User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-a
# English :: Swedish dictionary extracted from
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 50243 English glosses; 59541 Swedish translations
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a {n} (name of the letter A, a) | :: a {n} |
A {n} (playing card) | :: E [ess] |
Aachen {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) | :: Aachen |
aah {interj} (expressing amazement or surprise) | :: åh, oh, ah |
Aalborg {prop} (city in northern Denmark) | :: Ålborg {n} |
Aarau {prop} (Swiss town) | :: Aarau |
aardvark {n} (mammal) | :: jordsvin {n} |
aardwolf {n} (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) | :: jordvarg {c} |
Aaron {prop} (biblical brother of Moses) | :: Aron |
Aaron {prop} (male given name) | :: Aron |
Aaron's beard {n} (name for certain plants) | :: Arons skägg |
abaca {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp | :: |
aback {adv} (backwards) | :: bakåt |
aback {adv} (said of sails pressed backward) | :: back)} |
aback {adv} | :: bakåt, back: baxna , häpna |
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus | :: |
abacus {n} (device for performing arithmetical calculations) | :: abakus, kulram {c} |
abaka {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp | :: |
abalone {n} (edible univalve mollusc) | :: havsöra, abalone, öronsnäcka {c} |
abandon {v} (to give up control of, surrender) | :: avstå från, frångå, ge upp |
abandon {v} (to leave behind or desert; to forsake) | :: gå ifrån, lämna, överge |
abandon {v} (to cast out, expel, reject) | :: förvisa |
abandon {v} (to no longer exercise a right, relinquish a claim to property) | :: överlämna |
abandon {n} (a giving up to natural impulses) | :: frigjordhet {c}, nonchalans {c}, otvungenhet {c}, hämningslöshet {c} |
abandoned {adj} (no longer maintained, forsaken, deserted) | :: övergiven |
abandonment {n} (act of abandoning) | :: övergivande {c} |
abandonment {n} (relinquishment of a right, claim or privilege) | :: uppgivande {c} |
abandonment {n} (voluntary leaving of a person) | :: övergivande {c} |
abasia {n} (incapacity to walk) | :: abasi |
abate {v} (transitive: to lessen in force, subside) | :: avklinga, minska, avta, mojna |
abate {v} (to deduct, to omit) | :: dra av |
abate {v} | :: avta, minska, förringa |
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt | :: |
abatis {n} (means of defense) | :: förhuggning {c}, hinder {n} |
abattoir {n} (public slaughterhouse) | :: slakteri {n}, slakthus {n} |
abbess {n} (female superior of a nunnery) | :: abbedissa |
abbey {n} (monastery headed by an abbot) | :: abbottkloster {n} |
abbey {n} (church of a monastery) | :: klosterkyrka {c} |
abbot {n} (superior or head of an abbey or monastery) | :: abbot |
abbreviate {v} (to make shorter) | :: förkorta |
abbreviate {v} (to reduce to lower terms) | :: förkorta |
abbreviated {adj} (shortened) | :: förkortad |
abbreviation {n} (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) | :: förkortning {c} |
abbreviation {n} (act or result of shortening or reducing) | :: förkortning {c}, förkortande {n} [the act of...] |
abbreviation {n} (mathematics: reduction to lower terms) | :: förkortning {c} |
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation | :: |
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet | :: |
ABC {n} (primer for learning the alphabet) | :: abc-bok {c} |
ABC {n} (rudiments) | :: abc {n} |
ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer | :: |
Abdera {prop} (town) | :: Abdera |
abderian {adj} | :: abderitisk |
Abderian {adj} | :: abderitisk |
Abderian {n} | :: abderit {c} |
Abderite {n} (native of Abdera, Thrace) | :: abderit {c} |
abdicate {v} (to reject, cast off, discard) | :: avvisa |
abdicate {v} (to surrender or relinquish as sovereign power; to withdraw from filling or exercising) | :: ge upp, avsäga sig |
abdicate {v} (to renounce a throne or other high office) | :: abdikera |
abdicate {v} (to depose) SEE: depose | :: |
abdication {n} (the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder) | :: abdikation, avgång, tronavsägelse {c} |
abdomen {n} (belly) | :: buk |
abdominal {adj} (of or pertaining to the abdomen) | :: abdominal, buk-, mag- |
abdominous {adj} (pot-bellied) | :: bukig, rundmagad, tjockmagad, rund, trind |
Abdullah {prop} (Muslim given name) | :: Abdullah |
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior | :: |
abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer | :: |
Abel {prop} (biblical character) | :: Abel |
Abel {prop} (male given name) | :: Abel |
abelian {adj} (math: of a group) | :: abelsk, kommutativ |
abelian group {n} (group in which the group operation is commutative) | :: abelsk grupp {c}, kommutativ grupp {c} |
Abenaki {prop} (language) | :: abenakiska {c} |
aberrant {adj} (deviating from the norm) | :: avvikande |
abet {v} (to support, uphold, or aid) | :: bistå, understödja |
abet {v} | :: medverka, bistå |
abettor {n} (accomplice) | :: medhjälpare {c} |
abeyance {n} (suspension; temporary suppression) | :: träda {c} |
abhor {v} (to regard with horror or detestation) | :: avsky |
abhorrence {n} (extreme aversion) | :: avsky {c} |
abhorrence {n} | :: avsky |
abide {v} (bear patiently; tolerate) | :: tåla, stå ut med, tolerera |
abide {v} (abide by) SEE: abide by | :: |
abide by {v} (accept a decision or law and act in accordance with it) | :: hålla sig till |
Abidjan {prop} (the largest city of Ivory Coast) | :: Abidjan |
Abigail {prop} (biblical wife of David) | :: Abigail |
Abigail {prop} (female given name) | :: Abigail |
ability {n} (quality or state of being able) | :: förmåga {c} |
ability {n} (a skill or competence) | :: förmåga {c}, färdighet {c} |
-ability {suffix} (Forms a noun from a verb) | :: -barhet |
abiogenesis {n} (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter) | :: abiogenes {c} |
abiotrophy {n} (premature degeneration) | :: abiotrofi {c} |
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush {proverb} (small but certain advantage is preferable) | :: bättre en fågel i handen än tio i skogen |
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little | :: |
abjure {v} (to renounce upon oath) | :: avsvära |
Abkhaz {adj} (of or pertaining to Abkhazia) | :: abchazisk |
Abkhaz {n} (person from Abkhazia) | :: abchazier {c}, abchazer {c} |
Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) | :: abchaziska {?}, abkhaziska {?} |
Abkhazia {prop} (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) | :: Abchazien |
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz | :: |
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz | :: |
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz | :: |
ablative {n} (ablative case) SEE: ablative case | :: |
ablative case {n} (grammatical case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source) | :: ablativ {c} |
ablaut {n} (substitution of one root vowel for another) | :: avljud {n} |
able {adj} (permitted to) | :: kapabel, i stånd att, ha möjlighet att |
able {adj} (skillful) | :: kompetent, skicklig |
-able {suffix} (able to be done) | :: -bar |
-able {suffix} | :: -bar |
able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy | :: |
able {v} (enable) SEE: enable | :: |
able-bodied {adj} (having a sound, strong body; physically competent; robust) | :: arbetsför |
ableism {n} (discrimination against persons with disabilities) | :: funkofobi {c} |
ably {adv} (with great ability) | :: skickligt |
abnegate {v} (to deny oneself something) | :: avsäga sig |
Abner {prop} (biblical cousin of Saul) | :: Abner |
abnormal {adj} (not conforming to rule or system) | :: onormal |
abnormal {adj} (of or pertaining to behaviour that deviates from norms) | :: abnorm |
abnormal {adj} | :: abnorm |
aboard {adv} (on board) | :: ombord |
aboard {prep} (on board of) | :: ombord (på) |
abode {n} (slightly dated: residence) | :: boning {c}, hemvist {c}, vistelse {c} |
abode {n} (omen) SEE: omen | :: |
abolish {v} (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) | :: avskaffa, överge, förkasta |
abolition {n} (act of abolishing) | :: motstånd |
abolitionism {n} (opinion in favor of the abolition of something) | :: abolitionism {c} |
abomasum {n} (fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant) | :: löpmage {c} |
A-bomb {n} (atomic bomb) | :: atombomb {c} |
abominate {v} (to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree) | :: avsky |
abomination {n} (an abominable act) | :: styggelse {c} |
abomination {n} (the feeling of extreme disgust) | :: avsky {c} |
abomination {n} (something abominable) | :: avskyvärdhet {c}, styggelse {c} |
Aborigine {n} (Aboriginal person from Australia, Aboriginal Australian) | :: aborigin {c}, aboriginer {c} |
abort {n} (miscarriage) | :: abort {c}, missfall {n} |
abort {v} (to miscarry) | :: få missfall |
abort {v} (to cause a premature termination) | :: abortera |
abort {v} (biology: to become checked in normal development) | :: förkrympa, bli rudimentär |
abort {v} (computing: to terminate a process prior to completion) | :: avbryta, stoppa |
aborted {adj} | :: aborterad |
abortion {n} (miscarriage) | :: abort {c} |
abortion {n} (induced abortion) | :: abort |
abortionist {n} (one who performs an illegal (backstreet) abortion) | :: änglamakare {c}, änglamakerska {c} |
abound {v} (to be plentiful) | :: finnas i riklig mängd, finnas i överflöd |
abound with {v} (abound) SEE: abound | :: |
about {prep} (on every side of) | :: om, runt, omkring |
about {prep} (over or upon different parts of) | :: omkring, runt om |
about {prep} (on the point or verge of) | :: på väg att |
about {prep} (concerning) | :: om, angående |
about {prep} (concerned with, engaged in) | :: om |
about {prep} (in the immediate neighborhood of) | :: på |
about {prep} | :: cirka, ungefär, vid |
about {adv} (on all sides) | :: runt |
about {adv} (here and there) | :: runt |
about {adv} (nearly, approximately) | :: ungefär, nästan |
about {adv} (in circuit) | :: runt |
about time {adv} (close to the right time) | :: dags |
about time {adv} (far past the desired time) | :: på tiden |
above {prep} (over, on top of) | :: över, ovanför |
above {prep} (in or to a higher place) | :: över, ovan |
above {prep} | :: över , ovan |
above all {prep} (of prime importance) | :: framförallt, främst |
abovementioned {adj} (abovementioned) SEE: above-mentioned | :: |
above-mentioned {adj} (mentioned or named before; aforesaid) | :: ovannämnd |
above-named {adj} (mentioned or named before) SEE: above-mentioned | :: |
abracadabra {n} (use of term abracadabra) | :: abrakadabra {n}, simsalabim |
abracadabra {interj} (used to indicate that a magic trick or other illusion has been performed) | :: abrakadabra, abra kadabra |
abrade {v} ((transitive) to rub or wear off; to waste or wear away by friction) | :: nöta |
Abraham {prop} (prophet in the Old Testament) | :: Abraham |
Abraham {prop} (male given name) | :: Abraham |
Abraham {prop} (surname) | :: Abraham |
abrasion {n} (medicine: superficial wound) | :: skrubbsår {n} |
abrasive {adj} (producing abrasion; rough) | :: slipande |
abrasive {n} (substance used for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing) | :: abrasivmedel |
abridged {adj} (cut or shortened, especially of a literary work) | :: förkortad |
abroad {adv} (in foreign countries) | :: utomlands, utrikes |
abroad {adv} | :: utomlands |
Abruka {prop} (Estonian island located in the Gulf of Riga) | :: Abrö |
Absalom {prop} (male given name) | :: Absalom |
abscess {n} (cavity filled with pus) | :: abscess {c} |
abscissa {n} (first of two coordinates) | :: abskissa {c} |
abscond {v} (to flee, often secretly) | :: rymma |
abscond {v} (to withdraw from) | :: avvika, lämna |
abscond {v} (to hide (something)) | :: gömma sig |
absence {n} (state of being away) | :: frånvaro {c}, bortavaro {c} |
absence {n} (lack; deficiency; non-existence) | :: frånvaro {c}, brist {c}, avsaknad {c} |
absent {adj} (being away from a place) | :: frånvarande |
absent {adj} (not existing) | :: frånvarande |
absent {adj} (inattentive) | :: frånvarande |
absent-minded {adj} (absent in mind) | :: tankspridd |
absinthe {n} (liquor) | :: absint {c} |
absinthe {n} (Artemisia absinthium) | :: malört {c} |
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood | :: |
absolute {adj} (free from limitations or conditions) | :: absolut |
absolute {adj} (free from imperfection; complete in itself) | :: absolut |
absolute {adj} (fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic, independent of references or relations to other things) | :: absolut |
absolutely {adv} (in an absolute manner) | :: absolut |
absolutely {interj} (yes; certainly) | :: absolut, definitivt |
absolute value {n} (numerical value of a real number) | :: absolutbelopp {n}, belopp {n} |
absolute value {n} (modulus of a complex number) | :: absolutbelopp {n}, belopp {n}, modulus {n} |
absolute zero {n} (coldest possible temperature) | :: absoluta nollpunkten [def. sing. only] |
absolutism {n} (political science: absolute or arbitrary government; despotism) | :: absolutism {c}, envälde {n}, despotism {c} |
absolutist {n} (one who favors autocratic government) | :: absolutist {c} |
absolve {v} (to set free) | :: frikalla, frita, fritaga, lösa |
absolve {v} (to pronounce free or give absolution) | :: frikänna |
absolve {v} (theology: to pronounce free or give absolution from sin) | :: ge absolution åt, avlösa |
absorb {v} (to include so that it no longer has separate existence) | :: absorbera, uppsluka |
absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in) | :: absorbera, dra åt sig, fånga upp, suga i sig, suga till sig, suga upp, ta upp |
absorb {v} (to learn) | :: tillgodogöra sig |
absorb {v} (to occupy fully) | :: engagera, fängsla, helt uppta, uppsluka |
absorb {v} (to consume completely) | :: förbruka, konsumera |
absorb {v} (to endure) | :: absorbera, uppta |
absorb {v} (physics: to take up by chemical or physical action) | :: absorbera, uppta |
absorb {v} (finance: to assume or pay for) | :: absorbera, bestrida, påtaga sig |
absorption {n} (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything) | :: uppsugning {c} |
absorption factor {n} | :: absorptionsfaktor {c} |
absorptive {adj} (having capacity to imbibe) | :: absorberande |
absquatulate {v} (to leave quickly or in a hurry; to take oneself off; to decamp; to depart) | :: dunsta, smita, fly, dra |
abstain {v} (refrain from) | :: avstå, avhålla sig från |
abstain {v} (refrain from voting) | :: lägga ned sin röst |
abstemious {adj} (refraining from freely consuming food or strong drink) | :: avhållsam, återhållsam, måttfull |
abstemious {adj} (sparingly used; used with temperance or moderation) | :: återhållsam, måttfull |
abstemious {adj} (marked by, or spent in, abstinence) | :: återhållsam, måttfull |
abstinence {n} (the act or practice of abstaining) | :: avhållsamhet |
abstinence {n} (specifically, abstinence from alcohol) | :: absolutism |
abstinence {n} (specifically, abstinence from sexual intercourse) | :: avhållsamhet, kyskhet |
abstract {n} (an abridgement or summary) | :: referat {n}, sammandrag {n}, sammanfattning {c}, utdrag {n}, abstrakt {c} {n} |
abstract {n} (an abstract work of art) | :: abstrakt {n} |
abstract {n} (that which is abstract) | :: abstrakt {n} |
abstract {adj} (separate) | :: abstrakt |
abstract {adj} (apart from practice or reality; not concrete) | :: abstrakt, teoretisk |
abstract {adj} (difficult to understand) | :: djupsinnig, svårfattlig |
abstract {v} (to separate; to disengage) | :: abstrahera, skilja av, skilja ut, ta bort |
abstract {v} (to steal) | :: knycka, stjäla, nalla, sno |
abstract {v} (to abridge, epitomize, or summarize) | :: göra sammandrag av, sammanfatta, |
abstract {v} (to perform the process of abstraction) | :: abstrahera |
abstract algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: abstrakt algebra {c} |
abstract art {n} (art that does not depict objects in the natural world) | :: abstrakt konst {c} |
abstract noun {n} (noun that denotes an abstract concept) | :: abstrakt substantiv {n} |
abstract term {n} (term which expresses an abstract idea) | :: abstrakt begrepp {n} |
abstruse {adj} (difficult to comprehend) | :: svårfattlig, dunkel, abstrus |
absurd {adj} (contrary to reason or propriety) | :: absurd, befängd |
absurdism {n} (absurdity) SEE: absurdity | :: |
absurdism {n} (philosophy which holds that the universe is chaotic and irrational) | :: absurdism |
absurdist {adj} (relating to absurdism) | :: absurdistisk |
absurdity {n} (the quality of being absurd) | :: absurditet {c} |
Abu Dhabi {prop} (capital of UAE) | :: Abu Dhabi |
Abuja {prop} (The capital city of Nigeria) | :: Abuja |
abundance {n} (ample sufficiency) | :: överflöd {c} |
abundant {adj} (fully sufficient; plentiful) | :: riklig, ymnig |
abundantly {adv} (in an abundant manner) | :: rikligt |
abundant number {n} (number that is less than the sum of its proper divisors) | :: ymnigt tal {n}, rikt tal {n} |
a burnt child dreads the fire {proverb} (a person that has been harmed by the danger becomes more cautious about it) | :: bränt barn skyr elden |
abuse {n} (improper usage) | :: missbruk {n} |
abuse {n} (physical maltreatment) | :: misshandel {c} |
abuse {v} (to use improperly) | :: missbruka |
abuse {v} (to hurt) | :: misshandla |
abuse {v} (to adulterate) SEE: adulterate | :: |
abuse {n} (delusion) SEE: delusion | :: |
abuse {n} (catachresis) SEE: catachresis | :: |
abusio {n} (catachresis) SEE: catachresis | :: |
abut {v} (to border on) | :: gränsa till |
abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss | :: |
abyss {n} (hell, bottomless pit) | :: avgrund {c} |
abyss {n} (bottomless or unfathomed depth) | :: djup, avgrund, bråddjup {n} |
abyss {n} (moral depravity, vast intellectual or moral depth) | :: avgrund {c} |
Abyssinia {prop} (historical name of Ethiopia) | :: Abessinien |
Abyssinian {adj} (of or pertaining to Abyssinia) | :: abessinsk |
Abyssinian {prop} (Amharic) SEE: Amharic | :: |
AC {n} (alternating current) | :: AC, växelström {c} |
acacia {n} (shrub or tree) | :: acacia, acaciaträd, akacia, akaciaträd |
acacia tit {n} (Melaniparus thruppi) | :: somaliames {c} |
academia {n} (institution of higher education) | :: den akademiska världen {c} |
academic {adj} (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning) | :: akademisk |
academic {adj} (scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific) | :: akademisk |
academic {n} (senior member of an academy, college, or university) | :: akademiker {c} |
academician {n} (member of an academy) | :: akademiledamot, akademimedlem |
academy {n} (learned society) | :: akademi {c} |
academy {n} (specialized school) | :: akademi {c} |
academy {n} (college or university) | :: akademi {c} |
acajou {n} (wood from trees of Meliaceae family) SEE: mahogany | :: |
acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut | :: |
a cappella {adv} (performed by a choir with no instrumental accompaniment) | :: a cappella |
accede {v} (to join a group) | :: ansluta till |
accede {v} (to agree to a proposal or view) | :: instämma i |
accede {v} (to enter upon an office or dignity) | :: tillträda |
accelerate {v} (to cause to move faster) | :: accelerera, ge mer gas (1, about motorized vehicles), gasa (1, same as latter) |
accelerate {v} (to quicken natural or ordinary progression or process) | :: accelerera |
accelerate {v} (to hasten) | :: påskynda |
accelerated motion {n} (motion with a continually increasing velocity) | :: accelererad rörelse {c} |
acceleration {n} (act or state) | :: acceleration {c} |
acceleration {n} (amount) | :: acceleration {c} |
acceleration {n} ((physics)) | :: acceleration {c} |
accelerator {n} (device for causing acceleration) | :: accelerator {c} |
accelerator {n} (substance which speeds up chemical reactions) | :: accelerator {c} |
accelerator {n} (accelerator pedal) | :: gaspedal {c} |
accelerometer {n} (instrument for measuring acceleration) | :: accelerometer {c} |
accent {n} (stronger articulation) | :: accent {c}, betoning {c} |
accent {n} (orthography: mark to indicate accent) | :: accent |
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) | :: accent {c}, brytning {c} |
accent {n} | :: accent |
accent {v} (to emphasize) | :: accentuera, betona |
accent {v} (to express the accent of) SEE: accentuate | :: |
accent {v} (to mark with written accents) SEE: accentuate | :: |
accent {n} (utterance) SEE: utterance | :: |
accentuate {v} (to pronounce with an accent) | :: accentuera, betona |
accentuate {v} (to bring out distinctly) | :: accentuera, betona |
accentuate {v} (to mark with a written accent) | :: accentuera |
accentuation {n} | :: betoning, accentuering |
accept {v} (to receive with consent) | :: acceptera, motta |
accept {v} (to agree to) | :: acceptera, godta |
accept {v} (to endure patiently) | :: acceptera, uthärda |
acceptable {adj} (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted) | :: acceptabel, godtagbar, tacknämlig |
acceptably {adv} (in an acceptable manner) | :: acceptabelt |
acceptance {n} | :: [1] acceptans |
acceptancy {n} (acceptance) SEE: acceptance | :: |
accepted {adj} (generally approved, believed, or recognized) | :: accepterad {c}, accepterat {n} |
access {n} (way or means of approaching) | :: ingång {c}, passage {c}, väg {c} |
access {n} (act of approaching or entering) | :: åtkomst {c} |
access {n} (right or ability of approaching or entering) | :: tillgång {c}, tillträde {c} |
access {n} (admission to sexual intercourse) | :: tillgänglighet {c} |
access {n} (onset, attack or fit of disease) | :: anfall {n}, utbrott {n} |
access {n} (outburst of an emotion) | :: anfall {n}, utbrott {n} |
access {n} (right to visit one's child) | :: umgängesrätt {c} |
access {v} (to gain or obtain access to) | :: göra åtkomlig, ta fram |
access {v} (computing: to have access to (data)) | :: ha åtkomst |
accessibility {n} (the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach) | :: tillgänglighet {c}, åtkomlighet {c} |
accessible {adj} (easy of access or approach) | :: tillgänglig |
accessible {adj} (of a person, approachable) | :: tillgänglig |
accessible {adj} (open to the influence of) | :: mottaglig |
accessible {adj} (easily understood) | :: lättbegriplig |
accession {n} (a coming to) | :: tillträde {n}, anslutning {c} |
accession {n} (act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity) | :: tilträdelse |
access modifier {n} (access specifier) SEE: access specifier | :: |
accessory {n} (that which belongs to something else deemed the principal, attachment) | :: tillbehör {n}, accessoar {c} |
accessory {n} (clothing accessory) | :: accessoar {c} |
accessory {n} (contributor to an offense) | :: medbrottsling {c}, medhjälpare {c} |
accessory {n} | :: tillbehör |
access specifier {n} | :: åtkomstmodifierare {c} |
accident {n} (unexpected event with negative consequences) | :: olycka {c} |
accidental {adj} (happening by chance) | :: tillfällig |
accidentally {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) | :: oavsiktligen [unintentionally] |
accidently {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) SEE: accidentally | :: |
acclimation {n} (acclimatization) SEE: acclimatization | :: |
acclimatization {n} (the act of acclimatizing) | :: acklimatisering |
acclimatize {v} (to get used to a new climate) | :: acklimatisera sig |
acclimatize {v} (to make used to a new climate) | :: acklimatisera |
acclivity {n} (slope or inclination considered as "ascending") | :: sluttning, stigning, stigning |
accoil {v} (nautical sense) SEE: coil | :: |
accommodate {v} (to provide housing for) | :: hysa |
accommodate {v} (to provide with something desired) | :: förse, tillgodose |
accommodation {n} (lodging) | :: inkvartering {c}, tillfälligt boende {n} |
accommodation {n} (state of being fitted and adapted) | :: anpassning {c} |
accompaniment {n} (music: that which gives support or adds to the background) | :: ackompanjemang, komp {n} |
accompanist {n} (performer who takes the accompanying part) | :: ackompanjatör {c} |
accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition) | :: ackompanjera |
accompany {v} (to attend as a companion) | :: göra sällskap med, slå följe med |
accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part next to another instrument) | :: ackompanjera |
accompany {v} | :: beledsaga, göra sällskap, sälla sig tillhopa |
accomplice {n} (associate in the commission of a crime) | :: medbrottsling, medskyldig {c}, kumpan |
accomplice {n} (cooperator) | :: medhjälpare {c} |
accomplish {v} (to finish successfully) | :: fullborda |
accomplish {v} (to bring to an issue of full success; to effect; to perform) | :: åstadkomma, uträtta |
accomplishment {n} (the act of accomplishing) | :: fullbordan {c}, utförande {n} |
accomplishment {n} (that which completes) | :: bedrift {c} |
accomplishment {n} (achievement) | :: bedrift {c} |
accordance {n} (agreement; harmony; conformity) | :: enlighet {c}, överensstämmelse {c} |
accordingly {adv} (in natural sequence; consequently; so) | :: därför, alltså, följligen, följaktligen, på grund af detta, på denna grund |
according to {prep} (based on statement) | :: enligt |
according to {prep} (in proportion) | :: enligt, i enlighet med |
accordion {n} (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) | :: dragspel {n}, ackordeon {n}, ackordion {n}, dragharmonika {c}, harmonika {c}, handklaver {n} |
accordionist {n} (player of the accordion) | :: dragspelare {c} |
accost {v} (to speak to first, to address, to greet) | :: tilltala |
account {n} (a registry of pecuniary transactions) | :: konto {n}, räkning {c} |
account {n} (a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.) | :: redogörelse, redovisning |
account {n} (a statement of facts or occurrences) | :: redogörelse, redovisning |
account {n} (a statement and explanation or vindication) | :: räkenskap, redovisning |
account {n} ((archaic) reckoning, calculation) | :: räkning, beräkning |
account {n} | :: abonnemang, konto |
account {v} (to estimate, to deem) | :: beräkna |
account {v} (credit (to)) SEE: credit | :: |
accountability {n} (state of being accountable) | :: ansvarighet {c}, ansvarsskyldighet {c} |
accountable {adj} (obliged to answer for one’s deeds) | :: ansvarig |
accountant {n} (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)) | :: bokhållare {c} |
accounting {n} (development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions) | :: bokföring {c}, räkenskap {c} |
accounts receivable {n} (total monetary amount) | :: fordringar {c-p} |
account statement {n} (bank statement) SEE: bank statement | :: |
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage | :: |
accoutre {v} (to equip, to attire, to array) | :: utrusta |
Accra {prop} (capital of Ghana) | :: Accra |
accredit {v} (To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction) | :: ackreditera |
accretion disk {n} (structure formed by matter falling into a gravitational source) | :: ackretionsskiva |
accrue {v} (increase) | :: öka, växa till |
accumulate {v} (to pile up) | :: ackumulera |
accumulate {v} (to grow in number) | :: [passive voice] ackumulera |
accumulation {n} (act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated) | :: ackumulation, ackumulering |
accumulator {n} (one who or that which accumulates) | :: ackumulator |
accumulator {n} | :: ackumulator |
accuracy {n} (state of being accurate) | :: noggrannhet {c} |
accusation {n} (act of accusing or charging with a crime) | :: anklagelse {c}, anklagan {c}, beskyllning {c} |
accusation {n} (declaration of fault or blame against another) | :: anklagelse {c} |
accusative {adj} (related to accusative case) | :: ackusativ |
accusative {adj} | :: ackusativ |
accusative {n} (accusative case) | :: ackusativ {c} |
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative | :: |
accuse {v} (attribute blame to someone) | :: anklaga, beskylla |
accustomed {adj} (familiar) | :: van |
ace {n} (card with a single spot) | :: ess {n}, äss {n} |
ace {n} (die face with a single spot) | :: etta {c} |
ace {n} (tennis: point scored without the opponent hitting the ball) | :: äss {n}, serveäss {n} |
ace {n} (expert) | :: äss {n} |
ace {n} (excellent military aircraft pilot) | :: äss {n} |
ace {n} (golf: hole in one) SEE: hole in one | :: |
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom | :: |
Aceh {prop} (language) SEE: Acehnese | :: |
Acehnese {prop} (language) | :: atjehnesiska |
ace in the hole {n} (ace up one's sleeve) SEE: ace up one's sleeve | :: |
ace of clubs {n} (playing card) | :: klöver ess {n} |
ace of diamonds {n} (playing card) | :: ruter ess {n} |
ace of hearts {n} (playing card) | :: hjärter ess {n} |
ace of spades {n} (playing card) | :: spader ess {n} |
acerbic {adj} (sharp, biting) | :: syrlig |
acerbity {n} (sourness) | :: syrlighet |
acerbity {n} (harshness) | :: bitterhet |
acerose {adj} (having a sharp, rigid point) | :: nålformad |
acetaldehyde {n} (the organic compound CH3CHO) | :: etanal {c} |
acetamide {n} (amide of acetic acid) | :: etanamid, etansyraamid, acetamid |
acetaminophen {n} (drug) | :: paracetamol |
acetate {n} (salt or ester of acetic acid) | :: acetat {?} |
acetic acid {n} (clear colourless organic acid, CH3COOH) | :: ättiksyra {c}, etansyra |
acetic anhydride {n} (organic compound) | :: ättiksyraanhydrid {c} |
acetone {n} (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) | :: aceton {c} {n} |
acetyl {n} (univalent radical) | :: acetyl {c} |
