- Level change: -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3; error
- Usually diff = (sum of level changes) * 2. I also get rid of redundant spaces in headers, so diff might be different.
- Struck entries are manually fixed
- 'qotuhkayiw, 0, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Particle
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- 'sak, 1, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- -el, 4, 0
- Low German
- Etymology 1
- Suffix
- Etymology 2
- Suffix
- Derived terms
- Suffix
- Etymology 1
- Turkish
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Suffix
- Derived terms
- Low German
- -uță, 9, -2
- Romanian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Suffix
- Declension
- See also
- Romanian
- -ător, 10, -2
- Romanian
- Suffix
- Declension
- Suffix
- Romanian
- -əndə, 11, -2
- Azerbaijani
- Suffix
- Azerbaijani
- -άκι, 12, -2
- Greek
- Etymology
- Suffix
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Derived terms
- References
- Greek
- -예, 24, -2
- Korean
- Particle
- Korean
- -으세요, 26, -2
- Korean
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Suffix
- Usage notes
- Derived terms
- Korean
- -해, 27, -2
- Korean
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Particle
- See also
- Etymology 2
- Suffix
- Korean
- Adai, 30, -2
- English
- Proper noun
- Further reading
- English
- Batikano, 31, -2
- Tagalog
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Tagalog
- Binging, 33, -2
- English
- Verb
- Anagrams
- English
- Brotherton, 35, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Statistics
- Further reading
- English
- Bulacan, 36, -2
- Tagalog
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Related terms
- Tagalog
- Carlele axe, 38, -2
- Middle English
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- References
- Middle English
- D, 39, -6
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Letter
- See also
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Mutation
- See also
- Further reading
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Dietrich, 40, -4
- German
- Etymology 1
- Proper noun
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Proper noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- References
- Further reading
- Etymology 1
- German
- Digiorgio, 41, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Statistics
- Further reading
- English
- E, 42, -6
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Letter
- See also
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Mutation
- See also
- Further reading
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Erblassers, 44, -2
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- German
- Eropa, 45, -2
- Indonesian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- F, 46, -4
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Letter
- See also
- Norwegian Bokmål
- GEDCOM, 47, -2
- English
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- English
- H, 49, -4
- Japanese
- Adjective
- Noun
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Mutation
- See also
- Further reading
- Japanese
- Ilanko, 53, -2
- Finnish
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Anagrams
- Proper noun
- Finnish
- Iranerin, 55, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Further reading
- German
- Kandidatin, 57, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Further reading
- German
- Liridon, 59, -4
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Albanian
- Luntenspieß, 60, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- German
- Montecristo, 63, -6
- English
- Etymology
- Alternative forms
- Proper noun
- Translations
- Anagrams
- French
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- English
- Moog, 64, -4
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Proper noun
- Statistics
- Proper noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Further reading
- References
- Anagrams
- English
- Naves, 65, -2
- English
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Statistics
- Etymology 2
- Proper noun
- Further reading
- Anagrams
- English
- Oroomoyta, 67, -2
- Afar
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Etymology 1
- Afar
- Panda, 68, -2
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Further reading
- German
- Pfefferkuchen, 69, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Derived terms
- References
- German
- QTPOC, 71, -2
- English
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- English
- Rassel, 72, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- German
- Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/-mi, 79, -2
- Proto-Turkic
- Alternative forms
- Preposition
- Descendants
- Further reading
- Proto-Turkic
- Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/urluk, 84, -2
- Proto-Turkic
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Descendants
- Proto-Turkic
- Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/urug, 85, -2
- Proto-Turkic
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Descendants
- Proto-Turkic
- Reifrock, 86, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Related terms
- Further reading
- German
- Romanes, 87, -4
- English
- Noun
- Dutch
- Noun
- English
- Sanmenxia, 88, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Translations
- English
- Slowenin, 89, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Further reading
- German
- Spickzettel, 90, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Hypernyms
- Further reading
- German
- Welsh Marches, 93, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Related terms
- Translations
- Further reading
- English
- Włodzimierz, 95, -4
- Polish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- Polish
Włodzisław, 96, 6- Polish
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Proper noun
- Etymology 2
- Proper noun
- Further reading
- Polish
- Xiuwu, 97, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Translations
- English
- Xixiang, 98, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Translations
- English
- abstract, 101, -2
- English
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Usage notes
- Synonyms
- Derived terms
- Descendants
- Translations
- Adjective
- Derived terms
- Translations
- See also
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Usage notes
- Synonyms
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Translations
- References
- English
- aca, 103, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- acaqaluhs, 104, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- ace, 105, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Ternate
