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From uni- + cycle.
a unicycle
- IPA(key): /ˈjun.ɪˌsaɪ.kəl/, /ˈjun.əˌsaɪ.kəl/
unicycle (plural unicycles)
- A type of cycle that has only one wheel and is powered by pedals; it is most often used by acrobats.
one-wheeled pedaled cycle
- Catalan: monocicle m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 獨輪車 / 独轮车 (zh) (dúlúnchē)
- Czech: monocykl m, jednokolka f
- Danish: unicykel c, ethjulet cykel c
- Dutch: eenwieler (nl) m
- Esperanto: unuciklo
- Estonian: üksratas
- Finnish: yksipyöräinen (fi), yksipyöräinen polkupyörä
- French: monocycle (fr) m
- German: Einrad (de) n
- Hebrew: חד אופן (he), חד־אופן
- Hungarian: egykerekű (hu)
- Icelandic: einhjól n
- Ido: monociklo
- Italian: monociclo m
- Japanese: 一輪車 (ja) (いちりんしゃ, ichirinsha), ユニサイクル (yunisaikuru)
- Korean: 외발자전거 (ko) (oebaljajeon'geo)
- Latvian: please add this translation if you can
- Lithuanian: vienratis m
- Malay: ekasikal
- Norwegian: etthjulssykkel c
- Polish: rower jednokołowy m, monocykl (pl) m
- Portuguese: monociclo (pt) m
- Russian: моноци́кл (ru) m (monocíkl), уници́кл (ru) m (unicíkl), одноколёсный велосипе́д m (odnokoljósnyj velosipéd), юниса́йкл (ru) m (junisájkl)
- Serbo-Croatian: jednotočak m, jednokolka f
- Spanish: monociclo (es) m
- Swedish: enhjuling (sv) c
- Tamil: please add this translation if you can
- Thai: please add this translation if you can
- Turkish: tekteker
- Vietnamese: xe đạp một bánh
- Welsh: beic un olwyn m
unicycle (third-person singular simple present unicycles, present participle unicycling, simple past and past participle unicycled)
- To travel or move around by unicycle.
to travel or move around by unicycle