acetylcholine {n} (the neurotransmitter compound) | :: acetylkolin |
acetylcholine chloride {n} (drug) | :: acetylkolinklorid {c} |
acetylcholinesterase {n} (enzyme) | :: acetylkolinesteras |
acetylene {n} (acetylene) | :: acetylen {n} |
acetylsalicylic acid {n} (acetate ester of salicylic acid; aspirin) | :: acetylsalicylsyra {c} |
ace up one's sleeve {n} (a surprise of which others are not aware) | :: äss i rockärmen |
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link {proverb} (aphorism) | :: en kedja är aldrig starkare än dess svagaste länk |
ache {v} (be in pain) | :: värka [cause pain], ha ont [be in pain] |
ache {n} (dull pain) | :: värk {c} |
ache for {v} (to desire or want very much) | :: längta efter |
achene {n} (small dry fruit) | :: nötfrukt {c} |
achieve {v} (to carry out successfully; to accomplish) | :: åstadkomma, uppnå |
achieve {v} (to obtain, or gain as the result of exertion) | :: uppnå |
achievement {n} (act of achieving or performing) | :: prestation {c} |
achievement {n} (a reward in video games) | :: prestation {c} |
Achilles {prop} (Greek mythical hero) | :: Akilles, Achilles |
Achilles heel {n} (vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation) | :: akilleshäl {c} |
Achilles tendon {n} (strong tendon in the calf of the leg) | :: hälsena {c}, akillessena |
achoo {interj} (the sound of a sneeze) | :: attjo! |
acid {adj} (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) | :: sur |
acid {adj} (sour-tempered) | :: sur |
acid {adj} (of or pertaining to an acid) | :: syra- |
acid {n} (a sour substance) | :: syra |
acid {n} (in chemistry) | :: syra |
acid {n} (LSD) | :: acid, syra |
acid anhydride {n} (organic compounds with oxygen atom bonded to two acyl groups) | :: syraanhydrid {c} |
acidic {adj} (chemistry: having pH less than 7) | :: sur, syrlig |
acidic {adj} (of or relating to acid) | :: syra- |
acidity {n} (quality or state of being acid) | :: surhet {c} |
acidity {n} (quality of sourness to the taste) | :: surhet {c} |
acidity regulator {n} (food additive used to control pH) | :: surhetsreglerande medel {n} |
acidness {n} (acidity) SEE: acidity | :: |
acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood) | :: acidos {c} |
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) | :: surt regn {n} |
acid reflux {n} (heartburn) SEE: heartburn | :: |
acid-resistant {adj} (able to resist acids) | :: syrafast |
acknowledge {v} (to admit the knowledge of) | :: erkänna |
acknowledgment {n} (act of acknowledging) | :: erkännande |
acme {n} (the highest point) | :: höjdpunkt, kulmen |
acme {n} (full bloom) | :: kulm |
acne {n} (a skin condition) | :: akne |
aconite {n} (herb wolfsbane) | :: stormhatt {c} |
acorn {n} (fruit of the oak tree) | :: ekollon {n} |
acoustic {adj} (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds) | :: akustisk |
acoustic {adj} (producing or produced without electrical amplification) | :: akustisk |
acoustically {adv} (in an acoustic manner) | :: akustiskt |
acoustician {n} (One versed in acoustics) | :: akustiker |
acoustics {n} (quality of a space for doing music) | :: akustik {c} |
acoustics {n} (physics: a science of sounds) | :: akustik {c} |
acquaint {v} (to furnish or give experimental knowledge of) | :: bekanta sig |
acquaintance {n} (state of being acquainted, acquaintanceship) | :: bekantskap {c} |
acquaintance {n} (person) | :: bekant {c} |
acquaintanceship {n} (the state of being acquainted) SEE: acquaintance | :: |
acquaintanceship {n} (acquaintance) SEE: acquaintance | :: |
acquainted {adj} (familiar) | :: bekant |
acquiescence {n} (silent or passive assent) | :: medgivande, underkastelse, eftergivenhet |
acquire {v} (to get) | :: införskaffa, förvärva, uppköpa, skaffa, få |
acquire {v} (to gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own) | :: förvärva |
acquis communautaire {n} (full body of European Union law) | :: Gemenskapens regelverk {n} |
acquisition {n} (act or process of acquiring) | :: införskafning {c}, uppköp {n}, förvärv {n} |
acquit {v} (to declare or find innocent or not guilty) | :: frikänna |
acquittal {n} (legal decision of not guilty) | :: frikännande {n} |
acrimonious {adj} (angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies) | :: bitter |
acrobat {n} (an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination) | :: akrobat |
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats) | :: akrobatik {c} |
acrocyanosis {n} (acrocyanosis) | :: akrocyanos {c} |
acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones) | :: akromegali {c} |
acromion {n} (outermost point of the shoulder blade) | :: akromion |
acronym {n} (word formed by initial letters) | :: akronym {c} |
acrophobia {n} (fear of heights) | :: höjdskräck {c}, akrofobi {c} |
Acropolis {prop} | :: Akropolis |
acrosome {n} (end of the head of a spermatozoon) | :: akrosom {c} |
across {prep} (from the far side) | :: över |
across {prep} (on the opposite side) | :: över |
across {prep} (from one side to another) | :: över |
across {prep} (bridging a gap) | :: genom (of time) |
across {prep} (perpendicularly) | :: tvärs över |
across {adv} (crosswords: horizontally) | :: horisontellt, vågrätt |
across the board {prep} (pertaining to all categories or things) | :: över hela linjen |
acrostic {n} (poem or text in which certain letters spell out a name or message) | :: akrostikon {n} |
acryl {n} (univalent radical) | :: akryl {c} |
act {n} (deed) | :: handling {c}, dåd {n} |
act {n} (process of doing) | :: handling {c} |
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance) | :: akt |
act {v} (to do something) | :: handla, agera |
act {v} (to behave in a certain way) | :: bete sig, uppföra sig |
act {v} (to convey an appearance of being) | :: spela |
act {v} (to feign) SEE: feign | :: |
actin {n} (a globular structural protein) | :: aktin |
acting {adj} (temporarily assuming the duties or authority) | :: tillförordnad, tf, ställföreträdande, stf |
acting {n} (occupation of an actor) | :: skådespeleri |
actinium {n} (chemical element) | :: aktinium {n} |
actinobiology {n} (study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms) | :: aktinobiologi {c} |
action {n} (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) | :: handling |
action {n} (way of motion or functioning) | :: rörelse {c} |
action {n} (fast-paced activity) | :: action |
action {n} (mechanism) | :: mekanism {c} |
action {n} (slang: intercourse) | :: action {c} |
action {interj} (signifying the start of something) | :: börja, varsågod, tagning |
actionism {n} (An excessive emphasis on action, activity, or change) | :: aktionism {c} |
action movie {n} (a type of motion picture) | :: actionfilm {c} |
action potential {n} (electrical potential) | :: aktionspotential |
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb | :: |
activate {v} (to put into operation) | :: aktivera |
activate {v} (to activate a software functionality) SEE: enable | :: |
activated carbon {n} (absorbent form of finely powdered carbon) | :: aktivt kol {n} |
activation energy {n} (activation energy) | :: aktiveringsenergi |
active {adj} (having the quality or power of acting) | :: aktiv |
active {adj} (quick in physical movement) | :: aktiv |
active {adj} (in action) | :: [volcano] aktiv |
active {adj} (in grammar) | :: aktiv |
active power {n} (the real component of the power of an alternating current circuit) | :: aktiv effekt {c} |
active voice {n} (the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action) | :: aktiv {n}, aktivum {n} |
active volcano {n} (active volcano) | :: aktiv vulkan {c} |
activism {n} (practice of using action to achieve a result) | :: aktivism |
activist {n} (one who is politically active) | :: aktivist {c} |
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist | :: |
activity {n} (state or quality of being active) | :: aktivitet {c}, verksamhet {c} |
activity {n} (something done as an action or a movement) | :: aktivitet {c}, sysselsättning |
activity {n} (something done for pleasure or entertainment) | :: aktivitet {c}, sysselsättning {c} |
act of war {n} (act of war) | :: krigshandling |
actor {n} (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress) | :: skådespelare {c}, skådespelerska {c} [female], aktör {c}, aktris {c} [female] |
actor {n} (one who acts; a doer) | :: aktör |
actor {n} (plaintiff) SEE: plaintiff | :: |
actress {n} (female actor, see also: actor) | :: skådespelerska {c}, aktris {c} |
Acts {prop} (Book of Acts) SEE: Acts of the Apostles | :: |
Acts of the Apostles {prop} (fifth book of the New Testament) | :: Apostlagärningarna |
actual {adj} (existing in act or reality, not just potentially) | :: faktisk, verklig, reell |
actual {adj} (in action at the time being) | :: befintlig, rådande, aktuell |
actualize {v} (make real) | :: förverkliga |
actualize {v} (become real) | :: förverkliga |
actually {adv} (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) | :: verkligen, egentligen, faktiskt, i själva verket |
actuary {n} (maker of insurance calculations) | :: aktuarie |
acuity {n} (sharpness or acuteness) | :: skärpa {c} |
acumen {n} (quickness of perception) | :: skarpsinnighet {c}, skarpsinne {n} |
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture | :: |
acupuncture {n} (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) | :: akupunktur {c} |
acute {adj} (intense, sensitive, sharp, see also: intense; sensitive; sharp) | :: skarp |
acute {adj} (urgent, see also: urgent) | :: akut |
acute {adj} ((geometry) of an angle: less than 90 degrees) | :: spetsig |
acute {adj} ((medicine) of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset) | :: akut |
acute {adj} ((medicine) of a short-lived condition) | :: akut |
acute {adj} ((orthography) after a letter of the alphabet: having an acute accent) | :: akut |
acute {adj} ((geometry) of a triangle: having all internal angles acute) SEE: acute-angled | :: |
acute {n} (acute accent) SEE: acute accent | :: |
acute accent {n} (acute accent) | :: akut accent |
acute-angled {adj} (geometry) | :: spetsig |
acute-angled triangle {n} (acute triangle) SEE: acute triangle | :: |
acute sedge {n} (species Carex acuta) | :: vasstarr {c} |
acute triangle {n} (triangle all of the angles of which are acute) | :: spetsvinklig triangel {c} |
AD {adv} (anno Domini) | :: e.Kr. (efter Kristus) |
adage {n} (old saying) | :: talesätt {n}, ordspråk {n} |
Adam {prop} (first man in Abrahamic religions) | :: Adam |
Adam {prop} (male given name) | :: Adam |
Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis)) | :: Adam och Eva |
adamant {adj} (determined; unshakeable; unyielding) | :: orubblig, benhård, obeveklig |
adamant {n} (rock or mineral) | :: adamant |
Adam's apple {n} (Citrus medica) SEE: citron | :: |
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat) | :: adamsäpple {n} |
Adam's apple {n} (Tabernaemontana divaricata) | :: fjärilsgardenia {c} |
adapt {v} (to make suitable) | :: anpassa |
adaptable {adj} (capable of adapting or of being adapted) | :: anpassningsbar |
adaptation {n} | :: anpassning {c} |
adapter {n} (device to allow compatibility (in general)) | :: adapter |
add {v} (to append, as a statement) | :: tillägga |
add {v} (to make an addition) | :: lägga till, addera, tilläga |
add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up) | :: addera, summera, lägga ihop |
addend {n} (any of various terms added together) | :: addend {c} |
addend {n} (term added to another) | :: addend {c} |
addendum {n} (something to be added) | :: tillägg {n} |
adder {n} (viper) | :: huggorm |
adder stone {n} (stone with a naturally formed hole) | :: ≈ hönsgud {c} |
add fuel to the fire {v} (worsen a conflict) | :: hälla bensin på elden |
addict {n} (person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug) | :: missbrukare {c}, narkoman {c} |
addict {n} | :: beroende |
addiction {n} (the state of being addicted) | :: beroende {n} |
addictive {adj} (tending to cause addiction) | :: beroendeframkallande, vanebildande |
add insult to injury {v} (to further a loss with mockery or indignity) | :: strö salt i såren |
Addis Ababa {prop} (capital of Ethiopia) | :: Addis Abeba |
addition {n} (thing added) | :: tillskott |
addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding) | :: addition {c} |
additional {adj} (Supplemental or added to) | :: ytterligare |
addition reaction {n} (reaction in which radicals are added to both sides of a double or triple bond) | :: additionsreaktion {c} |
addition sign {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign | :: |
additive {n} (substance added to another substance to produce certain properties) | :: tillsats {c} |
additive identity {n} (mathematics) | :: additativ identitet |
add-on {n} (software: extension of core application) | :: tillägg {n}, tilläggsprogram {n} |
address {n} (direction for letters) | :: adress |
address {n} (act of addressing oneself to a person) | :: tal {n} |
address {v} ((obsolete in English) to prepare) | :: förbereda |
address {v} (reflexively: to prepare oneself) | :: förbereda sig |
address {v} (to direct in writing) | :: adressera |
address bar {n} (bar in a web browser that displays the address) | :: adressfält {n} |
addressee {n} (person or organization to which something is addressed or sent) | :: adressat {c} |
addressing {n} | :: adressering {c} |
add up {v} (be reasonable or consistent) SEE: make sense | :: |
Aden {prop} (seaport of Yemen) | :: Aden |
adenitis {n} (glandular inflammation) | :: körtelinflammation |
adenocarcinoma {n} (any of several forms of carcinoma that originate in glandular tissue) | :: adenokarcinom {n} |
adenohypophysis {n} (the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland) | :: adenohypofys |
adenoma {n} (benign tumour) | :: adenom {n} |
adenosine {n} (nucleoside) | :: adenosin |
adenosine monophosphate {n} (nucleotide) | :: adenosinmonofosfat |
adenosine triphosphate {n} (adenosine triphosphate) | :: adenosintrifosfat |
adenylate cyclase {n} (enzyme) | :: adenylcyklas, adenylatcyklas, adenylylcyklas |
adept {adj} (well skilled) | :: skicklig |
adequate {adj} (equal to some requirement) | :: adekvat, tillämplig |
adessive {n} (the adessive case, or a word in that case) | :: adessiv {c} |
adhere {v} (To stick fast or cleave) | :: fästa (vid) |
adhere {v} (To hold, be attached, or be devoted) | :: hålla fast (vid), hålla sig till |
adhere {v} (To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree) | :: hålla fast (vid), hålla sig till |
adherence {n} | :: följsamhet |
adherent {n} (a person who has membership in some group) | :: anhängare {c} |
adhesive {adj} (sticky) | :: vidhäftande |
adhesive tape {n} (adhesive tape generally) | :: tejp {c}, tape {c} |
ad hoc {adj} (for this particular purpose) | :: ad hoc |
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special | :: |
ad hoc {adj} (impromptu) SEE: impromptu | :: |
ad hominem {n} (personal attack) | :: personangrepp {n} |
adiabatic {adj} (occurring without gain or loss of heat) | :: adiabatisk |
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
adieu {n} (a farewell) | :: adjö, farväl |
ad infinitum {adv} (endlessly) | :: i all oändlighet, utan slut |
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
adipocyte {n} (type of cell) | :: adipocyt {?}, fettcell {?} |
adipose {adj} (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat) | :: fett-, fetthaltig |
adit {n} (a horizontal or nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mine) | :: stoll {c}, dagort {c} |
adjacent {adj} (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring) | :: intilliggande, angränsande |
adjectival {adj} (functioning as an adjective) | :: adjektivisk |
adjective {n} ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) | :: adjektiv {n}, egenskapsord {n}, tilläggsord {n} |
adjective {adj} (adjectival) SEE: adjectival | :: |
adjoining {adj} (being in contact at some point) | :: angränsande |
adjourn {v} (to postpone) | :: ajournera, flytta fram, skjuta upp |
adjournment {n} (the state of being adjourned) | :: ajournering {c} |
adjudicate {v} (to settle a legal case or other dispute) | :: döma |
adjudicator {n} (one who adjudicates) | :: domare {c} |
adjust {v} (to modify) | :: anpassa |
adjustable {adj} (capable of being adjusted) | :: justerbar, inställbar, reglerbar |
adjustable spanner {n} (adjustable hand tool) | :: skiftnyckel {c} |
adjustment {n} (result of adjusting, small change) | :: justering {c} |
adjuvant {n} (pesticides: additive that enhances the efficacy of pesticides) | :: adjuvant {c} |
adminicle {n} (aid) SEE: aid | :: |
administer {v} (to work in an administrative capacity; to supervise) | :: administrera |
administrate {v} (administer) SEE: administer | :: |
administration {n} (the act of administering) | :: administration {c}, förvaltning {c} |
administrative {adj} (of or relating to administering or administration) | :: administrativ |
administratively {adv} (in an administrative manner) | :: administrativt {n} |
administrator {n} (one who administers affairs) | :: administratör {c}, handläggare {c-p} |
administrator {n} (computing: one who responsible for software and maintenance of a computer or network) | :: administratör {c} |
admiral {n} (naval officer of the highest rank) | :: amiral {c} |
admiral {n} (a naval officer of high rank, immediately below Admiral of the Fleet) | :: amiral {c} |
admiral {n} (butterfly) | :: amiral {c} |
admiralty {n} (office or jurisdiction) | :: amiralitet {c} |
admiration {n} (adoration; appreciation) | :: beundran |
admire {v} (regard with wonder and delight) | :: beundra |
admirer {n} (one who admires) | :: beundrare {c} |
admissible {adj} (capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable) | :: tillåtlig |
admission {n} (the act or practice of admitting) | :: antagning {c}, intagning {c}, insläpp {n} |
admission {n} (a fact, point, or statement admitted) | :: antagande {n}, medgivande {n}, erkännande {n} |
admission {n} (cost or fee associated with attendance or entry) | :: inträdesavgift {n}, entréavgift {n} |
admit {v} (to allow to enter; to grant entrance) | :: släppa in |
admit {v} (to allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege) | :: tillåta |
admit {v} (to concede as true) | :: tillstå, medge, erkänna, bekräfta, bekänna |
admit {v} (to be capable of, to permit) | :: tillåta |
admittance {n} (physics: reciprocal of impedance) | :: admittans {c} |
admixture {n} (mixture) | :: blandning {c} |
admonition {n} (gentle or friendly reproof) | :: förmaning |
ad nauseam {adv} (to a sickening degree) | :: till leda |
adolescent {n} (a teenager) | :: tonåring {c} |
Adolf {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph | :: |
Adolph {prop} (male given name) | :: Adolf |
Adolphus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph | :: |
Adonis {n} (beautiful man) | :: adonis {c} |
adopt {v} (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) | :: adoptera |
adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally) | :: anamma |
adopter {n} (one who adopts) | :: adoptant {c} |
adoption {n} (act of adopting, or state of being adopted) | :: adoption {c} |
adoption {n} (admission to a more intimate relation) | :: adoption {c} |
adoption {n} (choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so) | :: anammande |
adoptive father {n} (man who has adopted a child) | :: adoptivfar, adopivpappa {c} |
adorable {adj} (befitting of being adored) | :: bedårande, förtjusande |
adore {v} | :: beundra, tillbe |
adorn {v} (to make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate) | :: pryda, smycka |
adornment {n} | :: dekoration, utsmyckning |
adorn oneself with borrowed plumes {v} (adorn oneself with borrowed plumes) | :: lysa med lånta fjädrar |
adrenal {n} (noun sense) SEE: adrenal gland | :: |
adrenal gland {n} (endocrine gland situated above the kidney) | :: binjure {c}, adrenal körtel {c} [only ever used within the medical profession, never to patients] |
adrenaline {n} (the compound epinephrine) | :: adrenalin {n} |
Adrian {prop} (male given name) | :: Adrian |
Adriatic {prop} (Adriatic Sea) SEE: Adriatic Sea | :: |
Adriatic Sea {prop} (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice) | :: Adriatiska havet {n} |
adrift {adj} (floating at random) | :: på drift, utan mal |
adroit {adj} (dexterous) SEE: dexterous | :: |
adscript {adj} (held to service as attached to the soil) | :: livegen |
adsorption {n} (process of forming a film on the surface of a solid) | :: adsorption {c} |
adult {n} (fully grown human) | :: vuxen {c} |
adult {adj} (fully grown) | :: vuxen |
adult {adj} (intended for adults) | :: vuxen- |
adulter {v} (adulterate) SEE: adulterate | :: |
adulterate {v} (corrupt) | :: korrumpera |
adulterer {n} (husband or wife who commits adultery) | :: äktenskapsbrytare {c}, äktenskapsbryterska {c} [female] |
adulteress {n} (woman or girl who commits adultery) | :: äktenskapsbryterska {c} |
adultery {n} (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) | :: hor, äktenskapsbrott {n} |
adulthood {n} (time of life) | :: vuxendom {c} |
adult star {n} (porn star) SEE: porn star | :: |
advance {v} (to furnish, as money or other value, before it becomes due) | :: förskottera |
advance {v} (to raise to a higher point; to enhance; to raise in rate) | :: avancera |
advance {v} (to move forwards, to approach) | :: avancera |
advance {n} (amount of money) | :: förskott {n} |
advance {n} (opening approach) | :: öppning {c}, närmande {n} |
advancement {n} (payment in advance) SEE: advance payment | :: |
advance payment {n} (part of a contractually due sum) | :: förskottsbetalning {c} |
advantage {n} (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success) | :: fördel {c} |
advantage {n} (the score where one player wins a point after deuce) | :: fördel {c} |
advantageous {adj} (being of advantage, see also: beneficial) | :: fördelaktig |
advent {n} (coming, arrival) | :: ankomst {c} |
advent {n} (Christianity) SEE: Advent | :: |
Advent {prop} (season before Christmas) | :: advent |
Advent calendar {n} (calendar used to count down the days of Advent) | :: julkalender, adventskalender |
Adventist {adj} (relating to believers in the Second Advent of Jesus; relating to Adventism) | :: adventistisk |
Adventist {adj} (relating to Seventh-day Adventism / the Seventh-day Adventist Church) | :: adventistisk |
Advent Sunday {prop} (fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, the start of Advent) | :: adventssöndag {c} |
adventure {n} (encountering of risks) | :: äventyr {n} |
adventure {n} (adventure game) | :: äventyrsspel |
adventure {n} | :: äventyrlighet {c} |
adventurer {n} (one who enjoys adventures) | :: äventyrare {c} |
adventurous {adj} (inclined to adventure) | :: äventyrlig |
adverb {n} (lexical category) | :: adverb {n} |
adverbial {adj} (of or relating to an adverb) | :: adverbiell |
adverbial {n} (grammar: word or phrase modifying a verb) | :: adverbial {n} |
adversary {n} (opponent) | :: motståndare {m} |
adversity {n} (state of being adverse) | :: elände {n}, motgång {c} |
adversity {n} (adverse event) | :: motgång {c} |
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement | :: |
advertently {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose | :: |
advertisement {n} (commercial solicitation) | :: annons, annonsering, reklam |
advertiser {n} (one who advertises) | :: annonsör {c} |
advice {n} (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) | :: råd {n} |
advisable {adj} (worthy of being recommended) | :: tillrådlig |
advisatory {adj} (advisory) SEE: advisory | :: |
advise {v} (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn) | :: råda |
advised {adj} (considered or thought out; resulting from deliberation) | :: överlagd |
advised {adj} (informed, appraised or made aware) | :: underrättad |
adviser {n} (advisor) SEE: advisor | :: |
advisor {n} | :: rådgivare {c}, sakkunnig {c}, konsult {c} |
advisory {adj} (able to give advice) | :: rådgivande |
advocaat {n} (liqueur) | :: äggtoddy {c} |
advocate {n} (person who argues the case of another) | :: advokat {c} |
advocate {n} (person who speaks in support of something) | :: förespråkare |
advocate {v} (argue for) | :: plädera, förespråka |
advocate {v} (encourage support for) | :: förespråka |
adware {n} (software application) | :: reklamprogram {n}, annonsprogram {n} |
Adygea {prop} (republic of south-west Russia) | :: Adygeiska republiken {n}, Adygejen {n} |
Adygei {prop} (Adygei) SEE: Adyghe | :: |
Adyghe {prop} (language spoken in the Republic of Adygea) | :: adygeiska |
adze {n} (cutting tool) | :: däxel {c}, skarvyxa {c} |
adze {v} (to shape material with an adze) | :: tillyxa |
adzuki {n} (azuki bean) SEE: azuki bean | :: |
Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea | :: |
Aegean Sea {prop} (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) | :: Egeiska havet |
Aegidius {prop} (male given name) | :: Aegidius |
Aeneid {prop} (Classic epic poem that tells the story of Aeneas fleeing Troy and settling in Italy.) | :: Aeneiden |
aeolian {adj} (of, or relating to the wind) | :: aeolisk |
aeolian {adj} | :: eolisk |
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) | :: antenn {c} |
aerobatics {n} (stunts, performed in an airplane) | :: konstflygning {c} |
aerobic {adj} (living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen) | :: aerobisk |
aerobic {adj} (involving or improving oxygen consumption by the body) | :: aerobisk |
aerobics {n} (exercise for cardiovascular fitness) | :: aerobics {c} {n} |
aerobiology {n} (study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials) | :: aerobiologi {c} |
aerodynamics {n} (The science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases) | :: aerodynamik {c} |
aeronautics {n} (mechanics and science of aircraft) | :: aeronautik |
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane | :: |
aerosol {n} (fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium) | :: aerosol |
aerostatic {adj} (pneumatic) SEE: pneumatic | :: |
aerugo {n} (metallic rust) | :: ärg {c} |
Aeschylus {prop} (Greek tragedian) | :: Aischylos {n} |
Aesculapian snake {n} (a European species of nonvenomous snake, Zamenis longissimus, syn. Coluber longissimus, associated with Aesculapius in Ancient Greek mythology) | :: eskulapsnok {c} |
aesir {n} (Æsir) SEE: Æsir | :: |
Aesop {prop} (ancient Greek author) | :: Aisopos |
aesthetic {adj} (concerned with beauty) | :: estetisk |
aesthetic {n} (that which appeals to the senses) | :: estetik |
aesthetic {n} (the study of art or beauty) SEE: aesthetics | :: |
aestheticise {v} (to make aesthetic) | :: estetisera |
aesthetics {n} (study or philosophy of beauty) | :: estetik {c} |
aetiology {n} (study of causes or origins) | :: etiologi {c} |
Afar {prop} (language) | :: afar |
a few {determiner} (a small number of) | :: några |
affable {adj} (friendly, courteous, sociable) | :: älskvärd, förbindlig, vänlig |
affair {n} (adulterous relationship) | :: affär {c} |
affect {v} (to influence or alter) | :: påverka, influera |
affect {v} (to move to emotion) | :: beröra, röra |
affect {v} (to infect or harm) | :: påverka, skada, drabba |
affect {v} (to make a false display of) | :: åstadkomma, fingera |
affectation {n} (an attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real) | :: tillgjordhet {c} |
affecting {adj} (producing strong emotions) | :: rörande, gripande |
afferent {adj} (Carrying towards) | :: afferent, inåtledande |
affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt | :: |
affiliate {n} (something that is affiliated) | :: filial {c}, dotterbolag {n} |
affiliate {v} (to fix the paternity of) | :: tilldöma (någon faderskapet) |
affiliate {v} (to connect in the way of descent) | :: härleda |
affiliate {v} (to attach (to) or unite (with)) | :: ansluta [with till], förena [with med], uppta [~ a member], göra till filial [~ a company] |
affine {n} (in-law) SEE: in-law | :: |
affine {adj} (pertaining to a kind of function that generalises a linear transformation) | :: affin |
affine geometry {n} (branch of geometry) | :: affin geometri {c} |
affine group {n} (the group of all affine transformations) | :: affin grupp {c} |
affine space {n} (vector space having no origin) | :: affint rum {n} |
affine transformation {n} (linear transformation followed by a translation) | :: affin transformation {c} |
affinity {n} (family relationship through marriage of a relative) | :: samhörighet |
affix {n} (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem) | :: affix {n} |
affix {n} (suffix) SEE: suffix | :: |
affixoid {n} (regular word that also works as an affix) | :: affixoid {c} |
affluent {adj} (abundant) | :: riklig, öveflödande |
affluent {adj} (abounding in goods or riches; materially wealthy) | :: förmögen, rik, välbärgad |
affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary | :: |
afford {v} (to incur, stand, or bear) | :: ha råd |
afford {v} (to provide; furnish) | :: ge, skänka, bereda |
affreightment {n} (hire a vessel for cargo) | :: befraktningsavtal |
affricate {n} (sound) | :: affrikata {c} |
affront {v} (to insult intentionally, especially openly) | :: skymfa, förolämpa |
affront {n} (open or intentional offense, slight, or insult) | :: skymf, förolämpning |
Afghan {n} (person from Afghanistan) | :: afghan, afghanska {f} |
Afghan {prop} (Pashto language) | :: afghanska |
Afghan {adj} (pertaining to Afghanistan) | :: afghansk |
Afghani {n} (citizen or native of Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan | :: |
Afghani {adj} (relating to Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan | :: |