- acho, 106, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Portuguese
- aci, 107, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- adet, 108, -4
- Turkish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- See also
- Turkish
- adi, 109, -8
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Adverb
- References
- Ternate
- ado, 110, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- aftensmad, 112, -2
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Noun
- Danish
- agahan, 113, -2
- Tagalog
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Tagalog
aja, 115, 4- Yoruba
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Etymology 1
- Yoruba
- aka, 117, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- alas, 119, -2
- Tetum
- Noun
- Tetum
- alat tulis, 120, -8
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- ale, 121, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- alpaka, 124, -2
- Indonesian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- antigen, 127, -8
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- aoao, 128, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- are, 131, -8
- Old English
- Pronunciation
- Noun 1
- Declension
- Noun 2
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Old English
- arson, 132, -2
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Translations
- See also
- Verb
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Anagrams
- English
- asal, 135, -8
- Javanese
- Noun
- Ternate
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Javanese
- asar, 136, -10
- Ilocano
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Derived terms
- Etymology 1
- Ternate
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Ilocano
- ashoka, 138, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Derived terms
- English
- asma, 139, -2
- Indonesian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- aspal, 140, -2
- Indonesian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- at, 141, 0
- Middle English
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Preposition
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 2
- Particle
- References
- Particle
- Etymology 1
- Yola
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Conjunction
- Determiner
- Etymology 2
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- References
- Etymology 1
- Middle English
- ate, 142, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- ayel, 145, -2
- Extremaduran
- Adverb
- Extremaduran
- b, 147, -8
- Serbo-Croatian
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- See also
- Vietnamese
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- See also
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Mutation
- See also
- Further reading
- Serbo-Croatian
- babu, 148, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- badu, 149, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- bairere, 150, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Ternate
- bakebake, 152, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Ternate
- bao, 155, 0
- Mansaka
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Ternate
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Vietnamese
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- See also
- Verb
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Determiner
- See also
- Determiner
- Mansaka
- baraka, 156, -2
- Tagalog
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Tagalog
- barata, 157, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Verb
- Portuguese
- basagin, 159, -4
- Tagalog
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Tagalog
- basbasan, 160, -4
- Tagalog
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Tagalog
- basilika, 162, -2
- Swedish
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Swedish
- baskagan, 163, -2
- Tagalog
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Tagalog
- be, 164, 2
- Basque
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- See also
- Turkish
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 3
- Interjection
- Etymology 1
- Basque
- bea siswa, 165, -2
- Indonesian
- Noun
- Indonesian
- biau, 170, -6
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Ternate
- bikasi, 171, -2
- Sranan Tongo
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Conjunction
- Preposition
- Sranan Tongo
- biside, 172, 0
- Middle English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Adverb
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 2
- Preposition
- Descendants
- References
- Preposition
- Middle English
- biển, 173, 2
- Vietnamese
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Vietnamese
- bluot, 174, -2
- Old High German
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- References
- Old High German
- blóðþyrstur, 175, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- bobo, 177, -8
- Polabian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Ternate
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Polabian
- bohačka, 178, -2
- Czech
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- brioška, 183, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- bum, 184, -2
- Indonesian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- bumasa, 185, -4
- Tagalog
- Etymology
- Pronunciation 1
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Pronunciation 2
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Tagalog
- buta warna, 186, -10
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Adjective
- Further reading
- Malay
- bá, 188, -2
- Portuguese
- Noun
- Interjection
- Alternative forms
- Portuguese
- bönsyrsa, 189, -2
- Swedish
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Swedish
- bądź, 190, -2
- Polish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Conjunction
- Usage notes
- Synonyms
- Related terms
- Particle
- Verb
- Further reading
- Polish
- ce, 194, -4
- French
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Determiner
- Etymology 2
- Alternative forms
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- Derived terms
- References
- Further reading
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Mutation
- See also
- French
- cihelna, 195, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- cihla, 196, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Czech
- craru, 200, -2
- Extremaduran
- Adjective
- Extremaduran
- crezel, 201, -2
- Extremaduran
- Verb
- Extremaduran
- curilar, 202, -2
- Aromanian
