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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-b

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
b {letter} :: letter: bee
b {n} [music] :: B flat
B {letter} :: letter: bee
B {n} :: abbreviation of lubenter approbatur
B12-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
B1-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B1 (thiamine)
B2-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
B3-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B3 (niacin)
B5-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
B6-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
B7-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B7 (biotin)
B9-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B9 (folic acid)
bää {interj} :: baa, a cry of a sheep
Baabelin torni {n} [biblical] :: Tower of Babel
baana {n} [slang] :: road
baari {n} :: bar (public house)
baari {n} :: cafeteria (restaurant serving simple food and usually having the right to serve medium strength beer, see keskiolut)
baari {n} :: bar (unit of pressure)
baariapulainen {n} :: bar attendant
baarijakkara {n} :: bar stool, barstool
baarikaappi {n} :: bar (closet containing alcoholic beverages)
baarikärpänen {n} :: bar fly
baarikeittiö {n} :: bar kitchen (type of kitchen in which the kitchen area is separated from dining room by a bar counter)
baarimestari {n} :: bartender
baarimikko {n} :: bartender
baarinpitäjä {n} :: barkeeper (person preparing and serving drinks at a bar, especially one who also owns the bar)
baaripöytä {n} :: bar table (relatively high table suitable for sitting around while seated on a barstool)
baaritiski {n} :: bar, bar counter (counter over which drinks and snacks are served at a bar)
baarituoli {n} :: bar stool, barstool
baasis {n} [rare] :: basis (starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis)
baasis {n} :: (rare) basis (underlying condition or circumstance)
baathisti {n} :: Baathist, Ba'athist (supporter of a Baath party)
baba {n} :: baba, babka (type of cake)
babesioosi {n} [disease] :: babesiosis
babirussa {n} :: babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa)
baby {n} :: baby (term of endearment)
baby {n} :: baby (very young human)
babylonialainen {n} :: A Babylonian person
babylonialainen {adj} :: Babylonian
Babylonin riippuvat puutarhat {prop} :: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World)
babysitter {n} :: A babysitter
backgammon {n} :: backgammon
Baffininlahti {prop} :: Baffin Bay
bagatelli {n} [music] :: bagatelle
bagatellisoida {v} :: To regard as a bagatelle; to belittle, ridicule, disparage, disdain, detract
bagatellisointi {n} :: The action of the verb bagatellisoida; belittling
Bagdad {prop} :: Bagdad (capital city)
bagdadilainen {adj} :: Baghdadi, Baghdadian
bagdadilainen {n} :: Baghdadi, Baghdadian
bagelrinkeli {n} :: bagel
bagna cauda {n} :: bagna cauda
bahai {n} :: Bahá'í, Bahai (follower of the Bahá'í Faith or Bahá'u'lláh)
bahailainen {n} :: Bahá'í (follower of the Bahá'í Faith)
bahailainen {adj} :: Bahá'í (of, pertaining or relating to Bahá'í Faith)
bahaismi {n} :: synonym of baha'i-usko
bahaisti {n} :: Bahá'í (follower of the Bahá'í Faith or Bahá'u'lláh)
baha’i-usko {n} :: Bahá'í Faith
bahai-usko {n} :: alternative form of baha’i-usko
Bahama {prop} :: Bahama (archipelago/and/country)
bahamalainen {adj} :: Bahamian
bahamalainen {n} :: Bahamian
bahamanhutia {n} :: Bahamian hutia, Ingraham's hutia Geocapromys ingrahami (rodent endemic to the Bahamas)
bahamansupi {n} :: Bahaman raccoon, Procyon lotor maynardi
bahamasaarelainen {adj} [rare] :: Bahamian
bahamasaarelainen {n} [rare] :: Bahamian
Bahamasaaret {prop} :: the Bahamas (archipelago east of Florida)
Bahamasaaret {prop} [rare] :: the state comprising these islands
bahamasaartensupi {n} :: alternative form of bahamansupi
bahianpiikkirotta {n} :: briste-spined rat, a species of spiny rat native to Brazil, Chaetomys subspinosus
Bahrain {prop} :: Bahrain (country)
bahrainilainen {adj} :: Bahraini
bahrainilainen {n} :: Bahraini
baijeri {n} :: Bavarian (language)
Baijeri {prop} :: Bavaria
baijerilainen {adj} :: Bavarian
baijerilainen {n} :: A Bavarian person
baijerintunnelimyyrä {n} :: Bavarian pine vole, Microtus bavaricus
baijerinvuoristovihikoira {n} :: Bavarian mountain hound (breed of dog)
Baikal {prop} :: Baikal (lake)
baikalinhylje {n} :: Baikal seal Pusa sibirica
Baikaljärvi {prop} :: Baikaljärvi (large lake)
bailaaminen {n} [slang] :: partying
bailata {vi} [slang] :: To party
bailaus {n} [slang] :: partying
bailausmusiikki {n} :: partying music
bailut {n} [colloquial] :: party
bainiitti {n} [metallurgy] :: bainite
bairdintapiiri {n} :: Baird's tapir, Tapirus bairdii
baitata {v} [slang] :: To imitate, copy, ape
baittari {n} [slang] :: copycat
baittaus {n} [slang] :: imitation, aping (act)
bajamaja {n} [colloquial] :: portapotty
bakeliitti {n} :: Bakelite
bakkanaali {n} :: bacchanal
bakteeri {n} :: bacterium
bakteerifloora {n} :: bacterial flora (all the bacteria inside, or on the surface of an organism)
bakteerikanta {n} :: bacterial flora (all the bacteria inside, or on the surface of an organism)
bakteerikasvusto {n} :: bacterial growth
bakteerimyrkky {n} :: bacterial toxin (toxic substance produced by bacteria)
bakteeriperäinen {adj} [pathology] :: bacterial (caused by bacteria)
bakteeritartunta {n} :: bacterial infection
bakteeritauti {n} :: bacterial disease (disease caused by bacteria)
bakteeriton {adj} :: abacterial, sterile
bakteerittomuus {n} :: The state of having no bacteria
bakteeriviljelys {n} :: bacterial culture
bakteriaalinen {adj} [pathology] :: bacterial (caused by bacteria)
bakteriofagi {n} [microbiology, virology] :: bacteriophage
bakteriologi {n} [biology, microbiology] :: bacteriologist
bakteriologia {n} :: bacteriology
bakteriologinen {adj} :: bacteriological
bakteriologisesti {adv} :: bacteriologically
bakteriolyysi {n} [biology, medicine] :: bacteriolysis
bakterioplankton {n} :: bacterioplankton (bacterial component of plankton)
bakteriosiini {n} [biochemistry] :: bacteriocin
bakterisidi {n} :: bactericide
Baktria {prop} :: Bactria
bakulovirus {n} :: baculovirus
balagaani {n} [archaic] :: a building for folk theater performances
balagaani {n} [archaic] :: temporary storage building
Balaklava {prop} :: Balaklava
balalaikansoittaja {n} :: balalaika player
balalaikka {n} [musical instruments] :: balalaika
balalaikkakonsertto {n} :: balalaika concerto
balalaikkamusiikki {n} :: balalaika music
balalaikkaorkesteri {n} :: balalaika orchestra
balaniitti {n} [pathology] :: balanitis
balanopostiitti {n} [pathology] :: balanoposthitis
balansoida {vt} :: To balance
balansointi {n} :: balancing
balanssi {n} :: balance
balanssiteoria {n} [social psychology] :: balance theory (motivational theory proposed by Fritz Heider that conceptualizes the cognitive consistency motive as a drive toward psychological balance)
baldakiini {n} :: baldacchin, baldachin (canopy suspended over an altar, throne, pulpit, bed etc.)
Baleaarienmeri {prop} :: The Balearic Sea
Baleaarit {prop} [pluralonly] :: Baleaarit (autonomous community/and/province)
baletinopettaja {n} :: ballet teacher
baletti {n} :: ballet
balettiesitys {n} :: ballet performance
balettikoulu {n} :: ballet school
balettikoulutus {n} :: ballet training
balettikuoro {n} :: ballet choir
balettimestari {n} :: ballet master (person responsible for the level of competence of the dancers in a ballet company)
balettimusiikki {n} :: ballet music
balettineuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplishments related to ballet, such as former ballet masters
balettipantomiimi {n} :: ballet-pantomime, pantomime ballet (style of ballet developed by Paris Opera in mid 1800's, characterized by extensive use of mime along with dance)
balettiryhmä {n} :: ballet group
balettisarja {n} :: ballet suite (ballet music arranged for presentation by an orchestra in a concert)
balettitanssi {n} :: ballet dance
balettitanssija {n} :: A ballet dancer
balettitanssijatar {n} :: A ballerina (female ballet dancer)
balettiteatteri {n} :: ballet theater
balettitossu {n} :: ballet shoe, ballet slipper (shoe designed for ballet dancing)
balettitulkinta {n} :: ballet interpretation
balettityttö {n} :: ballet girl (young female ballet dancer)
bali {n} :: The Balinese language
Bali {prop} :: Bali (island/and/province)
baliisi {n} :: balise
balilainen {adj} :: Balinese
balilainen {n} :: A Balinese person
balinkielinen {adj} :: Balinese, Balinese-language (expressed in Balinese)
balintiikeri {n} :: Bali tiger, Panthera tigris balica
balinvuoristokoira {n} :: kintamani (Balinese breed of dog)
Balkan {prop} :: The Balkans
balkanilainen {adj} :: Balkan, Balkanic, Balkanian
balkaninhevoskastanja {n} :: common horse chestnut, horse chestnut, conker tree, Aesculus hippocastanum
balkaninmyyrä {n} :: Martino’s snow vole, Dinaromys bogdanovi
balkaninnäsiä {n} :: Daphne blagayana
balkaninsieppo {n} :: semi-collared flycatcher, Ficedula semitorquata
balkanintiainen {n} :: sombre tit, Parus lugubris
balkanintunnelimyyrä {n} :: Thomas’s pine vole, Microtus thomasi
balkanisaatio {n} :: Balkanization
balkanisoida {vt} :: To balkanize
balkanisoitua {vi} :: To become balkanized
balkanisoituminen {n} :: Balkanization
balkanmakkara {n} :: Balkan sausage, cevapi
balladi {n} :: ballad (kind of narrative poem)
balladi {n} :: ballad (slow romantic song)
balladipelimanni {n} :: ballad musician
balladirunous {n} :: ballad poetry
ballerina {n} [dance] :: ballerina (female ballet dancer)
ballerina {n} :: ballet flat, dolly flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes)
ballerinakenkä {n} :: ballet flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes)
ballerinatossu {n} :: ballet flat (type of women's shoes, with a very low heel, low sides and covering only the toes)
ballista {n} :: ballista (military engine)
ballistiikka {n} :: ballistics
ballistiitti {n} [chemistry] :: ballistite
ballistinen {adj} :: ballistic
ballistisesti {adv} :: ballistically
balsa {n} :: balsa (wood)
balsami {n} :: alternative form of palsami
balsamiviinietikka {n} :: balsamic vinegar
balsamoida {v} :: alternative form of palsamoida
balsamoija {n} :: alternative form of palsamoija
balsamointi {n} :: alternative form of palsamointi
balsapuu {n} :: balsa tree, balsa, Ochroma pyramidale (tropical tree with very lightweight wood)
Baltia {prop} :: Baltic (areas on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea, commonly understood to consist of the territories of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and often Kaliningrad Oblast)
Baltian jääjärvi {prop} :: Baltic Ice Lake (historic phase of the Baltic Sea)
Baltian kilpi {prop} :: Baltic Shield (large expanse of stable Precambrian rock that covers Scandinavia, Finland and Karelia)
Baltian maa {prop} :: Baltic state (any of the three countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania)
Baltian meri {prop} [rare] :: Baltic Sea
baltti {n} :: A Balt; a Baltic person
balttilainen {adj} :: Baltic
balttilaisuus {n} :: The property of being Baltic
balusteri {n} [architecture] :: baluster
balustradi {n} [architecture] :: A balustrade
balzacilainen {adj} :: Balzacian
bamanankan {n} :: synonym of bambara (West African language)
bambara {n} :: Bambara (West African language)
bambu {n} :: bamboo
bambuesirippu {n} [historical] :: Bamboo Curtain
bambuhai {n} :: bamboo shark (shark of the family Hemiscylliidae)
bambukeppi {n} :: bamboo stick
bambukori {n} :: bamboo basket
bambulepakko {n} :: thick-thumbed bat (bat of the genus Glischropus endemic to SE Asia)
bambulepakko {n} :: common thick-thumbed bat, Glischropus tylopus
bamburuoko {n} :: bamboo cane
bambusauva {n} :: bamboo pole
bambusauva {n} :: bamboo ski pole (ski pole made of bamboo)
bambusoihtu {n} :: tiki torch
bambuvapa {n} :: bamboo rod (fishing rod made of bamboo)
bambuverso {n} :: bamboo shoot
bamlata {v} [slang] :: To speak
banaaleimmin {adv} :: superlative of banaalisti
banaali {adj} :: banal
banaalimmin {adv} :: comparative of banaalisti
banaalistaa {vt} :: to banalize
banaalisti {adv} :: banally
banaalistua {vi} :: to become banal
banaalistuminen {n} :: becoming banal
banaalius {n} :: banality
banaani {n} :: banana
banaani {n} [Internet slang] :: a ban
banaanijäätelö {n} :: banana ice cream (ice cream flavored with banana or artificial banana flavor)
banaanikärpänen {n} :: common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
banaanikauppa {n} :: banana trade
banaanikerttuli {n} :: bananaquit, Coereba flaveola (New World passerine bird, the only species in the family Coerebidae)
banaanikotelo {n} :: banana case (small case for carrying an individual banana for lunch etc.)
