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User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-t

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-t {suffix} :: forms the second and third person singular of the present tense
-t {suffix} :: forms the gij - form in both present and past tense
-t {suffix} [archaic] :: forms the plural form of the imperative
-t {suffix} :: forms the past participle of weak verbs the root of which ends in a voiceless consonant
-t {suffix} :: forms certain verbal nouns, mostly of strong verbs
't {art} :: contraction of het
't {pron} :: contraction of het
t {letter} :: The twentieth letter of the Dutch alphabet
T {letter} :: The twentieth letter of the Dutch alphabet
Taag {prop} {c} :: Tagus
taai {adj} :: tough, resilient
taai {adj} [of food] :: difficult to chew
taaislijmziekte {f} :: cystic fibrosis
taaitaai {m} :: taaitaai, a kind of soft and tough dough biscuit eaten during Sinterklaas celebrations
taak {f} :: task
taakbalk {m} [graphical user interface] :: taskbar
taakstraf {f} {m} :: community service as a substitute for a jail sentence
taal {f} [countable] :: language (form of communication consisting of vocabulary and grammar)
taal {f} [uncountable] :: language (capability to communicate with words)
taal {f} [uncountable] :: language (means or manner of expression)
taal {f} [uncountable, countable] :: language (specific lect or jargon)
taal {f} [uncountable] :: language (particular words of a text or speech act)
taalbeleid {n} :: language policy
taalbond {m} :: A language association
taalbond {m} :: A sprachbund
taalcontact {n} :: language contact
taalcursus {m} :: language course, language training
taaldood {m} :: language death
taaleigen {n} [collective] :: idiom (manner of speaking and expressions particular to a given lect)
taaleiland {n} :: language island
taalfamilie {c} :: language family
taalfilosofe {f} :: female philosopher of language
taalfilosofie {f} :: philosophy of language
taalfilosoof {m} :: philosopher of language
taalgebied {n} :: language area, Sprachraum
taalgebiedje {noun} :: diminutive of taalgebied
taalgevoel {n} [uncountable] :: sense for language, Sprachgefühl (intuitive notion of grammaticality)
taalgevoel {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: sentiment with respect to language
taalgids {m} :: A phrase book
taalgrens {f} :: a language border, a boundary separating two language areas
taalk. {noun} :: abbreviation of taalkunde
taalkloof {f} {m} :: language barrier
taalkunde {f} :: linguistics
taalkundig {adj} [linguistics] :: linguistic
taalkundige {mf} :: linguist, one who studies linguistics
taalleemte {f} :: the absence of a specific word in a language; a lexical gap
taalliefhebber {m} :: A linguaphile
taalpolitiek {f} :: language politics, language policy
taalrol {m} [Belgium] :: category of people who speak a certain (official) language (Dutch, French or German in the case of Belgium); a list or file categorising people according to language
taalstrijd {m} :: a political fight over language issues, especially the one between Dutch and French in Belgium
taaluiting {f} :: utterance
taalverwerving {f} :: language acquisition
taalwetenschap {f} :: linguistics
taan {f} :: tan, liquid containing tannic acid used for tanning
taar {m} [archaic, dialectal] :: tear
taart {f} :: pie, cake
taart {f} [pejorative] :: hag, bag
taartdoos {f} :: A cakebox (cardboard or paper box for cakes and pies)
taartgat {n} [slang] :: piehole
taartgat {n} :: (when communicating with children) mouth
taartpunt {f} :: A pointy piece or slice of usually round cake or pie
taartpunt {f} :: Anything wedge-shaped, e.g. a section of a pie chart
tabak {m} :: The tobacco plant
tabak {m} [chiefly uncountable] :: Tobacco, the product made from leaves of certain of its varieties, to be smoked in cigars etc., sniffed or chewed
tabakdrinker {m} [obsolete] :: A tobacco smoker
tabaksverslaafde {mf} :: A tobacco addict, one addicted to consuming (e.g. smoking or chewing) tobacco products
tabakverslaafde {mf} :: alternative form of tabaksverslaafde
tabascosaus {c} :: tabasco sauce
tabbetje {n} [Surinam] :: river island, ait
tabblaadje {noun} :: diminutive of tabblad
tabblad {n} :: tab (physical divider)
tabblad {n} [computing] :: tab (navigational widget, e.g. in a window)
tabee {interj} [Netherlands] :: bye, goodbye, farewell
tabel {f} :: table (grid of data in rows and columns)
tabelleren {vt} :: to tabulate
tabernakel {m} {n} :: tabernacle (tent used as temple)
tabernakel {m} {n} :: tabernacle (cupboard for storing consecrated hosts in Catholic churches)
tablet {f} {n} :: tablet, pill (piece of medicine in solid state)
tablet {f} {n} :: flat, rectangular piece or slab
tablet {m} :: tablet computer
taboe {n} :: taboo, prohibition
taboe {adj} :: taboo, not allowed
taboewoord {n} :: A taboo word
taboriet {m} :: Taborite (radical Hussite)
tabulair {adj} :: tabular (having a flat plane surface)
tabulair {adj} :: tabular (organized as a table or list)
tachtig {num} :: eighty
Tachtigjarige Oorlog {prop} {m} [historical] :: the Eighty Years' War
tachyon {n} [physics] :: tachyon
tact {m} :: tact, discernment
tacticus {m} :: A tactician
tactiek {f} :: tactics
tactvol {adj} :: tactful
Tadzjieks {adj} :: Tajik (Of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people (living in Tajikistan and Afghanistan) or the Tajiki dialect of Persian.)
Tadzjieks {n} :: Tajik (language)
Tadzjikistan {prop} {n} :: Tajikistan
tafel {f} :: table (item of furniture)
tafel {f} [metonymy] :: meal, spread on (a) table(s)
tafel {f} [arithmetic] :: multiplication table
tafel {f} :: writing tablet
tafelberg {m} :: table mountain, mesa
Tafelberg {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Mensa
tafelbier {n} :: A legally determined name for beer of which alcohol percentage is between 1 and 4
tafelblad {n} :: table top
tafeleend {f} {m} :: common pochard, Aythya ferina
tafelen {v} :: to dine at (a) table(s)
tafelkleed {n} :: A tablecloth
tafellaken {n} :: Tablecloth
tafellinnen {n} :: table linen
tafelmanier {f} [chiefly plural] :: The (prescribed) way of conduct when dining; table manners, etiquette
tafelpoot {m} :: table leg
tafeltennis {n} :: table tennis, ping pong
tafelzilver {n} :: table silver (silver tableware)
tafereel {n} :: scene, picture
tag {n} :: tag
Tagalog {prop} {n} :: Tagalog (language)
taher {noun} :: Muslim circumcision ceremony
tahoe {m} [Netherlands] :: tofu
taifoen {m} :: typhoon
taiga {f} :: taiga (subarctic evergreen coniferous forest)
taille {f} :: waistline
Taiwan {prop} {n} :: Taiwan
tak {m} :: branch, twig, bough
tak {m} :: branch, offshoot
takel {m} {n} :: tackle, hoist
takel {m} {n} :: crane
takel {m} {n} :: a ship's rigging, tackle
takelage {f} [nautical, chiefly uncountable, also, countable] :: The rigging of a ship, the equipment encompassing ropes and tackles
takelen {vt} :: to hoist with a tackle or pulley
takelen {vt} [nautical, uncommon] :: to rig [of sailing vessels]
takelwagen {m} :: A tow truck, a breakdown lorry
taken {v} [archaic, dialectal] :: to take, to grasp
taken {v} [archaic, dialectal] :: to touch
takkewijf {n} [derogatory] :: A bitch, a belligerent, annoying or rude woman
Takkiaan {m} [historical] :: A (parliamentary) supporter of adult male suffrage
taks {f} [chiefly Belgium] :: tax
taks {f} :: fee, amount, share
takszegel {m} :: tax stamp
tal {determiner} [~ van] :: numerous, many, lots
tal {n} :: number
talen {vi} :: to long, to care [+ naar (object) = for]
talen {vi} [obsolete] :: to speak
talen {vt} [obsolete] :: to say
talenkennis {f} :: knowledge of languages
talenknobbel {m} :: an aptitude for language, language skill
talent {n} :: talent (gift, quality, capability)
talent {n} [historical] :: talent (ancient weight, value of money or coin)
talentvol {adj} :: talented
talg {m} :: sebum; skin fat
talg {m} :: tallow
talgklier {f} {m} :: sebaceous gland
talgklierfollikel {m} :: sebaceous follicle
talhout {n} [collective, historical] :: long, slender pieces of wood cut or shredded from branches and trunks, often stored or transported in bundles, sold in large quantities
talig {adj} :: pertaining to language
talig {adj} :: proficient in language
taling {m} :: teal, small duck of the genus Anas
talisman {m} :: talisman, amulet
talk {m} :: talc (soft, fine-grained mineral used in talcum powder)
talk {c} :: alternative form of talg
Tallinn {prop} {n} :: Tallinn (capital city)
talloos {adj} :: innumerable
talmen {vt} [dated] :: to tarry, dawdle
Talmoed {prop} {m} :: Talmud
taloor {?} [Belgium, colloquial] :: plate, dish (cutlery)
Talossaans {adj} :: of or relating to Talossa
Talossaans {prop} {n} :: Talossan, the language spoken in Talossa
talrijk {adj} :: numerous
tam {adj} :: tame, not wild
tam {adj} [figuratively] :: boring, unexciting, bland
tamarinde {f} {m} :: tamarind (tropical tree)
tamboer {m} :: marching drum
tamboer {m} :: military-style drummer
tamboerijn {m} :: tambourine
tamboer-maître {m} :: drum major
tamelijk {adv} :: rather, fairly
Tamil {prop} {n} :: Tamil; language spoken in the state of Tamil Nadu, India and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia
Tamil {prop} {m} :: Tamil; A person born in one of those regions, belonging to the Tamil people
tamp {m} [nautical] :: the end of a rope or chain
tamp {m} [slang] :: penis
tampeloeres {m} [slang] :: dong, shlong (penis)
tampeloeris {m} :: alternative spelling of tampeloeres
Tanach {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Tenach
tand {m} :: natural tooth, more specifically incisor
tand {m} :: artificial object of similar shape and/or purpose, as on a cartwheel
tandarts {m} :: dentist
tandeloos {adj} :: toothless
tandem {m} :: tandem (vehicle, bicycle)
tandem {m} :: tandem (arrangement)
tandem {m} [biology] :: A phase in the mating ritual of dragonflies
tandem {m} :: A pair, a couple, a duo
tandenborstel {m} :: toothbrush
tandenfee {f} :: tooth fairy (fictional milk tooth exchange/speculator)
tandenpoetsen {v} :: to brush teeth
tandenstoker {m} :: toothpick
tandheelkunde {f} :: dentistry
tandpasta {m} :: Toothpaste, a paste for cleaning the teeth
tandpijn {f} :: toothache in any tooth or in a non-molar tooth in particular
tandplak {f} :: alternative spelling of tandplaque
tandplaque {f} :: plaque (on teeth), dental plaque
tandrad {n} :: gearwheel, cogwheel
tandsteen {n} {m} :: Dental tartar, calculus
tandvlees {n} :: gum, flesh surrounding teeth
tandvlees {n} [figuratively] :: a tender and/or vulnerable spot
tandwalvis {m} :: toothed whale, whale of the suborder Odontoceti
tandwiel {n} :: gearwheel, cogwheel
tandzijde {f} :: dental floss, floss used to clean the areas between the teeth
tanen {vt} [uncommon] :: to tan, to treat with tannic acid
tanen {vi} [uncommon] :: to tan, to turn into a tan colour
tanen {vi} :: to wane, to decline
tang {f} :: pliers
tang {f} :: tongs
tang {f} [especially the diminutive] :: pincers, tweezers
tang {f} [figuratively] :: shrew, bitch
tanga {f} :: A thong, a G-string
tangbeweging {f} :: A pincer movement, a pincer attack
tangconstructie {f} [grammar] :: A grammatical construct, common in Dutch and German, in which separable elements of the same word or phrase are placed apart, potentially spanning many words; a sentence brace
tango {m} :: tango (Argentine-Uruguayan dance and musical style)
tangverlossing {f} :: delivery (birth) by means of a forceps
tanig {adj} :: tawny, brownish, orange brown
tanig {adj} :: colourless
tanig {adj} :: thin, lean, scrawny
tank {m} :: tank (military armoured fighting vehicle with tracks)
tank {m} :: tank (storage reservoir)
tankauto {m} :: tank truck/tanker truck
tanken {vi} :: to fuel [to fill a fuel tank of a vehicle]
tanken {vi} [slang] :: to drink lots of alcohol
tankjager {m} :: tank destroyer (armoured anti-tank vehicle)
tankoorlog {m} :: A war in which tanks are the primary fighting units
tankslag {m} :: tank battle
tankstation {n} :: filling station, petrol station (UK), gas station (US)
tankwagen {m} :: tank truck/tanker truck
tantaal {n} :: tantalum
tantalium {n} :: tantalum
tante {f} :: aunt (sister or sister-in-law of a parent)
tante {f} [familiar] :: A woman, especially an older or assertive one
tantetje {noun} :: diminutive of tante
tantezegger {m} :: nephew, especially in relation to an aunt
tantezegster {f} :: niece, especially in relation to an aunt
tantra {m} [Buddhism, Hinduism, countable] :: tantra (esoterical text)
tantra {m} [Buddhism, Hinduism, uncountable, chiefly in non-specialist usage] :: tantrism
tantrisch {adj} [Buddhism, Hinduism, esotericism] :: tantric
Tanzaniaans {adj} :: Tanzanian
taoïsme {n} :: Taoism
tap {m} :: tap
tapbier {n} :: draught [UK], draft [US]; draught beer (beer drawn from a keg or barrel)
tape {m} :: tape
tapijt {n} :: carpet (a fabric used as a floor covering)
tapijtslang {f} :: boa constrictor, Boa constrictor (or the subspecies Boa constrictor constrictor)
tapir {m} :: tapir
tappen {vt} :: to tap (draw off liquid from a vessel)
taps {adj} :: tapered
taptemelk {f} [Netherlands] :: decreamed low-fat milk
taptoe {m} :: tattoo, military-style music parade
taptoe {m} :: sign given at the end of such a tattoo parade
tapuit {m} :: northern wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe
tapuit {m} :: chat, wheatear, used of certain songbirds of the subfamily Saxicolinae, especially of the genera Oenanthe, Saxicola, Myrmecocichla, Thamnolaea, Namibornis and Campicoloides; relatively few birds in other genera are called tapuit
tarantisme {n} :: tarantism
tarbot {c} :: turbot (a species of flatfish (Scophthalmus maximus))
targe {f} [historical, dated] :: A targe (concave, round or variously shaped shield)
target {n} :: target
tarief {n} :: fee, rate
tarief {n} [somewhat, dated] :: tariff
tarief {n} [dated] :: list of prices or rates
tarra {f} :: tare (weight)
Tarragona {prop} {n} :: Tarragona (province)
Tarragona {prop} {n} :: Tarragona (city)
tartan {n} {m} :: Tartan, a tartan (woollen cloth with a distinctive pattern of intersecting orthogonal coloured stripes, associated with Scottish Highlanders)
tartan {n} {m} :: A kilt or cloak made of tartan
tarten {v} :: to provoke, to dare, to affront
tarw {noun} :: archaic spelling of tarwe
tarwe {m} :: wheat
tarwebloem {f} :: wheat flour
tarwebrood {n} :: wheat bread (bread made from wheat flour)
tarwemeel {n} :: wheat flour
tas {f} :: bag
tas {f} [Belgium] :: cup (like a cup of coffee or tea)
tas {m} [dialectal] :: heap
tasch {f} :: obsolete spelling of tas
taser {m} :: A taser (electro-stun weapon)
Tasmaans {adj} :: Tasmanian
Tasmaanse duivel {m} :: Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii
Tasman {prop} {c} :: surname
Tasmanië {prop} {n} :: Tasmania
tast {m} :: touch (tactile sense)
tastbaar {adj} :: tangible, palpable
tasten {vi} :: to feel with the hands, to grope
Tataars {adj} :: relating to the Tatars, their country or polities (now Tataristan)
Tataars {adj} :: in or relating to the Tatar language
Tataars {prop} {n} :: Tatar (language)
tatoeage {f} :: tattoo
tatoeëren {v} :: to tattoo (to apply a tattoo)
tatoeëring {f} :: tattoo
tatta {m} [slang, sometimes, derogatory] :: An autochthonous Dutch person
taudeeltje {n} [physics] :: tauon
taugé {f} {m} [Netherlands] :: mung bean sprout(s), shoots of the mung bean
tauon {n} [physics] :: tauon
