User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-u
übermensch {n} /ˈʔyːbɐmɛnʃ/ (figure in Nazi ideology) | :: yli-ihminen |
u {n} /ʌ/ (name of the letter U, u) | :: uu |
uber- {prefix} /ˈu.bɚ/ (slang: super, really, mega-) | :: super-, über- |
uberisation {n} (utilisation of data platforms to bypass centrally planned corporations) | :: überisaatio |
uberly {adv} /ˈubəɹli/ (significantlly, very much, extremely) | :: yli-, ylen |
ubiquitous {adj} (widespread) SEE: widespread | :: |
ubiquitous {adj} /juˈbɪk.wə.təs/ (being everywhere) | :: kaikkialla läsnä oleva, ubiikki, yleisesti levinnyt |
ubiquitous {adj} (seeming to appear everywhere at the same time) | :: kaikkialla läsnä oleva, ubiikki |
ubiquity {n} /juˈbɪkwɪti/ (omnipresence) | :: läsnäolo kaikkialla |
udarnik {n} (shock worker, super-productive worker in the Soviet Union and the other countries from the Soviet Block, see also: Stakhanovite) | :: iskurityöläinen, iskuruus |
udder {n} /ˈʌdɚ/ (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) | :: utare |
Udi {prop} (language) | :: udi, udin kieli |
Udi {n} (person) | :: udi |
Udmurt {prop} (language) | :: udmurtti |
uey {n} (U-turn) SEE: U-turn | :: |
Ufa {prop} (city) | :: Ufa |
UFO {n} /ˌjuˌɛfˈoʊ/ (an unidentified flying object) | :: UFO |
ufologist {n} /ˌjuːˈfɑlədʒɪst/ (person who studies UFOs) | :: ufologi |
ufology {n} /ˌjuːˈfɑlədʒi/ (the study of UFOs) | :: ufologia |
Uganda {prop} /juˈɡændə/ (Republic of Uganda) | :: Uganda |
Ugandan {n} /juˈɡɑndən/ (A person from Uganda or of Ugandan descent) | :: ugandalainen |
Ugaritic {prop} /ˌuːɡəˈrɪtɪk/ (language) | :: ugarit |
ugg boot {n} /ʌɡ buːt/ (boot) | :: lammastossu |
ugh {interj} /ɯx/ (to express disgust) | :: hyh |
ugli {n} /ˈʌɡli/ (cross between a tangerine and grapefruit) | :: ugli, rumeliini |
ugli fruit {n} (ugli) SEE: ugli | :: |
ugliness {n} (condition of being ugly) | :: rumuus |
ugliness {n} (unsightly or frightful object) | :: kauhistus |
ugly {adj} /ˈʌɡli/ (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) | :: ruma |
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the ear or some other sense) | :: ruma [to ear], paha [to nose or taste] |
ugly {adj} (offensive to one's sensibilities or morality) | :: ruma |
ugly as sin {adj} (extremely ugly) | :: ruma kuin mikä, ruma kuin rullatuoli [colloquial] |
ugly duckling {n} (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature) | :: ruma ankanpoikanen |
ugly milk-cap {n} (mushroom) | :: mustarousku |
Ugric {adj} (of or pertaining to a group of languages) | :: ugrilainen |
Ugric {prop} (group of languages) | :: ugri |
uhlan {n} /ˈ(j)uːlən/ (soldier with lance) | :: ulaani |
uh-oh {interj} /ˈʌ.oʊ/ (exclamation) | :: ohhoh, o-ou |
uilleann pipes {n} /ˈɪl.ən ˌpaɪps/ (bagpipes of Ireland) | :: irlantilainen säkkipilli |
ukase {n} /juːˈkeɪz/ (proclamation from the Russian ruler) | :: ukaasi |
ukase {n} (any absolutist or arrogant order) | :: ukaasi |
ukha {n} (a soup in Russian cuisine) | :: kalakeitto |
Ukraine {prop} /juˈkɹeɪn/ (Eastern European country) | :: Ukraina |
Ukrainian {n} /juːˈkɹeɪnɪən/ (ethnic/citizen) | :: ukrainalainen |
Ukrainian {n} (language) | :: ukraina |
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) | :: ukrainalainen |
Ukrainianness {n} (quality) | :: ukrainalaisuus |
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic {prop} (the Bolshevik state of Ukraine) | :: Ukrainan sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta |
Ukrainian SSR {prop} (abbreviation of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic) | :: Ukrainan SNT |
ukulele {n} /juː.kə.ˈleɪ.li/ (small four-stringed guitar) | :: ukulele |
Ulaanbaatar {prop} /ˌuːlɑːn ˈbɑːtə(ɹ)/ (the capital of Mongolia) | :: Ulan Bator |
ulcer {n} /ʌlsɚ/ (open sore) | :: haava, haavauma, haavautuma |
ulcer {n} (anything that festers and corrupts like an open sore) | :: avoin haava |
ulcer {n} (peptic ulcer) SEE: peptic ulcer | :: |
ulcerate {v} (to cause an ulcer) | :: haavauttaa |
ulcerate {v} (to become ulcerous) | :: haavautua |
ulcus molle {n} (chancroid) SEE: chancroid | :: |
ulexite {n} (mineral) | :: uleksiitti |
ulna {n} /ˈʌlnə/ (bone of the forearm) | :: kyynärluu |
ulp {interj} (sound of a person gulping in fear) SEE: gulp | :: |
Ulrica {prop} (female given name) | :: Ulla, Ulriikka |
ulster {n} /ˈʌlstə/ (type of overcoat) | :: ulsteri |
Ulster {prop} /ˈʌlstɚ/ (northern province of Ireland) | :: Ulsteri |
Ulster {prop} (Northern Ireland) | :: Pohjois-Irlanti |
Ulster {prop} (Relating to, or originating from Ulster) | :: ulsterilainen |
Ulsterman {n} (male from Ulster) | :: ulsterilainen |
Ulsterwoman {n} (woman from Ulster) | :: ulsterilainen |
ulterior motive {n} (alternative or hidden reason for doing something) | :: taka-ajatus |
ultima {n} (final syllable) | :: ultima |
ultimate {adj} /ˈʌltəmɪt/ (final; last in a series) | :: viimeinen |
ultimate {adj} (last in a word or other utterance) | :: viimeinen, loppu- |
ultimate {adj} (greatest or maximum) | :: äärimmäinen, korkein |
ultimate {adj} (most distant) | :: etäisin, kaukaisin |
ultimate {adj} (eventual) | :: lopullinen |
ultimate {n} (the greatest extremity) | :: äärimmäisyys, ääri |
ultimate {n} (ultimate frisbee) SEE: ultimate frisbee | :: |
ultimate frisbee {n} (non-contact competitive team sport) | :: ultimate |
ultimately {adv} /ˈʌltɪmətli/ (indicating the last item) | :: viimeiseksi, lopuksi |
ultimately {adv} (indicating the most important action) | :: ennen kaikkea |
ultimately {adv} (recently) | :: viime aikoina |
ultimate tensile strength {n} (greatest tensile engineering stress a material can withstand) | :: vetomurtolujuus |
ultimatum {n} /ˌʌl.tɪˈmeɪ.təm/ (a final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another) | :: uhkavaatimus, ultimaatumi |
ultisol {n} (soil type) | :: hapansavimaannos |
ultra- {prefix} /ˈʌltɹə/ (greater than normal quantity or importance) | :: huippu-, erikois-, ultra- |
ultra- {prefix} (beyond, on the far side of) | :: yli-, ultra- |
ultra- {prefix} (beyond, outside of) | :: yli-, ultra- |
ultra- {prefix} (excessively, to an extreme) | :: yli-, ultra- |
ultracrepidarian {adj} /ˌʌltɹəˌkɹɛpɪˈdɛəɹiən/ (criticizing things beyond one's knowledge) | :: asiantuntematon |
ultra high frequency {n} (frequency area from 300 MHz through 3 GHz) | :: UHF-alue |
ultralight {n} /ˌʌltɹəˈlaɪt/ (aircraft that weighs very little) | :: ultrakevyt lentokone, ultra, ultrakevyt, UL-kone |
ultramarathon {n} (type of running race) | :: ultrajuoksu, ultramaraton |
ultramarine {n} /ˌʌl.tɹə.məˈɹiːn/ (pigment) | :: ultramariini |
ultramarine {n} (colour) | :: ultramariini, merensininen |
ultramarine {adj} (colour) | :: ultramariini, merensininen |
ultramontane {adj} (respecting the supremacy of the Pope) | :: ultramontanistinen |
ultramontane {adj} (from the other side of the mountains) | :: vuortentakainen |
ultraright {adj} (extremely right-wing) | :: äärioikeistolainen |
ultrarunning {n} (running of ultramarathons) | :: ultrajuoksu |
ultrashort {adj} (very short) | :: ultralyhyt [rare]; erittäin lyhyt |
ultrashort {adj} (science: extremely short in duration) | :: erittäin lyhyt |
ultrashort {adj} (physics: having a wavelength between 1 and 10 metres) | :: ultralyhyt |
ultrashort {adj} (finance: having a very short term of investment) | :: erittäin lyhyt |
ultrasound {n} (sound) | :: ultraääni |
ultrasound {n} (use of ultrasound) | :: ultraäänihoito [therapy]; ultraäänitutkimus, ultraäänikuvaus [diagnosis], ultraääni |
ultrastructure {n} (detailed structure observable only by electron microscopy) | :: hienorakenne |
ultraviolet {adj} (radiation with wavelengths from 380 nanometre - 10 nanometre) | :: ultravioletti |
ultraviolet light {n} (light bulb that emits ultraviolet light) SEE: black light | :: |
ultraviolet light {n} (light in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum) | :: ultraviolettivalo |
ululate {v} /ˈjuːljuleɪt/ (to howl loudly) | :: ulvoa |
Uluru {prop} /ˈuːluɹuː/ (giant rock in Australia) | :: Uluru |
ulus {n} (administrative division of Sakha Republic) | :: uluus; piiri |
Ulyanovsk {prop} /ʊlˈjɑːnɒfsk/ (city) | :: Uljanovsk |
Ulysses {prop} (Odysseus) SEE: Odysseus | :: |
umami {n} /uˈmɑːmi/ (one of the five basic tastes, savoriness) | :: umami, ruokaisuus, lihaisuus |
umbel {n} (type of flower cluster) | :: sarja |
umbellifer {n} (any plant of the family Apiaceae/Umbelliferae) | :: sarjakukkaiskasvi |
umbelliferous {adj} (bearing umbels) | :: sarjakukkainen |
umbelliferous {adj} (pertaining to a member of the family Umbelliferae) | :: sarjakukkainen |
umber {n} /ˈʌmbə/ (brown clay) | :: umbra |
umber {n} (colour) | :: umbra |
umber {n} (Scopus umbretta) | :: vasarapäähaikara |
umber {n} (grayling) SEE: grayling | :: |
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) | :: napanuora |
umbilical cord {n} (line connecting an astronaut to the spacecraft during spacewalk) | :: napanuora |
umbilical cord {n} (any line connecting a rocket to its launch pad) | :: napanuora |
umbilical hernia {n} (hernia at the navel) | :: napanuoratyrä |
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel | :: |
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow | :: |
umbra {n} /ˈʌmbɹə/ (the fully shaded inner area of a shadow) | :: sydänvarjo, täysvarjo, umbra |
umbra {n} (the central region of a sunspot) | :: umbra |
umbrella {n} /ʌmˈbɹɛlə/ (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) | :: sateenvarjo [rain], päivänvarjo, aurinkovarjo [for sun], varjo [generic] |
umbrella {n} (anything that provides protection) | :: sateenvarjo |
umbrella {n} (something that covers a wide range of concepts, ideas, etc.) | :: sateenvarjo |
umbrella {n} (the main body of a jellyfish, excluding the tentacles) | :: uimakello |
umbrella organisation {n} (organisation that coordinates the activities of a number of member organisations) | :: kattojärjestö, katto-organisaatio |
umbrella organization {n} (umbrella organisation) SEE: umbrella organisation | :: |
umbrella pine {n} (stone pine) SEE: stone pine | :: |
umbrella term {n} (term covering a broad category of things) | :: yläkäsite, kattotermi |
Umbria {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Umbria |
Umbrian {adj} /ˈʌmbɹi.ən/ (relating to Umbria or to its inhabitants or extinct language) | :: umbrialainen |
Umbrian {n} (an inhabitant of Umbria) | :: umbri |
Umbrian {prop} (language) | :: umbri, umbrin kieli |
umbrisol {n} (soil type) | :: hapanmultamaannos |
ume {n} (Japanese apricot) | :: japaninaprikoosi |
Umeå {prop} (city in Sweden) | :: Uumaja |
Ume Sami {prop} (language) | :: uumajansaame |
umeshu {n} (Japanese liqueur) | :: umeshu |
umiak {n} (large inuit boat) | :: umiakki |
umlaut {n} /ˈʊm.laʊt/ (partial assimilation of a vowel) | :: vokaalinmukaus, umlaut [in German and closely related languages] |
umlaut {n} (diacritical mark) | :: treema |
ummah {n} /ˈʊmə/ (the worldwide Muslim community) | :: umma |
umount {v} (to unmount) | :: irrottaa |
ump {n} /ʌmp/ (informal term for umpire) | :: dumari |
ump {v} (to act as an ump) | :: tuomaroida |
umpire {n} /ˈʌm.paɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (an official who oversees a game or match) | :: erotuomari |
umpire {n} (a person who arbitrates between contending parties) | :: sovittelija, välimies |
umpire {v} (to act as an umpire in a game) | :: erotuomaroida, tuomaroida |
umpire {v} (arbitrate) SEE: arbitrate | :: |
umpteen {determiner} /ˈʌmp.tiːn/ (Relatively large but unspecified in number) | :: toistakymmentä [between 11 and 19] |
umpteenth {adj} /ˈʌmp.tiːnθ/ (informal: occurring in a relatively large but unspecified position in a series) | :: vaikka kuinka mones |
un- {prefix} (denoting absence) | :: -ton |
un- {prefix} (denoting a lack of) | :: -ton, epä- |
un- {prefix} (violative of; contrary to) | :: epä- |
UN {prop} (United Nations) | :: YK |
unabashed {adj} /ˌʌnəˈbæʃt/ (not disconcerted or embarrassed) | :: häpeämätön |
unabashed {adj} (that are not concealed) | :: peittelemätön |
unabated {adj} /ʌn.əˈbeɪ.tɪd/ (continuing at full strength) | :: heikentymätön, laantumaton, hellittämätön |
unabbreviable {adj} (that cannot be abbreviated) | :: lyhentämiskelvoton |
unabbreviated {adj} (not abbreviated) | :: lyhentämätön |
unable {adj} /ʌnˈeɪbəl/ (not able) | :: kykenemätön, kyvytön |
unabridged {adj} (not abridged) | :: lyhentämätön |
unacceptable {adj} /ˌʌn.æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bl̩/ (unsatisfactory; not acceptable) | :: hyväksymiskelvoton, mahdoton hyväksyä |
unachievable {adj} (that cannot be achieved) | :: saavuttamaton |
unadapted {adj} (not adapted) | :: mukauttamaton, sovittamaton |
unadorned {adj} /əˌnʌˈdɔːɹnd/ (Having no additional decoration) | :: koristelematon |
unadulterated {adj} (pure) | :: puhdas |
unaesthetic {adj} (not aesthetic) | :: epäesteettinen |
unaffordable {adj} (too expensive to be afforded) | :: liian kallis, kohtuuttoman kallis |
unafraid {adj} /ʌnəˈfɹeɪd/ (not afraid, fearless) | :: peloton |
unaltered {adj} (remaining in its initial state) | :: entisellään |
unambiguous {adj} (clear, and having no uncertainty or ambiguity) | :: yksikäsitteinen |
unambiguously {adv} (unambiguously) | :: yksiselitteisesti |
unanimity {n} /juːnəˈnɪmɪti/ (condition) | :: yksituumaisuus, yksimielisyys |
unanimous {adj} /juˈnænəməs/ (based on unanimity) | :: yksimielinen |
unanimous {adj} (sharing the same view) | :: yksimielinen |
unanimously {adv} (in a unanimous manner) | :: yksimielisesti |
unanimousness {n} (unanimity) SEE: unanimity | :: |
unapologetic {adj} (not apologetic) | :: anteeksipyytelemätön |
unarmed {adj} /ˌʌnˈɑɹmd/ (defenceless and lacking a weapon) | :: aseeton, aseistamaton |
unarmed {adj} (not carrying arms) | :: aseeton, aseistamaton |
unarmed {adj} (not having thorns or claws) | :: aseeton |
unartistic {adj} /ˌʌnɑːˈtɪstɪk/ (not artistic) | :: epätaiteellinen |
unary operator {n} (operator taking one operand) | :: unaarioperaattori |
unashamed {adj} /ˌʌnəˈʃeɪmd/ (feeling or showing no shame, embarrassment or remorse) | :: häpeämätön |
unassuming {adj} /ʌnəˈsjuːmɪŋ/ (modest with no pretensions or ostentation) | :: vaatimaton |
unattached {adj} (not married) | :: sitoutumaton |
unattached {adj} (not attached) | :: irrallinen, erillinen |
unattainable {adj} (impossible to attain) | :: saavuttamaton |
