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English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
A Stick to Awaken Physicians 醫門棒喝 Yï mén bàng hè Zhäng Nán/Zhäng Xü-Gû 章楠/章虛轂 1825
Abstract on Fundamental Principles 緯略 Wêi lÜè Gäo Sì-Sün 高似孙 12th Century
Accounts of Formulas and Symptoms 方症會要 Fäng zhèng huì yào Wú Mài 吳邁 1756
Achievements Regarding Epidemic Rashes 疫疹一得 Yì zhên yï dé Yú Lín/Yú Shï-Yú 余霖/余師愚 1794
Achieving Longevity by Guarding the Source 壽世保元 Shòu shì bâo yuán Göng Tíng-Xián 龔廷賢 1615
Additions to the Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica 神農本草經續 Shén Nóng bên câo jïng xù Chén Niàn-Zû 陳念组 1803
Additions to the Essential Teachings of [Zhu] Dan-Xi 丹溪心法附餘 Dän-xï xïn fâ fù yú Fäng Guâng-Lèi 方廣類 1536
Alternative Statements in Materia Medica 本草別說 Bên câo bié shuö Chén Chéng 陳承 1086
Annotated and Corrected Craft of Medicines and Patterns for Children 小兒藥證直訣箋正 Xiâo ér yào zhèng zhí jué jiän zhèng Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí 張山雷/張壽頤 1922
Annotated and Corrected Master Yan’s Discussion of Formulas for Children 閻氏小兒方論箋正 Yàn shì xiâo ér fäng lùn jiän zhèng Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí 張山雷/張壽頤 1922
Annotated and Corrected Synopsis of Shen’s Women’s Disorders 沈氏女科輯要箋正 Shén shì nç kë jí yào jiän zhèng Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí 張山雷/張壽頤 1933
Annotated Fine Formulas from Generations of Famous Physicians 歷代名醫良方註釋 Lì dài míng yï liáng fäng zhù shì Rân Xuê-Fëng 冉雪峰 1983
Annotation and Explanation of the Discussion of Cold Damage 注解傷寒論 Zhù jiê shäng hán lùn Chéng Wú-Jî 成無己 1144
Ao’s Golden Mirror Collection [for Cold Damage] 敖氏[傷寒]金鏡錄 Aó shì [shäng hán] jïn jìng lù Dù Qïng-Bì 杜清碧 1341
Appendices to the Classified Classic 類經附翼 Lèi jïng fù yì Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè 張介賓/張景岳 1624
Appendices to the Golden Cabinet 金匱翼 Jïn guì yì Yóu Zài-Jïng 尤在涇 1768
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Applications of Chinese Medical Prescriptions 中藥處方的應用 Zhöng yào chù fäng de yìng yòng Wáng Zhàn-Xî 王占璽 1980
Approaching the Refined 爾雅 Êr yâ anonymous probably 3rd century BCE
Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library 外台秘要 Wài tái mì yào Wáng Täo 王燾 752
Assorted Works from Enlightened Physicians 明醫雜著 Míng yï zá zhù Wáng Lún; annotated by Xuë Jî 王綸; 薛己 1549
Awakening of the Mind in Medical Studies 醫學心悟 Yï xué xïn wù Chéng Guó-Péng 程國彭 1732
Awakening to the Real 真悟篇 Zhën wù piän Zhäng Bó-Duän 張伯端 1075
Bases of Medicine 醫原 Yï yuán Shí Shòu-Táng/Shí Fú-Nán 石壽棠/石芾南 1861
Basic Questions 素問 Sù wèn anonymous Primarily later Han
Book on the Disorders of Medicine and Physicians 醫醫病書 Yï yï bìng shü Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng 吳瑭/吳鞠通 1831
Book on Nourishing the Elderly and Serving One’s Parents 養老奉親書 Yâng lâo fèng qïn shü Chén Zhí 陳直 1085
Book to Safeguard Life Arranged According to Pattern 類證活人書 Lèi zhèng huó rén shü Zhü Göng 朱肱 1108
Building Efficacious Formulas on the Eight Methods 八法效方举隅 Bä fâ xiào fäng jû yú Rân Xuê-Fëng 冉雪峰 1959
Careful Deliberations on Wind Stroke 中風斠詮 Zhòng fëng jiào quán Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí 張山雷/張壽頤 1922
Case Histories of Cheng Men-Xue 程門雪醫案 Chéng Mén-Xuê yï àn Shanghai College of Chinese Medicine 上海中醫學院 2002
Case Histories of Ding Gan-Ren 丁甘仁醫案 Dïng gän rén yï àn Dïng Gän-Rén/Zé Zhöu 丁甘仁/澤周 1927
Case Histories of Huang Wen-Dong 黃文東醫案 Huáng Wén-Döng yï àn Huáng Wén-Döng 黃文東 2001
Case Records of Wu Ju-Tong 吳鞠通醫案 Wú Jü-Töng yï àn Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng 吴瑭/吴鞠通 Qing
Case Records as a Guide to Clinical Practice 臨證指南醫案 Lín zhèng zhî nán yï àn Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 1746
Case Records of Wu Ju-Tong 吴鞠通醫案 Wú Jü-Töng yï àn Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng 吴瑭/吴鞠通 Qing
Casual Notes on Medicine 醫醫偶錄 Yï yï ôu lù Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán 陳念祖/陳修園 1802
Catalogued Differentiation of Erroneous Medicines 偽藥條辨 Wéi yào tiáo biàn Zhèng Fèn-Yáng 鄭奮揚 1901
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Categorization of Formulas from the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論類方 Shäng hán lùn lèi fäng Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái 徐大椿/徐靈台 1759
Categorized Collected Formulas 類聚方 Ruijuhö Yoshimasu Todö 吉益東洞 1853
Categorized Essentials for Normalizing the Structure 正體類要 Zhèng tî lèi yào Xuë Jî 薛己 1529
Changsha Explanation of Medicines 長沙藥解 Chángshä yào jiê Huáng Yuán-Yù 黃元御 1753
Chinese Medical Formulas 中醫方劑學 Zhöng yï fang jì xué Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 南京中醫學院 1959
Chinese Medical Treatment for Epidemic Encephalitis B 流行性乙型腦炎中醫治療法 Liú xíng xìng yî xíng nâo yán zhöng yï zhì liáo fâ Hebei Provincial Health Workers Association 河北省衛生工作者協會 1955
Clarification of the Theory of Cold Damage 傷寒明理論 Shäng hán míng lî lùn Chéng Wú-Jî 成無己 1156
Clarifying Doubts about Damage from Internal and External Causes 內外傷辨惑論 Nèi wài shäng biàn huò lùn Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán 李杲/李東垣 1247
Classic for Wondrous Responses 神應經 Shén yìng jïng Chén Huì 陳會 1425
Classic of Difficulties 難經 Nán jïng Anonymous; traditionally attributed to Qín Yuè-Rén 秦越人 Probably later Han
Classic of Nourishing Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion 針灸資生經 Zhën jiû zï shëng jïng Wáng Zhí-Zhöng 王執中 1220
Classic of Sagely Beneficence 聖濟經 Shèng jì jïng Completed under auspices of Song Empereor Wëi Zóng [given name Zhào Jí] 宋微宗【趙佶】 1118
Classic of the Materia Medica 本草經 Bên câo jïng See Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica
Classified Classic 類經 Lèi jïng Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè 張介賓/張景岳 1624
Classified Compilation of Medical Prescriptions 醫方類聚 Uibang yuchwi Kim Yemong 金禮蒙 1445
Clear Explanations to the Discussion of Cold Damage and Later Systematic Differentiations 傷寒論後條辨直解 Shäng hán lùn hòu tiáo biàn zhí jiê Chéng Yïng-Máo/Chéng Jiän-Qiàn 程應旄/程郊倩 1670
Cold Damage Revelations 傷寒大白 Shäng hán dà bái Qín Zhï-Zhën/Qín Huáng-Shì 秦之楨/秦皇士 1714
Collectanea of Investigations from the Realm of Medicine 醫林纂要探源 Yï lín zuän yaò tàn yuán Wäng Fú 汪紱 1758
Collected Annotations on Cold Damage 傷寒集注 Shäng hán jí zhù Shü Zhào 舒詔 1739
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Collected Annotations on the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論集注 Shäng hán lùn jí zhù Zhäng Zhì-Cöng/Zhäng Yîn-Än 張志聰/張隱庵 1683
Collected Annotations on the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Clasic: Basic Questions and Divine Pivot 黄帝内经素问灵枢集注 Huáng Dì nèi jïng sù wèn líng shü jí zhù Zhäng Zhì-Cöng/Zhäng Yîn-Än 張志聰/張隱庵 1672
Collected Experiences on Treating Sores 瘍科心得集 Yáng kë xïn dé jí Gäo Bîng-Jün 高秉鈞 1806
Collected Experiences of Zhu Liang-Chun in Using Medicines 朱良春用藥經驗集 Zhü Liáng-Chün yòng yào jïng yàn jí Zhü Bù-Xiän, Hé Shào-Qí, eds. 朱步先,何紹奇 整理 1999
Collected Formulas from the Crane-Feeding Pavilion 飼鶴亭集方 Sì hè tíng jí fäng Líng Huàn 凌奐 1892
Collected Guides for Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases 溫熱病指南集 Wën rè bìng zhî nán jí Chén Píng-Bó 陳平伯 1809
Collected Medical Treatises of Xu Ling-Tai 徐靈胎醫學全書 Xú Líng-Täi yï xué quán shü Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Täi 徐大椿/徐灵胎 1893
Collected Medical Writings of Jiang Chun-Hua 姜春華醫論集 Jiäng Chün-Huá yï lùn jí Jiäng Chün-Huá 姜春華 1986
Collected Medical Writings of Li Ke-Shao 李克紹醫學文集 Lî Kè-Shào yï xué wén jí Lî Kè-Shào 李克紹 2006
Collected Select Formulas for Warm Heat Pathogen Disease 溫熱病方匯選 Wën rè bìng fang huì xuân Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén 何炳元/何廉臣 ~1900
Collected Treatises of [Zhang] Jing-Yue 景岳全書 Jîng-Yuè quán shü Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè 張介賓/張景岳 1624
Collected Writings on Renewal of the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒來蘇集 Shäng hán lái sü jí Kë Qín/Kë Yùn-Bó 柯琴/柯韻伯 Qing
Collection for the Common Pursuit of Longevity 同壽錄 Töng shòu lù Xiäng Tïan-Ruì 項天瑞 1762
