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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-t

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks ::
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
tab {v} (navigational widget in a GUI) :: kartica {f}
tabernacle {n} (portable tent used before the construction of the temple) :: табернакл; tabernakl
tabla {n} (an Indian drum) :: табла {f}; tábla {f}
table {n} (item of furniture) :: стол {m}, сто {m}, астал {m}; stol {m}, sto {m}, astal {m}
table {n} (grid of data in rows and columns) :: табела {f}; tabela {f}
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) :: столњак {m}; stolnjak {m}
table football {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball ::
table soccer {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball ::
tablespoon {n} (a large spoon, used for eating food) :: кашика {f}, жлица {f}, лижка {f}; kàšika {f}, žlȉca {f}, ližka {f}
tablespoonful {n} (measure of volume) SEE: tablespoon ::
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill ::
tablet {n} (tablet computer) SEE: tablet computer ::
tablet computer {n} (a type of computer) :: pločno računalo {n}, tablet {m}
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) :: стони тенис {m}, столни тенис {m}, пинг понг {m}; stoni tenis {m}, stolni tenis {m}, ping pong {m}
taboo {n} (inhibition or ban) :: tabu {m}
tabular {adj} (organized as a table or list) :: tablíčast
tachometer {n} (device for measuring velocity) SEE: speedometer ::
tachycardia {n} (rapid resting heart rate) :: тахикардија {f}; tahikàrdija {f}
tachyon {n} (hypothetical particle) :: takion
taciturn {adj} (untalkative, silent) :: šutljiv {m}, mučaljiv {m}, nerazgovorljiv {m}
taciturnity {n} (The state of being taciturn) :: šutljivost {f}, mučaljivost {f}
taciturnous {adj} (taciturn) SEE: taciturn ::
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board ::
tackle {n} (fishing: angling gear) :: ribarski pribor, pribor za pecanje
tackle {v} (to face or deal with) :: prionuti, latiti se
tackle {n} (nautical: system of ropes and blocks) SEE: block and tackle ::
tactics {n} (the employment of forces) :: тактика {f}; taktika {f}
tactile {adj} (tangible) :: опипљив {m} /opipljiv/, тактилан {m} /taktilan/
tadpole {n} (toad or frog larva) :: пуноглавац {m}; punoglavac {m}
tafsir {n} (interpretation of the Qur'an) :: тефсир {m}; tefsir {m}
tag {n} (small label) :: етикета {f}; etiketa {f}
tag {n} (game) :: игра шуге {f}, игра ловице, шуга {f}, ловица {f}; igra šuge {f}, igra lovice {f}, šuga {f}, lovica {f}
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
taiga {n} (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) :: тајга {f}; tajga {f}
tail {n} (appendage of an animal) :: реп {m}; rȇp {m}
tail between one's legs {adv} (defeated; in a cowardly or miserable manner) :: подвити реп, подвијеног репа; podviti rep, podvijenog repa
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx ::
tailor {n} (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) :: кројач {m}, кројачица {f}; krojač {m}, krojačica {f}
tailor {v} (make, repair, or alter clothing) :: кројити; krojiti
tailor {v} (restrict something to particular need) :: укројити, кројити; ukrojiti, krojiti
tailored {adj} (adjusted by a tailor, fitted) :: po mjeri, po narudžbi
tailoress {n} (female tailor) :: кројачица {f}; krojàčica {f}
tailpiece {n} (secures strings on a musical instrument) :: жичњак {m}; žičnjak {m}
Taimyr {prop} (large peninsula) :: Тајмир {m}; Tajmir {m}
taipan {n} (venomous snake of the genus Oxyuranus) :: тајпан
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
Taipei {prop} (Taipei) :: Тајпеј {m}, Tajpej {m}, Taipei {m}
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian country) :: Тајван {m}; Tajvan {m}
Taiwanese {adj} (relating to Taiwan) :: тајванскӣ; tȁjvānskī
Tajik {n} (person) :: Таџик {m}, Таџикиња {f}, Таџикистанац {m}, Таџикистанка {f}; Tadžik {m}, Tadžikinja {f}, Tadžikistanac {m}, Tadžikistanka {f}
Tajik {prop} (language) :: таџички {m}; tadžički {m}
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) :: таџикистански {m}, таџички {m}; tadžikistanski {m}, tadžički {m}
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) :: Таџикистан {m}; Tadžikistan {m}
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik ::
tajine {n} (earthenware cooking pot) :: tagine {f}
Taj Mahal {prop} (monument in India) :: Таџ Махал {m}; Tadž Mahal {m}
takbir {n} (takbir) :: текбир {m}; tekbir {m}
take {v} (to get into one's hands or control) :: узети, зграбити, шчепати; uzeti, zgrabiti, ščepati
take {v} (to get into one's possession) :: uzeti, prisvojiti
take {v} (to receive or accept) :: prihvatiti
take {v} (to grab and move to oneself) :: uzeti, zgrabiti, ščepati, prigrliti
take {v} (to gain a position by force) :: osvojiti, zadobiti
take {v} (to carry) :: uzeti, ponijeti
take {v} (to choose) :: odabrati
take {v} (to support or carry without failing or breaking) :: uzdržati, izdržati
take {v} (to endure) :: izdržati, proživjeti
take {v} (to ingest medicine) :: uzeti, konzumirati
take {v} (to last or expend [an amount of time]) :: trajati
take {n} (act of taking) :: uzimanje {n}
take {n} (profit) :: dobīt {f}, nagrada {f}
take {n} (interpretation or view) :: pogled {m}
take {n} :: узети (uzeti)
take {v} (to exact) SEE: exact ::
take aback {v} (to surprise or shock) :: iznenaditi, osupnuti, zapanjiti, preneraziti
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe ::
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
take back {v} (take back) SEE: withdraw ::
take back {v} (retract an earlier statement) :: povući, opozvati
take care {v} (be cautious, careful) :: пазити се, paziti se
take care of {v} (look after) :: brinuti se o, starati se
take care of {v} (deal with) :: pobrinuti se za
take courage {v} (take courage) SEE: take heart ::
take for granted {v} (give little attention to or to underestimate the value of) :: uzeti zdravo za gotovo
take heart {v} (to be courageous) :: одважити {pf}, јуначити {impf}; odvážiti {pf}, junáčiti {impf}
take it out on {v} (unleash one's anger) :: iživljati {impf}
take one's leave {v} (depart) SEE: depart ::
take one's leave {v} (say goodbye) :: oprostiti se
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide ::
take part {v} (participate or join) :: учествовати {impf}; učestvovati {impf}
take root {v} (to become established, to take hold) :: укоријенити; ukorijéniti
take the wrong way {v} (to misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand ::
take to one's heels {v} (to flee or run away) :: podbrusiti pete
talaria {n} (winged sandals) :: krilate sandale {f-p}, talari {m-p}
tale {n} (type of story) :: прича {f}, приповијест {f}, приповијетка {f}; prȋča {f}, prȉpovijēst {f}, prȉpovijētka {f}
talent {n} (unit of weight and money) :: талент {m}; tàlent {m}
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) :: талент {m}, надареност {f}, обдареност {f}; tàlent {m}, nàdārenōst {f}, òbdārenōst {f}
talent {n} (talented person) :: талент {m}; tàlent {m}
talisman {n} (magical protective charms) :: талисман {m}; talisman {m}
talk {v} (to communicate by speech) :: говорити; govòriti
talk {n} (conversation) :: разговор {m}, говор {m}, конверзација {f}; rȁzgovōr {m}, gȍvōr {m}, konverzácija {f}
talk {n} (lecture) :: предавање {n}; predávānje {n}
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk around {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
talkative {adj} (tending to talk or speak freely or often) :: брбљав, прѝчљив, говорљив; bȑbljav, prìčljiv, govòrljiv
talkativeness {n} (the state of being talkative) :: брбљавост {f}, брбљивост {f}, прѝчљивост {f}, говорљивост {f}; bȑbljavōst {f}, brbljivōst {f}, prìčljivōst {f}, govòrljivōst {f}
talking shop {n} :: pričaonica {f}
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk over {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
talk shop {v} (discuss one's work) :: razgovarati o poslu
tall {adj} (of a person) :: вѝсок; vìsok
tall {adj} (of a building) :: вѝсок; vìsok
Tallinn {prop} (Capital of Estonia) :: Талин {m}; Tallinn {m}, Tallin {m}
tallow {n} (hard animal fat obtained) :: лој {m}; lȏj {m}
Talmud {prop} (collection of Jewish writings) :: Талмуд {m}; Talmud {m}
talon {n} (remaining stock of undealt cards) SEE: stock ::
talon {n} (hooked claw) :: канџа {f}, панџа {f}; kȃndža {f}, pȃndža {f}
talus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone ::
Tamara {prop} (female given name) :: Тамара {f}; Tamara {f}
tamarind {n} (tropical tree) :: индијска хурма {f}; indijska hurma {f}
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum ::
tambour {n} (circular frame for embroidery) :: ђерђев {m}; đerđev {m}
Tambov {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Тамбов {m}; Tambov {m}
tame {adj} (not wild) :: пѝтом; pìtom
tame {v} (to make something tame) :: припитомити; pripitòmiti
Tamil Tigers {prop} (guerrilla organization) :: Тамилски тигрови {m-p}; Tamilski tigrovi {m-p}
tamper {v} (alter by making unauthorized changes) :: falsificirati, manipulirati, krivotvoriti
tampon {n} (A plug of cotton or other absorbent material) :: тампон {m}; tàmpōn {m}
tan {n} (darkening of skin) :: put {f}
Tanakh {prop} (body of Jewish scripture) :: Танах; Tanah
tandem {n} (arrangement) :: tandem {m}
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue ::
Tanganyika {prop} (lake) :: Језеро Тангањика, Тангањика; Jezero Tanganjika, Tanganjika
Tanganyika {prop} (territory, former country) :: Тангањика {f}; Tanganjika {f}
tangerine {n} (fruit) :: тангерина {f}, мандарина {f}; tangerina {f}, mandarina {f}
tangerine {n} (tree) :: тангерина {f}, мандарина {f}; tangerina {f}, mandarina {f}
Tangier {prop} (a port city in northern Morocco) :: Тангер {m}; Tanger {m}
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) :: тенк {m}; tenk {m}
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
tank top {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
tanner {n} (person whose occupation is to tan) :: kožar {m}, štavljač {m}
tansy {n} (plant of the genus Tanacetum) :: врàтич {m} / вратић {m}, бухач {m}; vràtič {m} / vràtić {m}, bùhāč {m}
tantalum {n} (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) :: тантал {m}; tantal {m}
tantra {n} (Hindu or Buddhist religious text) :: тантра {f}; tantra {f}
Tanzania {prop} (United Republic of Tanzania) :: Танзанија {f}; Tanzanija {f}
Taoism {n} (Chinese philosophy founded by Lao-tzu) :: taoizam {m}, daoizam {m}
tap {n} (device to dispense liquid) :: славина {f}; slavina {f}
tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
tape measure {n} (graduated ribbon for length measurement) :: метални метар {m} /metalni metar/
tapestry {n} (heavy woven cloth) :: таписерија {f}; tapisèrija {f}
tapeworm {n} (parasitical worm of the class Cestoda) :: trakavica {f}, pantljičara {f}, trakulja {f}
tapir {n} (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae) :: тапир; tapir
tap water {n} (water from a tap) :: voda iz slavine {f}
tar {n} (substance) :: катран {m}; kàtran {m}
tar {n} (sailor) :: морнар {m}; mornar {m}
tarantula {n} (spider of the family Theraphosidae) :: паук птичар {m}; pȁūk ptȉčār {m}
tarantula {n} (wolf spider of the species Lycosa tarantula) :: тарантула {f}, тарантел {m}, тарантела {f}; taràntula {f}, taràntel {m}, taràntela {f}
tardigrade {n} (water bear) SEE: water bear ::
tare {n} (the empty weight of a container) :: тара {f}, tara {f}
target {n} (butt or mark to shoot at) :: мета {f}; méta {f}
target audience {n} (group of people) :: циљна група {f} /ciljna grupa/
tarot {n} (card game) :: тарот {m}, tarot {m}
tarragon {n} (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus) :: estragon {m}, taragon {m}, tarkanj {m}, kravljak {m}
tarsier {n} (insectivorous primate) :: аветњаци, тарзијери; avetnjaci, tarzijeri
