User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-l
Labe {prop} {n} | :: Elbe |
laborant {m} | :: laboratory technician |
laborantka {f} | :: female laboratory technician |
laboratorní {adj} | :: laboratory (when used attributively) |
laboratoř {f} | :: laboratory |
labourista {m} | :: Labourite, Labourist (a member or supporter of the Labour Party) |
Labradorské moře {prop} {n} | :: the Labrador Sea |
labuť {f} | :: swan |
labuťák {m} | :: male swan |
labutí {adj} [relational] | :: swan, swan's |
labužník {m} | :: gourmet |
láce {f} | :: cheapness |
lacinost {f} | :: cheapness |
laciný {adj} | :: cheap, inexpensive (low and/or reduced in price) |
laciný {adj} | :: cheap (of little worth) |
lacl {m} | :: bib (part of an apron or overalls) |
Lada {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Láďa {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the male given name Ladislav |
Láďa {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the female given name Ladislava |
ladění {n} | :: verbal noun of ladit |
ladění {n} | :: tuning (calibration of a musical instrument) |
ladění {n} [programming] | :: debugging |
ladič {m} | :: tuner (person) |
ladička {f} | :: tuner (device that shows the deviation of the played pitch from the desired pitch) |
Ladislav {prop} {m} | :: given name |
ladit {v impf} | :: to tune |
ladit {v impf} [programming] | :: to debug |
ladně {adv} | :: gracefully, fluently, smoothly |
ladný {adv} | :: graceful, fluent, smooth |
lado {n} | :: uncultivated, wild land |
Laduška {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Lagaš {prop} {m} | :: Lagash (an ancient city in Sumer, in what is today's southeast Iraq) |
lagašský {adj} [relational] | :: Lagash |
laguna {f} | :: lagoon |
láhev {f} | :: bottle (for liquids) |
láhev {f} | :: bottle (with rubber nipple for infants) |
láhevník {m} | :: custard apple (any plant of genus Annona) |
lahodný {adj} | :: delicious |
lahůdka {f} | :: delicacy (pleasing food) |
lahvička {f} | :: vial |
lahvinka {f} | :: diminutive of láhev |
lachtan {m} | :: fur seal or sea lion |
lachtaní {adj} [relational] | :: fur seal, sea lion |
laický {adj} | :: lay |
laik {m} | :: layman (non-cleric) |
laik {m} | :: layman (non-professional) |
lajdácký {adj} | :: sloppy, careless |
lajdák {m} | :: sloppy, careless person |
lak {m} | :: lacquer |
lák {m} | :: brine (a salt and water solution for pickling) |
Lakadivy {prop} {p} | :: Laccadive Islands or Lakshadweep (to be clarified) |
lákat {v impf} | :: to attract (to arouse interest) |
lakmus {m} | :: litmus |
lakmusový {adj} | :: litmus |
lakmusový papírek {m} | :: litmus paper |
lakomec {m} | :: miser, scrooge |
lakomství {n} | :: avarice |
lakomý {adj} | :: stingy, niggardly, miserly |
lakonický {adj} | :: laconic (using as few words as possible) |
lakota {f} | :: miserliness |
lakotit {v} | :: to scrimp, to skimp (be frugal or stingy) |
lakotný {adj} | :: stingy, niggardly, miserly |
lakros {m} | :: lacrosse |
Lakšmí {prop} {f} | :: Lakshmi (Hindu goddess) |
laktace {f} | :: lactation (secretion of milk) |
laktáza {f} | :: lactase |
laktóza {f} | :: lactose |
lalok {m inan} | :: lobe (division of the brain) |
lalok {m inan} | :: wattle (part of head of a rooster) |
lalůček {m} | :: diminutive of lalok; lobule |
lámat {v impf} | :: to break |
lambada {f} | :: lambada (dance) |
lambda {n} | :: lambda (Greek letter) |
lambda kalkul {m} | :: lambda calculus |
lamí {adj} [relational] | :: llama, llama's |
laminární {adj} | :: laminar |
laminární proudění {n} | :: laminar flow |
lampa {f} | :: lamp |
lampář {m} | :: lamplighter |
lampasák {m} [slang] | :: military officer |
lampička {f} | :: diminutive of lampa |
lampion {m} | :: paper lantern |
lampión {m} | :: paper lantern |
lamželezo {m} | :: strongman |
laň {f} | :: hind (female deer) |
lán {m inan} [archaic] | :: field |
lán {m inan} | :: an old Czech line measure |
lančmít {m} | :: luncheon meat |
langoš {f} | :: langos (traditional Hungarian fried dough) |
langusta {f} | :: spiny lobster, langouste |
laní {adj} [relational] | :: hind, hind's (female deer) |
laňka {f} | :: diminutive of laň |
lano {n} | :: rope, cable |
lanová dráha {f} | :: cableway |
lanovka {f} | :: cableway |
lanthan {m} | :: lanthanum |
Laos {prop} {m} | :: Laos |
Laosan {m} | :: Lao, Laotian (person) |
Laosanka {f} | :: female Lao, Laotian |
laoský {adj} | :: Lao, Laotian |
lapálie {f} | :: trifle, minor thing |
lapidární {adj} | :: lapidary |
Laplaceovo rozdělení {n} | :: Laplace distribution |
laplaceovský {adj} | :: Laplace, Laplace's, Laplacian |
Laponec {m} | :: Lapp, Sami |
Laponsko {prop} {n} | :: Lapland |
laponský {adj} | :: Lapp, Sami |
lapsus {m} [colloquial] | :: lapse |
larva {f} | :: larva |
larvička {f} | :: diminutive of larva |
larvička {f} [rare] | :: face |
laryngála {f} | :: laryngeal |
laryngální {adj} | :: laryngeal (of or pertaining to larynx) |
laryngitida {f} | :: laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) |
larynx {m} | :: larynx |
lascivní {adj} | :: lascivious |
laser {m} | :: laser (source of light) |
laserová tiskárna {f} | :: laser printer |
laserový {adj} | :: laser (when used attributively) |
lasice {f} | :: weasel (Mustela nivalis) |
lasiččí {adj} [relational] | :: weasel, weasel's |
láska {f} | :: love (intense feeling of affection and care toward another person) |
láska {f} | :: love (object of one’s romantic feelings) |
láska až za hrob {f} [simile] | :: lasting love |
láska hory přenáší {proverb} | :: love conquers all |
láska jako trám {f} [simile] | :: lasting love |
laskat {v impf} | :: to caress |
laskavě {adv} | :: kindly |
laskavec {m inan} | :: amaranth (any plant of the genus Amaranthus) |
laskavost {f} | :: kindness (property) |
laskavost {f} | :: favor, kindness (deed) |
laskavý {adj} | :: kind |
laso {n} | :: A lasso |
lasolet {m anim} | :: woodswallow |
lastura {f} | :: bivalve shell |
latam {m anim} | :: swift parrot |
látat {v impf} | :: to darn (stitch with thread) |
latence {f} [networking] | :: latency |
latentní {adj} | :: latent |