- Etymology
- Noun
- Related terms
- Aromanian
- de, 206, -4
- Basque
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- See also
- Sardinian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Preposition
- Basque
- delinquir, 208, -2
- Portuguese
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Portuguese
- desmame, 210, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Portuguese
- despacho, 211, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Verb
- Portuguese
- deviantka, 212, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- dhabiy, 213, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- difame, 214, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Portuguese
- donya, 215, -2
- Javanese
- Noun
- Javanese
- drerimod, 217, -2
- Middle English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- References
- Middle English
- dvé, 221, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Numeral
- Declension
- Derived terms
- See also
- Further reading
- Czech
- dwalien, 222, -2
- Middle English
- Verb
- Middle English
- dwyflwydd, 223, -2
- Welsh
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Mutation
- Welsh
- dá, 224, -2
- Old Irish
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Numeral
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Descendants
- Mutation
- References
- Old Irish
- edar, 226, -2
- Malay
- Verb
- Malay
- efetível, 227, -2
- Portuguese
- Alternative forms
- Adjective
- References
- Portuguese
- ele, 229, 0
- Basque
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- See also
- Old French
- Etymology 1
- Pronoun
- Descendants
- Pronoun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Descendants
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Basque
- embalsame, 232, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Portuguese
- end, 234, 8
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Usage notes
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Hyponyms
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Descendants
- Translations
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Translations
- Derived terms
- Anagrams
- Albanian
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Derived terms
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Verb
- References
- Etymology 1
- Danish
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Conjunction
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Etymology 1
- English
- eque, 235, -2
- Italian
- Adjective
- Italian
- eurak, 237, -2
- Basque
- Pronunciation
- Pronoun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Basque
- f, 238, -4
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Letter
- See also
- Norwegian Bokmål
- fadóigh, 239, -2
- Irish
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Irish
- fare, 241, -2
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- References
- Albanian
- flama, 245, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- four pips, 250, -2
- English
- Noun
- References
- Noun
- English
- full boat, 252, -2
- English
- Noun
- References
- Noun
- English
- fure, 253, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- English
- ge, 261, -2
- Basque
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- See also
- Basque
- go off on a tangent, 265, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- Related terms
- Further reading
- English
- guxán, 267, -2
- Asturian
- Etymology
- Noun
- Asturian
- h, 269, -6
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- See also
- Noun
- Usage notes
- Swedish
- Letter
- Noun
- Portuguese
- hassasis, 270, -2
- Middle English
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Middle English
- helikopter, 273, -4
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- hepaton, 275, -2
- Finnish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Declension
- Anagrams
- Finnish
- her, 276, -2
- Middle English
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Related terms
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 2
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 3
- Determiner
- Pronoun
- Etymology 4
- Pronoun
- Etymology 5
- Determiner
- Etymology 6
- Adjective
- Etymology 7
- Noun
- Etymology 8
- Noun
- Etymology 9
- Noun
- Etymology 10
- Noun
- Etymology 11
- Verb
- Etymology 12
- Adjective
- Etymology 1
- Middle English
- higu, 279, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- huegu, 281, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- humanita, 283, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Czech
- huskaren, 284, -2
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Noun
- Norwegian Bokmål
- huskarlen, 285, -4
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Norwegian Bokmål
- hussyrsa, 286, -2
- Swedish
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Swedish
- influisteren, 293, -2
- Dutch
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Inflection
- Dutch
- itsekiri, 294, -2
- Finnish
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Finnish
- izin, 295, 2
- Turkish
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Turkish
- jaddina, 297, -2
- Sicilian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Related terms
- Sicilian
- jaddu, 298, -2
- Sicilian
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Related terms
- Sicilian
- jagat, 299, -2
- Old Javanese
- Noun
- Old Javanese
- jago, 300, -2
- Javanese
- Noun
- Javanese
- japonština, 301, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Czech
- jou, 302, -2
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Ternate
- jánwu, 303, -2
- Tlingit
- Dialectal variants
- Noun
- References
- Tlingit
- kacaṅ, 304, -2
- Old Javanese
- Noun
- Old Javanese
- kamar, 308, -2
- Javanese
- Noun
- Javanese
- kanape, 309, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- kekonduksian, 312, -8
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- kereta kebal, 313, -8
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- kilka, 314, 2
- Polish
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Numeral
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Numeral
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Further reading
- Polish
- kiritigɛla, 315, 0
- Bambara
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Bambara
- kithe, 317, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Anagrams
- English
- kitosaani, 318, -2
- Finnish
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Anagrams
- Finnish
- kmit, 320, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- knape, 321, -3
