[edit]From Proto-Abkhaz-Abaza *dá.
[edit]да • (da)
[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *do, from Proto-Indo-European *de.
[edit]да • (da) (+ genitive case)
- before
- to, up to, till, until
- ад часу да часу ― ad času da času ― from time to time
- with respect to, concerning, regarding
Derived terms
[edit]- да- (da-)
[edit]- “да” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org
- “да”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)
[edit]Etymology 1
[edit]From Proto-Slavic *da.
[edit]да • (da)
- word used to indicate agreement or acceptance: yes
- Да, прав си.
- Da, prav si.
- Yes, you are correct.
Etymology 2
[edit]From Proto-Slavic *da (in the conjunction sense), related to the first etymology.
[edit]- (stressed) IPA(key): [ˈda]
(homophonous with Etymology 1)Audio: (file) - (unstressed) IPA(key): [dɐ]
Audio: (file)
[edit]да • (da)
- used to express a command
- Да влезе!
- Da vleze!
- Let him/her/it come in!
- Да не съм те чул да се оплакваш!
- Da ne sǎm te čul da se oplakvaš!
- Don't let me hear you complain!
- used to express a wish
- Да почива в мир.
- Da počiva v mir.
- May he/she/it rest in peace.
- Да живее кралят.
- Da živee kraljat.
- Long live the king!
- used to make offers, suggestions or ask advice
- Да излезем ли по-късно?
- Da izlezem li po-kǎsno?
- Shall we go out later?
- Да вървим!
- Da vǎrvim!
- Let's go!
- used to ask questions
- Да си ми виждал ключовете?
- Da si mi viždal ključovete?
- Have you seen my keys?
- Да съм ти искал мнението?
- Da sǎm ti iskal mnenieto?
- Did I ask for your opinion?
[edit]да • (da)
- particle: used to mark an infinitive, to (or in some other cases, such as with modal verbs, it is not translated)
- Искам да напусна.
- Iskam da napusna.
- I want to leave.
- Не знам как да го кажа.
- Ne znam kak da go kaža.
- I don’t know how to say it.
- Да се греши е човешко.
- Da se greši e čoveško.
- To err is human.
- Започва да вали.
- Započva da vali.
- It's starting to rain.
- Да ти кажа истината,...
- Da ti kaža istinata,...
- To tell you the truth,...
- Мога да плувам.
- Moga da pluvam.
- I can swim.
- Трябва да тръгвам.
- Trjabva da trǎgvam.
- I must go.
- if (only for conditions that are known to be false)
- Да си беше свършил работата както трябва, сега нямаше да сме забъркани в тази каша.
- Da si beše svǎršil rabotata kakto trjabva, sega njamaše da sme zabǎrkani v tazi kaša.
- Had you done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess now.
[edit]- ад (ad)
[edit]Etymology 1
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Nakh *daada.
[edit]да̄ • (daa) class vb (ergative дас, plural дай)
[edit]- Nichols, Johanna, Vagapov, Arbi (2004) “да”, in Chechen–English and English–Chechen Dictionary, London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, page 276
Etymology 2
[edit]See the verb дан.
[edit]да • (da)
- to do
[edit]Cognate to Standard Mandarin 大 (dà)
[edit]да • (da) (III)
Eastern Mari
[edit]Etymology 1
[edit](This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
[edit]да • (da)
- and
- and (connecting verb phrases)
- йӱр чарныш, да кече ончале
- jür čarnyš, da keče ončaĺe
- it stopped raining, and the sun started shining
- but, however
- ыштынем, да ом мошто
- yštyńem, da om mošto
- I would do it, but I can't
Etymology 2
[edit]Borrowed from Russian да (da).
[edit]да • (da)
- yes
- толат мо? да, толам
- tolat mo? da, tolam
- are you coming? yes, I'm coming
- so, well, indeed (emphatic particle)
- да мый тыйым палем
- da myj tyjym paĺem
- well I know you
- yes?, right?, isn't it?