tauonneutrino {n} :: tau neutrino
tautologie {f} :: tautology
taxateur {m} :: appraiser
taxatie {f} :: evaluation, appraisal
taxeren {v} :: to evaluate, appraise
taxi {m} :: A taxi
taxibaan :: taxiway
taxichauffeur {m} :: A taxi driver, a hack, a cabbie
taxiën {vi} [aviation] :: to taxi (to move without flying)
taxonomie {f} :: taxonomy
taxonomisch {adj} :: taxonomic
taxonoom {m} :: taxonomist
T-bonesteak {m} :: T-bone steak
tbs {c} :: initialism of terbeschikkingstelling
TBS {f} :: terbeschikkingstelling
-te {suffix} :: appended to an adjective, making a feminine noun which refers to the size or quality referred to by the adjective, cognate to -th
-te {suffix} :: appended to the stem of a verb, yields a feminine noun which refers to the object of such a verb
-te {suffix} :: See ge- -te
-te {suffix} :: a suffix that forms the singular of the past tense of weak verbs, the root of which ends in a voiceless consonant
te- {prefix} [obsolete, no longer productive] :: Created verbs with a sense of ‘in pieces, apart, asunder’, or with intensive force
te {adv} :: too [indicating excess]
te {prep} :: [modifying an infinitive verb] to
te {prep} :: located at, in, on
te {art} [archaic] :: in idiom; a form of the definite article de
teak {n} :: teak
team {n} :: team (group of people)
teambuilding {f} {m} :: teambuilding
teamgeest {m} :: team spirit
teammaat {m} :: teammate
teamwork {n} :: teamwork
teba {f} :: bima in a Sephardic synagogue
te boek stellen {v} [somewhat, formal or dated] :: to book (write down), to write a book about
techgigant {m} :: tech giant (large multinational company operating in the technology sector)
technetium {n} :: technetium
technicus {m} :: A technician, a technical expert
techniek {f} :: technique, technical skill
techniek {f} :: technics
techniek {f} :: technology
technisch {adj} :: technical
technologie {f} :: technology
technologisch {adj} :: technological
teckel {m} :: dachshund
teddybeer {m} :: A teddy bear
teder {adj} :: delicate, dainty
teder {adj} :: sensitive, tender, easily hurt or damaged
teder {adj} :: gentle, tender, with care
tederheid {f} :: tenderness
te dien einde {prep} [formal] :: to that end
teef {f} :: A bitch, a female dog: a female dog or other canine
teek {m} :: tick (insect)
teekenen {v} :: obsolete form of tekenen
teelbal {m} :: testicle
te elfder ure {prep} :: at the eleventh hour (at the last minute; at a time close to the end or almost too late)
teelt {f} {m} :: cultivation, culture (plants)
teelt {f} {m} :: breeding, raising (animals)
teems {f} [dated] :: a sieve made of horsehair or copper wire
teen {m} :: toe
teen {f} {n} :: twig, thin branch
teen {f} {n} :: clove (of garlic)
teen {f} {n} [collective] :: A bundle of twigs
teennagel {m} :: A toe nail
teer {m} {n} :: tar
teer {m} :: tenderness
teer {adj} :: tender, delicate
teer {m} :: the act of digesting or being consumed
teer {m} :: tuberculosis
teer {m} :: tree
teerling {m} [dated] :: dice, polyhedron used in games of chance
teerzand {n} :: tar sand, oil sand
tefilla {f} [Judaism] :: prayer
tefilla {f} [Judaism] :: Jewish phylactery
te gek {adj} [colloquial] :: awesome, great, wild, crazy
te gek {adj} :: excessive, too much
tegel {m} :: tile
Tegelen {prop} {n} :: Tegelen (village)
tegelijk {adv} :: simultaneously, at the same time
tegelijk {adv} [after a number] :: at a time
tegelijkertijd {adv} :: simultaneously, at the same time
tegeltje {noun} :: diminutive of tegel
tegeltjeswijsheid {f} :: A proverb or saying that is often printed on tiles, often placed in bathrooms
tegeltjeswijsheid {f} [derogatory] :: A supposedly wise but platitudinous saying
tegemoet {adv} :: towards
tegemoet {adv} [postpositional] :: towards, heading for
tegemoetkomen {v} :: to approach, come to meet
tegemoetkomen {v} :: to make concessions to
tegen- {prefix} :: counter-
tegen {prep} :: against
tegen {prep} :: to, towards
tegenaan {circump} :: against (touching)
tegenaan {circump} :: into (in collision with)
tegenaanval {m} :: counter-attack
tegenbegroting {f} :: counterproposal for a budget, alternative budget plan [generally proposed by the parliamentary opposition]
tegenbericht {n} :: message in response, response
tegenbericht {n} [archaic] :: contradiction, refutation
tegencoup {m} :: countercoup
tegencoup {m} [dated] :: counter action, response
tegencultuur {f} :: counterculture
tegendeel {n} :: the contrary
tegen de klok in {adv} :: counterclockwise, anticlockwise
tegendemonstrant {m} :: counterdemonstrator
tegen de vlakte {adv} :: onto the ground, knocked down
tegendraads {adj} :: contrarian
tegengaan {v} :: to counteract
tegengesteld {adj} :: opposite
tegengestelde {n} :: antonym
tegengif {n} :: antidote
tegengift {f} :: A gift given in return
tegengift {n} :: dated form of tegengif
tegenhanger {m} :: counterpart
tegen heug en meug {prep} :: against one's will or inclination
tegenhouden {v} :: to stop, to inhibit
tegenhouden {v} :: to hold back, to keep at bay
tegenhouden {v} :: to arrest
tegenkomen {v} :: to encounter
tegenligger {m} :: oncoming traffic, oncoming traffic user
tegenligger {m} [nautical] :: oncoming vessel
tegenliggertje {noun} :: diminutive of tegenligger
tegenmijn {f} [military] :: countermine
tegenmijnen {vt} [rare] :: to countermine (to sap enemy saps)
tegenoffensief {n} [military] :: A counter-offensive
tegenop {adv} :: up against
tegenover {prep} :: opposite
tegenover {prep} :: against, versus
tegenovergesteld {adj} :: opposite
tegenovergestelde {n} :: opposite (something contrary, antonym)
tegenpartij {f} :: opposing team, opposing party (group of competitive, military, political or legal opponents)
tegenpartijder {m} [dated, now only used in orthodox Protestantism] :: opponent, one who opposes [chiefly in political, moral, military or legal contexts]
tegenpaus {m} [chiefly historical] :: antipope
tegenploeg {mf} [sports, games] :: An adversary, an opposing team; the opposite side in a team competition
tegenslag {m} :: setback, blow, misfortune
tegenspartelen {vi} :: to resist by struggling, to flounder in resistance
tegenspeler {m} :: counterpart
tegenspeler {m} [sports, games] :: opponent
tegenspoed {m} :: adversity (state)
tegenspoedig {adj} :: adverse, pertaining to or characterised by misfortune and adversity
tegenspraak {f} :: backtalk
tegenspraak {f} :: contradiction
tegenspreken {v} :: to contradict
tegenstaan {v} [ergative] :: to resist, to oppose
tegenstaan {v} [ergative] :: to disgust
tegenstaatsgreep {m} :: countercoup
tegenstand {m} :: opposition
tegenstander {m} :: adversary, opponent
tegenstelling {f} :: opposition, opposite
tegenstelling {f} :: contrast
tegenstreven {vi} [with an indirect object] :: to oppose, to counteract
tegenstreven {vt} [obsolete] :: to go to/toward
tegenstrever {m} :: opponent
tegenstrijdig {adj} :: contradictory
tegenstrijdigheid {f} :: contradiction
tegenvallen {v} :: to be worse than expected, to disappoint
tegenvaller {m} :: A disappointing result, adversity, bummer
tegenvallertje {n} :: a small disappointment, an outcome worse than expected, adversity, bummer
tegenvoeter {m} :: A counterpart or an opposite of someone
tegenvoeter {m} [archaic] :: An antipodean
tegenvuur {n} [military, warfare] :: return fire, counterfire
tegenvuur {n} [forestry, firefighting] :: A fire started to limit the damage or extent of an ongoing fire, especially in order to combat wildfires
tegenwerken {v} :: to counter, to work in opposition to
tegenwerken {v} :: to struggle, to be stubborn
tegenwerking {f} :: opposition
tegenwerpen {vt} :: to object, to state to the contrary [usually accompanied by a subordinate clause]
tegenwerping {f} :: objection, statement expressing opposition
tegenwicht {n} :: counterbalance (weight that counterbalances another weight)
tegenwicht {n} [figurative] :: counterbalance (force or influence that counteracts another one)
tegenwind {m} :: headwind
tegenwoordig {adj} :: present, current
tegenwoordig {adv} :: nowadays, presently
tegenwoordig deelwoord {n} :: present participle
tegenwoordige tijd {m} [grammar] :: present tense
tegenwoordigheid {f} :: presence
tegenzeggelijk {adj} [uncommon] :: disputable, deniable, controvertible
tegenzin {m} :: A reluctance, an unwillingness to do or accept something
tegenzitten {vi} :: to go wrong
tegenzitten {vi} :: to be harder or less pleasant than expected
tegoed {n} :: credit, amount you are owed
tegoedhoudertje {noun} :: rain check
te grazen nemen {v} :: to maul
te gronde gaan {v} [ergative] :: to be destroyed
te gronde richten {v} :: to destroy
te hard van stapel lopen {v} :: to rush into action, to be eager to do something
te hard van stapel lopen {v} :: to do something without proper consideration
Teheran {prop} {n} :: Teheran (capital city)
tehuis {n} :: home, asylum
tehuis {adv} [archaic] :: alternative form of thuis
te hulp komen {v} :: to come to (somebody's) aid
te huur {adj} :: for rent
teil {f} :: tub, basin (wide vessel with generally a larger volume than a bucket)
teil {f} :: tray or pot used for serving a dish
teisteren {v} :: to infest, to scourge, to ravage
-teit {suffix} :: a productive suffix that forms a noun (especially an abstract noun) from an adjective, akin to the English suffixes -ity and -ty
tekeer {adv} :: with an agitating movement; furiously
tekeer {adv} [figuratively] :: anxiously
teken {n} :: sign
teken {n} :: signal
teken {n} :: character
tekenaap {m} :: A pantograph designed as a drawing aid
tekenaar {m} :: drawer (artist who makes drawings), illustrator
tekenares {f} :: female equivalent of tekenaar
tekenaresje {noun} :: diminutive of tekenares
tekenen {vt} :: to draw (by pencil)
tekenen {vt} :: to sign (write a signature)
tekenfilm {m} :: An animated cartoon, especially a full-length cartoon film
tekening {f} :: drawing
tekenkunst {f} :: (the art of) drawing
tekenpapier {n} :: drawing paper
tekenpincet {n} :: A pair of tick tweezers, a tick remover
tekenreeks {f} [computing] :: character string
tekentang {f} :: A pair of tick tweezers, a tick remover
te koop {adj} :: for sale
tekort {n} :: shortage, deficit
tekortkoming {f} :: shortcoming, imperfection, demerit (quality of being inadequate)
tekortkoming {f} :: lack, absence, shortage
tekortkominkje {noun} :: diminutive of tekortkoming
tekst {m} :: text
tekst {m} :: lyrics
tekst {m} [uncountable, printing, dated] :: A large size of type standardized as 16 point
tekstballon {m} :: speech bubble
tekstcorpus {n} :: text corpus
tekstkritiek {f} :: textual criticism
tekstkritisch {adj} :: text-critical
tekstspiegel {m} :: block of text, body of text (space covered by text on a page)
tekstuitlegger {m} :: exegete
tekstverwerker {m} :: word processor
tektoniek {f} [geology] :: tectonics (study of crustal movements and phenomena)
tektoniek {f} [architecture] :: tectonics (study of structural assembly and experience)
tel {m} :: count
tel {m} [time] :: second
tel {m} :: a short moment
telbaar {adj} :: countable, which can be counted, expressed numerically
tele- {prefix} :: tele-
telefacsimile {c} :: fax
telefax {f} {m} :: fax
telefoneren {vti} :: to telephone (to call someone)
telefonie {f} :: telephony
telefonisch {adj} :: telephonic; in particular by telephone
telefonisch {adv} :: by telephone
telefonist {m} :: A telephone operator, a telephonist
telefoniste {f} :: A telephone operator, a telephonist
telefoon {m} :: telephone
telefoonboek {n} :: phone book, telephone directory
telefoonboom {m} :: call tree
telefoonbotje {n} :: funny bone
telefooncel {f} :: telephone box, telephone booth
telefooncentrale {c} :: telephone exchange
telefoongids {m} :: telephone directory
telefoonlijn {f} :: telefone line
telefoonnummer {n} :: telephone number
telefoonseks {m} :: phone sex
telefoontje {noun} :: (brief) telephone conversation
telefoonverbinding {f} :: telephone connection
telegraaf {m} :: telegraph
telegraafverbinding {f} :: telegraph connection, telegraph line
telegraferen {vti} :: to telegraph, to telegram
telegrafie {f} :: telegraphy
telegrafisch {adj} :: telegraphic
telegram {n} :: telegram
telegrammetje {noun} :: diminutive of telegram
telegramstijl {m} :: telegram style, telegraphic style
telekinese {f} :: telekinesis
telekinetisch {adj} :: telekinetic
telelens {f} :: telephoto lens, telelens
telen {vt} :: to cultivate, grow plants, notably crops
telen {vt} :: to raise, breed animals or (figurative, notably a type of) men
teleologie {f} :: teleology
teleologisch {adj} :: teleological, concerning or applying teleology, either in theological or physiological sense
teleologisch {adj} [legal] :: a judge's way to interpret the law by its intent rather then its actual phrasing
teleologisch {adj} :: containing a purpose or goal
telephoon {m} :: obsolete spelling of telefoon
teler {m} :: a cultivator, a tiller, a farmer
teler {m} [obsolete, grammar] :: a word in the genitive case
telescoop {m} :: telescope
Telescoop {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Telescopium
teletekst {m} :: Teletext
teleur {adv} [obsolete] :: to a loss, to waste
teleurgesteld {adj} :: disappointed
teleurstellen {vt} :: to disappoint
teleurstellend {adj} :: disappointing
teleurstelling {f} :: disappointment
televisie {f} :: television
televisiekijker {m} :: A television viewer, one who watches television
televisiemaker {m} :: A producer of television programs
televisieprogramma {n} :: television program, television show
telex {m} :: telex
telexbericht {n} :: a message delivered by a telex machine
telg {f} :: descendant, scion
telkens {adv} :: in each case, each time
telkens {adv} :: repeatedly, time and again
telkens als {conj} :: whenever, every time (that)
telkens wanneer {conj} :: whenever, every time (that)
telkens weer {adv} :: again and again
tellen {vt} :: to count, to enumerate
tellen {vt} :: to determine the number of
tellen {vi} :: to matter, to be of significance
teller {m} [mathematics] :: numerator (the number or expression written above the line in a fraction)
teller {m} :: someone who counts
teller {m} :: any device that displays numerical information such as a Geiger counter or a tachometer
telling {f} :: counting, count
tellurium {n} :: tellurium
telluur {n} :: tellurium
teloor {adv} [obsolete] :: to a loss, to waste
teloorgaan {v} :: to become lost
telraam {n} :: abacus (calculating frame)
Telugu {prop} {n} :: Telugu; a Dravidian language of India
Telugu {m} :: A Telugu; a member of the people who speak the Telugu language
telwoord {n} :: numeral
telwoord {n} [rare, grammar] :: measure word, counter (class of word used along with numerals to count objects)
te maken hebben {v} [idiomatic] :: to have to do (with)
temeier {f} [derogatory] :: whore (prostitute)
temen {v} :: to drawl, to talk slowly
temmen {v} :: to tame, domesticate
te mooi om waar te zijn {proverb} :: too good to be true
tempé {m} :: tempeh
tempeest {n} :: tempest, storm
tempeest {n} [figurative] :: hard time, dire straits
tempel {m} [religion] :: A temple, building destined as place of worship; specifically:
tempel {m} [Judaism] :: A Jewish synagogue
tempel {m} [freemasonry] :: A masonic ceremonial meeting place, a lodge
Tempelberg {prop} {m} :: Temple Mount (hill and former acropolis in Jerusalem, site of the historical First and Second Temples and of the Dome of the Rock)
tempelcomplex {n} :: temple complex (expansive temple precinct, often including several temples, shrines, etc.)