unattestable {adj} (that cannot be attested) | :: todentamaton, vahvistamaton |
unattractive {adj} (not handsome or beautiful or appealing) | :: epämiellyttävä |
unauthorised {adj} (not authorised) SEE: unauthorized | :: |
unauthorized {adj} (without official authorization) | :: luvaton |
unavailable {adj} (not available) | :: ei saatavilla, ei paikalla |
unavailing {adj} (fruitless, futile, useless) | :: turha, hyödytön |
unavoidable {adj} (impossible to avoid) | :: väistämätön |
unaware {adj} (not aware or informed) | :: tietämätön, epätietoinen |
unaware {adj} (not noticing, thoughtless, inattentive) | :: tietämätön |
unawares {adv} /ˌʌnəˈwɛə(ɹ)z/ (unexpectedly or by surprise) | :: yllättäen |
unawares {adv} (without plan or forethought) | :: miettimättä |
unawares {adv} (inadvertently) SEE: inadvertently | :: |
unbalanced {adj} (not balanced) | :: epätasapainoinen |
unbalanced {adj} (irrational or mentally deranged) | :: epätasapainoinen |
unbaptized {adj} (not baptized) | :: kastamaton |
unbark {v} (to deprive of bark) | :: kuoria |
unbearable {adj} (so unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable) | :: kestämätön, sietämätön |
unbearably {adv} (in an unbearable manner) | :: sietämättömästi |
unbecoming {adj} /ˌʌnbɪˈkʌmɪŋ/ (not attractive) | :: mauton |
unbecoming {adj} (not in keeping with expected standards) | :: sopimaton |
unbeknownst {adv} /ˌʌnbɪˈnoʊnst/ (Without the knowledge of) | :: (genitive +) tietämättä |
unbelievable {adj} /ˌʌnbəˈliːvəbl̩/ (incredible) | :: uskomaton |
unbelievable {adj} (implausible) | :: epäuskottava |
unbelievably {adv} (in a manner one does not believe) | :: uskomattomasti |
unbelievably {adv} (to an extent not to be believed) | :: uskomattoman |
unbelievably {adv} (contrary to expectations) | :: uskomattomasti |
unbeliever {n} (infidel) SEE: infidel | :: |
unbelieving {adj} (that does not believe) | :: epäuskoinen |
unbiased {adj} (impartial or without bias or prejudice) | :: tasapuolinen, puolueeton |
unbibium {n} /ˌʌnˈbɪbi.əm/ (element) | :: unbibium |
unbinilium {n} (chemical element) | :: unbinilium |
unbiunium {n} | :: unbiunium |
unblemished {adj} (lacking blemishes) | :: tahraton |
unblemished {adj} (free from evil or corruption) | :: tahraton |
unborn {adj} (not born) | :: syntymätön |
unborn {adj} (still in mother's womb) | :: syntymätön |
unbosom {v} /ʌnˈbʊz.əm/ (to tell about one's troubles) | :: purkaa sydäntään |
unbosom {v} (to confess a misdeed) | :: purkaa sydämensä |
unboxing {n} (removal of something from its box) | :: purkaminen, purkaminen laatikosta, purkaminen rasiasta |
unboxing {n} (automatic conversion of objects back to value types) | :: kuorinta |
unbuckle {v} (to unfasten (the buckle of)) | :: avata |
unburned {adj} (not burned) | :: palamaton |
unbutton {v} /ʌnˈbʌtən/ ((transitive)) | :: avata napit |
uncanny {n} /ʌnˈkæni/ (strange, mysteriously unsettling) | :: outo, hämmästyttävä |
uncastled {adj} (chess: not having castled) | :: tornittamaton |
unceasingly {adv} (without ceasing) | :: herkeämättä |
uncertain {adj} /ʌnˈsɜːtən/ (not known for certain; questionable) | :: epävarma, kyseenalainen |
uncertain {adj} (not yet determined; undecided) | :: epävarma |
uncertain {adj} (variable and subject to change) | :: epävarma |
uncertain {adj} (fitful or unsteady) | :: epävarma, epävakaa |
uncertain {adj} (unpredictable or capricious) | :: arvaamaton |
uncertainly {adv} /ʌnˈsɝtn̩li/ (in an uncertain manner) | :: epävarmasti |
uncertainty principle {n} (physical law) | :: epätarkkuusperiaate |
unchain {v} /ʌnˈtʃeɪn/ (to remove chains from; to free; to liberate) | :: vapauttaa |
unchaste {adj} /ʌnˈtʃeɪst/ (not chaste; not continent; libidinous; lewd) | :: epäsiveä |
unchastity {n} /ʌnˈtʃastɪti/ (quality or state of being unchaste) | :: siveettömyys |
uncheck {v} (to remove a checkmark) | :: poistaa valinta |
unchivalrous {adj} (not chivalrous) | :: epäritarillinen |
unchivalrously {adv} (in an unchivalrous manner) | :: epäritarillisesti |
unchristened {adj} (not christened) | :: kastamaton |
unchristian {adj} /ʌnˈkɹɪstʃən/ (not of the Christian faith) | :: ei-kristillinen |
unchristian {adj} (not in accord with Christian principles) | :: epäkristillinen |
unchristianly {adv} (in an unchristian manner) | :: epäkristillisesti |
uncial {adj} /ˈʌəl/ (of or related to uncial) | :: unsiaalinen |
uncial {n} (style) | :: unsiaali |
uncial {n} (letter) | :: unsiaali |
uncial {n} (manuscript) | :: unsiaali |
unciform {n} (hamate bone) SEE: hamate bone | :: |
unciform {adj} /ˈʌnsɪfɔːɹm/ (of the shape of a hook) | :: koukun muotoinen, koukkumainen |
uncinus {n} (cloud species which consists of fine hair-like strands, with hooked terminations) | :: jalaspilvi |
uncle {n} /ˈʌŋ.kəl/ (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) | :: setä [paternal], setäpuoli [father's brother-in-law], eno [maternal], enopuoli [mother's brother-in-law] |
uncle {n} (source of advice, encouragement, or help) | :: kummisetä |
uncle {n} (close male friend of the parents) | :: setä |
unclean {adj} /ʌnˈkliːn/ (dirty, soiled or foul) | :: likainen, epäpuhdas |
unclean {adj} (not moral or chaste) | :: likainen |
unclear {adj} /ʌnˈklɪɚ/ (ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation) | :: monitulkintainen, epäselvä |
unclear {adj} (not clearly or explicitly defined) | :: epäselvä |
unclear {adj} (not easy to see or read; indecipherable or unreadable) | :: epäselvä |
unclearly {adv} (in an unclear manner) | :: epäselvästi |
unclench {v} /ʌnˈklɛntʃ/ (to open something that was clenched) | :: löysätä |
uncle or aunt {n} (uncle or aunt) | :: setä, eno tai täti |
Uncle Sam {prop} (personification of the US government) | :: Setä Samuli |
Uncle Scrooge {n} (rich miser) | :: Roope Ankka, Roope-setä |
unclimbed {adj} (not climbed) | :: kiipeämätön |
unclothed {adj} (not wearing clothes) | :: alaston |
unclouded {adj} (not cloudy; clear) | :: pilvetön |
unclutter {v} (To eliminate clutter) | :: järjestää, selkeyttää |
uncluttered {adj} (Not cluttered; without clutter) | :: järjestyksessä oleva, siisti, selkeä |
uncolored {adj} (not treated with a dye) | :: värjäämätön, värittämätön |
uncomfortable {adj} /ʌnˈkʌm.fɚ.tə.bəl/ (not comfortable) | :: epämukava |
uncommon {adj} /ʌnˈkɒmən/ (rare; not readily found; unusual) | :: harvinainen, epätavallinen |
uncommon {adj} (remarkable; exceptional) | :: poikkeuksellinen |
uncompensated {adj} (not compensated) | :: kompensoimaton |
uncompleted {adj} (not completed) | :: keskeneräinen |
unconcerned {adj} (indifferent) | :: välinpitämätön |
unconcerned {adj} (not worried) | :: piittaamaton, välinpitämätön |
unconcernedly {adv} (in an unconcerned manner) | :: piittaamattomasti, välinpitämättömästi |
unconditional {adj} /ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl/ (without conditions) | :: ehdoton |
unconditional surrender {n} (surrender without conditions) | :: ehdoton antautuminen |
unconscionable {adj} /ʌnˈkɒnʃənəbəl/ (not conscionable; unscrupulous) | :: omantunnon vastainen |
unconscionable {adj} (excessive) | :: kohtuuton, hillitön |
unconscious {adj} /ˌʌnˈkɒnʃəs/ (not awake) | :: tajuton |
unconscious {adj} (without directed thought or awareness) | :: tiedoton |
unconscious {n} (unconscious mind) | :: alitajunta |
unconsciously {adv} /ˌʌnˈkɑnʃəsli/ (In an unconscious manner) | :: tietämättään, tiedottomasti [unknowingly]; tajuttomasti [unconsciously, not awake] |
unconsciousness {n} (the state of lacking consciousness) | :: tiedottomuus, tajuttomuus |
unconsciousness {n} (ignorance or innocence) | :: tietämättömyys |
unconstitutional {adj} (contrary to the constitution) | :: perustuslain vastainen |
uncontaminated {adj} (unpolluted) | :: saastumaton |
uncontrollable {adj} (Not able to be controlled, contained or governed) | :: hillitön, kontrolloimaton, pitelemätön, hallitsematon |
uncontrollably {adv} (in an uncontrollable manner) | :: kontrolloimattomasti |
uncontrolled {adj} (not controlled) | :: vapaa, rajoittamaton, kontrolloimaton, esteetön |
unconventional {adj} (not adhering to convention or accepted standards) | :: epätavallinen, epätavanomainen |
unconventional {adj} (out of the ordinary) | :: epätavallinen, epätavanomainen |
unconventional {adj} (atypical) | :: epätavallinen, epätavanomainen |
uncooled {adj} (not cooled) | :: jäähdyttämätön |
uncooperative {adj} (not cooperative) | :: hangoitteleva |
uncork {v} (to open by removing the cork or stopper from) | :: korkata |
uncork {v} (to release a force) | :: päästää valloilleen |
uncork {v} (to make a strong throw) | :: riuhtaista |
uncorker {n} (one who uncorks) | :: korkkaaja |
uncountable {adj} /ʌnˈkaʊntəbəl/ (too many to be counted) | :: lukematon |
uncountable {adj} (mathematics: incapable of being enumerated by natural numbers) | :: ylinumeroituva, numeroitumaton |
uncountable {adj} (linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted) | :: luvuton |
uncountably {adv} (too many to be counted) | :: lukemattoman |
uncountably {adv} (in mathematics) | :: numeroitumattomasti |
uncoupled {adj} (disconnected from something) | :: irtikytketty |
uncouth {adj} /ʌnˈkuːθ/ (unfamiliar, strange, foreign) | :: outo |
uncouth {adj} (clumsy, awkward) | :: kömpelö |
uncouth {adj} (unrefined, crude) | :: karkea, tökerö |
uncouthly {adv} (in an uncouth manner) | :: kömpelösti, tökerösti |
uncracked {adj} (not cracked) | :: rakoilematon |
uncritical {adj} (indulgent or undiscriminating; slow to criticize) | :: kritiikitön |
uncritical {adj} (having a disregard for critical standards or procedures) | :: huolimaton, välinpitämätön |
unction {n} /ʌŋkʃən/ (salve or ointment) | :: voide |
unction {n} (religious or ceremonial anointing) | :: voitelu |
unction {n} (balm or something that soothes) | :: palsami |
unction {n} (smug use of language) | :: liukaskielisyys, liukkaus |
unctuous {adj} /ˈʌnktʃuəs/ (oily or greasy) | :: öljyinen |
unctuous {adj} (taste: rich, lush, intense) | :: täyteläinen |
unctuous {adj} (profusely polite) | :: liukas, lipevä |
uncurable {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable | :: |
uncut {adj} (not cut) | :: leikkaamaton; hiomaton [of a gemstone] |
undated {adj} (Not marked with a date) | :: päiväämätön |
undead {n} /ʌnˈdɛd/ (those creatures which are dead but still animate) | :: epäkuollut, elävä kuollut |
undecidable {adj} (incapable of being algorithmically decided) | :: ratkeamaton |
undecided {adj} (open and not yet settled or determined) | :: ratkaisematon |
undecided {adj} (uncommitted, not having reached a decision) | :: epäröivä |
undeclared {adj} (not declared) | :: julistamaton |
undecylenic acid {n} (organic unsaturated fatty acid) | :: undesyleenihappo |
undefeated {adj} (not defeated) | :: voittamaton, päihittämätön |
undefined {adj} (lacking definition or value) | :: määrittelemätön, epämääräinen |
undefined {adj} (mathematics: without interpretation) | :: määrittelemätön |
undemocratic {adj} (not democratic) | :: epädemokraattinen |
undeniable {adj} (irrefutable, or impossible to deny) | :: kiistämätön |
undeniably {adv} (in an undeniable manner) | :: kiistämättömästi |
undeniably {adv} ((used as a modal adverb)) | :: kiistattomasti |
under {prep} /ˈʌndɚ/ (in a lower level than) | :: alla, alapuolella, alempana |
under {prep} (subject of) | :: alamainen [noun] |
under {prep} (less than) | :: alle, vähemmän kuin |
under {prep} (beneath the surface of) | :: alla |
under {adv} (In a way inferior to) | :: huonommin |
underachiever {n} (one who underachieves) | :: alisuorittaja |
under a cloud {prep} /ˈʌn.dɚ ə klaʊd/ (under suspicion) | :: epäilty, luupin alla |
underage {n} (deficit in funds) SEE: deficit | :: |
underage {adj} /ˌʌndəɹˈeɪdʒ/ (below legal age) | :: alaikäinen |
underage {adj} (still a minor) | :: alaikäinen |
under arms {adj} (under arms) | :: aseissa, aseistautuneena, taisteluvalmina |
under arrest {prep} (arrested) | :: pidätetty |
under a spell {prep} (held by the power of a magical spell) | :: noiduttu |
underbite {n} (condition of lower teeth extending past upper ones) | :: alapurenta |
underboob {n} /ˈʌndəbuːb/ (the lower part of a woman's breast) | :: alatissi |
underbrush {n} (small trees) | :: aluskasvillisuus |
undercarriage {n} /ˈʌndɚˌkɛɹɪd͡ʒ/ (supporting structural framework) | :: teli |
undercarriage {n} (landing gear) SEE: landing gear | :: |
underclothes {n} (clothes worn next to the skin) | :: alusvaatteet |
undercoat {n} (layer of soft hair) | :: aluskarva |
undercoat {n} (coat of paint applied before a topcoat) | :: pohjamaali [primer]; välimaali [layer between primer and topcoat] |
under control {prep} (being taken care of) | :: hallinnassa |
undercook {v} (cook insufficiently) | :: jättää raa'aksi, kypsentää liian vähän |
undercook {n} (subordinate cook) | :: apukokki |
undercover {adj} (Performed or happening in secret) | :: salainen |
undercover {adj} (Employed or engaged in spying or secret investigation) | :: vakoilu- |
undercut {v} (to undermine) SEE: undermine | :: |
undercut {n} (notch cut in a tree) | :: kaatokolo |
undercut {n} (underside of a sirloin of beef) | :: sisäfilee |
undercut {n} (hairstyle) | :: undercut-leikkaus |
undercut {n} (blow dealt upward) | :: koukku [boxing, fighting] |
undercut {v} (to sell at a lower price than a competitor) | :: myydä halvemmalla |
undercut {v} (to create an overhang by cutting away material from underneath) | :: leikata alta |
undercut {v} (to strike a heavy blow upward) | :: lyödä koukku [boxing, fighting] |
underdog {n} (competitor thought unlikely to win) | :: altavastaaja |
underdog {n} (somebody at a disadvantage) | :: altavastaaja |
underemployed {adj} (employed in a job for which one is overqualified) | :: vajaatyöllistetty |
underemployment {n} (condition of being underemployed) | :: alityöllisyys, vajaatyöllisyys |
underestimate {v} /ʌndɚˈɛs.tɨ.meɪt/ (to perceive as having lower value) | :: aliarvioida |
underestimate {n} (an estimate that is too low) | :: alhainen arvio, aliarviointi |
underestimated {v} (underrated) SEE: underrated | :: |
underestimation {n} (underestimate) SEE: underestimate | :: |
underexpose {v} (in photography) | :: alivalottaa |
underfill {v} (to fill with insufficient amount) | :: alitäyttää |
under fire {prep} (subject to enemy attack with firearms) | :: tulituksessa |