banaanilaatikko {n} :: banana box (box or case of bananas)
banaanilehto {n} :: banana grove
banaaninkuori {n} :: banana skin [UK], banana peel [US]
banaaninviljely {n} :: banana cultivation
banaaniorava {n} :: plantain squirrel, Callosciurus notatus
banaanipistoke {n} :: banana plug
banaaniplantaasi {n} :: banana plantation
banaanipotku {n} [soccer] :: banana kick
banaanitasavalta {n} [pejorative] :: banana republic
banaanivaltio {n} [pejorative] :: banana republic
banaaniviljelmä {n} :: banana plantation
banalisoida {vt} :: To banalize
banalisointi {n} :: banalizing
banalisoitua {vi} :: To become banal
banalisoituminen {n} :: the process of becoming banal
banaliteetti {n} :: banality
bänät {n} [slang] :: synonym of bänks
bandanahuivi {n} :: bandana (large, often decorated kerchief)
bändäri {n} :: groupie (female fan assumed to be more interested in relationships with members of a band than in their music)
banderolli {n} :: banner (large sign made of fabric)
bändi {n} [music, colloquial] :: band, group
bändibussi {n} :: band bus (bus used to carry a music band around, often special-equipped)
bandiitti {n} :: bandit
bändisoitin {n} :: band instrument (musical instrument frequently used by music bands)
bändisoitto {n} :: playing in band (activity)
bänet {n} [slang] :: bänksit (event of breaking up a relationship)
Bangkok {prop} :: Bangkok (capital city)
Bangladesh {prop} :: Bangladesh (country)
bangladeshilainen {adj} :: Bangladeshi
bangladeshilainen {n} :: Bangladeshi
bangladeshiläinen {adj} :: alternative form of bangladeshilainen
banian {n} :: banyan (Ficus benghalensis)
banianviikuna {n} :: banyan, banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis)
banja {n} :: Russian banya
banjisti {n} :: banjoist, banjo player (one who plays a banjo)
banjo {n} :: banjo
banjomonni {n} :: banjo catfish, aspredinid (fish of the family Aspredinidae, a small South American family of catfishes)
banjosoolo {n} :: banjo solo
banketti {n} :: banquet
bankrotti {n} [archaic, dialectal] :: bankruptcy
bänks {n} [colloquial] :: breakup (of relationship)
banksinmänty {n} :: jack pine, Pinus banksiana
bannata {vt} [Internet slang] :: to ban (ban online)
banneri {n} :: banner
bansku {n} [colloquial, childish] :: banana
bantengi {n} :: banteng, Bos javanicus
bantu {n} :: Bantu
bantukieli {n} :: Bantu language (any of the hundreds of related languages of Bantu family spoken in central and southern Africa)
bantustan {n} [historical] :: bantustan (territory defined as a homeland for black South Africans)
baptismi {n} :: baptism (branch of Protestantism)
baptisterio {n} :: synonym of kastekappeli
baptisti {n} :: A Baptist
baptistikirkko {n} :: Baptist church
baptistisaarnaaja {n} :: Baptist preacher
baptistiseurakunta {n} :: Baptist parish
baraali {n} :: bharal, blue sheep (caprid of the genus Pseudois)
baraali {n} :: bharal, Himalayan blue sheep, naur, Pseudois nayaur
barbaari {n} :: barbarian
barbaariheimo {n} :: barbarian tribe
barbaarikyyhky {n} :: ringneck dove (Streptopelia risoria)
barbaarimainen {adj} :: barbarous, barbaric, barbarian
barbaarimaisesti {adv} :: barbarically
barbaarimaisuus {n} :: barbarousness
barbaarinen {adj} :: barbaric
barbaarisesti {adv} :: barbarically
barbaarisuus {n} :: barbarity
barbaarius {n} :: barbarism
Barbados {prop} :: Barbados (island/and/country)
barbadosinsupi {n} :: Barbados raccoon, Procyon lotor gloveralleni
barbadoslainen {adj} :: Barbadian
barbadoslainen {n} :: Barbadian
barbaria {n} :: barbarism
barbarismi {n} :: barbarism
barbenlanguri {n} :: Phayre's leaf monkey, Trachypithecus phayrei
barbi {n} :: A barb fish
barbi {n} :: The Barbie doll
barbituraatti {n} :: barbiturate
barbituurihappo {n} [chemistry] :: barbituric acid
bardi {n} [historical] :: bard (professional poet and singer)
barduuna {n} [nautical] :: running backstay
bareesi {n} :: barège
Barentsinmeri {prop} :: The Barents Sea
baretti {n} :: beret (only in military use)
barista {n} :: barista
baritoni {n} :: baritone (male voice)
baritoniaaria {n} :: baritone aria
baritoniavain {n} [music] :: baritone clef
baritonikitara {n} [musical instruments] :: baritone guitar
baritonilaulaja {n} :: baritone singer
baritonisaksofoni {n} :: baritone saxophone, bari sax
baritonisolisti {n} :: baritone soloist
baritonisoolo {n} :: baritone solo
baritonitorvi {n} [musical instruments] ::  euphonium
baritoniukulele {n} :: baritone ukulele
barium {n} :: barium
bariumpuuro {n} [medicine] :: barium meal (peparation of barium sulfate which a patient ingests to allow clear radiographs of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum)
bariumsulfaatti {n} [chemistry] :: barium sulfate
bar mitsva {n} [Judaism] :: bar mitzvah
Barnabas {prop} [biblical character] :: Barnabas
barni {n} [nuclear physics] :: barn (minuscule unit of area equal to 10-28 square metres)
barografi {n} :: barograph
barokki {n} :: baroque
barokkiaika {n} :: The baroque period
barokkihuilu {n} [musical instruments] :: traverso, baroque flute
barokkikaappi {n} :: baroque cabinet, baroque cupboard
barokkikitara {n} :: baroque guitar
barokkikonsertto {n} :: baroque concerto
barokkimusiikki {n} [music] :: baroque music
barokkinen {adj} :: Baroque (from the Baroque period)
barokkioboe {n} :: baroque oboe
barokkipoikkihuilu {n} :: baroque flute, traverso
barokkipuku {n} :: baroque costume
barokkisello {n} [musical instrument] :: baroque cello
barokkisolisti {n} :: baroque soloist
barokkitanssi {n} :: baroque dance
barokkitrio {n} :: baroque trio
barokkitrumpetti {n} :: baroque trombone
barokkituoli {n} :: baroque chair
barokkityyli {n} :: Baroque (style of the baroque period as expressed in art, architecture and music)
barokkityylinen {adj} :: Baroque-style
barokkiurku {n} [normally in plural] :: baroque organ
barokkiviulu {n} [musical instruments] :: baroque violin
barokkiyhtye {n} :: baroque ensemble
barokliininen {adj} :: baroclinic (describing an atmospheric system in which the isobars are at an angle to the isopycnals or isotherms)
barometri {n} [meteorology] :: barometer
barometri {n} [figuratively] :: Any indicator
baronetti {n} :: baronet
baroreseptori {n} [anatomy] :: baroreceptor (nerve ending that is sensitive to changes in blood pressure)
barotiitti {n} [pathology] :: barotitis, aerotitis (otitis caused by a change in atmospheric pressure)
barotrauma {n} :: barotrauma
barrakuda {n} :: barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
barreli {n} :: A barrel (the unit of measure)
barrikadi {n} :: barricade
bärsse {n} [vulgar] :: arse, ass
Bartholinin rauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: Bartholin's gland, greater vestibular gland
Bartolomeus {prop} :: Bartholomew (one of the Apostles)
baryoni {n} [physics] :: A baryon
baryoninen {adj} [physics] :: baryonic
barysentrinen {adj} :: barycentric
barytoni {n} :: alternative form of baritoni
barytonilaulaja {n} :: alternative form of baritonilaulaja
baryytti {n} [mineral] :: barite
basaaliganglio {n} [anatomy] :: basal ganglion
basaari {n} :: bazaar
basaarikauppias {n} :: bazaar trader (shopkeeper in a bazaar)
basaarimyymälä {n} :: bazaar shop (shop in a bazaar)
basaliooma {n} [oncology] :: basal cell carcinoma
basaltti {n} :: basalt
basalttinen {adj} :: basaltic
basaniitti {n} [rock] :: basanite
baseball {n} :: baseball
baseballin pelaaja {n} :: baseball player
baseball-pallo {n} :: baseball (ball used in the sport of baseball)
Basedowin tauti {n} :: synonym of Gravesin tauti
base-hyppy {n} :: base jump
basenji {n} :: Basenji
basettiklarinetti {n} [musical instruments] :: basset clarinet
basettitorvi {n} [musical instruments] :: basset horn
basidio {n} :: synonym of itiökanta
basilaarikalvo {n} [anatomy] :: basilar membrane
basilika {n} :: basilica (type of church)
basilika {n} :: basil, Ocimum basilicum (herb)
basilika {n} :: basil (this herb used as spice)
basilika {n} :: basil (plant of the genus Ocimum)
basiliski {n} [mythology] :: basilisk
basilli {n} :: bacillus
basilli {n} :: germ
basillikauhu {n} :: bacillophobia, germophobia (fear of microbes)
basillinkantaja {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of taudinkantaja
basis {n} :: basis, base
basisti {n} :: bassist
basistivitsi {n} :: bassist joke (any of a category of jokes where the target of ridicule is the alleged stupidity of the bassists)
baskeri {n} :: A beret
baski {n} :: a Basque
baski {n} :: the Basque language
baskialue {n} :: Basque Country (region where Basque is spoken)
baskienpaimenkoira {n} :: Basque Shepherd Dog (breed of dog)
baškiiri {n} :: A Bashkir
baškiiri {n} :: The Bashkir language
baskikansa {n} :: Basque people
baskilainen {adj} :: Basque
baskilaisuus {n} :: The property of being Basque
Baskimaa {prop} :: Baskimaa (autonomous community)
baskimaakunta {n} :: Basque province (any of the seven provinces of Spain and France which belong to the Basque Country)
baskimaalainen {adj} :: of or relating to the Basque Country
baskinkielinen {adj} :: Basque (relative to the Basque language)
Baškiria {prop} :: Baškiria (republic)
baskivähemmistö {n} :: Basque minority
Baškortostan {prop} :: Baškortostan (republic)
basmatiriisi {n} :: basmati rice
basofiili {n} [cytology] :: basophil, basophile
bassaminkaijamahonki {n} :: African mahogany, Lagos mahogany, Khaya ivorensis
bassetti {n} :: basset hound
bassi {n} :: bass
basso {n} [music] :: bass (voice)
basso {n} [musical instruments] :: bass guitar
bassoääni {n} :: bass voice
bassoääni {n} :: bass sound
bassoaaria {n} :: bass aria
bassoalue {n} :: bass register
bassoavain {n} [music] :: bass clef
bassobaritoni {n} [music] :: bass-baritone
bassokaiutin {n} :: woofer
bassokitara {n} :: bass guitar
bassoklarinetti {n} [musical instruments] :: bass clarinet
bassolaulaja {n} :: bass singer
bassorooli {n} :: bass role
bassorumpu {n} :: bass drum
bassosäädin {n} :: bass control
bassosaksofoni {n} :: bass saxophone
bassosinkki {n} [musical instrument, rare] :: bass cornett
bassosolisti {n} :: bass soloist
bassoviulu {n} :: double bass, bass viol
bastardi {n} :: A bastard (especially a child of a nobleman and a common woman)
bastardijänne {n} [heraldry] :: baton, baton sinister
Bastilji {prop} :: Bastille
bastioni {n} :: bastion
bataatti {n} :: sweet potato
bataattilaatikko {n} :: sweet potato casserole
batenlepakko {n} :: Bate's slit-faced bat, Nycteris arge (African species of bat)
batiikki {n} :: alternative form of batikki
batikki {n} :: batik
batisti {n} :: batiste
batistinen {adj} [textiles] :: made of batiste
bat mitsva {n} [Judaism] :: bat mitzvah
batoliitti {n} [geology] :: batholith
batonki {n} :: baguette (the type of bread)
Batseba {prop} :: Bathsheba (Biblical character, wife of Uriah and later of David, mother of Solomon)
batsi {n} :: Bats (minority language spoken in Georgia)
battarismi {n} :: cluttering, battarism
bättre folk {n} [colloquial, sarcastic] :: Swedish Finns or Swedish-speaking Finns collectively
batyskafi {n} :: bathyscaphe
baudelairelainen {adj} :: Baudelairean
baudi {n} :: baud
baudinopeus {n} :: baud rate
bauksiitti {n} [mineral] :: bauxite
bavarois {n} :: bavarois (pudding)
bavaroise {n} :: bavaroise (drink)
bavaroise {n} :: bavarois, also bavaroise (dessert)
bayesilainen {adj} [math] :: Bayesian
bayesiläinen {adj} [math] :: Bayesian
bb {n} [music] :: synonym of heses
BB-voide {n} [cosmetics] :: BB cream
