User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-b
b {letter} | :: letter: bee |
b {n} [music] | :: B flat |
B {letter} | :: letter: bee |
B {n} | :: abbreviation of lubenter approbatur |
B12-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B12 (cobalamin) |
B1-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B1 (thiamine) |
B2-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B2 (riboflavin) |
B3-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B3 (niacin) |
B5-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) |
B6-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) |
B7-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B7 (biotin) |
B9-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B9 (folic acid) |
bää {interj} | :: baa, a cry of a sheep |
Baabelin torni {n} [biblical] | :: Tower of Babel |
baana {n} [slang] | :: road |
baari {n} | :: bar (public house) |
baari {n} | :: cafeteria (restaurant serving simple food and usually having the right to serve medium strength beer, see keskiolut) |
baari {n} | :: bar (unit of pressure) |
baariapulainen {n} | :: bar attendant |
baarijakkara {n} | :: bar stool, barstool |
baarikaappi {n} | :: bar (closet containing alcoholic beverages) |
baarikärpänen {n} | :: bar fly |
baarikeittiö {n} | :: bar kitchen (type of kitchen in which the kitchen area is separated from dining room by a bar counter) |
baarimestari {n} | :: bartender |
baarimikko {n} | :: bartender |
baarinpitäjä {n} | :: barkeeper (person preparing and serving drinks at a bar, especially one who also owns the bar) |
baaripöytä {n} | :: bar table (relatively high table suitable for sitting around while seated on a barstool) |
baaritiski {n} | :: bar, bar counter (counter over which drinks and snacks are served at a bar) |
baarituoli {n} | :: bar stool, barstool |
baasis {n} [rare] | :: basis (starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis) |
baasis {n} | :: (rare) basis (underlying condition or circumstance) |
baathisti {n} | :: Baathist, Ba'athist (supporter of a Baath party) |
baba {n} | :: baba, babka (type of cake) |
babesioosi {n} [disease] | :: babesiosis |
babirussa {n} | :: babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) |
baby {n} | :: baby (term of endearment) |
baby {n} | :: baby (very young human) |
babylonialainen {n} | :: A Babylonian person |
babylonialainen {adj} | :: Babylonian |
Babylonin riippuvat puutarhat {prop} | :: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) |
babysitter {n} | :: A babysitter |
backgammon {n} | :: backgammon |
Baffininlahti {prop} | :: Baffin Bay |
bagatelli {n} [music] | :: bagatelle |
bagatellisoida {v} | :: To regard as a bagatelle; to belittle, ridicule, disparage, disdain, detract |
bagatellisointi {n} | :: The action of the verb bagatellisoida; belittling |
Bagdad {prop} | :: Bagdad (capital city) |
bagdadilainen {adj} | :: Baghdadi, Baghdadian |
bagdadilainen {n} | :: Baghdadi, Baghdadian |
bagelrinkeli {n} | :: bagel |
bagna cauda {n} | :: bagna cauda |
bahai {n} | :: Bahá'í, Bahai (follower of the Bahá'í Faith or Bahá'u'lláh) |
bahailainen {n} | :: Bahá'í (follower of the Bahá'í Faith) |
bahailainen {adj} | :: Bahá'í (of, pertaining or relating to Bahá'í Faith) |
bahaismi {n} | :: synonym of baha'i-usko |
bahaisti {n} | :: Bahá'í (follower of the Bahá'í Faith or Bahá'u'lláh) |
baha’i-usko {n} | :: Bahá'í Faith |
bahai-usko {n} | :: alternative form of baha’i-usko |
Bahama {prop} | :: Bahama (archipelago/and/country) |
bahamalainen {adj} | :: Bahamian |
bahamalainen {n} | :: Bahamian |
bahamanhutia {n} | :: Bahamian hutia, Ingraham's hutia Geocapromys ingrahami (rodent endemic to the Bahamas) |
bahamansupi {n} | :: Bahaman raccoon, Procyon lotor maynardi |
bahamasaarelainen {adj} [rare] | :: Bahamian |
bahamasaarelainen {n} [rare] | :: Bahamian |
Bahamasaaret {prop} | :: the Bahamas (archipelago east of Florida) |
Bahamasaaret {prop} [rare] | :: the state comprising these islands |
bahamasaartensupi {n} | :: alternative form of bahamansupi |
bahianpiikkirotta {n} | :: briste-spined rat, a species of spiny rat native to Brazil, Chaetomys subspinosus |
Bahrain {prop} | :: Bahrain (country) |
bahrainilainen {adj} | :: Bahraini |
bahrainilainen {n} | :: Bahraini |
baijeri {n} | :: Bavarian (language) |
Baijeri {prop} | :: Bavaria |
baijerilainen {adj} | :: Bavarian |
baijerilainen {n} | :: A Bavarian person |
baijerintunnelimyyrä {n} | :: Bavarian pine vole, Microtus bavaricus |
baijerinvuoristovihikoira {n} | :: Bavarian mountain hound (breed of dog) |
Baikal {prop} | :: Baikal (lake) |
baikalinhylje {n} | :: Baikal seal Pusa sibirica |
Baikaljärvi {prop} | :: Baikaljärvi (large lake) |
bailaaminen {n} [slang] | :: partying |
bailata {vi} [slang] | :: To party |
bailaus {n} [slang] | :: partying |
bailausmusiikki {n} | :: partying music |
bailut {n} [colloquial] | :: party |
bainiitti {n} [metallurgy] | :: bainite |
bairdintapiiri {n} | :: Baird's tapir, Tapirus bairdii |
baitata {v} [slang] | :: To imitate, copy, ape |
baittari {n} [slang] | :: copycat |
baittaus {n} [slang] | :: imitation, aping (act) |
bajamaja {n} [colloquial] | :: portapotty |
bakeliitti {n} | :: Bakelite |
bakkanaali {n} | :: bacchanal |
bakteeri {n} | :: bacterium |
bakteerifloora {n} | :: bacterial flora (all the bacteria inside, or on the surface of an organism) |
bakteerikanta {n} | :: bacterial flora (all the bacteria inside, or on the surface of an organism) |
bakteerikasvusto {n} | :: bacterial growth |
bakteerimyrkky {n} | :: bacterial toxin (toxic substance produced by bacteria) |
bakteeriperäinen {adj} [pathology] | :: bacterial (caused by bacteria) |
bakteeritartunta {n} | :: bacterial infection |
bakteeritauti {n} | :: bacterial disease (disease caused by bacteria) |
bakteeriton {adj} | :: abacterial, sterile |
bakteerittomuus {n} | :: The state of having no bacteria |
bakteeriviljelys {n} | :: bacterial culture |
bakteriaalinen {adj} [pathology] | :: bacterial (caused by bacteria) |
bakteriofagi {n} [microbiology, virology] | :: bacteriophage |
bakteriologi {n} [biology, microbiology] | :: bacteriologist |
bakteriologia {n} | :: bacteriology |
bakteriologinen {adj} | :: bacteriological |
bakteriologisesti {adv} | :: bacteriologically |
bakteriolyysi {n} [biology, medicine] | :: bacteriolysis |
bakterioplankton {n} | :: bacterioplankton (bacterial component of plankton) |
bakteriosiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: bacteriocin |
bakterisidi {n} | :: bactericide |
Baktria {prop} | :: Bactria |
bakulovirus {n} | :: baculovirus |
balagaani {n} [archaic] | :: a building for folk theater performances |
balagaani {n} [archaic] | :: temporary storage building |
Balaklava {prop} | :: Balaklava |
balalaikansoittaja {n} | :: balalaika player |
balalaikka {n} [musical instruments] | :: balalaika |
balalaikkakonsertto {n} | :: balalaika concerto |
balalaikkamusiikki {n} | :: balalaika music |
balalaikkaorkesteri {n} | :: balalaika orchestra |
balaniitti {n} [pathology] | :: balanitis |
balanopostiitti {n} [pathology] | :: balanoposthitis |
balansoida {vt} | :: To balance |
balansointi {n} | :: balancing |
balanssi {n} | :: balance |
balanssiteoria {n} [social psychology] | :: balance theory (motivational theory proposed by Fritz Heider that conceptualizes the cognitive consistency motive as a drive toward psychological balance) |
baldakiini {n} | :: baldacchin, baldachin (canopy suspended over an altar, throne, pulpit, bed etc.) |
Baleaarienmeri {prop} | :: The Balearic Sea |
Baleaarit {prop} [pluralonly] | :: Baleaarit (autonomous community/and/province) |
baletinopettaja {n} | :: ballet teacher |
baletti {n} | :: ballet |
balettiesitys {n} | :: ballet performance |
balettikoulu {n} | :: ballet school |
balettikoulutus {n} | :: ballet training |
balettikuoro {n} | :: ballet choir |
balettimestari {n} | :: ballet master (person responsible for the level of competence of the dancers in a ballet company) |
balettimusiikki {n} | :: ballet music |
balettineuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplishments related to ballet, such as former ballet masters |
balettipantomiimi {n} | :: ballet-pantomime, pantomime ballet (style of ballet developed by Paris Opera in mid 1800's, characterized by extensive use of mime along with dance) |
balettiryhmä {n} | :: ballet group |
balettisarja {n} | :: ballet suite (ballet music arranged for presentation by an orchestra in a concert) |
balettitanssi {n} | :: ballet dance |
balettitanssija {n} | :: A ballet dancer |
balettitanssijatar {n} | :: A ballerina (female ballet dancer) |
balettiteatteri {n} | :: ballet theater |
balettitossu {n} | :: ballet shoe, ballet slipper (shoe designed for ballet dancing) |
balettitulkinta {n} | :: ballet interpretation |
balettityttö {n} | :: ballet girl (young female ballet dancer) |
bali {n} | :: The Balinese language |
Bali {prop} | :: Bali (island/and/province) |
baliisi {n} | :: balise |
balilainen {adj} | :: Balinese |
balilainen {n} | :: A Balinese person |
balinkielinen {adj} | :: Balinese, Balinese-language (expressed in Balinese) |
balintiikeri {n} | :: Bali tiger, Panthera tigris balica |
balinvuoristokoira {n} | :: kintamani (Balinese breed of dog) |
Balkan {prop} | :: The Balkans |
balkanilainen {adj} | :: Balkan, Balkanic, Balkanian |
balkaninhevoskastanja {n} | :: common horse chestnut, horse chestnut, conker tree, Aesculus hippocastanum |
balkaninmyyrä {n} | :: Martino’s snow vole, Dinaromys bogdanovi |
balkaninnäsiä {n} | :: Daphne blagayana |
balkaninsieppo {n} | :: semi-collared flycatcher, Ficedula semitorquata |
balkanintiainen {n} | :: sombre tit, Parus lugubris |
balkanintunnelimyyrä {n} | :: Thomas’s pine vole, Microtus thomasi |
balkanisaatio {n} | :: Balkanization |
balkanisoida {vt} | :: To balkanize |
balkanisoitua {vi} | :: To become balkanized |
balkanisoituminen {n} | :: Balkanization |
balkanmakkara {n} | :: Balkan sausage, cevapi |
balladi {n} | :: ballad (kind of narrative poem) |
balladi {n} | :: ballad (slow romantic song) |
balladipelimanni {n} | :: ballad musician |
balladirunous {n} | :: ballad poetry |
ballerina {n} [dance] | :: ballerina (female ballet dancer) |
ballerina {n} | :: ballet flat, dolly flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes) |
ballerinakenkä {n} | :: ballet flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes) |
ballerinatossu {n} | :: ballet flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes) |
ballista {n} | :: ballista (military engine) |
ballistiikka {n} | :: ballistics |
ballistiitti {n} [chemistry] | :: ballistite |
ballistinen {adj} | :: ballistic |
ballistisesti {adv} | :: ballistically |
balsa {n} | :: balsa (wood) |
balsami {n} | :: alternative form of palsami |
balsamiviinietikka {n} | :: balsamic vinegar |
balsamoida {v} | :: alternative form of palsamoida |
balsamoija {n} | :: alternative form of palsamoija |
balsamointi {n} | :: alternative form of palsamointi |
balsapuu {n} | :: balsa tree, balsa, Ochroma pyramidale (tropical tree with very lightweight wood) |
Baltia {prop} | :: Baltic (areas on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea, commonly understood to consist of the territories of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and often Kaliningrad Oblast) |
Baltian jääjärvi {prop} | :: Baltic Ice Lake (historic phase of the Baltic Sea) |
Baltian kilpi {prop} | :: Baltic Shield (large expanse of stable Precambrian rock that covers Scandinavia, Finland and Karelia) |
Baltian maa {prop} | :: Baltic state (any of the three countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) |
Baltian meri {prop} [rare] | :: Baltic Sea |
baltti {n} | :: A Balt; a Baltic person |
balttilainen {adj} | :: Baltic |
balttilaisuus {n} | :: The property of being Baltic |
balusteri {n} [architecture] | :: baluster |
balustradi {n} [architecture] | :: A balustrade |
balzacilainen {adj} | :: Balzacian |
bamanankan {n} | :: synonym of bambara (West African language) |
bambara {n} | :: Bambara (West African language) |
bambu {n} | :: bamboo |
bambuesirippu {n} [historical] | :: Bamboo Curtain |
bambuhai {n} | :: bamboo shark (shark of the family Hemiscylliidae) |
bambukeppi {n} | :: bamboo stick |
bambukori {n} | :: bamboo basket |
bambulepakko {n} | :: thick-thumbed bat (bat of the genus Glischropus endemic to SE Asia) |
