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Woman wearing a fanny pack
From fanny (“the backside”) + pack.
fanny pack (plural fanny packs)
- (Canada, US) A small fabric pouch secured with a zipper and worn at the waist by a strap around the hips.
- Synonyms: (US) belly bag, belt bag, (UK, Australia, New Zealand) bum bag, (South Africa) moon bag, waist bag
She wears her fanny pack every day on her morning jog around Central Park.
- While fanny is acceptable in Canada and the US, the term can be misconstrued as offensive in other countries; see fanny (“female genitalia”).
small pouch worn at the waist
- Arabic: كمير
- Belarusian: шабета f (šabjeta)
- Breton: sac'h-gouriz
- Catalan: ronyonera (ca) f
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 腰包 (zh) (yāobāo)
- Czech: ledvinka (cs) f
- Dutch: heuptas (nl) n
- Esperanto: koksosaketo
- Finnish: vyölaukku (fi)
- French: banane (fr) f
- Galician: faldriqueira (gl) f
- German: Gürteltasche (de) f, Bauchtasche f, Bauchbeutel m, Hüfttasche f
- Hebrew: פאוץ׳
- Hungarian: övtáska (hu), hasitasi (informal)
- Italian: marsupio (it) m
- Maori: tātua pūpara
- Norwegian: rumpetaske (no) m or f
- Polish: nerka (pl) f, piterek (pl) m
- Portuguese: pochete (pt)
- Russian: поясная сумка (pojasnaja sumka)
- Slovak: ľadvinka f
- Spanish: banano (es) m (Chile), cangurera f (Mexico), cangura f (Costa Rica), canguro m (Colombia), koala m (Venezuela), riñonera f (Argentina, Spain, Uruguay), mariconera (es) f
- Swedish: magväska (sv) c, midjeväska (sv) c
- Turkish: bel çantası
- Ukrainian: поясна сумка (pojasna sumka)
- “fanny pack” in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2004.