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Anagrams
- English
- koina, 322, -2
- English
- Noun
- Noun
- Finnish
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Anagrams
- Etymology 1
- English
- kondom, 323, -4
- Indonesian
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- konduksi, 324, -8
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- konduktor, 325, -8
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- konduktorka, 326, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- konduktérka, 327, -2
- Czech
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- ktahkitom, 328, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Synonyms
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- ktahkomons, 329, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Synonyms
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- ktomakinaqsu, 330, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Verb
- See also
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- kuspem, 331, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- kušna, 332, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Further reading
- Czech
- kyv, 333, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- la, 334, 2
- Bambara
- Alternative forms
- Postposition
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Etymology 3
- Verb
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Article
- References
- Etymology 1
- Bambara
- lanca, 336, -2
- Indonesian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- larang, 337, -4
- Malay
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- Malay
- lera, 341, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Portuguese
- leyel, 342, -2
- Extremaduran
- Verb
- Extremaduran
- leyen, 343, -3
- Middle English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Descendants
- References
- Middle English
- lien, 344, -2
- Middle English
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Alternative forms
- Descendants
- References
- Verb
- Etymology 3
- Verb
- Alternative forms
- Descendants
- References
- Verb
- Etymology 4
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Descendants
- References
- Noun
- Etymology 5
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Middle English
- ljósleitur, 346, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- lpět, 348, -2
- Czech
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Further reading
- Czech
- lugán, 349, -2
- Tlingit
- Dialectal variants
- Noun
- References
- Tlingit
- lání, 351, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- líð, 352, -2
- Old Norse
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Old Norse
- mabasag, 354, -4
- Tagalog
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Tagalog
- mammonolatry, 356, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- English
- masqesiminimus, 360, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- See also
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- matka, 361, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- See also
- Further reading
- Czech
- mawar, 362, -2
- Javanese
- Noun
- Javanese
- mear, 363, 6
- West Frisian
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Further reading
- Etymology 2
- Determiner
- Adverb
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Etymology 1
- West Frisian
- mein, 364, -2
- Old Norse
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- References
- Old Norse
- metan, 366, -2
- Indonesian
- Noun
- Indonesian
- meyu, 367, -2
- Extremaduran
- Adjective
- Extremaduran
- mhukw, 368, -2
- Unami
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Unami
- mieu, 369, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- mletí, 373, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Adjective
- Further reading
- Czech
- modna, 376, -2
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- Anagrams
- Norwegian Bokmål
- mok, 378, -2
- Dutch
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Descendants
- Verb
- References
- Anagrams
- Dutch
- mokasína, 379, -2
- Czech
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- moras, 380, -6
- Tetum
- Adjective
- Noun
- Verb
- Tetum
- morðóður, 381, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- mullvadssyrsa, 382, -2
- Swedish
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Swedish
- muna, 383, 0
- Elfdalian
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Icelandic
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Elfdalian
- mörja, 384, -2
- Swedish
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Noun
- Swedish
- nacel, 385, -2
- Extremaduran
- Verb
- Extremaduran
- nadal, 386, -2
- Extremaduran
- Verb
- Extremaduran
- nbuuru, 388, -2
- Bambara
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Bambara
- necesitar, 389, -2
- Asturian
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Asturian
nee, 390, 8- Manx
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation 1
- Verb
- Pronunciation 1
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation 2
- Particle
- See also
- Particle
- Pronunciation 2
- Etymology 1
- Ternate
- Pronunciation
- Determiner
- Pronoun
- References
- Manx
- negru, 391, -2
- Extremaduran
- Adjective
- Extremaduran
- nespihqamq, 392, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- noi, 395, -2
- Romanian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Pronoun
- Declension
- Pronoun
- Pronoun
- See also
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Romanian
- nosopoetic, 397, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Adjective
- References
- English
- nyarankénti, 399, -2
- Hungarian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Declension
- Hungarian
- obor, 401, -6
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Further reading
- Czech
- obstát, 402, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Further reading
- Czech
- olomansk, 404, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- onkrac, 407, -2
- Tocharian A
- Adjective
- Tocharian A
- orðréttur, 408, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- outrepasser, 411, -2
- Middle French
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- References
- Middle French
- oyot, 412, -2
- Javanese
- Noun
- Javanese
- paira, 413, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- pakahqaha, 414, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- pandzsábi, 416, -2
- Hungarian
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Declension
- Hungarian
- paranvoi, 417, -2
- Finnish
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Finnish