Afghanistan {prop} (country) | :: Afghanistan |
aflame {adj} (in flames, on fire) | :: i lågor, brinnande, i brand |
A-flat {n} (tone four fifths below C) | :: ass |
A-flat major {n} (A-flat major) | :: Ass-dur |
aforementioned {n} (one or ones mentioned previously) | :: förutnämnda, tidigare nämnda |
aforesaid {adj} (previously stated) | :: förutnämnd |
afraid {adj} (impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive) | :: rädd |
afresh {adv} (anew; again) | :: ånyo, på nytt |
Africa {prop} (continent south of Europe) | :: Afrika |
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans | :: |
African {adj} (of or pertaining to Africa) | :: afrikansk |
African {n} (a native of Africa) | :: afrikan {c} |
African blue tit {n} (Cyanistes teneriffae) | :: koboltmes {c} |
African buffalo {n} (large bovid) | :: afrikansk buffel {c}, kafferbuffel {c} |
Africanize {v} (to make African) | :: afrikanisera |
African wildcat {n} (Felis silvestris lybica) | :: falbkatt, afrikansk vildkatt {c} |
a friend in need is a friend indeed {proverb} (someone who helps you in your time of need is a real friend) | :: i nöden prövas vännen |
Afrikaans {prop} (language) | :: afrikaans |
Afrikaans {prop} (Afrikaner) SEE: Afrikaner | :: |
Afrikaner {n} (member of ethnic group) | :: afrikand {c} |
afro {n} (hairstyle) | :: afro {c} |
aft {adv} (at, near, or towards the stern) | :: akterut, akteröver |
after {adv} (behind; later in time; following) | :: efter, senare |
after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than) | :: efter |
after {prep} (behind) | :: efter, bakom |
after {prep} (in pursuit of, seeking) | :: efter |
after {prep} (in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing) | :: efter |
after {prep} (next in importance or rank) | :: efter |
after {prep} (as a result of) | :: efter |
after {prep} (in spite of) | :: efter |
after all {prep} (in the end; anyway) | :: när allt kommer omkring, trots allt |
afterbirth {n} (material expelled after childbirth) | :: efterbörd {c} |
afterglow {n} (glow in the sky after sunset) | :: aftonrodnad {c} |
afterlife {n} (life after death) | :: livet efter detta, livet efter döden |
afternoon {n} (part of the day between noon and evening) | :: eftermiddag {c} |
afterpain {n} (pain of uterine contractions experienced after childbirth) | :: eftervärk {c} |
after-party {n} (party that takes place after another party) | :: efterfest {c} |
aftershave {n} (lotion, gel or liquid) | :: rakvatten {n}, aftershave {c} |
aftershock {n} (earthquake that follows in the same vicinity as another) | :: efterskalv {n} |
aftertaste {n} (The persistence of the taste of something no longer present) | :: eftersmak |
afterward {adv} (afterwards) SEE: afterwards | :: |
afterwards {adv} (at a later or succeeding time) | :: efteråt, senare |
afterwise {adj} (giving good advice too late) | :: efterklok |
afterword {n} (appendix) SEE: appendix | :: |
afterword {n} (postscript) SEE: postscript | :: |
afterword {n} (epilogue) | :: efterord {n} |
again {adv} (another time) | :: igen, ånyo, åter, på nytt, å nyo, återigen |
again {adv} (used in a question to ask something one has forgotten) | :: igen |
again and again {adv} (repeatedly) | :: om och om igen |
against {prep} (in a contrary direction to) | :: mot |
against {prep} (in opposition to) | :: mot, emot |
against {prep} (as protection from) | :: mot |
against all odds {prep} (despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability) | :: mot alla odds |
agalloch {n} (soft, aromatic, resinous wood of Aquilaria malaccensis) SEE: agarwood | :: |
Agamemnon {prop} (Greek hero) | :: Agamemnon |
agape {n} ((Christianity): love of God for mankind; benevolent love for others) | :: agape {c} |
agarwood {n} (type of heartwood) | :: örnträ {n} |
agate {n} (mineral) | :: agat {c} |
Agatha {prop} (female given name) | :: Agda |
age {n} (century) SEE: century | :: |
age {n} (whole duration of a being) | :: livslängd {c}, livstid {c} |
age {n} (one of the stages of life) | :: ålder {c} |
age {n} (particular period of time in history) | :: tid {c}, ålder {c}, era {c} |
age {n} (great period in the history of the Earth) | :: era {c}, ålder {c}, tidsålder {c} |
age {n} (generation, see also: generation) | :: generation {c} |
age {n} (a long time) | :: åratal {n} |
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) | :: ålder {c} |
age {n} (advanced period of life; latter part of life) | :: ålderdom {c} |
age {v} (transitive: cause to grow old) | :: få någon att åldras, föråldras |
age {v} (intransitive: become old) | :: åldras |
aged care {n} (eldercare) SEE: eldercare | :: |
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity | :: |
ageful {adj} (aged, old) SEE: elderly | :: |
age group {n} (demographic grouping based on age) | :: åldersgrupp {c} |
ageism {n} (the treating of a person or people differently from others based on assumptions or stereotypes relating to their age) | :: åldersdiskriminering {c} |
age limit {n} (restriction based on age) | :: åldersgräns {c} |
agenda {n} (temporally organized plan) | :: agenda |
agenda {n} (list of matters to be taken up) | :: agenda, dagordning, föredragningslista {c} |
agent {n} (one who acts in place of another) | :: agent {c} |
agent {n} (active power or cause) | :: agent {c} |
agent {n} (computing: part of the system that performs action on behalf of a client or server) | :: agent {c} |
agent {n} (grammar: performer of the action in a sentence) | :: agent {c} |
age of consent {n} (an age at which one is legally mature enough to have sex) | :: sexuell myndighetsålder {c} |
Age of Enlightenment {prop} (period of history) | :: upplysningstid {c} |
age of majority {n} (age at which the rights and privileges of an adult are legally granted) | :: myndighetsålder {c} |
agglomeration {n} (act of collecting in a mass) | :: hopgyttring |
agglutinative {adj} (having words derived by combining parts) | :: agglutinerande |
aggregate {v} (To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum) | :: slå samman, sammanfoga |
aggregation {n} (The act of aggregating, or the state of being aggregated) | :: aggregering {c} |
aggregation {n} (collection into a mass or sum) | :: aggregering {c} |
aggregation {n} (a collection of particulars) | :: aggregering {c} |
aggregation {n} (an aggregate) | :: aggregering {c}, aggregat {n} |
aggregation {n} (summarizing multiple routes into one route) | :: aggregering {c} |
aggression {n} (act of initiating hostilities or invasion) | :: aggression |
aggressive {adj} (tending or disposed to aggress) | :: aggressiv |
aggressor {n} (the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression) | :: angripare {c} |
aghast {adj} (terrified) | :: förskräckt, bestört, häpen |
Aghori {prop} (an order of Hindu ascetics) | :: aghori |
agile {adj} (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs) | :: smidig, vig |
agility {n} (quality of being agile) | :: smidighet {c}, vighet {c} |
aging {n} (the process of becoming older or more mature) | :: åldrande {n} |
agitate {v} (to move with a violent, irregular action) | :: röra om |
agitate {v} (to move or actuate) | :: röra om |
agitate {v} (to stir up, to disturb or excite) | :: uppröra |
agitation {n} (act of agitating) | :: uppvigling {c}, hets {c} |
agitator {n} (one who agitates) | :: agitator {c} |
agitprop {n} (political propaganda) | :: agitprop |
aglet {n} (catkin) SEE: catkin | :: |
aglet {n} (cover of a shoelace) SEE: aiglet | :: |
agnate {n} (relative whose relation is traced only through male members of the family) | :: agnat {c} |
agnatic {adj} (of the male bloodline) | :: agnatisk |
Agnes {prop} (female given name) | :: Agnes |
agnosia {n} (inability to recognize objects) | :: agnosi {c} |
agnostic {n} (one who holds to a form of agnosticism.) | :: agnostiker |
agnosticism {n} (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable) | :: agnosticism |
agnus castus {n} (chaste tree) SEE: chaste tree | :: |
ago {adv} (past; gone by; since) | :: för ... sedan |
agog {adj} (in eager desire) | :: ivrig, spänd förväntan |
agog {adj} (wide open) | :: vidöppen |
agonist {n} (molecule that can combine with a receptor on a cell) | :: agonist |
agony {n} (extreme pain) | :: vånda {c} |
agony {n} (violent contest or striving) | :: kval |
agony {n} (last struggle of life) | :: dödskamp {c} |
agoraphobia {n} (fear of open spaces) | :: agorafobi {c}, torgskräck {c} |
agorism {n} (philosophy that advocates the creation of a voluntaryist society through counter-economics) | :: agorism |
agouti {n} (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs) | :: aguti |
agree {v} (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur) | :: hålla med, vara överens om |
agree {v} (to yield assent, to accede) | :: vara överens |
agree {v} (to come to terms or to a common resolve) | :: komma överens |
agree {v} (to resemble, coincide, correspond) | :: överensstämma |
agreeable {adj} (pleasing) | :: trevlig, angenäm, agreabel |
agreement {n} (understanding to follow a course of conduct) | :: avtal {n}, överenskommelse {c}, samtycke {n} |
agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view) | :: enighet {c}, överensstämmelse {c} |
agreement {n} (legally binding contract) | :: avtal {n} |
agreement {n} (grammatical agreement) | :: kongruens {c} |
agribusiness {n} (big business connected to agriculture) | :: jordbruksnäring, lantbruksnäring |
agriculture {n} (the art or science of cultivating the ground) | :: jordbruk {n} |
agrology {n} (science and art of agriculture) | :: agrologi [Finland Swedish] |
agronomic {adj} (of or pertaining to agronomy) | :: agronomisk |
agronomist {n} (scientist specialized in agronomy) | :: agronom |
agronomy {n} (science of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, feed and more) | :: agronomi |
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria | :: |
ah {interj} (an expression) | :: ah |
ah {interj} (word used for drama) | :: ack |
aha {interj} (exclamation of understanding, realization, invention, or recognition) | :: aha, jaha |
Ahab {prop} (biblical king of Israel) | :: Ahab |
aha moment {n} (instance of becoming clear) | :: aha-upplevelse {c} |
Ahasuerus {prop} (biblical king of Persia) | :: Ahasveros |
ahead of one's time {prep} (in advance of commonly accepted ideas) | :: före sin tid |
ahoy {interj} (used to hail a ship, etc) | :: ohoj!, åhoj! |
a hundred and ten percent {n} (great exertion) | :: hundratio procent {c} |
aid {v} (to support) | :: bistå |
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant | :: |
AIDS {n} (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome) | :: aids, AIDS |
aid worker {n} | :: hjälparbetare {c} |
aiglet {n} (tip on a ribbon or cord) | :: dubb {m} |
aileron {n} (Hinged part on trailing edge of airplane wing) | :: skevroder {n} |
ailurophobia {n} (irrational fear or hatred for cats) | :: ailurofobi {c} |
aim {n} (intention; purpose) | :: sikte {n} |
aim {v} (to point or direct a missile weapon) | :: sikta |
aim {v} | :: sikta |
Ainu {prop} (language) | :: ainu |
aioli {n} (A type of sauce made from garlic, egg, lemon juice and olive oil) | :: aioli {c} |
Aion {prop} (Greek god associate with time, the universe and the zodiac) | :: Aion |
air {v} (to bring into contact with the air) | :: lufta |
air {v} (to ventilate) | :: vädra |
air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements) | :: luft {c} |
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) | :: luft {c}, atmosfär {c} |
air {n} (music: a song, an aria) | :: aria {c} |
airbag {n} (protective system in automobiles) | :: krockkudde {c}, airbag {c} |
air base {n} (military airport) | :: flygbas {c} |
airbase {n} (airbase) SEE: air base | :: |
airbridge {n} (link established by air transport) | :: luftbro {c} |
air cleaner {n} (device that filters air) | :: luftrenare {c} |
air-conditioned {adj} (equipped with air-conditioning) | :: luftkonditionerad |
air conditioning {n} (an air conditioner or system of air conditioners, see also: air conditioner) | :: luftkonditionering {c} |
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) | :: hangarfartyg {n} |
aircrew {n} (team that operates an aircraft) | :: flygbesättning |
airfield {n} (place where airplanes can take off and land) | :: flygfält {n} |
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing | :: |
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) | :: flygvapen {n} |
air freshener {n} (device containing substances that neutralize unpleasant odours) | :: luftfräschare {c} |
air guitar {n} (imaginary guitar that a person pretends to play) | :: luftgitarr |
air hostess {n} (female flight attendant) SEE: stewardess | :: |
airlift {n} (the transportation of troops) | :: luftbro {c} |
airlift {n} (a flight) | :: luftbro {c} |
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) | :: flygbolag {n} flygföretag {n} |
airliner {n} (passenger aircraft) | :: passagerarflygplan {n}, passagerarplan {c} [shortening of passagerarflygplan], trafikflygplan {c} |
airlock {n} (used to provide access to and from the sealed area) | :: luftsluss {c} |
airmass {n} (a body of air with uniform characteristics) | :: luft massa |
air pistol {n} (pistol that propels a pellet) | :: luftpistol {c} |
airplane {n} (powered aircraft) | :: flygplan (occas., flygmaskin) |
airport {n} (place designated for airplanes) | :: flygplats, flygfält {n} [in Finland], lufthamn {c} |
air pressure {n} (atmospheric pressure) SEE: atmospheric pressure | :: |
air resistance {n} (friction that slows things moving through air) | :: luftmotstånd {n} |
air rifle {n} (rifle) | :: luftgevär {n} |
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible | :: |
air show {n} (a public display of stunt flying, aerobatics, and historical aircraft) | :: flyguppvisning {c} |
airspace {n} (controlled portion of atmosphere) | :: luftrum {n} |
air strike {n} (attack by aircraft) | :: flygangrepp {n}, luftangrepp {n}, flyganfall {n} |
airstrip {n} (primitive aircraft landing field) | :: landningsbana {c}, flygplats {c}, flygfält {n} |
air ticket {n} (a pass entitling the holder to travel in an aeroplane) | :: flygbiljett {c} |
airtight {adj} (impermeable to air or other gases) | :: lufttät, hermetisk |
airtime {n} (duration of transmission) | :: sändningstid |
airtime {n} (chargeable use of mobile phone usage) | :: användningstid |
air traffic {n} (movement of aircraft) | :: flygtrafik {c} |
air traffic controller {n} (operator of air traffic control system) | :: flygledare {c} |
airway {n} (windpipe) SEE: windpipe | :: |
airway {n} (trachea) SEE: trachea | :: |
aitch {n} (name of the letter H, h) | :: hå {n} |
ajar {adv} (slightly turned or opened) | :: på glänt |
ajar {adj} (slightly turned or opened) | :: på glänt |
Akaa {prop} (municipality) | :: Ackas |
Akan {prop} (Niger-Congo language) | :: akan |
Akan {prop} (language group spoken in Ghana) | :: akan |
Akhenaten {prop} (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism) | :: Akhenaton |
akimbo {adv} (with arms akimbo) | :: höfterfäst |
Akkadian {adj} (pertaining to the language) | :: akkadisk |
Akkadian {prop} (Semitic language) | :: akkadiska |
Akkadian {n} (inhabitant of the Akkad region) | :: akkadier {c} |
-al {suffix} (aldehyde) | :: -al |
Alan {prop} (male given name) | :: Allan |
Aland {prop} (archipelago) | :: Åland, Ålands skärgård |
Aland {prop} (province) | :: Åland, Landskapet Åland |
al-Andalus {prop} (Islamic Spain) | :: Al-Andalus |
Alander {n} (person) | :: ålänning {c} |
alanine {n} (nonessential amino acid; C3H7NO2) | :: alanin |
Alaric {prop} (king of Visigoths) | :: Alarik |
Alaric {prop} (male given name) | :: Alrik |
alarm {n} (mechanical contrivance for awaking) | :: väckarklocka {c} |
alarm clock {n} (type of clock) | :: väckarklocka {c}, väckare {c} |
alarmed {adj} (worried) SEE: worried | :: |
alarmed {adj} (having an alarm fitted) | :: larmad |
alas {interj} (exclamation of sorrow, etc.) | :: ack |
Alaska {prop} (US state) | :: Alaska |
Alaskan {adj} (of or pertaining to Alaska, its people or its culture) | :: alaskisk |
Alaskan {n} (someone from Alaska) | :: alaskier {c} |
Alaska pollock {n} (Gadus chalcogrammus) | :: Alaska pollock {c}, stillahavsbleka {c}, alaskasej {c}, stillahavslyra {c} |
Alavus {prop} (municipality) | :: Alavo |
Alawite {n} | :: alawit {c} |
Alban {prop} (male given name) | :: Alban |
Albania {prop} (country in south-eastern Europe) | :: Albanien |
Albanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Albania) | :: albansk |
Albanian {n} (person from Albania) | :: alban, albanska |
Albanian {prop} (language) | :: albanska |
Albanology {prop} (study of Albanian language, culture and history) | :: albanologi {c} |
albatross {n} (seabird) | :: albatross {c} |
albatross {n} (three under par) | :: albatross {c} |
albeit {conj} (despite its being; although) | :: om än |
Albert {prop} (male given name) | :: Albert |
Alberta {prop} (province) | :: Alberta |
Albin {prop} (male given name) | :: Albin |
albino {adj} (congenitally lacking melanin) | :: albino- |
albino {n} (one congenitally lacking melanin) | :: albino |
Albion {prop} (England) | :: Albion {n} |
album {n} (book for photographs, stamps, or autographs) | :: album |
album {n} (phonograph record (LP)) | :: album |
album {n} (group of audio recordings on any media) | :: album |
albumen {n} (white part of an egg) | :: äggvita {c}, vita {c} |
albuminuria {n} (the presence of albumin in the urine) | :: albuminuri {c} |
alburn {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak | :: |
alchemical {adj} (pertaining to alchemy) | :: alkemisk |
alchemist {n} (one who practices alchemy) | :: alkemist {c} |
alchemy {n} (ancient chemistry) | :: alkemi {c} |
alcid {n} (seabird of the family Alcidae - an alcid) | :: alkfågel {c} |
alcohol {n} (organic chemistry sense) | :: alkohol {c} |
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) | :: alkohol {c}, sprit {c} |
alcohol abuse {n} (abuse caused by excessive drinking of alcohol) | :: alkoholmissbruk {n} |
alcohol-free {adj} (containing no alcohol) | :: alkoholfri |
alcoholic {n} (a person addicted to alcohol) | :: alkoholist {c}, [colloquial] alkis {c}, [colloquial] fyllo {n}, [colloquial] suput {c}, fyllerist {c}, [archaic] drinkare {c} |
alcoholic {n} (one who abuses alcohol) | :: alkoholist {c} |
alcoholic {adj} (of or pertaining to alcohol) | :: alkohol- |
alcoholic {adj} (having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents) | :: alkoholhaltig |
alcoholism {n} (chronic disease) | :: alkoholism {c} |
alcoholism {n} (acute alcohol poisoning) | :: alkoholförgiftning {c} |
alcopop {n} (type of alcoholic drink) | :: alkoläsk {c} |
alcove {n} (small recessed area) | :: alkov |
Aldebaran {prop} (star) | :: Aldebaran |
aldehyde {n} (organic compound of the general formula R·CHO) | :: aldehyd {c} |
al dente {adj} (firm) | :: al dente |
alder {n} (any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus) | :: al {c} |
aldohexose {n} (any hexose containing an aldehyde group) | :: aldohexos |
aldosterone {n} (aldosterone) | :: aldosteron |
ale {n} (beer produced by warm fermentation) | :: ale |
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander | :: |
Alekhine's Defence {n} (chess opening) | :: Aljechins försvar {n} |
Alemannic {prop} (High German language or dialect group) | :: alemanniska {c} |
a leopard cannot change its spots {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) | :: ränderna går aldrig ur (the stripes never go out) |
alert {adj} (attentive) | :: alert, vaken |
alert {n} (an alarm) | :: larm {n} |
Aleut {adj} (of the Aleutian Islands) | :: aleutisk, aleut- |
Aleut {n} (native of the Aleutian Islands) | :: aleut {m}, aleutiska {f} |
Aleut {prop} (language of the Aleutian Islands) | :: aleutiska {c} |
Aleutian Islands {prop} (archipelago) | :: Aleuterna {p} |
alewife {n} (Alosa pseudoharengus) | :: gumsill {c} |
Alexander {prop} (male given name) | :: Alexander {?} |
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia) | :: Alexander den store |
Alexandra {prop} (female given name) | :: Alexandra |
Alexandria {prop} (city in Egypt) | :: Alexandria |
Alexandrian {adj} (of or pertaining to Alexandria) | :: alexandrinsk |
Alexandroupoli {prop} (city) | :: Alexandroupolis, Alexandroupoli |
alfa {n} (the letter "A" in the ICAO spelling alphabet) | :: Adam |
alfalfa {n} (Medicago sativa) | :: blålusern {c} |
Alfonso {prop} (male given name) | :: Alfons |
Alfred {prop} (Male given name) | :: Alfred |
alga {n} (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) | :: alg {c} |
algal bloom {n} (dense spread of algae) | :: algblomning {c}, vattenblomning {c} |
Algarve {prop} (Southernmost region of Portugal) | :: Algarve |
algebra {n} (system for computation) | :: algebra {c} |
algebraic {adj} (relating to algebra) | :: algebraisk |
algebraic {adj} (containing numbers, letters, and arithmetic operators) | :: algebraisk |
algebraically closed {adj} (that contains among its elements every root of every nonconstant single-variable polynomial definable over it) | :: algebraiskt sluten |
algebraic function {n} (function definable as the root of some polynomial equation) | :: algebraisk funktion {c} |
algebraic geometry {n} (branch of mathematics that studies solutions of systems of algebraic equations using both algebra and geometry) | :: algebraisk geometri {c} |
algebraic integer {n} (algebraic number whose minimal polynomial has integer coefficients) | :: algebraiskt heltal {n} |
algebraic number {n} (element of a number field that is a root of a polynomial with integer coefficients) | :: algebraiskt tal {n} |
algebraic structure {n} (sets with operations) | :: algebraisk struktur {c} |
algebraist {n} (mathematician) | :: algebraiker {c} |
Algeria {prop} (country) | :: Algeriet |
Algerian {n} (person from Algeria) | :: algerier {m}, algeriska {f} |
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) | :: algerisk |
Algherese {prop} (Catalan dialect spoken in Alghero) | :: algheres {c} |
algid {adj} (cold, chilly) | :: kall, kylig |
Algiers {prop} (the capital of Algeria) | :: Alger |
Algonquian {adj} (relating to a group of North American languages) | :: algonkinsk |
algophobia {n} (fear of pain) | :: algofobi {c} |
algorithm {n} (well-defined procedure) | :: algoritm |
algorithmic {adj} (relating to an algorithm) | :: algoritmisk |
alias {n} (another name; an assumed name) | :: alias, pseudonym {c}, öknamn {n}, tillnamn {n} |
alibi {n} (criminal legal defense) | :: alibi |
Alice {prop} (female given name) | :: Alice |
alien {n} (person, etc. from outside) | :: främling {?} |
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) | :: utomjording {?} (utomjordling {?}) |
alien {adj} (not belonging to the same country) | :: främmande |
alienist {n} (psychiatrist) SEE: psychiatrist | :: |
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist | :: |
alignment {n} (arrangement of items in a line) | :: inpassning |
alignment {n} (process of adjusting a mechanism such that its parts are aligned) | :: inpassning |
aligot {n} (a potato and cheese dish from Auvergne) | :: aligot {c} |
alike {adj} (having resemblance; similar) | :: likadan, lika, liknande |
alimony {n} (a court-enforced allowance) | :: underhåll |
aliphatic {adj} (organic chemistry: having carbon atoms arranged in an open chain) | :: alifatisk |
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) | :: lite, lite grann/lite grand, en smula, litet, litegrann |
a little bird told me {phrase} (idiomatic) | :: en liten fågel kvittrade i mitt öra |
alive {adj} (having life) | :: levande |
Al Jazeera {prop} (Arabic satellite TV news channel) | :: Al-Jazira |
alkali {n} (class of caustic bases) | :: alkali {c}, alkalie {c} |
alkali metal {n} (soft, light, reactive metals of Group 1 of the periodic table) | :: alkalimetall {c} |
alkaline {adj} (of or relating to an alkali) | :: alkalisk |
alkaline {adj} (having a pH greater than 7) | :: alkalisk, basisk |
alkaline earth metal {n} (any element of group II of the periodic table) | :: alkalisk jordartsmetall {c} |
alkalinity {n} (state of being alkaline) | :: alkalinitet {c} |
alkane {n} (acyclic saturated hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n+2) | :: alkan {c} |
alkene {n} (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon–carbon double bonds) | :: alken {c} |
alkyl {n} (univalent radical of the general formula CnH2n+1) | :: alkyl {c} |
alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond) | :: alkyn |
all {determiner} (every individual of the given class) | :: alla {p}, all (uncountable common), allt (uncountable neuter) |
all {determiner} (throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)) | :: hel |
all {adv} (intensifier) | :: helt, fullständigt |
all {n} (everything possible) | :: allt |
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone | :: |
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything | :: |
all- {prefix} (to indicate complete power or authority in an area) | :: all- |
Allah {prop} (God, in Islam) | :: Allah |
all along {adv} (duration) | :: hela tiden |
all and sundry {pron} (all; everyone) | :: alla och envar |
all and sundry {pron} (each one) | :: var och en |
allative case {n} (case used to indicate movement onto, or to the adjacency of something) | :: allativ |
all bark and no bite {adj} (full of big talk) | :: stor i orden men liten på jorden |
all but {adv} (very nearly) | :: praktiskt taget, nära på, snudd på |
all cats are gray at night {proverb} (all cats are grey in the dark) SEE: all cats are grey in the dark | :: |
all cats are grey in the dark {proverb} (proverb) | :: i mörkret är alla katter grå |
all ears {adj} (listening intensely) | :: idel öra |
all ears {adj} (awaiting explanation) | :: idel öra |
allegate {v} (allege) SEE: allege | :: |
allegation {n} (an assertion or accusation) | :: anklagelse |
allege {v} (assert without proof) | :: påstå |
alleged {adj} (asserted) | :: påstådd |
allegedly {adv} (according to someone's allegation) | :: försäkrat, påstått, åberopat |
allegement {n} (allegation) SEE: allegation | :: |
allegiance {n} (loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler) | :: lojalitet, trohet {c} |
allegoric {adj} (of, or relating to allegory) | :: allegorisk |
allegorical {adj} (of, relating to, or containing allegory) | :: allegorisk |
allegory {n} (the representation of abstract principles) | :: allegori, sinnebild {c} |
allegory {n} (communication using such representation) | :: allegori |
allegory {n} (symbolic representation) | :: allegori |
allegretto {adv} (musical direction) | :: allegretto |
allegretto {n} (a movement that is to be played fast and lively) | :: allegretto {n} |
allele {n} (variant of a gene) | :: allel {c} |
allelomorph {n} (allele) SEE: allele | :: |
alleluia {n} (liturgical form of hallelujah) | :: halleluja |
allemande {n} (instrumental dance form) | :: allemande {c} |
all-encompassing {adj} (including everything) | :: allomfattande |
Allen key {n} (a hex head wrench) | :: insexnyckel {c} |
Allen wrench {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key | :: |
allergen {n} (substance) | :: allergen {c} |
allergic {adj} (pertaining to allergy) | :: allergisk |
allergic {adj} (having an allergy) | :: allergisk |
allergic {adj} (excessively sensitive) | :: allergisk |
allergy {n} (disorder of the immune system) | :: allergi {c} |
allergy {n} (altered susceptibility) | :: allergi {c} |
allergy {n} (antipathy) | :: allergi {c} |
allergy {n} | :: allergi {c}, överkänslighet {c} |
alleviate {v} (make less severe) | :: lindra, mildra, avhjälpa |
alley {n} (narrow street) | :: gränd {c} |
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley | :: |
All Fools' Day {n} (April Fools' Day) SEE: April Fools' Day | :: |
All Hallows' Day {prop} (All Saints' Day) SEE: All Saints' Day | :: |
allheal {n} (Stachys) SEE: woundwort | :: |
alliance {n} (state of being allied) | :: allians |
alliance {n} (treaty between nations) | :: allians {c} |
allicin {n} (organic compound) | :: allicin |
allied {adj} (joined as allies) | :: allierad, förbunden |
alligator {n} (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) | :: alligator {c} |
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado | :: |
all-inclusive {adj} (providing all amenities, benefits or perquisites in a single package) | :: inklusive allt, all inclusive, helpension |
allis shad {n} (Alosa alosa) | :: majfisk {c} |
alliterate {v} (to exhibit alliteration) | :: allitterera |
alliteration {n} (the repetition of consonants) | :: allitteration |
all kidding aside {adv} (idiom, speech act) | :: skämt åsido |
allocate {v} (to set aside for a purpose) | :: avsätta |
allocation {n} (The process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources.) | :: anslag, fördelning, tilldelning |
all of a sudden {adv} (colloquial: suddenly, see also: suddenly) | :: plötsligt |
all of the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden | :: |
allometry {n} (the science studying the differential growth rates of body parts or processes) | :: allometri {c} |
allomorph {n} (phonological representation of a morpheme) | :: allomorf {c} |
all one's eggs in one basket {n} (the state of having invested in one area only) | :: alla ägg i samma korg, allt på ett kort |
allopathy {n} (historical: alternative medicine) | :: allopati |
allophone {n} (alternative pronunciation for a phoneme) | :: allofon {c} |
allot {v} (to distribute) | :: lotta |
allot {v} (to assign) | :: fördela, tilldela |
