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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-b

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
baa {n} (bleating of sheep) :: {n}
baa {interj} (cry of sheep) ::
baa {v} (to make the cry of sheep) :: breke
Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) :: Baba Jaga
babble {v} (to utter words indistinctly) :: bable
babble {v} (to talk much) :: bable, plapre
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
Babism {n} (19th-century Persian pantheistical religious sect) :: [Bokmål] babisme {m}; [Nynorsk] babisme {m}
baboon {n} (primate) :: [Bokmål] bavian {m}; [Nynorsk] bavian {m}
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
baby {n} (very young human being) :: [Bokmål] spedbarn {n}, baby {m}; [Nynorsk] spedbarn {n}, baby {m}
baby boom {n} (post-World War II baby boom (1946 to 1964)) :: babyboom {m}
baby boom {n} (any increase in the birth rate) :: babyboom {m}
baby bottle {n} (bottle with a teat) :: [Bokmål] tåteflaske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tåteflaske {f}
baby buggy {n} (a wheeled chair for the transport of a baby) SEE: stroller ::
baby carriage {n} (cart that is designed for moving a baby around in a lying position) SEE: pram ::
baby face {n} (face resembling that of a baby) :: [Bokmål] babyface {n}
baby face {n} (person having such a face) :: [Bokmål] babyface {n}
baby fat {n} (natural fat of the body of a child) SEE: puppy fat ::
baby food {n} (food designed for babies) :: [Bokmål] barnemat {m}, babymat {m}; [Nynorsk] barnemat {m}, babymat {m}
baby formula {n} (artificial substitute for human breast milk) SEE: infant formula ::
Babylonian {adj} (pertaining to the city or empire of Babylon) :: [Bokmål] babylonsk, babylonisk; [Nynorsk] babylonsk, babylonisk
Babylonian {n} (person from the city of Babylon) :: [Bokmål] babyloner {m}, babylonier {m}; [Nynorsk] babylonar {m}, babyloniar {m}
Babylonian {n} (person from the kingdom of Babylonia) :: [Bokmål] babyloner {m}, babylonier {m}; [Nynorsk] babylonar {m}, babyloniar {m}
baby oil {n} :: [Bokmål] babyolje {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] babyolje {m} {f}
babysitter {n} (baby or child caretaker) :: barnevakt, kenguru
baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth ::
baby weight {n} (weight of a baby at birth) SEE: birth weight ::
baccalaureate {n} (bachelor's degree) SEE: bachelor's degree ::
bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: [Bokmål] ungkar {m}; [Nynorsk] ungkar {m}
bachelor {n} (person who has achieved bachelor's degree) :: [Bokmål] bachelor {m}; [Nynorsk] bachelor {m}
bachelorette party {n} (bachelorette party) :: [Bokmål] utdrikkingslag {n}, utdrikningslag; [Nynorsk] utdrikkingslag {n}
bachelor party {n} (party) :: [Bokmål] utdrikninglag {n}, utdrikkingslag {n}; [Nynorsk] utdrikkingslag {n}
bachelor's degree {n} (first or lowest academic degree) :: [Bokmål] bachelorgrad {m}, bachelor {m}; [Nynorsk] bachelorgrad {m}, bachelor {m}
bacillophobia {n} (fear of microbes) :: [Bokmål] basillskrekk {m}; [Nynorsk] basillskrekk {m}
back {adv} (to or in a previous condition or place) :: tilbake
back {adv} (in a manner that impedes) :: tilbake
back {n} (the rear of body) :: rygg {m}, bak {m} {n}
back {n} (the reverse side) :: bakside {c}
back {n} (that which is farthest away from the front) :: bakside {c}
back {n} (the part of something that goes last) :: bakende {m}
back {n} (the backrest, the part of a piece of furniture which receives the human back) :: [Bokmål] rygg {m}, ryggstø {n}; [Nynorsk] rygg {m}, ryggstø {n} {f}
back {n} (a position behind most players on the team) :: back {m}
back {v} (to go in the reverse direction) :: [Bokmål] rygge; [Nynorsk] rygge, ryggje
back and forth {adv} (from one place to another and back again) :: [Bokmål] frem og tilbake
backbone {n} (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) :: [Bokmål] ryggrad {m} {f}, ryggsøyle {m} {f}, virvelsøyle {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] ryggrad {f}, ryggsøyle {f}, virvelsøyle {f}
backbone {n} (any fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure) :: ryggrad {m} {f}
backbone {n} (courage, fortitude, or strength) :: ryggrad {m} {f}
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine ::
backburn {n} (prescribed burn) :: [Bokmål] motbrann {m}
back door {n} (subsidiary entrance to building) :: [Bokmål] bakdør {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bakdør {f}
back door {n} (secret, unprotected means of access) :: [Bokmål] bakdør {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bakdør {f}
backdoor {n} (backdoor (all definitions)) SEE: back door ::
backdrop {n} (a decorated cloth hung at the back of a stage) :: [Bokmål] bakteppe {n}; [Nynorsk] bakteppe {n}
back-formation {n} (linguistic process) :: [Bokmål] tilbakedannelse {m}, tilbakedanning {c}
back-formation {n} (word formed by this linguistic process) :: [Bokmål] tilbakedannelse {m}, tilbakedanning {c}
backgammon {n} (board game) :: backgammon {n}
back garden {n} (garden at the rear of a property) :: [Bokmål] bakgård {m}
background check {n} (report on an individual) :: bakgrunnssjekk
background radiation {n} (ionizing radiation that is naturally present in the environment) :: bakgrunnsstråling {c}
backless {adj} (having no back) :: [Bokmål] ryggløs
backless {adj} (having a back that shows skin) :: [Bokmål] barrygget
backlog {n} (an accumulation or buildup) :: [Bokmål] etterslep {n}; [Nynorsk] etterslep {n}
back matter {n} (parts of a book that appear after the text) :: baktekst, ettertekst, posttekst
backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: ryggsekk {m}
backrest {n} (back piece of a chair) :: [Bokmål] ryggstø {n}; [Nynorsk] ryggstø {n} {f}
back seat {n} (seat) :: [Bokmål] baksete {n}; [Nynorsk] baksete {n}
back street {n} (small and narrow street) :: [Bokmål] bakgate {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bakgate {f}
back-to-back {adj} (sequential or consecutive) :: back-to-back
back to front {adj} (reversed) :: [Bokmål] bak fram; [Nynorsk] bak fram
backup {n} (copy of file or record) :: [Bokmål] sikkerhetskopi {m}, reservekopi {m}
backwater {n} (a remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc.) :: bakevje {m} {f}
backyard {n} (yard to the rear of a house) :: [Bokmål] bakgård {m}
bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: [Bokmål] (røykt) flesk {n}, bacon {n}; [Nynorsk] (røykt) flesk {n}, bacon {n}
bacon {n} (thin slice of pork) :: [Bokmål] bacon {n}; [Nynorsk] bacon {n}
bacteria {n} (bacteria) :: [Bokmål] bakterie {m}
bacterial {adj} (of or caused by bacteria) :: [Bokmål] bakteriell; [Nynorsk] bakteriell
bacteriological {adj} (of or pertaining to bacteriology) :: [Bokmål] bakteriologisk; [Nynorsk] bakteriologisk
bacteriologist {n} (microbiologist) :: [Bokmål] bakteriolog {m}; [Nynorsk] bakteriolog {m}
bacteriology {n} (scientific study of bacteria) :: [Bokmål] bakteriologi {m}; [Nynorsk] bakteriologi {m}
bacteriophage {n} (a virus that infects bacteria) :: [Bokmål] bakteriofag {m}; [Nynorsk] bakteriofag {m}
bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: bakterie {m}
Bactrian camel {n} (Camelus bactrianus) :: kamel {m}, baktriakamel {m}
baculum {n} (bone found in the penis of some mammals) :: penisbein penisben
bad {adj} (unfavorable; negative) :: dårlig
bad {adj} (not suitable or fitting) :: dårlig, gal
bad {adj} (not appropriate, of manners etc.) :: dårlig
bad {adj} (tricky; stressful; unpleasant) :: dårlig, ubehagelig
bad {adj} (evil, wicked) :: dårlig, ond
bad {adj} (faulty; not functional) :: dårlig, i stykker
bad {adj} (of breath: malodorous) :: dårlig
bad {adj} :: dårlig
bad {adj} (spoilt, rotten, overripe) SEE: spoilt ::
bad {adv} (badly) SEE: badly ::
badass {adj} (belligerent and troublesome) SEE: belligerent ::
bad breath {n} (unpleasant breath) :: [Bokmål] dårlig ånde {m}
badge {n} (distinctive mark) :: [Bokmål] skilt {n}, emblem
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
badger {n} (mammal) :: [Bokmål] grevling {m}; [Nynorsk] grevling {m}
bad luck {n} (misfortune) :: uheld {n}, uflaks {m}
badly {adv} (in a bad manner) :: [Bokmål] dårlig
badly {adj} (ill, unwell) :: [Bokmål] dårlig
badminton {n} (a racquet sport) :: [Bokmål] badminton {m}; [Nynorsk] badminton {m}
badminton court {n} (indoor court) :: [Bokmål] badmintonbane {m}; [Nynorsk] badmintonbane {m} {f}
badminton player {n} (a person who plays badminton) :: [Bokmål] badmintonspiller {m}, badmintonspeller {m}; [Nynorsk] badmintonspelar {m}
bad trip {n} (psychedelic crisis) :: psykedelisk krise
badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware ::
baffle {v} (to totally bewilder; confuse or perplex) :: skvalpeskott, forvirre
bag {n} (flexible container) :: [Bokmål] veske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] veske {f}
bag {n} (paper (or plastic) container given or sold to shoppers) :: pose {m}
bag {n} (ugly woman) :: burugle {c}
bag {v} (to gain possession of, or to make first claim on) :: [Bokmål] hanke inn [gain possession of]
bag {v} (to provide artificial ventilation) :: bagge
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage ::
Baghdad {prop} (city) :: [Bokmål] Bagdad; [Nynorsk] Bagdad
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
bagpiper {n} (one who plays the bagpipes) :: [Bokmål] sekkepipespiller {m}
bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: sekkepipe {m} {f}
bag snatcher {n} (thief who snatches a handbag) :: [Bokmål] veskenapper {m}; [Nynorsk] veskenappar {m}
baguette {n} (a variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape) :: [Bokmål] bagett {m}; [Nynorsk] bagett {m}
Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Bahamas
Bahamian {adj} (pertaining to the Bahamas) :: [Bokmål] bahamansk; [Nynorsk] bahamansk
Bahamian {n} (person from the Bahamas) :: [Bokmål] bahamaner {m}; [Nynorsk] bahaman {m}, bahamanar {m}
Bahrain {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Bahrain
Bahraini {n} (a person from Bahrain or of Bahraini descent) :: [Bokmål] bahrainer {m}; [Nynorsk] bahrainar {m}
Bahraini {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bahrain or the Bahraini people) :: [Bokmål] bahrainsk; [Nynorsk] bahrainsk
baiji {n} (freshwater dolphin) :: [Bokmål] kinesisk elvedelfin {m}; [Nynorsk] kinesisk elvedelfin {m}
bailiff {n} (steward) SEE: steward ::
Baird's sandpiper {n} (Calidris bairdii) :: gulbrystsnipe
bait {n} (substance used in catching fish) :: beita {f}, agn {n}
Bajan {prop} (Barbadian) SEE: Barbadian ::
Bajan {adj} (Barbadian) SEE: Barbadian ::
Bačka {prop} (historical region divided between Serbia and Hungary) :: Bačka; [Nynorsk] Bačka
bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: [Bokmål] bake
bake {v} :: baka
baked beans {n} (food) :: hvite bønner i tomatsaus; [Bokmål] tomatbønner {p}; [Nynorsk] tomatbønner {p}
baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: [Bokmål] baker {m}; [Nynorsk] bakar {m}
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery ::
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
baker's dozen {n} (group of thirteen) :: [Bokmål] bakerdusin {n}
bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: bakeri
baking {n} (action in which something is baked) :: [Bokmål] baking {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] baking {f}
baking powder {n} (dry leavening agent used in baking) :: [Bokmål] bakepulver {n}; [Nynorsk] bakepulver {n}
baking tray {n} (oven-proof tray) :: [Bokmål] stekebrett {n}
Baku {prop} (the capital city of Azerbaijan) :: Baku
balaclava {n} (headgear) :: [Bokmål] balaklava {m}, finlandshette {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] balaklava {m}, finlandshette {f}
balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: [Bokmål] balalaika {m}; [Nynorsk] balalaika {m}
balance {n} (equilibrium) :: balanse {m}
balance {n} (scales) :: vekt {f}; [Bokmål] vektskål {m} {f}, vekt {m} {f}
balance {v} (to bring to equipoise) :: balansere
balance {v} (to hold precariously) :: balansere
balance {v} (accounting: to make credits and debits correspond) :: balansere
balance {n} (astrology: Libra) SEE: Libra ::
balance of payments {n} (measure of the flow of money into and out of a country) :: [Bokmål] betalingsbalanse {m}; [Nynorsk] betalingsbalanse {m}
balance of trade {n} (difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time) :: [Bokmål] handelsbalanse {m}; [Nynorsk] handelsbalanse {m}
balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: [Bokmål] balkong {m}; [Nynorsk] balkong {m}
bald {adj} (having no hair) :: [Bokmål] skallet; [Nynorsk] skalla
Balearic Islands {prop} (group of Mediterranean islands) :: Balearene
Bali {prop} (island of Indonesia) :: Bali
balk {n} (beam) :: bjelke {m}
Balkan {adj} (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) :: [Bokmål] balkansk; [Nynorsk] balkansk
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanization {n} (fragmentation of a region into several small states) :: balkanisering
Balkan Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in southeastern Europe, see also: Balkans) :: [Bokmål] Balkan; [Nynorsk] Balkan
Balkans {prop} (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) :: [Bokmål] Balkan; [Nynorsk] Balkan
ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: [Bokmål] ball {m}; [Nynorsk] ball {m}
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: [Bokmål] ball {m}; [Nynorsk] ball {m}
ball {n} (formal dance) :: [Bokmål] ball {n}; [Nynorsk] ball {n}
ballad {n} (narrative poem) :: vise; [Bokmål] ballade
ballast {n} (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel) :: [Bokmål] ballast {m}; [Nynorsk] ballast {m}
ballast {n} (material laid to form a bed for a road) :: ballast {m} (for railroads), fundament {n}
ballast {v} (to stabilize a ship with ballast) :: ballaste
ball bearing {n} (bearing assembly with spherical balls) :: kulelager {n}
ball boy {n} (A male person responsible for retrieving balls) :: [Bokmål] ballgutt {m}; [Nynorsk] ballgut {m}
ballerina {n} (female ballet dancer) :: [Bokmål] ballerina {m}; [Nynorsk] ballerina {f}
ballet {n} (form of dance) :: [Bokmål] ballett {m}; [Nynorsk] ballett {m}
ballet {n} (theatrical presentation) :: [Bokmål] ballett {m}; [Nynorsk] ballett {m}
ball game {n} (game played with a ball) :: [Bokmål] ballspill {n}; [Nynorsk] ballspel {n}
ballgame {n} (ball game) SEE: ball game ::
ballgown {n} (formal gown) :: [Bokmål] ballkjole {m}; [Nynorsk] ballkjole {m}
ballistic missile {n} (missile) :: ballistisk missil
ball lightning {n} (a short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air) :: kulelyn
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob ::
balloon {n} (inflatable and buoyant object) :: ballong {m}
balloon {n} (child’s toy) :: ballong {m}
balloon {n} (inflatable object to transport people through the air) :: luftballong {m}, luftskip {n}
balloon {n} (medicine: sac inserted into part of the body) :: ballong {m}
balloon {n} (speech bubble) SEE: speech bubble ::
ballot {n} (paper used for vote-casting) :: stemmeseddel {m}
ballot {n} (process of voting) :: [Bokmål] avstemning {m} {f}
ballot {n} (list of candidates) :: valgliste {c}
ballot {n} (total of all votes cast in an election) :: opptelling {m}
ballot box {n} (a sealed box into which a voter puts a voting slip) :: [Bokmål] urne {m} {f}, valgurne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] urne {f}, valurne {f}
ballot paper {n} (voting form) :: [Bokmål] stemmeseddel {m}
ballpark {n} (field) :: idrettsanlegg {n}
ballpark {adj} (approximate) :: grov, omtrentlig
ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
ballpoint pen {n} (pen) :: [Bokmål] kulepenn {m}; [Nynorsk] kulepenn {m}
ballroom {n} (large room used for dancing) :: [Bokmål] ballsal {m}; [Nynorsk] ballsal {m}
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball ::
balrog {n} (fiery demonic creature) :: balrog
Balt {n} (inhabitant of one of the modern Baltic states) :: [Bokmål] balter {m}; [Nynorsk] baltar {m}
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Baltic languages) :: [Bokmål] baltisk; [Nynorsk] baltisk
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Balts) :: [Bokmål] baltisk; [Nynorsk] baltisk
Baltic {prop} (Baltic region, Baltic states) :: [Bokmål] Baltikum; [Nynorsk] Baltikum
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: [Bokmål] Østersjøen; [Nynorsk] Austersjøen
balustrade {n} (row of balusters) :: balustrade
Bambara {prop} (language) :: bambara; [Nynorsk] bambara
bamboo {n} (plant) :: [Bokmål] bambus {m}; [Nynorsk] bambus {m}
Bamboo Curtain {prop} (political barrier between communist and capitalist in Asia) :: Bambusteppet
bamboo shoot {n} (edible part of some bamboo types) :: [Bokmål] bambusskudd {n}
ban {v} (forbid) :: forby, utelukke
ban {n} (prohibition) :: utvisning {m} {f}, forvisning {m} {f}, forvisning {f}; [Bokmål] forbud {n}
banal {adj} (common) :: banal, banalt
banana {n} (fruit) :: banan {m}
banana {n} (plant) :: bananplante {m} {f}
banana boat {n} (ship for transporting bananas) :: [Bokmål] bananbåt
banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) :: [Bokmål] bananskall {n}; [Nynorsk] bananskal {n}
bananaquit {n} (Coereba flaveola) :: [Bokmål] banansmett; [Nynorsk] banansmett
banana republic {n} (country) :: [Bokmål] bananrepublikk {m}; [Nynorsk] bananrepublikk {m}
banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel ::
banana split {n} (A dessert containing a banana cut in half) :: [Bokmål] banansplitt {m}
band {n} (strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together) :: band {n}, bånd {n}
band {n} (strip along the spine of a book where the pages are attached) :: bind {n}
band {n} (part of radio spectrum) :: bånd {n}
band {n} (group of energy levels in a solid state material) :: bånd {n}
band {v} (to fasten with a band) :: binde
band {v} (ornithology: to fasten an identifying band around the leg of) :: ringmerke
band {n} (group of musicians) :: [Bokmål] band {n}, korps {n}; [Nynorsk] band {n}, korps {n}
band {n} (orchestra originally playing janissary music) :: korps {n}
band {n} (group of people loosely united for a common purpose) :: bande {m}
bandage {n} (medical binding) :: [Bokmål] bandasje {m}; [Nynorsk] bandasje {m}
bandage {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
band-aid {n} (adhesive bandage) :: plaster
band-aid {v} (to apply an adhesive bandage) :: plastre
bandit {n} (one who robs others) :: [Bokmål] banditt {m}
bandog {n} (guard dog) SEE: guard dog ::
bandoleer {n} (bandolier) SEE: bandolier ::
bandolier {n} (an ammunition belt) :: bandolær {n}
bandwidth {n} (width of a frequency band) :: [Bokmål] båndbredde {m}; [Nynorsk] bandbreidd {f}
bandwidth {n} (width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit) :: [Bokmål] båndbredde {m}; [Nynorsk] bandbreidd {f}
bandwidth {n} (measure of data flow rate in digital networks) :: [Bokmål] båndbredde {m}, båndvidde {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bandbreidd {f}
bandy {n} (winter sport played on ice) :: bandy {c}
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
bane {n} (source of harm or ruin; affliction) :: [Bokmål] bane {m}
bane {v} (to be the bane of) :: bane {m}
