {n} /ˌeɪli.əˈneɪʃən/ (the act of alienating) :: vieraannuttaminen
alienation {n} (the state of being alienated) :: vieraantuminen
alienation {n} (emotional isolation or dissociation) :: vieraantuminen
alienist {n} (psychiatrist) SEE: psychiatrist ::
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist ::
alienness {n} (condition) :: vierasmaalaisuus; muukalaisuus
align {v} /əˈlaɪn/ (To form in line; to fall into line) :: asettua riviin
align {v} (To adjust or form to a line) :: asettaa riviin
align {v} (To adhere oneself with a group or a way of thinking) :: asettua jonkun kannalle
align {v} (To align sequences) :: sovittaa yhteen
alignment {n} /əˈɫaɪnmənt/ (arrangement of items in a line) :: ojennus
alignment {n} (process of adjusting a mechanism such that its parts are aligned) :: kohdistaminen
alignment {n} (alliance of factions) :: ojennus
alignment {n} (astronomy: conjunction of two celestial objects) :: konjunktio
alignment {n} (transport: precise route or course of a road etc.) :: linjaus
alignment {n} (a way of arranging DNA, RNA or protein sequences) :: yhteensovittaminen
alike {adj} /əˈlaɪk/ (having resemblance; similar) :: samanlainen, samannäköinen
alike {adv} (tn the same manner, form, or degree; equally) :: yhtä, yhtäläisesti
alimentary canal {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract ::
alimony {n} /ˈæ.lɪ.moʊ.ni/ (a court-enforced allowance) :: elatusapu
alimony {n} (the means to support life) :: toimeentulo, elanto, elatus
aliped {adj} (wing-footed) :: siipijalkainen
aliphatic {adj} /ælɪˈfætɪk/ (organic chemistry: having carbon atoms arranged in an open chain) :: alifaattinen, avoketjuinen
aliskiren {n} /æˈlɪs.kɪ.ɹɛn/ (drug) :: aliskireeni
alisol {n} (a kind of soil with poor drainage and a dense subsurface clay layer) :: alusavimaannos
alitretinoin {n} (drug) :: alitretinoiini
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) :: hieman, hiukan, vähän, pikkuisen
a little {determiner} (a small amount) :: vähän, hieman, hiukan, pikkuisen
a little bird told me {phrase} (idiomatic) :: pikkulinnut lauloivat
alive {adj} /əˈlaɪv/ (having life) :: elävä
alive {adj} (in a state of action) :: elävä
alive {adj} (exhibiting the activity and motion of many living beings) :: elävä
alive {adj} (sprightly, lively, brisk) :: eloisa, vilkas, pirteä, reipas
alive {adj} (having susceptibility) :: herkkä, altis
alive {adj} (of all living) :: kaikista, päällä maan
alive and kicking {adj} (healthy, especially in opposition to other circumstances) :: elossa ja voimissaan
Al Jazeera {prop} /æl dʒəˈziːɹə/ (Arabic satellite TV news channel) :: Al Jazeera
alkali {n} /ˈæl.kə.laɪ/ (class of caustic bases) :: alkali, emäs
alkali metal {n} (soft, light, reactive metals of Group 1 of the periodic table) :: alkalimetalli
alkaline {adj} /ˈæl.kə.laɪn/ (of or relating to an alkali) :: emäksinen, alkalinen, alkali-
alkaline {adj} (having a pH greater than 7) :: emäksinen, alkalinen
alkaline battery {n} (a power cell having potassium hydroxide as its electrolyte, a zinc / manganese dioxide cell) :: alkaliparisto
alkaline earth metal {n} (any element of group II of the periodic table) :: maa-alkalimetalli
alkalinity {n} (state of being alkaline) :: emäksisyys
alkaloid {n} /ˈæl.kə.lɔɪd/ (organic heterocyclic base) :: alkaloidi
alkalosis {n} /æl.kəˈləʊ̯sɪs/ (abnormally increased alkalinity in the blood) :: alkaloosi
alkane {n} /ˈæl.keɪn/ (acyclic saturated hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n+2) :: alkaani
alkanethiol {n} (any simple aliphatic thiol) :: alkaanitioli
alkekengi {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry ::
alkene {n} (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon–carbon double bonds) :: alkeeni
alkoxide {n} (alcohol-derived compound formed by replacing a hydrogen atom with another cationic species) :: alkoksidi
alkyl {n} (univalent radical of the general formula CnH2n+1) :: alkyyli
alkylation {n} (reaction in which an alkyl group is added to a molecule) :: alkylointi, alkylaatio
alkyl nitrite {n} (any of a class of inhalant recreational drugs) :: alkyylinitriitti
alkyltransferase {n} (any transferase that transfers alkyl groups) :: alkyylitransferaasi
alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond) :: alkyyni
all {determiner} /ɔːl/ (every individual of the given class) :: kaikki
all {determiner} (throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)) :: koko
all {adv} (intensifier) :: aivan, ihan
all {adv} (apiece) :: tasan
all {adv} (so much) :: sitä
all {n} (everything possible) :: kaikkensa
all {n} (totality of one's possessions) :: koko omaisuus
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone ::
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything ::
Allah {prop} /əˈlɑː/ (God, in Islam) :: Allah
Allahu akbar {interj} /ˌaləhuː ˈakbɑː/ (Muslim takbir (proclamation)) :: Allahu akbar, Jumala on suurin
all along {adv} (duration) :: koko ajan, kaiken aikaa
all-American {adj} /ˌɔːl əˈmɛɹɪk(ə)n/ (comprising things wholly from the United States of America; made in the United States) :: aitoamerikkalainen, periamerikkalainen
all-American {n} (person or thing regarded as emboding the ideal qualities of the United States of America) :: kunnon amerikkalainen, oikea amerikkalainen
all and sundry {pron} (all; everyone) :: kaikki, jokainen, joka iikka
all and sundry {pron} (each one) :: jokainen
allanite {n} (any of a group of silicate minerals that are a source of rare earth metals) :: allaniitti
allantoin {n} (a diureide of glyoxylic acid) :: allantoiini
all-around {adj} (able to do many things well) SEE: all-round ::
all-around {adj} (comprehensive) SEE: all-round ::
allative {n} /ˈælətɪv/ (allative case) :: allatiivi, ulkotulento
allative case {n} (case used to indicate movement onto, or to the adjacency of something) :: allatiivi, ulkotulento
allay {v} /əˈleɪ/ (To make quiet or put at rest) :: vaientaa
allay {v} (To alleviate) :: lieventää, lievittää
all bark and no bite {adj} (full of big talk) :: paljon porua, vähän villoja
all bark and no bite {adj} (making cutting remarks, but having a gentle personality underneath) :: kova päältä, pehmeä sisältä
all but {adv} (very nearly) :: lähes, melkein, käytännössä
all cats are gray at night {proverb} (all cats are grey in the dark) SEE: all cats are grey in the dark ::
all cats are grey in the dark {proverb} (proverb) :: kaikki kissat ovat pimeässä harmaita
all day {adv} (the entire day) :: koko päivän
all ears {adj} (listening intensely) :: pelkkänä korvana, kuulolla
all ears {adj} (awaiting explanation) :: pelkkänä korvana
allegate {v} (allege) SEE: allege ::
allegation {n} /ˌæl.ɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ (an assertion or accusation) :: väite, syytös
allege {v} /əˈlɛdʒ/ (to state under oath) :: vannoa
allege {v} (assert without proof) :: väittää
alleged {adj} /əˈlɛdʒd/ (asserted) :: väitetty
alleged {adj} (supposed) :: oletettu, otaksuttu
allegedly {adv} (according to someone's allegation) :: (sentence usually constructed otherwise) väittää, että... (it is alleged that...); väitetysti
allegement {n} (allegation) SEE: allegation ::
allegiance {n} /əˈliː.dʒəns/ (loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler) :: kuuliaisuus, uskollisuus
allegorical {adj} /ˌæl.ɪˈɡɔɹ.ɪ.kəl/ (of, relating to, or containing allegory) :: allegorinen
allegorically {adv} /æl.əˈɡɒɹ.ɪk.(ə.)li/ (in an allegorical manner) :: allegorisesti
allegory {n} /ˈæl.ɘˌɡoʊɹ.i/ (the representation of abstract principles) :: vertauskuva, allegoria
allegory {n} (communication using such representation) :: vertauskuva, allegoria
allegory {n} (symbolic representation) :: vertauskuva, allegoria
allele {n} /əˈ.liː.l/ (variant of a gene) :: alleeli
allelomorph {n} (allele) SEE: allele ::
allelopathy {n} (release by a plant of a toxin to suppress growth of nearby competing plants) :: allelopatia
all-embracing {adj} :: kaikenkattava
all-encompassing {adj} (including everything) :: kaikenkattava
Allen key {n} /ˈælən kiː/ (a hex head wrench) :: kuusiokoloavain, kuusikulma-avain
Allen wrench {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key ::
allergen {n} (substance) :: allergeeni
allergenic {adj} (of or pertaining to an allergen) :: allergeeni-
allergenic {adj} (having the effect of an allergen) :: allergeeninen, allergisoiva
allergic {adj} /ə.ˈlɝ.dʒɪk/ (pertaining to allergy) :: allerginen
allergic {adj} (having an allergy) :: allerginen
allergic {adj} (excessively sensitive) :: allerginen
allergic rhinitis {n} (group of symptoms) :: allerginen nuha
allergist {n} (doctor who specializes in the treatment of allergies.) :: allergialääkäri
allergologist {n} (physician) SEE: allergist ::
allergologist {n} (scientist) :: allergologi
allergology {n} (the study of the causes and treatment of allergies) :: allergologia
allergy {n} /ˈæl.ɚ.dʒi/ (disorder of the immune system) :: allergia
allergy {n} (hypersensitivity) :: allergia
allergy {n} (altered susceptibility) :: allergia
allergy {n} (antipathy) :: allergia
alleviate {v} /əˈli.vi.eɪt/ (make less severe) :: helpottaa, lievittää
alley {n} /ˈæ.li/ (narrow street) :: kuja
alley cat {n} (urban feral cat) :: kujakissa
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley ::
All Fools' Day {n} (April Fools' Day) SEE: April Fools' Day ::
all for {prep} (completely in favour) :: kannattaa täysin (to be all for)
all fours {n} (four legs of a quadruped) :: raajat {p}
all fours {n} (four limbs of a primate) :: raajat {p}
all good things come to an end {proverb} (nothing good lasts forever) :: kaikki hyvä loppuu aikanaan
All Hallows {prop} /ˌɔːl ˈhæləʊz/ (Christian feast) :: pyhäinpäivä
All Hallows' Day {prop} (All Saints' Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
all hands on deck {interj} (order) :: kaikki miehet kannelle
allheal {n} (valerian) SEE: valerian ::
allheal {n} (Prunella vulgaris) :: niittyhumala
allheal {n} (Stachys) SEE: woundwort ::
all hell breaks loose {v} (the situation becomes chaotic) :: helvetti pääsee valloilleen (hell breaks loose)
alliaceous {adj} (tasting of garlic or onion) :: valkosipulinen, sipulinen
alliance {n} /əˈlaɪ.əns/ (state of being allied) :: liitto, liittouma, allianssi
alliance {n} (union resembling that of families or states) :: side, yhteys
alliance {n} (persons or parties allied) :: liittoutuneet
alliance {n} (treaty between nations) :: liittouma, liittoutuma, liitto
allicin {n} (organic compound) :: allisiini
allied {adj} /əˈlaɪd/ (joined as allies) :: liittoutunut
Allied {adj} /ˈælaɪd/ :: liittoutunut
allied health {n} (health care services outside the scope of the medicine profession) :: hyvinvointipalvelut {p}
Allies {prop} /ˈælaɪz/ (in WWII) :: liittoutuneet {p}
Allies {prop} (in WWI) :: ympärysvallat {p}
alligator {n} /ˈæl.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tə/ (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) :: alligaattori
alligator clip {n} (electronics connector) :: hauenleuka
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado ::
all in all {adv} (generally) :: kaiken kaikkiaan, kaikkiaan
all-inclusive {adj} (providing all amenities, benefits or perquisites in a single package) :: kaikenkattava
allis shad {n} (Alosa alosa) :: pilkkusilli
alliteration {n} /əˌlɪtəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the repetition of consonants) :: alkusointu, alliteraatio
all kidding aside {adv} (idiom, speech act) :: leikki sikseen, vakavasti ottaen
all mouth and trousers {adj} (superficial) :: ei suuret sanat suuta halkaise
all night {adv} (entire night) :: koko
all-night {adj} (lasting throughout the whole night) :: koko yön kestävä
allobarbital {n} (drug) :: allobarbitaali
allocate {v} /ˈæl.ə.keɪt/ (to set aside for a purpose) :: varata, allokoida
allocate {v} (to distribute according to a plan) :: jyvittää, jakaa
allocation {n} (The process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources.) :: allokointi, jakaminen, jako
allocation unit {n} :: varausyksikkö
allochronic {adj} (occurring in a different geologic time) :: allokroninen
allochthonous {adj} /ə.ˈlɒk.θə.nəs/ (originating in a place other than where it is found) :: vierasperäinen
allochthonous {adj} (geology: being far from the place of formation) :: alloktoninen
all of {adv} (neither more nor better than might be expected) :: vain
all of a sudden {adv} /ˌɔl əv ə ˈsʌdən/ (colloquial: suddenly, see also: suddenly) :: yhtäkkiä, äkkiä, äkkiarvaamatta, äkisti
all of the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
allomorph {n} /ˈæl.oʊ.mɔɹf/ (phonological representation of a morpheme) :: allomorfi
allomother {n} /ˈæləˌmʌðɚ/ (one that provides maternal care) :: sijaisäiti
all one's eggs in one basket {n} (the state of having invested in one area only) :: kaikki munat samaan koriin
allonge {n} /əˈlɒnʒ/ (attachment to negotiable instrument) :: lisäke
allonge {v} (to thrust with a sword) :: hyökätä
allopathic {adj} /ˌæl.oʊˈpæθ.ɪk/ (of or pertaining to allopathy) :: allopaattinen
allopathy {n} (historical: alternative medicine) :: allopatia
allopathy {n} (traditional medical method or treatment) :: allopaattinen hoito
allopatric {adj} (geographically isolated) :: allopatrinen
allophane {n} (an amorphous hydrous aluminium silicate clay mineral) :: allofaani
allophone {n} /ˈæləˌfoʊn/ (alternative pronunciation for a phoneme) :: allofoni
allophony {n} /əˈlɑ.fə.ni/ (variation in the phonetic realizations of a phoneme) :: allofonia
allopurinol {n} /æl ɑn ˈpjʊɹ ɪ noʊl/ (drug) :: allopurinoli
allot {v} /əˈlɑt/ (to distribute) :: jakaa, jaella
allot {v} (to assign) :: määrätä, antaa tehtäväksi
allotment {n} /əˈlɔt.mɛnt/ (act) :: jakaminen, jako
allotment {n} (that which is alloted) :: osuus
allotment {n} (plot of land) :: viljelypalsta; siirtolapuutarha [with the right to build a small cabin for summer use]
allotrope {n} /ˈæ.lə.tɹəʊp/ (element form of different molecular structure to another form of the same element) :: allotrooppi
allotroph {n} (heterotroph) SEE: heterotroph ::
allotrophic {adj} (of or pertaining to an allotroph) :: allotrooppinen
allotropic {adj} (of an element that exhibits allotropy) :: allotrooppinen
allotropical {adj} (allotropic) SEE: allotropic ::
allotropism {n} (elemental property) SEE: allotropy ::
allotropy {n} (having multiple atomic structures) :: allotropia
all out {adv} (with maximum effort) :: täysillä
all out {adv} (without regard for risk) :: kaikki peliin
all-out {adj} (using every available means) :: totaalinen
all-out {adj} (covering all aspects) :: kaikenkattava
all-out {adv} (in a manner in which one uses every available means) :: kaikki pelissä
all over {adv} (all over) :: loppu
all over {adv} (over an entire extent) :: kokonaan
all over {adv} (everywhere) :: kaikkialla, kaikkialta, kaikkialle
all over {adv} (in every way; thoroughly) :: täysin (genitive) kaltaista (+ possessive suffix)
all over {prep} (everywhere; covering completely) :: yltä päältä, ympäri
all over the place {prep} (In multiple directions or locations, often haphazardly; everywhere.) :: kaikkialle, joka paikkaan, joka puolelle; kaikkialla, joka paikassa, joka puolella; pitkin poikin
allow {v} /əˈlaʊ/ (to grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have) :: sallia, myöntää
allow {v} (to acknowledge; to accept as true; to concede; to accede to an opinion) :: myöntää, hyväksyä
allow {v} (to take into account as a deduction or an addition) :: varautua, tehdä varaus
allow {v} (to permit) :: sallia, antaa lupa
allow {v} (to let something happen, to admit, to concede) :: sallia
allow {v} (to make allowance) :: varata, tehdä varaus, antaa alennus
allowance {n} /əˈlaʊəns/ (the act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance) :: salliminen
allowance {n} (acknowledgment) :: hyväksyntä, myöntäminen
allowance {n} (that which is allowed) :: määräraha, päiväraha, annos
allowance {n} (abatement; deduction; the taking into account of mitigating circumstances) :: varaus
allowance {n} (a customary deduction from the gross weight of goods) :: myönnytys
allowance {n} (a child's allowance; pocket money) SEE: pocket money ::
alloy {n} /ˈæ.lɔɪ/ (metal combined of more elements) :: metalliseos, lejeerinki, seosmetalli
alloy {v} (mix or combine) :: seostaa
alloy wheel {n} (aluminium wheel) :: aluvanne, alumiinivanne
all-points bulletin {n} (all-points bulletin) :: etsintäkuulutus
all-powerful {adj} (Omnipotent) :: kaikkivoipa, kaikkivaltias
all-purpose {adj} (for all purposes) :: yleis-, yleiskäyttöinen
all right {adj} /ˌɔːlˈɹaɪt/ (good) :: kunnossa, kunnossa oleva
all right {adj} (in good health) :: terve, kunnossa
all right {adv} (fairly well) :: hyvin, ihan hyvin, mukavasti
all right {interj} (Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent ) :: hyvä on, selvä, samapa se
all right {interj} (Used to indicate support, favor or encouragement ) :: jees!
all right {interj} (Used to fill space or pauses ) :: no niin
all right {interj} (Used as a general lead-in or beginning ) :: no niin
all right {interj} (Used to express exasperation or frustration, often with already ) :: no niin
all right {interj} (a greeting, roughly equivalent to how are you ) :: mitäs , mitäs sinä
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) :: kaikki oikeudet pidätetään
all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths can take to the same goal) :: kaikki tiet vievät Roomaan
all-round {adj} (having a wide scope) :: laaja-alainen
all-round {adj} (having many skills) :: monitaitoinen
all-rounder {n} (a person who has many skills) :: tuhattaituri
all-rounder {n} ((cricket) player skilled in both batting and bowling) :: yleispelaaja
All Saints Day {prop} (All Saints Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
All Saints' Day {prop} (feast day) :: pyhäinpäivä
all-seeing {adj} (having knowledge of all things said or done) :: kaikkinäkevä
all's fair in love and war {proverb} (unpleasant behavior is acceptable during love and conflict) :: sodassa ja rakkaudessa kaikki on sallittua
all smiles {adj} :: hymysuin, pelkkää hymyä
allspice {n} (spice) :: maustepippuri
allspice {n} (tree) :: maustepippuri
all's well that ends well {proverb} (A happy ending makes up for everything that has gone before...) :: loppu hyvin, kaikki hyvin
all that glitters is not gold {proverb} (things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so) :: kaikki ei ole kultaa mikä kiiltää
all that jazz {n} (everything else related to something; other similar things) :: muuta sellaista
all the best {interj} (good luck) :: kaikkea hyvää
all the more {adv} (even more) :: yhä, vieläkin, vielä
all the same {adv} (anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless) :: kuitenkin, siitä huolimatta, yhtä kaikki, silti, joka tapauksessa
all the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
all the tea in China {n} (something priceless or invaluable) :: kaikki maailman rikkaudet
all the time {adv} (always) :: koko ajan
all the time {adv} (frequently) :: koko ajan, alituiseen, kaiken aikaa
all the way {adv} (to the end) :: loppuun saakka/asti
all things being equal {adv} (without considering external factors) :: ilman ulkopuolisia tekijöitä
all things come to those who wait {proverb} (good things come to those who wait) SEE: good things come to those who wait ::
all things considered {adv} (generally speaking, all in all) :: kaiken kaikkiaan, olosuhteisiin nähden
all thumbs {adj} (clumsy (idiom)) :: peukalo keskellä kämmentä
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too ::
allude {v} /əˈluːd/ (refer to something indirectly or by suggestion) :: viitata, vihjata
allure {n} /əˈl(j)ʊɚ/ (the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction) :: viehätys, vetovoima
allure {v} (to attempt to draw) :: viehättää, houkutella, houkuttaa
alluring {adj} /ɚˈluɚ.ɹɪŋ/ (having to power to allure) :: houkutteleva, puoleensavetävä, viettelevä
alluringly {adv} /əˈl(j)ʊɹɪŋ/ (in an alluring manner) :: viettelevästi
allusion {n} /əˈlu.ʒən/ (indirect reference, hint) :: alluusio, viittaus, vihje
allusive {adj} /əˈluː.sɪv/ (containing or making use of allusions) :: vihjaileva
alluvial {adj} /əˈluː.vi.əl/ (pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream) :: liete-, alluviaalinen
alluvial {n} (deposition of sediment) SEE: alluvium ::
alluvial fan {n} (cone-shaped heap of alluvium) :: alluviaalikeila
alluvially {adv} (in alluvial fashion) :: alluviaalisesti
alluvial plain {n} (plain formed by deposition of sediment of a river) :: alluviaalitasanko
alluvium {n} (deposited material) :: alluviumi, alluuvi
all wet {adj} (thoroughly soaked) :: läpimärkä
all wet {adj} (utterly incorrect) :: pihalla
all-wheel drive {n} (drive to all wheels) :: jokapyöräveto
ally {v} /ˈæl.aɪ/ (to unite by agreement) :: liittoutua
ally {v} (to form a relation on less formal basis) :: liittää, yhdistää
ally {n} (one united to another by treaty or league) :: liittolainen
ally {n} (anything associated with another as a helper) :: liittolainen, tukija
allyl {n} (organic radical) :: allyyli
allyl isothiocyanate {n} (compound C3H5NCS) :: allyyli-isotiosyanaatti
all-you-can-eat {adj} (offering unlimited food to a diner at a restaurant) :: syö niin paljon kuin jaksat [phrase, used as modifier for nouns]
Alma {prop} (female given name) :: Alma
alma mater {n} /ˌælmə ˈmeɪtə(ɹ)/ (graduated school) :: alma mater
alma mater {n} (school anthem) :: koulun laulu
almanac {n} /ˈɔl.mə.næk/ (book or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year) :: almanakka
almanac {n} (handbook published annually) :: vuosikirja
almandine {n} /ˈal.mən.dʌɪn/ (mineral) :: almandiini
Almaty {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
Almaty {prop} (city) :: Almaty
almighty {adj} /ɔːlˈmaɪti/ (unlimited in might) :: kaikkivaltias, kaikkivoipa
Almighty {prop} /ɔːlˈmaɪti/ (God, the supreme being) :: Kaikkivaltias
almond {n} /ˈɑː(l).mənd/ (nut) :: manteli
almond {n} (tree) :: mantelipuu
almond {n} (colour) :: mantelinvalkoinen
almond {adj} (resembling the colour of an almond nut) :: mantelinvärinen, mantelinvalkoinen
almond butter {n} (paste) :: mantelivoi
almondine {adj} /ˈɑː(l)məndiːn/ (garnished with almond slices) :: mantelikuorrutuksella
almondine {n} (gemstone that is either a deep red garnet or a purple spinel) :: almandiini
almond milk {n} (milky liquid from almonds) :: mantelimaito
almond oil {n} (oil from almonds) :: manteliöljy
almond paste {n} (paste made from ground almonds and sugar in equal quantities) :: mantelimassa
almond tofu {n} (annin tofu) SEE: annin tofu ::
almond tree {n} (Prunus dulcis) :: mantelipuu
Almoravid {n} :: almoravidi
almost {adv} /ˈɔl.moʊst/ (very close to) :: melkein, lähes, miltei, liki
almost doesn't count {proverb} (near success (or correctness) is not deemed success (or correctness)) SEE: close, but no cigar ::
alms {n} /ɑmz/ (something given to the poor as charity) :: almu
almsgiver {n} (giver of alms) :: almujen antaminen
almsgiving {n} (the act of voluntarily giving alms) :: almujen antaminen
alocasia {n} (any of several tropical Asian plants of the genus Alocasia) :: juurakkovehka, alokasia
aloe {n} /ˈæ.loʊ/ (plant of the genus Aloe) :: aaloe
aloe vera {n} /ˈæ.loʊ ˈvɛ.ɹə/ (Aloe vera) :: lääkeaaloe
aloft {adv} /əˈlɔft/ (above) :: ylhäällä, yläpuolella
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
aloha shirt {n} (Hawaiian shirt) :: havaijilaispaita
alone {adj} /əˈloʊn/ (by oneself) :: yksinään [adverb], yksinäinen
alone {adj} (unique) :: ainutlaatuinen
alone {adv} (by oneself) :: yksin, yksinään, yksikseen, itsekseen
alone {adv} (without outside help) :: yksin, yksinään, itsekseen
alone {adv} (only) :: yksin, ainoastaan
along {prep} /əˈlɔŋ/ (by the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to) :: pitkin
along {prep} (in a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on) :: pitkin
along {adv} (in company, together) :: mukana, mukaan
along {adv} (onward, forward) :: eteenpäin
alongside {adv} /ə.lɔŋˈsaɪd/ (along the side; by the side; side by side with) :: vieressä
alongside {prep} (together with or at the same time) :: yhdessä
along the lines of {prep} (similar to but not exactly equal) :: siihen suuntaan, että
along with {conj} (in addition to) :: lisäksi
aloof {adv} /əˈluːf/ (at or from a distance) :: erillään, syrjässä, syrjästä
aloof {adv} (without sympathy) :: ylimielisesti
aloof {adj} (reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant) :: etäinen, varautunut, kylmäkiskoinen
aloofly {adv} (in an aloof manner) :: etäisesti, varautuneesti, kylmäkiskoisesti
aloofness {n} (the state of being aloof) :: pidättyväisyys
alopecia {n} /æloʊˈpiː.ʃ(i)ə/ (pathology: deficiency of the hair) :: kaljuuntuminen, alopekia
alopecia {n} (medicine: loss of hair) :: kaljuuntuminen
alopecia {n} (baldness) SEE: baldness ::
alopecia areata {n} (form of alopecia) :: pälvikaljuus
a lot {pron} /əˈlɒt/ (a large amount) :: paljon
a lot {pron} (many things) :: paljon
a lot {adv} (very much) :: paljon, hyvin paljon
a lot {adv} (often) :: usein
aloud {adv} /əˈlaʊd/ (loudly) :: äänekkäästi
aloud {adv} (audibly, not silent) :: ääneen
alp {n} (very high mountain) :: alppi
alpaca {n} /ælˈpækə/ (camelid animal of the Andes) :: alpakka
alpaca {n} (wool) :: alpakka
alpenglow {n} /ˈæl.pən.ɡloʊ/ (a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains) :: alpenglühen
alpenrose {n} :: ruostealppiruusu
alpenstock {n} (walking stick) :: vaelluskeppi
alpha {n} /ˈælfə/ (name of the letter Α, α) :: alfa
alpha and omega {n} (the first and the last) :: A ja O
alphabet {n} /ˈæl.fə.bɛt/ (an ordered set of letters used in a language) :: aakkoset {p}, aakkosto, aakkosisto
alpha-beta pruning {n} (algorithm for pruning a search tree by eliminating inferior branches) :: alfa–beeta-karsinta
alphabetic {adj} (alphabetical) SEE: alphabetical ::
alphabetical {adj} /ˌæl.fəˈbɛt.ɪ.kəl/ (pertaining to the alphabet) :: aakkos-, aakkosellinen
alphabetical {adj} (in the sequence of the letters of the alphabet) :: aakkos-, aakkosellinen
alphabetically {adv} (in an alphabetical manner) :: aakkosellisesti
alphabetically {adv} (arranged in the sequence of the alphabet) :: aakkosjärjestyksessä, aakkosittain
alphabetical order {n} (the sequence of a collection of items) :: aakkosjärjestys, aakkosellisuus
alphabetisation {n} (act of arranging in alphabetical order) :: aakkostus, aakkostaminen
alphabetize {v} (to arrange alphabetically) :: aakkostaa
alphabet soup {n} (soup that contains noodles in the shape of alphabetical letters) :: aakkoskeitto
Alpha Centauri {prop} (brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus) :: Alfa Centauri
alpha channel {n} (numeric value) :: alfakanava
alpha decay {n} (radioactive decay by emitting an alpha particle) :: alfahajoaminen
alpha emission {n} (emission of alpha particles from the nucleus of an atom) :: alfasäteily
alpha emitter {n} (substance that decays by emitting alpha particles) :: alfasäteilijä
alpha female {n} (dominant female animal) :: alfanaaras
alpha female {n} (self-assured and strong woman) :: alfanaaras
alpha helix {n} (secondary structure found in many proteins) :: alfa-kierre
alpha male {n} (dominant male animal) :: alfauros
alpha male {n} (figuratively: leading man) :: alfauros
alphanumeric {adj} /ˌæl.fə.n(j)uːˈmɛ.ɹɪk/ (consisting of letters and numbers) :: aakkosnumeerinen, alfanumeerinen
alphanumerical {adj} (alphanumeric) SEE: alphanumeric ::
alpha particle {n} (positively charged nucleus) :: alfahiukkanen
alpha radiation {n} (radiation of alpha particles) :: alfasäteily
alpha ray {n} (stream of alpha particles) :: alfasäde
alphorn {n} /ˈalp.hɔːn/ (musical instrument) :: alppitorvi
alpine {adj} /ˈæl.paɪn/ (of or relating to mountains) :: alpiininen
alpine {adj} (of or relating to slalom or downhill skiing) :: alppilaji-
alpine accentor {n} (Prunella collaris) :: alppirautiainen
alpine bullhead {n} (Cottus poecilopus) :: kirjoeväsimppu
alpine chough {n} /ˈalpaɪn ˈtʃʌf/ (Pyrrhocorax graculus) :: alppinaakka
alpine clubmoss {n} (Diphasiastrum alpinum) :: tunturilieko
alpine skiing {n} (sport) :: alppihiihto
alpinism {n} /ˈælpɪnɪzəm/ :: alpinismi
alpinist {n} (mountain climber) SEE: mountaineer ::
alprazolam {n} /ælˈpɹeɪ.zəʊ.læm/ (anxiety drug) :: alpratsolaami
alprostadil {n} (drug) :: alprostadiili
Alps {prop} /ælps/ (a mountain range in Western Europe) :: Alpit
al-Qaeda {prop} /ɒl ˈkaɪdə/ (The global network of militant Islamic extremists.) :: al-Qaida
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem ::
already {adv} /ɔːlˈɹɛdi/ (prior to some time) :: jo
already {adv} (so soon) :: jo
already {adv} (used to emphasize impatience or express exasperation) :: jo
Alsace {prop} /ælˈseɪs/ (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) :: Elsass
Alsatian {prop} /ælˈseɪʃən/ (language of Alsace) :: elsassi
also {adv} /ˈɔl.soʊ/ (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) :: myös, -kin
also known as {adv} (used to introduce an alternative name) :: alias, eli
Altai {prop} (Altay) SEE: Altay ::
Altaic {adj} /ælˈteɪ.ɪk/ (pertaining to the group of languages) :: altailainen
Altair {prop} (star) :: Altair
altaite {n} (lead telluride) :: altaiitti
altar {n} /ˈɔːl.tə/ (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) :: alttari
altarpiece {n} (work of art suspended above and behind an altar) :: alttaritaulu
altar screen {n} (an often richly decorated partition separating the nave from the chancel in a church) :: kuoriaita
Altay {prop} (mountain range) :: Altai
alteplase {n} (drug) :: alteplaasi
alter {v} /ˈɔːl.tə/ (to change the form or structure of) :: muuttaa
alteration {n} /ɔl.tɚˈeɪ.ʃən/ (the act of altering or making different) :: muutos
alteration {n} (the state of being altered) :: muutos
altercation {n} /ɔl.tɚˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (dispute) :: riita, kiista, sanasota, tappelu, jupakka
altered {adj} /ˈɔːl.təd/ (having been changed) :: muuttunut
alterity {n} (otherness) :: toiseus
alternate {adj} /ˈɔl.tɚ.nət/ (being or succeeding by turns) :: vuorotteleva
alternate {adj} (mathematics: designating the members in a series) :: joka toinen
alternate {adj} (other; alternative) :: vaihtoehtoinen, vaihtoehto-
alternate {adj} (botany: distributed, as leaves) :: vuorottainen
alternate {n} (that which alternates) :: vaihtoehto, vaihteleva asia
alternate {n} (substitute) :: sijainen
alternate {n} (figures or tinctures) :: vuorottelu
alternate {v} (to perform by turns) :: vuorotella
alternate {v} (to happen, succeed, or act by turns) :: vuorotella
alternate {v} (to vary by turns) :: vuorotella
alternate universe {n} (hypothetical world) SEE: parallel universe ::
alternating {adj} (such that it alternates) :: vaihtuva, vaihteleva, vuorottainen, vuorotteleva, vaihto-,, vuoro-
alternating {adj} (math, knot theory) :: vuorotteleva
alternating {adj} (math, series theory) :: vuorotteleva
alternating current {n} (electric current that reverses direction periodically) :: vaihtovirta
alternating current {n} (electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally) :: vaihtovirta; sinivirta [technical, rare]
alternating group {n} (group of even permutations) :: alternoiva ryhmä
alternation {n} (ablaut) SEE: ablaut ::
alternation {n} /ˈɔl.tɚ.ˌneɪ.ʃən/ (alternate succession) :: vuorottelu
alternation {n} (response) :: vuorottelu
alternation {n} (inclusive or) SEE: inclusive or ::
alternative {adj} /ɔl.ˈtɝ.nə.tɪv/ (relating to a choice) :: vaihtoehtoinen
alternative {adj} (other) :: vaihtoehtoinen
alternative {n} (a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities) :: vaihtoehto
alternative {n} (one of several things which can be chosen) :: vaihtoehto
alternative dispute resolution {n} (resolution of a dispute through negotiation or similar means) :: sovintoratkaisu
alternative fuel {n} (fuel) :: vaihtoehtoinen polttoaine
alternative hypothesis {n} (hypothesis) :: vaihtoehtohypoteesi
alternatively {adv} (in an alternative way) :: vaihtoehtoisesti
alternative medicine {n} (any of various medical methods and practices used in place of conventional medicine) :: vaihtoehtolääkintä, vaihtoehtolääketiede
alternator {n} (an electric generator which produces alternating current) :: vaihtovirtageneraattori, vaihtovirtalaturi
although {conj} /ɔlˈðoʊ/ (in spite of the fact that) :: vaikka, joskin
although {conj} (but) :: paitsi
altimeter {n} (an apparatus for measuring altitude) :: korkeusmittari
altimetry {n} (the science of measuring altitude) :: altimetria
altitude {n} /ˈælt.ɪˌtuːd/ (absolute height) :: korkeus
altitude {n} (distance measured upwards) :: korkeus
altitude {n} (distance measured perpendicularly from a figure's vertex to the opposite side of the vertex) :: korkeus
altitude {n} (distance measured angularly of a heavenly body) :: korkeus, korkeuskulma
altitude sickness {n} (oxygen deficiency at high altitudes) :: vuoristotauti
alt key {n} (computing: a key on a keyboard) :: Alt-näppäin
alto {n} /ˈæl.toʊ/ (musical part) :: altto
alto {n} (person or instrument) :: altto
alto clef {n} (Musical notation) :: alttoavain
altocumulus {n} (cloud) :: hahtuvapilvi
altogether {adv} /ɔl.tuˈɡɛð.ɚ/ (without exception; wholly; completely) :: täysin
altogether {adv} (on the whole; everything considered) :: kaikkiaan
altophobia {n} (acrophobia) SEE: acrophobia ::
alto saxophone {n} (saxophone smaller than tenor) :: alttosaksofoni
altostratus {n} (cloud type) :: verhopilvi
altretamine {n} (drug) :: altretamiini
altrose {n} (aldohexose epimeric with mannose) :: altroosi
altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests) :: altruismi, epäitsekkyys
altruist {n} (person imbued with altruism) :: altruisti
altruistic {adj} /ˌæl.tɹuˈɪs.tɪk/ (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) :: altruistinen, epäitsekäs, pyyteetön
altruistically {adv} (in an altruistic manner) :: altruistisesti
alula {n} (bastard wing) SEE: bastard wing ::
alum {n} /ˈæl.əm/ (chemistry: double sulfate) :: aluna
aluminate {n} (compound containing aluminium and oxygen) :: aluminaatti
aluminic {adj} (of, relating to or containing aluminium) :: alumiininen [resembling aluminium]; alumiini- [having aluminium as essential component]; alumiinipitoinen [containing some aluminium]
aluminic acid {n} (Al(OH)3) SEE: aluminium hydroxide ::
aluminise {v} (to coat) :: aluminoida
aluminium {n} /ˌæl.(j)uˈmɪn.i.əm/ (silvery metal) :: alumiini
aluminium chloride {n} (AlCl3) :: alumiinikloridi
aluminium foil {n} (very thin, pliable, eaily torn sheet of aluminium) :: alumiinifolio, talousfolio
aluminium hydroxide {n} (the compound aluminium hydroxide: Al(OH)3) :: alumiinihydroksidi
aluminium nitrate {n} (salt of aluminium and nitric acid) :: alumiininitraatti
aluminium nitride {n} :: alumiininitridi
aluminium paper {n} (aluminium foil) SEE: aluminium foil ::
aluminium paper {n} (aluminium-coated paper) :: alumiinipaperi
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium ::
alumnus {n} /əˈlʌmnəs/ (a male pupil or student) :: miespuolinen opiskelija
alumnus {n} (a male graduate) :: miespuolinen alumni
alumnus {n} (a student) :: opiskelija
alumnus {n} (a graduate) :: valmistunut opiskelija, alumni
alunite {n} (mineral) :: aluniitti
alveolar {adj} /æl.ˈvi.ə.lɚ/ (of or relating to the alvelous) :: alveolaarinen
alveolar {adj} (relating to the jaw ridge) :: alveolaarinen
alveolar {adj} (relating to the alveoli) :: alveolaarinen
alveolar {adj} (formed with the tongue touching or approaching the ridge behind the upper teeth) :: alveolaarinen
alveolar {n} (an alveolar consonant) :: alveolaari
alveolar bone {n} (ridge on the maxilla) :: hammaskuoppaharjanne
alveolar ridge {n} (ridge that forms the borders of the maxilla and the mandible) :: hammasvalli
alveolus {n} /ˌælviˈəʊləs/ (anatomical structure that has the form of a hollow cavity) :: alveoli
alveolus {n} (small air sac in the lungs) :: rakkula, keuhkorakkula
Alvina {prop} (female given name) :: Alviina
always {adv} /ˈɔl.weɪz/ (at all times) :: aina, alati, ikuisesti, iäti
always {adv} (constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals) :: aina, koko ajan, joka kerta, jatkuvasti
alyssum {n} (any of several plants, of the genus Alyssum) :: kilpiruoho
Alzheimer's disease {n} /ˈɑːltshaɪmə(ɹ)z/ (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) :: Alzheimerin tauti, alzheimerintauti
a.m. {adv} (before noon) :: ap
AM {adv} (before noon) :: ap., e. pp.