Tashkent {prop} (capital of Uzbekistan) :: Ташкент {m}; Taškent {m}
task {n} (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) :: zadatak
Tasmania {prop} :: Тасманија {f}; Tasmanija {f}
Tasman Sea {prop} (part of the Pacific Ocean) :: Тасманово море {n}; Tasmanovo more {n}
tassel {n} (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads) :: kićanka, kita, rojta
taste {n} (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) :: укус {m}; ukus {m}
taste {v} (to sample the flavor of something) :: probati
tastelessness {n} (quality, state, or characteristic of being tasteless) :: bezokusnost {f}
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious ::
tat {v} (slang: tattoo) SEE: tattoo ::
tatami {n} (straw matting in Japanese houses) :: татами {m}; tatàmi {m}
Tatarstan {prop} (Tatarstan, Russia) :: Татарстан {m}; Tatarstan {m}
Tatiana {prop} (female given name) :: Tatjana
tatt {n} (tattoo) SEE: tattoo ::
tattered {adj} (ragged and torn) :: подеран, раздеран, прњав, дроњав; pȍderān, razderan, pȑnjav, drȍnjav
tattered {adj} (dressed in tatters or rags) :: прњав, дроњав; pȑnjav, drȍnjav
tattle {v} (to report incriminating information or wrongdoing) :: izbrbljati, избрбљати
tattoo {n} (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle) :: tetovaža {f}
tattoo {n} (method of decorating the skin by inserting colored substances under the surface) :: tetoviranje {n}
tattoo {v} (to apply a tattoo) :: tetovirati
taut {adj} (under tension) :: napet, napregnut
taut {adj} (experiencing anxiety or stress) :: napet
tautology {n} (uncountable: redundant use of words) :: zalihost {f}, redundancija {f}
tautology {n} (expression that features tautology) :: tautologija {f}
tautology {n} (in logic) :: tautologija {f}
tautosyllabic {adj} (occurring in the same syllable) :: tautosilàbičkī
tavern {n} (bar) :: krčma {f}, ugostionica {f}, gostionica {f}
tawny owl {n} (Strix aluco) :: шумска сова {f}; šumska sova {f}
tax {n} (money paid to government) :: порез {m}, данак {m}; porez {m}, danak {m}
tax {v} (to impose and collect a tax) :: oporezívati
taxable {adj} (subject to tax) :: oporèziv
tax collector {n} (one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes) :: порезник {m}; poreznik {m}
tax evasion {n} (illegal avoidance of tax) :: evazija, utaja poreza {f}
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) :: порески рај {m}, порезно уточиште {n}; poreski raj {m}, porezno utočište {n}
taxi {n} (vehicle) :: такси {m}; taksi {m}
taxonomy {n} (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms) :: таксономија {f}, систематика {f}; taksonòmija {f}, sistemàtika {f}
taxonomy {n} (classification in a hierarchical system) :: таксономија {f}; taksonòmija {f}
taxonomy {n} :: taksonòmija {f}
tax return {n} (declaration of income to the tax authority) :: poreska prijava {f}
Taylor {prop} (surname associated with "tailor") :: Terzić
Tbilisi {prop} (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) :: Тбилиси; Tbilisi
Tchaikovsky {prop} (surname) :: Чајковски, Čajkovski
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner ::
tea {n} (dried leaves of tea plant) :: чај {m}; čȁj {m}
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) :: чај {m}; čȁj {m}
tea ceremony {n} (detailed ritual in Japan or Asia for preparing, serving and drinking tea) :: чајна церемонија {f}, садо {n}, ћадо {n}; čajna ceremònija {f}, sado {n}, ćado {n}
teach {v} (to pass on knowledge) :: учити {impf}; ùčiti {impf}
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
teacher {n} (person who teaches) :: учитељ {m}, васпитач {m}, наставник {m}; učitelj {m}, vaspitač {m}, nastavnik {m}
teacher {n} (a female person who teaches) :: учитељица {f}, васпитачица {f}, наставница {f}; učiteljka {f}, vaspitačica {f}, nastavnica {f}
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit ::
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) :: чајџиница {f}; čajdžinica {f}
teak {n} (tree) :: тик {m}; tȉk {m}
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) :: чајнӣк {m}; čȃjnīk {m}
teal {n} (duck) :: kržulja {f}
teal {n} :: mala divlja patka {f}
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
team {n} (group of people) :: тим {m}, екипа {f}; tim {m}, ekipa {f}
teamster {n} (driver of oxen) :: volar {m}, volarica {f}
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) :: чајнӣк {m}; čȃjnīk {m}
tear {v} (rend) :: тргати {impf}; trgati {impf}
tear {n} (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) :: суза {f}; suza {f}
tear off {v} (to rip away from) :: kȉdati
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse ::
tear up {v} (To damage) SEE: damage ::
tease {v} (to poke fun at) :: задиркивати, изазивати, провоцирати; zadirkívati, izazívati, provocírati
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse ::
teaspoon {n} (small spoon) :: кашичица {f}, лижица {f}, жличица {f}; kašičica {f}, ližica {f}, žličica {f}
teat {n} (projection of mammary gland) :: сиса {f}; sȉsa {f}
teat {n} (feeding bottle top) :: цуцла {f}; cucla {f}
technetium {n} (chemical element) :: технициjум {m}; tehnicijum {m}
technical support {n} (services providing assistance with technology) :: tehnička podrška {f}, tehnička pomoć {f}
technique {n} (practical aspects of a given art) :: техника {f}; tèhnika {f}
techno {n} (style of music) :: techno
technology {n} (the study of or a collection of techniques) :: технологија {f}, техника {f}; tehnològija {f}, tèhnika {f}
technology {n} (a particular technological concept) :: технологија {f}; tehnologija {f}
technology {n} (body of tools) :: технологија {f}; tehnologija {f}
technology {n} :: технологија {f}, техника {f}; tehnologija {f}, tehnika {f}
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) :: меца {m}, меда {m}, медо {m}; meca {m}, meda {m}, medo {m}
teem {v} (overflowing with) :: врвити; vrviti
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager ::
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) :: -наест [11 to 19]; -naest [11 to 19]
teenager {n} (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) :: младићство, омладина, тинејџер {m}; mladićstvo, omladina, tinejdžer {m}
teether {n} (device given to infants to help soothe inflamed gums during teething) :: глођа {f}, glođa {f}
teething troubles {n} (problems that are expected with any new and untried product, venture, etc.) :: дечије болести {f-p}; dečije bolesti {f-p}
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran ::
Tehran {prop} (capital of Iran) :: Техеран {m}; Tȅherān {m}
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot ::
Tel Aviv {prop} (city in Israel) :: Тел Авив {m}; Tel Aviv {m}
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
telegram {n} (message sent by telegraph) :: телеграм {m}, брзојав {m}; tȅlegram {m}, bȑzojāv {m}
telegraph {n} (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) :: телеграф {m}; telègraf {m}
telegraph {v} (to send a message by telegraph) :: телеграфисати; telegrafisati
telepathy {n} (communication by psychic means) :: телепатија {f}; telepatija {f}
telephone {n} (a device used for two-way talking with other people) :: телефон {m}; telefon {m}
telephone {v} (to call someone) :: телефонирати, назвати на телефон; telefonirati, nazvati na telefon
telephone {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers ::
telephone booth {n} (a small enclosure housing a public telephone) :: телефонска говорница {f}, телефонска кабина {f}; telefonska govornica, telefonska kabina {f}
telephone box {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth ::
telephone kiosk {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth ::
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) :: број телефона {m}, телефонски број {m}; broj telefona {m}, telefonski broj {m}
teleprompter {n} (device that displays scrolling text) :: блесиметар {m}; blèsimetar {m}
telescope {n} (optical instrument that magnifies) :: телескоп {m}, далекозор {m}; teleskop {m}, dalekozor {m}
teleshow {n} (television show) SEE: television show ::
Teletext {n} (information retrieval system) :: телетекст {m}; tȅletekst {m}
teletsunami {n} (tsunami that travels 1000 kilometres) :: телецунами {m}; telecunami {m}
television {n} (medium) :: телевизија {f}; televizija {f}
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) :: телевизор {m}; televizor {m}
television {n} (program broadcasting) :: телевизија {f}; televizija {f}
television series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
television set {n} (television) SEE: television ::
television show {n} (live or recorded TV broadcast or program) :: телевизијски програм {m}; televizijski program {m}
tell {v} (to pass information) :: рећи {pf}, говорити {impf}, казати {pf}; rȅći {pf}, govòriti {impf}, kázati {pf}
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate ::
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
Tellurian {n} (inhabitant of the earth) SEE: Earthling ::
tellurium {n} (chemical element) :: телур, телуриј; telur, telurij
Telugu {prop} (Dravidian language of India) :: телугу језик; telugu jezik
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
temerity {n} (reckless boldness) :: drzovitost {f}, drskost {f}
temper {n} (state of mind) :: ћуд {f} /ćud/
temper {v} (to strengthen or toughen by heat treatment) :: prekaliti
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature ::
temperature {n} (a measure of cold or heat) :: температура {f}; temperatura {f}
temperature {n} (elevated body temperature) :: temperatura {f}, vrùćica {f}
temperature {n} (the temperature of the immediate environment) :: temperatura {f}
temperature {n} (in thermodynamics) :: temperatura {f}
tempest {n} (storm) :: олуја {f}; oluja {f}
tempest {n} (any violent tumult or commotion) :: nepogoda {f}
template {n} (physical object) :: шаблон {m}, подлога {f}; šablon {m}, podloga {f}
temple {n} (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) :: храм {m}, богомоља {f}; hram {m}, bogomolja {f}
temple {n} (region of skull) :: слепоочница {f}; slepoočnica {f}
temporary {adj} (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) :: привремен; privremen
temporary tooth {n} (milk tooth) SEE: milk tooth ::
temptress {n} (An alluring woman who seduces or exploits men) :: заводница {f}; zavodnica {f}
ten {n} :: десет, deset
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) :: десет; dȅset
tenant {n} (one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.) :: станар {m}, станарка {f}; stanar {m}, stanarka {f}
tenant {n} :: stanar, zakupac
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) :: десет Божјих заповести {f-p}; deset Božijih zapovijedi {f-p}
tender {adj} (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) :: нежан, њежан; nȅžan, njȅžan
tendon {n} (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) :: тетива {f}; tètiva {f}
tenfold {adj} (containing ten parts) :: десетострук {m}; desetostruk {m}
tenfold {adv} (by ten times as much) :: десетоструко; desetostruko
tennis {n} (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) :: тенис {m}; ténis {m}
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) :: тенисер {m}, тенисерка {f}; teniser {m}, teniserka {f}
tense {n} (verb forms distinguishing time) :: време {n}, вријеме {n}; vreme {n}, vrijeme {n}
tensor {n} ((mathematics, physics) image of a tuple under a tensor product map) :: tenzor {m}
tensor {n} ((mathematics, physics) function of several variables) :: tenzor {m}
tensor {n} ((mathematics, physics) matrix of matrices) :: tenzor {m}
tent {n} (portable lodge) :: шатор {m}; šator {m}
tentacle {n} (elongated, boneless, flexible appendage) :: pipak {m}, pipaljka {f}, пипак {m}, пипаљка {f}
tentative {adj} (of or pertaining to a trial or trials; essaying; experimental) :: provizorni, pokusni, tentativni, probni
tenth {adj} (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) :: десети; deseti