bang {n} (A sudden percussive noise) :: [Bokmål] smell {n} {m}; [Nynorsk] smell {n} {m}
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast ::
Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: Bangkok
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: Bangladesh
Bangladeshi {n} (person from Bangladesh or of Bangladeshi descent) :: [Bokmål] bangladesher {m}; [Nynorsk] bangladeshar {m}
Bangladeshi {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bangladesh) :: [Bokmål] bangladeshisk; [Nynorsk] bangladeshisk
bangs {n} (hair that hangs down over the forehead) :: pannelugg {m}, lugg {m}
banister {n} (the handrail on the side of a staircase) :: gelender {n}
banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: [Bokmål] banjo {m}; [Nynorsk] banjo {m}
bank {n} (institution) :: bank {m}
bank {n} (branch office) :: bank {m}
bank {n} (storage for important goods) :: bank {m}
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: [Bokmål] bredd {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bredd {f}, breidd {f}
bank {n} (an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank) :: banke {m}
bankable {adj} (reliable) SEE: reliable ::
bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) :: [Bokmål] bankkonto {m}; [Nynorsk] bankkonto {m}
banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: [Bokmål] bankier {m}; [Nynorsk] bankier {m}
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
banknote {n} (paper currency) :: [Bokmål] seddel, pengeseddel {m}; [Nynorsk] setel {m}, pengesetel {m}
bank robbery {n} (stealing from a bank) :: [Bokmål] bankran {n}; [Nynorsk] bankran {n}
bankrupt {adj} (having been legally declared insolvent) :: [Bokmål] konkurs; [Nynorsk] konkurs
bankrupt {v} (force into bankruptcy) :: konkurs, bankerott, insolvent
bankruptcy {n} (legally declared or recognised condition of insolvency) :: [Bokmål] konkurs {m}; [Nynorsk] konkurs {m}
bank statement {n} (statement of transactions and balances) :: [Bokmål] kontoutdrag {n}, kontoutskrift {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kontoutdrag {n}, kontoutskrift {f}
banner {n} (flag) :: flagg {n}
banner {n} (large sign) :: banner {m}
banner {n} (large piece of cloth with a slogan or emblem carried in a demonstration or other procession) :: fane {m}
banner {n} (cause or purpose; a campaign or movement) :: fane {m}
banner {n} (advertisement on a web page) :: banner {m}
banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: [Bokmål] bankett {m}; [Nynorsk] bankett {m}
Bantu {n} (language family) :: [Bokmål] bantu {m}, bantuspråk {n}; [Nynorsk] bantu {m}, bantuspråk {n}
baptism {n} (Christian sacrament) :: dåp {m}
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) :: [Bokmål] døpefont; [Nynorsk] døypefont
baptism by fire {n} (baptism of fire) SEE: baptism of fire ::
baptism of fire {n} (the first experience of a severe ordeal) :: ilddåp {m}
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe ::
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure ::
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
bar {n} (soccer: crossbar) SEE: crossbar ::
bar {n} (solid object with uniform cross-section) :: [Bokmål] bjelke {m}, bom {m}
bar {n} (metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section) :: [Bokmål] bjelke {m}
bar {n} (rail bar at level crossing) :: skranke, bom
bar {n} (cuboid piece of any commodity) :: -bar {m}
bar {n} (long, narrow drawn or printed rectangle, cuboid or cylinder) :: [Bokmål] felt {n}, linje {m} {f}
bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) :: [Bokmål] bar {m}, drikkested {n}, kneipe {m} {f}, bule {m} {f}, kro; [Nynorsk] bar {m}
bar {n} (nautical: sand formation) :: [Bokmål] bar {m}; [Nynorsk] bar {m}
bar {n} (unit of pressure) :: bar {m}
barb {n} (bit for a horse) SEE: bit ::
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
barb {n} (point that stands backward in an arrow, fishhook, etc) :: mothake {m}
Barbadian {n} (person from Barbados) :: [Bokmål] barbader {m}; [Nynorsk] barbadar {m}
Barbadian {adj} (of or relating to Barbados) :: [Bokmål] barbadisk; [Nynorsk] barbadisk
Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Barbados
Barbara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of female given name) :: Barbro
barbarian {adj} (uncivilized) :: [Bokmål] barbarisk; [Nynorsk] barbarisk
barbarian {n} (uncivilized person) :: [Bokmål] barbar {m}; [Nynorsk] barbar {m}
barbaric {adj} (uncivilised) :: [Bokmål] barbarisk; [Nynorsk] barbarisk
barbarism {n} (barbaric act) :: barbari {n}
barbarous {adj} (barbarian) SEE: barbarian ::
barbarous {adj} (barbaric) SEE: barbaric ::
Barbary dove {n} (Streptopelia risoria) SEE: ringneck dove ::
barbecue {n} (cooking instrument) :: [Bokmål] grill {m}; [Nynorsk] grill {m}
barbecue {v} (to cook food on a barbecue, see also: ) :: [Bokmål] grille; [Nynorsk] grille
barbecue {v} (grill) SEE: grill ::
barbed wire {n} (twisted strands of steel wire) :: piggtråd {m}
barber shop {n} (business which offers haircuts to men) SEE: barbershop ::
barbershop {n} (barber's shop) :: [Bokmål] frisørsalong {m}; [Nynorsk] frisørsalong {m}
barber surgeon {n} (medical practitioner) :: bartskjær {m}, bartskjærer {m}, badskjær, feltskjær
barbiturate {n} (derivative of barbituric acid that acts as a depressant of the central nervous system) :: [Bokmål] barbiturat {m}; [Nynorsk] barbiturat {m}
barcarole {n} (Venetian folk song) :: barcarole
Barcelona {prop} (capital of Catalonia) :: Barcelona
bar chart {n} (graph in the form of boxes of different heights) :: [Bokmål] søylediagram {n}; [Nynorsk] søylediagram {n}
barcode {n} (set of machine-readable parallel bars) :: strekkode
bardo {n} (state of existence between death and subsequent reincarnation) :: [Bokmål] bardo
bare {adj} (naked, uncovered) :: [Bokmål] naken; [Nynorsk] naken
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
bare-breasted {adj} (having the breasts and nipples exposed) :: [Bokmål] barbrystet
barefoot {adj} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: [Bokmål] barbeint
barefoot doctor {n} (farmer with basic medical training) :: barfotlege {m}
barefooted {adj} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barefooted {adv} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: så vidt
barely {adv} (almost not at all) :: nesten ikke
Barents Island {prop} (island) :: Barentsøya
Barents Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) :: Barentshavet {n}
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barge {n} (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters) :: pram {m}
bar graph {n} (bar chart) SEE: bar chart ::
barista {n} (person who prepares coffee in a coffee shop for customers) :: [Bokmål] barista {m}
baritone {n} (male voice) :: [Bokmål] baryton {m}; [Nynorsk] baryton {m}
baritone {n} (person, instrument or group) :: [Bokmål] baryton {m}; [Nynorsk] baryton {m}
baritone {n} (instrument similar to euphonium) :: [Bokmål] baryton {m}; [Nynorsk] baryton {m}
baritone horn {n} (baritone horn) SEE: baritone ::
barium {n} (chemical element) :: [Bokmål] barium {n}; [Nynorsk] barium {n}
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: bjeff {n}
bark {n} (figurative: abrupt utterance) :: bjeff {n}
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: [Bokmål] bark {m}; [Nynorsk] bork {m}
bark {n} (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged) :: [Bokmål] bark {m}; [Nynorsk] bark {m}
bark beetle {n} (beetle of Scolytinae) :: [Bokmål] typograf {m}; [Nynorsk] typograf {m}
bark up the wrong tree {v} (bark up the wrong tree) :: [Bokmål] ta feil, bli villedet
barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: bygg {n} {m}
barman {n} (bartender) SEE: bartender ::
barn {n} (child) SEE: child ::
barn {n} (building) :: låve {m}
barnacle {n} (barnacle goose) SEE: barnacle goose ::
barnacle goose {n} (Branta leucopsis) :: hvitkinngås {f}
béarnaise sauce {n} (sauce) :: [Bokmål] bearnés {m}; [Nynorsk] bearnés {m}
barn owl {n} (Tyto alba) :: tårnugle
barn swallow {n} (species of swallow) :: [Bokmål] låvesvale {f}; [Nynorsk] låvesvale {f}
bar of chocolate {n} (slab of chocolate) :: [Bokmål] sjokoladeplate {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] sjokoladeplate {f}
barometer {n} (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) :: [Bokmål] barometer {n}; [Nynorsk] barometer {n}
baron {n} (male ruler of a barony) :: [Bokmål] baron {m}; [Nynorsk] baron {m}
baroness {n} (female ruler of a barony) :: [Bokmål] baronesse {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] baronesse {f}
baroque {adj} (laden with detail) :: [Bokmål] barokk; [Nynorsk] barokk
Baroque {prop} (period in architecture) :: [Bokmål] barokk {m}; [Nynorsk] barokk {m}
Baroque {prop} (period in art) :: [Bokmål] barokk {m}; [Nynorsk] barokk {m}
Baroque {prop} (period in music) :: [Bokmål] barokk {m}; [Nynorsk] barokk {m}
Baroque guitar {n} (archaic form of guitar from the Baroque era) :: [Bokmål] barokkgitar {m}; [Nynorsk] barokkgitar {m}
baroque organ {n} (type of pipe organ) :: [Bokmål] barokkorgel {n}; [Nynorsk] barokkorgel {n}
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
barque {n} (sailing vessel, all masts but sternmost square-rigged) :: [Bokmål] bark {m}; [Nynorsk] bark {m}
barquentine {n} (sailing vessel) :: [Bokmål] skonnertbark {?}
barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: kaserne
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
barracks emperor {n} (emperor who seized power by virtue of his command of the army) :: soldatkeiser {m}
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark ::
barrel {n} (jar) SEE: jar ::
barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: [Bokmål] tønne {m} {f}, fat {n}; [Nynorsk] tunne {f}, tønne {f}, fat
barrel {n} (quantity) :: [Bokmål] fat {n}; [Nynorsk] fat {n}
barrel {n} (metallic tube of a gun) :: [Bokmål] løp {n}, pipe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] laup {n}, løp {n}, pipe {f}
barrel vault {n} (architecture) :: tønnehvelv {n}
barricade {n} (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) :: [Bokmål] barrikade {m}; [Nynorsk] barrikade {m}
barricade {n} (an obstacle, barrier or bulwark) :: barrikade {m}
barricade {v} (to close or block a road etc., using a barricade) :: barrikadere
barricade {v} (to keep someone in (or out), using a blockade, especially ships in a port) :: barrikadere, blokkere, stenge inne
barrier {n} (structure that bars passage) :: [Bokmål] sperring {m} {f}, bom {m} [level crossing]; [Nynorsk] sperring {f}, bom {m} [level crossing]
barrier reef {n} (reef separated from the adjacent coast) :: [Bokmål] barriererev {n}; [Nynorsk] barriererev {n}
barring {prep} (excepting) :: bortsett fra
barrow {n} (castrated boar) :: [Bokmål] galte {m}
bar-tailed godwit {n} (bar-tailed godwit) :: lappspove {m}
bartender {n} (person who works in a bar) :: [Bokmål] bartender {m}; [Nynorsk] bartender {m}
barter {n} (exchange of goods or services) :: [Bokmål] byttehandel {m}; [Nynorsk] bytehandel {m}
Bartholomew {prop} (the Apostle) :: Bartolomeus
baryon {n} (heavy subatomic particle) :: [Bokmål] baryon {n}; [Nynorsk] baryon {n}
basalt {n} (hard rock) :: [Bokmål] basalt {m}; [Nynorsk] basalt {m}
basaltic {adj} (relating to basalt) :: [Bokmål] basaltisk; [Nynorsk] basaltisk
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) :: [Bokmål] base {m}; [Nynorsk] base {m}
base {n} (headquarters) :: hovedkvarter {n}
base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) :: [Bokmål] base {m}; [Nynorsk] base {m}
base {n} (safe zone in children's game) :: frie
base {n} (bass) SEE: bass ::
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron ::
base {n} (radix) SEE: radix ::
baseball {n} (ball game) :: [Bokmål] baseball {m}; [Nynorsk] baseball {m}
baseboard {n} (panel or molding between floor and interior wall) SEE: skirting board ::
based {adj} (founded on) :: baserat
Basel {prop} (city in Switzerland) :: [Bokmål] Basel {n}; [Nynorsk] Basel {n}
baseless {adj} (based on something that is not true) SEE: unfounded ::
basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: [Bokmål] kjeller {m}; [Nynorsk] kjellar {m}
basement {n} (mass of rock) :: [Bokmål] grunnfjell {n}; [Nynorsk] grunnfjell {n}
Basenji {n} (Basenji) :: basenji
base year {n} (year chosen for comparison) :: [Bokmål] basisår {n}; [Nynorsk] basisår {n}
bashful {adj} (inclined to avoid notice) :: beskjeden, sky, forlegen
Bashkir {prop} (language) :: basjkirsk; [Nynorsk] basjkirsk
Bashkortostani {adj} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
Bashkortostani {n} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
basic {adj} (elementary, simple, merely functional) :: [Bokmål] grunnleggende
basic {adj} (chemistry: of a base) :: [Bokmål] basisk; [Nynorsk] basisk
basic form {n} :: [Bokmål] grunnform {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] grunnform {f}
basil {n} (plant) :: [Bokmål] basilikum {m}, basilik {m}; [Nynorsk] basilikum {m}
basil {n} (herb) :: [Bokmål] basilikum {m}, basilik {m}; [Nynorsk] basilikum {m}
basilean {n} (partisan of a king) SEE: royalist ::
basilica {n} (Christian church building having a nave) :: [Bokmål] basilika {m}
basilisk {n} (snake-like dragon type) :: basilisk {m}
basilisk {n} :: basilisk {m}
basin {n} (wide bowl for washing) :: servant {m}, vaskekum {m}, balje {m}
basin {n} (area of land that drains into a common outlet) :: nedbørfelt {n}; [Nynorsk] nedslagsfelt {n}, nedbørsfelt {n}
bask {v} (to take great pleasure or satisfaction; to feel warm or happiness) :: kose seg
basket {n} (container) :: kurv {m}
basket {n} (basketball: hoop from which a net is suspended) :: kurv {m}
basketball {n} (the sport) :: [Bokmål] basketball {m}; [Nynorsk] korgball {m}, basketball {m}
basketmaker {n} (person who weaves baskets) :: [Bokmål] korgmaker {m}, kurvmaker {m}; [Nynorsk] korgmakar {m}
Basque {n} (language) :: [Bokmål] baskisk {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] baskisk {m}
Basque {n} (member of a people) :: [Bokmål] basker {m}; [Nynorsk] baskar {m}
bass {n} (perch) :: bass
Basse-Terre {prop} (capital city of Guadeloupe) :: [Bokmål] Basse-Terre
bass fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass guitar {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: bassgitar {m}, bass {m}
bassoon {n} (musical instrument in the woodwind family) :: fagott {m}
bass viol {n} (musical instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass violin {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: [Bokmål] løsunge {m}, lausunge {m}, bastard {m}; [Nynorsk] lausunge {m}, bastard {m}
bastard {n} (mongrel) :: [Bokmål] bastard {m}, kjøter {m} [dog]; [Nynorsk] bastard {m}, kjøter {m} [dog]
bastard {n} (contemptible etc. person) :: [Bokmål] drittsekk {m}; [Nynorsk] dritsekk {m}, skitsekk {m}, skittsekk {m}
bastardly {adj} (born outside of wedlock) :: [Bokmål] uekte født, uekte
bastardly {adj} (of no use) :: [Bokmål] ubrukelig, verdiløs
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress ::
bastion {n} (projecting part of a rampart) :: [Bokmål] bastion {m}; [Nynorsk] bastion {m}
bastion {n} (person who strongly defends some principle) :: [Bokmål] bastion {m}; [Nynorsk] bastion {m}
bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: [Bokmål] flaggermus {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] flaggermus {f}, skinnvengje {f}
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) :: balltre {n}
bat {v} (hit) :: [Bokmål] slå
bat an eyelid {v} (to react in any slight way) :: heve et øyelokk, heve et øyenbryn
batch {n} (quantity of baked goods made at one time) :: ladning {f}
batch {n} (computing) :: batch
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
bath {n} (tub) :: badekar {n}
bath {n} (room) :: bad {n}
bath {n} (act of bathing) :: bade
bath {v} (To wash a person or animal in a bath) :: [Bokmål] bade; [Nynorsk] bada, bade
bathe {v} (to clean oneself with water) :: [Bokmål] bade; [Nynorsk] bada, bade
bathe {n} (act of bathing) :: bad {n}
bathing cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers) SEE: swim cap ::
bathing suit {n} (tight fitting garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
bathing trunks {n} (pair of shorts or briefs) SEE: swimming trunks ::
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth ::
bathos {n} (anticlimax) SEE: anticlimax ::
bathrobe {n} (terrycloth robe) :: [Bokmål] badekåpe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] badekåpe {f}
bathroom {n} (a room with a bathtub) :: bad {n}, baderom
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: [Bokmål] badekar {n}; [Nynorsk] badekar {n}
bathwater {n} (water used in a bath) :: [Bokmål] badevann {n}
bathyscaphe {n} (self-propelled deep-sea submersible) :: batyskaf
baton {n} (sports: object transferred by relay runners) :: [Bokmål] stafett {m}; [Nynorsk] stafett {m}
baton {n} (club of the police) :: [Bokmål] batong {m}; [Nynorsk] batong {m}
Bats {prop} (language) :: batsisk
battalion {n} (army unit) :: bataljon {m}
batten down the hatches {v} (nautical: to cover the hatches) :: [Bokmål] skalke lukene
batter {v} (to hit or strike violently and repeatedly) :: slå; [Bokmål] pryle
batter {n} (beaten mixture of flour and liquid) :: [Bokmål] røre {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] røre {f}
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: [Bokmål] rambukk {m}; [Nynorsk] rambukk {m}
battery {n} (device storing electricity) :: [Bokmål] batteri {n}; [Nynorsk] batteri {n}
battery {n} (legal: act of unlawful violence) :: [Bokmål] legemsbeskadigelse {m}; [Nynorsk] lekamskrenking {f}
battery hen {n} (hen kept in small cage) :: [Bokmål] burhøne {m} {f}, burhøns {n-p}
battery-powered {adj} (powered by battery) :: [Bokmål] batteridrevet; [Nynorsk] batteridriven
battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: [Bokmål] slag {n}
battlefield {n} (field of a land battle) :: [Bokmål] slagmark {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] slagmark {f}
battleground {n} (location) SEE: battlefield ::
battleground state {n} (swing state) SEE: swing state ::
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) :: [Bokmål] slaget om Storbritannia {n}; [Nynorsk] slaget om Storbritannia {n}
battleship {n} (warship) :: [Bokmål] slagskip {n}; [Nynorsk] slagskip {n}
bauxite {n} (ore) :: [Bokmål] bauksitt {m}, bauxitt {m}; [Nynorsk] bauksitt {m}, bauxitt {m}
Bavaria {prop} (state) :: [Bokmål] Bayern; [Nynorsk] Bayern
Bavarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bavaria) :: [Bokmål] bayersk; [Nynorsk] bayersk
bay {n} (shrub) :: laurbær {m}
bay {n} (herb) :: laurbærblad {n}
bay {n} (body of water) :: bukt {f}
bay leaf {n} (herb) :: [Bokmål] laurbærblad {n}; [Nynorsk] laurbærblad {n}
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) :: [Bokmål] Bengalbukta; [Nynorsk] Bengalbukta
Bay of Biscay {prop} (gulf) :: [Bokmål] Biscayabukten; [Nynorsk] Biscayabukta
bayonet {n} (weapon) :: bajonett
Bayonne ham {n} (an air dried salted ham that takes its name from the French city of Bayonne) :: bayonneskinke {f}
bay willow {n} (Salix pentandra) :: istervier
bazaar {n} (marketplace) :: basar {m}
BBC {prop} (British Broadcasting Corporation) :: [Bokmål] BBC {n}
BC {adv} (before Christ) :: [Bokmål] f.Kr. (før Kristi fødsel); [Nynorsk] f.Kr.