Collection of Commentaries on the Classic of the Materia Medica 本草經集注 Bên câo jïng jí zhù Táo Hông-Jîng/Táo Töng-Míng 陶弘景/陶通明 494
Collection of Commentaries on the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論集注 Shäng hán lùn jí zhù Xú Chì 徐赤 1752
Collection of Empirical Formulas 集驗良方 Jí yàn liáng fäng Nián Xï-Yáo 年希堯 1724
Collection of Excellent, Efficacious Formulas 靈驗良方匯編 Líng yàn liáng fäng huì biän Tián Jiän-Lái/Tián-Shì-Än 田間來/田是庵 1729
Collection of Experiential and Secret Chinese Medical Formulas from Shanxi Province 山西省中醫驗方秘方匯集 Shän xï shêng zhöng yï yàn fäng mì fäng huì jí Shanxi Provincial Health Bureau 山西省衛生廳 1956
Collection of Medical Writings Following the Work of Others 醫學從眾錄 Yï xué cóng zhòng lù Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán 陳念祖/陳修園 1820
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Collection of Orally Transmitted Explanations of Medical Formulas 醫方口訣集 Ihö kuketsu shü Tosa Döju 土佐 道壽 1687
Collection of Papers by Physicians from Wu 吳醫匯講 Wú yi huì jiâng Táng Dà-Liè 唐大烈 1792-1801
Collection of Versatility 不居集 Bù jü jí Wú Chéng/Wú Jiàn-Quán/Wú Shï-Lâng 吳澄/吳鑒泉/吳師朗 1739
Collection of Writings on the Mechanism of Disease, Suitability of Qi, and the Safeguarding of Life as Discussed in the Basic Questions 素問病機宜保名集 Sù wèn bìng jï yí bâo míng jí Liú Wán-Sù 劉完素 1186
Collection on Children 幼幼集成 Yöu yöu jí chéng Chén Fù-Zhèng 陳復正 1750
Collection on External Medicine to be Kept Close at Hand 外科集腋 Wài kë jí yè Zhäng Jîng-Yán 張景顏 1814
Collection on the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論集成 Shökanron shüsei/Shäng hán lùn jí chéng Yamada Seichin 山田正珍 1789
Collection Picked by Immortals 仙拈集 Xiän nián jí Lî Wén-Bîng/Lî Huàn Zhäng 李文炳/李煥章 1754
Combined Annotations of Three Experts on the Classic of Materia Medica 本草三家合注 Bén câo sän jiä hé zhù Guö Rû-Cóng 郭汝聰 1803
Commentaries of Wu [Kun] on the Basic Questions 吳註黃帝內經素問 Wú zhù Huáng Dì nèi jïn sù wèn Wú Kün 吳昆 1594
Commentary on the Classic of Materia Medica 本經疏証 Bên jïng shü zhèng Zöu Shù/Zöu Rùn-Än 鄒澍/鄒潤安 1849
Commentary on the Divine Husbandman’s Classic of Materia Medica 神農本草經疏 Shén Nóng bên câo jïng shü Miào Xï-Yöng/Miào Zhòng-Chún/Miào Mù-Tái 繆希雍/繆仲醇/繆慕台 1625
Compendium of China’s Medicine and Medicinals 中國醫藥匯海 Zhöng guó yï yào huì hâi Cài Lù-Xiän 蔡陸仙 1937
Compendium of Correct Ancient and Modern Medical Works 古今醫通正脈全書 Gû jïn yï töng zhèng mài quán shü Wáng Kên-Täng 王肯堂 1601
Compendium of Secrets for Women’s Diseases 女科秘訣大全 Nç kë mì jué dà quán Chén Lián-Fâng 陳蓮舫 1909
Compendium of Songs on Modern Formulas 時方歌括 Shí fäng gë kuò Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán 陳念祖/陳修園 1801
Compendium of the Rules of Conduct for Physicians 醫林繩墨大全 Yï lín shéng mò dà quán Fäng Yú-Jí 方隅集 1584
Compilation of 針灸集成 Zhën jiû jí chéng Liào Rùn-Hóng 廖潤鴻 1874
Acupuncture and Moxibustion
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Compilation of Materials of Benevolence for the Body 體仁彙編 Tî rén huì biän Péng Yòng-Guäng 彭用光 1549
Compilation of Strange Symptoms 奇癥匯 Qí zhèng huì Shén Yuán 沈源 1786
Complete Book of Patterns and Treatments in External Medicine 外科證治全書 Wài kë zhèng zhì quán shü Xû Kè-Chäng 許克昌 1831
Complete Collection of Charts and Texts Past and Present 古今圖書集成 Gû jïn tú shü jí chéng Jiâng Tíng-Xï/Yáng Sün/Yôu Jün/Xï Gû/Nán shä 蔣廷锡/揚孫/酉君,西谷,南沙 1726
Complete Collection of the Four Treasuries 四庫全書 Sì kù quán shü Jì Yún, Lù Xï-Xíong, chief editors 紀昀, 陸錫熊 主編 1782
Complete Compendium of Cold Damage 傷寒全生集 Shäng hán quán sheng jí Anonymous 1445
Complete Compendium of Patterns and Treatments in External Medicine 外科證治全生集 Wài kë zhèng zhì quán shëng jí Wáng Wéi-Dé 王維德 1740
Complete Growth of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 針灸全生 Zhën jiû quán shëng Xiäo Fú-Än 蕭福庵 1831
Complete Treatise for Benefiting Society 濟世全書 Jì shì quán shü Wäng Qî-Shèng 汪啓聖 1696
Complete Treatise on Experience with Sores 瘡癢經驗全書 Chuäng yáng jïng yàn quán shü Dòu Mò (Jié)/Dòu Zî-Shèng 竇默(又名傑)/竇子聲 1569
Complete Treatise on Measles 麻疹全書 Má zhên quán shü Huá Shòu [attributed] 滑壽 Yuan
Complete Treatise on Respecting Life from the Lofty Precipice 嵩崖崕尊生全書 Söng yá zün sheng quán shü Jîng Rì-Zhên/Jîng Döng Yáng/Jîng Söng Yá 景日眕/景東陽/景嵩崕 1696
Comprehensive and Subtle Discussion on Children’s Health 小兒衛生總微論 Xiâo ér wèi shëng zông wëi lùn Unknown 1156
Comprehensive Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 針灸大全 Zhën jiû dà quán Xú Fèng 徐鳳 1439
Comprehensive Medicine According to Master Han 韓氏醫通 Hán shì yï töng Hán Mào 韓懋 1522
Comprehensive Medicine According to Master Zhang 張氏醫通 Zhäng shì yï töng Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 1695
Comprehensive Outline of Medicine 醫學綱目 Yï xué gäng mù Lóu Yïng 樓英 1565
Comprehensive Outline of the Materia Medica 本草綱目 Bên câo gäng mù Lî Shí-Zhën/Lî Döng-Bì 李時珍/李東璧 1590
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Comprehensive Outline on Benefiting Yang 濟陽綱目 Jì yáng gäng mù Wû Zhï-Wàng/Shü-Qïng/Yáng-Yü 武之望/叔卿/陽紆 1626
Comprehensive Outline on Benefiting Yin 濟陰綱目 Jì yïn gäng mù Wû Zhï-Wàng/Shü Qïng 武之望/叔卿 1620
Comprehensive Recording of Sagely Beneficence 聖濟總錄 Shèng jì zông lù [short form of Comprehensive Recording of Sagely Beneficence from the Zhenghe Era]
Comprehensive Recording of Sagely Beneficence from the Zhenghe Era 政和聖濟總錄 Zhènghé shèng jì zông lù Song imperial court 1117
Concise Formulas to Aid the Multitudes 簡要濟眾方 Jiân yaò jî zhòng fäng Zhöu Yìng 周應 1051
Concise Medical Guidelines 簡明醫彀 Jiân míng yï gòu Sün Zhì-Hóng/Sün Kè-Róng/Sün Tái-Shí 孫志宏/孫克容/孫台石 1629
Concise Medicine 醫便 Yï biàn Wáng Sän-Cái 王三才 1587
Confucians’ Duties to Their Parents 儒們事親 Rú mén shì qïn Zhäng Cóng-Zhèng/Zhäng Zî-Hé 張從正/張子和 1228
Considering the Vessels 脈望 Mài wàng Zhào Tái-Dîng 趙台鼎 Ming
Contemporary Explanations of Ancient Formulas 古方今釋 Gû fäng jïn shì Dïng Xué-Píng 丁學屏 2002
Continuation of Classified Case Histories by Renowned Physicians 續名醫類案 Xù míng yï lèi àn Wèi Zhï-Xiù 魏之琇 1770
Continuing Discussing Cold Damage 傷寒纘論 Shäng hán zuân lùn Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 1667
Convenient Reader of Established Formulas 成方便讀 Chéng fäng biàn dú Zhäng Bîng-Chéng 張秉成 1904
Convenient Reader of Materia Medica 本草便讀 Bên câo biàn dú Zhäng Bîng-Chéng 張秉成 1887
Correct Transmission of Medicine 醫學正傳 Yï xué zhèng chuán Yú Tuán 虞摶 1515
Correction of Errors Among Physicians 醫林改錯 Yï lín gâi cuò Wáng Qïng-Rèn 王清任 1830
Coverage of the Materia Medica 本草蒙荃 Bên câo méng quán Chén Jiä-Mó 陳嘉摸 1525
Craft of Medicines and Patterns for Children 小兒藥證真訣 Xiâo ér yào zhèng zhën jué Qián Yî 錢乙 1119
Delving into the Description of the Materia Medica 本草述鉤玄 Bên câo shù göu xuán Yáng Shí-Tài 楊時泰 1842
Delving into the Master’s Thoughts 推求師意 Tuï qié shï yì Dài Sï-Göng 戴思恭 1443
Delving into the Mysteries of the Golden Cabinet 金匱鉤玄 Jïn guï göu xuán Zhü Zhèn-Hëng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yàn-Xiü 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 Yuan
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Deriving New Treatments for Patterns of Miscellaneous Disorders in Chinese Internal Medicine 中醫內科雜病證治新義 Zhöng yï nèi kë zá bìng zhèng zhì xïn yì Hú Guäng-Cí 胡光慈 1958
Description of the Materia Medica 本草述 Bên câo shù Liú Ruò-Jïn 劉若金 1664
Detailed Explanation of Versified Prescriptions 湯頭歌訣詳解 Täng tóu gë jué xiáng jiê Zhü Liáng-Chün, Xuë Bàn-Dïng 朱良春, 薛半丁 1963
Detailed Materia Medica 本草祥節 Bên câo xiáng jié Mîn Yuè 閩鉞 1681
Differential Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine 中醫症狀鑑別診斷學 Zhöng yï zhèng zhuàng jiàn bié zhên duàn xué China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhào Jïn-Duó 中國中醫研究院, 趙金鐸 1984
Differentiating Lurking Pathogens and Externally-Contracted Diseases during Three Seasons 三時伏氣外感篇 Sän shí fú qì wài gân piàn Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 Early 18th century
Direct Explanations of the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論直解 Shäng hán lùn zhí jiê Zhäng Xï-Jü/Zhäng Lîng-Sháo 張錫駒/張令韶 1712