tempelen {vi} [obsolete, rare] :: to go to church
tempelier {m} :: Templar, Knight Templar
Tempelman {prop} :: surname
tempelridder {m} :: A Knight Templar, knightly member of the Templar order
tempelwachter {m} :: temple guard, temple guardian (person guarding a temple, or a depiction thereof)
temperament {n} [psychology] :: the usual mood of a person, or typical manner of thinking, behaving, and acting; temperament, temper, mood
temperament {n} :: temperament: a tendency to become irritable or angry, temper
temperament {n} [music] :: temperament: a specific system of note pitches of a musical instrument
temperaturen {v} :: to measure the temperature of
temperatuur {f} :: temperature, a measure of cold or heat
tempo {n} :: tempo
Tempo Doeloe {noun} :: The time period when Indonesia was wholly part of the Netherlands East Indies, and even more specifically, the time between 1870 and the beginning of the First World War around 1914
temporiseren {v} :: to lower the pace, to delay
ten {contraction} :: to the, at the [followed by a masculine or neuter word]
ten aanzien van {prep} :: in relation to, concerning
Tenach {prop} {m} [Judaism, Bible] :: the Tanakh
ten behoeve van {prep} [formal] :: for the benefit of, in the interests of, on behalf of
ten Cate {prop} :: surname
tendens {f} {m} :: tendency, inclination
tendentieus {adj} :: tendentious, biased, slanted
tender {m} :: (finance) tender
tender {m} [rail transport] :: coal-car
ten eerste {adv} :: firstly
teneinde {conj} :: in order to, so as to
tenenkaas {f} :: sticky, smegma-like substance that accumulates between one's toes in case of insufficient hygiene; toe cheese; toe jam
teneur {m} :: tenor, course of thought
ten gehore brengen {v} :: to make heard, to broadcast through sound (e.g. a musical performance, speech)
tengel {m} [slang] :: finger
tengel {m} :: wooden lath used on roofs, in ceilings or walls
tenger {adj} :: slim
ten gevolge {adv} :: as a result
tengevolge {adv} :: alternative form of ten gevolge
ten gevolge van {prep} :: as a result of
tengevolge van {prep} :: alternative form of ten gevolge van
ten gunste van {prep} :: in favor of
ten huize van {prep} :: at the house/home of
ten Kate {prop} :: surname
ten minste {adv} :: at least
tenminste {adv} :: at least
ten minste houdbaar tot {phrase} :: best before
ten naaste bij {adv} :: about, more or less, roughly, approximately
tennis {n} :: tennis (sport)
tennisbaan {f} :: tennis court
tennisbal {m} :: tennis ball
tennisballenkanon {n} :: tennis ball cannon, tennis ball launcher
tennisracket {m} :: tennis racket
tennissen {vi} :: to play tennis
tennisser {m} :: tennis player
tennisspeelster {f} :: female tennis player
tennisspeler {m} :: tennis player
tennisster {f} :: female tennis player
ten opzichte van {prep} :: with respect to
ten slotte {adv} :: at last, finally
tenslotte {adv} :: In the end, finally, in conclusion, after all
tensor {m} [mathematics, linear algebra] :: tensor
ten spijt {postp} :: in spite of
tent {m} :: tent (for camping, special occasions, etc.)
tent {m} :: a pavillion
tent {m} [colloquial, Dutch, often in compounds] :: a building, especially one used for commercial purposes
tentakel {m} :: tentacle
tentamen {n} :: an examination (especially in higher education)
tentamineren {vt} :: to test someone (especially in higher education)
tentdak {n} :: tented roof
ten tijde van {prep} :: at the time of
tentoon {adv} :: only used in tentoonstellen
tentoonstellen {v} :: to exhibit, to display, to show to the public
tentoonstelling {f} :: exposition (e.g. in a museum), exhibition
ten zeerste {adv} :: strongly
tenzij {conj} :: unless
te over {adv} :: in abundance, in spades
tepaal {m} :: tepal
te pas en te onpas {adv} :: all the time; whether appropriate or not; whether relevant or not
tepel {m} :: nipple
tepelhof {m} :: areola
ter {contraction} :: for, for the (followed by a feminine singular noun, e.g., one ending in -ing)
ter {contraction} :: in the
tera- {prefix} :: tera-
tera-ampère {m} :: tera-ampere: 1012 amperes
teraardebestelling {f} [formal] :: interment, burial
Ter Apel {prop} {n} :: Ter Apel (village)
teraseconde {f} :: terasecond: 1012 seconds
terbeschikkingstelling {f} [law] :: a measure [Netherlands] or sentence [Belgium] imposed by a judge that forces the convicted to undergo psychiatric treatment
terbium {n} :: terbium
terdege {adv} :: very much, profoundly
terdoodveroordeelde {noun} :: One who has been condemned to death
terecht {adj} :: just, right, for good reason
terecht {adv} :: in the right place
terecht {adv} :: in judgment
terecht {adv} :: rightly, for a good reason
terechtkomen {vi} :: to land
terechtkomen {vi} :: to end up, wind up (in a unplanned or surprising place)
terechtstellen {vt} :: to execute, to carry out a death sentence
terechtstelling {f} :: execution, the act of carrying out a death sentence
terechtwijzen {vt} :: to reprimand
teren {vi} :: to eat or drink what is necessary to survive
teren {vi} :: to live, survive by consumption
teren {vi} [archaic] :: to rot, to decompose, to waste away
teren {vi} [archaic] :: to be digested
teren {vt} :: to tar
ter ere van {prep} :: in honour of
tergen {vt} :: to anger, to aggravate
tergen {vt} :: to irritate, to annoy
tergen {vt} :: to rouse, to provoke
tergen {vt} [obsolete] :: to torment, to plague, to bother
ter harte nemen {v} :: to take to heart
Terhulpen {prop} {n} :: La Hulpe, a village in Belgium
tering- {prefix} [extremely, vulgar] :: fucking, damned
tering {f} :: expenses
tering {f} [dated] :: tuberculosis
tering {interj} [vulgar] :: shit! damn!
tering jantje {interj} [vulgar] :: holy shit, expression of surprise, impression, frustration, etc
teringlijder {m} [Netherlands, pejorative] :: asshole (generic term of abuse)
teringlijder {m} [historical] :: consumptive, tuberculotic
terloops {adv} :: in passing
terloops {adj} :: cursory
term {m} :: term; A word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge
term {m} [mathematics] :: term; One of the addends in a sum
termiet {m} [zoology] :: A termite, an ant-like eusocial insect of the infraorder Isoptera
termietenheuvel {m} :: termite mound
termietenhoop {m} :: termite mound
termijn {m} :: term, period
termijn {m} :: deadline
terminologie {f} :: terminology
termsgewijs {adv} :: termwise
termsgewijs {adj} :: termwise
Ternaaien {prop} {n} :: Lanaye, a village in Belgium
ternauwernood {adv} :: barely, narrowly, just
terp {m} :: artificial mound or hillock used as shelter during high tide
terpdorp {n} :: A village built on an artificial mound
terpdorpje {noun} :: diminutive of terpdorp
terpentijn {m} :: (uncountable) The volatile essential oil turpentine naturally occurring in certain tree resins
terpentijn {m} :: The trees Pistacia terebinthus and some relative species which produce the resins
Terpstra {prop} :: surname
terrarium {n} :: terrarium
terras {n} :: terrace
terras {n} :: outdoor café
terrasje {noun} :: outdoor café
terrein {n} :: grounds, terrain, area
terrein {n} :: terrain, landscape
terrein {n} :: speciality, field of study
terrein {n} [figurative] :: social field, social domain (area of activity)
terreinauto {m} :: off-road car
terreinwinst {f} [chiefly uncountable] :: territorial gain
terreur {f} :: terror, instance or cause of fear
terreur {f} :: regime of terror
terreur {f} :: terrorism
terreurpleger {m} :: terrorist
terril {m} [Belgium] :: spoil heap
terrine {f} :: terrine (dish)
terrine {f} :: terrine (pâté)
territoriaal {adj} :: territorial
territorium {n} :: territory
terrorisme {n} :: terrorism
terrorist {m} [derogaroty, see usage note] :: A terrorist
terrorist {m} [historical] :: A supporter of the French Reign of Terror
terroristisch {adj} :: terrorist
Terschelling {prop} {n} :: Terschelling (island)
Terschelling {prop} {n} :: Terschelling (municipality)
ter sluip {prep} [obsolete] :: sneakily, secretly
ter sprake brengen {v} [idiomatic] :: to broach a subject, raise a question, bring something into the topic
terstond {adv} [temporal] :: immediately, at once
tertiair {adj} :: tertiary
tertiaire sector {m} [economy] :: tertiary sector (service sector)
terts {f} {m} [music] :: third (interval or chord)
terts {f} {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: terce
terug- {prefix} :: back, backwards
terug {adv} :: backwards, back (in the opposite direction)
terug {adv} :: back, to a previous place or condition
terug {adv} :: back, in return
terug {adv} :: again, back again
terugbellen {v} :: To ring back, to return call
terugblik {m} :: retrospect, flashback
terugbrengen {v} :: to bring back, return
terugbrengen {v} :: to reduce
terugdringen {v} :: to force back, push back
terugfluiten {vi} :: to whistle back
terugfluiten {vt} [figurative] :: to call to account, to sanction or to reprimand
teruggaan {v} :: to return, go back
teruggave {f} {m} :: refund
teruggetrokkenheid {f} :: introversion, reclusiveness
teruggeven {vt} :: To return, give something back
teruggeven {vi} :: To return the change to balance a (cash) transaction
teruggeven {vt} :: To reply, retort etc. to, retaliate
teruggeven {vt} :: To regurgitate, vomit
teruggrijpen {vi} :: to fall back, to rely [+ op (object) = on]
teruggrijpen {vt} :: to grab back, to retrieve by grabbing
terughalen {v} :: to recall
terugkaatsen {v} :: to throw back, to rebound
terugkaatsen {v} :: to reflect
terugkaatsing {f} [optics] :: reflection
terugkeer {m} :: return
terugkeren {v} :: to return
terugkeren {v} :: to recur
terugkijken {v} :: to look back
terugkomen {v} :: to come back, to return
terugkomen {v} :: (used with "in") to be echoed in
terugkomst {f} :: return
terugkrijgen {v} :: to get back, recover
teruglopen {v} :: to walk back
teruglopen {v} :: to recede
terugnemen {vt} :: to take back (after having lost), to retake
terugnemen {vt} :: to take back (word)
terugpakken {v} :: to take back; to get back
terugpakken {v} :: to avenge; to revenge
terugplooien {v} :: to contract, to roll back, to retire
terugreis {f} :: A return journey, journey back, return voyage
terugschrikken {v} :: shrink/shy away from, afraid of doing/using
terugspoelen {v} :: to rewind
terugstellen {v} :: to reset
terugstellen {v} :: to demote
terugsturen {v} :: to send back, return
terugtocht {m} :: return expedition or return trip, usually a retreat, withdrawal
terugtraprem {f} :: coaster brake, backpedal brake
terugtreden {v} :: to withdraw
terugtrekken {vt} :: to withdraw, to pull back
terugtrekken {vr} :: to pull back, to retreat
terugtrekking {f} :: withdrawal, retreat
teruguit {adv} :: backwards
terugval {m} :: downturn, decline, downfall
terugvallen {v} :: to lapse, decline
terugvinden {v} :: to retrieve
terugvliegen {v} :: to fly back
terugwaarts {adv} :: backwards
terugwaarts {adj} :: backward
terugwaarts {adv} :: backwards
terugweg {m} :: Way back
terugwinnen {v} :: to recover
terugzetten {v} :: to rewind (a clock)
terugzetten {v} :: to restore (something to its previous state)
terugzetten {v} [computing] :: to restore, roll back
terugzien {v} :: to see (someone) again/back
terwijl {conj} :: while, during the same time that
terwijl {conj} :: whereas
ter wille van {prep} :: for the sake of
ter zake {phrase} :: to the point, on topic, pertinent, topical
terzijde {adv} :: aside
terzine {f} [poetry] :: tercet
Tessa {prop} :: given name
test {m} :: test
test {m} :: A test, an earthen bowl or pot
test {m} :: A test, a cupel (used in smelting)
testament {n} [law] :: testament, last will
testamentair {adj} :: testamentary
testen {v} :: to test, to try out
testeren {vi} :: to prepare one's will
testeren {vt} :: to leave or divide (one's belongings) by means of a will
testikel {m} :: testicle
testimonium {n} :: testimony
testosteron {m} :: testosterone
testosteronbom {f} [pejorative] :: Pejorative term for young males, in particular when considered prone to hypermasculine behaviour
testprogramma {n} :: A testing programme
testritten {v} :: to test drive
tet {c} [vulgar] :: boob; tit
tetraëder {c} :: tetrahedron
tetrahydrocannabinol {m} :: tetrahydrocannabinol
tetralogie {f} :: tetralogy ((book) series consisting of four parts)
teug {m} :: pull, draw
teug {m} :: sip, gulp (of liquid)
teugel {m} :: rein
Teun {prop} {m} :: given name
teveel {n} :: excess
teveel {adv} [proscribed] :: alternative spelling of te veel
te veel van het goede {adj} [predicative] :: over the top, too much
tevens {adv} :: at the same time
tevens {adv} :: moreover, also
tevergeefs {adv} :: in vain
tevergeefs {adj} :: being in vain, pointless
te voet {adv} :: on foot
tevoorschijn {adv} :: visible, at sight
tevoren {adv} :: previously
tevreden {adj} :: content, satisfied
tevredenheid {f} :: satisfaction, contentment
tevree {adj} :: contraction of tevreden
tevrêe {adj} [dated] :: contraction of tevreden
teweegbrengen {vt} :: to bring about, cause to take place
teweegbrengen {vt} :: to achieve, get (on the road, done etc.)
