English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
A Stick to Awaken Physicians | 醫門棒喝 | Yï mén bàng hè | Zhäng Nán/Zhäng Xü-Gû | 章楠/章虛轂 | 1825 |
Abstract on Fundamental Principles | 緯略 | Wêi lÜè | Gäo Sì-Sün | 高似孙 | 12th Century |
Accounts of Formulas and Symptoms | 方症會要 | Fäng zhèng huì yào | Wú Mài | 吳邁 | 1756 |
Achievements Regarding Epidemic Rashes | 疫疹一得 | Yì zhên yï dé | Yú Lín/Yú Shï-Yú | 余霖/余師愚 | 1794 |
Achieving Longevity by Guarding the Source | 壽世保元 | Shòu shì bâo yuán | Göng Tíng-Xián | 龔廷賢 | 1615 |
Additions to the Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica | 神農本草經續 | Shén Nóng bên câo jïng xù | Chén Niàn-Zû | 陳念组 | 1803 |
Additions to the Essential Teachings of [Zhu] Dan-Xi | 丹溪心法附餘 | Dän-xï xïn fâ fù yú | Fäng Guâng-Lèi | 方廣類 | 1536 |
Alternative Statements in Materia Medica | 本草別說 | Bên câo bié shuö | Chén Chéng | 陳承 | 1086 |
Annotated and Corrected Craft of Medicines and Patterns for Children | 小兒藥證直訣箋正 | Xiâo ér yào zhèng zhí jué jiän zhèng | Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí | 張山雷/張壽頤 | 1922 |
Annotated and Corrected Master Yan’s Discussion of Formulas for Children | 閻氏小兒方論箋正 | Yàn shì xiâo ér fäng lùn jiän zhèng | Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí | 張山雷/張壽頤 | 1922 |
Annotated and Corrected Synopsis of Shen’s Women’s Disorders | 沈氏女科輯要箋正 | Shén shì nç kë jí yào jiän zhèng | Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí | 張山雷/張壽頤 | 1933 |
Annotated Fine Formulas from Generations of Famous Physicians | 歷代名醫良方註釋 | Lì dài míng yï liáng fäng zhù shì | Rân Xuê-Fëng | 冉雪峰 | 1983 |
Annotation and Explanation of the Discussion of Cold Damage | 注解傷寒論 | Zhù jiê shäng hán lùn | Chéng Wú-Jî | 成無己 | 1144 |
Ao’s Golden Mirror Collection [for Cold Damage] | 敖氏[傷寒]金鏡錄 | Aó shì [shäng hán] jïn jìng lù | Dù Qïng-Bì | 杜清碧 | 1341 |
Appendices to the Classified Classic | 類經附翼 | Lèi jïng fù yì | Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè | 張介賓/張景岳 | 1624 |
Appendices to the Golden Cabinet | 金匱翼 | Jïn guì yì | Yóu Zài-Jïng | 尤在涇 | 1768 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Applications of Chinese Medical Prescriptions | 中藥處方的應用 | Zhöng yào chù fäng de yìng yòng | Wáng Zhàn-Xî | 王占璽 | 1980 |
Approaching the Refined | 爾雅 | Êr yâ | anonymous | probably 3rd century BCE | |
Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library | 外台秘要 | Wài tái mì yào | Wáng Täo | 王燾 | 752 |
Assorted Works from Enlightened Physicians | 明醫雜著 | Míng yï zá zhù | Wáng Lún; annotated by Xuë Jî | 王綸; 薛己 | 1549 |
Awakening of the Mind in Medical Studies | 醫學心悟 | Yï xué xïn wù | Chéng Guó-Péng | 程國彭 | 1732 |
Awakening to the Real | 真悟篇 | Zhën wù piän | Zhäng Bó-Duän | 張伯端 | 1075 |
Bases of Medicine | 醫原 | Yï yuán | Shí Shòu-Táng/Shí Fú-Nán | 石壽棠/石芾南 | 1861 |
Basic Questions | 素問 | Sù wèn | anonymous | Primarily later Han | |
Book on the Disorders of Medicine and Physicians | 醫醫病書 | Yï yï bìng shü | Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng | 吳瑭/吳鞠通 | 1831 |
Book on Nourishing the Elderly and Serving One’s Parents | 養老奉親書 | Yâng lâo fèng qïn shü | Chén Zhí | 陳直 | 1085 |
Book to Safeguard Life Arranged According to Pattern | 類證活人書 | Lèi zhèng huó rén shü | Zhü Göng | 朱肱 | 1108 |
Building Efficacious Formulas on the Eight Methods | 八法效方举隅 | Bä fâ xiào fäng jû yú | Rân Xuê-Fëng | 冉雪峰 | 1959 |
Careful Deliberations on Wind Stroke | 中風斠詮 | Zhòng fëng jiào quán | Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí | 張山雷/張壽頤 | 1922 |
Case Histories of Cheng Men-Xue | 程門雪醫案 | Chéng Mén-Xuê yï àn | Shanghai College of Chinese Medicine | 上海中醫學院 | 2002 |
Case Histories of Ding Gan-Ren | 丁甘仁醫案 | Dïng gän rén yï àn | Dïng Gän-Rén/Zé Zhöu | 丁甘仁/澤周 | 1927 |
Case Histories of Huang Wen-Dong | 黃文東醫案 | Huáng Wén-Döng yï àn | Huáng Wén-Döng | 黃文東 | 2001 |
Case Records of Wu Ju-Tong | 吳鞠通醫案 | Wú Jü-Töng yï àn | Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng | 吴瑭/吴鞠通 | Qing |
Case Records as a Guide to Clinical Practice | 臨證指南醫案 | Lín zhèng zhî nán yï àn | Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán | 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 | 1746 |
Case Records of Wu Ju-Tong | 吴鞠通醫案 | Wú Jü-Töng yï àn | Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng | 吴瑭/吴鞠通 | Qing |
Casual Notes on Medicine | 醫醫偶錄 | Yï yï ôu lù | Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán | 陳念祖/陳修園 | 1802 |
Catalogued Differentiation of Erroneous Medicines | 偽藥條辨 | Wéi yào tiáo biàn | Zhèng Fèn-Yáng | 鄭奮揚 | 1901 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Categorization of Formulas from the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論類方 | Shäng hán lùn lèi fäng | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái | 徐大椿/徐靈台 | 1759 |
Categorized Collected Formulas | 類聚方 | Ruijuhö | Yoshimasu Todö | 吉益東洞 | 1853 |
Categorized Essentials for Normalizing the Structure | 正體類要 | Zhèng tî lèi yào | Xuë Jî | 薛己 | 1529 |
Changsha Explanation of Medicines | 長沙藥解 | Chángshä yào jiê | Huáng Yuán-Yù | 黃元御 | 1753 |
Chinese Medical Formulas | 中醫方劑學 | Zhöng yï fang jì xué | Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 南京中醫學院 | 1959 |
Chinese Medical Treatment for Epidemic Encephalitis B | 流行性乙型腦炎中醫治療法 | Liú xíng xìng yî xíng nâo yán zhöng yï zhì liáo fâ | Hebei Provincial Health Workers Association | 河北省衛生工作者協會 | 1955 |
Clarification of the Theory of Cold Damage | 傷寒明理論 | Shäng hán míng lî lùn | Chéng Wú-Jî | 成無己 | 1156 |
Clarifying Doubts about Damage from Internal and External Causes | 內外傷辨惑論 | Nèi wài shäng biàn huò lùn | Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán | 李杲/李東垣 | 1247 |
Classic for Wondrous Responses | 神應經 | Shén yìng jïng | Chén Huì | 陳會 | 1425 |
Classic of Difficulties | 難經 | Nán jïng | Anonymous; traditionally attributed to Qín Yuè-Rén | 秦越人 | Probably later Han |
Classic of Nourishing Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion | 針灸資生經 | Zhën jiû zï shëng jïng | Wáng Zhí-Zhöng | 王執中 | 1220 |
Classic of Sagely Beneficence | 聖濟經 | Shèng jì jïng | Completed under auspices of Song Empereor Wëi Zóng [given name Zhào Jí] | 宋微宗【趙佶】 | 1118 |
Classic of the Materia Medica | 本草經 | Bên câo jïng | See Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica | ||
Classified Classic | 類經 | Lèi jïng | Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè | 張介賓/張景岳 | 1624 |
Classified Compilation of Medical Prescriptions | 醫方類聚 | Uibang yuchwi | Kim Yemong | 金禮蒙 | 1445 |
Clear Explanations to the Discussion of Cold Damage and Later Systematic Differentiations | 傷寒論後條辨直解 | Shäng hán lùn hòu tiáo biàn zhí jiê | Chéng Yïng-Máo/Chéng Jiän-Qiàn | 程應旄/程郊倩 | 1670 |
Cold Damage Revelations | 傷寒大白 | Shäng hán dà bái | Qín Zhï-Zhën/Qín Huáng-Shì | 秦之楨/秦皇士 | 1714 |
Collectanea of Investigations from the Realm of Medicine | 醫林纂要探源 | Yï lín zuän yaò tàn yuán | Wäng Fú | 汪紱 | 1758 |
Collected Annotations on Cold Damage | 傷寒集注 | Shäng hán jí zhù | Shü Zhào | 舒詔 | 1739 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Collected Annotations on the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論集注 | Shäng hán lùn jí zhù | Zhäng Zhì-Cöng/Zhäng Yîn-Än | 張志聰/張隱庵 | 1683 |
Collected Annotations on the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Clasic: Basic Questions and Divine Pivot | 黄帝内经素问灵枢集注 | Huáng Dì nèi jïng sù wèn líng shü jí zhù | Zhäng Zhì-Cöng/Zhäng Yîn-Än | 張志聰/張隱庵 | 1672 |
Collected Experiences on Treating Sores | 瘍科心得集 | Yáng kë xïn dé jí | Gäo Bîng-Jün | 高秉鈞 | 1806 |
Collected Experiences of Zhu Liang-Chun in Using Medicines | 朱良春用藥經驗集 | Zhü Liáng-Chün yòng yào jïng yàn jí | Zhü Bù-Xiän, Hé Shào-Qí, eds. | 朱步先,何紹奇 整理 | 1999 |
Collected Formulas from the Crane-Feeding Pavilion | 飼鶴亭集方 | Sì hè tíng jí fäng | Líng Huàn | 凌奐 | 1892 |
Collected Guides for Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases | 溫熱病指南集 | Wën rè bìng zhî nán jí | Chén Píng-Bó | 陳平伯 | 1809 |
Collected Medical Treatises of Xu Ling-Tai | 徐靈胎醫學全書 | Xú Líng-Täi yï xué quán shü | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Täi | 徐大椿/徐灵胎 | 1893 |
Collected Medical Writings of Jiang Chun-Hua | 姜春華醫論集 | Jiäng Chün-Huá yï lùn jí | Jiäng Chün-Huá | 姜春華 | 1986 |
Collected Medical Writings of Li Ke-Shao | 李克紹醫學文集 | Lî Kè-Shào yï xué wén jí | Lî Kè-Shào | 李克紹 | 2006 |
Collected Select Formulas for Warm Heat Pathogen Disease | 溫熱病方匯選 | Wën rè bìng fang huì xuân | Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén | 何炳元/何廉臣 | ~1900 |
Collected Treatises of [Zhang] Jing-Yue | 景岳全書 | Jîng-Yuè quán shü | Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè | 張介賓/張景岳 | 1624 |
Collected Writings on Renewal of the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒來蘇集 | Shäng hán lái sü jí | Kë Qín/Kë Yùn-Bó | 柯琴/柯韻伯 | Qing |
Collection for the Common Pursuit of Longevity | 同壽錄 | Töng shòu lù | Xiäng Tïan-Ruì | 項天瑞 | 1762 |