Direct Explanations of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: Basic Questions [Direct Explanations of the Basic Questions] 黃帝內經素聞直解 【素聞直解】 Huáng Dì nèi jïng sù wèn zhí jiê [Sù wèn zhí jiê] Gäo Shì-Shì/Gäo Shì-Zöng 高世栻/高士宗 1695
Direct Investigation of Cold Damage 傷寒直格 Shäng hán zhí gé Liú Wán-Sù 劉完素 12th century
Discourse on Tracing Back to the Medical Classics 醫經溯迴集 Yï jïng sù huí jí Wáng Lç 王履 1368
Discourse on Tracing Back to the Source of [the Discussion] of Cold Damage 傷寒溯源集 Shäng hán sù yuán jí Qián Huáng 錢潢 1707
Discussing Medicinal Substances 論藥物 Lùn yào wù Zhäng Cì-Göng/Zhäng Chéng-Zhï 章次公/章成之 1930’s
Discussing the Remainders of the [Discussion of] Cold Damage 傷寒緒論 Shäng hán xù lùn Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 1678
Discussion and Annotation of the Essentials from the Golden Cabinet 金匱要略論注 Jïn guì yào lüè lùn zhù Xú Bïn 徐彬 1671
Discussion Illuminating the Principles of Cold Damage 傷寒明理論 Shäng hán míng lî lùn Chéng Wú-Jî 成無己 1156
Discussion of Blood Patterns 血證論 Xuè zhèng lùn Táng Zöng-Hâi/Táng Róng-Chüan 唐宗海/唐容川 1884
Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論 Shäng hán lùn Zhäng Ji/Zhäng Zhòng-Jîng 張機/張仲景 c. 220
Discussion of Cold Damage Edited for Meaning 傷寒論輯義 Shökanron shugi Tamba Motoyasu 丹波元簡 1801
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Discussion of Emergency Formulas for Pediatric Macules 小兒斑疹備急方論 Xîao ér bän zhên bèi jí fäng lùn Dông Jí 董汲 late 11th century
Discussion of Famous Physicians’ Formulas [alternate name for Discussion of Famous Physicians’ Formulas Past and Present] 名醫方論 Míng yï fäng lùn Luó Mêi 羅美 1675
Discussion of Famous Physicians’ Formulas Past and Present 古今名醫方論 Gû jïn míng yï fäng lùn Luó Mêi 羅美 1675
Discussion of Formulas for Pediatric Pox and Rashes 小兒痘疹方論 Xîao ér dòu zhên fäng lùn Chén Wén-Zhöng 陳文中 13th century
Discussion of Illnesses, Patterns, and Formulas Related to the Unification of the Three Etiologies 三因極一病證方論 Sän yïn jí yï bìng zhèng fäng lùn Chén Yán 陳言 1174
Discussion of Medical Formulas 醫方論 Yï fäng lùn Fèi Bó-Xióng 費伯雄 1865
Discussion of Medicinal Combinations 藥對論 Yào duì lùn Chén Wéi-Huá 陳維華 1984
Discussion of Medicinal Properties 藥性論 Yào xìng lùn Chén Zhöu 陳周 19th century
Discussion of Seasonal Diseases 時病論 Shí bìng lùn Léi Fëng 雷豐 1882
Discussion of Sudden Turmoil Disorders 霍亂論 Huò luàn lùn Wáng Shì-Xiöng 王士雄 1862
Discussion of the Origins of the Symptoms of Disease 諸病原侯論 Zhü bìng yuán hòu lùn Cháo Yuán-Fäng 巢元方 610
Discussion of the Spleen and Stomach 脾胃論 Pí wèi lùn Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán 李杲/李東垣 13th century
Discussion of Warm Epidemics 溫疫論 Wën yì lùn Wú Yôu-Xìng/Wú Yòu-Kê 吳有性/吳又可 1642
Discussion of Warm-Heat Pathogen [Disorders] 溫熱論 Wën rè lun Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 early 18th century
Discussion of Widespread Warm Epidemics 廣溫議論 Guâng wën yì lùn Dài Tiän-Zhäng 戴天章 1774
Displays of Enlightened Physicians 明醫指掌 Míng yï zhî zhâng Huáng-Fû Zhöng 皇甫中 Ming
Dissecting the Secrets of Sustaining Life 攝生秘剖 Shè shëng mì pöu Hóng Jï/Hóng Jiû-Yôu 洪基/洪九有 1638
Dissemination of the Essentials of the Materia Medica 本草經疏輯要 Bên câo jïng shü jí yào Wú Shì-Kâi 吳世鎧 1809
Distinguishing [Aspects] of Southern Diseases 南病別鑒 Nán bìng bié jiàn Sòng Zhào-Qí 宋兆淇 1878
Distinguishing of Categories from the LÜ shan tang 侣山堂类辨 Lç shän tang lèi biàn Zhäng Zhì-Cöng 张志聪 1663
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Diverse Collection of Famous Formulas 雜類名方 Zá lèi míng fäng Dù Sï-Jìng 杜思敬 Yuan
Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica 神農本草經 Shén Nóng bên câo jïng anonymous probably later Han
Divine Pivot 靈樞 Líng shü anonymous probably later Han
Divinely Ingenious Surefire Formulas 神巧萬全方 Shén qiâo wàn quán fäng Liú Yuán-Bïn/Liú Zî-Yí/Töng Zhën Zî 劉元賓/劉子儀/通真子 Song
Dong-Yuan’s Tried and Tested Formulas 東垣試效方 Döng-Yuán shì xiào fäng Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán; edited by Luó Tiän-Yì 李杲/李東垣;羅天益整理 1202
Dream Creek Essays 夢溪筆談 Mèng xï bî tán Shên Kuò/Shên Cún-Zhöng 沈括/沈存中 11th century
Dynamics of Diseases of the Four Seasons 四時病機 Sì shí bìng jï Shào Dëng-Yíng 邵登瀛 c. 1749
Easy and Simple Formulas 易簡方 Yì jiân fäng Wáng Shuò 王碩 1191
Effective Formulas from Generations of Physicians 世醫得效方 Shì yï dé xiào fäng Wëi Yì-Lín 危亦林 1345
Effective Formulas from the Hall of Literature 文堂集驗方 Wén táng jí yàn fäng Hé Jïng/Hé Huì Chuän 何京/何惠川 1775
Effective Medical Formulas Arranged by Category by Master Zhu 類編朱氏集驗醫方 Lèi biän Zhü shì jí yàn yï fäng Zhü Zuô 朱佐 1266
Eight Notes on Conforming to [the Rules of] Life 遵生八箋 Zün shëng bä jiän Gäo Lián 高濂 1591
Elaboration of Pediatrics 幼科發揮 Yòu kë fä huï Wàn Quán 萬全 Ming
Elaboration of the Materia Medica 本草發揮 Bên câo fä huï Xú Yàn-Chún/Xú Yòng-Chéng 徐彥純/徐用誠 1384
Elaborating on the Subtleties of Cold Damage 傷寒發微 Shäng hán fä wëi Cáo Jiä-Dá/Cáo Yîng-Fû 曹家達/曹穎甫 1933
Elaborating on the Subtleties of the Golden Cabinet 金匱發微 Jïn guì fä wëi Cáo Jiä-Dá/Cáo Yîng-Fû 曹家達/曹穎甫 1936
Elucidating the Meaning of Discussion of Formulas from the Golden Cabinet 金匱方論衍義 Jïn guì fäng lùn yân yì Zhào Liáng-Rén/Zhào Yî-Dé 趙良仁/趙以德 1368
Elucidation of the [Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic:] Basic Questions 黃帝內經素問註證發微 Huáng Dì nèi jïng sù wèn zhù zhèng fä wëi Mâ Shì/Mâ Xuán-Tái/Mâ Yuán-Tái 馬蒔/馬玄台/馬元台 1586
Elucidations of the Signs and Explications of the Graphs 說文解字 Shuö wén jiê zì Xû Shèn 許慎 100
Emergency Formulas to Keep Up One’s Sleeve 肘後備急方 Zhôu hòu bèi jí fäng Gë Hóng 葛洪 3rd century
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Empiric Formulas from the Treasured Scroll Chamber 墨寶齋經驗方 Mò bâo zhäi jïng yàn fäng Zhèng Zé 鄭澤 1609
Encountering the Sources of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 針灸逢源 Zhën jiû féng yuán Lî Xué-Chuän 李學川 1817
Encountering the Sources of the Classic of Materia Medica 本經逢原 Bên jïng féng yuán Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 c. 1670
Encountering the Sources of Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases 溫熱逢原 Wën rè féng yuán Liû Bâo-Yí/Liû Gû-Sün/Liû Guän-Qún 柳寶詒/柳谷孫/柳冠群 late Qing
Encyclopedia of Chinese Medical Formulas 中醫方劑大辭典 Zhöng yï fang jì dà cí diân Péng Huái-Rén 彭懷仁 1999
Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine 中醫大辭典 Zhöng yï dà cí diân China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中國中醫研究院,廣州中醫學院 1995
Encyclopedia of the Medicine of China 中國醫學大辭典 Zhöng guó yï xué dà cí diân Xiè Guän 謝觀 1936
Enumeration of Formulas Omitted from the Inner Classic 內經拾遺方論 Nèi jïng shí yí fäng lùn Luò Lóng-Jí 駱龍吉 Song
Essays on Medicine Esteeming the Chinese and Respecting the Western 醫學衷中參西錄 Yï xúe zhöng zhöng cän xï lù Zhäng Xï-Chún/Zhäng Shòu-Fû 張錫純/張壽甫 1918-1934
Essential Explanations for Staying Healthy 頤養詮要 Yí yâng quán yào Féng Xï-Zuân 馮曦纂 1898
Essential Formulas to Support Longevity 扶壽精方 Fù shòu jïng fäng Wú Mín/Wú Jìn Shän 吳旻/吳近山 1534
Essential Formulas to Support Longevity 扶壽精方 Fù shòu jïng fäng Wú Mín/Wú Jìn Shän 吳旻/吳近山 1534
Essential Knowledge from the Inner Classic 內經知要 Nèi jïng zhï yào Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 1642
Essential Meaning of the Medical Classics [Approached] through the Convergence and Assimilation of Chinese and Western [Knowledge] 中西匯通醫經精義 Zhöng xï huì töng yï jïng jïng yì Táng Zöng-Hâi 唐宗海/唐容川 1892
Essential Subtleties on the Silver Sea 銀海精微 Yín hâi jïng wëi Sün Sï-Miâo [attributed] 孫思邈 prob. compiled late 16th century
Essential Teachings about Pox and Rashes Passed down in Medical Lineages 痘疹世醫心法 Dòu zhên shì yï xïn fâ Wàn Quán 萬泉 1568
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Essential Teachings of [Zhu] Dan-Xi 丹溪心法 Dän xï xïn fâ Zhü Zhèn-Hêng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yän-Xiü 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 1481
Essential Teachings on External Medicine 外科心法 Wài kè xïn fâ Xuë Jî 薛己 16th century
Essential Teachings on Pregnancy and Childbirth 胎產心法 Täi chân xïn fâ Yán Chún-Xî/Chéng Zhäi 閻純璽/誠齋 1730