under fire {prep} (criticized for something) | :: tulituksessa |
underflow {n} (computing: a condition in which the value of a computed quantity is smaller than the smallest non-zero value that can be physically stored) | :: alivuoto |
underfoot {adv} /ʌndɚˈfʊt/ (under one's feet) | :: jalkojen alla |
underfoot {adv} (in the way) SEE: in the way | :: |
underfur {n} (thick, soft undercoat) SEE: undercoat | :: |
undergarment {n} (any garment worn underneath others) | :: alusvaate |
under glass {prep} (slang: in jail) | :: linnassa |
undergraduate {n} (student at a university who has not yet received a degree) | :: perusopiskelija |
undergraduate {adj} (of being an undergraduate) | :: perusopiskelijan [attributively] |
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway | :: |
underground {adj} /ˌʌndəˈɡɹaʊnd/ (below the ground) | :: maanalainen |
underground {adj} (hidden, furtive) | :: maanalainen |
underground {adj} (outside the mainstream) | :: underground |
underground {adv} (below the ground) | :: maan alla |
underground {n} (movement or organisation of people who resist political convention) | :: vastarintaliike |
undergrowth {n} (plants which only reach a low height) | :: aluskasvillisuus |
underhair {n} (pubic hair) SEE: pubic hair | :: |
underhair {n} (undercoat) SEE: undercoat | :: |
underhand {adj} /ˈʌn.də(ɹ)ˌ(h)ænd/ (dishonest and sneaky) | :: salakähmäinen |
underhand {adv} (in a dishonest and sneaky manner) | :: salakähmäisesti |
under-kimono {n} (garment worn underneath a kimono) | :: aluskimono |
underlay {n} /ˈʌndəɹˌleɪ/ (soft floor covering under carpet) | :: alusmatto |
underlay {n} (anything underlaid) | :: alunen, alusta |
underlie {v} /ˌʌn.də(ɹ)ˈlaɪ/ (to serve as a basis of) | :: olla perustana |
underline {n} /ˈʌndɚˌlaɪn/ (line underneath text) | :: alleviivaus |
underline {n} (an _ character) | :: alaviiva |
underline {v} (to draw an underline) | :: alleviivata |
underline {v} (to emphasise or stress something) | :: alleviivata |
underling {n} (a subordinate, or person of lesser rank or authority) | :: alainen, käskyläinen [derogatory] |
under lock and key {prep} (imprisoned) SEE: behind bars | :: |
underlying {adj} (lying underneath) | :: alla oleva |
underlying {adj} (basic or fundamental) | :: perustana oleva |
undermine {v} /ʌndəˈmaɪn/ (hinder, sabotage) | :: heikentää, sabotoida |
undermine {v} (to dig, tunnel, hollow out as if making a cave or opening) | :: kaivaa alle, kaivaa maata alta |
undermost {adj} (lowest position) | :: alin |
underneath {adv} /ʌndɚˈniθ/ (below; in a place beneath) | :: alla, alapuolella |
underneath {adv} (on the underside or lower face of) | :: alla, alapuolella |
underneath {prep} (under, below, beneath) | :: alla, alta, alle, alapuolella, alapuolelta, alapuolelle |
underneath {prep} (under the control or power of) | :: alla, alaisuudessa |
underneath {adj} (under, lower) | :: alempi, ala-, alapuolinen |
underneath {n} (the part under or lower) | :: alapuoli, alaosa |
underneath {n} (background sound track) | :: tunnussävel, tunnari |
under no circumstance {prep} (under no conditions) | :: ei missään tapauksessa |
under no circumstances {prep} (never ever) | :: ei missään tapauksessa |
undernourished {adj} (insufficiently nourished) | :: aliravittu |
undernutrition {n} (inadequate nutrition) | :: aliravitsemus |
under one's belt {prep} (within one's experience) | :: allaan, takanaan |
under one's breath {prep} (softly) | :: puoliääneen |
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret | :: |
under one's thumb {prep} (under one's thumb) | :: tossun alla, tossutettu |
under one's wing {prep} | :: suojissaan [under], siipiensä suojassa [under], siipiensä alla [under], suojiinsa [to under], siipiensä suojaan [to under], siipiensä alle [to under] |
underpad {n} (mattress protector) SEE: mattress protector | :: |
underpaid {adj} (getting too little financial compensation for one's work) | :: alipalkattu, alipalkkainen |
underpants {n} (underwear) | :: alushousut, pikkuhousut, kalsarit, alkkarit |
underpass {n} (passage) | :: alikulkutunneli, alikäytävä, alikulku |
underpay {v} (to pay someone less than the value of their work) | :: maksaa liian pientä palkkaa |
underpin {v} /ˌʌn.dɚˈpɪn/ (To support from below with props or masonry) | :: tukea, pönkittää |
underpin {v} (To give support to) | :: tukea, pönkittää |
underplay {v} (to play in an inferior manner, see also: underact) | :: alinäytellä |
underplay {v} (card games: to play a low card when holding a high one) | :: laistaa |
underplay {v} (to make something seem less important) SEE: downplay | :: |
underpressure {n} (insufficient pressure) | :: alipaine |
underprice {v} (to sell at a lower price than another) SEE: undercut | :: |
underprice {v} (to set a price at less than the value of an item) | :: alihinnoitella |
underprivileged {adj} (deprived of opportunities and advantages) | :: vähäosainen |
underprivileged {n} (deprived people) | :: vähäosainen |
underrate {v} (to underestimate) | :: aliarvioida |
underrate {n} (price less than value) | :: alihinta |
underrated {adj} (not given enough recognition) | :: aliarvostettu |
underresourced {adj} (having insufficient resources) | :: aliresursoitu |
underripe {adj} (not yet ripe) | :: raaka |
underscore {n} /ˈʌn.də(ɹ)ˌskɔː(ɹ)/ (an underline) | :: alaviiva |
underscore {n} (background music) | :: taustakappale |
underscore {v} (to underline) | :: alleviivata |
underscore {v} (to emphasize) | :: alleviivata |
undersea {adj} (beneath the sea) | :: vedenalainen |
undersell {v} (to sell for a lower]] price than a competitor) | :: myydä halvemmalla |
undersell {v} (to sell something for less than its value) | :: myydä alihintaan |
undersell {v} (to put forward an idea, or to market a new product with insufficient enthusiasm) | :: alimyydä |
undershirt {n} (undershirt) | :: aluspaita |
undershirt {n} (for wifebeater) SEE: singlet | :: |
undershorts {n} (underpants) | :: alushousut |
underside {n} /ˈʌndɚsaɪd/ (side that is underneath) | :: alapuoli |
undersize {adj} (undersized) | :: alimittainen |
undersize {adj} (smaller than appropriate) | :: alimittainen |
under someone's nose {prep} (visible) | :: nenän edestä |
under someone's nose {prep} (obvious) | :: nenän edessä |
understaffed {adj} (having an inadequate number of workers or assistants) SEE: shorthanded | :: |
understand {v} /ˌʌndɚˈstænd/ (to grasp the meaning of) | :: ymmärtää, osata, tajuta, käsittää, älytä, [colloquial] kässätä, [slang] snaijata, [slang] bonjata, [slang] hiffata |
understand {v} (to believe one grasps the meaning of) | :: ymmärtää, uskoa |
understand {v} (to believe) | :: ymmärtää |
understandability {n} (The property of being understandable) | :: ymmärrettävyys |
understandable {adj} (capable of being understood) | :: ymmärrettävä |
understandably {adv} (in an understandable manner) | :: ymmärrettävästi |
understanding {n} (understanding) SEE: grasp | :: |
understanding {n} /ˌʌndəɹˈstændɪŋ/ (mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) | :: ymmärrys, ymmärtäminen, käsittäminen |
understanding {n} (ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge, ability to infer) | :: (ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge) käsityskyky; (~ to infer) päättelykyky |
understanding {n} (opinion, judgement or outlook) | :: näkökulma, näkemys, käsitys |
understanding {n} (informal contract, mutual agreement) | :: yhteisymmärrys |
understanding {n} (reconciliation of differences) | :: sovinto |
understanding {n} (sympathy) | :: myötätunto, ymmärrys |
understanding {adj} (showing compassion) | :: ymmärtäväinen, myötätuntoinen |
understate {v} (to state something with less completeness than needed) | :: vähätellä |
understeer {n} (the condition in which the front wheels of a car fail to follow the desired curve while cornering) | :: aliohjautuvuus |
understeer {v} (the action of a car when it does not follow the desired curve while cornering) | :: aliohjautua |
understudy {n} /ˈʌndɚˌstʌdi/ (performer who understudies) | :: varanäyttelijä |
undertake {v} /ʌndəˈteɪk/ (to start an enterprise) | :: ryhtyä, ruveta |
undertaker {n} /ˈʌndə(ɹ)ˌteɪkə(ɹ)/ (funeral director) | :: hautausurakoitsija |
undertaking {n} /ˈʌndə(ɹ)ˌteɪkɪŋ/ (A promise or pledge; a guarantee) | :: sopimus, lupaus |
undertaking {n} (That which is undertaken) | :: hanke, aie |
under the counter {adv} (illicitly) | :: tiskin alta |
under the counter {adj} (unofficially) | :: pimeä |
under-the-counter {adj} (under the counter) SEE: under the counter | :: |
under the impression {prep} (thinking or making assumptions) | :: siinä käsityksessä |
under the influence {adv} (intoxicated) | :: päihtyneenä |
under the pump {prep} (under pressure) | :: hikisessä paikassa |
under the radar {prep} (in an undetected or secretive manner) | :: salaa, piilossa, katveessa |
under the stars {prep} | :: tähtien alla, taivaan alla |
under the table {prep} (secretly) | :: pimeästi |
under the weather {adj} /ˈʌndə ðə ˈwɛðə/ (somewhat ill) | :: huonovointinen |
under the wire {prep} (at the last minute) | :: kalkkiviivoilla |
undertow {n} (flow of water) | :: imu, aaltojen imu, paluuvirtaus |
undertow {n} (feeling) | :: pohjavire |
underuse {n} (the act of using (something) less than expected) | :: alikäyttö |
underuse {v} (to use (something) less than expected) | :: alikäyttää |
underutilize {v} (underuse) | :: alikäyttää |
underwater {adj} (beneath the water surface) | :: vedenalainen |
underwater {adj} (nautical: beneath the water line) | :: vedenalainen |
underwater rugby {n} (sport) | :: uppopallo |
under way {prep} (in operation or in process) | :: toiminnassa, käynnissä, tekeillä, työn alla |
under way {prep} (moving through water) | :: kulussa |
underway {n} (road, track, path, or street for going under an obstacle) | :: alikulku |
underway {n} (underground passage, tunnel) | :: alikulku |
underway {n} (voyage, especially underwater) | :: matka |
underway {n} (computer science: subroutine) | :: aliohjelma |
underway {adv} (in motion, in progress; being done or carried out) | :: käynnissä, liikkeellä, tekeillä, työn alla, tulossa |
underwear {n} /ˈʌndɚˌwɛɹ/ (clothes worn next to the skin) | :: alusvaatteet {p} |
underwear {n} (underpants and bras) | :: alusvaatteet {p} |
underweight {adj} (of an inappropriately or unusually low weight) | :: alipainoinen |
underweight {n} (of an inappropriately or unusually low weight) | :: alipaino |
underworld {n} (part of society engaged in crime or vice) | :: alamaailma |
underworld {n} (world of the dead) | :: manala, tuonela |
under wraps {prep} (in secrecy) | :: salassa |
underwrite {v} /ˈʌndəɹaɪt/ (to assume financial responsibility for something) | :: allekirjoittaa |
underwriter {n} (An entity assuming a financial risk) | :: yhteyspäällikkö |
undeserved {adj} (not deserved, earned or merited; unjustifiable or unfair) | :: ansaitsematon |
undesirable {adj} (objectionable or not likely to please) | :: epämieluinen, epämieluisa |
undesirable {n} (an undesirable person) | :: ei-toivottu henkilö |
undetected {adj} (not found; undiscovered) | :: huomaamaton |
undeveloped {adj} (not developed or used) | :: kehittymätön |
undeveloped {adj} (not built on) | :: rakentamaton |
undeveloped {adj} (lagging behind others, especially in economic or social matters) | :: kehittymätön |
undies {n} (panties) SEE: panties | :: |
undifferentiated {adj} (in biology) | :: erilaistumaton |
undiluted {adj} (not diluted) | :: laimentamaton |
undiluted {adj} (free from extraneous elements) | :: puhdas |
undirected graph {n} (type of graph) | :: suuntaamaton verkko |
undisciplined {adj} (not subjected to discipline) | :: kuriton |
undisclosed {adj} (not disclosed) | :: salainen, salassa pidetty |
undo {v} /ʌnˈduː/ (to reverse) | :: kumota |
undo {v} (to unfasten) | :: avata |
undoubtedly {adv} /ʌnˈdaʊtɪdli/ (without doubt) | :: epäilemättä |
undoubtfully {adv} (without doubt) SEE: undoubtedly | :: |
undownable {adj} /ʌnˈdaʊn.ə.bəl/ (undeniably important; which cannot be played down or ignored) | :: vastustamaton, vastaansanomaton, kiistaton, pitävä |
undownable {adj} (invincible; which cannot be brought down or overcome) | :: vastustamaton, voittamaton, kumoamaton |
undress {v} /ʌnˈdɹɛs/ ((intransitive) remove one's clothing) | :: riisuuntua, riisuutua |
undress {v} ((transitive) remove somebody’s clothing) | :: riisua |
undress {n} (informal dress) | :: rytkyt {p} [colloquial, negligent dress]; arkiasu [ordinary dress] |
undress {n} (state of having little of no clothes on) | :: alastomuus, vaatteettomuus |
undressed {adj} (having partially or completely removed one's clothes) | :: vaatteeton |
undrinkable {adj} (not drinkable) | :: juomakelvoton |
undulate {v} /ˈʌndjəleɪt/ (transitive: cause to move in a wave) | :: värisyttää, saada aaltoilemaan |
undulate {v} (transitive: cause to resemble a wave) | :: aallottaa |
undulate {v} (intransitive: move in wavelike motions) | :: aaltoilla |
undulate {v} (intransitive: resemble a wave) | :: kiemurrella |
undulated antshrike {n} (bird) | :: andienisomuura |
undulated tinamou {n} (Crypturellus undulatus) | :: huhuilijatinami |
undulation {n} (instance or act) | :: aaltoilu |
undulation {n} (a tremulous tone produced by a peculiar pressure of the finger on a string) | :: aaltomaisuus |
undulation {n} (a wavelike curve; a smooth and regular rise and fall) | :: aaltomaisuus |
undulation {n} (wavelike motion) | :: aaltoilu |
unduly {adv} (undeservedly; in a way that is not warranted) | :: kohtuuttomasti, liiallisesti, aiheettomasti |
undying {adj} (permanent; never-ending; infinite) | :: kuolematon, ikuinen |
unearned {adj} (not earned) | :: ansaitsematon |
unearned income {n} (income which is not a wage) | :: pääomatulo |
unearthed {adj} (not electrically earthed) | :: maadoittamaton |
uneasy {adj} /ʌnˈiːzi/ (Not easy; difficult) | :: vaikea |
uneasy {adj} (Restless; disturbed by pain, anxiety, or the like; disquieted; perturbed) | :: levoton, rauhaton, ahdistunut |
uneasy {adj} (Not easy in manner; constrained; stiff; awkward; not graceful; as, an uneasy deportment) | :: vaivaantunut, kiusaantunut |
unechoing {adj} (that does not echo) SEE: echoless | :: |
uneconomicalness {n} /ˌʌnɛkəˈnɑmɪkəlnəs/ (quality) | :: epätaloudellisuus |
