User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-m
m {letter} | :: letter |
M {letter} | :: letter |
MA {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Maranhão (Brazilian state) |
Maastricht {prop} {f} | :: Maastricht (city/and/capital) |
mabeco {m} [Angola] | :: African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus, a wild dog of Africa) |
maboque {m} [Angola] | :: The fruit of Strychnos spinosa |
maca {f} | :: stretcher (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured or dead person) |
maca {f} | :: gurney (wheeled bed used in hospitals) |
maca {f} | :: sailor’s hammock |
maça {f} /ˈma.sɐ/ | :: mace (weapon) |
maça {f} | :: mallet (type of hammer with a head made of a non-iron material) |
maçã {f} /mɐ.ˈsɐ̃/ | :: apple (fruit) |
macabeu {m} | :: Maccabee (member of an ancient Israelite liberation movement) |
macabeu {adj} | :: Maccabean (pertaining to the Maccabees) |
macabro {adj} | :: macabre (ghastly, shocking, terrifying) |
macaca {f} | :: feminine noun of macaco |
macacão {m} | :: augmentative of macaco |
macacão {m} | :: overall (garment with shoulder straps worn over clothing) |
macaco {m} /mɐ.ˈka.ku/ | :: monkey, ape |
macaco {m} | :: mechanical jack |
macaco {m} [derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur, vulgar] | :: black; negro (a person of Sub-Saharan African ancestry) |
macaco-barrigudo {m} | :: common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) |
macaco cairara {m} | :: alternative spelling of macaco-cairara |
macaco-cairara {m} | :: white-fronted capuchin (Cebus albifrons) |
macaco da noite {m} | :: alternative spelling of macaco-da-noite |
macaco-da-noite {m} | :: night monkey, douroucouli (Aotus) |
macaco-de-cheiro {m} | :: common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) |
macaco-guariba {m} | :: brown howler (Alouatta guariba) |
macaco-japonês {m} | :: Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata, a macaque of Japan) |
macaco parauacu {m} | :: Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala (a subspecies of the white-faced saki) |
macaco parauaçu {m} | :: monk saki (Pithecia monachus) |
macaco-prego {m} | :: capuchin monkey [literally "nail monkey", supposedly due to the shape of its penis] (New World monkey of the genus Cebus) |
macaco-preto {m} | :: red-faced spider monkey (Ateles paniscus) |
macaco-rhesus {m} | :: rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta, a monkey of southeast Asia) |
macacos me mordam {interj} | :: blow me down (exclamation of surprise) |
maçada {f} /mɐˈsaðɐ/ | :: blow from a mace |
maçada {f} | :: inconvenience, nuisance, annoyance |
macadame {m} | :: tarmac; macadam (mixture of crushed rock and tar used to make road surfaces) |
macadâmia {f} | :: macadamia (Australian tree of the genus Macadamia) |
macadâmia {f} | :: macadamia (the fruit of the macadamia tree) |
macadamizando {v} | :: gerund of macadamizar |
macadamizar {v} | :: to macadamize |
maçã de Adão {f} /mɐ.ˈsɐ̃ d(j)ɐ.ˈðɐ̃w̃/ | :: Adam's apple |
maçã-de-Adão {f} | :: obsolete spelling of maçã de Adão |
Macaé {prop} | :: Macaé (municipality) |
macaense {mf} | :: Macanese (person from Macau) |
macaense {adj} | :: Macanese (of, from or relating to Macau) |
macaísta {mf} | :: Macanese (a person from Macao) |
macaísta {m} | :: Macanese (Portuguese-based creole spoken in Macao) |
macaísta {adj} | :: Macanese (of, from or relating to Macao) |
Macajuba {prop} | :: Macajuba (municipality) |
maçala {f} | :: alternative spelling of massala |
Maçambará {prop} | :: Maçambará (municipality) |
macambúzio {adj} | :: gloomy |
maçaneta {f} /mɐsɐˈnetɐ/ | :: knob, doorknob, door handle |
maçaneta {f} | :: pommel |
maçanilha {f} | :: a small apple |
maçante {adj} /mɐ.ˈsɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: boring |
Macao {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Macau |
mação {m} /mɐˈsɐ̃w/ | :: augmentative of maço |
mação {m} | :: Freemason (member of the Free and Accepted Masons organisation) |
Mação {prop} /mɐˈsɐ̃w/ | :: Mação (village/and/municipality) |
Macapá {prop} | :: Macapá (municipality/state capital) |
maçapão {m} | :: marzipan (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) |
maçã podre {f} | :: See: pt maçã podre |
maçã podre {f} [idiomatic] | :: bad apple (a person who is a bad influence on others) |
macaquear {v} | :: to act like a monkey |
macaquear {v} | :: to ape (to imitate) |
macaquice {f} | :: apery (the practice of aping or an apish action) |
macaquice {f} | :: foolery (foolish actions) |
macaquinho {m} | :: diminutive of macaco |
Macarani {prop} | :: Macarani (municipality) |
maçarico {m} | :: torch, blowtorch |
maçarico {m} | :: burner |
maçarico {m} | :: sandpiper (any bird of the family Scolopacidae) |
maçarico-branco {m} | :: sanderling (Calidris alba, a small wading bird) |
maçarico-galego {m} | :: whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus, a wading bird) |
Macaronésia {prop} {f} | :: Macaronésia (archipelago) |
macaronésio {adj} | :: Macaronesian (pertaining to Macaronesia) |
macarrão {m} /ˌma.kɐ.ˈʁɐ̃w̃/ | :: macaroni (type of pasta) |
macarrão {m} [generalised] | :: pasta |
macarrão instantâneo {m} | :: instant noodle (precooked noodles) |
macarrone {m} [colloquial] | :: Italian (person) |
macarrónico {adj} [European orthography, literature] | :: macaronic (written in a mixture of languages) |
macarrônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of macarrónico |
Macassar {prop} {f} | :: Macassar (city) |
Macatuba {prop} | :: Macatuba (municipality) |
Macau {prop} {m} | :: Macau (city/and/special administrative region) |
Macaubal {prop} | :: Macaubal (municipality) |
Macaúbas {prop} | :: Macaúbas (municipality) |
macaxeira {f} [chiefly Northeast Brazil] | :: manioc (Manihot esculenta, a tropical plant with edible roots) |
maçãzita {f} | :: diminutive of maçã; small apple |
MacBook {m} | :: MacBook (device) |
Macedo de Cavaleiros {prop} /mɐˈseðu ðɨ kɐvɐˈlɐjɾuʃ/ | :: Macedo de Cavaleiros (city/and/municipality) |
Macedonia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Macedónia |
Macedónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /ˌˈdo.njɐ/ | :: Macedónia (ancient kingdom) |
Macedónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: Macedónia (region) |
Macedónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: Macedónia (country) |
Macedônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of Macedónia |
Macedônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: Macedônia (municipality) |
macedónico {adj} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (relating to ancient Macedonia) |
macedônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of macedónico |
macedónio {adj} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (relating to ancient Macedonia) |
macedónio {adj} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (relating to the Greek region of Macedonia) |
macedónio {adj} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (relating to the Republic of Macedonia) |
macedónio {adj} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (relating to the Slavic Macedonian language) |
macedónio {m} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (person from ancient Macedonia) |
macedónio {m} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (person from the Greek region of Macedonia) |
macedónio {m} [European orthography] | :: Macedonian (person from the Republic of Macedonia) |
macedónio {m} [European orthography, uncountable] | :: Macedonian (Slavic language spoken in the Republic of Macedonia) |
macedónio {m} [European orthography, uncountable] | :: Macedonian (ancient language spoken in Macedonia) |
macedônio {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of macedónio |
macedônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of macedónio |
Maceió {prop} | :: Maceió (municipality/state capital) |
maceração {f} | :: maceration |
macerando {v} | :: gerund of macerar |
macerar {vt} | :: to macerate (to soften in a liquid) |
macerar {v} [figuratively] | :: to torture |
Macerata {prop} {f} | :: Macerata (town/and/province) |
macete {m} /ma.ˈse.tʃi/ | :: a wooden hammer used to hit chisels |
macete {m} | :: cheat (unfair advantage in a computer game) |
macete {m} | :: rule of thumb (a general guideline rather than a strict rule) |
Mach {m} [physics] | :: Mach (ratio of speed to the speed of sound) |
Machacalis {prop} | :: Machacalis (municipality) |
machadiano {adj} [literature] /ma.ʃa.d͡ʒjɐ.nu/ | :: relating to Brazilian writer Machado de Assis |
machadiano {m} | :: a scholar of the works of Machado de Assis |
machadinha {f} /ma.ʃa.ˈdʒi.ɲa/ | :: hatchet (small axe) |
Machadinho {prop} | :: Machadinho (municipality) |
machado {m} /mɐ.ˈʃa.ðu/ | :: axe (tool and weapon consisting of a heavy blade on the end of a shaft) |
Machado {prop} | :: Machado (municipality) |
machamba {f} [Mozambique] | :: shamba (plot of cultivated land) |
machão {m} | :: augmentative of macho |
machete {m} | :: machete |
machiavellico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of maquiavélico |
Machico {prop} {m} /mɐˈʃiku/ | :: Machico (city/and/municipality) |
machimbombo {m} [Angola, Mozambique] | :: bus (motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads) |
machina {f} | :: obsolete spelling of máquina |
machina de escrever {f} | :: obsolete spelling of máquina de escrever |
machismo {m} | :: male chauvinism, bigotry against women |
machismo {m} | :: machismo |
machista {adj} /mɐˈʃiʃtɐ/ | :: male chauvinistic |
machista {mf} | :: male chauvinist (advocate of male chauvinism) |
macho {adj} /ˈma.ʃu/ | :: male (belonging or referring to the sex having the smaller gametes) |
macho {adj} | :: macho; manly |
macho {adj} | :: male [of instruments or tools: designed to fit into or penetrate a “female” counterpart] |
macho {m} | :: male |
macho {m} | :: macho; manly man |
machona {f} | :: feminine noun of machão |
machucado {adj} | :: wounded, hurt |
machucado {m} | :: wound, hurt |
machucar {vt} /ma.ʃu.ˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to hurt (to cause physical pain) |
machucar {vt} | :: to hurt (to cause emotional pain) |
machucho {m} [rare] | :: chayote (fruit of the Sechium edule plant) |
Machu Picchu {prop} {f} /ˈma.t͡ʃu ˈpi.t͡ʃu/ | :: Machu Picchu (<<ancient>> Incan <<city>> and archaeological site in <<c/Peru>>) |
maciço {adj} /mɐ.ˈ | :: solid |
maciço {adj} [attributive] | :: mass |
maciço {m} [geography] | :: massive |
macieira {f} /mɐˈsjɐjɾɐ/ | :: apple tree |
Macieira {prop} | :: Macieira (municipality) |
macieira de Sodoma {f} [mediaeval mythology] | :: apple of Sodom (a gigantic tree supposed to have grown on the site of the destroyed cities Sodom and Gomorrah) |
maciez {f} | :: softness |
maciez {f} | :: gentleness |
macieza {f} | :: softness |
macieza {f} | :: gentleness |
macio {adj} /mɐ.ˈsi.u/ | :: soft |
maciota {f} | :: softness |
maciota {f} | :: gentleness |
macis {m} | :: mace (spice made from nutmeg kernel) |
macla {f} [crystallography] /ˈma.klɐ/ | :: crystal twinning (intergrowth of crystals) |
maço {m} /ˈ | :: bunch, heap |
maço {m} | :: packet, pack |
maçom {mf} | :: Freemason (member of the Free and Accepted Masons) |
maçon {m} | :: alternative form of mação |
maçonaria {f} | :: freemasonry (fellowship and sympathy) |
maconha {f} [Brazil] /ma.ˈko.ɲa/ | :: cannabis; marijuana (plant) |
maconha {f} [Brazil] | :: marijuana (drug) |
maconheiro {m} [often, derogatory] | :: stoner, pothead (habitual user of cannabis) |
macro {m} | :: alternative form of mácron |
macro {f} {m} [computing] | :: macro (abbreviation of complicated input) |
macrocefalia {f} | :: macrocephaly |
macroconídio {m} [mycology] | :: macroconidium (the larger of a pair of conidia) |
macrocosmo {m} [philosophy] | :: macrocosm (a complex structure containing numerous smaller-scale structures) |
macroeconomia {f} | :: macroeconomics (study of the entire economy) |
macroeconomia {f} | :: macroeconomy (economy at a large scale) |
macrófago {m} [cytology, immunology] | :: macrophage |
macromolécula {f} [chemistry, especially, biochemistry] | :: macromolecule (very large molecule) |
mácron {m} | :: macron |
macroscópico {adj} | :: macroscopic (visible to the unassisted eye) |
Macuco {prop} | :: Macuco (municipality) |
mácula {f} /ˈma.ku.lɐ/ | :: stain (discoloured spot or area) |
mácula {f} | :: blemish (small flaw which spoils the appearance of something) |
mácula {f} [figurative] | :: stain; blemish (a flaw on one’s character or reputation) |
mácula {f} [ophthalmology] | :: macula (oval-shaped pigmented area near the centre of the retina) |
macular {vt} | :: to taint (to contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally) |
macular {adj} [anatomy, medicine] | :: macular (pertaining to the macula) |
macumba {f} /ma.ˈkũ.bɐ/ | :: any Afro-Brazilian religion |
macumba {f} [Brazil] | :: curse; hex |
macumbeiro {m} | :: a practitioner of macumba |
Macururé {prop} | :: Macururé (municipality) |
mãdado {m} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of mandado |
mãdado {v} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of mandado |
Madagascar {prop} {f} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of Madagáscar |
Madagáscar {prop} {f} [Portugal] | :: Madagáscar (island/and/country) |
madagascarense {adj} [rare] | :: Malagasy (of, from or relating to Madagascar) |
madagascarense {mf} [rare] | :: Malagasy (person from Madagascar) |
madala {m} [Mozambique] | :: madala |
Madalena {prop} {f} /mɐðɐˈlenɐ/ | :: Mary Magdalene (biblical figure) |
Madalena {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Madalena {prop} {f} | :: Madalena (village/and/municipality) |
madama {f} | :: alternative form of madame |
madame {f} | :: madam (polite term of address to a woman) |
madame {f} | :: madam (mistress of a household) |
mãdar {v} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of mandar |
made in China {adj} /ˌmej.dĩ.ˈt͡ʃaj.nɐ/ | :: made in China (cheaply and poorly manufactured, especially in East Asia) |
madeira {f} [uncountable] /mɐˈðɐjɾɐ/ | :: wood (substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree) |
madeira {f} | :: wood (the wood of a particular species of tree) |
madeira {f} | :: a piece of timber |
madeira {interj} | :: Timber!; used by lumberjacks to warn others when a tree is falling down |
madeira {m} | :: a type of fortified wine produced in the island of Madeira |
Madeira {prop} {f} /mɐ.ˈðɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: Madeira (archipelago/and/autonomous region) |
Madeira {prop} {f} | :: Madeira (island) |
Madeira {m} | :: ellipsis of vinho da Madeira |
madeiramento {m} | :: timber |
madeiramento {m} | :: woodwork, carpentry |
madeireira {f} | :: feminine noun of madeireiro |
madeireira {f} | :: lumberyard (facility where lumber is prepared) |
madeireiro {m} | :: lumberjack; logger |
madeireiro {m} | :: woodworker |
madeiro {m} [Christianity] | :: True Cross (cross on which Christ was crucified) |
madeiro {m} [architecture] | :: crossbeam (main support beam of a structure) |
madeixa {f} | :: lock (tuft or length of hair) |
madeyra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of madeira |
Madeyra {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Madeira |
Madhya Pradesh {prop} {m} | :: Madhya Pradesh (state) |
madraçal {m} [Islam] | :: madrasah (school for Islamic theology) |
Madras {prop} {f} | :: Madras (former name of Chennai, the <<caplc>> of < |
madrasta {f} /mɐ.ˈðɾaʃ.tɐ/ | :: stepmother (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother) |
madrasta {f} [figurative] | :: an evil woman |
Madrasta {prop} {f} | :: Madrasta (caplc) |
madre {f} /ˈma.ðɾɨ/ | :: mother (nun) |
madre {f} | :: womb |
madre {f} | :: mold |
Madre de Deus {prop} | :: Madre de Deus (municipality) |
Madre de Deus de Minas {prop} | :: Madre de Deus de Minas (municipality) |
madrepérola {f} /ma.ðɾɨ.ˈpɛ.ɾu.lɐ/ | :: mother-of-pearl |
madre-silva {f} | :: obsolete spelling of madressilva |
madressilva {f} /ma.ðɾɨ.ˈsil.vɐ/ | :: honeysuckle (any plant of the genus Lonicera) |
Madri {prop} {f} [Brazil] | :: Madri (capital city) |
Madri {prop} {f} [Brazil] | :: Madri (autonomous community) |
Madri {prop} {f} [Brazil] | :: Madri (province) |
Madrid {prop} {f} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of Madri |
Madride {prop} {f} [now uncommon] | :: Madride (capital city) |
Madride {prop} {f} [now uncommon] | :: Madride (autonomous community) |
Madride {prop} {f} [now uncommon] | :: Madride (province) |
madrigal {m} /mɐðɾiˈɣaɫ/ | :: madrigal |
madrigueira {f} | :: warren (a system of burrows where rabbits live) |
madrilenho {adj} | :: Madrilenian (of, from or relating to Madrid) |
madrilenho {m} | :: Madrilenian (person from Madrid) |
madrileno {adj} | :: alternative form of madrilenho |
madrileno {m} | :: alternative form of madrilenho |
madrilense {adj} | :: Madrilenian (of, from or relating to Madrid) |
madrilense {mf} | :: Madrilenian (person from Madrid) |
madrinha {f} /mɐˈðɾiɲɐ/ | :: godmother |
madruga {f} [slang] /ma.dɾu.ˈɡɐ/ | :: the period between midnight and sunrise; early morning |
madrugada {f} /mɐ.ðɾu.ˈɣa.ðɐ/ | :: the period between midnight and sunrise; early morning |
madrugada {f} | :: [figurative] dawn (the first stages of a process) |
madrugador {adj} | :: who wakes early |
madrugador {m} | :: early bird (one who wakes early) |
madrugar {v} /mɐ.ðɾu.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to stay up at late nighttime (madrugada); to stay up all night |
madrugar {v} | :: to pull an all-nighter |
maduramente {adv} | :: maturely |
madurar {vi} | :: to ripen (to grow ripe) |
maduro {adj} /maˈdu.ɾu/ | :: ripe |
maduro {adj} | :: mature, of relatively old age (said of people) |
mãe {f} /mɐ̃j̃/ | :: mother (female who gives birth to or parents a child) |
mãe {f} | :: One's mother |
mãe {f} [figurative] | :: mother (source or origin) |
mãe {f} [attributive, in compounds] | :: whence others spawn, are generated, are copied or stem |
mãe {f} | :: lees (sediment that settles during fermentation of beverages) |
Maeda {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mãe-de-santo {f} | :: synonym of iyalorixá |
Mãe Natal {prop} {f} [Portugal, folklore] /mɐ̃j̃nɐˈtaɫ/ | :: Mrs. Claus (Santa Claus’ wife) |
maestro {m} [music] | :: conductor (person who conducts an orchestra) |
mãe substituta {f} | :: surrogate mother (woman who gives birth to a child not her own) |
Mãe Terra {prop} {f} | :: Mother Earth (the personification of Earth and its biosphere) |
Maetinga {prop} | :: Maetinga (municipality) |
maẽzinha {f} | :: diminutive of mãe |
mãezinha {f} | :: mammy, mum, mom |
mafagafo {m} | :: A meaningless word used in tongue-twisters. Often this word is converted in various forms and derivations to add in the tongue twister: "mafagafinho" (diminutive), "mafagafar" (verb), "mafagafigador" (agent noun), etc |
Mafamede {prop} {m} [obsolete] | :: Muhammad (the prophet of Islam) |
máfia {f} /ˈma.fjɐ/ | :: mafia; mob (organised crime unit) |
mafioso {m} /ma.ˈfjo.zu/ | :: Mafioso; mobster (a member of the mafia) |
mafioso {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the mafia |
Mafoma {prop} {m} [archaic] | :: Muhammad (the Islamic prophet) |
Mafomede {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Mafamede |
má-formação {f} | :: alternative form of malformação |
má-formação arteriovenosa {f} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of malformação arteriovenosa |
mafra {f} /ˈmafɾɐ/ | :: mob (unruly group of people) |
Mafra {prop} {f} /ˈmafɾɐ/ | :: Mafra (village/and/municipality) |
Mafra {prop} {f} | :: Mafra (municipality) |
maga {f} | :: feminine noun of mago |
Magadan {prop} {f} | :: Magadan (oblast) |
Magadan {prop} {f} | :: Magadan (city/administrative center) |
Magalhães {prop} {mf} | :: surname Anglicised as Magellan |
Magas {prop} {f} | :: Magas (city/regional capital) |
magazine {m} | :: department store (store containing many departments) |
Magda {prop} {f} | :: Magda (municipality) |
Magda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Magdalena {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Madalena |
Magé {prop} | :: Magé (municipality) |
magenta {m} | :: magenta (pinkish purple colour) |
magenta {adj} | :: magenta (being of the magenta colour) |
magestade {f} | :: obsolete spelling of majestade |
magia {f} /ma.ˈʒi.a/ | :: magic |
magia {f} | :: allegedly supernatural method to dominate natural forces) |
magia {f} [figuratively] | :: the feeling or something amazing and captivating |
magia negra {f} | :: black magic (magic derived from evil forces) |
magiar {adj} | :: Hungarian (of, from or pertaining to Hungary) |
magiar {adj} | :: Hungarian (of, in or pertaining to the Hungarian language) |
magiar {mf} | :: Hungarian (person from Hungary) |
magiar {m} | :: Hungarian (Uralic language spoken in Hungary) |
mágica {f} | :: magic (ritual or procedure associated with supernatural powers) |
mágica {f} | :: magic (trick or illusion performed to give the appearance of supernatural phenomena) |
mágica {f} | :: feminine noun of mágico |
magicamente {adv} | :: magically |
mágico {m} /ˈma.ʒi.ku/ | :: a magician |
mágico {adj} | :: something or someone magical |
magina {interj} [Brazil] | :: don't mention it; you're welcome |
magistério {m} /ma.ʒis.ˈtɛ.ɾju/ | :: teachership or professorship (the occupation of a teacher or professor, or the exercise thereof) |
magistério {m} | :: professors or teachers, collectively |
magistério {m} | :: magisterium |
magistério {m} [by extension] | :: an intelectual, moral and/or doctrinal authority |
magistério {m} [chemistry] | :: a precipitate obtained from saline dissolutions |
magistério {m} [historical, alchemy] | :: a chemical compound to which fantastic properties were attributed |
magistrado {m} /ˌma.ʒis.ˈtɾ | :: magistrate (a judicial officer) |
magistratura {f} /mɐʒiʃtɾɐˈtuɾɐ/ | :: magistracy (the office or dignity of a magistrate) |
magma {m} [geology, volcanology] | :: magma (underground molten matter) |
Magna Carta {prop} {f} | :: Magna Carta |
Magna Grécia {prop} {f} | :: Magna Grécia (historical region) |
magnanimidade {f} | :: magnanimity (the quality of being magnanimous) |
magnânimo {adj} | :: magnanimous (noble and generous in spirit) |
magnata {mf} | :: tycoon (wealthy, powerful business person) |
magnésia {f} [mineral] | :: magnesia |
magnesiano {adj} | :: magnesian |
magnésio {m} | :: magnesium |
magnesita {f} [mineral] | :: magnesite |
magnético {adj} | :: magnetic (of, relating to, caused by, or operating by magnetism) |
magnetismo {m} /ˌmaɡ.ne.ˈt͡ʃ | :: magnetism (the property of being magnetic) |
magnetismo {m} | :: magnetism (power of attraction; power to excite feelings and to gain affections) |
magnetismo animal {m} [alternative medicine] | :: animal magnetism (magnetic fluid or ethereal medium said to reside in the bodies of animate beings) |
magnetização {f} | :: magnetization |
magnetizando {v} | :: gerund of magnetizar |
magnetizar {v} | :: to magnetize |
magnetohidrodinâmica {f} [physics] | :: magnetohydrodynamics |
magnetómetro {m} [European orthography, physics] | :: magnetometer (instrument used to measure the intensity and direction of a magnetic field) |
magnetômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of magnetómetro |
magnetosfera {f} [astronomy] | :: magnetosphere (region around a planet affected by its magnetic field) |
magnificar {vt} | :: to magnify (make larger) |
magnificência {f} | :: magnificence |
magnífico {adj} /maɡ.ˈ | :: magnificent (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance) |
magnífico {adj} | :: very good; terrific; excellent |
magnífico {adj} | :: the title of a rector (headmaster in various educational institutions) |
magnífico {m} [historical] | :: magnifico (nobleman of Venice) |
Magnitogorsk {prop} {f} | :: Magnitogorsk (city) |
magnitude {f} | :: magnitude (size, extent or importance) |
magnitude {f} [mathematics] | :: magnitude (value assigned to a variable) |
magnitude {f} [mathematics] | :: magnitude (the norm of a vector) |
magnitude {f} [astronomy] | :: magnitude (apparent brightness of a star) |
magnitude {f} [seismology] | :: magnitude (energy of an earthquake) |
magnitude aparente {f} [astronomy] | :: apparent magnitude (measure of the brightness of a heavenly body) |
magnocelular {adj} [biology] | :: magnocellular (having large cells) |
magnólia {f} | :: magnolia (plant) |
magnólia {f} | :: magnolia (flower) |
magnoliídeas {fp} [botany, rare] | :: magnoliids (clade within angiosperms) |
mago {adj} /ˈma.ɣu/ | :: enchanting |
mago {m} [Christianity, usually capitalized] | :: Magi |
mago {m} | :: magician, sorcerer |
mago {m} | :: magus |
mágoa {f} /ˈma.ɣwɐ/ | :: grief; sorrow |
mágoa {f} | :: resentment |
magoar {vt} /mɐˈɣwaɾ/ | :: To sadden (someone); to make (someone) sad |
magoar {vt} | :: To wound (someone); to hurt (someone); to injure (someone) physically |
magote {m} [collective] | :: heap (collection of things) |
magrebe {adj} | :: Maghrebi (of or relating to the Maghreb) |
magrebe {mf} | :: Maghrebi (native of the Maghreb) |
Magrebe {prop} {m} | :: Magrebe (traditional region) |
magrela {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: bicycle (vehicle that has two wheels) |
magrela {f} | :: feminine noun of magrelo |
magrelo {adj} [of a person] | :: scrawny (very thin) |
magreza {f} [of people] /mɐˈɣɾezɐ/ | :: the state of being thin, slimness |
magricela {adj} [of a person] | :: scrawny (very thin) |
magrinho {adj} | :: skinny |
magro {adj} /ˈma.ɣɾu/ | :: lean (of meat, having little fat), thin |
magusto {m} /mɐ.ˈɣuʃ.tu/ | :: An Iberian festival, celebrated with roasted chestnuts and wine |
magyar {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of magiar |
magyar {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of magiar |
Maharashtra {prop} {f} | :: Maharashtra (state) |
Maharastra {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Maharashtra |
mahjong {m} | :: mahjong (Chinese tile game) |
mãi {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mãe |
maia {f} [botany] /ˈmajɐ/ | :: Portuguese yellow broom (Cytisus striatus) |
maia {mf} | :: Maya (member of the Maya people) |
maia {m} | :: Yucatec Maya (a language spoken by the Maya people) |
maia {adj} | :: Mayan (of or relating to the Maya) |
Maia {prop} /ˈmajɐ/ | :: Maia (village/and/municipality) |
Maia {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Maia {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Maia (daughter of Atlas and mother of Hermes) |
Maiara {prop} | :: given name |
Maicol {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Maicon {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Maiçor {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Mysore |
maiêutica {f} [philosophy] | :: maieutics (the art of giving birth to ideas) |
Maikop {prop} {f} | :: Maikop (caplc) |
Main {prop} {m} | :: Main (river) |
mainá {m} | :: myna (any of several Southeast Asian birds of the Sturnidae family) |
mainá-indiano {m} | :: Indian myna (Acridotheres tristis, a medium-sized bird native to Asia) |
Maine {prop} {f} | :: Maine (province) |
Maine {prop} {m} | :: Maine (state) |
mainel {m} /maj.ˈnɛɫ/ | :: handrail |
mainel {m} [architecture] | :: mullion |
mainframe {m} [computer hardware] | :: mainframe (large, powerful computer connected to terminals) |
mãinha {f} [familiar, Northeast Brazil] | :: alternative form of maẽzinha; equivalent to mom/mum or mommy/mummy |
Mainz {prop} {f} | :: Mainz (city/state capital) |
maio {m} /ˈmaj.u/ | :: May |
Maio {m} | :: superseded spelling of maio |
maiô {m} [Brazil] | :: maillot |
maionese {f} /ˌmaj.o.ˈnɛ.zi/ | :: mayonnaise (a dressing made from raw egg yolks and oil) |
maionese {f} [Brazilian cuisine] | :: a cold dish made with mayonnaise, potatoes and eggs |
maionnaise {f} | :: obsolete spelling of maionese |
maior {adj} [followed by que] /mɐj.ˈɔɾ/ | :: comparative of grande; bigger, larger |
maior {adj} [preceded by a definite article] | :: superlative of grande; biggest, largest |
maior {adj} | :: major, greater |
maior {adj} [music] | :: major |
maior {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: big, great |
maior {adv} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: very, quite |
maioral {mf} | :: an exceptional person |
Maiorca {prop} {f} | :: Maiorca (island) |
maior de idade {adj} | :: major (of full legal age) |
maior de idade {mf} | :: major (person of legal age) |
maioria {f} /mɐj.u.ˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: majority (more than half) |
maioria absoluta {f} | :: absolute majority (a number of votes totalling over 50 per cent) |
maioria qualificada | :: qualified majority, supermajority |
maioridade {f} /maj.o.ɾi.ˈda.dʒi/ | :: (age of) majority |
maioridade {f} | :: adulthood |
maioritário {m} | :: majority |
maior que {m} | :: greater than (name of the > character) |
maior que {m} | :: See: pt maior que |
Maiquinique {prop} | :: Maiquinique (municipality) |
Maíra {prop} | :: given name |
Mairi {prop} | :: Mairi (municipality) |
Mairinque {prop} | :: Mairinque (municipality) |
Mairiporã {prop} | :: Mairiporã (municipality) |
mais {adv} /majʃ/ | :: used to form the comparative of adjectives and adverbs; more; -er |
mais {adv} | :: preceded by the definitive article, used to form the superlative of adjectives and adverbs; most; -est |
mais {adv} | :: more (to a greater degree or extent) |
mais {adv} [with indefinite or interrogative pronoun] | :: else |
mais {adv} | :: [in negative sentences] any more, any longer |
mais {conj} | :: [arithmetic] plus (sum of the previous one and the following one) |
mais {conj} | :: [Brazil, colloquial] and; with; together with |
mais {m} | :: plus sign (name of the character +) |
máis {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of mais |
mais cedo ou mais tarde {adv} | :: sooner or later, eventually |
mais de {prep} | :: more than; over (a greater number or amount than) |
mais de {prep} | :: See: pt mais de |
mais dia, menos dia {adv} | :: sooner or later |
mais do que {prep} | :: alternative form of mais de |
maisena {f} /maj.ˈ | :: cornstarch |
mais ou menos {adv} | :: more or less; approximately |
mais perdido que cego em tiroteio {adj} [idiom, sometimes, jocular] | :: Said of a person who is deeply distracted, who has lost focus or attention of what is happening or what is being said |
mais que {prep} | :: alternative form of mais de |
mais-que-perfeito {m} [grammar] | :: pluperfect |
mais tarde {adv} | :: later |
mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois voando {proverb} | :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (a small but certain advantage is preferable) |
mais-valia {f} [Marxism] | :: surplus value (yield, profit or return on production capital invested) |
mais velha profissão do mundo {f} [euphemistic] | :: the world's oldest profession |
mais velho que a Sé de Braga {adj} [simile] /majʒ ˈvɛʎu k(j)ɐ sɛ ðɨ ˈβɾaɣɐ/ | :: older than the hills |
Maitê {prop} {f} | :: given name |
maiúscula {f} [orthography] | :: majuscule, capital letter |
maiuscular {vt} [rare] | :: to capitalise (to write a word’s first letter in upper case) |
maiusculizar {vt} [rare] | :: to capitalise (to write a word’s first letter in upper case) |
maiúsculo {adj} [orthography] | :: capital (letter), uppercase |
maizena {f} | :: alternative form of maisena |
majestade {f} /ˌmɐ.ʒɨʃ.ˈta.ðɨ/ | :: majesty (the quality of being impressive and great) |
majestosamente {adv} | :: majestically |
majestoso {adj} | :: majestic |
Majewski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
majlis {m} | :: majlis (council, assembly, or public meeting in some Muslim regions) |
major {m} /ma.ˈʒɔʁ/ | :: major (military rank) |
Major Gercino {prop} | :: Major Gercino (municipality) |
majoritariamente {adv} | :: mostly |
majoritário {adj} | :: most |
majoritário {m} | :: majority |
Major Vieira {prop} | :: Major Vieira (municipality) |
Majuro {prop} {f} | :: Majuro (capital city/atoll) |
Makhachkala {prop} {f} | :: Makhachkala (city/regional capital) |
mal- {prefix} | :: bad; badly |
mal- {prefix} | :: poorly |
mal- {prefix} | :: barely, hardly |
mal {adv} /ˈmaɫ/ | :: badly (in a faulty, dysfunctional or incorrect manner) |
mal {adv} [preceding verbs] | :: hardly; barely |
mal {adv} | :: wrong (incorrect) |
mal {adv} | :: unfavourably (in an unfavourable manner) |
mal {adv} [in compounds] | :: evilly |
mal {conj} | :: have/had just; have/had barely |
mal {m} [uncountable] | :: evil (malevolent forces or behaviour) |
mal {m} | :: harm |
mal {m} | :: malady (any ailment or disease, especially a lingering one) |
mala {f} /ˈma.lɐ/ | :: suitcase |
mala {f} [travel] | :: luggage |
mala {f} [automotive] | :: boot, trunk |
mala {f} [chiefly Portugal] | :: handbag |
mala {f} [idiomatic] | :: An irritating person |
malabarismo {m} | :: juggling |
malabarista {mf} | :: juggler |
Malabo {prop} {f} | :: Malabo (capital city) |
Malaca {prop} {f} | :: Malaca (state) |
Málaca {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Malaca |
Malacacheta {prop} | :: Malacacheta (municipality) |
Malacal {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Malakal |
Malacca {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Malaca |
Malachias {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Malaquias |
maladia {f} | :: malady (any ailment or disease of the body) |
Málaga {prop} {f} /ˈɡɐ/ | :: Málaga (city/and/province) |
malagueta {f} | :: Guinea pepper; grains of paradise; Aframomum melegueta |
malagueta {f} | :: malagueta (a very hot type of chilli) |
mal aí {interj} [slang] | :: sorry! |
malaia {f} | :: feminine noun of malaio |
malaiala {m} | :: Malayalam (language) |
malaio {adj} | :: Malay |
malaio {m} | :: Malay (person) |
malaio {m} | :: Malay (language) |
mal-ajambrado {adj} | :: not good-looking; of bad appearance or wearing unpleasant clothing |
Malakal {prop} {f} | :: Malakal (city) |
malamute-do-alasca {m} | :: alternative spelling of Malamute do Alasca |
malamute do Alasca {m} | :: alternative case form of Malamute do Alasca |
Malamute do Alasca {m} | :: Alaskan Malamute (breed of sled dog) |
malandra {f} | :: feminine noun of malandro |
malandragem {f} /ˌma.lɐ̃.ˈdɾa.ʒẽj̃/ | :: the practice of taking advantage of others in order to get by |
malandragem {f} | :: a group of people who take advantage of others |
malandrar {vi} /ˌma.lɐ̃.ˈdɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to get by by taking advantage of other people |
malandrar {vi} | :: to idle (to spend time not doing anything productive) |
malandrino {adj} [colloquial] | :: dishonest, crooked |
malandrino {m} [colloquial] | :: brigand |
malandrino {m} [colloquial] | :: rascal, rogue |
malandro {m} [Brazil] | :: crook, rascal; someone who takes advantages of others instead of working in order to get by |
malanga {f} | :: any of several arum family plants grown for their edible tubers: taro, malanga, eddo |
Malaquias {prop} {m} [book of the bible] /ˌˈki.ɐs/ | :: Malachi (book of the Old Testament) |
Malaquias {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Malachi (a prophet) |
malaquita {f} [mineral] /mɐlɐˈkitɐ/ | :: malachite (bright green mineral) |
malar {m} [skeleton, dated] /ma.ˈlaɻ/ | :: cheekbone; zygoma |
malar {adj} | :: cheekbone; zygoma (attributive) |
malária {f} | :: malaria (disease) |
Malásia {prop} {f} /ma.ˈla.zjɐ/ | :: Malásia (country) |
malásio {adj} | :: Malay (of, from or pertaining to Malaysia) |
malásio {m} | :: Malay (person from Malaysia) |
mal-assombrado {adj} /maw ɐ.sõ.ˈbɾa.du/ | :: haunted (inhabited or frequented by ghosts) |
Malaui {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Malawi |
Maláui {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of Malawi |
Malavi {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Malawi |
Malávi {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of Malawi |
Malawi {prop} {m} | :: Malawi (country) |
Maláwi {prop} {m} | :: rare spelling of Malawi |
malcheiroso {adj} | :: Of bad smell; stinky; smelly |
mal comida {adj} [slang, humorous, pejorative, sexist] | :: of a woman, to have been insufficiently fucked, implying that this is the cause of any irritation she displays |
malcomportado {adj} | :: bad-mannered |
malcriado {adj} | :: ill-mannered (having bad manners) |
malcriado {m} | :: an ill-mannered person |
malcuidado {adj} | :: ramshackle; rundown (in state of disrepair) |
maldade {f} | :: malice |
maldade {f} | :: wickedness |
mal da montanha {m} [medicine] | :: altitude sickness (oxygen deficiency at high altitudes) |
mal das alturas {m} [medicine] | :: altitude sickness (oxygen deficiency at high altitudes) |
mal das montanhas {m} | :: alternative form of mal da montanha |
mal de Addison {m} [disease] | :: Addison's disease (a disorder in which the adrenal glands fail to produce a sufficient quantity of steroids) |
mal de altitude {m} [medicine] | :: altitude sickness (oxygen deficiency at high altitudes) |
mal de Alzheimer {m} [neurology, disease] /ˈmaw d͡ʒi aw.ˈzaj.meʁ/ | :: Alzheimer's disease (neurodegenerative disease causing dementia) |
mal de Chagas {m} [disease] | :: Chagas' disease (form of trypanosomiasis prevalent in South America) |
mal de montanha {m} | :: alternative form of mal da montanha |
maldição {f} /maldiˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: curse |
maldição de Ondina {f} [disease] | :: Ondine's curse (medical condition causing sufferers to stop breathing if they fall asleep) |
maldisposto {adj} | :: ill-humored |
maldisposto {adj} | :: indisposed |
maldito {adj} /maɫ.ˈdi.tu/ | :: cursed, accursed, damned (inflicted with supernatural harm) |
maldito {adj} | :: damn, darn, bloody, goddamn freaking, blasted |
maldito {adj} | :: not nice; mean; cruel; heartless |
maldito {adj} | :: troublesome; annoying; vexatious |
Maldivas {prop} {fp} | :: Maldivas (archipelago/and/country) |
maldivo {adj} | :: Maldivian (of, from or pertaining to the Maldives) |
maldivo {m} | :: Maldivian (person from the Maldives) |
maldizendo {v} | :: gerund of maldizer |
maldizer {v} | :: to curse, swear, badmouth |
maldoso {adj} | :: malicious (resulting from malice or spite) |
maldoso {adj} | :: mean (causing or intending to cause intentional harm) |
Malé {prop} {f} | :: Malé (capital city) |
malê {m} [Bahia, Brazil, historical] | :: Muslim Afro-Brazilian |
maleabilidade {f} | :: malleability |
maleável {adj} | :: malleable |
maledicência {f} | :: gossip, slander |