allotropic {adj} (of an element that exhibits allotropy) | :: allotropisk |
allotropical {adj} (allotropic) SEE: allotropic | :: |
all over {prep} (everywhere; covering completely) | :: över hela |
all over the place {prep} (In multiple directions or locations, often haphazardly; everywhere.) | :: hej vilt [direction, colloquial], överallt [location] |
allow {v} (to permit) | :: tillåta |
allowance {n} (the act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance) | :: tillåtelse |
allowance {n} (a child's allowance; pocket money) SEE: pocket money | :: |
alloy {n} (metal combined of more elements) | :: legering {c} |
alloy {v} (mix or combine) | :: legera |
all right {adj} (good) | :: okej, duglig, skaplig |
all right {adj} (in good health) | :: okej, oskadd |
all right {adv} (fairly well) | :: väl, okej, skapligt |
all right {interj} (Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent ) | :: okej |
all right {interj} (Used to indicate support, favor or encouragement ) | :: okej |
all right {interj} (Used to fill space or pauses ) | :: okej |
all right {interj} (Used as a general lead-in or beginning ) | :: okej |
all right {interj} (a greeting, roughly equivalent to how are you ) | :: läget |
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) | :: med ensamrätt, eftertryck förbjudes, alla rättigheter hävdas |
all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths can take to the same goal) | :: alla vägar bär till Rom |
All Saints Day {prop} (All Saints Day) SEE: All Saints' Day | :: |
All Saints' Day {prop} (feast day) | :: allhelgonadagen {c} |
all's fair in love and war {proverb} (unpleasant behavior is acceptable during love and conflict) | :: i krig och kärlek är allt tillåtet |
All Souls' Day {prop} (Christian feast day) | :: alla själars dag {c} |
allspice {n} (spice) | :: kryddpeppar {c} |
allspice {n} (tree) | :: kryddpepparträd {n} |
all's well that ends well {proverb} (A happy ending makes up for everything that has gone before...) | :: slutet gott, allting gott |
all talk and no action {n} (idiom) | :: Mycket snack och lite verkstad. |
all that glitters is not gold {proverb} (things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so) | :: allt är inte guld som glimmar |
all the same {adv} (anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless) | :: ändå, trots allt, i alla fall |
all the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden | :: |
all the time {adv} (always) | :: hela tiden, ständigt, jämt |
all the time {adv} (frequently) | :: hela tiden, jämt |
all things come to those who wait {proverb} (good things come to those who wait) SEE: good things come to those who wait | :: |
all things considered {adv} (generally speaking, all in all) | :: i det stora hela |
all thumbs {adj} (clumsy (idiom)) | :: ha tummen mitt i handen (have the thumb in the middle of the hand) |
all told {adv} (with all included, counted or summed) | :: allt som allt |
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too | :: |
allude {v} (refer to something indirectly or by suggestion) | :: anspela |
allure {v} (to attempt to draw) | :: locka |
allusion {n} (indirect reference, hint) | :: allusion {c}, anspelning {c} |
alluvial {adj} (pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream) | :: alluvial |
alluvial {n} (deposition of sediment) SEE: alluvium | :: |
alluvial plain {n} (plain formed by deposition of sediment of a river) | :: alluvial slätt {c}, alluvialplatå {c} |
alluvium {n} (deposited material) | :: alluvialavlagring {c}, alluvium {n} |
all-weather tire {n} (type of tire) | :: allvädersdäck {n} |
all-weather tyre {n} (type of tyre) SEE: all-weather tire | :: |
ally {v} (to unite by agreement) | :: alliera |
ally {v} (to form a relation on less formal basis) | :: alliera |
ally {n} (one united to another by treaty or league) | :: allierad, bundsförvant {c} |
ally {n} (anything associated with another as a helper) | :: allierad |
Alma {prop} (female given name) | :: Alma |
almanac {n} (book or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year) | :: almanacka {c} |
Almaty {prop} (city) | :: Almaty |
almighty {adj} (unlimited in might) | :: allsmäktig, omnipotent |
almond {n} (nut) | :: mandel {c} |
almond {n} (tree) | :: mandelträd {n} |
almond {adj} (resembling the colour of an almond nut) | :: mandelfärgad |
almond milk {n} (milky liquid from almonds) | :: mandelmjölk {c} |
almond paste {n} (paste made from ground almonds and sugar in equal quantities) | :: mandelmassa {c} |
almost {adv} (very close to) | :: nästan, närapå |
almost doesn't count {proverb} (near success (or correctness) is not deemed success (or correctness)) SEE: close, but no cigar | :: |
almost everywhere {adv} (everywhere except at a set of measure zero) | :: nästan överallt |
alms {n} (something given to the poor as charity) | :: allmosa {c} |
almshouse {n} | :: fattigstuga {c} |
aloe {n} (plant of the genus Aloe) | :: aloe {c} |
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
alone {adj} (by oneself) | :: ensam |
alone {adj} (unique) | :: allena |
alone {adv} (by oneself) | :: ensam, [dated] allena |
alone {adv} (without outside help) | :: själv |
alone {adv} (only) | :: bara, enbart, endast |
along {prep} (by the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to) | :: längs |
along {prep} (in a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on) | :: längs |
along {adv} (in company, together) | :: med |
alongside {adv} (along the side; by the side; side by side with) | :: längsmed, längs |
aloof {adj} (reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant) | :: reserverad |
alopecia {n} (baldness) SEE: baldness | :: |
a lot {pron} (a large amount) | :: mycket [uncountable], många [countable], en hel del [either] |
a lot {adv} (very much) | :: mycket, en hel del |
a lot {adv} (often) | :: ofta |
aloud {adv} (loudly) | :: ljudligt, högljutt |
aloud {adv} (audibly, not silent) | :: högt |
alp {n} (very high mountain) | :: alp {c} |
alpaca {n} (camelid animal of the Andes) | :: alpacka {c} |
alpenglow {n} (a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains) | :: alpglöd {c} |
alpha {n} (name of the letter Α, α) | :: alfa |
alpha and omega {n} (the first and the last) | :: a och o |
alphabet {n} (an ordered set of letters used in a language) | :: ABC {n}, alfabet {n} |
alphabetic {adj} (alphabetical) SEE: alphabetical | :: |
alphabetical {adj} (pertaining to the alphabet) | :: alfabetisk |
alphabetical {adj} (in the sequence of the letters of the alphabet) | :: alfabetisk |
alphabetically {adv} (in an alphabetical manner) | :: alfabetiskt |
alphabetically {adv} (arranged in the sequence of the alphabet) | :: alfabetiskt, i bokstavsordning |
alphabetical order {n} (the sequence of a collection of items) | :: alfabetisk ordning {c}, bokstavsordning {c} |
alphabetisation {n} (act of arranging in alphabetical order) | :: alfabetisering |
alphabetize {v} (to arrange alphabetically) | :: alfabetisera |
Alpha Centauri {prop} (brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus) | :: Alfa Centauri |
alpha female {n} (dominant female animal) | :: alfahona {c} |
alpha male {n} (dominant male animal) | :: alfahanne {c} |
alphanumeric {adj} (consisting of letters and numbers) | :: alfanumerisk |
alphanumerical {adj} (alphanumeric) SEE: alphanumeric | :: |
alpha radiation {n} (radiation of alpha particles) | :: alfastrålning {c} |
alphorn {n} (musical instrument) | :: alphorn {n} |
alpine {adj} (of or relating to slalom or downhill skiing) | :: alpin |
Alpine {adj} (Relating to the Alps) | :: alpin |
alpine bullhead {n} (Cottus poecilopus) | :: bergsimpa {c} |
alpine chough {n} (Pyrrhocorax graculus) | :: alpkaja {c} |
alpine skiing {n} (sport) | :: alpin skidåkning {c}, utförsåkning {c}, alpint |
alpinist {n} (mountain climber) SEE: mountaineer | :: |
Alps {prop} (a mountain range in Western Europe) | :: Alperna |
al-Qaeda {prop} (The global network of militant Islamic extremists.) | :: al-Qaida |
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem | :: |
already {adv} (prior to some time) | :: redan, allaredan |
Alsace {prop} (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) | :: Elsass {n}, Alsace {n} |
also {adv} (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) | :: också |
also known as {adv} (used to introduce an alternative name) | :: även känd som [not abbreviated], alias |
Altair {prop} (star) | :: Altair |
altar {n} (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) | :: altare {n} |
altar boy {n} (A boy serving as an acolyte) | :: korgosse {c} |
altarpiece {n} (work of art suspended above and behind an altar) | :: altartavla {c} |
alter {v} (to change the form or structure of) | :: modifiera, förändra, ändra |
altercation {n} (dispute) | :: gräl {n}, ordväxling {c} |
alter ego {n} (alternate personality or persona) | :: alter ego {n} |
alternate {adj} (being or succeeding by turns) | :: växlande, omväxlande, alternerande |
alternate {adj} (mathematics: designating the members in a series) | :: varannan (=every second; every other) |
alternate {adj} (other; alternative) | :: alternativ |
alternate {n} (substitute) | :: vikarie {c} (replacing as a workman), ersättare {c} (replacing as a member of a committee, board, etc.) |
alternate {v} (to perform by turns) | :: växla, alternera |
alternate {v} (to happen, succeed, or act by turns) | :: växla, följa (på varandra, i tur) |
alternate {v} (to vary by turns) | :: växla |
alternating current {n} (electric current that reverses direction periodically) | :: växelström {c} |
alternating function {n} (mathematics) | :: antisymmentrisk funktion {c} |
alternation {n} (ablaut) SEE: ablaut | :: |
alternation {n} (inclusive or) SEE: inclusive or | :: |
alternative {adj} (relating to a choice) | :: alternativ |
alternative {adj} (other) | :: alternativ |
alternative {n} (a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities) | :: alternativ {n} |
alternative {n} (one of several things which can be chosen) | :: alternativ {n} |
alternative dispute resolution {n} (resolution of a dispute through negotiation or similar means) | :: alternativ konfliktlösning |
alternative fact {n} (politically expedient assertion) | :: alternativ fakta |
alternatively {adv} (in an alternative way) | :: alternativt |
although {conj} (in spite of the fact that) | :: fastän, trots att, ehuru |
although {conj} (but) | :: men |
altimeter {n} (an apparatus for measuring altitude) | :: höjdmätare {c} |
altitude {n} (absolute height) | :: altitud {c}, höjd {c} |
altitude {n} (distance measured upwards) | :: höjd {c}, altitud {c} |
altitude {n} (distance measured perpendicularly from a figure's vertex to the opposite side of the vertex) | :: höjd {c} |
alto {n} (musical part) | :: alt {c} |
alto {n} (person or instrument) | :: alt {c} |
alto clef {n} (Musical notation) | :: altklav {c} |
altophobia {n} (acrophobia) SEE: acrophobia | :: |
altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests) | :: altruism {c} |
altruist {n} (person imbued with altruism) | :: altruist {c} |
altruistic {adj} (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) | :: altruistisk |
alum {n} (chemistry: double sulfate) | :: alun {c} |
aluminic acid {n} (Al(OH)3) SEE: aluminium hydroxide | :: |
aluminise {v} (to coat) | :: aluminera |
aluminium {n} (silvery metal) | :: aluminium {n} |
aluminium foil {n} (very thin, pliable, eaily torn sheet of aluminium) | :: aluminiumfolie {c} |
aluminium hydroxide {n} (the compound aluminium hydroxide: Al(OH)3) | :: aluminiumhydroxid {c} |
aluminium paper {n} (aluminium foil) SEE: aluminium foil | :: |
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium | :: |
alumnus {n} (a student) | :: student {c}, studenter {p} |
alumnus {n} (a graduate) | :: alumn {c}, alumner {c-p} |
alveolar {adj} (formed with the tongue touching or approaching the ridge behind the upper teeth) | :: alveolar |
alveolar {n} (an alveolar consonant) | :: alveolar {c} |
alveolar ridge {n} (ridge that forms the borders of the maxilla and the mandible) | :: tandvall {c} |
alveolus {n} (small air sac in the lungs) | :: alveol {c}, lungblåsa {c} |
Alvin {prop} (male given name meaning "elf friend") | :: Alvin |
Alvina {prop} (female given name) | :: Alvina |
always {adv} (at all times) | :: alltid |
always {adv} (constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals) | :: alltid |
Alzheimer's disease {n} (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) | :: Alzheimers sjukdom {?} |
a.m. {adv} (before noon) | :: fm |
A major {n} (major key) | :: A-dur |
amalgam {n} (alloy) | :: amalgam {n} |
amalgamate {v} (to combine or blend) | :: fusionera |
Amanda {prop} (female given name) | :: Amanda |
amanita {n} (mushroom of the genus Amanita) | :: flugsvamp {c} |
amaryllis {n} (Amaryllis belladonna) | :: amaryllis {c} |
amateur {n} (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally) | :: amatör {c} |
amateur {n} (someone unqualified) | :: amatör {c} |
amateur {n} | :: icke-professionell |
amateurish {adj} (reflecting the efforts of an amateur) | :: amatörmässig, dilettantisk |
amateur radio {n} (hobby) | :: amatörradio {c} |
amazement {n} (the condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear) | :: förundran {c} |
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good | :: |
amazing {adj} (causing wonder and amazement) | :: häpnadsväckande |
amazon {n} (tall, strong, athletic woman) | :: amason {c} |
Amazon {n} (Mythological female warrior) | :: amason {c} |
Amazon {prop} (river) | :: Amazonfloden |
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba | :: |
ambages {n} (indirect or roundabout ways of talking) SEE: circumlocution | :: |
ambassador {n} (minister) | :: ambassadör {c} |
ambassador {n} (representative) | :: ambassadör {c} |
amber {n} (fossil resin) | :: bärnsten {c} |
amber {n} (traffic light colour) | :: gul |
amber {adj} (of a brownish yellow colour) | :: bärnstensfärgad |
amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris | :: |
ambergris {n} (waxy substance produced by sperm whales) | :: ambra |
ambiance {n} (particular mood or atmosphere of an environment) | :: atmosfär {c}, stämning {c}, känsla {c} |
ambidextrous {adj} (having equal ability in both hands) | :: ambidexter, ömsehänt, tvehänt, bådhänt, ömsehändig, tvehändig, bådhändig, fintlig, sinnrik, händig |
ambient {adj} (encompassing on all sides) | :: omgivande |
ambient {n} (Something that surrounds) | :: omgivande |
ambigram {n} (design that reads as the same word or phrase in two different orientations) | :: ambigram |
ambiguous {adj} (open to multiple interpretations) | :: tvetydig, dubbeltydig, (osäker) |
ambiguous {adj} (vague and unclear) | :: vag, dunkel, svävande |
ambition {n} (desire) | :: ambition {c} |
ambition {n} | :: ambition {c} |
ambitious {adj} (possessing, or controlled by, ambition) | :: ambitiös, högtflygande |
ambitious {adj} | :: ambitiös |
ambivalence {n} (coexistence of opposing attitudes) | :: ambivalens {c} |
ambivalent {adj} (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings) | :: ambivalent, kluven |
ambrosia {n} (food of gods or delicious foods) | :: ambrosia |
ambulance {n} (emergency vehicle) | :: ambulans {c} |
ambuscade {n} (ambush) | :: försåt |
ambush {n} | :: bakhåll {n} ; bakhåll {n} |
ambush {v} (to station in ambush with a view to surprise an enemy) | :: ligga i bakhåll |
Amelia {prop} (female given name) | :: Amalia |
ameliorate {v} (to make better) | :: förbättra |
amelioration {n} (act of making better) | :: förbättring |
amelioration {n} (improvement) | :: förbättring |
amen {adv} (so be it) | :: amen |
amen {adv} | :: amen |
amend {v} (to make a formal alteration) | :: korrigera, redigera, ändra |
amendment {n} (that which is added) | :: tillägg |
amenity {n} (something that makes life easier or more pleasant) | :: bekvämlighet {c} |
amenity {n} | :: behaglighet, bekvämlighet |
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience | :: |
amenorrhoea {n} (lack of a menstrual period) | :: amenorré |
amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish | :: |
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine | :: |
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America | :: |
America {prop} (Americas) SEE: Americas | :: |
American {n} (inhabitant of the Americas) | :: amerikan {c}, amerikanare {c} |
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.) | :: amerikan {c}, amerikanare {c} |
American {prop} (American English, see also: American English) | :: amerikanska {c}, amerikansk engelska {c} |
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas) | :: amerikansk |
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) | :: amerikansk |
American badger {n} (Taxidea taxus) | :: nordamerikansk grävling {c} |
American bison {n} (mammal) | :: amerikansk bison, bison, bisonoxe {c} |
American bittern {n} (Botaurus lentiginosus) | :: amerikansk rördrom {c} |
American black vulture {n} (black vulture) SEE: black vulture | :: |
American brook char {n} (Salvelinus fontinalis) SEE: brook trout | :: |
American cliff swallow {n} (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) | :: stensvala {c} |
American cocker spaniel {n} (breed of sporting dog) | :: Amerikansk cockerspaniel {c} |
American eagle {n} (bald eagle) SEE: bald eagle | :: |
American English {prop} (English of the United States) | :: amerikansk engelska |
American football {n} (American football) | :: amerikansk fotboll {c} |
American ginseng {n} (Panax quinquefolius) | :: amerikansk ginseng {c} |
American golden plover {n} (Pluvialis dominic) | :: amerikansk tundrapipare {c} |
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian | :: |
Americanism {n} (linguistic feature) | :: amerikanism {c} |
Americanism {n} (preference) | :: amerikanism {c} |
Americanize {v} (to make American) | :: amerikanisera |
American pokeweed {n} (pokeweed) SEE: pokeweed | :: |
American Samoa {prop} (US overseas territory in Oceania) | :: Amerikanska Samoa |
American wigeon {n} (Anas americana) | :: amerikansk bläsand {c} |
American woodcock {n} (Scolopax minor) | :: amerikansk morkulla {c} |
Americas {prop} (North and South America) | :: Amerika |
americium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 95) | :: americium {n} |
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian | :: |
amethyst {n} (gem) | :: ametist {c} |
Amharic {prop} (language) | :: amhariska |
amiable {adj} (friendly as an amiable temper or mood) | :: vänlig, mild, varsam |
amiable {adj} (possessing sweetness of disposition) | :: vänlig, älskvärd, god, snäll, rar, ljuv, näpen, ödmjuk |
amiably {adv} (in an amiable manner) | :: vänligt |
amicable number {n} (number theory) | :: vänskapliga tal |
amice {n} (hood, or cape with a hood, formerly worn by the clergy) | :: halslin {n} |
amidst {prep} (in the midst or middle of; surrounded or encompassed by; among) | :: mitt i, under |
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend | :: |
amino acid {n} (any organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid) | :: aminosyra {c} |
amino acid {n} (any of the twenty α-amino acids) | :: aminosyra {c} |
A minor {n} (minor key) | :: a-moll |
Amish {prop} (a strict Anabaptist sect) | :: amishfolket {n} |
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong | :: |
a miss is as good as a mile {proverb} (failure remains a failure) SEE: close, but no cigar | :: |
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little | :: |
Amman {prop} (the capital of Jordan) | :: Amman |
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) | :: amperemeter {c} |
ammonia {n} (the compound NH3) | :: ammoniak {c} |
ammonium chloride {n} (NH4Cl) | :: ammoniumklorid, salmiak |
ammunition {n} (articles used in charging firearms) | :: ammunition |
amnesia {n} (loss of memory) | :: amnesi {c} |
amnesia {n} (forgetfulness) SEE: forgetfulness | :: |
amnesty {n} (act of the sovereign power) | :: amnesti |
amniotic sac {n} (sac in which foetus develops, see also: amnion) | :: fosterhinna |
amoeba {n} (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) | :: amöba {c} |
amok {adv} (in a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree; berserk) | :: amok |
among {prep} (mingling or intermixing) | :: bland |
among other things {adv} (inter alia) SEE: inter alia | :: |
amongst {prep} (Used to denote a mingling or intermixing) | :: bland, ibland |
amoral {adj} (of acts) | :: amoralisk |
amoral {adj} (of people) | :: amoralisk |
amorousness {n} (the state or quality of being amorous) | :: förälskelse {c} |
amorphous {adj} (lacking a definite form or clear shape) | :: amorf, formlös |
amorphous {adj} (being without definite character or nature) | :: amorf |
amorphous {adj} (lacking organization or unity) | :: amorf, ostrukturerad |
amorphous {adj} (physics: in the non-crystalline state of solid) | :: amorf, icke-kristallin |
amortization {n} (process of distributing asset cost) | :: avskrivning {c} |
amortize {v} (decrease (debt) in installments) | :: amortera |
Amos {prop} (figure mentioned in the Old Testament) | :: Amos {m} |
Amos {prop} (book of the Old Testament) | :: Amos {m} |
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number | :: |
amount {n} (total or sum of items) | :: mängd {c} |
amount {n} (quantity or volume) | :: mängd {c} |
amount {n} | :: antal {n}, mängd {c}, kvantitet {c} |
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current | :: |
ampere {n} (unit of electrical current) | :: ampere {?} |
ampersand {n} (the symbol &) | :: och-tecken {n} (also et-tecken {n}), ampersand {c} |
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
amphetamine {n} (amphetamine) | :: amfetamin {n} |
amphi- {prefix} (both) | :: amfi- |
amphibian {n} (vertebrate) | :: amfibie |
amphictyony {n} (religious cooperation among ancient Greek city-states) | :: amfiktyoni |
amphitheatre {n} (an open, outdoor theatre) | :: amfiteater {c} |
amphora {n} (type of jar) | :: amfora |
ample {adj} (fully sufficient; abundant) | :: tillräcklig, fullödig |
ample {adj} (not contracted or brief; not concise) | :: fyllig |
amplitude {n} (magnitude) | :: amplitud {c}, magnitud {c} |
amplitude {n} (maths: maximum absolute value) | :: amplitud {c} |
amplitude {n} (physics: maximum absolute value) | :: amplitud {c} |
amplitude modulation {n} (method of sending information) | :: amplitudmodulering {c} |
ampoule {n} (small glass vial hermetically sealed) | :: ampull {c} |
amputate {v} (To surgically remove a body part) | :: amputera |
amputation {n} (surgical removal of a limb) | :: amputation |
Amsterdam {prop} (capital of the Netherlands) | :: Amsterdam |
amulet {n} (protective charm) | :: amulett {c} |
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) | :: Amur |
amurca {n} (sediment in olive oil) | :: grönsaksvatten {n} |
Amur falcon {n} (Falco amurensis) | :: amurfalk {c} |
amused {adj} (pleasurably entertained) | :: road |
amusement park {n} (commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions) | :: nöjesfält {n}, nöjespark {c}, tivoli {n} |
amusing {adj} (entertaining) | :: underhållande |
amygdala {n} (region of the brain) | :: mandelkärna {c}, amygdala {c} |
amylase {n} (enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch) | :: amylas {c} |
amyl nitrite {n} (organic compound) | :: amylnitrit |
amylopectin {n} (insoluble form of starch) | :: amylopektin |
amylose {n} (soluble form of starch) | :: amylos {?} |
amylum {n} (amylum) SEE: starch | :: |
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis {n} (disease) | :: amyotrofisk lateralskleros {c} |
-an {suffix} (of or pertaining to) | :: -sk, -isk, |
an {article} (indefinite article) | :: en, ett |
anabolic steroid {n} (class of steroid) | :: anabol steroid {c} (often referred to in plural: “anabola steroider”) |
anabolism {n} (the constructive metabolism of the body) | :: anabolism |
anachronism {n} (chronological mistake) | :: anakronism {c} |
anachronistic {adj} | :: otidsenlig, anakronistisk |
anaconda {n} (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes) | :: anakonda {c} |
anacrusis {n} ((music) an unstressed note (or notes) before the first strong beat of a phrase) | :: upptakt {c} |
anaesthesia {n} (anesthesia) SEE: anesthesia | :: |
anagram {n} (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) | :: anagram |
anal cleft {n} (groove between buttocks) SEE: gluteal cleft | :: |
analemma {n} (curve of the Sun's position in the sky throughout the year) | :: analemma {c} [when referring to our Sun, the determined singular tense "analemman" is used.] |
anal fin {n} (fin on the underside of a fish) | :: analfena {c} |
analgesic {n} (medicine that reduces pain) | :: analgetika {c} |
analog {adj} (represented by a continuously variable physical quantity) | :: analog |
analog {n} (something that bears an analogy) | :: motsvarighet {c} |
analogous {adj} (having analogy; corresponding to something else) | :: analog |
analogue {n} (analog) SEE: analog | :: |
analogy {n} (relationship of resemblance or equivalence) | :: analogi {c} |
analphabet {n} (person who does not know the letters of the alphabet, see also: illiterate) | :: analfabet {c} |
analphabetism {n} (analphabetism) | :: analfabetism {c} |
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) | :: analsex |
anal sphincter {n} (sphincter surrounding the anus) | :: analsfinkter {c} |
analysis {n} (decomposition into components in order to study) | :: analys {c} |
analysis {n} (in mathematics) | :: analys {c} |
analysis {n} (chemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process) | :: analys {c} |
analysis {n} (psychoanalysis) SEE: psychoanalysis | :: |
analyst {n} (person who analyses) | :: analytiker {c} |
analytic {adj} (relating to analysis) | :: analytisk, compounds with analys |
analytic {adj} (relating to division into elements or principles) | :: analytisk |
analytic {adj} (able to analyze) | :: analytisk |
analytic {adj} (defined in terms of differential calculus) | :: analytisk |
analytical {adj} (analytic) SEE: analytic | :: |
analytic continuation {n} (practice of extending such functions) | :: analytisk fortsättning {c} |
analytic continuation {n} (extension of an analytic function) | :: analytisk fortsättning {c} |
analytic function {n} (mathematical function) | :: analytisk funktion {c} |
analytic geometry {n} (subbranch of geometry) | :: analytisk geometri {c} |
analyze {v} (to subject to analysis) | :: analysera |
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple | :: |
anapest {n} (metrical foot) | :: anapest {c} |
anaphora {n} (repetition of a phrase used for emphasis) | :: anafor {c} |
anaphrodisiac {adj} (antaphrodisiac) SEE: antaphrodisiac | :: |
anaphrodisiac {n} (antaphrodisiac) SEE: antaphrodisiac | :: |
an apple a day keeps the doctor away {proverb} (apples are good for you) | :: ett äpple om dagen håller doktorn borta |
anarchism {n} (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms) | :: anarkism {?} |
anarchist {n} (believer in anarchism) | :: anarkist {c} |
anarcho-capitalism {n} (philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market) | :: anarkokapitalism {c} |
anarcho-capitalist {adj} (of, supporting, relating to, or advocating anarcho-capitalism) | :: anarkokapitalistisk |
anarcho-capitalist {n} (person who advocates anarcho-capitalism) | :: anarkokapitalist {c} |
anarcho-syndicalism {n} (A branch or field of anarchy that focuses on the abolition of capitalism) | :: anarkosyndikalism |
anarchy {n} (absence of any form of political authority or government) | :: anarki {c} |
anarchy {n} (political disorder and confusion) | :: anarki {c} |
anatase {n} (mineral) | :: anatas, oktahedrit |
anathema {n} (ban or curse) | :: bannlysning, anatema {n} |
anathema {n} (imprecation) | :: styggelse |
anatomy {n} (art of studying the different parts of any organized body) | :: anatomi {c} |
-ance {suffix} (a state) | :: -ans {c} |
ancestor {n} (one from whom a person is descended) | :: förfader {c} |
anchor {n} (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) | :: ankare |
anchor {v} (to hold an object to a fixed point) | :: ankra |
anchor baby {n} (anchor baby) | :: ankarbarn {n} |
anchorite {n} (one who lives in seclusion) | :: anakoret {c}, eremit {c} |
anchorman {n} (TV host) | :: nyhetsankare |
ancient {adj} (having lasted from a remote period) | :: urgammal, antik, uråldrig |
ancient {adj} (existent or occurring in time long past) | :: antik, uråldrig, forntida, forn |
Ancient Greece {prop} (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean) | :: antikens Grekland {n} |
Ancient Greek {prop} (the Greek language of classical antiquity) | :: klassisk grekiska {c}, gammalgrekiska {c}, antik grekiska {c} |
ancient history {n} (period of history) | :: antik historia {c}, gammal historia {c} |
ancient history {n} (not worth discussing any more) | :: länge sedan, forna historia |
ancient monument {n} (ancient building, structure or site) | :: fornlämning {c} |
Ancient Rome {prop} (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD) | :: antikens Rom |
ancillary {adj} (subordinate, secondary, auxiliary, accessory) | :: underordnad, sekundär |
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) | :: och |
and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item) | :: och |
and {conj} (used to string together sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order) | :: och |
and {conj} (used to show causation) | :: och |
Andalusia {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) | :: Andalusien {n} |
