enm -er -er -ere amblere armurer asker bakere barkar barker batailloure berier berkere bilder blader blamer blasfemour blomer botere bracer brewere bynder camper canner capper chalenger charmer chaundeler clevere cleyere clother clowter cloystrer clubber clymber cofrer conjurer coroner coucher coynour creper crowdere delare delvere didapper doer dower dremer dresser ender ensercher fauconer felter fischer foreyner forger forswerer gardener gauger gilder glewer gonner gressehopper hakker hatere hatter hattere herber herberer historier hoder homager hordere horner hospiteler hostiler hunter journeier jueler kalender kerver kneder knytter macer maker medler moldere mousere mowere musiker mycher mylnere nayler nexter norischer officer organer oyler pakker panterere parisshoner patyner pauncher penner percher perer piker piper pissere pleyer porter potager poteller pottere prisoner pulter queller ratoner raunsoner recoverer redere reiser rerer reuler revere robber roster ryder sadeler saucer schaver scheder scherer schilder scolere sercher sether shryver skynner slynger smythier souker sounere sowere spicer spiller spynner steȝere storier stremer swerer synger tabler taverner thresshere tilier tither toller tresorer trippere trompour usere vewer vitailler vyner webber werreour werrour wever wheler writer wynder wynner ydolatrer yelpere enm a- Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/uʀ- a- abenche aboard abord abread abrest abroad ac- adays adressen ae afeld afer afore afrainen agame agayn aknowen alength aline aloue amad among amorwe amounten arisen around aserchen ashore aslepe astart asterten atamen atasten avalen avexen avisioun awerpen awinnen revile enm -th -eth -th -þ blast bredthe burde clift depthe derth draught eiȝtthe eleventh ferthe fifte hundred moneth myrthe nynthe reuþe schaft sevenþe sixte sleight slutte strengthe tenthe theft thild tilthe tithe trouthe wealth wefte wrength enm -el -el -le -let -ling Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ilaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ulaz bridel bristel canel cobbler crepel frazzle frountel hakle hatel honysokel kernel kindle knoble panel potell sorel spangel sparkel spyndel swathel thymbyll tredel trestel tridel wrot enm bi- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bi- be- bedelven begalewen begreten belanden belave beschrewen besenden betide bewrien bi- bicaren bifallen biflowen bifore bihaten bileve bileven biqueste bireven bisegen biteon bitiden biwinnen biwreyen by- byword enm -our actour blasfemour chauntour comaundour creatour dettour douceoure dressour enchauntour gestour governour hasardour herberjour jurour losengeour moneyour rebelloure revelour translatour trompour versifiour vynour wajour werreour werrour ymageour enm for- Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/forē- for- forarnen forban forbannen forbarren forbeaten forbeoden forbinden forblowen forcasten forcleave forcouth forcoveren fordwynen forgreithen forholden forjudge forkerven fornimen forolded forsweren forwerpen forwird forȝiven enm -erie -ery Jewery baptistery bastardie bastardry capitainerie chaunterie cirurgie develrye dowarye fairye hasardrie hostelrye losengerie mawmetrie naperye norserye pultrie saucerie skynnery spicerie surgerie tyrauntrie ymagerie enm with- with- withcallen withchaungen withclosen withdelen withdeparten withdon withdraw withfighten withlaughen withlesen withnayen withsamen withscapen withscoren withseien withsetten withsit withslippen withspeken withsterten withturnen wiþ- enm en- en- enact enchaunten encompassen endamagen endeynen endowen endower enduren enfeblen enfeblisshen enforcen enformen engreynen enquest enserchen envenimen envenymous intronizen enm -te -t -ty Cristiente beaute cruelte duete duty febilte hevyte honeste jelouste rebelte royalte sodeynte sotilte sovereynte surete sympilte enm -al -al actual collegial coronal cryminal eternal historial imperial instrumental material natural official original passional storial universal vertual enm un- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/und onfrend un- undisposicioun undressen uneasy unfrendly ungodly unhoneste unhonestly unmannerly unsely unserchable untrewe unwisdom enm -able -able agreable assessable blameable chalengeable comaundable commendable dampnable delitable endowable greable unserchable ymaginable enm mere Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mairiją Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mārī marchal mare meir mere mermaid mermaiden miere mother mære sea enm -ite auctorite captivite delitabilite dignyte diversite eternyte fumosite humanyte mutabilite universalite universite venemosite enm -dom -dom Cristendom dukedom erldom fredom hordom hæthendom kingdom popedome thedom wisdom enm Philip Phillpots Phillpott Phillpotts Philpot Philpots Philpott Philpotts Phippen Phipps Phips enm dere Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/daru Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/deuʀ Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/diurī daru dear deer dere derth diere enm reken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rōkijaną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rekan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/reukan rack rackle recan recen reck reek reocan enm -ant -and -ant -ent Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ndz alien aydaunt mountant norischaunt poynaunt enm -enen -en -nian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-inōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-naną botnen cristenen gestenen nakenen thickenen enm -ien -ian Cristien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/-jan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/-ōn cirurgien collegian magicien malencolien parisshen enm -ster -ster bakestere beggestere brewester kembestere lopster spynnester syngster webster enm -ward -weard estward hethen-ward homward inward outward toward westward wolward enm lesen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lesaną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lausijan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/leusan lease leese lese lorn losel withlesen enm -and -and -ant -ing Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ndz flippant friend mightand suddent enm -ard -ard Hansard Pollard bastard coward dotard gurnard taylarde enm -fold -feald -fold Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-falþaz felefold hundredfold hunfold sevenefold thyckfolde enm -reden -red -ræden brotherhede felawrede frenderede hatred hatrede manrede enm Philipot Phillpot Phillpots Phillpott Phillpotts Philpot Philpots Philpott Philpotts enm be- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bi- be- beginnen belimpen belong betides biten please enm dis- des- dis- disdeynen disdeynous dishoneste disparage disposicioun disrewlily enm re- re- recomaunden recommenden recoveren redressen rehete request revewe enm umbe- um- umbeclosen umbedelven umbefolden umbegon umbelappen umbeloken ymb- enm ward Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/ward barda foreward rereward ward warda warderobe weard enm -ioun abstraccyone accion creacion pollucion questioun rebellioun translacioun enm behoven Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bihōfōn behofian behofþe behove behovely behovelynesse byhove enm beliven belave beleave belifan belifen belive beliven remain enm boren Appendix:Middle English verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buranaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/burōną bore borian born boryng enm fangen catch fang fangle fon onfangen receive vang enm faren faran fare farrow fearh for travel yondfaren enm lake Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lakaną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laik Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laku lac lacu lake enm lenen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laihnijaną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hlainijan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hlinēn hlinian lean lend lænan enm mis- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/missa- mis- misansweren misgang myschef mysspeken mysword enm thew Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/þeu Thew larðewe thew thou þeaw þeow enm tosen Reconstruction:Old English/tasan Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tussōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/taisan tose toss touse toze enm -ere -ar -er -ere Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/-wari astrologer gilder enm -ifien -ify amplifiyen glorifien mollifien rarefien versifien enm -som -some -sum hatesum hevysum noysom wynsom enm athel Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/aþulī athel hero hæleþ noble æþele enm bede Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bed bead bede bedrip bedu gebed enm blessen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/blōdisōn blesh bless bletsian blissian blusschen enm bowgette badyet bouge budget budżet buiséad bung enm brennen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/brannijan bren brinded brymston bærnan enm craken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krakōną cracian crack crake crash croak enm dul Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dulaz doldrum doldrums dolt dull enm fare Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/faru fare farewell fær warfare yvel fare