amadou {n} /ˈæ.mə.duː/ (spongy, flammable substance prepared from bracket fungi) :: taula
A major {n} (major key) :: A-duuri
amalgam {n} /əˈmæl.ɡəm/ (alloy) :: amalgaami
amalgam {n} (combination) :: amalgaami
amalgamate {v} /əˈmælɡəˌmeɪt/ (to combine or blend) :: sulauttaa, yhdistää [transitive]; sulautua, yhdistyä [intransitive]
amalgamate {v} (to make an alloy of mercury and another metal) :: amalgamoida
amalgamation {n} /əˌmælɡəˈmeɪʃən/ (The result of amalgamating) :: kokonaisuus
Amami rabbit {n} (Pentalagus furnessia) :: riukiunkaniini
Amanda {prop} /əˈmændə/ (female given name) :: Amanda
a man is known by the company he keeps {proverb} (people are similar in character to their friends) :: vakka kantensa valitsee
amanita {n} /ˌæməˈnaɪtə/ (mushroom of the genus Amanita) :: kärpässieni
a man's home is his castle {proverb} (proverbial expression of personal privacy and security) :: kotini on linnani
amantadine {n} (drug) :: amantadiini
amaranth {n} /ˈæməɹænθ/ (imaginary flower that does not wither) :: amarantti
amaranth {n} (herb of the genus Amaranthus) :: revonhäntä
amaranth {n} (purplish-red colour) :: amarantti
amaranth {n} (red to purple azo dye) :: amarantti
amaranth {n} (seed of these plants, used as a cereal) :: amarantti
amaretto {n} (a sweet almond-flavoured liqueur) :: amaretto
Amarone {n} /ˌɑməˈɹoʊneɪ/ (strong Italian dry red wine) :: amarone, Amarone-viini
amaryllis {n} /ˌæməˈɹɪlɪs/ (Amaryllis belladonna) :: amaryllis
amaryllis {n} (lily in the genus Hippeastrum) :: ritarinkukka
amass {v} /əˈmæs/ (to collect into a mass or heap) :: kasata, kahmia
amateur {n} /ˈæ.mə.tɚ/ (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally) :: harrastaja, amatööri
amateur {n} (someone unqualified) :: harrastelija, amatööri
amateur {adj} (created, done, or populated by amateurs or non-professional) :: amatööri-, harrastaja-
amateur {adj} (showing lack of professionalism, experience or talent) :: aloittelijamainen, harrastelijamainen
amateur {adj} (nonprofessional) SEE: nonprofessional ::
amateurish {adj} /ˈæ.mə.tʃʊɚ.ɪʃ/ (reflecting the efforts of an amateur) :: amatöörimäinen
amateurism {n} (amateur beliefs and practices) :: amatööriys
amateurly {adv} (in an amateur manner) :: amatöörimäisesti, harrastelijamaisesti
amateur night {n} (session for amateurs) :: amatööri-ilta
amatol {n} (high explosive made from ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene) :: amatoli
amaze {v} /əˈmeɪz/ (to fill with surprise, astonish) :: hämmästyttää
amazed {adj} /əˈmeɪzd/ (astonished; confounded with fear, surprise or wonder) :: hämmästynyt
amazement {n} /əˈmeɪz.mənt/ (the condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear) :: ällistys
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good ::
amazing {adj} /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ (causing wonder and amazement) :: hämmästyttävä
amazing {adj} (possessing uniquely wonderful qualities) :: mieletön
amazingly {adv} (wonderfully) :: hämmästyttävän, hämmästyttävästi
amazingly {adv} (difficult to believe) :: hämmästyttävästi, kuin ihmeen kaupalla
amazingly {adv} (to a wonder-inspiring extent) :: hämmästyttävästi
amazon {n} /ˈæ.məˌzɑ.ːn/ (tall, strong, athletic woman) :: amatsoni
Amazon {n} /ˈæm.əˌzɑn/ (Mythological female warrior) :: amatsoni
Amazon {prop} (river) :: Amazon
Amazon {prop} (used attributively in compounds) :: amazonin-
Amazon {prop} (region of the Amazon rainforest) SEE: Amazonia ::
Amazonia {prop} (region) :: Amazonia
Amazonian antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus amazonicus) :: amazonianpuumuura
amazonite {n} /ˈæməzəˌnaɪt/ (gem) :: amatsoniitti
amazonstone {n} (amazonite) SEE: amazonite ::
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba ::
ambages {n} (indirect or roundabout ways of talking) SEE: circumlocution ::
ambassador {n} /æmˈbæs.ə.dɚ/ (minister) :: suurlähettiläs
ambassador {n} (representative) :: lähettiläs
amber {n} /ˈæm.bɚ/ (fossil resin) :: meripihka
amber {n} (colour) :: meripihkan värinen, meripihkanvärinen, ruskeankeltainen
amber {n} (traffic light colour) :: keltainen
amber {adj} (of a brownish yellow colour) :: kullanruskea, meripihkanvärinen
amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris ::
ambergris {n} /ˈæm.bɚ.ɡɹɪs/ (waxy substance produced by sperm whales) :: ambra
Amber Road {prop} (ancient trade route) :: meripihkatie
ambi- {prefix} (both, on both sides) :: ambi-, molempi-
ambiance {n} /ˈæm.bi.əns/ (particular mood or atmosphere of an environment) :: ilmapiiri, tunnelma
ambidexterity {n} (property) :: molempikätisyys, ambidekstria
ambidextrous {adj} /æm.biˈdɛk.stɹəs/ (having equal ability in both hands) :: molempikätinen
ambient {adj} /ˈæm.biː.ənt/ (encompassing on all sides) :: ympäröivä; ympäristön [of ambiance]
ambient {adj} ((music) evoking or creating an atmosphere) :: tunnelmallinen
ambient {n} (Something that surrounds) :: ympäristö, ympäröivä
ambient {n} (Type of modern music) :: ambient-musiikki
ambigram {n} (design that reads as the same word or phrase in two different orientations) :: ambigrammi
ambiguity {n} /æmbɪˈɡjuːɪti/ (something liable to more than one interpretation) :: monitulkintaisuus, monimerkityksisyys, ambiguiteetti
ambiguous {adj} /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ (open to multiple interpretations) :: tulkinnanvarainen
ambiguous {adj} (vague and unclear) :: epäselvä, moniselitteinen
ambition {n} /æmˈbɪ.ʃən/ (desire) :: kunnianhimo [to distinguish]
ambition {n} (object of desire) :: intohimo
ambition {n} (personal quality) :: aloitekyky
ambition {n} (act of going about to solicit or obtain an object of desire) :: yritys, pyrkimys
ambitious {adj} /æmˈbɪʃ.əs/ (possessing, or controlled by, ambition) :: kunnianhimoinen
ambitious {adj} (strongly desirous) :: innokas
ambitious {adj} (showy) :: näyttävä
ambitious {adj} (hard to achieve) :: kunnianhimoinen
ambitiously {adv} (in an ambitious manner) :: kunnianhimoisesti
ambitiousness {n} (quality of being ambitious) :: kunnianhimoisuus
ambivalence {n} (coexistence of opposing attitudes) :: ambivalenssi
ambivalence {n} (state of uncertainty) :: ambivalenssi
ambivalent {adj} /æmˈbɪv.ə.lənt/ (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings) :: ristiriitainen
ambivert {n} /ˈæmbɪvɜːt/ (person who is neither clearly extroverted nor introverted) :: ambivertti
amblygonite {n} (a mineral that is an important ore of lithium) :: amblygoniitti
amblyopia {n} /æmblɪˈəʊpɪə/ (dimness or blurring of the eyesight) :: heikkonäköisyys
ambo {n} /ˈæm.bəʊ/ (raised platform) :: ambo, lukupulpetti
ambo {n} (stationary podium) :: saarnastuoli, ambo
ambo {n} (informal: ambulance driver) :: sirrakuski
ambo {n} (informal: ambulance) :: sirra
ambrisentan {n} (drug) :: ambrisentaani
Ambrose {prop} /ˈæmbɹoʊz/ (male given name) :: [historical] Ambrosius
ambrosia {n} /æmˈbɹoʊʒə/ (food of gods or delicious foods) :: ambrosia
ambulance {n} /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ (emergency vehicle) :: ambulanssi, sairaankuljetusauto, sairasauto, lanssi [slang]
ambuscade {n} /ˈæmbəsˌkeɪd/ (ambush) :: väijytys
ambuscade {v} (to lie in wait for, or to attack) :: väijyä, vaania
ambush {n} /ˈæm.bʊʃ/ (act) :: väijytys
ambush {n} (attack) :: ylläkkö, yllätyshyökkäys; tuliylläkkö [military]
ambush {n} (troops) :: väijytysjoukko
ambush {v} (to station in ambush with a view to surprise an enemy) :: väijyä
ambush {v} (to attack by ambush; to waylay) :: hyökkää väijyksistä [+ genitive +] kimppuun, väijyttää
Amdo Tibetan {prop} (the language) :: amdotiibet
Amelia {prop} /əˈmiːljə/ (female given name) :: Amalia
ameliorate {v} /əˈmiːli.əɹeɪt/ (to make better) :: parantaa, kohentaa
ameloblast {n} (epithelial cell) :: ameloblasti
amen {adv} /eɪˈmɛn/ (so be it) :: aamen
amen {adv} (truly, verily) :: totisesti
amen {interj} (expression of strong agreement) :: aamen
amenable {adj} /əˈmɛn.ə.bəl/ (Willing to respond to persuasion or suggestions) :: vastaanottavainen
amenable {adj} (Willing to comply with; agreeable) :: myöntyväinen
amend {v} /əˈmɛnd/ (to make better) :: korjata, parantaa
amend {v} (to become better) :: korjaantua, parantua
amend {v} (to make a formal alteration) :: muuttaa
amended {adj} (that has been modified from a previous form) :: muutettu
amendment {n} /ʌˈmɛnd.mənt/ (correction or addition to a law) :: lakimuutos, lainmuutos
amendment {n} (that which is added) :: lisäys
amendment {n} (addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution) :: lisäys
amenity {n} /əˈmiːnəti/ (pleasantness) :: miellyttävyys
amenity {n} (something that makes life easier or more pleasant) :: mukavuus
amenity {n} (unit of community infrastructure) :: mukavuus, palvelu
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience ::
amenorrhoea {n} /əˌmɛnəˈɹiːə/ (lack of a menstrual period) :: amenorrea
amensalism {n} (form of symbiosis in which one species is harmed or impeded and the other is unaffected) :: amensalismi
amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish ::
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine ::
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America ::
America {prop} (Americas) SEE: Americas ::
American {n} /ə.ˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən/ (inhabitant of the Americas) :: amerikkalainen
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.) :: amerikkalainen, yhdysvaltalainen, jenkki
American {prop} (American English, see also: American English) :: amerikka [rare, derogative]
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas) :: Amerikan [genitive of noun], amerikkalainen
American {adj} (of or pertaining to a native or citizen of the Americas) :: amerikkalainen
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) :: amerikkalainen, yhdysvaltalainen, Yhdysvaltain [genitive of noun], Amerikan [genitive of noun]
American {adj} (of or pertaining to a native or citizen of the U.S.) :: amerikkalainen
American {adj} (of or pertaining to American (the language), American English) :: amerikkalainen
American alligator {n} (Alligator mississippiensis) :: mississippinalligaattori
American badger {n} (Taxidea taxus) :: amerikanmäyrä, karkaju
American beaver {n} (American beaver) :: kanadanmajava
American beech {n} (Fagus grandifolia) :: amerikanpyökki
American bison {n} /əˈmɛɹɪkən ˈbaɪ̯sən/ (mammal) :: biisoni
American bittern {n} (Botaurus lentiginosus) :: amerikankaulushaikara
American black vulture {n} (black vulture) SEE: black vulture ::
American brook char {n} (Salvelinus fontinalis) SEE: brook trout ::
American Bulldog {n} (American Bulldog) :: amerikanbulldoggi
American Civil War {prop} (civil war in the United States (1861-1865)) :: Yhdysvaltain sisällissota
American cliff swallow {n} (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) :: amerikanpääsky
American cocker spaniel {n} (breed of sporting dog) :: amerikancockerspanieli
American dipper {n} (Cinclus mexicanus) :: amerikankoskikara
American Dream {n} (determination) :: amerikkalainen unelma
American Dream {n} (philosophy) :: amerikkalainen unelma
American eagle {n} (bald eagle) SEE: bald eagle ::
American English {prop} (English of the United States) :: amerikanenglanti
American English {prop} (North American English) :: amerikanenglanti
American football {n} (American football) :: amerikkalainen jalkapallo, [colloquial] jenkkifutis
American ginseng {n} (Panax quinquefolius) :: amerikanginseng, amerikanginsengjuuri
American golden plover {n} (Pluvialis dominic) :: amerikankurmitsa
American holly {n} (Ilex opaca) :: piikkipaatsama
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian ::
Americanisation {n} (assimilation) :: amerikkalaistuminen
Americanism {n} (custom) :: amerikanismi
Americanism {n} (linguistic feature) :: amerikanismi
Americanism {n} (preference) :: amerikkalaismielisyys
Americanization {n} (Americanisation) SEE: Americanisation ::
Americanize {v} (to make American) :: amerikkalaistaa
American kestrel {n} (species) :: amerikantuulihaukka
American mink {n} (Mustela vison) :: minkki
Americanness {n} /əˈmɛɹɪkənəs/ (quality of being American) :: amerikkalaisuus
americano {n} (drink made of espresso diluted with hot water) :: americano
American option {n} (option that can be exercised at any date between the issue date and the expiry date) :: amerikkalainen optio
American planetree {n} (Platanus occidentalis) :: amerikanplataani, lännenplataani
American pokeweed {n} (pokeweed) SEE: pokeweed ::
American robin {n} (Turdus migratorius) :: punarintarastas
American Samoa {prop} /əˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən səˈmoʊ.ə/ (US overseas territory in Oceania) :: Amerikan Samoa
American Samoan {n} (person) :: amerikansamoalainen
American Samoan {adj} (pertaining to American Samoa) :: amerikansamoalainen
American Standard Code for Information Interchange {prop} (character encoding) :: ASCII
American white birch {n} (Betula papyrifera) SEE: paper birch ::
American wigeon {n} (Anas americana) :: amerikanhaapana
American winterberry {n} (Ilex verticillata) :: kesälaakeri, kesäorjanlaakeri
American woodcock {n} (Scolopax minor) :: amerikanlehtokurppa
Americas {prop} /əˈmɛɹɪkəz/ (North and South America) :: Amerikka
americium {n} /ˌæməˈɹɪsiəm/ (chemical element with atomic number 95) :: amerikium
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian ::
amesite {n} (triclinic-pedial mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, magnesium, oxygen, and silicon) :: amesiitti
amethyst {n} /ˈæm.ə.θɪst/ (gem) :: ametisti
amethyst {n} (colour) :: ametistinvioletti
amethyst {adj} (colour) :: ametistinvioletti
amfepramone {n} (drug) :: amfepramoni
Amharic {prop} /æmˈhæɹɪk/ (language) :: amhara, amharan kieli
amiable {adj} /ˈeɪ.mi.ə.bəl/ (friendly as an amiable temper or mood) :: ystävällinen
amiable {adj} (possessing sweetness of disposition) :: rakastettava
amicable {adj} /ˈæ.mɨ.kə.bəl/ (showing friendliness or goodwill) :: sovinnollinen, sopuisa, ystävällinen
amicable number {n} (number theory) :: ystäväluku
amicably {adv} (friendly, in an amicable manner) :: ystävällisesti
amicably {adv} (characterized by absence of antagonism) :: rakentavasti
amicably {adv} (out of court) :: osapuolten kesken [between the parties]
amice {n} (hood, or cape with a hood, formerly worn by the clergy) :: amikti
amid {prep} /əˈmɪd/ (surrounded by) :: keskellä, vallitessa
amide {n} /ˈeɪ.maɪd/ (organic chemistry: derivative of an oxoacid) :: amidi
amidinotransferase {n} (any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of amidinos) :: amidinotransferaasi
amidships {adv} /əˈmɪd.ʃɪps/ (in the middle of a ship) :: keskilaivassa, keskilaivaan
amifostine {n} (drug) :: amifostiini
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend ::
amikacin {n} (drug) :: amikasiini
amiloride {n} /əˈmɪl.ə.ɹʌɪd/ (drug) :: amiloridi
amine {n} /əˈ.miːn/ (inorganic chemistry: functional group formally derived from ammonia) :: amiini
-amine {suffix} (an amine) :: -amiini
amino {adj} /əˈminoʊ/ (relating to an amine) :: amino-
amino {n} (the amine functional group) :: aminoryhmä
amino acid {n} (any organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid) :: aminohappo
amino acid {n} (any of the twenty α-amino acids) :: aminohappo
aminoacridine {n} (drug) :: aminoakridiini
aminocaproic acid {n} (drug) :: aminokapronihappo
aminolevulinic acid {n} (amino derivative of levulinic acid) :: aminolevuliinihappo
aminomethyltransferase {n} (any enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of an aminomethyl group) :: aminometyylitransferaasi
aminophylline {n} (bronchodilator comprising theophylline and ethylenediamine) :: aminofylliini
A minor {n} (minor key) :: a-molli
A-minor {n} (minor key with A as its tonic) :: A-molli
aminosalicylic acid {n} (amino derivative of salicylic acid) :: aminosalisyylihappo
aminotransferase {n} (transaminase) SEE: transaminase ::
amiodarone {n} (medicine used against arrhythmia) :: amiodaroni
Amish {prop} /ˈɑː.mɪʃ/ (a strict Anabaptist sect) :: amissit
Amish {adj} (relating to the Amish sect) :: amissi-
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong ::
amiss {adj} /əˈmɪs/ (wrong (postpositive)) :: väärin
a miss is as good as a mile {proverb} (failure remains a failure) SEE: close, but no cigar ::
amisulpride {n} (drug) :: amisulpridi
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little ::
amitraz {n} (drug) :: amiratsi
amitriptyline {n} /æmɪˈtɹɪptɪliːn/ (drug) :: amitriptyliini
am I under arrest {phrase} (am I under arrest?) :: onko minut pidätetty
amla {n} (tree) :: amblapuu
amlodipine {n} (drug) :: amlodipiini
Amman {prop} /ɑːˈmɑːn/ (the capital of Jordan) :: Amman
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) :: ampeerimittari
ammo belt {n} (strip to hold bullets) :: ammusvyö
ammocoete {n} (lamprey larva) :: likomato
ammolite {n} (gemstone) :: ammoliitti
ammonia {n} /əˈmoʊn.jə/ (the compound NH3) :: ammoniakki
ammonite {n} /ˈæmənaɪt/ (cephalopod) :: ammoniitti
ammonite {n} (explosive) :: ammoniitti
ammonium {n} /əˈmoʊni.əm/ (univalent NH4+ cation) :: ammoniumioni
ammonium chloride {n} (NH4Cl) :: ammoniumkloridi, salmiakki
ammonium hydroxide {n} (compound) :: ammoniumhydroksidi
ammonium nitrate {n} (ammonium salt of nitric acid) :: ammoniumnitraatti
ammonium sulfate {n} ((NH4)2SO4) :: ammoniumsulfaatti
Ammon's horn {n} (hippocampus, see also: hippocampus) :: ammoninsarvi
ammunition {n} /ˌæmjuˈnɪʃən/ (articles used in charging firearms) :: ampumatarvikkeet {p}
ammunition {n} (any stock of missiles) :: aseet {p}, välineet {p}
amnesia {n} /ˌæmˈniʒə/ (loss of memory) :: amnesia, muistinmenetys
amnesia {n} (forgetfulness) SEE: forgetfulness ::
amnesty {n} /ˈæm.nɪ.sti/ (act of the sovereign power) :: armahdus
amnesty {v} (to grant a pardon (to a group)) :: armahtaa
amnicolist {n} /æmˈnɪkəlɪst/ (one who dwells by a river) :: joen rannalla asuva ihminen
amniocentesis {n} /ˌamnɪə(ʊ)sɛnˈtiːsɪs/ (procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid) :: lapsivesipisto
amnion {n} /ˈæm.nɪ.ɑːn/ (a fetal membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals, see also: amniotic sac) :: vesikalvo
amnioscope {n} (form of endoscope) :: amnioskooppi
amnioscopy {n} (examination of a foetus and the amniotic fluid) :: amnioskopia, lapsivedentähystys
amniotic fluid {n} (fluid that surrounds a developing embryo or fetus) :: lapsivesi (humans), vedet
amniotic sac {n} (sac in which foetus develops, see also: amnion) :: sikiöpussi
amobarbital {n} (drug) :: amobarbitaali
amoeba {n} /əˈmiːbə/ (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) :: ameba
amoebiasis {n} (disease caused by parasitic protozoan) :: amebapunatauti, punatauti, amebiaasi
amoebic dysentery {n} (amoebiasis) SEE: amoebiasis ::
amok {adv} /əˈmɒk/ (in a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree; berserk) :: amok
among {prep} /əˈmʌŋ/ (mingling or intermixing) :: joukossa, keskellä, seassa
among {prep} (belonging to a group) :: kuulua [verb, to be among], joukossa
among other things {adv} (inter alia) SEE: inter alia ::
amongst {prep} /əˈmʌŋst/ (Used to denote a mingling or intermixing) :: keskellä, seassa
amoral {adj} (of acts) :: amoraalinen
amoral {adj} (of people) :: amoraalinen
amorality {n} (lack of morality) :: amoralismi
amoretto {n} (art: cupid) :: amoriini, kerubi
amoretto {n} (love poem) :: rakkausruno
amoretto {n} (sweetheart) :: sydänkäpynen
amorolfine {n} (drug) :: amorolfiini
amorous {adj} /ˈæ.mɹəs/ (inclined to love) :: lemmenkipeä
amorous {adj} (indicating love or sexual desire) :: lemmekäs
amorous {adj} (of or relating to, or produced by, love) :: rakkaus-
amorous {adj} (affected with love) :: rakastunut
amorously {adv} /ˈæ.mə.ɹəs.li/ (in an amorous manner) :: lemmekkäästi, rakastavasti, rakkaudella
amorphicity {n} (quality of being amorphic) SEE: amorphousness ::
amorphous {adj} /əˈmɔɹfəs/ (physics: in the non-crystalline state of solid) :: amorfinen
amorphousness {n} (quality of being amorphous) :: amorfisuus
amortization {n} /ˌæmɚtəˈzeɪʃən/ (process of distributing asset cost) :: amortisointi, poisto
amortize {v} /ˈæmɚtaɪz/ (decrease (debt) in installments) :: kuolettaa
Amos {prop} /ˈeɪ.məs/ (figure mentioned in the Old Testament) :: Aamos {m}
Amos {prop} (book of the Old Testament) :: Aamos
amosite {n} (variety of grunerite asbestos) :: amosiitti
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number ::
amount {n} /əˈmaʊnt/ (total or sum of items) :: määrä, lukumäärä
amount {n} (quantity or volume) :: määrä
amount {v} (to total or evaluate) :: olla yhteensä
amount {v} (to be the same as) :: vastata, olla
amount of substance {n} (amount of substance) :: ainemäärä
amoxapine {n} (drug) :: amoksapiini
amoxicillin {n} /əˌmɑk.sɪˈsɪ.lɪn/ (antibiotic) :: amoksisilliini
Amoy {prop} (Xiamen) SEE: Xiamen ::
ampakine {n} (any of a class of chemical compounds that enhance attention span and alertness) :: ampakiini
AMP deaminase {n} (enzyme) :: adenylaattideaminaasi, AMP-deaminaasi
ampelite {n} (carbonaceous alum schist) :: ampeliitti
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current ::
ampere {n} /ˈæmˌpɪər/ (unit of electrical current) :: ampeeri
ampere-hour {n} (unit of electric charge) :: ampeeritunti
amperozide {n} (drug) :: amperotsidi
ampersand {n} /ˈæm.pə(ɹ).sænd/ (the symbol &) :: et-merkki, ampersandi
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
amphetamine {n} /æmˈfɛtəmin/ (amphetamine) :: amfetamiini
amphibian {n} /æmˈfɪbɪən/ (vertebrate) :: sammakkoeläin
amphibian {n} (vehicle) :: amfibi, amfibioajoneuvo
amphibious {adj} /æmˈfɪbi.əs/ (capable of functioning on land or in water) :: amfibinen
amphibious {adj} (occurring on both land and water) :: amfibio-
amphibious car {n} (car) :: amfibioauto
amphibole {n} (Any of a large group of similar hydrated double silicate minerals) :: amfiboli
amphibolite {n} (metamorphic rock composed mainly of amphibole) :: amfiboliitti
amphibrach {n} /ˈam.fɪ.bɹak/ (metrical foot of three syllables) :: amfibrakhys
amphiphilic {adj} (having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic (or lipophilic) groups) :: yhteisliukoinen, amfifiilinen
amphiphilic {adj} (having one surface consisting of hydrophilic amino acids and the opposite surface consisting of hydrophobic (or lipophilic) ones) :: amfifiilinen
amphipod {n} /ˈam.fɪ.pɒd/ (member of order Amphipoda of small, shrimp-like crustaceans) :: katka
amphitheatre {n} /ˈæmfɪˌθiːətə/ (an open, outdoor theatre) :: amfiteatteri, ulkoilmateatteri
ampholyte {n} (amphoteric electrolyte) :: amfolyytti
amphora {n} /ˈæm.fə.ɹə/ (type of jar) :: amfora
amphoteric {adj} (having the characteristics of both an acid and a base) :: amfoteerinen
amphotericin {n} (drug) :: amfoterisiini
ampicillin {n} /æm.pɪ-sɪ-lɪn/ (broad-spectrum antibiotic) :: ampisilliini
ample {adj} /ˈæm.pəl/ (large; great in size) :: tilava, iso, suuri
ample {adj} (fully sufficient; abundant) :: runsas, yltäkylläinen, reilu
ample {adj} (not contracted or brief; not concise) :: laaja, pitkä
amplexicaul {adj} (having lobes that completely surround the stem) :: sepivä
amplification {n} /ˌæmplɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (result of amplifying) :: vahvistuminen
amplification {n} (in physics) :: vahvistaminen [act], vahvistuminen [result]
amplification {n} (in electronics) :: vahvistaminen
amplification {n} (in genetics) :: monistaminen
amplification {n} (in organic chemistry) :: amplifikaatio
amplification {n} (in translation studies) :: laajentaminen
amplifier {n} /ˈæm.plə.faɪ.əɹ/ (anything that amplifies) :: vahvistin
amplifier {n} (appliance or circuit) :: vahvistin
amplifier {n} (type of adverb) :: vahvistava adverbi
amplifier {n} (in music) :: vahvistin, vahvari
amplify {v} /ˈæmp.lɪ.faɪ/ (render larger etc.) :: voimistaa, vahvistaa, suurentaa, laajentaa
amplify {v} (enlarge rhetorically) :: laajentaa
amplify {v} (increase amplitude) :: vahvistaa
amplify {v} (translation studies: add content) :: laajentaa
amplitude {n} /ˈæm.plɪ.tud/ (magnitude) :: laajuus
amplitude {n} (maths: maximum absolute value) :: amplitudi
amplitude {n} (physics: maximum absolute value) :: amplitudi
amplitude modulation {n} (method of sending information) :: amplitudimodulaatio
amply {adv} /ˈæmp.li/ (in an ample manner) :: runsaasti, hereästi
ampoule {n} /ˈæm.puːl/ (small glass vial hermetically sealed) :: ampulli
amprenavir {n} (drug) :: amprenaviiri
ampulla {n} /æmˈpʊlə/ (dilated end of a duct) :: avartuma
ampulla of Vater {n} (swelling marking the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct) :: Vaterin ampulla
amputate {v} /ˈæmpjʊteɪt/ (To surgically remove a body part) :: amputoida
amputation {n} (surgical removal of a limb) :: amputaatio
amrinone {n} (drug) SEE: inamrinone ::
amsacrine {n} (drug) :: amsakriini
Amsterdam {prop} /ˌæmstəˈdæm/ (capital of the Netherlands) :: Amsterdam
Amu Darya {prop} /ˌɑːmuːˈdɑːɹɪə/ (river) :: Amudarja, Amu-Darja
amulet {n} /ˈæm.jə.lɪt/ (protective charm) :: amuletti
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) :: Amur
amurca {n} (sediment in olive oil) :: kasvisvesi
Amur falcon {n} (Falco amurensis) :: amurinhaukka
Amur leopard {n} (Panthera pardus orientalis) :: amurinleopardi
amuse {v} /əˈmjuːz/ (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner) :: viihdyttää
amuse {v} (to cause laughter) :: huvittaa, naurattaa, hauskuuttaa
amused {adj} /əˈmjuːzd/ (pleasurably entertained) :: huvittunut
amusement {n} /əˈmjuzmənt/ (entertainment) :: huvi, huvitus, huvittuneisuus, hilpeys
amusement park {n} (commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions) :: huvipuisto
amusia {n} (the inability to comprehend or respond to music) :: amusia
amusing {adj} /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/ (entertaining) :: huvittava
amusing {adj} (funny) :: hupaisa
amygdala {n} /əˈmɪɡ.də.lə/ (region of the brain) :: mantelitumake
amygdalin {n} (glycoside found in bitter almonds) :: amygdaliini
amygdaloid {adj} (shaped like an almond) :: mantelinmuotoinen
amyl alcohol {n} (any of the isomers of pentanol) :: amyylialkoholi
amylase {n} /ˈæmɪleɪs/ (enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch) :: amylaasi
amylmetacresol {n} (drug) :: amyylimetakresoli
amyl nitrate {n} (drug) :: amyylinitraatti
amyl nitrite {n} (organic compound) :: amyylinitriitti
amyloid {n} (misfolded proteins that disrupt normal organ function) :: amyloidi
amyloidosis {n} (group of disorders) :: amyloidoosi, amyloidirappeuma
amylum {n} (amylum) SEE: starch ::
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis {n} (disease) :: ALS-tauti
an {conj} /æn/ (if; so long as) :: mikäli
an {prep} (in each; to or for each; per) :: (use the inessive case for the word after)
an {article} (indefinite article) :: Not used in Finnish
Anabaptism {n} /ænəˈbæptɪzm/ (doctrine of Anabaptists) :: anabaptismi
Anabaptist {n} (member of radical wing of Christians during Reformation) :: anabaptisti
Anabaptist {n} (member of present-day church) :: anabaptisti
anabatic {adj} (of an air current: rising) :: anabaattinen
anabatic wind {n} (upslope wind) :: nousutuuli
anabiosis {n} (state of suspended animation) :: anabioosi
anabolic {adj} (relating to anabolism) :: anabolinen
anabolic {n} (anabolic steroid) :: anaboli
anabolic steroid {n} (class of steroid) :: anabolinen steroidi
anabolism {n} /ə.ˈnæ.bə.ˌlɪ.zəm/ (the constructive metabolism of the body) :: rakennusaineenvaihdunta, anabolia
anachronically {adv} (anachronistically) SEE: anachronistically ::
anachronism {n} /əˈnæ.kɹə.nɪ.z(ə)m/ (chronological mistake) :: ajoitusvirhe
anachronism {n} (person or thing which seems to belong to a different time) :: anakronismi
anachronistic {adj} /əˌnæk.ɹəˈnɪs.tɪk/ (erroneous in date) :: anakronistinen, aikaan sopimaton
anachronistically {adv} /əˌnækɹəˈnɪstɪkli/ (in an anachronistic manner) :: anakronistisesti
anacoluthic {adj} (pertaining to, being, or resembling an anacoluthon) :: anakoluuttinen
anacoluthon {n} /ænəkəˈluːθɒn/ (intentional rhetorical structure) :: anakoluutti
anaconda {n} /ˌænəˈkɒndə/ (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes) :: anakonda
anacrusis {n} /anəˈkɹuːsɪs/ ((prosody) an unstressed syllable at the start of a verse) :: esitahti, anakruusi
anacrusis {n} ((music) an unstressed note (or notes) before the first strong beat of a phrase) :: nousutahti
anadem {n} /ˈa.nə.dɛm/ (garland of flowers) :: kukkaseppele
anadromous {adj} /əˈnæd.ɹə.məs/ (of migratory fish) :: anadrominen
anadromous {adj} (of a fern) :: anadrominen
Anadyr {prop} (city in Russia) :: Anadyr
anaerobic {adj} /ˌænəˈɹoʊbik/ (without oxygen) :: anaerobinen
anaerobically {adv} (In an anaerobic manner) :: anaerobisesti
anaesthesia {n} (anesthesia) SEE: anesthesia ::
anaesthetist {n} (anaesthetist) SEE: anesthesiologist ::
anagram {n} /ˈæ.nə.ɡɹæm/ (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) :: anagrammi
anagrelide {n} (drug) :: anagrelidi
Anaheim {prop} /ˈænəhaɪm/ (city in Orange County) :: Anaheim
anal {adj} /ˈeɪ.nəl/ (of, related to, intended for or involving the anus) :: anaalinen
anal {adj} (of the stage in psychosexual development) :: anaalinen
anal {adj} (of a person, compulsive and stubborn) :: anaalinen
analcime {n} (sodium aluminosilicate found in alkaline basalts) :: analsiimi, analsiitti
anal cleft {n} (groove between buttocks) SEE: gluteal cleft ::
analemma {n} /ˌænəˈlɛmə/ (curve of the Sun's position in the sky throughout the year) :: analemma
anal fin {n} (fin on the underside of a fish) :: peräevä
analgesia {n} /ˌæn.əlˈd͡ʒiː.zi.ə/ (absence of the sense of pain) :: analgesia
analgesic {n} /ˌæn.l̩ˈdʒiː.zɪk/ (medicine that reduces pain) :: särkylääke, kipulääke, analgeetti
analgesic {adj} (of or relating to analgesia) :: kipua lievittävä, analgeettinen
analgesically {adv} (in an analgesic manner) :: analgeettisesti
anal gland {n} (anatomy: sebaceous gland near anus in many mammals) :: anaalirauhanen
anally {adv} (Involving the anus) :: anaalisesti
analog {adj} /ˈæ.nə.lɔɡ/ (represented by a continuously variable physical quantity) :: analoginen
analog {n} (something that bears an analogy) :: vertaus, analogia
analog {n} (organ or structure) :: samatoimintainen elin
analog {n} (structural derivative) :: analogia
analog computer {n} (computer that processes using continuously varying signals) :: analogiakone
analogic {adj} (analogical) SEE: analogical ::
analogical {adj} :: analoginen
analogically {adv} (in an analogical manner) :: analogisesti
analogicalness {n} (the state or quality of being analogical) :: analogia, analogisuus
analogous {adj} /əˈnæl.ə.ɡəs/ (having analogy; corresponding to something else) :: vastaava, vastaavanlainen
analogously {adv} /əˈnæl.ə.ɡəs.li/ (in an analogous manner) :: vastaavasti
analog-to-digital converter {n} (device that converts analog signal to digital signal) :: analogia-digitaalimuunnin
analogue {n} (analog) SEE: analog ::
analogy {n} /əˈnæləd͡ʒi/ (relationship of resemblance or equivalence) :: analogia
analphabet {n} /ænˈælfəbɛt/ (person who does not know the letters of the alphabet, see also: illiterate) :: analfabeetti
anal-retentive {adj} (preoccupied with achieving order) :: anaalis-retentiivinen
anal-retentive {adj} (overly obsessive concerning small details) :: anaalis-retentiivinen
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) :: anaaliseksi
anal sphincter {n} (sphincter surrounding the anus) :: peräaukon sulkijalihas
anal stage {n} :: anaalivaihe
analysis {n} /əˈnælɪsɪs/ (decomposition into components in order to study) :: analyysi, erittely
analysis {n} (result of such process) :: analyysi, erittely, eritelmä
analysis {n} (in mathematics) :: analyysi
analysis {n} (logic: proof by deduction from known truths) :: analyysi, looginen analyysi
analysis {n} (chemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process) :: analyysi
analysis {n} (analytical study of music) :: analyysi, musiikkianalyysi
analysis {n} (psychoanalysis) SEE: psychoanalysis ::
analysis of variance {n} (partition of observed variance into components) :: varianssianalyysi
analyst {n} (person who analyses) :: analyytikko
analyst {n} (psychoanalysis practitioner) :: psykoanalyytikko
analyst {n} (financial or business analyst) :: analyytikko
analyst {n} (systems analyst) SEE: systems analyst ::
analytic {adj} /ˌænəˈlɪtɪk/ (relating to analysis) :: analyyttinen
analytic {adj} (relating to division into elements or principles) :: analyyttinen, erittelevä
analytic {adj} (able to analyze) :: analyyttinen
analytic {adj} (relating to algebra) :: analyyttinen
analytic {adj} (defined in terms of differential calculus) :: analyyttinen
analytical {adj} (analytic) SEE: analytic ::
analytically {adv} /æn.əˈlɪt.ɪk.əl.li/ (in an analytical manner) :: analyyttisesti
analytic function {n} (mathematical function) :: analyyttinen funktio
analytic geometry {n} (subbranch of geometry) :: analyyttinen geometria
analytics {n} /ænəˈlɪtɪks/ (application of computer technology, operational research, and statistics to solve problems) :: analytiikka
analyze {v} /ˈæn.ə.laɪz/ (to subject to analysis) :: analysoida, eritellä
analyzer {n} (instrument) :: analysaattori
analyzer {n} (occupation) :: analysoija
anamnesis {n} /ˌænæmˈniːsɪs/ (medical history of a patient) :: anamneesi
anamnestic {adj} (pertaining to anamnesis) :: anamnestinen
anamorph {n} (asexual reproductive form of certain fungi) :: anamorfi
anamorphic {adj} /ˌænəˈmɔɹfɪk/ (producing distorted images) :: anamorfinen
anamorphic {adj} (relating to the gradual lifecycles of certain organisms) :: suvuton
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple ::
anapest {n} /ˈæ.nə.piːst/ (metrical foot) :: anapesti
anaphor {n} /ˈæ.nə.fɔː(ɹ)/ (expression referring to other) :: anafora
anaphora {n} /ænəˈfɔɹə/ (repetition of a phrase used for emphasis) :: toisto, anafora
anaphora {n} (linguistics: expression that refers to another expression) :: anafora
anaphoric {adj} (relating to an anaphora) :: anaforinen
anaphylactic {adj} (pertaining to anaphylaxis) :: anafylaktinen
anaphylactic shock {n} (severe allergic reaction) :: anafylaksia
anaphylaxic {adj} (anaphylactic) SEE: anaphylactic ::
anaphylaxis {n} (severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen) :: anafylaksia
an apple a day keeps the doctor away {proverb} /əˈn‿æ.pəl‿ə ˈdeɪ ˈkips ðə ˈdɑk.tɚ əˈweɪ/ (apples are good for you) :: omena päivässä pitää lääkärin loitolla
anaptyxis {n} /ˌænəpˈtɪksɪs/ (epenthesis of a vowel) :: anaptyksis
anarchic {adj} /ænˈɑɹ.kɪk/ (relating to anarchy) :: anarkistinen
anarchic {adj} (chaotic, without law or order) :: anarkinen
anarchical {adj} (anarchic) SEE: anarchic ::
anarchism {n} /ˈænəɹˌkɪzəm/ (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms) :: anarkismi
anarchist {n} /ˈæn.ɑɹ.kɪst/ (believer in anarchism) :: anarkisti
anarchistic {adj} (of or relating to anarchism or anarchy) :: anarkistinen
anarchistically {adv} (in an anarchistic manner) :: anarkistisesti
anarcho-capitalism {n} (philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market) :: anarkokapitalismi
anarcho-capitalist {adj} (of, supporting, relating to, or advocating anarcho-capitalism) :: anarkokapitalistinen
anarcho-capitalist {n} (person who advocates anarcho-capitalism) :: anarkokapitalisti
anarcho-syndicalism {n} (A branch or field of anarchy that focuses on the abolition of capitalism) :: anarkosyndikalismi
anarchy {n} /ˈæn.ɑɹ.ki/ (absence of any form of political authority or government) :: anarkia
anarchy {n} (political disorder and confusion) :: anarkia
an arm and a leg {n} (exorbitant amount) :: maksaa mansikoita [lit. to cost strawberries]
anastigmatic {adj} (free from astigmatism) :: anastigmaattinen
anastrozole {n} (drug) :: anastrotsoli
anatase {n} /ˈænəˌteɪs/ (mineral) :: anataasi
anathema {n} /əˈnæθəmə/ (ban or curse) :: anateema, panna, kirkonkirous
anathema {n} (something vehemently disliked) :: inhokki
anathema {n} (imprecation) :: kirous
anathema {n} (person or thing) :: pannaan julistettu
Anatoli {prop} /æ.nə.ˈtɑ.li/ (transliteration of Анато́лий) :: Anatoli
Anatolia {prop} /ˌænəˈtəʊli.ə/ (peninsula of Western Asia) :: Anatolia
anatomic {adj} (anatomical) SEE: anatomical ::
anatomical {adj} /æ.nə.ˈtɑ.mɪ.kəl/ (Of or relating to anatomy or dissection) :: anatominen
anatomically {adv} (pertaining to anatomy) :: anatomisesti
anatomically correct {adj} (accurately depicting body) :: anatomisesti tarkka
anatomical position {n} (anatomy: standard position of the body used as reference when describing the body) :: anatominen asento
anatomical snuffbox {n} (deepening on the hand) :: nuuskakuoppa
anatomist {n} /əˈnæt.ə.mɪst/ (one involved in the science of anatomical structures) :: anatomi
anatomy {n} /əˈnætəmi/ (art of studying the different parts of any organized body) :: anatomia
anatoxin {n} (neurotoxin produced by cyanobacteria) :: anatoksiini
anatta {n} (idea that there is no separate self or soul) :: minuuttomuus, anatta
anatto {n} (coloring and flavoring) SEE: annatto ::
Anaxagoras {prop} (philosopher) :: Anaksagoras
ancestor {n} /ˈæn.sɛs.tɚ/ (one from whom a person is descended) :: esi-isä, esivanhempi
ancestor {n} (an earlier type) :: esi-isä
ancestor worship {n} (veneration of the spirits of one’s ancestors) :: esi-isien palvonta, esivanhempien palvonta
ancestral {adj} /ænˈsɛs.təɹ.əl/ (pertaining to ancestors) :: perintö-, esi-isiltä peritty
ancestral hall {n} (ancestral shrine) SEE: ancestral shrine ::
ancestral shrine {n} (Chinese temple dedicated to defied ancestors and progenitors) :: esi-isille omistettu temppeli
ancestral temple {n} (ancestral shrine) SEE: ancestral shrine ::
ancestress {n} /ˈæn.sɛs.tɹəs/ (female ancestor) :: esiäiti
ancestry {n} /ˈæn.sɛs.tɹi/ (series of ancestors or progenitors) :: syntyperä, suku, esi-isät
anchor {n} /ˈæŋ.kɚ/ (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) :: ankkuri
anchor {n} (anchoring gear as a whole) :: ankkurivarustus
anchor {n} (any instrument serving similar purpose to anchor) :: ankkuri
anchor {n} (link target in a document) :: linkki
anchor {n} (TV anchorman) :: ankkuri
anchor {v} (to hold an object to a fixed point) :: ankkuroida
anchor {v} (to provide emotional stability) :: tukea
anchor {v} (to perform as a TV anchorman) :: toimia ankkurina, juontaa
anchorage {n} (place for anchoring) :: ankkuripaikka
anchorage {n} (fee for anchoring) :: ankkurointimaksu
anchorage {n} (that to which something is anchored) :: kiinnityskohta
anchor baby {n} (anchor baby) :: ankkurilapsi
anchor buoy {n} (buoy attached to an anchor) :: ankkurin merkkipoiju
anchor ice {n} (submerged ice anchored to the bottom) :: pohjajää
anchorite {n} (one who lives in seclusion) :: erakko
anchor light {n} (lantern) :: ankkurivalo
anchor line {n} (heavy rope or chain) :: ankkuriköysi, ankkuriliina [rope]; ankkurikettinki [chain]
anchorman {n} (TV host) :: juontaja, uutisankkuri
anchorman {n} (runner) :: ankkuri
anchorman {n} (nautical: person in charge of the anchor) :: ankkurimies
anchor's aweigh {interj} (nautical response) :: ankkuri irti!
anchorwoman {n} (female anchorperson) :: ankkuri [gender neutral]
anchovy {n} /ˈæn.tʃoʊ.vi/ (small saltwater fish) :: sardelli (fish), anjovis (as food)
anchovylike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of anchovy) :: anjovismainen, anjoviksen [genitive of noun]
ancient {adj} /ˈeɪn.(t)ʃənt/ (having lasted from a remote period) :: ikivanha, ikiaikainen, hyvin vanha
ancient {adj} (existent or occurring in time long past) :: muinainen, ammoinen
ancient {adj} (history: relating to antiquity) :: antiikin
Ancient Egypt {prop} (civilization) :: muinainen Egypti
Ancient Greece {prop} (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean) :: antiikin Kreikka
Ancient Greek {prop} (the Greek language of classical antiquity) :: muinaiskreikka
ancient history {n} (period of history) :: vanhan ajan historia, antiikin historia
ancient history {n} (not worth discussing any more) :: mennyt, historia
Ancient Rome {prop} (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD) :: antiikin Rooma
ancillary {adj} /ˈænsəˌleɹiː/ (subordinate, secondary, auxiliary, accessory) :: avustava, apu-, oheis-; tukeva, tuki-; toissijainen
ancillary {n} (thing) :: apuväline
ancillary {n} (person) :: apulainen; alainen
ancylite {n} (basic carbonate mineral of cerium and strontium) :: ankyliitti
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) :: ja, sekä, [dated] ynnä, -kä [in a negative clause; prefixed with a negation verb]
and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item) :: ja
and {conj} (used to string together sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order) :: ja, ja sitten
and {conj} (used to show causation) :: ja, ja sitten
AND {n} ((logic)) :: JA
and all {phrase} (idiomatic: including every item associated with preceding item or items) :: kaikkineen, päivineen
and all {phrase} (idiomatic: used to suggest certain unstated relevant implications or what has been stated) :: ynnä muuta, ja niin edelleen
Andalusia {prop} /ˌændəˈluːsi.ə/ (autonomous community of Spain) :: Andalusia
andalusite {n} (mineral) :: andalusiitti
Andaman and Nicobar Islands {prop} (Indian territory) :: Andamaanit ja Nikobaarit {p}
Andaman Islands {prop} /ˈæn.də.mən ˈaɪ.ləndz/ (islands) :: Andamaanit {p}
Andaman Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Sea west of the Andaman Islands and east of Thailand) :: Andamaanienmeri
andante {n} (passage played in a moderately slow tempo) :: andante
and change {phrase} (and some quantity, but less than the increment to the next round number) :: ja vähän yli, reilut [before number], ja risat
Andean cat {n} (Leopardus jacobitus) :: andienkissa
Andean condor {n} (Vultur gryphus) :: andienkondori
Andean flamingo {n} (Phoenicopterus andinus) :: andienflamingo
Andean hairy armadillo {n} (South American animal) :: ylänkövyötiäinen
Andes {prop} /ˈæn.diːz/ (mountain range in South America) :: Andit
andesine {n} (sodium calcium aluminum silicate) :: andesiini
andesite {n} (a class of fine-grained intermediate igneous rock) :: andesiitti
AND gate {n} (a physical Boolean device) :: AND-portti, JA-portti
and how {phrase} /ˈænd ˈhaʊ/ (strong confirmation of preceding) :: ja millä tavalla
Andhra Pradesh {prop} /ˌæn.dɹə pɹəˈdɛʃ/ (state in the union of India) :: Andhra Pradesh
andiron {n} (a utensil for supporting wood while burning) :: rautateline
andisol {n} (soil containing high proportions of glass and amorphous colloidal materials) :: lasimaannos
and/or {conj} /ˈændɔː(ɹ)/ (inclusive "or") :: tai
andorite {n} (mineral) :: andoriitti
Andorra {prop} /ænˈdɔɹ.ə/ (country) :: Andorra
Andorran {n} /ænˈdɔːɹən/ (person from Andorra) :: andorralainen
Andorran {adj} (pertaining to Andorra) :: andorralainen
andradite {n} (nesosilicate mineral of the garnet group) :: andradiitti
andragogy {n} /ˈan.dɹə.ɡɒ.dʒi/ (methods used to teach adults) :: aikuisdidaktiikka
Andrew {prop} /ˈæn.dɹuː/ (the Apostle) :: Andreas
Andrew {prop} (male given name) :: Antero, Antti
andro- {prefix} /ændɹoʊ-/ (human) :: ihmis-, andro-
andro- {prefix} (male) :: mies-, andro-
androecium {n} (set of stamens) :: hetiö
androgen {n} (androgen) :: antrogeeni
androgenic {adj} (androgenic) :: androgeeninen
androgenic hair {n} (body hair) SEE: body hair ::
androgyne {n} /ˈæn.dɹə.dʒaɪn/ (a person who is androgynous) :: androgyyni
androgynous {adj} /ænˈdɹɒd͡ʒ.ɪn.əs/ (pertaining to a characteristic that is not definitively of either sex) :: androgyyninen; sukupuolineutraali
androgynous {adj} (possessing qualities of both sexes) :: androgyyninen
androgyny {n} /ænˈdɹɑdʒəni/ (hermaphroditism) :: androgynia
androgyny {n} (having traits of both male and female genders) :: androgynia
androgyny {n} (appearing to be neither feminine nor masculine) :: androgynia
android {n} /ˈænˌdɹɔɪd/ (robot with human form) :: androidi
android {adj} (possessing human qualities) :: ihmismäinen
andrological {adj} (relating to andrology) :: androloginen
andrologist {n} (person who studies andrology) :: andrologi
andrology {n} (branch of medicine concerned with male diseases) :: andrologia
Andromeda {prop} /ænˈdɹɑmɪdə/ (constellation) :: Andromeda
andropause {n} (male equivalent of the menopause) :: andropaussi
androphobia {n} (fear of men) :: androfobia
and so forth {phrase} (indicating a list continues similarly) :: ja niin edelleen, jne., ynnä muuta
and so on {phrase} (indicating a list continues) SEE: and so forth ::
and that {phrase} (and everything related to that) :: ja niin edelleen
and that {phrase} (and the others) :: ja muut
Andy {prop} /ˈæn.di/ (pet form of Andrew or its equivalent in the language concerned) :: Ana
-ane {suffix} /eɪn/ (alkanes) :: -aani
anecdote {n} /ˈæ.nɪk.doʊt/ (short account of an incident) :: anekdootti, kasku, juttu, tarina
anecdote {n} (previously untold, secret account of an incident) :: paljastus
anechoic {adj} (anechoic) :: kaiuton
anemia {n} /əˈnimi.ə/ (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) :: anemia, vähäverisyys, heikkoverisyys, verenvähyys
anemia {n} (disease of condition with anemia as symptom) :: anemia
anemic {adj} /ʌˈni.mɪk/ (of or pertaining to anemia) :: aneeminen, vähäverinen
anemically {adv} (in an anemic manner) :: aneemisesti
anemo- {prefix} (forms words relating to wind) :: anemo-
anemometer {n} /ænɪˈmɑːmətɚ/ (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind) :: tuulimittari
anemone {n} (sea anemone) SEE: sea anemone ::
anemone {n} /əˈnɛm.ə.ni/ (any plant of genus anemone) :: vuokko
anemonefish {n} (fish of the genus Amphiprion) SEE: clownfish ::
anemophilous {adj} (pollinated by the wind) :: tuulipölytteinen
anencephaly {n} /ænɪnˈsɛfəlɪ/ (birth defect in which most of the brain and parts of the skull are missing) :: aivottomuus
anergy {n} (energy which cannot be transformed into work) :: anergia
anergy {n} (deficiency of energy) :: anergia
anergy {n} (lack of immunity to an antigen) :: anergia
aneroid {n} (aneroid barometer) SEE: aneroid barometer ::
aneroid barometer {n} (barometer that doesn’t use fluid) :: aneroidi-ilmapuntari, aneroidibarometri
anesthesia {n} /ˈæn.əs.θiːz.i.ə/ (loss of bodily sensation) :: anestesia, puudutus
anesthesia {n} (general anesthesia) SEE: general anesthesia ::
anesthesiologist {n} (physician specializing in anesthesiology) :: nukutuslääkäri, anestesialääkäri, anestesiologi
anesthesiology {n} (science of administering anaesthetics) :: anestesiologia
anesthetic {adj} /ˌænəsˈθɛtɪk/ (reducing pain sensitivity) :: anesteettinen
anesthetic {n} (a substance for the reduced perception of pain) :: anesteetti, nukutusaine, puudutusaine
anesthetist {n} (person who gives an anesthetic) :: anestesiologi
anesthetize {v} /əˈniːs.θə.taɪz/ (administer anesthesia) :: nukuttaa
anethole {n} (aromatic compound found in anise) :: anetoli
aneurysm {n} /ˈan.jʊɹ.ɪz.əm/ (abnormal blood-filled swelling) :: valtimonlaajentuma, valtimonpullistuma, aneurysma
aneurysmatic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or causing aneurysms) :: aneurysmaattinen
anew {adv} /əˈnu/ (again) :: uudestaan
a new broom sweeps clean {proverb} (new management will often make radical changes) :: uusi luuta lakaisee hyvin
angel {n} /ˈeɪn.dʒəl/ (messenger from a deity) :: enkeli
angel {n} (in Christian angelology, the lowest order of angels) :: enkeli
angel {n} (selfless person) :: enkeli
angel dust {n} (phencyclidine) :: enkelipöly
Angeleno {n} (person from Los Angeles) :: losilainen [informal]
angelic {adj} /ænˈdʒɛlɪk/ (belonging to, proceeding from, or resembling an angel) :: enkelimäinen
angelica {n} (plants of genus Angelica) :: karhunputki, väinönputki
angelical {adj} (resembling, characteristic of, an angel) SEE: angelic ::
angel investor {n} (angel investor) :: enkelisijoittaja
angel of death {n} (personification of death in fiction and in art) :: kuolemanenkeli
angel of death {n} (type of serial killer) :: kuolemanenkeli
angel of mercy {n} (type of mercy killer) :: kuolemanenkeli
angelology {n} (study of angels) :: enkelioppi
angels dancing on the head of a pin {n} (arcane intellectual speculation) :: neulan kärjellä tanssivat enkelit
angel shark {n} (a member of the unusual genus Squatina of sharks) :: merienkeli
angel's trumpet {n} (Brugmansia or Datura) :: pasuuna [Brugmansia], hulluruoho [Datura]
anger {n} /ˈæŋɡɚ/ (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) :: viha, suuttumus
anger {v} (to cause such a feeling of antagonism) :: saada vihaiseksi, suututtaa
anger {v} (to become angry) :: vihastua, suuttua
anger management {n} (ability to control temperament) :: itsehillintä
angina {n} /ˈæn.dʒɪ.nə/ (infection of the throat) :: angiina
angina {n} (chest pain) :: rintakipu
angina {n} (angina pectoris) SEE: angina pectoris ::
angina pectoris {n} /ˈændʒɪnə ˈpɛktəˌɹɪs/ (intermittent chest pain) :: rasitusrintakipu, angina pectoris
angiogenesis {n} /andʒɪə(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnɪsɪs/ (The formation and development of new blood vessels) :: angiogeneesi
angiogenin {n} (polypeptide implicated in angiogenesis) :: angiogeniini
angiogram {n} (an X-ray image of the blood vessels) :: angiogrammi
angiograph {n} (angiograph) SEE: angiogram ::
angiography {n} (medical imaging technique) :: angiografia
angiokeratoma {n} (benign lesion of capilaries) :: angiokeratooma
angiology {n} (branch of anatomy) :: angiologia, suonioppi
angioma {n} (benign tumor) :: verisuonikasvain
angiopathy {n} (any disease of the blood vessels) :: angiopatia
angioplasty {n} /ˈæn.dʒi.əʊ.plæs.ti/ (widening of a blood vessel) :: pallolaajennus, angioplastia
angiosperm {n} (member of plant group) :: koppisiemeninen
angiospermous {adj} (having seeds enclosed in pericarp) SEE: angiosperm ::
angiotensin {n} /ændʒɪəʊˈtɛnsɪn/ (polypeptides that narrow blood vessels) :: angiotensiini
angiotensin converting enzyme {n} (enzyme) :: angiotensiinikonvertaasin estäjä
Angkor Wat {prop} /ˈɑŋ.kɔɹ ˈwɑt/ (Cambodian temple complex) :: Angkor Wat
angle {n} /ˈæŋ.ɡəl/ (geometrical figure) :: kulma
angle {n} (measure of such a figure) :: kulma
angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect) :: nurkka
angle {n} (change in direction) :: suunnanmuutos
angle {n} (viewpoint) :: näkökulma, kulma, perspektiivi, kantti
angle {v} (place (something) at an angle) :: olla kulmassa, olla kulma
angle {v} (to fish with hook and line) :: onkia
angle bisector {n} (ray that divides an angle into two equal parts) :: kulman puolittaja
angle bracket {n} (type of bracket) :: kulmasulku
angle grinder {n} (power tool) :: kulmahiomakone, rälläkkä
angle of attack {n} (angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it) :: kohtauskulma
angle of attack {n} (angle between mid-sail and the direction of the wind) :: kohtauskulma
angle of depression {n} (angle) :: laskukulma
angle of elevation {n} (he angle formed by the line of sight and the horizontal plane for an object above the horizontal) :: nousukulma
angle of incidence {n} (angle that a straight line makes with the normal of a surface) :: tulokulma
angle of incidence {n} (angle between a wing or horizontal stabilizer and the axis of fuselage) :: kohtauskulma
angle of reflection {n} (optics: angle between perpendicular and reflected ray) :: heijastuskulma
angle of refraction {n} (optics: angle between perpendicular and refracted ray) :: taitekulma
angle of view {n} (angular extent of a given scene) :: kuvakulma
angle quote {n} (guillemet) SEE: guillemet ::
angler {n} /ˈæŋ.ɡlɚ/ (person who fishes with a hook and line) :: onkija, uistelija
angler {n} (angler fish) :: krotti
anglerfish {n} /ˈæŋɡlɚˌfɪʃ/ (fish of the bony fish order Lophiiformes) :: krotti, krottikala
anglesite {n} (crystalline mineral form of lead sulfate) :: anglesiitti
angleworm {n} /ˈæŋ.ɡəlˌwɜɹm/ (worm used as bait) :: onkimato, onkiliero
Anglican {adj} /ˈæŋ.ɡlɪ.kən/ (pertaining to the Church of England and related churches) :: anglikaaninen
Anglican {n} (member of an Anglican church) :: anglikaani
Anglican Communion {prop} (worldwide network of churches) :: anglikaaninen kirkko
Anglicanism {n} (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church) :: anglikaanisuus
anglicisation {n} /ˌæŋ.ɡlɪ.saɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (process of anglicising) :: englannistus
anglicism {n} /ˈæŋɡləˌsɪzəm/ (word or other feature borrowed from English to another language) :: anglismi
anglicism {n} (cultural aspect) :: englantilainen piirre
anglicism {n} (Briticism) SEE: Briticism ::
Anglicist {n} (expert on Anglistics) :: anglisti
Anglicity {n} (Englishness) SEE: Englishness ::
angling {n} (fishing with a rod, line and angle, for recreation or sport) :: onginta, onkiminen
Anglo-American {adj} (of relating to England and USA) :: angloamerikkalainen, englantilais-amerikkalainen
Anglo-Norman {adj} /æŋ.ɡloʊ.nɔːɹ.mən/ (pertaining to the Norman rule of England) :: anglonormannilainen
Anglo-Norman {adj} (pertaining to Normans in England after the Norman Conquest) :: anglonormannilainen
Anglo-Norman {adj} (relating to the Anglo-Norman language) :: anglonormannilainen
Anglo-Norman {n} (Norman who settled in England) :: anglonormanni
Anglo-Norman {prop} (language) :: anglonormanni
Anglophile {adj} (person who loves or admires the country, culture or people of England) :: anglofiili
Anglophone {adj} /ˈæŋɡləˌfəʊn/ (English-speaking) :: englanninkielinen
Anglophone {n} (one who speaks English) :: englanninpuhuja
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English ::
Anglo-Saxon {n} /ˌæŋɡloʊˈsæksən/ (member of the Germanic peoples who settled in England during the early fifth century) :: anglosaksit {p} [in plural]
Anglo-Saxon {n} (person of English ethnic descent) :: anglosaksilainen
Anglo-Saxon {adj} (related to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or language) :: anglosaksilainen
Anglo-Saxon {adj} (related to nations which speak primarily English) :: anglosaksilainen
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white ::
Angola {prop} /æŋˈɡoʊlə/ (country in Southern Africa) :: Angola
Angolan {adj} /æŋˈɡoʊlən/ (of, from or pertaining to Angola or its people) :: angolalainen
Angolan {n} (person from Angola or of Angolan descent) :: angolalainen
angora {n} (cat) :: turkkilainen angora
angora {n} (goat) :: angoravuohi
angora {n} (hair) :: angoravilla, angora [rabbit's hair only]
angora {n} (fabric) :: angorakangas
angrily {adv} /ˈæŋ.ɡɹə.li/ (in an angry manner) :: vihaisesti
angry {adj} /ˈæŋ.ɡɹi/ (displaying anger) :: vihainen
angry {adj} (inflamed and painful) :: kipeä
angst {n} /æŋ(k)st/ (emotional turmoil) :: ahdistus, angsti, elämäntuska
angst {n} (feeling of acute anxiety or apprehension) :: ahdistus, angsti, elämäntuska
angstful {adj} (full of angst) :: ahdistunut, tuskainen, angstinen [informal]
angstrom {n} /ˈæŋstɹəm/ (A very small unit of length, 10−10 m) :: ångström
anguiform {adj} (serpentine) SEE: serpentine ::
Anguilla {prop} /æŋˈɡwɪlə/ (British overseas territory in the Caribbean) :: Anguilla
Anguillan {n} /æŋˈɡwɪlən/ (person from Anguilla) :: anguillalainen
Anguillan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Anguilla) :: anguillalainen
anguine {adj} /ˈæŋ.ɡwɪn/ (pertaining to snakes) :: käärme- [compound terms], käärmeiden [gen. pl.]