mal-educado {adj} | :: ill-mannered; impolite (having bad manners) |
maleficiar {v} /ˈa(ɾ)/ | :: to harm, damage |
maleficiar {v} | :: to bewitch |
malefício {m} /ma.le.ˈfi.sju/ | :: damage, harm (a negative consequence) |
maléfico {adj} /mɐˈlɛfiku/ | :: evil |
maléfico {adj} | :: harmful |
maleita {f} | :: malaria |
maleita {f} | :: ague |
mal e mal {adv} /ˌma.liˈmaw/ | :: barely; only just (by only a small margin) |
mal-entendido {m} /ma.lẽ.tẽ.ˈdi.ðu/ | :: misunderstanding |
mal-estar {m} | :: malaise (feeling of general bodily discomfort, fatigue or unpleasantness) |
maleta {f} /maˈleta/ | :: suitcase |
maleta {f} | :: bag |
maleta {f} | :: briefcase (case used for carrying documents) |
Malevento {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Maleventum |
Maleventum {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Maleventum (ancient city) |
malevolência {f} | :: malevolence |
malevolente {adj} /ˌmɐlɨvuˈlẽtɨ/ | :: malevolent |
malévolo {adj} /ma.ˈlɛ | :: malevolent (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others) |
malfadado {adj} | :: having a bad fate; ill-fated, disgraced, unlucky |
malfeito {adj} | :: badly made; of low quality; crude; rough |
malfeito {m} | :: wrongdoing (instance of doing something morally or legally wrong) |
mal feitor {adj} | :: alternative form of malfeitor |
mal feitor {m} | :: alternative form of malfeitor |
mal-feitor {adj} | :: alternative form of malfeitor |
mal-feitor {m} | :: alternative form of malfeitor |
malfeitor {adj} | :: criminal |
malfeitor {m} | :: malefactor, wrongdoer |
malfeitoria {f} [countable] | :: wrongdoing (instance of doing something morally or legally wrong) |
malformação {f} [teratology] /ˌmaw.foʁ.ma.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: malformation (abnormal formation of an organ or tissue) |
malformação arteriovenosa {f} [pathology] | :: arteriovenous malformation (disorder of the veins and arteries) |
malformação de Arnold-Chiari {f} [teratology] | :: Chiari malformation (a malformation of the brain) |
malformação de Chiari {f} [teratology] | :: Chiari malformation (a malformation of the brain) |
malga {f} /ˈmaɫ.ɣɐ/ | :: bowl |
malgaxe {adj} | :: Malagasy (of, from or relating to Madagascar) |
malgaxe {mf} | :: Malagasy (person from Madagascar) |
malgaxe {m} | :: Malagasy (national language of Madagascar) |
malgradado {adj} | :: dissatisfied, vexed; (hence) insincere, half-hearted |
malgrado {m} | :: displeasure (feeling of being displeased) |
malgrado {conj} | :: although; in spite of |
malha {f} [uncountable] /ˈma.ʎɐ/ | :: mail, chainmail |
malha {f} | :: mesh (structure made of connected strands of metal, fiber, or other flexible/ductile material, with evenly spaced openings between them) |
malha {f} | :: network |
malha {f} [fashion] | :: knitting; knitwear |
malha {f} | :: a stain in an animal’s fur |
malha {f} | :: a section of terrain with a different colour than that surrounding it |
malha {f} | :: a beating |
malha {f} | :: a game where players have to throw hoops or horseshoes towards a pin on the ground |
malhação {f} | :: workout (a session of physical exercise) |
Malhada {prop} | :: Malhada (municipality) |
Malhada de Pedras {prop} | :: Malhada de Pedras (municipality) |
malhado {adj} | :: mottled (coloured in patches) |
malhadouro {m} | :: threshing floor (ground where grain is threshed) |
malhar {v} /ma.ˈʎa(ʁ)/ | :: to hammer (to strike with a hammer) |
malhar {v} [agriculture] | :: to thresh (to separate the grain from the straw or husks) |
malhar {v} | :: to beat up (to give a severe beating to) |
malhar {vi} [Brazil] | :: to work out (to exercise rigorously) |
malhar enquanto o ferro está quente {v} [idiomatic] | :: to strike while the iron is hot (act on an opportunity promptly) |
malho {m} /ˈma.ʎu/ | :: sledgehammer |
mal-humorado {adj} | :: ill-tempered; cranky; cantankerous |
Mali {prop} {m} | :: Mali (country) |
maliano {adj} | :: Malian (of, from or relating to Mali) |
maliano {m} | :: Malian (a person from Mali) |
malícia {f} | :: malice |
maliciosamente {adv} | :: maliciously |
malicioso {adj} | :: malicious (of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite) |
maliense {adj} | :: Malian (of, from or relating to Mali) |
maliense {mf} | :: Malian (a person from Mali) |
malignidade {f} | :: malignity, perversity, wickedness |
maligno {adj} /mɐ.ˈliɡ.nu/ | :: malign; malignant; evil |
maligno {adj} [oncology] | :: malignant (tending to produce death) |
malina {f} [dated, disease] /ma.ˈli.nɐ/ | :: typhoid fever (a deadly disease characterised by severe fever) |
malinformado {adj} | :: rare spelling of mal informado |
malinha {f} /ma.ˈli.ɲɐ/ | :: diminutive of mala |
malino {adj} [poetic or obsolete] | :: alternative form of maligno |
Malinowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mal-intencionado {adj} | :: ill-intentioned, evil-minded |
Malkoff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Malkov {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
malmequer {m} | :: marigold (any garden flower plant of the genus Calendula) |
Malmo {prop} {f} | :: Malmo (city) |
Malmö {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Malmo |
Malmoe {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Malmo |
maloca {f} /ma.ˈlɔ.ka/ | :: a maloca |
maloca {f} [Brazil, figuratively] | :: shack, hut |
maloca {f} [Brazil, by extension] | :: affectionate term for a home or habitation |
maloca {f} [Brazil] | :: hideout |
maloca {f} [Brazil] | :: an Indian settlement |
maloca {f} [Brazil] | :: scum (an untrustworthy group of people) |
maloca {f} [Northeastern Brazil] | :: livestock that cowboys gather during vaquejadas and take to a corral |
maloca {f} [Brazil] | :: livestock that grazes on certain points of a field |
malograr {vt} /ma.lo.ˈɡɾa(r)/ | :: to harm, botch, spoil, ruin |
malograr {vtr} | :: to fail |
maloláctico {adj} | :: malolactic |
maloqueira {f} | :: feminine of maloqueiro |
maloqueiro {m} /ma.lo.ˈke(j).ɾu/ | :: a tatterdemalion (someone who wears tattered, shabby clothing) |
maloqueiro {m} | :: a brute (someone who is rude and coarse) |
maloqueiro {m} | :: a criminal, bandit |
maloqueiro {m} | :: someone, especially a youngster or a child, who works for criminals |
maloqueiro {m} | :: an untrustworthy individual |
malote {m} | :: a small bag or suitcase |
malote {m} | :: a fast, private mailing service |
mal passado {adj} [cooking, particularly meats] | :: rare (cooked very lightly) |
malquerença {f} | :: malevolence |
malquerer {v} /maɫ.kə.ˈrer/ | :: to wish (somebody) ill, to hate, to detest |
malquerer {v} | :: to bear one a grudge |
malsucedido {adj} | :: unsuccessful |
malta {f} [collective, pejorative] | :: a group of troublemakers or vagabonds; rabble |
malta {f} [collective] | :: crowd, group |
malta {f} | :: farm workers, especially those working seasonally |
Malta {prop} {f} /ˈmaɫ.tɐ/ | :: Malta (archipelago/and/country) |
maltar {v} | :: to malt (to convert grain into malt) |
malte {m} | :: malt (sprouted grain used in brewing) |
maltês {m} /maw.ˈte(j)s/ | :: Maltese (inhabitant of Malta) |
maltês {m} [uncountable] | :: Maltese (Semitic language of Malta) |
maltês {m} | :: a knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta |
maltês {adj} | :: Maltese (of Malta) |
maltês {adj} | :: Maltese (of the Maltese language) |
maltês {adj} [of a cat] | :: whose fur is primarily blue or gray |
maltês {adj} | :: of or relating to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta |
maltês {m} | :: day labourer |
maltês {m} | :: vagabond |
maltez {m} | :: obsolete spelling of maltês |
maltez {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of maltês |
malthusianismo {m} | :: alternative form of maltusianismo |
malthusiano {adj} | :: alternative form of maltusiano |
maltose {f} [carbohydrate] | :: maltose (a disaccharide) |
maltrapilho {adj} | :: Wearing shabby clothes |
maltrapilho {m} | :: An individual who wears shabby clothes |
maltratar {vt} | :: to mistreat (treat someone or something roughly or badly) |
maltusianismo {m} | :: Malthusianism |
maltusiano {adj} | :: Malthusian |
maltusiano {m} | :: Malthusian |
maluco {adj} /mɐ.ˈlu.ku/ | :: crazy, mad |
maluco {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: guy; dude (male person) |
malufista {adj} | :: Of or relating to Paulo Maluf (born 1931), the 25th governor in the state of São Paulo, Brazil |
malva {f} /ˈmaɫ.vɐ/ | :: mallow (any plant of the family Malvaceae) |
malva-bastarda {f} | :: Cornish mallow (Lavatera cretica, a herb of western Europe and northern Africa) |
malva-branca {f} | :: marshmallow (Althaea officinalis, a species of mallow) |
malvácea {f} [botany] | :: any plant of the family Malvaceae |
malváceo {adj} [botany] | :: malvaceous (belonging or relating to the family Malvaceae) |
malva-comum {f} | :: common mallow (Malva sylvestris) |
malvado {adj} | :: bad; evil; wicked |
malvaísco {m} | :: alternative form of malvavisco |
malvão {m} /maɫˈvɐ̃w̃/ | :: velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti, a herb known for its medicinal properties) |
malva-rosa {f} | :: hollyhock (any of several flowering plants of the genus Alcea) |
malvavisco {m} | :: marshmallow (Althaea officinalis, a species of mallow) |
malware {m} [computing] | :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system) |
mama {f} [human] /ˈmɐ.mɐ/ | :: breast, bosom |
mama {f} [animal] | :: udder, teat |
mamã {f} [colloquial or childish] /mɐˈmɐ̃/ | :: mummy, mum, mom (USA) |
mamadeira {f} | :: baby bottle (container with a rubber nipple used for giving liquids to infants) |
mamãe {f} [Brazil, familiar] | :: mum, mom, mummy |
Mamãe Noel {prop} {f} [Brazil, folklore] | :: Mrs. Claus (Santa Claus’ wife) |
mamaluco {m} | :: alternative form of mameluco |
mamaluco {adj} | :: alternative form of mameluco |
mamangaba {f} | :: bumblebee (any of the large bees in the genus Bombus) |
mamão {m} /mɐ.mɐ̃w̃/ | :: papaya (tropical fruit of the Carica papaya tree) |
mamão com açúcar {adj} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: very easy, easy as pie, piece of cake |
mamar {v} | :: to suckle |
mamar {v} [slang, vulgar] | :: to perform fellatio |
mamário {adj} [biology] | :: mammary (of or relating to the breasts) |
mamba {f} | :: mamba (venomous snake of the genus Dendroaspis) |
mambembe {m} /mɐ̃.ˈbẽ(j).bi/ | :: an uninhabited and isolated place |
mambembe {m} | :: an isolated and unpleasant, often dirty, place |
mambembe {m} | :: a wandering theatrical group, especially one composed of amateur artists |
mambembe {m} [derogatory] | :: a mediocre person |
mambembe {adj} [Brazil] | :: of poor quality, crappy, worthless (especially of public spectacles) |
mambo {m} | :: mambo (music) |
mambo {m} | :: mambo (dance) |
mameluca {f} | :: feminine noun of mameluco |
mameluco {m} [historical] /ˌˈlu.ku/ | :: mameluke (member of a military regime in mediaeval and early modern Egypt and Syria) |
mameluco {m} | :: mameluco (person born of a white father and American Indian mother) |
mameluco {adj} | :: mameluco |
mamífero {m} | :: mammal |
mamilo {m} [anatomy] /mɐˈmilʊ/ | :: nipple |
maminha {f} | :: diminutive of mama; small breast |
maminha {f} | :: a cut of meat |
mamita {f} | :: mummy |
mamoeiro {m} | :: papaya (Carica papaya, a tropical tree of the Americas) |
mamografia {f} [medicine] | :: mammography (X-ray examination of the breasts) |
mamona {f} | :: castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) |
mamona {f} | :: the seed of that plant, castor bean |
Mamonas {prop} | :: Mamonas (municipality) |
Mampituba {prop} | :: Mampituba (municipality) |
mamute {m} /mɐ.ˈmu.tɨ/ | :: mammoth (elephant-like mammal) |
mana {f} [colloquial, familiar] | :: sister |
maná {m} [biblical] | :: manna (food miraculously produced for the Israelites in the desert in the book of Exodus) |
manada {f} [collective] /ma.ˈna.da/ | :: herd (number of domestic animals assembled together) |
manada {f} [usually, with a] | :: sheeple (people who unquestioningly accept something as true) |
Managua {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Manágua |
Manágua {prop} {f} | :: Manágua (capital city) |
Manama {prop} {f} | :: Manama (city/capital city) |
manancial {m} /mɐnɐ̃ˈsjaɫ/ | :: spring (source of a river, etc.) |
manancial {m} | :: well |
manar {v} | :: to ooze (be secreted or slowly leak) |
manati {m} | :: manatee (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) |
manatim {m} | :: alternative form of manati |
Manaus {prop} | :: Manaus (municipality/state capital) |
mancar {vi} /mɐ̃ˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to limp (to walk lamely, as if favouring one leg) |
mancar {vt} [rare] | :: to lame (to cause someone to be lame) |
mancar {vp} [Brazil, slang] | :: to make oneself scarce; to leave |
mancar {vi} [dated slang] | :: to miss (to fail to attent) |
mancebia {f} | :: concubinage |
mancebia {f} | :: dissolute life |
mancebo {m} | :: boy (young male) |
mancebo {m} [Brazil] | :: coat stand, coat rack |
mancha {f} /ˈmɐ̃.ʃɐ/ | :: stain; mark; blemish; spot (visible impression) |
mancha {f} | :: a disgrace, discredit in one’s reputation |
Mancha {prop} {f} | :: clipping of Canal da Mancha |
Mancha {prop} {f} | :: Mancha (department) |
manchando {v} | :: gerund of manchar |
manchar {v} | :: to stain |
manchar {v} | :: to blemish |
manchar {v} | :: to besmirch |
mancha solar {f} [astronomy] | :: sunspot (colder, darker region on the sun’s surface) |
manche {m} [aviation] /ˈmɐ̃.ʃi/ | :: yoke (column-mounted control wheel of an aircraft) |
manchego {adj} | :: of, from or relating to the Spanish region of La Mancha |
manchego {m} | :: a person from La Mancha |
manchego {m} | :: Manchego (a firm, compact cheese from La Mancha) |
mancheia {f} | :: handful |
Manchester {prop} {f} /mɐ̃.ˈtʃɛs.tɨɾ/ | :: Manchester (major city/and/metropolitan borough) |
Manchéster {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Manchester |
manchete {f} [journalism] /mãˈʃɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: headline (heading or title of an article) |
manchete {f} [volleyball] | :: reception of the ball on extended arms |
manchu {adj} | :: Manchu (relating to the Manchu people) |
manchu {adj} | :: Manchu (relating to the Manchu language) |
manchu {mf} | :: Manchu (person of Manchuria) |
manchu {m} | :: Manchu (Tungusic language spoken by the Manchu people) |
Manchúria {prop} {f} /mɐ̃.ˈʃu.ɾi.ɐ/ | :: Manchúria (historical region) |
manchuriano {adj} | :: Manchu (relating to the Manchu people) |
manchuriano {adj} | :: Manchu (relating to the Manchu language) |
manchuriano {m} | :: Manchu (person of Manchuria) |
manco {adj} | :: lame (unable to walk properly) |
mancomunado {adj} /mãˈna.du/ | :: allied, connected (often with evil intentions) |
mancomunar {vt} | :: to negotiate or adjust something, often for evil intentions |
mancomunar {vr} | :: to be connected or allied with someone, often with evil intentions |
manda-chuva {mf} [colloquial] | :: boss (head of an organisation); bigwig |
mandado {m} /mɐ̃.ˈda.ðu/ | :: warrant; mandate (official order given by a superior) |
mandamento {m} [chiefly biblical] | :: commandment (command or edict) |
mandando {v} | :: gerund of mandar |
mandão {adj} | :: bossy |
mandar {vt} /mɐ̃.ˈdaɾ/ | :: to order, command |
mandar {v} [em] | :: to order, to boss around |
mandar {vt} | :: to send |
mandar {vi} | :: to be in power; to be the boss |
mandar brasa {v} [idiom] | :: to enjoy |
mandar brasa {v} [idiom] | :: to do something avidly or eagerly |
mandar embora {v} | :: See: pt mandar embora |
mandar embora {v} [euphemistic] | :: to sack; to fire (to dismiss an employee) |
mandarim {m} /mɐ̃.dɐ.ˈɾĩ/ | :: mandarin (a high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire) |
mandarim {m} [uncountable] | :: Mandarin (the official language of China and Taiwan) |
mandarina {f} [Brazil, regional] | :: mandarin orange (fruit of the Citrus reticulata tree) |
mandatário {m} /mɐ̃.dɐ.ˈta.ɾju/ | :: mandatary |
mandato {m} /mɐ̃.ˈda.tu/ | :: mandate (official command) |
mandatório {adj} /ˌmɐ̃.da.ˈtɔ.ɾi.u/ | :: mandatory |
mandeísmo {m} [religion] | :: Mandaeism (a monotheistic religion practiced in the Middle East) |
mandeu {m} [religion] | :: Mandaean (a follower of Mandaeism) |
mandeu {adj} [religion] | :: relating to Mandaeism |
mandíbula {f} /mɐ̃.ˈdi.βu.lɐ/ | :: jaw |
mandíbula {f} [skeleton] | :: mandible, the lower jawbone |
mandíbula {f} | :: mandible of an anthropod |
mandibular {adj} | :: mandibular |
mandinga {mf} /mã.ˈd(ʒ)ĩ.ɡa/ | :: Mandinka |
mandinga {f} | :: magic, sorcery |
mandinga {f} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: difficult, trouble |
mandingar {vti} /mã.d(ʒ)ĩ.ɡa(ɾ)/ | :: to bewitch, to perform sorcery |
mandingueiro {m} /mã.ˈd(ʒ)ĩ.ɡe(j).ɾu/ | :: sorcerer, wizard (someone who performs magic) |
mandioca {f} | :: manioc, cassava |
mando {m} /ˈmɐ̃.du/ | :: command; order (demand for someone to do something) |
mando {m} | :: command (right or authority to order) |
mandola {f} [musical instruments] | :: mandola (a stringed musical instrument) |
mandorla {f} /mɐ̃ˈdɔɾlɐ/ | :: mandorla |
mandrágora {f} | :: mandrake |
mandrião {m} | :: a lazy person |
mandrião {m} | :: skua (predatory seabird of the family Stercorariidae) |
mandrião {m} [obsolete, Magic: The Gathering] | :: drone |
mandril {m} | :: arbor (axis or shaft on a lathe) |
mandril {m} | :: mandrel (tool that grips or clamps something) |
mandril {m} | :: bit; drill bit (tip of a drill) |
mandril {m} | :: reamer (tool for precision holes) |
mandril {m} | :: mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx, a primate of Africa) |
manduco {m} [India, Macau] | :: a species of edible freshwater frog |
manduco {m} [Africa, especially, Cape Verde] | :: club (heavy stick used as a weapon) |
Manduri {prop} | :: Manduri (municipality) |
mané {m} | :: underdog |
mané {m} | :: fool, idiot |
maneira {f} /mɐ.ˈnɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: manner; way (particular method of doing something) |
maneira {f} | :: [arts] the specific style of an artist |
maneira {f} | :: appearance; look; aspect; guise |
maneirar {vi} [Brazil] /mɐ.ne(j).ˈɾa(ɾ)/ | :: to act moderately |
maneirar {vti} [Brazil] | :: to make less intense |
maneirar {vt} [Brazil] | :: to solve a difficult problem in a clever way |
maneirismo {prop} {m} [art] /mɐ.ne(j).ˈɾ | :: Mannerism (art style and movement of the Renaissance) |
maneirismo {prop} {m} [literature] | :: a pre-Baroque literary trend sharing some similarities with it |
maneirismo {m} | :: influence in style |
maneirismo {m} | :: escape to the natural; exaggeration of artistic and literary material |
maneirismo {m} [medicine, psychology] | :: usage of (generally eccentric) movements, gestures and expression associated with another person, often in a repetitive and imitative way |
maneiro {adj} [of an object] /mɐ.ˈnɐj.ɾu/ | :: handy (easy to be handled); portable (small and light) |
maneiro {adj} [of an animal] | :: eating at a person's hands |
maneiro {adj} [Brazil, of a person or animal] | :: agile (moving quick and easily) |
maneiro {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: nice, cool |
maneiro {adj} [regional, Minas Gerais] | :: slow and polite |
manejando {v} | :: gerund of manejar |
manejar {v} | :: to manage |
manejar {v} | :: to handle |
manejável {adj} | :: tractable; handleable (capable of being handled or dealt with) |
manejo {m} | :: handling (the touching, controlling, managing, using or care of something) |
manêjo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of manejo |
manequim {m} | :: mannequin (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) |
manera {f} | :: eye dialect of maneira |
manêra {f} | :: eye dialect of maneira |
manes {mp} [Roman mythology] | :: manes (spirits of the dead) |
maneta {adj} | :: having only one hand or arm |
maneta {mf} | :: a person with only one hand or arm |
maneyra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of maneira |
mânfio {m} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: villain, rascal |
manga {f} /ˈmɐ̃.ɡɐ/ | :: sleeve |
manga {f} | :: mango (fruit) |
manga {f} | :: mango (tree) |
Manga {prop} /ˈmɐ̃ɡɐ/ | :: Manga (municipality) |
mangá {m} | :: manga, a comic made in Japanese style |
mangá {m} | :: manga, a professionally produced Japanese comic |
manga Alphonso {f} | :: alphonso mango (a type of Indian mango) |
Mangalore {prop} {f} | :: Mangalore (city) |
manganela {f} /ˌmɐ̃.ɡa.ˈnɛ.lɐ/ | :: mangonel (medieval engine used to throw stones) |
manganés {m} | :: alternative form of manganês |
manganês {m} | :: manganese (metal) |
manganésio {m} | :: alternative form of manganês |
mangangá {f} | :: bumblebee (any of several species of large bee in the genus Bombus) |
mangangá {f} | :: scorpionfish (any of the family Scorpaenidae of marine, venomous fish) |
mangangaba {f} | :: alternative form of mangangá |
manganismo {m} [pathology] | :: manganism |
Mangaratiba {prop} | :: Mangaratiba (municipality) |
mangostão {m} | :: the mangosteen |
mangra {f} [obsolete] /ˈmɐ̃.ɡɾɐ/ | :: mildew (growth of minute fungi on plants) |
mangual {m} /mɐ̃.ˈɡwaɫ/ | :: flail (tool) |
mangual {m} | :: flail (weapon) |
Mangualde {prop} /mɐ̃ˈɡwaɫd(ɨ)/ | :: Mangualde (city/and/municipality) |
mangue {m} /ˈmɐ̃.ɡi/ | :: mangrove (tropical habitat of trees or shrubs that grow in shallow coastal water) |
mangue {m} | :: mangrove (any of several trees that grow in such habitats) |
mangueira {f} | :: hose (flexible tube conveying water or other fluids) |
mangueira {f} | :: mango tree |
mangue-preto {m} | :: Avicennia schaueriana, a mangrove of Brazil |
manguezal {m} | :: mangrove (tropical habitat of trees or shrubs that grow in shallow coastal water) |
manguito {m} [fashion] | :: muff (piece of clothing used for keeping the hands warm) |
manguito {m} [colloquial] | :: bras d'honneur; Iberian slap (obscene gesture) |
mangusto {m} | :: mongoose |
manha {f} /ˈmɐ.ɲɐ/ | :: act |
manha {f} | :: artfulness, slyness |
manha {f} | :: cunning, stratagem |
manha {f} | :: custom, habit |
manha {f} | :: dexterity, handiness |
manhã {f} /mɐ.ˈɲɐ̃/ | :: morning |
manham {f} | :: obsolete spelling of manhã |
manhê {f} [colloquial, used in yelling or slow speech] | :: alternative form of mãe |
manhoso {adj} /mɐ.ˈɲo.zu/ | :: cunning, sly |
manhoso {adj} [colloquial] | :: ordinary |
manhoso {adj} [colloquial] | :: imperfect |
Manhuaçu {prop} | :: Manhuaçu (municipality) |
Manhumirim {prop} | :: Manhumirim (municipality) |
mania {f} | :: mania (excessive or unreasonable desire) |
mania {f} | :: vice (bad habit) |
maníaco {m} | :: maniac (insane person) |
manicómio {m} [European orthography, offensive] | :: insane asylum, lunatic asylum, mental hospital |
manicómio {m} [European orthography] | :: madhouse (all senses) |
manicômio {m} [Brazilian orthography, Brazil] | :: alternative form of manicómio |
manicuera {f} | :: A kind of manioc |
manicuera {f} | :: A drink made from this kind of manioc |
manicura {f} | :: alternative form of manicure |
manicure {f} | :: manicure (cosmetic treatment for the fingernails) |
manicure {f} | :: manicurist (person who performs manicures) |
manifestação {f} /mɐnifɨʃtɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: manifestation, expression |
manifestação {f} | :: revelation |
manifestação {f} | :: demonstration, protest |
manifestamente {adv} | :: obviously; self-evidently; manifestly |
manifestando {v} | :: gerund of manifestar |
manifestante {mf} /mɐnifɨsˈtɐ̃tɨ/ | :: demonstrator (a person participating in a demonstration) |
manifestar {v} /mɐnifɨʃˈtaɾ/ | :: to manifest, display, show |
manifestar {v} | :: to express |
Manila {prop} {f} | :: Manila (capital city) |
manilha {f} /mɐ.ˈni.ʎɐ/ | :: shackle (U-shaped piece of metal secured with a pin or bolt) |
manilha {f} | :: shackle (restraint fit over a wrist or ankle) |
manilha {f} | :: bracelet (band worn around the wrist as jewellery) |
manilha {f} | :: a large concrete pipe used for sewage or drainage |
manilha {f} [cards] | :: seven (a card with seven spots) |
manilha {f} [truco] | :: any card serving as the joker in the current turn |
manilha {m} | :: Manila paper (cheap, low quality paper) |
manipanso {m} | :: An African charm, fetish or idol |
manipanso {m} | :: A fat person |
manipulação {f} /mɐnipulɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: manipulation, handling |
manipulação {f} | :: preparation |
manipulador {adj} | :: manipulative |
manipulador {m} | :: manipulator |
manipular {v} | :: to manipulate |
manipulativo {adj} | :: manipulative (who manipulates others) |
manipulável {adj} /ˈla.veɫ/ | :: manipulable |
Manipur {prop} {m} | :: Manipur (state) |
manitó {m} | :: alternative form of manitu |
Manitoba {prop} {f} | :: Manitoba (province) |
manitu {m} | :: manitou (a god or spirit as the object of religious awe or ritual among some American Indians) |
manivela {f} | :: crank (bent piece of an axle or shaft used to impart rotation) |
manjaco {m} | :: A member of the Manjak people |
manjaco {m} [Cape Verde, slang] | :: Any black African from the mainland |
manjado {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: clichéd, common, overused |
manjando {v} | :: gerund of manjar |
manjar {m} /mɐ̃ˈʒaɾ/ | :: any food or dish, chiefly a well-prepared or sophisticated one |
manjar {m} | :: a short name for a number of desserts of Brazilian origin, as for example manjar-branco, manjar-dos-anjos and manjar-imperial |
manjar {v} [slang] | :: to eat |
manjar {v} [Brazil, slang, usually followed by de] | :: to significantly understand or master a particular subject or activity |
manjar {v} [Brazil, chiefly in Rio de Janeiro, slang, usually as the expression manja-rola] | :: to look at something, often furtively (particularly at someone else's penis) |
manjar turco {m} | :: Turkish delight (confection made from starch and sugar) |
manjedoura {f} | :: manger |
manjedoura {f} | :: trough (for animals) |
manjelão {m} | :: fruit of the plant Syzygium cumini; jambul |
manjericão {m} [botany] /mɐ̃.ʒɨ.ɾi.ˈkɐ̃w̃/ | :: basil (Ocimum basilicum) |
manjericão {m} [botany] | :: clove basil (Ocimum gratissimum) |
manjerico {m} /mɐ̃.ʒɨ.ˈɾi.ku/ | :: basil (Ocimum minimum) |
manjerico {m} [Portugal] | :: a small decorated pot of basil, traditionally given as a symbol of love on St. Anthony's and St. John's Day |
manjerona {f} /mɐ̃ʒɨˈɾonɐ/ | :: marjoram (Origanum majorana, a herb of the mint family) |
mano {m} [colloquial] /ˈmɐ.nu/ | :: brother, male sibling |
mano {m} [colloquial] | :: dude |
mano a mano {m} | :: mano a mano (a head-on conflict or direct competition) |
mano a mano {adv} | :: mano a mano (by means of a head-to-head competition) |
manobra {f} /mɐ.ˈnɔ.βɾɐ/ | :: maneuver, manoeuvre, manœuvre, manoeuver |
manobra de Heimlich {f} [emergency medicine] | :: Heimlich maneuver (first aid procedure used to treat choking) |
manobrar {v} | :: to maneuver (to move or operate something carefully and skilfully) |
Manoel Viana {prop} | :: Manoel Viana (municipality) |
Manoel Vitorino {prop} | :: Manoel Vitorino (municipality) |
manómetro {m} | :: manometer (instrument used to measure pressure in a fluid) |
manopla {f} | :: gauntlet (protective armor for the hands) |
manquês {m} | :: Manx Gaelic (Celtic language spoken on the Isle of Man) |
manquês {adj} | :: Manx (of, from or relating to the Isle of Man) |
mansão {f} /mɐ̃.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: mansion |
mansão {f} | :: manor |
mansão {f} | :: chateau |
mansão {f} | :: residence |
mansidão {f} /mɐ̃.si.ˈðɐ̃w̃/ | :: tameness; meekness |
Mansidão {prop} | :: Mansidão (municipality) |
manso {adj} [of animals] /ˈmɐ̃.su/ | :: tame (mild and well-behaved) |
manso {adj} [of people] | :: meek; submissive (following orders without protest) |
manso {adj} [of nature and natural phenomena] | :: mild; gentle; tranquil |
mansuetude {f} | :: mansuetude; tameness |
manta {f} /ˈmɐ̃.tɐ/ | :: blanket |
manteiga {f} /mɐ̃.ˈtɐj.ɣɐ/ | :: butter |
manteiga de amendoim {f} | :: peanut butter |
manteiga de cacau {f} | :: cocoa butter |
Manteigas {prop} /mɐ̃ˈtɐjɣɐʃ/ | :: Manteigas (village/and/municipality) |
Mantena {prop} | :: Mantena (municipality) |
mantendo {v} | :: gerund of manter |
manter {v} /mɐ̃.ˈteɾ/ | :: to keep, maintain |
manter {v} | :: to hold, sustain, support |
manter no escuro {v} | :: See: pt manter no escuro |
manter no escuro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep (someone) in the dark (to keep someone uninformed) |
manter-se {vr} | :: to keep (to continue doing something) |
manticora {f} [Greek mythology, Persian mythology] | :: manticore (creature with the body of a lion, tail of a scorpion and head of a human) |
mantícora {f} | :: alternative form of manticora |
mantídeo {m} | :: mantis |
mantimento {m} /mɐ̃.ti.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: grocery |
mantimento {m} | :: provisions |
mantissa {f} [mathematics] | :: mantissa (part of a logarithm after the decimal point) |
manto {m} | :: cloak (long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back) |
manto {m} [zoology] | :: mantle (body wall of a mollusc) |
manto {m} [geology] | :: mantle (layer between the Earth’s core and crust) |
mantra {m} [Hinduism] | :: mantra (a phrase repeated to assist concentration during meditation) |
Mântua {prop} {f} /ˈmɐ̃.tu.ɐ/ | :: Mântua (province/and/city) |
manual {adj} /mɐˈnwaɫ/ | :: manual |
manual {m} | :: manual |
manualmente {adv} | :: manually, by hand, on hand, to hand |
Manuel {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Manuela {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Manuel |
manufatura {f} | :: manufacture, production |
manufatura {f} | :: factory |
manufatura {f} | :: (manufactured) product |
manufaturar {vt} | :: to craft; to manufacture (to make something by hand) |
manufaturar {vti} | :: to manufacture (to produce goods in factories) |
manumissão {f} [historical] /mɐ.nu.mi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: manumission |
manuscrito {adj} /mɐ.nuʃ.ˈkɾi.tu/ | :: handwritten |
manuscrito {m} | :: manuscript |
manuscritura {f} | :: handwriting (act or process of writing with the hand) |
manuseamento {m} | :: handling |
manusear {v} /mɐ.nu.ze.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to handle |
manuseavel {adj} | :: manageable |
manuseio {m} | :: handling (the touching, controlling, managing, using or care of something) |
manutenção {f} | :: maintenance |
manutenir {v} | :: to maintain (to uphold a state) |
manx {m} [uncountable] | :: Manx Gaelic (Celtic language spoken on the Isle of Man) |
manx {m} | :: Manx cat (breed of domestic cat native to the Isle of Man) |
manx {adj} | :: Manx (of, from or relating to the Isle of Man) |
manzorra {f} | :: augmentative of mão |
maõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mão |
máo {adj} | :: superseded spelling of mau |
mão {f} /mɐ̃w̃/ | :: hand |
mão-aberta {adj} | :: generous (willing to give and share unsparingly) |
mão-cheia {f} /mɐ̃w̃.ˈʃɐj.ɐ/ | :: alternative form of mancheia |
mão de ferro {f} [volleyball] | :: joust |
mão de obra {f} | :: alternative spelling of mão-de-obra |
mão-de-obra {f} /mɐ̃w̃.d͡ʒi.ˈɔ.bɾɐ/ | :: labour, workforce (workers employed by an organisation, especially for manual labour) |
mão-de-vaca {mf} [pejorative, slang] | :: miser; skinflint; scrooge (someone who avoids spending money) |
mão-de-vaca {adj} | :: who avoids spending money |
mão francesa {f} [transport] | :: right-hand traffic |
mão inglesa {f} [transport] | :: left-hand traffic |
maoísmo {m} [politics] /ˌma.o.ˈ | :: Maoism (the sociopolitical philosophy of Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong) |
maoísta {adj} | :: Maoist (relating to Maoism) |
maoísta {mf} | :: Maoist (advocate of Maoism) |
Maomé {prop} {m} | :: Muhammad (the Islamic prophet) |
mão na roda {f} [idiomatic] | :: something very convenient and helpful; something that comes in handy |
mão-pelada {m} | :: crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus, a raccoon species of Central and Southern America) |
maori {adj} /ma.ˈo.ɾi/ | :: Maori (of, from, or pertaining to the Maori) |
maori {adj} | :: Maori (of the Maori language) |
maori {mf} | :: Maori (native of New Zealand) |
maori {mf} [uncountable] | :: Maori (language) |
mãos ao alto {phrase} | :: hands up! (put your hands in the air) |
mãos ao ar {phrase} | :: hands up! (put your hands in the air) |
mãozada {f} | :: handful (amount held in a hand) |
mãozada {f} | :: slap (blow given with the open hand) |
mãozinha {f} | :: diminutive of mão |
mapa {mf} /ˈma.pɐ/ | :: map |
mapa {mf} | :: visual representation of an area |
mapa {mf} [video games, board games] | :: an environment where a game is played |
mapa de Karnaugh {m} [Boolean algebra] | :: Karnaugh map (tabular representation of the possible results of a logical expression) |
mapa do site {f} | :: site map (webpage that lists the contents of a website) |
mappa {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mapa |
mapuche {mf} | :: one of the Mapuche (indigenous people of Chile and Argentina) |
mapuche {m} | :: Mapudungun; Mapuche (a language isolate spoken by the Mapuche) |
mapuche {adj} | :: belonging or relating to the Mapuche people |
Maputo {prop} {m} /mɐˈputu/ | :: Maputo (capital city) |
Maputo {prop} {m} | :: Maputo (river) |
maquete {f} /ma.ˈkɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: scale model (small, three-dimensional model of something) |
maquete {f} [sculpture] | :: maquette (preliminary model or sketch of a sculpture) |
maqui {mf} | :: alternative form of maquis |
maquiador {m} | :: make-up artist (artist who applies make-up) |
maquiadora {f} | :: female equivalent of maquiador |
maquiagem {f} | :: alternative form of maquilhagem |
maquiar {vt} | :: to make up (to apply cosmetics or makeup) |
maquiaveliano {adj} [philosophy] | :: Machiavellian (relating to Niccolò Machiavelli or his philosophical system) |
maquiavélico {adj} [derogatory] /ˌˈvɛ.li.ku/ | :: Machiavellian (cunning, scheming and unscrupulous in pursuing one’s goals) |
maquiavélico {adj} [philosophy, sometimes, proscribed] | :: Machiavellian (relating to Niccolò Machiavelli or his philosophical system) |
maquilador {m} | :: alternative form of maquiador |
maquiladora {f} | :: maquiladora (an assembly plant in Mexico near the border with the United States) |
maquilhagem {f} /ˈʎa.ʒẽj̃/ | :: makeup |
maquilhagem {f} | :: cosmetics |
maquímetro {m} [rare] | :: Machmeter (instrument that measures speed in Mach numbers) |
máquina {f} /ˈɐ/ | :: machine |
máquina {f} | :: mechanical or electrical device |
máquina {f} | :: computer |
máquina {f} [figurative] | :: person or organisation that seemingly acts like a machine, being particularly efficient, single-minded, or unemotional |
máquina analítica {f} [computing, historical] | :: analytical engine (19th century mechanical computer designed by Babbage) |
maquinabilidade {f} | :: machinability |
maquinação {f} | :: machination (clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes) |
máquina de busca {f} [computing] | :: search engine (application that searches for data) |
máquina de costura {f} | :: sewing machine (electrical device used to stitch cloth) |
máquina de escrever {f} | :: typewriter (machine used to print text by pressing keys) |
máquina-de-escrever {f} | :: alternative spelling of máquina de escrever |
máquina de lavar {f} | :: washing machine (machine that washes clothes) |
máquina de lavar roupa {f} | :: washing machine (machine that washes clothes) |
máquina de Turing {f} [computing theory] | :: Turing machine (abstract machine designed to give a mathematically precise definition of computability) |
máquina de venda automática {f} | :: vending machine (machine that dispenses merchandise) |
máquina de vender {f} | :: vending machine (machine that dispenses merchandise) |
máquina diferencial {f} [computing] | :: difference engine (computer that tabulates polynomial functions) |
máquina do tempo {f} [fiction] | :: time machine (device used to travel in time) |
máquina ferramenta {f} | :: alternative spelling of máquina-ferramenta |
máquina-ferramenta {f} | :: machine tool (machine with tools used to machine material) |
máquina fotográfica {f} | :: camera (device for taking still pictures) |
maquinal {adj} | :: unconscious (without directed thought or awareness) |
maquinar {vt} | :: to engineer (to plan or achieve a goal by contrivance or guile) |
maquinaria {f} /mɐkinɐˈɾiɐ/ | :: machinery (machines constituting a production apparatus) |
maquinária {f} | :: machinery |
maquinário {m} | :: machinery (machines constituting a production apparatus) |
Maquiné {prop} | :: Maquiné (municipality) |
maquinismo {m} | :: mechanism |
maquinismo {m} | :: machinery |
maquinista {mf} | :: engineer [Canada and the US], engine driver [Britain], train driver |
maquinista {mf} | :: machinist |
maquis {m} | :: maquis; macchia (type of brushland common in Corsica) |
maquis {mf} | :: maquis (member of the French resistance during the Second World War) |
mar {m} /maɾ/ | :: sea |
mar {m} [figurative] | :: a multitude; a great amount or number of things |
mar {adv} | :: eye dialect of mal |
mara {adj} [Brazil, slang] /ˈma.ɾɐ/ | :: clipping of maravilhoso |
mara {f} | :: mara (Central American street gang) |
mará {m} | :: mara (any of several species of Patagonian rodents of the genus Dolichotis) |
Marabá Paulista {prop} | :: Marabá Paulista (municipality) |
mar aberto {m} | :: open sea (part of the sea where land can’t be seen) |
marabu {m} | :: marabou (Leptoptilos crumeniferus, a large wading bird of Africa) |
marabuto {m} | :: marabout (Muslim holy man or mystic) |
marabuto {m} | :: marabout (tomb of a marabout) |
maraca {f} /maˈɾa.kɐ/ | :: A maraca, percussion instrument |
Maracaí {prop} | :: Maracaí (municipality) |
Maracajá {prop} | :: Maracajá (municipality) |
Maracanã {prop} {m} /ma.ɾa.kɐˈnɐ̃/ | :: Maracanã (river) |
Maracanã {prop} {m} | :: Maracanã (neighbourhood), named after the river |
Maracanã {prop} {m} | :: A stadium located in this neighbourhood |
Maracanã {prop} {m} | :: Maracanã (municipality) |
Maracanaço {prop} {m} [football] /ma.ɾa.kɐˈ | :: Maracanaço (final match in the 1950 FIFA World Cup) |
Maracás {prop} | :: Maracás (municipality) |
maracujá {m} /mɐ.ɾɐ.ku.ˈʒa/ | :: Passion flower |
maracujá {m} | :: passion fruit (fruit of the passion flower) |
maracujá de gaveta {m} [slang] | :: prune (old, wrinkly person) |
maracujazeiro {m} | :: Passion flower (tree of the genus Passiflora) |