tenth {n} (a tenth; one of ten equal parts of a whole) :: desetina {f}
tenure {n} (period of time possessed) :: мандат {m}; màndāt {m}
tepid {adj} (lukewarm) :: млако, млак; mlȃko {n}, mlȃk
terbium {n} (chemical element) :: тербиjум {m}, тербиj {m}; terbijum {m}, terbij {m}
terebinth {n} (a Mediterranean tree) :: смрдљика {f}; smrdljika {f}
Teresa {prop} (female given name) :: Тереза {f}; Tereza {f}
term {n} (relations among people) :: odnos {m}
term {n} (part of a year) :: tromjesečje {n}, kvartal {m}
termination {n} (the last part (or morpheme) of a word, see also: suffix) :: свршетак {m}; svršetak {m}
terminological {adj} (of, or relating to terminology) :: terminòloškī
terminology {n} (the doctrine of terms; a theory of terms or appellations; a treatise on terms, a system of specialized terms) :: terminològija {f}, nàzivoslōvlje {n}
terminology {n} (terms used in any business, art, etc) :: terminològija {f}, názīvlje {n}
tern {n} (bird of family Sternidae) :: čȉgra {f}, mòrska lȁstavica {f}
Terpsichore {prop} (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) :: Терпсѝхора {f}; Terpsìhora {f}
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth ::
terraforming {n} (planetary engineering) :: тераформирање {n}, teraformiranje {n}
terrain {n} (area) :: терен {m}; tèrēn {m}
Terran {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling ::
Terrestrial {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling ::
terrible {adv} (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) :: ужасан, страшан; ȕžāsan, strášan
terrible {adv} :: ȕžāsan, strášan, grȏzan; ужаснo, užasno
terribly {adv} (in a terrible manner) :: ȕžāsno, grȏzno, strášno
terribly {adv} (very; extremely) :: vȑlo, vèoma
territory {n} (large tract of land) :: територија {f}; teritorija {f}
terror {n} (extreme fear) :: ужас {m}; ȕžās {m}
terror {n} :: терор {m}, ужас {m}; teror {m}, užas {m}, terror
terrorism {n} (use of terror as a means of coercion) :: тероризам {m}; terorizam {m}
terrorist {n} (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) :: терориста {m}, терорист {m}, терористкиња {m}; terorista {m}, teròrist {m}, teròristkinja {f}
terse {adj} (abruptly or brusquely short) :: kràtak, кратак
tesla {n} (Unit of measurement of magnetic flux density) :: tesla
test {n} (challenge, trial) :: тест {m}; tȅst {m}
test {n} (academics: examination) :: тест {m}, ѝспит {m}; tȅst {m}, ìspit {m}
test {n} (product examination) :: тест {m}; test {m}
testament {n} (document containing a person's will) :: опорука {f}, тестамент {m}; ȍporuka {f}, testàment {m}
testament {n} (part of the Bible) :: завет {m}, завјет {m}; závet {m}, závjet {m}
testicle {n} (male sex gland) :: тестис {m}, семеник {m}, мудо {n}; testis {m}, semenik {m}, mudo {n}
testify {v} (to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath) :: svjedòčiti
testify {v} (to make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith) :: svjedòčiti
testimonial {n} (statement given under oath) SEE: testimony ::
testimony {n} (statement in court) :: svjedočánstvo {n}
testimony {n} (account of first-hand experience) :: svjedočánstvo {n}
testosterone {n} (steroid hormone) :: тестостерон {m}; testostèrōn {m}
tetanus {n} (disease) :: тетанус {m}; tètanus {m}
tether {n} (rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement) :: privez, oputa
tether {n} (limit of one's abilities, resources etc) :: sputanost
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
tetrahydrocannabinol {n} (THC) :: тетрахидроканабинол {m}; tetrahidrokanabinol {m}
tetraplegia {n} (paralysis of all four limbs) :: тетраплегија {f}; tetraplègija {f}
Teutonic {adj} (relating to the ancient Germanic people) :: теутонскӣ; tèutōnskī
Teutonic {adj} (having qualities regarded as typical of German people) :: теутонскӣ; tèutōnskī
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) :: Тевтонски ред {m}, Теутонски ред {m}; Tevtonski red {m}, Teutonski red {m}
Texan {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of Texas) :: Тексашанин {m}, Тексашанка {f}; Teksášanin {m}, Teksášānka {f}
Texas {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Тексас {m}; Tȅksas {m}
text {n} (a written passage) :: текст {m}, штиво {n}; tekst {m}, štivo {n}
textbook {n} (formal manual of instruction) :: уџбеник {m}; udžbenik {m}
textile {n} (cloth produced from fabric) :: tekstil {m}
Thai {adj} (of or pertaining to Thailand) :: тајландскӣ, тајскӣ; tȁjlandskī, tȃjskī
Thai {n} (language) :: тајски језик {m}; tajski jezik {m}
Thailand {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Тајланд {m}; Tajland {m}
Thai Ridgeback {n} (Thai Ridgeback) :: tajlandski ridžbek {m}
thallium {n} (chemical element) :: талиjум {m}, талиj {m}; talijum, talij
Thames {prop} (river through London) :: Темза {f}; Tȅmza {f}
than {prep} (Introduces a comparison) :: него; nego
Thanatos {n} (Thanatos, the god of death) :: Tanatos {m}
thanatosis {n} (the act of feigning death) :: танатоза {f}; tanatoza {f}
thank {v} :: захвалити; zahvaliti, blagodariti; zahvaliti
thank fuck {interj} (vulgar exclamation of gratitude or relief) :: хвала курцу; hvála kȗrcu
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) :: хвала Богу; hvala Bogu
thank goodness {interj} (express gratitude) :: хвала Богу; hvala Bogu
thanks {interj} (used to express appreciation or gratitude) :: хвала; hvála
thanks a lot {interj} :: [when sarcastic] puno hvala
thanks for your help {phrase} (thanks for your help) :: hvala na pomoc
thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude) :: хвала; hvala
thank you very much {interj} (greater gratitude than "thank you") :: hvala lijepa, [very formal, can also be used provokingly with sarcasm] hvala najljepša, [adressing a person formally with respect] najljepša Vam hvala, uistinu Vam mnogo hvala
that {conj} (connecting a noun clause) :: да; da
that {conj} :: да; da
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) :: тај, такав; taj, takav
that {pron} (that thing) :: то, оно {n}; to, ono {n}
that {pron} (which) :: који; koji
Thatcherism {prop} (political ideology of Thatcher's governments) :: тачерѝзам {m}; tačerìzam {m}
that is {adv} (in other words) :: то јест; to jest
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is ::
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
thaw {v} (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid) :: топити {impf}
the {article} (article) :: Not used in Serbo-Croatian
the apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to its parents) :: iver ne pada daleko od klade, jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
theater {n} (place or building) :: театар {m}, позориште {n}, казалиште {n}; teatar {m}, pozorište {n}, kazalište {n}
theater {n} :: kazalište, pozorište, gledalište, glumište
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater ::
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation ::
the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined) :: коцка је бачена; kȍcka je bačena
the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on {proverb} (life goes on even if some will try to stop progress) :: пси лају, а каравани пролазе; psi laju, a karavani prolaze
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou ::
the early bird catches the worm {proverb} (be motivated so you can accomplish what you want, in the morning) SEE: the early bird gets the worm ::
the early bird gets the worm {proverb} (whoever arrives first has the best chance of success) :: ко рано рани две среће граби, птица раноранилица прва црва нађе; ko rano rani dve sreće grabi, ptica ranoranilica prva crva nađe
The End {n} (end of a story) :: крај {m}; kraj {m}
the end justifies the means {proverb} (morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary) :: циљ оправдава средство; cȋlj opràvdāvā srèdstvo
theft {n} (act of stealing property) :: крађа {f}; krȁđa {f}
The Groyne {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña ::
The Hague {prop} (Dutch city) :: Хаг {m}; Hȃg {m}
their {determiner} (belonging to them (plural)) :: њихов; njihov
theirs {pron} (that which belongs to them) :: njihov, њихов
theism {n} (belief in existence of at least one deity) :: теѝзам {m}; teìzam {m}
theist {n} (believer) :: teist {m}
theme {n} (subject of a talk or an artistic piece) :: тема {f}; téma {f}
theme {n} :: тема {f}; tema {f}
then {adv} (at that time) :: онда, тада; ȍndā, tàdā
then {adv} (soon afterward) :: затим, потом, после [Ekavian], послије [Ijekavian], након тога; zatim, potom, posle [Ekavian], poslije [Ijkavian], nakon toga
then {adv} (next in order) :: pa
then {adv} (in that case) :: onda, dakle, u tom slučaju
then {adv} (at the same time; on the other hand) :: doduše
theocentric {adj} (having God as main focus) :: teocentričan
theocracy {n} (government under the control of a Church) :: теократија {f} [Bosnia, Serbia], теокрација {f} [Croatia]; teokratija {f} [Bosnia, Serbia], teokracija {f} [Croatia]
theodicy {n} (justification of a deity) :: teodiceja {f}
theodolite {n} (instrument) :: теодолӣт {m}; teodòlīt {m}
theologian {n} (one who studies theology) :: bogoslov {m}, bogoslovac {m}, bogoslovkinja {f}
theologist {n} (theologian) SEE: theologian ::
theology {n} (study of God, or a god, or gods) :: богословље {n}, богословија {f}; bogoslovlje {n}, bogoslovija {f}
theorem {n} (proved mathematical statement) :: теорема {f}; teorema {f}
theorist {n} (someone who constructs theories) :: теоретичар {m}, теоретичарка {f}; teoretičar {m}, teoretičarka {f}
theory {n} (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) :: теорија {f}; tèōrija {f}
theory {n} (an unproven conjecture) :: теорија {f}; tèōrija {f}
theory {n} (a field of study in mathematics) :: теорија {f}; tèōrija {f}
theory {n} (in logic: a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) :: теорија {f}; tèōrija {f}
theosophy {n} (doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism) :: teozofija
the other way round {adv} (same but with mentioned things reversed) :: obrnuto
the proof of the pudding is in the eating {proverb} (the only real test of something is as what it is intended to be used for) :: ne znaš dok ne probaš [idiom]
therapy {n} (treatment of disease) :: терапија {f}; terapija {f}
there {adv} (in or at that place) :: тамо, онде; tamo, onde
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) :: тамо; tamo
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
therefore {adv} (for that or this reason; for that) :: дакле, стога, зато; dakle, stoga, zato
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) :: има; ima
there is nothing new under the sun {proverb} (there is nothing new) :: nema ništa novo pod suncem, нема ништа ново под сунцем
theremin {n} (electronic musical instrument) :: теремӣн {m}; terèmīn {m}
Theresa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Teresa ::
there's no place like home {proverb} (one feels most comfortable at home) :: svugdje je lijepo, ali doma je najljepše; svuda pođi, kući dođi
thermometer {n} (apparatus used to measure temperature) :: топломер {m}, топломјер {m}, термометар {m}; toplomer {m}, toplomjer {m}, termometar {m}
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) :: термосфера {f}; termosfera {f}
the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (well-intended acts can lead to disasters) :: пут до пакла поплочан је добрим намјерама; pȗt dȍ pakla popločan je dobrim namjerama
Theron {prop} (5th century BC tyrant of Akragas) :: Терон {m}; Teron {m}
thesaurus {n} (book of synonyms) :: речник синонима {m}, тезаурус {m}; rečnik sinonima {m}, tezaurus {m}
these {determiner} (plural of this) :: ови {p}; ovi {p}
Theseus {prop} (hero) :: Тезеј, Tezej
the shit {n} (something considered to be excellent) :: mrak {m}
thesis {n} (statement supported by arguments) :: теза {f}; téza {f}
