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User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-i

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
с- {prefix} :: Prepended to verbs, usually forming a perfective from an imperfective verb
с. {noun} :: abbreviation of село
с. {noun} :: abbreviation of страна
с. {noun} :: abbreviation of средњи род
с {letter} :: The 21st letter of the Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet, preceded by р and followed by т
с {prep} :: [with instrumental] with, together with, along with
с {prep} :: [with instrumental] miscellaneous prepositional senses in various phrases
с {prep} :: [with genitive] from, off
с {prep} :: [with genitive] because of (= из, због)
с {m} [grammar] :: neuter gender (средњи род)
С {letter} :: The twenty-first letter of the Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet. It is preceded by the letter Р (R) and is followed by the letter Т (T)
са {prep} :: alternative form of с
сабат {m} :: Sabbath
сабах {m} [regional] :: morning
Сабах {prop} {m} :: Sabah [state in Malaysia]
саберив {adj} :: collectable, gatherable
саберив {adj} :: addable
сабијати {vt impf} :: to compress, condense (reduce volume in a technical process, e.g. air, cans)
сабијати {vtr impf} :: to crowd together, pile together, round up
сабијач {m} :: compressor, condenser
сабирање {n} [arithmetic] :: addition; the process of adding
сабирати {vtr impf} :: to gather, collect
сабирати {v impf} [mathematics] :: to add
сабирач {m} :: collector, gatherer
сабирач {m} :: adder
сабирачки {adj} [relational] :: gatherer, collector
сабирачки {adj} [relational] :: adder
сабирачки {adv} :: as a gatherer, collector
сабирачки {adv} :: as an adder
сабирни {adj} [relational] :: adding, addition, collecting, collection
сабирница {f} :: bus (hardware connector)
сабити {vt pf} :: to compress, condense (reduce volume in a technical process, e.g. air, cans)
сабити {vtr pf} :: to crowd together, pile together, round up
саблажњив {adj} :: shocking, scandalous, offensive
саблажњивати {v impf} :: imperfective form of саблазнити
саблажњиво {adv} :: shockingly, scandalously, offensively
саблажњивост {f} [uncountable] :: scandalousness, shockingness, outrageousness, offensiveness
саблазан {f} :: scandal
саблазан {f} :: shock
саблазан {adj} :: scandalous, shocking
саблазнити {vt pf} :: to scandalize, shock
сабласно {adv} :: eerily
сабласно {adv} :: weirdly
сабласност {f} :: eeriness
сабласност {f} :: weirdness
сабласт {f} :: ghost
сабласт {f} :: wraith
сабласт {f} :: spook
сабластан {adj} :: uncanny, weird
сабластан {adj} :: ghostly, spectral
сабља {f} :: sabre / saber
сабљарка {f} :: swordfish
сабљаст {adj} :: saber-shaped
сабљетина {f} [augmentative, pejorative] :: sabre
сабљица {f} [diminutive, hypocoristic] :: sabre
сабљичица {f} [diminutive] :: sabre
сабољ {m} :: sable (animal)
сабор {m} :: assembly
сабориште {n} :: meeting place, gathering place, convention place
саборни {adj} [relational] :: church council
саборник {m} :: parliamentarian
саборница {f} :: parliament building, assembly building
саборница {f} :: parliament hall, assembly hall
саборнички {adj} [relational] :: parliamentarians
саборнички {adv} :: as a parliamentarian
саборовати {vi impf} :: to hold a parliamentary session, be in parliamentary session
саборски {adj} :: parliamentary
саботажа {f} :: sabotage
саботер {m} :: saboteur
саботерски {adj} [relational] :: sabotage or saboteur
саботерски {adv} :: as a saboteur
саботирати {vt impf pf} :: to sabotage
сабран {adj} :: calm, composed
сабран {adj} :: collected
сабран {adj} :: rallied, summoned
сабраност {f} [uncountable] :: self-possession, presence of mind (calmness and composure)
сабрати {vtr pf} :: to gather, collect
сабрати {v pf} [mathematics] :: to add
сав {adj} :: all, complete, whole
сав {adj} [pronominally, in plural only] :: everybody, everyone, all
сав {adj} [pronominally, in neuter singular] :: everything, all
сав {adj} [pronominally, as an intensifier] :: all, whole
Сава {prop} {f} :: Sava (river)
Сава {prop} {f} :: Saint Sava, first archbishop of the Serbian autocephalous church
Сава {prop} {f} :: given name
савана {f} :: savanna
савез {m} :: alliance, union
савез {m} :: association
савез {m} :: coalition
савез {m} :: league
савез {m} :: confederation
савезни {adj} :: federal, allied, confederate
савезни {adj} :: united
савезник {m} :: ally
савезница {f} :: ally
савезнички {adj} :: allied
савезнички {adj} :: Allied
савезништво {n} :: alliance
Савез Совјетских Социјалистичких Република {prop} {m} :: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
савесно {adv} :: conscientiously
савест {f} :: conscience
савестан {adj} :: conscientious
савет {m} :: council
савет {m} :: advice
савет {m} :: counsel
саветник {m} :: counselor
саветовање {m} :: counseling
саветовати {vt impf pf} :: to advise
саветовати {vr impf pf} :: to confer, consult
саветодаван {adj} :: advisory
саветодавац {m} :: adviser
савијати {vtr impf} :: to bend
савијати {vtr impf} :: to fold
савијати {vtr impf} :: to roll, curl
савијача {f} :: strudel
савинути {v pf} :: Alternative form of савити
савити {vtr pf} :: to bend
савити {vtr pf} :: to fold
савити {vtr pf} :: to roll, curl
савитљив {adj} :: pliant, pliable, supple
савитљив {adj} :: flexible, elastic
савитљивост {f} [uncountable] :: pliancy, suppleness
савитљивост {f} [uncountable] :: flexibility
савјесно {adv} :: conscientiously
савјест {f} :: conscience
савјестан {adj} :: conscientious
савјет {m} :: council
савјет {m} :: advice
савјет {m} :: counsel
савјетник {m} :: counselor
савјетовање {m} :: counseling
савјетовати {vt impf pf} :: to advise
савјетовати {vr impf pf} :: to confer, consult
савјетодаван {adj} :: advisory
савјетодавац {m} :: adviser
савладавати {vt impf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
савладавати {vt impf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
савладавати {vr impf} :: to control oneself, restrain oneself
савладати {vt pf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
савладати {vt pf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
савладати {vr pf} :: to control oneself, restrain oneself
савладив {adj} :: surmountable, vincible, defeatable
савлађивати {vt impf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
савлађивати {vt impf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
савлађивати {vr impf} :: to control oneself, restrain oneself
савремен {adj} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) modern, contemporary
савршен {adj} :: perfect, faultless
савршено {adv} :: perfectly (in a perfect manner)
савршеност {f} [uncountable] :: perfection
савршенство {n} :: perfection
савски {adj} [relational] :: river Sava
саг {m} :: carpet, rug
сага {f} :: saga
сагибати {vtr impf} :: to bow, bend
сагибљив {adj} :: flexible, bendable
сагибљивост {f} [uncountable] :: bendability, flexibility
сагињати {vtr impf} :: to bow, bend
сагледавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сагледати
сагледати {vt pf} :: to perceive, recognize, realize
сагледати {vt impf} :: imperfective form of сагледати
сагледив {adj} :: conceivable, foreseeable
сагнути {vtr pf} :: to bow, bend
сагњити {vi pf} :: to rot, decay
сагоревати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сагорјети
сагорети {vit pf} :: to burn
сагорив {adj} :: combustible
сагоријевати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сагорјети
сагорјети {vit pf} :: to burn
саградити {vt pf} :: to build, construct
саграђивати {vt impf} :: to build, construct
сагрешење {n} :: sinning
сагрешити {vi pf} :: to sin, commit a sin
сагријешити {vi pf} :: to sin, commit a sin
сад {adv} :: now
сад {adv} :: currently
сад {adv} :: presently
сад {m} :: plantation nursery
сад {m} :: a young plant from a plantation nursery
САД {prop} {p} :: САД (country)
сада {adv} :: now
сада {adv} :: currently
сада {adv} :: presently
садашњи {adj} :: actual, current, being, present
садашњица {f} :: the present, present times (entirety of everything constituting or occurring at the moment of speaking)
садашњост {f} :: nowness (the property of being now)
садашњост {f} :: present (entirety of everything constituting or occurring at the moment of speaking)
садашњост {f} [linguistics] :: category of time expressed by present tense
садизам {m} :: sadism
садилац {m} :: planter (person who plants seeds)
садилица {f} :: planter (female)
садилица {f} :: dibbler, dibble (tool)
садист {m} :: sadist
садистички {adj} :: sadistic
садистички {adv} :: sadistically
садитељ {m} :: planter (person who plants seeds)
садити {vt impf} :: to plant
садница {f} :: seedling
садња {f} :: planting, setting
садра {f} [uncountable] :: gypsum
садрен {adj} :: plaster
садржавати {vt impf} :: to contain, hold
садржавати {vr impf} :: to consist of
садржај {m} :: content
садржајан {adj} :: informative (of a work, e.g. book)
садржајан {adj} :: full, ample
садржајно {adv} :: informatively
садржајно {adv} :: relating to content
садржајност {f} [uncountable] :: comprehensiveness, substantiality, pregnancy
садржан {adj} :: contained, included
садржати {vt impf pf} :: to contain, hold
садржати {vr impf pf} :: to consist of
садржина {f} :: content, contents
сажалијевати {vr impf} :: to take pity on (+ на (on))
сажалити {vr pf} :: to take pity on (+ на (on))
сажаљевати {vr impf} :: to take pity on (+ на (on))
сажетак {m} :: summary, abstract (of a longer text or speech)
сажети {vt pf} :: to summarize, abridge
сажети {vt pf} :: to compress, contract
сажето {adv} :: concisely
сажетост {f} [uncountable] :: conciseness
сажимати {vt impf} :: to summarize, abridge
сажимати {vt impf} :: to compress, contract
сазвати {vt pf} :: to convoke, convene
сазивати {vt impf} :: to convoke, convene
сазнати {vi pf} :: to find out, come to know
сазревати {vi impf} :: to ripen
сазревати {vi impf} :: to mature
сазрети {vi pf} :: to ripen
сазрети {vi pf} :: to mature
сазријевати {vi impf} :: to ripen
сазријевати {vi impf} :: to mature
Саигон {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Saigon
сајам {m} :: fair, exhibition
сајамски {adj} [relational] :: fair (trade event)
сајамски {adv} :: as if on a fair (trade event)
сајгонски {adj} [relational] :: Saigon
сајентологија {f} :: Scientology
сајла {f} [colloquial] :: rope, cord
сајмени {adj} [relational] :: fair (event)
сајмишни {adj} [relational] :: fairground
сајмиште {n} :: fairground
сајт {m} :: site (a website)
сакагија {f} :: foot-and-mouth disease
сакат {m} [regional, obsolete] :: cripple
сакат {adj} :: crippled, lame
сакатост {f} [uncountable] :: lameness, crippledom
саклонити {vt pf} :: within a phase
сако {m} :: jacket
сако {m} :: suit coat
сакралан {adj} :: sacral, sacred
сакрализација {f} :: sacralization
сакрализирати {vt impf pf} :: to sacralize
сакрамент {m} :: sacrament
сакраментални {adj} :: sacramental
сакраментан {adj} :: sacramental
сакраментати {vt pf} [regional] :: to reprimand, berate
сакривати {vtr impf} :: to hide, conceal
сакристија {f} :: sacristy
сакристијски {adj} [relational] :: sacristy
сакрити {vtr pf} :: to hide, conceal
сакросанктан {adj} :: sacrosanct
сакросанктност {f} [uncountable] :: sacrosanctity
саксија {f} :: a plant container
саксија {f} :: a flowerpot
саксија {f} :: jardiniere
Саксонац {prop} {m} :: Saxon
Саксонија {prop} {f} :: Saxony
саксонски {adj} :: Saxon
саксофон {m} :: saxophone
саксофонист {m} :: saxophonist
саксофонски {adj} [relational] :: saxophone
сакупити {vt pf} :: to gather, collect, assemble
сакупити {vr pf} :: to shrink, contract
сакупљати {vt impf} :: to gather, collect, assemble
сакупљати {vr impf} :: to shrink, contract
сакупљач {m} :: collector, gatherer
сакупљачки {adj} [relational] :: gatherer, gathering
сакупљачки {adv} :: as a gatherer
сала {f} [colloquial] :: hall, auditorium
сала {f} [Islam] :: a prayer recited by a muezzin on a minaret on the occasion of someone's death
сала {f} [regional, usually, in plural] :: stretcher
салама {f} :: salami
саламандар {m} :: newt, salamander
салата {f} :: salad
салатни {adj} [relational] :: salad
салаш {m} [regional] :: ranch, homestead
Салвадор {prop} {m} :: Салвадор (country)
салвадорски {adj} :: Salvadoran, Salvadorian
салвета {f} :: napkin
салвета {f} :: serviette
салдо {m} [finance] :: balance
салезијанац {m} :: Salesian
салезијански {adj} :: Salesian
салезијански {adv} :: as a Salesian
салинизација {f} :: salinization
салинитет {m} :: salinity
салитра {f} :: saltpeter, niter
салитрени {adj} :: nitric, saltpetrous
салицил {m} :: salicyl
салицилни {adj} :: salicylic
сало {n} :: lard
сало {n} :: fat (specialized animal tissue with a high oil content, used for long-term storage of energy)
саломити {v pf} [archaic, language of literature] :: alternative form of сломити
салон {m} :: living room
салон {m} :: parlor (room for lounging)
салон {m} :: gallery (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art)
салон {m} :: gallery (establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art)
салон {m} :: shop (hairdresser, tailor, massage etc.)
Салона {prop} {f} :: Salona
Салонитанац {prop} {m} :: inhabitant of Salona
салонитански {adj} [relational] :: Salona or its inhabitants
салонски {adj} [relational] :: living room, parlor, gallery or a type of shop
салонски {adj} [by extension] :: fine, expensive, "drawing room"
салонски {adj} [figuratively] :: one that is satisfied with a drawing room type of conversation, not exposing oneself to risk or danger
салонски {adv} :: in a manner characteristic of an activity occurring in a living room, parlor, gallery or a type of shop
салутирати {vi impf pf} :: to salute
Салцбург {prop} {m} :: Салцбург (capital city)
Салцбург {prop} {m} :: Салцбург (state)
сам {adj} :: alone, sole
сам {adj} :: the very
сам {adj} :: unaided, single-handed
сам {adj} :: absolute, mere, unmixed
сам {adj} :: solitary, secluded
Самарија {prop} {f} :: Samaria
Самаританац {prop} {m} :: Samaritan
самаритански {adv} :: as a Samaritan
самац {m} :: bachelor
самачки {adj} [relational] :: bachelor; bachelor's
самачки {adv} :: as a bachelor
самаштво {n} :: singleness
самит {m} :: summit (gathering or assembly of leaders)
самица {f} :: solitary confinement cell
самлети {vt pf} :: to grind, mill
самлети {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to destroy, annihilate
самљети {vt pf} :: to grind, mill
самљети {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to destroy, annihilate
само- {prefix} :: auto-, self- (regarding oneself)
само {particle} [denoting exclusivity] :: only, not more than, nothing else
само {particle} :: connecting previously spoken text with what follows
само {particle} :: just
само {particle} :: simply, uninterruptedly, out of its own
само {particle} :: merely, solely
само {particle} [denoting encouragement] :: just
само {particle} [often ironically] :: just
само {particle} [to emphasize wonderment] :: how on earth, how the hell
само {particle} [denoting a desire] :: just
само {particle} [denoting a condition to execute or allow an action] :: just ]
само {particle} [to emphasize wonderment in interrogative clauses] :: how on earth, just how
само {particle} :: idiomatic and figurative meanings
само {conj} [denoting opposition or exclusion] :: just, but, only
само {conj} [denoting limited intention] :: only to, merely to
само {conj} [denoting an assumption of opposite outcome] :: if only
само {conj} :: idiomatic and figurative meanings
самоански {adj} :: Samoan
самоански {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Samoan language
самобитан {adj} :: characterized by originality and authenticity
самовар {m} :: samovar
самовати {vi impf} :: to be lonely
самовати {vi impf} :: to live a lonely life
самовоља {f} [uncountable] :: arbitrariness
самовоља {f} [uncountable] :: self-will
самовољан {adj} :: arbitrary, self-willed, obstinate
самовољно {adv} :: arbitrarily
самовољно {adv} :: willfully
самовољност {f} [uncountable] :: arbitrariness
самовољност {f} [uncountable] :: wilfulness, self-will
самоглас {m} :: vowel
самогласник {m} :: vowel
самогласнички {adj} :: vocalic
самозадовољавати {vr impf} :: to masturbate
самозадовољан {adj} :: self-satisfied, smug
самозадовољно {adv} :: smugly
самозадовољство {n} [uncountable] :: self-satisfaction, smugness
самозаштита {f} [uncountable] :: self-protection
самозван {adj} :: self-appointed, self-styled, self-proclaimed
самокрес {m} [neologism] :: pistol, gun
самокритика {f} :: self-criticism
самокритичан {adj} :: self-critical
самокритички {adv} :: self-critically
самообрамбени {adj} :: self-defense
самообрана {f} [uncountable] :: self-defense
самооплодња {f} :: self-fertilization, autogamy
самооплођивање {n} :: self-fertilization, autogamy
самопослуга {f} :: supermarket
самопоуздан {adj} :: self-confident
самопоузданост {f} :: self-confidence
самопоуздање {n} :: self-confidence
самопоштовање {n} :: self-respect
самопрезир {m} :: self-loathing
само преко мене мртвог {adv} [idiomatic] :: over my dead body
самопроглашен {adj} :: self-declared, self-proclaimed
самосталан {adj} :: independent, autonomous, ungoverned
самостално {adv} :: independently, autonomously
самостан {m} :: monastery (especially Catholic)
самотан {adj} :: solitary, lonely
самотан {adj} :: secluded, isolated
самотник {m} :: loner
самотно {adv} :: lonely, in seclusion
самотност {f} [uncountable] :: loneliness, solitariness, solitude
самоћа {f} :: loneliness
самоубиство {n} :: suicide [the event, not the person]
самоубица {m} :: suicide [person]
самоуверен {adj} :: self-confident
самоуверено {adv} :: self-confidently
самоувереност {f} :: self-confidence
самоувјерен {adj} :: self-confident
самоувјерено {adv} :: self-confidently
самоувјереност {f} :: self-confidence
самоук {m} :: autodidact
самоук {adj} :: self-taught
самоуништење {n} :: self-destruction
самоуправа {f} :: self-government, self-administration
самоуправа {f} [by extension] :: municipality, province, canton (as a self-administrative unit)
самоуправљати {vi impf} :: to self-rule, to participate in self-rule or self-administration
самоуче {n} :: self-taught young man or child
самрт {f} [literary, poetic] :: death
самсара {f} [uncountable] :: samsara
самсов {m} :: mastiff (dog)
самун {m} :: alternative form of сомун
самур {m} :: sable (animal, or its fur or pelt)
самурај {m} :: samurai
самуровина {f} :: sable fur
сан {m} :: dream
санација {f} :: sanation, recovery, rehabilitation (repairing, healing or enhancement of something)
сангвиник {m} :: sanguine person
сангрија {f} :: sangria (alcoholic drink)
сандала {f} :: sandal
сандаловина {f} :: sandalwood
сандук {m} :: box, coffin, chest
сандуче {n} :: box
санке {f} [plurale tantum] :: sledge
санкција {f} :: sanction
Сан Марино {prop} {m} :: Сан Марино (microstate)
Сан Марино {prop} {m} :: Сан Марино (capital city)
санскртски {adj} [relational] :: Sanskrit
Сан Франциско {prop} {m} :: Сан Франциско (city)
Сања {prop} {f} :: given name
сањалац {m} :: dreamer, daydreamer
сањар {m} :: dreamer
сањарити {vi impf} :: to daydream
сањарити {vi impf} :: to imagine
сањати {vit impf} :: to dream
сањив {adj} :: sleepy
сањиво {adv} :: sleepily
сањкање {n} :: sledging
сањкати {vr impf} :: to sleigh, sled
сањке {fp} [plurale tantum] :: sledge
саобраћај {m} [uncountable] :: communication
саобраћај {m} [uncountable] :: transport, transportation, traffic
саоне {f} [plurale tantum] :: sled, sleigh
саонице {fp} [plurale tantum] :: sledge
саопћење {n} :: announcement, notice, proclamation
саопћивати {v impf} :: imperfective form of саопћити
саопћити {v pft} [now Bosnia] :: to announce, report, declare
саопћити {v pft} [now Bosnia] :: inform somebody
сапети {vt pf} :: to tie, bind, fetter
сапињати {vt impf} :: to tie, bind, fetter
сапирати {vt impf} :: to wash away, wash off
саплести {vtr pf} :: to trip (cause to fall or stumble)
саплетати {v impf} :: imperfective form of саплести
саплитати {v impf} :: imperfective form of саплести
сапрати {vt pf} :: to wash away, wash off
сапун {m} :: soap
сапунар {m} :: soap manufacturer
сапунарски {adj} [relational] :: soap manufacturers
сапунарство {n} :: soap manufacturing
сапунаст {adj} :: soapy
сапуница {f} :: lather
сапуница {f} :: soap opera
сарадња {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) collaboration
сарађивати {vi impf} [Serbian] :: to collaborate
сарај {m} :: seraglio
Сарајево {prop} {n} :: Сарајево (capital city)
сарајевски {adj} :: Sarajevan
Сарајка {prop} {f} :: Sarajevan (female)
Сарајлија {prop} {m} :: Sarajevan
сарајлијски {adj} [relational] :: persons from Sarajevo
сарајлијски {adv} :: like a person from Sarajevo
саргашки {adj} :: Sargasso
сардела {f} :: sardine
сардела {f} :: pilchard
сардина {f} :: sardine
Сардинац {prop} {m} :: Sardinian (person)
Сардинија {prop} {f} :: Сардинија (region)
сарказам {m} :: sarcasm
саркастичан {adj} :: sarcastic
саркастично {adv} :: sarcastically
саркастичност {f} :: sarcasticness
саркофаг {m} :: sarcophagus
сарма {f} :: a type of food from meat rolled with leaves
сарук {m} :: turban
сасвим {adv} :: completely, entirely, wholly
сасећи {vt pf} :: to prune, trim
сасећи {vt pf} :: to cut up, chop
сасећи {vt pf} [figuratively, of persons] :: to hack to death, kill
сасецати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сасећи
сасијецати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сасјећи
сасјећи {vt pf} :: to prune, trim
сасјећи {vt pf} :: to cut up, chop
сасјећи {vt pf} [figuratively, of persons] :: to hack to death, kill
сасма {adv} :: completely, entirely
састав {m} :: composition, ingredients
састав {m} :: group, band (music, sports)
саставак {m} :: essay
саставак {m} :: confluence (of rivers)
саставити {vt pf} :: to put together, combine, compile, assemble
саставити {vt pf} :: to write, compose (poem etc.)
састављати {vt impf} :: to put together, combine, compile, assemble
састављати {vt impf} :: to write, compose (poem etc.)