láteřit {v} | :: to grumble, complain |
latina {f} | :: Latin [language] |
latinismus {m} | :: Latinism (word or other feature originating in the Latin language that has been borrowed by another language) |
Latinoameričan {m} | :: Latin American |
Latinská Amerika {prop} {f} | :: Latin America |
latinskoamerický {adj} | :: Latin American (of or relating to Latin America) |
latinský {adj} | :: Latin |
laťka {f} | :: bar |
látka {f} | :: cloth, fabric |
látka {f} | :: substance (physical matter, material) |
látková výměna {f} | :: metabolism |
latrína {f} | :: A latrine |
laudanum {n} | :: laudanum (tincture of opium) |
Laura {prop} {f} | :: given name |
laureát {m} | :: laureate |
láva {f} | :: lava (melted rock) |
lavice {f} | :: bench (at the table) |
lavice obžalovaných {f} | :: dock (in courtroom) |
lavička {f} | :: bench (in the park) |
lavina {f} | :: avalanche (large sliding mass of snow and ice) |
lavinový {adj} | :: avalanche |
lávka {f} | :: footbridge |
lávový {adj} | :: lava |
lawrencium {n} | :: lawrencium |
laxativum {n} | :: laxative (any substance, such as a food or in the form of a medicine which has a laxative effect) |
laxní {adj} | :: lax, slack, careless, indolent |
Lazce {prop} {m inan} | :: former village, nowadays a quarter of Olomouc, Czech Republic |
Lazce {prop} {m inan} | :: village in the Czech Republic, Olomouc District, near Troubelice |
Lazce {prop} {m inan} | :: village in the Czech Republic, administrative part of Horšovský Týn |
Lazce {prop} {m inan} | :: Mokré Lazce, village in the Opava District, Czech Republic |
Lazce {prop} {m inan} | :: Suché Lazce, former village, nowadays a part of Opava, Czech Republic |
Lazečtí {m anim} | :: people living in Lazce (in any of the villages or town quarters of that name) |
lázeň {f} | :: bath |
lázeňský {adj} [relational] | :: spa |
lázně {fp} | :: bathhouse |
lázně {fp} | :: spa |
lazurit {m} | :: lazurite |
lazurit {m} | :: lapis lazuli |
LB {prop} | :: abbreviation of Liberec (region) |
LB {prop} | :: abbreviation of Liberec (city) |
leb {f} {m} [archaic] | :: alternative form of lebka |
lebeční {adj} | :: cranial |
lebka {f} | :: skull |
leccos {pron} | :: all sorts of things |
lecitin {m} | :: lecithin |
leckde {adv} | :: here and there |
leč {conj} | :: but, yet |
léčba {f} | :: treatment, therapy |
léčebný {adj} | :: therapeutic (of, or relating to therapy) |
léčit {vt impf} | :: to heal |
léčit {v impf} | :: to treat (to apply medical care to) |
léčitelný {adj} | :: curable |
léčivý {adj} | :: healing, curative |
léčka {f} | :: trap |
lečo {n} | :: lecsó (a traditional vegetable ragout) |
led {m} | :: ice |
ledabyle {adv} | :: lackadaisically, sloppily, shoddily |
ledabylost {f} | :: carelessness, sloppiness |
ledabylý {adj} | :: careless, perfunctory |
ledacos {pron} | :: all sorts of things |
ledajaký {adj} | :: any, any old |
ledek {m} | :: nitrate |
leden {m inan} | :: January |
ledňáček {m} | :: kingfisher |
lední {adj} [relational] | :: ice |
lednice {f} | :: refrigerator |
lednička {f} | :: fridge |
lední hokej {m} | :: ice hockey |
lední medvěd {m} | :: polar bear |
lednový {adj} [relational] | :: January |
ledoborec {m} | :: icebreaker (a ship designed to break through ice) |
ledovcový {adj} | :: glacial (related to glaciers) |
ledově {adv} | :: icily |
ledovec {m inan} | :: glacier |
ledovka {f} [meteorology] | :: glaze |
ledovost {f} | :: frostiness, iciness, gelidness, gelidity |
ledový {adj} | :: freezing, gelid, icy, wintry, boreal, chilling, frigid, ice-cold |
ledový {adj} [relational] | :: ice |
ledvina {f} | :: kidney |
ledvinka {f} | :: diminutive of ledvina |
ledvinka {f} | :: bum bag |
ledvinky {noun} | :: (food) Kidney |
ledvinný {adj} | :: kidney, renal, nephric, nephritic |
ledvinový {adj} | :: nephric, nephritic, renal |
legálně {adv} | :: legally |
legální {adj} | :: legal (allowed or prescribed by law) |
legenda {f} | :: legend (story) |
legendární {adj} | :: legendary |
legie {f} | :: legion (military organization in ancient Rome) |
legie {f} | :: legion (a military unit, often composed of volunteers) |
legie {f} | :: legion (a multitude) |
legionář {m} | :: legionary |
legislativa {f} | :: legislature |
legislativní {adj} | :: legislative |
legitimace {f} | :: legitimation |
legitimace {f} | :: ID card |
legitimní {adj} | :: legitimate |
legitimnost {f} | :: legitimacy |
legrace {f} | :: fun |
legračně {adv} | :: humorously, funnily |
legrační {adj} | :: funny, humorous, comical |
leguán {m} | :: iguana |
lehátko {n} | :: deck chair, sunlounger |
lehce {adv} | :: easily |
lehce {adv} | :: lightly |
lehce nabyl, lehce pozbyl {proverb} | :: easy come, easy go |
lehčí {adj} | :: comparative of lehký |
lehko {adv} | :: easily |
lehko {adv} | :: lightly |
lehkomyslně {v} | :: carelessly |
lehkomyslnost {f} | :: carelessness, thoughtlessness |
lehkomyslný {adj} | :: light-minded, thoughtless |
lehkomyslný {adj} | :: careless |
lehkost {f} | :: ease |
lehkost {f} | :: lightness |
lehkovážnost {f} | :: frivolity, levity |
lehkověrný {adj} | :: gullible, credulous |
lehký {adj} | :: light (of low weight) |
lehký {adj} | :: easy |
lehký jako facka {adj} [simile] | :: easy as pie |
lehký jako peříčko {adj} [simile] | :: light as a feather |
lehký jako pírko {adj} [simile] | :: light as a feather |
lehnout {vr pf} [si] | :: to lie down |
lehnout {vr pf} [si] | :: (corn) to lodge |
lehounký {adj} | :: very light |
lechický {adj} | :: Lechitic |
lechtat {v impf} | :: to tickle (to touch repeatedly or stroke delicately) |
lechtivý {adj} | :: ticklish (sensitive or susceptible to being tickled) |
lechtivý {adj} | :: erotic |
leibnizovský {adj} | :: Leibnizian |
lejno {n} | :: turd |
lejsčík {m anim} | :: ground robin |
lejsek {m anim} | :: flycatcher |
lék {m} | :: medicine, cure, drug |
lékárenský {adj} | :: pharmacy |
lékárenství {n} | :: pharmacy (the art or practice of preparing, preserving, compounding and dispensing medicines according to prescriptions of physicians) |
lékárna {f} | :: pharmacy, dispensary (place where prescription drugs are dispensed) |