Collection of Commentaries on the Classic of the Materia Medica | 本草經集注 | Bên câo jïng jí zhù | Táo Hông-Jîng/Táo Töng-Míng | 陶弘景/陶通明 | 494 |
Collection of Commentaries on the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論集注 | Shäng hán lùn jí zhù | Xú Chì | 徐赤 | 1752 |
Collection of Empirical Formulas | 集驗良方 | Jí yàn liáng fäng | Nián Xï-Yáo | 年希堯 | 1724 |
Collection of Excellent, Efficacious Formulas | 靈驗良方匯編 | Líng yàn liáng fäng huì biän | Tián Jiän-Lái/Tián-Shì-Än | 田間來/田是庵 | 1729 |
Collection of Experiential and Secret Chinese Medical Formulas from Shanxi Province | 山西省中醫驗方秘方匯集 | Shän xï shêng zhöng yï yàn fäng mì fäng huì jí | Shanxi Provincial Health Bureau | 山西省衛生廳 | 1956 |
Collection of Medical Writings Following the Work of Others | 醫學從眾錄 | Yï xué cóng zhòng lù | Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán | 陳念祖/陳修園 | 1820 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Collection of Orally Transmitted Explanations of Medical Formulas | 醫方口訣集 | Ihö kuketsu shü | Tosa Döju | 土佐 道壽 | 1687 |
Collection of Papers by Physicians from Wu | 吳醫匯講 | Wú yi huì jiâng | Táng Dà-Liè | 唐大烈 | 1792-1801 |
Collection of Versatility | 不居集 | Bù jü jí | Wú Chéng/Wú Jiàn-Quán/Wú Shï-Lâng | 吳澄/吳鑒泉/吳師朗 | 1739 |
Collection of Writings on the Mechanism of Disease, Suitability of Qi, and the Safeguarding of Life as Discussed in the Basic Questions | 素問病機宜保名集 | Sù wèn bìng jï yí bâo míng jí | Liú Wán-Sù | 劉完素 | 1186 |
Collection on Children | 幼幼集成 | Yöu yöu jí chéng | Chén Fù-Zhèng | 陳復正 | 1750 |
Collection on External Medicine to be Kept Close at Hand | 外科集腋 | Wài kë jí yè | Zhäng Jîng-Yán | 張景顏 | 1814 |
Collection on the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論集成 | Shökanron shüsei/Shäng hán lùn jí chéng | Yamada Seichin | 山田正珍 | 1789 |
Collection Picked by Immortals | 仙拈集 | Xiän nián jí | Lî Wén-Bîng/Lî Huàn Zhäng | 李文炳/李煥章 | 1754 |
Combined Annotations of Three Experts on the Classic of Materia Medica | 本草三家合注 | Bén câo sän jiä hé zhù | Guö Rû-Cóng | 郭汝聰 | 1803 |
Commentaries of Wu [Kun] on the Basic Questions | 吳註黃帝內經素問 | Wú zhù Huáng Dì nèi jïn sù wèn | Wú Kün | 吳昆 | 1594 |
Commentary on the Classic of Materia Medica | 本經疏証 | Bên jïng shü zhèng | Zöu Shù/Zöu Rùn-Än | 鄒澍/鄒潤安 | 1849 |
Commentary on the Divine Husbandman’s Classic of Materia Medica | 神農本草經疏 | Shén Nóng bên câo jïng shü | Miào Xï-Yöng/Miào Zhòng-Chún/Miào Mù-Tái | 繆希雍/繆仲醇/繆慕台 | 1625 |
Compendium of China’s Medicine and Medicinals | 中國醫藥匯海 | Zhöng guó yï yào huì hâi | Cài Lù-Xiän | 蔡陸仙 | 1937 |
Compendium of Correct Ancient and Modern Medical Works | 古今醫通正脈全書 | Gû jïn yï töng zhèng mài quán shü | Wáng Kên-Täng | 王肯堂 | 1601 |
Compendium of Secrets for Women’s Diseases | 女科秘訣大全 | Nç kë mì jué dà quán | Chén Lián-Fâng | 陳蓮舫 | 1909 |
Compendium of Songs on Modern Formulas | 時方歌括 | Shí fäng gë kuò | Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán | 陳念祖/陳修園 | 1801 |
Compendium of the Rules of Conduct for Physicians | 醫林繩墨大全 | Yï lín shéng mò dà quán | Fäng Yú-Jí | 方隅集 | 1584 |
Compilation of | 針灸集成 | Zhën jiû jí chéng | Liào Rùn-Hóng | 廖潤鴻 | 1874 |
Acupuncture and Moxibustion | |||||
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Compilation of Materials of Benevolence for the Body | 體仁彙編 | Tî rén huì biän | Péng Yòng-Guäng | 彭用光 | 1549 |
Compilation of Strange Symptoms | 奇癥匯 | Qí zhèng huì | Shén Yuán | 沈源 | 1786 |
Complete Book of Patterns and Treatments in External Medicine | 外科證治全書 | Wài kë zhèng zhì quán shü | Xû Kè-Chäng | 許克昌 | 1831 |
Complete Collection of Charts and Texts Past and Present | 古今圖書集成 | Gû jïn tú shü jí chéng | Jiâng Tíng-Xï/Yáng Sün/Yôu Jün/Xï Gû/Nán shä | 蔣廷锡/揚孫/酉君,西谷,南沙 | 1726 |
Complete Collection of the Four Treasuries | 四庫全書 | Sì kù quán shü | Jì Yún, Lù Xï-Xíong, chief editors | 紀昀, 陸錫熊 主編 | 1782 |
Complete Compendium of Cold Damage | 傷寒全生集 | Shäng hán quán sheng jí | Anonymous | 1445 | |
Complete Compendium of Patterns and Treatments in External Medicine | 外科證治全生集 | Wài kë zhèng zhì quán shëng jí | Wáng Wéi-Dé | 王維德 | 1740 |
Complete Growth of Acupuncture and Moxibustion | 針灸全生 | Zhën jiû quán shëng | Xiäo Fú-Än | 蕭福庵 | 1831 |
Complete Treatise for Benefiting Society | 濟世全書 | Jì shì quán shü | Wäng Qî-Shèng | 汪啓聖 | 1696 |
Complete Treatise on Experience with Sores | 瘡癢經驗全書 | Chuäng yáng jïng yàn quán shü | Dòu Mò (Jié)/Dòu Zî-Shèng | 竇默(又名傑)/竇子聲 | 1569 |
Complete Treatise on Measles | 麻疹全書 | Má zhên quán shü | Huá Shòu [attributed] | 滑壽 | Yuan |
Complete Treatise on Respecting Life from the Lofty Precipice | 嵩崖崕尊生全書 | Söng yá zün sheng quán shü | Jîng Rì-Zhên/Jîng Döng Yáng/Jîng Söng Yá | 景日眕/景東陽/景嵩崕 | 1696 |
Comprehensive and Subtle Discussion on Children’s Health | 小兒衛生總微論 | Xiâo ér wèi shëng zông wëi lùn | Unknown | 1156 | |
Comprehensive Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion | 針灸大全 | Zhën jiû dà quán | Xú Fèng | 徐鳳 | 1439 |
Comprehensive Medicine According to Master Han | 韓氏醫通 | Hán shì yï töng | Hán Mào | 韓懋 | 1522 |
Comprehensive Medicine According to Master Zhang | 張氏醫通 | Zhäng shì yï töng | Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén | 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 | 1695 |
Comprehensive Outline of Medicine | 醫學綱目 | Yï xué gäng mù | Lóu Yïng | 樓英 | 1565 |
Comprehensive Outline of the Materia Medica | 本草綱目 | Bên câo gäng mù | Lî Shí-Zhën/Lî Döng-Bì | 李時珍/李東璧 | 1590 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Comprehensive Outline on Benefiting Yang | 濟陽綱目 | Jì yáng gäng mù | Wû Zhï-Wàng/Shü-Qïng/Yáng-Yü | 武之望/叔卿/陽紆 | 1626 |
Comprehensive Outline on Benefiting Yin | 濟陰綱目 | Jì yïn gäng mù | Wû Zhï-Wàng/Shü Qïng | 武之望/叔卿 | 1620 |
Comprehensive Recording of Sagely Beneficence | 聖濟總錄 | Shèng jì zông lù | [short form of Comprehensive Recording of Sagely Beneficence from the Zhenghe Era] | ||
Comprehensive Recording of Sagely Beneficence from the Zhenghe Era | 政和聖濟總錄 | Zhènghé shèng jì zông lù | Song imperial court | 1117 | |
Concise Formulas to Aid the Multitudes | 簡要濟眾方 | Jiân yaò jî zhòng fäng | Zhöu Yìng | 周應 | 1051 |
Concise Medical Guidelines | 簡明醫彀 | Jiân míng yï gòu | Sün Zhì-Hóng/Sün Kè-Róng/Sün Tái-Shí | 孫志宏/孫克容/孫台石 | 1629 |
Concise Medicine | 醫便 | Yï biàn | Wáng Sän-Cái | 王三才 | 1587 |
Confucians’ Duties to Their Parents | 儒們事親 | Rú mén shì qïn | Zhäng Cóng-Zhèng/Zhäng Zî-Hé | 張從正/張子和 | 1228 |
Considering the Vessels | 脈望 | Mài wàng | Zhào Tái-Dîng | 趙台鼎 | Ming |
Contemporary Explanations of Ancient Formulas | 古方今釋 | Gû fäng jïn shì | Dïng Xué-Píng | 丁學屏 | 2002 |
Continuation of Classified Case Histories by Renowned Physicians | 續名醫類案 | Xù míng yï lèi àn | Wèi Zhï-Xiù | 魏之琇 | 1770 |
Continuing Discussing Cold Damage | 傷寒纘論 | Shäng hán zuân lùn | Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén | 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 | 1667 |
Convenient Reader of Established Formulas | 成方便讀 | Chéng fäng biàn dú | Zhäng Bîng-Chéng | 張秉成 | 1904 |
Convenient Reader of Materia Medica | 本草便讀 | Bên câo biàn dú | Zhäng Bîng-Chéng | 張秉成 | 1887 |
Correct Transmission of Medicine | 醫學正傳 | Yï xué zhèng chuán | Yú Tuán | 虞摶 | 1515 |
Correction of Errors Among Physicians | 醫林改錯 | Yï lín gâi cuò | Wáng Qïng-Rèn | 王清任 | 1830 |
Coverage of the Materia Medica | 本草蒙荃 | Bên câo méng quán | Chén Jiä-Mó | 陳嘉摸 | 1525 |
Craft of Medicines and Patterns for Children | 小兒藥證真訣 | Xiâo ér yào zhèng zhën jué | Qián Yî | 錢乙 | 1119 |
Delving into the Description of the Materia Medica | 本草述鉤玄 | Bên câo shù göu xuán | Yáng Shí-Tài | 楊時泰 | 1842 |
Delving into the Master’s Thoughts | 推求師意 | Tuï qié shï yì | Dài Sï-Göng | 戴思恭 | 1443 |
Delving into the Mysteries of the Golden Cabinet | 金匱鉤玄 | Jïn guï göu xuán | Zhü Zhèn-Hëng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yàn-Xiü | 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 | Yuan |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Deriving New Treatments for Patterns of Miscellaneous Disorders in Chinese Internal Medicine | 中醫內科雜病證治新義 | Zhöng yï nèi kë zá bìng zhèng zhì xïn yì | Hú Guäng-Cí | 胡光慈 | 1958 |
Description of the Materia Medica | 本草述 | Bên câo shù | Liú Ruò-Jïn | 劉若金 | 1664 |
Detailed Explanation of Versified Prescriptions | 湯頭歌訣詳解 | Täng tóu gë jué xiáng jiê | Zhü Liáng-Chün, Xuë Bàn-Dïng | 朱良春, 薛半丁 | 1963 |
Detailed Materia Medica | 本草祥節 | Bên câo xiáng jié | Mîn Yuè | 閩鉞 | 1681 |
Differential Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine | 中醫症狀鑑別診斷學 | Zhöng yï zhèng zhuàng jiàn bié zhên duàn xué | China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhào Jïn-Duó | 中國中醫研究院, 趙金鐸 | 1984 |
Differentiating Lurking Pathogens and Externally-Contracted Diseases during Three Seasons | 三時伏氣外感篇 | Sän shí fú qì wài gân piàn | Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán | 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 | Early 18th century |
Direct Explanations of the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論直解 | Shäng hán lùn zhí jiê | Zhäng Xï-Jü/Zhäng Lîng-Sháo | 張錫駒/張令韶 | 1712 |