maracutaia {f} [Brazil] | :: guile; rule; deceit; fraud |
marado {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy, mad |
Mar Adriático {prop} {m} | :: Mar Adriático (marginal sea) |
marafona {f} /mɐ.ɾɐ.ˈfo.nɐ/ | :: rag doll |
marafona {f} [by extension] | :: ugly woman |
marafona {f} | :: man dressed in woman’s clothing during Carnival |
marafona {f} | :: prostitute |
Maragogipe {prop} | :: Maragogipe (municipality) |
marajá {m} /mɐ.ɾɐ.ˈʒa/ | :: maharajah |
marajá {m} [slang, Brazil] | :: A public officer with a high salary and other amenities |
maralhal {m} [colloquial] | :: crowd |
maralhal {m} [colloquial] | :: riffraff |
Mar Amarelo {prop} {m} | :: Mar Amarelo (marginal sea) |
marambaia {m} [nautical jargon, derogatory] /ˌma.ɾɐ̃ˈbaj.ɐ/ | :: landlubber (a seaman who prefers being on land) |
Maranhão {prop} | :: Maranhão (state) |
maranhense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Maranhão |
maranhense {mf} | :: Someone from Maranhão |
Marapoama {prop} | :: Marapoama (municipality) |
marar {v} [colloquial] | :: to go crazy |
Mar Árabe {prop} {m} | :: Mar Árabe (marginal sea) |
Mar Arábico {prop} {m} | :: Mar Arábico (marginal sea) |
marasmo {m} [pathology] | :: marasmus (any wasting disease) |
marasmo {m} [pathology] | :: apathy (lack of emotion or motivation) |
marasmo {m} | :: stagnation (lack of improvement or change) |
marasquino {m} | :: maraschino |
marata {mf} | :: Marathi (person from Maharashtra) |
marata {m} | :: Marathi (Indo-Aryan language spoken in Maharashtra) |
marata {adj} | :: Marathi (pertaining to the Indian state of Maharashtra) |
marata {adj} | :: Marathi (pertaining to the Marathi language) |
Maratá {prop} | :: Maratá (municipality) |
Marathona {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Maratona |
maratona {f} [athletics] | :: marathon |
Maratona {prop} {f} /ˌma.ɾa.ˈto.nɐ/ | :: Maratona (town) |
maratonista {mf} | :: marathoner (someone who participates in marathons) |
Marau {prop} | :: Marau (municipality) |
Maraú {prop} | :: Maraú (municipality) |
maravilha {f} /mɐ.ɾɐ.ˈvi.ʎɐ/ | :: wonder; marvel (something that causes amazement or awe) |
maravilha {f} | :: four o’clock flower (Mirabilis jalapa) |
Maravilha {prop} | :: Maravilha (municipality) |
Maravilhas {prop} | :: Maravilhas (municipality) |
maravilhosamente {adv} | :: wonderfully (in a wonderful manner) |
maravilhoso {adj} /ma.ɾˈʎo.zu/ | :: wonderful |
Mar Báltico {prop} {m} | :: Mar Báltico (sea) |
Mar Branco {prop} {m} | :: Mar Branco (marginal sea) |
marca {f} /ˈmaɾ.kɐ/ | :: mark; trace (visible impression or sign) |
marca {f} | :: a scar, blemish or bruise |
marca {f} | :: mark (characteristic feature) |
marca {f} [figurative] | :: lasting impact (significant or strong influence) |
marca {f} | :: branding iron; brand (piece of heated metal used to brand livestock) |
marca {f} | :: brand (mark of ownership made by burning, especially on cattle) |
marca {f} | :: brand (name, symbol, logo or other item used to distinguish a product or service) |
marca {f} | :: a number used for reference or measurement |
marca {f} [sports] | :: mark (score for a sporting achievement) |
marca {f} | :: a gold and silver coin previously used in Portugal |
marca {f} | :: boundary; mark; limit |
marca {f} | :: markka (currency unit used in Finland until 2002) |
marca a fogo {f} | :: brand (mark made by burning) |
marcação {f} /mɐɾ.ˈkɐ.sɐ̃w̃/ | :: marking |
marcação {f} | :: appointment |
marcação {f} | :: reservation, booking |
marcação {f} [sports] | :: scoring (the process of winning points) |
marca d'água {f} | :: watermark (translucent design on an image) |
marcadamente {adv} | :: markedly |
marca de nome {f} | :: name brand (distinctive name for a brand) |
marcado {adj} | :: marked, pronounced |
marcador {m} | :: marker |
marcador {m} [computing] | :: bookmark |
marcador de páginas {m} | :: bookmark (strip used to mark a place in a book) |
marca-livro {m} [rare] | :: bookmark (strip used to mark a place in a book) |
marcante {adj} | :: remarkable; notable; outstanding; illustrious; great |
marca-passo {m} | :: pacemaker (medical implement used to stimulate the heart to beat) |
marcapasso {m} [anatomy, surgery] | :: pacemaker (set of nerves, device) |
marcar {v} /mɐɾ.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to mark |
marcar {v} [sports] | :: to score |
marcar {v} | :: to show (give a time) |
marcar {v} [sport] | :: to mark, man-mark |
marcar {v} | :: to set (a time or a tone) |
marcar bobeira {v} [idiom] | :: to be inattentive or indifferent |
marca registrada {f} | :: trademark (identification of a company’s product) |
marca registrada {f} [colloquial] | :: a distinctive feature |
Mar Cáspio {prop} {m} | :: Mar Cáspio (sea) |
marcatexto {m} | :: highlighter (pen for highlighting) |
Marcela {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Marcelino Ramos {prop} | :: Marcelino Ramos (municipality) |
Marcello {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Marcelo {prop} {m} /maʁ.ˈsɛ.lu/ | :: given name |
marcenaria {f} [uncountable] | :: cabinetmaking (the trade of making wooden furniture) |
marcenaria {f} | :: a cabinetmaker’s workshop |
marceneiro {m} /ˌmaɹ.se.ˈne(j).ɾu/ | :: cabinetmaker (one who works in cabinetmaking) |
marcha {f} /ˈmaɾ.ʃɐ/ | :: march |
marcha {f} | :: gear (of a vehicle) |
marchand {mf} | :: art dealer |
marchar {v} /mɐɾ.ˈʃaɾ/ | :: to march |
marcha ré {f} | :: reverse (gear that makes a vehicle move backwards) |
marcha ré {f} [figurative] | :: retrogression (deterioration or decline to a previous state) |
Márcia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marcial {adj} | :: martial |
Marcial {prop} {m} | :: Martial (Ancient Roman poet) |
marciano {adj} [astronomy] | :: Martian (of, from or relating to the planet Mars) |
marciano {m} [ufology, science fiction] | :: Martian (inhabitant of the planet Mars) |
Marcionílio Souza {prop} | :: Marcionílio Souza (municipality) |
marco {m} /ˈmaʁ.ku/ | :: boundary-post |
marco {m} | :: mark (indication for reference or measurement) |
marco {m} | :: landmark |
marco {m} [figurative] | :: an important event; a turning point |
marco {m} | :: doorframe, window frame |
marco {m} | :: mark (former German currency) |
marco {m} | :: markka (former Finnish currency) |
Marco {prop} {m} /ˈmaʁ.ku/ | :: given name |
março {m} /ˈmaɾ.su/ | :: March |
Março {m} | :: superseded spelling of março |
marco alemão {m} | :: Deutsche Mark (former currency unit of Germany) |
marco conversível {m} | :: convertible mark (currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Marco de Canaveses {prop} /ˈmaɾku ðɨ kɐnɐˈvezɨʃ/ | :: Marco de Canaveses (city/and/municipality) |
marcomano {m} | :: one of the Marcomanni, an ancient Germanic people |
marcomano {adj} | :: Marcomannic (of or pertaining to the Marcomanni) |
marco miliar {m} | :: milestone (one of a series of markers placed along a road at regular intervals) |
marco miliário {m} | :: milestone (one of a series of markers placed along a road at regular intervals) |
Marcos {prop} {m} [biblical character] /ˈmaʁ.kus/ | :: Mark (one of the seventy disciples) |
Marcos {prop} {m} | :: given name |
marcuense {adj} /mɐrˈkwẽs(ə)/ | :: of, or pertaining to, Marco de Canaveses |
marcuense {mf} | :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Marco de Canaveses |
Mar da Arábia {prop} {m} | :: Mar da Arábia (marginal sea) |
Mar da China Meridional {prop} {m} | :: Mar da China Meridional (marginal sea) |
Mar da China Oriental {prop} {m} | :: Mar da China Oriental (marginal sea) |
Mar da Irlanda {prop} {m} | :: Mar da Irlanda (marginal sea) |
Mar da Noruega {prop} {m} | :: Mar da Noruega (marginal sea) |
Mar de Andaman {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Andaman (marginal sea) |
Mar de Aral {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Aral (a saline <<lake>> straddling the <<c/Kazakhstan>>-<<c/Uzbekistan>> border) |
Mar de Azov {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Azov (marginal sea) |
Mar de Barents {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Barents (marginal sea) |
Mar de Bering {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Bering (marginal sea) |
Mar de Espanha {prop} | :: Mar de Espanha (municipality) |
Mar de Mármara {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Mármara (sea) |
Mar de Mármora {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Mar de Mármara |
Mar de Okhotsk {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Okhotsk (marginal sea) |
Mar de Omã {prop} {m} | :: Mar de Omã (marginal sea) |
Mar do Caribe {prop} {m} | :: Mar do Caribe (marginal sea) |
Mar do Japão {prop} {m} | :: Mar do Japão (marginal sea) |
Mar do Norte {prop} {m} | :: Mar do Norte (marginal sea) |
Mardoqueu {prop} {m} | :: Mordecai |
mar dos Sargaços {prop} {m} | :: mar dos Sargaços (marginal sea) |
maré {f} /mɐ.ˈɾɛ/ | :: tide (periodic change of sea level) |
Maré {prop} | :: Maré (municipality) |
maré alta {f} | :: high tide (the natural tide at its highest level) |
maré baixa {f} | :: low tide (the tide at its lowest level) |
marechal {m} | :: marshall |
marechal de campo {m} [military ranks] | :: field marshal (high military rank) |
maré de sizígia {f} | :: springtide |
Mar Egeu {prop} {m} | :: Mar Egeu (marginal sea) |
Marema {prop} | :: Marema (municipality) |
maremoto {m} [geology] | :: seaquake |
maré negra {f} | :: oil slick; oil spill (part of the ocean contaminated with a layer of petroleum) |
maresia {f} /mɐ.ɾɨ.ˈzi.ɐ/ | :: the characteristic smell of the sea |
maresia {f} | :: corrosive saltwater droplets in the air |
maresia {f} | :: swell (a long series of ocean waves) |
maré vermelha {f} | :: red tide (poisonous algal bloom) |
maré viva {f} | :: spring tide (the tide at its highest level) |
marfim {m} /mɐɾˈfĩ/ | :: ivory (material, color) |
marfinense {adj} | :: clipping of costa-marfinense |
marfinense {mf} | :: clipping of costa-marfinense |
marga {f} [geology] /ˈmaɾ.ɣɐ/ | :: marl (lime-rich mud) |
margarida {f} /mɐɾ.ɡɐ.ˈɾi.dɐ/ | :: daisy (Bellis perennis, a wild flower with a yellow head and white petals) |
Margarida {prop} {f} /ˌmaʁ.ɡa.ˈɾi.dɐ/ | :: given name |
margarida-amarela {f} | :: black eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta, a flowering plant of North America) |
margarina {f} /mɐɾ.ɣɐ.ˈɾi.nɐ/ | :: margarine |
margem {f} /ˈmaɾ.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: bank (edge of river or lake) |
margem {f} | :: edge of a surface |
margem {f} [typography] | :: margin (edge of paper which remains blank) |
margem {f} | :: margin (difference between results, characteristics, scores) |
margem {f} | :: margin (permissible difference) |
margem de erro {f} [chiefly statistics] | :: margin of error (acceptable degree of lack of precision or error) |
marginal {adj} /mɐɾ.ʒi.ˈnaɫ/ | :: marginal |
marginal {mf} | :: someone who rejects society's customs and laws (often referring to a criminal) |
margrave {m} | :: margrave (military officer in charge of German border area) |
Maria {prop} {f} [biblical character] /mɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: Mary (mother of Jesus) |
Maria {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Maria {prop} {m} | :: a male middle name |
maria-chiquinha {f} | :: pigtail (either of two braids or ponytails on the side of the head) |
maria-chiquinha {f} | :: bunches (hairstyle which uses ponytails) |
Maria da Fé {prop} | :: Maria da Fé (municipality) |
maria-farinha {f} | :: Atlantic ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata) |
maria-fumaça {f} | :: steam locomotive (locomotive powered by steam) |
Maria Joana {prop} {f} | :: given name: Mary Jane |
Maria Joana {f} [slang] | :: Marijuana |
Maria Juana {prop} {f} | :: given name: Mary Jane |
Maria Juana {f} [slang] | :: Marijuana |
Maria Madalena {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Mary Magdalene (female disciple of Jesus) |
Mariana {prop} {f} /mɐ.ˈɾjɐ.nɐ/ | :: given name |
Mariana {prop} {f} | :: Mariana (municipality) |
Mariana Pimentel {prop} | :: Mariana Pimentel (municipality) |
Marianas do Norte {prop} {fp} | :: Marianas do Norte (commonwealth) |
marianinha {f} | :: cornflower (Centaurea cyanus, an European plant with bushy blue flowers) |
mariano {adj} [Christianity] | :: Marian (relating to Virgin Mary) |
Mariano Moro {prop} | :: Mariano Moro (municipality) |
Mariápolis {prop} | :: Mariápolis (municipality) |
maria-rapaz {f} | :: tomboy (girl who acts as a typical boy) |
maria vai com as outras {mf} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of maria-vai-com-as-outras |
maria-vai-com-as-outras {mf} /mɐɾiɐvajkõɐˈzo(w)tɾɐʃ/ | :: a person who is easily influenced; bandwagoner |
Maria vai com as outras {mf} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of maria-vai-com-as-outras |
marica {adj} | :: alternative form of maricas |
marica {m} | :: alternative form of maricas |
Maricá {prop} | :: Maricá (municipality) |
maricas {adj} [slang, offensive] | :: cowardly (showing cowardice) |
maricas {adj} [slang, offensive, of a male] | :: effeminate (behaving as a female) |
maricas {m} [slang, offensive] | :: pussy; coward |
maricas {m} [slang, offensive] | :: an effeminate man |
maridal {adj} | :: marital |
marido {m} /mɐ.ˈɾi.ðu/ | :: husband (male partner in a married couple) |
Mariko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Marilac {prop} | :: Marilac (municipality) |
Marilândia {prop} {f} | :: Marilândia (state) |
Marília {prop} | :: Marília (municipality) |
marimba {f} | :: marimba (musical instrument similar to a xylophone) |
marina {f} | :: marina (harbour for small boats) |
Marina {prop} {f} /ma.ˈɾi.nɐ/ | :: given name |
marinar {v} | :: to marinate (to soak in marinade) |
Marinescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
marinha {f} /mɐ.ˈɾi.ɲɐ/ | :: navy |
marinha {f} | :: marine |
marinha {f} | :: seascape |
Marinha Grande {prop} {f} /mɐˈɾiɲɐ ˈɣɾɐ̃d(ɨ)/ | :: Marinha Grande (city/and/municipality) |
marinha mercante {f} | :: merchant navy (civilian naval fleet) |
marinheira {f} | :: feminine noun of marinheiro |
marinheiro {m} /mɐ.ɾi.ˈɲɐj.ɾu/ | :: sailor, seaman |
marinheiro de água doce {m} [pejorative] | :: landlubber (someone unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship) |
marinho {adj} /mɐ.ˈɾi.ɲu/ | :: marine; sea (attributive) |
Marinópolis {prop} | :: Marinópolis (municipality) |
Marins {prop} | :: surname |
Mário {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Mário Campos {prop} | :: Mário Campos (municipality) |
marionete {f} /ˌma.ɾi.o.ˈnɛ.t͡ʃi/ | :: marionette (string puppet) |
marionete {f} [figurative] | :: puppet (person or organisation controlled by another) |
marionetista {mf} | :: puppeteer (person who uses a puppet) |
marionette {f} | :: superseded spelling of marionete |
marionnette {f} | :: superseded spelling of marionete |
Maripá de Minas {prop} | :: Maripá de Minas (municipality) |
mariposa {f} | :: a moth |
mariposa {f} [swimming] | :: butterfly stroke |
mariposa {f} [slang] | :: a prostitute |
mariquice {f} [colloquial] | :: weakness |
mariquice {f} [colloquial] | :: effeminacy |
marisco {m} | :: shellfish (aquatic invertebrate with a shell, especially as food) |
marisco {m} [culinary, chiefly plural] | :: seafood (edible aquatic life) |
marisma {f} | :: marsh (area of low, wet land) |
marisqueira {f} | :: seafood restaurant |
marisqueira {f} | :: woman who sells seafood |
marista {adj} [Christianity] | :: Marian (relating to Virgin Mary) |
Maristela {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marital {adj} | :: marital |
marítimo {adj} | :: maritime; marine (relating to the sea) |
marítimo {adj} | :: maritime (relating to sailing) |
Mariupol {prop} {f} | :: Mariupol (city) |
Mar Jónico {prop} {m} [European orthography] | :: Mar Jónico (marginal sea) |
Mar Jônico {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Mar Jónico |
marketing {m} /ˈmaʁ.ke.t͡ʃĩ/ | :: marketing (communication and interaction with costumers) |
marketing {m} [colloquial] | :: promotion (the act of promoting a product or service) |
marketing de afiliados {m} | :: affiliate marketing (form of marketing where an advertiser uses an affiliate network) |
marketing de emboscada {m} [business] | :: ambush marketing (strategy wherein advertisers associate themselves with an event without paying any sponsorship fee) |
marketing indireto {m} | :: product placement (form of advertising where a brand or product is placed in a programme) |
markka {f} | :: alternative spelling of marca (Finnish currency) |
Marliéria {prop} | :: Marliéria (municipality) |
marlim {m} /maɾˈlĩ/ | :: marlin (fish belonging to either Tetrapturus or Makaira) |
marma {m} [Ayurveda] | :: marma (a special, sensitive point on the body) |
marmanjo {m} | :: adult man |
Mar Mediterrâneo {prop} {m} | :: Mar Mediterrâneo (sea) |
marmelada {f} /mɐɾ.mɨ.ˈla.ðɐ/ | :: quince jam, quince cheese |
marmeleira-da-índia {f} | :: alternative form of marmeleiro-da-índia |
marmeleiro-da-índia {m} | :: bael (a tropical fruit tree from India, Aegle marmelos) |
marmelo {m} /mɐɾˈmɛlu/ | :: quince (tree or fruit) |
Marmelópolis {prop} | :: Marmelópolis (municipality) |
mármore {m} [uncountable] /ˈmaɾ.mu.ɾɨ/ | :: marble (crystalline limestone) |
mármore {m} | :: marble sculpture |
Mar Morto {prop} {m} | :: Mar Morto (lake) |
marmota {f} | :: marmot |
marmota americana {f} | :: groundhog (Marmota monax, a marmot of North America) |
Mar Negro {prop} {m} | :: Mar Negro (sea) |
Mar Norueguês {prop} {m} | :: Mar Norueguês (marginal sea) |
marnotagem {f} | :: the process, mechanism and/or profession of extracting salt |
marnoteiro {m} | :: the professional who extracts salt |
marnoto {m} | :: the professional who extracts salt |
maroiço {m} | :: alternative form of marouço |
marola {f} | :: A small wave |
marola {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: the smoke and sometimes the smell produced by marijuana |
maromba {mf} [Brazil, slang] /ma.ˈɾõ.ba/ | :: a muscular and strong person |
maromba {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: the regular practice of physical exercise |
maromba {f} [figuratively] | :: trouble, difficulty (hard situation) |
maromba {f} [figuratively] | :: slyness, astuteness |
maromba {adj} [Brazil, slang, of a person] | :: muscular, fit |
maromba {f} | :: a group of cattle |
maromba {f} | :: the place where the cattle are sheltered from cold and floods |
maromba {f} [dialectal] | :: a raft for the transportation of cattle |
maromba {f} [dialectal] | :: a place where bricks are manufactured |
maroto {adj} /mɐ.ˈɾo.tu/ | :: naughty; lewd |
marouço {m} | :: breaker (wave breaking into foam against the shore) |
marouço {m} | :: spring tide |
Marques {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
marquês {m} /mɐɾ.ˈkeʃ/ | :: marquis |
marquesa {f} /mɐɾ.ˈke.zɐ/ | :: marchioness (wife of a marquess) |
marquesado {m} | :: march (region governed by a marquess) |
Marques de Souza {prop} | :: Marques de Souza (municipality) |
marquetear {vt} | :: to market (to make available and promote a product) |
marqueteiro {m} | :: marketer (one who designs and executes marketing campaigns) |
marqueteiro {m} [pejorative] | :: someone who uses marketing techniques for the promotion of something, such as in politics |
marquise {f} /maɾ.ˈki.zɨ/ | :: canopy (overhanging or projecting roof structure) |
marra {f} /ˈma.ʁa/ | :: boldness; courage |
Marrakech {prop} {mf} | :: Marrakech (capital city) |
Marrakeche {prop} {mf} | :: rare spelling of Marrakech |
Marrakesh {prop} {mf} | :: alternative spelling of Marrakech |
marrano {m} [historical, pejorative] /mɐ.ˈʁɐ.nu/ | :: Marrano |
Marraquech {prop} {mf} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of Marrakech |
Marraqueche {prop} | :: alternative form of Marrakech |
Marraquesh {prop} {mf} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of Marrakech |
Marraquexe {prop} {mf} | :: alternative form of Marrakech |
marreca {f} /mɐˈʁɛ.ku/ | :: feminine equivalent of marreco |
marreco {m} /mɐˈʁɛku/ | :: drake (male duck) |
marrento {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] /ma.ˈʁẽ.tu/ | :: bold, brave, courageous |
marrento {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: stubborn, obstinate |
marrento {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: vain, conceited (excessively proud of oneself) |
marreta {f} /ma.ˈʁe.tɐ/ | :: sledgehammer (a heavy, long-handled hammer) |
marrêta {f} | :: obsolete spelling of marreta |
marretada {f} /ˌma.ʁe.ˈta.dɐ/ | :: a blow with a sledgehammer |
marretão {m} [irregular] /ˌma.ʁe.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of marreta |
marretar {v} /ˌma.ʁe.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to strike with a sledgehammer |
marreteiro {m} [colloquial, São Paulo] | :: street vendor |
marretinha {f} /ˌma.ʁe.ˈt͡ʃi.ɲɐ/ | :: diminutive of marreta |
Marrocos {prop} {m} | :: Marrocos (country) |
marrom {adj} /ma.ˈʁõ/ | :: brown |
marrom {m} | :: brown |
marroquino {adj} | :: Moroccan (of, from or relating to Morocco) |
marroquino {m} | :: Moroccan (person from Morocco) |
Marselha {prop} {f} | :: Marselha (capital city) |
marshallês {m} | :: Marshallese (person from the Marshall Islands) |
marshallês {m} | :: Marshallese (Austronesian language spoken in the Marshall Islands) |
marshallês {adj} | :: Marshallese (of, from or relating to the Marshall Islands) |
marshmallow {m} | :: marshmallow (pre-softened confectionery made with sugar, corn syrup, egg whites and gelatin) |
marsupial {m} | :: marsupial (mammal species whose females have a pouch to carry the offspring) |
marsupial {adj} | :: marsupial (of or relating to marsupials) |
marsúpio {m} | :: marsupium (pouch of a marsupial) |
marta {f} /ˈmaɾtɐ/ | :: marten |
Marta {prop} {f} /ˈmaɾ.tɐ/ | :: given name |
Marta {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Martha (sister of Lazarus and Mary) |
marta europeia {f} | :: pine marten (Martes martes, a marten of northern Europe) |
marta européia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of marta europeia |
Marte {m} [Roman god] /ˈmaɾtɨ/ | :: Mars (god of war) |
Marte {m} [astronomy] | :: Mars (fourth planet in the Solar System) |
martelando {v} | :: gerund of martelar |
martelar {v} /mɐɾtɨˈlaɾ/ | :: to hammer |
martelar {v} | :: to harp, to insist |
martelo {m} /mɐɾˈtɛlu/ | :: hammer |
martelo {m} [skeleton] | :: the malleus |
martelo {m} [sports] | :: hammer |
mar territorial {m} [geopolitics] | :: territorial sea (sea that is part of a polity’s territory) |
Martha {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Martim {prop} {m} /maʁ.ˈt͡ʃĩ/ | :: given name |
martim-pescador {m} | :: kingfisher (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines) |
Martinho {prop} {m} /maʁ.ˈt͡ʃi.ɲu/ | :: given name |
Martinho Campos {prop} | :: Martinho Campos (municipality) |
martíni {m} | :: martini (cocktail) |
Martinica {prop} {f} | :: Martinica (island/and/overseas department) |
Martinópolis {prop} | :: Martinópolis (municipality) |
Martins {prop} {mf} /mɐɾ.ˈtĩʃ/ | :: surname |
Martins Soares {prop} | :: Martins Soares (municipality) |
mártir {mf} /ˈmaɾtiɾ/ | :: martyr (one who dies for his religion) |
mártir {mf} [by extension] | :: martyr (one who sacrifices their life for an important cause) |
martírio {m} /mɐɾ.ˈti.ɾju/ | :: martyrdom |
martírio {m} | :: passion (great distress) |
martírio {m} | :: passionflower |
martirizar {vt} | :: to martyr (to make someone a martyr) |
martirológio {m} | :: martyrology |
Mar Tirreno {prop} {m} | :: Mar Tirreno (marginal sea) |
marujo {m} /mɐ.ˈɾu.ʒu/ | :: sailor; seaman (member of a ship’s crew) |
Maruyama {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Marvão {prop} /mɐɾˈvɐ̃w/ | :: Marvão (village/and/municipality) |
Mar Vermelho {prop} {m} | :: Mar Vermelho (sea) |
marxiano {adj} | :: Marxian (of or pertaining to Karl Marx and his ideas) |
marxismo {m} [uncountable] | :: Marxism |
marxismo-leninismo {m} | :: Marxism-Leninism (communist ideological stream based on the ideas of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin) |
marxista {mf} /maɾ.ˈksis.ta/ | :: Marxist (follower of Karl Marx’s philosophy) |
marxista {adj} | :: Marxist (relating to Marxism) |
Maryland {prop} {m} | :: Maryland (state) |
marzipã {m} | :: marzipan (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) |
mas {conj} /mɐʃ/ | :: but (introduces a clause that contradicts the implications of the previous clause) |
mas {conj} | :: but (introduces the correct information for something that was denied in the previous clause) |
mas {conj} | :: but ... really; of course; no wonder (introduces the cause of the previous clause, with the implication that the result was expected given this cause) |
mas {conj} | :: [beginning a sentence] emphasises an exclamation |
mas {adv} | :: [colloquial] emphasises a previous clause, adverb or adjective; really; and how |
mas {m} | :: but (an instance of proclaiming an exception) |
Masahiro {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Masao {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Masateru {prop} {m} | :: given name |
mascar {v} /mas.ˈka(ɹ)/ | :: to chew (to crush with teeth) for a long time |
máscara {f} /ˈmaʃkɐɾɐ/ | :: mask |
máscara de gás {f} | :: gas mask (mask with a filter to protect the user from poisonous gas) |
mascarando {v} | :: gerund of mascarar |
mascarar {v} /ˌmas.ka.ˈɾa(ɹ)/ | :: to cover someone’s face with a mask |
mascarar {v} [figurative] | :: to disguise (to prevent giving away or revealing a secret aspect of something) |
mascate {m} [Brazil] | :: peddler, hawker |
Mascate {prop} {f} | :: Mascate (capital city) |
mascatear {v} | :: to peddle; to hawk (to sell small goods in the streets) |
mascavado {adj} | :: muscovado (unrefined brown sugar) |
mascavado {adj} | :: adulterated |
mascavado {adj} | :: incomprehensible |
mascavar {v} | :: to refine (sugar) |
mascavar {v} | :: to adulterate |
mascavar {v} [figuratively] | :: to mispronounce |
mascavo {adj} [obsolete] /mɐsˈkavu̥/ | :: adulterated, unrefined |
mascavo {adj} [of sugar] | :: brown, and with flavour of molasses |
mascne {f} [pathology] | :: maskne |
mascote {mf} /mɐʃ.ˈkɔ.tɨ/ | :: mascot |
Mascote {prop} | :: Mascote (municipality) |
masculinidade {f} /mɐʃˈða.ðɨ/ | :: masculinity |
masculinismo {m} | :: masculinism, masculism (advocacy of men's rights) |
masculinista {m} | :: masculinist, masculist |
masculinização {f} | :: masculinization |
masculinizar {vt} | :: to masculinize |
masculino {adj} /mɐʃ.ku.ˈ | :: masculine, male |
másculo {adj} | :: male (belonging or relating to the sex having the smaller gametes) |
Maseru {prop} {f} | :: Maseru (capital city) |
masmorra {f} /mɐʒ.ˈmo.ʁɐ/ | :: dungeon (underground prison or vault) |
mas, né {interj} [colloquial] | :: indicating an obvious but not expressed problem |
masoquismo {m} | :: masochism (the enjoyment of receiving pain) |
masoquista {mf} | :: masochist (someone who enjoys pain) |
Masóvia {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Mazóvia |
massa {f} [cooking] /ˈma.sɐ/ | :: dough (mix of flour and other ingredients) |
massa {f} [cooking] | :: pasta |
massa {f} | :: a concentration of substance or tightly packed objects |
massa {f} [construction] | :: mortar (mixture for bonding bricks) |
massa {f} | :: multitude (a great mass of people) |
massa {f} [uncountable, physics] | :: mass (quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume) |
massa {f} [Brazil, slang, uncountable] | :: money |
massa {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: cool (in fashion, part of or fitting the in-crowd) |
massa {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: great; amazing; awesome |
Massa {prop} | :: Massa; surname |
massa atómica {f} [European orthography, chemistry] | :: atomic mass (mass of an atom) |
massa atômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of massa atómica |
massa azeda {f} | :: sourdough (sour leavened bread dough) |
Massachusetts {prop} {m} /ˌˈʃu.sets/ | :: Massachusetts (state) |
massacrar {v} | :: to massacre |
massacre {m} | :: massacre |
massa crítica {f} [nuclear physics] | :: critical mass (amount of fissile material needed to a nuclear chain reaction) |
massa de manobra {f} [idiomatic, politics] | :: a mass (group of people) that is manipulated according to the interests of another, powerful group |
massa de vidraceiro {f} | :: putty (form of cement used to fix panes of glass) |
massa folhada {f} [cooking] | :: puff pastry (light, flaky pastry) |
massageador {m} [massage] | :: masseur (a person who performs massage) |
massageadora {f} | :: feminine noun of massageador; masseuse |
massagear {vt} | :: to massage |
massagem {f} | :: massage |
massagista {mf} [massage] | :: masseur (a person who performs massage) |
massai {mf} | :: one of the Maasai (a people of Kenya and Tanzania) |
massai {m} | :: Maasai (Eastern Nilotic language spoken by the Maasai people) |
massai {adj} | :: relating to the Maasai people |
massa invariante {f} [physics] | :: rest mass (mass of a body when it is not moving) |
massala {f} [Mozambique] | :: The fruit of Strychnos spinosa |
Massaranduba {prop} | :: Massaranduba (municipality) |
massificação {f} /ˌˌfi.ka.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: massification (the process of bringing something to a mass audience) |
massificar {v} /ˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to massify (to become, or cause to become, oriented toward mass production) |
massificar {v} | :: to standardize (taste, fashion) |
massivo {adj} | :: massive (great in size, extent or importance) |
massivo {adj} [physics] | :: massive (having a large mass) |
massudo {adj} | :: bulky (large in mass or volume) |
máster {m} | :: master (original version of a document or of a recording) |
mastigação {f} | :: chewing, mastication |
mastigar {vt} | :: to chew, masticate |
mastim {m} | :: mastiff (large breed of dog) |
mastim tibetano {m} | :: Tibetan Mastiff (dog breed from Central Asia) |
mastodonte {m} | :: mastodon (extinct elephant-like mammal of the genus Mammut) |
mastreação {f} [nautical] | :: rig (the arrangement of masts) |
Mastrique {prop} {f} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of Maastricht |
mastro {m} /ˈmaʃ.tɾu/ | :: mast [support of a sail] |
mastro {m} | :: flagpole [pole for hoisting flags] |
mastro de mezena {m} [nautical] | :: mizzenmast (aftmost mast) |
mastro de ré {m} [nautical] | :: mizzenmast (aftmost mast) |
mastro grande {m} [nautical] | :: mainmast (the chief mast of a ship) |
mastro grande {m} | :: See: pt mastro grande |
masturbação {f} /maʃtuɾβɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: masturbation |
masturbador {m} | :: masturbator (someone who masturbates) |
masturbar {vr} | :: to masturbate (manually stimulate one's sexual organs) |
masturbar {vt} | :: to masturbate (manually stimulate someone else's sexual organs) |
masturbatório {adj} | :: masturbatory (pertaining to masturbation) |
Masuda {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Masúria {prop} {f} | :: Masúria (traditional region) |
mata {f} /ˈma.tɐ/ | :: woods, forest (collection of trees) |
Mata {prop} | :: Mata (municipality) |
Mata {prop} | :: surname |
Mata Atlântica {prop} {f} [ecology] | :: Mata Atlântica (forest/and/biome) |
matabichar {v} [Angola, Mozambique] | :: to eat breakfast |
mata-bicho {m} [colloquial, Angola, Mozambique] | :: breakfast (first meal of the day) |
mata-bicho {m} | :: a shot of an alcoholic beverage, especially cachaça, drunk before the first meal of the day |
mata-borrão {m} | :: blotting paper (absorbent paper used to dry ink) |
Mata de São João {prop} | :: Mata de São João (municipality) |
matadoiro {m} | :: alternative form of matadouro |
matador {m} /mɐtɐˈðoɾ/ | :: killer (someone who kills) |
matador {adj} | :: which often kills |
matadouro {m} | :: slaughterhouse (place where animals are slaughtered) |
matagal {m} | :: thicket (dense growth of trees) |
mata-leão {m} [martial arts] | :: choke; chokehold; stranglehold (hold around the opponent's neck) |
matamatá {f} /ˈta/ | :: matamata (Chelus fimbriatus, a freshwater turtle) |
matamoscas {m} | :: flyswatter (hand-held device for swatting flies) |
matança {f} | :: killing, slaughter |
matança {f} | :: massacre |
matando {v} | :: gerund of matar |
Matão {prop} | :: Matão (municipality) |
matar {v} /mɐ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to kill (to cause to die) |
matar {vt} | :: [figurative] to kill; to eradicate; to destroy |
matar {vt} | :: [figurative, colloquial] to kill (to cause extreme pain, distress or exhaustion in) |
matar {vt} | :: to kill (to write a story that conveys the death of) |
matar {vt} | :: [figurative] to satisfy, to satiate, to quench (to fulfil an emotional or physiological need) |
matar {vp} | :: [figurative] to break one's back (to make a great effort) |
matar {vt} | :: [colloquial] to spend [a period of time] doing unimportant things |
matar {vt} | :: [Brazil, slang] to skip (not to be present in a class) |
matar {vt} | :: [colloquial] to solve (to find the solution to a mystery) |
matar {vt} | :: [Brazil, slang] to consume something entirely (especially an alcoholic drink); to knock down |
matar {vt} | :: [sports] to stop a moving ball |
matar {vt} | :: [cue sports] to pocket (to cause a ball to go into one of the pockets of the table) |
matar a cobra e mostrar o pau {v} [idiomatic] | :: to do something and provide evidence one has done it |
matar cachorro a grito {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to be very poor, not to have money |
matar cachorro a grito {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to be horny: to be desperately in need of sex |
matar dois coelhos com uma caixa d'água só {v} [humorous] | :: to kill two rabbits with only one water tank |
matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada {v} | :: alternative form of matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só |
matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só {v} [idiomatic] | :: to kill two birds with one stone (solve two problems at once) |
matar dois coelhos de uma cajadada {v} | :: alternative form of matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só |
matar dois coelhos de uma cajadada só {v} | :: alternative form of matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só |
matar o tempo {v} | :: to kill time |
matarruano {m} | :: simpleton (simple person lacking common sense) |
matar um leão por dia {v} [idiom] | :: To work extremely hard every day |
mata-sanos {mf} | :: quack (fraudulent or incompetent doctor of medicine) |
mata-sãos {mf} | :: alternative form of mata-sanos |
Mata Verde {prop} | :: Mata Verde (municipality) |
Matayoshi {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mate {m} [South Brazil] | :: maté (Ilex paraguariensis) (a shrub native to southern South America) |
mate {m} [South Brazil] | :: maté (a beverage prepared from the leaves of this plant) |
matear {vi} [South Brazil] /ˌma.te.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to drink hot maté |
mate do louco {m} [chess] | :: fool's mate (quickest possible checkmate) |
matemática {f} /ˌmɐ.tɨ.ˈma.ti.kɐ/ | :: mathematics |
matemática {f} [countable] | :: feminine noun of matemático (mathematician) |
matemática aplicada {f} | :: applied mathematics (mathematics used to solve problems in other sciences) |
matemática discreta {f} [mathematics] | :: discrete mathematics (mathematical field that studies discrete structures) |
matematicamente {adv} | :: mathematically |
matemático {adj} | :: mathematical (relating to mathematics) |
matemático {m} | :: mathematician |
mateologia {f} [rare] | :: mateology (vain discourse) |
Matera {prop} {f} | :: Matera (town/and/province) |
materia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of matéria |
matéria {f} [physics] /mɐ.ˈtɛ.ɾjɐ/ | :: matter |
matéria {f} [education] | :: subject |
matéria {f} | :: A specific subject within an educational subject |
matéria {f} | :: a reportage, a journalistic article; a text communicating news |
matéria cinzenta {f} [neuroanatomy] | :: grey matter (collection of cell bodies with dendritic connections) |
matéria cinzenta {f} | :: See: pt matéria cinzenta |
matéria escura {f} [astronomy] | :: dark matter (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation) |
material {m} /ma.te.ɾi.ˈaw/ | :: material; stuff (the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object) |
material {m} | :: material (sample or specimens for study) |
material {m} | :: footage (amount of film produced) |
material {m} [education] | :: resources used in class |
material {m} | :: tackle; supplies; gear; rig (objects collected for use in a particular activity) |
material {adj} [chemistry] | :: material (relating to or composed of matter) |
material {adj} [religion] | :: material; worldly (relating to physical rather than spiritual matters) |
material {adj} [of a person, derogatory] | :: materialistic; consumeristic (obsessed with consumer goods) |
material circulante {m} [railroads] | :: synonym of material rodante |
materialismo {m} | :: materialism (excessive concern over material possessions) |
materialismo {m} [philosophy] | :: materialism (belief that nothing exists beyond what is physical) |
materialista {adj} | :: materialistic (overly concerned with material possessions and wealth) |
materialista {adj} [philosophy] | :: materialistic (of or relating to philosophical materialism) |
materialista {mf} | :: a materialistic person |
material rodante {m} [railroads] | :: rolling stock (railway vehicles collectively) |
matéria-prima {f} | :: raw material |
Materlândia {prop} | :: Materlândia (municipality) |
maternal {adj} | :: maternal (of or relating to mothers) |
maternal {m} | :: a school for young children |
maternidade {f} /mɐ.tɨɾ.ni.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: motherhood |
maternidade {f} | :: maternity |
maternidade {f} | :: maternity hospital (or department in a hospital) |
materno {adj} | :: maternal; motherly (of, pertaining to or associated with mothers) |
materno {adj} | :: maternal (related through the mother’s side of the family) |
Mateus {prop} {m} /ma.ˈtews/ | :: given name |
Mateus {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Matthew (Jesus’s disciple) |
Mateus {prop} {m} [book of the bible] | :: Matthew (book of the New Testament) |
Mateus Leme {prop} | :: Mateus Leme (municipality) |