- шоналтет да?
- šonaltet da?
- you'll think of it, won't you?
[edit]- J. Bradley et al. (2023) “да”, in The Mari Web Project: Mari-English Dictionary, University of Vienna
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Nakh *daada.
[edit]да̄ • (daa) class vb (ergative дас, plural дай)
[edit]- Nichols, Johanna B. (2004) “да”, in Ingush–English and English–Ingush Dictionary, London and New York: Routledge, page 229
[edit]Borrowed from Russian да (da).
[edit]да • (da)
[edit]- абу (abu)
[edit]да • (da)
[edit]- A. I. Podorova, editor (1948), Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], Syktyvkar: Коми Государственное Издательство, page 59
- L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 166
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *da.
[edit]да • (da)
- (word used to indicate agreement or acceptance) yes
[edit]да • (da)
Usage notes
[edit]- This word is used in the sense of "if" mostly when the following verb is in the past tense or conditional mood or expresses an unrealistic scenario. Otherwise, "ако" tends to be used.
[edit]да • (da)
- really
- Веќе не сакам зима. ― Да?
- Veḱe ne sakam zima. ― Da?
- I no longer like winter. ― Really?
[edit]да • (da)
- to (particle)
- Почнав да објаснувам. ― Počnav da objasnuvam. ― I started to explain.
- Можам да седнам. ― Možam da sednam. ― I can sit down.
- let, may
- Да не се вратиш никогаш. ― Da ne se vratiš nikogaš. ― May you never come back.
- Да му умрат родителите. ― Da mu umrat roditelite. ― May his parents die.
Old Church Slavonic
[edit]From Proto-Slavic *da.
[edit]да • (da)
Old East Slavic
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *da. Cognates include Old Church Slavonic да (da) and Old Polish da.
- Hyphenation: да
[edit]да (da)
- and
- so that
- 1076, Sviatoslav's izbornik[1], page 2:
- рече бо въ сьрдьци моѥмь съкрꙑхъ словеса твоꙗ да не съгрѣшѫ тебѣ·
- reče bo vŭ sĭrdĭci mojemĭ sŭkryxŭ slovesa tvoja da ne sŭgrěšǫ tebě·
- For [one] said: In my heart I hid your words so' I won't commit a sin before you
[edit]да (da)
- Used to mark a subjunctive aspect: may...
[edit]- Sreznevsky, Izmail I. (1893) “да”, in Матеріалы для Словаря древне-русскаго языка по письменнымъ памятникамъ [Materials for the Dictionary of the Old East Slavic Language Based on Written Monuments][2] (in Russian), volume 1 (А – К), Saint Petersburg: Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, column 619
[edit]Etymology 1
[edit]Inherited from Old East Slavic да (da), from Proto-Slavic *da.
Pronunciation 1
[edit]да • (da)
[edit]- нет (net, “no, not”)
[edit]Pronunciation 2
[edit]да • (da)
- yes (used to confirm that the person being addressed is listening)
- right, isn't it (used at the end of an affirmative sentence, turning what was said into a question, asking for confirmation)
- Synonyms: ве́рно (vérno), да ведь (da vedʹ), не так ли (ne tak li), пра́вда (právda), пра́вда ведь (právda vedʹ), так (tak), так ведь (tak vedʹ)
- Ты спра́вишься, да? ― Ty správišʹsja, da? ― You can handle this, right?
- Он то́же там у́чится, да? ― On tóže tam účitsja, da? ― He studies there too, doesn't he?
- really (used to express surprise or ask for confirmation)
Pronunciation 3
[edit]да́ • (dá) n inan (indeclinable)
- a "yes"
- an affirmation in support of a cause (as used in slogans or appeals)
- Нет дискримина́ции! Да плюрали́зму! ― Net diskriminácii! Da pljuralízmu! ― No to discrimination! Yes to pluralism!
