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Norwegian Nynorsk




addera (present tense adderer, past tense adderte, past participle addert, passive infinitive adderast, present participle adderande, imperative adder)

  1. alternative form of addere





addera (present adderar, preterite adderade, supine adderat, imperative addera)

  1. (mathematics) to add, to sum
    Synonym: (colloquial) plussa


Conjugation of addera (weak)
active passive
infinitive addera adderas
supine adderat adderats
imperative addera
imper. plural1 adderen
present past present past
indicative adderar adderade adderas adderades
ind. plural1 addera adderade adderas adderades
subjunctive2 addere adderade adderes adderades
present participle adderande
past participle adderad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.