enm fesen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/funsijan faze fease feaze feese fysan enm fore- Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/forē- fore- foreland foreward forfader forstage enm greten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/grautēn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/grātan begreten greet gretan grætan enm hogh Kew Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/haugaz hoe hoo hough how enm hoppe Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hoppō hop hopfe hopfo hopping houblon enm in- en- immutable imposicioun in- indisposicioun inwit enm june Juin Jun June Juun juin جون enm juyng Juin Jun June Juun juin جون enm kynde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kinþiz cynd kind kindle mankynde wommankynde enm lodesman Lotse lodesman loods loodsman los lós enm lok Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lukkaz lo loc locc lock padlock enm loke Lock lake lo loca loke louk enm lone Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laihną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lanu lane lanu loan lána enm male blackmail mail male màla mál mála enm marche March Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/marikiz march marche marcher merece enm mare Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/marā mair mare meir miere night-mare enm might Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mahti micht might mightand miht myght enm over- ofer- over- overdeed overfeble overflowen overriden enm rocke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rukkô raket rochen rock rocken rocket enm salwe Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/salh Selby Shelby sallow salu sealh enm scathen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaþōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skaþþjan scathe sceaðian sceaþian skaith enm skathen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaþōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skaþþjan scathe sceaðian sceaþian skaith enm tor Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/tuʀ- tor tor- tore tower turris enm wanien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wainōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wanēn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wanōn wane wanian wanion enm wenen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wanjaną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wānijan wean ween wenan wenian enm wrake Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wrāku wrack wracu wrake wreak wræc enm -ier -yer glasier hosyer lawier sporier enm -kin -cen -chen -kin -kind Wilkins enm -riche -ric -rice byschopryke erchebyschopryke poperiche enm Ieneuer Januar Januari January janvier જાન્યુઆરી enm Reconstruction:Middle English/amasen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/masōną amased amasian amaze masen enm abak a-bac aback back- bak onbæc enm abiden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/uʀbīdan abidan abidance abide abiding enm babe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bō- bab baban babe baby enm bannen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bannaną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bannan ban forban forbannen enm bed Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bed bed bedd bedfelawe child bed enm bedel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budilaz beadle bedel bydel педель enm beleven beleave belib believe belæfan remain enm bleren blare blart blear blore blur enm bogett badyet bouge budget budżet bung enm bose Reconstruction:Old English/bos Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bansaz boce boose boss enm bouget badyet bouge budget budżet bung enm boun Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būaną bonnie bonny boun bound enm budde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būdilaz boud bud budda bug enm burgh borough burg burgh burrow city enm closen beclose close clysan umbeclosen withclosen enm cost Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kustuz cost costas kostr needs-cost enm deor Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/deuzaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/deuʀ animal deer enm do -en Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dajjǭ ado da doe enm draf Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drabaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/draibō draff dreave drove enm dreven Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/draibijan dreave dref drefan dreve enm dwergh durgan durgy dwarf dweorg dwerch enm ferd Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fardi faird fard feared ferdness enm ferme farm ferm ferme fferm firm enm gang Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/gang forthgang gang geng misgang enm godles -les Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/godalaus godleas godless goodless enm graven Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list grafan grave graven grábháil enm grim Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/grimm grim grima grime grimm enm gulle Reconstruction:Proto-Brythonic/gwuɨlann Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic/wailannā Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gulaz gul gull enm hoke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hōkaz hoke hook huck huckle enm iland Ponteland Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/awjōlandą iegland iland island enm ile Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/awjōlandą Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/igil igil island isle enm imene bemean common demean gemæne mean enm iwis I wis Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gawissaz iwis wis wiss enm juis djús džús ius juice jus enm kennen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kannjan cennan ken kenning enm kidnere Reconstruction:Old English/neora Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kweþuz cwiþ kidney nere enm kiken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kīkan keek kick kyke peek enm kippen chipper cipio kip kippa kipper enm kunde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kinþiz cynd cynde kind mankind enm lac Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laik fault lac lake enm laf Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hlaib Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laibu hlaf loaf ļoob enm lak Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laik lac lake lakkynge enm laken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laikan lacan lake laker lakering enm leggen lay ledge ledger legge lygger enm leoden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/leudan leden leed leid leoden enm lift Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list left luft lyft sky/translations enm lode Lodes Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laidō load loaden lodestone enm louken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lūkan lock louk lowk lucan enm maiden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/magadīn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/magaþ maid mermaiden mægden enm mal Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mailą blackmail mail mal mál enm often Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ufta Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uftō oft often oftin enm on- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ana- on- onfangen un- án enm rail Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hragilą rail reel regol rel enm rake Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rakō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rekô racu raik rake enm raven hræfn rave raven resver rove enm rein Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list rain rean regn rein enm repen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hrappijan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hrapōn reap ripan touch enm resen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hreusaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rēsōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hrissjan hrissan rese enm rinen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hrīnan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rignijan hrinan rine touch enm rokken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rukkōną roccian rock rocky rog enm rope Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/raip rap rope ropy enm roun Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rūnu roe roun round run enm rounen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rūnōn round rown runian whisper enm sak Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sakkuz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/saku sack sacu sako enm sale Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/salą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/salō Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/sali sale sæl enm schelle Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skallju escaille sciell shell shrill enm schippen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skipōną scieppan scipian ship shipping enm schore score shaure shore skor σχερός enm scutel Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skutilā scutella scuttle shuttle skudhelès enm sib Sif peace sib sibb sibling enm skere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skairiz