B-duuri {n} [music] :: B-flat major
beagle {n} :: beagle (dog)
béarnaisekastike {n} [gastronomy] :: béarnaise sauce
bearninkastike {n} [gastronomy] :: Alternative term for béarnaisekastike
beat {n} [music] :: beat
beatmusiikki {n} [music] :: beat music
beatnik {n} :: beatnik
beaucenpaimenkoira {n} :: Beauceron (breed of dog)
Beaufortin asteikko {n} [nautical] :: the Beaufort scale
beaujolaisviini {n} :: Beaujolais
beauty box {n} :: A small bag for one's makeup and accessories
bébé {n} :: A type of cake; a pastry cup with a creamy filling and topped with sugar icing
bebee {n} :: Alternative term for bébé (type of cake)
bebop {n} :: bebop
béchamelkastike {n} [gastronomy] :: béchamel sauce, white sauce
Bechterewin tauti {n} [pathology] :: Bechterew's disease [dated]; ankylosing spondylitis
becquerel {n} :: becquerel
bedlingtoninterrieri {n} :: Bedlington terrier (breed of dog)
beduiini {n} :: bedouin (member of various nomadic Arab peoples)
beduiiniasu {n} :: bedouin costume
beduiiniheimo {n} :: Bedouin tribe
bee {n} :: bee (letter: b)
bees {n} :: alternative form of beesi
beesi {adj} :: beige
beesi {n} :: beige
beessi {n} :: alternative form of beesi
beessi {adj} :: alternative form of beesi
beeta {n} :: beta (Greek letter)
beetahajoaminen {n} [nuclear physics] :: beta decay (nuclear reaction in which a beta particle is emitted)
beetahiukkanen {n} [nuclear physics] :: beta particle (energetic electron or positron produced as the result of a nuclear reaction)
beeta-karoteeni {n} [chemistry] :: beta-carotene
beetakaroteeni {n} :: beta-carotene
beetalaktamaasi {n} [enzyme] :: beta-lactamase
beetalipoproteiini {n} [biochemistry] :: synonym of LDL-kolesteroli
beetasäde {n} [nuclear physics, dated] :: beta ray (energetic electron or positron produced as the result of a nuclear reaction)
beetasalpaaja {n} :: beta blocker
beetasäteilijä {n} [nuclear physics] :: beta emitter (radioactive substance emitting beta particles)
beetasäteily {n} :: beta radiation
beethovenilainen {adj} :: Beethovenian
Beetlehem {prop} :: alternative spelling of Betlehem
begonia {n} :: begonia
begoniaripsiäinen {n} :: six-spotted thrips, Scolothrips longicornis
beguine {n} :: beguine (dance and music)
behaviorismi {n} [psychology] :: behaviourism/behaviorism
behavioristi {n} :: behaviorist
behavioristinen {adj} :: behavioristic
beibi {n} [colloquial] :: baby (attractive woman)
beige {adj} :: beige
beige {n} :: beige (color)
beignet {n} :: beignet
Beijing {prop} :: Beijing (direct-administered municipality/capital city) (alternative form of Peking)
beisa {n} :: gemsbok, gemsbuck, Oryx gazella (species of antelope native to southern Africa)
beisa {n} :: beisa, East African oryx, Oryx beisa (species of antelope native to eastern Africa)
belangerintupaija {n} :: northern tree shrew, Tupaia belangeri (tree shrew native to SE Asia)
belemniitti {n} :: belemnite
beletti {n} :: Any viverrid in the subfamily Hemigalinae of the family Viverridae, the family of civets
beletti {n} :: banded palm civet, banded civet, Hemigalus derbyanus (civet found on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra, and the Malayan peninsula)
Belgia {prop} :: Belgia (country)
belgialainen {adj} :: Belgian
belgialainen {n} :: A Belgian person
belgialais- {prefix} :: Belgian; belgialainen (Belgian) as used as modifier in compound terms
belgialaissyntyinen {adj} :: Belgian-born, Belgian born
belgialaisuus {n} :: Belgianness (state or property of being Belgian)
Belgian kuningaskunta {prop} :: The Kingdom of Belgium
belgianpaimenkoira {n} :: Belgian shepherd, Belgian sheepdog, Belgian Sheepdog (breed of medium-to-large-sized herding dog)
Belgrad {prop} :: Belgrad (capital city)
belgradilainen {adj} :: Belgradian (of or pertaining to Belgrade)
belgradilainen {n} :: Belgradian (person from Belgrade)
Belize {prop} :: Belize (country)
belizeläinen {adj} :: Belizean
belizeläinen {n} :: Belizean (person)
belladonna {n} :: belladonna, deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
Bellin halvaus {n} [pathology] :: synonym of kasvohalvaus
Bellin pareesi {n} [pathology] :: synonym of kasvohalvaus
belutši {n} :: Balochi language
bemari {n} [colloquial] :: A beemer (BMW car or motorcycle)
bemari {n} [military slang] :: Soviet BMP-1 or BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle
bemari {n} [military slang] :: A soldier in the B health class
bemari {n} [military slang] :: The B health class
bemarikuski {n} [colloquial] :: BMW#Noun driver
benediktiini {n} :: Benedictine (monk or nun)
benediktiini {n} [in plural] :: Benedictine Order
benediktiini {n} [as modifier in compound terms] :: Benedictine (of or pertaining to Benedictine order)
benediktiinikirkko {n} :: Benedictine church
benediktiiniläinen {adj} :: Benedictine (of or pertaining to St. Benedict of Nursia, or to the Benedictine Order)
benediktiiniläislikööri {n} :: synonym of benediktiinilikööri
benediktiiniläismunkki {n} :: alternative form of benediktiinimunkki
benediktiiniläisnunna {n} :: alternative form of benediktiininunna
benediktiinilikööri {n} :: Benedictine (liqueur)
benediktiiniluostari {n} :: Benedictine cloister
benediktiinimunkki {n} :: Benedictine (monk)
benediktiininunna {n} :: Benedictine (nun)
benfotiamiini {n} [chemistry] :: benfotiamine
Bengal {prop} :: Bengal
bengali {n} :: Bengali (language)
Bengali {prop} :: alternative spelling of Bengal (region of South Asia)
bengalilainen {adj} :: Bengali (of or pertaining to Bengal)
bengalinkello {n} :: synonym of kellosusanna
bengalinkettu {n} :: Bengal fox, Vulpes bengalensis (species of fox endemic to Indian peninsula)
bengalinkissa {n} :: leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)
Bengalinlahti {prop} :: The Bay of Bengal
bengalintiikeri {n} :: Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
bengalin tuli {n} :: Bengal light
bengalintuli {n} :: alternative spelling of bengalin tuli
bengalitikku {n} [dated] :: synonym of tähtisadetikku
benguelandelfiini {n} :: Heaviside's dolphin, Haviside's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii
benigni {adj} [pathology] :: benign
Benin {prop} :: Benin (country)
beniniläinen {adj} :: Beninese
beniniläinen {n} :: Beninese
benitoiitti {n} [mineral] :: benitoite
Benjam {prop} :: given name
Benjami {prop} :: given name
Benjamin {prop} :: given name
Benjamin {prop} :: Benjamin (Biblical figure)
benjihyppy {n} :: bungee jump (instance of bungee jumping)
bennettinpuukenguru {n} :: Bennett´s tree kangaroo, Dendrolagus bennettianus
bensa {n} [colloquial] :: gas, gasoline, petrol
bensa-asema {n} [colloquial] :: gas station, petrol station
bensapumppu {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of polttoainepumppu
bensasyöppö {n} :: gas guzzler
bensatankki {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of bensiinitankki
bensiini {n} :: gasoline [US], petrol [UK]
bensiiniasema {n} :: gas station [US], petrol station [UK], filling station
bensiinigallona {n} :: A gallon of gasoline
bensiinikäyttöinen {adj} :: gasoline driven
bensiinikortti {n} :: gasoline coupon, gasoline ration stamp (in times of rationing, a coupon that entitles the holder to buy a specified amount of gasoline)
bensiinikortti {n} :: gasoline card (credit card valid only on filling stations of a certain chain)
bensiinikuponki {n} :: gasoline coupon, gasoline ration stamp (in times of rationing, a coupon that entitles the holder to buy a specified amount of gasoline)
bensiinikuponki {n} :: gasoline coupon (promotional coupon that entitles the holder to free or discounted gasoline)
bensiinimittari {n} :: gas pump [US], petrol pump [UK]
bensiinimoottori {n} :: gasoline engine
bensiininkulutus {n} :: gasoline consumption
bensiinipula {n} :: gasoline shortage
bensiinisäiliö {n} :: gas tank [US], petrol tank [UK] (storage container for gasoline, especially one installed as part in a permanent structure or one forming such structure in itself, but also in vehicles)
bensiinitankki {n} :: gas tank [US], petrol tank [UK] (fuel tank for gasoline built into equipment, especially vehicles)
bensiinivero {n} :: gasoline tax
bentoniitti {n} [mineral] :: bentonite
bentos {n} [marine biology] :: benthos
bentsaldehydi {n} :: benzaldehyde
bentseeni {n} [organic chemistry] :: benzene
bentseenirengas {n} :: benzene ring
bentseenitioli {n} [chemistry] :: thiophenol
bentsiini {n} [archaic] :: bensiini (gasoline, petrol)
bentsoaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: benzoate
bentsodiatsepiini {n} [pharmacology] :: benzodiazepine (any of a class of psychoactive drugs, structured upon diazepine)
bentsoehappo {n} [chemistry] :: benzoic acid
bentsofenoni {n} [chemistry] :: benzophenone
bentsofuraani {n} [chemistry] :: benzofuran
bentsoli {n} :: synonym of bentseeni
bentsonitriili {n} [chemistry] :: benzonitrile
bentsoyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: benzoyl
bentsoyyliperoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: benzoyl peroxide
bentsoyyliryhmä {n} [organic chemistry] :: benzoyl group, benzoyl (functional group with the formula C6H5CO-)
bentsyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: benzyl group, benzyl (univalent radical C6H5-CH2)
bentsyylialkoholi {n} [chemistry] :: benzyl alcohol
bentsyyliasetaatti {n} [chemistry] :: benzyl acetate
bentsyylikloridi {n} [chemistry] :: benzyl chloride
bentsyylipiperatsiini {n} :: benzylpiperazine
benttinen {adj} :: benthic
benzokaiini {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: benzocaine (local anesthetic)
berardinvalas {n} :: Baird's beaked whale, Berardius bairdii
berberi {n} :: Berber (person)
berberi {n} :: Berber (language)
berberi {n} :: A trench coat
Berberia {prop} [historical] :: Barbary (Mediterranean coast of Africa)
berberiapina {n} :: Barbary macaque, Barbary ape, magot, Macaca sylvanus
berberiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: berberine
berberikieli {n} :: Berber (language)
Bereniken hiukset {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Coma Berenices, the Hair of Berenice
bergmanilainen {adj} :: Bergmanian (of or pertaining to Ingmar Bergman, an influential Swedish director, writer and producer)
beriberi {n} [pathology] :: beriberi
Beringinmeri {prop} :: The Bering Sea
Beringinsalmi {prop} :: Bering Strait (strait between the continents of Asia and North America)
berkelium {n} :: berkelium
Berliini {prop} :: Berliini (caplc)
Berliini {prop} :: Berliini (state)
berliiniläinen {n} :: Berliner (native or inhabitant of Berlin)
berliiniläinen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Berlin
berliininlehmus {n} :: A lime or linden, Tilia moltkei
berliininmakkara {n} :: A mozzarella-style large sausage in natural casing containing chiefly finely ground pork and pieces of lard, spiced with black pepper, coriander, nutmeg, caraway, chili, onion and ginger
berliininmunkki {n} :: a round jelly/jam doughnut glazed with pink sugar topping
berliininpoppeli {n} :: A poplar, Populus x berolinensis
bermudalainen {adj} :: Bermudian, Bermudan
bermudalainen {n} :: Bermudian, Bermudan
Bermudan kolmio {prop} :: Bermudan kolmio (area)
Bermudan kolmio {prop} :: a Bermuda triangle (area where things mysteriously disappear)
bermudasortsit {n} :: synonym of bermudat
bermudat {n} :: Bermuda shorts
bernhardilainen {n} :: Saint Bernard (ßwiss breed of large dog)