tewerkstellen {vt} :: to employ, to hire (to give work to someone)
te weten {adv} :: to wit
Texaan {m} :: A Texan, person from Texas
Texaans {adj} :: Texan
Texas {prop} {n} :: Texas (state)
texasbroek {f} [Belgium] :: A pair of jeans
Texel {prop} {n} :: Texel (island)
Texelaar {m} :: An inhabitant or native of Texel
textiel {adj} :: made of, or relating to, textile
textiel {n} {m} :: textile
textieltje {noun} :: garment
tezamen {adv} :: together (with)
tezelfdertijd {adv} :: at the same time (simultaneously)
te zijner tijd {adv} :: in due time, when the time is right
t.g.v. {prep} :: abbreviation of ten gevolge van
Thai {prop} {n} :: Thai (language)
Thai {m} :: A Thai person
Thailand {prop} {n} :: Thailand
Thailander {mf} :: Thai (inhabitant of Thailand; person of Thai descent)
Thailands {adj} :: Thai, relating to Thailand and/or its people
Thailands {adj} :: in or relating to the Thai language
thallium {n} :: thallium
thanks {interj} [colloquial] :: thanks
thans {adv} :: now (at the present moment)
thaumaturg {m} :: thaumaturge
theanine {c} :: theanine
theater {n} :: theater (US), theatre (Commonwealth): either drama, the art form, or a drama theater (building)
theatraal {adj} :: theatrical, dramatic
theatraal {adj} :: melodramatic, exaggerated
thee {m} :: tea
theeblad {n} :: tea leaf
theedoek {m} :: A tea towel, a cloth for drying dishes and glassware
theegerei {n} :: teaware
theeglas {n} :: tea glass (a glass meant to contain tea)
theegoed {n} :: teaware
theehuis {n} :: teahouse (establishment primarily serving tea)
theehuisje {noun} :: diminutive of theehuis
theekrans {m} [chiefly diminutive, the non-diminutive plural is rare] :: tea party (formal social gathering where one drinks tea, historically associated with upper-class ladies)
theekransje {noun} :: diminutive of theekrans
theelepel {m} :: teaspoon (for tea)
theelepel {m} :: teaspoon (for measuring liquid volume)
theeleut {f} [colloquial] :: someone who drinks a lot of tea
theeleuten {vi} [colloquial] :: to drink tea
theelicht {n} :: tealight
Theems {prop} {f} :: Thames
theemuts {f} :: tea cosy
theepauze {mf} :: tea break
theepot {m} :: teapot
theeservies {n} :: tea service (set of cups and dishes)
theetuin {m} :: A tea garden, an establishment with a garden where tea is served outdoors
theetuin {m} :: An elegant (private) garden designed as a location for drinking tea
theetuin {m} :: A roji
theeventer {m} :: tea vendor
theezak {m} [chiefly diminutive] :: A teabag
theezakje {noun} :: diminutive of theezak
theezeef {f} :: tea strainer
theïsme {n} :: theism
theïst {m} :: theist
theïstisch {adj} :: theistic
thema {n} :: topic, subject, issue
thema {n} [music] :: theme
themapark {n} :: theme park
themavocaal {m} [linguistics] :: a thematic (or theme) vowel
theo- {prefix} :: theo-
Theo {prop} {m} :: given name
theocraat {m} :: theocrat
theocratie {f} :: theocracy
theocratisch {adj} :: theocratic
theodicee {f} :: theodicy
theologie {f} :: theology
theologisch {adj} :: theological
theoloog {m} :: theologian
theorbe {f} [musical instrument] :: theorbo
theorema {n} :: theorem
theoreticus {m} :: theorist
theoretisch {adj} :: theoretical
theorie {f} :: theory (an unproven conjecture)
theorie {f} :: theory (An expectation of what should happen)
theose {f} [rare, Christianity, chiefly Eastern Orthodoxy] :: theosis (gradual attainment of mystical union with or likeness to God)
therapeut {m} :: therapist
therapeute {f} :: female equivalent of therapeut
therapie {f} :: therapy
thermaal {adj} :: thermal
thermen {p} :: thermae; a Roman bathhouse, in particular the warm and hot baths of a Roman bathhouse
thermiek {f} :: thermal column, thermal (rising warm airstream)
thermiet {n} :: thermite
thermo- {prefix} :: heat
thermodynamica {f} :: thermodynamics
thermodynamisch {adj} :: thermodynamics
thermometer {m} :: thermometer
thermoplast {m} [chemistry] :: thermoplastic
thermosfles {f} :: A thermos (vacuum flask)
thermosflesch {f} :: obsolete spelling of thermosfles
thermoskan {f} :: A thermos (vacuum flask)
thermostaat {m} :: thermostat
thesaurie {f} [chiefly uncountable] :: treasury
thesaurier {m} :: treasurer
thesauriër {m} [uncommon] :: alternative form of thesaurier
these {f} :: statement, thesis, proposition
thesis {f} :: thesis
thesorie {f} [dated, chiefly uncountable] :: alternative form of thesaurie
Thijs {prop} {m} :: given name
Thijs {prop} {m} :: surname
thinner {m} :: paint thinner
thio- {prefix} :: thio-
-thiol {suffix} [functional group suffix] :: -thiol
Thomas {prop} {m} :: given name of biblical origin
Thomas {prop} {m} :: surname
thorium {n} :: thorium
Thorn {prop} {n} :: Thorn (town)
Thread:User talk:CodeCat/Conjugation of "overdenken" rendered incorrectly/reply (2) {v} :: to ruminate, to cogitate, to reflect upon
t'huis {adv} :: obsolete form of thuis
thuis {adv} :: at home (at one's dwelling or in one's home area)
thuis {n} :: one's home
thuisbasis {f} :: home base, main base
thuisbezorgen {v} :: to deliver (e.g. ordered food) to someone's home
thuisblijver {m} :: One who stays home
thuisfront {n} :: home front
thuisgevoel {n} :: sense of being home
thuishaven {f} :: homeport
thuishoren {v} :: to belong, to be in one's preferred or appropriate place
thuiskomen {v} :: to come home
thuiskomst {f} :: Homecoming (arrival home)
thuisland {n} :: homeland
thuisonderwijs {n} :: homeschooling
thuisstudie {f} :: home study
thuisvaarder {m} :: A vessel or a person that sails home or intends (is intended) to do so
thuiswaarts {adv} :: homewards
thuiswerk {n} :: work from home
thuiszege {f} :: home win
thulium {n} :: thulium
Tiber {prop} {m} :: Tiber (river)
Tibet {prop} {n} :: Tibet
Tibetaans {adj} :: Tibetan (pertaining to Tibet)
tichel {m} :: roof tile
tichel {m} :: brick
tichel {m} :: flagstone
ticket {n} {m} :: ticket or voucher
-tie {suffix} :: -tion
Tiel {prop} {n} :: Tiel (city/and/municipality)
tien {num} :: ten
tiende {adj} :: tenth
tienduizend {num} :: ten thousand
tienduizendtal {n} :: A ten thousand, a multiple of ten thousand
Tienen {prop} {n} :: Tienen (city)
tiener {m} :: teenager
tienersoos {f} :: youth club (society where teenagers go out)
tienjarig {adj} :: ten-year old
tienjarig {adj} :: decennial (occurring every ten years)
tienpuntenschaal {f} :: ten-point scale
tiental {n} :: a group of ten
tiental {n} :: a multiple of ten which is less than a hundred
tientje {noun} :: A 10 guilder / euro banknote
tierelantijn {m} [chiefly plural, often diminutive] :: A flourish, something ornamental and not functional
tierelantijntje {noun} :: diminutive of tierelantijn
tieren {v} :: to thrive, prosper
tieren {v} :: to make a fuss, to rant
tiest {m} [Flemish] :: alternative spelling of tist
tiest {m} [Tilburg and North Brabant] :: A big head
tiest {m} [Flemish] :: stunt, prank, maneuver
Tiest {prop} {m} :: given name
tiet {f} [vulgar] :: tit, breast
Tietjerk {prop} :: A village in Tietjerksteradeel, Frisia, the Netherlands
Tietjerksteradeel {prop} :: Tietjerksteradeel (municipality)
-tig {suffix} :: -ty; used to form numerals denoting multiples of ten
tig {determiner} [colloquial] :: tens, dozens, lots
tij {n} :: tide
tijd {m} :: time
tijd {m} [grammar] :: tense
tijdbom {f} :: time bomb
tijdelijk {adj} :: temporal
tijdelijk {adj} :: temporary
tijdelijk {adv} :: temporarily
tijdens {prep} :: during
tijdgeest {m} :: the intellectual and spiritual trend or way of thinking in a society at a given time or age; zeitgeist
tijdgenoot {m} :: A contemporary
tijdig {adj} :: timely, at the proper time
tijdig {adj} :: in time, sufficiently early
tijding {f} :: message, tiding
tijding {f} [historical] :: newspaper, note or pamphlet containing news
tijdje {noun} :: a while
tijdlijn {f} {m} :: timeline
tijdmachine {f} :: time machine
tijdnood {m} :: lack of time, the condition of running out of time
tijdopname {f} :: time-lapse recording
tijdperk {n} :: age, era
tijdrekening {f} :: system of subdividing time and calculating dates; calendar, era
tijdrit {m} :: time trial
tijdschaal {f} :: time scale
tijdschema {m} :: timetable, schedule [in relation to time]
tijdschrift {n} :: magazine (periodical of which print instalments appear)
tijdschrift {n} :: magazine (copy/issue of a periodical)
tijdschrift {n} [obsolete] :: chronogram
tijdschriftencassette {f} :: A magazine file (narrow container for storing magazines)
tijdsduur {m} :: duration
tijdsgeest {m} :: alternative form of tijdgeest
tijdslimiet {f} :: time limit
tijdsrekening {f} :: alternative form of tijdrekening
tijdstempel {m} :: timestamp
tijdstip {n} :: moment in time, point in time, time of day
tijdsverschil {n} :: time difference
tijdvak {n} :: A (long) period of time, notably one of the chronological divisions of history, natural history etc
tijdvak {n} :: An age, era, the period something exists, thrives etc
tijdverdrijf {n} :: pastime, diversion
tijd winnen {v} :: to buy time
tijgen {vt} :: to accuse
tijgen {vt} :: to pull
tijgen {vt} :: to go
tijger {m} :: tiger, Panthera tigris
tijger {m} [Surinam] :: jaguar, Panthera onca
tijger {m} [Surinam] :: puma, cougar, Puma concolor
tijger {m} [South Africa, obsolete] :: leopard, panther, Panthera pardus
tijger {m} [figurative] :: A fast-growing or prosperous Asian economy, usually located in East Asia or Southeast Asia
tijgerhaai {m} [zoology] :: tiger shark
tijgerin {f} :: tigress
tijgerpython {m} :: Indian python, Python molurus
tijgerspin {f} :: wasp spider, Argiope bruennichi
tijk {f} {n} :: A pillowcase
tijk {f} {n} :: A type of coarse cotton fabric
tijken {adj} :: made of coarse cotton fabric
tijm {m} :: thyme, plant of the genus Thymus
tijm {m} :: thyme, herb from these plants
Tijn {prop} {m} :: given name
Tijn {prop} {m} :: a surname
tik {m} :: tick (a kind of sound)
tik {m} :: tap
tik {m} :: slap
tik {m} :: little bit (In: "een tikje meer")
tikfout {f} :: typo, typing error
tikgeit {f} [derogatory, offensive] :: A female secretary whose work mainly consists of typing
tikken {vi} :: to tick, to make a ticking sound
tikken {vi} :: to tap
tikken {vt} :: to type on a typewriter or keyboard
tikken {vt} :: to tag (in a children's game)
tikkertje {n} [games] :: tag, a game often played by children
tikkie {interj} :: tag, you're it!
til {f} :: dovecote
til {f} [dialectal] :: bridge, typically a small wooden bridge made of planks
til {f} [dated] :: cage trap for catching birds
Tilburg {prop} {n} :: Tilburg (city/and/municipality)
tillen {vti} :: to lift, to raise
tillen {vti} [colloquial] :: to scam, to con
Tim {prop} {m} :: given name
timing {m} :: timing (synchronisation; regulation of pace or time)
Timișoara {prop} :: Timișoara (city)
timmer {n} {m} [archaic] :: building, construction
timmer {n} {m} [archaic] :: construction work
timmer {n} {m} [archaic] :: room, chamber
timmer {n} {m} [archaic] :: act of building or carpentry
timmer {n} {m} [archaic] :: building material
timmeraar {m} [neologism] :: carpenter
timmeren {v} :: to perform carpentry, to build, to construct
timmeren {v} :: to hammer
timmerman {m} :: male carpenter
Timmermans {prop} :: surname
timmermanspotlood {n} :: carpenter's pencil
timmervrouw {f} :: female carpenter
timmerwerf {f} :: A construction yard where the primary construction material is wood; esp. in relation to ship building
Timo {prop} :: given name. A Dutch pet form of Timotheüs ( = Timothy)
tin {n} :: tin (metal, metallic element)
tinne {f} {n} :: merlon, cop
tinnef {m} :: junk, stuff of poor quality
tinnef {m} [by extension] :: scum
tinnen {adj} :: tin, tinnen
tint {c} :: hue
tintelen {v} :: to tingle, to prickle
tintelfris {adj} :: tingling(ly) fresh
tinteling {f} :: tingling
tinten {v} :: to tint
tintinofiel {m} :: A Tintin fan
Tinus {prop} :: A diminutive of the male given name Martijn or Martinus
tip {m} :: tip, extreme end of something
tip {m} :: tip, small amount of money left for a waiter, taxi driver, etc. as a token of appreciation
tip {m} :: tip, piece of good advice
tippelen {vi} :: to walk (often briskly)
tippelen {vi} [prostitution] :: to solicit out on the street
tippelen {vi} [dated] :: to be interested [+ op (object) = in], to be attracted [+ op (object) = to]
tippelen {vi} [dated, Bargoen] :: to steal [+ op (object)]
tippelen {vi} [dated, Bargoen] :: to fall
tippen {v} :: to tip (give a gratuity)
tippen {v} :: to tip (give a hint)
tiptop {adj} [predicative] :: excellent, fantastic
tiptop {adv} :: tiptop, excellently
tiran {m} [historical] :: tyrant, absolute ruler of an Ancient polis
tiran {m} :: (commonly) tyrant, despotic ruler
tiran {m} [figuratively] :: forceful oppressor, in any context
tiranniek {adj} :: tyrannical, (as) under a tyranny
tiranniek {adj} :: tyrannous, with the (notably abusive) characteristics of a tyrant
tist {m} [Flemish] :: A strange or remarkable person
tist {m} [Flemish] :: A guy
titaan {n} :: titanium
titaan {m} :: An immensely strong giant
titaan {m} :: [also capitalized: Titaan] a Titan in Greek mythology
titaan {m} :: by comparison; also a champion
titanenstrijd {m} :: [chiefly singular] A titanic fight, a struggle between titans
titanium {n} :: titanium
titel {m} :: title
titelen {vt} :: to title, to name
titratie {f} :: titration
titreren {v} :: to titrate
tittel {m} [typography] :: tittle, a small dot
tittel {m} [figuratively] :: tittle, a small detail
titulair {adj} :: titular
titulair {adj} :: in name (only)
tja {interj} :: hmm, yeah well
tjaffelen {vi} [Belgium] :: to move slowly with difficulty
tjalk {m} :: An old Dutch sailing barge with a round bow, leeboards and a gaff-rigged mast
tjaptjoi {m} :: chop suey (Chinese dish with meat and mixed vegetables)
-tje {suffix} :: Appended to a noun (or occasionally another part of speech), making it diminutive
tjeempie {interj} :: A mild exclamation of (perhaps unpleasant) surprise, wonder or amazement
tjiftjaf {m} :: The leaf-warbler species Phylloscopus collybita; chiffchaff
tjo {interj} [slang] :: hello, bye
tjokvol {adv} :: chock full, completely full
tjonge {interj} :: An exclamation of (mild) surprise, wonder or amazement
tjongejonge {interj} :: An exclamation of (mild) annoyance, surprise, wonder or amazement
tjow {interj} :: alternative spelling of tjo
't kofschip {phrase} :: A mnemonic used to remember how Dutch weak verbs are conjugated in the past tense. Those that end in a consonant that is present in the term 't kofschip (i.e. voiceless consonants) get the ending -t, others get -d
tl-buis {c} :: tubular fluorescent lamp
t/m {adv} :: initialism of tot en met
toast {m} :: toast (congratulation or salutation while raising a glass containing a usually alcoholic drink)
toast {m} :: an event held in honour of some person or some occasion where alcoholic drinks are consumed
toast {m} [chiefly diminutive] :: Melba toast