lékárna {f} | :: first aid kit |
lékárnice {f} | :: female pharmacist |
lékárnička {f} | :: first aid kit |
lékárník {m} | :: pharmacist (who dispenses prescription drugs) |
lékař {m} | :: physician, doctor |
lékařka {f} | :: doctor, physician (female) |
lékařský {adj} | :: medical |
lékařství {n} | :: medicine (field of study) |
lekce {f} | :: lesson, lessons |
lék na předpis {m} [pharmacology] | :: prescription drug |
leknín {m} | :: any plant of the water lily family Nymphaeaceae |
lékořice {f} | :: licorice (a plant) |
lektvar {m} | :: potion (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical) |
léky {noun} | :: medication |
lelek {m} | :: nightjar |
lemčík {m anim} | :: bowerbird |
lemech {m} [rare] | :: back of a chair |
lemma {n} [mathematics] | :: lemma |
lemma {n} [linguistics] | :: lemma (canonical form of a term) |
lemmatizace {f} | :: lemmatization |
lemmatizátor {m} | :: lemmatizer |
lemmatizovat {v both} | :: to lemmatize |
lempl {m} [mildly, vulgar] | :: sloppy, careless person |
lemra {f} [colloquial] | :: idler |
lemur {m anim} | :: lemur |
lemuří {adj} [relational] | :: lemur, lemur's |
len {m} | :: flax (plant or fiber) |
Léňa {prop} {f} | :: A pet form of the female given names Lenka |
Lenička {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Leningrad {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Leningrad (major city), now Saint Petersburg |
Leningraďan {m} | :: person from Leningrad |
Leningradec {m} | :: person from Leningrad |
leninismus {m} | :: Leninism |
Leninka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
lenivec {m anim} | :: lazybones, sluggard |
lenivý {adj} | :: lazy (unwilling to do work or make an effort) |
lenivý {adj} | :: sluggish (habitually idle and lazy) |
Lenka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
léno {n} | :: (estate) feud |
lenoch {m anim} | :: lazybones, sluggard |
lenochod {m} | :: sloth (mammal) |
lenochodí {adj} [relational] | :: sloth, sloth's (the mammal's) |
lenost {f} | :: laziness, sloth |
lenoška {noun} | :: sofa |
lenoška {noun} | :: lazybones, sluggard (female) |
Leona {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Leonka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Leontýna {prop} {f} | :: given name |
leopard {m anim} | :: leopard |
leopardí {adj} [relational] | :: leopard, leopard's |
leopardice {f} | :: female leopard |
Leopold {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Leoš {prop} {m} | :: given name |
lépe {adv} | :: comparative of dobře |
lepek {m inan} | :: gluten |
lépe pozdě než nikdy {proverb} | :: better late than never |
lepící {adj} | :: adhesive, sticky |
lepící páska {f} | :: adhesive tape, sticky tape |
lepidlo {n} | :: glue, adhesive |
lepidopterologie {f} | :: lepidopterology |
lepit {v impf} | :: to stick (to become attached) |
lepra {f} | :: leprosy |
lepší pozdě než nikdy {proverb} | :: better late than never |
lepší vrabec v hrsti nežli holub na střeše {proverb} | :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush |
leptospiróza {f} | :: leptospirosis (disease) |
lepý {adj} [literary] | :: beautiful |
les {m inan} | :: forest |
lesba {f} | :: lesbian |
lesbický {adj} | :: lesbian |
lesbička {f} | :: lesbian |
Lesbos {prop} | :: Lesbos |
lesíček {m} | :: diminutive of les |
lesk {m inan} | :: gloss, shine, sheen, luster |
lesklý {adj} | :: glossy |
lesní {adj} | :: forest, wood (when used attributively) |
lesnictví {n} | :: forestry |
lesník {m} | :: forester |
lesopark {noun} | :: forest-park |
Lesotho {prop} {n} | :: Lesotho |
lesothský {adj} | :: Lesotho, of Lesotho |
lest {f} | :: trick, ruse |
lest {f} | :: stratagem |
lešení {n} | :: scaffolding |
lešení {n} | :: scaffold |
leštidlo {n} | :: polish (wax) |
leštit {v impf} | :: to polish |
let {m} | :: flight (the act of flying) |
letáček {m} | :: diminutive of leták |
letadélko {n} | :: diminutive of letadlo |
letadlo {n} | :: aircraft, airplane (US), aeroplane (UK) |
letadlová loď {f} | :: aircraft carrier |
létající talíř {m} | :: flying saucer |
leták {m} | :: leaflet, flyer |
léta letoucí {adv} [idiomatic] | :: for years, for a long time |
letalita {f} [epidemiology] | :: case fatality rate |
letargie {f} [pathology] | :: Lethargy (pathological drowsiness) |
letargie {f} [psychology] | :: Lethargy (apathy, lack of emotions and interest) |
letargie {f} [nuclear physics] | :: Lethargy (quantity characterizing the rate of decelaration of neutrons) |
létat {v impf} | :: iterative form of letět |
letec {m anim} | :: flier, flyer, aviator, airman |
letecká pošta {f} | :: airmail (the system of conveying mail using aircraft) |
letecký {adj} | :: aerial |
letectví {n} | :: aviation (art or science of flying) |
letectvo {n} | :: air force (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) |
letenka {f} | :: plane ticket, airline ticket |
letět {v impf} | :: to fly |
letět {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be in fashion |
letiště {n} | :: airport |
letištní {adj} | :: airport (when used attributively) |
letkyně {f} | :: female flier |
letmý {adj} | :: quick, cursory (glance, look) |
letmý {adj} | :: casual (remark, acquaintance) |
letmý {adj} | :: brief, fleeting (visit) |
letmý {adj} | :: hasty, random, perfunctory (check, control) |
letní {adj} [relational] | :: summer (related to the season) |
letní čas {m} | :: summer time, daylight-saving time |
léto {n} | :: summer |
letohrádek {m} | :: diminutive of letohrad |
letokruh {m} | :: tree ring, annual ring, growth ring |
letos {adv} | :: this year |
letošek {m} | :: this year |
letošní {adj} | :: of this year |
letoun {m} | :: airplane (a powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings) |
letoun {m} | :: bat (any of the small, nocturnal, flying mammals of the order Chiroptera) |
letovat {v impf} | :: To solder |
letový {adj} | :: flight |
letuška {f} | :: female flight attendant |
leucin {noun} [amino acid] | :: leucine |
leukemický {adj} | :: leukemic, leukaemic |
leukemie {f} [pathology, oncology] | :: leukemia |
leukémie {f} [pathology, oncology] | :: leukemia |