be {v} (occupy a place) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (occur, take place) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (exist) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (elliptical form of "be here", or similar) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same) :: [Bokmål] være or være lik; [Nynorsk] vera, vere or vera, vere lik
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (used to form the passive voice) :: [Bokmål] bli; [Nynorsk] verta, verte, bli
be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) :: Not used in Norwegian
be {v} ((archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be {v} (used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like) :: [Bokmål] være; [Nynorsk] vera, vere
be able to {v} (have ability to) :: [Bokmål] greie, være i stand til
beach {n} (sandy shore) :: [Bokmål] strand {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] strand {f}
beach ball {n} (a large light inflatable ball used in beach games) :: badeball
beachline {n} (shoreline) SEE: shoreline ::
beach volleyball {n} (sport) :: strandvolleyball
beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: nebb
beaker {n} (flat-bottomed vessel) :: [Bokmål] begerglass {n}; [Nynorsk] begerglas {n}
beaker {n} (drinking vessel without a handle) :: beger {n}, krus {n}
beam {n} (large piece of timber or iron) :: [Bokmål] bjelke {m}; [Nynorsk] bjelke {m}
beam {n} (principal horizontal beam in a building) :: [Bokmål] bjelke {m}; [Nynorsk] bjelke {m}
bean {n} (seed) :: bønne {c}
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
bean goose {n} (Anser fabalis) :: [Bokmål] sædgås {f}
beanie {n} (cap that fits the head closely) :: [Bokmål] lue; [Nynorsk] lue
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
bear {v} (to carry) :: bære
bear {v} (to be equipped with) :: bære, føre
bear {v} (to declare as testimony) :: føre
bear {v} (to tolerate, to put up with) :: tåle, utstå
bear {v} (to produce or yield) :: bære fram
bear {v} (to be in a specific direction) :: bære mot
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: [Bokmål] bjørn {m}; [Nynorsk] bjørn {m}
bearberry {n} (the species Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) :: melbær
bearcat {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda ::
bearcat {n} (giant panda) SEE: giant panda ::
bear cub {n} (young bear) :: bjørnung {m}
beard {n} (facial hair) :: [Bokmål] skjegg {n}; [Nynorsk] skjegg {n}
bearded {adj} (having a beard) :: [Bokmål] skjegget, skjeggete; [Nynorsk] skjeggete
bearded vulture {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
bear garlic {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
bearing {n} (mechanical device) :: [Bokmål] lager {n}; [Nynorsk] lager {n}
bear with {v} (be patient with) :: [Bokmål] bære over med
beast of burden {n} (animal that carries or pulls a load) :: trekkdyr {n}, kløvdyr {n}; [Bokmål] lastedyr {n}; [Nynorsk] lastedyr {n}
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: slå
beat {v} (to win against) :: slå
beat around the bush {v} (to treat a topic but omit its main points) :: gå som katten rundt den varme grøten (circle like a cat around the warm porridge)
beat around the bush {v} (to delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant) :: gå som katten rundt den varme grøten (circle like a cat around the warm porridge)
beatification {n} (the act of beatifying) :: [Bokmål] saligkåring {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] saligkåring {f}
beatify {v} (to take step in declaring a person a saint) :: [Bokmål] saligkåre; [Nynorsk] saligkåre
beating {n} (action of the verb to beat) :: slag {n}
beating {n} (the pulsation of the heart) :: [Bokmål] hjerteslag {n}; [Nynorsk] hjarteslag {n}
beatnik {n} (beatnik) :: beatnik {m}
beat up {v} (to give a beating to) :: banke opp
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Beaufort scale {prop} (measure for the intensity of the wind) :: [Bokmål] beaufortskala {m}; [Nynorsk] beaufortskala {m}
beautiful {adj} (well executed) :: [Bokmål] nydelig, enestående; [Nynorsk] nydeleg, eneståande
beautify {v} (to make beautiful or more beautiful) :: forskjønne
beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: [Bokmål] skjønnhet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] venleik {m}, skjønnheit {f}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) :: [Bokmål] skjønnhet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] skjønnheit {f}
beauty parlor {n} (salon with hairdressers and beauticians) :: [Bokmål] skjønnhetssalong {m}
beauty queen {n} (winner of a beauty contest) :: [Bokmål] skjønnhetsdronning {m} {f}
beauty salon {n} (beauty salon) SEE: beauty parlor ::
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
beaver {n} (semiaquatic rodent) :: [Bokmål] bever {m}; [Nynorsk] bever {m}
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake ::
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up ::
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: [Bokmål] bli født
be born yesterday {v} :: født i går
be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: hete
because {adv} (on account) :: [Bokmål] på grunn av
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: [Bokmål] fordi, ettersom, da; [Nynorsk] av di, fordi, ettersom,
because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) :: [Bokmål] på grunn av, for
Bechuanaland {prop} (former name for Botswana) :: Protektoratet Bechuanaland
become {v} (to begin to be) :: [Bokmål] bli; [Nynorsk] verta, bli; kle
bed {n} (shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear) SEE: pallet ::
bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: seng {m}
bed {n} (prepared spot to spend the night in) :: seng {m}
bed {n} (flat surface or layer on which something else is to be placed) :: seng {m}
bed {n} (the bottom of a lake or other body of water) :: bunn {m}
bed {n} (area where a large number of shellfish is found) :: banke {m}
bed {n} (garden plot) :: bed {n}
bed and breakfast {n} (guesthouse providing breakfast) :: pensjonat {n}
bedbound {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insect) :: [Bokmål] veggedyr {n}, veggdyr {n}, veggelus {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] veggedyr {n}, veggdyr {n}, veggelus {f}
bedclothes {n} (sheets, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed) :: sengetøy {n}
bedding {n} (bedlinen) :: [Bokmål] sengetøy {n}; [Nynorsk] sengetøy {n}
bedfast {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
bedouin {n} (desert-dweller) :: beduin {m}
bedpan {n} (chamber pot used while still in bed) :: [Bokmål] bekken {n}; [Nynorsk] bekken {n}
bedridden {adj} (confined to bed) :: sengeliggende
bedrock {n} (underground solid rock) :: [Bokmål] fjellgrunn {m}, berggrunn {m}; [Nynorsk] fjellgrunn {m}, berggrunn {m}
bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: [Bokmål] soveværelse {n}, soverom {n}; [Nynorsk] soverom {n}
bed sheet {n} (sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: laken {n}
bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: laken {n}
bedside table {n} (nightstand) SEE: nightstand ::
bedsit {n} (rented room) :: [Bokmål] hybel {m}; [Nynorsk] hybel {m}
bedsore {n} (Lesion caused by pressure) :: [Bokmål] liggesår {n}, trykksår {n}, decubitus {m}
bedtime {n} (time when one goes to bed to sleep) :: [Bokmål] sengetid {m} {f}, leggetid {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] sengetid {f}, sengtid {f}, leggetid {f}, leggjetid {f}
bee {n} (insect) :: bie {m} {f}
beech {n} (tree of genus Fagus) :: bøk {m}
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow ::
beef {n} (meat) :: [Bokmål] storfekjøtt {n}, oksekjøtt {n}; [Nynorsk] storfekjøt {n}, storfekjøtt {n}, oksekjøt {n}, oksekjøtt {n}
bee fly {n} (bee fly) :: [Bokmål] humleflue {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] humlefluge {f}
beefy {adj} (robust) SEE: robust ::
beefy {adj} (muscular) SEE: muscular ::
beehive {n} (home of bees) :: [Bokmål] bikube {m}; [Nynorsk] biekube {m}, bikube {m}
beehive {n} (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey) :: [Bokmål] bikube {m}, kube {m}; [Nynorsk] biekube {m}, bikube {m}, kube {m}
beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: [Bokmål] birøkter {m}; [Nynorsk] birøktar {m}
beekeeping {n} (raising bees) :: birøkt {c}
beemer {n} (slang term for a BMW car or motorcycle) :: beamer {m}
beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: øl
beer {n} (glass of beer) :: øl {m}
beer bottle {n} (a bottle designed to contain beer) :: [Bokmål] ølflaske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] ølflaske {f}
beer can {n} (can containing beer) :: [Bokmål] ølboks {m}; [Nynorsk] ølboks {m}
beer goggles {n} (the illusion that people are more sexually attractive, brought on by alcohol consumption) :: [Bokmål] ølbrille {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] ølbrille {f}
beer mat {n} (mat, often with an advertisement for a brewery on it, to rest one's glass) :: [Bokmål] ølbrikke {m} {f}
bee sting {n} (puncture from a bee) :: bistikk
beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum ::
beeswax {n} (wax secreted by bees) :: [Bokmål] bivoks {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] bivoks {m} {n}
beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: roe
beetle {n} (insect) :: bille {m}
Beetle {n} (Volkswagen car) :: boble {m} {f}
beetroot {n} (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) :: rødbete; [Nynorsk] raudbete
before {prep} (earlier than) :: før
before {prep} (in front of in space) :: [Bokmål] foran; [Nynorsk] føre, framanfor
before {adv} (at an earlier time) :: før
beforehand {adv} (at an earlier time) :: i forkant; [Bokmål] på forhånd, i forveien, i forvegen
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon ::
beg {v} (to request the help of someone, often in the form of money) :: [Bokmål] tigge; [Nynorsk] tigga
beggar {n} (person who begs) :: [Bokmål] tigger {m}, betler {m}, betlerske {m} {f} [female]; [Nynorsk] tiggar {m}
begging letter {n} (letter asking for money) :: [Bokmål] tiggerbrev {n}; [Nynorsk] tiggarbrev {n}
begin {v} (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) :: begynne
beginner {n} (someone who just recently started) :: [Bokmål] nybegynner {m}; [Nynorsk] nybyrjar {m}, nybegynnar {m}
beginning {n} (act of doing that which begins anything) :: [Bokmål] begynnelse {m}
beginning {n} (that which begins or originates something) :: [Bokmål] begynnelse {m}
beginning {n} (initial portion of some extended thing) :: [Bokmål] begynnelse {m}
behalf {n} (behalf) :: [Bokmål] vegne {p}; [Nynorsk] vegner {p}
behave {v} (to act in a specific manner) :: oppføre seg
behave oneself {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) SEE: behave ::
behavior {n} (way an animal or human behaves or acts) :: [Bokmål] oppførsel, adferd {m} {f}
behavior {n} (way matter or systems behave) :: oppførsel, oppførsel
behaviorism {n} (approach to psychology focusing on behavior) :: [Bokmål] behaviorisme {m}, adferdspsykologi {m}, atferdspsykologi {m}; [Nynorsk] behaviorisme {m}, åtferdspsykologi {m}
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
behead {v} (to remove the head) :: halshugge, halshogge
behemoth {n} (mighty beast in the Book of Job) :: [Bokmål] Behemot
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise ::
behind {prep} (at the back of) :: bak
behind {prep} (to the back of) :: bak
behind {prep} (after, time- or motion-wise) :: bak
behind {prep} (responsible for) :: stå bak
behind {prep} (in support of) :: bak
behind {n} (rear, back-end) :: bakpart {m}
behind {n} (buttocks) :: bak {m}, rompe {c}
behind {n} :: bak {m}
behind bars {prep} (in jail or prison) :: [Bokmål] bak lås og slå; [Nynorsk] bak lås og slå
behind the curve {prep} (out of date) :: [Bokmål] ikke henge med i svingene, passé
beholder {n} (someone who observes or beholds; an observer or spectator) :: [Bokmål] betrakter {m}
behove {v} (to befit, to suit) :: passe [reflexive]
behove {v} (to be necessary) :: være nødvendig
Beijing {prop} (capital of China) :: Beijing, Peking, Pekin
being {n} (a living creature) :: vesen
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) :: tilværelse, det å være, bli til
Beirut {prop} (capital of Lebanon) :: Beirut
bejel {n} (Endemic syphilis) :: radesyge, slemsyge, stygsyge, spedalskhed
belabour {v} (To beat someone) :: [Bokmål] slå løs på
Belarus {prop} (country) :: [Bokmål] Hviterussland {n}, Kviterussland {n}; [Nynorsk] Kviterussland {n}
Belarusian {adj} (pertaining to Belarus) :: [Bokmål] hviterussisk; [Nynorsk] kviterussisk
Belarusian {n} (language) :: hviterussisk; [Nynorsk] kviterussisk
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) :: [Bokmål] hviterusser {m}, kviterusser {m}; [Nynorsk] kviterussar {m}
belated {adj} (later in relation to the proper time) :: forsinket, på etterskudd
belch {v} (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) :: rape
belch {n} (sound one makes when belching) :: rap {n}
beleaguer {v} (to besiege; to surround with troops) :: beleire; [Nynorsk] omleire
belfry {n} (part of a large tower or steeple, specifically for containing bells) :: [Bokmål] klokkerom {n}; [Nynorsk] klokkerom {n}
Belgian {n} (Belgian, person from Belgium) :: [Bokmål] belgier {m}; [Nynorsk] belgiar {m}
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) :: [Bokmål] belgisk; [Nynorsk] belgisk
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgians or Belgian people) :: [Bokmål] belgisk; [Nynorsk] belgisk
Belgian Sheepdog {n} (Umbrella term for the four Belgian sheepdog variants) :: belgisk fårehund {m}
Belgium {prop} (country in Europe) :: [Bokmål] Belgia {n}; [Nynorsk] Belgia {n}
Belgrade {prop} (capital of Serbia) :: [Bokmål] Beograd, Belgrad
believable {adj} (capable of being believed; credible) :: [Bokmål] troverdig
believe {v} (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) :: tro
believe {v} :: tro
belittle {v} (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is) :: [Bokmål] nedvurdere, fornedre; bagatellisere
Belize {prop} (country) :: Belize
Belizean {n} (person from Belize) :: [Bokmål] belizer {m}; [Nynorsk] belizar {m}
Belizean {adj} (Pertaining to Belize) :: [Bokmål] belizisk; [Nynorsk] belizisk
Belizian {n} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean ::
Belizian {adj} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean ::
bell {n} (percussive instrument) :: [Bokmål] bjelle {m} {f}, klokke {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bjølle {f}, klokke {f}
bell {n} (informal: telephone call) :: ringing {m} {f}
bell {n} (signal at a school) :: innringing {m} {f}
bell {n} (the flared end of a brass or woodwind instrument) :: sjallstykke {n}
bell {v} (to attach a bell to) :: henge en bjelle på
belladonna {n} (a plant, Atropa belladonna) SEE: deadly nightshade ::
bellicist {n} (warmonger) SEE: warmonger ::
belligerent {adj} (eager to go to war) :: krigersk, stridslysten
belligerent {adj} (hostile, eager to fight) :: stridslysten
bellows {n} (air blower) :: [Bokmål] blåsebelg {m}; [Nynorsk] blåsebelg {m}
bellows {n} (any flexible container or enclosure) :: [Bokmål] belg {m}; [Nynorsk] belg {m}
bell pepper {n} (spicy-sweet vegetable) :: paprika {m}
bell the cat {v} (to undertake a dangerous action in the service of a group) :: [Bokmål] henge bjella på katten; [Nynorsk] hengje bjølla på katten, henge bjølla på katten
bell tower {n} (tower in which a bell (or set of bells) is hung; a belfry) :: [Bokmål] klokketårn {n}; [Nynorsk] klokketårn {n}
bellwether {n} (the leading sheep of a flock, having a bell hung round its neck) :: [Bokmål] bjellesau {m}
belly {n} (abdomen) :: [Bokmål] mage {m}
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel ::
belly dance {n} (form of dance) :: [Bokmål] magedans {m}, mavedans {m}; [Nynorsk] magedans {m}
belly dancer {n} (person who performs belly dances) :: [Bokmål] magedanser {m}, magedanserinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] magedansar {m}, magedansarinne {f}
belly flop {n} (style of diving) :: [Bokmål] mageplask {n}
belong {v} (be the property of) :: [Bokmål] tilhøre; [Nynorsk] tilhøyre
beloved {adj} (loved) :: [Bokmål] elsket
belt {n} (band worn around the waist) :: belte {n}
belt {n} (band used for safety purposes) :: belte {n}
belt {n} (band used in a machine to help transfer motion or power) :: belte {n}
belt {n} (geographical region) :: belte {n}, region {m}
beltway {n} (a freeway that encircles a city) SEE: ring road ::
beluga {n} (cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) :: [Bokmål] hvithval {m}, kvitkval {m}; [Nynorsk] kvitkval {m}
bemock {v} (mock) SEE: mock ::
bench {n} (long seat) :: benk {m}
bench {v} (remove a player from play) :: benke
benchlet {n} (stool) SEE: stool ::
bend {v} (to cause to shape into a curve) :: bøye
bend {v} :: bøye
bend {n} (curve) :: [Bokmål] kurve {m}; [Nynorsk] kurve {f}
bender {n} (slang: homosexual man) :: skeiv {m}
bending {n} (motion or action) :: [Bokmål] bøyning {m} {f}, bøying {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bøying {f}
beneath {prep} (below) :: under
Benedict {prop} (male given name) :: Bendik
Benedicta {prop} (feminine form of Benedict) :: Benedikte
benediction {n} (a short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, usually after a church worship service) :: takksigelse
benefactive case {n} (case used to indicate beneficiary) :: benefaktiv
beneficial {adj} (helpful or good to something or someone) :: [Bokmål] fordelaktig; [Nynorsk] fordelaktig
benefit {n} (payment, subsidy) :: [Bokmål] ytelse {m}
benefit of the doubt {n} (a favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence) :: [Bokmål] la tvilen komme tiltalte til gode; [Nynorsk] la tvilen kome tiltalte til gode
benevolent {adj} (having a disposition to do good) :: [Bokmål] velvillig, velmenende
benevolent {adj} (possessing or manifesting love for mankind) :: menneskekjærlig
Bengali {n} (language) :: [Bokmål] bengali {m}; [Nynorsk] bengali {m} {n}
Benghazi {prop} (Benghazi, Libya) :: Benghazi
benign {adj} ((medicine) not posing any serious threat to health) :: [Bokmål] godartet; [Nynorsk] godarta
benign tumor {n} (tumor which can usually be removed without serious complications) :: godarta svulst {m}
Benin {prop} (country) :: Benin
Beninese {n} (person) :: [Bokmål] beniner {m}; [Nynorsk] beninar {m}
Beninese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Benin) :: [Bokmål] beninsk; [Nynorsk] beninsk
Benjamin {prop} (the youngest son of Jacob) :: Benjamin
Benjamin {prop} (male given name) :: Benjamin
benumb {v} (make numb) SEE: numb ::
benzene {n} (aromatic compound C6H6) :: [Bokmål] benzen {n}; [Nynorsk] benzen {n}
benzene ring {n} (benzene ring) :: [Bokmål] benzenring {m}; [Nynorsk] benzenring {m}
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene ::
benzodiazepine {n} (any of a class of psychoactive drugs) :: [Bokmål] benzodiazepin {m}
benzoic acid {n} (white crystalline organic acid, C6H5COOH) :: [Bokmål] benzosyre {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] benzosyre {f}
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade ::
be prepared {phrase} (motto) :: vær beredt
bequest {n} (will of the deceased) :: testament {n}
bequest {n} (a person's inheritance) :: testamentarisk gave, legat {n}
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence ::
berate {v} (chide vehemently) :: [Bokmål] rakke ned på, skjelle ut
Berber {n} (Member of northwest African ethnic group) :: [Bokmål] berber {m}; [Nynorsk] berbar {m}
Berber {prop} (a group of closely related languages) :: [Bokmål] berbisk {m}; [Nynorsk] berbisk {m}
Berber {adj} (of the Berber people) :: [Bokmål] berbisk; [Nynorsk] berbisk
beret {n} (type of brimless cap) :: [Bokmål] alpelue {m} {f}, beret {m}
bergamot {n} (Mentha × piperita) SEE: peppermint ::
Bergen {prop} (city in Norway) :: Bergen
be right {v} (be correct in one's judgement or statement about something) :: [Bokmål] ha rett
Bering Sea {prop} (sea) :: [Bokmål] Beringhavet; [Nynorsk] Beringhavet