састављач {m} :: assembler, framer, compilator, composer
саставни {adj} :: connecting, conjunctional
саставни {adj} :: constituting, composing
саставница {f} :: building block, component
саставчић {m} :: a short essay
састајалиште {n} :: meeting place
састајати {vr impf} :: to meet
састанак {m} :: tryst
састанак {m} :: meeting
састати {vr pf} :: to meet
састојак {m} :: ingredient
састојак {m} :: component (part)
састојати {vr impf} :: to consist of, be made of (+genitive)
сат {m} :: clock
сат {m} :: watch
сат {m} :: hour
Сатана {prop} {m} :: Satan
сатанизам {m} :: Satanism
сателит {m} :: satellite
сатен {m} :: satin
сатима {adv} :: for hours
сатирати {vt impf} :: to crush
сатирати {vt impf} :: to destroy
сатирати {vt impf} :: to wear out
сатиричан {adj} :: satirical
сатиричар {m} :: satirist
сатирички {adj} :: satirical
сатирички {adv} :: satirically
сатирично {adv} :: satirically
сатница {f} :: hourly wage
сатрап {m} :: satrap
сатрапија {f} :: satrapy
сатрапијски {adj} [relational] :: satrapy
сатрапски {adj} [relational] :: satrap
сатрапски {adv} :: as a satrap
сатрти {vt pf} :: to crush
сатрти {vt pf} :: to destroy
сатрти {vt pf} :: to wear out
Сатурн {prop} {m} [Roman god] :: Saturn (planet),
саће {n} :: honeycomb
саћи {vi pf} :: to come down, descend, go down
саугати {v impf} [regional] :: to suck
саугати {v impf} [regional] :: to blow
саугати {v impf} [regional] :: to vacuum
Саудијац {prop} {m} :: Saudi
Саудијска Арабија {prop} {f} :: Saudi Arabia
саудијски {adj} :: Saudi
сауна {f} :: sauna
саучешће {n} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: condolences, sympathy
сафер {m} :: Safar, the second month of the Islamic calendar
сафир {m} :: sapphire
сафирни {adj} :: sapphire
сафт {m} :: sauce
сафтан {adj} :: juicy, sappy, succulent
сахан {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: plate
сахан {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: dish
Сахара {prop} {f} :: Sahara
сахарид {m} :: saccharide
сахарин {m} [uncountable] :: saccharin
сахарински {adj} :: saccharine
сахарински {adv} :: using saccharine
сахароза {f} [uncountable] :: saccharose, sucrose
сахарски {adj} :: Saharan
сахнути {vi impf} :: to dry up
сахнути {vi impf} :: to wither, wilt (of plant)
сахнути {vi impf} :: to droop, languish
сахрана {f} :: burial, funeral
сахранити {vt pf} :: to bury (corpse)
сахрањивати {vt impf} :: to bury (corpse)
сач {m} :: iron pan for baking bread
сач {m} :: woad (plant and dye)
сачекати {vt} :: to wait for
сачекивати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сачекати
сачинити {vt pf} :: to constitute, make up
сачињавати {vt impf} :: to constitute, make up
сачма {f} :: buckshot
сачмара {f} :: shotgun
сачмарица {f} :: shotgun
сачувати {vt pf} :: to save, preserve, conserve
сачувати {vt pf} :: to maintain (peace, order, spirit)
сачувати {vt pf} :: to retain (thing as a property)
сачувати {vt pf} [computing, chiefly Serbia, Bosnia] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
саџак {m} :: trivet
Саша {prop} {m} :: given name
Саша {prop} {m} :: given name
сашити {vt pf} :: to sew, stitch
свагда {adv} :: always, all the times
свагдањи {adj} :: everyday, daily
свагдањи {adj} :: commonplace, ordinary
свагдашњи {adj} :: everyday, daily
свагдашњи {adj} :: commonplace, ordinary
свагдашњица {f} :: everyday or commonplace thing or event
свагде {adv} :: everywhere
свагдје {adv} :: everywhere
свадба {f} :: wedding celebration
свадбени {adj} [relational] :: wedding celebration
свадљив {adj} :: quarrelsome
свадљивац {m} :: quarrelsome person
свадљиво {adv} :: belligerently, quarrelsomely
свадљивост {f} [uncountable] :: quarrelsomeness
свађа {f} :: quarrel
свађати {vtr impf} :: to quarrel
свак {m} :: brother-in-law (one's wife's husband)
свак {m} :: father-in-law (one's husband's father; свекар)
свак {pron} :: everyone (alternative form of сватко/свако)
свакакав {adj} :: all sorts of
свакако {adv} :: certainly, of course
свакамо {adv} :: everywhere, in all directions (of movement)
сваки {pron} :: every
сваки {pron} :: any
сваки {pron} [in the neuter] :: everyone (one of all, one of at least two)
свакидашњи {adj} :: everyday, daily
свакидашњи {adj} :: commonplace, ordinary
свакидашњица {f} :: everyday or commonplace thing or event
свако {pron} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: everyone, everybody
свакодневан {adj} :: daily, everyday
свакодневица {f} :: everyday or commonplace thing or event
свакојак {adj} :: all sorts of
свакоји {pron} :: alternative form of сваки
сванути {v pf} :: to dawn (begin to brighten with daylight)
свануће {n} :: dawn, daybreak
сваривати {vt impf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to digest
сварити {vt pf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to digest
свастика {f} :: swastika
свастика {f} :: sister-in-law [wife's sister]
сватко {pron} [chiefly Croatia] :: everyone, everybody
свачији {pron} :: everyone's, everybody's
свашта {pron} :: all sorts (kinds, manner, description) of things
све {adj} :: all, everything
све {adv} :: Intensity amplifier, used exclusively in phrases
све док {conj} :: as long as
сведок {m} :: witness
сведочанство {n} :: testimony
сведочити {vi impf} :: to witness, testify
сведочити {vi impf} :: to bear witness to, give evidence, prove
сведоџба {f} :: school certificate or report (of completion, with grades, for primary or secondary school)
свеж {adj} :: fresh
свежањ {m} :: bundle
свеже {adv} :: freshly
свежина {f} [uncountable] :: freshness
свеза {f} :: fastening, strap, band (object used to tie or fasten something)
свеза {f} [Serbian, grammar] :: conjunction
свеза {f} :: ligament
свезати {vtr pf} :: to bind, tie
свезивати {v impf} :: imperfective form of свезати
свезнајућ {adj} :: omniscient, all-knowing
свеједно {adv} :: all the same
свекар {m} :: father-in-law (husbands father)
свекрва {f} :: mother-in-law (husbands mother)
свемир {m} :: space, universe
свемирски {adj} [relational] :: cosmic, universe
свемогућ {adj} :: almighty, omnipotent
свемоћ {f} [uncountable] :: omnipotence
свемоћан {adj} :: almighty
свемоћно {adv} :: omnipotently
свемоћност {f} [uncountable] :: omnipotence
свеобухватан {adj} :: comprehensive, complete, all-inclusive
свеска {f} :: a notebook
свесно {adv} :: consciously
свесрдан {adj} :: cordial, wholehearted, hearty
свесрдно {adv} :: wholeheartedly, cordially
свест {f} :: consciousness
свестан {adj} :: conscious, aware
свестан {adj} :: sentient
свести {vt pf} :: to drive (down), haul (transport something by driving)
свести {vt pf} :: to reduce
свести {vr pf} :: to boil down
свестран {adj} :: many-sided, versatile
свет {adj} :: holy, saint
свет {adj} :: sanctified
свет {adj} :: godly
свет {adj} :: saintly
свет {adj} :: inviolable
свет {m} :: world
светао {adj} :: bright
светао {adj} :: light (color)
Света Столица {prop} {f} :: the Holy See
светац {m} :: saint
Свети Дух {prop} {m} :: the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit
светиљка {f} :: lamp
светина {f} [uncountable] :: mob, rabble
светиња {f} :: sanctity, sacredness
светиња {f} :: sacred, holy object
светионик {m} :: lighthouse (building containing a light to warn or guide ships)
светионичар {m} :: lighthouse keeper
светитељ {m} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: a saint, especially an ascetic or monk who nurtures the ideal of education and dissemination of knowledge
светица {f} :: holy woman, woman saint, saintess
светиште {n} :: sanctuary, shrine
светковати {vi impf} :: to celebrate, solemnize
светковина {f} :: celebration due to some holiday or saint's day
светло {n} :: light (electromagnetic wave)
светлоказ {m} [neologism] :: semaphore
светломер {m} :: light meter, exposure meter
светлост {f} :: light
светлуцав {adj} :: glittering, glimmering, sparkling, gleaming
светлуцати {vi impf} :: to glitter, gleam
светогрдан {adj} :: sacrilegious
светогрдно {adv} :: sacrilegiously
светогрђе {n} :: sacrilege
Свето Писмо {prop} {n} :: the Holy Book
Свето Писмо {prop} {n} :: the Holy Bible
Свето Писмо {prop} {n} :: the Bible
светски {adj} [relational] :: worldly, earthly, mundane
светски {adj} [relational] :: profane, secular
светски {adv} :: globally
светски {adv} :: in a civilized, cultured way
свећа {f} :: candle
свећар {m} :: candlemaker, chandler
свећеник {m} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) priest
свећица {f} :: (diminutive) candle
свећица {f} :: spark plug
свећњак {m} :: candlestick, candelabrum
свеукупан {adj} :: total, entire
свеучилиште {n} :: (Croatian) (Serbian (archaic)) university
свечан {adj} :: solemn, formal
свечан {adj} :: ceremonial, festal
свечано {adv} :: solemnly, formally
свечано {adv} :: ceremonially, festally
свечаност {f} :: celebration, festivity
свечаност {f} :: ceremony
свештеник {m} :: (Serbian) priest
свештеник {m} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) Orthodox priest
свиб {f} :: Cornus sanguinea (common dogwood)
свидети {vr pf} :: to please, like
свидјети {vr pf} :: to please, like
свиђати {vr impf} [with dative] :: to like, to make a good impression
свизац {m} :: marmot
свијест {f} :: consciousness
свијет {m} :: world
свијетао {adj} :: bright
свијетао {adj} :: light (color)
свијећа {f} :: candle
свијећњак {m} :: candlestick, candelabrum
свила {f} :: silk
свиласт {adj} :: silky
свилен {adj} :: silken, silky
свиња {f} :: pig (mammal)
свињар {m} :: pig/hog breeder
свињар {m} :: swineherd
свињарија {f} :: filthiness, dirty mess
свињарија {f} :: obscenity [of a word]
свињарија {f} :: shameless treatment [of an action]
свињац {m} :: pigsty (also figuratively)
свињетина {f} :: pork
свињски {adj} :: porcine
свирала {f} [music] :: (reed-)pipe
свирати {vit impf} [music] :: to play (instrument)
свирач {m} :: player (who plays on a musical instrument)
свирачки {adj} [relational] :: players (of instruments)
свирачки {adv} :: like a player (of instruments)
свиреп {adj} :: cruel, brutal
свирепо {adv} :: cruelly, brutally
свирепост {f} [uncountable] :: cruelty, brutality
свирка {f} [music] :: gig
свирка {f} :: playing (of music, act or sound of)
свитак {m} :: scroll
свитање {f} :: daybreak, dawn
свитати {v impf} :: to dawn (begin to brighten with daylight)
свједок {m} :: witness
свједочанство {n} :: testimony
свједочити {vi impf} :: to witness, testify
свједочити {vi impf} :: to bear witness to, give evidence, prove
свједоџба {f} :: school certificate or report (of completion, with grades, for primary or secondary school)
свјеж {adj} :: fresh
свјеже {adv} :: freshly
свјежина {f} [uncountable] :: freshness
свјесно {adv} :: consciously
свјестан {adj} :: conscious, aware
свјестан {adj} :: sentient
свјетиљка {f} :: lamp
свјетина {f} [uncountable] :: mob, rabble
свјетионик {m} :: lighthouse (building containing a light to warn or guide ships)
свјетионичар {m} :: lighthouse keeper
свјетло {n} :: light (electromagnetic wave)
свјетломјер {m} :: light meter, exposure meter
свјетлост {f} :: light
свјетлуцав {adj} :: glittering, glimmering, sparkling, gleaming
свјетлуцати {vi impf} :: to glitter, gleam
свјетоназор {m} :: worldview
свјетски {adj} [relational] :: worldly, earthly, mundane
свјетски {adj} [relational] :: profane, secular
свјетски {adv} :: globally
свјетски {adv} :: in a civilized, cultured way
свјећар {m} :: candlemaker, chandler
свјећица {f} :: (diminutive) candle
свјећица {f} :: spark plug
свладавати {vt impf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
свладавати {vt impf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
свладати {vt pf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
свладати {vt pf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
свлачионица {f} :: dressing room, locker room
свлачити {vrt impf} :: to undress, take off clothes
свод {m} :: vault (arched structure of masonry)
сводити {vt impf} :: to reduce
сводити {vr impf} :: to boil down
сводљив {adj} :: reducible
сводник {m} :: pimp
свој {determiner} :: one's own
својевољан {adj} :: voluntary
својевољан {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate
својевољно {adv} :: voluntarily
својевољно {adv} :: stubbornly, obstinately
својевремено {adv} :: at one time
својеглав {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate
својеглаво {adv} :: stubbornly, obstinately
својеглавост {f} [uncountable] :: stubbornness, obstinateness
своједобно {adv} :: at one time
својина {f} :: property (something owned)
својина {f} :: ownership
својствен {adj} :: characteristic, typical
својство {n} :: property (an abstract quality associated with an object)
својта {f} :: kin, relatives
свота {f} :: amount, sum (of money)
свраб {m} :: scabies
свраб {m} :: itch
сврака {f} :: magpie
свратити {vi pf} :: to drop by, drop in
свратити {vt pf} :: to turn (change the direction of something)
свратиште {n} :: inn, hostel, motel
свраћати {vi impf} :: to drop by, drop in
свраћати {vt impf} :: to turn (change the direction of something)
сврачји {adj} [relational] :: magpie
сврбеж {m} :: itch, itching
сврбети {vi impf} :: to itch
сврбјети {vi impf} :: to itch
сврдло {n} :: auger (carpenter's tool)
сврсисходан {adj} :: appropriate, purposeful
сврсисходан {adj} :: useful
сврсисходно {adv} :: purposefully, appropriately
сврсисходно {adv} :: usefully
сврсисходност {f} [uncountable] :: expediency, purposefulness
сврсисходност {f} [uncountable] :: usefulness
сврставати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сврстати
сврстати {vtr pf} :: to classify (put in a group)
сврстати {vtr pf} :: to line up
сврха {f} :: purpose
сврховит {adj} :: purposeful
сврховито {adv} :: purposefully
сврховитост {f} [uncountable] :: purposefulness
свршавати {vit impf} :: to complete, finish, end
свршавати {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to cum
свршени {adj} :: complete, finished
свршени {adj} [grammar] :: perfective
свршетак {m} :: end
свршетак {m} [grammar] :: ending
свршити {vit pf} :: to complete, finish, end
свршити {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to cum
свугде {adv} :: everywhere (in every direction)
свугде {adv} :: everywhere (in every place)
свугдје {adv} :: everywhere (in every direction)
свугдје {adv} :: everywhere (in every place)
свуд {adv} :: everywhere
свуда {adv} :: everywhere
свукуд {adv} :: everywhere (in all directions)
свукуда {adv} :: everywhere (in all directions)
свући {vrt pf} :: to undress, take off clothes
се {pron} :: oneself (clitic form of reflexive pronoun)
се {pron} :: myself
се {pron} :: yourself
се {pron} :: himself
се {pron} :: herself
се {pron} :: itself
се {pron} :: ourselves
се {pron} :: yourselves
се {pron} :: themselves
се {particle} [obsolete] :: this is; here is
сеанса {f} :: séance, session
себе {pron} :: oneself (reflexive pronoun)
себе {pron} :: myself
себе {pron} :: yourself
себе {pron} :: himself
себе {pron} :: herself
себе {pron} :: itself
себе {pron} :: ourselves
себе {pron} :: yourselves
себе {pron} :: themselves
себи {pron} :: to myself
себи {pron} :: to yourself
себи {pron} :: to himself
себи {pron} :: to herself
себи {pron} :: to itself
себи {pron} :: to ourselves
себи {pron} :: to yourselves
себи {pron} :: to themselves
себи {pron} :: myself
себи {pron} :: yourself
себи {pron} :: himself
себи {pron} :: herself
себи {pron} :: itself
себи {pron} :: ourselves
себи {pron} :: yourselves
себи {pron} :: themselves
себичан {adj} :: selfish
себично {adv} :: selfishly
себичност {f} [uncountable] :: selfishness
себичњак {m} :: a selfish person; egoist
сев {m} :: flash of lightning or light
севак {m} :: diminutive of сев
Севастопољ {prop} {m} :: Sevastopol
севати {vi impf} :: to lightning
севати {vi impf} :: to twinkle, shimmer, blink
севати {vi impf} :: to move rapidly (of a punch)
севдалија {m} [regional] :: a man in love
севдалинка {f} :: sevdalinka
севдах {m} :: love, lovesickness
севдах {m} :: yearning for love
севди {adj} [regional] :: beloved
севди {adj} [regional] :: in love
севдисати {vt impf} :: to love
севдисати {vt impf} :: to kiss
севдисати {vt impf} :: to fondle, caress
севдисати {vt impf} :: to make love to
север {m} [uncountable] :: north
север {m} [Montenegro] :: [uncountable] north
северац {m} :: north wind
Северна Америка {prop} {f} :: North America
Северна Ирска {prop} {f} :: Northern Ireland
Северна Кореја {prop} {f} :: North Korea
северни {adj} :: northern
северни медвед {noun} :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
северно {adv} :: north, northwards
северноамерички {adj} :: North American
северноафрички {adj} :: North African
севернокорејски {adj} :: North Korean
Северно море {prop} {n} :: North Sea
северњак {m} :: north wind
северњак {m} :: northerner
Северњача {prop} {f} :: North Star
северозапад {m} [uncountable] :: northwest
северозападни {adj} :: northwest
северозападно {adv} :: northwestward
североисток {m} [uncountable] :: Northeast
североисточни {adj} :: northeast
североисточно {adv} :: northeastward
севлија {f} :: alternative form of селвија
сегмент {m} :: segment
сегнути {vi pf} :: to encroach, seize (+за (for))
сегнути {vi pf} :: to reach
сегрегација {f} :: segregation
сед {adj} :: grey (usually of hair)
сед {adj} :: grey-haired
седало {n} :: seat
седам {num} :: seven (7)
седамдесет {num} :: seventy
седамдесети {adj} :: seventieth
седамнаест {num} :: seventeen
седати {vi impf} :: to sit down
седатив {m} :: sedative
седети {vi impf} :: to sit
седети {vi impf} :: to become gray, gray-haired
седеф {m} :: nacre, mother-of-pearl
седеф {m} :: common rue (Ruta graveolens)
седефни {adj} :: nacrous, pearly
седимент {m} :: sediment
седиште {n} :: seat
седиште {n} :: residence, headquarters
седлар {m} :: saddler
седласт {adj} :: saddle-shaped
седло {n} :: saddle
седло {n} :: ridge, saddle
седмерац {m} :: heptameter
седмина {f} :: one seventh
седмица {f} :: week
седмица {f} :: seven (digit or figure)
седмица {f} :: anything numbered seven (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 7 etc.)
седмодневни {adj} :: lasting seven days
седморица {f} :: (collectively) seven men
седница {f} :: session, meeting, conference (by a board, committee, parliament etc.)
седост {f} :: greyness of hair
седоћа {f} :: greyness of hair
сежањ {m} [historical] :: reach of outstretched arms as a unit of measure
сезати {vi impf} :: to encroach, seize (+за (for))
сезати {vi impf} :: to reach
сезона {f} :: season
сезонски {adj} :: seasonal
сеизмички {adj} :: seismic
сеизмограф {m} :: seismograph
сеизмолошки {adj} :: seismologic
сеизмолошки {adv} :: seismologically
сеја {f} :: sis (sister)
сејати {vit impf} :: to sow
сејати {v impf} :: (figuratively) to spread, foster
сејач {m} :: sower
Сејшели {prop} {mp} :: Seychelles
сејшелски {adj} :: Seychellois
сека {f} [colloquial] :: sis (an affectionate term for a sister or female cousin)
секира {f} :: axe
секирати {vtr impf pf} :: to upset, worry
секирица {f} :: hatchet, a small axe
секлузија {f} :: seclusion (mature phase of the extratropical cyclone lifecycle)
секрет {m} :: secretion
секретар {m} :: secretary
секретаријат {m} :: secretariat
секретарица {f} :: secretary (female)
секретарски {adj} :: secretarial
секретарски {adv} :: secretarially
секреција {f} :: secretion, discharge
секрецијски {adj} [relational] :: secretion, discharge
секс {m} [uncountable] :: sex (sexual intercourse)
сексепил {m} [Croatia] :: sex appeal
секси {adj} [indeclinable] :: sexy
сексизам {m} :: sexism
сексипил {m} :: sex appeal
секстант {m} :: sextant
сексуалан {adj} :: sexual
сексуална оријентација {f} :: sexual orientation
сексуалност {f} :: sexuality
секта {f} :: sect
секташ {m} :: sectarian (member of a sect)
секташки {adj} :: sectarian
секташки {adv} :: as a sectarian, as a sect
сектор {m} :: sector (of a circle)
сектор {m} :: department, division
сектор {m} :: sphere, branch, area
секуларан {adj} :: secular
секунд {m} :: second (unit of time)
секунда {f} :: second (unit of time)
секундаран {adj} :: secondary
секција {f} :: section
секција {f} :: division
селвија {f} :: cypress
селективан {adj} :: selective
селективно {adv} :: selectively
селектор {m} :: selector
селекција {f} :: selection
селекцијски {adj} [relational] :: selection
селен {m} :: selenium
Селена {prop} {f} :: Selene (Greek goddess)
Селена {prop} {f} :: given name
селендра {f} [pejorative] :: village
селениј {m} :: selenium
селенијум {m} :: selenium
селидба {f} :: move, moving (changing one's residence)
селити {vir impf} :: to migrate
селити {vir impf} :: to move (change one's residence)
селити {vt impf} :: to move (due to change of one's residence)
селица {f} :: migratory bird (usually following птица)
Селма {prop} {f} :: given name
село {n} :: a village
село {n} :: the country, countryside
село {n} :: rural area
село {n} :: An evening party in the village
селотејп {m} :: adhesive tape
селфи {f} :: selfie
сељак {m} :: peasant, farmer
сељак {m} :: countryman
сељак {m} [slang] :: yokel
сељакиња {f} :: peasant (female)
сељанин {m} :: villager
сељанин {m} :: peasant, farmer
сељанка {f} :: peasant woman
сељанка {f} :: country woman
сељачина {m} [pejorative] :: farmer, peasant
сељачина {m} [pejorative] :: village dweller
сељачина {m} [pejorative] :: hillbilly, redneck
сељачки {adj} :: peasant, rustic
сељачки {adv} :: as a peasant; rustically
сељаштво {n} :: (collectively) peasantry
семантика {f} :: semantics
семантички {adj} :: semantic
семантички {adv} :: semantically
семафор {m} :: semaphore
семафор {m} :: traffic light
семе {n} :: seed
семе {n} :: germ
семе {n} :: semen
семе {n} :: spawn
семе {n} :: milt
семе {n} :: offspring
семе {n} :: prime cause
семеник {m} :: testicle
семенка {f} :: seed
семестар {m} :: semester
семинар {m} :: seminar
семиотика {f} [uncountable] :: semiotics
Семит {prop} {m} :: Semite
семитски {adj} :: Semitic
сена {f} :: shadow
сена {f} :: silhouette
сена {f} :: shade
сена {f} :: umbrage
сена {f} :: ghost
сена {f} :: wraith
сена {f} :: adumbration, shading
сена {f} :: hatching
сенат {m} :: senate
сенатор {m} :: senator
сендвич {m} :: sandwich
Сенегал {prop} {m} :: Сенегал (country)
Сенегал {prop} {m} :: Сенегал (river)
сензација {f} :: sensation
сензационалан {adj} :: sensational
сензационално {adv} :: sensationally
сензуалан {adj} :: sensual
сенилан {adj} :: senile
сенилност {f} [uncountable] :: senility
сеница {f} :: tit (small passerine bird)
сенка {f} :: shade; shadow
сено {n} :: hay
сеновит {adj} :: shady
сентименталан {adj} :: sentimental
сентиментално {adv} :: sentimentally
сентименталност {f} [uncountable] :: sentimentality
сенф {m} [uncountable] :: mustard (condiment)
сеоба {f} :: migration
сеоба {f} :: move, moving (changing one's residence)
сеоски {adj} :: rural, village, country
сеоце {n} :: a small village
сепаратан {adj} :: separate
сепаратизам {m} :: separatism
сепарација {f} :: separation
сепарирати {vt impf pf} :: to separate, isolate
сепса {f} :: sepsis
септембар {m} :: September
септембарски {adj} [relational] :: September
септичан {adj} :: septic
септички {adj} :: septic
сервилан {adj} :: servile
сервилно {adv} :: servilely
сервис {m} :: service
сервисирати {vt impf pf} :: to service
серија {f} :: series (television or radio program)
серија {f} :: series (a number of things that follow on one after the other or are connected one after the other)
серијски {adj} :: serial
серијски {adv} :: serially
сериозан {adj} :: serious
сериозно {adv} :: seriously
серотонин {m} :: serotonin
серум {m} :: serum
сесија {f} :: session
сести {vi pf} :: to sit down
сестра {f} :: sister
сестра {f} :: nun, short for часна сестра
сестра {f} :: nurse, short for медицинска сестра
сестрин {adj} [relational] :: sister; sister's
сестрински {adj} [relational] :: sister; sister's, sororal
сестрински {adv} :: sisterly
сестринство {n} :: sisterhood
сестрић {m} :: nephew
сестрица {f} :: little sister
сестрична {f} :: first cousin (female)
сета {f} :: sorrow, melancholy
сетва {f} :: sowing, seeding
сетити {vt pf} :: to remind
сетити {vr pf} [with genitive] :: to remember
сетити {vr pf} :: to hit upon an idea, occur to one
сећање {n} :: memory
сећање {n} :: recollection
сећати {vr impf} :: remember (to recall one’s memory)
сећати {vt impf} [rare] :: remind (to make one remember)
сећи {vit impf} :: to cut, chop, chip, hew
Сеул {prop} {m} :: Сеул (capital city)
сеф {m} :: safe, strongbox
сецесија {f} :: secession
сецирати {vt impf pf} :: to dissect
сечиво {n} :: blade
си {pron} :: to myself
си {pron} :: to yourself
си {pron} :: to himself
си {pron} :: to herself
си {pron} :: to itself
си {pron} :: to ourselves
си {pron} :: to yourselves
си {pron} :: to themselves
сибилант {m} [phonetics] :: sibilant
Сибир {prop} {m} :: Siberia
сибирски {adj} :: Siberian
сив {adj} :: grey (of grey colour)
сивац {m} :: grey/gray horse
сивило {n} :: grayness
сивило {n} [figuratively] :: monotony
сивкаст {adj} :: grayish
сивоња {m} :: a grey ox or ass
сивоња {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: a rough, violent man
Сигмунд {prop} {m} :: given name
сигнал {m} :: signal
сигнета {f} :: personal brand of a craftsman or a printer
сигнета {f} :: bookmark
сигуран {adj} :: sure
сигуран {adj} :: safe
сигуран {adj} :: reliable
сигурно {adv} :: certainly
сигурно {adv} :: surely
сигурно {adv} :: safely
сигурност {f} [uncountable] :: security
сигурност {f} [uncountable] :: safety
сигурност {f} [uncountable] :: confidence
сидвестер {m} :: southwester (raincoat)
Сиднеј {prop} {m} :: Сиднеј (capital city)
сидрити {vtr impf} :: to anchor
сидриште {n} :: anchorage
сидро {n} :: anchor
сиже {m} :: subject, topic
сијалица {f} :: light bulb
Сијам {prop} {m} :: Siam
Сијамац {prop} {m} :: Siamese (person)
сијамски {adj} :: Siamese
сијасет {m} [with genitive] :: umpteen, multitude of, many
сијасет {m} [regional] :: punishment
сијасет {m} [regional] :: misery, hardship, suffering
сијати {vi impf} :: to shine, emit light
сијати {vr impf} :: to be radiant, shiny; to beam, shine, glitter
сијати {vit impf} :: to sow
сијати {v impf} :: (figuratively) to spread, foster
сијач {m} :: sower
сијев {m} :: flash of lightning or light
сијевак {m} :: diminutive of сијев
сијевати {vi impf} :: to lightning
сијевати {vi impf} :: to twinkle, shimmer, blink
сијевати {vi impf} :: to move rapidly (of a punch)
сијед {adj} :: grey (usually of hair)
сијед {adj} :: grey-haired
сиједјети {vi impf} :: to become gray, gray-haired
сиједост {f} :: greyness of hair
сијело {n} :: An evening party in the village
сијено {n} :: hay
сила {f} :: force
сила {f} :: strength
сила {f} :: power
сила {f} :: violence
силабичан {adj} :: syllabic
силазак {m} :: descent (instance or act of descending)
силазити {v impf} :: imperfective form of сићи
силан {adj} :: strong, powerful, mighty, vehement (of a person or natural phenomena)
силан {adj} :: much, many
силванац {m} :: Silvaner
силеџија {m} :: ruffian, bully, rowdy
силити {vtr impf} :: to force
силициј {m} :: silicon
силицијум {m} :: silicon
силник {m} :: potentate
силно {adv} :: powerfully, mightily
силно {adv} :: extremely, very, vastly, hugely, severely (intensifying)
силовање {n} :: rape, raping
силовати {vt impf pf} :: to rape
силовати {vt impf pf} :: to force
силовит {adj} :: strong, powerful, vehement
силовитост {f} [uncountable] :: forcefulness, strongness, vehemence
силогизам {m} :: syllogism
силом {adv} :: by force, forcibly
силуета {f} :: silhouette
симбол {m} :: symbol
симболизирати {vt impf pf} [Croatian] :: to symbolize
симболичан {adj} :: symbolic
симболички {adv} :: symbolically
симболично {adv} :: symbolically
сименталски {adj} [relational] :: Simmental breed of cattle
симеринг {m} :: a type of gasket
симетрија {f} :: symmetry
симетричан {adj} :: symmetric, symmetrical
симетрично {adv} :: symmetrically
симо {adv} [archaic] :: hither, here, this way
симпатизер {m} :: sympathiser
симпатизерка {f} :: sympathiser
симпатија {f} :: a romantic interest
симпатија {f} :: affection, romantic feelings
симпатија {f} :: fondness
симпатија {f} :: goodwill
симпатичан {adj} :: attractive, engaging
симпатичан {adj} :: likable, appealing (especially of persons)
симпатично {adv} :: attractively, prepossessingly
симпатичност {f} :: attractiveness, prepossessing
симпатичност {f} :: likableness (manners, appearance)
симплификација {f} :: simplification
симптом {m} :: symptom
симптоматичан {adj} :: symptomatic
симптоматично {adv} :: symptomatically
симулакрум {m} :: simulacrum
симулатор {m} :: simulator
симулација {f} :: simulation
симулирати {vt impf} :: to simulate
симултан {adj} :: simultaneous
симултано {adv} :: simultaneously
симултаност {f} :: simultaneousness, simultaneity
симфонија {f} :: symphony
син {m} :: son
син {m} :: sin (letter of various Semitic abjads)
сина {noun} [Chakavian, Ilkavian] :: shadow, shade
синагога {f} :: synagogue
синак {m} :: (diminutive) son
Сингапур {prop} {m} :: Сингапур (island/and/city-state)
сингл {m} :: single
синглица {f} :: single (popular song released and sold nominally on its own)
сингулар {m} [grammar] :: singular
синди {m} :: Sindhi (language)
синдикализам {m} :: syndicalism
синдикат {m} :: syndicate (of workers)
синдром {m} :: syndrome
синдски {adj} [relational] :: Sindh; Sindhi
синдски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Sindhi language
синекура {f} :: sinecure
синергија {f} :: synergy
синжир {m} :: alternative form of сѝнџӣр
синија {f} :: low-lying round table
синицеза {f} :: synizesis
синкопа {f} :: syncope
синкретизам {m} :: syncretism
синкронизација {f} :: synchronization
синкронизација {f} :: dubbing (replacement of voice)
синкронизирати {v impf pf} :: to synchronize, sync (to cause two or more events to happen at exactly the same time)
синкронизирати {v impf pf} :: to dub, revoice (to replace soundtrack with translation)
синов {adj} [relational] :: son; son's
синовац {m} :: fraternal nephew (of a brother)
синод {m} :: synod
синологија {f} :: sinology
синоним {m} :: synonym
синониман {adj} :: synonymous
синонимија {f} [semantics] :: synonymy
синоћ {adv} :: last night or evening
синоћњи {adj} [relational] :: last night/evening; last night's/evening's
синтагма {f} [linguistics] :: syntagma
синтакса {f} :: syntax
синтактички {adj} :: syntactic
синтактички {adv} :: syntactically
синтеза {f} :: synthesis
синтерирање {n} :: sintering
синтетизирати {vt impf pf} [usually, Croatian] :: to synthesize
синтетичан {adj} :: synthetic
синтетички {adj} :: synthetic
синтетички {adv} :: synthetically
синтетски {adj} :: synthetic
синтетски {adv} :: synthetically
синути {vi pf} :: to begin to shine
синути {vi pf} :: to burst forth in splendor
синути {vi pf} :: to flash
синхронизација {f} :: synchronization
синхронизација {f} :: dubbing (replacement of voice)
синхронизовати {v impf pf} :: to synchronize, sync (to cause two or more events to happen at exactly the same time)
синхронизовати {v impf pf} :: to dub, revoice (to replace soundtrack with translation)
синхронија {f} [linguistics] :: (Bosnian, Serbian) synchrony
синчић {m} :: (diminutive) son
синџир {m} :: chain
синџир {m} :: fetter
сињи {adj} :: gray, of the color of ash
сињи {adj} :: gray-blue, the color of the sea
сипа {f} :: cuttlefish
сипати {vt impf} :: to pour
сипати {vi impf} :: to mizzle
сипах {m} [historical] :: sepoy
сипах {m} [historical] :: spahi
сипити {vi impf} :: to drizzle
сипити {vi impf} :: to trickle, flow slowly
сипња {f} [uncountable] :: asthma
сир {m} :: cheese
сирена {f} :: mermaid
сирена {f} :: siren
Сирија {prop} {f} :: Сирија (country)
Сиријац {prop} {m} :: Syrian
сиријски {adj} :: Syrian
сиријски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Syriac language
сирило {n} :: rennet
сирити {vr impf} :: to curdle, coagulate (of milk, turn to cheese)
сирити {vt impf} :: to make cheese
сириште {n} :: abomasum, maw, the fourth compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
сирни {adj} [relational] :: cheese
сирница {f} :: cheese strudel
сирница {f} :: wooden vessel for carrying cheese on the road
сирница {f} :: a type Easter bread
сиров {adj} :: raw, uncooked (of food)
сиров {adj} :: crude, coarse
сировина {f} :: raw material
сировина {f} :: staple
сирово {adv} :: raw, uncooked (of food)
сирово {adv} :: coarsely, crudely
сиромах {m} :: pauper, poor man
сиромах {m} [figuratively] :: poor, wretched man
сиромашан {adj} :: poor (with no possessions or money)
сиромашан {adj} :: miserable
сиромаштво {n} :: poverty
сирот {adj} :: orphaned
сирот {adj} :: poor (lacking wealth)
сирот {adj} :: miserable, unfortunate
сирота {f} :: orphan
сирота {f} :: an unfortunate
сиротиња {f} :: poverty (state of being poor)
сиротиња {f} :: beggar, poor man
сиротиште {n} :: orphanage
сиротка {f} [rare] :: alternative form of сирутка
сирочад {f} :: orphans
сироче {n} {n} :: orphan
сирће {n} [Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia] :: vinegar
сируп {m} :: syrup
сирутка {f} [chiefly, Croatia] :: whey
сиса {f} :: woman's breast [somewhat vulgar]
сиса {f} :: animal teat
сисавац {m} [Croatia] :: mammal
сисар {m} :: mammal
сисати {vit impf} :: to suck
сисати {vit impf} :: to suckle
сисати {vit impf} :: to imbibe, absorb
систем {m} :: system
систематичан {adj} :: systematic
систематично {adv} :: systematically
систематски {adj} :: systematic
систематски {adv} :: systematically
сит {adj} :: sated, full
ситан {adj} :: tiny, small
ситан {adj} :: trivial, unimportant
ситан {adj} :: fine (in structure/size)
ситнити {vt impf} :: to chop or split fine; to mince
ситница {f} :: small or trivial thing (of size, value, importance, price, etc.)