leukocyt {m} | :: leukocyte |
leukocytóza {f} | :: leucocytosis (raised white blood cell count) |
leukotomie {f} | :: leucotomy, lobotomy |
leukotrien {m} | :: leukotriene |
lev {m} | :: lion |
lev {m} [heraldry] | :: lion |
Lev {prop} {m} | :: Leo (male given name) |
Lev {m} [zodiac constellations] | :: Leo (in astronomy) |
Lev {m} [astrology] | :: the zodiacal sign Leo |
levačka {f} | :: female lefty, left-hander |
levačka {f} | :: left hand |
levák {m} | :: lefty, left-hander |
levandule {f} | :: lavender (plant) |
Levanta {prop} {f} | :: Levant (areas of land bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea) |
levantský {adj} | :: Levant, Levantine |
Levenshteinova vzdálenost {f} [computer science] | :: Levenshtein distance |
levhart {m} | :: leopard (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus) |
levhartí {adj} [relational] | :: leopard, leopard's |
levhartice {f} | :: female leopard |
levice {f} | :: left hand |
levice {f} | :: left (politicians and parties) |
levicový {adj} | :: left-wing |
levičák {m anim} | :: leftist, left-winger (a person who holds views associated with the political left) |
levitace {f} | :: levitation |
levitovat {vi impf} | :: to levitate |
levnější {adj} | :: comparative of levný |
levný {adj} | :: cheap |
levoboček {m anim} | :: bastard (person born to unmarried parents) |
levý {adj} | :: left (of direction) |
levý rváček {phrase} [rugby] | :: blindside flanker |
Lewinská {f} | :: Lewinsky, female/feminized form |
Lewinský {adj} | :: Lewinsky |
lexém {m} [linguistics] | :: lexeme |
lexikalizace {f} | :: lexicalization |
lexikalizovat {v} | :: to lexicalize |
lexikální {adj} | :: lexical |
lexikální analýza {f} | :: lexical analysis |
lexikální jednotka {f} [semantics] | :: lexical item |
lexikograf {m} | :: lexicographer |
lexikografický {adj} | :: lexicographic, lexicographical |
lexikografie {f} | :: lexicography |
lexikolog {m} | :: lexicologist |
lexikologický {adj} | :: lexicological |
lexikologie {f} | :: lexicology |
lexikon {m} | :: dictionary (any work that has a list of material organized alphabetically, e.g. biographical dictionary) |
lexikon {m} | :: dictionary, lexicon (book listing and describing words) |
lexikon {m} | :: lexicon (the vocabulary of a language) |
léze {f} | :: lesion |
lézt {v impf} | :: to crawl |
lézt {v impf} | :: to climb |
lézt na nervy {v impf} | :: to get on someone's nerves |
lež {f} | :: lie (not a truth) |
ležák {m inan} | :: lager (type of beer, brewed using a bottom-fermenting yeast.) |
ležák {m anim} | :: idler, loafer |
ležet {v impf} | :: to lie (in horizontal position) |
lež jako věž {f} [simile] | :: big lie |
lež má krátké nohy {proverb} | :: a lie has no legs (literally: short legs) |
lhář {m} | :: liar |
lhářka {f} | :: female liar |
Lhasa {prop} {f} | :: Lhasa (capital city) |
lhát {v impf} | :: to lie (not be truthful) |
lhát, jako když tiskne {v} [simile] | :: to lie through one's teeth, to lie with abandon |
Lhoce {prop} {f} | :: Lhotse |
lhostejně {adv} | :: indifferently |
lhostejnost {f} | :: indifference |
lhostejný {adj} | :: indifferent (not caring) |
lhůta {f} | :: period, term or deadline |
Líba {prop} {f} | :: A pet form of the female given names Libuše |
líbání {n} | :: verbal noun of líbat |
líbání {n} | :: kissing |
líbánky {noun} | :: honeymoon (period after marriage) |
Libanon {prop} {m} | :: Lebanon |
Libanonec {m} | :: Lebanese (person) |
Libanonka {f} | :: female Lebanese |
libanonský {adj} | :: Lebanese (of, from, or pertaining to Lebanon, the Lebanese people or the Lebanese language) |
líbat {v impf} | :: to kiss |
libeček {m} | :: lovage |
libela {f} | :: (tool) level |
Liběna {prop} {f} | :: given name |
líbení {n} | :: verbal noun of líbit |
Liběnka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
liberalismus {m} | :: liberalism |
liberalizmus {m} | :: liberalism |
liberální {adj} | :: liberal |
Liberec {prop} | :: Liberec (city) |
liberecký {adj} | :: Liberec (attributive) |
Liberečan {m} | :: person from Liberec |
Libérie {prop} {f} | :: Libérie (country) |
Liberijec {m anim} | :: Liberian (person) |
liberijský {adj} | :: Liberian |
libero {n} [soccer] | :: libero, sweeper |
libero {n} [volleyball] | :: libero (designated back-row player specialized in defensive skills) |
libertarianismus {m} | :: libertarianism |
libertarianizmus {m} | :: alternative spelling of libertarianismus |
líbesbríf {m} [colloquial] | :: love letter |
líbezný {adj} | :: lovely, lovable, sweet |
líbit {v impf} | :: to like (with subject and object reversed); to be liked |
libohlásek {m anim} | :: chlorophonia |
Libor {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Liborek {prop} {m} | :: given name |
libovolně {adv} | :: arbitrarily |
libovolněji {adv} | :: comparative of libovolně |
libovolnost {f} | :: randomness |
libovolný {adj} | :: arbitrary |
libový {adj} | :: lean, unfatty (meat) |
libra {f} | :: pound (unit of measure) |
libra {f} | :: pound (currency) |
libretista {m} | :: librettist |
libreto {n} | :: libretto |
Libuše {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Libuška {prop} {f} | :: given name |
libý {adj} | :: pleasant, pleasing |
Libye {prop} {f} | :: Libya |
Libyjec {m} | :: Libyan (person) |
libyjský {adj} | :: Libyan |
líc {f} | :: right-side up |
líc {m} | :: face side |
licence {f} | :: licence (UK), license (US) |
lícní {adj} [relational] | :: cheek (related to a cheek) |
lícní kost {f} [skeleton] | :: cheekbone, zygomatic bone |
lícní nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] | :: facial nerve |
licoměrnost {f} | :: hypocrisy |
licoměrný {adj} | :: hypocritical |
liči {n} | :: lychee (fruit) |
líčit {v impf} | :: to portray, to describe |
líčit {v impf} | :: to apply makeup |
líčit {v impf} [dialectal] | :: to paint (to apply paint to) |
líčit {v impf} [archaic] | :: to pretend |
líčit {v impf} | :: to set traps |
líčko {n} | :: cheek |
lid {m} | :: people |
Lída {prop} {f} | :: A pet form of the female given names Lidmila and Ludmila |
lidický {adj} [relational] | :: Lidice |