bambulepakko {n} | :: common thick-thumbed bat, Glischropus tylopus |
bamburuoko {n} | :: bamboo cane |
bambusauva {n} | :: bamboo pole |
bambusauva {n} | :: bamboo ski pole (ski pole made of bamboo) |
bambusoihtu {n} | :: tiki torch |
bambuvapa {n} | :: bamboo rod (fishing rod made of bamboo) |
bambuverso {n} | :: bamboo shoot |
bamlata {v} [slang] | :: To speak |
banaaleimmin {adv} | :: superlative of banaalisti |
banaali {adj} | :: banal |
banaalimmin {adv} | :: comparative of banaalisti |
banaalistaa {vt} | :: to banalize |
banaalisti {adv} | :: banally |
banaalistua {vi} | :: to become banal |
banaalistuminen {n} | :: becoming banal |
banaalius {n} | :: banality |
banaani {n} | :: banana |
banaani {n} [Internet slang] | :: a ban |
banaanijäätelö {n} | :: banana ice cream (ice cream flavored with banana or artificial banana flavor) |
banaanikärpänen {n} | :: common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) |
banaanikauppa {n} | :: banana trade |
banaanikerttuli {n} | :: bananaquit, Coereba flaveola (New World passerine bird, the only species in the family Coerebidae) |
banaanikotelo {n} | :: banana case (small case for carrying an individual banana for lunch etc.) |
banaanilaatikko {n} | :: banana box (box or case of bananas) |
banaanilehto {n} | :: banana grove |
banaaninkuori {n} | :: banana skin [UK], banana peel [US] |
banaaninviljely {n} | :: banana cultivation |
banaaniorava {n} | :: plantain squirrel, Callosciurus notatus |
banaanipistoke {n} | :: banana plug |
banaaniplantaasi {n} | :: banana plantation |
banaanipotku {n} [soccer] | :: banana kick |
banaanitasavalta {n} [pejorative] | :: banana republic |
banaanivaltio {n} [pejorative] | :: banana republic |
banaaniviljelmä {n} | :: banana plantation |
banalisoida {vt} | :: To banalize |
banalisointi {n} | :: banalizing |
banalisoitua {vi} | :: To become banal |
banalisoituminen {n} | :: the process of becoming banal |
banaliteetti {n} | :: banality |
bänät {n} [slang] | :: synonym of bänks |
bandanahuivi {n} | :: bandana (large, often decorated kerchief) |
bändäri {n} | :: groupie (female fan assumed to be more interested in relationships with members of a band than in their music) |
banderolli {n} | :: banner (large sign made of fabric) |
bändi {n} [music, colloquial] | :: band, group |
bändibussi {n} | :: band bus (bus used to carry a music band around, often special-equipped) |
bandiitti {n} | :: bandit |
bändisoitin {n} | :: band instrument (musical instrument frequently used by music bands) |
bändisoitto {n} | :: playing in band (activity) |
bänet {n} [slang] | :: bänksit (event of breaking up a relationship) |
Bangkok {prop} | :: Bangkok (capital city) |
Bangladesh {prop} | :: Bangladesh (country) |
bangladeshilainen {adj} | :: Bangladeshi |
bangladeshilainen {n} | :: Bangladeshi |
bangladeshiläinen {adj} | :: alternative form of bangladeshilainen |
banian {n} | :: banyan (Ficus benghalensis) |
banianviikuna {n} | :: banyan, banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) |
banja {n} | :: Russian banya |
banjisti {n} | :: banjoist, banjo player (one who plays a banjo) |
banjo {n} | :: banjo |
banjomonni {n} | :: banjo catfish, aspredinid (fish of the family Aspredinidae, a small South American family of catfishes) |
banjosoolo {n} | :: banjo solo |
banketti {n} | :: banquet |
bankrotti {n} [archaic, dialectal] | :: bankruptcy |
bänks {n} [colloquial] | :: breakup (of relationship) |
banksinmänty {n} | :: jack pine, Pinus banksiana |
bannata {vt} [Internet slang] | :: to ban (ban online) |
banneri {n} | :: banner |
bansku {n} [colloquial, childish] | :: banana |
bantengi {n} | :: banteng, Bos javanicus |
bantu {n} | :: Bantu |
bantukieli {n} | :: Bantu language (any of the hundreds of related languages of Bantu family spoken in central and southern Africa) |
bantustan {n} [historical] | :: bantustan (territory defined as a homeland for black South Africans) |
baptismi {n} | :: baptism (branch of Protestantism) |
baptisterio {n} | :: synonym of kastekappeli |
baptisti {n} | :: A Baptist |
baptistikirkko {n} | :: Baptist church |
baptistisaarnaaja {n} | :: Baptist preacher |
baptistiseurakunta {n} | :: Baptist parish |
baraali {n} | :: bharal, blue sheep (caprid of the genus Pseudois) |
baraali {n} | :: bharal, Himalayan blue sheep, naur, Pseudois nayaur |
barbaari {n} | :: barbarian |
barbaariheimo {n} | :: barbarian tribe |
barbaarikyyhky {n} | :: ringneck dove (Streptopelia risoria) |
barbaarimainen {adj} | :: barbarous, barbaric, barbarian |
barbaarimaisesti {adv} | :: barbarically |
barbaarimaisuus {n} | :: barbarousness |
barbaarinen {adj} | :: barbaric |
barbaarisesti {adv} | :: barbarically |
barbaarisuus {n} | :: barbarity |
barbaarius {n} | :: barbarism |
Barbados {prop} | :: Barbados (island/and/country) |
barbadosinsupi {n} | :: Barbados raccoon, Procyon lotor gloveralleni |
barbadoslainen {adj} | :: Barbadian |
barbadoslainen {n} | :: Barbadian |
barbaria {n} | :: barbarism |
barbarismi {n} | :: barbarism |
barbenlanguri {n} | :: Phayre's leaf monkey, Trachypithecus phayrei |
barbi {n} | :: A barb fish |
barbi {n} | :: The Barbie doll |
barbituraatti {n} | :: barbiturate |
barbituurihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: barbituric acid |
bardi {n} [historical] | :: bard (professional poet and singer) |
barduuna {n} [nautical] | :: running backstay |
bareesi {n} | :: barège |
Barentsinmeri {prop} | :: The Barents Sea |
baretti {n} | :: beret (only in military use) |
barista {n} | :: barista |
baritoni {n} | :: baritone (male voice) |
baritoniaaria {n} | :: baritone aria |
baritoniavain {n} [music] | :: baritone clef |
baritonikitara {n} [musical instruments] | :: baritone guitar |
baritonilaulaja {n} | :: baritone singer |
baritonisaksofoni {n} | :: baritone saxophone, bari sax |
baritonisolisti {n} | :: baritone soloist |
baritonisoolo {n} | :: baritone solo |
baritonitorvi {n} [musical instruments] | :: euphonium |
baritoniukulele {n} | :: baritone ukulele |
barium {n} | :: barium |
bariumpuuro {n} [medicine] | :: barium meal (peparation of barium sulfate which a patient ingests to allow clear radiographs of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum) |
bariumsulfaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: barium sulfate |
bar mitsva {n} [Judaism] | :: bar mitzvah |
Barnabas {prop} [biblical character] | :: Barnabas |
barni {n} [nuclear physics] | :: barn (minuscule unit of area equal to 10-28 square metres) |
barografi {n} | :: barograph |
barokki {n} | :: baroque |
barokkiaika {n} | :: The baroque period |
barokkihuilu {n} [musical instruments] | :: traverso, baroque flute |
barokkikaappi {n} | :: baroque cabinet, baroque cupboard |
barokkikitara {n} | :: baroque guitar |
barokkikonsertto {n} | :: baroque concerto |
barokkimusiikki {n} [music] | :: baroque music |
barokkinen {adj} | :: Baroque (from the Baroque period) |
barokkioboe {n} | :: baroque oboe |
barokkipoikkihuilu {n} | :: baroque flute, traverso |
barokkipuku {n} | :: baroque costume |
barokkisello {n} [musical instrument] | :: baroque cello |
barokkisolisti {n} | :: baroque soloist |
barokkitanssi {n} | :: baroque dance |
barokkitrio {n} | :: baroque trio |
barokkitrumpetti {n} | :: baroque trombone |
barokkituoli {n} | :: baroque chair |
barokkityyli {n} | :: Baroque (style of the baroque period as expressed in art, architecture and music) |
barokkityylinen {adj} | :: Baroque-style |
barokkiurku {n} [normally in plural] | :: baroque organ |
barokkiviulu {n} [musical instruments] | :: baroque violin |
barokkiyhtye {n} | :: baroque ensemble |
barokliininen {adj} | :: baroclinic (describing an atmospheric system in which the isobars are at an angle to the isopycnals or isotherms) |
barometri {n} [meteorology] | :: barometer |
barometri {n} [figuratively] | :: Any indicator |
baronetti {n} | :: baronet |
baroreseptori {n} [anatomy] | :: baroreceptor (nerve ending that is sensitive to changes in blood pressure) |
barotiitti {n} [pathology] | :: barotitis, aerotitis (otitis caused by a change in atmospheric pressure) |
barotrauma {n} | :: barotrauma |
barrakuda {n} | :: barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) |
barreli {n} | :: A barrel (the unit of measure) |
barrikadi {n} | :: barricade |
bärsse {n} [vulgar] | :: arse, ass |
Bartholinin rauhanen {n} [anatomy] | :: Bartholin's gland, greater vestibular gland |
Bartolomeus {prop} | :: Bartholomew (one of the Apostles) |
baryoni {n} [physics] | :: A baryon |
baryoninen {adj} [physics] | :: baryonic |
barysentrinen {adj} | :: barycentric |
barytoni {n} | :: alternative form of baritoni |
barytonilaulaja {n} | :: alternative form of baritonilaulaja |
baryytti {n} [mineral] | :: barite |
basaaliganglio {n} [anatomy] | :: basal ganglion |
basaari {n} | :: bazaar |
basaarikauppias {n} | :: bazaar trader (shopkeeper in a bazaar) |
basaarimyymälä {n} | :: bazaar shop (shop in a bazaar) |
basaliooma {n} [oncology] | :: basal cell carcinoma |
basaltti {n} | :: basalt |
basalttinen {adj} | :: basaltic |
basaniitti {n} [rock] | :: basanite |
baseball {n} | :: baseball |
baseballin pelaaja {n} | :: baseball player |
baseball-pallo {n} | :: baseball (ball used in the sport of baseball) |
Basedowin tauti {n} | :: synonym of Gravesin tauti |
base-hyppy {n} | :: base jump |
basenji {n} | :: Basenji |
basettiklarinetti {n} [musical instruments] | :: basset clarinet |
basettitorvi {n} [musical instruments] | :: basset horn |
basidio {n} | :: synonym of itiökanta |
basilaarikalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: basilar membrane |
basilika {n} | :: basilica (type of church) |
basilika {n} | :: basil, Ocimum basilicum (herb) |
basilika {n} | :: basil (this herb used as spice) |
basilika {n} | :: basil (plant of the genus Ocimum) |
basiliski {n} [mythology] | :: basilisk |
basilli {n} | :: bacillus |
basilli {n} | :: germ |
basillikauhu {n} | :: bacillophobia, germophobia (fear of microbes) |
basillinkantaja {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of taudinkantaja |
basis {n} | :: basis, base |
basisti {n} | :: bassist |
basistivitsi {n} | :: bassist joke (any of a category of jokes where the target of ridicule is the alleged stupidity of the bassists) |
baskeri {n} | :: A beret |
baski {n} | :: a Basque |
baski {n} | :: the Basque language |
baskialue {n} | :: Basque Country (region where Basque is spoken) |
baskienpaimenkoira {n} | :: Basque Shepherd Dog (breed of dog) |
baškiiri {n} | :: A Bashkir |
baškiiri {n} | :: The Bashkir language |
baskikansa {n} | :: Basque people |
baskilainen {adj} | :: Basque |
baskilaisuus {n} | :: The property of being Basque |
Baskimaa {prop} | :: Baskimaa (autonomous community) |
baskimaakunta {n} | :: Basque province (any of the seven provinces of Spain and France which belong to the Basque Country) |
baskimaalainen {adj} | :: of or relating to the Basque Country |
baskinkielinen {adj} | :: Basque (relative to the Basque language) |
Baškiria {prop} | :: Baškiria (republic) |
baskivähemmistö {n} | :: Basque minority |
Baškortostan {prop} | :: Baškortostan (republic) |
basmatiriisi {n} | :: basmati rice |
basofiili {n} [cytology] | :: basophil, basophile |
bassaminkaijamahonki {n} | :: African mahogany, Lagos mahogany, Khaya ivorensis |
bassetti {n} | :: basset hound |
bassi {n} | :: bass |
basso {n} [music] | :: bass (voice) |
basso {n} [musical instruments] | :: bass guitar |
bassoääni {n} | :: bass voice |
bassoääni {n} | :: bass sound |
bassoaaria {n} | :: bass aria |
bassoalue {n} | :: bass register |
bassoavain {n} [music] | :: bass clef |
bassobaritoni {n} [music] | :: bass-baritone |
bassokaiutin {n} | :: woofer |
bassokitara {n} | :: bass guitar |
bassoklarinetti {n} [musical instruments] | :: bass clarinet |
bassolaulaja {n} | :: bass singer |
bassorooli {n} | :: bass role |
bassorumpu {n} | :: bass drum |
bassosäädin {n} | :: bass control |
bassosaksofoni {n} | :: bass saxophone |
bassosinkki {n} [musical instrument, rare] | :: bass cornett |
bassosolisti {n} | :: bass soloist |
bassoviulu {n} | :: double bass, bass viol |
bastardi {n} | :: A bastard (especially a child of a nobleman and a common woman) |
bastardijänne {n} [heraldry] | :: baton, baton sinister |
Bastilji {prop} | :: Bastille |
bastioni {n} | :: bastion |
bataatti {n} | :: sweet potato |