tobben {vi} :: to worry
tobben {vi} :: to flair or move repeatedly, to churn, to thrash
tobben {v} [obsolete] :: to bother, to harass
tobber {m} :: an unlucky person, someone who never seems to have any lucky things happen to them
tobberd {m} :: alternative spelling of tobber
Tobias {prop} {m} :: Tobias (Biblical character)
Tobias {prop} {m} :: given name
toch {adv} :: still, nevertheless, anyway
toch {adv} :: after all, despite what was expected
toch {adv} :: yes, surely; implies a positive contradiction, used to contradict a negative
toch {adv} :: In positive statements, a modal particle indicating certainty or emphasis, implying that the speaker considers his statement to be obvious
toch {adv} :: In questions, a modal particle indicating uncertainty or sometimes worry, implying that the speaker hopes to be confirmed or reassured; may also be postpositioned as a tag question
tocht {mf} :: march
tocht {mf} :: trip
tocht {mf} :: draught, air current
tocht {mf} :: A small waterway that connects all the other waterways in a polder to a pump, windmill or sluice
tochtgenoot {m} :: A travel companion, who shares one's company on a journey
tochtig {adj} :: draughty, drafty, windy, having currents of air
tochtig {adj} [livestock, especially cattle] :: being in oestrus, being on heat
toe- {prefix} :: prefix used to stress a verb or a noun
toe {adv} :: after, afterwards
toe {adv} :: shut, closed (especially as part of a compound verb like toedoen)
toe {interj} :: come on!, go on! (used when trying to coax someone into doing something)
toe {adv} [now, dialectal] :: alternative form of toen
toe {conj} [now, dialectal] :: alternative form of toen
toebedelen {v} :: assign; allot
toebehoren {vi} [with an indirect object] :: to belong [+ aan (object) = to], to be the property [+ aan (object) = of]
toebijten {v} :: to speak harshly at, snap at
toebrengen {v} :: to inflict
toedeledokie {interj} [Netherlands, chiefly humorous or ironic] :: toodeloo, so long
toedeloe {interj} [Netherlands, often, humorous] :: bye, toodeloo
toedenken {v} :: to be destined for
toedichten {vt} :: to ascribe, to attribute, to impute
toedienen {v} :: to administer
toedoen {v} :: to close, shut
toedoen {n} :: help, cooperation
toedoen {n} :: activity
toedracht {f} :: how-it-happened (the circumstances under which an event has taken place)
toe-eigenen {vr} :: to appropriate
toeëigenen {v} :: superseded spelling of toe-eigenen
toe-eigening {f} :: appropriation (act of making something one's own)
toegang {m} :: access, entrance
toegangsgeld {n} :: access fee, entrance fee
toegangskaart {f} :: An entrance ticket
toegangskaartje {noun} :: diminutive of toegangskaart
toegangspoort {c} :: gateway
toegankelijk {adj} :: accessible
toegankelijkheid {f} :: accessibility
toegeeflijk {adj} :: lenient, forgiving, permissive, concessive
toegestaan {adj} :: allowed, permitted
toegeven {v} :: to admit
toegeven {v} :: to concede
toegevoegd {adj} :: added
toegift {f} :: addition, extra gift; something that is given in addition to what is usual
toegift {f} [music, theatre] :: encore (brief extra performance after the main performance)
toejuichen {v} :: to acclaim, applaud
toek {m} [Belgium] :: a whack or blow
toekan {m} :: toucan
Toekan {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Tucana
toeken {v} :: to whack someone
toekennen {v} :: to confer - in the sense of grant, bestow
toekeren {v} :: to turn towards, to turn to
toekijken {v} :: to look on, to watch expecting something to occur
toekomend {adj} :: future
toekomst {f} :: future
toekomstgericht {adj} :: future-oriented
toekomstig {adj} :: future, having to do with or occurring in the future
toekomstmuziek {f} :: Something, especially a futuristic proposal, that is very unlikely to be realised in the near future; something unrealistic
toekomstverwachting {f} [religion, chiefly uncountable] :: eschatological expectation(s) or beliefs, apocalyptic beliefs, expectation of the end times
toekomstverwachting {f} :: expectation regarding the future
toekruid {n} :: A herb used as a spice or condiment
toelachen {vt} :: to smile at, to smile toward
toelachen {vt} :: to smile on, to be beneficial or favourable
toelage {f} {m} :: grant-in-aid, subsidy
toelaten {v} :: to allow, tolerate
toelaten {v} :: to condone
toelaten {v} :: to admit, receive
toelating {f} :: admission
toelatingsexamen {n} :: entrance examination
toeleiden {noun} :: to induce
toeleiding {f} :: induction
toeleverancier {m} [business] :: wholesale supplier
toelichten {v} :: to shed light upon, explain
toelichting {f} :: explanation
toelonken {vt} :: to beckon to, to lure
toeloop {m} :: a congregation, a crowd of people headed towards a single destination
toelopen {v} :: to walk up to
toen {adv} :: then, subsequently (at a time in the past)
toen {adv} :: back then, at the time, in those days
toen {conj} :: when, at the time that (in the past)
toenadering {f} :: approach; the process of coming closer
toenadering {f} :: rapprochement
toename {f} {m} :: increase
toendra {f} :: tundra
toenemen {vi} :: to increase
Toengoezisch {adj} :: Tungusic
toenmalig {adj} :: then (of that time)
toentertijd {adv} :: at the time, then, during that time
toep. {noun} :: abbreviation of toepassing
toepasbaar {adj} :: applicable (that can be used in practice)
toepasselijk {adj} :: apt, applicable, appropriate
toepassen {v} :: to apply, implement
toepassing {f} :: application, act of applying
toepassing {f} :: purpose, use
toepassing {f} [computing] :: application, program
toer {m} :: turn, rotation, revolution
toer {m} :: tour, trip
toer {m} :: whim, urge (odd emotional action or behaviour)
toer {m} :: prank, stunt
toerbeurt {f} {m} :: a turn (period of participation)
toereiken {vt} :: to give, hand over
toereiken {vi} :: to suffice
toereikend {adj} :: sufficient, adequate, satisfactory
toerekenbaar {adj} [law] :: accountable, compos mentis
toerekenen {vt} :: to impute, hold accountable
toerekenen {vt} :: to ascribe
toerekeningsvatbaar {adj} [law] :: accountable, compos mentis
toeren {vi} :: to go out riding, to travel by bike
toeren {vi} :: to be on tour
toerfiets {f} :: touring bike
toerisme {n} :: tourism
toerist {m} :: tourist (male or of unspecified sex)
toeriste {f} :: tourist (female) (see toerist for definitions)
toeristencampagne {f} :: advertisement campaign to attract tourists
toeristenplaats {f} :: settlement that attracts many tourists
toeristenval {m} :: tourist trap
toeristisch {adj} :: touristic
toermalijn {m} [gems] :: (uncountable) The silicate mineral tourmaline, in various colours
toermalijn {m} :: A transparent gem cut from it
toernooi {n} :: tournament
toeschouwer {m} :: spectator
toeschrijven {v} :: to ascribe, attribute (followed by aan)
toeslaan {v} :: to slam closed
toeslaan {v} :: to seize the chance (e.g. to strike), to take advantage of a situation
toeslaan {v} :: to strike, to suddenly occur (said of a disaster or a disease)
toeslag {m} :: premium, charge, surcharge
toeslag {m} :: entitlement, benefit, allowance, bonus
toespelen {vi} :: to allude [+ op (object) = to]
toespelen {vi} [sports, games] :: to pass [+ naar (object) = to]
toespeling {f} :: allusion
toespijs {f} {m} [Belgium] :: toppings or spread [on bread]
toespijs {f} {m} [Netherlands, uncommon] :: dessert
toespijs {f} {m} [archaic] :: side dish
toespijs {f} {m} [obsolete] :: fish or meat
toespraak {f} :: A speech, an address
toestaan {v} :: to permit, allow
toestand {m} :: situation, condition
toestand {m} :: an unpleasant situation
toestand {m} [physics] :: state
toestel {n} :: device, appliance
toestel {n} :: aircraft, airplane
toestel {n} [obsolete, collective] :: paraphernalia, miscellanea
toestemmen {vi} :: To consent, agree
toestemmen {vt} :: (unusual) To award
toestemmen {vt} :: (unusual) To allow
toestemmen {vt} [obsolete] :: To admit, acknowledge
toestemming {f} :: permission, authorization
toet {interj} :: beep, honk
toet {m} [colloquial] :: face (especially of a child)
toetakelen {v} :: (especially an animal) to maul, to savage
toeter {m} :: horn, claxon
toeter {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
toeteren {v} :: to beep, to honk, to sound a horn
toetje {n} :: dessert, afters
toetred {m} [Netherlands, obsolete] :: accession
toetrede {f} [dated] :: accession
toetreden {vit} :: to accede, join
toetreding {f} :: accession
toets {f} {m} :: button, key (on a keyboard or other input device)
toets {f} {m} :: fingerboard (e.g. on a violin)
toets {f} {m} :: test, examination
toets {v} :: to test or examine
toetsen {v} :: to put to the test, to examine
toetsen {v} [by extension] :: to try, attempt
toetsenbord {n} [computing] :: A keyboard (input device with buttons for a computer)
toetsenbord {n} [music, now less common] :: A keyboard (musical instrument operated by keys; set of keys of such an instrument)
toetsenbord {n} :: A typewriter's keyboard (input mechanism or device with buttons for a typewriter)
toetsenist {m} :: keyboardist
toetseniste {f} :: female keyboardist
toetssteen {m} :: touchstone
toeval {n} :: accident, chance
toeval {n} :: an attack (of epilepsy)
toevallig {adj} :: by chance, accidental, coincidental, fortuitous
toevalstreffer {m} :: stroke of luck
toevalstreffer {m} :: lucky goal
toeven {vi} :: To remain somewhere; to linger, stay
toeverlaat {m} :: mainstay, brick: helpful, reliable person
toevertrouwen {vt} [with indirect object] :: to entrust [+ aan (object) = to]
toevloed {m} :: influx
toevlucht {f} {m} :: recourse (place or person where one seeks refuge or aid)
toevluchtsoord {n} :: refuge, place where one seeks recourse or shelter
toevoegen {v} :: to add
toevoeging {f} :: additive
toevoegsel {n} :: an addition
toevoer {m} :: supply
toewenden {vtr} :: to turn to (to turn, to go to or to address)
toewensen {v} :: to wish
toewerpen {vt} [with optional indirect object] :: to throw (to)
toewijden {v} :: to dedicate
toewijzen {v} :: to assign
toewijzing {f} :: ascription
toezeggen {v} :: to promise
toezegging {f} :: promise
toezicht {n} :: supervision, oversight
tof {adj} :: cool (objects)
tof {adj} :: nice (persons)
tof {interj} :: great!
tofelemoon {m} [pejorative, slang] :: Roman Catholic
tofelemoon {adj} [pejorative, slang] :: Roman Catholic
toffelemoon {m} :: alternative form of tofelemoon
tofoe {m} :: tofu
toga {f} [historical] :: A toga, an outer garment worn by Roman patrician men
toga {f} :: A gown worn by academics, Christian priests or ministers, and certain members of the legal profession
toges {m} [colloquial, originally, Bargoens] :: toches; butt, buttocks, hindquarters
togt {m} :: obsolete spelling of tocht
toilet {n} :: toilet (room containing lavatory); men's room, ladies' room
toilet {n} :: toilet (lavatory)
toilet {n} :: personal grooming
toiletartikel {n} :: A toiletry, an item used for personal hygiene or grooming
toiletborstel {m} :: toilet brush
toiletbril {m} :: A toilet seat
toilettas {f} {m} :: a toilet bag (a bag used to store essential toiletries when travelling)
toi toi toi {interj} [theatre] :: toi, toi, toi, break a leg
token {m} {n} [computing] :: token, an atomic piece of data
Tokio {prop} {n} :: Tokio (prefecture/capital city)
tokkelen {vi} :: to pluck strings
tokkelen {vi} :: to strum instruments
tokkelen {vi} :: to tick, tap staccato
tokkelen {vt} [obsolete] :: to tap, touch reeatedly, in various ways meanings
tokkie {mf} [Netherlands, colloquial, pejorative] :: A lower-class person who is perceived to be unsophisticated and seen as likely to engage in antisocial behaviour
toko {m} [historical, referring to Indonesia] :: a Dutch, otherwise European or Chinese shop
toko {m} [Netherlands] :: a grocery store or supermarket specializing in Southeast Asian (especially Indonesian or Chinese Indonesian) products, which are mostly food items
toko {m} [colloquial, Netherlands] :: shop, store, stand
toko {m} [colloquial, Netherlands] :: any company or business
tol {m} :: top, spinning top [a toy]
tol {m} :: toll, customs (tax or fee)
tol betalen voor {phrase} :: bear the consequences
tolbrug {f} :: A toll bridge
tolerabel {adj} :: tolerable
tolerant {adj} :: tolerant
tolerantie {f} :: tolerance
toleratie {f} [rare] :: tolerance
tolereren {v} :: to tolerate
tolheffing {f} :: levying of tolls, collecting of tolls
tolheffing {f} :: toll charge
tolhuis {n} :: tollhouse
tolhuisje {noun} :: diminutive of tolhuis
tolk {m} :: An interpreter, one who translates/interprets speech in another language and vice versa
tolk {m} :: Any content interpreter, who explains
tolk {m} [figuratively] :: A spokesperson
tolk {m} [obsolete] :: A sailors' term for a (folding) rule to measure bolt holes
tolk-ambtenaar {m} :: An official interpreter in public service, not self- or privately employed
tolken {vi} :: to interpret (to translate orally)
tollenaar {m} [historical] :: A tax collector, in particular a collector of tolls; a publican
tölt {m} :: A particular gait of a horse, particularly Icelandic ones
tölten {v} :: (horses) to move in a certain gait known as tölt
tolvlucht {f} [aviation] :: tailspin
tolweg {m} :: toll road, turnpike
Tom {prop} :: given name
tomaat {f} :: tomato, fruit of Solanum lycopersicum
tomaat {f} :: tomato plant, Solanum lycopersicum
tomaatje {noun} :: diminutive of tomaat
Tomas {prop} :: given name, spelling of Thomas
tomatengevecht {n} :: tomato fight
tomatenketchup {m} :: tomato ketchup
tomatenplant {f} :: tomato plant, Solanum lycopersicum
tomatenplantje {noun} :: diminutive of tomatenplant
tomatenpuree {f} :: tomato purée
tomatensaus {f} :: tomato sauce
tomatensausje {noun} :: diminutive of tomatensaus
tomatensoep {f} :: tomato soup
tombe {f} {m} :: tomb
tomeloos {adj} :: unbridled
tomen {vt} :: to briddle
tomen {vt} :: to rein in
tommygun {m} :: Tommy gun, Thompson submachine gun
tompoes {f} :: tompouce: a Dutch version of mille-feuille, having a thick layer of pastry cream sandwiched between two thin layers of puff pastry, with on top a layer of icing
ton {f} :: barrel
ton {f} :: ton (1000 kilograms)
ton {f} :: 100,000 of some monetary unit, particularly guilders
ton {f} :: A large amount
tondel {n} :: tinder
tondeldoos {f} :: tinderbox (container and fire-making tool)
tonder {n} :: tinder
toneel {n} :: stage, scene, place for a performance in front of an assembled audience
toneel {n} :: scene, depiction on stage [often in the diminutive] or part of a performance
toneel {n} :: [used absolutely, with definite article: het toneel] theatre, the dramatical arts
toneel {n} [figuratively] :: theatre, site where something (a crime, battle...) happens
toneelkijker {m} :: opera glass
toneelknecht {m} :: stagehand
toneellaars {mf} :: cothurnus, a type of boots used by stage performers
toneelmeester {m} :: stage manager