Matheus {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Mateus |
Mathias {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Mathias Lobato {prop} | :: Mathias Lobato (municipality) |
Matias {prop} {m} /ma.ˈt͡ʃi.ɐs/ | :: given name |
Matias {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Matthias (the Apostle who replaced Judas) |
Matias Barbosa {prop} | :: Matias Barbosa (municipality) |
Matias Cardoso {prop} | :: Matias Cardoso (municipality) |
Matilda {prop} {f} /mɐˈtiɫ.dɐ/ | :: given name |
Matilde {prop} {f} /mɐˈtiɫ.dɨ/ | :: given name, alternative form of Matilda |
matilha {f} [collective] | :: pack (collective noun for dogs) |
matilha {f} [military, collective] | :: wolfpack (fleet of military submarines) |
mãtimento {m} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of mantimento |
mãtimẽto {m} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of mantimento |
matina {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: morning |
Matina {prop} | :: Matina (municipality) |
matinê {f} /ˌma.t͡ʃi.ˈne/ | :: matinee (movie showing in the afternoon) |
matinê {f} [by extension] | :: any event happening in the afternoon |
matinée {f} | :: dated form of matinê |
Matipó {prop} | :: Matipó (municipality) |
matirão {m} | :: American night heron (Nyctanassa violacea, a small heron of the Americas) |
matiz {m} /ma.ˈt͡ʃis/ | :: hue (color or shade of color; tint; dye) |
matiz {m} [by extension] | :: nuance |
mato {m} [usually, uncountable] /ˈma.tu/ | :: forest; bush; jungle; woods (uncultivated area covered in wild plants) |
mato {m} [usually, uncountable] | :: wild grass, weeds and other low-lying plants |
Mato Castelhano {prop} | :: Mato Castelhano (municipality) |
mato-grossense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Mato Grosso |
mato-grossense {mf} | :: Someone from Mato Grosso |
Mato Grosso {prop} | :: Mato Grosso (state) |
Mato Grosso do Sul {prop} {m} /ˈma.tu ˈɡɾ du ˈsuw/ | :: Mato Grosso do Sul (state) |
Mato Leitão {prop} | :: Mato Leitão (municipality) |
Mato Queimado {prop} | :: Mato Queimado (municipality) |
Matos Costa {prop} | :: Matos Costa (municipality) |
Matosinhos {prop} /mɐtuˈziɲuʃ/ | :: Matosinhos (city/and/municipality) |
Mato Verde {prop} | :: Mato Verde (municipality) |
Matozinhos {prop} | :: Matozinhos (municipality) |
matraca {f} [musical instruments] | :: ratchet, wooden rattle |
matraca {f} [colloquial] | :: chatterbox (one who chats or talks to excess) |
matraca {f} [colloquial] | :: mouth |
matrafona {f} | :: alternative form of marafona |
matraquilhos {mp} [Portugal] | :: foosball (table soccer) |
matrecos {mp} [colloquial, Portugal] | :: foosball (table soccer) |
matreiro {adj} | :: wily; sly; cunning |
matreiro {adj} [Rio Grande do Sul, of an animal] | :: hard to tame or approach |
matreiro {m} | :: fox (wily, cunning person) |
matriarca {f} | :: matriarch (a female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group) |
matriarcado {m} | :: matriarchy |
matriarcado {m} | :: matriarchate |
matriarcal {adj} | :: matriarchal |
matricial {adj} [mathematics] | :: relating to matrices; matrical |
matricial {adj} | :: relating to the head office of an organisation |
matrícula {f} /mɐˈtɾikulɐ/ | :: enrolment (act of enrolling or state of being enrolled) |
matrícula {f} | :: number plate, license plate |
matrícula {f} | :: registration number |
matrícula {f} | :: matriculation |
matriculando {v} | :: gerund of matricular |
matricular {v} | :: to enrol, register |
matricular {v} | :: to matriculate |
matrimónio {m} [European orthography] | :: matrimony; marriage (state of being married) |
matrimónio {m} [European orthography] | :: matrimony; wedding (ritual officially celebrating the beginning of a marriage) |
matrimônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of matrimónio |
matriosca {f} | :: alternative form of matrioshka |
matrioshka {f} | :: Russian doll; matryoshka (one of a set of hollow, nesting dolls) |
matrix {f} | :: Matrix |
matrix {f} | :: fictional machine system |
matrix {f} | :: any illusory system |
matriz {f} /ma.ˈtɾis/ | :: source; origin; mother |
matriz {f} [mathematics] | :: matrix (rectangular arrangement of numbers) |
matriz {f} [computing] | :: matrix (two-dimensional array) |
matriz {f} | :: head office |
matriz {f} [anatomy] | :: womb; uterus |
matriz {f} | :: mould (hollow form for shaping fluid) |
matriz {f} | :: engraved block of wood or medal used in printing |
matriz {f} | :: stencil (perforated sheet through which ink can be forced) |
matriz {f} [cytology] | :: extracellular matrix |
matriz {f} | :: a church which has other churches and chapels under its jurisdiction |
matriz identidade {f} [linear algebra] | :: identity matrix (diagonal matrix with all diagonal elements equal to 1) |
matriz mitocondrial {f} [biology] | :: matrix (part of the mitochondrion inside the inner membrane) |
matryoshka {f} | :: alternative spelling of matrioshka |
matsá {f} {m} | :: alternative spelling of matzá |
Matsubara {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsuda {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsudaira {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsui {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsukawa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsumoto {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsunaga {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsusaka {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsushita {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
matsutake {m} | :: matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake, a prized edible mushroom) |
Matsuyama {prop} {f} | :: Matsuyama (city) |
Matsuzaka {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Matsuzaki {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
matta {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mata |
mattar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of matar |
Matteus {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Mattheus {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Matthias {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Mattias {prop} {m} | :: given name |
matula {f} [collective] | :: mob |
matulão {m} | :: big boy, hulk (big person) |
matulão {m} | :: vagabond |
matungo {m} | :: (Brazil) nag (old and useless horse) |
maturação {f} | :: maturation |
maturando {v} | :: gerund of maturar |
maturar {v} | :: to mature |
maturidade {f} | :: maturity |
matusalém {m} | :: Methuselah (person or thing that has lived to a very old age) |
Matusalém {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Methuselah (Biblical character having reportedly lived 969 years) |
Matutina {prop} | :: Matutina (municipality) |
matutino {adj} | :: morning [attributive] |
matuto {m} | :: A simple, feeble-minded man |
matzá {f} {m} | :: matzo (a thin, unleavened bread eaten by Jews during passover) |
mau {adj} /ˈmaw/ | :: bad |
mau {adj} | :: evil, wicked |
mau {adj} | :: harmful |
Mauá {prop} | :: Mauá (municipality) |
mau-caráter {adj} [of a person] /maw.kaˈra.ter/ | :: of poor character, not trustworthy, dishonest |
mau-caráter {mf} | :: a person of poor character, a rascal |
mau egípcio {m} | :: Egyptian Mau (breed of domestic cat) |
mau olhado {m} | :: alternative spelling of mau-olhado |
mau-olhado {m} | :: evil eye (wicked look) |
mau-olhado {m} [superstition] | :: ill condition caused by an evil eye |
mau perdedor {m} | :: sore loser (one who doesn’t take defeat well) |
Maurícia {prop} {f} [Portugal] | :: Maurícia (archipelago/and/country) |
Maurícia {prop} {f} [Portugal] | :: Maurícia (island) |
Maurícia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mauricinho {m} [Brazil, slang, derogatory] | :: a young, upper-class man frequently worried about dressing well in parties |
Maurício {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Maurício {prop} {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of Maurícia |
Mauritânia {prop} {f} /ˌmaw.ɾi.ˈtɐ.ni.ɐ/ | :: Mauritânia (country) |
mauritano {adj} | :: Mauritanian (of, from or relating to Mauritania) |
mauritano {m} | :: Mauritanian (a person from Mauritania) |
maus lençóis {mp} [idiomatic] | :: deep water (difficult or embarrassing situation) |
mausoléu {m} | :: mausoleum (large tomb) |
maus tratos {mp} | :: mistreatment, abuse |
mauveína {f} | :: mauveine |
má vontade {f} | :: ill will (ill-disposed attitude) |
má vontade {f} | :: reluctance (unwillingness to do something) |
maxila {f} [skeleton] /mak.ˈ | :: maxilla (upper jawbone) |
maxilar {adj} /ˌˈlaɻ/ | :: maxillary (relating to a jawbone) |
maxilar {m} [skeleton] | :: jawbone |
maxilar inferior {m} [skeleton, dated] | :: mandible, the lower jawbone |
maxilar superior {m} [skeleton] | :: maxilla, the upper jawbone |
maxilla {f} | :: obsolete spelling of maxila |
maxillar {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of maxilar |
maxillar {m} | :: obsolete spelling of maxilar |
maxillar inferior {m} | :: obsolete spelling of maxilar inferior |
maxillar superior {m} | :: obsolete spelling of maxilar superior |
máxima {f} | :: maxim |
maximalismo {m} | :: maximalism (tendency toward excess) |
Maximiliano de Almeida {prop} | :: Maximiliano de Almeida (municipality) |
maximizar {vt} | :: to maximise |
máximo {adj} /ˈ | :: maximum (to the highest degree) |
máximo {m} | :: maximum (highest limit) |
máximo {m} [mathematics] | :: maximum (greatest value of a set) |
máximo divisor comum {m} [mathematics] | :: greatest common divisor (largest positive integer or polynomial that divides each of the numbers of a set without remainder) |
maxixando {v} | :: gerund of maxixar |
maxixar {v} | :: to dance the maxixe |
maxixe {m} | :: gherkin |
maxixe {m} | :: maxixe |
mãy {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mãe |
maya {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of maia |
maya {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of maia |
Mayara {prop} | :: given name |
Maycon {prop} {m} | :: given name |
mayo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of maio |
Mayo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of maio |
mayonese {f} | :: obsolete spelling of maionese |
mayonnaise {f} | :: dated spelling of maionese |
mayonnese {f} | :: obsolete spelling of maionese |
mayor {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of maior |
mayoria {f} | :: obsolete spelling of maioria |
Mayotte {prop} {f} | :: Mayotte (archipelago/and/overseas department) |
mays {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of mais |
Mazandaran {prop} {mf} | :: Mazandaran (province) |
mazela {f} /mɐ.ˈzɛ.lɐ/ | :: wound |
mazela {f} | :: blemish (moral defect) |
mazmorra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of masmorra |
mazmôrra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of masmorra |
Mazóvia {prop} {f} | :: Mazóvia (historical region) |
Mbabane {prop} {f} | :: Mbabane (capital city) |
Mc {prop} {m} [colloquial] /ˈmɛk(i)/ | :: McDonald's, Maccy D's (the fast-food restaurant chain) |
Mdina {prop} {f} | :: Mdina (city) |
mds {interj} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of meu Deus |
me {pron} /mɨ/ | :: first-person singular objective direct personal pronoun; me |
me {pron} | :: first-person singular objective indirect personal pronoun; (to) me |
me {pron} | :: first-person singular reflexive pronoun; myself |
meã {f} /me.ˈɐ̃/ | :: a piece of leather that connects the two pieces of a flail |
meação {f} /mjɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: division into two |
meação {f} | :: sharecropping |
meado {adj} | :: mid |
meado {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: middle |
mealha {f} /ˈmja.ʎɐ/ | :: a mediaeval Portuguese coin |
mealha {f} | :: a coin of little value |
mealha {f} | :: a crumb |
Mealhada {prop} {f} /miɐˈʎaðɐ/ | :: Mealhada (city/and/municipality) |
mealhando {v} | :: gerund of mealhar |
mealhar {v} | :: to save money little by little |
mealhar {v} | :: to accumulate something bit by bit |
mealheiro {m} /mjɐ.ˈʎɐj.ɾu/ | :: money box, piggy bank |
meandro {m} [geography] | :: meander |
meandro {m} [in the plural, figuratively] | :: intrigue; ins and outs (details or fine points of something) |
meão {adj} | :: middle (placed in a central position) |
meão {adj} | :: medium-sized (neither big nor small) |
meão {adj} | :: banal, ordinary |
meão {adj} | :: of average quality |
meão {m} | :: the internal part of a wagon wheel’s boxing, where the axle is placed |
mear {v} | :: to halve (divide into two) |
MEC {m} [Brazil] /ˈmɛk(i)/ | :: initialism of Ministério da Educação |
meca {f} [figuratively] | :: Mecca (any important place of pilgrimage by people with a particular interest) |
Meca {prop} {f} /ˈmɛ.kɐ/ | :: Meca (city) |
Meca {f} | :: alternative case form of meca |
mecânica analítica {f} [mathematics, physics] | :: analytic mechanics (the application of calculus to classical mechanics) |
mecanicamente {adv} | :: mechanically |
mecânica quântica {f} [physics] | :: quantum mechanics (branch of physics that studies matter and energy at the level of elementary particles) |
mecânico {adj} | :: mechanical |
mecânico {m} | :: mechanic (a skilled worker capable of building or repairing machinery) |
mecanismo {m} | :: mechanism (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) |
mecanização {f} | :: mechanization |
mecanizado {adj} | :: mechanized |
mecanizando {v} | :: gerund of mecanizar |
mecanizar {v} | :: to mechanize |
mecatrónica {f} [European orthography] | :: mechatronics (branch of engineering that studies automata) |
mecatrônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of mecatrónica |
Mecca {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Meca |
mecenato {m} | :: patronage (the act of providing approval and support) |
mecha {f} | :: lock (length of hair) |
mecha {f} | :: wick (burning cord of a candle) |
Mecklemburgo-Pomerânia Ocidental {prop} {m} | :: Mecklemburgo-Pomerânia Ocidental (state) |
meda {f} | :: only used in que meda |
meda {f} | :: haystack |
Meda {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Mêda |
Mêda {prop} {f} /ˈmeðɐ/ | :: Mêda (city/and/municipality) |
medalha {f} /mɨ.ˈða.ʎɐ/ | :: medal (stamped metal disc used as ornament or charm) |
medalha {f} | :: medal (metal object used as a prize or military decoration) |
medalha de bronze {f} | :: bronze medal (medal indicating third place in a competition) |
medalha de bronze {f} [by extension] | :: third place in a competition |
medalha de bronze {f} [by extension] | :: person who reaches third place in a competition |
medalha de honra {f} | :: Medal of Honor (highest military award given in the United States) |
medalha de honra {f} | :: any achievement that is a great source of pride |
medalha de ouro {f} | :: See: pt medalha de ouro |
medalha de ouro {f} | :: gold medal (first place in a competition) |
medalha de prata {f} | :: silver medal (medal indicating second place in a competition) |
medalha de prata {f} [by extension] | :: second place in a competition |
medalha de prata {f} [by extension] | :: person who reaches second place in a competition |
medalhão {m} | :: medallion (large decorative medal) |
medalhista {mf} | :: medalist (one who has received a medal) |
Medeiros {prop} | :: Medeiros (municipality) |
Medeiros Neto {prop} | :: Medeiros Neto (municipality) |
media {mp} [Portugal, journalism] | :: alternative spelling of média |
média {f} [statistics] /ˈmɛ.d͡ʒi.a/ | :: average |
média {f} | :: arithmetic mean |
média {f} | :: measure of central tendency |
média {f} [Brazil, education] | :: the score necessary to go from one grade to another |
média {f} [Brazil] | :: coffee with milk |
média {f} [Brazil, Baixada Santista] | :: pão francês |
média {mp} [Portugal, journalism] | :: media; mass media |
média aritmética {f} [statistics, probability] | :: arithmetic mean (measure of central tendency) |
mediação {f} /mɨ.ðjɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: mediation |
mediador {m} | :: mediator (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) |
média harmónica {f} [European orthography, mathematics] | :: harmonic mean (a type of measure of central tendency) |
média harmônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of média harmónica |
mediana {f} [statistics] | :: median (measure of central tendency) |
mediana {f} [geometry] | :: median (line joining a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side) |
medianamente {adv} | :: medially (in the middle) |
mediano {adj} | :: median (situated in the middle) |
mediano {adj} | :: average (moderately good) |
mediano {adj} | :: average in size or importance |
mediático {adj} [Portugal] | :: media (attributive) |
mediatização {f} | :: mediatization/mediatisation |
mediatizar {v} | :: to mediatize/mediatise |
medicação {f} | :: medication |
médica-legista {f} | :: feminine noun of médico-legista |
medicalização {f} | :: medicalization (the act or process of medicalizing) |
medicamente {adv} | :: medically |
medicamento {m} | :: medicine (substance which promotes healing) |
medicamento órfão {m} [rare] | :: orphan drug (drug without enough demand to cover its production costs) |
medicamentoso {adj} [medicine, attributive] | :: medicine, drug |
medição {f} /mɨ.ði.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: measurement, mensuration |
medicar {vt} | :: to medicate |
Médici {prop} {mf} /ˈmɛ.d͡ʒ | :: surname |
medicina {f} /ˌmɨ.ði.ˈsi.nɐ/ | :: medicine (field of study) |
medicina alternativa {f} | :: alternative medicine (medical methods and practices used in place of conventional medicine) |
medicina veterinária {f} | :: veterinary medicine (branch of medicine that deals with animals) |
médico {m} /ˈmɛ.di.ku/ | :: physician |
médico {adj} | :: medical |
médico de pés descalços {m} [rare] | :: barefoot doctor (farmer with basic medical training) |
médico-legista {m} | :: medical examiner (physician who examines cadavers) |
medida {f} /me.ˈdʒi.dɐ/ | :: measurement; measure |
medida {f} | :: action, step, sanction |
medidor {adj} /mɨ.ði.ˈðoɾ/ | :: measuring, metering |
medidor {m} | :: meter |
medidor {m} | :: measurer |
medieval {adj} | :: medieval |
Medina {prop} {f} | :: Medina (capital city) |
Medina {prop} {f} | :: Medina (municipality) |
medindo {v} | :: gerund of medir |
médio {adj} /ˈmɛ.d͡ʒi.u/ | :: average (constituting or relating to the average) |
médio {adj} | :: medium (intermediate size, degree, amount etc.) |
médio {adj} | :: middle (being in the middle) |
médio {adj} | :: medieval (of the Middle Ages) |
mediocre {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of medíocre |
medíocre {adj} /me.ˈd͡ʒi.o.kɾi/ | :: mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality) |
mediocridade {f} [uncountable] | :: mediocrity (condition of being mediocre) |
mediocridade {f} | :: a mediocre thing or aspect |
medir {v} /mɨ.ˈðiɾ/ | :: to measure, gauge |
medir esforços {v} [idiomatic, almost always in the negative] | :: to have a limit on what one is willing to do to achieve something |
meditabundo {adj} | :: thoughtful, reflective |
meditação {f} | :: meditation |
meditando {v} | :: gerund of meditar |
meditar {v} | :: to meditate |
mediterrâneo {adj} | :: Mediterranean |
Mediterrâneo {prop} {m} /ˌme.d͡ʒi.te.ˈʁɐ.nju/ | :: Mediterrâneo (sea) |
mediterrânico {adj} | :: Mediterranean (of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) |
médium {mf} [spiritualism] /ˈmɛ.d͡ʒi.ũ/ | :: medium (a person who contacts the dead) |
medo {m} /ˈme.du/ | :: fear (emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat) |
mêdo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of medo |
medo de palco {m} | :: stage fright (fear or nervousness when performing to an audience) |
medonho {adj} /mɨ.ˈdo.ɲu/ | :: hideous, dreadful, awful, ghastly |
medrar {v} | :: to grow |
medrica {mf} /me.ˈdɾi.ka/ | :: An individual who is easily afraid of anything |
medricas {mf} /me.ˈdɾi.kas/ | :: An individual who is easily afraid of anything |
medrincas {mf} /me.ˈdɾĩ.kas/ | :: An individual who is easily afraid of anything |
medronheiro {m} /mɨ.ðɾu.ˈɲɐj.ɾu/ | :: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo, a small, fruit-bearing tree of Europe) |
medronho {m} /mɨ.ˈðɾo.ɲu/ | :: the berry of the strawberry tree |
medronho {m} [uncountable] | :: medronho (alcoholic beverage) |
medroso {adj} /mɨˈðɾozu/ | :: fearful |
medroso {adj} | :: timid |
medroso {adj} | :: craven |
medula {f} [uncountable] | :: marrow (substance inside bones) |
medula espinal {f} | :: spinal cord |
medula espinhal {f} | :: spinal cord (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue) |
medula óssea {f} [anatomy] | :: bone marrow (substance inside bones) |
medusa {f} [zoology] | :: medusa (non-polyp form of a cnidarian) |
Medusa {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Medusa (creature with a petrifying gaze) |
Medvedeff {prop} | :: surname |
Medvedev {prop} | :: surname |
Mefistófeles {prop} {m} [German folklore] | :: Mephistopheles (Devil to whom Faust sold his soul) |
mefistofélico {adj} | :: Mephistophelean |
mega- {prefix} | :: mega- (very large, great) |
mega- {prefix} | :: mega- (multiplication factor of one million) |
mega {adv} [colloquial] /ˈmɛɡa/ | :: very, super (intensifier) |
mega {m} | :: clipping of megabyte |
megabit {m} [computing] /ˌmɛɡaˈbit͡ʃ(i)/ | :: megabit (one million bits) |
megabyte {m} [computing] /ˌmɛɡaˈbajt(ʃ)(i)/ | :: megabyte (one million bytes) |
megafone {m} | :: megaphone (portable device used to amplify a person’s voice) |
megagrama {m} [rare] | :: megagram, metric ton, ton (unit of weight, equivalent to 1000 kilograms) |
megahertz {m} | :: megahertz (frequency unit of one million cycles per second) |
megalitismo {m} [archaeology] | :: megalithism (culture surrounding the building of megaliths) |
megalitro {m} | :: megalitre |
megalomania {f} | :: megalomania (condition characterised by delusional fantasies of wealth, power or omnipotence) |
megalômano {adj} | :: megalomaniacal |
megalômano {m} | :: megalomaniac |
megalomártir {mf} [Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: great martyr |
megalópole {f} | :: megalopolis (large conurbation) |
megametro {m} | :: obsolete form of megâmetro |
megâmetro {m} /me.ˈɡɐ.me.tɾo/ | :: megametre (a distance of 1,000 km) |
megâmetro {m} | :: an instrument for measuring angular distance between astronomical objects |
megâmetro {m} | :: an instrument for measuring great distances at sea |
megaohm {m} | :: megaohm (one million ohms) |
megapascal {m} | :: megapascal |
megasseca {f} [climatology] | :: megadrought (a drought lasting for decades or centuries) |
megassismo {m} | :: megaseism (a large or severe earthquake) |
megatsunami {m} | :: megatsunami (a very large tsunami) |
megera {f} [derogatory] | :: an evil or bad-tempered woman |
Meghalaya {prop} | :: Meghalaya (state) |
megleno-romeno {m} | :: Megleno-Romanian (an Eastern Romance language spoken in Greece, Macedonia and Romania) |
meia {f} /ˈmɐj.ɐ/ | :: sock (covering for the foot; originally short form of meia-calça) |
meia {f} [Brazil] | :: short for meia-entrada (a ticket sold for half its normal price, as required by law, for students and children) |
meia {f} [Portugal, historical] | :: obsolete unit of measure for liquids, equivalent to six pints |
meia {f} [when reading a time] | :: half past (short form of meia hora) |
meia {mf} [football] | :: midfielder |
meia {adv} [hypercorrect] | :: misconstruction of meio |
meia {num} [Brazil] | :: six (6, used instead of seis when it’s necessary to avoid confusion with rhyme três; short form of meia dúzia) |
meia arrastão {f} | :: fishnet (stockings made of fishnet fabric) |
meia boca {adj} [idiom] | :: or poor quality; bad |
meia-boca {adj} [colloquial] | :: so-so (neither good nor bad) |
meia-calça {f} | :: tights (woman’s skin-tight garment that covers the legs and feet) |
meia dúzia {f} /mɐj.ɐ ˈðu.zjɐ/ | :: half a dozen (6, six) |
meia dúzia {f} | :: couple (a small number) |
meia-dúzia {f} | :: alternative spelling of meia dúzia |
meia-dúzia de gato-pingado {f} | :: alternative form of meia-dúzia de gatos-pingados |
meia-dúzia de gatos-pingados {f} [idiomatic] | :: very few people (attending an event) |
meia-irmã {f} | :: half-sister (sister sharing only one parent) |
meia-lua {f} | :: half-moon (the moon in its first or last quarter) |
meia-lua {f} | :: half-moon (anything shaped like a crescent) |
meia-luz {f} | :: twilight (faint light after sunset or before sunrise) |
meia-noite {f} /mɐj.ɐ.ˈnoj.tɨ/ | :: midnight (the middle of the night) |
meia-nove {m} | :: sixty-nine (sex position) |
meia-vida {f} [physics] | :: half-life |
meia-volta {f} | :: about-face (turn to face the opposite direction) |
meigamente {adv} | :: tenderly, gently |
meigo {adj} /ˈmɐj.ɣu/ | :: sweet, lovely |
meigo {adj} | :: caring, gentle |
meiguice {f} | :: sweetness |
Meiko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
meimendro {m} | :: henbane (Hyoscyamus niger, a poisonous herb) |
meinha {f} | :: diminutive of meia |
meio {adj} /ˈmɐj.u/ | :: half |
meio {adv} | :: a little bit |
meio {adv} | :: almost |
meio {m} | :: middle, center |
meio {m} | :: half |
meio {m} | :: way, mean (method by which something is done) |
meio {m} | :: environment |
meio {m} [in the plural] | :: resources; means |
meio ambiente {m} | :: environment (natural world or ecosystem) |
meio-campista {mf} [football] | :: midfielder |
meio-dia {m} /mɐj.u.ˈði.ɐ/ | :: noon |
meio do nada {m} [idiomatic] | :: middle of nowhere, the sticks, arse end of nowhere |
meio-fio {m} | :: curb, kerb (edge between pavement and roadway) |
meio-irmão {m} | :: half brother (brother sharing only one parent) |
meiose {f} [cytology] | :: meiosis (cell division) |
meio-tempo {m} [sports] | :: half time (interval between halves of a match) |
meio-tempo {m} [by extension] | :: an interval of time between two events |
meio-termo {m} | :: compromise (settlement of by consent reached by mutual concessions) |
meio-tio {m} | :: half-uncle (half-brother of one’s parent) |
meio-tom {m} [music] | :: semitone (interval between adjacent keys) |
meirinho {m} [historical] | :: bailiff (legal officer with some degree of authority) |
meitnério {m} /meit.ˈnɛ.ɾi.o/ | :: meitnerium (chemical element) |
meizinha {f} | :: obsolete form of mezinha |
Mekong {prop} {m} | :: Mekong (river) |
mel {m} /ˈmɛɫ/ | :: honey |
melaço {m} | :: molasses |
melado {m} | :: molasses |
melado {adj} | :: honey-sweet (very sweet) |
melado {adj} | :: honey-colored (having the color of honey) |
melado {adj} | :: sticky |
melado {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: drunk |
melado {adj} | :: withered |
melancia {f} /mɨlɐ̃ˈsiɐ/ | :: watermelon (plant) |
melancia {f} | :: watermelon (fruit) |
melancieira {f} | :: watermelon (plant) |
melancolia {f} /mɨ.lɐ̃.ku.ˈli.ɐ/ | :: melancholy (extreme sadness or depression) |
melancolicamente {adv} /mɨ.lɐ̃.kɔ.li.kɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: sadly |
melancolicamente {adv} | :: moodily |
melancolicamente {adv} | :: gloomily |
melancólico {adj} /mɨ.lɐ̃.ˈkɔ.li.ku/ | :: sad |
melancólico {adj} | :: melancholic |
melancólico {adj} | :: moody |
Melanésia {prop} {f} | :: Melanésia (subregion) |
melanina {f} | :: melanin (natural dark skin pigment) |
melanoma {m} [oncology] | :: melanoma (type of skin tumour) |
melão {m} /mɨˈlɐ̃w̃/ | :: melon (fruit) |
melão-de-são-caetano {m} | :: bitter melon (Momordica charantia, a vine) |
melão-de-são-caetano {m} | :: bitter melon (the fruit of the bitter melon plant) |
melar {vt} | :: to sweeten with honey |
melar {vi} | :: to produce honey |
melar {vp} | :: to cover with honey |
melar {v} [by extension] | :: to cover or become covered with any sticky substance |
melar {vi} | :: to wither, to dry up |
Melbourne {prop} {f} | :: Melbourne (capital city) |
melé {m} [Brazil] | :: joker (playing card that features a picture of a jester) |
meleca {f} [Brazil] | :: booger (piece of nasal mucus) |
meleca {f} [Brazil] | :: goo (sticky liquid or semisolid substance) |
meleca {f} [Brazil] | :: dirty mess, especially one with goo |
meleca {f} [Brazil] | :: something of poor quality or useless |
meleca {interj} | :: yuck! [expresses mild, moderate or intense irritation at the event that by a slip something is soiled with any substance unintentionally] |
meleca {interj} | :: damn! [expresses anger or irritation] |
melecado {adj} | :: covered with a dirty, sticky substance; gooey; viscous |
melecar {v} /me.le.ˈka(ɾ)/ | :: to foul with a sticky substance |
Meleiro {prop} | :: Meleiro (municipality) |
melga {f} /ˈmɛɫ.ɡɐ/ | :: common mosquito |
melga {f} | :: an annoying person for their speech or constant presence |
Melgaço {prop} /ˌmɛɫˈɣasu/ | :: Melgaço (village/and/municipality) |
Melgaço {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
melharuco {m} | :: alternative form of abelharuco |
melhor {adj} /mɨ.ˈʎɔɾ/ | :: comparative of bom: better, best (with definite article) |
melhora {f} | :: improvement |
melhora {f} [in the plural] | :: recovery (return to normal health) |
melhoramento {m} | :: upgrade, improvement |
melhorar {vit} /me.ʎo.ˈɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to improve, to ameliorate, to better |
melhoria {f} | :: improvement, advance; progress |
melhoria {f} | :: amelioration |
melhoria {f} | :: enhancement |
melhor idade {f} [euphemism] | :: old age |
melhorzinho {adj} /me.ʎɔʁ.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of melhor |
meliante {mf} /ˈã.t(ʃ)i/ | :: delinquent, criminal, outlaw |
meliante {mf} | :: layabout (someone who does not work) |
meliante {mf} [figuratively] | :: a despicable, shameless person |
melífluo {adj} | :: mellifluous |
melífluo {adj} | :: unctuous |
melindre {m} /me.ˈlĩ.dɾi/ | :: tenderness, kindness |
melindre {m} | :: embarassment, shame |
melindre {m} | :: emotional susceptibility or vulnerability |
melindre {m} [botany] | :: asparagus (plant of the genus Asparagus) |
melindre {m} [cuisine] | :: a type of honey cake |
melindroso {adj} /me.lĩ.ˈdɾo.zu/ | :: performed with difficulty and commitment |
melindroso {adj} | :: causing difficulty or embarrassment |
melindroso {adj} | :: risky, dangerous |
melindroso {adj} [of an object] | :: fragile, delicate |
melisma {m} [music] | :: melisma (a passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text) |
melismático {adj} [music] | :: melismatic (of, relating to, or being a melisma) |
Melissa {prop} {f} /me.ˈli.sɐ/ | :: given name |
Melissa {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Melissa (nymph who discovered and taught the use of honey) |
mel na chupeta {adj} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: very easy, easy as pie |
meloa {f} /mɨˈloɐ/ | :: cantaloupe (the fruit) |
melodia {f} /mɨ.lu.ˈði.ɐ/ | :: melody (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) |
melodia {f} [figurative] | :: harmony (pleasing arrangement of sounds) |
melódico {adj} | :: melodic (relating to melody) |
melódico {adj} | :: melodic; melodious (having melody) |
melodiosidade {f} | :: melodiousness (the property of being melodious) |
melodioso {adj} | :: melodious (having a pleasant melody) |
melodrama {m} | :: melodrama (romantic drama) |
melodrama {m} [figurative] | :: melodrama (any situation or action which is blown out of proportion) |
melodramático {adj} | :: melodramatic (of or pertaining to melodrama) |
melodramático {adj} | :: melodramatic (exaggeratedly emotional) |
meloeiro {m} | :: melon (plant) |
melões {n} [slang] | :: breasts |
melolonta {f} | :: cockchafer (beetle of genus Melolontha) |
meloso {adj} | :: syrupy |
Melpomene {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Melpomene (Muse of tragedy) |
Melpómene {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of Melpomene |
Melpômene {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Melpomene |
Melquisedeque {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Melchizedek (king and priest mentioned in the Genesis) |
melro {m} /ˈmɛɫ.ʁu/ | :: Eurasian blackbird (A common true thrush, Turdus merula) |
melro-aquático {m} | :: dipper (any of various small passerine birds of the genus Cinclus) |
melro-d'água {m} | :: dipper (any of various small passerine birds of the genus Cinclus) |
melro europeu {m} | :: Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula, a thrush of Eurasia and northern Africa) |
melro-peixeiro {m} | :: dipper (any of various small passerine birds of the genus Cinclus) |
membra {f} [nonstandard, uncommon] | :: feminine noun of membro |
membrana {f} /mẽ.ˈbɾɐ.nɐ/ | :: membrane |
membrana celular {f} [cytology] | :: cell membrane (semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell) |
membrana citoplasmática {f} [cytology] | :: cell membrane (semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell) |
membrana plasmática {f} [cytology] | :: cell membrane (semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell) |
membranar {adj} | :: membrane (attributive) |
membranoso {adj} | :: membranous (having the qualities of or pertaining to membranes) |
membro {m} /ˈmẽ.bɾu/ | :: member (one who officially belongs to a group) |
membro {m} | :: member; limb |
membro {m} | :: each part of a whole |
membro {m} [colloquial] | :: member; penis |
membro {m} [grammar] | :: each element of a sentence |
membro viril {m} | :: penis (male organ for copulation and urination) |
meme {m} /ˈme.mi/ | :: meme (unit of cultural information) |
meme {m} [Internet] | :: meme (humorous image, video or other media shared in the Internet) |
Memel {prop} {f} | :: Memel (city) |
Memnon {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Mémnon |
Mémnon {prop} {m} [European orthography, Greek mythology] | :: Memnon (Ethiopian king and warrior) |
Mêmnon {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Mémnon |
memorando {m} | :: memorandum (written business communication) |
memorando {m} | :: memorandum (brief diplomatic communication) |
memorável {adj} | :: memorable (worthy of being remembered) |
memoria {f} | :: obsolete spelling of memória |
memória {f} /mɨ.ˈmɔ.ɾjɐ/ | :: memory (all senses) |
memória dinâmica {f} | :: dynamic memory (computer memory that requires periodic refresh) |
memória fotográfica {f} | :: eidetic memory |
memória muscular {f} [physiology] | :: muscle memory (subconscious memorisation of a physical movement) |
memória ROM {f} [computing] | :: read-only memory (memory where values may be stored but not updated) |
memorização {f} /mɨ.mu.ɾi.zɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: memorization |
memorizando {v} | :: gerund of memorizar |
memorizar {v} /mɨ.mu.ɾi.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to memorize |
ménage {mf} | :: domestic life |
ménage {mf} | :: household (everyone who lives in a given house) |
ménage {mf} | :: clipping of ménage à trois |
ménage à trois {f} {m} | :: threesome (a sexual activity involving three people) |
menagem {f} | :: dated form of homenagem |
menagerie {f} | :: menagerie (collection of live wild animals on exhibition) |
menarca {f} | :: menarche (first menstruation) |
menção {f} | :: mention |
menção {f} | :: reference |
menchevique {mf} [historical] | :: Menshevik (member of a moderate faction of the Russian revolutionary movement) |
mencionar {v} /mẽ.sju.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to mention (speak of something) |
mendacidade {f} | :: mendacity; dishonesty (the condition of being untruthful) |
mendacidade {f} | :: mendacity (a lie, deceit or falsehood) |
mendaz {adj} /men.ˈda(j)s/ | :: mendacious, lying |
mendelévio {m} | :: mendelevium (chemical element) |
Mendes {prop} | :: Mendes (municipality) |
Mendes {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Mendes Pimentel {prop} | :: Mendes Pimentel (municipality) |
mendicante {adj} | :: mendicant (depending on alms) |
mendicante {adj} | :: mendicant (or or pertaining to a member of a religious order who begs) |
mendiga {f} | :: feminine noun of mendigo |
mendigar {v} /mẽ.di.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to beg |
mendigo {m} /mẽ.ˈdi.ɣu/ | :: beggar (person who begs for a living) |
Mendonça {prop} | :: Mendonça (municipality) |
Mendonça {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mene {m} [Internet slang] /ˈ | :: alternative form of meme |
meneando {v} | :: gerund of menear |
menear {vt} | :: to wiggle, to wag, to shake |
meneio {m} | :: wiggle |
meneio {m} | :: wriggle |
Menelau {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Menelaus (the king of Mycenaean Sparta) |
menestrel {m} | :: minstrel (Medieval entertainer) |
menestrel {m} | :: minstrel (entertainer) |
Mengão {prop} {m} /mẽˈɡɐ̃w̃/ | :: nickname of the Brazilian sports team Clube de Regatas do Flamengo |
menhã {f} [dialectal or archaic] | :: alternative spelling of manhã |
menham {f} | :: obsolete form of manhã |
menina {f} /mɨ.ˈni.nɐ/ | :: girl (female child) |
menina {f} | :: young lady, miss (a title of respect for an unmarried young woman) |
menina {f} [pejorative] | :: an effeminate boy |
menina {f} [Portugal, euphemistic, usually in plural] | :: prostitute |
meninada {f} | :: a collective of young people; may refer to kids, adolescents or young adults |
menina dos olhos {f} [idiomatic] | :: apple of someone's eye (a favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one) |
meninão {m} | :: augmentative of menino |
meninge {f} [anatomy] | :: meninx (any of the three membranes enclosing the brain) |
meningite {f} [pathology] | :: meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) |
meninice {f} | :: childhood, infancy |
menininha {f} | :: diminutive of menina |
menino {m} /mɨ.ˈ | :: boy (a young male) |
menino {m} | :: child (a young person) |
menino {m} | :: child (offspring) |
menir {m} [archaeology] | :: menhir |
Meno {prop} {m} | :: Meno (river) |
Menoécio {prop} {m} | :: Menoetius (a Titan) |
Menoécio {prop} {m} | :: Menoetius (one of Hades’ shepherds) |
Menoécio {prop} {m} | :: Menoetius (father of Patroclus and son of Actor) |
menopausa {f} | :: menopause (the ending of menstruation) |
menor {adj} [followed by que] /mɨ.ˈnɔɾ/ | :: comparative of pequeno; smaller |
menor {adj} [preceded by a definite article] | :: superlative of pequeno; smallest |
menor {adj} | :: minor, lesser |
menor {adj} [legal, of a person] | :: underage (below legal adulthood) |
menor {mf} [legal] | :: minor, underage (person below the legal age of responsibility or accountability) |
