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A woman in traditional Galician costume. Note the saffron and violet faldriqueira.

Alternative forms




Probably from falda (fold). Compare also baldric.

Cognate with Spanish faltriquera.





faldriqueira f (plural faldriqueiras)

  1. bag, pouch; kind of traditional bum bag that was used mostly by women
  2. moneybag
    Synonym: falchoca
    • 1858, Vicente Turnes, Himno a S. M. Isabel II:
      Si temos paz os cartiños roxirán nas faltriqueiras, pro si hai vingas e senreiras o daño será maior
      If we have peace coins will jingle inside the pouches, but if there are vengeances and hatreds, the damage will be larger
    • 1898, Juan Pla Zubiri, O que garga sempre ten:
      Asín as cousas o tempo fuxía coma un lóstrego e o bon de Bertoliño ó cabo dalgúns anos, cando xa se atopou coa faltriqueira acugulada de douradas e lucias moedas.
      That's the way things are: time was fleeing as a lightning and good Little Bertold, after some years, found himself with the moneybag overflowing with golden and brilliant coins.