ситничав {adj} :: pedantic, paltry, hairsplitting
ситничаво {adv} :: pedantically
ситничар {m} :: nitpick, stickler
ситно {adv} :: in tiny pieces or steps
сито {n} :: sieve
ситуација {f} :: situation
ситуацијски {adj} :: situational
ситуацијски {adv} :: situationally
сић {m} [regional] :: pail, bucket
сићи {vi pf} :: to descend, get down, come down
сићушан {adj} :: tiny
сифилис {m} :: syphilis
сиц {m} [regional] :: seat (of a vehicle)
сицвана {f} :: a bathtub in which one sits
Сицилија {prop} {f} :: Сицилија (island/and/region)
сицилијански {adj} :: Sicilian
сицилијански {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Sicilian language
сицфлајш {m} [regional] :: diligence
сичан {m} [regional] :: mouse
сичан {m} [regional] :: rat
сичан {m} [regional] :: rat poison
сјај {m} :: glow, radiance, shine, luster
сјај {m} :: splendor
сјајан {adj} :: radiant, brilliant, shining
сјајан {adj} :: great, marvelous, awesome
сјајно {adv} :: great, magnificently, excellently
сјати {vi impf} :: to shine
сјати {vr impf} :: to shine, beam; be shiny, radiant
сјахати {vi pf} :: to dismount (a horse)
сјахивати {vi impf} :: to dismount (a horse)
сјебати {vt pf} [vulgar] :: to screw up, ruin, fuck up
сјебати {vr pf} [vulgar] :: to hurt or inflict damage upon oneself
сјевер {m} [uncountable] :: north
сјеверац {m} :: north wind
Сјеверна Америка {prop} {f} :: North America
Сјеверна Ирска {prop} {f} :: Northern Ireland
Сјеверна Кореја {prop} {f} :: North Korea
сјеверни {adj} :: northern
сјеверни медвјед {noun} :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
сјеверно {adv} :: north, northwards
сјеверноамерички {adj} :: North American
сјеверноафрички {adj} :: North African
сјевернокорејски {adj} :: North Korean
сјеверњак {m} :: north wind
сјеверњак {m} :: northerner
Сјеверњача {prop} {f} :: North Star
сјеверозапад {m} [uncountable] :: northwest
сјеверозападни {adj} :: northwest
сјеверозападно {adv} :: northwestward
сјевероисток {m} [uncountable] :: Northeast
сјевероисточни {adj} :: northeast
сјевероисточно {adv} :: northeastward
сједало {n} :: seat
сједати {vi impf} :: to sit down
сјединити {vtr pf} :: to unite
сједињавати {vtr impf} :: to unite
Сједињене Америчке Државе {prop} {f} :: Сједињене Америчке Државе (country)
сједити {vi impf} :: to sit
сједиште {n} :: seat
сједиште {n} :: residence, headquarters
сједница {f} :: session, meeting, conference (by a board, committee, parliament etc.)
сједоћа {f} :: greyness of hair
сјекира {f} :: axe
сјекирица {f} :: hatchet, a small axe
сјеме {n} :: seed
сјеме {n} :: germ
сјеме {n} :: semen
сјеме {n} :: spawn
сјеме {n} :: milt
сјеме {n} :: offspring
сјеме {n} :: prime cause
сјеменик {m} :: testicle
сјеменка {f} :: seed
сјена {f} :: shadow
сјена {f} :: silhouette
сјена {f} :: shade
сјена {f} :: umbrage
сјена {f} :: ghost
сјена {f} :: wraith
сјена {f} :: adumbration, shading
сјена {f} :: hatching
сјеница {f} :: tit (bird)
сјенка {f} :: shade; shadow
сјеновит {adj} :: shady
сјести {vi pf} :: to sit down
сјета {f} :: sorrow, melancholy
сјетва {f} :: sowing, seeding
сјетити {vt pf} :: to remind
сјетити {vr pf} [with genitive] :: to remember
сјетити {vr pf} :: to hit upon an idea, occur to one
сјећање {n} :: memory
сјећање {n} :: recollection
сјећати {vr impf} :: remember (to recall one’s memory)
сјећати {vt impf} [rare] :: remind (to make remember)
сјећи {vit impf} :: to cut, chop, chip, hew
сјечиво {n} :: blade
Сјудад де Мехико {prop} {m} :: Сјудад де Мехико (caplc)
сјутра {adv} [regional] :: tomorrow
СК {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Свет компјутера Svet kompjutera, a Serbian computer magazine
скакавац {m} :: grasshopper
скакати {vi impf} :: to jump, leap
скакати {vi impf} :: to rise, jump, suddenly increase (of prices, temperature, etc.)
скакач {m} :: jumper (person)
скакач {m} [chess] :: knight
скакачки {adj} [relational] :: jumpers, jumping
скакачки {adv} :: as a jumper, in a manner of a jumper
скалп {m} [anatomy] :: scalp
скалпел {m} :: scalpel
скалпирати {vt impf pf} :: to scalp
скаменити {vtr pf} :: to petrify
скаменити {vtr pf} [figuratively] :: to astound, dumbfound, stupefy
скамењивати {vtr impf} :: to petrify
скамењивати {vtr impf} [figuratively] :: to astound, dumbfound, stupefy
скандал {m} :: scandal
скандализирати {vtr impf pf} :: to scandalize
скандалозан {adj} :: scandalous, shocking
скандалозно {adv} :: scandalously, shockingly
скандиј {m} :: scandium
скандијум {m} :: scandium
Скандинавац {prop} {m} :: Scandinavian
Скандинавија {prop} {f} :: Scandinavia
скандинавски {adj} :: Scandinavian
скандирати {vi impf} :: to chant (of a group of people)
скањивати {vr impf} :: to hesitate, be indecisive, not dare to do sth
скарабеј {m} :: scarab (beetle)
скарабеј {m} :: scarab (amulet)
скаредан {adj} :: vulgar (of words, expression or behavior)
скаредно {adv} :: vulgarly
скат {m} :: a type of card game played with 3 players, popular in Germany
скаут {m} :: scout (member of the scout movement)
скврнити {vt impf} :: to defile, besmear (something sacred, honored or pure)
скврчити {vtr pf} :: to bend, contort, twist (of one's body)
скела {f} :: ferry
скела {f} :: scaffold
скелет {m} [anatomy] :: skeleton
скенер {m} :: scanner
скептицизам {m} :: skepticism
скептичан {adj} :: skeptical
скептички {adj} :: skeptical
скептички {adv} :: skeptically
скептично {adv} :: skeptically
скидати {vt impf} :: to take down, take off
скидати {vt impf} :: to take off, remove (something worn)
скидати {vr impf} :: to undress
скија {f} :: ski
скијати {vir impf} :: to ski
скијашки {adj} [relational] :: skiing, ski
скини ми се {interj} [offensive] :: get off (my back)
скинути {vt pf} :: to take down, take off
скинути {vt pf} :: to take off, remove (something worn)
скинути {vt pf} :: to get off, get down, climb down (from somewhere)
скинути {v pf} [by extension, computing] :: to download
скинути {vr pf} :: to undress
скитати {vi impf} :: to wander around, roam
скитница {m} :: wanderer
скитница {m} :: tramp
скица {f} :: sketch [quick drawing or a preliminary work]
скицирати {vit impf pf} :: to sketch
скицнбух {m} [regional, obsolete] :: sketchbook
склад {m} :: harmony, accord, congruity
складан {adj} :: harmonious
складан {adj} :: (+ с) in accordance with; suitable, appropriate
складатељ {m} [Croatian] :: (male) composer [of a music piece]
складати {vit impf} [Croatian] :: to compose music
складба {f} :: (Croatian) composition (music)
складиште {n} :: warehouse
складно {adv} :: harmoniously
склањати {vt impf} :: to put away, hide (something somewhere, in a safe place)
склањати {vt impf} :: to remove, eliminate (obstacle)
склањати {vtr impf} :: to shelter, find refuge
склањати {vr impf} :: to make way, get out of the way
склапати {vt impf} :: to fold, fold up (foldable object, hands etc.)
склапати {vt impf} :: to close (eyes, book etc.)
склапати {vt impf} :: to assemble (object from pieces)
склапати {vt impf} :: to conclude, make contract/agreement
склероза {f} :: sclerosis
склеротичан {adj} :: sclerotic
склон {adj} :: to be favorable towards (+dative)
склон {adj} :: tend to, be prone to (+dative)
склонидба {f} :: declension
склонити {vt pf} :: to put away, hide (something somewhere, in a safe place)
склонити {vt pf} :: to remove, eliminate (obstacle)
склонити {vtr pf} :: to shelter, find refuge
склонити {vr pf} :: to make way, get out of the way
склониште {n} :: shelter
склониште {n} :: asylum
склониште {n} :: hiding place, cover
склоност {f} :: inclination, affinity, propensity (+ dative)
склоп {m} :: framework, complex
склоп {m} :: concatenation of items
склопив {adj} :: folding, foldable, collapsible
склопити {vt pf} :: to fold, fold up (foldable object, hands etc.)
склопити {vt pf} :: to close (eyes, book etc.)
склопити {vt pf} :: to assemble (object from pieces)
склопити {vt pf} :: to conclude, make contract/agreement
склопка {f} :: switch (device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow)
скок {m} :: jump
сколастика {f} :: scholasticism
сколастичар {m} [philosophy] :: scholastic
сколастички {adj} [philosophy] :: scholastic
сколастички {adv} :: scholastically
Скопље {prop} {n} :: Skopje (capital of Macedonia)
скорбут {m} :: scurvy
скоро {adv} :: soon (= ускоро)
скоро {adv} :: almost
скоро {adv} :: recently
скоруп {m} [uncountable] :: cream (oily part of milk which rises to the top)
скоруп {m} [uncountable] :: cream (the best part of something)
скот {m} :: litter (animal young)
скот {m} [pejorative] :: evil and merciless person
скоч {m} :: scotch (whisky)
скочимиш {m} :: gerbil
скочити {vi pf} :: to jump, leap
скочити {vi pf} :: to rise, jump, suddenly increase (of prices, temperature, etc.)
скрасити {vr pf} :: to settle down (in one place)
скратити {vt pf} :: to shorten, make shorter
скратити {vt pf} :: to abbreviate
скратити {vt pf} :: to reduce (a fraction)
скратити {vr pf} :: to become shorter
скраћеница {f} :: abbreviation
скраћивати {vt impf} :: to shorten, make shorter
скраћивати {vt impf} :: to abbreviate
скраћивати {vt impf} :: to reduce (a fraction)
скраћивати {vr impf} :: to become shorter
скрб {f} [usually, Croatian] :: care (about others)
скренути {vit pf} :: to turn, take another direction
скренути {vi pf} :: to deviate, diverge from
скренути {vi pf} :: to strike into another track
скренути {vi pf} :: to shunt [train]
скренути {vi pf} :: to digress [of a conversation]
скренути {vi pf} :: to stray [from proper path]
скренути {vi pf} :: to sheer [ship's direction]
скресати {vt pf} :: to prune, cut, trim
скресати {vt pf} :: to reduce, cut, decrease
скресати {vt pf} [with dative] :: to speak openly and harshly
скретати {vit impf} :: to turn, take another direction
скретати {vi impf} :: to deviate, diverge from
скретати {vi impf} :: to strike into another track
скретати {vi impf} :: to shunt [train]
скретати {vi impf} :: to digress [of a conversation]
скретати {vi impf} :: to stray [from proper path]
скретати {vi impf} :: to sheer [ship's direction]
скрибент {m} :: hack, pen-pusher
скривати {vtr impf} :: to hide, conceal
скривен {adj} :: clandestine (done or kept in secret)
скривен {adj} :: hidden
скрипта {n} :: script (file containing a list of user commands)
скрипта {n} :: course materials, lecture/class notes (for university students)
скрнавити {vt impf} :: to desecrate
скровит {adj} :: secretive, hidden
скровит {adj} :: mysterious
скровито {adv} :: secretively, hiddenly
скровито {adv} :: mysteriously
скровиште {n} :: hideout
скроз {adv} :: through
скроз {adv} :: completely, totally
скроман {adj} :: humble, modest
скроман {adj} :: unassuming
скромно {adv} :: humbly, modestly
скромност {f} [uncountable] :: modesty, humbleness
скрпавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of скрпати
скрпавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of скрпити
скрпати {vt pf} :: to patch
скрпати {vt pf} :: to cobble
скрпити {v pf} :: alternative form of скрпати
скрстити {vt pf} :: to cross (to cause to intersect)
скрупула {f} :: scruple
скрупулозан {adj} :: scrupulous
скрупулозно {adv} :: scrupulously
скрушен {adj} :: contrite, penitent, repentant
скрушено {adv} :: contritely, penitently, repentantly
скрушеност {f} [uncountable] :: contrition, penitence, repentance
скршити {vtr pf} :: to break, crush
скрштавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of скрстити
скувати {vitr pf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to cook
скулптура {f} :: sculpture
скуњити {vr pf} [rare] :: to despond, sadden, lose one's spirit, feel dejected
скуп {adj} :: expensive
скуп {m} :: assembly, gathering
скупа {adv} :: together, jointly
скупина {f} :: group [animate or inanimate]
скупина {f} [Buddhism] :: skandha
скупити {vt pf} :: to gather, collect, assemble
скупити {vr pf} :: to shrink, contract
скупљати {vt impf} :: to gather, collect, assemble
скупљати {vr impf} :: to shrink, contract
скупљач {m} :: collector, gatherer
скупљачица {f} :: gatherer, collector (female)
скупни {adj} :: collective, common
скупно {adv} :: jointly, collectively
скупоћа {f} :: costliness, expensiveness
скупоцен {adj} :: valuable, costly
скупоцјен {adj} :: valuable, costly
скупштина {f} :: parliament, assembly
скупштина {f} :: meeting (organized, official and of a larger number of people)
скупштинар {m} :: assemblyman
скупштинарка {f} :: assemblywoman
скут {m} :: skirt
скут {m} :: train (of a dress)
скут {m} [figuratively] :: shelter, care
скутер {m} :: scooter (vehicle)
скутривати {v impf} :: imperfective form of скутрити
скутрити {vi pf} :: to stoop
скутрити {vr pf} :: to curl up
скуцавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of скуцати
скуцати {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to scrape up (to gather little by little)
скучити {vr pf} :: to bend, cramp, bow (one's body)
скуша {f} :: mackerel
слаб {adj} :: weak
слаба интеракција {f} [physics] :: weak interaction
слаба нуклеарна интеракција {f} [physics] :: weak nuclear interaction
слабашан {adj} :: weak (of physical constitution, especially of children)
слабети {vi impf} :: to grow/become weak; weaken
слабине {f} [plurale tantum] :: loins
слабити {vt impf} :: to debilitate, weaken, enfeeble
слабити {vt impf} :: to relax, ease
слабити {vi impf} :: to grow/become weak
слабић {m} :: weakling
слабјети {vi impf} :: to grow/become weak; weaken
слабо {adv} :: weakly
слабо {adv} :: poorly
слабокрван {adj} :: anemic
слабокрвност {f} [uncountable] :: anemia
слабом курцу и длака смета {proverb} :: "a weak dick is bothered even by pubic hair" a bad workman always blames his tools (used as a remark for somebody's whining on trivial issues, or that it's always other people's fault, and never his)
слабост {f} :: weakness
слабоћа {f} [uncountable] :: weakness
слабоуман {adj} :: feeble-minded
слабоумност {f} [uncountable] :: imbecility, feeble-mindedness
слава {f} :: glory
слава {f} :: fame
слава {f} :: feast
слава {f} :: Christian celebration (holiday) honoring a family saint
славан {adj} :: famous
Славен {prop} {m} [now, chiefly Bosnia, Croatia] :: Slav
Славен {prop} {m} [Serbia] :: a man from Slavonia
Славен {prop} {m} :: given name
Славенка {f} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) Slav (female)
Славенка {f} :: (Serbian) a woman from Slavonia
славенски {adj} :: (Bosnian, Croatian, dated Serbian) Slavic
славенски {adv} :: (Bosnian, Croatian, dated Serbian) in a Slavic manner, as a Slav
славина {f} :: faucet, tap
славист {m} :: Slavicist
славити {vit impf} :: to celebrate, glorify
славић {m} :: nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) or thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia)
славно {adv} :: famously
славолук {m} :: triumphal arch
Славонац {prop} {m} :: inhabitant of Slavonia
Славонија {prop} {f} :: Slavonia
славонски {adj} [relational] :: Slavonia
славохлепан {adj} [usually, Croatian] :: ambitious
славохлепно {adv} [usually, Croatian] :: ambitiously
славуј {m} :: nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) or thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia)
слагање {n} :: accordance, agreement, concord
слагар {m} :: typesetter
слагати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сложити
слагати {vi} :: to lie (tell falsehoods)
слад {m} :: malt
сладак {adj} :: sweet [having a pleasant taste]
сладак {adj} :: cute, sweet (of a person or figuratively)
сладити {vt impf} :: to sweeten (make sweet)
сладити {vt impf} :: to sweeten (make pleasing or grateful to the mind or feelings)
сладити {vr impf} :: to relish, enjoy, savor (especially in food or drink)
сладић {m} :: licorice/liquorice
сладокусац {m} :: gourmand
сладолед {m} :: ice cream
сладор {m} [obsolete] :: sugar
сладорача {f} [rare, language of literature] :: syrup
слак {m} :: bindweed
слалом {m} :: slalom
слама {f} [uncountable] :: straw
сламарица {f} :: straw-mattress, palliasse
сламати {v impf} :: imperfective form of сломити
сламка {f} :: drinking straw
сламнат {adj} [relational] :: straw
сламница {f} :: straw-mattress, palliasse
сламњача {f} :: straw-mattress, palliasse
сламчица {f} :: a small straw
слан {adj} :: salty, saline
слана {f} :: hoarfrost
сланац {m} :: a type of oblong pastry with a layer of salt or sprinkled with coarse grains of salt
сланац {m} [regional] :: salt spring
сланик {m} :: salt cellar, salting tub
сланина {f} :: bacon
сланица {f} :: salt cellar, salting tub
сланост {f} :: saltiness
сланоћа {f} :: saltiness
слап {m} [geology] :: waterfall
сласно {adv} :: deliciously, tastily
сласт {f} :: sweetness, delight
сластан {adj} :: delicious, tasty
сластичар {m} [usually, Croatian] :: confectioner
сластичарна {f} :: (Croatian) sweetshop
сластичарница {f} :: (Croatian) sweetshop
слати {vit impf} :: to send
слатина {f} :: salt-spring
слаткиш {m} :: confectionery (candy, cake etc.)