unelegant {adj} (not elegant) | :: epäelegantti, epäaistikas, tyylitön |
unemployed {adj} (having no job) | :: työtön |
unemployed {n} (the unemployed as a group) | :: työttömät |
unemployment {n} /ʌn.ɪmˈplɔɪ.mənt/ (joblessness) | :: työttömyys |
unemployment benefit {n} (money paid to the unemployed) | :: työttömyysturva, työttömyyskorvaus, työttömyysetuus |
unemployment insurance {n} (insurance against loss of earnings) | :: työttömyysvakuutus |
unending {adj} (never reaching an end) | :: loputon |
unendingly {adv} (without end) | :: loputtomasti, ikuisesti |
unequal {adj} /ʌnˈiːkwəl/ (not the same) | :: eri, erilainen |
unequal {adj} (out of balance) | :: epätasapainoinen |
unequivocal {adj} /ʌnɨˈkwɪvəkəl/ (without equal) | :: verraton |
unequivocal {adj} (without ambiguity) | :: yksiselitteinen |
unessentiality {n} (property) | :: epäolennaisuus |
unethical {adj} (not morally approvable) | :: epäeettinen |
unevaporated {adj} (not evaporated) | :: haihtumaton |
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd | :: |
uneven {adj} /ʌnˈivən/ (not even) | :: pariton |
uneven {adj} (not level or smooth) | :: epätasainen |
uneven {adj} (not uniform) | :: epäsäännöllinen |
uneven bars {n} (set of apparatus) | :: eritasonojapuut {p} |
uneven bars {n} (event) | :: eritasonojapuut {p} |
unevenness {n} (quality) | :: epätasaisuus |
unexpected {adj} /ʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd/ (not expected, anticipated or foreseen) | :: odottamaton |
unexpectedly {adv} /ʌnɪkˈspɛktɪdli/ (in an unexpected manner) | :: yllättäen |
unexpectedness {n} (the state of being unexpected) | :: odottamattomuus |
unexplainable {adj} (inexplicable) SEE: inexplicable | :: |
unexplainably {adv} (inexplicably) SEE: inexplicably | :: |
unexpressed {adj} (not expressed) | :: julkilausumaton |
unfair {adj} /ʌnˈfɛɚ/ (not fair) | :: epäreilu |
unfair competition {n} | :: vilpillinen kilpailu |
unfairly {adv} (unjustly) SEE: unjustly | :: |
unfairness {n} (state of being unfair) | :: epäoikeudenmukaisuus, epäreiluus, vääryys |
unfairness {n} (an unjust act) | :: vääryys |
unfamiliar {adj} /ˌʌnfəˈmɪli.əɹ/ (not familiar) | :: vieras |
unfashionable {adj} (not fashionable) | :: epämuodikas |
unfasten {v} (to detach from any connecting agency or link, see also: disconnect) | :: irrottaa |
unfasten {v} (to come unloosed or untied) | :: irrota |
unfathered {adj} (not raised by a father) | :: isättömänä kasvanut |
unfathomable {adj} /ʌnˈfæðəməbəl/ (impossible to fathom; incomprehensible) | :: käsittämätön |
unfathomable {adj} (difficult to penetrate) | :: läpitunkematon |
unfavorableness {n} (the quality of being unfavorable) | :: epäsuotuisuus, epäsuopeus |
unfavourable {adj} (serving to hinder or oppose) | :: epäedullinen, epäsuotuisa |
unfavourable {adj} (not auspicious; ill-boding) | :: epäsuotuisa |
unfavourable {adj} (of a belief or state of mind: not favourable, disapproving) | :: epäsuopea |
unfavourable {adj} (of wind or weather: causing delay or obstacles) | :: epäsuotuisa |
unfeeling {adj} (without emotion or sympathy) | :: tunteeton |
unfemininely {adv} (in an unfeminine manner) | :: epänaisellisesti |
unfenced {adj} (not enclosed by a fence) | :: aitaamaton |
unfenced {adj} (without protection) | :: suojaton |
unfettered {adj} /ˈʌnˈfɛtɚd/ (not bound by chains) | :: kahlitsematon |
unfettered {adj} (not restricted) | :: kahlitsematon, vapaa |
unfinanced {adj} (not financed) | :: rahoittamaton |
unfinished {adj} /ʌnˈfɪnɪʃt/ (not finished) | :: keskeneräinen, valmistumaton |
unflappable {adj} /ʌnˈflæpəbəl/ (remaining composed and level-headed at all times) | :: järkähtämätön |
unflinching {adj} (remaining committed despite distractions and opposition) | :: järkkymätön |
unfold {v} /ʌnˈfoʊld/ (To undo a folding) | :: levittää |
unfold {v} (To turn out to happen; to develop) | :: tapahtua |
unfold {v} (To reveal) | :: paljastaa |
unforeseeable {adj} (incapable of being foreseen) | :: ennalta-arvaamaton |
unforeseen {adj} (not foreseen) | :: ennennäkemätön |
unforeseen {adj} (not expected) | :: odottamaton |
unforested {adj} (not covered with forest) | :: puuton |
unforgettable {adj} (which is very difficult to forget) | :: ikimuistoinen, unohtumaton, mieleenpainuva |
unforgivable {adj} (not forgivable) | :: anteeksiantamaton |
unforgiving {adj} (not forgiving) | :: anteeksiantamaton, pitkävihainen, kaunainen |
unfortunate {adj} /ʌnˈfɔːtjʊnət/ (not favored by fortune) | :: onneton, epäonninen |
unfortunate {adj} (marked or accompanied by or resulting in misfortune) | :: onneton, epäonninen, onnistumaton |
unfortunately {adv} /ʌnˈfɔːtjʊnətli/ (happening through bad luck) | :: valitettavasti, ikävä kyllä, harmillista kyllä |
unfounded {adj} (not based on solid reasons or facts) | :: perusteeton, perätön |
unfreeze {v} (thaw) SEE: thaw | :: |
unfreeze {v} (defrost) SEE: defrost | :: |
unfriend {v} /ʌnˈfɹɛnd/ (to remove from one's friends list) | :: poistaa kavereista |
unfriendly {adj} /ʌnˈfɹɛn(d)li/ (not friendly; hostile) | :: epäystävällinen, ynseä |
unfunded {adj} (not funded) | :: rahoittamaton |
unfurl {v} /ʌnˈfɝl/ (to unroll or release) | :: aukaista, avata |
unfurl {v} (to roll out or debut) | :: esitellä, julkistaa |
ungallant {adj} (not gallant) | :: epäritarillinen, kunniaton |
ungallantly {adv} (i an ungallant way) | :: epäritarillisesti, kunniattomasti |
ungallantry {n} (ungallant behaviour) | :: epäritarillisuus, kunniattomuus |
ungenuine {adj} (not genuine) | :: epäaito |
ungiectomy {n} | :: kynnen poisto |
ungodly {adj} (immoral, sinful, or wicked) SEE: immoral | :: |
ungodly hour {n} | :: tämä aika yöstä, tolkuton aika |
ungrafted {adj} (not grafted) | :: varttamaton |
ungrammatical {adj} (in violation of one or more of the rules and conventions of a language) | :: kieliopillisesti virheellinen |
ungrateful {adj} /ʌnˈɡɹeɪtfəl/ (not grateful) | :: epäkiitollinen, kiittämätön |
ungratefulness {n} (the state of being ungrateful) SEE: ingratitude | :: |
ungrounded {adj} (not grounded, unreal, false) | :: perusteeton, perätön |
ungrounded {adj} (not connected to ground potential) | :: maadoittamaton |
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment | :: |
unguilty {adj} (not guilty) | :: syytön [not guilty]; viaton [innocent] |
ungulate {adj} /ˈʌŋɡjələt/ (having hooves) | :: kavio- [having undivided hooves]; sorkka- [having cloven hooves] |
ungulate {n} (hooved mammal) | :: sorkka- ja kavioeläin |
unguligrade {adj} /ʌŋˈɡjuːlɪˌɡɹeɪd/ (that walks on hooves) | :: kaviokyntinen |
unguligrade {n} (animal that walks on hooves) | :: kaviokyntinen |
unhabitable {adj} (uninhabitable) SEE: uninhabitable | :: |
unhair {v} (remove hair) | :: karvoa |
unhanged {adj} (not (yet) executed by hanging) | :: hirttämätön |
unhappiness {n} (feeling of not being happy) | :: ilottomuus |
unhappy {adj} /ʌnˈhæpi/ (not happy; sad) | :: onneton |
unhappy {adj} (not satisfied; unsatisfied) | :: tyytymätön |
unhappy {adj} (not lucky; unlucky) | :: epäonninen |
unhappy {adj} (not suitable; unsuitable) | :: sopimaton |
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate | :: |
unhealthiness {n} (the state of being unhealthy) | :: epäterveellisyys |
unhealthy {adj} (sick or ill) SEE: sick | :: |
unhealthy {adj} /ʌnˈhɛl.θi/ (conducive to poor health) | :: epäterveellinen |
unheard-of {adj} (previously unknown; unprecedented) | :: ennenkuulumaton |
unhelpful {adj} /ʌnˈhɛlpfəl/ (not helpful) | :: auttamaton |
unhelpfulness {n} (state of being unhelpful) | :: auttamattomuus |
unheralded {adj} (Without prior warning; unexpected or unannounced) | :: odottamaton |
unhesitating {adj} (not hesitating) | :: epäröimätön |
unholy {adj} (evil) | :: epäpyhä, jumalaton |
unholy {adj} (dreadful) | :: jumalaton, kaamea |
unholy alliance {n} (coalition among seemingly antagonistic groups) | :: epäpyhä allianssi |
unhorse {v} (remove from a horse) | :: pudottaa |
unhorse {v} (disrupt or unseat) | :: pudottaa |
unhouse {v} (to remove from housing) | :: häätää |
unhurriedly {adv} (in an unhurried manner) | :: kiireettömästi |
unhygienic {adj} (lacking hygiene) | :: epähygieeninen |
unhygienically {adv} (in a manner which is not hygienic) | :: epähygieenisesti |
uni {n} /ˈjuː.niː/ (university) | :: lipasto [slang] |
unibrow {n} (eyebrows that meet in the middle) | :: yhteenkasvaneet kulmakarvat |
unicameral {adj} /junɨˈkæməɹəl/ (having a single legislative chamber) | :: yksikamarinen |
unicameralism {n} (principle of having single chamber legislative body) | :: yksikamarijärjestelmä |
unicellular {adj} (having a single cell) | :: yksisoluinen |
Unicode {prop} /ˈjunɪˌkəʊd/ (series of computer encoding standards) | :: Unicode |
unicorn {n} /ˈjunɪkɔɹn/ (mythical beast) | :: yksisarvinen |
unicycle {n} /ˈjunɪsaɪkl̩/ (one-wheeled pedaled cycle) | :: yksipyöräinen, yksipyöräinen polkupyörä |
unidentified flying object {n} (anything in the air not readily explainable) | :: tunnistamaton lentävä esine; UFO, ufo [abbreviations] |
unidentified flying object {n} (colloquial: an alien spacecraft) | :: ufo |
unidirectional {adj} /ˌjuːnɨdɨˈɹɛkʃənəl/ (pertaining to only one direction) | :: yksisuuntainen, tasasuuntainen |
unification {n} (act of unifying) | :: yhdistyminen, yhdistäminen |
uniform {adj} /ˈjunəˌfɔɹm/ (unvarying) | :: yhdenmukainen |
uniform {adj} (consistent) | :: yhtenäinen, yhdenmukainen |
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) | :: virkapuku, univormu, sotilaspuku |
uniform {n} (the letter "U" in ICAO spelling alphabet) | :: Urho |
uniform antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antbird family) | :: tuhkapuumuura |
uniform distribution {n} (probability distribution where each outcome is equally likely to occur) | :: tasajakauma |
uniformitarianism {n} /juːnɪfɔːmɪˈtɛːɹɪənɪzm/ (the scientific principle that natural processes operated in the past in the same way that they do today) | :: uniformitarianismi |
uniformity {n} (a state of being uniform) | :: yhtenäisyys, yhdenmukaisuus |
uniformity {n} (an absence of alternativism) | :: vaihtoehdottomuus, yhdenmukaisuus |
uniform resource identifier {n} (string of characters) | :: URI |
Uniform Resource Locator {n} (URL) | :: URL-osoite, internetosoite, web-osoite |
unify {v} /ˈjuːnɪfaɪ/ (cause to become one) | :: yhdistää |
unify {v} (become one) | :: yhdistyä, yhdentyä |
unilateral {adj} /ˌjʉː.nəˈɫæɾ.ɚ.ɻɫ̩/ (done by one side only) | :: yksipuolinen |
unilateralism {n} (tendency of nations to act on their own) | :: unilateralismi |
unilingual {adj} (only knowing or spoken in one language) SEE: monolingual | :: |
unillustrious {adj} (not illustrious) | :: mitäänsanomaton |
unimaginable {adj} (unable to be imagined) | :: uskomaton, ennalta-arvaamaton |
unimitable {adj} (that cannot be imitated) | :: jäljittelemätön |
unimportant {adj} (not important or noteworthy) | :: vähämerkityksellinen, vähäinen |
unimpressed {adj} (not impressed) | :: välinpitämätön |
uninformed {adj} /ʌnɪnˈfɔɹmd/ (not informed) | :: tietämätön, epätietoinen |
uninhabitable {adj} (not inhabitable) | :: asumiskelvoton |
uninhabited {adj} (not inhabited) | :: asumaton |
uninhibited {adj} (not inhibited) | :: estoton |
uninspiring {adj} (not inspiring) | :: mitäänsanomaton, hengetön, lattea |
uninstall {v} (completely remove hardware or software) | :: poistaa, poistaa asennus |
uninstalled {adj} (that has not been installed) | :: asentamaton |
unintelligible {adj} /ˌʌnɪnˈtɛlɨdʒɨbəl/ (not intelligible) | :: käsittämätön, ei ymmärrettävä |
unintelligibly {adv} (in an unintelligible manner) | :: käsittämättömästi |
unintended {adj} (not intended; unplanned) | :: tahaton |
unintentional {adj} (not intended or deliberate; inadvertent; unwitting) | :: tahaton |
unintentionally {adv} (in an unintentional manner) | :: sattumalta, vahingossa, epähuomiossa, erehdyksessä, huomaamatta |
unintuitive {adj} (in particular, counterintuitive; counter to what one's intuition expects) SEE: counterintuitive | :: |
uninvite {v} /ˌʌnɪnˈvaɪt/ (to cancel an invitation) | :: peruuttaa kutsu |
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union | :: |
union {n} /ˈjuːnjən/ (the act of uniting or the state of being united) | :: liittäminen, liitos [act], liitto [state] |
union {n} (that which is united; something formed by a combination of parts or members) | :: liitto |
union {n} (joint) | :: liitos |
union {n} (in set theory) | :: yhdiste, unioni |
union {n} (marriage) | :: avioliitto, liitto |
union {n} (sexual intercourse) | :: yhdyntä |
union {n} (computing: certain data structure) | :: yhdistelmä, unioni |
unionization {n} (the act of forming a labour union) | :: järjestäytyminen |
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) | :: Sosialististen neuvostotasavaltojen liitto |
unipolar {adj} (having a single pole) | :: yksinapainen |
unipotent {adj} (having a single idempotent element) | :: unipotentti |
unique {adj} /juːˈniːk/ (one of a kind) | :: ainutlaatuinen |
uniqueness {n} (state or quality of being unique or one of a kind) | :: ainutlaatuisuus, ainutkertaisuus |
unisex {adj} /ˈjuːnɪˌsɛks/ (designed to be suitable for any sex or gender) | :: molemmille sukupuolille sopiva, unisex- |
unisex {adj} (not distinguished on the basis of sex or gender) | :: sukupuolineutraali |
unisexual {adj} (having characteristics of a single sex) | :: yksineuvoinen |
unisexuality {n} (property) | :: yksineuvoisuus |
unit {n} /ˈjuː.nɪt/ (standard measure of a quantity) | :: yksikkö |
unit {n} (number one) | :: ykkönen |
unit {n} (organized group comprising people and/or equipment) | :: yksikkö, osasto |
unit {n} (member of a military organization) | :: yksikkö |
unit {n} (military: military element with prescribed structure) | :: yksikkö, osasto |
unit {n} (military: subdivision in a task force) | :: yksikkö, osasto |
unit {n} (military: standard or basic quantity) | :: yksikkö |
unit {n} (military: selected reserve unit) | :: yksikkö |
unit {n} (algebra: element of a ring) | :: yksikkö |
unit {n} (item which may be sold singly) | :: yksikkö |
unit {n} (measure of housing equivalent to the living quarters of one household) | :: asunto |
unit {adj} (for each unit) | :: [in compounds] yksikkö- |
unit {adj} (mathematical) | :: [in compounds] yksikkö- |
unit {n} (kilowatt-hour as recorded on an electricity meter) SEE: kilowatt-hour | :: |