bataattilaatikko {n} | :: sweet potato casserole |
batenlepakko {n} | :: Bate's slit-faced bat, Nycteris arge (African species of bat) |
batiikki {n} | :: alternative form of batikki |
batikki {n} | :: batik |
batisti {n} | :: batiste |
batistinen {adj} [textiles] | :: made of batiste |
bat mitsva {n} [Judaism] | :: bat mitzvah |
batoliitti {n} [geology] | :: batholith |
batonki {n} | :: baguette (the type of bread) |
Batseba {prop} | :: Bathsheba (Biblical character, wife of Uriah and later of David, mother of Solomon) |
batsi {n} | :: Bats (minority language spoken in Georgia) |
battarismi {n} | :: cluttering, battarism |
bättre folk {n} [colloquial, sarcastic] | :: Swedish Finns or Swedish-speaking Finns collectively |
batyskafi {n} | :: bathyscaphe |
baudelairelainen {adj} | :: Baudelairean |
baudi {n} | :: baud |
baudinopeus {n} | :: baud rate |
bauksiitti {n} [mineral] | :: bauxite |
bavarois {n} | :: bavarois (pudding) |
bavaroise {n} | :: bavaroise (drink) |
bavaroise {n} | :: bavarois, also bavaroise (dessert) |
bayesilainen {adj} [math] | :: Bayesian |
bayesiläinen {adj} [math] | :: Bayesian |
bb {n} [music] | :: synonym of heses |
BB-voide {n} [cosmetics] | :: BB cream |
B-duuri {n} [music] | :: B-flat major |
beagle {n} | :: beagle (dog) |
béarnaisekastike {n} [gastronomy] | :: béarnaise sauce |
bearninkastike {n} [gastronomy] | :: Alternative term for béarnaisekastike |
beat {n} [music] | :: beat |
beatmusiikki {n} [music] | :: beat music |
beatnik {n} | :: beatnik |
beaucenpaimenkoira {n} | :: Beauceron (breed of dog) |
Beaufortin asteikko {n} [nautical] | :: the Beaufort scale |
beaujolaisviini {n} | :: Beaujolais |
beauty box {n} | :: A small bag for one's makeup and accessories |
bébé {n} | :: A type of cake; a pastry cup with a creamy filling and topped with sugar icing |
bebee {n} | :: Alternative term for bébé (type of cake) |
bebop {n} | :: bebop |
béchamelkastike {n} [gastronomy] | :: béchamel sauce, white sauce |
Bechterewin tauti {n} [pathology] | :: Bechterew's disease [dated]; ankylosing spondylitis |
becquerel {n} | :: becquerel |
bedlingtoninterrieri {n} | :: Bedlington terrier (breed of dog) |
beduiini {n} | :: bedouin (member of various nomadic Arab peoples) |
beduiiniasu {n} | :: bedouin costume |
beduiiniheimo {n} | :: Bedouin tribe |
bee {n} | :: bee (letter: b) |
bees {n} | :: alternative form of beesi |
beesi {adj} | :: beige |
beesi {n} | :: beige |
beessi {n} | :: alternative form of beesi |
beessi {adj} | :: alternative form of beesi |
beeta {n} | :: beta (Greek letter) |
beetahajoaminen {n} [nuclear physics] | :: beta decay (nuclear reaction in which a beta particle is emitted) |
beetahiukkanen {n} [nuclear physics] | :: beta particle (energetic electron or positron produced as the result of a nuclear reaction) |
beeta-karoteeni {n} [chemistry] | :: beta-carotene |
beetakaroteeni {n} | :: beta-carotene |
beetalaktamaasi {n} [enzyme] | :: beta-lactamase |
beetalipoproteiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: synonym of LDL-kolesteroli |
beetasäde {n} [nuclear physics, dated] | :: beta ray (energetic electron or positron produced as the result of a nuclear reaction) |
beetasalpaaja {n} | :: beta blocker |
beetasäteilijä {n} [nuclear physics] | :: beta emitter (radioactive substance emitting beta particles) |
beetasäteily {n} | :: beta radiation |
beethovenilainen {adj} | :: Beethovenian |
Beetlehem {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Betlehem |
begonia {n} | :: begonia |
begoniaripsiäinen {n} | :: six-spotted thrips, Scolothrips longicornis |
beguine {n} | :: beguine (dance and music) |
behaviorismi {n} [psychology] | :: behaviourism/behaviorism |
behavioristi {n} | :: behaviorist |
behavioristinen {adj} | :: behavioristic |
beibi {n} [colloquial] | :: baby (attractive woman) |
beige {adj} | :: beige |
beige {n} | :: beige (color) |
beignet {n} | :: beignet |
Beijing {prop} | :: Beijing (direct-administered municipality/capital city) (alternative form of Peking) |
beisa {n} | :: gemsbok, gemsbuck, Oryx gazella (species of antelope native to southern Africa) |
beisa {n} | :: beisa, East African oryx, Oryx beisa (species of antelope native to eastern Africa) |
belangerintupaija {n} | :: northern tree shrew, Tupaia belangeri (tree shrew native to SE Asia) |
belemniitti {n} | :: belemnite |
beletti {n} | :: Any viverrid in the subfamily Hemigalinae of the family Viverridae, the family of civets |
beletti {n} | :: banded palm civet, banded civet, Hemigalus derbyanus (civet found on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra, and the Malayan peninsula) |
Belgia {prop} | :: Belgia (country) |
belgialainen {adj} | :: Belgian |
belgialainen {n} | :: A Belgian person |
belgialais- {prefix} | :: Belgian; belgialainen (Belgian) as used as modifier in compound terms |
belgialaissyntyinen {adj} | :: Belgian-born, Belgian born |
belgialaisuus {n} | :: Belgianness (state or property of being Belgian) |
Belgian kuningaskunta {prop} | :: The Kingdom of Belgium |
belgianpaimenkoira {n} | :: Belgian shepherd, Belgian sheepdog, Belgian Sheepdog (breed of medium-to-large-sized herding dog) |
Belgrad {prop} | :: Belgrad (capital city) |
belgradilainen {adj} | :: Belgradian (of or pertaining to Belgrade) |
belgradilainen {n} | :: Belgradian (person from Belgrade) |
Belize {prop} | :: Belize (country) |
belizeläinen {adj} | :: Belizean |
belizeläinen {n} | :: Belizean (person) |
belladonna {n} | :: belladonna, deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) |
Bellin halvaus {n} [pathology] | :: synonym of kasvohalvaus |
Bellin pareesi {n} [pathology] | :: synonym of kasvohalvaus |
belutši {n} | :: Balochi language |
bemari {n} [colloquial] | :: A beemer (BMW car or motorcycle) |
bemari {n} [military slang] | :: Soviet BMP-1 or BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle |
bemari {n} [military slang] | :: A soldier in the B health class |
bemari {n} [military slang] | :: The B health class |
bemarikuski {n} [colloquial] | :: BMW#Noun driver |
benediktiini {n} | :: Benedictine (monk or nun) |
benediktiini {n} [in plural] | :: Benedictine Order |
benediktiini {n} [as modifier in compound terms] | :: Benedictine (of or pertaining to Benedictine order) |
benediktiinikirkko {n} | :: Benedictine church |
benediktiiniläinen {adj} | :: Benedictine (of or pertaining to St. Benedict of Nursia, or to the Benedictine Order) |
benediktiiniläislikööri {n} | :: synonym of benediktiinilikööri |
benediktiiniläismunkki {n} | :: alternative form of benediktiinimunkki |
benediktiiniläisnunna {n} | :: alternative form of benediktiininunna |
benediktiinilikööri {n} | :: Benedictine (liqueur) |
benediktiiniluostari {n} | :: Benedictine cloister |
benediktiinimunkki {n} | :: Benedictine (monk) |
benediktiininunna {n} | :: Benedictine (nun) |
benfotiamiini {n} [chemistry] | :: benfotiamine |
Bengal {prop} | :: Bengal |
bengali {n} | :: Bengali (language) |
Bengali {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Bengal (region of South Asia) |
bengalilainen {adj} | :: Bengali (of or pertaining to Bengal) |
bengalinkello {n} | :: synonym of kellosusanna |
bengalinkettu {n} | :: Bengal fox, Vulpes bengalensis (species of fox endemic to Indian peninsula) |
bengalinkissa {n} | :: leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) |
Bengalinlahti {prop} | :: The Bay of Bengal |
bengalintiikeri {n} | :: Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) |
bengalin tuli {n} | :: Bengal light |
bengalintuli {n} | :: alternative spelling of bengalin tuli |
bengalitikku {n} [dated] | :: synonym of tähtisadetikku |
benguelandelfiini {n} | :: Heaviside's dolphin, Haviside's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii |
benigni {adj} [pathology] | :: benign |
Benin {prop} | :: Benin (country) |
beniniläinen {adj} | :: Beninese |
beniniläinen {n} | :: Beninese |
benitoiitti {n} [mineral] | :: benitoite |
Benjam {prop} | :: given name |
Benjami {prop} | :: given name |
Benjamin {prop} | :: given name |
Benjamin {prop} | :: Benjamin (Biblical figure) |
benjihyppy {n} | :: bungee jump (instance of bungee jumping) |
bennettinpuukenguru {n} | :: Bennett´s tree kangaroo, Dendrolagus bennettianus |
bensa {n} [colloquial] | :: gas, gasoline, petrol |
bensa-asema {n} [colloquial] | :: gas station, petrol station |
bensapumppu {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of polttoainepumppu |
bensasyöppö {n} | :: gas guzzler |
bensatankki {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of bensiinitankki |
bensiini {n} | :: gasoline [US], petrol [UK] |
bensiiniasema {n} | :: gas station [US], petrol station [UK], filling station |
bensiinigallona {n} | :: A gallon of gasoline |
bensiinikäyttöinen {adj} | :: gasoline driven |
bensiinikortti {n} | :: gasoline coupon, gasoline ration stamp (in times of rationing, a coupon that entitles the holder to buy a specified amount of gasoline) |
bensiinikortti {n} | :: gasoline card (credit card valid only on filling stations of a certain chain) |
bensiinikuponki {n} | :: gasoline coupon, gasoline ration stamp (in times of rationing, a coupon that entitles the holder to buy a specified amount of gasoline) |
bensiinikuponki {n} | :: gasoline coupon (promotional coupon that entitles the holder to free or discounted gasoline) |
bensiinimittari {n} | :: gas pump [US], petrol pump [UK] |
bensiinimoottori {n} | :: gasoline engine |
bensiininkulutus {n} | :: gasoline consumption |
bensiinipula {n} | :: gasoline shortage |
bensiinisäiliö {n} | :: gas tank [US], petrol tank [UK] (storage container for gasoline, especially one installed as part in a permanent structure or one forming such structure in itself, but also in vehicles) |
bensiinitankki {n} | :: gas tank [US], petrol tank [UK] (fuel tank for gasoline built into equipment, especially vehicles) |
bensiinivero {n} | :: gasoline tax |
bentoniitti {n} [mineral] | :: bentonite |
bentos {n} [marine biology] | :: benthos |
bentsaldehydi {n} | :: benzaldehyde |
bentseeni {n} [organic chemistry] | :: benzene |
bentseenirengas {n} | :: benzene ring |
bentseenitioli {n} [chemistry] | :: thiophenol |
bentsiini {n} [archaic] | :: bensiini (gasoline, petrol) |
bentsoaatti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: benzoate |
bentsodiatsepiini {n} [pharmacology] | :: benzodiazepine (any of a class of psychoactive drugs, structured upon diazepine) |
bentsoehappo {n} [chemistry] | :: benzoic acid |
bentsofenoni {n} [chemistry] | :: benzophenone |
bentsofuraani {n} [chemistry] | :: benzofuran |
bentsoli {n} | :: synonym of bentseeni |
bentsonitriili {n} [chemistry] | :: benzonitrile |
bentsoyyli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: benzoyl |
bentsoyyliperoksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: benzoyl peroxide |
bentsoyyliryhmä {n} [organic chemistry] | :: benzoyl group, benzoyl (functional group with the formula C6H5CO-) |
bentsyyli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: benzyl group, benzyl (univalent radical C6H5-CH2) |
bentsyylialkoholi {n} [chemistry] | :: benzyl alcohol |
bentsyyliasetaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: benzyl acetate |
bentsyylikloridi {n} [chemistry] | :: benzyl chloride |
bentsyylipiperatsiini {n} | :: benzylpiperazine |
benttinen {adj} | :: benthic |
benzokaiini {n} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: benzocaine (local anesthetic) |
berardinvalas {n} | :: Baird's beaked whale, Berardius bairdii |
berberi {n} | :: Berber (person) |
berberi {n} | :: Berber (language) |
berberi {n} | :: A trench coat |
Berberia {prop} [historical] | :: Barbary (Mediterranean coast of Africa) |
berberiapina {n} | :: Barbary macaque, Barbary ape, magot, Macaca sylvanus |
berberiini {n} [organic chemistry] | :: berberine |
berberikieli {n} | :: Berber (language) |
Bereniken hiukset {prop} [constellation] | :: The constellation Coma Berenices, the Hair of Berenice |
bergmanilainen {adj} | :: Bergmanian (of or pertaining to Ingmar Bergman, an influential Swedish director, writer and producer) |
beriberi {n} [pathology] | :: beriberi |
Beringinmeri {prop} | :: The Bering Sea |
Beringinsalmi {prop} | :: Bering Strait (strait between the continents of Asia and North America) |
berkelium {n} | :: berkelium |
Berliini {prop} | :: Berliini (caplc) |
Berliini {prop} | :: Berliini (state) |