Direct Explanations of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: Basic Questions [Direct Explanations of the Basic Questions] | 黃帝內經素聞直解 【素聞直解】 | Huáng Dì nèi jïng sù wèn zhí jiê [Sù wèn zhí jiê] | Gäo Shì-Shì/Gäo Shì-Zöng | 高世栻/高士宗 | 1695 |
Direct Investigation of Cold Damage | 傷寒直格 | Shäng hán zhí gé | Liú Wán-Sù | 劉完素 | 12th century |
Discourse on Tracing Back to the Medical Classics | 醫經溯迴集 | Yï jïng sù huí jí | Wáng Lç | 王履 | 1368 |
Discourse on Tracing Back to the Source of [the Discussion] of Cold Damage | 傷寒溯源集 | Shäng hán sù yuán jí | Qián Huáng | 錢潢 | 1707 |
Discussing Medicinal Substances | 論藥物 | Lùn yào wù | Zhäng Cì-Göng/Zhäng Chéng-Zhï | 章次公/章成之 | 1930’s |
Discussing the Remainders of the [Discussion of] Cold Damage | 傷寒緒論 | Shäng hán xù lùn | Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén | 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 | 1678 |
Discussion and Annotation of the Essentials from the Golden Cabinet | 金匱要略論注 | Jïn guì yào lüè lùn zhù | Xú Bïn | 徐彬 | 1671 |
Discussion Illuminating the Principles of Cold Damage | 傷寒明理論 | Shäng hán míng lî lùn | Chéng Wú-Jî | 成無己 | 1156 |
Discussion of Blood Patterns | 血證論 | Xuè zhèng lùn | Táng Zöng-Hâi/Táng Róng-Chüan | 唐宗海/唐容川 | 1884 |
Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論 | Shäng hán lùn | Zhäng Ji/Zhäng Zhòng-Jîng | 張機/張仲景 | c. 220 |
Discussion of Cold Damage Edited for Meaning | 傷寒論輯義 | Shökanron shugi | Tamba Motoyasu | 丹波元簡 | 1801 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Discussion of Emergency Formulas for Pediatric Macules | 小兒斑疹備急方論 | Xîao ér bän zhên bèi jí fäng lùn | Dông Jí | 董汲 | late 11th century |
Discussion of Famous Physicians’ Formulas [alternate name for Discussion of Famous Physicians’ Formulas Past and Present] | 名醫方論 | Míng yï fäng lùn | Luó Mêi | 羅美 | 1675 |
Discussion of Famous Physicians’ Formulas Past and Present | 古今名醫方論 | Gû jïn míng yï fäng lùn | Luó Mêi | 羅美 | 1675 |
Discussion of Formulas for Pediatric Pox and Rashes | 小兒痘疹方論 | Xîao ér dòu zhên fäng lùn | Chén Wén-Zhöng | 陳文中 | 13th century |
Discussion of Illnesses, Patterns, and Formulas Related to the Unification of the Three Etiologies | 三因極一病證方論 | Sän yïn jí yï bìng zhèng fäng lùn | Chén Yán | 陳言 | 1174 |
Discussion of Medical Formulas | 醫方論 | Yï fäng lùn | Fèi Bó-Xióng | 費伯雄 | 1865 |
Discussion of Medicinal Combinations | 藥對論 | Yào duì lùn | Chén Wéi-Huá | 陳維華 | 1984 |
Discussion of Medicinal Properties | 藥性論 | Yào xìng lùn | Chén Zhöu | 陳周 | 19th century |
Discussion of Seasonal Diseases | 時病論 | Shí bìng lùn | Léi Fëng | 雷豐 | 1882 |
Discussion of Sudden Turmoil Disorders | 霍亂論 | Huò luàn lùn | Wáng Shì-Xiöng | 王士雄 | 1862 |
Discussion of the Origins of the Symptoms of Disease | 諸病原侯論 | Zhü bìng yuán hòu lùn | Cháo Yuán-Fäng | 巢元方 | 610 |
Discussion of the Spleen and Stomach | 脾胃論 | Pí wèi lùn | Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán | 李杲/李東垣 | 13th century |
Discussion of Warm Epidemics | 溫疫論 | Wën yì lùn | Wú Yôu-Xìng/Wú Yòu-Kê | 吳有性/吳又可 | 1642 |
Discussion of Warm-Heat Pathogen [Disorders] | 溫熱論 | Wën rè lun | Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán | 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 | early 18th century |
Discussion of Widespread Warm Epidemics | 廣溫議論 | Guâng wën yì lùn | Dài Tiän-Zhäng | 戴天章 | 1774 |
Displays of Enlightened Physicians | 明醫指掌 | Míng yï zhî zhâng | Huáng-Fû Zhöng | 皇甫中 | Ming |
Dissecting the Secrets of Sustaining Life | 攝生秘剖 | Shè shëng mì pöu | Hóng Jï/Hóng Jiû-Yôu | 洪基/洪九有 | 1638 |
Dissemination of the Essentials of the Materia Medica | 本草經疏輯要 | Bên câo jïng shü jí yào | Wú Shì-Kâi | 吳世鎧 | 1809 |
Distinguishing [Aspects] of Southern Diseases | 南病別鑒 | Nán bìng bié jiàn | Sòng Zhào-Qí | 宋兆淇 | 1878 |
Distinguishing of Categories from the LÜ shan tang | 侣山堂类辨 | Lç shän tang lèi biàn | Zhäng Zhì-Cöng | 张志聪 | 1663 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Diverse Collection of Famous Formulas | 雜類名方 | Zá lèi míng fäng | Dù Sï-Jìng | 杜思敬 | Yuan |
Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica | 神農本草經 | Shén Nóng bên câo jïng | anonymous | probably later Han | |
Divine Pivot | 靈樞 | Líng shü | anonymous | probably later Han | |
Divinely Ingenious Surefire Formulas | 神巧萬全方 | Shén qiâo wàn quán fäng | Liú Yuán-Bïn/Liú Zî-Yí/Töng Zhën Zî | 劉元賓/劉子儀/通真子 | Song |
Dong-Yuan’s Tried and Tested Formulas | 東垣試效方 | Döng-Yuán shì xiào fäng | Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán; edited by Luó Tiän-Yì | 李杲/李東垣;羅天益整理 | 1202 |
Dream Creek Essays | 夢溪筆談 | Mèng xï bî tán | Shên Kuò/Shên Cún-Zhöng | 沈括/沈存中 | 11th century |
Dynamics of Diseases of the Four Seasons | 四時病機 | Sì shí bìng jï | Shào Dëng-Yíng | 邵登瀛 | c. 1749 |
Easy and Simple Formulas | 易簡方 | Yì jiân fäng | Wáng Shuò | 王碩 | 1191 |
Effective Formulas from Generations of Physicians | 世醫得效方 | Shì yï dé xiào fäng | Wëi Yì-Lín | 危亦林 | 1345 |
Effective Formulas from the Hall of Literature | 文堂集驗方 | Wén táng jí yàn fäng | Hé Jïng/Hé Huì Chuän | 何京/何惠川 | 1775 |
Effective Medical Formulas Arranged by Category by Master Zhu | 類編朱氏集驗醫方 | Lèi biän Zhü shì jí yàn yï fäng | Zhü Zuô | 朱佐 | 1266 |
Eight Notes on Conforming to [the Rules of] Life | 遵生八箋 | Zün shëng bä jiän | Gäo Lián | 高濂 | 1591 |
Elaboration of Pediatrics | 幼科發揮 | Yòu kë fä huï | Wàn Quán | 萬全 | Ming |
Elaboration of the Materia Medica | 本草發揮 | Bên câo fä huï | Xú Yàn-Chún/Xú Yòng-Chéng | 徐彥純/徐用誠 | 1384 |
Elaborating on the Subtleties of Cold Damage | 傷寒發微 | Shäng hán fä wëi | Cáo Jiä-Dá/Cáo Yîng-Fû | 曹家達/曹穎甫 | 1933 |
Elaborating on the Subtleties of the Golden Cabinet | 金匱發微 | Jïn guì fä wëi | Cáo Jiä-Dá/Cáo Yîng-Fû | 曹家達/曹穎甫 | 1936 |
Elucidating the Meaning of Discussion of Formulas from the Golden Cabinet | 金匱方論衍義 | Jïn guì fäng lùn yân yì | Zhào Liáng-Rén/Zhào Yî-Dé | 趙良仁/趙以德 | 1368 |
Elucidation of the [Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic:] Basic Questions | 黃帝內經素問註證發微 | Huáng Dì nèi jïng sù wèn zhù zhèng fä wëi | Mâ Shì/Mâ Xuán-Tái/Mâ Yuán-Tái | 馬蒔/馬玄台/馬元台 | 1586 |
Elucidations of the Signs and Explications of the Graphs | 說文解字 | Shuö wén jiê zì | Xû Shèn | 許慎 | 100 |
Emergency Formulas to Keep Up One’s Sleeve | 肘後備急方 | Zhôu hòu bèi jí fäng | Gë Hóng | 葛洪 | 3rd century |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Empiric Formulas from the Treasured Scroll Chamber | 墨寶齋經驗方 | Mò bâo zhäi jïng yàn fäng | Zhèng Zé | 鄭澤 | 1609 |
Encountering the Sources of Acupuncture and Moxibustion | 針灸逢源 | Zhën jiû féng yuán | Lî Xué-Chuän | 李學川 | 1817 |
Encountering the Sources of the Classic of Materia Medica | 本經逢原 | Bên jïng féng yuán | Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén | 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 | c. 1670 |
Encountering the Sources of Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases | 溫熱逢原 | Wën rè féng yuán | Liû Bâo-Yí/Liû Gû-Sün/Liû Guän-Qún | 柳寶詒/柳谷孫/柳冠群 | late Qing |
Encyclopedia of Chinese Medical Formulas | 中醫方劑大辭典 | Zhöng yï fang jì dà cí diân | Péng Huái-Rén | 彭懷仁 | 1999 |
Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine | 中醫大辭典 | Zhöng yï dà cí diân | China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 中國中醫研究院,廣州中醫學院 | 1995 |
Encyclopedia of the Medicine of China | 中國醫學大辭典 | Zhöng guó yï xué dà cí diân | Xiè Guän | 謝觀 | 1936 |
Enumeration of Formulas Omitted from the Inner Classic | 內經拾遺方論 | Nèi jïng shí yí fäng lùn | Luò Lóng-Jí | 駱龍吉 | Song |
Essays on Medicine Esteeming the Chinese and Respecting the Western | 醫學衷中參西錄 | Yï xúe zhöng zhöng cän xï lù | Zhäng Xï-Chún/Zhäng Shòu-Fû | 張錫純/張壽甫 | 1918-1934 |
Essential Explanations for Staying Healthy | 頤養詮要 | Yí yâng quán yào | Féng Xï-Zuân | 馮曦纂 | 1898 |
Essential Formulas to Support Longevity | 扶壽精方 | Fù shòu jïng fäng | Wú Mín/Wú Jìn Shän | 吳旻/吳近山 | 1534 |
Essential Formulas to Support Longevity | 扶壽精方 | Fù shòu jïng fäng | Wú Mín/Wú Jìn Shän | 吳旻/吳近山 | 1534 |
Essential Knowledge from the Inner Classic | 內經知要 | Nèi jïng zhï yào | Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É | 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 | 1642 |
Essential Meaning of the Medical Classics [Approached] through the Convergence and Assimilation of Chinese and Western [Knowledge] | 中西匯通醫經精義 | Zhöng xï huì töng yï jïng jïng yì | Táng Zöng-Hâi | 唐宗海/唐容川 | 1892 |
Essential Subtleties on the Silver Sea | 銀海精微 | Yín hâi jïng wëi | Sün Sï-Miâo [attributed] | 孫思邈 | prob. compiled late 16th century |
Essential Teachings about Pox and Rashes Passed down in Medical Lineages | 痘疹世醫心法 | Dòu zhên shì yï xïn fâ | Wàn Quán | 萬泉 | 1568 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Essential Teachings of [Zhu] Dan-Xi | 丹溪心法 | Dän xï xïn fâ | Zhü Zhèn-Hêng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yän-Xiü | 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 | 1481 |