Unitarian {n} (a Christian who does not ascribe to Trinitarian theology) | :: unitaristi |
Unitarian {n} (a modern follower of Unitarian Universalism) | :: unitaari, unitaariuniversalisti |
Unitarian {n} ((rare) a non-Christian monothesist) | :: monoteisti |
Unitarianism {n} (the religious belief that God is a single person) | :: unitarianismi |
Unitarian Universalism {prop} (religion which encourages theological liberalism) | :: unitaariuniversalismi |
unitary {adj} /juːnɪt(ə)ɹi/ (having the quality of oneness) | :: yhtenäinen |
unitary {adj} ((government)) | :: unitaarinen |
unitary {adj} ((mathematics)) | :: unitaarinen |
unitary group {n} (group of n×n unitary matrices) | :: unitaarinen ryhmä |
unitary state {n} (state that is governed as a single unit) | :: yhtenäisvaltio |
unit cell {n} (smallest repeating structure in crystal) | :: alkeiskoppi |
unit circle {n} (circle of radius 1) | :: yksikköympyrä |
unit circle {n} (circle of radius 1 with centre at the origin, used in trigonometry) | :: yksikköympyrä |
unite {v} /juˈnaɪt/ ((transitive) to bring together as one) | :: yhtyä, yhdistyä, liittyä yhteen [come together]; yhdistää, liittää yhteen [bring together] |
united {adj} /juːˈnaɪtɪd/ (joined into a single entity) | :: yhdistynyt, yhdistyneet |
united {adj} (involving the joint activity of multiple agents) | :: yhteinen |
United Arab Emirates {prop} /juˌnaɪtɪd ˌæɹəb ˈɛmɪɹɪts/ (country in the Middle East) | :: Arabiemiirikunnat |
United Arab Republic {prop} (former country) | :: Yhdistynyt arabitasavalta |
United Kingdom {prop} /juːˌnaɪ.tɪd ˈkɪŋ.dəm/ (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) | :: Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta |
United Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain) | :: Ison-Britannian yhdistynyt kuningaskunta |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) | :: Ison-Britannian ja Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} /jʊˈnaɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm əv ˌɡɹeɪt ˈbɹɪtən ən ˌnɔː(ɹ)ðə(ɹ)n ˈaɪə(ɹ)lənd/ (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | :: Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta |
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) | :: Yhdistyneet kansakunnat |
United Nations Economic and Social Council {prop} (one of the six principal organs of the United Nations) | :: Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien talous- ja sosiaalineuvosto |
United Nations General Assembly {prop} (one of the six principal organs of the United Nations) | :: Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien yleiskokous |
United States {prop} /juːˌnaɪtɨd ˈsteɪts/ (the United States) | :: Yhdysvallat {p} |
United States of America {prop} /juː.ˌnaɪ.tɨd ˌsteɪts əv əˈmɛɹ.ɨ.kə/ (country in North America) | :: Amerikan yhdysvallat, Yhdysvallat, USA, Amerikka |
unit fraction {n} (fraction whose numerator is 1 and denominator a positive integer) | :: yksikkömurtoluku |
unit interval {n} (the interval [0,1]) | :: yksikköväli |
unitive {adj} /ˈjuːnɪtɪv/ (causing or involving unity) | :: yhdistävä |
unit matrix {n} (identity matrix) SEE: identity matrix | :: |
unit of alcohol {n} (various units of alcohol content; possibly defined differently) | :: alkoholiannos |
unit of measure {n} (standardized, reproducible measuring a physical property) | :: mittayksikkö |
unit of measurement {n} (unit of measure) SEE: unit of measure | :: |
unit price {n} (price of a standard amount of a good) | :: yksikköhinta |
unit test {n} (individual test in unit testing) | :: yksikkötesti |
unit testing {n} (software testing methodology) | :: yksikkötestaus, yksikkötestaaminen |
unit vector {n} (vector with length 1) | :: yksikkövektori |
unity {n} /ˈjunɪti/ (state of being one or undivided) | :: yhtenäisyys, ykseys |
unity {n} (single undivided thing) | :: kokonaisuus |
unity {n} (drama: any of the three classical rules of drama) | :: ykseys |
unity {n} (mathematics: something that behaves like the number 1 in multiplication) | :: identiteettialkio |
univerbation {n} ((linguistics) the diachronic process of forming a new single word from a fixed expression of several words) | :: univerbaatio, syntagmaattinen sulautuminen |
universal {adj} /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl̩/ (of or pertaining to the universe) | :: yleismaailmallinen, universaali, kosminen |
universal {adj} (common to all members of a group or class) | :: yleinen, yleis-; yleispätevä |
universal {adj} (common to all society, world-wide) | :: maailmanlaajuinen |
universal {adj} (cosmic, unlimited) | :: rajaton, ääretön |
universal {adj} (useful for many purposes) | :: yleis-, yleiskäyttöinen |
universal algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: universaalialgebra |
universal algebra {n} (structure) | :: universaalialgebra |
universal grammar {n} (hypothetical system in the brain that underlies the grammar of all languages) | :: universaalikielioppi |
universalize {v} (to make universal) | :: yleistää |
universal joint {n} (type of coupling) | :: kardaaninivel |
universally {adv} /ˌjunɪˈvɝsəli/ (in a universal manner) | :: yleisesti, yleismaailmallisesti, universaalisti |
universal quantifier {n} (operator) | :: universaalikvanttori, kaikkikvanttori |
Universal Serial Bus {n} (computing standard for interconnecting PC devices) | :: USB |
universal set {n} (set) | :: universaalijoukko |
universal suffrage {n} (the right to vote in a political election for all citizens) | :: yleinen äänioikeus |
Universal Time {prop} (measure of time) | :: yleisaika |
universal Turing machine {n} (Turing machine capable of simulating all the other Turing machines) | :: universaali Turingin kone |
universal value {n} (a value considered common for all or almost all mankind) | :: universaali arvo |
universe {n} /ˈjuːnəˌvɝs/ (the Universe) | :: maailmankaikkeus, universumi, kosmos |
universe {n} (an entity similar to our universe) | :: maailmankaikkeus, universumi |
universe {n} (everything under consideration) | :: avaruus |
universe {n} (an imaginary collection of worlds) | :: maailma, maailmat |
Universe {prop} /ˈjuːnəˌvɝs/ (sum of everything that exists) | :: maailmankaikkeus, universumi, kosmos |
universe of discourse {n} (domain of discourse) SEE: domain of discourse | :: |
Universiade {n} (a sport event) | :: universiadit {p} |
university {n} /junɨˈvɝsəti/ (institution of higher education) | :: yliopisto |
university of applied sciences {n} (school) | :: ammattikorkeakoulu |
university of life {n} (source of education by adverse experience) SEE: school of hard knocks | :: |
university student {n} | :: yliopisto-opiskelija |
univocal {adj} /juːnɪˈvoʊkəl/ (having only one possible meaning) | :: yksiselitteinen |
Unix {n} /ˈjuːnɪks/ (operating system) | :: Unix |
unjust {adj} /ʌnˈdʒʌst/ (not fair, just or right) | :: epäoikeudenmukainen |
unjustice {n} (injustice) SEE: injustice | :: |
unjustifiability {n} (property) | :: aiheettomuus, perusteettomuus |
unjustifiableness {n} (unjustifiability) SEE: unjustifiability | :: |
unjustified {adj} (not justified) | :: epäoikeutettu |
unjustly {adv} (in an unjust manner) | :: epäoikeudenmukaisesti |
unkempt {adj} /ˌʌnˈkɛmpt/ (dishevelled; untidy; dirty; not kept up) | :: ruokkoamaton, hoitamaton |
unknowing {adj} (without knowing) | :: tietämätön, epätietoinen |
unknown {adj} /ʌnˈnoʊn/ (not known) | :: tuntematon |
unknown {n} (variable) | :: tuntematon |
unknown {n} (fact or place) | :: tuntematon |
Unknown Soldier {prop} (representative of unidentified fallen soldiers) | :: tuntematon sotilas |
unlawful {adj} (prohibited) | :: laiton, lainvastainen |
unleaded {adj} /ˌʌnˈlɛd.əd/ (without lead) | :: lyijytön |
unlearned {adj} (uneducated) | :: oppimaton |
unlearned {adj} (of behavior, innate) | :: kömpelö |
unleash {v} /ʌnˈliʃ/ (to free from a leash) | :: päästää valloilleen, päästää irti, laskea irti |
unleashed {adj} (not leashed) | :: irti, irrallaan |
unleavened {adj} (without yeast) | :: kohottamaton, happamaton |
unleavened bread {n} (bread without a raising agent) | :: happamaton leipä |
unless {conj} /ənˈlɛs/ (except on a specified condition) | :: ellei, jollei |
unlike {adj} /ʌnˈlaɪk/ (dissimilar) | :: erilainen |
unlike {adj} (unequal) | :: erisuuruinen, erilainen, eri |
unlike {prep} (differently from) | :: toisin kuin |
unlike {prep} (in contrast with; as opposed to) | :: toisin kuin |
unlike {adj} (not likely) SEE: unlikely | :: |
unlikelihood {n} (improbability) | :: epätodennäköisyys |
unlikely {adj} /ʌnˈlaɪkli/ (not likely) | :: epätodennäköinen |
unlikely {adv} (in an improbable manner) | :: epätodennäköisesti |
unlimited {adj} /ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/ (limitless or without bounds; unrestricted) | :: rajoittamaton, rajaton |
unload {v} /ʌnˈloʊd/ (take off or remove the load from something) | :: purkaa lasti |
unlock {v} (to undo or open a lock) | :: avata lukko, avata lukitus, avata [unlock and open] |
unlock {v} (give access to something) | :: avata |
unlucky {adj} /ʌnˈlʌki/ (unfortunate) | :: epäonninen |
unlucky {adj} (inauspicious) | :: pahaenteinen |
unlucky {adj} (having ill luck) | :: epäonninen, huono-onninen |
unlucky {adj} (bringing ill luck) | :: epäonninen |
unmanliness {n} (the property of being unmanly) | :: epämiehekkyys |
unmanly {adj} ((of a person) not manly: immature, effeminate or cowardly, etc.) | :: epämiehekäs |
unmanly {adv} (in a manner that is unmanly) | :: epämiehekkäästi |
unmanned {adj} /ʌnˈmænd/ (not operated by a person or a crew) | :: miehittämätön |
unmarked {adj} (not bearing identification) | :: merkitsemätön, tunnukseton, merkkaamaton |
unmarried {adj} (having no husband or wife) | :: naimaton, vapaa |
unmarried {n} (unmarried person) | :: naimaton |
unmarriedness {n} (quality) | :: naimattomuus |
unmask {v} /ʌnˈmæsk/ (to remove a mask from someone) | :: paljastaa |
unmask {v} (to expose the true character of someone) | :: paljastaa |
unmask {v} (to remove one's mask) | :: paljastaa (kasvonsa) |
unmeaningness {n} (insignificance) SEE: insignificance | :: |
unmedullated {adj} (not medullated) | :: ytimetön, kivetön |
unmodern {adj} (nonmodern) SEE: nonmodern | :: |
unmothered {adj} (not raised by a mother) | :: äidittömänä kasvanut |
unmount {v} (reverse operation of mount) | :: irrottaa |
unmusical {adj} (not musical) | :: epämusikaalinen |
unmusically {adv} (in an unmusical manner) | :: epämusikaalisesti |
unnatural {adj} /ʌnˈnæt͡ʃəɹəl/ (not natural) | :: luonnoton |
unnavigable {adj} (not navigable) | :: kulkukelvoton |
unnecessary {adj} /ʌnˈnɛ.səˌsɛ.ɹi/ (not necessary) | :: tarpeeton, turha |
unnerve {v} (deprive of nerve, force or strength) | :: lamauttaa |
unnerve {v} (upset) | :: hermostuttaa, hermostua |
unnoble {adj} (not of noble rank) | :: aateliton |
unnoble {adj} (metallurgy: oxidizing readily) | :: epäjalo |
UNO {prop} (United Nations) SEE: UN | :: |
unobstructed {adj} (not obstructed) | :: esteetön, rajoittamaton |
unobtainable {adj} (not able to be acquired or reached) | :: ei saatavilla, saavuttamaton |
unobtrusive {adj} (unobtrusive) | :: huomaamaton |
unobtrusively {adv} /ˌʌn.əbˈtɹuː.sɪ (in a manner that is not noticeable or blatant) | :: vaatimattomasti, hienovaraisesti |
unobvious {adj} (not obvious) | :: ei ilmeinen |
unoccupied {adj} (Not inhabited, especially by a tenant) | :: tyhjä, tyhjillään oleva |
unoccupied {adj} (Not being used; vacant or free) | :: vapaa |
unoccupied {adj} (Not employed on a task; idle) | :: joutilas, toimeton |
unoccupied {adj} (Not occupied by foreign troops etc) | :: miehittämätön |
unofficial {adj} (not official) | :: epävirallinen |
unordinary {adj} (not ordinary) | :: epätavallinen |
unorthodox {adj} /ʌnˈɔɹθədɑks/ (unusual, unconventional, or idiosyncratic) | :: epäortodoksinen |
unorthodoxly {adv} (in an unorthodox manner) | :: epäortodoksisesti |
unorthodoxy {n} (lack of orthodoxy) | :: epäortodoksisuus |
unpack {v} /ʌnˈpæk/ (to remove from a package) | :: purkaa |
unpacked {adj} (not yet packed) | :: pakkaamaton |
unpaired {adj} (not forming one of a pair) | :: pariton [not having a pair]; epäparinen [having a wrong pair] |
unpalatability {n} (state) | :: pahanmakuisuus |
unpalatability {n} (extent) | :: pahanmakuisuus |
unpalatable {adj} (unpleasant to the taste) | :: pahanmakuinen |
unpalatableness {n} (unpalatability) SEE: unpalatability | :: |
unparalleled {adj} (having no parallel) | :: verraton, vertaansa vailla, ennätyksellinen |
unparliamentarily {adv} (in an unparliamentary manner) | :: epäparlamentaarisesti |
unparliamentary {adj} (unsuitable) | :: eduskuntaan sopimaton |
unparliamentary {adj} (contrary to the rules) | :: epäparlamentaarinen |
unpatriotically {adv} (in an unpatriotic way) | :: epäisänmaallisesti |
unpatriotism {n} (unpatriotic beliefs or behaviour) | :: epäisänmaallisuus |
unpayable {adj} (that cannot be paid) | :: maksamaton |
unperson {n} (human stripped of rights) | :: epähenkilö |
unplanned {adj} (unintentional; not intended) | :: tahaton |
unplanned {adj} (not thought through in advance) | :: suunnittelematon |
unplanned {adj} (not having structure or organization) | :: suunnittelematon |
unpleasant {adj} /ʌnˈplezənt/ (not pleasant) | :: epämiellyttävä, kelju |
unpleasantly {adv} (in an unpleasant manner) | :: epämiellyttävästi |
unpleasantness {n} /ʌnˈplezntnəs/ (The property of being unpleasant or disagreeable) | :: epämiellyttävyys |
unplug {v} /ʌnˈplʌɡ/ (disconnect from a supply) | :: irrottaa pistorasiasta, irrottaa seinästä [colloquial], irrottaa |
unplugged {adj} /ʌnˈplʌɡd/ (using acoustic instruments) | :: akustinen |
unpoliteness {n} (lack of politeness) | :: epäkohteliaisuus |
unpopular {adj} (lacking popularity) | :: epäsuosittu |
unprecedented {adj} /ʌnˈpɹɛsɪdɛntɪd/ (never before seen or done, without precedent) | :: ennennäkemätön, ennen kokematon |
unprecedentedly {adv} (in an unprecedented manner) | :: ennennäkemättömästi |
unpredictability {n} (The quality of being unpredictable) | :: ennalta-arvaamattomuus |
unpredictable {adj} (unable to be predicted) | :: ennalta-arvaamaton, ennustamaton, odottamaton |
unpredictable {n} (unpredictable thing) | :: yllätys |
unprejudiced {adj} (not prejudiced) | :: ennakkoluuloton |