слатко {n} :: dessert
слатко {n} :: sweet
слатко {n} :: slatko
слатководни {adj} :: freshwater
слаткоречив {adj} :: glib, smooth-spoken
слаткоречиво {adv} :: glibly
слаткорјечив {adj} :: glib, smooth-spoken
слаткорјечиво {adv} :: glibly
слаткоћа {f} [uncountable] :: sweetness
слачица {f} :: mustard
след {m} :: sequence
след {m} :: track
следбеник {m} :: successor
следбеник {m} :: adherent, follower
следећи {adj} :: next, following
следити {vt impf} :: to follow
следити {vi impf} :: to come next, follow
следити {vi impf} :: to appear, seem, follow
следити {vr pf} :: to freeze (turn to ice)
следник {m} :: successor
слеђ {m} :: herring
слеђивати {vr impf} :: to freeze (turn to ice)
слезена {f} [anatomy, immunology, Bosnian, Croatian] :: spleen
слезина {f} [anatomy, immunology, Serbian] :: spleen
слеме {n} :: peak, top (of a mountain)
слеме {n} :: ridge (of a roof)
сленг {m} :: slang
слеп {adj} :: blind
слепац {m} :: blind man
слепило {n} :: blindness
слепоочни {adj} [relational] :: temple [of the head]; temporal
слепоочница {f} :: temple (anatomy)
слепоћа {f} :: blindness
слив {m} :: basin (of a river)
сливеник {m} :: affricate
слизати {vr pf} [colloquial] :: to become pal with, to pal/gang up with, hang out with
слијед {m} :: sequence
слијед {m} :: track
слиједити {vt impf} :: to follow
слиједити {vi impf} :: to come next, follow
слиједити {vi impf} :: to appear, seem, follow
слијеп {adj} :: blind
слијепац {m} :: blind man
слика {f} :: picture, image
слика {f} :: painting
сликање {n} :: painting
сликање {n} :: photography (activity)
сликар {m} :: painter (artist)
сликати {vt impf} :: to paint
сликати {vtr impf} :: to take a picture, photograph
слина {f} :: saliva (liquid secreted into the mouth)
слинав {adj} :: sniveling, slobbering, slobbery
слинав {adj} [figuratively] :: immature, too young
слитина {f} :: alloy
сличан {adj} :: similar
слично {adv} :: similarly
сличност {f} :: similarity, resemblance
слобода {f} :: freedom
слободан {adj} :: free [not imprisoned]
Слободан {prop} {m} :: given name
слободица {f} :: (diminutive, hypocoristic) freedom, liberty
слободно {adv} :: freely
слободоуман {adj} :: free-minded, liberal, free-thinking
слободоумље {n} :: liberalism, free thinking
слободоумност {f} :: liberalism, free thinking
Словак {prop} {m} :: A Slovak, Slovakian (male person)
Словакиња {prop} {f} :: Slovak, Slovakian (female person)
Словачка {prop} {f} :: Slovakia
словачки {adj} :: Slovak
словачки {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovak language
Словен {prop} {m} [now, chiefly Serbia, Ekavian] :: Slav
Словенац {prop} {m} :: Slovene (male person)
словеначки {adj} :: (Serbian) Slovenian, Slovene
словеначки {adj} [Serbian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovenian language
Словенија {prop} {f} :: Slovenia
Словенка {f} :: (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) Slovenian, Slovene (female)
Словенка {f} :: (Serbian) Slav (female)
словенски {adj} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ekavian] :: Slavic
словенски {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: Slovenian
словенски {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovenian language
словенски {adv} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ekavian] :: in a Slavic manner, as a Slav
словенски {adv} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: in a Slovenian manner, as a Slovene
словински {adj} [archaic] :: pertaining to the central western South Slavic people, the speakers of Serbo-Croatian, including the people today known as Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks, Montenegrins, etc
словински {adj} [archaic] :: Serbo-Croatian (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language)
словински {adj} [archaic, in masculine, substantive] :: the Serbo-Croatian language
словински {adj} :: Slovincian
словински {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovincian language
словјенски {adj} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ijekavian] :: Slavic
словјенски {adv} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ijekavian] :: in a Slavic manner, as a Slav
словник {m} [archaic] :: dictionary
словница {f} [obsolete] :: grammar
слово {n} :: letter (letter of the alphabet)
слово {n} [figuratively] :: speech, sermon
слово {n} [obsolete] :: word
слог {m} :: syllable
слога {f} :: unity, accord
слоган {m} :: slogan (distinctive phrase of a person or group of people)
слоган {m} :: slogan (advertising)
сложан {adj} :: harmonious
сложен {adj} :: sophisticated, complex
сложеница {f} [linguistics] :: compound
сложити {vit} :: to pile, stack, heap
сложити {vit} :: to arrange
сложити {vt} :: to match, pair up, reconcile, harmonize
сложити {vr} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
сложност {f} :: unity, accord (state of)
слој {m} :: layer
слој {m} :: stratum
слојевит {adj} :: stratified (in layers)
слом {m} :: breakdown, breakage
слом {m} [figuratively] :: debacle, collapse, defeat (military, political, etc.)
сломити {vtr} :: to break, crack
слон {m} :: elephant
слоница {f} :: female elephant
слонов {adj} :: elephant's, belonging to an elephant
слоновача {f} :: ivory [material]
слоновски {adj} :: elephantine
слоновски {adv} :: as an elephant, in a manner of an elephant
слуга {m} :: servant
слуган {m} [pejorative] :: servant
служавка {f} :: servant
служба {f} :: service
служба {f} :: employment, job
служба {f} :: office, work
служба {f} :: duty
служба {f} :: divine service
службен {adj} :: official
службеник {m} :: employee
службеник {m} :: official
службеник {m} :: clerk
службеница {f} :: employee
службеница {f} :: official
службеница {f} :: clerk
службено {adv} :: officially
служинчад {f} [collective] :: domestic servants
служинче {n} :: domestic servant (especially a child)
служитељ {m} :: servant
служити {vt impf} :: to serve (guests, purpose etc.)
служити {vr impf} :: to make use of, use
служити {vr impf} :: to help oneself
слуз {f} :: mucus
слузав {adj} :: slimy, mucous
слупати {vt pf} :: to smash, shatter, break to pieces
слути {v impf} ::  to call, to say aloud
слутити {vit impf} :: to suspect, have an inkling of
слутити {vit impf} :: to bode
слутња {f} :: presentiment, premonition
слух {m} [uncountable] :: hearing (ability to hear)
случај {m} :: case (one of several similar instances or events which are being studied and compared)
случајан {adj} :: random
случајан {adj} :: coincidental (occurring as or resulting from coincidence)
случајно {adj} :: accidentally
случајно {adj} :: by chance
случајно {adj} :: randomly
случајност {m} :: coincidence (the appearance of a meaningful connection when there is none)
случајност {m} :: chance (random occurrence)
случајност {m} :: chance (probability of something happening)
слушалац {m} :: hearer, listener
слушалица {f} :: telephone receiver
слушатељ {m} :: hearer, listener
слушатељство {n} :: audience
слушати {vit impf} :: to listen
слушати {vt impf} :: to obey
слушати {v impf} [medicine] :: to auscultate
слушач {m} :: listener
слушачица {f} :: listener (female)
слушкиња {f} [pejorative] :: servant (female)
сљедбеник {m} :: successor
сљедбеник {m} :: adherent, follower
сљедећи {adj} :: next, following
сљедник {m} :: successor
сљеме {n} :: peak, top (of a mountain)
сљеме {n} :: ridge (of a roof)
сљепило {n} :: blindness
сљепоочни {adj} [relational] :: temple [of the head]; temporal
сљепоочница {f} :: temple (anatomy)
сљепоћа {f} :: blindness
сљубити {vtr pf} :: to join, place close together, melt into one (of surfaces or shapes)
сљубљивати {vtr impf} :: to join, place close together, melt into one (of surfaces or shapes)
смагати {vi impf} :: to find, obtain (of time, money, resources..) (+ genitive)
смагати {vi impf} :: to be able
смазати {v pf} [colloquial] :: to devour, polish off, eat up
смак {m} :: end, termination
смакнути {vt pf} :: to suddenly remove, take off (hat, mask etc.)
смакнути {vt pf} :: to execute (kill by authorities or military)
смакнуће {n} :: execution (to death)
смалаксати {vit pf} :: to exhaust or to become exhausted
смањење {n} :: decrease
смањивати {vt impf} :: to reduce, lessen, make smaller (in size or volume, also figuratively)
смањити {vt pf} :: to reduce, lessen, make smaller (in size or volume, also figuratively)
смарагд {m} :: emerald
сматрати {vi impf} :: to think, be of opinion
сматрати {vt impf} :: to consider
смеђ {adj} :: brown
смеђаст {adj} :: brownish
смеђи медвед {m} :: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
смеђи медвјед {m} :: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
смежурати {vtr pf} :: to wrinkle
смејање {n} :: laughter, laugh
смејати {vr impf} :: to laugh
смелост {f} :: boldness, audacity
смена {f} :: shift (a set group of workers or period of working time)
смена {f} :: change, act of changing (of guard, generations etc.)
сменити {vt pf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
сменити {vt pf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
смењивати {vt impf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
смењивати {vt impf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
смео {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
смеон {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
смеоно {adv} :: bravely, boldly, courageously
смер {m} :: direction, course
смерати {vi impf} :: to intend, plan
смерница {f} :: guideline
смерница {f} :: direction, instruction
смерност {f} :: humility, modesty
смеса {f} :: mixture
сместа {adv} :: at once, immediately, right away
сместити {vtr pf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
сместити {vtr pf} :: to move, settle
сметати {vit impf} :: to disturb, bother (a person)
сметати {vit impf} :: to hamper, hinder, interfere with
сметењак {m} :: scatterbrain
смети {vi impf} :: can, may, be allowed to
смети {vi impf} :: to dare, venture
сметња {f} :: obstacle, hindrance
смеће {n} [uncountable] :: trash, waste, garbage
смех {m} :: laugh, laughter
смешак {m} :: smile
смешан {adj} :: funny
смешити {vr impf} :: to smile
смешно {adv} :: ridiculously, funnily
смештај {m} :: accommodation, housing
смештај {m} :: lodging
смештајни {adj} [relational] :: accommodation, housing, lodging
смештати {vtr impf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
смештати {vtr impf} :: to move, settle
смијање {n} :: laughter, laugh
смијати {vr impf} :: to laugh
смијенити {vt pf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
смијенити {vt pf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
смијех {m} :: laugh, laughter
смијешак {m} :: smile
смијешан {adj} :: funny
смијешити {vr impf} :: to smile
смијешно {adv} :: ridiculously, funnily
смиловати {vr pf} :: to have/show mercy
смио {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
смион {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
смионо {adv} :: bravely, boldly, courageously
смирак {m} :: emery
смирен {adj} :: calm, serene
смирено {adv} :: calmly, serenely
смиривати {vt impf} :: to calm, soothe, pacify
смиривати {vr impf} :: to calm down
смирити {vt pf} :: to calm, soothe, pacify
смирити {vr pf} :: to calm down
смирна {f} :: myrrh
смисао {m} :: sense, meaning
смислен {adj} :: thought out, sensible
смислено {adv} :: sensibly, in a thought-out manner
смислити {vit pf} :: to think out, devise (plan, solution etc.)
смицалица {f} :: trick, ruse
смицати {vt impf} :: to suddenly remove, take off (hat, mask etc.)
смицати {vt impf} :: to execute (kill by authorities or military)
смишљати {vit impf} :: to think out, devise (plan, solution etc.)
смјелост {f} :: boldness, audacity
смјена {f} :: shift (a set group of workers or period of working time)
смјена {f} :: change, act of changeing (of guard, generations etc.)
смјењивати {vt impf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
смјењивати {vt impf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
смјер {m} :: direction, course
смјерати {vi impf} :: to intend, plan
смјерница {f} :: guideline
смјерница {f} :: direction, instruction
смјерност {f} :: humility, modesty
смјеса {f} :: mixture
смјеста {adv} :: at once, immediately, right away
смјестити {vtr pf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
смјестити {vtr pf} :: to move, settle
смјети {vi impf} :: can, may, be allowed to
смјети {vi impf} :: to dare, venture
смјештај {m} :: accommodation, housing
смјештај {m} :: lodging
смјештајни {adj} [relational] :: accommodation, housing, lodging
смјештати {vtr impf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
смјештати {vtr impf} :: to move, settle
смог {m} :: smog
смоква {f} :: fig
смоквик {m} :: fig garden
смоквик {m} :: fig orchard
смоквин {adj} [relational] :: fig
смокинг {m} :: tuxedo, dinner jacket
смоков {adj} [relational] :: fig
смола {f} :: resin (viscous liquid of plant origin)
смотак {m} :: bundle
смотак {m} :: roll, ball
смотати {vt pf} :: to fold
смотати {vt pf} :: to wrap
смотати {vt pf} :: to wind up, roll up
смотати {vr pf} :: to curl up
смотка {f} [archaic] :: cigarette
смотра {m} :: review, parade, festival (public display of work, folklore customs etc.)
смотреност {f} :: caution, prudence
смотрити {v pf} :: to catch sight of, to notice
смотуљак {m} :: package, bundle
смоћи {vi pf} :: to find, obtain (of time, money, resources..) (+ genitive)
смоћи {vi pf} :: to be able
смочити {vtr pf} :: to wet, moisten
смочница {f} :: larder, pantry
смрад {m} :: stink (strong bad smell)
смрдети {vi impf} :: to stink, smell (bad)
смрдити {v impf} :: alternative form of smrdjeti
смрдити {v impf} :: alternative form of smrdeti
смрдјети {vi impf} :: to stink, smell (bad)
смрдљив {adj} :: smelly, stinking, fetid
смрдљивац {m} :: stinking person
смрдљивица {f} :: stinking person
смрека {f} :: spruce
смрзавати {vtr impf} :: to freeze
смрзнути {vtr pf} :: to freeze
смрзотина {f} :: frostbite
смрскавати {vtr impf} :: to crush, smash, break, crack
смрскати {vtr pf} :: to crush, smash, break, crack
смрт {f} :: death
смртан {adj} :: deadly
смртан {adj} [definite] :: mortal
смртни грех {m} [Ekavian] :: deadly sin
смртни гријех {m} :: deadly sin
смртник {m} :: mortal
смртница {f} :: mortal (female)
смртнички {adj} :: mortal
смртнички {adv} :: mortally (as a mortal)
смртност {f} :: mortality
смртоносан {adj} :: lethal, fatal, mortal
смртоносно {adv} :: lethally, fatally, mortally
смрчак {m} :: morel (Morchella gen. et spp.)
смук {m} :: Coronella (serpent genus)
смутња {f} :: trouble, intrigue, cabal
смутња {f} :: confusion
смучка {f} :: ski
снабдевати {vt impf} :: to supply, provide
снабдети {vt pf} :: to supply, provide
снабдијевати {vt impf} :: to supply, provide
снабдјети {vt pf} :: to supply, provide
снага {f} :: strength
снага {f} :: power
снагатор {m} [colloquial] :: muscleman
снажан {adj} :: strong, powerful
снажно {adv} :: strongly, powerfully
снаја {f} :: daughter-in-law (wife of one's son)
снаја {f} :: sister-in-law (wife of one's brother)
снајпер {m} :: a long-range small arms for precise attacks
снајпер {m} :: sniper (by metonymy)
снајперист {m} :: sniper
сналажљив {adj} :: clever, resourceful, witty
сналажљиво {adv} :: resourcefully, ingeniously, cleverly
сналажљивост {f} :: resourcefulness, ingenuity, cleverness
сналазити {vt impf} :: to befall, happen (used only in 3rd person)
сналазити {vr impf} :: to manage on one's own (to find a way or solution, orient oneself etc.)
снаћи {vt pf} :: to befall, happen (used only in 3rd person)
снаћи {vr pf} :: to manage on one's own (to find a way or solution, orient oneself etc.)
снаха {f} :: daughter-in-law (wife of one's son)
снаха {f} :: sister-in-law (wife of one's brother)
снаша {f} :: alternative form of снаха
снебивати {vr impf} :: to excessively or falsely marvel or be shocked
снебити {vr pf} :: to excessively or falsely marvel or be shocked
снег {m} :: snow
снеговит {adj} :: snowy
снежан {adj} [relational] :: snow; snowy
снежење {n} :: snow-fall
снежити {vi impf} :: to snow
снежник {m} :: snow-mountain
снежник {m} :: permanent snow or ice
снен {adj} :: dreamy, sleepy
снено {adv} :: sleepily
снети {vt} :: to carry down
снивати {vit impf} :: to dream
снижавати {vt impf} :: to lower (in height, also figuratively: of prices, voice etc.)
снижење {n} :: reduction (especially of prices)
снижење {n} :: decreasing, abatement, diminution
снизивати {vt impf} :: to lower (in height, also figuratively: of prices, voice etc.)
снизити {vt pf} :: to lower (in height, also figuratively: of prices, voice etc.)
снијег {m} :: snow
снијежење {n} :: snow-fall
снијежити {vi impf} :: to snow
снимак {m} :: footage, recording
снимак {m} :: photograph, snapshot
снимати {vt impf} :: to photograph
снимати {vt impf} :: to film
снимати {vt impf} :: to record, register
снимати {vt impf} [computing] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
снимати {vt impf} [computing] :: to burn (to write a file to a compact disc)
снимити {vt pf} :: to photograph
снимити {vt pf} :: to film
снимити {vt pf} :: to record, register
снимити {vt pf} [computing] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
снимити {vt pf} [computing] :: to burn (to write a file to an optical disc)
снимка {f} :: footage, recording
снимка {f} :: photograph, snapshot
снисходљив {adj} :: condescending
снисходљив {adj} :: indulgent, lenient
снисходљиво {adv} :: condescendingly
снифати {vit impf} :: to sniff
сноб {m} :: snob
сноп {m} :: sheaf (bundle of grain or straw)
снопље {n} :: (collectively) sheaves
сношај {m} :: intercourse (sexual)
сношљив {adj} :: tolerable, endurable
сношљиво {adv} :: tolerably, endurably
снужден {adj} :: sad, mirthless, unhappy
снуждено {adv} :: sadly, mirthlessly, unhappily
сњеговит {adj} :: snowy
сњежан {adj} [relational] :: snow; snowy
сњежник {m} :: snow-mountain
сњежник {m} :: permanent snow or ice
со {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) salt
соба {f} :: room
собар {m} :: valet (hotel employee)
собарица {f} :: valet (hotel employee)
собица {f} :: a small room
собом {pron} :: (with) myself
собом {pron} :: (with) yourself
собом {pron} :: (with) himself
собом {pron} :: (with) herself
собом {pron} :: (with) itself
собом {pron} :: (with) ourselves
собом {pron} :: (with) yourselves
собом {pron} :: (with) themselves
сова {f} :: owl
совјетски {adj} :: Soviet, soviet
Совјетски Савез {prop} {m} :: Soviet Union (informal name for USSR)
сода {f} :: soda (sodium carbonate)
сода {f} :: soda (carbonated drink)
содомизирати {vt} [with accusative] :: to sodomize
содомија {f} :: sodomy
сој {m} :: type, kind, sort
сој {m} :: lineage, stock
соја {f} :: soya, soybean
соја {f} :: soy (soy sauce)
сојка {f} :: jay (bird)
сок {m} :: juice
сокак {m} [Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia] :: alley
сокл {m} :: pedestal
сокл {m} :: support
сокна {f} :: sock
соко {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: falcon
соковник {m} :: juicer
сокол {m} [Croatia] :: falcon
соколити {vt impf} :: to encourage, cheer up
сокоћало {n} :: gadget (any device or machine)
сол {f} :: (Croatian) salt
солар {m} :: bullary worker
соларни ветар {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
соларни вјетар {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
солватација {f} :: solvation
солдат {m} [archaic] :: soldier
солидан {adj} :: solid, firm
солидаран {adj} :: solidary
солидарно {adv} :: with solidarity
солидарност {f} :: solidarity
солити {vt impf} :: to salt
Солун {prop} {m} :: Солун (city)
сом {m} :: catfish
сом {m} [colloquial] :: grand (a thousand of something, especially but not only money)
Сомалија {prop} {f} :: Somalia
соман {m} :: Soman
сомерица {f} :: summer sausage
сомнамбул {m} :: somnambulist, sleepwalker
сомун {m} [now Bosnia] :: a loaf of round wheaten yeast bread, pita
сонар {m} :: sonar
сонатина {f} [music] :: sonatina
сонда {f} :: a probe (a device, or part of a device, used to explore, investigate or measure)
сонет {m} :: sonnet
соноризација {f} [phonology] :: sonorization
сопран {m} :: soprano
сопранистица {f} :: soprano (female)
сорта {f} :: sort, kind
сос {m} :: sauce
Сотона {prop} {m} :: Satan
сотонизам {m} :: Satanism
сотонизирати {vt impf pf} :: to Satanize, demonize
софа {f} :: sofa
софизам {m} :: sophism
Софија {prop} {f} :: Софија (capital city)
Софија {prop} {f} :: given name
Софокле {prop} {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Sophocles
софтвер {m} [computing, uncountable] :: software (encoded computer instructions)
соха {f} :: branching tree
социјалан {adj} :: social
социјалдемокрација {f} :: social democracy
социјализам {m} [uncountable] :: socialism
Социјалистичка Федеративна Република Југославија {prop} {f} :: Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
социјалистички {adj} :: socialist
социјалистички {adv} :: socialistically
социјално {adv} :: socially
социолог {m} :: sociologist
социологија {f} :: sociology
социолошки {adj} :: sociological
социолошки {adv} :: sociologically
сочан {adj} :: juicy
сочиво {n} :: lens
сочиво {n} :: lentil
сочно {adv} :: juicily
спавалица {f} :: sleepyhead
спавало {n} :: sleepyhead
спавање {n} :: sleep, repose
спаваоница {f} :: bedroom (usually a large one)
спавати {vi impf} :: to sleep
спавати {vi impf} [formally] :: to have sex (+ с, са (with) + instrumental)
спаваћи {adj} :: sleeping
спаваћица {f} :: nightgown
спавач {m} :: sleeper
спавачица {f} :: sleeper
спада {f} :: alternative form of шпада
спадати {vi impf} :: to fall down
спадати {vi impf} :: to decline
спадати {vi impf} :: to be reduced to, be lowered or debased
спадати {vi impf} :: to belong (спадати у нешто)
спазити {vit pf} :: to notice, perceive, see
спазматичан {adj} :: spasmodic
спајати {vt impf} :: to connect, join
спајати {vt impf} :: to combine, merge
спајвер {m} [computing] :: spyware (malicious program that monitors and reports activity)
спалити {vt pf} :: to burn down
спаљивање {n} :: burning, combustion
спаљивати {vt impf} :: to burn down
спанаћ {m} :: (Serbian) spinach
Спарта {prop} {f} :: Sparta
Спартанац {prop} {m} :: Spartan
спартански {adj} :: Spartan
спартански {adv} :: as a Spartan
спас {m} [uncountable] :: salvation, redemption
спасење {n} :: salvation, rescue
спасилац {m} :: rescuer, savior
спасилачки {adj} [relational] :: rescuing, saving, savior
спаситељ {m} :: savior (a person who rescues another from harm)
спасити {vtr} [Croatia] :: to save, salvage (to help someone to survive)
спасити {vtr} [Croatia] :: to rescue
спасти {vi} :: to fall down
спасти {vi} :: to decline
спасти {vi} :: to be reduced to, be lowered or debased
спасти {vt} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to save, salvage, rescue
спати {vi impf} :: to sleep
спахија {m} [historical] :: spahi
спахија {m} [regional, obsolete] :: an affluent Islamic head of household in Bosnia and Herzegovina
спацкати {v pf} :: to spoil, ruin, screw up
спачка {f} :: hokum, prank
спашавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of спасити
спашавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of спасти
спев {m} :: poem
спев {m} :: canto
спевати {vt pf} :: to compose (a poem), to write verse
спектакл {m} :: spectacle
спектакуларан {adj} :: spectacular
спектакуларно {adv} :: spectacularly
спектар {m} :: spectrum
спектралан {adj} :: spectral
спекулативан {adj} :: speculative
спекулација {f} :: speculation
спекулирати {v impf} :: (Croatian) to speculate
спелеолог {m} :: speleologist
спелеологија {f} :: speleology
спелеолошки {adj} :: speleological
спелеолошки {adv} :: speleologically
спеловати {vt impf} :: to spell
сперма {f} :: sperm
спећи {vtr pf} :: to cause a burn; scorch, burn someone
спећи {vt pf} [regional] :: to bake, roast
специјалан {adj} :: special
специјализација {f} :: specialization
специјализирати {vtr impf pf} [Croatian] :: to specialize
специјалитет {m} :: specialty
специјално {adv} :: specially
специјалност {f} :: specialty
спецификација {f} :: specification
специфицирати {vi impf pf} [Croatian] :: to specify
специфичан {adj} :: specific
специфичан {adj} :: particular
специфичан {adj} :: peculiar
специфично {adv} :: specifically
спиља {f} :: cave, cavern
спиналан {adj} :: spinal
спирала {f} :: spiral
спиралан {adj} :: spiral
спирално {adv} :: spirally
спирати {vtr impf} :: to wash away, wash off
спиритизам {m} :: Spiritism
спиритуалан {adj} :: spiritual
спиритуализам {m} :: spiritualism
спиритуално {adv} :: spiritually
спиритуалност {f} :: spirituality
спис {m} :: document, text
списак {m} :: list
списак {m} :: catalogue
списак {m} :: register, inventory
списатељ {m} :: writer
списатељица {f} :: writer
спискавати {v impf} :: imperfective form of спискати
спискати {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to squander, waste, dissipate
спјев {m} :: poem
спјев {m} :: canto
спјевати {vt pf} :: to compose (a poem), to write verse
сплав {f} :: raft, float
сплавар {m} :: rafter
сплетка {f} :: intrigue
сплеткар {m} :: intriguer, schemer
сплеткарити {vi impf} :: to plot, intrigue
Сплит {prop} {m} :: Сплит (port city)
сплитски {adj} [relational] :: Split
Сплићанин {prop} {m} :: citizen of Split
спљоштен {adj} :: flattened, flat
спљоштити {vt pf} :: to flatten
спознавати {vt impf} :: to comprehend, conceive
спознавати {vt impf} :: become aware or cognizant of; to learn
спознаја {f} :: cognition, perception, insight, comprehension
спознати {vt pf} :: to comprehend, conceive
спознати {vt pf} :: become aware or cognizant of; to learn
спој {m} :: junction, juncture (place where things join)
спој {m} :: connection, union (that which is joined)
спој {m} :: date
спојен {adj} :: connected, joined
спојен {adj} :: merged, combined