Essential Teachings on External Medicine | 外科心法 | Wài kè xïn fâ | Xuë Jî | 薛己 | 16th century |
Essential Teachings on Pregnancy and Childbirth | 胎產心法 | Täi chân xïn fâ | Yán Chún-Xî/Chéng Zhäi | 閻純璽/誠齋 | 1730 |
Essentials for Those Who Do Not Know Medicine | 不知醫必要 | Bù zhï yï bì yào | Liáng Lián-Fü/Zî Cün | 梁廉夫/子村 | 1880 |
Essentials from the Golden Cabinet | 金匱要略 | Jïn guì yào lÜè | Zhäng Ji/Zhäng Zhòng-Jîng | 張機/張仲景 | c. 220 |
Essentials from the Silver Sea | 銀海精微 | Yín hâi jïng wëi | Sün Sï-Miâo [attributed] | 孫思邈 | prob. compiled late 16th century |
Essentials of [Zhu] Dan-Xi’s Treatment Methods | 丹溪治法心要 | Dän-Xï zhì fâ xïn yào | Gäo Shü-Yuán | 高叔原 | 1543 |
Essentials of Materia Medica Distinctions | 本草品匯精要 | Bên câo pîn huì jïng yào | Liú Wén-Tài | 劉文泰 | 1505 |
Essentials of the Inner Classic | 內經要略 | Nèi jïng yào lüè | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái | 徐大椿/徐靈台 | 1764 |
Essentials of the Materia Medica | 本草備要 | Bên câo bèi yào | Wáng Áng/Wáng Rèn-Än | 王昂/王訒庵 | 1664 |
Everlasting Categorization of Inscribed Formulas | 永類鈐方 | Yông lèi qián fäng | Lî Zhòng-Nán | 李仲南 | 1331 |
Excellent Usage of Contemporary Formulas | 時方妙用 | Shí fäng miào yòng | Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán | 陳念祖/陳修園 | 1803 |
Exemplars for Applying the Principles of External Medicine | 外科理例 | Wài kë lî liè | Wäng Jï | 汪機 | Ming |
Expansion of the Categorized Collected Formulas | 類聚方廣義 | Ruijuhö kögi | Odai Yödö | 尾台榕堂 | 1853 |
Experiential Formulas from the Auspicious Bamboo Hall | 瑞竹堂經驗方 | Ruì Zhú-Táng jïng yàn fäng | Shä-Tú Mù-Sü | 沙圖穆蘇 | 1326 |
Explaining [Zhang Zhong-Jing’s] 113 Strategies | 百一三方解 | Bâi yï sän fäng jiê | Wén Mèng-Xiäng | 文夢香 | Qing |
Explanation of Lurking Qi | 伏氣解 | Fú qì jiê | Yè Lín | 葉霖 | 1897 |
Explanation of Pending Issues in the Basic Questions | 素問懸解 | Sù wèn xuán jiê | Huáng Yuán-Yù | 黃元御 | 1756 |
Explanation of the Classic of Materia Medica | 本草經解 | Bên câo jïng jiê | Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán | 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 | 1724 |
Explanation of the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論講解 | Shäng hán lùn jiâng jîe | Wáng Qí | 王琦 | 1988 |
Explanations of Medicine | 醫說 | Yï shuö | Zhäng Gäo | 張杲 | 1224 |
Explanations of the Pulse | 脈說 | Mài shuö | Yè Lín | 葉霖 | 1889 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Explicating the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒釋義 | Shäng hán lùn shì yì | Nánjïng College of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 南京中醫學院 | 1958 |
Exposition on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels | 奇經八脈考 | Qí jïng bä mài kâo | Lî Shí-Zhën/Lî Döng-Bì | 李時珍/李東璧 | 1577 |
Expounding on the [Essentials from] the Golden Cabinet | 金匱詮釋 | Jïn guï quán shì | Jïn Shòu-Shän | 金壽山 | 1986 |
Expounding on the Origins of Medicine | 醫學啟源 | Yï xué qî yuán | Zhäng Yuán-Sù/Zhäng Jié-Gû | 張元素/張潔古 | Yuan |
Extension of the Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces | 千金方衍義 | Qiän jïn fäng yân yì | Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Shí wán lâo rén | 張璐/張路玉/石頑老人 | 1698 |
Extension of the Materia Medica | 本草衍義 | Bên câo yân yì | Kòu Zöng-Shì | 寇宗奭 | 1116 |
Extensive Annotations to the Differentiation of Patterns in the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論辨証廣註 | Shäng hán lùn biàn zhèng guâng zhù | Wäng Hû/Wäng Qín-Yôu/Wäng Qïng-Xï-Zî | 汪琥/汪芩友/汪青溪子 | 1680 |
Extensive Essentials of Miscellaneous Diseases | 雜病廣要 | Zatsubyö Köyö | Tamba Motoyasu | 丹波元簡 | 1856 |
Extensive Notes on Medicine [from the First-awakened Studio] | 【先醒齋】醫學廣筆記 | [Xiän xîng zhäi] Yï xué guâng bî jì | Miào Xï-Yöng/Miào Zhòng-Chún/Miào Mù-Tái | 繆希雍/繆仲醇/繆慕台 | 1613 |
Externally Contracted Patterns from Xitang | 西塘感證 | Xï táng gân zhèng | Dông Fèi-Wëng | 董廢翁 | 1725 |
Extracting the Sublime from the Four Examinations | 四诊抉微 | Sì zhên jué wëi | Lín Zhï-Hàn | 林之翰 | 1723 |
Extraordinarily Correct Formulas | 奇正方 | Kishö hö | Kako Kakushü | 賀古角洲 | 1831 |
Family Secrets for Nursing Infants | 育嬰家秘 | Yù yïng jiä mì | Wàn Quán/Wàn Mì-Zhäi | 萬全/萬密齋 | 1549 |
Fang’s Orthodox Lineage of Pulse and Symptoms | 方氏脈證正宗/醫學正宗 | Fäng shì mài zhèng zhèng zöng also known as Yï xué zhèng zöng | Fäng Zhào-Quán | 方肇權 | 1749 |
Feng’s Secret Records from the Brocade Purse | 馮氏錦囊秘錄 | Féng shì jîn náng mì lù | Féng Zhào-Zhäng | 馮兆張 | 1702 |
Fine Formulas by Su and Shen | 蘇沈良方 | Sü Shên liáng fäng | Sü Shì/Sü Zî-Zhän/Sü Döng-Pö and Shên Kuò/Shên Cún-Zhöng | 蘇軾/蘇子瞻/蘇東坡; 沈括/沈存中 | 1075 |
Fine Formulas Effective in Emergencies | 急救良方 | Jí jiù liáng fäng | Zhäng Shí-Chè | 張時撤 | 1550 |
Fine Formulas for Women | 婦人良方 | Fù rén liáng fäng | Chén Zì-Míng | 陳自明 | 1237 |
Fine Formulas for Women with Annotations and Commentary | 校注婦人良方 | Jiào zhù fù rén liáng fäng | Chén Zì-Míng; edited by Xuë Jî | 陳自明; 薛己 | Ming [16th century] |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Fine Formulas of Wonderful Efficacy | 奇效良方 | Qí xiào liáng fäng | Dông Sù/Fäng Xián | 董宿/方賢 | 1470 |
Five Texts by [Hu] Shen-Rou | 慎柔五書 | Shèn-Róu wû shü | Hú Shèn-Róu | 胡慎柔 | 1636 |
Food and Drink Recipes from the Lay Buddhist Sui-Xi | 隨息居飲食譜 | Suí Xï jü yîn shí pû | Wáng Shì-Xiöng/Wáng Mèng-Yïng/Wáng Qián-Zhäi | 王士雄/王孟英/王潛齋 | 1861 |
Food as Materia Medica | 食物本草 | Shí wù bên câo | Lù Hè | 盧和 | Ming (17th century) |
Formula Appearances from the Inner Platform of the Golden Mirror | 金鏡内台方儀 | Jïn jìng nèi tái fäng yí | Xû Hóng/Xû Zöng Dào | 許宏/許宗道 | 1422 |
Formulary and Mnemonics from ‘No Mistake’ Pharmacy | 勿誤薬室方凾口訣 | Futsugo yakushitsu hökan kuketsu | Asada Söhaku | 淺田宗伯 | 1956 |
Formulary of the Imperial Pharmacy | 御藥院方 | Yù yào yùan fäng | Xû Guó-Zhën | 許國楨 | 1267 |
Formulary of the Pharmacy Service for Benefiting the People in the Taiping Era | 太平惠民和劑局方 | Tài píng huì mín hé jì jú fäng | Imperial Medical Bureau | 太醫局 | 1107 |
Formulas | 方劑學 | Fäng jì xué | Lî Fëi, ed. | 李飛 編 | 2002 |
Formulas Bequeathed by the Unorthodox Genius Liu Juan-Zi | 劉涓子鬼遺方 | Liú Juän-Zî guî yí fäng | Liú Juän-Zî | 劉涓子 | 499 |
Formulas Categorized by the Stratagems of Pattern Treatment | 證治要訣類方 | Zhèng zhì yào jué lèi fäng | Dài Yuán-Lî/Dài Sï-Göng/Dài Fù Yân | 戴原禮/戴思恭/戴復厣 | 1405 |
Formulas from Benevolent Sages Compiled during the Taiping Era | 太平聖惠方 | Tài píng shèng huì fäng | Wáng Huái-Yîn, et. al. | 王懷隱 | 992 |
Formulas from the Discussion Illuminating the Yellow Emperor’s Basic Questions | 黃帝素問宣明論方 | Huáng Dì sù wèn xuán míng lùn fäng | Liú Wán-Sù | 劉完素 | 1172 |
Formulas from the Golden Treasure of Internal Alchemy | 金寶內煉丹訣 | Jïn bâo nèi liàn dän jué | Zhäng Bó-Duän | 張伯端 | Northern Song |
Formulas from the Discussion Illuminating the Yellow Emperor’s Basic Questions | 黃帝素問宣明論方 | Huáng Dì sù wèn xuän míng lùn fäng | Liú Wán-Sù | 劉完素 | 1172 |
Formulas from the Discussion on Women’s Precious Delivery | 婦寶產論方 | Fuhosan ronhö | Kagawa Shigen | 賀川子玄 | 1851 |
Formulas from the Hall of Benevolent Righteousness | 惠直堂經驗方 | Huì zhí táng jïng yàn fäng | Táo Chén-Xï/Táo Döng-Táo/Qïng Shän xué shì | 陶承熹/陶東亭/青山學士 | 1734 |
Formulas in Verse from the Scholar’s Studio in Two Volumes | 書種室歌訣二種 | Shü Zhông Shì gë jué èr zhông | Chéng Mén-Xué [edited by Zhäng Jìn-Rén, et. al.] | 程門學 [張鏡人等整理] | 1985 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Formulas Kept by the Wei Family | 魏氏家藏方 | Wèi shì jiä cáng fäng | Wèi Xiàn | 魏峴 | 1227 |
Formulas of Broad Benefit | 博濟方 | Bó jì fäng | Wáng Gûn | 王袞 | 1047 |
Formulas of Universal Benefit from My Practice | 普濟本事方 | Pû jì bên shì fäng | Xû Shü-Wëi | 許叔微 | 1132 |
Formulas to Aid the Living | 濟生方 | Jì shëng fäng | Yán Yòng-Hé | 嚴用和 | 1253 |
Formulas to Protect Life and the Most Treasured Family Possession | 衛生家寶方 | Wèi shëng jiä bâo fäng | Zhü Duän-Zhäng | 朱端章 | 1184 |
Formulas with Short Articles | 小品方 | Xiâo pîn fäng | Chén Yán-Zhï | 陳延之 | Eastern Jin [4th century] |
Four Medical Tantras | 四部醫典 | Gso ryg rgyud bzhi [Sì bù yï diân] | Yutog Yoindain Goinbo | 8th century | |
Fu Qing-Zhu’s Women’s Disorders | 傅青主女科 | Fù Qïng-Zhû nç kë | Fù Qïng-Zhû | 傅青主 | 17th century [published in 1826] |
Further Appendices to the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒附翼 | Shäng hán fù yì | Kë Qín/Kë Yùn-Bó | 柯琴/柯韻伯 | Qing |
Gathering of Songs for Golden Cabinet Formulas | 金匱方歌括 | Jïn guì fäng gë kuò | Chén Yuán-Xï | 陳元犀 | 1811 |
Gathering of the Blossoms of Acupuncture | 針灸聚英 | Zhën jîu jù yïng | Gäo Wû | 高武 | 1529 |
General Discussion of the Disease of Cold Damage | 傷寒總病論 | Shäng hán zông bìng lùn | Páng Än-Shí | 龐安時 | 1100 |
Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition | 醫宗金鑑 | Yï zöng jïn jiàn | Wú Qiän/Wú – Liù-Jí | 吳謙/吳六吉 | 1742 |
Golden Mirror Record of Pox and Rashes | 痘疹金鏡錄 | Dòu zhên jïn jìng lù | Wëng Zhòng-Rén/Wëng Jiä-Dé | 翁仲仁/翁嘉德 | 1519 |
Good Friend Compilation | 良朋匯集 | Liäng péng huì jí | Sün Wêi/Wàng Lín | 孫偉/望林 | 1711 |