unpremeditated {adj} (performed, but not planned or thought out in advance; extemporaneous, but not unintentional) | :: suunnittelematon, harkitsematon |
unprepared {adj} (not prepared) | :: valmistautumaton |
unpreparedly {adv} (in an unprepared manner) | :: valmistautumattomana |
unpreparedness {n} (state of being unprepared) | :: valmistautumattomuus |
unpretentious {adj} /ˌʌnpɹəˈtɛnʃəs/ (not pretentious) | :: vaatimaton |
unprintable {adj} (not printable) | :: painokelvoton |
unprocurable {adj} (unobtainable) SEE: unobtainable | :: |
unproductive {adj} (not productive) | :: tuottamaton |
unproductiveness {n} (characteristic) | :: aikaansaamattomuus |
unprofitable {adj} (not making a profit) | :: tuottamaton, kannattamaton |
unprompted {adj} (not prompted) | :: oma-aloitteinen |
unpronounceable {adj} (impossible or difficult to pronounce or articulate) | :: vaikeasti äännettävä, vaikeasti lausuttava |
unprotected {adj} (not protected) | :: suojaamaton |
unprovable {adj} (that cannot be proved or verified) | :: todistettavissa olematon |
unpublished {adj} (not published) | :: julkaisematon |
unpunctual {adj} (not punctual) | :: epätäsmällinen |
unqualified {adj} (ineligible, not qualified) | :: epäpätevä |
unquestionable {adj} (undeniable, obvious) | :: kiistämätön |
unquestionably {adv} (without doubt) | :: kiistatta, kiistattomasti |
unquestioning {adj} (believing without question) | :: ehdoton |
unravel {v} /ʌnˈɹævəl/ (to separate the threads (of)) | :: purkaa [transitive], purkautua [intransitive] |
unreachable {adj} (unable to be reached) | :: saavuttamaton |
unreadable {adj} (that cannot be read or is not easy to read) | :: lukukelvoton, mahdoton lukea |
unreal {adj} /ʌnˈɹi.əl/ (not real) | :: epätodellinen |
unrealistic {adj} (not realistic) | :: epärealistinen, epätodenmukainen |
unreasonable {adj} /ʌnˈɹiːz(ə)nəbl̩/ (not reasonable) | :: kohtuuton |
unrecognizable {adj} (that cannot be recognized) | :: tunnistamaton |
unrecorded {adj} (not recorded) | :: tallentamaton |
unrefined {adj} (crude, unprocessed) | :: raaka |
unrefined {adj} (of a person: lacking refinement) | :: karkea |
unregulated {adj} (not regulated) | :: sääntelemätön, säännöstelemätön |
unrelenting {adj} (not relenting) | :: armoton, heltymätön, leppymätön |
unreliability {n} (the quality of being unreliable) | :: epäluotettavuus |
unreliable {adj} (not reliable) | :: epäluotettava |
unremarkable {adj} (not remarkable) | :: vähäpätöinen, merkityksetön |
unrequited {adj} (not reciprocated) | :: yksipuolinen |
unrequited love {n} (love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is desired) | :: yksipuolinen rakkaus, vastakaiuton rakkaus |
unresponsive {adj} (not responsive) | :: reagoimaton |
unresponsive {adj} (indifferent or apathetic) | :: välinpitämätön, piittaamaton |
unrestrained {adj} (not held in check) | :: hillitön |
unrestrained {adj} (unconstrained) | :: hillitön |
unrestrainedly {adv} (in unrestrained manner) | :: hillittömästi |
unrestrainedness {n} (state) | :: hillittömyys |
unrestricted {adj} (not restricted) | :: rajoittamaton, vapaa |
unrestricted {adj} (having no security classification) | :: julkinen |
unrewarding {adj} (not providing reward) | :: epäpalkitseva |
unrifled {adj} (firearms: having smooth interior) | :: rihlaton |
unripened cheese {n} (type of cheese) | :: tuorejuusto |
unrobe {v} (disrobe) SEE: disrobe | :: |
unromantic {adj} (not romantic) | :: epäromanttinen |
unrounded {adj} (in linguistics) | :: lavea |
unruliness {n} (state of being unruly) | :: kurittomuus |
unruly {adj} /ʌnˈɹuːli/ (wild) | :: kuriton |
unsafe {adj} /ʌnˈseɪf/ (not safe) | :: turvaton [not safe]; vaarallinen [dangerous] |
unsafely {adv} (in an unsafe way) | :: huolimattomasti, huolettomasti, turvattomasti, epäturvallisesti |
unsaid {adj} (unspoken) SEE: unspoken | :: |
unsalted {adj} (not salted) | :: suolaton |
unsatisfactory {adj} (inadequate, substandard or not satisfactory) | :: epätyydyttävä |
unsatisfied {adj} (dissatisfied) SEE: dissatisfied | :: |
unsaturated {adj} (capable of dissolving more solute) | :: kyllästämätön, alikylläinen |
unsaturated {adj} (having one or more double bonds or triple bonds between carbon atoms) | :: tyydyttymätön |
unsaturated {adj} (not chromatically pure) | :: alikylläinen |
unsaturated fat {n} (unsaturated fat) | :: tyydyttymätön rasva, tyydyttämätön rasva |
unscrew {v} (loosen a screw etc.) | :: ruuvata auki [of screws]; kiertää auki [of something else, like a lid] |
unscrupulous {adj} /ˌʌnˈskɹuːpjʊləs/ (without scruples) | :: häikäilemätön |
unscrupulous {adj} (contemptuous of what is right or honourable) | :: häikäilemätön |
unscrupulously {adv} (in an unscrupulous manner) | :: häikäilemättömästi, häikäilemättä |
unscrupulousness {n} (the state of being unscrupulous) | :: raadollisuus |
unsealed {adj} (not sealed) | :: tiivistämätön |
unseasonability {n} (property of taking place at an inappropriate time) | :: sopimaton ajankohta |
unseaworthy {adj} (unfit for a sea voyage) | :: merikelvoton |
UN Security Council {prop} (international organ) | :: Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien turvallisuusneuvosto, turvallisuusneuvosto |
unseemly {adj} (inconsistent with standards, etc.) | :: sopimaton |
unselect {v} (to cancel a previous selection) | :: poistaa valinta |
unselfish {adj} (not selfish; selfless; generous; altruistic) | :: epäitsekäs |
unselfishness {n} (the state of being unselfish) | :: epäitsekkyys |
unsexy {adj} (not sexy) | :: epäseksikäs |
unsexy {adj} (perceived as uninteresting) | :: ei seksikäs |
unsharpened {adj} (not sharpened) | :: teroittamaton [dull, blunt], epätarkka [out of focus] |
unshaven {adj} (unkempt) SEE: unkempt | :: |
unshaven {adj} (not having shaved) | :: ajamaton, ajamatta, sänkinen |
unsightliness {n} (state of being unslightly) | :: rumuus, rumannäköisyys |
unsightly {adj} /ʌnˈsaɪtli/ (displeasing to the eye) | :: epämiellyttävän näköinen, rumannäköinen, ruma |
unsigned {adj} (not accepting negative numbers; having only a positive absolute value) | :: etumerkitön |
unsigned {adj} (lacking a signature, unendorsed) | :: allekirjoittamaton |
unsinkable {adj} (of a ship: that cannot be sunk) | :: uppoamaton |
unskilled {adj} (of a person or workforce: not having a skill or technical training) | :: ammattitaidoton |
unsolicited {adj} /ˌʌnsəˈlɪsɪtɪd/ (not requested, welcome or invited) | :: pyytämätön |
unsolvable {adj} (not solvable) | :: ratkeamaton |
unspeakable {adj} (incapable of being spoken or uttered) | :: sanomaton, sanoinkuvaamaton |
unspeakable {adj} (unfit to be described) | :: sopimaton, saastainen |
unspeakable {adj} (extremely bad) | :: käsittämätön |
unspecified {adj} /ʌn.ˈspɛ.sɪ.faɪd/ (not specified) | :: täsmentämätön, yksilöimätön |
unspoken {adj} /ʌnˈspoʊkən/ (not spoken; not said) | :: sanomaton |
unspoken {adj} (not formally articulated or stated) | :: julkilausumaton, kirjoittamaton |
unspoken rule {n} (rule that is understood but does not exist in written form) | :: kirjoittamaton sääntö |
unsportsmanlike {adj} (violating the accepted standards of sportsmanship) | :: epäurheilijamainen |
unstable {adj} /ʌnˈsteɪbəɫ/ (not stable) | :: epävakaa |
unstable equilibrium {n} | :: epävakaa tasapaino |
unsteadiness {n} (the state of being unsteady) | :: epävakaus |
unsteady {adj} /ʌnˈstɛdi/ (not held in position) | :: epävakaa |
unsteady {adj} (lacking regularity) | :: epävakaa, epäsäännöllinen |
unsteady {adj} (inconstant in purpose or volatile in behavior) | :: epävakaa |
unsteerable {adj} (not capable of being steered) | :: ohjauskyvytön |
unsterilizable {adj} (unable to become sterilized) | :: sterilointikelvoton |
unstinted {adj} /ʌnˈstɪn.tɪd/ (not constrained, not restrained, or not confined) | :: rajoittamaton, rajaton |
unstoppable {adj} (unable to be stopped) | :: pysäyttämätön |
unstressed {adj} /ʌnˈstɹɛst/ (not stressed or accentuated) | :: painoton |
unstressed {adj} (not subject to stress) | :: stressitön |
unstructured {adj} (Lacking structure) | :: epämuodollinen |
unsub {n} /ʌnˈsʌb/ (unknown subject) | :: tekijä |
unsubscribe {v} (to cancel a subscription) | :: peruuttaa tilaus |
unsuccessful {adj} /ˌʌnsəkˈsɛsfl̩/ (failed, not successful) | :: epäonnistunut |
unsugared {adj} (not sugared) | :: sokeroimaton |
unsuitable {adj} (not suitable; unfit; inappropriate) | :: sopimaton |
unsung hero {n} (one who does great deeds but receives little or no recognition) | :: tuntematon sankari |
unsupported {adj} (without support) | :: tukematon, tueton |
unsure {adj} (uncertain) | :: epävarma |
unsure {adj} (unstable or precarious) | :: epävarma |
unsurprising {adj} (not surprising) | :: yllätyksetön |
unsurprisingly {adv} (not surprisingly) | :: yllätyksettömästi |
unsuspecting {adj} | :: pahaa-aavistamaton |
unsuspenseful {adj} (not suspenseful) | :: ikävä, tylsä, pitkäveteinen |
unsustainable {adj} (Not sustainable) | :: kestämätön |
unsweetened {adj} (Not sweetened) | :: sokeroimaton |
untalented {adj} (not talented) | :: lahjaton |
untalkative {adj} (unwilling to talk) | :: vaisu, jörö |
untamed {adj} /ʌnˈteɪmd/ (Wild, uncontrolled, especially of animals not domesticated or trained to human contact) | :: villi, kesyttämätön |
untenable {adj} (Not able to be held, as of an opinion or position) | :: kestämätön |
unthinkable {adj} /ʌnˈθɪŋkəbəl/ (inconceivable or unimaginable; extremely improbable in a way that goes against common sense) | :: käsittämätön |
unthinking {adj} (without proper thought) | :: ajatukseton |
unthinking {adj} (showing no regard) | :: ajattelematon |
unthinkingly {adv} (in an unthinking manner) | :: ajattelemattomasti |
unthought-of {adj} (unexpected) | :: odottamaton |
unthought-of {adj} (unimagined) | :: ennalta-arvaamaton |
untie {v} /ʌnˈtaɪ/ (to loosen, as something interlaced or knotted) | :: avata |
untie {v} (to free from fastening or from restraint) | :: irrottaa |
untie {v} (to resolve) | :: ratkaista |
untie {v} (to become untied or loosed) | :: avautua |
until {prep} /ʌnˈtɪl/ (up to the time of) | :: saakka, asti |
until {prep} (before) | :: ennen |
until {conj} (up to the time that) | :: kunnes |
until {conj} (before) | :: ennen kuin |
until all hours {prep} | :: yömyöhään |
until further notice {adv} | :: kunnes toisin ilmoitetaan |
until one's dying day {prep} | :: kuolinpäiväänsä asti, kuolinpäiväänsä saakka |
untimeliness {n} (state of being untimely) | :: huono ajoitus; ennenaikaisuus |
untimely {adj} (taking place at an inopportune time) | :: huonosti ajoitettu |
untimely {adj} (early; premature) | :: ennenaikainen |
untitled {adj} (having no title) | :: nimetön |
unto {prep} /ˈʌntʊ/ (Up to) | :: use the allative case |
untouchable {adj} (not able to be touched) | :: koskematon |
untouchable {n} (member of the lowest caste) | :: kastiton, koskematon |
untouchable {n} (incorruptible law enforcement agent) | :: lahjomaton |
untouched {adj} /ʌnˈtʌt͡ʃt/ (in its original state) | :: koskematon, neitseellinen, vahingoittumaton |
untouched {adj} (not eaten) | :: koskematon |
untouched {adj} (not influenced, affected or swayed) | :: välinpitämätön |
untouched {adj} (not having come in contact) | :: koskematon |
untouched {adj} (not talked about) | :: käsittelemätön |
untraditional {adj} (not traditional) | :: epäperinteinen, uudenlainen |
untraditionally {adv} (in an untraditional manner) | :: epäperinteisesti |
untrammeled {adj} (not limited, unrestricted, unrestrained) | :: vapaa, rajoittamaton |
untranslatability {n} (property of being untranslatable; inability to be translated) | :: kääntymättömyys |
untranslatable {adj} /ˈʌnˌtɹænz.leɪt.ə.bəl/ (not able to be translated) | :: kääntämiskelvoton, kääntymätön |
untrendy {adj} (not trendy) | :: epätrendikäs |
untried {adj} (not tested) | :: kokeilematon, testaamaton, koettelematon |
untried {adj} (not taken to a lawcourt) | :: syyttämättä jätetty |
untruism {n} (false statement) SEE: falsehood | :: |
untruthful {adj} (not giving the truth, lying) | :: valheellinen |
untruthful {adj} (dishonest) | :: epärehellinen |
ununbium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununbium |
ununennium {n} /uːnuːnˈɛniːəm/ (chemical element) | :: ununennium |
ununhexium {n} (element with atomic number 116) | :: ununheksium |
ununoctium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununoktium |
ununpentium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununpentium |
ununquadium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununkvadium |
ununseptium {n} /uːnuːnˈsɛpti.əm/ (element with atomic number 117) | :: ununseptium |
ununtrium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununtrium |
unused {adj} /ʌnˈjuːzd/ (not used) | :: käyttämätön |
unusual {adj} /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ (not usual) | :: erikoinen, epätavallinen |
unusually {adv} /ʌnˈjuːʒuəli/ (in an unusual manner) | :: epätavallisesti, tavattomasti |
unvariable {adj} (invariable) SEE: invariable | :: |
unvarying {adj} (persistent, constant) | :: muuttumaton, jatkuva |
unvarying {adj} (lacking variety; uniform) | :: yhdenmukainen, samanlainen |
unveil {v} /ʌnˈveɪl/ (to uncover) | :: paljastaa |
unveil {v} (to reveal oneself) | :: paljastaa |
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible | :: |
unvisibly {adv} (invisibly) SEE: invisibly | :: |
unvoiced {adj} (linguistics: voiceless) SEE: voiceless | :: |
unvoiced {adj} /ˌʌnˈvɔɪst/ (not spoken or expressed) | :: äänetön, sanaton, mykkä |
unvoluntary {adj} (involuntary) SEE: involuntary | :: |
unwanted {adj} /ʌnˈwɒntɪd/ (not wanted) | :: ei-toivottu |
unwarlike {adj} (not warlike) | :: rauhanomainen |
unwashable {adj} (not washable; that cannot be washed) | :: pesukelvoton |
unwavering {adj} (never doubted; always steady and on course) | :: horjumaton, järkkymätön, vankkumaton |
unwaxed {adj} (not waxed) | :: vahaamaton |
unwearied {adj} (never tiring) SEE: tireless | :: |
unwearied {adj} (not stopping) SEE: persistent | :: |
unwed {adj} (not married) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unwed {n} (bachelor or a spinster) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unwieldy {adj} /ˌʌnˈwɪəl.di/ (difficult to carry, handle, manage or operate) | :: kömpelö, hankala |
unwilling {adj} /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ/ (not willing; reluctant) | :: haluton, vastahakoinen |