anguine {adj} (snakelike) :: käärmemäinen
anguish {n} /ˈæŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ (extreme pain) :: kärsimys, tuska
anguished {adj} (experiencing extreme discomfort) :: tuskainen
angular {adj} /ˈæŋ.ɡju.lɚ/ (relating to or forming an angle; sharp-cornered) :: kulmallinen, kulmikas, kulma-; teräväkulmainen [sharp-cornered]
angular {adj} (measured by an angle) :: kulma-
angular {adj} (lean, lank, raw-boned) :: luiseva
angular {adj} (figurative: sharp and stiff in character) :: kulmikas
angular acceleration {n} (rate of change of angular velocity) :: kulmakiihtyvyys
angularly {adv} (in an angular manner) :: kulmikkaasti
angular mil {n} (unit of angular measurement) :: piiru (=16000)
angular momentum {n} (angular momentum) :: pyörimismäärä, liikemäärämomentti, impulssimomentti
angular velocity {n} (angle turned in a given time) :: kulmanopeus
anhimid {n} (screamer) SEE: screamer ::
anhinga {n} (Anhinga anhinga) :: amerikankäärmekaula
anhinga {n} (bird of the genus Anhinga) :: käärmekaula
anhydride {n} (Compound formally derived from another by loss of water molecule) :: anhydridi
anhydrite {n} (saline evaporite) :: anhydriitti
ani {n} /ˈɑː.ni/ (bird) :: ani, anikäki
anicca {n} (impermanence) :: pysymättömyys, anicca
aniconism {n} /ænˈaɪkənɪzəm/ (conviction that artists should not depict religious figures) :: anikonismi
anidulafungin {n} (antifungal drug) :: anidulafungiini
anile {adj} /ˈeɪ.naɪl/ (characteristic of a crone or a feeble old woman) :: ämmämäinen
anileridine {n} (drug) :: anileridiini
aniline {n} (the simplest aromatic amine) :: aniliini
animadversion {n} /ˌænɪmædˈvɝːʒən / (criticism, a critical remark) :: moite, nuhteet {p}
animal {adj} /ˈænɪməl/ (of animals) :: eläin- [in compounds]
animal {adj} (unhindered by social codes) :: eläimellinen
animal {adj} (of soul) :: animaalinen, sielullinen
animal {n} (organism) :: eläin
animal {n} (organism other than man) :: eläin
animal {n} (person who behaves wildly) :: eläin, elukka
animalcule {n} /ænɪˈmælkjuːl/ (microscopic animal, protozoan) :: alkueläin
animal fat {n} (fat rendered from an animal) :: eläinrasva
animal feed {n} (material prepared as feed for domestic or farm animals) :: rehu
animal husbandry {n} (management and care of farm animals) :: karjatalous, karjanhoito
animality {n} (animal kingdom) SEE: animal kingdom ::
animality {n} (nature of an animal) :: eläimellisyys
animality {n} (characteristic of animality) :: eläimellinen piirre
animal kingdom {n} (Regnum Animalia) :: eläinkunta
animal liberation {n} (social movement) :: eläinten vapautusliike
animally {adv} /ˈanɪməli/ (in respect of the animal faculties) :: eläimellisesti
animal magnetism {n} (magnetic fluid or ethereal medium said to reside in the bodies of animate beings) :: mesmerismi
animal rights {n} (fundamental rights for animals) :: eläinten oikeudet
animal science {n} (academic discipline which examines the biology of animals typically under the control of humans) :: kotieläintiede
animal testing {n} (use of non-human animals in scientific experimentation) :: eläinkokeet {p}
animal welfare {n} (protection of animals' health) :: eläinten hyvinvointi
animal welfare {n} (safeguarding of animals in a laboratory) :: eläinten hyvinvointi
animate {adj} /ˈæ.nɪ.mət/ (that which lives) :: elävä, elollinen
animate {adj} (possessing the quality or ability of motion) :: liikkuva
animate {adj} (dynamic, energetic) :: eloisa, vireä
animate {adj} (in grammar) :: elollinen
animate {v} (to impart motion or its appearance) :: animoida
animated {adj} /ˈæn.ɪ.meɪ.tɪd/ (endowed with life) :: henkevä, elävä
animated cartoon {n} (any of several types of film/movie, the frames of which are drawn by hand) :: piirretty
animatedly {adv} /ˈænɪˌmeɪtɪdli/ (in an animated manner) :: henkevästi, elävästi
animation {n} /æn.əˈmeɪ.ʃən/ (The act of animating) :: elävöittäminen
animation {n} (causing images to appear to move) :: animaatio [technique; result], animointi [technique]
animator {n} (one who animates something) :: luoja
animator {n} (one who creates an animation) :: animaatiopiirtäjä, animaattori
anime {n} /ˈæn.ɪ.meɪ/ (an animated work originated in Japan) :: anime
animism {n} (belief in spirits) :: animismi
animist {n} (believer in animism) :: animisti
animistic {adj} (of or pertaining to animism) :: animistinen
animosity {n} /æn.əˈmɑs.ɪ.ti/ (violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike) :: vihamielisyys
anion {n} /ˈæn.aɪ.ɑn/ (negatively charged ion) :: anioni
aniracetam {n} (drug) :: anirasetaami
aniridia {n} (underdevelopment of the iris) :: aniridia
anisakiasis {n} (infection with Anisakis worms) :: anisakiaasi
anise {n} /æˈnis/ (plant) :: anisruoho [plant]; anis [spice]
anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel ::
aniseed {n} /ˈæ.nɪ.sid/ (the seed-like fruit of the anise) :: anis
anisette {n} (alcoholic liqueur) :: anislikööri
anisole {n} (an aromatic ether) :: anisoli
anisomorphism {n} (differences between two languages) :: anisomorfia
anisotropic {adj} (exhibiting anisotropy) :: anisotrooppinen
anisotropy {n} (the property of being directionally dependent) :: anisotrooppisuus
Anita {prop} (female given name) :: Anita, Anitta
Ankara {prop} /ˈæŋ.kə.ɹə/ (capital of Turkey) :: Ankara
ankerite {n} /ˈɑŋkɚˌaɪt/ (any of a group of mixed carbonate minerals) :: ankeriitti
ankh {n} /æŋk/ (cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top) :: ankh
ankle {n} /ˈæŋ.kəl/ (joint between foot and leg) :: nilkka
anklebone {n} /ˈaŋk(ə)lbəʊn/ (the talus) :: telaluu
ankle bracelet {n} (anklet) SEE: anklet ::
ankle bracelet {n} (ankle monitor) SEE: ankle monitor ::
ankle monitor {n} (device individuals under house arrest are often required to wear) :: nilkkapanta
anklet {n} (a bracelet at the ankle) :: nilkkakoru
ankylosing spondylitis {n} (arthritis disease) :: selkärankareuma
Ann {prop} /æn/ (female given name) :: Anna
Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
Anna {prop} /ˈænə/ (biblical prophetess) :: Hanna
annal {n} /ˈænəl/ (record of a single event or item) :: annaali
annalist {n} (writer of annals) :: kronikoitsija
annals {n} /ˈæn.əlz/ (a relation of events) :: annaali, vuosikirja
annals {n} (historical records; chronicles) :: annaali, historiankirjat {p}
Annamese {prop} (former name of Vietnamese) :: annamin kieli
Annamese {n} (person) :: annamilainen [of Annam]; vietnamilainen [of Vietnam]
Annamese {adj} (of or pertaining to Annam) :: annamilainen
annatto {n} (plant Bixa orellana) :: annatto
annatto {n} (seed) :: annatto [substance]; annatton siemen [seed]
annatto {n} (dye) :: annatto
Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
anneal {v} /əˈniːl/ (to subject to great heat and then cooling) :: hehkuttaa, myöstää
annealing {n} (act of heating solid metal or glass) :: hehkutus
annelid {n} (annelid) :: nivelmato
annex {n} /əˈnɛks/ (addition, an extension) :: lisäys, laajennus
annex {n} (appendix) :: liite
annex {n} (addition or extension to a building) :: lisärakennus, siipi
annex {v} (to add something to another, to incorporate into) :: liittää
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation ::
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) :: liittäminen
annexation {n} (legal merging of territory) :: liittäminen
annihilate {v} /əˈnaɪə.leɪt/ (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) :: hävittää
annihilate {v} (to react with antimatter) :: annihiloitua
annihilation {n} /əˌnaɪ.əˈleɪ.ʃən/ (act of reducing to nothing) :: tuhoaminen, hävittäminen
annihilation {n} (state of being annihilated) :: tuhoutuminen
annihilation {n} (process of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle combining to produce energy) :: annihilaatio
annihilator {n} (one who annihilates) :: tuhoaja
annin tofu {n} (dessert) :: annin tofu
annis Domini {n} /ˈænɪs ˈdɒmɪnaɪ/ (taking place during specific years A.D.) :: vuosina jKr.
annite {n} (phyllosilicate mineral related to biotite) :: anniitti
anniversary {n} /ˌænɪˈvɝs(ə)ɹi/ (day an exact number of years since an event) :: vuosipäivä
anniversary {n} (wedding anniversary) :: hääpäivä
anno Domini {n} (in the year of our Lord) SEE: Anno Domini ::
Anno Domini {adv} (in the year of our Lord) :: Herran vuonna
annona {n} (tree of the genus Annona and their fruit) :: annoona
annotate {v} (to add annotation) :: kommentoida, huomauttaa
annotation {n} (critical or explanatory commentary or analysis) :: huomautus, kommentti
annotation {n} (comment added to a text) :: reunahuomautus, huomautus, kommentti
annotation {n} (process of writing a comment or commentary) :: kommentointi, huomiointi
annotation {n} (metadata added to a document or program) :: merkintä, kommentti, huomautus
annotation {n} (information relating to the genetic structure of sequences of bases) :: annotaatio
announce {v} /əˈnaʊns/ (give public notice) :: ilmoittaa, kuuluttaa
announce {v} (declare by judicial sentence) :: julistaa
announcement {n} /əˈnaʊns.mɛnt/ (act) :: ilmoitus, tiedottaminen
announcement {n} (that which conveys what is announced) :: ilmoitus, tiedotus
announcement {n} (content) :: ilmoitus, tiedotus
announcer {n} /əˈnaʊnsɚ/ (announcer) :: kuuluttaja
announcer {n} (TV or radio announcer) :: kuuluttaja
annoy {v} /əˈnɔɪ/ (to disturb or irritate) :: ärsyttää, kiusata
annoy {v} (to do something to upset or anger someone) :: ärsyttää
annoy {n} (A feeling of discomfort or vexation caused by what one dislikes) :: ärtymys
annoyance {n} /əˈnɔɪəns/ (that which annoys) :: riesa, kiusa
annoyance {n} (an act or instance of annoying) :: ärsyttäminen
annoyance {n} (the psychological state of being annoyed or irritated) :: harmitus, keljutus, kenkutus
annoyed {adj} /əˈnɔɪd/ (troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked; vexed) :: ärsyyntynyt, närkästynyt, nyrpeä
annoying {v} (causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious) :: ärsyttävä, närkästyttävä
annual {adj} /ˈæn.ju.əl/ (happening once a year) :: vuosittainen, jokavuotinen
annual {adj} (of, for, or relating to a whole year) :: vuosi-, vuosittainen
annual {adj} (of a plant) :: yksivuotinen
annual {adj} (living or lasting one year or season) :: yksivuotinen
annual {n} (annual publication) :: vuosikirja
annual {n} (annual plant) :: yksivuotinen kasvi
annual {n} (medical checkup) :: vuositarkastus
annual general meeting {n} (meeting held each year) :: vuosikokous [association], yhtiökokous [company]
annual leave {n} (amount of leave per year) :: vuosiloma
annually {adv} /ˈæn.ju.ə.li/ (once every year) :: vuosittain
annual report {n} (company report of activities for the preceding year) :: vuosikertomus
annual ring {n} (layer of wood) SEE: tree ring ::
annuity {n} /əˈn(j)uɪti/ (right to receive amounts of money regularly) :: annuiteetti
annul {v} /əˈnʌl/ (formally revoke the validity of) :: mitätöidä, kumota
annul {v} (dissolve (a marital union)) :: mitätöidä
annular {adj} /ˈænjəlɚ/ (having the form of a ring) :: rengasmainen
annular eclipse {n} (type of solar eclipse) :: rengasmainen auringonpimennys
annulene {n} (monocyclic hydrocarbon) :: annuleeni
annulment {n} /əˈnʌl.mənt/ (act or instance of annulling) :: kumoaminen, mitätöiminen, mitätöinti
annulment {n} (state of having been annulled) :: mitättömyys
annulment {n} (invalidation; declaration of something as being invalid) :: mitätöiminen, mitätöinti
annulment {n} (legal invalidation of a marriage) :: avioliiton mitätöinti
annulment {n} (total destruction) :: täystuho
annulus {n} (ring-shaped structure) :: kehä, rinkilä
annulus {n} (geometry: the region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radius) :: rengasalue, annulus
Annunciation {prop} (Christianity) :: Marian ilmestyspäivä, Marianpäivä, ilmestyspäivä
anoa {n} /əˈnoʊə/ (a small Indonesian water buffalo) :: anoa
anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another ::
anode {n} /ˈæn.oʊd/ (the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs) :: anodi
anodization {n} (the process of anodizing) :: anodisointi
anodize {v} (to coat the surface of a metal electrolytically with an oxide) :: anodisoida
anodyne {adj} /ˈæn.ə.daɪn/ (capable of soothing or eliminating pain) :: kipua lievittävä
anodyne {adj} (soothing or relaxing) :: rauhoittava
anodyne {adj} (noncontentious, blandly agreeable) :: vaisu, neutraali
anodyne {n} (any medicine or other agent that relieves pain) :: kipulääke
anodyne {n} (a source of relaxation or comfort) :: lievitys
anoint {v} /əˈnɔɪnt/ (to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance) :: voidella
anoint {v} (to apply oil to or to pour oil upon) :: voidella
Anointing of the Sick {prop} (sacrament) :: sairaan voitelu
anointment {n} (act) :: voitelu
anomalistic {adj} (irregular) SEE: irregular ::
anomalistic {adj} (anomalous) SEE: anomalous ::
anomality {n} (anomalousness) SEE: anomalousness ::
anomalous {adj} (deviating from the normal) :: poikkeava, epätavallinen
anomalously {adv} /əˈnɑmələsli/ (in an anomalous manner) :: anomaalisesti
anomalousness {n} (the state or quality of being anomalous) :: anomaalisuus
anomalure {n} (rodent of the family Anomaluridae) :: suomuhäntäorava
anomalurid {n} (member of Anomaluridae) :: leijuri
anomaly {n} /əˈnɑməli/ (deviation from norm) :: anomalia, poikkeavuus [property], poikkeama, poikkeus [instance]
anomaly {n} (something or someone that is strange or unusual) :: anomalia, poikkeava, poikkeus
anomaly {n} (science: any event, big or small, out of the ordinary) :: poikkeama
anomaly {n} (astronomy: any of various angular distances) :: anomalia
anomaly {n} (dated: an irregularity or inconsistency) :: säännöttömyys, epäsäännöllisyys, poikkeus
anomaly {n} (biological defect or malformation) :: epämuodostuma
anomer {n} (any diastereoisomer of a sugar) :: anomeeri
anomia {n} /əˈnəʊ.mi.ə/ (neurology: the inability to remember names) :: anomia
anomia {n} (neurology: the difficulty in finding the right word) :: anomia
anomie {n} /ˈænəmiː/ (alienation or social instability) :: anomia
anonymity {n} /ænəˈnɪmɪti/ (the quality or state of being anonymous) :: anonymiteetti, nimettömyys
anonymous {adj} /əˈnɒnəməs/ (wanting a name, not named and determined) :: nimetön
anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged) :: nimetön
anonymous {adj} (of unknown name; whose name is withheld) :: anonyymi
anonymous {adj} (lacking individuality) :: nimetön
anonymous class {n} :: anonyymi luokka
anonymously {adv} /əˈnɒnəməsli/ (in an anonymous manner) :: anonyymisti, nimettömästi
anonymousness {n} (the state or quality of being anonymous) :: anonyymiys, anonyymisyys
anopheles {n} /əˈnɒfɪliːz/ (member of the Anopheles genus of mosquitos) :: horkkahyttynen
anopheline {n} (anopheles) SEE: anopheles ::
anophthalmia {n} (the congenital absence of one or both eyes) :: anoftalmia
anorak {n} (heavy weatherproof jacket) :: anorakki
anorchia {n} (an intersex condition of XY individuals where both testes are absent at birth) :: anorkia
anorectic {adj} /ænəˈɹɛktɪk/ (characterised by a lack of appetite) :: anorektinen
anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa ::
anorexia {n} /ænəˈɹɛksi.ə/ (loss of appetite) :: anoreksia, ruokahaluttomuus
anorexia nervosa {n} (disorder) :: anoreksia, laihuushäiriö
anorexic {adj} /ænəˈɹɛksɪk/ (pertaining to, or suffering from anorexia) :: anorektinen
anorexic {n} (someone suffering from anorexia nervosa) :: anorektikko
anorthic {adj} (triclinic) SEE: triclinic ::
anorthite {n} (mineral) :: anortiitti
anorthoclase {n} (group of feldspars) :: anortoklaasi
anorthosite {n} (a phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock) :: anortosiitti
anosmia {n} (inability to smell) :: anosmia
another {determiner} /ənˈʌ.ðɚ/ (one more, in addition to a former number) :: lisää
another {determiner} (not the same; different) :: toinen, muu
another {determiner} (any or some) :: toinen
anotia {n} (congenital absence of the outer ear) :: anotia
anoxia {n} (condition in which a tissue or environment is totally deprived of oxygen) :: anoksia
ansamycin {n} (drug) :: ansamysiini
Anselm {prop} /ˈænˌsɛlm/ (male given name) :: Anselmi
ansible {n} /ˈæn.sɪ.bəl/ (hypothetical device) :: ansiibeli
answer {n} /ˈɑːn.sə/ (response) :: vastaus
answer {n} (solution) :: ratkaisu, vastaus
answer {n} (reply to email) :: vastaus
answer {n} (document filed in response to a complaint) :: vastine
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) :: vastata
answer {v} (to respond to a call) :: vastata, avata [door]
answer {v} (to suit a need or purpose satisfactorily) :: vastata
answer {v} (law: to file a response to a complaint) :: vastata
answerable {adj} /ˈæn.səɹ.ʌ.bl/ (obliged to answer; liable to be called to account; liable to pay, indemnify, or make good) :: tilivelvollinen, vastuullinen
answerer {n} /ˈɑːnsəɹə/ (person who, or thing that, answers or responds) :: vastaaja
answering {n} /ˈɑːn.sə.ɹɪŋ/ (the act of giving an answer) :: vastaaminen
answering machine {n} (device that automatically records voice mail) :: puhelinvastaaja, vastaaja
answerphone {n} (answering machine) SEE: answering machine ::
answer to {v} (to be responsible to) :: vastata
ant {n} /ænt/ (insect) :: muurahainen
antacid {n} (agent reducing acidity) :: antasidi
antacid {adj} (counteracting acidity) :: antasidinen
antagonism {n} /ænˈtæɡənɪzəm/ (strong dislike) :: antagonismi
antagonist {n} /ænˈtæɡənɪst/ (opponent) :: vastustaja
antagonist {n} (one who antagonizes) :: vihastuttaja
antagonist {n} (chemical) :: antagonisti
antagonize {v} (to oppose) :: vihastuttaa, suututtaa
Antananarivo {prop} (city) :: Antananarivo
Antarctic {adj} /ænˈtɑɹ(k)tɪk/ (pertaining to Antarctica) :: antarktinen, etelänapa-
Antarctica {prop} /ænˈtɑɹ(k)tɪkə/ (southernmost continent) :: Etelämanner, Antarktis, Etelänapamanner
Antarctic Circle {prop} (geographical line) :: eteläinen napapiiri
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica) :: Antarktiksen niemimaa
Antares {prop} (star) :: Antares
antazoline {n} (drug) :: antatsoliini
ant beetle {n} (species of beetle) :: muurahaiskuoriainen
antbird {n} (A member of Thamnophilidae) :: puumuura
ante {n} /ˈæn.tʰi/ (contribution to pot) :: aloituspanos, alkupanos
ante {v} (To pay the ante in poker) :: maksaa alkupanos
ante- {prefix} /æntɪ/ (Prior to in time) :: edeltävä
ante- {prefix} (In front of in space) :: etu-
anteater {n} /ˈæntˌitɚ/ (mammal) :: muurahaiskarhu
antebellum {adj} (of a period of time prior to a war) :: sotaa edeltävä
antebrachium {n} (forearm) SEE: forearm ::
antecedent {adj} /ˌantɪˈsiːdənt/ (earlier in time or order) :: edeltävä
antecedent {n} (any thing that precedes another thing) :: edeltäjä, edeltävä asia
antecedent {n} (ancestor) :: esi-isä, esivanhempi
antecedent {n} (word, phrase or clause referred to by a pronoun) :: korrelaatti
antecedent {n} (conditional part of a hypothetical proposition) :: etujäsen
antedate {v} /ˈæntiˌdeɪt/ (To occur before an event or time; to exist further back in time) :: edeltää
antediluvian {adj} /ˌantɪdɪˈluːvɪən/ (extremely ancient or antiquated; old; prehistoric) :: aataminaikainen
antediluvian {adj} (extremely dated) :: aataminaikainen
antefix {n} (vertical block) :: antefiksi
antelope {n} /ˈæn.tə.loʊp/ (mammal of the family Bovidae) :: antilooppi
antenatal {adj} (before birth) :: antenataalinen
antenna {n} /ænˈtɛn.ə/ (feeler organ) :: tuntosarvi
antenna {n} (intuitive astuteness) :: tuntosarvet {p}
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial ::
antependium {n} (the hangings in front of the altar) :: alttarivaate
antepenultimate {adj} (two before the last) :: kolmanneksi viimeinen
anterior {adj} /ænˈtɪəriə(r)/ (before in place) :: edellinen, lähempi
anterior {adj} (before or earlier in time) :: edeltävä, aiempi, aikaisempi, edellinen
anterior {adj} (anatomy: nearer the forward end) :: etummainen, etu-, anteriorinen
anterior chamber {n} (space between cornea and iris) :: etukammio
anterior pituitary gland {n} :: aivolisäkkeen etulohko
anterograde {adj} (medicine: taking place immediately after a traumatic event) :: anterogradinen
anterograde {adj} (medicine: moving or occurring in the normal forward or downstream direction of) :: anterogradinen
anterograde amnesia {n} (inability to remember new information) :: anterogradinen muistinmenetys
anthelmintic {adj} /ænθɛlˈmɪntɪk/ (destructive to parasitic intestinal worms) :: anthelminttinen, mato-
anthelmintic {n} (drug that causes the expulsion or death of intestinal worms) :: matolääke
anthem {n} /ˈæn.θəm/ (national anthem) :: hymni
anthem {n} (hymn of praise or loyalty) :: hymni
anther {n} /ˈænθɚ/ (pollen-bearing part of the stamen) :: ponsi
antheridium {n} (bryophyte organ producing male gametes) :: siittiöpesäke, anteridio
antherozoid {n} (mobile male reproductive body in the antheridia of cryptogams) :: siittiösolu, anterotsoidi
ant-hill {n} (anthill) SEE: anthill ::
anthill {n} /ˈænt.hɪl/ (home of ants and termites) :: muurahaiskeko
anthocyanidin {n} (an aglycone of an anthocyanin) :: antosyanidiini
anthocyanin {n} (any of many water-soluble red to violet plant pigments) :: antosyaani
anthology {n} /ænˈθɑlədʒi/ (collection of literary works) :: antologia, runokokoelma
anthology {n} (assortment of things) :: antologia
Anthony {prop} /ˈæn.tə.ni/ (given name) :: Anttoni
anthophyllite {n} (mineral) :: antofylliitti
anthozoan {n} /anθə(ʊ)ˈzəʊən/ (a marine invertebrate of the class Anthozoa) :: korallieläin
anthracene {n} (tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) :: antraseeni
anthracite {n} /ˈænθɹəˌsaɪt/ (type of coal) :: antrasiitti
anthracosis {n} (pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of coal) :: antrakoosi, nokikeuhko
anthranilic acid {n} (the aromatic amino acid 2-aminobenzoic acid) :: antraniilihappo
anthraquinone {n} (tricyclic quinone) :: antrakinoni
anthrax {n} /ˈæn.θɹæks/ (disease) :: pernarutto
anthropic principle {n} (explanation for the nature of the universe) :: antrooppinen periaate
anthropo- {prefix} (men; people) :: antropo-
Anthropocene {prop} /ˈænθɹəpəˌsiːn/ (the current geological period) :: antroposeeni
anthropocentric {adj} (giving preference to humans) :: ihmiskeskeinen
anthropocentrism {n} /ˌæn.θɹə.poʊˈsɛn.tɹɪz.m/ (viewpoint) :: ihmiskeskeisyys, antroposentrismi
anthropogenesis {n} (the origin of man) :: antropogenia, antropogeneesi
anthropogenic {adj} (having its origin in the influence of human activity on nature) :: ihmisen aiheuttama
anthropogeny {n} (study of human origins and development) :: antropogenia
anthropogeographic {adj} (anthropogeographical) SEE: anthropogeographical ::
anthropogeographical {adj} (of or relating to anthropogeography) :: ihmismaantieteellinen
anthropogeography {n} (study of the geographical distribution of humankind) :: ihmismaantiede
anthropoid {adj} (having characteristics of a human, usually in terms of shape or appearance) :: ihmismäinen
anthropolatry {n} (worship of men) :: antropolatria
anthropologic {adj} (anthropological) SEE: anthropological ::
anthropological {adj} /æn.θɹə.pə.ˈlɑdʒikəl/ (relating to anthropology) :: antropologinen
anthropologically {adv} (in a manner which pertains to anthropology) :: antropologisesti
anthropologist {n} /ˌæn.θɹoʊˈpɑl.ə.d͡ʒɪst/ (one who is versed in anthropology) :: antropologi
anthropology {n} /ˌænθɹəˈpɑːlədʒi/ (the study of humanity) :: antropologia
anthropometry {n} /ænθɹəˈpɒmɪtɹɪ/ (science of measuring the human body) :: antropometria
anthropomorphic {adj} /ænθɹɒpəˈmɔɹfɪk/ (having the form of a person) :: antropomorfinen, antropomorfistinen
anthropomorphic {adj} (given human attributes) :: antropomorfinen, antropomorfistinen
anthropomorphism {n} /ˌænθɹəpəˈmɔɹfɪzəm/ (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human) :: antropomorfismi, ihmisenkaltaistaminen
anthropomorphize {v} (attribute human qualities) :: ihmisenkaltaistaa, antropomorfisoida
anthroponomy {n} (the study of the laws and development of the humans) :: antroponomia
anthroponym {n} (name of a person) :: henkilönnimi
anthropophagy {n} (the practice of eating human flesh) :: ihmissyönti, antropofagia, kannibalismi
anthroposophist {n} /ˌæŋθɹəˈpɑsəfɪst/ (proponent of anthroposophy) :: antroposofi
anthroposophy {n} /ˌænθɹəˈpɑsəfi/ (spiritual movement) :: antroposofia
anthrosol {n} (soil type) :: keinomaannos
anthurium {n} (flower of the genus Anthurium) :: flamingokukka
anti- {prefix} /ænti/ (against, hostile to) :: anti-, vasta-, epä-
anti {adj} /ˈæn.ti/ (that has a torsion angle between 90° and 180°) :: vastustava
anti {n} (one opposed) :: vastustaja
antiabortion {adj} (opposed to the practice of abortion) :: abortinvastainen
antiacid {n} (antacid) SEE: antacid ::
anti-aging {adj} (related to the lessening or halting of the aging process) :: vanhenemista estävä
anti-aircraft {adj} (intended to attack aircraft) :: ilmatorjunta-
anti-aircraft {n} (anti-aircraft artillery) :: ilmatorjuntatuli
antialiasing {n} /ˈæn.ti.ˈeɪ.li.əs.ɪŋ/ (any technique that reduces aliasing) :: antialiasointi
anti-American {adj} (opposing America) :: antiamerikkalainen
anti-American {adj} (opposing American values) :: antiamerikkalainen
anti-Americanism {n} (the fear or dislike of the United States or American people, policies, culture or government) :: amerikkalaisvastaisuus
antiatom {n} (atom made up of antiparticles) :: antiatomi
antibacterial {adj} (killing or inhibiting bacteria) :: antibakteerinen
antibacterial {n} (antibacterial drug) :: antibakteerinen aine
anti-beauty quark {n} (anti-bottom quark) SEE: anti-bottom quark ::
antibiotic {n} /ˌæn.taɪ.baɪˈɑ.tɪk/ (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) :: antibiootti
antibiotic {adj} (of or relating to antibiotics) :: antibioottinen
antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen) :: vasta-aine
anti-bottom quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the bottom quark) :: pohja-antikvarkki, kaunis-antikvarkki
antibrachium {n} (antibrachium) SEE: forearm ::
antic {adj} /ˈæn.tɪk/ (architecture: grotesque, incongruous) :: groteski, liioiteltu
antic {adj} (grotesque) :: irvokas, vääristynyt, ruma, naurettava
antic {n} (architecture: grotesque representation of a figure) :: groteski
antic {n} (caricature) :: irvikuva, pilakuva, karikatyyri
antic {n} (ludicrous act or behaviour) :: ilveily, pelleily
antic {n} (grotesque performer or clown) :: ilveilijä, narri, pelle
antic {v} (perform antics) :: ilveillä, pelleillä
anticaking {adj} (preventing caking) :: paakkuuntumista estävä
anticaking agent {n} (substance) :: paakkuuntumisenestoaine
anticapitalism {n} (opposition to capitalism) :: antikapitalismi
anticapitalist {n} (one opposes capitalism) :: antikapitalisti
anticapitalistic {adj} (anticapitalist) SEE: anticapitalist ::
anticarcinogen {n} (any substance that reduces the occurrence of cancers) :: antikarsinogeeni
anticathode {n} (anode) SEE: anode ::
antichain {n} (subset of a partially ordered set) :: antiketju
anti-charm quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the charm quark) :: lumo-antikvarkki
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) :: antikristus
Antichrist {prop} (one under the direct control of the Devil) :: Antikristus
anticipate {v} /ænˈtɪs.ə.peɪt/ (to act before someone) :: ennakoida, varautua
anticipate {v} (to take up or introduce something prematurely) :: ennakoida
anticipate {v} (to know of something before it manifests) :: odottaa, varautua
anticipated {adj} (expected to arrive) :: odotettu
anticipation {n} /æn.tɪs.əˈpe.ʃən/ (the act of anticipating) :: varautuminen
anticlericalism {n} (opposition to political influence of clerics) :: antiklerikalismi
anticlimactic {adj} (lacking climax) :: antiklimaattinen
anticlimax {n} (break in the final climax) :: antikliimaksi
anticline {n} /ˈæntiklaɪn/ (anticlinal fold) :: satulapoimu, antikliini
anticlockwise {adj} /ˌæntiˈklɑkwaɪz/ (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) :: vastapäiväinen
anticlockwise {adv} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) :: vastapäivään
anticlockwisely {adv} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise ::
anticoagulant {n} (substance) :: antikoagulantti
anticodon {n} /ˌæntiˈkəʊdɒn/ (sequence of three nucleotides) :: antikodoni
anticommunism {n} /æntɪˈkɒmjʊnɪzəm/ (against communism) :: antikommunismi
anticommunist {adj} (opposed to communism) :: antikommunistinen
anticommunistic {adj} (anticommunist) SEE: anticommunist ::
anticommutation {n} (the inverse of a commutation) :: antikommutointi
anticommutative {adj} (math) :: antikommutatiivinen
anticompetitive {adj} (acting to hinder or obstruct competition) :: kilpailunvastainen
anticough {adj} (suppressing coughing) :: antitussiivinen
anticyclone {n} (system of winds) :: antisykloni
antidepressant {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts depression) :: masennuslääke
antidepressant {adj} (preventing or counteracting depression) :: antidepressiivinen
antidepression {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antidepressive {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antidepressive {n} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antiderivative {n} (function whose derivative is a given function) :: integraalifunktio, antiderivaatta
antidisestablishmentarian {n} (one who believes that the Church of England should retain its formal constitutional relationship with the state) :: valtiokirkon puolustaja
antidisestablishmentarianism {n} /ˌæn.ti.dɪs.ɪsˌtæb.lɪʃ.mənˈtɛə.ɹi.ənˌɪ.z(ə)m/ (philosophy opposed to separating church and state) :: valtiokirkollisuus, valtiokirkon puolustaminen
antidiuretic {n} (an agent that prevents or counteracts diuresis) :: antidiureettinen lääke
antidiuretic {adj} (preventing or counteracting diuresis) :: antidiureettinen
antidotal {adj} (relating to or being an antidote) :: vastamyrkky-
antidotary {n} (antidote) SEE: antidote ::
antidote {n} /ˈæn.tə.dot/ (remedy to counteract a poison) :: vastalääke
antidote {n} (something that counteracts) :: vastamyrkky, vastalääke
antidotical {adj} (antidotal) SEE: antidotal ::
anti-down quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the down quark) :: alas-antikvarkki
antiearthquake {adj} (antiseismic) SEE: antiseismic ::
antiemetic {n} (drug that combats nausea and vomiting) :: oksennuslääke
anti-establishment {adj} (opposed to the existing system) :: järjestelmänvastainen, systeeminvastainen
anti-European {adj} (opposing European integration and the European Union) :: eurooppavastainen
anti-European {adj} (disliking Europe or Europeans) :: eurooppavastainen
anti-fascism {n} (the opposition to fascist ideologies) :: antifasismi
antifascist {adj} (opposed to fascism) :: antifasistinen, fasisminvastainen
antifascist {n} (person opposed to fascism) :: antifasisti
antifascistic {adj} (antifascist) SEE: antifascist ::
antifebrine {n} (acetanilide) SEE: acetanilide ::
anti-federalism {n} (opposition to federalism) :: antifederalismi
antifeminism {n} (any belief antagonistic to feminism) :: antifeminismi
antiferromagnetism {n} (a phenomenon, similar to ferromagnetism) :: antiferromagnetismi
antifreeze {n} (a substance used to lower the freezing point of water) :: pakkasneste
antifrost {adj} (preventing the effects of frost) :: jäätymisenesto-, huurteenpoisto-
antifungal {adj} (that inhibits the growth of fungi) :: antimykoottinen
antifungal {n} (drug that inhibits the growth of fungi) :: sienilääke, antimykootti
antifungus {adj} (antifungal) SEE: antifungal ::
antigen {n} (substance that induces an immune response) :: antigeeni
antigenic {adj} (of or relating to an antigen) :: antigeeninen
antigorite {n} (brownish-green variety of serpentine) :: lehtiserpentiini, antigoriitti
antigovernment {adj} (opposed to a government currently in power) :: hallituksenvastainen
antigovernment {adj} (opposed to a government in general) :: hallituksenvastainen
antigovernmental {adj} (antigovernment) SEE: antigovernment ::
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} /ænˌti.ɡ(w)ə ænd bɑɹˈbju.də/ (country) :: Antigua ja Barbuda
Antiguan {n} /ænˈtiːɡən/ (person) :: antigualainen
Antiguan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Antigua, or the Antiguan people) :: antigualainen
antigypsyism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Romani people) :: romanivastaisuus
antihelium {n} (antiatom form of helium) :: antihelium
antihelminth {adj} (anthelmintic) SEE: anthelmintic ::
antihelmintic {adj} (anthelmintic) SEE: anthelmintic ::
antihero {n} /ˈæn.taɪˌhi.ɹoʊ/ (protagonist who proceeds in an unheroic manner) :: antisankari, pahis
antihistamine {n} /ˌæn.tiˈhɪs.tə.miːn/ (drug or substance) :: antihistamiini
antihistaminic {n} (antihistamine) SEE: antihistamine ::
antihunger {n} (against hunger) :: nälänvastainen
anti-immigration {adj} (opposing immigration) :: maahanmuuttovastainen
anti-inflammatory {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts inflammation) :: tulehduslääke
anti-inflammatory {adj} (preventing or counteracting inflammation) :: anti-inflammatorinen
anti-intellectualism {n} (hostility towards intellectuals) :: anti-intellektualismi
Antilles {prop} /ænˈtɪl.iːz/ (islands) :: Antillit {p}
antimalware {adj} (designed or intended to combat or eliminate malware on a computer system) :: haittaohjelmien torjuntaohjelma
antimatter {n} /ˈæntimæˌtɚ/ (matter composed of antiparticles) :: antimateria, antiaine
antimicrobe {adj} (antimicrobial) SEE: antimicrobial ::
antimicrobial {adj} (destroying microbes) :: antimikrobinen
antimicrobial {adj} (inhibiting the growth of microbes) :: antimikrobinen
antimicrobial {adj} (preventing the pathogenic action of microbes) :: antimikrobinen
antimicrobic {adj} (antimicrobial) SEE: antimicrobial ::
antimicrobic {n} (antimicrobial) SEE: antimicrobial ::
anti-militarism {n} (a doctrine that opposes war) :: antimilitarismi
antimilitarist {adj} (opposed to militarism) :: antimilitaristinen, militarisminvastainen
antimilitarist {n} (one who opposes militarism) :: antimilitaristi
antimilitaristic {adj} (antimilitarist) SEE: antimilitarist ::
antimitotic {adj} (preventing or disrupting mitosis) :: antimitoottinen
antimonarchist {n} (one who is opposed to monarchy) :: antimonarkisti
antimonarchist {adj} (opposed to monarchy) :: antimonarkistinen
antimonite {n} (a grey mineral that is the main source of antimony) :: antimoniitti
antimony {n} /ˈæn.tɪˌmoʊ.ni/ (chemical element) :: antimoni
antimony {n} (stibnite) SEE: stibnite ::
antimuon {n} (antiparticle) :: antimyoni
antimycotic {adj} (antifungal) SEE: antifungal ::
antimycotic {n} (antifungal) SEE: antifungal ::
antinatural {adj} (unnatural) SEE: unnatural ::
antineoplastic {adj} /æntaɪni.əplæstɪk/ (inhibiting the development of tumours) :: antineoplastinen
antineurotic {adj} :: antineuroottinen
antineutrino {n} (the antiparticle of the neutrino) :: antineutriino
antineutron {n} (the antiparticle corresponding to a neutron) :: antineutroni
antinomian {n} /æntiˈnoʊmi.ən/ (one who believes that faith alone determines salvation) :: antinomisti
antinomian {adj} (of or pertaining to antinomianism) :: antinomilainen
antinomist {n} (antinomian) SEE: antinomian ::
antinomistic {adj} (antinomian) SEE: antinomian ::
antinomy {n} /ænˈtɪnəmi/ (contradiction) :: antinomia
antinovel {n} (a novel that deliberately avoids the typical conventions of the novel) :: antiromaani
antinuclear {adj} (opposed to the use of nuclear weapons or nuclear energy) :: ydinvoimavastainen, ydinasevastainen, ydinvastainen
antioxidant {n} (substance that slows oxidation) :: antioksidantti, hapettumisenestoaine
antioxidant {n} (vitamin that acts against free radicals) :: antioksidantti
antioxidant {adj} (acting against oxidation) :: antioksidanttinen
antioxidative {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant ::
antioxygen {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant ::
antioxygenic {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant ::
antiparallel {adj} (parallel of opposite direction) :: vastakkaissuuntainen
antiparticle {n} /ˈæntiˌpɑɹtɪkəl/ (a subatomic particle) :: antihiukkanen
antipasto {n} (Italian starter for a meal) :: antipasto
antipathize {v} (to feel or show antipathy) :: antipatiseerata
antipathy {n} /ænˈtɪpəθi/ (contrariety or opposition in feeling) :: antipatia
antipattern {n} (a design pattern that may be commonly used, but is ineffective or counterproductive in practice) :: antisuunnittelumalli
antiperspirant {n} (a substance used to minimize sweating) :: antiperspirantti
antipet {adj} (opposed to pets) :: lemmikkivastainen
antiphagocytic {adj} (impeding or preventing the action of phagocytes) :: antifagosyyttinen
antiphon {n} /ˈæntɪfən/ (devotional piece of music sung responsively) :: antifoni
antiphon {n} (response or reply) :: vastaus, vastarepliikki
antiphonal {n} (antiphon) SEE: antiphon ::
antiplatelet {adj} (destroying blood platelets) :: antitromboottinen
antipode {n} /ˈæn.tɪ.poʊd/ (something directly opposite) :: antipodi
antipodean {adj} /ˈæn.tɪp.əʊˌdi.ən/ (diametrically opposed) :: vastapäinen, vastakkainen
antipodean {adj} (situated at opposite sides of the Earth) :: antipodinen
antipope {n} /ˈantɪpəʊp/ (person who claims to be pope) :: vastapaavi
antiprism {n} (a polyhedron composed of two parallel copies of some particular polygon, connected by an alternating band of triangles) :: antiprisma
antiproton {n} (antiparticle of the proton) :: antiprotoni
antipsychosis {adj} (antipsychotic) SEE: antipsychotic ::
antipsychotic {adj} (preventing or counteracting psychosis) :: antipsykoottinen
antipsychotic {n} (any of a group of drugs used to treat psychosis) :: psykoosilääke, antipsykootti
antiquake {adj} (antiseismic) SEE: antiseismic ::
antiquarian {adj} /ˌæn.tɪˈkwɛɹ.i.ən/ (pertaining to antiquaries; second-hand) :: antikvaarinen [pertaining to antiquaries]; antiikkinen [pertaining to antiquity]
antiquarian {n} (collector, student or expert) :: antiikin keräilijä [collector]; antiikkiasiantuntija [expert]
antiquated {adj} /ˈæntɪˌkweɪtɪd/ (old fashioned) :: vanhanaikainen
antique {adj} /ænˈtiːk/ (old; out of date) :: antiikkinen
antique {n} (old piece) :: antiikkiesine, antikviteetti, antiikki
antiquity {n} /ænˈtɪk.wə.ti/ (ancient times) :: antiikki
Antiquity {prop} (period of history) :: antiikki
antiracism {n} (opposition to racism) :: antirasismi, rasisminvastaisuus
antirealism {n} (any position involving denial of the objective reality of certain entities) :: antirealismi
antireductionism {n} (a holistic viewpoint opposed to reductionism) :: antireduktionismi
antirightist {n} (member of the Anti-Rightist Movement) :: oikeistonvastainen
anti-roll bar {n} (roll reducing bar) :: kallistuksenvakaaja
antirrhinum {n} (snapdragon) SEE: snapdragon ::
anti-satellite {adj} (designed to destroy satellites) :: satelliitintorjunta-
antiseismic {adj} (built to withstand earthquakes) :: maanjäristyksen kestävä
antisemite {n} (anti-Semite) :: antisemitisti
anti-Semitic {adj} /ˌæntiːsəˈmɪtɪk/ (exhibiting anti-Semitism) :: antisemitistinen, antisemiittinen, juutalaisvastainen
anti-Semitically {adj} (in an anti-Semitic manner) :: antisemiittisesti
antisemitism {n} /ˌæntɪˈsɛmɪˌtɪzəm/ (prejudice or hostility against Jews) :: antisemitismi, juutalaisvastaisuus
antisepsis {n} (countering microbial infection) :: antiseptiikka
antiseptic {adj} (of or relating to antisepsis) :: antiseptinen
antiseptic {adj} (capable of preventing microbial infection) :: antiseptinen
antiseptic {adj} (very clean; aseptic) :: aseptinen
antiseptic {adj} (sanitized or bowdlerized) :: puhdistettu
antiseptic {n} (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms) :: antisepti
antisepticism {n} (antisepsis) SEE: antisepsis ::
antiskid {adj} (designed to increase friction) :: liukastumista estävä, liukkautta estävä
antiskidding {adj} (antiskid) SEE: antiskid ::
antislavism {n} (movement) :: antislavismi
anti-Slavism {n} (movement) :: antislavismi
antislip {adj} (preventing slipping) :: liukuesto-
antislippage {adj} (antislip) SEE: antislip ::
antisocial {adj} /ˌæntiˈsoʊʃəl/ (unwilling or unable to associate normally with other people) :: antisosiaalinen
antisoviet {adj} (opposing the Soviet Union) :: neuvostovastainen
antispoof {adj} (antispoofing) SEE: antispoofing ::
antispoofing {adj} (countering spoofing) :: väärentämistä torjuva
antispyware {adj} (designed or intended to combat or eliminate spyware on a computer system) :: vakoiluohjelmien vastainen