Lidka {prop} {f} | :: given name, a pet form of Lidmila, Ludmila and Lýdie |
Lidmila {prop} {f} | :: given name |
lidojed {m} | :: cannibal |
lidoop {m} | :: anthropoid |
lidovec {m} | :: a member or supporter of a Catholic political party with "People's" in the name, nowadays usually KDU-ČSL: Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party |
lidovláda {f} | :: democracy |
lidový {adj} [relational] | :: folk |
lidožrout {m} | :: man-eater (animal or human eating humans) |
lídr {m anim} | :: leader |
lídryně {f} | :: female leader |
lidská bytost {f} | :: human being |
lidská práva {n} {p} | :: human rights |
lidskost {f} | :: humaneness |
lidský {adj} | :: human (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens) |
lidský {adj} | :: human |
lidský {adj} | :: humane |
lidství {n} | :: humanity (human condition or nature) |
lidství {n} | :: humanity, humaneness |
lidstvo {n} | :: humankind |
lidumil {m anim} | :: philanthropist |
lidumilka {f} | :: female philanthropist |
Lidunka {prop} {f} | :: given name, a pet form of Lidmila and Ludmila |
Liduš {prop} {f} | :: given name, a pet form of Lidmila and Ludmila |
Liduška {prop} {f} | :: given name, a pet form of Lidmila and Ludmila |
liga {f} | :: league (organization of sports teams) |
ligatura {m} [typography] | :: ligature |
lignin {m} | :: lignin |
Ligurie {prop} {f} | :: Ligurie (region) |
Ligurské moře {prop} {n} | :: the Ligurian Sea |
ligurský {adj} | :: Ligurian |
líh {m} | :: ethanol |
lihovar {m} | :: distillery (a place where distillation takes place, especially the distillation of alcoholic spirits) |
lihovar {m} | :: distillery (a company that distills alcohol) |
lihovina {f} | :: any alcoholic beverage with high alcohol content, unlike beer or wine |
lichoběžník {m} [geometry] | :: trapezoid (quadrilateral with two parallel sides) |
lichoběžníkový {adj} | :: trapezoidal |
lichocení {n} | :: verbal noun of lichotit |
lichocení {n} | :: flattery |
lichokopytník {m} | :: odd-toed ungulate |
lichopřeslen {m inan} [botany] | :: verticillaster |
lichota {f} | :: flattery |
lichotit {v impf} | :: to flatter |
lichotivý {adj} | :: flattering, complimentary |
lichotka {f} | :: A flattery |
lichotník {m anim} | :: flatterer |
Lichtenštejnec {m} | :: Liechtensteiner (person) |
Lichtenštejnsko {prop} {n} | :: Liechtenstein |
lichtenštejnský {adj} | :: Liechtenstein, of Liechtenstein |
lichva {f} | :: usury |
lichvář {m} | :: usurer |
lichvářka {f} | :: female usurer |
lichý {adj} [arithmetic] | :: odd (numerically indivisible by two) |
liják {m} | :: downpour (heavy rain) |
lijavec {m} [colloquial] | :: downpour (heavy rain) |
likér {m} | :: liqueur |
liknavý {adj} | :: dilatory |
likvidátor {m} | :: liquidator, receiver, assessor |
likvidita {f} | :: (finance) liquidity |
likvidní {adj} [finance, of an asset] | :: liquid |
likvidovat {v both} | :: to eliminate |
likvidovat {v both} | :: to destroy |
likvor {m} | :: cerebrospinal fluid |
lilek {m} | :: plant of the genus Solanum |
Liliana {prop} {f} | :: given name |
lilie {noun} | :: lily |
limba {f} | :: Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) |
limbický systém {m} [anatomy] | :: limbic system |
límec {m} | :: collar (part of a shirt or jacket that fits around the neck and throat) |
límeček {m} | :: diminutive of límec |
limeta {f} | :: lime (green citrus fruit) |
limetka {f} | :: lime (green citrus fruit) |
limit {m} | :: limit |
limita {f} [mathematics] | :: limit (value to which a sequence converges) |
limitní cyklus {m} [systems theory] | :: limit cycle |
limonáda {f} | :: soft drink, soda (any sweet, carbonated drink) |
limoška {f} [colloquial] | :: soft drink, soda (any sweet, carbonated drink) |
limuzína {f} | :: limousine |
lín {m anim} | :: tench (Tinca tinca) |
líná huba, holé neštěstí {proverb} | :: Tentative: Who is lazy to ask a question or to ask for a service will bear bad consequences |
Linda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
linduška {f} | :: pipit |
linduškovec {m anim} | :: longclaw |
lineární {adj} [mathematics] | :: linear |
lineární algebra {f} | :: linear algebra (branch of mathematics) |
lineární programování {n} | :: linear programming |
lineární systém {m} | :: linear system |
lineární uspořádání {n} [set theory] | :: total order |
Linec {prop} {m} | :: Linz |
linguisticky {adv} [dated] | :: linguistically |
lingvista {m} | :: linguist (scientist) |
lingvistická antropologie {f} | :: linguistic anthropology |
lingvistický {adj} | :: linguistic |
lingvistika {f} | :: linguistics |
lingvistka {f} | :: female linguist |
líní {adj} [relational] | :: tench |
link {m} | :: link, hyperlink |
linka {f} | :: line |
linka {f} | :: phone line |
linka {f} | :: counter |
linka {f} | :: route, line (itinerary of stops of mass transportation) |
lino {n} | :: linoleum |
linoleum {n} | :: linoleum |
líný {adj} | :: lazy |
líný jako prase {adj} [simile] | :: very lazy |
líný jako veš {adj} [simile] | :: very lazy |
líp {adv} | :: comparative of dobře |
lípa {f} | :: lime, linden (a deciduous tree of the genus Tilia) |
lipan {m} | :: grayling |
lipaní {adj} [relational] | :: grayling |
lipáza {f} [enzyme] | :: lipase |
Lipeck {prop} {m} | :: Lipeck (city/regional capital) |
lipid {m} [organic compound] | :: lipid |
lipidóza {f} | :: lipidosis (disorder) |
lipom {m} | :: lipoma (nonmalignant tumor comprising fat cells) |
liposukce {f} | :: liposuction |
Lipsko {prop} {n} | :: Leipzig (the largest city in Saxony, Germany) |
lira {f} | :: lira (former currency of Italy) |
lira {f} | :: lira (currency of Turkey) |
lira {f} | :: lira (former currency of Israel) |
lis {m} | :: press, machine press |
Lisabon {prop} {m} | :: Lisabon (capital city) |
lisabonský {adj} | :: Lisbon |
líska {f} | :: hazel (shrub or tree) |
lískový ořech {m} | :: hazelnut |
list {m} | :: leaf (green and flat organ of vegetative plants) |
list {m} | :: letter (written message) |
list {m} | :: sheet (sheet of paper) |
list {m} | :: newspaper |
list {m} | :: certificate (document containing a certified statement) |