Bering Strait {prop} (strait between Russia and Alaska) :: [Bokmål] Beringstredet {n}; [Nynorsk] Beringsundet {n}
berkelium {n} (transuranic chemical element) :: berkelium
Berlin {prop} (capital city of Germany) :: [Bokmål] Berlin; [Nynorsk] Berlin
Berliner {n} (native or inhabitant of Berlin) :: berliner {m}
Berliner {n} (doughnut) :: [Bokmål] berlinerbolle {m}
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) :: [Bokmål] Berlinmuren {m}; [Nynorsk] Berlinmuren {m}
Bermuda {prop} (island group) :: Bermuda
Bernard {prop} (male given name) :: Bernhard
berry {n} (small fruit) :: bær {n}
berry sugar {n} (caster sugar) SEE: caster sugar ::
berserk {n} (a crazed Norse warrior who fought in a frenzy) :: berserk
berserker {n} (Norse warrior) SEE: berserk ::
berth {n} (bunk) :: køye
beryl {n} (gem) :: [Bokmål] beryll {m}; [Nynorsk] beryll {m}
beryllium {n} (chemical element) :: [Bokmål] beryllium {n}; [Nynorsk] beryllium {n}
beseech {v} (to beg) :: [Bokmål] bønnfalle, trygle, be
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
beside {prep} (next to) :: [Bokmål] ved, ved siden av; [Nynorsk] ved, attmed
beside {prep} (not relevant to) :: på siden
besiege {v} (to surround with armed forces) :: [Bokmål] beleire; [Nynorsk] omleire
be silent {v} (refrain from speaking) :: [Bokmål] tie
besom {n} (broom) :: sopelime {m}
bespoke {adj} (individually or custom made) :: [Bokmål] skreddersy, spesialtilpasse
best {adj} (superlative of the adjective good) :: best
best {adv} (superlative of the adverb well) :: best
best {n} (effort) :: beste
best {n} (person) :: best
best {v} (to beat) :: slå
best friend {n} (an especially close and trusted friend) :: [Bokmål] [also separable] bestevenn {m}, bestevenninne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] [also separable] besteven {m}, bestevenn {m}, besteveninne {f}, bestevenninne {f}
bestial {adj} (beast-like) :: [Bokmål] bestialsk; [Nynorsk] bestialsk
bestiary {n} (A medieval treatise of animals) :: bestiarium
best man {n} (primary attendant to the groom) :: [Bokmål] forlover {m}; [Nynorsk] forlovar {m}
best of both worlds {n} (combination of two contradictory benefits) :: [Bokmål] det beste fra to verdener
bestow {v} (to present a thing as a gift or honour) :: forære, skjenke
best regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) :: med vennlig hilsen
bestseller {n} (book or thing sold in large numbers) :: [Bokmål] bestselger {m}; [Nynorsk] bestseljar {m}
best-selling {adj} (superlative of well-selling) :: [Bokmål] bestselgende
bet {n} (a wager) :: veddemål {n}
bet {v} (to stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event) :: vedde
bet {v} (to be sure of something) :: vedde på
be there {v} :: [Bokmål] være der for
Bethlehem {prop} (City) :: Betlehem
betide {v} ((intransitive) To happen; to take place; to bechance or befall) :: [Bokmål] hende, vederfares
betray {v} (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) :: [Bokmål] forråde
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
betrayer {n} (someone who betrays) :: angiver, forræder, sladrehank, sviker, tyster
better {adj} (comparative of the adjectives good or well) :: [Bokmål] bedre; [Nynorsk] betre
better {adv} (comparative form of the adverb well) :: bedre
better {v} (to improve) :: forbedre
better an egg today than a hen tomorrow {proverb} (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush) SEE: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush ::
better half {n} (spouse or lover) :: [Bokmål] bedre halvdel {m}
better late than never {adv} (it’s better to do something late, than to never do it at all) :: [Bokmål] bedre sent enn aldri, bedre seint enn aldri; [Nynorsk] betre seint enn aldri
better safe than sorry {proverb} (it is preferable to be cautious) :: bedre føre var enn etter snar
between {prep} (in the position or interval that separates two things) :: mellom
between {prep} (shared in confidence by) :: mellom
between {prep} (in transit from one to the other) :: mellom
between {prep} (one of, representing a choice) :: mellom
beverage {n} (drink) :: [Bokmål] drikk {m}
beware {v} (use caution, pay attention (to)) :: passe seg (for)
bewitch {v} (to cast a spell) :: [Bokmål] forhekse; [Nynorsk] forhekse
be wrong {v} (have an incorrect belief, be mistaken) :: [Bokmål] ta feil
beyond {prep} (beyond) SEE: above ::
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown ::
beyond the pale {prep} (behaviour) :: over streken
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India ::
Bhutan {prop} (Himalayan country) :: Bhutan
Bhutanese {n} (person from Bhutan) :: [Bokmål] bhutaner {m}; [Nynorsk] bhutanar {m}
Bhutanese {adj} (pertaining to Bhutan) :: [Bokmål] bhutansk; [Nynorsk] bhutansk
biangbiang noodles {n} (type of noodle) :: biangbiangnudler
biannual {adj} (occurring twice a year; semi-annual) :: halvårlig, halvårs-
bias {n} (inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality) :: fordom, partiskhet
bias {n} :: partisk
biathlon {n} (winter sport) :: [Bokmål] skiskyting {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] skiskyting {f}
bibimbap {n} (Korean dish of white rice topped with vegetables, beef, a whole egg, and gochujang) :: bibimbap {m}
bible {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Bible {prop} (Christian holy book) :: bibel {m}
bible society {n} (bible society) :: [Bokmål] bibelselskap {n}; [Nynorsk] bibelselskap {n}
biblical {adj} (of or relating to the Bible) :: [Bokmål] bibelsk; [Nynorsk] bibelsk
bibliophage {n} (person who loves books) SEE: bookworm ::
bicarbonate {n} (chemistry) :: [Bokmål] hydrogenkarbonat {n}, bikarbonat {n}; [Nynorsk] hydrogenkarbonat {n}
bicarbonate {n} (of soda) :: natron {n}
bichrome {adj} (having two colours) SEE: bicolour ::
bicolour {adj} (having two colours) :: [Bokmål] tofarget
bicoloured {adj} (of two colours) SEE: bicolour ::
Bicol Peninsula {prop} (Bicol Peninsula) :: Bicolhalvøya
bicycle {n} (vehicle) :: sykkel {m}
bicycle kick {n} (kick) :: [Bokmål] brassespark {n}; [Nynorsk] brassespark {n}
bicycle lane {n} (lane of a roadway designated for use by cyclists) :: sykkelsti {m}, sykkelfelt {n}
bicycle path {n} (segregated path for the use of bicycles) :: [Bokmål] sykkelsti {m}; [Nynorsk] sykkelsti {m}, sykkelstig {m}
bicyclist {n} (rider of bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bid {n} (offer at an auction) :: [Bokmål] bud {n}; [Nynorsk] bod {n}
bidet {n} (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) :: [Bokmål] bidet {n}; [Nynorsk] bidet {n}
bidimensional {adj} (two-dimensional) SEE: two-dimensional ::
bidirectional {adj} (moving in two directions) :: bidireksjonal, toretnings-
bidirectional {adj} (operating in two directions) :: bidireksjonal, toretnings-
bifurcate {v} (divide into two) :: bifurkere
bifurcation {n} (biology: division into two branches) :: [Bokmål] bifurkasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] bifurkasjon {m}
bifurcation {n} (any place where one divides into two) :: [Bokmål] bifurkasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] bifurkasjon {m}
big {adj} (of a great size, see also: large) :: [Bokmål] stor; [Nynorsk] stor
big-breasted {adj} (having large breasts) :: [Bokmål] barmfager
big brother {n} (a sibling's older brother) SEE: older brother ::
big data {n} (collection of data sets) :: [Bokmål] stordata {p}, big data; [Nynorsk] stordata {p}
Big Dipper {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) :: Karlsvognen
bigger {adj} (comparative of big) :: [Bokmål] større
bight {n} (large bay) :: [Bokmål] bukt {m} {f}
Big Mac {n} (burger) :: Big Mac {m}
big sister {n} (a sibling's older sister) SEE: older sister ::
big toe {n} (largest of the toes of the foot of a human) :: [Bokmål] stortå {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] stortå {f}
big wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel ::
bike {n} (bicycle) :: sykkel {m}
bike {n} (motorcycle) :: motorsykkel {m}
bike lane {n} (bicycle lane) SEE: bicycle lane ::
bike path {n} (bicycle path) SEE: bicycle path ::
biker {n} (person who rides a bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bikini {n} (bathing suit) :: [Bokmål] bikini {m}; [Nynorsk] bikini {m}
bilateral {adj} (involving both sides equally) :: [Bokmål] bilateral; [Nynorsk] bilateral
bilberry {n} (type of blueberry from the cowberry family, see also: blueberry) :: [Bokmål] blåbær {n}; [Nynorsk] blåbær {n}
bilberry {n} (the shrub of this plant) :: [Bokmål] blåbær {n}; [Nynorsk] blåbær {n}
bile {n} (secretion produced by the liver) :: [Bokmål] galle {m}; [Nynorsk] galle {m}
bile duct {n} (structure carrying bile) :: [Bokmål] gallegang {m}; [Nynorsk] gallegang {m}
bilge pump {n} (pump in a ship) :: [Bokmål] lensepumpe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] lensepumpe {f}
bilingual {adj} (speaking two languages) :: [Bokmål] bilingv, bilingval, tospråklig; [Nynorsk] bilingv, bilingval, tospråkleg
bilingualism {n} (condition of being bilingual) :: [Bokmål] tospråklighet {m} {f}, bilingvalisme {m}, bilingvisme {m}; [Nynorsk] tospråklegheit {f}, bilingvalisme {m}, bilingvisme {m}, tospråksbruk {m} {n}
bilk {v} (defraud, cheat) :: la i stikken
bill {n} (bird's beak) :: nebb {?}
bill {n} (draft of a law) :: [Bokmål] lovforslag {n}; [Nynorsk] lovforslag {n}
bill {n} (invoice) :: [Bokmål] regning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] rekning {f}
bill {n} (advertisement) :: plakat {?}
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote ::
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet ::
billiards {n} (a cue sport) :: [Bokmål] biljard {m}; [Nynorsk] biljard {m}
billiard table {n} (table used for playing billiards etc.) :: [Bokmål] biljardbord {n}; [Nynorsk] biljardbord {n}
billion {n} (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) :: milliard; [Bokmål] milliard; [Nynorsk] milliard
billionaire {n} (wealth exceeding one billion (109)) :: milliardær {m}
bill of materials {n} (a list of materials and components) :: stykkliste
Billy {prop} (William) SEE: William ::
billy goat {n} (male goat) :: [Bokmål] geitebukk {m}; [Nynorsk] geitebukk {m}
Billy Wix {prop} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl ::
binary {adj} (being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions such as on or off) :: binær
binary {adj} (using binary number system) :: [Bokmål] binær; [Nynorsk] binær
binary operator {n} (operator taking two operands) :: [Bokmål] binær operator {m}; [Nynorsk] binær operator {m}
bind {v} (transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.) :: binde
bind {v} (transitive connect) :: binde
binder {n} (chemical etc. that causes other substances to form into one) :: [Bokmål] bindemiddel {n}; [Nynorsk] bindemiddel {n}
binge eating disorder {n} (medical disorder) :: [Bokmål] overspisingslidelse {m}
bingo {interj} (to claim a win in bingo) :: bingo
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
binoculars {n} (hand-held device for looking at a distance) :: [Bokmål] kikkert {m}; [Nynorsk] kikert {m}, kikkert {m}
bio- {prefix} (life) :: bio-
bioactive {adj} (having a biological effect) :: [Bokmål] bioaktiv; [Nynorsk] bioaktiv
biochemist {n} (A chemist whose speciality is biochemistry) :: [Bokmål] biokjemiker {m}; [Nynorsk] biokjemikar {m}
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) :: [Bokmål] biokjemi {m}; [Nynorsk] biokjemi {m}
biodiesel {n} (fuel) :: [Bokmål] biodiesel {m}; [Nynorsk] biodiesel {m}
biodiversity {n} (diversity of flora and fauna) :: [Bokmål] biodiversitet {m}, biologisk mangfold {n}; [Nynorsk] biodiversitet {m}, biologisk mangfald {n}
biofuel {n} (biofuel) :: [Bokmål] biodrivstoff {n}; [Nynorsk] biodrivstoff {n}
biogenesis {n} (biosynthesis) SEE: biosynthesis ::
biographer {n} (the writer of a biography) :: [Bokmål] biograf {m}; [Nynorsk] biograf {m}
biographic {adj} (biographical) SEE: biographical ::
biographical {adj} (relating to an account of a person's life) :: [Bokmål] biografisk; [Nynorsk] biografisk
biography {n} (personal life story) :: [Bokmål] biografi {m}; [Nynorsk] biografi {m}
bioindicator {n} (indicator of environmental health) :: [Bokmål] indikatorart {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] indikatorart {m} {f}
biologist {n} (student of biology; one versed in the science of biology) :: [Bokmål] biolog {m}; [Nynorsk] biolog {m}
biology {n} (study of living matter) :: [Bokmål] biologi {m}; [Nynorsk] biologi {m}
biomass {n} (total mass of living things) :: [Bokmål] biomasse {m}; [Nynorsk] biomasse {m}
biometric {adj} (of, pertaining to or using biometrics) :: [Bokmål] biometrisk; [Nynorsk] biometrisk
biomimetics {n} (science) :: biomimetikk {m}
biophysical {adj} (relating to biophysics) :: [Bokmål] biofysisk; [Nynorsk] biofysisk
biosphere {n} (part of Earth capable of supporting life) :: [Bokmål] biosfære {m}; [Nynorsk] biosfære {m}
biosynthesis {n} (synthesis of organic compounds) :: [Bokmål] biosyntese {m}
biotite {n} (dark brown mica) :: [Bokmål] biotitt {m}; [Nynorsk] biotitt {m}
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) :: bipolar lidelse
birch {n} (tree) :: [Bokmål] bjørk {m} {f}, bjerk {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bjørk {f}
birch {n} (wood) :: [Bokmål] bjerk {m} {f}, bjørk {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bjørk {f}
birch {n} (punishment device) :: [Bokmål] ris {n}, stokk {m}
birchbark {n} (bark of the birch tree) :: [Bokmål] never {m} {f}
birch bolete {n} (Leccinum scabrum) :: brunskrubb {m}
bird {n} (animal) :: [Bokmål] fugl {m}; [Nynorsk] fugl {m}
bird {n} (woman) :: rype {f}
bird cherry {n} (Prunus padus) :: [Bokmål] hegg {m}; [Nynorsk] hegg {m}
birdie {n} (badminton: shuttlecock) SEE: shuttlecock ::
birdie {n} (bird, birdling) :: småfugl {m}, titting [dialectal]
birdlife {n} (birds collectively) :: [Bokmål] fugleliv {n}; [Nynorsk] fugleliv {n}
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time ::
birdling {n} (small bird; birdie; nestling (young bird, baby bird)) :: [Bokmål] småfugl {m}; [Nynorsk] småfugl {m}
bird of paradise {n} (bird) :: [Bokmål] paradisfugl {m}; [Nynorsk] paradisfugl {m}
bird's-eye view {n} (view from directly or high above) :: [Bokmål] fugleperspektiv {n}; [Nynorsk] fugleperspektiv {n}
bird's nest {n} (A structure built by a bird as a place to incubate eggs and rear young.) :: [Bokmål] fuglereir {n}; [Nynorsk] fuglereir {n}
birds of a feather flock together {proverb} (people of similar character, etc. tend to associate) :: like barn leker best
birds of the feather flock together {proverb} (birds of a feather flock together) SEE: birds of a feather flock together ::
birdsong {n} (musical sound made by a bird) :: [Bokmål] fuglesang {m}; [Nynorsk] fuglesong {m}
bird table {n} (construction for supplying food for birds) :: [Bokmål] fuglebrett {n}; [Nynorsk] fuglebrett {n}
biro {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
birth {n} (process of childbearing; beginning of life) :: [Bokmål] fødsel {m}; [Nynorsk] fødsel {m}
birth {n} (instance of childbirth) :: [Bokmål] fødsel {m}; [Nynorsk] fødsel {m}
birth certificate {n} (official document certifying the details of a person's birth) :: [Bokmål] fødselsattest {m}; [Nynorsk] fødselsattest {m}
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth ::
birthday {n} (anniversary) :: [Bokmål] bursdag {m}, fødselsdag {m}, gebursdag {m}; [Nynorsk] bursdag {m}, fødselsdag {m}, gebursdag {m}
birthday {n} (date of birth) :: fødselsdag {m}
birthday boy {n} (a male whose birthday it is) :: [Bokmål] gebursdagsbarn {n}
birthday cake {n} (a cake made to celebrate a birthday) :: [Bokmål] bursdagskake {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bursdagskake {f}
birthday girl {n} (a female whose birthday it is) :: [Bokmål] gebursdagsbarn {n} [gender-neutral]
birthday party {n} (a party held to celebrate a birthday) :: bursdagsfest {m}, bursdagsselskap
birthday suit {n} (nakedness) :: Adams drakt [used of men], Evas drakt [used of women]
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) :: føflekk {c}, fødselsmerke {n}
birth pang {n} (spasms of pain associated with labour) :: [Bokmål] ve {m}
birthplace {n} (location where a person is born) :: [Bokmål] fødested {n}; [Nynorsk] fødestad {m}
birth weight {n} (weight of a baby at birth) :: [Bokmål] fødselsvekt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] fødselsvekt {f}
birthweight {n} (birthweight) SEE: birth weight ::
Biscay {prop} (Bay of Biscay) SEE: Bay of Biscay ::
biscuit {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) :: kjeks {m}, småkake {m}
biscuit {n} (ship's "bread") :: [Bokmål] kjeks {m}, beskøyter {m}
bisexual {adj} (hermaphrodite) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
bisexuality {n} (psychology) :: bisexualitet {m}
Bishkek {prop} (capital of Kyrgyzstan) :: Bisjkek
Bishnupriya Manipuri {prop} (language) :: bishnupriya manipuri
bishop {n} (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) :: [Bokmål] biskop {m}, bisp {m}; [Nynorsk] biskop {m}, bisp {m}
bishop {n} (chess piece) :: løper {m}
bismuth {n} (chemical element) :: [Bokmål] vismut {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] vismut {m} {n}
Bissau-Guinean {n} (person from Guinea-Bissau) :: [Bokmål] bissauguineaner {m}; [Nynorsk] bissauguineanar {m}
bissextile {n} (leap year) SEE: leap year ::
bissextile year {n} (year with an extra day) SEE: leap year ::
bistro {n} (small restaurant) :: bistro {m}
bit {n} (metal in horse's mouth) :: bitt {n}
bit {n} (rotary cutting tool) :: bit {n}
bit {n} (small amount of something, see also: a little) :: bit {m}
bit {n} (portion) :: bit {m}
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin ::
bitch {n} (female canine) :: [Bokmål] tispe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tispe {f}
bitch {n} (disagreeable, aggressive person, usually female) :: tispe {f}
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint ::
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog ::
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch ::
bite {v} (to cut into by clamping the teeth) :: bite
bite {v} (to hold something by clamping one’s teeth) :: bite
bite {v} (to attack with the teeth) :: bite
bite {v} (to bite a baited hook or other lure) :: bite på
bite {v} (to fall for a deception) :: bite på
bite {v} (to sting) :: bite
bite {n} (act of biting) :: biting {m}
bite {n} (wound left behind after having been bitten) :: bitt {n}
bite {n} (swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting) :: stikk {n}, bitt {n}
bite {n} (mouthful) :: tygge {m}, munnfull {m}
bite off more than one can chew {v} (To try to do too much) :: gape over for mye, ta seg vann over hodet
bite one's tongue {v} (prevent oneself from uttering a word) :: hvis du ikke har noe hyggelig å si, si ingen ting
bite the bullet {v} (endure punishment with dignity or accept a negative aspect of a situation) :: bite i det sure eple [bite into the sour apple]
bite the dust {v} (to die) :: [Bokmål] bite i gresset, bite i graset; [Nynorsk] bite i graset
bite the dust {v} (to quit or fail) :: [Bokmål] bite i gresset, bite i graset; [Nynorsk] bite i graset
biting {adj} (causing a stinging sensation) :: [Bokmål] bitende
biting {adj} (cutting or incisive) :: [Bokmål] bitende
biting {adj} (tending to bite) :: [Bokmål] bitende
Bitola {prop} (city) :: Bitola
bitter {adj} (having an acrid taste) :: bitter
bitter {adj} (hateful or hostile) :: bitter
bitter {adj} (cynical and resentful) :: bitter
bitterness {n} (quality of being bitter in taste) :: [Bokmål] bitterhet {m} {f}
bitterness {n} (quality of feeling bitter) :: [Bokmål] bitterhet {m} {f}
blab {n} (gossip) SEE: gossip ::
black {adj} (absorbing all light) :: svart, sort
black {adj} (without light) :: mørk
black {adj} (relating to people with dark skin) :: svart
black {adj} (bad; evil) :: svart
black {adj} (illegitimate, illegal or disgraced) :: svart
black {adj} (of coffee or tea, without milk or other whitener) :: svart
black {n} (colour/color) :: svart, sort
black {n} (dark-skinned person) :: svart