Thessaloniki {prop} (city in Greece) :: Солун {m}; Sòlūn {m}
the straw that broke the camel's back {n} (small additional burden which causes failure) :: кап која је прелила чашу {f}; kȃp kòjā je prèlila čȁšu {f}
Thetis {prop} (the mother of Achilles) :: Тетида; Tetida
they {pron} (third-person plural pronoun) :: они {m-p}, оне {f-p}, она {n-p}; oni {m-p}, one {f-p}, ona {n-p}
thick {adj} (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) :: дебео; dèbeo
thick {adj} (having a viscous consistency) :: густ; gȗst
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer ::
thickness {n} (property of being thick in dimension) :: дебљѝна {f}; debljìna {f}
thief {n} (one who carries out theft) :: лопов {m}, тат {m}, крадљивац {m}; lopov {m}, tat {m}, kradljivac {m}
thigh {n} (upper leg) :: бедро {n}, бутина {f}; bèdro {n}, bùtina {f}
thighbone {n} (femur) :: bedrenjača, butnjača
thimble {n} (a protective cap for the finger) :: напрстак {m}; náprstak {m}
thin {adj} (having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite) :: танак; tanak
thin {adj} :: tanak {m}
thine {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: твој; tvoj
thine {pron} (possessive pronoun) :: твој; tvoj
thing {n} (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) :: ствар {f}; stvar {f}, rič {f} (Chakavian)
thing {n} (penis) :: ona stvar {f} (in this slang sense, always used with demonstrative pronoun 'ona')
think {v} (to ponder, to go over in one's head) :: razmišljati {impf}, razmisliti {pf}
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) :: мислити {impf}; misliti {impf}
think {v} (be of the opinion that) :: мислити; misliti
think {v} (guess, reckon) :: мислити; misliti
think {v} (consider, judge, regard something as) :: мислити; misliti
thinking cap {n} (metaphorical piece of headgear for solving a problem) :: mislilačka kapa {f}
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
think of {v} (think) SEE: think ::
think through {v} (to fully consider an action) :: promisliti, razmisliti
third {adj} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) :: трећӣ; trȅćī
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) :: трећина {f}; trećina {f}
Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime) :: Трећи рајх {m}
third wheel {n} (person or thing that serves no useful purpose) :: тринаесто прасе; trinaesto prase
thirst {n} (dryness) :: жеђ {f}, жеда {f}; žeđ {f}, žeda {f}
thirsty {adj} (needing to drink) :: жедан; žedan
thirteen {num} (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) :: тринаест; trinaest
thirtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number thirty, see also: 30th) :: trideseti
thirty {num} (cardinal number) :: тридесет; trideset
thirty-eight {num} (38) :: тридесет и осам; trideset i osam
thirty-nine {num} (39) :: тридесет и девет; trideset i devet
thirty-one {num} (31) :: тридесет и један; trideset i jedan
thirty-two {num} (32) :: trideset dva, trideset i dva
this {determiner} (the (thing) here) :: тај; taj
this {determiner} :: ovaj {m}, ova {f}, ovi {m}, ove {f-p}, taj {m}, ta {f}, ti {p}, te {f-p}
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) :: ovaj
this evening {adv} (during the evening of today) :: вечерас; večèras
this morning {n} (during the morning of today) :: јутрос; jȕtrōs
this way {adv} (as follows) SEE: thus ::
this year {adv} (during the current year) :: ove godine, u ovoj godini
thither {adv} (to that place) :: tamo, onamo
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer ::
Thomas {prop} (biblical Apostle) :: Томаш {m}; Tomaš {m}
Thomas {prop} (given name) :: Томаш {m}, Тома {m}, Томислав {m}, Томо {m}; Tomaš {m}, Toma {m}, Tomislav {m}, Tomo {m}
thong {n} (footwear) :: japanka {f}
thorium {n} (chemical element) :: торијум {m}, ториј {m}; torijum {m}, torij {m}
thorn {n} (sharp protective spine of a plant) :: trn {m}
thorn {n} :: trn {m}; trn {m}
thornbush {n} (thorny shrub or bush) :: trnjak
thou {pron} (singular nominative form of you) :: ти;
thou {v} (to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun) :: тикати, говорити ти; tíkati, govoriti ti
thought {n} (form created in the mind) :: мисао {f}; mȋsao {f}
thought {n} :: misao {f}
thoughtcrime {n} (a crime) :: зломисао {f}; zlomisao {f}
thought police {n} (a group that aims to control what other people think) :: полиција мисли {f} /policija misli/
thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) :: тисућа {f}, хиљада {f}; tisuća {f}, hiljada {f}
thrash {v} (to beat mercilessly) :: mlatiti
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) :: нит {f}; nit {f}; nit {f}
thread {n} ((computing): a unit of execution) :: nit {f}, dretva {f}
thread {n} ((Internet): a series of messages) :: nit {f}
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread ::
threat {n} (expression of intent to injure or punish another) :: пријетња, претња {f}; prijetnja {f}, pretnja {f}
threat {n} (indication of imminent danger) :: prijetnja {f}
threaten {v} (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) :: претити {impf}; pretiti {impf}
three {num} (cardinal number 3) :: три; trȋ
three {num} (describing set or group with three components) :: тројка {f}; trójka {f}
three {n} (digit/figure 3) :: тројка {f}; trójka {f}
three-headed {adj} (having three heads) :: троглав; tròglav
three hundred {num} (cardinal number 300) :: тристо; trȉsto
threesome {n} (a group of three people) :: trojka {f}
threesome {n} (a sexual activity involving three people) :: seks utroje
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy ::
threnody {n} (a song or poem of lamentation) :: елегија, жалопојка
threshing floor {n} (floor of a threshing house) :: гумно {n}, харман {m} [regional]; gúmno {n}, hàrman {m} [regional]
threshing sledge {n} (rectangular table of wood used to separate grain from straw) :: млатило {n}, млатилица {f}, дикања {f} [in reference to Bulgaria]; mlàtilo {n}, mlàtilica {f}, дикања {f} [in reference to Bulgaria]
threshold {n} (bottom-most part of a doorway) :: праг {m}; prag {m}
thrice {adv} (three times) :: трипут; tríput
thrift {n} (savings bank) :: штедионица {f} /štedionica/
thrifty {adj} (given to, or evincing, thrift) :: štedljiv
thrill {v} (suddenly excite someone, or to give someone great pleasure; to electrify) :: uzbuditi
thrive {v} (to increase in bulk or stature) :: bujati
thrive {v} (to prosper by industry) :: prosperirati
throat {n} (front part of the neck) :: грло {n}, грк {m}, гркљан {m}, гуша {f}; gȑlo {n}, gȑk {m}, grkljan {m}, gȕša {f}
throat {n} (gullet or windpipe) :: грло {n}, гуша {f}, душнӣк {m}; gȑlo {n}, gȕša {f}, dùšnīk {m}
throat {n} (narrow opening in a vessel) :: грло {n}, грлӣћ {m}; gȑlo {n}, grlīć {m}
thrombosis {n} (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) :: тромбоза {f}; trombóza {f}
throne {n} (ornate seat) :: пријестоље {m}, трон {m}; prijestolje {m}, tron {m}
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
throttle {n} (valve) :: вентил {m}, ventil {m}
throttle {n} (the lever or pedal that controls this valve) :: papučica gasa, pedala gasa
throttle {v} (to cut back speed) :: oduzeti gas
throttle {v} (to strangle someone) :: zagušiti, zadaviti
through {prep} (to or up to, until (and including)) SEE: to ::
through {prep} (from one side of an opening to the other) :: кроз; kroz
through and through {adv} (entirely) :: скроз наскроз; skrȏz nȁskrōz
throw {v} (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) :: бацити; baciti
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit ::
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through ::
thrush {n} (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) :: drȍzd {m}, drozak, дрозд {m}, дрозак {m}
thrush {n} :: kandidijaza, soor
thud {n} (the sound of a dull impact) :: mukao zvuk {m}
thug {n} (someone who treats others violently or roughly) :: razbojnik, разбојник {m}
thulium {n} (chemical element) :: тулиjум {m}, тулиj {m}; tulijum {m}, tulij {m}
thumb {n} (digit) :: палац {m}; palac {m}
thumbnail {n} (small picture) :: minijatúra {m}; минијатура {m}
thunder {n} (sound caused by lightning) :: гром {m}, грмљавина {f}; grom {m}, grmljavina {f}
thunder {n} (sound resembling thunder) :: тутањ {m}; tutanj {m}
thunder {n} (deep, rumbling noise) :: тутњава {f}, тутњавина {f}; tutnjava {f}, tutnjavina {f}
thunder {v} (to make a noise like thunder) :: грмети {impf}; grmeti {impf}
thunderstorm {n} (storm with thunder and lightning) :: олуја {f}, грмљавина {f}; oluja {f}, grmljavina {f}
Thuringia {prop} (state) :: Тирингија {f}; Tiringija {f}
Thursday {n} (day of the week) :: четвртак {m}; četvrtak {m}
thus {adv} :: prema tome
thy {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: твој; tvoj
thyme {n} (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) :: тѝмијан {m}; tìmijān {m}
thyristor {n} (semiconductor diode) :: тиристор {m} /tiristor/
Tianjin {prop} (city in China) :: Тјенцин {m}, Tianjin {m}
Tibet {prop} (region in Inner Asia) :: Тибет {m}; Tibet {m}
Tibetan Mastiff {n} (Tibetan Mastiff) :: tibetski mastif {m}, тибетски мастиф {m}
tibia {n} (bone of the leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tibia {n} (segment of insect's leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tick {n} (arachnid) :: крпељ {m}; krpelj {m}
ticket {n} (admission to entertainment) :: улазница {f}; ulaznica {f}
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) :: улазница {f}; ulaznica {f}
ticket {n} :: ulaznica
tickle {n} (act of tickling) :: golicanje {n}
tickle {v} (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation) :: голѝцати {impf}; golìcati {impf}
tickler {n} (conundrum) SEE: conundrum ::
tickler {n} (reminder) SEE: reminder ::
ticklish {adj} (sensitive or susceptible to tickling) :: голѝцав, шкакљив, голѝцљив; golìcav, škàkljiv, golìcljiv
tiddlywinks {n} (game in which the objective is to shoot winks into a cup) :: skakanje buha
tide {n} (periodic change of sea level) :: плима {f}, прилив {m} [high tide]; осека {f}, одлив {m} [low tide]; plima {f}, priliv {m} [high tide]; oseka {f}, odliv {m} [low tide]
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide ::
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide ::
tiding {n} (news, new information) :: vijest {f}, glas {m}
tidy up {v} (to make clean (a small room or small space)) :: поспремити, почистити; pospremiti, počistiti
tie {n} (tie score) :: nerešeno {n}
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie ::
T'ien-chin {prop} (Tianjin) SEE: Tianjin ::
tier {n} (layer or rank) :: етажа {f}; etaža {f}
Tierra del Fuego {prop} (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) :: Огњена Земља {f}; Ȍgnjenā Zèmlja {f}
tiff {n} (petty quarrel) :: čarka {f}; razmirica {f}
tiff {v} (to quarrel) :: čarkati
tiger {n} (The mammal Panthera tigris) :: тигар {m}; tigar {m}
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow ::
tight {adj} (pushed/pulled together) :: тесан, тијесан; tésan, tijésan
tigon {n} (cross between a male tiger and a lioness) :: лигар {m}; ligar {m}
tigress {n} (female tiger) :: тигрица {f}; tigrica {f}
Tigris {prop} (river in Southwest Asia) :: Тигрис {m}; Tigris {m}
Tijuana {prop} (city in Baja California, Mexico) :: Тихуана {f}; Tijuana {f}
tilapia {n} (any fish of the genus Tilapia) :: тилапија {f}; tilapia {f}
tilde {n} (diacritical mark) :: tilda {f}
tile {n} (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) :: плочица {f}, каљ {m}; plȍčica {f}, kȃlj {m}
till {prep} (until) :: до;
till {n} (cash register) :: каса {f}, блàгāјна {f}; kàsa {f}, blàgājna {f}
tiller {n} (part of the rudder) :: kormilo {n}
timber {n} (trees considered as a source of wood) :: drva
timber {n} (wood that has been cut ready for construction) :: drvo
timber {n} (beam used to support something such as a roof or a ship) :: stalak
timber {interj} (warning shout used by loggers) :: drvo pada!