bernhardilaiskoira {n} :: Saint Bernard
bernhardilaismunkki {n} :: Bernardine (Cistercian monk)
bernhardinkoira {n} :: synonym of bernhardilainen
berninpaimenkoira {n} :: Bernese Mountain Dog
Bernoullin laki {n} [physics] :: Bernoulli's principle
berserkki {n} :: berserk, berserker (crazed Norse warrior)
Bertta {prop} :: given name
Bertta {prop} :: The letter "B" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
berylli {n} :: beryl
beryllium {n} :: beryllium
berylliumfluoridi {n} [chemistry] :: beryllium fluoride
berylliumkloridi {n} [chemistry] :: beryllium chloride
berylliumoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: beryllium oxide
besoaariantilooppi {n} :: blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra)
besserwisser {n} :: know-it-all
bestis {n} [slang] :: best friend
bestman {n} :: best man
bestseller {n} :: bestseller
bestsellerkirjailija {n} :: bestseller writer
bestsellerkirjallisuus {n} :: bestseller literature
bet {n} :: beth (second letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
betaiini {n} :: betaine
Betelgeuze {prop} :: Betelgeuse (star)
Betlehem {prop} :: Betlehem (city)
Betlehemin tähti {prop} [Biblical] :: Star of Bethlehem
betoni {n} :: concrete (material)
betoniaita {n} :: concrete fence
betoniarkkitehtuuri {n} :: concrete architecture (type of architecture using concrete as main building material)
betonielementti {n} [construction] :: concrete element
betonierämaa {n} [figuratively] :: concrete desert (urban area lacking parks and other green spots)
betoniharkko {n} :: cinder block, concrete block
betonihelvetti {n} [colloquial] :: concrete jungle (town or city with many buildings constructed of concrete or similar materials and which seems unattractive, harsh and unwelcoming)
betonihiekka {n} :: concrete sand (sand used to make concrete)
betonikivi {n} :: concrete stone (assorted stones used for making stones)
betonilaatta {n} :: concrete slab (construction element)
betonilaborantti {n} :: concrete laboratory technician (laboratory technician who works in a concrete laboratory)
betonilähiö {n} :: concrete suburb (suburb in which concrete is the dominating building material)
betonilattia {n} :: concrete floor
betonimassa {n} :: concrete mix (quantity of mixed but unsolidified concrete)
betonimuuri {n} :: concrete wall, concrete barrier (strong concrete wall that separates a land area from another)
betonimylly {n} :: concrete mixer
betoninen {adj} :: Made of concrete
betoninsekoitin {n} :: concrete mixer
betonintärytin {n} :: concrete vibrator (tool used for homogenizing concrete after it is poured)
betonipäällyste {n} :: concrete pavement [US], concrete paving, concrete road surface (the topmost layer of a road made of concrete)
betonipalkki {n} :: concrete beam
betonipilari {n} :: concrete pillar
betonipinta {n} :: concrete surface
betoniporsas {n} :: Jersey barrier (modular concrete or plastic barrier designed to create walls that separate lanes of traffic or to block traffic)
betoniputki {n} :: concrete pipe
betonirakenne {n} :: concrete structure
betonirakennelma {n} :: concrete structure
betonirakennus {n} :: concrete building
betonirakenteinen {adj} :: Built of concrete blocks
betoniramppi {n} :: concrete ramp
betoniraudoittaja {n} :: concrete reinforcement worker
betoniraudoitus {n} :: rebar (for concrete)
betonireikätiili {n} [rare] :: concrete air brick
betonirengas {n} :: concrete ring (construction element)
betonisäiliö {n} :: concrete tank (tank made of concrete)
betoniseinä {n} :: concrete wall
betonisekoitin {n} :: concrete mixer
betoniseos {n} :: concrete mix
betonitalo {n} :: concrete house
betonitärytin {n} :: alternative form of betonintärytin
betonitehdas {n} :: concrete plant
betoniteollisuus {n} :: concrete industry
betoniteräs {n} [construction] :: concrete steel (steel profiles used in concrete construction to strengthen the structure)
betonitiili {n} :: concrete brick (brick that is made of concrete)
betonityö {n} [construction] :: concrete work (all sorts of construction work hat involves handling of concrete)
betonivalli {n} :: synonym of betonimuuri
betonivalu {n} :: concrete shuttering, concrete casting
betoniverkko {n} :: remesh, concrete mesh, concrete reinforcement mesh
betoniviidakko {n} :: concrete jungle
betonoida {v} :: to concrete (cover with concrete)
betonoida {v} [finance] :: to secure the ownership of a company against a real or hypothetical threat of a takeover
betonointi {n} :: concreting
Betšuanamaa {prop} [historical] :: Bechuanaland
betuliini {n} :: betulin
Bézier-käyrä {n} [math, computer graphics] :: Bézier curve
bhodžpuri {n} :: Bhojpuri (lIndo-Aryan anguage originating from northern India and Nepal)
Bhutan {prop} :: Bhutan (country)
bhutanilainen {adj} :: Bhutanese
bhutanilainen {n} :: A Bhutanese person
bi {n} [colloquial] :: bi (bisexual)
biblia {n} :: bible
Biblia {prop} [archaic] :: the Bible
bibliodraama {n} :: Bibliodrama (group method of studying the Bible and one's own personality simultaneously)
bibliofiili {n} :: bibliophile
bibliofilia {n} :: bibliophilia
bibliografi {n} :: bibliographer
bibliografia {n} :: bibliography
bibliografinen {adj} :: bibliographic
bibliolatria {n} [theology] :: bibliolatry (worship of the Bible)
bibliomaani {n} :: bibliomaniac
bibliometria {n} :: bibliometry (quantitative analysis of texts)
bibliometriikka {n} :: bibliometrics (quantitative analysis of texts)
biblioterapia {n} :: synonym of kirjallisuusterapia
bichon frisé {n} :: Bichon Frisé (breed of dog)
bidee {n} :: bidet
biduaali {n} [math] :: bidual
biedermeier {n} :: Biedermeier (artistic styles that flourished in Europe during the first half of 19th century in the fields of literature, music, the visual arts and interior design)
biedermeierkalusto {n} :: A set of Biedermeier furniture
biennaali {n} :: biennial
bietinpystynenäapina {n} :: black snub-nosed monkey, Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti, a.k.a. Pygathrix bieti
bifenyyli {n} [organic compound] :: biphenyl
bifidobakteeri {n} :: bifidobacterium
bifurkaatio {n} :: bifurcation
bigaaminen {adj} :: bigamous
bigamia {n} :: bigamy
Big Mac {n} :: Big Mac
big mäk {n} [slang] :: Big Mac (type of hamburger)
biisi {n} [colloquial] :: song
biisoni {n} :: buffalo, Bison bison
biisonihärkä {n} :: bison bull
biitsi {n} [slang] :: beach
biitti {n} [music, colloquial] :: beat
bijektiivinen {adj} [mathematics] :: bijective
bijektio {n} [set theory] :: bijection
bikarbonaatti {n} [chemistry] :: bicarbonate
bikinialushousut {n} :: bikini panty (bikini-style women's underpants)
bikinihousut {n} :: bikini bottom (bottom half of a bikini swimsuit)
bikinikaunotar {n} :: bikini babe
bikinit {n} :: bikini (swimwear)
bikonditionaali {n} [logic] :: biconditional
bilabiaali {n} [phonetics] :: bilabial
bilabiaalinen {adj} [phonetics] :: bilabial
bilanssi {n} :: balance
bilateraali {adj} :: alternative form of bilateraalinen
bilateraalikauppa {n} :: bilateral trade
bilateraalinen {adj} :: bilateral
bilateraalisesti {adv} :: bilaterally
bilateraalisuus {n} :: bilaterality
bileet {n} [slang, colloquial] :: party
bilhartsia {n} [pathology] :: schistosomiasis, bilharzia (any of various diseases of humans caused by parasitic blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma)
bilhartsiaasi {n} [pathology] :: synonym of bilhartsia
bilhartsioosi {n} [pathology] :: synonym of bilhartsia
bilineaarinen {adj} :: bilinear
bilirubiini {n} [biochemistry] :: bilirubin
bilis {n} [billiards, slang] :: billiards, pool (game)
biliverdiini {n} [biochemistry] :: biliverdin
biljardi {num} :: [short scale, rare] quadrillion (1015)
biljardi {num} :: [long scale, rare] billiard (1015)
biljardi {n} :: billiards (game)
biljardihai {n} :: pool shark
biljardikeppi {n} :: billiard cue
biljardipallo {n} :: billiard ball
biljardipeli {n} :: game of billiards, billiard game
biljardipöytä {n} :: billiard table, pool table
biljardisali {n} :: billiard room, billiard hall
biljonääri {n} :: trillionaire (one whose fortune is valued to more than 1012 monetary units)
biljoona {num} :: A long scale billion, 1012; a short scale trillion
biljoonas {adj} :: trillionth [short scale], billionth [long scale] (1,000,000,000,000th)
bilsa {n} [school slang] :: biology (as a school subject)
biltsi {n} [slang] :: hashish (cannabis extract)
bimediaani {n} [geometry] :: bimedian
bimetallismi {n} :: bimetallism
bi-mies {n} :: A bisexual male
bimodaalinen {adj} :: bimodal
binaari {n} :: alternative form of binääri
binaari {adj} :: alternative form of binääri
binääri {n} :: Short for binääriluku (binary number)
binääri {n} :: Short for binäärijärjestelmä (binary system)
binääri {n} [computer slang] :: A binary (executable computer file)
binääri {adj} :: Form of binäärinen (binary); chiefly used in closed compound terms, see list of compounds under binäärinen
binäärihaku {n} [comptheory] :: binary search
binaarijärjestelmä {n} :: alternative form of binäärijärjestelmä
binäärijärjestelmä {n} :: binary system
binäärikello {n} :: binary clock
binaariluku {n} :: alternative form of binääriluku
binääriluku {n} :: binary number
binaarinen {adj} :: alternative form of binäärinen
binäärinen {adj} :: binary (being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions)
binäärinen {adj} :: binary (consisting of two elements or parts)
binäärinen {adj} [math] :: binary (based on two digits, usually defined as 0 and 1)
binaarinumero {n} :: alternative form of binäärinumero
binäärinumero {n} :: binary digit (either of the characters 0 or 1 used in the binary numeral system)
binäärioperaatio {n} [math] :: binary operation
binaaripuu {n} :: alternative form of binääripuu
binääripuu {n} [computing] :: binary tree
binäärirajapinta {n} [computing] :: application binary interface
bi-nainen {n} :: A bisexual female
bingo {n} :: bingo
bingo {interj} :: bingo
bingopeli {n} :: bingo (game)
bingota {vi} :: To play bingo
binomi {n} [algebra] :: binomial
binomijakauma {n} [probability theory, statistics] :: binomial distribution
binomikerroin {n} :: binomial coefficient
binomilause {n} :: binomial theorem
binturonki {n} :: binturong, bearcat, Arctictis binturong (large civet native to SE Asia)
bio- {prefix} :: bio-
bioaktiivinen {adj} :: bioactive
bioakustiikka {n} [biology] :: bioacoustics
bioakustinen {adj} [biology] :: bioacoustic
bioase {n} :: bioweapon
biodiesel {n} :: biodiesel
biodiversiteetti {n} [biology] :: biodiversity
biodynaaminen {adj} :: biodynamic
biodynaamisesti {adv} :: biodynamically
biodynaamisuus {n} :: The property of being biodynamic
bioeettinen {adj} :: bioethical
bioelektroniikka {n} :: bioelectronics
bioenergetiikka {n} :: bioenergetics
bioenergia {n} :: bioenergy
bioetanoli {n} :: bioethanol
bioetiikka {n} [philosophy] :: bioethics
biofarmasia {n} :: biopharmacology
biofilmi {n} :: biofilm
biofysiikka {n} :: biophysics
biofyysikko {n} :: biophysicist
biogeeninen {adj} :: biogenic
biogeenisuus {n} :: The property of being biogenic
biogeneesi {n} :: biogenesis
biogenetiikka {n} :: biogenetics
biogeografia {n} :: biogeography
biogerontologi {n} :: biogerontologist
biogerontologia {n} :: biogerontology
biografi {n} :: biographer
biografia {n} :: biography
biografinen {adj} :: biographic
biohajoaminen {n} :: biodegradation
biohajoava {adj} :: biodegradable