clear pure scare sheer enm skriken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skrīkijaną screech scrike shrill skrike enm sliven Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/slīban part slifan slive sliver enm stem Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stamniz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/staum steam stem tim enm stiche Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/stukkī steck stice stitch stucche enm thos Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þai Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/þus those thus þa enm um- um- umbedelven umbelappen umbeloken ymb- enm waschen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/waskan wascan wash waswas enm washen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list wascan wash washen waswas enm westen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/westanē waste weest westan westen enm wether Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/weþru Witherspoon wedder wether weþer enm worth money-worthe weorþ worth worthen worthy enm -at alienat collegiate passionat viciate enm -end -and -ant Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ndz suddent enm -ent -ent defferent different suddent enm -fald -feald -fold Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-falþaz anfald enm -ine -ine adamantine savagyne terebentyne enm -ken -cen -chen -k -kin enm -ure -ure creature moisture mounture enm August August Ogos agustus اوݢوس enm Gene Genua jean jeans jin enm May May Mayson Mey mays enm Reconstruction:Middle English/ambre ammer amore yelamber yellowhammer enm Reconstruction:Middle English/farow farowen farrow fearh for enm Reconstruction:Middle English/fine Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fun- fen finew vinew enm Reconstruction:Middle English/glom glom gloom gloomies glum enm Reconstruction:Middle English/kid Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kweþuz cwiþ kidney kite enm Reconstruction:Middle English/schagge Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-gô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaggiją sceacga shag enm Reconstruction:Middle English/thon Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þainaz Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/teh₂- thone þan enm abbot Abbot of Misrule Abbot of Unreason abbas abbot enm abuven aboo aboon above abufe enm after Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/aftar after efter æfter enm agasten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list aghast egast egasted enm aleggen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzlagjaną alecgan allay allege enm arsenik arsanaic arsenic arsenicum arsenik enm astonien astonish astony estoner stunian enm atter Rock ator atter attercoppe enm aunter Reconstruction:Latin/adventura adbentyur adventure saunter enm bache Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/baki batch beach bæc enm bain bain balneum beinn bone enm bayne bain beinn bone βαλανεῖον enm bec Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bakiz beak beck bekkr enm beggen beg beggar beggestere begging enm belyen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bileugan beleogan belicgan belie enm bench abenche benc bench binse enm besetten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bisatjaną beset besettan besetten enm biker Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bikarī bacar beaker bicker enm bile Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būlō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būlǭ bill boil enm bille Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bilją bil bill bille enm bleke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blaką Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/blaik bleach bleak enm blot Reconstruction:Old Norse/blettr Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blautaz bloat blot enm bod Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bod bod bode bodeword enm bode Body Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budô boda bode enm bos Reconstruction:Old English/bos boce boosies boss enm botel -eld botele bottle butticula enm bouline bolina boline bouline bowline enm bouten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/biūtan bouter but butan enm brek Appendix:Middle English verbs Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/brōk breeches bryczesy enm brethen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list breathe breoþan bryþen enm bright Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/birhtī beorht brayt bright enm broken Appendix:Middle English verbs brocen broken brook enm brusen Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic/bruseti Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brausijaną bruise brysan enm buhsum bightsome bowsome bucksome buxom enm burne Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/brunnjā burna burne byrne enm burthe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/burþiz birth nation nature enm busines bisnis business peejnej pijin enm businesse bisnis business peejnej pijin enm busynes bisnis business peejnej pijin enm buwen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/beugan boo bought bow enm buȝen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/beugan boo bought bow enm bæcche Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/baki batch beach bæc enm caban cabanna cabin kabin kabina enm cabane cabin kabin kabina kāpin enm cairen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kaizwijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kaurijaną cair keyra enm cancellen cancel cancello kansel kensel enm capital capital capitalis kapital kapitał enm chapiter capitulum chapiter chapter tsapter enm charken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krakōną cark chirk cracian enm chesen Appendix:Middle English verbs Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/keusan ceosan choose enm chosen Appendix:Middle English verbs Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/keusan ceosan choose enm claimen claim clamer klaim kleim enm coate coat cotte کوټ कोट enm con- compassioun composicioun condigne congelen enm connen can con cun ken enm coste coast coste cyst cósta enm costnien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kostōn costen costian try enm cove Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kubô caf cofa cove enm covent convent conventicle coven covent enm cracchen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/krattōn cratch scratch enm crak craic craic killer crake what's cracking enm crengen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krangijaną crincgan crinch cringe enm dameisele Reconstruction:Latin/domnicella damoisele damosella damsel enm daunsen damhsa dance dancier daunse enm derf Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/derbaz deorf derf derven enm dollen bedole doldrum doldrums dolt enm double doble dobler double dúbail enm drake Enterich Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/anadrekō draca drake enm drift Reconstruction:Old English/drift Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/drifti drif drift enm drihten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/druhtin dright drighten dryhten enm dullen bedole doldrum doldrums dolt enm duschen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dwaiskijaną douse dush dwæscan enm dweomer Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dwemrą dweomer dwimor gedwimor enm eile Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/agil ail egle ile enm eldre elder eldra ellen ieldra enm elefaunt elephant eļbōn olifan ἐλέφας enm engineour endyiner engigneor engineer इंजीनियर enm ern Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/arô Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/raʀn erne ærn enm erne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/arô earn erne yearn enm ernen earn earnian ern yearn enm et Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Appendix:Middle English verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ētą et enm evenliche efenlic efenlice evenlike evenly enm evenly -ly efenlic efenlice evenly enm faken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faiknaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/faikn facn fake enm fall fall fiell offal tofall enm fever fefor fever fievre tertian enm fin fin fine finesse finstallum enm flacken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flakkōną flack flag flaunt enm flagge Flaage bōļeak bōļāāk flag enm flitten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flutjaną flit flitter flytja enm flytten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flutjaną flit flitter flytja enm foken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faiknaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/faikn facn fæcne enm force Reconstruction:Latin/fortia Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fursaz force fors enm fordriven Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fradrīban compel fordrifan fordrive enm forfaren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frafaraną forfairn forfaran forfare enm forme Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frumô form forme fader former enm forseen foresee foreseon forsee forseon enm fraked Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frakunnaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frakunþaz