Andean {adj} (of or pertaining to the Andes mountains) | :: andinsk |
Andean flamingo {n} (Phoenicopterus andinus) | :: andinsk flamingo {c} |
Anderson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Andrew") | :: Andersson |
Andes {prop} (mountain range in South America) | :: Anderna {c-p} |
and/or {conj} (inclusive "or") | :: och/eller |
Andorra {prop} (country) | :: Andorra {n} |
Andorran {n} (person from Andorra) | :: andorran {c}, andorranska {c} |
Andorran {adj} (pertaining to Andorra) | :: andorransk |
Andrew {prop} (the Apostle) | :: Andreas |
Andrew {prop} (male given name) | :: Anders, Andreas |
androecium {n} (set of stamens) | :: befruktningsdelarna |
androgen {n} (androgen) | :: androgen |
androgenic hair {n} (body hair) SEE: body hair | :: |
androgynous {adj} (having sex organs of both genders) SEE: hermaphroditic | :: |
Android {prop} (mobile operating system) | :: Android |
andropause {n} (male equivalent of the menopause) | :: andropaus |
androsexual {adj} (sexually attracted to men) | :: androsexuell |
androsexuality {n} (sexual orientation) | :: androsexualitet {c} |
and so forth {phrase} (indicating a list continues similarly) | :: och så vidare, o.s.v., osv. |
and so on {phrase} (indicating a list continues) SEE: and so forth | :: |
and then some {phrase} (confirming the preceding utterance) | :: och hör sen |
-ane {suffix} (alkanes) | :: -an {c} |
anecdotal {adj} (relating to or of the nature of an anecdote) | :: anekdotisk |
anecdote {n} (short account of an incident) | :: anekdot {c} |
anecdotic {adj} (anecdotal) SEE: anecdotal | :: |
anecdotive {adj} (anecdotal) SEE: anecdotal | :: |
anemia {n} (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) | :: anemi, blodbrist |
anemic {adj} (of or pertaining to anemia) | :: anemisk |
anemone {n} (sea anemone) SEE: sea anemone | :: |
anemone {n} (any plant of genus anemone) | :: sippa {c} |
anemonefish {n} (fish of the genus Amphiprion) SEE: clownfish | :: |
anesthesia {n} (loss of bodily sensation) | :: smärtlindring, bedövning, anestesi |
anesthetic {n} (a substance for the reduced perception of pain) | :: smärtstillande, bedövningsmedel, anestetikum |
aneuploid {adj} (having number of chromosomes that is not a multiple of the haploid number) | :: aneuploid |
aneurysm {n} (abnormal blood-filled swelling) | :: artärbråck {c}, pulsåderbråck {c}, aneurysm {c} |
anew {adv} (again) | :: på nytt, ånyo |
angel {n} (messenger from a deity) | :: ängel {c} |
angel {n} (in Christian angelology, the lowest order of angels) | :: ängel {c} |
angel {n} (selfless person) | :: ängel {c} |
Angel {prop} (female given name) SEE: Angela | :: |
Angela {prop} (female given name) | :: Angela |
Angelica {prop} (female given name) | :: Angelica {c} |
angel of death {n} (personification of death in fiction and in art) | :: dödsängel {n} |
angelolatry {n} (worship of angels) | :: angelolatri {c} |
angelology {n} (study of angels) | :: angelologi |
anger {n} (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) | :: ilska |
anger {v} (to cause such a feeling of antagonism) | :: förarga, förilska |
angiotensin {n} (polypeptides that narrow blood vessels) | :: angiotensin {n} |
angiotensinogen {n} (globulin) | :: angiotensinogen {n} |
angle {n} (geometrical figure) | :: vinkel {c}, plan vinkel {c}, rymdvinkel {c} [solid angle] |
angle {n} (measure of such a figure) | :: vinkel {c} |
angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect) | :: hörn {n}, knut {n} [as seen from the outside] |
angle {n} (viewpoint) | :: synvinkel {c} |
angle {v} (place (something) at an angle) | :: vinkla |
angle {v} (to fish with hook and line) | :: meta |
angle bisector {n} (ray that divides an angle into two equal parts) | :: bisektris {c} |
angle bracket {n} (type of bracket) | :: vinkelparentes {c} |
angle for {v} (try to obtain something by subtle indirect means: political manoeuvres, suggestion, etc.) | :: fiska efter |
angle grinder {n} (power tool) | :: vinkelslip {c} |
angle iron {n} (L-shaped iron) | :: vinkeljärn {n} |
angle of attack {n} (angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it) | :: attackvinkel {c} |
anglerfish {n} (fish of the bony fish order Lophiiformes) | :: marulkartad fisk {c} |
Anglican {adj} (pertaining to the Church of England and related churches) | :: anglikansk |
Anglican {n} (member of an Anglican church) | :: anglikan {c} |
Anglican Communion {prop} (worldwide network of churches) | :: anglikanska kyrkogemenskapen {c} |
Anglicanism {n} (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church) | :: anglikanism {c} |
anglicisation {n} (process of anglicising) | :: anglifiering {c}, anglisering {c} |
anglicism {n} (word or other feature borrowed from English to another language) | :: anglicism {c} |
Anglicity {n} (Englishness) SEE: Englishness | :: |
Anglish {prop} (variety of English) | :: angelska |
Anglo-Norman {prop} (language) | :: anglonormandiska {c} |
Anglophile {adj} (person who loves or admires the country, culture or people of England) | :: anglofil {c} |
Anglophone {adj} (English-speaking) | :: engelskspråkig |
Anglophone {n} (one who speaks English) | :: engelsktalare |
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English | :: |
Anglo-Saxon {n} (member of the Germanic peoples who settled in England during the early fifth century) | :: anglosaxare {c}, angelsaxare {c} |
Anglo-Saxon {adj} (related to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or language) | :: anglosaxisk |
Anglo-Saxon {adj} (related to nations which speak primarily English) | :: anglosaxisk |
Anglosphere {prop} (Anglophone realm) | :: den engelsktalande världen, anglosfären {c} |
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white | :: |
Angola {prop} (country in Southern Africa) | :: Angola |
angora {n} (subspecies of the European rabbit) | :: Angorakanin {c} |
angry {adj} (displaying anger) | :: arg, ilsken |
angst {n} (feeling of acute anxiety or apprehension) | :: ångest {c}, Angst [as a philosophical and psychological term] |
angstrom {n} (A very small unit of length, 10−10 m) | :: ångström |
anguiform {adj} (serpentine) SEE: serpentine | :: |
Anguilla {prop} (British overseas territory in the Caribbean) | :: Anguilla |
anguish {n} (extreme pain) | :: ångest {c}, vånda {c}, dödsångest {c}, panikångest {c} |
anguished {adj} (experiencing extreme discomfort) | :: ängslig |
angular {adj} (relating to or forming an angle; sharp-cornered) | :: kantig |
angular velocity {n} (angle turned in a given time) | :: vinkelhastighet {c} |
anhedonia {n} (inability to feel pleasure) | :: anhedoni {c} |
anhedonic {adj} (showing anhedonia) | :: anhedonisk |
Anhui {prop} (province of China) | :: Anhui {n}, Anhwei {n} |
animal {adj} (of animals) | :: djurisk |
animal {n} (organism) | :: djur {n} |
animal {n} (person who behaves wildly) | :: best {c} |
animal dentistry {n} (the field of dentistry applied to the care of animals) | :: djurtandvård {c} |
animality {n} (animal kingdom) SEE: animal kingdom | :: |
animal kingdom {n} (Regnum Animalia) | :: djurriket {n} |
animal product {n} (food or food ingredient made from animals) | :: djurprodukt |
animal testing {n} (use of non-human animals in scientific experimentation) | :: djurförsök {n} |
animate {adj} (that which lives) | :: levande |
animate {adj} (in grammar) | :: besjälad |
animate {v} (to impart motion or its appearance) | :: animera |
animated {adj} (endowed with life) | :: livlig, animerad |
animation {n} (causing images to appear to move) | :: animation {c} |
animator {n} (one who animates something) | :: skapare {c}, livgivare {c} |
animator {n} (one who creates an animation) | :: animatör {c} |
anime {n} (an animated work originated in Japan) | :: anime {c}, animé {c} [older style, not so common anymore] |
anion {n} (negatively charged ion) | :: anjon {c} |
anise {n} (plant) | :: anis {c} |
anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel | :: |
aniseed {n} (the seed-like fruit of the anise) | :: anis {c} |
anisomorphism {n} (differences between two languages) | :: anisomorfi |
anisotropically {adv} (in an anisotropic manner) | :: anisotropiskt |
anisotropy {n} (the property of being directionally dependent) | :: anisotropi |
Ankara {prop} (capital of Turkey) | :: Ankara |
ankh {n} (cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top) | :: ankh |
ankle {n} (joint between foot and leg) | :: ankel, fotled {c}, vrist {c} |
anklebone {n} (the talus) | :: språngben {?} |
ankle bracelet {n} (anklet) SEE: anklet | :: |
ankle bracelet {n} (ankle monitor) SEE: ankle monitor | :: |
ankle monitor {n} (device individuals under house arrest are often required to wear) | :: elektronisk fotboja {c} |
anklet {n} (a bracelet at the ankle) | :: vristlänk {c} |
ankylosis {n} (the growing together of bones) | :: ankylos {c} |
anlaut {n} (The first sound of a word (word-initial position) or syllable (syllable-initial position)) | :: uddljud {n}, begynnelseljud {n}, framljud {n}, anljud {n} |
Ann {prop} (female given name) | :: Anna |
Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann | :: |
Anna {prop} (biblical prophetess) | :: Hanna |
Annamite {n} (inhabitant of Annam) | :: annamit |
Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann | :: |
annelid {n} (annelid) | :: ringmask {c} |
annex {n} (addition, an extension) | :: annex, tillägg, bilaga |
annex {n} (appendix) | :: appendix, tillägg, bilaga |
annex {n} (addition or extension to a building) | :: annex, tillbyggnad, flygel |
annex {v} (to add something to another, to incorporate into) | :: införliva, annektera |
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation | :: |
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) | :: annektering, annexion {c} |
annihilate {v} (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) | :: tillintetgöra, förinta, förgöra |
annihilation {n} (act of reducing to nothing) | :: utplåning {c}, förintelse {c}, utplånande {n} |
anniversary {n} (day an exact number of years since an event) | :: årsdag {c} |
anno Domini {n} (in the year of our Lord) SEE: Anno Domini | :: |
Anno Domini {adv} (in the year of our Lord) | :: efter Kristus |
annotation {n} (critical or explanatory commentary or analysis) | :: anteckning |
announce {v} (give public notice) | :: tillkännage, annonsera |
announcement {n} (that which conveys what is announced) | :: kungörelse {c} |
annoy {v} (to disturb or irritate) | :: irritera, störa, reta |
annoyance {n} (that which annoys) | :: irritationsmoment {n} |
annoyance {n} (the psychological state of being annoyed or irritated) | :: irritation {c} |
annoyed {adj} (troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked; vexed) | :: irriterad, sur, sårad |
annoying {v} (causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious) | :: irriterande, dryg [youthful], förarglig |
annual {adj} (happening once a year) | :: årlig |
annually {adv} (once every year) | :: årligen |
annual report {n} (company report of activities for the preceding year) | :: årsredovisning {c} |
annul {v} (formally revoke the validity of) | :: annullera |
annular {adj} (having the form of a ring) | :: ringformig |
annunciation {n} (act of annunciating) | :: bebådelse {c} |
Annunciation {prop} (Christianity) | :: Jungfru Marie bebådelsedag {c} |
anoa {n} (a small Indonesian water buffalo) | :: anoa {c} |
anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another | :: |
anode {n} (the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs) | :: anod {c} |
anodize {v} (to coat the surface of a metal electrolytically with an oxide) | :: anodisera |
anodized {adj} (having a surface layer of oxide formed by an electrolytic process) | :: anodiserad |
anodyne {adj} (capable of soothing or eliminating pain) | :: narkotisk, smärtstillande, dövande |
anodyne {adj} (soothing or relaxing) | :: lugnande |
anodyne {adj} (noncontentious, blandly agreeable) | :: urvattnad, nedtonad, blek |
anomalistic {adj} (irregular) SEE: irregular | :: |
anomaly {n} (deviation from norm) | :: avvikelse {c}, anomali {c} |
anomaly {n} (dated: an irregularity or inconsistency) | :: anomali {c}, avvikelse {c} |
anonymity {n} (the quality or state of being anonymous) | :: anonymitet {c} |
anonymous {adj} (wanting a name, not named and determined) | :: anonym, okänd |
anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged) | :: anonym |
anonymous {adj} (of unknown name; whose name is withheld) | :: anonym, anonymiserad |
anonymously {adv} (in an anonymous manner) | :: anonymt |
anorak {n} (heavy weatherproof jacket) | :: anorak {c} |
anorectic {adj} (characterised by a lack of appetite) | :: anorektisk |
anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa | :: |
anorexia {n} (loss of appetite) | :: anorexi {c} |
anorexia nervosa {n} (disorder) | :: anorexi |
anorexic {adj} (pertaining to, or suffering from anorexia) | :: anorektisk |
anorexic {n} (someone suffering from anorexia nervosa) | :: anorektiker {c} |
anosmia {n} (inability to smell) | :: anosmi {c} |
another {determiner} (one more, in addition to a former number) | :: en till, ännu en, ytterligare en |
another {determiner} (not the same; different) | :: en annan |
anoxia {n} (condition in which a tissue or environment is totally deprived of oxygen) | :: anoxi {c} |
ansible {n} (hypothetical device) | :: ansibel {c} |
answer {n} (response) | :: svar {n} |
answer {n} (solution) | :: svar {n} |
answer {n} (reply to email) | :: svar {n} |
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) | :: svara |
answering machine {n} (device that automatically records voice mail) | :: telefonsvarare {c} |
answerphone {n} (answering machine) SEE: answering machine | :: |
ant {n} (insect) | :: myra, pissmyra {c} |
Ant {prop} (27th sura of the Qur'an) | :: Myran {c}, Myrorna {c-p} |
antagonist {n} (opponent) | :: motståndare |
antaphrodisiac {adj} (capable of reducing the sex drive) | :: anafrodisisk [rare] |
antaphrodisiac {n} (substance capable of reducing the sex drive) | :: anafrodisiakum {n} [rare] |
Antarctic {adj} (pertaining to Antarctica) | :: antarktisk |
Antarctica {prop} (southernmost continent) | :: Antarktis |
Antarctic Circle {prop} (geographical line) | :: södra polcirkeln {c} |
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica) | :: Antarktiska halvön {c} |
Antares {prop} (star) | :: Antares |
anteater {n} (mammal) | :: myrslok {c} |
antebellum {adj} (of a period of time prior to a war) | :: förkrigs- |
antebrachium {n} (forearm) SEE: forearm | :: |
antecedent {n} (any thing that precedes another thing) | :: föregångare {c} |
antechamber {n} (small room) | :: förrum {n} |
antechinus {n} (marsupial) | :: pungspetsekorrar |
antelope {n} (mammal of the family Bovidae) | :: antilop {c} |
antelope {n} (pronghorn) SEE: pronghorn | :: |
antenna {n} (feeler organ) | :: antenn {c} |
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial | :: |
antepenultimate {adj} (two before the last) | :: nästnäst sist, näst näst sist, tredje från slutet |
anterior {adj} (anatomy: nearer the forward end) | :: främre |
anteroom {n} (antechamber) SEE: antechamber | :: |
anthem {n} (national anthem) | :: nationalsång {c} |
anthem {n} (hymn of praise or loyalty) | :: hymn {c}, lovsång {c} |
anther {n} (pollen-bearing part of the stamen) | :: ståndarknapp {c}, knapp {c} |
ant-hill {n} (anthill) SEE: anthill | :: |
anthill {n} (home of ants and termites) | :: myrstack {c} |
anthology {n} (collection of literary works) | :: antologi {c}, samlingsutgåva {c} |
Anthony {prop} (given name) | :: Anton |
anthrax {n} (disease) | :: mjältbrand {?} |
Anthropocene {prop} (the current geological period) | :: antropocen {c} |
anthropoid {adj} (having characteristics of a human, usually in terms of shape or appearance) | :: människoliknande, antropoid |
anthropologic {adj} (anthropological) SEE: anthropological | :: |
anthropological {adj} (relating to anthropology) | :: antropologisk |
anthropologist {n} (one who is versed in anthropology) | :: antropolog {c} |
anthropology {n} (the study of humanity) | :: antropologi {c} |
anthropomorphic {adj} (having the form of a person) | :: antropomorfisk |
anthropomorphically {adv} (in an anthropomorphic manner) | :: antropomorfiskt |
anthropomorphism {n} (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human) | :: antropomorfism {c} |
anthroponym {n} (name of a person) | :: antroponym {c}, personnamn |
anthropophobia {n} (fear of human beings) | :: antropofobi {c} |
anthroposophic {adj} (of or pertaining to anthroposophy) | :: antroposofisk |
anthroposophy {n} (spiritual movement) | :: antroposofi {c} |
anti- {prefix} (against, hostile to) | :: anti- |
anti-aircraft {adj} (intended to attack aircraft) | :: luftvärns- |
anti-American {adj} (opposing America) | :: antiamerikansk |
anti-Americanism {n} (the fear or dislike of the United States or American people, policies, culture or government) | :: antiamerikanism |
anti-beauty quark {n} (anti-bottom quark) SEE: anti-bottom quark | :: |
antibiotic {n} (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) | :: antibiotikum {n} |
antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen) | :: antikropp {c} |
anti-bottom quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the bottom quark) | :: antibottenkvark {c} |
antibrachium {n} (antibrachium) SEE: forearm | :: |
antic {adj} (grotesque) | :: grotesk |
anticathode {n} (anode) SEE: anode | :: |
anti-charm quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the charm quark) | :: anticharmkvark {c} |
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) | :: antikrist {c} |
Antichrist {prop} (one under the direct control of the Devil) | :: antikrist |
anticline {n} (anticlinal fold) | :: antiklinal, antiform |
anticlockwise {adj} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) | :: motsols, moturs |
anticlockwise {adv} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) | :: moturs, motsols |
anticlockwisely {adv} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise | :: |
anticommutative {adj} (math) | :: antikommutativ |
anticommutativity {n} (math) | :: antikommutativitet {c} |
anticompetitive {adj} (acting to hinder or obstruct competition) | :: konkurrensbegränsande |
anticyclone {n} (system of winds) | :: anticyklon |
antidemocratic {adj} (opposed to the tenets of democracy) | :: antidemokratisk |
antidepressant {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts depression) | :: antidepressiva {c-p}, antidepressivt medel {?}, antidepressivt läkemedel {?} |
antidepressant {adj} (preventing or counteracting depression) | :: antidepressiv |
antidepression {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant | :: |
antidepressive {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant | :: |
antidepressive {n} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant | :: |
antiderivative {n} (function whose derivative is a given function) | :: antiderivata {c}, primitiv funktion {c} |
antidiuretic hormone {n} (a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland) | :: antidiuretiskt hormon {n}, vasopressin {n} |
antidotary {n} (antidote) SEE: antidote | :: |
antidote {n} (remedy to counteract a poison) | :: motgift {n}, antidot {n} |
anti-down quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the down quark) | :: antinedkvark {c} |
anti-European {adj} (opposing European integration and the European Union) | :: anti-europeisk |
anti-European {adj} (disliking Europe or Europeans) | :: anti-europeisk |
antifeminism {n} (any belief antagonistic to feminism) | :: antifeminism {c} |
antiferromagnetism {n} (a phenomenon, similar to ferromagnetism) | :: antiferromagnetism {c} |
antifreeze {n} (a substance used to lower the freezing point of water) | :: frostskydd {n}, glykol {c} |
antifundamentalism {n} (opposition to fundamentalism) | :: antifundamentalism {c} |
antifundamentalist {n} (one who opposes fundamentalism) | :: antifundamentalist |
antigen {n} (substance that induces an immune response) | :: antigen {n} |
Antigone {prop} (the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta) | :: Antigone |
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} (country) | :: Antigua och Barbuda |
Antiguan {n} (person) | :: antiguan {c}, antiguanska {c} |
Antiguan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Antigua, or the Antiguan people) | :: antiguansk |
antigypsyism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Romani people) | :: antiziganism |
anti-inflammatory {adj} (preventing or counteracting inflammation) | :: antiinflammatorisk |
anti-Jewish {adj} (opposed to Jews) | :: judefientlig |
Antilles {prop} (islands) | :: Antillerna {p} |
antimatter {n} (matter composed of antiparticles) | :: antimateria {c} |
anti-militarism {n} (a doctrine that opposes war) | :: antimilitarism {c} |
antimony {n} (chemical element) | :: antimon {n} |
antinatural {adj} (unnatural) SEE: unnatural | :: |
antinomy {n} (contradiction) | :: antinomi {c} |
antioxidant {n} (substance that slows oxidation) | :: antioxidant {c} |
antioxidative {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant | :: |
antioxygen {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant | :: |
antioxygenic {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant | :: |
antiparallel {adj} (parallel of opposite direction) | :: antiparallell |
antiparticle {n} (a subatomic particle) | :: antipartikel {c} |
antipattern {n} (a design pattern that may be commonly used, but is ineffective or counterproductive in practice) | :: antimönster {n} |
antiperistalsis {n} (peristalsis in the opposite direction) | :: antiperistaltik {c} |
antiperistaltic {adj} (of or relating to antiperistalsis) | :: antiperistaltisk |
antiphon {n} (devotional piece of music sung responsively) | :: antifoni {c}, antifon {c} |
antiphonal {n} (antiphon) SEE: antiphon | :: |
antipode {n} (something directly opposite) | :: diametral motsats {c}, [maths] antipod {c} |
antipole {n} (opposite pole) | :: motpol {c} |
antipole {n} (position directly opposite) | :: motpol {c} |
antipope {n} (person who claims to be pope) | :: motpåve {c} |
antiporter {n} (a cell protein that acts within an antiport) | :: antiporter |
antiquark {n} (the antiparticle of a quark) | :: antikvark {c} |
antiquary {n} (a person who is knowledgeable of, or who collects antiques; an antiquarian) | :: antikvarie {c} |
antiquated {adj} (old fashioned) | :: föråldrad, gammalmodig, antikverad, urmodig |
antique {n} (old piece) | :: antikvitet {c} |
antique white {n} (colour) | :: antikvit |
antique white {adj} (colour) | :: antikvit |
antiquist {n} (antiquary) SEE: antiquary | :: |
antiquity {n} (ancient times) | :: antiken {c}, forntid {c} |
antiquity {n} (relic or monument of ancient times) | :: antikvitet {c} |
Antiquity {prop} (period of history) | :: antiken [not a proper noun] |
antiracist {adj} (opposed to racism) | :: antirasistisk |
antiracist {n} (one who opposes racism) | :: antirasist {c} |
antirrhinum {n} (snapdragon) SEE: snapdragon | :: |
antisemite {n} (anti-Semite) | :: antisemit {c} |
anti-Semitic {adj} (exhibiting anti-Semitism) | :: antisemitisk |
antisemitism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Jews) | :: antisemitism {c}, judehat {n} |
antisepsis {n} (countering microbial infection) | :: antiseptik {c} |
antiseptic {adj} (of or relating to antisepsis) | :: antiseptisk |
antiseptic {adj} (capable of preventing microbial infection) | :: antiseptisk |
antiseptic {n} (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms) | :: antiseptikum {n} |
antisepticism {n} (antisepsis) SEE: antisepsis | :: |
antisocial {adj} (unwilling or unable to associate normally with other people) | :: antisocial, asocial |
anti-strange quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the strange quark) | :: antisärkvark {c} |
antisymmetric {adj} ((order theory; of a binary relation on a set)) | :: antisymmetrisk |
antisymmetrical {adj} (antisymmetric) SEE: antisymmetric | :: |
antitank {adj} (designed for attacking tanks or other armored vehicles) | :: pansarvärns- |
antithesis {n} (proposition that is opposite to other proposition) | :: antites {c} |
antithetic {adj} (antithetical) SEE: antithetical | :: |
antithetical {adj} (pertaining to or being an antithesis) | :: antitetisk |
antithrombin {n} (small molecule) | :: antitrombin {n} |
anti-top quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the top quark) | :: antitoppkvark {c} |
antitoxin {n} (antibody to a specific toxin) | :: antitoxin {n} |
anti-up quark {n} (the antiquark corresponding to the up quark) | :: antiuppkvark {c} |
antivirus {n} (computing software) | :: antivirusprogram {n}, antivirus {n} |
antivivisection {adj} (opposed to vivisection) | :: antivivisektionistisk |
antivivisectionist {n} (an individual opposed to the practice of vivisection) | :: antivivisektionist {c} |
antivivisectionist {adj} (antivivisection) SEE: antivivisection | :: |
antiziganism {n} (antigypsyism) SEE: antigypsyism | :: |
antler {n} (bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk) | :: horn {n}, krona {c}, hjorthorn {n}, älghorn {n} |
antlion {n} (nocturnal insects) | :: myrlejon {n} |
Antonia {prop} (female given name) | :: Antonia |
Antonio {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony | :: |
Antony {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony | :: |
antonym {n} (word which has the opposite meaning) | :: antonym |
antonymous {adj} (having an opposite meaning) | :: antonym |
antonymous {adj} (being an antonym) | :: antonym |
antonymy {n} (semantic relation between antonyms) | :: antonymi {c} |
antsiness {n} (unease) SEE: unease | :: |
Antwerp {prop} (province) | :: Antwerpen |
Antwerp {prop} (city) | :: Antwerpen |
Anubis {prop} (Egyptian god of the dead and tombs) | :: Anubis |
anuria {n} (a condition in which the kidneys do not produce urine) | :: anuri {c} |
anus {n} (lower opening of the digestive tract) | :: analöppning, anus |
anvil {n} (block used in blacksmithing) | :: städ {n} |
anvil {n} (bone in inner ear) | :: städ {n} |
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety | :: |
anxiety {n} (concern) | :: ängslan {c}, farhåga {c}, oro {c} |
anxiety {n} (uneasy or distressing desire) | :: iver {c} |
anxiety {n} (pathological condition) | :: ångest {c} |
anxiety disorder {n} (disorder characterised by excessive anxiety) | :: ångeststörningar |
anxious {adj} (full of anxiety) | :: orolig |
anxious {adj} (accompanied with anxiety; worrying) | :: oroväckande |
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety | :: |
Anya {prop} (female given name) | :: Anja |
anybody {pron} | :: någon (any person = vem som helst) |
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone | :: |
anyhow {adv} (in any way, in any manner) | :: hur som helst |
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case | :: |
any longer {adv} (any more) SEE: any more | :: |
any more {adv} (not any more) SEE: no longer | :: |
any more {adv} (in negative or interrogative constructions) | :: längre |
anyone {pron} (anybody) | :: någon, vem som helst, (vem som) |
anyone else {pron} (any other person) | :: någon annan |
anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere | :: |
anything {pron} (any thing of any kind) | :: någonting, vad som helst |
anything {n} (someone or something) | :: något, vad som helst, vilken som helst, vilket som helst |
anything else {pron} (any other thing) | :: något annat |
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
anyway {adv} (regardless) | :: ändå, i alla fall |
anyway {adv} (used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement) | :: i alla fall, ändå, hur som helst |
anyway {adv} (used to indicate change of subject) | :: i alla fall, hur som helst |
anyway {adv} (in any way) | :: hursomhelst |
any way one slices it {phrase} (from any perspective; in every case) | :: i vilket fall som helst |
anywhere {adv} (in or at any location) | :: var som helst, varsomhelst, någonstans [inte någonstans ] |
anywhere {adv} (to any location) | :: vart som helst |
aorist {n} (a grammatical aspect) | :: aorist {c} |
aorist {adj} (pertaining to verb in aorist aspect) | :: aoristisk |
aoristic {adj} (aorist) SEE: aorist | :: |
aorta {n} (great artery) | :: aorta {c}, kroppspulsåder {c} |
aortic arch {n} (curving portion of the aorta) | :: aortabåge |
Aosta Valley {prop} (Valle d'Aosta) SEE: Valle d'Aosta | :: |
apanage {n} (grant as a birthright) | :: apanage {n} |
apart {adv} (in two or more parts; asunder) | :: isär |
apartheid {v} (policy of racial separation in South Africa) | :: apartheid |
apartment {n} (domicile occupying part of a building) | :: lägenhet {c} |
apartment {n} (archaic: suite of rooms within a domicile) | :: våning {c} |
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (US)) SEE: roommate | :: |
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (UK)) SEE: flatmate | :: |
apathetic {adj} (void of feeling) | :: apatisk |
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy | :: |
apathistical {adj} (apathetic) SEE: apathetic | :: |
apathy {n} (lack of emotion or motivation) | :: apati {c} |
apatite {n} (type of mineral) | :: apatit |
ape {n} (animal) | :: människoapa {c}, apa {c} [ape or monkey] |
ape {v} (to imitate) | :: härma, apa efter |
apelike {adj} (simian) SEE: simian | :: |
apely {adj} (simian) SEE: simian | :: |
Apennines {prop} (mountain range) | :: Apenninerna {p} |
aperture {n} (opening) | :: öppning |
aperture {n} (something which restricts the diameter of the light path through one plane in an optical system) | :: bländare |