black alder {n} (Alnus glutinosa tree) :: [Bokmål] svartolder {m} {f}, svartor {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] svartolder {m} {f}, svartor {m} {f}
black and white {adj} (black-and-white) SEE: black-and-white ::
black-and-white {adj} (using shades of grey/gray) :: [Bokmål] svarthvit
black-and-white {adj} (displaying images in shades of grey/gray) :: [Bokmål] svarthvit
black bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) SEE: garbage bag ::
black bear {n} (American black bear) :: [Bokmål] svartbjørn {m}; [Nynorsk] svartbjørn {m}
blackberry {n} (shrub) :: bjørnebær {n}
blackberry {n} (fruit) :: bjørnebær {n}
blackbird {n} (Turdus merula: blackbird) :: [Bokmål] svarttrost {m}; [Nynorsk] svarttrast {m} {f}, svarttrost {m} {f}
blackboard {n} (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) :: [Bokmål] tavle {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tavle {f}
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) :: [Bokmål] svart boks {m}; [Nynorsk] svart boks {m}
blackcap {n} (Sylvia atricapilla) :: [Bokmål] munk {m}
black-capped chickadee {n} (Poecile atricapillus) :: amerikameis
black caraway {n} (spice) :: [Bokmål] svartkarve {m}; [Nynorsk] svartkarve {m}
black cat {n} (black-furred cat) :: svart katt {m} {f}
black child {n} (black child, see also: pickaninny) :: negerbarn {n}
black-crested titmouse {n} (Baeolophus atricristatus) :: svartduskmeis
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) :: [Bokmål] natthegre {m}; [Nynorsk] natthegre {m}
black currant {n} (shrub) :: [Bokmål] solbærbusk {m}, solbærplante {m}; [Nynorsk] solbærbusk {m}
black currant {n} (berry) :: solbær {n}
Black Death {prop} (14th century pandemic outbreak) :: [Bokmål] svartedauden {m} [definite form]; [Nynorsk] svartedauden {m} [definite form]
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder ::
black eye {n} (bruised eye) :: blått øye {n}, blåveis {m}
Blackfoot {prop} (a North American confederacy) :: svartfot {m}
black grouse {n} (Lyrurus tetrix) :: orrfugl
black guillemot {n} (black guillemot) :: [Nynorsk] teist {m}, teiste {m}
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) :: [Bokmål] hettemåke {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] hettemåke
black hole {n} (celestial body) :: [Bokmål] svart hull, sort hull; [Nynorsk] svart hòl
blacking {n} (shoe polish) SEE: shoe polish ::
black lead {n} (graphite) SEE: graphite ::
black-legged kittiwake {n} (Rissa tridactyla) :: krykkje {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] krykkje {f}
black light {n} (light bulb that emits ultraviolet light) :: black light
blacklist {v} (to place on a blacklist) :: [Bokmål] svarteliste; [Nynorsk] svarteliste
black magic {n} (magic derived from evil forces) :: [Bokmål] svart magi {m}; [Nynorsk] svart magi {m}
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) :: utpressing {m} {f}, utpresning {m} {f}
blackmail {v} (to extort money) :: [Bokmål] utpresse
Black Maria {n} (a police van for transporting prisoners) :: svartemarje {c}
black market {n} (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls) :: [Nynorsk] svartebørs; [Bokmål] svartebørs
black metal {n} (a subgenre of heavy metal) :: svartmetall
black powder {n} (simple form of gunpowder) :: [Bokmål] svartkrutt {n}
black rhinoceros {n} (Diceros bicornis) :: spissneshorn
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) :: Svartehavet {n}
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist ::
blackshirt {n} (uniformed Italian fascist, member of a paramilitary wing of the party) :: [Bokmål] svartskjorte {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] svartskjorte {f}
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) :: [Bokmål] smed {m}, grovsmed {m}; [Nynorsk] smed {m}, grovsmed {m}; [Bokmål] hovslager {m}; [Nynorsk] hovslagar {m}, hóvslagar {m}
blackthorn {n} (Prunus spinosa) :: slåpetorn {m}, [the fruit] slåpe {m} {f}
black-throated diver {n} (Gavia arctica) :: storlom {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] storlom {m}
black-throated loon {n} (black-throated diver) SEE: black-throated diver ::
black widow {n} (species of venomous spider) :: sorte enke {f}
black widow {n} (a murderous woman) :: sorte enke {f}
black-winged pratincole {n} (Glareola nordmanni) :: steppebrakksvale; [Nynorsk] steppebrakksvale
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder ::
blade {n} (sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil) :: [Bokmål] blad {n}, [of sword etc.] klinge {m}; [Nynorsk] blad {n}, [of sword etc.] klinge {f}
blade {n} (thin plate, foil) :: blad {n}
blade {n} (the flat part of a leaf or petal) :: blad {n}
blade {n} (slang term for a weapon such as a dagger) :: blad {n}
blade {n} (part of a propeller) :: blad {n}
blame {v} (place blame upon) :: skylde
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility ::
blameless {adj} (free from blame; without fault; innocent; guiltless) :: [Bokmål] uklanderlig
blanch {v} (to grow or become white) :: blekne
bland {adj} (Lacking in taste or vigor) :: [Bokmål] smakløs, intetsigende
blank {adj} (free from writing, printing or marks) :: blank
blank {n} (space character) :: [Bokmål] mellomrom {n}; [Nynorsk] mellomrom {n}
blanket {n} (fabric) :: dyne {m} {f}, teppe {n}
blanket {n} (layer of anything) :: teppe {n}
blare {n} (a loud sound) :: brøl {n}, skrall {n}
blare {v} (to make a loud sound) :: brøle, skralle
blaspheme {v} (to speak against God or religious doctrine) :: spotte
blasphemous {adj} (lacking piety or respect for the sacred) :: [Bokmål] blasfemisk; [Nynorsk] blasfemisk
blasphemy {n} (Irreverence toward something sacred) :: blasfemi
blast {n} (explosion) :: explosjon, sprenging
blast furnace {n} (furnace where iron ore is smelted) :: [Bokmål] masovn {m}; [Nynorsk] masomn {m}
bleach {v} (to treat with bleach) :: [Bokmål] bleke, bleike; [Nynorsk] bleike, bleikje
bleach {n} (chemical) :: [Bokmål] blekemiddel {n}, bleikemiddel {n}; [Nynorsk] bleikemiddel {n}, bleikjemiddel {n}
bleacher {n} (seating for spectators) :: tribuner {m}
bleed {v} (lose blood) :: blø
bleeding {n} (the flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel) :: [Bokmål] blødning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bløding {f}
bleep {n} (high-pitched sound) :: pip {n}
blend {n} (in linguistics) SEE: portmanteau word ::
bless {v} (confer blessing on) :: velsigne, signa, blessa
blessed {adj} (having divine aid, or protection, or other blessing) :: velsignet
blessing {n} (prayer before a meal) SEE: grace ::
bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: prosit
bless you {interj} (short for "God bless you") SEE: God bless you ::
bleuatre {adj} (bluish) SEE: bluish ::
blind {adj} (unable to see) :: [Bokmål] blind {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blind {m} {f}
blind {v} (make temporarily or permanently blind) :: blinde [permanently], blende [temporarily, as by the sun]
blind alley {n} (street that leads nowhere) SEE: dead end ::
blind gut {n} (caecum) SEE: caecum ::
blind man's buff {n} (game where someone is blindfolded and tries to catch the others) :: blindebukk {m}
blindness {n} (condition of being blind) :: [Bokmål] blindhet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blindskap {m}
blindside {n} (driver's field of blindness) :: [Bokmål] dødvinkel {m}
blindside {v} (catch off guard) :: [Bokmål] ta på sengen, overrumple; [Nynorsk] ta på senga, overrumple
blind spot {n} (part of the road that cannot be seen) :: [Bokmål] dødvinkel {m}, blindsone {m}
blindworm {n} (slowworm) SEE: slowworm ::
blink {v} (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) :: [Bokmål] blunke
blink {v} (to flash headlights) :: [Bokmål] blinke
blink {v} (to send a signal with a lighting device) :: [Bokmål] blinke
blinker {n} (eye shield) :: skylapper {p}
blinkers {n} (horse's eye shields) :: skylapper {n}
blink of an eye {n} (very short period of time) :: [Bokmål] øyeblikk {n}
bliss {n} (perfect happiness) :: [Bokmål] lykksalighet
blister {n} (bubble on the skin) :: [Bokmål] vannblemme {m} {f}
blitzkrieg {n} (fast military offensive) :: blitskrig {m}, lynkrig {m}
blizzard {n} (severe snowstorm) :: snøstorm {m}
bloated {adj} (swollen with fluid or gas) :: [Bokmål] oppblåst
bloc {n} (group of voters or politicians) :: blokk {m}
bloc {n} (group of countries) :: blokk {m}
block {n} (substantial often approximately cuboid piece) :: kloss
block {n} (group of buildings demarcated by streets) :: [Bokmål] kvartal {n}; [Nynorsk] kvartal {n}
block {n} (distance from one street to another) :: blokk
blockade {n} (the isolation of something) :: [Bokmål] blokade {m}; [Nynorsk] blokade {m}
blockage {n} (state of being blocked) :: [Bokmål] tilstopping {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tilstopping {f}
block capital {n} (hand-written capital) :: [Bokmål] blokkbokstav {m}; [Nynorsk] blokkbokstav {m}
blocked {adj} (obstructed, of flow) :: [Bokmål] tilstoppet
blockfield {n} (rock surface) :: [Bokmål] blokkmark {m} {f}
block letter {n} (hand-written capital) :: [Bokmål] blokkbokstav {m}; [Nynorsk] blokkbokstav {m}
blog {n} (a personal or corporate website) :: [Bokmål] blogg {m}; [Nynorsk] blogg {m}
blogger {n} (contributor to a blog) :: [Bokmål] blogger {m}; [Nynorsk] bloggar {m}
bloke {n} (man) :: fyr {m}
blond {adj} (having blond hair) :: blond
blond {n} (fair-haired person) :: lys(håret), blond, blondine
blonde {n} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blonde {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) :: [Bokmål] blod {n}; [Nynorsk] blod {n}
blood {n} (family relationship due to birth, e.g. between siblings) :: blodsbånd {n}
blood {n} (blood test or blood sample) :: blodprøve {m}
blood bank {n} (place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored) :: [Bokmål] blodbank {m}; [Nynorsk] blodbank {m}
bloodbath {n} (indiscriminate killing or slaughter) :: [Bokmål] blodbad {n}; [Nynorsk] blodbad {n}
blood cell {n} (any of the cells normally found in the blood) :: [Bokmål] blodcelle {m} {f}, blodlegeme {n}; [Nynorsk] blodlekam {m}
blood clot {n} :: [Bokmål] blodpropp {m}; [Nynorsk] blodpropp {m}
blood corpuscle {n} (blood cell) SEE: blood cell ::
blood diamond {n} (1. a diamond that has been mined in a war zone and sold in order to finance the conflict) :: bloddiamanter
blood donor {n} (person who donates blood) :: [Bokmål] blodgiver {m}
blood feud {n} (feud between clans or families) SEE: vendetta ::
blood flow {n} (continuous circulation of blood in the cardiovascular system) :: [Bokmål] blodtilførsel {m}, blodstrøm {m}; [Nynorsk] blodtilførsel {m}
bloodhound {n} (dog) :: [Bokmål] blodhund {m}; [Nynorsk] blodhund {m}
blood is thicker than water {proverb} (relationships are stronger within the family) :: [Bokmål] blod er tykkere enn vann; [Nynorsk] blod er tjukkare enn vatn
bloodless {adj} (taking place without loss of blood) :: [Bokmål] ublodig; [Nynorsk] ublodig
blood loss {n} (loss of blood) :: [Bokmål] blodtap {n}; [Nynorsk] blodtap {n}
blood poisoning {n} (presence of micro-organisms in bloodstream) :: [Bokmål] blodforgiftning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blodforgifting {f}
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) :: [Bokmål] blodtrykk {n}; [Nynorsk] blodtrykk {n}
blood pudding {n} (blood sausage) SEE: blood sausage ::
blood sample {n} (a sample of blood) :: [Bokmål] blodprøve {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blodprøve {f} {m}
blood sausage {n} (type of sausage) :: [Bokmål] blodpølse {m} {f}, blodpudding {m}; [Nynorsk] blodpølse {f}, blodpudding {m}
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire ::
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite ::
bloodsucker {n} (one who attempts to take as much from others as possible) :: blodsuger {m}
bloodsucking {adj} (that draws off blood) :: [Bokmål] blodsugende
blood sugar {n} (glucose in the blood) :: [Bokmål] blodsukker {n}; [Nynorsk] blodsukker {n}
blood supply {n} (volume of blood flowing to part of the body over a particular time period) :: [Bokmål] blodtilførsel {m}; [Nynorsk] blodtilførsel {m}
blood, sweat and tears {n} (person's determination and hard work) :: [Bokmål] blod, svette og tårer; [Nynorsk] blod, sveitte og tårer
blood test {n} (a serologic analysis of a sample of blood) :: [Bokmål] blodprøve {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blodprøve {f} {m}
bloodthirsty {adj} (thirsty for blood) :: [Bokmål] blodtørstig; [Nynorsk] blodtørstig
blood transfusion {n} (taking blood from one and giving it to another individual) :: [Bokmål] blodoverføring {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blodoverføring {f}
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) :: [Bokmål] blodåre {m} {f}, blodkar {n}; [Nynorsk] blodår {f}, blodåre {f}, blodkar {n}
blood work {n} (blood test) SEE: blood test ::
bloody {adj} (intensifier) :: jævla
bloody hell {interj} (expression of dismay) :: fyttirakkern
bloody mary {n} (cocktail made from vodka and tomato juice) :: bloody mary
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower ::
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom ::
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) :: [Bokmål] blomstre; [Nynorsk] blomstre, bløme
blossom {v} (begin to thrive or flourish) :: [Bokmål] blomstre; [Nynorsk] blomstre, bløme
blotter {n} (piece of blotting paper) SEE: blotting paper ::
blotting paper {n} (absorbent paper used to dry ink) :: trekkpapir {n}
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
blouse {n} (an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt) :: [Bokmål] bluse {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bluse {m} {f}
blow {n} (act of striking or hitting) :: [Bokmål] slag {n}; [Nynorsk] slag {n}
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow ::
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
blow-dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
blowfly {n} (flies of the family Calliphoridae) :: [Bokmål] spyflue {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] spyfluge {f}
blowgun {n} (weapon) :: [Bokmål] blåserør {n}
blowpipe {n} (chemistry: narrow tube to blow air onto flame) :: [Bokmål] blåserør {n}
blowpipe {n} (narrow pipe to blow glassware) :: [Bokmål] blåserør {n}
blowpipe {n} (weapon) SEE: blowgun ::
blow someone out of the water {v} (to defeat) :: [Bokmål] slå til jorden
blubber {n} (coat of fat of Antarctic/Arctic animal) :: [Bokmål] spekk {n}, hvalspekk {n}; [Nynorsk] spekk {n}
bludgeon {n} (short heavy club) :: [Bokmål] klubbe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] klubbe {f}
bludgeon {v} (to club, hit with a bludgeon) :: [Bokmål] klubbe, klubbe ned; [Nynorsk] klubbe
blue {adj} (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) :: blå
blue {n} (colour) :: blå
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
Bluebeard {prop} (the title character) :: Ridder Blåskjegg
bluebell {n} (harebell) :: [Bokmål] blåklokke {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blåklokke {f}
blueberry {n} (fruit) :: [Bokmål] blåbær {n}; [Nynorsk] blåbær {n}
blueberry {n} (plant) :: [Bokmål] blåbærplante {c}, blåbær {n}; [Nynorsk] blåbær {n}
bluebird {n} (bird of Sialia) :: hyttesanger {m}
blue-black {n} (very dark blue) :: blåsvart
blue-black {n} (black with bluish highlights) :: blåsvart
blue cheese {n} (kind of cheese with bluish mold) :: blåost
blue-eyed {adj} (having blue eyes) :: [Bokmål] blåøyd; [Nynorsk] blåøygd
blue-eyed {adj} (naive) :: [Bokmål] blåøyd; [Nynorsk] blåøygd
blue jay {n} (species of North American jay) :: [Bokmål] blåskrike {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blåskrikje {f}, blåskrike {f}
blue light {n} (flashing light on emergency vehicle) :: [Bokmål] blålys {n}; [Nynorsk] blålys {n}, blåljos {n}
blue line {n} (ice hockey: line) :: [Bokmål] blålinje {m} {f}, blue line
blue mussel {n} (Mytilus edulis) :: [Bokmål] blåskjell {m} {f} {n}; [Nynorsk] blåskjel {f} {n}
blueprint {n} (cyanotype reproduction process) :: [Bokmål] blåkopi {m}
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) :: blåskjerm
bluestone {n} (slate) SEE: slate ::
bluestone {n} (limestone) SEE: limestone ::
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt ::
blue straggler {n} (unusually hot and blue star) :: [Bokmål] blå etterslenger; [Nynorsk] blå etternølar
bluethroat {n} (bird) :: [Bokmål] blåstrupe {m}; [Nynorsk] blåstrupe {m}
blue tit {n} (Cyanistes caeruleus) :: [Bokmål] blåmeis {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blåmeis {f}
Bluetooth {prop} (nickname of a Danish king) :: blåtann {m}
Bluetooth {prop} (personal area wireless network) :: Blåtann {f}
blue whale {n} (a whale, Balaenoptera musculus) :: [Bokmål] blåhval {m}, blåkval {m}; [Nynorsk] blåkval {m}
blue-winged kookaburra {n} (Dacelo leachii) :: larmekokaburra
bluish {adj} (somewhat blue in color) :: [Bokmål] blålig, blåaktig; [Nynorsk] blåleg, blåaktig
blunderbuss {n} (old style of firearm with a distinctive large opening at the muzzle) :: muskedunder
blunt {adj} (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) :: [Bokmål] stump; [Nynorsk] stump
blurb {n} (a short description of a book, film, or other work) :: brødtekst {m}
blurred {adj} (Out of focus) :: [Bokmål] uskarp; [Nynorsk] uskarp
blush {v} (to redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment) :: rødme
bluster {n} (pompous, officious talk) :: uforskammet mas, tomme trusler
bluster {n} (fitful noise and violence) :: raseri {n}, bråk {n}
bluster {v} (to speak or protest loudly) :: bråke, bruke seg, opptre uforskammet
bluster {v} (to blow in strong or sudden gusts) :: rase
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar ::
boar {n} (male pig) :: galte {m} [castrated], råne {m}
board {n} (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) :: [Bokmål] bord {n}, planke {m}; [Nynorsk] bord {n}, planke {m}
board {n} (device containing electrical switches) :: tavle {c}, panel {n}
board {n} (short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.) :: [Bokmål] tavle {m} {f}, brett {n}
board {n} (managing committee) :: styre {n}
board {n} (side of a ship) :: bord
board {n} (wall surrounding ice hockey rink) :: vant {n}
board {v} (to step or climb onto) :: borde, entre, gå ombord
board {v} (to provide someone with meals and lodging) :: losjere
board {v} (to receive meals and lodging in exchange for money) :: losjere
board {v} (nautical: to capture an enemy ship) :: borde
board game {n} (game played on a board) :: [Bokmål] brettspill {n}, brettspell {n}; [Nynorsk] brettspel {n}
boarding school {n} (school which provides board and lodging) :: internatskole {m}, kostskole {m}
board meeting {n} (meeting of the board of a company etc.) :: [Bokmål] styremøte {n}; [Nynorsk] styremøte {n}
board member {n} (person on the board of directors of an association or company) :: styremedlem
board of directors {n} (group of people elected by stockholders) :: [Bokmål] styre {n}; [Nynorsk] styre {n}
boardroom {n} (room where the board meets) :: [Bokmål] styrerom {n}; [Nynorsk] styrerom {n}
boast {n} (brag) :: skryt {n}
boast {v} (to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself) :: skryte
boat {n} (water craft) :: [Bokmål] båt {m}, farkost {m}; [Nynorsk] båt {m}, farkost {m}
boatbuilder {n} (person) :: [Bokmål] båtbygger {m}
boathook {n} (hook attached to a pole to push out or pull in things, see also: setting pole) :: [Bokmål] båtshake {m}; [Nynorsk] båtshake {m}
boathouse {n} (building for boats) :: båthus {n}, naust; [Nynorsk] båthus {n}, naust
boat lift {n} (mechanism) :: båtheis
boat shed {n} (boathouse) SEE: boathouse ::
boat show {n} (exhibition of boats) :: [Bokmål] båtmesse {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] båtmesse {f}
boatyard {n} (shipyard) SEE: shipyard ::
bob {n} (bobber) SEE: float ::
bob {n} (curtsey) SEE: curtsey ::
bobber {n} (buoyant fishing device) SEE: float ::
bobcat {n} (North American wild cat) :: [Bokmål] rødgaupe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] raudgaupe