Pronunciation 4
[edit]да • (da)
- let, may [with finite verb]
- да бу́дет так ― da búdet tak ― so be it
- И сказа́л Бог: да бу́дет свет. ― I skazál Box: da búdet svet. ― And God said: let there be light.
- Да здра́вствует респу́блика! ― Da zdrávstvujet respúblika! ― Long live the republic!
Pronunciation 5
[edit]да • (da)
- (dated) and
- Он сам о себе́ говори́л, что ему́, как импера́тору Ка́рлу Вели́кому, недосу́г учи́ться чита́ть да писа́ть.
- On sam o sebé govoríl, što jemú, kak imperátoru Kárlu Velíkomu, nedosúg učítʹsja čitátʹ da pisátʹ.
- He said of himself that he was like the Emperor Charlemagne, too busy to learn to read and write.
- ходи́ть вокру́г да о́коло ― xodítʹ vokrúg da ókolo ― to beat around the bush (literally, “to walk around and about”)
- е́сли бы да кабы́ ― jésli by da kabý ― should've, would've, could've / if only (literally, “if only and if only”)
- 1846, Фёдор Достоевский [Fyodor Dostoevsky], “Апреля 8.”, in Бедные люди; English translation from Constance Garnett, transl., Poor People, 1914:
- Вообрази́те, приме́рно, дли́нный коридо́р, соверше́нно тёмный и нечи́стый. По пра́вую его́ ру́ку бу́дет глуха́я стена́, а по ле́вую всё две́ри да две́ри, то́чно нумера́, всё так в ряд простира́ются.
- Voobrazíte, primérno, dlínnyj koridór, soveršénno tjómnyj i nečístyj. Po právuju jevó rúku búdet gluxája stená, a po lévuju vsjo dvéri da dvéri, tóčno numerá, vsjo tak v rjad prostirájutsja.
- Imagine a long passage, absolutely dark and very dirty. On the right hand there is a blank wall, and on the left, doors and doors, like the rooms in a hotel, in a long row.
- but
Usage notes
[edit]Often used in idioms.
[edit]Pronunciation 6
[edit]да • (da)
- Used as an emphasiser, usually at the start of a sentence or phrase. In many cases, emphasises impatience or irritation, but in others may simply emphasise surprise or an observation.
- Да ты стал оптими́стом. ― Da ty stal optimístom. ― Well, you've become quite the optimist.
- Да он рома́нтик. ― Da on romántik. ― I see he's quite the romantic.
- Да что с тобо́й тако́е? ― Da što s tobój takóje? ― What's up with you? (implying something has been visibly wrong for some time)
- Да как ты сме́ешь? ― Da kak ty sméješʹ? ― How dare you?
- да ла́дно (тебе́/вам) ― da ládno (tebé/vam) ― come on / give me a break / really
- ну да ла́дно ― nu da ládno ― but okay / but alright / but whatever / anyway
- да нет ― da net ― oh, no; nah (a politely emphatic or reassuring no)
- да ещё (и) ― da ješčó (i) ― and also / and even
- Да говорю́ же тебе́. ― Da govorjú že tebé. ― I'm telling you (and have been this whole time).
- Да пошёл он (к чёрту). ― Da pošól on (k čórtu). ― Oh to hell with him.
- Да э́то же Ник со́бственной персо́ной. ― Da éto že Nik sóbstvennoj persónoj. ― Well, if it isn't Nick himself.
- Да кака́я ра́зница? ― Da kakája ráznica? ― Who cares? (implying the irrelevance has been obvious for some time)
- да ну (тебя́/вас) ― da nu (tebjá/vas) ― yeah, right / come on
- Да ра́ди бо́га. ― Da rádi bóga. ― Oh for God's sake.
- Да зна́ю я, в э́том и пробле́ма! ― Da znáju ja, v étom i probléma! ― I know, that's the problem!
- Э́то о чём-то да говори́т. ― Éto o čom-to da govorít. ― That says (at least) something.
- Я всё для них де́лал, да и сейча́с продолжа́ю де́лать. ― Ja vsjo dlja nix délal, da i sejčás prodolžáju délatʹ. ― I've been doing everything for them, and actually still am.