menorá {f} {m} [Judaism] | :: menorah (seven-branch candelabrum) |
Menorca {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Minorca |
menoridade {f} | :: minority (period or condition of a person prior to reaching adulthood) |
menor que {m} | :: less than (name of the character <) |
menor que {m} | :: See: pt menor que |
menos {adv} /ˈme.nuʃ/ | :: less (in lower degree) |
menos {prep} | :: except; but |
menos {prep} [mathematics] | :: minus (indicates subtraction) |
menos {pron} | :: fewer (a smaller number of), less (a smaller size or significance of) |
menos {m} | :: minus sign (the symbol −) |
ménos {adv} | :: obsolete form of menos |
menos mal {interj} | :: could be worse |
menosprezando {v} | :: gerund of menosprezar |
menosprezar {v} | :: to underestimate, undervalue |
menosprezar {v} | :: to look down on |
menosprezar {v} | :: to despise, scorn |
menosprezível {adj} | :: contemptible; despicable (deserving to be hated) |
mensageiro {m} /ˌmẽ.sa.ˈʒe(j).ɾo/ | :: messenger (one who brings messages) |
mensageiro {m} | :: mailman (one who delivers and collects mail and packages) |
mensageiro {m} [figurative] | :: herald; harbinger |
mensagem {f} /mẽ.ˈsa.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: message (concept or information conveyed) |
mensagem {f} | :: message (underlying theme or conclusion to be drawn from something) |
mensagem de texto {f} | :: text message (brief electronic message sent over a mobile phone) |
mensagem subliminar {f} | :: subliminal message (hidden message perceived subconsciously) |
mensal {adj} /mẽ.ˈsaɫ/ | :: Occurring at intervals of one month; monthly |
mensalidade {f} /mẽˈda.d(ʒ)i/ | :: monthly payment |
mensalmente {adv} | :: Every month; monthly |
menstruação {f} | :: menstruation (periodic discharging of the menses) |
menstrual {adj} | :: menstrual (relating to menstruation) |
menstruar {v} | :: to menstruate |
menstruar {v} | :: to flow |
mensual {adj} [Rio Grande do Sul] | :: with a monthly salary |
mensuração {f} /mẽ.ˌsu.ɾa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: measurement (act of measuring) |
menta {f} /ˈmẽ.tɐ/ | :: mint (any plant of the family Lamiaceae) |
menta {f} | :: mint (flavouring extracted from the mint plant) |
mental {adj} /mẽ.ˈtaɫ/ | :: mental |
mentalidade {f} /mẽtɐliˈðaðɨ/ | :: mentality; mindset (way of thinking) |
mentalmente {adv} /mẽ.taɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: mentally |
-mente {suffix} | :: -ly; -ally (forms adverbs from adjectives) |
mente {f} /ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: mind (ability for rational thought) |
mentecapto {adj} [derogatory] /ˌmẽ.te.ˈkap.tu/ | :: crazy, insane |
mentecapto {adj} [derogatory] | :: ignorant, imbecilic |
mentecapto {m} [derogatory] | :: a madman or crazy person |
mentecapto {m} [derogatory] | :: an imbecile |
mentecato {adj} | :: dated form of mentecapto |
mentecato {m} | :: dated form of mentecapto |
mente vazia, oficina do diabo {proverb} | :: If one does not engage in any mind-exercising activity, they will start to have bad thoughts |
mentir {v} /mẽ.ˈt͡ʃi(ʁ)/ | :: to lie (say something untrue) |
mentira {f} /mẽ.ˈti.ɾɐ/ | :: lie (intentionally untrue statement) |
mentira {interj} [colloquial] | :: I mean (used to correct a piece of information) |
mentira branca {f} [idiomatic] | :: white lie (untrue, good-willed statement) |
mentira tem perna curta {proverb} | :: a lie has no legs |
mentirinha {f} | :: diminutive of mentira |
mentirona {f} | :: augmentative of mentira |
mentirosamente {adv} | :: In false context; not conforming to facts or reality; untruthfully; falsely |
mentiroso {m} /ˌmẽ.t͡ʃi.ˈɾo.zu/ | :: liar (one who tells lies) |
mentiroso {adj} | :: which lies or deceives |
-mento {suffix} | :: -tion (process, action or result) |
mento {m} | :: chin (bottom of a face) |
mentol {m} [organic compound] | :: menthol (cyclic monoterpene alcohol) |
mentor {m} | :: mentor (a wise and trusted counsellor or teacher) |
menu {m} /mɨ.ˈnu/ | :: menu (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant) |
menu {m} [computing] | :: menu (list from which the user may select an option) |
menudomania {f} [dated] | :: fanatical enthusiasm for the Puerto Rican boy band Menudo (band) |
meo {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of meu |
meos {pron} | :: m. pl. form of possessive meo |
mequetrefe {m} [colloquial] | :: bum, loiterer (pejorative for a person perceived to be lazy) |
meramente {adv} | :: merely (nothing more than) |
meranti {m} | :: meranti (the timber of any of various trees of the genus Shorea) |
merca {f} | :: the act or practice of trading |
mercadejar {v} | :: to trick in business |
mercado {m} /mɨɾ.ˈka.du/ | :: market [all senses] |
mercado altista {m} [finance] | :: bull market (stock market where a majority of investors are buying) |
mercado das pulgas {m} [Brazil] | :: flea market (outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios) |
mercado de ações {m} | :: stock market (market for the trading of company stock) |
mercado de trabalho {m} [economics] | :: labour market (available jobs) |
mercadologia {f} /mɨɾ.kɐ.ðˈʒi.ɐ/ | :: marketing (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) |
mercadologicamente {adv} [marketing] /meʁ.ˌˌlɔ.ʒi.kɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: in a manner that involves or concerns marketing |
mercadológico {adj} [marketing] /meʁ.ˌˈlɔ.ʒi.ku/ | :: relating to or involving marketing |
mercado negro {m} | :: black market (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls) |
mercador {m} /mɨɾ.kɐ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: merchant, dealer, chandler, tradesman |
mercadoria {f} /mɨɾ.kɐ.ˈðu.ˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: merchandise |
mercadoria {f} | :: commodity |
mercadoria {f} | :: goods offered for sale |
mercantil {adj} [economics] | :: mercantile (related to the exchange of goods for profit) |
mercar {v} | :: to trade (to buy and sell goods) |
merce {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mercê |
mercê {f} | :: grace, mercy |
mercearia {f} | :: grocery store, grocer's |
merceeira {f} | :: feminine noun of merceeiro |
merceeiro {m} /mɨɾ.ˈsjɐj.ɾu/ | :: grocer (the owner of a stall or small market) |
mercenário {adj} | :: mercenary (motivated by private gain) |
mercenário {m} | :: mercenary (person employed to fight wars) |
mercenário {m} | :: a person motivated solely by private monetary gain |
Mercês {prop} | :: Mercês (municipality) |
merchan {m} /meɾ.ˈʃã/ | :: short for merchandising |
merchandising {m} | :: merchandising, publicity, advertising |
Mércia {prop} {f} | :: Mércia (mediaeval kingdom) |
mércio {adj} | :: Mercian (of, from or relating to Mercia) |
mércio {m} | :: Mercian (person from Mercia) |
mercúrico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: mercuric |
mercúrio {m} | :: mercury |
Mercúrio {prop} {m} [Roman god] /mɨɾˈkurju/ | :: Mercury (Roman god) |
Mercúrio {prop} {m} | :: [astronomy] Mercury (planet) |
mercurocromo {m} | :: merbromin (antiseptic used for small cuts) |
mercuroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: mercurous |
merda {f} [vulgar, uncountable] /ˈmɛɾdɐ/ | :: shit; faeces (excretory product evacuated from the bowels) |
merda {f} [vulgar] | :: a chunk of shit |
merda {f} [vulgar] | :: piece of shit (an object of poor quality) |
merda {f} [vulgar, slang, followed by alguma or nenhuma] | :: shit (anything) |
merda {mf} [vulgar] | :: a worthless or cowardly person |
merda {interj} [vulgar] | :: shit! (expression of worry, failure, shock, etc.) |
merda {interj} [dated, theater] | :: break a leg! (a superstitious expression of encouragement prior to a performance) |
merda de {phrase} [vulgar] | :: fucking; damn; used to express discontent with something |
merda nenhuma {f} [vulgar] | :: shit (absolutely nothing) |
Merdil {m} [derogatory, vulgar, humorous] | :: Brazil, especially in relation to its social problems |
merdinha {mf} | :: diminutive of merda |
merdosamente {adv} [vulgar] | :: shittily |
merdoso {adj} [derogatory, figuative, vulgar] /mɘɾdˈozu/ | :: meaningless, insignificant, petty, pissass, trivial or worthless |
merdoso {adj} [derogatory, figuative, vulgar] | :: shitty, see Thesaurus:low-quality |
merdoso {adj} [derogatory, figuative, vulgar] | :: see Thesaurus:arrogant |
merdoso {adj} [literally, vulgar] | :: crappy, dungy, excremental, faecal, fecal or shitty |
merecedor {adj} | :: deserving |
merecendo {v} | :: gerund of merecer |
merecer {v} /me.ɾe.ˈse(ʁ)/ | :: to merit; to deserve |
merenda {f} | :: a meal eaten by students in school |
merenda {f} | :: dunch (small meal between lunch and dinner) |
merendeira {f} | :: feminine noun of merendeiro |
merendeira {f} | :: lunchbox (container for transporting meals) |
meretriz {f} | :: hooker, whore, prostitute |
merganso {m} | :: merganser (diving duck of the genus Mergus) |
mergulhador {m} | :: diver (someone who dives) |
mergulhador {m} | :: diver (someone who works underwater) |
mergulhador {adj} | :: who or that dives |
mergulhão {m} | :: augmentative of mergulho |
mergulhão {m} | :: grebe (diving bird of the family Podicipedidae) |
mergulhar {vi} /ˌmeɹ.ɡu.ˈʎa(ɹ)/ | :: to submerge (to go down in water) |
mergulhar {v} [em] | :: to dive (to jump into water) |
mergulhar {vi} [figurative] | :: to dive (to descend or decrease sharply or steeply) |
mergulhar {v} [em] | :: to dip (to lower something into a liquid) |
mergulhar {v} [em, .figurative] | :: to immerse oneself in (to involve oneself deeply in) |
mergulhar {vi} | :: to dive (to work as a diver) |
mergulho {m} /mɨɾ.ˈɣu.ʎu/ | :: dive |
meridiano {m} [astronomy, geography] | :: meridian (imaginary circle passing through a planet’s poles) |
meridiano {m} [alternative medicine] | :: meridian (pathway along which acupoints are distributed) |
Meridiano {prop} | :: Meridiano (municipality) |
meridional {adj} /mɨɾiðjuˈnaɫ/ | :: southern (located in or relating to the south) |
meristema {m} [botany] /ˌme.ɾis.ˈte.mɐ/ | :: meristem (zone of active cell division) |
meritíssima {n} | :: feminine singular of meritíssimo |
meritíssimo {pron} [law] | :: title used to address a judge; your Honor |
meritíssimo {m} [law] | :: judge |
meritíssimo {adj} | :: of many merits and/or great dignity |
Meritíssimo {m} | :: alternative case form of meritíssimo |
mérito {m} | :: merit (something worthy of positive recognition) |
meritocracia {f} | :: meritocracy (government by those with merit) |
meritório {adj} | :: meritorious, worthy, praiseworthy |
merlão {m} [military architecture] | :: merlon (projection between the embrasures of a battlement) |
merleta {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: martlet (a mythical bird, often used in heraldry, which possessed no feet) |
Merlim {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Merlin |
Merlin {prop} {m} [Arthurian mythology] /meʁ.ˈlĩ/ | :: Merlin (wizard who helped Arthur) |
merluza {f} /meʁˈlu.zɐ/ | :: hake (any of several fish of the genus Merluccius) |
mermão {m} /mea̯ɦˈmɐ̃w̃/ | :: eye dialect of meu irmão |
mermo {adv} | :: eye dialect of mesmo |
mermo {adj} | :: eye dialect of mesmo |
mero {adj} | :: mere (no more than) |
merovíngio {m} | :: Merovingian (member of a dynasty which ruled the Franks during the early Middle Ages) |
merovíngio {adj} | :: Merovingian (of or relating to the Merovingians) |
merreca {f} [colloquial, Brazil] /me.ˈʁɛ.ka/ | :: small amount, especially when referring to money and wages |
Mértola {prop} {f} /ˈmɛɾtulɐ/ | :: Mértola (village/and/municipality) |
merugem {f} | :: alternative form of morugem |
mes {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mês |
mès {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mês |
mês {m} /meʃ/ | :: month [one of twelve divisions of the year] |
mês {m} | :: month [period of thirty days] |
mês {m} | :: monthly wages for work or service |
mês {m} [slang] | :: menstruation |
mesa {f} /ˈme.zɐ/ | :: table (item of furniture) |
mesa {f} | :: meal, food |
mesa {f} [geography] | :: mesa |
mesa {f} | :: board (committee) |
mesada {f} /mɨ.ˈza.ðɐ/ | :: pocket money; allowance (money given to a child) |
mesa de centro {f} | :: coffee table (low table placed before sofas) |
mesangial {adj} | :: mesangial (of or pertaining to the mesangium) |
mesângio {m} [anatomy] | :: mesangium (a thin layer of the glomerulus) |
mesão {m} [Portugal, particle] | :: meson (elementary particle composed of a quark and an antiquark) |
Mesão Frio {prop} /mɨˈzɐ̃w ˈfɾi.u/ | :: Mesão Frio (village/and/municipality) |
mesa redonda {f} | :: See: pt mesa redonda |
mesa redonda {f} | :: round table (conference at which participants discuss and exchange views) |
mesário {m} | :: an individual who occupies a board of an organization |
mescal {m} | :: peyote; mescal (small, spineless cactus of Mexico and the southern United States) |
mescal {m} | :: mescal (Mexican alcoholic drink made from agave) |
mescla {f} | :: mixture |
mesclando {v} | :: gerund of mesclar |
mesclar {v} /mɛʃ.ˈklaɾ/ | :: to mix (together) |
mesencéfalo {m} | :: midbrain |
Mésia {prop} {f} /ˈmɛ.zi.ɐ/ | :: Mésia (historical region/and/province) |
mesinha {f} | :: diminutive of mesa |
mesmerismo {m} | :: mesmerism (control over someone’s personality or actions using hypnotism) |
mesmerizar {v} | :: to mesmerize (to exercise mesmerism on) |
mesmice {f} /məʒˈmis(ə)/ | :: sameness (the characteristic of remaining the same) |
mesmice {f} | :: monotony (lack of dynamism or exciting changes) |
mesmo {m} /ˈmeʒ.mu/ | :: The same thing |
mesmo {adj} | :: same (not different; not another) |
mesmo {adj} | :: same (similar; alike; analogous) |
mesmo {adj} | :: used as an intensifier |
mesmo {adv} | :: really; actually; in fact |
mesmo {adv} | :: simply, just |
mesmo {adv} | :: even (implying an extreme example in the case mentioned) |
mesmo {adv} | :: [following an adverb denoting time] intensifies the fact that an act occurred, occurs or will occur during that time; right; precisely |
mesmo {adv} | :: [following an adverb denoting a location] emphasises the preciseness of a location; right |
mesmo {adv} | :: [sentence-final] again (used to ask for forgotten information) |
mesmo {conj} | :: though; although (despite the fact that); despite being |
mêsmo {m} | :: superseded spelling of mesmo |
mêsmo {adj} | :: superseded spelling of mesmo |
mêsmo {adv} | :: superseded spelling of mesmo |
mêsmo {conj} | :: superseded spelling of mesmo |
mesmo assim {adv} | :: anyway; regardless |
mesmo que {conj} | :: even if; irrespective of |
mesmo se {conj} | :: even if; irrespective of |
meso- {prefix} | :: meso- (located in or relating to the middle) |
Mesoamérica {prop} {f} | :: Mesoamérica (geographical region) |
mesocarpo {m} [botany] | :: mesocarp (middle layer of the pericarp of a fruit) |
mesóclise {f} [grammar] /me.ˈzɔ.kli.zi/ | :: mesoclisis (insertion of a clitic inside a word) |
mesoderma {f} | :: alternative form of mesoderme |
mesoderme {f} /ˌme.zo.ˈdɛɻ.me/ | :: mesoderm (tissue produced by gastrulation) |
mesófilo {adj} [biology] | :: mesophilic (thriving at moderate temperatures) |
mesófilo {m} [biology] | :: mesophile (organism that thrives at moderate temperatures) |
mesófrio {m} [anatomy] | :: glabella (space between the eyebrows) |
Mesolítico {prop} {m} [archaeology] | :: Mesolithic (period that lasted between 10000 and 3000 BC) |
mesologia {f} [biology] | :: mesology |
mesológico {adj} | :: mesological |
méson {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of mesão |
mesona {f} /me.ˈzo.nɐ/ | :: augmentative of mesa |
Mesópolis {prop} | :: Mesópolis (municipality) |
Mesopotâmia {prop} {f} /ˌme.zo.po.ˈtɐ.mi.ɐ/ | :: Mesopotâmia (historical region) |
Mesopotâmia {prop} {f} | :: Mesopotâmia (province) |
Mesopotâmia {prop} {f} | :: Mesopotâmia (mandate) |
Mesopotâmia {prop} {f} | :: Mesopotâmia (traditional region) |
mesorregião {f} | :: mesoregion |
mesosfera {f} [meteorology, planetology] /me.zos.ˈfɛ.ɾa/ | :: mesosphere (layer of Earth's atmosphere) |
mesosterno {m} [anatomy] | :: gladiolus (central part of the sternum) |
mesotório {m} | :: mesothorium |
mesquinho {adj} | :: stingy, mean, miserly, niggardly |
mesquita {f} /mɨʃˈki.tɐ/ | :: mosque (a place of worship for Muslims) |
Mesquita {prop} | :: Mesquita (municipality) |
Mesquita {prop} | :: Mesquita (municipality) |
mesquite {f} | :: mesquite (any of the North-American deciduous trees of the genus Prosopis) |
messageiro {m} | :: obsolete form of mensageiro |
messagem {f} | :: obsolete form of mensagem |
messalina {f} | :: slut (sexually promiscuous woman) |
messalina {f} | :: whore (female prostitute) |
messe {f} [agriculture] /ˈmɛsɨ/ | :: harvest (gathered crops) |
messe {f} [agriculture] | :: a field whose crops are ready for harvest |
messe {f} [figurative] | :: harvest; reward (product of labour) |
messiânico {adj} | :: messianic (of, relating to or resembling a messiah) |
messias {m} [religion] | :: messiah (person ordained by God to lead the people of Israel) |
Messias {prop} {m} [religion] | :: Messiah (promised saviour of the Jewish people) |
Messina {prop} {f} /me.ˈsi.nɐ/ | :: Messina (city/and/province) |
mester {adj} | :: alternative form of mister |
mester {m} | :: alternative form of mister |
mestiçamento {m} | :: miscegenation |
mestiço {adj} | :: mixed (stemming from two or more races or breeds) |
mestiço {m} | :: multiracial person |
mestra {f} /ˈmɛs.tɾɐ/ | :: feminine noun of mestre |
mestrado {m} [education] | :: master's degree |
mestrar {vi} [colloquial, role-playing games] | :: to play as the game master in a role-playing game |
mestre {m} /ˈmɛʃ.tɾɨ/ | :: master |
mestria {f} | :: ability (high level of capability or skill) |
meta {f} /ˈmɛ.tɐ/ | :: goal |
meta {f} | :: target |
metabólico {adj} | :: metabolic (relating to metabolism) |
metabolismo {m} | :: metabolism |
metabolizando {v} | :: gerund of metabolizar |
metabolizar {v} [biochemistry] | :: To metabolize |
metabuscador {m} [Internet] | :: metasearch engine |
metacarpal {m} [skeleton] /ˌmɛ.ta.kaɻ.ˈpaw/ | :: metacarpal (any bone of the metacarpus) |
metacarpal {adj} | :: metacarpal (of the metacarpus) |
metacarpiano {m} | :: metacarpal (bone of the metacarpus) |
metacarpiano {adj} | :: metacarpal (relating to the metacarpus) |
metacárpico {m} | :: metacarpal (bone of the metacarpus) |
metacárpico {adj} | :: metacarpal (relating to the metacarpus) |
metacarpo {m} [skeleton] /ˌmɛ.ta.ˈkaɻ.po/ | :: metacarpus |
metadado {m} | :: an item of metadata (data that describes other data) |
metadata {f} | :: metadata (data that describes other data) |
metade {f} /mɨ.ˈta.ðɨ/ | :: half (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) |
metade {f} | :: middle; midpoint (point equidistant between two extremes) |
metade {f} | :: middle (time between the beginning and the end) |
metade {f} [mathematics] | :: half (fraction obtained by dividing 1 by 2) |
metaestável {adj} | :: metastable |
metafísica {f} | :: metaphysics (branch of philosophy that studies first principles) |
metafísica {f} | :: feminine noun of metafísico |
metafisicamente {adv} [philosophy] /ˌmɛ.ta.ˌfi.zi.kɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: metaphysically (in a metaphysical manner) |
metafisicamente {adv} [philosophy] | :: metaphysically (concerning metaphysics) |
metafísico {m} /ˌmɛ.tɐ.ˈfi.zi.ku/ | :: metaphysician (philosopher who specializes in the scholarly study of metaphysics) |
metafísico {adj} [uncomparable] | :: metaphysical (of or pertaining to metaphysics) |
metafísico {adj} | :: metaphysical (immaterial, supersensual, not physical) |
metafísico {adj} [figurative] | :: incomprehensible (hard to understand) |
metafonia {f} [linguistics] | :: metaphony (sound change in which a vowel’s pronunciation is affected by another) |
metáfora {f} | :: metaphor (figure of speech) |
metaforicamente {adv} | :: metaphorically |
metafórico {adj} | :: metaphorical (pertaining to or being a metaphor) |
metal {m} [chemistry] /mɨ.ˈtaɫ/ | :: metal (any of a number of elements that form a metallic bond with other metal atoms) |
metal {m} | :: metal (any of a number of a number of hard but malleable materials consisting of metallic atoms) |
metal {m} [music genre] | :: metal; heavy metal |
metal {m} [poetic] | :: money; wealth; riches |
metal {m} [heraldry] | :: white ((argent) or yellow (or) tincture on a coat of arms |
metaleiro {m} /me.ta.ˈle(j).ɾu/ | :: metalhead (fan of heavy metal) |
metalexicografia {f} [lexicography] | :: metalexicography (study of lexicography in the abstract) |
metálico {adj} | :: metallic (made of or relating to metal) |
metalinguagem {f} [linguistics] | :: metalanguage (vocabulary used to describe language) |
metaloenzima {f} [enzyme] | :: metalloenzyme |
metalografia {m} | :: metallography |
metalográfico {adj} | :: metallographic |
metaloide {m} | :: metalloid |
metalóide {m} | :: alternative form of metaloide |
metaloproteína {f} [protein] | :: metalloprotein |
metalotérmico {adj} | :: metallothermic |
metalotioneína {f} [protein] | :: metallothionein |
metal pesado {m} [chemistry] | :: heavy metal (metal that has a specific gravity greater than about 5) |
metal progressivo {m} | :: progressive metal (heavy metal subgenre with influence from progressive rock) |
metalurgia {f} | :: metallurgy (science that studies metals) |
metalúrgica {f} | :: a metalworking workshop |
metalúrgica {f} | :: feminine noun of metalúrgico |
metalurgicamente {adv} | :: metallurgically (concerning metallurgy) |
metalúrgico {adj} | :: metallurgical (or or relating to metallurgy) |
metalúrgico {m} | :: metallurgist (person who works with metal) |
metalurgista {mf} | :: metallurgist (person who practices metallurgy) |
metamorfose {f} /ˌmɛ.ta.moɻ.ˈfɔ.ze/ | :: metamorphosis; transformation |
metamorfose {f} [biology] | :: metamorphosis (change in the form and often habits of an animal) |
metamorphose {f} | :: obsolete spelling of metamorfose |
metanarrativa {f} [critical theory] | :: metanarrative (a narrative about narratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge) |
metanfetamina {f} | :: methamphetamine (a highly addictive phenethylamine stimulant drug) |
metano {m} [organic compound] | :: methane (the compound CH4) |
metanogênico {adj} | :: methanogenic |
metanoia {f} | :: metanoia |
metanol {m} [organic compound] | :: methanol (the simplest aliphatic alcohol, CH3OH) |
metanotrófico {adj} | :: methanotrophic |
metapesquisador {m} [Internet] | :: metasearch engine |
metaphysico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of metafísico |
metassilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: metasilicate |
metástase {m} [oncology] /me.ˈtas.ta.ze/ | :: metastasis (the transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) |
metastático {adj} [medicine] | :: metastatic (relating to or exhibiting metastasis) |
metatarso {m} [skeleton] /ˌmɛ.ta.ˈtaɻ.so/ | :: metatarsus |
metátese {f} [prosody, phonetics] | :: metathesis (the transposition of phonemes within a word) |
meteco {m} | :: metic (in Ancient Greece, a resident alien without citizen rights) |
metediço {adj} | :: nosy (tending to snoop or meddle in other’s affairs) |
metempsicose {f} | :: metempsychosis (transmigration of the soul) |
metempsychose {f} | :: obsolete spelling of metempsicose |
meteorito {m} | :: meteorite |
meteoro {m} | :: meteor |
meteoroide {m} | :: meteoroid |
meteoróide {m} | :: superseded spelling of meteoroide |
meteorologia {f} | :: meteorology (science that studies the weather) |
meteorologicamente {adv} | :: meteorologically |
meteorológico {adj} | :: meteorological (relating to meteorology or the weather) |
meteorologista {mf} | :: meteorologist (person who studies meteorology) |
meteorólogo {m} | :: synonym of meteorologista |
meter {vt} /mɨˈteɾ/ | :: to put |
meter {vt} | :: to insert |
meter {vr} | :: to meddle, interfere |
meter {vt} [vulgar] | :: to fuck, screw |
meter a mão na massa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pull one's socks up (start making an effort) |
meter fita {v} [idiom, slang] | :: to trick, delude, deceive or fool someone |
meter o pau {v} [idiom] | :: to harshly criticize |
meter o pau {v} [idiom] | :: to scold; to reprehend |
meter o pau {v} | :: See: pt meter o pau |
meter o pé {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: to leave or run away from a place |
meter os pés pelas mãos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to mess up, to fuck up (to make a mistake, to go wrong) |
meter-se em {vr} | :: to get into (to become involved in) |
meter uma lança em África {v} [idiomatic] | :: to set the Thames on fire (to achieve something amazing) |
metformina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: metformin |
methodo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of método |
méthodo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of método |
methodologia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of metodologia |
metical {m} | :: metical (the currency of Mozambique) |
meticuloso {adj} | :: Characterized by very precise attention to details; rigorous; scrupulous; meticulous |
metido {adj} /mɨ.ˈti.ðu/ | :: involved |
metido {adj} | :: interfering, meddling; nosy |
metido {adj} | :: overconfident, cocky |
metiê {m} | :: métier (activity that is pursued as a trade or profession) |
metil {m} [organic compound] | :: methyl (univalent hydrocarbon radical, CH3) |
metilação {f} [chemistry] | :: methylation (addition of a methyl group to a substrate) |
metilado {adj} | :: methylated |
metilando {v} | :: gerund of metilar |
metilar {v} [organic chemistry] | :: to methylate |
metileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: methylene |
metílico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: methyl (attributive) |
metilmercúrio {m} [organic compound] | :: methylmercury |
metionina {f} [amino acid] | :: methionine (lipotropic, sulphur-containing essential amino acid) |
Métis {prop} {f} [astronomy] | :: Metis (satellite of Jupiter) |
Métis {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Metis (personification of wisdom) |
metodicamente {adv} /me.ˌtɔ.d͡ʒi.kɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: methodically (in a methodical manner) |
metódico {adj} | :: methodical (in an organised manner) |
metodismo {m} | :: Methodism (Christian movement founded by John Wesley) |
metodista {adj} /ˈd(ʒ)is.tɐ/ | :: Of or pertaining to the branch of Christianity that adheres to the views of Wesley (1703-1791) |
metodista {mf} | :: A member of the Methodist Church; a Wesleyan |
método {m} /ˈmɛ.tu.du/ | :: method |
método comparativo {m} [historical linguistics] | :: comparative method (technique for determining proto-forms by comparing cognates) |
método de Monte Carlo {m} [mathematics, statistics, computing] | :: Monte Carlo method (the use of random artificial sampling to solve a problem) |
metodologia {f} /ˌmɛˈʒi.a/ | :: methodology (study of methods used in a field) |
metodologia {f} | :: methodology (a collection of methods, practices, procedures and rules used by those who work in some field) |
metodologia {f} | :: methodology (implementation of such methods) |
metodologicamente {adv} | :: methodologically |
metodológico {adj} | :: methodological (of, pertaining to, or using methodology) |
metonímia {f} | :: metonymy (the use of a single characteristic or name of an object to identify the entire object) |
metragem {m} | :: length |
metragem {m} [cinema] | :: footage |
metralha {f} | :: grapeshot (shot consisting of a cluster of small iron balls and slugs) |
metralha {f} | :: machine gun fire |
metralha {f} [figurative] | :: load (great amount of something) |
metralhadora {f} [firearms] /mɯ.ˌtɾa.ʎɐ.ˈdo.ɾɐ/ | :: machine gun |
metralhadora {f} | :: machine-gunner |
metralhadora Gatling {f} | :: Gatling gun (an early type of machine gun) |
metralhar {v} | :: to machine-gun (to shoot with a machine gun) |
-metria {suffix} [science] | :: -metry (forming nouns relating to measures and measurement) |
métrica {f} [poetry, music] | :: meter (rhythm or measure in verse and musical composition) |
métrica {f} | :: a property used as a unit of measure |
métrico {adj} | :: metric (of or relating to the metric system) |
-metro {suffix} | :: -meter (forms the names of measuring devices) |
metro {m} /ˈmɛ.tɾu/ | :: metre (unit of measurement) |
metro {m} [Portugal] | :: underground, subway |
metrô {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of metro |
metro cúbico {m} | :: cubic metre; cubic meter [US] |
metrologia {f} | :: metrology |
metrológico {adj} | :: metrological |
metrologista {mf} | :: metrologist |
metrónomo {m} [European orthography, music] | :: metronome (device that marks time by means of regular ticks) |
metrônomo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of metrónomo |
metrópole {f} | :: metropolis |
metrópole {f} [historical] | :: mother country of a colony |
metrópole {f} | :: a populous and busy city |
metropolitano {adj} | :: metropolitan (relating to a city or an urban area) |
metro quadrado {m} | :: square metre (standard unit of area) |
metrossexual {m} | :: metrosexual |
metter {v} | :: obsolete spelling of meter |
Metz {prop} {f} | :: Metz (capital city) |
meu {pron} /mew/ | :: 1. personsg. possessivepronoun |
meu {pron} | :: Pertaining or belonging to me; my; mine |
meu {pron} | :: That serves or interests me; my; mine |
meu {pron} | :: Introduced by me; my |
meu {pron} | :: Merited by me; my |
meu {pron} | :: Related to me; my |
meu {interj} | :: [Brazil, slang, chiefly São Paulo] hey; oi (used vocatively to draw someone’s attention) |
meu {interj} | :: [Brazil, slang] whoa (used to express surprise) |
meu Deus {interj} | :: oh my God! |
meu irmão {m} [colloquial] | :: bro, dude (term to address a male) |
meu ouvido não é penico {phrase} [idiom] | :: Said to express annoyance at something that another person said |
meu povo e minha pova {phrase} [nonce, humorous] | :: used to address an audience, especially in mockery of the style of speech used by politicians |
meus {pron} /mewʃ/ | :: m. pl. form of possessive meu |
mexendo {v} | :: gerund of mexer |
mexer {vt} /mɨ.ˈʃeɾ/ | :: to move, to mess with, to put your hands on |
mexer {vt} | :: to fiddle with |
mexer com {v} | :: to shake (to disturb emotionally) |
mexer com {v} | :: to bother; to irritate |
mexerica {f} | :: mandarin orange (fruit of the Citrus reticulata tree) |
mexericar {v} | :: to gossip (to talk about someone else’s private or personal business) |
mexerico {m} | :: gossip (idle talk) |
mexeriqueira {f} | :: mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata, a fruit-bearing tree) |
mexeriqueira {f} | :: feminine noun of mexeriqueiro |
mexeriqueiro {m} | :: gossip (person who gossips often) |
mexer-se {v} | :: reflexive of mexer |
mexer-se {vr} | :: to move it; to hurry up |
mexicana {f} | :: female equivalent of mexicano |
mexicanamente {adv} | :: In the manner of Mexican people; in context of Mexico; Mexicanly |
mexicano {adj} | :: Mexican |
mexicano {m} | :: Mexican |
México {prop} {m} /ˈmɛ.ʃi.ku/ | :: México (country) |
México {prop} {m} | :: México (capital city) |
mexilhão {m} | :: mussel |
mexilhão {m} [colloquial] | :: vagina (woman's genitalia) |
mexim {m} [US] | :: machine |
meya {f} | :: obsolete spelling of meia |
Meyer {prop} | :: surname |
meyo {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of meio |
meyo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of meio |
mez {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mês |
mezanino {m} | :: entresol (an intermediate floor in a building) |
mezereão {m} | :: mezereon (Daphne mezereum, an ornamental shrub) |
mezinha {f} /mɛ.ˈzi.ɲɐ/ | :: home remedy |
MG {prop} | :: initialism of Minas Gerais (Brazilian state) |
mi {m} /ˈmi/ | :: mi (musical note) |
mi {pron} | :: obsolete form of mim |
mialheiro {m} | :: obsolete form of mealheiro |
Miamar {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Mianmar |
Miami {prop} {f} /maj.ˈɐ.mi/ | :: Miami (city) |
Mianmá {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Mianmar |
Mianmar {prop} {m} /mi.ɐ̃.ˈmaɻ/ | :: Mianmar (country) |
miar {v} | :: to meow |
miasma {m} /mi.ˈaʒ.mɐ/ | :: miasma (noxious atmosphere or influence) |
miasma {m} [medicine, historical] | :: miasma (noxious emanation from swamps that was thought to cause diseases) |
miau {interj} | :: meow (onomatopoeia of the cry of a cat) |
miau {m} | :: meow (the cry of a cat) |
mica {f} [mineral] | :: mica (hydrous aluminosilicate mineral) |
micáceo {adj} [mineralogy] /miˈkasiu/ | :: micaceous |
Micaela {prop} {f} | :: given name |
micaelense {mf} | :: a native of São Miguel Island (island in the Azores) |
micaelense {adj} | :: of or relating to São Miguel Island (island in the Azores) |
Micaías {prop} {m} [book of the bible] /ˌmi.ka.ˈi.ɐs/ | :: Micah (book of the Bible) |
Micaías {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Micah (a minor prophet) |
miçanga {f} | :: bead (small, pierced round object) |
micção {f} [physiology] | :: micturition; urination |
micela {f} [chemistry] | :: micelle (colloidal aggregate) |
Micenas {prop} {f} | :: Micenas (ancient city/and/archaelogical site) |
micénico {adj} [Portugal] | :: Mycenaean (from or relating to the Ancient Greek city of Mycenae) |
micénico {m} [Portugal] | :: Mycenaean (person from Mycenae) |
micénico {m} [Portugal, uncountable] | :: Mycenaean Greek (Ancient Greek language spoken by the Mycenaeans in the Bronze Age) |
micênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of micénico |
micênico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of micénico |
micetologia {f} | :: mycology |
micetológico {adj} | :: mycological |
michê {m} | :: prostitution (sexual activity done for money) |
michê {m} | :: a male prostitute |
Michigan {prop} {m} | :: Michigan (state) |
Michiko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
micho {m} /ˈmiʃu/ | :: a poor person, someone without money |
mico- {prefix} | :: myco- |
mico {m} /ˈmi.ku/ | :: any of several very small and long-tailed monkeys, such as capuchins and marmosets |
mico {m} | :: gaffe; blunder; faux pas (an embarrassing mistake or situation) |
micologia {f} | :: mycology (study of fungi) |
micológico {adj} | :: mycological |
micoplasma {f} | :: mycoplasma |
micorriza {f} [biology] | :: mycorrhiza (symbiotic relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of a plant) |
micro- {prefix} | :: micro- (very small) |
micro- {prefix} [metric units] | :: micro- (one millionth) |
microaerófilo {adj} [biology] | :: microaerophilic (thriving in low-oxygen environments) |
microaerófilo {m} [biology] | :: microaerophile (organism that thrives in low-oxygen environments) |
microarquitetura {f} | :: microarchitecture |
microarranjo {m} | :: microarray (two-dimensional array of small quantities of biological material) |
microarray {f} | :: microarray (two-dimensional array of small quantities of biological material) |
microbial {adj} | :: microbial (relating to microbes) |
microbiano {adj} | :: microbial (relating to microbes) |
micróbico {adj} | :: microbial (relating to microbes) |
micróbio {m} | :: microbe; microorganism (lifeform invisible to the naked eye) |
microbiologia {f} [biology] | :: microbiology (branch of biology dealing with microorganisms) |
microbiologicamente {adv} | :: microbiologically |
microbiológico {adj} | :: microbiological |
microbiólogo {m} | :: microbiologist (scientist whose speciality is microbiology) |
microblogging {m} | :: microblogging (activity of posting regular updates on a microblog) |
microchip {m} [electronics] | :: microchip (small plate with a set of electronic circuits) |
microcítico {adj} | :: microcytic |
microclima {m} /mi.kɾɔ.ˈkli.mɐ/ | :: microclimate |
microcomputador {m} | :: microcomputer |
microconídio {m} [mycology] | :: microconidium (the smaller of a pair of conidia) |
microcosmo {m} | :: microcosm (smaller system as representative of a larger one) |
microcosmo {m} [ecology] | :: microcosm (a small ecosystem) |
microdeleção {f} [genetics] | :: microdeletion (deletion of a small part of a chromosome) |
microeconomia {f} [economics] | :: microeconomics (small-scale economic activities) |
microeconómico {adj} [Portugal, economics] | :: microeconomic (relating to a microeconomy) |
microeconômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of microeconómico |
microeletrodo {m} | :: microelectrode |
microeletrónica {f} | :: microelectronics |
microeletrônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of microeletrónica |
microespelho {m} [physics] | :: micromirror |
microfonada {f} | :: a hit, a blow using a microphone |
microfonado {adj} [said of sound] | :: transmitted through a microphone |
microfone {m} | :: microphone |
microfonia {f} | :: feedback (high-pitched noise heard when a microphone is near a speaker) |
microfóssil {m} | :: microfossil |
micrograma {m} | :: microgram |
microgravidade {f} [physics] | :: microgravity (very low acceleration between two free floating objects) |
micromatriz {f} | :: microarray (two-dimensional array of small quantities of biological material) |
micrómetro {m} [Portugal] | :: micrometer (one-millionth of a meter) |
micrómetro {m} [Portugal] | :: micrometer (instrument used to measure small distances) |
micrômetro {m} | :: micrometer (instrument) |
mícron {m} | :: micron (one-millionth of a meter) |
Micronésia {prop} {f} | :: Micronésia (subregion) |
Micronésia {prop} {f} | :: Micronésia (country) |
micronésio {adj} | :: Micronesian (of, from, or pertaining to Micronesia) |
micronésio {m} | :: Micronesian (person from Micronesia) |
micronúcleo {m} | :: micronucleus |
micro-onda {f} [physics] | :: microwave (electromagnetic wave with wavelength between that of infrared light and radio waves) |
microonda {f} | :: superseded spelling of micro-onda |
micro-ondas {m} | :: clipping of forno de micro-ondas microwave oven |
microondas {m} | :: superseded spelling of micro-ondas |
micro-ônibus {m} | :: superseded spelling of microônibus |
microônibus {m} [Brazil] | :: minibus (a small bus) |
micro-organismo {m} [biology] | :: microorganism (an organism too small to be seen by unaided eye) |
microorganismo {m} | :: superseded spelling of micro-organismo |
micropaleontologia {f} | :: micropaleontology (the study of microfossils) |
microplástico {m} | :: microplastic |
microprocessador {m} /ˌmi.kɾo.pɾo.ˌˈdoɻ/ | :: microprocessor (the entire CPU of a computer) |
microrganismo {m} | :: microorganism |
microrregião {f} | :: micro-region |