- parfumerie, 418, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Czech
- pasta, 419, -6
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- Irish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Mutation
- Further reading
- Turkish
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- See also
- References
- Czech
- pata de cabra, 420, -2
- Spanish
- Noun
- Spanish
- perang, 422, -2
- Javanese
- Noun
- Javanese
- periodico, 423, -4
- Italian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Adjective
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Further reading
- Adjective
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Derived terms
- Adjective
- References
- Further reading
- Anagrams
- Italian
- personae non gratae, 424, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- English
- pitik, 427, -4
- Javanese
- Noun
- Old Javanese
- Noun
- Javanese
- platina, 431, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Czech
- pokuhulakon, 434, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- See also
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- pom-pom, 435, -2
- Indonesian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Indonesian
- poro, 436, -2
- Polabian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Polabian
- programe, 438, -2
- Portuguese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Portuguese
- prostituutio, 439, -2
- Finnish
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Anagrams
- Finnish
- puddaru, 440, -2
- Sicilian
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Noun
- Related terms
- Sicilian
- puddastra, 441, -2
- Sicilian
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Noun
- Related terms
- Sicilian
- pueblu, 442, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- puel, 443, -4
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Verb
- Extremaduran
- puerus, 444, -2
- Latin
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Latin
- puppy foot, 445, -2
- English
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- English
- pänt, 447, -2
- Tocharian A
- Adjective
- Tocharian A
- pěnovka, 449, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- qayaġulik, 450, -2
- Inupiaq
- Dialectal variants
- Noun
- Inupiaq
- qmd, 451, -6
- Egyptian
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Inflection
- Verb
- Inflection
- Alternative forms
- Related terms
- References
- Egyptian
- qotoput, 452, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- rafter, 454, -2
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Translations
- Verb
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Anagrams
- English
- rauðleitur, 455, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- repo, 457, -2
- Polabian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Polabian
- riyil, 459, -2
- Extremaduran
- Adjective
- Extremaduran
- rockfish, 461, -2
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Translations
- References
- Anagrams
- English
- rostlinka, 463, -2
- Czech
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- ruka, 466, -2
- Rwanda-Rundi
- Verb
- Further reading
- Rwanda-Rundi
- ríu, 469, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- sahal, 470, -4
- Extremaduran
- Etymology
- Verb
- Extremaduran
- sambuṅ, 472, -2
- Old Javanese
- Verb
- Old Javanese
- saor, 473, 2
- Scottish Gaelic
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Adjective
- Declension
- Antonyms
- Derived terms
- Verb
- Adjective
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Mutation
- References
- Scottish Gaelic
- sarƙa, 475, -2
- Hausa
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Verb
- Hausa
- scheiß, 476, -2
- German
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Usage notes
- German
- sedeti, 479, -2
- Slovene
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Inflection
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- Slovene
- seksi, 480, -2
- Indonesian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Compounds
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- seun, 482, -2
- Irish
- Noun
- Declension
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Mutation
- Noun
- Scottish Gaelic
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Mutation
- References
- Etymology 1
- Irish
- shisho, 485, -4
- English
- Etymology
- Noun
- Japanese
- Romanization
- English
- si, 487, -2
- Alemannic German
- Etymology 1
- Pronoun
- Declension
- Pronoun
- Etymology 2
- Pronoun
- Declension
- Pronoun
- Etymology 3
- Alternative forms
- Determiner
- Declension
- Etymology 4
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- References
- Etymology 1
- Middle Dutch
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Pronoun
- Inflection
- Descendants
- Etymology 2
- Alternative forms
- Pronoun
- Inflection
- Descendants
- Etymology 3
- Verb
- Further reading
- Alemannic German
- skvít, 491, -2
- Czech
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Further reading
- Czech
- služebnice, 494, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- smirch, 495, 4
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Verb
- Derived terms
- Translations
- References
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Anagrams
- English
- supatoq, 502, -2
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- See also
- References
- Malecite-Passamaquoddy
- svare, 504, 2
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Inflection
- Antonyms
- Derived terms
- References
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Danish
- taisns, 508, -2
- Latvian
- Adjective
- Declension
- Adjective
- Latvian
- taring, 510, -2
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Translations
- Further reading
- Noun
- Anagrams
- English
tas, 511, 2- Azerbaijani
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Turkish
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Azerbaijani
- tensa, 513, -2
- Latin
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Inflection
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Participle
- References
- Anagrams
- Latin
- teta, 515, -6
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- Malay
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Further reading
- Czech
- throne, 520, -2
- Middle French
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Descendants
- Middle French
- tilbúinn, 522, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- tlahtoani, 523, -2
- Classical Nahuatl
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- References
- Classical Nahuatl
- tlapalli, 524, 2