unwind {v} /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ (To wind off) | :: purkaa |
unwind {v} (To disentangle) | :: avata |
unwind {v} (To relax) | :: rentoutua |
unwind {v} (To be or become unwound) | :: purkautua |
unwinnable {adj} (unable to be won) | :: voittamaton |
unwitting {adj} (unaware) | :: tietämätön |
unwitting {adj} (unintentional) | :: tahaton |
unwomanly {adj} (unfeminine) | :: epänaisellinen |
unworthy {adj} /ʌnˈwɝði/ (not worthy) | :: arvoton, kelvoton, vähäarvoinen, helppohintainen |
unwrap {v} /ʌnˈɹæp/ (undo what is wrapped) | :: purkaa |
unwritten {adj} (not written) | :: kirjoittamaton |
unwritten {adj} (communicated without writing) | :: kirjoittamaton; suullinen [oral] |
unwritten {adj} (implicit or understood but not formally articulated) | :: kirjoittamaton, julkilausumaton, implisiittinen |
unwritten {adj} (containing no writing; blank) | :: kirjoittamaton, tyhjä |
unwritten rule {n} (unspoken rule) SEE: unspoken rule | :: |
unyielding {adj} (not giving in) | :: peräänantamaton |
unzip {v} (to open something using a zipper) | :: avata vetoketju |
unzip {v} (To decompress a zipfile) | :: purkaa |
up {adv} /ʌp/ (away from earth’s surface) | :: ylös, ylöspäin |
up {adv} (completely, thoroughly) | :: palasiksi, osiin, murskaksi, pirstaleiksi |
up {adv} (north) | :: pohjoinen |
up {adv} (higher, louder) | :: ylemmäs |
up {adv} (higher in pitch) | :: ylemmäs, korkeammaksi |
up {prep} (toward the top) | :: ylös |
up {prep} (further along) | :: pitkin |
up {adj} (awake) | :: hereillä, valveilla |
up {adj} (finished) | :: loppu |
up {adj} (in a good mood) | :: iloinen |
up {adj} (ready, willing) | :: use jaksaa for "be up (to)" |
up {adj} (next) | :: seuraavana |
up {adj} (facing upwards) | :: ylöspäin |
up {adj} (standing) | :: seisomassa, seisomaan |
up {adj} (on a higher level) | :: ylempänä, korkeampana |
up {adj} (available) | :: saatavilla |
up {adj} (informed about) | :: ajan tasalla |
up {adj} (functional) | :: ylhäällä, toiminnassa |
up {n} (direction opposed to the pull of gravity) | :: ylös [adverb] |
up {v} (increase) | :: nostaa, kasvattaa |
up {v} (promote) | :: nostaa |
up against the wall {adj} | :: seinää vasten |
Upanishad {prop} (Hindu text) | :: . upanishad |
upbeat {adj} /ʌpˈbit/ (Having a fast pace, tempo, or beat) | :: nopeatempoinen, nopea |
upbeat {adj} (Having a positive, lively, or perky tone, attitude, etc.) | :: myönteinen, optimistinen |
upbraid {v} /ˌʌpˈbɹeɪd/ (to criticise) | :: sättiä, soimata |
upbringing {n} (traits) | :: kasvatus |
upcoming {adj} (of the relatively near future) | :: tuleva |
update {n} /ˈʌp.deɪt/ (action of making something up to date) | :: päivitys |
update {v} (to make something up to date) | :: päivittää, ajantasaistaa |
update {v} (to advise a person so that they are up to date) | :: pitää ajan tasalla, saattaa ajan tasalle |
upend {v} /ʌpˈɛnd/ (to end up; to set on end) | :: lopettaa |
upend {v} (to tip or turn over) | :: kääntää ympäri |
upend {v} (to destroy, invalidate) | :: murtaa, murskata |
up for grabs {adj} (available for anyone to obtain, claim, decide, or win) | :: vapaata riistaa |
upfront {adv} (beforehand) SEE: beforehand | :: |
upfront {adv} (attacker) SEE: attacker | :: |
upgrade {n} /ˈʌp.ɡɹeɪd/ (an improved component or replacement item) | :: parannus |
upgrade {v} (to improve) | :: parantaa |
upgrade {v} (to replace an existing object with something better) | :: päivittää parempaan, hankkia parempi |
upgrade {v} (to replace a program with a later version of itself) | :: päivittää |
upheaval {n} /ʌpˈhi.vəl/ (process of being heaved upward, especially of the earth's crust) | :: maanpinnan kohoaminen |
upheaval {n} (sudden violent upset, disruption or convulsion) | :: mullistus, kumous |
up hill and down dale {adv} | :: halki maiden ja mantujen |
uphold {v} /ˌʌpˈhold/ (to hold up) | :: nostaa, pitää yllä |
uphold {v} (to keep erect) | :: tukea, pitää pystyssä |
uphold {v} (to support by approval or encouragement) | :: ylläpitää, pitää yllä, pysyttää voimassa [of sentences etc.], pitää ennallaan [of sentences etc.] |
upholster {v} /əˈpɒl.stə(ɹ)/ (fit padding etc. to furniture) | :: verhoilla |
upholstery {n} /əˈpɐl.stɹi/ (craft or business of upholstering furniture) | :: verhoilu |
upholstery {n} (materials so used) | :: verhoilu, verhoilutarvikkeet {p} |
up in the air {adj} (not yet resolved) | :: auki |
upkeep {n} (maintenance; the act or effort of keeping something in good repair) | :: huolto, kunnossapito, ylläpito |
upkeep {v} (to maintain (something) or keep it in good repair) | :: huoltaa, pitää kunnossa |
upland {n} (the area in the interior of a country with a generally higher elevation) | :: ylänkö |
upland antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: ylänköpuumuura |
upland sandpiper {n} (Bartramia longicauda) | :: preeriakahlaaja |
uplift {v} /ʌpˈlɪft/ (to raise something or someone to a higher level) | :: kohottaa |
upload {v} /ˈʌpˌloʊd/ (to transfer data) | :: lähettää, lähettää tiedosto, ladata, siirtää palvelimelle, upata |
upload {n} (file transfer) | :: tiedoston lähetys; uppaus [nerd speak] |
up oneself {adj} (smug; arrogant) | :: omahyväinen, ylimielinen |
up one's sleeve {prep} (hidden, in reserve) | :: hihassa |
upper {adj} /ˈʌpɚ/ (at a higher level, rank or position) | :: ylempi, korkeampi |
upper {adj} (situated on higher ground, further inland, or more northerly) | :: ylempi [higher], kaukaisempi [farther], pohjoisempi [more northerly] |
upper {adj} (of a later division of some period) | :: myöhempi |
upper {adj} (secondary; as of school) | :: ylä- |
upper arm {n} (section of an arm) | :: olkavarsi |
upper case {n} (upper case / uppercase (as a collective noun) or upper case letters (in the plural)) | :: versaali, suuraakkoset {p}, isot kirjaimet {p} |
uppercase {adj} (written in upper case) | :: versaali |
upper chamber {n} (upper house) SEE: upper house | :: |
upper class {n} /ˌʌpɚˈklæs/ (those people at the top of a social hierarchy) | :: yläluokka |
upper class {n} (aristocracy) | :: yläluokka |
uppercut {n} (in boxing) | :: kohokoukku, uppari |
Upper Egypt {prop} (Southern Egypt) | :: Ylä-Egypti |
upper hand {n} ((idiomatic) advantage) | :: niskalenkki |
upper house {n} (part of a parliament) | :: ylähuone |
upper limit {n} (the upper limit of a sequence of real numbers) | :: yläraja-arvo, yläraja |
upper lip {n} | :: ylähuuli |
Upper Lusatian {prop} (Upper Sorbian) SEE: Upper Sorbian | :: |
upper middle class {n} (social and economic class) | :: ylempi keskiluokka |
upper reaches {n} (the part of a river that is near where it begins) | :: yläjuoksu |
upper respiratory tract {n} (part of respiratory tract) | :: ylähengitystiet {p} |
upper side {n} (uppermost side) | :: yläpuoli |
Upper Sorbian {prop} (a Slavic language spoken in part of Saxony) | :: yläsorbi |
Upper Volta {prop} (former name of Burkina Faso) | :: Ylä-Volta |
uppity {adj} /ˈʌpəti/ (presumptuous, above oneself) | :: ylimielinen, koppava |
Uppsala {prop} /ʊpˈsɑlə/ (city in eastern central Sweden) | :: Upsala, Uppsala |
up quark {n} (up quark) | :: ylöskvarkki, ylös-kvarkki |
upright {adj} /ˈʌpɹaɪt/ (vertical; erect) | :: pysty |
upright {adj} (greater in height than breadth) | :: pystysuuntainen |
upright {adj} (of good morals) | :: oikeamielinen |
upright {adv} (in or into an upright position) | :: pystyssä |
upright {n} (any vertical part of a structure, especially one of the goal posts in sports) | :: tolppa |
upright bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
uprighteous {adj} (righteous) SEE: righteous | :: |
upright piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument) | :: pystypiano |
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) | :: kansannousu, kapina |
uproot {v} /ʌpˈɹuːt/ (to pull up by the roots) | :: juuria |
uproot {v} (eradicate) SEE: eradicate | :: |
uproot {v} (extirpate) SEE: extirpate | :: |
ups and downs {n} (idiomatic) | :: ylä- ja alamäet, ylämäet ja alamäet |
upscale {adj} (marked by wealth or quality) SEE: high-class | :: |
upset {adj} /ˈʌpsɛt/ (angry, distressed, unhappy) | :: poissa tolaltaan, pahoillaan, järkyttynyt, tuohtunut |
upset {adj} (of a stomach) | :: sekaisin |
upset {n} (disturbance, disruption) | :: häiriö |
upset {n} (sports: unexpected victory of a competitor) | :: yllätysvoitto |
upset {n} (automobile insurance term) | :: kaatuminen |
upset {n} (upset stomach) | :: vatsavaiva |
upset {v} (make (a person) angry, distressed or unhappy) | :: hermostuttaa, saada pois tolaltaan |
upset {v} (disturb, disrupt, unfavorably alter) | :: sekoittaa, järkyttää |
upset {v} (tip, overturn) | :: kaataa |
upset price {n} (lowest price at which an auction item may be sold) | :: lähtöhinta |
upshift {v} (shift to a higher gear) | :: vaihtaa suuremmalle vaihteelle |
upside {n} /ˈʌpˌsaɪd/ (the highest or uppermost side or portion of something) | :: yläpuoli |
upside {n} (a favourable aspect of something that also has an unfavourable aspect) | :: hyvä puoli |
upside {n} (an upward tendency, especially in a financial market etc) | :: noususuuntaus |
upside down {adv} /ˌʌpsaɪd ˈdaʊn/ (inverted) | :: ylösalaisin, nurinperin |
upside down {adv} (in great disorder) | :: sekaisin, ylösalaisin, sotkussa |
upside-down cake {n} (fruit-based cake that is inverted after cooking) | :: keikauskakku |
upsilon {n} /ˈupsi.lɔn/ (letter of the Greek alphabet) | :: ypsilon |
upstart {n} (newly rich or prominent) | :: nousukas, uusrikas |
upstart {adj} (self-important and presumptuous) | :: nousukasmainen |
up the ante {v} (raise the stakes) | :: korottaa panoksia |
upthrust {n} (upward thrust) | :: noste |
upthrust {n} (buoyancy) | :: noste, nostovoima |
upthrust {n} (movement of Earth's crust) | :: maankohoaminen, maannousu |
upthrust {v} (to thrust upwards) | :: nostaa |
upthrust {v} (to be thrust upwards) | :: nousta |
uptight {adj} /ʌpˈtaɪt/ ((colloquial) Excessively concerned with rules and order, always serious) | :: kireä, niuhottava, ahdasmielinen |
up to {adj} /ˈʌp tuː/ (against, next to, near, towards) | :: asti, viereen, -lle |
up to {adj} (capable of) | :: kykenevä, pystyvä |
up to {adj} (ready for) | :: valmis |
up to {adj} (as much as, no more than) | :: enintään, peräti, korkeintaan |
up to {adj} (the option or decision of) | :: olla jostakusta kiinni |
up to {adj} (the obligation or the duty of) | :: olla tehtävänä, olla velvollisuutena |
up to {adj} (doing; involved in) | :: puuhata |
up-to-date {adj} /ˌʌp tə ˈdeɪt/ (current; recent) | :: tuore, viimeisin, ajantasainen, ajanmukainen |
up-to-date {adj} (informed of the latest news) | :: informoitu; ajan tasalla [adverb, idiomatic] |
up-to-dateness {n} (quality or degree) | :: ajanmukaisuus, ajantasaisuus |
up to here {prep} (overwhelmed, swamped) | :: kaulaa myöten |
up to something {adj} /ˈʌp tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ (doing something mischievous or scheming) | :: suunnittelee jotakin [is up to something] |
uptown {n} (the residential part of a city) | :: esikaupunki, laitakaupunki |
upward {adv} /ˈʌpwɜː(ɹ)d/ (toward an upper level) | :: ylös, ylemmäs |
upward {adv} (in the upper parts; above) | :: ylhäällä, ylempänä |
upward {adv} (yet more; above; over) | :: ylöspäin |
upward {adj} (moving up, directed toward a higher place) | :: ylös suuntaava |
upwards {adv} /ˈʌpwɚdz/ (to a higher place) | :: ylös, ylemmäs, ylemmäksi, ylöspäin |
upwards {adv} (to a higher amount) | :: ylöspäin, ylös, korkeammaksi |
upwards {adv} (to something superior) | :: ylöspäin |
upwards {adv} (to the past) | :: taemmas, taemmaksi |
upwards {adv} (to later life) | :: myöhemmäs, myöhemmäksi |
upwards of {prep} (more than; in excess of) | :: yli |
up with the lark {adj} (awake and out of bed early) | :: aamuvirkku |
up yours {interj} (exclamation of contempt) SEE: shove it up your ass | :: |
uracil {n} (one of the bases of RNA) | :: urasiili |
Ural {prop} /ˈjʊəɹəl/ (river) | :: Ural |
Uralic {adj} /jʊəˈɹælɪk/ (pertaining to the Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic peoples or their languages) | :: uralilainen |
Ural Mountains {prop} (mountains) | :: Ural, Uralin vuoristo, Uralvuoret, Uralvuoristo |
Ural owl {n} (Strix uralensis) | :: viirupöllö |
Urals {prop} (Ural Mountains) SEE: Ural Mountains | :: |
uranalysis {n} (analysis of the urine) | :: virtsa-analyysi |
Urania {prop} /jʊˈɹeɪ.ni.ə/ (the Muse of astronomy) | :: Urania |
Uranian {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual | :: |
Uranian {adj} (of or pertaining to astronomy) SEE: astronomical | :: |
uraninite {n} (form of uranium dioxide) | :: uraniniitti |
uranium {n} /jʊˈɹeɪniəm/ (uranium (element)) | :: uraani |
uranography {n} (celestial cartography) | :: uranografia |
uranophane {n} (mineral) | :: uranofaani |
Uranus {prop} /ˈjʊɹənəs/ (god of the sky and heavens) | :: Uranos |
Uranus {prop} (planet) | :: Uranus |
urate {n} (any salt of uric acid) | :: uraatti |
urban {adj} /ˈɝbən/ (of the city; characteristic of city life) | :: urbaani |
Urban {prop} (male given name) | :: Urpo |
urbanism {n} (urbanization) SEE: urbanization | :: |
urbanism {n} (urban planning) SEE: urban planning | :: |
urbanite {n} (someone who lives in a city or similar urban area) | :: kaupunkilainen, urbaani |
urbanity {n} /ɝˈbæn.ə.ti/ (polished and courteous behavior) | :: sulavuus |
urbanity {n} (what is characteristically urban) | :: kaupunkilaisuus |
urbanization {n} (growth of cities) | :: kaupungistuminen |
urbanization {n} (change in region) | :: kaupungistuminen |
urbanization {n} (proportion living in cities) | :: kaupungistumisaste |
urbanize {v} (to make something more urban in character) | :: kaupunkimaistaa |
urbanize {v} (to take up an urban way of life) | :: kaupunkilaistua |
urban legend {n} (apocryphal story) | :: urbaanilegenda, kaupunkilegenda, kaupunkitarina |
urban myth {n} (widely circulated story) SEE: urban legend | :: |
urban planning {n} (conscious design of towns and cities) | :: kaavoitus, asemakaavoitus |
urban planning {n} (science) | :: asemakaavaoppi, kaupunkisuunnittelu |
urban regeneration {n} (urban renewal) SEE: urban renewal | :: |
urban-renew {v} (to carry out urban renewal) | :: uudistaa (kaupunkia, kaupunginosaa, korttelia etc.) |
urban renewal {n} (redevelopment of urban areas) | :: kaupunkirakenteen kehittäminen |