Essentials for Those Who Do Not Know Medicine 不知醫必要 Bù zhï yï bì yào Liáng Lián-Fü/Zî Cün 梁廉夫/子村 1880
Essentials from the Golden Cabinet 金匱要略 Jïn guì yào lÜè Zhäng Ji/Zhäng Zhòng-Jîng 張機/張仲景 c. 220
Essentials from the Silver Sea 銀海精微 Yín hâi jïng wëi Sün Sï-Miâo [attributed] 孫思邈 prob. compiled late 16th century
Essentials of [Zhu] Dan-Xi’s Treatment Methods 丹溪治法心要 Dän-Xï zhì fâ xïn yào Gäo Shü-Yuán 高叔原 1543
Essentials of Materia Medica Distinctions 本草品匯精要 Bên câo pîn huì jïng yào Liú Wén-Tài 劉文泰 1505
Essentials of the Inner Classic 內經要略 Nèi jïng yào lüè Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái 徐大椿/徐靈台 1764
Essentials of the Materia Medica 本草備要 Bên câo bèi yào Wáng Áng/Wáng Rèn-Än 王昂/王訒庵 1664
Everlasting Categorization of Inscribed Formulas 永類鈐方 Yông lèi qián fäng Lî Zhòng-Nán 李仲南 1331
Excellent Usage of Contemporary Formulas 時方妙用 Shí fäng miào yòng Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán 陳念祖/陳修園 1803
Exemplars for Applying the Principles of External Medicine 外科理例 Wài kë lî liè Wäng Jï 汪機 Ming
Expansion of the Categorized Collected Formulas 類聚方廣義 Ruijuhö kögi Odai Yödö 尾台榕堂 1853
Experiential Formulas from the Auspicious Bamboo Hall 瑞竹堂經驗方 Ruì Zhú-Táng jïng yàn fäng Shä-Tú Mù-Sü 沙圖穆蘇 1326
Explaining [Zhang Zhong-Jing’s] 113 Strategies 百一三方解 Bâi yï sän fäng jiê Wén Mèng-Xiäng 文夢香 Qing
Explanation of Lurking Qi 伏氣解 Fú qì jiê Yè Lín 葉霖 1897
Explanation of Pending Issues in the Basic Questions 素問懸解 Sù wèn xuán jiê Huáng Yuán-Yù 黃元御 1756
Explanation of the Classic of Materia Medica 本草經解 Bên câo jïng jiê Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 1724
Explanation of the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論講解 Shäng hán lùn jiâng jîe Wáng Qí 王琦 1988
Explanations of Medicine 醫說 Yï shuö Zhäng Gäo 張杲 1224
Explanations of the Pulse 脈說 Mài shuö Yè Lín 葉霖 1889
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Explicating the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒釋義 Shäng hán lùn shì yì Nánjïng College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 南京中醫學院 1958
Exposition on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels 奇經八脈考 Qí jïng bä mài kâo Lî Shí-Zhën/Lî Döng-Bì 李時珍/李東璧 1577
Expounding on the [Essentials from] the Golden Cabinet 金匱詮釋 Jïn guï quán shì Jïn Shòu-Shän 金壽山 1986
Expounding on the Origins of Medicine 醫學啟源 Yï xué qî yuán Zhäng Yuán-Sù/Zhäng Jié-Gû 張元素/張潔古 Yuan
Extension of the Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces 千金方衍義 Qiän jïn fäng yân yì Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 1698
Extension of the Materia Medica 本草衍義 Bên câo yân yì Kòu Zöng-Shì 寇宗奭 1116
Extensive Annotations to the Differentiation of Patterns in the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論辨証廣註 Shäng hán lùn biàn zhèng guâng zhù Wäng Hû/Wäng Qín-Yôu/Wäng Qïng-Xï-Zî 汪琥/汪芩友/汪青溪子 1680
Extensive Essentials of Miscellaneous Diseases 雜病廣要 Zatsubyö Köyö Tamba Motoyasu 丹波元簡 1856
Extensive Notes on Medicine [from the First-awakened Studio] 【先醒齋】醫學廣筆記 [Xiän xîng zhäi] Yï xué guâng bî jì Miào Xï-Yöng/Miào Zhòng-Chún/Miào Mù-Tái 繆希雍/繆仲醇/繆慕台 1613
Externally Contracted Patterns from Xitang 西塘感證 Xï táng gân zhèng Dông Fèi-Wëng 董廢翁 1725
Extracting the Sublime from the Four Examinations 四诊抉微 Sì zhên jué wëi Lín Zhï-Hàn 林之翰 1723
Extraordinarily Correct Formulas 奇正方 Kishö hö Kako Kakushü 賀古角洲 1831
Family Secrets for Nursing Infants 育嬰家秘 Yù yïng jiä mì Wàn Quán/Wàn Mì-Zhäi 萬全/萬密齋 1549
Fang’s Orthodox Lineage of Pulse and Symptoms 方氏脈證正宗/醫學正宗 Fäng shì mài zhèng zhèng zöng also known as Yï xué zhèng zöng Fäng Zhào-Quán 方肇權 1749
Feng’s Secret Records from the Brocade Purse 馮氏錦囊秘錄 Féng shì jîn náng mì lù Féng Zhào-Zhäng 馮兆張 1702
Fine Formulas by Su and Shen 蘇沈良方 Sü Shên liáng fäng Sü Shì/Sü Zî-Zhän/Sü Döng-Pö and Shên Kuò/Shên Cún-Zhöng 蘇軾/蘇子瞻/蘇東坡; 沈括/沈存中 1075
Fine Formulas Effective in Emergencies 急救良方 Jí jiù liáng fäng Zhäng Shí-Chè 張時撤 1550
Fine Formulas for Women 婦人良方 Fù rén liáng fäng Chén Zì-Míng 陳自明 1237
Fine Formulas for Women with Annotations and Commentary 校注婦人良方 Jiào zhù fù rén liáng fäng Chén Zì-Míng; edited by Xuë Jî 陳自明; 薛己 Ming [16th century]
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Fine Formulas of Wonderful Efficacy 奇效良方 Qí xiào liáng fäng Dông Sù/Fäng Xián 董宿/方賢 1470
Five Texts by [Hu] Shen-Rou 慎柔五書 Shèn-Róu wû shü Hú Shèn-Róu 胡慎柔 1636
Food and Drink Recipes from the Lay Buddhist Sui-Xi 隨息居飲食譜 Suí Xï jü yîn shí pû Wáng Shì-Xiöng/Wáng Mèng-Yïng/Wáng Qián-Zhäi 王士雄/王孟英/王潛齋 1861
Food as Materia Medica 食物本草 Shí wù bên câo Lù Hè 盧和 Ming (17th century)
Formula Appearances from the Inner Platform of the Golden Mirror 金鏡内台方儀 Jïn jìng nèi tái fäng yí Xû Hóng/Xû Zöng Dào 許宏/許宗道 1422
Formulary and Mnemonics from ‘No Mistake’ Pharmacy 勿誤薬室方凾口訣 Futsugo yakushitsu hökan kuketsu Asada Söhaku 淺田宗伯 1956
Formulary of the Imperial Pharmacy 御藥院方 Yù yào yùan fäng Xû Guó-Zhën 許國楨 1267
Formulary of the Pharmacy Service for Benefiting the People in the Taiping Era 太平惠民和劑局方 Tài píng huì mín hé jì jú fäng Imperial Medical Bureau 太醫局 1107
Formulas 方劑學 Fäng jì xué Lî Fëi, ed. 李飛 編 2002
Formulas Bequeathed by the Unorthodox Genius Liu Juan-Zi 劉涓子鬼遺方 Liú Juän-Zî guî yí fäng Liú Juän-Zî 劉涓子 499
Formulas Categorized by the Stratagems of Pattern Treatment 證治要訣類方 Zhèng zhì yào jué lèi fäng Dài Yuán-Lî/Dài Sï-Göng/Dài Fù Yân 戴原禮/戴思恭/戴復厣 1405
Formulas from Benevolent Sages Compiled during the Taiping Era 太平聖惠方 Tài píng shèng huì fäng Wáng Huái-Yîn, et. al. 王懷隱 992
Formulas from the Discussion Illuminating the Yellow Emperor’s Basic Questions 黃帝素問宣明論方 Huáng Dì sù wèn xuán míng lùn fäng Liú Wán-Sù 劉完素 1172
Formulas from the Golden Treasure of Internal Alchemy 金寶內煉丹訣 Jïn bâo nèi liàn dän jué Zhäng Bó-Duän 張伯端 Northern Song
Formulas from the Discussion Illuminating the Yellow Emperor’s Basic Questions 黃帝素問宣明論方 Huáng Dì sù wèn xuän míng lùn fäng Liú Wán-Sù 劉完素 1172
Formulas from the Discussion on Women’s Precious Delivery 婦寶產論方 Fuhosan ronhö Kagawa Shigen 賀川子玄 1851
Formulas from the Hall of Benevolent Righteousness 惠直堂經驗方 Huì zhí táng jïng yàn fäng Táo Chén-Xï/Táo Döng-Táo/Qïng Shän xué shì 陶承熹/陶東亭/青山學士 1734
Formulas in Verse from the Scholar’s Studio in Two Volumes 書種室歌訣二種 Shü Zhông Shì gë jué èr zhông Chéng Mén-Xué [edited by Zhäng Jìn-Rén, et. al.] 程門學 [張鏡人等整理] 1985
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Formulas Kept by the Wei Family 魏氏家藏方 Wèi shì jiä cáng fäng Wèi Xiàn 魏峴 1227
Formulas of Broad Benefit 博濟方 Bó jì fäng Wáng Gûn 王袞 1047
Formulas of Universal Benefit from My Practice 普濟本事方 Pû jì bên shì fäng Xû Shü-Wëi 許叔微 1132
Formulas to Aid the Living 濟生方 Jì shëng fäng Yán Yòng-Hé 嚴用和 1253
Formulas to Protect Life and the Most Treasured Family Possession 衛生家寶方 Wèi shëng jiä bâo fäng Zhü Duän-Zhäng 朱端章 1184
Formulas with Short Articles 小品方 Xiâo pîn fäng Chén Yán-Zhï 陳延之 Eastern Jin [4th century]
Four Medical Tantras 四部醫典 Gso ryg rgyud bzhi [Sì bù yï diân] Yutog Yoindain Goinbo 8th century
Fu Qing-Zhu’s Women’s Disorders 傅青主女科 Fù Qïng-Zhû nç kë Fù Qïng-Zhû 傅青主 17th century [published in 1826]
Further Appendices to the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒附翼 Shäng hán fù yì Kë Qín/Kë Yùn-Bó 柯琴/柯韻伯 Qing
Gathering of Songs for Golden Cabinet Formulas 金匱方歌括 Jïn guì fäng gë kuò Chén Yuán-Xï 陳元犀 1811
Gathering of the Blossoms of Acupuncture 針灸聚英 Zhën jîu jù yïng Gäo Wû 高武 1529
General Discussion of the Disease of Cold Damage 傷寒總病論 Shäng hán zông bìng lùn Páng Än-Shí 龐安時 1100
Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition 醫宗金鑑 Yï zöng jïn jiàn Wú Qiän/Wú – Liù-Jí 吳謙/吳六吉 1742
Golden Mirror Record of Pox and Rashes 痘疹金鏡錄 Dòu zhên jïn jìng lù Wëng Zhòng-Rén/Wëng Jiä-Dé 翁仲仁/翁嘉德 1519
Good Friend Compilation 良朋匯集 Liäng péng huì jí Sün Wêi/Wàng Lín 孫偉/望林 1711
Grand Essentials (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: Grand Essentials) 太素(黃帝內經太素) Tài sü (Huáng Dì nèi jïng tài sü) Yáng Shàng-Shàn 楊上善 7th century