Grand Essentials (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: Grand Essentials) | 太素(黃帝內經太素) | Tài sü (Huáng Dì nèi jïng tài sü) | Yáng Shàng-Shàn | 楊上善 | 7th century |
Grandfather Lei’s Discussion of Herb Preparation | 雷公炮炙論 | Léi Göng páo zhì lùn | Léi Xiào | 雷斆 | 5th century |
Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion | 針灸大成 | Zhën jiû dà chéng | Yáng Jì-Zhöu | 楊繼洲 | 1601 |
Great Compendium of External Medicine | 外科大成 | Wài kë dà cheng | Qí Kün | 祁坤 | 1665 |
Great Compendium of Medical Formulas | 醫方大成 | Yï fäng dà chéng | Sün Yûn-Xián | 孫允賢 | Yuan |
Great Compendium of Medicine for Sores | 瘍醫大全 | Yáng yï dà quán | Gù Shì-Chéng | 顧世澄 | 1760 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Guide to Clinical Usage of Classical Formulas | 經方臨證指南 | Jïng fäng lín zhèng zhî nán | Liú Dù-Zhöu | 劉渡舟 | 1993 |
Guide to Pediatrics | 幼科指南 | Yòu kë zhî nán | Zhöu Shèn-Qí | 周慎齊 | 1789 |
Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth | 胎產指南 | Täi chân zhî nán | Shàn Nán-Shän | 單南山 | Qing |
Guide to the Silver Sea | 銀海指南 | Yín hâi zhî nán | Gù Xï | 顧錫 | 1807 |
Handbook of Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutics | 中藥制劑手冊 | Zhöng yào zhì jì shôu cè | China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Chinese Materia Medica | 中醫研究院中藥研究所 | 1974 |
Handed-Down Rare and Treasured Formulas | 傳家秘寶方 | Chuán jiä mì bâo fäng | Sün Yòng-Hé | 孫用和 | Song |
Handouts on Chinese Medical Formulas | 中醫方劑學講義 | Zhöng yï fäng jì xué jiâng yì | Nanjing College of TCM Formula Teaching and Research | 南京中醫學院方劑教研 | 1960 |
Hard-Won Knowledge | 此事難知 | Cî shì nán zhï | Wáng Hào-Gû/Wáng Jìn-Zhï/Wáng Hâi-Cáng | 王好古/王進之/王海藏 | 1308 |
Harm and Benefit in the Materia Medica | 本草害利 | Bên câo hài lì | Líng Huàn | 凌奐 | 1893 |
Hidden Aspects of the Materia Medica | 本草蒙荃 | Bên câo méng quán | Chén Jiä-Mó/Chén Yán-Câi/Chén Yuè-Míng | 陳嘉摸/陳延采/陳月明 | 1525 |
Hidden Knowledge from the Medical Classics | 醫經密旨 | Yï jïng mì zhî | Shèng Yín/Shèng Qî-Döng | 盛寅/盛啓東 | 1418 |
Hong’s Collection of Experiential Formulas | 洪氏集驗方 | Hóng shì jí yàn fäng | Hóng Zün/Hóng Jîng-Píng | 洪遵/洪景平 | 1170 |
Household Materia Medica | 日用本草 | Rì yòng bên câo | Wú Ruì | 吳瑞 | c. 1350 |
Illumination of Materia Medica | 本草發明 | Bên câo fä míng | Huáng-Fü Söng | 皇夫嵩 | 1578 |
Illumination of Medicine | 醫學發明 | Yï xué fä míng | Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán | 李杲/李東垣 | Jin |
Illustrated Classic of Acupuncture and Moxa Holes on the Bronze Man | 銅人俞穴針灸圖經 | Tóng rén shü xué zhën jiú tú jïng | Wáng Wéi-Yï | 王惟一 | 1027 |
Illustrated Classic of the Materia Medica | 本草圖經 | Bên câo tú jïng | Sü Sòng/Sü Zî-Róng | 蘇頌/蘇子容 | 1061 |
Illustrated Reference of Botanical Nomenclature | 植物名實圖考 | Zhí wù míng shí tú kâo | Wú Qí-Jùn | 吳其濬 | 1848 |
Imperial Han Medicine | 皇漢醫學 | Kökan igaku | Yumoto Kyushin | 湯本求眞 | 1930 |
Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces | 千金要方 | Qiän jïn yào fäng | Sün Sï-Miâo | 孫思邈 | 650 |
Indispensable Tools for Pattern Treatment | 證治准繩 | Zhèng zhì zhûn shéng | Wáng Kên-Täng | 王肯堂 | 1602 |
Inner Classic | 內經 | Nèi jïng | see Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic | ||
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Inner Writings of the Master who Embraces Simplicity | 抱樸子內篇 | Bào pû zî nèi piàn | Gë Hóng | 葛洪 | 4th century |
Integrated Chinese and Western Medical Treatment of the Acute Abdomen | 中西醫結合治療急腹症 | Zhöng xï yï jié hé zhì liáo jí fù zhèng | Nankai Hospital of Tianjin | 天津南開醫院 | 1973 |
Introduction to Medicine | 醫學入門 | Yï xué rù mén | Lî Tîng/Lî Jiàn-Zhäi | 李挺/李健齋 | 1575 |
Investigations into External Medicine | 外科探源 | Wài kë tàn yuán | Yú Yïng-Tài/Yú Xïng-Jië | 俞應泰/俞星階 | Qing |
Investigations of Medical Formulas | 醫方考 | Yï fäng kâo | Wú Kün | 吳崐 | 1584 |
Invoking Blessings for Healthy Children | 活幼口儀 | Huó yòu kôu yí | Zëng Shì-Róng | 曾世榮 | 1294 |
Jade Key to Layered Stories | 重樓玉鑰 | Chóng lóu yù yào | Zhèng Méi-Jiàn | 鄭梅澗 | 18th century |
Ji-Feng’s Formulas of Universal Benefit | 雞峰普濟方 | Jï-Fëng pû jì fäng | Zhäng Ruì/Zhäng Zî Gäng/Zhäng Jï-Fëng | 張銳/張子剛/張雞峰 | 1133 |
Jottings from Repeated Celebration Hall | 重慶堂隨筆 | Chóng qìng táng suí bî | Wáng Xué-Quán | 王學權 | 1852 |
Knack of Orthodox Diagnosis | 診宗三昧 | Zhên zöng sän mèi | Zhäng Lù/Zhäng Lù-Yù/Zhäng Shí-Wán | 張璐/張路玉/張石頑 | 1689 |
Lecture Notes on Traditional Chinese Traumatology | 中醫傷科學講義 | Zhöng yï shäng kë xué jiâng yì | Traumatology Teaching Group of the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 上海中醫學院傷科教研 | 1963 |
Lectures on Warm Pathogen Diseases | 溫病學講義 | Wën bìng xué jiâng yì | Chén Rèn-Méi | 陳任枚 | 1924 |
Li’s Mirror of Medicine | 李氏醫鑒 | Lî shì yï jiàn | Lî Wén-Lái/Lî Chäng-Qí | 李文來/李昌期 | Qing |
Lingnan Formulas for Preserving Health | 嶺南衛生方 | Lîng nán wèi shëng fäng | Shì Jì-Hóng/Shì Dàn-Liáo | 釋繼洪/釋澹寮 | Jin |
Manual of the Art of Benevolence | 仁術便覽 | Rén shù biàn lân | Zhäng Hào-Zhuàn | 张浩撰 | 1585 |
Marvelous Formulas for Traumatic Injuries | 跌損妙方 | Dië sûn miào fäng | Yì-Yuân Zhën-Rén/Sün Yìng-Kë [revised] | 異遠真人/孫應科 [校訂] | Ming/1836 |
Master Luo’s Distillation of Medical Knowledge | 羅氏會約醫鏡 | Luó shì huì yuë yï jìng | Luó Guó-Gäng/Zhèn Zhào/Zhêng Zhäi | 羅國綱/振召/整齋 | 1789 |
Master Wan’s Family Compilation of Songs for Protecting Life | 萬氏家傳保命歌括 | Wàn shì jiä chuán bâo mìng gë kuò | Wàn Quán/Wàn Mì-Zhäi | 萬全/萬密齋 | Ming |
Master Xue’s Case Records | 薛氏醫案 | Xuë shì yï àn | Xuë Jî; Wú Guân [ed.] | 薛己;吳琯輯編 | Ming |
Master Ye’s Patterns and Treatments in Women’s Diseases | 葉氏女科證治 | Yè shì nç kë zhèng zhì | Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán | 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩 | Unknown |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Mastery of Pox and Rashes | 痘疹會通 | Dòu zhên huì töng | Zëng Dîng/Yì Yì/Xiäng Tián | 曾鼎/亦帟/香田 | 1786 |
Materia Medica Arranged According to Pattern | 證類本草 | Zhèng lèi bên câo | Táng Shèn-Wëi/Táng Shên-Yuán | 唐慎微/唐審元 | 1108 |
Materia Medica Arranged by Channel | 本草分經 | Bên câo fèn jïng | Yáo Lán | 姚瀾 | 1840 |
Materia Medica for Decoctions | 湯液本草 | Täng yè bên câo | Wáng Hào-Gû/Wáng Jìn-Zhï/Wáng Hâi-Cáng | 王好古/王進之/王海藏 | 1306 |
Materia Medica for External Elixirs | 外丹本草 | Wài dän bên câo | Cuï Fâng | 催昉 | Song |
Materia Medica for Famine Relief | 救荒本草 | Jiù huäng bên câo | Zhü Xiäo | 朱橚 | early 15th century |
Materia Medica from Steep Mountainsides | 履巉巖本草 | Lç chán yán bên câo | Wáng Jiè | 王介 | Song, 1220 |
Materia Medica from the [Southern] Seaboard Area | 海藥本草 | Hâi yào bên câo | Lî Xún | 李珣 | Tang |
Materia Medica of Combinations | 得配本草 | Dé pèi bên câo | Yán Jié, Shï Wén, Hóng Wêi | 嚴潔, 施雯, 洪煒 | 1761 |
Materia Medica of Diet Therapy | 食療本草 | Shí liáo bên câo | Mèng Shën | 孟詵 | 7th century |
Materia Medica of Medicinal Properties | 藥性本草 | Yào xìng bên câo | Zhën Quán | 甄權 | Tang, c. 600 |
Materia Medica of Ri Hua-Zi | 日華子本草 | Rì Huá-Zî bên câo | Rì Huá-Zî | 日華子 | 713 |
Materia Medica of Sichuan | 蜀本草 | Shû bên câo | Hán Bâo-Shëng | 韓寶升 | Five Dynasties, c. 950 |
Materia Medica of South Yunnan | 滇南本草 | Diän nán bên câo | Lán Mào | 蘭茂 | Qing |
Materia Medica of the Jiayou Era | 嘉祐本草 | Jiä yòu bên câo | Zhâng Yû-Xï/Sü Sòng/Sü Zî-Róng | 掌禹錫/蘇頌/蘇子容 | 1061 |
Materia Medica of the Kaibao Era | 開寶本草 | Käi bâo bên câo | Mâ Zhì | 馬志 | Song, 973 |
Materia Medica of the Zhenghe Era | 政和本草 | Zhèng hé bên câo | Song imperial government | Song, 1116 | |
Medical Awakening | 醫悟 | Yï wù | Mâ Guän-qún | 馬冠群 | 1883 |
Medical Collectanea of Kong Bo-Hua | 孔伯華醫集 | Kông Bó-Huá yï jí | Beijing Traditional Chinese Medical Assocation | 北京中醫學會 | 1988 |
Medical Directives on Warmth and Summerheat | 溫暑醫旨 | Wën shû yï zhî | Zhäng Wân-Xiäng | 張畹香 | 1776-1870 |
Medical Discourses of [Zhang] Ju-Ren | 菊人醫話 | Jú-Rén yï huà | Zhäng Jú-Rén | 張菊人 | 1960 |
Medical Formulas Collected and Analyzed | 醫方集解 | Yï fäng jí jiê | Wáng Áng | 王昂 | 1682 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Medical Lecture Notes of [Qin] Qian-Zhai | 謙齋醫學講稿 | Qiän-Zhäi yï xué jiâng gâo | Qín Bó-Wèi | 秦柏未 | 1964 |
Medical Mirror of Bi-Hua | 筆花醫鏡 | Bî huä yï jìng | Jiäng Hán-Tün/Jiäng Bî-huä | 江涵暾/江筆花 | 1824 |
Medical Mirror of Past and Present | 古今醫鑒 | Gû jïn yï jiàn | Göng Xìn [compiler]; Göng Yán [later editor]; Wáng Kên-Táng [supplementary notes] | 龔信纂輯,龔廷賢續編,王肯堂訂補 | Ming |
Medical Records | 醫錄 | Yï lù | Liú Zuò-Lín/Yuán Quán | 劉作霖/元銓 | Qing |
Medical Texts from the Bettering the World Studio | 世補齋醫書 | Shì bû zhäi yï shü | Lù Maò–Xiü/Lù Jiû-Zhï | 陸懋修/陸九芝 | 1884 |
Medicinal Combining | 藥對 | Yào duì | Xú Zhï-Cái | 徐之才 | 6th century |
Medicinal Recipes | 藥譜 | Yào pû | Hóu Níng-Jí | 侯寧極 | Tang |
Medicinal Teachings from the Respectfully Decorated Hall | 敬修堂藥說 | Jìng xiü tâng yào shuö | Qián Shù-Tiän | 錢澍田 | late 18th century |
Medicine Bag of Classic Formulas | 古方藥嚢 | Kohö Yakunö | Araki Shö | 荒木性次 | 1954 |
Medicine is Truly Easy | 醫學實在易 | Yï xué shí zài yì | Chén Niàn-Zû/Xiü-Yuán/Liáng-Yôu/Shèn-Xiü | 陳念祖/修園, 良友/慎修 | 1808 |