- 2019, Екатерина Вильям-Вильмонт, Фальшивый папа:
- — Она́ тебе́ не нра́вится? — Да нет, она́ неплоха́я, но что́-то с ней стра́нное происхо́дит.
- — Oná tebé ne nrávitsja? — Da net, oná neploxája, no štó-to s nej stránnoje proisxódit.
- — You don't like her? — No, no, she's nice, but something weird's going on with her.
- Used as an emphasiser before an imperative verb to express urgency.
Usage notes
[edit]Can in many cases (but not all) be understood by replacing with "Oh".
Related terms
[edit]Etymology 2
[edit]Abbreviation of дека- (deka-)
[edit]да • (da)
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *da, probably old imperative of the word да̏ти, itself from Proto-Indo-European *deh₃- (“to give”).
[edit]да (Latin spelling da)
- that
- рекао је да ће доћи ― he said that he would come
- одговорио сам му да немам појма о чему прича ― I've told him that I have no idea what he was talking about
- in order to, to
- дошао је да ми све исприча ― he came to tell me everything
- стигао је у нашу земљу да научи наш језик ― he arrived in our country in order to learn our language
- to (when the subjects of both clauses are not the same)
- он хоће да му покажете пут до станице ― he wants you to show him the way to the station
- (Serbia) to (when the subjects of both clauses are the same; for western Serbo-Croatian use infinitive instead of да + present tense)
- он жели да прича с вама ― he wants to talk with you
- (subjunctive only) if (= кад)
- да сам на вашем м(ј)есту, не бих се пуно замарао таквим детаљима ― if I were you, I wouldn't bother too much with such details
- да си више радио, зарадио би више новца ― if you worked harder, you would have earned more money
- (with ка̏о) as if, like
- с(ј)ећам се, као да је било јуче(р) ― I remember, as if it were yesterday
- као да не знаш о чему причам ― as if you don't know what I'm talking about
- (а + да + не) without (usually after negative verbs)
- не могу се укључити у расправу, а да не направим неред ― I cannot enter a discussion without making a mess
- одлази, а да није рекао ни збогом ― he's leaving without even saying goodbye
- (а + и + да) even if
- а и да јесам то направио, не би то учинило неку разлику ― even if I did it, it wouldn't have made much of a difference
- lest
- онај који се бори против чудовишта треба пазити да тиме и сам не постане чудовиште ― he who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster
[edit]да (Latin spelling da)
- yes
- Је ли тако? Да! ― Is that so? Yes!
- used when starting a question
- да ли сте жедни? ― are you thirsty?
- реци ми да ли је то истина? ― tell me if that is true?
- in combination with other words, expressing wish, command etc.
- да се ниси усудио! ― don't you dare!
- да̑ Бог! ― may God grant it!
- да почнемо! ― let's begin!
[edit]да • (da)
[edit]- Vogt, Hans (1963) Dictionnaire de la Langue Oubykh[3] (in French), Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, page 111
[edit]Inherited from Old East Slavic да (da), from Proto-Slavic *da.
[edit]да • (da)
[edit]да • (da)
- (colloquial) yes
- Synonym: так (tak)
[edit]да • (da)
- (colloquial) Used as an emphasiser, usually at the start of a sentence or phrase. In many cases, emphasises impatience or irritation, but in others may simply emphasise surprise or an observation.
- (colloquial) let, may [with imperative finite verb]
[edit]- Shyrokov, V. A., editor (2010–2023), “да”, in Словник української мови: у 20 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 20 vols] (in Ukrainian), volumes 1–14 (а – префере́нція), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka; Ukrainian Lingua-Information Fund, →ISBN
[edit]Related to Yakut даҕаны (dağanı); compare Tuvan даа (daa), Turkish da.
[edit]да • (da)
- even (expresses surprise)
- With interrogative pronouns, forms negative indefinites.