antistatic {adj} (preventing the buildup of static electricity) :: antistaattinen
antistatic {n} (agent or substance) :: antistaattinen aine
anti-strange quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the strange quark) :: outo-antikvarkki
antisurveillance {n} (countersurveillance) SEE: countersurveillance ::
anti-sway bar {n} (anti-roll bar) SEE: anti-roll bar ::
antisymmetric {adj} ((order theory; of a binary relation on a set)) :: antisymmetrinen
antisymmetric {adj} ((linear algebra)) :: antisymmetrinen
antisymmetrical {adj} (antisymmetric) SEE: antisymmetric ::
antisymmetry {n} (the condition of being antisymmetric) :: antisymmetrisyys
antisymmetry {n} (a theory of syntactic linearization) :: antisymmetria
antitank {adj} (designed for attacking tanks or other armored vehicles) :: panssarintorjunta-
antitau {n} (antitauon) SEE: antitauon ::
antitauon {n} (antiparticle) :: antitau
antiterror {adj} (antiterrorist) SEE: antiterrorist ::
antiterrorism {n} (activity aiming at opposing terrorism) :: terrorisminvastainen toiminta
antiterrorist {adj} (counteracting terrorism) :: terrorisminvastainen
antitheatrical {adj} (opposed to theatre) :: teatterin vastainen
antitheft {adj} (preventing from being stolen) :: varkaudenesto-, see varkaudenestolaite
antitheism {n} (active opposition to theism) :: antiteismi
antithesis {n} /ænˈtɪ.θə.sɪs/ (proposition that is opposite to other proposition) :: antiteesi, vastakohta
antithrombin {n} /ˌæntɪˈθɹɒmbɪn/ (small molecule) :: antitrombiini
anti-top quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the top quark) :: huippu-antikvarkki, tosi-antikvarkki
antitoxin {n} (antibody to a specific toxin) :: antitoksiini
antitrust {adj} (opposed to or against the establishment or existence of trusts) :: kartellien vastainen
antitussive {adj} (anticough) SEE: anticough ::
anti-up quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the up quark) :: ylös-antikvarkki
anti-utopia {n} (opposite of utopia) :: antiutopia
antiutopian {adj} (opposing utopian values) :: antiutopistinen
antivenin {n} (antitoxin) :: vastamyrkky
antivenin {n} (serum) :: vastamyrkky
antivenom {n} (antivenin) SEE: antivenin ::
antivirus {n} (computing software) :: virustorjuntaohjelma, virustorjunta, antivirusohjelma
anti-war {adj} (opposed to war) :: sodanvastainen
antiwarfare {adj} (anti-war) SEE: anti-war ::
antiziganism {n} (antigypsyism) SEE: antigypsyism ::
antler {n} /ˈænt.lɚ/ (bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk) :: sarvi, sarvikruunu [pair]
antlerite {n} (a greenish hydrous copper sulfate mineral) :: antleriitti
Antlia {prop} (constellation) :: Ilmapumppu
antlion {n} (nocturnal insects) :: muurahaiskorento (adult), muurahaisleijona (larva)
Antonine Wall {prop} (fortification) :: Antoniuksen muuri, Antoniuksen valli
Antonio {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
antonomasia {n} /ˌæntənəˈmeɪʒə/ (substitution of an epithet or title in place of a proper noun) :: antonomasia
Antony {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
antonym {n} /ˈæntəˌnɪm/ (word which has the opposite meaning) :: antonyymi, vastakohta
antonymy {n} /ˈæntə.nɪm.i/ (semantic relation between antonyms) :: antonymia
ants climbing a tree {n} (Sichuan dish) :: jauhelihakastike-lasinuudelipannu
antshrike {n} (several passerine bird species of various genera in the antbird (Thamnophilidae) family) :: puumuura
ants in one's pants {n} (agitated and fidgety state) :: hermona, muurahaisia housuissa
antsy {adj} /ˈæn.tsi/ (restless, apprehensive and fidgety) :: levoton
Antwerp {prop} /ˈæn.twɝp/ (province) :: Antwerpen
Antwerp {prop} (city) :: Antwerpen
Antwerpian {n} (someone from Antwerp) :: antwerpeniläinen
Antwerpian {adj} (of Antwerp) :: antwerpeniläinen
a number of {phrase} (several) :: moni
a number of {phrase} (several of) :: moni
anurous {adj} (having no tail) :: hännätön
anus {n} /ˈeɪ.nəs/ (lower opening of the digestive tract) :: anus, peräaukko
anusvara {n} (anusvara diacritic) :: anusvara
anvil {n} /ˈæn.vəl/ (block used in blacksmithing) :: alasin
anvil {n} (bone in inner ear) :: alasin, alasinluu
anxietolytic {adj} (anxiolytic) SEE: anxiolytic ::
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
anxiety {n} /ˌæŋ(ɡ)ˈzaɪ.ə.ti/ (concern) :: ahdistus, huoli, levottomuus, huolestuneisuus
anxiety {n} (uneasy or distressing desire) :: kiihkeä halu, hinku
anxiety {n} (pathological condition) :: ahdistuneisuushäiriö, ahdistus
anxiety disorder {n} (disorder characterised by excessive anxiety) :: ahdistuneisuushäiriö
anxiolytic {adj} /ˌæŋksiəˈlɪtɪk/ (that reduces anxiety) :: anksiolyyttinen, ahdistusta lievittävä
anxiolytic {n} (drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety) :: anksiolyytti, ahdistuslääke
anxious {adj} /ˈæŋ(k).ʃəs/ (nervous or worried) :: hermostunut, huolestunut
anxious {adj} (full of anxiety) :: jännittynyt, hermostunut, huolestunut, ahdistunut
anxious {adj} (accompanied with anxiety; worrying) :: hermostuttava, huolestuttava
anxious {adj} (earnestly desirous) :: innokas, halukas
anxiously {adv} /ˈæŋ(k).ʃəs.li/ (in an anxious manner) :: ahdistuneesti
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
any {adv} /ˈɛni/ (at all) :: yhtään
any {determiner} (at least one (kind)) :: yhtään, jotakin, mitään
any {determiner} (no matter what kind) :: mikä tahansa, kuka tahansa
any {pron} (Any things or persons) :: mikä tahansa
Anya {prop} (female given name) :: Anja
anybody {pron} /ˈɛn.i.bɑd.i/ ((colloquial) a person of consideration or standing) :: joku [positive], kukaan [negative]
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone ::
anybody's {pron} /ˈɛnibədiz/ (belonging to anybody (possessive form of anybody)) :: kenen tahansa
anycast {n} (scheme whereby data is routed to the nearest or best destination) :: jokulähetys
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
any longer {adv} (any more) SEE: any more ::
any minute now {adv} (very soon) :: millä hetkellä tahansa
any more {adv} (not any more) SEE: no longer ::
any more {adv} /ˌɛ.niˈmɔː/ (in negative or interrogative constructions) :: enää
anyone {pron} /ˈɛniˌwʌn/ (anybody) :: joku, kuka tahansa [affirmative], ketään [interrogative]
anyone else {pron} (any other person) :: kuka tahansa muu [positive], kukaan muu [negative]
any other business {phrase} (last item on the agenda of a meeting) :: muut esille tulevat asiat
anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere ::
anything {pron} /ˈɛn.i.θɪŋ/ (any thing of any kind) :: mikä, mikä tahansa
anything {n} (someone or something) :: mikä tahansa
anything but {adv} (not at all) :: kaikkea muuta kuin
anything else {pron} (any other thing) :: mikä tahansa muu [inclusive], mikään muu [exclusive], mitään muuta
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
anytime {adv} (at any time) :: milloin tahansa, milloin hyvänsä, milloin vain
anyway {adv} /ˈɛniweɪ/ (regardless) :: kuitenkin, siitä huolimatta
anyway {adv} (used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement) :: ainakaan
anyway {adv} (used to indicate change of subject) :: miten vain, joka tapauksessa, se sikseen
anyway {adv} (in any way) :: joka tapauksessa
any way one slices it {phrase} (from any perspective; in every case) :: vaikka asiaa miten kääntelisi
anywhere {adv} /ˈɛn.i.(h)wɛɹ/ (in or at any location) :: missä tahansa, missään
anywhere else {adv} (in any other place) :: missä tahansa muualla
Anzac Day {prop} (public holiday in Australia and New Zealand on April 25) :: ANZAC-päivä
a.o.b. {n} (abbreviation for "any other business") :: META
AOB {phrase} (initialism for "any other business") :: META
Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau ::
aorist {n} /ˈeɪ.ə.ɹɪst/ (a grammatical aspect) :: aoristi
aorist {adj} (pertaining to verb in aorist aspect) :: aoristi-
aoristic {adj} (aorist) SEE: aorist ::
aorta {n} /eɪˈɔːɹtə/ (great artery) :: aortta
aortic arch {n} (curving portion of the aorta) :: aortankaari
aortic arch syndrome {n} (Takayasu's arteritis) SEE: Takayasu's arteritis ::
aortitis {n} (inflammation of the aorta) :: aorttatulehdus, aortiitti
Aosta {prop} /ɑːˈɒstə/ (city in Italy) :: Aosta
Aosta Valley {prop} (Valle d'Aosta) SEE: Valle d'Aosta ::
apace {adv} /əˈpeɪs/ (Quickly, rapidly, with speed) :: ripeästi, rivakasti, rapsakasti
Apache {prop} /ə.ˈpæ.t͡ʃi/ (Apache language) :: apassi
Apache {n} (Apache people) :: apassit, apaššit
Apache {n} (Apache person) :: apassi, apašši
Apache {n} (Parisian gangster) :: apassi
apanage {n} /ˈæpənɪdʒ/ (grant as a birthright) :: apanaasi
apart {adv} /əˈpɑː(ɹ)t/ (separately, in regard to space or company) :: syrjässä, syrjään
apart {adv} (in a state of separation) :: erillään, erilleen, erikseen
apart {adv} (aside; away) :: syrjässä, syrjään
apart {adv} (in two or more parts; asunder) :: erillään, erilleen
apart {adv} (apart from) SEE: apart from ::
apart from {prep} (except for) :: lukuun ottamatta
apartheid {v} /əˈpɑɹthaɪt/ (policy of racial separation in South Africa) :: rotuerottelu, apartheid
aparthotel {n} (a form of hotel having self-catering apartments instead of bedrooms or suites) :: asuntohotelli
apartment {n} /əˈpɑːt.mənt/ (domicile occupying part of a building) :: asunto, huoneisto
apartment {n} (archaic: suite of rooms within a domicile) :: huoneisto
apartment building {n} (residential building with multiple flats) :: asuinkerrostalo
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (US)) SEE: roommate ::
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (UK)) SEE: flatmate ::
apastron {n} /əˈpæstɹən/ (point of greatest separation between two stars) :: apastroni
apatheia {n} (freedom from emotional disturbance, in Stoic philosophy) :: apatheia
apatheism {n} /æ.pə.θi.ɪzəm/ (apathy concerning the existence of God) :: apateismi
apatheist {n} (supporter of apatheism) :: apateisti
apathetic {adj} /æp.əˈθɛt.ɪk/ (void of feeling) :: apaattinen
apathetically {adv} (in an apathetic manner) :: apaattisesti
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy ::
apathistical {adj} (apathetic) SEE: apathetic ::
apathy {n} /ˈæ.pə.θi/ (lack of emotion or motivation) :: apatia, välinpitämättömyys, apaattisuus
apatite {n} /ˈæp.ə.taɪt/ (type of mineral) :: apatiitti
ape {n} /eɪp/ (animal) :: apina, ihmisapina [scientific]
ape {n} (derogatory: person) :: apina
ape {v} (to behave like an ape) :: käyttäytyä kuin apina
ape {v} (to imitate) :: matkia, apinoida
APEC {prop} (trade agreement) :: APEC, Aasian ja Tyynenmeren maiden talousjärjestö
apelike {adj} (simian) SEE: simian ::
apely {adj} (simian) SEE: simian ::
apeman {n} (prehistoric man resembling an ape) :: apinaihminen
Apennines {prop} /ˈæpənaɪnz/ (mountain range) :: Apenniinit
a penny saved is a penny earned {proverb} (a maxim advocating thriftiness) :: säästetty markka on tienattu markka
aper {n} (someone who apes something) SEE: imitator ::
aperspectival {adj} (lacking perspective) :: perspektiivitön
aperture {n} /ˈæp.ɚ.tʃɚ/ (opening) :: aukko, reikä
aperture {n} (something which restricts the diameter of the light path through one plane in an optical system) :: aukko
aperture {n} (diameter of the aperture (in the sense above)) :: aukon halkaisija
aperçu {n} /ˌa.pɛːˈsjuː/ (clever insight) :: kiteytys, tiivistelmä, yhteenveto
aperçu {n} (summary) :: kiteytys, yleiskatsaus
apery {n} (a place where apes are kept) :: apinatarha
apery {n} (the practice of aping or an apish action) :: jäljittely, matkiminen, apinointi
apex {n} /ˈeɪˌpɛks/ (highest point) :: huippu
apex {n} (moment of greatest success, expansion, etc) :: huippu, huipentuma
apex {n} (in geometry: topmost vertex of a cone or pyramid) :: huippu
apex {n} (pointed end) :: huippu
apex court {n} (supreme court) SEE: supreme court ::
apex predator {n} (an animal atop the food chain) :: huippusaalistaja, huippupeto
apfelstrudel {n} (apple strudel) SEE: apple strudel ::
aphakia {n} (absence of the lens from the eye) :: afakia
aphallia {n} (congenital condition in which the phallus is absent) :: afallia
aphantasia {n} (condition) :: afantasia
aphantasiac {n} (person) :: afantaasikko
aphasia {n} /əˈfeɪzɪə/ (pathological speech disorder) :: afasia
aphasic {adj} /əˈfeɪzək/ (affected by, or pertaining to, aphasia) :: afaattinen
aphasic {n} (one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia) :: afaatikko
aphasiology {n} (the study of linguistic problems resulting from brain damage) :: afasiologia
aphelion {n} /əˈfiːlɪən/ (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the Sun) :: apheli
aphemia {n} (type of aphasia in which the ability to speak is lost) :: afemia
apheresis {n} /əˈfɛɹəsɪs/ (loss of letters or sounds from the beginning of a word) :: afereesi
apheresis {n} (medicine: removal, filtering and returning of blood) :: afereesi
aphid {n} /ˈeɪ.fɪd/ (insect) :: kirva
aphis {n} (aphid) SEE: aphid ::
aphobia {n} (fearlessness) SEE: fearlessness ::
aphonia {n} (loss of voice) :: afonia
aphonic {adj} (exhibiting aphonia) :: afoninen, puhekyvytön
aphonous {adj} (aphonic) SEE: aphonic ::
aphorism {n} /ˈæ.fə.ɹɪzm̩/ (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought) :: aforismi, mietelause
aphorismic {adj} (aphoristic) SEE: aphoristic ::
aphorist {n} (person who writes or recites aphorisms) :: aforisti
aphoristic {adj} /æfəˈɹɪstɪk/ (of, relating to, or containing aphorisms) :: aforistinen
aphotic {adj} /eɪˈfəʊtɪk/ (having no light, especially no sunlight) :: afoottinen
aphrasia {n} (condition) :: afrasia
aphrodisia {n} (a state of sexual desire) :: afrodisia
aphrodisiac {adj} /æf.ɹoʊ.ˈdi.zi.æk/ (intensifying sexual desire) :: lempeä nostattava
aphrodisiac {n} (food or drug) :: lemmenruoka [food]; lemmenjuoma [drink]; lemmenrohto, lemmenlääke [drug]; afrodisiaka, afrodisiakki
Aphrodite {prop} /æfɹəˈdaɪti/ (Greek goddess) :: Afrodite
aphroditic {adj} (venereal) SEE: venereal ::
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease ::
aphtha {n} (oral thrush) :: aftoosi
aphtha {n} (oral ulcer) :: afta
aphthous ulcer {n} (ulcer in the mouth caused by break in mucous membrane) :: afta, suun limakalvon haavauma
aphyllous {adj} (leafless) SEE: leafless ::
apian {adj} /ˈeɪpi.ən/ (related to bees) :: mehiläis-, mehiläisten
apiarian {n} /eɪpɪˈɛəɹɪən/ (beekeeper) :: mehiläishoitaja, mehiläistarhuri
apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiaristic {adj} (apiarian) SEE: apiarian ::
apiary {n} /ˈeɪ.pi.ɛɹ.i/ (a place where bees and hives are kept) :: mehiläistarha
apical {adj} /ˈæpɪkəl/ (phonetics: produced with the tip of the tongue) :: kielenkärki-, apikaalinen
a picture is worth a thousand words {proverb} (visualisation is better than verbal description) :: yksi kuva kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa
a picture paints a thousand words {proverb} (a picture is worth a thousand words) SEE: a picture is worth a thousand words ::
apicular {adj} (apical) SEE: apical ::
apiculate {adj} (having a short, sharply pointed tip) :: lyhytsuippuinen
apiculated {adj} (apiculate) SEE: apiculate ::
apiculturalist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping ::
apiculturist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiece {adv} /əˈpis/ (apiece) :: kappale, kappaleelta
A-pillar {n} (automotive: vertical support) :: A-pilari
aping {n} (apery) SEE: apery ::
apiology {n} (study of bees) :: mehiläistutkimus
apish {adj} /ˈeɪpɪʃ/ (resembling or characteristic of an ape) :: apinamainen
apishamore {n} (saddle blanket) SEE: saddle blanket ::
apistogrammine {n} (fish of the genus Apistogramma) :: Apistogramma-kirjoahven
apitherapy {n} (the medical use of bee products) :: mehiläisterapia, apiterapia
apivorous {adj} (that feeds on bees) :: mehiläisiä syövä
aplite {n} (a fine-grained granitic rock composed mostly of quartz and feldspars) :: apliitti
aplomb {n} /əˈplʌm/ (self-confidence) :: itseluottamus, varmuus
aplomb {n} (ballet) :: esiintymisvarmuus, suoritusvarmuus, varmuus
apnea {n} (cessation of breathing) :: apnea
apneusis {n} (an abnormal pattern of breathing) :: apneustinen hengitys
apneustic {adj} (of or relating to apneusis) :: apneustinen
apoapsis {n} (point of a body's elliptical orbit) :: apoapsis
apoastron {n} (apastron) SEE: apastron ::
apocalypse {n} /əˈpɑkəlɪps/ (revealing or revelation) :: ilmestys
apocalypse {n} (end of the world) :: maailmanloppu
Apocalypse {prop} /əˈpɑkəlɪps/ (the written account of a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet) :: ilmestys, maailmanloppu
Apocalypse {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Johanneksen ilmestys
apocalyptic {adj} /əˈpɒ.kə.lɪp.tɪk/ (of or relating to an apocalypse) :: apokalyptinen
apocalyptic {adj} (relating to a revelation, revelatory, prophetic) :: apokalyptinen
apocalyptic {adj} (relating to a disaster) :: apokalyptinen
apocalyptical {adj} (apocalyptic) SEE: apocalyptic ::
apocalypticism {n} /əpɒkəˈlɪptɪsɪz(ə)m/ (a belief or doctrine based on apocalypse) :: apokalyptiikka
apocalypticist {n} (apocalyptic) SEE: apocalyptic ::
apocenter {n} (the point in an orbit furthest from the center of attraction) :: aposentri
apochromatic {adj} (corrected for both chromatic aberration and spherical aberration) :: apokromaattinen
apocope {n} /əˈpɒ.kə.pi/ (loss or omission of a sound or syllable from the end of a word) :: loppuheitto, apokopee
apocrine {adj} (of or pertaining to an apocrine gland or to its mode of secretion) :: apokriininen
apocrypha {n} /ʌˈpɑk.ɹə.fə/ (writing of a doubtful authorship) :: apokryfi
Apocrypha {prop} (writings recognized by some but not all Christians) :: apokryfikirjat {p}
apocryphal {adj} /əˈpɑːkɹɪfəl/ (of or pertaining to Apocrypha) :: apokryfinen
apocryphal {adj} (of doubtful authenticity) :: apokryfinen, epäuskottava, epäilyttävä
apocryphal {adj} (of dubious veracity; urban legend) :: apokryfinen, epäuskottava, epäilyttävä
apocryphally {adv} (In an apocryphal manner) :: apokryfisesti
apocryphalness {n} (the state or condition of being apocryphal) :: apokryfisyys
apodosis {n} (the consequential clause in a conditional sentence) :: ehtovirkkeen päätöslause
apoenzyme {n} (an inactive haloenzyme lacking a cofactor) :: apoentsyymi
apofocus {n} (apocenter) SEE: apocenter ::
apogamy {n} /əˈpɒɡəmɪ/ (asexual reproduction of a fully formed plant directly from a bud) :: apogamia
apogee {n} /ˈæ.pə.dʒi/ (a point in an orbit around the Earth) :: apogeum
apograph {n} /ˈæpəɡɹɑːf/ (perfect copy) :: jäljennös
apolar {adj} (having no polarity) :: pooliton
apolipoprotein {n} (protein that can bind with a lipid) :: apolipoproteiini
apolitical {adj} (Having no interest or involvement in politics) :: epäpoliittinen
apolitical {adj} (Having no political relevance or function) :: epäpoliittinen
apolitically {adv} (done without political affiliation) :: epäpoliittisesti
Apollinarianism {n} (Apollinarism) SEE: Apollinarism ::
Apollinarism {n} (the doctrine that Jesus’s mind was only divine and not human) :: apollinarismi
apollo {n} /əˈpɒləʊ/ (butterfly) :: isoapollo
Apollo {prop} /əˈpɒləʊ/ (the son of Zeus) :: Apollon
Apollo {prop} (a three-man spacecraft) :: Apollo
Apollo {prop} (a town in Pennsylvania) :: Apollo
Apollo {prop} (butterfly) :: isoapollo
Apollo {n} (asteroid type) :: Apollo-asteroidi
Apollonian {n} (of or relating to the Greek god Apollo) :: apolloninen
apologetic {adj} /əˌpɑləˈdʒɛtɪk/ (having the character of apology) :: anteeksipyytävä
apologetical {adj} (apologetic) SEE: apologetic ::
apologetics {n} (field of study concerned with the systematic defense of a position) :: apologetiikka
apologia {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologian {n} (apologist) SEE: apologist ::
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize ::
apologism {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologist {n} /əˈpɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (One who speaks or writes in defense of a faith) :: apologeetta
apologize {v} /əˈpɑləd͡ʒaɪz/ (to express regret) :: pahoitella
apologize {v} (to make an apology or defense) :: puolustella
apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse) :: pyytää anteeksi, pahoitella
apology {n} /əˈpɒl.ə.dʒi/ (an expression of regret) :: anteeksipyyntö, pahoittelu
apology {n} (formal justification, defence) :: puolustus, puolustuskirjoitus
apolune {n} (point of a lunar orbit farthest from the Moon) :: apoluni
apomorphia {n} (apomorphine) SEE: apomorphine ::
apomorphine {n} (drug) :: apomorfiini
apophasis {n} /əˈpɒfəsɪs/ :: apofaasi, paralipsis
apophony {n} (alternation of sounds within a word) SEE: ablaut ::
apophyllite {n} (mineral) :: apofylliitti
apoplectic {adj} /ˌæpəˈplɛktɪk/ (of or relating to apoplexy) :: apoplektinen, halvaus-
apoplectic {adj} (marked by extreme anger) :: [of a person] raivoissaan, raivostunut, [of anger] silmitön
apoplectic {n} (person suffering from apoplexy) :: halvauspotilas
apoplexy {n} /ˈæp.əˌplɛk.si/ (bleeding of internal organs) :: sisäinen verenvuoto
apoptosis {n} /ˌæ.pəˈtoʊ.sɪs/ (death of cells) :: apoptoosi
aposematism {n} /ˌæpə(ʊ)sɪˈmætɪz(ə)m/ (adaptation that warns off potential predators) :: aposematismi
aposiopesis {n} /ˌæpəsaɪəˈpiːsɪs/ (abrupt breaking-off in speech) :: aposiopeesi
apostasy {n} /əˈpɒstəsi/ (renunciation of set of beliefs) :: luopuminen, luopuminen uskosta, luopumus
apostate {n} /əˈpɒs.teɪt/ (person who renounces a religion or faith) :: luopio
apostatic {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate ::
apostatical {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate ::
a posteriori {adj} (involving deduction of theories from facts) :: aposteriorinen
a posteriori {adv} (in a manner that deduces theories from facts) :: aposteriorisesti
apostle {n} /əˈpɑsl̩/ (missionary or leader of a mission) :: apostoli, lähetyssaarnaaja
apostle {n} (top-ranking Mormon church official) :: apostoli
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer ::
Apostle {n} (any of the group of twelve disciples) :: opetuslapsi, apostoli
Apostle {n} (top-ranking Mormon) :: apostoli
Apostles' Creed {prop} (statement of Christian belief) :: apostolinen uskontunnustus
apostolic {adj} /ˌæpəˈstɑːlɪk/ (pertaining to apostles, or to the apostles) :: apostolinen
apostolic {adj} (according to the doctrines of the apostles) :: apostolinen
apostolical {adj} (apostolic) SEE: apostolic ::
apostrophe {n} /əˈpɑːs.tɹə.fi/ (the character ’) :: heittomerkki
apostrophe {n} (sudden piece of dialogue) :: apostrofi
apotemnophilia {n} (compulsion to become an amputee) :: apotemnofilia
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist ::
apothecium {n} (the ascigerous fructification of lichens) :: kotelomalja
apothegm {n} /ˈæp.ə.θɛm/ (A short witty instructive saying) :: sanonta, aforismi
apothem {n} /ˈæp.ə.θɛm/ (perpendicular distance from the center of a circle to a chord) :: apoteema
apothem {n} (the distance from the center of a polygon to a side) :: apoteema
apotheosis {n} /əˌpɑː.θiˈoʊ.sɪs/ (deification; becoming a god) :: apoteoosi
apotheosis {n} (glorification, exaltation) :: apoteoosi
apotheosis {n} (best moment or highest point in the development of something) :: huippu
apoxia {n} (altitude sickness) SEE: altitude sickness ::
app {n} /ʔæʔp̚/ (small computer application) :: sovellus, mobiilisovellus
appall {v} /əˈpɔːl/ (to depress or discourage with fear; to impress with fear) :: kauhistuttaa, tyrmistyttää
appalling {adj} /əˈpɔːlɪŋ/ (That appalls/appals or appall/appal) :: kauhistuttava, tyrmistyttävä
apparatchik {n} /æpəˈɹæt͡ʃɪk/ (member of a Communist apparat) :: apparatsikki
apparatus {n} /æ.pəˈɹeɪ.təs/ (entirety of means for a specific end) :: järjestelmä
apparatus {n} (complex machine or instrument) :: laitteisto, koneisto, mekanismi
apparatus {n} (assortment of tools or instruments) :: välineistö
apparatus {n} (bureaucratic organization) :: koneisto
apparatus {n} (gymnastics: equipment) :: teline
apparatus {n} (firefighting: vehicle for emergency response) SEE: fire engine ::
apparel {n} /əˈpæ.ɹəl/ (clothing) :: vaatetus, vaatteet, vaate, asu, puku
apparel {v} (to furnish with apparatus; to equip; to fit out) :: varustaa
apparel {v} (to dress or clothe) :: pukea, sonnustautua
apparel {v} (to deck) :: koristella, koristaa
apparent {adj} /əˈpæ.ɹənt/ (visible) :: näkyvä, silminnähtävä
apparent {adj} (clear) :: ilmeinen, selvä
apparent {adj} (seeming) :: näennäinen
apparent brightness {n} (brightness of star) :: näennäinen kirkkaus
apparently {adv} /əˈpæɹ.ɨnt.li/ ((archaic) plainly) :: ilmeisesti
apparently {adv} (seemingly) :: näennäisesti, näennäisen
apparently {adv} (according to what the speaker has read or been told) :: ilmeisesti, näköjään
apparent time {n} (time shown by carefully adjusted sundial) :: aurinkoaika
apparition {n} /ˌæp.ɚˈɪʃ.n̩/ (act of becoming visible) :: ilmestyminen, ilmaantuminen
apparition {n} (thing appearing) :: ilmestys
apparition {n} (unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance) :: ilmestys
apparition {n} (astronomy: the first appearance of a luminary after having been invisible or obscured) :: ilmestyminen
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse ::
appeal {v} /əˈpiːl/ (to apply for the removal of a cause to a superior judge or court) :: valittaa
appeal {v} (to call upon another) :: pyytää, vedota
appeal {v} (to be attractive) :: viehättää, miellyttää
appeal {v} (cricket: to ask an umpire for a decision) :: kysyä
appeal {v} (to summon; to challenge) :: haastaa
appeal {n} (application for the removal of a cause to a superior judge) :: valitus
appeal {n} (mode of proceeding by which such removal is effected) :: valittaminen, muutoksenhaku
appeal {n} (right of appeal) :: valitusoikeus
appeal {n} (law: accusation by one private person against another) :: siviilikanne
appeal {n} (summons to answer to a charge) :: haaste
appeal {n} (call upon a person or authority for help) :: vetoomus
appeal {n} (resort to physical means) :: turvautuminen voimakeinoihin
appeal {n} (power to attract or interest) :: viehätysvoima, vetovoima
appeal {v} (to invoke) SEE: invoke ::
appeals court {n} (appellate court) SEE: appellate court ::
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem ::
appear {v} /əˈpiɹ/ (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) :: ilmestyä, tulla näkyviin
appear {v} (To come before the public) :: ilmestyä
appear {v} (To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, or the like) :: ilmestyä, näyttäytyä
appear {v} (To become visible to the apprehension of the mind) :: ilmestyä, näyttää [possibly in conditional]
appear {v} (To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look) :: näyttää, vaikuttaa
appearance {n} /əˈpɪɹəns/ (The act of appearing or coming into sight) :: ilmestyminen, ilmaantuminen
appearance {n} (A thing seen) :: ilmiö, ilmentymä
appearance {n} (Personal presence, form or look) :: julkiasu, ulkomuoto, ulkonäkö
appearance {n} (Semblance, or apparent likeness) :: ulkonäkö, ulkomuoto
appearance {n} (The act of appearing in a particular place, or in society, a company, or any proceedings) :: esiintyminen
appearance {n} (The coming into court of either of the parties) :: saapuminen, ilmestyminen, näyttäytyminen
appearances are deceptive {proverb} (it is not possible to judge one's character by their outward appearance) :: ulkonäkö pettää
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance ::
appease {v} /əˈpiːz/ (to make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify) :: hiljentää [to make quiet]; rauhoittaa [to reduce to peace]; tyynnyttää [to still]
appease {v} (to come to terms with; to adapt to the demands of) :: lepyttää, lepytellä [to come to terms with]; myöntyä [to adapt to the demands of]
appel {n} /əˈpɛl/ (fencing movement) :: apelli
appellant {n} /əˈpɛln̩t/ (litigant or party that is making an appeal) :: muutoksenhakija
appellate {adj} /əˈpɛlət/ (pertaining to something that is appealed to) :: valitus-, vetoomus-
appellate court {n} (court having jurisdiction to hear appeals) :: valitustuomioistuin, vetoomustuomioistuin, muutoksenhakutuomioistuin
appellate jurisdiction {n} (power) :: vetoomustuomioistuimen toimivalta
appellation {n} /ˌæpəˈleɪʃən/ (name; designation) :: kutsumanimi, liikanimi, nimitys
appellation {n} (indication for wine that describes its geographic origin) :: alkuperäluokitus
appellational {adj} (relating to appellation) :: nimi-
appellative {n} (common noun) SEE: common noun ::
appellee {n} /ˈæpəli/ (respondent) :: muutoksenhakijan vastapuoli
append {v} /ʌˈpɛnd/ (to hang or attach to, as by a string) :: liittää, kiinnittää
append {v} (to add as an accessory) :: liittää
appendage {n} (external body part) :: uloke, raaja
appendage {n} (natural prolongation or projection) :: uloke
appendage {n} (part that is joined to something larger) :: lisäke
appendectomy {n} (surgical procedure) :: umpilisäkkeen poisto
appendicectomy {n} (appendectomy) SEE: appendectomy ::
appendicitis {n} /əˈpɛnd.ɪ.saɪt.əs/ (inflamation of the vermiform appendix) :: umpilisäkkeen tulehdus, appendisiitti
appendiculate {adj} (bearing appendages) :: ulokkeellinen
appendix {n} /əˈpɛn.dɪks/ (text added to the end of a book or an article) :: liite, jälkiteksti, täydennysosa
appendix {n} (vermiform appendix) :: umpilisäke
Appenzell {n} (appenzeller) SEE: appenzeller ::
appenzeller {n} (cheese) :: appenzellerjuusto
apperception {n} /ˌæpəˈsɛpʃən/ (mind’s perception of itself as subject) :: apperseptio
apperception {n} (mental perception) :: apperseptio
apperception {n} (mental assimilation of new experience) :: apperseptio
appetite {n} /ˈæp.ə.taɪt/ (desire of or relish for food) :: ruokahalu
appetite {n} (any strong desire) :: halu, hinku
appetite {n} (desire for personal gratification) :: halu
appetizer {n} (small, light first course) :: alkupala, alkuruoka
applaud {v} /əˈplɔd/ (to express approval by clapping) :: taputtaa
applause {n} /əˈplɔz/ (act of applauding) :: taputtaminen, suosionosoitus, aplodit {p}
apple {n} /ˈæp.əl/ (fruit) :: omena
apple {n} (wood) :: omenapuu
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree ::
apple aphid {n} (a bright green aphid, Aphis pomi) :: omenakirva
apple blossom {n} (the flower of an apple tree) :: omenankukka
apple brandy {n} (brandy made from apples) :: omenaviina
apple cake {n} (a type of cake containing sliced apples) :: omenakakku
apple-cheeked {adj} (having red cheeks) :: punaposkinen
apple cider {n} (hard cider) SEE: hard cider ::
apple cider {n} (sweet cider) SEE: sweet cider ::
apple core {n} (the central portion of an apple) :: omenankara
apple-corer {n} (a tool) :: omenapora
apple-green {adj} (apple-green) :: omenanvihreä
apple juice {n} (the juice of apples, often used as a drink) :: omenamehu
apple mint {n} (aromatic herb) :: pyöröminttu
apple of discord {n} /ˈæp(ə)l əv ˈdɪskɔːd/ (object which sows anger and dissension) :: kiistakapula
apple of Sodom {n} /ˈæp(ə)l əv ˈsɒdəm/ (Calotropis procera) :: sodomanmadari
apple of Sodom {n} (Citrullus colocynthis) SEE: colocynth ::
apple of someone's eye {n} (favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one) :: silmäterä
apple pie {n} (pie with apple filling) :: omenapiirakka, omenapiiras
apple pie {n} (anything quintessentially American) :: periamerikkalainen asia
appleringie {n} (southernwood) SEE: southernwood ::
apples and oranges {n} (non-comparable items) :: verrata omenoita päärynöihin (to compare apples to pears) [verb]
apple sauce {n} (a food) :: omenasose
applesauce {n} (apple sauce) SEE: apple sauce ::
apple seed {n} (the seed of the fruit of the Malus domestica (apple) tree) :: omenansiemen
apple strudel {n} (Austrian pastry) :: omenastruudeli, omenapiirakka
applet {n} (a small program module that runs under the control of a larger application) :: sovelma
apple tree {n} /ˈæpl̩ tɹiː/ (tree that bears apples) :: omenapuu
apple wine {n} (cider) :: omenaviini
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple ::
apple worm {n} (the larva of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella) :: omenamato
appliable {adj} (compliant) SEE: compliant ::
appliable {adj} (applicable) SEE: applicable ::
appliableness {n} (applicability) SEE: applicability ::
appliance {n} /əˈplaɪəns/ (a device in its own right) :: laite
appliance {n} (an implement, instrument or apparatus) :: kodinkone, laite; apulaite
applicability {n} (relevancy) :: soveltuvuus
applicable {adj} /ˈæplɪkəbəl/ (suitable for application; relevant) :: sopiva, soveltuva
applicableness {n} (applicability) SEE: applicability ::
applicant {n} /ˈæp.lə.kɪnt/ (one who applies) :: hakija, anoja
applicant {n} (z-coordinate in coordinate system) :: syvyysakseli
application {n} /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense) :: siveleminen, levittäminen, käyttö
application {n} (the thing applied) :: menetelmä, sovellus
application {n} (the act of applying as a means) :: soveltaminen, käyttö
application {n} (the act of directing or referring something to a particular case) :: soveltaminen
application {n} (a computer program) :: sovellus
application {n} (a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar) :: hakemus, anomus
application form {n} (form) :: anomuslomake
application programming interface {n} (set of routines, protocols and tools) :: ohjelmointirajapinta
applicator {n} (tool or device used to apply) :: levitin, applikaattori
applicator {n} (tubular device) :: asetin
applied {adj} /əˈplaɪd/ (put into practical use) :: käytännön-
applied {adj} (concerned with practical problems, rather that theoretical abstractions) :: soveltava, sovellettu
applied arts {n} (design and decoration to make everyday items aesthetically pleasing) :: käyttötaide
applied economics {n} (application of economics theory and econometrics in specific settings) :: sovellettu taloustiede
applied linguistics {n} (field of linguistic study) :: sovellettu kielitiede
applied mathematics {n} (area of mathematics) :: sovellettu matematiikka
applied science {n} (application of science to immediate, real-life problems) :: sovellettu tiede
applied statistics {n} (descriptive statistics and inferential statistics) :: sovellettu tilastotiede
applier {n} (applicator) SEE: applicator ::
applique {n} /ˌæ.plɪˈ.keɪ/ (decorative design) :: applikointi, applikaatio
applique {v} (to decorate in this way) :: applikoida, applisoida
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
apply {v} /əˈplaɪ/ (to lay or place) :: levittää [cream etc.]; panna, asettaa
apply {v} (to put to use for a purpose) :: käyttää
apply {v} (to make use of) :: soveltaa, käyttää
apply {v} (to engage diligently) :: herkistää, altistaa
apply {v} (to betake, address) :: uskoutua, kääntyä jonkun puoleen
apply {v} (to submit oneself as a candidate) :: hakea
apply {v} (to be relevant to a specified individual) :: koskea, soveltua
apply oneself {v} (to put forth a concerted effort) :: ponnistella, yrittää
appoint {v} /əˈpɔɪnt/ (to fix (the time and place of)) :: asettaa
appoint {v} (to name to a post) :: nimittää
appoint {v} (to furnish with everything necessary) :: varustaa, varustella
appoint {v} (to fix with power or firmness) :: määrätä
appointment {n} /əˈpɔɪnt.mɛnt/ (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office) :: nimittäminen, nimitys
appointment {n} (state of being appointed) :: nimitys
appointment {n} (stipulation; agreement) :: sovittu tapaaminen, sopimus
appointment {n} (arrangement for a meeting; an engagement) :: tapaaminen, aika, ajanvaraus
appointment {n} (decree; direction; established order or constitution) :: ohje, ilmoitus
appointment {n} (assignment of a person by an official to perform a duty) :: nimittäminen, nimitys
appointment {n} (equipment, furniture) :: varusteet, kalusteet {p}
appointment {n} (honorary part or exercise) :: kunniatehtävä
apportion {v} /əˈpɔɹʃən/ (to divide and distribute portions of a whole) :: jakaa, annostella
apportion {v} (to allocate proportionally) :: jakaa, tasata
apportion {v} (to apportion) SEE: distribute ::
apposite {adj} /əˈpɒzɪt/ (appropriate, relevant, well-suited) :: sopiva
apposite {adj} (positioned at rest in respect to another, in apposition) :: rinnakkainen, vierekkäinen
apposite {adj} (related, homologous) :: rinnakkainen
apposition {n} /ˌæpəˈzɪʃn̩/ (grammatical construction) :: appositio, rinnastus
apposition {n} (relationship in such construction) :: rinnasteisuus
apposition {n} (quality of being side by side) :: rinnakkaisuus
apposition {n} (placing of two things side by side) :: rinnastaminen
apposition {n} (biology: growth of successive layers of cell wall) :: appositio, kerrostuminen
appositive {adj} (of or being in apposition) :: rinnasteinen, appositiivinen
appositive {n} (word or phrase in apposition) :: appositioattribuutti
appraisal {n} /əˈpɹeɪzəl/ (judgement) :: arviointi, arviolaskelma
appraise {v} /əˈpɹeɪz/ (determine value or worth) :: arvioida, arvottaa
appraise {v} (to estimate; to conjecture) :: arvioida
appraise {v} (to praise; to commend) :: ylistää, kehua
appraisement {n} (appraisal) SEE: appraisal ::
appreciable {adj} /əˈpɹiːʃəbl/ (large enough to be estimated; considerable) :: havaittava, huomattava
appreciably {adv} (in an appreciable manner) :: havaittavasti
appreciate {v} /əˈpɹiː.ʃi.eɪt/ (to be grateful for something) :: arvostaa, antaa arvoa
appreciate {v} (to view as valuable) :: arvostaa, pitää arvossa
appreciate {v} (to be aware of) :: ymmärtää, havaita, erottaa
appreciate {v} (to increase in value) :: nousta arvossa, kallistua
appreciated {adj} (recognized as having value) :: arvostettu
appreciation {n} /əˌpɹiː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ (A just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence) :: arvostus, kiitollisuus
appreciation {n} (Accurate perception; true estimation; as, an appreciation of the difficulties before us; an appreciation of colors) :: arviointi
appreciation {n} (A rise in value;-opposed to depreciation) :: arvonanto, arvonnousu
apprehend {v} /æ.pɹiˈhɛnd/ (to understand; to recognize) :: pidättää , tajuta , ymmärtää
apprehension {n} /æp.ɹiˈhɛn.ʃən/ (seizure) :: ottaminen
apprehension {n} (arrest) :: pidättäminen, pidätys
apprehension {n} (act of grasping with the intellect) :: ymmärtäminen, ymmärrys
apprehension {n} (opinion) :: käsitys
apprehension {n} (faculty by which ideas are conceived) :: ymmärrys
apprehension {n} (distrust or fear at the prospect of future evil) :: aavistus
apprehensive {adj} (anticipating something with anxiety or fear) :: levoton, huolestunut
apprehensively {adv} (in an apprehensive manner) :: levottomasti, huolestuneesti
apprentice {n} (one not well versed in a subject) SEE: newbie ::
apprentice {n} /əˈpɹɛntɪs/ (trainee, especially in a skilled trade) :: harjoittelija, ammattioppilas
apprentice {n} (historical: one who is bound to serve a tradesperson with a view to learn his art or trade) :: oppipoika
apprentice {v} (be an apprentice to) :: olla jonkun opissa
apprenticeship {n} (condition of, or the time served by, an apprentice) :: harjoittelu
apprenticeship {n} (system by which a person learning a craft or trade is instructed) :: oppisopimus
apprise {v} /əˈpɹaɪ̯z/ (to notify) :: ilmoittaa
approach {v} /əˈpɹoʊt͡ʃ/ (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer) :: lähestyä
approach {v} (To draw near, in a figurative sense) :: lähestyä
approach {v} (To come near to in place, time, or character) :: lähestyä
approach {v} (To take approaches to) :: lähestyä
approach {n} (the act of drawing near) :: lähestyminen
approach {n} (an access, or opportunity of drawing near) :: lähestyminen
approach {n} (movements to gain favor; advances) :: lähestyminen
approach {n} (a way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access) :: kulku, reitti, käynti
approach {n} (a manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made) :: lähestymistapa
approach {n} (a stroke whose object is to land the ball on the putting green) :: lähestymislyönti
approach {n} (the way a plane comes in to land at an airport) :: lähestyminen
approachable {adj} (easy to talk to) :: helposti lähestyttävä
approacher {n} (someone or something that approaches) :: lähestyjä
approaching {adj} /əˈpɹoʊtʃɪŋ/ (that approaches or approach) :: lähestyvä
approaching {adv} (nearly) :: lähes
approaching {n} (act of coming closer) :: lähestyminen
approbative {adj} /ˈæp.ɹəˌbeɪ.tɪv/ (expressing approval) :: hyväksyvä
approbative {adj} (giving authorization or approval) :: hyväksyvä
approbatory {adj} (approbative) SEE: approbative ::
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach ::