toneelschool {c} :: theater school
toneelschrijver {m} :: playwright
toneelspeelster {f} :: actress in a play
toneelspeler {m} :: actor in a play
toneelstuk {n} :: play (artistic genre in which actors enact a story in front of a live audience)
toneeltje {noun} :: diminutive of toneel
tonen {vt} :: to show
tong {f} :: tongue
tong {m} :: A kind of flatfish, the common sole, Solea solea
tongbreker {m} :: tongue-twister
tongen {v} :: to French kiss
tongenworst {f} :: blood tongue
tongewelf {n} [architecture] :: a barrel vault
tongval {m} :: accent (pronunciation influenced by a particular lect)
tongval {m} :: dialect
tongzoen {m} :: French kiss
tongzoenen {v} :: to French kiss (to kiss while inserting one’s tongue into one's companion's mouth)
tonica {f} [music] :: tonic, keynote
tonijn {m} :: tuna, tuna fish
tonnage {f} :: tonnage (water displacement of a ship measured in tons)
tonnage {f} :: tonnage (cargo capacity of a ship's hold)
Tonny {prop} :: given name
Tonny {prop} :: given name
tonologie {f} [linguistics] :: tonology
tonsillectomie {f} [surgery] :: tonsillectomy
toog {m} :: bar counter
toog {m} [dated] :: shop counter
tooi {m} :: adornment
tooien {v} :: to adorn, decorate
toom {m} {n} :: bridle, rein
toom {m} {n} :: a flock of birds (especially ducks, geese and swans)
toom {m} {n} :: frenulum
toon {m} :: tone
toon {m} [dialectal] :: dated form of teen
toon {m} [archaic] :: The front portion of a hoof
toonaard {m} [music] :: mode (major scale or minor scale)
toonaard {m} [music] :: key (classical mode)
toonbaar {adj} :: sufficiently dressed, decent, presentable
toonbank {f} :: counter, a furniture surface on which wares are put and transacted
toonbeeld {n} :: A paragon, model, example to be followed or imitated
toonbeeld {n} :: An imitation, reflection, sample, illustration
toondichter {m} :: music composer
toondichteres {m} :: female music composer
toongeslacht {n} [music] :: mode (major scale or minor scale)
toonhoogte {f} [music] :: pitch
toonkunst {f} :: music, the musical art; especially composing
toonkunstenaar {m} :: A musical artist, notably a composer
toonladder {f} [music] :: scale
toonsoort {f} [music] :: key
toontaal {f} :: tonal language
toonwaarde {f} :: the fluid distinction in color shades between the lightest and darkest part in halftone models; tone value
toorn {m} :: ire, wrath
toornig {adj} :: outraged, ireful, wrathful
toorts {f} {m} :: torch (stick with flame at one end)
toorts {f} {m} :: mullein, Verbascum
toost {m} :: drink toast
toosten {v} :: to give a toast
toostje {noun} :: Melba toast
toover {m} :: obsolete spelling of tover
toover {v} :: obsolete spelling of tover
top {adj} [colloquial] :: great, very good
top {m} :: top (uppermost part)
top {m} [metaphorical] :: apex
top {m} :: summit, peak (high point of a mountain)
top {m} :: summit, assembly
top {m} :: top (piece of women's clothing)
Top {prop} :: surname
topaas {n} [mineral] :: topaz
topaas {m} :: topaz (gemstone)
topgeheim {adj} :: top secret
topgeheim {n} :: top secret
topje {noun} :: diminutive of top
topje {noun} :: top (garment worn to cover the torso)
topless {adj} :: topless (lacking clothes on the upper part of the body)
topman {m} :: A male executive of a business or company
topografisch {adj} :: topographic
topologie {f} [mathematics] :: topology
topologisch {adj} :: topological
toponiem {n} :: toponym, place name
topos {m} {n} :: topos, literary theme
topos {m} {n} :: topos, mathematical structure
topper {m} :: Someone or something excellent; a belter, a ripper
topprioriteit {f} :: top priority, highest priority
toppunt {n} :: top (the highest point of something)
toppunt {n} :: summit, spire (physical highest point)
toppunt {n} :: epitome, pinnacle (figurative highest point; the point of highest success and achievement)
toproofdier {n} :: apex predator
topsalaris {n} :: high wage, wage on the high end of a wage distribution
topscoorder {m} :: top scorer
topverkoper {m} :: A top salesperson (successful or skilled seller)
topvrouw {f} :: A female executive of a business or company
tor {f} :: beetle, insect of the order Coleoptera
toreador {m} [bullfighting] :: torero, bullfighter, toreador
toren {m} :: tower
toren {m} [chess] :: rook
toren {m} [nautical] :: The fin or sail of a submarine
torenflat {m} :: skyscraper (tall highrise building)
torenfort {n} :: A tower fort; a fortress in the shape of a short, usually circular tower, a defence work typical of the early to mid nineteenth century
torenhoog {adj} :: very high, very tall
torenspits {f} {m} [architecture] :: spire
torenvalk {m} :: kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
torenwacht {f} [countable, also, collective] :: tower guard (guard that guards a tower; both one individual and a group)
torero {m} [bullfighting] :: torero, bullfighter, toreador
tornado {f} {m} :: tornado
torpederen {vt} :: to torpedo, to attack with a torpedo
torpederen {vt} [figurative] :: to shoot down, to forcefully criticise or attack
torpedo {f} {m} :: A torpedo (projectile adapted for underwater use)
torpedo {f} {m} [dated] :: A low-lying streamlined car
torpedoboot {f} {m} :: torpedo boat
torpedobuis {f} :: torpedo tube
torsen {v} [archaic] :: To carry or bear with difficulty
torsie {f} [physics] :: torsion
tortel {c} [zoology] :: turtle dove
tortelduif {f} [zoology] :: turtle dove
tortelduif {f} [figuratively] :: a lover, a person in love (normally used in plural to indicate a couple in love)
Toscane {prop} {f} :: Toscane (region)
Toso {prop} {mf} :: surname
tosti {m} [chiefly Netherlands] :: A toasted sandwich containing cheese, usually ham and optionally other ingredients and condiments; a toastie
tosti-ijzer {n} :: sandwich toaster, pie iron
tot {prep} :: to, up to
tot {prep} :: until
tot {conj} :: until, till
totaal {adv} :: totally
totaal {adj} :: total
totaal {n} :: total
totaaltje {noun} [theater] :: An arrangement of light spots which serves a general purpose on the stage
tot aan {prep} :: up to
tot aan {prep} :: until
totale oorlog {m} :: total war
totalitarisme {n} :: totalitarianism
tot dan toe {adv} :: up until then, up till then
totdat {conj} :: until, till
tot dusver {adv} :: thus far, so far
totem {m} :: totem, object that signifies a kinship group
totem {m} :: totem, physical representation of a kinship symbol
totempaal {m} :: totem pole
tot en met {prep} :: up to and including
tot en met {adv} [Belgium, colloquial] :: completely
tot heden {adv} :: to date
tot in den treure {prep} :: ad nauseam
tot kijk {interj} :: goodbye
tot moes slaan {v} :: to beat to a pulp
tot morgen {phrase} :: see you tomorrow
tot nog toe {adv} :: so far, up until now
tot nu toe {adv} :: so far, up until now
tot op {prep} :: up to, up until
tot op heden {adv} :: up until now, to this day
tot straks {interj} :: see you later (implies that you will see the person later the same day)
tot ziens {phrase} :: see you; bye
toucheren {vt} :: to perform an intimate (notably rectal) manual medical examination
toucheren {vt} :: to lightly touch
touchscreen {n} :: touch screen (tactile input and output device)
toupeerkam {m} :: A teasing comb
toupet {m} :: toupee
tour {m} :: tour
tour de force {m} :: exploit, tour de force
tournee {f} :: tour (act of traveling to give performances at different locations)
touw {n} :: rope
touw {n} [chiefly diminutive] :: string
touwslager {m} :: rope maker
touwwerk {n} :: cordage, such as in a ship's rigging
t.o.v. {prep} :: initialism of ten opzichte van
tovenaar {m} :: wizard, sorcerer
tovenaar {m} :: magician
tovenares {f} :: wizardess, witch, sorceress
tovenares {f} :: magician
tovenarij {f} :: sorcery
tover {m} [literary] :: something enchanting, [figurative] magic
toverdokter {m} :: witch doctor, magic healer
toverdrank {m} :: A magical potion
toverdrank {m} [figuratively] :: A miracle cure
toveren {vi} :: to perform magic
toveren {vi} [figuratively] :: to do amazing things
tovergodin {f} [formal] :: female fairy, female fay
tovergodin {f} [rare] :: goddess of magic
toverij {f} :: sorcery
toverkracht {f} :: magic power
toverlantaarn {f} :: A magic lantern
toverlantaarn {f} [dated, slang, derogatory, chiefly Amsterdam, metonym] :: An ugly person, a monster, in particular an ugly woman
tovermiddel {n} :: magical concoction or object
tovermiddel {n} :: talisman, fetish
tovermiddel {n} :: miracle cure, any cure with drastic good effects, also used of less than scientific folk medicine
toverslag {m} :: stroke of magic
toverspreuk {mf} :: A magical spell, an incantation, verbal charm
toverstaf {m} :: magic wand, stick or staff used to perform magic
toverstok {m} :: magic wand
toverwoord {n} :: magic word, spell
toverwoord {n} :: all-round solution for a difficult problem
toxicologie {f} :: toxicology
toxicologisch {adj} :: toxicological
toxicoloog {m} :: toxicologist
toxine {f} {m} :: toxin, a type of poisonous substances
toxisch {adj} :: toxic
tra {c} :: path in the forest, trail
tra {c} :: firebreak
traag {adj} :: slow
traagheid {f} :: inertia
traan {mf} :: tear (in the eye)
traan {mf} :: fish oil
traangas {n} :: Tear gas
traanklier {f} :: lacrimal gland, tear gland
traceren {v} :: to trace out, draw an outline
traceren {v} :: to look for a clue
trachten {v} [auxiliary, with te] :: to try
tractor {m} :: tractor (agricultural vehicle)
traditie {f} :: tradition
traditiegetrouw {adv} :: true to tradition, observing tradition
traditiegetrouw {adj} :: true to tradition, observing tradition
traditionalisme {n} :: traditionalism
traditioneel {adj} :: traditional
traditioneel {adv} :: traditionally
tragedie {f} [drama] :: tragedy
tragedie van de meent {f} :: tragedy of the commons
tragisch {adj} :: tragic
trainen {vt} :: To train (teach, practice skills) an animal, especially for use at hunting
trainen {vt} :: To train, coach a person or team, e.g. supervise exercices
trainen {vr} :: To train oneself (in ...)
trainen {vi} :: To be in training, (do) exercice(s)
trainer {mf} :: trainer
trainer {mf} :: coach
traject {n} :: route
traktaat {n} :: treatise
traktaat {n} [uncommon, formal] :: treaty
traktatie {f} :: treat
trakteren {v} :: to treat (to give food at no expense)
tralie {f} :: a bar on a prison window or just any grill
tralie {f} [algebra] :: lattice
tralie {f} [physics] :: diffraction grating
traliën {v} :: to equip with bars or a grill
tram {m} :: A tram, a streetcar, vehicle on rails for passenger transport in cities
tramhalte {f} :: A tram stop [Commonwealth], a streetcar stop [North America]
trammelant {n} [colloquial] :: fuss, loud disturbing noise
trampoline {m} :: A trampoline
tramweg {m} :: tramway, streetcar railway
tranen {vi} :: to tear, to shed tears
tranendal {n} :: A vale of tears, a place of sorrow
tranenvloed {m} :: lacrimation
tranerig {adj} :: tearful
tranerig {adj} :: weepy
trans- {prefix} :: trans
transcendent {adj} [mathematic] :: transcendental, not algebraic
transcendentie {f} :: transcendence
transfer {m} {n} :: transfer
transferium {n} :: a place on the outskirts of a city where people can park their car and travel into the city using public transport
transfiguratie {f} :: transfiguration, transformation
transfigureren {v} :: to transfigurate, to transform
transfoob {adj} :: transphobic
transformatie {f} :: transformation
transformator {m} [electrical engineering] :: transformer
transformeren {v} :: to transform
transfusie {f} :: transfusion
transgeen {adj} :: transgenic
transgender {adj} :: transgender
transhumanisme {n} :: transhumanism
transitie {f} :: transition
transitief {adj} :: transitive
translatie {f} :: translation; motion without deformation or rotation
translocatie {f} :: translocation
transman {m} :: transman
transmens {m} [chiefly plural, uncommon] :: A trans person
transmigrant {m} :: a (male) transmigrant
transparant {adj} :: transparent
transparant {n} :: a slide transparency (such as are used with overhead projectors)
transparantie {f} :: transparency
transpersoon {mf} :: A trans person
transplantatie {f} :: transplant
transplanteren {v} :: to transplant
transport {n} :: transport
transporteren {v} :: to transport
transseksueel {adj} :: transsexual
transseksueel {c} :: a transsexual
Transvaal {prop} {mf} :: Transvaal
transvet {n} :: A transfat
transvrouw {f} :: trans woman
trant {m} :: manner
trap {m} :: stairs, staircase
trap {m} :: ladder
trap {m} :: degree, grade
trap {m} :: kick (act of kicking)
trap {f} :: bustard
trapas {c} :: A bottom bracket of a bicycle; the part that connects the crankset to the frame
trapauto {m} :: A pedal car (children's toy car)
trapezium {n} [geometry] :: A trapezium, trapezoid, a quadrilateral with two sides parallel
traphek {n} :: A stair safety gate for pets and small children
traphekje {noun} :: diminutive of traphek
traplift {m} :: A stairlift
trappen {vi} :: to step, to tread
trappen {vi} :: to pedal
trappen {vt} :: to kick
trappenhuis {n} :: stairwell
trappenpiramide {f} :: step pyramid, stepped pyramid
trapper {m} :: bicycle pedal
trappetje {noun} :: diminutive of trap
trappiramide {f} :: alternative form of trappenpiramide
trapslang {f} {m} :: ladder snake
traptrede {mf} :: alternative form of traptree
traptree {mf} :: A step of a staircase
trapveer {f} :: Slinky (loose spring that can go down steps)
tras {n} :: trass, ground tuff
trauma {n} :: trauma
traumatisch {adj} :: traumatic
travaat {m} [historical, nautical] :: A short storm with heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, usually before the coast of Guinea
travade {m} :: alternative form of travaat
travadig {adj} [historical, nautical, rare] :: suddenly and briefly stormy with heavy rainfall
travertijn {m} {n} :: travertine
travertijnsteen {m} {n} :: travertine
travestie {f} :: travesty
travestiet {m} :: transvestite
trawant {m} :: satellite
trawant {m} :: henchman
trechter {m} :: funnel
treckschuyt {f} :: obsolete spelling of trekschuit
tred {m} :: step
trede {mf} :: alternative form of tree
treden {vi} :: to tread, step
tree {m} :: step [of a staircase], stair
tree {m} :: step (distance of one step when walking)
tree {m} [archaic, also tred] :: a unit of length of about 2 to 3 feet, roughly equivalent to a yard
treef {m} [Surinam] :: dietary taboo, disallowed food
treeft {f} :: a stand with three short legs used for cooking over a fire; a trivet
treeft {f} :: a stand with three short legs used to support hot dishes and protect a table; a trivet
treeplank {c} :: running board
Trees {prop} {f} :: given name, a pet name diminutive of Theresia
trefbal {n} [game] :: dodgeball
treffen {vt} :: to hit, strike
treffen {vt} :: to find (by chance), hit upon, to encounter
treffen {vi} :: to be opportune
treffen {vt} :: to meet with
treffen {vt} :: to achieve, accomplish