timberline {n} (tree line) SEE: tree line ::
timbre {n} (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume) :: timbar {m}, boja zvuka {f}
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) :: време {n}, вријеме {n}; vréme {n}, vrijéme {n}
time {n} (instance or occurrence) :: put {m}, пут {m}
time {n} :: put
timeline {n} (graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events) :: временска црта {f}; vremenska crta {f}
timeline {n} (schedule of activities) :: vremenski raspored {m}
timely {adj} (happening or appearing at the proper time) :: правовремен; prȁvovremen
time machine {n} (device used to travel in time) :: времеплов {m}, vrȅmeplōv {m}, временска машина {f}, vremenska mašina {f}
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time ::
timer {n} (device) :: odbrojavač vremena {m}
Times Square {prop} (wide intersection in New York City) :: Тајмс сквер {m}
timetable {n} (a structured schedule of events) :: распоред {m}; rȁsporēd {m}
time travel {n} (hypothetical or fictional travel to the past or future) :: vremeplov, времеплов {m}
time-traveller {n} (one who engages in time travel) :: времепловац {m}, путник кроз вријеме {m}; vremeplovac {m}, putnik kroz vrijeme {m}
timid {adj} (lacking in courage or confidence) :: snebivljiv
Timișoara {prop} (city in Romania) :: Темишвар {m}; Temišvar {m}
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor ::
timorous {adj} (fearful, timid) :: plašljiv, preplašen
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tin {n} (element) :: калај {m}; kalaj {m}, kositar {m} [Croatia]
tin {n} (airtight container) :: ліменка {f}, конзерва {f}; limenka {f}, konzerva {f}
tin {n} :: kositer {m}
Tinkerbell {n} (fictional fairy) :: Звончица {f}; Zvončica {f}
tinkle {v} (to urinate) SEE: urinate ::
tinnitus {n} (perception of nonexistent noise) :: тинитус {m}; tȉnitus {m}
tinsmith {n} (a person who makes or repairs things with tin) :: лимар {m}, калајџија {m}; lȉmār {m}, kalájdžija {m}
tin soldier {n} (toy soldier) :: oловни војник {m}, olovni vojnik {m}
tiny {adj} (very small) :: мајушан; majušan
tip {v} (give a small amount of money to someone for a service provided) :: dati napojnicu
tip {n} (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) :: бакшиш {m}, напојница {f}; bakšiš {m}, napojnica {f}
tipcat {n} (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick) :: klȋs {m}
tipcat {n} (wooden piece used in tipcat) :: klȋs {m}
tip of the iceberg {n} (small indication of a larger possibility) :: врх леденог бријега {m}, врх леденог брега {m}; vȑh lȅdenōg brijȇga {m}, vȑh lȅdenōg brȇga {m}
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent ::
tiramisu {n} (semifreddo dessert) :: тирамису {m}; tiramisȕ {m}
Tirana {prop} (capital city of Albania) :: Тирана {f}; Tiràna {f}
Tiranan {n} (someone from Tirana) :: Тиранац {m}, Тѝранка {f}; Tiránac {m}, Tìrānka {f}
Tiraspol {prop} (capital of Transnistria) :: Тираспољ {m}; Tiraspolj {m}
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre ::
tired {adj} (in need of rest or sleep) :: уморан; ȕmōran
tissue {n} (aggregation of cells) :: ткиво {n}; tkivo {n}
Tisza {prop} (river in Central Europe) :: Тиса {f}, Tisa {f}
tit {n} (a mammary gland, teat) :: (сисна) брадавица {f}; (sisna) bràdavica {f}
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) :: сиса {f}; sȉsa {f}
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee ::
Titan {n} (mythological giant) :: титан {m} /titan/
Titan {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: Титан {m}; Titan {m}
Titanic {prop} (ship) :: Титаник {m}; Titanic {m}, Titanik {m}
titanium {n} (chemical element) :: титан {m}, титаниј {m}; titan {m}, titanij {m}
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth ::
tithe {n} (tax paid to the Church) :: desetina {f}
tithe {n} (a small part or proportion) :: desetinka
Titian {prop} (sixteenth century Italian painter) :: Тицијан {m}; Tizian {m}, Ticijan {m}
title {n} (name of a book, etc) :: наслов {m}; náslov {m}
Titograd {prop} (former name of Podgorica) :: Титоград {m}; Tȉtogrād {m}
titty {n} (kitty) SEE: kitty ::
Titus {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Титу
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo ::
tmesis {n} (insertion of one or more words between the components of a word) :: тмеза {f}; tmeza {f}
to {particle} (infinitive-marker) :: -ti, -ći
toad {n} (amphibian similar to a frog) :: крастача {f}; krastača {f}
toadstool {n} (an inedible or poisonous mushroom) :: otrovna pečurka {f}, Cyrillic: отровна печурка {f}; otrovna gljiva {f}, Cyrillic: отровна гљива {f}
toast {n} (toasted bread) :: препеченац {m}, тост {m}, двопек {m}; prepečenac {m}, tost {m}, dvopek {m}
toast {n} (salutation) :: здравица {f}; zdravica {f}
toastmaster {n} (person who proposes toasts, etc.) SEE: master of ceremonies ::
tobacco {n} (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) :: духан {m} [Bosnian, Croatian], дуван {m} [Serbian]; dùhān {m} [Bosnian, Croatian], dùvān {m} [Serbian]
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) :: духан {m} [Bosnian, Croatian], дуван {m} [Serbian]; dùhān {m} [Bosnian, Croatian], dùvān {m} [Serbian]
tobacconist {n} (smoker) SEE: smoker ::
tobacconist {n} (tobacconist's shop) SEE: tobacconist's ::
tobacconist's {n} (shop that sells tobacco products) :: дуванџија {m}; duvandžija {m}
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) :: лула {f}; lula {f}
toccata {n} (musical piece) :: токата {f}; tokàta {f}
today {adv} (on the current day) :: данас; dànas
today {adv} (nowadays) :: садашњица, данашњица, данас, данданас; sàdašnjica, dànašnjica, dànas, dandanas
today {n} (today (noun)) :: данас; dànas
to do with {prep} (relate or relevant to) :: имати нешто са; imati nešto sa
toe {n} (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) :: прст {m}; prst {m}
toe {n} :: прст {m}; prst {m}
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) :: сваком своје, svakom svoje
to err is human {proverb} (Everybody makes mistakes) :: грешити је људскӣ, грешити је људскӣ; gréšiti jȅ ljùdski, grijéšiti jȅ ljùdski
toffee {n} (uncountable: type of confectionery) :: karamela {f}
tofu {n} (protein-rich food made from curdled soy milk) :: тофу, tofu
together {adv} (at the same time, in the same place) :: заједно, скупа
toggle {n} (toggle switch) SEE: toggle switch ::
toggle switch {n} :: прекидач; prekidač
Togo {prop} (Togolese Republic) :: Того {m}; Tȏgo {m}
toil {n} (labor, work) :: rabota {f}
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) :: нужник {m}, тоалет {m}, купатило {n}, купаоница {f}, заход {m}, купаона {f}; nužnik {m}, toalet {m}, kupatilo {n}, kupaonica {f}, zahod {m}, kupaona {f}
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) :: тоалет, шоља, клозетска шоља; toalet, šolja, klozetska šolja
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) :: тоалетни папир; toaletni papir
toilet training {n} (The act of training a young child to use the toilet) :: navikavanje na čistoću
toilet water {n} (perfumed mixture of water and alcohol) SEE: eau de toilette ::
tokamak {n} (A torus-shaped chamber in which a plasma is magnetically confined) :: tokàmak {m}, токамак {m}
tokenism {n} (policy of formally complying with efforts to achieve a goal by making small, token gestures) :: tokenizam {m}
Tokyo {prop} (capital of Japan) :: Токио {m}; Tȍkio {m}
Tokyoite {adj} (relating to Tokyo) :: токӣјскӣ; tòkījskī
Tokyoite {n} (person from Tokyo) :: Токијац {m}, Токӣјка {f}; Tokíjac {m}, Tòkījka {f}
tolerance {n} (ability to tolerate) :: tolerancija {f}, podnošljivost {f}, trpeljivost {f}
Tolkien {prop} (a surname) :: Толкин {m}; Tolkin {m}
toll {n} (fee for using roads and bridges) :: цестарина {f}, путарина {f}; cestarina {f}, putarina {f}
Tolyatti {prop} (city) :: Тољати {m}; Toljati {m}, Togliatti {m}
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
tom {n} (male cat) :: мачор {m}, мачак {m}; mačor {m}, mačak {m}
tomahawk {n} (American Indian axe) :: томахавк {m}; tomahavk {m}
tomato {n} (tomato plant) :: парадајз {m} [Bosnian, Serbian], рајчица {f} [Croatian]; paradajz {m} [Bosnian, Serbian], rajčica {f} [Croatian]
tomato {n} (fruit) :: парадајз {m} [Bosnian, Serbian], рајчица {f} [Croatian]; paràdajz {m} [Bosnian, Serbian], ràjčica {f} [Croatian]
tomato sauce {n} (ketchup) SEE: ketchup ::
tomayto, tomahto {phrase} (to suggest a distinction without a difference) :: није шија него врат; nije šija nego vrat
tomb {n} (small building or vault for the remains of the dead) :: гробница {f}; grȍbnica {f}
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom ::
Tom, Dick and Harry {n} (anybody or everybody; random or unknown people) :: Пера, Мика, Лаза, Марко и Трајко, И Кунто и Панто; Pera, Mika, Laza, Marko i Trajko, I Kunto i Panto
tomnoddy {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
tomorrow {adv} (on the day after the present day) :: сутра, сутрадан; sutra, sutradan
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) :: сутрa, сутрадан; sutra, sutradan
Tomsk {prop} (а city in Russia) :: Томск {m}; Tomsk {m}
ton {n} (unit of weight) :: тона {f}; tona {f}
tone {n} (pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning) :: тон {m}; ton {m}
Tonga {prop} (country) :: Тонга {f}; Tonga {f}
tongue {n} (organ) :: језик {m}; jezik {m}
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language ::
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) :: брзалица {f}; brzalica {f}
tonight {adv} (during today's evening) :: večeras
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) :: ноћас; noćas
tonight {n} (nighttime today) :: ноћас; noćas
tonsil {n} :: krajnik {m}
tonsillectomy {n} (surgical removal of tonsils) :: тонзилектомија {f}; tonzilektòmija {f}
tonsillitis {n} (inflammation of the tonsils) :: angina {f}
too {adv} (likewise) :: такође, такођер [Croatia]; takóđe, takóđer [Croatia]
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
tool {n} (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) :: алат {m}; àlāt {m}, òrūđe {n}
tool {n} (equipment used in a profession) :: средство {n}, прибор {m}; sredstvo {n}, pribor {m}
tool {n} :: [collective] алат {m}; [collective] alat {m}
toolbar {n} (row of icons in a graphical user interface) :: alatna traka {f}
toon {n} (town) SEE: town ::
tooth {n} (biological tooth) :: зуб {m}; zȗb {m}
tooth {n} (saw tooth) :: зуб {m}; zȗb {m}
tooth {n} (gear tooth) :: зуб {m}; zȗb {m}
toothache {n} (ache in a tooth) :: зубобоља {f}; zubòbolja {f}
tooth and nail {adv} (viciously) :: zubima i noktima
toothbrush {n} (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) :: четкица за зубе {f}; četkica za zube {f}
tooth enamel {n} (substance) SEE: enamel ::
toothpaste {n} (paste for cleaning the teeth) :: зубна паста {f}, паста за зубе {f}; zubna pasta {f}, pasta za zube {f}
toothpick {n} (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) :: чачкалица {f}; čȁčkalica {f}
top {n} (uppermost part) :: врх {m}; vrh {m}
top {n} (child’s spinning toy) :: зврк {m}, чигра {f}; zvrk {m}, čigra {f}
top {n} (gay sexual slang: gay man who likes to penetrate in sex) :: актӣван {m}, [humorous] тобџија {m}; ȁktīvan {m}, [humorous] tòbdžija {m}
topaz {n} (gem) :: топаз {m}; topaz {m}
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread ::
topic {n} (subject; theme) :: тема {f}; tema {f}
topical {adj} (of current interest) :: актуалан; ȁktuālan
topologic {adj} (topological) SEE: topological ::
topological {adj} (of or relating to topology) :: topološki
topological space {n} :: topološki prostor {m}
topology {n} (study of geometric properties that are not changed by stretching etc.) :: topologija {f}, топологија {f}
topology {n} (anatomical structure) :: topologija {f}, топологија {f}