forcouth fraked enm frely -ly freely freolic freolice enm frien fricgan frigo frire fry enm frovre comfort frofor frother frover enm fullen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fullōn fill full fulling enm fulthe Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fūliþu fouth fulth fylþu enm furst Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fristiz first frist fyrest enm fustian Genua fustian jeans jin enm fæc Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fak fack fæc fæcne enm gaile gaiole gale gaol jail enm gangen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list gan gang gangan enm gasten gast ghast ghastness gæstan enm geld Danegeld geld gild wodegeld enm girden gird gride gyrdan thorough-girt enm give Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list gewgaw misgive misgiving enm goodly Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gōdalīkaz godlic goodly guidly enm haggen hag haggis haggle hagis enm halen Reconstruction:Old English/halian Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/halōn hale haul enm happen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hampijaną hap happen happy enm held Appendix:Middle English verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/habilaz grace hield enm holin Hollings holen holly holm enm icchen gyccan hike hitch itch enm ij appel apple of someone's eye apple of the eye eagæppel eye-apple enm inlighten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/inliuhtijaną enlighten inlight inlihtan enm iredi Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/garaidaz geræde ready ræde enm iulius Julai Julie July جولاي enm jogeler geogolere jangleor juggle juggler enm kaye caium cæg key quay enm kayren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kaizwijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kaurijaną cair keyra enm keken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kīkan keek kyke peek enm kepen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōpijaną cepan keep keepen enm kidenere Reconstruction:Old English/neora Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kweþuz cwiþ kidney enm lacchen catch lacche latch læccan enm lame Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laimaz lama lame loam enm lathen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laiþēn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laþōn lathe laþian enm lengen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/langijaną lengan linge linger enm lernen -en learn leornian lernar enm lethi Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/liþugaz liege lithy liþig enm lie Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/luginu lie lyge enm lifly lifely liflic liflice lively enm liggen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list ledger lie lig enm lik -like lic like lykewyse enm like -like Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/līk lich like enm limpen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/limpan belimpen limp limpan enm liver Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/libru lifer liver enm longsum Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/langasam langsome langsum longsome enm lust Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlustiz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lustu lust lusty enm matche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/makô match matcha mecz enm maȝty Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mahtīg mighty mihtig myghty enm meiden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/magadīn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/magaþ maiden mægden enm melten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/meltan melt meltan tomelten enm mengen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mangijan mengan ming minge enm merke Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mirkwī mark mearc murk enm metche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/makô match matcha mecz enm mighti Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mahtīg mighty mihtig myghty enm minsen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/minnisōną geminsian mince minsian enm mixen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/miskijaną miks mix mixen enm miȝty Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mahtīg mighty mihtig myghty enm na na naw no nuh enm nede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/neudaz need neod nied enm neighen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hnajjōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/nāhwēn hnægan neigh enm nemnen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/namnijan nemnan nennen neven enm olifaunt olifant oliphant oliphaunt ἐλέφας enm oth aþ oath of óðr enm oven Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/ofn obwin ofn oven enm pal pale pall pallium pole enm paltok paletot palto palttoo بالطو enm perishen Reconstruction:Latin/peresco perir perish perishen enm pinte peint pictus pinnt pint enm place place platea ples plæce enm plot plat platt plot plotmele enm plouh Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/plōgaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/plōg plog plough enm plouw Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/plōgaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/plōg plog plough enm plow Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/plōgaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/plōg plog plough enm plugh Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/plōgaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/plōg plog plough enm poten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/putōną pote put putten enm puke Puck Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/pūkô puca puck enm pund Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/pund pound pund punt enm rakente Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rakentǭ racente rackan rackle enm ransaken ramshackle rannsaka ransack ransak enm rape Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/raip rap rape rope enm rasen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rēsōną rase raser raze enm rayl rail reel regol rel enm reinbowe Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/regnabogō bowe rainbow regnboga enm ring hring ring ringue rink enm rinnen forarnen rin rinnan run enm ris Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrīsą hris rice rise enm risen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rīsan arisen risan rise enm rith Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rīþ rith rithe riþ enm roche roach roche rochen rocken enm rolle Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skraudu roll rotula scroll enm ropen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hrōpan croup hropan roop enm rudden Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rodēn rud rudian enm rune Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/runiz rine ryne wrine enm ruschen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hurskijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rūskōną hryscan rush enm rygge Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Rugg hrycg ridge enm sake Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/saku cause sacu sake enm sal Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/salą Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/sali sal sale enm schabbe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skabbaz scab sceabb shab enm schaken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skakan scacan shake szejk enm schapen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skapōn scieppan shape shapen enm schawen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skawwōną sceawian shaw show enm schipen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skipōną scipian ship shipping enm schoggen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skukkōną jog shag shog enm score Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/(s)ker- Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skorōn score skor enm seil Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/segl sail seel segl enm sewen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list sew siwian sue enm shoten chuto sceotan shoot siyot enm shrede Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skraudu scread screed shred enm sibbe godsib sib sibb sibling enm sich Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/swalīkaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/sīk sic sitch enm sidlyng -lyng sideling sidelong sidling enm sith Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/sinþ bale-siðe sith siþ enm sithe Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/sigiþi scythe sigþe enm skippere Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/skipārī Skipper sgiobair skipper enm slouthe sloth slowth slut slutte enm sniken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/snīkan sneak snican snitch enm snithen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/snīþan cut snithe sniþan enm sompe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sumpaz sump swamp zomp enm sound Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sundą Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/sund gesund sound enm spik Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/spik speck spic spike enm spike Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/spik