apery {n} (the practice of aping or an apish action) | :: apkonst {c} |
apex {n} (highest point) | :: topp {c}, spets {c} |
apex court {n} (supreme court) SEE: supreme court | :: |
apex predator {n} (an animal atop the food chain) | :: toppkonsument {c} |
aphasia {n} (pathological speech disorder) | :: afasi |
aphelion {n} (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the Sun) | :: aphelium {n} |
aphid {n} (insect) | :: bladlus |
aphis {n} (aphid) SEE: aphid | :: |
aphonia {n} (loss of voice) | :: afoni {c} |
aphorism {n} (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought) | :: aforism {c} |
aphrodisiac {n} (food or drug) | :: afrodisiakum {n} |
Aphrodite {prop} (Greek goddess) | :: Afrodite |
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease | :: |
aphthous ulcer {n} (ulcer in the mouth caused by break in mucous membrane) | :: afte, aftös stomatit {c} |
aphyllous {adj} (leafless) SEE: leafless | :: |
apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper | :: |
a picture is worth a thousand words {proverb} (visualisation is better than verbal description) | :: en bild säger mer än tusen ord |
a picture paints a thousand words {proverb} (a picture is worth a thousand words) SEE: a picture is worth a thousand words | :: |
apiculturalist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper | :: |
apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping | :: |
apiculturist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper | :: |
A-pillar {n} (automotive: vertical support) | :: A-stolpe {c} |
aping {n} (apery) SEE: apery | :: |
aplenty {adj} (in an overlarge quantity) | :: i överflöd |
apocalypse {n} (end of the world) | :: apokalyps {c} |
apocalypse {n} (cataclysmic event) | :: domedag {m} |
Apocalypse {prop} (the written account of a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet) | :: apokalyps {c} |
Apocalypse {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Uppenbarelseboken {c} |
apocopate {v} (shorten using apocope) | :: apokopera |
apocope {n} (loss or omission of a sound or syllable from the end of a word) | :: apokope {c} |
apocryphal {adj} (of doubtful authenticity) | :: apokryfisk |
apocryphal {adj} (of dubious veracity; urban legend) | :: tvivelaktig |
apogee {n} (a point in an orbit around the Earth) | :: apogeum |
apolipoprotein {n} (protein that can bind with a lipid) | :: apolipoprotein {n} |
apologia {n} (apology) SEE: apology | :: |
apologian {n} (apologist) SEE: apologist | :: |
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize | :: |
apologism {n} (apology) SEE: apology | :: |
apologist {n} (One who speaks or writes in defense of a faith) | :: apologet {c} |
apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse) | :: ursäkta sig |
apology {n} (an expression of regret) | :: ursäkt {c} |
aponeurosis {n} (flattened fibrous membrane) | :: aponeuros {c} |
apophony {n} (alternation of sounds within a word) SEE: ablaut | :: |
apoplectic {adj} (of or relating to apoplexy) | :: apoplektisk |
apoplectic {adj} (marked by extreme anger) | :: apoplektisk |
apoplexy {n} (loss of consciousness) | :: apoplexi |
apoptosis {n} (death of cells) | :: apoptos {c} |
aposematism {n} (adaptation that warns off potential predators) | :: aposematism |
apostasy {n} (renunciation of set of beliefs) | :: avfall {n}, apostasi {c} |
apostasy {n} (renunciation of one's religion or faith) | :: avfall {n}, apostasi {c} |
apostate {n} (person who renounces a religion or faith) | :: apostat {c}, avfälling {c} |
apostatic {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate | :: |
apostatical {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate | :: |
apostle {n} (missionary or leader of a mission) | :: apostel {c} |
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer | :: |
apostolic succession {n} (chain of consecrations of bishops) | :: apostolisk succession {c} |
apostrophe {n} (the character ’) | :: apostrof |
apostrophe {n} (sudden piece of dialogue) | :: apostrof {?} |
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist | :: |
apothegm {n} (A short witty instructive saying) | :: tänkespråk {n}, aforism {c} |
apotheosis {n} (deification; becoming a god) | :: apoteos {c}, förgudning {c}, förhärligande {n} |
apotheosis {n} (glorification, exaltation) | :: förhärligande {n} |
app {n} (small computer application) | :: app, mobilapp, mobilapplikation |
appall {v} (to depress or discourage with fear; to impress with fear) | :: förskräcka, förfära, skrämma |
appalling {adj} (That appalls/appals or appall/appal) | :: förskräcklig, förfärlig, skrämmande, förskräckande, förskräckande, förfärande |
apparatchik {n} (member of a Communist apparat) | :: partifunktionär {c}, apparattjik {c}, apparatjik {c} |
apparatus {n} (complex machine or instrument) | :: apparat {c} |
apparatus {n} (assortment of tools or instruments) | :: apparat {c} |
apparatus {n} (bureaucratic organization) | :: apparat {c} |
apparatus {n} | :: apparat {c}, system {n}, mekanism {c} |
apparatus {n} (firefighting: vehicle for emergency response) SEE: fire engine | :: |
apparent {adj} | :: synbar , uppenbar |
apparently {adv} ((archaic) plainly) | :: uppenbarligen |
apparently {adv} (seemingly) | :: tydligen |
apparently {adv} | :: tydligen |
apparition {n} (act of becoming visible) | :: framtoning {c}, uppträdande {n}, apparition {c} |
apparition {n} (unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance) | :: andesyn {c}, spökbild {c} |
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse | :: |
appeal {v} (to apply for the removal of a cause to a superior judge or court) | :: överklaga |
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look | :: |
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem | :: |
appear {v} (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) | :: framträda, komma i ljuset, komma i dagen, dyka upp |
appear {v} (To come before the public) | :: framträda |
appear {v} (To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look) | :: se ut |
appearance {n} (The act of appearing or coming into sight) | :: ankomst |
appearance {n} (A thing seen) | :: framträdande |
appearance {n} (Personal presence, form or look) | :: utseende {n} |
appearance {n} (Semblance, or apparent likeness) | :: tillstymmelse, sken, utseende |
appearance {n} (The act of appearing in a particular place, or in society, a company, or any proceedings) | :: uppträdande, framträdande |
appearances are deceptive {proverb} (it is not possible to judge one's character by their outward appearance) | :: skenet bedrar |
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance | :: |
appease {v} (to make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify) | :: blidka, stilla, lugna, släcka, mildra |
appellative {n} (common noun) SEE: common noun | :: |
appendicitis {n} (inflamation of the vermiform appendix) | :: blindtarmsinflammation, appendicit |
appendix {n} (text added to the end of a book or an article) | :: appendix {n}, tillägg {n}, bilaga {c} |
appendix {n} (vermiform appendix) | :: blindtarm {n} |
appetite {n} (desire of or relish for food) | :: aptit {c} |
applaud {v} (to express approval by clapping) | :: applådera, klappa |
applaudable {adj} (praiseworthy) SEE: praiseworthy | :: |
applause {n} (act of applauding) | :: applåd {c}, bifall {n} |
apple {n} (fruit) | :: äpple {n} |
apple {n} (wood) | :: äppelträd {n} |
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree | :: |
apple blossom {n} (the flower of an apple tree) | :: äppelblom {c} |
apple-cheeked {adj} (having red cheeks) | :: äppelkindad |
apple cider {n} (hard cider) SEE: hard cider | :: |
apple-corer {n} (a tool) | :: äpplekärnare {c}, äppelkärnare {c}, äppleurkärnare {c}, äppelurkärnare {c} |
apple juice {n} (the juice of apples, often used as a drink) | :: äppeljuice {c}, äppeljos {c} [rarely], äppelmust {c} [fresh with no added sugar] |
apple mint {n} (aromatic herb) | :: äppelmynta {c} |
apple of discord {n} (object which sows anger and dissension) | :: erisäpple {n}, stridsäpple {n}, stridsfråga {c}, tvisteämne {n} |
apple of Sodom {n} (Calotropis procera) | :: Sodomäpple {n} |
apple of Sodom {n} (Citrullus colocynthis) SEE: colocynth | :: |
apple of someone's eye {n} (favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one) | :: ögonsten {c} |
apple pie {n} (pie with apple filling) | :: äppelpaj {c} |
appleringie {n} (southernwood) SEE: southernwood | :: |
apples and oranges {n} (non-comparable items) | :: äpplen och päron (apples and pears) |
apple sauce {n} (nonsense) SEE: applesauce | :: |
apple sauce {n} (a food) | :: äppelmos {n}, äpplemos {n} |
applesauce {n} (nonsense) | :: snömos {n} |
applesauce {n} (apple sauce) SEE: apple sauce | :: |
apple seed {n} (the seed of the fruit of the Malus domestica (apple) tree) | :: äppelkärna {c}, äpplekärna {c} |
apple tree {n} (tree that bears apples) | :: äppelträd {n} |
apple wine {n} (cider) | :: äppelvin |
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple | :: |
appliable {adj} (compliant) SEE: compliant | :: |
appliable {adj} (applicable) SEE: applicable | :: |
appliableness {n} (applicability) SEE: applicability | :: |
applicability {n} (relevancy) | :: tillämplighet {c} |
applicable {adj} (suitable for application; relevant) | :: tillämplig, passande, användbar |
applicableness {n} (applicability) SEE: applicability | :: |
application {n} (the act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense) | :: applikation, applicering |
application {n} (a computer program) | :: applikation, programvara |
application {n} (a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar) | :: ansökan {c} |
application form {n} (form) | :: ansökningsblankett {c} |
application programming interface {n} (set of routines, protocols and tools) | :: Application Programming Interface {n}, programmeringsgränssnitt {n} |
applied {adj} (concerned with practical problems, rather that theoretical abstractions) | :: tillämpad |
applied mathematics {n} (area of mathematics) | :: tillämpad matematik {c} |
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use | :: |
apply {v} (to lay or place) | :: applicera |
apply {v} (to put to use for a purpose) | :: tillämpa |
apply {v} (to make use of) | :: tillämpa |
apply {v} (to submit oneself as a candidate) | :: söka, ansöka |
apply {v} (to be relevant to a specified individual) | :: gälla |
apply oneself {v} (to put forth a concerted effort) | :: anstränga (sig) |
appoint {v} | :: utse, utnämna |
appointment {n} (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office) | :: utnämnande {c} |
appointment {n} (arrangement for a meeting; an engagement) | :: möte |
apportion {v} (to apportion) SEE: distribute | :: |
apposition {n} (grammatical construction) | :: apposition {c} |
apposition {n} (relationship in such construction) | :: apposition {c} |
appraise {v} (determine value or worth) | :: värdera |
appreciate {v} (to be grateful for something) | :: uppskatta, sätta värde på, värdesätta |
appreciate {v} (to view as valuable) | :: sätta värde på, värdesätta |
appreciate {v} (to be aware of) | :: förstå, vara medveten om |
appreciate {v} (to increase in value) | :: stiga |
appreciating {adj} (appreciative) SEE: appreciative | :: |
appreciative {adj} (showing appreciation or gratitude) | :: uppskattande |
appreciatory {adj} (appreciative) SEE: appreciative | :: |
apprehend {v} (to take or seize; to take hold of) | :: gripa |
apprehend {v} (to arrest; to apprehend a criminal) | :: gripa |
apprehend {v} (to understand; to recognize) | :: greppa, förstå |
apprehension {n} (distrust or fear at the prospect of future evil) | :: farhåga {c}, oro {c}, fruktan {c} |
apprehensive {adj} (anticipating something with anxiety or fear) | :: orolig, ängslig |
apprentice {n} (one not well versed in a subject) SEE: newbie | :: |
apprentice {n} (trainee, especially in a skilled trade) | :: lärling {c} |
approach {v} (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer) | :: stunda, närma |
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach | :: |
appropriate {adj} (peculiar, suitable, fit, proper) | :: lämplig, tillbörlig, passande |
appropriate {adj} (suitable to social situation) | :: passande |
appropriate {v} (to make suitable) | :: anpassa |
appropriate {v} (to take to oneself in exclusion of others) | :: tillägna sig |
appropriate {v} (law: to annex) | :: appropriera |
appropriation {n} (public funds set aside for a specific purpose) | :: anslag {n} |
approval {n} (permission) | :: godkännande {n} |
approval {n} | :: instämmande, godkännande |
approve {v} (to regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of) | :: godkänna |
approved {adj} (having received approval) | :: godkänd |
approximant {n} (consonant made by slightly narrowing the vocal tract) | :: approximant {c} |
approximately {adv} (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) | :: ungefär, cirka, uppskattningsvis |
apricot {n} (fruit) | :: aprikos {c} |
apricot {n} (tree) | :: aprikosträd {n} |
apricot {adj} (colour) | :: aprikosfärgad |
April {prop} (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: april {c} |
April fool {n} (practical joke played on April Fools' Day) | :: aprilskämt {n} |
April Fools' Day {n} (First day of April) | :: första april |
apéritif {n} (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser) | :: aperitif {c}, aptitretare {c} |
apron {n} (clothing) | :: förkläde {n} |
apron {n} (on a horse carriage) | :: fotsack {c} |
apropos {prep} (regarding or concerning) | :: apropå |
apropos {adv} (by the way) | :: apropå |
apropos of nothing {phrase} (without reference to anything) | :: apropå ingenting |
apropos of nothing {phrase} (without any apparent reason or purpose) | :: helt apropå |
apse {n} (semicircular projection from a building) | :: absid {c} |
apse {n} (obsolete or dialectal: aspen tree) SEE: aspen | :: |
apse {n} (astronomy: apsis) SEE: apsis | :: |
apside {n} (apsis) SEE: apsis | :: |
apsis {n} (architecture: apse) | :: absid {c} |
apt {adj} (fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate) | :: passande |
aptitude {n} (natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill) | :: begåvning {c} |
aptitude {n} (the condition of being suitable) | :: lämplighet {c} |
Apuleius {prop} (author in the Roman Empire) | :: Apuleius {c} |
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Apulien |
apurpose {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose | :: |
aqua fortis {n} (nitric acid) SEE: nitric acid | :: |
aquamarine {n} (type of beryl) | :: akvamarin {c} |
aquaplane {v} (automotive: to slide on a thin film of water) | :: få vattenplaning, vattenplana |
aquaponics {n} (system that combines aquaculture with hydroponics) | :: akvaponik {c} |
aqua regia {n} (mixture of acids) | :: kungsvatten {n} |
Aquarian {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius | :: |
aquarist {n} (a person who maintains an aquarium) | :: akvarist {c} |
aquarium {n} (tank for keeping fish) | :: akvarium {n} |
aquarium {n} (public place where live fish are exhibited) | :: akvarium {n} |
Aquarius {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Vattumannen |
aquatic {adj} (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) | :: akvatisk |
aquatic warbler {n} (Acrocephalus paludicola) | :: vattensångare {c} |
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic | :: |
aquavit {n} (Scandinavian liquor) | :: akvavit |
aqueduct {n} (an artificial channel conveying water) | :: akvedukt {c} |
aquifer {n} (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel) | :: akvifär {c} |
aquiline nose {n} (human nose with a hooked, bent shape) | :: kroknäsa {c}, örnnäsa {c}, höknäsa {c} |
Arab {adj} (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations) | :: arabisk, arab- |
Arab {n} (Semitic person) | :: arab {c}, arabiska {c} |
Arab {n} (horse) | :: arab {c}, arabhäst {c} |
araba {n} (carriage) | :: arabavagn, arabo |
Arabia {prop} (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) | :: Arabien {?} |
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary | :: |
Arabianization {n} (Arabisation) SEE: Arabisation | :: |
Arabian oryx {n} (Oryx leucoryx) | :: arabisk oryx {c} |
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean) | :: Arabiska havet {n} |
Arabic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) | :: arabisk |
Arabic {prop} (language) | :: arabiska |
Arabisation {n} (process of arabising) | :: arabisering {c} |
Arabization {n} (Arabisation) SEE: Arabisation | :: |
arable {adj} (suitable for cultivation) | :: odlingsbar |
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) | :: Arabrepubliken Egypten {c} |
Arab Spring {prop} (movement) | :: arabiska våren {c} |
arachidonic acid {n} (long chain fatty acid precursor to prostaglandins) | :: arakidonsyra {c} |
arachnid {n} (eight-legged creature) | :: spindeldjur {c} |
arachnidan {n} (arachnid) SEE: arachnid | :: |
arachnoid {n} (the arachnoid mater) SEE: arachnoid mater | :: |
arachnoid mater {n} (middle layer of the meninges) | :: spindelvävshinnan {c} |
arachnophobia {n} (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) | :: arachnofobi {c}, spindelfobi {c} |
Aragon {prop} (an autonomous community in Spain) | :: Aragonien {n} |
Aragonese {prop} (the language of Aragon) | :: aragonska {c} |
arak {n} (a Middle Eastern aniseed-flavoured alcoholic drink) | :: arrak {c} |
Aral Sea {prop} (Aral Sea) | :: Aralsjön |
Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic | :: |
Aramaic {prop} (the language) | :: arameiska {c} |
Aramaic {adj} (pertaining to the language, alphabet, culture or poetry) | :: arameisk |
Aranese {prop} (dialect) | :: aranesiska {c} |
Ararat {prop} (mountain) | :: Ararat |
arbiter {n} (a person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them) | :: skiljeman, skiljedomare |
arbitrament {n} (arbitration) SEE: arbitration | :: |
arbitrarily {adv} (in an arbitrary manner) | :: godtyckligt |
arbitrariness {n} (the state of being arbitrary) | :: godtycke {n} |
arbitrariously {adv} (arbitrarily) SEE: arbitrarily | :: |
arbitrariousness {n} (arbitrariness) SEE: arbitrariness | :: |
arbitrary {adj} (based on individual discretion or judgment) | :: godtycklig |
arbitrary {adj} (determined by impulse) | :: godtycklig, arbiträr |
arbitrary {adj} ((mathematics)) | :: godtycklig |
arbitration {n} (process through which two or more parties use an arbitrator or arbiter in order to resolve a dispute) | :: skiljedom {c} |
arbitrator {n} (person who settles or judges) | :: skiljedomare, skiljeman |
arbor {n} (a shady place for sitting) | :: berså {c} |
arboraceous {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal | :: |
arborary {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal | :: |
arboreal {adj} (living in or among trees) | :: trädlevande |
arboreous {adj} (woody) SEE: woody | :: |
arboreous {adj} (wooded) SEE: wooded | :: |
arboretum {n} (place of many varieties of tree) | :: arboretum {n} |
arborical {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal | :: |
arboricole {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal | :: |
arboricolous {adj} (arboreal) SEE: arboreal | :: |
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue | :: |
Arbëresh {prop} (form of Albanian spoken in southern Italy) | :: arberesjiska {c} |
Arbëreshë Albanian {prop} (form of Albanian spoken in southern Italy) SEE: Arbëresh | :: |
arbutus {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree | :: |
arc {n} (geometry: part of a curve) | :: kurva {c}, båge {c} |
arc {n} (curve) | :: kurva {c}, båge {c} |
arc {n} (mathematics: mapping) | :: kurva {c} |
arcade {n} (row of arches) | :: arkad {c} |
Arcadia {n} (A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese) | :: Arkadien {n} |
arcane {adj} (understood by only a few; obscure) | :: esoterisk, mystisk, hemlig, fördold, svårtillgänglig, sekret [antiquated; if used, only in old remnants (ca. –1900) of public administration and law] |
arc-boutant {n} (flying buttress) SEE: flying buttress | :: |
arch {n} (inverted U shape) | :: båge {c} |
arch {n} (architectural element) | :: valvbåge {c}, valv {n}, båge {c} |
arch {v} (to form into arch) | :: välva sig |
arch- {prefix} (chief, highest, most extreme) | :: ärke- |
Archaean {adj} (of eon from 3,800 to 2,500 million years ago) | :: arkeisk |
Archaean {prop} (Archaean eon) | :: arkeikum {c} |
archaeastronomy {n} (The archeological study of astronomy) | :: arkeoastronomi |
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist | :: |
archaeologic {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological | :: |
archaeological {adj} (relating to the science or research of archaeology) | :: arkeologisk |
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology) | :: arkeolog {c} |
archaeology {n} (scientific study of past remains) | :: arkeologi {c} |
archaic {adj} (old-fashioned or antiquated) | :: arkaisk, ålderdomlig |
archaic {adj} (belonging to the archaic period) | :: arkaisk, arkaiserande, ålderdomlig |
archaicism {n} (archaism) SEE: archaism | :: |
archaism {n} (archaic word, language) | :: arkaism |
archaist {n} (antiquary) SEE: antiquary | :: |
archangel {n} (angel who leads other angels) | :: ärkeängel {c} |
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk | :: |
archbishop {n} (senior bishop) | :: ärkebiskop {c} |
archbishopdom {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archbishophood {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archbishopric {n} (jurisdiction of an archbishop) | :: ärkebiskopsdöme {n} |
archbishopship {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archdiocese {n} (area administered by an archbishop) | :: ärkebiskopsdöme {n} |
archduchy {n} (territory of an archduke) | :: ärkehertigdöme {n} |
archduke {n} (rank) | :: ärkehertig |
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis | :: |
archegonium {n} (multicellular reproductive structure in certain plants) | :: arkegon {n} |
archenemy {n} (a principal enemy) | :: ärkefiende {c} |
archeological {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological | :: |
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology | :: |
archeopteryx {n} (ancient bird) | :: archaeopteryx |
archer {n} (one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow) | :: bågskytt {c} |
archery {n} (the practice) | :: bågskjutning {n} |
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan | :: |
archiepiscopality {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archiepiscopate {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archimandrite {n} (The superior of a large monastery, or group of monasteries, in the Orthodox Church) | :: arkimandrit |
archipelago {n} (group of islands) | :: skärgård {c}, ögrupp {c}, arkipelag {c} |
architect {n} (designer of buildings) | :: arkitekt {c} |
architectonic {adj} (relating to architecture) SEE: architectural | :: |
architectural {adj} (pertaining to architecture) | :: arkitektonisk |
architecture {n} (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) | :: arkitektur {c} |
archive {n} (place for storing earlier material) | :: arkiv {n} |
archive {v} (to archive) | :: arkivera |
archiver {n} (archivist) SEE: archivist | :: |
archivist {n} (one who creates, maintains or controls archives) | :: arkivarie {c} |
archly {adv} (in an arch manner) | :: skälmskt |
archosaur {n} (any reptile of the taxon Archosauria) | :: arkosaurie {c} |
archosaurian {n} (archosaur) SEE: archosaur | :: |
archrival {n} (chief rival) | :: ärkerival |
arc lamp {n} (an electric arc arranged so as to produce useful light) | :: båglampa |
arcminute {n} (minute of angle) SEE: minute of angle | :: |
arcsecond {n} (second of arc) SEE: second of arc | :: |
arctation {n} (stenosis) SEE: stenosis | :: |
Arctic {adj} (Pertaining to the northern polar region of the planet) | :: arktisk |
Arctic {adj} (cold, snowy, or having other properties of extreme winter associated with the Arctic) | :: arktisk |
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth) | :: Arktis {n} |
Arctic Circle {prop} (one of the five major circles of latitude) | :: norra polcirkeln {c} (definite singular) |
arctic fox {n} (Vulpes lagopus) | :: fjällräv {c} |
arctic hare {n} (Lepus arcticus) | :: polarhare |
Arctic loon {n} (black-throated diver) SEE: black-throated diver | :: |
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) | :: Norra ishavet {n}, Arktiska havet {n}, Arktiska oceanen {c} |
arctic raspberry {n} (Rubus arcticus) | :: åkerbär {n} |
Arctic skua {n} (Stercorarius parasiticus) | :: kustlabb {c} |
arctic tern {n} (Sterna paradisaea) | :: silvertärna {c} |
arctic warbler {n} (Phylloscopus borealis) | :: nordsångare {c} |
ard {n} (simple plough) | :: årder {n} |
Ardennes {prop} (département) | :: Ardennerna {p} |
ardor {n} (great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion) | :: glöd {c}, iver {c} |
ardor {n} (spirit) | :: passion {c} |
ardour {n} (ardour) SEE: ardor | :: |
arduous {adj} (needing or using up much energy) | :: arbetsam, besvärlig, jobbig, ansträngande, avancerad, krånglig, svår |
arduous {adj} (hard to climb) | :: brant, besvärlig |
are {v} (second-person singular (informal) simple present indicative form of be) | :: är |
are {v} (second-person plural simple present indicative form of be) | :: är |
are {v} (first-person plural simple present indicative form of be) | :: är |
are {v} (third-person plural simple present indicative form of be) | :: är |
are {n} (unit of area) | :: ar {c} |
are {v} (be) SEE: be | :: |
area {n} (maths: measure of extent of a surface) | :: area {c}, yta {c} |
area {n} (particular geographic region) | :: område {n} |
area {n} (soccer: penalty area) SEE: penalty area | :: |
area code {n} (prefix appended to a telephone number indicating the geographical area) | :: riktnummer {n} |
arena {n} (an enclosed area, often outdoor) | :: arena {c} |
arenarious {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy | :: |
arenose {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy | :: |
areola {n} (circle around the nipple) | :: vårtgård {c} |
Ares {prop} (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera) | :: Ares |
are you allergic to any medications {phrase} (are you allergic to any medications?) | :: är du allergisk mot någon medicin? |
are you a man or a mouse {phrase} (rhetorical) | :: är du man eller mus |
are you doing anything tomorrow {phrase} (are you doing anything tomorrow) | :: ska du göra något imorgon, skaru göra nåt imorrn [informal, dialectal] |
are you feeling better {phrase} (are you feeling better?) | :: Mår du bättre? |
are you married {phrase} (are you married?) | :: är du gift? |
are you OK {phrase} (are you OK?) | :: mår du bra?, är det bra? |
are your ears burning {phrase} (asked of somebody who was not present but was the topic of discussion) | :: när man talar om trollen (when one speaks about the trolls) |
are you religious {phrase} (are you religious?) | :: är du religiös?, är du troende? |
are you single {phrase} (are you single?) | :: är du singel?, äru singel [spoken and chat language] |
are you taking any medications {phrase} (are you taking any medications?) | :: tar du några mediciner? |
arf {interj} (representing dog's bark) | :: voff |
argent {n} (silver or metal tincture) | :: silver |
argent {adj} (of white or silver tincture on a coat of arms) | :: silver |
argentan {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver | :: |
Argentina {prop} (Argentine Republic) | :: Argentina {n} |
argentine {n} (fish of the genus Argentina) | :: guldlaxfisk {c} |
argentine {n} (Argentina sphyraena) | :: silverfisk {c} |
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina | :: |
Argentine {adj} (pertaining to Argentina) | :: argentinsk |
Argentine {n} (person from Argentina) | :: argentinare {c} |
Argentinian {n} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine | :: |
Argentinian {adj} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine | :: |
argileh {n} (hookah) SEE: hookah | :: |
arginine {n} (an amino acid) | :: arginin |
argipressin {n} (vasopressin) SEE: vasopressin | :: |
argon {n} (a chemical element) | :: argon {n} |
argonaut {n} (an adventurer on a dangerous but rewarding quest) | :: argonaut {c} |
Argonaut {prop} (member of the Argo crew) | :: argonaut {c} |
Argo Navis {prop} (constellation) | :: Skeppet Argo {n} |
arguable {adj} (open to argument) | :: diskutabel |
arguably {adv} (as can be supported or proven) | :: enligt mångas förmenande |
argue {v} (intransitive: to debate, disagree, or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints) | :: argumentera, hävda |
argue {v} (to have an argument, a quarrel) | :: gräla |
arguing {n} (argument) SEE: argument | :: |
argument {n} (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason) | :: argument {n} |
argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel) | :: argumentation {c}, diskussion {c}, dispyt {c}, gräl {n} |
argument {n} (process of reasoning) | :: argumentation {c} |
argument {n} (independent variable) | :: argument {n} |
argument {n} (variable that is being passed to a function) | :: argument {n} |
argumentative {adj} (prone to argue or dispute) | :: diskussionslysten, grälsjuk |
aria {n} (type of musical piece) | :: aria {c} |
Ariadne {prop} (daughter of King Minos) | :: Ariadne |
Arian {n} (someone whose star sign is in Aries) SEE: Aries | :: |
Arian {adj} (pertaining to Arianism) | :: ariansk |
