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Knight Templar

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From knight +‎ Templar (ultimately from Latin templum (temple), notably the Temple Mount in Jerusalem).[1]



Knight Templar (plural Knight Templars or Knights Templar or Knights Templars)

  1. (historical) A knightly member of the crusader age military order of Templars [from 1577]
    • 1577, Raphaell Holinshed, “Henry the seconde”, in The Laste Volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande [], volume II, London: [] for Iohn Hunne, →OCLC, page 400, column 2:
      [T]he ſame Caſtels were delyuered into the handes of Roberte de Poyꝛon, Toſtes de Saint Omer, and Roberte Haſtings, thꝛee Knightes templers, []
    • 1610, William Camden, “[Trinobantes.] Midle-sex.”, in Philémon Holland, transl., Britain, or A Chorographicall Description of the Most Flourishing Kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, [], London: [] [Eliot’s Court Press for] Georgii Bishop & Ioannis Norton, →OCLC, page 427:
      Heraclius Patriarch of Ieruſalem conſecrated a Church for Knights Templars, []
      [original: Heraclius patriarcha Hierosolymitanus ecclesiam militibus Templariis consecravit, []]
    • 1819 December 20 (indicated as 1820), Walter Scott, Ivanhoe; a Romance. [], volume I, Edinburgh: [] Archibald Constable and Co.; London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co. [], →OCLC, page 143:
      The rest of Prince John’s retinue consisted of the favourite leaders of his mercenary troops, some marauding barons and profligate attendants upon the court, with several Knights Templars and Knights of St John.
    • 2006, Anthony Robert Sebelin II, gods of Old, Gods of New: A Mysteriously Romantic New World Saga, volume I (Perilous Adventures of Faith and Glory), Ramsay, Mont.: Liberty Maximus Press, →ISBN, page 581:
      Following these conversions, the Knights Templars noted their exhaustion from the wearisome Crusade which began over two years earlier in Rome. The French knight mentioned how he longed to once again see Friar Peter the Meek; as he too was a member of the original crusading party selected by Pope Boniface VIII and King Horik. Both Knights Templars took pride in their close friendship with the Irish monk; []
  2. A member of a York rite masonic order

Derived terms





  1. ^ Knight Templar, n.”, in OED Online Paid subscription required, Oxford: Oxford University Press, launched 2000.