Grandfather Lei’s Discussion of Herb Preparation 雷公炮炙論 Léi Göng páo zhì lùn Léi Xiào 雷斆 5th century
Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 針灸大成 Zhën jiû dà chéng Yáng Jì-Zhöu 楊繼洲 1601
Great Compendium of External Medicine 外科大成 Wài kë dà cheng Qí Kün 祁坤 1665
Great Compendium of Medical Formulas 醫方大成 Yï fäng dà chéng Sün Yûn-Xián 孫允賢 Yuan
Great Compendium of Medicine for Sores 瘍醫大全 Yáng yï dà quán Gù Shì-Chéng 顧世澄 1760
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Guide to Clinical Usage of Classical Formulas 經方臨證指南 Jïng fäng lín zhèng zhî nán Liú Dù-Zhöu 劉渡舟 1993
Guide to Pediatrics 幼科指南 Yòu kë zhî nán Zhöu Shèn-Qí 周慎齊 1789
Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth 胎產指南 Täi chân zhî nán Shàn Nán-Shän 單南山 Qing
Guide to the Silver Sea 銀海指南 Yín hâi zhî nán Gù Xï 顧錫 1807
Handbook of Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutics 中藥制劑手冊 Zhöng yào zhì jì shôu cè China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Chinese Materia Medica 中醫研究院中藥研究所 1974
Handed-Down Rare and Treasured Formulas 傳家秘寶方 Chuán jiä mì bâo fäng Sün Yòng-Hé 孫用和 Song
Handouts on Chinese Medical Formulas 中醫方劑學講義 Zhöng yï fäng jì xué jiâng yì Nanjing College of TCM Formula Teaching and Research 南京中醫學院方劑教研 1960
Hard-Won Knowledge 此事難知 Cî shì nán zhï Wáng Hào-Gû/Wáng Jìn-Zhï/Wáng Hâi-Cáng 王好古/王進之/王海藏 1308
Harm and Benefit in the Materia Medica 本草害利 Bên câo hài lì Líng Huàn 凌奐 1893
Hidden Aspects of the Materia Medica 本草蒙荃 Bên câo méng quán Chén Jiä-Mó/Chén Yán-Câi/Chén Yuè-Míng 陳嘉摸/陳延采/陳月明 1525
Hidden Knowledge from the Medical Classics 醫經密旨 Yï jïng mì zhî Shèng Yín/Shèng Qî-Döng 盛寅/盛啓東 1418
Hong’s Collection of Experiential Formulas 洪氏集驗方 Hóng shì jí yàn fäng Hóng Zün/Hóng Jîng-Píng 洪遵/洪景平 1170
Household Materia Medica 日用本草 Rì yòng bên câo Wú Ruì 吳瑞 c. 1350
Illumination of Materia Medica 本草發明 Bên câo fä míng Huáng-Fü Söng 皇夫嵩 1578
Illumination of Medicine 醫學發明 Yï xué fä míng Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán 李杲/李東垣 Jin
Illustrated Classic of Acupuncture and Moxa Holes on the Bronze Man 銅人俞穴針灸圖經 Tóng rén shü xué zhën jiú tú jïng Wáng Wéi-Yï 王惟一 1027
Illustrated Classic of the Materia Medica 本草圖經 Bên câo tú jïng Sü Sòng/Sü Zî-Róng 蘇頌/蘇子容 1061
Illustrated Reference of Botanical Nomenclature 植物名實圖考 Zhí wù míng shí tú kâo Wú Qí-Jùn 吳其濬 1848
Imperial Han Medicine 皇漢醫學 Kökan igaku Yumoto Kyushin 湯本求眞 1930
Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces 千金要方 Qiän jïn yào fäng Sün Sï-Miâo 孫思邈 650
Indispensable Tools for Pattern Treatment 證治准繩 Zhèng zhì zhûn shéng Wáng Kên-Täng 王肯堂 1602
Inner Classic 內經 Nèi jïng see Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Inner Writings of the Master who Embraces Simplicity 抱樸子內篇 Bào pû zî nèi piàn Gë Hóng 葛洪 4th century
Integrated Chinese and Western Medical Treatment of the Acute Abdomen 中西醫結合治療急腹症 Zhöng xï yï jié hé zhì liáo jí fù zhèng Nankai Hospital of Tianjin 天津南開醫院 1973
Introduction to Medicine 醫學入門 Yï xué rù mén Lî Tîng/Lî Jiàn-Zhäi 李挺/李健齋 1575
Investigations into External Medicine 外科探源 Wài kë tàn yuán Yú Yïng-Tài/Yú Xïng-Jië 俞應泰/俞星階 Qing
Investigations of Medical Formulas 醫方考 Yï fäng kâo Wú Kün 吳崐 1584
Invoking Blessings for Healthy Children 活幼口儀 Huó yòu kôu yí Zëng Shì-Róng 曾世榮 1294
Jade Key to Layered Stories 重樓玉鑰 Chóng lóu yù yào Zhèng Méi-Jiàn 鄭梅澗 18th century
Ji-Feng’s Formulas of Universal Benefit 雞峰普濟方 Jï-Fëng pû jì fäng Zhäng Ruì/Zhäng Zî Gäng/Zhäng Jï-Fëng 張銳/張子剛/張雞峰 1133
Jottings from Repeated Celebration Hall 重慶堂隨筆 Chóng qìng táng suí bî Wáng Xué-Quán 王學權 1852
Knack of Orthodox Diagnosis 診宗三昧 Zhên zöng sän mèi Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Zhäng Shí-Wán 張璐/張路玉/張石頑 1689
Lecture Notes on Traditional Chinese Traumatology 中醫傷科學講義 Zhöng yï shäng kë xué jiâng yì Traumatology Teaching Group of the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 上海中醫學院傷科教研 1963
Lectures on Warm Pathogen Diseases 溫病學講義 Wën bìng xué jiâng yì Chén Rèn-Méi 陳任枚 1924
Li’s Mirror of Medicine 李氏醫鑒 Lî shì yï jiàn Lî Wén-Lái/Lî Chäng-Qí 李文來/李昌期 Qing
Lingnan Formulas for Preserving Health 嶺南衛生方 Lîng nán wèi shëng fäng Shì Jì-Hóng/Shì Dàn-Liáo 釋繼洪/釋澹寮 Jin
Manual of the Art of Benevolence 仁術便覽 Rén shù biàn lân Zhäng Hào-Zhuàn 张浩撰 1585
Marvelous Formulas for Traumatic Injuries 跌損妙方 Dië sûn miào fäng Yì-Yuân Zhën-Rén/Sün Yìng-Kë [revised] 異遠真人/孫應科 [校訂] Ming/1836
Master Luo’s Distillation of Medical Knowledge 羅氏會約醫鏡 Luó shì huì yuë yï jìng Luó Guó-Gäng/Zhèn Zhào/Zhêng Zhäi 羅國綱/振召/整齋 1789
Master Wan’s Family Compilation of Songs for Protecting Life 萬氏家傳保命歌括 Wàn shì jiä chuán bâo mìng gë kuò Wàn Quán/Wàn Mì-Zhäi 萬全/萬密齋 Ming
Master Xue’s Case Records 薛氏醫案 Xuë shì yï àn Xuë Jî; Wú Guân [ed.] 薛己;吳琯輯編 Ming
Master Ye’s Patterns and Treatments in Women’s Diseases 葉氏女科證治 Yè shì nç kë zhèng zhì Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 Unknown
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Mastery of Pox and Rashes 痘疹會通 Dòu zhên huì töng Zëng Dîng/Yì Yì/Xiäng Tián 曾鼎/亦帟/香田 1786
Materia Medica Arranged According to Pattern 證類本草 Zhèng lèi bên câo Táng Shèn-Wëi/Táng Shên-Yuán 唐慎微/唐審元 1108
Materia Medica Arranged by Channel 本草分經 Bên câo fèn jïng Yáo Lán 姚瀾 1840
Materia Medica for Decoctions 湯液本草 Täng yè bên câo Wáng Hào-Gû/Wáng Jìn-Zhï/Wáng Hâi-Cáng 王好古/王進之/王海藏 1306
Materia Medica for External Elixirs 外丹本草 Wài dän bên câo Cuï Fâng 催昉 Song
Materia Medica for Famine Relief 救荒本草 Jiù huäng bên câo Zhü Xiäo 朱橚 early 15th century
Materia Medica from Steep Mountainsides 履巉巖本草 Lç chán yán bên câo Wáng Jiè 王介 Song, 1220
Materia Medica from the [Southern] Seaboard Area 海藥本草 Hâi yào bên câo Lî Xún 李珣 Tang
Materia Medica of Combinations 得配本草 Dé pèi bên câo Yán Jié, Shï Wén, Hóng Wêi 嚴潔, 施雯, 洪煒 1761
Materia Medica of Diet Therapy 食療本草 Shí liáo bên câo Mèng Shën 孟詵 7th century
Materia Medica of Medicinal Properties 藥性本草 Yào xìng bên câo Zhën Quán 甄權 Tang, c. 600
Materia Medica of Ri Hua-Zi 日華子本草 Rì Huá-Zî bên câo Rì Huá-Zî 日華子 713
Materia Medica of Sichuan 蜀本草 Shû bên câo Hán Bâo-Shëng 韓寶升 Five Dynasties, c. 950
Materia Medica of South Yunnan 滇南本草 Diän nán bên câo Lán Mào 蘭茂 Qing
Materia Medica of the Jiayou Era 嘉祐本草 Jiä yòu bên câo Zhâng Yû-Xï/Sü Sòng/Sü Zî-Róng 掌禹錫/蘇頌/蘇子容 1061
Materia Medica of the Kaibao Era 開寶本草 Käi bâo bên câo Mâ Zhì 馬志 Song, 973
Materia Medica of the Zhenghe Era 政和本草 Zhèng hé bên câo Song imperial government Song, 1116
Medical Awakening 醫悟 Yï wù Mâ Guän-qún 馬冠群 1883
Medical Collectanea of Kong Bo-Hua 孔伯華醫集 Kông Bó-Huá yï jí Beijing Traditional Chinese Medical Assocation 北京中醫學會 1988
Medical Directives on Warmth and Summerheat 溫暑醫旨 Wën shû yï zhî Zhäng Wân-Xiäng 張畹香 1776-1870
Medical Discourses of [Zhang] Ju-Ren 菊人醫話 Jú-Rén yï huà Zhäng Jú-Rén 張菊人 1960
Medical Formulas Collected and Analyzed 醫方集解 Yï fäng jí jiê Wáng Áng 王昂 1682
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Medical Lecture Notes of [Qin] Qian-Zhai 謙齋醫學講稿 Qiän-Zhäi yï xué jiâng gâo Qín Bó-Wèi 秦柏未 1964
Medical Mirror of Bi-Hua 筆花醫鏡 Bî huä yï jìng Jiäng Hán-Tün/Jiäng Bî-huä 江涵暾/江筆花 1824
Medical Mirror of Past and Present 古今醫鑒 Gû jïn yï jiàn Göng Xìn [compiler]; Göng Yán [later editor]; Wáng Kên-Táng [supplementary notes] 龔信纂輯,龔廷賢續編,王肯堂訂補 Ming
Medical Records 醫錄 Yï lù Liú Zuò-Lín/Yuán Quán 劉作霖/元銓 Qing
Medical Texts from the Bettering the World Studio 世補齋醫書 Shì bû zhäi yï shü Lù Maò–Xiü/Lù Jiû-Zhï 陸懋修/陸九芝 1884
Medicinal Combining 藥對 Yào duì Xú Zhï-Cái 徐之才 6th century
Medicinal Recipes 藥譜 Yào pû Hóu Níng-Jí 侯寧極 Tang
Medicinal Teachings from the Respectfully Decorated Hall 敬修堂藥說 Jìng xiü tâng yào shuö Qián Shù-Tiän 錢澍田 late 18th century
Medicine Bag of Classic Formulas 古方藥嚢 Kohö Yakunö Araki Shö 荒木性次 1954
Medicine is Truly Easy 醫學實在易 Yï xué shí zài yì Chén Niàn-Zû/Xiü-Yuán/Liáng-Yôu/Shèn-Xiü 陳念祖/修園, 良友/慎修 1808
Medicine Path of Song-Ya 松崖醫徑 Söng-Yá yï jìng Chéng Jiè/Chéng Wén-Yù/Söng-Yá 程玠/程文玉/松崖 1600
Methodology for Using the Six Warps in Ophthalmology 眼科六經法要 Yân kë liù jïng fâ yào Chén Dá-Fü 陳達夫 1979
Miraculous Book of Ten Remedies for Consumption 勞症十藥神書 Láo zhèng shí yào shén shü Gé Qián–Sün 葛乾孫 1348