lísteček {m} | :: diminutive of lístek |
lístek {m inan} | :: small leaf |
lístek {m inan} | :: ticket (admission to entertainment) |
lístek {m inan} | :: ticket (pass for transportation) |
listen {m inan} [botany] | :: bract |
listí {n} | :: foliage (the leaves of plants) |
listonoš {m} | :: postman |
listopad {m inan} | :: November |
listopadový {adj} [relational] | :: November |
listovat {v impf} | :: to skim (read rapidly) |
listový {adj} | :: leaf |
listy {m inan} [plurale tantum, cards] | :: leaves, a suit in German playing cards |
lišácký {adj} | :: vulpine, cunning |
lišák {m anim} | :: male fox, reynard |
lišák {m anim} | :: fox (a cunning person) |
lišák {m inan} | :: Hydnum, genus of fungi in the family Hydnaceae |
lišák zprohýbaný {noun} | :: Hydnum repandum (species of fungi in the family Hydnaceae) |
lišče {n} | :: fox cub |
liščí {adj} [relational] | :: fox |
lišejník {m} | :: lichen |
lišit {v impf} | :: to differ |
liška {f} | :: fox, Vulpes, genus within the family Canidae |
liška {f} | :: vixen, female fox |
liška {f} | :: fox (fur) |
liška {f} | :: Urocyon, genus within the family Canidae |
liška {f} | :: liška jezerní, liška japonská or liška mořská are some of synonyms for psík mývalovitý – raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) |
liška {f} | :: liška patagonská is a synonym for pes horský – culpeo, Andean fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) |
liška {f} | :: liška Azarova is a synonym for pes šedý – hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus) |
liška {f} | :: liška habešská is a synonym for vlček etiopský – Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) |
liška {f} | :: liška krátkouchá is a synonym for pes krátkouchý – short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis) |
liška {f} | :: chanterelle (Cantharellus), genus of fungi in the Cantharellaceae family |
liška {f} | :: fox (cunning person) |
liška obecná {noun} | :: red fox, Vulpes vulpes, a species within the family Canidae |
liška obecná {noun} | :: golden chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius), a species of fungi in the family Cantharellaceae |
liška podšitá {phrase} [idiom] | :: fox, (a cunning person, a person sly as a fox) |
liškou podšitý {idiom} [idiom] | :: sly as a fox |
lištička {f} | :: diminutive of liška, fox |
lištička {f} | :: diminutive of liška, genus of fungi in the Cantharellaceae family, chanterelle |
lištička {f} | :: Hygrophoropsis, genus of fungi in the Hygrophoropsidaceae family |
lištička {f} | :: diminutive of lišta |
lít {v impf} | :: to pour |
lít {v impf} | :: to cast (to make by pouring into a mould) |
litanie {f} | :: litany, rogation |
Litava {prop} {f} | :: Leitha |
literární {adj} | :: literary |
literární agent {m} | :: literary agent |
literární kritika {f} | :: literary criticism |
literární teorie {f} | :: literary theory |
literatura {f} | :: literature |
literatura {f} | :: bibliography (section of a written work) |
liteřina {f} | :: type metal |
Litevec {m anim} | :: Lithuanian (person) |
Litevka {f} | :: female Lithuanian |
litevský {adj} | :: Lithuanian |
litevština {f} | :: Lithuanian (language) |
lithium {n} | :: lithium |
litina {f} | :: cast iron |
lít jako z konve {v impf} [simile] | :: to rain cats and dogs |
litografický {adj} | :: lithographic |
litografie {f} | :: lithography |
litosféra {f} | :: lithosphere |
litosférická deska {f} | :: tectonic plate |
lítost {f} | :: regret |
lítost {f} | :: remorse, repentance (a feeling of regret or remorse for doing wrong) |
litovat {v impf} | :: to regret, to feel sorry |
litr {m inan} | :: liter (US), litre (UK) |
litr {m inan} [colloquial] | :: a thousand crowns (Czech currency) |
Litva {prop} {f} | :: Lithuania |
Litvan {m anim} | :: Lithuanian |
Litvanka {f} | :: female Lithuanian |
Litvínov {prop} {m inan} | :: Litvínov (town) |
lívanec {m} | :: a thick pancake |
lívaneček {m} | :: diminutive of lívanec |
Liverpool {prop} {m} | :: Liverpool (city/and/metropolitan borough) |
livrej {f} | :: (uniform) livery |
-livý {suffix} | :: forms adjectives indicating tendency to cause or feature the referent of the base word |
liz {m inan} | :: salt lick |
Líza {prop} {f} | :: A pet form of female given names Alžběta and Eliška |
lízat {v impf} | :: to lick |
lízátko {noun} | :: lollipop |
Lízinka {prop} {f} | :: given name, a pet form of Alžběta and Eliška |
Ljuba {prop} {f} | :: given name |
lněný olej {m} | :: linseed oil, flaxseed oil |
loajalita {f} | :: loyalty |
loajální {adj} | :: loyal |
lobbista {m} | :: lobbyist |
lobotomie {f} | :: lobotomy |
lockeovský {adj} | :: Lockean |
lockovský {adj} | :: Lockean |
loď {f} | :: ship |
loď {f} | :: vessel |
loděnice {f} | :: a shipyard, a dock |
lodička {f} | :: diminutive of loďka |
lodivod {m} | :: pilot (local navigator for ships) |
loďka {f} | :: diminutive of loď |
loďstvo {n} | :: fleet |
lodyha {f} [botany] | :: caulis (a leafy herbaceous plant stem) |
Lodž {prop} {f} | :: Lodž (city) |
-log {suffix} | :: -logist |
logaritmické pravítko {n} | :: slide rule |
logaritmický {adj} | :: logarithmic |
logaritmus {m} | :: logarithm |
logické programování {n} | :: logic programming |
logicky {adv} | :: logically |
logický {adj} | :: logical |
logický klam {m} [logic] | :: fallacy, logical fallacy |
logický pozitivismus {m} [philosophy] | :: logical positivism |
logický výraz {m} | :: logical expression |
logičtěji {adv} | :: comparative of logicky |
logičtější {adj} | :: comparative of logický |
-logie {suffix} | :: -logy |
logik {m} | :: logician |
logika {f} | :: logic |
logistická křivka {f} | :: logistic curve |
logistický {adj} | :: logistical (relating to logistics) |
logistika {f} | :: logistics (the management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet the requirements of customers or corporations) |
logoped {m} | :: speech therapist |
logopedie {f} | :: speech therapy |
logos {m} | :: Logos |
logoterapie {f} [psychology] | :: logotherapy |
lógr {m} [colloquial] | :: coffee dregs, coffee grounds |