спојив {adj} :: joinable, connectable, mergeable
спојити {vt pf} :: to connect, join
спојити {vt pf} :: to combine, merge
спојница {f} :: hyphen (punctuation)
спокој {m} [uncountable] :: calmness, tranquility, serenity
спокојан {adj} :: tranquil, serene, calm
спокојно {adv} :: calmly, tranquilly, serenely
спокојство {n} [uncountable] :: tranquillity, serenity
спол {m} [usually, Croatian] :: sex [kind of an organism as determined by its reproductive organs]
спол {m} [usually, Croatian] :: gender
сполни акт {m} :: sex act
сполни чин {m} :: sex act
споља {adv} :: from outside
спољашњи {adj} :: exterior
спомен {m} :: remembrance, memory
спомен {m} :: mention
споменар {m} :: scrapbook
споменик {m} :: monument
споменути {vt pf} :: to mention
споменути {vr pf} :: to remember
спомињати {vt impf} :: to mention
спомињати {vr impf} :: to remember
спона {f} [grammar] :: copular verb
спона {f} :: connection, link, bond
спонзор {m} :: sponsor
спонтан {adj} :: spontaneous
спонтано {adv} :: spontaneously
спонтаност {f} :: spontaneity
спопадати {vt impf} :: to seize, overcome
спопасти {vt pf} :: to seize, overcome
спор {m} :: dispute, conflict
спор {adj} :: slow
спор {adj} :: sluggish, lingering
спорадичан {adj} :: sporadic
спорадично {adv} :: sporadically
споразум {m} :: agreement
споразумевати {vr impf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
споразумевати {vr impf} :: to understand each other, get along
споразумети {vr pf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
споразумети {vr pf} :: to understand each other, get along
споразумијевати {vr impf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
споразумијевати {vr impf} :: to understand each other, get along
споразумјети {vr pf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
споразумјети {vr pf} :: to understand each other, get along
споран {adj} :: disputable, contestable
споредан {adj} :: secondary
споредан {adj} :: auxiliary, accessory
споредан {adj} [grammar] :: subordinate
спорно {adv} :: disputably
спорт {m} :: sport
спортски {adj} [relational] :: sporting, sport
спортски {adv} :: sportingly
способан {adj} :: capable, fit for, able
способан {adj} :: qualified
способан {adj} :: clever, gifted
способан {adj} :: competent, efficient
способан {adj} :: skilful
способност {f} :: ability
способност {f} :: capability
способност {f} :: capacity
способност {f} :: competency
способност {f} :: competence
способност {f} :: fitness
справа {f} :: device, gadget
справа {f} :: instrument, piece of equipment
спрат {m} :: floor, story/storey (level)
спрати {vtr pf} :: to wash away, wash off
спрдати {vr impf} :: to mock
спрдачина {f} :: derision, mockery
спрдња {f} :: mockery, derision
спреда {adv} :: in front, ahead
спреј {m} [uncountable] :: spray (substance to be applied by dispensing)
спреј {m} [countable] :: sprayer (object used for spraying)
спрема {f} :: qualification, training
спреман {adj} :: ready, prepared
спремати {vtr impf} :: to prepare
спремати {vit impf} [Croatian] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
спремати {vit impf} :: to store
спремити {vtr pf} :: to prepare
спремити {vt pf} :: to tidy
спремити {vit pf} :: to store
спремити {vt pf} [computing, Croatia] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
спремити {vitr pf} :: to get ready
спремно {adv} :: readily
спремност {f} [uncountable] :: readiness, willingness
спретан {adj} :: skillful, deft
спретно {adv} :: skillfully, deftly
спретност {f} :: skill, skillfulness
спречавати {vt impf} :: to prevent
спречавати {vt impf} :: to avert
спречавати {vt impf} :: to thwart
спречити {vt pf} :: to prevent
спречити {vt pf} :: to avert
спречити {vt pf} :: to thwart
спријатељивати {vtr impf} :: to befriend, make friends, become friends
спријатељити {vtr pf} :: to befriend, make friends, become friends
сприједа {adv} :: in front, ahead
спријечити {vt pf} :: to prevent
спријечити {vt pf} :: to avert
спријечити {vt pf} :: to thwart
спровести {vt pf} :: to escort, lead (person)
спровести {vt pf} :: to convey, conduct (heat, electricity)
спровести {vt pf} :: to carry out, put through, realize
спровод {m} :: funeral
спроводити {vt impf} :: to escort, lead (person)
спроводити {vt impf} :: to convey, conduct (heat, electricity)
спроводити {vt impf} :: to carry out, put through, realize
спруд {m} :: sand-bank
спужва {f} :: sponge
спустити {vt pf} :: to lower, abase, take down
спустити {vr pf} :: to descend (pass from a higher to a lower place)
спутавати {vt impf} :: to bind, fetter, chain, tie
спутан {adj} :: shackled, bound, restrained
спутати {vt pf} :: to bind, fetter, chain, tie
спуштати {vt impf} :: to lower, abase, take down
спуштати {vr impf} :: to descend (pass from a higher to a lower place)
срам {m} :: shame (uncomfortable or painful feeling)
сраман {adj} :: shameful, disgraceful
срамежљивац {m} :: shy person
срамежљивица {f} :: shy woman
срамежљивост {f} :: shyness
срамити {vr impf} :: to be shy
срамити {vr impf} :: to be ashamed of oneself
срамно {adv} :: shamefully, disgracefully
срамота {f} :: shame, disgrace, (shameful act; deep sense of shame)
срамотан {adj} :: shameful, disgraceful
срамотити {vtr impf} :: to disgrace, bring shame, ashame
срамотно {adv} :: shamefully, disgracefully
срање {n} :: bullshit
срање {n} [literally] :: the process of excretion
срати {v impf} [vulgar] :: to shit, to defecate
срати {v impf} [vulgar] :: to talk nonsense
срачунавати {vt impf} :: to calculate
срачунавати {vt impf} :: to estimate
срачунати {vt pf} :: to calculate
срачунати {vt pf} :: to estimate
србенда {f} [derogatory, familiar] :: Serb
Србија {prop} {f} :: Serbia
Србија и Црна Гора {prop} {f} :: Serbia and Montenegro
Србијанац {prop} {m} :: a Serbian (either a citizen of Serbia, or an ethnic Serb from Serbia)
Србијанка {prop} {f} :: a Serbian (either a citizen of Serbia, or an ethnical Serb from Serbia)
србијански {adj} [relational] :: Serbia; Serbian
Србин {prop} {m} :: A Serb*; a person of Serb ethnicity
срдачан {adj} :: heartfelt, cordial
срдачан {adj} :: friendly, warm, affectionate
срдачно {adv} :: heartily, cordially, warmly
срдачност {f} :: cordiality, affection
срдашце {n} [hypocoristic] :: heart
срдити {vtr impf} :: to anger
срдитост {f} :: anger, wrath
срдобоља {f} [archaic] :: dysentery
срдце {n} :: obsolete spelling of срце
сребрен {adj} :: silver
Сребреница {prop} {f} :: Сребреница (town)
сребрн {adj} :: silver
сребро {n} [uncountable] :: silver
среброљубац {m} :: miser
сред {prep} :: in the middle of
среда {f} :: Wednesday
среда {f} :: (expressively) middle, mean, midst
средина {f} :: middle
средина {f} :: surrounding, environment, ambiance
средином {prep} :: [of time periods] around the middle, in/at the middle
средином {prep} :: by the middle, at the middle, in the middle
средити {vt pf} :: to arrange, settle put in order
средити {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to defeat, beat (usually in sports game)
средити {vr pf} :: to get one's act together
средити {vr pf} :: to dress up, spruce up, smarten (in elegant clothes)
средишни {adj} :: central
средишни {adj} :: key, crucial, the most important
средишњи {adj} :: central
средишњи {adj} :: key, crucial, the most important
средиште {n} :: center
Средња Европа {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Central Europe
средњак {m} :: middle finger
средњи {adj} :: central (being in the centre)
средњи {adj} :: Occurring in the midst of two opposites; middle
Средњи исток {prop} {m} :: the Middle East
средњоамерички {adj} :: Central American
средњоафрички {adj} :: Central African
средњовековни {adj} :: medieval
средњовјековни {adj} :: medieval
средњошколац {m} :: highschooler
Средоземље {prop} {n} :: Mediterranean Sea
средоземни {adj} :: Mediterranean
Средоземно море {prop} {n} :: Mediterranean Sea
средство {n} :: medium
средство {n} :: agent
средство {n} :: device, instrument
средство {n} :: resources
сређивати {v impf} :: imperfective form of srediti
сремуш {m} :: ramson (plant)
срести {vtr pf} :: to encounter, meet
сретан {adj} [Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia] :: happy (enjoying peace, comfort, etc; contented, joyous)
сретан {adj} [Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia] :: lucky
Сретан Божић {phrase} [Croatia, Bosnia] :: Merry Christmas
сретан рођендан {phrase} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: happy birthday
сретати {vtr impf} :: to encounter, meet
срећа {f} :: happiness
срећа {f} :: luck
срећа {f} :: fortune
срећа {f} :: a lucky outcome
срећан {adj} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: happy (enjoying peace, comfort, etc; contented, joyous)
срећан {adj} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: lucky
Срећан Божић {phrase} [Serbia, Bosnia] :: Merry Christmas
срећан рођендан {phrase} [Serbia] :: happy birthday
срећка {f} :: lottery ticket
Срећна Нова година {phrase} :: Happy New Year!
срећом {adv} :: fortunately
срећом {adv} :: with luck
срж {f} :: essence
срж {f} :: marrow
срж {f} :: core
сриједа {f} :: Wednesday
сриједа {f} :: (expressively) middle, mean, midst
срк {m} :: sip
сркати {vt impf} :: to sip, lap (up)
сркати {vt impf} :: to slurp
сркнути {vt pf} :: to sip, lap (up)
сркнути {vt pf} :: to slurp
срљати {vi impf} :: to rush, plunge
срна {f} :: roe deer
срндаћ {m} :: roebuck
срнетина {f} :: venison
срнути {vi pf} :: to rush, plunge
срнути {vi pf} :: to attack
срнче {n} :: fawn
сродан {adj} :: akin, kindred
сродан {adj} :: cognate, related
сродан {adj} :: allied to, analogous
сродан {adj} :: congenial
сродник {m} :: relation (member of one's family)
сродница {f} :: relation (member of one's family)
сродност {f} :: relationship, kinship, affinity
сродност {f} :: cognateness
сродство {n} :: relationship (connection or association)
сродство {n} :: kinship
срп {m} :: sickle
српањ {m} [Croatia] :: July
срп и чекић {m} :: hammer and sickle
Српкиња {f} :: a female Serb (person of Serb ethnicity)
српска кафа {f} [Serbia, euphemistically] :: synonym of турска кафа
српски {adj} [relational] :: Serbs; Serbian
српски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Serbian language
српски тробојни гонич {m} :: Serbian tricolor hound (breed of a dog)
српскохрватски {adj} :: Serbo-Croatian (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language)
српскохрватски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Serbo-Croatian language
српство {n} :: a sense of belonging to the Serb people; Serbianness, Serbianhood, Serbhood, Serbianity
српство {n} :: the collective characteristics of Serbs
сртати {vi impf} :: to rush, plunge
сртати {vi impf} :: to attack
срушити {vit pf} :: to demolish, raze
срушити {vit pf} :: to destroy, wreck (also figuratively)
срушити {vit pf} :: to knock down, overthrow
срушити {vr pf} :: to collapse, fall down
срх {m} [Croatia] :: goose flesh
срцаст {adj} :: heart-shaped
срце {n} [anatomy] :: a heart
срце {n} :: heart (as in emotions)
срце {n} :: , hearts in card- and boardgames
срцолик {adj} :: heart-shaped
срча {f} :: shards of glass
срча {f} [regional] :: bottle
срчан {adj} :: brave, courageous, bold
срчан {adj} [relational] :: heart; cardiac
срчано {adv} :: bravely, courageously, boldly
срчаност {f} :: courage, bravery
срџба {f} :: wrath, anger
СССР {prop} :: initialism of Савез Совјетских Социјалистичких Република, СССР (country)
стабилан {adj} :: stable
стабилизација {f} :: stabilization
стабилно {adv} :: stably
стабилност {f} :: stability
стабло {n} :: a tree trunk
стабло {n} :: a tree
стабљика {f} :: stalk
став {m} :: posture, stance, position
став {m} :: attitude, opinion, sentiment
став {m} [music] :: movement
став {m} [mathematics] :: theorem, proposition
ставак {m} :: movement (of a composition)
ставити {v pf} :: to put, place (also figuratively)
ставити {v pf} :: to put on, wear (clothes, and especially additional clothing such as hat, belt etc.)
ставка {f} :: item, entry (in a list, in accounting, etc.)
стављати {v impf} :: to put, place (also figuratively)
стављати {v impf} :: to put on, wear (clothes, and especially additional clothing such as hat, belt etc.)
стагнантан {adj} :: stagnant
стагнација {f} :: stagnation
стагнирати {vi impf pf} :: to stagnate
стадион {m} [sports] :: stadium
стадион {m} [unit of measure] :: stadion
стадо {n} :: flock (of domesticated animals like sheep and goats)
стаж {m} :: experience, service (as a worker)
стаж {m} :: training period, internship
стаза {f} :: path, way
стаја {f} :: stable
стајалиште {n} :: viewpoint, standpoint
стајалиште {n} :: station (ground transportation depot)
стајати {vi impf} :: to stop
стајати {vi impf} :: to stand still
стајати {vi impf} :: to stand on one's feet
стајати {vi impf} :: to cost
стајати {v impf} [of clothes] :: to fit, suite (+ dative)
стајати {vi impf} [regional] :: to reside
стаклар {m} :: glazier
стаклара {f} :: glass-works
стакласт {adj} :: glassy (resembling glass)
стаклен {adj} :: glassy
стаклен {adj} [relational] :: glass
стакленик {m} :: greenhouse
стакленица {f} [archaic] :: glass bottle, decanter
стакленка {f} :: jar
стакло {n} :: glass (substance)
стакло {n} :: shards (plural collective - glass in general)
стакло {n} :: glass pieces (plural collective - specific pieces of glass)
сталан {adj} :: permanent
сталан {adj} :: continuous
сталан {adj} :: constant, stable, invariable
сталеж {m} :: class (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.)
сталешки {adj} [relational] :: class, status, standing (social, professional etc.)
стално {adv} :: continuously (without interruption)
стално {adv} :: permanently
стално {adv} :: invariably
сталност {f} :: permanency, constancy
стаљинизам {m} :: Stalinism
стамбени {adj} [relational] :: housing, living; residential
стампедо {m} :: stampede
стан {m} :: flat, apartment
стан {m} :: loom (ткалачкӣ стан)
станар {m} :: tenant
станарка {f} :: tenant (female)
станарски {adj} [relational] :: tenant or tenancy
станарски {adv} :: as a tenant
стандард {m} :: standard
стандардизација {f} :: standardization
станица {f} :: station
станица {f} [Croatia, biology] :: cell
станични {adj} :: cellular
станични {adj} [relational] :: station
станиште {n} :: habitat
станка {f} :: pause, break
становати {vi impf} :: to live, reside, dwell
становиште {n} :: standpoint
становник {m} :: inhabitant
становница {f} :: inhabitant
становништво {n} :: population
стање {n} :: condition, state
стапати {v impf} :: imperfective form of стопити
стар {adj} :: old
старалац {m} :: guardian, tutor
старатељ {m} :: guardian, tutor
старатељство {n} :: guardianship, care
старати {vr impf} :: to take care of, to look after
старац {m} :: old man
старачки {adj} [relational] :: old people or age; senile
старење {n} :: growing old
старети {vi impf} :: to grow old, age
старешина {m} :: (expressively) chief, elder, head
стари {adj} :: definite singular of стар
стари {m} :: old man
стари {m} [slang] :: father
Стари завет {prop} {m} :: the Old Testament
Стари завјет {prop} {m} :: the Old Testament
старина {f} :: antiquity (ancient times; relic of ancient times)
старинар {m} :: antiquary
старински {adj} :: antique, ancient
старински {adj} :: old, obsolete
старити {vi impf} :: to grow old, age
старица {f} :: old woman
старјети {vi impf} :: to grow old, age
старјешина {m} :: (expressively) chief, elder, head
старојеврејска харфа {f} :: timbrel
старомодан {adj} :: old-fashioned
старомодно {adv} :: in an old-fashioned way
староседилац {m} :: aborigine, native
старосједилац {m} :: aborigine, native
старославенски {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: Old Church Slavonic
старославенски {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Old Church Slavonic language
старословенски {adj} [Serbian] :: Old Church Slavonic
старословенски {adj} [Serbian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Old Church Slavonic language
старост {f} :: age
старост {f} :: old age
старчев {adj} [relational] :: old man; old man's
старчић {m} :: little old man
стас {m} :: stature, build (general physical appearance of a person)
стати {vi pf} :: to stop, halt
стати {vi pf} :: to rise onto one's feet
стати {vi pf} :: to cease an activity
стати {vi pf} [dated, with infinitive] :: to start, initiate
стати {vi pf} :: to fit into a vessel, space etc
статика {f} :: statics
статистика {f} :: statistics
статистичар {m} :: statistician
статистичарка {f} :: statistican
статистички {adj} :: statistical
статистички {adv} :: statistically
статичан {adj} :: static
статички {adj} :: static
статички {adv} :: statically
статус {m} :: status, rank
статусни {adj} [relational] :: status, rank
статут {m} :: statute
ствар {f} :: thing
стваран {adj} :: real, actual
стварање {n} :: creation
стварати {vt impf} :: to create
стварно {adv} [intensifier] :: really, truly
стварно {adv} [intensifier] :: rather, quite
стварно {adv} :: indeed
стварност {f} :: reality
-ство {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually an abstract noun denoting a relation, social status, scientific discipline, quality or a state. Corresponding to English -hood or -ness
створ {m} :: being, creature, especially in a sense opposed to God as the Creator
створење {n} :: being, creature
створитељ {m} :: creator
створити {vt pf} :: to create
створити {vr pf} :: to appear out of nowhere
стеарин {m} :: stearin
Стеван {prop} {m} :: given name, Stephen
стег {m} :: flag
стегно {n} :: thigh
стегнути {vt pf} :: to constringe, constrict, tighten
стегнути {vr pf} :: to contract, close (of wound, etc.)
стена {f} :: rock (naturally occurring aggregate of solid mineral matter)
стеница {f} :: bedbug
стеница {f} [entomology] :: a member of order Heteroptera
стењ {m} :: wick
стењати {v impf} :: groan, moar
стеон {adj} :: gravid (of cows)
степа {f} :: steppe
степен {m} [geometry, physics, mathematics] :: degree
степен {m} :: level
степен {m} :: stage
степен {m} :: extent
степен {m} :: grade
степен {m} :: exponent
степеница {f} :: step, rest (of a stair, also figuratively)
степски {adj} [relational] :: steppe
стетоскоп {m} :: stethoscope
стећи {vt pf} :: to acquire, get, gain, obtain
стећи {vt pf} :: to earn (obtain my means of one's work)
стехиометрија {f} :: stoichiometry
стечај {m} :: bankruptcy
стечајни {adj} [relational] :: bankruptcy
стечевина {f} :: acquisition, acquired asset
стигнути {vi pf} :: to arrive, reach (to a destination or a goal)
стигнути {vt pf} :: to catch up, overtake (somebody or someone)
стигнути {vi pf} :: to have time to finish or do something; to manage to do something (+infinitive)
стид {m} [uncountable] :: shame (uncomfortable or painful feeling)
стидан {adj} :: shy
стидети {vr impf} :: to be shy
стидети {vr impf} :: to be ashamed
стидјети {vr impf} :: to be shy
стидјети {vr impf} :: to be ashamed
стидљив {adj} :: shy, timid
стидљиво {adv} :: shyly, timidly
стидљивост {f} :: shyness
стизати {vi impf} :: to arrive, reach (to a destination or a goal)
стизати {vt impf} :: to catch up, overtake (somebody or someone)
стизати {vi impf} :: to have time to finish or do something; to manage to do something (+infinitive)
стијег {m} :: flag
стијена {f} :: rock (naturally occurring aggregate of solid mineral matter)
стијењ {m} :: wick
стил {m} :: style
стилистика {f} [uncountable] :: stylistics
стилски {adj} :: stylistic
стипендија {f} :: scholarship (study allowance)
стиска {f} :: crowd, jam
стиска {f} :: press, hurry
стиска {f} :: straits, need, distress
стискати {vt impf} :: to press, squeeze
стискати {vt impf} :: to hug, clasp
стискати {vr impf} :: to shrink
стискати {vr impf} :: to shrivel
стискати {vr impf} :: to retrench oneself
стискати {vr impf} :: to stint oneself in
стискати {vr impf} :: to be confined to a narrow place
стиснути {vt pf} :: to press, squeeze
стиснути {vt pf} :: to hug, clasp
стиснути {vr pf} :: to shrink
стиснути {vr pf} :: to shrivel
стиснути {vr pf} :: to retrench oneself
стиснути {vr pf} :: to stint oneself in
стиснути {vr pf} :: to be confined to a narrow place
стих {m} :: verse
стицати {vt impf} :: to acquire, get, gain, obtain
стицати {vt impf} :: to earn (obtain my means of one's work)
стишавати {vit impf} :: to turn down (music, radio etc.)
стишавати {vt impf} :: to calm, still, quiet, pacify (of emotion, pain, weather etc.)
стишати {vit pf} :: to turn down (music, radio etc.)
стишати {vt pf} :: to calm, still, quiet, pacify (of emotion, pain, weather etc.)
стјеница {f} :: bedbug
стјеница {f} [entomology] :: a member of order Heteroptera
стјецати {vt impf} [Ijekavian] :: to acquire, get, gain, obtain
стјецати {vt impf} [Ijekavian] :: to earn (obtain my means of one's work)
сто {num} :: hundred
сто {m} [Serbia] :: table
стовариште {n} :: warehouse, storehouse, repository
стог {m} :: stack (of hay, also in computing)
стога {adv} :: therefore
стогодишњица {f} :: centenary (one hundred-year anniversary)
стожер {m} :: pivot
стожер {m} :: pole
стојећке {adv} :: standing, upright, erect
стока {f} :: cattle
стол {m} [Croatia] :: table
столар {m} :: cabinetmaker
столар {m} :: carpenter
столар {m} :: woodworker
столац {m} :: chair
столеће {n} :: century [100 years]
столећима {adv} :: for centuries
столић {m} :: a small table
столица {f} :: chair
столица {f} [medicine] :: stool
столица {f} [archaic] :: capital city
столњак {m} :: tablecloth
столчић {m} :: a small table
стољеће {n} :: century [100 years]
стољећима {adv} :: for centuries
стомак {m} :: stomach
стомак {m} :: belly
стонога {f} :: centipede
стопа {f} :: foot (unit of measure)
стопа {f} :: rate, step
стопало {n} :: foot (part of human body)
стопити {vr pf} :: to merge, unite, assimilate
стотина {f} :: a group of one hundred (100)
стотина {f} :: a hundredth (1/100)
стотинка {f} :: hundredth
стотињак {m} :: (a group of) around one hundred
сточар {m} :: cattle breeder
сточарски {adj} :: cattle-breeding
сточарство {n} :: cattle-breeding
сточић {m} :: a small table
страва {f} :: horror, dread
страдавати {vi impf} :: to suffer
страдавати {vi impf} :: to perish, die
страдавати {vi impf} :: to be ruined, destroyed
страдалац {m} :: sufferer, victim
страдати {vi impf pf} :: to suffer
страдати {vi impf pf} :: to perish, die
страдати {vi impf pf} :: to be ruined, destroyed
стража {f} :: guard, watch (activity; persons)
стражар {m} :: sentry, guard
стражњица {f} :: butt
стран {adj} :: foreign, alien
стран {adj} :: strange, unfamiliar
страна {f} :: side
страна {f} :: page (of a book)
странац {m} :: foreigner
страница {f} :: page
странка {f} :: party (political group)
странка {f} :: party in legal or administrative proceedings
странкиња {f} :: foreigner (female)
страст {f} :: passion
страствен {adj} :: passionate
стратегија {f} :: strategy
стратегијски {adj} :: strategic, strategical
стратешки {adj} :: strategic
стратиграфија {f} [geology] :: stratigraphy
стратопауза {f} :: stratopause
стратосфера {f} :: stratosphere
страх {m} :: fear
страх {m} :: terror
страх {m} :: fright
страховати {vi impf} :: to apprehend, fear, be worried (anticipate with fear or anxiety)
страховит {adj} :: frightful, dreadful, horrible
страховит {adj} :: (as an intensifier) great, tremendous, immense
страхопоштовање {n} [uncountable] :: awe
страхота {f} :: horror, terror
страхотан {adj} :: horrible, terrible, dreadful, fearful
страшан {adj} :: dire
страшан {adj} :: awful, terrible
страшило {n} :: scarecrow
страшити {vt impf} :: to frighten
страшљивост {f} :: cowardice, timidity
страшно {adv} :: terribly, awfully, horribly
стрвина {f} :: carrion (rotting carcass of an animal)
стрвинар {m} :: vulture
стрела {f} :: arrow
стрелац {m} :: archer, bowman
стрелица {f} [Ekavian] :: arrow
стремен {m} :: stirrup
стрепити {vi impf} :: to dread, quail (fear)
стрепња {f} :: anguish, anxiety
стреха {f} :: canopy
стреха {f} :: pent
стреха {f} :: penthouse
стреха {f} :: eaves
стризати {vit impf} :: to cut hair
стризати {vit impf} :: to shear
стризати {vtr impf} [regional] :: to have a haircut
стријела {f} :: arrow
стријелац {m} :: archer, bowman
стрина {f} :: aunt (father's sister-in-law)
стрип {m} :: comic (a cartoon story)
стрипер {m} :: cartoonist
стриптиз {m} :: striptease
стриптизер {m} :: stripper (person who performs stripteases)
стриптизета {f} :: stripper (person who performs stripteases)
стрићи {vit impf} :: to cut hair
стрићи {vit impf} :: to shear, clip
стрићи {vtr impf} [regional] :: to have a haircut
стриц {m} :: uncle (father's brother)
стричак {m} :: thistle
стричев {adj} [relational] :: uncle; uncle's
стрм {adj} :: steep, precipitous
стрмен {f} :: steep slope
стрмо {adv} :: steeply, precipitously
стрмоглаво {adv} :: precipitously, hastily, abruptly
стрмоглавце {adv} :: headfirst, headlong, abruptly, precipitously
стрн {f} :: stubble, what is left on the field after its being mowed down
стрн {m} :: alternative form of стрн
строг {adj} :: strict, severe
строг {adj} :: harsh
строго {adv} :: strictly
строго {adv} :: harshly
строгост {f} :: strictness
строгост {f} :: severity
строгост {f} :: rigor
строј {m} :: machine, engine
строј {m} :: adjuster
строј {m} :: array
строј {m} [military] :: formation
строп {m} :: ceiling
стрпети {vr pf} :: to be patient
стрпјети {vr pf} :: to be patient
стрпљење {n} [uncountable] :: patience
стрпљив {adj} :: patient
стрпљиво {adv} :: patiently
стрпљивост {f} :: patience
стругар {m} :: sawyer, turner
стругати {vt impf} :: to file (smooth, grind, or cut with a file)
стругати {vt impf} :: to plane (smooth a wooden surface with a plane)
стругати {vt impf} :: to grind, sharpen
стругати {vt impf} :: to scrape, grate, scratch, rasp
стругати {vt impf} :: to scrub (floor etc.)