berliiniläinen {n} | :: Berliner (native or inhabitant of Berlin) |
berliiniläinen {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Berlin |
berliininlehmus {n} | :: A lime or linden, Tilia moltkei |
berliininmakkara {n} | :: A mozzarella-style large sausage in natural casing containing chiefly finely ground pork and pieces of lard, spiced with black pepper, coriander, nutmeg, caraway, chili, onion and ginger |
berliininmunkki {n} | :: a round jelly/jam doughnut glazed with pink sugar topping |
berliininpoppeli {n} | :: A poplar, Populus x berolinensis |
bermudalainen {adj} | :: Bermudian, Bermudan |
bermudalainen {n} | :: Bermudian, Bermudan |
Bermudan kolmio {prop} | :: Bermudan kolmio (area) |
Bermudan kolmio {prop} | :: a Bermuda triangle (area where things mysteriously disappear) |
bermudasortsit {n} | :: synonym of bermudat |
bermudat {n} | :: Bermuda shorts |
bernhardilainen {n} | :: Saint Bernard (ßwiss breed of large dog) |
bernhardilaiskoira {n} | :: Saint Bernard |
bernhardilaismunkki {n} | :: Bernardine (Cistercian monk) |
bernhardinkoira {n} | :: synonym of bernhardilainen |
berninpaimenkoira {n} | :: Bernese Mountain Dog |
Bernoullin laki {n} [physics] | :: Bernoulli's principle |
berserkki {n} | :: berserk, berserker (crazed Norse warrior) |
Bertta {prop} | :: given name |
Bertta {prop} | :: The letter "B" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet |
berylli {n} | :: beryl |
beryllium {n} | :: beryllium |
berylliumfluoridi {n} [chemistry] | :: beryllium fluoride |
berylliumkloridi {n} [chemistry] | :: beryllium chloride |
berylliumoksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: beryllium oxide |
besoaariantilooppi {n} | :: blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) |
besserwisser {n} | :: know-it-all |
bestis {n} [slang] | :: best friend |
bestman {n} | :: best man |
bestseller {n} | :: bestseller |
bestsellerkirjailija {n} | :: bestseller writer |
bestsellerkirjallisuus {n} | :: bestseller literature |
bet {n} | :: beth (second letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad) |
betaiini {n} | :: betaine |
Betelgeuze {prop} | :: Betelgeuse (star) |
Betlehem {prop} | :: Betlehem (city) |
Betlehemin tähti {prop} [Biblical] | :: Star of Bethlehem |
betoni {n} | :: concrete (material) |
betoniaita {n} | :: concrete fence |
betoniarkkitehtuuri {n} | :: concrete architecture (type of architecture using concrete as main building material) |
betonielementti {n} [construction] | :: concrete element |
betonierämaa {n} [figuratively] | :: concrete desert (urban area lacking parks and other green spots) |
betoniharkko {n} | :: cinder block, concrete block |
betonihelvetti {n} [colloquial] | :: concrete jungle (town or city with many buildings constructed of concrete or similar materials and which seems unattractive, harsh and unwelcoming) |
betonihiekka {n} | :: concrete sand (sand used to make concrete) |
betonikivi {n} | :: concrete stone (assorted stones used for making stones) |
betonilaatta {n} | :: concrete slab (construction element) |
betonilaborantti {n} | :: concrete laboratory technician (laboratory technician who works in a concrete laboratory) |
betonilähiö {n} | :: concrete suburb (suburb in which concrete is the dominating building material) |
betonilattia {n} | :: concrete floor |
betonimassa {n} | :: concrete mix (quantity of mixed but unsolidified concrete) |
betonimuuri {n} | :: concrete wall, concrete barrier (strong concrete wall that separates a land area from another) |
betonimylly {n} | :: concrete mixer |
betoninen {adj} | :: Made of concrete |
betoninsekoitin {n} | :: concrete mixer |
betonintärytin {n} | :: concrete vibrator (tool used for homogenizing concrete after it is poured) |
betonipäällyste {n} | :: concrete pavement [US], concrete paving, concrete road surface (the topmost layer of a road made of concrete) |
betonipalkki {n} | :: concrete beam |
betonipilari {n} | :: concrete pillar |
betonipinta {n} | :: concrete surface |
betoniporsas {n} | :: Jersey barrier (modular concrete or plastic barrier designed to create walls that separate lanes of traffic or to block traffic) |
betoniputki {n} | :: concrete pipe |
betonirakenne {n} | :: concrete structure |
betonirakennelma {n} | :: concrete structure |
betonirakennus {n} | :: concrete building |
betonirakenteinen {adj} | :: Built of concrete blocks |
betoniramppi {n} | :: concrete ramp |
betoniraudoittaja {n} | :: concrete reinforcement worker |
betoniraudoitus {n} | :: rebar (for concrete) |
betonireikätiili {n} [rare] | :: concrete air brick |
betonirengas {n} | :: concrete ring (construction element) |
betonisäiliö {n} | :: concrete tank (tank made of concrete) |
betoniseinä {n} | :: concrete wall |
betonisekoitin {n} | :: concrete mixer |
betoniseos {n} | :: concrete mix |
betonitalo {n} | :: concrete house |
betonitärytin {n} | :: alternative form of betonintärytin |
betonitehdas {n} | :: concrete plant |
betoniteollisuus {n} | :: concrete industry |
betoniteräs {n} [construction] | :: concrete steel (steel profiles used in concrete construction to strengthen the structure) |
betonitiili {n} | :: concrete brick (brick that is made of concrete) |
betonityö {n} [construction] | :: concrete work (all sorts of construction work hat involves handling of concrete) |
betonivalli {n} | :: synonym of betonimuuri |
betonivalu {n} | :: concrete shuttering, concrete casting |
betoniverkko {n} | :: remesh, concrete mesh, concrete reinforcement mesh |
betoniviidakko {n} | :: concrete jungle |
betonoida {v} | :: to concrete (cover with concrete) |
betonoida {v} [finance] | :: to secure the ownership of a company against a real or hypothetical threat of a takeover |
betonointi {n} | :: concreting |
Betšuanamaa {prop} [historical] | :: Bechuanaland |
betuliini {n} | :: betulin |
Bézier-käyrä {n} [math, computer graphics] | :: Bézier curve |
bhodžpuri {n} | :: Bhojpuri (lIndo-Aryan anguage originating from northern India and Nepal) |
Bhutan {prop} | :: Bhutan (country) |
bhutanilainen {adj} | :: Bhutanese |
bhutanilainen {n} | :: A Bhutanese person |
bi {n} [colloquial] | :: bi (bisexual) |
biblia {n} | :: bible |
Biblia {prop} [archaic] | :: the Bible |
bibliodraama {n} | :: Bibliodrama (group method of studying the Bible and one's own personality simultaneously) |
bibliofiili {n} | :: bibliophile |
bibliofilia {n} | :: bibliophilia |
bibliografi {n} | :: bibliographer |
bibliografia {n} | :: bibliography |
bibliografinen {adj} | :: bibliographic |
bibliolatria {n} [theology] | :: bibliolatry (worship of the Bible) |
bibliomaani {n} | :: bibliomaniac |
bibliometria {n} | :: bibliometry (quantitative analysis of texts) |
bibliometriikka {n} | :: bibliometrics (quantitative analysis of texts) |
biblioterapia {n} | :: synonym of kirjallisuusterapia |
bichon frisé {n} | :: Bichon Frisé (breed of dog) |
bidee {n} | :: bidet |
biduaali {n} [math] | :: bidual |
biedermeier {n} | :: Biedermeier (artistic styles that flourished in Europe during the first half of 19th century in the fields of literature, music, the visual arts and interior design) |
biedermeierkalusto {n} | :: A set of Biedermeier furniture |
biennaali {n} | :: biennial |
bietinpystynenäapina {n} | :: black snub-nosed monkey, Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti, a.k.a. Pygathrix bieti |
bifenyyli {n} [organic compound] | :: biphenyl |
bifidobakteeri {n} | :: bifidobacterium |
bifurkaatio {n} | :: bifurcation |
bigaaminen {adj} | :: bigamous |
bigamia {n} | :: bigamy |
Big Mac {n} | :: Big Mac |
big mäk {n} [slang] | :: Big Mac (type of hamburger) |
biisi {n} [colloquial] | :: song |
biisoni {n} | :: buffalo, Bison bison |
biisonihärkä {n} | :: bison bull |
biitsi {n} [slang] | :: beach |
biitti {n} [music, colloquial] | :: beat |
bijektiivinen {adj} [mathematics] | :: bijective |
bijektio {n} [set theory] | :: bijection |
bikarbonaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: bicarbonate |
bikinialushousut {n} | :: bikini panty (bikini-style women's underpants) |
bikinihousut {n} | :: bikini bottom (bottom half of a bikini swimsuit) |
bikinikaunotar {n} | :: bikini babe |
bikinit {n} | :: bikini (swimwear) |
bikonditionaali {n} [logic] | :: biconditional |
bilabiaali {n} [phonetics] | :: bilabial |
bilabiaalinen {adj} [phonetics] | :: bilabial |
bilanssi {n} | :: balance |
bilateraali {adj} | :: alternative form of bilateraalinen |
bilateraalikauppa {n} | :: bilateral trade |
bilateraalinen {adj} | :: bilateral |
bilateraalisesti {adv} | :: bilaterally |
bilateraalisuus {n} | :: bilaterality |
bileet {n} [slang, colloquial] | :: party |
bilhartsia {n} [pathology] | :: schistosomiasis, bilharzia (any of various diseases of humans caused by parasitic blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma) |
bilhartsiaasi {n} [pathology] | :: synonym of bilhartsia |
bilhartsioosi {n} [pathology] | :: synonym of bilhartsia |
bilineaarinen {adj} | :: bilinear |
bilirubiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: bilirubin |
bilis {n} [billiards, slang] | :: billiards, pool (game) |
biliverdiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: biliverdin |
biljardi {num} | :: [short scale, rare] quadrillion (1015) |
biljardi {num} | :: [long scale, rare] billiard (1015) |
biljardi {n} | :: billiards (game) |
biljardihai {n} | :: pool shark |
biljardikeppi {n} | :: billiard cue |
biljardipallo {n} | :: billiard ball |
biljardipeli {n} | :: game of billiards, billiard game |
biljardipöytä {n} | :: billiard table, pool table |
biljardisali {n} | :: billiard room, billiard hall |
biljonääri {n} | :: trillionaire (one whose fortune is valued to more than 1012 monetary units) |
biljoona {num} | :: A long scale billion, 1012; a short scale trillion |
biljoonas {adj} | :: trillionth [short scale], billionth [long scale] (1,000,000,000,000th) |
bilsa {n} [school slang] | :: biology (as a school subject) |
biltsi {n} [slang] | :: hashish (cannabis extract) |
bimediaani {n} [geometry] | :: bimedian |
bimetallismi {n} | :: bimetallism |
bi-mies {n} | :: A bisexual male |
bimodaalinen {adj} | :: bimodal |
binaari {n} | :: alternative form of binääri |
binaari {adj} | :: alternative form of binääri |
binääri {n} | :: Short for binääriluku (binary number) |
binääri {n} | :: Short for binäärijärjestelmä (binary system) |
binääri {n} [computer slang] | :: A binary (executable computer file) |
binääri {adj} | :: Form of binäärinen (binary); chiefly used in closed compound terms, see list of compounds under binäärinen |
binäärihaku {n} [comptheory] | :: binary search |
binaarijärjestelmä {n} | :: alternative form of binäärijärjestelmä |
binäärijärjestelmä {n} | :: binary system |
binäärikello {n} | :: binary clock |
binaariluku {n} | :: alternative form of binääriluku |
binääriluku {n} | :: binary number |
binaarinen {adj} | :: alternative form of binäärinen |
binäärinen {adj} | :: binary (being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions) |
binäärinen {adj} | :: binary (consisting of two elements or parts) |
binäärinen {adj} [math] | :: binary (based on two digits, usually defined as 0 and 1) |
binaarinumero {n} | :: alternative form of binäärinumero |
binäärinumero {n} | :: binary digit (either of the characters 0 or 1 used in the binary numeral system) |
binäärioperaatio {n} [math] | :: binary operation |
binaaripuu {n} | :: alternative form of binääripuu |
binääripuu {n} [computing] | :: binary tree |
binäärirajapinta {n} [computing] | :: application binary interface |
bi-nainen {n} | :: A bisexual female |
bingo {n} | :: bingo |
bingo {interj} | :: bingo |
bingopeli {n} | :: bingo (game) |
bingota {vi} | :: To play bingo |
binomi {n} [algebra] | :: binomial |
binomijakauma {n} [probability theory, statistics] | :: binomial distribution |
binomikerroin {n} | :: binomial coefficient |
binomilause {n} | :: binomial theorem |
binturonki {n} | :: binturong, bearcat, Arctictis binturong (large civet native to SE Asia) |
bio- {prefix} | :: bio- |
bioaktiivinen {adj} | :: bioactive |
bioakustiikka {n} [biology] | :: bioacoustics |
bioakustinen {adj} [biology] | :: bioacoustic |
bioase {n} | :: bioweapon |
biodiesel {n} | :: biodiesel |
biodiversiteetti {n} [biology] | :: biodiversity |
biodynaaminen {adj} | :: biodynamic |
biodynaamisesti {adv} | :: biodynamically |