biohajoavuus {n} [ecology] :: biodegradability
biohakkerointi {n} :: biohacking
bioindikaattori {n} :: bioindicator
bioinformatiikka {n} :: bioinformatics
biojalostamo {n} :: biorefinery
biojäte {n} :: biowaste, biodegradable waste, organic waste
biojäteastia {n} :: biowaste bin
biokaasu {n} :: biogas (combustible gas produced from organic matter)
biokaasulaitos {n} :: biogas plant
biokatalysaattori {n} :: biocatalyst
biokemia {n} :: biochemistry
biokemiallinen {adj} :: biochemical
biokemiallisesti {adv} :: biochemically
biokemisti {n} :: biochemist
biokenoosi {n} :: biocoenosis
bioklimatologia {n} :: bioclimatology
biokompatibiliteetti {n} [medicine] :: biocompatibility
biokronologia {n} :: biochronology
biolääketiede {n} :: biomedicine
biolääketieteellinen {adj} :: biomedicinal
biolasi {n} :: bioglass
biologi {n} :: biologist
biologia {n} :: biology
biologinen {adj} :: biological
biologinen kello {n} :: biological clock
biologinen sodankäynti {n} :: biological warfare
biologisesti {adv} :: biologically
biologismi {n} :: biologism
bioluminesenssi {n} :: bioluminescence
biomagnetismi {n} [biology] :: biomagnetism
biomanipulaatio {n} :: biomanipulation
biomassa {n} :: biomass
biomatematiikka {n} :: biomathematics
biomateriaali {n} :: biomaterial
biomekaaninen {adj} :: biomechanical
biomekaniikka {n} :: biomechanics
biomerkkiaine {n} :: biomarker
biometeorologia {n} [meteorology] :: biometeorology
biometria {n} :: biometrics
biometria {n} :: biometry
biometriikka {n} :: biometrics
biometrinen {adj} :: biometric
biomi {n} :: biome
biomimeettinen {adj} :: biomimetic (of or pertaining to biomimetics)
biomimetiikka {n} :: biomimetics
biomolekyyli {n} [chemistry] :: biomolecule
biomuovi {n} :: bioplastic
bioniikka {n} :: bionics
bioninen {adj} :: bionic
bio-oikeus {n} :: biojuridics
bioottinen {adj} :: biotic
biopankki {n} :: biobank
biopiratismi {n} :: biopiracy
biopolitiikka {n} :: biopolitics
biopolttoaine {n} :: biofuel
biopolymeeri {n} :: biopolymer
biopsia {n} [medicine] :: biopsy
biopsianäyte {n} :: biopsy sample
biopsiatutkimus {n} :: biopsy survey
biopsykologia {n} :: biopsychology
biopuhdistus {n} :: bioremediation
bioreaktori {n} :: bioreactor
bioremediaatio {n} :: bioremediation
bioresurssi {n} [biology] :: bioresource
biorytmi {n} :: biorhythm
biorytmiikka {n} :: biorhythmics (study of biorhythms)
biosähkö {n} :: bioelectricity
biosähköinen {adj} :: bioelectric
biosemiotiikka {n} :: biosemiotics
biosensori {n} :: biosensor
biosfääri {n} :: biosphere
biosfäärialue {n} :: synonym of biosfääri
biosidi {n} :: biocide
biosimilaari {n} :: biosimilar
biostatistiikka {n} :: biostatistics
biostratigrafia {n} [biology, geology] :: biostratigraphy
biosynteesi {n} :: biosynthesis
biotaide {n} [art] :: bioart
biotaisteluaine {n} [military] ::  A material capable of being used as active element in a biological weapon
biotalous {n} :: bioeconomy
biotekniikka {n} :: biotechnology
biotekninen {adj} :: biotechnical
bioteknisesti {adv} :: biotechnically
bioteknologia {n} :: biotechnology
bioteollisuus {n} :: bioindustry
bioterapia {n} :: biotherapy
bioterrorismi {n} :: bioterrorism
biotiede {n} :: bioscience
biotiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: biotin
biotiitti {n} [mineral] :: biotite
biotooppi {n} :: biotope
biotunniste {n} :: biometric identifier, biometric
biotunnistus {n} :: biometric identification
biotuote {n} :: bioproduct
bioturbaatio {n} :: bioturbation
biotyyppi {n} [biology] :: biotype
biovaara {n} :: biohazard
biovalta {n} :: biopower
bioviljelijä {n} :: organic farmer
bioyhteensopiva {adj} [medicine] :: biocompatible
bioyhteensopivuus {n} [medicine] :: biocompatibility
bipolaarinen {adj} :: bipolar
biraminen {adj} :: biramous
birgittalainen {n} :: Bridgettine, Birgittine (member of the Order of the Most Holy Savior, an Augustinian monastic order of nuns, religious sisters and monks founded by Saint Birgitta a.k.a. Saint Bridget of Sweden in 1344, and approved by Pope Urban V in 1370)
birgittalainen {adj} :: Bridgettine, Birgittine (of or pertaining to this order, its teachings or its members)
birgittalaisluostari {n} :: Bridgettine monastery
birgittalaisnunna {n} :: Bridgettine nun
Birobidžan {prop} :: Birobidžan (city)
bisarri {adj} :: bizarre
bisarristi {adv} :: bizarrely
biseksuaali {n} :: a bisexual
biseksuaalinen {adj} :: bisexual
biseksuaalisesti {adv} :: bisexually
biseksuaalisuus {n} :: bisexuality
bisfosfonaatti {n} :: synonym of difosfonaatti
Biskajanlahti {prop} :: The Bay of Biscay
Biškek {prop} :: Biškek (capital)
bismarck {n} [cards] :: A certain card game
bisnes {n} :: business (commercial, industrial, or professional activity)
bisnes {n} :: business (volume or amount of commercial trade)
bisnes {n} :: business (management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management)
bisnes {n} :: business class
bisnesenkeli {n} :: business angel (affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity)
bisnesidea {n} :: business idea (concept which can be used for commercial purposes)
bisnesmaailma {n} :: business world
bisnesmies {n} [colloquial] :: businessman
bisse {n} [colloquial] :: beer
bisse {n} [slang] :: bisexual
bistro {n} :: bistro
bitcoin {n} :: bitcoin
bitonaalinen {adj} :: bitonal
bitter {n} :: bitter (type of beer)
bitti {n} [computing] :: bit
bittikartta {n} [computing] :: bitmap
bittikarttakuva {n} [computing] :: bitmap image
bittimaski {n} [computing] :: bitmask
bittinen {adj} :: consisting of or represented by a certain number of bits
bittinikkari {n} [colloquial] :: programmer (one who writes computer programs)
bittinikkari {n} :: computer geek
bittinopeus {n} [computing] :: bitrate
bittisyvyys {n} [computing] :: bit depth
bittitaso {n} :: bitplane
bittivirta {n} [computing] :: bitstream
bitumi {n} :: bitumen
bitumihuopa {n} :: bitumen felt (construction material consisting of a sheet of bitumen with textile core to give tensile strength, used chiefly for waterproofing and roofing)
bitumikeitin {n} :: bitumen boiler
bitumikermi {n} :: bituminous membrane
bitumilakka {n} :: bitumen varnish
bitumipäällyste {n} :: bitumen coat
bitumipaperi {n} :: tar paper
bitumisora {n} :: tarmac
bitumiteippi {n} :: bitumen tape
bitumoida {vt} :: To apply bitumen on
bjarmi {n} :: Bjarmian (inhabitant of Bjarmaland)
Bjarmien maa {prop} :: Bjarmaland
bkt {n} :: GNP (gross national product)
BKT {n} :: abbreviation of bruttokansantuote, GNP (gross national product)
BKT {n} :: abbreviation of bruttokansantuote, GDP (gross domestic product)
blackjack {n} :: blackjack (card game)
blackjack {n} :: blackjack (hand in that game)
Blagoveštšensk {prop} :: Blagoveštšensk (city)
blainvillenvalas {n} [obsolete] :: Blainville's beaked whale, dense-beaked whale, Mesoplodon densirostris
bläkkäri {n} [slang] :: black metal fan
blandaaminen {n} [slang] :: blending or mixing an alcoholic drink to make it weaker
blandata {vt} [slang] :: To blend or mix with sthg, especially to make an alcoholic beverage weaker
blandaus {n} :: blending, mixing (especially of drinks)
blandinki {n} :: Non-alcoholic beverage in a punch
blandis {n} [slang] :: A mixer (non-alcoholic drink that is added to spirits to make cocktails)
blanfordinkettu {n} :: Blanford's fox, Vulpes cana (small fox found in certain regions of the Middle East)
blanketti {n} :: form (document)
blankoluotto {n} :: blank credit (unsecured loan for an un-predetermined amount; used in trade between parties who trust each other)
blankosiirto {n} [finance] :: blank transfer (transfer of a security to an unnamed person)
blankotunnuste {n} [finance, law] :: blank acceptance (written advance acceptance of a bill of exchange)
blankovekseli {n} [finance, law] :: blank bill of exchange (bill of exchange in which one or more of the statutory elements - amount, date of expiry, name of the payee etc. - are left blank; used as security for a future payment that is not fully defined)
blanseerata {v} [cooking] :: To blanch
blantrata {vt} :: To dilute (liquid)
blasaari {n} [astronomy] :: blazar (very compact quasar associated with a presumed supermassive black hole at the center of an active, giant elliptical galaxy)
blasinhevosenkenkäyökkö {n} :: Blasius's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus blasii (species of bat in the Rhinolophidae family found throughout large parts of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Northern Africa)
blastula {n} [embryology] :: blastula
blefarospasmi {n} [pathology] :: blepharospasm (professional term for spasm of the eyelid)
bleiseri {n} :: blazer
bleiseri {n} :: sport jacket (tailored jacket that is not part of a suit, especially one of sturdy fabric intended for outdoor use)
bling-bling {n} [military slang] :: dog tag
blini {n} :: blini
bliss-kieli {n} :: Blissymbols (constructed language using ideographs)
blogaaminen {n} :: blogging
blogata {v} :: to blog
blogi {n} :: blog (personal or corporate website)
blogipostaus {n} [internet] :: blogpost
blokadi {n} [rare] :: blockade
blokata {vt} [colloquial] :: To block
blokkaus {n} :: blocking
blokki {n} :: bloc
blokki {n} :: block
blokkiintua {vi} :: To form a bloc
blokkiintuminen {n} :: forming a bloc
blokkijärjestelmä {n} :: bloc system (national or international political system in which blocs play an important role)
blokkikauppa {n} [finance] :: block trade (noncompetitive, privately negotiated transaction of securities which is executed apart and away from the open markets)
blokkiraja {n} :: A border between two blocs
blokkiutua {vi} :: To form a bloc
blokkiutuminen {n} :: forming into a bloc or blocs
blondata {v} :: To dye one's hair to blond color
blondi {n} :: blonde
blondiini {n} :: A blonde
blondivitsi {n} :: blonde joke (joke based on a stereotype of dumb blonde women)
blosis {n} [Helsinki slang] :: wind (movement of air)
blues {n} [music] :: blues
blueskappale {n} :: blues piece
blueslaulaja {n} :: blues singer
bluesmusiikki {n} :: blues music
bluetooth {n} [networking] :: Bluetooth (personal area wireless network)
bluffata {vi} [colloquial] :: To bluff
bluffaus {n} :: bluffing
bluffi {n} :: bluff
b-molli {n} [music] :: B-flat minor
boa {n} :: boa (snake)
boakäärme {n} :: boa, boid (any of large, nonvenomous American snakes of the family Boidae)
bobak {n} [obsolete] :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak
bobakki {n} [obsolete] :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak
bodaaja {n} [colloquial] :: bodybuilder
bodari {n} [colloquial] :: bodybuilder
bodata {vti} [colloquial] :: To build body (as in bodybuilding)
bodaus {n} [colloquial] :: bodybuilding
Bodenjärvi {n} [geography] :: Lake Constance
bodi {n} [colloquial] :: body
bodi {n} :: onesie
body {n} :: snapsuit, diaper shirt, onesies (infant bodysuit)
body art {n} :: synonym of vartalotaide
body-art {n} :: alternative spelling of body art
bodybuilding {n} :: bodybuilding
boerboel {n} :: boerboel (large, mastiff dog breed from South Africa)
bofori {n} :: A unit of the Beaufort scale
boforiasteikko {n} [nautical, wind] :: The Beaufort scale
boga {n} :: bogue, Boops boops
bogey {n} [golf] :: bogey
bogi {n} [golf] :: bogey (score of one over par)
boheemi {adj} :: bohemian
boheemi {n} :: a bohemian
boheemielämä {n} :: bohemian life
böhminseepra {n} [zoology] :: Grant's zebra, Equus quagga boehmi, a subspecies of plains zebra, Equus quagga