microscopia {f} [optics] | :: microscopy (the use of microscopes) |
microscópico {adj} | :: microscopic |
microscópio {m} | :: microscope |
microscópio eletrónico {m} [Portugal] | :: electron microscope (microscope that uses a beam of electrons instead of light) |
microscópio eletrônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of microscópio eletrónico |
microsegundo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of microssegundo |
microssaia {f} | :: microskirt (extremely short skirt) |
microssegundo {m} | :: microsecond (unit of time equal to one millionth of a second) |
microssomo {adj} | :: microsomal |
micro system {m} | :: music center (an integrated home audio system; particularly, one smaller than a mini system) |
microtúbulo {m} [cytology] | :: microtubule (tube inside cells) |
microzima {mf} [obsolete] | :: microzyma (micro-organism that causes acute infectious disease) |
mictório {m} | :: urinal (appliance in male restrooms mounted on a wall) |
Midas {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Midas (king with the power to turn things into gold) |
Midgard {prop} {f} [Norse mythology] | :: Midgard (mythological location) |
mídia {f} [Brazil] | :: media (journalists and other professionals who compose the mass communication industry) |
mídia {f} [Brazil] | :: multimedia |
mídia {f} [Brazil, by extension] | :: any device, such as a disk, which reproduces audio and/or video |
midiático {adj} [Brazil] | :: media (attributive) |
Midway {prop} {f} | :: Midway (atoll) |
miga {f} | :: crumb (small piece of bread, biscuit, cake, etc) |
miga {f} [in the plural, culinary] | :: A traditional Iberian dish consisting of leftover bread and various ingredients |
miga {f} [Brazil, affectionate] | :: female friend; used especially by women |
migalha {f} /mi.ˈɣa.ʎɐ/ | :: crumb (small piece of bread, biscuit, cake, etc) |
migalha {f} | :: very small quantity of objects |
migalho {m} | :: alternative form of migalha |
mignon {m} | :: clipping of filé mignon |
mignon {adj} | :: mignon (small and dainty) |
mignon {adj} [slang] | :: cute (sexually attractive) |
migo {m} [colloquial] | :: friend |
migração {f} /miɣɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: migration |
migrante {adj} /miˈɣɾɐ̃tɨ/ | :: migrant |
migrante {adj} | :: migrating |
migrante {mf} | :: migrant |
migrar {vi} /miˈɣɾaɾ/ | :: to migrate (to relocate from one region to another) |
migrar {vt} [computing] | :: to migrate (to start using a different system or programming language) |
migratório {adj} /ˌmi.ɡɾa.ˈtɔ.ɾi.u/ | :: migrant; migratory (that migrates) |
migratório {adj} | :: relating to migration |
migué {m} [Brazil, slang] /mi.ˈɡɛ/ | :: bullshit (untrue statements intended to deceive) |
migué {mf} [Brazil, slang] | :: a person availing themselves of such statements |
Miguel {prop} {m} /miˈɣɛɫ/ | :: given name |
Miguel {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Michael (an archangel) |
Miguel Calmon {prop} | :: Miguel Calmon (municipality) |
Miguelópolis {prop} | :: Miguelópolis (municipality) |
Miguel Pereira {prop} | :: Miguel Pereira (municipality) |
miguezeiro {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: liar |
Mihaescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
miíase {f} [medicine] | :: myiasis (infestation of a living vertebrate with maggots) |
mijão {adj} [vulgar, derogatory, of a person] | :: Who urinates excessively |
mijar {vi} [vulgar] | :: to piss (urinate) |
mijar-se {v} | :: See: pt mijar se |
mijar-se {vr} [figurative] | :: to be frightened |
mijo {m} [mildly, vulgar] | :: piss (urine) |
Mika {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Miki {prop} {mf} | :: given name |
Miki {prop} {mf} | :: given name |
Miki {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Mikiko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mil {adj} /miɫ/ | :: one thousand; a thousand; 1000 |
mil {adj} | :: [somewhat, poetic] thousands of (very many) |
milagre {m} /mi.ˈla.ɣɾɨ/ | :: miracle (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) |
milagre {m} | :: miracle (fortunate outcome that prevails despite overwhelming odds against it) |
Milagres {prop} | :: Milagres (municipality) |
milagrosamente {adv} | :: miraculously |
milagroso {adj} | :: miraculous |
Milaõ {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Milão |
Milão {prop} {f} /mi.ˈlɐ̃w̃/ | :: Milão (city/and/province/regional capital) |
míldio {m} [plant disease] | :: disease-causing mildew, especially those that affect grapevines |
Mileff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
milefólio {m} | :: common yarrow, milfoil (Achillea millefolium, a herb of North America and Eurasia) |
Milena {prop} {f} | :: given name |
milénio {m} | :: millennium |
milênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of milénio |
milenrama {f} | :: common yarrow, milfoil (Achillea millefolium) |
milésimo {ordinal num} | :: one thousandth |
Mileto {prop} {f} | :: Mileto (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in western <<r/Anatolia>>, in modern <<c/Turkey>>) |
Milev {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
milgrada {f} [archaic, dialectal] /miɫ.ˈɣɾa.ðɐ/ | :: pomegranate (fruit) |
milha {f} /ˈmi.ʎa/ | :: mile (imperial unit of measure from length, equivalent to 1609.33 m) |
milha {f} [Brazil, obsolete] | :: unit of measure equivalent to 2200 m |
milha {f} | :: maize straw |
milhafre {m} | :: any kite (bird of prey) of the Milvus genus |
milha náutica {f} | :: nautical mile (a unit of measure equal to 1852 meters) |
milhão {m} /mi.ˈʎɐ̃w̃/ | :: A million, 106 |
milhar {m} | :: (especially in plural) thousand |
milhar {v} [rare, obsolete outside southern Brazil] /mi.ˈʎa(ɾ)/ | :: to feed animals maize |
milharal {m} | :: cornfield (field of maize) |
milhentos {num} | :: zillion (unspecified large number) |
milhete {m} | :: alternative form of milheto |
milheto {m} | :: millet (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) |
milho {m} [uncountable] /ˈmi.ʎu/ | :: maize (seeds of the plant Zea mays) |
milho {m} | :: a single maize seed |
milho {m} | :: a maize plant (Zea mays) |
milho {m} | :: corncob (an ear of maize) |
milhões {mp} /mi.ˈʎõj̃s/ | :: millions (a very large amount or number of things) |
milhões {adv} | :: [slang] a lot (to a great degree) |
mili- {prefix} | :: milli- (SI prefix multiplying the unit by 10-3) |
milibar {m} | :: millibar (non-SI unit of pressure) |
milícia {f} | :: militia |
miliciano {m} [military] /miˌli.siˈɐ.nu/ | :: militiaman (member of a militia) |
miliciano {m} [Brazil] | :: a member of any of a number of Mafia-like groups that control slums in Rio de Janeiro |
milico {m} [derogatory, Latin America] | :: soldier |
milieu {m} | :: milieu (a person’s social setting or environment) |
miligrama {m} | :: milligram |
mililitro {m} | :: millilitre (unit of volume) |
milímetro {m} | :: millimetre (unit of measure) |
milionário {m} | :: millionaire |
milionésimo {ordinal num} | :: millionth |
milionésimo {m} | :: millionth |
milissegundo {m} | :: millisecond |
militança {f} | :: alternative form of militância |
militância {f} | :: militancy |
militante {mf} | :: militant |
militar {adj} /miliˈtaɾ/ | :: military (relating to war or armed forces) |
militar {mf} | :: a member of the military or of a military government; military serviceman |
militarismo {m} | :: militarism (ideology holding that the military is the foundation of a society’s security) |
milkshake {m} /ˌmiwk.ˈʃejk/ | :: milkshake (milk and ice cream beverage) |
millerita {f} [mineral] | :: millerite |
mil novecentos e bolinha {num} [idiomatic] | :: a unspecified very old time |
mil novecentos e guaraná com rolha {num} [idiomatic, Brazil] | :: a unspecified very old time |
milola {f} {m} [Angola, Mozambique] | :: cottonwood hibiscus (Talipariti tiliaceum) |
milonga {f} | :: milonga (music) |
milonga {f} | :: milonga (dance) |
milorde {m} | :: milord |
mim {pron} /mĩ/ | :: first-person singular prepositional pronoun |
mim {pron} [strongly, proscribed] | :: used instead of eu as the subject of a subordinate clause following para |
mimado {adj} | :: spoilt (having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) |
mimar {v} | :: to pamper; to spoil (to treat with excessive care, to indulge) |
mimeógrafo {m} | :: mimeograph |
mimetismo {m} [biology] | :: mimicry (simulation of the appearance or behaviour of another creature) |
mimetizar {v} [biology] | :: to mimic (to take on the appearance of something else, for protection or camouflage) |
mímica {f} | :: mimicry (the act or ability to simulate the appearance or behaviour of someone or something else) |
mímico {adj} | :: mimic |
mímico {m} | :: mimic; mime (person who practices mimicry) |
mimimi {m} [colloquial, derrogatory] /mi.mi.ˈmi/ | :: a repetitive and/or annoying speech |
mimimizento {adj} [Brazil, slang, neologism] | :: alternative form of mimizento |
mimir {v} [childish] | :: to sleep |
mimizento {adj} [Brazil, slang, neologism] | :: fussy (tending to complain about petty details) |
mimo-de-vênus {f} | :: Chinese hibiscus; China rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) |
mimosa {f} [botany] | :: mimosa (any plant belonging to the genus Mimosa) |
mimosa {f} | :: mandarin (fruit) |
mimosa {f} | :: tangerine (variety of the mandarin orange) |
min {n} | :: abbreviation of minuto |
min {n} | :: Used to indicate time in relation to an hour on a 24-hour clock |
min {n} | :: Used to indicate any sequence of time in minutes |
mina {f} /ˈmi.nɐ/ | :: mine (place from which ore is extracted) |
mina {f} [figuratively] | :: fount |
mina {f} | :: mine (explosive) |
mina {f} [slang, Brazil] | :: girl, gal |
mina de ouro {f} | :: See: pt mina de ouro |
mina de ouro {f} [idiomatic] | :: gold mine (very profitable economic venture) |
Minako {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Minami {prop} {mf} | :: given name |
Minami {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
minar {v} /miˈnaɾ/ | :: to mine (to extract ore from the ground) |
minar {vt} | :: to mine (to place mines (device that explodes when touched or approached) in) |
minar {v} | :: to undermine (to dig under something) |
minar {v} [figurative] | :: to undermine (to weaken or work against) |
minarete {m} | :: minaret (mosque tower) |
minarquia {m} [politics] | :: minarchy |
minarquismo {m} [politics] | :: minarchism |
minarquista {adj} [politics] | :: minarchist |
minarquista {mf} [politics] | :: minarchist |
Minas {prop} | :: clipping of Minas Gerais (state of Brazil) |
Minas do Leão {prop} | :: Minas do Leão (municipality) |
Minas Gerais {prop} | :: Minas Gerais (state) |
Minas Novas {prop} | :: Minas Novas (municipality) |
mina terrestre {f} [military] | :: land mine (type of mine that is placed on land) |
Minde {prop} | :: A civil parish in Alcanena, Portugal |
Mindelo {prop} | :: Mindelo |
mindinho {m} | :: little finger (outermost and smallest finger of the hand) |
Minduri {prop} | :: Minduri (municipality) |
Minegishi {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mineiro {m} /mi.ˈnɐj.ɾu/ | :: miner (person who works in a mine) |
mineiro {m} | :: mine (excavation from which ore or minerals are taken) |
mineiro {adj} | :: relating to mining |
mineiro {m} | :: a person from the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais |
mineiro {adj} | :: of, from or relating to Minas Gerais |
Mineiros do Tietê {prop} | :: Mineiros do Tietê (municipality) |
mineração {f} | :: mining |
minerador {m} | :: miner |
mineral {m} [geology] /minɨˈɾaɫ/ | :: mineral (naturally occurring inorganic material with characteristic physical properties) |
mineral {m} [nutrition] | :: mineral (inorganic element essential to nutrition) |
mineral {adj} | :: mineral (relating to or made of minerals) |
mineralização {f} | :: mineralization |
mineralizar {v} | :: to mineralize |
mineralogia {f} | :: mineralogy |
mineralógico {adj} | :: mineralogical (relating to mineralogy) |
mineralogista {mf} | :: mineralogist (expert in mineralogy) |
minerar {vt} | :: to mine, to remove ore from the ground |
minério {m} /mi.ˈnɛ.ɾju/ | :: ore |
minério {m} | :: mineral |
Minerva {prop} {f} [Roman god] /mi.ˈnɛʁ.vɐ/ | :: Minerva (goddess of wisdom) |
minete {m} [vulgar] /miˈnɛt(ə)/ | :: cunnilingus |
mingar {v} [dialectal] /mĩ.ˈɡaɾ/ | :: alternative form of minguar |
mingau {m} [Brazil] /mĩ.ˈɡaw/ | :: porridge (breakfast cereal dish) |
míngua {f} /ˈmĩ.ɡwɐ/ | :: decrease |
míngua {f} | :: lack |
minguante {adj} | :: waning (becoming weaker or smaller) |
minguante {f} | :: the waning moon (phase of the moon when it appears to grow smaller) |
minguar {v} /mĩ.ˈɡwaɾ/ | :: to wane (lunar phase) |
minguar {v} | :: to diminish |
minha {pron} /ˈmi.ɲɐ/ | :: f. sg. form of possessive meu |
Minha Casa, Minha Vida {prop} {m} | :: A public housing program in Brazil, established in 2009 |
minha nossa {interj} | :: alternative form of minha nossa senhora |
minha nossa senhora {interj} | :: oh my God!; good Lord!; Jesus! (said in shock, awe or dismay) |
minhas {pron} /ˈmi.ɲɐʃ/ | :: f. pl. form of possessive meu |
Minho {prop} {m} /ˈmi.ɲu/ | :: Minho (traditional region/and/former province) |
Minho {prop} {m} | :: Minho (river) |
minhoca {f} /mi.ˈɲɔ.kɐ/ | :: earthworm |
minhoto {adj} /mi.ˈɲo.tu/ | :: Of or from Minho |
minhoto {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Minho |
mini- {prefix} | :: mini- (denotes a small version of something) |
miniatura {f} | :: miniature (small version of something) |
minibar {m} | :: minibar |
minigolfe {m} | :: minigolf |
mínima {f} [music] | :: minim (a half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem) |
minimalismo {m} [arts] | :: minimalism (style of art that emphasises extreme simplicity) |
minimalista {adj} | :: minimalist (characterised by extreme simplicity) |
minimalista {mf} | :: minimalist (artists who creates minimalist art) |
minimizar {v} /ˌˈza(ɹ)/ | :: to minimize (make small as possible) |
mínimo {adj} /ˈ | :: minimum (to the lowest degree) |
mínimo {m} | :: minimum (lowest limit) |
mínimo {m} | :: clipping of dedo mínimo |
mínimo {m} | :: clipping of salário mínimo |
mínimo denominador comum {m} [mathematics] | :: lowest common denominator (smallest multiple of several denominators) |
minino {m} | :: obsolete spelling of menino |
minino {m} [chiefly Brazil] | :: eye dialect of menino |
mini-saia {f} | :: superseded spelling of minissaia |
minissaia {f} /miniˈsajɐ/ | :: miniskirt |
ministerial {adj} [ecclesiastical] | :: ministerial (related to a religious minister or ministry) |
ministerial {adj} [government] | :: ministerial (related to a governmental minister or ministry) |
ministerial {adj} | :: ministerial (having the power to wield delegated executive authority) |
ministeriável {adj} [politics] | :: Potentially a minister |
ministério {f} /mi.nisˈtɛ.ɾju/ | :: ministry |
ministração {f} [uncountable] | :: administration (the act of administering something) |
ministrando {v} | :: gerund of ministrar |
ministrar {v} | :: to minister |
ministrar {v} | :: to administer |
ministro {m} [politics] /mi.ˈniʃ.tɾu/ | :: minister (a person who is commissioned by the government for public service) |
ministro {m} [Christianity] | :: one who does something on behalf of the church |
ministro {m} [diplomacy] | :: minister (rank below ambassador) |
ministro {m} | :: agent (one who acts for or in the place of another) |
ministro do exterior {m} | :: foreign minister (official in charge of relationships with foreign nations) |
mini system {m} | :: music center (an integrated home audio system; particularly, one larger than a micro system) |
minnan {m} | :: Min Nan (language spoken in southeastern China) |
Minnesota {prop} {m} /ˌˈso.tɐ/ | :: Minnesota (state) |
Minorca {prop} {f} | :: Minorca (island) |
minoria {f} | :: minority |
minoritário {adj} | :: minority |
minorquino {adj} | :: Minorcan (of, from or relating to Minorca) |
minorquino {m} | :: Minorcan (person from Minorca) |
minotauro {m} [Greek mythology, fantasy] | :: minotaur (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) |
Minotauro {prop} {m} | :: the Minotaur who dwelt in the labyrinth |
Minsk {prop} {f} /mĩsk/ | :: Minsk (capital city) |
Minsque {prop} {f} | :: rare spelling of Minsk |
minuano {m} [dialectal, Rio Grande do Sul] | :: minuano, a powerful cold wind that comes from south |
minúcia {f} /miˈnu.sja/ | :: a minor detail or aspect |
minuciar {vt} | :: to detail (to explain in detail) |
minuciosamente {adv} | :: carefully, meticulously, minutely |
minucioso {adj} | :: thorough; detailed |
minudenciado {adj} | :: explained in detail |
minuendo {m} | :: minuend |
minueto {m} [dancing] | :: minuet (slow, graceful dance) |
minueto {m} [music] | :: minuet (tune or air to regulate the movements of the minuet dance) |
minúscula {f} [orthography] | :: minuscule (lower-case letter) |
minúsculo {adj} /mi.ˈ | :: minute; minuscule; tiny (very small) |
minúsculo {adj} [orthography] | :: minuscule; lower-case (written in minuscules) |
minutar {v} | :: to draft (to write a first version of a text) |
minuto {m} /mi.ˈnu.tu/ | :: minute (60 seconds) |
mió {adj} | :: eye dialect of melhor |
mió {adv} | :: eye dialect of melhor |
miocárdio {m} [anatomy, cardiology] | :: myocardium (muscles that surround and power the heart) |
miocénico {adj} [European orthography, geology] | :: relating to the Miocene epoch |
miocênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of miocénico |
mioceno {m} [geology] | :: Miocene (epoch that occurred from about 23.03 to 5.332 million years ago) |
mioceno {adj} [geology] | :: relating to the Miocene epoch |
miojo {m} [Brazil] | :: instant noodles |
miolo {m} /ˈ | :: crumb; soft part (of bread etc) |
miolo {m} | :: marrow |
miolo {m} [botany] | :: core; kernel (of a fruit) |
miolo {m} [colloquial, in the plural] | :: brain |
miolo {m} [figuratively] | :: judgement, reason |
míope {mf} [ophthalmology] | :: myopic (person suffering from myopia) |
míope {adj} [ophthalmology] | :: myopic; nearsighted (unable to focus on distant objects) |
miopia {f} /ˌmi.oˈpi.a/ | :: myopia (disorder of vision) |
miópico {adj} [ophthalmology] | :: myopic; nearsighted (unable to focus on distant objects) |
mioquimia {f} [medicine] | :: myokymia (involuntary, spontaneous quivering of part of a muscle) |
mior {adj} | :: eye dialect of melhor |
mior {adv} | :: eye dialect of melhor |
miose {f} | :: alternative form of meiose |
miosótis {m} /ˌmi.o.ˈsɔ.t͡ʃis/ | :: forget-me-not (plant of the genus Myosotis) |
Miqueias {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Micaías |
Miquéias {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Miqueias |
Mir {prop} {f} | :: Mir (an international space station) |
mira {f} /ˈmiɾɐ/ | :: sight (device through which the person aiming looks at the intended target) |
mira {f} | :: marksmanship (ability to shoot accurately at a target) |
Mira {prop} {f} /ˈmiɾɐ/ | :: Mira (village/and/municipality) |
Mira {prop} {m} | :: Mira (river) |
Mirabela {prop} | :: Mirabela (municipality) |
mirabolante {adj} | :: excessively grandiose and impossible to achieve |
mirabolante {adj} | :: absurd; fantastic |
Miracatu {prop} | :: Miracatu (municipality) |
Miracema {prop} | :: Miracema (municipality) |
miráculo {m} [rare, poetic] /miˈɾ | :: miracle (inexplicable event attributed to God) |
miraculoso {adj} /miɾɐkuˈlozu/ | :: miraculous |
miradoiro {m} /mi.ɾɐˈðoj.ɾu/ | :: alternative form of miradouro |
miradouro {m} /mi.ɾɐˈðow.ɾu/ | :: belvedere |
miradouro {m} | :: terrace |
Miradouro {prop} | :: Miradouro (municipality) |
Mira Estrela {prop} | :: Mira Estrela (municipality) |
miragem {f} /mi.ˈɾa.ʒẽj̃/ | :: mirage (an optical phenomenon) |
Miraguaí {prop} | :: Miraguaí (municipality) |
Miraí {prop} | :: Miraí (municipality) |
Miranda {prop} {f} /mi.ˈɾɐ̃.dɐ/ | :: given name |
Miranda {prop} {f} | :: Miranda (moon of Uranus) |
Miranda do Corvo {prop} {f} /miˈɾɐ̃dɐ ðu ˈkoɾvu/ | :: Miranda do Corvo (village/and/municipality) |
Miranda do Douro {prop} {f} /miˈɾɐ̃dɐ ðu ˈðowɾu/ | :: Miranda do Douro (city/and/municipality) |
Mirandela {prop} {f} /miɾɐ̃ˈdɛlɐ/ | :: Mirandela (city/and/municipality) |
mirandês {m} /mi.ɾɐ̃.ˈdeʃ/ | :: Mirandese (inhabitant of Miranda do Douro) |
mirandês {m} [uncountable] | :: Mirandese (language) |
mirandês {adj} | :: Mirandese (of Miranda do Douro) |
mirandês {adj} | :: Mirandese (of the Mirandese language) |
mirandez {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mirandês |
mirandez {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of mirandês |
Mirandópolis {prop} | :: Mirandópolis (municipality) |
Mirangaba {prop} | :: Mirangaba (municipality) |
mirante {m} | :: overlook (elevated location where a panorama can be observed) |
Mirante {prop} | :: Mirante (municipality) |
Mirante do Paranapanema {prop} | :: Mirante do Paranapanema (municipality) |
mirar {v} [poetic] /mi.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to see; to observe |
mirar {v} | :: to sight; to aim (to point a weapon towards the target) |
Mirassol {prop} | :: Mirassol (municipality) |
Mirassolândia {prop} | :: Mirassolândia (municipality) |
Miravânia {prop} | :: Miravânia (municipality) |
Miriã {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Miriam |
miríade {f} [historical] /miˈɾiɐðɨ/ | :: myriad (ten thousand) |
miríade {f} | :: myriad (vast quantity of something) |
Miriam {prop} {f} /ˈmi.ɾi.ɐ̃/ | :: given name |
mirífico {adj} /mi.ˈ | :: admirable, wonderful |
mirim {adj} [Brazil, usually in compound animal names] | :: tiny, little, wee |
mirim {m} [Brazil] | :: any small, stingless bee, especially those of the genus Plebeia |
Mirim Doce {prop} | :: Mirim Doce (municipality) |
mirra {f} /ˈmi.ʁɐ/ | :: myrrh (dried sap of the Commiphora myrrha tree) |
mirra {mf} [dialectal] | :: a skinny person |
mirra {f} [obsolete] | :: skeleton, mummy |
mirrar {vi} [of plants] /miˈʁaɾ/ | :: to wither (to dry up or shrivel) |
mirrar {vt} [of plants] | :: to wither (to cause to dry up or shrivel) |
mirrar {vi} [figurative] | :: to wither (to lose vigour or power) |
mirrar {vt} [figurative] | :: to wither (to cause to lose vigour or power) |
mirrha {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mirra |
mirtilo {m} /miɾ.ˈ | :: blueberry (berry) |
mirtilo {m} | :: blueberry (shrub) |
mirtilo {m} | :: bilberry (berry) |
mirtilo {m} | :: bilberry (shrub) |
mirto {m} | :: myrtle |
misandria {f} | :: misandry (hatred of or prejudice against men) |
misândrico {adj} | :: misandristic, misandrist, misandric, misandrous |
misândrico {m} | :: misandrist, misandric |
misantropia {f} | :: misanthropy (hatred or dislike of people) |
misantrópico {adj} | :: misanthropic (hating or disliking mankind) |
misantropo {m} | :: misanthrope (one who hates all mankind) |
miscelânea {f} | :: miscellany, medley (collection of miscellaneous things) |
miscigenação {f} | :: miscegenation (the mixing or blending of race) |
miscrar {v} | :: alternative form of mesclar |
mise en scène {f} | :: alternative spelling of mise-en-scène |
mise-en-scène {f} [theatre, film] | :: mise en scène (the arrangement of props and actors on a stage or for film) |
miserabilissimamente {adv} | :: superlative of miseravelmente |
miseravel {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of miserável |
miserável {adj} /mi.zɨ.ˈɾa.vɛɫ/ | :: miserable |
miserável {adj} | :: wretched |
miserável {adj} | :: miserly |
miseravelmente {adv} | :: In state of misery; in context of sadness, illness or poverty; miserably |
miseravelmente {adv} | :: Without skill; unskillfully; miserably |
miserê {m} [colloquial] | :: misery (extreme poverty) |
miseria {f} | :: obsolete spelling of miséria |
miséria {f} /mi.ˈzɛ.ɾjɐ/ | :: misery |
miséria {f} | :: poverty |
miséria {f} | :: squalor |
misericordia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of misericórdia |
misericórdia {f} | :: mercy (blessing) |
misericórdia {f} | :: pity |
misericórdia {interj} | :: an expression of shock or surprise; Jesus! |
misericordioso {adj} | :: merciful (showing mercy) |
miserrimamente {adv} /mi.ˌzɛ.ʁi.mɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: superlative of miseramente |
misérrimo {adj} /mi.ˈzɛ.ʁ | :: superlative of mísero |
misófoba {f} | :: feminine noun of misófobo |
misófobo {m} | :: mysophobe (person with an abnormal fear of filth) |
misófobo {adj} | :: mysophobic (having an abnormal fear of filth) |
misoginia {f} | :: misogyny (hatred or contempt for women) |
misógino {m} | :: misogynist (hater of women) |
misógino {adj} | :: misogynistic, misogynist, misogynic, misogynous (exhibiting misogyny) |
Misore {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Mysore |
missa {f} /ˈmi.sɐ/ | :: mass (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) |
missal {m} [Christianity] | :: missal (book containing prayers used during mass) |
missão {f} /miˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: mission (all senses) |
missar {vi} [obsolete] | :: to mass (to celebrate Mass) |
míssil {m} /ˈmi.siw/ | :: missile (any object to be thrown) |
míssil {m} | :: missile (self propelled projectile) |
míssil balístico {m} [weapons] | :: ballistic missile (missile that is initially guided, but then follows a ballistic trajectory) |
missionária {f} /ˌmi.sjo.ˈna.ɾjɐ/ | :: feminine noun of missionário |
missionário {m} | :: missionary (person traveling to spread a religion) |
Mississipi {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Mississippi |
Mississípi {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Mississippi |
Mississippi {prop} {m} | :: Mississippi (river) |
Mississippi {prop} {m} | :: Mississippi (state) |
missiva {f} | :: missive |
missiva {f} | :: letter |
Missouri {prop} {m} /mi.ˈzu.ɾi/ | :: Missouri (state) |
Missouri {prop} {m} | :: Missouri (river) |
mister {adj} [legal] /misˈtɛɾ/ | :: of the utmost importance |
mister {adj} | :: necessary |
mister {m} | :: office, work, employment, occupation, profession |
mister {m} | :: position in a profession |
mister {m} | :: need; necessity |
mister {m} | :: alternative form of míster |
míster {m} /ˈmis.teɹ/ | :: mister (title conferred on an adult male), especially when referring to Anglophones |
mistério {m} /miʃ.ˈtɛ.ɾju/ | :: mystery (something that is unexplained) |
misteriosamente {adv} | :: mysteriously |
misterioso {adj} | :: mysterious |
misticismo {m} | :: mysticism (doctrine of direct communication with divine truth) |
místico {adj} | :: mystic; mystical (relating to mystics, mysticism or occult mysteries) |
místico {adj} | :: mystic (mysterious and strange) |
místico {m} | :: mystic (someone who practises mysticism) |
mistificação {f} | :: mystification |
mistificador {adj} | :: mystifying |
mistificando {v} | :: gerund of mistificar |
mistificar {vt} | :: to mystify |
mistifório {m} | :: mishmash (a collection of random things) |
misto {adj} | :: mixed (having two or more separate aspects) |
misto {adj} | :: mixed (having different elements) |
misto {adj} [specifically] | :: mixed (including both males and females) |
misto {m} | :: jumble (a mixture of unrelated things) |
misto {m} | :: grilled cheese (toasted cheese sandwich) |
misto-quente {m} | :: grilled cheese (toasted cheese sandwich) |
mistura {f} /miʃ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: mixture, blend (various different things put together) |
misturação {f} [uncommon] | :: mixture (act of mixing) |
misturamento {m} [rare] | :: mixture (act of mixing) |
misturar {v} /ˌmiʃ.tu.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to mix (stir two or more substances together) |
misturar {v} | :: to mix (combine items from two or more sources normally kept separate) |
misturar {v} [cooking] | :: to stir (agitate the content of a container by passing something through it) |
misturar {v} [figurative] | :: to socialise (interact with others) |
misturar alhos com bugalhos {v} [idiomatic] | :: mix apples and oranges (lit. 'mix up heads of garlic with oak apples') |
mistureba {f} | :: hodgepodge; jumble (collection of miscellaneous things) |
mitagem {f} [chiefly on the internet] | :: A demonstration of impressive qualities |
mitar {v} [chiefly on the Internet] | :: to excel, to demonstrate impressive qualities |
mitene {f} | :: fingerless glove (glove that doesn’t cover the fingers) |
mítico {adj} | :: mythical (existing in myths) |
mítico {adj} [slang] | :: amazing, awesome |
mitigação {f} | :: mitigation; relief; alleviation |
mitigar {v} /ˌmi.t͡ʃi.ˈɡa(ɹ)/ | :: to mitigate |
mito {m} /ˈmi.tu/ | :: myth |
mito {m} | :: traditional story |
mito {m} | :: commonly-held but false belief |
mito {m} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: person or thing held in excessive or quasi-religious awe, legend |
mitocôndria {f} /ˌˈkõ.dɾi.a/ | :: mitochondrion (respiratory organelle) |
mitocondrial {adj} [cytology] | :: mitochondrial (of or relating to mitochondria) |
mitologia {f} | :: mythology (collection and study of myths) |
mitologicamente {adv} | :: mythologically |
mitológico {adj} | :: mythological |
mitomania {f} | :: mythomania (compulsion to tell lies) |
mitomaníaco {adj} | :: mythomaniacal (afflicted with mythomania) |
mitomaníaco {m} | :: mythomaniac (person afflicted with mythomania) |
mitómano {m} [European orthography, Portugal] | :: mythomaniac (someone who suffers from mythomania) |
mitômano {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of mitómano |
mitose {f} [cytology] | :: mitosis (division of a cell nucleus) |
mitra {f} /ˈmitɾɐ/ | :: mitre |
mitra {m} [colloquial] | :: old rabbit |
mitra {m} [Portugal, slang] | :: street thug |
mitreu {m} | :: Mithraeum (cave-like place of worship of the followers of Mithraism) |
Mitrídates {prop} {m} | :: historical given name |
Mitsui {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Mitsuyuki {prop} {m} | :: given name |
miúda {f} [colloquial, Portugal] | :: girl, babe (an attractive person, especially a young woman) |
miudeza {f} | :: trifle (thing of minor worth or importance) |
miudeza {f} [uncountable] | :: smallness (the condition of being small) |
miúdo {adj} /mi.ˈu.ðu/ | :: very small |
miúdo {m} [Portugal, Rio Grande do Sul] | :: child |
miúdo {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: an internal organ used as offal |
Miura {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mixar {v} [music] | :: to mix (to combine several tracks) |
mixar {v} | :: to fail (to be unsuccessful) |
mixaria {f} | :: trifle (anything that is of little importance or worth) |
mixaria {f} | :: chicken feed (small quantity of money) |
mixe {adj} /ˈmi.ʃ(i)/ | :: tawdry, gaudy |
mixe {adj} | :: not impressive; small or of low value |
mixo {adj} | :: insignificant, worthless, or not impressive |
mixolídio {adj} | :: Mixolydian (designating a mode in music having final G and D dominant) |
mixomatose {f} | :: myxomatosis (a disease affecting rabbits) |
mixórdia {f} | :: mishmash (a collection of random things) |
mixturar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of misturar |
mixuruca {adj} /mi.ʃu.ˈɾu.ka/ | :: tawdry, gaudy |
mixuruca {adj} | :: not impressive; small or of low value |
Miyagawa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyagi {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyahara {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyakawa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyako {prop} {f} | :: Miyako (island) |
Miyamoto {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyamura {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyasaki {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyasato {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyasawa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyashiro {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyauchi {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyazaki {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyazato {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyazawa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Miyoko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Miyuki {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Mizoram {prop} {m} | :: Mizoram (state) |
mlk {m} [Internet slang] | :: abbreviation of moleque |
mmm {interj} | :: alternative form of hm |
Mnemosine {prop} {f} [Greek god] /ˌˈ | :: Mnemosyne (the titaness of memory) |
Mnemósine {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Mnemosine |
Mnemosyne {prop} {f} | :: archaic spelling of Mnemosine |
mó {f} /ˈmɔ/ | :: millstone |
mó {f} | :: grindstone |
mó {adj} [slang] /ˈmɔ/ | :: clipping of maior (often combined with article) |
mó {adv} [slang] | :: very |
mó {f} [collective] | :: crowd |
mó {f} | :: heap, pile (large quantity) |
mô {mf} [as a form of address] /ˈmo/ | :: eye dialect of amor |
moa {f} | :: moa (large, extinct flightless bird of New Zealand) |
Moacir {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Moacyr {prop} {m} | :: given name |
moagem {f} | :: milling (grinding process using a mill) |
moai {m} | :: moai (type of stone statue on Easter Island) |
mobelha {f} /mo.ˈbe.ʎɐ/ | :: loon (bird of the order Gaviiformes) |
mobelha-grande {f} | :: great northern diver (Gavia immer, a large bird of the diver family) |
móbil {adj} | :: mobile |
mobilado {adj} | :: furnished |
mobília {f} /mu.ˈβi.ljɐ/ | :: furniture |
mobiliado {adj} | :: furnished (supplied with furniture) |
mobiliar {vt} | :: to provide with furniture |
mobiliário {adj} | :: furniture (attributive) |
mobiliário {m} | :: furniture |
mobilidade {f} /ˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: mobility (condition of being mobile) |
mobilidade {f} | :: mobility (measure of the extent to which something is mobile) |
mobilização {f} | :: mobilization |
mobilizador {adj} /ˈdo(ɾ)/ | :: mobilizing (that mobilizes) |
mobilizador {m} | :: mobilizer (someone who mobilizes) |
mobilizando {v} | :: gerund of mobilizar |
mobilizante {adj} | :: mobilizing (that mobilizes) |
mobilizar {v} | :: to mobilize |
moca {m} | :: mocha (a type of strong Arabian coffee) |
moca {m} | :: mocha (a coffee drink with chocolate) |
moca {f} | :: club (heavy stick used as a weapon) |
moca {f} | :: mockery; ridicule; derision |
moça {f} /ˈmo.sɐ/ | :: girl, young lady |
moçada {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: folks |
moçambicano {adj} | :: Mozambican (of, from, or pertaining to Mozambique) |
moçambicano {m} | :: Mozambican (person from Mozambique) |
moçambique {m} [Brazil] | :: A folk dance of African origin |
Moçambique {prop} {m} /mu.sɐ̃.ˈbi.kɨ/ | :: Moçambique (country) |
mocambo {m} | :: refuge for fleeing slaves |
mocambo {m} | :: shanty |
moção {f} [politics] /muˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: motion (parliamentary proposal) |
moção {f} | :: motion; movement (progression from one place to another) |
moção {m} | :: augmentative of moço |
moçárabe {mf} [historical] /mu.ˈsa.ɾɐ.bɨ/ | :: Mozarab (Christian in Moorish Iberia) |
moçárabe {mf} [uncountable] | :: Mozarabic (extinct Romance language once spoken in Moorish Iberia) |
moçárabe {adj} | :: Mozarabic (relating to the Mozarabs) |
mocassim {f} | :: moccasin (any of several North American snakes of the genus Agkistrodon) |
mocassim {m} | :: moccasin (low-heeled shoe) |
mocassim {m} | :: moccasin (native North American deerskin shoe) |
mochila {f} /muˈʃilɐ/ | :: backpack |
mochileiro {m} | :: backpacker (traveller who uses inexpensive services) |
mocho {m} /ˈmo.ʃu/ | :: owl, little owl |
mocho {adj} [of a horned animal] | :: lacking one of the horns |
mocho-de-orelhas {m} | :: alternative form of mocho-d'orelhas |
mocho-d'orelhas {m} /mo.ʃu.də.oˈɾɐ.ʎɐʒ/ | :: scops owl |
mocho galego {m} | :: alternative spelling of mocho-galego |
mocho-galego {m} | :: little owl (Athene noctua, a species of owl) |
mocho pequeno {m} | :: alternative spelling of mocho-pequeno |
mocho-pequeno {m} | :: long-eared owl (Asio otus, a species of owl) |
mocidade {f} /musiˈðaðɨ/ | :: youth |
mocidade {f} | :: adolescence |
mocinha {f} | :: diminutive of moça |
mocinha {f} | :: feminine noun of mocinho |
mocinho {m} | :: diminutive of moço |
mocinho {m} | :: good guy (a good character in a story) |
mocinho {m} | :: young man (term of address when reprehending) |
mocinho {adj} | :: diminutive of moço |
moço {m} /ˈ | :: boy, young man |
Mococa {prop} | :: Mococa (municipality) |
moço de recados {m} | :: gofer (worker who runs errands) |
mocotó {m} | :: calf’s foot jelly |
moda {f} /ˈmɔ.ðɐ/ | :: fashion (current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons) |
moda {f} | :: way, manner |
moda {f} | :: ballad (long song that tells a story) |
moda {f} [statistics] | :: mode (most frequently occurring value in a distribution) |
modal {adj} | :: modal (all senses) |
modalidade {f} [uncountable] /mo.ˌˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: modality (state of being modal) |
modalidade {f} [sports] | :: discipline (sub-category of a sport) |
modelar {v} | :: to model |
modelo {m} /mu.ˈð | :: model (representation of a physical object) |
modelo {mf} | :: model (person who serves as a subject for artwork or fashion) |
Modelo {prop} | :: Modelo (municipality) |
modem {m} [networking, computer hardware] /ˈmo.dẽj̃/ | :: modem (a device that encodes computer signals into telephone signals and vice versa) |
Módena {prop} {f} | :: Módena (city/and/province) |
moderação {f} | :: moderation (avoidance of extremes) |
moderadamente {adv} | :: moderately |
moderado {adj} | :: moderate (not excessive) |
moderado {adj} [politics] | :: moderate (Opposing radicalism) |
moderado {m} [politics] | :: moderate (one who holds an intermediate position) |
moderador {adj} | :: moderating |
moderador {m} | :: moderator (all senses) |
moderar {vt} /ˌˈɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to moderate (to reduce the excessiveness of) |
moderar {vt} | :: to moderate (to act as the moderator of) |
modernidade {f} | :: modern era |
modernidade {f} | :: modernness |
moderninho {adj} | :: diminutive of moderno |
moderninho {adj} | :: trendy (in accordance with the latest trend) |
moderninho {m} | :: trendy (a trendy person) |
modernismo {m} | :: modernism (any of several styles of art that flourished in the 20th century) |
modernização {f} | :: modernisation (process of modernising) |
modernizar {vt} | :: to modernize (to make something modern) |
moderno {adj} /mu.ˈðɛɾ.nu/ | :: modern (pertaining to the current time and style) |
modestamente {adv} | :: modestly |