speck spic spike enm spite Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spituz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spitō Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/spey- spit enm spouten -ettan Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spīwatjaną spout spùt enm sprengen sprengan sprent springe sprink enm stampen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stampōną setem stamp stempan enm stark Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/stark starch stark stearc enm stedfastnesse steadfastness sted stedefæstnes stedfastness enm sterk Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/steuraz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/stark starch stearc enm sterling esterlino esterlín starling sterling enm steynen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/stenan stain steinn stevened enm stiren move steer stir styrian enm striden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/strīdan stridan striddle stride enm stubbe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stubbaz stab stub stybb enm stunien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/stenan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/stunōn stun stunian enm subget sabdyek subdyek subiectus subject enm sulf Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/selbaz sel self silf enm sund Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sundą Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/sund gesund sound enm sur- sur- surname surnoun survewe enm swelten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sweltaną swelt sweltan swelter enm swimmen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/swimman swim swimman enm swinken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/swinkan swincan swink travel enm swippen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/swippōną swap swipe zwepen enm swith Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/swinþ swith swiþ very enm tarien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/targijaną tarre tarry tiergan enm thakken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þakwōną thack thwack þaccian enm theow Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/þeu thew þeaw þeow enm thiggen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/þiggjan receive thig þicgan enm thringen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/þringwan press thring þringan enm throwe Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list throe throw þrag enm thrucchen push thrack thrutch þryccan enm tigel tigele tile টালি タイル enm tiren Reconstruction:Latin/tiro Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/teraną teorian tire enm towen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/togōn taut tow wanton enm twisel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/twisilą twisla twissel twistle enm unclene Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klainį̄ unclean unclæne enm warien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wargijan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/warōn warian warry enm warloghe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lugô loga warlock wærloga enm way Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/weg waggen way enm weghen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wegan wegan weght weigh enm welcome Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/willikumō welcome welcumer welkome enm welde gaudy wad weld wieldy enm weri tired wearg weary werig enm weten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wētijaną wat weet wet enm wir Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wīraz wea wir wire enm witles -les Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/witalaus witleas witless enm wiȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wihtą whit wight wiht enm wonien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wainōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wanēn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wanōn wanian enm wreien biwreyen wraith wray wregan enm wricken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wrikkōną rick vrikke wrick enm wrien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wrikkōną bewrien wreon wry enm wyr Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wīraz wea wir wire enm ya Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/jā ya yea yo enm yelden gieldan ildio pay yield enm yland Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/awjōlandą iegland iland island enm ywis Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gawissaz gewiss iwis wiss enm -craft -craft -cræft wicchecraft enm -ein -an citeseyn gardein enm -elen -le -lian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-lōną enm -ence -ence difference resistence enm -ende -ing beende frend enm -enien -en -nian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-inōną enm -ishen -ish blandish blandishment enm -len -le -lian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-lōną enm -lien -le -lian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-lōną enm -mele -meal -mælum plotmele enm -n -en -inn -n enm -nen -nian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-inōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-naną enm -orie -oire -ory -torius enm -ren -er -ern -erne enm -t -t -th -þ enm -ty -tig -ty ten enm -wise -eous lykewyse talewise enm Cristofre Christopher Christopherus Christophorus enm Densc Dench Denisc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/daniskaz enm Edward Eadweard Edweard Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/Audawarduz enm Februarie Februar February februarius enm Henry Henn Henricus Henry enm Janevere Januar January janvier enm Jankin -kin Jack John enm Januarie Januar January ianuarius enm Mai May Mey mays enm Oxneford Oxenford Oxford Oxnaford enm Phipp Phippen Phipps Phips enm Reconstruction:Middle English/bangen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bang- bang bangs enm Reconstruction:Middle English/befreen befree befreogan befria enm Reconstruction:Middle English/bifreen befree befreogan befria enm Reconstruction:Middle English/fargh farrow fearh for enm Reconstruction:Middle English/finny Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fun- vinney vinny enm Reconstruction:Middle English/lecchen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lakkjan leach leccan enm Reconstruction:Middle English/lechen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lakkjan leach leccan enm Reconstruction:Middle English/lesen laissier laxo lease enm Reconstruction:Middle English/menye Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/managī many menigu enm Reconstruction:Middle English/spene spane spean speen enm Reconstruction:Middle English/steȝe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/staigilaz stay stægel enm Reconstruction:Middle English/telwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/telguz telga tillow enm Reconstruction:Middle English/tever Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/taubrą teafor tiver enm Reconstruction:Middle English/than Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þainaz Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/teh₂- þan enm Reconstruction:Middle English/thikket thicket þiccet þiccett enm Reconstruction:Middle English/tilwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/telguz telga tillow enm Reconstruction:Middle English/vinny Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fun- vinney vinny enm Reconstruction:Middle English/wigge Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wigi wicg widge enm Reconstruction:Middle English/yelwambre amore yelamber yellowhammer enm Rycharde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/Rīkaharduz Richard Risteard enm Severne Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic/Sabrinā Severn Sæfern enm Wednesdai Ash Wednesday Wadensday Wednesday enm aberen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/uʀberan abear aberan enm abounden abound abund abundo enm abouten about abut onbutan enm above aboo above abufe enm absteinen abstain abstainer abstenir enm accessorie accessorius accessory aksesori enm acorne acorn aicorn æcern enm acre aager acre एकड़ enm addere Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/nadrā adder serpent enm adreden adrad adread ondrædan enm adse Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/adisō adesa adze enm aferen afear aferdth affeer enm agast aghast egast egasted enm agasted aghast egast egasted enm agnail Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/angī agnail hangnail enm aik aik oak uuk enm al- al- all- eall- enm alayen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzlagjaną alecgan allay enm alder alder alor ealdor enm alehous aalhouse alehouse ealuhus enm aleyen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzlagjaną alecgan allay enm als also eallswa inasmuch enm also also as eallswa enm and- and- answere answeren enm anden and andian breathe enm andsware Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/andaswaru andswaru answer enm andweorc cause material matter enm anelen anele anneal onælan enm angellich angelic aungelic engellic enm anter Reconstruction:Latin/adventura adbentyur adventure enm appreoven approve aprob aprub enm appreven approve aprob aprub enm apprile April Apryle اڤريل enm apreven approve aprob aprub enm arblast alfraits arbalest arcuballista enm