- ... да ... да = both ... and ...
Derived terms
[edit]- ким да (kim da, “anybody, nobody”)
- туох да (tuoq da, “anything, nothing”)
- уонна да атын (uonna da atın, “and so on”)
See also
[edit]- даа (daa)
- Abaza terms inherited from Proto-Abkhaz-Abaza
- Abaza terms derived from Proto-Abkhaz-Abaza
- Abaza lemmas
- Abaza nouns
- Belarusian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Belarusian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Belarusian terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European
- Belarusian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Belarusian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Belarusian lemmas
- Belarusian prepositions
- Belarusian terms with collocations
- Bulgarian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Bulgarian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Bulgarian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Bulgarian terms with audio pronunciation
- Bulgarian lemmas
- Bulgarian particles
- Bulgarian terms with usage examples
- Bulgarian phrasebook
- Chechen terms inherited from Proto-Nakh
- Chechen terms derived from Proto-Nakh
- Chechen terms with IPA pronunciation
- Chechen lemmas
- Chechen nouns
- Chechen class vb nouns
- ce:Family members
- Chechen verbs
- Dungan terms with IPA pronunciation
- Dungan lemmas
- Dungan adjectives
- Eastern Mari terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Eastern Mari/ɑ
- Rhymes:Eastern Mari/ɑ/1 syllable
- Eastern Mari lemmas
- Eastern Mari conjunctions
- Eastern Mari terms with usage examples
- Eastern Mari terms borrowed from Russian
- Eastern Mari terms derived from Russian
- Eastern Mari particles
- Ingush terms inherited from Proto-Nakh
- Ingush terms derived from Proto-Nakh
- Ingush terms with IPA pronunciation
- Ingush lemmas
- Ingush nouns
- Ingush class vb nouns
- inh:Family members
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Old East Slavic
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Komi-Zyrian terms borrowed from Russian
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Russian
- Komi-Zyrian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Komi-Zyrian lemmas
- Komi-Zyrian particles
- Komi-Zyrian conjunctions
- Macedonian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian 1-syllable words
- Macedonian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Macedonian oxytone terms
- Macedonian terms with audio pronunciation
- Macedonian lemmas
- Macedonian adverbs
- Macedonian conjunctions
- Macedonian interjections
- Macedonian terms with usage examples
- Macedonian particles
- Old Church Slavonic terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Old Church Slavonic terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Old Church Slavonic lemmas
- Old Church Slavonic conjunctions
- Old East Slavic terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Old East Slavic terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Old East Slavic terms with IPA pronunciation
- Old East Slavic lemmas
- Old East Slavic conjunctions
- Old East Slavic terms with quotations
- Old East Slavic particles
- Russian terms inherited from Old East Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Old East Slavic
- Russian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Russian 1-syllable words
- Russian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Russian terms with audio pronunciation
- Russian lemmas
- Russian adverbs
- Russian terms with usage examples
- Russian interjections
- Russian nouns
- Russian indeclinable nouns
- Russian neuter nouns
- Russian inanimate nouns
- Russian particles
- Russian conjunctions
- Russian dated terms
- Russian terms with quotations
- Russian abbreviations
- Russian 2-syllable words
- Russian prefixes
- ru:Units of measure
- Serbo-Croatian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Serbo-Croatian lemmas
- Serbo-Croatian conjunctions
- Serbo-Croatian terms with usage examples
- Serbian Serbo-Croatian
- Serbo-Croatian particles
- Ubykh terms with IPA pronunciation
- Ubykh lemmas
- Ubykh adverbs
- Ukrainian terms inherited from Old East Slavic
- Ukrainian terms derived from Old East Slavic
- Ukrainian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Ukrainian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Ukrainian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Ukrainian lemmas
- Ukrainian conjunctions
- Ukrainian dialectal terms
- Ukrainian interjections
- Ukrainian colloquialisms
- Ukrainian particles
- Yakut lemmas
- Yakut particles
- Yakut terms with usage examples