biodynaamisuus {n} | :: The property of being biodynamic |
bioeettinen {adj} | :: bioethical |
bioelektroniikka {n} | :: bioelectronics |
bioenergetiikka {n} | :: bioenergetics |
bioenergia {n} | :: bioenergy |
bioetanoli {n} | :: bioethanol |
bioetiikka {n} [philosophy] | :: bioethics |
biofarmasia {n} | :: biopharmacology |
biofilmi {n} | :: biofilm |
biofysiikka {n} | :: biophysics |
biofyysikko {n} | :: biophysicist |
biogeeninen {adj} | :: biogenic |
biogeenisuus {n} | :: The property of being biogenic |
biogeneesi {n} | :: biogenesis |
biogenetiikka {n} | :: biogenetics |
biogeografia {n} | :: biogeography |
biogerontologi {n} | :: biogerontologist |
biogerontologia {n} | :: biogerontology |
biografi {n} | :: biographer |
biografia {n} | :: biography |
biografinen {adj} | :: biographic |
biohajoaminen {n} | :: biodegradation |
biohajoava {adj} | :: biodegradable |
biohajoavuus {n} [ecology] | :: biodegradability |
biohakkerointi {n} | :: biohacking |
bioindikaattori {n} | :: bioindicator |
bioinformatiikka {n} | :: bioinformatics |
biojalostamo {n} | :: biorefinery |
biojäte {n} | :: biowaste, biodegradable waste, organic waste |
biojäteastia {n} | :: biowaste bin |
biokaasu {n} | :: biogas (combustible gas produced from organic matter) |
biokaasulaitos {n} | :: biogas plant |
biokatalysaattori {n} | :: biocatalyst |
biokemia {n} | :: biochemistry |
biokemiallinen {adj} | :: biochemical |
biokemiallisesti {adv} | :: biochemically |
biokemisti {n} | :: biochemist |
biokenoosi {n} | :: biocoenosis |
bioklimatologia {n} | :: bioclimatology |
biokompatibiliteetti {n} [medicine] | :: biocompatibility |
biokronologia {n} | :: biochronology |
biolääketiede {n} | :: biomedicine |
biolääketieteellinen {adj} | :: biomedicinal |
biolasi {n} | :: bioglass |
biologi {n} | :: biologist |
biologia {n} | :: biology |
biologinen {adj} | :: biological |
biologinen kello {n} | :: biological clock |
biologinen sodankäynti {n} | :: biological warfare |
biologisesti {adv} | :: biologically |
biologismi {n} | :: biologism |
bioluminesenssi {n} | :: bioluminescence |
biomagnetismi {n} [biology] | :: biomagnetism |
biomanipulaatio {n} | :: biomanipulation |
biomassa {n} | :: biomass |
biomatematiikka {n} | :: biomathematics |
biomateriaali {n} | :: biomaterial |
biomekaaninen {adj} | :: biomechanical |
biomekaniikka {n} | :: biomechanics |
biomerkkiaine {n} | :: biomarker |
biometeorologia {n} [meteorology] | :: biometeorology |
biometria {n} | :: biometrics |
biometria {n} | :: biometry |
biometriikka {n} | :: biometrics |
biometrinen {adj} | :: biometric |
biomi {n} | :: biome |
biomimeettinen {adj} | :: biomimetic (of or pertaining to biomimetics) |
biomimetiikka {n} | :: biomimetics |
biomolekyyli {n} [chemistry] | :: biomolecule |
biomuovi {n} | :: bioplastic |
bioniikka {n} | :: bionics |
bioninen {adj} | :: bionic |
bio-oikeus {n} | :: biojuridics |
bioottinen {adj} | :: biotic |
biopankki {n} | :: biobank |
biopiratismi {n} | :: biopiracy |
biopolitiikka {n} | :: biopolitics |
biopolttoaine {n} | :: biofuel |
biopolymeeri {n} | :: biopolymer |
biopsia {n} [medicine] | :: biopsy |
biopsianäyte {n} | :: biopsy sample |
biopsiatutkimus {n} | :: biopsy survey |
biopsykologia {n} | :: biopsychology |
biopuhdistus {n} | :: bioremediation |
bioreaktori {n} | :: bioreactor |
bioremediaatio {n} | :: bioremediation |
bioresurssi {n} [biology] | :: bioresource |
biorytmi {n} | :: biorhythm |
biorytmiikka {n} | :: biorhythmics (study of biorhythms) |
biosähkö {n} | :: bioelectricity |
biosähköinen {adj} | :: bioelectric |
biosemiotiikka {n} | :: biosemiotics |
biosensori {n} | :: biosensor |
biosfääri {n} | :: biosphere |
biosfäärialue {n} | :: synonym of biosfääri |
biosidi {n} | :: biocide |
biosimilaari {n} | :: biosimilar |
biostatistiikka {n} | :: biostatistics |
biostratigrafia {n} [biology, geology] | :: biostratigraphy |
biosynteesi {n} | :: biosynthesis |
biotaide {n} [art] | :: bioart |
biotaisteluaine {n} [military] | :: A material capable of being used as active element in a biological weapon |
biotalous {n} | :: bioeconomy |
biotekniikka {n} | :: biotechnology |
biotekninen {adj} | :: biotechnical |
bioteknisesti {adv} | :: biotechnically |
bioteknologia {n} | :: biotechnology |
bioteollisuus {n} | :: bioindustry |
bioterapia {n} | :: biotherapy |
bioterrorismi {n} | :: bioterrorism |
biotiede {n} | :: bioscience |
biotiini {n} [organic chemistry] | :: biotin |
biotiitti {n} [mineral] | :: biotite |
biotooppi {n} | :: biotope |
biotunniste {n} | :: biometric identifier, biometric |
biotunnistus {n} | :: biometric identification |
biotuote {n} | :: bioproduct |
bioturbaatio {n} | :: bioturbation |
biotyyppi {n} [biology] | :: biotype |
biovaara {n} | :: biohazard |
biovalta {n} | :: biopower |
bioviljelijä {n} | :: organic farmer |
bioyhteensopiva {adj} [medicine] | :: biocompatible |
bioyhteensopivuus {n} [medicine] | :: biocompatibility |
bipolaarinen {adj} | :: bipolar |
biraminen {adj} | :: biramous |
birgittalainen {n} | :: Bridgettine, Birgittine (member of the Order of the Most Holy Savior, an Augustinian monastic order of nuns, religious sisters and monks founded by Saint Birgitta a.k.a. Saint Bridget of Sweden in 1344, and approved by Pope Urban V in 1370) |
birgittalainen {adj} | :: Bridgettine, Birgittine (of or pertaining to this order, its teachings or its members) |
birgittalaisluostari {n} | :: Bridgettine monastery |
birgittalaisnunna {n} | :: Bridgettine nun |
Birobidžan {prop} | :: Birobidžan (city) |
bisarri {adj} | :: bizarre |
bisarristi {adv} | :: bizarrely |
biseksuaali {n} | :: a bisexual |
biseksuaalinen {adj} | :: bisexual |
biseksuaalisesti {adv} | :: bisexually |
biseksuaalisuus {n} | :: bisexuality |
bisfosfonaatti {n} | :: synonym of difosfonaatti |
Biskajanlahti {prop} | :: The Bay of Biscay |
Biškek {prop} | :: Biškek (capital) |
bismarck {n} [cards] | :: A certain card game |
bisnes {n} | :: business (commercial, industrial, or professional activity) |
bisnes {n} | :: business (volume or amount of commercial trade) |
bisnes {n} | :: business (management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management) |
bisnes {n} | :: business class |
bisnesenkeli {n} | :: business angel (affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity) |
bisnesidea {n} | :: business idea (concept which can be used for commercial purposes) |
bisnesmaailma {n} | :: business world |
bisnesmies {n} [colloquial] | :: businessman |
bisse {n} [colloquial] | :: beer |
bisse {n} [slang] | :: bisexual |
bistro {n} | :: bistro |
bitcoin {n} | :: bitcoin |
bitonaalinen {adj} | :: bitonal |
bitter {n} | :: bitter (type of beer) |
bitti {n} [computing] | :: bit |
bittikartta {n} [computing] | :: bitmap |
bittikarttakuva {n} [computing] | :: bitmap image |
bittimaski {n} [computing] | :: bitmask |
bittinen {adj} | :: consisting of or represented by a certain number of bits |
bittinikkari {n} [colloquial] | :: programmer (one who writes computer programs) |
bittinikkari {n} | :: computer geek |
bittinopeus {n} [computing] | :: bitrate |
bittisyvyys {n} [computing] | :: bit depth |
bittitaso {n} | :: bitplane |
bittivirta {n} [computing] | :: bitstream |
bitumi {n} | :: bitumen |
bitumihuopa {n} | :: bitumen felt (construction material consisting of a sheet of bitumen with textile core to give tensile strength, used chiefly for waterproofing and roofing) |
bitumikeitin {n} | :: bitumen boiler |
bitumikermi {n} | :: bituminous membrane |
bitumilakka {n} | :: bitumen varnish |
bitumipäällyste {n} | :: bitumen coat |
bitumipaperi {n} | :: tar paper |
bitumisora {n} | :: tarmac |
bitumiteippi {n} | :: bitumen tape |
bitumoida {vt} | :: To apply bitumen on |
bjarmi {n} | :: Bjarmian (inhabitant of Bjarmaland) |
Bjarmien maa {prop} | :: Bjarmaland |
bkt {n} | :: GNP (gross national product) |
BKT {n} | :: abbreviation of bruttokansantuote, GNP (gross national product) |
BKT {n} | :: abbreviation of bruttokansantuote, GDP (gross domestic product) |
blackjack {n} | :: blackjack (card game) |
blackjack {n} | :: blackjack (hand in that game) |
Blagoveštšensk {prop} | :: Blagoveštšensk (city) |
blainvillenvalas {n} [obsolete] | :: Blainville's beaked whale, dense-beaked whale, Mesoplodon densirostris |
bläkkäri {n} [slang] | :: black metal fan |
blandaaminen {n} [slang] | :: blending or mixing an alcoholic drink to make it weaker |
blandata {vt} [slang] | :: To blend or mix with sthg, especially to make an alcoholic beverage weaker |
blandaus {n} | :: blending, mixing (especially of drinks) |
blandinki {n} | :: Non-alcoholic beverage in a punch |
blandis {n} [slang] | :: A mixer (non-alcoholic drink that is added to spirits to make cocktails) |
blanfordinkettu {n} | :: Blanford's fox, Vulpes cana (small fox found in certain regions of the Middle East) |
blanketti {n} | :: form (document) |
blankoluotto {n} | :: blank credit (unsecured loan for an un-predetermined amount; used in trade between parties who trust each other) |
blankosiirto {n} [finance] | :: blank transfer (transfer of a security to an unnamed person) |
blankotunnuste {n} [finance, law] | :: blank acceptance (written advance acceptance of a bill of exchange) |
blankovekseli {n} [finance, law] | :: blank bill of exchange (bill of exchange in which one or more of the statutory elements - amount, date of expiry, name of the payee etc. - are left blank; used as security for a future payment that is not fully defined) |
blanseerata {v} [cooking] | :: To blanch |
blantrata {vt} | :: To dilute (liquid) |
blasaari {n} [astronomy] | :: blazar (very compact quasar associated with a presumed supermassive black hole at the center of an active, giant elliptical galaxy) |
blasinhevosenkenkäyökkö {n} | :: Blasius's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus blasii (species of bat in the Rhinolophidae family found throughout large parts of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Northern Africa) |
blastula {n} [embryology] | :: blastula |
blefarospasmi {n} [pathology] | :: blepharospasm (professional term for spasm of the eyelid) |
bleiseri {n} | :: blazer |
bleiseri {n} | :: sport jacket (tailored jacket that is not part of a suit, especially one of sturdy fabric intended for outdoor use) |
bling-bling {n} [military slang] | :: dog tag |
blini {n} | :: blini |
bliss-kieli {n} | :: Blissymbols (constructed language using ideographs) |
blogaaminen {n} | :: blogging |
blogata {v} | :: to blog |
blogi {n} | :: blog (personal or corporate website) |
blogipostaus {n} [internet] | :: blogpost |
blokadi {n} [rare] | :: blockade |
blokata {vt} [colloquial] | :: To block |
blokkaus {n} | :: blocking |
blokki {n} | :: bloc |
blokki {n} | :: block |
blokkiintua {vi} | :: To form a bloc |
blokkiintuminen {n} | :: forming a bloc |
blokkijärjestelmä {n} | :: bloc system (national or international political system in which blocs play an important role) |
blokkikauppa {n} [finance] | :: block trade (noncompetitive, privately negotiated transaction of securities which is executed apart and away from the open markets) |
blokkiraja {n} | :: A border between two blocs |
blokkiutua {vi} | :: To form a bloc |
blokkiutuminen {n} | :: forming into a bloc or blocs |
blondata {v} | :: To dye one's hair to blond color |
blondi {n} | :: blonde |
blondiini {n} | :: A blonde |
blondivitsi {n} | :: blonde joke (joke based on a stereotype of dumb blonde women) |
blosis {n} [Helsinki slang] | :: wind (movement of air) |
blues {n} [music] | :: blues |
blueskappale {n} | :: blues piece |
blueslaulaja {n} | :: blues singer |
bluesmusiikki {n} | :: blues music |
bluetooth {n} [networking] | :: Bluetooth (personal area wireless network) |
bluffata {vi} [colloquial] | :: To bluff |
bluffaus {n} | :: bluffing |
bluffi {n} | :: bluff |
b-molli {n} [music] | :: B-flat minor |
boa {n} | :: boa (snake) |
boakäärme {n} | :: boa, boid (any of large, nonvenomous American snakes of the family Boidae) |
bobak {n} [obsolete] | :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak |
bobakki {n} [obsolete] | :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak |
bodaaja {n} [colloquial] | :: bodybuilder |
bodari {n} [colloquial] | :: bodybuilder |
bodata {vti} [colloquial] | :: To build body (as in bodybuilding) |
bodaus {n} [colloquial] | :: bodybuilding |
Bodenjärvi {n} [geography] | :: Lake Constance |