approportionate {v} (proportion) SEE: proportion ::
appropriate {adj} /əˈpɹoʊ.pɹi.ɪt/ (peculiar, suitable, fit, proper) :: sopiva, sovelias, täsmällinen, asianmukainen
appropriate {adj} (suitable to social situation) :: sopiva, sovelias
appropriate {adj} (obsolete: set apart for a particular use or person) :: varattu, osoitettu
appropriate {v} (to make suitable) :: sovittaa, sopeuttaa
appropriate {v} (to take to oneself in exclusion of others) :: varata, ottaa haltuun, omia
appropriate {v} (to set apart for) :: varata
appropriate {v} (law: to annex) :: liittää
appropriately {adv} (in an appropriate manner) :: asiallisesti, asianmukaisesti
appropriateness {n} (the quality or condition of being appropriate) :: soveliaisuus, soveltuvuus
appropriation {n} /əˌpɹoʊpɹiˈeɪʃən/ (public funds set aside for a specific purpose) :: määräraha
approval {n} /əˈpɹuvəl/ (permission) :: hyväksyminen, hyväksyntä
approval {n} (acceptance) :: hyväksyminen, hyväksyntä
approve {v} /əˈpɹuːv/ ((archaic in English) to make proof of; to demonstrate; to prove or show practically) :: osoittaa, näyttää todeksi
approve {v} (to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to approve the decision of a court-martial) :: hyväksyä, vahvistaa, antaa suostumus
approve {v} (to regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of) :: hyväksyä, suvaita
approve {v} (to make or show to be worthy of approbation or acceptance) :: hyväksyä
approved {adj} /əˈpɹuːvd/ (having received approval) :: hyväksytty
approving {adj} /ʌˈpɹuv.ɪŋ/ (expressing approbation; commending) :: hyväksyvä
approximant {n} (mathematics: approximation) SEE: approximation ::
approximate {adj} /ə.ˈpɹɑk.sə.mət/ (Approaching; proximate; nearly resembling) :: likimääräinen, läheinen
approximate {adj} (Near correctness; nearly exact; not perfectly accurate;) :: arvioitu, likiarvoinen, likimääräinen
approximate {v} (to carry or advance near; to cause to approach) :: lähentää
approximate {v} (to come near to; to approach) :: lähentyä, lähestyä
approximate {v} (to estimate) :: arvioida, approksimoida, estimoida
approximately {adv} /əˈpɹɑk.sɪ.mət.li/ (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) :: arviolta, noin, suurinpiirtein, suunnilleen, palttiarallaa, osapuilleen
approximation {n} /əˌpɹɑksɪˈmeɪʃn/ (act of approximating) :: lähestyminen; arvioiminen, approksimointi
approximation {n} (imprecise solution) :: approksimaatio, likiarvo
approximation algorithm {n} (method of finding a nearly optimal solution to a problem) :: approksimointialgoritmi
approximative {adj} (of, relating to, or being an approximation) :: likimääräinen, arviollinen
appurtenance {n} (appendage added to something else) :: liite, lisäosa
appurtenance {n} (equipment for some specific task) :: apuväline
apr {prop} (abbreviation of April) :: huhti
apraclonidine {n} (sympathomimetic drug used in glaucoma therapy) :: apraklonidiini
apramycin {n} (an aminoglycoside antibiotic) :: apramysiini
apraxia {n} /əˈpɹæksɪə/ (disorder of motor planning) :: apraksia
aprepitant {n} (drug used to prevent nausea following chemotherapy) :: aprepitantti
apricate {v} /ˈæpɹɪkeɪt/ (to bask in the sun, see also: bask; sun; sunbathe) :: ottaa aurinkoa
apricot {n} /ˈeɪ.pɹɪ.kɒt/ (fruit) :: aprikoosi
apricot {n} (tree) :: aprikoosipuu
April {prop} /ˈeɪ.pɹəl/ (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: huhtikuu
April fool {n} (practical joke played on April Fools' Day) :: aprillipila
April fool {n} (person subjected to a practical joke April Fools' Day) :: aprillinarri
April Fools' Day {n} (First day of April) :: aprillipäivä
a priori {adj} /ˌeɪ pɹaɪˈɔːɹaɪ/ ((logic) based on hypothesis rather than experiment.) :: apriorinen, hypoteettinen
a priori {adv} (derived by logic) :: apriorisesti
aprioristic {adj} (a priori) SEE: a priori ::
apriority {n} (the quality or state of being known a priori) :: apriorisuus
apéritif {n} /ɑːˌpɛɹɪˈtiːf/ (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser) :: aperitiivi
apron {n} /ˈeɪ.pɹən/ (clothing) :: esiliina, essu [colloquial]
apron {n} (the paved area of an airport) :: asemataso, ramppi
apropos {adj} /ˌæp.ɹəˈpoʊ/ (of an appropriate or pertinent nature) :: sopiva, osuva, oleellinen
apropos {prep} (regarding or concerning) :: a propos, puheen ollen
apropos {adv} (by the way) :: a propos, muuten
apropos {adv} (timely, at a good time) :: sopivasti
aprotinin {n} (protease inhibitor used in surgery to reduce bleeding) :: aprotiniini
apse {n} /æps/ (semicircular projection from a building) :: kuori, apsis, absidi
apse {n} (bishop's seat or throne) :: piispanistuin
apse {n} (obsolete or dialectal: aspen tree) SEE: aspen ::
apse {n} (astronomy: apsis) SEE: apsis ::
apse {n} (case in which the relics were kept) SEE: reliquary ::
apside {n} (apsis) SEE: apsis ::
apsis {n} /ˈæpsɪs/ (architecture: apse) :: kuori, apsis, absidi
apsis {n} (astronomy: point in elliptical orbit) :: apsidi
apt {adj} /æpt/ (fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate) :: sopiva, omiaan [to sth]
apt {adj} (having an habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; disposed towards) :: omiaan
apt {adj} (ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn; prompt; expert) :: pystyvä, lahjakas, kyvykäs
aptamer {n} (any subsequence of nucleic acid or protein used to bind to a specific target molecule) :: aptameeri
apterous {adj} (wingless) SEE: wingless ::
aptitude {n} /ˈæptɪˌtjuːd/ (natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill) :: kyky
aptitude {n} (the condition of being suitable) :: soveltuvuus
aptly {adv} /ˈæp(t).li/ (in an apt or suitable manner) :: osuvasti
aptness {n} /ˈæptnəs/ (the quality of being apt or suitable) :: taipumus
Apuglian {adj} (Apulian) SEE: Apulian ::
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy) :: Apulia
Apulian {adj} /əˈpuːliːən/ (of or pertaining to Apulia) :: apulialainen
Apulian {n} (resident of Apulia) :: apulialainen
apurpose {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
Apus {prop} /ˈeɪpəs/ (a constellation of the southern sky) :: Paratiisilintu
apyretic {adj} (feverless) SEE: feverless ::
aquaculture {n} (the cultivation of the aquatic produce) :: vesiviljely
aquafaba {n} /ˌɑːkwəˈfɑːbə/ (liquid left over from beans) :: papumehu, aquafaba
aquafarming {n} (aquaculture) SEE: aquaculture ::
aqua fortis {n} (nitric acid) SEE: nitric acid ::
aquamarine {n} /ˌæ.kwə.məˈɹiːn/ (aquamarine colour) :: akvamariini
aquapark {n} (an amusement park with waterplay areas) :: vesipuisto
aquaplane {v} /ˈækwəpleɪn/ (automotive: to slide on a thin film of water) :: olla vesiliirrossa
aquaponics {n} /(ˌ)ækwəˈpɒnɪks/ (system that combines aquaculture with hydroponics) :: kiertovesiviljely, vesiviljelyn ja kalankasvatuksen yhdistäminen, aquaponics
aqua regia {n} /ˈɑː.kwə ˈɹeɪ.ɡi.ə/ (mixture of acids) :: kuningasvesi
aquarelle {n} (painting) :: akvarelli, vesivärimaalaus, vesivärityö
Aquarian {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius ::
aquarium {n} /ˈækwəɹiəm/ (tank for keeping fish) :: akvaario
aquarium {n} (public place where live fish are exhibited) :: akvaario
Aquarius {prop} /əˈkwɛɹɪəs/ (constellation) :: Vesimies
Aquarius {prop} (astrological sign) :: Vesimies
aquatic {adj} /əˈkwɑ.tɪk/ (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) :: vesi-
aquatic centre {n} (community facility consisting of one or more swimming pools) :: vesiurheilukeskus
aquatics {n} (sport involving water) :: vesiurheilu
aquatic warbler {n} (Acrocephalus paludicola) :: sarakerttunen
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic ::
aquatint {n} (form of etching with acid on a plate) :: akvatinta
aquatint {n} (etching or print) :: akvatinta
aquavit {n} (Scandinavian liquor) :: akvaviitti
aqueduct {n} /ˈæk.wəˌdʌkt/ (an artificial channel conveying water) :: akvedukti
aqueduct {n} (a structure carrying water) :: akvedukti
aqueous {adj} /ˈæ.kwi.əs/ (consisting mainly of water) :: vesi-, vesiperäinen, vetinen
aqueous phase {n} (homogeneous part of a heterogeneous system that consist of water or a solution in water of a substance) :: vesifaasi
aquifer {n} /ˈɑkwɪfɝ/ (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel) :: akviferi, pohjavesikerros
Aquila {prop} /ˈækwɪlə/ (constellation) :: Kotka
aquiline nose {n} (human nose with a hooked, bent shape) :: kotkannenä, koukkunenä
ar {n} /ɑɹ/ (name of the letter R, r) :: är
Ara {prop} (constellation) :: Alttari
Arab {adj} /ˈæɹ.əb/ (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations) :: arabialainen
Arab {n} (Semitic person) :: arabi, arabialainen
Arab {n} (horse) :: arabianhevonen, arabialainen
arabesque {n} /ˌæɹ.əˈbɛsk/ (ornamental design used in Islamic Art) :: arabeski
Arab horse {n} (Arabian horse) SEE: Arabian horse ::
Arabia {prop} /əˈɹeɪbiə/ (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) :: Arabia, Arabian niemimaa
Arabian {adj} /əˈɹeɪbi.ən/ (related to Arabia) :: arabialainen
Arabian {n} (person) :: arabi
Arabian {n} (horse) :: arabialainen
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary ::
Arabian horse {n} (breed of horse that originated on the Arabian Peninsula) :: arabianhevonen
Arabian jasmine {n} (Jasminum sambac, a shrubby, fragrant vine) :: arabianjasmiini
Arabian oryx {n} (Oryx leucoryx) :: valkobeisa, arabiankeihäsantilooppi
Arabian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in the Middle East) :: Arabian niemimaa
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean) :: Arabianmeri
Arabic {adj} /ˈæɹəbɪk/ (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) :: arabialainen
Arabic {prop} (language) :: arabia
Arabic {prop} (alphabet) :: arabia
arabica {n} /ə-ɹăbˈĭ-kə/ ( Coffea arabica) :: arabiankahvi
Arabic numeral {n} (any of the ten symbols from 0 through 9) :: arabialainen numero
Arabic script {n} (letters of the Arabic language) :: arabialainen kirjoitus
arabinose {n} (aldopentose that occurs most often in polysaccharides) :: arabinoosi
arabinosyltransferase {n} (a transferase enzyme acting upon arabinose) :: arabinosyylitransferaasi
Arabist {n} /ˈaɹəbɪst/ (a scholar who studies Arab or Arabic culture, politics, or language) :: arabisti
arable {adj} /ˈæɹəbl̩/ (suitable for cultivation) :: viljelyskelpoinen
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) :: Egyptin arabitasavalta
Arab Spring {prop} (movement) :: arabikevät
Arab strap {n} (sex toy) :: erektiorengas
Arab World {prop} (Arabic speaking world) :: arabimaailma
arachidonic acid {n} (long chain fatty acid precursor to prostaglandins) :: arakidonihappo
arachnid {n} /əˈɹæknɪd/ (eight-legged creature) :: hämähäkkieläin
arachnidan {n} (arachnid) SEE: arachnid ::
arachnoid {n} (the arachnoid mater) SEE: arachnoid mater ::
arachnoid mater {n} (middle layer of the meninges) :: lukinkalvo
arachnology {n} (study of the Arachnida) :: araknologia
arachnophobia {n} /æˌɹæk.nəˈfəʊ.bɪ.ə/ (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) :: hämähäkkikammo, araknofobia
Aragon {prop} /ˈæɹəɡɑːn/ (an autonomous community in Spain) :: Aragonia
Aragonese {prop} /ˌærəɡɒˈniːz/ (the language of Aragon) :: aragonia
aragonite {n} (saline evaporate) :: aragoniitti
aralia {n} (any of the ornamental and food plants of the genus Aralia) :: aralia
Aral Sea {prop} /ˈɑːɹəl siː/ (Aral Sea) :: Araljärvi
Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic ::
Aramaean {n} /æɹəˈmiːən/ (member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people) :: aramealainen
Aramaean {adj} (of or pertaining to Aramaeans or Aram) :: aramealainen
Aramaic {prop} /ˌæɹ.ə.ˈmei.ɪk/ (the language) :: aramea
Aramaic {adj} (pertaining to the language, alphabet, culture or poetry) :: aramealainen
aramid {n} (strong, heat-resistant synthetic fibre) :: aramidi
arancino {n} /ˌɑɹənˈtʃinoʊ/ (baked stuffed rice ball from Sicily) :: arancini
arapaima {n} (Arapaima gigas) :: arapaima
arbiter {n} /ˈɑːbɪtə(ɹ)/ (a person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them) :: välittäjä, sovittelija
arbiter elegantiarum {n} (authority on manners or etiquette) :: makutuomari
arbitrage {n} /ˈɑːɹbɪˌtɹɑːʒ/ (market activity) :: arbitraasi
arbitral {adj} /ˈɑːbɪtɹəl/ (relating to arbitration) :: välimies-
arbitrament {n} (arbitration) SEE: arbitration ::
arbitrarily {adv} (in an arbitrary manner) :: mielivaltaisesti
arbitrarily {adv} (to an arbitrary degree) :: mielivaltaisen
arbitrariness {n} (the state of being arbitrary) :: mielivaltaisuus
arbitrariously {adv} (arbitrarily) SEE: arbitrarily ::
arbitrariousness {n} (arbitrariness) SEE: arbitrariness ::
arbitrary {adj} /ˈɑɹ.bɪ.tɹɛ(ə).ɹi/ (based on individual discretion or judgment) :: mielivaltainen
arbitrary {adj} (unrestrained by law; tyrannical) :: omavaltainen
arbitrary {adj} (determined by impulse) :: mielivaltainen, umpimähkäinen, omavaltainen
arbitrary {adj} (chosen at random) :: satunnainen
arbitrary {adj} ((mathematics)) :: mielivaltainen
arbitrate {v} (to make a judgment on) :: toimia välimiehenä
arbitrate {v} (to submit to be judged) :: viedä välimiesoikeuteen
arbitration {n} /ˌɑː.bɪˈtɹeɪ.ʃən/ (the act or process of arbitrating) :: arbitraaasi, välimiesmenettely
arbitration {n} (process through which two or more parties use an arbitrator or arbiter in order to resolve a dispute) :: välimiesmenettely, arbitraatio
arbitration {n} (form of justice) :: välimiesmenettely, arbitraatio
arbitrator {n} (person who settles or judges) :: välimies, arbitraattori
arbor {n} (a shady place for sitting) :: vilpola
arbor {n} (a grove of trees) :: metsikkö
arbor {n} (axis or shaft on a lathe) :: akseli
arbor {n} (bar for supporting cutting tools) :: tuurna
arbor {n} (spindle of a wheel) :: kehräin
arboraceous {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal ::
arborary {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal ::
Arbor Day {prop} (national day of observance of the need to protect trees) :: puun päivä
arboreal {adj} /ɑɹˈbɔɹi.əl/ (pertaining to trees) :: puu-
arboreal {adj} (living in or among trees) :: puussa elävä
arboreous {adj} (woody) SEE: woody ::
arboretum {n} /ɑː(ɹ)bəˈɹiːtəm/ (place of many varieties of tree) :: arboretum, puulajipuisto
arborical {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal ::
arboricole {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal ::
arboricolous {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal ::
arboriculture {n} /ɑːɹˈbɔːɹ.ɨˌkʌl.t͡ʃɚ/ (branch of horticulture concerned with the planting and growth of trees) :: puunhoito
arboriculturist {n} (a person in the practice of arboriculture) :: puunhoitaja
arborist {n} (arboriculturist) SEE: arboriculturist ::
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue ::
arbovirus {n} (any virus that is transmitted by an arthropod) :: arbovirus
arbutus {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
arc {n} /ɑɹk/ (geometry: part of a curve) :: kaari
arc {n} (curve) :: kaari
arc {n} (electric discharge) :: valokaari
arc {n} (mathematics: mapping) :: käyrä
arc {n} (directed edge) SEE: directed edge ::
arcade {n} /ɑɹˈkeɪd/ (row of arches) :: kaarikäytävä, arkadi
arcade {n} (covered passage, usually with shops on both sides) :: kauppakuja, pasaasi
arcade {n} (establishment running coin-operated games) :: peliluola, pelihalli
arcade game {n} (A coin-operated video game or amusement device) :: peliautomaatti, kolikkopeli
Arcadia {n} /ɑɹˈkeɪdi.ə/ (A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese) :: Arkadia
Arcadian {n} /ɑɹˈkeɪ.di.ən/ (inhabitant of ancient Arcadia) :: arkadialainen
Arcadian {adj} (pertaining to ancient Arcadia) :: arkadialainen, arkadinen
arcana {n} /ɑɹˈkeɪnə/ (knowledge that is mysterious to the uninitiated) :: arkana
arcane {adj} /ɑɹˈkeɪn/ (understood by only a few; obscure) :: salainen
arcanite {n} (potassium sulfate) :: arkaniitti
arc-boutant {n} (flying buttress) SEE: flying buttress ::
arccosine {n} (inverse of the cosine function) :: arkuskosini
arccotangent {n} (inverse of the cotangent function) :: arkuskotangentti
Arc de Triomphe {prop} (the Parisian monument) :: Riemukaari, also Pariisin riemukaari
arch {n} /ɑɹt͡ʃ/ (inverted U shape) :: kaari
arch {n} (arrangement of trapezoidal stones) :: kaari, holvikaari
arch {n} (architectural element) :: kaari
arch {n} (curved part of the bottom of a foot) :: jalkaholvi
arch {v} (to form into arch) :: köyristää
arch {adj} (knowing, clever, mischievous) :: ovela
arch {adj} (principal, primary) :: pää-
-arch {suffix} (leading, leader) :: -arkka, -arkki
arch- {prefix} /ɑː(ɹ)t͡ʃ/ (chief, highest, most extreme) :: arkki-, peri-
Archaean {adj} (of eon from 3,800 to 2,500 million years ago) :: arkeeinen
Archaean {prop} (Archaean eon) :: arkeeinen aioni
archaeastronomy {n} (The archeological study of astronomy) :: arkeoastronomia
archaebacterium {n} (archaeon) SEE: archaeon ::
archaeoastronomer {n} (astronomer whose speciality is archaeoastronomy) :: arkeoastronomi
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist ::
archaeologic {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological ::
archaeological {adj} (relating to the science or research of archaeology) :: arkeologinen
archaeologically {adv} (in an archaeological manner) :: arkeologisesti
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology) :: arkeologi
archaeology {n} /ˌɑː.kiˈɒ.lə.dʒi/ (scientific study of past remains) :: arkeologia
archaeon {n} (microorganism) :: arkki, arkkieliö
archaeophyte {n} /ɑː(ɹ)ˈkiːəˌfaɪt/ :: muinaistulokas, arkeofyytti
archaic {adj} /ɑɹ.ˈkeɪ.ɪk/ (old-fashioned or antiquated) :: antiikkinen, vanhahtava
archaic {adj} (belonging to the archaic period) :: antiikkinen, arkaistinen
archaically {adv} (in an archaic manner) :: arkaistisesti
archaicism {n} (archaism) SEE: archaism ::
archaism {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)keɪˌɪzəm/ (archaic word, language) :: arkaismi
archangel {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)kˌeɪn.dʒəl/ (angel who leads other angels) :: arkkienkeli, ylienkeli
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk ::
archbishop {n} /ɑɹtʃ.bɪʃ.əp/ (senior bishop) :: arkkipiispa
archbishopdom {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archbishophood {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archbishopric {n} (the rank or office of an archbishop) :: arkkipiispanistuin
archbishopric {n} (jurisdiction of an archbishop) :: arkkihiippakunta
archbishopship {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
arch bridge {n} (bridge with abutments at each end shaped as an arch) :: holvisilta, kaarisilta
archdeacon {n} (administrative official in a diocese) :: arkkidiakoni
archdiocese {n} /ˌɑɹtʃˈdaɪəsɪs/ (area administered by an archbishop) :: arkkihiippakunta
archduchess {n} (daughter or granddaughter of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary) :: arkkiherttuatar
archduchy {n} (territory of an archduke) :: arkkiherttuakunta
archduke {n} (rank) :: arkkiherttua
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis ::
archegonium {n} (multicellular reproductive structure in certain plants) :: munapesäke
archelogy {n} (science of first principles) :: ensimmäisten periaatteiden oppi, ensimmäisien periaatteiden oppi
archenemy {n} (a principal enemy) :: perivihollinen, arkkivihollinen
archeological {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological ::
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology ::
archeopteryx {n} /ɑːkiːˈɒptəɹɪks/ (ancient bird) :: archaeopteryx
archer {n} /ˈɑɹtʃɚ/ (one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow) :: jousiampuja, jousimies
archeress {n} /ˈɑːtʃəɹɪs/ (a female archer) :: jousiampujatar
archery {n} /ɑɹtʃəɹiː/ (the practice) :: jousiammunta
archetypal {adj} (Of or pertaining to an archetype) :: arkkityyppinen
archetype {n} /ˈɑːkɪtaɪp/ (original model of which all other similar concepts, objects, or persons are merely copied, derivative, emulated, or patterned) :: arkkityyppi, eksemplaari, perikuva
archetype {n} (ideal example of something, see also: quintessence) :: eksemplaari, perikuva
archetype {n} (character, object, or story based on a known character, object, or story) :: malliesimerkki, perikuva
archetype {n} (Jungian psychology: universal pattern of thought) :: arkkityyppi
archetypic {adj} (archetypal) SEE: archetypal ::
archetypical {adj} (archetypal) SEE: archetypal ::
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan ::
Archi {prop} /ɑːɹˈtʃiː/ (language) :: artši
archiepiscopality {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archiepiscopate {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archimandrite {n} /ˌɑːkɪˈmændɹaɪt/ (The superior of a large monastery, or group of monasteries, in the Orthodox Church) :: arkkimandriitta
Archimedean solid {n} (any of a class of semi-regular convex polyhedra composed of two or more types of regular polygon meeting in identical vertices) :: Arkhimedeen kappale
Archimedean spiral {n} (a spiral that increases in distance from the point of origin at a constant rate) :: Arkhimedeen spiraali, aritmeettinen spiraali
Archimedes {prop} /ˌɑːɹkɪˈmiːdiːz/ (an ancient Greek mathematician) :: Arkhimedes
Archimedes' screw {n} (A screwlike device that raises water) :: Arkhimedeen ruuvi
archipelago {n} /ˌɑɹkɪˈpɛləˌɡoʊ/ (group of islands) :: saaristo, saariryhmä
architect {n} /ˈɑɹkɪtɛkt/ (designer of buildings) :: arkkitehti
architect {n} (planner) :: arkkitehti, suunnittelija
architect {v} (to design, plan or orchestrate) :: suunnitella
architectonic {adj} (relating to architecture) SEE: architectural ::
architectonic {adj} (foundational, fundamental) :: perustava, perustavanlaatuinen
architectural {adj} /ˌɑɹkɪˈtɛktʃəɹəl/ (pertaining to architecture) :: arkkitehtoninen
architecture {n} /ˈɑɹkɪtɛktʃɚ/ (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) :: arkkitehtuuri, rakennustaide
architranseme {n} /ˌɑːɹkɪˈtɹænziːm/ (theoretical common denominator used in the comparison of source text and translation) :: arkkitranseemi
architrave {n} /ˈɑɹ.kɪ.tɹeɪv/ (the lowest part of an entablature) :: arkkitraavi
archive {n} /ˈɑɹkaɪv/ (place for storing earlier material) :: arkisto
archive {v} (to archive) :: arkistoida
archived {adj} (placed into an archive) :: arkistoitu
archiver {n} (archivist) SEE: archivist ::
archivist {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)kəvɪst/ (one who creates, maintains or controls archives) :: arkistonhoitaja
archon {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)kən/ (chief magistrate) :: arkontti
archpresbyter {n} (archpriest) SEE: archpriest ::
archpriest {n} (religious title/rank) :: arkkipappi
archvillain {n} (a supreme villain; the most evil or powerful villain) :: arkkivihollinen, arkkikonna [informal]
archway {n} (passageway covered by an arch) :: kaarikäytävä, kaariportti
arcitumomab {n} (drug) :: arsitumomabi
arc lamp {n} (an electric arc arranged so as to produce useful light) :: kaarilamppu
arcminute {n} (minute of angle) SEE: minute of angle ::
arcsecond {n} (second of arc) SEE: second of arc ::
arcsine {n} (inverse of sine) :: arkussini
arctangent {n} (inverse of tangent function) :: arkustangentti
Arctic {adj} /ˈɑɹ(k)tɪk/ (Pertaining to the northern polar region of the planet) :: arktinen
Arctic {adj} (cold, snowy, or having other properties of extreme winter associated with the Arctic) :: arktinen, jääkylmä
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth) :: arktinen alue
Arctica {prop} (An ancient continent) :: Arctica
Arctic char {n} (saibling) SEE: saibling ::
Arctic Circle {prop} (one of the five major circles of latitude) :: pohjoinen napapiiri
Arctic cod {n} (Arctogadus glacialis) :: jäämerenturska
arctic fox {n} (Vulpes lagopus) :: naali
arctic hare {n} (Lepus arcticus) :: napajänis
Arctic loon {n} (black-throated diver) SEE: black-throated diver ::
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) :: Pohjoinen jäämeri
arctic raspberry {n} (Rubus arcticus) :: mesimarja
Arctic skua {n} (Stercorarius parasiticus) :: merikihu
arctic tern {n} (Sterna paradisaea) :: lapintiira
arctic warbler {n} (Phylloscopus borealis) :: lapinuunilintu
arc up {v} /ɑːk ap/ (become upset or angry) :: suuttua
arcweld {v} /ˈɑɹkˌwɛld/ (weld) :: hitsata kaarihitsauksella, kaarihitsata
arc welding {n} (welding with an electric arc) :: kaarihitsaus
ard {n} /ɑɹd/ (simple plough) :: aatra
Ardèche {prop} (French department) :: Ardèche
Ardèche {prop} (French river) :: Ardèche
ardent {adj} /ˈɑːdənt/ (full or ardour) :: kiihkeä, polttava, palava, hehkuva, tulenpalava
ardent {adj} (glowing) :: leimuava
ardor {n} /ˈɑːɹdəɹ/ (great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion) :: [warmth of feeling] lämpö, tunteen palo; [fervor] into, innostus, innokkuus; [passion] into, intohimo
ardour {n} (ardour) SEE: ardor ::
arduous {adj} /ˈɑːɹd͡ʒuəs/ (needing or using up much energy) :: vaivalloinen, työläs, uuvuttava, rasittava, ankara
arduous {adj} (hard to climb) :: jyrkkä, vaativa
are {v} /ɑː(ɹ)/ (second-person singular (informal) simple present indicative form of be) :: olet
are {v} (second-person plural simple present indicative form of be) :: olette
are {v} (first-person plural simple present indicative form of be) :: olemme
are {v} (third-person plural simple present indicative form of be) :: ovat
are {n} /ɛəɹ/ (unit of area) :: aari
are {v} (be) SEE: be ::
area {n} /ˈæɹ.i.ə/ (maths: measure of extent of a surface) :: pinta-ala, ala
area {n} (particular geographic region) :: alue
area {n} (any particular extent) :: alue
area {n} (figuratively, any extent, scope or range) :: alue
area {n} (soccer: penalty area) SEE: penalty area ::
area code {n} (prefix appended to a telephone number indicating the geographical area) :: suuntanumero
area rug {n} (carpet) :: matto
area studies {n} (interdisciplinary fields of research) :: alueopinnot {p}, aluetutkimus
areca nut {n} (betel nut) SEE: betel nut ::
areca palm {n} (betel palm) SEE: betel palm ::
Arecibo message {prop} (message broadcast into space) :: Arecibo-viesti
arecoline {n} (organic compound) :: arekoliini
arena {n} /əˈɹiːnə/ (an enclosed area, often outdoor) :: areena, kenttä
arena {n} (the building housing such an area) :: areena
arena {n} (the sand-covered centre of an amphitheatre) :: areena
arena {n} (a realm in which important events unfold) :: kenttä, areena, ala
arena ice {n} (temporary curling ice) :: jäähallin jää
arenarious {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy ::
arenite {n} (sedimentary rock) :: areniitti
arenose {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy ::
arenosol {n} (psamment) SEE: psamment ::
areola {n} /əˈɹi.ə.lə/ (circle around the nipple) :: nänninpiha
areola {n} (anatomy: small circular area in general) :: rengas
areology {n} (the observation and study of the planet Mars) :: areologia
areometer {n} (device used to measure specific gravity) :: uppovaaka, areometri
Areopagus {n} (supreme council in Athens) :: areiopagi
Ares {prop} /ˈeəɹiːz/ (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera) :: Ares
are you allergic to any medications {phrase} (are you allergic to any medications?) :: oletteko allerginen millekään lääkkeelle
are you doing anything tomorrow {phrase} (are you doing anything tomorrow) :: onko sinulla suunnitelmia huomiseksi
are you feeling better {phrase} (are you feeling better?) :: voitteko paremmin
are you married {phrase} (are you married?) :: oletko naimisissa? [informal], oletteko naimisissa? [plural or formal]
are you OK {phrase} /ɑɹ juː oʊˈkeɪ/ (are you OK?) :: oletko kunnossa?, [colloquial] kävikö mitenkään?, [colloquial] sattuiko pahasti?
are your ears burning {phrase} (asked of somebody who was not present but was the topic of discussion) :: puhuimme juuri sinusta
are you religious {phrase} (are you religious?) :: oletko uskossa
are you single {phrase} (are you single?) :: oletko sinkku
are you taking any medications {phrase} (are you taking any medications?) :: onko teillä jokin lääkitys
Arezzo {prop} /əˈɹɛtsəʊ/ (capital city of Arezzo) :: Arezzo
arfvedsonite {n} (a rare sodium amphibole mineral) :: arfvedsoniitti
argali {n} (Ovis ammon) :: argaali
argent {n} /ˈɑɹdʒənt/ (silver or metal tincture) :: hopea
argent {adj} (of silver or silver coloured) :: hopeinen
argent {adj} (of white or silver tincture on a coat of arms) :: hopeinen, hopeanvärinen
argentan {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver ::
Argentina {prop} /ˌɑɹ.d͡ʒən.ˈti.nə/ (Argentine Republic) :: Argentiina
argentine {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ).dʒənˌtiːn/ (fish of the genus Argentina) :: hopeakuore
argentine {n} (Argentina sphyraena) :: hopeakuore
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina ::
Argentine {adj} /ˈɑː.dʒən.taɪn/ (pertaining to Argentina) :: argentiinalainen
Argentine {n} (person from Argentina) :: argentiinalainen
Argentinian {n} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
Argentinian {adj} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
argentite {n} (silver sulfide) :: argentiitti
argh {interj} /ɑɹː/ (expression of annoyance) :: ääh, äsh, äh
argileh {n} (hookah) SEE: hookah ::
argillite {n} (a type of rock) :: argilliitti
arginase {n} (an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of arginine) :: arginaasi
arginine {n} /ˈɑɹɡɪniːn/ (an amino acid) :: arginiini
argininosuccinic acid {n} (basic amino acid) :: arginiinisukkiinihappo
arginyl {n} /ˈɑɹ.dʒə.ˌnɪl/ (univalent radical) :: arginyyli
argon {n} /ˈɑːɹɡɒn/ (a chemical element) :: argon
Argonaut {prop} /ˈɑːrɡənɔːt/ (member of the Argo crew) :: argonautti
Argo Navis {prop} (constellation) :: Argo-laiva
argon fluorohydride {n} (chemical compound) :: argon-fluorihydridi
argot {n} /ˈɑɹɡoʊ/ (secret language of thieves, tramps and vagabonds) :: salakieli
argot {n} (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a field) :: slangi, ammattislangi, ammattikieli
arguable {adj} /ˈɑɹɡjuəbl/ (defensible in an argument) :: perusteltavissa
arguable {adj} (open to argument) :: kiistanalainen
arguably {adv} (as can be supported or proven) :: luultavasti
argue {v} /ˈɑɹ.ɡju/ (intransitive: to debate, disagree, or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints) :: väitellä, riidellä, kinastella
argue {v} (to have an argument, a quarrel) :: riidellä
argue {v} (transitive: present a viewpoint) :: väittää, esittää
arguing {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
argument {n} /ˈɑːɡjʊmənt/ (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason) :: argumentti, perustelu, syy
argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel) :: riita, väittely, kinastelu, sanasota, kina, kiistely, kiista
argument {n} (process of reasoning) :: väittely, perustelu
argument {n} (independent variable) :: argumentti
argument {n} (variable that is being passed to a function) :: argumentti
argument {n} (subject or matter) :: aihe
argumentation {n} (reasoning) :: argumentointi
argumentative {adj} /ˌɑːɡjʊˈmɛntətɪv/ (prone to argue or dispute) :: argumentoiva
argument from silence {n} (argument based on the absence of something) :: hiljaisuuteen vetoaminen, hiljentymiseen vetoaminen
argus {n} (alert, observant person) :: argos
Argus {prop} (giant with hundred eyes) :: Argos
argyle {n} /ˈɑ˞.ɡaɪl/ (pattern) :: Argyle-kuvio
argyria {n} (condition) :: argyria
argyrodite {n} (a germanium sulfide mineral) :: argyrodiitti
arhinencephaly {n} (holoprosencephaly) SEE: holoprosencephaly ::
aria {n} /ˈɑː.ɹɪə/ (type of musical piece) :: aaria
Ariadne {prop} /ˌæ.ɹiˈæd.ni/ (daughter of King Minos) :: Ariadne
Arian {n} (someone whose star sign is in Aries) SEE: Aries ::
Arian {n} /ˈɛəɹi.ən/ (a kind of Christian who holds Arian ideas) :: areiolainen
Arian {adj} (pertaining to Arianism) :: areiolainen
Arianism {n} /ˈɛəɹɪənɪzəm/ (nontrinitarian Christian teaching) :: arianismi, areiolaisuus
arid {adj} /ˈæ.ɹɪd/ (very dry) :: kuiva
aridisol {n} (a type of soil that dominates deserts and xeric shrublands) :: aavikkomaannos
Aries {prop} /ˈɛɹiz/ (constellation) :: Oinas
Aries {prop} (astrological sign) :: Oinas
Aries {n} (Someone with an Aries star sign) :: oinas
arigato {interj} /ˌɑɹiˈɡɑtoʊ/ (“thank you”, used in the context of, or to evoke, Japanese culture) :: arigato
aril {n} (meat surrounding seed) :: siemenvaippa
arillus {n} (aril) SEE: aril ::
aripiprazole {n} (drug) :: aripipratsoli
arise {v} /əˈɹaɪz/ (get up, stand up) :: nousta
arise {v} (start to exist, originate) :: syntyä, saada alkunsa
a rising tide lifts all boats {proverb} (A truly good outcome benefits all) :: nousuvesi nostaa kaikki veneet
arista {n} (one of the fibrils found on grains or fishes) :: vihne, arista
aristate {adj} (having a long bristle at its apex) :: otapäinen
aristocracy {n} /ˌæ.ɹɪˈstɒk.ɹə.si/ (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class) :: aristokratia
aristocracy {n} (government by such a class) :: aristokratia
aristocracy {n} (class of people considered superior to others) :: aristokratia
aristocrat {n} /əˈɹɪstəkɹæt/ (one of the aristocracy) :: aristokraatti, ylimys
aristocratic {adj} /ˌæɹɪstəˈkɹætɪk/ (of or pertaining to an aristocracy) :: aristokraattinen, ylhäinen, jalosukuinen
aristocratic {adj} (partaking of aristocracy; befitting aristocracy) :: aristokraattinen
aristocratical {adj} (aristocratic) SEE: aristocratic ::
aristocratically {adv} (in an aristocratic manner) :: aristokraattisesti
Aristotelian {n} (disciple of Aristotle) :: peripateetikko
Aristotelian {adj} (of or pertaining to the philosophy taught by Aristotle) :: aristotelinen
Aristotelianism {prop} (philosophical system) :: aristotelismi
Aristotle {prop} /ˈærɪˌstɑtəl/ (ancient Greek philosopher) :: Aristoteles
Aristotle's lantern {n} (jaws of sea urchins) :: Aristoteleen lyhty
arithmetic {n} /əˈɹɪθmətɪk/ (mathematics of numbers, etc.) :: aritmetiikka, laskuoppi
arithmetic {adj} (arithmetical) :: aritmeettinen
arithmetic {adj} (computed solely using addition) :: aritmeettinen
arithmetical {adj} (arithmetical) SEE: arithmetic ::
arithmetically {adv} (In an arithmetic / arithmetical manner) :: aritmeettisesti
arithmetic logic unit {n} (part of a CPU that does calculations and logical operations) :: aritmeettis-looginen yksikkö
arithmetic mean {n} (measure of central tendency) :: aritmeettinen keskiarvo, keskiarvo
arithmetic operation {n} (any of the four basic operations in arithmetic) :: peruslaskutoimitus
arithmetic series {n} (the sum of the terms in an arithmetic progression) :: aritmeettinen sarja
arithmetic spiral {n} (Archimedean spiral) SEE: Archimedean spiral ::
Arizona {prop} /ˌæɹɪˈzoʊnə/ (a state of the United States of America) :: Arizona
ark {n} /ɑɹk/ (Noah's ship) :: arkki
Arkansas {prop} /ˈɑɹ.kən.sɔ/ (US state) :: Arkansas
ark clam {n} (edible saltwater clam) :: arkkisimpukka
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Arkangeli
Ark of the Covenant {prop} (the sacred container, a gold-plated wooden chest) :: liitonarkki
arkose {n} (a sedimentary rock consisting of small fragments of feldspar and quartz) :: arkoosihiekkakivi, arkoosi
arksutite {n} (chiolite) SEE: chiolite ::
arm {n} /ɑɹm/ (weapon) :: ase
arm {n} (heraldic bearings) :: vaakuna
arm {v} (to supply with armour or weapons) :: haarniskoida [body armour]; panssaroida [armour]; aseistaa [weapons]
arm {v} (to prepare for action) :: virittää
arm {v} (to cover with whatever that will add strength, force, security, or efficiency) :: vahvistaa, varustaa
arm {v} (to furnish with means of defence; to prepare for resistance; to fortify) :: varustaa
arm {v} (to fit with an armature) :: varustaa ankkurilla
arm {n} (upper limb from shoulder to elbow) SEE: upper arm ::
arm {n} (baseball: pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) :: käsivarsi, käsi
arm {n} (limb of an invertebrate animal) :: lonkero
arm {n} (part of object) :: sanka, käsinoja, varsi, haara, puomi, hiha, käsi
arm {n} (bay or inlet) :: haara
arm {n} (branch of an organization) :: haara, aselaji [in military]
arm {n} (figurative: power; might; strength; support) :: käsi
arm {n} (part of a chromosome) :: käsivarsi
arm {n} (group of patients in a medical trial) :: testiryhmä
armada {n} /ɑːɹˈmɑːdə/ (large flock of anything) :: armeija
armadillo {n} /ɑɹməˈdɪloʊ/ (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates) :: vyötiäinen
Armageddon {prop} /ˌɑɹ.məˈɡɛ.dn̩/ (site) :: Harmageddon
Armageddon {prop} (battle) :: Harmageddonin taistelu
Armagnac {n} (brandy) :: armanjakki
armalcolite {n} (an orthorhombic mineral first discovered on the Moon) :: armalkoliitti
armament {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)məmənt/ (body of forces equipped for war) :: sotajoukko
armament {n} (all small arms collectively) :: aseistus
armament {n} (any equipment for resistance) :: varustus
armament {n} (process) :: varustelu
armature {n} (the rotating part of an electric motor or dynamo) :: ankkuri
armband {n} (A band worn around the arm) :: käsivarsinauha
armbar {n} (combat technique) :: ristilukko
armchair {n} /ˈɑɹmtʃɛɚ/ (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) :: nojatuoli
armchair {adj} (remote from actual involvement) :: sohva-, penkki-, nojatuoli-
armchair {adj} (unqualified or uninformed) :: harrastelija-
armed {adj} /ɑɹmd/ (equipped, especially with a weapon) :: varustettu [equipped]; aseistautunut, aseistettu [equipped with arms]
armed {adj} (prepared for use) :: ladattu
armed conflict {n} (contested incompatibility) :: aseellinen konflikti
armed forces {n} (the military forces of a nation) :: asevoimat {p}, sotavoimat {p}, puolustusvoimat {p}
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police ::
armed robbery {n} (an instance of robbery where the participants are armed) :: aseellinen ryöstö
Armenia {prop} /ɑɹˈmi.ni.ə/ (ancient kingdom and country) :: Armenia
Armenian {adj} /ɑːɹˈmiːni.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) :: armenialainen
Armenian {n} (person) :: armenialainen
Armenian {prop} (language) :: armenia
Armenian Apostolic Church {prop} (Armenian Apostolic Church) :: Armenian apostolinen kirkko
Armenian cucumber {n} (fruit) :: armeniankurkku, kakri
Armenian cucumber {n} (plant) :: armeniankurkku, kakri
Armenian Highland {prop} (plateau) :: Armenian ylänkö
Armenianness {n} (The quality or state of being Armenian) :: armenialaisuus
Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic {prop} (Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, see also: Armenian SSR) :: Armenian sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta
Armenian SSR {prop} (Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, see also: Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic) :: Armenian SNT
armful {n} /ˈɑːmfʊl/ (amount an arm or arms can hold) :: sylillinen, sylys
armhole {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit ::
armhole {n} /ˈɑɹmˌhoʊl/ (hole in a piece of clothing) :: kädenreikä
armillaria {n} (honey fungus) SEE: honey fungus ::
armillary sphere {n} (instrument consisting of graduated metal circles) :: armillaari
arming {n} (act of supplying with arms) :: aseistaminen, aseistautuminen
Arminianism {n} (school of thought) :: arminiolaisuus
armistice {n} /ˈɑːmɪstɪs/ (formal agreement to end combat) :: aselepo
armless {adj} (without arms) :: kädetön
armlet {n} /ˈɑɹmlət/ (A band that is worn on the arm that for ornamental or identification purposes) :: käsivarsinauha
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armor {n} /ˈɑːɹ.mɚ/ (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) :: haarniska, panssari
armor {n} (natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body) :: panssari
armor {n} (other heavy mobile assault vehicle) :: panssariajoneuvo
armor {n} (military formation consisting primarily of tanks) :: panssarijoukot {p}
armorbearer {n} (armourbearer) SEE: armourbearer ::
armored {adj} (clad or equipped with arms or armor) :: panssaroitu
armored personnel carrier {n} (armored vehicle for carrying infantry soldiers in combat) :: panssaroitu miehistönkuljetusajoneuvo
armorer {n} (manufacturer of weapons) :: aseseppä
armorer {n} (military specialist maintaining firearms) :: asemestari
armorer {n} (someone who makes or repairs armor) :: haarniskaseppä
armor-piercing shot {n} (solid metal armor-piercing projectile) :: iskuammus
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armour {n} /ˈɑːɹ.mɚ/ (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.) :: haarniska [body], panssari [vehicle etc.]