topology {n} (arrangements of computer nodes) :: topologija {f}, топологија {f}
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
Torah {prop} (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) :: Тора {f}, Tora {f}
torch {n} (stick with flame at one end) :: бакља {f}, буктиња {f}; bȁklja {f}, buktinja {f}
torment {n} (extreme pain) :: патња {f}, мука {f}; pàtnja {f}, mȕka {f}
tornado {n} (violent windstorm) :: торнадо {m}; tòrnādo {m}
Toronto {prop} (city in Canada) :: Торонто; Toronto
torpor {n} (being inactive or stuporous) :: torpor {f}
torso {n} (body excluding the head and limbs) :: торзо {m}, труп {m}; tȍrzo {m}, trȗp {m}
tortoise {n} (land-dwelling reptile) :: [tortoise or turtle] корњача {f}; [tortoise or turtle] kornjača {f}
torture {n} (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony) :: мучење {n}, тортура {f}; mučenje {n}, tortúra {f}
torturer {n} (one who tortures) :: мучитељ {m}; mùčitelj {m}
to say nothing of {conj} (apophasis used to mention another important, usually related, point) :: kȁmoli, камоли, akȁmoli, акамоли [archaic, now proscribed], da se i ne spominje [idiom]
to say the least {adv} (suggesting understatement) :: blago rečeno /благо речено/
tosser {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker ::
total {n} (sum) :: zbroj {m}
totalitarianism {n} (system where state wields absolute control) :: тоталитаризам {m}; totalitarizam {m}
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) :: тотални рат {m}; totalni rat {m}
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very ::
totter {v} (move or stand unsteadily) :: teturati
totter {n} (unsteady movement) :: teturanje
toucan {n} (Ramphastid) :: тукан {m}; tùkan {m}
touch {v} (make physical contact with) :: дирати {impf}, такнути {pf}; dírati {impf}, tàknuti {pf}
touch {v} (affect emotionally) :: dírati
touchable {adj} (Capable of being touched) :: додирљив /dodirljiv/
touch-me-not {n} (Ecballium elaterium) SEE: squirting cucumber ::
touch-paper {n} (a strip of impregnated paper used as a fuse) :: papirnati fitilj
touchstone {n} (stone used to test the quality of gold alloys) :: пробни камен {m}, probni kamen {m}
touch wood {v} (to make contact with wood or another material to avert bad luck) SEE: knock on wood ::
touch wood {interj} (hopefully; said when touching something wooden) SEE: knock on wood ::
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn ::
tour {n} (journey through given list of places) :: turneja {f}
tourism {n} (the act of travelling or sightseeing) :: турѝзам {m}; turìzam {m}
tourist {n} (someone who travels for pleasure) :: турист {m}, туристкиња {f}; tùrist {m}, tùristkinja {f}
touristic {adj} (catering to tourists) :: туристички {m}; turìstičkī {m}
touristy {adj} (catering to tourists) :: туристички {m}; turìstičkī {m}
tour operator {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency ::
tousled {adj} (unkempt) :: razbarušen {m}
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade ::
tovarish {n} (comrade, especially with reference to the former USSR, see also: comrade) :: товариш {m}; tovariš {m}
tow {n} (bundle of fibers) :: кучина {f}; kùčina {f}
toward {prep} (in the direction of) :: prema, k, ka
towards {prep} (toward) SEE: toward ::
towel {n} (cloth used for wiping) :: пешкӣр {m}, убрус {m}, ручнӣк {m}; pèškīr {m}, ùbrus {m}, rùčnīk {m}
tower {n} (structure) :: торањ {m}; toranj {m}
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) :: Лондон Тауер {m} [Serbia], Лондонски Тауер {m} [Bosnia, Croatia]; London Tower {m} [Serbia], Londonski Tower {m} [Bosnia, Croatia]
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa ::
town {n} (settlement) :: град {m}, варош {f}, паланка {f}; grad {m}, varoš {f}, palanka {f}
townsman {n} (male resident of a town) :: мештанин {m}, meštanin {m}, мјештанин {m}, mještanin {m}
toxic {adj} (having a harmful chemical nature) :: токсичан; tòksičan
toxicology {n} (scientific study of poisons and poisoning) :: токсикологија {f}; toksikològija {f}
toy {n} (something to play with) :: ѝграчка {f}; ìgračka {f}
toy {v} (to play with) :: поигравати се /poigravati se/; poigravati se
toy {v} (to ponder or consider) :: poigravati se [s idejom]
trace {n} (mark left as a sign of passage) :: trag {m}
trachea {n} (thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi) :: душнӣк {m}, трахеја {f}; dùšnīk {m}, trahéja {f}
tracing paper {n} (translucent paper) :: паус-папӣр {m}; pàus-pàpīr {m}
tractor {n} (farm vehicle) :: трактор {m}; traktor {m}
tractor driver {n} (one who drives a tractor) :: traktorista {m}
tractor-trailer {n} (large truck) :: šleper, kamion s prikolicom
trade {n} (buying and selling) :: трговина {f}, обход {m}; trgovina {f}, obhod {m}
trade {n} (instance of buying or selling) :: размена {f}, измена {f}; razmena {f}, izmena {f}
trade {n} (skilled practice of an occupation) :: занат {m}; zanat {m}
trade {n} (business given by customers) :: трговина {f}; trgovina {f}
trade {n} :: trgovci {m-p}
tradeoff {n} (advantage that necessitates loss) SEE: trade-off ::
trade-off {n} (situation in which one thing must be decreased for another to be increased) :: kompromis {m}
trader {n} (one who earns a living by trading) :: трговац {m}; trgovac {m}
trade union {n} (organization) :: синдѝкат {m}; sindìkāt {m}
tradition {n} (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) :: традиција {f}, предање {n}; tradicija {f}, predanje {n}
traditional {adj} (of or pertaining to tradition) :: традиционалан; trȁdicionālan
traditional {adj} (observant of tradition) :: традиционалан; trȁdicionālan
traditionalism {n} (adherence to traditional views) :: tradicionalizam {m}, pasatizam {m}
traditionalist {n} (one who adheres to tradition) :: традиционалист {m}; tradicionalist {m}
traditionally {adv} (traditional manner) :: trȁdicionālno
traffic {n} (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) :: саобраћај {m}, промет {m}; sȁobraćāj {m}, prómet {m}
traffic {n} (commercial transportation or exchange of goods) :: промет {m}; prómet {m}
trafficator {n} (blinking light) SEE: indicator ::
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) :: застој {m}; zástoj {m}
trafficking {n} (human trafficking) SEE: human trafficking ::
traffic light {n} (signalling device) :: семафор {m}, светлоказ {m}; sȅmafōr {m}, svetlokaz
traffic sign {n} (traffic sign) :: прометни знак {m} [Croatia], саобраћајни знак {m} [Bosnia, Serbia]; prometni znak {m} [Croatia], saobraćajni znak {m} [Bosnia, Serbia]
tragedian {n} (actor who specializes in tragic roles) :: tràgičār {m}; трагичар {m}
tragedy {n} (drama or similar work) :: трагедија {f}; tragedija {f}
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) :: трагедија {f}; tragedija {f}
tragedy of the commons {n} (tragedy of the commons) :: tragedija zajedničkog dobra {f}
trailblazer {n} (one that blazes a trail to guide others) :: kzčilac
trailblazer {n} (innovative leader) :: kzčitelj
train {n} (line of connected cars or carriages) :: воз {m}, влак {m}; voz {m}, [Croatia] vlak {m}
train {n} (group of animals, vehicles, or people) :: свита {f}, пратња {f}; svita {f}, pratnja {f}
train {n} (that which is drawn along) :: шлеп {m}; šlep {m}
train {v} (to practice an ability) :: обучавати се; obučavati se
train {v} (to teach a task) :: обучавати; obučavati
training {n} (the activity of imparting and acquiring skills) :: obuka {f}
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
traitor {n} (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) :: ѝздајнӣк {m}, ѝздајица {f}, ѝздајница {f}; ìzdājnīk {m}, ìzdajica {f}, ìzdājnica {f}
traitor {n} (a betrayer) :: ѝздајнӣк {m}, ѝздајица {f}, ѝздајница {f}; ìzdājnīk {m}, ìzdajica {f}, ìzdājnica {f}
trajectory {n} (path of a body) :: трајекторија {f}, путања {f}; trajektòrija {f}, pùtanja {f}
trajectory {n} (course of development) :: трајекторија {f}, ток {m}; trajektòrija {f}, tȏk {m}
tram {n} (passenger vehicle) :: трамвај {m}; trȁmvāj {m}
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram ::
tramp {n} (homeless person) :: скитница {m}, клошар {m}, луталица {m}, безпосличар; skítnica {m}, klòšār {m}, lútalica {m}, bezposličar
tramp {v} (to hitchhike) SEE: hitchhike ::
trance {n} (genre of electronic dance music) :: транс, тренс, trance
tranche {v} (slice) SEE: slice ::
tranquilizer {n} (anything that tranquillizes or soothes) :: trankvilizator {m}
tranquilizer {n} (drug used to reduce anxiety or tension) :: trankvilizator {m}, anksiolitik {m}
transceiver {n} (combined radio transmitter and receiver) :: примопредајник {m}; primopredajnik {m}
transceiver {n} (computing device) :: примопредајник {m}; primopredajnik {m}
transcend {v} (to pass beyond the limits of something) :: transcendirati
transcend {v} (to surpass something in intensity or power; to excel) :: prevazići, nadići
transcendentalism {n} :: transcendentalizam {m}
transcendental number {n} (irrational nonalgebraic number) :: transcendentni broj {m}
transcription {n} (in linguistics) :: транскрипција {f}; transkripcija {f}
Transdanubia {prop} (region of Hungary) :: Прекодунавље; Prekodunavlje
transduction {n} (logic design) :: transdukcija {f}
transfection {n} (introduction of foreign DNA into a eukaryotic cell) :: transfekcija {f}
transformation {n} (act of transforming) :: preobražénje {n}
transgender {adj} (not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles) :: transrodan {m}, transrodna {f}, трансродна {f}
transgender {n} (a transgender person) :: трансродно {n}; transrodno {n}
transistor {n} (solid-state semiconductor device, with three terminals) :: транзистор {m}; tranzistor {m}
transition element {n} (in chemistry) :: prijelazni element {m}
transition metal {n} (transition element) :: prijelazni metal {m}
transitive {adj} (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) :: прелазан, пријелазан; prélazan, prijélazan
transitive {adj} (set theory, of a relation on a set) :: транзитӣван; trȁnzitīvan
transitive verb {n} (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object) :: прелазни глагол {m}, пријелазни глагол {m}; prelazni glagol {m}, prijelazni glagol {m}
translate {v} (to change text from one language to another) :: преводити {impf}, превести {pf}; prevòditi {impf}, prèvesti {pf}
translation {n} (act of translating between languages) :: превод {m} [Ekavian], пријевод {m} [Ijekavian]; prévod {m} [Ekavian], prijévod {m} [Ijekavian]
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) :: превод {m} [Ekavian], пријевод {m} [Ijekavian]; prévod {m} [Ekavian], prijévod {m} [Ijekavian]
translation {n} (math, physics: motion without deformation or rotation) :: транслација {f}; translácija {f}
translation {n} (genetics: process for producing proteins) :: транслација {f}; translácija {f}
translator {n} (someone who translates) :: преводилац {m}, преводитељ {m}; prevodilac {m}, prevoditelj {m}
transliteration {n} (product of transliterating) :: транслитерација {f}, пријеслов {m}; transliterácija {f}, prijeslov {m}
transmission {n} (act of transmitting) :: пренос {m} /prenos/, трансмисија {f} /transmisija/
transmission {n} (assembly of gears) :: мењач {m}, мјењач {m}; menjač {m}, mjenjač {m}
transmutation {n} (transformation) SEE: transformation ::
Transnistria {prop} (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) :: Придњестровље {n}; Pridnjestrovlje {n}
transparent {adj} (see-through, clear) :: прозиран; proziran
transparent {adj} :: провидан; providan, prozirno, progledno
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen ::
transponder {n} (transceiver that transmits a signal in response to another) :: транспондер {m}, transponder {m}
transport {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport ::