bohrium {n} :: bohrium
B-oikeudet {n} :: B-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 22 % of alcoholic content by volume)
boikotoida {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To boycott
boikotoiminen {n} :: synonym of boikotointi
boikotointi {n} :: boycotting
boikotti {n} :: boycott
boileri {n} :: boiler
bokombali {n} :: bamboo lemur (any lemur of the genus Prolemur a.k.a. Hapalemur)
bokombali {n} :: lesser bamboo lemur, Hapalemur griseus
boksari {n} :: Boxer (Chinese rebel of the early 1900s)
boksarikapina {n} :: Boxer Rebellion, Boxer Uprising, Yihetuan Movement (uprising against foreign powers in China between 1898 and 1900)
bokseri {n} :: boxer (dog breed)
bokseri {n} :: short for bokserimoottori (type of internal combustion engine)
bokserikapina {n} :: alternative form of boksarikapina
bokserimoottori {n} :: boxer, boxer engine, flat engine (type of internal combustion engine)
bokserit {n} :: boxer briefs, boxer shorts, boxers (type of briefs)
boksi {n} [colloquial] :: box
boksi {n} :: (informal) box set (related recordings placed in a box to be sold as a unit)
boksi {n} :: (informal) studio, room (small apartment or room, often rented for temporary living)
boksiitti {n} :: alternative form of bauksiitti
boksinahka {n} :: box calf (type of calfskin leather)
boldata {v} [slang] :: synonym of lihavoida
bolero {n} :: bolero
bolgaari {n} :: Bulgar (person)
bolgaari {n} :: Bulgar (language)
bolidi {n} [astronomy] :: bolide
Bolivia {prop} :: Bolivia (country)
bolivialainen {adj} :: Bolivian
bolivialainen {n} :: A Bolivian person
bolivianpuumuura {n} :: Bolivian slaty antshrike
boliviantsintsillarotta {n} :: Bolivian chinchilla rat, Abrocoma boliviensis (species of chinchilla rat found only in the rocky areas of cloud forests in Bolivia's interior)
bolivianvyötiäinen {n} :: screaming hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus vellerosus)
bolla {n} [slang] :: head
bolognankastike {n} :: synonym of bolognesekastike
bolognese {n} :: bolognese (sauce and dish)
bolognesekastike {n} :: bolognese, Bolognese sauce
bolometri {n} [physics] :: bolometer
bolsevikki {n} :: alternative spelling of bolševikki
bolševikki {n} :: A Bolshevik
bolsevikkivallankumous {n} :: alternative spelling of bolševikkivallankumous
bolševikkivallankumous {n} :: Bolshevik Revolution, October Revolution, Great October Socialist Revolution (seizure of state power by the communists in Russia in 25 October 1917 by the Julian calendar, which corresponds 7 November in the Gregorian calendar)
bolsevismi {n} :: alternative spelling of bolševismi
bolševismi {n} :: Bolshevism
bolsevistinen {adj} :: alternative spelling of bolševistinen
bolševistinen {adj} :: Bolshevist, pertaining to Bolshevism
bombykoli {n} :: bombykol
bonapartismi {n} :: Bonapartism
bonde {n} [slang] :: countryside
bönde {n} [slang] :: synonym of maalainen (peasant)
bönde {n} [slang, singular only] :: synonym of maaseutu (countryside)
bongaaja {n} :: synonym of bongari
bongaaminen {n} [colloquial] :: spotting
bongailla {v} [slang] :: To spot [to see, find; to pick out, notice, locate or identify]
bongailla {v} :: To twitch [to spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one]
bongari {n} [slang] :: twitcher (birdwatcher)
bongari {n} [by extension] :: someone who spots for hobby or pastime (birds, airplane types, beautiful chicks etc.)
bongata {v} [slang] :: To spot (to see, find; to pick out, notice, locate or identify)
bongata {v} :: To twitch (to spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one)
bongaus {n} :: twitch, twitching (act or action of bird spotting)
bongo {n} :: bongo, Tragelaphus eurycerus (syn. Taurotragus euryceros)
bongo {n} [musical instruments] :: bongo
bongorumpu {n} :: bongo drum
boniitti {n} :: skipjack tuna, aku, arctic bonito, mushmouth, oceanic bonito, striped tuna, victor fish, Katsuwonus pelamis (medium-sized perciform fish related to tuna, and an important catch for fisheries)
boniitti {n} :: skipjack (fish of the genus Euthynnus, also related to tuna)
boniteetti {n} [forestry] :: A measure of the abilty of a piece of land to produce wood, expressed e.g. as medium length of trees in a certain age
bonjata {vt} [Helsinki slang] :: To understand
bonobo {n} :: bonobo (Pan paniscus)
bonus {n} :: A bonus (something extra)
bonus {n} :: A bonus (extra payment to an employee)
böö {interj} :: boo! (exclamation intended to scare someone)
booli {n} :: punch (beverage)
boolimalja {n} :: punch bowl, punchbowl (bowl used for making or serving punch)
boomi {n} :: A boom (a period of prosperity)
Böömi {prop} :: Bohemia
böömiläinen {adj} :: Bohemian
böömiläinen {n} :: A Bohemian person
bööna {n} [dialectal] :: bean, especially a coffee bean
bööna {n} [slang] :: woman, girl
booraksi {n} [chemistry] :: borax
boordi {n} :: A border (decorative strip around the edge of something)
boordinauha {n} :: border (decorative strip of wallpaper, e.g. one separating a papered wall from a painted ceiling)
boori {n} :: boron
boorihappo {n} [chemistry] :: boric acid
booriryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: boron group
boorisalva {n} [medicine] :: boric acid ointment, boracic ointment; used as antiseptic substance
booriteräs {n} :: boron steel
booritribromidi {n} [chemistry] :: boron tribromide
booritrifluoridi {n} [inorganic compound] :: boron trifluoride
boorivesi {n} [medicine] :: A dilute solution of boric acid, used e.g. as eyewash due to its antiseptic properties
boosteri {n} :: booster
bootata {vt} [computing, slang] :: to boot, reboot, boot up
bootsi {n} [colloquial] :: A boot (shoe)
boraani {n} [chemistry] :: borane
boraatti {n} [chemistry] :: borate
bordeaux {n} :: Bordeaux (wine)
Bordeaux {prop} :: Bordeaux (capital city)
bordeauxindoggi {n} :: Dogue de Bordeaux, French mastiff (French breed of dog)
bordeaux'ndoggi {n} :: alternative form of bordeauxindoggi
bordeauxviini {n} :: Bordeaux (wine)
bordelli {n} :: A bordello, brothel
bordercollie {n} :: border collie
borderterrieri {n} :: Border terrier, Border Terrier (breed of dog)
bordunapilli {n} [music] :: drone, bourdon (fixed-pitch pipe on a bagpipe)
bordyyri {n} :: (architecture) border
bordyyri {n} :: edging
bordyyri {n} :: curb
boreaalinen {adj} :: boreal
boridi {n} [chemistry] :: boride
Borneo {prop} :: Borneo
borneolainen {n} :: Bornean (person)
borneolainen {adj} :: Bornean (of or pertaining to Borneo)
borneoli {n} [biochemistry] :: borneol
borneongibboni {n} :: Müller's Bornean gibbon, grey gibbon, Borneo gibbon, Hylobates muelleri
borneonkissa {n} :: Bornean cat, Bornean bay cat, Bornean marbled cat, Borneo gibbon, Pardofelis badia
borneonmustapäästäinen {n} :: black shrew, Suncus ater
borneonoranki {n} :: Bornean orangutan, orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus
borneonorava {n} :: gray-bellied squirrel, Callosciurus caniceps
borneonpiikkisika {n} :: thick-spined porcupine, Hystrix crassispinis
borneonvuoriorava {n} :: Bornean mountain ground squirrel, Dremomys everetti
borniitti {n} [mineral] :: bornite
boronihappo {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: boronic acid
borosilikaattilasi {n} :: borosilicate glass
borrelioosi {n} [medicine] :: Lyme disease, Lyme neuroborreliosis
borrellioosi {n} :: alternative spelling of borrelioosi
borš-keitto {n} :: borscht (soup)
borssi {n} :: borscht (soup)
borssikeitto {n} :: borscht (soup)
borštš {n} :: alternative form of borssi
bosa {n} [Helsinki slang, usually in the plural] :: female breast
Bosen–Einsteinin kondensaatti {n} [physics] :: Bose-Einstein condensate
bosnia {n} :: Bosnian (the language)
bosniahertsegovinalainen {adj} :: Bosnian and Herzegovinian
bosniahertsegovinalainen {n} :: A Bosnian or Herzegovinian person
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina {prop} :: Bosnia ja Hertsegovina (country)
bosniakki {n} :: Bosniak
bosnialainen {adj} :: Bosnian
bosnialainen {n} :: Bosnian, Bosniak (person)
bosnialaisuus {n} :: Bosnianness (state or quality of being Bosnian)
bosniankielinen {adj} :: Expressed in Bosnian language
bosniankielinen {adj} :: Speaking Bosnian
bosnianmänty {n} :: Bosnian pine, Pinus heldreichii, syn. Pinus leucodermis
bosniantaa {v} :: To translate into Bosnian
bosoni {n} [particle] :: boson
Bosporinsalmi {prop} :: Bosphorus (strait)
Boston {prop} :: Boston (caplc)
bostoninterrieri {n} :: Boston terrier (breed of dog)
bostonkakku {n} :: A type of cake popular in Finland and Scandinavia, made by fusing about 6…10 unbaked cinnamon rolls into cake form and baking them together, often with some icing on top
botaanikko {n} :: botanist
botaaninen {adj} :: botanic
botaanisesti {adv} :: botanically
botaniikka {n} :: botany
botanisti {n} :: botanist
botox {n} :: Botox
botski {n} [slang] :: boat, ship
Botswana {prop} :: Botswana (country)
botswanalainen {adj} :: Botswanan
botswanalainen {n} :: Botswanan
Bottas {prop} :: surname
botti {n} [computing, video games] :: bot
bottiverkko {n} [computer security] :: botnet
botuliini {n} :: botulin
botulismi {n} [pathology] :: botulism
bougainvillea {n} :: bougainvillea
bounssata {v} [slang] :: to bounce (slang: to leave)
bourbonnaisinseisoja {n} :: Braque du Bourbonnais (breed of gundog)
bourbonnais’nseisoja {n} :: alternative spelling of bourbonnaisinseisoja
bourbonviski {n} :: bourbon whiskey
bourette {n} :: bourrette; silk waste (waste fiber created during processing of silk to fine yarn; used in the production of lower quality silk fabrics)
bourgogneviini {n} :: Burgundy (wine)
Bouvet’nsaari {prop} :: Bouvet Island
bowdlerismi {n} :: bowdlerism, expurgation (type of censorship in which an artistic piece of work is "cleaned" of everything considered improper)
bowdlerisoida {v} :: to bowdlerise, expurgate (to remove or alter those parts of a text considered offensive, vulgar, or otherwise unseemly)
bowdlerisointi {n} :: bowdlerisation
Bowmanin kotelo {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of keräsenkotelo
boyfriend {n} [rare] :: boyfriend
boysenmarja {n} :: boysenberry
B-pilari {n} [automotive] :: B-pillar
braani {n} [physics] :: brane
braatvursti {n} :: bratwurst
bradykardia {n} [pathology] :: bradycardia (condition of having a slow heartbeat)
brahma {n} :: Brahman (concept of Hinduism)
brahmaani {n} :: brahman, brahmin (member of the first of the four castes of Hinduism)
brahmalainen {adj} :: brahmin, brahminic (of or relating to the caste of brahmins)
brahmalaisuus {n} :: Brahmanism, Brahminism
brahmanismi {n} :: Brahmanism
brakistokroni {n} :: brachistochrone
brallobarbitaali {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: brallobarbital
bramaani {n} :: alternative spelling of brahmaani
bramiini {n} :: alternative form of brahmaani
bramiinihaukka {n} :: brahminy kite; red-backed sea-eagle [Australia], Haliastur indus (large kite found in Indian subcontinent, SE Asia and Australia)
bramiinihaukka {n} [in plural, taxonomy] :: The genus Haliastur
brändätä {vt} [marketing] :: to brand
brandi {n} [marketing] :: A brand (intangible sum of a product's atrributes)
brändi {n} :: A brand (intangible sum of a product's attributes)
Brändö {prop} :: Brändö (municipality)
brandtinmyyrä {n} :: Brandt's vole, Lasiopodomys brandtii
brandtinviiksisiippa {n} [obsolete] :: Brandt's bat, Myotis brandtii