armour {n} (natural protection on an animal's body) :: panssari
armour {n} (plate protecting a ship, vehicle or aircraft) :: panssari
armour {n} (other heavy mobile assault vehicle) :: panssariajoneuvo
armour {n} (military formation consisting primarily of tanks) :: panssarijoukot {p}, panssariosasto
armour {v} (to equip with armour) :: panssaroida; haarniskoida [body armour]
armour {v} (to provide something with an analogous form of protection) :: panssaroida
armourbearer {n} (one who carries armor for another) :: aseenkantaja
armoured car {n} (automobile equipped with armour) :: panssaroitu auto
armoured car {n} ((military) armoured fighting vehicle) :: panssariauto
armoured car {n} ((law enforcement) armoured vehicle resistant to small arms fire) :: panssariauto
armoured fighting vehicle {n} (type of military vehicle) :: panssaroitu taisteluajoneuvo
armoured train {n} (railway train protected with armour) :: panssarijuna
armoured truck {n} (armoured car) SEE: armoured car ::
armpit {n} /ˈɑɹmˌpɪt/ (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder) :: kainalo
armrest {n} (part of a seat) :: käsinoja
arms control {n} (restrictions of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction) :: asevalvonta
armscye {n} (armhole) SEE: armhole ::
arms factory {n} (factory where weapons are produced) :: asetehdas
arms race {n} (a competition for military supremacy) :: kilpavarustelu
arm to the teeth {v} (to equip with weapons) :: aseistaa hampaisiin saakka
arm-twisting {n} (use of pressure) :: kovistelu
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm ::
arm wrestling {n} /ˈɑɹm ˌɹɛs.lɪŋ/ (a sport) :: kädenvääntö
army {n} /ˈɑː.miː/ (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) :: maavoimat, armeija
army {n} (government agency in charge of a state's army) :: puolustusvoimat, armeija; Puolustusvoimat [the Finnish Defence Forces]
army {n} (large group of people working towards the same purpose) :: armeija
army {n} (large group of social animals working towards the same purpose) :: armeija
army {n} (any multitude) :: massat {p}, armeija
army brat {n} (child who lives with his or her parents on a military base, or an adult who did so as a child) :: kapiaisen kakara
Arne {prop} (male given name) :: Aarne, Aarno
Arnhem Land {prop} /ˈaːnəm lænd/ (region in the Northern Territory, Australia) :: Arnheminmaa
arnica {n} (plant of genus Arnica) :: arnikki
arnica {n} (Arnica montana) :: etelänarnikki
aroid {n} (plant of the family Araceae) :: vehkakasvi
arolla {n} (stone pine) SEE: stone pine ::
arolla pine {n} (Pinus cembra) SEE: Swiss pine ::
a rolling stone gathers no moss {proverb} (A person who never settles in one place will never be successful.) :: vierivä kivi ei sammaloidu
aroma {n} /əˈɹoʊmə/ (a pleasant smell) :: tuoksu, aromi
Aromanian {n} /æɹoʊˈmeɪniən/ (person) :: aromanialainen
Aromanian {prop} (language) :: aromania
aromantic {adj} /ˌeɪ.ɹəʊˈman.tɪk/ :: epäromanttinen
aromatase {n} /əˈɹoʊ̯məteɪ̯s/ (enzyme) :: aromataasi
aromatherapy {n} (type of therapy) :: aromaterapia
aromatic {adj} /æ.ɹəˈmæt.ɪk/ (fragrant or spicy) :: aromikas [spicy], aromaattinen [fragrant]
aromatic {adj} (in organic chemistry) :: aromaattinen
aromatic {n} (fragrant plant or spice added to flavour a dish) :: aromaattinen yrtti
aromaticalness {n} (aromaticity) SEE: aromaticity ::
aromaticity {n} (property of having an aroma) :: aromikkuus, aromaattisuus
aromaticity {n} (organic chemistry: property of having at least one conjugated ring) :: aromaattisuus
aromaticness {n} (aromaticity) SEE: aromaticity ::
around {prep} /əˈɹæwnd/ (defining a circle or closed curve containing) :: ympärille
around {prep} (following the perimeter of a specified area and returning to the starting point) :: ympäri
around {prep} (following a path) :: ympäri
around {prep} (near) :: noin, tienoilla, suunnilleen
around {prep} (at various places in) :: ympäri
around {adj} (alive, existent, or present) :: hengissä [alive]; olemassa [existent]; paikalla [present]
around {adv} (from place to place) :: ympäriinsä, ympäri, ympärille
around {adv} (from one state or condition to an opposite or very different one) :: ympäri
around {adv} (so as to partially or completely rotate) :: ympäri
around the clock {prep} (all the time) :: kellon ympäri, "work around the clock": tehdä pyöreitä päiviä
around-the-clock {adj} (all day and night; all of the time) :: yötä päivää, koko ajan
around the corner {adj} (imminent; very soon) :: aivan lähellä, nurkan takana [colloquial]
arousal {n} /əˈɹaʊzəl/ (the act of arousing or the state of being aroused) :: herääminen, kiihottuminen
arousal {n} (sexual arousal) :: kiihottuminen
arouse {v} /əˈɹaʊz/ (to stimulate feelings) :: herättää
arouse {v} (to sexually stimulate) :: kiihottaa
arouse {v} (to awaken) :: herättää
arousing {adj} /əˈɹaʊzɪŋ/ (causing arousal) :: kiihottava
arpeggio {n} /ɑɹˈpɛ.dʒi.oʊ/ (notes of a chord played individually) :: arpeggio, murtosointu
arquebus {n} (firearm) SEE: harquebus ::
arrack {n} (name) :: arrakki
arraign {v} /əˈɹeɪn/ (charge someone in a court of law) :: syyttää
arraignment {n} (charging of a defendant) :: syytteenluku
arrange {v} /əˈɹeɪndʒ/ (to set up, organise) :: järjestää
arrange {v} (to put in order) :: järjestää
arrange {v} (to plan; to prepare in advance) :: järjestää
arrange {v} (music: to adapt an existing composition for presentation) :: sovittaa
arranged marriage {n} (marriage planned by someone else) :: järjestetty avioliitto, sovittu avioliitto
arrangement {n} /əˈɹeɪnd͡ʒmənt/ (act of arranging) :: järjestely, järjestäminen
arrangement {n} (manner of being arranged) :: järjestys
arrangement {n} (collection of things that have been arranged) :: asetelma, sommitelma
arrangement {n} (plural: preparations for some undertaking) :: järjestelyt {p}, käytännönjärjestelyt, käytännön järjestelyt
arrangement {n} (agreement) :: sopimus, sovinto, järjestely
arrangement {n} (music: adaptation of a piece of music) :: sovitus, sovittaminen
arranger {n} (one who arranges) :: järjestäjä; sovittaja (in music)
array {n} /əˈɹeɪ/ (clothing/ornamentation) :: asetelma
array {n} (collection laid out) :: sijoittelu
array {n} (large collection) :: valikoima, kokoelma
array {n} (any of various data structures) :: taulukko
array {v} (to clothe, ornament) :: sommitella
arrear {n} /əˈɹɪə/ (work to be done) :: rästi, rästityö, tekemätön työ
arrear {n} (unpaid debt) :: erääntynyt velka; verojäämä [tax debt]
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay ::
arrest {n} /əˈɹɛst/ (act or instance of arresting something) :: pysäyttäminen
arrest {n} (condition of being stopped) :: pysähtyminen, pysähdys, seisominen; seisokki
arrest {n} (legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc) :: pidättäminen, pidätys
arrest {n} (confinement, as after an arrest) :: pidätys
arrest {n} (device to physically arrest motion) :: pysäytin
arrest {n} (nautical: judicial detention of a ship) :: takavarikko
arrest {v} (to stop the motion of) :: pysäyttää
arrest {v} (to stop or slow a process etc.) :: pysäyttää [stop]; hillitä, padota [stop or slow]
arrest {v} (to take into legal custody) :: pidättää
arrest {v} (to catch the attention of) :: kiinnittää, vangita; pysäyttää [to arrest the attention]
arrest {v} (medicine: to undergo cardiac arrest) :: saada sydänpysähdys
arrest warrant {n} (document authorizing an arrest) :: pidätysmääräys
arrhythmia {n} /eɪˈɹɪðmɪə/ (irregular heartbeat) :: rytmihäiriö
arrival {n} /əˈɹaɪ.vəl/ (act of arriving or something that has arrived) :: saapuminen
arrival {n} (attainment of an objective) :: saapuminen
arrival {n} (person who has arrived) :: saapuja, saapuminen
arrive {v} /əˈɹaɪv/ (to reach) :: saapua, tulla perille
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) :: saapua, tulla perille
arrive {v} (to obtain a level of success or fame) :: saapua, tulla perille
arriviste {n} (upstart) SEE: upstart ::
arrogance {n} /ˈæɹ.ə.ɡəns/ (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner) :: ylimielisyys, pöyhkeys, koppavuus, röyhkeys
arrogant {adj} /ˈæɹəɡənt/ (having excessive pride) :: röyhkeä, ylimielinen, kopea, julkea
arrogantly {adv} (in an arrogant manner) :: ylimielisesti, arrogantisti
arrojadite {n} (a monoclinic-domatic mineral) :: arrojadiitti
arrondissement {n} /əˈɹɒnˌdɪsˈmənt/ (an administrative division) :: piiri
arrow {n} /ˈæɹ.əʊ/ (projectile) :: nuoli
arrow {n} (symbol) :: nuoli
arrow {n} (in graph theory) SEE: directed edge ::
arrowhead {n} (the pointed part of an arrow) :: nuolenkärki, nuolenpää
arrowhead {n} (symbol) :: nuolenkärki, nuolenpää
arrow key {n} (key with directional arrow) :: nuolinäppäin
arrowmaker {n} /ˈæɹəʊˌmeɪkə(ɹ)/ (person who makes arrows) :: nuolentekijä
arrowroot {n} /ˈæɹə(ʊ)ɹuːt/ (Maranta arundinacea) :: arrowjuuri, nuolijuuri
arrowroot {n} (starchy substance) :: arrowjuuri
arrow worm {n} (member of Chaetognatha) :: nuolimato
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass ::
arsecheek {n} /ɑːstʃik/ (vulgar slang: buttock) :: persposki
arsehole {n} (anus) :: persereikä
arsehole {n} (inconsiderate or mean-spirited person) :: paskiainen
arsenal {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)sənəl/ (military establishment) :: arsenaali
arsenal {n} (stock of weapons) :: arsenaali
arsenal {n} (store or supply of anything) :: arsenaali
arsenate {n} (salt or ester of arsenic acid) :: arsenaatti
arsenic {n} /ˈɑɹsənɪk/ (chemical element) :: arseeni
arsenic {n} (arsenic trioxide) :: arsenikki, arseenitrioksidi
arsenic trioxide {n} (an oxide of arsenic) :: arseenitrioksidi, arsenikki
arsenite {n} (oxyanion of trivalent arsenic) :: arseniitti
arsenolite {n} (mineral) :: arsenoliitti
arsenopyrite {n} (a silvery-grey ore of arsenic) :: arseenikiisu, arsenopyriitti
arsewipe {n} (toilet paper) SEE: asswipe ::
arsewipe {n} (useless or annoying person) SEE: asswipe ::
ars gratia artis {n} (art for art's sake) SEE: art for art's sake ::
arshin {n} (a Russian unit of length) :: arsina
arsine {n} (AsH3) :: arsiini
arsine {n} (derivative of AsH3) :: -arsiini, arsiini-
arson {n} /ˈɑɹsən/ (crime of setting a fire) :: tuhopoltto
arsonist {n} /ˈɑɹsənəst/ (one who has committed the act of arson) :: tuhopolttaja
arsonry {n} (arson) SEE: arson ::
art {n} /ɑɹt/ (human effort) :: taide
art {n} (conscious production or arrangement) :: taide
art {n} (skillful creative activity) :: taide
art {n} (study) :: kuvataide, taide, kuvaamataito
art {n} (aesthetic value) :: taide
art {n} (artwork) :: taideteos
art {n} (field or category of art) :: taide
art {n} (nonscientific branch of learning) :: taide
art {n} (skill) :: taito
art dealer {n} (someone who buys and sells works of art) :: taidekauppias
Art Deco {prop} /ɑːɹ(t) ˈdɛkəʊ/ (style of decorative art and architecture) :: art deco
arête {n} /əˈɹɛt/ (a thin ridge of rock) :: harja
artefact {n} (artefact) SEE: artifact ::
artemether {n} (antimalarial derived from artemisinin) :: artemeetteri
Artemis {prop} /ˈɑɹtəmɪs/ (Greek goddess) :: Artemis
artemisia {n} /ɑːtɪˈmɪzɪə/ (plant of the genus Artemisia) :: maruna
arterial {adj} (relating to an artery) :: valtimollinen
arteriography {n} (radiography of an artery) SEE: angiography ::
arteriolosclerosis {n} (hardening, narrowing or loss of elasticity in the arterioles) :: arterioloskleroosi
arteriosclerosis {n} /ˌɑɹˌtiɹioʊsklɚˈoʊsəs/ (hardening, narrowing or loss of elasticity in arteries or blood vessel) :: valtimonkovettumatauti
arteritis {n} (inflammation of artery walls) :: arteriitti, valtimotulehdus
artery {n} /ˈɑɹ.təɹɪ/ (blood vessel from the heart) :: valtimo
artesian {adj} /ɑɹˈtiʒən/ (rising to the surface) :: arteesinen
artesian well {n} (aquifer) :: arteesinen kaivo
artesunate {n} (antimalarial drug) :: artesunaatti
art for art's sake {n} (art, slogan) :: taide taiteen vuoksi
art gallery {n} (space where works of art are placed on display) :: taidegalleria, galleria
art historian {n} (an expert in art history) :: taidehistorioitsija
art history {n} (study of the history of the visual arts) :: taidehistoria
arthralgia {n} /ɑɹˈθɹæl.dʒi.ə/ (pain in a joint) :: nivelsärky, artralgia
arthritis {n} /ɑː(ɹ)θˈɹaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of a joint) :: niveltulehdus, nivelreuma
arthrodesis {n} (fusion of a joint) :: jäykistysleikkaus
arthrology {n} (branch of anatomy dealing with the joints) :: niveloppi
arthrometer {n} (a device for measuring the range of mobility of a joint) :: artrometri
arthropod {n} (animal of Arthropoda) :: niveljalkainen
arthrosis {n} (any degenerative disease of a joint between bones) :: nivelrikko, artroosi
Arthur {prop} /ˈɑːθə(ɹ)/ (male given name) :: Artturi
artichoke {n} /ˈɑɹ.tɪˌtʃəʊk/ (vegetable) :: latva-artisokka, artisokka
artichoke bottom {n} (edible fleshy receptacle at the bottom of an artichoke flower, see also: artichoke heart) :: artisokan pohja
artichoke heart {n} (edible base of an artichoke) :: artisokansydän
article {n} /ˈɑɹtɪkəl/ (story, report, or opinion piece) :: artikkeli, juttu, kirjoitus
article {n} (member of a group or class) :: kappale
article {n} :: esine, artikkeli, tarvike
article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun) :: artikkeli
article {n} (section of a legal document) :: artikla, pykälä, kohta
article {n} (object) SEE: object ::
article of faith {n} (thing that is believed as a matter of faith) :: uskonkappale
articles of association {n} (document which forms a company's constitution) :: yhtiöjärjestys
articles of incorporation {n} (articles of association) SEE: articles of association ::
articles of organization {n} (articles of association) SEE: articles of association ::
articulate {adj} /ɑːɹˈtɪk.jə.lət/ (clear, effective) :: selkeä
articulate {adj} (speaking in a clear or effective manner) :: selväpuheinen
articulate {adj} (able to bend or hinge at certain points or intervals) :: nivelletty, nivel-
articulate {v} /ɑːɹˈtɪk.jə.leɪt/ (to clarify) :: selventää
articulate {v} (to speak clearly) :: artikuloida, ääntää selvästi
articulate {v} (to explain) :: selittää, muotoilla
articulate {v} (to hinge) :: niveltää
articulate {v} (music: to attack a note) :: artikuloida
articulate {v} (anatomy: to form a joint) :: niveltää
articulated {adj} (Having one or more pivoted joints) :: nivelletty
articulated {adj} (Describing a vehicle with such joints) :: nivelletty, nivel-; runko-ohjattu
articulated bus {n} (articulated bus) :: nivelbussi
articulated lorry {n} (truck and trailer) :: puoliperävaunuyhdistelmä, puolikas, rekka
articulation {n} /ɑɹˌtɪk.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ (joint or collection of joints) :: nivel (single joint), nivelistö (collection of joints)
articulation {n} (manner or method by which elements of a system are connected) :: nivellys, niveltäminen
articulation {n} (clarity of speech) :: lausuminen, artikulointi, artikulaatio
articulation {n} (music: manner of articulation) :: artikulointi
articulation {n} (accounting: interrelation of financial statements) :: yhteys
articulatory {adj} (of or pertaining to articulation; phonological) :: artikulatorinen
artifact {n} /ˈɑːtɪfækt/ (object made or shaped by human hand) :: artefakti, esine, teennös
artifact {n} (something viewed as a product of human conception) :: tuote, tulos, luomus, artefakti
artifact {n} (artificial feature) :: häiriö, virhehavainto, väärä löydös, artefakti
artifact {n} (archaeological object) :: esine, artefakti
artificer {n} (savant) SEE: savant ::
artificer {n} (trickster) SEE: trickster ::
artificer {n} (inventor) SEE: inventor ::
artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan ::
artificial {adj} /ɑː(ɹ)təˈfɪʃəl/ (man-made) :: keinotekoinen, teko- [in compounds], keino- [in compounds]
artificial {adj} (false, misleading) :: teennäinen
artificial {adj} (unnatural) :: teennäinen, luonnoton
artificial ice {n} (synthetic ice) SEE: synthetic ice ::
artificial ice {n} (artificially frozen ice) :: tekojää; keinojää [rare]
artificial insemination {n} (introduction of semen) :: keinosiemennys
artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity) :: tekoäly, keinoäly, äly
artificial intelligence {n} (branch of computer science) :: tekoäly, keinoäly
artificial intelligence {n} (quality of a machine) :: tekoäly, keinoäly
artificial life {n} (study of synthetic systems that behave like living organisms) :: keinoelämä, tekoelämä
artificially {adv} (in an artificial manner) :: keinotekoisesti
artificial person {n} (legal person) SEE: legal person ::
artificial respiration {n} (manual or mechanical forcing of air into the lungs) :: tekohengitys
artificial selection {n} (intervention by humans in the breeding of plants or animals) :: keinotekoinen valinta, valintajalostus
artificial sweetener {n} (sugar substitute) SEE: sugar substitute ::
artificial turf {n} (artificial grass surface) :: tekonurmi
artillery {n} /ɑɹˈtɪləɹi/ (weapon) :: tykistö
artillery {n} (army unit) :: tykistö
artillery {n} (gunnery (science)) :: tykistöoppi
artiodactyl {n} /ˌɑːtɪəʊˈdaktɪl/ (any ungulate mammal with an even number of toes) :: sorkkaeläin
artisan {n} /ˈɑɹtɪzən/ (skilled manual worker) :: käsityöläinen, artesaani
artisanal {adj} /ˈäɹtəzæn(ə)l/ (of or pertaining to artisans) :: käsityö-
artisanal {adj} (involving skilled work that is not very mechanised) :: käsityö-
artisanal {adj} ((of an item) made by artisans) :: käsintehty
artist {n} /ˈɑːtɪst/ (person who creates art) :: taiteilija, artisti
artist {n} (person who creates art as an occupation) :: taiteilija
artist {n} (skilled person) :: taitaja
artistic {adv} /ɑɹˈtɪstɪk/ (having creative skill) :: taiteellinen, luova
artistic {adv} (relating to art or artists) :: taiteellinen, artistinen
artistic {adv} (aesthetically pleasing) :: taiteellinen, esteettinen
artistical {adj} (artistic) SEE: artistic ::
artistically {adv} (In an artistic manner) :: taiteellisesti
artistic gymnastics {n} (discipline of gymnastics) :: telinevoimistelu
artistic licence {n} (any departure from fact or convention by an artist) :: taiteellinen vapaus
artisticness {n} (the quality of being artistic) :: taiteellisuus
artistry {n} (significant artistic skill) :: taiteellisuus
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist ::
art nouveau {n} (Art Nouveau) SEE: Art Nouveau ::
Art Nouveau {prop} (style of art and architecture) :: jugend
art of war {n} (strategies and tactics) :: sotataito
Artsakh Republic {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh Republic ::
arts and crafts {n} (handicrafts) :: käsityöt {p}
art school {n} (art school) :: taidekoulu, taideakatemia
art union {n} (raffle run for charity) :: arpajaiset
artwise {adv} (artistically) SEE: artistically ::
artwork {n} /ˈɑːtˌwɜːk/ (piece of creative work) :: teos, taideteos
artwork {n} (artistic work) :: taiteellinen työ; taidekäsityö
artwork {n} (graphical elements) :: kuvitus
Aruba {prop} /əˈɹuː.bə/ (territory in the Caribbean) :: Aruba
Aruban {n} (person from Aruba) :: arubalainen
Aruban {adj} (of or pertaining to Aruba) :: arubalainen
Arubian {n} (Aruban) SEE: Aruban ::
arugula {n} /əˈɹuɡələ/ (herb) :: rucola [commercial], sinappikaali [botany]
Aruküla {prop} (small borough in Estonia) :: Aruküla
arum {n} /ɛ(ə)ɹəm/ (flower or plant in the genus Arum) :: munkinhuppu
arum lily {n} :: vehkakasvi, vehka [Araceae]; valkohuonevehka, vehka [Zantedeschia aethiopica]
Arunachal Pradesh {prop} /ˌɑːɹəˌnɑːtʃəl pɹəˈdɛʃ/ (Arunachal Pradesh) :: Arunachal Pradesh
Arvanitic {prop} (form of Albanian spoken in Greece) SEE: Arvanitika ::
Arvanitika {prop} /ˌɑːvəˈnɪtɪkə/ (form of Albanian) :: arvanitika
Arvanitika Albanian {prop} (form of Albanian spoken in Greece) SEE: Arvanitika ::
Arvid {prop} (male given name) :: Arvi
Aryan {n} /ˈɛəɹi.ən/ (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians) :: arjalainen
Aryan {n} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: a white) :: arjalainen
Aryan {n} (rare: an Indo-Iranian) :: indoiranilainen, arjalainen
Aryan {n} (rare: a Proto-Indo-European) :: indoiranilainen, arjalainen
Aryan {n} (obsolete: in 19th century ethnography, a subdivision of the Caucasian race) :: arjalaiset
Aryan {adj} (pertaining to the (alleged) Aryan master race) :: arjalainen
Aryan {adj} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: pertaining to the Caucasian race) :: arjalainen
Aryan {adj} (of or pertaining to Indo-European or Aryan peoples, culture, and languages) :: arjalainen
aryl {n} (univalent organic radical derived from an aromatic hydrocarbon) :: aryyli
as {adv} /æz/ (to such an extent or degree) :: yhtä
as {conj} (in the same way that) :: kuten
as {conj} (at the same instant that) :: kun
as {conj} (at the same time that) :: kun, sillä välin, kun
as {conj} (varying through time to the same proportion that) :: kun, sitä mukaa kuin
as {conj} (considering that, because) :: koska
as {conj} (introducing a basis of comparison) :: kuin
as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) :: kuin
as {prep} (In the role of) :: -na [essive case]
as {n} /ˈæs/ (Roman coin) :: as, assi
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that ::
as {conj} (expressing concession) SEE: though ::
as {conj} (than) SEE: than ::
as {conj} (as if) SEE: as if ::
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example ::
Asa {prop} (biblical king) :: Asa
asafoetida {n} /ˌæsəˈfɛtɪdə/ (resinous gum from wild fennel) :: hajupihka, pirunpihka
as against {prep} (as opposed to) SEE: as opposed to ::
as a matter of fact {prep} (actually) :: itse asiassa
asana {n} /ˈɑːsənə/ (a body position, typically associated with the practice of yoga) :: asana, asento
ASAP {adv} /ˌeɪ.ɛs.eɪˈpi/ (as soon as possible) :: asap, ASAP
asarabacca {n} (Asarum europaeum) :: taponlehti, lehtotaponlehti
as a result {conj} (consequently) :: seurauksena, johtuen
as a rule {adv} (in general; most often) :: yleensä, tavallisesti, säännönmukaisesti
Asatru {prop} (neopagan religion) :: aasainusko
Asatruar {n} (adherent of Asatru) :: aasainuskoinen
as a whole {prep} (considered all together) :: kokonaisuutena
asbestic {adj} (relating to or resembling) :: asbestinen [relating to]; asbestimainen [resembling]
as best one can {adv} (in the best possible way, given the circumstances) :: parhaansa mukaan
asbestos {n} /æs.ˈbɛs.tɒs/ (any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate) :: asbesti
asbestosis {n} /ˈæs.bɛsˌtəʊ.sɪs/ (lung disease caused by exposure to asbestos) :: asbestoosi, asbestipölykeuhko
asbolane {n} (a hexagonal mineral containing calcium, cobalt, hydrogen, manganese, nickel, and oxygen) :: asbolaani
Ascanius {prop} /æˈskeɪni.əs/ (the son of the Trojan hero Aeneas) :: Askanios
ascend {v} /əˈsɛnd/ (to fly, to soar) :: nousta, kohota
ascend {v} (to slope in an upward direction) :: nousta
ascend {v} (to go up) :: nousta, mennä ylös
ascend {v} (to succeed) :: nousta
ascendancy {n} (supremacy; superiority; dominant control) :: valta-asema
ascendant {adj} (Rising, moving upward) :: nouseva, nousussa oleva
ascendant {adj} (Surpassing or controlling) :: nousussa oleva
ascendant {n} (Being in control) :: valta-asemassa oleva
ascendant {n} (An ancestor) :: esi-isä
ascender {n} (typography) :: yläpidennys
ascending {adj} /əˈsɛndɪŋ/ (of a sequence: ordered such that each element is greater than or equal to the previous element) :: nouseva
ascending {adj} (computing: that causes a sequence to follow an ascending order) :: nouseva
ascension {n} (the act of ascending) :: nouseminen, nousu
Ascension {prop} (holiday celebrating Ascension of Jesus) SEE: Ascension Day ::
Ascension {prop} (entering heaven alive) :: taivaaseenastuminen
Ascension {prop} (Jesus' rise to heaven) :: taivaaseenastuminen
Ascension Day {prop} (the fortieth day of Easter) :: helatorstai
ascent {n} /əˈsɛnt/ (act of ascending; motion upwards) :: nousu
ascent {n} (way or means by which one ascends) :: nousu, nousureitti
ascent {n} (eminence, hill, or high place) :: korkea paikka
ascent {n} (degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it makes with a horizontal line) :: nousu, nousukulma
ascertain {v} /ˌæsɚˈteɪn/ (find out; discover or establish) :: saada selville, varmistaa, selvittää
ascesis {n} /əˈsiːsɪs/ ((rigorous) self-discipline, see also: asceticism) :: askeesi
ascetic {adj} /əˈsɛ.tɪk/ (related to ascetics) :: askeettinen
ascetic {n} (devotee to the practice of self-denial) :: askeetti
ascetically {adv} (in an ascetic manner) :: askeettisesti
asceticism {n} /əˈsɛt.əˌsɪz.əm/ (the principles and practices of an ascetic) :: asketismi, askeesi
ASCII art {n} (letter art that uses only ASCII characters) :: ASCII-taide
ascites {n} (symptom) :: vesivatsa
Asclepius {prop} /əˈskliːpi.əs/ (Greek god of medicine and healing) :: Asklepios
Asclepius {prop} (near-Earth asteroid) :: Asclepius
ascomycete {n} (fungus of the phylum Ascomycota) :: kotelosieni
ascomycetous {adj} (of or relating to ascomycetes) :: kotelosienten [genitive of noun], kotelosieniin kuuluva
ascorbic acid {n} (the white crystalline organic compound, C6H8O6) :: askorbiinihappo
ascospore {n} (a sexually produced spore from the ascus of an Ascomycetes fungus) :: koteloitiö
ascot tie {n} (type of necktie) :: plastron
ascribe {v} /əˈskɹaɪb/ (attribute a cause or characteristic) :: aiheutua, johtua
ascribe {v} (attribute a book, etc) :: liittää, yhdistää
ascus {n} (a sac-shaped cell present in ascomycete fungi) :: itiökotelo
-ase {suffix} (forms the names of enzymes) :: -aasi
ASEAN {prop} /ˈæ.zi.ɑn/ (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) :: ASEAN
aseptic {adj} /əˈsɛptɪk/ (free of microbes) :: aseptinen
aseptically {adv} (in an aseptic manner) :: aseptisesti
asepticize {v} (sterilize) SEE: sterilize ::
as ever trod shoe-leather {phrase} /əz ɛvə ˈtɹɒd ˈʃuːˌlɛðə/ (as ever existed or lived) :: mitä Maa on päällään kantanut
asexual {adj} /eɪˈsɛkʃuəl/ (having no interest in sex) :: epäseksuaalinen
asexual {adj} (without sexual action) :: suvuton
asexual {adj} (having no distinct sex) :: sukupuoleton, aseksuaalinen
asexuality {n} (state of not experiencing sexual attraction) :: aseksuaalisuus
asexually {adv} (in an asexual manner; without having sex) :: suvuttomasti, epäseksuaalisesti
as far as {prep} (in the scope of) :: niin pitkään kuin
as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge) :: tietääkseni
as far as the eye can see {prep} :: silmän kantamattomiin
as follows {adv} (in the manner described hereafter) :: seuraavasti
as for {prep} (regarding; about) :: mitä tulee
Asgard {prop} /ˈæsˌɡɑɹd/ (the abode of gods in Norse mythology) :: Asgård
as good as {adv} (almost completely) :: käytännössä
ash {n} /æʃ/ (solid remains of a fire) :: tuhka
ash {v} (to reduce to a residue of ash) :: hehkuttaa
ash {n} (wood) :: saarni
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree ::
ashamed {adj} /əˈʃeɪmd/ (feeling shame or guilt) :: häpeissään, nolostunut
A-sharp {n} (tone) :: ais
A-sharp major {n} :: ais-duuri
A-sharp minor {n} (minor key) :: ais-molli
ashdump door {n} (opening through which the ash is removed from a fireplace) :: tuhkaluukku
ashen {adj} /ˈæʃ.ɪn/ (made of ash-wood) :: saarnipuinen
ashen {adj} (of or resembling ashes) :: tuhkainen
ashen {adj} (ash-colored; pale) :: kelmeä
Asher {prop} (eighth son of Jacob) :: Asser
Ashgabat {prop} (the capital of Turkmenistan) :: Ašgabat
ash gourd {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon ::
ash gourd {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon ::
Ashkenazi {n} /ˌɑːʃkɪˈnɑːzi/ (Jew from Germany or Eastern Europe) :: aškenasi, aškenasijuutalainen
ashlar {n} /ˈæʃlə/ (a large square stone) :: harkkokivi
ashlar {n} (masonry making use of such blocks) :: harkkokivimuuraus
Ashoka {prop} /əˈʃoʊkə/ (emperor) :: Ašoka, Asoka
Ashoka {prop} (charioteer) :: Ašoka
ashore {adv} /əˈʃɔɹ/ (on the land) :: maissa
ashore {adv} (towards the shore) :: rantaan
ashtanga {n} (any of several styles of yoga) :: astangajooga
ashtray {n} /ˈæʃtɹeɪ/ (receptacle for ashes) :: tuhkakuppi
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) :: saarni
Ash Wednesday {n} (the Christian day of penitence 46 days before Easter) :: tuhkakeskiviikko
ashy tit {n} (Melaniparus cinerascens) :: akaasiatiainen
Asia {prop} /ˈeɪʒə/ (the continent of Asia) :: Aasia
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) :: Vähä-Aasia
Asian {n} /ˈeɪʒən/ (person from Asia) :: aasialainen
Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from the Indian sub-continent) :: intialainen
Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from east Asia) :: itäaasialainen
Asian {adj} (of, relating to or from Asia) :: aasialainen
Asian black bear {n} (Ursus thibetanus) :: kauluskarhu
Asian brown flycatcher {n} (Muscicapa dauurica) :: ruskosieppo
Asian conical hat {n} (hat) :: kartiohattu
Asian desert warbler {n} (Sylvia nana) :: kääpiökerttu
Asian elephant {n} (an elephant, Elephas maximus, found in Asia) :: aasiannorsu
Asian Games {prop} (sport event) :: Aasian kisat
Asian lion {n} /ˈeɪʒən ˈlaɪən/ (species of lion that inhabited Asia) :: aasianleijona
Asia-Pacific {prop} (part of the world in or near the western Pacific Ocean) :: Aasian ja Tyynenmeren alue
Asiatic golden cat {n} (cat) :: aasiankultakissa
aside {adv} /əˈsaɪd/ (to or on one side) :: sivuun, syrjään
aside {n} (an incidental remark made quietly) :: sivuhuomautus, reunahuomautus, kommentti
aside from {prep} (excluding) :: lukuun ottamatta
as if {conj} (as though) :: ikään kuin, niin kuin, kuin, aivan kuin
as if {conj} (in mimicry of) :: ikään kuin, aivan kuin
as if {interj} (interjection) :: tuskinpa
as if nothing had happened {adv} :: kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunut, kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunutkaan
as if there were no tomorrow {adv} (to an excessive degree) :: kuin huomista ei olisi
Asikkala {prop} (municipality) :: Asikkala
as in {adv} (in the sense of) :: eli
asinine {adj} /ˈæs.ɪ.naɪn/ (failing to exercise intelligence or judgment) :: typerä, aasimainen
asinine {adj} (of or relating to a donkey) :: aasi-, aasin-, aasimainen
asininely {adv} (in an asinine manner) :: aasimaisesti
asininity {n} (asinine remark, etc.) :: aasimaisuus
as is {adj} /æzˈɪz/ ((of an object) in its present state or condition) :: sellaisenaan, siinä kunnossa kuin on
as it happens {adv} (by coincidence) :: sattumalta
as it stands {prep} (in the current state or circumstances) :: nykytilassa
as it were {adv} (to indicate a word or statement is not exact) :: niin sanotusti
ask {v} /ˈæsk/ (request an answer) :: kysyä
ask {v} (make a request) :: pyytää
askance {adv} /əˈskæns/ (of look: with disapproval) :: karsaasti
askance {adv} (sideways, obliquely) :: sivuttain (sideways), nurkkasilmällä (obliquely)
asker {n} /ˈæsk.ɚ/ (person who asks a question) :: kysyjä, kyselijä
askew {adj} /əˈskjuː/ (turned or twisted to one side) :: vino
askew {adv} (tilted to one side) :: kallellaan, vinossa
askew {adv} (with disapproval) :: vinosti, kieroon
ask for {v} (request) :: pyytää
ask for it {v} (provoke an unwanted action) :: kerjätä sitä
ask for the moon {v} :: pyytää kuuta taivaalta
ask for trouble {v} (ask for it) SEE: ask for it ::
asking price {n} (list or sticker price of an item) :: pyyntihinta, listahinta, myyntikurssi
ask out {v} (invite) :: pyytää ulos
aslake {v} (mitigate) SEE: mitigate ::
aslant {adj} (slanting) SEE: slanted ::
aslant {adv} (at a slant) :: kallellaan, vinossa
aslant {prep} (diagonally over or across) :: poikittain
asleep {adj} /əˈsliːp/ (in a state of sleep) :: unessa, nukuksissa, nukkumassa; nukuksiin, nukkuva
asleep {adj} (inattentive) :: unessa, nukuksissa
asleep {adj} (numb or prickling) :: puutunut, tunnoton, turta
as long as {conj} (if, assuming) :: kunhan
as long as {conj} (while) :: niin kauan kuin
Asmara {prop} /æsˈmɑːɹə/ (capital of Eritrea) :: Asmara
as much {adv} (the same amount; to the same degree or extent) :: niin
as much as possible {adv} (as much as is possible) :: niin paljon kuin mahdollista, mahdollisimman paljon
asocial {adj} (antisocial) SEE: antisocial ::
asocial {adj} /eɪˈsəʊʃ(ə)l/ (not social or sociable) :: epäsosiaalinen, asosiaalinen
asociality {n} (the character of being asocial) :: epäsosiaalisuus
asocially {adv} (in an asocial way) :: epäsosiaalisesti, asosiaalisesti
as of {prep} (from a specified time) :: alkaen
Asoka {prop} (Ashoka) SEE: Ashoka ::
as one man {adv} :: yhtenä miehenä
as opposed to {prep} (in contrast to) :: toisin kuin
asp {n} (aspen) SEE: aspen ::
asp {n} /æsp/ (Vipera aspis) :: aspiskyy
asp {n} (fish Aspius aspius) :: toutain
asp {n} (Naja haje) SEE: Egyptian cobra ::
asp {n} (water snake) SEE: water snake ::
asparagine {n} (nonessential amino acid C4H8N2O3) :: asparagiini
asparaginyl {n} /ˌæs.pə.ˈɹædʒ.ɪ.n(ə)l/ (univalent radical) :: asparaginyyli
asparagus {n} /əˈspɛɹ.ə.ɡəs/ (asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis) :: ruokaparsa, parsa
asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food)) :: parsa
asparagus pea {n} (Tetragonolobus purpureus) :: punaparsaherne
aspartame {n} /əˈspɑːteɪm/ (the artificial sweetener) :: aspartaami
aspartic acid {n} (a nonessential amino acid) :: asparagiinihappo
aspartyl {n} /ə.ˈspɑɹt.(ə)l/ (univalent radical) :: aspartyyli
aspartylglucosaminuria {n} (disorder) :: aspartyyliglukosaminuria
aspect {n} /ˈæspɛkt/ (any specific feature, part, or element of something) :: aspekti, ominaisuus
aspect {n} (the way something appears) :: puoli, näkökanta, näkökulma
aspect {n} (quality of a verb) :: aspekti
aspect {n} (position in respect to points of a compass, the sun, etc.) :: suunta
aspect ratio {n} (the ratio of width to height in a flat surface or 2-dimensional abstract construction) :: kuvasuhde [image, screen etc.]; sivusuhde [general object]
aspen {n} /ˈæspən/ (tree of genus Populus sect. Populus) :: haapa
aspen {n} (wood of such a tree) :: haapa, haapapuu
as per {prep} /æz pɜː/ :: mukaisesti
Asperger's syndrome {n} /ˈæspɝɡɚz ˈsɪndɹoʊm/ (autism related developmental disorder) :: Aspergerin oireyhtymä, Aspergerin syndrooma
aspergilloma {n} (clump of fungus in a body cavity) :: aspergillooma
aspergillum {n} /ˌæspəɹˈdʒɪləm/ (holy water sprinkler) :: vihmin
asperse {v} (scatter) SEE: scatter ::
asperse {v} (sprinkle) SEE: sprinkle ::
aspersion {n} (an attack on somebody's reputation or good name) :: panettelu
as per the usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
as per usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
asphalt {n} /ˈæsfɔlt/ (sticky, black and highly viscous liquid) :: bitumi
asphalt {n} (asphalt concrete) :: asfaltti
asphalt jungle {n} (type of urban area) :: asfalttiviidakko
asphodel {n} /ˈæsfədɛl/ (plant of the genus Asphodelus) :: soihtu
asphyxia {n} (condition with extreme decrease of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide) :: asfyksia, hapenpuute, tukehtuminen
asphyxiate {v} (to smother or suffocate someone) :: tukehduttaa
asphyxiate {v} (to smother or suffocate oneself) :: tukehtua
asphyxiation {n} (Death due to lack of oxygen) :: tukehtumiskuolema
asphyxiation {n} (An acute lack of oxygen) :: tukehtuminen
aspic {n} /ˈæspɪk/ (dish) :: hyydyke, hyydytetty ~ [adjective + the main ingredient], [meat jelly] lihahyytelö
aspie {n} /ˈæspi/ (someone with Asperger's Syndrome) :: assi
aspirant {n} /ˈæspəɹənt/ (someone who aspires to high office, etc.) :: havittelija
aspirate {n} /ˈæs.pə.ɹeɪt/ (linguistics: puff of air) :: aspiraatio, henkäisy
aspirate {n} (linguistics: sound produced) :: aspiraatta
aspirate {v} (to remove a liquid or gas by suction) :: imeä, imaista, aspiroida
aspirate {v} (to draw into one's lungs) :: vetää henkeen, aspiroida
aspirate {v} (linguistics: to produce an audible puff of breath) :: henkäistä, aspiroida
aspiration {n} /ˌæspəˈɹeɪʃən/ (hope or ambition) :: pyrkimys
aspiration {n} (burst of air that follows the release of some consonants) :: aspiraatio
aspirator {n} (pump which draws gas through a liquid) :: aspiraattori
aspire {v} /əˈspaɪɚ/ (to hope or dream) :: aikoa, pyrkiä
aspirin {n} /ˈæspɹɪn/ (analgesic drug) :: aspiriini
aspirin {n} (tablet containing acetylsalicylic acid) :: aspiriini
asplenia {n} (absence of normal spleen function) :: asplenia
aspredinid {n} (member of Aspredinidae) :: banjomonni
as regards {prep} (regarding) :: osalta
ass {n} /æs/ (animal, see also: donkey) :: aasi
ass {n} (stupid person) :: aasi
ass {n} (buttocks) :: perse
ass {n} (vulgar slang:sex) :: perse
assail {v} /əˈseɪl/ (to attack violently) :: käydä kimppuun
assailant {n} /əˈseɪlənt/ (an attacker; someone who attacks another violently, or criminally) :: hyökkääjä, päällekarkaaja
Assam {prop} /æˈsæm/ (state in India) :: Assam
Assam {n} (black tea) :: Assam-tee
Assamese {adj} (of, from or relating to Assam) :: assamilainen
Assamese {prop} (language) :: assami
assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate ::
assassin {n} /əˈsæsɪn/ (one who, motivated by political reasons, intentionally kills a particular person) :: salamurhaaja
assassinate {v} /əˈsasɪneɪt/ (to murder by sudden or obscure attack) :: murhata
assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination ::
assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin ::
assassination {n} /əˌsæs.ɪ.ˈneɪ.ʃən/ (murder for political reasons or personal gain) :: salamurha
assassin bug {n} (bug) :: petolude
assault {n} /əˈsɔːlt/ (violent onset or attack with physical means) :: hyökkäys, päällekarkaus
assault {n} (violent onset or attack with moral weapons) :: hyökkäys
assault {n} (legal: violent attempt, or willful effort with force or violence to hurt another) :: pahoinpitelyn yritys
assault {n} (legal: crime whose action is such an attempt) :: pahoinpitelyn yritys
assault {n} (legal: act that causes someone to apprehend imminent bodily harm) :: pahoinpitely
assault {n} (legal: tort whose action is such an act) :: pahoinpitely
assault {v} (to attack) :: hyökätä, käydä päälle, käydä kimppuun
assault rifle {n} (a rifle) :: rynnäkkökivääri
assay {n} /ˈæseɪ/ (trial, attempt, essay) :: yritys
assay {n} (the qualitative or quantitative chemical analysis of something) :: analyysi
assay {v} (to analyze (a metal, compound)) :: analysoida
ass-backwards {adv} (moving backwards, that is, rear end first) :: perse edellä
ass-backwards {adv} (in a hopelessly misguided manner) :: päin persettä
asscheek {n} /ˈæstʃik/ (slang for a buttock) :: perseposki
assemblage {n} (collection of things) :: kokoelma
assemblage {n} (art form) :: assemblaasi
assemble {v} /əˈsɛmbl̩/ (to put together) :: koota
assemble {v} (to gather as a group) :: kokoontua
assemble {v} (computing: to translate from assembly language to machine code) :: kääntää
assembler {n} /əˈsɛmb(ə)lɚ/ (program that converts assembly language to machine code) :: konekielelle kääntäjä, konekielikääntäjä
assembler {n} (one who assembles items) :: kokoonpanija, kokooja
assembler {n} (nanodevice) :: kokooja
assembler {n} (assembly language) SEE: assembly language ::
assembly {n} /əˈsɛmb.li/ (set of pieces) :: kokonaisuus, kokoonpano
assembly {n} (act of putting together) :: kokoonpano, kokoaminen, kasaaminen, kasaus
assembly {n} (congregation of people) :: kokous, kokoontuminen
assembly {n} (legislative body) :: kokous
assembly {n} (short for assembly language, see also: assembly language) :: assembly-kieli, konekieli (machine language)
assembly {n} (building block in .NET) :: kokoonpano-osa
assembly language {n} (programming language) :: symbolinen konekieli
assembly line {n} (system of workers and machinery in a series) :: kokoonpanolinja
assent {v} /əˈsɛnt/ (to agree, give approval) :: suostua, myöntää
assent {n} (agreement, act of agreeing) :: suostumus, myöntymys
assert {v} /əˈsɝt/ (To affirm) :: väittää, vakuuttaa
assert {v} (to use or exercise and thereby prove) :: vahvistaa, vakiinnuttaa
assert {v} (To maintain; to defend) :: puolustaa, väittää
assert {v} (To maintain or defend, as a cause or a claim, by words or measures) :: vakuuttaa
assert {v} (to make true or equal to 1) :: varmistaa
assert {n} (an assertion in source code) :: varmistus
assertive {adj} /əˈsɝtɪv/ (boldly self-assured) :: itsevarma, jämäkkä
assertiveness {n} (the quality of being self-assured) :: itsevarmuus, jämäkkyys
assess {v} /əˈsɛs/ (to determine the value of) :: arvioida, määrittää
assess {v} (to give or charge with) :: antaa, jakaa
assess {v} (to impose or subject to) :: tarkastaa, määrittää
assessment {n} (act of assessing a tax) :: verottaminen, taksoittaminen, veromäärä
assessment {n} (appraisal) :: arviointi
assessor {n} /əˈsɛsɚ/ (a specialist who assists the court in determining a matter) :: asessori
asset {n} /ˈæsɛt/ (something or someone of any value) :: omaisuuserä, voimavara
asset {n} (software: any component, etc. that can be leveraged or reused) :: resurssi
asset-backed {adj} (having assets as collateral) :: omaisuusvakuudellinen
assets {n} /ˈæsets/ (any property or object of value that one possesses) :: omaisuus, varat
assets {n} (The left side of a balance sheet) :: vastaava
assfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
assfuck {v} (to engage in anal intercourse) :: panna perseeseen
assfucker {n} (jerk) SEE: jerk ::
asshole {n} /ˈæsˌhoʊl/ (anus) :: persereikä, perseenreikä, perseaukko
asshole {n} (mean or rude person) :: persereikä, kusipää, paskiainen
assiduity {n} (great and persistent toil or effort) :: raadanta
assiduous {adj} /əˈsɪdʒuːəs/ (hard-working, diligent) :: ahkera, uuttera
assign {v} /əˈsaɪn/ (to designate or set apart something for some purpose) :: valita, määrätä, nimittää
assign {v} (to appoint or select someone for some office) :: nimittää
assign {v} (to allot or give something as a task) :: antaa, myöntää
assign {v} (to attribute or sort something into categories) :: luokittaa, luokitella, lajitella
assign {v} (to transfer property, a legal right, etc., from one person to another) :: siirtää, luovuttaa
assign {v} (computing: to assign a value to a variable) :: sijoittaa
assignment {n} (act of assigning; allocation of tasks) :: toimeksianto [act of assigning]; työnjako [allocation]
assignment {n} (categorization) :: luokitus
assignment {n} (task) :: tehtävä, toimeksianto
assignment {n} (position) :: tehtävä
assignment {n} (typically a task given to students) :: tehtävä, harjoitustehtävä
assignment {n} (transfer of rights or benefits) :: oikeuden luovutus