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German ::
bodge {v} (do a clumsy or inelegant job) SEE: botch ::
bodger {n} (a woodworker in the traditional style) :: bendreier {m}
bodice {n} (blouse-like garment in European folk dress) :: liv
bodiless {adj} (lacking a body) :: kroppsløs
bodily fluid {n} (biofluid) :: [Bokmål] kroppsvæske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kroppsvæske {f}
bodily function {n} (physical process) :: [Bokmål] kroppsfunksjon {m}; [Nynorsk] kroppsfunksjon {m}
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger ::
bodkin {n} (hairpin) SEE: hairpin ::
body {n} (physical structure of a human or animal) :: [Bokmål] kropp {m}; [Nynorsk] kropp {m}
body {n} (largest or most important part of anything (e.g. car bodywork)) :: [Bokmål] [vehicle] karosseri {n}; [Nynorsk] [vehicle] karosseri {n}
body {n} (organisation, company or other authoritative group) :: [Bokmål] organ {n}; [Nynorsk] organ {n}
bodyguard {n} (person responsible for protecting an individual) :: [Bokmål] livvakt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] livvakt {f}
body hair {n} (androgenic hair) :: [Bokmål] kroppshår {n}; [Nynorsk] kroppshår {n}
body language {n} (non-verbal communication) :: [Bokmål] kroppsspråk {n}; [Nynorsk] kroppsspråk {n}
body part {n} (anatomy: part of organism) :: [Bokmål] kroppsdel {m}; [Nynorsk] kroppsdel {m}
body text {n} (main portion of text) :: [Bokmål] brødtekst {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] brødtekst {m} {f}
bodywork {n} (exterior body of a motor vehicle) :: [Bokmål] karosseri {n}; [Nynorsk] karosseri {n}
Boer {n} (South African of Dutch descent) :: [Bokmål] boer {m}; [Nynorsk] boar {m}
bog {n} (expanse of marshland) :: [Bokmål] myr {m} {f}, sump {m}; [Nynorsk] myr {f}, sump {m}
bog bilberry {n} (shrub) :: blokkebær {n}
bogey {n} (structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi) SEE: bogie ::
bogey {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
bogeyman {n} (menacing, ghost-like monster in children's stories) :: busemann {m}
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
bogie {n} (structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi) :: [Bokmål] boggi {m}; [Nynorsk] boggi {m}
bogie {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
Bohemia {prop} (The region of the Czech Republic) :: [Bokmål] Bøhmen, Böhmen
Bohemian waxwing {n} (Bombycilla garrulus) :: [Bokmål] sidensvans {m}; [Nynorsk] sidensvans {m}
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium ::
bohrium {n} (chemical element) :: bohrium
boil {v} (begin to turn into a gas) :: koke
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry ::
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
boiled egg {n} (boiled egg (generic)) :: kokt egg
boiled egg {n} (hard-boiled egg) :: [Bokmål] hardkokt egg {n}; [Nynorsk] hardkokt egg {n}
boiled egg {n} (soft-boiled egg) :: [Bokmål] bløtkokt egg {n}, blautkokt egg {n}; [Nynorsk] blautkokt egg {n}
boiler {n} (steam boiler) SEE: steam boiler ::
boilerplate {n} (sheet of steel used in the construction of a boiler) :: [Bokmål] kokeplate {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kokeplate {f}
boiling point {n} (temperature at which a liquid boils) :: [Bokmål] kokepunkt {n}; [Nynorsk] kokepunkt {n}
bokeh {n} (subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image) :: bokeh {m}
Bokmål {n} (language) :: [Bokmål] bokmål {n}; [Nynorsk] bokmål {n}
bold {adj} (courageous, daring) :: modig
bold {adj} (having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface) :: [Bokmål] fet
bole {n} (the trunk or stem of a tree) :: stamme {m}
Bolivia {prop} (country in South America) :: Bolivia
Bolivian {n} (Bolivian person) :: [Bokmål] bolivianer {m}; [Nynorsk] bolivian {m}, bolivianar {m}
bollocks {n} (testicles) :: pokker
Bolshevik {n} (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) :: bolsjevik {m}
bolt {n} (metal fastener) :: [Bokmål] bolt {m}, skrue {m}; [Nynorsk] bolt {m}, skrue {m}
bolt {n} (sliding pin or bar in a lock) :: [Bokmål] rigel {m}
bolt {n} (sliding mechanism to chamber and unchamber a cartridge in a firearm) :: sluttstykke {n}
bomb {n} (device filled with explosives) :: bombe {f}
bomb {v} (attack with bombs) :: bombe
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success ::
bombard {v} :: bombe
bombardment {n} (act of bombing, esp towns or cities) :: [Bokmål] bombardement {n}; [Nynorsk] bombardement {n}
bombastic {adj} (pompous or overly wordy) :: bombastisk, svulstig; [Nynorsk] bombastisk, svulstig
bombastic {adj} (high-sounding but with little meaning) :: høyttravende, høystemt; [Nynorsk] høgttravande, høgttråvande, høgstemt
bombastic {adj} (inflated, overfilled) :: bombastisk, svulstig; [Nynorsk] bombastisk, svulstig
bomb crater {n} (hole created by a bomb explosion) :: [Bokmål] bombekrater {n}; [Nynorsk] bombekrater {n}
bomber {n} (aircraft) :: [Bokmål] bombefly {n}; [Nynorsk] bombefly {n}
bombing {n} (action of dropping bombs from the air) :: [Bokmål] bombing {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bombing {f}
bombing {n} (action of placing and detonating bombs) :: [Bokmål] bombing {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bombing {f}
bombproof {adj} (sufficiently strong to resist the effects of a blast from a bomb) :: [Bokmål] bombesikker; [Nynorsk] bombesikker
bona fide {adj} (genuine) :: ekte, autentisk
Bonaparte's gull {n} (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) :: kanadahettemåke; [Nynorsk] kanadahettemåse
Bonapartist {n} (one attached to Napoleon's policy) :: bonapartist {m}
bon appétit {phrase} (used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat) :: vel bekomme, spis godt, håper det smaker
Bonaventure {prop} (male given name) :: Bonaventura
bond {n} (in chemistry, a link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule) :: [Bokmål] binding {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] binding {f}
bond {n} (documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract) :: [Bokmål] obligasjon {m}
bone {v} (slang: have sexual intercourse with) :: pule, knulle
bone {n} (material) :: [Bokmål] bein {n}
bone {n} (component of a skeleton) :: [Bokmål] bein {n}, ben {n}; [Nynorsk] bein {n}
bone china {n} (type of porcelain) :: [Bokmål] benporselen {n}
boned {adj} (meat or fish with bones removed) :: [Bokmål] beinløs, beinlaus, benløs; [Nynorsk] beinlaus
boneless {adj} (without bones) :: [Bokmål] beinløs, beinlaus, benløs; [Nynorsk] beinlaus
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) :: marg; [Bokmål] beinmerg
bone meal {n} (ground bones used as a slow-release fertilizer) :: [Bokmål] beinmel {n}
boner {n} (erect penis) :: ståpikk {m}
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection ::
bonfire {n} (large, outdoor controlled fire) :: bål {n}
bongo {n} (drum) :: [Bokmål] bongo {m}, bongotromme {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bongo {m}, bongotromme {f}
bongo drum {n} (bongo) SEE: bongo ::
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
bon mot {n} (clever saying, phrase or witticism) :: [Bokmål] bonmot {n}, bra melding {m} {f}
bonnet {n} (type of women's and children's hat) :: kyse {m}
bonnet {n} (cover over the engine of a motor car) :: [Bokmål] panserlokk {n}
bonnet {n} (second stomach of a ruminant) SEE: reticulum ::
bonus {n} (extra amount of money given as a premium) :: [Bokmål] bonus {m}; [Nynorsk] bonus {m}
bon vivant {n} (person who enjoys the good things in life, especially good food and drink) :: [Bokmål] livsnyter {m}, levemann {m}
bon voyage {interj} (wish of good journey) :: god reise, god tur
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) :: [Bokmål] pupp {m}; [Nynorsk] pupp {m}
booby trap {n} (an unforeseen source of danger; a pitfall) SEE: pitfall ::
booger {n} (a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus) :: buse {m}
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) :: [Bokmål] bok {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bok {f}
book {v} (to reserve) :: bestille, reservere
book {v} (to write down, register, record) :: notere, nedskrive
bookcase {n} (furniture displaying books) :: bokhylle {f} {m}
book club {n} (a group of people who meet to discuss books) :: lesesirkel {m}
book club {n} (commercial organization) :: bokklubb {m}
bookend {n} (object designed to keep books upright) :: bokstøtte
bookkeeper {n} (person responsible for keeping records) :: [Bokmål] bokholder {m}
booklet {n} (small book) :: pamflett {m}, brosjyre {m}, flygeblad {n}; [Bokmål] hefte {n}; [Nynorsk] hefte {n}
book lover {n} (person who loves books) :: [Bokmål] bokelsker {m}; [Nynorsk] bokelskar {m}
booklover {n} (booklover) SEE: book lover ::
bookmark {n} (strip used to mark a place in a book) :: [Bokmål] bokmerke {n}; [Nynorsk] bokmerke {n}
bookmark {n} (record of the address of a file or page) :: [Bokmål] bokmerke {n}; [Nynorsk] bokmerke {n}
Book of Mormon {prop} (one of the sacred works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) :: Mormons bok
bookrack {n} (rack for books) SEE: bookshelf ::
bookseller {n} (person) :: [Bokmål] bokhandler {m}; [Nynorsk] bokhandlar {m}
bookseller {n} (business) :: bokhandel {m}
bookshelf {n} (shelf for storing books) :: bokhylle
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) :: bokhandel {m}
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop ::
bookworm {n} (avid reader) :: [Bokmål] lesehest
boom barrier {n} (gate at level crossing) :: skranke, bom
boomerang {n} (flat curved airfoil) :: [Bokmål] bumerang {m}; [Nynorsk] bumerang {m}
boom gate {n} (boom barrier) SEE: boom barrier ::
boorish {adj} (behaving as a boor) :: ubehøvlet, tverr, trumpete
boot {n} (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) :: støvel {m}
boot {n} (kick) SEE: kick ::
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk ::
booth {n} (A small stall for the display and sale of goods) :: bu
bootlicker {n} (person who behaves in a servile or obsequious manner) :: [Bokmål] spyttslikker {m}; [Nynorsk] spyttslikkar {m}
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot ::
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot ::
booty {n} (plunder) :: [Bokmål] bytte {n}; [Nynorsk] bytte {n}
borage {n} (Borago officinalis) :: [Bokmål] agurkurt {m} {f}, hjulkrone {m} {f}, lysblomst {m}
borate {n} (salt of boric acid) :: [Bokmål] borat {n}; [Nynorsk] borat {n}
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
border {n} (the outer edge of something) :: ytterkant {m}, kant {m}, rand {m}
border {n} (a decorative strip around the edge of something) :: bord {m}
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) :: [Bokmål] grense {m} {f}, landegrense {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] grense {f}, landegrense {f}
bordering {adj} (having a common boundary or border) :: [Bokmål] tilgrensende; [Nynorsk] tilgrensande
borderland {n} (land near a border) :: [Bokmål] grenseland {n}; [Nynorsk] grenseland {n}
bore {v} (to make a hole) :: bore
bore {v} (to inspire boredom) :: [Bokmål] kjede; [Nynorsk] keia
bored {adj} (suffering from boredom) :: kjed
boredom {n} (state of being bored) :: [Bokmål] kjedsomhet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] keisemd {f}
bore water {n} (water accumulated in aquifers below the earth's surface) SEE: groundwater ::
boric acid {n} (White crystalline solid soluble as a weak acid) :: [Bokmål] borsyre {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] borsyre {f}
boring {adj} (causing boredom) :: [Bokmål] kjedelig, kjedsommelig; [Nynorsk] kjedeleg
born {adj} (given birth to) :: født
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born ::
Borneo {prop} (island) :: [Bokmål] Borneo; [Nynorsk] Borneo
Bornholm {prop} (Danish island in the Baltic Sea) :: [Bokmål] Bornholm; [Nynorsk] Bornholm
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth {adj} (born rich or in a wealthy family) :: [Bokmål] å være født med sølvskje i munnen
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow ::
boron {n} (chemical element) :: [Bokmål] bor {n}; [Nynorsk] bor {n}
borough {n} (administrative district) :: [Nynorsk] borg {f}
borough {n} (municipal borough) :: [Nynorsk] borg {f}
borrow {v} (receive temporarily) :: [Bokmål] låne
borrowing {n} (loanword) SEE: loanword ::
borscht {n} (beetroot soup) :: [Bokmål] borsjtsj {c}
Bose-Einstein condensate {n} (gaseous superfluid) :: Bose-Einstein-kondensasjon; [Nynorsk] Bose-Einsteinkondensat
bosk {n} (thicket; small wood) SEE: thicket ::
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: [Bokmål] Bosnia-Hercegovina {n}; [Nynorsk] Bosnia-Hercegovina {n}
Bosnian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bosnia) :: [Bokmål] bosnisk; [Nynorsk] bosnisk
Bosnian {n} (the people) :: [Bokmål] bosnier {m}; [Nynorsk] bosniar {m}
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: [Bokmål] bosnisk {m}; [Nynorsk] bosnisk {m}
bosom {n} (chest, breast) :: barm {m}
bosomy {adj} (having a large bosom) SEE: big-breasted ::
Bosphorus {prop} (a strait that passes through Istanbul) :: Bosporos
boss {n} (enemy in video game) :: boss {m}
bossy {adj} (tending to give orders to others) :: [Bokmål] sjefete
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot ::
botanist {n} (a person engaged in botany) :: [Bokmål] botaniker {m}; [Nynorsk] botanikar {m}
botany {n} (scientific study of plants) :: [Bokmål] plantelære; [Nynorsk] plantelære
botch {v} (to do something without skill, without care, or clumsily) :: [Bokmål] slurve
Boötes {prop} (a constellation) :: [Bokmål] Bjørnevokteren; [Nynorsk] Bjørnepassaren
botfly {n} (insect) :: brems {m}
both {determiner} (each of two; one and the other) :: [Bokmål] begge; [Nynorsk] begge, båe
both {conj} (both...and...) :: både ... og ...
bother {v} (to annoy, disturb) :: forstyrre, plage, bry, irritere
bother {v} (make or take trouble) :: gidde
bother {v} (to do something which is of negligible inconvenience) :: gidde
bother {n} (fuss, ado) :: kluss, bry
botheration {interj} (expression of annoyance) SEE: bother ::
bothersome {adj} (causing bother or perplexity) :: [Bokmål] sjenerende
Botswana {prop} (Republic of Botswana) :: Botswana
Botswanan {n} (person from Botswana) :: [Bokmål] botswaner {m}; [Nynorsk] botswan {m}, botswanar {m}
Botswanan {adj} (pertaining to Botswana) :: [Bokmål] botswansk; [Nynorsk] botswansk
Botswanian {n} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan ::
Botswanian {adj} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan ::
bottle {n} (container) :: flaske {m} {f}
bottle {n} (contents of such a container) :: flaske {m} {f}
bottle {n} (container with a rubber nipple) SEE: baby bottle ::
bottleneck {n} (neck of a bottle) :: [Bokmål] flaskehals {m}; [Nynorsk] flaskehals {m}
bottleneck {n} (narrowing of the road, especially resulting in a delay) :: [Bokmål] flaskehals {m}; [Nynorsk] flaskehals {m}
bottleneck {n} (part of a process that is too slow or cumbersome) :: [Bokmål] flaskehals {m}; [Nynorsk] flaskehals {m}
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) :: [Bokmål] flaskeåpner {m}
bottle shop {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store ::
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
bottom {n} (gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex) :: passiv
bougainvillea {n} (flower) :: bougainvillea, trillingblomst
bough {n} (tree branch) :: [Bokmål] gren {m} {f}, grein {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] grein {f}
bouillon {n} (a clear seasoned broth) :: buljong {m}
bouillon cube {n} (cube) :: [Bokmål] buljongterning {m}; [Nynorsk] buljongterning {m}
boulder {n} (large mass of stone) :: [Bokmål] steinblokk {m} {f}, kampestein {m}; [Nynorsk] steinblokk {m} {f}, kampestein {m}
bouldering {n} (climbing on large boulders) :: buldring
boulevard {n} (broad, landscaped thoroughfare) :: bulevard
bouncing castle {n} (inflatable structure on which children jump and play) :: hoppeslott {n}
boundary {n} (dividing line or location between two areas) :: [Bokmål] grense {m} {f}, avgrensing {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] grense {f}, avgrensing {f}
bounty {n} (abundance or wealth) SEE: abundance ::
bounty {n} (something given liberally, see also: gift) :: gave {m} {f}, presang {m}
bounty {n} (reward for some specific act) :: belønning {m} {f}, dusør {m}
bouquet {n} (bunch of flowers) :: [Bokmål] bukett {m}
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
bourse {n} (stock exchange) SEE: stock exchange ::
Bouvet Island {prop} (uninhabited volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean) :: [Bokmål] Bouvetøya; [Nynorsk] Bouvetøya
bovine spongiform encephalopathy {n} (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: kugalskap
bow {n} (weapon used for shooting arrows) :: [Bokmål] bue {m}, boge {m}; [Nynorsk] boge {m}
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) :: [Bokmål] bue {m}; [Nynorsk] boge {m}
bow {n} (type of knot with two loops) :: [Bokmål] sløyfe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] sløyfe {f}
bow {n} (front of a boat or ship) :: [Bokmål] baug {m}; [Nynorsk] baug {m}
bow and arrow {n} (weapon) :: pil og bue
bowdlerize {v} (to remove or alter parts of a text considered offensive) :: [Bokmål] sensurere, forskjønne
bowel {n} (large intestine) :: tarm {m}
bowel {n} (intestines, entrails) :: tykktarm {m}
bowhead {n} (Balaena mysticetus) :: [Bokmål] grønlandshval {m}; [Nynorsk] grønlandskval {m}
bowhead whale {n} (a whale, Balaena mysticetus) SEE: bowhead ::
bowl {n} (container for food) :: skål {m} {f}; [Bokmål] bolle {m}; [Nynorsk] bolle {m}
bowl {n} (part of a spoon) :: skjeblad {n}
bowl {n} (haircut) SEE: bowl cut ::
bowl cut {n} (haircut) :: bollesveis, bolleklipp, eggeklipp
bow-legged {adj} (having a bowleg) :: [Bokmål] hjulbeint, hjulbent; [Nynorsk] hjulbeint
bowman {n} (archer) SEE: archer ::
bowstring {n} (string of an archer's bow) :: [Bokmål] buestreng {m}
bowtie {n} (necktie shaped like a bow) :: sløyfe {f}, tversoversløyfe {f}
box {n} (cuboid space; container) :: kasse {m}, boks {m}, eske {m} {f}, skrin {n}, øskje {f}, dåse {m}
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) :: [Bokmål] buksbom {m}; [Nynorsk] buksbom {m}
box {n} (rectangle) SEE: oblong ::
boxcutter {n} (utility knife) SEE: utility knife ::
boxer {n} (participant in a boxing match) :: [Bokmål] bokser {m}; [Nynorsk] boksar {m}
boxer {n} (breed of dog) :: [Bokmål] boxer {m}, bokser {m}; [Nynorsk] boksar {m}
boxer {n} (type of internal combustion engine) SEE: boxer engine ::
boxer engine {n} (horizontally opposed engine) :: [Bokmål] boksermotor {m}, boxermotor {m}; [Nynorsk] boxermotor {m}
boxing {n} (the sport of boxing) :: boksing {m} {f}
Boxing Day {n} (the day after Christmas: 26 December) :: [Bokmål] andre juledag {m}; [Nynorsk] andre juledag {m}
boxing glove {n} (padded mitten worn in boxing) :: [Bokmål] boksehanske {m}; [Nynorsk] boksehanske {m}
box office {n} (ticket office) :: [Bokmål] billettkontor {n}; [Nynorsk] billettkontor {n}
box wine {n} (wine that is sealed in a plastic bladder) :: [Bokmål] pappvin {m}
boy {n} (young male) :: [Bokmål] gutt {m} (child); tenåringsgutt {m} (teenager); [Nynorsk] gut {m}
boy {n} (male servant) :: [Bokmål] tjenestegutt {m} [young male servant]
boy {n} (non-white male) :: [Bokmål] negergutt {m}, neger, nigger
boy {n} (male of any age, used as a friendly diminutive) :: [Bokmål] gutt {m}; [Nynorsk] gut {m}
boy {n} (adult male found attractive) :: mann kar fyr {m}
boy {n} (male friend) :: kamerat {m}, kompis {m} (informal)
boycott {v} (to abstain from dealing with a person or organisation as a protest) :: boikotte
boyfriend {n} (male partner in a romantic relationship) :: [Bokmål] kjæreste {m}; [Nynorsk] kjærast {m}, kjæraste {m}
boyfriend {n} (male friend) :: [Bokmål] venn {m}
bra {n} (brassiere) :: [Bokmål] brystholder {m}, bysteholder {m}, behå {m}, BH {m}, bh {m}; [Nynorsk] brysthaldar {m}, bystehaldar {m}, behå {m}, BH {m}
brace {v} (to prepare oneself for an impact) :: hold deg fast!