Arianism {n} (nontrinitarian Christian teaching) | :: arianism {c} |
Aries {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Väduren |
aril {n} (meat surrounding seed) | :: arillusfrukt |
arillus {n} (aril) SEE: aril | :: |
arise {v} (start to exist, originate) | :: uppstå |
aristocracy {n} (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class) | :: aristokrati {c}, adel {c} |
aristocracy {n} (class of people considered superior to others) | :: aristokrati {c} |
aristocrat {n} (one of the aristocracy) | :: aristokrat {c} |
aristocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to an aristocracy) | :: aristokratisk |
aristocratical {adj} (aristocratic) SEE: aristocratic | :: |
Aristophanes {prop} (Aristophanes) | :: Aristofanes {c} |
Aristotelian {adj} (of or pertaining to the philosophy taught by Aristotle) | :: aristotelisk |
Aristotle {prop} (ancient Greek philosopher) | :: Aristoteles |
arithmetic {n} (mathematics of numbers, etc.) | :: aritmetik {c} |
arithmetic {adj} (arithmetical) | :: aritmetisk, compounds with aritmetik {c} |
arithmetic {adj} (computed solely using addition) | :: aritmetisk |
arithmetical {adj} (arithmetical) SEE: arithmetic | :: |
arithmetic progression {n} (sequence) | :: aritmetisk talföljd {c} |
arity {n} (number of arguments) | :: ställighet {c}, aritet {c} |
ark {n} (large box) | :: ark {c} |
ark {n} (Noah's ship) | :: ark {c} |
ark {n} (consecrated container) | :: ark {c} |
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Archangelsk |
Ark of the Covenant {prop} (the sacred container, a gold-plated wooden chest) | :: förbundsark {c} |
arm {n} (weapon) | :: vapen {n} |
arm {v} (to supply with armour or weapons) | :: rusta, beväpna |
arm {n} (upper limb from shoulder to elbow) SEE: upper arm | :: |
arm {n} (baseball: pitcher) SEE: pitcher | :: |
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) | :: arm {c} |
arm {n} (limb of an invertebrate animal) | :: arm {c} |
arm {n} (part of object) | :: armstöd [of an armchair] |
arm {n} (part of a chromosome) | :: arm {c} |
armadillo {n} (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates) | :: bälta {c}, bältdjur {n} |
Armageddon {prop} (site) | :: Harmagedon, harmageddon {n} |
armchair {n} (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) | :: fåtölj {c} |
armchair linguistics {n} (linguistics not based on empirical methods) | :: fåtöljlingvistik {c} |
armed forces {n} (the military forces of a nation) | :: försvarsmakt {c} |
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police | :: |
Armenia {prop} (ancient kingdom and country) | :: Armenien |
Armenian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) | :: armenisk |
Armenian {n} (person) | :: armenier {c} |
Armenian {prop} (language) | :: armeniska |
Armenian cucumber {n} (fruit) | :: armenisk gurka |
Armenian cucumber {n} (plant) | :: armenisk gurka |
armhole {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit | :: |
armhole {n} (hole in a piece of clothing) | :: ärmhål {n} |
armillaria {n} (honey fungus) SEE: honey fungus | :: |
armillary sphere {n} (instrument consisting of graduated metal circles) | :: armillarsfär, armilla |
Arminianism {n} (school of thought) | :: arminianism {c} |
armistice {n} (formal agreement to end combat) | :: vapenstillestånd {c} |
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank | :: |
armor {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) | :: rustning {c} |
armored personnel carrier {n} (armored vehicle for carrying infantry soldiers in combat) | :: pansarskyttefordon {n} |
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank | :: |
armour {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.) | :: rustning {c} |
armoured car {n} (armoured truck) SEE: armoured truck | :: |
armoured train {n} (railway train protected with armour) | :: pansartåg |
armoured truck {n} (truck used to transfer valuables) | :: värdetransport {c} |
armpit {n} (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder) | :: armhåla |
armrest {n} (part of a seat) | :: armstöd {n} |
armscye {n} (armhole) SEE: armhole | :: |
arms race {n} (a competition for military supremacy) | :: kapprustning {c} |
arm to the teeth {v} (to equip with weapons) | :: beväpnad till tänderna |
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm | :: |
arm wrestling {n} (a sport) | :: armbrytning {c} |
army {n} (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) | :: armé {c}, här {c} |
army {n} (government agency in charge of a state's army) | :: armé {c} |
army {n} | :: armé {c} |
Arnamagnæan {adj} (of or pertaining to Árni Magnússon or his work or dedicacted to him) | :: arnamagneansk |
Arne {prop} (male given name) | :: Arne |
Arnhem Land {prop} (region in the Northern Territory, Australia) | :: Arnhem Land {n} |
Arnold {prop} (male given name) | :: Arnold |
arolla {n} (stone pine) SEE: stone pine | :: |
arolla pine {n} (Pinus cembra) SEE: Swiss pine | :: |
aroma {n} (a pleasant smell) | :: arom {c} |
Aromanian {prop} (language) | :: arumänska |
aromantic {adj} | :: aromantisk |
aromatherapy {n} (type of therapy) | :: aromaterapi |
aromaticalness {n} (aromaticity) SEE: aromaticity | :: |
aromaticity {n} (organic chemistry: property of having at least one conjugated ring) | :: aromaticitet {c} |
aromaticness {n} (aromaticity) SEE: aromaticity | :: |
around {prep} (defining a circle or closed curve containing) | :: kring |
around {prep} (following a path) | :: runt, kring |
around {prep} (near) | :: omkring, [about time] runt |
around {adv} | :: runt |
around the clock {prep} (all the time) | :: dygnet runt |
arquebus {n} (firearm) SEE: harquebus | :: |
arraign {v} (charge someone in a court of law) | :: bringa inför rätta, ställa inför rätta |
arraignment {n} (charging of a defendant) | :: anklagelse |
arrange {v} (to set up, organise) | :: ordna, arrangera, organisera |
arrange {v} (to put in order) | :: ordna, arrangera |
arrange {v} (music: to adapt an existing composition for presentation) | :: arrangera |
arranged marriage {n} (marriage planned by someone else) | :: arrangerat äktenskap {n} |
arranger {n} (one who arranges) | :: arrangör {c} |
array {n} (large collection) | :: samling {c} |
array {n} (any of various data structures) | :: vektor {c} |
arrear {n} (work to be done) | :: beting {n}, bakläxa {c} |
arrear {n} (unpaid debt) | :: (återstående, utestående, obetald) skuld {c}, efterskott {n} |
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay | :: |
arrest {v} (to stop or slow a process etc.) | :: stoppa, bromsa |
arrest {v} (to take into legal custody) | :: gripa, arrestera |
arrest {v} (to catch the attention of) | :: fånga |
arrest warrant {n} (document authorizing an arrest) | :: häktningsbeslut {n}, häktningsorder {c}, arresteringsorder {c} |
arrhythmia {n} (irregular heartbeat) | :: arytmi {c} |
arrival {n} (act of arriving or something that has arrived) | :: ankomst {c} |
arrive {v} (to reach) | :: anlända |
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) | :: komma fram |
arrive {v} | :: anlända, ankomma (a few situations, as when a train arrives to the station) |
arriviste {n} (upstart) SEE: upstart | :: |
arrogance {n} (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner) | :: arrogans, högmod {n} |
arrogant {adj} (having excessive pride) | :: arrogant |
arrogate {v} (to appropriate or lay claim to something without right) | :: tillvälla sig, tillskansa sig |
arrow {n} (projectile) | :: pil {c} |
arrow {n} (symbol) | :: pil {c} |
arrowhead {n} (the pointed part of an arrow) | :: pilspets {c} |
arrow key {n} (key with directional arrow) | :: piltangent {c} |
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass | :: |
arsehole {n} (anus) | :: [vulgar] arsel {n}, [vulgar] rövhål {n} |
arsehole {n} (inconsiderate or mean-spirited person) | :: [vulgar] arsel {n}, [vulgar] rövhål {n}, [slightly vulgar] skitstövel {c} |
arsenic {n} (chemical element) | :: arsenik {c} |
arsenic trioxide {n} (an oxide of arsenic) | :: arseniktrioxid {c} |
arsewipe {n} (toilet paper) SEE: asswipe | :: |
arsewipe {n} (useless or annoying person) SEE: asswipe | :: |
ars gratia artis {n} (art for art's sake) SEE: art for art's sake | :: |
arson {n} (crime of setting a fire) | :: mordbrand {c} |
arsonist {n} (one who has committed the act of arson) | :: mordbrännare {c}, mordbrännerska {c} |
arsonry {n} (arson) SEE: arson | :: |
art {n} (human effort) | :: konst {c} |
art {n} (conscious production or arrangement) | :: konst {c} |
art {n} (skillful creative activity) | :: konst {c} |
art {n} (artwork) | :: konstverk {n} |
art {n} (field or category of art) | :: konst {c} |
art {n} (nonscientific branch of learning) | :: konst {c} |
art {n} (skill) | :: konst {c} |
art dealer {n} (someone who buys and sells works of art) | :: konsthandlare {c} |
artefact {n} (artefact) SEE: artifact | :: |
artel {n} (Russian or Soviet craftsmen's collective) | :: artell, artel |
arterial {adj} (relating to an artery) | :: arteriell |
artery {n} (blood vessel from the heart) | :: artär {c}, pulsåder {c} |
artesunate {n} (antimalarial drug) | :: artesunat {n} |
art for art's sake {n} (art, slogan) | :: konst for konstens skull |
art gallery {n} (space where works of art are placed on display) | :: konstgalleri {n} |
art historian {n} (an expert in art history) | :: konsthistoriker {c} |
arthritis {n} (inflammation of a joint) | :: ledinflammation {c}, artrit |
arthropod {n} (animal of Arthropoda) | :: leddjur {n} |
Arthur {prop} (male given name) | :: Artur |
artichoke {n} (vegetable) | :: kronärtskocka |
article {n} (story, report, or opinion piece) | :: artikel |
article {n} (member of a group or class) | :: artikel |
article {n} | :: artikel |
article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun) | :: artikel |
article {n} (section of a legal document) | :: artikel, paragraf |
article {n} (object) SEE: object | :: |
articulate {v} (to speak clearly) | :: artikulera |
articulated bus {n} (articulated bus) | :: ledbuss {c}, dragspelsbuss {c} |
articulation {n} (joint or collection of joints) | :: led {c}, ledfogning {c} |
articulation {n} (clarity of speech) | :: artikulation |
artifact {n} (object made or shaped by human hand) | :: artefakt {c} |
artifact {n} (something viewed as a product of human conception) | :: artefakt {c} |
artifact {n} (artificial feature) | :: artefakt {c} |
artifact {n} (archaeological object) | :: artefakt {c} |
artificer {n} (trickster) SEE: trickster | :: |
artificer {n} (inventor) SEE: inventor | :: |
artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan | :: |
artificial {adj} (man-made) | :: konstgjord, artificiell |
artificial {adj} (false, misleading) | :: konstlad |
artificial insemination {n} (introduction of semen) | :: konstbefruktning, insemination |
artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity) | :: artificiell intelligens {c} |
artificial intelligence {n} (branch of computer science) | :: artificiell intelligens {c} |
artificial intelligence {n} (quality of a machine) | :: artificiell intelligens {c} |
artificially {adv} (in an artificial manner) | :: konstgjort, artificiellt |
artillery {n} (weapon) | :: artilleri |
artillery {n} (army unit) | :: artilleri |
artisan {n} (skilled manual worker) | :: hantverkare {c} |
artisanal {adj} (of or pertaining to artisans) | :: hantverks-, hantverkar-, hantverksmässig |
artisanal {adj} (involving skilled work that is not very mechanised) | :: hantverksskicklig, icke-industriell |
artist {n} (person who creates art) | :: artist {m}, konstnär {c} |
artistic {adv} (having creative skill) | :: konstnärlig |
artistical {adj} (artistic) SEE: artistic | :: |
artistic licence {n} (any departure from fact or convention by an artist) | :: konstnärlig frihet {c} |
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist | :: |
Aruba {prop} (territory in the Caribbean) | :: Aruba |
Aruban {n} (person from Aruba) | :: aruban {c}, arubanska {c} |
Aruban {adj} (of or pertaining to Aruba) | :: arubansk |
Arubian {n} (Aruban) SEE: Aruban | :: |
arugula {n} (herb) | :: rucola {c}, senapskål {c} |
Aruküla {prop} (small borough in Estonia) | :: Aruküla |
Arvanitic {prop} (form of Albanian spoken in Greece) SEE: Arvanitika | :: |
Arvanitika {prop} (form of Albanian) | :: arvanitiska {c}, arbëroriska {c} |
Arvanitika Albanian {prop} (form of Albanian spoken in Greece) SEE: Arvanitika | :: |
arvicole {n} (field mouse) SEE: field mouse | :: |
Arvid {prop} (male given name) | :: Arvid |
Aryan {n} (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians) | :: arier {c} |
Aryan {n} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: a white) | :: arier {c} |
Aryan {n} (rare: an Indo-Iranian) | :: arier |
Aryan {n} (rare: a Proto-Indo-European) | :: arier |
Aryan {n} (obsolete: in 19th century ethnography, a subdivision of the Caucasian race) | :: arier |
Aryan {adj} (pertaining to the (alleged) Aryan master race) | :: arisk |
Aryan {adj} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: pertaining to the Caucasian race) | :: arisk |
Aryan {adj} (of or pertaining to Indo-European or Aryan peoples, culture, and languages) | :: arisk, indoeuropeisk |
aryl {n} (univalent organic radical derived from an aromatic hydrocarbon) | :: arylgrupp |
as {adv} (to such an extent or degree) | :: lika ... som |
as {conj} (in the same way that) | :: som |
as {conj} (at the same instant that) | :: när, då |
as {conj} (at the same time that) | :: medan, under tiden |
as {conj} (considering that, because) | :: eftersom |
as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) | :: som |
as {prep} (In the role of) | :: som |
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that | :: |
as {conj} (expressing concession) SEE: though | :: |
as {conj} (than) SEE: than | :: |
as {conj} (as if) SEE: as if | :: |
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example | :: |
asafoetida {n} (resinous gum from wild fennel) | :: dyvelsträck {c} |
as against {prep} (as opposed to) SEE: as opposed to | :: |
as a matter of fact {prep} (actually) | :: faktum är att |
ASAP {adv} (as soon as possible) | :: snarast, så snart som möjligt |
asarabacca {n} (Asarum europaeum) | :: hasselört |
as a result {conj} (consequently) | :: som resultat av, till följd av |
as a rule {adv} (in general; most often) | :: som regel, i regel |
Asatru {prop} (neopagan religion) | :: asatro {c} |
asbestos {n} (any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate) | :: asbest |
Ascanius {prop} (the son of the Trojan hero Aeneas) | :: Ascanius |
ascend {v} (to fly, to soar) | :: stiga (upp), gå upp |
ascend {v} (to go up) | :: stiga |
Ascension {prop} (holiday celebrating Ascension of Jesus) SEE: Ascension Day | :: |
Ascension Day {prop} (the fortieth day of Easter) | :: Kristi himmelfärds dag {c}, Kristi himmelsfärdsdag {c}, helgetorsdag {c} |
ascertain {v} (find out; discover or establish) | :: fastställa, förvissa sig om, ta reda på |
ascesis {n} ((rigorous) self-discipline, see also: asceticism) | :: askes |
ascetic {adj} (related to ascetics) | :: asketisk |
ascetic {n} (devotee to the practice of self-denial) | :: asket |
asceticism {n} (the principles and practices of an ascetic) | :: askes {c} |
ascidian {n} (any member of the class Ascidiacea) | :: sjöpung {c} |
Asclepius {prop} (Greek god of medicine and healing) | :: Asklepios |
ascorbate {n} (salt or ester of ascorbic acid) | :: askorbat |
ascorbic acid {n} (the white crystalline organic compound, C6H8O6) | :: askorbinsyra {c} |
-ase {suffix} (forms the names of enzymes) | :: -as {c} |
asexual {adj} (having no interest in sex) | :: asexuell |
asexuality {n} (state of not experiencing sexual attraction) | :: asexualitet {c} |
as far as {prep} (in the scope of) | :: såvitt |
as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge) | :: såvitt jag vet, vad jag vet, mig veterligen |
as for {prep} (regarding; about) | :: vad gäller |
Asgard {prop} (the abode of gods in Norse mythology) | :: Asgård |
as good as {adv} (almost completely) | :: så gott som |
ash {n} (solid remains of a fire) | :: aska {c} |
ash {n} (wood) | :: ask |
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree | :: |
ashamed {adj} (feeling shame or guilt) | :: skamsen |
Asher {prop} (eighth son of Jacob) | :: Aser |
Ashgabat {prop} (the capital of Turkmenistan) | :: Asjchabad |
Ashkenazi {adj} (of, or relating to Jews from Germany or Eastern Europe) | :: ashkenazisk |
Ashkenazi {n} (Jew from Germany or Eastern Europe) | :: ashkenazisk jude, ashkenaz {c} |
ashtray {n} (receptacle for ashes) | :: askkopp {c} |
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) | :: ask |
Ash Wednesday {n} (the Christian day of penitence 46 days before Easter) | :: askonsdag {c} |
ashy {adj} (having the color of ashes) | :: askig, askfärgad |
ashy tit {n} (Melaniparus cinerascens) | :: akaciames {c} |
Asia {prop} (the continent of Asia) | :: Asien {n} |
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) | :: Mindre Asien |
Asian {n} (person from Asia) | :: asiat {c} |
Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from the Indian sub-continent) | :: indier {c} |
Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from east Asia) | :: asiat {c} |
Asian {adj} (of, relating to or from Asia) | :: asiatisk |
Asian desert warbler {n} (Sylvia nana) | :: ökensångare {c} |
Asian lion {n} (species of lion that inhabited Asia) | :: asiatiskt lejon {n} |
aside {n} (an incidental remark made quietly) | :: avsidesreplik, sidoreplik |
as if {conj} (as though) | :: som om |
as if there were no tomorrow {adv} (to an excessive degree) | :: som om det inte skulle finnas en morgondag, som om det inte finns en morgondag, som om om det inte funnes en morgondag [grammatically correct, but dated] |
asinine {adj} (failing to exercise intelligence or judgment) | :: åsnelik, enfaldig |
asinine {adj} (of or relating to a donkey) | :: åsnelik |
as it is {adv} (already) | :: som det är |
as it were {adv} (to indicate a word or statement is not exact) | :: typ, så att säga, liksom |
ask {v} (request an answer) | :: fråga, spörja, ställa (en fråga) |
ask {v} (make a request) | :: be om |
askance {adv} (of look: with disapproval) | :: misstroget |
ask for {v} (request) | :: fråga efter |
ask for it {v} (provoke an unwanted action) | :: tigga om det |
ask for trouble {v} (ask for it) SEE: ask for it | :: |
ask out {v} (invite) | :: bjuda ut |
aslake {v} (mitigate) SEE: mitigate | :: |
as long as {conj} (while) | :: medan |
as much as possible {adv} (as much as is possible) | :: så mycket som det går, så mycket som (pronoun) får |
asocial {adj} (antisocial) SEE: antisocial | :: |
as of {prep} (from a specified time) | :: från och med |
as opposed to {prep} (in contrast to) | :: till skillnad från |
asp {n} (aspen) SEE: aspen | :: |
asp {n} (fish Aspius aspius) | :: asp {c} |
asp {n} (Naja haje) SEE: Egyptian cobra | :: |
asparagus {n} (asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis) | :: sparris {c} |
asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food)) | :: sparris {c} |
aspartame {n} (the artificial sweetener) | :: aspartam {n} |
aspartic acid {n} (a nonessential amino acid) | :: asparaginsyra |
aspect ratio {n} | :: bildformat |
aspen {n} (tree of genus Populus sect. Populus) | :: asp {c} |
Asperger's syndrome {n} (autism related developmental disorder) | :: Aspergers syndrom {n} |
asperse {v} (scatter) SEE: scatter | :: |
asperse {v} (sprinkle) SEE: sprinkle | :: |
asphalt {n} (sticky, black and highly viscous liquid) | :: asfalt {c} |
asphalt {n} (asphalt concrete) | :: asfalt {c} |
asphalt {n} | :: asfalt |
asphalt {v} (to pave with asphalt) | :: asfaltera |
asphyxia {n} (condition with extreme decrease of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide) | :: asfyxi {c} |
asphyxiation {n} (An acute lack of oxygen) | :: kvävning |
aspic {n} (dish) | :: aladåb {c} |
aspirate {adj} (aspirated) SEE: aspirated | :: |
aspirated {adj} (pronounced with an audible breath) | :: aspirerad |
aspire {v} (to hope or dream) | :: sträva |
ass {n} (animal, see also: donkey) | :: åsna {c} |
ass {n} (stupid person) | :: åsna {c}, idiot {c} |
ass {n} (buttocks) | :: arsle {n}, röv {c}, prutt {c} |
ass {n} (vulgar slang:sex) | :: röv {c} |
Assamese {prop} (language) | :: assamesiska |
assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate | :: |
assassin {n} (one who, motivated by political reasons, intentionally kills a particular person) | :: lönnmördare {c}, lönnmörderska {c} |
assassinate {v} (to murder by sudden or obscure attack) | :: lönnmörda |
assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination | :: |
assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin | :: |
assassination {n} (murder for political reasons or personal gain) | :: attentat |
assault {n} (violent onset or attack with physical means) | :: angrepp {n}, [1, 2, 3] attack {c}, [4] hot {n} |
assault rifle {n} (a rifle) | :: automatkarbin |
assemble {v} (to put together) | :: sätta ihop, montera |
assemble {v} (to gather as a group) | :: samlas, sammankallas |
assemble {v} (computing: to translate from assembly language to machine code) | :: assemblera |
assembler {n} (assembly language) SEE: assembly language | :: |
assembly {n} (set of pieces) | :: sammanställning {c} |
assembly language {n} (programming language) | :: assemblator, assemblyspråk {n} |
assembly line {n} (system of workers and machinery in a series) | :: löpande band {n} |
assent {v} (to agree, give approval) | :: samtycka |
assent {n} (agreement, act of agreeing) | :: samtycke |
assessment {n} (appraisal) | :: värdering {c}, bedömning {c}, skattning {c}, uppskattning {c}, utvärdering {c} |
assessment {n} | :: taxering, bedömning, utvärdering |
assessor {n} (a specialist who assists the court in determining a matter) | :: bisittare {c} |
asset {n} (something or someone of any value) | :: tillgång {c} |
asset-backed {adj} (having assets as collateral) | :: med bakomliggande tillgångar |
assfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy | :: |
assfuck {v} (to engage in anal intercourse) | :: rövknulla |
assfucker {n} (jerk) SEE: jerk | :: |
asshole {n} (anus) | :: rövhål, arsle |
asshole {n} (mean or rude person) | :: arsle, arsel |
assiduous {adj} (hard-working, diligent) | :: flitig |
assign {v} (to allot or give something as a task) | :: uppdra, ge i uppdrag |
assignment {n} (act of assigning; allocation of tasks) | :: tilldelning |
assignment {n} (task) | :: uppdrag, uppgift |
assignment {n} (position) | :: uppdrag {n} |
assignment {n} (operation(s) that assign a value to a variable) | :: tilldelning {c} |
assist {v} (help) | :: assistera, hjälpa, bistå (med hjälp), stödja |
assist {v} (to make a pass in a sport) | :: göra en assist |
assist {n} (statistical recognition of making a pass) | :: assist {c} |
assistance {n} (aid; help; the act or result of assisting) | :: hjälp {c} |
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard | :: |
assistant {adj} (having a subordinate or auxiliary position) | :: assisterande , stödjande , hjälpande |
assistant {n} (person who assists) | :: assistent, medhjälpare {c} |
assistant referee {n} (official at a football match) | :: assisterande domare {c}, linjedomare {c}, AD {c} [acronym], ass-domare {c}, linjeman {c} |
asskisser {n} (someone who kisses ass) SEE: ass-licker | :: |
ass-licker {n} (one who succumbs to authority) | :: rövslickare {c} |
associate {v} (to spend time socially) | :: umgås |
associate {v} (to connect in the mind or imagination) | :: associera, förknippa |
association {n} (act of associating) | :: association {c}, koppling {c} |
association {n} (state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something) | :: association {c}, koppling {c} |
association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose) | :: förening {c}, sammanslutning {c}, sällskap {n}, förbund {n}, klubb {c}, kår {c} |
association football {n} (soccer) | :: fotboll {c} |
associative {adj} (algebraic property of an operator) | :: associativ |
associatively {adv} (in an associative way) | :: associativt |
assonance {n} (repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds) | :: assonans {c} |
as soon as {conj} (immediately after) | :: så snart |
as soon as possible {adv} (as soon as is possible) | :: så fort som möjligt, så snart som möjligt |
assorted {adj} (composed of different kinds) | :: blandad |
assuage {v} (mitigate, relieve) | :: lindra |
assuage {v} (pacify) | :: lugna |
as such {prep} (per se) SEE: per se | :: |
assume {v} (to suppose to be true) | :: anta |
assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident | :: |
asswipe {n} (Something used to wipe one's anus after defecation) | :: dasspapper {n}, skithuspapper {n}, toalettpapper {n} |
asswipe {n} (dishonest periodical) | :: skräptidning {c}, blaska {c} |
Assyria {prop} (Semitic Akkadian kingdom) | :: Assyrien {n} |
Assyrian {n} (a person who resided in the ancient region on the Upper Tigris river) | :: assyrier {c} |
Assyrian {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient region on the Upper Tigris river) | :: assyrisk |
Assyrian {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient nation and empire, including the northern half of Mesopotamia) | :: assyrisk |
Assyriological {adj} (of or pertaining to Assyriology) | :: assyriologisk |
astatine {n} (the chemical element) | :: astat {n} |
aster {n} (plant) | :: aster {c} |
asterisk {n} (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) | :: asterisk {c} |
asterism {n} (typographical symbol) | :: asterism {c} |
asteroid {n} (astronomy) | :: asteroid {c} |
as the crow flies {adv} (in a straight line) | :: fågelvägen |
asthma {n} (chronic respiratory disease) | :: astma |
a stitch in time saves nine {proverb} (a timely effort can prevent larger problems) | :: bättre att stämma i bäcken än i ån |
as to {prep} (with reference or regard to) | :: enligt, i enlighet med |
as to {prep} (according to) | :: efter |
astonish {v} (to surprise, astound, flabbergast) | :: förvåna, förbluffa |
astonishment {n} (amazement, great surprise) | :: häpenhet {c}, förvåning {c} |
astonishment {n} (amazing thing) | :: överraskning {c} |
astound {v} (to astonish, bewilder or dazzle) | :: förvåna, förbluffa |
astounded {adj} (surprised, amazed, astonished or bewildered) | :: förvånad |
astounding {adj} (that astounds) | :: häpnadsväckande |
astragalus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone | :: |
Astrakhan {prop} (city and region in Russia) | :: Astrachan |
astray {adv} (in a wrong direction) | :: vilse, på villovägar |
astride {adv} (with one’s legs on either side) | :: grensle, gränsle |
astrologer {n} (one who studies astrology) | :: astrolog {c} |
astrological {adj} (pertaining to astrology) | :: astrologisk |
astrological sign {n} (sign that is used as the basis of astrology) | :: stjärntecken {n} |
astrologist {n} (astrologer) SEE: astrologer | :: |
astrology {n} (star divination) | :: astrologi {c} |
astronaut {n} (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) | :: astronaut {c} |
astronomer {n} (one who studies astronomy) | :: astronom {c} |
astronomic {adj} (pertaining to astronomy) SEE: astronomical | :: |
astronomic {adj} (incredibly large) SEE: astronomical | :: |
astronomical {adj} (of or relating to astronomy) | :: astronomisk |
astronomical {adj} (very large) | :: astronomisk |
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance) | :: astronomisk enhet {c} |
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer | :: |
astronomy {n} (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) | :: astronomi {c} |
astrophysicist {n} (one who studies astrophysics) | :: astrofysiker {c} |
astrophysics {n} (interdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics) | :: astrofysik |
Asturia {prop} (Translations) | :: Asturien |
Asturian {adj} (of or pertaining to Asturias in Spain) | :: asturisk |
Asturian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Asturian language) | :: asturisk |
Asturian {n} (a native of Asturias) | :: asturier {c}, asturiska {f} |
Asturian {prop} (language) | :: asturiska |
Asturias {prop} (autonomous community and province of Spain) | :: Asturien |
astute {adj} (Quick at seeing how to gain advantage) | :: skarpsinnig, knipslug, listig, slug |
asunder {adv} (into separate parts) | :: sönder |
as well as {conj} (and in addition) | :: samt |
asylum {n} (place of safety) | :: asyl {c} |
asylum {n} (mental asylum) | :: mentalsjukhus {n} |
asylum seeker {n} (person who has applied for asylum) | :: asylsökande {c} |
asymmetric {adj} (not symmetric) | :: asymmetrisk, osymmetrisk |
asymmetrical {adj} (not symmetrical) | :: asymmetrisk, osymmetrisk |
asymmetry {n} (lack of symmetry or proportion) | :: asymmetri {c} |
asymmetry {n} (incommensurability) SEE: incommensurability | :: |
asymptote {n} (a straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely) | :: asymptot {c} |
asymptotic {adj} (pertaining to values or properties approached at infinity) | :: asymptotisk |
asynchronous {adj} (not synchronous) | :: asynkron |
as you make your bed, so you must lie in it {proverb} (you shall carry the burden of your poor preparation) | :: som man bäddar får man ligga |
as you sow, so shall you reap {proverb} (consequences of actions are in proportion to intentions) | :: som man sår får man skörda, som man bäddar får man ligga |
at {prep} (in or very near a particular place) | :: på, vid |
at {prep} (indicating time) | :: vid |
at {prep} (in the direction of) | :: på, mot |