brandy {n} :: brandy [distilled spirit made of grapes]
bränikkä {adj} [slang] :: brand new
Brasilia {prop} :: Brasilia (country)
brasilialainen {adj} :: Brazilian, related to Brazil
brasilialainen {n} :: Brazilian person
brasilianisokorvalepakko {n} :: strange big-eared brown bat, Histiotus alienus
brasiliankärppä {n} :: tropical weasel, Mustela africana
brasiliankastanja {n} :: brazil nut
brasiliankorvalepakko {n} :: strange big-eared brown bat, Histiotus alienus
brasiliannokkakala {n} :: ballyhoo, bally, Hemiramphus brasiliensis (baitfish of the halfbeak family Hemiramphidae)
brasilianpähkinä {n} :: brazil nut
brasilianpallovyötiäinen {n} :: Brazilian three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus)
brasilianpiikkirotta {n} :: Ruschi's rat, Abrawayaomys ruschii
brasilianpitkäkuonovyötiäinen {n} :: synonym of seitsenvyövyötiäinen
brasilianportugali {n} :: Brazilian Portuguese
brasilianpuuhiiri {n} :: Brazilian arboreal mouse, Rhagomys rufescens
brasilianpuumuura {n} :: rufous-winged antshrike
brasilianpuupiikkisika {n} :: Paraguay hairy dwarf porcupine, Sphiggurus spinosus
brasiliansuomalainen {n} :: Brazilian Finn (Brazilian of Finnish descent)
brasilianterrieri {n} :: Brazilian terrier (breed of dog)
brasilianvaeltajahämähäkki {n} :: Brazilian wandering spider (spider of the genus Phoneutria, which includes world's most venomous spiders)
brasilpuu {n} :: brazilwood, Caesalpinia echinata (Brazilian timber tree with dense, orange-red heartwood that takes a high shine)
brasilpuu {n} :: brazilwood (wood from this tree)
brassailija {n} [slang] :: bragger, boaster, show-off
brassailla {v} [colloquial] :: to show off (to exhibit or demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging)
brassailu {n} :: showing off (act)
brasserie {n} :: brasserie
brassi {n} [colloquial] :: A Brazilian person
brassi {n} [nautical] :: brace
bravuuri {n} :: bravura
bravuurinumero {n} [music] :: bravura number
brazzanmarakatti {n} :: de Brazza's monkey, Cercopithecus neglectus
Brazzavillen Kongo {prop} :: The Congo-Brazzaville, the Republic of the Congo
break-tanssi {n} :: breakdancing
breikata {vi} :: to breakdance
breikata {v} [billiards, slang] :: to break (to make the first shot)
breikata {v} [colloquial] :: to break even
breikkaus {n} :: breakdancing
breikkaus {n} :: breakthrough
breikki {n} [slang] :: break, pause
breikkitanssi {n} :: breakdancing (urban style of acrobatic street dance that was part of the hip hop culture of New York City in the late 20th century)
breksia {n} [rock] :: breccia
brenkku {n} [slang] :: Booze
breseerata {v} [cooking] :: To braise (to cook in a small amount of liquid, in a covered pan)
bretagnelainen {adj} :: Breton (of or pertaining to Brittany)
bretagnelainen {n} :: Breton (person)
bretoni {n} :: The Breton language
bretoni {n} :: Brittany, a French breed of dog
bretonilainen {adj} :: synonym of bretagnelainen
breviaario {n} :: breviary
brewsteriitti {n} [mineral] :: brewsterite
brežneviläinen {adj} :: Brezhnevian
brežneviläinen {n} :: Brezhnevite
brežneviläisesti {adv} :: In a Brezhnevian manner
brežneviläisyys {n} :: Brezhnevism, Brezhnev Doctrine
Brežnevin oppi {n} [politics] :: Brezhnev Doctrine
bridge {n} [card games] :: bridge
brie {n} :: brie
brieannos {n} :: serving of brie
briejuusto {n} :: brie (type of soft cheese of French origin, covered with white mold)
brienjuusto {n} :: alternative form of briejuusto
briepala {n} :: piece of brie
brigadööri {n} [Salvation Army] :: brigadier
brigadööri {n} [historical, military rank] :: brigadier
brigantiini {n} [nautical] :: brigantine
briiffata {vt} [+ partitive, slang] :: To brief (someone) about something
briiffaus {n} [colloquial] :: briefing (all senses)
briketti {n} :: briquet
briljantti {adj} :: brilliant
briljantti {n} :: brilliant (finely cut gemstone)
briljanttihiottu {adj} [gemmology] :: brilliant cut (of gems, cut to the form of brilliant)
briljanttinen {adj} :: brilliant (made of brilliant)
briljanttisormus {n} :: brilliant ring
briljeerata {v} :: To show off (to demonstrate one's skill, talent, etc. for its own sake)
briljeeraus {n} :: showing off (act of displaying one's brilliantness)
briossi {n} :: brioche (not croissant)
Britannia {prop} [ambiguously] :: United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain (used to refer to the state of United Kingdom or its largest island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales)
Britannia {prop} :: Britain (Roman province)
Britannia {prop} :: Britannia (female personification of Britain)
britannialainen {adj} :: synonym of brittiläinen
britannianenglanti {n} :: British English (language)
britannium {n} [metallurgy] :: Britannia metal
Britteinsaaret {prop} :: The British Isles
britti- {prefix} :: British
britti {n} :: Briton (inhabitant of Great Britain)
britti {n} :: Briton (citizen of the United Kingdom)
britti {n} [historical] :: Briton (Celtic inhabitant of southern Britain at the time of the Roman conquest)
brittienglanti {n} [colloquial] :: British English
brittiläinen {n} :: British (person)
brittiläinen {n} :: short for brittiläinen lyhytkarva (British Shorthair, a breed of cat)
brittiläinen {adj} :: British
Brittiläinen Guayana {prop} [historical] :: British Guiana (colonial era name of current Guyana)
Brittiläinen imperiumi {prop} [historical] :: British Empire
Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue {prop} :: British Indian Ocean Territory
Brittiläinen kansainyhteisö {prop} :: British Commonwealth
Brittiläinen Kolumbia {prop} :: Brittiläinen Kolumbia (province)
brittiläinen lyhytkarva {n} :: British Shorthair (breed of cat)
brittiläisempi {adj} :: comparative of brittiläinen
Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret {prop} :: British Virgin Islands
brittiläisin {adj} :: superlative of brittiläinen
brittiläisyys {n} :: Britishness
brittipop {n} [music] :: Britpop
Brjansk {prop} :: Brjansk (city)
broachata {v} :: alternative spelling of broutsata
brodeerata {v} :: To embroider
brodeeraus {n} :: embroidery
brodyyri {n} :: embroidery
brodyyrikangas {n} :: embroidery
brodyyrinauha {n} :: embroidery ribbon
broholminkoira {n} :: Broholmer
broidi {n} [slang] :: brother
broileri {n} :: broiler (chicken suitable for broiling)
broileri {n} :: chicken grown for food, rather than production of eggs
broileri {n} :: chicken (meat of such bird as food)
broilerileike {n} :: chicken escalope
broilerimauste {n} :: chicken seasoning, broiler seasoning (mix of spices)
broilerinkoipi {n} :: chicken leg
broilerinliha {n} :: chicken meat
broilerinuija {n} :: chicken drumstick
broileripaistos {n} :: baked chicken, chicken casserole (chicken baked and served with something else, see paistos)
broileripata {n} :: chicken stew
broileripoliitikko {n} [pejorative] :: A politician, especially a young one, who has done his/her whole career in politics, and is thus regarded as not having experience of the "real" life
broileripyörykkä {n} :: chicken ball
broilerisalaatti {n} :: chicken salad
broileriwokki {n} :: chicken wok
broilerpoliitikko {n} :: alternative form of broileripoliitikko
brokadi {n} [textiles] :: brocade
brokkoli {n} :: broccoli
bromaatti {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: bromate
bromelaiini {n} [chemistry] :: bromelain
bromi {n} :: bromine
bromidi {n} :: bromide
bromifenolisininen {n} [chemistry] :: bromophenol blue
bromikloorimetaani {n} [chemistry] :: bromochloromethane
bromikresolivihreä {n} [chemistry] :: bromocresol green (pigment)
bromikresolivioletti {n} [chemistry] :: bromocresol purple
bromitymolisininen {n} [chemistry] :: bromothymol blue
bromoformi {n} [chemistry] :: bromoform
bronkiektasiatauti {n} :: synonym of keuhkoputkenlaajentuma
bronkiitti {n} [disease] :: bronchitis
bronkioli {n} [anatomy] :: bronchiole
bronkopulmonaalinen {adj} :: bronchopulmonary
bronkoskopia {n} [medicine] :: bronchoscopy (technique for viewing the bronchi using a flexible instrument called a bronchoscope)
brontosaurus {n} :: brontosaur
Bronx {prop} :: Bronx (borough)
brosyyri {n} :: brochure
broutsata {v} [nautical] :: to broach to (to incline suddenly to windward)
broutsata {v} [nautical] :: to broach (of a boat, to be turned sideways to oncoming waves, especially large or breaking waves)
broutsi {n} [nautical] :: broaching (act)
brovninki {n} :: Browning (semi-automatic handgun)
Brownin liike {n} :: Brownian motion
bruksismi {n} :: bruxism (habit or practice of grinding of the teeth)
brunch {n} [rare] :: brunch
Brunei {prop} :: Brunei
bruneilainen {adj} :: Bruneian
bruneilainen {n} :: Bruneian
brunetti {n} :: brunette
brunssi {n} :: brunch
bruselloosi {n} [disease] :: brucellosis
brutaali {adj} :: brutal
brutaalinen {adj} :: alternative form of brutaali
brutaalisti {adv} :: brutally
brutaalius {n} :: brutality
brutalismi {n} [architecture] :: Brutalism
brutto {n} :: gross (total nominal earnings or amount, before taxes, expenses, exceptions or similar are deducted)
bruttoansio {n} :: gross earnings
bruttoarvo {n} :: gross value
bruttohinta {n} :: gross price (price before any discounts)
bruttokaava {n} :: synonym of suhdekaava
bruttokansantuote {n} :: gross domestic product
bruttokansantuote {n} :: gross national product
bruttokasvu {n} :: gross growth
bruttomäärä {n} :: gross amount
bruttomeno {n} :: gross expense
bruttomyynti {n} :: gross sales
bruttopaino {n} :: gross weight (total weight of a product and its package)
bruttopalkka {n} :: gross income
bruttorekisteri {n} [nautical, obsolete] :: Short for bruttorekisteritonni (gross register ton)
bruttorekisteritonni {n} [nautical, obsolete] :: gross register ton
bruttosumma {n} :: gross total
bruttotulo {n} [economics] :: gross income
bruttotuotanto {n} [ecology] :: gross production
bruttoveroaste {n} :: gross tax rate
bruttovetoisuus {n} :: gross tonnage
bruukata {v} [colloquial] :: Alternative spelling of pruukata
brydenvalas {n} :: Bryde's whale, Balaenoptera brydei, a species of rorqual
bryka {n} [nautical, slang] :: synonym of komentosilta
bryologi {n} :: bryologist
bryologia {n} [botany] :: bryology
bryssä {n} [humorous, neologism] :: citizen of the EU, especially one who works in the bureaucracy of the union; when capitalized, the EU
Bryssel {prop} :: Bryssel (capital city)
Brysseli {prop} :: A deprecated version of the name Bryssel
brysseliläinen {adj} :: Brusselian
brysseliläinen {n} :: Brusselian
brysselinkaali {n} :: Brussels sprout
buddha {n} :: buddha (enlightened human)
Buddha {prop} :: Buddha
buddhalainen {adj} :: Buddhist
buddhalainen {n} :: A Buddhist, follower of Buddhism
buddhalaisluostari {n} :: Buddhist monastery
buddhalaismunkki {n} :: Buddhist monk
buddhalaisuus {n} :: Buddhism
buddhankuva {n} :: buddha, image of Buddha
buddhismi {n} :: Buddhism
budi {n} [slang] :: bud (potent cannabis)
budjata {v} [slang] :: To live, reside
budjetoida {v} :: to budget
budjetoiminen {n} :: budgeting
budjetointi {n} :: budgeting
budjetti {n} :: budget (itemized summary of intended expenditure revenue)
budjetti {n} :: purse, budget (money allocated for particular purpose)
budjettialijäämä {n} :: budget deficit
budjettiesitys {n} :: budget proposal (budget that has not yet been formally approved by the relevant decision-making body)
budjettikehys {n} :: budget framework, budgetary framework
budjettikeskustelu {n} :: budgetary debate, budgetary discussion