bodi {n} [colloquial] | :: body |
bodi {n} | :: onesie |
body {n} | :: snapsuit, diaper shirt, onesies (infant bodysuit) |
body art {n} | :: synonym of vartalotaide |
body-art {n} | :: alternative spelling of body art |
bodybuilding {n} | :: bodybuilding |
boerboel {n} | :: boerboel (large, mastiff dog breed from South Africa) |
bofori {n} | :: A unit of the Beaufort scale |
boforiasteikko {n} [nautical, wind] | :: The Beaufort scale |
boga {n} | :: bogue, Boops boops |
bogey {n} [golf] | :: bogey |
bogi {n} [golf] | :: bogey (score of one over par) |
boheemi {adj} | :: bohemian |
boheemi {n} | :: a bohemian |
boheemielämä {n} | :: bohemian life |
böhminseepra {n} [zoology] | :: Grant's zebra, Equus quagga boehmi, a subspecies of plains zebra, Equus quagga |
bohrium {n} | :: bohrium |
B-oikeudet {n} | :: B-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 22 % of alcoholic content by volume) |
boikotoida {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To boycott |
boikotoiminen {n} | :: synonym of boikotointi |
boikotointi {n} | :: boycotting |
boikotti {n} | :: boycott |
boileri {n} | :: boiler |
bokombali {n} | :: bamboo lemur (any lemur of the genus Prolemur a.k.a. Hapalemur) |
bokombali {n} | :: lesser bamboo lemur, Hapalemur griseus |
boksari {n} | :: Boxer (Chinese rebel of the early 1900s) |
boksarikapina {n} | :: Boxer Rebellion, Boxer Uprising, Yihetuan Movement (uprising against foreign powers in China between 1898 and 1900) |
bokseri {n} | :: boxer (dog breed) |
bokseri {n} | :: short for bokserimoottori (type of internal combustion engine) |
bokserikapina {n} | :: alternative form of boksarikapina |
bokserimoottori {n} | :: boxer, boxer engine, flat engine (type of internal combustion engine) |
bokserit {n} | :: boxer briefs, boxer shorts, boxers (type of briefs) |
boksi {n} [colloquial] | :: box |
boksi {n} | :: (informal) box set (related recordings placed in a box to be sold as a unit) |
boksi {n} | :: (informal) studio, room (small apartment or room, often rented for temporary living) |
boksiitti {n} | :: alternative form of bauksiitti |
boksinahka {n} | :: box calf (type of calfskin leather) |
boldata {v} [slang] | :: synonym of lihavoida |
bolero {n} | :: bolero |
bolgaari {n} | :: Bulgar (person) |
bolgaari {n} | :: Bulgar (language) |
bolidi {n} [astronomy] | :: bolide |
Bolivia {prop} | :: Bolivia (country) |
bolivialainen {adj} | :: Bolivian |
bolivialainen {n} | :: A Bolivian person |
bolivianpuumuura {n} | :: Bolivian slaty antshrike |
boliviantsintsillarotta {n} | :: Bolivian chinchilla rat, Abrocoma boliviensis (species of chinchilla rat found only in the rocky areas of cloud forests in Bolivia's interior) |
bolivianvyötiäinen {n} | :: screaming hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus vellerosus) |
bolla {n} [slang] | :: head |
bolognankastike {n} | :: synonym of bolognesekastike |
bolognese {n} | :: bolognese (sauce and dish) |
bolognesekastike {n} | :: bolognese, Bolognese sauce |
bolometri {n} [physics] | :: bolometer |
bolsevikki {n} | :: alternative spelling of bolševikki |
bolševikki {n} | :: A Bolshevik |
bolsevikkivallankumous {n} | :: alternative spelling of bolševikkivallankumous |
bolševikkivallankumous {n} | :: Bolshevik Revolution, October Revolution, Great October Socialist Revolution (seizure of state power by the communists in Russia in 25 October 1917 by the Julian calendar, which corresponds 7 November in the Gregorian calendar) |
bolsevismi {n} | :: alternative spelling of bolševismi |
bolševismi {n} | :: Bolshevism |
bolsevistinen {adj} | :: alternative spelling of bolševistinen |
bolševistinen {adj} | :: Bolshevist, pertaining to Bolshevism |
bombykoli {n} | :: bombykol |
bonapartismi {n} | :: Bonapartism |
bonde {n} [slang] | :: countryside |
bönde {n} [slang] | :: synonym of maalainen (peasant) |
bönde {n} [slang, singular only] | :: synonym of maaseutu (countryside) |
bongaaja {n} | :: synonym of bongari |
bongaaminen {n} [colloquial] | :: spotting |
bongailla {v} [slang] | :: To spot [to see, find; to pick out, notice, locate or identify] |
bongailla {v} | :: To twitch [to spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one] |
bongari {n} [slang] | :: twitcher (birdwatcher) |
bongari {n} [by extension] | :: someone who spots for hobby or pastime (birds, airplane types, beautiful chicks etc.) |
bongata {v} [slang] | :: To spot (to see, find; to pick out, notice, locate or identify) |
bongata {v} | :: To twitch (to spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one) |
bongaus {n} | :: twitch, twitching (act or action of bird spotting) |
bongo {n} | :: bongo, Tragelaphus eurycerus (syn. Taurotragus euryceros) |
bongo {n} [musical instruments] | :: bongo |
bongorumpu {n} | :: bongo drum |
boniitti {n} | :: skipjack tuna, aku, arctic bonito, mushmouth, oceanic bonito, striped tuna, victor fish, Katsuwonus pelamis (medium-sized perciform fish related to tuna, and an important catch for fisheries) |
boniitti {n} | :: skipjack (fish of the genus Euthynnus, also related to tuna) |
boniteetti {n} [forestry] | :: A measure of the abilty of a piece of land to produce wood, expressed e.g. as medium length of trees in a certain age |
bonjata {vt} [Helsinki slang] | :: To understand |
bonobo {n} | :: bonobo (Pan paniscus) |
bonus {n} | :: A bonus (something extra) |
bonus {n} | :: A bonus (extra payment to an employee) |
böö {interj} | :: boo! (exclamation intended to scare someone) |
booli {n} | :: punch (beverage) |
boolimalja {n} | :: punch bowl, punchbowl (bowl used for making or serving punch) |
boomi {n} | :: A boom (a period of prosperity) |
Böömi {prop} | :: Bohemia |
böömiläinen {adj} | :: Bohemian |
böömiläinen {n} | :: A Bohemian person |
bööna {n} [dialectal] | :: bean, especially a coffee bean |
bööna {n} [slang] | :: woman, girl |
booraksi {n} [chemistry] | :: borax |
boordi {n} | :: A border (decorative strip around the edge of something) |
boordinauha {n} | :: border (decorative strip of wallpaper, e.g. one separating a papered wall from a painted ceiling) |
boori {n} | :: boron |
boorihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: boric acid |
booriryhmä {n} [chemistry] | :: boron group |
boorisalva {n} [medicine] | :: boric acid ointment, boracic ointment; used as antiseptic substance |
booriteräs {n} | :: boron steel |
booritribromidi {n} [chemistry] | :: boron tribromide |
booritrifluoridi {n} [inorganic compound] | :: boron trifluoride |
boorivesi {n} [medicine] | :: A dilute solution of boric acid, used e.g. as eyewash due to its antiseptic properties |
boosteri {n} | :: booster |
bootata {vt} [computing, slang] | :: to boot, reboot, boot up |
bootsi {n} [colloquial] | :: A boot (shoe) |
boraani {n} [chemistry] | :: borane |
boraatti {n} [chemistry] | :: borate |
bordeaux {n} | :: Bordeaux (wine) |
Bordeaux {prop} | :: Bordeaux (capital city) |
bordeauxindoggi {n} | :: Dogue de Bordeaux, French mastiff (French breed of dog) |
bordeaux'ndoggi {n} | :: alternative form of bordeauxindoggi |
bordeauxviini {n} | :: Bordeaux (wine) |
bordelli {n} | :: A bordello, brothel |
bordercollie {n} | :: border collie |
borderterrieri {n} | :: Border terrier, Border Terrier (breed of dog) |
bordunapilli {n} [music] | :: drone, bourdon (fixed-pitch pipe on a bagpipe) |
bordyyri {n} | :: (architecture) border |
bordyyri {n} | :: edging |
bordyyri {n} | :: curb |
boreaalinen {adj} | :: boreal |
boridi {n} [chemistry] | :: boride |
Borneo {prop} | :: Borneo |
borneolainen {n} | :: Bornean (person) |
borneolainen {adj} | :: Bornean (of or pertaining to Borneo) |
borneoli {n} [biochemistry] | :: borneol |
borneongibboni {n} | :: Müller's Bornean gibbon, grey gibbon, Borneo gibbon, Hylobates muelleri |
borneonkissa {n} | :: Bornean cat, Bornean bay cat, Bornean marbled cat, Borneo gibbon, Pardofelis badia |
borneonmustapäästäinen {n} | :: black shrew, Suncus ater |
borneonoranki {n} | :: Bornean orangutan, orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus |
borneonorava {n} | :: gray-bellied squirrel, Callosciurus caniceps |
borneonpiikkisika {n} | :: thick-spined porcupine, Hystrix crassispinis |
borneonvuoriorava {n} | :: Bornean mountain ground squirrel, Dremomys everetti |
borniitti {n} [mineral] | :: bornite |
boronihappo {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: boronic acid |
borosilikaattilasi {n} | :: borosilicate glass |
borrelioosi {n} [medicine] | :: Lyme disease, Lyme neuroborreliosis |
borrellioosi {n} | :: alternative spelling of borrelioosi |
borš-keitto {n} | :: borscht (soup) |
borssi {n} | :: borscht (soup) |
borssikeitto {n} | :: borscht (soup) |
borštš {n} | :: alternative form of borssi |
bosa {n} [Helsinki slang, usually in the plural] | :: female breast |
Bosen–Einsteinin kondensaatti {n} [physics] | :: Bose-Einstein condensate |
bosnia {n} | :: Bosnian (the language) |
bosniahertsegovinalainen {adj} | :: Bosnian and Herzegovinian |
bosniahertsegovinalainen {n} | :: A Bosnian or Herzegovinian person |
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina {prop} | :: Bosnia ja Hertsegovina (country) |
bosniakki {n} | :: Bosniak |
bosnialainen {adj} | :: Bosnian |
bosnialainen {n} | :: Bosnian, Bosniak (person) |
bosnialaisuus {n} | :: Bosnianness (state or quality of being Bosnian) |
bosniankielinen {adj} | :: Expressed in Bosnian language |
bosniankielinen {adj} | :: Speaking Bosnian |
bosnianmänty {n} | :: Bosnian pine, Pinus heldreichii, syn. Pinus leucodermis |
bosniantaa {v} | :: To translate into Bosnian |
bosoni {n} [particle] | :: boson |
Bosporinsalmi {prop} | :: Bosphorus (strait) |
Boston {prop} | :: Boston (caplc) |
bostoninterrieri {n} | :: Boston terrier (breed of dog) |
bostonkakku {n} | :: A type of cake popular in Finland and Scandinavia, made by fusing about 6…10 unbaked cinnamon rolls into cake form and baking them together, often with some icing on top |
botaanikko {n} | :: botanist |
botaaninen {adj} | :: botanic |
botaanisesti {adv} | :: botanically |
botaniikka {n} | :: botany |
botanisti {n} | :: botanist |
botox {n} | :: Botox |
botski {n} [slang] | :: boat, ship |
Botswana {prop} | :: Botswana (country) |
botswanalainen {adj} | :: Botswanan |
botswanalainen {n} | :: Botswanan |
Bottas {prop} | :: surname |
botti {n} [computing, video games] | :: bot |
bottiverkko {n} [computer security] | :: botnet |
botuliini {n} | :: botulin |
botulismi {n} [pathology] | :: botulism |
bougainvillea {n} | :: bougainvillea |
bounssata {v} [slang] | :: to bounce (slang: to leave) |
bourbonnaisinseisoja {n} | :: Braque du Bourbonnais (breed of gundog) |
bourbonnais’nseisoja {n} | :: alternative spelling of bourbonnaisinseisoja |
bourbonviski {n} | :: bourbon whiskey |
bourette {n} | :: bourrette; silk waste (waste fiber created during processing of silk to fine yarn; used in the production of lower quality silk fabrics) |
bourgogneviini {n} | :: Burgundy (wine) |
Bouvet’nsaari {prop} | :: Bouvet Island |
bowdlerismi {n} | :: bowdlerism, expurgation (type of censorship in which an artistic piece of work is "cleaned" of everything considered improper) |
bowdlerisoida {v} | :: to bowdlerise, expurgate (to remove or alter those parts of a text considered offensive, vulgar, or otherwise unseemly) |
bowdlerisointi {n} | :: bowdlerisation |
Bowmanin kotelo {n} [anatomy] | :: synonym of keräsenkotelo |
boyfriend {n} [rare] | :: boyfriend |
boysenmarja {n} | :: boysenberry |
B-pilari {n} [automotive] | :: B-pillar |
braani {n} [physics] | :: brane |
braatvursti {n} | :: bratwurst |
bradykardia {n} [pathology] | :: bradycardia (condition of having a slow heartbeat) |
brahma {n} | :: Brahman (concept of Hinduism) |
brahmaani {n} | :: brahman, brahmin (member of the first of the four castes of Hinduism) |
brahmalainen {adj} | :: brahmin, brahminic (of or relating to the caste of brahmins) |
brahmalaisuus {n} | :: Brahmanism, Brahminism |
brahmanismi {n} | :: Brahmanism |
brakistokroni {n} | :: brachistochrone |
brallobarbitaali {n} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: brallobarbital |
bramaani {n} | :: alternative spelling of brahmaani |
bramiini {n} | :: alternative form of brahmaani |
bramiinihaukka {n} | :: brahminy kite; red-backed sea-eagle [Australia], Haliastur indus (large kite found in Indian subcontinent, SE Asia and Australia) |