Mirror of Medicines 藥鋻 Yào jiàn Dù Wén-Xiè 杜文燮 1598
Mirror of the Hundred Herbs 百草鏡 Bâi câo jìng Zhào Xué-Kâi 趙學楷 Qing
Miscellaneous Records of Famous Physicians 名醫別錄 Míng yï bié lù Táo Hông-Jîng/Táo Töng-Míng 陶弘景/陶通明 c. 500
Miscellaneous Records of the Materia Medica 本草別錄 Bên câo bié lù
Miscellaneous Talks from the Upper Pond 上池雜說 Shàng chí zá shuö Mâ Shì/Mâ Xuán-Tái/Mâ Yuán-Tái 馬蒔/馬玄台/馬元台 1644
Miscellaneous Writings of Enlightened Physicians 明醫雜著 Míng yï zá zhù Wáng Lùn 王綸 1549
Modern Explanation of the Golden Cabinet 金匱要略今釋 Jïn guì yào lÜè jïn shì Lù Yuän-Léi 陸淵雷 1935
Modern Explanations of Ancient Formulas 古方今解 Gû fang jïn jiê Dïng Xué-Píng 丁學屏 2002
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Monthly Ordinances Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces 千金月令 Qiän jïn yué lîng Sün Sï-Miâo 孫思邈 7th century
Multitude of Marvelous Formulas for Sustaining Life 攝生眾妙方 Shè shëng zhòng miào fäng Zhäng Shí-Chè/Zhäng Wéi Jìng/Zhäng Döng Shä 張時徹/張維靜/張東沙 1550
My Humble Complete Collection of Fine Formulas 管見大全良方 Guân jiàn dà quán liáng fäng Chén Zì-Míng/Chén Liáng -Fû/Chén Liáng-Fù 陳自明/陳良甫/陳良父 1271
Mysterious Mechanism at the Origin of Pathology in Basic Questions 素問玄機原病式 Sù wèn xuän jí yuán bìng shì Liú Wán-Sù 劉完素 1152
Mysteriously Effective Formulas for Abscesses 癰疽神秘驗方 Yöng jü shén mì yàn fäng Táo Huá/Táo Shàng-Wén/Táo Jié-Än 陶華/陶尚文/陶節庵 1445
Nation-wide Collection of TCM Patent Formulas 全國中藥成藥處方集 Quán guó zhöng yào chéng yào chù fäng jí Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中國中醫研究院中醫研究所 1962
Necessities for Women’s Diseases 女科切要 Nç kë qiè yào Wú Dào-Yuán/Wú Bên-Lì 吳道源/吳本立 1738
New [Text on the] Acute Abdomen 新急腹症學 Xïn jí fù zhèng xué Nankai Hospital of Tianjin, Zunyi Medical School 天津南開醫院,遵義醫學院 1978
New Book on Syphilis and Leprosy 黴癘新書 Bai rai shinsho Katakura Kakuryo 片倉鶴陵 1787
New Compilation of Empirical Formulas 驗方新編 Yàn fäng xïn biän Bào Xiàng-Áo 鮑相璈 1846
New Compilation of Materia Medica 本草新編 Bên câo xïn biän Chén Shì-Duó/Chén Yuân-Göng/Zhü Huá Zî 陳士鐸/陳遠公/朱華子 1694
New Discussion of Epidemic Diarrheal Diseases 瀉疫新論 Shaekishinron TakashimaHisatsuru 高島久貫 1867
New Edition of Mei’s Empirical Formulas 梅氏驗方新編 Méi shì yàn fäng xïn biän Méi Qî-Zhào 梅啟照 1878
New Explanations of Medical Formulas 醫方新解 Yï fäng xïn jiê Mâ Yôu-Dù 馬有度 1980
New Reference of Prepared Medicines 飲片新參 Yîn piàn xïn cän Wáng Yï-Rén 王一仁 1935
New Treatise on Children 幼幼新書 Yòu yòu xïn shü Liú Fâng 劉昉 Song
New Treatise on Lurking Pathogens 伏邪新書 Fú xié xïn shü Liú Jí-Rén 劉吉人 Qing
Newly Compiled Book of Empirical Formulas 验方新编 Yàn fäng xïn biän Bào Xiang-Áo/Bào Yún-Sháo 鲍相璈/鲍云韶 Qing
Newly Revised Materia Medica 新修本草 Xïn xiü bên câo see Tang Materia Medica
Nie’s Study of Cold Damage 聶氏傷寒學 Niè shì shäng hán xué Niè Huì-Mín 聶惠民 2002
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Notes on the Discussion of Cold Damage Edited for Meaning 傷寒論輯義按 Shäng hán lùn jí yì àn Yùn Tiê-Qiáo[annotator]/Tamba Motoyasu [original author] 惲鐵樵/丹波元簡 1929/1810
Notes on Nourishing One’s Nature to Prolong Life 養性延命錄 Yâng xìng yán mìng lù Táo Hóng-Jîng 陶弘景 5th century
Notes on the Understanding of Complex Symptoms 雜癥會心錄 Zá zhèng huì xïn lù Wäng Yùn-Gû/Wäng Wén-Qî 汪蘊谷/汪文綺 1754
Number One Book on Cold Damage 傷寒一書 Shäng hán dì yï shü Shén Yuè-Guäng, 沈月光 1780
Ode of Medicinal Properties [for Four Hundred Herbs] 藥性歌[訣四百味] Yào xìng gë [jué sì bâi wèi] Göng Tíng-Xián/Göng Zî-Cái/Göng Yún-Lín 龔廷賢/龔子才/龔雲林 16th century
Omissions from the [Classic of the] Materia Medica 本草拾遺 Bên câo shí yí Chén Cáng-Qì 陳藏器 720
Omissions from the Comprehensive Outline of the Materia Medica 本草綱目拾遺 Bên câo gäng mù shí yí Zhào Xué-Mín/Zhào Shù-Xuän/Zhào Yï-Jí 趙學敏/趙恕軒/趙依吉 1765
On the Origins and Development of Medicine 醫學源流論 Yï xúe yuán liú lùn Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái 徐大椿/徐靈台 1757
On the Origins and Development of Medicine in China 中國醫學源流論 Zhöng guó yï xúe yuán liú lùn Xiè Guän/Xiè Lì-Héng 謝觀/謝利恒 1935
One-Hundred Classic Formulas 經方100首 Jïng fäng 100 shôu Huáng Huáng 黃煌 2006
One Hundred Questions on Women’s Disorders 女科百問 Nå kë bâi wèn Qí Zhòng-Fû 齊仲甫 1220
One Hundred Supremely Effective Medicinals 百藥效用奇觀 Bâi yào xiào yòng qí guän Zhäng Shù-Shëng 張樹生 1987
Original Meaning of Formulas Discussed in Essentials from Golden Cabinet 金匱要略方論本義 Jïn guì yào lÜè fäng lùn bên yì Wèi Lì-Tóng/Wèi Niàn-Tíng 魏荔彤/魏念庭 1720
Original Meaning of [the Discussion of] Cold Damage 傷寒原旨 Shäng hán yuán zhî Hé Zhòng-Gäo 何仲皋 1934
Origins of Medicine 醫學啟原 Yï xué qî yuán Zhäng Yuán-Sù/Zhäng Jié-Gû 張元素/張潔古 1186
Origins of the Materia Medica 本草原始 Bên câo yuán shî Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 Ming
Orthodox Lineage of External Medicine 外科正宗 Wài kë zhèng zöng Chén Shí-Göng/Chén Yù-Rén/Chén Ruò-Xü 陳實功/陳毓仁/陳若虛 1617
Orthodox Lineage of Medicine [aka Fang’s Orthodox Lineage of Pulse and Symptoms] 醫學正宗 [方氏脈証正宗] Yï xué zhèng zöng [Fäng shì mài zhèng zhèng zöng] Fäng Zhào-Quán 方肇權 1749
Outline of Medical Formulas 醫方概要 Yï fäng gài yào Lî Chóu-Rén 李疇人 1935
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Outline of the Presentation and Treatment of Throat Granular Disorder 喉痧證治概要 Hóu shä zhèng zhì gài yào Dïng Gän-Rén 丁甘仁 1927
Parallel Prose on Regularization and Pacification 理瀹駢文 Lî yuè pián wén Wú Shàng-Xiän/Wú Shï-Jï 吳尚先/吳師機 1870
Pathodynamics and Treatment Strategies in Chinese Medicine 中醫病機治法學 Zhöng yï bìng jï zhì fâ xué Chén Cháo-Zû 陳朝組 1988
Pattern Differentiation and Treatment for Women’s Disorders [from the] Zhulin [Monastery] 竹林女科証治 Zhúlín nå kë zhèng zhì Annonymous Qing
Patterns and Treatment of Miscellaneous Disorders 雜病証治 Zá bìng zhèng zhì Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái 徐大椿/徐靈台 1759
Pediatrics: Categorized and Brought Together 幼科類萃 Yòu kë lèi cuì Wáng Luán/Wén Róng/Róng Hú 王鑾/文融/容湖 1521
Penetrating the Mysteries of the Materia Medica 本草通玄 Bên câo tong xuán Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì- 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 late Ming (17th century)
Cái/Lî Niàn-É
Personal Standards for Internal Medicine 内科心典 Nèi kë xïn diân Xú Shí-Jìn 徐時進 1777
Personal Standards for the Essentials from the Golden Cabinet 金匱要略心典 Jïn guì yào lÜè xïn diân Yóu Yí 尤怡 1729
Pocket Prescriptions 袖珍方 Xiù zhën fäng Lî Héng, Zhü Dì 李恆/朱橚 1391
Popular Guide to the Discussion of Cold Damage 通俗傷寒論 Töng sú shäng hán lùn Yú Gën-Chü 俞根初 Qing
Posthumous Manuscript from [Bian Que in] Handan 邯鄲遺稿 Hándän yí gâo Zhào Xiàn-Kê 趙獻可 17th century
Pouch of Pearls 珍珠囊 Zhën zhü náng Zhäng Yuán-Sù/Zhäng Jié-Gû 張元素/張潔古 1186
Practical Chinese External Medicine 實用中醫外科學 Shí yòng zhöng yï wài kë xué Gù Bó-Huá 顧伯華 1985
Practical Differentiation of Chinese Materia Medica 中藥應用鑒別 Zhöng yào yìng yòng jiàn bié Wëng Wéi-Jiàn, Shén Lián-Shëng 翁維健,沉連生 1984
Practical Established Formulas 成方切用 Chéng fäng qiè yòng Wú Yì-Luó 吳儀洛 1761
Practice of Syndrome Treatment in Kampo 症候による漢方治療の実際 Shoko ni yoru Kampo chiryo no jissai Otsuka Yoshinori 大塚敬節 1963
Precepts for Physicians 醫門法律 Yï mén fâ lñ Yù Chäng/Yù Jiä-Yán 喻昌/喻嘉言 1658
Precious Mirror for Advancement of Medicine 醫級寶鋻 Yï jí bâo jiàn Dông Xï-Yuán 董西園 1777
Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine 東醫寶鑑 Dongui bogam Heo Jun [Xû Jùn] 許浚 1613
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Precious Mirror of Health 衛生寶鑑 Wèi shëng bâo jiàn Luó Tiän-Yì 羅天益 Yuan
Precious Mirror of Patterns and Treatments 證治寶鑑 Zhèng zhì bâo jiàn Pän Qià 潘楫 Qing
Precis of Medicine 醫略 Yï lüè Qián Yï-Guì 錢一桂 1818
Precise Usage of Herbs Based on their Nature 藥性切用 Yào xìng qiè yòng Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái 徐大椿/徐靈台 1741
Precision in the Four Examinations 四诊抉微 Sì zhên jué weï Lín Zhï-Hân 林之瀚 1723
Prescriptions of Universal Benefit 普濟方 Pû jì fäng Zhü Dì 朱棣 Early 15th century
Proper and Essential Things for the Emperor’s Food and Drink 飲膳正要 Yîn shàn zhèng yào Hü Sï-Huì 忽思慧 1330
Pulse Classic 脈經 Mài jïng Wáng Shü-Hé 王叔和 3rd century