budjettiliite {n} :: budget annex
budjettineuvos {n} :: a job title for a person working in the budget department of the Ministry of Finance (Finland)
budjettineuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to above
budjettineuvottelu {n} :: budget negotiation
budjettiongelma {n} :: budgetary problem
budjettipäällikkö {n} :: budget manager
budjettipolitiikka {n} :: budgetary policy
budjettiraami {n} :: synonym of budjettikehys
budjettiriihi {n} :: A workshop to finalize a budget; used especially of an annual few days' workshop in which the state budget is balanced
budjettivaje {n} :: budget deficit
budjettiviranomainen {n} :: budget authority
budjettivuosi {n} :: fiscal year
budolaji {n} :: budo style (any of the numerous styles of budo or Japanese martial arts, such as karate, jujutsu, judo)
bufetti {n} :: buffet
bufettipöytä {n} :: alternative form of buffettipöytä
bufettitarjoilu {n} :: alternative form of buffettarjoilu
buffet {n} :: buffet
buffettarjoilu {n} :: buffet service
buffetti {n} :: buffet
buffettipöytä {n} :: buffet (table from which food and drinks are served on self-service basis)
buffettipöytä {n} :: buffet (food laid out in this way)
bufoteniini {n} [chemistry] :: bufotenine
bugi {n} [computing, slang] :: bug
buhund {n} :: Norwegian buhund (Norwegian breed of dog of spitz type)
Bukarest {prop} :: Bukarest (capital city)
bukee {n} :: bouquet (scent of wine)
Bukefalos {prop} :: Bucephalus (Alexander the Great's warhorse)
bukinisti {n} :: antique bookseller (seller of old and used books and magazines)
bukkaalinen {adj} [dentistry] :: buccal (on the side facing the cheek)
bukkaalinen {adj} [medicine] :: buccal (of a drug, administered by dissolving in the mouth)
bukkaneeri {n} :: buccaneer
buklee {n} :: boucle
bukleelanka {n} :: boucle (yarn with multiple plies, one of which is looser than the others, producing loops and curls)
bulbouretraalirauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: bulbourethral gland
bulbuli {n} :: bulbul (any of several passerine songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae)
buldogi {n} :: alternative form of bulldoggi
bulevardi {n} :: boulevard
bulevardilehdistö {n} :: yellow press
bulevardilehti {n} :: yellow press newspaper
bulevardisportti {n} :: sports coupe, coupe, sport compact, hot hatch (loosely defined class of cars which are not true sports cars but feature sporty looks and higher than average performance combined with passenger comfort)
bulgaari {n} :: A Bulgarian
bulgaria {n} :: The Bulgarian language
Bulgaria {prop} :: Bulgaria (country)
bulgarialainen {adj} :: Bulgarian (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language)
bulgarialainen {n} :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Bulgaria
bulgarialais- {prefix} :: Form of bulgarialainen (Bulgarian) as used as modifier in compound terms
bulgarialaisuus {n} :: Bulgarianness (state or quality of being Bulgarian)
bulgarianajokoira {n} :: Bulgarian Hound (breed of dog)
bulgariankielinen {adj} :: Expressed in Bulgarian language
bulgariankielinen {adj} :: Speaking Bulgarian
bulgariantaa {v} :: to translate into Bulgarian
Bulgarian tasavalta {prop} :: the Republic of Bulgaria
bulgur {n} :: bulgur
bulgurvehnä {n} :: bulgur, bulgur wheat (wheat grains that have been steamed, dried and crushed; a staple of Middle Eastern cooking)
buliimikko {n} :: A bulimic
bulimia {n} [pathology] :: bulimia
bulimikko {n} :: bulimic
bulkki {n} [uncountable] :: bulk (unpackaged goods)
bulkki {n} [countable] :: bulk (volume of paper, yarn etc. in relation to its weight, often expressed in cm3/g)
bulkkitavara {n} :: bulk (unpackaged goods)
bulkkituote {n} :: bulk product
bulkogi {n} :: bulgogi (Korean dish of sliced beef)
bulla {n} :: bull (papal bull)
bulldoggi {n} :: bulldog
bullerintaskurotta {n} :: Buller’s pocket gopher, Pappogeomys bulleri
bulletiini {n} :: bulletin
bulletlaina {n} [finance] :: bullet loan (loan where the payment of the entire principal of the loan is due at the end of the loan term)
bullmastiffi {n} :: bullmastiff (breed of dog)
bullterrieri {n} :: bull terrier
bulvaani {n} :: (metaphorically) front, front organization, straw man, paper man, dummy (public face of covert organisation)
bulvaani {n} :: (hunting) decoy
bulvaaniyhtiö {n} :: dummy company (entity created to serve as a front or cover for one or more companies)
bumaga {n} [slang] :: A document
bumerangi {n} :: A boomerang
bumerangi {n} :: A bullet (rejection letter)
bummalo {n} :: bummalo
bunderi {n} [rare] :: A rhesus macaque
bungalow {n} :: bungalow (one-story house in India surrounded by a verandah)
bungata {vi} [Helsinki slang] :: To cost
bunio {n} :: alternative form of bunion
bunkata {v} [Helsinki slang] :: to bunk, live, stay
bunkkeri {n} [military] :: bunker (hardened shelter, often buried partly or fully underground, designed to protect the inhabitants from falling bombs or other attacks)
bunkkeri {n} [nautical] :: bunker (container for storing coal or fuel oil for a ship's engine)
bunkkeri {n} [golf] :: bunker (sand-filled hollow on a golf course)
bunkkeri {n} :: blockhouse (reinforced building from which to control hazardous operations)
bunkkerimainen {adj} :: bunkerlike (resembling a military bunker)
bunkrata {v} [nautical] :: to bunker (to load a vessel with oil or coal for the engine)
bunsenlamppu {n} :: Bunsen burner (small laboratory gas burner whose flame shape may be controlled with an adjustable air supply hole)
bunsenpoltin {n} :: Bunsen burner (small laboratory gas burner whose flame shape may be controlled with an adjustable air supply hole)
bunyorokaniini {n} :: Bunyoro rabbit, Poelagus marjorita
buprenorfiini {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: buprenorphine
burgeri {n} [colloquial] :: burger, hamburger
burgundi {n} :: Burgundian (person)
burgundi {n} [uncountable] :: Burgundian (language)
Burgundi {prop} :: Burgundy
Burgundi {prop} :: Bourgogne
burgundinpata {n} :: beef bourguignon
burgundinviini {n} :: Burgundy (type of red wine from the Burgundy region)
burjaatinkielinen {adj} :: Expressed in Buryat language
burjaatinkielinen {adj} :: Speaking Buryat
burjaatti {n} :: A Buryat (person)
burjaatti {n} :: Buryat (language)
burjaattikoira {n} :: Bankhar (Mongolian working dog breed)
Burjatia {prop} :: Buryatia (Buryatia, Russia)
burka {n} :: burka (female garment)
Burkina Faso {prop} :: Burkina Faso (country)
burkinafasolainen {n} :: Burkinabe (person from Burkina Faso)
burkinalainen {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to Burkina Faso or the Burkinabe people
burkinalainen {n} :: Burkinabe
burkini {n} :: A burqini
burlakki {n} [historical] :: burlak, in old Russia, a man employed in dragging ships upstream
burleski {n} :: burlesque
burma {n} :: Burmese (language)
Burma {prop} :: Burma (Myanmar)
burmalainen {adj} :: Burmese
burmalainen {n} :: A Burmese person
burmanjänis {n} :: Burmese hare, Lepus peguensis
burmankissa {n} :: Burmese (breed of cat)
burmanlyhythäntäpäästäinen {n} :: Ward's short-tailed shrew, Burmese short-tailed shrew, Blarinella wardi
burnout {n} [psychology] :: burnout
burrito {n} :: burrito
bursiitti {n} [pathology] :: bursitis
Burundi {prop} :: Burundi
burundilainen {adj} :: Burundian
burundilainen {n} :: Burundian
bushel {n} :: alternative form of busheli
busheli {n} :: bushel (imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume)
bushismi {n} :: Bushism (political ideology associated with George W. Bush)
bushmanni {n} :: alternative spelling of bušmanni
bushmannijänis {n} :: riverine rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis)
business {n} :: alternative spelling of bisnes
businessluokka {n} :: business class
busmanni {n} :: alternative spelling of bušmanni
bušmanni {n} :: A bushman
bussi {n} [colloquial] :: bus
bussikaista {n} :: bus lane
bussikatos {n} :: bus shelter
bussikuljetus {n} :: bus transportation
bussikuski {n} [colloquial] :: bus driver
bussilasti {n} :: busful (amount sufficient to fill a bus)
bussiliikenne {n} :: bus traffic
bussilinja {n} :: bus line
bussilippu {n} :: bus ticket
bussillinen {n} :: busload (amount that can fit in a bus)
bussimaksu {n} :: bus fare
bussimatka {n} :: bus trip
bussinkuljettaja {n} [colloquial] :: A bus driver
bussionnettomuus {n} [colloquial] :: bus accident
bussipysäkki {n} :: bus stop
bussiturma {n} [colloquial] :: bus accident
bussiyhteys {n} :: bus connection
bussoli {n} :: hand compass
busuki {n} [musical instruments] :: bouzouki
butaani {n} [organic compound] :: butane
butaanihappo {n} [chemistry] :: butyric acid
butadieeni {n} [chemistry] :: butadiene
butalbitaali {n} [chemistry] :: butalbital
butanaali {n} [chemistry] :: butyraldehyde
butanoli {n} :: butanol
buteeni {n} [chemistry] :: butene
butyloitu hydroksianisoli {n} :: butylated hydroxyanisole
butyraatti {n} [chemistry] :: butyrate
butyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: butyl (hydrocarbon radical)
butyylihydroksianisoli {n} [organic chemistry] :: butylated hydroxyanisole
butyylihydroksitolueeni {n} [organic chemistry] :: butylated hydroxytoluene
butyyni {n} [organic compound] :: butyne
buu {interj} :: boo! (disapproval in audience)
buuata {vi} :: To boo
buuaus {n} :: A booing, boo (derisive shout)
buugi {n} [nautical] :: board, tack (distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward)
buukata {v} [colloquial] :: To book, to reserve (to reserve something for future use)
buukkaus {n} :: booking
buulaagi {n} :: alternative form of buulaaki
buulaaki {n} [colloquial] :: company, firm
buumi {n} :: An economical boom
buunata {v} [slang] :: to polish
buuri {n} :: A Boer
buurisota {n} :: Either of the two fi fought in South Africa in 1880–1881 and 1899–1902
buutata {vt} [computing, slang] :: to boot, reboot
buutsi {n} [slang] :: boot (shoe)
buzuki {n} [musical instruments] :: bouzouki
B-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin B
B-vitamiiniryhmä {n} :: vitamin B complex
bygga {n} [slang] :: construction site
bylsiä {vt} [vulgar, slang + partitive] :: To fuck, screw
byrnesinpussihiiri {n} :: kowari, Dasyuroides byrnei (small carnivorous rat-like marsupial endemic to the dry grasslands and deserts of central Australia)
byrokraatisto {n} [rare, derogatory] :: bureaucrats; bureaucracy (bureaucrats collectively; bureaucrats understood as a class comparable to nobility, bourgeoisie etc.)
byrokraatti {n} :: bureaucrat
byrokraattinen {adj} :: bureaucratic
byrokraattisesti {adv} :: bureaucratically
byrokraattistaa {v} [rare] :: synonym of byrokratisoida
byrokraattistua {vi} :: to become bureaucratic
byrokraattistuminen {n} :: bureaucratization (becoming more like a bureaucracy)
byrokraattisuus {n} :: The property of being bureaucratic
byrokratia {n} :: bureaucracy
byrokratisoida {v} :: to bureaucratize
byrokratisointi {n} :: bureaucratization
byrokratisoitua {vi} :: To become bureaucratic
byrokratisoituminen {n} :: bureaucratization
Bysantin valtakunta {prop} [historical] :: Byzantine Empire
Bysantti {prop} :: Byzantium (city)
Bysantti {prop} :: Byzantium, Byzantine Empire (empire)
bysanttilainen {adj} :: Byzantine
bysanttilainen {n} :: A Byzantine person
bysanttilaisuus {n} :: The state of being Byzantine
byssa {n} [slang, nautical] :: galley, caboose (ship kitchen)
byte {n} [slang, rare] :: byte