Medicine Path of Song-Ya | 松崖醫徑 | Söng-Yá yï jìng | Chéng Jiè/Chéng Wén-Yù/Söng-Yá | 程玠/程文玉/松崖 | 1600 |
Methodology for Using the Six Warps in Ophthalmology | 眼科六經法要 | Yân kë liù jïng fâ yào | Chén Dá-Fü | 陳達夫 | 1979 |
Miraculous Book of Ten Remedies for Consumption | 勞症十藥神書 | Láo zhèng shí yào shén shü | Gé Qián–Sün | 葛乾孫 | 1348 |
Mirror of Medicines | 藥鋻 | Yào jiàn | Dù Wén-Xiè | 杜文燮 | 1598 |
Mirror of the Hundred Herbs | 百草鏡 | Bâi câo jìng | Zhào Xué-Kâi | 趙學楷 | Qing |
Miscellaneous Records of Famous Physicians | 名醫別錄 | Míng yï bié lù | Táo Hông-Jîng/Táo Töng-Míng | 陶弘景/陶通明 | c. 500 |
Miscellaneous Records of the Materia Medica | 本草別錄 | Bên câo bié lù | |||
Miscellaneous Talks from the Upper Pond | 上池雜說 | Shàng chí zá shuö | Mâ Shì/Mâ Xuán-Tái/Mâ Yuán-Tái | 馬蒔/馬玄台/馬元台 | 1644 |
Miscellaneous Writings of Enlightened Physicians | 明醫雜著 | Míng yï zá zhù | Wáng Lùn | 王綸 | 1549 |
Modern Explanation of the Golden Cabinet | 金匱要略今釋 | Jïn guì yào lÜè jïn shì | Lù Yuän-Léi | 陸淵雷 | 1935 |
Modern Explanations of Ancient Formulas | 古方今解 | Gû fang jïn jiê | Dïng Xué-Píng | 丁學屏 | 2002 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Monthly Ordinances Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces | 千金月令 | Qiän jïn yué lîng | Sün Sï-Miâo | 孫思邈 | 7th century |
Multitude of Marvelous Formulas for Sustaining Life | 攝生眾妙方 | Shè shëng zhòng miào fäng | Zhäng Shí-Chè/Zhäng Wéi Jìng/Zhäng Döng Shä | 張時徹/張維靜/張東沙 | 1550 |
My Humble Complete Collection of Fine Formulas | 管見大全良方 | Guân jiàn dà quán liáng fäng | Chén Zì-Míng/Chén Liáng -Fû/Chén Liáng-Fù | 陳自明/陳良甫/陳良父 | 1271 |
Mysterious Mechanism at the Origin of Pathology in Basic Questions | 素問玄機原病式 | Sù wèn xuän jí yuán bìng shì | Liú Wán-Sù | 劉完素 | 1152 |
Mysteriously Effective Formulas for Abscesses | 癰疽神秘驗方 | Yöng jü shén mì yàn fäng | Táo Huá/Táo Shàng-Wén/Táo Jié-Än | 陶華/陶尚文/陶節庵 | 1445 |
Nation-wide Collection of TCM Patent Formulas | 全國中藥成藥處方集 | Quán guó zhöng yào chéng yào chù fäng jí | Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 中國中醫研究院中醫研究所 | 1962 |
Necessities for Women’s Diseases | 女科切要 | Nç kë qiè yào | Wú Dào-Yuán/Wú Bên-Lì | 吳道源/吳本立 | 1738 |
New [Text on the] Acute Abdomen | 新急腹症學 | Xïn jí fù zhèng xué | Nankai Hospital of Tianjin, Zunyi Medical School | 天津南開醫院,遵義醫學院 | 1978 |
New Book on Syphilis and Leprosy | 黴癘新書 | Bai rai shinsho | Katakura Kakuryo | 片倉鶴陵 | 1787 |
New Compilation of Empirical Formulas | 驗方新編 | Yàn fäng xïn biän | Bào Xiàng-Áo | 鮑相璈 | 1846 |
New Compilation of Materia Medica | 本草新編 | Bên câo xïn biän | Chén Shì-Duó/Chén Yuân-Göng/Zhü Huá Zî | 陳士鐸/陳遠公/朱華子 | 1694 |
New Discussion of Epidemic Diarrheal Diseases | 瀉疫新論 | Shaekishinron | TakashimaHisatsuru | 高島久貫 | 1867 |
New Edition of Mei’s Empirical Formulas | 梅氏驗方新編 | Méi shì yàn fäng xïn biän | Méi Qî-Zhào | 梅啟照 | 1878 |
New Explanations of Medical Formulas | 醫方新解 | Yï fäng xïn jiê | Mâ Yôu-Dù | 馬有度 | 1980 |
New Reference of Prepared Medicines | 飲片新參 | Yîn piàn xïn cän | Wáng Yï-Rén | 王一仁 | 1935 |
New Treatise on Children | 幼幼新書 | Yòu yòu xïn shü | Liú Fâng | 劉昉 | Song |
New Treatise on Lurking Pathogens | 伏邪新書 | Fú xié xïn shü | Liú Jí-Rén | 劉吉人 | Qing |
Newly Compiled Book of Empirical Formulas | 验方新编 | Yàn fäng xïn biän | Bào Xiang-Áo/Bào Yún-Sháo | 鲍相璈/鲍云韶 | Qing |
Newly Revised Materia Medica | 新修本草 | Xïn xiü bên câo | see Tang Materia Medica | ||
Nie’s Study of Cold Damage | 聶氏傷寒學 | Niè shì shäng hán xué | Niè Huì-Mín | 聶惠民 | 2002 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Notes on the Discussion of Cold Damage Edited for Meaning | 傷寒論輯義按 | Shäng hán lùn jí yì àn | Yùn Tiê-Qiáo[annotator]/Tamba Motoyasu [original author] | 惲鐵樵/丹波元簡 | 1929/1810 |
Notes on Nourishing One’s Nature to Prolong Life | 養性延命錄 | Yâng xìng yán mìng lù | Táo Hóng-Jîng | 陶弘景 | 5th century |
Notes on the Understanding of Complex Symptoms | 雜癥會心錄 | Zá zhèng huì xïn lù | Wäng Yùn-Gû/Wäng Wén-Qî | 汪蘊谷/汪文綺 | 1754 |
Number One Book on Cold Damage | 傷寒一書 | Shäng hán dì yï shü | Shén Yuè-Guäng, | 沈月光 | 1780 |
Ode of Medicinal Properties [for Four Hundred Herbs] | 藥性歌[訣四百味] | Yào xìng gë [jué sì bâi wèi] | Göng Tíng-Xián/Göng Zî-Cái/Göng Yún-Lín | 龔廷賢/龔子才/龔雲林 | 16th century |
Omissions from the [Classic of the] Materia Medica | 本草拾遺 | Bên câo shí yí | Chén Cáng-Qì | 陳藏器 | 720 |
Omissions from the Comprehensive Outline of the Materia Medica | 本草綱目拾遺 | Bên câo gäng mù shí yí | Zhào Xué-Mín/Zhào Shù-Xuän/Zhào Yï-Jí | 趙學敏/趙恕軒/趙依吉 | 1765 |
On the Origins and Development of Medicine | 醫學源流論 | Yï xúe yuán liú lùn | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái | 徐大椿/徐靈台 | 1757 |
On the Origins and Development of Medicine in China | 中國醫學源流論 | Zhöng guó yï xúe yuán liú lùn | Xiè Guän/Xiè Lì-Héng | 謝觀/謝利恒 | 1935 |
One-Hundred Classic Formulas | 經方100首 | Jïng fäng 100 shôu | Huáng Huáng | 黃煌 | 2006 |
One Hundred Questions on Women’s Disorders | 女科百問 | Nå kë bâi wèn | Qí Zhòng-Fû | 齊仲甫 | 1220 |
One Hundred Supremely Effective Medicinals | 百藥效用奇觀 | Bâi yào xiào yòng qí guän | Zhäng Shù-Shëng | 張樹生 | 1987 |
Original Meaning of Formulas Discussed in Essentials from Golden Cabinet | 金匱要略方論本義 | Jïn guì yào lÜè fäng lùn bên yì | Wèi Lì-Tóng/Wèi Niàn-Tíng | 魏荔彤/魏念庭 | 1720 |
Original Meaning of [the Discussion of] Cold Damage | 傷寒原旨 | Shäng hán yuán zhî | Hé Zhòng-Gäo | 何仲皋 | 1934 |
Origins of Medicine | 醫學啟原 | Yï xué qî yuán | Zhäng Yuán-Sù/Zhäng Jié-Gû | 張元素/張潔古 | 1186 |
Origins of the Materia Medica | 本草原始 | Bên câo yuán shî | Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É | 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 | Ming |
Orthodox Lineage of External Medicine | 外科正宗 | Wài kë zhèng zöng | Chén Shí-Göng/Chén Yù-Rén/Chén Ruò-Xü | 陳實功/陳毓仁/陳若虛 | 1617 |
Orthodox Lineage of Medicine [aka Fang’s Orthodox Lineage of Pulse and Symptoms] | 醫學正宗 [方氏脈証正宗] | Yï xué zhèng zöng [Fäng shì mài zhèng zhèng zöng] | Fäng Zhào-Quán | 方肇權 | 1749 |
Outline of Medical Formulas | 醫方概要 | Yï fäng gài yào | Lî Chóu-Rén | 李疇人 | 1935 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Outline of the Presentation and Treatment of Throat Granular Disorder | 喉痧證治概要 | Hóu shä zhèng zhì gài yào | Dïng Gän-Rén | 丁甘仁 | 1927 |
Parallel Prose on Regularization and Pacification | 理瀹駢文 | Lî yuè pián wén | Wú Shàng-Xiän/Wú Shï-Jï | 吳尚先/吳師機 | 1870 |
Pathodynamics and Treatment Strategies in Chinese Medicine | 中醫病機治法學 | Zhöng yï bìng jï zhì fâ xué | Chén Cháo-Zû | 陳朝組 | 1988 |
Pattern Differentiation and Treatment for Women’s Disorders [from the] Zhulin [Monastery] | 竹林女科証治 | Zhúlín nå kë zhèng zhì | Annonymous | Qing | |
Patterns and Treatment of Miscellaneous Disorders | 雜病証治 | Zá bìng zhèng zhì | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái | 徐大椿/徐靈台 | 1759 |
Pediatrics: Categorized and Brought Together | 幼科類萃 | Yòu kë lèi cuì | Wáng Luán/Wén Róng/Róng Hú | 王鑾/文融/容湖 | 1521 |
Penetrating the Mysteries of the Materia Medica | 本草通玄 | Bên câo tong xuán | Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì- | 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 | late Ming (17th century) |
Cái/Lî Niàn-É | |||||
Personal Standards for Internal Medicine | 内科心典 | Nèi kë xïn diân | Xú Shí-Jìn | 徐時進 | 1777 |
Personal Standards for the Essentials from the Golden Cabinet | 金匱要略心典 | Jïn guì yào lÜè xïn diân | Yóu Yí | 尤怡 | 1729 |
Pocket Prescriptions | 袖珍方 | Xiù zhën fäng | Lî Héng, Zhü Dì | 李恆/朱橚 | 1391 |
Popular Guide to the Discussion of Cold Damage | 通俗傷寒論 | Töng sú shäng hán lùn | Yú Gën-Chü | 俞根初 | Qing |
Posthumous Manuscript from [Bian Que in] Handan | 邯鄲遺稿 | Hándän yí gâo | Zhào Xiàn-Kê | 趙獻可 | 17th century |
Pouch of Pearls | 珍珠囊 | Zhën zhü náng | Zhäng Yuán-Sù/Zhäng Jié-Gû | 張元素/張潔古 | 1186 |
Practical Chinese External Medicine | 實用中醫外科學 | Shí yòng zhöng yï wài kë xué | Gù Bó-Huá | 顧伯華 | 1985 |
Practical Differentiation of Chinese Materia Medica | 中藥應用鑒別 | Zhöng yào yìng yòng jiàn bié | Wëng Wéi-Jiàn, Shén Lián-Shëng | 翁維健,沉連生 | 1984 |
Practical Established Formulas | 成方切用 | Chéng fäng qiè yòng | Wú Yì-Luó | 吳儀洛 | 1761 |
Practice of Syndrome Treatment in Kampo | 症候による漢方治療の実際 | Shoko ni yoru Kampo chiryo no jissai | Otsuka Yoshinori | 大塚敬節 | 1963 |
Precepts for Physicians | 醫門法律 | Yï mén fâ lñ | Yù Chäng/Yù Jiä-Yán | 喻昌/喻嘉言 | 1658 |
Precious Mirror for Advancement of Medicine | 醫級寶鋻 | Yï jí bâo jiàn | Dông Xï-Yuán | 董西園 | 1777 |
Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine | 東醫寶鑑 | Dongui bogam | Heo Jun [Xû Jùn] | 許浚 | 1613 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Precious Mirror of Health | 衛生寶鑑 | Wèi shëng bâo jiàn | Luó Tiän-Yì | 羅天益 | Yuan |
Precious Mirror of Patterns and Treatments | 證治寶鑑 | Zhèng zhì bâo jiàn | Pän Qià | 潘楫 | Qing |
Precis of Medicine | 醫略 | Yï lüè | Qián Yï-Guì | 錢一桂 | 1818 |
Precise Usage of Herbs Based on their Nature | 藥性切用 | Yào xìng qiè yòng | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Tái | 徐大椿/徐靈台 | 1741 |