modéstia {f} | :: modesty (the quality of being modest) |
modesto {adj} | :: modest; humble (not bragging or boasting about oneself) |
modesto {adj} | :: modest (small or inexpensive) |
módico {adj} | :: moderate |
módico {adj} | :: modest |
módico {adj} | :: limited, scarce |
modificação {f} /mod͡ʒiˌfikaˈsɐ̃ʷ/ | :: modification, change |
modificado {adj} | :: modified |
modificador {m} | :: modifier (someone or something that modifies) |
modificador {m} [grammar] | :: modifier (qualifying word, clause or phrase) |
modificador {adj} | :: which modifies |
modificando {v} | :: gerund of modificar |
modificar {v} /mu.ðˈkaɾ/ | :: to modify |
modificativo {adj} | :: modifying |
modificável {adj} | :: modifiable (capable of being modified) |
modinha {f} [music] | :: modinha (sentimental songs in Portuguese) |
modinha {f} | :: trend; fad (phenomenon that remains popular for a short time) |
modinha {mf} [slang, often derogatory] | :: a person who follows a trend during its period of popularity |
modo {m} /ˈmɔ.ðu/ | :: mode; way; method (method or manner of doing something) |
modo {m} | :: mode; state; condition |
modo {m} [grammar] | :: mood |
modo {m} [music] | :: mode (one of several ancient scales) |
modo avião {m} | :: airplane mode (feature included on some cellular phones which disables radio signals) |
modo conjuntivo {m} [grammar, chiefly Portugal] | :: subjunctive mood |
modo eólio {m} [music] | :: Aeolian mode (a musical mode) |
modo indicativo {m} | :: indicative mood (mood of a verb) |
modorra {f} | :: somnolence, fatigue, drowsiness (pathological or not) |
modorra {f} | :: apathy; lack of interest or eagerness |
modorrento {adj} | :: drowsy (heavy with sleepiness) |
modorrento {adj} | :: drowsy; dull; stupid |
modo subjuntivo {m} [grammar, chiefly Brazil] | :: subjunctive mood |
modulação de amplitude {f} [radio] | :: amplitude modulation (method of sending information in which the amplitude of radio waves is modified) |
modulação de amplitude em quadratura {f} [radio] | :: quadrature amplitude modulation (modulation scheme that conveys data by applying amplitude modulation to two carrier waves at once) |
modulação de fase {f} | :: alternative form of modulação em fase |
modulação de frequência {f} [radio] | :: frequency modulation (method of sending information in which the frequency of radio waves is modified) |
modulação em amplitude {f} | :: alternative form of modulação de amplitude |
modulação em fase {f} | :: phase modulation (form of modulation) |
modulação em frequência {f} | :: alternative form of modulação de frequência |
modulador {m} | :: modulator |
modular {adj} | :: modular (consisting of modules) |
modular {vt} | :: to modulate (to regulate, adjust or adapt) |
modular {vt} [music] | :: to modulate (to change the pitch, intensity or tone of one’s voice or of a musical instrument) |
modular {vt} [electronics] | :: to modulate (to vary the amplitude, frequency or phase of a carrier wave) |
módulo {m} | :: module |
módulo {m} [math] | :: modulus |
módulo de Young {m} [physics] | :: Young’s modulus (coefficient of a solid’s elasticity) |
modus operandi {m} | :: modus operandi (method of operation) |
moeda {f} /ˈmwɛ.dɐ/ | :: coin |
moeda {f} | :: currency |
Moeda {prop} | :: Moeda (municipality) |
moedeiro {m} | :: a small purse or wallet, or a compartment in a purse or wallet, used to carry coins |
moedeiro {m} | :: someone who mints coins |
moedor {m} | :: grinder (device for grinding things) |
moedor {adj} | :: which grinds objects |
moela {f} /ˈmwɛ.lɐ/ | :: gizzard (portion of the oesophagus of some animals where food is ground) |
Moema {prop} | :: given name |
Moema {prop} | :: Moema (municipality) |
moenda {f} | :: mill (grinding apparatus) |
moer {vt} /ˈmweɾ/ | :: to mill |
moer {vt} | :: to grind, crush |
moer {vpi} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to tire; exhaust |
Moésia {prop} {f} /mo.ˈɛ.zjɐ/ | :: alternative form of Mésia |
moesteyro {m} | :: obsolete form of mosteiro |
mofado {adj} | :: mouldy (covered with mould) |
Mofamede {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Mafamede |
mofo {m} /ˈmo.fu/ | :: mold |
mofo {m} | :: the smell of mold |
mofo {m} | :: must (the property of being stale or musty) |
mofo {m} [plant disease] | :: mildew (growth of minute powdery or webby fungi on a plant) |
môfo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mofo |
Mogadíscio {prop} {f} | :: Mogadíscio (capital city) |
Mogadishu {prop} {f} /ˌmo.ɡa.ˈd͡ʒi.ʃu/ | :: alternative form of Mogadíscio |
Mogadixo {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Mogadíscio |
Mogadouro {prop} {m} /muɣɐˈðowɾu/ | :: Mogadouro (village/and/municipality) |
mogarim {m} | :: alternative form of bogari |
Mogi das Cruzes {prop} | :: Mogi das Cruzes (municipality) |
Mogi Guaçu {prop} | :: Mogi Guaçu (municipality) |
Mogilev {prop} {f} | :: Mogilev (city) |
Mogi Mirim {prop} | :: Mogi Mirim (municipality) |
mogno {m} | :: mahogany (any tree of the Swietenia genus, which are the source of high-end timber) |
mogno {m} [uncountable] | :: mahogany (wood of the mahogany tree) |
mogno africano {m} | :: African mahogany (a tree of the genus Khaya, similar to mahogany) |
mogol {mf} | :: obsolete form of mongol |
mogol {adj} | :: obsolete form of mongol |
Moguilev {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Mogilev |
Mogúncia {prop} {f} /mu.ˈɣũ.sjɐ/ | :: Mogúncia (city/state capital) |
mohair {m} | :: mohair (fine hair of the Angora goat) |
moicano {m} | :: Mohican (indigenous people of North America) |
moicano {m} [uncountable] | :: Mohican (extinct Algonquian language spoken by the Mohican peole) |
moicano {m} | :: Mohawk (hairstyle) |
moído {adj} /ˈmwiðu/ | :: milled, ground |
moído {v} | :: past participle of moer |
Moimenta da Beira {prop} {f} /mojˈmẽtɐ ðɐ ˈβɐjɾɐ/ | :: Moimenta da Beira (village/and/municipality) |
moinha {f} /mo.ˈi.ɲa/ | :: chaff (inedible part of grain) |
moinho {m} /ˈmwi.ɲu/ | :: mill (grinding apparatus or the building housing it) |
moinho de vento {m} | :: windmill (structure with sails rotated by the wind) |
moira {f} | :: moira (personification of fate) |
moira {f} | :: feminine noun of moiro |
Moira {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Moira (personification of fate) |
moirama {f} /moj.ˈɾɐ.mɐ/ | :: alternative form of mourama |
moirisma {f} /moj.ˈɾiʒ.mɐ/ | :: alternative form of mourisma |
moiro {adj} | :: alternative form of mouro |
moiro {m} | :: alternative form of mouro |
Moisés {prop} {m} [biblical character] /moj.ˈzɛ(j)s/ | :: Moses (the biblical patriarch) |
Moisés {prop} {m} | :: given name |
moita {f} /ˈmojtɐ/ | :: thicket (dense, small growth of shrubs, bushes or small trees) |
Moita {prop} {f} /ˈmojtɐ/ | :: Moita (village/and/municipality) |
moksha {m} | :: Moksha (language) |
mol {m} [Brazil] /ˈmɔw/ | :: mole (unit of amount) |
mola {f} /ˈmɔ.lɐ/ | :: spring (device made of flexible material) |
mola {f} [Portugal] | :: clothes peg (object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline) |
molalidade {f} [chemistry] | :: molality (concentration of a substance in solution) |
molambento {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: slovenly (having an untidy appearance) |
molambento {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: a slovenly person |
molaridade {f} [chemistry] | :: molarity |
moldando {v} | :: gerund of moldar |
moldar {v} | :: to mold / mould |
moldar {v} | :: to hew, work, shape |
moldável {adj} | :: mouldable (able to be moulded) |
Moldávia {prop} {f} /mɔɫˈðavjɐ/ | :: Moldávia (country) |
Moldávia {prop} {f} | :: Moldávia (historical region) |
moldávio {adj} | :: Moldavian (of, from or relating to Moldova) |
moldávio {m} | :: Moldavian (person from Moldova) |
moldávio {m} [uncountable] | :: Moldavian (the written standard of Daco-Romanian used in Moldova) |
molde {m} /ˈmɔw.dʒi/ | :: mould, cast |
molde {m} [by extension] | :: model, example |
molde {m} [typography] | :: printing mould |
moldura {f} /moɫ.ˈdu.ɾɐ/ | :: frame (rigid, generally rectangular mounting for a painting) |
mole {adj} /ˈmɔ.lɨ/ | :: Not hard; smooth or flexible; soft |
mole {adj} [colloquial] | :: Not difficult; easy |
mole {f} | :: mass |
mole {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of mol |
moleca {f} | :: a female brat; a girl regarded as mischievous, unruly or spoiled |
molecada {f} [collective] | :: band of brats |
molecagem {f} [collective] | :: band of brats |
molecagem {f} | :: something done which is characteristic of a brat |
molécula {f} [chemistry] | :: molecule (two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds) |
molecular {adj} [chemistry] | :: molecular (relating to molecules) |
moledro {m} | :: cairn (pile of stones heaped up as a landmark) |
moleira {f} | :: fontanelle (soft spot on the head of babies) |
moleirão {m} | :: a weak or lazy person |
moleirão {adj} [of a person] | :: weak or lazy |
moleiro {m} /muˈlɐjɾu/ | :: miller (person who operates or runs a mill) |
moleiro {m} | :: skua (predatory seabird of the family Stercorariidae) |
moleja {f} | :: sweetbread (pancreas or thymus gland of an animal, especially as food) |
molenga {mf} | :: a weak or lazy person |
molenga {adj} [of a person] | :: weak or lazy |
moleque {m} /mu.ˈlɛ.ki/ | :: pickaninny |
moleque {m} | :: brat, imp (naughty boy) |
moleque {m} [by extension] | :: any boy or young man |
moleque {m} [by extension, pejorative] | :: any male perceived as naughty, immature, or similar |
moleque {m} | :: any funny or amusing person |
moleque {m} [Brazil] | :: A magnet used to remove iron from gold powder |
molequinha {f} | :: female equivalent of molequinho |
molequinho {m} /mu.lɛ.ˈki.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of moleque |
molequinho {adj} | :: diminutive of moleque |
molestar {v} | :: to trouble; to bother; to annoy; to harass |
molestar {v} | :: to molest (to abuse sexually) |
moléstia {f} | :: disease, illness, sickness |
moletão {m} | :: alternative form of moletom |
moletom {m} /mo.le.ˈtõ/ | :: a type of thick cotton cloth |
moletom {m} | :: jumper; sweater (thick jacket worn for warmth), especially one made of this cloth |
moleza {f} /mo.ˈle.zɐ/ | :: softness; flabbiness; floppiness; flaccidity (the condition of being soft, flabby; lack of firmness) |
moleza {f} | :: weakness; debilitation (lack of strength and vigour) |
moleza {f} [colloquial] | :: ease (the condition of being easy) |
moleza {f} [colloquial, usually with the indefinite article] | :: a walk in the park; a piece of cake (something that is very easy to do) |
moleza {adj} [slang] | :: easy peasy (very easy) |
molhada {f} /mo.ˈʎa.da/ | :: wetting (the act of making something wet) |
molhadela {f} /ˌmo.ʎa.ˈdɛ.la/ | :: a slight wetting (act of making something wet) |
molhado {adj} [of an object] /muˈʎaðu/ | :: covered with or impregnated with liquid; wet |
molhado {adj} [slang, of a woman] | :: sexually aroused; horny; wet |
molhador {m} /ˌmo.ʎa.ˈdoɾ/ | :: a person or device which wets (makes wet) |
molhadura {f} /ˌmo.ʎa.ˈdu.ɾa/ | :: the process of wetting something |
molhadura {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: a bribe or tip given in exchange for a favour or information |
molhagem {f} /mo.ˈʎa.ʒẽ(j̃)/ | :: the act or process of wetting something |
molhamento {m} /ˌmo.ʎa.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: the act or process of wetting something |
molhando {v} | :: gerund of molhar |
molhar {v} /mu.ˈʎaɾ/ | :: to wet (to make wet) |
molhar {v} [euphemistic] | :: to accidentally urinate on something |
molhar a garganta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to wet one’s whistle (to have drink) |
molhável {adj} /mo.ˈʎa.vew/ | :: which won’t be damaged or become inefficacious if wetted |
molhe {m} [nautical] | :: mole (pier, breakwater or junction between places separated by water) |
molher {f} | :: obsolete form of mulher |
molho {m} [cooking] /ˈmo.ʎu/ | :: sauce (liquid condiment placed on food) |
molho {m} [collective] /ˈmɔ.ʎu/ | :: bundle (group of objects held together by wrapping or tying, especially keys or vegetables) |
môlho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of molho |
molho à bolonhesa {m} | :: bolognese (Bolognese sauce) |
molho Alfredo {m} | :: Alfredo sauce (sauce made from butter and Parmesan) |
molho béchamel {m} | :: béchamel sauce (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk) |
molho de churrasco {m} | :: barbecue sauce (fruity, tangy sauce) |
molho de soja {m} | :: soy sauce (condiment made from fermented soybeans) |
molho de tomate {m} | :: tomato sauce (thick sauce made from tomatoes) |
molho inglês {m} | :: Worcestershire sauce (thin, piquant sauce) |
molho tártaro {m} | :: tartare sauce (sauce made from mayonnaise and a chopped mixture of pickled gherkins, capers, olives and shallots) |
molibdato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: molybdate |
molibdénio {m} [Portugal] | :: molybdenum |
molibdênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of molibdénio |
molibdenita {f} [mineral] | :: molybdenite |
molibdopterina {f} | :: molybdopterin |
molinete {m} | :: turnstile (rotating mechanical device that controls and counts passage) |
molinete {m} | :: windlass (form of winch in which a rope or cable is wound around a cylinder) |
molinete {m} | :: a fishing reel |
molinete {m} [by extension] | :: a fishing rod equipped with a reel |
Moloch {prop} {m} | :: Moloch (ancient Ammonite deity) |
Moloque {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Moloch |
molosso {m} /mo.ˈ | :: Molossian (person from Molossia) |
molosso {m} | :: Molossian; Molosser (dog) |
molosso {m} | :: brute (violent individual) |
molusco {m} | :: mollusc (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca) |
molusquicida {f} | :: molluscicide |
Mombuca {prop} | :: Mombuca (municipality) |
momentâneo {adj} | :: momentary (lasting for only a moment) |
momento {m} /mu.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: moment (very brief period of time) |
momento {m} [physics] | :: momentum |
momento angular {m} [mechanics] | :: angular momentum (rotational momentum) |
momento da verdade {m} [idiomatic] | :: moment of truth (deciding instant) |
momento magnético {m} [physics] | :: magnetic moment (torque exerted on a magnet within a magnetic field) |
momo {m} | :: King Momo (character representing the king of carnival in Latin America) |
momo {m} | :: momo |
mona {f} /ˈ | :: a female monkey or ape |
mona {f} [vulgar] | :: drunkenness |
mona {f} | :: rag doll |
mona {f} | :: the state of being upset, bothered or annoyed |
mona {f} [colloquial] | :: vagina (woman's genitalia) |
mona {f} | :: a goat lacking one of its horns |
mona {f} [bullfighting] | :: armor used by the bullfighter under his shorts |
Mona {prop} {f} | :: Mona (island) |
monacal {adj} | :: monastic |
Mónaco {prop} {m} [European orthography] | :: Mónaco (city-state) |
Mônaco {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Mónaco, Mônaco (city-state) |
Mónaco-Ville {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: Mónaco-Ville (capital city) |
Mônaco-Ville {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Mónaco-Ville |
mónada {f} [European orthography, philosophy] | :: monad (something ultimate and indivisible) |
mônada {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of mónada |
mónade {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of mónada |
mônade {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of mónada |
monádico {adj} /mo.ˈna.d͡ʒi.ku/ | :: monadic (of, or relating to a monad) |
monarca {mf} /mu.ˈnaɾ.kɐ/ | :: monarch |
monarquia {f} /mu.nɐɾ.ˈki.ɐ/ | :: monarchy |
monarquia absoluta {f} [politics] | :: absolute monarchy (monarchy where the monarch has absolute power) |
monarquia constitucional {f} | :: constitutional monarchy (state in which the monarch’s power is limited by a written constitution) |
monárquico {m} /muˈnaɾkiku/ | :: monarchist (an advocate of, or believer in, monarchy) |
monárquico {adj} | :: monarchic (relating to monarchies or monarchs) |
monarquismo {m} | :: monarchism |
monarquista {mf} | :: monarchist |
monastério {m} | :: monastery (place of residence for members of a religious community) |
monástico {adj} | :: monastic |
monazita {f} [mineral] | :: monazite |
monazítico {adj} [geology] | :: monazitic |
monçam {f} | :: obsolete spelling of monção |
monçaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of monção |
monção {f} /mõˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: monsoon (tropical rainy season) |
monção {f} [figurative] | :: opportunity, occasion |
monção {f} | :: each of the several fluvial expeditions by 17th century Brazilian explorers |
Monção {prop} {f} /mõˈsɐ̃w/ | :: Monção (village/and/municipality) |
Monchique {prop} {f} /mõˈʃik(ɨ)/ | :: Monchique (town/and/municipality) |
Monchique {prop} {f} | :: Monchique (islet) |
monco {m} | :: nasal mucus; booger |
Monções {prop} | :: Monções (municipality) |
Mondaí {prop} | :: Mondaí (municipality) |
mondar {vt} /mõˈdaɾ/ | :: to weed |
mondar {vt} [also, figuratively] | :: to prune |
Mondego {prop} {m} /mõ.ˈde.ɣu/ | :: Mondego (river) |
Mondim de Basto {prop} /mõˈdĩ dɨ ˈβaʃtu/ | :: Mondim de Basto (village/and/municipality) |
monegasco {adj} | :: Monégasque (of, from or relating to Monaco) |
monegasco {m} | :: Monégasque (person from Monaco) |
monetário {adj} | :: monetary |
Monforte {prop} {f} /mõˈfɔɾt(ɨ)/ | :: Monforte (village/and/municipality) |
Mongaguá {prop} | :: Mongaguá (municipality) |
monge {m} /ˈmõ.ʒɨ/ | :: monk |
Monge {prop} | :: surname |
mongo {m} [slang] | :: idiot |
mongo {adj} [slang, pejorative] | :: idiot; fool; retarded |
mongol {mf} /mõ.ˈɡɔw/ | :: Mongolian (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) |
mongol {mf} [uncountable] | :: Mongolian (language) |
mongol {adj} | :: Mongolian (of Mongolia) |
mongol {adj} | :: Mongolian (of the Mongolian language) |
Mongólia {prop} {f} /mõ.ˈɡɔ.ljɐ/ | :: Mongólia (country) |
Mongólia Exterior {prop} {f} | :: Mongólia Exterior (historical region) |
Mongólia Interior {prop} {f} | :: Mongólia Interior (autonomous region) |
mongólico {adj} | :: Mongolian; Mongol (of, from or relating to Mongolia) |
mongólico {adj} [linguistics] | :: Mongolic (relating to the Mongolic language family) |
mongoloide {mf} [anthropology] /ˌmõ.ɡo.ˈlɔj.d͡ʒi/ | :: mongoloid (member of the race native to North Asia, East Asia, Oceania and Greenland) |
mongoloide {mf} [offensive] | :: mongoloid (someone with Down’s syndrome) |
mongoloide {mf} [offensive] | :: mongoloid; retard; idiot (generic term of abuse) |
mongoloide {adj} [offensive] | :: having Down's syndrome |
mongolóide {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of mongoloide |
mongolóide {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of mongoloide |
Mónica {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: given name |
Mônica {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: given name |
monismo {m} | :: monism |
monitor {m} | :: monitor (someone who watches over something) |
monitor {m} | :: monitor lizard (lizard of the genus Varanus) |
monitor {m} [computing] | :: monitor (computer display) |
monitoração {f} | :: monitoring |
monitorar {v} /ˈɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to monitor (to watch over, guard) |
monitorizar {vt} | :: to monitor (watch over carefully) |
monja {f} /ˈmõ.ʒɐ/ | :: nun (female monastics) |
Monjolos {prop} | :: Monjolos (municipality) |
mono- {prefix} | :: mono- (having only one of something) |
mono {m} | :: monkey; ape |
mono {m} [figuratively] | :: lazy or ugly person |
mono {m} [figuratively] | :: deadstock |
mono {m} [figuratively] | :: bulky waste |
monoácido {m} [chemistry] | :: monoacid |
monoamina oxidase {f} | :: monoamine oxidase |
monoatómico {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: monatomic |
monoatômico {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: monatomic |
monocálcio {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monocalcium |
monocarbeto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monocarbide |
monocarril {m} [Brazil] | :: monorail |
monocasta {adj} [oenology, of wine] | :: produced from a single grape variety |
monocasta {m} [oenology] | :: a wine produced from a single grape variety |
monocelha {f} | :: unibrow (eyebrows that meet in the middle) |
monocíclico {adj} [chemistry] | :: monocyclic |
monociclo {m} | :: unicycle (one-wheeled pedaled cycle) |
monócito {m} [immunology, cytology] | :: monocyte (type of blood leukocyte) |
monocolor {adj} | :: one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, unicolor/unicolour, monochromatic |
monocotiledónea {f} [European orthography, botany] | :: monocotyledon; monocot (any angiosperm whose seedlings have one cotyledon) |
monocotiledônea {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of monocotiledónea |
monocristal {m} | :: monocrystal, single crystal |
monocristalino {adj} | :: monocrystalline |
monocromo {adj} | :: monochrome (having only one color) |
monóculo {m} | :: monocle (single lens used to correct vision for only one eye) |
monofisista {mf} [Christianity] | :: Monophysite (member of a Christian sect which held that Jesus Christ has one nature) |
monofisista {adj} | :: Monophysite (relating to Μonophysism) |
monogamia {f} /ɡɐ̃.ˈmi.a/ | :: monogamy (form of relationship in which an individual has only one partner during their lifetime or at any one time) |
monogâmico {adj} /ˈɡɐ̃.mi.ku/ | :: monogamous, monogamic |
monógamo {adj} | :: monogamous (being married to only one person at a time) |
monógamo {adj} [zoology] | :: monogamous (having only one sexual partner at a time) |
monografia {f} | :: monograph (scholarly book or treatise) |
monograma {m} | :: monogram (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark) |
monographia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of monografia |
monolingue {adj} | :: alternative form of monolíngue |
monolíngue {adj} [of a person] | :: monolingual (who only knows one language) |
monolíngue {adj} [of media] | :: monolingual (containing content in only one language) |
monolinguismo {m} | :: monolingualism, unilingualism, monoglottism |
monolítico {adj} | :: monolithic |
monólito {m} [archaeology] | :: monolith (monument consisting of a large block of stone) |
monólito {m} [figurative] | :: monolith (anything massive, uniform and unmovable) |
monologar {vi} | :: to soliloquize; to monologue (perform a monologue) |
monólogo {m} | :: monologue (long speech by one person) |
monomêrico {adj} [chemistry] | :: monomeric |
monómero {m} [European orthography, chemistry] | :: monomer (molecule that may bind to other molecules to form a polymer) |
monômero {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of monómero |
mononitreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: mononitride |
monooxigenase {f} [enzyme] | :: monooxygenase |
monoparental {adj} | :: single parent (attributive) |
monophthongo {m} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of monotongo |
monoplataforma {adj} [computing] | :: single-platform |
monopólio {m} | :: monopoly |
monopolista {adj} | :: monopolistic |
monopolista {mf} | :: monopolist |
monopolização {f} | :: monopolization |
monopolizar {v} | :: to monopolize/monopolise (to have a monopoly) |
monossacarídeo {m} [carbohydrate] | :: monosaccharide (a simple sugar, composed of a single ring) |
monossacarídio {m} | :: alternative form of monossacarídeo |
monossilabicamente {adv} | :: monosyllabically |
monossilábico {adj} | :: monosyllabic |
monossílabo {m} | :: monosyllable |
monossulfeto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monosulfide |
monotarefa {adj} | :: single-tasking |
monoteísmo {m} [religion] | :: monotheism (belief in the existence of only one God) |
monoteísta {mf} [religion] | :: monotheist (person who believes in a single god) |
monoteísta {adj} [religion] | :: monotheistic (believing in a single god) |
monoteístico {adj} [religion] | :: monotheistic (believing in a single god) |
monotemático {adj} | :: monothematic |
monotípico {adj} [taxonomy] | :: monotypic (relating to or exhibiting monotypy) |
monotonamente {adv} | :: monotonously |
monotongação {f} [phonetics] | :: monophthongization (the process of becoming a monophthong) |
monotongo {m} [phonetics] | :: monophthong (a pure vowel sound, without a glide) |
monotonia {f} /ˈni.a/ | :: monotony |
monotónico {adj} [European orthography, of speech or a sound] | :: monotone (having a single pitch) |
monotônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of monotónico |
monótono {adj} [of sound] | :: flat (without variations in pitch) |
monótono {adj} | :: tedious; boring; monotonous; uninteresting |
monotremado {m} [zoology] | :: monotreme (egg-laying mammal) |
monotrémato {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of monotremado |
monotremo {m} [zoology] | :: monotreme (egg-laying mammal) |
monotrilho {m} [Portugal] | :: monorail |
monousuário {adj} [computing, Brazil] | :: single-user |
monoutilizador {adj} [computing, Portugal] | :: single-user |
monóxido {m} [chemistry] | :: monoxide |
monóxido de carbono {m} [inorganic compound] | :: carbon monoxide (chemical of the formula CO) |
monozigótico {adj} | :: monozygotic |
Monrovia {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Monróvia |
Monróvia {prop} {f} | :: Monróvia (capital city) |
monsenhor {m} | :: Monsignor (ecclesiastic title bestowed on some Roman Catholic clerics by the Pope) |
Monsenhor Paulo {prop} | :: Monsenhor Paulo (municipality) |
Monserrate {prop} | :: Monserrate (island/and/overseas territory) |
Monserrate {prop} | :: Monserrate (former parish) |
monstro {m} /ˈmõʃ.tɾu/ | :: monster |
monstro {m} | :: a fictional creature with hideous traits, often evil, dangerous and associated with horror fiction |
monstro {m} [figurative] | :: a person who acts cruelly or performs very immoral acts |
monstro {m} [figurative] | :: an ugly person |
monstro {m} [slang, bodybuilding] | :: an excessively muscular person, often a man |
monstro {adj} [slang] | :: incredible, amazing, astonishing |
monstro {adj} [slang, of a person] | :: very muscular or excessively fit |
monstro {adj} [slang, of a person, usually followed by related activity] | :: remarkably good at something |
monstruosamente {adv} | :: monstrously |
monstruosidade {f} | :: monstrosity (monstrous thing, person or act) |
monstruosidade {f} [uncountable] | :: monstrosity (state of being monstrous) |
monstruoso {adj} /mõstɾuˈozu/ | :: monstrous |
monta-cargas {m} | :: service lift, goods lift, cargo lift [UK], freight elevator, goods elevator, service elevator, cargo elevator [US] |
montador {m} | :: assembler (one who assembles items) |
montador {m} [programming] | :: assembler (program that produces executable machine code from assembly code) |
montagem {f} | :: assembly, assemblage |
montagem {f} | :: installation |
montagem {f} | :: montage |
Montalegre {prop} {f} /mõtɐˈlɛɣɾ(ɨ)/ | :: Montalegre (village/and/municipality) |
Montalvânia {prop} | :: Montalvânia (municipality) |
Montana {prop} {f} | :: Montana (state) |
montanha {f} [geography] /mõ.ˈtɐ.ɲɐ/ | :: mountain |
montanha russa {f} | :: alternative spelling of montanha-russa |
montanha-russa {f} | :: rollercoaster (amusement ride) |
Montanhas Rochosas {prop} {fp} | :: Montanhas Rochosas (range) |
montanhês {adj} | :: of, from or relating to mountains or a mountainous region |
montanhês {m} | :: a person from a mountainous region |
montanhismo {m} | :: mountaineering (mountain-climbing as a sport) |
montanhista {mf} | :: mountaineer (one who climbs mountains for sport or pleasure) |
montanhoso {adj} | :: mountainous (having many mountains) |
montano {adj} | :: of or pertaining to mountains |
montano {adj} | :: rustic, rough |
montante {f} /mõ.ˈtɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ | :: a two-handed sword |
montante {m} | :: total (original amount of money plus interest) |
montão {m} | :: heap; pile |
montão {m} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: loads, heaps, a lot (large quantity) |
montar {v} /mõ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to go up, climb |
montar {v} | :: to mount, to ride |
montar {v} | :: to assemble |
Montauri {prop} | :: Montauri (municipality) |
monte {m} /ˈmõ.tɨ/ | :: mount; a mountain or large hill |
monte {m} | :: pile; heap (a mass of things placed together so as to form a mass or elevation) |
monte {m} [usually in um monte de (a lot of)] | :: heap; load; pile (a great amount of something) |
monte {m} [inheritance law] | :: a share of personal property given to someone as part of an inheritance, or the property as a whole; legacy |
monte {m} [Alentejo] | :: a rural property or group of farm buildings |
Monte {prop} | :: surname |
Monte Alegre de Minas {prop} | :: Monte Alegre de Minas (municipality) |
Monte Alegre dos Campos {prop} | :: Monte Alegre dos Campos (municipality) |
Monte Alegre do Sul {prop} | :: Monte Alegre do Sul (municipality) |
Monte Alto {prop} | :: Monte Alto (municipality) |
Monte Aprazível {prop} | :: Monte Aprazível (municipality) |
Monte Azul {prop} | :: Monte Azul (municipality) |
Monte Azul Paulista {prop} | :: Monte Azul Paulista (municipality) |
Monte Belo {prop} | :: Monte Belo (municipality) |
Monte Belo do Sul {prop} | :: Monte Belo do Sul (municipality) |
Monte Carlo {prop} | :: Monte Carlo (municipality) |
Monte Carmelo {prop} | :: Monte Carmelo (municipality) |
Monte Castelo {prop} | :: Monte Castelo (municipality) |
Monte Castelo {prop} | :: Monte Castelo (municipality) |
Monte Castelo {prop} | :: Monte Castelo (hill) |
monte de Vénus {m} [European orthography] | :: mons pubis (fleshy protuberance over the pubic bones) |
monte de Vênus {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of monte de Vénus |
Monte Everest {prop} {m} | :: Monte Everest (mountain) |
Monte Formoso {prop} | :: Monte Formoso (municipality) |
Monte Fuji {prop} {m} /ˌmõtɨ fuˈʒi/ | :: Monte Fuji (mountain) |
monteiro {m} | :: someone who hunts in mountainous areas |
Monteiro Lobato {prop} | :: Monteiro Lobato (municipality) |
Monte Megido {prop} {m} | :: Monte Megido (hill) |
Monte-Mor {prop} | :: Monte-Mor (municipality) |
Montemor-o-Novo {prop} {m} /mõtɨˈmɔɾ u ˈnovu/ | :: Montemor-o-Novo (city/and/municipality) |
Montemor-o-Velho {prop} {m} /mõtɨˈmɔɾ u ˈvɛʎu/ | :: Montemor-o-Velho (village/and/municipality) |
montenegrino {adj} | :: Montenegrin (of, from or relating to Montenegro) |
montenegrino {m} | :: Montenegrin (person from Montenegro) |
montenegrino {m} [uncountable] | :: Montenegrin (Serbo-Croatian variety used in Montenegro) |
Montenegro {prop} {m} /ˌmõ.te.ˈne.ɡɾu/ | :: Montenegro (country) |
Montenegro {prop} {m} | :: Montenegro (municipality) |
Montenegro {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
montepio {m} | :: mutual insurance and pension institution |
monte púbico {m} | :: mons pubis (fleshy protuberance over the pubic bones) |
montês {adj} | :: of, from or relating to mountains or a mountainous region |
montês {m} | :: a person from a mountainous region |
Monte Santo {prop} | :: Monte Santo (municipality) |
Monte Santo de Minas {prop} | :: Monte Santo de Minas (municipality) |
Montes Claros {prop} | :: Montes Claros (municipality) |
Monte Sião {prop} | :: Monte Sião (hill) |
Monte Sião {prop} | :: Monte Sião (municipality) |
montesino {adj} | :: of, from or relating to mountains or a mountainous region |
montesino {m} | :: a person from a mountainous region |
Montes Urais {prop} {mp} | :: Montes Urais (range) |
montevideano {adj} | :: Of or from Montevideo |
montevideano {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Montevideo |
Montevidéu {prop} {m} | :: Montevidéu (capital city) |
Montezuma {prop} | :: Montezuma (municipality) |
Montgomery {prop} {f} | :: Montgomery (city/state capital) |
montículo {m} | :: diminutive of monte |
Montijo {prop} {m} /mõˈtiʒu/ | :: Montijo (city/and/municipality) |
Montomór o velho {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Montemor-o-Velho |
Montpellier {prop} {f} | :: Montpellier (city/regional capital) |
montra {f} [Portugal] /ˈmõ.tɾɐ/ | :: shop window |
Montreal {prop} {f} | :: Montreal (largest city) |
Montréal {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Montreal |
Montserrat {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Monserrate |
monturo {m} /mõˈtuɾu/ | :: a bunch of garbage or disposable objects |
monturo {m} [figurative] | :: an amount of repulsive, disgusting things |
monturo {m} | :: a location where garbage is deposited |
monturo {m} [figurative] | :: a dirty, disgusting or repulsive place |
monumental {adj} | :: monumental |
monumento {m} /ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: monument (a structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) |
moonshine {m} [rare] | :: moonshine (Appalachian home-made liquor) |
moqueca {f} /mu.ˈkɛ.ka/ | :: moqueca |
mor {adj} [in titles] /ˈmɔɾ/ | :: head; chief; main (foremost in rank) |
mor {adj} | :: principal; main (foremost in importance) |
mor {m} [colloquial] /ˈmoɾ/ | :: alternative form of amor (as a term of address) |
mór {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of mor |
mòr {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of mor |
môr {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of mor |
môr {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mor, now a common misspelling |
mora {f} /ˈmɔɾɐ/ | :: a delay |
mora {f} [law] | :: a delay in the payment of a debt |
mora {f} [law] | :: a mulct for not paying a debt in time |
mora {f} [phonology] | :: mora (unit of syllable weight) |
Mora {prop} {f} /ˈmɔɾɐ/ | :: Mora (village/and/municipality) |
morada {f} /mu.ˈɾa.ðɐ/ | :: dwelling; residence |
morada {f} [by extension] | :: address |
Morada Nova de Minas {prop} | :: Morada Nova de Minas (municipality) |
moradia {f} | :: dwelling, abode, home |
moradia em banda {f} | :: rowhouse; townhouse |
morador {adj} /mu.ɾɐ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: dwelling |
morador {m} | :: resider, inhabitant, dweller |
morador {m} | :: tenant, lodger |
Moraes {prop} /mo.ˈɾajs/ | :: surname |
Morais {prop} {mf} /mo.ˈɾajs/ | :: surname |
moral {adj} /mu.ˈɾaɫ/ | :: moral |
moral {f} | :: a set of moral values, (collectively) principles, morality; |
moral {f} | :: moral philosophy; |
moral {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: authority, capacity or right to impose on or influence another; |
moral {f} | :: balls (boldness), attitude of authority; |
moral {f} | :: right to have a say on a matter, to judge someone etc., moral high ground; |
moral {m} | :: morale |
moralidade {f} [uncountable] | :: morality (recognition of or obedience to the rules of correct conduct) |
moralismo {m} | :: moralism (exaggerated preoccupation with morals) |
moralmente {adv} | :: morally |
moranga {f} /muˈɾɐ̃ɡɐ/ | :: pumpkin (fruit of the Cucurbita pepo vine) |
morango {m} /muˈɾɐ̃ɡu/ | :: strawberry (the fruit) |
morango silvestre {m} | :: wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) |
morangueiro {m} | :: strawberry (any plant of the genus Fragaria) |
morar {v} /mu.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to live, reside (have permanent residence) |
morar {v} [slang, dated] | :: to get it; to understand |
moratória {f} /ˌmo.ɾa.ˈtɔ.ɾi.a/ | :: moratorium (authorization permitting temporary suspension of payments) |
moratório {adj} | :: moratory |
Morava {prop} {m} | :: Morava (river) |
Morávia {prop} {f} | :: Morávia (traditional region) |
morbidade {f} | :: morbidity |
mórbido {adj} | :: morbid (unhealthy or unwholesome, especially psychologically) |
morbilidade {f} | :: morbidity |
morcão {m} [Portugal, colloquial, pejorative] | :: idiot, dork |
morcego {m} /muɾ.ˈse.ɣu/ | :: bat (flying mammal) |
morcego-vampiro {m} | :: vampire bat (bat that feeds on blood) |
morcela {f} | :: pudding (sausage made primarily from blood) |
mordaça {f} | :: gag (object placed in someone’s mouth to prevent them from speaking and biting) |
mordaz {adj} | :: mordacious (sharp or caustic in style or tone) |
mordedura {f} | :: bite (act of biting) |
mordedura {f} | :: bite (wound left by a bite) |
morder {v} /muɾˈðeɾ/ | :: to bite, to nip |
morder {v} | :: to gnaw |
morder {v} [Internet slang] | :: to believe an Internet bait or similar misleading publication |
mordida {f} /muɾ.ˈði.ðɐ/ | :: bite (act of biting) |
mordida {f} | :: bite (wound left by a bite) |
mordidela {f} /muɾðiˈðɛlɐ/ | :: a small bite, a nibble |
mordiscar {v} | :: to nibble |
mordomo {m} /mɔɾˈðomu/ | :: butler |
Mordóvia {prop} {f} /moʁ.ˈdɔ.vi.ɐ/ | :: Mordóvia (republic) |
moreia {f} | :: moray (any eel of the family Muraenidae) |
moreia {f} [glaciology] | :: debris (large rock fragments left by a melting glacier) |
Moreia {prop} {f} | :: Moreia (peninsula) |
Moréia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Moreia |
Moreira {prop} {mf} /mu.ˈɾɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: surname |
morena {f} [geology] | :: moraine, debris (large rock fragments left by a melting glacier) |
morena {f} | :: brunette (a girl or woman with brown or black hair) |
moreno {adj} /mu.ˈɾ | :: dark colored |
moreno {adj} | :: dark-skinned, tan |
moreno {adj} | :: dark-haired |
morfema {m} [linguistic morphology] | :: morpheme (smallest linguistic unit of meaning) |
Morfeu {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams |
morfina {f} | :: morphine (opioid used as an anaesthetic or recreational drug) |
morfismo {m} [mathematics] | :: morphism (a structure-preserving map from one mathematical structure to another) |
morfologia {f} [uncountable] | :: morphology (the scientific study of form and structure) |
morfologia {f} | :: morphology (the form and structure of something) |
morfologia {f} [biology] | :: morphology (study of the form of living organisms) |
morfologia {f} [linguistics] | :: morphology (study of the structure and content of word forms) |
morfologicamente {adv} | :: morphologically |
morfológico {adj} [linguistics] | :: morphological (relating to the internal morphemes of a word) |
morfológico {adj} [biology] | :: morphological (relating to the shape of beings) |
morfológico {adj} [geology] | :: morphological (relating to structure of rocks and landforms) |
morgado {m} | :: firstborn |
Morgana {prop} {f} [Arthurian legend] | :: Morgan le Fay (half-sister of King Arthur) |