стругач {m} :: scraper (one who scrapes)
стругнути {vi pf} :: to flee, run away, slip away
стругнути {vt pf} :: See стругати
струготина {f} :: shavings
струја {f} :: electricity
струја {f} :: current
струја {f} :: river stream
струјник {m} :: fricative
струк {m} :: waist
струк {m} :: stalk, stem
струка {f} :: vocation, profession
струка {f} :: field, branch, discipline (of study)
структура {f} :: structure
струна {f} :: string (of a musical instrument)
струна {f} :: horse-hair
стручан {adj} :: skilled, expert
стручан {adj} [definite, relational] :: profession, area of specialization
стручно {adv} :: expertly
стручњак {m} :: expert, specialist
стручњак {m} [computing, rare, chiefly Bosnia] :: wizard
стршљен {m} :: hornet
стуб {m} :: pillar
стуб {m} :: column (upright supporting beam)
студ {f} :: (expressively) cold
студенац {m} :: well (hole sunk into the ground)
студент {m} :: student (usually college)
студентица {f} :: student
студенткиња {f} :: student
студиј {m} :: studying, studies (usually at a university)
студија {f} :: study, paper (academic work)
студио {m} :: studio (artist’s or photographer’s workshop)
студио {m} :: studio (establishment where an art is taught)
студио {m} :: studio (place where radio or television programs, records or films are made)
студио {m} :: studio (company or organization that makes films)
студирати {vt impf} :: to study (at a university)
студирати {vt impf} :: to study, work through (something)
студирати {vi impf} :: to be a student, go to college
ступ {m} :: pillar
ступ {m} :: column (upright supporting beam)
ступа {f} :: mortar (hollow vessel used to pound, crush, rub, grind or mix ingredients with a pestle)
ступањ {m} :: degree
ступањ {m} :: level
ступати {vi impf} :: to step
ступати {vi impf} :: to enter (service, relationship, etc.)
ступац {m} [usually, Croatian] :: column (vertical line of entries in a table)
ступити {vi pf} :: to step
ступити {vi pf} :: to enter (service, relationship, etc.)
ступић {m} :: small pillar or column
сублиман {adj} :: morally or spiritually elevated
сублиман {adj} :: sublime, awe-inspiring
субота {f} :: Saturday
суботњи {adj} [relational] :: Saturday; Saturday's
сув {adj} :: dry, dried
сув {adj} :: thin, meagre, slender [of a man]
сув {adj} :: pinched, haggard, gaunt [of a face]
сув {adj} :: withered, sear
сува шљива {f} :: prune
сувенир {m} :: souvenir
суверен {m} :: ruler, sovereign
суверен {adj} :: sovereign
суверенитет {m} [uncountable] :: sovereignty
суверено {adv} :: in a sovereign manner
сувереност {f} [uncountable] :: sovereignty
сувисао {adj} :: coherent
сувисло {adv} :: coherently
сувислост {f} :: coherence (of thoughts, ideas etc.)
сувишак {m} :: surplus
сувишан {adj} :: superfluous
сувишан {adj} :: needless, unneeded
сувишан {adj} :: excessive
сувише {adv} :: too (much, many), excessively
сувишно {adv} :: superfluously
сувишно {adv} :: needlessly
сувишно {adv} :: excessively
сувишност {f} :: superfluity
сувласник {m} :: co-owner, joint-owner, partner
сувласница {f} :: co-owner, joint-owner, partner
суво грожђе {n} :: raisins
сувозач {m} :: co-driver, assistant driver
сугестиван {adj} :: suggestive
сугестивно {adv} :: suggestively
сугестивност {f} [uncountable] :: suggestiveness
сугестија {f} :: suggestion
сугласник {m} :: consonant
сугласнички {adj} :: consonantal
сугласнички {adv} :: consonantally
суграђанин {m} :: fellow citizen
суграђанка {f} :: fellow citizen (female)
суд {m} :: court
суд {m} :: courthouse
суд {m} :: tribunal
суд {m} :: judgment
суд {m} [regional] :: vessel
суд {m} [regional] :: dish
Судан {prop} {m} :: Судан (country)
Суданац {prop} {m} :: Sudanese
судански {adj} :: Sudanese
судар {m} :: crash
судар {m} :: collision
судар {m} [slang] :: date (romantic meeting)
судац {m} :: judge
судац {m} :: referee
судба {f} :: (expressive, language of literature) destiny, fate, doom, fortune
судбина {f} :: fate, destiny
судбина {f} :: fatality
судбина {f} :: good or bad luck
судбина {f} :: bad fortune
судбина {f} :: lot
судбина {f} :: doom
судбоносан {adj} :: fateful
судбоносно {adv} :: fatefully
судбоносност {f} [uncountable] :: fatefulness
суделовати {vi impf} :: to participate, take part
судеоник {m} :: participant
судеоница {f} :: participant (female)
судија {m} :: judge
судија {m} :: referee
судионик {m} :: participant
судионица {f} :: participant (female)
судити {vi impf} :: to trial
судити {vi impf} :: to judge
судјеловати {vi impf} :: to participate, take part
судница {f} :: courtroom
судопера {f} :: sink
судски {adj} :: judicial (of or relating to court, court decisions or procedures)
судство {n} [uncountable] :: judiciary
суђе {n} :: (collectively) dishes
суђење {n} :: trial
Суез {prop} {m} :: Суез (town)
сужавати {vt impf} :: to narrow (make something narrower)
сужавати {vr impf} :: to shrink
сужањ {m} :: captive
сужањски {adj} [relational] :: captive, slave, prisoner
сужањски {adv} :: slavishly
сужањство {n} [uncountable] :: captivity, servitude
сужен {adj} :: narrowed, straitened
суживот {m} [uncountable] :: coexistence
суживот {m} [uncountable] :: cohabitation
суза {f} :: tear
сузавац {m} [uncountable] :: tear gas
сузан {adj} :: tearful
сузбијати {vt impf} :: to stop, put an end to
сузбијати {vt impf} :: to rein, control
сузбијати {vt impf} :: to repulse (enemy)
сузбити {vt pf} :: to stop, put an end to
сузбити {vt pf} :: to rein, control
сузбити {vt pf} :: to repulse (enemy)
суздржавати {vtr impf} :: to restrain
суздржавати {vr impf} :: to abstain
суздржати {vtr pf} :: to restrain
суздржати {vr pf} :: to abstain
сузивати {vt impf} :: to narrow (make something narrower)
сузивати {vr impf} :: to shrink
сузити {vi impf} :: to tear, shed tears
сузити {vt pf} :: to narrow (make something narrower)
сузити {vr pf} :: to shrink
сузица {f} :: (diminutive) tear (usually of a child)
суицид {m} :: suicide
суицидалан {adj} :: suicidal
суицидално {adv} :: suicidally
суицидалност {f} [uncountable] :: suicidality
сујеверан {adj} :: superstitious
сујеверје {n} :: superstition
сујеверност {f} [uncountable] :: surreptitiousness
сујевјеран {adj} :: superstitious
сујевјерје {n} :: superstition
сујевјерност {f} [uncountable] :: surreptitiousness
сујета {f} :: ego; vanity
сујетан {adj} :: vain
сујетност {f} :: vanity
сукладан {adj} :: congruent, congruous
сукладан {adj} :: compatible
сукладно {adv} :: congruously, consistently
сукладно {adv} [with instrumental] :: in conformity with, in accordance with, in line with
сукнар {m} :: draper
сукно {n} :: cloth, stuff
сукња {f} :: skirt
сукоб {m} :: conflict
сукобити {vr pf} :: to clash, conflict
сукобљавати {vr impf} :: to clash, conflict
сукривац {m} :: accomplice
султан {m} :: sultan
султанат {m} :: sultanate
султанија {f} :: sultana (female relative of sultan)
султанство {n} :: sultanate
сулуд {adj} :: partially crazy, insane
сулундар {m} :: stove-pipe
сума {f} :: sum, total
сумаглица {f} :: mist, haze
сумак {m} :: sumac
суманут {adj} :: crazy, insane, foolish
Суматра {prop} {f} :: Суматра (island)
сумах {m} :: sumac
Сумер {prop} {m} :: Sumer
Сумеранин {prop} {m} :: Sumerian (person)
сумерски {adj} :: Sumerian
сумерски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Sumerian language
сумња {f} :: doubt, suspicion
сумњати {vi impf} [dative] :: to doubt, suspect, distrust
сумњив {adj} :: suspicious, questionable, doubtful (not trustworthy)
сумњивац {m} :: suspect
сумњивост {f} :: doubt
сумњичав {adj} :: suspicious, distrustful, mistrustful (lacking trust in something)
сумњичаво {adv} :: suspiciously
сумњичавост {f} [uncountable] :: suspiciousness, distrustfulness
сумњичити {vt impf} :: to suspect
суморан {adj} :: gloomy, somber, dark
суморан {adj} :: unhappy, depressed, melancholic (of mood, thoughts, emotions)
суморно {adv} :: gloomily, somberly, darkly
суморно {adv} :: unhappily, depressingly
сумпор {m} [uncountable] :: sulfur
сумпор {interj} [slang] :: great! super! cool!
сумрак {m} :: dusk
сумрак {m} :: twilight
сунђер {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: sponge
сунет {m} [Islam] :: circumcision
суноврат {m} :: plunge, dive, nosedive, free fall, precipitation
суноврат {m} :: daffodil
сунути {vt pf} :: to push, jerk, nudge
сунути {vi pf} [with dative] :: to dart, dash, rush
сунце {n} :: sun
Сунце {n} :: Sun (the center of our solar system)
сунцобран {m} :: umbrella (for protection against the sun)
сунцокрет {m} :: sunflower
сунчаник {m} :: sundial
сунчаница {f} :: sunstroke
сунчати {vr impf} :: to sunbathe, sun (expose to sun)
сунчев ветар {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
сунчев вјетар {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
суочавати {vtr impf} :: to confront (especially face to face)
суочити {vtr pf} :: to confront (especially face to face)
суп {m} :: vulture
супа {f} :: soup
супарник {m} :: competitor
супарник {m} :: rival
супервизија {f} :: supervision, control, inspection, oversight
супервизор {m} :: supervisor
супериоран {adj} :: superior
супериорно {adv} :: superiorly
супериорност {f} [uncountable] :: superiority
суперлатив {m} [grammar] :: superlative
суперлативан {adj} :: superlative
супернова {f} :: supernova
суперсоничан {adj} :: supersonic
супротан {adj} :: opposite, contrary
супротност {f} :: opposition, contrast
супротставити {vi pf} :: to oppose (+ dative)
супротставити {vr pf} :: to resist
супротстављати {vi impf} :: to oppose (+ dative)
супротстављати {vr impf} :: to resist
супруг {m} :: husband, male spouse
супруга {f} :: wife, female spouse
супстанца {f} :: substance
супстанција {f} :: substance
супституција {f} :: substitution
супстрат {m} :: substratum
суптилан {adj} :: subtle
суптилно {adv} :: subtly
сур {adj} [expressively, language of literature] :: ash-gray
сур {adj} [expressively, language of literature, figuratively] :: gray, gloomy (of weather)
сур {adj} [expressively, language of literature, figuratively] :: glum, stern, scowling, sullen (of person's face or mood)
Сур {prop} {m} :: Сур (ancient city-state)
Сур {prop} {m} :: Сур (port city/capital)
сурадник {m} :: collaborator
сурадник {m} :: cooperator
сурадња {f} :: (Croatian) cooperation, collaboration
сурађивати {vi impf} [Croatian] :: to collaborate
сурвавати {vt impf} :: to push (in the abyss or great depth)
сурвавати {vr impf} :: to plunge, fall (of rocks, avalanche, water, bird, airplane etc.)
сурвати {vt pf} :: to push (in the abyss or great depth)
сурвати {vr pf} :: to plunge, fall (of rocks, avalanche, water, bird, airplane etc.)
сурјекција {f} [mathematics] :: surjection
сурла {f} :: trunk (of an elephant)
суров {adj} :: brutal
суров {adj} :: gruff, harsh, surly
суров {adj} :: crude, unpolished, rough
сурово {adv} :: brutally
суровост {f} :: brutality
суровост {f} :: harshness, barbarity, incivility
суровост {f} :: rusticity, ruggedness
суровост {f} :: crudity, roughness
сурогат {m} :: surrogate, substitute
сурутка {f} :: whey
суруџија {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: postilion
сусед {m} :: neighbor (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
суседа {f} :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
суседни {adj} :: neighboring
суседни {adj} :: adjacent
суседство {n} :: neighbourhood
сусјед {m} :: neighbor (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
сусједа {f} :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
сусједни {adj} :: neighboring
сусједни {adj} :: adjacent
сусједство {n} :: neighbourhood
суснежица {f} :: sleet
сусњежица {f} :: sleet
суспензија {f} :: suspension
сусрести {vtr pf} :: to meet
сусрет {m} :: meeting
сусрет {m} :: encounter
сусретати {vtr impf} :: to meet
сусретљив {adj} :: friendly, kind, obliging
сусретљиво {adv} :: obligingly, kindly
сусретљивост {f} :: kindness, obligingness
сустав {m} [Croatia] :: system
сустајати {vi impf} :: to grow tired, become exhausted
сустанар {m} :: cotenant
сустанарка {f} :: cotenant
сустати {vi pf} :: to grow tired, become exhausted
сустигнути {vt pf} :: to catch up, overtake (somebody or someone by moving with larger speed)
сустизати {vt impf} :: to catch up, overtake (somebody or someone by moving with larger speed)
сутеска {f} :: defile, narrow pass
сутјеска {f} :: defile, narrow pass
суткиња {f} :: judge (female)
суткиња {f} :: referee (female)
сутлија {f} [regional] :: rice and milk
сутлијаш {m} [regional] :: rice and milk
сутон {m} :: dusk
сутра {adv} :: tomorrow
сутра {n} :: tomorrow
сутра {f} :: sutra
сутра {adv} [Montenegrin, colloquial] :: tomorrow
сутрадан {adv} :: the next day, the following day
сутрашњи {adj} [relational] :: tomorrow; tomorrow's
сутрашњица {f} :: tomorrow, future (entirety of everything coming with the future)
суфизам {m} :: Sufism
суџук {m} :: sujuk
суџука {f} :: alternative form of суџук
суша {f} :: drought
суши {m} :: sushi
сушити {vtr impf} :: to dry
сушица {f} [language of literature] :: phthisis, consumption
сушти {adj} :: (used for emphasis) pure, very, true, same
суштина {f} [Serbia] :: essence
сферичан {adj} :: spherical
сфрагистика {f} :: sigillography
схватати {vit impf} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: imperfective form of схватити
схватити {vit pf} :: to understand, comprehend, grasp, conceive
схватљив {adj} :: understandable, comprehensible
схватљиво {adv} :: understandably, comprehensibly
схваћати {vit impf} [Croatia] :: imperfective form of схватити
схема {f} :: alternative form of шема
схематизам {m} :: alternative form of шематизам
схематски {adj} :: schematic
схематски {adv} :: schematically
схизофренија {f} :: schizophrenia
сходан {adj} :: appropriate, fitting
сходно {adv} :: appropriately, fittingly
сходност {f} [uncountable] :: appropriateness
схрвати {vt} [Croatia] :: to overpower, overwhelm, devastate (by excessive work, distress, pain etc.)
сцена {f} :: scene (in all senses)
сцена {f} :: stage (of a theatre etc)
сценариј {m} :: scenario, screenplay
сценограф {m} :: scenographer
сцијентологија {f} :: Scientology
т. {noun} :: abbreviation of тачка
т. {noun} :: abbreviation of тона
т {letter} :: The twenty-second letter of the Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet
Т {letter} :: The twenty-second letter of the Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet. It is preceded by the letter С (S) and is followed by the letter Ћ (Ć)
табак {m} [regional] :: sheet of paper
табакера {f} :: snuffbox
табан {m} :: sole (of a foot)
табела {f} :: table (grid of data in rows and columns)
табла {f} :: blackboard
табла {f} :: board
таблета {f} [pharmacy] :: tablet
таблица {f} :: tablet, slate
таблица {f} :: table (two-dimensional presentation of data)
табља {f} [regional, historical] :: gun carriage
табор {m} :: camp
табуре {f} :: ottoman, footstool
тава {f} :: frying pan
тава {f} :: skillet
таван {m} :: attic
таваф {m} [Islam] :: tawaf
тавла {f} :: tavla
тавла {f} [backgammon] :: backgammon
тад {adv} :: then, at that time
тада {adv} :: then, at that time
тадањи {adj} :: former, of that time
тадашњи {adj} :: former, of that time
тазе {adj} [Bosnia, Serbia, regional Croatia] :: fresh
тај {pron} [demonstrative] :: this (one), that (one), the above-mentioned
тајанствен {adj} :: mysterious, enigmatic, mystic, occult
тајанствено {adv} :: mysteriously, secretively
тајанственост {f} :: mysteriousness, secretiveness, secrecy
тајанство {n} :: secret, mystery
тајац {m} :: silence, hush
Тајван {prop} {m} :: Taiwan
тајвански {adj} :: Taiwanese
тајга {f} :: taiga
тајити {vit impf} :: to conceal, keep secret
тајкун {m} :: tycoon
Тајланд {prop} {m} :: Thailand
тајландски {adj} [relational] :: Thailand; Thai
тајмер {m} :: timer
тајна {f} :: secret
тајни {adj} :: secret, clandestine, concealed
тајник {m} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) secretary
тајница {f} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: secretary (female)
тајница {f} :: [diminutive] secret
тајно {adv} :: secretly
тајновит {adj} :: mysterious, enigmatic, mystic
тајновито {adv} :: secretly
тајновито {adv} :: mysteriously, enigmatically
тајновитост {f} :: secrecy, mysteriousness
тајност {f} :: secrecy
тајом {adv} [expressively, archaic, language of literature] :: secretly, surreptitiously
тајски {adj} :: Thai (referring to Thai people or Thai language)
тајски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Thai language
тајфун {m} :: typhoon
тајфунски {adj} [relational] :: typhoon, as strong as a typhoon
тајфунски {adv} :: as a typhoon
так {m} :: billiard-cue
так {m} [regional] :: arc, vault (of a building)
так {m} [regional] :: shoe heel
такав {adj} :: such, of such kind
такав {adj} :: like that
такав {adj} :: what a, such
такмац {m} :: rival
такмити {vr impf} :: to compete, contend
такмичар {m} :: competitor, contestant
такмичарка {f} :: competitor, contestant (female)
такмичарски {adj} :: competitive
такмичарски {adv} :: competitively
такмичење {n} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) competition
такмичити {vr impf} [Serbian] :: to compete
такнути {vt pf} :: to touch
тако {adv} :: so, in such a way, in that way (see онако)
тако {adv} :: so, so much
тако {adv} :: idiomatic and figurative meanings
такође {adv} [Serbian] :: also (sentence-initially), too (elsewhere)
такођер {adv} [Croatian] :: * also (sentence-initially), too (elsewhere)
такозвани {adj} :: so-called
такорећи {adv} :: as it were, so to speak
такса {f} :: administrative fee
такси {m} :: taxi
таксиметар {m} :: taximeter
таксист {m} :: taxi driver
таксист {m} :: cab driver
таксиста {m} :: taxi driver, cab driver
такт {m} [music] :: measure, bar
такт {m} :: rhythm, tempo
такт {m} :: tact [careful consideration in dealing with others to avoid giving offense]
тактика {f} :: tactics
тактилан {adj} :: tactile, tangible
тактичан {adj} :: tactful
тактичар {m} :: tactician
тактички {adj} :: tactical
тактички {adv} :: tactically
тактни {adj} [relational] :: tact, having tact
талас {m} :: wave
таласав {adj} :: wavy, uneven (water surface)
таласав {adj} :: curly (hair)
таласав {adj} :: corrugated
таласаст {adj} :: wavy, uneven (water surface)
таласаст {adj} :: curly (hair)
таласаст {adj} :: corrugated
таласати {vt impf} :: to ruffle, agitate, churn up (especially water surface)
таласати {vr impf} :: to be agitated, be ruffled; to undulate, wave, surge, heave (especially of water surface)
таласје {n} [collective] :: waves
таласни {adj} [relational] :: wave
талац {m} :: hostage
талачки {adj} [relational] :: hostages
таленат {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) talent
талент {m} :: talent
талентиран {adj} :: talented
талентирано {adv} :: in a talented maner
талентираност {f} [uncountable] :: talent (state of being talented)
талибан {m} :: Taliban
Талијан {prop} {m} [usually, Croatian] :: Italian (male person)
талијански {adj} [Croatian] :: Italian
талијански {adj} [Croatian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Italian language
талијански {adv} :: (Croatian) as an Italian
талир {m} :: thaler
талисман {m} :: talisman
талити {vtr impf} :: to melt
Талмуд {prop} {m} :: Talmud
талмудски {adj} :: Talmudic
талог {m} :: sediment
талпа {f} [regional] :: plank
таљив {adj} :: meltable
таљив {adj} :: fusible
таљиге {mp} [plurale tantum] :: cart (usually drive by one horse)
тама {f} :: darkness
таман {adj} :: dark, gloomy, dim
таман {adv} :: just
Тамара {prop} {f} :: given name
тамбур {m} [music, expressively] :: drum
тамбур {m} [architecture] :: tambour
тамбур {m} :: alternative form of танбур
тамбура {f} :: tambura, tambourine
тамбураш {m} :: tambourine player
тамилски {adj} :: Tamil
тамилски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tamil language
тамјан {m} [uncountable] :: incense
тамнети {vi impf} :: to become dark, to grow darker
тамнети {vi impf} :: to become tarnished
тамнина {f} :: darkness
тамница {f} :: a dark room (usually in a prison or dungeon)
тамница {f} :: prison
тамничар {m} :: gaoler / jailer
тамно {adv} :: darkly
тамно {adv} :: vaguely
тамнопут {adj} :: dark-skinned
тамњети {vi impf} :: to become dark, to grow darker
тамњети {vi impf} :: to become tarnished
тамо {adv} :: there
тамо-амо {adv} :: back and forth
тамошњи {adj} :: of that place; local
тампон {m} :: tampon
танак {adj} :: thin
танак {adj} :: delicate
танак {adj} :: gossamer
танак {adj} :: flimsy
танак {adj} :: slender, slim
танак {adj} :: tapering
танак {adj} :: sheer
танан {adj} :: very thin
танан {adj} :: refined, delicate, subtle
танатоза {f} :: thanatosis (the act of feigning death)
танац {m} [regional] :: folk dance
танбур {m} :: tanbur
тангента {f} [geometry] :: tangent
Тангер {prop} {m} :: Тангер (port city/capital)
тангерина {f} :: tangerine
тангерина {f} :: mandarin; mandarine
танго {m} :: tango (dance)
тане {n} :: bullet
Танзанија {prop} {f} :: Tanzania
танкер {m} :: tanker (vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid)
тантијема {f} :: royalty (payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc.)