brace {n} (system to correct crooked teeth) SEE: braces ::
brace aback {v} (bring the wind onto the forward side of the sails) :: brase bakk
bracelet {n} (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) :: armbånd {n}
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs ::
braces {n} (device for straightening teeth) :: regulering {c}
braces {n} (pair of straps holding trousers) :: [Bokmål] buksesele {m}; [Nynorsk] buksesele {m}
brachium {n} (upper arm) SEE: upper arm ::
bracket {n} (item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf) :: [Bokmål] brakett {m}
bracket {n} (engineering: intermediate object that connects a smaller part to a larger part) :: [Bokmål] brakett {m}
bracket {n} (square bracket) SEE: square bracket ::
brackish {adj} (slightly salty) :: [Bokmål] brakk, [brackish water] brakt vann / vatn, brakkvann {n}, brakkvatn {n}; [Nynorsk] brakk, [brackish water] brakt vatn, brakkvatn {n}
brackish {adj} (repulsive) SEE: repulsive ::
brae {n} (hillside or slope) SEE: hillside ::
brag {v} (to boast) :: [Bokmål] skryte
brag {n} (boast) SEE: boast ::
braid {v} (to intertwine) :: flette
braid {n} (weave of three or more strands) :: flette {m} {f}
braille {n} (system of writing using raised dots) :: blindeskrift {m}
brain {n} (organ) :: hjerne
brain damage {n} (injury to the brain) :: [Bokmål] hjerneskade {m}; [Nynorsk] hjerneskade {m}
brain-dead {adj} (in medicine: having cessation of brain activity) :: [Bokmål] hjernedød; [Nynorsk] hjernedød, hjernedaud
brain-dead {adj} (colloquially: having no useful thoughts) :: [Bokmål] hjernedød; [Nynorsk] hjernedød, hjernedaud
brain drain {n} (emigration of educated people) :: [Bokmål] hjerneflukt {m}
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence ::
brain stem {n} (part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum) :: [Bokmål] hjernestamme {m}
brainstorm {n} (brainstorming) SEE: brainstorming ::
brainstorming {n} (method of problem solving) :: idédugnad {m}, brainstorming {m}, idémyldring {m} {f}
brain tumor {n} (an intracranial growth of abnormal and uncontrolled cell division) :: hjernesvulst {m}
brain-washing {n} (form of indoctrination) :: [Bokmål] hjernevask {m}, hjernevasking {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] hjernevask {m} {n}, hjernevasking {f}
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) :: brems {m}
brake fluid {n} (hydraulic fluid) :: [Bokmål] bremsevæske {m} {f}
brake pedal {n} (the pedal in a vehicle which operates the brakes) :: [Bokmål] bremsepedal {m}; [Nynorsk] bremsepedal {m}
braking {n} (applying of brakes) :: [Bokmål] bremsing {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bremsing {f}
braking distance {n} (braking distance) :: [Bokmål] bremselengde {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bremselengd {f}, bremselengde {f}
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry ::
brambling {n} (bird) :: [Bokmål] bjørkefink {m}; [Nynorsk] bjørkefink {m}
branch {n} (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) :: gren {m}, grein {m}
branch {n} (rail transport: branch line) SEE: branch line ::
branch line {n} (non-through line) :: [Bokmål] sidebane {m}, sidelinje {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] sidebane {m} {f}, sidelinje {f}
brand {n} (mark made by burning) :: brennmerke {n}
brand {n} (name, symbol, logo) :: varemerke {n}
brand {n} (a specific product, service, or provider so distinguished) :: [Bokmål] merke {n}; [Nynorsk] merke {n}
brand {v} (burn the flesh) :: brennemerke
brand {v} (mark with proof of ownership) :: brennemerke
brand {v} (impress on the memory or senses) :: innprente
brand {v} (stigmatize) :: stemple, brennemerke, stigmatisere
brandade {n} (puree of salted cod, olive oil, and milk) :: [Bokmål] brandade {m}, fiskegrateng {m}
brand new {adj} (utterly new) :: splitter ny
brand spanking new {adj} (brand new) SEE: brand new ::
brandy {n} (liquor) :: [Nynorsk] Branntwien {m}, Brammwien {m}, Brandy {m}
brass {n} (alloy of copper and zinc) :: [Bokmål] messing {m}; [Nynorsk] messing {m}
brass {n} (class of wind instruments) :: messinginstrument {n}
brass {n} (colour of brass) :: messing {m}
brass {n} (slang: money) :: stål {n}
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra ::
brass knuckles {n} (weapon which reinforces the fist) :: knokejern {n}
brat {n} (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child) :: (bortskjemt) drittunge {n}, snørrunge {m}
brat {n} (bratwurst) SEE: bratwurst ::
bratwurst {n} (A small pork sausage) :: bratwurst {m}
brave {adj} (strong in the face of fear) :: modig
bravery {n} (being brave) :: [Bokmål] mot {n}, tapperhet {m}
brazen {adj} (impudent, immodest, or shameless) :: [Bokmål] frekk; [Nynorsk] frekk
brazen bull {n} (ancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death) :: [Bokmål] messingoksen {m}, kobberoksen {m}, Falaris' okse {m}
Brazil {prop} (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) :: Brasil
Brazilian {n} (person from Brazil) :: [Bokmål] brasilianer {m}; [Nynorsk] brasilianar {m}
Brazilian {adj} (pertaining to Brazil) :: [Bokmål] brasiliansk; [Nynorsk] brasiliansk
brazil nut {n} (nut) :: [Bokmål] paranøtt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] paranøtt {f}
breach {n} (break of a law or obligation) :: [Bokmål] overtredelse {m}
breach of contract {n} (failure to perform) :: [Bokmål] kontraktsbrudd {n}
bread {n} (baked dough made from cereals) :: brød {n}
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach ::
breadcrumb {n} (tiny piece of bread) :: [Bokmål] brødrasp {n} [uncountable, collective sense]; [Nynorsk] brødrasp {n} [uncountable, collective sense]
breadfruit {n} (fruit) :: [Bokmål] brødfrukt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] brødfrukt {f}
bread knife {n} (knife designed to cut bread) :: [Bokmål] brødkniv {m}; [Nynorsk] brødkniv {m}
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker ::
bread roll {n} (miniature round loaf of bread) :: [Bokmål] rundstykke {n}; [Nynorsk] rundstykke {n}
breadth {n} (width) SEE: width ::
breadwinner {n} (primary income-earner in a household) :: [Bokmål] familieforsørger {m}, forsørger {m}
break {n} (instance of breaking something into pieces) :: [Bokmål] brudd {n}
break {n} (physical space that opens up in something or between two things) :: [Bokmål] åpning {m} {f}, hull {n}
break {n} (temporary split in romantic relationship) :: [Bokmål] avbrekk {n}
break {n} (interval between two parts of performance) :: [Bokmål] pause {m}
break {n} (tennis: game won by receiving party) :: [Bokmål] break {n}
break {n} (soccer: counter-attack) :: [Bokmål] gjenvinning {m} {f}
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile ::
breakage {n} (action of breaking) :: [Bokmål] brekkasje {m}; [Nynorsk] brekkasje {m}
breakage {n} (something that has been broken) :: [Bokmål] brekkasje {m}; [Nynorsk] brekkasje {m}
breakdown {n} (failure, particularly mechanical) :: [Bokmål] havari {n}; [Nynorsk] havari {n}
breakdown {n} (breaking of chemical bonds within a compound) :: [Bokmål] nedbrytning {m} {f}, nedbryting {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] nedbryting {f}
breakfast {n} (first meal of the day) :: [Bokmål] frokost {m}; [Nynorsk] frukost {m}
breakfast cereal {n} (food made from processed grains) :: [Bokmål] frokostblanding {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] frukostblanding {f}
breaking strain {n} (amount of strain which can break something) :: [Bokmål] bruddstyrke {m}
break of dawn {n} (daybreak) SEE: daybreak ::
break of gauge {n} (break of gauge) :: [Bokmål] sporbrudd {n}
break-of-gauge station {n} (break-of-gauge station) :: [Bokmål] sporbruddstasjon {m}
break the ice {v} (to start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness) :: bryte isen
break up {v} (to end a relationship) :: slå opp
breakup {n} (breakdown) SEE: breakdown ::
breakwater {n} (construction in or around a harbour) :: [Bokmål] bølgebryter {m}; [Nynorsk] bølgebrytar {m}
bream {n} (fish of the genus Abramis) :: brasme
bream {n} (Abramis brama) :: [Bokmål] brasme {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] brasme {f}
breast {n} (milk-producing organ) :: [Bokmål] bryst {n}, pupp {m} [informal]; [Nynorsk] bryst {n}, pupp {m} [informal]
breast {n} (chest) :: bryst {n}
breast {n} (section of clothing covering the breast area) :: bryst {n}
breast {n} (seat of emotions) :: bryst {n}
breast {n} (animal's thorax) :: bryst {n}
breast {n} (choice cut of meat from poultry or other animals) :: bringe {c}
breast cancer {n} (cancer of the breast) :: [Bokmål] brystkreft {m}; [Nynorsk] brystkreft {m}
breastfeed {v} (feed a baby milk via the breasts) :: amme
breastfeeding {n} (activity) :: [Bokmål] amming {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] amming {f}
breast implant {n} (medical prosthesis) :: [Bokmål] brystimplantat {n}; [Nynorsk] brystimplantat {n}
breast milk {n} (milk produced by humans) :: [Bokmål] brystmelk {c}, brystmjølk {c}, morsmelk {c}, morsmjølk {c}; [Nynorsk] brystmjølk {f}, morsmjølk {f}
breastpin {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
breaststroke {n} (swimming stroke) :: brystsvømning
breath {n} (act or process of breathing) :: [Bokmål] pust {m}; [Nynorsk] pust {m}
breath {n} (single act of breathing in and out) :: [Bokmål] åndedrag {n}, andedrag {n}; [Nynorsk] andedrag {n}
breathe {v} (to draw air in and out) :: puste, ånde
breathe {v} (to stop and catch one's breath) :: [Bokmål] trekke pusten, puste ut
breathlessness {n} (difficult respiration) SEE: shortness of breath ::
breeches {n} (a garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs) :: knebukser {m} {f}
breed {n} (all animals or plants of the same species or subspecies) :: [Bokmål] rase {m} [animals]; [Nynorsk] rase {m} [animals]
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
breeze {n} (a light, gentle wind) :: [Bokmål] bris {m}; [Nynorsk] bris {m}
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly ::
Breslau {prop} (Wroclaw) SEE: Wroclaw ::
Breton {n} (the language) :: [Bokmål] bretonsk; [Nynorsk] bretonsk
Breton {adj} (pertaining to Brittany) :: [Bokmål] bretonsk; [Nynorsk] bretonsk
brevity {n} (the quality of being brief in duration) :: [Bokmål] korthet; [Nynorsk] stuttleik
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer ::
brew {v} (to make beer) :: [Bokmål] brygge
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
brew {n} (cup of tea) SEE: cup of tea ::
brewery {n} (building where beer is produced) :: [Bokmål] bryggeri {n}; [Nynorsk] bryggjeri {n}
bribe {n} (inducement to dishonesty) :: [Bokmål] bestikkelse
bribe {v} (to give a bribe) :: bestikke
brick {n} (hardened block used for building) :: [Bokmål] murstein {m}; [Nynorsk] murstein {m}
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) :: [Bokmål] murer {m}
brick red {adj} (colour) :: [Bokmål] mursteinsrød
brickwork {n} (structure made of brick) :: [Bokmål] murverk {n}; [Nynorsk] murverk {n}
bridal couple {n} (bride and bridegroom) :: [Bokmål] brudepar {n}; [Nynorsk] brudepar {n}, brurepar {n}, brurpar {n}
bride {n} (woman in the context of her own wedding) :: [Bokmål] brud {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] brud {f}, brur {f}
bridegroom {n} (bridegroom, groom) :: [Bokmål] brudgom {m}; [Nynorsk] brudgom {m}
bride price {n} (sum paid to the family of the bride) :: [Bokmål] brudepris {m}; [Nynorsk] brudepris {m}
bridesmaid {n} (woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony) :: [Bokmål] brudepike {m} {f}, forlover {m}
bridge {n} (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) :: [Bokmål] bro {m} {f}, bru {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bru {f}
bridge {n} (nautical) :: [Bokmål] bro {m} {f}, kommandobro, styrehus {n}; [Nynorsk] styrehus {n}, styrhus {n}
bridge {n} (card game) :: [Bokmål] bridge {m}; [Nynorsk] bridge {m}
bridgehead {n} (area of ground on the enemy's side of an obstacle) :: [Bokmål] brohode {n}, bruhode {n}; [Nynorsk] bruhovud {n}
Bridget {prop} (female given name) :: Birgitte
bridle {n} (headgear for horse) :: [Bokmål] bissel {n}, hodelag {n}; [Nynorsk] beisel {n}, hovudlag {n}
bridled tern {n} (Onychoprion anaethetus) :: tøyleterne; [Nynorsk] tygleterne
brief {adj} (of short duration) :: [Bokmål] kortvarig; [Nynorsk] kortvarig
briefcase {n} (case used for carrying documents) :: [Bokmål] dokumentmappe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] dokumentmappe {f}
brig {n} (two-masted vessel) :: [Bokmål] brigg {m}; [Nynorsk] brigg {m}
bright {adj} (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) :: lys; [Bokmål] knall- [modifying colours]
bright {adj} (intelligent) :: [Bokmål] intelligent, oppvakt}, klok, dyktig; [Nynorsk] intelligent, oppvakt, klok}, dyktig
bright {adj} (vivid) :: livlig, lystig; [Bokmål] knall- [modifying colours]
bright {adj} (happy) :: glad
brightness {n} (the quality of being bright) :: glans {m}, lysstyrke {m}, klarhet {c}, lyshet {c}
brill {n} (Scophthalmus rhombus) :: slettvar {m}
brilliant {adj} (shining brightly) :: lysende, strålende
brilliant {adj} (of a colour: both light and saturated) :: strålende
brilliant {adj} (of a voice or sound: having a sharp, clear tone) :: klar
brilliant {adj} (of surpassing excellence) :: enestående, genial
brilliant {adj} (magnificent or wonderful (primarily UK usage)) :: enestående, storslagen; [Bokmål] glimrende
brilliant {adj} (highly intelligent) :: enestående, genial
brim {n} (a projecting rim, especially of a hat) :: brem {m}
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur ::
brine {n} (salt water) :: [Bokmål] saltlake {m}
bring {v} (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) :: [Bokmål] bringe, ta med; [Nynorsk] bringe, ta med
bring about {v} (To cause to take place) :: [Bokmål] forårsake, foranledige, avstedkomme, bevirke
bring owls to Athens {v} (to undertake a pointless venture) SEE: carry coals to Newcastle ::
bring to a boil {v} (heat something until it reaches boiling point) :: [Bokmål] koke opp
bring up {v} (to raise children) :: oppdra
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant ::
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea ::
Brit {n} (British person) SEE: Briton ::
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom ::
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany ::
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants ::
britches {n} (breeches) SEE: breeches ::
British {prop} (citizens or inhabitants of Britain) :: [Bokmål] brite {m}; [Nynorsk] brite {m}
British {prop} (the citizens or inhabitants of the UK) :: [Bokmål] brite {m}; [Nynorsk] brite {m}
British {prop} (the British English language) :: [Bokmål] britisk engelsk {m}; [Nynorsk] britisk engelsk {m}
British {adj} (of Britain) :: [Bokmål] britisk; [Nynorsk] britisk
British {adj} (colloquial: of the UK) :: [Bokmål] britisk; [Nynorsk] britisk
British {adj} (history: of the ancient inhabitants of the southern part of Britain) :: [Bokmål] britisk; [Nynorsk] britisk
British Columbia {prop} (province of Canada) :: [Bokmål] Britisk Columbia {?}; [Nynorsk] Britisk Columbia {?}
British Isles {prop} (group of islands) :: [Bokmål] De britiske øyer {p}; [Nynorsk] Dei britiske øyane {p}
British Virgin Islands {prop} (British overseas territory) :: Britiske Jomfruøyer
Briton {n} (inhabitant of Great Britain) :: [Bokmål] brite {m}; [Nynorsk] brite {m}
Brittany {prop} (region of North West France) :: [Bokmål] Bretagne {n}; [Nynorsk] Bretagne {n}
brittle {adj} (able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure) :: sprø
brittle {n} (confection of caramelized sugar and nuts) :: [Bokmål] krokan {m}; [Nynorsk] krokan {m}
brittleness {n} (property) :: [Bokmål] sprøhet {m} {f}
brittleness {n} (state) :: [Bokmål] sprøhet {m} {f}
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother ::
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit ::
broach {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
broach {n} (architecture: spire) SEE: spire ::
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide ::
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore ::
broadband {n} (wide band of electromagnetic frequencies) :: [Bokmål] bredbånd {n}; [Nynorsk] breiband {n}
broadband {n} (high-capacity internet connection) :: [Bokmål] bredbånd {n}; [Nynorsk] breiband {n}
broad-billed sandpiper {n} (Calidris falcinellus) :: fjellmyrløper; [Nynorsk] fjellmyrløpar
broadcast {n} (transmission of a radio or television programme) :: kringkasting {m} {f}, utsending {m} {f}
broadcast {n} (programme transmitted) :: program {n}, utsending {m} {f}
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means) :: kringkaste, sende ut
broadcaster {n} (organisation) :: [Bokmål] kringkaster {m}
broadcasting {n} (business or profession of radio and television) :: kringkasting {m}, rikskringkasting {m}
broadsheet {adj} (in the format of a broadsheet) :: [Bokmål] fullformat
broadside {n} (one side of a warship) :: [Bokmål] bredside {m} {f}
broadside {n} (written or spoken attack) :: [Bokmål] bredside {m} {f}
broccoli {n} (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) :: [Bokmål] brokkoli {m}; [Nynorsk] brokkoli {m}
brochure {n} (booklet of printed informational matter) :: [Bokmål] brosjyre {m}; [Nynorsk] brosjyre {m}
broiler {n} (device used to broil food) :: [Bokmål] grill {m}
broiler {n} (chicken suitable for broiling) :: [Bokmål] broiler {m}
broke {adj} (lacking money; bankrupt) :: blakk
broker {n} (mediator between a buyer and seller) :: [Bokmål] megler {m}
brome {n} (grass of Bromus) :: faks
bromide {n} (chemistry: binary compound of bromine and another element) :: bromid {n}
bromide {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude ::
bromine {n} (nonmetallic chemical element) :: brom {n}
bronchial {adj} (Of or relating to the bronchi or to the bronchioles) :: [Bokmål] bronkial; [Nynorsk] bronkial
bronchitis {n} (inflammation of the lungs) :: [Bokmål] bronkitt {m}; [Nynorsk] bronkitt {m}
bronchoscopy {n} (technique) :: bronkoskopi
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry ::
bronze {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
bronze {n} (alloy) :: [Bokmål] bronse {m}; [Nynorsk] bronse {m}
bronze {n} (colour) :: bronse {m}, bronsefarge {m}
bronze {adj} (having a bronze colour) :: bronsefarget
bronze {v} (to plate with bronze) :: bronse, bronsere
bronze {v} (to color bronze) :: bronse, bronsere
bronze {n} (bronze medal) SEE: bronze medal ::
Bronze Age {prop} (archaeology) :: [Bokmål] bronsealder {m}; [Nynorsk] bronsealder {m}
bronze medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, bronze) :: [Bokmål] bronse {m}, bronsemedalje {m}; [Nynorsk] bronse {m}, bronsemedalje {m}
brooch {n} (jewellery with pin) :: brosje
brood {v} (to keep an egg warm) :: ruge
broody {n} (female bird in the condition to incubate eggs) :: [Bokmål] verpende, verpesyk [resulting behaviour as a consequence of broodiness]
brook {v} (tolerate) SEE: tolerate ::
brook lamprey {n} (a small European lamprey) :: [Bokmål] bekkeniøye {m}; [Nynorsk] bekkeniauge {m}
brook trout {n} (Salvelinus fontinalis) :: bekkerøye {m} {f}, bekkerøyr {m} {f}
broom {n} (domestic utensil) :: sopelime, kost
broomstick {n} (the handle of a broom) :: kosteskaft {n}, sopelime {m}
broth cube {n} (bouillon cube) SEE: bouillon cube ::
brothel {n} (house of prostitution) :: [Bokmål] bordell {m} {n}, horehus {n}; [Nynorsk] bordell {m} {n}, horehus {n}
brother {n} (male sibling) :: bror {m}
brother {n} :: bror [1], lillebror [little brother; 1], storebror [big brother; 1], Broder [elder form/formal], stebror [stepbrother; 2], halvbror [half-brother; 2]
brother {v} (to treat as a brother) :: brors
brotherhood {n} (state of being brothers or a brother) :: [Bokmål] brorskap {n}; [Nynorsk] brorskap {m} or {n}
brotherhood {n} (an association of any purpose, a fraternity) :: brorskap {n}
brother-in-arms {n} (fellow combatant or soldier) :: våpenbror {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's husband's brother) :: [Bokmål] svoger {m}; [Nynorsk] svoger {m}, verbror {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's brother) :: [Bokmål] svoger {m}; [Nynorsk] svoger {m}, verbror {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's sister's husband) :: [Bokmål] svoger {m}; [Nynorsk] svoger {m}, verbror {m}
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead ::
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow ::
brown {n} (colour) :: brun
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) :: [Bokmål] brun, [dark brown] mørkbrun, mørkebrun; [Nynorsk] brun, [dark brown] mørkbrun, mørkebrun
brown {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
Brown {prop} (surname meaning "brown", or indicating a dark complexion) :: Brun, Bruun
brown bear {n} (Ursus arctos) :: [Bokmål] brunbjørn {m}; [Nynorsk] brunbjørn {m}
brown coal {n} (lignite) SEE: lignite ::
brown eye {n} (vulgar, slang for the anus) :: brun øye {n}
brownie {n} (mythical creature) :: nisse {m} {n}
brownish {adj} (of a colour which resembles brown; somewhat brown) :: [Bokmål] brunlig; [Nynorsk] brunleg
brownnose {v} (to flatter in obsequious manner) :: smiske, pisse oppetter ryggen, sleike oppetter ryggen
brown rat {n} (Rattus norvegicus) :: [Bokmål] brunrotte {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] brunrotte {f}
browse {v} (move about while eating parts of plants) :: [Bokmål] beite; [Nynorsk] beite
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser ::
Børselv {prop} (village in Norway) :: Børselv {m} {f}; [Bokmål] Børselv {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] Børselv {f}
brumous {adj} (wintry) SEE: wintry ::
brunch {n} (a meal) :: [Bokmål] brunsj {m}; [Nynorsk] brunsj {m}
Brunei {prop} (a country in Southeast Asia) :: Brunei
Bruneian {n} (person from Brunei) :: [Bokmål] bruneier {m}, bruneiar {m}
Bruneian {adj} (pertaining to Brunei) :: [Bokmål] bruneisk; [Nynorsk] bruneisk
brunette {adj} (having brown or black hair) :: [Bokmål] mørkhåret, mørkhåra; [Nynorsk] mørkhåra
brunette {n} (a person, especially female, with brown or black hair) :: [Bokmål] brunette {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] brunette {f}
brunost {n} (cheese) :: brunost {m}
brush {n} (implement) :: [Bokmål] børste {m}