bramiinihaukka {n} [in plural, taxonomy] | :: The genus Haliastur |
brändätä {vt} [marketing] | :: to brand |
brandi {n} [marketing] | :: A brand (intangible sum of a product's atrributes) |
brändi {n} | :: A brand (intangible sum of a product's attributes) |
Brändö {prop} | :: Brändö (municipality) |
brandtinmyyrä {n} | :: Brandt's vole, Lasiopodomys brandtii |
brandtinviiksisiippa {n} [obsolete] | :: Brandt's bat, Myotis brandtii |
brandy {n} | :: brandy [distilled spirit made of grapes] |
bränikkä {adj} [slang] | :: brand new |
Brasilia {prop} | :: Brasilia (country) |
brasilialainen {adj} | :: Brazilian, related to Brazil |
brasilialainen {n} | :: Brazilian person |
brasilianisokorvalepakko {n} | :: strange big-eared brown bat, Histiotus alienus |
brasiliankärppä {n} | :: tropical weasel, Mustela africana |
brasiliankastanja {n} | :: brazil nut |
brasiliankorvalepakko {n} | :: strange big-eared brown bat, Histiotus alienus |
brasiliannokkakala {n} | :: ballyhoo, bally, Hemiramphus brasiliensis (baitfish of the halfbeak family Hemiramphidae) |
brasilianpähkinä {n} | :: brazil nut |
brasilianpallovyötiäinen {n} | :: Brazilian three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus) |
brasilianpiikkirotta {n} | :: Ruschi's rat, Abrawayaomys ruschii |
brasilianpitkäkuonovyötiäinen {n} | :: synonym of seitsenvyövyötiäinen |
brasilianportugali {n} | :: Brazilian Portuguese |
brasilianpuuhiiri {n} | :: Brazilian arboreal mouse, Rhagomys rufescens |
brasilianpuumuura {n} | :: rufous-winged antshrike |
brasilianpuupiikkisika {n} | :: Paraguay hairy dwarf porcupine, Sphiggurus spinosus |
brasiliansuomalainen {n} | :: Brazilian Finn (Brazilian of Finnish descent) |
brasilianterrieri {n} | :: Brazilian terrier (breed of dog) |
brasilianvaeltajahämähäkki {n} | :: Brazilian wandering spider (spider of the genus Phoneutria, which includes world's most venomous spiders) |
brasilpuu {n} | :: brazilwood, Caesalpinia echinata (Brazilian timber tree with dense, orange-red heartwood that takes a high shine) |
brasilpuu {n} | :: brazilwood (wood from this tree) |
brassailija {n} [slang] | :: bragger, boaster, show-off |
brassailla {v} [colloquial] | :: to show off (to exhibit or demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging) |
brassailu {n} | :: showing off (act) |
brasserie {n} | :: brasserie |
brassi {n} [colloquial] | :: A Brazilian person |
brassi {n} [nautical] | :: brace |
bravuuri {n} | :: bravura |
bravuurinumero {n} [music] | :: bravura number |
brazzanmarakatti {n} | :: de Brazza's monkey, Cercopithecus neglectus |
Brazzavillen Kongo {prop} | :: The Congo-Brazzaville, the Republic of the Congo |
break-tanssi {n} | :: breakdancing |
breikata {vi} | :: to breakdance |
breikata {v} [billiards, slang] | :: to break (to make the first shot) |
breikata {v} [colloquial] | :: to break even |
breikkaus {n} | :: breakdancing |
breikkaus {n} | :: breakthrough |
breikki {n} [slang] | :: break, pause |
breikkitanssi {n} | :: breakdancing (urban style of acrobatic street dance that was part of the hip hop culture of New York City in the late 20th century) |
breksia {n} [rock] | :: breccia |
brenkku {n} [slang] | :: Booze |
breseerata {v} [cooking] | :: To braise (to cook in a small amount of liquid, in a covered pan) |
bretagnelainen {adj} | :: Breton (of or pertaining to Brittany) |
bretagnelainen {n} | :: Breton (person) |
bretoni {n} | :: The Breton language |
bretoni {n} | :: Brittany, a French breed of dog |
bretonilainen {adj} | :: synonym of bretagnelainen |
breviaario {n} | :: breviary |
brewsteriitti {n} [mineral] | :: brewsterite |
brežneviläinen {adj} | :: Brezhnevian |
brežneviläinen {n} | :: Brezhnevite |
brežneviläisesti {adv} | :: In a Brezhnevian manner |
brežneviläisyys {n} | :: Brezhnevism, Brezhnev Doctrine |
Brežnevin oppi {n} [politics] | :: Brezhnev Doctrine |
bridge {n} [card games] | :: bridge |
brie {n} | :: brie |
brieannos {n} | :: serving of brie |
briejuusto {n} | :: brie (type of soft cheese of French origin, covered with white mold) |
brienjuusto {n} | :: alternative form of briejuusto |
briepala {n} | :: piece of brie |
brigadööri {n} [Salvation Army] | :: brigadier |
brigadööri {n} [historical, military rank] | :: brigadier |
brigantiini {n} [nautical] | :: brigantine |
briiffata {vt} [+ partitive, slang] | :: To brief (someone) about something |
briiffaus {n} [colloquial] | :: briefing (all senses) |
briketti {n} | :: briquet |
briljantti {adj} | :: brilliant |
briljantti {n} | :: brilliant (finely cut gemstone) |
briljanttihiottu {adj} [gemmology] | :: brilliant cut (of gems, cut to the form of brilliant) |
briljanttinen {adj} | :: brilliant (made of brilliant) |
briljanttisormus {n} | :: brilliant ring |
briljeerata {v} | :: To show off (to demonstrate one's skill, talent, etc. for its own sake) |
briljeeraus {n} | :: showing off (act of displaying one's brilliantness) |
briossi {n} | :: brioche (not croissant) |
Britannia {prop} [ambiguously] | :: United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain (used to refer to the state of United Kingdom or its largest island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales) |
Britannia {prop} | :: Britain (Roman province) |
Britannia {prop} | :: Britannia (female personification of Britain) |
britannialainen {adj} | :: synonym of brittiläinen |
britannianenglanti {n} | :: British English (language) |
britannium {n} [metallurgy] | :: Britannia metal |
Britteinsaaret {prop} | :: The British Isles |
britti- {prefix} | :: British |
britti {n} | :: Briton (inhabitant of Great Britain) |
britti {n} | :: Briton (citizen of the United Kingdom) |
britti {n} [historical] | :: Briton (Celtic inhabitant of southern Britain at the time of the Roman conquest) |
brittienglanti {n} [colloquial] | :: British English |
brittiläinen {n} | :: British (person) |
brittiläinen {n} | :: short for brittiläinen lyhytkarva (British Shorthair, a breed of cat) |
brittiläinen {adj} | :: British |
Brittiläinen Guayana {prop} [historical] | :: British Guiana (colonial era name of current Guyana) |
Brittiläinen imperiumi {prop} [historical] | :: British Empire |
Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue {prop} | :: British Indian Ocean Territory |
Brittiläinen kansainyhteisö {prop} | :: British Commonwealth |
Brittiläinen Kolumbia {prop} | :: Brittiläinen Kolumbia (province) |
brittiläinen lyhytkarva {n} | :: British Shorthair (breed of cat) |
brittiläisempi {adj} | :: comparative of brittiläinen |
Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret {prop} | :: British Virgin Islands |
brittiläisin {adj} | :: superlative of brittiläinen |
brittiläisyys {n} | :: Britishness |
brittipop {n} [music] | :: Britpop |
Brjansk {prop} | :: Brjansk (city) |
broachata {v} | :: alternative spelling of broutsata |
brodeerata {v} | :: To embroider |
brodeeraus {n} | :: embroidery |
brodyyri {n} | :: embroidery |
brodyyrikangas {n} | :: embroidery |
brodyyrinauha {n} | :: embroidery ribbon |
broholminkoira {n} | :: Broholmer |
broidi {n} [slang] | :: brother |
broileri {n} | :: broiler (chicken suitable for broiling) |
broileri {n} | :: chicken grown for food, rather than production of eggs |
broileri {n} | :: chicken (meat of such bird as food) |
broilerileike {n} | :: chicken escalope |
broilerimauste {n} | :: chicken seasoning, broiler seasoning (mix of spices) |
broilerinkoipi {n} | :: chicken leg |
broilerinliha {n} | :: chicken meat |
broilerinuija {n} | :: chicken drumstick |
broileripaistos {n} | :: baked chicken, chicken casserole (chicken baked and served with something else, see paistos) |
broileripata {n} | :: chicken stew |
broileripoliitikko {n} [pejorative] | :: A politician, especially a young one, who has done his/her whole career in politics, and is thus regarded as not having experience of the "real" life |
broileripyörykkä {n} | :: chicken ball |
broilerisalaatti {n} | :: chicken salad |
broileriwokki {n} | :: chicken wok |
broilerpoliitikko {n} | :: alternative form of broileripoliitikko |
brokadi {n} [textiles] | :: brocade |
brokkoli {n} | :: broccoli |
bromaatti {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: bromate |
bromelaiini {n} [chemistry] | :: bromelain |
bromi {n} | :: bromine |
bromidi {n} | :: bromide |
bromifenolisininen {n} [chemistry] | :: bromophenol blue |
bromikloorimetaani {n} [chemistry] | :: bromochloromethane |
bromikresolivihreä {n} [chemistry] | :: bromocresol green (pigment) |
bromikresolivioletti {n} [chemistry] | :: bromocresol purple |
bromitymolisininen {n} [chemistry] | :: bromothymol blue |
bromoformi {n} [chemistry] | :: bromoform |
bronkiektasiatauti {n} | :: synonym of keuhkoputkenlaajentuma |
bronkiitti {n} [disease] | :: bronchitis |
bronkioli {n} [anatomy] | :: bronchiole |
bronkopulmonaalinen {adj} | :: bronchopulmonary |
bronkoskopia {n} [medicine] | :: bronchoscopy (technique for viewing the bronchi using a flexible instrument called a bronchoscope) |
brontosaurus {n} | :: brontosaur |
Bronx {prop} | :: Bronx (borough) |
brosyyri {n} | :: brochure |
broutsata {v} [nautical] | :: to broach to (to incline suddenly to windward) |
broutsata {v} [nautical] | :: to broach (of a boat, to be turned sideways to oncoming waves, especially large or breaking waves) |
broutsi {n} [nautical] | :: broaching (act) |
brovninki {n} | :: Browning (semi-automatic handgun) |
Brownin liike {n} | :: Brownian motion |
bruksismi {n} | :: bruxism (habit or practice of grinding of the teeth) |
brunch {n} [rare] | :: brunch |
Brunei {prop} | :: Brunei |
bruneilainen {adj} | :: Bruneian |
bruneilainen {n} | :: Bruneian |
brunetti {n} | :: brunette |
brunssi {n} | :: brunch |
bruselloosi {n} [disease] | :: brucellosis |
brutaali {adj} | :: brutal |
brutaalinen {adj} | :: alternative form of brutaali |
brutaalisti {adv} | :: brutally |
brutaalius {n} | :: brutality |
brutalismi {n} [architecture] | :: Brutalism |
brutto {n} | :: gross (total nominal earnings or amount, before taxes, expenses, exceptions or similar are deducted) |
bruttoansio {n} | :: gross earnings |
bruttoarvo {n} | :: gross value |
bruttohinta {n} | :: gross price (price before any discounts) |
bruttokaava {n} | :: synonym of suhdekaava |
bruttokansantuote {n} | :: gross domestic product |
bruttokansantuote {n} | :: gross national product |
bruttokasvu {n} | :: gross growth |
bruttomäärä {n} | :: gross amount |
bruttomeno {n} | :: gross expense |
bruttomyynti {n} | :: gross sales |
bruttopaino {n} | :: gross weight (total weight of a product and its package) |
bruttopalkka {n} | :: gross income |
bruttorekisteri {n} [nautical, obsolete] | :: Short for bruttorekisteritonni (gross register ton) |
bruttorekisteritonni {n} [nautical, obsolete] | :: gross register ton |
bruttosumma {n} | :: gross total |
bruttotulo {n} [economics] | :: gross income |
bruttotuotanto {n} [ecology] | :: gross production |
bruttoveroaste {n} | :: gross tax rate |
bruttovetoisuus {n} | :: gross tonnage |
bruukata {v} [colloquial] | :: Alternative spelling of pruukata |
brydenvalas {n} | :: Bryde's whale, Balaenoptera brydei, a species of rorqual |
bryka {n} [nautical, slang] | :: synonym of komentosilta |
bryologi {n} | :: bryologist |
bryologia {n} [botany] | :: bryology |
bryssä {n} [humorous, neologism] | :: citizen of the EU, especially one who works in the bureaucracy of the union; when capitalized, the EU |
Bryssel {prop} | :: Bryssel (capital city) |
Brysseli {prop} | :: A deprecated version of the name Bryssel |
brysseliläinen {adj} | :: Brusselian |
brysseliläinen {n} | :: Brusselian |
brysselinkaali {n} | :: Brussels sprout |
buddha {n} | :: buddha (enlightened human) |
Buddha {prop} | :: Buddha |
buddhalainen {adj} | :: Buddhist |
buddhalainen {n} | :: A Buddhist, follower of Buddhism |
buddhalaisluostari {n} | :: Buddhist monastery |
buddhalaismunkki {n} | :: Buddhist monk |
buddhalaisuus {n} | :: Buddhism |
buddhankuva {n} | :: buddha, image of Buddha |
buddhismi {n} | :: Buddhism |
budi {n} [slang] | :: bud (potent cannabis) |
budjata {v} [slang] | :: To live, reside |
budjetoida {v} | :: to budget |
budjetoiminen {n} | :: budgeting |
budjetointi {n} | :: budgeting |
budjetti {n} | :: budget (itemized summary of intended expenditure revenue) |
budjetti {n} | :: purse, budget (money allocated for particular purpose) |
budjettialijäämä {n} | :: budget deficit |