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog | :: |
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin | :: |
urchin {n} (street urchin) SEE: street urchin | :: |
Urdu {n} /ˈʊəɹduː/ (the Indo-Iranian language) | :: urdu |
urea {n} /jʊˈɹiːə/ (organic compound) | :: virtsa-aine, urea |
uremia {n} (blood poisoning due to retention of waste products) | :: virtsamyrkytys |
ureter {n} /jʊəˈɹiːtəɹ/ (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys) | :: virtsanjohdin |
ureteral {adj} (of a ureter) | :: ureteraalinen, virtsatie- |
urethra {n} /jʊˈɹiːθɹə/ (anatomical tube) | :: virtsaputki |
urethral {adj} /jʊˈɹiːθɹəl/ (pertaining to the urethra) | :: virtsaputken- |
urethritis {n} (inflammation of the urethra) | :: virtsatieinfektio |
urge {n} /ɜːd͡ʒ/ (a strong desire; an itch to do something) | :: halu, hinku, vietti |
urge {v} (to press, push, drive) | :: ajaa |
urge {v} (to press the mind or will of) | :: painostaa |
urge {v} (to provoke) | :: raivostuttaa |
urge {v} (to present in an urgent manner) | :: kiirehtiä |
urge {v} (to press onward or forward) | :: ajaa |
urge {v} (to be pressing in argument; to insist) | :: vaatia, kehottaa |
urgency {n} /ˈɝ.dʒə (quality or condition of being urgent) | :: kiireellisyys |
urgent {adj} /ˈɚdʒənt/ (requiring immediate attention) | :: kiireellinen |
urgently {adv} (with a sense of urgency) | :: kiireellisesti, kiireesti |
urge on {v} (encourage) | :: rohkaista |
Ur-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic | :: |
-urgy {suffix} (technique for working with) | :: -urgia |
urheimat {n} (the original homeland) | :: alkukoti |
Uriah {prop} (biblical character) | :: Uria, Uuria |
Uriah Heep {n} (yes man) SEE: yes man | :: |
Uriah Heep {v} (brownnose) SEE: brownnose | :: |
uric acid {n} (bicyclic heterocyclic phenolic compound) | :: virtsahappo |
Urim and Thummim {n} (sacred devices used for casting lots) | :: urim ja tummim |
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
urinal {n} /ˈjʊɹɪnəl/ (fixture for standing urination) | :: pisoaari |
urinal {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
urinal {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine | :: |
urinary {adj} (urinary) | :: virtsa- |
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) | :: virtsarakko |
urinary tract {n} (urinary tract) | :: virtsatie |
urinary tract infection {n} (infection that affects part of the urinary tract) | :: virtsatietulehdus |
urinate {v} /ˈjʊəɹɪneɪt/ | :: virtsata, suhuttaa, suhauttaa |
urination {n} | :: virtsaaminen |
urine {n} /ˈjʊɹɪn/ | :: virtsa |
urine therapy {n} (use of human urine) | :: virtsaterapia |
Urjala {prop} (municipality) | :: Urjala |
URL {n} /ˌjuːˌɑːɹˈɛl/ (Uniform Resource Locator) | :: URL, verkko-osoite, web-osoite, urli [slang] |
urobilin {n} (tetrapyrrole) | :: urobiliini |
urochrome {n} (pigment) | :: urokromi |
uroflowmetry {n} | :: virtsan virtausmittaus |
urolith {n} (bladder stone) | :: virtsakivi |
urolithiasis {n} (calculi in the urinary tract) | :: virtsakivitauti, urolitiaasi |
urologist {n} (doctor of urology) | :: urologi |
urology {n} (branch of medicine dealing with urinary tract and urogenital system) | :: virtsaelintautioppi, urologia |
urostomy {n} (surgically constructed opening) | :: virtsa-avanne |
Ursa Major {prop} /ˌɝsə ˈmeɪdʒɚ/ (large circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: Iso karhu, Otava [Big Dipper] |
Ursa Minor {prop} /ˌɝsə ˈmaɪnɚ/ (a circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: Pieni karhu |
ursodeoxycholic acid {n} (drug) | :: ursodeoksikoolihappo |
ursolic acid {n} (a carbolic acid) | :: ursolihappo |
urticaria {n} /ˌɜɹ.tɪˈkeə.ɹi.ə/ (medical condition) | :: nokkosihottuma, urtikaria |
Uruguay {prop} /ˈjʊɹ.ə.ɡwaɪ/ (country) | :: Uruguay |
Uruguayan {n} /uɹuˈɡwaɪən/ (a person from Uruguay) | :: uruguaylainen |
Uruguayan {adj} (of Uruguay) | :: uruguaylainen |
us {pron} /əs/ (objective case of "we") | :: meidät, meitä |
USA {prop} /juː ɛs ˈeɪ/ (United States of America) | :: USA |
usability {n} /ˌjuːzəˈbɪlɪti/ (degree to which an object or device is easy to use) | :: käytettävyys |
usability {n} (easiness of use in computing) | :: käytettävyys |
usable {adj} /ˈjuː.zə.bəl/ (capable of being used) | :: käyttökelpoinen |
usage {n} /ˈjuːsɪd͡ʒ/ (the manner or the amount of using; use) | :: käyttö, käsittely |
usage {n} (habit or accepted practice) | :: käytäntö |
usage {n} (the way words are spoken or written in a community) | :: kielenkäyttö, puhetapa |
US American {n} (inhabitant or citizen of the United States of America) | :: yhdysvaltalainen |
USB modem {n} (type of wireless modem) | :: mokkula |
USB port {n} (port for USB connection) | :: USB-portti |
US dollar {n} (official currency of the United States) | :: Yhdysvaltain dollari, dollari, US-dollari |
use {v} (to use) SEE: consume | :: |
use {n} /juz/ (act of using) | :: käyttö |
use {n} (usefulness) | :: hyödyllisyys, hyöty |
use {n} (function) | :: käyttötarkoitus, käyttökohde |
use {v} (employ, apply) | :: käyttää |
use {v} (to exhaust the supply of, to consume) | :: käyttää, kuluttaa |
use {v} (rare: to habitually do) | :: olla tapana |
use {v} (used to) SEE: used to | :: |
useable {adj} (usable) SEE: usable | :: |
use a sledgehammer to crack a nut {v} (idiom) | :: ampua tykillä kärpästä |
use-by date {n} (The date by which it is advised that a perishable product be consumed) | :: parasta ennen -päiväys |
use case {n} (system scenario) | :: käyttötapaus |
used {adj} /juːzd/ (that is or has or have been used) | :: käytetty |
used {adj} (that has or have previously been owned by someone else) | :: käytetty |
used {adj} (accustomed) | :: tottua [to get used to] |
used bookstore {n} (store selling secondhand books) | :: antikvariaatti |
Usedom {prop} (island) | :: Usedom |
used to {adj} /juːs(t).tu/ (accustomed to) | :: tottunut [+ illative case] |
used to {v} (formerly and habitually or repeatedly) | :: [past indicative form of the verb +] ennen; [subject in adessive case +] oli tapana |
useful {adj} /ˈjuːsfəl/ (having a practical or beneficial use) | :: hyödyllinen, käytännöllinen |
useful idiot {n} (political sense) | :: hyödyllinen idiootti |
usefully {adv} (in a useful manner) | :: hyödyllisesti, käytännöllisesti |
usefulness {n} /ˈjuːsfəlnəs/ (quality of being useful) | :: hyödyllisyys |
useless {adj} /ˈjuːs.ləs/ (without use or possibility to be used) | :: hyödytön, tarpeeton, turha; kelvoton, käyttökelvoton |
useless {adj} (unhelpful, pointless) | :: turha |
useless {adj} (good-for-nothing, not dependable) | :: hyödytön |
useless {adj} (unable to do well) | :: onneton, kelvoton |
uselessly {adv} (in a useless manner) | :: turhasti, kelvottomasti |
uselessly {adv} (to no useful purpose) | :: turhaan |
Usenet {prop} /ˈjuːz.nɛt/ (a world-wide distributed discussion system consisting of newsgroups classified hierarchically by subject) | :: Usenet, nyysit {p} [slang] |
user {n} /ˈjuːzə/ (one who uses something, a consumer) | :: käyttäjä, kuluttaja |
user {n} (one who uses drugs) | :: väärinkäyttäjä, käyttäjä |
user {n} (person who uses a computer) | :: käyttäjä |
user {n} (exploiter) | :: hyväksikäyttäjä |
user-friendliness {n} (quality of being user-friendly) | :: käyttäjäystävällisyys |
user-friendly {adj} (designed to be easy to use) | :: käyttäjäystävällinen, helppokäyttöinen |
user interface {n} (the part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with) | :: käyttöliittymä, käyttäjäliittymä |
username {n} (a person's identification on an individual computer system) | :: käyttäjänimi, käyttäjätunnus |
use the bathroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet | :: |
use the restroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet | :: |
use the toilet {v} (to use facilities to urinate or defecate) | :: mennä vessaan |
use the washroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet | :: |
use up {v} (exhaust) SEE: exhaust | :: |
use up {v} (to take or occupy) | :: viedä |
ushanka {n} (a traditional Russian fur cap with earflaps) | :: naapukka |
usher {n} /ˈʌʃ.ɚ/ (person who escorts people to their seats) | :: suntio, kirkonpalvelija [in church]; paikannäyttäjä [elsewhere] |
usher {n} (male escort at a wedding) | :: sulhaspoika |
usher {n} (doorkeeper in a courtroom) | :: ovenvartija |
usher {v} (to guide people to their seats) | :: opastaa, ohjata |
usher {v} (to accompany or escort) | :: opastaa, ohjata |
usher {v} (to precede; to act as a forerunner or herald) | :: ennakoida |
usnic acid {n} (drug) | :: usniinihappo |
Usonian {adj} /juː.ˈsoʊ.ni.ən/ (of the USA) | :: yhdysvaltalainen |
Usonian {n} (a citizen of the USA, as opposed to an inhabitant of America as a whole) | :: yhdysvaltalainen |
USSR {prop} /ˌju.ɛs.ɛsˈɑ(ɹ)/ (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) | :: SNTL |
Ust-Luga {prop} (Ust-Luga) | :: Ust-Luga, Laukaansuu |
usual {adj} /ˈjuːʒʊəl/ (most commonly occurring) | :: tavallinen |
usually {adv} /ˈjuːʒ(ʊə)li/ (most of the time) | :: yleensä, tavallisesti, useimmiten |
usually {adv} (under normal conditions) SEE: normally | :: |
usufruct {n} /ˈjuːz(j)ʊfɹʌkt/ (legal right to use and derive profit or benefit from property that belongs to another person) | :: nautintaoikeus |
Usun {n} (Wusun) SEE: Wusun | :: |
usurer {n} /ˈjuːʒəɹəɹ/ (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates) | :: koronkiskuri |
usurious {adj} /juːˈʒuːɹɪəs/ (Of or pertaining to usury) | :: kiskuri- |
usurp {v} /juˈsɝp/ (seize power) | :: kaapata, anastaa valta |
usurper {n} /juˈsɜɹpə(ɹ)/ (one who usurps) | :: vallananastaja, usurpaattori |
usury {n} /ˈjuːʒəɹi/ (exorbitant rate of interest in excess of any legal rates) | :: kiskurikorko |
usury {n} (practice of lending money at illegal or unfair rates) | :: koronkiskonta |
US Virgin Islands {prop} (Country in the Caribbean) | :: Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret |
Utah {prop} /ˈjuːˌtɑː/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Utah |
Utahn {n} /ˈjuːtɑːn/ (person) | :: utahilainen |
Utahn {adj} (relating to Utah) | :: utahilainen |
ute {n} /juːt/ (small vehicle with a built-in open tray area for carrying goods) | :: lava-auto |
utensil {n} /juˈtɛn.səl/ (device for domestic use, in the kitchen, or in war) | :: tarvike, tarvekalu; kalusto [mass noun] |
utensil {n} (small implement specialized for certain types of processing) | :: työväline, väline |
uterine tube {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube | :: |
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb | :: |
utilise {v} (to make useful, to find a practical use for) | :: hyödyntää |
utilise {v} (to make use of; to use) | :: käyttää, hyödyntää |
utilise {v} (to make best use of; to use to its fullest extent, potential, or ability) | :: hyödyntää |
utilise {v} (to make do with; to use in manner different from that originally intended) | :: käyttää |
utilitarian {adj} /juːˌtɪlɪˈtɛːɹi.ən/ (pertaining to utilitarianism) | :: utilitaristinen |
utilitarian {adj} (practical and functional, not just for show) | :: hyödyllinen, käytännöllinen |
utilitarian {n} (Someone who practices or advocates utilitarianism.) | :: utilitaristi |
utilitarianism {n} (the theory of the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people") | :: utilitarismi |
utility {adj} /juːˈtɪl.ɪ.ti/ (state or condition of being useful) | :: hyödyllisyys |
utility {adj} (something that is useful) | :: hyödyke, hyötytavara, hyötyesine; työkalu, apuväline |
utility {adj} (business: service provider) | :: hyödyke, palvelu |
utility knife {n} (cutting tool) | :: mattoveitsi, mattopuukko |
utility pole {n} (tall cylinder) | :: sähköpylväs, puhelinpylväs, sähkötolppa |
utility room {n} (type of room) | :: kodinhoitohuone |
utilization rate {n} (percentage of capacity in use) | :: käyttöaste |
utilize {v} (utilise) SEE: utilise | :: |
utmost {adj} /ˈʌt.məʊ̯st/ (Situated at the most distant limit) | :: kaukaisin, kauin, ääri- |
utmost {adj} (The most extreme, ultimate) | :: äärimmäinen, mahdollisimman [+ adverb] |
utmost {n} (maximum) | :: äärimmäisyys ["to the utmost" ~ äärimmilleen] |
utopia {n} /juˈtoʊpi.ə/ (world in perfect harmony) | :: utopia |
Utraquism {n} (moderate Hussitism) | :: utrakvismi |
Utraquist {n} (follower of Utraquism) | :: utrakvisti |
Utrecht {prop} /ˈjuˌtɹɛkt/ (province of the Netherlands) | :: Utrecht |
Utrecht {prop} (city in the Netherlands) | :: Utrecht |
Utsjoki {prop} (municipality in Northern Finland) | :: Utsjoki |
Uttarakhand {prop} /ˌʊtəˈɹɑːkʌnd/ (state in India) | :: Uttarakhand |
Uttar Pradesh {prop} /ˈʊtəɹ pɹəˈdɛʃ/ (state) | :: Uttar Pradesh |
utter {adj} /ˈʌtɚ/ (absolute) | :: äärimmäinen, täydellinen |
utter {v} | :: sanoa, virkkaa, inahtaa, päästää, houria, tuottaa |
utterly {adv} (in complete manner) SEE: completely | :: |
U-turn {n} (semi-circular turn) | :: U-käännös |
U-turn {n} | :: U-käännös , takinkääntäminen |
Uusimaa {prop} | :: Uusimaa |
uvarovite {n} (mineral) | :: uvaroviitti |
uvula {n} /ˈjuːv.jə.lə/ (appendage that hangs from the palate) | :: kitakieleke |
uvular {adj} /ˈjuːvjʊləɹ/ (of or relating to the uvula) | :: uvulaarinen, kitakieleke- |
uvular {adj} (of a sound, articulated with the uvula) | :: uvulaarinen |
uvular {n} (uvular sound) | :: uvulaari |
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty {n} (surgical procedure used to remove tissue in the throat) | :: uvulopalatopharyngoplastia |
uxoricide {n} /ʌkˈsɔː.ɹɪˌsaɪd/ (the killing of one's wife) | :: vaimonmurha |
uyezd {n} (an administrative subdivision) | :: ujesti, kihlakunta |
Uyghur {n} /ujˈɡuɹ/ (member of ethnic group) | :: uiguurit |
Uyghur {prop} (language) | :: uiguuri |
Uzbek {n} (person) | :: uzbekki |
Uzbek {n} (language) | :: uzbekki, uzbekin kieli |
Uzbek {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, its people or language) | :: uzbekistanilainen, uzbekinkielinen |
Uzbekistan {prop} /ʊzˌbɛkɪˈstɑːn/ (Republic of Uzbekistan) | :: Uzbekistan |
Uzbekistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Uzbek language) SEE: Uzbek | :: |
Uzbekistani {n} (A person from Uzbekistan) | :: uzbekistanilainen |
Uzbek SSR {prop} (Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic) | :: Uzbekistanin SNT |
uzi {n} /ˈuːzi/ (a type of submachine gun) | :: uzi |