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Alternative forms




Compound of änglamakare (angel maker) +‎ -ska (-ess). First attested in 1890[1]. Cognate with German Engelmacherin.



änglamakerska c

  1. (historical, euphemistic) A female angel maker; a woman who took in unwanted children and killed them, either indirectly through mistreatment or directly through drowning and violence.
    Synonym: barnamörderska (literally child murderess)
    • 1888 November 21, anonymous author, “Ett opåaktadt barmhertighetsfält. [An overlooked field of mercy]”, in Norrköpingsbladet, page 2:
      Vi vilja icke uppehålla oss vid det sorgliga faktum, att det öfveralt, om ock hufvudsakligast i städerna, finnes godt om s. k. fostermödrar eller, som de i hufvudstaden betecknande kallas, "änglamakerskor", hvilka åtaga sig fattiga mödrars barn i deras spädaste år, men gifva dem en vård, som antingen gör dem till sjuklingar för lifvet eller bringar dem en tidig död.
      We shall not linger on the sorrowful fact that everywhere, though chiefly in towns, there is no lack of so-called foster mothers, or, as they are aptly named in the capital, "angel-makers", who take in the infants of destitute mothers in their tenderest years, only to provide them with such care as either leaves them invalids for life or brings about their early death.
    • 1913, Maria Sandel, Virveln, page 277:
      Gunnar, som nu var omkring tio år, hade lämnats i hennes vård, då han var sex månader. Han kom från en änglamakerska och var så nära döden av svält och uppenbar misshandel, att hans mor, en vacker slarva, ansåg sig kunna, utan risk att nödgas infria sina löften, förespegla fru Glänta en riklig månadspenning för gossen och storartade presenter dessutom.
      Gunnar, who was now about ten years old, had been left in her care when he was six months old. He had come from an angel maker and was so close to death from starvation and evident mistreatment that his mother, a pretty but careless woman, believed she could, without any risk of having to fulfil her promises, persuade Mrs. Glänta with the prospect of a generous monthly allowance for the boy, as well as grand gifts besides.
    • 2020 January 12, Ann Sahlen-Thelandersson, “Änglamakerskans öde i ny bok [The angel maker's fate in a new book]”, in Sydsvenskan:
      Samtidigt var det 100 år sedan som änglamakerskan Hilda Nilsson hittades död i sin cell på Citadellet i Landskrona. Tidigare samma år hade hon blivit dömd till döden för att ha tagit livet av åtta barn som hon tagit in som fosterbarn.
      At the same time, it was 100 years ago that the angel maker Hilda Nilsson was found dead in her cell at the Citadel in Landskrona. Earlier that year, she had been sentenced to death for taking the lives of eight children whom she had taken in as foster children.
    • 2023 September 10, Teodor Stig-Matz, “Babyn lämnades bort för att förhindra en skandal [The baby was given away to prevent a scandal]”, in Expressen:
      I Ture Rangströms opera ”Kronbruden” får trycket från samhället en ung mor att lämna bort sitt nyfödda barn till en änglamakerska.
      In Ture Rangström's opera "The Crown Bride", societal pressure drives a young mother to give her newborn child to an angel maker.



Further reading
