Category:Swedish nouns
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Swedish terms that indicate people, beings, things, places, phenomena, qualities or ideas.
- Category:Swedish noun forms: Swedish nouns that are inflected to display grammatical relations other than the main form.
- Category:Swedish agent nouns: Swedish nouns that denote an agent that performs the action denoted by the verb from which the noun is derived.
- Category:Swedish collective nouns: Swedish nouns that indicate groups of related things or beings, without the need of grammatical pluralization.
- Category:Swedish compound nouns: Swedish nouns composed of two or more stems.
- Category:Swedish countable nouns: Swedish nouns that can be quantified directly by numerals.
- Category:Swedish diminutive nouns: Swedish nouns that are derived from a base word to convey endearment, small size or small intensity.
- Category:Swedish nouns by gender: Swedish nouns organized by the gender they belong to.
- Category:Swedish nominalized adjectives: Swedish adjectives that are used as nouns.
- Category:Swedish nouns with other-gender equivalents: Swedish nouns that refer to gendered concepts (e.g. actor vs. actress, king vs. queen) and have corresponding other-gender equivalent terms.
- Category:Swedish pluralia tantum: Swedish nouns that are mostly or exclusively used in the plural form.
- Category:Swedish proper nouns: Swedish nouns that indicate individual entities, such as names of persons, places or organizations.
- Category:Swedish singularia tantum: Swedish nouns that are mostly or exclusively used in the singular form.
- Category:Swedish uncountable nouns: Swedish nouns that indicate qualities, ideas, unbounded mass or other abstract concepts that cannot be quantified directly by numerals.
- Category:Swedish verbal nouns: Swedish nouns morphologically related to a verb and similar to it in meaning.
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
- Swedish noun forms (0 c, 172426 e)
- Swedish agent nouns (0 c, 327 e)
- Swedish collective nouns (0 c, 36 e)
- Swedish compound nouns (0 c, 2 e)
- Swedish countable nouns (0 c, 210 e)
- Swedish nominalized adjectives (0 c, 103 e)
- Swedish pluralia tantum (0 c, 127 e)
- Swedish singularia tantum (0 c, 3 e)
- Swedish nouns ending in "-ism" (0 c, 22 e)
- Swedish uncountable nouns (0 c, 2782 e)
- Swedish verbal nouns (0 c, 129 e)
Pages in category "Swedish nouns"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 37,352 total.
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- A
- a och o
- A-dur
- a-kassa
- A-lagare
- a-moll
- A-traktor
- A-vitamin
- AB
- Ab
- abakus
- Abba
- abbé
- abbedissa
- abborre
- abborrgrund
- abbot
- abc-bok
- abchazier
- abderit
- abdikation
- abdikering
- abelsk grupp
- aber
- abiat
- abilitet
- abiogenes
- abiturient
- ablativ
- abnormitet
- abolitionism
- abonnemang
- abonnemangsavgift
- abonnemangsvillkor
- abonnent
- abonnentförteckning
- aborigin
- aborre
- abort
- abortering
- abortklinik
- abortlag
- abortmotståndare
- abortmotstånd
- abortpiller
- aborträtt
- abortör
- abrakadabra
- abscess
- abscissa
- absid
- absint
- abskissa
- absolut gehör
- absolut majoritet
- absoluta nollpunkten
- absolutbelopp
- absoluthet
- absolutism
- absolutist
- absorption
- absorptionsförmåga
- absorptionskylare
- absorptionslinje
- abstinens
- abstinensbesvär
- abstinenssymtom
- abstinenssyndrom
- abstrakt
- abstrakt algebra
- abstraktion
- absurditet
- Ac
- AC45
- AC72
- acajounöt
- acajouträd
- accelerando
- acceleration
- accelerator
- accent
- accentuering
- accept
- acceptans
- acceptant
- acceptpris
- accessionsfördrag
- accesskod
- accessoar
- accidenstryckeri
- accis
- acetat
- acetyl
- acetylen
- acetylsalicylsyra
- aciditet
- ack
- ack.
- ackja
- acklamation
- acklimatisering
- ackommodation
- ackompanjemang
- ackord
- ackordeon
- ackumulation
- ackumulator
- ackumulering
- ackuratess
- ackusativ
- ackuschör
- ackuschörska
- ackvisition
- acne
- action
- actionfigur
- actionfilm
- actionhjälte
- actionrulle
- AD
- adagio
- Adam och Eva
- adamsäpple
- adapter
- addend
- addition
- additionstecken
- adel
- adelsdam
- adelskap
- adelskvinna
- adelsman
- adelssläkt
- adept
- adertondedel
- adertondel
- adessiv
- adhd
- Adidas-krigare
- Adidas-riddare
- Adidaskrigare
- Adidasriddare
- adj.
- adjektiv
- adjektivböjning
- adjungerad professor
- adjunkt
- adjutant
- admin
- administration
- administratör
- admittans
- admonition
- adoption
- adoptivbarn
- adoptivfar
- adoptivmor
- adrenalin
- adress
- adressaritmetik
- adressat
- adressbok
- adressering
- adresseringsstruktur
- adressregister
- adressuppgift
- adv.
- advent