Precision in the Four Examinations | 四诊抉微 | Sì zhên jué weï | Lín Zhï-Hân | 林之瀚 | 1723 |
Prescriptions of Universal Benefit | 普濟方 | Pû jì fäng | Zhü Dì | 朱棣 | Early 15th century |
Proper and Essential Things for the Emperor’s Food and Drink | 飲膳正要 | Yîn shàn zhèng yào | Hü Sï-Huì | 忽思慧 | 1330 |
Pulse Classic | 脈經 | Mài jïng | Wáng Shü-Hé | 王叔和 | 3rd century |
[Qin] Qian-Zhai’s Lecture Notes on Medicine | 謙齋醫學講稿 | Qiän-Zhäi yï xué jiâng gâo | Qín Bó-Wèi/Qín Zhï-Jì/Qín Qiän-Zhäi | 秦伯未/秦之濟/秦謙齋 | 1964 |
Questions and Answers on Materia Medica | 本草問答 | Bên câo wèn dá | Táng Zöng-Hâi/Táng Róng-Chüan | 唐宗海/唐容川 | 1893 |
Quintessence of Collected Annotations on the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論匯注精華 | Shäng hán lùn huì zhù jïng huá | Wáng Lián-shí | 汪蓮石 | 1920 |
Random Notes while Reading about Medicine | 讀醫隨筆 | Dú yï suí bî | Zhöu Xué-Hâi/Zhöu Chéng-Zhï | 周學海/周澄之 | 1898 |
Readings from the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論選讀 | Shäng hán lùn xuân dú | Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 湖北中醫學院 | 1979 |
Record of Being Marked by Grace | 紀恩錄 | Jì ën lù | Mâ Péi-zhï | 馬培之 | 1884 |
Record of Challenges [to the Classics] | 質疑錄 | Zhì yí lù | Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè | 張介賓/張景岳 | 1624 |
Records of Experiences with Classic Formulas | 經方實驗錄 | Jïng fäng shí yàn lù | Cáo Yîng-Fû | 曹潁甫 | 1937 |
Records of Pattern Discrimination | 辯證錄 | Biàn zhèng lù | Chén Shì-Duó/Chén Yuân-Göng/Zhü Huá Zî | 陳士鐸/陳遠公/朱華子 | 1687 |
Records of Picking Herbs in Lingnan | 嶺南採藥錄 | Lîngnán câi yào lù | Xiäo Bù-Dän | 簫步丹 | 1936 |
Records of Proven Formulas Past and Present | 古今錄驗方 | Gû jïn lù yàn fäng | Zhën Lì-Yán | 甄立言 | 627 |
Records of the Grand Historian | 史記 | Shî jì | Sï-Mâ Qiän | 司馬遷 | 91 bce |
Records of Thoughtful Differentiation of Materia Medica | 本草思辨錄 | Bên câo sï biàn lù | Zhöu Yán/Zhöu Bó-Dù | 周岩/周伯度 | 1904 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Rectification of the Materia Medica | 本草正 | Bên câo zhèng | Zhäng Jiè-Bïn/Zhäng Jîng-Yuè | 張介賓/張景岳 | 1624 |
Rectification of the Meaning of Materia Medica | 本草正義 | Bên câo zhèng yì | Zhäng Shän-Léi/Zhäng Shòu-Yí | 張山雷/張壽頤 | 1914 |
Red Water and Dark Pearls | 赤水玄珠 | Chì shuî xuán zhü | Sün Yï-Kuí | 孫一奎 | 1584 |
Reference on Medicinal Properties | 藥性考 | Yào xìng kâo | Wáng Än-Qïng | 王安卿 | Qing |
Renewed Materia Medica | 本草再新 | Bên câo zài xïn | Yè Guì/Yè Xiâo-Fëng | 葉桂/葉小峰 | 1820 |
Required Readings from the Medical Tradition | 醫宗必讀 | Yï zöng bì dú | Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É | 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 | 1637 |
Resolving Uncertainties about the [Discussion] of Cold Damage | 傷寒析疑 | Shäng hán xï yí | Jiäng Jiàn-Guó | 姜建國 | 1993 |
Restoration of Health from the Myriad Diseases | 萬病回春 | Wàn bìng huí chün | Göng Tíng-Xián | 龔廷賢 | 1587 |
Restoration of Life from the Groves of Medicine | 杏苑生春 | Xìng yuàn shëng chün | Ruì Jïng, Jì Mèng-Dé | 芮經, 紀夢德 | 1610 |
Reverence for the Origin of the Materia Medica | 本草崇原 | Bên câo chóng yuán | Zhäng Zhì-Cöng | 張志聰 | 1663 |
Revised and Expanded Complete Treatise on Summerheat Damage | 增訂傷暑全書 | Zëng dìng shäng shû quán shü | Zhäng Hè-Téng | 張鶴騰 | 1623 |
Revised and Expanded Discussion of Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases | 重訂廣溫熱論 | Chóng dìng guâng wën rè lùn | Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén | 何炳元/何廉臣 | 1907 |
Revised Popular Guide to the Discussion of Cold Damage | 重定通俗傷寒論 | Chóng ding Töng sú shäng hán lùn | Reviser: Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén, original author: Yú Gën-Chü | 重訂者: 何炳元/何廉臣,原作: 俞根初 | Qing |
Revision of the Subtle Discussions on Caring for Life | 刪補頤生微論 | Shän bû yí shëng wëi lùn | Lî Zhöng-Zî/Lî Shì-Cái/Lî Niàn-É | 李中梓/李士材/李念莪 | 1642 |
Rhymed Prose on [Medical] Principles and Applications | 理瀹駢文 | Lî yuè pián wén | Wú Shàng-Xiän | 吳尚先 | 1870 |
Scrutiny of the Precious Jade Case | 審視瑤函 | Shên shì yáo hán | Fù Rén-Yû | 傅仁宇 | 1642 |
Searching for What Is in Medicine | 醫學求是 | Yï xué qiú shì | Wû Döng-Yáng | 吳東暘 | 1879 |
Secret Empirical Formulas | 經驗秘方 | Jïng yàn mì fäng | Yáng Shü-Hé/Fù Jiäo | 楊舒和/馥蕉 | 1888 |
Secret Formulas from the Court of Lu | 魯府禁方 | Lû fû jìn fäng | Göng Tíng-Xián/Göng Zî-Cái/Göng Yún-Lín | 龔廷賢/龔子才/龔雲林 | 1594 |
Secret Formulas to Manage Trauma and Reconnect Fractures Received from an Immortal | 仙授理傷續斷秘方 | Xiän shòu lî shäng xù duàn mì fäng | Daoist priest Lìn | 藺道人 | c. 846 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Secret Records about Mothers and Children | 子母秘錄 | Zî mû mì lù | Xû Rén-Zé | 許仁則 | 8th century |
Secretly Transmitted Effective Medicine | 醫效秘傳 | Yï xiào mì chuán | Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán; ed. & annotated by Wú Jïn-Shòu | 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩; 吳金壽校 | 1831 |
Secrets from the Orchid Chamber | 蘭室秘藏 | Lán shì mì cáng | Lî Gâo/Lî Döng-Yuán | 李杲/李東垣 | 1336 |
Seeking Accuracy in the Materia Medica | 本草求真 | Bên câo qiú zhën | Huáng Göng-Xiù | 黃宮秀 | 1769 |
Select Treatments for Sores | 瘍科選粹 | Yáng kë xuân cuì | Chén Wén-Zhì | 陳文治 | 1628 |
Selected and Compiled Clinical Expriences of Wei Chang-Chun | 魏長春臨床經驗選輯 | Wèi Cháng-Chün lín chuáng jïng yàn xuân jí | Jiangsu Provincial Chinese Medicine Hospital | 江蘇省中醫院 | 1974 |
Selected Annotations to Ancient Formulas from the Garden of Crimson Snow | 絳雪園古方選注 | Jiàng xuê yuán gû fäng xuân zhù | Wáng Zî-Jië/Wáng Jìn-Sän | 王子接/王晋三 | 1732 |
Selected Chinese Patent Medicines | 中國國藥固有成方選輯 | Zhöng guó guó yào gù yôu chéng fäng xuân jí | Drug Administration of China | 藥品管理處 | 1994 |
Selected Clinical Experiences of Wei Wen-gui in Ophthalmology | 韋文貴眼科臨床經驗選 | Wéi Wén-Guì yân kë lín chuáng jïng yàn xuân | Wéi Wén-Guì | 韋文貴 | 1980 |
Selected Formulas [aka Selected Formulas from the Praiseworthy Studio] | 百一選方 [是齋百一選方] | Bâi yï xuân fäng [Shì zhäi bâi yï xuân fäng] | Wáng Qiú | 王璆 | 1196 |
Selected Formulas for Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases | 溫熱病方匯選 | Wën rè bìng fang huì xuân | Hé Bîng-Yuán/Hé Lián-Chén | 何炳元/何廉臣 | c. 1900 |
Selected Formulas of Famous Physicians | 名家方選 | Maikehosen | Yamada Yasunari | 山田元倫 | 1781 |
Selections from the Clinical Experience of Guan You-Po | 關幼潑臨床經驗選 | Guän Yòu-Pö lín chuáng jïng yàn xuân | Guän Yòu-Pö | 關幼潑 | 2006 |
Selections of Formulas and Cases from the Hall of Longevity | 眉壽堂方案選存 | Méi shòu táng fäng än xuân cún | Yè Guì/Yè Tiän-Shì/Yè Xiäng-Yán; ed. Guö Wéi-Jùn | 葉桂/葉天士/葉香岩;郭維浚編 | 1746 |
Shanghai Municipal Medicine Standards | 上海市藥品標準 | Shánghâi shì yào pîn biäo zhûn | Shanghai Municipal Department of Health | 上海市衛生局 | 1974 |
Shen’s Book for Revering Life | 沈氏尊生書 | Shên shì zün shëng shü | Shên Jïn-Ào | 沈金鏊 | 1773 |
Shen’s Annotated Essentials from the Golden Cabinet | 沈氏注金櫃要略 | Shên shì zhù jïn guì yào luè | Shên Míng-Zöng/Mù-Nán | 沈明宗/目南 | 1692 |
Simple and Applicable Medical Formulas | 醫方簡義 | Yï fäng jiân yì | Wáng Qïng-Yuán | 王清源 | 1883 |
Simple Annotation of the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論淺注 | Shäng hán lùn qiân zhû | Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán | 陳念祖/陳修園 | 1803 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Simple Annotation of the Essentials from the Golden Cabinet | 金匱要略淺注 | Jïn guì yào lÜè qiân zhû | Chén Niàn-Zû/Chén Xiü-Yuán | 陳念祖/陳修園 | 1803 |
Simple Applications of External Examination of the Form and Color | 形色外診簡摩 | Xíng sè wài zhên jiân mó | Zhöu Xué-Hâi | 周學海 | 1894 |
Simple Book of Formulas | 易簡方 | Yì jiân fäng | Wáng Shuò | 王碩 | 1191 |
Simple Convenient Formulas | 簡便方 | Jiân biàn fang | Wáng Yòu-Sün | 王幼孫 | 1298 |
Simple Explications of Han Formulas | 漢方簡義 | Hàn fäng jiân yì | Wáng Miâo-Dá | 王邈達 | 1956 |
Simple Formulas for Health | 衛生易簡方 | Wëi shëng yì jiân fäng | Zhöu Jîng | 周憬 | 1905 |
Six Texts on Cold Damage | 傷寒六書 | Shäng hán liù shü | Táo Huá | 陶華 | 1445 |
Six Texts on Medicine by Wang Xu-Gao | 王旭高醫書六種 | Wáng Xù-Gäo yï shü liù zhông | Wáng Tài-Lín/Wáng Xù-Gäo | 王泰林/王旭高 | 1897 |
Six Texts Summarizing the Medicine of Xu Ling-Tai | 徐靈胎醫略六書 | Xú Líng-Täi yï lÜè liù shü | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Täi | 徐大椿/徐靈胎 | 1727 |
Small Collection of Fine Formulas | 良方集腋 | Líang fáng jí yè | Xiè Yuán-Qìng | 謝元慶 | 1842 |
Song Family Secret Texts on Women’s Disorders | 宋氏女科秘書 | Sòng shì nç kë mì shü | Sòng Lín-Gäo | 宋林皋 | 1612 |
Speaking of Studying the Classics | 研經言 | Yán jïng yán | Mò Wén-Quán/Mò Mù-Shì | 莫文泉/莫牧士 | 1879 |
Standards from the Imperial Archives | 蘭臺軌範 | Lán tái guî fàn | Xú Dà-Chün/Xú Líng-Täi | 徐大椿/徐靈胎 | 1764 |
Stepping-Stone to Medicine | 醫碥 | Yï biân | Hé Mèng-Yáo | 何夢瑤 | 1751 |
Straight Directions from [Yang] Ren-Zhai aka Discussion of Formulas from Straight Directions from [Yang] Ren-Zhai | 仁齋直指 [仁齋直指方論] | Rén-zhäi zhí zhî [Rén-zhäi zhí zhî fäng lùn] | Yáng Shì-Yíng/Yáng Rén-Zhäi | 楊士瀛/楊仁齋 | 1264 |