- Classical Nahuatl
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- References
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Classical Nahuatl
- to-, 525, -2
- Middle English
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Prefix
- Derived terms
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 2
- Alternative forms
- Prefix
- Derived terms
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 1
- Middle English
- tonsil, 526, -8
- Malay
- Etymology
- Noun
- Further reading
- Malay
- tossi, 530, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- toulka, 531, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Further reading
- Czech
- trambolin, 532, -2
- Turkish
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Turkish
- trebahal, 533, -2
- Extremaduran
- Verb
- Extremaduran
- trebahu, 534, -2
- Extremaduran
- Noun
- Extremaduran
- trå, 538, 0
- Danish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Westrobothnian
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Danish
- téaltóigh, 541, -2
- Irish
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Mutation
- Verb
- Irish
- ugu, 543, -8
- Ternate
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Zulu
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Noun
- Inflection
- References
- Ternate
- undirbúinn, 544, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- vegar, 548, -2
- Old Norse
- Noun
- Old Norse
- veicolare, 549, -4
- Italian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Adjective
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- Adjective
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- References
- Further reading
- Anagrams
- Italian
- voucer, 552, -2
- Indonesian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- voňavkářství, 553, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Further reading
- Czech
- vuo, 554, -2
- Finnish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- References
- Finnish
- vystát, 555, -2
- Czech
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Further reading
- Czech
- white telephone, 560, -4
- English
- Etymology
- Noun
- Adjective
- Alternative forms
- See also
- English
- wikå, 561, -2
- Elfdalian
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- References
- Elfdalian
- woz, 564, -6
- Haitian Creole
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Lower Sorbian
- Noun
- Declension
- Verb
- Noun
- Haitian Creole
- yüz, 568, 2
- Turkish
- Etymology 1
- Numeral
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Numeral
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Noun
- Etymology 3
- Verb
- Etymology 4
- Verb
- References
- Etymology 1
- Turkish
- Übergehen, 572, -5
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- German
- Überkommen, 573, -5
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- German
- Überladen, 574, -5
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- German
- Überlassen, 575, -5
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- German
- Überragen, 576, -5
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- German
- Überwiegen, 577, -5
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- German
- âdet, 580, -4
- Turkish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- See also
- Turkish
- éalóigh, 581, -2
- Irish
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Mutation
- Verb
- Irish
- ölüm, 583, 0
- Azerbaijani
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 3
- Verb
- Etymology 1
- Turkmen
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Azerbaijani
- útbúinn, 584, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- übersäen, 585, -2
- German
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Further reading
- German
- þungbúinn, 586, -2
- Icelandic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Further reading
- Icelandic
- Македончево, 590, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- Македончено, 591, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- Македончето, 592, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- Македончињава, 593, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- Македончињана, 594, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- Македончињата, 595, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- бет, 596, -4
- Bashkir
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Bashkir
- годинава, 597, 4
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation 1
- Adverb
- See also
- Adverb
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun
- See also
- Noun
- References
- Pronunciation 1
- Macedonian
- горча, 598, -4
- Russian
- Pronunciation
- Participle
- Russian
- денес, 599, -4
- Bulgarian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- References
- Bulgarian
- деснорак, 600, -2
- Macedonian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Antonyms
- Related terms
- See also
- References
- Macedonian
- его, 601, -2
- Old Church Slavonic
- Alternative forms
- Pronoun
- See also
- Old Church Slavonic
- есенва, 602, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- See also
- Noun
- See also
- References
- Macedonian
- железото, 603, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- зимана, 604, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- зимата, 605, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- лагата, 606, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- лаѓата, 607, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- леворак, 608, -2
- Macedonian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Antonyms
- Related terms
- See also
- References
- Macedonian
- летово, 609, 6
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation 1
- Adverb
- See also
- Adverb
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun
- See also
- Noun
- Pronunciation 1
- Macedonian
- ник, 610, -4
- Budukh
- Noun
- Lezgi
- Noun
- Budukh
- нозете, 611, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- пријателот, 612, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- пролетва, 613, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- See also
- Noun
- See also
- References
- Macedonian
- разговорников, 614, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- тараҡан, 615, -4
- Bashkir
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Bashkir
- төрөк, 617, -4
- Bashkir
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Adjective
- Declension
- Bashkir
- устоявам, 618, -6
- Bulgarian
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Bulgarian
- учебников, 619, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- фат, 621, -2