areden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzrēdaną arread arædan enm armes arm armas arme enm astunien astonish astony stunian enm atheling Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/aþuling atheling æþeling enm atstonden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/atstandaną atstand ætstandan enm attenden atend attend tend enm aueril April Apryle اڤريل enm avantage advantage avantage vondeish enm avauntage advantage avantage vondeish enm ayen again ayenes ayenst enm baffen baboon babouin baff enm bald bald bauld bold enm basin bacin basin báisín enm bawelyne bolina bouline bowline enm bayn bain beinn bone enm becc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bakiz beck bekkr enm becomen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bikwemaną become becuman enm bedon bedo bedon bedone enm bedoven bedofen bedoven bedufan enm befilen befile befylan defile enm begeten beget begietan biyete enm begripen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bigrīpan begripan begripe enm beheve behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm beholden behealdan behold beholden enm behoveable behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm behovefull behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm behovefully behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm behovesum behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm bekyr Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bikarī bacar beaker enm beleoȝen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bileugan beleogan belie enm bellen belgan bell bellan enm bely Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list belly belwen enm bemenen bemean bemoan bemænan enm benden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bandijan bend bendan enm benk benc bench bink enm berdles -les beardleas beardless enm bereden beread berede berædan enm berling Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/barō barling bearling enm bersten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brestaną berstan burst enm beschinen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/biskīnan bescinan beshine enm beseen besee beseon well-beseen enm beshinen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/biskīnan bescinan beshine enm besitten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bisitjaną besit besittan enm bestanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bistandaną bestand bestandan enm betechen betake beteach betæcan enm bethen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/baþþjan beath beþian enm bethenken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biþankijaną bethink beþencan enm bewinden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biwindaną bewind bewindan enm beyn bain beinn bone enm bi God Bigott Bygott bigot enm bibben bib bibber bibble enm bicumen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bikwemaną become becuman enm bight Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm birken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/birkīn birchen birken enm bischadewen besceaduwian beshade beshadow enm bischilden bescyldian beshield protect enm bishiten beshit beshite beshitten enm bistanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bistandaną bestand bestandan enm bite Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list bit bite enm bithecchen bethatch beþeccan cover enm bitte bit bite butt enm bitter Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bit(t)r biter bitter enm bivien bifian bive biveren enm biwinden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biwindaną bewind bewindan enm biȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm blanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blandaną bland blunder enm bleath Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blauþuz blate bleaþ enm bleche Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/blaik bleach bleak enm blechen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/blaikijan bleach blæcan enm blee blee bleo color enm blenden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blandaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blandijaną blend enm blenken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blinkaną blencan blink enm blissen blesh blissian blusschen enm blok Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/blokk block pirōk enm blont Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list blant blunt enm blunt Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list blant blunt enm bocchen bodge botch botettan enm boden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budōną bode bodian enm body Body Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bodag body enm boken bocian book bukować enm boldely -ly bealdlice boldly enm bolken boak bolk bowk enm bonet Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/bʰendʰ- bonaid bonnet enm bonles -les banleas boneless enm bony bony bunion bunny enm booken bocian book bukować enm boras borax bórás بورق enm borgh borough borrow burgh enm borwe borough borrow burgh enm borwen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/borgōn borgian borrow enm borȝien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/borgōn borgian borrow enm bosk Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buskaz boscus bosk enm botswain boatswain bojin swayn enm bought Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm boute Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/biūtan but butan enm bouȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm bresen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brausijaną bruise brysan enm briche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brukiz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/brūkī bryce enm brighten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/berhtēn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/birhtijan bright enm brisen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brausijaną bruise brysan enm broilen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/broþ broil bruir enm bryne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brūwō Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/bʰreyH- brine enm burre bur burr burra enm buten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/biūtan but butan enm byȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm calwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kalwaz callow calu enm campen camp campian kampe enm carde card cerdyn charta enm caren bicaren care caren enm casten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kastōną cast forcasten enm centaure centaurea centaury κενταύρειον enm ch- cham chave chill enm chanel cainéal channel chenel enm chappen cappen chap chop enm chargen carrico charge charjous enm chariȝ carig cearig chary enm chaunceler cancellarius chancellor seansailéir enm chepen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kaupijan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kaupōn cheap enm chepman Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kaupamann ceapmann chapman enm chesil Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kisil chessil chisel enm cheteren chatter chitter tsat enm chinen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kīnan chine cinan enm chirmen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/karmijan chirm chirp enm chiteren chatter chitter tsat enm choke ceoce cheek chock full enm choppen cappen chap chop enm choughe ceahhe ceo chough enm civil civil sibhialta sìobhalta enm clacken Reconstruction:Old English/clacian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klakōną clack enm claken Reconstruction:Old English/clacian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klakōną clack enm clakken Reconstruction:Old English/clacian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klakōną clack enm clam clam clamber clammy enm cleken cleek click clutch enm clenchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klankijaną clench clinker-built enm clenliche cleanly clænlic clænlice enm clenly cleanly clænlic clænlice enm clinken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klinganą clink clinker-built enm clippen clip clipper clyppan enm codel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kudilǭ cudele cuttle enm codul Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kudilǭ cudele cuttle enm coken Cockney Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kokōn cook enm comly comely comly cymlic enm conteyner container kontainer kontener enm copen chop cop cope enm core Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/koʀ core gecor enm coriandre Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kulljandr coriander coriandrum enm cortine curtain katiin katiin̄ enm cotoun cotton kotin قطن enm coule cowl cuculla cucullus enm counseil council counsel privy council enm couth couth cuddle forcouth enm craftily -ly craftily cræftiglice enm crakken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krakōną cracian crack enm crammen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/krammōn cram crammian enm crampe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krampō cramp crampe enm crawlen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krabblōną crawl scrawl enm creken creak cricket criquer enm crenchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krangijaną crincgan crinch enm