String of Pearls from the [Discussion] of Cold Damage | 傷寒貫珠集 | Shäng hán guàn zhü jí | Yöu Yí | 尤怡 | 1810 |
Subtle Import of the Jade Key | 玉機微義 | Yù jï wëi yì | Xú Yàn-Chún/Xú Yòng-Chéng | 徐彥純/徐用誠 | 1396 |
Summary of Internal Medicine | 內科摘要 | Nèi kë zhäi yào | Xuë Jî | 薛己 | Ming |
Summary Songs for Formulas from Changsha | 長沙方歌括 | Chángshä fäng gë kuò | Chén Niàn-Zû | 陳念組 | 1803 |
Summerheat Disease and Epidemic Disease | 溫熱暑疫全書 | Wën rè shû yì quán shü | Zhöu Yáng-Jùn | 周楊俊 | 1679 |
Supplement of What has been Lost from [Discussion of] Cold Damage | 傷寒補亡論 | Shäng hán bû wáng lùn | Guö Yông | 郭雍 | 1181 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Supplement to Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces | 千金翼方 | Qiän jïn yì fäng | Sün Sï-Miâo | 孫思邈 | 7th century |
Supplement to the Elegant Lexicon of Itinerant Physicians | 串雅補 | Chuàn yâ bû | Lû Zhào | 魯照 | 1759 |
Supplement to the Extension of the Materia Medica | 本草衍義補遺 | Bên câo yân yì bû yí | Zhü Zhèn-Hêng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yän-Xiü | 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 | Yuan, c. 1347 |
Supplement to the Pocket-sized Discussion of Formulas for Children | 補要袖珍小兒方論 | Bû yào xiù zhën xiâo ér fäng lùn | Zhuäng Yïng-Qí | 莊應祺 | Late Ming |
Supplemental Critical Annotations to the Systematic Discussion of Warm Pathogen Diseases | 增補評注溫病條辨 | Zëng bû píng zhù Wën bìng tiáo biàn | Wáng Shì-Xióng/Yè Lín/Zhèng Xuê-Táng | 王士雄/葉霖/鄭雪堂 | Mid-19th century |
Supplemental Discussions for the Perfection of Understanding through Investigation of Phenomena | 格致余論 | Gé zhì yú lùn | Zhü Zhèn-Hêng/Zhü Dän-Xï/Zhü Yän-Xiü | 朱震亨/朱丹溪/朱彥修 | 1347 |
Supplemental Formulas Omitted from the Inner Classic | 增補內經拾遺方論 | Zëng bû nèi jïng shí yí fäng lùn | Luò Lóng-Jí | 駱龍吉 | Song |
Supplementatry Essentials for Physicians | 醫門補要 | Yï mén bû yào | Zhào Lián | 趙濂 | 1883 |
Supplemented Collections on Patterns and Treatments | 證治匯補 | Zhèng zhì huì bû | Lî Yòng-Cuì | 李用粹 | 1687 |
Supreme Commanders of the Medical Ramparts | 醫壘元戎 | Yï lêi yuán róng | Wáng Hào-Gû | 王好古 | 1291 |
Symptom, Cause, Pulse, and Treatment | 症因脈治 | Zhèng yïn mài zhì | Qín Jîng-Míng | 秦景明 | 1706 |
Synopsis for Protecting Infants | 保嬰撮要 | Bâo yïng cuö yào | Xuë Kâi/Liáng Wû | 薛鎧/良武 | 1555 |
Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion | 針灸甲乙經 | 皇甫謐 | 282 | ||
Systematic Differentiation of Cold Damage and Warm Epidemics | 傷寒瘟疫條辨 | Shäng hán wën yì tiáo biàn | Yáng Xuán | 楊璿 | 1784 |
Systematic Differentiation of Damp-Heat Disorders | 濕熱條辨 | Shï rè tiáo biàn | Xuë Xuê/Xuë Shëng-Bái | 薛雪/薛生白 | 18th century |
Systematic Differentiation of the Discussion of Cold Damage | 傷寒論條辨 | Shäng hán lùn tiáo biàn | Fäng Yôu-Zhí/Fäng Zhöng-Xíng | 方有執/方仲行 | 1592 |
Systematic Differentiation of the Six Etiologies | 六因調辨 | Liù yïn tiáo biàn | Lù Tíng–Zhën | 陸廷珍 | 1868 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Systematic Differentiation of Warm Pathogen Diseases | 溫病條辨 | Wën bìng tiáo biàn | Wú Táng/Wú Jü-Töng | 吳瑭/吳鞠通 | 1798 |
Systematic Great Compendium of Medicine Past and Present | 古今醫統大全 | Gû jïn yï tông dà quán | Xú Chün-Fû | 徐春甫 | 1556 |
Systematic Instructions on Medicine | 醫學統旨 | Yï xué tông zhî | Yè Wén-Líng | 葉文齡 | 1534 |
Tang Materia Medica [aka Newly Revised Materia Medica] | 唐本草 【新修本草】 | Táng bên câo [Xïn xiü bên câo] | Sü Jìng | 蘇敬 | 659 |
Teachings on External Medicine | 外科心法 | Wài kè xïn fâ | Xuë Jî | 薛己 | 16th century |
Teachings on the Manifestion and Root of Cold Damage, Categorized and Gathered | 傷寒標本心法類萃 | Shäng hán biäo bên xïn fâ lèi cuì | Liú Wán-Sù/Liú Shôu Zhën/Töng Xuán Chû Shì/Hé Jiän Jü Shì | 劉完素/劉守真/通玄處士/河間居士 | 1186 |
Ten Lectures on Personal Experiences with Formulas | 方劑心得十講 | Fäng jì xïn dé shí jiâng | Jiäo Shù-Dé | 焦樹德 | 1995 |
The Refined in Medicine Remembered | 醫醇賸義 | Yï chún shèng yì | Fèi Bó-Xióng | 費伯雄 | 1863 |
Therapeutic Experiences of Pu Fu-Zhou | 蒲輔周醫療經驗 | Pú Fû-Zhöu yï liáo jïng yàn | Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 中醫研究院 | 1976 |
Thorough Investigations of the Materia Medica | 藥性通考 | Yào xìng töng kâo | Liú Hàn-Jï | 劉漢基 | 19th century |
Thorough Understanding of Cold Damage | 傷寒指掌 | Shäng hán zhî zhâng | Wú Kün-Än | 吳坤安 | 1796 |
Thorough Understanding of Cold Damage with Charts and Songs to Safeguard Life | 傷寒圖歌活人指掌 | Shäng hán tú gë huó rén zhî zhâng | Wú Shù/Rû Xïn/Méng Zhäi | 吳恕/如心/蒙齋 | 1338 |
Thoroughly Revised Materia Medica | 本草從新 | Bên câo cóng xïn | Wú Yí-Luò/Wú Zün-Chéng | 吳儀洛/吳遵程 | 1751 |
Thread Through Medicine | 醫貫 | Yï guàn | Zhào Xiàn-Kê/Zhào Yâng-Kuí | 趙獻可/趙養葵 | 1687 |
Three Works on the Discussion of Cold Damage by Xu Shu-Wei | 許叔微傷寒論著三種 | Xû Shü-Wëi Shäng hán lùn zhù sän zhòng | Xû Shü-Wëi | 許叔微 | Song |
Tranquil Hut Collection of Experiential Secret Formulas | 澹寮集驗祕方 | Dàn liáo jí yàn mì fäng | Shì Jì-Hóng | 釋繼洪 | Song-Yuan |
Transforming the Significance of Medicinal Substances | 藥品化義 | Yào pîn huà yì | Jiâ Jiû-Rú/Jiâ Suô-Xué | 賈九如/賈所學 | 1644 |
Transmission of Medicine | 醫述 | Yï shú | Chéng Wén-Yòu | 程文囿 | 1826 |
Transmitted Trustworthy and Suitable Formulas | 傳信適用方 | Chuán xìn shì yòng fäng | Wú Yàn-Kuí | 吳彥夔 | 1180 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Treasured Household Formulas for Health | 衛生家寶方 | Wèi shëng jiä bâo fäng | Zhü Duän-Zhäng | 朱端章 | c. 1184 |
Treasury Classic | 中藏經 | Zhöng cáng jïng | Huá Tuó | 華佗 | Prob. 4th century |
Treasury of Words on the Materia Medica | 本草彙言 | Bên câo huì yán | Ní Zhü-Mó | 倪朱謨 | Ming |
Treatment Decisions Categorized According to Pattern | 類證治裁 | Lèi zhèng zhì cái | Lín Pèi-Qín | 林珮琴 | 1839 |
Treatment Methods for Damp-Warm Seasonal Epidemics | 濕溫時疫治療法 | Shï wën shí yì zhì liáo fâ | Shaoxing Medical Society | 紹興醫學會 | 1912 |
Treatment Strategies and Formulas in Chinese Medicine | 中醫治法與方劑 | Zhöng yï zhì fâ yû fäng jì | Chén Cháo-Zû | 陳潮祖 | 1995 [1st edition 1975] |
Trivial Comments on Medical Matters | 証治摘要 | Sökeitei ijishögen | Hara Nanyö | 原南陽 | 1820 |
True Explanation of the Essentials of the Golden Cabinet | 金匱要略真解 | Jïn guì yào lÜè zhën jiê | Chéng Lín | 程林 | 1673 |
True Transmission on Longevity | 壽世傳真 | Shòu shì chuän zhèn | Xú Jìn-Shän | 徐盡山 | 1771 |
Two Commentaries on the Classic of the Golden Cabinet and Jade Coffer | 金匱玉函經二注 | Jïn guì yù hán jïn èr zhù | Zhöu Yáng-Jùn | 周揚俊 | 1687 |
Understanding in an Instant | 紅爐點雪 | Hóng lú diân xuê | Göng Jü-Zhöng | 龔居中 | 1630 |
Unusually Effective Empirical Formulas | 經驗奇方 | Jïng yàn qí fäng | Liú Yï-Míng | 劉一明 | Qing |
Unwilting Formulas | 不謝方 | Bù xìe fäng | Lù Maò–Xiü | 陸懋修 | Qing |
Versified Prescriptions | 湯頭歌訣 | Täng tóu gë jué | Wáng Áng | 王昂 | 1694 |
Wan Family Tradition Jade Tablets on Pox and Rashes | 萬氏家傳片玉痘疹 | Wàn shì jiä chuán piàn yù dòu zhên | Wàn Quán/Wàn Mì-Zhäi | 萬全/萬密齋 | 1549 |
Warp and Woof of Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases | 溫熱經緯 | Wën rè jïng wêi | Wáng Shì-Xióng/Wáng Mèng-Yïng | 王士雄/王孟英 | 1852 |
Wondrous Lantern for Peering into the Origin and Development of Miscellaneous Diseases | 雜病源流犀燭 | Zá bìng yuán liú xï zhú | Shên Jïn-Ào | 沈金鏊 | 1773 |
Writings for Posterity of [Zhou] Shen-Zhai, | 慎齋遺書 | Shèn-Zhäi yí shü | Zhöu Zhï-Gän/Zhöu Shèn-Zhäi | 周之干/周慎齋 | 1573 |
Writings on Damp-Heat Pathogen Diseases | 濕熱病篇 | Shï rè bìng piän | Xuë Xuê/Xuë Shëng-Bái; ed. by Wáng Shì-Xióng/Wáng Mèng-Yïng | 薛雪/薛生白,王士雄/王孟英補訂 | 1852 |
English Title | Chinese Title | Pinyin Title | Author (English) | Author (Chinese) | Date/Dynasty |
Writings on the Esteemed Discussion | 尚論篇 | Shàng lùn piän | Yù Chäng/Yù Jiä-Yán | 喻昌/喻嘉言 | 1648 |
Writings Taking Personal Responsiblity for the Medical Tradition | 醫宗己任編 | Yï zöng jî rèn piän | Gäo Gû-Fëng | 高鼓峰 | Qing |
Wu Pu’s Materia Medica | 吳普本草 | Wú Pû bên câo | Wú Pû | 吳普 | Three Kingdoms |
Xu Ren-Ze’s Formulas | 許仁則方 | Xû rén zé fäng | Xû Rén-Zé | 許仁則 | Tang |
Yang Family Formulas | 楊氏家藏方 | Yáng shì jiä zàng fäng | Yáng Tán | 楊倓 | 1178 |
Ye Xi-Chun’s Case Histories | 葉熙春醫案 | Yè xï chün yï àn | Zhejiang Provincial Health Department | 浙江省衛生廳 | 1954 |
Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic | 黃帝內經 | Huáng Dì nèi jïng | Anonymous | probably later Han | |
Yun Qi-Zi’s Collection for Safeguarding Life | 雲岐子保命集 | Yún qí zî bâo mìng jí | Zhäng Bì/Yún Qí Zî | 張璧/雲岐子 | Yuan, before 1315 |
Yun Qi-Zi’s Notes on Pulse in Verse with Formulas | 雲岐子注脈訣並方 | Yún qí zî zhù mài jué bìng fäng | Zhäng Bì/Yún Qí Zî | 張璧/雲岐子 | Yuan |
Zheng Family Formulas for Women’s Diseases Worth Ten Thousand in Gold | 鄭氏家傳女科萬金方 | Zhèng shì jiä chuán nç kë wàn jïn fäng | Zhèng Yuán-Liáng | 鄭元良 | Qing |
Zheng Family Secret Formulas for Women’s Diseases | 鄭氏女科家傳祕方 | Zhèng shì nç kë jiä chuán mì fäng | Zhèng Yän-Shän | 鄭燕山 | 1697 |
[Zhou] Ji-Ren’s Collected Empirical Formulas | 吉人集驗方 | Jí rén jí yàn fäng | Zhöu Jí-Rén | 周吉人 | 1924 |