assignment {n} (document that effects this transfer) :: luovutuskirja
assignment {n} (operation(s) that assign a value to a variable) :: arvon asetus
assimilate {v} /əˈsɪm.ɪ.leɪt/ (to incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion) :: imeytyä
assimilate {v} (to incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind) :: omaksua, sisäistää
assimilate {v} (to absorb a group of people into a community) :: sulauttaa
assimilate {v} (to compare something to another similar one) :: rinnastaa
assimilation {n} /əˌsɪməˈleɪʃən/ (act or state) :: imeyttäminen, omaksuminen, sisäistäminen, sulauttaminen, rinnastaminen, assimilaatio [assimilation]; imeytyminen, sulautuminen, rinnastuminen, assimiloituminen (being assimilated)
assimilation {n} (metabolic conversion) :: ruoansulatus
assimilation {n} (absorption of new ideas) :: omaksuminen
assimilation {n} (phonology: sound change process) :: assimilaatio
assimilation {n} (adoption of dominant culture) :: omaksuminen
assist {v} /əˈsɪst/ (help) :: auttaa, avustaa
assist {v} (to make a pass in a sport) :: syöttää
assist {n} (statistical recognition of making a pass) :: syöttö
assist {n} ((soccer) a pass that is decisive in scoring a goal) :: syöttö, maalisyöttö
assistance {n} /əˈsɪs.təns/ (aid; help; the act or result of assisting) :: apu, avustaminen
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard ::
assistant {adj} /əˈsɪstənt/ (having a subordinate or auxiliary position) :: apu-, vara-, avustava, apulais-
assistant {n} (person who assists) :: assistentti, apulainen, avustaja
assistant professor {n} (teacher) :: apulaisprofessori
assistant referee {n} (official at a football match) :: avustava erotuomari, aputuomari
assisted suicide {n} (suicide with the help of another person) :: avustettu itsemurha
assistive technology {n} :: sosiaalitekniikka, hyvinvointiteknologia
asskisser {n} (someone who kisses ass) SEE: ass-licker ::
ass-licker {n} (one who succumbs to authority) :: perseennuolija
associate {adj} /əˈsoʊʃieɪt/ (joined with others and having equal or near equal status) :: apulais-, vara- (near equal)
associate {adj} (having partial status or privileges) :: apulais-, vara-, ulko-
associate {adj} (following or accompanying) :: lisä-
associate {n} (partner) :: kumppani, partneri, kollega, yhtiökumppani, liikekumppani
associate {n} (coworker) :: työtoveri
associate {n} (companion; comrade) :: kumppani, partneri, kaveri, toveri
associate {n} (one that habitually accompanies or is associated with another) :: seuralainen, kumppani, kaveri
associate {n} (member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges) :: ulkojäsen, varajäsen
associate {v} (to join in or form a league, union, or association) :: yhdistyä, liittyä, järjestäytyä
associate {v} (to spend time socially) :: seurustella, viettää aikaa, olla jonkun kanssa
associate {v} (to join as a partner, ally, or friend) :: liittyä (as partner), liittoutua (as ally), ystävystyä (as friend)
associate {v} (to connect or join together; combine) :: yhdistää, liittää
associate {v} (to connect in the mind or imagination) :: yhdistää, liittää, assosioida
associated {adj} /əˈsoʊʃieɪtɪd/ (person or thing connected with something) :: liittyvä
associated {adj} (associated company) :: lähi-
associate professor {n} (teacher) :: apulaisprofessori
associate's degree {n} (degree awarded after 2 years of college education) :: kandidaatti
association {n} /əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/ (act of associating) :: liittyminen, järjestäytyminen, yhdistyminen, yhtyminen; seurustelu, yhdessäolo, seuranpito; liittoutuminen, ystävystyminen, yhteen liittyminen; liittäminen, yhdistäminen; assosiaatio, mielleyhtymä
association {n} (state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something) :: jäsenyys, järjestyneisyys, järjestäytyneisyys; yhdessäolo, seuranpito; toveruus, kaveruus, kumppanuus, liittolaisuus, ystävyys; yhteys, yhdistyneisyys; yhdistäminen, assosiaatio
association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose) :: järjestö, yhdistys
association {n} (OOP) :: suhde, assosiaatio
associational {adj} (of, pertaining to or deriving from association) :: järjestöllinen
association football {n} (soccer) :: jalkapallo
associative {adj} /əˈsoʊ.ʃi.ə.tɪv/ (algebraic property of an operator) :: assosiatiivinen, liitännäinen
associative array {n} (An array-like data structure) :: hakurakenne, assosiatiivinen taulukko
associativity {n} (condition of being associative) :: liitännäisyys, assosiatiivisuus
assonance {n} /ˈæsənəns/ (repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds) :: assonanssi
assonant {adj} (characterized by assonance) :: yhteensointuva
as soon as {conj} (immediately after) :: kun, heti kun
as soon as possible {adv} (as soon as is possible) :: heti, kun mahdollista, mahdollisimman pian
assorted {adj} (composed of different kinds) :: sekalainen
assortment {n} /əˈsɔːtmənt/ (collection of varying but related items) :: valikoima, lajitelma, joukko
assuage {v} /əˈsweɪdʒ/ (mitigate, relieve) :: lievittää
assuage {v} (pacify) :: rauhoittaa, rauhoitella
as such {prep} (per se) SEE: per se ::
as such {prep} (being as previously mentioned) :: siispä, niinpä; sellaisenaan
assumably {adv} (presumably) :: oletettavasti
assume {v} /əˈsuːm/ (to suppose to be true) :: olettaa
assume {v} (take on a position) :: ottaa, omaksua
assume {v} (adopt an idea) :: omaksua
assumed {adj} (intended to deceive; fictitious) :: teko-, valheellinen, keksitty
assumed {adj} (supposed or presumed) :: oletettu, otaksuttu
assumedly {adv} (in an assumed manner) :: oletettavasti
assumed name {n} (An alias, especially one adopted in order to deceive) :: salanimi, alias, peitenimi
assumingly {adv} (in an assumed manner) :: oletettavasti
assumption {n} /əˈsʌmp.ʃən/ (the act of assuming, or taking to or upon oneself) :: ottaminen, omaksuminen
assumption {n} (supposition) :: oletus, olettamus
assumption {n} (thing supposed) :: oletus, olettamus
assumption {n} (the minor or second proposition in a categorical syllogism) :: alipremissi
assumption {n} (taking of a person up into heaven) :: taivaaseenastuminen
assumption {n} (festival in honor of the ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven) :: Neitsyt Marian taivaaseen ottamisen päivä
assurance {n} /əˈʃʊɹəns/ (the act of assuring) :: vakuutus
assurance {n} (the state of being assured) :: varmuus, itsevarmuus
assurance {n} (firmness of mind) :: itsevarmuus
assurance {n} (excess of boldness) :: itsevarmuus
assurance {n} (insurance) :: vakuutus
assurance {n} (any written or other legal evidence of the conveyance of property) :: kauppakirja
assure {v} /əˈʃʊə/ (to make sure and secure) :: varmistaa, vakuuttaa
assure {v} (to give someone confidence in the trustworthiness of something) :: vakuuttaa
assure {v} (to reassure) :: varmistaa
assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident ::
assured {adj} (guaranteed) SEE: guaranteed ::
asswipe {n} /ˈæswaɪp/ (vulgar: annoying or worthless person) :: persreikä
asswipe {n} (Something used to wipe one's anus after defecation) :: paskapaperi
asswipe {n} (dishonest periodical) :: roskalehti
Assyria {prop} /əˈsɪɹi.ə/ (Semitic Akkadian kingdom) :: Assyria
Assyrian {n} /əˈsɪɹi.ən/ (a person who resided in the ancient region on the Upper Tigris river) :: assyrialainen
Assyrian {n} (a citizen of an ancient nation and empire, including the northern half of Mesopotamia) :: assyrialainen
Assyrian {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient region on the Upper Tigris river) :: assyrialainen
Assyrian {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient nation and empire, including the northern half of Mesopotamia) :: assyrialainen
Assyriological {adj} (of or pertaining to Assyriology) :: assyriologinen
Assyriologist {n} (a person who studies ancient Assyria) :: assyriologi
Assyriology {n} (study of the Assyrian language and culture) :: assyriologia
Astana {prop} /æsˈtɑːnə/ (the capital of Kazakhstan) :: Astana
Astarte {prop} (Semitic goddess of fertility) :: Astarte
astatine {n} /ˈæstəˌtin/ (the chemical element) :: astatiini
astaxanthin {n} (xanthophyll pigment) :: astaksantiini
astemizole {n} (drug) :: astemitsoli
aster {n} /ˈæstə(ɹ)/ (plant) :: asteri, saunio
asterisk {n} /ˈæstəɹɪsk/ (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) :: asteriski, tähti, tähti-merkki
asterism {n} /ˈastəɹɪzəm/ (constellation) :: tähdistö
asterism {n} (small group of stars) :: tähdistö, tähtikuvio, asterismi
asterism {n} (typographical symbol) :: tähdistö, kolme asteriskia
asterism {n} (a star-shaped figure exhibited by some crystals) :: tähdistö, asterismi
Asterix {prop} (A fictional character from French comic books) :: Asterix
astern {adv} /əˈstɝn/ (backwards) :: taakse
astern {adj} (behind (adj)) :: takana, perän puolella
astern of {prep} (behind (prep)) :: takana, taakse, takaa
asteroid {n} /ˈæstəɹoɪd/ (astronomy) :: asteroidi
asteroid belt {prop} (region of the solar system) :: asteroidivyöhyke
asteroidlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of an asteroid) :: asteroidimainen
as the crow flies {adv} (in a straight line) :: linnuntietä
asthenia {n} /æsˈθi.ni.ə/ (loss of strength) :: astenia, voimattomuus
asthenic {adj} :: asteeninen
asthenospermia {n} /ˌæsθənoˈspɝmi.ə/ (loss of motility of sperm) :: astenospermia
asthenosphere {n} /asˈθɛnə(ʊ)sfɪə/ (the zone of the Earth's upper mantle, below the lithosphere) :: astenosfääri
as the saying goes {phrase} (said as a lead to a proverb or similar) :: sanotaan, että
asthma {n} /ˈæzmə/ (chronic respiratory disease) :: astma
asthma attack {n} (event) :: astmakohtaus
asthmatic {adj} /æzˈmætɪk/ (having the characteristics of asthma) :: astmaattinen
asthmatic {n} (person who suffers from asthma) :: astmaatikko
as though {conj} /əzˈðəʊ/ (as to suggest that) :: niin kuin
astigmatism {n} /əˈstɪɡmətɪzm̩/ (defect of a lens) :: astigmaattisuus
astigmatism {n} (disorder of the vision) :: hajataittoisuus
a stitch in time saves nine {proverb} (a timely effort can prevent larger problems) :: parempi katsoa kuin katua
as to {prep} (with reference or regard to) :: mitä tulee, koskien
as to {prep} (according to) :: mukaan
astonish {v} /əˈstɒnɪʃ/ (to surprise, astound, flabbergast) :: hämmästyttää, ällistää
astonished {adj} (amazed) :: ällistynyt, hämmästynyt, ihmeissään
astonishing {adj} /əˈstɑnɪʃɪŋ/ (causing astonishment) :: hämmästyttävä
astonishment {n} /əˈstɑːnɪʃmənt/ (amazement, great surprise) :: hämmästys, hämmästyminen, kummastus, kummastuminen
astonishment {n} (amazing thing) :: kummallisuus
astound {v} /əˈstaʊnd/ (to astonish, bewilder or dazzle) :: ällistyttää, äimistyttää
astounded {adj} (surprised, amazed, astonished or bewildered) :: hämmästynyt, ällistynyt, ällikällä lyöty
astoundingly {adv} (in an astounding manner) :: ällistyttävästi
astragalus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone ::
astragalus {n} (herb) SEE: milk-vetch ::
astrakhan {n} /æstɹəˈkæn/ (fleece) :: astrakaani
astrakhan {n} (cloth) :: astrakaani
Astrakhan {prop} /æstɹəˈkæn/ (city and region in Russia) :: Astrahan
astral {adj} /ˈæstɹəl/ (relating to or resembling the stars) :: astraalinen
astral body {n} (ghost-like replica of one's physical body) :: astraaliruumis
astray {adv} /əˈstɹeɪ/ (in a wrong direction) :: harhaan
astride {adv} /əˈstɹaɪd/ (with one’s legs on either side) :: hajareisin
astride {prep} (with one’s legs on either side of) :: kahareisin
astringent {n} /əˈstɹɪn.dʒənt/ (substance which draws tissue together) :: adstringentti
astringent {adj} (having the effect of drawing tissue together) :: adstringoiva
astro- {prefix} (celestial bodies) :: astro-
astrobiology {n} (exobiology) :: astrobiologia
astrobleme {n} /ˈæs.tɹoʊ.blim/ (pit-like structure created by an impacting meteoroid, asteroid or comet) :: törmäyskraatteri
astrochemistry {n} (the study of the chemical composition of starts and outer space) :: astrokemia
astrodynamics {n} (the study of the motion of spacecraft) :: astrodynamiikka
astrogeology {n} (the science of planet's structure and composition) :: astrogeologia
astroid {n} (hypocycloid with four cusps) :: asteroidi
astrolabe {n} /ˈæs.tɹəˌleɪb/ (astronomical and navigational instrument) :: astrolabi
astrologer {n} (one who studies astrology) :: astrologi
astrological {adj} (pertaining to astrology) :: astrologinen
astrological sign {n} (sign that is used as the basis of astrology) :: tähtimerkki, horoskooppimerkki
astrologist {n} (astrologer) SEE: astrologer ::
astrology {n} /əˈstɹɒlədʒi/ (star divination) :: astrologia
astrometry {n} /əˈstɹɒmətɹi/ (branch of astronomy) :: astrometria
astronaut {n} /ˈæstɹəˌnɔːt/ (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) :: astronautti, avaruuslentäjä
astronautics {n} (navigation through space) :: astronautiikka
astronautics {n} (science and technology of spaceflight) :: astronautiikka
astronomer {n} /ə.ˈstɹɑ.nə.mɚ/ (one who studies astronomy) :: tähtitieteilijä, astronomi
astronomic {adj} (pertaining to astronomy) SEE: astronomical ::
astronomic {adj} (incredibly large) SEE: astronomical ::
astronomical {adj} /ˌæstɹəˈnɑːmɪkəl/ (of or relating to astronomy) :: tähtitieteellinen, astronominen
astronomical {adj} (very large) :: tähtitieteellinen, astronominen
astronomically {adv} (relating to astronomy) :: tähtitieteellisesti, astronomisesti
astronomical twilight {n} (period of partial darkness) :: astronominen hämärä
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance) :: astronominen yksikkö, tähtitieteellinen yksikkö
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer ::
astronomy {n} /əˈstɹɑnəˌmi/ (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) :: tähtitiede, astronomia
astrophobia {n} (fear of stars and celestial space) :: astrofobia
astrophotography {n} (celestial objects photography) :: tähtivalokuvaus
astrophysicist {n} (one who studies astrophysics) :: astrofyysikko
astrophysics {n} (interdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics) :: astrofysiikka
AstroTurf {n} (synthetic material) SEE: artificial turf ::
astroturfing {n} (disguising of an orchestrated campaign) :: astroturffaus
Asturian {adj} /æsˈtʊɹ.i.ən/ (of or pertaining to Asturias in Spain) :: asturialainen
Asturian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Asturian language) :: asturiankielinen
Asturian {n} (a native of Asturias) :: asturialainen
Asturian {prop} (language) :: asturia
Asturias {prop} /æsˈtʊɹ.i.əs/ (autonomous community and province of Spain) :: Asturia
astute {adj} /əsˈtjuːt/ (Quick at seeing how to gain advantage) :: terävä, neuvokas
astuteness {n} (quality of being astute) :: neuvokkuus
asunder {adv} /əˈsʌndɚ/ (into separate parts) :: hajalle, kahtia
Asura {n} (deity in Hinduism) :: Asura
Asura {n} (deity in Buddhism) :: Asura
as usual {adv} (as is usually the case) :: kuten tavallista
as well {adv} (in addition, also) :: myös, lisäksi, -kin
as well {adv} (to the same effect) :: yhtä hyvin, aivan sama, samalla vaivalla, -han, -hän
as well as {conj} (and in addition) :: samoin kuin, sekä
as well as {conj} (too; likewise; in addition) :: samoin kuin
as well as {prep} (in addition to) :: lisäksi
as yet {adv} (up to the present) :: tähän mennessä
asylum {n} /əˈsaɪləm/ (place of safety) :: turvapaikka
asylum {n} (mental asylum) :: mielisairaala
asylum {n} (right of asylum) SEE: right of asylum ::
asylum seeker {n} (person who has applied for asylum) :: turvapaikanhakija
asymmetric {adj} (not symmetric) :: epäsymmetrinen
asymmetrical {adj} (not symmetrical) :: asymmetrinen, epäsymmetrinen
asymmetrically {adv} (in an asymmetric manner) :: epäsymmetrisesti, asymmetrisesti
asymmetrical spinnaker {n} (type of sail) :: genaakkeri, asymmetrinen spinaakkeri
asymmetric bars {n} (uneven bars) SEE: uneven bars ::
asymmetric cryptography {n} (type of cryptography) :: epäsymmetrinen salaus
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line {n} (communications system) :: epäsymmetrinen digitaalinen tilaajayhteys
asymmetry {n} /eɪˈsɪmɪtɹi/ (lack of symmetry or proportion) :: epäsymmetria, asymmetria
asymmetry {n} (incommensurability) SEE: incommensurability ::
asymptomatic {adj} (not exhibiting any symptoms of disease) :: oireeton
asymptomatically {adv} (without symptoms) :: oireettomasti
asymptomaticity {n} (state of being asymptomatic) :: oireettomuus
asymptote {n} /ˈæsɪmptoʊ̯t/ (a straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely) :: asymptootti
asymptotic {adj} /ˌæsəm(p)ˈtɒtɪk/ (pertaining to values or properties approached at infinity) :: asymptoottinen
asynchronous {adj} /eɪˈsɪŋkɹənəs/ (not synchronous) :: asynkroninen
asynchronous {adj} ((computing) allowing the client to continue during processing of a request or a message) :: asynkroninen
asyndetic {adj} (grammar: not connected by conjunction) :: sidesanaton, asyndeettinen
asyndetically {adv} (in a manner not connected by conjunctions) :: asyndeettisesti
asyndeton {n} (rhetoric scheme) :: asyndeton
as you sow, so shall you reap {proverb} (consequences of actions are in proportion to intentions) :: sitä niittää mitä kylvää
as you wish {interj} (as you wish) :: kuten tahdot, kuten tahdotte [polite]
at {prep} /æt/ (in or very near a particular place) :: -lla, -llä [adessive case], -ssa, -ssä [inessive case]
at {prep} (indicating time) :: -lta, -ltä [ablative case], -na, -nä [essive case]
at {prep} (in the direction of) :: -lle [allative case], kohti
at {prep} (denoting a price) :: à [unit price]
at {prep} (occupied in (activity)) :: -ssa, -ssä [inessive case]; [+ genitive] parissa
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
Atacaman {adj} (of or pertaining to Atacama) :: atacamalainen
Atacaman {n} (someone from Atacama) :: atacamalainen
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
at a glance {prep} (on cursory examination) :: ensivilkaisulla, yhdellä silmäyksellä
at a guess {prep} (at a glance) SEE: at a glance ::
at all {prep} /æˈɾɔɫ/ (at all) :: mitään, ollenkaan, lainkaan, yhtään
at all costs {prep} (sparing no effort) :: maksoi mitä maksoi, hinnalla millä hyvänsä, välttämättä
at a loss {prep} (below the cost or price of purchase) :: tappiollisesti, tappiolla
at a loss {prep} (not sure; uncertain; lacking further ideas, direction, or ability) :: neuvoton, [lacking ability] avuton
at a loss for words {prep} (having nothing to say) :: mennä sanattomaksi [verb], mykistyä [verb]
ataman {n} /ˈætəmən/ (title) :: atamaani
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
ataractic {adj} (tranquilizing) :: rauhoittava, ataraktinen
ataractic {n} (tranquilizer) :: atarakti
ataraxia {n} (ataraxia) :: mielenrauha, tyyneys
ataraxy {n} /ˈatəɹaksi/ (the freedom from mental disturbance; imperturbability, dogged indifference) :: ataraksia
Atari {n} (video game system) :: Atari
at a time {prep} (in a continuous period) :: kerrallaan
atavism {n} /ˈætəˌvɪzəm/ (reappearance of an ancestral characteristic) :: atavismi
atavistic {adj} /æt.əˈvɪs.tɪk/ (biology: of the recurrence of a trait after an absence of generations) :: atavistinen
atavistic {adj} (of a throwback) :: atavistinen, alkukantainen
atavistic {adj} (of the return of earlier, more primitive behavior) :: atavistinen, takautuva
ataxia {n} /əˈtæksɪə/ (lack of coordination) :: ataksia
atazanavir {n} (drug) :: atatsanaviiri
at bay {prep} (unable to come closer) :: poissa, kaukana
at bay {prep} (cornered) :: ahdistettuna nurkkaan, kurissa, selkä seinää vasten
at best {prep} (in the most favorable of conditions) :: parhaimmillaan
at cost {prep} (at the original price) :: sisäänostohintaan
at daggers drawn {prep} :: sotajalalla
at dark {prep} (during nightfall) :: illansuussa, iltahämärissä
at death's door {prep} (about to die) :: kuolemaisillaan, kuoleman kielissä
at ease {prep} (free of anxiety) :: rauhassa, kaikessa rauhassa
at ease {prep} ((military) in a relaxed position) :: lepoasennossa, levossa
at ease {prep} ((military) allowed to refrain from rigid formation) :: levossa
atelier {n} /æ.təlˈjeɪ/ (studio) :: ateljee
at fault {prep} (deserving of blame) :: vastuussa, syyllinen [adjective], syypää [noun]
at first {prep} (initially; at the start) :: ensin, ensiksi, ensi alkuun
at first blush {prep} (upon first impression or consideration) :: ensi näkemältä, ensi näkemällä, ensi vilkaisulta, ensi vailkaisulla, ensi silmäykseltä, ensi silmäyksellä
at first glance {prep} (after only a superficial examination or review) :: ensisilmäyksellä, ensinäkemältä
at first sight {prep} (at first glance) SEE: at first glance ::
at hand {prep} (within easy reach; nearby) :: käsillä
at hand {prep} (near; soon; approaching; imminent) :: käsillä
at hand {prep} (currently receiving attention) :: käsillä
atheism {n} /ˈeɪθiɪzəm/ (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)) :: ateismi
atheist {n} /ˈeɪθiɪst/ (a person who believes that no deities exist) :: ateisti
atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist) :: ateisti
atheist {adj} (relating to atheists) SEE: atheistic ::
atheistic {adj} (relating to atheists) :: ateistinen
atheistically {adv} (in an atheistic manner) :: ateistisesti
athematic {adj} /ˌæθiːˈmætɪk/ (linguistics) :: atemaattinen
Athena {prop} /əˈθiːnə/ (Greek goddess) :: Athene
Athenian {adj} /əˈθiː.ni.ən/ (of or pertaining to Athens, Greece) :: ateenalainen
Athens {prop} /ˈæθənz/ (capital city of Greece) :: Ateena
atheophobia {n} /ˌeɪθioʊˈfoʊbiə/ (fear or hatred of atheists) :: ateismin pelko, ateofobia
atheroma {n} (abnormal fatty deposit) :: valtimonrasvoittuma, aterooma
atherosclerosis {n} /ˌæθɚoʊskləˈɹoʊsəs/ (clogging or hardening of blood vessels caused by plaques) :: ateroskleroosi, verisuonten kalkkeutuminen
athetosis {n} (series of involuntary writhing movements of the limbs) :: atetoosi
a thing or two {n} (considerable amount) :: jotakin
athlete {n} /ˈæθ.liːt/ (participant in one of several sporting activities) :: yleisurheilija
athlete {n} (person who actively participates in physical sports) :: atleetti
athlete {n} (exceptionally physically fit person) :: atleetti
athlete's foot {n} (fungal infection) :: jalkasieni, jalkasilsa
athletic {adj} /æθˈlɛt.ɪk/ (having to do with athletes) :: yleisurheilijoiden, atleettien, atleettinen
athletic {adj} (physically active) :: atleettinen, urheilullinen
athletic {adj} (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape) :: atleettinen
athletic {adj} (an attribute of a motion or play which requires fine physical ability) :: atleettinen, urheilullinen
athletics {n} /æθˈlɛtɪks/ (physical activities) :: urheilu
athletics {n} (group of sports) :: yleisurheilu
athletic shoe {n} (shoe designed for sports) :: urheilukenkä
at home {prep} (In one's place of residence) :: kotona
at home {prep} (With parents) :: kotona
-ation {suffix} (-ation (suffix)) :: -aatio
Atkins diet {n} (diet) :: Atkinsin dieetti
Atlantic {prop} /ətˈlæn.tɪk/ (the Atlantic Ocean) :: Atlantti
Atlantic herring {n} (Clupea harengus) :: silli, atlantinsilli, islanninsilli
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) :: Atlantin valtameri
Atlantic pomfret {n} (Brama brama) :: pomfretti, atlantinmerilahna
Atlantic puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica) :: lunni
Atlantic salmon {n} (species of fish) :: merilohi
Atlantic tomcod {n} (Microgadus tomcod) :: jääturska
Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross {n} (Thalassarche chlororhynchos) :: hoikka-albatrossi
Atlantis {prop} /ətˈlæntəs/ (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) :: Atlantis
at large {prep} (on the loose) :: vapaalla jalalla, karkuteillä
at large {prep} (in general) :: kokonaisuutena, enimmäkseen
atlas {n} /ˈætləs/ (bound collection of maps) :: kartasto, atlas
atlas {n} (bound collection of tables, illustrations, etc., on any subject) :: kuvasto, atlas
atlas {n} ((anatomy) The uppermost vertebra of the neck) :: kannattajanikama, atlas
atlas {n} (one who supports a heavy burden; mainstay) :: tukipylväs
atlas {n} ((architecture) a figure of a man used as a column; telamon) :: atlantti
Atlas {prop} /ˈætləs/ (Greek mythology) :: Atlas
Atlas {prop} (a moon of Saturn) :: Atlas
Atlas {prop} (a crater of the moon) :: Atlas
Atlas {prop} (intercontinental ballistic missile) :: Atlas
Atlas Mountains {prop} (Atlas Mountains) :: Atlasvuoret, Atlas-vuoristo
at last {prep} (after a long time; eventually) :: lopulta, vihdoin
at last {prep} (in the end; finally; ultimately) :: lopulta
at least {prep} (at a lower limit) :: ainakin, vähintään
at least {prep} (anyway) :: sentään
at length {prep} (for a long time) :: pitkään
at length {prep} (finally) :: lopulta
at length {prep} (in full; without omission or abbreviation) :: koko pituudeltaan, kokonaan
at loggerheads {prep} /æt ˈlɒɡəhɛdz/ (unable to agree; opposing) :: napit vastakkain, tukkanuottasilla
at long last {prep} (at last) SEE: at last ::
ATM {n} ((banking) Automated Teller Machine) :: pankkiautomaatti
ATM {n} ((telecommunication, electronics) Asynchronous Transfer Mode) :: ATM
atmosphere {n} /ˈætməsˌfɪɹ/ (gases surrounding the Earth) :: ilmakehä, atmosfääri
atmosphere {n} (air in a particular place) :: ilma, atmosfääri
atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling) :: ilmapiiri, tunnelma, henki
atmosphere {n} (a unit of measurement for pressure) :: normaali-ilmakehä, ilmakehä
atmospheric {adj} (relating to the atmosphere) :: atmosfäärinen
atmospheric {adj} (evoking a particular emotional or aesthetic quality) :: tunnelmallinen
atmospheric pressure {n} (pressure caused by weight of the atmosphere) :: ilmanpaine
at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) :: enintään, korkeintaan, maksimissaan
at night {adv} (during the night) :: yöllä, öisin
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never ::
at odds {prep} (in disagreement; conflicting) :: ristiriidassa
atoll {n} /ˈætɒl/ (island) :: atolli
atom {n} /ˈatəm/ (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) :: atomi
atom {n} (historical: theoretical particle of matter) :: atomi
atom {n} (smallest indivisible constituent) :: perusosanen
atom {n} (mathematics: member of a Boolean algebra) :: atomi
atomic {adj} /əˈtɑː.mɪk/ (of, or relating to atoms) :: atomi-, atomaarinen, atominen
atomic {adj} (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes) :: ydin-
atomic {adj} (infinitesimally small) :: atomimittakaavainen
atomic {adj} (unable to be split) :: perus-, jakamaton, atominen
atomic {adj} (computing: guaranteed to either complete fully, or not at all) :: atominen, jakamaton
Atomic Age {prop} /əˈtɒmɪk ˌeɪd͡ʒ/ (era during which nuclear energy was developed) :: atomiaika, atomikausi, ydinvoiman historia
atomically {adv} (with regard to atoms) :: atomaarisesti, atomisesti
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) :: ydinpommi
atomic clock {n} (reference clock) :: atomikello
atomic energy {n} (energy released by an atom) :: ydinenergia
atomicity {n} (quality or state of being atomic) :: atomisuus, jakamattomuus
atomicity {n} (chemistry: number of atoms in a molecule) :: atomien lukumäärä
atomic mass {n} (mass of an atom) :: atomimassa
atomic mass unit {n} (a unit of mass equal to 1/12 the mass of an atom of the 12C isotope of carbon) :: atomimassayksikkö
atomic nucleus {n} (nucleus of an atom) :: atomiydin
atomic number {n} (number of protons) :: järjestysluku, atomiluku
atomic orbital {n} (function) :: atomiorbitaali
atomic orbital {n} (region) :: atomiorbitaali
atomic physics {n} (Nuclear physics) :: atomifysiikka
atomic weapon {n} (nuclear weapon) SEE: nuclear weapon ::
atomic weight {n} (former terms for relative atomic mass) :: atomipaino
atomic weight {n} (term used to represent the mean atomic mass of an element in nature) :: atomipaino
atomism {n} (ancient Greek theory) :: atomismi, atomioppi
atomistic {adj} (not holistic) :: atomistinen
atomize {v} (to separate or reduce into atoms) :: hajottaa atomeiksi
atomize {v} (to make into a fine spray) :: muuttaa sumuksi
atomize {v} (to fragment, break into small pieces or concepts) :: pilkkoa
atomize {v} (to bomb with nuclear weapons) :: pommittaa ydinaseilla
atomizer {n} (instrument for reducing a liquid to spray) :: sumutin
atonal {adj} /eɪˈtoʊnəl/ (lacking a tonal center or key (music)) :: atonaalinen, sävellajiton
atonality {n} (a style of music) :: atonaalisuus
at once {adv} /ət ˈwʌns/ (together) :: yhdessä
at once {adv} (at the same time) :: samaan aikaan, samanaikaisesti, yhtä aikaa; kerralla, samalla kertaa, yhdellä kertaa
at once {adv} (immediately) :: heti, oitis, välittömästi, viipymättä, hetimmiten, pikimmiten
at one {prep} (in harmony or unity) :: yhtä
at one {prep} (of the same opinion) :: yhtä mieltä
atone {v} /əˈtoʊn/ (to make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime) :: hyvittää, sovittaa
atone {v} (to clear someone else of wrongdoing) :: hyvittää, sovittaa
atonement {n} /əˈtoʊnmənt/ (amends to restore a damaged relationship) :: hyvitys, sovitus
atonement {n} (reconciliation of God and mankind) :: sovitus
at one's fingertips {prep} (readily available) :: sormenpäissään
at one's own peril {prep} (at one's own risk) SEE: at one's own risk ::
at one's own risk {prep} /ət wʌnz ˈəʊn ɹɪsk/ :: omalla vastuulla, omalla riskillä
at one stroke {prep} (at once) SEE: at once ::
at one time {prep} (formerly) :: kerran, ennen
at one time {prep} (simultaneously) :: kerralla
atop {prep} (on the top of) :: päällä; huipulla
atop {adv} (on, to or at the top) :: päällä (on or at), päälle (to)
atopic {adj} (characterised by atopy) :: atooppinen
atopic dermatitis {n} (skin disease) :: atooppinen ekseema
atopy {n} /ˈætəpi/ (hereditary disorder) :: atopia
atopy {n} (person suffering from atopic symdrome) :: atoopikko
at present {prep} (currently) :: parhaillaan, tällä hetkellä
at random {prep} (randomly) :: umpimähkään, satunnaisesti, sattumanvaraisesti
atrial fibrillation {n} (Cardiac arrhythmia) :: eteisvärinä, flimmeri
at risk {prep} (In a condition marked by a high level of risk) :: vaarassa
atrium {n} /ˈeɪ.tɹi.əm/ (central room in Roman homes) :: atrium
atrium {n} (square hall lit from above) :: atrium, valopiha
atrium {n} (body cavity) :: ontelo
atrium {n} (one of two upper chambers of the heart) :: eteinen
atrocious {adj} /əˈtɹəʊʃəs/ (frightful, evil, cruel, monstrous) :: julma, hirveä
atrocious {adj} (very bad) :: kauhistuttava, hirvittävä, hirveä
atrocity {n} (extremely cruel act) :: julmuus, hirmuteko
atrophic {adj} (pertaining to atrophy) :: atrofinen
atrophy {n} /ˈæ.tɹə.fi/ (reduced functionality) :: atrofia, atropia, surkastuminen
atrophy {v} (wither) :: surkastua, näivettyä
atropine {n} /æ-tɹo-pin/ (alkaloid extracted from the plant deadly nightshade) :: atropiini
Atropos {prop} /ˈætɹəpɒs/ (one of the Fates) :: Atropos
at sea {prep} (at the ocean or sea) :: merellä
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) :: at-merkki, ät-merkki, kissanhäntä, miukumauku
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
at sixes and sevens {prep} (in a state of confusion) :: sekaisin, sikin sokin
at sixes and sevens {prep} (in a state of dispute or disagreement) :: riidoissa, napit vastakkain
at some point {prep} (at an indefinite time) :: jossain vaiheessa, joskus, jossain kohtaa
at speed {prep} (with speed) :: vauhdilla
at stake {prep} (at issue, at risk) :: pelissä
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
attaboy {interj} /ˈætəˌbɔɪ/ (Used to show encouragement or approval to a boy or a man) :: aika poika
attach {v} /əˈtætʃ/ (to fasten, to join to) :: liittää
attaché {n} /əˈtæʃeɪ/ (diplomatic officer) :: attasea
attaché case {n} (box-style briefcase) :: attaseasalkku
attached {adj} /əˈtætʃt/ (In a romantic or sexual relationship) :: kiintynyt
attached {adj} (Broadly joined to a stem or stipe, but not decurrent) :: kiintynyt
attachment {n} /əˈtætʃmənt/ (strong bonding towards or with) :: kiintymys
attachment {n} (dependence, especially a strong one) :: riippuvuus
attachment {n} (device attached to a piece of equipment or a tool) :: lisälaite, lisävaruste
attachment {n} (process or means by which something is physically attached) :: kiinnitys, kiinnike, kiinnekohta
attachment {n} (file sent along with an email) :: liitetiedosto, liite
attachment {n} (legal: taking a person's property to satisfy a debt) :: ulosotto
attack {n} /əˈtæk/ (attempt to cause damage or injury) :: hyökkäys, päällekarkaus, rynnäkkö
attack {n} (offense of a battle) :: hyökkäys, rynnäkkö
attack {n} (volleyball: hit other than serve or block that sends the ball over the net) :: iskulyönti
attack {n} (lacrosse: the attackmen of a team) :: hyökkääjät {p}
attack {n} (medicine: sudden onset of a disease) :: kohtaus, sairaskohtaus
attack {n} (active episode of a chronic or recurrent disease) :: kohtaus
attack {n} (amount of time it takes for the volume of an audio signal to go from zero to maximum level) :: aloitus
attack {v} (to apply violent force) :: hyökätä, käydä käsiksi, käydä kimppuun, käydä päälle
attack {v} (to aggressively challenge with words) :: hyökätä, käydä kimppuun, kritisoida, arvostella
attack {v} (to deal with something undesirable in a direct way) :: käydä käsiksi, käydä kimppuun
attack {v} (cricket: to bat aggressively) :: hyökätä
attack {v} (soccer: to move forward in an attempt to score point) :: hyökätä
attacker {n} /əˈtækɚ/ (someone who attacks) :: hyökkääjä
attacker {n} ((soccer)) :: hyökkääjä
attacking zone {n} (zone in hockey) :: hyökkäysalue
attack is the best form of defence {proverb} (attacking the opposition first is better than waiting) :: hyökkäys on paras puolustus
attain {v} /əˈteɪn/ (to accomplish; to achieve) :: saavuttaa
attainable {adj} /əˈteɪnəb(ə)l/ (able to be accomplished, achieved, or obtained) :: saavutettava, saavutettavissa oleva
attainment {n} /əˈteɪnmənt/ (the act of attaining; the act of arriving at or reaching) :: saavuttaminen, pääseminen
attainment {n} (that which is attained, or obtained by exertion; acquisition; acquirement) :: saavutus
attempt {v} /əˈtɛmpt/ (to try) :: yrittää, koettaa
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) :: yritys
attempt {n} (attack) :: murhayritys, hyökkäys, päällekarkaus
attempted rape {n} (crime in which rape was the motive for an assault, although no rape was carried out) :: raiskauksen yritys, raiskausyritys
attend {v} /əˈtɛnd/ (to turn one's consideration to, deal with) :: huolehtia, pitää huolta, hoitaa
attend {v} (to be present at) :: osallistua, olla läsnä
attend {v} (to regularly go to) :: käydä
attendance {n} /əˈtɛn.dəns/ (the state of attending) :: läsnäolo, osanotto, osallistuminen
attendance {n} (count of individuals) :: läsnäolijoiden määrä
attendance {n} (frequency of one's presence) :: osanotto, osallistuminen
attendant {n} /əˈtɛndənt/ (one who attends) :: avustaja, apulainen, valvoja, vartija, vahti, virkailija
attendant {n} (servant, valet, domestic worker) :: palvelija, lakeija
attendant {adj} (going with; associated; concomitant) :: asianmukainen, siihen kuuluva, liittyvä
attention {n} /əˈtɛn.ʃən/ (mental focus) :: huomio, tarkkaavaisuus
attention {n} (romantic interest) :: huomionosoitus
attention {n} (state of alertness in the standing position) :: asento
attention {interj} (military command) :: asento, huomio
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder {n} (developmental disorder) :: tarkkaavaisuus- ja ylivilkkaushäiriö, ADHD, aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavaisuuden häiriö
attention span {n} (time one can pay attention) :: keskittymiskyky, keskittymisjänne, huomiojänne
attention whore {n} (someone craving attention) :: huomionkipeä, huomiohuora [informal]
attentive {adj} /əˈtɛntɪv/ (paying attention) :: tarkkaavainen
attenuate {adj} /əˈtɛn.juː.eɪt/ (botany: tapering towards the base) :: suippotyvinen
attenuation {n} (gradual diminishing in the strength) :: vaimentuminen, heikkeneminen
attenuation {n} (physics: reduction in the level of some property with distance) :: vaimentuminen, vaimennus
attenuation {n} (biology: weakening]] in the virulence) :: heikkeneminen
attenuation {n} (botany: tapering to a fine point) :: suippeneminen
attenuation {n} (engineering: fabrication process in which a material is stretched out) :: vetäminen
attenuation {n} (homeopathy: reduction of the active principles of medicines) :: laimentaminen, laimennus
attenuator {n} (device that attenuates a signal) :: heikennin
attest {v} /əˈtɛst/ (to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine) :: todentaa, vahvistaa, todistaa
attest {v} (to certify by signature or oath) :: vahvistaa, todistaa
attest {v} (to certify in an official capacity) :: vahvistaa
attest {v} (to supply or be evidence of) :: osoittaa, todistaa
attestation {n} /ˌætɛˈsteɪʃən/ (something which bears witness, confirms or authenticates) :: todiste
attestation {n} (such a confirmation or authentication) :: todistus
attestation {n} (providing an independent opinion, on published information of an organization, by accountants or auditors) :: lausunto
attestation {n} (linguistics: appearance in records) :: attestaatio, esiintyminen
at that {prep} (in addition) :: sen puoleen, -kin
at the best of times {prep} (even under the most favorable conditions) :: parhaimmillaankin
at the earliest {prep} (not sooner than) :: aikaisintaan, varhaisintaan
at the end of one's rope {prep} (at the end of one's tether) SEE: at the end of one's tether ::
at the end of one's tether {prep} (At the limit of one’s patience) :: olla katkeamispisteessä
at the end of the day {prep} (in summary; ultimately) :: loppupeleissä, loppupelissä, lopulta, kaiken kaikkiaan
at the feet of {prep} (very devoted to) :: jalkojen juuressa
at the feet of {prep} (very near to) :: juurella, vieressä
at the hands of {prep} (by the actions of) :: toimesta
at the helm {prep} (steering a vessel) :: peräsimessä
at the helm {prep} (in charge of a company or project) :: peräsimessä
at the latest {prep} (not later than) :: viimeistään, myöhäisintään
at the mercy of {prep} (defenseless against) :: armoilla
at the moment {prep} (right now) :: tällä hetkellä, parhaillaan
at the outside {prep} (at most) SEE: at most ::
at the ready {prep} (ready; in a state of preparation or waiting; in position or anticipation) :: valmiina
at the risk of {prep} :: uhalla [genitive + ~]
at the same time {prep} (simultaneously, see also: at once; simultaneously) :: samanaikaisesti, samaan aikaan
at the same time {prep} (on the other hand) :: toisaalta
at the sight of {prep} :: nähdessä
at the time {prep} (at the time referred to in the past) :: aikanaan, silloin
at the top of one's lungs {prep} (very loudly) :: täysin palkein, kurkku suorana
at the wheel {prep} (behind the wheel) SEE: behind the wheel ::
attic {n} /ˈætɪk/ (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) :: vintti, ullakko
Attica {prop} (periphery) :: Attika
Attica {prop} (peninsula) :: Attikan niemimaa
Attic salt {n} /ˈatɪk sɔːlt/ (pointed and delicate wit) :: attikalainen suola
Attila the Hun {prop} (king of the tribes of Huns) :: hunni Attila
at times {prep} (on occasion, sometimes) :: ajoittain, välillä, joskus
attire {n} /əˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ (one's dress or clothes) :: asu
attire {n} (heraldry: single horn) :: sarvi
attire {v} (to dress or garb) :: pukea [transitive], pukeutua [reflexive]
attitude {n} /ˈætɪtud/ (position of the body or way of carrying oneself) :: olemus
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) :: asenne, suhtautuminen
attitude {n} (ballet position similar to arabesque but with raised leg bent at the knee) :: attitude
atto- {prefix} (unit of measure) :: atto-
attorney {n} /əˈtɜː(ɹ)ni/ (lawyer) :: asianajaja
attorney {n} (agent/representative) :: oikeudenkäyntiasiamies, asiamies
attorney-client privilege {n} (legal doctrine) :: asianajajan salassapitovelvollisuus
attorney general {n} (major government officer) :: oikeuskansleri [chief legal advisor to govt], valtakunnansyyttäjä [chief prosecutor]
attract {v} /əˈtɹækt/ (pull without touching) :: vetää puoleensa
attract {v} (arouse interest) :: houkutella
attract {v} (cause sexual excitement) :: viehättää
attract attention {v} (attract attention) :: herättää huomiota
attracted {adj} /əˈtɹæktɪd/ (drawn towards) :: viehättynyt, kiinnostunut
attraction {n} /əˈtɹækʃən/ (tendency to attract) :: vetovoima
attraction {n} (feeling of being attracted) :: viehätys, veto
attraction {n} (something which attracts) :: vetonumero, vetonaula, nähtävyys, vetovoimatekijä
attractive {adj} /əˈtɹæktɪv/ (having the quality of attracting by inherent force) :: miellyttävä, puoleensavetävä, houkutteleva, vetovoimainen
attractive {adj} (having the power of charming) :: houkutteleva, kiinnostava
attractive {adj} (pleasing or appealing to the senses) :: viehättävä [usually female]; komea [usually male]; puoleensavetävä, hyvännäköinen [unisex]
attractively {adv} (in an attractive manner) :: viehättävästi
attractiveness {n} (state of being attractive or engaging) :: houkuttelevuus
attractivity {n} (quality or degree of attractive power or influence) :: vetovoimaisuus
attractor {n} (set of points or states to which a dynamical system evolves after a long enough time) :: attraktori
attribute {n} /ˈætɹɪbjuːt/ (characteristic or quality) :: määrite, attribuutti, ominaisuus, piirre
attribute {n} (grammar: word qualifying a noun) :: määrite, attribuutti
attribute {n} (logic: that which is predicated or affirmed of a subject) :: attribuutti
attribute {n} (computing: the applicable option selection) :: attribuutti, määrite
attribute {v} (to associate ownership or authorship with) :: liittää
attribute {v} (attribute a cause or characteristic) SEE: ascribe ::
attribution {n} (act) :: attribuutio
attribution {n} (acknowledgment of ownership or authorship) :: alkuperä
attribution theory {n} (theory) :: attribuutioteoria
attributive {adj} /ə.ˈtɹɪ.bju.tɪv/ (of, or being an attributive) :: attributiivinen
attributive {adj} (having the nature of an attribute) :: attributiivinen
attributive {n} (a word or phrase that modifies a noun and is part of the noun's noun phrase) :: attributiivi
attributive noun {n} (noun that modifies another noun attributively) :: substantiivimäärite, substantiivimääre
attrition {n} /əˈtɹɪʃən/ (wearing by friction) :: kuluminen, hiertyminen