loch {m} [colloquial] | :: nick, slammer (prison) |
lochčit {v impf} [regional] | :: to laugh |
lochneská příšera {prop} {f} | :: Loch Ness monster (creature believed by some to inhabit Loch Ness) |
lochnesská příšera {prop} {f} | :: Loch Ness monster (creature believed by some to inhabit Loch Ness) |
Loira {prop} {f} | :: Loire, Loire River |
lojový {adj} | :: tallow |
lojový {adj} | :: suet |
Lojza {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the male given name Alois |
Lojzík {prop} {m} | :: given name, pet form of Alois |
lok {m} | :: gulp, swallow of a liquid |
lokace {f} | :: location |
lokaj {m} | :: lackey |
lokál {m} | :: pub |
lokál {m} | :: locative case |
lokalita {f} | :: locality |
lokálně {adv} | :: locally |
lokální {adj} | :: local |
lokativ {m} | :: locative, locative case |
loket {m} | :: elbow (joint) |
loket {m} | :: ell, cubit (unit of length) |
lokomotiva {f} | :: engine, locomotive |
lokotka {f} [colloquial] | :: engine, locomotive |
lokuční {adj} | :: locutionary |
lom {m} | :: An open mine |
lom {m} | :: Diffraction or refraction |
Lombarďan {m} | :: Lombard (person from Lombardy) |
Lombardie {prop} {f} | :: Lombardie (region) |
lombardní sazba {f} [finance] | :: Lombard rate |
Lombardsko {prop} {n} | :: Lombardsko (region) |
lomená závorka {f} | :: angle bracket |
lomit {v impf} | :: (optics) To diffract |
lomit {v impf} | :: (mathematics) To divide |
lomítko {n} | :: slash (symbol) |
lomit rukama {v} | :: To wring one's hands |
Londýn {prop} {m} | :: Londýn (capital city) |
Londýňan {m} | :: Londoner |
londýnský {adj} [relational] | :: London |
loni {adv} | :: last year |
loňský {adj} | :: last year's |
lopata {f} | :: shovel |
lopatička {f} | :: diminutive of lopatka |
lopatka {f} | :: diminutive of lopata |
lopatka {f} | :: scoop |
lopatka {f} | :: dustpan |
lopatka {f} | :: shoulder blade, scapula |
lopatka {f} | :: paddle (of a paddle wheel), blade (of a turbine), sail (of a windmill) |
lopatkové koleso {n} | :: paddle wheel |
lopatkový {adj} | :: Related to lopatka |
lopuch {m} | :: burdock |
loratadin {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: loratadine |
lori {m anim} | :: lory, lorikeet (a genus of parrots) |
loríček {m anim} | :: fig parrot |
lorikul {m anim} | :: hanging parrot |
los {m anim} | :: elk (British), moose (U.S.) |
los {m inan} | :: lottery ticket |
Los Angeles {prop} {n} | :: Los Angeles (large city) |
losangeleský {adj} [relational] | :: Los Angeles |
losí {adj} [relational] | :: elk, elk's, moose, moose's |
losice {f} | :: female elk |
losos {m} | :: salmon |
lososí {adj} [relational] | :: salmon, salmon's |
losovat {v impf} | :: to draw or cast lots, toss a coin |
lošák {m inan} | :: Hydnum (genus of fungi in the family Hydnaceae) |
lošák {m inan} | :: Sarcodon (genus of fungi in the family Bankeraceae) |
lošák jelení {noun} | :: Sarcodon imbricatus [species of fungi in the family Bankeraceae] |
lošák zprohýbaný {m} | :: Hydnum repandum (species of fungi in the family Hydnaceae) |
loterie {f} | :: lottery |
lotos {m} | :: lotus |
lotr {m} | :: rascal, scoundrel |
Lotriňan {m} | :: Lorrainer, Lorrainian (person from Lorraine) |
Lotrinsko {prop} {n} | :: Lorraine (region east of Alsace) |
lotrinský {adj} | :: Lorraine, Lorrainian |
Lotyš {m anim} | :: Latvian (person) |
Lotyška {f} | :: female Latvian |
Lotyšsko {prop} {n} | :: Latvia |
lotyšský {adj} | :: Latvian |
lotyština {f} | :: Latvian (language) |
louč {f} | :: torch (stick with flame at one end) |
loučení {n} | :: verbal noun of loučit |
loučení {n} | :: saying goodbye |
loučit {v impf} | :: to say goodbye |
loučka {f} | :: diminutive of louč |
loučka {f} | :: diminutive of louka |
louh {m} | :: lye |
louh sodný {m} | :: Caustic soda |
Louisiana {prop} {f} | :: Louisiana (state) |
louka {f} | :: meadow |
loupat {v impf} | :: to peel (to remove skin) |
loupež {f} [crime] | :: robbery |
loupit {v impf} | :: to plunder |
louskač {m anim} | :: any seedeater from genuses Amaurospiza and Oryzoborus |
louskáček {m} | :: nutcracker (implement for cracking nuts) |
louskáček {m} | :: bluebill |
loutka {f} | :: puppet (for theater) |
loutkář {m} | :: puppeteer, puppet master |
loutkoherec {m} | :: puppeteer |
loutkové divadlo {n} | :: puppet theater |
loutkový {adj} | :: puppet (when used attributively) |
loutna {f} | :: lute |
loutnička {f} | :: diminutive of loutna |
loutnista {m} | :: lutenist, lutanist, lutist (person who plays a lute) |
louže {f} | :: puddle |
loužička {f} | :: diminutive of louže |
lov {noun} | :: hunt |
lov {noun} | :: hunting |
lováče {mp} [colloquial] | :: money |
Lovaň {prop} {f} | :: Lovaň (capital city) |
love {noun} [slang] | :: money |
lovec {m} | :: hunter |
lovecký {adj} | :: hunting |
loviště {n} | :: hunting ground |
lovit {v impf} | :: to hunt (to chase down prey) |
lovkyně {f} | :: female hunter, huntress |
lože {n} [literary] | :: bed |
lóže {f} | :: box, loge (for spectators) |
lóže {f} | :: lodge (of a fraternity) |
ložisko {n} | :: bearing (mechanical device) |
ložisko {n} [geology] | :: bed, deposit |
ložnice {f} | :: bedroom |
ložnička {f} | :: diminutive of ložnice |
LSPP {noun} | :: initialism of lékařská služba první pomoci |
lstivý {adj} | :: sly, cunning |
Lublaň {prop} {f} | :: Lublaň (capital city) |
Lublaňan {m} | :: person from Ljubljana |
Lubomír {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Lubomíra {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Lubor {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Luboš {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Lubošek {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Lucemburčan {m anim} | :: Luxembourger (person) |
Lucemburčanka {f} | :: female Luxembourger |
Lucemburk {prop} {m inan} | :: Lucemburk (country) |
Lucemburk {prop} {m inan} | :: Lucemburk (capital city) |
Lucemburk {prop} {m inan} | :: Lucemburk (province) |
Lucemburk {prop} {m inan} | :: Lucemburk (canton) |
Lucembursko {prop} {n} | :: Luxembourg |
lucemburský {adj} | :: Luxembourgish |
lucemburština {f} | :: Luxembourgish (language) |