transrealism {n} (literary mode) :: трансреализам {m}, transrealizam {m}
transvestite {n} (cross-dresser, see also: cross-dresser) :: трансвестит {m}, transvestit {m}
Transylvania {prop} (Transylvania) :: Трансилванија {f}; Transilvanija {f}
trash {n} (things to be discarded) :: smeće
trash can {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
trauma {n} (serious injury to the body) :: траума {f}; trauma {f}
trauma {n} (emotional wound) :: траума {f}; trauma {f}
travel {v} (be on a journey) :: путовати {impf}; putovati {impf}
travel {v} (pass from here to there; transmit) :: путовати, пренети; putovati, preneti
travel {v} (travel throughout) :: proputòvati
travel {n} (act of traveling) :: путовање {n}; putovánje {n}
travel {n} (plural: series of journeys) :: путовање {n}; putovánje {n}
travel {n} (plural: account of one's travels) :: путовање {n}; putovánje {n}
travel agency {n} (company) :: туристичка агенција {f}; turistička agencija {f}
travel agent {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency ::
traveled {adj} (experienced in travel) :: naputovan {m}, naputovana {f}
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller ::
traveller {n} (one who travels) :: путнӣк {m}, путница {f}; pȗtnīk {m}, pȗtnica {f}
travelogue {n} (description of someone's travels) :: путопӣс {m}; pȕtopīs {m}
travel sickness {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
tray {n} (object on which things are carried) :: послужавнӣк {m}, табља {f}, тацна {f}, пладањ {m}; poslùžāvnīk {m}, tȁblja {f}, tàcna {f}, plàdanj {m}
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
treason {n} (crime of betraying one’s country) :: издаја {f}, ѝздајство {n}; ȉzdaja {f}, ìzdājstvo {n}
treasure {n} (collection of valuable things) :: благо {n}, драгоценост {f}; blago {n}, dragocenost {f}
treasurer {n} :: благајник {m}, благајница {f}; blagajnik {m}, blagajnica {f}
treasury {n} (place where treasure is stored safely) :: ризница {f}, хазна {f}, трезор {m}; riznica {f}, hazna {f}, trezor {m}
treasury {n} (government department) SEE: treasury department ::
treasury department {n} (government department) :: ministarstvo financija {n}
treat {v} (to entertain with food or drink) :: častiti
treat {n} ((obsolete) An entreaty) SEE: entreaty ::
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation ::
treatment {n} (process or manner of treating) :: tretman, postupanje
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) :: лечење {n}, лијечење {n}, терапија {f}, третман {m}; lečenje {n}, liječenje {n}, terapija {f}, tretman {m}
treatment {n} (preserving or giving particular properties) :: tretiranje
treaty {n} (a binding agreement under international law) :: уговор {m}; ȕgovōr {m}
tree {proverb} (large woody plant) :: дрво {n}, стабло {n}; dȑvo {n}, stáblo {n}
tree hollow {n} (tree hollow) :: дупља {f}; duplja {f}
tree line {n} :: rub šume {m}
tree-line {n} (timberline) SEE: tree line ::
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) :: дебло {n}, стабло {n}, стром {m}; deblo {n}, stablo {n}, strom {m}
tremble {v} (to shake) :: дрхтати {impf}; drhtati {impf}
tremulous {adj} (trembling or shaking) :: drhtav, tremorozan
trench {n} (long, narrow ditch or hole) :: opkop {m}, rov
trench coat {n} (military-style raincoat) :: baloner {m}, kabanica {f}
trend {n} (an inclination in a direction) :: тенденција {f}, тренд {m}; tendencija {f}, trend {m}
trend {n} (A fad) :: тренд {m}; trend {m}
trepanation {n} (practice of drilling a hole in the skull) :: трепанација {f}; trepanácija {f}
trepang {n} (sea cucumber) SEE: sea cucumber ::
trepidation {n} (fearful state) :: неспокој {m} /nespokoj/
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
triangle {n} (polygon) :: трокут {m} [Croatia]; trokut {m} [Croatia]
triangle {n} (percussion instrument) :: трокут {m} [Croatia]; trokut {m} [Croatia]
triangle {n} (love triangle) SEE: love triangle ::
tribal {adj} (of or relating to tribes) :: plȅmenskī
tribe {n} (group of people) :: племе {n}; plȅme {n}
tribulation {n} (adversity) :: nevolja {f}, tribulacija {f}, stradanje {n}, iskušenje {n}
tribunal {n} (assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business) :: трибунал; tribùnāl {m}
tribune {n} (elected official in Ancient Rome) :: трѝбун {m}; trìbūn {m}
tributary {n} (stream which flows into a larger one) :: приток {m}, притока {f}; pritok {m}, pritoka {f}
tributary {adj} (subordinate, inferior) SEE: subordinate ::
trickster {n} (one who performs tricks) :: мађионичар {m}; mađiòničār {m}
trickster {n} (impish or playful person) :: враголан {m}, шаљивац {m}; vragòlān {m}, šàljivac {m}
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud ::
trick up one's sleeve {n} (ace up one's sleeve) SEE: ace up one's sleeve ::
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) :: тробојка {f}, тробојница {f}; trobojka {f}, trobojnica {f}
tricycle {n} (cycle with three wheels) :: tricikl {f}, trotočak {m}, trokolka {f}
trident {n} (three-pronged spear) :: трозубац {m}; trozubac {m}
Trieste {prop} (province) :: Trst {m}
Trieste {prop} (city) :: Trst
triffid {n} (a fictional plant) :: трифид {m} /trifid/
trifle {n} (dessert) :: бѝсквӣт {m}; bìskvīt {m}
trifle {n} (insignificant amount) :: ситнѝца {f}; sitnìca {f}
trifle {n} (thing of little importance or worth) :: тричарија {f}; tričàrija {f}
trifle {v} (To squander or waste) :: tratiti, тратити
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
Trilj {prop} (town in Croatia) :: Trilj
trillion {num} :: bilion {m}
trimaran {n} (type of boat) :: тримаран {m}; trimaran {m}
trinal {adj} (having three parts, triple) SEE: tripartite ::
Trinidad and Tobago {prop} (country) :: Тринидад и Тобаго; Trinidad i Tobago
trinity {n} (group or set of three people or things) :: trojstvo
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) :: тројство {n}; trójstvo {n}
trip {n} (journey) :: путовање {n}; putovánje {n}
tripartite {adj} (in three parts) :: trodijelno
tripe {n} (stomach lining of animal for food) :: tripice {f}, fileki {p}
tripe {n} (something valueless) :: будалаштина [Serbian]
triphthong {n} (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vowel to another) :: трѝфтонг {m}; trìftong {m}
tripod {n} (a three-legged stand or mount) :: троножац {m}; trònožac {m}
Tripoli {prop} (capital of Libya) :: Триполи {m}; Tripoli {m}
triptych {n} (art: a picture or series of pictures painted on three tablets connected by hinges) :: триптих {m}; triptih {m}
tritagonist {n} (third role) :: тритагонист {m}; tritagònist {m}
trite {adj} (used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting or effective; worn out, hackneyed) :: otrcan, banalan, izlizan
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump ::
triumphal arch {n} (monumental arch that commemorates a victory) :: slavoluk {m}
triune {adj} (having three components that are both separate and united) :: троједан; trȍjedan
triune {adj} (having three hypostases that are perfectly united) :: троједан; trȍjedan
trivet {n} (stand with three short legs) :: tronožac, tronog
trivia {n} (quiz) SEE: quiz ::
trivial {adj} (of little significance or value) :: trivijalan
trochaic {adj} (referring to poetry composed of trochees) :: tròhējskī
trochee {n} (a metrical foot) :: tròhēj {m}
trodden {adj} (crushed by being walked on) :: pogažen
Trogir {prop} (city in Croatia) :: Trogir
troika {n} (carriage) :: тројка {f}; trójka {f}
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) :: тројанскӣ рат {m}; tròjānskī rȁt {m}
troll {n} (supernatural being) :: трол {m}; trol {m}
troll {v} (internet: to attempt to lure others into combative argument) :: троловати, тролати; trolovati, trolati, (figuratively) provocirati, preveslati, nasamariti
troll {n} (person who provokes others) :: трол {m}; trol {m}
trolley bus {n} (bus powered via overhead electric cables) :: тролејбус {m}; trolejbus {m}
trombone {n} (a musical instrument in the brass family) :: тромбон {m}; trombon {m}
Tromsø {prop} (municipality in Norway) :: Тромсе; Tromse, Tromsø
troop {n} (military forces) :: trupa
trope {n} (art, literature: something recurring across a genre or type of art or literature) :: троп {m}; trȏp {m}
trope {n} (rhetoric: figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning) :: троп {m}; trȏp {m}
trope {n} (music: short cadence at the end of the melody) :: троп {m}; trȏp {m}
trope {n} (music, Judaism: cantillation pattern or mark) :: троп {m}; trȏp {m}
trope {n} (music, Roman Catholicism: phrase or verse added to the Mass) :: троп {m}; trȏp {m}
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) :: повратник {m}, обратница {f}; povratnik {m}, obratnica {f}
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic ::
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) :: северни повратник {m}, Ракова обратница {f}; severni povratnik {m}, Rakova obratnica {f}
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) :: јужни повратник {m}, Јарчева обратница {f}; južni povratnik {m}, Jarčeva obratnica {f}
trot {n} (gait of an animal between walk and canter) :: кас {m}; kȃs {m}
trot {v} ((of a horse) move at a gait between a walk and a canter) :: касати; kȁsati
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth ::
Trotskyism {n} (left-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky) :: trockizam {m}
trouble {n} :: muka {f}, trud {m}, poteškoća, napor, problem, nevolja, neprilika
trough {n} (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) :: korito {n}, корито {n}
trough {n} (a long, narrow container open at the top) :: korito {n}
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket ::
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants ::
trout {n} (fish) :: пастрва {f}, пастрмка {f}; pastrva {f}, pastrmka {f}
Troy {prop} (an ancient city) :: Троја {f}; Trója {f}
truce {n} (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) :: примирје {n}; primirje {n}
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade ::
truck {n} (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) :: камион {m}; kamion {m}
truck {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon ::
true {adj} (concurring with a given set of facts) :: istinit, pravi, istinito, pravo
true {adj} (A state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result) :: istinito
true {adj} (Loyal, faithful) :: veran
true {adj} (Genuine) :: iskren, istinski
true {adj} (Legitimate) :: istinito, zakonito
truffle {n} (tuber) :: тартуф {m}; tàrtuf {m}
truism {n} (self-evident or obvious truth) :: truizam
trump {n} (playing card of that suit) :: адут {m}; àdūt {m}
Trump {prop} (surname) :: Трамп {m}
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump ::
trumpet {n} (brass instrument) :: труба {f}; trúba {f}
Trumpism {prop} (the philosophy and politics espoused by Donald Trump) :: trampizam {m}
trunk {n} (tree trunk) :: дебло {n}, стабло {n}, стром {m}; deblo {n}, stablo {n}, strom {m}
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) :: сандук {m}, ковчег {m}, шкриња {f}; sanduk {m}, kovčeg {m}, škrinja {f}
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) :: сурла {f}; surla {f}
trunk {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) :: пртљажник {m}, гепек {m}; prtljažnik {m}, gepek {m}
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso ::
trunk {n} (swimming trunks) SEE: swimming trunks ::
truss {n} (bandage and belt) :: pojas za kilu {m}, trbušni pojas {m}, suspenzor za kilu {m}
truss {n} (historical: part of a woman's dress; a stomacher) :: plastron {m}
trust {n} (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) :: поверење {n}, повјерење {n}; poverenje {n}, povјerenje {n}
trust {n} (a group of businessmen or traders) :: труст {m}; trȕst {m}