treffen {vt} :: to feel, come to believe
treffen {n} :: encounter
treffen {n} :: meeting
treffer {m} [especially, sports] :: a scoring shot or throw, a goal or hit
trefwoord {n} :: entry (in a dictionary)
trefwoord {n} :: keyword
trefzeker {adj} :: accurate
treife {adj} [Judaism, of food] :: treyf, non-kosher (being unpermitted food)
trein {m} :: train (railway vehicle)
trein {m} [dated] :: train, convoy, retinue, procession
treinkaart {f} :: train ticket
treinspoor {n} [rare] :: railway track
treinstation {n} :: railway station, train station
treinstel {n} :: a set of trains, a multiple unit
treintrekker {m} [dated, uncommon] :: locomotive (power unit of a train)
treinwagon {m} :: railway wagon, train car, railway carriage
treiteraar {m} :: a bully
treiteren {v} :: to bully, to annoy maliciously
trek {m} [uncountable] :: appetite
trek {m} [countable] :: journey, migration
trek {m} [uncountable] :: animal migration
trek {m} [uncountable] :: draught, air current through a chimney
trek {m} [countable] :: feature, trait
trekbiljart {n} {m} :: A game in which one has to guide a ball laid on two movable rods placed on an incline upward into bins of increasingly higher value
trekdier {n} :: A draught animal, used to draw a load or loaded cart, plow etc
trekhaak {m} :: tow hitch, tow bar
trekje {noun} :: characteristic, trait
trekje {noun} :: draw (from a cigarette)
trekkast {f} :: fume hood
trekken {vt} :: to pull, to draw
trekken {vt} :: to manage, to have the strength for
trekken {vi} :: to migrate
trekken {vi} [of drinks] :: to draw (to increase in flavour due to being left alone)
trekken {vi} [vulgar] :: to jerk off, masturbate
trekken {vi} [Belgium] :: to photograph, take a picture
trekker {m} :: puller
trekker {m} :: trigger (on a weapon)
trekker {m} :: tractor (agricultural vehicle)
trekker {m} :: wayfarer, a hiker
trekker {m} :: migratory bird [sometimes specified as an actually migrating bird]
trekpaard {n} :: draft horse (US)/draught horse (UK)
trekpleister {f} {m} :: attraction (e.g. for tourists)
trekpop {f} [toy] :: jumping-jack
trekschuit {f} {m} :: trekschuit: a historical canal horse-drawn boat transporting passengers and goods
treksprinkhaan {m} :: locust
trekvaart {f} {m} :: barge-canal, especially for trekschuits
trekvis {m} :: migratory fish
trekvogel {m} :: migratory bird
trekwild {n} [collective] :: migratory wild animals (wild animals of a migratory population)
trekzak {m} :: bisonoric squeezebox, button accordion
trema {n} :: diaresis, trema
trend {f} :: trend, tendency
trendbreuk {f} :: trend reversal
trendmatig {adj} :: according to trend
trendmatig {adj} :: in line with the norms of (current) fashion
tresorie {f} [Netherlands, chiefly uncountable] :: treasury
tresoriër {m} [historical, rare] :: treasurer
treurbuis {f} [chiefly singular, chiefly humorous, otherwise, pejorative] :: television
treurdicht {n} :: An elegy, a dirge, a mournful poem
treuren {vi} :: to grieve, be grieved
treurig {adj} :: sad, melancholy
treurigmakend {adj} :: depressing
treurlied {n} :: dirge
treurnis {f} :: sadness, chagrin
treurnis {f} :: plight, sad circumstance
treurspel {n} :: A drama in which the main character is brought to ruin; a tragedy
treurwilg {m} :: weeping willow, Salix babylonica
treuzelen {v} :: dither, tarry, be slow
trezebees {noun} :: not very independent, bit slow, clingy woman
tri- {prefix} :: tri-
tri {n} :: synonym for trichloorethyleen, a chemical solvent
trial {m} :: Cross with small but sturdy and very versatile motorcycles, cars or bicycles
trialoog {m} [European Union] :: trialogue; an informal negotiating meeting between representatives of the European Commission, European Council and the European Parliament in order to arrive at a compromise for a law proposal
trialoog {m} :: trialogue, a conversation with three participants
trias politica {f} :: The triad of organs of state between which sovereign power is divided according to the principle of separation of powers
tribunaal {n} :: tribunal
-trice {suffix} :: female form of -eur
triceps {m} :: triceps brachii
trichloormethaan {n} [organic compound] :: trichloromethane
trichomanie {f} :: trichotillomania
trichotillomanie {f} :: trichotillomania
triest {adj} :: pitiful
triest {adj} :: sad
triftong {m} :: A triphthong, monosyllabic three vowel combination, usually involving a quick but smooth movement from one vowel to another that passes over a third one
Trijntje {prop} {f} :: given name, diminutive of Katharina
trijp {n} :: thick velvety fabric made of a cotton or linen weave and a wool or mohair pile, used in upholstery; Utrecht velvet
trijp {f} [Southern Dutch] :: entrails, tripe
trijp {f} [obsolete] :: slur for a woman
trijpen {adj} :: consisting of Utrecht velvet
trijpt {n} :: obsolete form of trijp
trilaal {m} [obsolete, rare] :: electric eel
trilhaardiertje {noun} :: The protozoan called ciliate, of the class Ciliata
trilholte {f} :: cavity resonator
triljoen {n} :: quintillion, 1018
trillen {vi} :: to tremble, to twitch
trillen {vi} :: to vibrate, to oscillate
trillerig {adj} :: shaky
trilling {f} :: vibration, oscillation
trilogie {f} :: trilogy
triloog {m} [chiefly European Union, rare otherwise] :: alternative form of trialoog
trimmen {v} :: to work out, especially to jog
trimmen {v} :: to trim the hair of a dog or a horse
trimsalon {m} {n} :: a dog salon (hairdresser shop for dogs)
Trinidad en Tobago {prop} {n} :: Trinidad en Tobago (a <<country>> consisting of two main <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>)
trio {n} :: trio, threesome, triad (group of three people or things)
trio {n} :: menage a trois, threesome (sex act, three people having sex together)
triomf {m} :: triumph
triomfant {adj} :: triumphant
triomfantelijk {adj} :: triumphant
triomfboog {m} :: triumphal arch
triomferen {v} :: to triumph
trip {f} {m} :: a trip, a short excursion, a vacation, travelling
trip {f} {m} :: hallucination, tripping
triplan {f} [uncommon] :: triplane
trips {m} :: thrips
triptiek {f} {n} :: triptych
tristesse {f} :: tristesse
tritium {n} :: tritium
tritiumkern {c} [physics] :: triton, tritium nucleus
triton {m} [physics] :: triton, tritium nucleus
Triton {prop} [Greek god] :: Triton
Triton {prop} [astronomy] :: Triton
trits {f} {m} :: triad, triplet, trine (group or series of three)
trits {f} {m} [card games] :: three of a kind
trits {f} {m} :: a grouping of more than three elements
triumviraat {n} :: triumvirate
triviaal {adj} :: trivial, insignificant
troebel {adj} :: murky, turbid
troebelen {p} :: agitation, turbulence
troebleren {v} :: to disturb
troef {f} [card games] :: trump
troef {f} :: asset, advantage
troefkaart {f} [card games] :: a trump card, trump
troefkaart {f} [figurative] :: an advantage kept hidden
Troelstra {prop} :: surname
troep {m} :: group of people or animals (such as a pride of lions or a herd of cows)
troep {m} [military] :: troop
troep {m} [uncountable] :: mess, disorder
troep {m} [uncountable] :: something unwanted or poor quality; rubbish, gunk, crap, shit
troepenmacht {f} :: A military force
troepenverplaatsing {f} :: troop movement, in particular by means of transport as opposed to marching
troeteldier {n} :: favourite animal, with the implication it gets spoiled
troetelnaam {m} :: pet name, (cute) nickname, name of endearment
troetelnaampje {noun} :: diminutive of troetelnaam
troeven {v} [card games] :: to trump
troffel {m} :: trowel
troffel {m} :: scoop of resembling shape, as used for gardnening
troffel {m} :: blow, hit
troffel {m} :: beating
trog {m} :: trough
trog {m} [geology] :: trench
troglodiet {m} :: troglodyte
Trojaan {m} :: a Trojan
Trojaans {adj} :: Trojan
Troje {prop} {n} :: the city of Troy
trok {m} [Brabantian] :: current of air, draft
trol {m} :: troll (mythological creature)
trol {m} :: troll (person who provokes others)
trollen {vti} :: to troll (provoke)
trom {f} {m} :: drum
trombocyt {m} :: thrombocyte, platelet
trombocytopenie {f} [hematology] :: thrombocytopenia
trombone {c} [musical instruments] :: trombone
trombose {f} [pathology] :: thrombosis
trombose {f} [archaic] :: A clutter in liquid, notably:
trombose {f} :: a thrombus, blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis
trombose {f} :: a clutter in milk
trommel {f} {m} [musical instruments] :: drum, a type of percussion instrument
trommel {f} {m} [technology] :: drum, various, often cylindrically shaped objects or components
trommel {f} {m} :: cylinder (of a revolver)
trommel {f} {m} :: a box to hold cookies in
trommelaar {m} :: A drummer, percussionist
trommelaar {m} :: Someone who drums (nervously) with his fingers
trommelaar {m} [figuratively] :: An animal which drums, drills or makes a similar sound, notably woodpecker, cockroach and a pigeon specious
trommelen {v} :: to drum
trommelrem {f} :: drum brake
trommelvlies {n} :: eardrum
trommelvuur {n} [chiefly uncountable] :: drumfire
Tromp {prop} :: surname
trompen {v} [Belgian Dutch] :: honk [of vehicle]
trompet {f} [musical instruments] :: trumpet
trompetter {m} :: A trumpet player, especially in an army or an a ceremony
trompettist {m} :: trumpeter
trompettiste {f} :: female equivalent of trompettist
tronen {v} :: to throne (i.e. to reign)
tronie {f} [art] :: A depiction of a person’s face with an expressive, often unflattering expression
tronie {f} [slang, Netherlands] :: a face, especially one with an unpleasant or unprepossessing look or expression
tronk {m} [now, dialectal] :: trunk, tree trunk
tronk {m} [now, dialectal] :: tree stump
tronk {m} [obsolete, Dutch East Indies, Cape Peninsula] :: prison, dungeon, stocks
troon {m} :: throne (ornate seat)
troon {m} [Christianity, angelology] :: throne (angel of an order between cherubim and dominions)
troonbestijging {f} :: alternative form of troonsbestijging
troonopvolger {m} :: heir apparent
troonopvolging {f} :: succession to the throne
troonsafstand {m} :: abdication [from monarchic rule or reign]
troonsbestijging {f} :: enthronement (act of being enthroned)
troonswisseling {f} :: a change of monarch
troonzaal {f} :: throne room
troop {f} [music, literature, linguistics] :: trope
troost {m} :: A comfort, consolation
troosten {v} :: to comfort, console, solace
trooster {m} :: consoler
troostmeisje {n} [euphemism] :: A comfort woman, a comfort girl (woman forced into prostitution by the Imperial Japanese Army)
troostprijs {m} :: consolation prize, a prize awarded to a runner-up or other well performing non-winning participants
tropen {p} [plurale tantum, geography] :: tropics
tropisch {adj} :: tropical
tropisch {adj} [meteorology, officially] :: 30 °C or more
tropisch {adj} [obsolete] :: pertaining to the rotations of a celestial body, especially in relation to the tropical year
tropisch {adj} [obsolete] :: metaphorical, figurative
tros {m} :: raceme
tros {m} :: [of fruit] cluster, bunch, string (of berries)
tros {m} :: hawser
trote {c} [Brabantian] :: doormat; not very assertive person who lets others take advantage of them
trots {m} :: pride
trots {adj} :: proud [+ op (object) = of]
trots dat {adv} [archaic] :: anyhow
trotseren {v} :: to defy, to brave, to resist
trotskist {m} :: A Trotskyist
trotskisties {adj} [obsolete] :: nonstandard spelling of trotskistisch
trotskistisch {adj} :: Trotskyite
trottoir {n} :: sidewalk (US), pavement (UK), footpath (Australia)
troubleren {v} :: alternative spelling of troebleren
trouvère {m} :: A trouvère
trouw {m} :: loyalty, faithfulness
trouw {m} :: marriage
trouw {adj} :: true, faithful, loyal
trouwambtenaar {m} :: civil servant of marriage
trouwen {v} [ergative] :: to marry
trouwen {vt} [obsolete] :: to trust
trouwens {adv} :: besides; by the way
trouwerij {f} :: wedding
trouwjurk {f} [Netherlands] :: wedding dress
trouwkleed {n} [Belgium] :: wedding dress
trouwring {m} :: wedding ring
truc {m} :: trick
truck {m} :: truck, lorry
truckbestuurder {m} :: truck driver
trucker {m} :: trucker: someone who drives a truck for a living
truffel {f} :: a truffle
truffel {f} [slang] :: a magic truffle, the sclerotia of magic mushrooms
trui {f} :: jumper, sweater
Truielingen {prop} {n} :: Trognée, a village in Belgium
trumpisme {n} :: Trumpism, the nativist ideology of Donald Trump and his supporters
trut {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: bitch (pejorative term for a woman)
trut {f} [pejorative] :: boring, narrow-minded or slow person
trut {f} [vulgar, chiefly Southern Dutch or literary] :: pussy, cunt (vulva or vagina)
truttig {adj} :: bourgeois, narrow-minded, old-fashioned, petty
truuk {c} [nonstandard] :: alternative spelling of truc
Truus {prop} {f} :: given name, diminutive of Geertruida
tsaar {m} :: tsar, tzar, czar
tsaarschap {n} :: tsarship, czarship
tsarendynastie {f} :: tsar's dynasty
tsarenrijk {n} :: czardom, czarist empire
tsarin {f} :: tsarina (female tsar/empress, wife of a tsar)
tsarina {f} :: tsarina (female tsar/empress, wife of a tsar)
T-shirt {n} :: T-shirt
Tsjaad {prop} {n} :: Tsjaad (country)
Tsjech {m} :: Czech (person)
Tsjechië {prop} {n} :: Czech Republic
Tsjechisch {adj} :: Czech
Tsjechisch {prop} {n} :: Czech (language)
Tsjechische {f} :: Czech (female person from the Czech Republic)
Tsjechische Republiek {prop} {f} :: Tsjechische Republiek (country)
Tsjechoslowakije {prop} {n} :: Czechoslovakia
Tsjecho-Slowakije {prop} {n} :: Czechoslovakia
Tsjetsjeen {m} :: Chechen person
Tsjetsjeens {adj} :: referring to the Chechen people
Tsjetsjeens {adj} :: in or referring to the Chechen language
Tsjetsjeens {prop} {n} :: The Chechen language
Tsjetsjeense {f} :: Chechen woman
Tsjetsjenië {prop} {n} :: Tsjetsjenië (republic)
tsunami {m} :: tsunami
tuberculeus {adj} :: tubercular (pertaining to tuberculosis)
tuberculose {f} [pathology] :: tuberculosis (disease)
tucht {m} :: discipline, a regime entailing strict supervision and/or punishment
tucht {m} :: punishment, discipline
tucht {m} :: the institutionalised enforcement of rules and norms within a professional group
tucht {m} :: self-discipline
tucht {m} [obsolete] :: chastity
tuchthuis {n} :: A house of correction, closed penitentiary where 'wayward' inmates (especially youth and vagrants) are to be punished and (at least initially) reeducated trough forced labor, under threat of beatings
tuchthuis {n} :: A reformatory school
tuchthuisregent {m} :: A 'governor', member of the board of administration of a house of correction
tuchtigen {v} :: To chastise, subject to disciplinary (especially corporal) punishment
tuchtroede {f} :: a birching rod; a birch
tuchtschool {f} :: reformatory school
tuf {n} {m} :: tuff, tufa (porous volcanic rock)
tuf {m} [archaic] :: car, automobile
tufsteen {m} :: tuff
tuig {n} :: thing
tuig {n} :: device
tuig {n} :: riff-raff
tuig {n} [nautical] :: rig, rigging