- Ossetian
- Noun
- Ossetian
- чешка, 622, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Macedonian
- чин, 623, -4
- Budukh
- Noun
- Khinalug
- Noun
- Budukh
- чуур, 624, -2
- Tuvan
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Tuvan
- эм, 625, -2
- Kalmyk
- Noun
- Kalmyk
- ѕидовите, 626, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- ѕидот, 627, -2
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Macedonian
- אבר, 631, -2
- Hebrew
- Noun
- References
- Anagrams
- Noun
- Hebrew
- האביר, 632, -2
- Hebrew
- Verb
- References
- Verb
- Hebrew
- מסביר זײַן, 633, -2
- Yiddish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Yiddish
- שולחן, 637, -2
- Hebrew
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- References
- Further reading
- Hebrew
- آب پاشِي, 640, -2
- Pashto
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Pashto
- أوسخ, 641, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Adjective
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- إباحة, 642, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Arabic
- إبجال, 643, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- إكتاب, 645, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- إمبراطورية, 646, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- الأرجنتين, 648, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- References
- Arabic
- الفلبين, 649, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- References
- Arabic
- برادة, 653, 0
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Hijazi Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun
- Pronunciation 1
- Etymology
- Arabic
- بولندا, 655, -4
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- See also
- References
- Arabic
- تخلص, 656, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation 1
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Arabic
- تطهر, 658, -4
- Arabic
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Alternative forms
- References
- Noun
- Declension
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Arabic
- ثنايا, 661, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Arabic
- جلالة, 662, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- جميلة, 663, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- حاد, 664, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Declension
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Arabic
- حسرة, 665, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- Arabic
- حضرمي, 667, -6
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Declension
- Noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- حلى, 668, -6
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Arabic
- دوشیدن, 669, -2
- Persian
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Persian
- دولاب, 670, 0
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Persian
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Arabic
- ذاتي, 671, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- ذر, 672, -6
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- راحل, 673, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Declension
- Arabic
- روض, 675, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- زغير, 676, -2
- South Levantine Arabic
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Adjective
- South Levantine Arabic
- زم, 677, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Arabic
- شجر, 678, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Declension
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- شيشة, 679, -2
- Gulf Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Gulf Arabic
- صبي, 680, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Etymology 1
- Arabic
- صنم, 681, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
صور, 682, -6- Arabic
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Noun
- Declension
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Proper noun
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 3
- Noun
- Etymology 4
- Noun
- Etymology 5
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Arabic
- طالبان, 683, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- عثماني, 685, -8
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Declension
- References
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- عدنان, 686, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Arabic
- عرضحال, 687, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- غلس, 688, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Arabic
- فتش, 689, -2
- Moroccan Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Moroccan Arabic
- فتور, 690, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- فذ, 691, -5
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Adjective
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- فريد, 692, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Related terms
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- References
- Arabic
- فظ, 693, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Adjective
- Declension
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- فكر, 694, 0
- Arabic
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Etymology 4
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- References
- Etymology 5
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Moroccan Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Arabic
- قرر, 695, -2
- Moroccan Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Moroccan Arabic
- كرر, 700, -10
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- South Levantine Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Arabic
- كندا, 701, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- References
- Arabic
- كوبا, 702, -2
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- كوثر, 703, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Proper noun
- Declension
- References
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Etymology 1
- Arabic
- لمبړ, 704, -2
- Pashto
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Pashto
- م ك ر, 705, -4
- Arabic
- Root
- Derived terms
- References
- Arabic
- متعهد, 706, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- مغلف, 708, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Adjective
- References
- Arabic
- مهلبية, 709, -2
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Noun
- Arabic
- موقف, 710, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- نجر, 712, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Declension
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Noun
- Declension