[Qin] Qian-Zhai’s Lecture Notes on Medicine 謙齋醫學講稿 Qiän-Zhäi yï xué jiâng gâo Qín Bó-Wèi/Qín Zhï-Jì/Qín Qiän-Zhäi 秦伯未/秦之濟/秦謙齋 1964
Questions and Answers on Materia Medica 本草問答 Bên câo wèn dá Táng Zöng-Hâi/Táng Róng-Chüan 唐宗海/唐容川 1893
Quintessence of Collected Annotations on the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論匯注精華 Shäng hán lùn huì zhù jïng huá Wáng Lián-shí 汪蓮石 1920
Random Notes while Reading about Medicine 讀醫隨筆 Dú yï suí bî Zhöu Xué-Hâi/Zhöu Chéng-Zhï 周學海/周澄之 1898
Readings from the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論選讀 Shäng hán lùn xuân dú Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 湖北中醫學院 1979
Record of Being Marked by Grace 紀恩錄 Jì ën lù Mâ Péi-zhï 馬培之 1884
Record of Challenges [to the Classics] 質疑錄 Zhì yí lù Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè 張介賓/張景岳 1624
Records of Experiences with Classic Formulas 經方實驗錄 Jïng fäng shí yàn lù Cáo Yîng-Fû 曹潁甫 1937
Records of Pattern Discrimination 辯證錄 Biàn zhèng lù Chén Shì-Duó/Chén Yuân-Göng/Zhü Huá Zî 陳士鐸/陳遠公/朱華子 1687
Records of Picking Herbs in Lingnan 嶺南採藥錄 Lîngnán câi yào lù Xiäo Bù-Dän 簫步丹 1936
Records of Proven Formulas Past and Present 古今錄驗方 Gû jïn lù yàn fäng Zhën Lì-Yán 甄立言 627
Records of the Grand Historian 史記 Shî jì Sï-Mâ Qiän 司馬遷 91 bce
Records of Thoughtful Differentiation of Materia Medica 本草思辨錄 Bên câo sï biàn lù Zhöu Yán/Zhöu Bó-Dù 周岩/周伯度 1904
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Rectification of the Materia Medica 本草正 Bên câo zhèng Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè 張介賓/張景岳 1624
Rectification of the Meaning of Materia Medica 本草正義 Bên câo zhèng yì Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí 張山雷/張壽頤 1914
Red Water and Dark Pearls 赤水玄珠 Chì shuî xuán zhü Sün Yï-Kuí 孫一奎 1584
Reference on Medicinal Properties 藥性考 Yào xìng kâo Wáng Än-Qïng 王安卿 Qing
Renewed Materia Medica 本草再新 Bên câo zài xïn Yè Guì/Yè Xiâo-Fëng 葉桂/葉小峰 1820
Required Readings from the Medical Tradition 醫宗必讀 Yï zöng bì dú Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 1637
Resolving Uncertainties about the [Discussion] of Cold Damage 傷寒析疑 Shäng hán xï yí Jiäng Jiàn-Guó 姜建國 1993
Restoration of Health from the Myriad Diseases 萬病回春 Wàn bìng huí chün Göng Tíng-Xián 龔廷賢 1587
Restoration of Life from the Groves of Medicine 杏苑生春 Xìng yuàn shëng chün Ruì Jïng, Jì Mèng-Dé 芮經, 紀夢德 1610
Reverence for the Origin of the Materia Medica 本草崇原 Bên câo chóng yuán Zhäng Zhì-Cöng 張志聰 1663
Revised and Expanded Complete Treatise on Summerheat Damage 增訂傷暑全書 Zëng dìng shäng shû quán shü Zhäng Hè-Téng 張鶴騰 1623
Revised and Expanded Discussion of Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases 重訂廣溫熱論 Chóng dìng guâng wën rè lùn Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén 何炳元/何廉臣 1907
Revised Popular Guide to the Discussion of Cold Damage 重定通俗傷寒論 Chóng ding Töng sú shäng hán lùn Reviser: Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén, original author: Yú Gën-Chü 重訂者: 何炳元/何廉臣,原作: 俞根初 Qing
Revision of the Subtle Discussions on Caring for Life 刪補頤生微論 Shän bû yí shëng wëi lùn Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 1642
Rhymed Prose on [Medical] Principles and Applications 理瀹駢文 Lî yuè pián wén Wú Shàng-Xiän 吳尚先 1870
Scrutiny of the Precious Jade Case 審視瑤函 Shên shì yáo hán Fù Rén-Yû 傅仁宇 1642
Searching for What Is in Medicine 醫學求是 Yï xué qiú shì Wû Döng-Yáng 吳東暘 1879
Secret Empirical Formulas 經驗秘方 Jïng yàn mì fäng Yáng Shü-Hé/Fù Jiäo 楊舒和/馥蕉 1888
Secret Formulas from the Court of Lu 魯府禁方 Lû fû jìn fäng Göng Tíng-Xián/Göng Zî-Cái/Göng Yún-Lín 龔廷賢/龔子才/龔雲林 1594
Secret Formulas to Manage Trauma and Reconnect Fractures Received from an Immortal 仙授理傷續斷秘方 Xiän shòu lî shäng xù duàn mì fäng Daoist priest Lìn 藺道人 c. 846
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Secret Records about Mothers and Children 子母秘錄 Zî mû mì lù Xû Rén-Zé 許仁則 8th century
Secretly Transmitted Effective Medicine 醫效秘傳 Yï xiào mì chuán Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán; ed. & annotated by Wú Jïn-Shòu 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩; 吳金壽校 1831
Secrets from the Orchid Chamber 蘭室秘藏 Lán shì mì cáng Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán 李杲/李東垣 1336
Seeking Accuracy in the Materia Medica 本草求真 Bên câo qiú zhën Huáng Göng-Xiù 黃宮秀 1769
Select Treatments for Sores 瘍科選粹 Yáng kë xuân cuì Chén Wén-Zhì 陳文治 1628
Selected and Compiled Clinical Expriences of Wei Chang-Chun 魏長春臨床經驗選輯 Wèi Cháng-Chün lín chuáng jïng yàn xuân jí Jiangsu Provincial Chinese Medicine Hospital 江蘇省中醫院 1974
Selected Annotations to Ancient Formulas from the Garden of Crimson Snow 絳雪園古方選注 Jiàng xuê yuán gû fäng xuân zhù Wáng Zî-Jië/Wáng Jìn-Sän 王子接/王晋三 1732
Selected Chinese Patent Medicines 中國國藥固有成方選輯 Zhöng guó guó yào gù yôu chéng fäng xuân jí Drug Administration of China 藥品管理處 1994
Selected Clinical Experiences of Wei Wen-gui in Ophthalmology 韋文貴眼科臨床經驗選 Wéi Wén-Guì yân kë lín chuáng jïng yàn xuân Wéi Wén-Guì 韋文貴 1980
Selected Formulas [aka Selected Formulas from the Praiseworthy Studio] 百一選方 [是齋百一選方] Bâi yï xuân fäng [Shì zhäi bâi yï xuân fäng] Wáng Qiú 王璆 1196
Selected Formulas for Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases 溫熱病方匯選 Wën rè bìng fang huì xuân Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén 何炳元/何廉臣 c. 1900
Selected Formulas of Famous Physicians 名家方選 Maikehosen Yamada Yasunari 山田元倫 1781
Selections from the Clinical Experience of Guan You-Po 關幼潑臨床經驗選 Guän Yòu-Pö lín chuáng jïng yàn xuân Guän Yòu-Pö 關幼潑 2006
Selections of Formulas and Cases from the Hall of Longevity 眉壽堂方案選存 Méi shòu táng fäng än xuân cún Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán; ed. Guö Wéi-Jùn 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩;郭維浚編 1746
Shanghai Municipal Medicine Standards 上海市藥品標準 Shánghâi shì yào pîn biäo zhûn Shanghai Municipal Department of Health 上海市衛生局 1974
Shen’s Book for Revering Life 沈氏尊生書 Shên shì zün shëng shü Shên Jïn-Ào 沈金鏊 1773
Shen’s Annotated Essentials from the Golden Cabinet 沈氏注金櫃要略 Shên shì zhù jïn guì yào luè Shên Míng-Zöng/Mù-Nán 沈明宗/目南 1692
Simple and Applicable Medical Formulas 醫方簡義 Yï fäng jiân yì Wáng Qïng-Yuán 王清源 1883
Simple Annotation of the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論淺注 Shäng hán lùn qiân zhû Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán 陳念祖/陳修園 1803
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Simple Annotation of the Essentials from the Golden Cabinet 金匱要略淺注 Jïn guì yào lÜè qiân zhû Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán 陳念祖/陳修園 1803
Simple Applications of External Examination of the Form and Color 形色外診簡摩 Xíng sè wài zhên jiân mó Zhöu Xué-Hâi 周學海 1894
Simple Book of Formulas 易簡方 Yì jiân fäng Wáng Shuò 王碩 1191
Simple Convenient Formulas 簡便方 Jiân biàn fang Wáng Yòu-Sün 王幼孫 1298
Simple Explications of Han Formulas 漢方簡義 Hàn fäng jiân yì Wáng Miâo-Dá 王邈達 1956
Simple Formulas for Health 衛生易簡方 Wëi shëng yì jiân fäng Zhöu Jîng 周憬 1905
Six Texts on Cold Damage 傷寒六書 Shäng hán liù shü Táo Huá 陶華 1445
Six Texts on Medicine by Wang Xu-Gao 王旭高醫書六種 Wáng Xù-Gäo yï shü liù zhông Wáng Tài-Lín/Wáng Xù-Gäo 王泰林/王旭高 1897
Six Texts Summarizing the Medicine of Xu Ling-Tai 徐靈胎醫略六書 Xú Líng-Täi yï lÜè liù shü Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Täi 徐大椿/徐靈胎 1727
Small Collection of Fine Formulas 良方集腋 Líang fáng jí yè Xiè Yuán-Qìng 謝元慶 1842
Song Family Secret Texts on Women’s Disorders 宋氏女科秘書 Sòng shì nç kë mì shü Sòng Lín-Gäo 宋林皋 1612
Speaking of Studying the Classics 研經言 Yán jïng yán Mò Wén-Quán/Mò Mù-Shì 莫文泉/莫牧士 1879
Standards from the Imperial Archives 蘭臺軌範 Lán tái guî fàn Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Täi 徐大椿/徐靈胎 1764
Stepping-Stone to Medicine 醫碥 Yï biân Hé Mèng-Yáo 何夢瑤 1751
Straight Directions from [Yang] Ren-Zhai aka Discussion of Formulas from Straight Directions from [Yang] Ren-Zhai 仁齋直指 [仁齋直指方論] Rén-zhäi zhí zhî [Rén-zhäi zhí zhî fäng lùn] Yáng Shì-Yíng/Yáng Rén-Zhäi 楊士瀛/楊仁齋 1264
String of Pearls from the [Discussion] of Cold Damage 傷寒貫珠集 Shäng hán guàn zhü jí Yöu Yí 尤怡 1810