tuig {n} :: harness
tuigen {vt} :: to rig (a sailing ship)
tuigen {vt} :: to harness, to put a harness on
tuigen {vt} [obsolete] :: to declare officially, to testify
tuigleer {n} :: saddle leather (strong, specially tanned leather used for tack)
tuigleren {adj} :: Made of saddle leather, consisting of saddle leather
tuig van de richel {n} [collective] :: scum, riffraff, thugs
tuil {m} :: bouquet of flowers
tuimelaar {m} :: One who tumbles
tuimelaar {m} :: A common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
tuimelaar {m} :: A rocker (implement or machine working with a rocking motion)
tuimelaar {m} :: A tumbler pigeon (domesticated pigeon, variety of Columba livia)
tuimelen {vi} :: to tumble
tuimelkruid {n} :: tumbleweed
tuin {m} :: garden, yard
tuin {m} [regional, dated] :: enclosure, fence or hedge
tuinafval {n} :: garden waste
tuinboon {f} :: broad bean, Vicia faba
tuinbouw {m} :: The agricultural cultivation of non-grass (non-grain) crops including certain food crops and ornamental plants and flowers, especially by means of specialised equipment such as greenhouses; also the branch of agriculture in which these crops are cultivated
tuinbroek {f} :: An overall, dungarees
tuinder {m} :: horticulturist (someone who professionally cultivates certain decorative or edible plants)
tuinderij {f} [uncountable] :: horticulture
tuinderij {f} [countable] :: horticultural farm
tuindorp {n} :: A mostly low-rise suburb with many characteristics of a village, loosely based on the garden city model
tuindorpje {noun} :: diminutive of tuindorp
tuinen {vi} [uncommon] :: to practice agriculture or horticulture
tuingereedschap {n} [collective] :: garden tools
tuinhuis {n} :: A small building in a garden often used for both recreation and storage; a shed, a cabana
tuinieren {v} :: to garden (to do gardening work)
tuinkabouter {m} :: a garden gnome
tuinkamer {f} :: conservatory room
tuinkers {c} :: garden cress, Lepidium sativum
tuinkever {m} :: garden chafer, June bug, Phyllopertha horticola
tuinman {m} :: male professional gardener
tuinpaadje {noun} :: diminutive of tuinpad
tuinpad {n} :: garden path
tuinpak {n} :: dungarees, overalls, jumpsuit
tuinplant {f} :: A garden plant
tuinslang {f} :: garden hose
tuinsproeier {m} :: garden sprinkler
tuinstad {f} :: A garden city, a planned city combining industry, agriculture and residential areas with greenbelts and a high proportion of internal green space
tuinstadwijk {f} :: A mostly low-rise suburb with many characteristics of a village, loosely based on the garden city model
tuinstoel {m} :: garden chair (chair suited for outdoor use, commonly used in gardens)
tuintje {noun} :: diminutive of tuin
tuinvrouw {f} :: A female professional gardener
tuinwal {m} :: An earthen wall used for enclosures
tuinwijk {f} :: A mostly low-rise suburb with many characteristics of a village, loosely based on the garden city model
tuinwijkje {noun} :: diminutive of tuinwijk
tuit {n} :: a spout
tuit {n} [obsolete] :: lock of hair
tuiten {v} :: to puff up
tuiten {v} :: to pout (one's lips)
tulband {m} :: A turban
tulband {m} :: A cake baked in the shape of a turban
tulipomanie {f} [dated, historical] :: tulip mania
tulipomanie {f} [dated] :: a fondness or obsession for tulips [generally not involving speculative bubbles]
tulp {f} :: A tulip, a plant of the genus Tulipa
tulp {f} :: A tulip, a flower of this plant
tulpenbol {m} :: A tulip bulb
tulpenboom {m} [colloquial] :: magnolia, tree of the genus Magnolia
tulpenboom {m} :: tulip tree, tree of the genus Liriodendron
tulpengekte {f} [historical] :: tulip mania
tulpenmanie {f} [historical] :: tulip mania
tumor {m} :: tumour, swelling
tumult {n} :: tumult
Tunesië {prop} {n} :: Tunisia
tunica {f} :: Roman tunic
tuniek {f} :: tunic
tuniek {f} :: A sports uniform
tuniek {f} :: A long women's overgarment similar to a long shirt or sweater or a short dress
tuniek {f} :: A short overgarment, often one worn as part of a uniform
Tunis {prop} :: Tunis (capital city)
tunnel {m} :: tunnel
turbidiet {c} :: turbidite
turbine {f} :: turbine
turbolader {m} :: turbocharger
turbotaal {prop} {f} :: A Dutch slang that extensively uses clippings, especially from the end of a word, the suffixes -o and -i, and loans from English
tureluur {c} :: common redshank (Tringa totanus)
tureluurs {adj} :: crazy, nuts
turen {vi} :: to gaze (at)
turf {m} :: peat
turf {m} :: A tally mark representing five
turf {m} [colloquial] :: A fat book, tome; a book containing many pages
Turk {m} :: a Turkish person, a Turk
Turkije {prop} {n} :: Turkey
Turkmeen {m} :: Turkmen (the people)
Turkmeens {prop} {n} :: Turkmen (the language)
Turkmeens {adj} :: Turkmen
Turkmeense {f} :: Turkmen (female)
Turkmenistan {prop} {n} :: Turkmenistan (country)
turkoois {n} {m} :: turquoise, a gem (uncountable)
turkoois {n} {m} :: its typical, bright blue-greenish color (uncountable)
turkoois {n} {m} :: a stone of this gem
turkooizen {adj} :: turquoisen
Turks {adj} :: Turkish
Turks {adj} :: Turkic
Turks {prop} {n} :: Turkish language
Turkse {f} :: a female Turk
turner {m} :: gymnast
Turnhout {prop} {n} :: Turnhout (city)
turnkring {m} [Belgian Dutch] :: gymnastics club
turven {v} :: to tally, to count with tally marks
tusschen {prep} :: obsolete form of tussen
tussen- {prefix} :: inter-
tussen {prep} :: between
tussen {prep} :: among, amidst
tussenbeide {adv} :: in-between both
tussendeur {f} :: A dividing door between two rooms, a connecting door
tussendoor {circump} :: in-between, through the middle of
tussendoor {adv} :: in-between
tussendoor {adv} :: in the meantime
tussendoortje {noun} :: snack
tussengelegen {adj} :: intervening, lying between
tussenkomen {v} :: to intervene
tussenkomst {f} :: intervention
tussenkop {m} :: subheader, subhead
tussenletter {f} :: intermediary letter, notably a genitive suffix forming the joint in a compound, e.g. -s- in levenseinde (end of life)
tussenpaus {m} [literally] :: An 'intermediary' pope, whose pontificate (term of office) is so short or uneventful he's rarely mentioned except in lists of popes
tussenpaus {m} [figuratively] :: An incumbent whose main function is not to exerce the office but to 'keep the seat warm' or prepare the way for a far more notable successor, but fully titled, without being formally styled 'ad interim'
tussenpersoon {mf} :: mediator, middleman, intermediary
tussenpunt {n} :: waypoint, midpoint
tussenribs {adj} :: between the ribs; intercostal
tussenribstuk {n} :: entrecôte
tussenruimte {f} :: an intervening space, interstice, space, gap
tussenschot {n} [architecture] :: partition, dividing wall
tussenschot {n} :: septum
tussenstap {m} :: intermediate step
tussenstekker {m} :: plug through socket
tussenstop {m} :: stopover
tussenstop {m} :: layover
tussentaal {f} [Belgium] :: Any variety of colloquial speech intermediate between standard Flemish and Limburgish
tussentijd {m} :: time in-between two events; meantime
tussentijds {adj} :: interim
tussentitel {m} :: A subtitle, a subordinate heading
tussentitel {m} [film] :: An intertitle
tussenvoegsel {n} [grammar] :: infix
tussenvoegsel {n} :: a part of a person's name (usually of Dutch origin) that comes between the first name and the last name (such as van der or de)
tussenwerpen {v} :: to throw between or among, to interject
tussenwerpsel {n} :: interjection
tut {f} :: a stiff wooden woman
tut {f} [chiefly Belgium] :: a pacifier
tutje {noun} [colloquial] :: pacifier, dummy
tutoyeren {vi} :: to address someone casually by using jij, jou or the unemphatic je, as opposed to formal u
tuurlijk {adv} [colloquial] :: of course
tuurlijk {adv} [colloquial, sarcastic] :: yeah, right, sure, as if
tv {noun} :: abbreviation of televisie
tv-kijker {m} :: alternative form of televisiekijker
T-vormig {adj} :: T-shaped
t.w. {adv} :: abbreviation of te weten
tw. {noun} :: abbreviation of tussenwerpsel
twaalf {num} :: twelve
twaalf ambachten, dertien ongelukken {phrase} :: alternative form of twaalf stielen, dertien ongelukken
twaalfde {adj} :: twelfth
twaalfduizend {num} :: twelve thousand
twaalf stielen, dertien ongelukken {phrase} [idiomatic] :: jack of all trades, master of none
twaalfvingerige darm {m} :: duodenum
twaalven {noun} :: [used with "met z'n"] a group of twelve people
twaalven {noun} :: [used as whole hours, on its own] twelve o' clock
twaalver {m} [Islam] :: Twelver
twee {num} :: two
twee {f} :: two
tweebaans {adj} :: two-way
tweebak {m} {n} {f} [now, historical] :: zwieback, rusk
tweebenig {adj} :: bipedal, two-legged
tweede {adj} :: second, number two
tweede Germaanse klankverschuiving {prop} {f} [linguistics] :: High German consonant shift
tweedehands {adj} :: secondhand
tweedekker {m} :: biplane
tweedekker {m} :: a ship with two decks
tweedeling {f} :: bifurcation, a split or act of splitting into two, dichotomy
tweede naam {m} :: second name, middle name, forename
tweede naamval {m} [grammar] :: genitive case
tweede persoon {m} :: second person (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience)
Tweede Wereldoorlog {m} :: World War II
tweedonker {n} :: twilight
tweedracht {f} :: discord, disagreement, dissension
tweeduizend {num} :: two thousand
tweeëndertig {num} :: thirty-two
tweeënnegentig {num} :: ninety-two
tweeëntachtig {num} :: eighty-two
tweeëntwintig {num} :: twenty-two
tweeënveertig {num} :: forty-two
tweeënvijftig {num} :: fifty-two
tweeënzestig {num} :: sixty-two
tweeënzeventig {num} :: seventy-two
tweefrontenoorlog {m} :: two-front war (war fought on two separate fronts)
twee handen op één buik {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to be in strong agreement, hand in glove, like two peas in a pod; usually two persons who can get along very well
tweehonderd {num} :: two hundred
twee hoofden zijn beter dan één {phrase} :: two heads are better than one
tweejaarlijks {adj} :: biennial
tweeklank {m} :: A diphthong, complex vowel sound
tweekleur {f} :: bicolour flag
tweekleurig {adj} :: two-coloured, bicolour
tweelicht {n} :: twilight
tweeling {m} :: A pair of twins; said of people and other mammals
tweeling {m} [less common, usually plural only] :: Each of two twin siblings
tweeling {m} :: A vegetal or object equivalent, e.g. an identical fruit pair
tweelingbroeder {m} :: twin brother
tweelingbroer {m} :: twin brother
Tweelingen {prop} {m} [zodiac constellations, astrology] :: Gemini
tweelingwoord {n} :: doublet
tweelingzus {f} :: twin sister
tweelingzuster {f} :: twin sister
tweeloops {adj} :: double-barreled
tweeluik {n} [arts] :: diptych
tweeluik {n} [figuratively] :: something in two (complementary) parts
tweemaal {adv} :: twice, two times
tweemotorig {adj} :: [of motorised means of transport] having two engines
tweënzestig {num} :: sixty-two
tweepersoonsbed {n} :: double size bed, double bed
tweepoot {m} :: A biped, usually said about animals other than man which also walk on two feet/legs
tweepoot {m} :: A two-legged standard, e.g. for a bicycle
twee pop {?} :: twee pop
tweepotig {adj} :: bipedal, having (and walking on) two legs/feet, mainly said about other creatures then man
tweerichtingsverkeer {n} :: two-way traffic
tweespalt {m} :: discord
tweespan {n} :: A pair of draught animals, a team of two
tweespan {n} :: A vehicle fit to be drawn by a pair of draught animals
tweestatenoplossing {prop} {f} :: two-state solution
tweestrijd {m} :: Any contest or struggle between two people or parties, such as a duel, runoff election, game or competition, rivalry, etc
tweestrijd {m} [figurative] :: An internal mental conflict; an acute dilemma
tweetal {n} :: pair, couple
tweetalig {adj} :: bilingual
tweetallig {adj} :: binary (using binary number system)
tweetallig {adj} :: twofold (symmetry)
tweeverdiener {m} :: A dual earner
twee vliegen in één klap slaan {v} [idiom] :: to kill two birds with one stone
tweevoet {m} :: bipod
tweevoeter {m} [zoology] :: a biped
tweevoetig {adj} :: bipedal, said about man and other bipeds creatures
tweevoetig {adj} [about objects] :: supported by two legs
tweevoetig {adj} [poetry] :: having two metric feet
tweevoetig {adj} [not in speech] :: measuring two feet
tweevoets {adj} :: (being) two feet wide
tweevoud {n} :: double, twofold
tweevoud {n} [grammar] :: dual (number)
tweevoudig {adj} :: double, twofold
tweewieler {m} :: bicycle, two-wheeled vehicle
tweewijverij {f} :: bigyny (state of being married with two women or the practice of marrying two women)
tweezaadlobbig {adj} :: of or relating to a dicotyledon
Twello {prop} {n} :: Twello (village)
Twente {prop} :: The most urbanised, easternmost region of the province of Overijssel in the eastern Netherlands
Twi {prop} {n} :: Twi (language)
twijfel {m} :: doubt, uncertainty
twijfelaar {m} :: A doubter, hesitater; one who doubts or hesitates
twijfelaar {m} :: A bed of a size that is in between those of a regular single size bed and a double bed, typically with a breadth of 120 or 140 centimetres
twijfelachtig {adj} :: dubious, doubtful
twijfelen {vi} :: to doubt [+ aan (object)]
twijg {f} {m} :: twig
twinkelen {v} :: to twinkle
twintig {num} :: twenty
twintigste {adj} :: twentieth
twist {m} :: strife, discord
twist {m} :: dispute
twist {m} :: twist: dance, turn
twistappel {m} :: apple of discord
twisten {vi} :: to fight, to quarrel
twistgesprek {n} [somewhat, formal] :: A dispute, an argument, a verbal controversy, in particular about political or religious topics
twistgierig {adj} [archaic] :: argumentative, bickersome
twistrede {f} [dated] :: dispute, argument, controversy (type of discourse involving disagreement)
twistziek {adj} :: argumentative, quarrelsome
tyfeus {adj} :: typhous
tyfoon {m} :: typhoon
tyfoon {m} :: train horn
tyfus- {prefix} [extremely, vulgar] :: fucking, damned
tyfus {m} [pathology] :: term used for typhus and typhoid fever
tyfus {interj} [vulgar] :: shit! damn!
tyfusepidemie {f} :: A typhoid epidemic or typhus epidemic
Tynaarlo {prop} :: Tynaarlo (village/and/municipality)
type {n} :: type: a class, someone or something from a class. The diminutive is used when made into a caricature
typefout {f} :: alternative spelling of typfout
typegeit {f} :: alternative spelling of typgeit
typemachine {f} :: alternative spelling of typmachine
typen {vt} :: to type
typeren {v} :: to typify
typerend {adj} :: typical, characteristic
typesoort {f} :: type species (species that permanently defines a genus or lower taxon)
typfout {f} :: typo, typing error
typgeit {f} [derogatory, offensive] :: A female secretary whose work mainly consists of typing
typisch {adj} :: typical
typist {m} :: A typist
typiste {f} :: A female typist
typmachine {f} :: typewriter
typografie {f} :: typography
typologie {f} :: typology (discipline or result of classification)