budjettiesitys {n} | :: budget proposal (budget that has not yet been formally approved by the relevant decision-making body) |
budjettikehys {n} | :: budget framework, budgetary framework |
budjettikeskustelu {n} | :: budgetary debate, budgetary discussion |
budjettiliite {n} | :: budget annex |
budjettineuvos {n} | :: a job title for a person working in the budget department of the Ministry of Finance (Finland) |
budjettineuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to above |
budjettineuvottelu {n} | :: budget negotiation |
budjettiongelma {n} | :: budgetary problem |
budjettipäällikkö {n} | :: budget manager |
budjettipolitiikka {n} | :: budgetary policy |
budjettiraami {n} | :: synonym of budjettikehys |
budjettiriihi {n} | :: A workshop to finalize a budget; used especially of an annual few days' workshop in which the state budget is balanced |
budjettivaje {n} | :: budget deficit |
budjettiviranomainen {n} | :: budget authority |
budjettivuosi {n} | :: fiscal year |
budolaji {n} | :: budo style (any of the numerous styles of budo or Japanese martial arts, such as karate, jujutsu, judo) |
bufetti {n} | :: buffet |
bufettipöytä {n} | :: alternative form of buffettipöytä |
bufettitarjoilu {n} | :: alternative form of buffettarjoilu |
buffet {n} | :: buffet |
buffettarjoilu {n} | :: buffet service |
buffetti {n} | :: buffet |
buffettipöytä {n} | :: buffet (table from which food and drinks are served on self-service basis) |
buffettipöytä {n} | :: buffet (food laid out in this way) |
bufoteniini {n} [chemistry] | :: bufotenine |
bugi {n} [computing, slang] | :: bug |
buhund {n} | :: Norwegian buhund (Norwegian breed of dog of spitz type) |
Bukarest {prop} | :: Bukarest (capital city) |
bukee {n} | :: bouquet (scent of wine) |
Bukefalos {prop} | :: Bucephalus (Alexander the Great's warhorse) |
bukinisti {n} | :: antique bookseller (seller of old and used books and magazines) |
bukkaalinen {adj} [dentistry] | :: buccal (on the side facing the cheek) |
bukkaalinen {adj} [medicine] | :: buccal (of a drug, administered by dissolving in the mouth) |
bukkaneeri {n} | :: buccaneer |
buklee {n} | :: boucle |
bukleelanka {n} | :: boucle (yarn with multiple plies, one of which is looser than the others, producing loops and curls) |
bulbouretraalirauhanen {n} [anatomy] | :: bulbourethral gland |
bulbuli {n} | :: bulbul (any of several passerine songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae) |
buldogi {n} | :: alternative form of bulldoggi |
bulevardi {n} | :: boulevard |
bulevardilehdistö {n} | :: yellow press |
bulevardilehti {n} | :: yellow press newspaper |
bulevardisportti {n} | :: sports coupe, coupe, sport compact, hot hatch (loosely defined class of cars which are not true sports cars but feature sporty looks and higher than average performance combined with passenger comfort) |
bulgaari {n} | :: A Bulgarian |
bulgaria {n} | :: The Bulgarian language |
Bulgaria {prop} | :: Bulgaria (country) |
bulgarialainen {adj} | :: Bulgarian (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) |
bulgarialainen {n} | :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Bulgaria |
bulgarialais- {prefix} | :: Form of bulgarialainen (Bulgarian) as used as modifier in compound terms |
bulgarialaisuus {n} | :: Bulgarianness (state or quality of being Bulgarian) |
bulgarianajokoira {n} | :: Bulgarian Hound (breed of dog) |
bulgariankielinen {adj} | :: Expressed in Bulgarian language |
bulgariankielinen {adj} | :: Speaking Bulgarian |
bulgariantaa {v} | :: to translate into Bulgarian |
Bulgarian tasavalta {prop} | :: the Republic of Bulgaria |
bulgur {n} | :: bulgur |
bulgurvehnä {n} | :: bulgur, bulgur wheat (wheat grains that have been steamed, dried and crushed; a staple of Middle Eastern cooking) |
buliimikko {n} | :: A bulimic |
bulimia {n} [pathology] | :: bulimia |
bulimikko {n} | :: bulimic |
bulkki {n} [uncountable] | :: bulk (unpackaged goods) |
bulkki {n} [countable] | :: bulk (volume of paper, yarn etc. in relation to its weight, often expressed in cm3/g) |
bulkkitavara {n} | :: bulk (unpackaged goods) |
bulkkituote {n} | :: bulk product |
bulkogi {n} | :: bulgogi (Korean dish of sliced beef) |
bulla {n} | :: bull (papal bull) |
bulldoggi {n} | :: bulldog |
bullerintaskurotta {n} | :: Buller’s pocket gopher, Pappogeomys bulleri |
bulletiini {n} | :: bulletin |
bulletlaina {n} [finance] | :: bullet loan (loan where the payment of the entire principal of the loan is due at the end of the loan term) |
bullmastiffi {n} | :: bullmastiff (breed of dog) |
bullterrieri {n} | :: bull terrier |
bulvaani {n} | :: (metaphorically) front, front organization, straw man, paper man, dummy (public face of covert organisation) |
bulvaani {n} | :: (hunting) decoy |
bulvaaniyhtiö {n} | :: dummy company (entity created to serve as a front or cover for one or more companies) |
bumaga {n} [slang] | :: A document |
bumerangi {n} | :: A boomerang |
bumerangi {n} | :: A bullet (rejection letter) |
bummalo {n} | :: bummalo |
bunderi {n} [rare] | :: A rhesus macaque |
bungalow {n} | :: bungalow (one-story house in India surrounded by a verandah) |
bungata {vi} [Helsinki slang] | :: To cost |
bunio {n} | :: alternative form of bunion |
bunkata {v} [Helsinki slang] | :: to bunk, live, stay |
bunkkeri {n} [military] | :: bunker (hardened shelter, often buried partly or fully underground, designed to protect the inhabitants from falling bombs or other attacks) |
bunkkeri {n} [nautical] | :: bunker (container for storing coal or fuel oil for a ship's engine) |
bunkkeri {n} [golf] | :: bunker (sand-filled hollow on a golf course) |
bunkkeri {n} | :: blockhouse (reinforced building from which to control hazardous operations) |
bunkkerimainen {adj} | :: bunkerlike (resembling a military bunker) |
bunkrata {v} [nautical] | :: to bunker (to load a vessel with oil or coal for the engine) |
bunsenlamppu {n} | :: Bunsen burner (small laboratory gas burner whose flame shape may be controlled with an adjustable air supply hole) |
bunsenpoltin {n} | :: Bunsen burner (small laboratory gas burner whose flame shape may be controlled with an adjustable air supply hole) |
bunyorokaniini {n} | :: Bunyoro rabbit, Poelagus marjorita |
buprenorfiini {n} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: buprenorphine |
burgeri {n} [colloquial] | :: burger, hamburger |
burgundi {n} | :: Burgundian (person) |
burgundi {n} [uncountable] | :: Burgundian (language) |
Burgundi {prop} | :: Burgundy |
Burgundi {prop} | :: Bourgogne |
burgundinpata {n} | :: beef bourguignon |
burgundinviini {n} | :: Burgundy (type of red wine from the Burgundy region) |
burjaatinkielinen {adj} | :: Expressed in Buryat language |
burjaatinkielinen {adj} | :: Speaking Buryat |
burjaatti {n} | :: A Buryat (person) |
burjaatti {n} | :: Buryat (language) |
burjaattikoira {n} | :: Bankhar (Mongolian working dog breed) |
Burjatia {prop} | :: Buryatia (Buryatia, Russia) |
burka {n} | :: burka (female garment) |
Burkina Faso {prop} | :: Burkina Faso (country) |
burkinafasolainen {n} | :: Burkinabe (person from Burkina Faso) |
burkinalainen {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to Burkina Faso or the Burkinabe people |
burkinalainen {n} | :: Burkinabe |
burkini {n} | :: A burqini |
burlakki {n} [historical] | :: burlak, in old Russia, a man employed in dragging ships upstream |
burleski {n} | :: burlesque |
burma {n} | :: Burmese (language) |
Burma {prop} | :: Burma (Myanmar) |
burmalainen {adj} | :: Burmese |
burmalainen {n} | :: A Burmese person |
burmanjänis {n} | :: Burmese hare, Lepus peguensis |
burmankissa {n} | :: Burmese (breed of cat) |
burmanlyhythäntäpäästäinen {n} | :: Ward's short-tailed shrew, Burmese short-tailed shrew, Blarinella wardi |
burnout {n} [psychology] | :: burnout |
burrito {n} | :: burrito |
bursiitti {n} [pathology] | :: bursitis |
Burundi {prop} | :: Burundi |
burundilainen {adj} | :: Burundian |
burundilainen {n} | :: Burundian |
bushel {n} | :: alternative form of busheli |
busheli {n} | :: bushel (imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume) |
bushismi {n} | :: Bushism (political ideology associated with George W. Bush) |
bushmanni {n} | :: alternative spelling of bušmanni |
bushmannijänis {n} | :: riverine rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis) |
business {n} | :: alternative spelling of bisnes |
businessluokka {n} | :: business class |
busmanni {n} | :: alternative spelling of bušmanni |
bušmanni {n} | :: A bushman |
bussi {n} [colloquial] | :: bus |
bussikaista {n} | :: bus lane |
bussikatos {n} | :: bus shelter |
bussikuljetus {n} | :: bus transportation |
bussikuski {n} [colloquial] | :: bus driver |
bussilasti {n} | :: busful (amount sufficient to fill a bus) |
bussiliikenne {n} | :: bus traffic |
bussilinja {n} | :: bus line |
bussilippu {n} | :: bus ticket |
bussillinen {n} | :: busload (amount that can fit in a bus) |
bussimaksu {n} | :: bus fare |
bussimatka {n} | :: bus trip |
bussinkuljettaja {n} [colloquial] | :: A bus driver |
bussionnettomuus {n} [colloquial] | :: bus accident |
bussipysäkki {n} | :: bus stop |
bussiturma {n} [colloquial] | :: bus accident |
bussiyhteys {n} | :: bus connection |
bussoli {n} | :: hand compass |
busuki {n} [musical instruments] | :: bouzouki |
butaani {n} [organic compound] | :: butane |
butaanihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: butyric acid |
butadieeni {n} [chemistry] | :: butadiene |
butalbitaali {n} [chemistry] | :: butalbital |
butanaali {n} [chemistry] | :: butyraldehyde |
butanoli {n} | :: butanol |
buteeni {n} [chemistry] | :: butene |
butyloitu hydroksianisoli {n} | :: butylated hydroxyanisole |
butyraatti {n} [chemistry] | :: butyrate |
butyyli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: butyl (hydrocarbon radical) |
butyylihydroksianisoli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: butylated hydroxyanisole |
butyylihydroksitolueeni {n} [organic chemistry] | :: butylated hydroxytoluene |
butyyni {n} [organic compound] | :: butyne |
buu {interj} | :: boo! (disapproval in audience) |
buuata {vi} | :: To boo |
buuaus {n} | :: A booing, boo (derisive shout) |
buugi {n} [nautical] | :: board, tack (distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward) |
buukata {v} [colloquial] | :: To book, to reserve (to reserve something for future use) |
buukkaus {n} | :: booking |
buulaagi {n} | :: alternative form of buulaaki |
buulaaki {n} [colloquial] | :: company, firm |
buumi {n} | :: An economical boom |
buunata {v} [slang] | :: to polish |
buuri {n} | :: A Boer |
buurisota {n} | :: Either of the two fi fought in South Africa in 1880–1881 and 1899–1902 |
buutata {vt} [computing, slang] | :: to boot, reboot |
buutsi {n} [slang] | :: boot (shoe) |
buzuki {n} [musical instruments] | :: bouzouki |
B-vitamiini {n} | :: vitamin B |
B-vitamiiniryhmä {n} | :: vitamin B complex |
bygga {n} [slang] | :: construction site |
bylsiä {vt} [vulgar, slang + partitive] | :: To fuck, screw |
byrnesinpussihiiri {n} | :: kowari, Dasyuroides byrnei (small carnivorous rat-like marsupial endemic to the dry grasslands and deserts of central Australia) |
byrokraatisto {n} [rare, derogatory] | :: bureaucrats; bureaucracy (bureaucrats collectively; bureaucrats understood as a class comparable to nobility, bourgeoisie etc.) |
byrokraatti {n} | :: bureaucrat |
byrokraattinen {adj} | :: bureaucratic |
byrokraattisesti {adv} | :: bureaucratically |
byrokraattistaa {v} [rare] | :: synonym of byrokratisoida |
byrokraattistua {vi} | :: to become bureaucratic |
byrokraattistuminen {n} | :: bureaucratization (becoming more like a bureaucracy) |
byrokraattisuus {n} | :: The property of being bureaucratic |
byrokratia {n} | :: bureaucracy |
byrokratisoida {v} | :: to bureaucratize |
byrokratisointi {n} | :: bureaucratization |
byrokratisoitua {vi} | :: To become bureaucratic |
byrokratisoituminen {n} | :: bureaucratization |
Bysantin valtakunta {prop} [historical] | :: Byzantine Empire |
Bysantti {prop} | :: Byzantium (city) |
Bysantti {prop} | :: Byzantium, Byzantine Empire (empire) |
bysanttilainen {adj} | :: Byzantine |
bysanttilainen {n} | :: A Byzantine person |
bysanttilaisuus {n} | :: The state of being Byzantine |
byssa {n} [slang, nautical] | :: galley, caboose (ship kitchen) |
byte {n} [slang, rare] | :: byte |