lucerna {f} | :: lantern |
lucernička {f} | :: diminutive of lucerna |
Lucie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Lucinka {prop} {f} | :: given name, a pet form of Lucie |
Lucka {prop} {f} | :: A nickname for Lucie |
lučba {f} [obsolete] | :: chemistry |
lučina {f} | :: meadow |
lučiště {n} | :: limbs (archery: the parts of the bow from the handle to the tip) |
lučištník {m} | :: archer |
luční {adj} [relational] | :: meadow |
Luďa {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the male given name Luděk |
Luďa {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the female given name Ludmila |
luddista {m} | :: alternative form of ludita |
luddita {m} | :: alternative spelling of ludita |
Luděček {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Luděk {prop} {m} | :: given name |
ludista {m} | :: alternative form of ludita |
ludita {m} | :: Luddite |
Ludmila {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Ludmilka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
ludra {f} [colloquial] | :: bitch (objectionable woman) |
Ludva {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the male given name Ludvík |
Ludvík {prop} {m} | :: given name |
lues {m inan} [indeclinable, medicine] | :: syphilis |
luft {m} [colloquial] | :: air |
luh {m inan} [forestry] | :: riparian forest |
luh {m inan} [literary] | :: mead, meadow, especially a wet meadow or flood-meadow |
luh {m inan} [rare, archaic] | :: alternative form of louh |
Luhanská lidová republika {prop} {f} | :: Luhansk People's Republic |
lůj {m} | :: tallow |
lůj {m} | :: suet |
luk {m} | :: bow (weapon) |
luka {np} | :: alternative form of louka |
lukař {m} | :: A manufacturer of bows, a fletcher |
Lukáš {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Lukáš {prop} {m} [religion] | :: Luke |
Lukášek {prop} {m} | :: given name |
lukostřelba {f} | :: archery |
lukostřelec {m} | :: archer |
lukrativní {adj} | :: lucrative |
lukrativnost {f} | :: lucrativeness |
lulánek {m} [colloquial] | :: penis |
lumbální {adj} | :: lumbar |
lumbální punkce {f} | :: lumbar puncture |
lumen {m} | :: lumen (unit of luminous flux) |
lumík {m} | :: lemming |
luminescenční {adj} | :: alternative form of luminiscenční |
luminiscence {f} | :: luminescence |
luminiscenční {adj} | :: luminescent |
Lumír {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Lumírek {prop} {m} | :: given name |
lump {m} | :: scoundrel, rascal |
luna {f} | :: moon |
luňák {m} | :: kite (bird of prey) |
luňák červený {m} | :: red kite |
luňan {m anim} [poetic] | :: An inhabitant of the Moon; moon-dweller |
lunární {adj} | :: lunar (of, or pertaining to, the moon) |
luněc {m anim} | :: a type of a bird from genuses Elaninae and Milvinae |
lůno {n} | :: womb |
lup {m} | :: plunder, spoil |
lupa {f} | :: magnifying glass |
lupénka {f} | :: psoriasis (facial skin disease) |
lupič {m} | :: burglar (thief who steals from premises) |
lupička {f} | :: female robber |
lupy {m} {p} | :: plural of lup |
lupy {m} {p} | :: dandruff, scurf |
lupy {m} {p} | :: plural of lup |
lusk {m} | :: pod (of a leguminous plant) |
lustr {m} | :: chandelier |
lustrace {f} | :: purification |
lustrace {f} | :: lustration |
luštěnina {f} | :: legume |
luštit {v impf} | :: to solve |
lutecium {n} | :: lutetium (chemical element) |
luterán {m} | :: Lutheran (member of any of the Christian churches of which identify with the theology of Martin Luther) |
luteránský {adj} | :: Lutheran |
luteránství {n} | :: Lutheranism |
Lutych {prop} {m} | :: Liège |
lux {m} | :: lux (unit of illuminance or illumination) |
Luxor {prop} {m} | :: Luxor (city) |
luxus {m} | :: luxury |
luxusní {adj} | :: luxurious |
luza {f} | :: alternative form of lůza |
lůza {f} | :: rabble (the mass of common people) |
lůzovláda {f} | :: ochlocracy |
lůzr {m} [slang] | :: loser |
Lužice {prop} {f} | :: Lužice (region) |
Lužická Nisa {prop} {f} | :: Lusatian Neisse |
lužický {adj} | :: Lusatian |
Lužický Srb {m} | :: Sorb, Lusatian, Wend |
lůžko {n} | :: bed, bed in hospital |
lužní {adj} [relational] | :: meadow, mead |
lví {adj} [relational] | :: lion, lion's |
lvice {f} | :: lioness |
lvíče {n} | :: lion cub |
lvíček {m} | :: diminutive of lev |
lvík {m} | :: diminutive of lev |
lví podíl {m} [idiom] | :: lion's share |
Lvov {prop} {m} | :: Lvov (city) |
-lý {suffix} | :: forms adjectives from verbs |
Lýdie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Lýkie {prop} {f} | :: Lycia (an ancient region and Roman province in the southwest of Asia Minor, between Caria and Pamphylia) |
lykijský {adj} | :: Lycian (relating to Lycia) |
lykijština {prop} {f} | :: Lycian (language) |
lýko {n} | :: phloem |
lýkovec {m} | :: daphne |
lymeská borelióza {f} | :: alternative spelling of lymská borelióza |
lymfa {f} [physiology, immunology] | :: lymph |
lymfatická uzlina {f} | :: lymph node |
lymfatický {adj} | :: lymphatic |
lymfatický systém {m} | :: lymphatic system |
lymfocyt {m} | :: lymphocyte |
lymfom {m} [pathology, oncology] | :: lymphoma |
lymská borelióza {f} | :: Lyme disease |
lynč {m} | :: lynching |
lynčovat {v impf} | :: to lynch |
lyonský {adj} | :: lyonnaise (typical to Lyon) |
lyra {f} | :: lyre (ancient musical instrument) |
lyrický {adj} | :: lyric (relating to a type of poetry that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings) |
lyska {f} | :: coot |
lyskonoh {m anim} | :: phalarope |
lysý {adj} | :: bald, bare |
lýtko {n} [anatomy] | :: calf |
lýtkový {adj} | :: calf, fibular |
-lýza {suffix} | :: -lysis |
lyzozom {m} | :: lysosome (digestive organelle) |
lyžař {m} | :: skier (someone who skis) |
lyžařka {f} | :: female skier |
lyžařský {adj} | :: ski (when used attributively) |
lyžařský vlek {m} | :: ski lift |
lyže {noun} | :: ski |
lyžování {n} | :: skiing |
lyžovat {v impf} | :: To ski |
lze {adv} | :: to be possible |
lžíce {f} | :: spoon (table spoon) |
lžíce na boty {f} | :: shoehorn |
lžičák {m anim} | :: shoveler |
lžička {f} | :: teaspoon |
lžidoktor {m} [colloquial] | :: false doctor |
lživý {adj} | :: untrue, false, mendacious |