Brussels {prop} (capital of Belgium) :: [Bokmål] Brussel; [Nynorsk] Brussel
Brussels sprout {n} (vegetable) :: [Bokmål] rosenkål {m}; [Nynorsk] rosenkål {m}
brutality {n} (a state of being brutal) :: [Bokmål] brutalitet {m}; [Nynorsk] brutalitet {m}
brute {n} (brutal person) :: bølle {c}
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek ::
bubble {n} (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) :: bubla {f}
bubble {n} (someone who has been fooled) SEE: dupe ::
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep ::
bubble {v} (to cheat, delude) SEE: cheat ::
bubonic plague {n} (disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis) :: [Bokmål] byllepest {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] byllepest {m} {f}
Bucharest {prop} (The capital of Romania) :: [Bokmål] Bukarest {?}, Bucureşti {?}; [Nynorsk] Bukarest {?}, Bucureşti {?}
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
buckbean {n} (Menyanthes trifoliata) :: bukkeblad {n}
bucket {n} (container) :: [Bokmål] bøtte {m} {f}, spann {n}; [Nynorsk] bytte {f}, bøtte {f}
bucket {n} (amount held in this container) :: [Bokmål] bøtte {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bytte {f}, bøtte {f}
bucket {n} (part of piece of machinery) :: [Bokmål] skuffe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] skuffe {f}
bucket {n} (basketball: basket) :: [Bokmål] kurv {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kurv {m}
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) :: [Bokmål] Buckingham Palace {n}; [Nynorsk] Buckingham Palace {n}
buckle {n} (belt clasp) :: spenne
buck's party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party ::
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) :: [Bokmål] bokhvete
bud {n} (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) :: [Bokmål] knopp {m}; [Nynorsk] knopp {m}
Budapest {prop} (the capital city of Hungary) :: [Bokmål] Budapest; [Nynorsk] Budapest
Buddha {prop} (spiritual and philosophical teacher) :: Buddha {m}
Buddhism {n} (religion and philosophy) :: [Bokmål] buddhisme {m}; [Nynorsk] buddhisme {m}
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism) :: [Bokmål] buddhistisk; [Nynorsk] buddhistisk
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to a Buddhist, Buddhists) :: [Bokmål] buddhistisk; [Nynorsk] buddhistisk
Buddhist {n} (practitioner of Buddhism) :: [Bokmål] buddhist {m}; [Nynorsk] buddhist {m}
Buddhist {n} (follower of Buddha) :: [Bokmål] buddhist {m}; [Nynorsk] buddhist {m}
budding {adj} :: framtidig, fremtidig, tillkommende
budgerigar {n} (species of parakeet) :: [Bokmål] undulat {m}; [Nynorsk] undulat {m}
budget {n} (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) :: [Bokmål] budsjett {n} [government] statsbudsjett {n}; [Nynorsk] budsjett {n}, [government] statsbudsjett {n}
budget {n} (itemized summary of intended expenditure) :: [Bokmål] budsjett {n}; [Nynorsk] budsjett {n}
buffalo {n} (Old World mammals) :: bøffel {m}
buffalo {n} (North American bison) :: bison
buff-breasted sandpiper {n} (Calidris subruficollis) :: rustsnipe
buffer {n} (portion of memory in computing) :: [Bokmål] buffer {m}
buffered {adj} (chemistry: dissolved in a buffer solution) :: bufret
buffet {n} :: buffé {m}, buffet {m}
bufflehead {n} (a duck in the goldeneye genus, Bucephala albeola) :: [Bokmål] bøffeland {f}
bug {n} :: [2] insekt {n}, [3] feil {m}, [4] bakterie {m}
bugger {n} (heretic) SEE: heretic ::
bugger factor {n} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law ::
bugger off {interj} (go away) SEE: get lost ::
build {v} ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) :: [Bokmål] bygge; [Nynorsk] byggja
builder {n} (a person who builds or constructs things) :: [Bokmål] bygger {m}; [Nynorsk] byggjar {m}
building {n} (act or process of building) :: bygge, konstruere
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) :: bygning
building block {n} (component that is part of a larger construction) :: [Bokmål] byggeblokk {m} {f}, byggestein {m}; [Nynorsk] byggestein {m}
building block {n} (block made of wood or plastic that is used as a children's toy) :: [Bokmål] byggeblokk {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] byggjekloss {m}
building material {n} (any material which is used for construction purposes) :: [Bokmål] byggemateriale {n}; [Nynorsk] byggjemateriale {n}, byggemateriale {n}
building site {n} (place where a building is located, under construction, or will be erected) :: [Bokmål] byggeplass {m}; [Nynorsk] byggeplass {m}, byggjeplass {m}
built-in {adj} (constructed as a non-detachable part) :: [Bokmål] innbygd, innebygd, innebygget; [Nynorsk] innbygd, innebygd
bulb {n} (bulb-shaped root) :: [Bokmål] løk {m}; [Nynorsk] løk {m}
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
Bulgaria {prop} (country) :: Bulgaria; [Bokmål] Bulgaria {n}; [Nynorsk] Bulgaria {n}
Bulgarian {adj} (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) :: [Bokmål] bulgarsk; [Nynorsk] bulgarsk
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) :: [Bokmål] bulgarer {m}; [Nynorsk] bulgar {m}, bulgarar {m}
Bulgarian {n} (language) :: [Bokmål] bulgarsk {m}; [Nynorsk] bulgarsk {m}
bulimia {n} (eating disorder) :: bulimi
bulimia nervosa {n} (eating disorder) SEE: bulimia ::
bulk {n} (volume) :: [Bokmål] masse {m}
bulk {n} (major part of something) :: [Bokmål] masse {m}
bulk {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
bull {n} (uncastrated adult male bovine) :: okse {m}
bull {n} (adult male animal) :: okse {m}
bull {n} (large, strong man) :: okse {m}
bullace {n} (European plum) SEE: damson ::
bullcrap {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
bulldozer {n} (tractor) :: [Bokmål] bulldoser {m}; [Nynorsk] bulldosar {m}
bull elephant {n} (bull elephant, male elephant) :: [Bokmål] elefantokse {m}, elefanthann {m}, hannelefant {m}; [Nynorsk] elefantokse {m}, elefanthann {m}, hannelefant {m}
bullet {n} (projectile) :: kule {f}
bullet hole {n} (hole) :: [Bokmål] kulehull {n}, kulehol {n}; [Nynorsk] kulehol {n}
bullet point {n} (item of a bullet list) :: [Bokmål] kulepunkt {n}
bulletproof {adj} (capable of withstanding a bullet) :: [Bokmål] skuddsikker
bull fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bullfight {n} (public spectacle) :: [Bokmål] tyrefekting {m} {f}, tyrefektning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tyrefekting {f}
bullfighting {n} (spectacle of manipulating and killing a bull) :: [Bokmål] tyrefekting {m} {f}, tyrefektning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tyrefekting {f}
bullfinch {n} (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) :: dompap {m}
bullhorn {n} (portable device which electronically amplifies a person’s natural voice) :: megafon {m}
bullion {n} (bulk quantity of precious metal) :: barre {m}
bullseye {n} (centre of a target) :: midt i blinken
bullshit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) :: pisspreik, okseavføring, bull
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
bully {n} (person who is cruel to others) :: bølle {m}
bully {v} (to intimidate) :: mobbe
bulwark {n} (breakwater) SEE: breakwater ::
bum bag {n} (small pouch attached to a belt) SEE: fanny pack ::
bumblebee {n} (genus of bee) :: [Bokmål] humle {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] humle {f}
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper ::
bumfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
bump {n} (a protuberance on a level surface) :: [Bokmål] kul {m}; [Nynorsk] kul {m}
bump {n} (a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury) :: [Bokmål] kul {m}; [Nynorsk] kul {m}
bumper {n} (impact absorber on a vehicle) :: [Bokmål] støtfanger {m}, støytfanger {m}; [Nynorsk] støytfangar {m}
bun {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie ::
bun {n} (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) :: [Bokmål] bolle {m}; [Nynorsk] bolle {m}
bunch {n} (a group of similar things) :: bunke {m}
bunch {n} (a cluster of grapes) :: klase
bunch {n} (an informal body of friends) :: gjeng {m}
bundle {n} (group of objects held together by wrapping or tying) :: [Bokmål] bunt {m}; [Nynorsk] bunt {m}
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe ::
bunk {n} (one of a series of berth in tiers) :: [Bokmål] køye {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] køye {f}, køy {f}
bunk {n} (built-in bed on board a ship) :: [Bokmål] køye {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] køye {f}, køy {f}
bunk bed {n} (two or more beds fixed on top of one another) :: [Bokmål] køyeseng {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] køyeseng {f}, køyseng {f}
bunkbed {n} (bunk bed) SEE: bunk bed ::
bunker {n} (hardened shelter) :: [Bokmål] bunker {m}; [Nynorsk] bunker {m}
bunker {n} (container for storing coal or fuel oil for a ship's engine) :: [Bokmål] bunker {m}; [Nynorsk] bunker {m}
bunker {n} (sand-filled hollow) :: [Bokmål] bunker {m}; [Nynorsk] bunker {m}
bunkering {n} (taking bunker fuel on board) :: [Bokmål] bunkring {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bunkring {f}
bunny {n} (young rabbit) :: hare {m}, harepus {m}
Bunsen burner {n} (small laboratory gas burner) :: [Bokmål] bunsenbrenner
buoy {n} (moored float) :: [Bokmål] bøye {m}; [Nynorsk] bøye {f} {m}
buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
buoyance {n} (buoyancy) SEE: buoyancy ::
buoyancy {n} (physics: upward force on an immersed body) :: [Bokmål] oppdrift {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] oppdrift {f}
bupleurum {n} (plant of the genus Bupleurum) :: [Bokmål] hareøreslekta {f}
bur {n} (prickly husk) SEE: burr ::
burbot {n} (a freshwater fish: Lota lota) :: lake {c}
burden {n} (heavy load) :: [Bokmål] byrde {m}, belastning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] byrde {f}, belastning {f}
burden {n} (responsibility, onus) :: ansvar {n}; [Bokmål] byrde {m}; [Nynorsk] byrde {f}
burden {n} (cause of worry) :: belastning {m}
burden of proof {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) :: [Bokmål] bevisbyrde {m}
burdensome {adj} (of or like a burden; arduous or demanding) :: [Bokmål] byrdefull; [Nynorsk] børefull, byrdefull
bureau {n} (desk) :: [Bokmål] skatoll {n}, sekretær {m}; [Nynorsk] skatoll {n}, sekretær {m}
bureau {n} (chest of drawers for clothes) :: [Bokmål] kommode {m}; [Nynorsk] kommode {m}
bureaucracy {n} (system of administration) :: byråkrati {n}
bureaucracy {n} (excessive red tape) :: byråkrati {n}
bureaucrat {n} (An official in a bureaucracy) :: byråkrat {m}
bureau de change {n} (a place where foreign currency can be exchanged) :: vekslingskontor
burette {n} (glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock used for titration, etc.) :: [Bokmål] byrette {m}; [Nynorsk] byrette {m}
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: Burgas; [Nynorsk] Burgas
burger {n} (informal: hamburger) :: [Bokmål] burger {m}; [Nynorsk] burgar {m}
burger bun {n} (bread roll for burgers) :: [Bokmål] burgerbrød {n}
burglar {n} :: [Bokmål] innbruddstyv {m}, innbruddstjuv {m}, innbrottstjuv {m}, innbrottstyv {m}; [Nynorsk] innbrotstjuv {m}, innbrottstjuv {m}
burglary {n} (the crime of breaking into) :: [Bokmål] innbrudd {n}; [Nynorsk] innbrott {n}
Burgundian {adj} (pertaining to Burgundy, its people or its language) :: [Bokmål] burgundisk; [Nynorsk] burgundisk
burgundy {n} (color) :: burgunder {m}
burgundy {adj} (color) :: burgunder
Burgundy {prop} (region) :: Burgund
burial {n} (interment) :: [Bokmål] begravelse {m}
buried {adj} (Concealed, hidden) :: [Bokmål] nedgravd
burka {n} (female garment that covers the whole body) :: burka {m}
Burkina Faso {prop} (country) :: Burkina Faso
burlap {n} (strong cloth) :: grovt lerret {n}, pakklerret {n}, sekkestrie {c}
burlesque {adj} (burlesque) :: [Bokmål] burlesk; [Nynorsk] burlesk
burlesque {n} (ludicrous imitation) :: burlesk {m}
Burma {prop} (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) :: Burma
Burmese {adj} (Of or relating to Burma) :: [Bokmål] burmesisk, myanmarsk; [Nynorsk] burmesisk, myanmarsk
Burmese {n} (a person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent) :: [Bokmål] burmeser {m}, myanmarer {m}; [Nynorsk] burmesar {m}, myanmarar {m}
Burmese {prop} (language) :: [Bokmål] burmesisk {m}, myanmarsk {m}; [Nynorsk] burmesisk {m}, myanmarsk {m}
Burmese {prop} (script) :: [Bokmål] burmesisk {m}, myanmarsk {m}; [Nynorsk] burmesisk {m}, myanmarsk {m}
burn {n} (physical injury) :: [Bokmål] brannskade {m}, brannsår, forbrenning; [Nynorsk] brannskade {m}, brannsår, forbrenning
burn {n} (act of burning something) :: brenning {m}
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) :: brenne
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: brenne
burn {v} (to injure with heat or chemicals) :: forbrenne
burn {v} (to feel hot due to embarrassment) :: brenne
burn {v} (computing: to write data) :: brenne
burn {v} (to betray) :: foræde
burn {v} (to waste) :: brenne
burn {v} (photography: to increase the exposure for certain areas of a print) :: [Bokmål] etterbelyse
burn {v} :: brenne
burn {n} (stream, see also: stream) :: bekk, strøm
burn {n} (vegetable disease) SEE: brand ::
burn {v} (to cauterize) SEE: cauterize ::
burner {n} (element on a kitchen stove) :: [Bokmål] kokeplate {m} {f}
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle ::
burp {n} (a softer belch) :: rap {n}
burp {v} (to emit a burp) :: rape
burqa {n} (burka) SEE: burka ::
burr {n} (mispronouncion of "r") :: skarre-r
Burundi {prop} (a country in Eastern Africa) :: Burundi
Burundian {n} (person from Burundi) :: [Bokmål] burundier {m}; [Nynorsk] burundiar {m}
Burundian {adj} (pertaining to Burundi) :: [Bokmål] burundisk; [Nynorsk] burundisk
bury one's head in the sand {v} (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation) :: [Bokmål] stikke hodet i sanden, strutse
bury the hatchet {v} (to stop fighting or arguing) :: [Bokmål] begrave stridsøksen
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance ::
bus {n} (vehicle) :: buss {m}
bus {n} (electrical conductor) :: buss {m}
bus {v} (transport via a motor bus) :: busse
bus {v} (transport students to school) :: busse
bus {v} (travel by bus) :: busse [rarely used]
bus driver {n} (driver of a bus) :: [Bokmål] bussjåfør {m}, buss-sjåfør {m}; turbussjåfør {m}; [Nynorsk] bussjåfør {m}, buss-sjåfør {m}; turbussjåfør {m}
bush {n} (category of woody plant) :: busk {m}
bushing {n} (mechanical engineering: type of bearing to reduce friction) :: foring {m}
business {n} (commercial enterprise or establishment) :: forretning {m}
business {n} (occupation, work or trade of a person) :: [Bokmål] virksomhet {m}
business card {n} (small card) :: [Bokmål] visittkort {n}; [Nynorsk] visittkort {n}
businessman {n} (a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution) :: [Bokmål] forretningsmann {m}; [Nynorsk] forretningsmann {m}
business plan {n} (summary) :: businessplan {m}; [Nynorsk] forretningsplan
business practice {n} (usual procedure followed in business) :: [Bokmål] forretningspraksis {m}; [Nynorsk] forretningspraksis {m}
businessworthy {adj} (Following principles of ethical and responsible conduct in business) :: forretningsverdig
busk {v} (nautical: to tack) SEE: tack ::
bus route {n} (set route of bus service) :: [Bokmål] bussrute {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bussrute {f}
bus shelter {n} (A building or other structure constructed at a bus stop) :: [Bokmål] busskur {n}, buss-skur {n}; [Nynorsk] busskur {n}, buss-skur {n}
bus station {n} (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) :: [Bokmål] busstasjon {m}, rutebilstasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] busstasjon {m}, rutebilstasjon {m}
bus stop {n} (a stop for public transport buses) :: [Bokmål] bussholdeplass {m}, busstopp {m} {n}, buss-stopp {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] busstopp {m} {n}, buss-stopp {m} {n}
bust {n} (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders) :: [Bokmål] byste {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] byste {m} {f}
bust {n} (breasts and upper thorax of a woman) :: [Bokmål] byste {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] byste {m} {f}
busty {adj} (having large breasts) :: [Bokmål] barmfager
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) :: travel, opptatt
busy {adj} (engaged) :: opptatt, travel
busy {v} (to keep busy with) :: sysselsette; [Bokmål] beskjeftige
but {conj} (rather) :: men
but {conj} (although) :: men
but {conj} (except) :: enn, bortsett fra, unntatt, foruten
butane {n} (the organic compound) :: [Bokmål] butan {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] butan {m} {n}
butch {n} (masculine lesbian) :: [Bokmål] traktorlesbe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] traktorlesbe {f}
butcher {n} (a person who prepares and sells meat) :: slakter {m}
butcher {n} (a brutal or indiscriminate killer) :: slakter {m}
butcher {v} (To slaughter animals and prepare meat for market) :: slakte
butcher {v} (to kill brutally) :: slakte
butcher {v} (To ruin something) :: slakte
butcher's {n} (butcher’s shop) :: [Bokmål] slakterbutikk {m}; [Nynorsk] slaktarbutikk {m}
butchershop {n} (a butcher's shop) :: [Bokmål] slakterbutikk {m}; [Nynorsk] slaktarbutikk {m}
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
butler {n} (chief male servant) :: bøtler {m}
butt {n} (larger or thicker end of anything; blunt end) :: [Bokmål] kolbe {m}; [Nynorsk] kolbe {m}
butt {n} (buttocks) :: bak {m}, rumpe {m} {f}
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) :: [Bokmål] sneip {m}
butter {n} (soft foodstuff made from milk) :: [Bokmål] smør {n}; [Nynorsk] smør {n}
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil ::
butterfly {n} (insect) :: [Bokmål] sommerfugl {m}; [Nynorsk] sommarfugl {m}, sumarfugl {m}, fivreld {n}, fivrelde {n}, marihøne {f} [some dialects]
butterfly {n} (swimming stroke) SEE: butterfly stroke ::
butterfly effect {n} :: sommerfugleffekt; [Nynorsk] sommarfugleffekten
butterfly stroke {n} (swimming stroke) :: butterfly {m}
buttermilk {n} (traditional buttermilk) :: [Bokmål] kjernemelk {m} {f}, kjernemjølk {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kjernemjølk {f}
butter up {v} (to flatter) :: smiske
buttfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
button {n} (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) :: [Bokmål] knapp {m}; [Nynorsk] knapp {m}
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) :: trykknapp {m}, knapp {m}
button {n} (in computer software, an on-screen control that can be selected) :: knapp {m}
button {v} (to fasten with a button) :: kneppe
buttonhole {n} (hole for a button) :: [Bokmål] knapphull {n}, knapphol {n}; [Nynorsk] knapphol {n}
buttonhole {n} (flower worn in the buttonhole for decoration) :: [Bokmål] knapphullsblomst {m}, knappholsblomst {m}
buttonwood {n} (mangrove) SEE: mangrove ::
butt plug {n} (A sex toy for the anus and rectum) :: analplugg
buttress {n} (brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it) :: støtte {m} {f}
buttress {n} (anything that serves to support something) :: støtte {m} {f}
buttress {v} (support something physically with, or as if with, a buttress) :: støtte
buttress {v} (support something or someone by supplying evidence) :: understøtte
buxom {adj} (having a full, voluptuous figure) :: yppig
buy {v} (to obtain something with money) :: kjøpe
buy {v} (to accept as true) :: kjøpe
buy {n} (purchase) SEE: purchase ::
buyer {n} (person who makes purchases) :: [Bokmål] kjøper {m}, kjøperinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kjøpar {m}
buying power {n} (purchasing power) SEE: purchasing power ::
buy the farm {v} (to die) :: skride hen til de evige jaktmarker
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper ::
buzzard {n} (bird of the genus Buteo) :: musvåk [Buteo buteo]; [Bokmål] våk {m}; [Nynorsk] våk {m}
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture ::
by {prep} (near, or next to) :: ved
by {prep} (not later than) :: innen
by {prep} (indicates the agent of a passive verb) :: av
by {prep} (indicates creator of a work) :: av, ved
by {prep} (indicates a means) :: med
by {prep} (with the authority of) :: ved
by {prep} (indicating amount of change, difference or discrepancy) :: med
by {prep} (indicates steady progression) :: etter, for
by {prep} :: etter
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon ::
by and large {adv} (mostly, generally; with few exceptions) :: [Bokmål] i det store og hele, stort sett; [Nynorsk] i det store og heile, stort sett
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) :: [Bokmål] tilfeldigvis; [Nynorsk] tilfeldigvis
by dint of {prep} (because of; by reason of) SEE: because of ::
bye {interj} (short for goodbye, see also: goodbye) :: adjø, farvel, ha det bra
bye-bye {n} (goodbye, see also: bye; goodbye) :: ha det
by-election {n} (special election) :: [Bokmål] suppleringsvalg {n}; [Nynorsk] suppleringsval {n}
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot ::
by heart {prep} (knowing completely) :: [Bokmål] utenat; [Nynorsk] utanåt, utanboks
bypass {v} (to avoid an obstacle etc, by constructing or using a bypass) :: [Bokmål] omgå; [Nynorsk] omgå
byproduct {n} (secondary or additional product) :: [Bokmål] biprodukt {n}; [Nynorsk] biprodukt {n}
by-product {n} (secondary product) :: [Bokmål] biprodukt {n}; [Nynorsk] biprodukt {n}
byre {n} (a barn, especially one used for keeping cattle) :: [Bokmål] fjøs {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] fjøs {m} {n}
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way ::
by the Grace of God {prep} (By divine right) :: av Guds nåde
by the skin of one's teeth {prep} (barely, closely) :: [Bokmål] på hengende håret
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when ::
by the way {prep} (incidentally) :: forresten
by turns {adv} (one after the other) SEE: in turn ::
Byzantine {adj} (of or pertaining to Byzantium) :: [Bokmål] bysantinsk; [Nynorsk] bysantinsk
Byzantine Empire {prop} (Greek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region) :: Østromerriket
Byzantium {prop} (Byzantine Empire) SEE: Byzantine Empire ::
Byzantium {prop} (ancient Greek city) :: Bysants