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avun +‎ anto


  • IPA(key): /ˈɑʋunˌɑnto/, [ˈɑ̝ʋunˌɑ̝n̪t̪o̞]
  • Rhymes: -ɑnto
  • Hyphenation(key): avun‧anto




  1. help, assistance, support
  2. abetment, aiding and abetting (act of assisting or encouraging by aid or countenance in wrongdoing)
  3. good offices (beneficial services and acts of a third party, particularly mediation between two parties in a dispute)


Inflection of avunanto (Kotus type 1*J/valo, nt-nn gradation)
nominative avunanto avunannot
genitive avunannon avunantojen
partitive avunantoa avunantoja
illative avunantoon avunantoihin
singular plural
nominative avunanto avunannot
accusative nom. avunanto avunannot
gen. avunannon
genitive avunannon avunantojen
partitive avunantoa avunantoja
inessive avunannossa avunannoissa
elative avunannosta avunannoista
illative avunantoon avunantoihin
adessive avunannolla avunannoilla
ablative avunannolta avunannoilta
allative avunannolle avunannoille
essive avunantona avunantoina
translative avunannoksi avunannoiksi
abessive avunannotta avunannoitta
instructive avunannoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of avunanto (Kotus type 1*J/valo, nt-nn gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative avunantoni avunantoni
accusative nom. avunantoni avunantoni
gen. avunantoni
genitive avunantoni avunantojeni
partitive avunantoani avunantojani
inessive avunannossani avunannoissani
elative avunannostani avunannoistani
illative avunantooni avunantoihini
adessive avunannollani avunannoillani
ablative avunannoltani avunannoiltani
allative avunannolleni avunannoilleni
essive avunantonani avunantoinani
translative avunannokseni avunannoikseni
abessive avunannottani avunannoittani
comitative avunantoineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative avunantosi avunantosi
accusative nom. avunantosi avunantosi
gen. avunantosi
genitive avunantosi avunantojesi
partitive avunantoasi avunantojasi
inessive avunannossasi avunannoissasi
elative avunannostasi avunannoistasi
illative avunantoosi avunantoihisi
adessive avunannollasi avunannoillasi
ablative avunannoltasi avunannoiltasi
allative avunannollesi avunannoillesi
essive avunantonasi avunantoinasi
translative avunannoksesi avunannoiksesi
abessive avunannottasi avunannoittasi
comitative avunantoinesi



Derived terms


Further reading