Subtle Import of the Jade Key 玉機微義 Yù jï wëi yì Xú Yàn-Chún/Xú Yòng-Chéng 徐彥純/徐用誠 1396
Summary of Internal Medicine 內科摘要 Nèi kë zhäi yào Xuë Jî 薛己 Ming
Summary Songs for Formulas from Changsha 長沙方歌括 Chángshä fäng gë kuò Chén Niàn-Zû 陳念組 1803
Summerheat Disease and Epidemic Disease 溫熱暑疫全書 Wën rè shû yì quán shü Zhöu Yáng-Jùn 周楊俊 1679
Supplement of What has been Lost from [Discussion of] Cold Damage 傷寒補亡論 Shäng hán bû wáng lùn Guö Yông 郭雍 1181
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Supplement to Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces 千金翼方 Qiän jïn yì fäng Sün Sï-Miâo 孫思邈 7th century
Supplement to the Elegant Lexicon of Itinerant Physicians 串雅補 Chuàn yâ bû Lû Zhào 魯照 1759
Supplement to the Extension of the Materia Medica 本草衍義補遺 Bên câo yân yì bû yí Zhü Zhèn-Hêng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yän-Xiü 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 Yuan, c. 1347
Supplement to the Pocket-sized Discussion of Formulas for Children 補要袖珍小兒方論 Bû yào xiù zhën xiâo ér fäng lùn Zhuäng Yïng-Qí 莊應祺 Late Ming
Supplemental Critical Annotations to the Systematic Discussion of Warm Pathogen Diseases 增補評注溫病條辨 Zëng bû píng zhù Wën bìng tiáo biàn Wáng Shì-Xióng/Yè Lín/Zhèng Xuê-Táng 王士雄/葉霖/鄭雪堂 Mid-19th century
Supplemental Discussions for the Perfection of Understanding through Investigation of Phenomena 格致余論 Gé zhì yú lùn Zhü Zhèn-Hêng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yän-Xiü 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 1347
Supplemental Formulas Omitted from the Inner Classic 增補內經拾遺方論 Zëng bû nèi jïng shí yí fäng lùn Luò Lóng-Jí 駱龍吉 Song
Supplementatry Essentials for Physicians 醫門補要 Yï mén bû yào Zhào Lián 趙濂 1883
Supplemented Collections on Patterns and Treatments 證治匯補 Zhèng zhì huì bû Lî Yòng-Cuì 李用粹 1687
Supreme Commanders of the Medical Ramparts 醫壘元戎 Yï lêi yuán róng Wáng Hào-Gû 王好古 1291
Symptom, Cause, Pulse, and Treatment 症因脈治 Zhèng yïn mài zhì Qín Jîng-Míng 秦景明 1706
Synopsis for Protecting Infants 保嬰撮要 Bâo yïng cuö yào Xuë Kâi/Liáng Wû 薛鎧/良武 1555
Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 針灸甲乙經 皇甫謐 282
Systematic Differentiation of Cold Damage and Warm Epidemics 傷寒瘟疫條辨 Shäng hán wën yì tiáo biàn Yáng Xuán 楊璿 1784
Systematic Differentiation of Damp-Heat Disorders 濕熱條辨 Shï rè tiáo biàn Xuë Xuê/Xuë Shëng-Bái 薛雪/薛生白 18th century
Systematic Differentiation of the Discussion of Cold Damage 傷寒論條辨 Shäng hán lùn tiáo biàn Fäng Yôu-Zhí/Fäng Zhöng-Xíng 方有執/方仲行 1592
Systematic Differentiation of the Six Etiologies 六因調辨 Liù yïn tiáo biàn Lù Tíng–Zhën 陸廷珍 1868
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Systematic Differentiation of Warm Pathogen Diseases 溫病條辨 Wën bìng tiáo biàn Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng 吳瑭/吳鞠通 1798
Systematic Great Compendium of Medicine Past and Present 古今醫統大全 Gû jïn yï tông dà quán Xú Chün-Fû 徐春甫 1556
Systematic Instructions on Medicine 醫學統旨 Yï xué tông zhî Yè Wén-Líng 葉文齡 1534
Tang Materia Medica [aka Newly Revised Materia Medica] 唐本草 【新修本草】 Táng bên câo [Xïn xiü bên câo] Sü Jìng 蘇敬 659
Teachings on External Medicine 外科心法 Wài kè xïn fâ Xuë Jî 薛己 16th century
Teachings on the Manifestion and Root of Cold Damage, Categorized and Gathered 傷寒標本心法類萃 Shäng hán biäo bên xïn fâ lèi cuì Liú Wán-Sù/Liú Shôu Zhën/Töng Xuán Chû Shì/Hé Jiän Jü Shì 劉完素/劉守真/通玄處士/河間居士 1186
Ten Lectures on Personal Experiences with Formulas 方劑心得十講 Fäng jì xïn dé shí jiâng Jiäo Shù-Dé 焦樹德 1995
The Refined in Medicine Remembered 醫醇賸義 Yï chún shèng yì Fèi Bó-Xióng 費伯雄 1863
Therapeutic Experiences of Pu Fu-Zhou 蒲輔周醫療經驗 Pú Fû-Zhöu yï liáo jïng yàn Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中醫研究院 1976
Thorough Investigations of the Materia Medica 藥性通考 Yào xìng töng kâo Liú Hàn-Jï 劉漢基 19th century
Thorough Understanding of Cold Damage 傷寒指掌 Shäng hán zhî zhâng Wú Kün-Än 吳坤安 1796
Thorough Understanding of Cold Damage with Charts and Songs to Safeguard Life 傷寒圖歌活人指掌 Shäng hán tú gë huó rén zhî zhâng Wú Shù/Rû Xïn/Méng Zhäi 吳恕/如心/蒙齋 1338
Thoroughly Revised Materia Medica 本草從新 Bên câo cóng xïn Wú Yí-Luò/Wú Zün-Chéng 吳儀洛/吳遵程 1751
Thread Through Medicine 醫貫 Yï guàn Zhào Xiàn-Kê/Zhào Yâng-Kuí 趙獻可/趙養葵 1687
Three Works on the Discussion of Cold Damage by Xu Shu-Wei 許叔微傷寒論著三種 Xû Shü-Wëi Shäng hán lùn zhù sän zhòng Xû Shü-Wëi 許叔微 Song
Tranquil Hut Collection of Experiential Secret Formulas 澹寮集驗祕方 Dàn liáo jí yàn mì fäng Shì Jì-Hóng 釋繼洪 Song-Yuan
Transforming the Significance of Medicinal Substances 藥品化義 Yào pîn huà yì Jiâ Jiû-Rú/Jiâ Suô-Xué 賈九如/賈所學 1644
Transmission of Medicine 醫述 Yï shú Chéng Wén-Yòu 程文囿 1826
Transmitted Trustworthy and Suitable Formulas 傳信適用方 Chuán xìn shì yòng fäng Wú Yàn-Kuí 吳彥夔 1180
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Treasured Household Formulas for Health 衛生家寶方 Wèi shëng jiä bâo fäng Zhü Duän-Zhäng 朱端章 c. 1184
Treasury Classic 中藏經 Zhöng cáng jïng Huá Tuó 華佗 Prob. 4th century
Treasury of Words on the Materia Medica 本草彙言 Bên câo huì yán Ní Zhü-Mó 倪朱謨 Ming
Treatment Decisions Categorized According to Pattern 類證治裁 Lèi zhèng zhì cái Lín Pèi-Qín 林珮琴 1839
Treatment Methods for Damp-Warm Seasonal Epidemics 濕溫時疫治療法 Shï wën shí yì zhì liáo fâ Shaoxing Medical Society 紹興醫學會 1912
Treatment Strategies and Formulas in Chinese Medicine 中醫治法與方劑 Zhöng yï zhì fâ yû fäng jì Chén Cháo-Zû 陳潮祖 1995 [1st edition 1975]
Trivial Comments on Medical Matters 証治摘要 Sökeitei ijishögen Hara Nanyö 原南陽 1820
True Explanation of the Essentials of the Golden Cabinet 金匱要略真解 Jïn guì yào lÜè zhën jiê Chéng Lín 程林 1673
True Transmission on Longevity 壽世傳真 Shòu shì chuän zhèn Xú Jìn-Shän 徐盡山 1771
Two Commentaries on the Classic of the Golden Cabinet and Jade Coffer 金匱玉函經二注 Jïn guì yù hán jïn èr zhù Zhöu Yáng-Jùn 周揚俊 1687
Understanding in an Instant 紅爐點雪 Hóng lú diân xuê Göng Jü-Zhöng 龔居中 1630
Unusually Effective Empirical Formulas 經驗奇方 Jïng yàn qí fäng Liú Yï-Míng 劉一明 Qing
Unwilting Formulas 不謝方 Bù xìe fäng Lù Maò–Xiü 陸懋修 Qing
Versified Prescriptions 湯頭歌訣 Täng tóu gë jué Wáng Áng 王昂 1694
Wan Family Tradition Jade Tablets on Pox and Rashes 萬氏家傳片玉痘疹 Wàn shì jiä chuán piàn yù dòu zhên Wàn Quán/Wàn Mì-Zhäi 萬全/萬密齋 1549
Warp and Woof of Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases 溫熱經緯 Wën rè jïng wêi Wáng Shì-Xióng/Wáng Mèng-Yïng 王士雄/王孟英 1852
Wondrous Lantern for Peering into the Origin and Development of Miscellaneous Diseases 雜病源流犀燭 Zá bìng yuán liú xï zhú Shên Jïn-Ào 沈金鏊 1773
Writings for Posterity of [Zhou] Shen-Zhai, 慎齋遺書 Shèn-Zhäi yí shü Zhöu Zhï-Gän/Zhöu Shèn-Zhäi 周之干/周慎齋 1573
Writings on Damp-Heat Pathogen Diseases 濕熱病篇 Shï rè bìng piän Xuë Xuê/Xuë Shëng-Bái; ed. by Wáng Shì-Xióng/Wáng Mèng-Yïng 薛雪/薛生白,王士雄/王孟英補訂 1852
English Title Chinese Title Pinyin Title Author (English) Author (Chinese) Date/Dynasty
Writings on the Esteemed Discussion 尚論篇 Shàng lùn piän Yù Chäng/Yù Jiä-Yán 喻昌/喻嘉言 1648
Writings Taking Personal Responsiblity for the Medical Tradition 醫宗己任編 Yï zöng jî rèn piän Gäo Gû-Fëng 高鼓峰 Qing
Wu Pu’s Materia Medica 吳普本草 Wú Pû bên câo Wú Pû 吳普 Three Kingdoms
Xu Ren-Ze’s Formulas 許仁則方 Xû rén zé fäng Xû Rén-Zé 許仁則 Tang
Yang Family Formulas 楊氏家藏方 Yáng shì jiä zàng fäng Yáng Tán 楊倓 1178
Ye Xi-Chun’s Case Histories 葉熙春醫案 Yè xï chün yï àn Zhejiang Provincial Health Department 浙江省衛生廳 1954
Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic 黃帝內經 Huáng Dì nèi jïng Anonymous probably later Han
Yun Qi-Zi’s Collection for Safeguarding Life 雲岐子保命集 Yún qí zî bâo mìng jí Zhäng Bì/Yún Qí Zî 張璧/雲岐子 Yuan, before 1315
Yun Qi-Zi’s Notes on Pulse in Verse with Formulas 雲岐子注脈訣並方 Yún qí zî zhù mài jué bìng fäng Zhäng Bì/Yún Qí Zî 張璧/雲岐子 Yuan
Zheng Family Formulas for Women’s Diseases Worth Ten Thousand in Gold 鄭氏家傳女科萬金方 Zhèng shì jiä chuán nç kë wàn jïn fäng Zhèng Yuán-Liáng 鄭元良 Qing
Zheng Family Secret Formulas for Women’s Diseases 鄭氏女科家傳祕方 Zhèng shì nç kë jiä chuán mì fäng Zhèng Yän-Shän 鄭燕山 1697
[Zhou] Ji-Ren’s Collected Empirical Formulas 吉人集驗方 Jí rén jí yàn fäng Zhöu Jí-Rén 周吉人 1924