Morgana {prop} {f} | :: given name, used mainly in fiction |
morganático {adj} [of marriage] | :: morganatic (between a man of higher rank and a woman of lower rank) |
morgar {v} | :: to goof off (engage in idle activity) |
morgar {v} | :: to fall asleep accidentally |
morgue {m} | :: morgue |
Mori {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
moribundo {adj} | :: moribund (approaching death) |
Moriguchi {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Morikawa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Moriko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Morinaga {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
morinda {f} | :: any tree of the genus Morinda |
moringa {f} | :: moringa (any tree of the genus Moringa) |
Morio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Morita {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Moriya {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mormacento {adj} [of the weather] | :: sultry (hot and humid) |
mormaço {m} | :: sultriness |
mormaço {m} | :: sultry fog / mist |
Mormaço {prop} | :: Mormaço (municipality) |
mormente {adv} /mɔʁ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: principally, mainly; chiefly (for the most part) |
mórmon {mf} | :: Mormon (follower of Mormonism) |
Mórmon {prop} {m} [Mormonism] | :: Mormon (American prophet of Mormon theology) |
morno {adj} | :: lukewarm, tepid (all senses) |
Moroni {prop} {m} [Mormonism] | :: Moroni (prophet and leader mentioned in the Book of Mormon) |
Moroni {prop} {f} | :: Moroni (capital city) |
Moróni {prop} {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of Moroni |
Morôni {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Moroni |
morosidade {f} | :: slowness, sluggishness |
moroso {adj} | :: sluggish (having little motion) |
Morozoff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Morozov {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Morpará {prop} | :: Morpará (municipality) |
morrente {adj} | :: moribund (approaching death) |
morrer {vi} /mu.ˈʁeɾ/ | :: to die (to stop living) |
morrer {vi} | :: to die; to break down (to stop working) |
morrer {v} | :: [para] to die to (to lose all social ties with) |
morrer {vi} | :: to die; to die out (to cease to exist) |
morrer {v} | :: [de] to feel something to an extreme degree |
morrer {v} | :: [em] to die at (not to go past a given value) |
morrer de fome {v} [literally] | :: to starve, die of starvation |
morrer de fome {v} [idiom] | :: to be very hungry |
morrer de inveja {v} [idiomatic] | :: to feel extremely jealous |
morrer de rir {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to laugh one’s head off (laugh uproariously) |
morrer de rir {v} [uncommon] | :: See: pt morrer de rir |
morrer na praia {v} /muˈʁeɾ nɐ ˈpɾajɐ/ | :: See: pt morrer na praia |
morrer na praia {v} [idiomatic] | :: To fail after trying hard and almost succeeding |
morrião {m} [historical] /mo.hi.ˈɐ̃õ/ | :: morion (type of helmet) |
morrião {m} | :: scarlet pimpernel |
morrião-dos-passarinhos {m} | :: chickweed (Stellaria media, a herb) |
morrinha {m} /muˈʁi.ɲɐ/ | :: murrain (disease of cattle) |
morrinha {m} | :: a mild illness, weakness |
morrinha {m} | :: drizzle |
morrinha {m} | :: sadness, melancholy, nostalgia |
morrinha {m} [Brazil] | :: stench |
morrinhento {adj} [uncomparable, of cattle] /mo.ʁi.ˈɲẽ.tu/ | :: afflicted with murrain (infectious cattle disease) |
morrinhento {adj} [uncomparable, of cattle] | :: afflicted with a certain type of scabies |
morrinhento {adj} | :: stinky (having unpleasant smell) |
morrinhento {adj} | :: weakened |
morrinhento {adj} | :: melancholic |
morrinhento {adj} [Trás-os-Montes] | :: drizzly |
morrinhento {adj} | :: boring; dull; tedious |
Morrinhos do Sul {prop} | :: Morrinhos do Sul (municipality) |
morro {m} /ˈmo.ʁu/ | :: a landform with elevation intermediate between that of a hill and that of a small mountain |
morro {m} [Brazil, especially, Rio de Janeiro] | :: a slum built on a hill or on uneven ground |
Morro Agudo {prop} | :: Morro Agudo (municipality) |
Morro da Fumaça {prop} | :: Morro da Fumaça (municipality) |
Morro da Garça {prop} | :: Morro da Garça (municipality) |
Morro do Chapéu {prop} | :: Morro do Chapéu (municipality) |
Morro do Pilar {prop} | :: Morro do Pilar (municipality) |
Morro Grande {prop} | :: Morro Grande (municipality) |
Morro Redondo {prop} | :: Morro Redondo (municipality) |
Morro Reuter {prop} | :: Morro Reuter (municipality) |
morsa {f} /ˈmɔɾ.sɐ/ | :: walrus |
morsa {f} | :: vise |
morso {m} | :: bit (metal mouthpiece of a horse’s harness) |
morta de fome {f} | :: feminine noun of morto de fome |
Mortágua {prop} {f} /mɔɾˈtaɣwɐ/ | :: Mortágua (village/and/municipality) |
mortal {adj} [not comparable] /muɾˈtaɫ/ | :: Susceptible to death; mortal |
mortal {adj} [comparable] | :: Prone to cause death; deadly; lethal; fatal |
mortal {mf} | :: a mortal person |
mortalha {f} | :: related to posthumous practices |
mortalha {f} | :: shroud (cloth used to cover cadavers) |
mortalha {f} | :: grave |
mortalha {f} | :: funeral |
mortalha {f} | :: excessive amount of corpses |
mortalha {f} [religion] | :: clothing used by religious people, especially white clothing used in processions |
mortalha {f} [colloquial] | :: cigarette paper |
mortalha {f} | :: a white sign on the forehead of some horses |
mortalidade {f} | :: mortality (the condition of being susceptible to death) |
mortalidade {f} | :: mortality (the death rate of a population) |
mortalidade materna {f} | :: maternal death (death caused by pregnancy or its management) |
morta-viva {f} | :: female equivalent of morto-vivo |
morte {f} /ˈmɔɾ.tɨ/ | :: death (cessation of life) |
morte {f} [uncountable] | :: the state of being dead |
morte {f} [figurative] | :: destruction; ruin |
morte {f} | :: death (personification of death as a hooded figure with a scythe) |
Morte {prop} {f} | :: Death (the personification of death) |
morte cerebral {f} [medicine] | :: brain death (irreversible cessation of brain activity) |
morteiro {m} /moɻ.ˈte(j).ro/ | :: mortar (small vessel used to grind things) |
morteiro {m} | :: mortar (artillery) |
morte matada {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: a murder |
morte morrida {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: a death from natural causes or an accident; a death that is not a murder |
mortiço {adj} | :: dull, dim, lifeless |
mortífero {adj} | :: deadly (able to kill) |
mortificação {f} | :: mortification |
mortificando {v} | :: gerund of mortificar |
mortificar {v} | :: to mortify |
mortinatalidade {f} | :: stillbirth (birth of a dead foetus) |
morto {adj} /ˈmoɾ.tu/ | :: dead (no longer living) |
morto {adj} | :: dead (completely inactive) |
morto {adj} | :: [colloquial] exhausted (extremely tired) |
morto {adj} | :: [figurative] dead (not showing emotion) |
morto {m} | :: a dead person; someone who has died |
morto {m} | :: corpse (the body of a dead person) |
morto {m} | :: [card games] a number of cards set apart that can be picked up by the first player to play all his cards |
môrto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of morto |
môrto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of morto |
morto de fome {adj} [idiomatic] | :: starving (extremely hungry) |
morto de fome {m} [idiomatic] | :: a starving person |
mortos não falam {proverb} | :: dead men tell no tales (killing someone is the best way to keep them quiet) |
morto-vivo {m} [horror fiction] | :: an undead person or creature |
Mortugaba {prop} | :: Mortugaba (municipality) |
morugem {f} | :: chickweed (Stellaria media, a herb) |
Morungaba {prop} | :: Morungaba (municipality) |
Mosa {prop} {m} | :: Mosa (river) |
mosaico {m} [arts] /muˈzajku/ | :: mosaic |
mosaico {adj} | :: Mosaic |
mosca {f} /ˈmoʃ.kɐ/ | :: fly (insect) |
mosca {f} | :: soul patch (narrow beard) |
mosca-das-frutas {f} | :: fruit fly (any fly of the family Drosophilidae) |
mosca doméstica {f} | :: common housefly (Musca domestica, a fly commonly found in human habitations) |
moscar {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be oblivious |
moscardo {m} | :: horsefly (fly of the family Tabanidae) |
mosca-varejeira {f} | :: botfly (insect whose larvae are parasites of mammals) |
mosca volante {f} [ophthalmology] | :: floater (deformed speck in the visual field) |
Moscou {prop} {f} [Brazil] /mos.ˈkow/ | :: Moscou (federal city/capital) |
Moscou {prop} {f} [Brazil] | :: Moscou (oblast) |
moscovita {mf} | :: Muscovite (person from Moscow) |
moscovita {adj} | :: Muscovite (of, from or relating to Moscow) |
Moscovo {prop} {f} [Portugal] | :: Moscovo (oblast) |
Moscovo {prop} {f} [Portugal] | :: Moscovo (federal city/capital) |
moshar {vi} | :: to mosh (to dance wildly by colliding with other people) |
moshav {m} | :: moshav (Israeli cooperative agricultural community) |
mosqueado {adj} | :: mottled |
mosqueamento {m} | :: mottling |
mosqueando {v} | :: gerund of mosquear |
mosquear {v} | :: to speckle, mottle |
mosquete {m} /mos.ˈke.te/ | :: musket (firearm) |
mosqueteiro {m} [military unit, historical] | :: musketeer (foot soldier armed with a musket) |
mosqueteiro {m} [military unit, historical] | :: musketeer (member of French royal bodyguard) |
mosquiteiro {m} | :: mosquito net (fine net used to protect against mosquitos) |
mosquito {m} /muʃ.ˈki.tʊ/ | :: mosquito |
mostajeiro {m} | :: Sorbus spp., especially Sorbus aria (common whitebeam) |
mostarda {f} /mos.ˈtaɻ.da/ | :: mustard (condiment) |
mostarda {f} | :: mustard (plant) |
mostarda {f} | :: mustard seeds |
Mostardas {prop} | :: Mostardas (municipality) |
mostardeira {f} | :: mustard (any of several plants of the genera Brassica and Sinapis, whose seeds are used to make a condiment) |
mosteiro {m} /muʃ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ | :: monastery (place of residence for members of a religious community) |
mosteyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mosteiro |
mosto {m} | :: must (unfermented fruit juice) |
mostra {f} /ˈmɔʃ.tɾɐ/ | :: exhibition; show; display (event where objects are set to be seen by the public) |
mostra {f} | :: show; display (the act of displaying something) |
mostra {f} | :: [military] review (inspection of personnel and equipment) |
mostra {f} | :: alternative form of amostra |
mostrador {m} | :: shower (one who shows) |
mostrar {vt} /muʃ.ˈtɾaɾ/ | :: to show |
mostrar-se {v} | :: reflexive of mostrar |
mostrar-se {v} | :: to show off (to demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging) |
mostruário {m} | :: case (piece of furniture with one side consisting of a glass pane, used to exhibit objects) |
mota {f} [chiefly Portugal] | :: motorcycle |
mote {m} | :: motto |
motejar {v} | :: to joke, banter |
motejar {v} | :: to mock, ridicule |
motejo {m} | :: mock (act of mocking) |
motel {m} | :: love hotel (short-stay hotel for sex) |
motim {m} | :: mutiny, riot, insurrection |
motinada {f} | :: mutiny (organised rebellion) |
motivação {f} | :: motivation (willingness of action) |
motivação {f} | :: motivation (something which motivates) |
motivador {adj} | :: motivating, encouraging |
motivador {m} | :: motivator |
motivar {vt} | :: to motivate |
motivar {vt} | :: to cause, induce, provoke |
motivo {m} /mu.ˈ | :: motive (that which incites to action) |
motivo {m} [music] | :: motif (short melodic passage that is repeated in several parts of a work) |
moto- {prefix} | :: Used to form terms relating to motors |
moto {f} | :: motorcycle |
motoboy {n} | :: deliveryman, usually on a motorcycle; pizza boy |
motocicleta {f} | :: motorcycle (open-seated motor-powered vehicle with two wheels) |
motociclismo {m} | :: motorcycle sport |
motociclista {mf} | :: motorcyclist, biker |
Motoko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
motoneta {f} | :: motor scooter (small motorcycle or moped with a step-through frame) |
motoneve {f} [vehicle] | :: snowmobile (vehicle with tracks and skis used for moving over snow) |
motoqueiro {m} | :: biker, especially one in a biker gang |
motor {adj} /mu.ˈtoɾ/ | :: motive |
motor {m} | :: motor |
motor {m} | :: engine |
motor a explosão {m} | :: internal combustion engine |
motor a jato {m} | :: jet engine (an engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products) |
motor a quatro tempos {m} | :: four-stroke engine (engine in which the pistons perform four strokes per engine cycle) |
motor de busca {m} [computing] | :: search engine (application that searches for data) |
motor de explosão {m} | :: internal combustion engine |
motorista {mf} /mu.tu.ˈɾiʃ.tɐ/ | :: driver, biker |
motosserra {f} [technology] | :: chainsaw (saw with a power-driven chain) |
motriz {adj} | :: driving, motive (producing motion or force) |
Motuca {prop} | :: Motuca (municipality) |
mouca {f} | :: feminine noun of mouco |
mouçam {f} | :: obsolete form of monção |
mouçaõ {f} | :: obsolete form of monção |
mouche {f} | :: alternative spelling of muche |
mouco {adj} /ˈmo(w).ku/ | :: deaf, hard of hearing |
mouco {m} | :: a deaf person |
mountain bike {f} | :: mountain bike (bicycle designed for off-road riding) |
moura {f} /ˈmow.ɾɐ/ | :: feminine noun of mouro |
Moura {prop} {f} | :: Moura (city/and/municipality) |
Moura {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mourama {f} [historical] /mo(w).ˈɾɐ.mɐ/ | :: synonym of mourisma |
mourão {m} /mowˈɾɐ̃w/ | :: augmentative of mouro |
mourão {m} | :: an upright stake in a fence |
Mourão {prop} {m} /mowˈɾɐ̃w/ | :: Mourão (village/and/municipality) |
Mourão {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mourejando {v} | :: gerund of mourejar |
mourejar {vi} | :: to toil, slave |
Mourinho {prop} | :: surname |
mourisco {adj} /mowˈɾiʃ.ku/ | :: Moorish (of or pertaining to Moors) |
mourisma {f} [historical] /mo(w).ˈɾiʒ.mɐ/ | :: the land of the Moors |
mourisma {f} [historical] | :: a group of Moors |
mouro {adj} /ˈmo(w).ɾu/ | :: Moorish |
mouro {m} | :: Moor |
mouse {m} [Brazil, computer hardware] /ˈmaw.zi/ | :: mouse (input device used to move a pointer on the screen) |
mouse {m} [Brazil, loosely] | :: pointer; cursor (moving icon that indicates the position of the mouse) |
mousepad {m} | :: mouse pad; mouse mat (piece of material used as a surface for moving a computer mouse) |
moussaka {f} | :: moussaka (baked dish of the Balkans and Turkey) |
mousse {f} {m} | :: alternative spelling of musse |
mouta {f} | :: obsolete form of moita |
movediço {adj} | :: movable |
movediço {adj} | :: unstable |
móvel {m} /ˈmɔ.vɛɫ/ | :: piece of furniture |
móvel {adj} | :: mobile, movable |
móvel {m} | :: piece of furniture |
movente {adj} | :: moving (that moves) |
mover {v} /mu.ˈveɾ/ | :: to move (change position) |
mover {v} | :: to induce; to persuade |
mover {v} [law, with contra following the object] | :: to sue (file legal action) |
mover {v} [chess and other games] | :: to move (change the place of a piece) |
movimentado {adj} /ẽ.ˈta.ðu/ | :: bustling |
movimentado {adj} | :: agitated |
movimentado {adj} | :: excited |
movimentar {vt} | :: to move (to change place or posture) |
movimento {m} [uncountable] /ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: movement (physical motion) |
movimento {m} [uncountable] | :: the flow of people or vehicles in a location |
movimento {m} | :: movement (group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals) |
movimento antissacádico {m} [ethology] | :: antisaccade (a movement of the eye away from a point of stimulus) |
movimento browniano {m} [physics] | :: Brownian motion (random motion of particles suspended in a fluid) |
movimento sacádico {m} | :: saccade (rapid jerky movement of the eye) |
moxibustão {f} [folk medicine] | :: moxibustion (the burning of moxa against skin) |
Moyses {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Moisés |
mozarela {f} | :: alternative form of mussarela |
Mozart {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mozartiano {adj} | :: Mozartian (of or pertaining to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or the style of his music) |
mozzarella {f} | :: alternative form of mussarela |
MP {f} | :: initialism of medida provisória |
MP3 {m} | :: clipping of tocador de MP3 |
MPB {f} | :: A musical movement in Brazil |
m*rda {f} | :: euphemistic spelling of merda |
m*rda {interj} | :: euphemistic spelling of merda |
MS {prop} | :: abbreviation of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazilian state) |
mt {adj} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of muito |
mt {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of muito |
MT {prop} | :: initialism of Mato Grosso (Brazilian state) |
mu {m} | :: mule |
mu {interj} | :: moo (the call of a cow) |
muai thai {m} [martial arts] | :: Muay Thai (a martial art of Thai origin) |
muamba {f} /mu.ˈã.ba/ | :: a basket for commodity transportation |
muamba {f} [Brazil] | :: relating to illegal activity |
muamba {f} | :: illegal trade, smuggling |
muamba {f} | :: theft of commodities in harbours and warehouses |
muamba {f} | :: good obtained illegally |
muamba {f} | :: knavery, treachery, cheating (unfair behaviour) |
muamba {f} [Angola, cooking] | :: a stew made with dendê |
muamba {f} [Brazil, Candomblé] | :: spell |
muão {m} [Portugal] | :: muon (an unstable elementary particle in the lepton family) |
muar {m} | :: mule (offspring of male donkey and female horse) |
mucama {f} [Brazil] | :: housemaid; servant |
mucama {f} [Brazil, historical] | :: domestic slave |
mucamba {f} | :: alternative form of mucama |
muçarela {f} | :: alternative form of mussarela |
muche {f} [Portugal] | :: bullseye (center of a target) |
muco {m} | :: mucus (slippery or sticky secretion) |
mucosa {f} [anatomy] | :: mucous membrane (any membrane which secretes mucus) |
mucoso {adj} | :: mucous |
mucroara {m} | :: wetland, marsh, swamp |
muçuã {m} /ˈɐ̃/ | :: Scorpion mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides, a freshwater turtle) |
Mucugê {prop} | :: Mucugê (municipality) |
muçulmano {adj} /mu.suɫ.ˈmɐ.nu/ | :: Muslim |
muçulmano {m} | :: Muslim |
Muçum {prop} | :: Muçum (municipality) |
mucumbu {m} [Northeast Brazil] | :: tailbone; coccyx (the final fused vertebrae) |
muçununga {f} [Bahia] /ˈnũ.ɡɐ/ | :: a type of biome characterised by sandy, humid and soft soil |
Mucuri {prop} | :: Mucuri (municipality) |
muda {f} /ˈmu.ðɐ/ | :: feminine noun of mudo |
muda {f} | :: seedling |
mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se os costumes {proverb} | :: other days, other ways (people of the past thought and acted differently) |
mudança {f} /mu.ˈðɐ̃.sɐ/ | :: change (the process of becoming different) |
mudança {f} | :: exchange (act of exchanging) |
mudança {f} | :: move (event of changing one's residence) |
mudança {f} | :: all the objects carried when one changes residence |
mudança climática {f} | :: climate change (changes in the Earth’s climate) |
mudar {v} /mu.ˈðaɾ/ | :: to change (to become or cause to become something different) |
mudar {vp} | :: to move, to relocate (to settle into a new home) |
mudar de ideia {v} [idiomatic] | :: to change one’s mind (to decide differently than one had decided before) |
mudável {adj} | :: changeable (capable of being changed) |
mudéjar {adj} /muˈdɛʒaɾ/ | :: Mudéjar |
mudéjar {mf} | :: Mudéjar (Moors of Al-Andalus who remained in Christian territory after the Reconquista) |
mudez {f} | :: muteness (the condition of being mute) |
mudo {adj} /ˈmu.ðu/ | :: mute |
mudo {adj} [of a person] | :: suffering from muteness |
mudo {adj} | :: not uttering sounds |
mudo {adj} | :: of a letter that is written but not pronounced in a word; silent |
mũdo {m} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of mundo |
mudra {mf} [dance, arts] | :: mudra (symbolic hand postures used in India) |
muesli {m} | :: muesli (a Swiss and German breakfast dish made with rolled oats) |
muezim {m} [Islam] | :: muezzin (person who issues call to prayer) |
muffin {m} | :: muffin (type of small cake) |
muflão {m} | :: mouflon (Ovis aries musimon, a wild sheep of Corsica and Sardinia) |
mufti {m} [Islam] /mufˈti/ | :: mufti (Muslim scholar) |
mugir {v} /mu.ˈʒiɾ/ | :: to moo (to make a lowing sound) |
mui {adv} [archaic, rare] /ˈmũj̃/ | :: very |
muié {f} | :: eye dialect of mulher |
muié {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: a girlfriend or wife |
muita {pron} /ˈmũj̃.tɐ/ | :: feminine singular of muito |
muita cera queima a igreja {proverb} | :: too many cooks spoil the broth |
muitíssimo {adj} | :: very much, very many |
muitíssimo {adj} | :: most |
muito {pron} /ˈmũj̃.tu/ | :: much; many; a lot of; lots of |
muito {pron} | :: too much; too many (an excessive amount of) |
muito {adv} | :: very; a lot; very much (to a great extent or degree) |
muito louco {adj} [slang, Brazil] | :: wicked; awesome; amazing |
muito louco {adj} | :: See: pt muito louco |
muito menos {conj} | :: See: pt muito menos |
muito menos {conj} | :: let alone (introduces an even more negative clause after another negative clause) |
muito obrigada {phrase} [used by females] | :: thank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lot |
muito obrigado {phrase} [used by males] | :: thank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lot |
muito pelo contrário {adv} | :: quite the contrary |
muito prazer {phrase} | :: pleased to meet you |
Muitos Capões {prop} | :: Muitos Capões (municipality) |
mujahid {mf} [Islam] | :: mujahid (Muslim engaging in jihad) |
mujik {mf} | :: mujik (peasant in imperial Russia) |
mujique {mf} | :: alternative form of mujik |
mula {f} /ˈmu.lɐ/ | :: feminine noun of mulo |
mula {f} [figuratively, derogatory] | :: a stupid person (regardless of sex) |
mulá {m} [Islam] | :: mullah (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher) |
mulambento {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: slovenly (having an untidy appearance) |
mulambento {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: a slovenly person |
mulata {f} | :: feminine noun of mulato |
mulatinho {adj} | :: young and mulatto |
mulato {m} /mu.ˈla.tu/ | :: mulatto |
mulato {adj} | :: mulatto |
mulé {f} | :: eye dialect of mulher |
mulé {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: a girlfriend or wife |
muleta {f} | :: crutch (long stick used to assist in walking) |
mulher {f} /mu.ˈʎɛɾ/ | :: woman (adult female human) |
mulher {f} [with possessive pronoun, the preposition de or in the vocative] | :: wife (married woman) |
mulher {f} | :: [uncountable] womankind (women, taken collectively) |
mulher {adj} [derogatory, of a man] | :: pansy; wimpy; effeminate |
mulherada {f} | :: women, collectively |
mulherão {m} /mu.ʎɛ.ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: Voluptuous woman |
mulher da vida {f} [euphemistic] | :: prostitute |
mulher de conforto {f} [historical] | :: comfort woman (woman forced into prostitution by Japanese occupation forces during World War 2) |
mulher de negócios {f} | :: businesswoman (woman involved in business) |
mulher de vida fácil {f} | :: a female prostitute |
mulherengo {m} /mu.ʎɛ.ˈɾẽ.ɡu/ | :: womanizer (habitual seducer of women) |
mulherengo {adj} | :: womanizing |
mulherengo {adj} [pejorative] | :: effeminate |
mulher honesta {f} [dated, potentially offensive as sexist] | :: A woman who is not sexually promiscuous |
mulherio {m} | :: a group of women |
mulher no volante, perigo constante {proverb} [offensive, sexist] | :: women are bad drivers |
mulher pública {f} [pejorative] | :: a female prostitute |
mulherzinha {m} | :: diminutive of mulher |
mulherzinha {m} [offensive] | :: a cowardly or effeminate man |
mulherzinha {adj} [of a man, offensive] | :: cowardly or effeminate |
Muliterno {prop} | :: Muliterno (municipality) |
mullet {m} | :: mullet (men’s hairstyle that is long in the back and short in the front) |
mulo {m} | :: mule (offspring of male donkey and female horse) |
multa {f} /ˈmuɫtɐ/ | :: fine; ticket (monetary punishment for a violation) |
multar {v} /muɫˈtaɾ/ | :: to fine, to penalize, to book |
multi- {prefix} | :: multi- (many) |
multibacilar {adj} | :: multibacillary |
multibanco {m} [Portugal, banking] | :: cash machine |
multicamadas {adj} | :: multilayered (having more than one layer) |
multicelular {adj} | :: multicellular |
multicolor {adj} | :: multicoloured; multicolour (having multiple colours) |
multicolorido {adj} | :: multicoloured; multicolour (having multiple colours) |
multicor {adj} | :: multicolour (having many colours) |
multicultural {adj} | :: multicultural (encompassing several cultures) |
multiculturalidade {f} | :: multiculturality |
multiculturalismo {m} | :: multiculturalism (promotion of a society with cultures) |
multidão {f} [collective] /muɫ.ti.ˈðɐ̃w̃/ | :: crowd (a group of people) |
multidão {f} | :: multitude, heap (a great number or large quantity of things) |
multidimensional {adj} | :: multidimensional, pluridimensional |
multifacetado {adj} | :: multifaceted (having multiple facets) |
multifatorial {adj} [maths] | :: multifactorial |
multigeracional {adj} | :: multigenerational |
multilateral {adj} | :: multilateral (having many sides or points of view) |
multilateral {adj} | :: multilateral (involving more than one party) |
multilingue {adj} | :: alternative form of multilíngue |
multilíngue {adj} /ˌmuw.t͡ʃi.ˈlĩ.ɡwi/ | :: multilingual (pertaining to multiple languages) |
multilíngüe {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of multilíngue |
multilinguismo {m} | :: multilingualism (condition of being able to speak several languages) |
multimédia {mp} [Portugal] | :: multimedia (the use of different media to convey information) |
multimídia {f} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of multimédia |
multimilionário {m} | :: multimillionaire (person worth many millions) |
multimilionário {adj} | :: involving many millions of some currency |
multinacional {adj} | :: multinational |
multinacional {f} | :: multinational |
multiorgasmo {m} | :: multiorgasm |
multiplataforma {adj} [computing] | :: cross-platform, multiplatform (designed to work on various operating systems) |
multiplicação {f} | :: multiplication (all senses) |
multiplicar {v} [arithmetic] | :: to multiply (perform multiplication on (a number)) |
multiplicativo {adj} | :: multiplicative |
multiplicidade {f} | :: multiplicity |
multiplicidade {f} | :: plurality |
multiplicidade {f} | :: variety |
múltiplo {adj} | :: multiple |
múltiplo {adj} | :: manifold, multiplex |
múltiplo {m} | :: multiple |
multiracialismo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of multirracialismo |
multirracialismo {m} | :: multiracialism (promotion of a society composed of various races) |
multitáctil {adj} [computing] | :: multi-touch |
multitarefa {adj} | :: multitasking |
multitudinário {adj} | :: multitudinous, mass |
multitudinário {adj} | :: large, big |
multiúso {adj} /ˌmuɫ.ti.ˈu.zu/ | :: multi-purpose, all-purpose |
multiusuário {adj} [computing, Brazil] | :: multiuser |
multiutilizador {adj} [computing, Portugal] | :: multiuser |
multivariado {adj} | :: multivariate (having or involving multiple variables) |
multivariável {adj} | :: multivariate (having or involving multiple variables) |
multiverso {m} [physics] | :: multiverse |
Mulungu do Morro {prop} | :: Mulungu do Morro (municipality) |
múmia {f} | :: mummy (embalmed cadaver) |
mumificar {vt} | :: to mummify (present a body so it becomes a mummy) |
mundano {adj} | :: mundane; worldly |
mundial {adj} /mũˈdjaɫ/ | :: global |
mundial {m} | :: world cup |
mundialmente {adv} | :: worldwide (throughout the world) |
mundividência {f} | :: worldview |
mundo {m} [uncountable, with article o] /ˈmũ.du/ | :: world (the Universe) |
mundo {m} [uncountable, with article o] | :: world (the Earth) |
mundo {m} [uncountable, with article o] | :: world; humanity (human beings collectively) |
mundo {m} | :: world (everything related to a certain field) |
mundo {m} | :: world (a large, distinct region) |
mundo {m} [colloquial, with article um] | :: world (a large amount) |
mundo afora {adv} [idiom] | :: across the world (in different parts of the world) |
mundo árabe {m} | :: Arab World (the Arabic speaking states collectively) |
mundo das fadas {m} | :: fairyland (the imaginary land or abode of fairies) |
Mundo Novo {prop} | :: Mundo Novo (municipality) |
Mundo Novo {prop} | :: alternative form of Novo Mundo |
mundo real {m} | :: real world |
munhão {m} | :: a type of axle in artillery weapons |
Munhoz {prop} | :: Munhoz (municipality) |
Munhoz {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
munição {f} | :: ammunition |
munição {f} | :: (in plural) munitions |
municipal {adj} | :: municipal |
municipal {adj} | :: town (attributive) |
municipal {adj} | :: civic |
municipalidade {f} | :: township (territory of a town) |
município {m} [political subdivision] /muniˈsipju/ | :: municipality |
muniçoens {f} | :: obsolete spelling of munições |
muniçoẽs {f} | :: obsolete spelling of munições |
munificência {f} | :: munificence |
munindo {v} | :: gerund of munir |
Munique {prop} {f} | :: Munique (caplc) |
munir {vt} /muˈniɾ/ | :: to provide, fit, equip (a machine, object etc. de with something) |
munir {vp} | :: to provide oneself with; to take (a supply of) |
Muniz Ferreira {prop} | :: Muniz Ferreira (municipality) |
Munténia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: Munténia (historical region) |
Muntênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Munténia |
múon {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of muão |
mupi {m} | :: alternative spelling of múpi |
múpi {m} | :: outdoors advertising board |
Muquém de São Francisco {prop} | :: Muquém de São Francisco (municipality) |
muquifo {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: A precarious habitation |
muquirana {mf} [Brazil, slang] | :: cheapskate; miser (someone who avoids spending money) |
muquirana {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: miserly (who avoids spending money) |
Murakami {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Murakawa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
muralha {f} /mu.ˈɾa.ʎɐ/ | :: wall (structure built for defense surrounding or separating an area) |
Muralha da China {prop} {f} | :: Great Wall of China (Chinese fortification) |
Muralha de Adriano {prop} {f} | :: Hadrian's Wall (Roman fortification in Northern England) |
Muralha de Antonino {prop} {f} [Ancient Rome] | :: Antonine Wall (Roman wall in Scotland) |
murar {v} /muˈɾaɾ/ | :: to wall |
murar {v} | :: to mouse (hunt or catch mice; usually of cats) |
Murata {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Murayama {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
murça {f} /ˈmuɾsɐ/ | :: a type of ecclesiastical vestment |
Murça {prop} {f} /ˈmuɾsɐ/ | :: Murça (village/and/municipality) |
murchar {v} /muɹ.ˈʃa(ɹ)/ | :: to wither (shrivel, droop, dry up) |
murchar {v} | :: to deflate |
murchar {vi} | :: to become sad |
murcho {adj} /ˈmuɾʃu/ | :: withered |
Múrcia {prop} {f} | :: Múrcia (autonomous community) |
Múrcia {prop} {f} | :: Múrcia (province) |
Múrcia {prop} {f} | :: Múrcia (capital city) |
mure {m} [archaic, dialectal] /ˈmu.ɾɨ/ | :: mouse |
murganho {m} /muɾ.ˈɣɐ.ɲu/ | :: house mouse (Mus musculus) |
Muriaé {prop} | :: Muriaé (municipality) |
Murilo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Muritiba {prop} | :: Muritiba (municipality) |
Murmansk {prop} {f} | :: Murmansk (oblast) |
Murmansk {prop} {f} | :: Murmansk (city/administrative center) |
murmurar {v} /muɾ.mu.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to murmur, whisper |
murmurar {v} | :: to mutter, grumble |
murmurar {v} | :: to ripple |
murmurar {v} | :: to rustle |
murmúrio {m} /muɾ.ˈmu.ɾju/ | :: murmuring, whispering |
murmúrio {m} | :: grumbling |
murmúrio {m} | :: rippling |
murmúrio {m} | :: rustling |
muro {m} /ˈmu.ɾu/ | :: wall |
muro de Berlim {m} [politics] | :: Berlin Wall (any barrier designed to separate a people) |
Muro do Apartheid {prop} {m} [derogatory, geopolitics] | :: Apartheid Wall (barrier built by the Israeli government in the West Bank) |
murro {m} | :: punch (strike with one’s fist) |
murta {f} /ˈmuɾ.tɐ/ | :: myrtle (evergreen shrub of the genus Myrtus) |
Murtosa {prop} {f} /muɾˈtɔzɐ/ | :: Murtosa (village/and/municipality) |
murugem {f} | :: alternative form of morugem |
Murutinga do Sul {prop} | :: Murutinga do Sul (municipality) |
musa {f} /ˈmu.zɐ/ | :: Muse |
musa {f} | :: muse (a source of inspiration) |
musa {f} | :: A poet's creative and poetic genius |
musaranho {m} | :: shrew (mouselike animal) |
musaranho comum {m} | :: common shrew (Sorex araneus, a shrew of Eurasia) |
musaranho pigmeu {m} | :: Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus, a small shrew of Eurasia) |
muscarina {f} | :: muscarine |
musculado {adj} | :: muscled (bearing muscle tissue) |
musculado {adj} | :: muscled (having large muscles) |
muscular {adj} /muʃ.ku.ˈlaɾ/ | :: muscular (of or relating to muscles) |
musculatura {f} | :: musculature (the muscles of a body or organ collectively) |
músculo {m} /ˈmuʃ | :: muscle (contractile tissue) |
músculo auricular anterior {m} [muscle] | :: anterior auricular muscle (muscle surrounding the auricula) |
musculoesquelético {adj} [anatomy] | :: musculoskeletal |
musculoso {adj} | :: muscular (having large, well-developed muscles) |
museu {m} /mu.ˈzew/ | :: museum |
musgo {m} /ˈmuʒ.ɣu/ | :: moss |
música {f} /ˈmu.zi.kɐ/ | :: music |
música {f} | :: song |
música {f} | :: feminine noun of músico |
música absoluta {f} [music] | :: absolute music (music which depends solely on its rhythmic, melodic and contrapuntal structure) |
música clássica {f} | :: classical music (music of the Classical period) |
música de câmara {f} [music] | :: chamber music (classical music played with few instruments) |
música folclórica {f} | :: folk music (traditional music of a specific region) |
música folk {f} | :: folk music (contemporary music in traditional style) |
música house {f} | :: house music (subgenre of electronic dance music) |
musical {adj} /mu.zi.ˈkaɫ/ | :: musical (of or relating to music) |
musical {adj} | :: musical (pleasing to the ear) |
musical {m} | :: musical (stage performance, show or film that focuses on singing and dancing) |
musicalmente {adv} | :: musically |
música para os ouvidos de {n} [idiomatic] | :: music to (someone’s) ears (good news) |
música pop {f} | :: pop music (music intended for a wide audience) |
musicista {mf} /mu.ziˈsiʃ.tɐ/ | :: musician (one who writes or plays music) |
musicista {mf} | :: musicologist (one who studies music) |
músico {m} /ˈmu.zi.ku/ | :: musician (a person who composes, plays or sings music) |
músico {adj} | :: musical (pertaining to music) |
musicologia {f} | :: musicology (the study of music) |
musiquinha {f} | :: diminutive of música |
muslim {m} [chiefly dated] | :: Muslim (follower of the Islamic religion) |
muslim {adj} [chiefly dated] | :: Muslim; Islamic (relating to the Islamic religion) |
mussaca {f} | :: alternative spelling of moussaka |
mussarela {f} [proscribed] | :: mozzarella (soft Italian cheese) |
musse {f} {m} | :: mousse (a type of aired pudding) |
musselina {f} | :: muslin (thin cotton cloth) |
musseque {m} [Angola] | :: slum (dilapidated neighborhood) |
mussumé {f} | :: alternative form of mussumê |
mussumê {f} /ˌˈme/ | :: musume |
Mustafá {prop} {m} /ˌmus.ta.ˈfa/ | :: given name |
mutação {f} /mutɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: mutation |
mutacional {adj} | :: mutational (pertaining to mutation) |
mutacionismo {m} [evolutionary theory] | :: mutationism (the theory or role of mutations in the evolution of species) |
mutagênico {adj} | :: mutagenic |
mutágeno {m} [genetics] | :: mutagen (agent or substance that can cause genetic mutation) |
mutante {mf} | :: mutant (something that or someone who has mutated) |
mutar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˈmutaɾ/ | :: to mute |
mutar {v} | :: to mutate |
mutável {adj} | :: mutatable; mutable (capable of undergoing mutation, change) |
mutilar {v} | :: to mutilate (to physically harm as to impair use) |
mutirão {m} [Brazil] | :: collective and voluntary mobilization to make some effort |
mutuador {m} | :: lender (one who lends) |
mutualismo {m} [ecology] | :: mutualism (interaction between two species that benefits both) |
mutualismo {m} [politics] | :: mutualism (anarchist economic theory) |
mutuamente {adv} /ˌmutwɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: mutually; reciprocally (in the same way, each to the other) |
mutuca {f} | :: horsefly (fly of the family Tabanidae) |
Mutuípe {prop} | :: Mutuípe (municipality) |
mutum {m} | :: curassow (any bird of the family Cracidae) |
Mutum {prop} | :: Mutum (municipality) |
mútuo {adj} /ˈmu.twu/ | :: mutual (having the same relationship, each to each other) |
mututi {m} | :: Pterocarpus amazonicus, a tree of tropical South America and Africa |
muu {interj} | :: alternative form of mu |
muuu {interj} | :: alternative form of mu |
muvuca {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: mess, chaos, confusion, disorder |
muxiba {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: Loose skin, sagging or drooping flesh; flab |
muxiba {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: Lean, sinewy meat trimmings, especially when fed to pets or livestock |
muxibas {fp} [Brazil, pejorative] | :: Loose, saggy breasts |
muxibento {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: [of a person] having flabby, sagging skin |
muxibento {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: [less frequently] paunchy, potbellied |
muy {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of mui |
muyta {pron} | :: feminine singular of muyto |
muyto {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of muito |
muyto {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of muito |
Muzambinho {prop} | :: Muzambinho (municipality) |
my {pron} | :: obsolete form of mim |
Myanmar {prop} {m} | :: Myanmar |
mym {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of mim |
myopia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of miopia |
myosótis {m} | :: obsolete spelling of miosótis |
myrra {f} | :: obsolete form of mirra |
myrrha {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mirra |
myrtillo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mirtilo |
Mysore {prop} {f} | :: Mysore (city) |
mytho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mito |