at {prep} (denoting a price) | :: för, à [each] |
at {prep} (occupied in (activity)) | :: i |
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little | :: |
at a glance {prep} (on cursory examination) | :: på ytan, vid första anblick |
at a guess {prep} (at a glance) SEE: at a glance | :: |
at all {prep} (at all) | :: alls, överhuvudtaget |
at all costs {prep} (sparing no effort) | :: till varje pris, kosta vad det kosta vill |
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case | :: |
at arm's length {prep} (at a distance) | :: på armlängds avstånd |
ataxia {n} (lack of coordination) | :: ataxi {c} |
-ate {suffix} (chemical derivative) | :: -at |
atelier {n} (studio) | :: ateljé |
at first {prep} (initially; at the start) | :: först, till en början |
at first glance {prep} (after only a superficial examination or review) | :: vid första ögonkastet |
at first sight {prep} (at first glance) SEE: at first glance | :: |
at gunpoint {prep} (under coercion by someone with a firearm) | :: under vapenhot, under pistolhot |
at hand {prep} (within easy reach; nearby) | :: på sig |
at hand {prep} (near; soon; approaching; imminent) | :: i antåg |
atheism {n} (belief that no deities exist (sometimes including rejection of other religious beliefs)) | :: ateism {c} |
atheism {n} (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)) | :: ateism {c} |
atheist {n} (a person who believes that no deities exist) | :: ateist {c} |
atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist) | :: ateist {c} |
atheist {adj} (relating to atheists) SEE: atheistic | :: |
atheistic {adj} (relating to atheists) | :: ateistisk |
Athena {prop} (Greek goddess) | :: Athena {f} |
Athenian {adj} (of or pertaining to Athens, Greece) | :: atensk |
Athens {prop} (capital city of Greece) | :: Aten, Athen |
athlete {n} (participant in one of several sporting activities) | :: friidrottare |
athlete {n} (person who actively participates in physical sports) | :: atlet {c} |
athlete {n} | :: atlet |
athletic {adj} (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape) | :: atletisk |
athletics {n} (physical activities) | :: friidrott {c} |
at home {prep} (In one's place of residence) | :: hemma, hemmavid |
at home {prep} (Comfortable) | :: som hemma, hemmastadd |
at home {prep} (With parents) | :: hemma |
-ation {suffix} (-ation (suffix)) | :: -ation |
Atlantic {prop} (the Atlantic Ocean) | :: Atlanten |
Atlantic herring {n} (Clupea harengus) | :: sill {c} |
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) | :: Atlanten {c} |
Atlantic pomfret {n} (Brama brama) | :: havsbraxen {c} |
Atlantic puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica) | :: lunnefågel {c} |
Atlantic tomcod {n} (Microgadus tomcod) | :: frostfisk {c}, atlantisk frostfisk {c} |
Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross {n} (Thalassarche chlororhynchos) | :: gulnäbbad albatross {c} |
Atlantis {prop} (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) | :: Atlantis {n} |
at large {prep} (on the loose) | :: på fri fot |
at large {prep} (in general) | :: i allmänhet, i stort, i sin helhet |
atlas {n} (bound collection of maps) | :: atlas {c} |
Atlas {prop} (Greek mythology) | :: Atlas {c} |
Atlas Mountains {prop} (Atlas Mountains) | :: Atlasbergen {p} |
at last {prep} (after a long time; eventually) | :: slutligen, äntligen [about outcome one has looked forward to] |
at last {prep} (in the end; finally; ultimately) | :: till slut, slutligen |
at least {prep} (at a lower limit) | :: åtminstone, i alla fall, i varje fall |
at least {prep} (anyway) | :: i varje fall, hur som helst |
at length {prep} (for a long time) | :: länge |
at long last {prep} (at last) SEE: at last | :: |
ATM {n} ((banking) Automated Teller Machine) | :: bankomat {c} |
atmosphere {n} (gases surrounding the Earth) | :: atmosfär {c} |
atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling) | :: atmosfär {c} |
atmosphere {n} (a unit of measurement for pressure) | :: atmosfär {c} |
atmospheric {adj} (relating to the atmosphere) | :: atmosfärisk |
atmospheric pressure {n} (pressure caused by weight of the atmosphere) | :: lufttryck {n}, atmosfärtryck {n} |
at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) | :: högst, på sin höjd, inte mer än |
at night {adv} (during the night) | :: på natten |
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never | :: |
atoll {n} (island) | :: atoll {c} |
atom {n} (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) | :: atom {c} |
atom {n} (historical: theoretical particle of matter) | :: atom {c} |
atomic {adj} (of, or relating to atoms) | :: atomär |
atomic {adj} (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes) | :: atom- |
atomic {adj} (infinitesimally small) | :: atomisk, atomär |
atomic {adj} (unable to be split) | :: atomisk, atomär |
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) | :: atombomb {c} |
atomic clock {n} (reference clock) | :: atomur {n} |
atomic energy {n} (energy released by an atom) | :: atomkraft {c} |
atomic mass {n} (mass of an atom) | :: atommassa {c} |
atomic nucleus {n} (nucleus of an atom) | :: atomkärna |
atomic number {n} (number of protons) | :: atomnummer {n} |
atomic weapon {n} (nuclear weapon) SEE: nuclear weapon | :: |
atomic weight {n} (former terms for relative atomic mass) | :: atomvikt {c} |
atomic weight {n} (term used to represent the mean atomic mass of an element in nature) | :: atomvikt {c} |
atomistic {adj} (not holistic) | :: atomistisk |
atonal {adj} (lacking a tonal center or key (music)) | :: atonal |
at once {adv} (at the same time) | :: samtidigt, på samma gång |
at once {adv} (immediately) | :: genast, med en gång, omedelbart, direkt, på direkten |
atone {v} (to make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime) | :: sona, gottgöra |
atone {v} (to clear someone else of wrongdoing) | :: försona, förlåta |
atonement {n} (amends to restore a damaged relationship) | :: gottgörelse, försoning |
atonement {n} (reconciliation of God and mankind) | :: försoning |
at one stroke {prep} (at once) SEE: at once | :: |
atop {prep} (on the top of) | :: på toppen av |
atopy {n} (hereditary disorder) | :: atopi |
A to Z {adv} (Alphabetical order) | :: A till Ö |
at pains {prep} (making careful effort) | :: bemöda sig om att [be at pains to] |
at present {prep} (currently) | :: för närvarande |
at random {prep} (randomly) | :: på högt, på måfå |
atrial fibrillation {n} (Cardiac arrhythmia) | :: förmaksflimmer {n} |
atrium {n} (one of two upper chambers of the heart) | :: förmak {n}, atrium {n} [rare] |
atrocious {adj} (frightful, evil, cruel, monstrous) | :: avskyvärd |
atrocious {adj} (offensive, heinous) | :: förskräcklig |
atrocious {adj} (very bad) | :: förhatlig, avskyvärd, ohygglig |
atrocity {n} (extremely cruel act) | :: grymhet, skändlighet, ohygglighet {c} |
atrophy {n} (reduced functionality) | :: atrofi {c} |
atrophy {v} (wither) | :: atrofiera |
atropine {n} (alkaloid extracted from the plant deadly nightshade) | :: atropin |
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) | :: snabel-a {n}, kanelbulle {c} |
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
at stake {prep} (at issue, at risk) | :: på spel |
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
attach {v} (to fasten, to join to) | :: fästa, sätta fast, bifoga, vidfoga |
attaché {n} (diplomatic officer) | :: attaché {c} |
attaché case {n} (box-style briefcase) | :: attachéväska {c} |
attachment {n} (file sent along with an email) | :: bilaga {c}, bifogad fil |
attack {n} (attempt to cause damage or injury) | :: attack {c}, anfall {n} |
attack {n} (offense of a battle) | :: attack {c}, anfall {n} |
attack {v} (to apply violent force) | :: attackera, anfalla |
attack {v} (to aggressively challenge with words) | :: attackera, angripa |
attack {v} (soccer: to move forward in an attempt to score point) | :: anfalla |
attacker {n} (someone who attacks) | :: angripare {c} |
attacker {n} ((soccer)) | :: anfallare {c} |
attacking midfielder {n} (midfield player) | :: offensiv mittfältare {c} |
attack is the best form of defence {proverb} (attacking the opposition first is better than waiting) | :: anfall är bästa försvar |
attainable {adj} (able to be accomplished, achieved, or obtained) | :: uppnåelig, realistisk |
attempt {v} (to try) | :: försöka |
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) | :: försök {n} |
attempt {n} (attack) | :: attentat {n} |
attend {v} (to be present at) | :: närvara, delta |
attention {n} (mental focus) | :: uppmärksamhet {c} |
attention {n} (state of alertness in the standing position) | :: uppmärksamhet {c}, givakt |
attention {interj} (military command) | :: giv akt, givakt |
attentive {adj} (paying attention) | :: uppmärksam |
attenuate {v} (To reduce) | :: minska, förminska, försvaga |
attenuate {v} (To weaken) | :: försvaga |
attest {v} (to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine) | :: attestera |
attestation {n} (linguistics: appearance in records) | :: belägg {n} |
attested {adj} (in linguistics: of words or languages, proven to have existed by records) | :: belagd |
at that {prep} (in addition) | :: också, dessutom |
at the best of times {prep} (even under the most favorable conditions) | :: i bästa fall |
at the end of the day {prep} (in summary; ultimately) | :: i slutändan, till syvende och sist |
at the expense of {prep} | :: på bekostnad av |
at the moment {prep} (right now) | :: för tillfället |
at the outside {prep} (at most) SEE: at most | :: |
at the same time {prep} (simultaneously, see also: at once; simultaneously) | :: samtidigt |
at the same time {prep} (on the other hand) | :: på samma gång, å andra sidan, samtidigt |
at the top of one's lungs {prep} (very loudly) | :: för full hals |
at the wheel {prep} (behind the wheel) SEE: behind the wheel | :: |
attic {n} (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) | :: vind {c} |
Attic {adj} (related to Athens) | :: attisk, atensk |
Attic {prop} (Ancient Greek dialect) | :: attiska {c} |
Attica {prop} (periphery) | :: Attika |
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) | :: attityd, inställning |
attorney {n} (lawyer) | :: advokat {c} |
attorney general {n} (major government officer) | :: kronjurist {c} [England and Wales], justitieminister {c} [USA] |
attract {v} (pull without touching) | :: attrahera |
attract {v} (arouse interest) | :: locka |
attractive {adj} (having the quality of attracting by inherent force) | :: attraktiv |
attractor {n} (set of points or states to which a dynamical system evolves after a long enough time) | :: attraktor {c} |
attribute {n} (characteristic or quality) | :: attribut |
attributive {adj} (of, or being an attributive) | :: attributiv |
attrition {n} (wearing by friction) | :: nötning {c}, förslitning {c} |
attrition {n} (the gradual reduction in a tangible or intangible resource due to causes that are passive) | :: utmattning |
attrition {n} (reduction in membership) | :: avfall {n}, bortfall {n} |
attrition {n} (the loss of participants during an experiment) | :: bortfall {n} |
attrition {n} (wearing of teeth) | :: nötning {c} |
attrition {n} (the loss of a first or second language or a portion of that language) | :: förlust {c} |
attuned {adj} (tuned to the correct pitch) | :: stämd |
attuned {adj} (adapted to a particular context) | :: anpassad efter |
ATV {n} (Automated Transfer Vehicle) | :: ATV |
at work {prep} (in the process of doing work) | :: i arbete |
atypical {adj} (not conforming to the norm) | :: atypisk |
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant | :: |
auburn {n} (reddish-brown) | :: kastanjebrun |
Auckland {prop} (the largest conurbation in New Zealand) | :: Auckland |
au contraire {adv} (on the contrary, see also: on the contrary) | :: tvärtom |
auction {n} (public sales event) | :: auktion {c} |
auction {v} (to sell at an auction) | :: auktionera |
auctioneer {n} (one who conducts an auction) | :: auktionsutropare {c}, auktionsförrättare {c}, auktionist {c} |
audacious {adj} (showing willingness to take bold risks) | :: våghalsig, djärv, dristigt |
audacity {n} (insolent boldness) | :: fräckhet {c} |
audacity {n} (fearless daring) | :: djärvhet |
audible {adj} (able to be heard) | :: hörbar |
audience {n} (group of people seeing a performance) | :: publik {c} |
audience {n} (readership of a written publication) | :: läsare |
audience {n} (formal meeting with a dignitary) | :: audiens {c} |
audiobook {n} (audiobook) | :: ljudbok {c} |
audiogram {n} (graphical representation of hearing ability) | :: audiogram {n} |
audiology {n} (study of hearing and hearing defects) | :: audiologi {c} |
audiovisual {adj} (audiovisual) | :: audiovisuell, audiovisuel |
audit {n} (examination in general) | :: granskning |
audition {n} (performance by an aspiring performer) | :: uttagning {c}, inträdesprov {n}, audition {c} |
auditor {n} (one who audits bookkeeping accounts) | :: revisor {c} |
Audouin's gull {n} (Ichthyaetus audouinii) | :: rödnäbbad trut {c} |
auger {n} (carpenter's tool) | :: navare {c} |
augment {v} (to increase, make larger or supplement) | :: öka |
augmented matrix {n} (augmented matrix) | :: totalmatris |
Augsburg {prop} (city in southern Germany) | :: Augsburg |
augur {v} (to foretell events; to exhibit signs of future events) | :: båda |
augury {n} (an omen or prediction; a foreboding) | :: förebud {n}, järtecken, varsel {n} |
august {adj} (awe-inspiring, majestic, noble, venerable) | :: majestätisk |
august {adj} (of noble birth) | :: upphöjd |
August {prop} (male given name) SEE: Augustus | :: |
August {prop} (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: augusti {c} |
August {prop} (female given name) SEE: Augusta | :: |
Augusta {prop} (female given name) | :: Augusta |
Augustus {prop} (male given name) | :: August |
auk {n} (seabird of the family Alcidae) | :: alka {c} |
aulete {n} (flautist) SEE: flautist | :: |
aunt {n} (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) | :: faster {c} (paternal), moster {c} (maternal), tant {c} (in-law) |
aunt {n} (affectionate term for an older woman, by means of fictive kin) | :: tant {c} |
aunt-in-law {n} (Wife of one's uncle.) | :: svärmoster {c} |
aunt-in-law {n} (Wife of one's aunt.) | :: svärmoster {c} |
aunt-in-law {n} (Aunt of one's husband.) | :: svärfarbror {c} |
aunt-in-law {n} (Aunt of one's wife.) | :: svärfarbror {c} |
au pair {n} (a single girl or boy staying as a guest with a host family) | :: au pair |
aural {adj} (of or pertaining to the ear) | :: öron- [prefix] |
auricle {n} (smaller of the two types of heart chamber) SEE: atrium | :: |
auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna | :: |
aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison | :: |
aurochs {n} (Bos primigenius) | :: uroxe {c} |
aurora {n} (atmospheric phenomenon) | :: polarsken {n} |
Aurora {prop} (Roman goddess of dawn) | :: Aurora |
Aurora {prop} (female given name) | :: Aurora |
aurora australis {n} (southern lights) SEE: southern lights | :: |
aurora borealis {n} (aurora of the northern hemisphere) SEE: northern lights | :: |
Auschwitz {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Auschwitz |
Auschwitz {prop} (concentration camp) | :: Auschwitz |
auscultation {n} (diagnosis by stethoscope or similar auditory device) | :: auskultation |
auspices {n} (patronage or protection) | :: beskydd |
auspicious {adj} (indicating future success) | :: lovande, lyckobådande, gynnsam |
austerity {n} (severity of manners or life) | :: stränghet {c} |
austerity {n} (policy of deficit-cutting: reduce spending and/or raise taxes) | :: åtstramning {c}, åtstramningspolitik {c}, svångremspolitik {c} |
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania | :: |
Australia {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia) | :: Australien |
Australia {prop} (continent of Australia) | :: Australien |
Australian {n} (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) | :: australier {?}, australiensare {?} [male or general], australiensiska {?}, australiska {f} |
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) | :: australiensisk, australisk |
Australian magpie {n} (Australian magpie) | :: flöjtkråka {c} |
Australian rules football {n} (Australian rules football) | :: australisk fotboll {c} |
Australian white ibis {n} (species of wading bird) | :: Australisk ibis |
Austria {prop} (country in Central Europe) | :: Österrike {n} |
Austria-Hungary {prop} (former country in Central Europe) | :: Österrike-Ungern |
Austrian {adj} (related to Austria) | :: österrikisk |
Austrian {n} (Austrian person) | :: österrikare |
autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy | :: |
autarky {n} (state of personal self-sufficiency) | :: autarki, självförsörjning |
auteur {n} (creative artist) | :: auteur {c} |
authentic {adj} (of undisputed origin) | :: autentisk |
authenticity {n} (the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original) | :: autenticitet |
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer | :: |
author {n} (originator or creator of a work) | :: författare {c} [literature], upphovsman {c} |
author {v} (to create a work as its author) | :: författa |
authoritarian {adj} (of, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority) | :: auktoritär |
authoritarianism {n} (authoritarian form of government) | :: auktoritarism |
authoritative {adj} (accurate or definitive) | :: auktoritativ |
authoritative {adj} (having a commanding style) | :: myndig |
authority {n} (power to enforce rules or give orders) | :: auktoritet {c} |
authority {n} (persons in command; specifically, government) | :: myndighet {c} |
authority {n} (government agency) | :: myndighet {c} |
authorize {v} (to grant power or permission) | :: auktorisera, bemyndiga, befullmäktiga |
autism spectrum {n} (range of conditions) | :: autismspektrumstörning {c} |
autistic {adj} (having or pertaining to autism) | :: autistisk |
autistically {adv} (in an autistic way) | :: autistiskt |
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself) | :: självbiografi {c} |
autocephalous {adj} (a self-governing church) | :: autokefal |
autochthonous {adj} (native to the place where found) | :: autokton, ursprunglig, infödd |
autocracy {n} (form of government) | :: autokrati {c}, envälde {n} |
autodidact {n} (a self-taught person) | :: autodidakt {c} |
autofiction {n} | :: autofiktion {c} |
autofictional {adj} | :: autofiktiv |
autofocus {n} (automatic focus) | :: autofokus {c} |
autograph {n} (signature) | :: autograf {c} |
autoist {n} (automobile driver) | :: bilist {c} |
autological {adj} (of a phrase, describing itself) | :: autologisk |
automagical {adj} (automatic, but with an apparent element of magic) | :: automagisk |
automated machine learning {n} (field of study) | :: automatiserad maskininlärning {c} |
automated teller machine {n} (banking) | :: uttagsautomat {c}, bankomat {c} |
automatic {adj} (capable of operating without external control) | :: automatisk |
automatic {adj} (acting without conscious thought) | :: automatisk |
automatic {adj} (describing a firearm which fires continuously) | :: automatisk |
automatically {adv} (In an automatic manner) | :: automatiskt, per automatik |
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
automatic transmission {n} (a mechanical transmission which shifts gears automatically in response to speed and/or load) | :: automatisk växellåda {c}, automatlåda {c} |
automation {n} (converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system) | :: automation {c} |
automaton {n} (machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions) | :: automat {c} |
automaton {n} (formal system) | :: automat {c} |
automobile {n} (passenger vehicle) | :: bil {c} |
automorphism {n} (isomorphism of a mathematical object or system of objects onto itself) | :: automorfi, automorfism |
automotive {adj} (having the ability to move by itself; self-propelled or self-propelling) | :: självgående |
automotive {adj} (of, or relating to motor vehicles) | :: bil- |
autonomic nervous system {n} (autonomic nervous system) | :: autonoma nervsystemet |
autonomy {n} (self-government) | :: autonomi {c} |
autophagia {n} | :: autofagi {c} |
autophagy {n} (the process of self-digestion) | :: autofagi {c} |
autopilot {n} (guiding system) | :: autopilot {c} |
autoprotolysis {n} (autoionization of water) | :: autoprotolys {c} |
autopsy {n} (a dissection performed on a cadaver) | :: obduktion |
autopsy {v} (perform an autopsy) | :: obducera |
autosome {n} (any chromosome other than sex chromosomes) | :: autosom {c} |
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
autotomy {n} (invertebrate self-defense mechanism) | :: autotomi {c} |
autumn {n} (season) | :: höst |
autumn {adj} (autumnal) SEE: autumnal | :: |
autumnal {adj} (of or relating to autumn) | :: höstlig, höst-, höstlik |
autumnal equinox {n} (moment) | :: höstdagjämning {c} |
autumn equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox | :: |
autumn foliage {n} (coloration of leaves during autumn) | :: höstfärger {c-p} |
auxiliary {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb | :: |
auxiliary language {n} (auxiliary language) | :: hjälpspråk {n} |
auxiliary verb {n} (a helping verb) | :: hjälpverb {n} |
avail {v} (to turn to the advantage of) | :: nyttja |
avail {v} (to be of use (intransitive)) | :: duga |
available {adj} (capable of being used) | :: tillgänglig |
available {adj} (readily obtainable) | :: tillgänglig |
avalanche {n} (large sliding mass of snow and ice) | :: lavin {c}, snöskred {n} |
avalanche {n} (fall of earth, rocks, etc.) | :: jordskred {n}, skred {n}, ras {n} |
avalanche {n} (sudden descent or influx) | :: ras {n} |
avalanche {v} (to come down upon) | :: falla, rasa ner |
avant-gardism {n} (the novel, experimental approach of the avant-garde) | :: avantgardism {c} |
Avar {prop} (language) | :: avariska |
avarice {n} (excessive or inordinate desire of gain) | :: girighet |
avarice {n} | :: girighet, snålhet |
avaricious {adj} (actuated by avarice) | :: girig |
avatar {n} (digital representation of a person or being) | :: avatar |
avenge {v} (to take vengeance for) | :: hämnas |
avens {n} (plant of Geum) | :: nejlikrotssläktet {n}, nejlikrot {c} |
avens {n} (plant of Dryas) | :: fjällsippssläktet {n}, fjällsippa {c} |
aventurine {n} (kind of brownish glass containing gold-coloured spangles) | :: aventuringlas {n} |
aventurine {n} (variety of translucent quartz) | :: aventurin {c} |
avenue {n} (broad street) | :: aveny {?} |
average {n} (arithmetic mean) | :: genomsnitt {n}, medeltal {n} |
average {adj} (constituting or relating to the average) | :: genomsnittlig |
average {adj} (typical) | :: typisk |
avercorn {n} (reserved rent in corn) | :: avrad {c} |
Avernus {prop} (underworld) SEE: underworld | :: |
aversion {n} (fixed dislike) | :: aversion, motvilja |
avert {v} (to turn aside) | :: vända bort |
Avestan {prop} (Old Iranian language) | :: avestiska {c} |
Avestan {adj} (of or pertaining to Avesta) | :: avestisk |
avian {adj} (of birds) | :: fågel- |
avian flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza | :: |
avian influenza {n} (strain of influenza) | :: fågelinfluensa {c} |
aviary {n} (confinement for keeping birds) | :: voljär {c} |
aviation {n} (art or science of flying) | :: flyg {n}, luftfart {c}, flygväsen |
avocado {n} (fruit) | :: avokado {c} |
avocado {n} (tree) | :: avokadoträd {n} |
avocado {adj} (Avocado-coloured) | :: avokadofärgad |
avocation {n} (hobby) | :: fritidssysselsättning {c}, hobby {c} |
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number | :: |
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) | :: Avogadros tal {n}, Avogadros konstant {c} |
avoid {v} (to keep away from) | :: undvika |
avoidance {n} (The act of avoiding or shunning) | :: undvikande {n} |
avow {v} (declare openly) | :: bekänna, erkänna |
Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham | :: |
avulsion {n} (trauma related body loss) | :: lösryckning {c} |
avuncular {adj} (in the manner of an uncle) | :: farbroderlig |
Awadhi {prop} (Awadhi language) | :: awadhi {c} |
await {v} (transitive: to wait for) | :: invänta |
awake {adj} (conscious) | :: vaken |
awake {adj} (alert, aware) | :: vaken |
awake {v} (to gain consciousness) | :: vakna |
awake {v} (to cause someone to stop sleeping) | :: väcka |
awake {v} (to excite something latent) | :: väcka |
awaken {v} (transitive: to cause to become awake) | :: väcka |
awaken {v} (intransitive: to stop sleeping) | :: vakna, vakna upp |
awakening {n} (the act of awaking) | :: uppvaknande {n} |
award {n} (trophy or medal) | :: pris {n}, utmärkelse {c} |
award {v} (give an award/prize for merit) | :: dela ut |
awardee {n} | :: pristagare {c} |
aware {adj} (having knowledge of something) | :: medveten |
awareness {n} (the state of consciousness) | :: medvetande {n}, medvetenhet {c}, iakttagelseförmåga {c}, aktsamhet {c}, insikt {c} |
away {adv} (from a place; hence) | :: bort, iväg |
away {adj} (not here; gone) | :: borta |
awe {n} (feeling of fear and reverence) | :: fruktan {c}, bävan |
awe {n} (feeling of amazement) | :: häpnad, förundran, förvåning, bestörtning |
awesome {adj} (causing awe or terror) | :: fruktansvärd, imponerande, hiskelig |
awesome {adj} (excellent, exciting) | :: jättebra, fantastisk, grym, enastående |
awful {adj} (very bad) | :: hemsk |
awful {adj} (causing fear; appalling; terrible) | :: hemsk, fasansfull, fruktansvärd |
awful {adj} | :: hemsk |
awful {adv} (colloquial: very, extremely) | :: väldigt |
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very | :: |
awfully {adv} (badly) SEE: badly | :: |
awkward {adj} (not easily managed or effected; embarrassing) | :: pinsam, genant, stel |
awkward {adj} (lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction) | :: stel |
awl {n} (pointed instrument) | :: syl {c}, pryl {c} |
awm {n} | :: åm |
awn {n} (the bristle or beard of certain plants) | :: agn |
awning {n} (a rooflike cover) | :: markis {c} |
AWOL {n} (military: absence without proper authority) | :: bondpermission, frånvaro utan giltig orsak {c} |
a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle {phrase} (a woman is capable of living a complete and independent life) | :: en kvinna utan en man är som en fisk utan en cykel |
awry {adv} (obliquely, crookedly; askew) | :: sned, på sniskan |
awry {adv} (perversely, improperly) | :: galet, på tok |
awry {adj} (turned or twisted toward one side) | :: sned |
axe {n} (tool) | :: yxa {c} |
axe {n} (weapon) | :: yxa {c}, stridsyxa {c} |
axe {v} (fell or chop) | :: fälla [fell a tree]; hugga, yxa [chop] |
Axel {prop} (male given name) | :: Axel |
axhandle {n} (the handle of an ax) | :: yxskaft {n} |
axiom {n} (philosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth) | :: axiom {n} |
axiom {n} (mathematics: fundamental assumption) | :: axiom {n} |
axiom {n} (established principle in art or science) | :: axiom {n} |
axiomatic {adj} (self-evident) | :: självklar, axiomatisk |
axiomatic {adj} (relating to axioms) | :: axiomatisk |
axiom of choice {n} (axiom that any product of non-empty sets is non-empty) | :: urvalsaxiom {n} |
axis {n} (geometry: imaginary line) | :: axel {c} |
axis {n} (basis of space or part of graph) | :: axel {c} |
axis of evil {n} (states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction) | :: ondskans axelmakter |
axis of symmetry {n} (a line about which a geometric figure is symmetric) | :: symmetriaxel {c} |
Axis power {n} (member country of the World War II Axis) | :: axelmakterna |
axle {n} (the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel) | :: axel |
axle load {n} (total weight transferred by one axle) | :: axeltryck {n} |
axon {n} (a nerve fibre) | :: axon {n}, nervfiber {?} |
axonometric {adj} | :: axonometrisk |
ayatollah {n} (a religious leader) | :: ayatolla {c} |
aye-aye {n} (nocturnal quadruped) | :: fingerdjur |
Ayers Rock {prop} (Uluru) SEE: Uluru | :: |
Aymara {prop} (language of South America) | :: aymara |
Ayrshire {n} (cow) | :: ayrshireko |
Ayurveda {n} (traditional Hindu alternative medicine) | :: ayurveda |
azarole {n} (Crataegus azarolus) | :: azarolhagtorn {c} |
Azerbaijan {prop} (country) | :: Azerbajdzjan |
Azerbaijani {n} (Azerbaijani person) | :: azerbajdzjan {c}, azer {c}, azerbajdzjanska {c}, azerier {c}, azeriska {c} |
Azerbaijani {prop} (language of Azerbaijan) | :: azerbajdzjanska, azeri, azeriska |
Azerbaijani {adj} (pertaining to Azerbaijan) | :: azerbajdzjansk, azerisk |
Azeri {n} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani | :: |
Azeri {prop} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani | :: |
Azorean {adj} (of, from, or relating to the Azores) | :: azorisk |
Azorean {n} (someone from the Azores) | :: azorier {c} |
Azores {prop} (an archipelago and an autonomous region) | :: Azorerna {p} |
Aztec {n} (a Mexica) | :: aztek {c} |
azuki bean {n} (plant) | :: adzukiböna {c} |
azuki bean {n} (bean) | :: adzukiböna {c}, azukiböna, adukiböna {c} |
azure {n} (colour of the sky) | :: azur {c}, azurblått {?}, himmelsblått {?} |
azure {adj} (heraldry: of blue colour on a coat of arms) | :: blått |
azure {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli | :: |
azure tit {n} (Cyanistes cyanus) | :: azurmes {c} |
Åbo {prop} (Swedish name of Turku) | :: Åbo |
Ähtäri {prop} (town) | :: Etseri |
Åland {prop} (Åland) SEE: Aland | :: |
Ålesund {prop} (Norwegian municipality in Møre og Romsdal) | :: Ålesund |
Æsir {prop} (the principal Norse gods) | :: asar {c-p} |