- Etymology 3
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Etymology 4
- Verb
- Etymology 5
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Etymology 6
- Verb
- Etymology 7
- Verb
- Verb
- References
- Etymology 1
- Arabic
- همه, 715, -2
- South Levantine Arabic
- Pronoun
- South Levantine Arabic
- واسطة, 716, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- References
- Arabic
- واعظ, 717, -4
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- ولية, 718, -2
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- کلکوالى, 720, -2
- Pashto
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Pashto
- ܒܘܢܐ, 723, -2
- Classical Syriac
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Inflection
- Descendants
- References
- Classical Syriac
- ܒܢܓܐ, 724, -2
- Classical Syriac
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Inflection
- References
- Classical Syriac
- ܫܩܦܐ, 726, -2
- Classical Syriac
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Inflection
- References
- Classical Syriac
- भुज, 729, -2
- Pali
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Declension
- Adjective
- Declension
- Pali
- श्रुति, 730, 6
- Sanskrit
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- References
- Etymology 1
- Sanskrit
- सम्मति, 731, -2
- Pali
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Adjective
- Pali
- सेको, 732, -2
- Hindi
- Noun
- Hindi
- গোশত, 733, -2
- Bengali
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Bengali
- መላጼ, 741, -2
- Ge'ez
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- References
- Ge'ez
- តឹក, 743, -2
- Khmer
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Khmer
- លំអ, 744, -2
- Khmer
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Khmer
- វត្ត, 745, -8
- Pali
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Declension
- Verb
- Adjective
- Declension
- Pali
- សម្មតិ, 747, -2
- Pali
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Adjective
- Pali
- ⲟⲩⲁ̅ⲧⲓ, 748, -2
- Old Nubian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Old Nubian
- おわす, 750, -2
- Japanese
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Japanese
- しく, 752, -2
- Japanese
- Etymology 1
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Derived terms
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Derived terms
- Conjugation
- References
- Japanese
- ねもと, 754, -4
- Japanese
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Proper noun
- References
- Japanese
- チョウ類, 757, -2
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Related terms
- References
- Japanese
- 㔫, 760, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 㺀, 761, -4
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- Chinese
- 䵷, 763, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 亖, 765, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Usage notes
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 孫, 779, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 山背, 781, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- References
- Japanese
- 御座す, 785, -2
- Japanese
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Japanese
- 悲劇, 787, -2
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Antonyms
- References
- Japanese
- 旡, 791, -2
- Chinese
- Glyph origin
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- Etymology 2
- References
- Chinese
- 楽, 795, -4
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Compounds
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation 1
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Adjective
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Proper noun
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Pronunciation 1
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Proper noun
- Etymology 3
- Proper noun
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 気になる, 796, -2
- Japanese
- Idiom
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- See also
- Idiom
- Japanese
- 税, 809, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Compounds
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 童貞卒業, 812, -2
- Japanese
- Noun
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Japanese
- 経, 817, -4
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Compounds
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Derived terms
- Proper noun
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Proper noun
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Proper noun
- Etymology 4
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Etymology 5
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Derived terms
- Verb
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 脳卒中, 818, -2
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Japanese
- 舅, 821, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 蝶, 826, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 蝶類, 827, -2
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Related terms
- References
- Japanese
- 蟻, 828, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Alternative forms
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Affix
- Usage notes
- Derived terms
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Idioms
- Derived terms
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Usage notes
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 遥, 834, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Proper noun
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Affix
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 風呂敷, 843, -2
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Coordinate terms
- See also
- Japanese
- 鯺, 846, -4
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- Chinese
- 麻酔, 849, -2
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- See also
- References
- Japanese
- ꜣgbj, 852, -2
- Egyptian
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Alternative forms
- References
- Egyptian
- 다, 854, -2
- Middle Korean
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- Descendants
- Middle Korean
- 서양화, 856, -2
- Korean
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Korean
- 양, 857, -2
- Jeju
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Interjection
- Synonyms
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Jeju
- 𐤁𐤍, 860, -2
- Phoenician
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Related terms
- Descendants
- Phoenician
- 𑂮𑂳𑂏𑂹𑂏𑂰, 862, -2
- Bhojpuri
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- 𪚢, 867, -2
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Kanji
- Japanese