truth {n} (state or quality of being true to someone or something) :: istina {f}
truth {n} (pledge of loyalty or faith) :: odanost {m}
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) :: истина {f}; istina {f}
truth {n} (true facts) :: истина {f}; istina {f}
truth {n} :: istina {f}
try {v} (to attempt) :: pokušati, покушати {pf}
try {v} (to put to test) :: isprobati
try {v} (to taste, sample, etc) :: kušati, probati
try {n} (an attempt) :: pokušaj {m}
try {n} (an act of tasting or sampling) :: proba {f}
tsar {n} (an emperor) :: цар {m}; cȁr {m}
tsardom {n} (the territory ruled by a tsar) :: царство {n}; carstvo {n}
tsarina {n} (empress or wife of a tsar) :: царица {f}; cȁrica {f}
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina ::
T-shirt {n} (type of shirt) :: мајица {f}; majica {f}
tsk tsk {interj} (tut tut) SEE: tut tut ::
tsunami {n} (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) :: veleval {m}; цунами {m}; cunami {m}
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub ::
tube {n} (a pipe) :: цијев {f}, цев {f}; cijȇv {f}, cȇv {f}
tuberculosis {n} (infectious disease) :: туберкулоза {f}, грудобоља {f}, сушица {f}; tuberkuloza {f}, grudobolja {f}, sušica {f}, jektika {f}
tucker {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub ::
Tuesday {n} (day of the week) :: уторак {m}; utorak {m}
tufa {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: tuff ::
tuff {n} (a rock composed of compacted volcanic ash) :: sedra {f}
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat ::
tugboat {n} (small, powerful boat) :: реморкер, тегљач; remoker, tegljač
tughra {n} (signature of an Ottoman sultan) :: tugra, tughra
Tula {prop} (city) :: Тула {f}; Tula {f}
tulip {n} (plant) :: лала {f}, тулипан {m}; lala {f}, tulipan {m}
tumbler {n} (acrobat) SEE: acrobat ::
tumor {n} (oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth) :: тумор {m}; tȗmor {m}
tumour {n} (tumor) SEE: tumor ::
tumult {n} :: larma {f}
tumultuous {adj} (characterized by loud, confused noise) :: bučan
tumultuous {adj} (causing or characterized by tumult) :: bȗran, буран
tundra {n} (flat treeless arctic region) :: тундра {f}; tȗndra {f}
tune {n} (melody) :: мелодија {f}; melodija {f}
tung {n} (tung tree) :: tungovo drvo {n}
tungsten {n} (chemical element) :: волфрам {m}; volfram {m}
Tunis {prop} (capital of Tunisia) :: Тунис {m}; Tùnis {m}
Tunisia {prop} (Republic of Tunisia) :: Тунис {m}; Tùnis {m}
tunnel {n} (an underground or underwater passage) :: тунел {m}; tunel {m}
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck ::
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
turban {n} (man's head-dress) :: турбан {m}, чалма {f}, сарук {m}; tùrbān {m}, čȃlma {f}, sàruk {m}
turbulent {adj} :: turbùlentan, nȅmīran
turd {n} (piece of solid feces) :: говно {n}; góvno {n}
Turin {prop} (city) :: Torino
Turing machine {n} (abstract machine) :: Turingov stroj {m}
Turk {n} (a person from Turkey) :: Турчӣн {m}, Туркиња {f}; Tùrčīn {m}, Tȕrkinja {f}
Turk {n} (bloodthirsty and savage person) :: barbar, varvarin, vandal
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim ::
turkey {n} (bird) :: ћурка {f}, ћуран {m}, пуран {m}, тука {f}; ćurka {f}, ćuran {m}, puran {m}, tuka {f}
Turkey {prop} (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) :: Турска {f}; Tùrskā {f}
Turkic {adj} (of or relating to this language group or the people who speak it) :: туркӣјскӣ; tùrkījskī
Turkish {n} (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) :: турскӣ {m}; tùrskī {m}
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) :: турскӣ; tùrskī
Turkish coffee {n} (type of coffee) :: turska kafa {f} [Serbia], turska kava [Croatia], turska kahva [Bosnia]
Turkish delight {n} (confection) :: ратлук {m}, рахат-локум {m}; rátluk {m}, ràhat-lòkum {m}
Turkism {n} (a word or idiom of the Turkish language) :: турцѝзам {m}; turcìzam {m}
Turkmen {adj} (of or pertaining to Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people or the Turkmen language) :: туркменскӣ; tùrkmēnskī
Turkmenistan {prop} (Central Asian country) :: Туркменистан {m}; Turkmenistan {m}
Turkmenistani {adj} (person of Turkmen origin) SEE: Turkmen ::
Turkmen SSR {prop} (Soviet republic) :: Turkmenska SSR
Turks and Caicos Islands {prop} (a British overseas territory in the Caribbean) :: Otoci Turks i Caicos
turn {v} (move around an axis through itself) :: okretati se {impf}, okrenuti se {pf}
turn {v} :: obŕnuti, òbrtati, okrénuti
turn {n} (one's chance to make a move in a game) :: potez {m}
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
turn down {v} (reduce amount) :: smanjiti {pf}, smanjivati {impf}
turnip {n} (white root of Brassica rapa) :: репа {f}; repa {f}
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) :: укључивати {impf}, укључити {pf}; uključívati {impf}, ukljúčiti {pf}
turn signal {n} (turn signal) SEE: indicator ::
turn up {v} (increase volume etc.) :: pojačati {pf}, pojačavati {impf}
turpitude {n} :: niskost {m}
turquoise {n} (gemstone) :: тиркиз {m}, модруљ {m}; tirkiz {m}, modrulj {m}
turquoise {n} (colour) :: тиркизна {f}, модруљаста {m}; tirkizna {f}, modruljasta {m}
turquoise {adj} (made of turquoise) :: тиркизан; tirkizan
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) :: тиркизан; tirkizan
turret {n} (a revolving tower constructed of thick iron plates) :: kupola {f}
turtle {n} (land or marine reptile with a shell) :: корњача {f}; kornjača {f}
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove ::
turtle dove {n} (bird in the genus Streptopelia) :: грлица {f}; grlica {f}
tusk {n} (pointed tooth) :: кљова {f}; kljȏva {f}
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough ::
tussle {n} (fight or struggle) :: borba {f}
tussle {v} (to have a tussle) :: boriti se
Tutankhamon {prop} (Egyptian Pharaoh) :: [Bosnian] Тутанчамон; Тутанкамон {m}, Тутанкамен, Тутанхамон {m}; Tutankamon {m}, Tutankamen, Tutanhamon {m}
tutor {n} (one who teaches another) :: скрбнӣк {m}, скрбкиња {f}; skȓbnīk {m}, skrbkinja {f}
tutorial {n} (self-paced learning exercise) :: водӣч {m}, упутство {n}, уџбенӣк {m}; vòdīč {m}, upùtstvo {n}, ȕdžbenīk {m}
tut tut {interj} (exclamation of disapproval) :: c-c, ajajajaj
Tuvalu {prop} (country in Oceania) :: Тувалу {m}; Tùvalu {m}
tuxedo {n} (formal jacket) :: смокинг {m}; smoking {m}
tuxedo {n} (formal suit) :: смокинг {m}; smoking {m}
tuyere {n} (fixture through which the blast is delivered into a furnace) :: duvnica {f}
Tuzla {prop} (a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Тузла; Tuzla
TV {n} (abbreviation for television) :: ТВ; TV
Tver {prop} (city) :: Твер {m}; Tver {m}
tvorog {n} (a soft Russian curd cheese) :: тварог {m}; tvàrog {m}
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
twat {n} (vulgar slang, vagina) :: пичка {f}, пизда {f}; pička {f}, pizda {f}
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute ::
twelfth {adj} (ordinal form of twelve) :: dvanaesti
twelve {num} (cardinal number 12) :: дванаест; dvánaēst
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth ::
twentieth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) :: dvadeseti
twenty {num} (cardinal number) :: двадесет; dvádeset
twenty-eight {num} (number) :: двадесет и осам; dvadeset i osam
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) :: двадесет и девет; dvadeset i devet
twenty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: двадесет и један; dvadeset i jedan
twenty-seventh {adj} (ordinal for of twenty-seven) :: dvadesetsedmi
twice {adv} (two times) :: двапут; dváput
twig {n} (a small thin branch) :: гранчица {f}, вејка {f}; grančica {f}, vejka {f}
twilight {n} (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) :: сумрак {m}; sȕmrāk {m}
twilight {n} (evening twilight) :: сумрак {m}; sȕmrāk {m}
twilight {n} (faint light; dubious medium) :: полумрак {m}, сумрак {m}; pȍlumrāk {m}, sȕmrāk {m}
twin {n} (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) :: близанац {m}; blizánac {m}
Twin Towers {prop} (the two main buildings of the World Trade Center) :: Светски трговински центар {m}; Svjetski trgovački centar {m}
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig ::
twist {n} :: tvist {m}
twist {v} (to distort or change the truth or meaning) :: izvrnuti
twisty {adj} (curly) SEE: curly ::
twitch {n} (brief, small (sometimes involuntary) movement out of place and then back again) :: тик {m}, трзај {m}; tik {m}, trzaj {m}
twitch {v} (to jerk sharply and briefly) :: trzati
two {num} (numerical value) :: два; dvȃ
two {n} (digit or figure) :: двојка {f}; dvójka {f}
two beers, please {phrase} (two beers, please) :: два пива, молим; dva piva, molim
two-edged sword {n} (double-edged sword) SEE: double-edged sword ::
two heads are better than one {proverb} (joint thinking pays) :: dvije glave su pametnije [two heads are smarter than one]
two hundred {num} (cardinal number 200) :: dvjesto, dvjesta, dvesto, dvesta
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian ::
two-move checkmate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) SEE: fool's mate ::
two-seater {n} (vehicle with seats for two people) :: dvosjed {m}
two-stroke engine {n} (an engine in which the pistons perform two strokes per engine cycle) :: двотактни мотор {m}; dvotaktni mòtōr {m}
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) :: dvije hiljad {f}
tycoon {n} (wealthy, powerful business person) :: тајкун {m}, магнат {m}; tàjkūn {m}, màgnāt {m}
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
type {n} (blood group) SEE: blood type ::
type {n} (grouping based on shared characteristics) :: тип {m}, врста {f}, разред {m}; tȋp {m}, vŕsta {f}, rázred {m}
type {n} (individual that represents the ideal for its class) :: тип {m}; tȋp {m}
type {n} (block with a raised letter or character on its surface) :: врста {f}; vŕsta {f}
type {n} (computing theory: tag indicating data type) :: тип {m}; tȋp {m}
typesetter {n} (a typesetter) :: словослагач {m}; slovoslagač {m}
type system {n} (type system of a programming language) :: sustav tipova {m}, sustav obilježja {m}
typewriter {n} (machine used to print text by pressing keys) :: писаћа машина {f}, писаћи строј {m}; pisaća mašina {f}, pisaći stroj {m}
typewriter {n} (one who uses a typewriter) :: kucač {m}, kucar {m}
typhoon {n} (hurricane in the Pacific) :: тајфун {m}; tajfun {m}
typist {n} (person who types) :: дактилограф {m}, дактилографкиња {f}; daktilograf {m}, daktilografkinja {f}
typo {n} (error) :: типфелер {m} /tipfeler/; tipfeler {m}
typo {n} (compositor) SEE: typesetter ::
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter ::
typography {n} (art and technique) :: типографија {f}; tipogràfija {f}
typology {n} (systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics) :: tipologija {f}
typology {n} (result of the classification of things according to their characteristics) :: tipologija {f}
typology {n} (classification of languages) :: tipologija {f}
tyranny {n} (government in which a single ruler has absolute power) :: тиранија {f}; tirànija {f}
tyranny {n} (office or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler) :: тиранија {f}; tirànija {f}
tyranny {n} (absolute power, or its use) :: тиранија {f}; tirànija {f}
tyranny {n} (extreme severity or rigour) :: тиранија {f}; tirànija {f}
tyrant {n} (absolute ruler) :: тиранин {m}; tirànin {m}
tyre {n} (wheel covering) :: гума {f}; gȕma {f}
Tyre {prop} (an ancient sea port and city state of Phoenicia) :: Тир {m}, Сур {m}; Tir {m}, Sur {m}
Tyrrhenian Sea {prop} (Part of the Mediterranean Sea) :: Тѝренско море {n}; Tìrenskō mȏre {n}
Tyumen {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Тјумењ {m}; Tjumenj {m}