тањир {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: plate
тањир {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: dish
тањур {m} [Croatian] :: plate
тањур {m} [Croatian] :: dish
таобор {m} [archaic, rare] :: alternative form of табор
тапета {f} :: wallpaper
тапетар {m} :: upholsterer
тапија {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: deed (legal contract showing bond)
таписерија {f} :: tapestry
тара {f} :: tare
тараба {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: fence
тарифа {f} :: tariff, fee
тарифни {adj} [relational] :: tariff, fee
тарот {m} :: tarot (card game)
тартуф {m} :: truffle
тарчин {m} :: alternative form of дарчин
тас {m} :: cymbal
тас {m} :: the plate part of a traditional balance or scale
Тасманија {prop} {f} :: Tasmania
таст {m} [dialectal, Bosnia, Serbia] :: father-in-law (one's wife's father)
тастатура {f} [computing] :: keyboard
тастатура {f} [music] :: keyboard
тат {m} :: (expressively) thief
тата {m} :: dad, daddy
Татарин {prop} {m} :: Tatar (person)
татарски {adj} :: Tatar
татарски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tatar language
татица {m} :: (hypocoristic) dad, daddy
таутологија {f} :: tautology
таутолошки {adj} :: tautological
таутосилабички {adj} :: tautosyllabic
тахт {m} :: throne
тахта {f} :: board
тахта {f} :: plank
тахта {f} :: table
тахта {f} :: slab
тацна {f} :: saucer
тачан {adj} :: exact, accurate
тачан {adj} :: punctual, precise
тачан {adj} :: correct
тачка {f} [Serbian] :: dot, period
тачка {f} [Serbian] :: point
тачка {f} [regional, rare] :: wheelbarrow (variation of more common plural form тачке/tačke)
тачке {noun} :: wheelbarrow (a small cart)
тачкица {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) a small dot
тачно {adv} [Serbia] :: exactly, correctly
тачно {adv} [Serbia] :: accurately, precisely
тачност {f} [Serbian] :: exactitude, precision, punctuality
таџ {m} [regional, historical] :: crown
таџ {m} :: a type of hat worn by a dervish
таџ {m} [regional, chess] :: chess
Таџик {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a man of Tajik descent
Таџикиња {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a woman of Tajik descent
Таџикистан {prop} {m} :: Таџикистан (country)
Таџикистанац {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a male citizen of Tajikistan
Таџикистанка {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a female citizen of Tajikistan
таџикистански {adj} :: Tajik (of or relating to Tajikistan)
таџички {adj} :: Tajik (of or relating to the Tajik people or the Tajik dialect of the Persian language)
таџички {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tajik language
ташт {adj} :: vain
ташта {f} :: mother-in-law (mother of one's wife)
таштина {f} :: vanity
ташто {adv} :: vainly
ТВ {m} :: TV
твар {f} [Croatia] :: substance, material
твист {m} :: twist (type of dance)
твој {determiner} [belonging to a person spoken to] :: your, yours (singular)
твој {determiner} [pertaining to a person spoken to] :: your, yours (singular)
твој {determiner} [substantivized as a neuter noun, belonging to a person spoken to] :: your, yours (singular)
твој {determiner} [in plural, of persons close to the person being spoken to] :: family, relatives, folks, supporters etc
твој {determiner} [as an intensifier] :: your, yours (singular)
твор {m} :: skunk [animal]
творац {m} :: creator
творевина {f} :: creation, formation
творити {vt impf} :: to create, make, produce
творница {f} [Croatian] :: factory
тврд {adj} :: hard, firm
тврдина {f} :: hardness
тврдити {vt impf} :: to state, claim, assert
тврдица {m} :: niggard, miser, a mean person
тврдња {f} :: claim
тврдоглавост {f} :: obstinacy
тврдокоран {adj} :: obdurate, stiff, stubborn
тврдокорност {f} :: obstinancy, stubbornness, obduracy, stiffneckedness
тврдолинијаш {m} :: hardliner
тврдолинијашки {adj} :: hardline
тврдоћа {f} :: hardness
тврђава {f} :: fortress, stronghold, fortified place
тврђава {f} :: citadel
т. г. {noun} :: next year
те {conj} :: and
театар {m} :: theater / theatre
театралан {adj} :: theatrical
театрално {adv} :: theatrically
театралност {f} :: theatricality
тег {m} :: weight (weightlifting)
тег {m} :: weight (block of metal used in a balance to measure the mass of another object)
тегла {f} :: jar
теглити {vt impf} :: to tow, tug, haul
тегљач {m} :: tugboat
тегоба {f} :: hardship, difficulty
тегобан {adj} :: difficult, hard, laborious
тегобно {adv} :: with difficulty, laboriously, arduously
тегобност {f} :: incommodity, tediousness, tedium
теготан {adj} :: difficult, hard
тежа {f} :: gravitation
тежак {adj} :: heavy, weighty
тежак {adj} :: difficult (of a job)
тежак {adj} :: unpleasant (of air)
тежак {adj} :: complex, difficult to understand (of a topic or subject)
тежак {m} :: farmer, agriculturalist
тежак {m} :: day laborer
тежина {f} :: weight
тежина {f} :: load
тежити {vi impf} :: to gravitate
тежити {vi impf} :: to weigh
тежиште {n} :: center of gravity
тежиште {n} [figuratively] :: essence, focus, gist
теза {f} :: thesis
тезга {f} :: booth, counter
тезга {f} :: stand, stall
тезга {f} :: bench, workbench
теист {m} :: theist
тек {adv} :: only, not earlier than, not before
тек {adv} :: hardly, scarcely
тек {m} :: appetite
тек {m} :: taste, flavour
тека {f} [colloquial] :: notebook
текбир {m} [Islam] :: takbir
тековина {f} :: general goods or accomplishments (acquired after hard work or struggle, usually of a society or civilization)
тексас {m} :: denim
Тексас {prop} {m} :: Texas (US state)
Тексашанин {prop} {m} :: Texan (person from Texas)
Тексашанка {prop} {m} :: Texan (person from Texas, female)
текст {m} :: text
текстил {m} [uncountable] :: textile
текстописац {m} :: scriptwriter
текстописац {m} :: songwriter
текстуалан {adj} [relational] :: text; textual
текстуално {adv} :: textually
текстура {f} :: texture
тектоника {f} [uncountable, geology] :: tectonics
текући {adj} :: liquid, fluid
текући {adj} :: flowing, running (of water)
текући {adj} :: current
тел {m} [obsolete] :: thin wire
тел {m} :: silver or golden thread or string for sewing or embroidering
Тел Авив {prop} {m} :: Тел Авив (city)
телад {f} :: calves
телац {m} :: young male calf
теле- {prefix} :: tele-
теле {n} :: calf
телевизија {f} :: television
телевизор {m} :: a television set
телеграм {m} :: telegram
телеграф {m} :: telegraph
телеграфија {f} :: telegraphy
телеграфирати {vi impf pf} :: to telegraph
телеграфист {m} :: telegrapher
телеграфски {adj} :: telegraphic
телеграфски {adv} :: by using a telegraph; telegraphically
телекомуникација {f} :: telecommunication, telecommunications
теленце {n} :: (diminutive) calf
телеологија {f} :: teleology
телеолошки {adj} :: teleologic
телепатија {f} [uncountable] :: telepathy
телепатски {adj} :: telepathic
телепатски {adv} :: telepathically
телескоп {m} :: telescope
телескопски {adj} :: telescopic
телескопски {adv} :: telescopically
телесни {adj} :: bodily, corporal, physical
телетекст {m} :: Teletext
телетина {f} :: veal
телећи {adj} [relational] :: calf
телефон {m} :: telephone
телефон {m} [colloquial] :: telephone number
телефонија {f} [uncountable] :: telephony
телефонирати {vi impf pf} :: to telephone
телефонист {m} :: telephonist
телефонисткиња {f} :: telephonist (female)
телефонски {adj} [relational] :: telephone
телефонски {adv} :: by using a telephone
телецунами {m} :: teletsunami
телешце {n} :: corpuscle
телешце {n} :: a small body
тели {adj} [indeclinable] :: embroidered, ornamented, interwoven with golden or silver wire
телић {m} :: calf (diminutive)
тело {n} :: body
теловежба {f} :: physical exercise
телохранитељ {m} :: bodyguard
телчић {m} :: (diminutive) young male calf
-тељ {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession, performer of an action, or a human relation
тема {f} :: theme, subject
тематски {adj} :: thematic
тематски {adv} :: thematically
теме {n} :: top, crown (of the head)
теме {n} :: top, apex
темељ {m} :: foundation
темељац {m} :: foundation stone (stone laid during the construction)
темељит {adj} :: thorough, solid (basis, knowledge, scope etc.)
темељити {vtr impf} :: to base, found
темељито {adv} :: thoroughly
темељитост {f} [uncountable] :: thoroughness
темељни {adj} :: fundamental, essential, basic
темељни {adj} [relational] :: foundation
Темза {prop} {f} :: the Thames
темпао {m} [archaic] :: temple, shrine
темперамент {m} [psychology] :: temperament
темпераментан {adj} :: temperamental, moody, capricious
темпераментно {adv} :: temperamentally
темпераментност {f} :: temperamentality
температура {f} :: temperature
темплар {m} :: Templar
темпларски {adj} [relational] :: Templar
темпо {m} :: tempo
темпоралан {adj} :: temporal (of or relating to time)
темпоралан {adj} :: temporal (of the temples of the head)
Тен {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Tenes
тенденција {f} :: tendency
тенденциозан {adj} :: tendentious
тенденциозно {adv} :: tendentiously
тенденциозност {f} [uncountable] :: tendentiousness
Тенед {prop} {m} :: Tenedos (island in the Aegean)
тенедски {adj} [relational] :: Tened
тензија {f} :: tension
тенис {m} [uncountable] :: tennis
тенисач {m} :: tennis player
тенисачки {adj} [relational] :: tennis player
тенисачки {adv} :: as a tennis player
тениски {adj} [relational] :: tennis
тенк {m} :: tank (armoured fighting vehicle)
тенкист {m} [military] :: tanker, tank corpsman
тенковски {adj} [relational] :: tank (armored vehicle)
тенковски {adj} :: containing tanks (military division)
тенџера {f} :: saucepan; stewpan
теозоф {m} :: theosophist
теозофија {f} [uncountable] :: theosophy
теозофски {adj} :: theosophical
теозофски {adv} :: theosophically
теократски {adj} :: theocratic
теократски {adv} :: theocratically
теокрација {f} :: theocracy
теолог {m} :: theologian
теологија {f} [uncountable] :: theology
теолошки {adj} :: theological
теорем {m} :: theorem
теорема {f} [mathematics] :: theorem
теоретизирати {vi impf pf} :: to theorize
теоретик {m} :: theoretician
теоретичар {m} :: theoretician
теоретски {adj} :: theoretic
теоретски {adv} :: theoretically
теорија {f} :: theory
теорија завере {f} :: conspiracy theory
теорија завјере {f} :: conspiracy theory
теорија уроте {f} :: conspiracy theory
теоцентричан {adj} :: theocentric
тепати {vi impf} :: to babble (of a baby)
тепати {vi impf} [with dative] :: to use baby talk, coo
тепати {vr impf} [Torlakian] :: to fight
тепих {m} :: carpet
тепсија {f} :: a type of shallow pan
тепсти {vt impf} :: to knock, pound, hit, strike
тепсти {vr impf} :: to loiter, roam
теразије {f} :: scales (measuring device)
теракота {f} [uncountable] :: terracotta
терапеут {m} :: therapist
терапеутски {adj} :: therapeutic
терапија {f} :: therapy
тераса {f} :: terrace (extending outwards from a building)
терати {vt impf} :: to force, make
терати {vt impf} :: to induce, cause
терати {vt impf} :: to drive, drive out, drive away
терати {vt impf} :: to chase, hunt, pursue
терати {vt impf} :: to sprout, shoot (of plants)
терати {vr impf} :: to be in heat (of animals)
Тереза {prop} {f} :: given name
терен {m} :: terrain
терет {m} :: burden
терет {m} :: cargo
терет {m} :: weight
теретана {f} :: gym (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise)
терзија {m} [Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia] :: tailor, seamster
терзијан {m} :: plectrum (small piece of plastic, metal, ivory etc. for plucking the strings of a guitar, lyre, mandolin etc.)
територијални {adj} :: territorial
терли {adj} [indeclinable] :: alternative form of тели
термин {m} :: term (a word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge)
термин {m} :: a specific date and time for which something is scheduled (e.g. a due date, a meeting time, or a time slot for an appointment)
терминологија {f} :: terminology
терминолошки {adj} :: terminological
термодинамика {f} [uncountable] :: thermodynamics
термометар {m} :: thermometer
термопауза {m} :: thermopause
Термопиле {prop} {f} :: Thermopylae
термопилски {adj} [relational] :: Thermopylae
термосфера {f} :: thermosphere
терор {m} :: terror
тероризам {m} [uncountable] :: terrorism
терористички {adj} :: terroristic
терористички {adv} :: terroristically
терцијар {m} [geology] :: Tertiary
терцијаран {adj} :: tertiary
тесан {adj} :: tight
тесан {adj} :: close (intimate; well-loved)
тесан {adj} :: narrow
тесар {m} :: carpenter
тесати {vt impf} :: to hew
тесати {vt impf} :: to trim
тесати {vt impf} :: to cut
тесати {vt impf} :: to spall
тескера {f} :: written document; a letter
тескера {f} :: certificate
тескера {f} :: invitation
тескоба {m} :: anxiety
тесла {f} :: adze (cutting tool)
теснац {m} :: gorge, defile, narrow passage
тесно {adv} :: tightly, closely
теспих {m} [Islam] :: misbaha (prayer beads)
тест {m} :: test (challenge, trial)
тест {m} :: test (academics)
тест {m} :: test (product examination)
тестаменат {m} :: testament
тестамент {m} [law] :: the (last) will [legal document]
тестенина {f} :: paste, pasta
тестера {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: handsaw, saw
тестирати {vt impf pf} :: to test
тестис {m} [anatomy] :: testicle
тесто {n} :: dough
тестостерон {m} :: testosterone
тетак {m} :: uncle (father's or mother's brother-in-law)
тетива {f} :: sinew, tendon
тетива {f} :: string (of a bow)
тетива {f} [geometry] :: chord
тетица {f} :: auntie
тетка {f} :: aunt by blood; the sister of one’s parent
тетоважа {f} :: tattoo
тетовирати {vitr impf} [_ or _] :: to tattoo
тетрарх {m} :: tetrarch
тетреб {m} :: grouse
тетријеб {m} :: grouse
тећи {vi impf} :: to flow, stream, pass, course, flux (especially of a moving water)
тећи {vi impf} :: to flow, pass by, continue, go on (of time, life etc.)
тећи {vi impf} :: to pour (of rain), flow (of tears, sweat)
тећи {v impf} :: to progress, have it's course, continue without stagnation
теутонски {adj} :: Teutonic
тефтер {m} :: notebook
тефтер {m} [accounting] :: books, accounting records, register
тефтер {m} [historical] :: defter, Ottoman tax register
Техеран {prop} {m} :: Техеран (capital city)
техника {f} [countable] :: technique
техника {f} [uncountable] :: technology
техника {f} [uncountable] :: engineering
техничар {m} :: technician
техничарка {f} :: technician (female)
технички {adj} :: technical
технички {adv} :: technically
технолог {m} :: technologist
технологија {f} :: technology
технолошки {adj} :: technological
технолошки {adv} :: technologically
течај {m} :: course (period of learning, outside of university)
течан {adj} :: liquid (of a state)
течан {adj} :: fluent (of a spoken/written language, or any other process)
течност {m} :: fluidity
течност {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: liquid
течо {m} :: uncle (father's or mother's brother-in-law)
теша {f} :: clothes
тешити {vt impf} :: to console, comfort
тешко {adv} :: heavily
тешко {adv} :: with difficulty
тешкоћа {f} :: difficulty
-ти {suffix} :: The infinitive ending
ти {pron} :: you {s}
Тибет {prop} {m} :: Тибет (autonomous region)
Тибетанац {prop} {m} :: Tibetan (person)
тибетански {adj} [relational] :: Tibetans; Tibetan
тибетски {adj} :: Tibetan
тибетски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tibetan language
тигањ {m} [regional] :: frying pan, skillet
тигањ {m} [regional] :: saucepan
тигар {m} :: tiger (mammal)
Тигрис {prop} {m} :: Tigris River
тигрица {f} :: tigress
тијеком {prep} :: during
тијело {n} :: body
тијесан {adj} :: tight
тијесан {adj} :: close (intimate; well-loved)
тијесан {adj} :: narrow
тијесно {adv} :: tightly, closely
тијесто {n} :: dough
тикати {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to address informally using the pronoun ти; to thou
тиква {f} :: pumpkin
тиква {f} [card games] :: bells
тикван {m} :: bonehead, blockhead, numskull
тилда {f} [orthography] :: tilde
тимар {m} :: a kind of Ottoman Empire fief granted by the Sultan to a spahi (спахија) in exchange for his cavalryman service and cultivated by villeins who leased it from him, timar
тимпан {m} :: timbrel
тинејџер {m} :: teenager
тињати {vi impf} :: to smolder (also figuratively)
тип {m} :: type
тип {m} [colloquial] :: person (usually male), guy, bloke, dude
типичан {adj} :: typical
типично {adv} :: typically
типичност {f} [uncountable] :: typicality
типка {f} :: key (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard)
типкати {vit impf} :: to type
типкач {m} :: typist
типковница {f} [usually, Croatia] :: keyboard (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.)
типограф {m} :: typographer
типографија {f} [uncountable] :: typography
типографски {adj} :: typographic
типографски {adv} :: typographically
типологија {f} :: typology
типолошки {adj} :: typological
типолошки {adv} :: typologically
типфелер {m} :: typo (error)
Тир {prop} {m} :: Тир (port city/capital)
Тирана {prop} {f} :: Тирана (capital city)
Тиранац {prop} {m} :: Tiranan
тиранија {f} :: tyranny
тиранин {m} :: tyrant
тираносаур {m} :: tyrannosaur
тирански {adj} :: tyrannical
тирански {adv} :: tyrannically
тиркиз {m} :: turquoise
тиса {f} :: yew-tree
тисак {m} [Croatian, uncountable] :: press (print based media)
тисак {m} [Croatian] :: print, impression
тискара {f} :: (Croatian) printing shop, printing house
тискарство {n} [uncountable, usually, Croatian] :: printing (craft)
тискати {vt impf} :: to press, press down
тискати {vt impf} :: to push, shove
тискати {vt impf} :: to squeeze, exert pressure
тискати {vt impf} [Croatian] :: to print, stamp
тисковина {f} [uncountable] :: publication (printed matter)
тисутњик {m} [military, Ancient Rome] :: centurion
тисућа {f} [chiefly Croatia] :: thousand [+ genitive]
тисућљеће {n} :: (Croatian) millennium (period of 1000 years)
тисућник {m} [military, Ancient Rome] :: centurion
тисућу {adv} :: thousand
титл {m} :: subtitle
Титоград {prop} {m} [historical] :: Titograd, former name of Podgorica, used between 1946 and 1992
титоизам {m} [uncountable] :: Titoism
титоист {m} :: Titoist
титоистички {adj} :: Titoist
титрај {m} :: quiver, shiver
титрај {m} :: flicker
титрати {vi impf} :: to vibrate
титрати {vi impf} :: to quiver, shiver
титрати {vi impf} :: to flicker
титула {f} :: title
тих {adj} :: quiet, silent
Тихи океан {prop} {m} :: Pacific Ocean
тихо {adv} :: quietly, silently
Тихомир {prop} {m} :: given name
тихост {f} :: silence
тицати {vt impf} :: to touch
тицати {vr impf} :: to concern or pertain oneself with something (+accusative)
тишина {f} :: silence
тј. {adv} :: i.e.
т. је {adv} :: obsolete form of тј.
тједан {m} [usually, Croatian] :: week [period of seven days]
тједни {adj} [usually, Croatian] :: weekly
тјелесни {adj} :: bodily, corporal, physical
тјелешце {n} :: corpuscle
тјелешце {n} :: a small body
тјеловјежба {f} :: physical exercise
тјелохранитељ {m} :: bodyguard
тјеме {n} :: top, crown (of the head)
тјеме {n} :: top, apex
тјерати {vt impf} :: to force, make
тјерати {vt impf} :: to induce, cause
тјерати {vt impf} :: to drive, drive out, drive away
тјерати {vt impf} :: to chase, hunt, pursue
тјерати {vt impf} :: to sprout, shoot (of plants)
тјерати {vr impf} :: to be in heat (of animals)
тјескоба {m} :: anxiety
тјеснац {m} :: gorge, defile, narrow passage
тјестенина {f} :: paste, pasta
тјешити {vt impf} :: to console, comfort
ткалац {m} :: weaver
тканина {f} :: fabric, textile
ткање {n} :: weaving (manner by which something is woven)
ткати {vit impf} :: to weave
ткач {m} :: weaver
ткиво {n} :: tissue (aggregation of cells)
тко {pron} [interrogatively, Croatia] :: who
тко {pron} [relative and indefinite pronoun] :: who,,he/she who
ткогод {pron} :: whoever
тло {n} :: ground
тло {n} :: floor
тмаст {adj} :: dark, fuscous
тмина {f} :: darkness
тмина {f} :: obscurity
тмина {f} :: dusk, gloom
тмуран {adj} :: gloomy, murky, dull, somber
тоалет {m} :: toilet
тобоже {adv} :: allegedly, ostensibly
тобожњи {adj} :: ostensible, so-called
тоболац {m} :: quiver (arrow container)
тобџија {m} :: cannoneer, gunner
тобџија {m} [football slang] :: forward
тобџија {m} [gay sexual slang, somewhat jocular] :: a top
товар {m} :: cargo
товар {m} :: burden
товар {m} :: load
товар {m} [Chakavian] :: donkey
товариш {m} :: comrade
товити {vtr impf} :: to fatten (animals, poultry)
тога {f} :: toga, gown
Того {prop} {m} :: Того (country)
ток {m} :: flow
ток {m} :: stream, current
ток {m} :: flux
ток {m} :: [Croatian] movement in space (as opposed to time, compare tijȇk)
ток {m} :: sheath, scabbard
токата {f} [music] :: toccata
токијски {adj} [relational] :: Tokyo
Токио {prop} {m} :: Токио (prefecture/capital city)
токмак {m} :: sledgehammer, mallet
токмак {m} :: mace
токмак {m} :: blockhead, sot, dunderpate
током {prep} :: during
токсикологија {f} :: toxicology
токсин {m} :: toxin
токсички {adv} :: toxically
токсично {adv} :: toxically
толерантан {adj} :: tolerant
толерантно {adv} :: tolerantly
толерантност {f} :: tolerance
толеранција {f} :: tolerance
толик {adj} :: such a (that distinguishes oneself by size, quantity or meaning)
толик {adj} :: this large, that large
толик {adj} [in the plural] :: so much/many, this much/many, that much/many
толико {adv} :: that much/many, so much/many, as much/many
тољага {f} :: club, cudgel
томахавк {m} :: tomahawk (axe)
томбола {f} :: tombola
Томислав {prop} {m} :: given name
тон {m} :: tone
тона {f} :: tonne
тона {f} :: ton (2240 pounds)
тонажа {f} [uncountable] :: tonnage
тоналан {adj} :: tonal
тонзилектомија {f} [surgery] :: tonsillectomy
тонзура {f} :: tonsure
тонски {adj} :: tonal, tone (having to do with tones)
тонути {vi impf} :: to sink
топ {m} :: cannon
топ {m} [chess] :: rook
топаз {f} :: topaz (gemstone)
топао {adj} :: warm
топив {adj} :: meltable
топити {vt impf} :: to melt
топити {vr impf} :: to melt down
топић {m} :: small cannon
топлана {f} :: heating plant
топлина {f} :: heat, warmth
топло {adv} :: warmly
топлокрван {adj} :: warm-blooded
топломер {m} :: thermometer
топломјер {m} :: thermometer
топлота {f} :: warmth
топљени сир {m} :: processed cheese
топљив {adj} :: meltable
топо- {prefix} :: topo-
топола {f} :: poplar, any tree of the genus Populus
топологија {f} :: topology
тополошки {adj} :: topological
топоним {m} :: toponym
топонимија {f} [uncountable] :: toponymy
топонимски {adj} :: toponymic
топор {m} [regional, rare] :: axe
топтати {vi impf} :: to stamp, stomp tramp
топуз {m} :: morning star (weapon)
топуз {m} :: cudgel, mace, club
топчић {m} :: small cannon
тор {m} :: corral, cote
торањ {m} :: tower
торба {f} :: bag
торба {f} :: pouch, purse
торбар {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: marsupial
торбар {m} :: peddler
тореадор {m} [bullfighting] :: toreador
тореадорски {adj} [relational] :: toreador
торзија {f} :: torsion
торзијски {adj} :: torsional
торлачки {adj} :: Torlak, Torlakian
торнадо {m} :: tornado
торнати {vitr impf pf} [regional] :: to come back, return
торњати {vr impf pf} [colloquial] :: to leave, beat it
торњић {m} :: a small tower
торокати {vi impf} :: to babble, prattle, piffle, gabble
торпедирати {vt impf pf} :: to torpedo
торпедни {adj} [relational] :: torpedo
торпедо {m} :: torpedo
торта {f} :: cake
тортура {f} :: torture
Тоскана {prop} {f} :: Tuscany
тоскански {adj} :: Tuscan
тоскијски {adj} :: Tosk
тоскијски {adv} :: as a Tosk
тоталан {adj} :: total
тоталитаран {adj} :: totalitarian
тоталитаризам {m} :: totalitarianism
тоталитарист {m} :: totalitarian
тоталитаристички {adj} :: totalitarian
тоталитаристички {adv} :: as a totalitarian
тоталитарно {adv} :: in a totalitarian manner
тоталитет {m} [uncountable] :: totality
тотално {adv} :: totally, completely
тотем {m} :: totem
тотемизам {m} [uncountable] :: totemism
тотемист {m} :: totemist
тотемистички {adj} :: totemist
тотемистички {adv} :: as a totemist
тотемски {adj} :: totemic
тохарски {adj} :: Tocharian
тохарски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tocharian language
точак {m} :: wheel
точак {m} [regional] :: bicycle
точан {adj} :: exact, accurate
точан {adj} :: punctual, precise
точан {adj} :: correct
точити {vt impf} :: to pour
точити {vt impf} :: to tap (draw off liquid from a vessel)
точно {adv} [Croatia] :: exactly, correctly
точно {adv} [Croatia] :: accurately, precisely
трабант {m} [astronomy] :: satellite (of a celestial body)
трабант {m} [pejorative] :: follower, parasite (of an unwanted person)
трабуњати {vi impf} :: to talk nonsense
трава {f} [uncountable] :: grass
трава {f} :: herb
трава {f} [slang] :: weed, pot
травар {m} :: herbalist
травар {m} :: herb seller or gatherer
травестија {f} :: travesty
травка {f} :: (diminitive of трава) grass
травка {f} :: a blade of grass
травнат {adj} :: grassy
травњак {m} :: grassland
травурина {f} :: big grass
траг {m} :: trace
трагалац {m} :: seeker
трагати {vi impf} :: to search, seek
трагач {m} :: seeker
трагедија {f} :: tragedy
трагикомедија {f} :: tragicomedy
трагикомичан {adj} :: tragicomic
трагичан {adj} :: tragic
трагичар {m} :: tragedian
трагично {adv} :: tragically
трагичност {f} [uncountable] :: tragedy (property of being tragic)
традиција {f} :: tradition
традицијски {adv} :: traditionally
традиционалан {adj} :: traditional
традиционализам {m} [uncountable] :: traditionalism
традиционалист {m} :: traditionalist
традиционалистички {adj} :: traditionalist
традиционалистички {adv} :: as a traditionalist
традиционално {adv} :: traditionally
традиционалност {f} [uncountable] :: traditionalism
тражилац {m} :: seeker
тражило {n} :: viewfinder (of a camera)
тражити {vt impf} :: to seek, look for, search (something that is lost, unknown, or not present)
тражити {vt impf} :: to stubbornly plead, demand, call for, request
тражити {vit impf} :: to require
тражити {vt impf} :: to look up (word in a dictionary or reference work)
тражити {vr impf} :: to have no purpose in life yet, not to know what one wants yet, to have an identity crisis
тражити {v impf} :: idiomatic and figurative senses
трајан {adj} :: permanent, durable (lasting for an indefinitely long time)
трајати {vi impf} :: to last, continue
трајект {m} :: ferry
трајектни {adj} [relational] :: ferry
трајно {adv} :: permanently, durably
трајност {f} :: durability, permanence
трака {f} :: strip, ribbon (of paper, cloth, plastics..)