cumen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list come comen enm curen cower cure küren enm custume coustume custom kastom enm cutten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kutjaną cut enm dawen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/dagēn dagian daw enm de- deformen degre deposicion enm deaven dave deafen deave enm deceyven conceyte deceive decipio enm delicious delicious delisyos luscious enm demen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/dōmijan deem deman enm derken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/derkōn dark deorcian enm dernen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/darnijan darn dern enm desiren desire desirous desirrer enm desque desg desk discus enm destresse estresse stres stress enm deven dave deafen deave enm dich Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/dīk dic ditch enm dier Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/deuzaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/deuʀ deer enm dippen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/duppijan dip dyppan enm disjoynen desjoindre disjoin disjoint enm displayen despleier display splay enm disport disport esport sport enm disporten disport esport sport enm diven Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/dūban dive dyfan enm dodden dod dodipoll dodman enm dold doldrum doldrums dolt enm douken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/dūkan dook duck enm dreden Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list dread ondrædan enm drien dry drye drygan enm drihte Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/druhtin dright dryhten enm drinke Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list drink drync enm drippen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/draupijan Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/druppjan drip enm driten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/drītan dirten drite enm drogge drogue drug druga enm dronknen drown druncnian drunken enm drubly droflic drublie drubly enm drunken drunk drunken wyndronken enm drunknen drown druncnian drunken enm dryft Reconstruction:Old English/drift drif drift enm dull Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dulaz dolt dull enm dulle Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dulaz dwl enm dunt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/duntiz dint dunt enm dusshen douse dush dwæscan enm duven Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/dūban dive dyfan enm dwal Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dwalaz dolt dull enm eanen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/aunōn eanian yean enm earn Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/arô eagle erne enm ece Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/ajukī ece eche enm effect effect effectus feck enm elefant elephant eļbōn olifan enm elsen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/alasnu elsen elsin enm emplien emplier emploiier imply enm endosse endorse endorso indorse enm engyneour endyiner engineer इंजीनियर enm eornest Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ernustuz earnest eornost enm ermen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/armijan erme ern enm ernest Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ernustuz earnest eornost enm espien espier espiya spy enm estacioun estasyon stesen stáisiún enm exercise eksersays exercise exercitium enm eyle ail egle ile enm eymere Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/aimuʀjā ember æmyrge enm fadome Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/faþm fathom fæþm enm fager Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fagr fair fayre enm fah Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/faih fah fou enm fakenn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/faikn facn fæcne enm falle Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fall fall enm fandien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fandōną fand try enm farme farm feorm ferme enm fathome Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/faþm fathom fæþm enm februare Februar February februarius enm februari Februar February februarius enm feendy feend feendly fiendy enm felwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/felgō felloe felly enm fenester fenester fenestra window enm fenestre fenester fenestra window enm feoverel Februar February fevrier enm ferien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/farjan ferian ferry enm fermen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/furbēn farm feormian enm ferst Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fristiz first fyrest enm feten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fatōną fet fetian enm fetten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fatōną fet fetian enm feyen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fōgijan fay fegan enm fiken fician fidge fike enm fille Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fullį̄ full fyllu enm filtre Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/felt filter 필터 enm flag bōļeak bōļāāk flag enm flanc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlankō flanc flank enm flasshen flash flesz flush enm flat Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flataz flat enm flekked Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flekka- Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/flekkōn fleck enm flock Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flukkaz flocc floccus enm flouten flout floute flouter enm forcast forcast forcasten forecast enm fordemen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fradōmijaną fordeem fordeman enm forleden forelead forlead forlædan enm forlesen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fraleusan forleosan forlese enm forsen force forsee forseon enm forslowen foreslow forslawian forslow enm forstanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frastandaną forstand forstandan enm forthgon forthgo forthgoing forþgan enm forworthen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/frawerþan forweorþan forworth enm forwurchen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/frawurkijan forwork forwyrcan enm foryelden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frageldaną forgieldan foryield enm foulen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/fūlēn faul foul enm founden found funder fundian enm fraisen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fraisōną fraise frasian enm freke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frekô freak freke enm frikien freak frician frig enm fulen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fūlijaną faul foul enm furbishen forbir furbish refurbish enm fyrst Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furist first fyrest enm fæle Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/failī feal fæle enm gabben Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/gabbōn gab gob enm gad Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaidō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gazdaz gad enm gaille gaiole gaol jail enm gain- gain- gainset gegn- enm galeie galley halpeni 갤리 enm galen cry galan gale enm galoche gallicus galosh galoshe enm gambison Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wambu gambeson gambison enm gapen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/gapōn gapa gape enm garnischen Reconstruction:Latin/warnio garnish guarnir enm gayle gaiole gaol jail enm gaylle gaiole gaol jail enm gayole gaiole gaol jail enm gelden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/galdijaną geld gilden enm gert gert girt gurt enm gift Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/giftiz gift gipt enm gille Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gilją gil gill enm girdel gerth girdle gyrdel enm girt gert girt gurt enm glacen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/glīdan glacynge glance enm gladly -ly gladly glædlice enm gle Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/glīwą glee gleo enm gleme Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/glaimiz gleam glæm enm gliteren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/glitrōną gliter glitter enm glofe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/galōfô glof glove enm glove Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/galōfô glof glove enm gnasten gnash gnast gnastan enm gniden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/gnīdan gnide gnod enm goden Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/gōdōn good gooden enm godien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/gōdōn good gooden enm gol Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gailō gal goal enm golsouȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/suhtiz gulusótt suht enm gong Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/gang gang gong enm good chepe goedkeap goedkoop goodkoop enm goute gout gouten goutte enm graith Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/garaidaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/raidaz graith enm grape grape grappe kūreep enm greithe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/garaidaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/raidaz graith enm greithen forgreithen graith greiða enm greve greave greeve grieve enm greven grieefeth grieve grievous enm greyve Grayson greave grieve enm griet Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/greutą