attune {v} /əˈt(j)un/ (to tune an instrument) :: virittää
attune {v} (to bring into harmony or accord) :: sopeuttaa
attuned {adj} (tuned to the correct pitch) :: viritetty
attuned {adj} (adapted to a particular context) :: sopeutunut
ATV {n} (all-terrain vehicle) :: mönkijä
ATV {n} (Automated Transfer Vehicle) :: ATV-moduuli, ATV
at war {prep} :: sodassa
at worst {prep} (if the worst possible alternative happens) :: pahimmillaan
at your service {prep} (way of introduction) :: palveluksessanne
atypical {adj} /eɪ.ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/ (not conforming to the norm) :: epätyypillinen, epätavallinen
atypical {adj} (irregular) :: epätavallinen
atypically {adv} (in a manner which is not typical) :: epätyypillisesti
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
auburn {n} /ˈɔ.bɚn/ (reddish-brown) :: kastanjanruskea
auburn {adj} (reddish-brown) :: kastanjanruskea
Auckland {prop} /ˈɔːklənd/ (the largest conurbation in New Zealand) :: Auckland
au contraire {adv} /oʊ ˌkɑnˈtɹɛ(ə)ɹ/ (on the contrary, see also: on the contrary) :: vaan, päinvastoin
auction {n} /ˈɔːkʃən/ (public sales event) :: huutokauppa
auction {v} (to sell at an auction) :: myydä huutokaupassa, huutokaupata
auction house {n} (company) :: huutokauppayhtiö
audacious {adj} /ɔˈdeɪʃəs/ (showing willingness to take bold risks) :: uskalias, rohkea
audacious {adj} (impudent) :: röyhkeä
audacity {n} /ɔˈdæsɪti/ (insolent boldness) :: julkeus; otsa
audacity {n} (fearless daring) :: uhkarohkeus
audible {adj} /ˈɔːdɪbl̩/ (able to be heard) :: kuuluva
audibly {adv} (in context of being heard) :: kuuluvasti
audience {n} /ˈɔːdi.əns/ (group of people seeing a performance) :: yleisö, katsojat {p}
audience {n} (readership of a written publication) :: lukijat {p}, lukijakunta
audience {n} (formal meeting with a dignitary) :: vastaanotto, audienssi
audience {n} (following) :: yleisö
audio {adj} /ˈɔ.di.oʊ/ (focused on audible sound) :: ääni-, audio-
audio {n} (a sound or a sound signal) :: ääni, audio
audio- {prefix} (related to sound) :: audio-
audiobook {n} (audiobook) :: äänikirja
audio commentary {n} (audio track on a video recording) :: ääniselostus, selostusraita, kommenttiraita
audiogram {n} (graphical representation of hearing ability) :: kuulokäyrä, audiogrammi
audiologist {n} (doctor of audiology) :: korvalääkäri, audionomi
audiology {n} /ɔːdiˈɒləd͡ʒi/ (study of hearing and hearing defects) :: audiologia
audiometer {n} (instrument) :: sonometri
audiometry {n} (assessment of a person's hearing ability) :: audiometria
audiotape {n} (magnetic tape that stores analog sound) :: ääninauha
audiotape {v} (to record onto audiotape) :: äänittää
audiovisual {adj} /ˌɔ.di.oʊˈvɪ.ʒu.əl/ (audiovisual) :: audiovisuaalinen
audit {n} /ɔː.dɪt/ (audience, hearing) :: yleisö, kuulijakunta, lukijakunta
audit {n} (judicial examination) :: tarkastus; valvontatarkastus (inspection by regulator in finance and insurance)
audit {n} (examination in general) :: tarkastus
audit {n} (independent review) :: tarkastus, auditointi
audit {n} (result of such an examination) :: tarkastus; tarkastuskertomus [audit report]
audit {n} (Scientology: spiritual counseling) :: auditointi
audit {v} (to examine and adjust) :: tarkastaa
audit {v} (finance, business: to conduct an independent review and examination) :: tarkastaa, auditoida
audit {v} (Scientology: to counsel spiritually) :: auditoida
audit {v} (to attend an academic class on a not-for-academic-credit basis) :: kuunnella, olla kuunteluoppilaana
audition {n} (performance by an aspiring performer) :: koe-esiintyminen
audition {n} (sense of hearing) :: kuulo, kuuloaisti
audition {v} (evaluate one or more performers in through an audition) :: auditoida, arvioida
audition {v} (take part in such a performance) :: koe-esiintyä
auditor {n} /ˈɔːdɪtə(ɹ)/ (one who audits bookkeeping accounts) :: tilintarkastaja
auditorium {n} /ɔː.dɪˈtɔː.ɹɪ.əm/ (a large room for public meetings or performances) :: auditorio
auditorium {n} (the space where the audience is located) :: katsomo
auditory {n} (an auditorium) :: auditorio
Audouin's gull {n} (Ichthyaetus audouinii) :: välimerenlokki
Augean stables {prop} (filthy stables of Augeas, the cleaning of which was the fifth of the seven Labors of Hercules) :: Augeiaan tallit {p}
augend {n} /ˈɔdʒɛnd/ (A quantity to which another is added) :: lisättävä
auger {n} /ˈɔːɡə(ɹ)/ (carpenter's tool) :: kaira
auger {n} (hollow drill used to take core samples of soil) :: maakaira, maaperäkaira
auger {n} (plumber's snake) SEE: plumber's snake ::
augite {n} (pyroxene mineral) :: augiitti
augment {v} /ɑɡˈmɛnt/ (to increase, make larger or supplement) :: lisätä, kasvattaa, laajentaa
augment {v} (to become greater) :: kasvaa, laajeta
augment {v} (to slow the tempo or meter) :: augmentoida, harventaa
augment {v} (to increase an interval by a half step) :: laajentaa
augment {n} (grammar: prefix indicating past tense of verb) :: augmentti
augmentation {n} (the act or process of augmenting) :: suurennus
augmentation {n} (medicine: a surgical procedure to enlarge a body part, as breast augmentation) :: suurennusleikkaus
augmentative {adj} (growing, enlarging, increasing) :: kasvava
augmentative {n} (a form of word that expresses large size, intensity, or seniority) :: augmentatiivi
augmented reality {n} (merging of a view of the real-world environment upon a digital image) :: lisätty todellisuus
augur {n} /ˈɔ.ɡɚ/ (diviner who foretells events by unusual occurrences) :: ennustaja, auguuri
augur {v} (to foretell events; to exhibit signs of future events) :: ennustaa
august {adj} /ɔːˈɡʌst/ (awe-inspiring, majestic, noble, venerable) :: ylevä
august {adj} (of noble birth) :: ylhäinen
August {prop} (male given name) SEE: Augustus ::
August {prop} /ˈɔː.ɡəst/ (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: elokuu
August {prop} (female given name) SEE: Augusta ::
Augusta {prop} /əɡʌstə/ (female given name) :: Asta
Augustinian {adj} (of or relating to St Augustine) :: augustinolainen
Augustinian {adj} (of or relating to religious order influenced by him) :: augustinolainen
Augustinian {n} (follower) :: augustinolainen
Augustinian {n} (friar or monk) :: augustinolaismunkki
Augustus {prop} /ɔːˈɡʌstəs/ (Roman emperor) :: Augustus
Augustus {prop} (male given name) :: Aukusti
Auhelawa {prop} (language) :: ’auhelawa
auk {n} /ɔːk/ (seabird of the family Alcidae) :: ruokki
auklet {n} /ˈɔːklət/ (seabirds of the auk family) :: kiislanen
auld lang syne {n} /ˌɔːld læŋ ˈsaɪn/ (days gone by) :: vanha maailma, vanhat ajat
aunt {n} /ɑ(ː)nt/ (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) :: täti [paternal or maternal, sometimes in-law]
aunt {n} (affectionate term for an older woman, by means of fictive kin) :: täti
aunt {n} (grandmother) SEE: auntie ::
aunt {n} (great-aunt or grandaunt) SEE: great-aunt ::
Aunt Flo {prop} (slang, personification of the menstrual period) :: täti (aunt)
auntie {n} /ˈæn.ti/ (Diminutive of aunt) :: tätönen
au pair {n} /əʊ ˈpɛə/ (a single girl or boy staying as a guest with a host family) :: au pair
aura {n} /ˈɔːɹə/ (An invisible force surrounding a living creature.) :: aura
aural {adj} /ˈɔːɹəl/ (of or pertaining to the ear) :: korva-
aural {adj} (of or pertaining to sound) :: ääni-, auditiivinen
aureole {n} /ˈɔːriːoʊl/ (circle of light or halo around the head of a deity) :: sädekehä
au revoir {interj} /ˌoʊ.ɹə.ˈvwɑɹ/ :: näkemiin
auricle {n} (smaller of the two types of heart chamber) SEE: atrium ::
auricle {n} /ɒɹəkəl/ (an ear-shaped appendage of the left or right atrium of the heart) :: sydänkorvake
auricle {n} (botany: appendage in the shape of an earlobe) :: korvake
auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
auriculate {adj} (of leaf base, having two lobes) :: lehtikorvakkeellinen
auriferous {adj} /ɔːˈɹɪfəɹəs/ (containing gold) :: kultapitoinen
Auriga {prop} (constellation) :: Ajomies
aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison ::
aurochs {n} /ˈaʊɹɒks/ (Bos primigenius) :: alkuhärkä
aurora {n} /əˈɹɔː.ɹə/ (atmospheric phenomenon) :: revontulet {p}
Aurora {prop} (Roman goddess of dawn) :: Aurora
Aurora {prop} (female given name) :: Aurora
aurora australis {n} (southern lights) SEE: southern lights ::
aurora borealis {n} (aurora of the northern hemisphere) SEE: northern lights ::
auscultate {v} (to practice auscultation) :: auskultoida, kuunnella
auscultation {n} /ˌɔːskəlˈteɪʃən/ (diagnosis by stethoscope or similar auditory device) :: auskultaatio
Auslan {prop} (sign language of the Australian deaf community) :: auslan, australialainen viittomakieli
auspice {n} /ˈɔspɪs/ (patronage) :: suojelus
auspice {n} (omen) :: enne, ennusmerkki
auspicious {adj} /ɔːˈspɪʃəs/ (indicating future success) :: lupaava
auspiciously {adv} (in an auspicious way) :: lupaavasti, hyväenteisesti
Aussie {n} /ˈɔzi/ (colloquial: an Australian, see also: Australian) :: aussi
austenitic {adj} (of or pertaining to austenite) :: austeniittinen
austere {adj} /ɒstɪə(ɹ)/ (grim, stern, strict) :: ankara
austere {adj} (not extravagant) :: koruton, karu
austerely {adv} /ɔˈstiəɹli/ (in an austere manner) :: ankarasti, koruttomasti, karusti
austerity {n} /ɔˈstɛɹɪti/ (severity of manners or life) :: ankaruus, karuus
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania ::
Australasia {prop} /ˌɒstɹ(ə)lˈeɪʒə/ (Australia, NZ, New Guinea and neighbouring islands) :: Australaasia
Australia {prop} /ɔˈstɹeɪliə/ (Commonwealth of Australia) :: Australia, Australian liittovaltio
Australia {prop} (continent of Australia) :: Australia, Australian manner
Australian {n} /ɔˈstɹeɪ.li.ən/ (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) :: australialainen
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) :: australialainen
Australian Capital Territory {prop} (Territory of Australia) :: Australian pääkaupunkiterritorio
Australian Cattle Dog {n} (dog breed) :: australiankarjakoira
Australian dollar {n} (official currency of Australia) :: Australian dollari
Australian English {n} (English language used in Australia) :: australianenglanti
Australianise {v} /ɒˈstɹeɪljənaɪz/ (make Australian) :: australialaistaa
Australianise {v} (localise a medium for sale or use in Australia) :: australialaistaa
Australian magpie {n} (Australian magpie) :: isohuiluvaris
Australianness {n} (state of being Australian) :: australialaisuus
Australian rules football {n} (Australian rules football) :: australialainen jalkapallo, aussifutis
Australian Shepherd {n} (dog breed) :: australianpaimenkoira
Australian Sign Language {prop} (Auslan) SEE: Auslan ::
Australian white ibis {n} (species of wading bird) :: australianpyhäiibis
australopith {n} (a member of Australopithecus) :: etelänapina
Austria {prop} /ˈɔs.tɹi.ə/ (country in Central Europe) :: Itävalta
Austria-Hungary {prop} (former country in Central Europe) :: Itävalta-Unkari
Austrian {adj} /ˈɔːstɹi.ən/ (related to Austria) :: itävaltalainen
Austrian {n} (Austrian person) :: itävaltalainen
Austrianness {n} (the state or quality of being Austrian) :: itävaltalaisuus
Austroasiatic {adj} :: austroaasialainen
Austro-Hungarian {adj} (of or pertaining to the monarchy composed of Austria and Hungary) :: itävaltaunkarilainen
Austronesia {prop} /ˌɒs.tɹəˈniː.ʒə/ (group of islands) :: Austronesia
Austronesian {adj} /ˌɔːs.tɹoʊˈniː.ʒən/ (of or pertaining to Austronesia) :: austronesialainen
autarchy {n} /ˈɔːtɑː(ɹ)ki/ (condition of absolute power) :: itsevaltius
autarchy {n} (condition of economic self-sufficiency) :: omavaraisuus, autarkia
autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy ::
autarky {n} (state of personal self-sufficiency) :: autarkia
autecology {n} (one of two broad subdivisions of ecology) :: autekologia
auteur {n} /oʊˈtɝ/ (creative artist) :: tekijä, auktori
authentic {adj} /ɔ.ˈθɛn.tɪk/ (of undisputed origin) :: aito, autenttinen
authentic {adj} (conforming to reality and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief) :: autenttinen
authentically {adv} (in an authentic manner) :: autenttisesti
authenticate {v} /ɔ.ˈθɛn.tɪ.keɪt/ (to render authentic) :: todentaa, todistaa oikeaksi
authenticate {v} (to prove authentic) :: todentaa, todistaa oikeaksi
authentication {n} (proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network) :: todennus
authenticity {n} /ɑθɛnˈtɪsɪti/ (the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original) :: aitous, oikeellisuus, autenttisuus
authenticity {n} (truthfulness of origins) :: aitous
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer ::
author {n} /ˈɔ.θɚ/ (originator or creator of a work) :: tekijä, kirjoittaja
author {v} (to create a work as its author) :: luoda, tehdä, kirjoittaa
authoress {n} (female author) :: kirjailijatar
authorial intent {n} (intent of an author as encoded in their work) :: kirjoittajan tarkoitus
authoritarian {adj} /əˌθɔrəˈtɛriən/ (of, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority) :: autoritaarinen
authoritarian {adj} (characterised by a tyrannical obedience to an authority; dictatorial) :: autoritaarinen
authoritarianism {n} (authoritarian form of government) :: autoritarismi
authoritative {adj} /əˈθɔɹɪˌteɪtɪv/ (originating from a figure of authority) :: auktoritatiivinen
authoritative {adj} (accurate or definitive) :: auktoritatiivinen
authoritative {adj} (having a commanding style) :: käskevä
authoritatively {adv} (in an authoritative manner) :: auktoritatiivisesti
authorities {n} (all senses) :: viranomaiset {p}
authority {n} /əˈθɔɹəti/ (power to enforce rules or give orders) :: auktoriteetti, käskyvalta, vaikutusvalta, valta
authority {n} (persons in command; specifically, government) :: viranomaiset
authority {n} (person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject) :: asiantuntija, auktoriteetti
authority {n} (government agency) :: laitos
authority figure {n} :: auktoriteettihahmo
authorization {n} (act of authorizing) :: valtuutus, valtuuttaminen, oikeuttaminen, oikeutus, auktorisointi
authorization {n} (formal sanction, permission or warrant) :: lupa
authorization {n} (power or right to give orders) :: valtuutus, oikeutus
authorize {v} /ˈɔθəɹaɪz/ (to grant power or permission) :: valtuuttaa, antaa lupa
authorize {v} (to permit) :: antaa lupa, myöntää lupa, sallia
authorized {adj} /ˈɔθəɹaɪzd/ (explicitly allowed) :: auktorisoitu
autism {n} /ˈɔːtɪzəm/ (neurological disorder) :: autismi
autism spectrum {n} (range of conditions) :: autismikirjo
autist {n} /ˈɔː.tɪst/ (person with autism) :: autisti
autistic {adj} /ɔːˈtɪs.tɪk/ (having or pertaining to autism) :: autistinen
autistic {n} (person who has autism) :: autisti
auto- {prefix} /ˈɔː.təʊ/ (regarding oneself) :: auto-, itse-, oma-
auto- {prefix} (automatic) :: auto-, automaatti-, automaattinen
auto- {prefix} (relating to cars or the driving of cars) :: auto-
autoantonym {n} (contranym) SEE: contranym ::
autobiographic {adj} (autobiographical) SEE: autobiographical ::
autobiographical {adj} /ˌɑtoʊˌbaɪəˈɡɹæfəkəl/ (of or relating to person's life) :: omaelämäkerrallinen
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself) :: omaelämäkerta
auto body {n} (outer shell of a car) :: kori
autoboxing {n} (automatic boxing) :: automaattinen kuorrutus
autocannon {n} (weapon) :: konetykki
autocephalous {adj} /ɔːtə(ʊ)ˈsɛfələs/ (a self-governing church) :: autokefaalinen
autocephaly {n} /ˌɔːtəˈsɛfəli/ (the organisational independence of a church) :: autokefalia
autochthon {n} /ɔːˈtɒkθ(ə)n/ (earliest inhabitant) :: alkuasukas, autoktoni
autochthonous {adj} /ɔˈtɑkθənəs/ (native to the place where found) :: kotoperäinen, autoktoninen
autochthonous {adj} (biology, medicine: originating where found) :: autoktoninen
autochthonous {adj} (geology: formed or buried where found) :: autoktoninen
autoclave {n} /ˈɔtəˌkleɪv/ (sterilized heating vessel) :: autoklaavi
autoclave {v} (sterilize in an autoclave) :: autoklavoida, autoklaavata
autocomplete {v} (complete automatically) :: täyttää automaattisesti
autocomplete {n} (feature) :: automaattinen täyttö
autocorrelation {n} (statistics, signal processing: the cross-correlation of a signal with itself) :: autokorrelaatio
autocracy {n} (form of government) :: yksinvalta, autokratia, yksinvaltius
autocrat {n} (ruler with absolute power) :: itsevaltias
autocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to autocracy or an autocrat) :: yksinvaltainen, autokraattinen
autocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to the manner of an autocrat) :: yksinvaltainen, autokraattinen
autocratically {adv} /ˈɔːt.əˌkɹæt.ɪk(.ə)liː/ (in an autocratic manner) :: yksinvaltaisesti, itsevaltaisesti, autokraattisesti
auto da fe {n} /ˈaʊtəʊ də ˈfeɪ/ (public execution by burning at the stake) :: autodafee
autodefenestration {n} (act) :: ikkunasta hyppääminen [intentional], ikkunasta putoaminen [accidental]
autodidact {n} /ˌɔːtoʊˈdaɪdækt/ (a self-taught person) :: itseoppinut
autofecundation {n} (self-impregnation) :: itsesiitos
autofellatio {n} (Oral stimulation of one's own penis) :: autofellaatio
autofiction {n} :: autofiktio
autogiro {n} (aircraft with unpowered rotating wings) :: autogiro
autograph {n} (signature) :: nimikirjoitus
autograph {n} (hand-written manuscript) :: käsikirjoitus
autograph {adj} (hand-written manuscript) :: käsin kirjoitettu
autograph {v} (to sign, or write one’s name or signature on a book) :: nimikirjoittaa, antaa nimikirjoitus
autograph {v} (to write something in one’s own handwriting) :: kirjoittaa käsin
autogynephilia {n} /ˌɔːtoʊˌɡaɪnəˈfɪli.ə/ (paraphilia) :: autogynefilia
autoimmune {adj} (of or pertaining to autoimmunity) :: autoimmuuni-
autoimmunity {n} (condition where the immune system attacks the body's own tissues) :: autoimmuniteetti
auto insurance {n} (insurance purchased by the owner of a vehicle) :: autovakuutus
autolysis {n} (the destruction of an organism's cells by enzymes) :: autolyysi
automagical {adj} /ˈɑtoʊˈmædʒɪkəl/ (automatic, but with an apparent element of magic) :: automaaginen
automate {v} /ˈɔtoʊˌmeɪt/ (to replace or enhance human labor with machines) :: automatisoida, automaattistaa
automated {adj} (Made automatic) :: automatisoitu
automated machine learning {n} (field of study) :: automaattinen koneoppiminen
automated teller machine {n} (banking) :: pankkiautomaatti, käteisautomaatti
automatic {adj} /ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/ (capable of operating without external control) :: automaattinen
automatic {adj} (acting without conscious thought) :: automaattinen
automatic {adj} (describing a firearm which fires continuously) :: automaattinen, sarjatuli-
automatic {n} (A car with automatic transmission) :: automaattiauto, automaattivaihteistoinen auto
automatic {n} (A semi-automatic pistol) :: automaattiase
automatically {adv} /ˈɔːtəʊˌmæt.ɪk(.ə)li/ (In an automatic manner) :: automaattisesti
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
automatic transmission {n} (a mechanical transmission which shifts gears automatically in response to speed and/or load) :: automaattivaihteisto
automatic writing {n} (form of writing) :: automaattikirjoitus
automation {n} (converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system) :: automaatio, automatisointi
automatize {v} (automate) SEE: automate ::
automaton {n} /ɔːˈtɒmətən/ (machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions) :: automaatti
automaton {n} (formal system) :: automaatti
auto mechanic {n} (person) :: autonasentaja
automobile {n} /ˈɔ.tə.moʊ.ˌbil/ (passenger vehicle) :: auto, henkilöauto; automobiili [archaic]
automobile {v} (to travel by automobile) :: autoilla
automobile {adj} (self-moving) :: auto-
automorphic {adj} (describing a mineral, in an igneous rock, that is bounded by its own crystal face) :: automorfinen
automorphic {adj} (describing a number whose square ends in the number itself; circular) :: automorfinen
automorphic {adj} (of or pertaining to automorphy or an automorphism) :: automorfinen
automorphic number {n} (number whose square ends in itself) :: automorfinen luku
automorphism {n} (isomorphism of a mathematical object or system of objects onto itself) :: automorfismi
automotive {adj} (having the ability to move by itself; self-propelled or self-propelling) :: itseliikkuva
automotive {adj} (of, or relating to motor vehicles) :: auto-
automotive industry {n} :: autoteollisuus, autoala
autonomic nervous system {n} (autonomic nervous system) :: autonominen hermosto
autonomous {adj} /ɔˈtɑnəməs/ (self-governing) :: autonominen, itsehallinnollinen
autonomous {adj} (acting on one's own) :: itsenäinen
autonomous community {n} (any of the seventeen self-governing first-level political subdivisions of Spain) :: itsehallintoalue
autonomous oblast {n} (autonomous entity in the Soviet Union and Russia, see also: AO) :: autonominen alue
autonomous vehicle {n} (vehicle) :: autonominen ajoneuvo
autonomy {n} /ɔːˈtɒnəmi/ (self-government) :: autonomia, itsehallinto
autonomy {n} (capacity for individual decision) :: itsenäisyys, itsemääräämisoikeus
autopilot {n} (guiding system) :: automaattiohjaus, autopilotti
autoplasty {n} (process) :: autoplastia
autopsy {n} /ˈɔtɑpsi/ (a dissection performed on a cadaver) :: ruumiinavaus, obduktio
auto racing {n} (sport) :: autourheilu
autorack {n} (railroad vehicle) :: autonkuljetusvaunu
auto-reply {n} (feature in e-mail software) :: automaattinen vastaustoiminto
auto-reply {n} (message sent by this means) :: automaattinen vastaus
autosomal {adj} (of or pertaining to autosomes) :: autosomaalinen
autosome {n} /ˈɔɾəˌsoʊm/ (any chromosome other than sex chromosomes) :: autosomi
autosuggestion {n} (suggesting thoughts to oneself) :: itsesuggestio
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
autotroph {n} /ˈɔɾəˌtɹoʊf/ (organism that can synthesize its food) :: tuottaja, autotrofi
autotrophic {adj} :: omavarainen
autotypy {n} (early photographic process) :: autotypia
autumn {n} /ˈɔtəm/ (season) :: syksy
autumn {adj} (autumnal) SEE: autumnal ::
autumnal {adj} /ɔˈtʌmnəɫ/ (of or relating to autumn) :: syksyinen, syksyn [genitive of the noun]
autumnal equinox {n} (moment) :: syyspäiväntasaus
autumn equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
autumn foliage {n} (coloration of leaves during autumn) :: ruska
autunite {n} (mineral) :: autuniitti
auxiliary {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb ::
auxiliary {adj} /ɔɡˈzɪljəɹi/ (helping; giving assistance or support) :: apu-, lisä-, avustava
auxiliary {adj} (supplementary or subsidiary) :: apu-
auxiliary {adj} (held in reserve for exceptional circumstances) :: apu-, lisä-
auxiliary {adj} (of a ship, having both sails and an engine) :: apumoottorillinen
auxiliary {adj} (relating to an auxiliary verb) :: apu-
auxiliary {n} (person or group that acts in an auxiliary manner) :: avustaja
auxiliary language {n} (international auxiliary language) SEE: international auxiliary language ::
auxiliary language {n} (auxiliary language) :: apukieli
auxiliary language {n} (minority language) SEE: minority language ::
auxiliary language {n} (liturgical language) SEE: liturgical language ::
auxiliary verb {n} (a helping verb) :: apuverbi
auxin {n} (class of plant growth hormones) :: auksiini
auxology {n} (study of growth) :: auksologia
avail {v} /əˈveɪl/ (to turn to the advantage of) :: hyödyntää, käyttää hyväkseen
avail {v} (to be of service to) :: hyödyttää, auttaa
avail {v} (to promote; to assist) :: edistää
avail {v} (to be of use (intransitive)) :: onnistua, hyödyttää
avail {n} (benefit; value, profit; advantage toward success) :: hyöty
avail {n} (proceeds) :: tulot {p}, tuotto
availability {n} /əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪtɪ/ (the quality of being available) :: saatavuus
availability {n} (that which is available) :: vaihtoehto
available {adj} /əˈveɪləb(ə)l/ (capable of being used) :: käytettävissä oleva, saatavilla oleva, käsillä oleva
available {adj} (readily obtainable) :: saatavilla oleva, saatavissa oleva
available {adj} (law: valid) :: lainvoimainen, validi
available {adj} (having sufficient power or efficacy) :: kelvollinen; [to be valid] tulla kysymykseen, kelvata
aval {n} (financial guarantee) :: vekselitakaus, avaali
avalanche {n} /ˈævəlæntʃ/ (large sliding mass of snow and ice) :: lumivyöry
avalanche {n} (fall of earth, rocks, etc.) :: maanvyöry
avalanche {n} (sudden descent or influx) :: vyöry
avalanche {v} (to come down upon) :: vyöryä
avant-garde {n} /ˌɑˌvɑntˈɡɑɹd/ ((obsolete) the vanguard of an army or other force) :: etujoukko
avant-garde {n} (group of people promoting new concepts) :: avantgardistit {p}, etujoukko
avant-garde {adj} (innovative, pioneering, especially when extremely or obviously so) :: avantgardistinen
avant-gardism {n} (the novel, experimental approach of the avant-garde) :: avantgardismi
avant-gardist {n} (a person who is avant-garde or espouses avant-garde points of view) :: avantgardisti
avantgardistic {adj} (innovative, pioneering) SEE: avant-garde ::
avant-guard {n} (advanced body of an army) :: etujoukot
avant-guard {n} (new and (usually) experimental) :: etujoukko, edelläkävijät, suunnannäyttäjät
avant la lettre {prep} :: ennen sanan olemassaoloa
Avar {prop} /ˈævɑɹ/ (language) :: avaari
Avar {n} (person) :: avaari
Avar {n} (member of a group of professional equestrian nomads) :: avaari
avarice {n} /ˈævəɹɪs/ (excessive or inordinate desire of gain) :: ahneus, rahanhimo
avarice {n} (inordinate desire for some supposed good) :: ahneus, himo
avaricious {adj} /ˌævəˈɹɪʃəs/ (actuated by avarice) :: ahne
avariciously {adv} (in a greedy manner) :: ahneesti, ahnaasti
avascular {adj} (Lacking blood vessels) :: verisuoneton, avaskulaarinen
avatar {n} /ˈæv.ə.tɑɹ/ (earthly incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu) :: avatar, inkarnaatio
avatar {n} (The physical embodiment of an idea or concept; a personification) :: avatar, ruumiillistuma, henkilöitymä
avatar {n} (digital representation of a person or being) :: avatar, hahmo
avenge {v} /əˈvɛnd͡ʒ/ (to take vengeance for) :: kostaa
avenger {n} (one who avenges or vindicates; as, an avenger of blood) :: kostaja
avenger {n} (one who takes vengeance) :: kostaja; Ancient: ἀλοίτης {m}
avens {n} /ˈævɪnz/ (plant of Geum) :: kellukka
avens {n} (plant of Dryas) :: lapinvuokko
aventurine {n} /əˈvɛnt͡ʃəɹɪn/ (variety of translucent quartz) :: aventuriini, aventuriinikvartsi
avenue {n} /ˈæv.əˌnu/ (broad street) :: valtakatu, puistokatu
avenue {n} (way or opening; a passage) :: reitti
avenue {n} (principal approach to a house withdrawn from the road) :: pihatie, puistokatu
avenue {n} (a method or means) :: keino
average {n} /ˈævəɹɪd͡ʒ/ (arithmetic mean) :: keskiarvo
average {n} (any measure of central tendency) :: keskiarvo
average {n} (indication of player's ability) :: keskiarvo
average {adj} (constituting or relating to the average) :: keskimääräinen
average {adj} (neither very good nor very bad) :: keskinkertainen, keskimääräinen
average {adj} (typical) :: tavallinen, tyypillinen
averagely {adv} (in an average manner) :: keskinkertaisesti, keskimääräisesti
Avernus {prop} (underworld) SEE: underworld ::
Averroism {n} (tenets of the Averroists) :: averroismi
averse {adj} /əˈvɜː(ɹ)s/ (having opposition of mind) :: nurjamielinen, karsas
aversion {n} /əˈvɝʒn/ (fixed dislike) :: inho, vastahakoisuus
aversion {n} (the object of dislike or repugnance) :: inhokki
aversion {n} (a turning away) :: kääntyminen poispäin
aversion therapy {n} (treatment in which the patient is exposed to a stimulus while being subjected to discomfort) :: aversioterapia, poisehdollistaminen
avert {v} /əˈvɝt/ (to turn aside) :: kääntää poispäin
avert {v} (to ward off) :: estää, ehkäistä
Avesta {prop} (the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, composed in the Avestan language.) :: Avesta
Avestan {prop} /əˈvɛst(ə)n/ (Old Iranian language) :: avesta
Avestan {adj} (of or pertaining to Avesta) :: avestalainen
avian flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
avian influenza {n} (strain of influenza) :: lintuinfluenssa
aviary {n} /ˈeɪvɪəɹi/ (confinement for keeping birds) :: lintutalo (house), lintutarha (large cage)
aviation {n} /eɪviˈeɪʃən/ (art or science of flying) :: ilmailu
aviator {n} (aircraft pilot) :: lentäjä, pilotti
avid {adj} /ævɪd/ (enthusiastic; passionate) :: innokas, innokas
avid {adj} (longing eagerly; eager; greedy) :: kärkäs
avidin {n} (protein) :: avidiini
avidly {adv} (in an avid manner) :: innokkaasti
Avignon berry {n} (fruit of Rhamnus saxafilis) :: paatsamanmarja
avocado {n} /ævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ (fruit) :: avokado
avocado {n} (tree) :: avokado, avokadopuu
avocation {n} /ævoʊˈkeɪʃən/ (calling away; diversion) :: juttu
avocation {n} (hobby) :: harrastus, juttu
avocation {n} (that which calls one away from one's regular employment or vocation) :: juttu
avocation {n} (usual employment; vocation) :: työ, juttu
avocet {n} /ˈævəsɛt/ (bird) :: avosetti
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number ::
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) :: Avogadron luku, Avogadron vakio
avoid {v} /əˈvɔɪd/ (to keep away from) :: välttää, karttaa, väistää
avoid {v} ((law) To defeat or evade; to invalidate) :: hylätä
avoidance {n} (The act of avoiding or shunning) :: välttäminen , karttaminen
avoidant personality disorder {n} (personality disorder) :: estynyt persoonallisuus
avoid like the plague {v} /əˈvɔɪd laɪk ðə ˈpleɪɡ/ (to evade or shun) :: välttää kuin ruttoa
avoision {n} (questionable tax avoidance practices) :: veron välttely, verojen välttely
avow {v} /əˈvaʊ/ (declare openly) :: myöntää avoimesti, tunnustaa
AVPU {n} (system to assess level of consciousness) :: AVPU-asteikko
Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham ::
Awadhi {prop} (Awadhi language) :: awadhi
await {v} /əˈwɛɪt/ (transitive: to wait for) :: odottaa
await {v} (transitive: to expect) :: odottaa, olettaa
await {v} (transitive: to be in store for) :: odottaa
await {v} (to serve) :: tarjoilla, palvella
await {v} (intransitive: to watch) :: odottaa, tarkkailla
await {v} (intransitive, to stay in waiting) :: odottaa
awake {adj} /əˈweɪk/ (conscious) :: hereillä oleva, valveilla oleva
awake {adj} (alert, aware) :: hereillä oleva, tietoinen
awake {v} (to gain consciousness) :: herätä, havahtua
awake {v} (to cause someone to stop sleeping) :: herättää
awake {v} (to excite something latent) :: herättää, havahduttaa, piristää
awaken {v} /əˈweɪkən/ (transitive: to cause to become awake) :: herättää
awaken {v} (intransitive: to stop sleeping) :: herätä
awaken {v} (transitive: to cause to become conscious) :: herättää, havahduttaa
awakened {adj} /əˈweɪkənd/ (having been woken up) :: herätetty
awakened {adj} (aroused or activated) :: herätetty
awakening {n} /əˈweɪ̯kənɪŋ/ (the act of awaking) :: herääminen, herätys
awakening {n} (a revival of religion) :: herätys
award {n} /əˈwɔɹd/ (decision of arbitrators) :: päätös
award {n} (trophy or medal) :: palkinto
award {v} (to give by judicial determination) :: määrätä
award {v} (to make an award) :: palkita
award {v} (give an award/prize for merit) :: palkita, myöntää
aware {adj} /əˈwɛɚ/ (vigilant, on one's guard) :: valpas
aware {adj} (having knowledge of something) :: tietoinen
awareness {n} /əˈwɛɹnəs/ (the state of consciousness) :: tietoisuus, taju, tolkku, tajunta
awareness {n} (the state or quality of being aware of something) :: tietoisuus
awash {adj} /əˈwɒʃ/ (washed by the waves or tide) :: veden peitossa, vesirajassa (literally: at the waterline)
a watched pot never boils {proverb} (a process appears to go more slowly if one waits for it) :: odottavan aika on pitkä
away {adv} /əˈweɪ/ (from a place; hence) :: pois, poispäin
away {adv} (absent; gone; at a distance) :: poissa
away {adv} (aside; off; in another direction) :: pois, poispäin
away {adv} (from a state or condition of being; out of existence) :: pois
away {adv} (equivalent to an imperative: Go or come away; begone; take away) :: pois
away {adv} (on; in continuance; without intermission or delay; as, sing away) :: use the frequentative form of the verb
away {adv} (to release) :: vain, pois, irti
away {adv} (at a distance in time or space) :: päässä, kuluttua
away {adj} (not here; gone) :: poissa
away {adj} (unavailable) :: poissa
away {adj} (traveling; on vacation) :: poissa, lomalla
awayday {n} (meeting away from the office) :: suunnittelukokous, seminaari (no exact equivalent)
away game {n} (athletic contest played in the opposing team's territory) :: vieraspeli, vierasottelu
away side {n} (away side) SEE: visiting team ::
away team {n} (visiting team) SEE: visiting team ::
away with the fairies {adj} /əˈweɪ wɪð ðə ˈfɛəɹɪːz/ (lost in thought) :: muissa maailmoissa
awe {n} /ɔ/ (feeling of fear and reverence) :: syvä kunnioitus, kunnioittava pelko, pelko
awe {n} (feeling of amazement) :: hämmästys, ällikkä
awe {v} (to inspire fear and reverence) :: pelottaa, herättää pelkoa, herättää kunnioitusta
awe {v} (to control by inspiring dread) :: pelotella
aweigh {adj} /əˈweɪ/ (drawn out; hanging) :: irti
awesome {adj} /ˈɔːsəm/ (causing awe or terror) :: vaikuttava, mahtava, pelottava
awesome {adj} (excellent, exciting) :: mahtava
awestricken {adj} (awestruck) SEE: awestruck ::
awestrike {v} (to strike with awe) :: lyödä ällikällä
awestruck {adj} (filled or overcome with awe) :: ällistynyt, ällikällä lyöty, häikäistynyt
awful {adj} /ˈɔːfʊl/ (very bad) :: kauhea, hirveä, kamala, karmea, kaamea
awful {adj} (exceedingly great) :: mahtava
awful {adj} (causing fear; appalling; terrible) :: kauhea, hirveä, kamala, karmea, kaamea, hirvittävä, kauhistuttava
awful {adj} (inspiring awe) :: hämmästyttävä
awful {adj} (struck or filled with awe) :: hämmästynyt
awful {adj} (worshipful; reverential; law-abiding) :: jumalaapelkäävä [worshipful, reverential], lainkuuliainen [law-abiding]
awful {adv} (colloquial: very, extremely) :: kauhea, hirveä
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
awfully {adv} (badly) SEE: badly ::
awhile {adv} /əˈwaɪl/ (For some time; for a short time) :: hetken, hetkisen, hetken aikaa, vähän aikaa
awkward {adj} /ˈɔːkwəd/ (lacking dexterity in the use of the hands) :: kömpelö
awkward {adj} (not easily managed or effected; embarrassing) :: vaikea, hankala, kiusallinen
awkward {adj} (perverse; adverse; untoward) :: tuskallinen, vastenmielinen, yököttävä, piinallinen
awkward age {n} :: hankala ikä, nuoruusikä
awkwardly {adv} (in an awkward manner) :: hankalasti, kiusallisesti
awl {n} /ɔl/ (pointed instrument) :: purasin
awn {n} /ɔːn/ (the bristle or beard of certain plants) :: vihne
awning {n} /ˈɔːnɪŋ/ (a rooflike cover) :: markiisi
awning window {n} (window) :: markiisi-ikkuna
AWOL {n} (military: absence without proper authority) :: luvaton poissaolo, [slang] puntis
AWOL {n} (military: person who holds AWOL status) :: punttaaja
AWOL {n} (generic: one who is absent without permission) :: lintsari
a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle {phrase} (a woman is capable of living a complete and independent life) :: nainen ilman miestä on kuin kala ilman polkupyörää
awry {adv} /əˈɹaɪ/ (obliquely, crookedly; askew) :: vinossa, vinoon, kierossa, kieroon
awry {adv} (perversely, improperly) :: sopimattomasti
awry {adj} (turned or twisted toward one side) :: vino, kiero
awry {adj} (wrong or distorted; perverse, amiss) :: sopimaton
axe {n} /æks/ (tool) :: kirves
axe {n} (weapon) :: tappara, kirves
axe {n} (rejection) :: potkut, kenkää [from work]; rukkaset [in love]
axe {n} (finance: interest in buying or selling) :: myynti-intressi [interest to sell]; ostointressi [interest to buy]
Axel {prop} /ˈæksəl/ (male given name) :: Akseli
axial {adj} /ˈæksi.əl/ (of or pertaining to an axis) :: aksiaalinen
axial {adj} (belonging to the axis of the body) :: aksiaalinen
axial {adj} (botany: in the same direction as the axis) :: aksiaalinen
axiality {n} (state) :: aksiaalisuus
axiality {n} (degree) :: aksiaalisuus
axially {adv} (in relation to or in line with an axis) :: aksiaalisesti
axial plane {n} (transverse plane) SEE: transverse plane ::
axial tilt {n} (obliquity) SEE: obliquity ::
axillary {adj} (of or pertaining to the axilla) :: kainalo-
axillary hair {n} (armpit hair) :: kainalokarvat, kainalokarvoitus
axillary hair {n} (strand of armpit hair) :: kainalokarva
axinite {n} (borosilicate) :: aksiniitti
axino {n} (particle) :: aksiino
axiology {n} (value theory) :: arvoteoria
axiology {n} (particular value theory of a philosopher) :: aksiologia
axiom {n} /ˈaks.ɪ.əm/ (philosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth) :: perusväite, aksiomi
axiom {n} (mathematics: fundamental assumption) :: aksiomi, peruslause
axiom {n} (established principle in art or science) :: aksiooma
axiomatic {adj} /ˌæk.si.əˈmæt.ɪk/ (self-evident) :: itsestään selvä, ilmiselvä
axiomatic {adj} (relating to axioms) :: aksiomaattinen
axiomatically {adv} (by the use of axioms) :: aksiomaattisesti
axiom of choice {n} (axiom that any product of non-empty sets is non-empty) :: valinta-aksiooma
axiom of countable choice {n} (axiom of set theory) :: numeroituva valinta-aksiooma
axiom of extensionality {n} (axiom of extensionality) :: ekstensionaalisuusaksiooma
axiom of infinity {n} (axiom of infinity) :: äärettömyysaksiooma
axiom of pairing {n} (axiom of pairing) :: pariaksiooma
axiom of power set {prop} (axiom of set theory) :: potenssijoukkoaksiooma
axiom of regularity {n} (axiom of regularity) :: säännöllisyysaksiooma
axiom of union {n} (axiom of union) :: yhdisteaksiooma
axiom schema {n} :: aksioomaskeema
axion {n} (hypothetical subatomic particle) :: aksioni
axis {n} /ˈæksɪs/ (geometry: imaginary line) :: akseli
axis {n} (basis of space or part of graph) :: akseli
axis {n} (second cervical vertebra) :: kiertonikama, aksis
axis {n} (psychiatry: form of classification and descriptions of mental disorders) :: akseli
axis {n} (botany: main stem or central part) :: keskiranka, akseli
axis {n} (Axis axis) SEE: chital ::
axis deer {n} (Axis axis) SEE: chital ::
axis of evil {n} (states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction) :: pahan akseli
axis of rotation {n} (axis about which any body rotates) :: pyörimisakseli, pyörähdysakseli
axis of rotation {n} (line joining the North Pole and South Pole) :: pyörimisakseli
axis of symmetry {n} (a line about which a geometric figure is symmetric) :: symmetria-akseli
Axis power {n} (member country of the World War II Axis) :: akselivallat {p}
axisymmetric {adj} (exhibiting symmetry around an axis) :: aksisymmetrinen, akselisymmetrinen
axle {n} /ˈæksəl/ (the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel) :: akseli
axle {n} (a transverse bar or shaft) :: akseli
axle {n} (an axis) :: akseli
axle load {n} (total weight transferred by one axle) :: akselipaino
axletree {n} (A rod connecting the opposite wheels of a carriage) :: akseli
axlike {adj} (resembling an ax) :: kirvesmäinen
axolotl {n} /ˈæk.səˌlɑ.təl/ (endangered salamander) :: aksolotli
axon {n} (a nerve fibre) :: aksoni, viejähaarake
axonometric {adj} :: aksonometrinen
ax to grind {n} (proposition or point of view) :: intressi
ayatollah {n} (a religious leader) :: ajatollah
aye {interj} /aɪ/ (yes) :: jaa, kyllä
aye {n} (affirmative vote) :: jaa-ääni
aye-aye {n} /ˈaɪˌaɪ/ (nocturnal quadruped) :: ai-ai, sormieläin
Ayers Rock {prop} (Uluru) SEE: Uluru ::
ayin {n} /ˈaɪ.ɪn/ (Semitic letter) :: ajin
Aymara {prop} /ˌaɪməˈɹɑː/ (language of South America) :: aimara, aimaran kieli
Ayrshire {n} /ˈeːɹʃəɹ/ (cow) :: ayrshirelehmä, ayrshire
ayu {n} /ɑːjuː/ (amphidromous fish) :: aju
Ayurveda {n} /aɪ.ʊəˈveɪ.də/ (traditional Hindu alternative medicine) :: ayurveda
Ayyavazhi {prop} (religion) :: Ayyavazhi
azalea {n} /əˈzeɪliə/ (plant) :: atsalea
azelaic acid {n} (organic compound) :: atselaiinihappo
azeotrope {n} (mixture of two substances non-separable by normal distillation) :: atseotrooppinen seos
azeotropic {adj} :: atseotrooppinen
Azerbaijan {prop} /ˌæz.ə(ɹ).baɪˈ(d)ʒɑːn/ (country) :: Azerbaidžan
Azerbaijani {n} /ˌæzəɹbaɪˈdʒɑːni/ (Azerbaijani person) :: azeri, azerbaidžanilainen
Azerbaijani {prop} (language of Azerbaijan) :: azeri, azerin kieli
Azerbaijani {adj} (pertaining to Azerbaijan) :: azerbaidžanilainen
Azerbaijan SSR {prop} (Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic) :: Azerbaidžanin SNT
Azeri {n} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
Azeri {prop} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
azimuth {n} /ˈæzɪməθ/ (arc of the horizon) :: atsimuutti
azimuth {n} (quadrant of an azimuth circle) :: atsimuutti
aziridine {n} /əˈzɪɹɪdiːn/ (three-membered heterocycle) :: etyleeni-imiini
azlon {n} (fiber) :: proteiinimuuntokuitu
azo compound {n} (organic compound) :: atsoyhdiste
azo dye {n} (synthetic dye) :: atsoväriaine, atsoväri
azoospermia {n} (absence of live sperm in the semen) :: atsoospermia
Azores {prop} /ˈeɪzɔːɹz/ (an archipelago and an autonomous region) :: Azorit
azorubine {n} (a red azo dye) :: atsorubiini
Aztec {n} /ˈæz.tɛk/ (a Mexica) :: atsteekki
Aztec {n} (a Nahua) :: nahua
Aztec {prop} (the Nahuatl language) :: nahuatl, atsteekkien kieli
Aztec {adj} (of or pertaining to the Mexica people) :: atsteekki-, atsteekkien (genitive plural of the noun)
Aztec {adj} (of or pertaining to the Nahuas) :: nahua-, nahuoiden (genitive plural of the noun)
Aztec {adj} (of or pertaining to the Nahuatl language) :: nahuatlinkielinen, nahuatlin (genitive of the noun)
azuki bean {n} (plant) :: adsukipapu
azuki bean {n} (bean) :: adsukipapu
azure {n} /ˈæʒɚ/ (blue colour on a coat of arms) :: sininen
azure {n} (colour of the sky) :: taivaansininen
azure {n} (the blue sky) :: sinitaivas
azure {adj} (sky-blue coloured) :: taivaansininen
azure {adj} (heraldry: of blue colour on a coat of arms) :: sininen
azure {v} (to colour) :: värittää siniseksi
azure {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli ::
azurite {n} /ˈæʒ.əˌɹaɪt/ (blue, vitreous mineral) :: atsuriitti
Ähtäri {prop} (town) :: Ähtäri
åkermanite {n} (mineral) :: åkermaniitti
à la carte {adj} /ˌæ.ləˈkɑːt/ (allowing selection from a menu) :: à la carte
Åland {prop} (Åland) SEE: Aland ::
Ålesund {prop} /ˈɔːləsʊn/ (Norwegian municipality in Møre og Romsdal) :: Ålesund, Aalesund
Æsir {prop} /ˈʌɪsɪə/ (the principal Norse gods) :: aasat {p}