Тракија {prop} {f} :: Thrace
трактат {m} :: tract (a brief treatise)
трактор {m} [agriculture] :: tractor
траљав {adj} :: sloppy, careless
траљав {adj} :: ragged, shabby
траљаво {adv} :: sloppily, carelessly
траљавост {f} [uncountable] :: shabbiness
траљавост {f} [uncountable] :: sloppiness, carelessness
трамвај {m} :: tram
трамвај {m} :: tramcar
трамвај {m} :: streetcar
трамвај {m} :: trolley car
трамонтана {f} :: tramontana
трампа {f} :: barter
трампити {vt impf} :: to barter, exchange
транзистор {m} :: transistor
транзисторски {adj} [relational] :: transistor
транзит {m} :: transit
транзитиван {adj} :: transitive
транзитиван {adj} :: transitional
транзитиван {adj} :: passing
транзитивност {f} [uncountable] :: transitivity
транзитни {adj} [relational] :: transit
транзиторан {adj} :: transitory
транзиција {f} :: transition
транзицијски {adj} :: transitional
транс- {prefix} :: trans-
трансакција {f} :: transaction
трансакцијски {adj} :: transactional
трансатлантски {adj} :: transatlantic
трансверзала {f} :: transversal
трансверзалан {adj} :: transversal
трансверзалан {adj} :: transverse
трансвестит {m} :: transvestite
трансвеститски {adj} :: transvestic
трансгресиван {adj} :: transgressive
трансгресија {f} :: transgression
транскрипција {m} [linguistics] :: transcription
транслација {f} [mathematics, physics, genetics] :: translation
транслитерација {f} :: transliteration
транслитерирати {vt impf pf} :: to transliterate
трансмисија {f} :: transmission
трансмисијски {adj} [relational] :: [Croatia] transmission
трансмисиони {adj} :: transmissive
транспарентан {adj} :: transparent
транспарентно {adv} :: transparently
транспарентност {f} [uncountable] :: transparency
трансплантација {f} :: transplantation
транспонирати {vt impf pf} :: to transpose
транспорт {m} :: transport, conveyance
транспорт {m} :: transport (vehicle)
транспортер {m} :: transporter
транспортирати {vt impf pf} :: to transport
транспортни {adj} [relational] :: transportation
трансфер {m} :: transfer
трансфер {m} :: transport
трансферирати {vt impf pf} :: to transfer
трансферни {adj} [relational] :: transfer
трансформатор {m} :: transformer (electrical device)
трансформација {f} :: transformation
трансформирати {vtr impf pf} :: to transform
трансфузија {f} :: transfusion
трансценденталан {adj} :: transcendental
трансцендентализам {m} :: transcendentalism
трансценденталност {f} [uncountable] :: transcendence
трансцендентан {adj} :: transcendent
трансценденција {f} [uncountable] :: transcendence
трансцендирати {vt impf pf} :: to transcend
транша {f} :: tranche (sum of money)
трапав {adj} :: hulking, clumsy (in walking)
трапавац {m} :: clumsy, hulking person
трапаво {adv} :: hulkingly, clumsily
трапавост {f} [uncountable] :: clumsiness (in walking)
трапез {m} :: trapeze
трапез {m} :: (UK) trapezium, (US) trapezoid
трапезист {m} :: trapezist
трапезоид {m} :: trapezium
трапезоидан {adj} :: trapezoidal
трапер {m} [countable] :: trapper
трапер {m} [uncountable] :: denim
траса {f} :: route (road, track, channel etc. designated for construction)
тратинчица {f} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) daisy
тратити {vt impf} :: to waste, squander
траћити {vt impf} :: to waste, squander
траума {f} :: trauma
трауматизирати {vt impf pf} :: to traumatize
трауматичан {adj} :: traumatic
трауматолог {m} :: traumatologist
трауматологија {f} [uncountable] :: traumatology
трауматолошки {adj} :: traumatological
трафика {f} :: newsstand
трафика {f} :: tobacco shop
трахеја {f} :: trachea
трач {m} :: gossip, gossiping
Трачанин {prop} {m} :: Thracian
трачара {f} :: gossiper
трачати {vit impf} :: to gossip
трачер {m} [regional] :: gossiper
трачерски {adj} [relational] :: gossip, gossiping
трачерски {adv} :: as a gossiper
трачки {adj} :: Thracian
трачки {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Thracian language
трачница {f} [Croatian] :: rail, track (for trains etc.)
трбух {m} :: abdomen
трбух {m} :: womb
трбух {m} :: stomach
трбухозборац {m} :: ventriloquist
трбушни {adj} :: abdominal
трг {m} :: square
трг {m} :: marketplace
трг {m} :: piazza
трг {m} :: plaza
трг {m} :: forum
тргати {vt impf} :: to tear
тргати {vt impf} :: to pluck, pull out
тргнути {vt pf} :: to pull, tug, jerk
тргнути {vr pf} :: to pull oneself together, get a grip on oneself
трговати {vi impf} :: to trade, deal
трговац {m} :: shopkeeper, dealer
трговац {m} :: retailer, tradesman
трговац {m} :: merchant
трговачки {adj} :: commercial, merchant, trade
трговачки {adv} :: as a merchant
трговина {f} :: trade, commerce
трговина {f} :: shop, store
трговински {adj} [relational] :: trading, trade
трговиште {n} [uncountable] :: market town
трговкиња {f} :: shopkeeper, dealer
трговкиња {f} :: retailer, tradesman
трговкиња {f} :: merchant
треба {f} [slang] :: girl, chick
треба {f} :: need
треба ми ... {phrase} :: I need ... (I need ... (something))
требам план града {phrase} :: I need a city map
требам такси {phrase} :: I need a taxi
требати {vt impf} :: to need, require
требати {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be necessary, one should
требати {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be supposed to, to have to
требити {vt impf} :: to shell, husk
требити {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to clean impure or useless parts of something
трезан {adj} :: sober
трезвен {adj} :: sober (especially figuratively)
трезвено {adv} :: soberly
трезвеност {f} [uncountable] :: sobriety
трезвењак {m} :: teetotaler
трезвењакиња {f} :: teetotaler (female)
трезвењачки {adj} :: teetotal (abstinent from alcohol; opposed to the drinking of alcohol)
трезвењачки {adv} :: as a teetotaler
трезвењаштво {n} :: antialcoholism
трезвењаштво {n} :: soberness
трезнити {vir impf} :: to sober (up)
трезно {adv} :: soberly
трезор {m} :: safe, vault
трем {m} :: porch
трема {f} :: stage fright
тренд {m} :: trend
тренер {m} :: coach
тренерски {adj} [relational] :: coaches
тренинг {m} :: training, training session
тренирати {vit impf} :: to train
тренирка {f} :: tracksuit
тренутак {m} :: moment (brief amount of time)
тренутан {adj} :: instantaneous, immediate
тренутачан {adj} :: instantaneous, immediate
тренутачан {adj} :: momentary
тренутачно {adv} :: currently (at this moment)
тренутачно {adv} :: instantaneously, immediately
тренути {vi pf} :: to blink
тренутно {adv} :: currently (at this moment)
тренутно {adv} :: instantaneously, immediately
трење {n} :: friction
трепавица {f} :: eyelash
треперав {adj} :: flickering, twinkling
трепераво {adv} :: flickeringly, twinklingly
треперити {vi impf} :: to tremble, shake, vibrate, quiver
треперити {vi impf} :: to flicker, twinkle
трепет {m} [uncountable] :: trembling, shaking
трепет {m} [uncountable] :: twinkling, flickering
трепнути {vi pf} :: to blink
трептав {adj} :: blinking
трептаво {adv} :: blinkingly
трептај {m} :: flicker, twinkle
трептати {vi impf} :: to blink
тресач {m} :: shaker
тресет {m} :: peat
трести {vtr impf} :: to shake
третирати {vt impf pf} :: to treat
третман {m} :: treatment
трећи {adj} :: third
трећина {f} :: one third
треф {m} :: , clubs in card- and boardgames
треш {m} [colloquial] :: kitsch
трешња {f} :: cherry (fruit and tree)
трешња {f} :: shaking, trembling
тржишни {adj} :: market
тржиште {n} :: market (group of customers)
тржница {f} :: bazaar
трзај {m} :: spasm, jerk, twitch
трзај {m} :: recoil (of a rifle)
трзај {m} :: snatch (in weightlifting)
трзати {vr impf} :: to jerk, twitch
трзати {vr impf} :: to recoil, rebound (of weapons)
трзати {vi impf} :: to fall/go for something or somebody
трзнути {v pf} :: perfective form of трзати
три {num} :: three (3)
триангл {m} :: triangle (musical instrument)
триангуларан {adj} :: triangular
триангулација {f} [uncountable] :: triangulation
триангулирати {vi impf pf} :: to triangulate
трибализам {m} [uncountable] :: tribalism
трибалистички {adj} :: tribalist
трибалистички {adv} :: as a tribalist
трибун {m} :: tribune
трибунал {m} :: tribunal
тривијалан {adj} :: trivial
тривијално {adv} :: trivially
тригонометрија {f} :: trigonometry
тригонометријски {adj} :: trigonometric
тридесет {num} :: thirty
тријас {m} [uncountable] :: Trias
тријасни {adj} :: Triassic
тријеба {f} [Ijekavian] :: need
тријебити {vt impf} :: to shell, husk
тријебити {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to clean impure or useless parts of something
тријезан {adj} :: sober
тријезнити {vir impf} :: to sober (up)
тријезно {adv} :: soberly
тријем {m} :: porch
тријумвир {m} :: triumvir
тријумвират {m} :: triumvirate
тријумф {m} :: triumph
тријумфалан {adj} :: triumphal
тријумфално {adv} :: triumphally
тријумфирати {vi impf pf} :: to triumph
трик {m} :: trick
трилер {m} :: thriller
трилогија {f} :: trilogy
тринаест {num} :: thirteen
трипартитан {adj} :: tripartite
триптих {m} :: triptych
трипут {adv} :: thrice
тритагонист {m} :: tritagonist
трифтонг {m} :: triphthong
трифтоншки {adj} :: triphthongal
трица {f} :: three (digit or figure)
трица {f} :: anything numbered three (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 3 etc.)
трица {f} :: the school grade '3'
трица {f} [usually, in the plural] :: trifle, junk
трицикл {m} :: tricycle
тричав {adj} :: trivial, insignificant, petty
тричаво {adv} :: trivially, insignificantly, pettily
трк {m} :: run, running
трка {f} :: race
тркач {m} :: runner
тркач {m} :: racer
тркач {m} :: bishop (chess piece)
тркачица {f} :: runner (female)
тркачица {f} :: racer (female)
трљати {vtr impf} :: to rub
трн {m} :: thorn [protective spine of a plant]
трнина {f} :: sloe, blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
трнка {f} :: common torpedo (Torpedo torpedo)
трновит {adj} :: thorny
трње {n} :: (collectively) thorns, thorny shrubs
трњина {f} :: alternative form of трнина
тробојка {f} :: tricolor (flag)
тровати {vtr impf} :: to poison
тровач {m} :: poisoner
троглав {adj} :: three-headed
трогласник {m} :: triphthong
троглодит {m} :: troglodyte
трогодишњак {m} :: a three-year-old (boy)
троделан {adj} :: having three parts; tripartite
тродијелан {adj} :: having three parts; tripartite
тродимензионалан {adj} :: three-dimensional
тродневни {adj} :: lasting three days
Троја {prop} {f} :: Troy
тројак {adj} :: threefold
Тројанац {prop} {m} :: Trojan (native of Troy)
тројански {adj} :: Trojan
тројица {f} :: (collectively) tree men
тројка {f} :: three (digit or figure)
тројка {f} :: anything numbered three (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 3 etc.)
тројка {f} :: the school grade '3'
тројка {f} :: trio (group of three)
тројка {f} [in the plural] :: triplets
тројка {f} :: troika
тројство {n} :: trinity
троколица {f} :: tricycle
троколица {f} :: any vehicle (especially cart) with three wheels
трокут {m} :: (Croatian) triangle
трол {m} :: troll
тролејбус {m} :: trolleybus
тролејбусни {adj} [relational] :: trolleybus
тролист {m} :: trefoil (that which has tree leaves, especially a plant)
тролист {m} :: Epimedium
тром {adj} :: sluggish, slow
тромбон {m} :: trombone
тромеђа {f} :: junction of three borders
тромесечје {n} :: quarter (three-month period)
тромјесечје {n} :: quarter (three-month period)
тромо {adv} :: sluggishly, slowly
тромост {f} [uncountable] :: sluggishness, slowness
троножан {adj} :: three-legged
троножац {m} :: tripod
троножац {m} :: three-legged chair or table
троношке {adv} :: on three legs
тропопауза {f} :: tropopause
тропосфера {f} :: troposphere
тророг {adj} :: three-horned
тростран {adj} :: trilateral, three-sided
трострук {adj} :: threefold, triple
тротл {m} [Kajkavian, regional] :: clumsy, incompetent person
тротоар {m} :: sidewalk (US), pavement (UK)
трофеј {m} :: trophy
трофејни {adj} [relational] :: trophy
трохеј {m} :: trochee
трохејски {adj} :: trochaic
троцкизам {m} :: Trotskyism
трошак {m} :: cost, expense
трошан {adj} :: dilapidated, worn-out
трошан {adj} :: weak, frail
трошити {vt impf} :: to spend (money, time)
трошити {vt impf} :: to use, consume (energy, resources)
трп {m} [regional, Croatia] :: sea cucumber
трпак {adj} :: sharp, pungent, tart (of a flavor or taste)
трпак {adj} :: crude, vulgar, bitter
трпеза {f} [regionally, expressively] :: dining table
трпезарија {f} :: dining room
трпељив {adj} :: tolerant
трпељиво {adv} :: tolerantly
трпељивост {f} [uncountable] :: tolerance
трпети {vi impf} :: to suffer
трпети {vt impf} :: to endure, suffer, put up with, bear
трпјети {vi impf} :: to suffer
трпјети {vt impf} :: to endure, suffer, put up with, bear
трпутац {m} :: plantain (Plantago gen. et spp.)
трс {m} :: stalk of a grapevine
трсити {vr impf} :: to strive, try
трсје {n} [collectively] :: reed, cane
трсје {n} [Kajkavian] :: vineyard
трска {f} :: reed, cane
Трст {prop} {m} :: Трст (capital city)
трти {vt impf} :: to rub
трти {vt impf} :: to cause friction
трти {vt impf} :: to scour, scrub
трти {vt impf} :: to break, crush [especially flax]
тртица {f} :: coccyx
тртица {f} :: lumbar, rump
труба {f} :: trumpet
трубадур {m} :: troubadour
трубадурски {adj} [relational] :: troubadour
трубадурски {adv} :: as a troubadour
трубач {m} :: bugler
трубач {m} :: trumpeter
трубити {vi impf} :: to blow a bugle/trumpet
трубити {vi impf} :: to honk (sound a horn of a car)
труд {m} :: effort, hard work
труд {m} :: (plural) contractions (while giving birth)
трудан {adj} :: pregnant
трудан {adj} [archaic] :: tired
трудан {adj} :: laborious
трудити {vr impf} :: to try, make an effort
трудница {f} :: pregnant woman
трудно {adv} :: pregnantly
трудноћа {f} :: pregnancy
труизам {m} :: truism
трулеж {m} [uncountable] :: rot, decay
трулина {f} [uncountable] :: rottenness
трулити {vi impf} :: to decay, become rotten
трулост {f} [uncountable] :: rottenness
трун {m} :: tiny piece, bit, scrape
трун {m} :: a small (cut) part of a tree
трунак {m} :: tiny piece, bit, scrape
трунак {m} :: a small (cut) part of a tree
трунка {f} :: crumb
трунка {f} :: piece, scrap
трунка {f} :: bit, particle
трунути {vi impf} :: to decay, become rotten
труо {adj} :: rotten
труо {adj} :: putrid
труп {m} :: torso, trunk, body
трупа {f} :: troupe (of actors, soldiers)
трупац {m} :: log (of a tree)
трупло {n} :: corpse (of a human)
трут {m} :: drone (male bee)
трчати {vi impf} :: to run
трчкарати {vi impf} :: to run around
ту {adv} :: there, here, in the said place
туберкулоза {f} :: tuberculosis
туберкулозан {adj} :: tubercular
туга {f} :: sorrow, grief, dismal
тугаљив {adj} :: sad, weepy, tearful
тугаљив {adj} :: touchy, ticklish
тугаљив {adj} :: mournful (inducing sadness)
тугаљиво {adv} :: sadly, weepily, tearfully
тугаљиво {adv} :: touchily, ticklishly
тугаљиво {adv} :: mournfully (inducing sadness)
тугаљивост {f} :: sadness, plaintiveness, tearfulness
тугаљивост {f} :: touchiness, ticklishness
тугаљивост {f} :: mournfulness (inducing sadness)
туговати {vi impf} :: to mourn, grieve
туда {adv} :: in that direction, that way, there, thither
туђ {adj} :: somebody else's
туђ {adj} :: foreign
туђ {adj} :: (expressively) unknown, strange
туђин {m} :: foreigner
туђина {f} :: (expressively) foreign country
туђина {f} :: any place where there is no kinsmen/compatriots in the neighborhood
туђинац {m} :: stranger
туђинац {m} :: foreigner
туђинка {f} :: stranger (female)
туђинка {f} :: foreigner (female)
туђица {f} :: foreign word; a borrowing
тужаљка {f} :: lament
тужан {adj} :: sad
тужба {f} :: charges, accusation (legal)
тужба {f} :: complaint
тужилац {m} :: prosecutor
тужилац {m} :: accuser
тужилаштво {n} :: prosecutor's office (legal institution)
тужитељ {m} :: prosecutor
тужитељ {m} :: accuser
тужитељство {n} [uncountable] :: prosecution (institution of legal proceedings; prosecuting party)
тужити {vt pf} :: to sue
тужити {vt pf} :: to accuse
тужити {vr pf} :: to complain
тужити {vi impf} :: to grieve, mourn
тужити {vi impf} :: to lament
тужно {adv} :: sadly
Тузла {prop} {f} :: Tuzla
тузлук {m} :: salt cellar
тука {f} :: turkey (female)
тука {f} [pejorative] :: foolish or stupid woman
тукац {m} :: male turkey
тукац {m} :: fool, idiot
тулипан {m} :: tulip
тулум {m} [slang] :: party
тулумарити {vi impf} :: to party
туљан {m} [Croatia] :: seal (pinniped)
тумарати {vi impf} :: to roam, wander
тумач {m} :: interpreter
тумачити {vi impf} :: to serve as an interpreter
тумачити {vt impf} :: to interpret a role (on a stage)
тумачити {vt impf} :: to explain
тумор {m} :: tumor
тундра {f} :: tundra
тунел {m} :: tunnel
тунелски {adj} [relational] :: tunnel
Тунижанин {prop} {m} :: Tunisian
туника {f} :: tunic
Тунис {prop} {m} :: Тунис (country)
Тунис {prop} {m} :: Тунис (capital city)
туниски {adj} :: Tunisian
туњевина {f} [uncountable] :: tuna (flesh)
туп {adj} :: blunt, dull
туп {adj} :: obtuse (of an angle)
туп {adj} :: dull, weak (feeling, pain, sound etc.)
туп {adj} :: stupid, dull (person or action)
туп {adj} :: flat (nose)
тупан {m} :: witling
тупан {m} :: a type of large drum
тупити {vt impf} :: to make dull, blunt
тупити {vt impf} :: to weaken
тупо {adv} :: bluntly
тупо {adv} :: obtusely
тупо {adv} :: dully
тупо {adv} :: stupidly
тупоглав {adj} :: slow-witted, stupid, dull
тупоглавац {m} :: dullard
тупоглаво {adv} :: stupidly, dully
тупоглавост {f} [uncountable] :: stupidity
тупост {f} [uncountable] :: dullness
тур {m} :: aurochs, urus
тур {m} :: buttocks
турбан {m} :: turban
турбан {m} :: a sea urchin of the family Cidaridae
турбан {m} :: turban snail (family Turbinidae, esp. Bolma rugosa)
турбина {f} :: turbine
турбински {adj} [relational] :: turbine
турбопауза {f} :: turbopause
турбулентан {adj} :: turbulent
турбулентност {f} [uncountable] :: turbulence
турбуленција {f} :: turbulence
туризам {m} [uncountable] :: tourism
турист {m} :: tourist
туристички {adj} [relational] :: tourism or tourists
туристички {adv} :: as a tourist
туркијски {adj} :: Turkic
Туркиња {prop} {f} :: Turk, a female person from Turkey
Туркменистан {prop} {m} :: Туркменистан (country)
туркменски {adj} :: Turkmen
туркменски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Turkmen language
турнеја {f} :: tour (of an artist, entertainer, politician, athlete etc.)
турнир {m} :: tournament
туробан {adj} :: gloomy, overcast
туробан {adj} :: morose, sullen
туробно {adv} :: gloomily
туробно {adv} :: morosely, sullenly
туробност {f} [uncountable] :: gloominess
туробност {f} [uncountable] :: moroseness, sullenness
турпија {f} :: file (tool)
турпијати {vt impf} :: to file (use file as an abrasive tool)
Турска {prop} {f} :: Turkey
турска кава {f} [Croatia] :: Turkish coffee (unfiltered coffee)
турска кафа {f} [Serbia] :: Turkish coffee (unfiltered coffee)
турска кахва {f} [Croatia] :: Turkish coffee (unfiltered coffee)
турски {adj} :: Turkish
турски {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Turkish language
турцизам {m} :: Turkish or Ottoman Turkish loanword
Турчин {prop} {m} :: Turk, a male person from Turkey
Турчин {prop} {m} :: a speaker of a Turkic language
Турчин {prop} {m} [pejorative] :: a Muslim from the Balkans, especially a Bosniak
Турчин {prop} {m} [historical] :: a citizen of Ottoman Empire (nowadays superseded by Османлија)
туст {adj} :: fat
туст {adj} :: plump, corpulent
тутањ {m} :: boom, roar
тутњити {vi impf} :: to boom, roar
тутор {m} :: tutor
тутор {m} :: guardian
туторство {n} [uncountable] :: tutelage
тући {vt impf} :: to beat, thrash
тући {vr impf} :: to fight
туф {m} :: tuff, tufa
туцати {vt impf} :: to crush
туцати {vr impf} :: to do egg tappping/knocking/fighting (in a traditional Easter game)
туцати {vtr impf} [vulgar] :: to have sex
туце {n} :: a dozen
туце {n} :: an unspecified large amount
туцет {m} [with genitive] :: dozen
туча {f} :: fight, melee
туча {f} :: hail
тучак {m} :: pestle
тучак {m} :: pistil
тучњава {f} :: fight, scuffle
туш {m} :: shower
туширати {vr impf} :: to shower
ћ {letter} :: The 23rd letter of the Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet
Ћ {letter} :: The twenty-third letter of the Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet. It is preceded by the letter Т (T) and is followed by the letter У (U)
Ћаба {prop} {f} [Islam] :: Kaaba
ћага {f} [Serbia, colloquial] :: permit, certificate, diploma
ћакнут {adj} [colloquial] :: daft, slightly crazy
ћакнуто {adv} :: daftly, crankily
ћакнутост {f} [uncountable] :: daftness, crankiness
ћао {interj} [colloquial] :: hi!
ћао {interj} [colloquial] :: bye!
ћар {m} [regional] :: profit, earnings
ћаскати {vi impf} :: to chat, make small talk
ћаћа {m} [regional, colloquial] :: daddy, papa
ћебе {n} :: blanket
ћебе {n} :: comforter
ћевап {m} [usually, in the plural] :: cevapi
ћеиф {m} [chiefly Bosnia] :: will
ћеиф {m} [chiefly Bosnia] :: enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction
ћела {f} :: bald spot
ћелав {adj} :: bald (having no hair)
ћелавац {m} :: bald person, baldy
ћелавост {f} [uncountable] :: baldness
ћелија {f} :: cell (room for a monk or nun in a monastery or convent)
ћелија {f} :: cell (room in a prison for containing inmates)
ћелија {f} :: cell (compartment in a honeycomb)
ћелија {f} [Serbia, biology] :: cell (basic unit of a living organism)
ћелија {f} :: cell (unit in a statistical array)
ћелија {f} :: cell (small number of people forming the basic unit of an organization)
ћелијски {adj} :: cellular
ћепенак {m} :: door or window of a Turkish shop
ћепица {f} :: small hat for men or women; bonnet, skull cap
ћепчија {f} [culinary, Serbia regional, Montenegrin, rare] :: ladle
ћер {f} [regional] :: alternative form of кћер
ћерати {v impf} [archaic] :: alternative form of тјерати
ћердати {vt impf} [regional] :: to waste, squander, spend recklessly/extravagantly/carelessly
ћеретав {adj} :: chattering, babbling
ћеретаво {adv} :: chatteringly
ћеретати {vi impf} :: to chatter, babble
ћерка {f} [regional, colloquial] :: alternative form of кћерка
ћеф {m} [chiefly Bosnia] :: alternative form of ћеиф
-ћи {suffix} :: The infinitive ending
ћилер {m} [regional] :: pantry, larder
ћилибар {m} [uncountable, regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: amber
ћилибар {m} [countable] :: a type of table grape
ћилим {m} :: thick carpet or tapestry of oriental style
ћилимар {m} :: rug or carpet maker/merchant
ћилимара {f} :: rug or carpet workshop/factory
ћилимарство {n} [uncountable] :: rugmaking, carpetmaking
ћирилица {f} [uncountable] :: the Cyrillic script
ћирилички {adj} :: Cyrillic
ћирилични {adj} :: Cyrillic
ћирилски {adj} :: Cyrillic
ћоза {f} :: snowshoe
ћор {adj} :: blind (in both eyes)
ћор {adj} :: blind in one eye
ћорав {adj} :: blind in one eye; one-eyed
ћорав {adj} :: having bad eyesight
ћоравац {m} :: one-eyed person
ћоравац {m} :: person having bad eyesight
ћоравити {vt impf} :: to blind
ћоравити {vi impf} :: to be losing one's eyesight
ћоравица {f} :: one-eyed woman
ћоравица {f} :: woman having bad eyesight
ћоравост {f} [uncountable] :: blindness in one eye
ћоравост {f} [uncountable] :: the state or property of having bad eyesight
ћоравост {f} [uncountable] :: short-sightedness
ћорсокак {m} :: blind alley
ћорсокак {m} :: dead end
ћорсокак {m} :: cul-de-sac
ћосав {adj} :: beardless, without facial hair
ћосавац {m} :: a man without a beard and a mustache
ћосавац {m} [in folk tales] :: a clever man
ћосавост {f} [uncountable] :: the state of not having a beard and a mustache
ћотек {m} [obsolete] :: a beating, a thrashing
ћошак {m} :: corner (of a street, room..)
ћуд {f} :: temper, mood
ћудљив {adj} :: cranky, capricious, moody
ћудљивац {m} :: capricious person
ћудљиво {adv} :: capriciously
ћудљивост {f} :: crankiness, moodishness
ћук {m} :: scops owl (Otus scops)
ћук {m} :: little owl (Athene noctua)
ћук {m} [by extension, derogatory] :: sap (simpleton)
ћумез {m} [Bosnia] :: chicken coop
ћумез {m} [Bosnia] :: shack, hovel
ћумур {m} [uncountable] :: coal, charcoal
ћумурџија {m} :: coal miner
ћуп {m} :: jug, jar
ћуприја {f} [archaic, poetic] :: bridge
ћурак {m} [regional] :: winter coat with fur
ћурак {m} :: alternative form of ћуран
ћуран {m} :: a male turkey
ћуретина {f} [collective] :: turkey meat; turkey
ћурка {f} :: a female turkey
ћутати {v impf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to be silent, to shut up
ћутети {v impf} [archaic] :: to feel, sense
ћутјети {v impf} [archaic] :: to feel, sense
ћутјети {v impf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to be silent, shut up
ћуфта {f} :: kofta, meatball