greot grit enm grinder gerinda grinder grindere enm grindere gerinda grinder grindere enm groundles -les groundless grundleas enm gulchen glutch gulch gulchecuppe enm gurdel gerth girdle gyrdel enm guschen flush gush gust enm hagge Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hagatusi hag hægtesse enm halfdede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/halbadaudaz halfdead healfdead enm halien Reconstruction:Old English/halian Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/halōn haul enm halow eala hallo hallow enm halt Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/halt halt healt enm handlen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/handulōn handle handlian enm handtame Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/handutam handtam handtame enm hare-fot hare's foot hare's-foot harefoot enm hastif -ive hastif hasty enm haute haught haughty haut enm hebben heave hiva hive enm hedly -ly headly heafodlic enm helde Appendix:Middle English verbs Helton heddle enm helien helan hele protect enm henten hent hentan hint enm hepe Heape Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/haup hip enm herald Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wald herald heraldiek enm hersum gehiersum hearsome hersum enm hinde Hinde Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hindi hind enm hindren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hinderōną hinder hindrian enm hirst Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hursti hurst hyrst enm hitten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hittijan hit enm hof Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hōfaz hoof measure enm holen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hulōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hōlōną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/holōn enm holinesse halignes holiness holy enm holk holk howk hulk enm hoppen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/huppōną hop hoppian enm houlen Reconstruction:Old English/hulian Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hūwilōn howl enm houȝ Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/haugaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hą̄h hough enm hovely behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm hoven hafen hove hoven enm howen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/huggjan ho houe enm howlen Reconstruction:Old English/hulian Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hūwilōn howl enm huden hide huddle hydan enm hulle Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Hallums hull enm huntien Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/huntōną huntian enm hwer Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hwer where enm hwit Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list White white enm hynde Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hindi hind hyndemest enm icheien Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kauwjan cigan geciegan enm implien emplier emploiier imply enm inklen inca inkle inkling enm inly inlic inlice inly enm irihte Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/garihtiją eright geriht enm ithen ident ithand ithe enm iwald Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wald geweald wald enm januari Januar January ianuarius enm jolif -ive jolif jolly enm julye Julie July iulius enm jun Jun Juun جون enm justice iustitia justice justise enm kele Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/keluz keel kjǫlr enm killen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list cwellan kill enm kinde cynde kind mankind enm kingriche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kuningarīkiją cyningrice kingric enm kitelen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kitilōną citelian kittle enm kitten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kutjaną cut enm knarre knar knur knurl enm knellen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/knuzlijaną cnyllan knell enm knillen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/knuzlijaną cnyllan knell enm knocken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/knukōną cnocian knock enm knowlechen Reconstruction:Old English/cnawelæcan acknowledge knowledge enm knullen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/knuzlijaną cnyllan knell enm knyllen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/knuzlijaną cnyllan knell enm kuthen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kunþijan cuddle kithe enm kyngdom Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/kuningadōm cyningdom kingdom enm kytten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kutjaną cut enm laie Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lagu lagu lay enm laiten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wlaitōn lait laitand enm lam Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laimaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lamb loam enm lang Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list lang long enm langsum Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/langasam langsome langsum enm lard laird lard lord enm laththe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lattō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laþô lath enm lavedi Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/daigijǭ lady lafði enm laþe Lade lath låda enm leesewe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lēswō leasow læs enm leful lawful leafful leaful enm legh lea leah leigh enm leghe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lugiz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/luginu lyge enm leiken laker lakering leika enm leire lair lear leger enm lemen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/liuhmijan lam leam enm lende Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/landį̄ lend lenden enm lenke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlankiz hlenca link enm lesewe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lēswō leasow læs enm lesten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lustijaną Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/laistijan list enm leswe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lēswō leasow læs enm level lefel level libella enm libbe Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/lubi lib lybb enm licken Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/likkōn liccian lick enm lighten Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/liuhtijan liehtan light enm lihtliche leohtlice lightliness lightly enm linke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlankiz hlenca link enm lire Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hleuzą lira lire enm listen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lustijaną list listen enm litargie lethargia lethargy litargia enm liten lit lite litster enm lithen Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/līþan lithe travel enm livere Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list lifer liver enm liȝe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laugō Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/luginu lyge enm liȝtliche leohtlice lightliness lightly enm lofte loft lofty lopt enm lokke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lukkaz locc lock enm longsom Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/langasam langsome langsum enm loothly laþlic loathly lothly enm lowe low lowe lágr enm loyne llwyn loin lumbus enm lullen loll lull lullaby enm lunge Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lunganjō lung lungen enm lusch Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laskaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laskwaz lush enm lut Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lūtilaz lit lite enm lutter Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/hlūt(t)r hlutor pure enm lyghtly leohtlice lightliness lightly enm lyre Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hleuzą lira lire enm lyvely liflic liflice lively enm maide Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/magadīn Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/magaþ maid enm malme Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/malmaz malm mealm enm malskren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/malskaz mask masker enm manken mangle mank mankit enm mannen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mannōną man mannian enm mansweren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mainą manswear manswerian enm manye Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/managī many menigu enm mark marc mark mearc enm market Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/markāt marchié market enm maske Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maiskaz Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/maskā mask enm math Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mēþą math mæþ enm maught might miht myght enm maunde Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mandu maund maundy enm megrim gs-tp hemicrania migraine enm melen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maþlijaną mell mælan enm melken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/melkaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/melukōną meolcan enm melsche Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/mili mulch mulcz enm mennish mannish mennisc mennish